Considering that workers are more productive today than 30 years ago thanks to technology, why do people still have to work 40 hours a week and why are real wages still stagnant?
[{"answer": "A few big issues have happened. 1. Nearly all the productivity gains have gone to the wealthiest fraction of society -- the top 10% and especially the top 0.01%. 2. People are competing for finite resources like homes in the best locations. If everyone else earns more, I need to earn more too or I'll end up living in a bad location. 3. People's standards for material wealth have gone *way* up. Seventy years ago it was normal to own 2 pairs of shoes and 4 outfits, no TV and no mobile phone, and *maybe* one car per family, and an 800 square foot home. Now almost no one thinks this is enough."}, {"answer": "In the current system, those who control the production have no incentive to share the benefits of it. Before you think I'm just going \"rah rah socialism\", it's a complicated issue. The general crux of the issue though, is why would a company raise wages when it doesn't have to? More people are educated/skilled. The competition for jobs is much harsher right now than the competition for skilled labor (in most cases, I know there's exceptions). The fact that technology makes each individual more productive only hurts this situation. It would be nice if it meant more people working but less hours each week but why do that? There's base overhead costs for each employee, having 10 employees work 40-hrs is always going to be cheaper than having 20 employees work 20-hrs, even on the same hourly wage. Of course increased production would ideally increase profit margins, but few companies are going to be monetarily inefficient out of pure altruism. No reasonable economist is seeing a great end to this situation left unchecked. Hence why ideas like basic income are gaining steam."}, {"answer": "I just automated my bookkeeping department. Now one $10/hr person can do the work of 6 $10/hr people! Why should I give them a raise? In reality I'm going to layoff 5 of them and pocket the $50/hr or ~100,000/yr. Now, I can give some of that $50 to the one bookkeeper that's left. However, the going rate for that profession pretty much tops out at $15/hr, $20 for special snowflakes. If my remaining bookkeeper wants $30/hr, I can easily find someone else to work for the original $10/hr + some training costs. Alternatively, I can take that $100k and give it to the marketing/sales folks. That will allow us to open up a whole new market. Or I can throw it at the R & D folks and automate some of the production jobs and save another $100k for next year. Or I can just reduce the prices of our widgets so now we're both objectively better AND cheaper than our direct competitors. This will raise sales and lower theirs! Win-win! Or I can pocket it and build a new lakehouse. Basically, why should they give a raise if employees can't justify it's value? Or more commonly, why give a raise to someone that isn't asking for it?"}, {"answer": "In a nutshell: Because \"trickle-down economics\" doesn't actually trickle down. The profits all stay at the top and get distributed to shareholders rather than workers."}, {"answer": " > Why do people still have to work 40 hours a week? Basically, because people want more stuff. Say people are twice as productive today than they were 30 years ago. If people wanted the same standard of living as 30 years ago they could work half as much. But people want twice the standard of living as 30 years ago, so people work the same amount. [Also keep in mind that the number of hours worked per year in the US has been trending down for a long time,]( URL_2 ) so to some extent people don't still have to work 40 hours per week. So to answer this one, people don't have to work 40 hours a week, but people want the lifestyle that working 40 hours a week provides. > Why are real wages still stagnant? Well there's a few reasons. When looking at why average wages haven't kept up with productivity, [a lot of the evidence points to the idea the increases in productivity are being eaten by non-monetary compensation]( URL_1 ). Mostly in the form of rising healthcare costs. Another reason is rising Inequality, and not in the sense of between the 99% and the 1%. Yes inequality has risen in between the 1% and everything else, but the real, major rise in inequality has been between those with a college education and those without. To quote David Autor, director of MIT's inequality initiative [\"The earnings gap between the median college-educated two-income family and the median high school-educated two-income family ... is four times as large as the redistribution that has taken place from the bottom 99 percent to the top 1 percent of households in the same period\"]( URL_0 ) This rising inequality is believed to be driven primarily by technological change. Think about it - workers have gotten massively more productive since the 1970s, but that productivity increase doesn't apply to all workers. Are Janitors or Cashiers really any more productive than they were 30 years ago? And if not, why would we expect to see them paid any more? In addition, a lot of the jobs that increased in productivity also came bundled with an increase in the amount of skill required to do those jobs. Something that previously could be done by anyone with a high school diploma now requires years of specialized training. A similar share of the labor market consisting of unskilled workers is competing for a smaller share of the labor market, and that leaves wages stagnant or even lower for them. All of this leads to a fairly rosy picture for most college graduates (recent college graduates are stuck at a point in there lives where they are paying off the expenses of college before the full income benefits of college are realized, which typically doesn't happen until mid 30's early 40's), but a dismal picture for high school graduates or dropouts. Then on top of that you have more regional issues. For example, because of zoning and space restrictions, the cost of housing has dramatically increased in coastal cities. Finally to top everything off, you have some statistical quirks which make things look a bit worse than they are. For example, because the average household size has been shrinking for quite a while, you are less likely today to have multiple earners in a household than you were in the past (pop culture greatly exaggerated the prevalence of single income families in the past)"}, {"answer": "The other answers are good, but just to add in to the mix: Let's your boss gives you and your crew 40 hours of work to do per week, and you go to them and say \"hey, we can do the same amount of work in less time, we only need 30 hours\". What you just told them is \"we can be more efficient, we're wasting time, we don't have 40 hours of work to do per week, etc.\" and they will give you more work to do. In essence, letting them know you can do the same amount of work with less time doesn't convince them to keep you less time, it tells them to give you more work."}, {"answer": "lots of info out there on how a shorter work week either day or time wise is better for everyone. URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "28924919", "title": "Bowley's law", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Bowley's law, also known as the law of the constant wage share, is a stylized fact of economics which states that the wage share of a country, i.e., the share of a country's economic output that is given to employees as compensation for their work (usually in the form of wages), remains constant over time.", "Bowley's law, also known as the law of the constant wage share, is a stylized fact of economics which states that the wage share of a country, i.e., the share of a country's economic output that is given to employees as compensation for their work (usually in the form of wages), remains constant over time.", "Bowley's law, also known as the law of the constant wage share, is a stylized fact of economics which states that the wage share of a country, i.e., the share of a country's economic output that is given to employees as compensation for their work (usually in the form of wages), remains constant over time"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Real wages\n\n\npolicies that have allowed CEOs and finance executives to capture ever larger shares of economic growth, and globalization policies\" have resulted in stagnant real wages in a time of increasing productivity. Using the PCE, the real wages of a typical worker have increased by 32% over the past three decades. Median wages — for all workers, not just production and nonsupervisory workers — grew by 25% over the past three decades (using the PCE deflator). Wages for the bottom 20% of workers grew by more than one-", "id": "4175654" }, { "contents": "Ironworker\n\n\nwage for Ohio ironworkers, both union and nonunion, was $24.66 per hour; the 75th percentile for the nation was $29.51 - likely for the unionized workforce and indicates that for the past 20 years, Ironworker wages have been stagnant for various reasons, - most prominently the offset in real wages created by debt, today 126% of their income compared to 40% in 1952, allowing short-term survival on less than the living wage. About 10% of all ironworkers in New York City are Mohawk tribesmen,", "id": "7967002" }, { "contents": "Efficiency wage\n\n\npartial gift exchange model, the firm can raise group work norms and average effort by paying workers a gift of wages in excess of the minimum required, in return for effort above the minimum required. The sociological model can explain phenomena inexplicable on neoclassical terms, such as why firms do not fire workers who turn out to be less productive; why piece rates are so little used even where quite feasible; and why firms set work standards exceeded by most workers. A possible criticism is that workers do not necessarily view high wages", "id": "9003822" }, { "contents": "Flextime\n\n\nin setting their own work schedule. Unlike exempted salaried workers, employers are still required to pay overtime to a flextime worker if they work more than 40 hours per week. In recent years, the term \"flextime\" has acquired a more controversial definition when used to describe proposals to overhaul the nation's overtime regulations. Under one such proposal by the Bush administration made public on August 5, 2004, employers would not be required to pay non-exempt employees overtime for working more than 40 hours in a week so long", "id": "18738521" }, { "contents": "Work–life balance\n\n\nmismatches through their efforts to change the length of the workday, work week, and work year, and to increase vacation and leave time.\" This is why workers in countries where there are strong unions usually work fewer hours and have more generous leave policies than workers who are in countries where there are weaker unions. It is critical to mention that cultural factors influence why and how much we work. As stated by Jeremy Reynolds, \"cultural norms may encourage work as an end in itself or as a means to acquiring", "id": "11754584" }, { "contents": "Value addition based pricing\n\n\nof mass production to customer even without thinking about it. On other hand company is still paying to production worker for his effort. Margin is premium charged on effort. So if one is still making same effort why should one ask fewer premiums for a job? One would rather do other jobs which are paying higher premium for an hour worked. Point is that by reducing margins for larger quantity orders companies are giving double benefit to customer and which need not be given (other than due to external factors like competition etc.", "id": "8860468" }, { "contents": "Minimum wage in Croatia\n\n\nMinimum wage in Croatia is regulated by the Minimum Wage Act () and is defined as the lowest gross monthly wage for a full-time worker, based on a 40-hour work week. For workers who do not work full time, minimum wage is lower, in proportion to their working hours. Additional compensation for overtime work, night work, and work on Sundays and holidays is not included in the minimum wage. Minimum wage is recalculated once a year and is effective throughout the next calendar year. As of 1 January", "id": "5139725" }, { "contents": "Working poor\n\n\nthan others. Sectoral and demographic factors help explain why certain people within a given country are more likely than others to be working poor. Political and economic factors can explain why different countries have different working poverty rates. Sectoral tendencies Working poverty is not distributed equally among employment sectors. The service sector has the highest rate of working poverty. In fact, 13.3% of US service sector workers found themselves below the poverty line in 2009. Examples of low-wage service sector workers include fast-food workers, home health aids", "id": "5467980" }, { "contents": "Guardians (2017 film)\n\n\nnot a charity. So why torture yourself like that? And what is it .. Well, today there would still be an opportunity to do it, you probably would be looking for something inherent in literature or in fairy tales. Well, that is, they would try to do it, but still something that is what the heart is pouring. When you, for example, do not have to re-understand it because, for example, Americans have seen Superman fifteen years ago and Batman and in the early nineties", "id": "21979132" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Liechtenstein\n\n\nLiechtenstein's one trade union represents about 3 percent of employed persons; collective bargaining agreements cover about 25 percent. Children over 14 who have left school may work on a limited basis; those still in school may work for no more than nine hours a week performing light duties. There is no officially established minimum wage, although the Liechtenstein Workers Association, Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber for Economic Affairs set an effective minimum wage in annual negotiations. The maximum workweek is 45 hours for white-collar workers and 48 hours", "id": "11500811" }, { "contents": "Real business-cycle theory\n\n\nsubsequent periods and thus increase future consumption. This explains why investment spending is more volatile than consumption. The life cycle hypothesis argues that households base their consumption decisions on expected lifetime income and so they prefer to \"smooth\" consumption over time. They will thus save (and invest) in periods of high income and defer consumption of this to periods of low income. The other decision is the labor-leisure tradeoff. Higher productivity encourages substitution of current work for future work since workers will earn more per hour today compared to", "id": "12242561" }, { "contents": "Wage Earner’s Suffrage League\n\n\nutilized rhetoric characterized by directness. Leaflets asked direct questions such as “Why are you paid less than a man? Why do you work in a firetrap? Why are your hours so long? Because you are a woman and have no vote. Votes make the law. Votes enforce the law. The law controls conditions. Women who want better conditions must vote.” The rhetoric utilized by the league framed suffrage as the key to the solving the issues facing wage-earning women. During the league’s first year,", "id": "13671617" }, { "contents": "Andrew Puzder\n\n\npeople are just going to be shut out of the workforce….The Congressional Budget Office came out with a report last year that said you could raise the minimum wage to about $9 without much impact on jobs, and you probably could do that\". He said that protesters who are demanding a $15/hour minimum wage \"should really think about what they’re doing\". Puzder opposed a never-enacted rule that would have required time and a half overtime pay to certain workers when they worked more than 40", "id": "13696541" }, { "contents": "Working time\n\n\nSocial Charter. The decline continued at a faster pace in Europe: for example, France adopted a 35-hour workweek in 2000. In 1995, China adopted a 40-hour week, eliminating half-day work on Saturdays (though this is not widely practiced). Working hours in industrializing economies like South Korea, though still much higher than the leading industrial countries, are also declining steadily. Technology has also continued to improve worker productivity, permitting standards of living to rise as hours decline. In developed economies, as the time needed", "id": "8846399" }, { "contents": "Peter Dreher\n\n\nsame empty glass in a series that he started in 1974 and after more than 40 years, he is still working on it. He had painted the same glass more than 2,500 times at night and more than 2,500 times during the daytime. Why would an artist paint the same object for more than 40 years? His series challenges us to think about the differences between receptive and productive processing in how we perceive the world around us. To explain his work, Dreher adopted the term, “phenomenological reduction” from Edmund Husserl", "id": "14296963" }, { "contents": "Henry Ford\n\n\ndo more to solidify industry and strengthen organization than will any social work on the outside. Without changing the principle we have changed the method of payment.\" In addition to raising the wages of his workers, Ford also introduced a new, reduced workweek in 1926. The decision was made in 1922, when Ford and Crowther described it as six 8-hour days, giving a 48-hour week, but in 1926 it was announced as five 8-hour days, giving a 40-hour week. (Apparently the program started with Saturday being a workday", "id": "13003369" }, { "contents": "Elaboration likelihood model\n\n\nto the majority and to the minority. In mental health counseling \"Counseling and stigma\" One of the most common reasons why an individual does not attend counseling is because they are worried about the falling into a stigma (being considered crazy, or having serious “issues”). This stigma—which was prevalent 30 years ago, still exists today. Fortunately, an implementation of the ELM can help increase the positive perceptions of counseling amongst the undergraduate student population. Students that repeatedly watched a video that explained the function and", "id": "14888879" }, { "contents": "Standard cost accounting\n\n\n. Workers often did not know how many hours they would work in a week when they reported on Monday morning because time-keeping systems (based in time book) were rudimentary. Cost accountants, therefore, concentrated on how efficiently managers used labor since it was their most important variable resource. Now, however, workers who come to work on Monday morning almost always work 40 hours or more; their cost is fixed rather than variable. However, today, many managers are still evaluated on their labor efficiencies, and many", "id": "17591379" }, { "contents": "Real rigidity\n\n\n-outsider theories. New Keynesian economics is especially associated with the latter two. Implicit contract theory attributes stable real wages to implied agreements between employers and workers. Firms serve not just as consumers of labor, but also as wage insurers. By showing their workers that they will provide stable real wages, firms secure their loyalty. Seeing implicit contracts as a poor basis for real wage rigidities, new Keynesian economists sought other explanations. Efficiency wage theories explain why firms might pay their employees more than the market clearing rate. Since workers", "id": "21120930" }, { "contents": "Internet relationship\n\n\nso-happy hours. Nor, thanks to online dating membership sites, do you have to depend on your friends and family to hook you up with people they think would be perfect for you—and who wouldn't be perfect for, well, anyone, which is why they are still unattached”. Some people who are in an online relationship also participate in cybersex, which is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more individuals who are connected remotely via computer network send each other sexually explicit messages describing a sexual", "id": "5279739" }, { "contents": "Information and communication technologies for development\n\n\nneeds of the low-income or the base-of-the-pyramid (BoP) population. The focus of Inclusive Innovation is on delivering high performance products and services or high experience at ultra-low cost to the people whose needs are generally not addressed.\" Based on the purchasing power parity (PPP) more than 40 percent of the world population still lives under US$2 per day. This inequality is the driving factor why the world is now looking into promoting inclusive innovation, i.e., innovations in products (", "id": "2874821" }, { "contents": "Society of the United States\n\n\nis closely linked to an individual's identity. The average work week in the US for those employed full-time was 42.9 hours long with 30% of the population working more than 40 hours a week. Many of those in the top two earning quintiles often worked more than 50 hours a week. The Average American worker earned $16.64 an hour in the first two quarters of 2006. Overall Americans worked more than their counterparts in other developed post-industrial nations. While the average worker in Denmark enjoyed 30 days of", "id": "15828505" }, { "contents": "Paycheck Fairness Act\n\n\nthe residual is because \"hours of work in many occupations are worth more when given at particular moments and when the hours are more continuous. That is, in many occupations earnings have a nonlinear relationship with respect to hours.\" The bill \"punishes employers for retaliating against workers who share wage information, puts the justification burden on employers as to why someone is paid less and allows workers to sue for punitive damages of wage discrimination.\" Another provision of the bill would start programs to train women in ways to better negotiate", "id": "20680758" }, { "contents": "Culture of the United States\n\n\nthe U.S. for those employed full-time was 42.9 hours long with 30% of the population working more than 40 hours a week. The Average American worker earned $16.64 an hour in the first two quarters of 2006. Overall Americans worked more than their counterparts in other developed post-industrial nations. While the average worker in Denmark enjoyed 30 days of vacation annually, the average American had 16 annual vacation days. In 2000 the average American worked 1,978 hours per year, 500 hours more than the average German, yet", "id": "684333" }, { "contents": "Demography of the United States\n\n\npeople without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U3 rate), but also counts \"marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons.\" Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U3 could be working as little as an hour a week. And the \"marginally attached workers\" include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work. The age considered for this calculation is 16 years and over. In terms of internal migration,", "id": "20353567" }, { "contents": "Overtime\n\n\n, non-exempt workers must receive at least one and one half times their normal hourly wage for every hour worked beyond 40 hours in a work week. For example, workers who clock 48 hours in one week would receive the pay equivalent to 52 hours of work (40 hours + 8 hours at 1.5 times the normal hourly wage). With comp time, the worker could (or would have to) forgo the 12 hours of overtime pay and instead take 8 paid hours off at some future date. In some", "id": "20969692" }, { "contents": "\n\n\n. Williams points out that under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the U-3 unemployment rate series was created, which excludes people who stopped looking for work for more than a year ago as well as part-time workers who are seeking full-time employment. Although the old unemployment rate series', which include part-time workers looking for full-time work and unemployed who stopped looking over a year ago, is still published monthly by BLS, the U-3 series is generally considered more meaningful and is the headline rate picked up", "id": "8251548" }, { "contents": "Dragnerve\n\n\n. Thankfully, what we have here is a band who use their influences as just that. Which is why the likes of 'A Life In Ashes', could have existed a decade ago, but still sounds remarkable fresh today. Vocalist Andy Hutton's vocals are used mostly in a soulful Scott Weiland croon to a thuggish, Anselmo growl to a full on monsters scream. For a demo, and for a band less than a year old, this is impressive work.\"\" - Phill May - Rock \"", "id": "3459102" }, { "contents": "Economy of Peru\n\n\nwhere coca is grown, child labour increased by 18% in 1997 and 40% in 2000. Work hours and domestic work increased as well, with girls taking on 28% more domestic work with boys doing 13% more. Wage work for adults also increased since 1995. As such, it can be inferred that the increase in child labour since eradication policies have come into effect is caused by children filling in for working parents. However, the issue of child labour in coca production is still present in Peru as reported", "id": "3897479" }, { "contents": "2015 Axalta \"We Paint Winners\" 400\n\n\nThe last year and a half have been pretty tough, but this feels real good. It never gets any better than this. It takes time to heal things especially with what Sherry and I went through. This just kind of makes you forget all about it. Tomorrow we are still going back to normal life and we always try to remember that and be ourselves and remember why we are here. And how thankful we are to be here and how lucky we are to be doing this. I just feel super blessed", "id": "718534" }, { "contents": "It Couldn't Happen Here\n\n\nband rehearsing for 'The Big Show,\" said Lowe. Tennant said Bond, \"just put us into our own songs or his idea of what our songs mean, but that doesn't mean this is just another rock video. Some people have criticized this as a long-form video, but 20 years ago, before there were videos, a movie made to music was considered a wonderful thing. I don't see why it shouldn't still be a wonderful thing.\" \"We didn't want to do", "id": "14300055" }, { "contents": "T & T Supermarket\n\n\nexample that Warehouse staffs at T&T Supermarket are working a 39-hour work week, spanning six days in a week. He also pointed out that there are cases where staff have been working for T&T Supermarket for three years and are still earning a minimum wage of $10.25 per hour. Paul Ho, marketing manager for the grocery chain in Ontario, said he did not have details about wages, but maintained that work hours \"vary from individual to individual, and depends on the production schedule.\" \"The Globe and Mail\"", "id": "14193" }, { "contents": "Rationalism (international relations)\n\n\nthe first three rationalist explanations of warfare are not robust explanations within the rationalist framework because they do not explain away the fact that states can still reach a negotiated bargain in those cases. In all of the first three explanations, negotiation is still a more rational course of action than war. Fearon concludes that asymmetric information and commitment problems are the two sufficient explanations for why rational actors might choose to wage war because they appropriately explain why an actor's most rational choice is to fight instead of negotiate. Realists believe that states act", "id": "240427" }, { "contents": "Technological singularity\n\n\ndepend on other people to get things done and would still have human cognitive constraints. Even if all superfast AIs worked on intelligence augmentation, it's not clear why they would do better in a discontinuous way than existing human cognitive scientists at producing super-human intelligence, although the rate of progress would increase. More also argues that a superintelligence would not transform the world overnight, because a superintelligence would need to engage with existing, slow human systems to accomplish physical impacts on the world. \"The need for collaboration, for", "id": "9396471" }, { "contents": "Overwork\n\n\nhalf of American workers report feeling overworked, overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do, and/or lacking in time to reflect upon the work they are doing. Overwork is attributable to several trends. First, the climb in annual family work hours since 1979 has coincided with an era of stagnant and falling wages. Annual family work hours have swelled primarily because unprecedented numbers of women have entered the full-time workforce, and those who were already in the workforce have taken on increased hours of work to boost family incomes", "id": "15333360" }, { "contents": "Overtime rate\n\n\nis considered to be 40 hours. Most waged employees or so-called non-exempt workers under U.S. federal labor and tax law must be paid at a wage rate of 150% of their regular hourly rate for hours that exceed 40 in a week. The start of the pay week can be defined by the employer, and need not be a standard calendar week start (e.g., Sunday midnight). Many employees, especially shift workers in the U.S., have some amount of overtime built into their schedules so that 24/7", "id": "17634478" }, { "contents": "Ben Gold\n\n\n's New York City locals of the right to use the phrase \"fur workers\" in their name. As the internecine union struggles continued, Gold led strikes in both the garment and fur industries. Sporadic violence also broke out during these events. More than 3,500 union members struck for shorter working hours and higher wages on June 17, 1931, collective bargaining goals which were considered madness by nearly all labor leaders. Yet, Gold won an increase in working hours, leading to a guaranteed 40-hour work week well as increased pay", "id": "186041" }, { "contents": "Leapfrogging\n\n\nto use their lower wages to enter the market. If the new technique proves more productive than the old, leapfrogging of leadership occurs. Brezis and Krugman have applied this theory of leapfrogging to the field of geography, and explain why leading cities are often overtaken by upstart metropolitan areas. Such upheavals may be explained if the advantage of established urban centers rests on localized learning by doing. When a new technology is introduced, for which this accumulated experience is irrelevant, older centers prefer to stay with a technology in which they are", "id": "12491484" }, { "contents": "Gender pay gap\n\n\nin Brazil study more, work more and earn less than men. On average, combining paid work, household chores and caring for people, women work three hours a week more than men. In fact, the average women work 54.4 hours a week, and the average man only 51.4. Despite that, even with a higher educational level, women earn, on average, less than men do. Although the difference between men's and women's earnings has declined in recent years, in 2016 women still received the equivalent", "id": "2261980" }, { "contents": "Economy of Sweden\n\n\nUSD in Spain and 35 USD in United States. According to OECD, deregulation, globalization, and technology sector growth have been key productivity drivers. GDP per hour worked is growing per cent a year for the economy as a whole and trade-terms-balanced productivity growth 2%. Sweden is a world leader in privatized pensions and pension funding problems are small compared to many other Western European countries. Swedish labor market has become more flexible, but it still has some widely acknowledged problems. The typical worker receives only 40", "id": "8298930" }, { "contents": "Woodshock\n\n\n,\" according to Laura Mulleavy. \"It requires that the audience look inward and question what they do and why they do it. As things get faster and faster with technology, and we become more and more disconnected from our natural world, it's important to remind ourselves that these trees have been here for thousands of years. They’re a lot older and wiser than we are and they're still standing. Unless we completely destroy them. If you think about it, it’s so strange that we can disconnect", "id": "260979" }, { "contents": "Sexuality in music videos\n\n\nmusic videos and how and why different sexualization of people occurs. With the increased reach of music globally, thanks to modern technology and social media, prominent figures in music are emerging in places all around the world, such as Korea and India. Their growing influence in the music industry has allowed for many racial stereotypes, such as the Indian taxi driver, to be broken, however, stereotypes within the US still dominate how people from across the world are portrayed in music videos. As more and more American artists have begun", "id": "8855438" }, { "contents": "Liquid-crystal display\n\n\nfor products such as televisions, desktop monitors, notebooks, tablets, smartphones and mobile phones. Although competing OLED technology is pushed to the market, such OLED displays do not feature the HDR capabilities like LCDs in combination with 2D LED backlight technologies have, reason why the annual market of such LCD-based products is still growing faster (in volume) than OLED-based products while the efficiency of LCDs (and products like portable computers, mobile phones and televisions) may even be further improved by preventing the light to be", "id": "18170361" }, { "contents": "Olivier Zahm\n\n\nPublishing a magazine has become so expensive… An actual print object like Purple is a luxury item, which is why new alternative magazines don’t last more than a few years, are often bought, or simply disappear. Doing a luxury magazine today is one of the paradoxes of the Instagram era, when such things cost nothing… A magazine is not an ego trip… It’s a collective work by a group of creative people who believe in the artistic value of the print media and share a similar vision. (Thanks", "id": "7507707" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in Thailand\n\n\nsegregation, 0.44% reduction in discrimination and 4.04% increase in inequality. Although gender wage gap still exists, the modernization has shaped the beliefs about women's education and currently status of female workers in the labor market is improved in comparison to the past in various aspects such as wages, working conditions and opportunities. In 2011, women and men workers in Thailand worked a relatively similar number of hours per week, except that 37.08% of men worked 50 hours or more in comparison to 33.31% of women. However,", "id": "12764048" }, { "contents": "Blaubach\n\n\ntheir living at agriculture in 1882, while the other 5% were all employed in the village itself or nearby. Only 20% of the then 260 inhabitants were held to be members of the workforce. In 1937, the number of workers still earning their livelihoods at farming had fallen to 40%. Wage-dependent people made up 55% of the workforce, of whom just under 5% had to go more than 30 km to their jobs. Self-employed workers numbered 5%. At that time, of", "id": "1337099" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Japan\n\n\naccording to prefecture from 606 to 710 yen per hour. Minimum wage rates were considered sufficient to provide a worker and family with a decent standard of living. The Labor Standards Law provides for a 40-hour work week for most industries and mandates premium pay for hours worked over 40 in a week, or 8 in a day. However, labor unions frequently criticized the government for failing to enforce maximum working hours regulations in smaller firms. Activist groups claimed that employers exploited or discriminated against foreign workers, who often had little or no", "id": "10915618" }, { "contents": "Jeonju Hanok Village\n\n\nthere. In the Joseon Dynasty, Jeonju governed the Jeolla-do area along with Jeju Island, which was considered the center of administration. This is why the city is called 'the ground of more than 1000 years history'. People first settled in the Jeonju area over 10,000 years ago. At first, people lived around the foot of a mountain. Then, in the Silla kingdom, people moved into the flat land surrounding the mountain. People in Jeonju began constructing the city's defensive wall and many villages naturally", "id": "12833429" }, { "contents": "Ageism\n\n\n. However, the same standard could have no effect on male colleagues of the same age. Labor regulations also limit the age at which people are allowed to work and how many hours and under what conditions they may work. In the United States, a person must generally be at least 14 years old to seek a job, and workers face additional restrictions on their work activities until they reach age 16. Many companies refuse to hire workers younger than 18. While older workers benefit more often from higher wages than do younger", "id": "16995509" }, { "contents": "Mechanization and Modernization Agreement 1960\n\n\n\" men). If there were to be a decent decline in employment due to modernization, there would be a decline in the employment of \"B\" men and Casual workers in order to prevent the loss of employment to the basic workforce. However, the ILWU asked that the Agreement also shorten weekly work shifts from 40 hours to 35 hours per week in order to accommodate the basic workforce and maintain equal wages among workers. Employers would be able to introduce new technology and device that would improve the ports productivity, efficiency", "id": "6037197" }, { "contents": "Robbie Gringras\n\n\nand his family made Aliyah to in 1996) and artistically shares his passion with his audiences. He is able to do this with his talents of directing, writing, acting, and story telling. One of his productions is called, That’s Why I’m (Still) Here, in which he tells a series of stories about his adjustment to Israel – when he moved there, the significance of why he did, and why he is still there today. His performance provides a new perspective of the land of Israel", "id": "20128840" }, { "contents": "Maxine McKew\n\n\n. Earlier Antony Green said there was \"no doubt\" McKew had won. On 1 December 2007, while counting was still under way, McKew formally claimed victory in Bennelong, saying that she was \"comfortably ahead\" on the two-party vote. In her victory speech, McKew thanked Howard for his 30 years of service and could understand why he hadn't formally conceded, saying that \"Mr. Howard and his family clearly had a huge amount to do this week.\" She said that her polling numbers indicated a", "id": "14597722" }, { "contents": "Industrial production in Shōwa Japan\n\n\nin terms of both percentages and totals. These developments would never have arisen, however, without an abundant source of low priced and docile manpower and convenient access to raw materials, the latter—though vital—were (and still are) exceedingly rare in Japan. Access to both were important factors in Japan's rapid industrial development. The average Japanese industrial worker worked long hours for a low salary. Before 1940, more than 90% of workers received less than US$7 per week. In later years, average pay", "id": "19146022" }, { "contents": "Migration in China\n\n\nwork-related diseases are migrant workers. In terms of wage payment, although labor law regulates a minimum wage, many employers either ignore the regulation or consider it to be the maximum wage. According to an article in China Daily in 2006, nearly 30% of migrant workers earned RMB 300 and 500 on average per month, nearly 40% between RMB 500 and 800 and about 28% more than RMB 800. Moreover, it is common for migrant workers not to receive their wage on time, due to the lack", "id": "17599347" }, { "contents": "Wage reform in the Soviet Union, 1956–1962\n\n\nby some 20 percent. The wage reform was linked to a program that reduced the length of the overall working week in the Soviet Union, and in 1958, the working week was reduced from 48 hours to 41. This was to apply to all Soviet workers, and by 1961, 40 million Soviet workers (approximately two thirds of the workforce) were working a 41-hour week. It was planned to decrease this further to 40 hours in 1962, but this was eventually not carried out. Khrushchev had stated a longer-", "id": "9677609" }, { "contents": "Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life: A Philosophical Inquiry\n\n\n(114). The primary reason for this “reduction” and “degradation,” according to Borgmann, is the “division of work”—the splitting of once unified tasks by skilled craftspeople into numerous, disparate tasks (115). After tracing this state of affairs from pretechnological times through the Industrial Revolution and to today, and explaining that it has led to “disengagement” and “expansion of unskilled labor,” Borgmann seeks to explain why people still seem to value work, though it is becoming “more and more degraded", "id": "11817261" }, { "contents": "Number 1 Record\n\n\nin the record through songwriting, vocals, guitar work and the album's production. The polished sound of \"#1 Record\", in contrast to the more raw styles of the band's subsequent albums, \"Radio City\" and \"Third/Sister Lovers\", is attributed by producer John Fry to the presence of Bell: \"When Chris Bell was still in the band, he took more interest than anybody in the production and technology end of things. He had a good production mind...the reason why the", "id": "20154453" }, { "contents": "Economic collapse\n\n\ncaused real wages to rise. The high unemployment was partly a result of the productivity gains, allowing the number of hours of the standard work week to be cut while restoring economic output to previous levels after a few years. Workers who remained employed saw their real hourly earnings rise because wages remained constant while prices fell; however, overall earnings remained relatively constant because of the reduced work week. Converting the dollar to a fiat currency and devaluing against gold ensured the end of deflation and created inflation, which made the high debt", "id": "15965046" }, { "contents": "IBM Personal Computer\n\n\nworking prototype utilizing advanced bubble memory cartridges. While this design was more powerful and smaller than Apple II launched the same year, the advanced bubble technology was deemed unstable and not ready for mass production. Some employees opposed IBM entering the market. One said, \"Why on earth would you care about the personal computer? It has nothing at all to do with office automation.\" \"Besides\", he added, \"all it can do is cause embarrassment for IBM\". The company considered personal computer designs—Walden", "id": "15158326" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nRecession, but real compensation per hour, including benefits, hasn't increased at all. An August 2017 survey by CareerBuilder found that 8 out of 10 U.S. workers live paycheck to paycheck. CareerBuilder spokesman Mike Erwin blamed \"stagnant wages and the rising cost of everything from education to many consumer goods\". According to a survey by the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on the financial well-being of U.S. citizens, roughly half have trouble paying bills, and more than one third have faced hardships such as not being able to", "id": "13508319" }, { "contents": "Economy of Greece\n\n\nIn 2011, 53.3 percent of employed persons worked more than 40 to 49 hours a week and 24.8 percent worked more than 50 hours a week, totaling up to 78.1 percent of employed persons working 40 or more hours a week. When accounting for varying age groups, the percentage of employees working 40 to 49 hours a week peaked in the 25 to 29 age range.  As workers got older, they gradually decreased in percentage working 40 to 49 hours, but increased in working 50+ hours, suggesting a correlation that as", "id": "11740934" }, { "contents": "Labor theory of value\n\n\nlabor refers to the quantity required to produce a commodity \"in a given state of society, under certain social average conditions or production, with a given social average intensity, and average skill of the labor employed.\" That is, the value of a product is determined more by societal standards than by individual conditions. This explains why technological breakthroughs lower the price of commodities and put less advanced producers out of business. Finally, it is not labor per se that creates value, but labor power sold by free wage workers", "id": "17699517" }, { "contents": "Erwin Mill\n\n\nhowever Erwin reported that the mill still was having “strenuous times.” It is possible that the denims the mill sent to China were the first to reach the country, which had practiced isolationism for much of the 1800s. One of the reasons why the mill was so successful in its early years was because it employed poor workers in the post-war south who worked for extremely low wages in the recession years of the 1890s. Most men earned a maximum of $2.50 per day, while women and children earned even", "id": "16839884" }, { "contents": "Johan Cruyff\n\n\nmust have had something that we don't, even though we always think that we're a lot more advanced than they were. Take Rembrandt and van Gogh: who can match them today? When I think that way, I'm increasingly convinced that everything is actually possible. If they managed to do the impossible nearly five thousand years ago, why can't we do it today? That applies equally to football, but also to something like the Cruyff Courts and school sports grounds. My fourteen rules are set out for", "id": "12011800" }, { "contents": "Economy of India under the British Raj\n\n\nof silk spinners had cut off their own thumbs in protest at poor working conditions. Several historians have suggested that the lack of industrialization was because India was still a largely agricultural nation with low wages levels, arguing that wages were high in Britain so cotton producers had the incentive to invent and purchase expensive new labour-saving technologies, and that wages levels were low in India so producers preferred to increase output by hiring more workers rather than investing in technology. Several economic historians have criticized this argument, such as Prasannan Parthasarathi who", "id": "19229862" }, { "contents": "Gender pay gap\n\n\n25 and 54 will make just under $12 an hour in Canada. The demographic of women who take jobs paying less than $12 an hour is also a proportion that is twice as large as the proportion of men taking on the same type of low-wage work. There still remains the question of why such a trend seems to resonate throughout the developed world. One identified societal factor that has been identified is the influx of women of color and immigrants into the work force. These groups both tend to be subject", "id": "2261985" }, { "contents": "Au pair\n\n\navailable for families with school-age children. In this program, the au pair works a lower number of hours (not more than 10 hours a day and not more than 30 hours a week) for a weekly minimum wage of $132.64 (raised to $146.81 on 24 July 2009 in accordance with the federal minimum wage increases). The family pays $1000 in educational expenses, and the au pair is required to complete 12 hours of academic credit. Au pairs placed with families who have children under two years", "id": "14145348" }, { "contents": "Los Angeles Department of Water and Power\n\n\nsecurity worker who was paid $314,000 in overtime, on a listed base pay of $25,000, along with three peers who were paid more than $200,000 overtime each. (The nationwide median wage for security officers was $28,500 in 2018.) One policy which enables these large overtime payouts is a provision in the union contracts which requires a normal shift worked after more than one hour of overtime to be paid at double time, as well as that overtime is not based on working more than 40 hours in a week", "id": "1191457" }, { "contents": "Economy of the United States\n\n\nand 2017 was $7.25 per hour or $15,080 for the 2080 hours in a typical work year. The minimum wage is a little more than the poverty level for a single person unit and about 50% of the poverty level for a family of four. According to an October 2014 report by the Pew Research Center, real wages have been flat or falling for the last five decades for most U.S. workers, regardless of job growth. Bloomberg reported in July 2018 that real GDP per capita has grown substantially since the Great", "id": "13508318" }, { "contents": "Higher education bubble in the United States\n\n\nincrease, and cause differences in unemployment rates to become even more dramatic. What is also interesting is that the cost of tuition over last 4 years from 2009–12 has been increasing steadily over the years while wages have remained stagnant. The inflation has been at really low levels in US in past 4 years and there are no explainable reasons why Cost of Masters / Graduation is rising higher than inflation In 1971, \"Time\" ran an article \"Education: Graduates and Jobs: A Grave New World,\" which stated that the", "id": "7723344" }, { "contents": "Works council\n\n\nby the Kurzarbeit, a fund that helps workers who have had their hours reduced. Works councils in Germany have been correlated with a number of positive effects. They promote higher wages, even more than collective bargaining (although situations with both will promote wages the highest), they make firms more productive (although the degree to which they increase productivity can be hard to measure). and they don’t inhibit investment or innovation. Works councils have also been shown to help women, East German, and foreign workers at a", "id": "10385931" }, { "contents": "Living wage\n\n\nform of food stamps or Medicaid. James Parrott of the Fiscal Policy Institute testified during a May 2011 New York City Council meeting that real wages for low-wage workers in the city have declined substantially over the last 20 years, despite dramatic increases in average education levels. A report by the Fiscal Policy Institute indicated that business tax subsidies have grown two and a half times faster than overall New York City tax collections and asks why these public resources are invested in poverty-level jobs. Mr. Parrott testified that income inequality in", "id": "12789369" }, { "contents": "35-hour workweek\n\n\nemployers' union oppose it. Critics of the 35-hour working week have argued that it has failed to serve its purpose because an increase in recruitment has not occurred. In their view, the reluctance of firms to take on new workers has instead simply increased per-hour production quotas. According to right-wing parties and economic commentators, the main reason why French firms avoid hiring new workers is that French employment regulations around labour flexibility make it difficult to lay off workers during a poor economic period. Even with the standard hours", "id": "3172147" }, { "contents": "Sogen Kato\n\n\na nationwide investigation, which concluded that police did not know if 234,354 people older than 100 were still alive. More than 77,000 of these people, officials said, would have been older than 120 years old if they were still alive. Poor record keeping was blamed for many of the cases, and officials said that many may have died during World War II. One register suggested a man was still alive at age 186. Following the revelations about Kato and Furuya, analysts investigated why record keeping by Japanese authorities was poor.", "id": "6337437" }, { "contents": "Child labor in the Philippines\n\n\n41.6 percent or an estimated 2.283 million were considered not in child labor. Child labor in this report refers to children who reported to have worked in hazardous work environment regardless of the number of hours they spent at work, or those who have worked for long hours, that is, more than 20 hours a week for children 5 to 14 years old and more than 40 hours a week for children 15 to 17 years old. Those identified working in hazardous work environment numbered 2.993 million, comprising 54.5 percent of the total working", "id": "13435500" }, { "contents": "Criticism of capitalism\n\n\nof An Anarchist FAQ state that anarchists have long recognised that capitalism is by its very nature hierarchical. The worker is subjected to the authority of the boss during working hours (sometimes outside work too). They state: \"This hierarchical control of wage labour has the effect of alienating workers from their own work, and so from themselves. Workers no longer govern themselves during work hours and so are no longer free\". According to them, this is why \"[c]apitalism, by treating labour as analogous to all other", "id": "20961890" }, { "contents": "Real wages\n\n\nbuy some of the bundles that he could just barely afford before and still have money left, but at the same time he simply cannot afford some of the bundles that he could before. This happens because some prices change more than others, which means relative prices have changed. The use of adjusted figures is used in undertaking some forms of economic analysis. For example, to report on the relative economic successes of two nations, real wage figures are more useful than nominal figures. The importance of considering real wages also", "id": "4175645" }, { "contents": "Gertrude Stein\n\n\nYork Times\" she stated: That is the reason why I do not approve of the stringent immigration laws in America today. We need the stimulation of new blood. It is best to favor healthy competition. There is no reason why we should not select our immigrants with greater care, nor why we should not bar certain peoples and preserve the color line for instance. But if we shut down on immigration completely we shall become stagnant. She publicly endorsed General Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War and admired Vichy leader Marshal", "id": "15860367" }, { "contents": "Causes of unemployment in the United States\n\n\nhistorically has been that automation increases the number of jobs, although it displaces some workers in favor of others. Journalist Henry Hazlitt explained in the 1979 edition of his book \"Economics in One Lesson\" why automation tends to create as many or more jobs overall than it destroys: Hazlitt wrote that these three offsets tend to increase jobs overall. Further, automation increases production, productivity and real wages over the long-run. He explained that over the course of human history, the number of persons employed tends to jump along", "id": "16616717" }, { "contents": "WRTC-FM\n\n\n. It was one of the first stations in the Hartford area to play rock music and today airs more than 40 hours a week of a wide range of rock styles. In the 1970s, \"Alien Rock\" was one of the first programs in the state to introduce art, progressive, and punk rock to listeners. Although there’s less progressive and art rock on the air today, it was once a mainstay during the 1970s and still has a place at WRTC, as do album-oriented (AOR) and", "id": "1742253" }, { "contents": "Income inequality in the United States\n\n\nthe last two decades and especially in the current period, ... productivity soared ... [but] U.S. real average hourly earnings are essentially flat to down, with today's inflation-adjusted wage equating to about the same level as that attained by workers in 1970. ... So where have the benefits of technology-driven productivity cycle gone? Almost exclusively to corporations and their very top executives.\" In addition to the technological side of it, the affected functionality emanates from the perceived unfairness and the reduced trust of people towards the", "id": "14332321" }, { "contents": "Jacque Fresco\n\n\nin Venus. I mean, let's see an office building, let's see a manufacturing plant, let's see a circular city.' And that's where he should have been 30 years ago. He should have been applying his work, in the real world ... [but] he's not a collaborator, and I think that's why he's never had great public achievements.\" When asked by a reporter why he had such difficulty actualizing his many ideas, Fresco responded, \"Because I can't", "id": "2418279" }, { "contents": "Minimum wage in South Korea\n\n\nSouth Korean government enacted the Minimum Wage Act on December 31, 1986, and implemented the Minimum Wage System beginning on January 1, 1988. However, in 1988, when the economy was booming, the minimum wage set by the government was less than 30 percent of that of actual workers. The minimum annual wages announced by the Ministry of Employment and Labor are as follows, and include the main holiday allowance paid by working more than 15 hours a week(Article 55 of the Labor Standards Act). Employers should not lower their", "id": "8633408" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom labour law\n\n\nto take advantage of low wages and poor conditions at work as a comparative advantage in order to boost their exports. It is disputed that business will relocate production to low wage countries from higher wage countries such as the UK, because that choice is said to depend on [[productivity]] of workers. However, the view of many labour lawyers and economists remains that more trade, when workers have weaker bargaining power and less mobility, still allows business to opportunistically take advantage of workers by moving production, and that a", "id": "15705565" }, { "contents": "Marginal employment\n\n\n. However, the worker is not allowed to work more than 30 hours a week. Christmas bonuses or holiday pay may cause the €450 limit to be exceeded. The employer must pay tax on such income. In March 2009 there were about 4.9 million people in Germany on €450-a-month tax-free \"mini jobs\". Those whose main job is a mini-job still contribute to the national retirement pension insurance. The employee pays 3.7% and the employer pays 15%. They contribute neither to the", "id": "17130502" }, { "contents": "Frank Whittle\n\n\ndesign as long as it was for no more than six hours a week. However he was allowed to continue at Cambridge for a year doing post-graduate work which gave him time to work on the turbojet. The Air Ministry still saw little immediate value in the effort (they regarded it as long-range research), and having no production facilities of its own, Power Jets entered into an agreement with steam turbine specialists British Thomson-Houston (BTH) to build an experimental engine facility at a BTH factory in", "id": "20285948" }, { "contents": "Technological unemployment\n\n\nPasinetti. Yet once working hours have reached about 40 hours per week, workers have been less enthusiastic about further reductions, both to prevent loss of income and as many value engaging in work for its own sake. Generally, 20th-century economists had argued against further reductions as a solution to unemployment, saying it reflects a Lump of labour fallacy. In 2014, Google's co-founder, Larry Page, suggested a four-day workweek, so as technology continues to displace jobs, more people can find employment.", "id": "16662901" }, { "contents": "Tea production in Sri Lanka\n\n\nwage earned now significantly higher at 378 rupees for men and 261 for women in some places. However, studies have revealed that poverty is still a major problem and, despite the tea industry employing a large number of poor people, employment has failed to alleviate poverty since workers are often uneducated and unskilled. Poverty levels on plantations have consistently been higher than the national average and, although overall poverty in Sri Lanka has declined in the last 30 years, it is now significantly concentrated in rural areas. Poverty in the estate sector", "id": "20173052" }, { "contents": "Sisimiut\n\n\ndescendants form the majority of the current population—arrived nearly a thousand years ago, with the first arrivals dated to approximately 13th and 14th century. The Thule people were more technologically advanced than their Dorset predecessors, although they still relied on subsistence hunting, with walruses, reindeer, and particularly the fur seals constituting the base of the economy in the early period. The shoreline was still at a higher altitude than today, with the Sisimiut valley east of the Kangerluarsunnguaq Bay, partially under sea. Many artifacts and graves from the", "id": "2788457" }, { "contents": "Real rigidity\n\n\n' productivity can be dependent on their wages, employers have an incentive to pay their workers to the point where they are most productive. Under these models, wages are not determined strictly by the supply and demand for labor but by the marginal productivity of workers. Economists have several explanations for the intuition behind efficiency wages. In \"adverse selection\" models, firms find it more cost effective to offer a high wage and attract skilled workers rather than carefully investigating a workers skills and firing workers who turn out not to be adequately", "id": "21120931" }, { "contents": "Dolmen\n\n\n. It remains unclear when, why and by whom the earliest dolmens were made. The oldest known are found in Western Europe, dating from c 7,000 years ago. Archaeologists still do not know who erected these dolmens, which makes it difficult to know why they did it. They are generally all regarded as tombs or burial chambers, despite the absence of clear evidence for this. Human remains, sometimes accompanied by artefacts, have been found in or close to the dolmens which could be scientifically dated using radiocarbon dating. However", "id": "8774638" }, { "contents": "New Keynesian economics\n\n\nbecause wages are too low to attract them. They developed several theories explaining why markets might leave willing workers unemployed. The most important of these theories, new Keynesians was the efficiency wage theory used to explain long-term effects of previous unemployment, where short-term increases in unemployment become permanent and lead to higher levels of unemployment in the long-run. In efficiency wage models, workers are paid at levels that maximize productivity instead of clearing the market. For example, in developing countries, firms might pay more than", "id": "2497123" }, { "contents": "George F. Johnson\n\n\n, and comprehensive medical care. This 40-hour work week was a unit-production based wage rather than an hourly based wage. Despite paying some of the highest wages in the industry, Endicott-Johnson was consistently profitable. Although Johnson oversaw many different factories throughout the Susquehanna Valley of Broome County, he attracted many immigrant workers to the area by offering to build homes. Although the name Johnson was given to the city in NY where George F. arrived, the city of Endicott better reflects his intimate vision for a prosperous community.", "id": "3234226" }, { "contents": "Passion pay\n\n\nworking at a substantial rate, well below the minimum wage. In particular, domestic industrial workers had 62.2% of the workers who were not able to receive the minimum wage, which was 9 times more than regular workers. The reason why 'Passion Pay' happens easily is because it does not follow established laws and regulations. The most closely related law is the Labor Standards Act. The Labor Standards Act sets minimum standards for working conditions in order to substantially protect workers who are relatively weak. But, the violation of", "id": "8113867" }, { "contents": "Sleep deprivation\n\n\nwork, social activities, and the availability of 24-hour home entertainment and Internet access have caused people to sleep less now than in premodern times. \"USA Today\" reported in 2007 that most adults in the USA get about an hour less than the average sleep time 40 years ago. Other researchers have questioned these claims. A 2004 editorial in the journal \"Sleep\" stated that according to the available data, the average number of hours of sleep in a 24-hour period has not changed significantly in recent decades among adults. Furthermore", "id": "12987958" }, { "contents": "Sundays at Tiffany's (film)\n\n\nstars for making the production \"not only easy but an experience where it felt like we were doing something great.\" She told an interviewer that she gladly reunited with Winter and Sergei, with whom she worked with on \"Charmed\"; and on working with Channing, she commented: \"Working with her is a great reminder of why, after 30 years of being in this business, I still love my job.\" Milano also served as a producer of the film, which she liked, because \"there is", "id": "8656972" }, { "contents": "Immigration to Greece\n\n\nmigrants to Greece. As a member of the EU since 1981, Greece was seen as an oasis of stability in the tumultuous Balkans. Even poorly paid irregular migrant workers in Greece could earn as much as four to six times the wages they could expect to earn at home. Even though they make more money than they can in their home countries, wages are still relatively low; in a study done in northern Greece, the real cost of migrant labor to Greek employers (particularly irregular migrant labor) is approximately 40%", "id": "3444829" }, { "contents": "Working time\n\n\n5 million put in more than 40 hours a week, including 1.4 million who worked more than 50 hours a week and 270,000 who put in more than 70 hours. In 2016, the average man employed full-time worked 8.4 hours per work day, and the average woman employed full-time worked 7.8 hours per work day. There is no mandatory minimum amount of paid time off for sickness or holiday but the majority of full time civilian workers have access to paid vacation time. Because of the pressure of working,", "id": "8846420" }, { "contents": "Full-time\n\n\n. Twelve-hour shifts are often three days per week, unless the company has the intention of paying out the employee overtime. Overtime is legally paid out anytime an employee works more than 40 hours per week. The legal minimum for overtime starts at Base Pay + One-Half. The increased payout is considered to compensate slightly for the increased fatigue which a person experiences on such long shifts. Shifts can also be very irregular, as in retail, but are still full-time if the required number of hours is", "id": "21932569" }, { "contents": "Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act\n\n\na Chinese prison, that is not fair competition for an American worker. So we don't have Chinese prison labor products come into this country. What about the product of sweatshop labor, where people are brought into sweatshops? br br I will cite an example: A sweatshop in northern Jordan, airplanes flying in the Chinese and Bangladeshis, with Chinese textiles, being put in sweatshops in northern Jordan to produce products to ship into this country. Some were working 40-hour shifts, not a 40-hour week, 40 hours at a", "id": "2467185" } ]
Why are therapists and depression meds so common in the USA unlike anywhere else?
[{"answer": "Antidepressants are used everywhere. [In the UK, 23% of primary care patients were prescribed an antidepressant at some point.] ( URL_0 ) I think you're conflating advertising with prevalence, but many countries specifically ban prescription medication ads. Psychotherapy is everywhere, even more so outside out of US, actually. At one point, Argentina has the highest number of psychotherapists per capita, but I'm not sure if that's still true. Part of the problem is professional designations and education don't always transfer across borders. i.e. \"Therapist\" is *not* a professional designation in Canada. Bottom line: sorry, the US really isn't special or extraordinary in this regard."}, {"answer": "Your premise is somewhat wrong. Depression is *more* common in Sweden and other Nordic countries. Mental health conditions usually go undiagnosed and untreated in poor countries. Feel depressed, too bad, suck it up. The USA is a very rich country, so we can afford to care about things like this."}, {"answer": "There are many factors and theories, so I will give some of the highlights. Enough Americans are simply wealthy enough to afford things like this. American culture is also a bit more medication-oriented than its peers, so they tend to have more of those compared to their peers in everything medically related. Individualism is *huge* in the USA compared to others and this correlates with higher levels of depression. One likely cause is that American social networks tend to be smaller and weaker than in other places. Americans are less likely to know their neighbors, so their meaningful social interactions only occur when they travel some distance. This is a problem which is *worse* for more-wealthy people (in general) and more-wealthy people can afford therapists and drugs."}, {"answer": "As a Canadian (where we get a lot of American television) I think some of it has to do with the constant bombarding of drug commercials telling people to ask their doctors if _____ is right for them. These people are looking for a quick fix and think the world revolves around them (many Americans live up to the stereotype of being arrogant - my husband is an American) and feel entitled to the pills. In other countries people are more like \"whatever\" and deal with their problems in a more natural way. American doctors make $$ prescribing drugs so will push their use."}, {"answer": "In Germany, if you feel stressed or depressed, the national health insurance fully covers you to leave work and go to spas for relaxation therapy. Source: \"where to invade next\" documentary Disclosure: not a German citizen"}, {"answer": "Because mental illness is a luxury developed countries can afford. Make no mistake, mental illness is a very real thing people suffer from. But starvation and violence are persuasive motivators that can put anxiety and depression on the back burner. From a public policy standpoint, it is far more important to get people food, water, and sanitation than Xanax and Welbutrin. On top of that, mental illness in the developed world is just barely crawling out from under its stigma. In less developed parts, it is still looked upon with shame, and people are viewed, often even by themselves, as being lazy or hyper or weak rather than being sick. They are fewer therapists and treatment options because many people are in denial about them being needed."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1845", "title": "Alternative medicine", "section": "Section::::Mechanism of action.:Placebo effect.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 59, "end_paragraph_id": 59, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["\"placebo effect\" is the concept that patients will perceive an improvement after being treated with an inert treatment. The opposite of the placebo effect is the \"nocebo effect\", when patients who expect a treatment to be harmful will perceive harmful effects after taking it. Placebos do not have a physical effect on diseases or improve overall outcomes, but patients may report improvements in subjective outcomes such as pain and nausea. A 1955 study suggested that a substantial part of a medicine's impact was due to the placebo effect. However, reassessments found the study to have flawed methodology. This and other modern reviews suggest that other factors like natural recovery and reporting bias should also be considered.", "\"placebo effect\" is the concept that patients will perceive an improvement after being treated with an inert treatment. The opposite of the placebo effect is the \"nocebo effect\", when patients who expect a treatment to be harmful will perceive harmful effects after taking it. Placebos do not have a physical effect on diseases or improve overall outcomes, but patients may report improvements in subjective outcomes such as pain and nausea. A 1955 study suggested that a substantial part of a medicine's impact was due to the placebo effect. However, reassessments found the study to have flawed methodology. This and other modern reviews suggest that other factors like natural recovery and reporting bias should also be considered."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "LGBT rights in the United Kingdom\n\n\nroot cause of any presenting problem such as depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, therapists who behave in this way are likely to cause considerable distress. A small minority of therapists will even go so far as to attempt to change their client's sexual orientation. This can be deeply damaging. Although there are now a number of therapists and organisations in the USA and in the UK that claim that therapy can help homosexuals to become heterosexual, there is no evidence that such change is possible.\" In 2008, the Royal College of", "id": "4863802" }, { "contents": "List of Mighty Med characters\n\n\nbackwards. In addition, Benny has the ability to throw objects in slow motion. In \"Saving The People Who Save People\", it is shown that he dislikes Skylar. Lizard Man (Dirk Ellis) is a humanoid lizard who stays at Mighty Med because he doesn't fit anywhere else. He is a frequently recurring character seen as an employee at Mighty Med. Philip (Jeremy Howard) is an alien doctor with a large head, though it is very small compared to other inhabitants of his planet. He appears", "id": "14784783" }, { "contents": "Emancipation of minors\n\n\nChild 1989 are recognized and ratified the world over, except within the USA, which may explain why even though other jurisdictions recognize parental control and juvenile emancipation, nowhere else is the issue of emancipation so important. Common law countries that retain the idea of control and emancipation include the United States, Canada and South Africa. Countries that have followed the route to gradual civic rights for adolescents include England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. In these countries emancipation is unavailable. Statutory provision for juvenile emancipation has spread outside of common", "id": "12072053" }, { "contents": "Cannabis drug testing\n\n\nthe recency and extent of usage. Though very unlikely to be used, and more unlikely in court, Electroencephalography or EEG shows somewhat more persistent alpha waves of slightly lower frequency than usual. Cannabinoids produce a \"marked depression of motor activity\" via activation of neuronal cannabinoid receptors belonging to the CB1 subtype. Drug testing has become such a widely used step in medicine, sports, and law because supervisors and managers find value in the results. There are three basic reasons as to why drug testing has become so common: safety", "id": "16588288" }, { "contents": "Sleep Country Canada\n\n\nSleep Country Canada Holdings Inc. is a Canadian mattress retailer, with over 260 stores operating in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. In 2006, the company was ranked one of the top 50 companies to work for in Canada by \"the Globe and Mail\". It is best known for its radio jingle, \"Why buy a mattress anywhere else? Ding!\" Sleep Country USA, an unaffiliated company, uses the same jingle. In", "id": "19596665" }, { "contents": "Day of the Geese\n\n\nfunctioned on a more matriarchal system. Women could own property and hold leadership positions and were even \"head of the lineage\" in their families. There was much more equality between the sexes than most anywhere else at that time. However, most of the strenuous physical labor was the responsibility of the males. This explains why males are the sole competitors in the Antzar Eguna. This competition was also a way for young men to prove their strength and eligibility to the young women of the town. Unlike many European societies,", "id": "17570321" }, { "contents": "800 metres\n\n\nthe race. This can lead to the most exciting aspect of the 800 m which is its high probability of an upset. Competitive races tend to put the athletes in different lanes. Sometimes they start the race with the runners all bunch in the starting line making it very difficult to have a good start. This is common in youth running, but unlikely anywhere else. Two common tactics for the 800 metres are running a negative split or a positive split between laps. The positive split is widely considered to be the more", "id": "15030291" }, { "contents": "Legal status of Salvia divinorum in the United States\n\n\nsuffering from depression. Given the details of Brett's suicide, in particular its premeditated nature and slow method, it is unlikely that he was immediately under \"Salvia divinorum's\" influence at the time of his death. There have been no other reported cases of salvia-related suicides anywhere else in the world. Also, Brett had told his parents that he had actually ceased his experimentation with the plant. Despite the doubts that have been expressed about the lack of evidence against salvia in this case, Senator Karen Peterson sponsored", "id": "13909190" }, { "contents": "Fame in the 20th Century\n\n\nin 1989. Clive James sees the US as the place where this new type of mass media fame was born. According to him international fame is only possible if the celebrity becomes famous in the USA. Cricketer Jack Hobbs was world-famous throughout the British Empire in the interbellum, but unknown in countries where cricket was not popular, like the USA. Babe Ruth however became internationally famous even though baseball was played hardly anywhere else outside the US. Other celebrities have been around for so long that the reason they originally became", "id": "21614328" }, { "contents": "Cognitive behavioral therapy\n\n\nsince 1977 than studies where therapists in the test group were instructed to use CBT without a manual. The authors reported that they were unsure why the effects were declining but did list inadequate therapist training, failure to adhere to a manual, lack of therapist experience, and patients' hope and faith in its efficacy waning as potential reasons. The authors did mention that the current study was limited to depressive disorders only. Furthermore, other researchers write that CBT studies have high drop-out rates compared to other treatments. At times", "id": "5878410" }, { "contents": "Notary public\n\n\nmost common notarial acts in the United States are the taking of acknowledgements and oaths. Many professions may require a person to double as a notary public, which is why US court reporters are often notaries as this enables them to swear in witnesses (deponents) when they are taking depositions, and secretaries, bankers, and some lawyers are commonly notaries public. Despite their limited role, some American notaries may also perform a number of far-ranging acts not generally found anywhere else. Depending on the jurisdiction, they may:", "id": "1711277" }, { "contents": "Unconditional positive regard\n\n\na lot of schooling, there may be a good argument, that, that they-are better judges, you know. Client: Yeah... Therapist: Now, I'm not saying that that's necessarily true. I'm just saying that's reality. Client: Yeah. Therapist: And you're in a position that you can't argue with them. Why is it that these people burn you up so much? Client: They get by with too many things... Therapist: Why should that bother you?", "id": "10559607" }, { "contents": "Bahar Mustafa race row\n\n\nanything for fear of retribution\", resulting in life becoming \"very difficult\" for them. The anonymous president added that it was \"laughable\" and ironic that Mustafa thought that her events are \"diversifying the student community in the name of feminism and multiculturalism\". \"The Spectator\" similarly saw irony in Mustafa's comments, stating that \"it is astonishing\" that a racially exclusionary event \"is deemed acceptable. It wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else in Britain – so why on earth is it being tolerated at a", "id": "1034688" }, { "contents": "Sunday (The Cranberries song)\n\n\n\"Sunday\" is a mid-tempo alternative song taken from The Cranberries debut album, \"Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\". It was released as a promotion single in the USA in 1993, before Island Records decided to opt for a re-release the band's first two European singles, \"Dreams\" and \"Linger\" in 1994. No video was recorded for this single and the song did not chart. Promo single (USA) A demo version of \"Sunday\"", "id": "16154073" }, { "contents": "Hydrogymnastics\n\n\nbenefit from Watsu include those who experience pain while moving, those who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, those who suffer from a neuromuscular disorder, soft tissue dysfunction, fatigue or hyperactivity, depression, stress, and anxiety. In 1990, Jun Knoon created another hydrogymnastics technique; Ai Chi which incorporates both Tai chi and Qigong. Unlike the other methods, the participant who takes part in Ai Chi is alone and does not use any assistance from a therapist. The only commonality Ai Chi shares with the other methods is", "id": "13903788" }, { "contents": "Edwin G Lucas\n\n\nin common with anyone painting in Scotland at the time - or in fact anywhere else. However, at the time they were painted Lucas's innovative works had little appeal to the Edinburgh art world. Unlike his landscapes, they were generally not accepted for exhibition. Lucas proceeded to hold solo shows at the New Gallery in Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, in 1950 and 1951 but these received little attention from the art establishment. Lucas married Marjorie Eileen McCulloch in 1952. They bought a house in Ann Street in Stockbridge, Edinburgh and", "id": "16816383" }, { "contents": "Couples therapy\n\n\ntherapy is more or less effective than individual therapy for treating depression. Licensed couple therapist may refer to a psychiatrist, clinical social workers, counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists, pastoral counsellors, marriage and family therapists, and psychiatric nurses. The duty and function of a relationship counselor or couples therapist is to listen, respect, understand and facilitate better functioning between those involved. The basic principles for a counselor include: As well as the above, the basic principles for a couples therapist also include: Common core principles of relationship counseling", "id": "775101" }, { "contents": "Mediterranean wetlands\n\n\namphibians, fish and invertebrate species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. - Key figures on biodiversity in Med region Furthermore, these ecosystems insure directly – and for free – services for millions of people. As natural infrastructures, they play a number of roles in the environment, principally water purification, flood control, carbon sink and shoreline stability. Unfortunately, wetlands continue to be among the world's most threatened ecosystems; 50% of the Mediterranean wetlands disappeared during the 20th century, and those that remain have", "id": "3712258" }, { "contents": "Nicole Schmitz\n\n\ngot a courtesy call from the mayor of her hometown Cebu City specifically in Liloan. She received a token of appreciation. She also had a homecoming on her mother's hometown Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, Mindanao. This is where she was also invited as a judge for the Search for BB. Jimenez 2012. She also answered in a different event the question of why \"It's More fun in the Philippines\": \"To be honest, I've just never been anywhere else in the world where the people are so", "id": "16934543" }, { "contents": "Crunchie\n\n\nimported in other countries, including Cyprus, Hong Kong, Malta, Nigeria, Panama, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tahiti and less widely so in the United States (more widely in New York City than anywhere else across the continental U.S.). A similar product, with or without a chocolate coating, is sold as sponge candy in the United States, although honeycomb in these forms are also available outside the USA. During manufacture, the honeycomb toffee", "id": "19465035" }, { "contents": "Sajad\n\n\nformer village and who express deep distrust of other Arab countries in which they live as refugees. . For example, Hassan, a refugee living in the Marka camp in Jordan stated: \"We do not have any confidence in the Arabs and they are traitors, sometimes I get so depressed about it, I do not even want to talk to my children about what happened to my village Sajad in Palestine ... I prefer to live in a tent in my homeland than a castle anywhere else ... because I will always feel that", "id": "2524379" }, { "contents": "Psychodynamic psychotherapy\n\n\ntherapist does not understand the psychological ailments of their client extremely well, then it is unlikely that they are able to decide upon a treatment structure that will help the client. Therefore, the client-therapist relationship must be extremely strong. Therapists like their clients to be as open and honest as possible with them. Clients must trust their therapist if this is to happen. Because the effectiveness of treatment relies so heavily on the client giving information to their therapist, the client-therapist relationship is more vital to psychodynamic therapy than", "id": "15252943" }, { "contents": "Jeanine Tesori\n\n\nand I don't want to be anywhere else.\" She went to Paul D. Schreiber High School in Port Washington New York. She is a graduate of Barnard College, with an initial major in pre-med but she changed her major to music. Tesori made her Broadway debut when she arranged the dance music for the 1995 revival of \"How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying\". In 1997 she composed the score for the Off-Broadway musical \"Violet\", for which she won an Obie Award,", "id": "11301247" }, { "contents": "1972 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nhimself, when asked why he was putting the car in line, he claimed he 'might put someone else in it,' a practice that was commonplace at the time. Hurtubise had become known for last-minute (unsuccessful) qualifying efforts in his obsolete front-engined roadster, usually to the delight of fans, but sometimes drawing the ire of others. The time expired before he got anywhere near the front of the line. In fact, he purposely timed his queuing so he would not make it to the", "id": "2559420" }, { "contents": "Stralsund (region)\n\n\nwas unlike anywhere else in Prussia and Germany and which even went back to the time of Swedish rule, for example, the so-called \"\". As a result, the , which moved from Wismar via Stralsund to Greifswald in 1802/03, still operated under this name when seated in Greifswald and continued as the final arbiter of proper jurisdiction for the region until 1848. The first regional government was inaugurated on 5 January 1818 by the upper president of the Province of Pomerania, , in his office. This followed several years", "id": "20226559" }, { "contents": "Trench Magazine\n\n\n:If at any time you happen to be at all depressed—though of course this is extremely unlikely out here where there is so much to interest and delight one—find out whether there is a lecture on anywhere, given by the G.S.O. first or second of a Division about to be relieved, to the officers of the relieving Division, and go to it at once. It will make you realise that war is worth while.Although hundreds of trench journals existed, the Wipers Times is one of the most widely", "id": "12109625" }, { "contents": "Major depressive disorder\n\n\n. In North America, the probability of having a major depressive episode within a year-long period is 3–5% for males and 8–10% for females. Major depression is about twice as common in women as in men, although it is unclear why this is so, and whether factors unaccounted for are contributing to this. The relative increase in occurrence is related to pubertal development rather than chronological age, reaches adult ratios between the ages of 15 and 18, and appears associated with psychosocial more than hormonal factors. Depression is", "id": "8378695" }, { "contents": "Enygma\n\n\nmusic clubs and at various points played piano, xylophone, steel drums, trumpet and double bass. He played these instruments at school assemblies and also performed poetry recitals and acted in plays. In 1989, Vanilla Ice had a worldwide smash hit with \"Ice Ice Baby\" and it was just as popular in London as anywhere else. Young Enygma had never ever heard music that was so heavily reliant on lyrics like that before and a young African living in London had a most unlikely introduction to the artform that is rapping.", "id": "17493824" }, { "contents": "Boss Radio\n\n\n's format was not so much a format as a hybrid of formats. The station was totally unlike any other radio station that had previously been heard in Europe or probably anywhere else in the world at that time. While the PAMS jingles were the resung version of those heard on WABC in New York City, the high-power \"bannerline\" news presentation had been lifted from WFUN in Miami, Florida and the DJs were using the heavy echo and the forced approach of stations such as KBOX in Dallas, Texas. The", "id": "21206948" }, { "contents": "Electrotherapy (cosmetic)\n\n\nmimic the body's own bio-electric currents. The treatment is designed to soften wrinkles and rejuvenate skin, including skin damaged by sunburn, acne, stretch marks, cellulite and scarring. This increased ATP also energizes the facial muscles, similar to how exercise energizes the muscles of our bodies. Unlike anywhere else on the body, the facial muscles are directly connected to the skin, so the result of energizing the muscle is often an improved, lifted appearance. When used on the face, the treatment has become known as", "id": "2738902" }, { "contents": "Unconditional positive regard\n\n\nEven Carl Rodgers, who presumably emphasized unconditional positive regard, actually held that the individual can accept himself only when someone else, such as the therapist, accepts him or loves him unconditionally; so that his self-concept is still dependent on some important element outside himself.\" While Ellis strongly supported unconditional positive regard of clients, he believed they could, and had better, accept themselves and adopt unconditional positive regard of themselves whether or not their therapist or anyone else does. Because it is one part of a larger therapeutic", "id": "10559615" }, { "contents": "Systems-centered therapy\n\n\ninfluence their own development and the development of the systems they are a part of. A SCT therapist uses the phases of development described in the theory of living human systems to systemically train a client to recognize states of mind that interfere with reaching the client's goal. These interfering states of mind are referred to as defenses. Two of the most common defenses that bring people to psychotherapy are anxiety and depression; these are addressed in the first phase of treatment. Clients are taught how to recognize and reduce these defenses so that", "id": "2529117" }, { "contents": "Horror film\n\n\nChanged\", \"the horror genre blossoms anywhere there was pain and national chaos. So it's more than fitting that the genre's real boom took place in the mega-depressing Post-World War I Germany. During the war (1914–1918), Germany banned all foreign films, inadvertently throwing all film nerds a boom. Combine that embargo with the general despair of the era, you'll see why German Expressionism took place.\" German Expressionism was a film genre that was \"all about coping with economic and social", "id": "13115766" }, { "contents": "Geography of the United States\n\n\nAlong the northwestern Pacific coast, rainfall is greater than anywhere else in the continental U.S., with Quinault Rainforest in Washington having an average of . Hawaii receives even more, with measured annually in the Big Bog, in Maui. The Mojave Desert, in the southwest, is home to the driest locale in the U.S. Yuma, Arizona, has an average of of precipitation each year. In central portions of the U.S., tornadoes are more common than anywhere else on Earth and touch down most commonly in the spring and summer.", "id": "13508182" }, { "contents": "Denham Tracts\n\n\nreferenced anywhere else could indicate that Denham had researched the subject more thoroughly than others of his time, a lack of other sources makes some think this unlikely despite Denham being regarded as a trustworthy source of information. \"\"What a happiness this must have been seventy or eighty years ago and upwards, to those chosen few who had the good luck to be born on the eve of this festival of all festivals; when the whole earth was so overrun with ghosts, boggles, Bloody Bones, spirits, demons, ignis fatui", "id": "17973748" }, { "contents": "Epidemiology of depression\n\n\n, the probability of having a major depressive episode within any year-long period is 3–5% for males and 8–10% for females. Population studies have consistently shown major depression to be about twice as common in women as in men, although it is as of yet unclear why this is so. The relative increase in occurrence is related to pubertal development rather than chronological age, reaches adult ratios between the ages of 15 and 18, and appears associated with psychosocial more than hormonal factors. People are most likely to suffer their", "id": "15262681" }, { "contents": "Bipolar II disorder\n\n\nthe risk and preventing attempts remains a main part of the treatment; a combination of self-monitoring, close supervision by a therapist, and faithful adherence to their medication regimen will help to reduce the risk and prevent the likelihood of a completed suicide. Suicide, which is both a stereotypic yet highly individualized act, is a common endpoint for many patients with severe psychiatric illness. The mood disorders (depression and bipolar manic-depression) are by far the most common psychiatric conditions associated with suicide. At least 25% to", "id": "8315346" }, { "contents": "Lil' Mo\n\n\nFrancisco, California. In 2004, Lil' Mo referenced the incident in her mixtape song, \"Why\". In 2003, Lil' Mo revealed to \"Vibe\" magazine that she struggled with an eating disorder since 2000, just two years after she was signed to Elektra Records. She wanted her weight to be at 102 pounds so she could \"be like everybody else\" and \"look good.\" However, Mo grew depressed and felt that she \"looked a mess\" and resembled a lollipop. She was", "id": "3026087" }, { "contents": "Emotions and culture\n\n\ninfluence someone else, where \"low arousal positive states\" are useful for adjusting to someone else. This explanation is in line with the collectivism-individualism dichotomy: American values promote individual autonomy and personal achievement, where Asian values promote relational harmony. Emotion expression is consequently seen to be influenced largely by the culture in which a person has been socialized. Nisbett & Cohen's 1996 study \"Culture of Honor\" examines the violent honor culture in the Southern states of the USA. The study attempts to address why the southern USA", "id": "3010276" }, { "contents": "Nepenthes infauna\n\n\nNepenthes infauna are the organisms that inhabit the pitchers of \"Nepenthes\" plants. These include fly and midge larvae, spiders, mites, ants, and even a species of crab, \"Geosesarma malayanum\". The most common and conspicuous predators found in pitchers are mosquito larvae, which consume large numbers of other larvae during their development. Many of these animals are so specialised that they cannot survive anywhere else, and are referred to as \"nepenthebionts\". The complex relationships between these various organisms are not yet fully understood", "id": "22156137" }, { "contents": "Post-adoption depression syndrome\n\n\nPost-adoption depression is shown though symptoms of depression in the adoptive mother or father, generally seen from one month after adoption, and is experienced by anywhere from 10% to 32% of adoptive parents. The symptoms of post-adoption depression are common to symptoms of depression, and include changes in sleeping pattern and appetite, feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, problems with concentration and restlessness, as well as suicidal thoughts. These symptoms are also similar to those of postpartum depression, which is a related syndrome. Postpartum depression", "id": "5137784" }, { "contents": "Not Accepted Anywhere\n\n\nDom Gourlay awarded the album 5 out of 10, labelling single \"Monster\" as \"\"big, dumb and totally unforgettable\"\", however questioned why a band who could write such a catchy song would write an album which \"\"reeks of such depressing déjà vu\"\". Steve Jelbert of The Times called Not Accepted Anywhere a \"\"reasonable debut album\"\", yet \"\"already dated\"\". Reviewing the 2007 re-release in the United States multi-media site IGN called the album repetitive", "id": "22051206" }, { "contents": "Genetic studies on Gujarati people\n\n\n(ASI) component, which is restricted to South Asia. Over 33% of all mitochondrial genetic markers of the population of Gujarat originate from West Eurasia. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sub-haplogroup U7 is common in Gujarat. It found in over 12% of the population, higher than in Punjab (9%), Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, or anywhere else. U7 is only found in frequencies between 0% and 0.9% in other populations of India. So it is concluded that U7 first originated", "id": "18132314" }, { "contents": "Nepenthes rajah\n\n\ndigesting animals, their pitchers also play host to a large number of other organisms (known as infauna). These include fly and midge larvae, spiders (most notably the crab spider \"Misumenops nepenthicola\"), mites, ants, and even a species of crab, \"Geosesarma malayanum\". The most common and conspicuous predators found in pitchers are mosquito larvae, which consume large numbers of other larvae during their development. Many of these animals are so specialised that they cannot survive anywhere else, and are referred to", "id": "21109955" }, { "contents": "A Blood Pledge\n\n\nthat they will die together that night. Eon-Joo jumps from the roof of her school, committing suicide. Her sister Jeong-Eon sees her jump. The next day in the school office, So-Hee admits that she was on the roof with Eon-Joo when she jumped. The three girls become paranoid about the death of Eon-Joo, and secrets about why each girl had a reason to jump start to surface. So-Hee becomes very depressed about the death, unlike the other two.", "id": "7498308" }, { "contents": "LDN (song)\n\n\nwhore.\" Several episodes from \"city life\" are described, suggesting that things may not be what they seem: \"When you look with your eyes everything seems nice, But if you look twice you can see it's all lies.\" However, Allen finds these sights \"priceless\", and asks (possibly sarcastically), \"Oh why, oh why, would I wanna be anywhere else?\" The lyrics might take part of their inspiration from William Blake's poem \"London\", which paints the", "id": "19642104" }, { "contents": "The Broken Sword of the Empire\n\n\nfact that the Russian people have lost sight of their heroes and achievements. That is why the author decided to tell about these achievements himself with the main goal of inspiring his compatriots with pride and honour. That is why his books have become popular, especially among the Russian youth. It is true that the elements exposed in the book are very hard to find anywhere else, like the AYaKS aerospaceship programme, the Soviet plasma anti-friction generator, the Ekranoplan programme, and names of Soviets that fought in Korea, Cuba", "id": "1417600" }, { "contents": "Neo-noir\n\n\nis considered to be one of the defining authors of hard-boiled fiction. Both novels were adapted as crime films, the former more than once. Cain is quoted as saying, \"I belong to no school, hard-boiled or otherwise, and I believe these so-called schools exist mainly in the imagination of critics, and have little correspondence in reality anywhere else.\" Typically American crime dramas or psychological thrillers, films noir had common themes and plot devices, and many distinctive visual elements. Characters were often", "id": "13931387" }, { "contents": "Filipino name\n\n\n, Cu, Ke, Wu, So, Yu, Dy, Khu and Sy. However, early Chinese Filipino families took on the complete name of their patriarch, thus their names had three syllables. These were adopted into the mainstream Filipino surnames and do not exist anywhere else in the world. Their names were transcribed using the Spanish-derived orthography used during the 19th century. Below is the list of common, single character Chinese surnames commonly borne by Filipino-Chinese: Some Filipinos bear Japanese surnames. They most likely", "id": "20145005" }, { "contents": "The Last Song (The All-American Rejects song)\n\n\nsong [on the band's self-titled debut] is about one girl, so to put a song on the album that wasn't about her, that made it a little extra special.\" \"The Last Song\" begins with the sound of a radio in mid-tune, followed by a string arrangement that slips into a chugging guitar line with the help of an electronic segue. Ritter doesn't really know how or why he and Wheeler came up with the distinct structure that's unlike anything else on the", "id": "20560187" }, { "contents": "The Quiet\n\n\n,\" and \"Canoe\" concurred: \"If the subject matter was not so damn' depressing, this dialogue would be camp-style laughable.\" Dot's voice over was widely criticised. \"Metroactive\" was disappointed that \"unlike [Holly] Hunter in \"The Piano\", Belle isn't allowed to signal her emotions with music and expression alone. Instead, she mentally addresses the audience with continuous interior yammer.\" \"Empire Movies\" wondered \"why not show people talking and holding conversations in the halls", "id": "21233526" }, { "contents": "Theory of forms\n\n\nthese things are so, we must agree that that which keeps its own form unchangingly, which has not been brought into being and is not destroyed, which neither receives into itself anything else from anywhere else, \"nor itself enters into anything anywhere\", is one thing,\" (52a, emphasis added). According to Plato, Socrates postulated a world of ideal Forms, which he admitted were impossible to know. Nevertheless, he formulated a very specific description of that world, which did not match his metaphysical principles", "id": "164110" }, { "contents": "Lofepramine\n\n\nLofepramine, sold under the brand names Gamanil, Lomont, and Tymelyt among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) which is used to treat depression. The TCAs are so named as they share the common property of having three rings in their chemical structure. Like most TCAs lofepramine is believed to work in relieving depression by increasing concentrations of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin in the synapse, by inhibiting their reuptake. It is usually considered a third-generation TCA, as unlike the first- and second-generation TCAs it is", "id": "12695253" }, { "contents": "Art therapy\n\n\npsychologists, and play therapists combine art therapy methods with basic psychotherapeutic modalities in their treatment. Therapists may better understand a client's absorption of information after assessing elements of their artwork. People always search for some escape from illness and it has been found that art is one of the more common methods. Art and the creative process can aid many illnesses (cancer, heart disease, influenza, etc.). This form of therapy helps benefit those who suffer from mental illnesses as well (chronic depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar", "id": "15965924" }, { "contents": "Lee Yoo-jin (actress)\n\n\nthe rumors that she was biracial, but fans had long suspected the truth from her 5-foot-9 stature (5 inches taller than the average Korean woman) and naturally creased eyelids. Lee told reporters that she had been afraid of being discriminated against, saying, \"People ask why didn't I come out earlier and why this is such a big deal. It wouldn't be anywhere else, but Korea is still a closed society where people like to talk about the purity of the race.\" Lee was born to a South", "id": "4978436" }, { "contents": "Cozumel raccoon\n\n\nof the species are known, although skeletons have been found at some archeological sites on the island. Cozumel island itself separated from the mainland during the late Pleistocene, so that the species is unlikely to be older than 122,000 years. Data from molecular clock studies implies a divergence date from the common raccoon of anywhere between 26,000 and 69,000 years ago. Merriam described the Cozumel raccoon as being markedly smaller, both externally and cranially and easy to distinguish from the common raccoon because of its \"broad black throat band and golden yellow tail", "id": "5394797" }, { "contents": "U.S. Congress and citizens\n\n\nevery four years, and not much else; they've abandoned politics. Apathy was lower in the 2008 election, which featured a competitive election for president. However, voter turnout in 2008 (62%) was the highest since 1968. Why explains public attitudes towards Congress? Scholar Julian E. Zeliger suggested that the \"size, messiness, virtues, and vices that make Congress so interesting also create enormous barriers to our understanding the institution ... unlike the presidency, Congress is difficult to conceptualize.\" And scholars Steven S. Smith", "id": "19644727" }, { "contents": "Chris Traeger\n\n\ncausing everyone else there to wince. Chris helps Leslie's campaign however he can, even taking on a large amount of busy work to distract him from his loneliness \"Bus Tour\". He has a brief liaison with Bobby Newport's campaign manager, which cheers him up. In season five, Chris is still working as Pawnee's City Manager. He is no longer depressed, but is continuously seeing a therapist. He is also asked to be the father of Ann Perkins' child via in vitro fertilization. He is", "id": "15020554" }, { "contents": "Frequency analysis\n\n\nletters and then associate guessed plaintext letters with them. More Xs in the ciphertext than anything else suggests that X corresponds to e in the plaintext, but this is not certain; t and a are also very common in English, so X might be either of them also. It is unlikely to be a plaintext z or q which are less common. Thus the cryptanalyst may need to try several combinations of mappings between ciphertext and plaintext letters. More complex use of statistics can be conceived, such as considering counts of pairs", "id": "192869" }, { "contents": "Star-Crossed (TV series)\n\n\nboy who falls in love with a human girl, a repurposed 'Romeo and Juliet', without the poetry. Or drama. Or credibility.\" Robert Bianco, of \"USA Today\", saying \"As vapid as it is unoriginal, \"Star-Crossed\" is sadly typical of a network that continually underestimates its audience. Teenagers may not be smarter than they were when the WB was at its peak, but it's unlikely they're dumber. So why does CW treat them as if they are?\"", "id": "140278" }, { "contents": "Interpersonal psychotherapy\n\n\ntherapist helps identify areas in need of skill-building to improve the client's relationships and decrease the depressive symptoms. Over time, the client learns to link changes in mood to events occurring in his/her relationships, communicate feelings and expectations for the relationships, and problem-solve solutions to difficulties in the relationships. IPT has been adapted for the treatment of depressed adolescents (IPT-A) to address developmental issues most common to teenagers such as separation from parents, development of romantic relationships, and initial experience with death", "id": "17407470" }, { "contents": "Ali and Nino\n\n\nhave a certain weight, and perhaps Chamanzaminli is really identical with Kurban Said.\" Yet within days of hearing of the quote attributed to her, Lucy Tal unequivocally denied having written the statement. In a letter to Schoenberg on June 2, 1973, Tal wrote: \"Having read that document, I am quite startled. Never did I write such a letter to any Turks or anybody else. Why and what for? And it would have been so entirely unlike me. Such monstrous claims, how can one disprove them", "id": "11959530" }, { "contents": "Sport in the United Kingdom\n\n\nfair share of T.V. coverage. Mixed martial arts (MMA) has come a huge way. The sport was on the verge of being sent into oblivion in the early 1990s but has since clawed its way back and become one of the most popular sports in the USA. In Great Britain, MMA failed to capitalise on this momentum and has not seen anywhere near the popularity levels MMA has received in USA. It is hard to pinpoint the main reason why exactly this has happened. The failure of MMA promoters to secure a", "id": "949980" }, { "contents": "Finn M. W. Caspersen\n\n\nthat Caspersen \"suffered from severe depression and was taking antidepressant meds, heart meds, liver meds, kidney meds and diabetes meds\". It was also reported that medical issues and chemotherapy treatments \"had severely hobbled him in recent years\". A memorial service held on September 15, 2009 at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Morristown, New Jersey, was attended by 900 friends and relatives. Caspersen was eulogized by former New Jersey governor and Drew University president Thomas Kean. In the weeks after his death, reports emerged that", "id": "9447409" }, { "contents": "Indentation style\n\n\nif, else, while, etc., including single-line conditionals, so that insertion of a new line of code anywhere is always \"safe\" (i.e., such an insertion will not make the flow of execution disagree with the source-code indentation). The cost of this style is that one extra full line is needed for the last block (except for intermediate blocks in if/else if/else constructs and do/while blocks). While Java is sometimes written in other styles, a significant", "id": "5892471" }, { "contents": "An Octoroon\n\n\nhow these questions (such as \"Why do we think of a social issue as something that can be solved?\") transform as a part of life. Jacobs-Jenkins recommends the play be performed with 8 or 9 actors, with male characters played using blackface/whiteface/redface, and female characters portrayed by actresses that match the characters' race. The play begins with BJJ, in a black box telling the audience a conversation he and his therapist had, to get him excited about playwriting and to overcome depression", "id": "9807222" }, { "contents": "Lomilomi massage\n\n\ntheir clients to pray, meditate, change their diets, or take other action as part of their health improvement process. Unlike traditional lomilomi kupuna (elder) recognized by the Hawaiian community who require students to study with them for years, some massage schools around the world purport to train therapists in lomilomi in a few hours and some massage therapists may incorporate techniques from other massage modalities during the session. While often pleasant, this style of massage which is now a common and popular massage modality throughout the world, especially in Hawaii", "id": "7619110" }, { "contents": "MED TV\n\n\nPolish Telecom, until the polish government gave in to Turkish demands to ban MED TV. Following the ban in Poland, Med TV rented satellites from USA based Intelsat to broadcast its programs. But Turkey kept on demanding the British Government to take MED TV off the air, and MED TV's license was revoked on April 23, 1999, as their broadcasts were judged as 'likely to encourage or incite crime or lead to disorder'. Its license was revoked just after the arrest of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, at the", "id": "22167528" }, { "contents": "Integrative behavioral couples therapy\n\n\n, but most of the session is devoted to feedback from the therapist, in which he or she describes the couple's difficulties and strengths and how therapy will try to assist the couple. A major part of the feedback session is the therapist's formulation of the couple's problems, a conceptualization of the major themes in the couple's struggles, the understandable reasons why the couple has these struggles, how their efforts to resolve the struggles so often fail, and how therapy can help. The couple actively participates in this feedback", "id": "12815841" }, { "contents": "Crystal Lake Fish Hatchery\n\n\ncan now be found in many bodies of water all over the state of California. Brown trout- This trout is from Eastern Europe. They can easily take over and decrease native fish, so that is why they are a very common recreational fish for fishermen hobbyists. If this species is not fished enough they can eventually outcompete native trout for resources. It can be found just about anywhere in the state. Rainbow Trout(Pit River Strain)- Also known for high tolerance for alkalinity and can only be found in Eagle Lake and Pine Creek.", "id": "1326850" }, { "contents": "Lojsta Lakes\n\n\nThe \"Slottsträsk\", the \"Castle Lake\", (sometimes known as \"Lillträsk\") got its name from the Lojsta Castle, a Medieval defence-structure, situated by the lake. The lakes form a peculiar landscape, not found anywhere else on the island and reminiscent of the rift valleys of central Sweden with steep cliffs and deep lakes. The other lakes on Gotland are very shallow, bowl-shaped depressions in the bedrock, filled with water. For example, Lake Bästeträsk is no more than at its", "id": "6144621" }, { "contents": "Brent Runyon\n\n\nRunyon through his treatments, stays at different hospitals and rehabilitation centers, therapist after therapist, and gradual recovery. The narrative offers insight into Brent's head, showing the reader his thoughts and feelings on everything he experiences. The story also focuses on the love of his parents, and the way Runyon realizes that he has so much to live for. Brent gradually gets over his depression and grows and learns from everything that happens to him. One major theme of the book is being accepting of yourself as you grow up,", "id": "9428625" }, { "contents": "Every Man's Dream\n\n\nthat Homer has been out drinking. After Marge complains at Homer, the couple agree they should go to see a therapist. The therapist says that Homer and Marge's relationship is falling apart and that the best option for them is separation, which could lead to divorce if things don't improve. Marge, frustrated with the sleeping Homer, agrees and tells him to leave for the time being. Homer packs his bags, and prepares to leave the family. Lisa is confused as to why her father is leaving, so", "id": "2759691" }, { "contents": "Mood disorder\n\n\nor depressed mood can increase an individual's ability to cope with situations in which the effort to pursue a major goal could result in danger, loss, or wasted effort. In such situations, low motivation may give an advantage by inhibiting certain actions. This theory helps to explain why negative life incidents precede depression in around 80 percent of cases, and why they so often strike people during their peak reproductive years. These characteristics would be difficult to understand if depression were a dysfunction. A depressed mood is a predictable response to", "id": "7082258" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\nEverybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? is the debut studio album by Irish rock band The Cranberries. Released on 1 March 1993 after four EPs, it's both the band's first full-length album and major label release. The album was written entirely by the band's lead singer Dolores O'Riordan and guitarist Noel Hogan. It reached number one on both the UK and Irish albums charts. At the end of 1995, it ranked as the 50th best selling album in Australia. It reached number", "id": "4977107" }, { "contents": "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?\n\n\n18 on the US \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart and sold over five million copies there. The album was re-released in 2002, under the title \"Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (The Complete Sessions 1991–1993)\". This version of the album featured bonus tracks as well as B-sides from the singles lifted off the album. On 7 March 2018, the band's three surviving members announced they were releasing a special 25th anniversary newly remastered anniversary edition of the album,", "id": "4977108" }, { "contents": "Cape Peninsula\n\n\nMountain range - which are at least as many as occur in the whole of the United Kingdom. Many of these species, including a great many types of proteas, are endemic to these mountains and can be found nowhere else. The Disa uniflora, despite its restricted range within the Western Cape, is relatively common in the perennially wet areas (waterfalls, streamlets and seeps) on Table Mountain and the Back Table, but hardly anywhere else on the Cape Peninsula. It is a very showy orchid that blooms from January to", "id": "10887464" }, { "contents": "Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy\n\n\nstates like depression or hopelessness. The therapist collaborates with the patient to determine which faulty cognitions are currently accepted by the patient as true. Together, the patient and therapist discover these cognitions and collaboratively explore the evidence for and against them. Relief of symptoms comes from replacing unfounded cognitions with more reality-based thoughts. CBT has been shown effective in numerous trials, particularly for depression and anxiety disorders. While ISTDP accepts the presence of faulty cognitions, the causality is thought to be reversed. The ISTDP therapist would posit that unconscious", "id": "9151893" }, { "contents": "Sweet Jane (film)\n\n\ntherapist about starting a fire in the game room and hiding his medication. The therapist insists Tony take his meds, and it is revealed he has pneumonia. Tony storms off, asking what it matters, he will die anyway. Beginning to experience the symptoms of withdrawal, Jane leaves the hospital, passing by Tony's room. Tony sees her, instantly becomes infatuated, and follows her out into the streets. Jane eventually takes notice and tells Tony to stop following her. He does, apparently. Going to her usual", "id": "12821150" }, { "contents": "Tierney Sutton\n\n\nfull-time professor of vocal jazz at the Jacobs' School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. \"I thought it was exciting that there was a university that was willing to focus on the solo jazz singer,\" said Sutton in an IU press release. \"That just didn't exist anywhere else. It's why I'm here.\" She is an eight-time Grammy nominee. She has been a Baha'i since 1981 and explains her band's arranging style as \"based on the principle of", "id": "12852939" }, { "contents": "Alexander Aircraft Company\n\n\nin the world, and more aircraft were built in Colorado than anywhere else in the world. In the early 1930s, the firm built a revolutionary new plane—the forerunner of modern aircraft, with low wing and retractable gear—called the \"Bullet\". Several of them crashed in the testing process because the government insisted that the unspinnable plane be tail-spun. The plane later was certificated, though, and became famous in racing and civil aviation. The depression and losses suffered in the Bullet program forced the aircraft", "id": "1360031" }, { "contents": "Disintegration (The Cure album)\n\n\ndelivers the lyric softly, with gentle passion.\" Much of the album made use of a considerable amount of guitar effects. \"Prayers for Rain\", a depressing track (Raggett noted: \"the phrase 'savage torpor' probably couldn't better be applied anywhere else than to this song\") sees Thompson and Smith \"treating their work to heavy duty flanging, delay, backwards-run tapes and more to set the slow, moody crawl of the track.\" Others, like the title track, are notable", "id": "18976075" }, { "contents": "Pluto (Disney)\n\n\nis Mickey's pet, today named \"Pluto\". Several months had passed between the naming of what was then classified as the ninth planet, Pluto, on March 24, 1930, and the attachment of that name to the dog character. Disney animator Ben Sharpsteen said \"We thought the name [Rover] was too common, so we had to look for something else. ... We changed it to Pluto the Pup ... but I don't honestly remember why.\" Disney says they have no documents to support or", "id": "21146233" }, { "contents": "Sweet Adelines International\n\n\nregions.) Corresponding to its popularity and origin in the US, the vast majority of regions are allocated to geographic areas of the USA. This is followed by five regions allocated to Canada, one each to Australia and New Zealand, one each to Great Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands, and Finland and Sweden. A final \"satellite\" region is reserved for anywhere else in the world. In 1947, the organization held a convention as a means to gather all members together in a group forum. A contest was", "id": "11085824" }, { "contents": "Self-disclosure\n\n\nstruggle are common among all people, even therapists, is useful to clients in the humanistic therapy setting. In order for existential psychologists to help clients, they try to disclose their own coping methods to serve as sources of inspiration to find one's own answers to questions of life. For therapists who value feminism, it is important to disclose personal feelings so that their clients have total freedom to choose the correct therapist and to eliminate power fights within the therapeutic setting. The ever-popular cognitive-behavioral approach also encourages disclosure", "id": "11780201" }, { "contents": "Wiping\n\n\nof these spools. Around the early '80s, air conditioning for archives was turned down to inadequate levels. Why? That's subject to speculation. Anyway, that caused the spools to succumb to the heat and fuse together, resulting in loss of data. Data that was not backed up anywhere else, nor transferred to the next leading technology. When they finally realised, around early '90s, that transfer to digital video was imminent, the required equipment to playback the old spools was no longer even serviceable and replacement", "id": "6950086" }, { "contents": "Tourism in Ecuador\n\n\nestablish his Theory of Evolution by natural selection. Are called touristically, the «Enchanted Islands» as the flora and fauna found there is virtually unique and it can not be found anywhere else in the world. That is why many people visit them to know and enjoy the animals and unique plants. The Galápagos were declared National Park in 1959, protecting 97.5% of the land area of the archipelago. The remaining area is occupied by human settlements that already existed at the time of the declaration. By then, about 1000", "id": "8759448" }, { "contents": "Agur\n\n\nthe alphabet of God, that is the creative \"letters\" (ot, \"letter\"); we-Ukal, \"the master\". Scholars, including Perdue, have considered other meanings for \"le-ithiel\" and \"ukhal\". Observing that \"it is highly unlikely that the two Hebrew terms refer to personal names\" (note that the names Agur and Jakeh are not seen anywhere else in the Bible or any other Israelite document), Perdue points out that some better translations for le-ithiel", "id": "2556559" }, { "contents": "Sleep in bipolar disorder\n\n\ncommon prodrome of a manic episode and the sixth most common prodrome of a depressive episode. Sleep disturbance is not only associated with the onset of manic or hypomanic episodes but also displays a residual symptom of manic and depressive episodes. They are associated with residual depressive symptoms and perceived cognitive performance and can thereby negatively influence the functioning and recovery of a patient. This is one reason why therapy programs like the Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy aim to reduce sleep disturbances. A main goal of interpersonal and social rhythm therapy IPSRT is to regulate", "id": "19227556" }, { "contents": "Delias eucharis\n\n\n. It may be found from the beginning of August everywhere on the common 'mistletoe' (\"Loranthus\"), from which it will drop and hang by a thread if the tree is shaken. We have never found it feeding on anything else. Unlike most butterflies this species lays as many as twenty or thirty eggs on one leaf, in parallel rows, with equal intervals, and the larvae continue in some measure gregarious to the last, so that a large number of pupae are often found, at a little", "id": "4874012" }, { "contents": "Advanced Placement exams\n\n\nand A levels (or equivalents) are used in order to gain entry into universities, higher education, colleges and are often used in job applications. AP testing may still be done in the U.K., or anywhere else in the world, for that matter. However, AP credits are rarely accepted outside of Canada and the United States. A foreign student may still take an AP exam if they are looking into applying to a college or university in the USA. As of 2017, AP students are allowed to use any", "id": "10362443" }, { "contents": "Paropeas achatinaceum\n\n\n-Pacific region. The type locality is Java. Distribution include: The non-native distribution of \"Paropeas achatinaceum\" includes: Although it has not been reported from anywhere else in the Neotropics, it was recently (December 2002) intercepted during preclearance of a shipment of \"Eryngium\" from Puerto Rico to Georgia, USA. It is possible that the source of the specimen was the Dominican Republic, because much of the \"Eryngium\" shipped to the U.S. mainland from Puerto Rico is actually of Dominican origin. \"Paropeas", "id": "14011329" }, { "contents": "Gangsta rap\n\n\nnot being addressed anywhere else in the public forum. The white politicians, the artists complain, neither understand the music nor desire to hear what's going on in the devastated communities that gave birth to the art form,\" wrote journalist Chuck Philips in a review of the battle between \"the Establishment\" and defenders of rap music. \"The reason why rap is under attack is because it exposes all the contradictions of American culture ... What started out as an underground art form has become a vehicle to expose a lot of", "id": "11808866" }, { "contents": "Yeavering\n\n\nMiket (1980) questioned the identity of the Style I post-and-panel buildings (A5, A6, A7, D6) as British and then Christopher Scull (1991) developed a more extensive critique of Phase I: the post-and-panel buildings are much like those from Anglo-Saxon settlements anywhere else in England. Hope-Taylor gives them a date around 550 but there is no reason why they should not be much nearer 600, and therefore in an Anglo-Saxon cultural context. Hope-", "id": "18815025" }, { "contents": "Lean thinking\n\n\nto develop lean thinking in every employee should not be considered to be “lean.” A second ongoing controversy, within the lean community itself, concerns how closely lean thinkers should follow Toyota practices. This is a tricky subject because on the one hand Toyota is the inventor of lean and is well ahead in both knowledge and experience but, on the other hand, why would methods invented by a Japanese auto manufacturer apply anywhere else? In fact, this debate rests on the assumption that Toyota is a monolithic company with a", "id": "2068885" }, { "contents": "Strike Back: Legacy\n\n\nof the show. As to why \"Strike Back\" would conclude with its fifth series, Robson Green explained \"you can't write a story like this, and then continue the series\". The actor added; \"it just got better and better and it couldn't really go anywhere else. But you should always leave your audience wanting more, and I think the finale does that. It really is a very emotional ending\". Green also stated that there were talks to continue the series in some form,", "id": "22150567" }, { "contents": "Pattambalam\n\n\nthe river Pampa to reach her mother at Panayannaarkaavu. It is believed that Amma’s mother is in Panayannarkavu across the river and she want to go there to meet her mother. And it is believed that she may not return once she meets her mother. That is why the barricade is formed and Amma is pacified, consoled and brought back to Kurattikadu. This is a unique ritual, which you maya not find anywhere else. After taking the 'para', one measure full of Paddy as offering, from Changayil house", "id": "22187435" }, { "contents": "Mehrban\n\n\nGeeta to marry Ramesh, the son of his friend Lala Karamchand. Financial losses cause Shanti to lose all his wealth. Ram and Shyam refuse to help him at all, and Karamchand cancels the impending marriage. Disheartened, depressed and unable to face anyone, Shanti dies. Even as his palatial house is to be auctioned by Karamchand, who is voracious, a devastated Parvati is on her deathbed as she cannot think of living anywhere else, and only a miracle can save the now ruined family. \"Mehrban\" was", "id": "4337075" }, { "contents": "Marion Bauer\n\n\nworks of music which, in most academic environments, were unmentionables, untouchables, and unspeakables, and anywhere else were unknowns.” Babbitt specifically mentions his appreciation for her discussion of the serialist composers with accompanying musical examples; during the Depression years, scores (especially of new music) were prohibitively expensive to own personally, and only a few libraries had copies. Babbitt greatly respected Bauer, saying in 1983 that Bauer was “a wonderful lady...whose name I'm going to do everything in the world to immortalize.”", "id": "5767732" }, { "contents": "Leone Ridsdale\n\n\n-exercise. Linking neurology and general practice, Ridsdale and colleagues described the commonness of patients presenting with headache in general practice, why they were referred to neurologists, and the potential contribution of GPs with Special Interest and cognitive-behaviour therapists. Ridsdale described the commonness and unmet needs for self-education among people with epilepsy, testing interventions by specially trained nurses in three trials. Using general practice electronic records, Ridsdale and colleagues described risk factors for death in epilepsy, and the potential for identifying risks routinely, with step-", "id": "2442776" } ]
What are doctors looking for when they check your ears?
[{"answer": "Doctors look for fluid in the ears, what the tympanic membrane (ear drum) looks like to look for inflammation, and overall condition of the skin inside to make sure there aren't cuts or full of cerumen (ear wax)"}, {"answer": "I went into the doctors office for a checkup. I'd been having trouble hearing for years, there was always shlorping and florpming noises in my ears, and they were generally bothering me, despite going to several doctors during that time, who I guess didn't look at my ears. So I went into this new doctor for a checkup, and they said there was a wax buildup, and proceeded to use some water pick on my ear for 1/2 hour. All of a sudden, it was like birth. I heard a \"tunk\" in a pan next to my ear, and the nurse said, \"Check this out.\" There was green earwax the diameter of my ear canal, about 1/4\", and about 2 1/2 inches long. Holy *shit!* That was one huge-ass slobber of earwax. I'm so bummed I didn't take a picture, or keep it and bronze it. It was epic, in the true meaning of epic. And I hear perfectly now. Looking in ears is important. It is only bothersome when doctors to it, until it isn't. Earwax buildup is icky."}, {"answer": "Alright, I work in Audiology and do otoscopy (ear exam you refer to) all the time - I can't tell you the amount of ears I have seen. I preface this by saying that a GP doing a physical can't spend much time on any one area, so my experience is perhaps more involved then a physical's ear exam. The scope is a magnifying glass married with a high power light - it's inserted pretty deep as the ear has 2 main bends, and we need to see around them to the ear drum (Tympanic Membrane) Main features I'm looking for are excessive wax blockage, abrasion/cuts/signs of trauma. Ear surgery is another one, as I swear 50% of those who have had it \"forget\" in their history. Middle ear infection can also be spotted, as either a retracted TM (It's \"sucked\" into the middle ear) or fluid buildup. Essentially the gyst is that we figure out if there is any structural damage we need to know about going forward. A normal otoscopy result should look like this URL_1 Someone with an ear infection might have a retracted TM - This beauty for example URL_0 TL;DR - We know what a normal ear looks like, and if it don't look normal I call an ENT and he deals with it."}, {"answer": "Infection, primarily. Ear infections that aren't caught can cause a lot of issues down the road."}, {"answer": "the flu and throat infections can block something called the eustachian tube which is a tube that connects the ear to the mouth/throat so that the inside of the ear would have the same air pressure as the outside world. if it gets blocked, fluid builds up in the ear and can cause it to bulge and in mild causes cause distorted hearing and severe cases rupture the eardrum. Its actually incredibly common, almost 100% of children will have had it atleast once before they turn 5."}, {"answer": "The ear drum: Is it there at all or is there a hole in it? It is generally a translucent membrane. Is there a bunch of scar tissue? Is it immobile? (done with an 'insulflator' that blows a puff of air into the canal) Is it bulging? If it is bulging, what's behind it? Is the fluid behind it pus or clear serous fluid. Is the canal itself angry and inflamed?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56315577", "title": "Hearing protection device", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A hearing protection device, also known as a HPD, is an ear protection device worn in or over the ears while exposed to hazardous noise to help prevent noise-induced hearing loss. HPDs reduce (not eliminate) the level of the noise entering the ear. HPDs can also protect against other effects of noise exposure such as tinnitus and hyperacusis", "A hearing protection device, also known as a HPD, is an ear protection device worn in or over the ears while exposed to hazardous noise to help prevent noise-induced hearing loss. HPDs reduce (not eliminate) the level of the noise entering the ear. HPDs can also protect against other effects of noise exposure such as tinnitus and hyperacusis. There are many different types of HPDs available for use, including earmuffs, earplugs, electronic hearing protection devices, and semi-insert devices. Earmuff style hearing protection devices are", "A hearing protection device, also known as a HPD, is an ear protection device worn in or over the ears while exposed to hazardous noise to help prevent noise-induced hearing loss. HPDs reduce (not eliminate) the level of the noise entering the ear. HPDs can also protect against other effects of noise exposure such as tinnitus and hyperacusis. There are many different types of HPDs available for use, including earmuffs, earplugs, electronic hearing protection devices, and semi-insert devices. Earmuff style hearing protection devices are"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Cattle judging\n\n\nit is not necessary to look at the ears. Some breeds may have big ears, some may have small ears, but that will have no effect on the meat produced by the cow. When looking at the head, there are a few key things that the judges are looking for. One of the main things the judge looks for when judging any animal is the structure. In most animals, if one joint is set incorrectly, there is a good chance that others are also set incorrectly. The judges must check", "id": "20450392" }, { "contents": "Hemotympanum\n\n\nIf you’ve had surgery around your nose or frequently get a bloody nose, your doctor may insert gauze or cotton up your nose to stop the bleeding. This process is called therapeutic nasal packing.Nasal packing sometimes causes blood to back up in your middle ear, causing hemotympanum. If you’ve recently had nasal packing done and notice hemotympanum symptoms, contact your doctor. They can remove the packing to allow the blood to drain out of your ear. You may also need antibiotics to avoid getting an ear infection. Bleeding", "id": "15554018" }, { "contents": "Vengeance of Morbius\n\n\nDoctor and Lucie are relieved to be alive and it even looks like there's an ounce of power still left in the ship's cells. They don’t have enough energy left to check what's outside, so they have to trust the ship's homing instincts. When they emerge, they find themselves in a large cell that reminds Lucie of the London Dungeons. They notice a hooded prisoner in the shadows and when the Doctor removes the man's cowl, he's revealed to be Straxus. Across the planet, the", "id": "15410588" }, { "contents": "Croton oil\n\n\ndoctor to his patient advises amongst other treatments for a sore throat that is producing barely a sound: \"... Please put out your tongue again! / Now the blister! / Ay, the blister! / Let your son, or else his sister, / Warm it well, then clap it here, sir, / All across from ear to ear, sir; / That suffices, / When it rises, / Snip it, sir, and then your throat on / Rub a little oil of Croton: /", "id": "1355056" }, { "contents": "Mickey Mantle\n\n\nmyself.\" Mantle's wife and sons all completed treatment for alcoholism and told him he needed to do the same. He checked into the Betty Ford Clinic on January 7, 1994, after being told by a doctor that his liver was so badly damaged from almost 40 years of drinking that it \"looked like a doorstop.\" The doctor also bluntly told Mantle that the damage to his system was so severe that \"your next drink could be your last.\" Also helping Mantle to make the decision to go to", "id": "16736467" }, { "contents": "Check It Out ( and Nicki Minaj song)\n\n\npredictable way to get attention for your song. But… but… but… we can’t hate. We love this. We have no taste. It’s just too much fun—we can easily see this getting massive radio play like her other let’s-sample-another-popular-song-from-another-decade hit and make people's ears bleed, “Your Love”. What say you?\" \"Entertainment Weekly\" put the single as their #2 of \"The Must List\" stating,", "id": "19959207" }, { "contents": "Doctor Spectro\n\n\ncostume. In \"Green Arrow\" #26, Green Arrow confronts saboteurs at a construction site saying “What are you doing?! When a guy twice your size in a costume tells you to stop doing something--you stop! Unless it’s the Riddler. Or that moron Doctor Spectro. ‘Cause they’re just…sad.”. In #46, Speedy quips to a villain “Dude, that is one sorry outfit. You make Doctor Spectro look cool. You know how hard that is?”", "id": "6235566" }, { "contents": "Hemotympanum\n\n\nHemotympanum or hematotympanum, refers to the presence of blood in the tympanic cavity of the middle ear. Hemotympanum is often the result of basilar skull fracture. Hemotympanum refers to the presence of blood in your middle ear, which is the area behind your eardrum. In most cases, the blood is trapped behind your eardrum, so you won’t see any blood coming out of your ear. Treating hemotympanum depends on the underlying cause, so it’s important to tell your doctor about any additional symptoms you have. If you’ve", "id": "15554016" }, { "contents": "On Acting\n\n\nthe Greeks. Above all, do not despair when the hand of criticism plunges into your body and claws at your soul: you must take it, accept it and smile. It is your life and your choice. And beware, look to the opposite. Do not float toward the heavens when the same patronising person places a hand on the crown of your head and breathes compliments into your vulnerable ear. Everything can change tomorrow. I suppose critics are a grim necessity. There are good ones and bad ones, and", "id": "11039029" }, { "contents": "Inventory (library)\n\n\ntime to figure out how to extract random items from your library's ILS to complete your sample. Once librarians are laying hands on individual books in their sample, what do they look for? They should check the cover of the book for discoloration, peeling, damage. Then they should open the book and look at the pages of the text—are they yellowing, brittle? An archival marking pen may be used to determine whether a book is acidic. How is the binding? Are the pages intact? This data", "id": "2684836" }, { "contents": "Prick Up Your Ears (Family Guy)\n\n\nepisode when Stewie, Chris, and his friends were watching \"Genital Hospital\", a reference to the television show \"General Hospital\". The original scene had included the doctor on the film undoing his zipper after discussing the patient's health problems. The edited version cut away before the doctor could undo his zipper, but the sound can still be heard when it cuts back to Chris and his friends watching the porno. Another scene edited was a naked Peter shown crouched on top of Lois's head (attempting ear sex", "id": "12657569" }, { "contents": "Blindsight\n\n\nvisual field. The neuropsychologist, Dr. M., performed an exercise with him. The doctor helped Mr. J. to a chair, had him sit down, and then asked to borrow his cane. The doctor then asked, \"Mr. J., please look straight ahead. Keep looking that way, and don't move your eyes or turn your head. I know that you can see a little bit straight ahead of you, and I don't want you to use that piece of vision for what I'm going to ask", "id": "10354922" }, { "contents": "Never Look Away\n\n\n. When Seeband sees a collage painting of Kurt's aunt, the Nazi-doctor and himself, he flees, destroyed, not understanding how his despised son-in-law of all people was able to uncover his greatest secret. However, Kurt may not have understood what he was doing, at least not on a conscious level. He realizes that when you are true to your artistic instinct, you can reach a truth your intellect could never hope to attain. After years of infertility, Elisabeth becomes pregnant, and", "id": "22067932" }, { "contents": "Hearing aid\n\n\naid is assembled and shipped to the audiologist after a quality check. Invisible in canal hearing aids (IIC) style of hearing aids fits inside the ear canal completely, leaving little to no trace of an installed hearing aid visible. This is because it fits deeper in the canal than other types, so that it is out of view even when looking directly into the ear bowl (concha). A comfortable fit is achieved because the shell of the aid is custom-made to the individual ear canal after taking a mould", "id": "1921566" }, { "contents": "Scout sign and salute\n\n\nScouting organization they belong to. This is done to represent the two rules of the original Cub Scout / Wolf Cub law. The salute is performed with the right hand. In \"The Wolf Cub's Handbook\", Baden-Powell wrote: \"Why two fingers? Well, you know what a Wolf's head looks like with two ears cocked up. It is used as the badge of the Wolf Cub. Your two fingers in the salute are the two ears of the Wolf.\" Originally, Baden-Powell", "id": "5966059" }, { "contents": "Twelfth Doctor\n\n\nbe more in love with Clara than he'd like to believe. He has also been described as a \"total adrenaline junkie\" and, according to Moffat, \"much fiercer, madder [and] less reliable\". \"He's not as immediately approachable and he's not necessarily looking for your approval, when he says 'Wait here, I'll be back', you're not absolutely convinced... what he's not doing is reassuring you very much.\" Mark Gatiss said that Capaldi's Doctor was \"", "id": "22097558" }, { "contents": "Child neglect\n\n\nis thriving, so that a professional looking to start an assessment of neglect, might reasonably start with information collected by a doctor. Infants are often weighed and measured when seen by their physicians for well-baby check-ups. The physician initiates a more complete evaluation when the infant's development and functioning are found to be delayed. What this suggests is that social work staff could consult medical notes to establish if the baby or child is failing to thrive, as a first step in a pathway towards identifying neglect. If", "id": "1964895" }, { "contents": "Child development\n\n\nof whether a child is thriving, so that a professional looking to start an assessment of neglect, might reasonably start with information collected by a doctor. Infants are often weighed and measured when seen by their physicians for well-baby check-ups. The physician initiates a more complete evaluation when the infant's development and functioning are found to be delayed. What this suggests is that social work staff could consult medical notes to establish if the baby or child is failing to thrive, as a first step in a pathway towards", "id": "1981489" }, { "contents": "Do Your Ears Hang Low?\n\n\nCan you tie 'em in a bow? Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder Like a Continental soldier? Do your ears hang low? Do your ears stand high? Do they reach up to the sky? Do they droop when they are wet? Do they stiffen when they're dry? Can you wave them at your neighbor With an element of flavor? Do your ears stand high? Do your ears flip-flop? Can you use them as a mop? Are they stringy at the bottom? Are they curly", "id": "10322482" }, { "contents": "When Breath Becomes Air\n\n\nPaul and Lucy experience a rocky moment in their relationship when Lucy feels that Paul is not communicating with her. Visiting friends in New York, Paul is almost certain that he has cancer and says it out loud for the first time to his friend Mike. Returning home, upon landing in San Francisco, Paul receives a call from his doctor telling him that his lungs “look blurry.” When he arrives home with Lucy, both of them know what is happening. The next day, Paul checks in to the hospital", "id": "10791033" }, { "contents": "Health care reforms proposed during the Obama administration\n\n\ndoctor, more people—especially young, healthy patients with simple medical needs—should see a nurse or physician assistant who administers routine care and kicks more complex problems up to a doctor when they arise. 'If you're just coming in to have your blood pressure checked and your pulse taken, you really don't need to see a doctor, and you might not need to see a nurse, either,' says David Barrett, president and CEO of the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass. \"There are three-", "id": "3996072" }, { "contents": "Wozzeck\n\n\nadmiring earrings which the Drum Major gave her. She is startled when Wozzeck arrives and when he asks where she got the earrings, she says she found them. Though not convinced, Wozzeck gives her some money and leaves. Marie chastises herself for her behavior. \"Scene 2 (Fantasia and Fugue on 3 Themes)\" The Doctor rushes by the Captain in the street, who urges him to slow down. The Doctor then proceeds to scare the Captain by speculating what afflictions may strike him. When Wozzeck comes by,", "id": "4783584" }, { "contents": "GALS screen\n\n\n” ● “Put your hands behind your neck” Legs ● Feel for effusion at the knee ● “Bend and then straighten your knee” (Active movement of knees and examiner feels for crepitus) ● Passive flexion (90 degrees) with internal rotation of hip Spine ● “Open your mouth and put 3 of your (child’s own) fingers in your mouth” - \"to check for temporomandibular joint disease\" ● Lateral flexion of cervical spine – “Try and touch your shoulder with your ear” ● Observe the", "id": "14133791" }, { "contents": "Look Afraid\n\n\npaying one’s dues in the college town scene”. -Amusement Magazine New Look Afraid album nabbing rave reviews \"\"[Rock N’ Roll Glory Hole]\" is full of energy your body instinctively reacts to when your ears process the aural information. Personality permeates every song on \"Glory Hole\"; 'Whiskey Trigger Finger' is no exception. It’s driving rock-and-roll, dripping with attitude – and grooves – and balances rebellion and independence with the right proportion of pop sensibilities. It’s been stated", "id": "3384632" }, { "contents": "Otoscope\n\n\nAn otoscope or auriscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears. Health care providers use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum. Because the eardrum is the border separating the external ear canal from the middle ear, its characteristics can be indicative of various diseases of the middle ear space. The presence of cerumen (ear wax), shed skin, pus, canal skin", "id": "21107935" }, { "contents": "Al's Brain\n\n\nspinal fluid and afterwards you are looking at the four lobes of the brain, which compose of the Frontal, the temporal, the parietal and the occipital lobes and that they are all important. It shows you that the reason we can see things is because \"eyes cones are sending stimuli to your thalamus, which joins up to your occipital lobe,\" and that you can hear things when the \"scilia down in your ear\" vibrate and send \"those impulses along to your temporal lobe.\" Al then shows through", "id": "5020572" }, { "contents": "Challah cover\n\n\n, the first blessing is always made over the bread, after which no other blessing need be made. On Friday night, however, the first blessing has to be made over the wine. In order not to shame the challah, who expects the blessing to be made over her, we must cover her over until after the sanctification of the wine.\" Rabbi Yisroel looked at the baker incredulously. \"Why do your ears not hear what your mouth is saying?\" he asked. \"Do you think that our", "id": "21572977" }, { "contents": "Bill Ponsford\n\n\nThroughout his innings, Ponsford would pull his cap further to the left. Robinson claimed that \"if you saw the peak at a rakish angle towards his left ear you could tell he was heading for his second hundred\". When volunteering for service with the Royal Australian Air Force, Ponsford discovered he possessed abnormal colour vision, unable to distinguish red from green. The examining doctor was astonished and asked Ponsford, \"What colour did [the ball] look to you after it was worn?\" Ponsford replied, \"I", "id": "773567" }, { "contents": "Double Date (How I Met Your Mother)\n\n\nfirst date, Ted and Jen head to MacLaren's, where the gang is there to help them retrace the events of the 2002 date. Jen reveals that she thought Ted was checking out a woman at the bar, when Ted and Barney were really looking at \"Mustache Marshall\". Ted and Jen head up to the roof, and after they share a kiss they suddenly realize why they never had another date: Ted never called her. Ted apologizes for his blunder and gives a version of what might have happened had", "id": "15742926" }, { "contents": "N-Gage (service)\n\n\nlook at what achievements have been unlocked—or Point Pickups as they’re called. This is where you go to add a friend to your friends list as well as check them all out. Once highlighted, you may choose to view recent conversations with the player, send them a message, view his or her profile, and rate the player. Messages can be sent regardless of whether the player is currently online or not and your friends list can be sorted by name, availability/status, or N-Gage points", "id": "8358593" }, { "contents": "San healing practices\n\n\nyour back, and then you start to shiver. [N/um] makes you tremble, it's hot. . . . Your eyes are open but you don't look around; you hold your eyes still and look straight ahead. But when you get into !kia, you're looking around because you see everything, because you see what's troubling everybody . . . n/um enters every part of your body right to the tip of your feet and even your hair.” Katz also states that", "id": "18319701" }, { "contents": "Fullest (CupcakKe song)\n\n\nall the ways a CupcakKe video should be\" and went on to say \"the 'Fullest' visual shows what really goes down when CupcakKe throws a house party— and what happens to sloppy uninvited guests.\" Dennis Hinzmann from \"Out\" wrote that \"the rapper shows us what a house party for the Instagram generation looks like. Millennial pink palette: check. Inflatable pool animal: check. Neon backlighting to ensure everyone finds their best angle: check\" and goes on to say \"the party bumps around the", "id": "1009276" }, { "contents": "2112: The Birth of Doraemon\n\n\nDoraemon sculpture, to make them look more like the ones in a 3-D rendition of Doraemon. But the mouse ended up eating the ears of the real Doraemon, which caused him to fear mice. At the hospital, the doctor robots accidentally removed Doraemon's ears completely. When Noramyako saw this, she laughed at Doraemon, which made him sad. As Doraemon sat on the top of a tower pondering over the loss of his ears, he tried to cheer himself up by drinking a cheer-up potion, but accidentally", "id": "2727903" }, { "contents": "Do Your Ears Hang Low?\n\n\nat the top? Can you use them for a swatter? Can you use them for a blotter? Do your ears flip-flop? Do your ears stick out? Can you waggle them about? Can you flap them up and down As you fly around the town? Can you shut them up for sure When you hear an awful bore? Do your ears stick out? Do your ears give snacks? Are they all filled up with wax? Do you eat it in the morning Do you eat it in the", "id": "10322483" }, { "contents": "Breast cyst\n\n\nthis becomes a bump that may then start to look yellow and white (pus filled). Check with your doctor if you are unsure or have other symptoms that are worrying you. Fluid leaking from a cyst, as may happen due to puncture or vigorous compression during mammography, or due to seat belt injury in the course of an automobile accident, may trigger an aseptic inflammation in the surrounding breast tissue. The cystic nature of a breast lump can be confirmed by ultrasound examination, aspiration (removal of contents with needle)", "id": "7589942" }, { "contents": "Fight or Flight (Emily Osment album)\n\n\nClap Your Hands (The Water is Rising),” I don't really get the sound of the tune although it might fit with the album something is off with it and I would have preferred them to add another softer track instead. Overall if you're looking for good album to play at your next house party check this one. Emily does take a risk by going into a new path with her music early on but it seem like she knows what style she wants to take on; and after all this is", "id": "10626574" }, { "contents": "The Freedom Song\n\n\n, stating: \"'The Freedom Song' is the best example of such. Kicking off the record, the song features all the elements that make the songwriter so appealing. Beautiful backing harmonies? Check. The phrase 'when I feel good'? Check. A chilled-out tone that embarrassingly brings a smile to your face without even feeling it? Check. The word 'joy'? Double check. What makes this particular track memorable is where Mraz opts to go after dabbling in the beach-dude formula", "id": "16467962" }, { "contents": "Zuowang\n\n\nwill tell you what that means. Do you think that it is easy to do anything while you have a heart-mind? If you do, the luminous cosmos will not support you…Make your aspirations one! Don’t listen with your ears; listen with your heart-mind. No, don’t listen with your heart-mind; listen with qi. 8 Listening stops with the ears, the heart-mind stops with joining, but qi is empty and waits on all things. The Dao gathers in", "id": "22128551" }, { "contents": "Mr. Bean Rides Again\n\n\nto avoid the laughter, eliciting curious stares when the man looks up. He finds some chewing gum under the carriage seats, puts it into his ears and thus it works. Finally, the train conductor comes in and asks to check their tickets. Bean is startled by his presence, whereupon he accidentally throws his book with the ticket tucked inside out of the train window, and the man bursts out laughing once more. Eventually, Bean boards an aeroplane but is forced to look after a sick boy next to him.", "id": "8799451" }, { "contents": "Rock Sound\n\n\ntracks from bands' new albums that have not been released as singles. These are now normally called '100% Volume' or 'The Volumes', but in the past compilations were also called 'Music With Attitude', 'Bugging Your Ears!', 'Sound Check' and 'Punk Rawk Explosion'. Buyer reaction has been very negative when there has been talk of turning the CD compilation into a digital compilation. Sometimes whole albums are included with the magazine, particularly from bands wanting to gain exposure,", "id": "10895034" }, { "contents": "Vehicle registration plates of the United Kingdom\n\n\ntheir initials. Registration numbers may also be replaced simply to disguise the actual age of the vehicle. According to information on the government DVLA website: \"Just remember you can make your vehicle look as old as you wish but you can not make it look newer than it is. For example you cannot put a Y registration number on a T registered vehicle but you could choose any prefix range from an A to a T. Each registration has an issue date which is what you must check to ensure you don't make", "id": "15070985" }, { "contents": "Semont maneuver\n\n\nThe Semont maneuver, like the Epley maneuver, aims to cure benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Repeated treatments may be required and doctors often teach their patients the techniques if they get recurrent episodes. These maneuvers are designed to reposition otoliths in the posterior Semicircular canals. There are different maneuvers for those in the lateral (horizontal) canals. a) Turn your head 45 degrees horizontally toward the unaffected ear. b) Then tilt 105 degrees so that you are lying on the side of the affected ear with your head", "id": "6749362" }, { "contents": "Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands\n\n\nOctober 2011, BBC Three aired a follow-up special, entitled Junior Doctors - One Year Check Up. The second series consisted of seven episodes and ran from 24 January to 6 March 2012. The series followed a group of eight junior doctors at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. On 3 December 2012, BBC Three aired a follow-up special, entitled Junior Doctors - One Year Check Up. The third series consisted of seven episodes and ran from 17 January to 28 February 2013. The series followed a group of", "id": "18922648" }, { "contents": "Major Israel McCreight\n\n\ntell the world today the true story of our people. When you leave Mother Mother Earth and the Ancient Ones will welcome you with outstretched arms. The prairies and forests will look golden and green to you and your moccasins will walk on smooth grasses. The sky will be blue and from the bark lodges you will see smoke rising into the sky. Your ears will hear the good music of singing and the tom toms and those you see will be smiling at you as you walk to greet them. Remember this, Brother", "id": "16821687" }, { "contents": "ATM usage fees\n\n\nthe customer to make withdrawals and check balances without incurring any fees. There are also no denial fees (i.e. when trying to withdrawal more money than what's available in your account) as Brazilian businesses cannot charge for services not rendered. However, fees are assessed if there is excessive usage of the ATMs (i.e. one makes more withdrawals than what's allowed by their monthly maintenance fee). Fees and limits can be checked at the FEBRABAN (the Brazilian Banking Federation) website. Brazilian banks have several partnerships in place", "id": "12015435" }, { "contents": "Picture plane\n\n\nof the axis that comes straight out of your eyes. For example, if you are looking to a building that is in front of you and your eyesight is entirely horizontal then the picture plane is perpendicular to the ground and to the axis of your sight. If you are looking up or down the Picture plane remains perpendicular to your sight and it changes the 90 degrees angle compared to the ground. When this happens a third vanishing point will appear in most cases depending on what you are seeing (or drawing).", "id": "4427438" }, { "contents": "Sexual consent\n\n\nand with \"constant checking in between partners that all is well.\" Gaby Hinsliff, in a \"The Guardian\" article entitled \"Consent is not enough: if you want a sexual partner, look for enthusiasm\", states that \"enthusiasm, the unmistakable sense of not being able to keep your hands off each other [in an encounter] harder to mistake for anything else. And if it was there, but suddenly evaporates – well, you could always ask what’s wrong. If those two words kill", "id": "21790995" }, { "contents": "What You Don't Know (Exposé album)\n\n\nthree of the tracks on \"Exposure\". Ann Curless sings lead on two tracks (\"Stop, Listen, Look & Think\" and \"Now That I Found You\"), Jeanette Jurado on three (\"When I Looked at Him,\" \"Still Hung Up on You,\" and \"Your Baby Never Looked Good in Blue\"). Five singles were released from this album. \"What You Don't Know\", \"When I Looked at Him\" and \"Tell Me Why\" all peaked", "id": "13942311" }, { "contents": "Chloe O'Brian\n\n\nof a bottle of whiskey down the sink. When Milo suspects that Morris has been drinking again, he asks Chloe to check Morris for any signs of alcohol. She reluctantly agrees, and walks over to him and kissed him, when he asked \"What was that for?\" she responded by saying \"Just checking your breath.\" Later, she helps Jack to steal the bomb's schematics. However, Morris discovers her act and forces her to tell Bill. When Bill orders everyone to help Jack Bauer under presidential", "id": "4664004" }, { "contents": "Alias Ladyfingers\n\n\nbe sure and let your people know what you have, as the name hurts business\". When the film played in Pasadena, California, a stationer used pictures of scenes from the film for a window display. Blue cards were placed beside the items for sale, with advertising slogans that read: \"We carry Check Protective Ink to guard your signature against the clever \"Alias Ladyfingers\"\", and another slogan read, \"Even on your desk your valuable papers should be kept in our Steel Bond Boxes for fast is", "id": "4755122" }, { "contents": "Larry Lawton\n\n\nthat, \"There's four segments to his plan ... I think the most effective one has to do with what you lose when you go to prison. He talks about losing your freedom and losing your reputation and your self-respect but I think the one that hits home most with people is losing your family.\" On November 21, 2013 Congressman Bill Posey recognized the Reality Check program and Lawton's honorary police officer status in an open session of the US Congress, making Lawton the first ex-con to be", "id": "6485906" }, { "contents": "Yours Fatefully\n\n\nfollowed by several unpleasant encounters. It is not until frequent contact due to work that both realise it is possible to have a cordial relationship exchanging thoughts. Gradually, they learn to appreciate each other’s strengths, and love blossoms between them. What takes them by complete surprise is that Su Shuntian and Zhang Xiuying, after becoming friends at a senior citizens’ activity, provide each other with a listening ear and build up an interesting relationship. They look forward to meeting each other, keeping the relationship from their children but unaware", "id": "9238332" }, { "contents": "Saul Perlmutter\n\n\nlaptop, and jealously berates Perlmutter: \"Look at Dr. Saul Perlmutter up there, clutching that Nobel prize. What's the matter Saul, you afraid somebody's going to steal it? Like you stole Einstein's cosmological constant?\" Then later: \"Oh, now Perlmutter's shaking the King's hand. Yeah, check for your watch, Gustaf, he might have lifted it.\" Perlmutter was also referenced in the 2011 episode of The Big Bang Theory, \"The Rhinitis Revelation\". In a conversation with", "id": "3905919" }, { "contents": "C. Thomas Howell\n\n\n\"The Brian Keith Show\" episode \"The Little People\" as a little boy whose ears are being checked out by a doctor. When he got older, he tried stunt acting like his father and worked on commercials for a while. He tried rodeo riding for a few years. In 1982, he made his film debut as Tyler in Steven Spielberg's \"E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial\". Afterward, he was cast as the lead role Ponyboy Curtis in Francis Ford Coppola's \"The Outsiders\", which earned", "id": "9250415" }, { "contents": "Curtis Blaydes\n\n\nvia TKO due to a doctor stoppage. The referee stopped the fight after Blaydes delivered an illegal kick to a downed opponent and called a doctor to check on Oliynyk. The fight was stopped due to the doctor's advice. The replay, however, showed the strike did not deliver significant damage (as it only grazed the ear), and the fight was ruled a TKO win for Blaydes. Blaydes faced Mark Hunt on February 11, 2018 at UFC 221. He won the fight via unanimous decision. Blaydes faced Alistair", "id": "12729232" }, { "contents": "If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears\n\n\nand shot by photographer Guy Webster. The album received a positive retrospective review in \"Rolling Stone\", where critic Rob Sheffield remarked \"The Mamas and the Papas celebrated all the sin and sleaze of Sixties L.A. with folksy harmonies, acoustic guitars and songs that told inquiring minds way more than they wanted to know. And on their January 1966 debut, \"If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears\", they somehow made it all sound groovy.\" He described the album as a dark look at L.A. culture that sounds", "id": "14106919" }, { "contents": "Blood Stained Love Story\n\n\njust \"slightly sappy and/or melodramatic\" and contain \"king-size cliché[s]\" lyrics, saying that \"[I]t's not the first option you'd want to check out if you're looking for the best of what's on radio, therefore; but if this is already your type of music and you're willing to sit through the plain awful among the tentatively good, then it may well satisfy.\" AllMusic's Stephen Thomas Erlewine noted how the album mixes their usual nu-metal techniques with \"'90s", "id": "19432017" }, { "contents": "Counterintelligence\n\n\nto set up still another and needed to find out in advance what the pertinent operational pattern was. The following principles apply to the handling of all double agent operations in varying degrees. In composite they form a check-list against which ongoing operations might be periodically reviewed—and given special examination with the appearance of danger signals. \"Testing is a continuous process.\" In accordance with the doctrine in force, use your own, or assistance from psychological specialists, look for changes in motivation. Where appropriate, use a", "id": "9494862" }, { "contents": "This Is What Rock n' Roll Looks Like\n\n\nchorus \"Hey hey hey if you're ready to rage / Raise your hands up, this what rock and roll looks like / Yeah yeah yeah, wearing leather and lace / Raise your hands up, this what rock and roll looks like.\" While being interviewed by the \"Los Angeles Times\", Porcelain Black discussed in depth about the genre mix in \"This Is What Rock n' Roll Looks Like\": Although the song's title references the physical appearance of what rock and roll looks like, Porcelain Black", "id": "2884264" }, { "contents": "Ki Teitzei\n\n\nbuilt fine houses and inhabited them, and when your flocks and your herds have increased, and when your silver and gold, and all that you possess is multiplied, you be lifted up in your heart, and forget the Lord your God.\" Philo taught that one does not forget God when one remembers one's own nothingness and God's exceeding greatness. Philo interpreted to reprove those who look upon themselves as the cause of what they have received, telling them: \"Say not my own might, or the strength", "id": "15576903" }, { "contents": "Hemotympanum\n\n\nrecently injured your head and notice symptoms of hemotympanum, call your doctor immediately to avoid any other complications. If your temporal bone is involved, you may have hemotympanum along with: Skull fractures usually heal on their own, but it’s important to get immediate medical treatment because they can also cause several complications. If you have CSF leaking out of your ear, for example, you’re at a higher risk of developing meningitis. You may also need corticosteroids, antibiotics, or surgery, depending on your symptoms. Nasal packing", "id": "15554017" }, { "contents": "Liaquat National Hospital\n\n\nit lacks in the quality of basic services a patient requires , e.g it didnt have enough monitors to check the vitals even in the emergency conditions, you need to beg nurses or duty doctors to come and check if your patient is in pain or suffering even critically, you will find one of the most incompetent staff in the field of medicine and surgery in this hospital. They forgets some vital measures to take even before a critical procedure is going to happen to your patient. I am not making these things i am", "id": "10631623" }, { "contents": "Atrial Fibrillation Association\n\n\nby the NHS in England. A manual pulse check is one of the easiest ways to detect a cardiac arrhythmia, which otherwise often goes untreated until a stroke or other serious illness occurs. ACT on AF: Ask – are you at risk of AF?; Check – your pulse regularly; Talk – to your doctor if you have any concern. This includes the annual ACT on AF Friday. Heart Rhythm Week - in collaboration with Arrhythmia Alliance. Held annually during the first week of June this event involves extensive activities with", "id": "5367184" }, { "contents": "The Fox and the Crow (Aesop)\n\n\nfox then asks the crow for a share and, when this does not work, resorts to flattery: \"Your lovely song would grace my ears...Your poems of wisdom, my good crow, what a paradise they bring!\" And the fox gets his cookie. The fable is depicted no less than three times in the border of the Bayeux Tapestry and it has been speculated that a political commentary is intended. The picture is that of an ungainly bird sitting in a tree under which an animal is lying. They", "id": "17858763" }, { "contents": "Beaconsfield Mine collapse\n\n\nof them yelling \"I can see your light\" when he broke through the ground which was separating him from the miners, to which the miners replied \"I can see your light too\". Brant Webb was freed at 4:47 a.m. on 9 May, followed by Todd Russell at 4:54 a.m. They were driven up the spiral decline of the mine, arriving at a medical station at the base of the vertical shaft from the surface at about 5:30 a.m. They were checked by a doctor, and then sent up the lift towards", "id": "21982648" }, { "contents": "Backmasking\n\n\ntheir 1987 self-titled debut album: \"You are ruining your needle!\" Meanwhile, Christian rock group Petra included in their song \"Judas' Kiss\", from the 1982 album \"More Power to Ya\", the message, \"What are you looking for the devil for, when you ought to be looking for the Lord?\" Bloodhound Gang's 1996 controversy-begging track \"Lift Your Head Up High (And Blow Your Brains Out)\" mocked the Judas Priest controversy directly, and included the backmasked", "id": "12561350" }, { "contents": "Diane Gaidry\n\n\ntransformation and many of us are experiencing tremendous upheaval in our lives as a result. What if you could “be the change you want to see in the world”? Each and every one of us has valuable gifts to share with each other and the world. What are your unique strengths, passions, and gifts? Are you sharing them fully? How would your life and the lives of everyone you meet be enriched if you were living your truth? What could the world look like when you feel more empowered and", "id": "17226720" }, { "contents": "Prick Up Your Ears (play)\n\n\nPrick Up Your Ears is a play by Simon Bent, based on the life of playwright Joe Orton. Produced by Sonia Friedman it opened at the Comedy Theatre in London's West End on 30 September 2009 following previews from 17 September. It starred Chris New as Joe Orton and Matt Lucas as Orton's lover and murderer, Kenneth Halliwell. According to actor Chris New, the concept for a play came from New's roommate. New contacted actor and comedian Matt Lucas, who was looking to do a play. Simon Bent", "id": "1094166" }, { "contents": "Right Thru Me\n\n\n-breaking rapper’s signature lyrical playfulness heard in 'Your Love'. Treat your ears to Nicki’s latest and judge for yourself. Every time we hear Nicki sing, “How do you do that shit?”, we can’t help but think of the Insane Clown Posse’s hilarious lyric in 'Miracles'.\" Chris Ryan of \"MTV Buzzworthy\" gave the song a positive review accepting the change of style by stating \"Make no mistake, Nicki's solo singles--'Massive Attack,' 'Check It Out'", "id": "21064629" }, { "contents": "Hello Kitty (song)\n\n\nyour eyes and ears bleed\", while Jezebel wrote: \"It looks like what would happen if someone scraped off the diseased underbelly of American pop culture from 2004-2010 and sprinkled it generously over a festering pile of garbage.\" Its depiction of Japanese culture was met with widespread criticism from Western critics, which has included suggestions of racism, which Lavigne responded to by stating: \"I love Japanese culture and I spend half of my time in Japan. I flew to Tokyo to shoot this video...specifically for my", "id": "5849086" }, { "contents": "Freundeskreis\n\n\nconscious hip-hop artist as their lyrics have educational themes. The song \"Leg Dein Ohr Auf Die Schiene Der Geschichte\" (lay your ear on the tracks of history) asks listeners to look beyond what they were taught in history lessons and learn the real lessons of history. Excerpts from \"Leg Dein Ohr Auf Die Schiene Der Geschichte\"\" Rough translation: The rest of the song takes into account other historical events important to his year of birth, as well as other events throughout his childhood which are often overlooked", "id": "601947" }, { "contents": "Tonsillectomy\n\n\nchild has a bad sore throat, or has repeated sore throats, the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, \"You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out.\" Now, that may be the right thing to do. But I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions just based on whether you really need your kid's tonsils out or whether it might make more sense just to change -- maybe they have allergies. Maybe they have something", "id": "17942509" }, { "contents": "English Lop\n\n\n-proof ceramic pet dish, or hanging water bottle. Due to the large ear size, English lops are slightly more vulnerable to a number of health problems, particularly ear infections, and it is advised that the ears should be checked periodically, especially for excess wax that can be accumulated on their deep ear canals and cleaned when appropriate. Ear blemishes can be kept to a minimum by keeping the toenails clipped, which can prevent injuries arising from the rabbit treading on its ears. The large surface area of its ears and", "id": "10293173" }, { "contents": "Dominick Napolitano\n\n\nmean you are—that's what makes you rise in the mob. Every day's a fucking struggle, because you don't know who's looking to knock you off, especially when you become a captain or boss. Every day, somebody's looking to dispose of you and take your position. You always got to be on your toes. Every fucking day is a scam day to keep your power and position.\" Napolitano would repeat this theme over and over again to Pistone in conversations up on the roof with", "id": "20879926" }, { "contents": "Kevin Stevens\n\n\n, on May 14, 1993, the Penguins were playing the New York Islanders in game seven of the Patrick Division finals. Early in the first period, Stevens skated in and checked Islanders' defenseman Rich Pilon, hitting Pilon's visor with so much force that he knocked himself unconscious. Stevens landed face first on the ice and, unable to soften the blow upon landing, shattered most of the bones in his face and required extensive reconstructive surgery. Doctors cut an incision below his hairline from ear-to-ear,", "id": "20558989" }, { "contents": "The Lion Has Phones\n\n\ntelephone box. Frazer asks Mainwaring what will happen if the telephone boxes are out of action, and many alternatives are suggested, including a heliograph, tick-tacking, shooting a hole in the top of the gasometer and setting fire to it, and tapping the railway line and laying your ear onto it (Pike dismisses this idea by telling Jones that a train may come and run over your ear). Pike and Godfrey admit they do not know how to use a telephone box; Mrs Pike believes they are unhygienic and", "id": "12335698" }, { "contents": "Aleksei Oleinik\n\n\n-naked choke (with a modified grip and without a complete full back mount) in the second round. Oleynik faced Curtis Blaydes on November 4, 2017, at UFC 217. The referee stopped the fight in the second round after Blaydes delivered an illegal kick to a downed opponent and called a doctor to check on Oleynik. The fight was stopped due to the doctor's advice. The replay, however, showed the strike did not deliver significant damage (as it only grazed the ear), and the fight was", "id": "22144380" }, { "contents": "Madrigal comedy\n\n\ndirection in the score, however, is for the singers not to act, but for the audience to fill in the action internally, using their imagination. He speaks to the audience in the prologue to the work: \"the spectacle I speak of is to be seen in your mind; it enters not through your eyes, but through your ears: instead of looking, listen, and be silent.\" The form was popular especially in the 1590s and few years after 1600, only in Italy, but seems to", "id": "7273225" }, { "contents": "Lisa Dingle\n\n\nin love with her. As Joanie and Zak say their wedding vows, Lisa looks on and is distraught that Zak has chosen to marry another woman. At an angina check up, the receptionist calls for \"Mrs. Dingle\" and both Lisa and Joanie answer, when it is Joanie the doctor is looking for. Lisa then makes the decision to change back to her maiden name. The other Dingles are upset by this, believing that Lisa no longer considers them family, and a Dingle meeting is called in The Woolpack.", "id": "16189746" }, { "contents": "Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II\n\n\n, at which point Lane called for a time-out. As Holyfield turned to walk to his corner, Tyson shoved him from behind. Lane sent Tyson to a neutral corner as an enraged Holyfield gestured for Mills Lane to look at his bitten ear, which was rapidly bleeding. The fight was delayed for several minutes as Lane debated what to do. Lane's original decision was to immediately disqualify Tyson, but after the ringside doctor determined that Holyfield was able to continue despite the massive bite, Lane announced he would be", "id": "8915876" }, { "contents": "Fireball (software)\n\n\nbased on the Fireball infections that have been cleaned by Windows Defender and the Malicious Software Removal Tool. Based on the collected data the total infections are 40 million. Check Point researchers used the number of visits to malware-carrying search pages not the device itself. To check if you’re infected, first open your web browser. 1. Verify that the home-pages is what you set. 2. Can you modify the home-page? 3. Check your default search engine and verify that you can modify it", "id": "8661761" }, { "contents": "Greg Maddux\n\n\n? You know what makes you smart? Locate your fastball down and away. That's what makes you smart. You talk to Sandy Koufax, Bob Gibson, or Tom Seaver. They'll all tell you the same thing. It's not your arm that makes you a great pitcher. It's that thing between both of your ears we call a brain.\" To this day, Maddux maintains Koufax, Gibson, and Seaver are the three best pitchers of the \"live ball\" era of baseball. Informed by", "id": "13761813" }, { "contents": "Mercury 13\n\n\nMercury 13 were acquainted with each other for the first time. Since doctors didn't know what stresses astronauts would experience in space, tests ranged from the typical X-ray and general body physicals to the atypical, in which the women had to swallow a rubber tube so their stomach acids could be tested. Doctors tested the reflexes in the ulnar nerve of the woman's forearms using electric shock. To induce vertigo, ice water was shot into their ears, freezing the inner ear so doctors could time how quickly they recovered", "id": "11835823" }, { "contents": "Grayrigg derailment\n\n\nshould not replace visual inspections. Inspectors who walk the track are the eyes and ears of the railway. They don't just check the safety of the track, they look at the area surrounding it, check for signs of potential trouble such as gaps in the fence where vandals could get in. As part of the investigation by the British Transport Police, three Network Rail employees were arrested and bailed, one in July 2007 and two in November 2007. All three were due to answer bail in March 2008 but this was", "id": "3497484" }, { "contents": "Hanuman Chalisa\n\n\nthe word \"bikrama\" based on the root \"kram\" in Sanskrit and usage of the verb form \"vikramasva\" in Valmiki Ramayana – \"Your complexion is that of molten gold, and you are resplendent in your handsome form. You wear Kundalas (small earrings worn in old times by Hindus) in your ears and your hair is curly.\" Noting that in the Ramcharitmanas Tulsidas calls Hanuman as \"Subeṣa\" (one with a handsome form), Rambhadracharya comments that this verse describes the form of Hanuman when he", "id": "10508213" }, { "contents": "Bone conduction auditory brainstem response\n\n\nbelow 800 Hz. Putting the bone vibrator on the forehead instead of the mastoid does not significantly create this affect. This type of bone-conduction also involves low frequencies. As a bone vibrator vibrates the skull, the bone and cartilage of the external ear receives energy, most of which escapes the unoccluded ear. Some of this energy hits the tympanic membrane and combines with inertial bone-conduction, stimulating the inner ear. An example of this occurs when you close your ears and speak- your voice appears to be much lower", "id": "875319" }, { "contents": "Bereshit (parashah)\n\n\nwho look upon themselves as the cause of what they have received, telling them: \"Say not my own might, or the strength of my right hand has acquired me all this power, but remember always the Lord your God, who gives you the might to acquire power.\" And Philo read to address those who think that they deserve what they have received when it says, \"You do not enter into this land to possess it because of your righteousness, or because of the holiness of your heart; but", "id": "5018614" }, { "contents": "Hemotympanum\n\n\ncalled blood thinners, are medications that keep blood from clotting as easily. They are often used to treat blood clots. You might also take them if you have a condition that increases your risk of having a blood clot.In rare cases, anticoagulants can cause hemotympanum without any underlying cause or injury. If you do injure your head while taking them, you’re also more likely to have hemotympanum.If this happens, your doctor might suggest you stop taking anticoagulant medication for a brief period of time while your ear heals", "id": "15554020" }, { "contents": "Hadrien Feraud\n\n\nI fell in love. What I love in Jaco’s music are the feelings and images it creates in your mind\" Hadrien Feraud \"...for me, he’s the new Jaco [Pastorius]\" - John McLaughlin \"Usually I do what everybody does; each time I hear something that is attractive to my ears, I pick it up when I can.\" - Hadrien Feraud In September 2009, Hadrien and Ken Smith announced the creation of the \"Hadrien Feraud Signature Burner\", to be made in Japan by", "id": "17663517" }, { "contents": "Suffering from Success\n\n\nnotice a big bald spot on my beard that kept getting bigger and bigger. I’m acting like I don’t want to see it, I’m brushing it away and it kept getting it bigger and bigger. So When I finally got home off the road, I was like you know what, ‘I’m gonna go to the doctors.’ I don’t like going to the doctors, so I go, and she’s like it’s a disorder that comes from your nerves and your stress, but", "id": "2009822" }, { "contents": "A Hundred Yards Over the Rim\n\n\nWhen Horn says he was looking for water, Joe mentions the location of a nearby water source, which also attracts game for food. Horn is then shocked to see the year \"1961\" on a wall calendar, and the couple is convinced the desert heat has made him mentally unstable. Joe calls a local doctor to come check on Horn. The doctor finds Horn to be fit and seemingly rational, with only the implausibility of the man's biography giving him reason to think otherwise. He calls the sheriff as the", "id": "19444122" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nand a minimally effective test, researchers concluded additional research on this topic is necessary. Recognizing that patients receive the best care when they work in partnership with doctors, the UK General Medical Council issued guidance for patients \"What to expect from your doctor\" in April 2013. The following aspects of the doctor–patient relationship are the subject of commentary and discussion. The default medical practice for showing respect to patients and their families is for the doctor to be truthful in informing the patient of their health and to be direct in", "id": "7007418" }, { "contents": "Reality Check (Juvenile album)\n\n\nincluding lyrics such as \"the mayor ain't your friend, he's the enemy-just to get your vote, a saint is what he pretend to be\" and \"fuck foxnews I don't listen to y'all ass, couldn't get a nigga off the roof when the storm passed.\" The album's third single \"Way I Be Leanin'\" featuring Mike Jones, Paul Wall; along with his label-mates Wacko and Skip was released. The music video for \"Way I Be Leanin'", "id": "17837571" }, { "contents": "Brilliant Light Power\n\n\nGrand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics\", that takes the reader all the way from hydrinos to antigravity. Fortunately, Aaron Barth [...] has taken upon himself to look through it, checking for accuracy. Barth is a post doctoral researcher at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and holds a PhD in Astronomy, 1998, from UC Berkeley. What he found initially were mathematical blunders and unjustified assumptions. To his surprise, however, portions of the book seemed well organized. These, it now turns out", "id": "7717630" }, { "contents": "Sonnet 77\n\n\nyou look in your mirror, you will see how you are aging. Your timepiece will show you how your minutes are being wasted. This book will allow you to record the impressions of your mind, and these impressions will themselves teach you. The lines in your face that your mirror shows you will remind you of the open mouths of fresh graves. The hands of the dial will truly teach you how time thievishly keeps leading towards eternity. What your memory cannot keep, you should write down, and when you", "id": "8543511" }, { "contents": "The Doctor (Doctor Who)\n\n\nchanging appearance was a source of early speculation that the Second and Third Doctor were actually the same incarnation since the second was never seen to truly \"die\" onscreen. Continuity has since established that one of his allotted regenerations was indeed used up for this transition. The 2005 series began with the Ninth Doctor already regenerated and fully stabilised, with no explanation given. In his first appearance in \"Rose\" (2005), the Doctor looked in a mirror and commented on the size of his ears, suggesting that the regeneration", "id": "7325022" }, { "contents": "Ear\n\n\nbiophysicist born in Budapest, Hungary. In 1961, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on the function of the cochlea in the mammalian hearing organ. The Vacanti mouse was a laboratory mouse that had what looked like a human ear grown on its back. The \"ear\" was actually an ear-shaped cartilage structure grown by seeding cow cartilage cells into a biodegradable ear-shaped mold and then implanted under the skin of the mouse; then the cartilage naturally grew by itself. It was", "id": "2837933" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the 2018 Nicaraguan protests\n\n\nsubspecialists of the public hospitals of the country. Alfredo Mairena, brother of Medardo Mairena, said on Saturday that the leader of the Peasant Movement had been tortured and that they had not allowed a doctor to examine him, to check his health. \"I saw my brother nine days ago. They have tortured him to blows. We do not know the state of health, the doctor we are looking for to review it has not been authorized to check it. He told me that there are death threats for me and", "id": "22067621" }, { "contents": "Alexander (comes)\n\n\norder that we may check your inroads. When lately we made a protest regarding these matters and demanded that one of two things should be done by you, either that the army sent to the Caspian Gates should be sent by both of us, or that the city of Daras should be dismantled, you refused to understand what was said, but saw fit to strengthen your plot against the Persians by a greater injury, if we remember correctly the building of the fort in Mindouos. And even now the Romans may choose peace", "id": "6041293" }, { "contents": "Gerard Malanga\n\n\npursuits and life’s adventures. I was thrilled with the feedback I that have since received on your poetry. In regards to the Albright-Knox event, it was a real art experience – people didn’t know what to fully expect – and when the event was over, the crowd stood and gave you a prolonged standing ovation. With the crowd giving their approval, I will never forget looking at you – and you briefly looking at me with a twinkle in your eye. It’s a feeling that I’ll never", "id": "19785655" } ]
When the society goes fully automatized, what will be the "normal" people needed for?
[{"answer": "Call centers... I am being totally serious. If your Sony TV is being completely fabricated by machines, shipped by machines, sold on amazon and delivered by machines, one of the few value adds companies will be able to deliver is GOOD customer service. So calling that 1-800 number and being instantly connected to a knowledgeable, friendly, human being who is going to patiently help you fix whatever issue you have (FYI... you forgot to plug it in)."}, {"answer": "We'll simply invent new jobs. 100 years ago people wouldn't have imagined a job called \"A/C technician\", and I'm guessing 100 years from now, there will be jobs that we can't imagine today."}, {"answer": "Machines are not able to innovate or follow creative problem solving practices yet. I doubt they will be able to do so any time soon. This means the majority of jobs are secure"}, {"answer": "We will need certain people to build the AI, but other than that, I'd imagine a hardcore socialist or even communist system would be viable since there would be no need for human labor, unless some idiot decides that AI have rights, then we'll be back to where we were."}, {"answer": "Post scarcity economics will have a basic income or welfare equivalent that covers all basic needs. With little need for labor, people will be free to pursue the things they enjoy and leisure and creativity will become the demand driver. I'd imagine sex, art, philosophy, gaming, sports, and science will be the big winners, but maybe I'm too optimistic. Probably just sex."}, {"answer": "No one has brought up the bigger issue with this IMHO. Boredom. So once automation starts happening humans will do what they always do when bored and with out a job. Either explore or war."}, {"answer": "There's a really great youtube video about this: [Humans Need Not Apply]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "If all else fails, we can always start killing each other. Seriously. What you're asking is a real problem and it has not been solved yet. But we are going to have to solve it eventually. What do you think will happen if unemployment numbers reach 50% How about 90%? Eventually, people are going to rebel, and at that point people are going to die."}, {"answer": "Nobody knows. Here are some possible scenarios: * Most people move into non-automated jobs, like art and services. This is viable because, now that manufacturing is insanely cheap, more people buy those things using the money they're not spending on manufacturing. Also consider things like schools - try to imagine automated schools, and you just can't, without it ending up like the Matrix. (Maybe people won't need to learn anything when they've got robots catering to their every whim, but I also can't imagine how society would evolve to there from here) * As above, but eventually art and services get automated, and then one of the below scenarios happens. * Nothing. People starve and die. The income that would have gone to them now goes to giant corporations who get even richer. * More competition. All those displaced librarians go and research search engines, and all of them build Google competitors. As a result, worldwide search engine profit is split over several million people (instead of all going to Google). Google dies (or massively shrinks) because it can't sustain itself with its new share of the profit. Same for other big corporations, Google is just an example. * Progress is artificially impeded to prevent any of the above scenarios from happening (e.g. self-driving cars might be made illegal). * Basic income - you've probably heard about this zillions of times on Reddit already. The income would have to mostly come from rich people, who would be taxed very heavily. Again, those are just some possibilities off the top of my head. Nobody knows for sure."}, {"answer": "You are all so optimistic. Post-scarcity? Resources will run out eventually and yes there are solutions - but do any of you really believe the world elites are going to just subsidize everyone? If we don't produce anything of value then what value do we have? None. The average person is not artistically inclined nor are they philosophically inclined. What are they going to produce that is going to justify their existence? Call me a pessimist but I think there's going to be a rather suspicious mass die-off. The Earth's resources can't keep being stretched infinitely, after all."}, {"answer": "These robots that will replace factory jobs and automate everything will still need engineers, computer programmers, a marketing team, and a whole set of other positions, in order to be made. So where jobs are \"lost\" due to automation, other jobs are created in its place."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1791712", "title": "Normality (behavior)", "section": "Section::::Neuronal and synaptic.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 29, "end_paragraph_id": 29, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["from the previous day, but also allows more cortical space and energy distribution to continue effective learning subsequently after a slow-wave oscillation episode of sleep. Also, organisms tend to have a normal biological developmental pathway as a central nervous system ages and/or learns. Deviations for a species' normal development frequently will result in behaviour dysfunction, or death, of that organism. When people do not conform to the normal standard, they are often labelled as sick, disabled, abnormal, or unusual, which can lead to marginalization or", "from the previous day, but also allows more cortical space and energy distribution to continue effective learning subsequently after a slow-wave oscillation episode of sleep. Also, organisms tend to have a normal biological developmental pathway as a central nervous system ages and/or learns. Deviations for a species' normal development frequently will result in behaviour dysfunction, or death, of that organism. When people do not conform to the normal standard, they are often labelled as sick, disabled, abnormal, or unusual, which can lead to marginalization or"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Islamic socialism\n\n\nA paragraph in the book about abolishing money is similar to a paragraph in Frederick Engels' \"Principles of Communism\", Gaddafi wrote: \"The final step is when the new socialist society reaches the stage where profit and money disappear. \"It is through transforming society into a fully productive society, and through reaching in production a level where the material needs of the members of society are satisfied. On that final stage, profit will automatically disappear and there will be no need for money\". According to Raymond D. Gastil", "id": "22135293" }, { "contents": "The Art of Happiness\n\n\nspirituality\" they automatically think it goes with religion. He says that despite the Dalai Lama having a shaved head and wearing robes, they had normal conversations like two normal people. The Dalai Lama says that having a process of mental development is key. We need to appreciate our potential as human beings and recognize the importance of our inner transformation. He talks about how there are two different levels of spirituality (295). One level is to do with religious beliefs; he says that he thinks each individual should take their", "id": "6990680" }, { "contents": "Online newspaper\n\n\na huge part of society which leads people to argue whether or not it is good for society. Austra Taylor author of the popular book \"The Peoples Platform\" argues that online news does not provide the detail needed to fully understand what actually happened. It is more just a fast summary to inform people what happened, but does not give a solution or fixation to the problem. Very few newspapers in 2006 claimed to have made money from their websites, which were mostly free to all viewers. Declining profit margins and declining", "id": "10156521" }, { "contents": "Progress\n\n\nVico argued, \"because\" people made their own society, they could also fully comprehend it. This gave rise to new sciences, or proto-sciences, which claimed to provide new scientific knowledge about what society was like, and how one may change it for the better. In turn, this gave rise to progressive opinion, in contrast with conservational opinion. The social conservationists were skeptical about panaceas for social ills. According to conservatives, attempts to radically remake society normally make things worse. Edmund Burke was the leading", "id": "9217202" }, { "contents": "John Wesley College\n\n\nMethodist Missionary Society who encouraged the formation of an indigenous clergy in South Africa. The goal was to provide education for the local people. There was also a request from local chiefs for the Methodist Church to provide land where they could safely settle. When Kilnerton Institution was established these people settled at what became Kilnerton Village. Kilnerton served the community with a primary school, a high school, a training college or normal school as well as with a clinic and special domestic science course. Their spiritual needs were served by the services", "id": "10337433" }, { "contents": "Reality therapy\n\n\nfreedom. And it is through an individual's choices that he or she makes change happen for the better or worse. In our current society, the survival need is normally being met—it is then in how people meet the remaining four psychological needs that they typically run into trouble. Reality therapy holds that the key to behavior is to remain aware of what an individual presently wants and make choices that will ensure that goal. Reality therapy maintains that what really drives human beings is their need to belong and to be loved", "id": "9340824" }, { "contents": "The Green Book (Muammar Gaddafi)\n\n\ntransforming society into a fully productive society, and through reaching in production a level where the material needs of the members of society are satisfied. On that final stage, profit will automatically disappear and there will be no need for money.\" The following table gives a chapter-by-chapter summary of the book. George Tremlett has called the resulting media dull and lacking in a clash of ideas. Dartmouth College Professor Dirk Vandewalle describes the book as more a collection of aphorisms rather than a systematic argument. U.S. Ambassador David", "id": "20376325" }, { "contents": "Automated guided vehicle\n\n\nis being utilized the AGV will receive a charge whenever the opportunity arises. When a battery pack gets to a predetermined level the AGV will finish the current job that it has been assigned before it goes to the charging station. Automatic battery swap is an alternative to manual battery swap. It might require an additional piece of automation machinery, an automatic battery changer, to the overall AGV system. AGVs will pull up to the battery swap station and have their batteries automatically replaced with fully charged batteries. The automatic battery changer then", "id": "18218538" }, { "contents": "Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis\n\n\ndistribution of failure modes) for all components being analyzed. The second piece of information added to an FMEDA is the probability of the system or subsystem to detect internal failures via automatic on-line diagnostics. This is crucial to achieving and maintaining reliability in increasingly complex systems and for systems that may not be fully exercising all functionality under normal circumstances such as a low demand Emergency Shutdown System, ESD System. There is a clear need for a measurement of automatic diagnostic capability. This was recognized in the late 1980s In that context", "id": "4343888" }, { "contents": "Marc Salem\n\n\n-tools needed in learning how to read people and detect deception. Observing means to closely watch for the visual ingredients of deception and learn how to recognize facial expression, body language and gestures. The second step is listening effectively for what normally goes unheard. It means a system for picking up vocal tones, sudden changes, unconscious sounds, word choices and silences should be developed. Lastly, the information has to be interpreted, meaning comparing current behavior to what has been seen and heard before. Finding inconsistency in an action", "id": "20181653" }, { "contents": "Toyota Automatic Transmission Fluid\n\n\nDriving Under \"Normal\" driving conditions, the automatic transmission fluid never needs to be changed. Special Operating Conditions Under \"Special Operating Conditions\", replace automatic transmission fluid and filter every 60,000 mi (96,560 km) or 72 Months. According to the Scheduled Maintenance Guide of a 2018 Toyota Tacoma with WS \"Lifetime Fluid\" and an 8-speed automatic transmission, the automatic transmission fluid never needs to be changed under \"Normal\" driving conditions; however, there are Additional Maintenance Items for Special Operating Conditions: Normal Driving Under \"", "id": "1069576" }, { "contents": "Beatmania IIDX 22: Pendual\n\n\nMORE EXTRA stage will depend on how high the player had scaled the tower, and the player needs to play the song once for the chart to be unlocked for normal play. Unlocking this song fully also completes the event, which automatically unlocks several accessories and all the past three versions design frames for use (all of which are redesigned). Note that the Chrono Chaser (the default ONE MORE EXTRA Stage songs) event is temporary disabled until the final boss song is fully unlocked. A ranking event, \"Affection Ranking", "id": "20792533" }, { "contents": "Metamotivation\n\n\nand explore their ultimate potential to create a fulfilled life. Not all people that satisfy their basic needs automatically become driven by B-needs. In his landmark book, \"Farther Reaches of Human Nature\", Maslow stated that people who are self-actualizing and driven by metamotivation \"are dedicated people, devoted to some task 'outside themselves,' some vocation, or duty, or beloved job\". Maslow goes on to say that such a calling could be construed as a destiny or fate and that such people are", "id": "5277276" }, { "contents": "History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (1954–present)\n\n\nmotivated in part by Qutb's personal experience of the brutality of what had become a totalitarian state. In order to play its proper role, Islam needed to find tangible expression in an \"Ummah\", a society of people whose lives were fully in accord with Islamic ethics. A vanguard of believers was needed to begin creating the \"Ummah\", which would then grow until it encompassed the entire world. Qutb meant for his book to provide \"milestones\" tracing the path that this vanguard should follow. Faced with a", "id": "18300317" }, { "contents": "Insert (SQL)\n\n\ncan use insteads of . The keyword can also be used in normal insertion to explicitly fill a column using that column's default value: What happens when a column does not specify a default value is database dependent. For example, MySQL and SQLite will fills in with blank value (except when in strict mode), while many other databases will reject the statement. Database designers that use a surrogate key as the primary key for every table will run into the occasional scenario where they need to automatically retrieve the database generated primary", "id": "21193704" }, { "contents": "Hunger marketing\n\n\ndo when they are not lacking what they need while making decisions. They are fully informed and can research their choices. Usually, people try to get and buy the best items with good prices, and for this, they think, judge, and calculate the benefits, price, and many things that are important for the deals. At this point, if people do rational decision making, people can have the best deals with good price. In contrast to rational decision making, emotional decision making is what people do without", "id": "3855941" }, { "contents": "The Titan (film)\n\n\nher and Rick that he does not actually know what the surviving subjects will eventually become. Rick willingly undergoes a major surgery to adapt to his new senses and become fully ready for Titan. He and Tally, the only other surviving test subject, complete their training and finishing their transformations into \"Homo titaniens\". Abigail is horrified when the significantly-transformed Rick loses the ability to talk, now communicating in a low frequency that is undetectable by normal human ears. Tally kills her husband and goes to Rick at his home", "id": "1502627" }, { "contents": "Semi-automatic transmission\n\n\nclutch transmissions also provide the option of operating in the same manner as a conventional automatic transmission, by allowing the transmission's computer to select gear changes. A few also allow an alternate automatic mode, often called \"sport\" mode, where gear selection is still fully automatic but the transmission will favor higher engine speeds (at which the engine will produce the highest horsepower and/or torque) by up shifting later when accelerating and downshifting earlier when slowing. A clutch-less manual facilitates gear changes by dispensing with the need to press", "id": "15617301" }, { "contents": "The Matter of Seggri\n\n\nthe blatant interchange of gender roles in Seggri serves to clearly show the reader how absurd modern gender roles are. The reason that it is unnoticed in present society is because it is a cultural norm for men to be in power in our patriarchal society. When presented with the reverse of what is currently accepted in present society, it should become more evident that work needs to be done to eradicate culturally normalized sexism. The story is told from five different points of view, each contributing to this central commentary on gender roles in", "id": "4942868" }, { "contents": "Turret lathe\n\n\nthe end of the return stroke, are called \"semi-automatic turret lathes\". This nomenclature distinction is blurry and not consistently observed. The term \"turret lathe\" encompasses them all. During the 1860s, when semi-automatic turret lathes were developed, they were sometimes called \"automatic\". What we today would call \"automatics\", that is, fully automatic machines, had not been developed yet. During that era both manual and semi-automatic turret lathes were sometimes called \"screw machines\", although", "id": "8852311" }, { "contents": "Paintball marker\n\n\nin close range situations. \"Ramping\" is a feature in some electronic markers that automatically changes the mode of fire from semi-automatic to fully automatic under certain conditions; normally upon a certain number of rapid shots being fired or a minimum rate of fire achieved and sustained. Ramping can be difficult to detect because ramping modes may be inconsistently used. Ramping modes can further be hidden in the software, ensuring that a marker will fire in a legal, semi-auto mode when being tested, but an illegal ramping mode", "id": "16950343" }, { "contents": "Citroën C3\n\n\n, a five speed semi-automatic transmission with paddle shifters and manual and automatic modes. The top level was the only version that had the option of a four speed fully automatic transmission. In accordance with the PSA Group policy, the C3's chassis was used for the Peugeot 1007 and the Peugeot 207. Many components of the C3 are the same as those of the Peugeot 206. Some versions of the C3 feature a start-stop system that can automatically cut the engine when not needed to save fuel, such as", "id": "691139" }, { "contents": "Hear Ye Him\n\n\n, and not only that, when that record goes off it’s gonna leave you with a lot to think about. What I’ve come to find is that when a lot of people hear my story and hear this new direction, it really breaks the ice. And a lot of people can identify. And then sometimes we just need that person to be the first to break the ice. And then you’ll see that a lot of people actually have experienced a lot of the same things and feel the same", "id": "14536556" }, { "contents": "Gordon Brown\n\n\nnature and awkward public manner. For instance both on a podium and before a camera, while reading \"he needs to look slightly to one side of the paper in order to focus; when speaking to an audience or into a camera lens, he must remember to correct what would normally be an automatic tendency to look slightly askew in order to see clearly with his good eye\". Brown's papers were prepared in capital letters and in extremely large type, resulting in his stack of papers at the dispatch box being noticeably", "id": "12826613" }, { "contents": "CCU delivery\n\n\ndetermine the customer needs. By checking what the customer current configuration is and what the customer desires. This process can also take place automatically by checking the customer configuration in the configuration management system. More information on this system is provided in the next chapter. When it is clear what product the customer needs and the possible modifications to this product it is necessary to determine if the customer current configuration suits the new product. The current configuration is compared to the constraints of the new product. This can also be done automatically by", "id": "3969339" }, { "contents": "Social capital\n\n\nthis way feel that these are norms of society and are able to live their lives free of worry for their credit, children, and receive charity if needed. Coleman goes on to say that when people live in this way and benefit from this type of social capital, individuals in the society are able to rest assured that their belongings and family will be safe. This understanding of solidarity may be traced to 19th century socialist thinkers. The main focus of these thinkers was the urban working class of the Industrial Revolution. They", "id": "1833515" }, { "contents": "Anarchism and capitalism\n\n\noccupations are viewed as equally beneficial to society. Since the concept of value is different for everyone and cannot be determined, it is argued that it should not be set and one's contribution to society through their occupation entitled them to be a part of it. Within this system, there is a free distribution of goods without the need for money. Money in its current form is a hierarchical system, the exception being when all people are paid equal salaries. The argument goes further to question the purpose of money if", "id": "4616263" }, { "contents": "Transmission (mechanics)\n\n\ncomputer. These are intended as a combined replacement option both for more expensive and less efficient \"normal\" automatic systems, and for drivers who prefer manual shift but are no longer able to operate a clutch, and users are encouraged to leave the shift lever in fully automatic \"drive\" most of the time, only engaging manual-sequential mode for sporty driving or when otherwise strictly necessary. Specific types of this transmission include: Easytronic, Tiptronic and Geartronic, as well as the systems used as standard in all ICE-", "id": "20671229" }, { "contents": "Wonder Woman\n\n\npower of Wonder Woman, and one of the things that gives Jenkins's adaptation of the character such a lift, is in the answer to that question. Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) doesn't have any idea what women and men are — or aren't — supposed to do. Even when she does encounter other people's ideas about gender roles, she doesn't automatically accept them, and she never lets anyone stop her. And the movie goes a step further and argues that it's not merely little girls all", "id": "19747040" }, { "contents": "C++\n\n\nMember variables are destroyed when the parent object is destroyed in the reverse order of creation. i.e. If the parent is an \"automatic object\" then it will be destroyed when it goes out of scope which triggers the destruction of all its members. Temporary variables are created as the result of expression evaluation and are destroyed when the statement containing the expression has been fully evaluated (usually at the codice_5 at the end of a statement). These objects have a dynamic lifespan and are created with a call to and destroyed explicitly with", "id": "21220961" }, { "contents": "Waterloo & City line\n\n\nthe line closed over the intervening weekend. The third rail installation had been progressive since January, with the rail put in place but not made live. New automatic signalling with trainstops was also commissioned, although Waterloo signal box was retained. The City signal box was abolished, and fully automatic working implemented there; the lay-by sidings there were abolished. The new stock did not require travelling conductors, and tickets were issued at the terminals. When the line reopened as normal on 28 October, the City station was renamed", "id": "18278704" }, { "contents": "Computer-aided simple triage\n\n\nand simple triage and rapid treatment (START). CAST performs a fully automatic initial interpretation of a study – a \"wet read\". Studies are automatically classified into some meaningful categories, e.g. positive/negative, critical/minor/normal, difficult/simple/non-diagnostic, etc. CAST is primarily intended for emergency diagnostic imaging. Unlike traditional CAD, mainly used to detect malignant lesions, CAST deals with acute, life-threatening conditions, when a prompt diagnosis is time critical. While the primary goal of", "id": "5092435" }, { "contents": "Landmaster\n\n\nstory, the Landmaster was designed to use as many standard truck parts as possible, so that any junkyard would have whatever was needed for repairs. The real Landmaster is powered by a Ford industrial engine, and uses the rear-ends of two commercial trucks and an Allison automatic truck transmission. It features a fully functional, custom-built \"tri-star\" wheel arrangement, which could actually help it crawl over boulders. All 12 wheels are driven, but only 8 are normally in contact with the road surface at", "id": "4471575" }, { "contents": "Hotline\n\n\nA hotline is a point-to-point communications link in which a call is automatically directed to the preselected destination without any additional action by the user when the end instrument goes off-hook. An example would be a phone that automatically connects to emergency services on picking up the receiver. Therefore, dedicated hotline phones do not need a rotary dial or keypad. A hotline can also be called an automatic signaling, ringdown, or off-hook service. True hotlines cannot be used to originate calls other than to", "id": "19170037" }, { "contents": "Me and the Sky (Come from Away)\n\n\nwanted to portray Bass properly. She started by imagining the emotion Bass felt when one of her friends and co-workers perished in the September 11 attacks, yet she needed to maintain the calm demeanor Bass gave off when leading her own flight crew and passengers. The actor has even been credited with mimicking Bass' normal hand gestures to fully portray Bass. Bass felt that the way Colella portrayed her was very accurate. Bass said that \"what I love about watching Jenn play my role is that she acts exactly the way", "id": "2787236" }, { "contents": "M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle\n\n\nmagazines sticking in the magwell, especially when painted and or damaged. While a rifleman normally carries seven 30-round magazines, an IAR gunner has to carry up to sixteen, and may carry as many as twenty one, due to its role and fully automatic rate of fire. The magazine well has a flared opening that aids in magazine insertion, but a PMAG 30 GEN M2 magazine cannot be inserted due to the frontal plastic bevel on the PMAG. Because the M27 cannot be fed from the widely used M2 PMAG magazines", "id": "22196049" }, { "contents": "Aggañña Sutta\n\n\nwhen it was repeated several times, the people began punishing him with fist, stones, and then sticks. That is the origin of punishment forms. Then, people began to think that they were too busy to heed every crime and abuse that happened in their society. They grieved on the rising of evil amongst their people. But most of their time had already been invested in tending their fief. So, they appointed someone to rectify what is right and what is wrong, give warnings to those who need it,", "id": "4040066" }, { "contents": "Baduy people\n\n\nof the Kanekes people are rice farming. Apart from that they also earn extra income from selling the fruits they gather from the jungle such as durian and tamarind-plum, as well as wild honey. The Kanekes community, whom until now has strictly adhered their customs, is not an alienated, secluded, or isolated society from the development of the outside world. They are also fully aware of the establishment of the Sultanate of Banten which automatically annexed the Kanekes people into the kingdom's territory of power. As a sign", "id": "7005184" }, { "contents": "Thrift Shop\n\n\nsuccessful, Macklemore replied, \"I think hip-hop goes in waves, and it's something that's different. It's a concept. It's obviously against the status quo of what people normally rap about. This is a song that goes against all of that. How much can you save? How fresh can you look by not looking like anybody else? And on top of that, you have an infectious beat and a hook that gets stuck in people's heads.\" \"Thrift Shop\" is written", "id": "10529880" }, { "contents": "Colt Automatic Rifle\n\n\nrifleman was supposed to use this weapon's fully automatic setting while the rest of the squad used semi-automatic. Throughout the period between the introduction of the M16 and the introduction of the M249 as a purpose-built squad automatic weapon at the end of the SAW trials, interim weapons were developed and tested in order to fill the gap. Colt made a version of the M16 with a heavier barrel for sustained automatic fire. Along with a bipod, it weighed a pound more than a normal M16. The Army purchased", "id": "16690275" }, { "contents": "Normality (behavior)\n\n\nconsidered pathological on an individual level. On the individual level, people who violate social norms, such as criminals, will invite a punishment from others in the society. Individual’s behaviours are guided by what they perceive to be society's expectations and their peers' norms. People measure the appropriateness of their actions by how far away they are from those social norms. However, what is perceived as the norm may or may not actually be the most common behaviour. In some cases of pluralistic ignorance, most people wrongly believe", "id": "21421611" }, { "contents": "Hayes command set\n\n\nwas required, it was commonly only needed on the answer side — for instance, a bank might need to take calls from a number of branch offices for end-of-day processing. To fill this role, some modems included the ability to pick up the phone automatically when it was in answer mode, and clearing the line when the other user manually disconnected. The need for automated outbound dialling was considerably less common, and handled through a separate peripheral device, a \"dialler\". This was normally plugged into", "id": "7277376" }, { "contents": "Automated guided vehicle\n\n\nplaces the removed batteries into a charging slot for automatic recharging. The automatic battery changer keeps track of the batteries in the system and pulls them only when they are fully charged. Other versions of automatic battery swap allow AGVs to change each other's batteries. While a battery swap system reduces the manpower required to swap batteries, recent developments in battery charging technology allow batteries to be charged more quickly and efficiently potentially eliminating the need to swap batteries. A very efficient and maintenance-free way to charge the AGV batteries is wireless", "id": "18218539" }, { "contents": "Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes\n\n\n. Propaganda is an expression of modern society as a whole. The State has the need to make propaganda to integrate citizens into its society, to disseminate information, and to increase participation and involvement of members of society. Sometimes the people want to take part in government affairs. However, the official leaders cannot disconnect themselves from what the people want. Being that the people in charge can't escape the people, bait must be presented to them. This acts as a disguise that must be there to hide what is", "id": "8755620" }, { "contents": "Joanna Kavenna\n\n\nfictionalised version of the Duddon Valley, Cumbria. Kavenna has explained that: \"It's about what happens when you push people too far, when you keep whacking them with one injustice after another - when society gets too plainly iniquitous, and how finally they crack.\" The novel tells of the surreal events that transpire when the narrator, at a loss in life, answers an advert to be a lodger and farm worker on a remote farm in the Lake District. She goes to the Lakes expecting some usual variation on", "id": "8717733" }, { "contents": "Self-actualization\n\n\nFor example, he notes that for some individuals, the need for self-esteem is more important than the need for love. For others, the need for creative fulfillment may supersede even the most basic needs. Instead of focusing on what goes wrong with people, Maslow wanted to focus on human potential, and how we fulfill that potential. Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth. Self-actualized people as those who were fulfilled and doing all", "id": "20772656" }, { "contents": "Manumatic\n\n\nby shifting automatically at the low end and/or high end of the engine's normal operating range. Hydraulically-coupled Manumatics and most semi-automatic transmissions also provide the option of operating in the same manner as a conventional automatic transmission, by allowing the transmission's computer to select gear changes. A few manumatics also allow an alternative automatic mode, often called \"sport\" mode, where gear selection is still fully automatic but the transmission will favor higher engine speeds (at which the engine will produce the highest horsepower and/or torque)", "id": "3042318" }, { "contents": "Normality (behavior)\n\n\nof many different occurrences of behaviour from one person over time. Also like interpersonal normality, intrapersonal normality may change over time, due to changes in the individual as they age and due to changes in society (since society's view of normality influences individual peoples' behaviour). It is most comfortable for people to engage in behaviour which conforms to their own personal habitual norms. When things go wrong, people are more likely to attribute the negative outcome on any abnormal behaviour leading up to the mishap. After a car crash", "id": "21421623" }, { "contents": "What Is to Be Done?\n\n\nwill not spontaneously become Marxists just by fighting battles over wages with their employers; instead, Marxists need to form a political party to publicise Marxist ideas and persuade workers to become Marxists. He goes on to argue that to understand politics you must understand all of society, not just workers and their economic struggles with their employers. To become political and to become Marxists, workers need to learn about all of society, not just their own corner of it, arguing: Class political consciousness can be brought to the workers \"only", "id": "21188468" }, { "contents": "Nicomachean Ethics\n\n\n\"natural desires\" says Aristotle, few people go wrong, and then normally in one direction, towards too much. What is just to fulfill one's need, whereas people err by either desiring beyond this need, or else desiring what they ought not desire. But regarding pains, temperance is different from courage. A temperate person does not need to endure pains, but rather the intemperate person feels pain even with his pleasures, but also by his excess longing. The opposite is rare, and therefore there is no", "id": "17023310" }, { "contents": "The Radical Therapist\n\n\nneed we feel exists: to unite all people concerned with the radical analysis of therapy in this society. It is time we grouped together and made common cause. We need to exchange experience and ideas, and join others working toward change. The other “professional” journals are essentially establishment organs which back the status quo on most controversial issues… We need a new forum for our views. In the midst of a society tormented by war, racism, and social turmoil, therapy goes on with business as usual. In", "id": "391930" }, { "contents": "Male gaze\n\n\nupon the inequality of socio-political power between men and women. As an ideological basis of patriarchy, socio-political inequality is realised as a value system, by which male-created institutions (e.g the movie business, advertising, fashion) unilaterally determine what is \"natural and normal\" in society. In time, the people of a society believe that the artificial values of patriarchy, as a social system, are the \"natural and normal\" order of things in society, because men look at women and women", "id": "9858999" }, { "contents": "Shabbat\n\n\na Shabbat scooter. It is intended only for individuals whose limited mobility is dependent on a scooter or automobile consistently throughout the week. Seemingly \"forbidden\" acts may be performed by modifying technology such that no law is actually violated. In Sabbath mode, a \"Sabbath elevator\" will stop automatically at every floor, allowing people to step on and off without anyone having to press any buttons, which would normally be needed to work. (Dynamic braking is also disabled if it is normally used, i.e., shunting energy collected", "id": "9258635" }, { "contents": "Machine gun\n\n\nA machine gun is a fully automatic mounted or portable firearm designed to fire rifle cartridges in rapid succession from an ammunition belt or magazine for the purpose of suppressive fire. Not all fully automatic firearms are machine guns. Submachine guns, rifles, assault rifles, battle rifles, shotguns, pistols or cannons may be capable of fully automatic fire, but are not designed for sustained fire. As a class of military rapid-fire guns, machine guns are fully automatic weapons designed to be used as support weapons and generally used when", "id": "19984261" }, { "contents": "Daybreaker (Architects album)\n\n\nsociety we really need to look to alternative solutions when problems like the riots occur because violence is never the solution\". Carter said \"Black Blood\", which was included on the re-release, is about the oil industry, society's strong dependence on oil and the way \"short term profit is the only thing these people think about, instead of the longevity of what we really could do and how we could stabilize what's really going on in the world right now\". \"Daybreaker\" debuted at number", "id": "5833791" }, { "contents": "What I Meant to Say\n\n\nand style.\" The music video was directed by Steven Goldmann and shot completely in sepia tone. The video begins with Wade sitting alone in a bar. As he gets up and goes outside everything and everybody starts going backwards as he walks back to his house. When he gets there, his lover is waiting there, crying after their fight. When he hugs her, time goes back to normal and they go inside. \"What I Meant to Say\" debuted at number sixty-nine on the U.S. \"Billboard", "id": "11820753" }, { "contents": "System Safety Monitor\n\n\ndialers, browser hijackers, and commercial surveillance software. However this relies entirely on the user responding correctly to prompts. Beginners might be confused by the prompts and respond incorrectly. In the worst-case scenario this can lead to malware infecting the system (when allowing a dangerous activity) or system error (when blocking an activity needed by the system). SSM also offers a learning mode, where rules are automatically made when needed creating a baseline of normal operations. But this assumes the system is clean, if this is", "id": "18462492" }, { "contents": "Aleshea Harris\n\n\nSend Up When it Goes Down\" at Occidental College in Los Angeles. \"What to Send Up When it Goes Down\" incorporates song, language (spoken word), and audience participation to honor black bodies and lives. \"I noted that people seemed to have a very narrow view of what kind of space my body could occupy on stage — and I found that really frustrating. I decided to write plays.\" Regarding \"What to Send Up When It Goes Down\": \"It's a piece that is", "id": "20596118" }, { "contents": "Sender Unknown\n\n\nup (and starting) peoples' cars. But the one act that transforms most of the people in the party from non-believers in fairy tales to believers is when Mark is hit by a falling tree, and Sam lifts the entire tree off of him. Although normally most people would consider this a trick of the eyes, those at the party have seen so much that they cannot possibly deny that something unnatural is going on, despite what society may tell them. Mark realizes that he has brought belief in", "id": "17448702" }, { "contents": "Lillian B. Rubin\n\n\nmiddle-aged people have less interest in sex, and that women experience an \"empty nest syndrome\" when their children leave home. Rubin addressed couples in \"Intimate Strangers: What Goes Wrong in Relationships Today - And Why\" (1983) which found that men often considered their wives their best friends and needed them for emotional support. Rubin felt that it was important to examine not just the emotions and problems of women, but also to get into what men are thinking. She said, \"I'm trying to", "id": "17338861" }, { "contents": "Life Goes On (TV series)\n\n\nletters each week from viewers who thought this was cruel, so in the final episode's opening credits, a bag of dog food spills out of a nearby cabinet. During the show's first year, the main focus was on Corky. Much of the show examined the challenges of a family whose son had Down Syndrome. The Thatchers sought to have Corky interact with regular society after spending years socializing him amongst other kids with Down syndrome in \"special\" classes. Indeed, this need to integrate Corky into normal society was", "id": "9993887" }, { "contents": "Artificial stupidity\n\n\n, T., an author of the journal \"On Artificial Stupidity,\" seems to view computers as naturally possessing intelligence. It is only due to bad programming that a computer appears unintelligent. Durham states the opposite in what people would normally believe as \"there is no such thing as AI, only artificial stupidity, which is what happens when computers are not given the knowledge they need.\" Artificial stupidity is not just delivering deliberate errors into the computer, but it could also be seen as a limitation of computer artificial intelligence", "id": "16390797" }, { "contents": "Pinocchio's Christmas\n\n\nseeing what has happened to his nose, Pinocchio tells the truth and it goes back to normal. Azora tells Pinocchio that the only gift he really needs to give Geppetto is love, for that is the greatest gift anyone can give. With that, Pinocchio leaves Julietta in Lady Azora's care, and Dr. Cricket goes to make sure Pinocchio stays out of trouble. Pinocchio starts making his way home, but he suddenly again runs into the Fox and Cat, who say that he should go to the North Pole and get", "id": "2168680" }, { "contents": "Better Angels (FlashForward)\n\n\na liar. Dylan writes out \"D. Gibbons is a bad man\" on the refrigerator, saying that bad people lie. Charlie hears some fireworks go off, she goes to the back door, and sees Vogel telling another man \"Mark Benford is dead\". Olivia reveals what she heard to Mark, and when Olivia decides to leave the house that night, Mark tells her he can't because there's gonna be another blackout and he needs to see it through, meaning he needs the flashforwards to come true", "id": "1784464" }, { "contents": "Semi-automatic firearm\n\n\nof the term \"automatic\" may vary according to context. Gun specialists point out that the word \"automatic\" is sometimes misunderstood to mean fully automatic fire when used to refer to a self-loading, semi-automatic firearm not capable of fully automatic fire. In this case, \"automatic\" refers to the loading mechanism, not the firing capability. To avoid confusion, it is common to refer to such firearms as an \"autoloader\" in reference to its loading mechanism. The term \"automatic pistol\" almost", "id": "8719671" }, { "contents": "Polong\n\n\nfurious when not fed and will start to harm society. Per some sources, such as Judy Sierra's \"Gruesome Guide to World Monsters\", the Polong and Pelesit work in cooperation, with the latter serving as the former's steed. Normally the owner will keep the Polong inside the bottle but unleashes it when needed. People who have been attacked by Polong are left with bruises, a few markings and almost always have blood coming out of their mouths. During possession, a Polong will not listen to anyone except its", "id": "13960140" }, { "contents": "Julian Stanczak\n\n\ninterview, Stanczak recalled his experiences with war and the loss of his right arm and how both influenced his art. Stanczak explained, \"The transition from using my left hand as my right, main hand, was very difficult. My youthful experiences with the atrocities of the Second World War are with me,- but I wanted to forget them and live a \"normal\" life and adapt into society more fully. In the search for Art, you have to separate what is emotional and what is logical. I did not want", "id": "19426176" }, { "contents": "Sofia Gruskin\n\n\n, Open Society Foundation, and local organizations and universities in Brazil, India, and Vietnam, amongst others. The field of health and human rights is now well recognized, and Sofia Gruskin has been a singular figure continuously at the cutting edge of conceptual and programming advances. Gruskin said, \"We have to recognize that law impacts health and we need to know when law is harming people's lives and when it needs to change.\" She is known for addressing important questions such as, \"What should be done to", "id": "17355320" }, { "contents": "Fashion\n\n\nstreet style photos of people, the consumer did not get dressed in the morning knowing that would have their photo taken necessarily. They just wear what they would normally wear. Through observation patterns can be seen, helping trend forecasters know what their target market needs and wants. Knowing the needs of the consumers will increase a fashion companies' sales and profits. Through research and studying the consumers' lives the needs of the customer can be obtained and help fashion brands know what trends the consumers are ready for. The media plays", "id": "11422318" }, { "contents": "Normality (behavior)\n\n\nlikely to change their behaviour to become closer to the norm, in this case by increasing alcohol consumption. Instead of using descriptive norms, more effective social norms marketing may use injunctive norms. Instead of describing what behaviour is most commonly done, an injunctive norm is what is approved or disapproved of by society. When individuals become aware of the injunctive norm, only the extremes will change their behaviour (by decreasing alcohol consumption) without the boomerang effect of under-indulgers increasing their drinking. The social norms that guide people are", "id": "21421613" }, { "contents": "Normalization (people with disabilities)\n\n\nnormalization is intended to refute this idea, rather than to deal with subtlety around the question of 'what is normal?' The principle of normalization is congruent in many of its features with \"community integration\" and as been described by educators as supporting early mainstreaming in community life. Arguments about choice and individuality, in connection with normalization, should also take into account whether society, perhaps through paid support staff, has encouraged them into certain behaviours. For example, in referring to normalization, a discussion about an adult's", "id": "4923683" }, { "contents": "IEEE 802.1aq\n\n\ngrow or shrink the trees in the participating node network as necessary to maintain the efficient multicast property for that service. IEEE 802.1aq has the property that only the point of attachment of a service needs configuration when a new attachment point comes or goes. The trees produced by the computations will automatically be extended or pruned as necessary to maintain connectivity. In some existing implementations this property is used to automatically (as opposed to through configuration) add or remove attachment points for dual-homed technologies such as rings to maintain optimum packet flow", "id": "3786996" }, { "contents": "Mentalism (discrimination)\n\n\ntrait or condition might be considered more a form of individual difference that society needs to include and adapt to, in which case a mentalist attitude might be associated with assumptions and prejudices about what constitutes normal society and who is deserving of adaptations, support, or consideration. Offensive and injurious practices may be integrated into clinical procedures, to the point where professionals no longer recognize them as such, in what has been described as a form of institutional discrimination. This may be apparent in physical separation, including separate facilities or accommodation,", "id": "11826209" }, { "contents": "Merge (version control)\n\n\nwhat the resulting files should contain. Many revision control software tools include merge capabilities. There are two types of merges: automatic and manual. Automatic merging is what version control software does when it reconciles changes that have happened simultaneously (in a logical sense). Also, other pieces of software deploy automatic merging if they allow for editing the same content simultaneously. For instance, Wikipedia allows two people to edit the same article at the same time; when the latter contributor saves, their changes are merged into the article instead", "id": "7360475" }, { "contents": "OK Computer\n\n\nthe same time we are all very critical about what the other person is doing.\" Godrich's role as co-producer was part collaborator, part managerial outsider. He said that Radiohead \"need to have another person outside their unit, especially when they're all playing together, to say when the take goes well ... I take up slack when people aren't taking responsibility—the term producing a record means taking responsibility for the record ... It's my job to ensure that they get the ideas across.\" Godrich", "id": "4877590" }, { "contents": "Wildling (film)\n\n\n's something that Wildling really did from the first draft I read.\" With \"Inverse\", Powley described the film as a \"story about becoming a woman in our society and the obstacles you're faced with.\" In an interview with \"Vulture\" she explained, \"What Anna goes through in the movie is symbolic of what every girl goes through when they become a woman.\" Brad Dourif said in an interview with \"Rue Morgue\", \"When I was first offered the part [of Daddy]", "id": "5918863" }, { "contents": "Rudder ratio\n\n\nRudder ratio refers to a value that is monitored by the computerized flight control systems in modern aircraft. The ratio relates the aircraft airspeed to the rudder deflection setting that is in effect at the time. As an aircraft accelerates, the deflection of the rudder needs to be reduced proportionately within the range of the rudder pedal depression by the pilot. This automatic reduction process is needed because if the rudder is fully deflected when the aircraft is in high-speed flight, it will cause the plane to sharply and violently yaw, or", "id": "18789359" }, { "contents": "Ruger P series\n\n\nfrom the hammer, the trigger is disconnected from the sear, and the hammer is decocked. The decocker models have no manual safety; instead, when the lever is lowered, it only cams the firing pin into the slide and drops the hammer. When the lever is released, the firing pin springs back to the normal position. The DAO models have no manual safety or decocker. All models feature an automatic firing pin safety that blocks the firing pin unless the trigger is pulled fully rearward. The pistols make extensive use", "id": "5770585" }, { "contents": "Primary lateral sclerosis\n\n\nmuscle spasticity and cramping, and intense pain when those muscles are stretched, resulting in joint immobility. A normal walking stride may become a tiny step shuffle with related instability and falling. Researchers do not fully understand what causes PLS, although it is thought it could be due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Studies are being done to evaluate the possible causes, although linking causality can be difficult due to the relatively low number of people who are diagnosed with PLS. Juvenile PLS may be caused by the ALS2 gene", "id": "9531710" }, { "contents": "Construal level theory\n\n\nor automatic, and thus are not always something that people are aware of doing. People tend to form more of these snap judgments when the person they are judging is more spatially distant. This affects people's opinions on an implicit level, showing how construal levels are an automatic phenomenon. Additionally, at greater psychological distances, people tend give more weight to central traits, rather than peripheral traits when judging another person's character. Power in society can create social distance from others who have either more or less power than oneself", "id": "19625091" }, { "contents": "Haloila\n\n\nstretch films. Haloila’s semi-automatic and fully automatic wrapping machines are used for wrapping different kinds of pallet loads for example, in the food, beverage and construction industries, and in logistics centres. The most widely known product in Haloila’s product range is the fully automatic wrapping machine, Octopus, with over 5,500 fully automatic stretch wrapping machines manufactured so far. In 2008, the international media also spotlighted the manufacture of the 3000th Octopus machine. The Octopus machines have been in production since 1983; when the model was", "id": "11527802" }, { "contents": "Suicide prevention\n\n\nof people who ask for help, including those experiencing suicidal ideation. By addressing \"why\" someone asks for help, the risk assessment and management stays on what the person needs, and the needs assessment focuses on the individual needs of each person. The Coping Planning approach to suicide prevention draws on the health-focused theory of coping. Coping is normalized as a normal and universal human response to unpleasant emotions and interventions are considered a change continuum of low intensity (e.g. self-soothing) to high intensity support (e.g.", "id": "8876266" }, { "contents": "Vacamatic\n\n\nThe 1941 M4 Vacamatic transmission by Chrysler was, historically, the first semi-automatic transmission which was marketed by a major manufacturer. It was an attempt to compete against rivals' automatic transmissions, though it still had a clutch, primarily to change range. In normal driving, the clutch is not used. The transmission itself was a fully synchronised manual type, with four forward gears, one reverse; where the shifting was done 'automatically' by either vacuum cylinders (early, M4), or hydraulic cylinders (late", "id": "3417821" }, { "contents": "Angakkuq\n\n\nshot, receiving no wound because of the intervention of their tuurngaq, thus proving their power. Until spiritual guidance or assistance was needed, an angakkuq lived a normal life for an Inuit, participating in society as a normal person. But when sickness needed to be cured, or divination of the causes of various misfortunes was needed, the angakkuq would be called on. The services of an angakkuit might also be required to interpret dreams. If they were called to perform actions that helped the entire village, the work was usually", "id": "14603711" }, { "contents": "VSS Vintorez\n\n\nrubber shoulder pad and can be removed when the rifle is dismantled for compact storage. The forward handguard is made from a high-impact polymer. The rifle is usually fired semi-automatically. Should the operational need arise, the weapon can be used in fully automatic mode using either its original 10-round magazine or the 20-round magazines from the AS rifle. It uses a subsonic 9×39 mm SP-5 cartridge to avoid a sonic boom. The bullet of this cartridge weighs about twice as much as that of the 9×19mm Parabellum, giving", "id": "14025566" }, { "contents": "Ek Rishtaa: The Bond of Love\n\n\n. He asks his father for economic assistance. When Vijay refuses to do so, Ajay lends a loan. When Vijay discovers this, he is furious and throws Ajay out of the house. Ajay finally marries Nisha and they move into their new house. In deception, Rajesh makes Vijay sign a power of attorney, which empowers him. This is how Vijay goes bankrupt, and all his fortune goes automatically to Rajesh. As Ajay finds out what happened, he gets that Rajesh was the one who had incited arguments between", "id": "5232930" }, { "contents": "1968 United States Olympic Trials (track and field)\n\n\nat a similar high altitude location of Alamosa, Colorado, 20 kilometers on September 7 and 50 kilometers on September 10. The process was organized by the AAU. The athletes invited to the finals were selected based on the qualification at the semi-Olympic Trials. The AccuTrak photographic fully automatic timing system was used at this meet, in anticipation of its implementation at the Olympics. Fully automatic timing became mandatory for world records in 1977. Administrators had not yet figured out what to do with the slower automatic times so the world", "id": "11967446" }, { "contents": "Henri de Saint-Simon\n\n\nreduce idleness in society. In the Declaration Saint-Simon strongly criticized any expansion of government intervention into the economy beyond these two principal economic roles, saying that when the government goes beyond these roles, it becomes a \"tyrannical enemy of industry\" and that the industrial economy will decline as a consequence of such excessive government intervention. Saint-Simon stressed the need for recognition of the merit of the individual and the need for hierarchy of merit in society and in the economy, such as society having hierarchical merit-based organizations", "id": "1731973" }, { "contents": "John Amadu Bangura\n\n\nwhich he had paved over with the Kissy Road. After Stevens retired from office he told a reporter that he regretted having Bangura killed, stating \"I should not have allowed those executions.\" Siaka Stevens wrote in his book,\"I am fully aware that many people were shocked when these sentences were carried out and that even today, much speculation goes on as to what prompted me to allow the law to take its course. There is even a fantastic rumour circulating that I had actually decided to commute the sentences to terms of imprisonment", "id": "7162107" }, { "contents": "History of self-driving cars\n\n\nto follow the normal (painted) lane marks in an unmodified highway. The culmination of the project was a journey of over six days on the motorways of northern Italy dubbed \"Mille Miglia in Automatico\" (\"One thousand automatic miles\"), with an average speed of . The car operated in fully automatic mode for 94% of its journey, with the longest automatic stretch being . The vehicle had only two black-and-white low-cost video cameras on board and used stereoscopic vision algorithms to understand its", "id": "15023882" }, { "contents": "Abraham Joshua Heschel\n\n\nthat people feel when experiencing the presence of the Divine. Heschel then goes on to explore the problems of doubts and faith; what Judaism means by teaching that God is one; the essence of humanity and the problem of human needs; the definition of religion in general and of Judaism in particular; and human yearning for spirituality. He offers his views as to Judaism being a pattern for life. \"God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism\" is a companion volume to \"Man Is Not Alone\".", "id": "2598603" }, { "contents": "Prague Spring\n\n\nNobody has given any order. Nobody was giving any orders at all. People knew of their own accord what needed to be done. Each and every one of them was their own government, with its orders and regulations, while the government itself was somewhere very far away, probably in Moscow. Everything the occupation forces tried to paralyse went on working and even worked better than in normal times; by the evening the people had even managed to deal with the bread situation.\"In November, when the students staged a sit", "id": "4355304" }, { "contents": "X86 calling conventions\n\n\n, the HResults will be automatically raised as exceptions, and the result for Get functions is in the result rather than a parameter. When creating COM objects in Delphi with safecall, there is no need to worry about HResults, as exceptions can be raised as normal but will be seen as HResults in other languages. Returns a result and raises exceptions like a normal Delphi function, but it passes values and exceptions as though it was: This calling convention is used for calling C++ non-static member functions. There are two", "id": "2870374" }, { "contents": "Development theory\n\n\nthis, is the amount of income needed to satisfy those basic needs. The approach has been applied in the sphere of development assistance, to determine what a society needs for subsistence, and for poor population groups to rise above the poverty line. Basic needs theory does not focus on investing in economically productive activities. Basic needs can be used as an indicator of the absolute minimum an individual needs to survive. Proponents of basic needs have argued that elimination of absolute poverty is a good way to make people active in society so", "id": "3513155" }, { "contents": "C++11\n\n\nto access the null pointer, and because the pointer is null, its memory is not deleted when it goes out of scope. Hence, the operation not only forgoes the expense of a deep copy, but is safe and invisible. Rvalue references can provide performance benefits to existing code without needing to make any changes outside the standard library. The type of the returned value of a function returning an codice_3 temporary does not need to be changed explicitly to codice_10 to invoke the move constructor, as temporaries are considered rvalues automatically.", "id": "15294592" }, { "contents": "Intersex Society of North America\n\n\nis \"no evidence that early surgery relieves parental distress\" They believed it to be inhuman to choose someone's genitals for them. This being said, the ISNA didn't condemn surgery in general, and believed that people with intersex should be allowed to opt for genital reconstruction, if they want to, when they can fully consent for the operations themselves. The ISNA advocated a move from what a \"Concealment-Centered Model\" to a Patient-Centered Model. This push was to move away from a model that teaches", "id": "898489" }, { "contents": "Assisted living\n\n\nand doors are extra-wide to accommodate wheelchairs. These facilities are by necessity fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) or similar legislation elsewhere. The socialization aspects of ALFs are very beneficial to the occupants. Normally the facility has many activities scheduled for the occupants, keeping in mind different disabilities and needs. Many ALFs also serve the needs of people with some form of dementia including Alzheimer's disease and others with mental disabilities, as long as they do not present an imminent danger to themselves or", "id": "2858591" }, { "contents": "Neuronal tracing\n\n\nautomatically or completely automatically. There are normally two processing steps: generation and proof editing of a reconstruction. The need to describe or reconstruct a neuron's morphology probably began already in early days when neurons were labeled or visualized using Golgi's methods. Many of the known neuron types, such as pyramidal neurons and Chandelier cells, were described based on their morphological characterization. The first computer-assisted neuron reconstruction system, now known as Neurolucida, was developed by Dr. Edmund Glaser and Dr. Hendrik Van der Loos in the 1960s.", "id": "3051820" }, { "contents": "Mauser C96\n\n\nbut made a few alterations. The controls were the same as the standard model, except the markings were in Portuguese. The selector switch (found on the left side, above the trigger guard) was marked \"N\" for \"normal\" (semi-automatic) and \"R\" for \"rápido\" (\"rapid\" for fully automatic). The safety control lever (found to the left of the hammer) was marked \"S\" for \"seguro\" (safe) and \"F\" for \"", "id": "5524646" }, { "contents": "Girls Against Boys (film)\n\n\nmotel that night and when Shae starts crying, Lu gets into bed with her and holds her. The next morning, they talk about what they did and while Shae says that killing all those men who wronged her did not make her feel any better, Lu says that she enjoys killing and hurting people. They go home and return to their normal lives. After class, Shae is invited out by her classmate Tyler (Liam Aiken) and they go to the fair. She goes back to her apartment that evening and", "id": "6159176" } ]
This country's obsession with bacon.
[{"answer": "Bacon simultaneously appeals to all three flavors people crave-- sugar, salt, and fat. Event the scent of bacon is unique, thanks to the Maillard reaction (a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that gives browned foods their desirable flavor) It's easy to prepare, reasonably priced, and readily available in the United States, so chefs started using it's properties as a \"cheat\" to enhance any dish. Want to make boring eggs and toast more appealing? Add bacon. Want to make a mediocre burger taste better? Add bacon. Want to make a dessert a little less sweet and more balance? Add bacon. The salty-sweet-fat combination is irresistible to most people, not just necessarily Americans. It's just more accessible in a place like the US."}, {"answer": "Bacon has become a meme. It's always been good, and people have always liked it, but in the last 10 years or so, it's been crazy. There's bacon salt, bacon mayonnaise, bacon flavored gum, chocolate covered bacon, maple bacon milkshakes, bacon wrapped everything, bacon print ties, etc. Because of the recent obsession with it, the price has gone up to the point where it's one of the most expensive meats at the store after steak and fish. It's $6 a pound here in NC, one of the biggest pork producing states in the country, whereas chicken breast is $3.50, chicken thighs are $2.50, lean hamburger is $4.50 and even pork tenderloin is $5.20. Anyway, I'm one of the people you think doesn't exist. I prefer pork to beef or chicken. I like bacon, but it's not my favorite pork. That would be pork tenderloin cooked on the grill. I wish the bacon craze would die down so I could actually afford it occasionally. I refuse to pay $6/lb of 50% fat bacon when I can get a tenderloin for less."}, {"answer": "The obsession is highly exaggerated. Hardly anyone consumes it as often as they claim or enough to actually be considered an obsession. It's a good tasting snack and sometimes a good addition to some foods, but really the Internet has exaggerated its love for it."}, {"answer": "because most Americans experiences with pork is 1.glazed ham, 2.Pork chop, & 3.Bacon of those three bacon is the best. I grew up in Miami and everything cubans do to pork showed me it is the meat of the Gods."}, {"answer": "American bacon is weird. It's like a strip of crispy fat. Proper bacon is meat. I think you call it Canadian Bacon but I'm British and it's just good ol' bacon."}, {"answer": "I don't know how common it is, but if you haven't already, you HAVE to try porkbelly. It is incredible and growing up in Norway it was served every year for Christmas and it would be the best meal of the year."}, {"answer": "Few people know about this, but Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew) is in a good part responsible for it. Take a look here: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I love bacon, but I'm with you on skipping it at mid- to lower-end restaurants. But when I'm making it myself, I can get it perfect every time, and it's pure sex. The problem with cheap restaurant bacon is that they have big griddles and are more concerned with prep time (and other factors) than getting the bacon cooked exactly right - crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. So it's sliced too thin, then cooked too hot and too fast. But it's still bacon and a lot of people don't care, don't know any better, or both. Bacon takes a surprisingly long time to cook well."}, {"answer": "It's all about [The Smell]( URL_0 ) > It turns out, the amazing aroma stems from 150 organic compounds. As heat is applied, sugars, amino acids, and fat in the meat undergo Maillard reactions, and creates the molecules used in their aroma. While many of these compounds smell amazing on their own, they are a force to be reckoned with when they are smelled in concert."}, {"answer": "Marketing. I'll have to look up my sources later, but in the 50's, there was a push to create \"the American breakfast\". Marketing pushed the idea of bacon and eggs, and it's been in advertising so much people went with it. Nutella is much the same in that respect. Tl;dr could just as easily have been spam"}, {"answer": "When that bacon is sizzlin' at waffle house dawg, you can hear it explaining itself. When that delightful scent hits your nose, it smells like fucking freedom."}, {"answer": "It sounds like the majority of the bacon you're eating is not prepared well."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "63394", "title": "Bacon", "section": "Section::::Bacon mania.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 33, "end_paragraph_id": 33, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In a survey conducted by Smithfield, 65% of Americans would support bacon as their \"national food\". Dishes such as bacon explosion, chicken fried bacon, and chocolate-covered bacon have been popularised over the internet, as has using candied bacon. Recipes spread quickly through both countries' national media, culinary blogs, and YouTube. Restaurants have organised and are organising bacon and beer tasting nights,", "The United States and Canada have seen an increase in the popularity of bacon and bacon-related recipes, dubbed \"bacon mania\". The sale of bacon in the US has increased significantly since 2011. Sales climbed 9.5% in 2013, making it an all-time high of nearly $4 billion in US. In a survey conducted by Smithfield, 65% of Americans would support bacon as their \"national food\". Dishes such as bacon explosion, chicken fried bacon, and chocolate-covered bacon have been popularised over the internet, as has using candied bacon. Recipes spread quickly through both countries' national media, culinary blogs, and YouTube. Restaurants have organised and are organising bacon and beer tasting nights, \"The New York Times\" reported on bacon infused with Irish whiskey used for Saint Patrick's Day cocktails, and celebrity chef Bobby Flay has endorsed a \"Bacon of the Month\" club online, in print, and on national television.", "of unsliced bacon is known as \"slab bacon\". The United States and Canada have seen an increase in the popularity of bacon and bacon-related recipes, dubbed \"bacon mania\". The sale of bacon in the US has increased significantly since 2011. Sales climbed 9.5% in 2013, making it an all-time high of nearly $4 billion in US. In a survey conducted by Smithfield, 65% of Americans would support bacon as their \"national food\". Dishes such as bacon explosion, chicken fried bacon, and chocolate-covered bacon have been popularised over the internet, as has using candied bacon. Recipes spread quickly through both countries' national media, culinary blogs, and YouTube. Restaurants have organised and are organising bacon and beer tasting nights, \"The New York Times\" reported on bacon infused with Irish whiskey used for Saint Patrick's Day cocktails, and celebrity chef Bobby Flay has endorsed a \"Bacon of the Month\" club online, in print, and on national television."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bacon mania\n\n\nbacon, bacon-infused vodka, bacon ice cream, and chocolate-covered bacon, all popularized over the internet. Bacon has been adapted into products including bacon bubble gum, bacon band-aids, sizzling-bacon-flavored rolling papers, and bacon air freshener. A bacon alarm clock that wakes people up with the smell of cooking bacon has been announced. A 2009 \"Baltimore Sun\" story describes bacon as being \"more than bacon,\" and stated that for \"obsessive and adoring Bacon Nation it's about", "id": "4127239" }, { "contents": "Francis Bacon (artist)\n\n\ntimes leaving him on streets half-conscious. Bacon was now the dominating personality; attracted to Dyer's vulnerability and trusting nature. Dyer was impressed by Bacon's self-confidence and success, and Bacon acted as a protector and father figure to the insecure younger man. Dyer was, like Bacon, a borderline alcoholic and similarly took obsessive care with his appearance. Pale-faced and a chain-smoker, Dyer typically confronted his daily hangovers by drinking again. His compact and athletic build belied a docile and inwardly tortured", "id": "21966896" }, { "contents": "Fragment of a Crucifixion\n\n\ncareer. Bacon tended to draw images in series, and the Odessa nurse become an obsessive motif for him. According to Peppiatt, \"it would be no exaggeration to say that, if one could really explain the origins and implications of this scream, one would be far closer to understanding the whole art of Francis Bacon\". Gilles Deleuze wrote that, in Bacon's screams, \"the entire body escapes through the mouth\". The panel is one of a number of Bacon's treatments of the biblical crucifixion scene.", "id": "5135421" }, { "contents": "Bacon: A Love Story\n\n\n. \"Publishers Weekly\" reviewed called the book a \"voluminous look at all things bacon\"; the review concluded, \"Readers who, like Lauer, possess a borderline-obsessive love for bacon are likely to embrace this as their new Bible, but anyone else will quickly get their fill.\" Rachel Forrest of \"The Portsmouth Herald\" recommended the book in her \"Annual Summer Reading List for Foodies\". \"Another of my favorites this year is 'Bacon: A Love Story: A Salty Survey of Everybody", "id": "18886733" }, { "contents": "Triptych, May–June 1973\n\n\nlover, would often tear up the young artist's paintings, beat him up in drunken rages, and leave him on the street half-conscious. Bacon was attracted to Dyer's vulnerability and trusting nature. Dyer was impressed by Bacon's self-confidence and his artistic success, and Bacon acted as a protector and father figure to the insecure younger man. Dyer was, like Bacon, a borderline alcoholic and similarly took obsessive care with his appearance. Pale-faced and a chain-smoker, Dyer typically confronted his", "id": "15301732" }, { "contents": "Francis Bacon (artist)\n\n\n, La Frontalière, in the hills above the town. Hall and Lightfoot would come to stay. Bacon spent much of the next few years in Monte Carlo apart from short visits to London. From Monte Carlo, Bacon wrote to Graham Sutherland and Erica Brausen. His letters to Brausen show he painted there, but no paintings are known to survive. Bacon said he became \"obsessed\" with the Casino de Monte Carlo, where he would \"spend whole days.\" Falling in debt from gambling here, he was unable", "id": "21966885" }, { "contents": "Frank Bacon (actor)\n\n\nas any production to that point (\"Peg O' My Heart\" had run for twenty months in 1912-13). Playing the lead role, Bacon was so obsessive about the play's success that he spent his few days off in the theater, watching his understudy in the part. By all accounts, Bacon had a laconic, casual style of underplaying that was unusual and connected with audiences. At the close of the record run of \"Lightnin’\"', U. S. President Harding sent the playwrights a", "id": "21840858" }, { "contents": "Last Tango in Paris\n\n\npink shadings\". Bertolucci took Marlon Brando to the Bacon exhibit and told Brando that he \"wanted him to compare himself with Bacon's human figures because I felt that, like them, Marlon's face and body were characterized by a strange and infernal plasticity. I wanted Paul to be like the figures that obsessively return in Bacon: faces eaten by something coming from the inside.\" As was his practice in previous films, Brando refused to memorise his lines for many of the scenes. Instead he wrote his lines on", "id": "2910895" }, { "contents": "Triptychs by Francis Bacon\n\n\nnormally reticent Bacon praised time and again to critics. After 1965 Bacon's focus generally narrowed, and he became obsessed with close-up portraiture. On the opening day of his first Tate retrospective, he received word that his former lover Peter Lacey had died; news that had a devastating impact on him personally, and led him to produce his first triptych in the style to his heads of the mid-1950s, which had brought him to wider attention. The 1962 \"Study for Three Heads\" opened a dramatically new arena for", "id": "8856958" }, { "contents": "Danish Bacon\n\n\nbacon, despite trade restrictions being imposed. Danish bacon remained a major item of discussion in trade negotiations between the two countries and complaints about the disjointedness of British bacon production compared to that from Denmark were still taking place in Parliament in the 1950s. Danish bacon established a reputation in Britain; the mildly cured taste was preferred to the heavily salted and borax-laden bacon imports from the US. Attempts by other countries, such as Canada, to establish bacon imports into Britain during this period used Danish bacon as the quality standard", "id": "16620980" }, { "contents": "After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself\n\n\nin many public museums. The work had a considerable influence on Francis Bacon, most noticeably on his triptychs \"Three Figures in a Room\" (1964, Centre Pompidou, Paris) and \"Three Studies of the Male Back\" (1970, Kunsthaus Zürich). The Tate Gallery says \"For Bacon [it] was indeed something of a talisman. It epitomised Degas's approach to a larger obsession the two artists shared with the plasticity of the body, its potential for the most varied forms of articulation, in movement", "id": "11756534" }, { "contents": "Head VI\n\n\n-consuming, and he reproduced variants of it obsessively for almost two decadesan examination and homage described as \"without parallel in the history of art\". Bacon's approach differs from Velázquez's in a number of ways: both artists were expressive, yet Bacon's broad brush-strokes and freedom with paint contrast with Velázquez's tight and controlled treatment. He adapts Velázquez's positioning of the pope to place him above the viewer's point of view, elevating and distancing him. This was already a common technique in commercial,", "id": "19424428" }, { "contents": "Damien Hirst\n\n\n\"It is as if Bacon, a painter with no direct heir in that medium, was handing the baton on to a new generation.\" Hirst has openly acknowledged his debt to Bacon, absorbing the painter's visceral images and obsessions early on and giving them concrete existence in sculptural form with works like \"A Thousand Years\". Hirst gained the world record for the most expensive work of art by a living artist—his \"Lullaby Spring\" in June 2007, when a 3-metre-wide steel cabinet with 6,136 pills", "id": "5551560" }, { "contents": "Francis Bacon (artist)\n\n\nof the nurse's head screaming in panic and terror and with broken pince-nez spectacles hanging from her blood-stained face. He referred to the image throughout his career, using it as a source of inspiration. Bacon described the screaming mouth as a catalyst for his work, and incorporated its shape when painting the chimera. His use of the motif can be seen in one of his first surviving works, \"Abstraction from the Human Form\". By the early 1950s it became an obsessive concern, to the point", "id": "21966911" }, { "contents": "Reginald Bacon\n\n\nKeyes, who succeeded him as both ICS and commander of the Dover Patrol, a friend to all men. To Maurice Hankey, during the war, Bacon was \"the one officer with offensive spirit\"; to the notoriously offensive-minded Reginald Tyrwhitt, commander of the Harwich Force, he was a worse enemy than the Germans, unwilling to take risks and \"our bugbear... the Streaky One has obsessed everyone at the Admiralty and does exactly what he pleases with them... You will understand me when I say he is", "id": "22219888" }, { "contents": "R. B. Kitaj\n\n\nbirthday. It accompanied \"Obsessions\", the first comprehensive exhibition of Kitaj's work since his death, held at the Jewish Museum, Berlin. The title is partly in reference to what he dubbed his \"erratic Jewish obsessions\". The exhibition was shown in the UK in two parts at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester (February 23 to June 16, 2013) and the Jewish Museum London (February 21 to June 16, 2013). \"All Too Human: Bacon, Freud and a Century of Painting Life\"", "id": "11799699" }, { "contents": "Anamorph (film)\n\n\n, Stan paints the other half of the painting, forming the image of a screaming face. The other officers begin to suspect Stan. Attempting to replace his chair, Stan consults with Blair Collet, an antiques dealer who finds antique chairs for Stan, and likens Stan to the killer's patron, as he bought the painting from the antiques store, or his obsession, similar to Francis Bacon's obsession with Pope Innocent. Blair then takes Stan to an art gallery which is filled with model depictions of the recent murders,", "id": "5121800" }, { "contents": "Shadow Hearts (video game)\n\n\nleader from London who possesses powerful magical abilities. The main antagonist is initially introduced as \"Roger Bacon\"; his true identity is Albert Simon, a former Cardinal who achieved immortality and wields dark powers. The secondary antagonist is Dehuai, a powerful sorcerer obsessed with obtaining power over a dark god. Yuri's party are pursued by Japanese Army Lieutenant Yoshiko Kawashima and her subordinate Kato. Returning characters from \"Koudelka\" include its titular protagonist Koudelka Iasant, a gypsy medium and mother of Halley; and the true Roger Bacon,", "id": "10101892" }, { "contents": "Heather Lauer\n\n\nHeather Lauer is the writer of the \"Bacon Unwrapped\" blog and the book \"\". \"Bacon Unwrapped\", which she started in 2005, celebrates bacon. Her blog features various dishes and discussion bacon. She began it as a joke, but said, \"I started to realize there is something about bacon that gets people incredibly excited, and that was fascinating to me.\" She completed a cross-country bacon tour of America, and updates her site with the latest in bacon oddities. Her book \"", "id": "18886406" }, { "contents": "The Bacon Cookbook\n\n\nThe Bacon Cookbook: More than 150 Recipes from Around the World for Everyone's Favorite Food is a cookbook on bacon by James Villas. It was published by Wiley in 2007. Villas is a former food editor for \"Town & Country\" magazine, and \"The Bacon Cookbook\" is his 15th book on food. He notes on the book's jacket that he was \"beguiled by bacon since he was a boy.\" He describes the appeal of bacon in the book's preface, and in the introduction recounts the", "id": "14620893" }, { "contents": "Bacon\n\n\nfried bacon, and chocolate-covered bacon have been popularised over the internet, as has using candied bacon. Recipes spread quickly through both countries' national media, culinary blogs, and YouTube. Restaurants have organised and are organising bacon and beer tasting nights, \"The New York Times\" reported on bacon infused with Irish whiskey used for Saint Patrick's Day cocktails, and celebrity chef Bobby Flay has endorsed a \"Bacon of the Month\" club online, in print, and on national television. Commentators explain this surging interest", "id": "16611136" }, { "contents": "The Bacon Cookbook\n\n\nPortuguese Egg and Bacon Pudding. James Villas is a former food editor for \"Town & Country\" magazine. The back flap of the book's jacket notes that Villas was \"beguiled by bacon since he was a boy.\" Prior to \"The Bacon Cookbook\", Villas had written other cookbooks including \"The Glory of Southern Cooking\", \"My Mother's Southern Kitchen\", and \"Biscuit Bliss\". \"The Bacon Cookbook\" is his 15th book on food. In the lead-up to the 2009", "id": "14620903" }, { "contents": "Ernst Bacon\n\n\nart songs, including chamber, orchestral, and choral works. Aside from his musical and literary composition, Bacon held a number of positions that took him across the country. From 1925-28, Bacon was an opera coach at the Eastman School of Music. In 1928 Bacon traveled from New York to California to take up a position at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music where he served until 1930. In 1935, Bacon was the guest conductor at the first Carmel Bach Festival in California. A year later he was supervising", "id": "11775988" }, { "contents": "Turkey bacon\n\n\nBeautiful Brands International, a company from Tulsa, Oklahoma, signed a deal with a Saudi Arabian firm to open 120 locations in eight countries in the Middle East, they had to substitute pork bacon with halal turkey bacon in their recipes at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe locations because Islamic and Jewish customs forbid consumption of pork and non-halal meat. Two strips of Butterball turkey bacon contain 3 grams of fat and 50 calories (32% of which from fat); turkey bacon from Louis Rich and Mr. Turkey contain 5 and 4", "id": "20640197" }, { "contents": "John Bacon (footballer)\n\n\nOctober 1994 Bacon was put on the transfer list along with six other players For the 1995–96 season Bacon signed for St James's Gate F.C. for what turned out to be their final season in the League of Ireland. Bacon then moved to the Irish League and signed for Ards F.C. where he scored 4 goals in 40 appearances in the 1996–97 Irish League which included 3 appearances in the 1997 UEFA Intertoto Cup. Bacon represented his country at schoolboy, youths, U15, U16, U19 and at U21 level. As an U16 international", "id": "3851899" }, { "contents": "I Love Bacon!\n\n\nHuckleberries\", \"Cane Sugar and Bacon-Iced Cupcakes\", and Cat Cora's \"Pig Candy Ice Cream\". Cora's recipe uses a pound (.454 kilograms) of chopped applewood-smoked bacon per quart (.946 litres) of brown sugar-sweetened vanilla ice cream. Carol Johnson writing in the \"Kansas City Star\" described \"I Love Bacon!\" as both a cookbook with \"inventive\" recipes and \"a mini-course in some of the country's top restaurants.\" Johnson noted that", "id": "8714256" }, { "contents": "Chicken fried bacon\n\n\nChicken fried bacon consists of bacon strips dredged in batter and deep fried, like chicken fried steak. It is an American dish that was introduced in Texas in the early 1990s. Frank Sodolak of Sodolak's Original Country Inn in Snook, Texas, states that he invented the dish; however, a similar recipe in the \"Louisiana Cookery\" cookbook by Mary Land uses salt pork, the bacon of its day. It is usually served as an appetizer with cream gravy or sausage gravy for dipping and sauce. Sodolak's version", "id": "11456948" }, { "contents": "A Traveler from Altruria\n\n\nto Altrurians, appear selfish, obsessed with money, and emotionally imbalanced. Mainly, \"A Traveller from Altruria\" is a critique of unfettered capitalism and its consequences, and of the Gilded Age in particular. In \"A Traveler from Altruria\", Howells acknowledges the history of Utopian literature by having his group of educated characters refer to eminent representatives of that literary tradition such as Campanella (\"La città del Sole\", 1602) and Francis Bacon (\"New Atlantis\", 1623), but also to quite recent", "id": "12071557" }, { "contents": "Matt Timms\n\n\nCookie and Grits Takedowns followed, as well as a \"Lamb Takedown\", the \"Brooklyn Beer Experiment\", and the \"Park Slope Pork Off\". Hormel meats later sponsored a \"Bacon Takedown\". Timms says his events are a reaction to the more midwestern sensibilities of nationwide contests such as the Pillsbury Bake-Off, and the more structured, rules-oriented approach of the American Chili Society's sanctioned chili cookoffs. The Takedowns have become popular among what the New York Times describes as \"obsessive home cooks", "id": "6796312" }, { "contents": "Version No. 2 of Lying Figure with Hypodermic Syringe\n\n\ninner turmoil and projection of his bleak, nihilistic, outlook. This is apparent in the contorted and unflattering manner in which he depicts his model, and most especially in the manner she is seemingly pinned to the bed by the hypodermic syringe. Bacon was avowedly against melodrama and loaded meanings in his paintings, and of for years seemed defensive in including such a direct utensil as syringe. He instead saw the device as akin to the nails in a depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus, a particular obsession of his, and said", "id": "9514940" }, { "contents": "Culford Park\n\n\nCulford Park in Culford, Suffolk, England, is a country house that is the former seat of the Bacon, Cornwallis and Cadogan families, and now it is the home of Culford School. From at least 1429 the Coote family had lived at Culford and in 1524 Christopher Coote was lord of the manor. In 1540 Culford was granted by the Crown to the Bacon family and in 1591 Sir Nicholas Bacon built a red-brick hall on the same site as the present house. The estate passed to the Cornwallis family in", "id": "4794822" }, { "contents": "The Bonfire of the Vanities\n\n\narticles about Henry Lamb, a black youth who has allegedly been the victim of a hit and run by a wealthy white driver. Fallow cynically tolerates the manipulations of Reverend Bacon, a Harlem religious and political leader who sees the hospitalized youth as a \"projects success story gone wrong\". Fallow's series of articles on the matter ignites a series of protests and media coverage of the Lamb case. Up for re-election and accused of foot-dragging in the Lamb case, the media-obsessed Bronx County District Attorney", "id": "19109110" }, { "contents": "Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion\n\n\nsaid many times that he regretted being unable to read the original in Greek. In 1942, he read the Irish scholar William Bedell Stanford's \"Aeschylus in his Style\", and found the theme of obsessive guilt in \"The Oresteia\" to be highly resonant. In 1984, Bacon told Sylvester that although his painting's subject matter did not have a direct relationship with the poet's work, for him Eliot's work \"opened the valves of sensation\". The mouth of the triptych's central figure was also inspired", "id": "20635545" }, { "contents": "The Black Triptychs\n\n\nThese shadows have been viewed by art critic Davis Sylvester as silhouettes of avenging prey, or in Baconian language \"evocations of Aeschylean Furey\". Bacon never recovered from Dyer's suicide and from then on his work became haunted by an awareness of loss, death and the effects of passage of time on those around him. He later admitted that \"... although one is never exorcised, because people say you forget about death ... you don't ... time doesn't heal. But you concentrate on something which was an obsession,", "id": "9380736" }, { "contents": "Henry Gosnold\n\n\nMajesty, the Bacon may be too hard for the Cook (Coke)\".\" Gosnell first went to Ireland as secretary to Lord Russell, the Lord Deputy of Ireland, a post for which Bacon (whose aunt Elizabeth Cooke was married to Russell's brother John) may have recommended him. He wrote to Bacon about the expedition in 1594 to relieve Enniskillen Castle, which was under siege (this was one of the first military actions of the Nine Years War), and gave his first impressions of the country.", "id": "13922159" }, { "contents": "Francis Bacon\n\n\nwith only a fifth of that money. Having borrowed money, Bacon got into debt. To support himself, he took up his residence in law at Gray's Inn in 1579, his income being supplemented by a grant from his mother Lady Anne of the manor of Marks near Romford in Essex, which generated a rent of £46. Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to further these ends by seeking a prestigious post.", "id": "11119023" }, { "contents": "Chicken fried bacon\n\n\ntimes on YouTube. Chicken fried bacon made by Glen Kusak of south Texas won the Big Tex Choice Award for Best Taste in the 2008 State Fair of Texas in Dallas. In recent years, the dish has made its way across America and it is served in Chicago at the Risque Cafe in Lake View. The Risque Cafe's version of \"country-fried bacon\" is served with white gravy and sells for $6. It is prepared using an egg wash, dredged in heavily peppered flour and deep fried in vegetable", "id": "11456950" }, { "contents": "Ernst Bacon\n\n\ntook the position that music is an art, not a science, and that its source should be human and imaginative, rather than abstract and analytical. Bacon was self-taught in composition, except for two years of study with Karl Weigl in Vienna, Austria. Experiencing the depression of post-war Europe first hand, he understood that the avant-garde movement reflected the pessimism of its origins. Bacon set out instead to write music that expressed the vitality and affirmation of his own country. He created more than 250", "id": "11775987" }, { "contents": "Edward R. Bacon\n\n\nand Ohio Southwestern Railroad and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. In 1881 he joined the firm Field, Dorsheimer, Deyo, and Bacon. The companies he counseled include Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, Consolidated Coal Company, West Virginia and Pittsburgh Railroad Company, and Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railroad Company. Bacon was known as \"one of the best-known financiers in the country.\" Additional posts include director of the Farmer's Loan and Trust Company, director of the Inter-borough Rapid Transit Company in New York, director", "id": "12883162" }, { "contents": "Nathaniel Bacon (Virginia)\n\n\n'Manifesto' urging the extermination of all Indians, charging that they did not deserve legal protections because they \"have bin for these Many years enemies to the King and Country, Robbers and Thieves and Invaders of his Majesty's Right and our Interest and Estate.\" Months of conflict ensued, including a naval attempt across the Potomac and in Chesapeake Bay by Bacon's allies to capture Berkeley at Accomac. Bacon himself focused on the Pamunkey in Dragon Swamp; his forces seized 3 horse loads of goods, enslaved 45 Indians and", "id": "16485734" }, { "contents": "Danish Bacon\n\n\nof the scale (25 million pigs per year) and the elimination of the need for markets. Most of the production is for export. Danish pig exports started to the UK in the mid-19th century when exporting to Germany became difficult and have grown ever since despite attempts by UK domestic producers and other importers to compete. They have not been able to keep pace with Danish modernisation of the curing process and increasing centralisation. Denmark now concentrates on pig production and has moved bacon curing and packing to other countries. Such bacon is", "id": "16620967" }, { "contents": "Breakfast\n\n\nparticularly in economy and limited service hotels with no restaurant, as they require little preparation). As with other continents around the world, breakfasts in North America vary widely from country to country. Breakfast in Canada is similar to that of the US. Traditional breakfast foods include pork sausages or bacon, fried potatoes, eggs, toast, cereals, pancakes (or French toast) and maple syrup, or hot oatmeal. Peameal bacon is also a Canadian breakfast food. Coffee, tea and fruit juice of many varieties are widely", "id": "19317240" }, { "contents": "Superfly (company)\n\n\nout in under 24 hours. Food and wine at Outside Lands was emphasized to reflect San Francisco's \"obsession with food and drink.\" From its inaugural year, concessions included local restaurants, and areas devoted to chocolate, cheese, wine, and bacon. Gastromagic, a \"culinary entertainment\" stage, featured food related events. As with Bonnaroo, corporate sponsors at Outside Lands were integrated into the festival experience. Solar panels sponsored by a local energy company powered a cell phone charging booth, GIF photo booths were sponsored", "id": "20839683" }, { "contents": "Francis Bacon (artist)\n\n\nThree Dancers\" of 1925. It was not well received and, disillusioned, he abandoned painting for nearly a decade and suppressed his earlier works. He visited Paris in 1935 where he bought a secondhand book on anatomical diseases of the mouth containing high quality hand-coloured plates of both open mouths and oral interiors, which haunted and obsessed him for the remainder of his life. In 1935 he saw Eisenstein's \"Battleship Potemkin\", the scene of the nurse screaming on the Odessa steps and others later becoming a recurrent part", "id": "21966875" }, { "contents": "Shadow Hearts: From the New World\n\n\ngunman; and Hildergard \"Hilda\" Valentine, a member of the recurring Valentine vampire clan. The main antagonists are Lady, a mute woman who can infect others with Malice; Killer, a serial killer who becomes her companion; and Professor Gilbert, an immoral researcher obsessed with Malice. A key supporting character is Roger Bacon, a 12th century philosopher who achieved imperfect immortality and a recurring character in the \"Shadow Hearts\" series. Johnny is hired by Gilbert to track down Marlow Brown. Upon finding him in an abandoned", "id": "4410804" }, { "contents": "Tickling\n\n\nIt has also been suggested that people may enjoy tickling \"because\" it elicits laughter as well as the feeling of being tickled. Social psychologists find that mimicking expressions generally cause people to some degree experience that emotion. Excessive tickling has been described as a primary sexual obsession and, under these circumstances, is sometimes considered a form of paraphilia. Tickling can also be a form of sexual harassment. Some of history's greatest thinkers have pondered the mysteries of the tickle response, including Plato, Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei and Charles", "id": "8735786" }, { "contents": "USS Louisiana (BB-19)\n\n\nStates on 15 September with Secretary of War William Howard Taft and Assistant Secretary of State Robert Bacon aboard; they were requested as a peace commission by Cuban President Tomás Estrada Palma to suppress an insurrection in the country. Taft and Bacon helped to create a provisional government, during which time \"Louisiana\" remained in Cuba. After their work was completed, Taft and Bacon returned to the ship, which took them back to Fortress Monroe, Virginia. On 8 November, \"Louisiana\" carried President Theodore Roosevelt from Piney Point,", "id": "17111465" }, { "contents": "Bacone College\n\n\nCenter for American Indians: Center for Christian Ministry: Center for Church Relations: Bacone College teams, nicknamed athletically as the Warriors, are part of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), primarily competing in the Sooner Athletic Conference (SAC), while its football team competed in the Central States Football League (CSFL) until the sport was discontinued in 2018. Men's sports include baseball, basketball, cross country, soccer and track and field; while women's sports include basketball, cross country, golf,", "id": "9116598" }, { "contents": "Peter Watson (arts benefactor)\n\n\nby such artists as Miró, Klee, and Pablo Picasso, which were displayed in his Paris apartment in the 1930s. He was the principal benefactor of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and also provided financial assistance to English and Irish painters including Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and John Craxton. In 1930, society photographer, artist and set designer Sir Cecil Beaton began a lifelong obsession with Watson, though the two never became lovers. One chapter from Hugo Vickers' authorized biography of Cecil Beaton is titled \"I Love You", "id": "13109410" }, { "contents": "Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners\n\n\nObsessive Compulsive Cleaners is a Channel 4 television series about people with obsessive–compulsive disorder, narrated by John Thomson. As of 2016, it is in its fifth series. The British charity OCD Action has noted that many people have contacted them about the show, \"For the most part, people have been upset and frustrated about the way in which the programme portrays OCD. We share this frustration.\" A special part called \"Obsessive Compulsive Country House Cleaners\" aired in 2015–2016 and featured places such as Forcett Hall,", "id": "4402114" }, { "contents": "History of sport in Australia\n\n\nwinning eleven consecutive NSWRL premierships. Australia first entered an ice hockey team in the 1960 Winter Olympics held in Squaw Valley. By the 1960s, Australia had an international identity as a sport obsessed country, an identity which was embraced inside the country. This was so well known that in a 1962 edition of \"Sports Illustrated\", Australia was named the most sports obsessed country in the world. In 1962 Rod Laver became only the second Men's Tennis player to complete the Grand Slam and repeated the feat in 1969 (the", "id": "16907314" }, { "contents": "South Korea\n\n\n(under the program) doubled by that time, and the number of foreign students would have reached 100,000. South Korea is one of the top-performing OECD countries in reading literacy, maths and sciences with the average student scoring 542 and has one of the worlds most highly educated labor forces among OECD countries. The country is well known for its highly feverish outlook on education, where its national obsession with education has been called \"education fever\". This obsession with education has catapulted the resource poor nation consistently atop the", "id": "7248522" }, { "contents": "Bacon wrapped food\n\n\nsoda, and a banana split, replacing every element of said dishes with some form of bacon. For the hamburger, they “built a bacon wrapped, double bacon, bacon cheese, bacon burger” which they called the “The Bacon Apocalypse” and the “Bacon Acolypse”. Furthermore, the burger has “two bacon-wrapped buns, two bacon wrapped patties... three types of bacon toppings, Canadian bacon, pancetta, and classic pork belly… bacon cheese, bacon spread.” The burger was then served", "id": "10406043" }, { "contents": "John Bacon (judge)\n\n\nthe country, to the treasurers and chamberlains of the exchequer, of the receipt of which the indentures already mentioned were acknowledgments. The 'chirographa,' or fines in question, were fictitious suits, by means of which it was the custom to bar entails and convey the landed property of married women. Bacon seems to have held this post as late as 1309. In 1291 he was entrusted with the charge of Leeds Castle in Kent (a royal residence). In 1313 he was appointed to a justiceship of the common", "id": "149404" }, { "contents": "The Bacon Brothers\n\n\non many tours throughout North America and Europe. The brother's first studio release in 1997 was entitled \"Forosoco\", derived from what the brothers describe their genere to be as a mix of folk, rock, soul, and country. The Bacon Brothers also appear on Sandra Boynton's children's CDs \"Dog Train\", and \"Philadelphia Chickens\", on which they sing the title track. Their song \"Chop Wood (Carry Water)\" is on the soundtrack of the 2004 film \"The Woodsman\",", "id": "2813598" }, { "contents": "Bacon roll\n\n\nA \"bacon roll\" is a simple way of serving bacon in the form of a sandwich, using a soft or crusty bread roll. Popular in the U.K. with much argued regional variations in naming, such as \"bacon sarnie\", \"bacon butty/buttie\" \"bacon bap\", \"bacon barm\" or \"bacon cob\". Most often served with brown sauce or tomato ketchup. A bacon sandwich (also known in the UK as a bacon sarnie, bacon butty/buttie, bacon bap, bacon", "id": "3270539" }, { "contents": "Obsessed (Dan + Shay album)\n\n\ntopping debut album, reached number one on the \"Billboard\" Country Airplay chart. That same year, they began work on their second album. The duo told country music blog \"The Boot\" that they have grown as artists and songwriters in the time since completing their first record but didn't stray too far from what fans have come to expect from them on \"Obsessed\". They also noted that they had more time to work on this album, and as a result they are \"really, really proud\"", "id": "14255714" }, { "contents": "Fatback\n\n\nbasis of many traditional dishes. Today, pancetta is often used instead. Fatback is processed into slab bacon by many methods, including brine curing, dry curing, smoking, or boiling. Usually the skin (rind) is left on. This fatback bacon is widely eaten throughout Europe. In Italy it is called \"lardo\", and notable examples are Valle d'Aosta Lard d'Arnad and Lardo di Colonnata. In Ukraine, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union, it is called \"salo\". In Hungary", "id": "1025460" }, { "contents": "Chicken fried bacon\n\n\nof the dish acquired enough of a reputation to be featured in Texas comedian John Kelso's \"Texas Curiosities\". The entry states that \"Things are not only bigger in Texas, they're greasier\" and that \"it's hard to imagine a more artery-clogging food.\" Sodolak's version serves six strips of bacon, battered and fried, with a bowl of cream gravy. He and his restaurant were featured on a \"Texas Country Reporter\" episode; the web video has been watched hundreds of thousands of", "id": "11456949" }, { "contents": "Clara Elsene Peck\n\n\nworks from this period include illustrations for Sara Hawks Sterling's \"Shakespeare's Sweetheart\" (1905) and \"A Lady of King Arthur's Court\" (1907), and Josephine Daskam Bacon's \"In the Border Country\" (1909). Peck eventually illustrated at least four additional books by Bacon. By 1908, Peck had designed her first cover for \"Collier's\". Peck began illustrating women's magazines during the 1910s and 1920s, contributing to \"Cosmopolitan\", \"Good Housekeeping\", \"Ladies Home", "id": "1251662" }, { "contents": "Hot dog variations\n\n\n(hot dog vendors) across Guatemala City and Antigua. The most popular choices of meats are sausage, chorizo (red sausage), salami, longaniza (white sausage), and bacon. They are cooked in a charcoal grill and hot sauce is offered at customer's request. In Mexico, often called \"dogos\" or \"jochos\", is common to top hot dogs with \"Pico de Gallo\", ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and wrapping the sausage with bacon. Other parts of the country may include chips", "id": "13168140" }, { "contents": "BK XXL\n\n\nIt's awful being a vegetarian, right?\". The ad campaign drew the ire of the Spanish government due to the large portion size of these products being in direct opposition to the country’s health initiatives. The German ad program for the Cheesy Bacon XXL featured an edited version of the \"Manthem\" commercial used for the Texas Double Whopper. The line mentioning the Whopper was edited out and replaced and the picture of the product was digitally replaced with one of the Cheesy Bacon XXL. The ad was sung entirely in", "id": "13854171" }, { "contents": "Lamb's fry\n\n\nfry\" eaten on the day of Swanhop in 1786. In 1929, a \"Country Life\" cookery supplement described it as an \"old Devon breakfast dish\". Fanny Cradock wrote that it was once popular as a breakfast dish before World War II. Lamb's fry is typically sliced, breaded, and pan-fried, and served with bacon, onions and a gravy made with the juices. The oldest known published recipe of this type is from 1808. \"Lamb's fry and bacon\" was once very popular", "id": "5138770" }, { "contents": "Bacon\n\n\nflavoured to resemble bacon. There is also a wide range of other bacon-flavoured products, including a bacon-flavoured salt (Bacon Salt), Baconnaise (a bacon-flavoured mayonnaise), Bacon Grill (a tinned meat, similar to Spam) and bacon ice cream. Bacon has been gaining popularity over the past decade. An internet fad arose around bacon. \"Epic Meal Time\", a cooking show based on YouTube, features bacon in many of their episodes. In one episode entitled \"Bacon Tree\"", "id": "16611152" }, { "contents": "Bacon mania\n\n\ncheap thrills and a chance for Internet fame.\" Calling it \"like an extreme sport\", the article described the innovators and enthusiasts celebrating bacon in all its incarnations. The increased interest in bacon has led to Bacon-of-the-month clubs, bacon recipe contests, blogs, a dating app for bacon lovers, and even \"bacon camps.\" Seattle hosted a \"bacon camp\" where bacon was included in an assortment of bacon dishes and other bacon-related items. Bacon has even been referred to", "id": "4127240" }, { "contents": "Virginia P. Bacon\n\n\nof fauna in countries other than the United States. This scholarship received heavy praise from employees of the Smithsonian Institution. The National Museum (as the Smithsonian was called at the time) Annual Report included that the scholarship was \"hailed as a first step in the right direction\" in the effort to correct the imbalance of information on fauna of the world. Bacon left $50,000 and a painting of Clarence Barker to All Souls Church in Biltmore, South Carolina and $25,000 to Columbia University. In addition she willed a portrait", "id": "10418560" }, { "contents": "Carey Mission\n\n\nwas, according to Michigan jurist Nathaniel Bacon, \"the pioneer step in the way of settlement.\" Bacon remarked that in 1822, when the mission was established, the region was considered by European settlers to be dangerous and hostile. Within recent memory were the Battle of Tippecanoe in Indiana and the Battle of Fort Dearborn in Illinois. \"Emigration had in a great measure stopped. Very few dared to venture beyond the older settlements, until McCoy boldly entered into the heart of the Indian country, and began his mission school", "id": "15626425" }, { "contents": "Breakfast\n\n\neither plain or prepared with various flavorings, such as chocolate or strawberry. Across the country, breakfast sandwiches are a common choice for the first meal of the day. A typical sandwich is composed of egg, cheese, and cooked breakfast meat such as bacon or sausage, on a roll, although regional varietals are common. In New Jersey, bacon is often swapped out of the breakfast sandwich and replaced with a processed meat called pork roll (also known as Taylor Ham). Other areas alter the breakfast sandwich medium with", "id": "19317254" }, { "contents": "Nicholas Spencer\n\n\nof tobacco based on slavery – were simultaneously making Spencer's administrative role tricky. The Virginia colony of the era was, as the eminent colonial historian Edmund S. Morgan wrote, \"the volatile society.\" There were popular uprisings such as Bacon's Rebellion, as well as the tobacco plant-cutting riots. A communication to the Crown in 1674 noted that his opposition to the Bacon Rebellion, for instance, had taken a toll on Spencer's estates. Having done the country \"very good service against the Rebells, in", "id": "20031547" }, { "contents": "Chippenham Park\n\n\nChippenham Park is a country house in Chippenham, Cambridgeshire. The Chippenham Park Estate was acquired by Thomas Revett, a London merchant, in 1558. It passed to the Russell family around 1600 and the present house was commissioned by Edward Russell, 1st Earl of Orford in 1689. It was acquired by John Tharp in 1791 and remained in the ownership of the Tharp family until 1948 when it inherited by a nephew Basil Bacon. It remained in the Bacon family until it was inherited by Mr and Mrs Eustace Crawley in 1985.", "id": "22190700" }, { "contents": "International availability of McDonald's products\n\n\ntime edition of the Big Mac Bacon, essentially a Big Mac with added bacon. Beer is available in all restaurants. In October of the same year, Chicken Country has been introduced as a cheap option (EuroPoupança) to purchase, considered as a side with any menu, like many other products. McDonald's Portugal launched a loyalty scheme under the name \"MLovers\", in the form of an app. This scheme allows adherents to collect points on purchased products and exchange them for products and / or experiences. In", "id": "3065953" }, { "contents": "Edward Bernays\n\n\nof the American people than a light breakfast. He arranged for this finding to be published in newspapers throughout the country with headlines like '4,500 physicians urge bigger breakfast' while other articles stated that bacon and eggs should be a central part of breakfast and, as a result of these actions, the sale of bacon went up. Describing the response to his campaign for Ivory Soap, Bernays wrote: \"As if actuated by the pressure of a button, people began working for the client instead of the client begging people to", "id": "400361" }, { "contents": "Hoppin' John\n\n\nHoppin' John, also known as Carolina peas and rice, is a peas and rice dish served in the Southern United States. It is made with black-eyed peas (or red cowpeas such as iron and clay peas in the Southeast US) and rice, chopped onion, and sliced bacon, seasoned with salt. In some recipes, instead of bacon, ham hock, fatback, country sausage, or smoked turkey parts are used. A few use green peppers or vinegar and spices. Smaller than black-eyed", "id": "8837154" }, { "contents": "Bacon wrapped food\n\n\nwith a side of “bacon rings”, which was their take on onion rings, consisting of fried rings of bacon. After tasting the dish, Rhett described it as “incredible”. They then drank bacon soda, served with “bacon grease ice cubes” and a bacon wrapped straw. Finally, for dessert, they had a banana split made out of bacon, which they called “Baconana Split.” The banana split consisted of bacon flavoured ice cream, bacon wrapped bananas, bacon chocolate, caramel bacon,", "id": "10406044" }, { "contents": "Bacon: A Love Story\n\n\nBacon: A Love Story\" contains information on cooking and curing bacon, including \"time-honored methods and traditions\". The book analyzes how bacon has affected popular culture. Lauer includes information on chefs who love of bacon and venues that serve the product throughout the United States. The book contains over 20 recipes for dishes made with bacon, including Bacon Bloody Mary, Bacon-Wrapped Tater Tots, Bacon Bleu Salad, and bacon brownies. Another recipe is Bristol Bacon by chef Duncan Bristol, who owns the restaurant Brick", "id": "18886726" }, { "contents": "Dean Chavers\n\n\nconsultant in Indian education has written 25 books, including \"The National Indian Grant Directory\", \"How to Write Winning Proposals\", \"Modern American Indian Leaders,\" \"Racism in Indian Country,\" and \"Exemplary Programs in Indian Education\". He is the former President of Bacone College. At Bacone, he moved it from being a junior college to being a senior college. He has presented seminars, keynote speeches, and training all over the U. S. He has appeared at Stanford University, the University of", "id": "10693531" }, { "contents": "Francis Bacon\n\n\n. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. Bacon soon became acquainted with Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth's favourite. By 1591 he acted as the earl's confidential adviser. In 1592 he was commissioned to write a tract in response to the Jesuit Robert", "id": "11119028" }, { "contents": "Jacob Perkins\n\n\nended when Jacob's son-in-law, Joshua Butters Bacon, bought out Charles Heath's share of their shared printing business, which then became Perkins Bacon. At one point he became involved in lawsuits and had to close his engine factory. Jacob Perkins has many patents: Perkins bought some technology, and patented it himself in multiple countries, and employed the true inventors (as was the case with Asa Spencer and Oliver Evans). Jacob was married on November 11, 1790 to Hannah Greenleaf of Newbury and together", "id": "11262365" }, { "contents": "Bacon Academy\n\n\nlay ahead. In its early days, Bacon Academy had a reputation of preparing its students for accomplishment at universities and colleges around the country. Local children attended the school without charge for tuition. The status of the Academy was high in the minds of many prominent fathers of the nineteenth century. The trustees established an academic year of three terms: the first term started in September and ended in December, the second ran from January to April, and the third, from May to August. Early class rolls show that the", "id": "19465724" }, { "contents": "Works by Francis Bacon\n\n\n. In describing the ordinances and rites observed by the scientists of Salomon's House, its Head said: \"We have certain hymns and services, which we say daily, of Lord and thanks to God for His marvelous works; and some forms of prayer, imploring His aid and blessing for the illumination of our labors, and the turning of them into good and holy uses\". (See and ) There has been much speculation as to whether a real island society inspired Bacon's utopia. Scholars have suggested numerous countries", "id": "6579010" }, { "contents": "Pork in Ireland\n\n\nImports countries worldwide quickly returned to sourcing Irish pork, with all but China to lift their suspension, with progress expected there by mid-2010. Potatoes, bacon and cabbage remain today the 'national dish of Ireland' and, while no longer ubiquitous, forms the standard fare of many Irish dinner tables and food service outlets. A traditional Irish breakfast consists of sausages, black and white pudding, bacon and fried eggs, with additional elements depending on local traditions and personal taste such as toast, fried potato bread, fried tomatoes,", "id": "7285929" }, { "contents": "Bacon\n\n\nCouncil released a report that demand for pork belly (bacon) product is outpacing supply. As of December 2016 national frozen pork belly inventory totaled , the lowest level in 50 years. Bacon dishes include bacon and eggs, bacon, lettuce, and tomato (BLT) sandwiches, Cobb salad, and various bacon-wrapped foods, such as scallops, shrimp, and asparagus. Recently invented bacon dishes include chicken fried bacon, chocolate covered bacon, and the bacon explosion. Tatws Pum Munud is a traditional Welsh stew, made", "id": "16611139" }, { "contents": "Bacon mania\n\n\n, clams casino, and club sandwich. Dishes include hard-boiled eggs coated in mayonnaise encased in bacon (the \"heart attack snack\") and Wendy's 'Baconator' (six strips of bacon on a half-pound cheeseburger). The growing popularity of bacon has also encouraged product introductions such as bacon salt, maple bacon donuts, and baconnaise. Bacon food oddities include the bacon explosion (\"a barbecued meat brick composed of 2 pounds of bacon wrapped around 2 pounds of sausage\"), chicken-fried", "id": "4127238" }, { "contents": "George B. Bacon\n\n\nGeorge Blagden Bacon (May 22, 1836 in New Haven, Connecticut – September 15, 1876) was a United States clergyman and author of texts on religious issues. Bacon was a congregational pastor in Orange, New Jersey. The ministry ran in the Bacons' blood: George B. Bacon was the son of Leonard Bacon and the brother of Leonard Woolsey Bacon, both Congregationalist pastors; two other brothers were also preachers, Thomas Rutherford Bacon of New Haven, and Edward Woolsey Bacon of New London, Connecticut. Bacon graduated from", "id": "14071934" }, { "contents": "Bacon\n\n\nof unsliced bacon is known as \"slab bacon\". The United States and Canada have seen an increase in the popularity of bacon and bacon-related recipes, dubbed \"bacon mania\". The sale of bacon in the US has increased significantly since 2011. Sales climbed 9.5% in 2013, making it an all-time high of nearly $4 billion in US. In a survey conducted by Smithfield, 65% of Americans would support bacon as their \"national food\". Dishes such as bacon explosion, chicken", "id": "16611135" }, { "contents": "Black Country\n\n\nof . The borders of the Black Country can be defined by using the special cultural and industrial characteristics of the area. Areas around the canals (the cut) which had mines extracting mineral resources and heavy industry refining these are included in this definition. Cultural parameters include unique or characteristic foods such as Groaty pudding, Grey Peas and Bacon, faggots, gammon or pork hocks and pork scratchings; Black Country Humour; and the Black Country dialect. The Black Country Society defines the Black Country's borders as the area on the", "id": "7276120" }, { "contents": "Big Classic\n\n\nadded, and the name changed to the Big Bacon Classic. It was replaced on the menu with the Baconator in June 2007, but one can still order the sandwich. The Big Bacon Classic returned to Wendy's menu in October 2009, was called the Bacon Deluxe, and contained four strips of bacon instead of two until its discontinuation in June 2012. The Bacon Deluxe was replaced on the menu by the Son of Baconator. If a customer wants a Bacon Deluxe, they can now add three pieces of bacon to a", "id": "20053089" }, { "contents": "J&D's Down Home Enterprises\n\n\nregistering a trademark and purchasing an internet domain, Esch and Lefkow started producing Bacon Salt. They funded their company with a $5,000 loan from Lefkow's 3-year-old son Dean, who had won the money on \"America's Funniest Home Videos\" for a video in which he smacks his dad with a hit while playing T-Ball. Bacon Salt became a hit, and as of 2007 was sold in all 50 states and 26 other countries. Esch and Lefkow have since repaid the $5,000 loan. Additional financing", "id": "18886479" }, { "contents": "Isaac J. MacCollum\n\n\nBacon. In 1944 he ran for Governor against Bacon, but was defeated and returned to his medical practice full-time. MacCallum died in Wyoming, Delaware. He was a respected country doctor, described as \"mainly just a kind, traditional doctor. He made house calls, which is something you don't see today. I am grateful to him -- he delivered my first baby.\" Elections are held the first Tuesday after November 1. U.S. Representatives take office January 3 and have a term of two years.", "id": "19431606" }, { "contents": "Luis and Clark\n\n\nSymphony, an Antonio Roca bass. It is a bit asymmetrical in the upper bout, making it easier to play. It has Rubner nickel tyrolean style tuners. The bass has a robust sound and can go from zero degrees into a hot dry room or to a hot humid country and not lose its sound, not crack nor have its neck come loose. Yo-Yo Ma 2Cellos Michael Bacon (The Bacon Brothers) Steven Sharp Nelson (The Piano Guys) Alana Henderson (Hozier) Brent Kutzle (OneRepublic) Erik", "id": "4293508" }, { "contents": "Security, Territory, Population\n\n\nof sedition where you can either buy the nobility or you can execute them. The problem of the common people becomes a different matter, they are not easily bought. So Bacon himself offers a whole series of measures and reforms that should be implemented, reducing the rate of interest, avoiding excessively large estates, increased wages, promoting external trade increasing the value of raw materials through work, and assuring provisions of transport to foreign countries. While the differences between Bacon and Machiavelli appear subtle, it was 250 years later that the", "id": "6790156" }, { "contents": "Bacon\n\n\ndefinitely established as causal, they are likely to be. According to the World Health Organization, regular consumption of processed meats such as bacon increases the likelihood of developing colorectal cancers by 18%. Several alternatives to and substitutes for bacon have been developed for those who cannot or prefer not to eat standard pork bacon. Turkey bacon is an alternative to bacon. People may choose turkey bacon over real bacon due to health benefits, religious laws, or other reasons. It is lower in fat and food energy than bacon,", "id": "16611145" }, { "contents": "Bacon sundae\n\n\nThe Bacon sundae is a sundae prepared using typical sundae ingredients and the use of bacon. The bacon sundae was a product offering from Denny's in the U.S. in 2011, which purveyed a maple bacon sundae in 2011, part of its limited-time \"Baconalia!: A Celebration of Bacon\" menu. The bacon sundae was also a product offering from Burger King for the summer of 2012 in the U.S. Burger King's bacon sundae is made of vanilla soft serve ice cream and topped with hot fudge, caramel, bacon", "id": "4849356" }, { "contents": "Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival\n\n\nThe Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival is an annual festival in Des Moines, Iowa. Founded by members of the Iowa Bacon Board, the festival sold 200 tickets to the first festival in 2008. Today, the bacon celebration has grown to host approximately 14,000 bacon-lovers in all. Ticket holders can compete in a bacon-eating contest, listen to lectures about bacon, and sample bacon from vendors. Festival organizers have extended the celebration internationally through the Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour. For the price of an admission ticket, each attendee", "id": "4905856" }, { "contents": "Bacon\n\n\nthe UK and Ireland, and is anecdotally recommended as a hangover cure. The term \"bacon\" on its own generally refers to side bacon, which is the most popular type of bacon sold in the US. Back bacon is known as \"Canadian bacon\" or \"Canadian-style bacon\", and is usually sold pre-cooked and thick-sliced. American bacons include varieties smoked with hickory, mesquite or applewood and flavourings such as chili pepper, maple, brown sugar, honey, or molasses. A side", "id": "16611134" }, { "contents": "I Love Bacon!\n\n\nthat section include \"Pancetta-Wrapped Monkfish with Cauliflower Flan\" and \"Bluefish with Corn, Avocado, and Bacon Salad\". Like its somewhat lengthier predecessors, Sara Perry's \"Everything Tastes Better with Bacon\" (2002), Pruess and Lape's \"Seduced by Bacon\" (2006), and James Villas's \"The Bacon Cookbook\" (2007), Rockmill's \"I Love Bacon!\" includes sweet dishes using bacon. Among the recipes in the \"Desserts\" section are \"Bacon Panna Cotta with", "id": "8714255" }, { "contents": "Nathaniel Bacon (Virginia)\n\n\nthe rebel forces, the rebellion soon collapsed. Governor Berkeley returned to power, seizing the property of several rebels and ultimately hanging twenty-three men, many without trial. After an investigative committee returned its report to King Charles II, criticizing both Berkeley and Bacon for their conduct toward friendly tribes, Berkeley was relieved of the governorship, returned to England to protest, and died shortly thereafter. Charles II later supposedly commented, \"That old fool has put to death more people in that naked country than I did here for", "id": "16485736" }, { "contents": "The United Church of Bacon\n\n\nin the existence of gods and chose a funny bacon name with an argument that bacon is demonstrably real whereas god is imperceptible by the eye. The Church's mission statement is \"Hail Bacon, full of grease, the Lard is with thee.” The chief criterion for joining is that members must love the smell of bacon, which can be turkey bacon or vegetarian bacon. Officiants are known as friars. The main code are the 8 bacon commandments (previously 9): The 9th commandment was originally \"Pay Taxes\"", "id": "19309829" }, { "contents": "Seduced by Bacon\n\n\nmeals. It also includes facts, ideas, and instructions for preparing the meat, as well as a brief history of bacon, a discussion of the folklore surrounding the meat, and a glossary of bacon-related items. The book also provides information on the use of bacon, listing curing techniques, tips on buying and storing bacon and the best ways to cook it. \"Seduced by Bacon\" includes bacon-related writings from notables such as Mark Twain and Fran Lebowitz. It also contains photographs and bacon-related", "id": "20583907" }, { "contents": "Bacon roll\n\n\n, mayonnaise, and ketchup on a bun. The sandwich was layered so that there were three strips of bacon on top of each patty. In 2009, Wendy's began offering three different varieties of the Baconator- the Baconator Single (one patty), the Baconator Double (the same as the original), and the Baconator Triple (three patties). At various times Wendy's has offered special limited-time only Baconators such as the Spicy Baconator, which added pepper jack cheese, jalapeños, and \"Chipotle Ranch\"", "id": "3270547" } ]
How many sides can a shape have before it becomes a circle and does the concept of geometry exist on the very small scale?
[{"answer": "In geometry, regular polygons become closer to circles the more sides they have. In that sense, you might say a circle is a regular polygon with an infinite number of sides. Real world objects can be neither perfect circles or perfect regular polygons. Eventually imperfections will crop up, at the molecular level, if not before."}, {"answer": "You can somewhat define an ellipse/circle as a polygon with infinite sides. If by small scale you mean molecular, then essentially yes. Current models of molecular geometry are supported by experimental data."}, {"answer": "In terms of what is practical to the user, it depends on what needs to be achieved. Requirements can be function, for example: a vector CAD package will increase the polygon side count based on the zoom to create the representation, otherwise it's really just a matter of how circular does it need to be and when does adding more faces diminish the addition's value. In real terms: Arcs and circles are abstract concepts, they don't exist outwith theory and can only be defined functionally."}, {"answer": "* You\u2019re in the realm of imagination when you think about questions like this, or in other words the realm where philosophy and maths exist. * What a lot of people forget when asking this kind of question is that first and foremost what does the observer observe? A normal person wouldn\u2019t see the difference between a polygon with 200 lines and a circle 1 meter away, depending on how small the circle is. * but mathematicians believe in the \u2018perfect\u2019 observer who can see infinite amount of lines. * that means each length of a line in the polygon is nearing the length of a point, but as a point has no length, the number of lines are infinite, and our theoretical observer is fine with that. * But with a boring normal human, you could figure out the radius of a point you can make with the pen you\u2019re using, and any 2 points that just barely touch could be called the smallest line possible. Or you can depend on the crappy resolution of eyes and the ratio between the circle radius and the distance of the observer away from the circle to blur a polygon into a circle. * Regarding the second part, geometry works outside of units, so scale is irrelevant."}, {"answer": "If we're dealing in perfect polygons(equilateral triangle,square,pentagon,etc) the angle of each corner is always the same. The most common measurement for angles is degrees(90 degree angle for square). Degrees can be split into 60 minutes, which in turn can be split into 60 seconds. This gives you 360 spaces within each degree angle. 360 times 360 equals 129,600, meaning the closest thing to a circle in this measurement system has 129,600 sides. You can technically split things up further, but as far as I have discovered, I do not know of any mathematical usage for such. If you use a different angle measurement system, like gradians, you can go further, but again I don't know what it would accomplish. For funsies, the Megagon is a million-sided polygon with an inside angle of 179.99964 degrees, or 199.999603411 gradians. So close to a circle that each side would have to be a football field long for you to notice the difference. Edit: I took this a step further because I made myself curious. If the side of a perfect megagon was 100 yards long, and one side was flat on the ground, the far end of the next side would be 0.000628 yards, or two one-hundredths of an inch, off the ground. So a football field isn't even enough. Let's up the ante. If our megagon was 100 miles on one side flat on the ground, the far end of the next side would be 0.000628 miles, or approximately 3 feet 4 inches, off the ground."}, {"answer": "Polygons in euclidean space become more circly and boring as you increase the sides. There really isn't any \"boundary\" to when a many-sided polygon becomes a circle. But more sides on a polygon means it approaches being a circle. Step on over to hyperbolic space (constant negative curvature), a polygon with an infinite number of sides can actually be tiled and it isn't a circle. [Apeirogon]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Geometry and the features of mathematics don't exist in physical form as described in math. A point is a location with 0 diameter. A line has 0 width.a polygon has 0 height. Physical manifestations in our world have all non zero dimensions."}, {"answer": "Mathematically, there is no upper limit to how many sides a polygon can have. A polygon is definied by the number of its sides, so the types of polygons are in one to one correspondence with the natural numbers, which is in infinite set with no maximum element. Of course, a polygon can NOT have infinite sides, so a circle can in some sense be thought of as a polygon with n sides taken as n goes to infinity."}, {"answer": "A circle has an infinite number of sides. Scale often doesn\u2019t matter that much with geometry. A square with side length n will *always* have an area of n \u2022 n, or n\\^2. Just use smaller units or more zeros on the left."}, {"answer": "Sorry if this is a weird question but: Are neutrons and protons (maybe electrons?) perfectly spherical like they're shown to be in our diagrams or are they still somewhat like ellipsoids?"}, {"answer": "The pure answer is \"an infinite number of sides\". But a useful answer depends of the needs of the inquirer. Scientists call a \"good enough\" answer an answer that is plenty close for their present needs. Scientists call this kind of accuracy an answer \"to a significant digit\". If you ask \"How many candies can I get for five dollars?\" \"Plenty.\" Would be an answer, but not a very good one. \"Several\" would be a better answer, but not at all satisfying. \"Almost four\" is a pretty good answer. \"3.8575\" would be a very good answer, but too much information for your needs, probably. \"4.0\" would be the significant digit if you didn't want to break up the candies. If you needed them for a recipe or to try to figure out how many candies a balloon could float, you would want a more particular answer, or an answer to a more significant digit."}, {"answer": "There is no such number. An n-gon _approaches_ a circular geometry as n _approaches_ infinity but there is no defined number at which an n-gon suddenly becomes a circle- they are two conceptually different shapes and can not be equated. If you\u2019re talking about practical approximations, when graphing a circle on a computer, the number is relatively low. Even a 100-gon looks damn near a circle (but again, it is not truly a circle). Yes, geometry exists on all scales which is evidenced by the fact that geometrical concepts are applicable with arbitrary variables. The values of those variables could be ~10^100 or ~10^-100 and the concepts work all the same."}, {"answer": "I don't know if anyone has answered the second question yet, but geometry *does* exist and very small scales. Just as an example, when water freezes (under normal pressure and temperature) because of the magnetic forces at a molecular level, the molecules arrange themselves to be 60 degrees apart from each other, thus creating the snowflake shapes we all know. Crystalline structures of other materials also follow a similar principal and arrange themselves into geometric lattices."}, {"answer": "mathematically a regular polygon can have any finite number of sides and the rules of geometry stay the same. it\u2019s properties like shape, area, circumference converge to that of a circle: they get closer and closer, but never reach it. just like 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ... approaches 1 but never reaches it."}, {"answer": "Geometry most certainly exists on a small scale, as molecules themselves have characteristic geometric shapes based on the angles and types of bonds they contain"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "333306", "title": "Regular polygon", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 205, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 425, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "William Stanley Jevons\n\n\nindependent in the domain of geometry. Jevons did not claim that geometry was developed without any consideration for spatial reality. Instead, he suggested that his geometric systems were representations of reality but in a more fundamental way that transcends what one can perceive about reality. Jevons claimed that there was a flaw in Helmholtz's argument relating to the concept of infinitesimally small. This concept involves how these creatures reason about geometry and space at a very small scale, which is not necessarily the same as the reasoning that Helmholtz assumed on a more", "id": "65168" }, { "contents": "Circle packing\n\n\nit does not have the lowest possible. The \"worst\" shape to pack onto a plane is not known, but the smoothed octagon has a packing density of about 0.902414, which is the lowest maximum packing density known of any centrally-symmetric convex shape. Packing densities of concave shapes such as star polygons can be arbitrarily small. The branch of mathematics generally known as \"circle packing\" is concerned with the geometry and combinatorics of packings of arbitrarily-sized circles: these give rise to discrete analogs of conformal mapping,", "id": "19945488" }, { "contents": "Hyperbolic geometry\n\n\nElements\" prove the existence of parallel/non-intersecting lines. This difference also has many consequences: concepts that are equivalent in Euclidean geometry are not equivalent in hyperbolic geometry; new concepts need to be introduced. Further, because of the angle of parallelism, hyperbolic geometry has an absolute scale, a relation between distance and angle measurements. Single lines in hyperbolic geometry have exactly the same properties as single straight lines in Euclidean geometry. For example, two points uniquely define a line, and lines can be infinitely extended.", "id": "10724789" }, { "contents": "Inversive geometry\n\n\nIn geometry, inversive geometry is the study of those properties of figures that are preserved by a generalization of a type of transformation of the Euclidean plane, called \"inversion\". These transformations preserve angles and map generalized circles into generalized circles, where a \"generalized circle\" means either a circle or a line (loosely speaking, a circle with infinite radius). Many difficult problems in geometry become much more tractable when an inversion is applied. The concept of inversion can be generalized to higher-dimensional spaces. To invert", "id": "6306983" }, { "contents": "Zeugopterus punctatus\n\n\nfor camouflage but relies on immobility to avoid detection. \"Zeugopterus punctatus\" grows to a maximum length of about 25 cm. It is sometimes confused with the lemon sole \"Microstomus kitti\" which can be found on rocky substrates too but has a noticeable pattern on its back, does not have such long fins and is a more pointed shape. The eyed side is covered in small ctenoid scales while the blind side has cycloid scales, the many small ctenoid scales feel downy to the touch. The eastern Atlantic Ocean including the", "id": "9876650" }, { "contents": "Project Mathematics!\n\n\nform. In the 18th century, Johann Lambert found that pi cannot be a ratio and is therefore an irrational number. Pi shows up in many areas having no obvious connection to circles. For example; the fraction of points on a lattice viewable from an origin point is equal to formula_8. Discusses how scaling objects does not change their shape and how angles stay the same. Also shows how ratios change for perimeters, areas and volumes. Visually depicts how sines and cosines are related to waves and a unit circle.", "id": "19266440" }, { "contents": "Distributed economy\n\n\nthey can improve quality of life. The whole concept of DE is not at all a new invention – this is how most pre-industrial economies were organised. However, information technology has opened new doors for the concept: information can be shared much more easily and small-scale production facilities (rapid prototyping) are becoming cheaper. The DE concept works well with the development of fab labs. Not all industries are fit for DE; for example, many chemical processes only become economically feasible & efficient on a large scale", "id": "11382992" }, { "contents": "Area of a circle\n\n\npieces into a rectangle. A remarkable fact discovered relatively recently is that we can dissect the disk into a large but \"finite\" number of pieces and then reassemble the pieces into a square of equal area. This is called Tarski's circle-squaring problem. The nature of Laczkovich's proof is such that it proves the existence of such a partition (in fact, of many such partitions) but does not exhibit any particular partition. Circles can be defined in non-Euclidean geometry, and in particular in the hyperbolic", "id": "9010360" }, { "contents": "Generalised circle\n\n\nA generalized circle, also referred to as a \"cline\" or \"circline\", is a straight line or a circle. The concept is mainly used in inversive geometry, because straight lines and circles have very similar properties in that geometry and are best treated together. Inversive plane geometry is formulated on the plane extended by one point at infinity. A straight line is then thought of as one of the circles that passes through the asymptotic point at infinity. The fundamental transformations in inversive geometry, the \"inversions\",", "id": "6707926" }, { "contents": "Area of a circle\n\n\nabelian integral whose value is a half-period of the sine function, equal to . Thus formula_6 is seen to be true as a theorem. Several of the arguments that follow use only concepts from elementary calculus to reproduce the formula formula_1, but in many cases to regard these as actual proofs, they rely implicitly on the fact that one can develop trigonometric functions and the fundamental constant in a way that is totally independent of their relation to geometry. We have indicated where appropriate how each of these proofs can be made totally", "id": "9010339" }, { "contents": "Regular polygon\n\n\n. As the number of sides, n approaches infinity, the internal angle approaches 180 degrees. For a regular polygon with 10,000 sides (a myriagon) the internal angle is 179.964°. As the number of sides increase, the internal angle can come very close to 180°, and the shape of the polygon approaches that of a circle. However the polygon can never become a circle. The value of the internal angle can never become exactly equal to 180°, as the circumference would effectively become a straight line.", "id": "18528995" }, { "contents": "Spherical Earth\n\n\ncircumnavigation as simply moving around the disc in a circle. (East-west paths form a circle in both disc and spherical geometry.) It is possible in this model to traverse the North Pole, but it is not possible to perform a circumnavigation that includes the South Pole (which it posits does not exist). Explorers, government researchers, commercial pilots, and tourists have been to Antarctica and found that it is not a large ring that encircles the entire world, but actually a roughly disc-shaped continent smaller", "id": "8488352" }, { "contents": "Taxicab geometry\n\n\nof a geometric analog to formula_11 is 4 in this geometry. The formula for the unit circle in taxicab geometry is formula_12 in Cartesian coordinates and in polar coordinates. A circle of radius 1 (using this distance) is the von Neumann neighborhood of its center. A circle of radius \"r\" for the Chebyshev distance (L metric) on a plane is also a square with side length 2\"r\" parallel to the coordinate axes, so planar Chebyshev distance can be viewed as equivalent by rotation and scaling to planar taxicab distance", "id": "18026148" }, { "contents": "Similarity (geometry)\n\n\nmeasures equal to the measures of two angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar. Corresponding sides of similar polygons are in proportion, and corresponding angles of similar polygons have the same measure. This article assumes that a scaling can have a scale factor of 1, so that all congruent shapes are also similar, but some school textbooks specifically exclude congruent triangles from their definition of similar triangles by insisting that the sizes must be different if the triangles are to qualify as similar. In geometry two triangles, and , are", "id": "18157616" }, { "contents": "Circle\n\n\na geometric analog to formula_39 is 4 in this geometry. The formula for the unit circle in taxicab geometry is formula_40 in Cartesian coordinates and in polar coordinates. A circle of radius 1 (using this distance) is the von Neumann neighborhood of its center. A circle of radius \"r\" for the Chebyshev distance (L metric) on a plane is also a square with side length 2\"r\" parallel to the coordinate axes, so planar Chebyshev distance can be viewed as equivalent by rotation and scaling to planar taxicab distance.", "id": "6360652" }, { "contents": "Concept car\n\n\nof these often impractical or unprofitable leanings, many concept cars never get past scale models, or even drawings in computer design. Other more traditional concepts can be developed into fully drivable (operational) vehicles with a working drivetrain and accessories. The state of most concept cars lies somewhere in between and does not represent the final product. A very small proportion of concept cars are functional to any useful extent, some cannot move safely at speeds above . Inoperative \"mock-ups\" are usually made of wax, clay,", "id": "12842672" }, { "contents": "Elliptic geometry\n\n\nits internal angles are 90 degrees, summing to 270 degrees. For sufficiently small triangles, the excess over 180 degrees can be made arbitrarily small. The Pythagorean theorem fails in elliptic geometry. In the 90°–90°–90° triangle described above, all three sides have the same length, and consequently do not satisfy formula_1. The Pythagorean result is recovered in the limit of small triangles. The ratio of a circle's circumference to its area is smaller than in Euclidean geometry. In general, area and volume do not", "id": "9046570" }, { "contents": "Intersection (Euclidean geometry)\n\n\nexists only one intersection point and the line is tangent to the circle. If the weak inequality does not hold, the line does not intersect the circle. If the circle's midpoint is not the origin, see. The intersection of a line and a parabola or hyperbola may be treated analogously. The determination of the intersection points of two circles can be reduced to the previous case of intersecting a line and a circle. By subtraction of the two given equations one gets the line equation: The intersection of two disks (", "id": "21278194" }, { "contents": "Kaluza–Klein theory\n\n\nproposed that the fourth spatial dimension is curled up in a circle of a very small radius, so that a particle moving a short distance along that axis would return to where it began. The distance a particle can travel before reaching its initial position is said to be the size of the dimension. This extra dimension is a compact set, and construction of this compact dimension is referred to as compactification. In modern geometry, the extra fifth dimension can be understood to be the circle group U(1), as electromagnetism can essentially", "id": "17412157" }, { "contents": "Taxicab geometry\n\n\nas two triangles with equally \"long\" two sides and an identical angle between them are typically not congruent unless the mentioned sides happen to be parallel. A circle is a set of points with a fixed distance, called the \"radius\", from a point called the \"center\". In taxicab geometry, distance is determined by a different metric than in Euclidean geometry, and the shape of circles changes as well. Taxicab circles are squares with sides oriented at a 45° angle to the coordinate axes. The image", "id": "18026146" }, { "contents": "Lens (geometry)\n\n\nIn 2-dimensional geometry, a lens is a convex set bounded by two circular arcs joined to each other at their endpoints. In order for this shape to be convex, both arcs must bow outwards (convex-convex). This shape can be formed as the intersection of two circular disks. It can also be formed as the union of two circular segments (regions between the chord of a circle and the circle itself), joined along a common chord. If the two arcs of a lens have equal radii, it", "id": "1335272" }, { "contents": "Direct proof\n\n\nin terms of practical things, so early geometrical concepts were focused on these shapes, for example, the likes of buildings and pyramids used these shapes in abundance. Another shape which is crucial in the history of direct proof is the circle, which was crucial for the design of arenas and water tanks. This meant that ancient geometry (and Euclidean Geometry) discussed circles. The earliest form of mathematics was phenomenological. For example, if someone could draw a reasonable picture, or give a convincing description, then that met all", "id": "9617812" }, { "contents": "Seascape ecology\n\n\nFor instance, the physical arrangement of objects in space, and their location relative to other things, influences how they function. A landscape ecologist will ask different questions focused at different scales than other scientists, such as: What are the ecological consequences of different shaped patches, patch size, quality, edge geometry, spatial arrangement and diversity of patches across the landscape? At what scale(s) is structure most influential? How do landscape patterns influence the way that animals find food, evade predators and interact with competitors? How does", "id": "6744284" }, { "contents": "Southern Ghats slender gecko\n\n\n, inner very small, rudimentary; only two large chevron-shaped divided lamellae under the distal part of the digits, followed by transverse undivided lamellae, decreasing in width. Head covered with very minute granules; rostral and mental very small, former four-sided, latter pentagonal or triangular; nostril pierced between rostral, first labial, and several granules; labials very small, 9 or 10 upper and as many lower, no chin-shields. Back covered with very small granular scales, abdominal scales a little larger,", "id": "14084194" }, { "contents": "Dean drive\n\n\nabout Dean's explanation of how the device worked, \"... does not strike me as valid ... For this reason I have decided to undertake a theoretical study of dynamic systems to see if a concept can be evolved which will describe a world in which Dean's Drive can exist and yet where other known facts are not contradicted.\" Davis produced a hypothesis and it was published in \"Analog\" in 1962. Later analysis has revealed that the interactions of vibration, friction, and resonance with the springs of the scale are", "id": "15236768" }, { "contents": "Riding figures\n\n\n20-meter circle fits very well into both the small (20 x 40 meter) and standard (20 x 60 meter) arenas, allowing the rider to use points on the wall to determine if the circle is the correct size and shape. The 20-meter circle should be round, not egg or pear-shaped. This means that each side of the arena that touches the circle should only be met at a single point, and should \"not\" be ridden along for any period of time. Many novice riders go too", "id": "10368327" }, { "contents": "Castlerigg stone circle\n\n\n. Since the 1960s, the names Aubrey Burl and Alexander Thom have become synonymous with stone circles and both men have contributed significantly to the literature on this subject, whilst taking opposing sides regarding their purpose and significance. The works of Burl strongly support the idea that any geometry within the circle, or astronomical alignments, are either purely coincidental or symbolic in nature. Thom, on the other hand, is a proponent of the circle builders being adept astronomers and mathematicians and suggests that these skills can be seen in all stone circles", "id": "12001193" }, { "contents": "Hydrodynamic trapping\n\n\nthe target cells or particles and the other particles in a solution. The vortices can be created by modifying the geometry of channels. Hydrodynamic trapping can also be used to trap and study molecules in lipid bilayers. This is done using hydrodynamic drag forces that are created by a fluid flow through a very small cone shaped pipet located about one micrometer away from the lipid bilayer. This allows particles protruding from the lipid bilayer to be trapped and studied. Hydrodynamic trapping can be used on a more macroscopic scale for mineral trapping. It", "id": "14035328" }, { "contents": "Squaring the circle\n\n\nbe squared in Euclidean space, it sometimes can be in hyperbolic geometry under suitable interpretations of the terms. As there are no squares in the hyperbolic plane, their role needs to be taken by \"regular quadrilaterals\", meaning quadrilaterals with all sides congruent and all angles congruent (but these angles are strictly smaller than right angles). There exist, in the hyperbolic plane, (countably) infinitely many pairs of constructible circles and constructible regular quadrilaterals of equal area, which, however, are constructed simultaneously. There is no", "id": "20995779" }, { "contents": "Sphere\n\n\nthem is exactly half the length of the circumference. Any other (i.e. not antipodal) pair of distinct points on a sphere Spherical geometry shares many analogous properties to Euclidean once equipped with this \"great-circle distance\". And a much more abstract generalization of geometry also uses the same distance concept in the Riemannian circle. The hemisphere is conjectured to be the optimal (least area) isometric filling of the Riemannian circle. The antipodal quotient of the sphere is the surface called the real projective plane, which can also be", "id": "8174809" }, { "contents": "Torus interconnect\n\n\nA torus interconnect is a switch-less network topology for connecting processing nodes in a parallel computer system. In geometry, a torus is created by revolving a circle about an axis coplanar to the circle. While this is a general definition in geometry, the topological properties of this type of shape describes the network topology in its essence. The following images are 1D, and 2D torus. 1D torus is a simple circle, and 2D torus has the shape of doughnut. The animation below illustrates how a 2D torus is generated", "id": "4741213" }, { "contents": "Taylor dispersion\n\n\nout the gradient in the formula_12 direction. This can be translated into the requirement that the length scale formula_13 in the formula_10 direction satisfies: Dispersion is also a function of channel geometry. An interesting phenomena for example is that the dispersion of a flow between two infinite flat plates and a rectangular channel, which is infinitely thin, differs approximately 8.75 times. Here the very small side walls of the rectangular channel have an enormous influence on the dispersion. While the exact formula will not hold in more general circumstances, the mechanism still", "id": "737810" }, { "contents": "James Wharram\n\n\ncan be lowered in a following wind at any time. The Centre of effort on all Wharram rigs is kept low, giving them very good stability. No full-size Wharram has been known to have capsized. Many of the cabin interiors are designed to flexy-space principles, the concept being multi-purpose space on a human scale, in which less is more and the simpler the construction, the better. The slim v-shaped hulls have a very good speed/length ratio and all have canoe sterns,", "id": "19235849" }, { "contents": "Deformable mirror\n\n\nmirrors are liquid deformable mirrors made with a suspension of small (about 10 nm in diameter) ferromagnetic nanoparticles dispersed in a liquid carrier. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the ferromagnetic particles align with the field, the liquid becomes magnetized and its surface acquires a shape governed by the equilibrium between the magnetic, gravitational and surface tension forces. Using proper magnetic field geometries, any desired shape can be produced at the surface of the ferrofluid. This new concept offers a potential alternative for low-cost, high stroke", "id": "10765094" }, { "contents": "Rolling ball argument\n\n\nIn topology, quantum mechanics and geometrodynamics, rolling-ball arguments are used to describe how the perceived geometry and connectedness of a surface can be scale-dependent. If a researcher probes the shape of an intricately curved surface by rolling a ball across it, then features that are continually curved but whose curvature radius is smaller than the ball radius may appear in the ball's description of the geometry as abrupt points, barriers and singularities. If the surface being probed contains connections whose scale is smaller than the ball diameter, then", "id": "8523629" }, { "contents": "Photonic metamaterial\n\n\nNanoscale fabrication techniques exist to accomplish subwavelength geometries. Metals such as gold, silver, aluminum and copper conduct currents at RF and microwave frequencies. At optical frequencies characteristics of some noble metals are altered. Rather than normal current flow, plasmonic resonances occur as the real part of the complex permittivity becomes negative. Therefore, the main current flow is actually the electric displacement current density ∂D / ∂t, and can be termed as the “flowing optical current\". At subwavelength scales the cell's impedance becomes dependent on shape, size", "id": "20025436" }, { "contents": "Small business\n\n\neach other. Below are the key differences of these concepts in summary: From the summaries, we can see that many small businesses are sole proprietor operations consisting solely of the owner, but small businesses can have a small number of employees. When big firms start out, they are known as startups, but not all small businesses are startups that aim to become bigger. Many of these small businesses offer an existing product, process or service, and they do not aim at growth. In contrast, startups aim for growth", "id": "1629617" }, { "contents": "Taxicab geometry\n\n\nto the right shows why this is true, by showing in red the set of all points with a fixed distance from a center, shown in blue. As the size of the city blocks diminishes, the points become more numerous and become a rotated square in a continuous taxicab geometry. While each side would have length formula_10 using a Euclidean metric, where \"r\" is the circle's radius, its length in taxicab geometry is 2\"r\". Thus, a circle's circumference is 8\"r\". Thus, the value", "id": "18026147" }, { "contents": "Force between magnets\n\n\nmodel, but this can be very cumbersome mathematically. Calculating the attractive or repulsive force between two magnets is, in the general case, a very complex operation, as it depends on the shape, magnetization, orientation and separation of the magnets. The Gilbert model does depend on some knowledge of how the 'magnetic charge' is distributed over the magnetic poles. It is only truly useful for simple configurations even then. Fortunately, this restriction covers many useful cases. If both poles are small enough to be represented as single", "id": "8654796" }, { "contents": "Fractal dimension\n\n\n, quantifies the pattern's inherent scaling, but does not uniquely describe nor provide enough information to reconstruct it. Many fractal structures or patterns could be constructed that have the same scaling relationship but are dramatically different from the Koch curve, as is illustrated in Figure 6. \"For examples of how fractal patterns can be constructed, see Fractal, Sierpinski triangle, Mandelbrot set, Diffusion limited aggregation, L-System.\" The concept of fractality is applied increasingly in the field of surface science, providing a bridge between surface characteristics", "id": "3446697" }, { "contents": "AK-47\n\n\nof Russian Army soldiers ask me how one can become a constructor, and how new weaponry is designed. These are very difficult questions. Each designer seems to have his own paths, his own successes and failures. But one thing is clear: before attempting to create something new, it is vital to have a good appreciation of everything that already exists in this field. I myself have had many experiences confirming this to be so.\" There are claims about Kalashnikov copying other designs, like Bulkin's TKB-415 or Simonov's", "id": "1253469" }, { "contents": "Shoes (GUI toolkit)\n\n\ngraphic primitives to draw art like lines, circles, and even physics (via Chipmunk) cRruby extensions. Shoes 3 includes it own embedded MRI/cRuby Ruby and does not require the end user to install Ruby. It provides a customized Rubygems environment that does not conflict with any existing Ruby that might exist. Developers can also package up their scripts in several ways to easily share with other users who have Shoes installed. Advanced developers in Shoes 3 have many deployment options available including very platform specific applications with unique gems and their", "id": "6513504" }, { "contents": "Spherical geometry\n\n\nbetween points\", which are called geodesics. On a sphere, the geodesics are the great circles; other geometric concepts are defined as in plane geometry, but with straight lines replaced by great circles. Thus, in spherical geometry, angles are defined between great circles, resulting in a spherical trigonometry that differs from ordinary trigonometry in many respects; for example, the sum of the interior angles of a triangle exceeds 180 degrees. Spherical geometry is \"not\" elliptic geometry, but is rather a \"subset\" of elliptic", "id": "9012944" }, { "contents": "Prime number\n\n\n, and many concepts exist in both geometry and number theory. For example, factorization or ramification of prime ideals when lifted to an extension field, a basic problem of algebraic number theory, bears some resemblance with ramification in geometry. These concepts can even assist with in number-theoretic questions solely concerned with integers. For example, prime ideals in the ring of integers of quadratic number fields can be used in proving quadratic reciprocity, a statement that concerns the existence of square roots modulo integer prime numbers. Early attempts to prove", "id": "4151151" }, { "contents": "Kite (geometry)\n\n\nthe lute of Pythagoras. The kites that are also cyclic quadrilaterals (i.e. the kites that can be inscribed in a circle) are exactly the ones formed from two congruent right triangles. That is, for these kites the two equal angles on opposite sides of the symmetry axis are each 90 degrees. These shapes are called right kites. Because they circumscribe one circle and are inscribed in another circle, they are bicentric quadrilaterals. Among all the bicentric quadrilaterals with a given two circle radii, the one with maximum area is a", "id": "4878729" }, { "contents": "Shape\n\n\ncurve, a plane, a plane figure (e.g. square or circle), or a solid figure (e.g. cube or sphere). However, most shapes occurring in the physical world are complex. Some, such as plant structures and coastlines, may be so complicated as to defy traditional mathematical description – in which case they may be analyzed by differential geometry, or as fractals. In geometry, two subsets of a Euclidean space have the same shape if one can be transformed to the other by a combination of translations,", "id": "6432336" }, { "contents": "Smoothness\n\n\nand Poncelet. The concept was an early attempt at describing, through geometry rather than algebra, the concept of continuity as expressed through a parametric function. The basic idea behind geometric continuity was that the five conic sections were really five different versions of the same shape. An ellipse tends to a circle as the eccentricity approaches zero, or to a parabola as it approaches one; and a hyperbola tends to a parabola as the eccentricity drops toward one; it can also tend to intersecting lines. Thus, there was \"continuity", "id": "342685" }, { "contents": "Schoenflies problem\n\n\nthe annulus at the same time \"s\". The diffeomorphism α therefore carries the smooth curve onto this small circle. A scaling transformation, fixing 0 and ∞, then carries the small circle onto the unit circle. Composing these diffeomorphisms gives a diffeomorphism carrying the smooth curve onto the unit circle. There does exist a higher-dimensional generalization due to and independently with , which is also called the generalized Schoenflies theorem. It states that, if an (\"n\" − 1)-dimensional sphere \"S\" is embedded into the", "id": "7371874" }, { "contents": "Full circle ringing\n\n\nto stop the bells mouth upwards. However, English full-circle ringing is capable of much better control of bell speed, as it is independent of the counter-balance effect. The Bolognese style of bell hanging does not have any counter-balancing. In English full circle ringing \"Mini-rings\" are used to demonstrate how full-circle ringing on large bells works. These rings can be assembled quickly, but the bells are light and the ringing is fast. However, they demonstrate a difficult concept visually,", "id": "2413829" }, { "contents": "Gradient descent\n\n\nnumber of dimensions, even in infinite-dimensional ones. In the latter case, the search space is typically a function space, and one calculates the Fréchet derivative of the functional to be minimized to determine the descent direction. The gradient descent can take many iterations to compute a local minimum with a required accuracy, if the curvature in different directions is very different for the given function. For such functions, preconditioning, which changes the geometry of the space to shape the function level sets like concentric circles, cures the slow", "id": "20996518" }, { "contents": "Shape analysis (digital geometry)\n\n\nhave to be simplified before a comparison can be achieved. The simplified representation is often called a \"shape descriptor\" (or fingerprint, signature). These simplified representations try to carry most of the important information, while being easier to handle, to store and to compare than the shapes directly. A \"complete shape descriptor\" is a representation that can be used to completely reconstruct the original object (for example the medial axis transform). Shape analysis is used in many application fields: Shape descriptors can be classified by", "id": "14169077" }, { "contents": "Geometry instancing\n\n\npoints in space, which can then be rendered by almost any offline renderer. Geometry instancing in offline rendering is useful for creating things like swarms of insects, in which each one can be detailed, but still behaves in a realistic way that does not have to be determined by the animator. Most packages allow variation of the material or material parameters on a per instance basis, which helps ensure that instances do not appear to be exact copies of each other. In Houdini, many object level attributes (e.g. such as scale", "id": "4612376" }, { "contents": "Geometric separator\n\n\nA geometric separator is a line (or other shape) that partitions a collection of geometric shapes into two subsets, such that proportion of shapes in each subset is bounded, and the number of shapes that do not belong to any subset (i.e. the shapes intersected by the separator itself) is small. When a geometric separator exists, it can be used for building divide-and-conquer algorithms for solving various problems in computational geometry. A simple case in which a separator is guaranteed to exist is the following: Thus", "id": "341616" }, { "contents": "Nanochemistry\n\n\nscaled structures, approves effects of being size dependent. Nanochemistry can be characterized by concepts of size, shape, self-assembly, defects and bio-nano; So the synthesis of any new nano-construct is associated with all these concepts. Nano-construct synthesis is dependent on how the surface, size and shape will lead to self-assembly of the building blocks into the functional structures; they probably have functional defects and might be useful for electronic, photonic, medical or bioanalytical problems. Silica, gold, polydimethylsiloxane", "id": "22208195" }, { "contents": "Max Dehn\n\n\nMathematics, Philosophy, Greek, and Italian. In his class \"Geometry for Artists,\" Dehn introduced students to geometric concepts such as points, lines, planes and solids; cones sectioned into circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas; spheres and regular polyhedrons. His classes had an emphasis on the way shapes relate to each other, a concept that can be useful in artistic mediums. He enjoyed the forested mountains found in Black Mountain, and would often hold class in the woods, giving lectures during hikes. His", "id": "12298057" }, { "contents": "List of humorous units of measurement\n\n\nof a square of side length . VLSI nanoacres have similar total costs to acres in Silicon Valley. This unit is similar in concept to the attoparsec, combining very large and small scales. When a barn (a very small unit of area used for measuring the cross sectional area of atomic nuclei) is multiplied by a megaparsec (a very large unit of length used for measuring the distances between galaxies), the result is a human-scaled unit of volume approximately equal to of a teaspoon (about 3 ml).", "id": "14619260" }, { "contents": "Axiality (geometry)\n\n\nIn the geometry of the Euclidean plane, axiality is a measure of how much axial symmetry a shape has. It is defined as the ratio of areas of the largest axially symmetric subset of the shape to the whole shape. Equivalently it is the largest fraction of the area of the shape that can be covered by a mirror reflection of the shape (with any orientation). A shape that is itself axially symmetric, such as an isosceles triangle, will have an axiality of exactly one, whereas an asymmetric shape, such", "id": "15766852" }, { "contents": "Sub-Saharan Africa\n\n\nartist and craftsman are not separate. A sculpture shaped like a hand can be used as a stool. Fifth, the use of fractals or non-linear scaling. The shape of the whole is the shape of the parts at different scales. Before the discovery of fractal geometry], Leopold Sedar Senghor, Senegal's first president, referred to this as \"dynamic symmetry.\" William Fagg, the British art historian, compared it to the logarithmic mapping of natural growth by biologist D’Arcy Thompson. Lastly, Sub-Saharan", "id": "7249687" }, { "contents": "Squaring the circle\n\n\nmethod for starting with a regular quadrilateral and constructing the circle of equal area, and there is no method for starting with a circle and constructing a regular quadrilateral of equal area (even when the circle has small enough radius such that a regular quadrilateral of equal area exists). Though squaring the circle is an impossible problem using only compass and straightedge, approximations to squaring the circle can be given by constructing lengths close to . It takes only minimal knowledge of elementary geometry to convert any given rational approximation of into a corresponding compass", "id": "20995780" }, { "contents": "Predictive engineering analytics\n\n\nhydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical subsystems (including control systems). It helps engineers predict the behavior of concept designs of complex mechatronics, either transient or steady-state. Manufacturers often have validated libraries available that contain predefined components for different physical domains. Or if not, specialized software suppliers can provide them. Using those, the engineers can do concept predictions very early, even before any Computer-aided Design (CAD) geometry is available. During later stages, parameters can then be adapted. 1D system simulation calculations are very", "id": "14616468" }, { "contents": "Invariant (mathematics)\n\n\nhand, multiplication does not have this same property as addition, so distance is not invariant under multiplication. Angles and ratios of distances are invariant under scalings, rotations, translations and reflections. These transformations produce similar shapes, which is the basis of trigonometry. In contrast, angles and ratios are not invariant under non-uniform scaling (such as stretching). The sum of a triangle's interior angles (180°) is invariant under all the above operations. As another example, all circles are similar: they can", "id": "9741327" }, { "contents": "Problem of Apollonius\n\n\n, and the number of distinct solutions is reduced by one. The third case of complex conjugate radii does not correspond to a geometrically possible solution for Apollonius' problem, since a solution circle cannot have an imaginary radius; therefore, the number of solutions is reduced by two. Apollonius' problem cannot have seven solutions, although it may have any other number of solutions from zero to eight. The same algebraic equations can be derived in the context of Lie sphere geometry. That geometry represents circles, lines and points", "id": "11094740" }, { "contents": "Elementary mathematics\n\n\nor a graph (a set of connected nodes). Data is typically the result of measurements and can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as an abstract concept can be viewed as the lowest level of abstraction, from which information and then knowledge are derived. Two-dimensional geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, and relative position of two-dimensional figures. Basic topics in elementary mathematics include polygons, circles, perimeter and area. A polygon that is bounded by a finite chain", "id": "20150788" }, { "contents": "Sociology of space\n\n\nbe above the local and all other scales. Second, the use of concentric metaphor leaves us with a particular way of conceptualizing the scalar relationship between places. In this second metaphor, the local is seen as a relatively small circle, with the regional as a larger circle encompassing it, while the national and the global scales are still larger circles encompassing the local and the regional. For the hierarchy of Russian Matryoshka nesting dolls, the global can contain other scales but this does not work the other way round; for instance", "id": "1196529" }, { "contents": "Density (polytope)\n\n\nIn geometry, the density of a star polyhedron is a generalization of the concept of winding number from two dimensions to higher dimensions, representing the number of windings of the polyhedron around the center of symmetry of the polyhedron. It can be determined by passing a ray from the center to infinity, passing only through the facets of the polytope and not through any lower dimensional features, and counting how many facets it passes through. For polyhedra for which this count does not depend on the choice of the ray, and for which", "id": "16602383" }, { "contents": "Foundations of mathematics\n\n\nin their representation, or in our minds, or somewhere else? How can we know them? The ancient Greek philosophers took such questions very seriously. Indeed, many of their general philosophical discussions were carried on with extensive reference to geometry and arithmetic. Plato (424/423 BC 348/347 BC) insisted that mathematical objects, like other platonic \"Ideas\" (forms or essences), must be perfectly abstract and have a separate, non-material kind of existence, in a world of mathematical objects independent of humans. He believed", "id": "6587786" }, { "contents": "Hough transform\n\n\nthe Hough transform for detecting analytical shapes in spaces having any dimensionality was proposed by Fernandes and Oliveira. In contrast to other Hough transform-based approaches for analytical shapes, Fernandes' technique does not depend on the shape one wants to detect nor on the input data type. The detection can be driven to a type of analytical shape by changing the assumed model of geometry where data have been encoded (e.g., euclidean space, projective space, conformal geometry, and so on), while the proposed formulation remains unchanged. Also", "id": "3747949" }, { "contents": "Nanoscopic scale\n\n\nquantum effects) become more apparent – these effects are due to the geometry of the material (how thick it is, how wide it is, etc.), which, at these low dimensions, can have a drastic effect on quantized states, and thus the properties of a material. On October 8, 2014, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Eric Betzig, William Moerner and Stefan Hell for \"the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy\", which brings \"optical microscopy into the nanodimension\".", "id": "14552421" }, { "contents": "Microcoil\n\n\nthe classical geometry to create a magnetic field with an electric current. Even for a limited number of windings this geometry provides a reasonable homogeneous B field and a good filling factor is possible by winding the coil directly onto a holder containing the sample. Miniaturization to a scale of several hundred micrometers (µm) is not very difficult although the wire diameter (typically 20 to 50 µm) becomes very small and a freestanding coil is a very delicate object. A reduction to below 100 µm diameter is possible but the machining and handling", "id": "1468085" }, { "contents": "Illicium parviflorum\n\n\nand Seminole Counties. It is mainly threatened by the loss of its habitat, particularly changes in local hydrology, but it is also sometimes wild-harvested for use in cultivation. This plant is cultivated as a fragrant and attractive if not very showy ornamental, and can be pruned and shaped to form hedges and windbreaks. It can become very dense as roots continue to send up new shoots, and branches can root where they come in contact with the soil. It is considered easy to grow and does not have many pest", "id": "22131511" }, { "contents": "Scale (map)\n\n\nan isotropic scale factor they have also been called orthomorphic projections. For example, the Mercator projection is conformal since it is constructed to preserve angles and its scale factor is isotopic, a function of latitude only: Mercator \"does\" preserve shape in small regions. Definition: on a conformal projection with an isotropic scale, points which have the same scale value may be joined to form the isoscale lines. These are not plotted on maps for end users but they feature in many of the standard texts. (See Snyder pages", "id": "18181059" }, { "contents": "Magnetic reconnection\n\n\nOn length scales shorter than the ion inertial length formula_49 (where formula_50 is the ion plasma frequency), ions decouple from electrons and the magnetic field becomes frozen into the electron fluid rather than the bulk plasma. On these scales, the Hall effect becomes important. Two-fluid simulations show the formation of an X-point geometry rather than the double Y-point geometry characteristic of resistive reconnection. The electrons are then accelerated to very high speeds by Whistler waves. Because the ions can move through a wider \"bottleneck\"", "id": "14898453" }, { "contents": "Federation Bells\n\n\nto Rock and Dance. The bells have become an integrated flexible instrument. The installation is a set of musical bells like a carillon, but dispersed across a small field rather than hidden in a tower. Our primary impetus is that the bells are also sculptural forms to be seen and approached. Being able to see the different shapes and hear how they sound is fundamental to the aural-visual aesthetic of the project and the underlying concept of integrating the various traditional bell forms. Naturally the bells sound very different when one is", "id": "18836259" }, { "contents": "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks\n\n\n. Parmenides rejects, then, the perceivable world of motion and asserts that reality agrees only with his logical concepts, which do not include finite infinity. For him, thinking and being are the same. What he thinks is what exists. Objections can be raised against Parmenides's principles that sensual perception does not show true reality and that thinking is unmoving being. If the senses are unreal, how can they deceive? If thinking is immobile being, how does it move from concept to concept? Instead, it can be", "id": "15461151" }, { "contents": "Surface tension\n\n\nas the shape of the impressions that a water strider's feet make on the surface of a pond). The table below shows how the internal pressure of a water droplet increases with decreasing radius. For not very small drops the effect is subtle, but the pressure difference becomes enormous when the drop sizes approach the molecular size. (In the limit of a single molecule the concept becomes meaningless.) When an object is placed on a liquid, its weight depresses the surface, and if surface tension and downward force becomes", "id": "20824386" }, { "contents": "Strategy (game theory)\n\n\nno equilibrium in pure strategies exists, but the model does not specify why and how players randomize their decisions. While a mixed strategy assigns a probability distribution over pure strategies, a behavior strategy assigns at each information set a probability distribution over the set of possible actions. While the two concepts are very closely related in the context of normal form games, they have very different implications for extensive form games. Roughly, a mixed strategy randomly chooses a deterministic path through the game tree, while a behavior strategy can be seen as", "id": "3382625" }, { "contents": "Circle\n\n\n\" are closely related. The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. Natural circles would have been observed, such as the Moon, Sun, and a short plant stalk blowing in the wind on sand, which forms a circle shape in the sand. The circle is the basis for the wheel, which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern machinery possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry, astronomy and calculus. Early science", "id": "6360630" }, { "contents": "Projective geometry\n\n\nconstructions, there are no circles, no angles, no measurements, no parallels, and no concept of intermediacy. It was realised that the theorems that do apply to projective geometry are simpler statements. For example, the different conic sections are all equivalent in (complex) projective geometry, and some theorems about circles can be considered as special cases of these general theorems. During the early 19th century the work of Jean-Victor Poncelet, Lazare Carnot and others established projective geometry as an independent field of mathematics . Its rigorous", "id": "11756564" }, { "contents": "Shape of the universe\n\n\nwithin it, assuming that all matter is evenly distributed (rather than the distortions caused by 'dense' objects such as galaxies). This assumption is justified by the observations that, while the universe is \"weakly\" inhomogeneous and anisotropic (see the large-scale structure of the cosmos), it is on average homogeneous and isotropic. Global structure covers the geometry and the topology of the whole universe—both the observable universe and beyond. While the local geometry does not determine the global geometry completely, it does limit", "id": "12318262" }, { "contents": "Traffic flow\n\n\ntraffic flow at a range of traffic densities during the day. By matching such a model to an \"Intelligent Transport System\", traffic can be sent in uninterrupted \"packets\" of vehicles at predetermined speeds through a series of phased traffic lights. The UK's TRL has developed junction modelling programs for small-scale local schemes that can take account of detailed geometry and sight lines; ARCADY for roundabouts, PICADY for priority intersections, and OSCADY and TRANSYT for signals. Many other junction analysis software packages exist such as Sidra and", "id": "1982364" }, { "contents": "Scale relativity\n\n\nthe bark of trees and snowflakes have a detailed structure that does not become smoother when the scale is refined. For such curves, the slope of the tangent fluctuates endlessly or diverges. The derivative is then undefined (almost) everywhere and the curve is said to be nondifferentiable.Therefore, when the \"assumption\" of space differentiability is abandoned, there is an additional degree of freedom that allows the geometry of space to be extremely rough. The difficulty in this approach is that new mathematical tools are needed to model this geometry", "id": "8822140" }, { "contents": "Tasmanian devil\n\n\n, but this becomes more difficult as they grow larger. Devils can scale trees of trunk diameter larger than , which tend to have no small side branches to hang onto, up to a height of around . Devils that are yet to reach maturity can climb shrubs to a height of , and can climb a tree to if it is not vertical. Adult devils may eat young devils if they are very hungry, so this climbing behaviour may be an adaptation to allow young devils to escape. Devils can also swim and have", "id": "12732423" }, { "contents": "Symmetry (geometry)\n\n\nA geometric object has symmetry if there is an \"operation\" or \"transformation\" (such as an isometry or affine map) that maps the figure/object onto itself; i.e., it is said that the object has an invariance under the transform. For instance, a circle rotated about its center will have the same shape and size as the original circle—all points before and after the transform would be indistinguishable. A circle is said to be \"symmetric under rotation\" or to have \"rotational symmetry\".", "id": "7487280" }, { "contents": "Compass (drawing tool)\n\n\nthe distance between the spikes on the map represents a certain distance in reality, and by measuring how many times the compasses fit between two points on the map the distance between those points can be calculated. Compasses-and-straightedge constructions are used to illustrate principles of plane geometry. Although a real pair of compasses is used to draft visible illustrations, the ideal compass used in proofs is an abstract creator of perfect circles. The most rigorous definition of this abstract tool is the \"collapsing compass\"; having drawn a circle", "id": "17122411" }, { "contents": "Torus\n\n\nIn geometry, a torus (plural tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis that is coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a torus of revolution. If the axis of revolution is tangent to the circle, the surface is a horn torus. If the axis of revolution passes twice through the circle, the surface is a spindle torus. If the axis of revolution", "id": "39523" }, { "contents": "Lens (geometry)\n\n\ntheir centers is where is the area of a triangle with sides \"d\", \"r\", and \"R\". A lens with a different shape forms part of the answer to Mrs. Miniver's problem, which asks how to bisect the area of a disk by an arc of another circle with given radius. One of the two areas into which the disk is bisected is a lens. Lenses are used to define beta skeletons, geometric graphs defined on a set of points by connecting pairs of points by an", "id": "1335274" }, { "contents": "Tomahawk (geometry)\n\n\nthe boundary of the shape. Unlike a related trisection using a carpenter's square, the other side of the thickened handle does not need to be made parallel to this line segment. In some sources a full circle rather than a semicircle is used, or the tomahawk is also thickened along the diameter of its semicircle, but these modifications make no difference to the action of the tomahawk as a trisector. To use the tomahawk to trisect an angle, it is placed with its handle line touching the apex of the angle,", "id": "16698531" }, { "contents": "General position\n\n\ncondition; for example, any \"k\" distinct points in the line are in general position, but projective transformations are only 3-transitive, with the invariant of 4 points being the cross ratio. Different geometries allow different notions of geometric constraints. For example, a circle is a concept that makes sense in Euclidean geometry, but not in affine linear geometry or projective geometry, where circles cannot be distinguished from ellipses, since one may squeeze a circle to an ellipse. Similarly, a parabola is a concept in affine geometry", "id": "11281561" }, { "contents": "Sommieria\n\n\nstaminate flowers are asymmetrical and borne in triads with three distinct, valvate sepals and three thick petals. There are around 60 stamens with very short filaments, the elongated, basifixed anthers carry triangle shaped pollen with reticulate, tectate exine. The pistillate flowers become larger than the male's, the three sepals have rounded sides and pointed tips and the petals are asymmetrical with thick valvate tips. There are three to six small, triangular staminodes and the gynoecium is ovoid and covered in brown scales. The three stigmas are apical and reflexed", "id": "21294387" }, { "contents": "Networked advocacy\n\n\nproblems with deliberative democracy theory both empirically and normatively.” The political spectacle, soaked in vagaries and trivialities, has moved from a national scale to a global scale, leaving its residue as far as it can reach. In this fight for relevance, group dominance, and political power, “(…) there is a public sphere in the international arena. It exists within the political/institutional space that is not subject to any particular sovereign power, but, instead, is shaped by the variable geometry of relationships between", "id": "12913020" }, { "contents": "Similarity (geometry)\n\n\nTwo geometrical objects are called similar if they both have the same shape, or one has the same shape as the mirror image of the other. More precisely, one can be obtained from the other by uniformly scaling (enlarging or reducing), possibly with additional translation, rotation and reflection. This means that either object can be rescaled, repositioned, and reflected, so as to coincide precisely with the other object. If two objects are similar, each is congruent to the result of a particular uniform scaling of the other", "id": "18157614" }, { "contents": "Malfatti circles\n\n\nthese solutions to , but notes that this count of the number of solutions was already given in a remark by . The problem and its generalizations were the subject of many other 19th-century mathematical publications, and its history and mathematics have been the subject of ongoing study since then. It has also been a frequent topic in books on geometry. Although much of the early work on the Malfatti circles used analytic geometry, provided the following simple synthetic construction. A circle that is tangent to two sides of a triangle, as", "id": "7728522" }, { "contents": "Hyperbolic geometry\n\n\nthe square root is of a positive number. Then the circumference of a circle of radius \"r\" is equal to: And the area of the enclosed disk is: Therefore, in hyperbolic geometry the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius is always strictly greater than formula_7, though it can be made arbitrarily close by selecting a small enough circle. If the Gaussian curvature of the plane is −1 then the geodesic curvature of a circle of radius \"r\" is: formula_8 In hyperbolic geometry, there is no", "id": "10724793" }, { "contents": "Constructible polygon\n\n\ndo not correspond to constructible polygons. It is unknown whether any more Fermat primes exist, and it is therefore unknown how many odd-sided constructible regular polygons exist. In general, if there are \"q\" Fermat primes, then there are 2−1 odd-sided regular constructible polygons. In the light of later work on Galois theory, the principles of these proofs have been clarified. It is straightforward to show from analytic geometry that constructible lengths must come from base lengths by the solution of some sequence of quadratic equations.", "id": "2505282" }, { "contents": "Value-form\n\n\nI\", Marx clarifies that economic value becomes manifest in an objectified way only through the \"form\" of value established by the exchange of products. People know very well that any product represents a value, i.e. there is an economic cost of supply for the product (some people have to work to produce and supply it, so that others can use it). But \"how much\" value? And how does that value exist? What is the source of that value? What explains differences in value? What", "id": "535093" }, { "contents": "Pitot theorem\n\n\nIn geometry, the Pitot theorem, named after the French engineer Henri Pitot, states that in a tangential quadrilateral (i.e. one in which a circle can be inscribed) the two sums of lengths of opposite sides are the same. Both sums of lengths equal the semiperimeter of the quadrilateral. The theorem is a consequence of the fact that two tangent line segments from a point outside the circle to the circle have equal lengths. There are four equal pairs of tangent segments, and both sums of two sides can be decomposed into", "id": "16112005" }, { "contents": "Circle\n\n\nunder different definitions of distance. In \"p\"-norm, distance is determined by In Euclidean geometry, \"p\" = 2, giving the familiar In taxicab geometry, \"p\" = 1. Taxicab circles are squares with sides oriented at a 45° angle to the coordinate axes. While each side would have length formula_38 using a Euclidean metric, where \"r\" is the circle's radius, its length in taxicab geometry is 2\"r\". Thus, a circle's circumference is 8\"r\". Thus, the value of", "id": "6360651" }, { "contents": "Theosophy and science\n\n\nwhose existence itself is highly controversial, that is, the very premises of Theosophy have become \"fertile ground\" for the search for \"scientistic formulations.\" Scientism and the ambivalence relation to science were already evident in the first Theosophical publications. It can be seen in both Blavatsky's early articles, and in \"Isis Unveiled,\" the book that became the \"first full-scale attempt\" to create the Theosophical doctrine, where she stated that Theosophy does not contradict science, but is, in fact, a \"", "id": "17843588" }, { "contents": "Mirror symmetry (string theory)\n\n\nmirror Calabi–Yau pairs though there has been progress in understanding this issue. Many of the important mathematical applications of mirror symmetry belong to the branch of mathematics called enumerative geometry. In enumerative geometry, one is interested in counting the number of solutions to geometric questions, typically using the techniques of algebraic geometry. One of the earliest problems of enumerative geometry was posed around the year 200 BCE by the ancient Greek mathematician Apollonius, who asked how many circles in the plane are tangent to three given circles. In general, the", "id": "4907997" }, { "contents": "Biophilic design\n\n\nperiods for investors. Another issue could be the prices for the technology needed, however this \"should\" eventually lower as the concept becomes more commonplace. The Church of Mary Magdalene is in Jerusalem and was consecrated in 1888. This church's architecture is biophilic in that it contains natural geometries, organized complexity, information richness, and organic forms (onion-shaped domes) and materials. On the exterior, complexity and order are shown through the repetitive use of domes, their scale, and placement. Inside, the church", "id": "16919806" } ]
How can MMA fighters often handle multiple blows to the face, but go down if they get a punch to the liver?
[{"answer": "Your skull is really good at deflecting and absorbing impacts without actually taking anything beyond superficial damage. Getting hit in the face is painful and disorienting, but if the force isn't sufficient to actually cause a concussion or fracture there (usually) isn't actually much damage. The organs below the rib cage don't enjoy the same level of protection. Your brain, heart, and lungs are well defended by bone armor but the lower organs are exposed. Blows there can cause organ damage, forcefully empty the lungs, and/or fracture the \"floating\" ribs that aren't anchored to the sternum, all of which will drop even a skilled fighter if they take a bad body blow."}, {"answer": "As I understand it, when the liver is struck, it causes blood vessels to dilate, resulting in a massive drop in blood pressure. This drop causes your brain to force your body into a prone position in order to still, you know, get blood."}, {"answer": "Former hobby kickboxed here, getting punched in the head doesn't hurt at all because everything is well protected. There are several very important things in your torso that are not fully protected by the rib cage but are very sensitive to impact, cheif among which is the liver. It gets hit and your brain tells you that something very bad just happened (i.e. it hurts, alot). Your brain then stops you from continuing except in extraordinary circumstances where massive amounts of adrenaline allow you to get to safety. That's how my instructor explained it anyway"}, {"answer": "Taking a blow to the liver is no joke, I fell off my bike when I was like 12. I wasn't even going fast, walking pace at the most, an imperfection on the road caught the front tire, twisted the handlebars in a way that it stopped the bike dead on its tracks, almost went over the handlebars but I did not have enough speed to clear it, I landed on the now facing up handle bruising my liver. I had to go to the ER to make sure I didn't rupture anything because it was hurting so bad, after a few test and ultrasounds, nothing major just a bruised liver, that lasted a day or two."}, {"answer": "your face has almost 100% bone behind it. the eyes are set inside of your skull which protects them from most blows. the only thing that has nerves is your skin. the liver, however, is an organ, inside of your body, which has limited protection. part of it is encased by the ribcage, however your ribcage expands and compresses as evidenced by breathing."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3529551", "title": "Submission (combat sports)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A submission is a combat sports term for yielding to the opponent, and hence resulting in an immediate defeat. The submission - then also referred to as a \"tap out\" or \"tapping out\" - is often performed by visibly tapping the floor or the opponent with the hand or in some cases with the foot, to signal the opponent and/or the referee of the submission. In some combative sports where the fighter has cornermen, the cornerman can also stop the fight by \"throwing in the towel\", which may count as a submission.", "A submission is a combat sports term for yielding to the opponent, and hence resulting in an immediate defeat. The submission - then also referred to as a \"tap out\" or \"tapping out\" - is often performed by visibly tapping the floor or the opponent with the hand or in some cases with the foot, to signal the opponent and/or the referee of the submission. In some combative sports where the fighter has cornermen, the cornerman can also stop the fight by \"throwing in the towel\", which may count as a submission."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bas Rutten\n\n\n's inclusion into the UFC Hall of Fame and then some. In the 4-hours, 27-minutes and 8-seconds he spent as a pro fighter, Rutten scored 13 knockdowns without getting dropped himself, his significant strike accuracy was 70.6%, the highest FightMetric has ever recorded, attempted a record 53 submissions and successfully swept his opponents a record 46 times.\" From 2007–2016, Rutten was the co-host of Inside MMA on AXS TV. As a professional fighter, one of his favorite tactics was the liver shot (both punch and", "id": "4545701" }, { "contents": "Supremacy MMA\n\n\nthe Pre-order DLC fighters. The game takes players through an underground amateur mixed martial arts circuit as their character attempts to achieve fame within the game. GameZone contrasted this competition style to that of other MMA titles such as UFC Undisputed 2010 or EA Sports MMA which it said, \"take a professional, technical approach to mixed martial arts\". As a fight progresses, competitors faces can become swollen and bruised after being punched repeatedly, and blood from the fighters begins to coat the ground. IGN reviewer Greg Miller stated", "id": "18107597" }, { "contents": "Sai (weapon)\n\n\ngetting the thumb caught in the handle when blocking an attack. The change is made by putting pressure on the thumbs and rotating the sai around until it is facing backwards and the index finger is aligned with the handle. The knuckle end is good for concentrating the force of a punch, while the long shaft can be wielded to thrust at enemies, to serve as a protection for a blow to the forearm, or to stab as one would use a common dagger. In practice, some prefer to keep the index finger", "id": "5374602" }, { "contents": "Don King Presents: Prizefighter\n\n\nhigh- and low-block means the player's never completely safe from taking a hit and if a light punch is thrown to meet a heavy punch the heavy punch will still keep going and connect, even though they're slower, easier to predict and wear out the fighter. As a result, this means that, just like in boxing; rushing can beat blocking, counters can beat rushing, out-boxing can beat counters, heavy blows can beat out-boxing and blocking can beat heavy blows. Matches can end", "id": "447324" }, { "contents": "Yoko Takahashi (fighter)\n\n\nwithout MMA fights, at \"It's Showtime - Amsterdam Arena\" held on in Amsterdam, Takahashi faced once again Irma Verhoeff, who defeated Takahashi, this time by decision. This was Takahashi's first time representing her own team, formed in partnership with adult video maker Soft on Demand (SOD), SOD Women's MMA Dojo. At \"Smackgirl 2004: Holy Land Triumphal Return\" on Takahashi defeated masked pro-wrestler Yuiga by TKO after the referee stopped the fight when Yuiga was knocked down with punches for the", "id": "14935214" }, { "contents": "Liver shot\n\n\n, which will likely leave the average man incapacitated. Most of the time, however, a liver punch is unintentional. It begins as a left hook to the body, but as the defending boxer puts his elbow down and begins to roll with the punch, the back is exposed. Thus, the attacking boxer is frequently offered either the arm or the back of the ribs, the latter of which he will usually take instead of the arm. In MMA, kickboxing and other combat sports which permit kicking and knee strikes", "id": "2922387" }, { "contents": "Rocky Balboa\n\n\nAs he slowly gets up, the crowd, along with Marie, starts to chant his name and he rises to Dixon's surprise. As the final thirty seconds unfold, Dixon manages to catch Rocky with quick punches; however, an emotional Rocky retaliates with devastating punches of his own. The two exchange punches, but Rocky gets the final blow before the bell rings. In the end, the two fighters go the distance and show their appreciation for each other. Before the winner is announced, Rocky and his entourage make", "id": "20238486" }, { "contents": "Liver shot\n\n\n, a liver shot is often executed with a left roundhouse kick or a left knee strike. These two techniques are especially effective for southpaw stance fighters competing against orthodox stance opponents, as left kicks to the body and left knees to the body are even easier to land cleanly on orthodox stance opponents. Southpaw Mirko Filipović, for example, was well known for his left body kick during his MMA and kickboxing career. Front kicks and spinning back kicks, which are commonly associated with karate and taekwondo can also target the liver to", "id": "2922388" }, { "contents": "Kevin Rosier\n\n\n, Frazier managed to take over by striking Rosier with a low blow and dragging him by the hair. The kenpo fighter dominated the fight with striking combinations both standing and on their knees, even breaking Rosier's jaw with a right hand. Some minutes later, however, Frazier slowed down due to exhaustion, allowing Rosier to recover and come back with several punches that put Frazier against the fence. Rosier then pushed him down to the mat and scored multiple punches and stomps to the back of the head until Frazier's corner", "id": "1239565" }, { "contents": "Devin Clark (fighter)\n\n\ndropped to middleweight to face Alex Nicholson, and suffered his first lost on his MMA career lost via KO (punch) on round one. Clark moved back to light heavyweight division and faced Josh Stansbury on on short notice, December 3, 2016 for the TUF 24 Final against Josh Stansbury. With his father's voice booming out encouragement throughout the small venue, Devin Clark simply outworked Josh Stansbury in a three-round battle. On the strength of his takedowns and power punching, Clark (7-1 MMA, 1", "id": "7454278" }, { "contents": "UFC 193\n\n\n. Holm pounced on the fallen Rousey, causing the referee to end the bout. MMA website Sherdog called the fight their Upset of the Year for 2015. In round one, both fighters exchanged punches at each other. Jędrzejczyk then attempted a combination via a kick, however Létourneau was able to grab Jędrzejczyk's leg and take her down. Jędrzejczyk also landed a front kick to the face that made Létourneau walk unsteadily for a few seconds. The two fighters continued exchanging shots at one another for the rest of the round.", "id": "12055333" }, { "contents": "Johny Hendricks\n\n\nHendricks would go on to have his first career mixed martial arts (MMA) fight only seven months after his last collegiate wrestling match. He made his professional MMA debut on September 28, 2007, in which he scored a third-round controversial TKO victory over Victor Rackliff at Masters of the Cage 16 held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Rackliff was getting the better of the exchanges on the feet and he rocked Hendricks in the 3rd when both fighters exchanged punches. Hendricks fought once more in 2007, defeating Spencer Cowley by", "id": "4189560" }, { "contents": "The Final Round\n\n\nwell as three buttons: face punch, body punch, and block punch. During a bout, the block punch button protects the player's fighter from enemy attacks and switches the character's guard between face and body each time it's pressed. The two punch buttons may be used alternately to pull out combinations or a special, more powerful \"Super Punch\". If the player is knocked down, they must shake the joystick and press the buttons repeatedly to refill a bar and get back to their feet. Failing to", "id": "16154285" }, { "contents": "Three Little Bops\n\n\ncall for the pigs to \"throw the square out\", which they do. Again, the Wolf retaliates; he blows down the Dew Drop Inn. The pigs then realize that in order to escape the Wolf's \"windy tricks\", they will have to go to the House of Bricks (built in May 1, 1776, according to a cornerstone). The House of Bricks has a \"No Wolves Allowed\" rule, so when the Wolf tries to get in, he is punched in the face by", "id": "6215609" }, { "contents": "James Irvin (fighter)\n\n\nthe same caliber as Irvin and was mercifully taken down early and submitted at 1:22 of the first round. In his next fight, he fought Scott Rosa and lost by TKO (knees and punches) in round 2. In May 2014, it was confirmed that Irvin had signed with Bellator MMA. He was expected to face Brennan Ward at Bellator 123 on September 5, 2014. However, the bout was cancelled. Irvin was then expected to face Brian Rogers at Bellator 125. Irvin pulled out of the bout due to", "id": "3182279" }, { "contents": "Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown\n\n\ntournament finals, Mike engages Justin in a grueling fight until he wins by breaking Justin's right shoulder via an Omoplata submission hold. Justin attempts to retaliate by jumping Mike from behind, but Mike counters with a superman punch to the face. As Mike and his girlfriend Eve celebrate his win, he finally calls his father and ask him to go out to dinner because they have a lot to talk about. Case gets a call from \"Big\" John McCarthy and confirms his return to MMA. Filming started in September 2010", "id": "14813157" }, { "contents": "Jon Jones\n\n\nto stop that stuff. The openings of the hands and putting the hands on the face are something bad, but it happens with guys who have reach. They do that a lot.\" White later clarified his point, saying, \"It's not just taller fighters. Jones has that range and he can do it, but lots of guys do it because that’s how you block punches. So you keep your hands open and you slap punches down. Then guys are rushing in and you’re doing whatever,", "id": "10930388" }, { "contents": "Anderson Silva\n\n\nOn 7 August 2010, Silva faced Chael Sonnen for the UFC Middleweight title at UFC 117. In the first round, Sonnen stunned Silva with a punch before taking him down and dominating from the top position, landing multiple blows. The following three rounds played out in a similar fashion, going to the ground early with Sonnen dominating from inside Silva's guard. In the fifth round, Silva slipped after being tagged by Sonnen's left hook and the challenger took advantage by once again establishing a top position and delivering strikes to", "id": "11146080" }, { "contents": "Randy Couture vs. Chuck Liddell\n\n\nmartial arts, although he would continue as a UFC commentator and a coach for MMA fighters. Following their rubber match, both fighters continued to be very visible figures in the MMA world, with Liddell as the reigning UFC Light heavyweight Champion and Couture as an MMA commentator and coach. Liddell would go on to defend his belt multiple times before losing it to Quinton Jackson at UFC 71. Couture would eventually come out of retirement to fight and defeat Tim Sylvia at UFC 68 for the UFC Heavyweight Title. Both began making multiple", "id": "3125853" }, { "contents": "Liver shot\n\n\nA liver shot or liver punch is a punch, kick, or knee strike to the right side of the ribcage that damages the liver. Blunt force to the liver can be excruciatingly painful, and an especially effective shot will incapacitate a person at once. Thus, in combat sports, liver shots often result in technical knockouts (TKOs). A liver punch is usually made with the left hand, or the left hook in infighting, or the regular short body hook, in a short and quick manner. The drive", "id": "2922385" }, { "contents": "Boxing\n\n\nis a three-minute limit to rounds (unlike the downed fighter ends the round rule). Intentionally going down in modern boxing will cause the recovering fighter to lose points in the scoring system. Furthermore, as the contestants did not have heavy leather gloves and wristwraps to protect their hands, they used different punching technique to preserve their hands because the head was a common target to hit full out. Almost all period manuals have powerful straight punches with the whole body behind them to the face (including forehead) as the", "id": "3925189" }, { "contents": "Kid Galahad\n\n\ndecade career as a professional boxing referee after retiring from the ring as a fighter. According to Callahan, in a December 1962 Associated Press news story, in all the close-up scenes when Presley is being struck in the face by punches, it is Callahan who was throwing them. He taught Presley how to move his head backwards as the punches were being delivered so that each blow either missed him or barely touched him. The story further said that Callahan considered Presley to be an excellent athlete. Bosley Crowther of \"", "id": "17916458" }, { "contents": "Sucker punch\n\n\nis going to attack in that same turn. P. J. O'Rourke has referred to a combination of grain alcohol and Gatorade as \"sucker punch.\" Sucker punches tend to be done after employing distraction tactics such as pretending to notice something to trick the victim into looking also, having an accomplice to distract the victim, looking away to get the victim's guard down, or pretending to walk away only to turn around and deliver the strike. As sucker punches rely on deception they can often be anticipated using methods such as:", "id": "17450107" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Buch\n\n\nheel hook) by Sheila Gaff at \"MMA Berlin Turnier #16\" on . Rebounding from her loss, Buch defeated Katharina Schlosser by TKO (punches) at \"MMA Berlin Turnier #17\" on . In the Rough Stone GP 2009 –60 kg final, Buch submitted Japanese fighter Tomoko Morii with an armbar in the first round, winning the tournament. After returning to Wuppertal and joining Alligator Rodeo Team, Buch competed on at \"Respect Fighting Championship 4\", where she faced Dutch fighter Melissa Lan, defeating Lan", "id": "17140657" }, { "contents": "Matt Mitrione\n\n\nsecond opportunity. Mitrione did fight and was eliminated by teammate James McSweeney in the quarterfinals, losing via guillotine choke. Mitrione made his professional MMA debut at defeating Marcus Jones via KO early in the second round. Mitrione then faced another fellow \"Ultimate Fighter\" alumnus Kimbo Slice at UFC 113 in Montreal. Mitrone chopped Slice down with leg kicks and eventually defeated Slice via TKO (punches) in the second round, taking his professional record to 2–0. Mitrione faced Joey Beltran on September 25, 2010 at UFC 119. He", "id": "14266188" }, { "contents": "Chuck Norris Superkicks\n\n\nand this time the enemies block low, so you punch them. Having made it past villains and fallen trees, you get to another checkpoint. This time, in addition to your belt and minute, you get a new move, the Somersault Superkick. This move replaces the block and works against enemies regardless of how they're blocking. Which is good, because enemies are going to start blocking either high or low. It goes until you reach the monastery. Inside, you face a multiples ninjas, who start turning", "id": "15616813" }, { "contents": "Randy Couture vs. Chuck Liddell\n\n\nOrtiz to return and defend his title. As a special attraction for the fans, the UFC decided to have Randy Couture move down from heavyweight to light heavyweight and face Chuck Liddell for the interim belt. Many believed Liddell would easily defeat Couture and eventually face Ortiz to unify the title. Couture was a heavy underdog going into the fight with critics citing his age and recent losses at heavyweight. In what was a shock to the MMA world, Couture neutralized Liddell's powerful hooks with straight punches and eventually began taking him down", "id": "3125836" }, { "contents": "The TNT Punch\n\n\nBucko and crew from the \"Elinor\" soak his left glove in Turpentine. A blow from this to the face blinds Costigan but not before he can grab Bucko's wrist and force the glove into his own face. Things get worse when the referee gets involved and, being blinded, Bucko punches and blinds him as well. Soon, however, Costigan manages to catch hold of Bucko, knocks him out and wins the £6 prize money. The fight took longer than expected so Costigan takes the money directly to Shifty", "id": "7509443" }, { "contents": "Lamont Peterson\n\n\nGarcía with his awkward style. García was the busier fighter the first four or five rounds throwing and landing more punches although having trouble landing clean punches on Peterson. Peterson's size and athleticism allowed him to stay in the fight even in the face of waves of serious García body blows. Peterson looked strong going into rounds 10, 11, 12. García maintained a steady attack in the last three rounds of the fight while Peterson began coming forward and throwing everything he had. Despite a very strong showing by Peterson, García", "id": "5570219" }, { "contents": "Yie Ar Kung-Fu\n\n\na variety of punch and kick blows reachable by combining the joystick with one of the buttons (punch or kick). He also has the greatest jumping ability of all the game's fighters, with the exception of \"Blues\". The player faces a variety of opponents, each with a unique appearance and fighting style. The player can perform up to 16 different moves, using a combination of buttons and joystick movements while standing, crouching or jumping. Moves are thrown at high, middle, and low levels. Regardless", "id": "21701857" }, { "contents": "False Face Society\n\n\ncane and block it from destroying their settlements, and I can lift it and send it over their settlements so that it does not blow through. In addition to this, I have the power to heal sickness. If ever the people are struck down with illness they can call on me, and I will help them to get better. This is how they will do it. When they need aid of me in this way, they will create a mask whose face is in my image, and I will hand-", "id": "6172251" }, { "contents": "Roy Nelson (fighter)\n\n\n. Nelson was one of the sixteen fighters in \"\". He provided commentary on the show for multiple websites, including weekly Q&A sessions about each individual episode for USA Today's Fighting Stances and a blog for In his first fight of the show, Nelson defeated former street-fighter Kimbo Slice via TKO stoppage in the second round with repeated punches to the head in the crucifix position. The broadcast was the highest rated MMA show in U.S. history with a 3.7 rating. The fight itself had 6 million viewers.", "id": "3269757" }, { "contents": "Carlos Newton\n\n\nMMA promotion against Melvin Manhoef at the Ariake Coliseum on August 5, but had to pull out of the fight at the last minute due to a torn ligament in his knee. He made a second attempt at a comeback in K-1 HEROs, this time facing Tokimitsu Ishizawa. Newton made short work of the Japanese fighter, needing only four punches to score the TKO victory in just 22 seconds. He then faced Shungo Oyama at Hero's Korea 2007 where he lost by submission due to punches. Newton and Riggs were the coaches", "id": "13188600" }, { "contents": "Blow Me Down!\n\n\nhis mouth as a barrel, he shoots a deck and its columns, collapsing the deck to the floor. Bluto socks Popeye in the face, twisting his neck like a whirlybird. Popeye then punches Bluto, sending him into a wall. Bluto opens a door next to him, and his fellow bandits rush in. Popeye states, \"You'll get hurt travelin' alone,\" then eats a can of spinach. Popeye beats the other bandits to the rhythm of music. He sends one bandit crashing into a mirror", "id": "1206953" }, { "contents": "Junie Browning\n\n\nhow Browning's striking and footwork had improved dramatically since his appearance on The Ultimate Fighter season 8. The fight between Browning and Cole Miller at UFC Fight Night 18 ended quickly. After Browning was caught by Miller's straight right punch, he attempted a take down. Miller met the takedown, and clinched Browning's neck in a guillotine choke, ending the fight. Browning made his post UFC debut against Scott Cornwell for MMA Big Show. He won the bout by submission due to a triangle choke. On February 5,", "id": "11348729" }, { "contents": "Bob Sapp\n\n\nlow kicks and punching combinations to the head and body, knocking him down twice before finishing him by KO at 2:58. After defeating Akebono, Sapp engaged in another verbal exchange with Mike Tyson about a possible match, although nothing came from it. Sapp opened 2004 facing Dolgorsürengiin Sumyaabazar, multiple wrestling champion and brother to yokozuna Asashoryu, under a mixed martial arts ruleset at his own event, K-1 Beast. Showing improvement in his MMA technique, Sapp defended from his guard after being taken down, trading short strikes from there and", "id": "21718039" }, { "contents": "Ghost Ship (2002 film)\n\n\n, but every time we thought, 'How are we ever going to get a dolly through this alley? Or down this hallway?' When you're shooting you often have to punch through a wall in order to get the shot you need, and on a steel ship that's impossible. We knew the real thing would be far too limiting.\" Instead of using an actual ship, Australian visual effects company Photon VFX, who prior had worked on the 2002 film \"Scooby-Doo\", was hired as", "id": "16604060" }, { "contents": "Boxing\n\n\n-fighter's main concern is to stay alert, as the brawler only needs to land one good punch to finish the fight. If the out-fighter can avoid those power punches, he can often wear the brawler down with fast jabs, tiring him out. If he is successful enough, he may even apply extra pressure in the later rounds in an attempt to achieve a knockout. Most classic boxers, such as Muhammad Ali, enjoyed their best successes against sluggers. An example of a style matchup was the historical", "id": "3925242" }, { "contents": "UFC: Sudden Impact\n\n\nfight against each other. In Story Mode, the player can create his own mixed martial artist. The player start as a street fighter who is found by a MMA trainer. The trainer sets the player on the path of making it to the UFC within three years. The player then chooses one dojo out of eight, each with their own fighting styles. Each aspect of the training requires the player to perform a specific challenge, such as landing three left punches or taking an opponent down twice in a match, and", "id": "17538896" }, { "contents": "Joe Kocur\n\n\n, Donald Brashear described how Kocur cracked his helmet with his punches; though his helmet absorbed most of the blow, he still felt serious pain in his gums even on the other side of his face, leaving him unable to eat for a day or so. Kocur's punches often seriously injured players, such as Brad Dalgarno of the New York Islanders, whose orbital bone, cheek bone, and jaw were fractured by Kocur. Kocur left the NHL following the 1996 season and was playing in the International Hockey League when the", "id": "14356828" }, { "contents": "Megumi Yabushita\n\n\nYabushita with a twister, a catch wrestling move rarely seen in MMA. On , Yabushita made her debut with Valkyrie promotion, defeating Japanese fighter Mutsumi Kasai with a scarf hold armlock submission, handling Kasai her first professional loss, in the event \"Valkyrie 05\". Yabushita next faced Japanese MMA rising star Rin Nakai at \"Valkyrie 06\" on , losing by unanimous decision in a match that Nakai dominated to remain undefeated. Yabushita faced Sarah Kaufman at \"Armageddon Fighting Championship 5: Judgment Day\" on in Victoria, British", "id": "20334628" }, { "contents": "Sokoudjou\n\n\n. In his next fight, Sokoudjou fought another Russian fighter, Evgeny Erokhin, who had defeated Valentijn Overeem in his last fight. Sokoudjou was defeated by TKO due to punches. Sokoudjou signed with Bellator MMA and made his promotional debut on June 6, 2014 at Bellator 121 against Terry Davinney. Sokoudjou won via rear-naked choke submission in the first round. Sokoudjou faced promotional newcomer Malik Merad on October 3, 2014 at Bellator 127. He won via TKO in the second round. Sokoudjou faced English fighter Linton Vassell at", "id": "19125042" }, { "contents": "Mixed martial arts\n\n\nand fitness. Boxing is a combat form that is widely used in MMA and is one of the primary striking bases for many fighters. Boxing punches account for the vast majority of strikes during the stand up portion of a bout and also account for the largest number of significant strikes, knock downs and KOs in MMA matches. Several aspects of boxing are extremely valuable such as footwork, combinations, and defensive techniques like slips, head movement and stance (including chin protection and keeping hands up) commonly known as the Guard position", "id": "6872711" }, { "contents": "Ronda Rousey\n\n\nkill these girls\" in MMA, but also thought she was \"too pretty to get hit in the face\" and should keep doing judo. While Gamburyan and Parisyan went into MMA, Rousey stuck with judo but remained in touch with MMA through them. The first MMA fight she took an interest in watching was Manny Gamburyan versus Nate Diaz in The Ultimate Fighter finale. Rousey stated she never got as excited watching judo or any other sport. After the 2008 Olympics the following year, she decided to start MMA through Team", "id": "17813367" }, { "contents": "Boxing\n\n\nThey may also have a tendency to ignore combination punching in favor of continuous beat-downs with one hand and by throwing slower, more powerful single punches (such as hooks and uppercuts). Their slowness and predictable punching pattern (single punches with obvious leads) often leaves them open to counter punches, so successful brawlers must be able to absorb substantial amounts of punishment. However, not all brawler/slugger fighters are not mobile; some can move around and switch styles if needed but still have the brawler/slugger style", "id": "3925229" }, { "contents": "Messerschmitt Me 262\n\n\namount of deflection. This problem faces any aircraft that approaches another from behind at much higher speed, as the slower aircraft in front can always pull a tighter turn, forcing the faster aircraft to overshoot. Luftwaffe pilots eventually learned how to handle the Me 262's higher speed and the Me 262 soon proved a formidable air superiority fighter, with pilots such as Franz Schall managing to shoot down seventeen enemy fighters in the Me 262, ten of them American P-51 Mustangs. Other notable Me 262 aces included Georg-Peter Eder,", "id": "389274" }, { "contents": "Igor Vovchanchyn\n\n\novertime, they traded hits and Barreto managed to take Igor down, ending the fight working ground and pound on him. The decision was given to Vovchanchyn, which was met with a certain controversy. After the Barreto match, Vovchanchyn made a special appearance in K-1 for a kickboxing rules match, facing multiple champion and established star Ernesto Hoost. The format impaired Igor, who often found himself going for takedowns, while Hoost kept attacking his left leg with low kicks. At the end, the Ukrainian fighter fell down thrice due", "id": "9358661" }, { "contents": "Anthony Johnson (fighter)\n\n\nMay 23, 2015, at UFC 187. However, on April 28, it was announced that Jones had been stripped of the UFC Light heavyweight title and suspended indefinitely. Johnson faced Daniel Cormier for the vacant UFC Light heavyweight Championship. In the early opening of the first round, Johnson became the first man to knock Cormier down in a MMA fight, however Johnson would go on to lose the next two rounds and eventually be submitted by a rear naked choke. Johnson was expected to face Jan Błachowicz on September 5,", "id": "11150569" }, { "contents": "Freddie Welsh\n\n\nthose who faced him, especially heavy hitters. Welsh would often finish long fights without injury, while his opponents suffered heavy damage. Whenever Welsh attempted to go on the attack to prove critics wrong, he often forgot his defence and allowed his opponents in at close quarters, though some sources state that Welsh disliked knocking out other fighters, especially those at the beginning of their careers. In his early days he relied on bodywork, especially his kidney punches, but when the punch was outlawed he did not suffer from losing this", "id": "4467166" }, { "contents": "Matt Hughes (fighter)\n\n\ngot double underhooks and managed to take Gracie down briefly. In the final round Hughes connected with a right hook to Gracie's chin, then connected with a leg kick and another punch. With two minutes to go he knocked Gracie down with a leg kick. Gracie took all the time he could before Hughes helped him up and then dropped him with a second leg kick. Gracie stalled again, but when he finally stood up Hughes floored him with a punch, let him get up and then attacked again. Hughes knocked", "id": "18384629" }, { "contents": "Vengeance is Mine Inc.\n\n\n. They begin to dream about the riches they'll be paid and living in grand hotels. The narrator has another brainstorm and realizes they can get paid multiple times for the same act. Each customer will think that the vengeance was for them alone. Thus as they have three orders to punch Pantaloon in the nose, they decide to handle him first. The plan is simple: Pantaloon is always at the Penguin Club late at night, so they'll show up and ask for him to come out. George will punch", "id": "7146685" }, { "contents": "The Smashing Machine: The Life and Times of Extreme Fighter Mark Kerr\n\n\n. On his hands and knees all Kerr can do is cover up while Fujita tees off with punches to the head and knees to the body. Bas looks down as Kerr continues to take punishment. A beaten Kerr collapses on a mat in the dressing room. Bas cannot hide his disappointment as Kerr is informed he needs stitches for a split chin due to the hard knees to the face. As Kerr and Coleman meet in the back, Kerr informs Coleman that Fujita has injury defaulted meaning Coleman will get a bye.", "id": "21063865" }, { "contents": "Team Kaobon\n\n\nTeam Kaobon, which was formerly known as Fighters and Fitness is a mixed martial arts team from Liverpool, England. \"Team Kaobon\" is well known for being the training camp of multiple English lightweight fighters based in the Ultimate Fighting Championships - the top MMA organization - as well as domestically. Team Kaobon one of a few MMA gyms based in Liverpool, England (such as The Wolfslair and Next Generation MMA) and was formerly known as \"Fighters and Fitness\". It has been home to many MMA fighters who have", "id": "6867441" }, { "contents": "Devin Clark (fighter)\n\n\n-1 UFC) downed a somewhat tentative Stansbury (8-3 MMA, 1-1 UFC) to nab the unanimous decision victory over him. He avoided the guillotine chokes on early rounds and planted Stansbury on his back and with aggressive striking throughout all three rounds. The move to light heavyweight proved to be successful. Clark next faced Jake Collier on April 15, 2017, at UFC on Fox 24. Clark out pointed Collier by battering him on full mount and achieving multiple takedowns, and Clark cruised through with a", "id": "7454279" }, { "contents": "James Head (fighter)\n\n\narsenal and currently holds an 8-2 pro record and a 5-0 amateur record as a MMA fighter. James has been studying the art of Muay Thai and is showing his techniques to the Lovato’s Team, demonstrating how to throw a proper punch, kick, elbow and knee. In August 2009 he suffered his first loss to Jesse Forbes resulting in a 5-1 record. He then bounced back with a TKO win over Bill Albrecht. His biggest win to date came over UFC veteran Gerald Harris at the", "id": "12397735" }, { "contents": "Daniel Roberts (fighter)\n\n\nlater released from the promotion following three consecutive losses. In his first fight after his UFC release, Roberts would face Nuri Shakir at Freedom Fight MMA on October 27, 2012. He won the fight via rear-naked choke submission in the second round. Roberts would then get his second straight submission win, when he submitted UFC veteran Brian Foster via rear-naked choke at Combat MMA on May 18, 2013. He then faced Justin Baesman at War MMA 1 on June 22, 2013. He lost the fight via", "id": "13008507" }, { "contents": "Kasumi (Dead or Alive)\n\n\nbest punch and kick combinations in the game. With good throws to complement her punches and kicks, no player - scrub or master - can go wrong with Kasumi.\" IGN furthermore called Kasumi \"one of the deadliest fighters in all of \"DOA\", because she has surprising reach and can attack from greater distances than the other girls,\" adding she \"is one of the rare characters to come equipped with a blade and with lightning fast attacks, she can take down opponents in record time.\" According to", "id": "8879664" }, { "contents": "Through a Naked Lens\n\n\npreparing for a press conference and expresses dismay that he can never be close to him in public. A shouting match ensues in front of a few crewmembers that threatens to blow their “cover.” Novarro, desperate, punches Howe in the face and then runs into his dressing room. Howe becomes uncharacteristically tender and offers his support. Novarro then has a miserable time on the set of \"Ben-Hur\". The director calls him a “stupid Mexican.” Novarro is almost killed filming the chariot race and is", "id": "12895007" }, { "contents": "Boxing\n\n\nworn by the fighters must be twelve ounces in weight unless the fighters weigh under , thus allowing them to wear ten ounce gloves. A punch is considered a scoring punch only when the boxers connect with the white portion of the gloves. Each punch that lands cleanly on the head or torso with sufficient force is awarded a point. A referee monitors the fight to ensure that competitors use only legal blows. A belt worn over the torso represents the lower limit of punches – any boxer repeatedly landing low blows below the belt is", "id": "3925214" }, { "contents": "Foes of Ali\n\n\n. However, receiving large quantities of punishment does cause a boxer to slow down, both in terms of movement and punching speed. Though throwing large volumes of punches does not affect a boxer's punching or movement in any way, it does negatively affect his ability to withstand punches. A fighter is significantly easier to knock out if they have already thrown large numbers of punches. Although there is the option to turn off TKO based stoppages, this option has no effect. If a fighter's face is beaten into enough of", "id": "299108" }, { "contents": "I Know Things Now\n\n\nfirst intimate moment. Gabrielle soon discovers Carlos and Xiao-Mei and puts an end to Carlos's ogling. Tom comes to final blows with Ed when Ed hires a forensic accountant to find reason to fire him. Tom saves Ed the time by punching him in the face and making sure that he gets himself fired. Lynette confronts Ed and refuses to apologize for what her husband did and says none of it would have happened if Ed handled his marriage better. Ed retorts that she should not pass judgment on his marriage since", "id": "11063439" }, { "contents": "Alessio Sakara\n\n\nto continue after getting injured from tearing his bicep. First Browarski was awarded the victory via TKO (injury), the result was later overturned to a No Contest by the Croatian MMA Federation. In his next fight, Sakara faced off against Lebanon's Dib Akil. Following the opening seconds of the round, in which Akil threw wild hooks that unsuccessfully landed, Sakara took Akil to the ground and piled up punches until the TKO stoppage. On November 27, 2015, it was announced that Sakara signed with Bellator MMA.", "id": "10978613" }, { "contents": "UFC 94\n\n\n-Pierre dropped down for a single-leg takedown but Penn defended while standing on one leg with his back to the cage. Unable to get the takedown, St-Pierre let go and connected with a right hand punch. They met up and clinched in the middle of the cage with St-Pierre pushing Penn towards the fence. There, St-Pierre attempted a takedown but went back the clinch when he was unable to finish it. The two fighters continued trading punches to end the first round. Round two", "id": "5271761" }, { "contents": "Marlon Moraes\n\n\nby CSAC physicians.” Moraes faced Jimmie Rivera on June 1, 2018, at UFC Fight Night 131. Moraes won the fight via first-round knockout due to a head kick and punches in just 33 seconds, becoming the first fighter to finish Rivera in MMA, and snapping Rivera's 20-fight win streak. This win earned him a $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus. Moraes faced Raphael Assunção in a rematch on February 2, 2019 in the main event at UFC Fight Night 144. Their first fight ended in", "id": "6898872" }, { "contents": "Ken Buchanan\n\n\nundefeated Roberto Duran at the Madison Square Garden (MSG) in New York, in a bout which had a highly controversial ending. Duran was ahead on all three cards at the end of the 13th round, when both fighters exchanged punches after the bell. Buchanan went down, writhing in pain from a low blow, that Buchanan's trainer, Gil Clancy, said was caused by a knee to the groin. Referee Johnny LoBianco awarded the fight to Duran, insisting that the blow that took down Buchanan was \"in the", "id": "13762573" }, { "contents": "Tara LaRosa\n\n\nthree minutes in the fight. LaRosa's next opponent was Angela Wilson on another HOOKnSHOOT card. LaRosa won when she hurt Wilson with a right knee, obtained full mount on the ground and unleashed punches, which resulted in a TKO win at 4:59 in round 1. At a Shooto Americas event, LaRosa submitted Ginele Marquez by armbar. LaRosa's first loss came in May 2003 at the hands of Jennifer Howe, who was then considered to be the top female fighter in MMA. With weeks notice LaRosa replaced Howe's original", "id": "21692917" }, { "contents": "List of professional MMA training camps\n\n\ngroup of elite fighters together, they will all learn from each other's skill sets and can support each other living the disciplined fighter lifestyle. Before a fight, a fighter will undergo an intensive training regime of several weeks, often culminating in a dramatic weight cut to make the required fighting weight, and the other members in the fighting camp are an important part of this process. Currently the intense rivalries between the top fighting camps and the fighters training there is an under-reported part of professional MMA. Occasionally there will", "id": "2187120" }, { "contents": "Boxing\n\n\nbouts are said to have ended \"inside the distance\". If a fighter is knocked down during the fight, determined by whether the boxer touches the canvas floor of the ring with any part of their body other than the feet as a result of the opponent's punch and not a slip, as determined by the referee, the referee begins counting until the fighter returns to his or her feet and can continue. Some jurisdictions require the referee to count to eight regardless of if the fighter gets up before. Should the", "id": "3925200" }, { "contents": "No contest (combat sports)\n\n\ndiffer from each organization) causes the recipient of the blow to be unable to continue, that decision being made by the referee, doctor, the fighter or his corner. Each fighter receives a NC counted in their record and is scored as neither a win nor a loss. Blows from \"intentional\" illegal strikes that force a fighter to be unable to continue are not declared a no contest, but as a win and a loss by disqualification for the appropriate fighters. In 2007, a controversial no contest decision in MMA", "id": "332141" }, { "contents": "Yair Rodríguez\n\n\n. Rodríguez made his professional mixed martial arts (MMA) debut on October 10, 2011, at Mexican Fighter Promotions 8, when he fought Jonatan Guzmán and won via unanimous decision. On March 10, 2012, he fought Carlos Ricardo at The Supreme Cage Fighting 1. He won via third round submission (triangle choke). Rodríguez then fought Luis Roberto Herrera on December 12, 2012, at Mexican Fighter Promotions 13. He lost via first round KO (punches). Rodríguez next faced Édgar Juárez on February 16,", "id": "6475700" }, { "contents": "Rusty Kuntz\n\n\n, Marlins players including Cliff Floyd and Mark Kotsay praised Kuntz for the amount of preparation that he put into his coaching. Kotsay gave Kuntz credit for the stolen bases he had accrued. Floyd said, \"\"I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm telling you, he's meant everything. He tells me about every pitcher we're facing. He keeps me going when I'm down. You don't get that too often in this game. You're expected just to be strong, handle", "id": "21079555" }, { "contents": "Anton Kuivanen\n\n\nknock Gonzalez out. Likewise, this was his first clean knockout win. He dropped Gonzalez and he looked at the referee. When the referee let the fight go on, Kuivanen put Diego out with few more punches to get the win. He will fight some weeks after this fight in a catchweight bout. He will face Oriol Gaset in Salo, Finland. If he wins his fight against Gaset he will possibly face Reynolds in a rematch for the title and/or face former UFC fighter Reza Madadi, who called Kuivanen out after", "id": "19638358" }, { "contents": "Ryan Jensen (fighter)\n\n\n. He lost the fight via submission (punches) at the 2:30 mark of the first round. Jensen faced Jesse Forbes at UFC 114 on May 29, 2010. He defeated Forbes by guillotine choke submission in the first round. Jensen fought Court McGee at UFC 121. He lost the fight via arm triangle choke in the third round. Jensen was defeated by Jason MacDonald via first round submission at UFC 129 and was subsequently released from the promotion. One year after his UFC release, Jensen returned to MMA and faced Jason", "id": "3133690" }, { "contents": "The Courier for Hell\n\n\nto find out from the clerk what is going on, since Chubei is going out quite often. She expresses puzzlement over the fact that Chubei leaves with three packages of tissue and brings none home; \"How can he blow his nose so much?\" In actuality, the adopted son of the owner, Chubei, has been embezzling customers' money. He has used 50 gold pieces to put a down payment on buying out the contract of Umegawa, a prostitute he is in love with. The narrator informs us that", "id": "20360739" }, { "contents": "CES MMA\n\n\ndue to excessive punches. The heavyweight title bout was the co-feature of \"CES MMA XXII,\" also noteworthy for Fickett's first and final appearance with CES MMA. The longtime UFC vet challenged Felix, who earned the biggest win of his career by knocking out Fickett with a head kick at 2:29 of the opening round. On August 8, 2014, at Twin River, CES MMA made its long-awaited AXS TV debut with \"CES MMA XXV.\" Former The Ultimate Fighter reality television alum Julian Lane", "id": "22189867" }, { "contents": "Ben Saunders (fighter)\n\n\nsecond round. This fight earned him the Fight of the Night bonus. Saunders faced Jake Ellenberger on June 1, 2018 at UFC Fight Night 131, replacing an injured Bryan Barberena. Saunders won the fight by TKO due to a knee to the liver and punches. This win earn him Performance of the Night award. Saunders faced Sérgio Moraes on September 22, 2018 at UFC Fight Night 137. He lost the fight via a submission in round two. Saunders faced Lyman Good on November 3, 2018 at UFC 230,", "id": "16222674" }, { "contents": "Anthony Leone\n\n\nLeone is a MMA fighter as well and competes in the Flyweight division. After going 8-0 in regional shows, Leone signed with World Extreme Cagefighting. Leone lost to Renan Barão at WEC 49 and was released from the promotion. Leone then signed with the Bellator MMA and came in to fight as a late replacement. He lost to Georgi Karakhanyan at Bellator 28. He faced Jeff Lentz at Bellator 44 on May 14, 2011 and lost via unanimous decision. Leone faced Claudio Ledesma at Bellator 68 on May 11,", "id": "15854614" }, { "contents": "Punch-Out!! (NES)\n\n\n(KO), if a fighter is unable to get up within ten seconds after being knocked down; by technical knockout (TKO), if a fighter is knocked down three times in one round; or by decision, if the bout lasts three full rounds without a clear winner. In order to win by decision, the player must accumulate higher than a certain point total by punching the opponent and/or knocking him down; the needed total varies from one boxer to the next. However, some bouts cannot be won", "id": "8432976" }, { "contents": "John Maguire (fighter)\n\n\nonly 13 years old and taught himself how to read and write, while working in the logging and timber industry with his father, as well as working various other jobs before becoming a professional fighter. Maguire made his professional MMA debut in April 2006. Over the next two years, he won all eight of his first bouts via TKO or submission with no fight going past the second round. Before signing with the UFC, he added an additional eight wins and three losses to his MMA record. He won the UCMMA Welterweight", "id": "15252323" }, { "contents": "Nick Diaz\n\n\nvia unanimous decision (48–47, 49–47, and 49–46). Diaz defeated Brazilian Evangelista Santos who had an 18–13 MMA record going into the bout on January 29, 2011 at via armbar in the second round. Diaz defeated English fighter Paul Daley at via TKO (punches) at 4:57 of round 1, and became the first Strikeforce fighter to successfully defend the Strikeforce Welterweight Champion three consecutive times. UFC president Dana White stated that a matchup between Diaz and UFC Welterweight Champion Georges St-Pierre was a possible consideration. Diaz and", "id": "2377605" }, { "contents": "Lethal Weapons\n\n\nPeter says they can get an apple pie but can't blow on it to cool it down. Lois asks Peter not to contradict her in front of the kids. Bonnie invites Lois to a Taijutsu class, where Lois quickly advances to black belt. After Peter gets into a fight with a leafer which is broken up by Lois knocking him out with a single punch, Peter exploits Lois' fighting abilities to drive the leafers back to New York. This gets Lois aggressive enough to challenge and successfully defeat her teacher. Her", "id": "7953108" }, { "contents": "Rocky Balboa\n\n\nan outside fighter), he often advances quickly upon his opponents, driving them into the ropes in order to attack the body. Balboa's best attribute is without question his near-superhuman ability to absorb a multitude of the hardest hits without falling — an attribute he often employs on purpose to wear down his opponents, sacrificing defensive strategy to land his own punches. Because of this rare talent, Balboa can afford to keep his hands in position to strike rather than up high to block. Because he takes more punches than", "id": "20238510" }, { "contents": "Alan Patrick (fighter)\n\n\nAfter winning Bitetti Combat Lightweight Championship, Patrick made his UFC debut against Garett Whiteley on October 10, 2013, at . He won the fight via TKO due to punches. He later faced John Makdessi on February 1, 2014, at UFC 169, his first fight outside Brazil. He won the fight via controversial unanimous decision, all major MMA media sites scored the fight either a draw or a win for Makdessi. Patrick was expected to face Beneil Dariush on October 25, 2014 at UFC 179. However, Patrick pulled", "id": "13095243" }, { "contents": "EA Sports MMA\n\n\nstrike at enemies. They can turn attacks into body punches, kicks or feints. Takedown/transition attempts and takedown/transition defense can be performed. Depending on the timing, successful defense can result in a sprawl, transitional block or a reversal. Submissions can be attempted, and the defending player can prevent the hold from being applied if he reacts quickly enough. Otherwise, the fighters engage in one of two submission mini-games. Once a submission has been initiated, it is not possible to cancel out of it", "id": "7193709" }, { "contents": "Pascual Pérez (boxer)\n\n\ncontrolling the initial offensive of the Italian, with several successions of punches landed, including a strong right he landed at the end of the round. The second round was very intense, with Bandinelli fighting aggressively to recover points and Perez answering blow for blow, using his greater mobility to score points with his left forehand, taking advantage of the Italian's tendency to keep his guard down. In the third round Perez again took the offensive from the start with a succession of direct left and right punches to Bandinelli's face.", "id": "17924286" }, { "contents": "List of Bully Beatdown episodes\n\n\nand is a Bronx gym rat who makes life miserable for his victims, Lorenzo and Joey. Mayhem Miller brings in MMA fighter Eddie Alvarez with a record of 22 wins and 2 losses to teach him a lesson. In the first round, Mike tapped out five times. In the second round, he got K.O'd. Mike is the first bully to get K.O.'d without getting 1 punch thrown at him. Lorenzo and Joey won $10,000. \"First Aired: 23 December 2010\" Meet Jordan, a loud mouthed bully who", "id": "2698330" }, { "contents": "Knockout\n\n\nto the head (particularly the jawline and temple) can produce a cerebral concussion or a carotid sinus reflex with syncope and cause a sudden, dramatic KO. Body blows, particularly the liver punch, can cause progressive, debilitating pain that can also result in a KO. In boxing and kickboxing, a knockout is usually awarded when one participant falls to the canvas and is unable to rise to their feet within a specified period of time, typically because of exhaustion, pain, disorientation, or unconsciousness. For example, if", "id": "17518166" }, { "contents": "Muay Thai\n\n\nto absorb the impact of the fighter's strikes and allow the fighter to react to the attacks of the pad holder in a live situation. The trainer will often also wear a belly pad around the abdominal area so that the fighter can attack with straight kicks or knees to the body at any time during the round. Focus mitts are specific to training a fighter's hand speed, punch combinations, timing, punching power, defense, and counter-punching and may also be used to practice elbow strikes. Heavy bag training", "id": "19775705" }, { "contents": "Gegard Mousasi\n\n\nthe more experienced Musashi, but came out fast and scored a first-round KO. Mousasi went undefeated in 2008, going 6–0 in MMA and 1–0 in K-1. After a lot of speculation about Mousasi's opponent for 2010 New Year's Eve, Mousasi was set to face Kyotaro, the K-1 Heavyweight Champion, in a K-1 rules bout. He brought the fight to Kyotaro and in the second round Mousasi knocked the Japanese fighter down, almost finishing him. Mousasi then won a unanimous decision victory from the judges. It", "id": "4516689" }, { "contents": "Tsuyoshi Kosaka\n\n\neffective punches. This ordeal would be noted by Jake Rossen of \"Black Belt\" magazine, who wrote: \"Overall, the event demonstrated an impatience for lengthy ground battles. Fighters were stood up after just a few minutes of grappling, in an apparent effort to maintain action in the matches. [...] This puts strikers, once the underdog of MMA competition, in a prime position to climb to the top.\" In the same year, TK faced Tim Lajcik at UFC 21, where he won via TKO", "id": "4711553" }, { "contents": "Warp & Warp\n\n\nFighter to warp to the \"Maze World\", where the Berobero must be killed with time-delay bombs. The delay is controlled by how long the player holds the button down - but every time he kills one, his bombs will get stronger, making it easier for the Monster Fighter to blow himself up with his own bombs until he returns to Space World. Powerups may appear on some levels, and allow the player to shoot exploding bullets or attach bombs directly onto enemy aliens. However, the exploding bullets present", "id": "19795868" }, { "contents": "Repoussé and chasing\n\n\ntongs to hold the hot plates. The punches are usually made of steel, especially tool steel—a hard alloy that can keep its shape even after years of use—and are forged and tempered at the tip. They usually have a beveled rear end, to better handle the hammer blows. They can be purchased and used as such, modified by the user to suit the needs of a specific work, or made by the user from bar stock. To make or reform the punches, one needs a saw or", "id": "1832108" }, { "contents": "Choi Hong-man\n\n\ncontributed to the event being canceled. In July 2015, after 5 years and 9 months of inactivity in combat sport, he gave his comeback against Brazilian fighter Carlos Toyota, weighing , the lowest to this day. He lost via knockout in the first round (multiple punches to face and jaw). Toyota was the second fighter besides Mighty Mo who knocked out Choi with head punches. In December 2015 he fought the Chinese Luo Quanchao and won by cut stoppage (TKO). In April 2016, he fought the \"", "id": "9091100" }, { "contents": "Mike Budnik\n\n\nchoke in the third round. In his next bout he would face collegiate wrestling champion and fellow Oklahoman Shane Roller. Budnik lost via guillotine choke in the first round. Budnik competed in a notable fight against UFC veteran Rich Clementi, which he lost due to rear naked choke in the 5th round. Budnik has made it on The Ultimate Fighter 12. Budnik was eliminated on the first episode of The Ultimate Fighter by Nam Phan by 1st round TKO due to a liver shot and punches. Budnik fought again on July 17,", "id": "13399814" }, { "contents": "John Williams (mixed martial artist)\n\n\nmultiple tattoos. Their fight took place in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada,on July 24, 2010, at the \"Elite 1 – Wild Card\". The 70-year-old Williams set three records that night. He became the oldest debuting MMA fighter, the oldest active MMA fighter, and the oldest winning MMA fighter. Williams won his match by ankle lock in the 2nd round. In an interview after his record making victory, Williams said, \"The point of life is living it. And I tell you", "id": "21667708" }, { "contents": "Lyoto Machida\n\n\nStadium, Machida defeated Franklin via TKO in the second round. He staggered Franklin with a counter left punch and knocked him down with a front kick to the face, finishing up with punches which forced the referee to stop the fight. This was Franklin's first professional defeat. Following this, Machida went on to compete for the K-1 promotion, where he beat kickboxers Michael McDonald (by submission) and Sam Greco (by split decision) under MMA rules. When K-1 began promoting Hero's, a series of fight cards", "id": "13998008" }, { "contents": "Foes of Ali\n\n\nit is even possible to win rounds by a 10-0 margin. The boxers in the game reflect characteristics of the real-life fighters who they are based upon. For example, Henry Cooper, who had a tendency to get cut easily in real life, receives cuts after taking fewer punches than other fighters. Similarly, reflecting the fact that George Chuvalo was renowned for his ability to take punches (he was not once knocked down in his career), it is physically impossible to knock him down in the game", "id": "299110" }, { "contents": "Michael McDonald (MMA fighter)\n\n\nalso earned McDonald his first \"Submission of the Night\" award, and he and Pickett earned the \"Fight of the Night\" bonus award as well. McDonald faced Urijah Faber on December 14, 2013 at UFC on Fox 9. After a back and forth first round, Faber stunned McDonald in the second with a flurry of punches, McDonald went to the canvas and Faber jumped on him and finished the fight by submission due to a guillotine choke. After being sidelined for all of 2014 and 2015 nursing a litany of", "id": "9208522" }, { "contents": "EA Sports MMA\n\n\n. It was announced that the first trailer would be shown on CBS, during \"\" on November 7, 2009. The trailer featured Emelianenko and Rogers performing a variety of attacks and defenses against each other. The trailer ended with both of the men about to punch each other in the face. It was announced that EA MMA would feature Strikeforce as its flagship promotion. The US cover for the game shows Fedor Emelianenko and Randy Couture, while the Japanese cover has Hidehiko Yoshida instead of Couture. Players can move, and", "id": "7193708" }, { "contents": "Southpaw (film)\n\n\nLeila. Billy's particular style of fighting often leaves him beaten and bruised. During a match in which he defends his light heavyweight world title, Billy sustains an eye injury as well as heavy blows to the face and body, leaving him coughing up blood for days. He is finally convinced by Maureen to retire before he becomes forever \"punch-drunk\". During the press conference at the post-match, an up-and-coming boxer Miguel \"Magic\" Escobar taunts Billy and tries to get Billy to", "id": "15239493" } ]
How Does the Internet Connect to Other Continents?
[{"answer": " > Is/was there giant fiber optic tubes across the oceans? Exactly right, [there are several underwater fiber optic lines connecting the continents.]( URL_0 ) Nowadays, these also carry telephone communications as well."}, {"answer": "also satellites... but mostly fibre optics under the sea.... right across the pacific and atlantic. URL_0 don't know how old this is but this will give you some idea of where the cables go. and yes the cables break... there are ships dedicated to maintaining these cables... miles under the sea."}, {"answer": "Big cables that go across the ocean and connect countries to each other. An example of a few of them. [CANTAT-3]( URL_2 ) - Connects Canada / Iceland / Faroe Islands and Europe - Is really really old and slow and very expensive to lease [FARICE-1]( URL_3 ) - Connects Iceland / Faroe Islands / Scotland - In use since 2004 - Very stable now but farmers used to accidentally cut it back in the day, disconnecting Iceland from the world essentially, since CANTAT-5 couldn't handle the stress. [DANICE]( URL_4 ) (the green one in the picture) - Very new and helps with connections to Europe that dont go through the UK [Greenland Connect]( URL_1 ) - Very new and helps with connections to the US. - Before Greenland connect, the traffic from Iceland to the USA went through Europe if CANTAT-5 was tapped. - Before Greenland connect, to increase the data flow to the USA, they didn't buy more slots in CANTAT-5, but bought a lot more slots in FARICE and hoped that would fix the issue. [Here's a picture of all of them]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "If you're interested in how the internet works, I recommend the book [Tubes by Andrew Blum]( URL_0 ). It's an interesting read and covers the basics of the internet."}, {"answer": "[This is a great talk about it given at Nerd Nite SF while back.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "This is the best thing ever written about this: URL_0 It will make you want to travel to remote islands to see cables."}, {"answer": "And for those wondering about how they power the repeaters, They run a line of DC current along with the fiber."}, {"answer": "Sci-fi author Neal Stephenson wrote an [AMAZING article about these cables being laid]( URL_0 ) for Wired."}, {"answer": "does anyone know how they deal with crossing the mid-atlantic ridge?"}, {"answer": "[Popular Science had an awesome article]( URL_0 ) on this a little while ago. [**This picture**]( URL_1 ) still amazes me, that's the center in Miami that connects South America."}, {"answer": "i can finally see how i got that email from that nigerian prince."}, {"answer": "Russia sold us Alaska so they could afford their trans-Pacific cable. Modern Marvels"}, {"answer": "Yes, there are quite a lot of cables connecting continents. Nowadays, almost all data transfer is made through fiber optic cables or terrestrial radio links (antennas that point to each other at small distances), simply because of the amount of time it takes for the signal to reach a satellite and arrive back to Earth is too much for satellites to be useful at phone calls, video conferences, playing online games and so on. Large datacenters (places where there are lots of computers connected to several internet providers at the same time) sometimes also have large antenna dishes aimed at some satellites they have contracts with. In case there is an emergency where the datacenter loses one or several land based connections, the owners of those computers can connect through the satellite and retrieve their data. If you're really interested, there's a very long but insightful article on Wired about how one of those very long ocean cables ws put in the ocean and what's involved in doing something like this: URL_0 The author was on one of those boats that layed the cables on the ocean floor and talked to a lot of people so it's quite informative. As you can see from reading that article, things could be so much simpler and better for the whole world, if religion and politics didn't exist (or didn't play such a big role in people's lives) :( But on the happier side, it's amazing to see how many technical difficulties can be solved and how much work there actually is in moving data around the world."}, {"answer": "If you would like a more in depth explanation, a pretty good book was released not that long ago called Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet. It explains how networks interconnect, how fibers are laid underwater, etc. I work in IT infrastructure so I thought it was a fun read and surprisingly well researched. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "when I read \"wires under the ocean\" I looked at my computer like \"you've got to be fucking kidding me. Why would there be cables ran through the oceans?\" Then I saw the answer and was like.. \"welp, time to go back to watching Criminal Minds\""}, {"answer": "Followup: how do these cables manage all that bandwidth?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2425862", "title": "Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) is a long fibre optic mostly-submarine communications cable that connects the United Kingdom, Japan, India, and many places in between. The cable is operated by Global Cloud Xchange. The system runs from the eastern coast of North America to Japan. Its Europe-Asia segment was the fourth longest cable in the world in 2008.", "Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) is a long fibre optic mostly-submarine communications cable that connects the United Kingdom, Japan, India, and many places in between. The cable is operated by Global Cloud Xchange. The system runs from the eastern coast of North America to Japan. Its Europe-Asia segment was the fourth longest cable in the world in 2008."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "History of the Internet\n\n\nconnection was just 64 kbit/s, serving a Sun host computer and twelve US Robotics dial-up modems. In 1996, a USAID funded project, the Leland Initiative, started work on developing full Internet connectivity for the continent. Guinea, Mozambique, Madagascar and Rwanda gained satellite earth stations in 1997, followed by Ivory Coast and Benin in 1998. Africa is building an Internet infrastructure. AFRINIC, headquartered in Mauritius, manages IP address allocation for the continent. As do the other Internet regions, there is an operational", "id": "13422617" }, { "contents": "Beige box (phreaking)\n\n\nred wire are the only wires that need connection in order to both talk and listen. Usually this method is done by stripping a portion of the line and attaching alligator clips linked to a corded phone. Instructions for constructing a beige box can be found in many places on the Internet, as well as instructions on how to make other phreaking boxes. Alternative beige boxes can also be built by connecting alligator clips to an RJ11 jack. This method does not require modification of a telephone—any kind of telephone that connects to", "id": "1011115" }, { "contents": "Slirp\n\n\nits users violated their terms of service or consumed too much bandwidth. Slirp is also useful for connecting PDAs and other mobile devices to the Internet: by connecting such a device to a computer running Slirp, via a serial cable or USB, the mobile device can connect to the Internet. Unlike a true SLIP/PPP connection, provided by a dedicated server, a Slirp connection does not strictly obey the principle of end-to-end connectivity envisioned by the Internet Protocol suite. The remote end of the connection, running", "id": "7347679" }, { "contents": "IP multicast\n\n\n1000 multicast routing and forwarding entries. On the other hand, a multicast router does not need to know how to reach all other multicast trees in the Internet. It only needs to know about multicast trees for which it has downstream receivers. This is key to scaling multicast-addressed services. In contrast, a unicast router needs to know how to reach all other unicast addresses in the Internet, even if it does this using just a default route. For this reason, aggregation is key to scaling unicast routing. Also", "id": "1816600" }, { "contents": "HTTP persistent connection\n\n\nnot close the connection when all of the data it needs has been received, the resources needed to keep the connection open on the server will be unavailable for other clients. How much this affects the server's availability and how long the resources are unavailable depend on the server's architecture and configuration. All modern web browsers including Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer (since 4.01), Opera (since 4.0) and Safari use persistent connections. By default, Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 use two persistent connections while version", "id": "10730813" }, { "contents": "History of the Internet\n\n\n, headquartered in Australia, manages IP address allocation for the continent. APNIC sponsors an operational forum, the Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT). South Korea's first Internet system, the System Development Network (SDN) began operation on 15 May 1982. SDN was connected to the rest of the world in August 1983 using UUCP (Unixto-Unix-Copy); connected to CSNET in December 1984; and formally connected to the U.S. Internet in 1990. In 1991, the People's Republic", "id": "13422619" }, { "contents": "Clive Thompson (journalist)\n\n\n, another author on the subject. However, Thompson now describes the \"global self-expression\" afforded to humanity by new forms of media. He writes about how tools affect how we think, but states that there are benefits from social thinking on internet. Thompson developed the idea of \"ambient awareness,\" or the connections humans develop with each other through quick status updates throughout the day that ultimately end up being deep, intellectual and still social. He does acknowledge that ambient contact has caused the world to become too", "id": "8374463" }, { "contents": "Image hosting service\n\n\nThere are many other paid services available that offer different packages of options, features, and costs. Prior to the development of image hosting services, the display and exchange of images on the early public Internet of the 1980s-1990s was a laborious and difficult process. Expertise was needed to know how to set up a private file server, how to get it connected to the Internet, and then paying for the potentially very expensive dedicated Internet connection. Some of these experts would provide access to a unix shell and some file storage,", "id": "772827" }, { "contents": "Raphael Cohen-Almagor\n\n\naccordingly. In the Internet context, Cohen-Almagor distinguishes between Netusers and Netcitizens. The term “Netuser” refers to people who use the Internet. It is a neutral term. It does not convey any clue as to how people use the Internet. It does not convey any appraisal of their use. The term “netcitizen”, on the other hand, is not neutral. It describes a responsible use of the Internet. Netcitizens are people who use the Internet as an integral part of their real life. That", "id": "2612572" }, { "contents": "B.A.T.M.A.N.\n\n\nit provides access to the Internet. Other nodes use this information to evaluate whether there is a connection to the Internet close to them and how much bandwidth is available. They can either use a specific gateway or allow B.A.T.M.A.N. to determine which gateway to use, based on criteria such as connection speed. Announcing devices not running B.A.T.M.A.N. themselves was also included in this version. Usually, this method is used to connect home networks to mesh-networks. An antenna installation on the roof will connect to the wireless network through B.A.T.M.A.N. and", "id": "7941453" }, { "contents": "Online and offline\n\n\nnew mail at regular intervals, for example), and when offline it will not attempt to make any such connection. The online or offline state of the MUA does not necessarily reflect the connection status between the computer on which it is running and the internet. That is, the computer itself may be online—connected to Internet via a cable modem or other means—while Outlook is kept offline by the user, so that it makes no attempt to send or to receive messages. Similarly, a computer may be configured", "id": "19170681" }, { "contents": "TCP hole punching\n\n\nan Internet computer network. \"NAT traversal\" is a general term for techniques that establish and maintain TCP/IP network and/or TCP connections traversing NAT gateways. In the following, the terms host, client and peer are used almost interchangeably. NAT traversal, through TCP hole punching, establishes bidirectional TCP connections between Internet hosts in private networks using NAT. It does not work with all types of NATs, as their behavior is not standardized. When two hosts are connecting to each other in TCP, both via outbound connections,", "id": "12371860" }, { "contents": "Dialer\n\n\nservice providers offer installation CDs to simplify the process of setting up a proper Internet connection. They either create an entry in the OS's dialer or install a separate dialer (as the AOL software does). In recent years, the term \"dialer\" often refers specifically to dialers that connect without the user's full knowledge as to cost, with the creator of the dialer intending to commit fraud. In Call Centers there are several dialling modes depending on how the call is placed. 'Manual Dialing' refers to calls", "id": "8652492" }, { "contents": "Free Internet Chess Server\n\n\ntrack lag centrally and does not permit users to exclude persistent laggers. FICS is designed to be accessed by a chess interface designed to connect to Internet chess servers. Interfaces are created independently. FICS does not have an official interface and does not endorse any interface. The most popular interfaces for Windows are BabasChess, Jin, XBoard, Thief, and Raptor. Mobialia Chess is the most common platform for mobile operating systems Android and IOS. On other operating systems (mainly Unix-type boxes based on Linux or macOS),", "id": "3833331" }, { "contents": "Tanzania Internet eXchange\n\n\nThe Tanzania Internet eXchange (TIX) is an Internet exchange point in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It is a project of the Tanzania Internet Service Providers Association. Established in late 2003, it is housed at Posta Building, Ghana Avenue in Dar es Salaam. Currently (August 2016) 33Internet service providers are connected and peering with each other. Internet traffic between them (and their customers) is routed through fast and cheap local links and does not need to cross slow and expensive international satellite circuits. As of August 2016", "id": "14431469" }, { "contents": "Internet layer\n\n\nThe internet layer is a group of internetworking methods, protocols, and specifications in the Internet protocol suite that are used to transport network packets from the originating host across network boundaries, if necessary, to the destination host specified by an IP address. The internet layer derives its name from its function facilitating internetworking, which is the concept of connecting multiple networks with each other through gateways. The internet layer does not include the protocols that fulfill the purpose of maintaining link states between the local nodes and that usually use protocols that are", "id": "18596116" }, { "contents": "Broadcast address\n\n\nthe broadcast address of the \"zero network\" or , which in Internet Protocol standards stands for \"this network\", i.e. the local network. Transmission to this address is limited by definition, in that it is never forwarded by the routers connecting the local network to other networks. IP broadcasts are used by BOOTP and DHCP clients to find and send requests to their respective servers. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) does not implement this method of broadcast, and therefore does not define broadcast addresses. Instead, IPv6 uses", "id": "15267627" }, { "contents": "Digital 9\n\n\ngovernment contracts. Since its inception, it has saved $8billion annually and made a reduction of 7.8million pages of paper documents per year. Bidding time has been reduced from thirty hours to two. With an increasing number of internet connected devices in each household, the D5 intends to look at what type of infrastructure is needed to maintain and expand connectivity, as well as how they can work together to share each other's experiences and to develop standards together. Citing a Cisco figure, the D5 expects over 50billion internet connected devices", "id": "12898516" }, { "contents": "Internet Governance Forum\n\n\nmeeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey from 2 to 5 September 2014. The meeting included 135 sessions and 14 pre-events. The overarching theme for meeting was: \"Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multi-stakeholder Internet Governance\". The meeting was organized around eight sub-themes: (i) Policies Enabling Access; (ii) Content Creation, Dissemination and Use; (iii) Internet as an Engine for Growth and Development; (iv) IGF and The Future of the Internet Ecosystem; (v) Enhancing Digital", "id": "3677797" }, { "contents": "Canadian Internet Handbook\n\n\nThe Canadian Internet Handbook was a series of non-fiction books written by Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead first published in March 1994 aimed at an audience new to computers, describing the basics of how to use the Internet. Books contained information on what the Internet is, how to get connected, how it works, as well as a directory of internet-based services. Within 6 weeks of the initial publication on March 7, 1994, the \"Canadian Internet Handbook\" was the number 1 best selling book according to \"", "id": "5016006" }, { "contents": "Network address translation\n\n\ngateway (see below), but fail when both systems are separated from the Internet by NAT. Use of NAT also complicates tunneling protocols such as IPsec because NAT modifies values in the headers which interfere with the integrity checks done by IPsec and other tunneling protocols. End-to-end connectivity has been a core principle of the Internet, supported for example by the Internet Architecture Board. Current Internet architectural documents observe that NAT is a violation of the end-to-end principle, but that NAT does have a valid", "id": "8183854" }, { "contents": "How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?\n\n\n\"How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?\" (, ) is an internet meme in Russian Internet culture. The question was originally posted on the #anime channel of the RusNet IRC network on May 8, 2004. This is the original post, followed by a translation: \"Здравствуйте, это канал об аниме? -- Да. -- Как мне пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?\" \"Hello, is this an anime channel? — Yes [it is] — How do I patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?\" The", "id": "7991223" }, { "contents": "List of terrestrial fibre optic cable projects in Africa\n\n\nThis is a list of terrestrial fibre optic cable projects in Africa. While submarine communications cables are used to connect countries and continents to the Internet, terrestrial fibre optic cables are used to extend this connectivity to landlocked countries or urban centers within a country with submarine cable access. While in most of the world a large number of such cables exist, often amounting to robust Internet backbones, the lack of such high-speed cables poses a great problem for most African countries. The construction of both submarine cables and their terrestrial extensions", "id": "3571689" }, { "contents": "Internet universality\n\n\nat the heart of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda - as a transformational force and a foundation for building the knowledge societies we need\".\" The social, civic and economic potential of a global Internet — one that bridges the world — is widely recognized. Connecting an individual, locality, nation or continent to the wealth of information, expertise and communities distributed across the globe is among the greatest promises of the Internet; for example, educational materials can now readily be put in the hands of students worldwide. However, the", "id": "7027488" }, { "contents": "Evidence of common descent\n\n\nand northern edges of Antarctica. During the Permian, these continents were connected as Gondwana (see figure 4c) in agreement with magnetic striping, other fossil distributions, and glacial scratches pointing away from the temperate climate of the South Pole during the Permian. The history of metatherians (the clade containing marsupials and their extinct, primitive ancestors) provides an example of how evolutionary theory and the movement of continents can be combined to make predictions concerning fossil stratigraphy and distribution. The oldest metatherian fossils are found in present-day China.", "id": "7261768" }, { "contents": "Internet in Africa\n\n\nto broadband connections are estimated to be in percentage of 1% or lower. In September 2007, African broadband subscribers were 1,097,200, with a major part of these subscriptions from large companies or institutions. Internet access is also irregularly distributed, with 2/3 of overall online activity in Africa being generated in South Africa (which only accounts for 5% of the continent's population). Most of the remaining 1/3 is in Morocco and Egypt. The largest percentage of Internet subscribers are found in small economies such as Seychelles, where as", "id": "5780459" }, { "contents": "End system\n\n\nend systems include some computers with which the end user does not interact. These include mail servers and web servers. With the emergence of the Internet of things, household items (such as toasters and refrigerators) as well as portable, handheld computers and digital cameras are all being connected to the Internet as end systems. End systems are usually connected to each other using switching devices known as routers rather than using single communication link. The path that transmitted information takes from the sending end system, through a series of communications links", "id": "8803738" }, { "contents": "Digital divide in Thailand\n\n\nTHB. As a developing country, Thailand is confronted with the digital divide both at a national and international level. The underdevelopment of fixed infrastructure has led to a low Internet penetration rate. On the other hand, the mobile penetration rate is higher than fixed in terms of network coverage and subscription. The price of mobile Internet service is inelastic, so an increase in price does not affect the need to access mobile Internet. The price is a result of the lack of competition in fixed connection, which also results in limited", "id": "13662844" }, { "contents": "Net Literacy\n\n\nConnects is a program of Net Literacy that was founded as the Senior Connects Corporation in 2003. Senior Connects targets retirement homes, independent living facilities and nursing homes, and provides computers and computer and Internet training to the residents. Through the Senior Connects program residents receive computer and Internet access. The program builds computer labs inside independent and assisted living facilities, teaches seniors how to use the computer and access the Internet, and provides access and increased computer access to seniors Each Senior Connects team is anchored in a high school. Some", "id": "2825644" }, { "contents": "Over Logging\n\n\nits subsequent film adaptation. The Marsh family are performing various online activities: Stan is browsing randomly, Shelly is iChatting with her online boyfriend Amir from Montana, and Randy is (discreetly) watching internet porn. Sharon sends them all to bed for the night, insisting that the internet will still be there the next morning. The next morning they discover that they have no internet connection. They then hastily walk to the Broflovskis' house to use their internet connection, but soon find that the internet does not work there,", "id": "20835148" }, { "contents": "IPTP Networks\n\n\nMPLS network in a 150+ data centers across 30 countries in 50 cities on five continents. Company utilizes Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Eurasian, Indian and Mediterranean submarine and terrestrial assets (Optical fiber cable), connecting clients to key IXs (Internet exchange point) and global financial centers. IPTP Networks is a Tier 2 Internet provider. As a member of AMS-IX, DE-CIX, Linx, MSK-IX, Digital Realty Internet Exchange, it uses a selective Peering policy, and", "id": "438591" }, { "contents": "Sockstress\n\n\nSockstress is a method that is used to attack servers on the Internet and other networks utilizing TCP, including Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD and any router or other internet appliance that accepts TCP connections. The method does this by attempting to use up local resources in order to crash a service or the entire machine, essentially a denial of service attack. Sockstress was developed as internal [proof-of-concept] by the late Jack C. Louis at Outpost24. Louis discovered anomalies using Unicornscan to test and probe networks for", "id": "14572906" }, { "contents": "Social cue\n\n\nactually seen the person face to face. As a result, people are able to connect on a more meaningful level and are able to create closer relationships that are not just about physical attraction. This is also considered to be a very positive aspect about the internet. A positive feature of the internet is that it has millions of different chat rooms and blogs that allow people to communicate with others who share their same interests and values. Not only does this enable people to find others who are similar to them, but it", "id": "9693934" }, { "contents": "Sara Kiesler\n\n\nexamined how computer networking changed group dynamics and social interaction. Their influential 1992 book, Connections described the indirect, secondary effects of using email in organizations. Through field observations and experiments they demonstrated the influence of computer-mediated communication phenomena such as status equalization, personal connections and flaming. Research with Robert E. Kraut from the 1990s showed that everyday use of the Internet increased users' depression and decreased their social connections. Later research showed that the psychological consequences of Internet use depend fundamentally on how it is used: communication with friends", "id": "5245124" }, { "contents": "Internet Connection Sharing\n\n\nInternet Connection Sharing (ICS) is a Windows service that enables one Internet-connected computer to share its Internet connection with other computers on a local area network (LAN). The computer that shares its Internet connection serves a gateway device, meaning that all traffic between other computers and the Internet go through this computer. ICS provides Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and network address translation (NAT) services for the LAN computers. ICS was a feature of Windows 98 SE and all versions of Windows released for personal computers", "id": "2512284" }, { "contents": "Internet in Iceland\n\n\nconnections are by provided by fixed wireless in the most remote of locations. Although 75% of homes have full fibre access, 53.1% of connections utilise the fibre connection mainly due to the fact that Síminn (the largest telecommunications provider in Iceland) does not use Gagnveita Reykjavíkur's (see below) fibre network as they are building their own. Internet speeds in Iceland are generally faster than average world internet speeds, generally due to high penetration of FTTH and FTTC. In terms of advertised speeds: Gagnaveita Reykjavíkur's(GR) full fibre", "id": "15867976" }, { "contents": "Open Garden\n\n\n-based connection sharing software application that shares internet access with other devices using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. When users have no direct Internet connection available within Open Garden's network, the application automatically connects to the Internet through links to other devices such as laptops or mobile phones. When the person whose Internet connection is being shared leaves the network, the application automatically detects and connects to the next best available connection by introducing a way to access the Internet over multiple channels at one time, improving speed and reliability. Such a", "id": "5632902" }, { "contents": "Dawat-e-Islami\n\n\nin different languages, mainly in English, Urdu, Bangla and other regional languages. The Channel is carried by sseven main satellites reaching out to five of the continents., and has  global presence through Internet TV and IP Boxes. Not only does the Channel cover religious, ethical and social issues, focusing upon reformation of character, but it also has economic, health, religious guidance programs. Soon in 2019 Madani Channel is going to launch a separate TV channel for Arabic viewers and a separate TV channel for Kids. Such", "id": "9373503" }, { "contents": "Bunmi Banjo\n\n\ncontinent to identify relevant populations for training and support, delivering \"practical learning experiences that lead directly to in-demand jobs in the digital economy, or help launch small enterprises.\" Bunmi is the head of the program across the continent, and had this to say about the experience: \"People across Africa are thirsty to explore how to take better advantage of the internet and the opportunities it offers.\" In March 2017, Google met its goal and committed to training one million more. For this Google intends to \"", "id": "14028256" }, { "contents": "Split tunneling\n\n\nuser utilizes a remote access VPN software client connecting to a corporate network using a hotel wireless network. The user with split tunneling enabled is able to connect to file servers, database servers, mail servers and other servers on the corporate network through the VPN connection. When the user connects to Internet resources (Web sites, FTP sites, etc.), the connection request goes directly out the gateway provided by the hotel network. Split tunneling is sometimes categorized based on how it is configured. A split tunnel configured to only", "id": "3440048" }, { "contents": "Internet access\n\n\nprovide a continuous \"always on\" connection; there is no dial-in process required, and it does not interfere with voice use of phone lines. Broadband provides improved access to Internet services such as: In the 1990s, the National Information Infrastructure initiative in the U.S. made broadband Internet access a public policy issue. In 2000, most Internet access to homes was provided using dial-up, while many businesses and schools were using broadband connections. In 2000 there were just under 150 million dial-up subscriptions in the", "id": "7575037" }, { "contents": "Leased line\n\n\ncommunication services. Some are ringdown services, and some connect to a private branch exchange (PBX) or network router. Typically, leased lines are used by businesses to connect geographically distant offices. Unlike dial-up connections, a leased line is always active. The primary factors affecting the recurring lease fees are distance between end points and the bandwidth of the circuit. Since the connection does not carry third-party communications, the carrier can assure a given level of quality. An Internet leased line is a premium Internet connectivity", "id": "14691907" }, { "contents": "Media of Africa\n\n\nthe newspaper the \"Sierra Leone Advertiser\" began being printed. Advances in satellite communication, and its availability in Africa (some countries on the continent have their own communications satellites) has meant that some local television stations are now viewed outside their terrestrial broadcast areas. Submarine fibre cables are gradually changing the face of communications in Africa and bringing faster and more reliable Internet connectivity to most countries on the continent. The challenge is to continue the advance of fibre inland. Much of the fibre being laid is without redundancy, so it", "id": "16830423" }, { "contents": "Cross-domain interoperability\n\n\nscale basis. Cloud computing promotes communication and collaboration, but connecting to the Internet and migrating information to a cloud or group of clouds does not guarantee cross-domain interoperability. Just because the organizations are all connected to the Internet does not mean that cross-domain interoperability automatically happens. Eliminating technological barriers and enabling information sharing and collaboration involves not only designing and building computer programs and environments so they interoperate, but also having cooperative agreements in place regarding management and administrative policies governing issues such as security, user identification, trust and", "id": "8085878" }, { "contents": "Tlepsh\n\n\nin Colarusso's anthology have a more overt connection with the Nart leader's mastery of smithcraft, for in one he fashions the first sickle and in the other a razor-sharp sword. It is noteworthy that in \"How They Made Tlepsh Fashion the First Sickle\" Tlepsh does not actually invent/design the tool in question. He does, however, know which female supernatural being the other Narts need to consult in order to find out how to design it, namely the old wife of the harvest god T'haghalig (compare", "id": "18435711" }, { "contents": "Network mapping\n\n\nmapping the internet in a single day. The \"Map of the Internet Project\" maps over 4 billion internet locations as cubes in 3D cyberspace. Users can add URLs as cubes and re-arrange objects on the map. In early 2011 Canadian based ISP PEER 1 Hosting created their own Map of the Internet that depicts a graph of 19,869 autonomous system nodes connected by 44,344 connections. The sizing and layout of the autonomous systems was calculated based on their eigenvector centrality, which is a measure of how central to the network each", "id": "13211282" }, { "contents": "Internet access\n\n\n-Fi networks are built using one or more wireless antenna called access points. Many \"modems\" provide the additional functionality to host a LAN so most Internet access today is through a LAN, often a very small LAN with just one or two devices attached. And while LANs are an important form of Internet access, this raises the question of how and at what data rate the LAN itself is connected to the rest of the global Internet. The technologies described below are used to make these connections. The term broadband includes", "id": "7575055" }, { "contents": "Africa Online\n\n\non MIT servers. With the commercialization of the internet, Africa Online moved its focus away from providing news to connecting Africans on the continent to the Internet. In 1995, the company was bought by International Wireless of Boston, which ultimately became Prodigy. During this period, Africa Online began operating as the first Kenyan ISP, and later expanded to Cote d'Ivoire (1995) to Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland, with the three Kenyans continuing to manage the operation. In the process, Africa Online", "id": "11184810" }, { "contents": "Telecommunications in Ghana\n\n\n, with a mobile phone teledensity in 2009 of more than 80 per 100 persons and rising. The cost of mobile phones is increased by taxes of around 38%. The top-level domain of Ghana is .gh. Ghana was one of the first countries in Africa to connect to the Internet. With an average household download speed of 5.8 Mbit/s Ghana had the third fastest speed on the African continent and the 110th fastest out of 188 countries worldwide in February 2014. In 2009 the number of Internet users stood at", "id": "11739184" }, { "contents": "Deafblindness\n\n\n. Braille equipment includes a variety of multipurpose devices, which enhance access to distance communication. Some can be used as stand-alone devices connected via Wi-Fi, while others are paired with a mobile device to provide tactile access to e-mail, text messaging, and other modern communication resources. To receive Braille equipment, an eligible consumer must be proficient in Braille and must have access to the Internet or cellular service. The Telebraille does not have a computer communications modem but does have a TTY (TDD) modem", "id": "9454722" }, { "contents": "Capitalization of Internet\n\n\nHowever, when written with a capital \"I,\" the Internet refers to the worldwide set of interconnected networks. Hence, the Internet is an internet, but the reverse does not apply. The Internet is sometimes called the connected internet. In the Request for Comments documents that define the evolving Internet Protocol standards, the term was introduced as a noun adjunct, apparently a shortening of \"internetworking\" and is mostly used in this way. As the impetus behind IP grew, it became more common to regard the results of", "id": "15521598" }, { "contents": "Development of Overwatch\n\n\nthe Windows client for users with sufficient Internet connections, which reduces the amount of interpolation delay in client and server-side prediction, making the game smoother and more reactive for those players. Players on slower bandwidth connections are grouped with others of this type of avoid any disadvantage of connection speed. Blizzard is looking for how to implement high bandwidth support in the console versions. At launch, there were no plans for a version of \"Overwatch\" for OS X, with Kaplan saying that the OS X architecture and their optimizations", "id": "9983676" }, { "contents": "Internet in Poland\n\n\nespecially in FTTx or ETH technology. The firm allows subscribers to connect and use computer-based telecommunications networks using independent Internet connections boasting high quality and transmission capacity, digital telephony and new generation TV. Operations focus on Lower Silesia and Masovia regions, where telecommunications services are offered to both retail and business clients. KORBANK is also founder of the first in Europe IPTV Platform based on Unicast Protocol - AVIOS. The government does restrict access to the Internet by using a black registry of internet sites, the PiS party deems un lawful", "id": "21176053" }, { "contents": "HoverRace\n\n\nusers. The game supports dial-up connections and does not require a server for races. Instead, up to 10 players connect directly. However, users can connect to the in-game chat server called the Internet Meeting Room (IMR) where they can race and chat with others. While racing, players are able to send messages, shoot missiles, drop landmines, and use speed boosters placed in the race track. In addition, sports tracks have been made. In some of these tracks a stationary player is", "id": "2106491" }, { "contents": "Sega Net Link\n\n\nIn 1997 Sega began selling the NetLink Bundle, which included the standard NetLink plus the compatible games \"Sega Rally Championship\" and \"\", for $99. The Net Link connected to the internet through standard dial-up services. Unlike other online gaming services in the US, one does not connect to a central service, but instead tells the dial-up modem connected to the Saturn's cartridge slot to call to the person with whom one wishes to play. Since it requires no servers to operate, the service", "id": "5572341" }, { "contents": "Network Load Balancing\n\n\n(cable, DSL, wireless, etc.) connection operating at 2.5Mbit/s. This would provide them with a total of 4Mbit/s of bandwidth when balancing sessions. Session balancing does just that, it balances sessions across each WAN link. When Web browsers connect to the Internet, they commonly open multiple sessions, one for the text, another for an image, another for some other image, etc. These sessions can be balanced across the available connections. An FTP application only uses a single session so it", "id": "8820788" }, { "contents": "History of knitting\n\n\nof books aimed at a male readership. As time and technology change, so does the art of knitting. The internet allows knitters to connect, share interests and learn from each other, whether across the street or across the globe. Among the first internet knitting phenomena was the popular KnitList, with thousands of members. In 1998, the first online knitting magazine, KnitNet, began publishing. (It suspended publication with its 54th edition in 2009.) Blogging later added fuel to the development of an international knitting community.", "id": "10092075" }, { "contents": "Anonymity\n\n\ntime any resource on the Internet is accessed, it is accessed from a particular IP address, and the data traffic patterns to and from IP addresses can be intercepted, monitored, and analysed, even if the content of that traffic is encrypted. This address can be mapped to a particular Internet Service Provider (ISP), and this ISP can then provide information about what customer that IP address was leased to. This does not necessarily implicate a specific individual (because other people could be using that customer's connection, especially", "id": "13274164" }, { "contents": "OfficeArrow\n\n\n% of the total sale price. While this model is almost identical to that of Groupon, OfficeArrow differs in that it does not restrict deals with minimum participation. In this regard, it is similar to American Internet retailer Woot. Some national brands and Internet retailers find this sales promotion tool useful for generating qualified sales leads. Unlike Woot, Groupon, and other daily deal products, OfficeArrow's business is not built on the daily coupon. connects paying and free members socially and professionally, offering a variety of social media", "id": "7446893" }, { "contents": "I-name\n\n\n— how to maintain an address that does not need to change no matter how often the contact details of a person or organization change. XRIs accomplish this by adding a new layer of abstraction over the existing IP numbering and DNS naming layers used on the Internet today (as well as over other type of addresses, such as phone numbers or instant messaging addresses). Such an abstraction layer is not new — URNs (Uniform Resource Names) and other persistent identifier architectures have the same effect. What's different about the XRI", "id": "10878881" }, { "contents": "Fast mapping\n\n\n's true meaning on an exposure-by-exposure basis. On the other hand, more recent studies suggest that some amount of fast mapping does take place, questioning the validity of previous laboratory studies that aim to show that probabilistic learning does occur. A critique to the theory of fast mapping is how can children connect the meaning of the novel word with the novel word after just one exposure? For example, when showing a child a blue ball and saying the word \"blue\" how does the child know that the", "id": "6697142" }, { "contents": "Proton Suprima S\n\n\nfor this with the ability to divert or bridge an internet connection using a smartphone or another portable hotspot instead. Furthermore, the built-in GPS system does not require an internet connection to function, as it operates independently over Telekom Malaysia's Lokatoo service. The Suprima is the third Proton car to offer internet based services, the first being a limited edition of the Proton Inspira, and the second being its sister car, the Prevé. The Premium variant of the Suprima comes with exclusive interior kit not offered in the Executive", "id": "19356809" }, { "contents": "Dreamland (Egypt)\n\n\nMiddle East will continue to be the catalyst for social inequity and further promote mass consumerism and consumption based on the idealistic and symbolic perceptions of American and Western prosperity. Dreamland was also marketed as a technologically advanced residential compound, with a complete fibre-optic network and fast internet connectivity. Although planned as such, the reality is that internet connectivity is leased from a third party ISP, and then distributed to residents by Dreamland itself. Dreamland does not adhere to market pricing for internet in Egypt (as of 2012, Dreamland sells", "id": "9401219" }, { "contents": "Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder\n\n\nsaves him. Thankful for being alive, Homer dedicates his life to his children after seeing Ron Howard take his children to a zoo. He tries, but fails to connect with Bart (who already has a father figure in construction workers, the Internet, and Nelson Muntz) and Lisa (who is too intellectual for him), so he decides to spend more time with Maggie. He tries to teach her how to swim, but she does not trust him and will not go in the water. When Homer takes", "id": "21303999" }, { "contents": "Internet backbone\n\n\nThe Internet backbone may be defined by the principal data routes between large, strategically interconnected computer networks and core routers on the Internet. These data routes are hosted by commercial, government, academic and other high-capacity network centers, the Internet exchange points and network access points, that exchange Internet traffic between the countries, continents and across the oceans. Internet service providers, often Tier 1 networks, participate in Internet backbone traffic by privately negotiated interconnection agreements, primarily governed by the principle of settlement-free peering. The Internet", "id": "3871565" }, { "contents": "Acceptable use policy\n\n\nUse are about the way in which IBM presents the site, how \"they\" interact with visitors of the site and little to no instruction as to how to use the site. In some cases, AUP documents are named \"Internet and E-mail Policy\", \"Internet AUP\", \"Network AUP\", or \"Acceptable IT Use Policy\". These documents, even though named differently, largely provide policy statements as to what behavior is acceptable from users of the local network/Internet connected via the local", "id": "4940749" }, { "contents": "Ygnition\n\n\nYgnition does not host web sites. No Server space is provided beyond the 10 MB e-mail storage space. However, it is similar to other services in that subscribers are prohibited from hosting their own websites by the no server policy. Ygnition offers unlimited internet connection time. They do place limits and restrictions on subscriber internet activities. Access to file sharing and downloading is limited and can, at Ygnition's sole discretion, result in service termination. Ygnition has an Unsatisfactory rating with the Better Business Bureau in Houston. Ygnition", "id": "12363125" }, { "contents": "Apple TV\n\n\ndigital content from the Internet and local networks. Apple TV does not come with audio, video or other cables, which must be acquired additionally as required. On the previous Apple TV, media files could be transferred directly onto the device by syncing with another computer. Once content was stored on the device's hard drive, Internet connectivity was no longer needed to view content. This is not the case with the later models, which do not have a hard drive for storing media. The 1st generation Apple TV had component", "id": "8953194" }, { "contents": "Music Publishers' Association\n\n\nhas existed for decades without any issues. An article on the now-closed website said:\"At what point does describing how one plays a song on guitar become an issue of copyright infringment? This website [and tablatures], among other things, helps users teach each other how they play guitar parts for many different songs. This is the way music teachers have behaved since the first music was ever created. The difference here is that the information is shared by way of a new technology: the Internet ...\" In April", "id": "1171870" }, { "contents": "Internet\n\n\nnetwork (LAN) or a dial-up connection. The model is designed to be independent of the underlying hardware used for the physical connections, which the model does not concern itself with in any detail. Other models have been developed, such as the OSI model, that attempt to be comprehensive in every aspect of communications. While many similarities exist between the models, they are not compatible in the details of description or implementation. Yet, TCP/IP protocols are usually included in the discussion of OSI networking. The", "id": "14705696" }, { "contents": "Telecommunication\n\n\nThis is because networks on this scale do not require all the features associated with larger networks and are often more cost-effective and efficient without them. When they are not connected with the Internet, they also have the advantages of privacy and security. However, purposefully lacking a direct connection to the Internet does not provide assured protection from hackers, military forces, or economic powers. These threats exist if there are any methods for connecting remotely to the LAN. Wide area networks (WANs) are private computer networks that may", "id": "13878676" }, { "contents": "DDR Holdings v.\n\n\ncommonplace business method aimed at processing business information, (2) apply a known business process to the particular technological environment of the Internet, or (3) create or alter contractual relations using generic computer functions and conventional network operations.\" Unlike other cases recently decided under the \"Alice\" framework, the \"DDR\" court stated that the ‘399 patent does not \"broadly and generically claim use of the Internet to perform an abstract business practice (with insignificant added activity).\" Instead, the claims \"specify how", "id": "7072543" }, { "contents": "Saint-Denis, Réunion\n\n\nCourse work is aligned with European standards for university education. There is a school of engineering as well. The language is French, and there are connection with educational institutions in France on the continent of Europe. IBM has an office in Saint-Denis. The island began organizing to be a digital hub for nearby African nations, relying on its two undersea cables for good internet connections. The potential for services would alter the island's economy, now reliant on sugar, an agricultural product. The University in Saint-Denis", "id": "17881590" }, { "contents": "Closed-circuit television camera\n\n\n. If the computer is connected to the Internet, then the images can automatically be uploaded to any other computer anywhere in the world, as and when the pictures are taken. The user does not need to lift a finger except to simply plug the camera in and point it in the desired direction. The direction could just as easily be the street outside a house, or the entrance to a bank or underground station. Digital still cameras are now being made with in-built wireless connectivity, so that no USB cable", "id": "1512641" }, { "contents": "BumpTop\n\n\nthe pie menu in favor of a more normal selection menu. The software installer and the application phone home. While the download page on the official website does state: \"Internet connection required for activation\", this may not appear in other sources such as Cnet. There is no explicit dialog box asking the user to confirm this connection at the time it is required. BumpTop automatically updates to the latest version. With the release of BumpTop 1.2 on October 9, 2009, multi-touch support was added for Windows 7", "id": "946780" }, { "contents": "Mid-Continent Public Library\n\n\nKansas City Metropolitan Area of Missouri located in Kansas City, Independence, Liberty, Gladstone, Lee's Summit, Grandview, Blue Springs, Grain Valley, and other cities. It also hosts two installations at community centers in partnership with the Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department that provide automated library services and public Internet access. In 1994, the Mid-Continent Public Library began to see advances in technology. It made improvement with circulation, intra-library loan, and online catalogs. In 1995, dial-up Internet access", "id": "21423848" }, { "contents": "Connections-based learning\n\n\nfor the earth and each other.\" In \"How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school\", Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (2000) share five ways technology can be used to make effective learning environments.  These include “bringing real-world problems into the classrooms” with “internet connections to concrete data and working scientists”, “increasing opportunities for students to receive feedback from software, tutors, teachers, and peers”, and “to build local and", "id": "11868204" }, { "contents": "Internet in the Philippines\n\n\nother organizations to establish connections to the Internet, to create Web sites and have their own Internet services or provide Internet service and access to others. However the growth of the Internet in the Philippines was hindered by many obstacles including unequal distribution of Internet infrastructure throughout the country, its cost and corruption in the government. But these obstacles did not altogether halt all the developments. More connection types were made available to more Filipinos. Increasing bandwidth and a growing number of Filipino Internet users were proof of the continuing development of the Internet", "id": "21176268" }, { "contents": "Visionary\n\n\nreferred to as a visionary in connection with the Internet. Other visionaries simply imagine what does not yet exist but might some day, as some forms of \"visioning\" (or gazing) provide a glimpse into the possible future. Therefore, visioning can mean seeing in a utopian way what does not yet exist on earth—but might exist in another realm—such as the ideal or perfect realm as imagined or thought. Examples are Buckminster Fuller in architecture and design, Malcolm Bricklin in the automobile industry and Ada Lovelace in", "id": "289273" }, { "contents": "Internet Explorer 11\n\n\nprotocol for secure connections and deprecates RC4 cipher suite. Internet Explorer 11 for Windows RT does not support Java and other add-ons. In a November 2013 review by SitePoint, IE11 scored better than Google Chrome 30 and Firefox 26 in WebKit's SunSpider test and Google's WebGL test. It tied with Chrome for fastest in Microsoft's fish aquarium benchmark for WebGL and came last in Google's V8 performance benchmark. As a result of the speed improvements, the reviewer said \"if you switched to Chrome for speed alone,", "id": "16544828" }, { "contents": "Windows 8\n\n\nconsole. Games can integrate into an Xbox Live hub app, which also allows users to view their profile and gamerscore. Other bundled apps provide the ability to link Flickr and Facebook. Due to Facebook Connect service changes, Facebook support is disabled in all bundled apps effective June 8, 2015. Internet Explorer 10 is included as both a desktop program and a touch-optimized app, and includes increased support for HTML5, CSS3, and hardware acceleration. The Internet Explorer app does not support plugins or ActiveX components, but includes", "id": "878103" }, { "contents": "IMessage\n\n\ncause the message to be sent via SMS if the sender does not have an active Internet connection. If the receiver has no Internet connection, the message should be stored on a server until a connection is restored. iMessage is accessible through the Messages app on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 5 or later, or on a Mac running OS X Mountain Lion or later. Owners of these devices can register one or more email addresses with Apple. Additionally, iPhone owners can register their phone numbers with Apple,", "id": "19235731" }, { "contents": "Ripped: How the Wired Generation Revolutionized Music\n\n\n. The Boston Globe claims it is “well-researched and highly opinionated,” and that it “captures the exciting immediacy of Internet-spawned music,\" however pointing out Kot’s siding with illegal downloading does not capture the negative effects it has on other artists. The Christian Science Monitor praises Kot’s journalism saying that it’s “even-tempered and provocative, factual, and soulful,” even if the book does not conclude with a solution to the harm caused by file-sharing. The New York Times", "id": "20397552" }, { "contents": "Digital divide\n\n\n, the meaning of the term digital divide is evolving. Previously, digital divide research has focused on accessibility to the Internet and Internet consumption. However, with more and more of the population gaining access to the Internet, researchers are examining how people use the Internet to create content and what impact socioeconomics are having on user behavior. New applications have made it possible for anyone with a computer and an Internet connection to be a creator of content, yet the majority of user-generated content available widely on the Internet, like", "id": "18917963" }, { "contents": "Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service\n\n\nManaged Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) was developed by the US General Services Administration (GSA) to allow US Federal agencies to physically and logically connect to the public Internet and other external connections in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) Initiative. MTIPS will reduce the number of connections, as originally dictated in the TIC mandate, but will not reduce the connection points to the degree originally quoted. Instead, focus has shifted on the securing of existing connection using the", "id": "9590923" }, { "contents": "Net bias\n\n\n?\" During the same hearing, a different member spoke up and quoted Section 230 of the Communications Act saying, \"...preserve the vibrant and competitive free market that presently exists for the Internet and other interactive computer services, unfettered by federal or state regulations.\" essentially saying that there should be laws in place so that the government knows how to handle its authority over the FCC and ISPs. He did not say that these laws are not laws meant for regulating what the FCC does, but how the FCC \"should", "id": "19305557" }, { "contents": "Technical details of Netflix\n\n\nhigh storage density, and run the FreeBSD operating system, nginx and the Bird Internet routing daemon. By August 2016, Netflix closed its last physical data center, but continued to develop its Open Connect technology. A 2016 study at the University of London detected 233 individual locations over six continents, with the largest amount of traffic in the USA, followed by Mexico. Netflix is committed to open source. Netflix both leverages and provides open source technology focused on providing the leading Internet television network. Their technology focuses on providing immersive", "id": "13090274" }, { "contents": "Psychological effects of Internet use\n\n\nconnections (such as FTTH) showed less patience and abandoned videos at a faster rate than users with slower Internet connections. Many commentators have since argued that these results provide a glimpse into the future: as Internet services become faster and provide more instant gratification, people become less patient and less able to delay gratification and work towards longer-term rewards. Psychologist Steven Pinker, however, argues that people have control over what they do, and that research and reasoning never came naturally to people. He says that \"experience does", "id": "720057" }, { "contents": "Ralph Breaks the Internet\n\n\ncould make the internet relatable on a human level—like how Game Central Station aka the power strip mirrored a train station in the first movie. In 'Ralph Breaks the Internet,' any person who uses the internet has a little avatar version of themselves that does their business for them\". Reardon, however, said that Disney \"didn't want to make the movie about the internet\", wanting to instead focus on Ralph and Vanellope's friendship, wanting to instead treat the Internet as \"the place where the", "id": "14938990" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\nproviders Netflix and Vimeo in their comments to FCC in favor of net neutrality use the research of S.S. Krishnan and Ramesh Sitaraman that provides the first quantitative evidence of adaptation to speed among online video users. Their research studied the patience level of millions of Internet video users who waited for a slow-loading video to start playing. Users who had a faster Internet connectivity, such as fiber-to-the-home, demonstrated less patience and abandoned their videos sooner than similar users with slower Internet connectivity. The results demonstrate how", "id": "21270104" }, { "contents": "Kerguelen Islands\n\n\n20 million years ago. The so-called Kerguelen sub-continent may have had tropical flora and fauna about 50 million years ago. The Kerguelen sub-continent finally sank 20 million years ago and is now below sea level. Kerguelen's sedimentary rocks are similar to ones found in Australia and India, indicating they were all once connected. Scientists hope that studying the Kerguelen sub-continent will help them discover how Australia, India, and Antarctica broke apart. Kerguelen's climate is oceanic, cold and extremely windswept. Under", "id": "17412770" }, { "contents": "Greg Wyler\n\n\nGregory Thane Wyler (born 12 November 1969) is an American tech entrepreneur, engineer, and inventor. He is the founder and executive chairman of OneWeb and the founder of O3b Networks. Wyler spent four years developing telecommunications in Africa in rural locations. In 2003, he built a local team and connected over 200 schools to the Internet, providing the first 3G and fiber to the home connections on the continent. In 2007, he founded O3b Networks, Ltd. The idea was first conceived in 2005 while working on a", "id": "18496199" }, { "contents": "De Magnete\n\n\nBut stroking with other materials fails—he proved this with an experiment with 75 diamonds in front of witnesses. The best way to magnetize a compass (magnetized versorium). Declination. The compass does not always point to true north. There is considerable variation. Using the terella he shows that variations in the height of the surface can lead to differences but insists that variation is a global issue. In the midst of the ocean or continent there is no variation. He shows how to measure variation and the sources of common", "id": "1951495" }, { "contents": "History of the World Wide Web\n\n\nThe World Wide Web (\"WWW\" or the \"Web\") is a global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym for the Internet itself and often called \"the Internet\", but the Web is a service that operates over the Internet, just as email (also e-mail) and Usenet also does. The history of the Internet dates back significantly further than that of the World Wide Web. Web is the global", "id": "19713911" }, { "contents": "Internet in South Africa\n\n\nThe Internet in South Africa, one of the most technologically resourced countries on the African continent, is expanding. The Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) .za is managed and regulated by the .za Domain Name Authority (.ZADNA) and was granted to South Africa by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 1990. Over 60% of Internet traffic generated on the African continent originates from South Africa. As of July 2016, 29.3 million people (54.00% of the total population) were", "id": "21479976" }, { "contents": "Google Maps Navigation\n\n\nGoogle Maps Navigation is a mobile application developed by Google for the Android and iOS operating systems that was later integrated into the Google Maps mobile app. The application uses an Internet connection to a GPS navigation system to provide turn-by-turn voice-guided instructions on how to arrive at a given destination. The application requires connection to Internet data (e.g. 3G, 4G, WiFi, etc.) and normally uses a GPS satellite connection to determine its location. A user can enter a destination into the application", "id": "3995737" }, { "contents": "Social media and television\n\n\nshows are marketed. As well, the huge increase in social media use has changed how show producers and broadcasters interact and connect with their audiences on a national or even a global scale. Global, referring to Internet's ability to connect people from across the street, across the country, or even around the world. The Internet allows instantaneous newsfeeds and posts, regardless of location or time differences. TV ratings agency Nielsen found that on average, 42% of respondents in a social media survey connect and communicate through digital media", "id": "6641135" }, { "contents": "FriendCaller\n\n\n). FriendCaller supports all Java based Internet browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome etc. It is compatible with leading operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. WebPhone supports instant video calls straight from the browsers. Connecting with anyone does not require the other party to have FriendCaller installed on their operating systems. One can contact FriendCaller user via CallMe-Link. The Android App turns Android device into a real phone providing its users a platform for Free Video Chat. Users can download it", "id": "8818609" }, { "contents": "Sumter County Library System\n\n\nprivacy of information transferred over the public network. Due to the fundamentally insecure nature of public computer networks, the use of its computers for online purchasing, electronic banking, or other financial transactions is not recommended. While Sumter County and its authorized agent do not block these activities, it does not ensure the provision of secure connections to support them; it does not provide support or troubleshooting for electronic financial transactions, and is not liable for any financial transactions. Wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) is available in all library", "id": "11399180" }, { "contents": "Internet of things\n\n\nThe Internet of things (IoT) is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with electronics, Internet connectivity, and other forms of hardware (such as sensors), these devices can communicate and interact with others over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled. The definition of the Internet of things has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems. Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks", "id": "17269980" } ]
What do business people actually do all day?
[{"answer": "I am an executive at a smallish business (~150 employees), and therefore could be considered a business person. Here's what my days consist of: * Monitoring our suppliers to make sure that their products are being delivered to us on time and high quality. * Dealing with any issues with our suppliers, such as inability to fulfill our requests, or quality problems. * Negotiating new contracts with suppliers that get us what we need at the lowest possible price. * Reviewing evaluations our employees have done of new products to see if they'll meet our needs for less money. * Plenty of meetings with other executives at my company to make sure our segments of the business are all working together smoothly. * Review and evaluate my employees' performance, regularly deliver praise, as well as correct mistakes and educate people. Logistically speaking, what this amounts to is a lot of phone and email conversations, as well as a bunch of data analysis and building reports. These reports then feed into decision making."}, {"answer": "Just wanted to say I love this question, and it's really the ideal sort of question for ELI5. Thanks for asking it!"}, {"answer": "* Meetings (e.g. phone conference calls, in-person meetings in a meeting room) * Reviewing metrics (e.g. how many widgets were sold yesterday) * Planning (e.g. how many eployees do we need on staff next week to meet our goals?) * Working with team members (e.g. resolving problems, training, helping, mentoring)"}, {"answer": "Honestly, 60% of my day is PowerPoint, Excel, & Email. The other 40% is meetings about what I need to do in PowerPoint, Excel, & Email..."}, {"answer": "I'm the general manager of a small factory (100 people). My boss, who is the regional manager, and GM of the parent factory, likens the job to \"shit cricket.\" You are sitting in your office, and someone hurls a piece of shit at you, and you have to knock it out of the park. Then the phone rings, and it's another person hurling a piece of shit, and you have to hit that one out. Meanwhile, you've gotten five more pieces of shit in the email. That's a huge chunk of the job. Anything easy people take care of themselves. It only comes to you when it's gone horribly wrong. And, turning over 20 million a year in revenue to 300+ customers, all custom jobs, something is ALWAYS going wrong. In the few moments of breath, it's walking through, and looking for things that are wrong, or could be better, or dealing with things that are simply too big for anyone below you to handle. And, the real key, is figuring how to build your future and grow your business. It's about making hundreds of decisions mostly right, and sweating the details. The biggest rookie mistake every manager makes is brushing too much stuff off as too small to worry about. It adds up. It ALL adds up. You fight for every nickel of profit, and seems like losses just fall from the sky any time you aren't looking. So you keep looking. This means I spend a lot of time thinking and talking, and a LOT of time on Excel and Outlook. Gut instincts only take you so far, and you don't have the discipline to plan in detail, you will go down."}, {"answer": "At a *very* high level, I spend my days researching questions/problems, answering emails, and in meetings/teleconferences. What you talk about in these meetings depends on the type of role you have. My days as an employee of a large insurance company with 30,000+ employees are dramatically different than they were when I was a real estate appraiser in a 2-person office. I expect when you're asking about generic \"business jobs\" - you're thinking more along the lines of what I do now (the big insurance company). Being in such a big company, even the smallest changes require coordination between a lot of different areas. Everyone has different goals and report to different leaders. So you spend a lot of your time in meetings, on teleconferences, and sending emails to coordinate so that everyone has the same expectations and knows what they need to do. For example, I recently worked on a a project where we needed to send a new form along with the insurance policy. The form should be completed by the insured, then sent back to us. Things we have to coordinate: * designing the form * getting approval from lawyers that the form accomplishes what we need it to * working with IT to make the system start printing the form * finding out what address should be used to send the form back (so that it won't just get lost in the shuffle) * figuring out who will handle/process the form and what that involves, and * writing up instructions to detail these procedures. For some people, this may sound excruciating, but I actually enjoy coordinating with so many different areas. (One of my main responsibilities is overseeing these types of projects.) I like knowing about these random corners of the company and knowing who I need to go to to accomplish all these tasks. And it feels great when it's all done and you see it working as you expected."}, {"answer": "Explained like you're 5: Tell subordinates what to do and ask peers for stuff in order to get closer to the goals set by your superiors by deadline."}, {"answer": "I am an outside Sales Rep (medical equipment). I \"call\" on medical directors (I go see them) at Hospitals. My territory includes several states so much of the job involves driving. I will never (err, rarely) sell anything to anyone who I haven't already seen multiple times, so I go see people repeatedly to build a relationship. I work out of the house and have \"office\" days where I catch up with stuff like: emails, little projects where I do financial/other assessments for customers/myself, call people, have conference calls, Reddit a little. Once I do sell something I have to \"in-service\" (train) customers on use of the product. In addition to initial training all existing customers inevitably will need continued support and refresher training."}, {"answer": "Paperwork. Then, paperwork to let people know that the paperwork got done. Then, follow-up paperwork documenting paperwork completion. Then, paperwork to let people know about the current lack of paper in the office. Lunch. Reddit. Home."}, {"answer": "[HA HA! *Business!*]( URL_0 ) How I've always imagined it, anyway."}, {"answer": "For me, it's constant meetings. All day long."}, {"answer": "There are three kinds of jobs in this world. At the bottom, you get paid to work. In the middle, you get paid to think. And at the top, you get paid to decide. At the bottom, the company could hire someone else pretty easily to do your job. They might have to train them a little, but they wouldn't be worried about replacing you. In the middle, you have skills and experience that aren't as easily replaced. You contribute something that is very much you. If the company had to replace you, they could. But the new person wouldn't do the job the same as you and it might be hard to find someone who can even do the bare minimum. At the top, it might look like you don't do very much. You might spend a lot of your day reading the news about your industry and meeting with other people in the company who do the actual work. You'll also meet with the people who own the business. They have entrusted you with their money and they will check and make sure you are doing well. You get paid to decide and your decisions will mean more--measured in dollars--than anyone else in the middle or bottom. Those people at the top are business people. Even if they aren't businesspeople by education and even if they hate being a businessperson, if they make the big decisions they are running the business."}, {"answer": "Majority of the people posting in this thread do not know anything about business."}, {"answer": "They make sure the TPS reports have coversheets."}, {"answer": "The mudane details of what you do will be interesting if you're developing a project you feel passionate about. Daily tasks are boring and routine but your motivation will come from the goal and energy of moving the project forward."}, {"answer": "Get an internship at a company that does the work that you are interested in, unpaid if necessary; you'll find out first hand if you really like it or not."}, {"answer": "Drink coffee. Stand around the watercooler. Show pictures of their kids to people who don't care. Dream of retirement."}, {"answer": "This might be a legitimate 5 year old question."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "65533", "title": "Business model", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. The process of business model construction and modification is also called \"business model innovation\" and forms a part of business strategy.", "A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. The process of business model construction and modification is also called \"business model innovation\" and forms a part of business strategy.", "A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. The process of business model construction and modification is also called \"business model innovation\" and forms a part of business strategy."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Busy Little Engine\n\n\nBusy Little Engine and Pig explore the everyday world using role-playing and imagination. Viewers learn about tangible topics such as raw goods, finished materials and basic railroad operations along with esoteric topics such as pretending, taking turns, and learning from others. \"The Busy Little Engine\" was selected for the 2006 San Diego International Children's Film Festival. It was picked Best DVD by Parenting Magazine in July 2006. Inspired, in part, by Richard Scarry's book, \"What do People do All Day?\" and", "id": "19898460" }, { "contents": "Hunky Dory\n\n\nprovided me, for the first time in my life, with an actual audience – I mean, people actually coming up to me and saying, 'Good album, good songs.' That hadn't happened to me before. It was like, 'Ah, I'm getting it, I'm finding my feet. I'm starting to communicate what I want to do. Now: what is it I want to do?' There was always a double whammy there.\" All tracks written by David Bowie,", "id": "2833516" }, { "contents": "David Jones (Global CEO, Havas)\n\n\ndoing well and doing good.\" He cites the Dulux Let's Colour Project as an example. Social Business Ideas are a focus of Jones' book, Who Cares Wins: Why Good Business Is Better Business, scheduled to be published by Pearson/FT Publishing in late 2011. At Mashable Connect 2011 and other forums, Jones has advocated using the communication skills of the advertising industry to drive social change. He told Adweek \"I passionately believe that what our industry actually excels at is using our creativity to change people's", "id": "19876697" }, { "contents": "Real prices and ideal prices\n\n\nnot primarily concerned with explaining the actual, real price-levels. Instead their theorizing was concerned with theoretical (ideal) prices. Simon Clarke explains for example: It is only relatively recently that economists have tried to create generalizations about the actual pricing procedures used by business enterprises, based on information about what business people actually do (instead of an abstract mathematical model). When goods are produced for sale, they may be priced, but those prices are initially only \"potential\" prices. There may not be any certainty", "id": "18820911" }, { "contents": "Competition\n\n\nsuch as Alfie Kohn, assert that competition actually has a net negative influence on the achievement levels of students, and that it \"turns all of us into losers\" (Kohn 1986). Economist Richard Layard has commented on the harmful effects, stating \"people feel that they are under a great deal of pressure. They feel that their main objective in life is to do better than other people. That is certainly what young people are being taught in school every day. And it's not a good basis for a", "id": "13470391" }, { "contents": "Cong Thanh Do\n\n\ncommunist organization known as The Government of Free Vietnam (GFVN). His wife was then allowed to leave. Do was then detained and not allowed to leave the country. The GFVN has issued a statement of non-affiliation with Mr. Do, who in actuality is a founding member of the People's Democratic Party of Vietnam. In protest of his detainment without due process by the Vietnamese government, Mr. Do began what was to be a 38-day hunger strike, drinking only water and, occasionally, milk. He was deported", "id": "14379933" }, { "contents": "The Godz (New York band)\n\n\nPaul Thornton was reported to have died. Lester Bangs published \"Do the Godz Speak Esperanto?\" in Creem Magazine (December 1971): \"What makes them so special? Well, theoretically, anybody can play like that, but in actual practice, it just ain’t so. Most people would be too stultified – after all, what’s the point of doing it if anybody can? – and as for you, you probably ain’t got the balls to do it, and even if you did, you", "id": "1939316" }, { "contents": "The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage\n\n\n. The comic began as a single comic strip for Ada Lovelace Day, a celebration of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Disliking the fact that both Babbage and Lovelace died with their life work incomplete, Padua created a fictional ending for the strip, then found that \"a lot of people saw it and thought that I was actually going to do a comic, which I had no intention of doing. But then I started thinking, 'What if I actually did the comic?' I started fooling", "id": "9965649" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Gale\n\n\nwith people at both the ARCH and the Salvation Army here in town to learn what they do for homeless transfolks. It turns out the ARCH, while a men's only shelter, is actually pretty educated on the issues and accepts people as they present themselves. While this wouldn't have helped Jennifer Gale except for day-sleeping, it is certainly respectable. They will also provide for privacy in the restrooms/showers for transfolks. The Salvation Army on the other hand... they do apparently have a policy of non-", "id": "21153205" }, { "contents": "Up Down (Do This All Day)\n\n\nn't make people conform to what I'm doing when I got to get somebody. When you get T-Pain, you don't really want to tell T-Pain what to do. If you got in mind what you want T-Pain to do, you could've done it yourself. That's where B.o.B came from, and he enjoys strip clubs as much as I do. It was only right to get him.\" On January 14, 2014, T-Pain performed \"Up Down", "id": "4943377" }, { "contents": "Working (Terkel book)\n\n\nWorking: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do is a 1974 nonfiction book by the noted oral historian and radio broadcaster Studs Terkel. \"Working\" is a book which investigates the meaning of work for different people under different circumstances, showing it can vary in importance. The book also reflects Terkel's general idea that work can be difficult but still provides meaning for workers. It is an exploration of what makes work meaningful for people in all walks of life, from Lovin' Al", "id": "11683617" }, { "contents": "It's Just Not Cricket\n\n\n’s Just Not Cricket\". Some mates came around that night and asked what I’d been doing all day. I played them the dictaphone recording and they got a good laugh out of it.” adding “I’d actually worked for EMI Music back in 1975 and I had them as a client of my own business, so it was an obvious choice as to where I’d take this thing.” A track heavily based on \"It's Just Not Cricket\" involving a match between England and Sri Lanka was", "id": "19881288" }, { "contents": "Lolly Wolly Doodle\n\n\nwas inspired by Temple and Lolly Wolly Doodle, does over a million dollars worth of transactions each month for similarly small businesses online. Outside observers have high praise for what Temple and LWD have done. \"\"I have an e-commerce crush on Lolly Wolly Doodle,\", Will Young, the director of Zappos Labs, told \"Inc.\" \"[They have] been able to do something that no big brand has been able to do, which is to convince people to actually buy on Facebook.\" Mulpuru", "id": "4991052" }, { "contents": "Dakota Johnson\n\n\nI'm proud of [the movie]. I completely disagree with people who think Ana's weak. I think she's actually stronger than \"he\" is. Everything she does is her choice. And if I can be an advocate for women to do what they want to do with their bodies and not be ashamed of what they want, then I'm all for that.\" On February 15, 2015, Johnson appeared on \"Saturday Night Live\"s 40th anniversary special and hosted \"SNL\" on February 28,", "id": "10570579" }, { "contents": "Life in a Day (2011 film)\n\n\nThey asked hundreds of people all over Britain to write diaries recording the details of their lives on one day a month and answer a few simple questions. ... These diaries were then organised into books and articles with the intention of giving voice to people who weren't part of the \"elite\" and to show the intricacy and strangeness of the seemingly mundane.\" Macdonald began his \"Around the world in 80,000 clips\" article in \"The Guardian\" by posing the questions, \"\"What do you love? What do", "id": "4724951" }, { "contents": "Women's Football Association\n\n\nthe FA, \"A lot of people felt very bitter. It wasn't what they wanted to do, it was the way they did it — they just rode roughshod all over us.\" In December 1994 Arsenal Ladies manager Vic Akers lamented, \"They [the FA] have been in charge 18 months now and they talk about a development plan. But I haven't heard a single word yet about what they actually intend to do.\" A 2006 Department for Culture, Media and Sport report into women's", "id": "6527717" }, { "contents": "Lonnie Powell\n\n\npersonal responsibility in addressing handgun violence.” Looking Him Back is a painting based on Powell’s memories of watching a Kansas City Monarchs game, “what I tried to do with the piece was to take all of those images that I can remember and put them into one piece. The pitcher is actually a conglomerate of all the pictures that pitchers that pitched so well in those days.” Powell states that “the piece had to portray the dignity of a people forced to live through a shameful time in our history.", "id": "17008367" }, { "contents": "Irene Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq\n\n\nup there were no other people except my grandparents. I had never seen white people. When i do sewing and make a wall hanging I do what I remember. I can see it clear as a picture. When I am looking at it, it looks like it is actually happening in those days, as it was in my life. On August 9, 1956, she married David Tiktaalaaq in Baker Lake. They moved to Baker Lake in 1958, where Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq gave birth to one of their children. Avaalaaqiaq", "id": "20264935" }, { "contents": "Descriptive psychology\n\n\ncarrying bricks in an open field. As soon as they have stacked all the bricks at one end of the field, they proceed to transport them to the opposite end. This continues without stop and every day of every year they are busy doing the same thing. One day one of the morons stops long enough to ask himself what he is doing. He wonders what purpose there is in carrying the bricks. And from that point on, he is not quite as content with his occupation as he had been before.", "id": "13877083" }, { "contents": "Ease of doing business index\n\n\n, what the duration of court procedures should be and what the optimal degree of social protection is. The indicators compiled in the \"Doing Business\" project allow such research to take place. Since the start of the project in November 2001, more than 3,000 academic papers have used one or more indicators constructed in \"Doing Business\" and the related background papers by its authors.\" The report is above all, a benchmark study of regulation. The survey consists of a questionnaire designed by the \"Doing Business\" team with", "id": "5222251" }, { "contents": "Dharmaśāstra\n\n\ntell what people ought to do, but they do not tell what people actually did. Some scholars state that these sources are unreliable and worthless for historical purposes instead to use archaeology, epigraphy and other historical evidence to establish the actual legal codes in Indian history. Olivelle states that the dismissal of normative texts is unwise, as is believing that the Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras texts present a uniform code of conduct and there were no divergent or dissenting views. Written after the Dharmasūtras, these texts use a metered verse and are much more", "id": "14676956" }, { "contents": "Self-actualization\n\n\na person who is living creatively and fully using his or her potentials. \"What a man can do, he must do.\" It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. Maslow based his theory partially on his own assumptions or convictions about human potential and partially on his case studies of historical figures whom he believed to be self-actualized, including Albert Einstein and Henry David Thoreau. He considered self-actualizing people to possess", "id": "20772658" }, { "contents": "Kylie Christmas\n\n\nI would do a Christmas album, it was just a case of when... I mentioned it to a couple of people on my team and they were saying, 'What do you want to do for the rest of the year? What do you want to do next?' I said, 'I'm thinking about a Christmas album, actually.' Some of that stems from last Christmas.\" Minogue said that she had Christmas in Los Angeles, California in 2014, and her friend suggested recording a Christmas album", "id": "22125432" }, { "contents": "Information technology planning\n\n\nare obsolete. IT doesn't have the means to understand how it currently supports business strategy. The linkage between IT’s capabilities — and their associated costs, benefits, and risks – and business needs is not mapped out. Additionally, information gathering and number crunching hold the process back. IT makes plans that don’t reflect what IT will actually do or what the business actually needs. In the end, business doesn’t understand how IT contributes to the execution of strategy. IT doesn’t start planning with a clear picture", "id": "8800218" }, { "contents": "Nolan Chart\n\n\n, is the amount of government control over human action that is advocated. Nolan further reasoned that virtually all human political action can be divided into two broad categories: economic and personal. The \"economic\" category includes what people do as producers and consumers – what they can buy, sell and produce, where they work, who they hire and what they do with their money. Examples of economic activity include starting or operating a business, buying a home, constructing a building and working in an office. The \"personal", "id": "10909450" }, { "contents": "Will (philosophy)\n\n\nunhappy. The vices then, are voluntary just as the virtues are. He states that people would have to be unconscious not to realize the importance of allowing themselves to live badly, and he dismisses any idea that different people have different innate visions of what is good. In Book VII, Aristotle discusses self-mastery, or the difference between what people decide to do, and what they actually do. For Aristotle, \"akrasia\", \"unrestraint\", is distinct from animal-like behavior because it is specific", "id": "2096757" }, { "contents": "Razaq Okoya\n\n\nnot look at other people. I am content with myself. I do not look for cheap money. I am not interested in contracts and I do not expose myself to intrigues and politics.\"\" \"\"You do not do business for the ego value. You go for what the people can afford. In business, you have to ensure that the masses are able to afford the cost of your products. That is one of my secrets.\"\" \"\"My main motivation was that I wanted to be", "id": "13726795" }, { "contents": "It Should Happen to You\n\n\n. What I mind is the way you give the idea you're sort of \"entitled.\"\" Adam then says, \"Maybe I am. Oh, sure, if you want to make it into a sort of business proposition. That's what you're doing, isn't it?\" Gladys says, \"The way it looks to me, Mr. Adams, is that there are two sorts of people. The people who will do anything to make a name for themselves, and the people who will do", "id": "952915" }, { "contents": "Episode 4466\n\n\nWhat the viewers won't see is the running around that I'm doing off screen. I've got to do sprints all the way through, they're actually timing me, and every day I'm beating my personal best. Because it's all about me getting from one set to another and getting all the words out in the right order and not falling over and not putting the torch out.\" The majority of the episode was filmed in advance, and the whole episode was directed by Clive Arnold, who said", "id": "15186148" }, { "contents": "Mama (Spice Girls song)\n\n\nnice that our mums were there and could see what we're doing. It's good, because they were actually knackered at the end of the day and I said to my mum: 'Ha! Now you know how I feel every day!\" Geri Halliwell commented: \"I found it a bit bizarre bringing my mum to work with me on the 'Mama' video. You know: 'This is what I do—come and do it, too.' If you worked in Sainsbury's, you", "id": "11401370" }, { "contents": "Age of Consent (band)\n\n\n2010, the aim of the music underwent an interesting development. “In the beginning…all I wanted to do was the opposite of Shitdisco,” Reeves explained. “And then after awhile, I realized actually what we do in Shitdisco is what I like doing as a musician.” As for Cullen, he knew that he always wanted to make dance music in some kind of capacity. However, there was a fine line dividing what they did in Shitdisco versus what they wanted to do in Age of Consent,", "id": "4146642" }, { "contents": "2014 Donbass status referendums\n\n\nin both Russian and Ukrainian, and asked one question: \"Do you support the declaration of state independence of the Donetsk People's Republic?\" The Russian word used, \"самостоятельность\", (\"samostoyatel'nost\") (literally \"standing by oneself\"), can be translated as either full independence or broad autonomy, which left voters confused about what their ballot actually meant. One polling station manager interviewed by \"VICE News\" insisted the vote had nothing to do with secession. The day before the referendum, it", "id": "17509195" }, { "contents": "Chestnut (Westworld)\n\n\nthis minor alteration pushes some important questions to the fore: What does the park reveal about the people who visit? And what do they learn about themselves in the process?\". Zack Handlen of \"The A.V. Club\" wrote in his review, \"'Chestnut' isn't as effective a mood piece as 'The Original'; it's functional in necessary ways, settling down to the business of being an actual TV show and not just an evocative one hour film. But while that functionality isn't as exciting", "id": "14824951" }, { "contents": "Truth (anti-tobacco campaign)\n\n\nthen suddenly collapsing as if dead while a single youth remains standing with a sign that reads, \"Tobacco kills 1,200 people a day. Ever think about taking a day off?\" In the \"Body Bags\" commercial, youths pile body bags on the sidewalk outside of a tobacco company's headquarters. One youth steps forward with a megaphone to shout up at the workers in the building, \"do you know how many people tobacco kills every day? This is what 1200 people actually looks like.\" Another \"truth", "id": "12762925" }, { "contents": "Mach 37\n\n\n, and criticism with the ultimate goal of giving a successful presentation in front of a panel of potential investors during what is known as Demo Day. In an interview with \"Washington Business Journal\", CIT chief Pete Jobse stated \"What the accelerator is designed to do is make sure the concepts [and] the markets that appear to be interesting for these new technologies are actually there for them\". As a state-funded program, MACH37 has been seen as an opportunity for emerging technology companies to gain access to government", "id": "5764584" }, { "contents": "What would Jesus do?\n\n\nwho challenges him to take seriously the imitation of Christ. The homeless man has difficulty understanding why, in his view, so many Christians ignore the poor: poemI heard some people singing at a church prayer meeting the other night, \"All for Jesus, all for Jesus, All my being's ransomed powers, All my thoughts, and all my doings, All my days, and all my hours.\" and I kept wondering as I sat on the steps outside just what they meant by it. It seems to", "id": "9369984" }, { "contents": "The Detroit Cast\n\n\nin and The Detroit Cast began. The problem was that there was no money in doing it this way. No sponsors, no advertisers. It's easy to get on board with a project when people are getting paid for what they do, but at this time it just wasn’t an option. So the show started out as 3 days per week, and it was anything but easy. Let's be honest, Mike and Mike aren’t quite ‘start-a-business’ kind of guys. After some", "id": "21703151" }, { "contents": "War for the Planet of the Apes\n\n\njust finished \"Dawn\" was that we decided to watch a million movies. We decided to do what people fantasize what Hollywood screenwriters get to do but no one actually does. We got Fox to give us a theater and we watched movie after movie. We watched every \"Planet of the Apes\" movie, war movies, westerns, \"Empire Strikes Back\"... We just thought, 'We have to pretend we have all the time in the world,' even though we had limited time. We got really", "id": "18241671" }, { "contents": "Use Your Illusion Tour\n\n\nand Rose stopped four minutes into the show. The concert ended with 50 people arrested outside the stadium, and a teenage fan with several injuries, dying two days later. In February 1993, Gilby Clarke told BBC Radio 1's \"Friday Rock Show\": \"For the last year and a half, we had a film crew with us. They do film every show and things backstage: hotel rooms, everything. And what we're gonna do at the end of the whole tour – which is actually after", "id": "18889455" }, { "contents": "First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency\n\n\n, even me. I look at some of the jobs and it's people over people over people. I say, 'What do all these people do?' You don't need all those jobs...Many of those jobs I don't want to fill. I say, isn't that a good thing? That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing. We're running a very good, efficient government.\" Prior to taking office, Trump named several important White House advisers to positions that", "id": "21396633" }, { "contents": "The Fugitive: Plan B\n\n\n. Through clues provided by Ji-woo, Do-soo follows Nakamura and Mi-jin to the location of the gold. The police arrive just in time to arrest Hwang Mi-jin and her accomplices, but Mi-jin is shot by an unknown person hired by Yang Du-hi. The next day, the corrupt officer Oh released all the people arrested by Do-soo and hands over the gold to Yang Du-hi. This makes Do-soo believe that Ji-woo is not the actual", "id": "20335192" }, { "contents": "Physical activity\n\n\n65+ years) Physical activity recommendations 1. Older people should do some form of physical activity, no matter what their age, weight, health problems or abilities. 2. Older people should be active every day in as many ways as possible, doing a range of physical activities that incorporate fitness, strength, balance and flexibility. 3. Older people should accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days. 4. Older people who have stopped physical activity, or who are", "id": "17821578" }, { "contents": "Self-actualization\n\n\nFor example, he notes that for some individuals, the need for self-esteem is more important than the need for love. For others, the need for creative fulfillment may supersede even the most basic needs. Instead of focusing on what goes wrong with people, Maslow wanted to focus on human potential, and how we fulfill that potential. Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth. Self-actualized people as those who were fulfilled and doing all", "id": "20772656" }, { "contents": "Apocalypticism\n\n\nscholars came to accept that the apocalypse would occur sometime between 979-1042. Although there were debates about the apocalypse itself, few people actually understood the consequences of what would happen if the apocalypse occurred. Unfortunately, few documents from around the year 1000 exist to actually interpret what people thought would happen, and because of this, many scholars are unaware of what people actually felt. People do understand that the idea of apocalypticism has influenced several Western Christian European leaders into social reform. Some historians, such as Richard Landes,", "id": "10504845" }, { "contents": "Days Gone Bye (The Walking Dead)\n\n\nit was interesting because I initially thought my experience with zombie movies is you just let them do whatever they want to do. George [Romero] always said, 'You show 50 people one movement, then you have 50 people doing all the same thing.' So we sort of just lined them up and said, 'Let's see what your zombie walk would look like,' and then they would do it and we would say, 'Try this or try that.' You know, sort of fine", "id": "3098977" }, { "contents": "Nergis Mavalvala\n\n\nIn a television interview in 2016, Mavalvala stated that, \"When everyone has access to education that's when all the other things come into place... [You've] got to do what gives you pleasure, gotta find a way to do it. People should just do what they enjoy most and i think for all of society whether it's in Pakistan or elsewhere we have to create opportunities for young girls to do what they're good at and do what they love to do must cultivate the sense of wonder", "id": "13619858" }, { "contents": "BlackPlanet\n\n\nincluded, \"What do you think of the idea of Black Marriage Day?\", \"What do you think of people using the term 'ghetto' when describing something that's not desirable?\", and, \"Men, do you ever pamper yourself with a gentleman's facial, manicure or pedicure? Ladies, what do you think of men who take care of their skin and nails?\" Both social networking tools are used to advertise the \"Member of the Day\" feature, drawing attention to the appearance", "id": "18946402" }, { "contents": "Threespheres\n\n\nuse). At the time we thought the album would do well because The Forms' album Icarus had recently come out and sold a few thousand copies despite us having no idea what we were doing, it being our label's first release. But the release of the Desert Fathers album happened to coincide with the high-profile bankruptcy of our distributor The Telegraph Company. We had leaned on Telegraph a lot because we were all on tour all the time and couldn't tend to the day-to-day business of", "id": "13828340" }, { "contents": "Eugene Landy\n\n\nwas paid salary by Landy, but was eventually paid directly by Wilson. In 1988, Samuels took credit with performing the \"actual supervision of the therapy ... giving the medication and the occasional psychotherapy as he needs it. What Gene has been doing is hiring the people to be with him, and so forth, much as a parent would do if asked to get some help in the house.\" In the mid 1980s, Landy stated of Wilson, \"I influence all of his thinking. I'm practically a member", "id": "12504698" }, { "contents": "Rob Oswald\n\n\ndo not agree with the politics of the \"music business\". From my stand point, it tends to bring out the worst in people, and I am well over wanting to surround myself with that. What I take with me from all of this, is all the very special people I have gotten to meet through this time, people who love music and treat it with the dignity and timelessness that it demands. What I will leave, is the corrupt bags of shit that try to manipulate it for personal gain", "id": "20153865" }, { "contents": "Islamic calendar\n\n\nIndonesia, and a few others begin each month at sunset on the first day that the moon sets after the sun (moonset after sunset). In Egypt, the month begins at sunset on the first day that the moon sets at least five minutes after the sun. A detailed analysis of the available data shows, however, that there are major discrepancies between what countries say they do on this subject, and what they actually do. In some instances, what a country says it does is impossible. Due to the", "id": "14951316" }, { "contents": "Barack Obama 2008 presidential primary campaign\n\n\n's not about a speech you make. ... We don't need to be raising false hopes.\" Obama replied that \"The truth is, actually, words do inspire. Words do help people get involved.\" Polling showed a tight race in the days leading up to the New Hampshire primary. All of the candidates barnstormed in New Hampshire during the four days after the Iowa caucuses, targeting undecided and independent voters in the state. The day before the election, polls conducted by CNN/WMUR, Rasmussen Reports and", "id": "13555214" }, { "contents": "Talk About Our Love\n\n\nabout what you do and why you do it and I think everybody in a relationship experiences that kind of stuff, people talking about your business so that is what that song is about.\" On the final result Norwood commented, \"We collaborated and we just came up with a great melody [...] It's about two people in a relationship where everybody is in and out of their business, which is something that everybody in a relationship goes through.\" Though Norwood was expected to shoot a music video for a", "id": "6225199" }, { "contents": "External validity\n\n\nwill produce responses that may not match the behavior of people who are actually in the same situation. We cannot depend on people's predictions about what they would do in a hypothetical situation; we can only find out what people will really do when we construct a situation that triggers the same psychological processes as occur in the real world. Social psychologists study the way in which people in general are susceptible to social influence. Several experiments have documented an interesting, unexpected example of social influence, whereby the mere knowledge that others", "id": "9467335" }, { "contents": "Storm Corrosion (album)\n\n\nlong way from that, too. And it's actually a long way from anything I've done…The one thing we didn't wanna do is get together and do a prog-metal supergroup, which would have been so easy to do - and kind of expected, in a way. And, you know, we might do that anyway one day. But this time around, we thought, 'Let's just do this record.' Some people will love it and some people will not, and that", "id": "13084859" }, { "contents": "Brown Act\n\n\ndeclares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly. The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to", "id": "16621377" }, { "contents": "Plan B Skateboards\n\n\nphase has maintained Ternasky's influence throughout his entire career, stating: I was always, like, nervous, like, what if, what do people think of me? Look at all these people look at me, I can't, I couldn't deal with it, you know? You know, he would like take me aside and calm me down, and \"Listen man, all you gotta do is just go do what you do. Don't worry about, you know?\" And it was", "id": "15525590" }, { "contents": "Marvel Cinematic Universe\n\n\nknows what we're doing with \"Avengers 2\", we can really lay it out. It's not like anyone's saying \"well I don't know, what if I need that?\" It's like \"doing this is troublesome for us, whereas doing this will actually help us.\" ... You want to honor the events of the last movie but you don't want to be beholden to them, because some people will see \"Avengers[: Age of Ultron]\" who did not see any", "id": "9769281" }, { "contents": "Business overhead expense disability insurance\n\n\nBusiness overhead expense (BOE) disability insurance, also known as Business Expense Insurance, pays the insured’s business overhead expenses if he or she becomes disabled. A BOE policy pays a monthly benefit based on actual expenses, not anticipated profits. It is designed for businesses that rely on a small number of people (or one person) to produce revenue. The following business overhead expenses are typically covered by a BOE disability policy: Policies do not typically cover the salary of a temporary employee hired to do the duties of the", "id": "4933308" }, { "contents": "Codigo Emprende\n\n\nthe chapters, participants will undergo a special tests that are sometimes very hard. They all meet to do exercises typical of business management courses: outdoor workouts (survival, rafting, communication in extreme conditions), actual sales simulations, and have experiences as workers in sectors that has nothing to do with theirs. Produced by Spanish Television in collaboration with producer CI Communicación, with the support of BBVA as a cultural sponsor. The 6 finalists are 'ordinary people', 3 women and 3 men, from more than 2,000 applicants", "id": "21405116" }, { "contents": "Tony Morgan (computer scientist)\n\n\nbusiness. By capturing the rules for your business--the logic that governs its operation--you will gain the ability to create systems fully aligned with your business needs.\" In \"Business Rules and Information Systems,\" Morgan (2002) described business architecture as \"a way of describing businesses and what they do or intend to do in the future. The building blocks available represent various aspects of the business. No single aspect is the most important; all are necessary to give a balanced picture of what a business is", "id": "7289033" }, { "contents": "John Hands (author)\n\n\n, horror, drama. A new book is out about housing which says it’s all about people and not about social engineering or investing for your old’s by John Hands who has actually succeeded in doing what he’s talking about, which is to set up co-operative housing schemes that actually work.” The Catholic Herald called it “a book for those who believe in the power of people to shape their own lives” A thriller about the secret battle between the Kremlin and the Vatican for the", "id": "654997" }, { "contents": "Wings of Heaven\n\n\nkid and asked for money! I know these things happen all over the place but when it smacks you in the face you realise how crazy it all is. “I don’t want to come across in any song, though, as a pious twerp telling everyone what they should or shouldn’t be doing. Everybody knows that people shouldn’t starve to death, but what is a normal bloke, who works five days a week on normal wages with his own family to support, going to do about the situation?", "id": "14860790" }, { "contents": "Fear of missing out\n\n\nmake it easy for one to determine their dependency on media. Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is the fear of not being included. This fear has manifested and grown intensely because of social media. Individuals are now able to view and have constant access to what their friends and peers are doing. FOMO is almost a direct result of social media addiction because all social media is, is seeing what others are doing. The constant use of smartphones ultimately leads to people constantly viewing sites all day long. Fear of", "id": "9180697" }, { "contents": "Cultural policy research\n\n\nclarity, accuracy and sophistication of discourse about the nation's artistic and cultural life.” The scientific approach is genuinely interdisciplinary, combining social sciences, a wide range of the humanities, jurisprudence and economics. As all political sciences do, the research focuses on the content dimension (), the formal-institutional dimension () and the practical dimension (), particularly affecting decision processes and the results obtained. Cultural Policy Research asks: What do the s and s in the Cultural Policy sphere actually do when they do what", "id": "1391301" }, { "contents": "Digital divide in Canada\n\n\nPeople do a disservice by overstating its relevancy or stature in people's lives...People can and do live without internet access, and many lead very successful lives.\" The Financial Post noted that Everett Rogers had described the stages of technology adoption and that \"(w)hat critics consider a market failure is actually just the normal course of technology adoption.\" The author concluded \"there is no need to create new funding mechanisms or impose more layers of discretionary regulation in order to duplicate what market players are already doing in an efficient", "id": "5595961" }, { "contents": "30 minuten\n\n\nThe title refers to its half-hour length and was inspired by the BBC documentary series \"Sixty Minutes\". The series is filmed in a mockumentary style with tragicomic undertones. Each episode features a standalone \"documentary\" about every day people followed by a camera crew. Ederveen tried to present the characters not as caricatures, but as actual people. In an interview he claimed: \"What I'm doing now are no longer comic characters, but people of flesh and blood.\" 1. Vrije verstrekking (\"Free", "id": "19534388" }, { "contents": "Richard Scudamore\n\n\nquintessentially English\" and that foreign owners buy into that when they invest in clubs. Scudamore believes foreign ownership is a form of inward investment, stating, \"If you want to do business abroad, you've got to be prepared for people to come and do business here. You have to act and look and sound like global commercial citizens. That's what we do.\" and \"The idea that there's a clutch of clubs who'd want to go away and do something different feels less likely now than at", "id": "21523962" }, { "contents": "The Jackrabbit Factor\n\n\nif a man wanted a rabbit too, and decided to simply mimic the same steps as the dog without \"seeing\" a rabbit himself, he would actually repel all rabbits as he jumped and barked erratically (hoping that doing so would somehow produce a rabbit). This compares directly to people who try to do precisely what another person has done in an effort to achieve the same success. It is claimed that this strategy will tend to repel the very success they seek. The story begins with a married couple arguing about", "id": "15207528" }, { "contents": "Million Dead\n\n\nthe band's break-up stating, \"I’m very proud of all the music we made in that band. It came to an end. The actual process of that end wasn’t very fun. I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now if I hadn’t done Million Dead before. I’m glad it happened. Once the end of Million Dead rolled around, I just didn’t want to be in a band anymore. The last year of Million Dead was just murderous. Four people who want", "id": "712387" }, { "contents": "Eugenie Bouchard\n\n\neasy,\" \"And every person or player goes through it differently because of their character. And (Bouchard) is very young. I think it's important to go back to her basics and what works for her and to work hard and actually listen to herself. (Do) what she needs to do rather than being too much influenced by outside people. \"Surround herself with the right people and then stick with it\". At the Western & Southern Open the next week, she progressed to the second round", "id": "7875274" }, { "contents": "Non-profit organization laws in the U.S.\n\n\non a State level, claiming non-profit status without that Federal approval, then they are actually violated Federal United States Nonprofit Laws. Many States lawmakers do not have knowledge of these facts and therefore do not realize they are non-compliant. Generally, non-profits and people operating non-profits must comply with all of the same laws which would apply to for-profit businesses. There are exceptions for taxes (noted above) and some exceptions related to First Amendment concerns, noted below. Directors and officers of", "id": "1543405" }, { "contents": "New Directions for Young Adults, Inc. v. Davis\n\n\nperson who do not exist to post fake comments by fake people to support Defendants' position tortiously interferes with Plaintiffs' business\" and such \"conduct is inherently unfair.\" The court therefore ordered the defendants to \"remove or cause to be removed all postings creating the false impression that more [than one] person are commenting on the program than actually exist.\" The court also found, however, that \"the comments of Kathy Davis or Brian Davis which do not create a false impression of fake patients or fake employees", "id": "8723533" }, { "contents": "Srđa Popović (lawyer)\n\n\nof course my duty is to try to stop him. I'm not saying that by doing so and applying violence to the situation, I'm actually trying to help those people lead a good life. I don't know what they will do once they leave the scene. What I see Serbs doing in Bosnia is committing an act of aggression against a state that has been recognized by United Nations, and I see them committing genocide. I think that both of these things should be stopped. Of course, stopping it", "id": "1537163" }, { "contents": "Dead Disco\n\n\nDecember 2008. In an interview with \"The Times\", Hesketh spoke about her gradual shift away from the band: \"All the time I'd been hiding my own songs and finally I had to make the sort of music I actually wanted to listen to. [...] Before I used to always think, 'What would a jazz performer do?' or 'What would the band do?'—Now it's so easy because it's 'What would I do?' It's just me.\" In a later", "id": "15543538" }, { "contents": "Ralph D. Stacey\n\n\ndo with why leaders, policymakers and managers in all organisations are so bad at forecasting the consequences of their actions and why, given the frequently surprising and often unwanted consequences of their actions, they carry on with strategic planning processes. If they do not accomplish what they accomplish through their plans then what is it that they are actually doing to accomplish what they accomplish? These questions made it natural for Stacey to respond to the emerging complexity sciences. During the first systemic phase of his work he applied first chaos theory and then", "id": "15998528" }, { "contents": "Contrary (social role)\n\n\nthe ethnological phenomena of contrary behavior, particularly in the tribes of the North American Plains Indians. The Contraries of the Plains Indians were individuals committed to an extraordinary life-style in which they did the opposite of what others normally do. They thus turned all social conventions into their opposites. \"Contrary behavior\" means deliberately doing the opposite of what others routinely or conventionally do. It was usually accompanied by \"inverse speech\", in which one says the opposite of what one actually means. For example, \"no!", "id": "3062760" }, { "contents": "Fitna (word)\n\n\nand Khalid ibn al-Bukayr. Muhammad gave Abdullah ibn Jahsh a letter, but not to be read until he had traveled for two days and then to do what he was instructed to do in the letter without putting pressure on his companions. Abdullah proceeded for two days, then he opened the letter; it told him to proceed until he reached Nakhla, between Mecca and Taif, to lie in wait for the Quraysh, and to observe what they were doing. While the Quraysh were busy preparing food, the Muslims", "id": "2035531" }, { "contents": "Beauford Delaney\n\n\nBut it was also the time of the Great Depression, and it was this that Beauford was confronted with on his arrival. \"Went to New York in 1929 from Boston all alone with very little money…this was the depression, and I soon discovered that most of these people were people out of work and just doing what I was doing – sitting and figuring out what to do for food and a place to sleep.\" Delaney felt an immediate affinity with this \"multitude of people of all races – spending every", "id": "10575345" }, { "contents": "Caddie (18thC Edinburgh)\n\n\n\"valet de place\", a pimp, a thief-catcher, or a bully, your best resource is to the fraternity of Cadies. In short, they are the tutelary guardians of the City, and it is entirely owing to them, that there are fewer robberies, and less house-breaking in Edinburgh, than any where else\". \"To tell you what these people do is impossible; for there is nothing almost which they do not do. ... A certain number of them stand all day long", "id": "10675464" }, { "contents": "Red Wing FFA\n\n\ndisplay what the agriculture department does in Red Wing High School, and also how agriculture is used all throughout the community in Red Wing, and surrounding areas. The students in the FFA chapter work hard to get local businesses, colleges, commodities, and many more supporters to attend on this day to show what they do and educate the students and community. This event is open to all of the city of Red Wing, and all of Red Wing High School. On the day of the event, students display their agricultural", "id": "7808632" }, { "contents": "Ek Do Teen (song)\n\n\nDo Teen, we were ready for the criticism.\" Writing for NDTV, Nilanjana Basu said, \"Can't, just can't stop watching over and over Jacqueline Fernandez's \"latke jhatke\" in the new version of Ek Do Teen for Baaghi 2. The song is the perfect remedy for our Monday morning blues and with Jacqueline Fernandez dancing like that, now, we know what setting the stage on fire actually is!\" She also added, \"Ek Do Teen has all the ingredients of what is referred to", "id": "17287482" }, { "contents": "Pathfinder Scouts Association\n\n\n-Powell's original concept. The programme serves six to eight year olds, and is based on the Canadian Beaver Scout handbook \"Friends of the Forest\". The Otter Promise is: poemI promise to do my best, to obey my Leaders and my parents to love God and to be a good Otter. /poem The Otter Law is: poemAn Otter is always busy and bright is a friend to all and helps other people by doing a good turn every day./poem Motto: \"Otters\" - Always Busy and Bright In", "id": "14200067" }, { "contents": "Space Police: Defenders of the Crown\n\n\nall about. It’s crazy but powerful and very, very creative, catchy... It's got drive.\" According to him, the term \"space police\" is a metaphor for people who want to create and enforce laws on territories that should not be limited by rules. More specifically speaking, he criticizes people who try to tell rock bands what to do and what to say when musicians are actually willing to live above rules and without limitations. Tobias described the single \"Love Tyger\" as a \"tribute to", "id": "7211940" }, { "contents": "Inclusive business model\n\n\npoor people, contributing broadly to what the United Nations terms ‘human development’—expanding people's opportunities to lead lives they value. As such, inclusive business models can make a significant contribution towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Although opportunities are great, many businesses are not taking advantage of them because market conditions surrounding the poor can make doing business difficult, risky and expensive. Where poverty prevails, the foundations for functional markets are often lacking, excluding the poor from meaningful participation and deterring companies from doing business with them", "id": "9478047" }, { "contents": "David A. Johnston\n\n\nshocked his friends and co-workers alike. However, most of his colleagues and family asserted that Johnston died \"doing what he wanted to do.\" His mother stated in an interview shortly after the eruption, \"Not many people get to do what they really want to do in this world, but our son did. ... He would tell us he may never get rich but he was doing what he wanted. He wanted to be near if the eruption came. In a phone call on Mother's Day,", "id": "10609640" }, { "contents": "Edmund Ser\n\n\nfairly successful at his moment, things may change, and one must be prepared if the change comes\". This shift in Ser's own words \"What if people do not like or do not want EDMUND SER anymore?” This is why I have gradually evolved my business throughout the years. From tailoring, to supplying for department stores, to having a department store counter, to having my own boutiques, and now to manufacturing uniforms for corporate companies. During my boutique and retailing days, I started in a silent", "id": "14777875" }, { "contents": "The Arena Players\n\n\nwas a part of the larger Black Arts Movement. Poet-playwright Imamu Amiri Baraka described Black theatre as “theater that actually functions to liberate Black people. It is a theater that will commit Black people to their own liberation and instruct them about what they should do and what they should be doing.” The group was nomadic for its first ten years as it performed in a variety of locations around Baltimore: Coppin State University, the Druid Hill Avenue Branch of the YMCA, the Great Hall Theater of St. Mary’s", "id": "11444469" }, { "contents": "Collective memory\n\n\npeople can remember what they were doing when certain internationally big media events occurred and these type of questions are usually used as a sort of milestone in individual people's life. For example, \"\"What were you doing when you heard that John Lennon was shot?\"\". Due to television repeats, these moments could be relived even long after the actual event happened. The introduction of video stores and video recorders in the 1980s, the internet in the 1990s and the DVD player and YouTube in the 2000s even increased", "id": "394331" }, { "contents": "Khar Danda\n\n\nin the area, the people started stealing from the neighbouring village, however it's believed that holi goddess was impressed by the worship and faith appeared to a fishermen and stopped them from doing so, she commanded that the whole village to celebrate holi 2 days before the actual day so that there was sufficient woods to all the villages . When the British officer Carter heard this, he was surprised and decided that to implement it in that village forever, Until then to now every here holi is burnt 2 days ago the actual", "id": "8617915" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of Max Stirner\n\n\nlike with what you call my property!\". Stirner considers the world and everything in it, including other persons, available to one's taking or use without moral constraint—that rights do not exist in regard to objects and people at all. He sees no rationality in taking the interests of others into account unless doing so furthers one's self-interest, which he believes is the only legitimate reason for acting. He denies society as being an actual entity: \"The conquerors form a society which one may imagine", "id": "20783371" }, { "contents": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off\n\n\nyell with a megaphone, 'Okay, do it again, but don't do any of the choreography,' because he wanted it to be a total mess.\" \"Danke Schoen\" was somewhat choreographed but for \"Twist and Shout\", Broderick said, \"we were just making everything up\". Hughes explained that much of the scene was spontaneously filmed. \"It just happened that this was an actual parade, which we put our float into—unbeknownst to anybody, all the people on the reviewing stand", "id": "6104712" }, { "contents": "Varieties of criticism\n\n\n, that many illusions in the world \"cannot\" be abolished simply by \"criticizing\" them. That is, people actually have to \"do\" something positively, to establish the truth, and they cannot very well do that, if they only focus on \"what is not there\", or on \"what is wrong\". If the whole situation was turned around by taking action, there might be no need anymore for criticism. Criticism would become irrelevant or meaningless in that case. So the \"", "id": "4329000" }, { "contents": "George Town, Chennai\n\n\nMen who were doing business in corals lived together in Coral Merchants Street (பவழக்கார தெரு) and people from Armenia (a former state of Russia) doing business with the English were living in Armenian Street (அரண்மனைக்காரர் தெரு). A church called Armenian Church was also constructed in the same area for them. As the town was developing manifold, people from all over India settled here doing business in all fields, chiefly from Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. The area occupied by the North Indians, chiefly Marwaris from", "id": "1696342" }, { "contents": "Little King's Story\n\n\nplayers are actually unable to do much due to events such as celebrations. After conquering a rival land, for example, the next day a massive parade is held in Alpoko. During this day, commanding people is a futile effort as they are too busy enjoying themselves. Saving progress can only be done in the kingdom. Along with building and fortifying the kingdom, adventuring and questing constitutes the bulk of \"Little King's Story\". Alpoko is only a small portion of the world, which the players must explore in", "id": "16688897" }, { "contents": "A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence\n\n\nAcademy Awards but it was not nominated. Its title is a reference to the 1565 painting \"The Hunters in the Snow\" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The painting depicts a rural wintertime scene, with some birds perched on tree branches. Andersson said he imagined that the birds in the scene are watching the people below, wondering what they are doing. He explained the title of the film as a \"different way of saying 'what are we actually doing', that's what the movie is about.\" At", "id": "11896501" }, { "contents": "Technology Business Management Council\n\n\nTBM Council commissioned Forrester Consulting to research the impact of business imperatives on the metrics CIOs use to convey the performance and contribution of technologies toward meeting business goals. The research found that most business leaders don't understand what IT departments do and don't know what the IT budget is or how the IT department's success is measured. Most business leaders surveyed said that IT departments had a 60% bigger budget than they actually did. CIOs said they spend 5% of the organization's revenue, but business leaders thought it was", "id": "20803973" }, { "contents": "Sivananda Radha Saraswati\n\n\nam I?' 'What is life all about?' 'What makes my life worthwhile?' 'How do I prepare for the rest of my life?' In 1988 in an interview with \"Hinduism Today Magazine\", Sivananda Radha explained, ‘The main thing I try to do is have my students bring quality into their lives. To me, people are not spiritual if this quality is not there in their lives - even if they meditate six hours a day. By quality I mean that which comes", "id": "6424515" }, { "contents": "Studs Terkel\n\n\nwealthy. His 1974 book, \"Working\", in which (as reflected by its subtitle) \"People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do\", also was highly acclaimed. \"Working\" was made into a short-lived Broadway show of the same title in 1978 and was telecast on PBS in 1982. In 1995, he received the Chicago History Museum \"Making History Award\" for Distinction in Journalism and Communications. In 1997, Terkel was elected a member of The", "id": "8844457" }, { "contents": "Organization\n\n\n, helps prevent committees from engaging in lengthy discussions without reaching decisions. This organisational structure promotes internal competition. Inefficient components of the organisation starve, while effective ones get more work. Everybody is paid for what they actually do, and so runs a tiny business that has to show a profit, or they are fired. Companies who utilise this organisation type reflect a rather one-sided view of what goes on in ecology. It is also the case that a natural ecosystem has a natural border - ecoregions do not, in", "id": "15211780" } ]
How do we know dinosaurs didn't have cartilage protrusions like human ears and noses?
[{"answer": "Unrelated, but it's actually possible that ancient relatives of crocodiles had external ears. The bit where you'd put modern crocs' earlid muscles was greatly developed in land-based cousins called notosuchians, and even further in a subgroup called the baurusuchids. This implies they had *something* over their ears that needed to be wiggled, and they weren't exactly keeping water out of their ears regularly. So yeah. Possible land crocs with ears, big enough to hunt dinosaurs. Mesozoic be whack yo. EDIT: Unfortunately their ears were not in fact superpredators. This is why I need to grammar. EDIT2: [Have a speculative reconstruction by a cool dude I know.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "We don't conclusively know. We do have a few indicators. Cartilage usually attaches to bone or connects in such a way that leaves marks. Beyond this we can look at their closest relatives. Dinosaurs were the ancestors to birds, which have no ears. Dinosaurs were cousins to lizards and other large reptiles, who again have no ears and kind of suck for hearing. While they may have had ears in the sense of audio sensing organs, they almost certainly did not have ears as we recognize on mammals. Edit- Officially my highest rated comment ever"}, {"answer": "It's notable that for animals that we've only found skeletons that artist depictions are probably missing things like loose skin and fat deposits. Unfortunately I can't find a better source so Buzzfeed it shall be. Two paleontologists took skeletons of modern animals and sketched them the way we've been historically sketching dinosaurs. URL_0 Granted they took a good bit of artistic liberty for emphasis."}, {"answer": "We have found dinosaurs with an outline of their skin fossilized and some with organs. Recently they found a dinosaur so well preserved they are calling it a dinosaur mummy. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "The remains from cartilaginous protrusions would be visible in sedimentary deposits. For example, look at [this]( URL_0 ) cast made from the body of someone who died in Pompeii during the Vesuvius explosion. His cartilaginous nose is visible. Dinosaurs would have left similar impressions."}, {"answer": "I'm not a relevant expert, but doesn't cartilage usually attach to bones leaving telltale marks? Measurements of tendon attachment points gives information about muscle size, for example..."}, {"answer": "The short answer is, we can't know for sure 100%, from dinosaur to dinosaur. But there are some things we do know. Impressions left by dinosaurs haven't shown us anything weird yet. Birds tend not to have cartilaginous ears and noses, so it's unlikely their ancestors did. And also, cartilage leaves very minute traces of their existence in the form of bone shape, and stress points. For an example, look at the skull of an elephant. We can guess just by examining it really closely how much weight the muscles surrounding the skull were supporting, and where a protrusion was likely based on tiny grooves left on the bone near the nose left by muscle. Logically, if such grooves were present in dinosaur bone, we could conclude similar protrusions. Nothing we've found so far seems to suggest cartilaginous protrusions, but that could change with just the right specimen. Source: Am volunteer who worked on dinosaur bone, who asked this exact question to my Paleontologist supervisors."}, {"answer": "We don't for sure. The only dinosaurs we have actually seen are all feather and fly around, and those don't have noses or ears like humans (although they do have those dangly turkey do-dahs in certain species) Other dinosaurs were probably more similar to modern day reptiles, which again don't tend to have these protrusions. It is hard to know what something looks like when you only have bones to go on."}, {"answer": "At one point it was theorized that sauropods had trunks. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Sometimes dinosaur fossils are preserved with skin impressions or other remains (e.g., keratin in dermal spines, beaks, or claws). Some did have \"non-bone\" structures that protruded out from the body. For example, [some sauropod dinosaurs had spikes along their back]( URL_0 ) [PDF], and [skin impressions are known]( URL_1 ) [PDF]. Getting such preservation in key parts of the body is a matter of great luck, but for some dinosaurs and some parts of the body there are constraints on the possibility of soft-tissue \"protrusions\"."}, {"answer": "Okay, so I've rambled about crocs a bit, but in regards to dinosaurs themselves... There are such things as 'dino mummies', where some flesh also turned to stone along with the bones during fossilisation. Like that nodosaur, the armoured dino in the news recently. I believe the only major soft-tissue one was an *Edmontosaurus*, where they found it had a comb on the top of its head, much like a chicken does. There are 2D variants for smaller animals, like how *Archeopteryx* still has its feathers preserved. I believe the most relevant is a 125 million year old mammal called *Spinolestes* that was preserved in enough detail that you could still see the ears. As far as I know there haven't been any records of cartilaginous extensions."}, {"answer": "You can actually construct a phylogenetic tree that correctly places saurusthician dinosaurs, such as T. Rex, as the ancestors of modern birds. You would see that nowhere along the genetic tree did cartiligeous appendages appear between dinos and birds, so we find it likely that dinos did not have ears or a discrete nose. We also base it on the musculoskeletal structure we see in fossils, and we model facial features. Basically, dinosaurs did not have the proper musculature to move their ears if they had them, so we find it unlikely once again."}, {"answer": "We have found preserved enough heads to know that at least those specific dinosaurs had no protruding ears. While we haven't found a lot of well enough preserved heads none of the ones we have found have ears so it's pretty safe to assume none did. It is an assumption though."}, {"answer": "In science it's always best to keep it as simple as possible until you get more information, this is why the image of dinosaurs keeps changing even today when we get more information. However this doesn't stop artist from creating their own interpretations on what could or could not happen and that helps with the mystery in a beautiful, strange or funny way (look up sauropod neck flaps or fluffy t-rex) There are a few examples where we do know that were sporting extra bits and pieces. The horned dinosaurs, ceratopsians, likely had keratin covering their horns leading to some crazy possibilities very similar to horns on a ram or rhinoceros. Keratin erodes easily so it doesn't get preserved leaving what we see on the skulls today. Edit: a word"}, {"answer": "This might be dumb question but If dinosaurs were killed off by a meteor how are they ancestors to birds?"}, {"answer": "I strongly recommend 'All Yesterdays' by Darren Naish, a book about speculative biology. For example, the point out that [this]( URL_0 ) is probably what we'd construct from a baboon skeleton using the same techniques we use to reconstruct dinosaurs. Odds are, they had just as many weird protusions, flashy colors, and other ornamentation as modern animals do. We just have absolutely no idea which had what. Also, we have lots of examples of dinosaurs that were in cold climates, we'd expect them to be fat or fluffy, and possibly kind of adorkable. :)"}, {"answer": "Cartilage is anchored on bone. Is you see ridges of bones in weird areas they were either anchoring cartilage or muscle. This Is how we can reconstruct animals too"}, {"answer": "[Interesting lecture about exceptionally well preserved fossils at the Geological society of London.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Generally speaking, cartilage doesn't fossilize because it deteriorates rapidly. With that being said, we can use their closest living relatives and special fossils to support the lack of ears or a nose. Their closest living descendents, birds, lack external ears and have since the Cretaceous (based on fossils from China/Mongolia). Additionally, crocodilians lack cartilage ears as well. Simplistically, crocodilians split from dinosaurs way back in the Triassic - before dinosaurs became as derived. This means that the cousins (crocodile-like archosaurs) and direct descendents (birds) lack cartilage appendages. We can deduce that dinosaurs PROBABLY didn't have ears as we know them. The most telling way we can deduce the external appearance of dino ears is really, really well preserved fossils. Dinosaur mummies (there are more than you'd expect) show just an external meatus and no external appendages."}, {"answer": "We don't. URL_0 From first link; \"Ears are made of cartilage and skin, and these are soft tissues which typically do not preserve well in the fossil record. So paleontologists look closely at modern animals for answers. While mammals have large protruding ears, the closest living relatives of the dinosaurs, birds and reptiles, do not. So it seems very unlikely that dinosaurs would sport large floppy ears. Birds have ear openings. These are holes just below and behind the eyes. Sometimes these ear opening can be quite large, but you just can't see them because they are covered in feathers. It seems likely that dinosaurs had the same type of ear openings, that may have also been covered in feathers.\""}, {"answer": "I would love to see more speculative art on this subject. I often wonder what strange abilities dinosaurs would have had. Just look at current species. Some frogs spray blood from their eyes for defense. What noises would they have made? Did some of them dance like birds of paradise?"}, {"answer": "Easy. You look at animals that are understood to have similar evolutionary traits (ie more directly descended from dinos). See any crocodiles with ears or noses?"}, {"answer": "How do we know the dinosaurs didn't have a space program?"}, {"answer": "We dont know that for certain. We can check skulls for muscle attachment points, but they arent always obvious, we can check some of the really well preserved dinosaurs for preserved cartilage, but thats not exact either. We can also check their evolutionary closest cousins, birds and lizards, and find that they do not have notable cartilage protrusions. It seems most likely that the sketches we have are about accurate (Not accounting for stuff we cant find, like fat deposits), but we cannot be certain that they didn't have something that wasn't preserved (possibly not cartilage, its possible that some dinos had large skin flaps or fat deposits in areas that would drastically change how they look, or they might have had something like cartilage that we have no name for that changed how they looked but was soft enough to not require muscle and not be preserved)."}, {"answer": "A similar question: How do we know that some dinosaurs, like the Archaeopteryx had feathers? Because we occasionally get prints preserved of the intact animals. URL_0 Further, it's a fairly common belief among paleontologists that birds are direct ancestors from dinosaurs, and to my knowledge, modern birds have no such cartilage appendage."}, {"answer": "I'm just guessing here but wouldn't there have been at least a few instances where cartilage structures were noticeable in a fossil? Maybe under the perfect circumstances of preservation? Of all the fossils discovered?"}, {"answer": "Also keep in mind that everything we know about dinos is only from those living along shallow inland seas. We have 0 info on dinos from any other landscape."}, {"answer": "They probably did to some degree. Consider a chickens comb and wattle. Its external soft tissue that exists in a related species of T Rex."}, {"answer": "Wouldn't convergent evolution imply that dinosaurs might have evolved traits that have proven useful in other animals?"}, {"answer": "ive been saying this for so long, and how do we know how they sound?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "26770557", "title": "Evolution of lemurs", "section": "Section::::Evolutionary history.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["ink\" between lemurs and humans. Lemurs were traditionally thought to have evolved during the Eocene (55 to 37\u00a0mya) based on the fossil record, although molecular tests suggest the Paleocene (66 to 56\u00a0mya) or later. Until recently, they were thought to have descended directly from the diverse group of adapiforms due to several shared postcranial traits, as well as long snouts and small brains. Although adapiforms also had lemur-like auditory bullae, a prosimian characteristic, they had smaller brains and longer snouts than lemurs. There are also several other morphological differences. Most noticeably, adapiforms lack a key derived trait, the toothcomb, and possibly the toilet-claw, found not only in extant (living) strepsirrhines but also in tarsiers. Unlike lemurs, adapiforms exhibited a fused mandibular symphysis (a characteristic of simians) and also possessed four premolars, instead of three or two.", "link\" between lemurs and humans. Lemurs were traditionally thought to have evolved during the Eocene (55 to 37\u00a0mya) based on the fossil record, although molecular tests suggest the Paleocene (66 to 56\u00a0mya) or later. Until recently, they were thought to have descended directly from the diverse group of adapiforms due to several shared postcranial traits, as well as long snouts and small brains. Although adapiforms also had lemur-like auditory bullae, a prosimian characteristic, they had smaller brains and longer snouts than lemurs. There are also several other morphological differences. Most noticeably, adapiforms lack a key derived trait, the toothcomb, and possibly the toilet-claw, found not only in extant (living) strepsirrhines but also in tarsiers. Unlike lemurs, adapiforms exhibited a fused mandibular symphysis (a characteristic of simians) and also possessed four premolars, instead of three or two."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Rhinoplasty\n\n\ncartilage grafts to camouflage a depression allow the re-establishment of the normal nasal contour of the nose for the patient. When the bridge of the nose is collapsed, rib-cartilage, ear-cartilage, or cranial-bone grafts can be used to restore its anatomic integrity, and thus the aesthetic continuity of the nose. For augmenting the nasal dorsum, autologous cartilage and bone grafts are preferred to (artificial) nose prostheses, because of the reduced incidence of histologic rejection and medical complications. The human nose is a", "id": "2689633" }, { "contents": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture\n\n\npossibly deal with this? On what level? As the story developed, everything worked until the very end. How do you resolve this thing? If humans can defeat this marvelous machine, it's really not so great, is it? Or if it really \"is\" great, will we like those humans who do defeat it? \"Should\" they defeat it? Who is the story's hero anyway? That was the problem. We experimented with all kinds of approaches...we didn't know what to do", "id": "1927861" }, { "contents": "Epistemology\n\n\n\" We have a logical rule that says \"All humans are mortal\" and an assertion that \"Socrates is human\" and we deduce that \"Socrates is mortal\". In this example how do we know that Socrates is human? Presumably we apply other rules such as: \"All born from human females are human.\" Which then leaves open the question how do we know that all born from humans are human? This is the regress problem: how can we eventually terminate a logical argument with some statement(s) that", "id": "9156219" }, { "contents": "Social inequity aversion\n\n\nthe reward of the individual who received the most. According to Sarah Brosnan, \"human beings have a similar approach, we do not live in a world of absolute values but one in which we are constantly comparing ourselves with those about us and, like a capuchin, we can tell when we are being short changed\". This can directly be connected to social inequality in that we as humans know what social inequality is and can identify it as an injustice; it is how we know that something such as unequal pay", "id": "15634209" }, { "contents": "Incredibles 2\n\n\nthem in 2004. There were no notions of, 'Well, we don't know how to do long hair, we don't know how to do humans, we don't know how to do muscles.' Everybody knows how to do it. It's just now about doing it quickly.\" Because Pixar no longer used the same systems from the first movie, all the characters had to be created from scratch on the computer again. The studio also used physically-based human eye models for the characters for", "id": "3704225" }, { "contents": "Ear\n\n\nbiophysicist born in Budapest, Hungary. In 1961, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on the function of the cochlea in the mammalian hearing organ. The Vacanti mouse was a laboratory mouse that had what looked like a human ear grown on its back. The \"ear\" was actually an ear-shaped cartilage structure grown by seeding cow cartilage cells into a biodegradable ear-shaped mold and then implanted under the skin of the mouse; then the cartilage naturally grew by itself. It was", "id": "2837933" }, { "contents": "Vacanti mouse\n\n\nThe Vacanti mouse was a laboratory mouse that had what looked like a human ear grown on its back. The \"ear\" was actually a ear-shaped cartilage structure grown by seeding cow cartilage cells into a biodegradable ear shaped mould and then implanted under the skin of the mouse, with an external ear-shaped splint to maintain the desired shape. Then the cartilage naturally grew by itself within the restricted shape and size. The splint was removed briefly to take the publicity pictures. The \"earmouse\", as it became", "id": "21708483" }, { "contents": "Mr. Bungle\n\n\nlike, we had only done, uh, death metal up to that point. And so this was our first time trying to ever play ska. And I'd never played... on guitar, like, I'd never played... I didn't know how to do that skanking guitar shit at all. But Patton could do, like with one finger on the thread mark, he could do the, the rhythmic part of it pretty well. Like, he could... he taught me how to do it. So", "id": "16196783" }, { "contents": "Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set\n\n\na conversation that there was an interest in seeing another starter game. We wouldn't have done it if we didn't think or we didn't know or were told that there was a reason to do it. [...] Then we sat down as a group to decide how best to execute it and what lessons did we learn from the first one that we can now apply in the second one. [...] One of the things we wanted to do was to make this box even easier for DMs to use", "id": "20698905" }, { "contents": "Fetal warfarin syndrome\n\n\nall three trimesters. Babies born with fetal warfarin syndrome may have a below-average birth weight and do continue to grow at a reduced rate. Children with fetal warfarin syndrome show many otolaryngological abnormalities consistent with abnormal bone and cartilage growth. Children may present with hypoplasia of the nasal ridge and a deep groove at the midline of the nose, thinned or absent nasal septum, choanal atresia; a narrowing the airway at the posterior nasal cavity, cleft lip and laryngomalacia; large soft protrusions into the larynx. These facial defects and", "id": "4149848" }, { "contents": "Nothing Important Happened Today\n\n\n. When talking about the ninth season, Carter stated, \"We lost our audience on the first episode. It's like the audience had gone away, and I didn't know how to find them. I didn't want to work to get them back because I believed what we are doing deserved to have them back\". The episode was later included on \"The X-Files Mythology, Volume 4 – Super Soldiers\", a DVD collection that contains episodes involved with the alien super soldiers arc. The episode", "id": "18942203" }, { "contents": "The X-Files (season 9)\n\n\nwas not being renewed for a tenth season. When talking about the beginning of the ninth season, Chris Carter said, \"We lost our audience on the first episode. It's like the audience had gone away, and I didn't know how to find them. I didn't want to work to get them back because I believed what we are doing deserved to have them back.\" \"The Truth\" received the highest Nielsen household rating and viewership numbers of the season. It earned a 7.5 rating and gathered", "id": "4783104" }, { "contents": "Ear hair\n\n\nEar hair generally refers to the terminal hair arising from folliculary cartilage inside the external auditory meatus in humans. In its broader sense, \"ear hair\" may also include the fine vellus hair covering much of the ear, particularly at the prominent parts of the anterior ear, or even the abnormal hair growth as seen in hypertrichosis and hirsutism. Medical research on the function of ear hair is currently very scarce. Hair growth within the ear canal is often observed to increase in older men, together with increased growth of nose hair", "id": "21236509" }, { "contents": "Cartilage\n\n\nCartilage is a resilient and smooth elastic tissue, a rubber-like padding that covers and protects the ends of long bones at the joints, and is a structural component of the rib cage, the ear, the nose, the bronchial tubes, the intervertebral discs, and many other body components. It is not as hard and rigid as bone, but it is much stiffer and much less flexible than muscle. The matrix of cartilage is made up of glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, collagen fibers and, sometimes, elastin. Because", "id": "5159531" }, { "contents": "Shifting Baselines\n\n\nis natural? And how do we know what \"Pristine\" is any more? When talking about what is natural we really have no clue what the world was like before human impact, and therefore cannot know what struggles we have to put forward in order to clean up the world and make it liveable and drinkable again. This meaning of \"shifting baselines\" is a fairly heavy depressing one. However, many people have taken a much more light-hearted approach to the term, using it to refer to the", "id": "20624235" }, { "contents": "Sebadoh/Azalia Snail Split\n\n\nHe was big into\" collages \"and stuff like that, and we got the idea that I would chop up all this Big Numbersartwork and make a collage out of it for his album cover. I don't know how I got the idea, but I just hated [Big Numbers] -- I didn't want anything to do with it, I had already quit it or I was going to, I knew I wasn't going to have anything to do with it. So we put every page on a chopping", "id": "1527665" }, { "contents": "B*Witched\n\n\nshe and Sinéad had fallen out in 2006 and had not spoken to each other since: \"My biggest anxiety about doing this – there's only one, and it's Sinéad, I think. It's just how I'm going to feel about being in her person again.\" Lindsay also said: \"Some of the issues we didn't even know were necessarily there until we were faced with this opportunity that we have to work together again, then we were like, 'Oh, OK, in order for", "id": "9038944" }, { "contents": "A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge\n\n\nKnowledge through reason does not guarantee that there are, necessarily, unperceived objects. In dreams and frenzies, we have ideas that do not correspond to external objects. \"…[T]he supposition of external bodies is not necessary for the producing our ideas….\" Materialists do not know how bodies affect spirit. We can't suppose that there is matter because we don't know how ideas occur in our minds. \"In short, if there were external bodies, it is impossible we should ever come to know it…", "id": "12072102" }, { "contents": "Wesley Huntress\n\n\nknow how to do today - \"but in 1900 we didn't know how to fly either.\" (4) To develop a plan of human exploration beyond Earth orbit.\" Following his time at NASA, Huntress became the director of the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Geophysical Laboratory in the fall of 1998, and remained in this position until his retirement in 2008. His role there continued to be strategizing and lobbying for space exploration. In 2004 he was head on a report, \"The Next Steps In Exploring Deep", "id": "10281827" }, { "contents": "Osaki\n\n\nsame district, there are various theories talked about such as how they have human-like ears and a nose that is white just at its tip, how they have a square mouth, and so on. They are said to be quick at movement so they can appear suddenly, and always move in a pack. Families that have osaki are called \"osaki-mochi\" (osaki havers), \"osaki-ya\" (osaki propieters), \"osaki-tsukai\" (osaki users), and so on", "id": "8662382" }, { "contents": "Cauliflower ear\n\n\n), a rare rheumatologic disorder in which recurrent episodes of inflammation result in destruction of cartilage of the ears and nose. Joints, eyes, audiovestibular system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory tract can also be involved. The components of the ear involved in cauliflower ear are the outer skin, the perichondrium, and the cartilage. The outer ear skin is tightly adherent to the perichondrium because there is almost no subcutaneous fat on the anterior of the ear. This leaves the perichondrium relatively exposed to damage from direct trauma and shear forces", "id": "12874836" }, { "contents": "Samuel David Hawkins\n\n\nasked Kelly, \"How do you think that we should treat U.S. Army turncoats?\" Kelly responded: He's a human being; we should treat him the same as we treat any other G.I. In my opinion, I think the boy deserves it; he just got off on the wrong track. And I know for a fact when he went to Korea, he didn't know whether he was going to come back or he was going to stay there. So, maybe he got a little scared when he was", "id": "17764123" }, { "contents": "Show No Mercy\n\n\nknow, it didn't sound too heavy and I mentioned to like Tom or Jeff or somebody like, 'You know you guys should consider...maybe consider doing like big gang vocals on that, make it sound evil like demons and stuff,' and they were like 'Good idea.' But how about now, we got about eight dudes sitting around in the studio, and now everybody jumped up and yelled 'EVIL!!!' So I was like 'Cool' because I'm like, 'I", "id": "2347190" }, { "contents": "Ear canal\n\n\nThe ear canal (external acoustic meatus, external auditory meatus, EAM; ) is a pathway running from the outer ear to the middle ear. The adult human ear canal extends from the pinna to the eardrum and is about in length and in diameter. The human ear canal is divided into two parts. The elastic cartilage part forms the outer third of the canal; its anterior and lower wall are cartilaginous, whereas its superior and back wall are fibrous. The cartilage is the continuation of the cartilage framework of pinna.", "id": "16698381" }, { "contents": "Pandoran biosphere\n\n\nand flora as scientifically feasible as possible. In \"Avatar\", the Naʼvi are an indigenous species that live on Pandora. They are humanoid in appearance and are tall, having pairs of eyes, ears, arms, legs and feet like humans, as well as a nose, a mouth, and expressions recognizable to humans. The Naʼvi differ from humans in having blue striped skin, pointed and mobile ears, large eyes, catlike noses and teeth, tails, and hands each with three fingers and a thumb (hybrid", "id": "10303398" }, { "contents": "Fuck It, We'll Do It Live\n\n\n. We didn't know we were putting it together like 4 days before so we were like, 'fuck it, we'll do it live.' We didn't do any overdubs on it, everybody in the band was sick and we just went with it.\" \"Fuck It, We'll Do It Live\" was recorded live on July 18, 2008, at the Crocodile Rock nightclub in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Personnel in the group for the live show included Wednesday 13 on vocals and guitar, Jason Trioxin", "id": "6361034" }, { "contents": "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom\n\n\nsuch as running. Regarding the idea of human cloning, Trevorrow said that \"we're so much closer to cloning humans than we are to cloning dinosaurs. It felt like far less of a leap to me than dinosaurs do. [...] To have a character who has such deep love and has felt such loss and the inability to go on, I think is something we all feel. So the idea that you might be able to bring someone back in that way is emotionally grounded in a very universal idea.", "id": "4399609" }, { "contents": "Concert photography\n\n\n. Those people don't know how to photograph, their only option is to put a flash on a camera. A lot of people didn't even know how to change film, they knew they only had 36 shots. They were just doing it for the excitement of doing it. Bruce would go up on stage, and there would be 50 photographers, all shooting flashes in his face. I don't blame him, he walked off stage one night and said, we have to do something about this. Somebody", "id": "6578147" }, { "contents": "Nostril\n\n\nA nostril (or naris , plural \"nares\" ) is one of the two channels of the nose, from the point where they bifurcate to the external opening. In birds and mammals, they contain branched bones or cartilages called turbinates, whose function is to warm air on inhalation and remove moisture on exhalation. Fish do not breathe through their noses, but they do have two small holes used for smelling, which may, indeed, be called nostrils. In humans, the nasal cycle is the normal ultradian cycle of", "id": "19419448" }, { "contents": "Ear piercing instrument\n\n\nwith a red circle and line through it, to mean \"No Piercing Guns\". BME also published an article titled \"Do Piercing Guns Suck?\". These guns are not designed to pierce through the cartilage of the upper ear, or to pierce any part of the body other than the ear lobe. Some U.S. states and some countries in Europe have already banned piercing guns for use on cartilage, including ear cartilage and nostrils. Improper usage of piercing instruments upon areas of the body not intended for their use can", "id": "1963653" }, { "contents": "Dimebag Darrell\n\n\na 2006 interview: \"We didn't believe in the marriage thing. ... Why have someone you don't know tell you it's OK to be with someone you do know? We didn't need the middleman! We had a one-on-one with the man upstairs ourselves.\" In 1995, Abbott bought a house with Haney in Dalworthington Gardens, Texas, a short distance from his hometown Arlington. Abbott kept a pet goat on the residence, and dyed its goatee like his own. He was remembered", "id": "3321969" }, { "contents": "List of Daredevil characters\n\n\nwas raised Catholic, found that helpful, saying, \"You grow up steeped in that. If you're in church, standing in front of the altar, you sort of automatically know how to respond. It all kicks in – you genuflect, you sit in the pew. I didn't have to pretend any of that.\" On how the name Daredevil is revealed in the series, DeKnight explained that \"We talked about, do we do one of the versions in the comics where when he was a kid", "id": "17415070" }, { "contents": "Damage (Jimmy Eat World album)\n\n\ncontributions, Adkins stated: \"He's an amazing solo artist. We met him and he just had the best ideas. For what we wanted to do he felt like the right guy. We have a better idea of what we want now, so we didn't need someone that was heavy-handed. We wanted someone to be more like a partner, an ideas guy with fresh ears.\" Jimmy Eat World began writing \"Damage\" in early 2012, with Adkins noting: \"I think with [previous", "id": "18637111" }, { "contents": "Everything Is Alright\n\n\n. \"I said, 'Let's just do it right now. Play it and I’ll sing it in the middle of the room with the mic in the back room picking me up,'\" recalled Pierre. \"We did it in one take and I was really proud. I just know that I liked how \"in-the-moment\" that was and how scary it was. I knew that if I didn't nail it I would look like an idiot, but I came in real cocky", "id": "16271972" }, { "contents": "Undo It\n\n\nAnd I started, 'Na, na, na-ing' to whatever they were playing. And they were like, 'What if that was the hook?' I said, 'Aw, I don't know?' And before you knew it, we had 'Uh, uh, uh undo it.' I mean, who would have thought? How do you write that down on paper? It was something that it didn't take that long to write and it's so much fun to sing", "id": "1752490" }, { "contents": "Vestigial response\n\n\nA vestigial response or vestigial reflex in a species is a response that has lost its original function. In humans, vestigial responses include ear perking, goose bumps and the hypnic jerk. It has been observed that some people have slight protrusions on the outer ear, also known as the auricle. These protrusions tend towards the top of the auricle. This has been tagged and coined Darwin's tubercle of the auricle. This phenomenon jibes with the accepted scientific explanation: the incidence of tubercles of the auricle among humans, are vestigial", "id": "11988238" }, { "contents": "Alvin Karpis\n\n\nfacts do not seem to support these claims. It is highly unlikely that criminals as adept as Karpis, and even Ma's sons for that matter, would have listened to her. Karpis later wrote about this subject in his memoirs: Ma was always somebody in our lives. Love didn't enter into it really. She was somebody we looked after and took with us when we moved city to city, hideout to hideout. It is no insult to Ma's memory that she just didn't have the know-how", "id": "3448726" }, { "contents": "The Good Dinosaur\n\n\nAugust 20, 2011. Peterson and John Walker announced the film as \"The Untitled Pixar Movie About Dinosaurs\". On April 24, 2012, Pixar announced that it would be titled \"The Good Dinosaur\". The filmmakers wanted to explore what dinosaurs represent today, and how they are represented in stereotypes. Peterson stated: \"It's time to do a movie where you get to know the dinosaur, what it's really like to be a dinosaur and to be with a dinosaur.\" Peterson said the inspiration for", "id": "19960822" }, { "contents": "Samurai Jack\n\n\n[the end of] the fourth season, we're like, 'are we gonna finish it?' And I didn't know... The network didn't know, they were going through a lot of transitions also. So I decided, you know, I don't want to rush and finish the whole story, and so we just left it like there is no conclusion and then [the final episode is] just like another episode\". Art director Scott Wills added, \"We didn't have time", "id": "7662439" }, { "contents": "MDP syndrome\n\n\nof cartilage and ligaments results in a small nose, small mandible (jaw), small ears and tightening of ligaments in the limbs. A small larynx (due to the reduced growth of cartilage) can mean the voice is likely to remain high pitched (even in boys after puberty). A major feature is lipodystrophy (a reduction in fat under the skin). The characteristic changes in facial appearance occur from the loss of fat from the cheeks, and around the eyes. Dry eyes and the failure to close eyes", "id": "8273807" }, { "contents": "Lorenzo Valla's Dialogue on Free Will\n\n\ncharacteristics, and that we are free to decide how we use those attributes. Lorenzo speaks about how the differences amongst our characteristics are things that God knows, and that we can not know about all of the things we don't have, and that we are best to just do all that we can to make the best of what we know we do have. The heart of Lorenzo's initial argument is that although God does know who we are and what we are going to do, we still have the ability to", "id": "15468966" }, { "contents": "Quebec Biker War\n\n\npart-time basis. I was running around like mad and unable to do any decent work\". Another Crown Attorney, François Legault who prosecuted a Hells Angel Richard Vallée in 1997, found himself handling the case alone and having to do some of the police work himself. Legault stated: \"The police were totally disorganised. They didn't know how to do a case like this. They didn't have the structure to properly organise the evidence.\" After working for 75 hours per week on the Vallée case for", "id": "18028731" }, { "contents": "Human nose\n\n\n, is the face of the sphenoid bone. The two maxilla bones join at the base of the nose at the lower nasal midline between the nostrils, and at the top of the philtrum to form the anterior nasal spine. This thin projection of bone holds the cartilaginous center of the nose. It is also an important cephalometric landmark. The nasal cartilages are the septal, lateral, major alar, and minor alar cartilages. The major and minor cartilages are also known as the greater and lesser alar cartilages. There is a", "id": "16436046" }, { "contents": "Human nose\n\n\nnasal aperture, while the inferior ends of the lateral cartilages are free (unattached). The three or four minor alar cartilages are adjacent to the lateral cartilages, held in the connective tissue membrane, that connects the lateral cartilages to the frontal process of the maxilla. The major alar cartilages are thin, U-shaped plates of cartilage on each side of the nose that form the lateral and medial walls of the vestibule, known as the medial and lateral crura. The medial crura are attached to the septal cartilage, forming", "id": "16436048" }, { "contents": "Derek and the Dominos\n\n\n. Whitlock recalled of their drug consumption during the tour: \"We didn't have little bits of anything. There were no grams around, let's just put it like that. Tom couldn't believe it, the way we had these big bags laying out everywhere. I'm almost ashamed to tell it, but it's the truth. It was scary, what we were doing, but we were just young and dumb and didn't know. Cocaine and heroin, that's all and Johnny Walker.\" In", "id": "5672344" }, { "contents": "Capital, Volume I\n\n\nbe compared because both are expenditures of human labour. One coat and 20 yards of linen take the same amount of socially necessary labour time to make so they have the same value. As we have expected in the production of the commodities, it lessen the capacity to create a high value of products. In this section, Marx explains that commodities come in double form, namely natural form and value-form. We do not know commodities' value until we know how much human labor was put in it. Commodities are", "id": "4037610" }, { "contents": "2016 STP 500\n\n\nseconds of the session. Joey Logano scored the pole for the race with a time of 19.513 and a speed of . He joined Jeff Gordon, Mark Martin, Darrell Waltrip and Glen Wood as the only drivers to have earned three-consecutive poles at Martinsville. He said afterwards that it was \"nice to be able to go up here and do what we know how to do - execute qualifying like we know how to at this racetrack. Ever since we unloaded this morning it was top of the board, it was", "id": "5839391" }, { "contents": "2015 Quaker State 400\n\n\ntruth?\" Earnhardt said. \"We didn't have any brakes going into the corner. I know better than to run into her because it gets so much attention. There wasn't nothing I could do. I mean, as hard as I hit her, what the hell did she think I was doing? Trying to wreck her? We ain't got no problem. It's not like we were having a problem out on the racetrack with her. It's not like I just drew her name out of", "id": "7000056" }, { "contents": "Kzin\n\n\npopularly depicted anthropomorphic animals, Kzinti stand on two legs like humans do; they do not have digitigrade or \"backward-bending\" legs. Their hands end in three fingers and an opposable thumb, all with retractable claws. Kzinti are covered with a thick coat of long fur that comes in various combinations of orange, yellow, and black. Full black coats are rare. Kzinti tails are naked and are similar in appearance to a rat's tail, and their noses are black. Kzinti ears have fur only on the", "id": "15339956" }, { "contents": "Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals\n\n\nunder. According to Kant, human beings cannot know the ultimate structure of reality. Whilst humans experience the world as having three spatial dimensions and as being extended in time, we cannot say anything about how reality ultimately is, from a god's-eye perspective. From this god's-eye perspective the world may be nothing like the way it appears to human beings. We cannot get out of our heads and leave our human perspective on the world to know what it is like independently of our own viewpoint;", "id": "8905158" }, { "contents": "This Is How We Do\n\n\nis the most authentic Swedish person I have ever worked with, and he just has an incredible ear for melodies and how they should be, we had so much fun making music together, we get really excited, we like to dance around the studio. He brought me to Stockholm to introduce me to a couple of different musicians, like Klaus Ahlund, I really enjoyed working with them. The different kind of sonic level of music that's been made over in Sweden is very advanced and it's very fresh... they", "id": "19958611" }, { "contents": "Ex parte Crow Dog\n\n\nSpotted Tail. Of course, our method of dealing with that was Crow Dog should go take care of Spotted Tail's family, and if he didn't do that we'd banish him from the tribe. But that was considered too barbaric, and thought perhaps we should hang him like civilized people do, so they passed the Major Crimes Act that said we don't know how to handle murderers and they were going to show us. In 2000, Larry Echo Hawk, a Pawnee who had been the Attorney General of", "id": "7933855" }, { "contents": "Trevor (The X-Files)\n\n\na wall, only to have it crumble in the shape of a man. He explained that, \"the first time we did it, all we got was a big square hole [...] but we didn't want it to look like Bugs Bunny with his ears sticking out, either\". Eventually, the crew was able to create a breakaway section that \"suggested, rather than outlined perfectly\", the shape of a human body. To subtly imply the direction through which Pinker traveled, hair department head Dena", "id": "5498480" }, { "contents": "Shut Up and Fish\n\n\nactually got to hang out a lot. One day we were just really bored: \"We love to fish, so let's go fishing.\" We'd been texting these guys, \"Do you want to go fishing with us?\" We literally thought it was just fishing, because they had the fishing poles, which they didn't even know how to use, come to find out. So we get there, and they come dressed up in like white v-necks and coral shorts. Just the typical", "id": "2330168" }, { "contents": "The Canadians (1961 film)\n\n\nRoyal Canadian Mounted\". Kennedy later recalled, \"I didn't know what I was doing. I remember the first shot had like 400 horses in it, and I got the shot and the cameraman said, 'What do we do now?' And I thought, 'You mean I gotta do more?' So that's the reason I went into television [after \"The Canadians\"] to find out how you shoot pictures.\" He also said \"I had a wonderful cameraman... it was", "id": "8398246" }, { "contents": "Charles Vacanti\n\n\nliver regeneration. In 1989, Vacanti first grew human cartilage in vitro on a biodegradable scaffold; the work was rejected from a \"top journal\" as it was said to have \"no practical implications\". Surprised by this, Vacanti gathered from colleagues that the most difficult cartilagenous replacement was the ear. After refining the techniques and building on the work of Robert Langer at MIT, in 1997 Vacanti and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts controversially and with much media attention grew a cartilage structure resembling a human ear on the back", "id": "1364565" }, { "contents": "Who We Are and How We Got Here\n\n\nrapid decay of DNA in the tropics, bureaucratic export restrictions, and nationalism; and in the \"disruptive\" nature of science, its uneven style of progress as old theories (like the idea that modern humans arose in several regions, popular until the early 1990s) are abandoned. He notes Reich's \"restraint\" in saying little about how human diversity arose: scientists simply do not yet know, but natural selection acted on many genes and phenotypes: it was not a matter of creating \"behavioral modernity\" with any", "id": "12809069" }, { "contents": "Anthem of the Sun\n\n\nand the city. Hassinger commented that \"Nobody could sing [the new tracks recorded in NYC], and at that point they were experimenting too much in my opinion. They didn't know what the hell they were looking for.\" Garcia noted that \"we want[ed] to learn how the studio work[ed]. We [didn't] want somebody else doing it. It's our music, we want[ed] to do it.\" Returning to San Francisco's Coast Recorders, the band recruited their soundman, Dan", "id": "4879231" }, { "contents": "Teresa Heinz\n\n\nfull time in the workforce, I know we all have valuable experiences that shape who we are. I appreciate and honor Mrs. Bush's service to the country as first lady, and am sincerely sorry I had not remembered her important work in the past.\" Bush brushed it off, saying, \"It didn't matter to me. It didn't hurt my feelings. It was perfectly all right that she apologized. She didn't have to apologize. I know how tough it is. And actually I know those", "id": "5446041" }, { "contents": "John L. McKenzie\n\n\nthem too tired to be ambitious. I believe we still do not know how the Pyramids were built. We do know that they were the work of a vast pool of unskilled forced labor. I suspect modern entrepreneurs have little to learn from the Pharaohs about bringing large masses of cheap labor into submission...Remove the element of human exploitation from the history of western civilization and how much 'progress' would be left. Child labor is as old as children and as recent as the morning groceries in western civilization. The whole", "id": "15703420" }, { "contents": "Get Your Wings\n\n\nendless hours, fueled by whatever substances were available...I knew the album, in spite of a few bright spots, still didn't capture the power of the band. We were better than the record we were making. And yet I didn't know how to get there. I didn't know how to get from good to great. \"On the second album,\" Tyler noted, \"the songs found my voice. I realized that it's not about having a beautiful voice and hitting all the notes;", "id": "11581728" }, { "contents": "ThreeJars\n\n\ntheir website: \"Like most parents, my wife and I wanted our kids to lead happy, purposeful lives. But how to raise a child with a mind for managing money and a heart for helping others? Despite a career in finance, I found it hard to speak to my kids about money. While I didn't want them to feel entitled, I didn't want them to stress over money either. We all know that if you do not learn to manage money responsibly it will end up managing you.", "id": "12047649" }, { "contents": "Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce\n\n\nto get to it by the end of the season. It always takes us a while to figure out how to do an issue appropriately, from a child's point of view\". Puppeteer Jerry Nelson, who was one of the original performers of Snuffy, noted, \"Now we delve into things like divorce that are likely to affect small children very heavily. We didn't touch those things before\". Instead of using the human characters in the show's cast, the writers and producers decided to use Muppets to", "id": "11087877" }, { "contents": "The Killing Fields (film)\n\n\nin those days was a bit like being invited out to Hollywood. He gave me Bruce Robinson's script, which was enormous, but it was so full of passion and energy I couldn't put it down. I'd heard about Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge, but didn't know much until I read it. I wrote to David saying that whoever made the film would have to be careful because it wasn't just a war story: it was about human connection, how friendships are born and what they do to", "id": "201350" }, { "contents": "Over the Edge (1999)\n\n\nWe do not have much information as to how it happened and will not know until an investigation is completed. We are all shaken, and to say Owen will be missed is to fall short of a way to fully explain what he meant to us.\" Although the WWF had no information, they reported that \"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Hart family. We have to be strong for Owen; he was an extraordinary human being and consummate performer and knows that the highest tribute that we can pay", "id": "6156395" }, { "contents": "Jebediah\n\n\nabout playing live, really. You know, enjoying each other's company, and writing songs, and gettin' stoned, partying and having fun ... Once we started, which was 1996, we didn't really stop until 2005. And, yeah, like I said, we were proud of how much we toured. We were-it was a badge of honour to play as much as possible. Daymond reflected: Without, sort of, having to organise it too much, we were all committed to the band", "id": "12620812" }, { "contents": "Diastrophic dysplasia\n\n\ngene. The protein encoded by this gene is essential for the normal development of cartilage and for its conversion to bone. Cartilage is a tough, flexible tissue that makes up much of the skeleton during early development. Most cartilage is later converted to bone, but in adulthood this tissue continues to cover and protect the ends of bones and is present in the nose and external ears. Mutations in the \"SLC26A2\" gene alter the structure of developing cartilage, preventing bones from forming properly and resulting in the skeletal problems characteristic of", "id": "9784565" }, { "contents": "List of Monster Musume characters\n\n\nshe now organizes dating events at the mixed baths between both humans and liminals. She also eventually learns how to smile, and it is at her resort that an embarrassing fact about Kimihito is learned. is a who's having her home stay at a shrine in the same area as Yukio's resort. In her default form, she looks like a girl with fur, fox's ears, nose and teeth, and nine fox tails. Like Doppel, she can transform into nearly anything, but that only applies to herself", "id": "22190166" }, { "contents": "The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher\n\n\nset up joint endeavors with more than one organism to survive. From Thomas's metaphor on how humans behave like ants, he again argues that language is the quality that best resembles social insects. Without any outside direction, humans continually change language. We build language like ants build their hill, without ever knowing what the final result is and how our minuscule changes affect any other part. Thomas explains how some words have changed and developed different meanings. Two words, gene and bheu, are two words that we have derived", "id": "11672551" }, { "contents": "Sinéad O'Carroll\n\n\nemotional clear the air\" talks before reforming. Edele admitted that \"The biggest anxiety about doing this - there's only one, and that's Sinéad.\" She admitted that she and Sinéad had fallen out in 2006 and had not spoken to each other since. Lindsay also said: \"Some of the issues we didn't even know were necessarily there until we were faced with this opportunity that we have to work together again, then we were like, 'Oh, OK, in order for us to do this", "id": "1313072" }, { "contents": "Roman Polanski sexual abuse case\n\n\n, she recalled that she began to feel uncomfortable after he asked her to lie down on a bed, and described how she attempted to resist. \"I said, 'No, no. I don't want to go in there. No, I don't want to do this. No!', and then I didn't know what else to do,\" she stated, adding: \"We were alone and I didn't know what else would happen if I made a scene. So I was just", "id": "16018403" }, { "contents": "Revueltosaurus\n\n\nskeletal material of \"R. callenderi\" have suggested that \"Revueltosaurus\" is a pseudosuchian. According to William Parker, \"we have pretty much erased the record of Triassic ornithischian dinosaurs from North America, Europe and worldwide, except for South America.\" His co-author Randall Irmis said, \"because the teeth look like those we know from herbivorous ornithischians, people assigned them to the dinosaurs. We think we've shown that you can't rely on the dentition to determine what is an early dinosaur, which casts doubt", "id": "3824375" }, { "contents": "Archie Goodwin (comics)\n\n\nJim Shooter was charged with producing an alternate title, which became \"Epic Illustrated\". It was initially edited by Rick Marschall, but Shooter approached publisher Stan Lee to urge a replacement: \"I told Stan, 'There's one guy who could do this. I don't know if we can get him.' He said, 'Who's that?' 'Archie Goodwin.' The reason I didn't think we could get him is because he used to be my boss and I didn't know how", "id": "21486915" }, { "contents": "James Horton (Highlander)\n\n\ntells him, \"I've often wondered how much pain an Immortal could bear before he went mad.\" MacLeod searches for the Hunters' hiding while Horton is addressing his men: \"We have won a great victory. We have destroyed a malignant evil that has walked this earth in the form of a man for the last two thousand years. People do not cheer us, people don't even know we exist, but we know the battle we fight. We know the evil we must destroy. I would like", "id": "20474485" }, { "contents": "Tim Minchin\n\n\nefficacy are the key: You're in such a strong position when you understand the scientific process because all you say is, \"Do you understand that the great breakthrough of humanity was figuring out how to make decisions about things whilst discarding human foibles? So, anecdotal evidence involves all your subjectivity—if we do it like this we don't have that anymore. Why, surely do you understand how \"powerful\" that is?\" And if they don't, then that's what you have to explain to them", "id": "7243863" }, { "contents": "Shane Cross\n\n\nhow much he means to you, because one day you wont have the chance. Hand shakes are for Strangers! In a biographical series of Saari's professional skateboard career (part of Vice's \"Epicly Later'd\" program), Saari stated in relation to Cross's death: We didn't really know how to deal with that. Things just got rowdy and people started lashing out on each other, and this and that — kind of blaming people and ... it didn't really hit me until months later. Like", "id": "7994154" }, { "contents": "Sovereignty of God in Christianity\n\n\nOur image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion . . .'\" The principle debate of God's sovereignty is founded in the question whether God is sufficiently omnipotent to embed free will into humanity. The debate was first clearly expressed by Augustine in the 4th century. The debate continues today. \"We know that humans have a free will, but we also know that God is sovereign. How those two truths relate to each other is hard for us to understand.\" \"The doctrine of divine sovereignty", "id": "1404540" }, { "contents": "The Monkeys Have No Tails in Zamboanga\n\n\nthousand years in old Chefoo. And it didn't smell like roses, So we had to hold our noses, Oh, we lived ten thousand years in old Chefoo. Some verses were updated and sung by U.S. Army and Navy personnel and families in Manila, Philippines, and back in the States after World War II. The song mentions islands in the Philippine chain, attributing amusing or unflattering characteristics to their flora and fauna, and humans. As there are many islands, there are no doubt many more verses. Oh", "id": "6025384" }, { "contents": "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs\n\n\nmiddle of snow,\" and added the dinosaurs to the story. Character designer Peter de Sève welcomed the new plot addition, since he could not think of any other giant mammal to put into the story. The \"lost world\" approach led to colorful dinosaurs, because \"the dinosaurs didn't have to be just brown, and you can take liberties because no one knows what color they were\", according to de Sève. Rudy's design was inspired by the \"Baryonyx\" because of his crocodile-like look", "id": "2882268" }, { "contents": "Dinosaur (film)\n\n\nbecame involved in the film and briefly became the director following Verhoeven and Tippett's departure. Reflecting on his tenure, Smith described that \"Jeanne Rosenberg was still writing the script, but it was in trouble. Disney wanted a cute story of dinosaurs talking, and I didn't like the idea. I thought it should be more like Jean Annaud's \"The Bear\" (1988). I wanted to have actual lemurs in it. They actually existed at the time of dinosaurs...We actually located a guy who trains", "id": "2078920" }, { "contents": "Virgin Killer\n\n\nrhythm guitarist Rudolf Schenker offers the following description of the circumstances behind the album cover: We didn't actually have the idea. It was the record company. The record company guys were like, \"Even if we have to go to jail, there's no question that we'll release that.\" On the song \"Virgin Killer\", time is the virgin killer. But then, when we had to do the interviews about it, we said \"Look, listen to the lyrics and then you'll know what", "id": "14285324" }, { "contents": "Danity Kane\n\n\nheard she's doing well with her husband and she got a house. I love her, but I don't know.\" Richard was surprised that only two members showed up for another season. \"The thing about it ... I thought we were all going to come back and talk, or maybe if [O'Day] didn't come back, 'cause I don't know how [Combs] was feeling about that, if the four of us got together. I didn't know what to expect. I just know", "id": "19735314" }, { "contents": "The Good Dinosaur\n\n\ndifferent kind of movie—there was a whole dinosaur culture and community and so forth. It was one where the Arlo character was kind of repressed by the community. It never quite felt right. It always felt like that we were vilifying this group [of dinosaur characters] that was otherwise a very likeable group. It just didn't feel like it resonated truly.\" Morris additionally explained: \"We give people the chance to work on a story, and we give them our support, but it doesn't always", "id": "19960831" }, { "contents": "Mitsukurinidae\n\n\nscientifically described. The most distinctive characteristic of the goblin sharks is the long, trowel-shaped, beak-like snout, much longer than those of other sharks. The snout contains sensory organs to detect the electrical signals given off by the shark's prey. They also possess long, protrusible jaws. When the jaws are retracted, the shark resembles a grey nurse shark, \"Carcharias taurus\", with an unusually long nose. Its nose resembles the nose of a goblin, which is how it received its name.", "id": "13820197" }, { "contents": "Operation Mole Cricket 19\n\n\nthat: \"I once again state that we do not want a war with Syria. From this platform I call on President Assad to instruct the Syrian army not to harm Israeli soldiers and then nothing bad will happen to [Syrian soldiers]. We desire no clashes with the Syrian army, if we reach the line 40 km from our northern border the work will have been done, all fighting will end. I am directing my words to the ears of the President of Syria. He knows how to keep an agreement", "id": "9735283" }, { "contents": "Hung Up\n\n\nwith her ideas for the video. The director explained that he \"kind of liked that we didn't have time to over-think this and be too clever, I like being out on a limb and not know what we're doing and why. Just deal with it, the mayhem, you know?\" Madonna clarified that the video was a tribute to John Travolta and to dance in general. Her dance moves for the video, which were inspired by Travolta's movies like \"Saturday Night Fever\" (1977", "id": "5512246" }, { "contents": "Pyro Plastics Corporation\n\n\narchitectural models, anatomical subjects such as The Human Eye, The Human Heart, The Human Ear, The Human Lung, The Human Nose and Mouth, and Man Anatomy Model (not to be confused with the much more famous and successful Visible Man from Renwal); 1/8 scale figures; Indian Warrior, Indian Chief, Medicine Man, Rawhide Cowpuncher, Restless Gun Deputy Sheriff, Wyatt Earp, and Neanderthal Man. Dinosaurs appeared in the “Science Series” (later re-boxed as the Prehistoric Monsters series). Bird", "id": "11924960" }, { "contents": "Raymond W. Gibbs Jr.\n\n\nof them copied off of the other without their knowledge. Than after the test someone asked the person who didn't know he was copied off of, “ do you cheat?” he answered, “ I would never be involved in any cheating.” Now this sentence was not meant to be ironic, however the student that cheated off of him may take this as ironic even though it was not intended to be. Gibbs uses this to show how unintentional irony is not an unusual phenomenon and that we as humans are", "id": "19115960" }, { "contents": "Protruding ear\n\n\nProminent ear, otapostasis or bat ear is an abnormally protruding human ear. It may be unilateral or bilateral. The concha is large with poorly developed antihelix and scapha. It is the result of malformation of cartilage during primitive ear development in intrauterine life. The deformity can be corrected anytime after 6 years. The surgery is preferably done at the earliest in order to avoid psychological distress. Correction by otoplasty involves changing the shape of the ear cartilage so that the ear is brought closer to the side of the head. The skin", "id": "14323217" }, { "contents": "Andre Ward vs. Sergey Kovalev II\n\n\nsaid the fight could have continued, \"I don't know. I can't explain it. Not every round, but I thought I was doing very good. I was better, and he was better this fight. I didn't feel like I was getting knocked down with his punches --- I could have continued,\" Kovalev said. \"I didn't feel the punch. This is fighting. We are boxers. Yes, he did punch me, but he didn't hurt me. The fight should have", "id": "734088" }, { "contents": "Bill Murray\n\n\nwith.' But I only got that reputation from people I didn't like working with, or people who didn't know how to work, or what work is. Jim, Wes and Sofia, they know what it is to work, and they understand how you're supposed to treat people.\" In the book \"Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live, as Told By Its Stars, Writers and Guests\", Chevy Chase recalls being confronted by Murray shortly before an \"SNL\"", "id": "14170775" }, { "contents": "Graboid\n\n\nnumber of creatures depending on the amount of food they consumed, between three and six; these creatures are the Shriekers. Much smaller than Graboids, about long and high, Shriekers live above ground and resemble a small dinosaur or heavy ground-dwelling bird, with stout, three-toed legs and a compact body. They have similar beaks on their heads, but lack the tentacles of a Graboid and instead have a single, long tongue, and like Graboids lack eyes and noses, but also don't have ears.", "id": "11073847" }, { "contents": "Anders Dale\n\n\nhis graduate work his interest “shifted to learning how to test models of how the brain works. Ideally you'd like to test your models not in anesthetized animals and brain slices, but by measuring brain activity in humans non-invasively. I wanted to study normal people doing normal tasks. That was what brought me to imaging. My goal was to see what kind of things we can measure non-invasively that can be quantitatively related to the models we want to build...I wanted to know what exactly we are", "id": "2864104" }, { "contents": "Pets (song)\n\n\non the 1993 Triple J Hottest 100 countdown. The song's success was aided, in part, by a unique video directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (they would later direct the critically acclaimed film \"Little Miss Sunshine\") which received heavy rotation on MTV. \"Pets\" deals with dissatisfaction with the human race (\"Adults are even more fucked up\") and how it is on the brink of destruction (\"My friend says we're like the dinosaurs only we are doing ourselves in much faster than", "id": "9655101" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nIs time travel possible? Will we survive on Earth? Is there other intelligent life in the universe? Should we colonise space? Will artificial intelligence outsmart us? How do we shape the future? The book discusses many of today's challenges, including the biggest threat to the planet (an \"asteroid collision\", like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago ... \"we have no defense” against that), climate change (“a rise in ocean temperature would melt the ice caps and cause", "id": "10283813" }, { "contents": "David Morse (actor)\n\n\nin the HBO miniseries \"John Adams\", for which his nose was made bigger. Morse commented: \"The first thing that comes to mind is my nose; it was my big idea to do that nose. We didn't have a lot of time, because they asked me to do this about three weeks before they started shooting, and I just kept looking at these portraits and thinking 'this man's face is so commanding'. And I did not feel that my face was very commanding in the way", "id": "17782617" }, { "contents": "Repo! The Genetic Opera\n\n\nas saying: \"From the very, very beginning, we always talked about a prequel or a sequel to this film. And it's hard, because as of right now, we all want to do it, but, you know, it didn't really do as we hoped. We didn't really have a lot of support. But we're hoping that the fans will come back, and it will be an underground cult classic that will grow, and that will eventually spark us to do another.\"", "id": "6728431" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of medicine\n\n\n. The common questions asked are \"What is knowing or knowledge?\", \"How do we know what we know?\", \"What is it we know when we claim we know\". Philosophers differentiate theories of knowledge into three groups: knowledge of acquaintance, competence knowledge, and propositional knowledge. The knowledge of acquaintance is to be familiar with an object or event. To best explain this would be, a surgeon would need to know the human anatomy before operating on the body. Competence of knowledge is to", "id": "2662957" }, { "contents": "Mirko Cro Cop\n\n\nIt would be nice, but to tell you the truth I don't know how the surgery will do.\" Cro Cop mentioned in an interview on 20 October 2017 that he would like to rematch Fedor Emelianenko, and that he has several promotions contacting him for fights. He also addressed his injury situation, saying, \"I managed to repair my knee, I was among the first in Croatia to have the transplanted stem cells in my knee. My new cartilage has come in, it's amazing! The future of", "id": "12697128" }, { "contents": "Game Over, Charles\n\n\ncommented on how the show is going to be different, as she also added that \"This feels like a new beginning\". As a regard to who 'A' is going to be, King said \"We knew that Mona was the original \"A,\" but we didn't know how long we were going to be able to go to sustain that story before we gave her up to the audience. We knew there was going to be a \"Big A\" to follow that story up, and we", "id": "5144082" } ]
why do people find ass attractive.
[{"answer": "You might as well ask why anyone finds any body part attractive, because you're going to have countless people prescribing to one or another. If you're asking why certain body parts have a bigger \"cult following\" than others, that can be answered a few ways: -Taboo will play a role with some, wherein the body part in question is considered something that should be hidden or clothed in public and therefore gains a mysterious or taboo quality. -Association with some perceived sexual aspect, or literal use in an act of sex can make a body part easily become an analogue of sexual activity. -More primitive factors (evolutionary selection) can play a role in aesthetic preferences. It's been proposed that there is a correlation between a woman's fat distribution in her thighs and buttocks and the IQ of [her] children (higher is better). -Plus rappers like it, and do they EVER make bad decisions?"}, {"answer": "Child bearing hips. A nice ass almost always comes with wider than normal hips. Wide hips are good for squeezing out big strong babies. Just like big old boobs look like they're good for feeding babies. Everyone has their own opinion about what's attractive, but a nice ass also means that the girl is of mating age."}, {"answer": "I'd also like to know why some women find guys butts attractive."}, {"answer": "I'm female and I do enjoy a nice male ass. I prefer that it sits atop some nice muscular thighs and beneath the well-defined crevice the spine makes as it travels down a muscled back. Just a slight amount of jiggle when he walks gives me the vapors. I'm not sure why, but after eyes and lips it's my favorite physical feature. * I forgot to offer my possible explanation to why I find it so attractive. The answer is that I don't really know. Why do people find feet attractive? Or hair color? You can't explain physical attraction. I like everything about man-ass. The firm flesh that moves so appealingly as I spank it or jiggle it or bite it. I like to press against him in the shower and reach around and just grip them cheekies and bring him closer. I have to go now."}, {"answer": "A woman's body is kind of like the island of Manhattan. At the head is Harlem, a place that can be beautiful and culturally diverse, yet ultimately nobody really wants to go there. Boobs are like Times Square: flashy, fun, but ultimately just a tourist trap. All the business happens downtown, and that's why a fine ass is so attractive, because who doesn't want to do business in a beautiful place?"}, {"answer": "It's private. Intimate. Same as boobs. If all chicks walked around topless, boobs wouldn't be as big of a deal. But they're covered and hidden and people most of the time want what they can't have."}, {"answer": "I am no way and expert and I forget where I read this but there are some biologist who have theorized that humans like many other animals primarily did it \"doggy style\" until we became fully upright(joke in there somewhere). Once we started standing straight we began to have sex from the front and breasts were slowly evolved into existence to look like asses from the front to trigger the same attraction that we had developed looking at asses as the place we have sex. No idea how reputable that source was but I remember reading that somewhere somewhat reputable looking."}, {"answer": "\"How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work? It just does\""}, {"answer": "This might be a better q for /r/explainlikeimjive"}, {"answer": "As with most things related to sexual attractiveness, it boils down to \"because, past a certain threshold of personal preference, we're hard-wired to find it attractive\". - It's more or less accepted as fact that most men are attracted to a certain hip:waist ratio that just screams out \"child-bearing hips\". - Also, oestrogen (one of the characteristically female hormones) promotes fat accumulation around the hips. So arse size also says \"There's plenty of female hormones flowing\"."}, {"answer": "I was going to post some pictures, but the I remembered you were 5"}, {"answer": "A nice ass is also a very good indicator of the overall health of the person who owns it."}, {"answer": "you can grab it, shake it, lick it, slap it. It moves and give you an erection when you sit and watch one walk by that is of a nice proportion."}, {"answer": "The ass is a part of the hips, which are an indicator of how good a woman will be at bearing children. You've heard the term \"Child Bearing Hips\". Much like boobs indicate how well a female can feed their young, hips (ass) indicate how well they will perform during childbirth."}, {"answer": "Seriously, nobody's linked to this yet? OP, Reddit has thoroughly answered your question here: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "as someone who studied gender psychology and also loves me some butts, my hypothesis has always been that for males, it signifies: MOUNT AND INSERT HERE. i feel fairly confident that if you ask any man who his first instinct is when he sees a sexy women on all fours, bent over with her ass in the air, he isn't thinking, \"gee, that's a round tushy,\" he is most likely thinking, \"i wana hop on that and ride it like a pony.\" also, research has shown that ejaculating while in the doggy-style position increases (~2%) the chances of the baby being male. obviously women like male butts as well, and no male wants to be mounted, however, i have read some theories that a strong butt muscle and large abs are attractive to women because the core and the butt are the primary muscles involved in thrusting. if need be, i can dig through my old textbooks after work to try to cite some of this, but off the top of my head, these are the things i remember from college."}, {"answer": "IIRC some primates, when they are fertile and DTF present their buttocks to potential partners. I think with some species they get all engorged and round and appealing and such. This combined with comments below about child bearing hips/waist to hip ratios being indicators of reproductive ability makes asses a wonder to behold. Source: I like big butts and I cannot lie."}, {"answer": "From my own perspective and experience, a nice big ass (my personal preference) is nice for several reasons. Here are some. * They are aesthetically pleasing. You watch a big assed girl walk and it's living art. A little extra wiggle in the walk is a beautiful thing. * I'd be a little worried about hurting/bruising a skinnier or flatter butted girl, but with a big assed woman I can just go buck wild. You can really get in there and go to town on a big fanny. * Really nice and warm to curl up to at night. * It feels better on a tactile level, feels great in the hands and really all over. * I've always liked buying in bulk. * The long and short though is that for whatever reason it gets me all tingly inside. Inexplicably, a big ass just gets me going like nothing else does. I don't know but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the 'child-bearing hips' thing."}, {"answer": "Because that's where your penis goes. Seriously, what kind of question is this? Unless you actually *are* 5."}, {"answer": "Is there any evidence that the 'child-bearing hips' thing is real? Seems like confirmation bias."}, {"answer": "Island A: 99 men, 1 woman. Island B: 99 women, 1 man. Which island will reproduce faster? Obviously B since the job for a man in the reproduction process is to just stick it in and bust a nut, but what about the woman? She is designed to bear the child for nine months, and raise it for years after birth until it is suitable to live on its own, but the woman can't do it on her own, she needs help and more importantly protection. This is why women focus more on personality traits and tend to take longer to give in to sex. Their minds are hardwired to find a man who will stick with them and be a protector for not just them but the offspring that they *might* produce. The male, on the other hand, technically speaking can reproduce in a matter of minutes and be done with it. This is why men tend to be more focused on physical aspects at first glance. The main idea, though, is that these attraction traits in BOTH sexes are based on how suitable the other will be as a child-bearer, since at the end of the day, our number one goal as a species overall, is to survive as long as we can and make offspring that can live longer than their predecessors. Ass, in particular, is important to a man *subconsciously* because they know that a woman must have a 5-10 pound bowling ball in their stomach for nine months. If the woman is not capable of executing this task, she will fail as a parent. All that weight in the front of the stomach can cause problems with a woman's back and how she carries out tasks throughout the day, BUT if she has a nice little support system from *behind* to counter all that weight in the front, her chances of bearing that child are much easier. The same goes for breasts. If a woman cannot provide enough milk for her child, s/he will be unhealthy and as a result will most likely live for a shorter period of time than a healthy baby. Men will logically associate smaller breasts with less milk and obviously bigger breasts with more milk for the offspring. **TLDR - Bigger butt means more weight in the back to balance the weight of a child in a woman's stomach**"}, {"answer": "There are two parts to the question: 1) Why do (some) humans in general find rears attractive: This one has been covered by many posts and boils down to the rear being a marker of sexual/reproductive availability. 2) Why do specific humans find rears attractive. This one is generally hand waved as 'some like it'. I can give some more interesting insight into it from a personal \u2018conversion\u2019 story perspective. Growing up I had no interest in rear ends. Like you I didn\u2019t understand the attraction and it just wasn\u2019t in my consciousness as something to look at, or look for. In my early 20s I was employed at a business on the Hollywood strip and worked with a bunch of young men most of them urban and varying shades of brown. We\u2019d sit and girl watch together and their comments were heavily weighted towards the gals\u2019 bottoms. For weeks I was perplexed, but slowly I started to appreciate the joy of a round rear and joined in on the positive/appreciative commentary. In the intervening decades I\u2019ve found that focus has strengthened and I\u2019ve become a solid ass-man. =) So my take is that there is a cultural/tribal/societal skew that can influence individuals (who then in feedback-loop fashion) strengthen the skew."}, {"answer": "Hi, this is one of my research areas: Asses, particularly ones that contribute to an optimal waist to hip ratio (the ratio of your waist divided by your hips. Optimal is ~0.7) are considered more attractive than other bums because of a bunch of stuff. Some of it includes birthing children more effectively (wider hips usually means a wider birthing canal), higher levels of fat deposited in the thigh and bum region (called gluteofemoral fat, it's a great store of DHA which is necessary for fetal neural development), may be related to uterine pH/acidity, and also may be related to better pathogen resistance. Essentially, a close-to-optimal WHR is related to generally healthier females. It's possible that because women with more optimal WHR had higher chances of surviving childbirth, birthrates, and infant mortality rates, they were more effective at passing on their genes. Using evolutionary theory, if you die before you reproduce, your genes don't live on, so assuming you do reproduce, it's thought that your genes are \"better\" and thereby survive for another generation. Because these women may have survived better or reproduced better, this WHR may have been an evolved signal of fertility and health that men ultimately ended up finding attractive."}, {"answer": "The genitals of many female primates in heat swell to signal sexual readiness. However, as humans evolved into a standing position this signalling mechanism was hidden and in fact would have become uncomfortable as the swellings can become very large. Modern humans no longer go into heat or experience this swelling. Therefore it is possible that the ass evolved into its current fleshy state precisely because there was already an association programmed into humans to associate that shape with sex. Above paraphrased from a biology textbook"}, {"answer": "It's not conscious. Read \"The Naked Ape\" by Desmond Morris. Attraction to shapely buttocks is a built-in feature of primates. As we straightened up and learned to hide ourselves in layers of cloths, breasts (think decollete) became a visual replacement for buttocks. Also, as hominids straightened up, female genitalia got hidden, and poor males lost their ability to easily judge whether a female was ready for sex or not. This is how intelligence, small talk and hypocrisy began."}, {"answer": "It must be something with the curvature that is very instinctual, maybe because it shows the ability to store fat? Sort of like, a golden ratio thing. People go nuts about the size, but as long as its big enough to pound the shit out of, it's fine. A better question to ask is, why do I feel the need to lick food off it?"}, {"answer": "to me, it's that you can play a little with it in public without it being too awkward. The swing in the hips when girls walk is one of the sexiest things ever seen. That's the short version."}, {"answer": "A [similar question]( URL_0 ) was asked about a year and a half ago, leading to my favorite thread of all time."}, {"answer": "this question would make a much better Explain Like I'm Jive"}, {"answer": "The bigger the cushion, the better the pushin'"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1053447", "title": "Physical attractiveness", "section": "Section::::Female.:Buttocks.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 108, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 108, "end_character": 1163, "bleu_score": 0.7737114160408841}]}]
[ { "contents": "Anniemal\n\n\n's really easy to write depressive songs and that's why I never do that. I try to do songs that are a bit happier and a bit more complicated. I think there are too many songwriters writing sad, depressive songs, and I find it really boring, listening to music where people are just complaining. People should stop whining! I find it much more challenging to make songs that are pop songs, to make happy songs, and that's why I like to do it. I really like to make", "id": "5324861" }, { "contents": "The Alec Baldwin Show\n\n\nreally that attractive to me — because when we do the show for radio, it's one kind of reality. The minute you put a camera on people, they change...Why don't we try it and see if we get people who are more camera-ready? I wouldn't mind interviewing Jennifer Lawrence or somebody if we could find an angle that was different or fresh.\" Notable personalities that Baldwin mentioned as possible guests included Stephen King, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman,", "id": "2249889" }, { "contents": "Why Did You Do That?\n\n\nrecording was carried out at Woodrow Wilson in Hollywood, California, and Shangri-La Studios in Malibu, California. \"Why Did You Do That?\" was mixed by Tom Elmhirst at Electric Lady Studios in New York and was mastered by Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound Studios. The song opens with Ally singing the lines, \"Why do you look so good in those jeans? / Why'd you come around me with an ass like that?\" Warren had thought about the line and Gaga agreed to include it as", "id": "6979864" }, { "contents": "All Hooked Up\n\n\n, and that when Lewis sings \"Why's this guy all up in my ass?\", it \"doesn't make her sound like anything but an English girl trying to do ghetto-fab\". \"The Sunday People\"s Sean O'Brien called it a \"mid tempo song with a great groove created with a plodding bass, lots of P-Funk style and raunchy lyrics\". \"All Hooked Up\" received generally favourable reviews from music critics. Sean O'Brien of \"The Sunday People\" gave the song a rating", "id": "4633424" }, { "contents": "Queensrÿche (album)\n\n\na poem about moving on, which he wrote many years prior when he was \"in a really weird place personally\". He explains that the song is about \"taking charge of [your] own life and not making up excuses for why life is such a pain in the ass sometime,\" because La Torre believes that we control our own destiny, and are responsible for our own successes and failures. He has also said: \"It's about scenarios of despair, but people are finding the beauty in the", "id": "21038293" }, { "contents": "Ragged Ass Road (street)\n\n\nhe even blocked the street off to keep city employees away. In 1995 former Red Rider lead singer, Tom Cochrane, named his third album \"Ragged Ass Road\" after the street. The title track of the album described a place \"Where the shore fires burn out on a new frontier\" and had the chorus \"Oh did you find the midnight sun\" Down on Ragged Ass Road\". It added to the road's allure as a tourist attraction, but the city still demurred from making the name official.", "id": "13254063" }, { "contents": "Tremors 5: Bloodlines\n\n\n40 years earlier; having heard of Burt's exploits, Travis wanted to be like his father. At the refuge, the workers are attacked by Ass-Blasters. Nandi, Amahle, and Baruti manage to kill several Ass-Blasters and a Graboid. They head for the village, where they discover that Amahle is hiding a Graboid egg, which was why the creatures kept attacking. The trio is attacked again and during the confusion, Amahle wanders away with the egg. Burt and Travis arrive, finding the village under", "id": "3372105" }, { "contents": "Shooting of Trayvon Martin\n\n\nass cracker\". On cross-examination, West asked Jeantel, \"So it was racial, but it was because Trayvon Martin put race in this?\" and \"You don't think that 'creepy ass cracker' is a racial comment?\" Jeantel replied that she believed race was involved because Martin was being followed by a white man, not because Martin had called Zimmerman a \"creepy-ass cracker.\" She said that people in her community call white people \"cracker\" and she did not find the", "id": "9058009" }, { "contents": "List of Conan sketches\n\n\nConan mentions there's too many TV shows on the air to keep up with and how he uses the info button for more details, and then sees fake electronic program guides, which insult the characters or the audience, including guide info for his own show which will insult him. Conan points out reasons for why \"China is kicking our ass\" such as better educated students and lower rates of unemployment. He then shows videos of people doing stupid things to injure themselves on purpose, or celebrities embarrassing themselves on television.", "id": "4338211" }, { "contents": "Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple\n\n\ncharacter has two attributes - some means of helping people and some way of getting into trouble - which are the two things the game is about, with the help ranging from the simple (finding an engagement ring) to the complex (saving the world). Reception was extremely positive, \"Wired\" declaring that it exceeded the hype and that it created an entertaining and memorable story. MTV Geek said \"Being a big Wuxia enthusiast, I falsely assumed Do was a game about martial arts and kicking ass. What I", "id": "19911304" }, { "contents": "Angewandte Psychologie\n\n\n(original title: \"\"Berufswahl und die experimentell-psychologische Prüfung geistiger Fähigkeiten\"\"): This chapter mainly describes why people choose their work and whether those choices fit to their personality. Erismann illustrates with a few examples people who were lucky to find something they love doing, but also considers people who work at jobs they do not like and they are not good at. In this chapter, a guideline is provided on how to find something one is good at through the help of \"experimental-psychological testing\"", "id": "4530620" }, { "contents": "Joke\n\n\nstudy, psychologists have continued to explore humour and jokes in their quest to explain, predict and control an individual's \"sense of humour\". Why do people laugh? Why do people find something funny? Can jokes predict character, or vice versa, can character predict the jokes an individual laughs at? What is a \"sense of humour\"? A current review of the popular magazine \"Psychology Today\" lists over 200 articles discussing various aspects of humour; in psychospeak the subject area has become both an emotion to", "id": "16432905" }, { "contents": "The Parson's Widow\n\n\n22:28-30)\" The verger comes out to summon Söfren and finds him doing handstands. Söfren bounds into the church, surveys the congregation and begins: \"Now, two learned applicants have appeared here before me. One of them took us to Eden, and that is as far back as we can go. Let him stay there! The other one chose the text: \"Am I Not An Ass?\" But what has an ass to do on the pulpit? My friends, I will not take you", "id": "2525127" }, { "contents": "Elon Musk\n\n\na lot of other people, that doesn't leave where you want it to leave, doesn't start where you want it to start, doesn't end where you want it to end? And it doesn't go all the time. ... It's a pain in the ass. That's why everyone doesn't like it. And there's like a bunch of random strangers, one of who might be a serial killer, OK, great. And so that's why people like individualized transport, that goes where", "id": "488444" }, { "contents": "Walter McMillian\n\n\nfry on the morning of November 1. Tate replied, \"I don't give a damn what you say or what you do. I don't give a damn what your people say either. I'm going to put twelve people on a jury who are going to find your goddamn black ass guilty.\" On December 11, 1987 Walter McMillian and Ralph Bernard Myers, a career criminal, were jointly indicted. McMillian was charged with a two-count indictment \"for the offense of murder made capital because it was", "id": "18378384" }, { "contents": "Tweants dialect\n\n\nthe prevailing and most prestigious language in Twente. This is why a majority of parents up until recently neglected to teach their children about their heritage, although there has lately been a resurgence of interest in the local language. Because Twente is an attractive place for investment, many companies establish themselves in Twente and attract people from other parts of the country who do not speak Tweants. This aggravates the decline of the Tweants language. In the countryside, however, many people still speak it or at least understand it. Recently,", "id": "3644233" }, { "contents": "Human sexuality\n\n\nof several bodily forms of capital asset (\"see erotic capital\"), a person's sexual attractiveness is to a large extent a subjective measure dependent on another person's interest, perception, and sexual orientation. For example, a gay or lesbian person would typically find a person of the same sex to be more attractive than one of the other sex. A bisexual person would find either sex to be attractive. In addition, there are asexual people, who usually do not experience sexual attraction for either sex, though", "id": "8902292" }, { "contents": "Tin Sau Bazaar\n\n\nor Tin Fu Court. Citizens living in other public housing estates may find it difficult to find the bazaar, and it is inconvenient for them to buy daily necessities. This may lower the accessibility of Tin Sau Bazaar and this is why not many people are attracted by the bazaar. For people living in Tin Shui Wai, the public transport that can reach Tin Sau Bazaar are Light Rail and bus. No shuttle bus is provided. After getting off the bus or Light Rail, its a five-minute walk to Tin", "id": "10040495" }, { "contents": "Jordan Stewart (footballer, born 1982)\n\n\nrenewed. In total, Stewart made six appearances for the club. In July 2013, Stewart signed with Major League Soccer club San Jose Earthquakes. Stats according to Soccerbase Stewart and his close friend and fellow footballer Joleon Lescott launched a clothing label together in 2012 named LescottStewart. Stewart has stated on Twitter that he finds the \"back gate (ass)\" to be the most attractive part of a women's body. A fan page was created for Stewart's appreciation of back gate (ass), but now appears to", "id": "479392" }, { "contents": "The Mischievous Dog\n\n\nsupplied the moral that 'notoriety is often mistaken for fame'. The Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov's story of \"The Ass\" is said to take its beginning from this fable. In his version, an ass is given a bell so that it can be traced if it wanders off. The ass is at first proud of what it takes to be a decoration but then finds that when it grazes in people's fields or gardens the bell identifies its presence and it is driven off. Krilov gives his story the moral", "id": "12576303" }, { "contents": "Stakes Is High (song)\n\n\noutspoken: \"\"I'm sick of bitches shakin' asses / I'm sick of talkin' about blunts / Sick of Versace glasses / Sick of slang / Sick of half-ass awards shows / Sick of name brand clothes...\"\" Posdnous also makes a point to inform us that the Native Tongues are still together when he states: \"\"A meteor has more right than my people / Who be wastin' time screaming who they've hated / That's why the Native Tongues have officially been re-instated", "id": "12714678" }, { "contents": "Ubayd Zakani\n\n\nconverted to Islam. The sheriff ordered his circumcision, on the first day, and raped him that very night. The next day his father asked him: \"how did you find Muslims?\" \"Strange peoples\", he responded. \"Whoever accepts their faith, they cut his dick in the day and tear his ass in the night.\" 4) A guy went to a religious scholar and said: \"I get an erection whenever I pray. What should I do?\" The scholar said: \"", "id": "14834334" }, { "contents": "Trial of George Zimmerman\n\n\n\"No sir.\" West also questioned her about the term \"creepy ass cracker.\" West asked her, \"Do people that you live around and with call white people 'creepy ass crackers'?\" Jeantel said, \"Not creepy, but cracker, yeah.\" West then asked her if she was saying that people in her community and culture that she lives in called white people crackers. Jeantel testified, \"Yes, sir.\" West also asked her if she thought the term was a racial comment", "id": "956762" }, { "contents": "Metamemory\n\n\n\"does not\" know the answer. A person knowing that he or she does not know is another aspect of metamemory that enables people to respond quickly when asked a question that they do not know the answer to. In other words, people are aware of the fact that they do not know certain information and do not have to go through the process of trying to find the answer within their memories, since they know the information in question will never be remembered. One theory as to why this knowledge of not knowing", "id": "8033939" }, { "contents": "Social psychology\n\n\n, a uniform, alcohol, dark environments, or online anonymity. A major area in the study of people's relations to each other is interpersonal attraction. This refers to all forces that lead people to like each other, establish relationships, and (in some cases) fall in love. Several general principles of attraction have been discovered by social psychologists, but many still continue to experiment and do research to find out more. One of the most important factors in interpersonal attraction is how similar two particular people are. The", "id": "7191678" }, { "contents": "Hit-Girl\n\n\nwas cancelled. However, in June 2015, Matthew Vaughan discussed a possibility of rebooting the \"Kick-Ass\" franchise with a Hit-Girl & Big Daddy prequel film to revive interest in the franchise. He stated that, \"If we make that, hopefully that will be the sorbet for the people that didn't like \"Kick-Ass 2\" and then we can go off and make \"Kick-Ass 3\". I think we've got to do this prequel to regain the love that we had", "id": "20644583" }, { "contents": "Lookin Ass\n\n\nto the people Malcolm X was ready to pull his gun out on as Lookin Ass Niggaz? Well, I apologize. That was never the official artwork nor is this an official single. This is a conversation. Not a single. I am in the video shooting at Lookin Ass Niggaz and there happened to be an iconic photo of Malcolm X ready to do the same thing for what he believed in!!!! It is in no way to undermine his efforts and legacy. I apologize to the Malcolm X estate", "id": "9118697" }, { "contents": "Baldur's Gate (series)\n\n\n, but the Riders of Archendale arrive and scare her off and question the player. After a brief inquisition, the local magistrates tell the player not to wander far because they may have more questions. The players quest concerns to find out who the mad cleric was, what this has to do with them, why a black spirit hound follows them around, and why people can not leave the player character alone and do things for themselves. In 1999, \"Baldur's Gate\" won the Origins Award for \"Best Role", "id": "18963553" }, { "contents": "Kjell Westö\n\n\nsold. In September 2017 the stage version of Hägring 38, adapted by Mikaela Hasan and Michael Baran and directed by Mikaela Hasan, had its Finnish-language premiere at the Finnish National Theatre in Helsinki. Westö has said that the essence of his writing is a never-ending interest in the enigma of being human and an irrepressible desire to find out why we are the way we are and why we do the things we do. He prefers to explore the past as well as the present, portraying different types of people", "id": "7338906" }, { "contents": "The Daddy of Rock 'n' Roll\n\n\nhis mental demons. Willis says music helps him silence the discouraging mental voices, but his fan following comes from people who find his songs humorous. Many of his compositions are very similar, a fact that is highlighted by scenes of him recording songs such as \"I Whipped Superman's Ass\", \"I Whipped Spider-Man's Ass\" and \"I Whupped Batman's Ass\", which are overlaid to highlight their similarities. Willis also visits a zoo, overdubbed with one of his many songs about bestiality. Towards", "id": "18400154" }, { "contents": "Elbow Room (book)\n\n\na reference to the question: \"Are we deterministic machines with no real freedom of action or do we in fact have some elbow room, some real choice in our behavior?\". A major task taken on by Dennett in \"Elbow Room\" is to clearly describe just what people are as biological entities and why they find the issue of free will to be of significance. In discussing what people are and why free will matters to them, Dennett makes use of an evolutionary perspective. Dennett describes the mechanical behavior of", "id": "16487308" }, { "contents": "Philosophical methodology\n\n\nagree about most of the fundamentals. Method in philosophy is in some sense rooted in motivation, only by understanding why people take up philosophy can one properly understand what philosophy is. People often find themselves believing things that they do not understand. For example, about God, themselves, the natural world, human society, morality and human productions. Often, people fail to understand what it is they believe, and fail to understand the reasons they believe in what they do. Some people have questions about the meaning of their", "id": "3274429" }, { "contents": "Adam Dunn\n\n\nin response to a question about acquiring Dunn: \"Do you know the guy doesn't really like baseball that much? Do you know the guy doesn't have a passion to play the game that much? How much do you know about the player? There's a reason why you're attracted to some players and there's a reason why you're not attracted to some players. I don't think you'd be very happy if we brought Adam Dunn here.\" Ricciardi later apologized for his comments. In 2008", "id": "20565999" }, { "contents": "Facial symmetry\n\n\nmore symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive, studies applying the later method have indicated that humans prefer slight asymmetry. Also studies show that nearly symmetrical faces are considered highly attractive compared to unsymmetrical ones, yet more specifically, people tend to find a face unattractive if a person has an unsymmetrical nose, and effect of unsymmetrical lips do not really affect people on judging attractiveness. The most conspicuous directional asymmetries are sometimes only temporary. For example, during speech, most people (76%) tend to express greater amplitude of movement", "id": "15965999" }, { "contents": "John L. McKenzie\n\n\nher is intrinsically evil. We may find reasons for doing away with a person, but we can never find a moral justification for bedding the person, except marriage. There is something fallacious about the thinking which finds illicit sexual relations intrinsically evil but killing people morally neutral: all you need is a sufficiently good reason. Why that does not work for sexual intercourse I do not know….(But) I never thought I would live long enough to see carnal intercourse become as morally neutral as killing. Modern science and philosophy have", "id": "15703445" }, { "contents": "Samuel ben Hofni\n\n\nhad held fast to the belief that the witch of En-dor had brought Samuel to life again, that the serpent had spoken to Eve, and the ass to Balaam, even though he felt himself compelled to explain the wonders by supplying the intermediary agency of angels. Samuel denied these and similar miracles, and, with an irony reminiscent of Ḥiwi al-Balkhi, he put the question, \"Why, if they were able to do so at one time, do serpents not speak at present?\" According to", "id": "18613062" }, { "contents": "Before Anything You Say\n\n\nass and I love it. He believes in me so he's going to give me the straight goods. The bar is high. Why do we settle? No. We do not settle. I love that about him.\" The film being experimental in structure, trust played an important part for the director and the two leads: \"I trusted all the years of directing, I had to trust it, and I trusted these two actors. They really went for it. There was a little bit of fear", "id": "4164914" }, { "contents": "Paradigms of Human Memory\n\n\nflashback to \"Epidemiology\") was not filmed together with the original episode, and the set had to be recreated. The group's anthropology project, building a diorama of themselves building their previous diorama, was a dig at the show's own meta jokes. Jeff also makes fun of Abed's constant meta-referencing, shouting \"Why do you always have to take everything we do and shove it up its own ass?\" One section of the episode mocked Dean Pelton's over-the-top costumed entrances,", "id": "9938825" }, { "contents": "San Felipe Municipality, Yucatán\n\n\npeople come from various places such as Panabá and Sucilá, among others. Panabá people, attracted by the abundant fishing, proximity to their farms or for the simple novelty of the new town, was installed at the port. In some cases these people went Panabá. This explains why many people say Panabá have lived in San Felipe. We do not know when, but sometime Actam Chuleb changed its name to San Felipe, in honor of San Felipe de Jesus. Andalusia encouraged the people, the people grew up with immigrants", "id": "13252665" }, { "contents": "Advisory Service for Squatters\n\n\ndetails guidelines on how to find property to squat in, what to do in confrontations with the police, how to maintain the property and set up temporary plumbing, and generally how to survive while squatting. It can be purchased for a small fee from the Advisory Service. In June 2008 the ASS was subject to controversy when \"The Daily Mail\" reported on the \"Squatters Handbook\". Eric Pickles, Conservative MP for Brentwood and Ongar, criticised councils for publishing the \"Squatters Handbook\" and the ASS contact details on", "id": "4989409" }, { "contents": "Respect (Joel Turner song)\n\n\nbeing critical at the start, but the truth is it was a snake that did it behind our back, he obviously does not know shit about Hiphop C4 laughed' and Quoted 'I would kick my own ass for doing that' why do you think i'm so pissed off, you just dont f*** with that, I hate seeing fake Tupac T-shirts exploited at a local market with his face on it' it's wrong, he didn't realise it would burn our career before it", "id": "6289301" }, { "contents": "The River Why (film)\n\n\nand the majority of the night, the Chinook finally tires, leaving Gus able to bring it to bay. Instead, Gus cuts the line and lets the fish go, realizing that Eddy had him do this to help him understand that the true meaning of his life could never be something as simple as fishing but instead to do what he loves with the people he loves. Finding Eddy waiting for him, the two consummate their relationship. Eddy leads Gus to the final piece of his puzzle of finding meaning in his life", "id": "15219929" }, { "contents": "Sharon Moalem\n\n\nDo\" was published by HarperCollins. The book examines the scientific reasons why people are attracted to one another. The topics covered include the evolutionary underpinnings of sexual attraction, monogamy, and sexual orientation. Moalem's latest book, \"Inheritance: How Our Genes Change Our Lives—And Our Lives Change Our Genes\" was published by Grand Central Publishing in April 2014. The book, co-written by journalist Matthew D. LaPlante, unpacks emerging research into the flexible genome, which is \"mediated and orchestrated by how you live", "id": "3413730" }, { "contents": "Terra (comics)\n\n\nDCU is in the dark about who she is and why she’s doing what she’s doing, which is running around the planet saving and helping people. We’ve been working with Terra for months and months trying to find and develop what’s special about her. In the end, it was a very simple angle, make Terra a super\"hero\" with plenty of emphasis on heroism. Everything she does is to help other people and in the service of life.\" The 4-issue miniseries was temporarily shelved for a number of", "id": "16717406" }, { "contents": "Vera Mae Green\n\n\n1973, at the request of the Religious Society of Friends, Green conducted a study to find out why black people were not joining the organization and what the organization could have done to attract black members. Green revealed her findings at a Friends General Conference meeting in June 1973 and distributed them in a report titled, \"Blacks and Quakerism: A Preliminary Report\". She found that some did not know about or knew very little about Quakerism. She also found that some of the religion's ideology like \"lack of ceremony", "id": "19674967" }, { "contents": "Bel Ami (2012 film)\n\n\nrole is the sense he conveys of someone roiling and churning beneath a surface that is almost, but not quite, calm.\" However Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" wrote: \"The women are all elegant and intelligent, they know the ways of the world, and they know Georges' history. Why do they find him attractive? We don't, and that failure is the downfall of the film.\" He singled out Christina Ricci for her performance: \"Her character makes the mistake of", "id": "284187" }, { "contents": "How Sex Works\n\n\nHow Sex Works: Why We Look, Smell, Taste, Feel, and Act the Way We Do is a 2009 book by evolutionary biologist and \"New York Times\" bestselling author Sharon Moalem, published by HarperCollins. The book examines the scientific reasons people are attracted to one another including the evolutionary underpinnings of sexual attraction, monogamy, and sexual orientation. \"How Sex Works\" uses evolutionary biology to explore human sexuality, and how sexuality can influence society in terms of human relations and belief systems. The author examines the", "id": "6511806" }, { "contents": "Alternative public offering\n\n\n. This is why the APO has such a high success rate. The investment bank also brings research, trading and liquidity to the company’s stock after the transaction closes. Investment banks find the APO process appealing because they can receive the same fees and breakage for raising the capital as they do in an IPO in a much condensed period of time and to a significantly smaller number of investors. PIPE investors are attracted to the APO because they get to buy stock at a negotiated discount to the projected public market value of a", "id": "10323086" }, { "contents": "Games People Play (Modern Family)\n\n\nsnooping around, they find out that they were not invited to a games' night and they start wondering why Mitch and Cam would not invite them. What they do not know is that they were invited but Manny forgot to give them the invitation. Meanwhile, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) participates at a gymnastics competition and she is doing great. Cam and Mitch's competitive spirits, though, make the parents of the other kids turn on them. In its original American broadcast, \"Games People Play\" was", "id": "9631542" }, { "contents": "Control (Big Sean song)\n\n\n, Big Sean said: \"There’s a lot of negativity on that song, and I don’t fuck with negative shit. People love drama, people love bullshit. I knew when Kendrick did that name-dropping that it was just gonna set it off, and I could see why people gravitated towards that verse for that reason. I respected him for thinking of that. I never wanna shade anybody. I would’ve been a ho-ass nigga if I cut that out of his verse, or if", "id": "19528053" }, { "contents": "Kick Ass (We Are Young)\n\n\nalso been met with some criticism, with people pointing out that the chorus is very similar, lyrically, to that of \"Young\" by Hollywood Undead. The video for the single shows Mika as a helpless individual left in an alleyway after being mugged. He begins to sing and as he does, the words of empowerment in the lyrics and his finding of an issue of the \"Kick-Ass\" comic inspire him to run for the rooftops and wail the chorus to the sky, now dressed in a slightly more", "id": "17317140" }, { "contents": "Why Do You Love Me\n\n\nentire \"Bleed Like Me\" album with a short Australian tour that included a performance of \"Why Do You Love Me\" on \"Rove Live\". On the week of February 19, 2008, \"Why Do You Love Me\" was released as a downloadable master track for use in the video game \"Rock Band\". \"Why Do You Love Me\" received a mostly positive reception from contemporary music critics. In a review for \"Billboard\", Keith Caulfield wrote, \"Listeners will find themselves involuntarily bobbing", "id": "6112730" }, { "contents": "Nice guy\n\n\nmen that they are entitled to sex and are therefore confused when they find that it is not forthcoming despite their supposed 'niceness'. More male orientated interpretations claim that the resentment is down to the fact that society, and the vast majority of people in spoken conversation, claim to be attracted to traits such as honesty, integrity and kindness, when in reality more superficial considerations trigger attraction. According to this interpretation people who display wealth, good looks, dominance and confidence tend to succeed more in romance than do 'nice", "id": "863213" }, { "contents": "Reward theory of attraction\n\n\n, and goal-oriented behavior. When a person cannot get somebody, the dopamine system keeps on spitting out hormones, providing the adrenaline, focus and motivation necessary to keep trying. The reward theory also helps explain why people are more attracted to people of close proximity, of more attractiveness, more similar, and people who have feelings of mutuality. Proximity is rewarding. It cost less effort to receive friendship's benefits with someone who lives or works closer. People like attractive people because they perceive that attractive people offer", "id": "4682962" }, { "contents": "Social employee\n\n\nflexible workforce, reduced business costs, and greater organizational leverage in attracting and retaining top talent. In 2009, thought leader Simon Sinek presented a speech called \"How Great Leaders Inspire Action\" at a TEDxPugetSound event. Sinek's central argument in this speech was, \"People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it.\" This concept—that the story behind a business or product offering is a more compelling sales tool than the product itself—is frequently cited in social media marketing as a way", "id": "16210971" }, { "contents": "Get in the Ring\n\n\n, which is its first line. In the interview that precipitated Mick Wall's mention in the song \"(see below)\", Rose said: \"I've brought in an album. Duff brought in one song. It's called 'Why Do You Look At Me When You Hate Me?' and it's just bad-assed. And I wrote a bunch of words to that.\" The song was then going to be titled \"Get in the Ring Motherfucker\" but that was changed too. At", "id": "2492382" }, { "contents": "Halloween in the Castro\n\n\nand the Castro in San Francisco have evolved from informal parades into Mardi Gras-like events with \"drinking and dancing and carrying on in the streets\". San Francisco's Polk street Halloween developed in the 1970s as people came out and moved to Castro street in 1979. In addition to stereotypes about why LGBT people are attracted to fashion, theatricality and dressing up there are cultural reasons why the events have become \"the major holiday\" for LGBT people. In addition to the holiday's pagan roots, which is attractive to", "id": "17344995" }, { "contents": "Stress management\n\n\neveryone, that is why trying different stress managing techniques is crucial in order to find what techniques work best for you. An example of this would be, two people on a roller coaster one can be screaming grabbing on to the bar while the other could be laughing while their hands are up in the air (Nisson). This is a perfect example of how stress effects everyone differently that is why they might need a different treatment. These techniques do not require doctors approval but seeing if a doctors technique works better for", "id": "15959215" }, { "contents": "A Defeated People\n\n\nfrom Germany, he said: \"They certainly don't behave guilty or beaten. They have their old fatalism to fall back on: 'Kaput' says the housewife finding the street water pipe not working...'Kaput ... alles ist kaput.' Everything's right – but absolutely no suggestion that it might be their fault – her fault. 'Why' asks another woman fetching water 'why do not you help us?' 'You' being us. At the same time nothing is clearer straight away", "id": "21623930" }, { "contents": "Integrative criminology\n\n\nbelieves that isomorphism can be identified in all disciplines, and better understanding will result from finding and using that common material in an integrated theory. But there is a danger of reductionism or of creating mere abstraction in a metatheory where concepts are simply grouped within concepts. This arises from the easily generalised hypotheses about what human nature is, why people conform or do not conform, how an individual can be both the cause and consequence of society, and why deviancy is both subjective and diachronic. The temptation is to produce a \"", "id": "8509198" }, { "contents": "Sertab Erener\n\n\nculture. Erener responded to the criticism by saying: \"It has to be in English to comply with world standards. Half of the world listens to English music, why should they not listen to a Turkish artist who sings in English? [...] People do not understand Turkish. If we find it difficult [to sing a suitable song] in our own language, why should we? When TRT asked me to write a song, I gave them my conditions. I said 'I want to sing the song", "id": "8844754" }, { "contents": "Clique\n\n\nan \"athlete\". Many people may gravitate toward a clique subconsciously through the way they are perceived or whom they may be associated with. Sharing similar interests is the most common way cliques are formed. As people interact with each other doing the simple things that they enjoy doing, they may find themselves drifting towards or becoming attracted to others that share the same passion. This usually causes one to gain confidence by being surrounded by people who share similar interests and it may cause an individual to feel more socially accepted. Ethnicity", "id": "8294659" }, { "contents": "Sexual attraction\n\n\nfetishism exists or has existed in different cultures is controversial. Pheromones have been determined to play a role in sexual attraction between people. They influence gonadal hormone secretion, for example, follicle maturation in the ovaries in females and testosterone and sperm production in males. Research conducted by Donald G. Dutton and Arthur P. Aron in the 1970s aimed to find the relation between sexual attraction and high anxiety conditions. In doing so, 85 male participants were contacted by an attractive female interviewer at either a fear-arousing suspension bridge or a normal", "id": "1339681" }, { "contents": "Bones (season 6)\n\n\ncasting of character, \"You want to find people you want to see every single week do one unique character. That's why when you have Hugh Laurie, who is essentially playing a very unlikable character, you love to see him. And that is a rare, rare quality to find. And the finder won't be an unlikeable character, but because it is a unique character, it's difficult to find just the right person.\" Geoff Stults was cast as the lead character with Michael Clarke Duncan and Saffron", "id": "2742342" }, { "contents": "Solenopsis molesta\n\n\nlaid per day is 105. It takes about 52 days for an egg to become a fully mobile worker. Young \"Solenopsis molesta\" spends about 21 days in the larval stage when the weather is suitable. They eat grease whenever they find it, which is why they are sometimes called grease ants. They also eat meat, cheese and other dairy products, and seeds. They also eat larvae and pupae of other ant species such as codling moths. Thief ants do not appear to be attracted to sweets, unlike most", "id": "10752943" }, { "contents": "Spring Awakening (play)\n\n\nribbons on her dress) and sometimes sexually abuses her. The three girls are united by the fact that they do not know why they seem to disappoint their parents so much these days. Melchior walks by; Wendla and Thea swoon. They remark on how beautiful he is and how pathetic his friend Moritz is, although Martha admits finding Moritz sensitive and attractive. As the boys watch from the schoolyard, Moritz sneaks into the principal's office to look at his academic files. Because the next classroom only holds 60 pupils,", "id": "18087892" }, { "contents": "Me and You and Everyone We Know\n\n\nto the hope chest that she has, Christine and Richard displaying a show of mutual acceptance of their attraction to each other, and, as a final plot device, Robby finding that the noise he had awoken to early every morning was that of an early-rising businessman tapping a quarter on a street sign pole. When asked why he is doing it, he stops and turns around, saying \"just passing the time\", and gives Robby the quarter. When his bus drives away and Robby tries it out himself", "id": "20402176" }, { "contents": "Kathryn Bigelow\n\n\nthe violence in her films by writers like Mark Salisbury in The Guardian, \"Why does she make the kind of movie she makes?\" and by Marcia Froelke Coburn in the Chicago Tribune's, \"What's a nice woman like Bigelow doing making erotic, violent vampire movies?\" Bigelow's next film was \"Zero Dark Thirty\", a dramatization of American efforts to find Osama bin Laden. \"Zero Dark Thirty\" was acclaimed by film critics but has also attracted controversy and strong criticism for its allegedly pro-", "id": "2095321" }, { "contents": "Nonprofit organization\n\n\nthat nonprofit organizations inevitably face, particularly for management positions. There are reports of major talent shortages in the nonprofit sector today regarding newly graduated workers, and NPOs have for too long relegated hiring to a secondary priority, which could be why they find themselves in the position many do. While many established NPOs are well-funded and comparative to their public sector competitors, many more are independent and must be creative with which incentives they use to attract and maintain vibrant personalities. The initial interest for many is the remuneration package,", "id": "21378788" }, { "contents": "Think Big and Kick Ass\n\n\ndonations via Twitter. Trump parted with FundAnything in December 2014. Trump said of his business ventures with coauthor Zanker, \"We really have had great success together.\" \"Think Big and Kick Ass\" emphasizes the importance of maintaining large goals for oneself. Trump elaborates on his think big thesis, saying bravado and playing to people’s fantasies can excite people who do not think big themselves. He advises budding business careerists to have an optimistic outlook, crediting his positive attitude for his success. Because those who seek out their", "id": "9572380" }, { "contents": "Rosalind Grender, Baroness Grender\n\n\nof Lords in an interview with Paul Waugh, published in The House Magazine in October 2012, Grender stated: \"What you don’t get is a hairdresser, what you don’t get is a bus driver. And why don’t you get those people? Because it’s unaffordable for most people to do this kind of thing unless you are relying on a partner.\" The comment attracted adverse media comment from some commentators, though a number of others stated that they believed the comment had been taken out of context,", "id": "11055696" }, { "contents": "Bright Road\n\n\nand economic questions.\" Dandridge, however, had been specifically attracted to the lack of racial conflict in \"Bright Road\"'s story. She wrote that she was \"profoundly fond of ... a theme which showed that beneath any color skin, people were simply people. I had a feeling that themes like this might do more real good than the more hard-hitting protest pictures. I wanted any white girl in the audience to look at me performing in this film and be able to say to herself, 'Why", "id": "18948647" }, { "contents": "Kick-Ass 2 (film)\n\n\nof the Lambs\" and think you are a serial killer. It's a movie and it's fake, and I've known that since I was a kid... I don't want to run around trying to kill people and cuss. If anything, these movies teach you what not to do.\" In April 2012, while \"Kick-Ass 2\" was still in pre-production Mark Millar stated that a third film was also planned. In June 2013, however, he revealed that it was not confirmed", "id": "1584435" }, { "contents": "Völkerpsychologie\n\n\n. People will do this all the time, and this was a topic that Wundt used Völkerpsychologie to study. When someone disagrees with a statement that someone has made in conversation, we may find ourselves interrupting with a “What? Wait a minute, you are incorrect!” long before we can actually describe the actual point of disagreement. We tend to say things before our mind understands exactly why we say them. These examples are the exact reasons that Wundt used to promote his new branch of psychology, and why he", "id": "16844839" }, { "contents": "The Grove (The Walking Dead)\n\n\nthe walkers. Later that evening, Carol talks with Lizzie about why the walkers are dangerous and why it is necessary to kill them. Lizzie says she understands now what she needs to do. Mika says she does not want to \"be mean\" by killing people and Lizzie tells her you have to, but only sometimes. Carol and Tyreese leave Judith in the care of the sisters as they go hunt. Upon their return, they find that Lizzie has stabbed Mika with a knife, killing her, probably because she", "id": "4013320" }, { "contents": "Barrême\n\n\nfrom the east and the \"Asse de Blieux\" from the south. These rivers merge to form the Asse which flows north-east to eventually join the Durance north-east of Manosque. The \"Asse de Clumanc\" flows from the north to join the \"Asse de Moriez\". The commune attracts geologists from around the world due to its rich diversity of ammonite fossils. The commune gave its name to a Stage of the Mesozoic (or secondary era) called the \"Barremian\" (4th stage of the Lower", "id": "10278421" }, { "contents": "Graboid\n\n\nthey sense is processed into an infrared-camera-like image, just as how Shriekers see the world. An Ass-Blaster's heat vision is much more detailed than a Shrieker's. Like the other creatures, Ass-Blasters are also attracted to inedible heat sources such as fires. For reasons unexplained in the film, unlike their previous life cycle stage of Shriekers, Ass-Blasters will slip into a coma after eating too much, instead of multiplying. Like the other life-cycle stages, Ass-Blasters", "id": "11073840" }, { "contents": "Subway (Homicide: Life on the Street)\n\n\nI even saying the son of a bitch's name?\" was changed to \"Why am I even saying the twerp's name?\", and his line, \"Go find another train and throw your miserable stupid ass in front of it\" was changed to \"throw yourself in front of it\". Consulting producer Gail Mutrux recommended feature film director Gary Fleder to direct \"Subway\" because she believed he would provide visually engaging direction without distracting from the story in the script. Other \"Homicide: Life on the", "id": "10286084" }, { "contents": "Sugarshock!\n\n\na solo act by the name of \"Sensitive Guy\", whom Dandelion thinks \"was great\". On the ride home, Dandelion cries and asks rhetorically \"...Why do we fail...?\" despite being comforted by their groupie (who is later revealed to be a mechanic), \"I thought you guys kicked ass.\", whom Wade, the band's drummer, is planning to use for sex. Wade silences him, saying \"You remember you're not allowed to talk until after I've used", "id": "13143255" }, { "contents": "Why Did You Do That?\n\n\nAlly] defended her music. It doesn't have to be what he thinks music should be – music can be everything. It can be a serious song, it can be a pop song, it can be a song about an ass.\" Blair also defended the lyrics in an interview with \"The Washington Post\", saying that it was written to specifically portray Ally's career \"taking off\", and hence it had to be \"more bubbly and mainstream\". He felt whatever the song Jackson would have", "id": "6979866" }, { "contents": "Online community\n\n\nalong with the new technologies. Many researchers have used ethnography to attempt to understand what people do in online spaces, how they express themselves, what motivates them, how they govern themselves, what attracts them, and why some people prefer to observe rather than participate. Online communities can congregate around a shared interest and can be spread across multiple websites. Some signs of community are: There is a set of values known as netiquette (or Internet etiquette) to consider as an online community develops. Some of these values include", "id": "1620742" }, { "contents": "Sexual intercourse\n\n\nis believed to have a more significant impact on women than on men, which may be why women associate sexual attraction or sexual activity with romance and love more than men do. A long-term study of 3,500 people between ages 18 and 102 by clinical neuropsychologist David Weeks indicated that, based on impartial ratings of the subjects' photographs, sex on a regular basis helps people look significantly chronologically younger. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are bacteria, viruses or parasites that are spread by sexual contact, especially vaginal, anal", "id": "7767599" }, { "contents": "Childhood amnesia\n\n\nChildren also show an ability to nonverbally recall events that occurred before they had the vocabulary to describe them, whereas adults do not. Findings such as these prompted research into when and why people lose these previously accessible memories. Some suggest that as children age, they lose the ability to recall preverbal memories. One explanation for this maintains that after developing linguistic skills, memories that were not encoded verbally get lost within the mind. This theory also explains why many individuals' early memories are fragmented – the nonverbal components were lost.", "id": "12912701" }, { "contents": "Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight\n\n\nas Kamen Rider Wing Knight, but the pair join forces after Kit learns that an alien warlord named Xaviax is responsible for his father's disappearance and intends on abducting him and the entire human race to gain power and rebuild Xaviax's homeworld. Xaviax tricks people on Earth into working for him by promising them whatever they want, or in some cases, by exploiting their fears and desperation. Kit wonders why Xaviax has to trick them and why he doesn't just find bad guys to do the work for him. Len tells", "id": "16407034" }, { "contents": "Funky Dragon\n\n\n, Why do people’s ages go up not down? was produced). Our Rights, Our Story focused on specific areas of children’s rights •Education •Health •Information •Participation •Special Interest Groups Key findings identified by the children and young people included: •Increasing children and young people’s awareness that they have rights •The need for schools to offer guidance and support for young people to help them develop their opinions •Being listened to more by the government •For under 11’s to have a greater say in decisions affecting them. ‘Our Rights,", "id": "7584186" }, { "contents": "Lou Aronica\n\n\nWhy People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do\" (2007), with Clotaire Rapaille \"Miraculous Health: How to Heal Your Body by Unleashing the Hidden Power of Your Mind\" (2008), with Dr. Rick Levy \"The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything\" (2009), with Sir Ken Robinson \"Conscientious Equity\" (2010), with Neal Ashbury \"Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life\" (2013), with Sir Ken Robinson", "id": "9440758" }, { "contents": "Phat Girlz\n\n\nwhy she is so thin. Akibo and Stacey go on to have days packed with vigorous sex and Mia leaves the party early to go back to the hotel and wallow in self pity over not finding an attractive Dr. Like Stacey and Jazmin. Tunde and Jazmin begin dating with Jazmin constantly questioning his attraction to her, to herself and to Tunde. Going as far as to ask him if he is truly interested in her, why hasn't he tried to sleep with her? Tunde tells Jazmin he was trying to be respectful", "id": "2204315" }, { "contents": "Steamtown, U.S.A.\n\n\n, 1973, the Vermont location had attracted only 65,000 visitors. Self-syndicated newspaper columnist Michael McManus once said that his goal in writing his weekly column was \"to suggest answers to problems of the old industrial states.\" In March 1982 a substantial article by McManus appeared in the \"Bangor Daily News\". In the article, McManus proposed several reasons why a city, like Chicago, Pittsburgh, or Scranton might find the addition of a tourist attraction like Steamtown beneficial. McManus went on to explain why the business was", "id": "2249747" }, { "contents": "Estella Sneider\n\n\nArmstrong, committed suicide. \"E! News\" interviewed Sneider, where she talked about dealing with suicidal patients. \"When I see general patients who have been suicidal, I ask what their plans are, why did they choose that. Explain the plans such as who will find them and what do they think people will think? It's amazing when people start exploring, they get to the message and the real pain that they're feeling. They let it go. Unfortunately, I wish more people would reach out", "id": "320253" }, { "contents": "Anne Foster\n\n\ninteresting and I'd like to do it again. It's nice to play someone with no redeeming features. You have to find out why people are like this.\" Numerous viewers correctly guessed that Anne was Frank's murderer, including singer Cheryl Cole. During an interview with Lancel, which was broadcast on \"Radio City\", Taylor admitted that while people had suspected her, she thought it would be a surprise when she was revealed to be Frank's killer. Taylor also revealed people had also confronted her in public", "id": "9912960" }, { "contents": "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao\n\n\nfor his next piece of ass\" (217). Trujillo's appetite for ass was \"insatiable\" (217), pushing him to do unspeakable things. His culture of placing appearance above all else does nothing to deemphasize appearance in Dominican culture, seeing as in a normal political atmosphere people follow their leaders, much less in the tightly controlled Trujillan dictatorship. Abelard, by withholding his daughter's \"off-the-hook looks\" (216) from Trujillo, he was in effect committing \"treason\" (217", "id": "19112878" }, { "contents": "Stranger With A Camera\n\n\nO'Connor's death, she now desires to find out why it happened. She wonders, what brought these two men, one with a camera and one with a gun, face to face back in 1967? She poses several questions in the beginning of the film. What is the difference between how people see their own place and how others represent it? Who does get to tell the community's story? What are the storytellers' responsibilities? And, what do these questions have to do with the murder of Hugh O'Connor", "id": "11376971" }, { "contents": "Ian Beale\n\n\nIan to do, she'd find a way of justifying it. It's true. He can be nice to his family but he can be devious with them as well. He can stitch people up but can be very generous. You can get away with doing anything with Ian. It's probably why I'm still here.\" Obsession with success has been an underlying theme with the character for almost the entire duration of the show, but the acceleration of Ian's nasty side can be traced back to his disastrous", "id": "17585413" }, { "contents": "Linguistic anthropology\n\n\nstructures, including the dropping of \"thee\" and \"thou\" from everyday English usage. Woolard, in her overview of \"code switching\", or the systematic practice of alternating linguistic varieties within a conversation or even a single utterance, finds the underlying question anthropologists ask of the practice—Why do they do that?—reflects a dominant linguistic ideology. It is the ideology that people should \"really\" be monoglot and efficiently targeted toward referential clarity rather than diverting themselves with the messiness of multiple varieties in play at a single time", "id": "4637413" }, { "contents": "Alex Cross\n\n\nService agent Jezzie Flannigan. After discovering Soneji's hideout, Alex figures out that he is trying to create a \"crime of the century\", paralleling the 1932 Lindbergh kidnapping. With Jezzie's help, Alex stops Soneji from kidnapping the Russian's president's son, Dimitri Starodubov. Jezzie asks Alex why he takes such cases. He replies that people find something that they have a gift for, or that they like to do and get good at, telling her that \"you are what you do\". During their", "id": "8541739" }, { "contents": "Fuck the Police (J Dilla song)\n\n\n2001. In 2003, Dilla revealed his motivations behind writing the song: \"That's a song I been wanting to do for a long-ass time. I need to do a Part 2 actually. It's getting so crazy in Detroit now with the police, man. I just felt like I wanted to speak on it. People knew it from N.W.A, but I just wanted to touch it on a more underground level so the people that I fuck with can relate too and people know that it's still", "id": "21116239" }, { "contents": "Perils of Paranoia\n\n\nentered in the computer when House leaves the clinic early because he got an emergency page. Foreman tells Nurse Regina to find someone who can do the paperwork because he has to leave. House arrives home to find Wilson in a net trap. Wilson sent the emergency page and calls House an ass. House won't let Wilson out of the trap until he admits that House is too clever to let Wilson ever find a gun even if he had one and will always be one step ahead of him. Foreman is at the", "id": "21008613" }, { "contents": "Another Country (novel)\n\n\npastime of committing suicide, who let a white homosexual fuck him in the ass, and who took a Southern Jezebel for his woman, with all that these tortured relationships imply, was the epitome of a black eunuch who has completely submitted to the white man. Yes, Rufus was a psychological freedom rider, turning the ultimate cheek, murmuring like a ghost \"You took the best so why not take the rest\", which has absolutely nothing to do with the way that Negroes have managed to survive here in the hells", "id": "18089737" }, { "contents": "Henry Hyde Champion\n\n\nestablished a weekly paper the \"Champion\" which lasted until 1897, and he also published in Melbourne in 1895 \"The Root of the Matter\", a series of dialogues on social questions, which gave moderate statement of the socialist position, but attracted little attention. Champion could not, however, find his place in politics in Australia. He could not see eye to eye with the Australian Labor Party, and a statement, possibly made in haste, that this party consisted of lions led by asses did not help the", "id": "3469411" }, { "contents": "Stranger in the Alps\n\n\nStranger in the Alps is the debut studio album by American musician Phoebe Bridgers, released by Dead Oceans on September 22, 2017. The album's title is a reference to the edited-for-TV version of the film \"The Big Lebowski\". In the original, John Goodman's character says, \"Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?\" but the line is changed in the edited-for-TV version to, \"Do you see what happens when you find a", "id": "3031077" } ]
Why did America lose the Vietnam War despite having an overall superior army and economy?
[{"answer": "The Vietnamese were guerrilla warriors all the way and used ingenuity over might. Here are just some of the low-cost tactics they used to defeat the U.S. army: 1) When they discovered that Americans were using \"jumping landmines\", as in when you step on them they spring up and explode in the air, they had their scouts follow US troops and spot where they were planting them and risked their lives to dig them up...and plant them in the tops of trees to that when US copters flew over the trees, the downward pressure of the rotors would cause the mines to jump and explode at the helicopters. 2) Manipulate curiosity - The VCs noticed that many Americans had a childlike curiosity. So if they planted a Mickey Mouse doll in the middle of the jungle, troops would invariably be like \"wow, what's this doing here?\", pick it up and trigger a bomb. 3) Insect warfare - Living in the jungle, VCs were accustomed to seeing scorpions and tarantulas all over the place and quickly realized they freaked out Americans. If they didn't have bombs at their disposal, the VC would rig boxes full of spiders or scorpions and a trip wire would bring them down on US troops who would shriek in horror, thereby giving away their position and getting mowed down by gunfire."}, {"answer": "It is said that America won the battles but lost the war. The intent of the US was never really to win the war in a traditional sense. It didnt try to invade the North and topple that government. However, there was not sufficent support in the south for that government as most people just viewed any foreign power as no different from the previous. This was exploited by the North which led to the toppling of the goverment AFTER US troops left. There are a lot of historians that view the entire intent of Vietnm as just being a demonstration of US resolve to not let China or Russia meddle in SE asia without understanding the US would act. The comments about the soldiers being ineffective are inaccurate, the US consistently inflicted a 10+ to one casualty ratio on their enemies."}, {"answer": "The US couldn't win the war without invading North Vietnam and they couldn't win the war with North Vietnam unless they invaded China, which would've led to World War III. So they kept grinding for a while, hoping the VC would take enough casualties to give up but the willingness of the US to fight the NVA/VC wherever they were worked against them as they could choose the place of battle. This meant a lot of fighting where the US attacked carefully prepared defensive positions, where the NVA fought them in close quarters where the US couldn't bring its artillery and air support to bear. So the North, even though they lost more men than they killed, controlled the rate of attrition so that they never lost more men than they could lose. The turning point of the war was the 1968 Tet offensive. The VC launched assaults on the cities of South Vietnam hoping to trigger the collapse of South Vietnam. This did not happen and the VC lost a lot of men, but it still proved decisive as it came after US military brass had repeatedly promised that they were winning the war, there was \"a light at the end of the tunnel\". Tet also showed that the South Vietnamese military was incapable of standing up against the North on their own. So the US had the resources to keep grinding, but it seemed that the war could go on indefinitely. The factors that led the US to exit Vietnam were: *Growing political unrest at home. Not enough to threaten the US social order, but growing and not seeming to stop growing as long as the war went on. *Declining morale among the US troops in Vietnam. In extreme cases this was expressed in \"fragging\", where unpopular officers were killed by their own men with a fragmentation hand grenade, but also expressed in widespread drug abuse and refusal to follow orders. Not severe enough to paralyze the US military machine in Vietnam, but growing and not seeming to stop growing as long as the war went on. *The fall of the \"Big Domino\". The US entered the war partly because of the Domino Theory: if Vietnam went Communist, the theory went, the rest of SE Asia would follow with Indonesia being the crucial \"Big Domino\". After the Indonesian military had massacred the Indonesian Communists this was not a concern anymore. *Distraction from the Big Show in Europe. The US military brass wanted to prepare for conventional warfare in Europe against the Soviet Union, not getting experts in fighting penny ante guerrilla wars and develop weapons for counterinsurgency."}, {"answer": "The Vietnam War was not a traditional war. More like an extremely futile police attempt to squash and ideology (\"communism\"). But that never works, because people will not ever let you tell them they HAVE to think one way. So the U.S. ended up looking worse than the actual dictatorships like China. The reason people kept joining the Vietcong is ironically similar to why Americans joined in the Revolutionary War, because apparently a far away nation was trying to bully them into compliance with their ideas. Might sound weird but to them, what the U.S. was doing looked like that."}, {"answer": "The US military was not trained for guerrilla warfare. Super dense jungle and it was often difficult to distinguish the enemy from civilians. These things along with the American technological superiority (napalm) led to huge losses on both sides."}, {"answer": "The US \"lost\" the war in Vietnam because the US wasn't fighting to win but fighting for the sake of fighting. There was no clear criteria for what would amount to \"winning\" the war such as taking territory or seizing infrastructure. This lack of direction led to things like fighting to take a hill only to walk away the next day, then fighting for it again next month. American was fighting to stop the spread of communism into South Vietnam. What that meant in practical terms is that the US was fighting the locals until the locals wouldn't fight anymore... and it turns out there is always more fighting to be done. A superior army doesn't matter when you aren't fighting a conventional army; the US could defeat their enemy anywhere they chose to settle down a fight, but they couldn't stop the guerrilla fighters from holding out somewhere and causing trouble indefinitely. In effect the US military was trying to obtain a political objective and not a military one. You can put a weapon in a soldier's hands and say \"Secure that objective and kill anyone who would stop you!\" but you can't do the same and tell them \"Turn those people into a capitalist democracy!\" The military was just the wrong tool for the job, regardless of how well they fought."}, {"answer": "The US lost primarily because the US really didn't want to be fighting it. Soldiers sure didn't want to be there, people back home didn't want to be there, and there were a lot of communist sympathizers. The US could have won if everyone had been on board with it, but they weren't. Having difficult to work with rules of engagement didn't help matters at all."}, {"answer": "According to my vietnam vet Grandpa it was because of pressure from the public on the administration to stop fighting a war that wasn't ours"}, {"answer": "To answer this question you need to look at two Seperate conflicts with similar goals, that had drastically different results; The Korean War and the Vietnam War. Like Vietnam, the US had roughly the same agenda in Korea, to maintain a non communist State south of a pre determined parallel. That's where the similarities end. The US was far more respectful of North Vietnamese sovereignty than they ever were with North Korean sovereignty, launching a full scale land invasion in the latter case with a relentless air campaign to boot that lasted the entire duration of the campaign, and was so effective that it drew China into the conflict. By the time the Vietnam War rolled around, China had successfully tested a nuclear weapon. The threat of China entering the War went from being a giant pain in the ass to a risk of a thermonuclear exchange. That was a risk the US was never willing to take for Vietnam. Domestically there was a strong communist guerrilla movement throughout the duration of the War that destabilized the South's Government, and caused problems for the US Military(Viet Cong). There was no equivalent to this in South Korea. This insurgent movement was supplied through a porous jungle border with Laos and Cambodia that the US was never able to secure. South Korea is on a penensula and surrounded by water on three sides. During the Vietnam War a rising Civil Rights movement in the US joined forces with a simmering anti war movement to produce extreme domestic opposition to the War. This never occured during the Korean War. Finally, even after all of these issues, the US still successfully negotiated a Korean War style peace treaty with North Vietnam, with one major caveat; The vast majority of US forces had to leave South Vietnam. So while to this day, South Korea has 50,000 US Troops in place in case North Korea decides to break the truce, South Vietnam was relatively unprotected. When North Vietnam broke the truce in 1975, launched an invasion of South Vietnam, and made rapid gains, Gerald Ford went to Congress with an emergency request for funds to defend South Vietnam, Congress rejected that request, North Vietnam's gamble had succeeded, and the US had 72 hours to get remaining American military and embassy officials out of the country before the NVA takeover of South Vietnam was complete."}, {"answer": "Note: History is but a topic of interest to me, I'm no authority on the subject and I haven't studied the war in some time, so there may be inaccuracies. The main reason in my eyes for the loss of the war was the loss of public support, with the Tet Offensive being a major cause. Just before the offensive, there were public statements by the government that the war was nearing its end, yet not long after there was a massive attack on multiple American and South Vietnamese positions simultaneously. Though the attack was a military disaster for the VC and their \"communist uprising\" failed to take place, the shock of the attack convinced many Americans that the war was unwinnable. Overall, the United States inflicted great casualties on the VC and NVA, but they won the propaganda war."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "32611", "title": "Vietnam War", "section": "Section::::Involvement of other countries.:Pro-Hanoi.:China.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 147, "end_paragraph_id": 147, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["China's support for North Vietnam when the U.S. started to intervene included both financial aid and the deployment of hundreds of thousands of military personnel in support roles. In the summer of 1962, Mao Zedong agreed to supply Hanoi with 90,000 rifles and guns free of charge. Starting in 1965, China sent anti-aircraft units and engineering battalions to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, man anti-aircraft batteries, rebuild roads and railroads, transport supplies, and perform other engineering works. This freed North Vietnamese army units for combat in the South. China sent 320,000 troops and annual arms shipments worth $180 million. The Chinese military claims to have caused 38% of American air losses in the war. China claimed that its military and economic aid to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong totaled $20 billion (approx. $143 billion adjusted for inflation in 2015) during the Vietnam War. Included in that aid were donations of 5 million tons of food to North Vietnam (equivalent to NV food production in a single year), accounting for 1015% of the North Vietnamese food supply by the 1970s. Sino-Soviet relations soured after the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968. In October, the Chinese demanded North Vietnam cut relations with Moscow, but Hanoi refused. The Chinese began", "China's support for North Vietnam when the U.S. started to intervene included both financial aid and the deployment of hundreds of thousands of military personnel in support roles. In the summer of 1962, Mao Zedong agreed to supply Hanoi with 90,000 rifles and guns free of charge. Starting in 1965, China sent anti-aircraft units and engineering battalions to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, man anti-aircraft batteries, rebuild roads and railroads, transport supplies, and perform other engineering works. This freed North Vietnamese army units for combat in the South. China sent 320,000 troops and annual arms shipments worth $180 million. The Chinese military claims to have caused 38% of American air losses in the war. China claimed that its military and economic aid to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong totaled $20 billion (approx. $143 billion adjusted for inflation in 2015) during the Vietnam War. Included in that aid were donations of 5 million tons of food to North Vietnam (equivalent to NV food production in a single year), accounting for 1015% of the North Vietnamese food supply by the 1970s. Sino-Soviet relations soured after the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968. In October, the Chinese demanded North Vietnam cut relations with Moscow, but Hanoi refused. The Chinese began"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "32611", "title": "Vietnam War", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["After 1968, Nixon's policy of \"Vietnamization\", saw the conflict fought by an expanded ARVN with US forces sidelined and increasingly demoralized by domestic opposition and reduced recruitment. U.S. ground forces withdrew by late 1971, and U.S. involvement became limited to air and artillery support plus military advice. The ARVN, with U.S. air support stopped the largest and first mechanized PAVN offensive to date during the Easter Offensive of 1972, resulting in mutually heavy casualties but failed to recapture all territory, leaving its military situation difficult. The Paris Peace Accords saw all US forces withdrawn and intervention prohibited by the US Congress on 15 August 1973 as a result of the CaseChurch Amendment. The Peace Accords were broken almost immediately, and fighting continued for two years following the US withdrawal, with 1972 to 1974 seeing heavy fighting and constituting the war's bloodiest years for the ARVN. The 1975 Spring Offensive culminated in the capture of Saigon by the NVA in April 1975; this marked the end of the war, and North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year. The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities (see Vietnam War casualties). Estimates of the number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed", "After 1968, Nixon's policy of \"Vietnamization\", saw the conflict fought by an expanded ARVN with US forces sidelined and increasingly demoralized by domestic opposition and reduced recruitment. U.S. ground forces withdrew by late 1971, and U.S. involvement became limited to air and artillery support plus military advice. The ARVN, with U.S. air support stopped the largest and first mechanized PAVN offensive to date during the Easter Offensive of 1972, resulting in mutually heavy casualties but failed to recapture all territory, leaving its military situation difficult. The Paris Peace Accords saw all US forces withdrawn and intervention prohibited by the US Congress on 15 August 1973 as a result of the CaseChurch Amendment. The Peace Accords were broken almost immediately, and fighting continued for two years following the US withdrawal, with 1972 to 1974 seeing heavy fighting and constituting the war's bloodiest years for the ARVN. The 1975 Spring Offensive culminated in the capture of Saigon by the NVA in April 1975; this marked the end of the war, and North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year. The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities (see Vietnam War casualties). Estimates of the number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Burmese–Siamese War (1759–60)\n\n\nhad since Siam had been at peace for a long time. The Siamese king had to ask his brother to disrobe to lead the war. The lack of military experience of the Siamese command, probably explains why the Siamese defenses despite having geographic defensive advantages and numerical superiority still lost to a smaller, partial-strength Burmese army along the Gulf of Siam, as well as at Suphanburi and outside Ayutthaya. Likewise, without good leadership, the use of foreign mercenaries did not appear to have made a noticeable difference. (The", "id": "6684755" }, { "contents": "Võ Nguyên Giáp\n\n\na few weeks.\" However, American historian Derek Frisby criticized Westmoreland's view, which he said reflected a failure in understanding Giáp's core philosophy of \"revolutionary war\". According to Frisby, \"Giap understood that protracted warfare would cost many lives but that did not always translate into winning or losing the war. In the final analysis, Giap won the war despite losing many battles, and as long as the army survived to fight another day, the idea of Vietnam lived in the hearts of the people who would", "id": "18013003" }, { "contents": "Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam\n\n\ntrying to overthrow the government of South Vietnam. Nixon implicitly conceded the point to the anti-war movement that South Vietnam was not important, saying the real issue was America's credibility, as he maintained that America's allies would lose faith if the United States did not stand by South Vietnam. Nixon promised that his policy of Vietnamization would gradually lower American losses in Vietnam; stated he was willing to compromise provided that North Vietnam recognized South Vietnam; and finally warned that would take \"strong and effective measures\" if the", "id": "12357220" }, { "contents": "Vietnam Syndrome\n\n\nmilitary was losing the war on the battlefield \"despite\" its superior firepower and superior technology, due largely to political decisions that hampered the efforts of military command. Military historians and those who participated in the war note that indeed, the full spread of United States military technology, numbers, and expertise was present during the war, all the way to its very end, but the requirement of individual bombing raids being approved by the Commander in Chief personally, hindered the ability of commanders in country to execute an effective war strategy", "id": "1813022" }, { "contents": "The Vietnam War (TV series)\n\n\nHe also felt that Burns did not properly explain why American generals ordered their forces to fight so fiercely for seemingly meaningless hills; Moyar feels that engaging the Viet Cong in sparsely populated areas was a superior option to letting them draw near populated cities, where American airpower and artillery would require more careful use. Moyar also contended that Burns and Novick should have more strongly emphasized the amount of foreign aid that the North Vietnamese received from the Chinese and that both Vietnams were not entirely self-sufficient. He also believed that Nixon,", "id": "5482188" }, { "contents": "Marxism–Leninism\n\n\nStates replaced France as the Western power supporting the client-state Republic of Vietnam (1955–1975). Despite military superiority, the U.S. failed to safeguard South Vietnam from the Viet Cong, the guerrilla army sponsored by North Vietnam. In 1968, North Vietnam launched the Tet Offensive, which, although a military failure, was successful psychological warfare that decisively turned international public opinion against the U.S's intervention to the Vietnamese civil war, which led to military withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973, and the subsequent Fall of Saigon to the North", "id": "945088" }, { "contents": "1968 in the United States\n\n\nVietnam. United States support for South Vietnam was at its' zenith. Antiwar sentiment continued to grow and an increasing number of Americans questioned United States involvement in Vietnam, as the United States was also drafting young men to fight for South Vietnam and South Vietnam did not have a draft for its own citizens, the war continued despite changing US public opinion. North Vietnam benefited politically from the Tet offensive when Walter Cronkite,a well respected television newscaster, aka:\"the most trusted man in America\" after being so named in an opinion", "id": "879105" }, { "contents": "Pescadores campaign\n\n\nnow, after saving China's military honour, the overall situation in China will once again worsen. It is very dangerous to send an army deep into a strange country, and nothing is certain in warfare. Even if we are successful, Vietnam does not belong to us. But Taiwan is a part of China. If money and reinforcements fail to get through to Taiwan, we will lose it and never get it back. It will then be difficult both to fight on and to make peace, so why should we", "id": "22024859" }, { "contents": "Vietnam War\n\n\n, deploying ground combat units for the first time and increasing troop levels to 184,000. Past this point, the People's Army of Vietnam (known also as the NVA) engaged in more conventional warfare with US and South Vietnamese forces. Every year onward there was significant build-up of US forces despite little progress, with Robert McNamara one of the principal architects of the war, expressing doubts of victory by the end of 1966. U.S. and SVN forces relied on air superiority and overwhelming firepower to conduct search and destroy operations", "id": "14215270" }, { "contents": "Sigma war games\n\n\nRepublic of Vietnam hinder its support of the southern insurgency? Conversely, would the bombing help the south? And would they affect joint operations by the People's Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong? Overall, game results were discouraging. Vietnam's agricultural economy was largely self-sustaining, with imported foreign aid supplying its technological needs. With game play so closely paralleling real life plans and events, it was concluded that raising the necessary American troops would require a state of national emergency within the United States. The increase in", "id": "7676830" }, { "contents": "California Army National Guard\n\n\nCompany received mobilization orders. Despite being trained at Fort Lewis, Washington, the 18th Armored Cavalry never went to Vietnam. Instead, their gear was equipped to units of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. The 18th Armored Cavalry was sent back to California, though many of its members went on to serve in Vietnam. Units and members of the California Army National Guard have served in: World War I, World War II, Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield, Bosnia, Kosovo", "id": "19647987" }, { "contents": "People's Army of Vietnam\n\n\n. We understood that the U.S. Army was superior to our own logistically, in weapons and in all things. So strategically we did not hope to defeat the U.S. Army completely. Our intentions were to fight a long time and cause heavy casualties to the United States, so the United States would see that the war was unwinnable and would leave. During the Vietnamese Lunar New Year Tết holiday starting on 30 January 1968, the PAVN launched a general offensive in more than 60 cities and towns throughout south of Vietnam against the US", "id": "14049721" }, { "contents": "Walt Whitman Rostow\n\n\nAmerican economy. Likewise, North Vietnam imported all of its oil from the Soviet Union, and the North Vietnamese loaded drums of oil from Soviet tankers at sea to sampans, which then entered North Vietnam via that country's intricate network of rivers and canals. For this reason, the destruction of North Vietnam's oil shortage tanks by American bombers in 1967 did not affect North Vietnam's capacity to wage war. The North Vietnamese developed a system of hiding the oil drums underground all across the country. Despite all of the devastation", "id": "16008494" }, { "contents": "Economy of the Confederate States of America\n\n\nwar it was the primary iron and artillery production facility of the Confederacy. Birmingham, Alabama did not produce iron until 1864. Production from this region was minor throughout the war. The Gallego Flour Mills in Richmond gained international reputation for the superior type of flour which it shipped to Europe and South America. At the time of their destruction in 1865, they were the largest of their kind in the world. Salt was a crucial resource during the Civil War. Salt not only preserved food in the days before refrigeration, but", "id": "117630" }, { "contents": "Fragging\n\n\nin the latter years of the Vietnam War was symptomatic of the unpopularity of the war with the American public and the breakdown of discipline in the U.S. Armed Forces. Documented and suspected fragging incidents totaled nearly nine hundred from 1969 to 1972. Soldiers have killed colleagues, especially superior officers, since the beginning of armed conflict, with many documented instances throughout history (one such attempt was on unpopular Civil War general Braxton Bragg). However, the practice of fragging seems to have been relatively uncommon in American armies until the Vietnam War", "id": "11089918" }, { "contents": "Coastal defence ship\n\n\n\"Sverige\"-class ships were one reason why Germany did not invade Sweden during World War II. Such speculation appeared in \"Warship Magazine Annual 1992\" in the article 'The Sverige Class Coastal Defence Ships,' by Daniel G. Harris. This could be said to have been partly confirmed in the post war publication of German tactical orders, and of scenarios regarding attacking Sweden. The problems of maintaining an army in Sweden without sea superiority were emphasized, and the lack of available suitable units to face the Swedish navy was pointed out (", "id": "16691018" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Shariff\n\n\nimmediate success, but it had no long-lasting effects. As the war progressed, he insisted on deployment of the combat warships to mount a serious pressure on the Indian Navy's Eastern Naval Command but the Navy NHQ did not grant his wishes in fear of losing the warships into the hands of the enemy. He personally led many operations undertaken after the deployment of the Marines and SSG(N) against the Eastern Command of the Indian Army despite logistical disadvantages. Overall, the Pakistan Navy performed its mission task well and diligently by", "id": "8077330" }, { "contents": "1968 in the Vietnam War\n\n\nfor his television special \"Who, What, When, Where, Why?\" gives a highly critical editorial and urges America to leave Vietnam \"...not as victors, but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could.\" Battle of Lima Site 85 was a battle for control of a secret radar site at Phou Pha Thi, Laos. In Quảng Trị Province, just of the DMZ, the 3rd Marine Division begins Operation Scotland II to drive the North", "id": "15364258" }, { "contents": "Vietnam War body count controversy\n\n\nStates in the Vietnam War was not to conquer North Vietnam but rather to ensure the survival of the South Vietnamese government, measuring progress was difficult. All the contested territory was theoretically \"held\" already. Instead, the US Army used body counts to show that the US was winning the war. The Army's theory was that eventually, the Viet Cong (VC) and People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) would lose after the attrition warfare. According to historian Christian Appy, \"search and destroy was the principal", "id": "19498144" }, { "contents": "List of Warrior Nun Areala characters\n\n\n. He goes to comic book conventions even at his age; he allegedly gets autographs for parishioners. In his youth he was a Catholic US Army Chaplain in the 863rd Corps in the Vietnam War and befriended the Antarctic Press superhero Tomorrow Man—and collected Tomorrow Man's comic books. He was also instrumental in rebuilding the Vietnam veteran's broken self-confidence and giving him back his powers after losing them in the war. He is one of the few characters in the series who, despite his occasional superheroics, \"does", "id": "3182074" }, { "contents": "Eritrean–Ethiopian War\n\n\nfeared the restart of the border war but the date passed without any conflict. There were many reasons why war did not resume. Former U.S. Ambassador David Shinn said both Ethiopia and Eritrea were in a bad position. Many fear the weak Eritrean economy is not improving like those of other African nations while others say Ethiopia is bogged down in Mogadishu. David Shinn said Ethiopia has \"a very powerful and so far disciplined national army that made pretty short work of the Eritreans in 2000 and the Eritreans have not forgotten that.\"", "id": "20614293" }, { "contents": "Walt Whitman Rostow\n\n\n, rural Third Nation nation, and that paradoxically that North Vietnam's very backwardness was a form of strength. McNamara noted that even before the American bombing, the total annual hydroelectric production of North Vietnam amounted only to a fifth of the annual hydroelectric production produced by the Potomatc Electric Power Company's plant in Alexandria, Virginia. For this reason, McNamara stated that knocking out North Vietnam's hydroelectric plants did not have the same catastrophic effect on the North Vietnamese economy that knocking out America's hydroelectric plants would have had on the", "id": "16008493" }, { "contents": "Suicide (Viktor Suvorov book)\n\n\nSuicide is a book by Viktor Suvorov about German preparations for the war with the Soviet Union. Suvorov argues that the German army was ill-prepared, Germany's leaders were unsophisticated (if not foolish), and that attacking Russia was suicidal for Germany (hence the title of the book), and he suggests an explanation why Hitler nevertheless did what he did. Suvorov compares the German and Soviet armies and concludes that the latter had superiority of almost every kind. Suvorov points to German lack of gasoline in Summer 1941 and", "id": "8452440" }, { "contents": "Richard Nixon\n\n\nUnited States' nuclear superiority. Nixon promised \"peace with honor\" in the Vietnam War and proclaimed that \"new leadership will end the war and win the peace in the Pacific\". He did not release specifics of how he hoped to end the war, resulting in media intimations that he must have a \"secret plan\". His slogan of \"Nixon's the One\" proved to be effective. Johnson's negotiators hoped to reach a truce, or at least a cessation of bombings, in Vietnam prior to the", "id": "5934620" }, { "contents": "Canadian Army\n\n\nGulf War in 1991 and the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, as well as peacekeeping operations under United Nations auspices in various parts of the world. Despite Canada's usual support of British and American initiatives, Canada's land forces did not directly participate in the Vietnam War or the Iraq War. Command of the Army is exercised by the Commander of the Canadian Army within National Defence Headquarters located in Ottawa. The Army is divided into four force generating divisions based on geography; the 2nd Canadian Division is based in Quebec, the", "id": "13860438" }, { "contents": "Vietnam War\n\n\nchống Mỹ\" (Resistance War Against America), but less formally as 'Cuộc chiến tranh Mỹ' (The American War). It is also called \"Chiến tranh Việt Nam\" (The Vietnam War). The primary military organizations involved in the war were as follows: One side consisted of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and the United States armed forces, while the other side consisted of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) (more commonly called the North Vietnamese Army, or", "id": "14215278" }, { "contents": "Criticism of United States foreign policy\n\n\nhistorical criticisms of U.S. warmaking capability; in the War of 1812, the U.S. was unable to conquer British North America (area of modern-day Canada) despite several attempts and allegedily having superior resources; the U.S. Capitol was burned in retaliation for the burning of the opposition's Parliament building and the settlement ending the war did not bring any major concessions from the British aside from ending practices such as impressments of United States sailors which started the war in the first place. Other affects included reduced influence of the British in Western", "id": "4473773" }, { "contents": "Vang Pao\n\n\nan editorial, published in the \"Minneapolis Star Tribune\", critical of the decision by the U.S. Secretary of the Army not permitting Vang's burial in Arlington National Cemetery. Despite the U.S. Secretary of the Army's unpopular and widely criticized decision, the CPPA, along with the Lao Veterans of America Institute, Lao Veterans of America, Inc. (LVA), and others helped to organize national veterans ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery in May 2011 to honor Vang's contribution to U.S. national security efforts during the Vietnam War. The", "id": "753801" }, { "contents": "Laotian Civil War\n\n\nCIA proprietary airline Air America, Thailand, the Royal Lao Air Force, and a covert air operation directed by the United States ambassador to Laos, fought the People's Army of Vietnam, the National Liberation Front (NLF), and their Pathet Lao allies to a seesaw stalemate, greatly aiding U.S. interests in the war in Vietnam. The status of the war in the north throughout the year generally depended on the weather. As the dry season started, in November or December, so did North Vietnamese military operations, as", "id": "754147" }, { "contents": "William Westmoreland\n\n\nMy Luoc and so many other hamlets, I can say with certainty that Westmoreland's assessment was false\". He also accused Westmoreland of concealing evidence of atrocities from the American public when he was the Army Chief of Staff. Historian Derek Frisby also criticized Westmoreland's view during an interview with \"Deutsche Welle\": For the remainder of his life, Westmoreland maintained that the United States did not lose the war in Vietnam; he stated instead that \"our country did not fulfill its commitment to South Vietnam. By virtue of", "id": "2496625" }, { "contents": "Puerto Ricans in the Vietnam War\n\n\nbe an unincorporated territory of the United States, adopted the name of \"Estado Libre Asociado\" (\"Free Associated State\"). Despite this \"free association,\" the Puerto Rican government and military remained under complete U.S. jurisdiction. The 65th Infantry was deactivated in 1956, however the Department of the Army was persuaded to transfer the 65th Infantry from the regular Army to the Puerto Rico National Guard. Since then Puerto Ricans have served in regular integrated units of the military. The Vietnam War was fought between communist North Vietnam", "id": "395490" }, { "contents": "History of the US Army National Guard\n\n\nduring the Vietnam War were Artillery battalions from Kentucky and New Hampshire, and an Engineer company from Vermont. Company D (Long Range Patrol) 151st Infantry Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard, was the only National Guard Infantry unit to serve in Vietnam. Overall, between 12,000 and 13,000 Army National Guard members were activated for the Vietnam War, either as individual volunteers or in units. The National Guard was also activated to quell numerous civil disturbances, including anti-Vietnam War protests and urban riots. The most notable of these", "id": "11173993" }, { "contents": "Field punishment\n\n\ntime in the army prison at Holsworthy outside Sydney when questions were raised in the Australian parliament. Following a visit by Gough Whitlam and a vote in parliament he was released forthwith. Major Tedder was Court Martialed but acquitted as Gunner O'Neill did not give evidence and the illegal punishment had been condoned by a Superior officer. To date Gunner O'Neill has not told his side of the story. New Zealand servicemen that served in the Vietnam War with V Force (Vietnam Force) were not exempt from field punishment with some being locked inside", "id": "12705080" }, { "contents": "Viet Cong and Vietnam People's Army logistics and equipment\n\n\n. In terms of stopping Hanoi's ruthless drive for reunification, the overall US bombing campaign, with its varied stops and starts, was ultimately ineffective in the face of cascading imports from socialist allies, political restraints on American action, the remorseless marshaling of the populace, and the stoic endurance of the North Vietnamese. A post-war analysis by the BDM Corporation, a think-tank contractor in Vietnam, summarized the efficiency and effectiveness of VC/NVA logistics as follows: Subsequently the Communist Vietnamese leadership outlasted America's eight", "id": "95967" }, { "contents": "Operation Dewey Canyon\n\n\nOperation Dewey Canyon was the last major offensive by the 3rd Marine Division during the Vietnam War. It took place from 22 January through 18 March 1969 and involved a sweep of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN)–dominated A Shau and Song Đa Krông Valleys by the 9th Marine Regiment. Based on intelligence and captured documents, the PAVN unit in contact was believed to be the 9th Regiment. The 56 days of combat were a tactical success but did not stop the overall flow of North Vietnamese men and matériel into South Vietnam.", "id": "10428898" }, { "contents": "The Mountie (film)\n\n\nunhappy about a fort being built on the land they have settled, which means moving. After an encounter with other visiting Cossacks, Grayling realizes why, and why they killed the man: the community's economy is based largely on the opium trade. Olaf maintains and harvests poppies. Grayling has personal reasons for putting a stop to it, as he was disgraced in the eyes of his superiors since he was found in a Chinese opium den the previous year. Grayling wages a one-man war against Olaf and the visitors", "id": "18684771" }, { "contents": "Life (magazine)\n\n\nthe Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. The prestigious award was made for the magazine's publication of stunning photos from the war in Southeast Asia, such as Henri Huet's riveting series of a wounded medic that were published in January 1966. Increasingly, the photos that \"Life\" published of the war in Vietnam were searing images of death and loss. Despite the industry's accolades and publishing America's mission to the moon in 1969, the magazine continued to lose circulation. Time Inc. announced in January 1971 its decision to", "id": "15709476" }, { "contents": "Rise of the Argentine Republic\n\n\nturned Buenos Aires into the capital city of Argentina and nationalized its port, as the Buenos Aires province would lose the exclusive benefit from it. Federals did not accept that the president would have the power to appoint provincial governors. His authority was further weakened by the outcome of the war: despite of the military victories, Rivadavia wanted the army to return and protect him from an attack from the other provinces, so he ordered to rush a treaty ending the war. This treaty did not formalize the region as an Argentine province", "id": "4202176" }, { "contents": "Subway Wars\n\n\ncan outrun everyone, though he soon begins to lose energy. Future Ted discusses why each of them personally felt the need to win the race. Lily had been feeling dejected after having been unable to conceive a baby with Marshall for two months, Marshall was feeling the same, believing it to be his fault, Ted had been stunned after receiving a negative review on a teacher rating website (despite having received many positive ones), Robin was feeling bad after the terrible year she'd had, while Barney really did not", "id": "807943" }, { "contents": "Gift economy\n\n\nends has been linked to subsistence agriculture and the need for subsistence insurance in hard times. James C. Scott points out, however, that those who provide this subsistence insurance to the poor in bad years are wealthy patrons who exact a political cost for their aid; this aid is given to recruit followers. The concept of moral economy has been used to explain why peasants in a number of colonial contexts, such as the Vietnam War, have rebelled. Some may confuse common property regimes with gift exchange systems. \"Commons\"", "id": "4914900" }, { "contents": "Iu Mien Americans\n\n\ncamps. After the Lao Civil War also known to be the Vietnam war, the US accepted Iu Mien refugees to America for resettlement as any of the war torn country. From 1976 to 1979, the first wave of Mien families began to arrive in the United States. Mien people have faced numerous obstacles in resettlement. They were forced to move from a non-industrial, slash and burn economy, to an industrialized, post-modern economy. Lack of exposure to formal education and paid labor has led Mien refugees to", "id": "14107130" }, { "contents": "Doctor Sivana\n\n\nAtom-Smasher, but Cap leaped back out the window and escaped. During the fight, Sivana's returning army angrily asked why Captain Marvel had defeated them in their war against America despite their highly advanced weaponry. Sivana appeared to have been killed by the Atom-Smasher blast, but he returned a short time later, having somehow learned Captain Marvel's identity. He sent a letter to Billy Batson to lure him to the planet Venus, disguising himself as 'Professor Xerxes Smith'. Sivana's henchmen bound and gagged", "id": "2877312" }, { "contents": "How Sleep the Brave\n\n\nHow Sleep the Brave, is a 1981 Vietnam war film shot in England. It stars Lawrence Day, Luis Manuel, Thomas M. Polland and Christopher Muncke, and is produced by Lindsay Shonteff and Elizabeth Laurie, written by Bobby Bauer and Jeremy Lee Francis, and directed by Lindsay Shonteff. During the Vietnam War of Christmas 1969, a group of fresh young American soldiers who arrive at an army camp in Vietnam are sent to patrol in a nearby jungle. Once they have killed a few Viet Cong soldiers and losing a couple", "id": "9173994" }, { "contents": "1956 in the Vietnam War\n\n\nof Communism has been halted.\" Ho Chi Minh said that \"the U.S. imperialists and the pro-American authorities in South Vietnam have been plotting to partition our country permanently and prevent the holding of free general elections as provided for by the Geneva Agreements\" The Joint Chiefs of Staff said that \"the major threat [to South Vietnam] continues to be that of subversion.\" The CIA agreed. Despite those conclusions, American assistance to the South Vietnamese army was focused on building an army to deal with a conventional military", "id": "7980100" }, { "contents": "The Gladiator (Turtledove novel)\n\n\nKennedy decides to allow the Soviet missiles to remain in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the complete withdrawal from the Vietnam War in 1968. Thus, communism spreads throughout Latin America and Southeast Asia giving the Soviet Union an upper hand in economic and military strength over the United States. Due to the embargo of the many countries that were integrated into the Soviet Sphere, the United States' economy collapses and goes bankrupt and loses its position as a superpower, and most European countries become communist afterward in the 1980s and 1990s,", "id": "18477300" }, { "contents": "Jon Monday\n\n\nSmith. Jon Monday enlisted in the army in March 1965. After completing his basic training and courses in advanced electronics, he volunteered to become a paratrooper and was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division. As the Vietnam war escalated, Monday turned his attention to becoming a Conscientious Objector, feeling that the war did not reflect the high ideals of America and America's democracy. He refused to participate in the war and eventually he was given a court martial, at which he pointed out that the Nuremberg Trials had established the right", "id": "6522502" }, { "contents": "Battle of Wagram\n\n\n, almost equally divided between the two armies. For the Austrians, Aspern-Essling was a costly victory. Crucially, it improved the overall morale of the troops as it proved that, despite their early string of defeats, the army could fight extremely well. However, in the weeks following the battle, Archduke Charles became increasingly skeptical about his chances of winning the war. His analysis of the battle revealed that he had been unable to capitalise on his overwhelming numerical superiority and had thus failed to achieve more than a tactical", "id": "2784" }, { "contents": "Martin Boyd\n\n\ndid. Throughout the years his consistent opposition to war included the publication of a seven-part protest pamphlet during the war in Vietnam entitled \"Why They Walk Out\" (1970). Extracts of the essay were published in Australia. Boyd returned to Australia after World War One but found he no longer fitted in. Because of his decision to join the British Army, he felt that a wedge had developed between him and his friends as their wartime experiences were different. Listless and directionless he left Melbourne in 1921 to live", "id": "15927548" }, { "contents": "Why Are We in Vietnam?\n\n\nChristopher Lehman-Haupt takes up Mailer's own intimations of comparisons to the work to James Joyce, and finds \"WWVN\" wanting. He laments the book's stilted dialogue and thinky veiled devices as heavy-handed and polemical, arguing that subtleties and verisimilitude are compromised in order for Mailer to plow through to his true ends-an indictment of modern America's greed, blundering, bloody-thirsty war mongering and overreliance on psychoanalysis and technology. Despite what Lehman-Haupt assesses to be Mailer's rather ham-handed,", "id": "15097431" }, { "contents": "1955 in the Vietnam War\n\n\n's policy to restore and develop the economy of North Vietnam. One of his priorities was a land reform program to give \"land to the tillers.\" South Vietnam became independent from the French Union's franc zone and South Vietnam's army became eligible to receive U.S. military aid directly rather than through the French military establishment still present in South Vietnam. The change increased Prime Minister Ngô Đình Diệm's control of the army. With the advice of American and French experts, the government of South Vietnam adopted Ordinance No. 2", "id": "7979844" }, { "contents": "State-building\n\n\nsocial control and institutions as the necessary condition. Such cases include the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War in Europe, the expansion of world economy into Asia, Africa and Latin America in the 19th century, the combination of war and revolution in China, Korea and Vietnam and mass migration in Taiwan and Israel in the 20th century. Furthermore, he listed the sufficient conditions as follows: Some commentators have used the term \"nation-building\" interchangeably with \"state-building\" (e.g. Rand report on America's", "id": "11491718" }, { "contents": "Proxy war\n\n\nto engage in proxy warfare (despite military superiority) when a majority of their citizens oppose declaring or entering a conventional war. This featured prominently in US strategy following the Vietnam War, due to the so-called \"Vietnam Syndrome\" of extreme war weariness among the American population. This was also a significant factor in motivating the US to enter conflicts such as the Syrian Civil War via proxy actors, after a series of costly, drawn-out direct engagements in the Middle East spurred a recurrence of war weariness, a", "id": "14037488" }, { "contents": "Peace Action\n\n\n, SANE advocated Congressional cut-off of funds for the Vietnam war. After the end of the Vietnam War, SANE lobbied to have Congress end the bombing of Cambodia, and helped lead a successful effort to pass the War Powers Act. SANE would also take on the military budget, and produced the \"America Has a Tapeworm\" ad. Despite the end of the war, SANE continued actions throughout the 1970s that promoted its purpose. During the 1980s, SANE continued to monitor the political and military actions of the U.S.", "id": "919402" }, { "contents": "Imperial Japanese Army Air Service\n\n\nthey did not have the fuel or the time to use the trainers they did have. Because of this, towards the end of its existence the JAAF resorted to \"kamikaze\" attacks against overwhelmingly superior Allied forces. Important aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II were: Fighters: Bombers: Forward air control aircraft: Transports: Reconnaissance Planes: Trainers: Other planes: Before World War I, the basic unit of the Army Air Service was the , each", "id": "2033562" }, { "contents": "Mad Travelers\n\n\nbe diagnosed. Secondly, neither Britain nor America had conscript armies during this period. In other countries, such as France, which at the time did have conscription, and thereby their young men were more likely rigorously scrutinised while travelling and, if necessary, jailed or hospitalised (p. 64). Another reason why fugue did not spread in America was that the country did not have a degeneracy programme. France, in contrast, was notorious for low birth rates, vagrancy, insanity and homosexuality - what was at this time", "id": "19034417" }, { "contents": "History of the United States Air Force\n\n\nMinh Trail, while forcing North Vietnam into peace negotiations. The USAF dropped more bombs in all combat operations in Vietnam during the period 1965–68 than it did during World War II, and the Rolling Thunder campaign lasted until the U.S. presidential election of 1968. Except for heavily damaging the North Vietnamese economy and infrastructure, Rolling Thunder failed in its political and strategic goals. The USAF also played a critical role in defeating the Easter Offensive of 1972. The rapid redeployment of fighters, bombers, and attack aircraft help the South Vietnamese Army", "id": "8975742" }, { "contents": "Peru–Vietnam relations\n\n\n) by using the Vietnam War as an example, though never materialized. It took more than 20 years until the end of Cold War that saw two nations once again established relations at 1994. Modern relations between Peru and Vietnam began after economic reforms in Vietnam, which allowed Vietnam to become a market capitalist economy, and since then two countries enjoy a relatively healthy relations, with strong economic and political cooperation between two countries, making Peru an important market for Vietnamese goods in Latin America. Viettel, a military-backed telecommunication", "id": "7675618" }, { "contents": "William Westmoreland\n\n\nand Phong Nhất massacre a year after the event occurred. Westmoreland was convinced that the Vietnamese communists could be destroyed by fighting a war of attrition that, theoretically, would render the Vietnam People's Army unable to fight. His war strategy was marked by heavy use of artillery and airpower and repeated attempts to engage the communists in large-unit battles, and thereby exploit the US's vastly superior firepower and technology. However, the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF) were", "id": "2496609" }, { "contents": "Economy of Vietnam\n\n\nother WTO members, however, textile quotas under the MFA expired at the end of 2004 as agreed in the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations in 1994. A 2019 study found that Vietnam's WTO entry led to substantial gains in productivity for private firms, but had no impact on state-owned enterprises. In the absence of state-owned enterprises, \"the overall productivity gains would have been about 40% larger in a counterfactual Vietnamese economy.\" Vietnam's economic policy following the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis has been a cautious", "id": "14049651" }, { "contents": "Tanks in the Australian Army\n\n\nThe Australian Army has used tanks from after the First World War, through the interwar period, the Second World War, the Cold War and to the present day. Throughout this period the Army has primarily been a light infantry force, with its tanks mainly being used in the direct support role. The Australian Army's tanks have seen combat during the Second World War and the Vietnam War, where they proved successful despite some of the designs employed being considered obsolete. The first Australian tanks were a small number of British medium", "id": "8771323" }, { "contents": "Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès\n\n\n, beautifully decorated building with baths full of water and people crowding to enter them; she went with them. Sister Ursula asked her why she came back; why she didn't continue to walk. Blessed Rafqa explained, “You called me, and I came.” Rafqa's obedience and love for her superior is quite evident in this account. For a nun, the superior, “as the Rule puts it, represents Christ and is owed respect, obedience and love. Despite her condition, Rafqa did nothing without", "id": "12899118" }, { "contents": "Vietnam Syndrome\n\n\nof Nazi Germany, in which the idea was spread that Germany had not actually lost World War I but had instead been \"stabbed in the back\" by forces from within that secretly wanted Germany to lose that war and to be weakened. That narrative, while central to Nazi Germany's bid for legitimacy - though refuted by unbiased scholars, persists with respect to the Vietnam conflict due largely to the severe imbalance of casualties that the North Vietnamese suffered (a roughly eight to one ratio). In the domestic debate over why", "id": "1813025" }, { "contents": "Third Silesian War\n\n\nthe war nonetheless left Prussia weak: the kingdom's economy and population were devastated (though Frederick's extensive agrarian reforms and encouragement of immigration soon eased both problems); its armed forces had suffered heavy losses (particularly in the officer corps), and the state could not afford to rebuild the army to what it had been before the war. In the succeeding War of the Bavarian Succession (1778–1779) the Prussians fought poorly, despite again being personally led by Frederick, and the Prussian army did not fare well against revolutionary", "id": "19148290" }, { "contents": "Cambodia–Vietnam relations\n\n\nwith North Vietnam, later imitated Lon Nol's actions. There have been many wars between Cambodia and Vietnam. In 1979, as a result of the Cambodian–Vietnamese War, Vietnam overthrew the Khmer Rouge and occupied Cambodia. Vietnamese occupying soldiers and journalists also discovered evidence of the Khmer Rouge's abuses, such as Tuol Sleng prison facility, and widely publicized them. The United States initially suspected the Vietnamese of falsifying this evidence, and warned them not to continue its army's march to Thailand, which they in fact did", "id": "20367314" }, { "contents": "Bulavin Rebellion\n\n\n, Bulavin did not coordinate his efforts with any other pre-existing Muscovite enemies, so despite being heavily engaged in war with Sweden, the military apparatus under Peter was not as divided as it could have been and found the rebellion to be more of a nuisance than a major conflict. By means of its vastly superior size and efficiency, the regular army was ultimately capable of stamping out the rebellion at all levels. In the end, angered by devastating reversals and Bulavin's tiring claims, factions of his own Cossack followers", "id": "2307327" }, { "contents": "Armies in the American Civil War\n\n\nWorse yet, at ranges where gunners were safe from rifle fire, artillery shot and shell were far less effective than canister at close range. Ironically, rifled cannon did not give the equivalent boost to artillery effectiveness that the rifle‑musket gave to the infantry. The increased range of cannons proved no real advantage in the broken and wooded terrain over which so many Civil War battles were fought. There are several possible reasons why Civil War commanders continued to employ the tactical offensive long after it was clear that the defense was superior. Most", "id": "16518623" }, { "contents": "Walt Whitman Rostow\n\n\ncities had hardened the will of the British public, and he now argued that American bombing on North Vietnam was having the same effect on the North Vietnamese public. The first crisis that confronted Johnson and Rostow was the Buddhist Uprising in South Vietnam where an attempt by Air Marshal Nguyễn Cao Kỳ to dismiss General Nguyễn Chánh Thi led to a civil war within the civil war as units of the South Vietnamese Army fought one another, much to the consternation of Johnson who could not believe that America's allies in South Vietnam were fighting", "id": "16008467" }, { "contents": "Hmong Veterans' Naturalization Act of 2000\n\n\ntook place in Laos for some 14 years during the Vietnam War. The United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruited and guided indigenous Hmong and ethnic Laotian peoples to fight the invading North Vietnamese Army and Marxist People's Army of Vietnam in the Royal Kingdom of Laos. Hmong involvement in the Vietnam War is known to many as the \"Secret War\" or the Laotian Civil War and North Vietnamese invasion of Laos. Despite the United States' and CIA's efforts in support of the Royal Lao Government and Hmong,", "id": "1489806" }, { "contents": "Craig E. Williams\n\n\nCraig E. Williams is an American army Vietnam War veteran from Kentucky and co-founder of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation. Williams was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2006 for his efforts on convincing The Pentagon to stop plans to incinerate decaying caches of chemical weapons stockpiled around the United States. The Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, along with other groups that formed International Campaign to Ban Landmines, received Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. Williams served in the United States Army from 1968-69, including a deployment to Vietnam during", "id": "1039235" }, { "contents": "History of Western civilization\n\n\nVietnamese would be defeated in time. Despite American technological and military superiority, by 1968, the war showed no signs of ending and most Americans wanted U.S. forces to end their involvement. The U.S. undercut support for the North by getting the Soviets and Chinese to stop supporting North Vietnam, in exchange for recognition of the legitimacy of mainland China's Communist government, and began withdrawing troops from Vietnam. In 1972, the last American troops left Vietnam and in 1975 South Vietnam fell to the North. In the following years Communism took", "id": "4150225" }, { "contents": "Indochina Wars\n\n\nthe recently successful Communist Vietnam People's Army (VPA or PAVN, but also known as the North Vietnamese Army or NVA) and the National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam (Vietnamese NLF guerrilla fighters allied with the PAVN, known in the America as the Viet Cong, meaning 'Communists Traitor to Vietnam') against United States troops and the United States-backed by South Vietnamese Government ARVN (Republic of Vietnam soldiers). During the War, the North Vietnamese transported most of their supplies via the Ho Chi Minh Trail", "id": "8067903" }, { "contents": "Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War\n\n\nIt is important to note the Doves did not question the U.S. intentions in intervening in Vietnam, nor did they question the morality or legality of the U.S. intervention. Rather, they made pragmatic claims that the war was a mistake. Contrarily, the Hawks argued that the war was legitimate and winnable and a part of the benign U.S. foreign policy. The Hawks claimed that the one-sided criticism of the media contributed to the decline of public support for the war and ultimately helped the U.S. lose the war. Author William F.", "id": "4802539" }, { "contents": "Charles Warren\n\n\noperational command, and his failures of judgment, delay and indecision despite his superior forces culminated in the disaster. Farwell highlighted Warren's fixation with the army's oxen and his view that Hlangwane Hill was the key to Colenso. Farwell suggested Warren was \"perhaps the worst\" of the British generals in the Boer War and certainly the most \"preposterous\". He was described by Redvers Buller in a letter to his wife as \"a duffer\", responsible for losing him \"a great chance\". Warren was recalled to", "id": "6154722" }, { "contents": "Military history of the Russian Empire\n\n\nbegan in earnest in 1757, and immediately split into two theaters: a power struggle in continental Europe between Prussia, Austria, and Russia, and a colonial war in North America between France and Britain (known in American history as the French and Indian War). Britain concentrated on using its naval superiority and relatively small army in fighting its colonial war, a move that France mirrored. Thus, the bulk of continental fighting was taken up by the Austrian-Russian alliance against Prussia. Despite enormous differences in land area,", "id": "11881075" }, { "contents": "1958 in the Vietnam War\n\n\n, opposed the use of the South Vietnamese army to respond to the growing number of Viet Cong attacks. He believed that the primary duty of the army was to contest an invasion of South Vietnam by the North Vietnamese army, a remote possibility in the view of most U.S. officials. MAAG training and equipment for the South Vietnamese army was focused on creating an army capable of fighting a conventional war. Despite William's objections, in the latter part of 1958 the South Vietnamese army carried out several inconclusive operations against Viet Cong strongholds", "id": "8250067" }, { "contents": "Thailand in World War II\n\n\nPhayap Army invasion headed to Xishuangbanna in China, but were driven back by the Chinese nationalist force. The Thai government feared that Phibun might lose popularity. Consequently, the government spokesman decided to lie to its people. Luang Wichit announced the Phayap Army had captured Xishuangbanna. Thailand also oversaw a military occupation over significant sections in a Burma-China border, west of Yunnan. But despite the official territorial achievements, the so-called \"Great Thai Kingdom\" was a paper tiger. It was faltering as its economy failed to", "id": "8104537" }, { "contents": "The Armies of the Night\n\n\nfavor of continuing or expanding the Vietnam War: The Doves countered that the Vietnam War failed to defend America, and only united Vietnam with China, nations previously at odds. Additionally, the war was not an inexpensive means of containing China, but rather a phenomenally expensive one. Mailer took care to note that the Vietnam War had already consumed itself. Finally, that the war's real damage took place in the United States, in which it contributed to the deterioration of civil rights and led to the exposure of students to", "id": "19599980" }, { "contents": "People's Army of Vietnam\n\n\nsupport of its US ally, and suffering from stresses caused by dwindling aid, the ARVN was ill-prepared to confront the highly motivated PAVN, and despite numerical superiority of the ARVN in tactical aircraft, armoured vehicles and overwhelming three to one odds in regular troops, the PAVN quickly secured victory within two months and captured Saigon on 30 April 1975, effectively ending the 70 years of conflict stemming from French colonial invasion of the 19th century and unifying Vietnam. Towards the second half of the 20th century the armed forces of Vietnam", "id": "14049726" }, { "contents": "W. Michael Blumenthal\n\n\nconvey to Chinese leaders America's serious concern with China's invasion of Vietnam a week earlier. Henry Kissinger described the multipronged invasion which may have included up to 400,000 Chinese soldiers. Blumenthal asked them to withdraw their troops \"as quickly as possible,\" since it carried the \"risk of wider wars.\" The Chinese were particularly impressed by Blumenthal's speech, adds Katz. And although the effect of his speech is not known, the Chinese army did withdraw a few weeks after his visit. In July 1979, Carter", "id": "17118884" }, { "contents": "Mark Lane (author)\n\n\nhaving to tangle with them on broader strategic and tactical questions. National Committee for a Citizens Commission of Inquiry on U.S. War Crimes in Vietnam staffers criticized Lane as being arrogant and sensationalistic, and said the book he was writing had \"shoddy reporting in it\". National Committee for a Citizens Commission of Inquiry on U.S. War Crimes in Vietnam leaders refused to work with Lane further and gave the VVAW leaders a \"Lane or us\" ultimatum. VVAW did not wish to lose the monetary support of Lane and Fonda, so the", "id": "13776869" }, { "contents": "America's Army\n\n\nmake up the Army Game Project: \"America's Army\" has been described as an extension of the military entertainment complex or \"militainment\" with criticism that it contributes to a militarization of society. Because \"America's Army\" focuses on the technological aspect of war rather than the moral, it has been referred to as \"How We Fight\", alluding to the U.S. government's series of films named \"Why We Fight\", which supported the war effort for World War II. Media theorist David B. Nieborg criticized", "id": "11031975" }, { "contents": "Hegemonic stability theory\n\n\nto forge new international laws and organizations. In terms of military force, a standing defensive army is not enough. A superior navy, or air force is. This explains why many hegemons have been geographically situated on peninsulas or islands. Peninsularity and insularity provide added security, and, where naval power is necessary, the ability to project military forces. In some cases, hegemons have not been insular or peninsular. The United States of America, for instance, has become a virtual island. It has two massive seaboards,", "id": "10439411" }, { "contents": "Superior orders\n\n\nthe Nuremberg trials, employed the term \"Nuremberg defense\" in a different sense. He applied it not to the defense offered by the Nuremberg defendants but to a justification put forward by those who refused to take part in military action (specifically America's involvement in the Vietnam War) that they believed to be criminal. The defense of superior orders again arose in the 1961 trial of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Israel, as well as the trial of Alfredo Astiz of Argentina, the latter responsible for a large number of", "id": "7575413" }, { "contents": "Farouk of Egypt\n\n\nwith Israel, saying the Egyptian Army was not ready for war. However, King Farouk overruled him, as he feared the growing popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was clamoring for war with Israel. Farouk declared that Egypt would fight Israel as otherwise he feared the Muslim Brotherhood would overthrow him. The war with Israel ended in disaster with the Egyptian Army fighting very poorly despite having a 40 to 1 numerical superiority, and Edmond Galhan of the king's \"kitchen cabinet\" making a fortune by selling the Egyptian Army defective", "id": "6793905" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of history\n\n\nargued that the losers (Southerners) have written more history books on the subject than the winners and, until recently, dominated the national perception of history. Confederate generals such as Lee and Jackson are generally held in higher esteem than their Union counterparts. Popular films such as \"Cold Mountain\", \"Gone with the Wind\", and \"The Birth of a Nation\" have told the story from the Southern viewpoint. Also, despite \"losing\" the Vietnam War, the United States produces more scholarship on the war", "id": "10665898" }, { "contents": "The Armies of the Night\n\n\nfeels about the war and the protests. \"Why are we in Vietnam\" is at the center of Norman Mailer's \"Armies of the Night\". The chapter, located roughly at the end of the first half of the novel, is a clinical exploration of the involvement of the United States in Vietnam. The format alone is somewhat curious. For the previous sections the reader has followed the character of Norman Mailer along through preparations for the protest at the Pentagon, the protest itself, and finally Mailer's imprisonment.", "id": "19599977" }, { "contents": "Cambodia–Vietnam relations\n\n\nsome Cambodians, including King Norodom Sihanouk, fought against Viet Minh forces because they feared Vietnamese colonial domination. After independence, the Kingdom of Cambodia maintained diplomatic relations with both North Vietnam and South Vietnam. However the Vietnamese Communists, both the southern Viet Cong and the northern People's Army of Vietnam, used Cambodian territory for bases and supply routes to fight the Vietnam War, despite the Viet Minh having previously assured Cambodian neutrality at the 1954 Geneva Conference. The southern Ngo Dinh Diem administration pursued Viet Cong even into Cambodian territory.", "id": "20367308" }, { "contents": "Korean War\n\n\n. In April 1975, South Vietnam's capital was captured by the People's Army of Vietnam. Encouraged by the success of Communist revolution in Indochina, Kim Il-sung saw it as an opportunity to invade the South. Kim visited China in April of that year, and met with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai to ask for military aid. Despite Pyongyang's expectations, however, Beijing refused to help North Korea for another war in Korea. Since the armistice, there have been numerous incursions and acts of aggression by North", "id": "16892693" }, { "contents": "Richard Lachmann\n\n\nSociology at the University at Albany, SUNY. Lachmann’s interest in sociology was sparked by political events of the 1970s: the war in Vietnam, the military coup in Chile, apartheid in South Africa, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor - these and other significant events and phenomena in the life of the world led Lachmann as a high school student and undergraduate to look for the root causes. In 2007, Lachmann remembers asking himself: \"Why did soldiers line up to die in imperialist wars? Why did workers put up", "id": "17999006" }, { "contents": "History of the People's Liberation Army\n\n\n(South Vietnam) over the Paracel Islands. The PLA successfully seized control of three disputed islands in a naval battle and a subsequent amphibious assault. A Sino-Vietnamese War revealed specific shortcomings in military capabilities and thus provided an additional impetus to the military modernization effort. The border war, the PLA's largest military operation since the Korean War, was essentially a limited, offensive, ground-force campaign. The war had mixed results militarily and politically. Although the numerically superior Chinese forces penetrated about fifty kilometers into Vietnam,", "id": "8906493" }, { "contents": "Winchester Model 1897\n\n\n1897 was used again in World War II by the United States Army and Marine Corps, where it was used alongside the similarly militarized version of the hammerless Model 1912. Some were still in service during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Other military uses of the shotgun included \"the execution of security/interior guard operations, rear area security operations, guarding prisoners of war, raids, ambushes, military operations in urban terrain, and selected special operations\". Despite protesting them, Germans did not listen to Ludendorff and", "id": "14352240" }, { "contents": "Why Are We in Vietnam?\n\n\nand Tex ship out to Vietnam, to their trip to Alaska two years before the present in which the novel is set. Dearborn states that \"WWVN\", while dealing with heavy issues, also illustrates Mailer's love of language—in the obscenity that, for Mailer, \"expressed the humanity of America, as expressed in its humor\". While it alludes to both Joyce's \"Ulysses\" and Burroughs' \"Naked Lunch\", \"WWVN\" is fairly simple by comparison. Even though the Vietnam War is", "id": "15097423" }, { "contents": "China in the Vietnam War\n\n\n. Besides, when it comes to the reason why did the leaders in Hanoi, shortly after such a strong declaration of alliance with the Chinese, turn away from Beijing and towards Moscow, he suggests, the most important reason was the deteriorating security situation in Vietnam. From Vietnamese perspectives, in terms of the threat of escalating US intervention, the only possible and reliable ally in such a situation would be the Soviet Union. Although China had the manpower, it didn’t have sophisticated weapons necessary to fight the Americans. Plus", "id": "6552500" }, { "contents": "Ogaden War\n\n\nartillery, which would have meant practically the whole Somali Army. By the end of the month 60% of the Ogaden had been taken by the SNA-WSLF force, including Gode, on the Shabelle River. The attacking forces did suffer some early setbacks; Ethiopian defenders at Dire Dawa and Jijiga inflicted heavy casualties on assaulting forces. The Ethiopian Air Force (EAF) also began to establish air superiority using its Northrop F-5s, despite being initially outnumbered by Somali MiG-21s. However, Somalia was easily overpowering Ethiopian military hardware and", "id": "1976571" }, { "contents": "1958 in the Vietnam War\n\n\nMilitary Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) for Vietnam, refused to concur with the report stating that he did not have \"concern regarding internal security, the economic situation, or the executive ability of the government of [South] Vietnam.\" Troubled by reports of oppression in South Vietnam, Socialist Norman Thomas resigned from the American Friends of Vietnam, a prominent lobbying group which supported the Diem government. A South Vietnamese army truck was ambushed by insurgents and all occupants were killed. This was one of several attacks in February on", "id": "8250061" }, { "contents": "John Rowan (Vietnam War veteran)\n\n\nJohn Rowan (born September 18, 1945) is an American Vietnam War veteran and the sixth national president of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). Rowan was born on September 18, 1945 in Queens, New York City. He was educated at the Brooklyn Technical High School, and he attended Baruch College but did not graduate. Instead, he learned Indonesian at the Defense Language Institute and Vietnamese in Washington, D.C., before serving in the Vietnam War. In 1967, in the midst of the Vietnam War,", "id": "13735258" }, { "contents": "Frontier Thesis\n\n\nno better example of this concern than in George Wilson Pierson’s influential essay on the frontier. He asked why the Turnerian American character was limited to English settlements in the New World, and why the frontier did not produce that same character among Native Americans and Spaniards. Despite Pierson and other scholars’ work, Turner’s influence did not end during World War II or even after the war. Indeed, his influence was felt in American classrooms until the 1970s and 80s. Subsequent critics, historians, and politicians have suggested that", "id": "21375495" }, { "contents": "National service in the United States\n\n\nwas one catch in the legislation though. The UMT clause had to be activated by further legislation for it to go into effect. Despite successive attempts over the next several years, such legislation was never passed. President Eisenhower took office in 1953 and ended hostilities in the Korean War. The Army and Marine infantries decreased in size. Eisenhower's \"New Look\" defense policy shifted back to a reliance on airplanes and atom bombs, thus further decreasing the possibility of universal military service. The Vietnam War significantly reduced America's desire", "id": "13530434" }, { "contents": "Terminology of the Vietnam War\n\n\nVarious names have been applied what is known as the Vietnam War. These have shifted over time, although Vietnam War is the most commonly used title in English. It has been variously called the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict, the Vietnam War, and Nam. In Vietnam it is commonly known as Kháng chiến chống Mỹ (Resistance War against America). The name \"Second Indochina War\" places the conflict into context with other distinct, but related, and contiguous conflicts in Southeast Asia. Vietnam, Laos,", "id": "15989612" }, { "contents": "South Korea in the Vietnam War\n\n\nPart of the reason why Korean forces were alleged to engage in atrocities stem from orders by Park Chung-Hee to minimise casualties through practices such as hostage-taking and the brutality of South Korean forces was both due to many officers being Japanese-trained with many officers themselves following the same doctrines during the Korean War. Allegations have been raised that the US leadership did not discourage Korean atrocities, but tolerated them. Punishment for some war-crimes and atrocities did occur. South Vietnamese officer Nguyen Cong Luan in his memoirs \"", "id": "8581879" } ]
Why am I sleepier when I sleep more?
[{"answer": "Chances are that when you slept for the lesser amount of time, that although you were sleeping less, you woke up at the *correct* time. There are these things called sleep cycles which last 1 1/2 hours at a time. If you wake up after a sleep cycle you feel less groggy and more likely to feel well rested. If you sleep more, provided you wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle, you tend to feel unrested and tired. This is the explanation for why people feel awful just sleeping an extra 15 minutes after waking up feeling great."}, {"answer": "Sleep can be very dehydrating. (More-so if you have a higher metabolism) If you sleep for a very long time, you can become very dehydrated and feel **far** more groggy as a direct result. Drinking water will often work better than coffee for clearing your head and waking you up. Many people are either dehydrated when they go to bed or do not sufficiently hydrate during the day. This compounds the issue. Try to be hydrated when you go to bed and if you wake up during the night (or your rest period) keep a bottle of water handy and take a quick sip or two before returning to sleep. This will help prevent you from being groggy afterwards. ^_^"}, {"answer": "I've been using [this app]( URL_0 ) for 50 nights now (with an average of 6 hours and 49 minutes a night :P), and I find it absolutely awesome. It wakes you up as close to the middle of a sleep cycle as it can, and introduces the music slowly, has a great snooze feature and allows you to choose your alarm, even a song in your library. tl;dr Now I wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy."}, {"answer": "Hmm, like you're five. Over 5 y/o will probably know most of this but I'm really trying to elementary school it down. There are stages of sleep, one, two, three, four, and REM. Stage One sleep doesn't show up any differently on the tests than being awake but calm. Two is when you get a little more into sleeping. Three and four are where sleep has the most effect. They are also when sleep-talking and sleepwalking occur. REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) is when you dream, and it actually *tires you out*. Crazy, right? Well, when you're sleeping, you (normally) start off with Stages 1 and 2, then progress to 3 and 4 and finally REM. Those final three stages will repeat over the course of the night, but the longer you sleep, the more REM sleep you get and the less Stage 3 and 4 sleep you get. Thus, you will get *more tired* if you sleep longer than a certain point (mostly different for everyone). Hope that helped."}, {"answer": "Hm, It depends. 1. If you got less sleep than you probably should 8-9 hours during the week, your body remembers every hour of REM it didn't get and it catches up with you on days when you sleep longer. Thus making your sleep work extra hard on that one day when it catches up, making you tired. You can oversleep which would cause you to put your body out of whack. But you would find it very hard to oversleep unless you do the above and NOT get enough sleep. Oversleeping is as bad as undersleeping. I see people are talking about sleep times, I believe that to be false as every person has a sleep schedule that works for them. Just listen to your body and you should be fine. If you always get 8-9 hours of sleep (depending on how old you are, you need less sleep as you grow up) you will be not over-sleeping as much. This is from all the psychology classes I have taken (Major) so if you desire proof... sigh I will look for the studies, or you could trust me :D"}, {"answer": "It's more about waking up after a good REM cycle. If you sleep 8 hours and then wake up 30 minutes before your alarm goes off, you might try to go back to sleep. If you do this, your alarm may interrupt a REM cycle which will make you way more groggy than if you were to wake up right after a REM cycle of 4 hours of sleep."}, {"answer": "A little late, and not really an explanation ,but this will help you plan your sleep to help you wake up better. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "When you don't get enough sleep you have more performance issues than when you get a full nights rest. What's more is that you become unable to notice that you're not working at full capacity. Every hour of sleep that you don't get that you need is added onto your sleep debt. (think of it like a computer, if it needs 4 hours of charging and you give it 3 each day then the battery will eventually drain) Once you start to pay off that sleep debt by sleeping in you begin to regain your function. It can take 2-3 nights or even more to fully make a comeback. Most people never quite make it back to baseline so even though you may make less mistakes you are more aware of your sleepiness. Sleep phases are also important and can explain it if you're not sleep deprived."}, {"answer": "I use the iPhone app called \"Sleep Cycle\" and it fixes this problem for you. Well, not gauranteed to fix it but it worked for me. You set the time you want to wake up, and you have to put the phone next to you on your mattress (Will not work if there are two people sleeping on the bed). It monitors your movements throughout the entire night and it figures out when you're in deep sleep or if you're a little awake and when it comes time to wake up, it will wake you up according to how much movement you have and in what stage of your sleep cycle you're in; as a result, you wake up at the correct time. Try it out if you have an iPhone and sleep alone on a NON-tempur pedic bed."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "235562", "title": "Fatigue", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Fatigue is a subjective feeling of tiredness that has a gradual onset. Unlike weakness, fatigue can be alleviated by periods of rest. Fatigue can have physical or mental causes. Physical fatigue is the transient inability of muscles to maintain optimal physical performance, and is made more severe by intense physical exercise. Mental fatigue is a transient decrease in maximal cognitive performance resulting from prolonged periods of cognitive activity. It can manifest as somnolence, lethargy, or directed attention fatigue.", "Fatigue is a subjective feeling of tiredness that has a gradual onset. Unlike weakness, fatigue can be alleviated by periods of rest. Fatigue can have physical or mental causes. Physical fatigue is the transient inability of muscles to maintain optimal physical performance, and is made more severe by intense physical exercise. Mental fatigue is a transient decrease in maximal cognitive performance resulting from prolonged periods of cognitive activity. It can manifest as somnolence, lethargy, or directed attention fatigue."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "566614", "title": "Sleep cycle", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The sleep cycle is an oscillation between the slow-wave and REM (paradoxical) phases of sleep. It is sometimes called the ultradian sleep cycle, sleepdream cycle, or REM-NREM cycle, to distinguish it from the circadian alternation between sleep and wakefulness. In humans this cycle takes 12 hours.", "The sleep cycle is an oscillation between the slow-wave and REM (paradoxical) phases of sleep. It is sometimes called the ultradian sleep cycle, sleepdream cycle, or REM-NREM cycle, to distinguish it from the circadian alternation between sleep and wakefulness. In humans this cycle takes 12 hours."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Omar Bakri Muhammad\n\n\nJon, I need you more than ever now. You know I am harmless, don't you? You know I am just a clown. You know I am laughable, don't you? ... Why don't people believe you when you tell them that I am just a harmless clown?\" Future Television interviewed Bakri on 11 August 2005. Bakri said he did not have ties to Al Qaeda, calling it a \"media creation\" and said he did not intend to return to Britain. During the interview,", "id": "19730559" }, { "contents": "Yoga-kundalini Upanishad\n\n\nsublime state, where there is neither darkness nor radiance, it is indescribable asserts the Yogakundali Upanishad. A Yogin, deluded by Maya and exhausted, states the text in verses 3.25 to 3.32, questions \"Who am I? How has the worldly existence been brought about? Where do I go when I sleep? Who functions when I am awake? Who functions when I dream in sleep?\" This is a knowledge lost over one's rebirths. Meditation and Kundalini yoga helps one to realize the answers within, lit a", "id": "9969564" }, { "contents": "List of Mr. Men\n\n\n33rd book in the \"Mr. Men\" series by Roger Hargreaves. Mr. Nonsense lives in Nonsenseland, in a boat on top of a tree. When asked why he sleeps in a rowing boat, the answer is \"I tried sleeping in a motorboat and it was somewhat uncomfortable.\" When asked why he eats porridge on toast, the answer is, \"I tried porridge sandwiches and I didn't like them.\" Mr. Nonsense is best friends with Mr. Silly, and when it snows yellow snow, they go for", "id": "14565911" }, { "contents": "Hypnagogia\n\n\nof the onset of sleep, initially in the alpha wave stage and later in theta. Early references to hypnagogia are to be found in the writings of Aristotle, Iamblichus, Cardano, Simon Forman, and Swedenborg. Romanticism brought a renewed interest in the subjective experience of the edges of sleep. In more recent centuries, many authors have referred to the state; Edgar Allan Poe, for example, wrote of the \"fancies\" he experienced \"only when I am on the brink of sleep, with the consciousness that I", "id": "18769974" }, { "contents": "Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War\n\n\nnewborn as it was taken from them. In the 1990s many of these children returned to Bangladesh to search for their birth mothers. In 2008, D'Costa attempted to find those who had been adopted, however very few responded, one who did said \"I hated being a kid, and I am angry at Bangladesh for not taking care of me when I needed it most. I don’t have any roots and that makes me cry. So that is why I am trying to learn more about where I was born.", "id": "1343645" }, { "contents": "The Gentleman in Black\n\n\n's cradle, covered himself up and went to sleep. The cheat was never discovered! The peasant's son was brought up as the young Baron – the young Baron as the peasants son.\" Hans: \"But I think you must be mistaken, for you are twenty years older than I am.\" Baron: \"I am now – but when I was three weeks old, of course I was the same age as you were when you were three weeks old. ... You see I am naturally quicker than", "id": "6438993" }, { "contents": "Shaving horse\n\n\nMike Dunbar, the \"Dean of Windsor Chair Makers\", has posted a blog decrying the use of the shave horse for actual production work: \"I do not use a shave horse. When asked why, I answer, 'Why would I impose a pay cut on myself?' That is in effect the result of using this tool. It is so limiting that it slows down the chairmaker and costs him income. I prefer a vise. Using a vise I am standing, not sitting, and I am", "id": "19470960" }, { "contents": "The Way I Am (Eminem song)\n\n\nthe most perfectly formed lyrics of his career, weaving in and out of a tight rhyme scheme that echoes the loping piano motif. Interesting aside: this is one of the first Eminem songs that gives him 100% of the writing credits.\" IGN praised the song: \"Eminem is an angry ass white boy and the vitriol continues on \"I Way I Am,\" in which he soundly states \"I am whatever you say I am/If I wasn't why would I say I am?\" And when", "id": "1578091" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\n-based newspaper. I am also one like you. I am just another average person who has been reading newspapers and websites of how fellow Tamils are daily being killed, and like you I am unable to eat, unable to sleep, unable to sleep and unable to even think. While his ancient land of Tamils lets anyone coming here, like the Seths, to flourish, our own blood, the Tamils in Eelam are dying. When we lend our voices to say the killings should be stopped, Indian imperialism maintains", "id": "9635330" }, { "contents": "Henry Martyn Whitney\n\n\nis; I cannot help it - it is my nature to be reliable, just as it is his to be shaky on matters of fact - we cannot alter these natures - us leopards cannot change our spots. Therefore, why growl? - why go and try to make trouble? If he cannot tell when I am writing seriously and when I am burlesquing - if he sits down solemnly and take one of my palpable burlesques and reads it with a funereal aspect, and swallows it as petrified truth", "id": "14058398" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\nNicholas Sparks September 25, 1995 Dear Catherine, A month has passed since I have written, but it has seemed to pass much more slowly. Life passes by now like the scenery outside a car window. I breathe and eat and sleep as I always did, but there seems to be no great purpose in my life that requires active participation on my part. I simply drift along like the messages I write you. I do not know where I am going or when I will get there. Even work does not", "id": "2224450" }, { "contents": "Wangliang\n\n\na cicada? How can I tell why I am what I am? How can I tell why I 'm not what I'm not?\" (2, tr. Mair 1994: 24; cf. 27, 1994: 281) \"Wangxiang\" names a water demon Nonimagoes. When Duke Huan of Qi (r. 685–643 BCE) was upset by seeing a ghost in a marsh, his chancellor Guan Zhong asks a scholar from Qi named Master Leisurely Ramble [皇子告敖] about the different kinds of ghosts. In", "id": "20069458" }, { "contents": "One More Sleep\n\n\nMotown inspired song which lasts for a duration of . The hook consists of a Christmas countdown, whereby Lewis sings \"Cause I got five more nights of sleeping on my own/ Four more days until you’re coming home/ Three more dreams of you and mistletoe/ Two more reasons why I love you so.\" Lewis \"trills\" the lyrics \"I've got five more nights of sleeping on my own/ Four more days until you're coming home\" over the Motown inspired beat of xylophone phones and jingle bells. Waiting the return", "id": "7939761" }, { "contents": "Their Eyes Were Watching God\n\n\nbook, because I did not make it a lecture on the race problem.\" When asked why she chose not to comment on the race problem in her novel, Hurston said, \"Because I was writing a novel and not a treatise on sociology. [...] I have ceased to think in terms of race; I think only in terms of individuals. I am interested in you now, not as a Negro man but as a man. I am not interested in the race problem, but I am interested", "id": "11958827" }, { "contents": "Moses in rabbinic literature\n\n\n. When God pointed to Rabbi Akiva and his scholarship, Moses said: \"If You have such a man, why do You reveal the Torah through me?\". When Moses descended from heaven, Satan came to ask him where the Torah was which God had given to him. Moses said: \"Who am I? Am I worthy to receive the Torah from God?\" When God asked him why he denied that the Torah had been given to him, he replied: \"How can I claim anything which", "id": "19576899" }, { "contents": "The Definition Of...\n\n\n, it works — it's more intentional heterogeneity than frantic mess, and will likely have you questioning why more albums aren't taking as many left turns.\" Entertainment Weekly gave album the grade of B-. While praising album's tracks \"Sleeping with the One I Love\", \"I Made It\" and \"Lonely Legend\", they criticized her tracks \"Roller Coaster\" and \"Wait for You\". They described \"Sleeping with the One I Love\" as \"a jazzy torch song penned by R. Kelly", "id": "13090055" }, { "contents": "Tanguturi Anjaiah\n\n\nBhavanam Venkatarami Reddy himself was a dissident minister in Marri Chenna Reddy ministry. When Indira Gandhi replaced Anjaiah with Bhavanam Venkatarami Reddy from the position of Chief Minister, he is believed to have remarked \"I came by the grace of Madam and I am going under her orders; I don't know why I came... and why I am going.\" T. Anjaiah was elected as Member of Parliament in 1984 from Secundrabad constituency. T. Anjaiah's earliest act as Chief Minister was to conduct elections to the Panchayati Raj bodies and Municipalities", "id": "3293389" }, { "contents": "Lalah Hathaway\n\n\nsound. She has stated, \"I am his daughter and that's the truth of who I am, every day. When I was 15, and then, 20, I didn't get why people were asking me how I felt about him and his music. But when I turned 25, I began to understand. Like my father, I want to leave a legacy of music that makes people really feel something, whether it be happiness, sadness, grief or heartache. I also want them to appreciate my", "id": "6997279" }, { "contents": "Ella giammai m'amò\n\n\nme, she does not love me! Where am I? Those candelabras are almost spent! Dawn whites my balcony, day is already breaking! I see my days passing slowly! Sleep, oh God, has vanished from my drooping eyelids. I shall sleep alone in my royal mantle when I attain the evening of my days, I shall sleep alone beneath the black vault, there, in my tomb in the Escorial. If the royal crown could but give me the power to read human hearts which God alone can", "id": "13519059" }, { "contents": "Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit\n\n\nprotect this heritage of wildlife.\" The rangers not only face dangers from poachers, but also from large wildlife. Siphiwe Sithole, said \"I don't know when I am going to face a lion.\" Another member, Leitah Mkhabela, said regarding poachers, \"I am not afraid. I know what I am doing and why I am doing it.\" In July 2015, the Black Mamba APU won the Best Conservation Practitioner category in the South African Rhino Conservation Awards. Later that year they won the Champions", "id": "21526375" }, { "contents": "Sophie Ryder\n\n\nI am trying to achieve. My head is full of ideas all the time. It is part of my life. I don't plan anything, it just comes. When asked why she portrays hares she replied, \"Well, I find it difficult answering that question because I don't really know the answer. It's the same as asking me why I make sculptures, and the answer is, because I feel driven to. So it's difficult to always pin down reasons. My introduction to hares was when", "id": "21593770" }, { "contents": "Das Lied von der Erde\n\n\n, why work and worry? I drink until I no more can, the whole, blessed day! And if I can drink no more as throat and soul are full, then I stagger to my door and sleep wonderfully! What do I hear on waking? Hark! A bird sings in the tree. I ask him if it's spring already; to me it's as if I'm in a dream. The bird chirps Yes! The spring is here, it came overnight! From deep wonderment I listen", "id": "3419988" }, { "contents": "Suzette Jordan\n\n\nsaid, \"Why should I hide my identity when it was not even my fault? Why should I be ashamed of something that I did not give rise to? I was subjected to brutality, I was subjected to torture, and I was subjected to rape, and I am fighting and I will fight.\" At the time of her death, three of the five men accused of raping Jordan inside a moving car had been arrested and were on trial, although they denied the charges. The remaining two, including", "id": "9335400" }, { "contents": "Chris Colabello\n\n\ntrying to find an answer as to why or how? The only thing I know is that I would never compromise the integrity of the game of baseball. I love this game too much! I care too deeply about it. I am saddened more for the impact this will have on my teammates, the organization and the fans of the Toronto Blue Jays. I hope that before anyone passes judgement on me they can take a look at the man that I am, and everything that I have done to get to where", "id": "11039670" }, { "contents": "Marco Allen Chapman\n\n\n. Chapman wrote in a statement he gave to Warden Tom Simpson to read, \"I don't know why I did the thing that I did, and I know the hate of me over that night must be overwhelming, but Carolyn and Courtney you have to know that wasn't who I was or am,\"\"I am not a moster (sic) even though I did a mosterously (sic) evil thing. That is why I give my life willing as well as quickly in hopes that you know how truly sorry I am", "id": "886860" }, { "contents": "Vladimir (Waiting for Godot)\n\n\nWilliams as Estragon) and Patrick Stewart. In Tom Stoppard's \"Godot\" pastiche, \"Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead\", the character Guildenstern closely resembles Vladimir. \"Hand in hand from the top of the Eiffel Tower, among the first. We were respectable in those days. Now it's too late. They wouldn't even let us up.\" \"Was I sleeping, while the others suffered? Am I sleeping now? Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say", "id": "5108287" }, { "contents": "2018 Macau Grand Prix\n\n\nhis lacerated liver. Flörsch began rehabilitation in early December 2018 to ensure she lost no more muscle strength and to strengthen her body with weights on a gradual scale. She later revealed that she did not believe the crash would be as major as she predicted, \"It probably is a miracle, but that's probably also the reason why I am happy and why I am normal. It happened quite fast - the top speed was 275kmph - but I can do nearly everything again so, for me, it's just to", "id": "10634421" }, { "contents": "Adoniran Barbosa\n\n\nsuburb, and besides his mother will not sleep before he arrives. Unlike the samba songs of the previous decades, which generally used the formal Portuguese of the educated class, Adoniran's lyrics are a realistic record of the informal speech of São Paulo's lower classes. He once said \"I only write samba for the common people. That is why I write lyrics in 'wrong' Portuguese, because that is how the common people speak. Besides, I feel that samba is more beautiful when sung that way\".", "id": "20601388" }, { "contents": "Laura Marling\n\n\nplayed one of the new songs, titled \"Born To Love\". During a European tour for her fourth album, Marling expressed doubts about her long-term commitment to the music industry in an interview: When I play, I am very much in the space where I was when I wrote the music. You could slay me quite easily, I'm at my most vulnerable. I am very private, in all aspects of my life, to everybody, so why is it that I get up on stage every", "id": "8262379" }, { "contents": "Tom o' Bedlam\n\n\nsouls Yet never am affrighted. I know more than Apollo, For oft, when he lies sleeping I see the stars at bloody wars In the wounded welkin weeping; The moon embrace her shepherd, And the Queen of Love her warrior, While the first doth horn the star of morn, And the next the heavenly Farrier. The gypsies, Snap and Pedro, Are none of Tom's comradoes, The punk I scorn and the cutpurse sworn, And the roaring boy's bravadoes. The meek, the white, the", "id": "21955834" }, { "contents": "William Kurelek\n\n\nto work with Edward Adamson (1911–1996), a pioneer of art therapy. At Netherne he produced three masterpieces - \"Where Am I? Who Am I? Why Am I?\" (donated to the American Visionary Arts Museum by Adamson at its inauguration in 1995), \"I Spit On Life\", and \"A Ball of Twine and Other Nonsense\". In 1984, when the Adamson Collection was exhibited as \"Selections from the Edward Adamson Collection\", at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Adamson donated to", "id": "12872462" }, { "contents": "Achille et Polyxène\n\n\nthe bride-to-be, swearing \"I will make my fidelity [to you] as famous as his [Achille's] glory.\" Priam enters and calls for his subjects to begin the wedding celebrations. Choirs of Trojans sing the praises of the beautiful princess and the heroic conqueror. Act V takes place in Apollo's temple. As the Act opens, Achille asks his new bride why she turns away from him when he approaches. She replies, \"the more I see you, the more I am", "id": "5223053" }, { "contents": "Stefan Grabiński\n\n\n, or from that mysterious power which pushes aside objects, contemptuous of their size; I am still wearied by endless monotonous roads that led nowhere. That is why I am not a perfect spirit, only an 'insane person', someone who arouses in normal people pity, contempt or fear. But I do not complain. Even like this, I am better off than those of healthy mind.” His tuberculosis worsened and he was forced to spend more time seeking treatment. In 1931, he settled in the resort", "id": "20805344" }, { "contents": "Somewhere in the Real World\n\n\nas a person, I am always searching for what is real,\" Vanessa Amorosi explains why her album is titled \"Somewhere in the Real World\". Amorosi says: \"I think this album represents me finally. When I listen to \"Absolutely Everybody\" and \"Shine\" now, I sound like a baby, because I was a baby. \"Somewhere in the Real World\" represents who I am now and I believe it’s still recognisable. You can’t change your soul, but I have matured and", "id": "8578354" }, { "contents": "Lorna Byrne\n\n\nwill never believe me, regardless of what I say or do. I have no idea why I see angels and others don’t; I am just an ordinary woman. When I have asked the angels around me about this, their reply has simply been “Why not you?” She was labeled as \"retarded\" when very young, and speculates that this might be because she was so often in her own world. Lorna’s childhood was challenging for many reasons, including difficult family relations because Lorna was often observed", "id": "1468173" }, { "contents": "Phebe Folger Coleman\n\n\nthe mathematics and navigation she learned from her brother and, with his new knowledge, he became the captain of a ship. While he was away at sea, she supplemented the family income by keeping a school. Her letters to her husband often lament their separation: \"[I] am willing to contribute my mite to accelerate that happy period when we shall not be obliged to separate\" (1800) and, \"I am very lonesome... thy absence grows more insupportable than it used to be... Why should so", "id": "17421445" }, { "contents": "Lobster Telephone\n\n\n. A similar drawing is printed in \"The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí\" which contains the following: I do not understand why, when I ask for a grilled lobster in a restaurant, I am never served a cooked telephone; I do not understand why champagne is always chilled and why on the other hand telephones, which are habitually so frightfully warm and disagreeably sticky to the touch, are not also put in silver buckets with crushed ice around them. Telephone frappé, mint-coloured telephone, aphrodisiac telephone, lobster", "id": "987702" }, { "contents": "Father Christmas\n\n\nChristmas? ... they would not let me in: I must come another time! a good jeast, as if I could come more then once a yeare; why, I am no dangerous person, and so I told my friends, o'the Guard. I am old Gregorie Christmas still, and though I come out of Popes-head-alley as good a Protestant, as any i'my Parish.\" The stage directions to \"The Springs Glorie\", a 1638 court masque by Thomas Nabbes, state, \"Christmas", "id": "11365312" }, { "contents": "Sleep deprivation\n\n\ncan adversely affect the brain and cognitive function. A 2000 study, by the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System in San Diego, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to monitor activity in the brains of sleep-deprived subjects performing simple verbal learning tasks. The study showed that regions of the brain's prefrontal cortex, an area that supports mental faculties such as working memory and logical and practical (\"means-ends\") reasoning, displayed more activity in sleepier", "id": "12987912" }, { "contents": "Who Am I This Time? (film)\n\n\nthat \"Who Am I This Time?\" is \"one of the best movies about acting, and \"what it is\", and \"why\", that I have ever seen... it is a funny and \"accurate\" look at why grown men and women put on costumes and cavort about with fake swords for a paying populace.\" \"Who Am I This Time?\" won the \"Best Television Production Award\" at the Semana Internacional De Cinema de Barcelona, invitational screenings in Russia (ACT I)", "id": "16658148" }, { "contents": "Suzushi Hanayagi\n\n\nwork with mixed traditions again and again when working with Robert Wilson. And she answered, \"All that I learned from the teachers has become my flesh and blood. And when I am asked to choreograph, it all comes out. When I worked on the choreography for Bob Wilson’s \"Le Martyre de Saint Sebastien\", I felt so much responsibility I couldn’t sleep the night before -- I was thinking so hard about what I was doing. It’s not modern dance, it’s not ballet. It is", "id": "7949003" }, { "contents": "Jiang Wan\n\n\nI am being unreasonable in how I handle issues. If I am unreasonable in the way I handle issues, then I am indeed muddleheaded. Why do you need to ask him?\" When Yang Min committed an offence later and ended up being imprisoned, his colleagues feared the worst for him. However, Jiang Wan did not hold a grudge against Yang Min and even helped him obtain a pardon. These two incidents showed that Jiang Wan was a reasonable and well-meaning person. Jiang Wan's elder son, Jiang", "id": "18652989" }, { "contents": "I Am Terrified\n\n\n\". After much consideration and new thinking, Fixed Til Tuesday changed their name to I Am Terrified sometime between 2006 and 2010. The name comes straight from the verse in the Bible's Book of Job 23:14-15 which reads, \"He carries out His decree against me, and many such plans He still has in store. That is why I am terrified before Him; when I think of all this, I fear Him.\" As guitarist Jeremy Folse explained they changed the name because they became driven \"by", "id": "7750707" }, { "contents": "Poo Bear Presents Bearthday Music\n\n\nThe album's pre-sale began on April 6, 2018. When asked in an interview with Idolator on why he decided to release the project now, Poo Bear said \"I just feel like now is the right time. I feel like my name is a little bit more familiar than it was before. You know, my music won't get lost as fast. I know that a lot of people still don't know who I am, but I just feel like I'm in a better place right now", "id": "11080946" }, { "contents": "Drive (2011 film)\n\n\n. Refn said, \"The character of Nino was originally not particularly interesting, so I asked Ron why he wanted to be in my movie when he's done so many great films. When Perlman said, 'I always wanted to play a Jewish man who wants to be an Italian gangster', and I asked why, and he said, 'because that's what I am – a Jewish boy from New York', well, that automatically cemented it for me.\" Oscar Isaac portrays a Latino convict named", "id": "19507065" }, { "contents": "The Open Boat\n\n\nthey were friends, friends in a more curiously iron-bound degree than may be common.\" Survival is also an important thematic element in itself, as it is contingent upon the men to battle the elements in order to save themselves. The correspondent's desire to survive is evident in his refrain of the lyrical line: \"If I am going to be drowned—if I am going to be drowned—if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the", "id": "563571" }, { "contents": "Paedophilia: The Radical Case\n\n\nPaedophile Information Exchange. \"I am not interested in \"why\" I am a paedophile,\" he writes \"any more than others are interested in \"why\" they are 'normal'\". O'Carroll advocates the normalization of adult-child sexual relationships. He states his belief that each stage of the sexual relationship between an adult and child can be \"negotiated\", with \"hints and signals, verbal and nonverbal, by which each indicates to the other what is acceptable and what is not... the man might", "id": "137073" }, { "contents": "Tom O'Carroll\n\n\ntranscript of O'Carroll's speech to the organisation's 1977 conference in which he had objected to the punishment of sex offenders. Although PIE had campaigned for the age of consent to be lowered to 4 years old, O'Carroll stated that his personal view is that full sexual relations should be allowed at 12. O'Carroll's book, \"\", was published in 1980. \"I am not interested in \"why\" I am a paedophile\", he writes \"any more than others are interested in \"why\" they are '", "id": "6759584" }, { "contents": "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream\n\n\nmonsters after them, emits earsplitting sounds, and blinds Benny when he tries to escape. On more than one occasion, the group is separated by AM's obstacles. At one point, the narrator, Ted, is knocked unconscious and begins dreaming. He envisions the computer, anthropomorphized, standing over a hole in his brain speaking to him directly. Based on this nightmare, Ted comes to a conclusion about AM's nature, specifically why it has so much contempt for humanity; that despite its abilities it lacks the sapience", "id": "17186563" }, { "contents": "Shalom bayit\n\n\n\". According to the Talmud, when God tells Sarah she will give birth to a son, she expresses disbelief, saying: \"After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my husband being old also?\" But when God speaks to Abraham, he says: \"Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?\" (Genesis: 18:12-13). The rabbis comment that God omitted Sarah's mention of Abraham's age out of concern", "id": "9294606" }, { "contents": "Why I Am Not a Muslim\n\n\nWhy I Am Not a Muslim, a book written by Ibn Warraq, is a critique of Islam and the Qur'an. It was first published by Prometheus Books in the United States in 1995. The title of the book is a homage to Bertrand Russell's essay, \"Why I Am Not a Christian\", in which Russell criticizes the religion in which he was raised. Outraged over the fatwa and death threats against Salman Rushdie, Ibn Warraq assumes a pseudonym to write what the historian and writer Daniel Pipes called \"serious", "id": "9678025" }, { "contents": "Peter Kürten\n\n\nI have no remorse. As to whether recollection of my deeds makes me feel ashamed, I will tell you [that] thinking back to all the details is not at all unpleasant. I rather enjoy it.\" Further pressed as to whether he considered himself to possess a conscience, Kürten stated he did not. Nonetheless, when pressed as to his motivation in confessing, Kürten reiterated: \"Why don't you understand that I am fond of my wife, and that I am still fond of her? I have", "id": "18678074" }, { "contents": "Mamrie Hart\n\n\nflaws and saying 'Fuck you' to anyone who doesn't like it,\" she says. \"Hopefully that feeling will come across in [this book]. To where if you have a really embarrassing story, embrace it... Every story that I'll tell will lead up to why I am why I am. Hart's second book, \"I've Got This Round: More Tales of Debauchery\", was released on February 6, 2018. She launched a U.S. tour for the release in February, 2018", "id": "3038700" }, { "contents": "Mandy Salter\n\n\nproblem in \"EastEnders\" more people will be willing to help [...] It is important that people realise that anyone can end up homeless. If you lose your flat or your job, you can end up in a downward spiral that will dump you on the streets. We can't shut our minds to this situation, because it could happen to any of us. I know how fortunate I am, and therefore I know that I am in a position to help, which is why I have got involved with", "id": "376929" }, { "contents": "Diné Bahaneʼ\n\n\nme with those things and I shall go with you to the west.\" \"What do you mean by making such demands of me?\" said . \"Why should I provide you with all of those things?\" \"I will tell you why,\" she said. \"You are male and I am female. You are of the sky and I am of the earth. You are constant in your brightness, but I must change with the seasons. Remember that I willingly let you enter me and I", "id": "9512999" }, { "contents": "Xu Yushi\n\n\nwhen the people's lives and properties were interfered with, he did not report to me. Is this not an abuse of power?\" Xu responded, \"I serve in a key position of the government, and I serve Your Imperial Majesty with honesty and fairness, and I could not please everyone. That is why I am being attacked. As for abusing power, only someone who commands strong troops or is stationed at a key military post can do so. I am but a civilian who serves the emperor,", "id": "13268954" }, { "contents": "Dimitris Melissanidis\n\n\nthe caller that he would alert the authorities, he replied: “Screw you and the authorities. I don’t understand anything, I am Melissanidis. You will not be able to sleep. You will not be able to go out, I’ll be your nightmare. Fear of me will haunt you. They will come to your house and blow you up in your sleep. I am used to talking to big journalists. I looked you up and I will tear you down”. Furthermore, after Melissanidis assumed OPAP", "id": "11659122" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\n's the best thing for him as she sings: \"Why don't you love me... when I make me so damn easy to love?... I got beauty... I got class... I got style and I got ass...\". The singer further tells her love interest that the decision not to choose her is \"entirely foolish\". Originally released as a pre-order bonus track on the deluxe edition of \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\", the song was later released as a new song on the", "id": "7602753" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Andrew X. Pham\n\n\nremember colors my disconsolate reconciliation between my Saigon of Old and their muddy-grubby Saigon of Now” (102). He recounts one extremely emotional afternoon after giving money to a beggar child with a familiar face: “I stood rotten with doubts, more lost than I had ever been in my life. Why do I care for this persimmon-faced child? Is it simply because she bares a likeness to someone I once knew? Is that what it takes to remind me that I am Vietnamese? That I am", "id": "3340258" }, { "contents": "Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\n\n\nThirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian is a 1903 publication by Henry Stephen Clubb. Printed on twelve pages, \"Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\" is thus considered both a \"little book,\" as well as a pamphlet. Initially selling for 10 cents, it was sold as a paperback with a height of . Preceding the body of text in which Clubb lists his thirty-nine reasons for a vegetarian lifestyle, is a portrait of the author. The list is followed by the section", "id": "7897642" }, { "contents": "Batman (1989 film)\n\n\ncost $100,000 when the film was already well over budget. Burton disliked the idea, having no clue how the scene would end: \"Here were Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger walking up this cathedral, and halfway up Jack turns around and says, 'Why am I walking up all these stairs? Where am I going?' 'We'll talk about it when you get to the top!' I had to tell him that I didn't know.\" Burton was impressed with the sets designed by Nigel Phelps", "id": "4475590" }, { "contents": "Myself When I Am Real\n\n\nthat I have a difficult time listening to it without distraction. As I listen to the songs, recurring visions of teenage girls staring in rapt attention dominate my mind. Facing the stage, hands folded in the classic prayer posture and placed vertically to one side of their face—the young ladies convey a reverence reserved only for the boyfriend who will always be out of reach. Why? Well, because he’s a rock star.\" Lastly, McLey wrote that \"most of the songs on Myself When I am Real", "id": "5581536" }, { "contents": "Sima Yi\n\n\nfor rest. (When I entrust you with these responsibilities,) I am not commending you, but rather, I need you to help me share my burden.\" In 226, Cao Pi led his armies to attack Sun Quan and left Sima Yi behind to defend and govern the imperial capital in his absence, as well as providing reinforcements and supplies for his armies at the frontline. Before departing, Cao Pi issued a decree: \"I am deeply concerned about what happens after I die. This is why I", "id": "7570689" }, { "contents": "Multiple Sleep Latency Test\n\n\nThe Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is a sleep disorder diagnostic tool. It is used to measure the time elapsed from the start of a daytime nap period to the first signs of sleep, called sleep latency. The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are, the faster they will fall asleep. The MSLT is used extensively to test for disorders of excessive somnolence such as narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnolence, to distinguish between physical tiredness and true excessive daytime sleepiness, or to assess whether treatments for breathing disorders", "id": "12761778" }, { "contents": "Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\n\n\nauthored on the subject of vegetarianism, including \"Unpolished rice\" among others. Among the reasons Clubb gives for a vegetarian lifestyle are that he is \"an optimist\" and that \"eating a lamb does not make a man lamb-like in his character any more than eating a missionary converts a savage into a Christian,\" which contributors to \"Unity\" found \"interesting.\" Though not stated in \"Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\", Clubb has been quoted as saying meat-eating \"", "id": "7897644" }, { "contents": "Xin Pi\n\n\nthose households?\" Cao Pi asked him in return: \"Do you think it is inappropriate?\" Xin Pi replied: \"Indeed. I do believe it is inappropriate.\" Cao Pi then said: \"I am not going to discuss it with you.\" Xin Pi said: \"Your Majesty doesn't think I am incapable. That is why you appoint me as a close aide and adviser. Why then wouldn't you discuss it with me? I am not speaking up because it is a private matter", "id": "9847138" }, { "contents": "Li Yiyan\n\n\nEven when a person becomes a county magistrate or sheriff, he would want to build a new house. My brother, you are honored and powerful, why do you live in a small house to bring shame to your subordinates?\" Li Yiyan further responded, \"Not everything should be perfect, and blessings will not be doubled. Since I am an honored official, if I expand my mansion, unless I am fully virtuous, I will bring disaster on myself. It is not that I do not want a new", "id": "16502204" }, { "contents": "One More Sleep\n\n\nof her partner to come home on Christmas Day, Lewis adopts an \"angelic tone\" as she sings \"Three more dreams of you and mistletoe/ Two more reasons why I love you so.\" Popjustice praised the \"5-4-3-2-1 device\", calling it \"excellent.\" \"One More Sleep\" garnered acclaim from music critics. Writing for \"Digital Spy\", Lewis Corner wrote that \"One More Sleep\" is more \"heart-warming\" and \"sweet\" than a", "id": "7939762" }, { "contents": "John Davies (poet)\n\n\nand once addressed her, \"I pray you weep not while I am alive, and I will give you leave to laugh when I am dead\". She is said to have accurately foretold the date of his death and wore mourning clothes for the three years leading up to the predicted time: as the date approached – three days before – she \"gave him pass to take his long sleep\". Davies had three children by his marriage. His only son to survive infancy John (Jack), was deaf and", "id": "108528" }, { "contents": "Yousuf Karsh\n\n\nKarsh photographed \"anyone who was anyone.\" When asked why he almost exclusively captured famous people, he replied, \"I am working with the world's most remarkable cross-section of people. I do believe it's the minority who make the world go around, not the majority.\" He once also jokingly remarked, \"I do it for my own immortality.\" By the time he retired in 1992, more than 20 of his photos had appeared on the cover of \"Life\" magazine. Karsh's", "id": "16880027" }, { "contents": "Wilfred Greatorex\n\n\nas I put it more brutally, a consensus tyranny.\" The same year he also devised (with Gerard Glaister) the BBC1 wartime drama \"Secret Army\". The show later inspired the sitcom parody \"'Allo 'Allo!\". When talking about his writing style he said \"I am opposed to soft-centred characters, which is why I don't create a lot of Robin Hoods. The world's full of hard cases, real villains. And they need to be confronted with other characters just as", "id": "5953474" }, { "contents": "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (video game)\n\n\nsaid, 'Oh I love Ellison's stories, but there's no way you could turn that into a game.' I thought, 'Wow, what have I gotten into?'\" One of the biggest initial challenges was taking a short story whose characters have very limited background story and character development, and fleshing it out into a full-length interactive narrative. A breakthrough came about when Sears asked Ellison the question, \"Why were these people saved? Why did AM decide to save them?\" This", "id": "13382141" }, { "contents": "John Marshall (filmmaker)\n\n\nstylistic in documentary through his more than fifty years as a filmmaker. Marshall was a pioneer in the cinema verite style. He is quoted as saying, \"I began shooting events from angles and distances that approximated the perspectives of the people I was filming, I tried to film as a member of the group rather than shoot standing outside as an observer.\" He began thinking about his position vis-à-vis the people he was filming, asking, \"Am I someone in the group? Who? Why am", "id": "15220296" }, { "contents": "Edgar Lee Masters\n\n\nfields… After a little walk and by your pardon, I think I'll sleep, there is no sweeter thing. Nor fate more blessed than to sleep. I am a dream out of a blessed sleep- Let's walk, and hear the lark. /poem Edgar's father was Hardin Wallace Masters, whose father was Squire Davis Masters, whose father was Thomas Masters, whose father was Hillery Masters, the son of Robert Masters (born c. 1715, Prince George's County, Maryland, the son of William W. Masters", "id": "5671454" }, { "contents": "Soul Sound\n\n\nseeing the beauty and horror of a place, and going into a heightened state.\" She elaborated, \"My songs are all about who I am and what I am feeling, which is why they can take so much out of me to perform – and I always feel a lot when I go to Africa\". Cumming had spent a year with the Sugababes while they recorded their debut studio album \"One Touch\" (2000); according to the \"Daily Record\", the trio's management were desperate for", "id": "13169319" }, { "contents": "Bonny Portmore\n\n\nmore I think on you the more I think long If I had you now as I had once before All the lords in Old England would not purchase Portmore. O bonny Portmore, I am sorry to see Such a woeful destruction of your ornament tree For it stood on your shore for many's the long day Till the long boats from Antrim came to float it away. All the birds in the forest they bitterly weep Saying, \"Where shall we shelter or where shall we sleep?\" For the Oak and the", "id": "22181860" }, { "contents": "Jason Molina\n\n\nwriting music eight hours per day. \"I throw away most of what I write,\" he said in a 2006 interview. \"I feel a lot of guilt about the freedom that being an artist provides. I ask myself, 'Why am I not the guy emptying the trash, why am I the guy who is watching the guy empty the trash?'\" Molina was married to Darcie Schoenman Molina. They were estranged at the time of his death, and the couple had no children. All releases on", "id": "4467232" }, { "contents": "Excessive daytime sleepiness\n\n\n. The ESS generates a numerical score from zero (0) to 24 where a score of ten [10] or higher may indicate that the person should consult a specialist in sleep medicine for further evaluation. Another tool is the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), which has been used since the 1970s. It is used to measure the time it takes from the start of a daytime nap period to the first signs of sleep, called sleep latency. The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are", "id": "17342136" }, { "contents": "Consider the Birds\n\n\nConsider the Birds is the second album (not counting the score for Blush) by David Eugene Edwards' Woven Hand. The album's title comes from the Sermon on the Mount. When asked why he chose this as his album's title, David Eugene Edwards replied, \"I wanted to remind myself of the birds. I am often anxious. I need to fall on my faith more.\" The Burnt Toast vinyl release has the same track listing. Tracks 1–5 appear on Side A and tracks 6–10 appear on Side", "id": "987816" }, { "contents": "Desano language\n\n\n. \"“I am eating”\" IgyN kadiN GY-i T E biN He sleep partic-do GEN ev p.e. \"“He is sleeping”\" Examples of non-Present tense, extracted from (Kaye, 1970): Jyy kadiN a E by I sleep-pres ev. p.e. (Observed) “I slept” Juu dodeky a ko by Ibe sick-pres ev. p.e. (Non-visible) \"“I was sick”\" IgyN aadi a jo py He come-", "id": "11305500" }, { "contents": "Justin Trudeau\n\n\n, when asked by a reporter why he felt gender parity was important when naming his cabinet, he replied simply, \"Because it's 2015.\" More recently, he has similarly answered to feminist organizations on social media that \"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am writing back to let you know that I wholeheartedly agree: Poverty is Sexist\". In January 2018 in a speech at the World Economic Forum, Trudeau called for critical discussion on issues brought up by the Me Too, Time's Up,", "id": "7456374" }, { "contents": "Walter Woon\n\n\nleave one hot seat to jump into another hot seat? I've said for years that I would want to go back to my natural habitat eventually. Why wouldn't anyone believe me?\" – although when asked if he had forever ruled out a political career, he said: \"Forever is a long time but definitely not now.\" Subsequently, he reiterated in a \"Today\" interview: \"I am not a politician and I am not interested in politics and have no desire to go into politics. I", "id": "2869937" }, { "contents": "P. G. T. Beauregard\n\n\nBut when Jefferson Davis died in 1889, Beauregard refused the honor of heading the funeral procession, saying \"We have always been enemies. I cannot pretend I am sorry he is gone. I am no hypocrite.\" Beauregard died in his sleep in New Orleans. The cause of death was recorded as \"heart disease, aortic insufficiency, and probably myocarditis.\" Edmund Kirby Smith, the last surviving full general of the Confederacy, served as the \"chief mourner\" as Beauregard was interred in the vault of the", "id": "14112552" }, { "contents": "Nap\n\n\nwave sleep and failing to complete the normal sleep cycle, can result in a phenomenon known as sleep inertia, where one feels groggy, disoriented, and even sleepier than before beginning the nap. In order to attain optimal post-nap performance, a Stage 2 nap must be limited to the beginning of a sleep cycle, specifically sleep stages N1 and N2, typically 18–25 minutes. Experimental confirmation of the benefits of this brief nap comes from a Flinders University study in Australia in which 5, 10, 20, or 30-minute", "id": "4506558" }, { "contents": "I Am What I Am (George Jones album)\n\n\nof when these songs were originally recorded. \"I Am What I Am\" peaked at number 7 on the \"Billboard\" country album charts, his first top 10 album in five years, and even appeared on the \"Billboard\" Top 200 at 132. The phoenix-like reemergence of Jones only made the performances of the songs more captivating for listeners, as Glen Gass observed in 2000: \"\"I Am What I Am\" is music from the abyss. The 1980 album was released at a time when George", "id": "14851973" }, { "contents": "Ecce Homo (book)\n\n\n\", \"Why I Am So Clever\", \"Why I Write Such Good Books\" and \"Why I Am a Destiny\". Walter Kaufmann, in his biography \"\" noticed the internal parallels, in form and language, to Plato's \"Apology\" which documented the Trial of Socrates. In effect, Nietzsche was putting himself on trial with this work, and his sardonic judgments and chapter headings can be seen as mordant, mocking, self-deprecating, or sly. Within this work, Nietzsche is self", "id": "3050710" }, { "contents": "Dev (singer)\n\n\nI'm confident enough in what I do that people will see me for who I am ... I get why people compare us but once people see me live they won't connect us as much.\" While comparing her to Kesha, \"Idolator\" wrote that \"Dev's beats come off a bit more mellow and her songs a little bit more electro than pop.\" In response to being compared to both Kesha and Uffie, Dev said, \"I just feel that I have a lot more to say and the", "id": "648209" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Dennis Bergkamp\n\n\nlive with it. I can't do anything about it, it is a psychological thing and I can't explain it. I have not flown on a plane for two years. The Dutch FA has been sympathetic, so have Arsenal, so far. I am considering psychiatric help. I can't fly. I just freeze. I get panicky. It starts the day before, when I can't sleep. The condition severely limited his ability to play in away matches in European competitions and to travel with the national", "id": "1713942" }, { "contents": "Sandcastles (song)\n\n\nthe time when the song was included on the track listing of \"Lemonade\" did not want to sign a publishing agreement and opted out for keeping ownership of the track, saying: \"I wanted to own it and that's a harder road. That meant being homeless and sleeping in cars and garages and studios and that's what I was willing to do. I knew I couldn't sign a publishing deal knowing what they are - essentially a high-interest loan. Why would I take that kind of deal?", "id": "13324344" }, { "contents": "Paris Hilton\n\n\ntrack list contained satire song titles such as \"Why Am I Famous?\", \"What Have I Done?\" and \"What Am I For?\". He also changed the cover sleeve and booklet to display pictures of the singer topless. In 2007, a YouTube spoof video titled \"Paris in Jail\", inspired by her single \"Stars Are Blind\", was played more than 7 million times by the first month of its publishing. Amber Hay, the actress who portrayed Hilton in the aforementioned video,", "id": "18708084" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Warren\n\n\nof DNA to determine Native American heritage was criticized by the Cherokee Nation as \"inappropriate and wrong\". During a 2019 public appearance in Sioux City, Iowa, Warren was asked by an attendee, \"Why did you undergo the DNA testing and give Donald more fodder to be a bully?\" Warren responded in part, \"I am not a person of color; I am not a citizen of a tribe. Tribal citizenship is very different from ancestry. Tribes, and only tribes, determine tribal citizenship, and I", "id": "4389211" }, { "contents": "Frederick Mitchell Hodgson\n\n\n1900. He asked them: \"What must I do to the man, whoever he is, who has failed to give to the Queen, who is the paramount power in the country, the stool to which she is entitled? Where is the Golden Stool? Why am I not sitting on the Golden Stool at this moment? I am the representative of the paramount power in this country; why have you relegated me to this chair? Why did you not take the opportunity of my coming to Kumasi to bring the", "id": "13099641" }, { "contents": "Caerus\n\n\nSikyon. The following epigram by Poseidippos was carved on the statue: \"Who and whence was the sculptor? From Sikyon. And his name? Lysippos. And who are you? Time who subdues all things. Why do you stand on tip-toe? I am ever running. And why you have a pair of wings on your feet? I fly with the wind. And why do you hold a razor in your right hand? As a sign to men that I am sharper than any sharp edge. And", "id": "2096428" }, { "contents": "McDibbs\n\n\nof McDibbs. He set the standard. And I am proud to say that during some of the open mic sessions (I'm not sure they were called that), I got to sing at McDibbs. What an honor! It was also a family place. Clyde and I did a puppet show there, I know. And when Reuben was born, and when we could manage to drag our sleep-deprived bodies out for an evening, we could bring our little tyke to McDibbs to run and play while we", "id": "15771646" }, { "contents": "Rama language\n\n\n\" (I sister two have), \"That's why we have tongs\", \"The octopus has many arms\". In sentences with a verb as predicate, the basic order is: Other sentence elements (in bold here) may be placed: Clausal elements (i.e. those containing a verb) usually follow the main verb, e.g. \"I am going to plant corn\", \"I am looking for meat to buy\", \"They are happy when they hear about the manatee\". Yes/no", "id": "11045291" }, { "contents": "The Way I Am (Sandra song)\n\n\n\"The Way I Am\" is a pop song by German singer Sandra. It was released as the lead single from the album \"The Art of Love\" in January 2007. The song reached #50 on the official German Charts. The CD single contains two non-album tracks, \"Logical Love\" and \"Sleep\", an alternative version of the album track \"Casino Royale\". The track \"Sleep\" was originally recorded by Polish singer Edyta Górniak, as \"Sleep With Me\", then covered", "id": "21925509" }, { "contents": "Faith Ringgold\n\n\nmuch older before I found out that there was at least one black artist in my history books. Only one. Now that didn’t help me. That wasn’t good enough for me. How come I didn’t have that source of power? It is important. That’s why I am a black artist. It is exactly why I say who I am.\" In 1988, Ringgold co-founded the Coast-to-Coast National Women Artists of Color Projects with Clarissa Sligh. From 1988 to 1996,", "id": "9102719" }, { "contents": "Lasst uns froh und munter sein\n\n\n, jolly, tralala-lala, Soon Nicholas Eve is here! Soon Nicholas Eve is here! Soon our school day ends, Home I'll go with all my friends. Jolly, jolly, ... Then I put the plate out Nick'll surely put somethin' on it. Jolly, jolly, ... When I sleep, then I dream: Now Nicholas brings me something. Jolly, jolly, ... When I am woken up, I run quickly to the plate. Jolly, jolly, ... Nicholas is a good man Whom", "id": "20537155" } ]
How does the silencer on a gun work?
[{"answer": "A gun is loud for two reasons. 1: any gun which fires a bullet which breaks the sound barrier is impossible to suppress without slowing the bullet. Part of the sound is the sonic boom created by the bullet breaking the sound barrier. 2: The way that a gun fires is to create enough pressure behind the bullet the push it out the barrel of the gun. There are very hot gasses which expand very quickly. A suppressor (also known as a silencer) slows the expansion of the gas outside of the barrel. If you were to disassemble a suppressor, you would see it is basically a tube with small holes that feed into another chamber. By giving the gasses a slightly larger area to expand in, it allows the gas to expand and cool at a slower rate."}, {"answer": "When you pop a baloon it makes a loud bang sound, but when you slowly let the air out of it you only hear a slight hiss. The suppressor (silencer) works on the same basic principle. All the hot gases are vented from the barrel into the suppressor which has a series of chambers that allow the gas to expand before exiting the barrel. This will significantly reduce the sound of the explosion. However, if the bullet is travelling faster than the speed of sound the crack of the bullet breaking the sound barrier will still be heard. The quietest guns use a subsonic bullet with a suppressor."}, {"answer": "Silencers, suppressors, moderators, regulators, cans whatever you want to call them... They slow down the high pressure escaping gas from behind the bullet by forcing those gases into chambers. It's not blocking sound or anything, it's just giving the gases a sealed chamber in which to normalize in pressure with the surrounding atmosphere, and therefore, no concussive bang or flash at the muzzle. Silencers are also very effective at getting rid of a lot of recoil because the escaping gasses are directed away from the direction of the muzzle. A muzzle brake also reduces recoil by this principal. [Here is a good demonstration of how a muzzle brake works]( URL_2 ). It's easier to imagine a suppressor as a super effective muzzle brake which is completely enclosed by the wall of the suppressor. Like other people have mentioned, if the bullet is travelling at supersonic speeds, then the bullet itself will create a very distinctive crack. You can't get rid of that unless you slow the projectile down, but doing so means that you're losing a great deal of energy. However, guys who want to shoot ultra-quiet, make special subsonic loads. Subsonic ammunition uses just enough powder to push the projectile to just under the speed of sound 1050 feet/sec is a safe benchmark for most altitudes. There are specially designed cartridges which are design to deliver a huge amount of energy on target, but still keep the projectile going slower than the speed of sound. [The best example of this is the .510 Whisper cartridge]( URL_1 ). [Another]( URL_4 ). It uses a smaller than normal cartridge casing behind a .50 caliber projectile normally found in the .50 BMG cartridge. The [.510 Whisper]( URL_3 ) is a pretty unique example of keeping it ultra-quite but having enough energy to be used for any long range applications. So that's it. Silencers are very effective firearm accessories which help make things safer for the shooter and the people around them. [Here is an x-ray image of your most typical suppressor designs]( URL_0 )."}, {"answer": "I'll take a stab at this one. I've asked this question before, and this was roughly how it was explained to me. The two things that are loudest when a gun is fired is the explosion of gases that follow the bullet as it exits the barrel, and the bullet creating a sonicboom as it breaks the sound barrier. A silencer slows down the bullet so that it doesn't break the sound barrier, and it also helps so that the gas explosion isn't as powerful. With that said, you can make a gun even quieter by using subsonic (slower than sound) bullets to begin with, at the cost of having a shorter firing range. Hope that helps"}, {"answer": "\"Silencers\" (really suppressors: you can't make a gun totally silent for a lot of reasons) work a lot like a car's muffler. Sound is the movement of air. Guns work by causing a controlled explosion, which pushes the bullet very fast, but also creates a lot of hot, fast-moving air; that fast-moving air is most of the loud sound of a gunshot. A supressor slows down as much of the \"extra\" air as it can, which muffles the sound \u2014 less moving air reaches your ears. There are a few techniques. One is called a \"baffle\", which is like a maze the air has to escape through. The air slows down a little every time it has to make turns through the maze. Another is just to make a very big chamber so that the air decompresses some before it escapes: less pressure means it makes less of a \"popping\" sound."}, {"answer": "As far as I know its a series of chambers housed inside a piece of metal (that sits on the end of the gun) These chambers come in a variety of designs. But all work to the same end, which is that any gas emitted from the end of the gun, gets partially trapped inside and isn't emitted as quickly as it would be without the silencer This fast release of gas from the end of the chamber, is what makes the noise, so making the release slower makes it quieter. This comes from a guy with zero gun knowledge though so im probably wrong."}, {"answer": "Just so you know, a silencer doesnt work like it is shown in the movies. Its not this faint pft sound, its just a less loud bang."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "38048372", "title": "Silencer (firearms)", "section": "Section::::Design and construction.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 27, "end_paragraph_id": 27, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["to thirty shots with subsonic (slower than the speed of sound) ammunition. In contrast, one suppressor designed for rifles firing the powerful .50 caliber (BMG) cartridge is long and in diameter. Two ancillary advantages to the silencer are recoil reduction and flash suppression. Muzzle flash is reduced by both being contained in the suppressor and through the arresting of unburned powder that would normally burn in the air, adding to the flash. Recoil reduction results from the slowing of propellant gasses, which can contribute 3050% of recoil velocity. However, some suppressors can increase the backpressure produced by the propellant gasses. This can cause them to function somewhat like a muzzle booster and thus increase the felt recoil. The weight of the silencer and the location of that additional weight at the muzzle reduce recoil through basic mass as well as muzzle flip due to the location of this mass.", "Muzzle flash is reduced by both being contained in the suppressor and through the arresting of unburned powder that would normally burn in the air, adding to the flash. Recoil reduction results from the slowing of propellant gasses, which can contribute 3050% of recoil velocity.", "Two ancillary advantages to the silencer are recoil reduction and flash suppression. Muzzle flash is reduced by both being contained in the suppressor and through the arresting of unburned powder that would normally burn in the air, adding to the flash. Recoil reduction results from the slowing of propellant gasses, which can contribute 3050% of recoil velocity."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Robert Wilson (director)\n\n\nstating, Language does many things and does them well. But we tend to shut our eyes to what language does not do well. Despite the arrogance of words – they rule traditional theatre with an iron fist – not all experience can be translated into a linguistic code. Celebrated twentieth century playwright Eugène Ionesco said that Wilson \"surpassed Beckett\" because \"[Wilson's] silence is a silence that speaks\". This silence onstage may be unnerving to audience members but serves a purpose of showing how important language is by its", "id": "16093989" }, { "contents": "Irish National Liberation Army\n\n\nhave been\". The INLA went on to accept the massive vote in favour of the Good Friday Agreement – which it had opposed during the 1998 referendum – by the people of Ireland. It said \"The will of the Irish people is clear. It is now time to silence the guns and allow the working classes the time and the opportunity to advance their demands and their needs.\" Although the INLA does not support the Good Friday Agreement, it does not call for a return to armed struggle on behalf of republicans", "id": "16324302" }, { "contents": "Unstructured interview\n\n\nor no silences evident in between the responses. Oftentimes, it is up to the interviewer to present their interviewing skills by making sure the conversation does not hold any silences. However, with the fact that the unstructured interview is more like an everyday conversation, silence or the use of silence can be observed as a very important aspect of a natural conversation and in fact current research suggests that being attentive to silences will tell us a lot about how knowledge is constructed. Typically silence is overlooked in qualitative research, keeping in mind", "id": "10755853" }, { "contents": "SIONICS\n\n\nSIONICS (acronym for Studies In the Operational Negation of Insurgents and Counter-Subversion) was an American company producing firearm suppressors (also called \"silencers\"). It was founded in the 1960s by Mitchell WerBell, a former OSS and CIA officer. The company was originally formed to design silencers for the M16 rifle. Later, WerBell began work on designs for a low cost, efficient silencer for machine guns. In 1967 WerBell partnered with Gordon B. Ingram, inventor of the MAC-10 submachine gun. They added Werbell's silencer", "id": "9171732" }, { "contents": "Ghost gun\n\n\nInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations. With a legal case pending United States Supreme Court action, Defense Distributed removed the files, but the censored blueprints remain accessible via The Pirate Bay's \"Physibles\" section. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported in 2013 that it had seized hundreds of ghost guns, including a machine gun, and unregistered silencers. The FBI does not generally track the use of homemade firearms. ATF agents say that ghost guns are sold at a $1,000 premium due to being untraceable. According", "id": "18616436" }, { "contents": "White House Farm murders\n\n\nhasn't been disclosed, that is really, really serious.\" That the gun had a silencer on it during the murders was central to the prosecution's case. With the silencer, the gun was too long for Sheila to have turned the gun on herself. According to the prosecution, paint on the silencer could be matched to fresh scratch marks on the kitchen mantelpiece, assumed to have been made during a fight for the gun. That the silencer was found in the gun cupboard was important to the prosecution, because", "id": "13363220" }, { "contents": "The Guns of Abalone\n\n\nreactivated the station's guns as a ploy to annoy the world until they turn over Bullwinkle J. Moose and Rocky the Flying Squirrel`(a scheme that does not impress Natasha Fatale). Back in Frostbite Falls, Bullwinkle, on a grocery trip, is duped into a mission to silence the guns. With Rocky in tow, he boards a plane that crash-lands on Gibraltar when hit by a cannonball. Severely injured, he heads for the nearest hospital, but since all the Britons on Gibraltar are perfectly healthy, the hospital no", "id": "16150766" }, { "contents": "Employee silence\n\n\ndissatisfaction” among employees, “which manifests itself in absenteeism and turnover and perhaps other undesired behaviors”. Communication is the key to an organization’s success. If employee silence does occur, communication suffers, and as a result harms the overall functioning of the organization. In his article “Get Talking”, author Chris Penttila says, “employee silence is killing innovation and perpetuating poorly planned projects that lead to defective products, low moral and a damaged bottom line”. This indicates how much an organization can suffer just because", "id": "18778179" }, { "contents": "Employee silence\n\n\nrestraints against free communication, particularly criticisms by low-status members toward those in higher-status positions.” In other words, high status can intimidate employees causing them to be silent in order to protect their jobs and relationships. When trying to avoid employee silence, managers and leaders also need to know “how to facilitate varying opinions in a way that allows healthy discussion to develop towards consensus or best solutions”. In a recent business column entitled “Silence Does Not Equal Agreement,” some advice is given for leaders", "id": "18778192" }, { "contents": "The Great Silence\n\n\nthe making of the film, Corbucci and Trintignant were interviewed; Corbucci discussed the nature of violence in his films and Spaghetti Westerns in general (comparing the use of violence in such films to the James Bond franchise), while Trintignant spoke of the unusual nature of his role and how he would practice drawing his gun – by pulling a sock (substituting for the gloves Silence wears in the film) off his hand and reaching for a long-stemmed artichoke in his pocket. Following the film's completion, \"The Great", "id": "4192931" }, { "contents": "White House Farm murders\n\n\na pivotal issue. The prosecution maintained that the silencer had indeed been on the gun, and that this meant Sheila could not have shot herself. Forensic tests indicated that her arms were not long enough to turn the gun on herself with the silencer attached. If she had shot the others with the silencer, then realized the gun was too long for her to shoot herself, the silencer would have been found next to her body; she had no reason to return it to the gun cupboard before going back upstairs to shoot", "id": "13363167" }, { "contents": "The Minder\n\n\nat work. His only real relationship is Artemio's driver, Salinas (Adrian Andrade), whose simplicity does not suffice Rubén. Eventually, Rubén snaps: tired of his boss' infidelity to his wife, his downright hypocrisy and disdainful manner towards him, he frequents an illegal arms dealer, purchasing a gun with a silencer. When his boss suffers a heart attack, Rubén is left to take care of him, and soon he shoots Artemio offhand - the one person who is supposed to protect him from a threat that", "id": "16796308" }, { "contents": "Raid on Rochefort\n\n\ndue to heavy fog was unable to land for several days. Hawke and the naval officers were already extremely concerned about the worsening weather, fearing equinoctial gales that would make the sea more and more dangerous as the autumn wore on. Guided by Joseph Thierry, a Huguenot river pilot, two British warships approached the fort that dominated Île d'Aix. The guns of the fort were bombarded into silence by the guns of HMS \"Magnanime\" of 74 guns, commanded by Captain Richard Howe, soon joined by HMS \"Barfleur\" of", "id": "8725859" }, { "contents": "Cabal (Dibdin novel)\n\n\n, things turn out to be not that simple and he finds that getting the real answers is by no means easy, as witness after witness is mysteriously silenced - by violent death. To crack the secret of the Vatican, Zen must penetrate the most secret place of all: the fabled Cabal. How much of a threat does it represent? How far could it reach? Does it even exist? The novel was adapted for television by the BBC, starring Rufus Sewell in the title role. It was aired in January", "id": "15282473" }, { "contents": "Spiral of silence\n\n\nthe perceived majority ultimately becomes a social norm. The spiral model is an analogy used to visually describe the theory. The end of the spiral refers to the number of people who are not publicly expressing their opinions, due to the fear of isolation. An individual is more likely to go down the spiral if his or her opinion does not conform with the perceived majority opinion. The following steps summarize how the process works: This is a process of formation, change and reinforcement of public opinion. The tendency of the one", "id": "13079619" }, { "contents": "A New Day (The Wire)\n\n\ninformation and Prez reports Randy's story about telling Lex to meet a girl at the playground. Bunk and Freamon investigate the playground. The surrounding vacant homes pique Freamon's interest. Bunk watches in silence as Freamon does his work. Freamon investigates the boarded up homes and discovers that some of them have been sealed with plywood and screws. Others are loosely boarded up with rusty old screws. Freamon notices that one door in particular has been newly and tightly sealed by a nail gun. He realizes that vacant apartments have been used", "id": "12094748" }, { "contents": "Spaceman of Bohemia\n\n\n. Those were the early days.\" After that, he discovered Tolkien, Pratchett, and LeGuin in middle school, and eventually began reading more advanced works, such as those of Kundera, Dostoevsky, and Dickens. Kalfar's writing process does not include outlining, but, instead, sitting in silence and allowing himself to \"hear the characters in [his] head shout over each other.\" Specifically, his inspiration for \"Spaceman of Bohemia\" came from his fascination \"with loneliness, its contradictions, how people", "id": "3627830" }, { "contents": "How to Be a ... Zillionaire!\n\n\nthe song \"Vanity Kills\". Eden (see band line up in next section) does the harmony vocal on the song \"Ocean Blue\". Guitars completely absent from Side Two/Tracks 6–10. No cursing from Eden in the song \"A to Z\". Four seconds of silence between \"A to Z\" and \"(How to Be A) Millionaire\". Eden performs the breakdown vocal and plays the instrumental solo in the song \"(How to Be A) Millionaire\". On the cover the", "id": "6621438" }, { "contents": "Invisible Invaders\n\n\nUsing a radio direction finder they follow the jamming signal to the alien ship, killing several aliens along the way. Maj. Jay walks through the woods to get to the ship and is confronted by several aliens. He kills them with the sound gun but is shot in the process. Despite being wounded, he finds the alien ship and shoots it with the sound gun, causing the ship to explode. With the jamming signal silenced, Dr. Penner is then able to contact the government and tell them how to stop the", "id": "2206988" }, { "contents": "Fight the Silence\n\n\nthat \"In truth there is nothing that really separates 'Fight The Silence' from the hundreds of other metalcore records that are released every year.\" At New Release Tuesday, Mary Nikkel rated the album four stars out of five, noting how the album has no \"major innovations\", yet believing it does contain all of the \"best of hardcore and nu-metal industrial sensibilities to create a solid offering.\" Jay Heilman of Christian Music Review rated the album four-and-a-half stars, writing", "id": "18777998" }, { "contents": "Lois Frankel\n\n\nand the inaction of Congress, saying: \"We’ll pause for a moment of silence and then this Congress will do nothing because the NRA has a stranglehold on it.\" She has an \"F\" rating from the NRA, indicating that the organization does not believe that she protects gun rights. During her tenure as Congresswoman, Frankel has voted on several pieces of gun legislation. She voted against H. R. 38 (the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act), which would enable concealed carry reciprocity among all States if and when", "id": "18582237" }, { "contents": "Miranda warning\n\n\ndefendant's testimony. Further, the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine does not apply to Miranda violations. Therefore, the exclusionary rule exceptions, attenuation, independent source and inevitable discovery, do not come into play, and derivative evidence would be fully admissible. For example, suppose the police continue with a custodial interrogation after the suspect has asserted his right to silence. During his post-assertion statement the suspect tells the police the location of the gun he used in the murder. Using this information the police find the gun", "id": "19258378" }, { "contents": "Employee silence\n\n\nto the notion of employee silence, especially when it comes to how one is placed or ranked in an organizational structure. There are distinct organizational groupings or divisions, such as masculine or feminine, subordinate or dominant, manager or employee, that can influence silence. The way superiors communicate with subordinates determines the climate and the culture of the organization. Employees begin to identify themselves throughout the culture they work in, by the ways in which they participate in work rituals, through the relationships they form with co-workers and managers", "id": "18778168" }, { "contents": "Elippathayam\n\n\nrealities. The sister Rajamma is destroyed by the silence of her brother, who does not support her when she wants to get married - he turns down an offer because he felt it was beneath his family - and keeps silent when she is ailing and dying. Rajamma wears blue. Gopalakrishnan says he gave her blue to show her gentleness, submissiveness, and being doomed. She is incapable of imagining how to chart her life outside the patriarchy. She is shown to be constantly working for others and faithfully looking after Unni.", "id": "16871781" }, { "contents": "Jeremy Bamber\n\n\nThey alleged that a police log suggested that Bamber's father had indeed called the police that night, and that the silencer may not have been on the gun during the attacks. The silencer evidence was unreliable, they argued, because the silencer was found in a farmhouse cupboard by one of Bamber's cousins 3 days after the murders. Bamber is a category A prisoner in HM Prison Wakefield, Yorkshire. He has worked there as a peer partner, which involves helping other prisoners to read and write, and has won several", "id": "6261965" }, { "contents": "HMS Magnanime (1748)\n\n\nThe Magnanime was originally a 74-gun ship of the line of the French Navy launched in 1744 at Rochefort. Captured on 12 January 1748, she was taken into Royal Navy service as the third rate HMS \"Magnanime\". She played a major part in the 1757 Rochefort expedition, helping to silence the batteries on the Isle of Aix, and served at the Battle of Quiberon Bay in 1759 under Lord Howe, where she forced the surrender of the French 74-gun \"Héros\". Following a survey in 1770, she was deemed", "id": "20581609" }, { "contents": "James Wormley Jones\n\n\n-gun fire which baptized them, only to make them the more hardened and intrepid warriors; of how they contended every inch; fought with marvelous valor, never for an instant faltering. Trench after trench of the enemy was entered and conquered; dugout after dugout was successfully grenaded and made safe for the boys to follow; wires were cut and communicating trenches explored; machine-gun nests were raided and silenced, and still the boys fought their way on. Of course, as a natural sequence to such a daring raid", "id": "21926571" }, { "contents": "Kim Kyunghu\n\n\nof poetry that does not compromise with the violent reality, using honest words that show the innermost side of a wretched life, instead of words of false reconciliation. Her poetry suggests how one could endure the violence of reality, while also seeking a better life, or another reality. Her second poetry collection, \"Yeoldu gyeobui jajeong\" (열두 겹의 자정 \"Twelve Layers of Midnight\") records the groans of enforced silence of those who do not even have the opportunity to speak out in a violent world. Such silence", "id": "21144386" }, { "contents": "Zhuanxu\n\n\nas Taowu (梼杌; literally: \"block-stump; blockhead\"). Two other descendants of Zhuanxu were also named: one is Zhuanxu's son Qiongchan, from whom descended Emperor Shun; the other is Gun, father of Yu the Great. Emperor Yao had also criticized Gun for being incompetent and ruinous. Qiongchan was an insignificant commoner though it does not mention how he fell from grace. Eight other of Zhuanxu's descendants, unnamed yet of good repute, later worked for Shun. The \"Bamboo Annals\"", "id": "14398274" }, { "contents": "Silencer (firearms)\n\n\nthat the widespread term \"silencer\" reflects technical ignorance and is poorly defined. Gun rights advocates and gun media generally say that the word \"silencer\" is defined as meaning \"total\" silence, while \"suppressor\" is defined as only meaning reduced sound intensity. When a firearm is discharged, there are three ways sound is produced. Part of it can be managed; however, some of it is beyond the ability of the operator or manufacturers to eliminate. In order of importance, the three ways a firearm generates", "id": "18484109" }, { "contents": "Special Forces: Nemesis Strike\n\n\nand automatic firearms are used in a frontal assault tactic. When playing as Owl, silenced guns, semi-automatic guns and scope rifles are used in stealth; though in the last few missions, Owl does not fully use stealth firearms. Ammunition packs are seen as spinning black coloured-trimmed boxes; small yellow packs for bullets, big orange packs for explosives, small cubic orange packs for grenades and flat blue packs for electromagnetic grenades. When driving vehicles, both characters can drive any vehicle, ranging from boats to jeeps", "id": "21062478" }, { "contents": "Silencer (firearms)\n\n\nA silencer, also known as a sound suppressor, suppressor or sound moderator, is a muzzle device that reduces the acoustic intensity of the muzzle report (sound of gunfire) and eliminates muzzle flash when a gun (firearm or air gun) is discharged, by modulating the speed of gas ejection from the muzzle and hence suppressing the muzzle blast. Like the muzzle brake, a silencer can be a detachable accessory mounted separately onto the muzzle, or an integral part of the barrel. A typical silencer is a metal cylinder with", "id": "18484099" }, { "contents": "Silence\n\n\nmusic dies away in a miraculously fresh and radiant close.\" John Paynter (1970, p. 24) vividly conveys how silence contributes to the titanic impact of the third section of Messiaen’s orchestral work \"Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum\" (1964):Woodwinds jump, growl and shriek. Silence. Eight solemn bell strokes echo and die. Again silence. Suddenly the brasses blare, and out of the trombones’ awesome processional grows a steady roar … the big gongs the tam-tam beaten in a long and powerful resonance, shattering and", "id": "5106577" }, { "contents": "Blockade of Wonsan\n\n\nplus the help of Fast Carrier Task Force planes silenced the enemy guns. Shore battery fire was most accurate to date indicating the possible use of fire control equipment. Utilizing SFCP spot, \"Osprey\" silenced three batteries and suffered no damage. \"Brinkley Bass\" and silenced a battery at Kalmagak on March 22. USS \"Wiltsie\" received fire from the batteries east of Kalmagak on March 23 and, together with \" Brinkley Bass\", responded with counter-battery fire to silence the enemy guns. During the following day", "id": "51524" }, { "contents": "Battle of Buna–Gona: Allied forces and order of battle\n\n\nthrough the square embrasure of the target and destroyed the 75 mm gun which the strongpoint sheltered. The gun then fought a two-day duel with a triple-barrelled 25 mm piece. Carson's men claimed they eliminated three opposing crews before the 25 mm was completely silenced. The gun fired 1,000 rounds in five days. It silenced eleven bunkers. It claimed a further two 75 mm guns, a mountain gun and \"many machine guns\". Both the Americans and the Australians had experimented with lighter anti-tank guns", "id": "21572055" }, { "contents": "Ludlow Castle, Delhi\n\n\n, or the \"Sammy House Battery\", of two 24-pounder and four 9-pounder guns, near the southern end of the ridge, to silence the guns on the Mori Bastion. Under cover of Reid's Battery, on 7 September the first siege battery proper was established, from the Mori Bastion. Four of its guns engaged the artillery on the Kashmir Bastion, while six guns and a heavy mortar demolished the Mori Bastion. After a long duel, it silenced the rebels' guns on the Mori Bastion. The direction of", "id": "16280163" }, { "contents": "Piotr Wilniewczyc\n\n\ndesigned the Mors submachine gun, which did not enter production due to the outbreak of war. After the war, he directed a team that designed the Rak wz. 63 submachine gun, completed after his death. During the war, Wilniewczyc worked with the Home Army in Warsaw, developing a silencer for the Sten gun. After the Warsaw Uprising he moved to Łódź and soon began lecturing at the Łódź Polytechnic. From 1948 he also worked at the reopened Warsaw Polytechnic. Wilniewczyc died on 23 December 1960 and was interred at", "id": "6465563" }, { "contents": "Airsoft gun\n\n\noff zero. Most optical sights are mounted on a MIL-STD-1913 rail, while other guns, including replicas of Kalashnikovs, MP5s and G36s may have specific proprietary mounts. There are two main types of barrel attachments for airsoft guns, suppressors and barrel extenders. Suppressors make firing the gun quieter. Suppressors, also called silencers, cannot be expected to work as well as they are depicted on television with real firearms, since airsoft guns are already fairly quiet relative to real weapons. Barrel extenders are used to increase the", "id": "14009818" }, { "contents": "Siege of Delhi\n\n\n\", of two 24-pounder and four 9-pounder guns, near the southern end of the ridge, to silence the guns on the Mori Bastion. Under cover of Reid's Battery, on 7 September the first siege battery proper was established, from the Mori Bastion. Opening fire on 8 September, four of its guns engaged the artillery on the Kashmir Bastion, while six guns and a heavy mortar silenced the rebels' guns on the Mori Bastion after a long duel. The direction of this attack also deceived the rebels that the", "id": "19566213" }, { "contents": "Dreamcast light guns\n\n\nsoft-locked. Not releasing and locking out the official gun in North America was an intentional move on Sega's part, who were worried about bad press after the Columbine High School massacre. Instead, Mad Catz released an officially licensed light gun in America, which does work with Sega's US gun games. The official European and Asian Dreamcast Gun does not work with any American games. American consoles can run Japanese games using this gun since it is the software that disallows the gun, not the console. The pistol", "id": "17431974" }, { "contents": "Rubber band gun\n\n\nbe used in the making of the gun. Sights, foregrips and magazines to hold extra rubber bands may also be made according to the owner's preferences. Through creativity and imagination, one can make detachable sights, grips, stocks, silencers, and under-barrel shotguns or grenade launchers. Rubber band guns can be built from K'Nex. Such constructions can include handheld pistols, automatics and sniper rifles. Some K'Nex guns work using the escapement mechanism seen in semi-automatic rubber band guns, while some more advanced types have", "id": "5867122" }, { "contents": "Torture\n\n\nopenly sanctioned and acknowledged by the authority. The Economist magazine proposed that one of the reasons torture endures is that torture does indeed work in some instances to extract information/confession, if those who are being tortured are indeed guilty. Depending on the culture, torture has at times been carried on in silence (official silence ), semi-silence (known but not spoken about), or openly acknowledged in public (to instill fear and obedience). In the 21st century, even when states sanction their interrogation methods,", "id": "3504871" }, { "contents": "Type 85 submachine gun\n\n\nThe Type 85 submachine gun was developed during the early 1980s as a less expensive replacement for the Type 79 submachine gun, as well as a silenced version to replace the Type 64 submachine guns which were in service with the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Both weapons are used by PR China police units, as well as PLA soldiers. The Type 85 submachine gun is a simple blowback weapon that fires from an open bolt. It uses tubular receiver made from steel, and there is long silencer tube also made from", "id": "10651016" }, { "contents": "Argument from silence\n\n\nwas such an important figure in Cicero's \"Brutus\" and he would have likely been cited if possible. Although Cicero's silence on Cato is a convincing argument from silence, the same strength does not apply to Cicero's silence on the questorship of Caelius, Michael Alexander stating that a number of factors may have precluded Cicero from mentioning it. Yifa has pointed out the perils of arguments from silence, in that the lack of references to a compilation of a set of monastic codes by contemporaries or even by disciples does not", "id": "3954717" }, { "contents": "Poodle\n\n\nThis is very important when working the dog in a contest as well as an environment with guns: a trained poodle will not scare easily at the sound of gunfire, but it is wise to make him abide by his master's instructions in trials so he does not fall foul of danger and ignore the set course while attempting to \"solve\" how to get the duck. Because they are highly intelligent, harsh or violent training methods do not work with this dog breed in the fieldcorrections must be timely and given with precision", "id": "846901" }, { "contents": "Argument from silence\n\n\nevent not mentioned. While most historical approaches rely on what an author's works contain, an argument from silence relies on what the book or document does not contain. This approach thus uses what an author \"should have said\" rather than what is available in the author's extant writings. An argument from silence may apply to a document only if the author was expected to have the information, was intending to give a complete account of the situation, and the item was important enough and interesting enough to deserve to be", "id": "3954709" }, { "contents": "Nicole Miller (artist)\n\n\n, the William H. Johnson Prize in 2015 and the Rome Prize in 2016. Nicole Miller's most noted work “The Conductor” is a piece that speaks to a spectrum of emotion. The piece is silent, as an African-American man in a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt moves in a way such to act as if conducting a musical piece. The silence of the piece however, gives \"The Conductor\" another life, beyond just how you feel when you watch a man conducting silence. The silence creates a", "id": "4634685" }, { "contents": "Autophobia\n\n\nfor background noise. Using noise to interrupt the silence of isolated situations can often be a great help for people suffering from autophobia. However, it is important to remember that just because a person may feel alone at times does not mean that they have autophobia. Most people feel alone and secluded at times; this is not an unusual phenomenon. Only when the fear of being alone begins to interrupt how a person lives their daily life does the idea of being autophobic become a possibility. In an article called “Psychogenic Hyperventilation", "id": "12635835" }, { "contents": "HMS Thunderer (1872)\n\n\ntheir eyes, at the moment of firing, and then instantly worked the run-in levers, and did not notice how much the guns had recoiled. This no doubt occurred. Both guns were at once reloaded, and the rammer's indicator, working by machinery, set fast and failed to show how far the new charge had gone.\" The accident contributed to the Royal Navy changing to breech-loading guns, which could be more conveniently worked from inside the turrets. The fragments of the destroyed gun were re", "id": "12869971" }, { "contents": "White House Farm murders\n\n\njustice. In March 2001 the CCRC referred the case to the Court of Appeal because of the discovery of DNA inside the silencer; this was found as a result of a test not available in 1986 and constituted fresh evidence. Bamber's conviction rested in part on evidence that Sheila's blood had been found inside the silencer, suggesting that it had been on the gun when she died; but her arms were not long enough to point the gun back at herself and pull the trigger with the silencer attached. The appeal was", "id": "13363206" }, { "contents": "White House Farm murders\n\n\nthat Hayward's tests had been inadequate, and that there was a real possibility, not a remote one, that the blood had come from Nevill and June. This was a critical point, because the prosecution case rested on the silencer having been on the gun when Sheila was shot, something she could not have done herself because of the length of her arms. If she was shot with the silencer on the gun, it meant that someone else had shot her. If her blood was inside the silencer, it supported", "id": "13363210" }, { "contents": "HMS Vengeance (1899)\n\n\nclose range, intending to destroy the guns with direct hits. De Robeck took \"Vengeance\" to within of the fortifications at Kumkale and fired for ten minutes, before turning about to allow \"Cornwallis\" to engage the guns. The two French ships then followed, and by 15:00, the Ottoman guns had been effectively silenced, allowing for minesweepers to advance and attempt to clear the minefields; most of the fleet withdrew while the minesweepers worked, though \"Vengeance\" and the battleships and remained behind to cover them. By", "id": "11803454" }, { "contents": "Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria\n\n\nwas working for the interests of the country. He was working for Egypt to stand as a unified front against the challenges facing the nation;\" and Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh's campaign issued a statement saying that Fotouh had spoken with the Church's bishop for youth, Bishop Moussa, to express his condolences to both the Coptic Church and Copts. Al-Nour Party's Members of Parliament walked out when a minute's silence was held for Shenouda, with a party spokesman saying that \"a minute of silence does not exist", "id": "17558709" }, { "contents": "Mauna (silence)\n\n\nthe eleven substances and as one of the twenty-four qualities, he does not include silence in any one of these two lists nor does he describe silence as he does sound. \"Asat\", the word meaning non-existent or indescribable, appears seven times in the Rig Veda); it differs from the word, \"Mithya\", which means false or untrue, . \"Asat\" is the opposite of \"Rta\". It is the ground of transcendence, the origin of all organized perception, the", "id": "19281945" }, { "contents": "Field artillery\n\n\nunits and will coordinate the use of multiple batteries or even multiple battalions in what is called a battalion or brigade/regimental mission. In training and wartime exercises, as many as 72 guns from 3 battalions may all be coordinated to put \"steel on the target\" in what is called a \"brigade/regimental time on target\" or brigade/regimental TOT for short. The rule is \"silence is consent\", meaning that if the lower unit does not hear a \"cancel the mission\" (don't shoot", "id": "11427083" }, { "contents": "Field artillery team\n\n\nof multiple batteries or even multiple battalions in what is called a battalion or brigade/regimental mission. In training and wartime exercises, as many as 72 guns from three battalions may all be coordinated to put \"steel on the target\" in what is called a \"brigade/regimental time on target\" or brigade/regimental TOT for short. The rule is \"silence is consent\", meaning that if the lower unit does not hear a \"cancel the mission\" (don't shoot) or even a \"check", "id": "21819736" }, { "contents": "Gun law in the United States\n\n\n, passed under the Ronald Reagan administration, enacted protections for gun owners. It prohibited a national registry of dealer records, limited ATF inspections to conduct annual inspections (unless multiple infractions have been observed), allowed licensed dealers to sell firearms at \"gun shows\" in their state, and loosened regulations on the sale and transfer of ammunition. However the FOPA also prohibited civilian ownership or transfer of machine guns made after May 19, 1986, and redefined \"silencer\" to include silencer parts. In 1993, the Brady Handgun", "id": "3340046" }, { "contents": "Silencer (firearms)\n\n\nto have encountered an integrally suppressed .22 LR gun that had such a quiet report, although this is somewhat uncommon. Properly evaluating the sound generated by a firearm can only be done using a decibel meter in conjunction with a frequency spectrum analyzer during live tests. The silencer is typically a hollow metal tube manufactured from steel, aluminum, or titanium and contains expansion chambers. This device, typically cylindrical in shape, attaches to the muzzle of a pistol, submachine gun, or rifle. Some \"can\"-type silencers (so-called", "id": "18484112" }, { "contents": "Dorsey v. United States\n\n\nDorsey v. United States, 567 U.S. 260 (2012), is a Supreme Court of the United States decision in which the Court held that reduced mandatory minimum sentences for \"crack cocaine\" under the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 does apply to defendants who committed a crime before the Act went into effect but who were sentenced after that date. The Act's silence on how to apply its new rules, before the effective date or not, caused a split among the Justices on how to interpret its new lenient provisions. Specifically", "id": "18485095" }, { "contents": "Perdition City\n\n\nconsisting of only two members — Rygg and Ylwizaker — the duo started to incorporate field recordings into their work. During the making of \"Perdition City\" Ylwizaker would hang microphones outside the window of his 5th floor apartment to capture the sounds of the inner city streets. Subtitled \"\"Music to an Interior Film\"\", \"Perdition City\", and companion EP’s \"Silence Teaches You How to Sing\" and \"Silencing the Singing\", represent the transition to the band's work in film scores, largely inspired", "id": "4884401" }, { "contents": "White House Farm murders\n\n\nhad taken four silencers from his family members, including the one in the gun cupboard, and that evidence and paperwork from them—and from an additional laboratory silencer—was mixed up. Bamber's lawyers commissioned gun experts, in or around 2012, to examine photographs of the bodies and the silencer evidence. The experts were David Fowler, chief medical examiner for the state of Maryland in the United States; Ljubisa Dragovic, chief medical examiner of Oakland county in Michigan; Marcella Fierro, former chief medical examiner for the state", "id": "13363225" }, { "contents": "S.F.W.\n\n\nCliff and Wendy make a public appearance at a local high school. They receive a standing ovation from a crowd of adoring students, who chant Cliff's line: \"So Fucking What!\" One distraught-looking student, Barbara \"Babs\" Wyler, does not join in the cheering. After a minute of sitting in angry silence, Babs produces a gun from her book-bag and stands up. With a yell of \"EVERYTHING matters!\" she fires on Cliff and Wendy, seriously wounding them both. Media", "id": "19404180" }, { "contents": "Look at Your Game, Girl\n\n\n\"Paste\", Guns N' Roses' version does not substantially alter Charles Manson's original. The cover ends with Rose saying \"Thanks, Chas\". The song was released as a hidden track on the album and Manson is never mentioned on the album's packaging. On the album, \"Look at Your Game, Girl\" begins after twelve seconds of silence following the preceding track, \"I Don't Care About You\". The band's publicist Bryn Bridenthal claimed that the band's decision to cover a", "id": "9165777" }, { "contents": "The Man from U.N.C.L.E. gun\n\n\nfirepower was necessary, the concealable pistol was modified to accept a barrel extension with hand-grip and silencer, a Phantom Bushnell pistol scope, an extended magazine and a collapsible shoulder stock. The bird cage suppressor, silencer and barrel extension were attached by threaded plugs. Though a sophisticated weapon on screen, the U.N.C.L.E. Special Carbine in reality could not shoot real bullets, only blanks. However the pistol alone was still a working firearm. It was also modified by the studio to allow it to fire in full automatic \"machine", "id": "2929387" }, { "contents": "Bangkok Dangerous (1999 film)\n\n\ndoes not react to the gunshots. One day while cleaning up, a customer named Joe Ruffo is at the shooting range with his girlfriend, Aom. Joe notices Kong watching them and he offers the pistol to Kong, who impresses Jo and Aom with his shooting. Joe agrees to be Kong's partner and teaches him how to shoot, while standing behind him. When Joe injures his gun hand in a battle, Kong is ready to take on more work. Working for a mob boss, Kong is sent on a", "id": "17895121" }, { "contents": "Alvin York\n\n\nYork worked his way into position to silence the German machine guns. York recalled: And those machine guns were spitting fire and cutting down the undergrowth all around me something awful. And the Germans were yelling orders. You never heard such a racket in all of your life. I didn't have time to dodge behind a tree or dive into the brush... As soon as the machine guns opened fire on me, I began to exchange shots with them. There were over thirty of them in continuous action, and all", "id": "11756616" }, { "contents": "The Great Silence\n\n\nthe duel is a trap, Silence stands outside the saloon. A killer shoots his left hand, greatly impairing his speed and marksmanship. Loco then stands in the doorway, ready to face the weakened Silence. As Silence begins reaching for his Mauser, Loco reaches for his Colt Single Action Army – but as Silence draws, another wounding shot is fired. Loco fires at Silence's head, killing him. Distraught, Pauline attempts to shoot Loco herself, but swiftly dies as well. The bounty killers turn their guns on", "id": "4192912" }, { "contents": "Silencer (firearms)\n\n\nthe like\". In UK English, \"silencer\" is the common term for either a motor vehicle muffler or for a gun silencer. \"Sound moderator\" has been used in UK English for silencers on high-powered rifles used for hunting or at ranges. The Oxford, American Heritage, and other dictionaries apply the term \"suppressor\" to such contexts as electromagnetic shielding devices, genetics, and censorship, but not firearms. These dictionaries define both \"silencer\" and \"suppressor\" as essentially equivalent and interchangeable,", "id": "18484105" }, { "contents": "Rest (music)\n\n\nA rest is an interval of silence in a piece of music, marked by a symbol indicating the length of the pause. Each rest symbol and name corresponds with a particular note value for length, indicating how long the silence should last. Rests are intervals of silence in pieces of music, marked by symbols indicating the length of the pause. Each rest symbol and name corresponds with a particular note value, indicating how long the silence should last, generally as a multiplier of a measure or whole note. When an entire", "id": "14247745" }, { "contents": "Employee silence\n\n\nsatisfaction) or group-level antecedents (group climate, presence of formal communication channels)” in employee silence. Further research regarding this area will more than likely help us to better understand employee silence, how it affects organizations, and how to reduce it. Future research should be devoted to the study of one’s professional position in a company and whether this has any effect on the decision to remain silent. It would be interesting to discover if job titles play a part in employee silence or it's just a matter", "id": "18778195" }, { "contents": "Gerlando Sciascia\n\n\nthe vehicle, DeFilippo shot Sciascia four times with a silenced gun. The gunmen then drove to a deserted Bronx street, where they left the body on the road. A passerby saw the dumping and immediately called the police. Vacationing in Mexico, Massino immediately met with each of the Bonanno capos to tell them he did not know what happened to Sciascia and theorized it was a bad drug deal. However, in private, Massino reportedly remarked \"It served him right for telling me how to run the family.\" On", "id": "8042605" }, { "contents": "La Madrastra (2005 TV series)\n\n\nputs an end to a group of friends' vacation in Aruba. María (Victoria Ruffo) hears a gunshot and finds her friend Patricia (Montserrat Olivier) dead; in the confusion of the moment, she picks up the gun. María is thus found guilty of murder and is sentenced to life in jail. Her husband, Esteban (César Évora), an important businessman, does not believe her proclamations of innocence, and when he returns to Mexico he divorces her, buys the silence of all who were with them", "id": "17815739" }, { "contents": "Rozzano Locsin\n\n\nthe nurse to know the patient fully as person. Nurses use and encounter technology in nearly every aspect of their profession. What does it mean to be technologically competent? What does it mean to be a caring nurse? How does technology support nursing work? How does it hinder nursing work? How can nurses care for their patients as technological advancements are introduced nearly every day? \"Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice\" provides insight and answers into how nurses can express their nursing by being technologically competent", "id": "3856420" }, { "contents": "Silencer (comics)\n\n\nhe cannot speak, nor does he make any noise as he moves. He is also equipped with a semi-automatic German Luger pistol, which in turn does not make any noise either. Silencer's uniform is insulated, making him immune to electronic attacks. The mob enforcer version of Silencer has super-strength, teleportation, and a body composed of an unnamed murky substance which left him invulnerable and enabled him to shapeshift. The unnamed Silencer can generate a \"null sound\" which nullifies any sound within a certain", "id": "8983265" }, { "contents": "Le Roman de Silence\n\n\nin Silence's returning to womanhood and becoming the wife of the king). Though Nature and Nurture both played a part in how exceptional Silence was, it was Nurture who made him see how much better it was for him to pose as a man. But regardless of Silence's new certainty of gender through the arguments of Nurture, he is never able to fully immerse himself in manhood because of the permanent physical attributes bestowed by Nature, which cannot be undone by Nurture. Society at the time defined gender in regards", "id": "11393862" }, { "contents": "USS Savannah (CL-42)\n\n\nall-weather airfield, the Wadi Sebou, and the Salé airfield. On the morning of 8 November 1942, \"Savannah\" commenced firing against Vichy guns near the Kasbah, which had been firing on the Army troop's landing boats. She also temporarily silenced a battery which had opened up on the destroyer , enabling her to avoid a disaster. By the next morning, \"Savannah\"s guns had scored a direct hit on one of the two artillery guns in the fortress of Kasbah and had silenced the other. During that", "id": "21422127" }, { "contents": "Silencer (comics)\n\n\nguards, Silencer and the other escapees stowed away on a visiting She-Hulk. Silencer and the other villains got dislodged from her hand when she had to itch it. The Count Barzon version of Silencer wielded a gun that removed the power of speech from whoever it struck. The Akiya Badaranaike version of Silencer has the ability to nullify sound waves. She also has enhanced strength. The Dean Helm version of Silencer has no superhuman abilities. His uniform contains a device which nullifies all sonic energy within his vicinity. Hence,", "id": "8983264" }, { "contents": "Fathers and Sons (short story)\n\n\nwhat it’s like to live with Indians and if he can have a gun. Nick tells him that it’s his son’s decision if he wants to live with Indians, and that he can have a gun at age twelve. Nick thinks about, but does not tell his son, how Trudy “did first what no one has ever done better.\" He also thinks to himself that shooting one flying bird is like shooting all flying birds—the experience is always just as good. Nick’s son does not", "id": "3877520" }, { "contents": "Silencer (firearms)\n\n\nsuppressed .22 rimfire pistol. The ammunition itself, rather than the weapon, is silent; in the US each individual round is considered to be a silencer, subject to regulations on silencers. Improvised silencers have been made from a variety of materials. In 2015, Los Angeles County Sheriff deputies recovered a ZB vz. 26 light machine gun with an automobile oil filter attached. PVC pipes, plastic water bottles, and foam-filled pillows are also used. In the United States, improvised silencers are governed by the same laws", "id": "18484135" }, { "contents": "1st Infantry Division (United Kingdom)\n\n\nhad held them up, which was taken out by Captain Charles Lyell and four guardsmen. They were then fired on by an 88mm gun, which was silenced by Captain Lyell, who was killed while bayoneting the 88 crew, with the survivors fleeing. Captain Lyell was posthumously awarded the VC. The Bou was taken but soon given up, due to a communications issue. The Scots Guards renewed the assault upon the Bou the following day, only to be repulsed. The day afterwards, the enemy, realising how vital", "id": "3087363" }, { "contents": "UN September 1950 counteroffensive\n\n\nAmerican trucks. No one in the group knew how to operate it. Webel took the bazooka, got into position, and hit two tanks, immobilizing both. As KPA soldiers evacuated the tanks, he stood up and fired on them with a Thompson submachine gun. Sgt. Willard H. Hopkins distinguished himself in this tank-infantry melee by mounting an enemy tank and dropping grenades down an open hatch, silencing the crew. He then organized a bazooka team and led it into action against other tanks. In the tank-", "id": "8214970" }, { "contents": "Xiang Jing (artist)\n\n\nshaped as a gun and it pointing it directly towards the head of the other woman. The woman that is in fear does not seem to realize the feeling on her head is just the finger of the other woman. She truly believes she is about to die. After looking closely, her eyes are shut and it feels like she is letting out a terrified scream. The other woman seems to be taking joy in this action. This is a good example of how Xiang Jing shows a sense of violence through her work", "id": "1374851" }, { "contents": "Deadpool\n\n\nseries written by Daniel Way with artist Paco Medina began as a \"Secret Invasion\" tie-in. In the first arc, the character is seen working with Nick Fury to steal data on how to kill the Skrull queen Veranke. Norman Osborn steals the information that Deadpool had stolen from the Skrulls, and subsequent stories deal with the fallout from that. Writer Daniel Way explained, \"the first thing Osborn does to try and take care of the situation is to bring in a hired gun to take Deadpool down, which", "id": "14448348" }, { "contents": "Ice Cube\n\n\n, which was released at the end of 1993 and represented Ice Cube's first attempt at imitating the G-Funk sound of Dr. Dre's \"The Chronic\", was not well received by critics. He had more successful hits from \"Lethal Injection\", including \"Really Doe\", \"Bop Gun (One Nation)\", \"You Know How We Do It\" & \"What Can I Do?\". After 1994, he took a hiatus from music and concentrated on film work and developing the careers", "id": "16813755" }, { "contents": "Design the Skyline\n\n\nthe band encountered with the song and music video for \"Surrounded by Silence\" hindered or bothered the members, their response was; \"At first it did not anymore, people don't seem to realize that the Surrounded By Silence song was just a demo song and not every band sounds their best on their first demo, you know, and it's crazy how much it blew us up!\" A music video, at this point, was confirmed to be in the works for \"Break Free from Your Life\"", "id": "6406652" }, { "contents": "Jean-Jacques Bernard\n\n\nJean-Jacques Bernard (30 July 1888 – 14 September 1972) was a French playwright and the chief representative of what became known as \"l’école du silence\" or, as some critics called it, the \"art of the unexpressed\", in which the dialogue does not express the characters’ real attitudes. In \"Martine\" (1922), perhaps the best example of his work, emotions are implied in gestures, facial expressions, fragments of speech and silence. He was active from 1912 to 1939. Bernard", "id": "2409127" }, { "contents": "A Question of Silence\n\n\nA Question of Silence () is a 1982 Dutch drama film written and directed by Marleen Gorris. It is Gorris' debut film. It stars Edda Barends as Christine M. The plot is about three women, are strangers to each other, who kill a man they do not know. It was highly controversial but also highly acclaimed at the time of its release, and is now hailed as a feminist classic. Christine is a housewife, who does not speak. Her husband works while she stays home with their three children", "id": "1183560" }, { "contents": "Josephus on Jesus\n\n\nthat the passage from Josephus is referenced again, even though the \"Testimonium\"'s reference to Jesus would seem appropriate in the works of many intervening patristic authors. Scholars also point to the silence of Photios as late as the 9th century, and the fact that he does not mention the \"Testimonium\" at all in his broad review of Josephus. A separate argument from silence against the total or partial authenticity of the \"Testimonium\" is that a 5th or 6th century table of contents of Josephus (although selective) makes", "id": "16003200" }, { "contents": "Octavio Paz\n\n\n, in Mexico City. Guillermo Sheridan, who was named by Paz as director of the Octavio Paz Foundation in 1998, published a book, \"Poeta con paisaje\" (2004) with several biographical essays about the poet's life up to 1998, when he died. \"The poetry of Octavio Paz\", wrote the critic Ramón Xirau, \"does not hesitate between language and silence; it leads into the realm of silence where true language lives.\" A prolific author and poet, Paz published scores of works during", "id": "2201805" }, { "contents": "Nova (novel)\n\n\napproach gets out of hand, the result is paralysis and silence. The conclusion the Mouse arrives at to Katin's problem—and for the reader appreciating the book on this level, it should be no surprise—is that Lorq's quest itself, which will revise the power structure of the entire galaxy, \"is\" the historically proper subject for Katin's novel, at the same time that Katin realizes he must learn how to employ some of the Mouse's immediacy, spontaneity, and energy. It does not hurt", "id": "9525251" }, { "contents": "Silencer (firearms)\n\n\nsuppressors tend to alter the sound to something that is not identifiable as a gunshot. This reduces or eliminates attention drawn to the shooter. A Finnish expression dating from the Winter War says that \"A silencer does not make a soldier silent, but it does make him invisible.\" Silencers are particularly useful in enclosed spaces where the sound, flash and pressure effects of a weapon being fired are amplified. Such effects may disorient the shooter, affecting situational awareness, concentration and accuracy, and can permanently damage hearing very quickly.", "id": "18484137" }, { "contents": "Karmamoi\n\n\n\", changes in the band line-up allowed them to create this album in a different way to how they worked previously, featuring instruments such as the cello, piano, flute or clavinet, this provides a balance between the traditional and modern sound of progressive rock. \"SILENCE BETWEEN SOUNDS\" explores, and attempts to understand the reasons behind human failure. It’s an interesting and challenging theme that KARMAMOI has embraced and captured in the music of “SILENCE BETWEEN SOUNDS”. Esteemed producer and engineer Mark Tucker (Jethro", "id": "18407133" }, { "contents": "Oscar López Rivera\n\n\nNo one was injured in any of the bombings which López Rivera was accused of being involved in. In August 1981, Alfredo Méndez, one of those arrested in Evanston who had become an informant, testified that López Rivera taught him how to make bomb detonation devices and gun silencers. He also testified that the first bombing in which Méndez was to have taken part planned to target the hotel that housed the offices for the Democratic Party. Méndez stated that other bombings were scheduled to occur simultaneously in New York City, Puerto Rico", "id": "9992559" }, { "contents": "Spindoe\n\n\nhis old associates but he is arrested for the murder of his wife. When they are brought face to face by the police they work out that each can clear the other. Mackleson sends his associate Webster to try to recruit Scaliger, who refuses. Humphries also fails to persuade him to help free Spindoe but does send him to see Renata in hospital. Although Renata blames Spindoe for the attack on her, she tells Humphries how the gun was picked up in return for a pledge that Spindoe will pay for her face to", "id": "16509293" }, { "contents": "Strange Weather (film)\n\n\nfor his life. She puts the gun under her own chin but Mark wrestles it free. He asks her how much money does she want, but she only wants to know how her son died. He explains what he knows, confesses he was always the lonely rich kid and jealous of the love Walker got from Darcy. He stole Walker's plan to prove his worth to his father. As Darcy drives home, she throws Walker's gun in a river. She buries in her backyard the clothes he died in", "id": "6152733" }, { "contents": "The Reckoners\n\n\n, but Prof is killed. David soon finds out that their last theory about David's father's gun does not work. Steelheart takes David's gun, and is intent on shooting him with it, but shortly before allowing Steelheart to take the gun, David figured out that Steelheart's weakness is that he can only be killed by someone who does not fear him, and has rigged the gun to trigger an explosive. When the explosives go off, Steelheart is killed, due to the fact that it was he who", "id": "4943171" }, { "contents": "Jay and Silent Bob\n\n\nJustice and Sissy fight hand-to-hand, while Missy and Chrissy get into a gun battle with Willenholly. During the chaos, Jay and Silent Bob locate Banky Edwards and demand their money; after Banky refuses, Silent Bob breaks his silence and explains why Banky can be sued if he does not acquiesce to their demands. Banky finally agrees to give them half of whatever he makes from the movie. After the fight, Willenholly stands up, believing he has killed Missy and Chrissy. Suzanne takes this opportunity to shoot", "id": "12260137" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Holmes (death in absentia)\n\n\nBenjamin Holmes (born 1952) is an African American man from Ohio who is known for faking his own death and evading detection for 20 years. In 1979, Benjamin Holmes was an auto repairman in Cleveland working on his master's degree in engineering. Holmes was approached by Italian Mafia members and was asked to make a muffler for a gun. He refused, and took the story to the police; however, Holmes was approached by a police officer who also began to pressure Holmes to outfit his guns with silencers. In", "id": "15737211" }, { "contents": "HMS Fairy (1812)\n\n\nthe battery and impede its completion. In all, the Americans had placed a total of 11 guns—five naval long guns and eight artillery field pieces—as well as a furnace for heating shot. The British spent most of 2 September mustering their ships and prizes for the run down river while awaiting favorable winds. At the same time they were working to free the bomb vessel , which had run aground. On 3 September, the bomb vessel and rocket ship joined in the effort to silence the American batteries. That", "id": "16763964" }, { "contents": "HMS Vigilant (1777)\n\n\nsides were reinforced and two guns were transferred to the starboard side of the ship. Her trim was maintained by placing casks of water on the port side. While other ships bombarded the fort from the main channel, \"Vigilant\" and a smaller ship worked their way up a secondary channel to the rear of the fort. They were able to silence the fort's guns by 6 p.m., and the Americans evacuated five hours later, despite the ship's grapeshot and small arms fire. During the attack \"Vigilant\" only", "id": "18101624" } ]
How did Che Guevara become a symbol for freedom despite his terrible actions?
[{"answer": "rage against the machine and wanna be revolutionary hipsters."}, {"answer": "Because somebody created a really iconic image of him, and that image became the predominant understanding a lot of people had of him. Che Guevara the brand became more \"real\" and went a lot further than Che Guevara the person. Also, revolutionaries in general tend to involve terrible actions. That's the reality of war. The extent to which a person is connected to his or her atrocities after the fact depends greatly on who writes the history books and whose stories get included. History is full of revolutionaries whom history glorifies and glosses over their death toll and presents it as \"justified\" or \"necessary\" or \"a bad thing, but that was the way things were back then. we're better now.\" And some get more of this than others. If we actually exercised a \"no death toll\" policy for our admired historical figures, the list of people we were taught to admire would be much, much shorter. An early or untimely death can also adjust things in someone's favor, as they become memorialized as the person they were then, with no competition from the person they would have become, and as they themselves no longer present a threat to anyone, they might be given a bit more leeway to be seen as heroes now that they're safely dead. Martyrdom, as well, has an effect in that direction. Che Guevara had/has all of those things going for him to become a symbol: early death, an unfinished mission that enables people to think in terms of what he \"could have\" accomplished rather than any reality in which he might have done poorly or failed, the list of terrible actions being perforce shortened by his not getting around to any of the ones that would've been after his death, his adversaries being less inclined to spend resources discrediting a dead man than they would be toward a live one that's still an active threat to them, his potential allies and supporters and fence-sitters being more inclined to be charitable once he's no longer a live potential liability who might in the future express inconvenient views or become too powerful for comfort, it's easy to cherry-pick bits and pieces of his life's work or his views to support all sorts of other, vaguely-related causes, the people who formed the bulk of his casualties weren't valued sufficiently by the rest of the world to arouse widespread condemnation, and he's got that iconic picture that makes him look like the patron saint of freedom."}, {"answer": "I don't think he's a symbol of freedom as much as revolution. He was a revolutionary without a doubt. He is also a prime example of why most reasonable and knowledgeable people are quite scared of revolution."}, {"answer": "What you hear about Che Guevara is different in various places. The American propaganda will only focus on the terrible actions. You have to make your own opinion by looking at some facts. He was born in an upper middle class family, and was on his way to becoming a medical doctor. Had he stayed in Argentina, he would most likely have had a very comfortable life. He is respected in Latin America, because the perception is that he left the comfort of his life, to fight along the poor, against the brutal American backed regimes that plagued the continent at that time. America's fear of Communism, forced them to prop various brutal regimes, and the idea was to first free Cuba, and continue to various other countries in Latin America. That is why, eventually, the CIA got him in Bolivia. Don't forget that rule #1 of a revolution is to KILL all representatives of the previous regime, to ensure they don't come back. This is how the French Royal family, and the Russian Royal family disappeared from existence, they killed even babies to ensure the bloodlines ended. The French and Russian revolutions took care of that. Yes, they say that Guevara overlooked, and even personally took care of some the people in the previous regime."}, {"answer": "I wonder what he would think of people putting his face on a t-shirt, made in sweatshops in China and sold for profit in expensive shops..."}, {"answer": "What was so terrible? He helped overthrow the American puppet regium of Batista in a peoples revolution. Just because something doesn't work out for Americans doesn't automatically qualify it as \"terrible\". [Read]( URL_0 ) about what the CIA has done in places like Iran, Argentina, Indonesia or Nicaragua. Makes Che look like a saint."}, {"answer": "Part of the answer is surely that his actions don't seem so terrible to a young revolutionary minded person. But also I think that early on when western college groups latched onto him as a symbol, they mostly just had access to favorable and autobiographical writings. A lot of the negative versions of his actions were written later in response to him becoming this sympathetic figure. So it's a bit of chicken and egg there."}, {"answer": "Che Guevara is more of a symbol of fighting against oppression and imperialism more than anything. He successfully helped overthrow the Batista regime, and then tried to help overthrow Imperialist regimes in the Congo and Bolivia, where he was executed. For these actions he is remembered. That's pretty much as unbiased as I can make it, but I will confess, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara is my hero, and I respect the man like I respect MLK and Gandhi, so yeah I soughta lean on one side with this debate. What are you referring to when you say \"terrible actions\" as well as being idealised, Che is certainly demonised by some, he is accused of being a racist, as well as a cold hearted killer who enjoyed executing people."}, {"answer": "People tend to editorialize the biography of. Their revolutionaries. George Washington owned tons of slaves and it's well known that Thomas Jefferson had an affair with one (or several) of his."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4333532", "title": "Che Guevara in popular culture", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Appearances of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (19281967) in popular culture are common throughout the world. Although during his lifetime he was a highly politicized and controversial figure, in death his stylized image has been transformed into a worldwide emblem for an array of causes, representing a complex mesh of sometimes conflicting narratives. Che Guevara's image is viewed as everything from an inspirational icon of revolution, to a retro and vintage logo. Most commonly he is represented by a facial caricature originally by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick and based on Alberto Korda's famous 1960 photograph titled \"Guerrillero Heroico\". The evocative simulacra abbreviation of the photographic portrait allowed for easy reproduction and instant recognizability across various uses. For many around the world, Che has become a generic symbol of the underdog, the idealist, the iconoclast, or the martyr. He has become, as author Michael Casey notes in \"Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image\", \"the quintessential postmodern icon signifying anything to anyone and everything to everyone.\" Che Guevara's likeness has undergone continual\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Appearances of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (19281967) in popular culture are common throughout the world. Although during his lifetime he was a highly politicized and controversial figure, in death his stylized image has been transformed into a worldwide emblem for an array of causes, representing a complex mesh of sometimes conflicting narratives. Che Guevara's image is viewed as everything from an inspirational icon of revolution, to a retro and vintage logo. Most commonly he is represented by a facial caricature originally by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick and based on Alberto Korda's famous 1960 photograph titled \"Guerrillero Heroico\". The evocative simulacra abbreviation of the photographic portrait allowed for easy reproduction and instant recognizability across various uses. For many around the world, Che has become a generic symbol of the underdog, the idealist, the iconoclast, or the martyr. He has become, as author Michael Casey notes in \"Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image\", \"the quintessential postmodern icon signifying anything to anyone and everything to everyone.\" Che Guevara's likeness has undergone continual"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nof his violent actions, his propagation represents shallow ignorant kitsch, idolatry worthy of spoof makeovers, parody, or even ridicule. Despite the competing narratives, Che has become a widely disseminated counter-cultural symbol that sometimes even operates entirely independent of the man himself. Hannah Charlton of \"The Sunday Times\" made note of the varying uses by postulating that \"T-shirt wearers might wear Che's face as an easy replacement for real activism, or as a surrogate for it.\" Walk through any major metropolis around the", "id": "5872635" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nwho loves freedom\", while Jean-Paul Sartre described him as \"not only an intellectual but also the most complete human being of our age\". Others who have expressed their admiration include authors Graham Greene, who remarked that Guevara \"represented the idea of gallantry, chivalry, and adventure\", and Susan Sontag, who supposed that \"[Che's] goal was nothing less than the cause of humanity itself.\" In the Pan-African community philosopher Frantz Fanon professed Guevara to be \"the world symbol of", "id": "16292643" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nErnesto \"Che\" Guevara (, ; June 14, 1928 – October 9, 1967) was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, activist, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture. As a young medical student, Guevara traveled throughout South America and became outraged by the poverty, hunger and disease he witnessed. His burgeoning desire to help overturn what he saw as the capitalist exploitation, and", "id": "16292490" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nKorda's famous 1960 photograph titled \"Guerrillero Heroico\". The evocative simulacra abbreviation of the photographic portrait allowed for easy reproduction and instant recognizability across various uses. For many around the world, Che has become a generic symbol of the underdog, the idealist, the iconoclast, or the martyr. He has become, as author Michael Casey notes in \"Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image\", \"the quintessential postmodern icon signifying anything to anyone and everything to everyone.\" Che Guevara's likeness has undergone continual", "id": "5872631" }, { "contents": "Simeon Cuba Sarabia\n\n\nit in 1965 to become a member of the Bolivian Marxist–Leninist Party which favored armed struggle. When he urged that group to put its principles into practice, he was expelled from it along with Moisés Guevara. It was Moisés Guevara who brought him into Che Guevara's Ñancahuazú guerrilla group in March 1967. Selected to be a member of the \"center\" unit which was led by Che Guevara himself, Willy came to be known as a disciplined and courageous combatant. Despite this, and perhaps as a result of his", "id": "19364101" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nimperialism's weak link and so had enormous revolutionary potential. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had fraternal relations with Che since his 1959 visit, saw Guevara's plan to fight in Congo as \"unwise\" and warned that he would become a \"Tarzan\" figure, doomed to failure. Despite the warning, Guevara traveled to Congo using the alias Ramón Benítez. He led the Cuban operation in support of the Marxist Simba movement, which had emerged from the ongoing Congo crisis. Guevara, his second-in-command", "id": "16292598" }, { "contents": "Chevolution\n\n\non the idea of collective guilt felt amongst many as Che died for people's freedom. Chevolution talks about Che's image as a sacred icon in Bolivia and how Bolivians revere him as a saint. The documentary highlights the significance in recognizing the interpretation of Che in Vallagrande, Bolivia. In Bolivia people refer and pray to Saint Ernesto de la Higuera, although the Catholic Church does not recognize Ernesto Che Guevara as a Saint. Che has also been seen as a representation of Christ. Che's beret is interpreted as his crown", "id": "4135738" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nof the UCR/Museum of Photography believes that there is no escaping the influence of Che's symbolism, remarking that \"we cannot get away from the context of Che Guevara, whether we like him or hate him, whether we called him a revolutionary or a butcher. The fact that he lived and died for the ideas in which he believed, penetrates constantly in the image.\" Mexican author Rogelio Villareal has noted how \"the famous image is not venerated by all ... it has also been aged, laughed about", "id": "5872654" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in fashion\n\n\ncultural symbol has been thanks to the very economic system he sought to destroy\". Che Guevara's image is a popular design for clothing, so much so that Che's likeness has been known as \"the face that launched a thousand T-shirts\". Commentators have noted how the T-shirt is popular among younger adults, especially university students drawn to the rebelliousness associated with the icon. Richard Castle of the \"Brisbane Times\" wryly observes that \"strolling down Brunswick Street or Chapel Street, it could be easy", "id": "7640134" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nof social uprisings that filter down deep into the soil of society.\" Castañeda has further stated that \"Che still possesses an extraordinary relevance as a symbol of a time when people died heroically for what they believed in\", adding that in his view \"people don't do that anymore.\" The saying \"Viva la revolucion!\" has also become very popular and synonymous with Guevara. In North America, Western Europe and many regions outside Latin America, the image has been likened to a global brand, long since", "id": "4886653" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara Mausoleum\n\n\nmeaning. For instance, the monument is orientated 190 degrees pointing Che's figure directly towards South America, reflecting his focus and outlook for one united Latin America. Additionally, the 22 foot bronze statue of Che has him carrying his gun rather than aiming, symbolizing that he is \"continuing onward\". The sling which Guevara wore during the battle, the result of an earlier broken arm, is also etched into the statue but he's not wearing the sling to symbolize \"a part of his personality, a man rebelling", "id": "19932100" }, { "contents": "Evita (musical)\n\n\ndiscovered Che Guevara was Argentine, he did not necessarily intend that the character be based upon him, despite inserting specific biographical details into the lyrics that clearly apply to Guevara. When Harold Prince later became involved with the project, he insisted that the actors portraying Che should use Guevara as a role model. In the 1996 film adaptation, the character returned to his more anonymous roots. This was also the case for the 2006 London revival. Lloyd Webber and the conductor Anthony Bowles presented the musical at the second Sydmonton Festival before", "id": "20416326" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nThe legacy of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (June 14, 1928 – October 9, 1967) is constantly evolving in the collective imagination. As a symbol of counterculture worldwide, Guevara is one of the most recognizable and influential revolutionary figures of the twentieth century. However, during his life, and even more since his death, Che has elicited controversy and wildly divergent opinions as to whether or not he was a good person. He has been both revered and reviled, being characterized as everything from a heroic defender of the", "id": "4886623" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\na similar vein, the Chilean writer Ariel Dorfman has suggested Guevara's enduring appeal might be because \"to those who will never follow in his footsteps, submerged as they are in a world of cynicism, self-interest and frantic consumption, nothing could be more vicariously gratifying than Che's disdain for material comfort and everyday desires.\" Cuba has promoted Che as a \"symbol of revolutionary virtues, sacrifice and internationalism\" inside and outside the country since his death. Guevara remains a \"beloved national hero\" in Cuba (", "id": "4886633" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\n. It was through this symbolic act, which horrified many in the Cuban financial sector, that Guevara signaled his distaste for money and the class distinctions it brought about. Guevara's long time friend Ricardo Rojo later remarked that \"the day he signed \"Che\" on the bills, (he) literally knocked the props from under the widespread belief that money was sacred.\" In an effort to eliminate social inequalities, Guevara and Cuba's new leadership had moved to swiftly transform the political and economic base of the country through", "id": "16292564" }, { "contents": "Generation P (film)\n\n\nadvertising world, the more he wonders if he has sacrificed too much for money. His soaring success leads him into a surreal world of spin doctors, gangsters, drug trips, and the spirit of Che Guevara who, via a Ouija Board, imparts to him the dazzling theory of WOWism, about how television destroys the individual spirit. Though named in honor of Lenin, Babylen opts instead to believe in his “Babylonian” destiny, and secretly searches for the beautiful goddess Ishtar, who becomes for him a symbol of fortune", "id": "4309152" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nrough leather sheaths. Despite his haggard appearance, he recounts that \"Che held his head high, looked everyone straight in the eyes and asked only for something to smoke.\" De Guzman states that he \"took pity\" and gave him a small bag of tobacco for his pipe, and that Guevara then smiled and thanked him. Later on the night of October 8, Guevara—despite having his hands tied—kicked a Bolivian army officer, named Captain Espinosa, against a wall after the officer entered the schoolhouse and", "id": "16292616" }, { "contents": "Guerrillero Heroico\n\n\nderives from a visual language of mythologized heroes harking back to an era of socialist realism\" while referencing \"a classical Christ-like demeanor.\" Jon Lee Anderson, author of \"Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life\", in the photograph Che appears \"as the ultimate revolutionary icon\" with \"his eyes staring boldly into the future\" and \"his expression a virile embodiment of outrage at social injustice.\" The stylized image of Che Guevara, adapted from Korda's photograph, is commonly accompanied by several different symbols that", "id": "12313462" }, { "contents": "Guerrillero Heroico\n\n\nchests of a diverse group of individuals, from those who truly support the ideals that Che Guevara lived for, to those expressing a more generalized anti-authoritarian stance. Journalist Michael Casey, in his 2009 book \"Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image\", notes how the universal image can be found \"in all corners of the world\" and theorizes that it arrived as a symbol of rebellion during an era when the world was aching for change. In defining Korda's photograph as a \"brand\" and", "id": "12313460" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nnurse who cleaned Guevara's corpse after his execution reminisced that locals saw an uncanny physical resemblance to the popularized artistic portrayals of Jesus. According to Osinaga, \"he was just like a Christ, with his strong eyes, his beard, his long hair\", adding that in her view he was \"very miraculous.\" Jon Lee Anderson, author of \"Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life\", notes how among the hospital's nuns, and a number of Vallegrande women, the impression that Guevara bore an extraordinary resemblance", "id": "5872642" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nHis commanding officer Fidel Castro described Guevara as intelligent, daring, and an exemplary leader who \"had great moral authority over his troops\". Castro further remarked that Guevara took too many risks, even having a \"tendency toward foolhardiness\". Guevara's teenage lieutenant, Joel Iglesias, recounts such actions in his diary, noting that Guevara's behavior in combat even brought admiration from the enemy. On one occasion Iglesias recounts the time he had been wounded in battle, stating \"Che ran out to me, defying the bullets", "id": "16292532" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\ncan one control it. In Ziff's view, despite the endless array of merchandising, the symbol of Che will continue to be worn and have resonance. Critical pedagogical theorist Peter McLaren theorizes that American capitalism is responsible for the Che phenomenon, stating that \"the United States has a seductive way of incorporating anything that it can't defeat and transforming that 'thing' into a weaker version of itself, much like the process of diluting the strength and efficacy of a virus through the creation of a vaccine.\" Neo-", "id": "5872661" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara Mausoleum\n\n\nThe Che Guevara Mausoleum (, officially \"Conjunto Escultórico Memorial Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara\") is a memorial in Santa Clara, Cuba, located in \"Plaza Che Guevara\" (Che Guevara Square). It houses the remains of the revolutionary Ernesto \"Che\" Guevara and twenty-nine of his fellow combatants killed in 1967 during Guevara's attempt to spur an armed uprising in Bolivia. The full area, which contains a bronze 22-foot statue of Guevara, is referred to as the Ernesto Guevara Sculptural Complex. Guevara was buried", "id": "19932093" }, { "contents": "Rodrigo Moya (photographer)\n\n\nhe took mostly photographs for newspapers. However, on the last day of the trip, they were granted an interview with Che Guevara, and Moya did a series of nineteen portraits of the revolutionary at the Central Bank of Cuba. One notable photo from this series is \"El Ché melancólico\" (Melancholy Che), showing Che Guevara smoking a cigar, with a sad-like expression. It is one of two iconic photos of Che Guevara. While working as a photojournalist, he did street photography on the side.", "id": "21350687" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in fashion\n\n\ntrend has been criticised for downplaying Che's perceived flaws and romanticising his actions. Critics claim that youth support the icon without being aware of the controversial figure behind it, who has been accused of using violence as a means to achieve his objectives and driving Cuba into economic disaster. Critics have called the trend a \"T-shirt fad\". Members of the Cuban exile community have voiced opposition to Che chic and other depictions of Che as a pop cultural icon for the same reasons. Aleida Guevara, the eldest daughter of", "id": "7640136" }, { "contents": "The Hands of Che Guevara\n\n\nThe Hands of Che Guevara (Dutch: De handen van Che Guevara; Spanish: Las manos de Che Guevara) is a 2006 documentary film made by Dutch film director Peter de Kock. The documentary is a search for the severed hands of the Latin American guerrilla fighter, Ernesto Che Guevara. After Guevara's execution in Bolivia in 1967, his hands were severed from his body for purposes of identification. After fingerprints were taken, the hands, and Guevara's body, disappeared. In 1997 the body was found buried under", "id": "9884672" }, { "contents": "Guerrillero Heroico\n\n\nworld, the Americans run the risk of finding their own Algeria in Latin America.\" The article ended by asking \"Where is Che Guevara?\" The caption of the photograph read \"The official photograph of Che Guevara; on his beret the star, the symbol of the Comandante.\" It is not known who provided the magazine with the image, and it was also not credited to Feltrinelli. However, with its wide circulation throughout Europe, and its status as an influential news journal, \"Paris Match\" could", "id": "12313433" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\ncontradictions, Patrick Symmes, author of \"Chasing Che: A Motorcycle Journey in Search of the Guevara Legend\", has hypothesized that \"the more time goes by, the chicer and chicer Che gets because the less he stands for anything.\" Barcelona museum director Ivan de la Nuez, in the 2008 documentary \"\"Chevolution\"\" describes the overall phenomena by observing that \"Capitalism devours everything – even its worst enemies.\" Duke Latin American studies professor Ariel Dorfman hypothesizes that Che's been \"comfortably transmogrified into a symbol", "id": "5872658" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nwhere high schools bear his name, numerous Che museums dot the country and in 2008 a bronze statue of him was unveiled in the city of his birth, Rosario. Guevara has been sanctified by some Bolivian campesinos as \"Saint Ernesto\", who pray to him for assistance. In contrast, Guevara remains a hated figure amongst many in the Cuban exile and Cuban-American community of the United States, who view him as \"the butcher of La Cabaña\". Despite this polarized status, a high-contrast monochrome graphic", "id": "16292650" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\ndominion of the United Fruit Company, a journey which convinced him that the Company's capitalist system was a terrible one. This affirmed indignation carried the more aggressive tone he adopted in order to frighten his more Conservative relatives, and ends with Guevara swearing on an image of the then recently deceased Joseph Stalin, not to rest until these \"octopuses have been vanquished\". Later that month, Guevara arrived in Guatemala where President Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán headed a democratically elected government that, through land reform and other initiatives, was attempting to", "id": "16292510" }, { "contents": "Radical chic\n\n\nNew York Times\" columnist Richard Bernstein argued that the third-world revolution that Che embodied was no longer even a \"drawing-room, radical-chic hope\" Concurrent with his re-burial, three major Guevara biographies were published in 1997. Noting the sustained interest in Che, Bernstein suggested that \"the end of the cold war and the failure of the third-world revolution\" allowed for the \"scrutiny of Guevara, [as] a symbol of both the idealism and the moral blindness of the decade of", "id": "21062196" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara Mausoleum\n\n\nof the plaza are two large billboards with quotes by Fidel Castro declaring \"Che - it was a star that put you here and made you of this people\", and \"We want everyone to be like Che.\" Carved in stone underneath the statue is the well known declaration by Guevara that \"One thing I learned in the Guatemala of Arbenz was that if I would be a revolutionary doctor, or just a revolutionary, first there must be a revolution.\" A number of elements of the memorial contain a symbolic", "id": "19932099" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nthe province's capital city of Santa Clara. Guevara then directed his \"suicide squad\" in the attack on Santa Clara, which became the final decisive military victory of the revolution. In the six weeks leading up to the battle there were times when his men were completely surrounded, outgunned, and overrun. Che's eventual victory despite being outnumbered 10:1 remains in the view of some observers a \"remarkable tour de force in modern warfare\". Radio Rebelde broadcast the first reports that Guevara's column had taken Santa Clara on", "id": "16292537" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nhistorical figure, polarized in the collective imagination in a multitude of biographies, memoirs, essays, documentaries, songs, and films. As a result of his perceived martyrdom, poetic invocations for class struggle and desire to create the consciousness of a \"new man\" driven by moral rather than material incentives, and most importantly, he represents the struggle symbol for all Latin America of decades long of United States intervention, oppression, expropriation of lands and natural resources, and hence the desire for freedom and justice that runs deep until", "id": "16292495" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nor the obsolescence of his methods and ideology, the potency of his \"messianic image\", with its \"symbolic\" and \"religious quality\", continues to inspire many throughout the World. Guevara, who has been variously described as \"the rock-hero biker revolutionary\", \"the martyr to idealism\", and \"James Dean in fatigues\"; became a potent secular symbol of rebellion and revolution during the May 1968 protests in France. In the view of \"The Guardian\"'s Gary Younge, \"(", "id": "4886629" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nof what Guevara termed \"\"el Hombre Nuevo\"\" (the New Man). Guevara hoped his \"new man\" to be ultimately \"selfless and cooperative, obedient and hard working, gender-blind, incorruptible, non-materialistic, and anti-imperialist\". To accomplish this, Guevara emphasized the tenets of Marxism–Leninism, and wanted to use the state to emphasize qualities such as egalitarianism and self-sacrifice, at the same time as \"unity, equality, and freedom\" became the new maxims", "id": "16292566" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nas a potent anti-establishment symbol used by a wide spectrum of human rights movements and individuals affirming their own liberation.\" Additionally, his face has evolved into many manifestations and represents a Rashomon effect to those who observe its use. To some it is merely a generic high street visual emblem of global marketing, while to others it represents the notion of dissent, civil disobedience, or political awareness. Conversely, to those ideologically opposed to Che Guevara's belief in World revolution, or to those that resent his veneration because", "id": "5872634" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\npolitical perspectives even as a boy. His father, a staunch supporter of Republicans from the Spanish Civil War, often hosted many veterans from the conflict in the Guevara home. Despite suffering crippling bouts of acute asthma that were to afflict him throughout his life, he excelled as an athlete, enjoying swimming, football, golf, and shooting, while also becoming an \"untiring\" cyclist. He was an avid rugby union player, and played at fly-half for Club Universitario de Buenos Aires. His rugby playing earned him", "id": "16292499" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nwere either killed in the attack or executed upon capture; only 22 found each other afterwards. During this initial bloody confrontation Guevara laid down his medical supplies and picked up a box of ammunition dropped by a fleeing comrade, proving to be a symbolic moment in Che's life. Only a small band of revolutionaries survived to re-group as a bedraggled fighting force deep in the Sierra Maestra mountains, where they received support from the urban guerrilla network of Frank País, the 26th of July Movement, and local campesinos. With", "id": "16292524" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nbusiness analyst Martin Krauze to postulate that \"the admiration for El Che no longer extends to his politics and ideology, it’s a romantic idea of one man going to battle against the windmills, he’s a Quixote.\" British journalist Sean O’Hagan has described Che as \"more (John) Lennon than (Vladimir) Lenin.\" Taking the opposite hypothesis, Mexican commentator and Che Biographer Jorge Castañeda Gutman has proclaimed that: \"Che can be found just where he belongs in the niches reserved for cultural icons, for symbols", "id": "4886652" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nChe Guevara. Celebrated poets such as Pablo Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, Julio Cortázar, Nicolas Guillén, Derek Walcott, Al Purdy, Rafael Alberti, Ko Un, and Yevgeny Yevtushenko devoted the aforementioned works to, as the book states in its introduction, \"celebrate the world’s icon of rebellion\". In September 2007, Guevara was voted \"Argentina's greatest historical and political figure.\" Despite the occasional controversy, Guevara's status as a popular icon has continued throughout the world, leading commentators to speak of a global", "id": "4886650" }, { "contents": "Che (2008 film)\n\n\nBolivia, and survived. They interviewed them individually and then Pombo and Benigno together about their experiences in Cuba and Bolivia. Urbano was an adviser while they were filming in Spain and the actors often consulted with him and the others about specific details, like how to hold their guns in a certain situation, and very specific tactical information. In December 2008, Ocean Press, in cooperation with the Che Guevara Publishing Project, released \"Che: The Diaries of Ernesto Che Guevara\", with a movie tie-in cover.", "id": "5534424" }, { "contents": "Che (2008 film)\n\n\n, and he describes the project as a \"very contemplative movie\", shot chronologically. While filming outdoors, Soderbergh used natural light as much as possible. Del Toro, who speaks Puerto Rican Spanish, tried to speak the best Argentinean Spanish (Rioplatense Spanish) he could without sounding \"stiff\". Prior to shooting the film's final scenes that depict Guevara's time in Bolivia at the end of his life, Del Toro shed 35 pounds to show how ill Guevara had become. The actor shaved the top of his", "id": "5534436" }, { "contents": "Hasta Siempre, Comandante\n\n\n\"Hasta Siempre, Comandante,\" or simply \"Hasta Siempre,\" is a 1965 song by Cuban composer Carlos Puebla. The song's lyrics are a reply to revolutionary Che Guevara's farewell letter when he left Cuba, in order to foster revolution in the Congo and later Bolivia, where he was captured and killed. The lyrics recount key moments of the Cuban Revolution, describing Che Guevara and his role as a revolutionary commander. The song became iconic after Guevara's death, and many left-leaning artists did their", "id": "4098785" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nof Che is the most successful.\" The Che face, more than any other icon according to Charlton, can keep accruing new application without relinquishing its essence – a generic and positive version of anti-status quo and liberation from any oppressive force, and a general, romantic, non-specific fantasy about change and revolution. Actors who have portrayed Che Guevara: Other plays featuring a Che Guevara character include: Che Guevara's unlikely transformation into a \"sanctified\" figure began immediately after his execution. Susana Osinaga, the", "id": "5872641" }, { "contents": "Guerrillero Heroico\n\n\n. In December 2008, Jim Fitzpatrick, along with local historian Anne Holliday and the Shannon Development, announced plans to commemorate Guevara's visit to Ireland, and specifically his time spent in Limerick. Early plans are focused on an exhibition of Guevara's visit at the City Museum, followed by the creation of a \"permanent mark\" symbolizing his time spent at Hanratty Hotel's – White House pub in Shannonside. Fitzpatrick defended the move by remarking \"we want to commemorate the fact Che Guevara spent some very important hours of his", "id": "12313443" }, { "contents": "René Burri\n\n\nIn 1967 he produced a documentary on the Six-Day War in Jerusalem for German television. He produced the film \"Jean Tinguely\" in 1972. In 1963 Burri was working in Cuba when he was able to photograph the revolutionary Che Guevara; these images of Guevara smoking a cigar have become iconic. Notably, after taking the photos, Burri remembers Guevara \"scaring the hell out of him\". Describing a situation where an angry Che was pacing his tiny office like \"a caged tiger\", while being interviewed by", "id": "2117653" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\npossessed six blankets for 22 men. Debray recounts that Guevara and the others had been suffering an \"illness\" which caused their hands and feet to swell into \"mounds of flesh\" to the point where you could not discern the fingers on their hands. Debray described Guevara as \"optimistic about the future of Latin America\" despite the futile situation, and remarked that Guevara was \"resigned to die in the knowledge that his death would be a sort of renaissance\", noting that Guevara perceived death \"as a promise of", "id": "16292633" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nstamps and the 3-peso coin beneath the words \"\"Patria o Muerte\"\" (Homeland or Death). Moreover, children across the country begin each school day with the chant \"Pioneers for Communism, We will be like Che!\". The University of Havana also possesses an academic concentration in \"Che.\" Guevara's mausoleum in Santa Clara has also become a site of almost religious significance to many Cubans, while the nation’s burgeoning tourist industry has benefited greatly from the ongoing international interest in Guevara's life.", "id": "4886635" }, { "contents": "Arthur Quinlan\n\n\n's son was kidnapped Quinlan interviewed him. A 4 am interview with George H. W. Bush on the Middle East left U.S. journalists perplexed as to why an Irish ‘stringer’ had managed to get hold of such a story. Quinlan taught Fidel Castro how to make an Irish coffee and was the only western journalist to have interviewed Che Guevara. Guevara talked of his Irish connections through the name Lynch. He told Quinlan of his grandmother's Irish roots in Galway. Later, Che, and some of his Cuban comrades, went", "id": "14357409" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nthink he suffered a much harder passion. The Christ of 2,000 years ago died face-to-face with his God. But Che knew there was no God and that after his death nothing remains.\" Beginning with the 30th anniversary of Che's death, as Western reporters returned to Bolivia to report on commemorations, they began to notice that Che Guevara had been transfigured and \"canonized\" by the local Bolivian campesinos. No longer was he Che Guevara the guerrilla insurgent, but he was now viewed as a \"Saint", "id": "5872646" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nThe order was relayed to the unit holding Guevara by Félix Rodríguez reportedly despite the United States government's desire that Guevara be taken to Panama for further interrogation. The executioner who volunteered to kill Guevara was Mario Terán, a 27-year-old sergeant in the Bolivian army who while half-drunk requested to shoot Guevara because three of his friends from B Company, all with the same first name of \"Mario\", had been killed in an earlier firefight several days earlier with Guevara's band of guerrillas. To make the bullet", "id": "16292619" }, { "contents": "Erik Gandini\n\n\nSaleh the documentary film \"Sacrificio - Who Betrayed Che Guevara?\". The film centers around , Che Guevara's Argentinian lieutenant and the person who more than other has been blamed in history books as guilty of Che's death. When captured in Bolivia, Bustos drew Ches portraits of Che Guevara and his guerrillas for the Bolivian army. Providing his interrogators with drawings framed Bustos as a traitor by historians but was according to his version part of a misleading strategy adopted under interrogation. After living in Sweden in silence for some thirty", "id": "300115" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\n\". The population of Budapest and Prague lit candles to honor Guevara's passing; and the picture of a smiling Che appeared in London and Paris. When a few months later riots broke out in Berlin, France, and Chicago, and the unrest spread to the American college campuses, young men and women wore Che Guevara T-shirts and carried his pictures during their protest marches. In the view of military historian Erik Durschmied: \"In those heady months of 1968, Che Guevara was not dead. He was very", "id": "16292635" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nform. Guevara also remains a key inspirational figure to the Colombian guerrilla movement, the FARC, and the Mexican Zapatistas led by Subcomandante Marcos. In addition, the various \"expressions of the popular will\" that Che favored over ballot-box democracy – neighborhood courts and the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution – have found new expression in Venezuela and Bolivia. Amongst the youth of Latin America, Guevara's memoir \"The Motorcycle Diaries\" has become a cult favorite with college students and young intellectuals. This has allowed Guevara", "id": "4886644" }, { "contents": "Che!\n\n\nChe! is a 1969 American biographical drama film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Omar Sharif as Marxist revolutionary Ernesto \"Che\" Guevara. It follows Guevara from when he first landed in Cuba in 1956 to his death in Bolivia in 1967, although the film does not portray the formative pre-Cuban revolution sections of Che's life as described in the autobiographical book \"The Motorcycle Diaries\" (1993). The film tells of Che Guevara (Omar Sharif), a young Argentine doctor who proves his mettle during the Cuban", "id": "9937451" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nthe worldly, fiery sermons of the liberation theologists.\" The Economist magazine has also pointed out how Che's post death photos resemble Andrea Mantegna's \"The Lamentation over the Dead Christ\". Thus fixing Guevara as a modern saint, the man who risked his life twice in countries that were not his own before giving it in a third, and whose invocation of the \"new man\", driven by moral rather than material incentives, smacked of Saint Ignatius of Loyola more than Marx. This rung true the following year", "id": "4886627" }, { "contents": "Loma del Capiro\n\n\ntroops, mortars tanks and air support. Che Guevara initially estimated that taking over the city would take around two months of fighting. A key action in the very beginning of the battle made it happen in just a few days. Che intercepted an armored train filled with weapons passing the skirts of Capiro hill. The train was derailed and using Molotov cocktails against its metal walls. The soldiers inside did not stand a chance against the heat and gave up. A museum and monument of the armored train action stands near the hill", "id": "5286221" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nlate 1990s has seen a resurgence. UCLA art historian David Kunzle, has described the phenomenon by noting \"if you go to Havana today, you will not see Che with a gun, you will see him with a rose or a dove. He's become the Gandhi of Cuba.\" This abiding 'renaissance' of Che's visage, is chronicled by filmmaker and Guggenheim scholar Trisha Ziff, who explores the genesis, continuing adaptation, and history of Che Guevara's famous image in the 2008 documentary \"\"Chevolution\"", "id": "5872639" }, { "contents": "Ñancahuazú Guerrilla\n\n\nthat Guevara be killed. The order was relayed by Félix Rodríguez to the Bolivian army unit holding Guevara, reportedly despite the US government’s desire that Guevara be taken to Panama for further interrogation. The executioner was Mario Terán, a sergeant in the Bolivian army who had requested to shoot Che on the basis of the fact that three of his friends from B Company, all named \"Mario\", had been killed in an earlier firefight with Guevara's band of guerrillas. To make the bullet wounds appear consistent with the story", "id": "3821504" }, { "contents": "David Orton (deep ecology)\n\n\nthe on-campus recruitment of students by war-related industries. After the death of the revolutionary communist Che Guevara in 1967, Orton wrote an article for the student newspaper that he says, landed him in considerable trouble: Che Guevara was no coffee-house revolutionary. He could not be classified as an academic Marxist. Many of these gentlemen—who may be spotted on university campuses in America and Canada, well salaried, well fed and well clothed—make absolute distinctions between revolutionary theory and revolutionary action...Che had", "id": "11361395" }, { "contents": "Proriv (Transnistria)\n\n\n. It used yellow as its political color, and the famous B&W photo of Communist guerrilla fighter Che Guevara as a symbol. It was associated with the 'Che Guevara High School for Political Leadership' in Tiraspol, which was established to provide training for young political activists. Its head was Dmitry Soin, a sociologist and former officer of the Transnistrian ministry of state security, who is wanted by Interpol. Roman Konoplev, an obscure Russian strategist and publicist, took part in formulating ideological documents of the party. The youth movement", "id": "9739114" }, { "contents": "Enfant terrible (folklore)\n\n\nBeti-Pahuin peoples and Deng a Sudanese and Malawian rain god. Jacques Chevrier emphasizes the singularity of such 'terrible children' in West Africa culture, despite what the phrase \"enfant terrible\" can evoke among European readers. He explores the fact how initially the enfant terrible although seen as a destructive and benevolent figure can often become the savior. This paradox is explained by the fact that the enfant terrible are from the non-human or divine world, and that their actions, no matter how absurd, must be interpreted", "id": "19813111" }, { "contents": "Che (2008 film)\n\n\nhad fought alongside Guevara. In his encounters with people ranging from fellow guerrillas to Guevara's driver, Del Toro described the reaction as \"always the same\", stating that he was \"blown away\" by the \"bucketful of love\" they still harbored for Guevara. In an interview, Del Toro described Guevara as \"a weird combination of an intellectual and an action figure, Gregory Peck and Steve McQueen, wrapped in one\". After the film's production concluded, Del Toro professed that \"when you tell the", "id": "5534416" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in fashion\n\n\nThe Che Guevara trend, or \"Che chic\", is a fashion trend featuring the Argentinian-born revolutionary Ernesto \"Che\" Guevara. The phenomenon has attracted attention from the media, political commentators, songwriters, and Cuban American activists due to the popularity of the T-shirt design, Che's political beliefs, and the \"irony\" of buying a T-shirt depicting a Marxist icon. As op-ed commentator Chris Berg noted in \"The Age\", \"Ironically, Che Guevara's longevity as a", "id": "7640133" }, { "contents": "Erik Gandini\n\n\nyears, \"Sacrificio\" was the first documentary he took part in. \"Sacrificio\" confronts Busto's version of the events with the surviving protagonists of Che Guevara's death and raises questions about how history has been written. Sacrificio stars several of the main characters surrounding the capture and killing of the Argentinian revolutionary leader, including former CIA agent Felix Rodriguez, former Bolivian General Gary Prado and Che Guevara's executioner Mario Teran. When released in 2001, \"Sacrificio\" sparked an international debate concerning Che's death and shed new", "id": "300116" }, { "contents": "Merlapaka Gandhi\n\n\ninitially given the name 'Che Guevara' because his father was fond of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara. Murali then changed his son's legal given name to 'Gandhi' in honor of independence activist Mahatma Gandhi when he was five years old, as the fellow townspeople found it difficult to pronounce his birth name. He studied in Tirupati till his tenth standard. Merlapaka then moved to Allagadda to complete his B. Tech. degree. Merlapaka wanted to become a film director since the 10th standard. After his engineering course, he convinced", "id": "18961854" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\n, they encircled the area with two battalions numbering 1,800 soldiers and advanced into the ravine triggering a battle where Guevara was wounded and taken prisoner while leading a detachment with Simeón Cuba Sarabia. Che's biographer Jon Lee Anderson reports Bolivian Sergeant Bernardino Huanca's account: that as the Bolivian Rangers approached, a twice-wounded Guevara, his gun rendered useless, threw up his arms in surrender and shouted to the soldiers: \"Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and I am worth more to you alive than dead.\"", "id": "16292614" }, { "contents": "Guerrillero Heroico\n\n\nultimate symbol of Marxist revolution and anti-imperialist struggle.\" However, Korda did not want commercialization of the image in relation to products he believed Guevara would not support, especially alcohol. This belief was displayed for the first time in 2000, when in response to Smirnoff using Che's picture in a vodka commercial, Korda claimed his moral rights (a form of copyright law) and sued advertising agency Lowe Lintas and Rex Features, the company that supplied the photograph. Lintas and Rex claimed that the image was in the", "id": "12313426" }, { "contents": "Che!\n\n\nguerrilla war in the late 1950s. He gains the respect of his men and becomes the leader of a patrol. Fidel Castro (Jack Palance) is impressed by Guevara's tactics and discipline and makes him his chief advisor. When Castro defeats Cuban dictator Batista after two years of fighting, Guevara directs a series of massive reprisals, yet, Guevara dreams of fomenting a worldwide revolution. After Castro backs down during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Guevara accuses Castro of being a Soviet tool and decides to leave Cuba. Guevara lands in", "id": "9937452" }, { "contents": "Mao Zedong\n\n\n, defended the phenomenon, stating that \"it shows his influence, that he exists in people's consciousness and has influenced several generations of Chinese people's way of life. Just like Che Guevara's image, his has become a symbol of revolutionary culture.\" Since 1950, over 40 million people have visited Mao's birthplace in Shaoshan, Hunan. The YouGov survey found that 42% of American millennials have never heard of Mao Zedong. According to the CIS poll, only 21% of Australian millennials are familiar with Mao", "id": "19775893" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nsold, the example of Che Guevara takes on an even greater dimension.\" In Nicaragua, the Sandinistas, a group with ideological roots in Guevarism were re-elected to government after 16 years. Supporters wore Guevara T-shirts during the 2006 victory celebrations. Bolivian president Evo Morales has paid many tributes to Guevara including visiting his initial burial site in Bolivia to declare \"Che Lives\", and installing a portrait of the Argentine made from local coca leaves in his presidential suite. In 2006, Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez who", "id": "4886642" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nwas later titled Che Guevara's \"farewell letter\". In the letter, Guevara reaffirmed his enduring solidarity with the Cuban Revolution but declared his intention to leave Cuba to fight for the revolutionary cause abroad. Additionally, he resigned from all his positions in the Cuban government and communist party, and renounced his honorary Cuban citizenship. In early 1965, Guevara went to Africa to offer his knowledge and experience as a guerrilla to the ongoing conflict in the Congo. According to Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella, Guevara thought that Africa was", "id": "16292597" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\n\", who analogized the last photo of Guevara alive, with his hands bound, to an \"Ecce Homo.\" In August 1968, French intellectual Régis Debray, who was captured in Bolivia while living with Che Guevara, gave a jailhouse interview where he also drew the comparison. According to Debray, Che (an atheist) \"was a mystic without a transcendent belief, a saint without a God.\" Debray went on to tell interviewer Marlene Nadle of Ramparts Magazine that \"Che was a modern Christ, but I", "id": "5872645" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nimperialists\" had \"killed millions of Asians\". Instead, Guevara stated that he would visit Hiroshima, where the American military had detonated an atom-bomb 14 years earlier. Despite his denunciation of Imperial Japan, Guevara considered President Truman a \"macabre clown\" for the bombings, and after visiting Hiroshima and its Peace Memorial Museum he sent back a postcard to Cuba stating, \"In order to fight better for peace, one must look at Hiroshima.\" Upon Guevara's return to Cuba in September 1959, it became", "id": "16292552" }, { "contents": "Ñancahuazú Guerrilla\n\n\nhis hair was matted with dirt, his clothes were shredded, and his feet were covered in rough leather sheaths. Despite his haggard appearance, he recounts that \"Che held his head high, looked everyone straight in the eyes and asked only for something to smoke.\" De Guzman states that he \"took pity\" and gave him a small bag of tobacco for his pipe, with Guevara then smiling and thanking him. Later on the night of October 8, Guevara, despite having his hands tied, kicked Bolivian Officer", "id": "3821501" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nwounds appear consistent with the story that the Bolivian government planned to release to the public, Félix Rodríguez ordered Terán not to shoot Guevara in the head, but to aim carefully to make it appear that Guevara had been killed in action during a clash with the Bolivian army. Gary Prado, the Bolivian captain in command of the army company that captured Guevara, said that the reasons Barrientos ordered the immediate execution of Guevara were so there could be no possibility for Guevara to escape from prison, and also so there could be no", "id": "16292620" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nhimself had interviewed Guevara), drew the comparison by noting that \"with his curly reddish beard, he looked like a cross between a faun and a Sunday-school print of Jesus.\" That observation was followed by German artist and playwright Peter Weiss' remark that the post-mortem images of Guevara resembled a \"Christ taken down from the cross.\" Che's last moments and the connection to Christian iconography was also noted by David Kunzle, author of the book \"Che Guevara: Icon, Myth, and Message", "id": "5872644" }, { "contents": "Alberto Korda\n\n\nnever stopped him when he attempted to take his picture. He worked freely without thinking about political consequences in order to get what he wanted in his photos. Korda was a photographer for the Cuban newspaper \"Revolución\" when he produced on March 5, 1960, the iconic image of Che Guevara that became a worldwide symbol of revolution and rebellion. He never received any royalties for the image, because Castro did not recognize the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. In 2000, he sued Smirnoff (Lowe", "id": "8730314" }, { "contents": "Cristiano Lucarelli\n\n\nfor Italy's Under-21 side, he celebrated by pulling his jersey over his face to reveal a shirt bearing Che Guevara's image. Despite his insisting that it was not a political gesture, he was consequently blackballed from the national team for several years until Marcello Lippi called him up as a starter for a friendly in 2005. Lucarelli met Guevara's daughter, Aleida Guevara, after the 2004–05 Serie A season; one subject of discussion was the possibility of Livorno travelling to Cuba to play a charity match, but it never came", "id": "394152" }, { "contents": "Che (2008 film)\n\n\n\"Guerrilla\" and focuses on Guevara's attempt to bring revolution to Bolivia and his demise. Both parts are shot in a cinéma vérité style, but each has different approaches to linear narrative, camerawork and the visual look. Filmmaker Terrence Malick originally worked on a screenplay limited to Guevara's attempts to start a revolution in Bolivia. When financing fell through, Malick left the project, and Soderbergh subsequently agreed to direct the film. He realized that there was no context for Guevara's actions in Bolivia and decided that his participation", "id": "5534400" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nof protest, but the idealistic, questioning kid who exists in every society and every time.\" Most critics view Guevara as a ruthless executioner who did not afford others a proper legal process. Some argue that Che justified murdering people without knowing if they are fully guilty. On May 18, 1962, Che said in a speech: \"We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation; it has the obligation to triumph.", "id": "4886646" }, { "contents": "Chevolution\n\n\n, guitarist of the band, explains how the use of Che's image on instruments on stage represents a 5th member. Che represents the bands political ideas and is used in a radical context. Morello also says to believe that Che's image is a public domain piece and people as a whole own the image. Che represented and still represents poor, powerless and marginalized people who want freedom and their human rights to be respected. Che's ideals did not die when he died, they live on through his image. Shepard", "id": "4135740" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nover Castro for good or evil\" grew after his death, as Fidel took up many of his views. Similarly, the Cuban-American sociologist Samuel Farber lauds Che Guevara as \"an honest and committed revolutionary\", but also criticizes the fact that \"he never embraced socialism in its most democratic essence\". Nevertheless, Guevara remains a national hero in Cuba, where his image adorns the 3 peso banknote and school children begin each morning by pledging \"We will be like Che.\" In his homeland of Argentina,", "id": "16292649" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\n1967 International Workers' Day rally in Havana, the acting minister of the armed forces, Major Juan Almeida, announced that Guevara was \"serving the revolution somewhere in Latin America\". Before he departed for Bolivia, Guevara altered his appearance by shaving off his beard and much of his hair, also dying it grey so that he was unrecognizable as Che Guevara. On November 3, 1966, Guevara secretly arrived in La Paz on a flight from Montevideo under the false name Adolfo Mena González, posing as a middle-aged", "id": "16292608" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nGuevara acquired the additional position of Finance Minister, as well as President of the National Bank. These appointments, combined with his existing position as Minister of Industries, placed Guevara at the zenith of his power, as the \"virtual czar\" of the Cuban economy. As a consequence of his position at the head of the central bank, it became Guevara's duty to sign the Cuban currency, which per custom bore his signature. Instead of using his full name, he signed the bills solely \"\"Che\"\"", "id": "16292563" }, { "contents": "Legacy of Che Guevara\n\n\nhas referred to Guevara as an \"infinite revolutionary\" and who has been known to address audiences in a Che Guevara T-shirt, accompanied Fidel Castro on a tour of Guevara’s boyhood home in Córdoba Argentina, describing the experience as \"a real honor.\" Awaiting crowds of thousands responded with calls of \"We feel it! Guevara is right with us!\" Guevara’s daughter Aleida also transcribed an extensive interview with Chávez where he outlined his plans for \"The New Latin America\", releasing the interview in book", "id": "4886643" }, { "contents": "Che (2008 film)\n\n\nIf you'd had all these guys running around talking in accented English you'd [have got] your head taken off\". Del Toro received the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival for his performance, and in his acceptance speech dedicated the award \"to the man himself, Che Guevara and I want to share this with Steven Soderbergh. He was there pushing it even when there [were lulls] and pushing all of us\". Guevara's widow Aleida March, who is president of the Che Guevara Studies", "id": "5534482" }, { "contents": "Political views of Christopher Hitchens\n\n\nan admirer of Che Guevara, yet in an essay written in 1997, he distanced himself from Che, and referred to the mythos surrounding him as a \"cult\". In 2004 he re-emphasized his positive view of Che, commenting that \"[Che's] death meant a lot to me and countless like me at the time. He was a role model, albeit an impossible one for us bourgeois romantics insofar as he went and did what revolutionaries were meant to do – fought and died for his beliefs.", "id": "2812693" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nrebirth\" and \"ritual of renewal\". To a certain extent, this belief by Guevara of a metaphorical resurrection came true. While pictures of the dead Guevara were being circulated and the circumstances of his death were being debated, Che's legend began to spread. Demonstrations in protest against his \"assassination\" occurred throughout the world, and articles, tributes, and poems were written about his life and death. Rallies in support of Guevara were held from \"Mexico to Santiago, Algiers to Angola, and Cairo to Calcutta", "id": "16292634" }, { "contents": "Chevolution\n\n\nChevolution is a 2008 documentary film which examines the history and legacy of the photo \"Guerrillero Heroico\" taken by famous Cuban photographer Alberto Díaz Gutiérrez. This image has thrived for the decades since Che Guevara's death and has evolved into an iconic image, which represents a multitude of ideals. The documentary explores the story of how the photo came to be, its adoption of multiple interpretations and meanings, as well as the commercialization of the image of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. \"Chevolution\" utilizes historic images and a multitude", "id": "4135723" }, { "contents": "The Motorcycle Diaries (film)\n\n\nThe Motorcycle Diaries () is a 2004 biopic about the journey and written memoir of the 23-year-old Ernesto Guevara, who would several years later become internationally known as the iconic Marxist guerrilla commander and revolutionary Che Guevara. The film recounts the 1952 expedition, initially by motorcycle, across South America by Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. As well as being a road movie, the film is a coming-of-age film; as the adventure, initially centered on youthful hedonism, unfolds, Guevara discovers himself transformed by", "id": "2624760" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in fashion\n\n\nto think Che Guevara was the only man under 40 never to have worn a Che Guevara T-shirt\". The recent popularity of Che-related fashion has been attributed to economic troubles, which make Che's message more appealing. The image depicted on Che chic is based on the \"Guerrillero Heroico\" photograph. It is unknown when the photo was first used as a fashion design, although it was first given an artistic rework in a series of 1967 posters by the Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick. The popularity of the", "id": "7640135" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nGuevara was tied up and taken to a dilapidated mud schoolhouse in the nearby village of La Higuera on the evening of October 8. For the next half day, Guevara refused to be interrogated by Bolivian officers and only spoke quietly to Bolivian soldiers. One of those Bolivian soldiers, a helicopter pilot named Jaime Nino de Guzman, describes Che as looking \"dreadful\". According to Guzman, Guevara was shot through the right calf, his hair was matted with dirt, his clothes were shredded, and his feet were covered in", "id": "16292615" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nbefore daybreak he had signed up as a member of the July 26 Movement. Despite their \"contrasting personalities\", from this point on Che and Fidel began to foster what dual biographer Simon Reid-Henry deemed a \"revolutionary friendship that would change the world\", as a result of their coinciding commitment to anti-imperialism. By this point in Guevara's life, he deemed that U.S.-controlled conglomerates installed and supported repressive regimes around the world. In this vein, he considered Batista a \"U.S. puppet whose strings needed cutting", "id": "16292521" }, { "contents": "Guerrillero Heroico\n\n\na banner down the five-story building of the Ministry of the Interior in the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana. This building where Che himself had formerly worked, served as a backdrop to Fidel's eulogy on October 18, 1967, publicly acknowledging the death of Che Guevara before a crowd of over a million mourners. José Gómez Fresquet, renowned Cuban poster maker and graphic artist, recalls how on hearing the news of Guevara's death, he immediately worked all night producing the poster to be used at the rally honoring", "id": "12313447" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nAppearances of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (1928–1967) in popular culture are common throughout the world. Although during his lifetime he was a highly politicized and controversial figure, in death his stylized image has been transformed into a worldwide emblem for an array of causes, representing a complex mesh of sometimes conflicting narratives. Che Guevara's image is viewed as everything from an inspirational icon of revolution, to a retro and vintage logo. Most commonly he is represented by a facial caricature originally by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick and based on Alberto", "id": "5872630" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara\n\n\nthe possibilities of one man\", while Black Power leader Stokely Carmichael eulogized that \"Che Guevara is not dead, his ideas are with us.\" Praise has been reflected throughout the political spectrum, with libertarian theorist Murray Rothbard extolling Guevara as a \"heroic figure\" who \"more than any man of our epoch or even of our century, was the living embodiment of the principle of revolution\", while journalist Christopher Hitchens reminisced that \"[Che's] death meant a lot to me and countless like me at the", "id": "16292644" }, { "contents": "Humberto Fontova\n\n\ndissidents as well as former government agents, such as Delfin Fernandez. In \"Exposing the Real Che Guevara\", Fontova critiques the life of Che Guevara and those who continue to support him. Robert D. Chapman, a former CIA officer who served in Cuba, wrote in a review of \"Exposing the Real Che Guevara\" in the \"International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence\" that \"His information is based almost exclusively upon exile sources. Some accounts I know are true, some untrue, and others are exaggerated war fables", "id": "17127278" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in popular culture\n\n\nto Jesus Christ quickly spread; leading them to surreptitiously clip off clumps of his long hair and keep them for good luck. Jorge G. Castañeda, author of \"Compañero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara\", discerns that \"the Christ-like image prevailed\" stating \"it's as if the dead Guevara looks on his killers and forgives them, and upon the world, proclaiming that he who dies for an idea is beyond suffering.\" Eleven days after Guevara's execution, journalist I. F. Stone (who", "id": "5872643" } ]
Pee shivers
[{"answer": "There are a lot of possible explanations that have been offered, however there has been no scientific publication that narrows it down to a single one. These include: a) Exposure of body parts: Your body parts that are usually kept warm and snug in your unwashed underwears, are exposed to cooler temperatures. Your body reacts in the form of shivers to keep them warm. b) Loss of heat: Though not convincing enough, another theory goes on to say that if you urinate or micturate (man I love that word), your body loses heat, causing it to shiver. c) Mini orgasm: Yep. That orgasmic release when you've been holding it in for a long time, may in fact lead to a mini orgasm which leads to small convulsions. What usually happens is that your autonomous(edit: autonomic) nervous system keeps your bladder relaxed, while keeping your valves tensed. This is achieved by a hormonal play. When you pee you cause the valves to relax, and bladder to grow tense. This change in hormonal balance may lead to convulsions in the body. Hope that helps. :)"}, {"answer": "no answer, a story: at boarding school in 7th grade I asked about this and was universally laughed at by the class and teacher for asking such a stupid question. Fuck them, answers are out there!"}, {"answer": "Best I can do in 5 minutes of Google searching. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Some friends an I stumbled on this question and did about a half day of research. What we found that makes sense is that the pee shivers are a collision between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Your want to hold it vs your body wanting to void it collide and shiver. I think the source had a fancy name for this. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "53641837", "title": "Post micturition convulsion syndrome", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 205, "bleu_score": 0.7071011629185621}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Piss Shivers (band)\n\n\nThe Piss Shivers are an old school punk rock band formed in 1994. The band, which is based out of the Philadelphia suburbs, are also occasionally referred to as the \"Pee Shivers\" when played on the radio. Starting in the winter of 1993 singer/guitarist Cedric Crouch (a.k.a.Cedric Rokkgod) began making demo tapes with a multi track recorder and a drum machine. Realizing the limitations this created for live shows, a flesh and blood line up in the form of Dion Blade (bass) and Robert", "id": "18666093" }, { "contents": "Jason Shivers\n\n\nround in the 2004 NFL Draft. He was released in the preseason. After he was released by the Rams Shivers was signed by the Chicago Bears and spent the 2004 season with that club. In December, 2015 Shivers joined the Saskatchewan Roughriders as the teams defensive backs coach. On February 8, 2019 the Riders announced that Shivers had been promoted to the role of defensive coordinator following the departure of Chris Jones. Jason Shivers has five kids. Ta'Kia Shivers was born in 2000. Jason Shivers was born in 2005. Jaeda", "id": "21049470" }, { "contents": "Shiverer mouse\n\n\n\"Shiverer\" mice are mice which possess the \"shiverer\" (shi/shi) mutation in the \"MBP\" gene. \"Shiverer\" mice develop a characteristic \"shaking\" or \"shivering\" gait within a few weeks of birth. They are commonly used as animal models of leukodystrophy in neuroscience research. The \"shiverer\" mutation is an autosomal recessive loss-of-function mutation. It was generated by a 20-kilobase deletion within the \"MBP\" gene, resulting in the failure of oligodendrocytes to form compact myelin", "id": "12195760" }, { "contents": "Shiver (Shawn Desman song)\n\n\n, other versions of the single were released digitally: \"Shiver (Dance Remix)\" was released on May 18, 2010, \"Shiver (UOMO Remix)\" was released on May 25, 2010, and an EP containing two French adaptations of \"Shiver\", entitled \"Shiver (French Mixes)\", was released on June 1, 2010. The music video for \"Shiver\" was directed by RT! and shows Desman singing to his love interest while a group of black-clad male and female dancers", "id": "13028808" }, { "contents": "Equine shivers\n\n\nShivers, or equine shivering, is a rare, progressive neuromuscular disorder of horses. It is characterized by muscle tremors, difficulty holding up the hind limbs, and an unusual gait when the horse is asked to move backwards. Shivers is poorly understood and no effective treatment is available at this time. Most horses with shivers are tall (average affected horse is 17 hands), and they are more commonly male (3:1 ratio of males to females). Shivers is most often seen in Warmbloods, draft horse breeds, and", "id": "2683370" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns 2\n\n\nShivers on her tail, leaving the axe inside Peters. Peters, who is still alive, reloads his gun and drags himself to where Lynn and Shivers ran off to. Peters finds them, and shoots Shivers two times: once in the hand, the other in the back, and Shivers falls into a gully. Lynn goes to check to see if Peters is okay, but looks to see Shivers rise up out of the gully. Lynn takes Peter's gun and points it at Shivers, but before she can pull", "id": "14459494" }, { "contents": "Shivering\n\n\nordinarily used to synthesize ATP is instead bypassed to produce heat directly. Shivering can also appear after surgery. This is known as postanesthetic shivering. In humans, shivering can also be caused by mere cognition . This is known as psychogenic shivering . The functional capacity of the thermoregulatory system alters with aging, reducing the resistance of elderly people to extreme temperatures. The shiver response may be greatly diminished or even absent in the elderly, resulting in a significant drop in mean deep body temperature upon exposure to cold. Standard tests of thermoregulatory", "id": "18007112" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers\n\n\nthrough the death of his predecessor. In 1950, Shivers won election as governor in his own right, defeating Republican Ralph W. Currie: 355,010 votes (89.93%) for the incumbent Governor while Currie had garnered 39,737 votes (10.07%) In 1952, Shivers proved so popular that he was listed on the gubernatorial ballot as the nominee of \"both\" the Democratic and Republican parties (Democrat Shivers handily defeated Republican Shivers). Between both parties Shivers garnered 1,844,530 votes (98.05%) to \"No Preference\" getting 36,672", "id": "8815055" }, { "contents": "Coyote Shivers\n\n\nCD \"Coyote Shivers Gives It To Ya. Twice.\" Shivers was married to model and singer Bebe Buell from 1992 to 1999. He and actress Pauley Perrette were married in 2000. Perrette and Shivers separated in 2004 and obtained a divorce in 2006. Buell, Perrette, and ex-girlfriend Angela Garber all allege that Shivers has a pattern of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, stalking, and legal harassment. In 2008, the Los Angeles County Superior Court declared Shivers a vexatious litigant, thus barring him from filing", "id": "20487542" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers Library and Museum\n\n\nState Senate. Although he was born in Lufkin, the Shivers family owned a home near Woodville. He lived in Woodville until his high school years when the Shivers family moved to Port Arthur. Governor Shivers was married to Marialice Shary (Shivers) from Mission. The couple had four children. The two-story Victorian style library and museum dates back to 1881 and its original resident by the name of Robert A. Cruse. Governor and Mrs. Shivers purchased the home in 1963, moving it to its current location. Interior designer", "id": "3707247" }, { "contents": "Shiver my timbers\n\n\nby Charles Dibdin. The opening of the phrase, 'shiver my..', also predates \"Jacob Faithful\" with the following lines from John O'Keeffe's 1791 comic play \"Wild Oats\" an earlier example: \"Shiver my timbers\" was most famously popularized by the archetypal pirate Long John Silver in Robert Louis Stevenson's \"Treasure Island\" (1883). Silver used the phrase seven times, as well as variations such as \"shiver my sides\", \"shiver my soul\" and \"shake up your timbers", "id": "7659117" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\never faced by the Roughriders in their history as it made national headlines from coast to coast. Many people pointed the finger at Shivers once again, whether right or wrong, seeing Shivers as an unwilling figure in instituting a player code of conduct. The naysayers and blamers felt Shivers should have more control over his team's behaviour. Shivers defended himself by saying what happened with Smith was a societal problem, not a football one. Further tarnishing the team's image was the arrest of Kenton Keith, a Riders running back,", "id": "10863000" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\nnot work for Hopson\", Shivers told the \"Regina Leader-Post\" on the Monday after being informed of the club's decision to have Hopson supersede him. \"I can work with him, but I can't work for him because I dislike him and I don't trust him.\" Thus, Shivers was fired from his post as general manager, with the board unanimous in its decision to fire Shivers. During his era as Riders' general manager, Shivers lived part-time in Regina, the home", "id": "10863008" }, { "contents": "Thrasher Shiver (album)\n\n\nThrasher Shiver is the self-titled album by the American country music duo Thrasher Shiver, which was composed of singer-songwriters Neil Thrasher and Kelly Shiver. Their only album, it was issued in 1996 on Asylum Records. Two singles were released from it: \"Goin' Goin' Gone\" and \"Be Honest\", which respectively reached #65 and #49 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts. Thrasher Shiver produced the album along with Justin Niebank, while Archie Jordan", "id": "20051715" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\nBlack Panthers, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and David Hilliard. Shivers graduated from Oakland Technical High School in 1959, and left Oakland in 1960 to serve in the U.S. Army. In 1964, after serving four years in the army, Shivers went to Utah State where he became a star running back and then in 1966 was drafted first round in the supplemental draft to the St. Louis Cardinals. Shivers lead the Cardinals in kickoff return yards with 27 for 762 yards with one returned for a touchdown. Shivers played for seven years", "id": "10862990" }, { "contents": "Shivered\n\n\nShivered is a Persian heavy metal band formed in 2015 by Mohammad Maki. Shivered is composed of front-man Mohammad Maki and Session musicians, such as Doug Ross and Arnaud Krakowka. The band has been labeled as Gothic, Progressive, and Doom Metal with hints of Rock. The band signed to independent label SenseSpirit in 2015. Shivered was formed in 2015 by multi-instrumentalist Mohammad Maki. Previously before founding Shivered Mohammad Maki had worked on Alternative Metal band Lorn which got disbanded in 2015 due to legal issues with the band", "id": "10890848" }, { "contents": "Shiverer mouse\n\n\nin the central nervous system. Axons in \"shiverer\" mice fail to attain a normal diameter and exhibit altered cytoskeleton structure. Approximately twelve days after birth, \"shiverer\" mice begin to exhibit tremors which progressively worsen. They exhibit tonic seizure behavior after weaning and die prematurely, typically between 50 and 100 days after birth. \"Shiverer\" mice are used to model human leukodystrophies due to the congenital nature and early onset of the \"shiverer\" phenotype, which mimics the disease progression observed in humans. They are also used", "id": "12195761" }, { "contents": "Wes Shivers\n\n\ntime to American football. After graduation, Shivers attended a junior college prior to attending Mississippi State University. Shivers played on the football team as an offensive tackle. He was named a Junior College All-American, as well as being on the All-Southeastern Conference team. Shivers was drafted by the Tennessee Titans in the 7th round of the 2000 draft and played three games with Atlanta before being cut. Shivers became a police officer after retiring but retired from that to pursue MMA. After picking up 4 stoppage wins in", "id": "14754596" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers\n\n\n's presidency, as the liberal-moderate faction was in firm control of the state party after 1970. In 1952, Shivers named the oil industrialist Bill Noël of Odessa to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Noël was reappointed by the two subsequent governors. Shivers appeared as himself in the 1955 film \"Lucy Gallant\" starring Jane Wyman and Charlton Heston. Shivers previously held the record for longest \"continuous\" service as Texas Governor at 7.5 years until June 2008, when Rick Perry surpassed Shivers's record for continuous service. (", "id": "8815060" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers\n\n\nBill Clements initially broke Shivers's total service record, having served eight years over two non-consecutive terms; Perry subsequently surpassed this record as well.) Both Shivers and Perry are the only two Texas Governors to have been inaugurated four times. Shivers disputed the Truman administration's claim on the Tidelands and disapproved of Truman's veto that would have vested tideland ownership in the states. Bucking the tradition of the \"Solid South,\" Shivers delivered Texas in the 1952 presidential election for Dwight D. Eisenhower—only the second time", "id": "8815061" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers\n\n\nthat Texas had supported a Republican for president since Reconstruction. The state Republican Party reciprocated by nominating Shivers for governor; he thus ran as the nominee of both parties. It is believed that Shivers lost popularity with some voters over his disloyalty to the Democratic party. He also became less popular because of his opposition to the \"Brown v. Board of Education\" decision and his link to the Veterans' Land Board scandal. Shivers did help enact laws raising teacher salaries and granting retirement benefits to state employees. Shivers did not seek", "id": "8815062" }, { "contents": "Pee Pee Township, Pike County, Ohio\n\n\n, including of water and within the village limits of Waverly. Pee Pee Township was organized in 1798 as the first township in Pike County. The township takes its name from Pee Pee Creek; which was so named when an early settler inscribed his initials P. P. on a tree along its banks. Pee Pee Township has been noted for its unusual place name. It is the only Pee Pee Township statewide. The township is governed by a three-member board of trustees, who are elected in November of odd-numbered", "id": "10358891" }, { "contents": "Butthole Surfers (EP)\n\n\ncenter label, and the words \"Pee Pee the Sailor\" written next to it. This cartoon is in addition to the label's humorous suggestion that listeners play the record at 69 RPM. \"Pee Pee the Sailor\" is featured on the disc art of the 2003 reissue. Paul Leary recorded a song with Bad Livers called \"Pee Pee the Sailor\" for their 1992 album Delusions of Banjer. In 1995, Meat Puppets covered this song, renaming it \"The Adventures of Pee Pee the Sailor\" (or alternately", "id": "10670912" }, { "contents": "Shiver and Shake\n\n\nand Chips\", it was two comics in one; \"Shake\" being a pull-out section from \"Shiver\". The main star of \"Shiver\" was a ghost of the same name, whilst \"Shake\" was an elephant. Both had their own strips in their respective sections (\"The Duke's Spook\" and \"Shake\"), \"The Duke's Spook\" changing to \"Shiver\" after its merger. In 1973, the comic also featured a one-page strip starring stand-", "id": "3922480" }, { "contents": "Pee Pee Township, Pike County, Ohio\n\n\nPee Pee Township is one of the fourteen townships of Pike County, Ohio, United States. The 2000 census found 7,776 people in the township, including 4,433 people in the village of Waverly, and 3,343 in the unincorporated portions of the township. Located in the northern part of the county, it borders the following townships: The village of Waverly, the county seat of Pike County, is located in eastern Pee Pee Township. The Lake White State Park is also located in this township. Pee Pee Township is in size", "id": "10358890" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\nfor Shivers as the general manager of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Shivers was fired by the Saskatchewan Roughriders' board of directors as there was a concern that the Riders had regressed, a lack of progress was being made in signing players who would be free agents in 2007 to extensions, plus Shivers was not comfortable with the new power structure of the Riders to be implemented in 2007. At the time of his firing, the board of directors, led by the President and CEO Jim Hopson, openly expressed their displeasure at the lack", "id": "10863005" }, { "contents": "Shiver my timbers\n\n\n\"Shiver me timbers\" (or \"shiver my timbers\" in Standard English) is an exclamation in the form of a mock oath usually attributed to the speech of pirates in works of fiction. It is employed as a literary device by authors to express shock, surprise or annoyance. The phrase is based on real nautical slang and is a reference to the timbers, which are the wooden support frames of a sailing ship. In heavy seas, ships would be lifted up and pounded down so hard as to \"shiver", "id": "7659111" }, { "contents": "Shivers (song)\n\n\nrecording of \"Door, Door\", the Boys Next Door performed \"Shivers\" with Howard on vocals and Cave on guitar. After the song's release, and changing their name to the Birthday Party, the band performed \"Shivers\" with their standard line-up of Cave on vocals, Howard and Mick Harvey on guitar, Tracy Pew on bass and Phill Calvert on drums. Cave commented that he \"used to dread 'Shivers' coming up in the set\" due to the fact \"it required a certain", "id": "9419051" }, { "contents": "Shivers (song)\n\n\nguarded romanticism\". According to members of the Boys Next Door, Howard's songwriting was \"more precious and stolid\" than Cave's or guitarist–keyboardist Mick Harveys attempts, with \"Shivers\" and his other songs generally being centred \"around a bassline\". The final version of \"Shivers\" featured on \"Door, Door\" reflected this, and included only a two-chord progression and four musical instruments: guitar, bass, piano and violin. \"Shivers\" was originally released by the Young Charlatans as", "id": "9419046" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns\n\n\nhad stopped by to check on Lynn. At the Tokyo residence, Shivers murders Bert, due to Bert trying to have Heston assassinate Lynn, and thus almost ruining Shivers's chance to be \"cured\". While the authorities are content with believing that Heston was Shivers, Lynn is unconvinced. Nevertheless, she decides to go out on a date to a theatre with Tuck to celebrate being paid $100,000 for the painting she was hired to do. Shivers continues his mission of trying to rid himself of his schizophrenia through Lynn", "id": "10036363" }, { "contents": "Ralph Yarborough\n\n\n1956 the Republican Eisenhower/Nixon ticket, instead of the Democrat Adlai Stevenson of Illinois. Shivers portrayed Yarborough as an integrationist supported by communists and unions. The 1954 election was particularly nasty in its race-baiting by Shivers as it was the year that \"Brown v. Board of Education\" was decided, and Shivers made the most of the court decision in order to play on voters' fears. Yarborough, however, nearly upset Shivers. In 1956, Yarborough made it to the primary runoff for governor against U.S. Senator Price", "id": "10706516" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\nfor aggravated assault at a Regina nightclub, on July 12, 2006. Again, fans and citizens were upset with the Riders and Shivers, and viewed the team as becoming out of control in the community. However, even with a code of conduct for players reportedly in the works and soon forthcoming, others maintain that personal individual responsibility supersedes the control Shivers or any other Riders' management should have over the players. This is precisely the argument put forward by Shivers, as he views many of these things as societal issues", "id": "10863001" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\nin salary, well over the new $3.8 million salary cap to be instituted by the CFL in 2007. With Shivers publicly refusing to accept forthcoming changes for the 2007 season in the Rider power structure, a clash was bound to happen. Hopson, the board of directors agreed, would be given powers that would supersede Shivers in the organization. Shivers went on record in April 2006 as saying that he would not work for Hopson as he did not trust or like him. \"I told them in April that I would", "id": "10863007" }, { "contents": "Shivers (novel series)\n\n\nShivers is a series of thirty-six children's horror novels written by M.D. Spenser. These are horror novels, each 120-125 pages long, for readers between the ages of 8 and 14. The series was created during the popularity of the \"Goosebumps\" series, and it has a similar style. The \"Shivers\" series was published between 1996 and 1998. Also issued were compilations called \"Four Scares in One\", which featured four \"Shivers\" books in a single volume. In addition, a", "id": "16307931" }, { "contents": "Jason Shivers\n\n\nJason Shivers [SHY-verz] (born November 4, 1982 in Phoenix, Arizona) is an american football coach who is currently the defensive coordinator for the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League (CFL). Shivers was a defensive back who was drafted in the fifth round of the 2004 NFL Draft by the St. Louis Rams (NFL): He also spent time with the Chicago Bears. Shivers has also played in the CFL for the Toronto Argonauts and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. A 2001 graduate of Phoenix", "id": "21049467" }, { "contents": "Shiver Man\n\n\nfugitive, hunted for supposedly murdering a senator, Fury hires the Shiver Man to bring Wolverine directly to him instead of to S.H.I.E.L.D. The Shiver Man tracks Wolverine and Beast and attacks them, sensing that Wolverine was guilty of the murder. However, he loses the pair to a corrupt faction of S.H.I.E.L.D. Jackson uses Sabretooth, then a member of the Weapon X Program, to bring the two X-Men to a secret facility. The Shiver Man rescues them, destroying the facility, and destroying the Program's files on all past", "id": "6403617" }, { "contents": "Shiver my timbers\n\n\nlaying along side us jist now, and overhauling our rigging and tactics, splinter my timbers into shivers if I don't think they are all buccaneers...\" would indicate the meaning of \"shivers\" as the breaking into wedges, small pieces or slivers. Alternatively the word \"slivers\" itself (meaning a small, thin, narrow piece of something cut or split off a larger piece, which also defines a \"splinter\"), may be the word \"shivers\" expresses. The exact phrase is used earlier on", "id": "7659115" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers\n\n\nRobert Allan Shivers (October 5, 1907 – January 14, 1985) was an American politician who served as the 37th Governor of Texas. Shivers was a leader of the Texas Democratic Party during the turbulent 1940s and 1950s, and also developed the lieutenant governor's post into an extremely powerful perch in state government. Born in Lufkin, the seat of Angelina County in East Texas, Shivers was educated at the University of Texas at Austin, having earned a law degree in 1933. While at UT, he was a member", "id": "8815051" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns\n\n\n. Bert visits Shivers, who is revealed to be Doug Richardson, a former patient of his, a sex offender with Leber's congenital amaurosis. Worried that Shivers will wreck his plans, Bert orders him to leave Lynn alone. Ignoring Bert, Shivers sends a party clown to Lynn's house to distract the guard, who he beheads, spotting Heston nearby as he does so. When Shivers leaves, Heston breaks into Lynn's home, and is shot with his own gun during a struggle with Lynn and Tuck, who", "id": "10036362" }, { "contents": "John Shivers (Medal of Honor)\n\n\nDixon Porter and General Alfred Terry. Shivers was one of nine crewmen from the USS \"Minnesota\" who received the Medal of Honor for their actions during this battle. Shivers deserted in October 1865, and his later life is unknown. The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Private John Shivers, United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in action on board the U.S.S. \"Minnesota\" in the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865", "id": "10361486" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\n, and not football ones. Shivers' first major decision as the Riders' General Manager was to hire his coach Danny Barrett, a man with no prior CFL head coaching experience, or head coaching experience at any level. \"The one thing I did right was (hire) Danny Barrett. He's a good young black coach. Most of our guys are young black kids. We've got a head coach our people like to play for\", Shivers said. Shivers had been known to speak his mind on", "id": "10863002" }, { "contents": "Aprilia SL 750 Shiver\n\n\nThe Aprilia Shiver 750 is a naked bike manufactured by Italian motorcycle manufacturer Aprilia. The motorcycle incorporates the first Ride by Wire Technology on a production motorcycle and a 90° V-twin engine. The Shiver is also available as a partially faired option known as the Shiver 750 GT, which was launched in 2009. The instrument panel features comprehensive gauges including a gear indicator. The 'Ride by Wire' electronic throttle has three available power settings, referred to as Sport, Touring and Rain. Sport mode is normal, with", "id": "11161596" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns 2\n\n\nthings go terribly wrong: An orderly named Ralph helps Shivers and two other inmates escape the asylum. Shivers takes Ralph and the inmates back to his old house, which is now occupied by a junkie, who is later strangled to death by Shivers. The next day, after hearing of Shiver's escape, Lynn calls Detective Peters and tells him that she will be home soon. Meanwhile, the junkie's friends arrive at the house, only to be killed by the inmates, Giggles The Clown and Ogre The Clown.", "id": "14459490" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns 2\n\n\nduring the process, Shivers kills Giggles instead. Peters and Lynn escape through the cellar, while Shivers takes off in the van (where Ralph is handcuffed), leaving Ogre behind to mourn over Giggle's dead body, as he was Ogre's best friend. Ogre then takes off to go after Shivers for revenge. The next day, Peters and Lynn arrive at the cabins, where they are greeted by Hot Rod, Stoltz, and Rego, who are all friends of Peters. Meanwhile, Shivers leaves Ralph in the", "id": "14459492" }, { "contents": "Wes Shivers\n\n\nWesley Davis Shivers (born March 8, 1977) is an American professional mixed martial artist. He was a cast member of SpikeTV's \"\". Shivers also played in three National Football League games with the Atlanta Falcons in 2000. Shivers had a small role in movie and \"Universal Soldier The Reckoning\" as well as an appearance in the pseudo reality show 'The Devils Ride' as Bobby Slaughter in season 3. After he entered high school at Benton Academy, Wes decided that he wanted to devote all of his", "id": "14754595" }, { "contents": "Shivering\n\n\nShivering (also called shaking) is a bodily function in response to cold in warm-blooded animals. When the core body temperature drops, the shivering reflex is triggered to maintain homeostasis. Skeletal muscles begin to shake in small movements, creating warmth by expending energy. Shivering can also be a response to a fever, as a person may feel cold. During fever the hypothalamic set point for temperature is raised. The increased set point causes the body temperature to rise (pyrexia), but also makes the patient feel cold", "id": "18007108" }, { "contents": "Shivering\n\n\nuntil the new set point is reached. Severe chills with violent shivering are called rigors. Rigors occur because the patient's body is shivering in a physiological attempt to increase body temperature to the new set point. Located in the posterior hypothalamus near the wall of the third ventricle is an area called the primary motor center for shivering. This area is normally inhibited by signals from the heat center in the anterior hypothalamic-preoptic area but is excited by cold signals from the skin and spinal cord. Therefore, this center becomes activated", "id": "18007109" }, { "contents": "Joseph Shivers\n\n\nhe did work with the United States government to develop a drug to counter malaria for use for troops overseas. Shivers began working for DuPont in 1946 as a researcher on developing polymers. After working on other polyester projects, Shivers joined a project to synthesize a \"synthetic elastomer to replace rubber\", which was common in garments at the time. Though the project was shelved at a point, Shivers made a breakthrough in the 1950s when he attempted a modification of the polyester Dacron, which produced a stretchy fibre that could withstand", "id": "19392996" }, { "contents": "The Shivers (New York City)\n\n\nto Australia. She was however, sold on The Shivers and begun plans to return to the US on an artist's visa with the primary goal of joining The Shivers. Zarriello and Schornikow kept in touch via the mail sending each other packages and tapes. The five-piece band played the SXSW music festival in 2007. In 2008, Zarriello decided to fund the production of the next Shivers album himself. Using money he had earned as a real estate agent, Zarriello hooked up with engineer Dan Hewitt and the band recorded", "id": "19805829" }, { "contents": "The Shivers (Austin, Texas)\n\n\nThe Shivers were an American alternative country group. They were formed in 1989 in Austin, Texas by founding members Carey Kemper and Kelly Bell, and released two albums internationally on Restless Records (US) and Glitterhouse Records (Europe) in 1994 and 1996. Though originally from Austin, they were primarily based alternately out of Portland, Oregon and Minneapolis, Minnesota. The band applied for and was granted copyright status for the brand (™) The Shivers in 1994. The Shivers were very favorably reviewed for their work in \"", "id": "19805836" }, { "contents": "Postanesthetic shivering\n\n\nPostanesthetic shivering (PAS) is shivering after anesthesia. The intensity of PAS may be graded using the scale described by Crossley and Mahajan: Postanesthetic shivering is one of the leading causes of discomfort in patients recovering from general anesthesia. It usually results due to the anesthetic inhibiting the body's thermoregulatory capability, although cutaneous vasodilation (triggered by post-operative pain) may also be a causative factor. First-line treatment consists of warming the patient; more persistent/severe cases may be treated with medications such as tramadol, pethidine", "id": "6818499" }, { "contents": "Eurytherm\n\n\nis shivering, in which a warm-blooded creature produces involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle in order to produce heat. In addition, shivering also signals the body to produce irisin, a hormone that has been shown to convert white fat to brown fat, which is used in non-shivering thermogenesis, the second type of human thermogensis. Non-shivering thermogenesis occurs in the brown fat, which contains the uncoupling protein thermogenin. This protein decreases the proton gradient generated in oxidative phosphorylation during the synthesis of ATP, uncoupling the electron", "id": "8497003" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Adventure\n\n\nshop employee, Dottie, has a crush on Pee-wee, but he does not reciprocate it. Pee-wee's bike is stolen while he is shopping at a mall. The police tell Pee-wee that they cannot help him find his bike. Pee-wee thinks Francis took it, and confronts him. Francis' father convinces Pee-wee that Francis did not steal the bike. Pee-wee then offers a $10,000 reward for his bike. Francis, who did indeed pay to have someone", "id": "3086996" }, { "contents": "Roy Shivers\n\n\n, he became the team's assistant General Manager. Calgary won the Grey Cup in 1992. In 1995, Shivers left to become the General Manager of the expansion Birmingham Barracudas, but the team folded after one season, as did the rest of the American expansion teams. Shivers returned to Calgary in 1996, again as assistant GM. Calgary won the Grey Cup again in 1998 under head coach Wally Buono. Shivers became General Manager of the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 1999, with his first two years at the Riders' helm being", "id": "10862992" }, { "contents": "Chris Shivers\n\n\nChris Shivers (born December 30, 1978 in Natchez, Mississippi) is an American former bull rider on the Professional Bull Riders' Built Ford Tough Series. Shivers turned pro in 1997, and earned the title of PBR World Champion Bull Rider in 2000 and 2003. Shivers has twenty-two career Bud Light Cup Series (BLC) and Built Ford Tough Series (BFTS) wins. The BLC was the name of the elite series from 1994 to 2002. The BFTS was the name from 2003 to 2017. He has", "id": "12881408" }, { "contents": "Thrasher Shiver\n\n\nThrasher Shiver was an American country music duo composed of Neil Thrasher and Kelly Shiver, both of whom sang lead vocals and played acoustic guitar. In late 1996, the duo released a self-titled album for Asylum Records, and charted two singles on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts. After the duo split up in 1997, Thrasher found work as a songwriter, writing for Rascal Flatts, Kenny Chesney, and others. Thrasher Shiver was founded in 1995, when singer", "id": "16597127" }, { "contents": "Shiver (Natalie Imbruglia song)\n\n\n\"Shiver\" is Australian singer Natalie Imbruglia's first single from her third album release \"Counting Down the Days\" and it is her eighth single overall. The song reached number 19 in her native Australia and number eight on the UK Singles Chart. It also reached number one in Hungary and number six in Italy. \"Shiver\" reached number eight on the UK Singles Chart. It peaked at 1 on the UK Airplay Chart for five non-consecutive weeks, and stayed in the Top 10 for fourteen weeks. Shiver", "id": "21829042" }, { "contents": "Equine shivers\n\n\nThoroughbreds, but has also been reported in light harness horses, hacks, Quarter Horses, and other light horse breeds. The cause of shivers is currently unknown. Horses with shivers have been shown to have degeneration of the axons of their cerebellar Purkinje cells, although Purkinje cell number remains normal. The strong breed predilection suggests a genetic basis to the disease. Despite some similarities in breed prevalence, there is no evidence to suggest a link between equine shivers and equine polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM). Clinical signs usually are present", "id": "2683371" }, { "contents": "Allan Shivers\n\n\nThe Shivercrats were a conservative faction of the Democratic Party in Texas in the 1950s. The faction was named for Shivers, who was criticized by liberals within the party—particularly Ralph Yarborough—for his corruption and conservatism. The term was first used derisively by party liberals, who attacked Shivers and his allies in the party for backing Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower over the national party's chosen candidate Adlai Stevenson in 1952. Corruption during the Shivers administration damaged his reputation and endangered his chances of reelection in 1954. Land Office Commissioner Bascom", "id": "8815057" }, { "contents": "Woodlawn (Austin, Texas)\n\n\nin 1857 and Shaw moved to Galveston. The Peases named the estate Woodlawn. Pease developed most of the land surrounding Woodlawn into the present-day neighborhood of Enfield. Four generations of the Pease family lived at Woodlawn until 1957 when Niles Graham sold the house and its three remaining acres to outgoing Texas governor Allan Shivers and his wife Marialice Shary Shivers. The Shivers moved into Woodlawn on January 15, 1957, almost 100 years to the day when the Peases first moved into Woodlawn. On October 27, 1975, the Shivers", "id": "8990560" }, { "contents": "Shiver Man\n\n\nWeapon X employees. Learning that the Weapon X Program had been controlling Wolverine's mind during the murder, the Shiver Man dissipated before confronting Wolverine again. Shiver Man was also featured in a story in the 2009 volume of \"Astonishing Tales\", still working for Fury. Taking on a ghostly form, Shiver Man has superhuman tracking abilities; psionic or magical in nature. He also has enhanced strength and agility, and can reattach severed limbs lost in combat. He can teleport and transform his body into a mist like form", "id": "6403618" }, { "contents": "Tea pet\n\n\nthe popularity of the form. To do this, a tea lover immerses it in cold water until it is filled up and shakes it to make sure it is filled at least 50 percent with water; after that, hot water poured over the pee-pee boy will make it \"pee\" if the water is hot enough. The hotter the water, the further it pees. The principle behind the pee-pee boy is thermal expansion of air. It is designed to be hollow with only one tiny opening,", "id": "10009897" }, { "contents": "Tristraum\n\n\nRemix) - Yet Another Electro Labelbr I'm Under No One (Hajas Remix) - Synthphony Recordsbr Gray - A Different Drumbr Chase the Fire - Section 44br First Embrace - Colorado Dark Arts Festivalbr Shiver (Empire State Human Remix) - 9th Wave Recordsbr Baby Don't Say Goodbye - Section 44br Shiver (The Missing Link Remix) - 4 mg Recordsbr Shiver - Dark Horizons Radiobr Shiver (Empire State Human Records) - Electro Culture Magazinebr Brilliant - Intrapop Provision - Ideal (Section 44)br Capsize - Problem (A Different Drum)br Stratos", "id": "14615507" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\n. On February 1, 2012, Reubens appeared as Pee-wee on Bravo's \"Top Chef: Texas\" and served as guest judge. Part of the contestants challenge was to ride a bike, similar to Pee-wee's, while gathering ingredients through San Antonio to prepare and serve a special lunch for Pee-wee at the Alamo. The use of The Alamo is a reference to Pee-wee's film, \"Pee-wee's Big Adventure\", where his stolen bike is allegedly hidden. While", "id": "8690959" }, { "contents": "Pee-Wee Harris\n\n\nWalter \"Pee-wee\" Harris is a fictional Boy Scout who has appeared in several series of boy's books by Percy Keese Fitzhugh as well as in a long-running comic strip in the magazine \"Boys' Life\". Originally spelled \"Pee-wee\", his name has occasionally been spelled \"Pee-Wee\" and is spelled \"Pee Wee\" in the \"Boys' Life\" comic strip. Pee-wee Harris first appeared in 1915 as a supporting character in Fitzhugh’s series of novels about", "id": "17684948" }, { "contents": "Pee Pee Island\n\n\nPee Pee Island is a small island located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in the far east of Canada. It is currently one of the four islands in the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve. In 1983, Pee Pee Island was incorporated into the reserve as it provides a breeding ground for up to 1300 pairs of Atlantic Puffin. Shortly after the incorporation, the name of the island was changed from \"Pebble Island\" to its current name. The coldest month is February at -6 °C, and the hottest August at", "id": "5015752" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\n\"Pee-wee's Playhouse\" garnered 15 Emmy Awards. Pee-wee also became the first guest on \"The Late Show Starring Joan Rivers\" on its October 9, 1986, premiere. The following year, he made a cameo appearance in the film \"Back to the Beach.\" Reubens also filmed an insert for \"Sesame Street\" as Pee-wee, reciting his own version of the alphabet. In 1988, a sequel to \"Pee-wee's Big Adventure\", \"Big Top Pee-", "id": "8690947" }, { "contents": "Engelhard de Pee\n\n\nEngelhard de Pee (1560s – 1605) was a German court painter to William V, Duke of Bavaria and after he abdicated and retired to a Jesuit monastery in 1597, became court painter to his son Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria. Pee was born in Brussels but no evidence of birth records has been discovered. He was possibly the father of Justus van Pee, the grandfather of Jan van Pee. Justus van Pee was reported to be trained as a painter by his father, but became the secretary to Margaret of", "id": "10757482" }, { "contents": "Pob Pee Fa (2009 TV series)\n\n\nPob Pee Fa (; ) is a Thai period horror \"lakorn\", a remake of the 1997 lakorn \"Pob Pee Fa\" with the role of Pee Fah or Jao Nang Luang on Torn played by the awarding winning actress, Chiranan Manochaem (จีระนันท์ มะโนแจ่ม). Other scheduled cast members include Thana Suttikamul (ธนา สุทธิกมล) and the Thai-British model and actress, Buntitha Puwijarn Cowell (บัณฑิตา ภูวิจารณ์ เคาวเวลล์). \"Pob Pee Fa\" is the story of a princess who is turned into an ogress (Pee Fah", "id": "21021397" }, { "contents": "Dean Pees\n\n\nlate 1980s. After the 2005 season, Pees was promoted to defensive coordinator, replacing Eric Mangini, who became the head coach of the New York Jets. With his contract set to expire following the 2009 season, Pees chose not to return to the Patriots on January 14, 2010. On January 26, 2010, Pees was hired as the linebackers coach for the Baltimore Ravens. On January 27, 2012, Pees was promoted to defensive coordinator by head coach John Harbaugh. Pees was on the coaching staff that won Super", "id": "21835413" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Adventure\n\n\nonto a moving train and meets Hobo Jack. Pee-wee eventually arrives at the Alamo, but learns at the end of a guided tour that the building does not have a basement. At a bus station, Pee-wee encounters Simone, who tells him that she and Andy broke up and she is on her way to Paris. She tells Pee-wee not to give up finding his bike. Pee-wee calls Dottie at the bike shop and apologizes for his behavior. Andy spots Pee-wee and resumes", "id": "3086999" }, { "contents": "O-Pee-Chee\n\n\n. (In fact, the stickers were so popular that by 1987-88 Panini had obtained its own license to produce NHL stickers in Canada). In 1990-91, O-Pee-Chee and Topps were joined in the NHL card market by Pro Set, Score and Upper Deck. That year, O-Pee-Chee produced a unique O-Pee-Chee Premier hockey series that was wildly popular with card collectors. Both an O-Pee-Chee and O-Pee-Chee Premier hockey series", "id": "3656976" }, { "contents": "Pee Dee River\n\n\nThe Pee Dee River, also known as the Great Pee Dee River, is a river in the U.S. states of North Carolina and South Carolina. It originates in the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina, where its upper course, above the mouth of the Uwharrie River, is known as the Yadkin River. It is extensively dammed for flood control and hydroelectric power. The lower part of the river is named Pee Dee (in colonial times written Pedee) after the Pee Dee Indian Tribe. The Pee Dee region of South Carolina", "id": "4075214" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\n, \"Pee-Wee Chow,\" a product that would have been produced by Ralston Purina; Pee-Wee Chow never made it to market after failing a blind test. During this time, he began successfully building a Pee-wee franchise with toys, clothes, and other items, generating more than $25 million at its peak in 1988. Reubens also published a book as Pee-wee, titled \"Travels with Pee-wee\" (1989). In early 2007, Nike SB released a style of", "id": "8690987" }, { "contents": "Tea pet\n\n\nso that water can flow into pee-pee boy at a slow pace and will not drip out until sufficient hot water is poured on its head. When hot water is poured over its head, the air in the pee-pee boy expands, resulting in the water being squeezed out through the tiny opening. Experimental and simulation results based on thermodynamics and fluid mechanics principles have verified the capability of such device to measure temperature. With this feature, the pee-pee boy soon became the most popular figure in tea pets", "id": "10009898" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Holiday\n\n\nthat is the reason they were being chased. The women steal his Fiat. Pee-wee then gets a car ride from a travelling salesman named Gordon, who visits a creepy snake farm with Pee-Wee in tow, and gives him a disguise kit. Pee-wee attempts to hitch-hike, but after having no luck, seeks refuge at a farmhouse owned by Farmer Brown, who offers to let Pee-wee spend the night. Farmer Brown introduces Pee-wee to his nine daughters, each of whom", "id": "12000421" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Holiday\n\n\nhave a romantic interest in Pee-wee and spend the night flirting with him. The next morning, having heard his daughters talk endlessly about Pee-Wee, Farmer Brown insists that Pee-wee get married to one of his daughters. During the wedding ceremony, Pee-wee uses the disguise kit to flee the church. He then gets a ride in an RV driven by three African-American hairdressers who are en route to a hairdressing contest. Pee-Wee realizes he is still far from New York, but", "id": "12000422" }, { "contents": "List of minor Angel characters\n\n\n& Hart Halloween party, where he earned his name by sniffing Gunn's urine and saying \"Pee pee.\" He reappeared in \"You're Welcome\", where he frightened Cordelia and was revealed to have been living off photocopier toner in the meantime. His final appearance was in \"Not Fade Away\", in which he was murdered by Angel as part of a plan to assassinate Sebassis; Angel poisoned Pee Pee Demon and subsequently Sebassis through his blood. Pee Pee Demon was featured as IGN's \"Obscure Character of", "id": "15463056" }, { "contents": "Pee Dee, Anson County, North Carolina\n\n\nPee Dee, also known as Pee Dee Station, is a populated place in Anson County, North Carolina situated at an elevation of 236 feet (72 m) AMSL. It is a former railway stop for passengers traveling on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. Pee Dee is southeast of Lilesville, at the intersection of North Carolina Highway 74 and North Carolina Highway 145. The community was named after the Pee Dee River. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, a school for Blacks operated at Pee Dee, known as the", "id": "15569053" }, { "contents": "Big Top Pee-wee\n\n\nBig Top Pee-wee is a 1988 American comedy film and the sequel to \"Pee-wee's Big Adventure\" (1985), and stars Paul Reubens as Pee-wee Herman, with supporting roles done by Susan Tyrrell, Kris Kristofferson, Penelope Ann Miller, and Valeria Golino. The original music score is composed by Danny Elfman (although he also scored \"Pee-wee's Big Adventure\", he could not use any themes from that film due to \"Big Top Pee-wee\" being produced by", "id": "8192452" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\nearly and mid-1980s Reubens made several guest appearances on \"Late Night with David Letterman\" as Pee-wee Herman. These performances gave Pee-wee an even bigger following than he had with his HBO special. In 1983, Pee-wee Herman traveled the United States with \"The Pee-wee Herman Show\", making highly publicized stops at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis and Caroline's in New York City. Reubens also appeared on an episode of the television show \"Mork & Mindy\" in 1981. In 1984 Pee", "id": "8690942" }, { "contents": "Little Pee Dee River\n\n\nLittle Pee Dee River is named after the Pee Dee Indian Tribe. In fact, today the Pee Dee Indian Tribe still occupies some of their ancestral lands, although the tribe only consists of just over 200 enrolled members. The Little Pee Dee is a sluggish meandering blackwater river that ranges between wide and deep in its upper reaches. It is navigable only by canoe or other small craft. Some parts of the Little Pee Dee River are nearly blocked by low-hanging tree branches. It is bordered by a swamp area that", "id": "16569367" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Adventure\n\n\nhis journey. Pee-wee crashes his motorcycle immediately afterwards. Pee-wee wakes up in a hospital and learns from a television news report that his bike is being used as a prop in a movie starring a bratty child named Kevin Morton. Pee-wee sneaks into Warner Bros. Studios and takes the bike. He is chased by security across the studio lot and through several sets before escaping. Later, Pee-wee discovers a burning pet shop and rescues the animals. Although the firefighters declare Pee-wee a hero", "id": "3087001" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Adventure\n\n\na sport bike called the X-1, which contains an important microfilm and has been stolen by the Soviets. Pee-wee has a cameo appearance as a hotel bellhop, though his voice has been dubbed. At the drive-in, Pee-wee gives refreshments to all the people he met along his journey. Pee-wee also encounters Francis, who tells reporters that he is Pee-wee's best friend who taught him how to ride. Francis claims to be knowledgeable about Pee-wee's bike, but accidentally", "id": "3087003" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\n's number one fan. Ever since Reubens started giving interviews again after his 1991 arrest, he has talked about the two scripts he has written for future Pee-wee Herman films. Reubens once called his first script \"The Pee-wee Herman Story\", describing it as a black comedy. He has also referred to the script as \"dark Pee-wee\" or \"adult Pee-wee\", with the plot involving Pee-wee becoming famous as a singer after making a hit single and moving to Hollywood", "id": "8690972" }, { "contents": "Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (Lexington, Kentucky)\n\n\nhelp of PE/Health teacher Mr. Jonas. Dunbar ice hockey has played in both the \"A\" (varsity) and \"B\" (junior varsity) levels of Kentucky state hockey. Pee Club Unsanctioned by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association, Pee club was founded January 17, 2019. Pee Club was a highly rigorous activity in which males from all grades gathered in the science wing bathroom to perform the pee club ritual. The ritual included jumping up and down as one mass whilst chanting \"PEE CLUB PEE CLUB", "id": "3198540" }, { "contents": "Pob Pee Fah\n\n\nclaimed in a later interview that a real \"Pee Fah\" (a type of Thai ghost) appeared during the shooting of one of the scenes. The story is based on an old Thai legend of a type of ghost or spirit known as a \"Pee Fah\" (), or \"Phi Pop\" (). The \"Pee Fah\" needs to possess a host in order to live, and only leaves the host's body when the host is asleep. Before the host dies, the \"Pee Fah", "id": "1316486" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Holiday\n\n\nshows Pee-Wee a miniature version of Fairville he created, reflecting one of Pee-Wee's models he saw earlier. Pee-Wee returns to his job at Dan's Diner, where he shows the Fairville residents some of the items he acquired during his trip. Joe appears in Fairville to give Pee-Wee a ride on his motorcycle. Ever since Reubens started giving interviews again after his 1991 arrest, he has talked about the two scripts he has written for future Pee-wee Herman films. Reubens once called", "id": "12000427" }, { "contents": "Bev Vincent\n\n\n\", \"Hellnotes\", \"Storytellers Unplugged\", and the \"Conroe Courier\". His three dozen short fiction appearances include \"From the Borderlands\", \"Best of Borderlands 1-5\", \"Cemetery Dance\", \"Red Scream\", \"Corpse Blossoms\", \"Thou Shalt Not\", \"Damned Nation\", \"Shivers II\", \"Shivers IV\", \"Shivers VI\", and \"Who Died in Here\"? He is co-editor of \"The Illustrated Stephen King", "id": "14288271" }, { "contents": "Kealan Patrick Burke\n\n\nalso appeared in a number of publications, including \"Postscripts\", \"Cemetery Dance\", \"Grave Tales\", \"Shivers II\", \"Shivers III\", \"Shivers IV\", \"Looking Glass\", \"Masques V\", \"Subterranean #1\", \"Evermore\", \"Inhuman\", \"Horror World\", \"Surreal\" Magazine, and \"Corpse Blossoms\". Burke also edited the anthologies: \"Taverns of the Dead\" (recipient of a starred review in \"Publishers Weekly", "id": "1993613" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\nwas the originator of the \"Pee-wee dance\" in the movie, and he had performed it publicly many times prior to making the film. Pee-wee hosted the 198th episode of \"Saturday Night Live\" on November 23, 1985. Phil Hartman, who would become an \"SNL\" cast member the following year, was credited for writing the \"Pee-wee Herman Thanksgiving Special\" sketch and appeared as a pilgrim in it. The following year, Pee-wee (along with Hartman) found a", "id": "8690945" }, { "contents": "Shivers (film)\n\n\non Nuns' Island in Montreal, with a shooting schedule of fifteen days. \"Shivers\" was released in Montréal on October 10, 1975 where it was distributed by Cinépix. The film was released in Canada as \"The Parasite Murders\" and in both Canada and the United Kingdom as \"Shivers\". The film was released in the United States as \"They Came From Within\". The film was released on DVD by Image Entertainment on September 16, 1998 and is currently out of print. On its initial release", "id": "5259419" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Holiday\n\n\nwomen are arrested for the robbery. Pee-wee falls down a well in Central Park just before Joe's birthday party. Joe believes that Pee-wee decided not to come to his party and cannot enjoy himself. Joe, in a state of melancholy turns on the TV to the local news. There is a story about a rescue attempt in progress to get Pee-wee out of the well. Joe rushes to the well and assists in rescuing Pee-wee. During the rescue, we see that the", "id": "12000425" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Big Holiday\n\n\nhis first script \"The Pee-wee Herman Story\", describing it as a black comedy. He has also referred to the script as \"dark Pee-wee\" or \"adult Pee-wee\", with the plot involving Pee-wee becoming famous as a singer after making a hit single and moving to Hollywood, where \"he does everything wrong and becomes a big jerk\". Reubens further explained the script has many \"\"Valley of the Dolls\" moments\". Reubens thought this script would be the", "id": "12000428" }, { "contents": "Paul Reubens\n\n\nThe Pee-wee Herman Story\", the other a family-friendly epic adventure called \"Pee-wee's Playhouse: The Movie\". In 2010, Reubens starred on Broadway in \"The Pee-wee Herman Show\". In 2016, Reubens helped write and starred in the Netflix original film \"Pee-wee's Big Holiday\", reprising his role as Pee-wee Herman. Reubens was born Paul Rubenfeld in Peekskill, New York, and grew up in Sarasota, Florida, where his parents, Judy", "id": "4407637" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee Herman\n\n\nwas popularized by HBO when \"The Pee-wee Herman Show\" aired in 1981. The show featured the writing and acting of Groundlings alumni Phil Hartman and John Paragon, who would both reprise their characters on \"Pee-wee's Playhouse.\" \"The Pee-wee Herman Show\" played for five sellout months at The Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles, whereupon HBO filmed it and aired it as a special on September 11, 1981. Following the success of \"The Pee-wee Herman Show\", in the", "id": "8690941" }, { "contents": "Pee Dee Area Council\n\n\n1943 but was torn down sometime after that. Soon after the trip buildings were constructed as the site was developed. The original camp was built on and called Camp Pee Dee after the name of the council. \"Pee Dee\" is the name of an Indian tribe from the area as well as a regional name for this part of the state. The Great Pee Dee River flows just miles from the camp. The Little Pee Dee River also flows through the council's geographic area. The camp was located on the site", "id": "10907845" }, { "contents": "Pee-wee's Playhouse\n\n\nPee-wee's Playhouse is an American children's television program starring Paul Reubens as the childlike Pee-wee Herman which ran from 1986 to 1990 on Saturday mornings on CBS, and airing in reruns until July 1991. The show was developed from Reubens' popular stage show and the TV special \"The Pee-wee Herman Show\", produced for HBO, which was similar in style but featured much more adult humor. In 2004 and 2007, \"Pee-wee's Playhouse\" was ranked #10 and #12", "id": "12623450" }, { "contents": "Crayon Shin-chan: My Moving Story! Cactus Large Attack!\n\n\nuse this new cactus species to revitalize the town. Shinnosuke ate the food that was passed from the Mayor and wanted to have a pee. But it was forbidden by Mayor's law to stand and pee on the roads. So, he had to go into the fields to pee. While peeing, a small killer cactus came near him. Shinnosuke peed on the cactus. To his surprise, the cactus got wrinkled and died. He wondered if pee was the weakness of the cactus. He told this thing to the", "id": "13478798" }, { "contents": "Little Pee Dee River\n\n\nThe Little Pee Dee River is a tributary of the Pee Dee River (which originates in the Appalachian Mountains where it is known as the Yadkin River). The Little Pee Dee technically arises near Laurinburg, North Carolina as Gum Swamp, which flows southward, receiving several small tributaries, across the South Carolina border into Red Bluff Lake, near McColl, South Carolina. The lake is at an elevation of above sea level, and from the outlet of the lake, the flow is called the Little Pee Dee River. The", "id": "16569366" } ]
why people are/can be attracted to cartoon or anime characters
[{"answer": "So first, your brain is pattern seeking. It doesn't really see a man or woman infront of them. It see's a lot of specific patterns like hip to waist ratio, eye spacing, symmetry etc. And that all makes someone attractive or not. Anime, or similar art, works by highlighting specific characteristics and usually putting emphasis on them to make them specifically attractive somehow. As for the emotional attachment, it could be partially pathos. Pathos is where the audience empathizes with the character of a story. We grow feelings for these characters. Those feelings can be internalized. Second is a sort of disconnected feeling amongst certain people. Often these people don't have a whole lot of love coming to them from real life. Either percieved or real. So they settle for what they can get, even if it is artificial. Often the artificial love is in some ways better than real life. Virtual waifu loves you unconditionally, despite your failings. Something that many real relationships don't offer."}, {"answer": "Because at some level we don't see them as fake, which is the reason we can enjoy them in the first place. When you watch a program on TV, what you are really seeing is glowing bits of color moving across a flat surface. We know it is \"fake\", that there isn't a car chase in our living rooms, but that doesn't stop us from relating to it as those it were real. We feel excited about the action, we identify with the good guy trying to save the day and worry about the bad guy getting away, even though we know it is fake on many levels. There is no reason these sorts of emotions can't extend to animate characters who are just fake in one additional way."}, {"answer": "It's kinda like this: what's better, a cake, or a picture of a cake? The cake smells pretty good, looks pretty good, and tastes pretty good. It's not great, but not bad either. The cake in the picture however is the perfect cake. It is, objectively, better than any other cake, in every way. But in the end, it's only a picture of a cake. In short, these people look at the picture of the cake, and like that. They can't eat it, but they still prefer it over the real deal."}, {"answer": "Like much of psychology, there is a lot of speculation and a lot of different theories on how and why people think. However, to understand why people have waifus requires a brief explanation of attraction. The generally held consensus is that, first of all, your brain is pattern-seeking. You look at symmetry, ratios, and the like, and you determine that a character is attractive that way. As cold as that sounds, there is another half to this. The other half is personality. What makes someone likable is that they are relatable to you, or you find them interesting in some sort of way. Waifus may display both, but they are obviously not real, tangible people. The reason people choose waifus is because it gives them a sort of connection that they may otherwise not have."}, {"answer": "A character in the anime Genshiken explained it quite well: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I get what you're driving at but your phrasing of this sucks. A picture of a 'real' woman in a magazine or whatever is just as 'fake' as any other picture. It's a picture. Lines and curves, color and shade, given form. Also uh, I dunno about 'emotional attachment' do you get emotionally attached to an image of a pair of tits, real or otherwise? I don't think you understand how arousal works."}, {"answer": "A good story suspends disbelief for the duration of the story. Hence movie stars, screen crushes, and the difficulty of most people to entirely separate actors from the screen roles they've played. A screen crush happens when we've spent a relatively short but intense period of time with an interesting and charismatic character. In a movie, these fictional characters are every bit as fake as an animated character. One is drawn and one is pantomimed by a human, but the characters are equally unreal. Or equally real."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "722082", "title": "Crossplay", "section": "Section::::Male-to-female crossplay.:Social stigma.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["subject of male crossdressing. For most males, dressing in women's clothing is not something to be taken lightly, and so most crossplayers choose either to take the approach of ironic humor (intentionally not passing), or that of the masquerade (attempting to pass). Though some frown upon MtF crossplay for an immensely wide gamut of different reasons, ranging from rigid gender expectations to homophobia, MtF crossplay has become surprisingly well-accepted amidst most convention communities. Within anime conventions, bystanders typically encourage MtF crossplay, although the ways in which they express this vary.", "subject of male crossdressing. For most males, dressing in women's clothing is not something to be taken lightly, and so most crossplayers choose either to take the approach of ironic humor (intentionally not passing), or that of the masquerade (attempting to pass). Though some frown upon MtF crossplay for an immensely wide gamut of different reasons, ranging from rigid gender expectations to homophobia, MtF crossplay has become surprisingly well-accepted amidst most convention communities. Within anime conventions, bystanders typically encourage MtF crossplay, although the ways in which they express this vary.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Cartoon violence\n\n\nCartoon violence is the representation of violent actions involving animated characters and situations. This may include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted. Animated violence is sometimes partitioned into comedic and non-comedic cartoon violence. People have different views about cartoons and the violence within them. Some researchers believe that high level of violence in cartoons can make children more aggressive. Their studies also found that young children tend to mimic the negative behavior they see on television. Output aimed at children as young as seven, which", "id": "21304428" }, { "contents": "Cartoon Wars Part II\n\n\nwith \"putting some really incredible quote up or making a big speech. At the end of the day it felt a little too high and mighty, so we ended up doing the driest thing possible.\" \"Cartoon Wars Part II\" contains several cultural references. The episode parodies the Fox animated sitcom \"Family Guy\", which was revived from cancellation the previous year and attracted immense popularity. Parker stated, \"we totally understand that people love it, that's why we put it in the show, we understand", "id": "2771623" }, { "contents": "Manga iconography\n\n\nform: While the art can be incredibly realistic or cartoonish, characters often have large eyes (female characters usually have larger eyes than male characters), small noses, tiny mouths, and flat faces. Psychological and social research on facial attractiveness has pointed out that the presence of childlike facial features increases attractiveness. Manga artists often play on this to increase the appeal of protagonists. Large eyes have become a permanent fixture in manga and anime since the 1960s when Osamu Tezuka was inspired by Disney cartoons from the United States and started", "id": "5472206" }, { "contents": "Novelty architecture\n\n\nrespectively, a tall apple and a (now-defunct) poultry store shaped like a duck. Novelty or programmatic (mimetic) architecture may take the form of objects not normally associated with buildings, such as characters, animals, people or household objects. Lucy the Elephant and The Longaberger Company's head office are examples. There may be an element of caricature or a cartoon associated with the architecture. Such giant animals, fruits and vegetables, or replicas of famous buildings often serve as attractions themselves. Some are simply unusual", "id": "20758808" }, { "contents": "List of television series with bisexual characters\n\n\nBisexuality is a sexual orientation that refers to the romantic and/or sexual attraction towards people of more than one gender (historically towards men and women). Throughout history numerous bisexual characters have appeared in television series, including cartoons, anime and web series. Having been created as a radio program in 1937 and transitioning to television in 1952, \"Guiding Light\" is the oldest television series in the world to feature bisexual characters; Olivia Spencer and Natalia Rivera Aitoro. Olivia was introduced in 1999 and Natalia in 2007, with the two", "id": "4426020" }, { "contents": "The Emperor's New School\n\n\nSense Media's Pam Gelman wrote that the show had \"lackluster animation and annoying characters\", and questioned why anyone would choose to help someone as selfish as Kuzco. Kevin McDonough, writing for the United Feature Syndicate, dismissed \"The Emperor's New School\" as \"the kind of kid's cartoon that gives kid's cartoons a bad name\". McDonough criticized the characters as manic and wished the show would take \"lessons in restraint\". The Malina character was criticized. \"Bustle\"'s Kadeen Griffiths called her", "id": "11004100" }, { "contents": "Disneyland\n\n\n's Toontown is based on a 1930s cartoon aesthetic and is home to Disney's most popular cartoon characters. Toontown features two main attractions: Gadget's Go Coaster and Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin. The \"city\" is also home to cartoon character's houses such as the house of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Goofy, as well as Donald Duck's boat. The gauge Jolly Trolley can also be found in this area, though it closed as an attraction in 2003 and is now present only for display purposes.", "id": "2966741" }, { "contents": "Pear people (animation)\n\n\nThe Pear People is a series of 3D animated cartoons by John Kay. This is one of the earliest 3D animated cartoons, made in 1992, by John Kay using a basic computer program with no interface. It features two Pear characters, a good one and a bad one, competing in a car race. Length 5:30 minutes. This was broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 and featured in \"Rolf's Cartoon Club\" on ITV. It was also broadcast in Germany, Austria and Switzerland by Premiere TV and appeared", "id": "6009274" }, { "contents": "Cartoon Street\n\n\nthe Seoul Business Agency (SBA) and the Seoul Animation Center, \"Story Road, Seoul, Korea – Alleys,\" which detailed Seoul's alleys from the perspectives of cartoon artists and artists. On February 1, 2016, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Business Agency opened a Webtoon Workshop Center or \"Webtoon Gongjakso (photo)\" on the street where people can create character figurines via 3-D printing. It also showcases character figurines and posters from Korean webtoons, such as \"The Sound of Heart\" and \"", "id": "1934185" }, { "contents": "History of animation\n\n\nKing, John Foster, Grim Natwick, Burt Gillett and Isadore Klein. In 1919, Otto Messmer of Pat Sullivan Studios created Felix the Cat. Pat Sullivan, the studio head took all of the credit for Felix, a common practice in the early days of studio animation. Felix the Cat was distributed by Paramount Studios and attracted a large audience, eventually becoming one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history. Felix was the first cartoon to be merchandised. The first known animated feature film was \"El Apóstol\"", "id": "15928850" }, { "contents": "Traditional animation\n\n\n-nominated National Film Board of Canada short \"Walking\" makes creative use of loops. In addition, a promotional music video from Cartoon Network's Groovies featuring the Soul Coughing song \"Circles\" poked fun at animation loops as they are often seen in \"The Flintstones\", in which Fred and Barney (along with various Hanna-Barbera characters that aired on Cartoon Network), supposedly walking in a house, wonder why they keep passing the same table and vase over and over again. The multiplane camera is a tool", "id": "18965703" }, { "contents": "Evil Horde\n\n\nno remote intelligence, rendering Hordak confused as to why Horde Prime wanted him in the Horde. Grizzlor appears in animated form in the cartoon series \"\", in which the Horde are the main villains. The cartoon series plays down his savagery, presumably to make his character more suitable for a children's audience. At times it even seems as though he may be more human than animal, particularly in the early episode \"Beast Island\" in which he is competent enough to operate a computer console and command a series of", "id": "2588519" }, { "contents": "The Cartoonstitute\n\n\nCartoon Network's annual upfront in New York City. The project was to be similar to \"The Cartoon Cartoon Show\" (also known as the \"What a Cartoon! Show\") which aired on the network more than a decade earlier and gave birth to some of the channel's first animated series, such as \"Dexter's Laboratory\" and \"Cow and Chicken\". \"The Cartoonstitute\" was to establish a think tank and create an environment in which animators can create characters and stories. A section of Cartoon", "id": "19182091" }, { "contents": "Snake 'n' Bacon\n\n\nincluding the titular pair) and new characters, such as Hercules (\"the public domain superhero\") and The Mannister, a man who can transform himself into the shape of a banister. When the cartoon came to television, it combined animated and live-action sequences, with the help of such people as James Urbaniak (\"Bacon\"), Dan Bakkedahl, Bill Hader, David Rakoff, Kristen Schaal, Peter Serafinowicz, and Brian Stack. It was followed on the Cartoon Network schedule by \"a spiritual cousin", "id": "1469001" }, { "contents": "Acme Animation Factory\n\n\nAcme Animation Factory is an educational art and graphics video game released by Sunsoft on November of 1994 exclusively for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game is compatible with the Super NES Mouse in addition to the gamepad. The player is given a series of tools to create their own animated cartoons, using the Looney Tunes characters. The player can alter the graphics, music, and animation. When the cartoon has been created, it can be saved and replayed. Aside from that, card games such as \"Solitaire\" and", "id": "10629913" }, { "contents": "Elmer Fudd\n\n\ncartoon historians believe that Egghead evolved into Elmer over a period of a couple of years. However, animation historian Michael Barrier asserts, \"The Egghead-Elmer story is actually a little messy, my sense being that most of the people involved, whether they were making the films or publicizing them, not only had trouble telling the characters apart but had no idea why they should bother trying.\" Egghead made his second appearance in 1937's \"Little Red Walking Hood\" and then in 1938 teamed with Warner Bros.' newest", "id": "12560824" }, { "contents": "Disney's House of Mouse\n\n\nbut never before in an animated cartoon, finally made their animated debuts on \"House of Mouse\". The show also featured some cameos by characters created for other television cartoons and theme park attractions, but these appearances were few and far between. Each episode focuses on a story involving Mickey and his associates facing an issue during an evening's operation of the club, and focuses on them trying to overcome it – the most common plot tended to them dealing with a serious problem caused by Pete in his attempts to shut down", "id": "21870905" }, { "contents": "Opposites Attract\n\n\nfrom the Gene Kelly film \"Anchors Aweigh\", where Kelly dances with Jerry Mouse from the \"Tom and Jerry\" cartoon series. Paula even choreographed the animated character's moves to match her live-action dance moves in the video. MC Skat Kat was animated by members of the Disney animation team, working outside the studio between major projects, under the direction of Chris Bailey. M. C. Skat Kat's movements were the result of rotoscoping animation, with Michael \"Boogaloo Shrimp\" Chambers standing in for the character against", "id": "15319078" }, { "contents": "Character animation\n\n\n, Frank Tashlin, Robert McKimson, and Friz Freleng), cartoon animators Max Fleischer and Walter Lantz, pioneering animators Hanna-Barbera, former Disney animator Don Bluth, independent animator Richard Williams, John Lasseter at Pixar, and latter-day Disney animators Andreas Deja and Glen Keane. Character animation is not limited to Hollywood studios, however. Some of the finest examples of character animation can be found in the work of Nick Park of Aardman Animations and Russian independent animator Yuri Norstein. Though typical examples of character animation are found", "id": "251335" }, { "contents": "Cartoon physics\n\n\n\", said that \"... these seemingly nonsensical phenomena can be described by logical laws similar to those in our world. Nonsensical events are by no means limited to the Looniverse. Laws that govern our own Universe often seem contrary to common sense.\" This theme is described by Alan Cholodenko in his article, \"The Nutty Universe of Animation\". In a Garfield animated short entitled \"Secrets of the Animated Cartoon\", the characters Orson and Wade give demonstrations of different laws of the cartoons and show humorous examples of them", "id": "5627818" }, { "contents": "The Flintstones\n\n\nvisual jokes antedated by many years similar ones used by Hanna-Barbera in the Flintstones series. Many students of American animation point to this cartoon as a progenitive seed of the Flintstones. The concept was also predated by the Stone Age Cartoons series of 12 animated cartoons released from January 1940 to September 1940 by Fleischer Studios. These cartoons show stone-age people doing modern things with primitive means. One example is \"Granite Hotel\" including characters such as a newsboy, telephone operator, hotel clerk, and a spoof of Edgar", "id": "6728129" }, { "contents": "List of Saga characters\n\n\nAsian, having used a handful of Japanese models and actors as reference when finalizing their designs. Responding to perceptions of them as Caucasian, Staples has stated, \"I can see why people sometimes mistake him for white, because I avoided using exaggerated racial markers (slanted eyes, rounded nose, etc). With simple cartoon drawings like these, a lot is left to the reader’s imagination. So I accept there will be some misidentification because I didn’t draw Marko’s family like Mulan characters.\" First appearance:", "id": "2047701" }, { "contents": "Japanese pop culture in the United States\n\n\nwell as a popular comic strip turned cartoon called \"The Boondocks\". In recent years there has also been development of Anime developed in the United States in collaboration with Japan, examples would be the Netflix original series Neo Yokio and Castlevania (TV series) based off the video game series. Unlike American cartoons where they have a lot of standalone episodes where you can jump into the series and enjoy the series, Japanese anime is more of a complex story-line that builds on the previous episodes. This is why it", "id": "14393827" }, { "contents": "List of animal superheroes\n\n\nThis list consists of notable animal characters that can walk, talk, act and sometimes look like humans, but also possess traits that allow them to be referred to as superheroes. These characters are usually changed from a non-human animal into human form or came from another planet to Earth. Some of the characters live on Earth, but its population comprises other anthropomorphic animals as well. Many of these characters were originally seen in cartoons and comics of the funny animal genre such as \"Mighty Mouse\" and \"Underdog\"", "id": "7395346" }, { "contents": "Bart vs. Australia\n\n\n\" as part of their \"The Simpsons\" attraction, called The Simpsons Down Under. They had contacted the \"Simpsons\" writing staff and asked if they would write the screenplay for a ride in their attraction, based on this episode. The episode was re-edited and re-animated for the ride and new scenes were included. The attraction featured motion capture technology, allowing audience members' faces and expressions to be transformed into moving cartoon characters. The plot of the episode is based on the story of Michael Fay", "id": "4963159" }, { "contents": "Pingu\n\n\nperiod of time in the late 1990s. The very first time Pingu was ever mentioned in the US was on a documentary called Pingu - A Cartoon Character who conquers the world where a detective tries to figure out why Pingu is so popular, at the time Pingu was shown at the Paley Center. then the series began airing in the United States on a morning omnibus program titled \"Small World\", as part of Cartoon Network's Sunday morning lineup. The program featured various animated shorts produced internationally, and ran from 1996", "id": "6733806" }, { "contents": "Frederator Studios\n\n\ncartoons with independent animator Dan Meth. \"The Meth Minute 39\" launched on September 5, 2007, featuring 39 of Meth's original character shorts. (The first cartoon was \"Internet People,\" a video on the viral video sites YouTube and MySpaceTV that featured some popular Internet memes and internet people.) A spin-off, \"Nite Fite\", debuted in October 2008. These series have totaled over 35,000,000 video views to date. \"Random! Cartoons\", the latest Frederator series of short cartoon series", "id": "16567636" }, { "contents": "Virtual band\n\n\nChipmunks, are hand-drawn characters, and much of their media uses traditional animation and cartooning techniques. Others, such as Hatsune Miku, JuJu Eyeballs, Crazy Frog, Genki Rockets, and The Bots, are computer-generated. Some people consider puppetry as a form of animation; this consideration means groups like Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, Feltworth, and Fragile Rock can be considered virtual bands. The recording of the music is done by the human musicians and artists, whom the virtual artists are depicted to emulate", "id": "21456731" }, { "contents": "Anime\n\n\nconsidered by the artist as the base unit of proportion. Head heights can vary, but most anime characters are about seven to eight heads tall. Anime artists occasionally make deliberate modifications to body proportions to produce super deformed characters that feature a disproportionately small body compared to the head; many super deformed characters are two to four heads tall. Some anime works like \"Crayon Shin-chan\" completely disregard these proportions, in such a way that they resemble caricatured Western cartoons. A common anime character design convention is exaggerated eye size", "id": "218234" }, { "contents": "William Hanna\n\n\nWilliam Denby Hanna (July 14, 1910 – March 22, 2001) was an American animator, director, producer, voice actor, cartoon artist, and musician whose film and television cartoon characters entertained millions of people for much of the 20th century. After working odd jobs in the first months of the Great Depression, Hanna joined the Harman and Ising animation studio in 1930. During the 1930s, Hanna steadily gained skill and prominence while working on cartoons such as \"Captain and the Kids\". In 1937, while working", "id": "20009947" }, { "contents": "The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera (ride)\n\n\ncharacters created using traditional cel animation techniques and optically composited. This was the first of three simulator ride attractions to be built inside Soundstage 42 in Universal Studios Florida, followed by \"Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast\" and the current \"Despicable Me Minion Mayhem\", as well as the first motion simulator at Universal Orlando Resort. The facility which housed the ride featured several areas in which the guests were moved throughout. The outside queue area, where people waited in line, featured several televisions that showed Hanna-Barbera cartoons on", "id": "15849827" }, { "contents": "Funky Turns 40\n\n\nwere predominantly black, and in which development of the animation from concept to production was led by black people, including Bill Cosby and Berry Gordy. Thompson and Loreen Williamson chose cartoons for the \"Funky Turns 40: Black Character Revolution\" exhibition from these cartoons from the 1970s and documented the struggle for positive portrayal of black people \"from stereotypes to superheroes\" on television. Animation is not a subject commonly covered by museums, and had previously been overlooked by museums portraying the social and cultural history of the civil rights movement;", "id": "10166236" }, { "contents": "Thirty Minutes over Tokyo\n\n\nepileptic seizures. According to Scully, the staff received \"several angry letters\" from people for the scene. After the cartoon, an advertisement for Mr. Sparkle, a character that first appeared in the season 8 episode \"In Marge We Trust\", can be seen on the television screen. Barney, while impersonating Homer, says \"That boy ain't right\", a line frequently used by Hank Hill, the main character of the animated television series \"King of the Hill\". The giant monsters attacking at the", "id": "2135646" }, { "contents": "Computer animation\n\n\nbeen criticized as \"creepy\" and \"disconcerting\". The goal of computer animation is not always to emulate live action as closely as possible, so many animated films instead feature characters who are anthropomorphic animals, fantasy creatures and characters, superheroes, or otherwise have non-realistic, cartoon-like proportions. Computer animation can also be tailored to mimic or substitute for other kinds of animation, like traditional stop-motion animation (as shown in \"Flushed Away\" or \"The Lego Movie\"). Some of the", "id": "6870586" }, { "contents": "Cel Damage\n\n\n, \"Cel Damage\" is a popular animated demolition derby series that airs weekly on the fictional network \"'Toon T.V.\" The characters in \"Cel Damage\" are a select few of cartoon characters who battle every week to achieve fame and glory. The characters use their own vehicles and battle using a variety of deadly weapons. Because the characters in \"Cel Damage\" are cartoons, they cannot be killed and can continuously come back to fight again. The \"Cel Damage\" graphics engine uses a rendering technique called", "id": "18852113" }, { "contents": "Giuliano Cenci\n\n\nAdventures of Pinocchio\" as close as possible to the original. Cenci was the director, screenwriter and co-producer of the film, as well as having personally done a good part of the animation (shared with the animator Italo Marazzi). Giuliano Cenci is the artist who: In 1957, still twenty-five, Giuliano Cenci designed for Philco the first animated advertisements, creating a cartoon show together with the product to be advertised: this is why Cenci can truly be defined as the \"father\" of Carosello.", "id": "14407372" }, { "contents": "Batman: The Animated Series\n\n\nthe larger DC animated universe, such as \"Teen Titans\" and \"The Batman\", also featured character designs strongly influenced by those of Bruce Timm. The dramatic writing and stylized art of \"Batman: The Animated Series\" separates it from many traditional comic book-based cartoons. It can be considered the dramatic equivalent of more adult-oriented cartoon shows like \"The Simpsons\". For this reason the show's popularity (along with that of its various spin-offs) endures among older audiences and comic book", "id": "7413213" }, { "contents": "Catch as Cats Can\n\n\nCatch as Cats Can is a 1947 animated cartoon featuring caricatures of Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby as birds, and a cat that resembles Sylvester the Cat. It was only one of three non-Bugs Bunny cartoons from 1947 not to be reissued. The others were \"Mexican Joyride\" and \"A Pest in the House\". An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra and attracting the attention of all the admiring chicks, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The", "id": "4394482" }, { "contents": "Animation Academy\n\n\nComic's characters instead of Disney movies characters. The attraction opened together with DisneyQuest in 1998. It was also recently added to Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney California Adventure. It can be found within Art of Disney Animation at Walt Disney Studios Park. The attraction opened at Hong Kong Disneyland on July 14, 2007 and is located adjacent to the Opera House in Main Street, U.S.A.. The attraction itself is a drawing session with a Disney animator who teaches guests to draw a Disney character. Guests may take their own artwork", "id": "12544309" }, { "contents": "Brown Bag Films\n\n\n, CAN - Audience Award, Best Short Cineanima Short Film Festival, POR - Special Mention, Best Short Film Academy Awards®, USA - Best Animated Short Film nomination Cartoons on the Bay, IT - Best Short Animation & Best Animated Character Digital Media Awards, IRE - Best Animation Brown Bag Films' short film Give Up Yer Aul Sins received Best Animation at Galway Film Fleadh, Best Irish and Best International Animation at Cork Film Festival and Special Award for Original Idea at Cartoons on the Bay. Brown Bag Films have produced", "id": "5729034" }, { "contents": "Talking animals in fiction\n\n\nboth the humans of Narnia, and the children who act as the protagonists of the books. Most people in the industries of professional illustration, cartooning, and animation refer to these types of creature characters as talking animals, funny animals or anthropomorphic characters. However, the mainstream news media and members of furry fandom more commonly refer to this variety of talking animals as furries. The earliest example of talking creatures portraying humans, as opposed to talking creatures portraying creatures, was in Vishnu Sarma's \"Panchatantra\" (\"Fables of", "id": "15483768" }, { "contents": "Toby the Pup\n\n\nToby the Pup is an animated cartoon character created by animators Sid Marcus, Dick Huemer, and Art Davis. He starred in a series of early sound shorts produced by Charles B. Mintz for RKO Radio Pictures. The series lasted from 1930 to 1931. Twelve cartoons were produced, though only seven still survive today. Toby can be seen dancing in one of the scenes of the movie, \"Cool World\". In 1930, Charles Mintz, while simultaneously producing the Krazy Kat cartoon series for Columbia, decided to create an", "id": "2933363" }, { "contents": "Hollywood (video game)\n\n\nHollywood is a creative writing game released in 1995 by Theatrix Interactive. Users input text and can watch the characters read it. The game features a choice of 24 scenes and multiple cartoon animal characters. Having been released for more than a decade and its original developer defunct, this software is now considered abandonware. \"Hollywood\" features ten cartoon characters: Users may change the voices, names, and jobs/interests of the characters. When \"Hollywood\" and \"Hollywood High\" were installed on the same computer, the", "id": "11172725" }, { "contents": "Goopy Geer\n\n\nGoopy Geer is an animated cartoon character in the \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" series of cartoons from Warner Bros. The character is a tall, lanky anthropomorphic dog with scruffy whiskers and long, expressive ears. In all of his animated appearances, Goopy is depicted as light colored, but in an early promotional drawing for his first cartoon, he had black fur. A month after Goopy Geer's first cartoon had been released, Walt Disney released a cartoon called \"Mickey's Revue with a character named Dippy Dawg", "id": "3578415" }, { "contents": "Maid café\n\n\nhostess bars. The image of the maid is one that has been popularized and fetishized in many manga and anime series, as well as in gal games. Important to the otaku attraction to maid cafés is the Japanese concept of \"moe\", which is a character trope in otaku media which describes young, innocent-looking female characters. People who have moe fetishes (especially a specific subcategory known as maid moe) are therefore attracted to an establishment in which they can interact with real-life manifestations (both physically and", "id": "9346354" }, { "contents": "Mashimaro\n\n\ncharacter, directors decided to disuse it because they thought 'cartoon characters must have big eyes and positive attitudes'. But Mashimaro has razor thin eyes and he a too pessimistic attitude. So the creator Kim Jae made a series of flash animations on the Internet cartoon site and people loved it. Also directors changed their mind about Mashimaro and it became the first Korean hit character. After some years later, there came the company to professionally market this character. Mashimaro also has a look-alike, Chocomaro, who is brown", "id": "19152437" }, { "contents": "Star Dudes\n\n\nStar Dudes is an internet-based Flash animated cartoon series that premiered in 2000. Created by animator Rich Cando, the series presents the major events of several \"Star Wars\" films condensed down to less than five minutes per film. The stylized characters seen in the films speak only in word balloons, and all dialogue contains the word \"Dude!\" One of the first Flash-animated series on the internet, the \"Star Dudes\" series attracted attention from the media, with profiles on the series appearing on TechTV", "id": "1141389" }, { "contents": "Mixels\n\n\nwhich is animated at Atomic Cartoons, Inc., before later being animated traditionally at Digital eMation, Inc., Big Star Entertainment, Inc., and Saerom Animation, Inc.. A mobile app was released for the series on March 4, 2014, named \"Calling All Mixels\", and even earlier two websites, one on the LEGO website and another owned by Cartoon Network, were launched where fans can learn about the Mixels. Nine series of collectible Lego building toys were released, based on the characters. On February 19,", "id": "7680210" }, { "contents": "Drawn Together\n\n\ngives the show and for the versatility and freedom it allows the animators, providing an environment in which it is possible to combine many different styles of animation. Another unique aspect of the show is that, where most cartoons present their characters, though animated, as real within the show's world, the \"Drawn Together\" characters retain their identities as cartoon characters even within their animated world, and acknowledge their status as animations. The show has cameo appearances by famous characters (or in some cases, copyright-avoiding clones", "id": "7785720" }, { "contents": "Smitten Kitten\n\n\n\"Smitten Kitten\" is a 1952 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 66th \"Tom and Jerry\" short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby. It was the only Tom and Jerry cartoon to be animated by one animator. The characters were animated by one solo credited main character animator, Kenneth Muse, and two uncredited additional character animators, Ray Patterson and Irven Spence, the effects were solely animated by one uncredited main effects animator, Al Grandmain, and the music was directed by", "id": "11251643" }, { "contents": "Spiral\n\n\nof people and cartoon characters being hypnotized by staring into a spinning spiral (one example being Kaa in Disney's \"The Jungle Book\"). They are also used as a symbol of dizziness, where the eyes of a cartoon character, especially in anime and manga, will turn into spirals to show they are dizzy or dazed. The spiral is also found in structures as small as the double helix of DNA and as large as a galaxy. Because of this frequent natural occurrence, the spiral is the official symbol of", "id": "15651665" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nonly a few people hired by the company solely based on writing talent. He worked as an animator and writer for Cartoon Network's \"Cartoon Cartoons\" series. In 1996, MacFarlane created a sequel to \"The Life of Larry\" entitled \"Larry & Steve\", which features a middle-aged character named Larry and an intellectual dog, Steve. The short was broadcast as one of Cartoon Network's \"World Premiere Toons\". He described the atmosphere at Hanna-Barbera as resembling an \"old-fashioned Hollywood", "id": "11342210" }, { "contents": "Twelve basic principles of animation\n\n\ncomputer animation. Appeal in a cartoon character corresponds to what would be called charisma in an actor. A character who is appealing is not necessarily sympathetic, villains or monsters can also be appealing, the important thing is that the viewer feels the character is real and interesting. There are several tricks for making a character connect better with the audience; for likable characters a symmetrical or particularly baby-like face tends to be effective. A complicated or hard to read face will lack appeal or 'captivation' in the composition of", "id": "2509435" }, { "contents": "Gabby Gator\n\n\nGabby Gator is an animated cartoon character, an anthropomorphic alligator who appeared in several cartoons produced by Walter Lantz and distributed by Universal Pictures. Gabby lives in the Okiedokie Swamp, which is a play on Lake Okeechobee and is near Cape Canaveral. Unfortunately for him, this place does not have many food options, and Gabby is forced to attract the food (usually Woody Woodpecker) to his home and attempt to capture him with anything he might have at hand, including highly advanced technology. Though Gabbie Gator is intelligent and crafty", "id": "5161671" }, { "contents": "Cartoon pornography\n\n\nCartoon pornography is the portrayal of illustrated or animated fictional cartoon characters in erotic or sexual situations. Animated cartoon pornography or erotic animation is a subset of the larger field of adult animation, not all of which is sexually explicit. Because historically most cartoons have been produced for child and all-ages audiences, cartoon pornography has sometimes been subject to criticism and extra scrutiny compared to live-action erotic films or photographs. It is somewhat common in Japan, where it is part of a genre of entertainment commonly referred to outside of", "id": "20619378" }, { "contents": "Roger Rabbit\n\n\nRoger's \"dopple\" (in the book, comic characters can construct physical copies of themselves using their minds that last for only a few days). The book and character were later reenvisioned in Disney's hit 1988 live-action/animated film \"Who Framed Roger Rabbit\". In the film version, Roger is a cartoon character in Hollywood during the Golden age of American animation. The various toons live in a Los Angeles enclave known as \"Toontown\", and act out animated shorts in the same way human", "id": "4696737" }, { "contents": "Joseph Barbera\n\n\npotential of television. Leonard Maltin says the Hanna–Barbera team \"held a record for producing consistently superior cartoons using the same characters year after year—without a break or change in routine their characters are not only animated superstars, but also a very beloved part of American pop culture\". They are often considered Walt Disney's only rivals in cartoon animation. Barbera and Hanna had a lasting impact on television animation. Cartoons they created often make \"greatest\" lists. Many of their characters have appeared in film, books", "id": "9183026" }, { "contents": "Dulce Ilusión\n\n\nDulce Ilusión (English title:Sweet Illusion) is a Venezuelan telenovela written by Mariela Romero and produced by Radio Caracas Televisión in 1993. This was the first telenovela to use Venezuelan cartoons with real people, and it’s the only one in the history of Venezuelan soap operas, and the great success of the telenovela was partly due to the big innovation of the cartoons. The animated characters were developed by the legendary animator Felix Nakamura and his team. Coraima Torres and Gabriel Fernández starred as the main protagonists with the antagonistic participation", "id": "15525126" }, { "contents": "Balloon Land\n\n\nBalloon Land, also known as The Pincushion Man, is a 1935 animated short film produced by Ub Iwerks as part of the ComiColor Cartoons series. The cartoon is about a place called Balloon Land, whose residents (including caricatures of popular entertainment figures such as Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin) are made entirely out of balloons. The villain in the cartoon is the Pincushion Man, a character who walks around Balloon Land popping the inhabitants with pins. The cartoon starts with balloon people who make two balloon kids, a boy", "id": "600688" }, { "contents": "Cartoon physics\n\n\nCartoon physics or animation physics are terms for a jocular system of laws of physics (and biology) that supersedes the normal laws, used in animation for humorous effect. Many of the most famous American animated films, particularly those from Warner Bros. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios, unconsciously developed a relatively consistent set of such \"laws\" which have become de rigueur in comic animation. They usually involve things behaving in accordance with how they appear to the cartoon characters, or what the characters expect, rather than how they", "id": "5627812" }, { "contents": "Cartoon\n\n\nreference to both animated cartoons and gag cartoons. While \"animation\" designates any style of illustrated images seen in rapid succession to give the impression of movement, the word \"cartoon\" is most often used as a descriptor for television programs and short films aimed at children, possibly featuring anthropomorphized animals, superheroes, the adventures of child protagonists or related themes. In the 1980s, \"cartoon\" was shortened to \"toon\", referring to characters in animated productions. This term was popularized in 1988 by the combined live-", "id": "7417010" }, { "contents": "Funny animal\n\n\nanimated cartoons which primarily feature funny animals. While many funny animal stories are light-hearted and humorous, the genre is not exclusively comedic. Dark or serious stories featuring characters of this sort can also be grouped under the \"funny animals\" category, sometimes referred to as anthropomorphic characters to avoid confusion over the range of genres. These stories may intersect with any other genre or group of genres, including historical fiction, science fiction, superhero, western, slapstick comedy, children's/family entertainment, and satire. Early examples", "id": "1353971" }, { "contents": "Butch (Tex Avery)\n\n\nButch (formerly known as Spike) is an animated cartoon character: an anthropomorphic Irish dog. He was created in 1949 by Tex Avery for theatrical cartoon shorts produced by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio. Spike or Butch was a short-lived animation cartoon series featuring Butch Dog. The title character was also a recurring antagonist in the Droopy shorts. His name was changed to Butch to avoid confusion with Spike from the Tom and Jerry cartoons. All of the original, the 1940s and 1950s shorts were directed by", "id": "17335598" }, { "contents": "The Simpsons: Cartoon Studio\n\n\njaunt into the mind of Mr. Groening.\" Mike Langberg of Knight Ridder was less positive, writing in his review that \"At first glance, the CD-ROM provides a lot of raw material. There are 350 brief animations, running two or three seconds each, showing 17 characters from the show in numerous poses. The CD-ROM delivery, unfortunately, falls flat[...].\" He explained that \"\"Simpsons Cartoon Studio\" is awkward to operate and limited in what it can accomplish, producing animated", "id": "1107902" }, { "contents": "Akaliza Keza Gara\n\n\n, the first time a Rwandan had been appointed to that position, and she was one of four members of the youth advisory council to the corporation's 4Afrika initiative. Gara also founded the Yambi Animation Studios. She is developing the \"African Tales\" animation, which will be the first cartoon series for children produced in Rwanda. Gara made her first cartoon project in 2014, an educational series for children, and hopes to develop characters and settings that Rwandan children can relate to. In 2018, Gara was appointed by the", "id": "9598128" }, { "contents": "Art of Disney Animation\n\n\noriginal Disney artwork and see how an early concept sketch can become an animated character inside the building. View drawings, sculptures, and rare collectibles from more than 80 years of Disney and Pixar cartoons and animated feature films—and learn how Disney artists created and eventually brought to life of Disney characters. A zoetrope is a device that flashes a series of still images to produce the illusion of motion. Instead of using traditional, one-dimensional drawings, Toy Story Zoetrope, similar to the former Character Close-Up in Disney", "id": "22214774" }, { "contents": "Mohammed Saeed Harib\n\n\nmy father was an open-minded person and he used to say: 'Study what makes you happy'”. \"FREEJ\" characters were part of Harib’s sketch book since 1998. These characters became famous cartoon characters when Harib finished his studies and went back to his home country; UAE. The CEO of Dubai Media City engorged Harib to explore ways that can turn these sketches into reality presented in a cartoon show. It was challenging because the Animation industry did not exist in UAE and the project required financial support", "id": "10398914" }, { "contents": "Hollywood High (video game)\n\n\nHollywood High is a creative writing game released in 1996 by Theatrix Interactive. It is the sequel to \"Theatrix's Hollywood\", which featured only animal cartoon characters. The game features a choice of 37 scenes and multiple human cartoon characters. Users input text and watch the characters read it. Although Theatrix Interactive has since become defunct, the program was picked up by Tom Snyder productions, a division of Scholastic Corporation. The software can also be bought online directly from the main site. The product was available in Windows (", "id": "18352348" }, { "contents": "Andy Panda\n\n\nAndy Panda is a funny animal cartoon character who starred in his own series of animated cartoon short subjects produced by Walter Lantz. These \"cartunes\" were released by Universal Pictures from 1939 to 1947, and United Artists from 1948 to 1949. The title character is an anthropomorphic cartoon character, a cute panda. Andy became the second star of the Walter Lantz cartoons after Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. He achieved considerable popularity until being eventually supplanted by Woody Woodpecker. When Oswald the Lucky Rabbit retired in 1938, following a nine-", "id": "10334770" }, { "contents": "Manon (character)\n\n\nManon is an animated character in children's books and television programs. The books are written by Gerard Moncomble and Nadine Rouviere, and the character originally appeared in Toupie magazine Geared for preschoolers, the books and cartoon focus on the character of Manon, a girl described as \"the little queen of animals\", and her adventures with the animals who live on the farm with her. The books spawned a television cartoon series that is distributed around the world, and is produced and distributed by Cyber Group Studios, a France-", "id": "20651190" }, { "contents": "Donna Meistrich\n\n\nTacky People cartoon in 1988. The concept behind the Tacky People figurines was that they were characters that brought positive energy to people who bought them. The characters were designed to be outrageously tacky and make people laugh. In the 1990s, the duo decided to turn the Tacky people into an animated series. After several aborted attempts and after building a website, the duo added the Negs. The Negs are the nemesis of the Tacky People. They live in the Land of No and represent very negative feelings. In 2009,", "id": "17405870" }, { "contents": "Cartoon Network\n\n\n\". Cartoon Network was not the first cable channel to have relied on cartoons to attract an audience; however, it was the first 24-hour single-genre channel with animation as its main theme. Turner Broadcasting System had defied conventional wisdom before by launching CNN, a channel providing 24-hour news coverage. The concept was previously thought unlikely to attract a sufficient audience to be particularly profitable, however the CNN experiment had been successful and Turner hoped that Cartoon Network would also find success. Initially, the channel would broadcast cartoons 24 hours", "id": "7567208" }, { "contents": "Felix the Cat\n\n\nFelix the Cat is a funny-animal cartoon character created in the silent film era. The anthropomorphic black cat with his black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which his cartoons place him, combine to make Felix one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history. Felix was the first character from animation to attain a level of popularity sufficient to draw movie audiences. Felix's origins remain disputed. Australian cartoonist/film entrepreneur Pat Sullivan, owner of the Felix character", "id": "19869105" }, { "contents": "Ion Popescu-Gopo\n\n\nseparate animation studio, Animafilm. His most known cartoon character is a little black and white man sometimes referred to as \"Gopo's Little Man\" after his creator. Later in his life Popescu-Gopo confessed that he tried to start an \"anti-Disney rebellion\". Unable to surpass Disney's animation characters in color and beauty, Popescu-Gopo tried to be more profound in message and substance and simplify the form and techniques used. Unlike Disney's cartoon characters, Popescu-Gopo's cartoon characters were black and", "id": "4469536" }, { "contents": "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island\n\n\n-morning lineups. In 1991, Turner Broadcasting System purchased Hanna-Barbera, the animation studio behind \"Scooby\", largely to fill programming at a new, 24/7 cable channel centered on animated properties: Cartoon Network. The advent of cable gave the franchise renewed popularity: rapidly, \"Scooby\" reruns attracted top ratings. \"Zombie Island\" was not the first attempt at a feature-length \"Scooby\" adventure; several television films were produced in the late 1980s starring the character, such as \"Scooby-Doo", "id": "5297850" }, { "contents": "Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion\n\n\nlaser. Players can choose from eighteen playable characters drawn from eleven Cartoon Network animated series. An additional eight characters were added to the \"XL\" version for a total of 26. \"Ben 10\" \"Captain Planet and the Planeteers\" \"Chowder\" \"Dexter's Laboratory\" \"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends\" \"The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy\" \"Johnny Bravo\" \"The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack\" \"The Powerpuff Girls\" \"Samurai Jack\" The Announcer (voiced by George Lowe) decides", "id": "12996666" }, { "contents": "Warner Bros. Cartoons\n\n\nWarner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. was the in-house division of Warner Bros. during the Golden Age of American animation. One of the most successful animation studios in American media history, it was primarily responsible for the \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" theatrical cartoon short subjects. The characters featured in these cartoons, including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Sylvester and Tweety, are among the most famous and recognizable characters in the world. Many of the creative staff members at the studio, including directors and", "id": "15918936" }, { "contents": "Melissa Duck\n\n\nMelissa Duck is an animated cartoon character in the Warner Brothers \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" series of cartoons and the animated television series \"Baby Looney Tunes\". She is featured as main character Daffy Duck's blonde girlfriend in several cartoon shorts but is only referred to as Melissa in one, \"The Scarlet Pumpernickel\", where she is voiced by Bea Benaderet. In the 1945 cartoon \"Nasty Quacks\", Daffy's owner, a young girl, also becomes the besotted owner of a small, yellow", "id": "16066314" }, { "contents": "Pink Panther (character)\n\n\ncharacter\", noting that \"Classic animation pretty much died in the '60s, everyone had kind of bailed out. But his creators didn't rest on their laurels. They didn't make the cartoons to look like Warner Bros. cartoons, or Disney cartoons, or the UPA look of Mister Magoo and Gerald McBoing-Boing. They came up with their own clever new style. The only other important cartoon of the '60s was \"Yellow Submarine\".\" The Pink Panther was a notable contribution to the animation art", "id": "16880784" }, { "contents": "Cartoon physics\n\n\nobjectively are. In one common example, when a cartoon character runs off a cliff, gravity has no effect until the character notices. In words attributed to Art Babbitt, an animator with the Walt Disney Studios: \"Animation follows the laws of physics—unless it is funnier otherwise.\" Specific reference to \"cartoon physics\" extends back at least to June 1980, when an article \"O'Donnell's Laws of Cartoon Motion\" appeared in \"Esquire\". A version printed in V.18 No. 7 p. 12, 1994", "id": "5627813" }, { "contents": "The Hanna-Barbera New Cartoon Series\n\n\nThe Hanna-Barbera New Cartoon Series, a.k.a. The New Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Series or The Wally Gator Show, was a syndicated television package of animated cartoon series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, starting in 1962. The series included three unrelated short cartoon segments featuring funny animal characters: The package consisted of fifty-two episodes, each with three individual segments and no bridge animation. Each individual cartoon segment, had its own opening theme and closing title. The title \"The New Hanna-Barbera Cartoon series\"", "id": "2939483" }, { "contents": "Witch Hazel (Looney Tunes)\n\n\nWitch Hazel is an animated cartoon character in the Warner Bros. \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" series of cartoons and TV shows. The name is a reference to the plant witch-hazel and folk remedies based on it. Different characters of the same name appeared in several studios' short films throughout the golden age of American animation; the first was in the Disney cartoon \"Trick or Treat\" (1952), voiced by June Foray. Inspired by this character, Chuck Jones created his own witch for Warner", "id": "21256664" }, { "contents": "Live-action animated film\n\n\nWillis O'Brien and Ray Harryhausen films in the United States, and Aleksandr Ptushko, Karel Zeman and more recently Jan Švankmajer in Eastern Europe. The first feature film to do this was \"The Lost World\" (1925). In the 1935 Soviet film \"The New Gulliver\", the only character who wasn't animated was Gulliver himself. The 1940 Warner Bros. cartoon \"You Ought to Be in Pictures\", directed by Friz Freleng, featured Warner Bros. characters interacting with live-action people. The animated sequence in the", "id": "10787775" }, { "contents": "What a Cartoon!\n\n\nWhat a Cartoon! (later known as The What a Cartoon! Show and The Cartoon Cartoon Show) is an American animation showcase series created by Fred Seibert for Cartoon Network. The shorts were produced by Hanna-Barbera; by the end of the run, a Cartoon Network Studios production tag was added to some shorts to signal they were original to the network. The project consisted of 48 short cartoons, intended to return creative power to animators and artists, by recreating the atmospheres that spawned the iconic cartoon characters of the", "id": "21099417" }, { "contents": "Art of Disney Animation\n\n\nat Disney Animation includes the Animation Courtyard, where guests can see some of the original artwork and the creative process from Disney and Pixar animated films, featuring scenery from the films as well as concept art of the characters. Another attraction at the building is known as the Character Close-Up which, starting in late December 2014, features a meet and greet with Anna and Elsa from \"Frozen\". Other attractions include the Sorcerer’s Workshop and Turtle Talk with Crush. The Sorcerer’s Workshop features the Magic Mirror Realm which", "id": "22214772" }, { "contents": "Lisa Simpson\n\n\nLisa the most difficult \"Simpsons\" character to draw. \"TV Guide\" ranked her 11th (tied with Bart) on their list of the \"Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time\". Her environmentalism has been especially well received; several episodes featuring her have won Genesis and Environmental Media Awards, including a special \"Board of Directors Ongoing Commitment Award\" in 2001. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals included Lisa on their list of the \"Most Animal-Friendly TV Characters of All Time\". Yeardley", "id": "17018884" }, { "contents": "Cow and Chicken\n\n\nCow and Chicken is an American animated comedy television series created by David Feiss for Cartoon Network and the 3rd of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. It follows the surreal adventures of two funny animal siblings, Cow and Chicken. They are often antagonized by the Red Guy, a cartoon Devil who poses as various characters to scam them. The original pilot appeared as an episode of the animation showcase series \"What a Cartoon!\". The popularity of the original short allowed Hanna-Barbera to give it the green light for a", "id": "9863381" }, { "contents": "Foghorn Leghorn\n\n\nFoghorn J. Leghorn is a cartoon character that appears in \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" cartoons and films from Warner Bros. Animation . He was created by Robert McKimson and writer Warren Foster, and starred in 29 cartoons from 1946 to 1964 in the Golden Age of American Animation. All 29 of these cartoons were directed by McKimson. Foghorn Leghorn's first appearance was in the 1946 Henery Hawk short \"Walky Talky Hawky\". With the Tasmanian Devil, Foghorn ranks as the two most popular McKimson-created characters.", "id": "14500180" }, { "contents": "Hubie and Bertie\n\n\nHubie and Bertie are animated cartoon mouse characters in the Warner Bros. \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" series of cartoons. Hubie and Bertie represent some of animator Chuck Jones' earliest work that was intended to be funny rather than cute. All of their cartoons were given Blue Ribbon reissues. Jones introduced Hubie and Bertie in the short \"The Aristo-Cat\", first released on June 19, 1943. The plot of the cartoon would serve as the template for most future Hubie/Bertie outings: a character", "id": "4360449" }, { "contents": "Bugs Bunny\n\n\nBugs Bunny is an animated cartoon character, created in the late 1930s by Leon Schlesinger Productions (later Warner Bros. Cartoons) and voiced originally by Mel Blanc. Bugs is best known for his starring roles in the \"Looney Tunes\" and \"Merrie Melodies\" series of animated short films, produced by Warner Bros. Though a similar character called Happy Rabbit debuted in the WB cartoon \"Porky's Hare Hunt\" (1938) and appeared in a few subsequent shorts, the definitive character of Bugs is widely credited to have made his", "id": "5220308" }, { "contents": "Hammerspace\n\n\nHammerspace (also known as malletspace) is a fan-envisioned extradimensional, instantly accessible storage area in fiction, which is used to explain how animated, comic, and game characters can produce objects out of thin air. Typically, when multiple items are available, the desired item is available on the first try or within a handful of tries. This phenomenon dates back to early Warner Bros.' \"Looney Tunes\"/\"Merrie Melodies\" animated cartoons during the Golden Age of American animation. The phenomenon of a character producing plot-dependent items", "id": "6669580" }, { "contents": "Buddy (Looney Tunes)\n\n\nBuddy (Sometimes known as Buddy Warner) is an animated cartoon character in the Warner Bros. \"Looney Tunes\" series of cartoons. He was the second star of the series, after Bosko. Buddy has his origins in the chaos that followed the severing of relations between animators Hugh Harman and Rudy Ising from producer Leon Schlesinger. Without his animators and Bosko the Talk-Ink Kid, the star character they had taken with them, Schlesinger was desperate to build his own cartoon studio and maintain his contract with Warner Bros. He lured", "id": "20632366" }, { "contents": "Re-Animated\n\n\nand the characters learn that the reason they've lost their popularity is thanks to Sonny, who unwittingly ruined their cartoons through his own ideas, especially Golly who is crushed to learn that his top spot as most popular cartoon character in the world has been reduced to nothing, but he figures with Jimmy now at the helm, he can quickly make him a star again. Now that he's president of Appleday Pictures. Sonny was fired by the Chairman of the Board, Jimmy is immensely popular, but no longer has time", "id": "14619201" }, { "contents": "What a Cartoon!\n\n\nMcCracken, the project was to \"establish a think tank and create an environment in which animators can create characters and stories\", and also create new possible Cartoon Network series. However, the project was eventually scrapped as a result of the late 2000s recession and only 14 of the 39 planned were completed. Nevertheless, J. G. Quintel's \"Regular Show\" short and Peter Browngardt's \"Secret Mountain Fort Awesome\" were greenlit to become full series. A recurring character on the show, Uncle Grandpa, would get his", "id": "21099449" }, { "contents": "Franklin (TV series)\n\n\nof a theme, rather than complete episodes. Unlike many animated children's programs, \"Franklin\" has no interstitial segments or end-tags featuring the characters. The scenes shown in the cartoon opening introduction were changed after the show's first season. Many of these scenes featured Otter, a character who left the series early in the first season and was only seen once more in later seasons. Differences in the colouring of the cartoon can be spotted from season-to-season. The more recent feature films, most", "id": "2712810" }, { "contents": "Cartoon pornography\n\n\nanimation to depict the imagined sexual activities of living robots. Animated content has become popular on pornographic video services, which sometimes report terms such as \"anime\", \"hentai\", and \"cartoon\" – all of which are commonly associated with animation – among the top search terms. The legal status of cartoon pornography varies from country to country. In addition to the normal legal status of pornography, much cartoon pornography depicts potentially minor (that is, underage) characters engaging in sexual acts. One of the primary reasons", "id": "20619384" }, { "contents": "Superman (1940s cartoons)\n\n\nentitled \"First Flight: The Fleischer Superman Series\". This documentary (which was included on the \"Superman II\" two-disc special edition DVD) features interviews with surviving members, relatives and biographers of the animation and production team, also contemporary animators such as Bruce Timm (\"\"), Paul Dini and Dan Riba (\"\") who detail the influence these cartoons have had on their own works. Upon this release though, there was controversy by some consumers over why Warner's chose to release these animated shorts", "id": "2997105" }, { "contents": "Too Cool! Cartoons\n\n\nToo Cool! Cartoons is a series of animated shorts on the YouTube channel Cartoon Hangover. It was created by Fred Seibert and produced by Frederator Studios. The series premiered on April 4, 2013, with the short \"Our New Electrical Morals\". It was planned to feature 39 shorts but ended up releasing only 11 shorts. Too Cool! Cartoons is Frederator's fifth cartoon \"incubator\" series over the past 21 years, featuring unique voices in short animated films, meant to introduce original characters and animation creators. The", "id": "21624457" }, { "contents": "Mickey Mouse (film series)\n\n\nMickey Mouse (originally Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoons) is a character-based series of 130 animated short films produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The films, which introduced Disney's most famous cartoon character, were released on a regular basis from 1928 (\"Plane Crazy\") to 1953 with four additional shorts released between 1983 and 2013. The series is notable for its innovation with sound synchronization and character animation, and also introduced well-known characters such as Minnie Mouse, Pluto, and Goofy. The name \"Mickey", "id": "964957" }, { "contents": "See Ya Later Gladiator\n\n\nSee Ya Later Gladiator is a 1968 \"Looney Tunes\" animated short film starring Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales, who had been paired together in a series of cartoons from 1965 to 1968. This was their final theatrical pairing, and this was also the final cartoon to star \"classic\" Warner Bros. characters as well as the last Golden Age of American Animation cartoon to star Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales. After this short, until the cartoon division closed in 1969, new characters like Cool Cat, Bunny and Claude, Merlin", "id": "13474595" } ]
What are the glaring holes in the data supporting global warming?
[{"answer": "Sorry, I know this isn't in the format of ELI5, but this is a good link that sequentially lists and rebukes all the \"holes in evidence\" against climate change in fairly simple terminology. URL_0 Short of it is, the backing for human caused climate change is NOT shaky, it is accepted by 99% of practicing scientists and the evidence for it is overwhelming. Admittedly, there are problems with our responses to climate change, specifically in carbon market schemes and management / mitigation action plans, but there is no invention of a problem here. Hopefully someone other than I can follow up with a better ELI5 response."}, {"answer": " URL_0 > The study found that 97 percent of scientific experts agree that climate change is \"very likely\" caused mainly by human activity > As for the 3 percent of scientists who remain unconvinced, the study found their average expertise is far below that of their colleagues, as measured by publication and citation rates. If this was one company, or even a few companies, saying \"hey look the earth is eating up, better buy our airconditioning\" or something, your statement of \"inventing the problem and selling you the cure.\" might hold water. However, when there is a consensus across almost the entire scientific community, this is highly unlikely to be true. **Attempted ELI5 version** Ok Billy, people have told you there are glaring holes in climate change research, and that it might just be an excuse to make money. The scientific fact however is that there aren't glaring holes in the research, and that too many scientists agree for it to be a 'money making conspiracy' (almost all of them agree that the current climate change is caused or accelerated by mankind). So why do people tell you otherwise? Because much like the scientists they claim to be \"in it for the money\", so do many other people benefit from a world where people think climate change is not real. They are willing to keep people ignorant just so they can sell more beach front houses, gas guzzling cars, and keep their highly polluting industries. So Billy, people lied to you. And it wasn't the scientists."}, {"answer": " > I always thought global warming as the result of human intervention was pretty much accepted. Is the backing for it really that shaky or is this just extrapolated conspiracy talk? The biggest arguments among skeptics tend to be the following: * CO2 most definitely increases global temperature. This is well accepted. But CO2 has a \"diminishing returns\" kind of effect. If CO2 were doubled, and just its effects were measured, temperatures would rise less than 1C. The models that suggest 3-5 C temperature rise do so assuming warming is a \"positive feedback\", meaning, that if CO2 causes the globe to warm, things like water vapor will make it warm much much more. Skeptics tend to not believe in a positive feedback, but rather a neutral or a negative feedback. So, they believe that doubling CO2 will continue to make the temperature rise slightly, but the lack of positive feedbacks will mean the end result is much easier to manage and there is little to be afraid of. * Skeptics like to point to temperature records going back 10,000 years or so. [Link to these ice core/temperature records]( URL_0 ). There are common, dramatic rises and falls the temperature. They argue that it's hard to say if our current small bit of warming is another natural variation or part of a long term trend. * Skeptics also point to the questionable behavior of many so-called \"alarmists\". People who are well known for their positions in the climate change scientific world. Skeptics argue that they tend to have a very partisan and bitter attitude towards this debate (perhaps because they are constantly the subject of attacks). It's argued that these folks take their partisan attitudes and translate it to their science. That said, most models and scientists put the projected temperature rise between 2-5C. Skeptics put the temperature rise around 0.5-2C, with 1 C being the most common. Skeptics definitely are in the minority on this one."}, {"answer": "Some deniers cling to [Climategate]( URL_0 ), which is really strange if you look over the materials, because there is nothing especially damning in there. I've always found the most convincing denier arguments to come from the Bjorn Lomborg school of thought, which basically says 'yeah, maybe climate change is anthropogenic, but it's not going to affect us too much in the next 50 years and we've done much worse things that we should take care of first' (he's a political scientist, and his arguments rely largely on an assumption of global finances as a zero sum game). > I've also heard about the criticisms of markets that take advantage of things like carbon credits and likening the notion of global warming to \"inventing the problem and selling you the cure.\" In terms of carbon credits and REDD programs having a financial incentive- that is their actual point of existence, so people who say that are correct, though perhaps they misunderstand the initial motivations. Those markets were created to allow businesses to move about within stricter environmental guidelines, not as global humanitarian efforts (though they are marketed that way). > I always thought global warming as the result of human intervention was pretty much accepted. Is the backing for it really that shaky or is this just extrapolated conspiracy talk? The biggest issue here is that it's not a provable thing- climate science isn't physics, and it has a really short history of study w/ regards to climate change as an issue. The vast majority of scientists will agree that the evidence points towards anthropogenic climate change being very very likely. To what degree, and what that means are questions that, at this point, are as much a social science as a science. So, you get a lot of argument between people who believe *almost* the same thing, which fractures the discipline. Also, a lot of climate science comes down to computer modeling and prediction. Consider this with what you know of the accuracy of meteorology, as well as popular culture concepts like 'the butterfly effect', and you can see how the smallest difference in an input variable can lead two scientists to vastly different conclusions. Source: I have a master's in environmental science, and worked for a climate change research organization."}, {"answer": "Not so much conspiracy as strong denial. The mission of the website avoids saying its unpartisan (because it isn't), and wants policies for short term benefits. The home page has the top ten articles, all denying climate change. As this is a view that at least 98% of scientists agree with, it is a poor source. I'm not aware of anyone correctly finding flaws in Gore's climate work, he knows how to research well."}, {"answer": "OP asked for proof, not for; It's true because a lot of scientists say so. Tell him and me, why they think so. I'm unwilling to accept; It's true because it's true."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "49108347", "title": "ExxonMobil climate change controversy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The ExxonMobil climate change controversy concerns ExxonMobil's activities related to climate change, especially their views on climate change skepticism. Since the 1970s, ExxonMobil engaged in climate research, and later began lobbying, advertising, and grant making, some of which were conducted with the purpose of delaying widespread acceptance and action on global warming.", "in climate research, and later began lobbying, advertising, and grant making, some of which were conducted with the purpose of delaying widespread acceptance and action on global warming."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Satellite temperature measurements\n\n\nradiosondes. Surface temperature data showed substantial global average warming, while early versions of satellite and radiosonde data showed little or no warming above the surface. While the satellite data now show global warming, there is still a significant difference between what Climate models predict and what the satellite data show for warming of the lower troposphere with the climate models predicting significantly more warming than what the satellites measure. The climate models also overpredict the results of the radiosonde measurements. The most recent climate model simulations give a range of results for changes in", "id": "354318" }, { "contents": "James Hansen\n\n\nis in good agreement with the observations, noting that the satellite temperature data had been the last holdout of global warming denialists, and that the correction of the data would result in a change from discussing whether global warming is occurring to what is the rate of global warming, and what should be done about it. Hansen has continued the development and diagnostics of climate models. For instance, he has helped in the investigations of the decadal trends in tropopause height, which could be a useful tool for determining the human \"fingerprint", "id": "19172805" }, { "contents": "Global warming hiatus\n\n\nsame length. Subsequently, a detailed study supports the conclusion that warming is continuing, but it also find there was less warming between 2001 and 2010 than climate models had predicted, and that this slowdown might be attributed to short-term variations in the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), which was negative during that period. Another review finds \"no substantive evidence\" of a pause in global warming. A statistical study of global temperature data since 1970 concludes that the term \"hiatus\" or \"pause\" is not justified", "id": "7743190" }, { "contents": "Sallie Baliunas\n\n\n\"predictions of an anthropogenic global warming have been greatly exaggerated, and that the human contribution to global warming over the course of the 21st century will be less than one degree Celsius and probably only a few tenths of a degree.\" She concluded with the view that \"even if fears of anthropogenic global warming were realized – a concern which finds no support in the scientific data – there is no significant penalty for waiting at least two decades before taking corrective action to reduce global CO emissions.\" The work of Willie Soon", "id": "650148" }, { "contents": "The Real Global Warming Disaster\n\n\ngovernments prepare to make radical changes in energy policies, the scientific evidence for global warming is becoming increasingly challenged. He asserts that global warming is not supported by a significant number of climate scientists, and criticises how the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presents evidence and data, in particular citing its reliance on potentially inaccurate global climate models to make temperature projections. Booker concludes, \"it begins to look very possible that the nightmare vision of our planet being doomed\" may be imaginary, and that, if", "id": "6755301" }, { "contents": "What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire\n\n\nWhat A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire is a 2007 documentary film about the current situation facing humanity and the world. It is written, directed and narrated by Timothy S. Bennett. It discusses issues such as peak oil, climate change and the effects of global warming, population overshoot and species extinction, as well as how this situation has developed. The documentary features supporting data and interviews of Daniel Quinn, environmental activist Derrick Jensen and academics such as Richard Heinberg and many others. The tagline of the", "id": "1972098" }, { "contents": "Hell and High Water (book)\n\n\nbook on global warming I've ever read. ... My hope is that a lifetime spent in insider elite politics causes him to underestimate what a bottom-up grassroots movement can accomplish. ... A coalition that supported real action on global warming, as part of movement that supported real solutions on these other issues too, would have a much better chance of winning than a single-issue group. It would have a broader base and could offer more immediate relief from problems; because global warming wouldn't be its only or even", "id": "20898178" }, { "contents": "Roger A. Pielke\n\n\nEditor of \"Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere\". In 2007 Pielke said that he was not a \"sceptical scientist\" about climate change, having stated that carbon dioxide, while important, is not the predominant forcing of global warming: Pielke has criticized the IPCC for its conclusions regarding CO and global warming and accused it of selectively choosing data to support a selective view of the science. In 2010 Pielke revisited a question provided by Andrew Revkin \"Is most of the observed warming over the last 50 years likely to have", "id": "9187384" }, { "contents": "Feebate\n\n\nthe state's global warming/greenhouse gas emissions by imposing a fee of up to $2,500 on new, high carbon emitting vehicles (starting with 2011 models), and then rebating the fee to buyers of new low emission vehicles, thereby theoretically shifting the social cost of the destruction of public goods by global warming onto those who contribute to global warming. This Bill failed to pass. Supporters point towards what they feel are feebates' tendency to promote personal responsibility by having those responsible for the involuntary expropriation (by means of", "id": "8882389" }, { "contents": "Public opinion on global warming\n\n\nnatural changes. Data is increasingly showing that 62 percent of Americans believe that the effects of global warming are happening now in 2017. In 2016 GALLUP found that 64% of Americans are worried about global warming, 59% believed that global warming is already happening and 65% is convinced that global warming is caused by human activities. These numbers show that awareness of global warming is increasing in the United States In 2019 GALLUP found that one-third of Americans blame unusual winter temperatures on climate change. In countries varying in awareness", "id": "14918733" }, { "contents": "An Inconvenient Truth...Or Convenient Fiction?\n\n\n. CNS News reported that with his film, Hayward hopes to counter some of the more alarmist assertions being made by supporters of global warming catastrophe, but also admits that \"much of what Vice President Gore says about climate change is correct. The planet is warming; human beings are playing a substantial role in that warming,\" but expanded that Gore \"and a lot of other people make some extreme claims about what is likely to happen in the future that are not backed up by science.\" In his support of", "id": "20038476" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\n, \"ExxonMobil's plan appears to be to stay the course and try to adjust when changes occur. The company's plan is one that involves adaptation, as opposed to leadership,\" says this Ceres report. Gregg Easterbrook characterized himself as having \"a long record of opposing alarmism\". In 2006, he stated, \"based on the data I'm now switching sides regarding global warming, from skeptic to convert.\" The George W. Bush administration also voiced support for an adaptation-only policy in the US in", "id": "12827222" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Herman Cain\n\n\nCain's ideology on the climate represents what is termed climate change denial. He has made statements indicating a belief that anthropogenic global warming is a hoax, referring to it as \"poppycock\" and claiming that scientists were \"busted\" of having \"manipulated the data.\" Cain supports repeal of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Cain, a cancer survivor, also has said that the PPACA would have killed him. Cain favors allowing the free market to play the largest role in health care.", "id": "15676653" }, { "contents": "Heidelberg Appeal\n\n\nRio Summit 1992 and warned governments that they don't base their policy on environmental policy, which they regarded as \"pseudoscientific arguments or false and nonrelevant data.\" It was brought forward by the tobacco and asbestos industry, to support the climate-denying Global Climate Coalition. According to SourceWatch the appeal is \"a scam perpetrated by the asbestos and tobacco industries in support of the Global Climate Coalition\". Both industries had no direct reason to deny global warming, but rather wanted to promote their \"sound science\" agenda,", "id": "13273766" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nwith climate science—both supporting and opposing mainstream scientific positions—have been questioned by both sides. There are debates about the best policy responses to the science, their cost-effectiveness and their urgency. Climate scientists, especially in the United States, have reported official and oil-industry pressure to censor or suppress their work and hide scientific data, with directives not to discuss the subject in public communications. Legal cases regarding global warming, its effects, and measures to reduce it have reached American courts. The fossil fuels", "id": "12827119" }, { "contents": "An Inconvenient Truth\n\n\nto date, with reference to some of the very latest research.\" Ted Scambos, lead scientist from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, said the film \"does an excellent job of outlining the science behind global warming and the challenges society faces in the coming century because of it.\" One concern among scientists in the film was the connection between hurricanes and global warming, which remains contentious in the science community. Gore cited five recent scientific studies to support his view. \"I thought the use of imagery from", "id": "14539453" }, { "contents": "Climatic Research Unit documents\n\n\nwent beyond that which it could substantiate\", but also blamed the university for mishandling Freedom of Information requests and called for a full investigation to resolve the questions raised. The Associated Press conducted a review of the e-mails and concluded that they showed scientists fending off sceptics, but did not support claims that global warming science had been faked. They stated that \"One of the most disturbing elements suggests an effort to avoid sharing scientific data with critics skeptical of global warming\", and mentioned ethical problems with this action due", "id": "7361115" }, { "contents": "The Great Global Warming Swindle\n\n\nscientists interviewed in the film and one whose research was used to support the film's claims). The film's critics argued that it had misused and fabricated data, relied on out-of-date research, employed misleading arguments, and misrepresented the position of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Later broadcasts corrected three errors in the original film. The film's basic premise is that the current scientific opinion on the anthropogenic causes of global warming has numerous scientific flaws, and that vested monetary interests in the scientific establishment and", "id": "8303599" }, { "contents": "Climate change denial\n\n\nsuggest that the public may have been discouraged by extremism when discussing the topic, while other polls show 54% of U.S. voters believe that \"the news media make global warming appear worse than it really is.\" A poll in 2009 regarding the issue of whether \"some scientists have falsified research data to support their own theories and beliefs about global warming\" showed that 59% of Americans believed it \"at least somewhat likely\", with 35% believing it was \"very likely\". According to Tim Wirth, \"", "id": "9578866" }, { "contents": "The Great Global Warming Swindle\n\n\nscientists peddling scare stories to chase funding; and propped up by complicit politicians and the media\". Using a series of interviews and graphics, the film sets out to challenge the scientific consensus by focusing on what it says are inconsistencies in the evidence, and the role said to have been played by ideology and politics. The film highlights what it asserts are a number of contradictions and inconsistencies in the evidence supporting man-made global warming. The programme makes a number of assertions arguing that the integrity of climate research has been", "id": "8303603" }, { "contents": "Global warming conspiracy theory\n\n\nA global warming conspiracy theory invokes claims that the scientific consensus on global warming is based on conspiracies to produce manipulated data or suppress dissent. It is one of a number of tactics used in climate change denial to legitimize political and public controversy disputing this consensus. Conspiracy theorists typically allege that, through worldwide acts of professional and criminal misconduct, the science behind global warming has been invented or distorted for ideological or financial reasons. As stated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the largest contributor to global warming is", "id": "16494114" }, { "contents": "Global warming hiatus\n\n\n. Some climate scientists, however, have questioned the claim that the hiatus is not supported by evidence, arguing that the recent corrections in data do not negate the existence of a hiatus. Independent of these discussions about data and measurements for earlier years, 2015 turned out to be much warmer than any of the earlier years, already before El Niño conditions started. The warmth of 2015 largely ended any remaining scientific credibility of claims that the supposed \"hiatus\" since 1998 had any significance for the long-term warming trend,", "id": "7743191" }, { "contents": "Ozone depletion\n\n\nenhanced ozone depletion process shuts down, and the ozone hole closes. Most of the ozone that is destroyed is in the lower stratosphere, in contrast to the much smaller ozone depletion through homogeneous gas phase reactions, which occurs primarily in the upper stratosphere. Public misconceptions and misunderstandings of complex issues like the ozone depletion are common. The limited scientific knowledge of the public led to a confusion with global warming or the perception of global warming as a subset of the \"ozone hole\". In the beginning, classical green NGOs refrained", "id": "354349" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming on oceans\n\n\ndata centers such as the United States National Oceanographic Data Center. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report estimates that the upper ocean (surface to 750 m deep) has warmed by 0.09 to 0.13 degrees C per decade over the past 40 years. Other processes important in influencing global sea level include changes to groundwater storage including dams and reservoirs. Global warming also has an enormous impact with respect to melting glaciers and ice sheets. Higher global temperatures melt glaciers such as the one in Greenland, which flow", "id": "906535" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\n, our spatial analysis of Antarctic meteorological data demonstrates a net cooling on the Antarctic continent between 1966 and 2000, particularly during summer and autumn.\" Later the controversy was popularized by Michael Crichton's 2004 fiction novel State of Fear, who advocated skepticism in global warming. This novel has a docudrama plot based upon the idea that there is a deliberately alarmist conspiracy behind global warming activism. One of the characters argues \"data show that one relatively small area called the Antarctic Peninsula is melting and calving huge icebergs... but the continent", "id": "12827171" }, { "contents": "Scott Pruitt\n\n\nin global warming.\" Trump was said to have liked the idea, but the concept was rejected by White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, according to several officials involved in the discussions. A May 2017 study in \"Scientific Reports\" examined Pruitt's claim that \"over the past two decades satellite data indicates there has been a leveling off of warming.\" The study found that the claim was false: \"Satellite temperature measurements do not support the claim of a \"leveling off of warming\" over the past", "id": "17398744" }, { "contents": "Climatic Research Unit documents\n\n\nof misconduct at both the CRU and Pennsylvania State University. Summarising its own analysis, FactCheck stated that claims by climate sceptics that the emails demonstrated scientific misconduct amounting to fabrication of global warming were unfounded, and emails were being misrepresented to support these claims. While the emails showed a few scientists being rude or dismissive, this did not negate evidence that human activities were largely responsible for global warming, or the conclusions of the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report which used the CRU as just one of many sources of data.", "id": "7361117" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nwhat impacts?'; and ‘what responses are needed?’\" Attribution of recent climate change discusses the evidence for recent global warming. Correlation of and temperature is not part of this evidence. Nonetheless, one argument against global warming says that rising levels of carbon dioxide () and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) do not correlate with global warming. As noted above, climate models are only able to simulate the temperature record of the past century when GHG forcing is included, being consistent with the findings of the IPCC", "id": "12827152" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nThe global warming controversy concerns the public debate over whether global warming is occurring, how much has occurred in modern times, what has caused it, what its effects will be, whether any action should be taken to curb it, and if so what that action should be. In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view,", "id": "12827115" }, { "contents": "An Inconvenient Truth\n\n\nhad been pursuing for all these years.\" Throughout the movie, Gore discusses the scientific opinion on global warming, as well as the present and future effects of global warming and stresses that global warming \"is really not a political issue, so much as a moral one,\" describing the consequences he believes global warming will produce if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases is not significantly reduced in the very near future. Gore also presents Antarctic ice coring data showing CO levels higher now than in the past 650,000 years", "id": "14539434" }, { "contents": "Hockey stick graph\n\n\n1989. This was the first based entirely on non-instrumental records, and used tree rings. They reconstructed northern hemisphere annual temperatures since 1671 on the basis of boreal North American tree ring data from 11 distinct regions. From this, they concluded that recent warming was anomalous over the 300-year period, and went as far as speculating that these results supported the hypothesis that recent warming had human causes. Publicity over the concerns of scientists about the implications of global warming led to increasing public and political interest, and the Reagan administration", "id": "9888705" }, { "contents": "Woods Hole Research Center\n\n\nsolutions for the world's environmental and economic challenges through research and education. The Woods Hole Research Center was established in 1985 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts by George Woodwell. WHRC was one of the first organizations dedicated to fighting global climate change and Woodwell testified to Congress in 1986 about the dangers of sea level rise and global warming. The plan for developing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was drafted at the Woods Hole Research Center in the late 1980s by Woodwell and Kiliparti Ramakrishna. In 2005, Dr. John P. Holdren", "id": "4015657" }, { "contents": "Pat Roberts\n\n\nhe thought the bill was good, and avoided speaking about the bill's policy contents. Instead, he said he supported the bill because it was the last best chance to repeal Obamacare. Roberts worked to secure $15 million for research on carbon sequestration. On the topic of global warming, Roberts has said, \"There's no question there's some global warming, but I'm not sure what it means. A lot of this is condescending elitism.\" Roberts voted to confirm Gale Norton as Secretary of the Interior", "id": "5479557" }, { "contents": "Prelude to the 2012 Republican Party presidential primaries\n\n\ncalling it an \"illegal Ponzi scheme\" during his campaign. His record on tort reform in Texas also drew criticism from trial lawyers, who feared that a Perry administration would lead to wide tort-focused legislation. Perry's lackluster college grades at Texas A&M raised fears that he was not an intellectual leader. On the campaign trail, he told a boy that evolution by natural selection was \"a theory with holes in it\" and suggested that the data on global warming was manipulated. His disagreement with scientific consensus turned off", "id": "7267290" }, { "contents": "Global warming hiatus\n\n\nand 2016 was even slightly warmer. In January 2017, a study published in the journal \"Science Advances\" cast further doubt on the existence of a recent pause, with more evidence that ocean temperatures have been underestimated. An April 2017 study found the data consistent with a steady warming trend globally since the 1970s, with fluctuations within the expected range of short term variability. A November 2017 joint study by scientists at the University of Fairbanks and Beijing University found that when missing data from the rapidly warming Arctic were interpolated and included", "id": "7743192" }, { "contents": "Remote Sensing Systems\n\n\nRemote Sensing Systems (RSS) is a private research company founded in 1974 by Frank Wentz. It processes microwave data from a variety of NASA satellites. Most of their research is supported by the Earth Science Enterprise program. The company is based in Santa Rosa, California. They are a widely cited source of data, on the satellite temperature record. Their data is one source of evidence for global warming. Research by Carl Mears, Matthias Schabel, and Wentz, all of RSS, highlighted errors in the early satellite temperature", "id": "3939304" }, { "contents": "Dimension stone\n\n\ndata. For example, the NSC has data that the Global warming potential for granite quarrying is 100 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents and for granite processing is 500 (same units); and the Global Warming Potential for limestone quarrying is 20 kg carbon dioxide equivalents while for limestone processing it is 80 (same units). The data on energy and water use include everything back to removal of overburden in the dimension stone quarry and upstream production of energy and fuels, and forward to packaging of finished dimension stone product or slabs for", "id": "19413989" }, { "contents": "Joseph D'Aleo\n\n\n,\" they analyzed worldwide temperature records and concluded with the claim that the systematic manipulation and exaggeration of instrumental temperature data by leading meteorological institutions makes it impossible to say whether or not there was a significant amount of global warming in the 20th century. In the report, D'Aleo and Watts claim that \"Just as the Medieval Warm Period was an obstacle to those trying to suggest that today’s temperature is exceptional, and the UN and its supporters tried to abolish it with the 'hockey-stick' graph, the warmer temperatures", "id": "3313953" }, { "contents": "Jim Inhofe\n\n\nthe most powerful, most highly financed lobby in Washington, the far left environmental extremists\", and laid out in detail his opposition to attribution of recent climate change to humans, using the word \"hoax\" four times, including the statement that he had \"offered compelling evidence that catastrophic global warming is a hoax\" and his conclusion that \"manmade global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people\". He supported what he called \"sound science\", citing contrarian scientists such as Patrick Michaels, Fred", "id": "10517149" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nunproven, while Democrats tend to support actions that they believe will reduce global warming and its effects through the control of greenhouse gas emissions. Climatologist Kevin E. Trenberth stated: The SPM [Summary for policymakers] was approved line by line by governments[...] The argument here is that the scientists determine what can be said, but the governments determine how it can best be said. Negotiations occur over wording to ensure accuracy, balance, clarity of message, and relevance to understanding and policy. The IPCC process is dependent on", "id": "12827193" }, { "contents": "Richard A. Muller\n\n\nwe'd find. Our results turned out to be close to those published by prior groups. We think that means that those groups had truly been very careful in their work, despite their inability to convince some skeptics of that. They managed to avoid bias in their data selection, homogenization and other corrections. Global warming is real. Perhaps our results will help cool this portion of the climate debate. How much of the warming is due to humans and what will be the likely effects? We made no independent assessment of", "id": "16868098" }, { "contents": "Kari Norgaard\n\n\nKari Marie Norgaard is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, a post she has held since 2011. She is known for her research into climate change denial and the politics of global warming. To investigate the lack of response in Western societies to the implications of global warming, Norgaard collected ethnographic data and took interviews in a rural community in west Norway during the winter of 2000–2001 when unusually warm conditions damaged the skiing industry and prevented ice fishing. Both local and national media linked the problems to global warming,", "id": "21624676" }, { "contents": "Americans for Prosperity\n\n\na smartphone application called \"Prosperity Knocks\" to canvassers. AFP canvassers utilized \"Themis,\" an online voter database of millions of Americans. AFP president Phillips said that AFP's canvassing support application offered field operatives the previous voting history of voters integrated with Census data and consumer data including purchases, magazine subscriptions, and favorite websites. AFP supports oil and gas development and opposes regulation, including environmental restrictions. The AFP Foundation opposed President Obama's efforts to address global warming. AFP was important in creating the Tea Party movement and", "id": "15608060" }, { "contents": "Media coverage of global warming\n\n\nfrenzy over global cooling, \"the possibility of anthropogenic warming dominated the peer-reviewed literature\") was widely reported in the press. Several media pieces have claimed that, since the even-at-the-time-poorly-supported theory of global cooling was shown to be false, that the well-supported theory of global warming can also be dismissed. For example, an article in \"The Hindu\" by Kapista and Bashkirtsev wrote: \"Who remembers today, they query, that in the 1970s, when", "id": "9842571" }, { "contents": "James Hansen\n\n\nslow global warming. The temperature data was updated in 2006 to report that temperatures are now warmer than a century ago, and concluded that the recent global warming is a real climate change and not an artifact from the urban heat island effect. The regional variation of warming, with more warming in the higher latitudes, is further evidence of warming that is anthropogenic in origin. In 2007, Stephen McIntyre notified GISS that many of the U.S. temperature records from the Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) displayed a discontinuity around the year 2000", "id": "19172786" }, { "contents": "Jeremy Clarkson\n\n\nhe believes that higher temperatures are not necessarily negative and that anthropogenic carbon dioxide production has a negligible effect on the global climate, but is aware of the negative potential consequences of global warming, saying \"let's just stop and think for a moment what the consequences might be. Switzerland loses its skiing resorts? The beach in Miami is washed away? North Carolina gets knocked over by a hurricane? Anything bothering you yet?\" In an attempt to prove that the public furore over the 2007 UK child benefit data scandal was", "id": "19747802" }, { "contents": "George C. Marshall Institute\n\n\nWilliam O'Keefe, chief executive officer of the Marshall Institute, questions the methods used by advocates of new government restrictions to combat global warming: \"We have never said that global warming isn't real. No self-respecting think tank would accept money to support preconceived notions. We make sure what we are saying is both scientifically and analytically defensible.\" Matthew B. Crawford was appointed executive director of GMI in September 2001. He left the GMI after 5 months, saying that the institute was \"fonder of some facts than others", "id": "974428" }, { "contents": "Jon Krosnick\n\n\nover the past few decades, or not?” Krosnick in particular argued that the question's wording taints its intent and results. The question doesn't ask for one's personal beliefs concerning global warming, but instead asks the respondent about what they've heard or read about global warming instead. Krosnick also critiqued another question used in repeated Gallup surveys: \"Thinking about what is said in the news, in your view, is the seriousness of global warming generally exaggerated, generally correct, or generally underestimated?\" In response", "id": "4541781" }, { "contents": "Michael Voris\n\n\n\"Global Warming Unmasked: The Hidden Agenda\", Voris claimed that \"Catholic leaders must recognize global warming for what it is. It is a government power grab via population reduction. It is a pseudoscience and hyper-sensationalism. These things are being used to promote the global warming agenda, just as they were in the early 20th century eugenics movement ... In fact, global warming is the evolution, the natural evolution, of that early eugenics program.\" Voris said, \"Hitler adopted the American eugenic ideals and implemented", "id": "17723226" }, { "contents": "Skeptical Science\n\n\nby climate change deniers. The site hosts various articles addressing the merit of common criticisms of the scientific consensus on global warming, such as the claim that solar activity (rather than greenhouse gases) is responsible for most 20th and 21st century global warming, or that global warming is natural and/or not harmful to humans. Each article, referred to as an \"argument\", presents a quotation from a prominent figure who made a direct claim regarding global warming, and follows with a summary of \"what the science says\".", "id": "813143" }, { "contents": "Climate Change Science Program\n\n\npast 50 years cannot be explained by natural processes alone\". The report also said that \"all current atmospheric data sets now show global-average warming that is similar to the surface warming. While these data are consistent with the results from climate models at the global scale, discrepancies in the tropics remain to be resolved.\" On January 16, 2009 (the last business day of the Bush Administration), USGS released \"Past Climate Variability and Change in the Arctic and at High Latitudes\". According to the", "id": "17840287" }, { "contents": "UAH satellite temperature dataset\n\n\nbelow -85 degrees and, in the cases of TLT and TMT, some areas with land above 1500 m altitude. The hemispheric averages are over the northern and southern hemispheres 0 to +/-85 degrees. The gridded data provide an almost global temperature map. Daily global, hemispheric and zonal data are available. Monthly averages are available in gridded format as well as by hemisphere and globally. Each set has data back to December 1978. Climate models predict that as the surface warms, so should the global troposphere. Globally, the", "id": "1715953" }, { "contents": "Peter Doran\n\n\npiece in the July 27, 2006 \"New York Times\", Doran characterized this as a \"misinterpretation\" and stated, \"I have never thought such a thing ... I would like to remove my name from the list of scientists who dispute global warming.\" (The temporary phenomenon is related to the \"hole\" in the ozone. As the \"hole heals\" the Antarctic will dramatically warm quickly. ) Doran and his grad student Maggie Kendall Zimmerman also published a paper in the Jan 27, 2009 issue of", "id": "1234062" }, { "contents": "Richard Stearns (World Vision)\n\n\n\"The Hole In Our Gospel: What Does God Expect of Us? The Answer That Changed My Life and Might Just Change the World\" (Thomas Nelson, March 2009), is Stearns’ first book and a call to fulfill God’s commandment to help address poverty and injustice. Stearns makes a case for God’s heart for the poor while introducing readers to some of the billions of people who daily struggle to survive hunger and disease. Stearns believes there is a glaring hole in Christianity as it is practiced in the", "id": "13129201" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nthe text strings \"global climate change\" or \"global warming\". The authors found that 3974 of the abstracts expressed a position on anthropogenic global warming, and that 97.1% of those endorsed the consensus that humans are causing global warming. The authors found that of the 11,944 abstracts, 3896 endorsed that consensus, 7930 took no position on it, 78 rejected the consensus, and 40 expressed uncertainty about it. In 2014, a letter from 52 leading skeptics was published by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry supporting the scientific consensus", "id": "12827142" }, { "contents": "Global warming in popular culture\n\n\nThe issue of global warming, its possible effects, and related human-environment interaction have entered popular culture since the late 20th century. Science historian Naomi Oreskes has noted, \"There's a huge disconnect between what professional scientists have studied and learned in the last 30 years, and what is out there in the popular culture.\" An academic study contrasts the relatively rapid acceptance of ozone depletion as reflected in popular culture with the much slower acceptance of the scientific consensus on global warming. This refers to the classification non-", "id": "4676567" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nthe climate will change at local and regional scales, and what the consequences of global warming will be. Global warming remains an issue of widespread political debate, often split along party political lines, especially in the United States. Many of the issues that are settled within the scientific community, such as human responsibility for global warming, remain the subject of politically or economically motivated attempts to downplay, dismiss or deny them—an ideological phenomenon categorised by academics and scientists as climate change denial. The sources of funding for those involved", "id": "12827118" }, { "contents": "Skeptical Science\n\n\nScientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism\" was made available from Skeptical Science. Written by Cook and other authors, the report draws from various rebuttals published and summarizes the evidence for global warming and what it calls the flaws in many of the criticisms of anthropogenic global warming theory. In 2011 the book \"\", co-authored by Cook and Haydn Washington, was published by UK publisher Earthscan. The book serves to examine the ways in which denial of anthropogenic global warming is manifested through governments and the public. In May 2013", "id": "813147" }, { "contents": "YAD06\n\n\nYAD06 is a tree located in the Yamal Peninsula of Siberia. A core sample from this tree, YADO61, provided data used to support hockey stick interpretation of global climate history. The data was originally published in 1995 a paper by Keith Briffa of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. The paper asserted that the late Middle Ages, previously described as a \"Medieval Warm Period,\" was actually quite cold. Steve McIntyre has described this tree as possibly \"the most influential tree in the world\",", "id": "3849305" }, { "contents": "Media coverage of global warming\n\n\nto one key question, 48% of Americans now believe that the seriousness of global warming is generally exaggerated, up from 41% in 2009 and 31% in 1997, when Gallup first asked the question. Data from the Media Matters for America organization has shown that, despite 2015 being “a year marked by more landmark actions to address climate change than ever before,” the combined climate coverage on the top broadcast networks was down by 5% from 2014. President Donald Trump denies the threat of global warming publicly.", "id": "9842599" }, { "contents": "Fourth National Climate Assessment\n\n\nCSSR: \"Detection and attribution studies, climate models, observations, paleoclimate data, and physical understanding lead to high confidence (extremely likely) that more than half of the observed global mean warming since 1951 was caused by humans, and high confidence that internal climate variability played only a minor role (and possibly even a negative contribution) in the observed warming since 1951. The key message and supporting text summarizes extensive evidence documented in the peer-reviewed detection and attribution literature, including in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.\"", "id": "15116860" }, { "contents": "Burn Up (miniseries)\n\n\nand Holly become intimate. Meanwhile, British Prime-Ministerial Aide Philip Crowley offers unofficial government assistance to the Green Congress as they prepare for the World Forum on Climate Change (WFCC), a United Nations conference about global warming in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Masud returns to London and makes contact with Sir Mark, who has spoken with Masud before and agrees to meet to accept some confidential geology data. Sir Mark is clearly conflicted over what to do with the data. Tom and Holly discuss pulling out of Athabasca,", "id": "20424494" }, { "contents": "An Inconvenient Truth...Or Convenient Fiction?\n\n\nHayward is not a skeptic of global warming, and that he agrees with much of what \"An Inconvenient Truth\" says about the climate issue. \"Weekly Standard\" reported that Hayward grants \"Much of what Vice President Gore says about climate change is correct. The planet is warming. Human beings are playing a substantial role in that warming.\" Hayward clarified that, while the Gore film addresses issues that bear attention, he feels that those he terms \"global warming extremists\" \"distort the science, grossly exaggerate the", "id": "20038479" }, { "contents": "John Brignell\n\n\nthe topics of the abuse of statistics. Brignell retired in the late 1990s from his academic career and now devotes part of his time to his interest in debunking what he asserts to be the use of poor science and false statistics common in much of today's media. In this context, he has expressed controversial opinions on many subjects. In particular, he has disputed the theory of anthropogenic global warming, questioned the relationship between second-hand smoke and lung cancer, and suggested that the hole in the ozone layer existed before", "id": "7366993" }, { "contents": "The Great Global Warming Swindle\n\n\n\", and that the end result is \"phoney controversialism on TV but not much real controversialism\". \"Spiked\" described the programme's \"all-encompassing cosmic ray theory\" as \"a little unconvincing\", but said that \"the film poked some very big holes in the global warming consensus\", and argued \"we could do with more anti-conformist films from 'mavericks' like Durkin\". \"The Times\"'s science editor Mark Henderson listed a number of points where, in his opinion,", "id": "8303625" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming\n\n\npast changes in Earth's climate (paleoclimate). Sources of proxy data include historical records such as tree rings, ice cores, corals, and ocean and lake sediments. The data suggest that recent warming has surpassed anything in the last 2,000 years. By the end of the 21st century, temperatures may increase to a level not experienced since the mid-Pliocene, around 3 million years ago. At that time, models suggest that mean global temperatures were about 2–3 °C warmer than pre-industrial temperatures. In the", "id": "9314205" }, { "contents": "The Great Global Warming Swindle\n\n\n's research was used to support claims about the influence of solar activity on climate, both in the programme and Durkin's subsequent defence of it. Friis-Christensen, with environmental Research Fellow Nathan Rive, criticised the way the solar data were used: We have concerns regarding the use of a graph featured in the documentary titled 'Temp & Solar Activity 400 Years'. Firstly, we have reason to believe that parts of the graph were made up of fabricated data that were presented as genuine. The inclusion of the artificial", "id": "8303615" }, { "contents": "American Association of Petroleum Geologists\n\n\nthat anthropogenic CO has\" on climate. AAPG also stated support for \"research to narrow probabilistic ranges on the effect of anthropogenic CO on global climate.\" AAPG also withdrew its earlier criticism of other scientific organizations and research stating, \"Certain climate simulation models predict that the warming trend will continue, as reported through NAS, AGU, AAAS, and AMS. AAPG respects these scientific opinions but wants to add that the current climate warming projections could fall within well-documented natural variations in past climate and observed temperature data.", "id": "6198721" }, { "contents": "Costas Varotsos\n\n\nCostas Varotsos (; born 14 August 1956) is a Greek physicist known from his contribution to the global climate-dynamics research and remote sensing. Varotsos pointed out the occurrence of major sudden stratospheric warming over Antarctica in September 2002, an event which resulted in both the smaller-sized ozone hole over Antarctica and its splitting into two holes. Prior to September 2002, it was thought, that a major sudden stratospheric warming could happen only in the Northern Hemisphere. His follow-up work on this subject published in Eos Transactions -", "id": "4684903" }, { "contents": "Human impact on the environment\n\n\nFAO estimated that 18% of global anthropogenic GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions (estimated as 100-year carbon dioxide equivalents) are associated in some way with livestock production. FAO data indicate that meat accounted for 26% of global livestock product tonnage in 2011. Globally, enteric fermentation (mostly in ruminant livestock) accounts for about 27% of anthropogenic methane emissions, Despite methane's 100-year global warming potential, recently estimated at 28 without and 34 with climate carbon feedbacks, methane emission is currently contributing relatively little to global warming. Although", "id": "15845670" }, { "contents": "Green and golden bell frog\n\n\nradiation due to the hole in the ozone layer, global warming, and increased drought. The first theory was tested and the results were inconclusive. Global warming is not thought to be a credible cause, as the extremities of the frog's range have not changed, while declines in population have occurred in both dry and wetter areas. The green and golden bell frog has been the subject of much research and monitoring, important to improving its conservation. Research focuses on the development of management measures to keep the introduced mosquitofish under", "id": "16733801" }, { "contents": "HadCRUT\n\n\non interpreting documentary historical records. From 1978 onward CRU began production of its gridded data set of land air temperature anomalies based on instrumental temperature records held by around the world. In 1986 sea temperatures were added to form a synthesis of data which was the first global temperature record, demonstrating unequivocally that the globe has warmed by almost 0.8 °C over the last 157 years. From 1989 this work proceeded in conjunction with the Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, and their work demonstrated global warming of almost 0.8 °", "id": "17112389" }, { "contents": "The Great Global Warming Swindle\n\n\nDurkin had gone directly to the NASA website he could have got the most up-to-date data. This would have demonstrated that the amount of global warming since 1975, as monitored by terrestrial weather stations around the world, has been greater than that between 1900 and 1940—although that would have undermined his argument. 'The original NASA data was very wiggly-lined and we wanted the simplest line we could find,' Mr Durkin said. Connor also wrote that although the graph in question was attributed to NASA in the", "id": "8303623" }, { "contents": "Americans for Tax Reform\n\n\ntax increases as a matter of principle.\" Americans for Tax Reform seeks to curtail government spending by supporting Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) legislation and transparency initiatives, and opposing cap-and-trade legislation and Democratic efforts to overhaul health care. ATR is a member of the Cooler Heads Coalition, which takes the position in the global warming controversy that \"the science of global warming is uncertain, but the negative impacts of global warming policies on consumers are all too real.\" ATR supported the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act", "id": "10840843" }, { "contents": "Ronald Bailey\n\n\nLiberation Biology\". In 2005, Bailey said that new data convinced him that the earth is definitely warming and that the likely cause is human activity. He has endorsed a carbon tax as one possible solution. He has stated in the article \"Global Warming — Not Worse Than We Thought, But Bad Enough\": Details like sea level rise will continue to be debated by researchers, but if the debate over whether or not humanity is contributing to global warming wasn't over before, it is now ... as the new", "id": "2876744" }, { "contents": "Climate change in New Zealand\n\n\nelection with a policy that in part stated \"New Zealand is not warming\" and that their policy goal was to ensure: \"That no New Zealand government will ever impose needless and unjustified taxation or regulation on its citizens in a misguided attempt to reduce global warming or become a world leader in carbon neutrality\" In September 2008, ACT Party Leader Rodney Hide stated \"that the entire climate change – global warming hypothesis is a hoax, that the data and the hypothesis do not hold together, that Al Gore is a phoney", "id": "7901096" }, { "contents": "Warming stripes\n\n\nWarming stripes (sometimes referred to as climate stripes or climate timelines) are graphic diagrams that use a series of colour bands chronologically ordered to visually portray long-term trends of annual temperature anomalies (deviations from expected values). Warming stripes reflect a \"minimalist\" style, conceived to use colour alone to intuitively convey global warming trends to non-scientists while avoiding technical distractions. The initial concept of visualizing historical temperature data has been extended to involve animation, to visualize sea level rise and predictive climate data, and to visually", "id": "18564679" }, { "contents": "Ocean surface topography\n\n\ncontribute to observations of the mesoscale ocean variability, affecting the whole oceans. This activity is especially intense near western boundary currents. Also monitor the average sea level because it is a large indicator of global warming through the sea level data. Improvement of tide modeling by observing more long period components such as costal interactions, internal waves, and tidal energy dissipation. Finally the satellite data will supply knowledge to support other types of marine meteorology which is the scientific study of the atmosphere. Jason-2 was launched on June 20, 2008 by", "id": "14571132" }, { "contents": "FiveThirtyEight\n\n\n\"balance out the polls with comparative demographic data\". Silver weighted \"each poll based on the pollster's historical track record, sample size, and recentness of the poll\". Since the 2008 election, the site has published articles—typically creating or analyzing statistical information—on a wide variety of topics in current politics and political news. These included a monthly update on the prospects for turnover in the Senate; federal economic policies; Congressional support for legislation; public support for health care reform, global warming legislation and", "id": "22086428" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\nlobby has been identified as overtly or covertly supporting efforts to undermine or discredit the scientific consensus on global warming. In the United States, the mass media devoted little coverage to global warming until the drought of 1988, and James E. Hansen's testimony to the Senate, which explicitly attributed \"the abnormally hot weather plaguing our nation\" to global warming. The British press also changed its coverage at the end of 1988, following a speech by Margaret Thatcher to the Royal Society advocating action against human-induced climate change. According", "id": "12827120" }, { "contents": "Merchants of Doubt\n\n\nMerchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming is a 2010 non-fiction book by American historians of science Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway. It identifies parallels between the global warming controversy and earlier controversies over tobacco smoking, acid rain, DDT, and the hole in the ozone layer. Oreskes and Conway write that in each case \"keeping the controversy alive\" by spreading doubt and confusion after a scientific consensus had been reached was the basic strategy of those opposing", "id": "1827864" }, { "contents": "Global warming\n\n\ndisputes concern estimates of climate sensitivity, predictions of additional warming, what the consequences of global warming will be, and what to do about it. Due to confusing media coverage in the early 1990s, issues such as ozone depletion and climate change were often mixed up, affecting public understanding of these issues. Although there are a few areas of linkage, the relationship between the two is weak. However, chemicals causing ozone depletion are also powerful greenhouse gases, and as such the Montreal protocol against their emissions may have done more", "id": "19941050" }, { "contents": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change\n\n\nthe Medieval Warm Period cited reconstructions by (as cited in the TAR) and . Ten of these 14 reconstructions covered 1,000 years or longer. Most reconstructions shared some data series, particularly tree ring data, but newer reconstructions used additional data and covered a wider area, using a variety of statistical methods. The section discussed the divergence problem affecting certain tree ring data. Some critics have contended that the IPCC reports tend to be conservative by consistently underestimating the pace and impacts of global warming, and report only the \"lowest common", "id": "15158292" }, { "contents": "Israel Space Agency\n\n\nPinhas Alpert, is funded by the ISA as a part of the Space Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Development program. The node is integrated with NASA's global Information System which includes Earth Observing Science Data and Information System. It also contains Remote Sensing Data from NASA and NOAA satellites, and data from other sources such as meteorological RADAR and readings from meteorological stations. Information collected by the system is critical for environmental and water related research, especially in light of the drastic global environmental changes and global warming. The Tel Aviv University Ultraviolet", "id": "8990308" }, { "contents": "Climatic Research Unit documents\n\n\nmails showed climate scientists colluded in manipulating data, withheld scientific information, and tried to prevent dissenting scientific papers from being published in peer reviewed journals. Academics and climate change researchers said that nothing in the emails proved wrongdoing, and dismissed the allegations. Independent reports said that the e-mails did not affect evidence that man made global warming is a real threat, and e-mails were being misrepresented to support unfounded claims of scientific misconduct, but there were disturbing suggestions that scientists had avoided sharing scientific data with sceptical critics.", "id": "7361113" }, { "contents": "Global dimming\n\n\n. The Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) has been collecting surface measurements. BSRN was started in the early 1990s and updated the archives in this time. Analysis of recent data reveals that the surface of the planet has brightened by about 4% in the past decade. The brightening trend is corroborated by other data, including satellite analyses. Some scientists now consider that the effects of global dimming have masked the effect of global warming to some extent and that resolving global dimming may therefore lead to increases in predictions of future temperature", "id": "17674732" }, { "contents": "Hubert Lamb\n\n\n. He developed early theories about the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. He became known for his prediction of gradual global cooling and a coming glacial period (colloquially an \"ice age\"), and he subsequently highlighted a more immediate future prospect of global warming. In 1965 he published his study on \"The early medieval warm epoch and its sequel\", based on \"data from the realms of botany, historical document research and meteorology\". His view was that \"Evidence has been accumulating in many fields of", "id": "6474211" }, { "contents": "Extinction risk from global warming\n\n\nwhich lived on a Great Barrier Reef island, was reported to probably be the first mammal to become extinct because of sea level rises due to human-made climate change. Extinction risks of the Adelie penguin are being reported because of global warming. The Adelie penguin (\"Pygoscelis adeliae\") species is declining and data analysis done on the breeding colonies is used to estimate and project future habitat and population sustainability in relation to warming sea temperatures. By 2060, one-third of the observed Adelie penguin colony along the West", "id": "7663855" }, { "contents": "Warming stripes\n\n\njuxtapose temperature trends with other data such as atmospheric concentration, global glacier retreat and precipitation. In May 2016, to make imagining climate change easier for the general public, University of Reading climate scientist Ed Hawkins created an animated spiral graph of global temperature change as a function of time, a representation said to have gone viral. Jason Samenow wrote in \"The Washington Post\" that the spiral graph was \"the most compelling global warming visualization ever made\", before it was featured in the opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics", "id": "18564680" }, { "contents": "Matt Ridley\n\n\nKit Tung. Sachs cited the data from the \"Science\" article to rebut Ridley's contentions, and stated that the \"paper's conclusions are the very opposite of Ridley's\". Ridley replied that 'it is ludicrous, nasty and false to accuse me of lying or \"totally misrepresenting the science..I have asked Mr. Sachs to withdraw the charges more than once now on Twitter. He has refused to do so ...\"' He gave the 2016 Global Warming Policy Foundation annual lecture on \"Global warming versus global", "id": "4081234" }, { "contents": "Global cooling\n\n\nused rudimentary data and equations to compute the possible future effects of large increases in the densities in the atmosphere of two types of human environmental emissions: The paper suggested that the global warming due to greenhouse gases would tend to have less effect with greater densities, and while aerosol pollution could cause warming, it was likely that it would tend to have a cooling effect which increased with density. They concluded that \"An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background concentration may be sufficient to reduce the surface temperature by", "id": "6195596" }, { "contents": "Global warming hiatus\n\n\ndoes not cover the entire globe: there are areas of incomplete or missing data, particularly in polar regions and parts of Africa. The main temperature datasets take different approaches to allowing for this: HadCRUT does not extrapolate, and assumes that the global mean applies. When these regions have a different trend to the global average as at present, this causes a bias in the result which understates overall warming. The other datasets interpolate, producing differing trends. A 2014 study introduced a more sophisticated method of Kriging from the UAH satellite", "id": "7743213" }, { "contents": "David Legates\n\n\nLegates and his coworkers extended their research to the development of correlations between satellite crop imaging data and landscape change, crop type and its evolution, and their effects of global climate change. They have also tackled rainfed crop management, modeling and optimization. The group developed a hydrologic model based on meteorological, soil and vegetation measurement data. His groups has demonstrated poor quality of correlation between hydrological cycle data, global runoff and global warming. Legates and coauthors (among which were Willie Soon, Sallie Baliunas, Timothy F. Ball and others", "id": "20207331" }, { "contents": "Global warming controversy\n\n\ncontinent was warming. And climate models created since our paper was published have suggested a link between the lack of significant warming in Antarctica and the ozone hole over that continent.\" As defined by the IPCC, climate sensitivity is the \"equilibrium temperature rise that would occur for a doubling of concentration above pre-industrial levels\". In its 2007 Fourth Assessment Report, IPCC said that climate sensitivity is \"likely to be in the range 2 to 4.5 °C with a best estimate of about 3 °C\".. In", "id": "12827173" }, { "contents": "Michael Crichton\n\n\n. Using published UN data, he argued that claims for catastrophic warming arouse doubt; that reducing CO is vastly more difficult than is commonly presumed; and why societies are morally unjustified in spending vast sums on a speculative issue when people around the world are dying of starvation and disease. \"Aliens Cause Global Warming\" January 17, 2003. In the spirit of his science fiction writing Crichton details research on nuclear winter and SETI Drake equations relative to global warming science. Together with climate scientists, Crichton was invited to testify before", "id": "548058" }, { "contents": "Rush Limbaugh\n\n\nits legalization in Colorado to Big Tobacco. Limbaugh is critical of environmentalism and climate science. He has disputed claims of anthropogenic global warming, and the relationship between CFCs and depletion of the ozone layer, saying the scientific evidence does not support them. Limbaugh has argued against the scientific consensus on climate change saying it is \"just a bunch of scientists organized around a political proposition.\" He has also argued that projections of climate change are the product of ideologically-motivated computer simulations without the proper support of empirical data, a", "id": "5786103" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming\n\n\nin 2014 states that relative to the average from year 1850 to 1900, global surface temperature change by the end of the 21st century is likely to exceed 1.5°C and may well exceed 2°C. . Even if emissions were drastically reduced overnight, the warming process is irreversible because CO2 takes hundreds of years to break down, and global temperatures will remain close to their highest level for at least the next 1,000 years (see the later section on irreversibilities). Scientists have used various \"proxy\" data to assess", "id": "9314204" }, { "contents": "Instapundit\n\n\nabortion rights, legal prostitution, and both same-sex civil unions and marriage. He has stated a number of times: \"Personally, I'd be delighted to live in a country where happily married gay couples had closets full of assault weapons.\" Reynolds believes global warming is \"plausib[ly]\" caused by man and that \"burning less carbon is good planetary hygiene, and good practice generally.\" He believes \"we should be pursuing global warming remedies regardless of what you think about global warming.\" On the", "id": "12076954" }, { "contents": "An Inconsistent Truth\n\n\nAn Inconsistent Truth is a 2012 documentary film written, produced, and featuring, nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host Phil Valentine and directed by Shayne Edwards. Valentine, who disagrees with the scientific consensus on global warming, interviewed scientists about the validity of Al Gore's film \"An Inconvenient Truth\" and the facts presented within. The scientists he interviews deny that there is a consensus on the issue of global warming or climate change. The film argues that global warming proponents keep changing its label, basing their argument on what Valentine", "id": "21686340" }, { "contents": "Fred Singer\n\n\nselectively. He wrote: \"the Summary does not even mention the existence of 18 years of weather satellite data that show a slight global cooling trend, contradicting all theoretical models of climate warming.\" Scheuering writes that Singer acknowledges the surface thermometers from weather stations show warming, but he argues that the satellites provide better data because their measurements cover pole to pole. According to Edward Parson and Andrew Dessler, the satellite data did not show surface temperatures directly, but had to be adjusted using models. When adjustment was made for", "id": "11523293" } ]
Why there is no cell phone signal in some houses/apartments even though the signal is full when you are on the street?
[{"answer": "The biggest reason you are experiencing loss of signal is due to the structural material of your building. There is a certain amount of signal loss (measured in dB or decibels) that occurs whenever a wireless signal must pass throught any object. Some building materials such as single pane glass windows, drywall and wood have a very low loss of Signal Penetration as opposed to more dense materials such as concrete, steel and brick. If you are located in the center of the building, say by the elevator, you will be struggling to get a decent signal as opposed to if you were close to an exterior wall on the same floor. There are many other factors that can cause loss of signal such as line of sight, distance and weather but aren't necessarily contributing to your specific case as you can travel a short distance outside of your building and grab a signal."}, {"answer": "Just one example of what can happen, but on my street the two nearest towers are almost directly along the direction of the road. Stand in the street and you have an unobstructed line of sight to either tower. Step inside and the signal has to pass through the walls of every house along the street, so it's much weaker."}, {"answer": "the signal is a radio wave. different material shaped in different ways can absorb or reflect it. older structures weren't designed with these signals in mind, so they tend to be worse."}, {"answer": "In the case of concrete apartments, there are rebar reinforcements littered throughout the pillars, flooring and sometimes walls. On the outer edge of the building they will not interfere much but the further away from the signal origin you get into the building, the more the structure begins to act like a loose [faraday cage]( URL_0 ) which gradually inhibits the radio waves used by the phone to transmit data. Structural components such as walls and floors can also inhibit the transmission of signals as well as they act as obstacles to the waves. Another major problem is interference which can be given off by basically any electrical device including wiring inside a building. There are many more reasons as well but these are probably the simplest and most predominant reasons for signal loss."}, {"answer": "One reason is the frequency of the signal in use. The low frequency one in 700,750,800 range penetrates easily into buildings whereas the others in the range of 1800/1900/2100 etc will not penetrate as easily like the former."}, {"answer": "Sometimes, the stuff they put in your roofing/walls can deflect the signal, a bit like how a mirror reflects a beam of light."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1179821", "title": "Mobile identification number", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The mobile identification number (MIN) or mobile subscription identification number (MSIN) refers to the 10-digit unique number that a wireless carrier uses to identify a mobile phone, which is the last part of the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). The MIN is a number that uniquely identifies a mobile phone working under TIA standards for cellular and PCS technologies. (e.g. EIA/TIA553 analog, IS136 TDMA, IS95 or IS-2000 CDMA). It can also be called the MSID (Mobile Station ID) or IMSI_S (Short IMSI).", "The mobile identification number (MIN) or mobile subscription identification number (MSIN) refers to the 10-digit unique number that a wireless carrier uses to identify a mobile phone, which is the last part of the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). The MIN is a number that uniquely identifies a mobile phone working under TIA standards for cellular and PCS technologies. (e.g. EIA/TIA553 analog, IS136 TDMA, IS95 or IS-2000 CDMA). It can also be called the MSID (Mobile Station ID) or IMSI_S (Short IMSI)."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "413248", "title": "Call box", "section": "Section::::Uses.:Motorist aid.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 12, "end_paragraph_id": 12, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["yellow for cancel. Roads in other places may have voice call boxes, though these are more expensive, and must either be wired long distances, or rely on spotty rural mobile phone service. Many cellular callboxes in California now include a TTY interface for hearing-impaired users. Call boxes have the advantage that their location is immediately known, while mobile phone users in trouble do not necessarily know where they are. For example, in California a cellular call to 911 connects to the California Highway Patrol, whereas a callbox will connect to a dedicated regional answer center. The DTMF automatic number identification (ANI) or caller ID from the callbox will be used to display the callbox sign number and its location on the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system.", "yellow for cancel. Roads in other places may have voice call boxes, though these are more expensive, and must either be wired long distances, or rely on spotty rural mobile phone service. Many cellular callboxes in California now include a TTY interface for hearing-impaired users. Call boxes have the advantage that their location is immediately known, while mobile phone users in trouble do not necessarily know where they are. For example, in California a cellular call to 911 connects to the California Highway Patrol, whereas a callbox will connect to a dedicated regional answer center. The DTMF automatic number identification (ANI) or caller ID from the callbox will be used to display the callbox sign number and its location on the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Playing House (2006 film)\n\n\nto tell Calvin, though the cell phone signal is weak and distorted and she believes he hung up on her. On her way back to New York a border guard refuses Frannie entrance to the USA as her visa has expired. When she says she has her apartment and job in New York she receives no sympathy. She then confesses to being with child hoping to gain some understanding from the female border guard. The border guard then bars her from entry to the USA for 12 months. Frannie is forced to do her", "id": "11113368" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone radiation and health\n\n\nand interfering with a nearby cell using the same frequencies. Cell phones are limited to a equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) radiated power output of 3 watts, and the network continuously adjusts the phone transmitter to the lowest power consistent with good signal quality, reducing it to as low as one milliwatt when near the cell tower. Cell phone tower channel transmitters usually have an EIRP power output of around 50 watts. Even when it is not being used, unless it is turned off, a cell phone periodically emits radio signals", "id": "7982469" }, { "contents": "Stingray phone tracker\n\n\noffering the best signal. When the phone and Stingray connect, the computer system determines the strength of the signal and thus the distance to the device. Then, the vehicle moves to another location and sends out signals until it connects with the phone. When the signal strength is determined from enough locations, the computer system centralizes the phone and is able to find it. Cell phones are programmed to constantly search for the strongest signal emitted from cell phone towers in the area. Over the course of the day, most cell", "id": "15366409" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\nup towers in those areas most likely to be occupied by users, such as along major highways. Even some national parks and other popular tourist destinations away from urban areas now have cell phone reception, though location of radio towers within these areas is normally prohibited or strictly regulated, and is often difficult to arrange. In areas where signal reception would normally be strong, other factors can have an effect on reception or may cause complete failure (see RF interference). From inside a building with thick walls or of mostly metal", "id": "926554" }, { "contents": "Cell site\n\n\nsignals do not need a clear line of sight but greater radio interference will degrade or eliminate reception. When many people try to use the cell mast at the same time, e.g. during a traffic jam or a sports event, then there will be a signal on the phone display but it is blocked from starting a new connection. The other limiting factor for cell phones is the ability to send a signal from its low powered battery to the cell site. Some cellphones perform better than others under low power or low battery,", "id": "18673091" }, { "contents": "Evil Things\n\n\nget a signal on their cell phones. The group decide to leave but when they run out to the car they see that it is missing. A van pulls up in the driveway, scaring the group back into the house. As everyone tries to get a signal on their phones again, all the power in the house goes out. Miriam finally gets a signal on her phone and dials 9-1-1, but the call drops out. Down the hall, the group hear a noise. Mark gets a", "id": "2205183" }, { "contents": "System identification number\n\n\n, Sprint, Alltel) by national regulators or IFAST. SIDs are programmed into the phone when you purchase them. A phone will maintain a list of \"preferred\" systems identified by their SID code. The SID may also modify some signaling messages that are transmitted by mobiles (e.g. reducing the amount of information transmitted by \"home\" mobiles). When the phone is turned on, it listens for a signal. If it receives a signal, it looks at the SID (being carried by the signal), and", "id": "13301889" }, { "contents": "Mobile telephony\n\n\ntechnology renders many phones vulnerable to 'cloning': anytime a cell phone moves out of coverage (for example, in a road tunnel), when the signal is re-established, the phone sends out a 're-connect' signal to the nearest cell-tower, identifying itself and signalling that it is again ready to transmit. With the proper equipment, it's possible to intercept the re-connect signal and encode the data it contains into a 'blank' phone—in all respects, the '", "id": "12442233" }, { "contents": "Modem\n\n\nthe phone, as it provides a signal to the speaker that their voice is making it through the system. However, this reflected signal causes problems for the modem, which is unable to distinguish between a signal from the remote modem and the echo of its own signal. This was why earlier modems split the signal frequencies into \"answer\" and \"originate\"; the modem could then ignore any signals in the frequency range it was using for transmission. Even with improvements to the phone system allowing higher speeds, this splitting", "id": "15620751" }, { "contents": "Signal strength in telecommunications\n\n\n, the maximum electric field for a center-fed short dipole is Although there are cell phone base station tower networks across many nations globally, there are still many areas within those nations that do not have good reception. Some rural areas are unlikely to ever be covered effectively since the cost of erecting a cell tower is too high for only a few customers. Even in areas with high signal strength, basements and the interiors of large buildings often have poor reception. Weak signal strength can also be caused by destructive interference of", "id": "12123933" }, { "contents": "Stingray phone tracker\n\n\nwhich is the process of collecting information on cell sites, including identification numbers, signal strength, and signal coverage areas. When conducting base station surveys, the StingRay mimics a cell phone while passively collecting signals being transmitted by cell-sites in the area of the StingRay. Base station survey data can be used to further narrow the past locations of a cellular device if used in conjunction with historical cell site location information (\"HCSLI\") obtained from a wireless carrier. HCSLI includes a list of all cell sites and sectors", "id": "15366420" }, { "contents": "Gigabit Wireless\n\n\nGigabit Wireless is the name given to wireless communication systems whose data transfer speeds exceed reach or exceed one gigabit (one billion bits) per second. Such speeds are achieved with complex modulations of the signal, such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) or signals spanning many frequencies. When a signal spans many frequencies, physicists refer that a wide bandwidth signal. In the communication industry, many Wireless Internet service providers and cell phone companies deploy wireless radio frequency antennas to backhaul core networks, connect businesses, and even individual residential homes", "id": "1789641" }, { "contents": "Mobile phones in prison\n\n\nThe practice of jamming cell phone signals is illegal in the United States. Exceptions to this law have been considered for prisons, though there is concern that a cell phone could be a guard's lifeline in a crisis, and other rescuers may need to use them for communication. Some places are using an experimental technology of managed communications that blocks the communications of inmates while continuing to allow that of others. This Managed Access System (MAS) technology was first deployed at Mississippi State Penitentiary in 2010 by Tecore Networks. Special dogs", "id": "20490547" }, { "contents": "Cell (novel)\n\n\nCell is an apocalyptic horror novel by American author Stephen King, published in 2006. The story follows a New England artist struggling to reunite with his young son after a mysterious signal broadcast over the global cell phone network turns the majority of his fellow humans into mindless vicious animals. Clayton Riddell, a struggling artist from Maine, has just landed a graphic novel deal in Boston when \"The Pulse\", a signal sent out over the global cell phone network, suddenly turns every cell phone user into a mindless zombie-like", "id": "7691225" }, { "contents": "P14arf\n\n\nsmARF, is initiated at an internal methionine (M45) of the ARF transcript in human and mouse cells. SmARF is also detected in rat, even though an internal methionine is not present in the rat transcript. This suggests that there is an alternate mechanism to form smARF, underscoring the importance of this isoform. The role of smARF is distinct from that of ARF, as it lacks the nuclear localization signal (NLS) and cannot bind to Mdm2 or NPM. In some cell types, however, full-length", "id": "422693" }, { "contents": "Radio propagation\n\n\nfactors can occasionally cause skips that duct high-power signals to places well over 1000 km away. Non-broadcast signals are also affected. Mobile phone signals are in the UHF band, ranging from 700 to over 2600 Megahertz, a range which makes them even more prone to weather-induced propagation changes. In urban (and to some extent suburban) areas with a high population density, this is partly offset by the use of smaller cells, which use lower effective radiated power and beam tilt to reduce interference, and", "id": "277839" }, { "contents": "James Kim\n\n\n. Although the Kims had a cellular phone with them, their remote location in the mountains was out of range of the cellular network, rendering the phone unusable for voice calls. Despite being unusable for voice calls, their cell phone would play a key role in their rescue. Cell phone text messages may go through even when there appears to be no signal, in part because text messaging is a store-and-forward service. Two Edge Wireless engineers, Eric Fuqua and Noah Pugsley, contacted search and rescue authorities offering", "id": "6036180" }, { "contents": "Handover\n\n\nareas covered by the cells. During a call one or more parameters of the signal in the channel in the source cell are monitored and assessed in order to decide when a handover may be necessary. The downlink (forward link) and/or uplink (reverse link) directions may be monitored. The handover may be requested by the phone or by the base station (BTS) of its source cell and, in some systems, by a BTS of a neighboring cell. The phone and the BTSes of the neighboring cells monitor each", "id": "9865115" }, { "contents": "Stingray phone tracker\n\n\nphones connect and reconnect to multiple towers in an attempt to connect to the strongest, fastest, or closest signal. Because of the way they are designed, the signals that the Stingray emits are far stronger than those coming from surrounding towers. For this reason, all cell phones in the vicinity connect to the Stingray regardless of the cell phone owner’s knowledge. From there, the stingray is capable of locating the device, interfering with the device, and collecting personal data from the device. The FBI has claimed that when", "id": "15366410" }, { "contents": "Continuous phase modulation\n\n\nresponse signaling scheme, MLSE can be used to determine the exact symbol sequence (in the absence of noise). Since the optimal demodulation of full-response CPM already requires MLSE detection, using partial-response signaling requires little additional complexity, but can afford a comparatively smoother phase trajectory, and thus, even greater spectral efficiency. One extremely popular form of partial-response CPM is GMSK, which is used by GSM in most of the world's 2nd generation cell phones. It is also used in 802.11 FHSS, Bluetooth", "id": "21487266" }, { "contents": "Luxemburg–Gorky effect\n\n\n. Therefore, if station “A” is radiating a strong amplitude modulated radio signal all around, some of it will modulate the conductivity of the ionosphere above the station. Then if station “B” is also sending an amplitude modulated signal from another location, the part of station “B’s” signal that passes through the ionosphere disturbed by station “A” to a receiver in line with both stations may have its strength modulated by the station “A” signal, even though the two are widely apart in frequency", "id": "21632957" }, { "contents": "GPS navigation device\n\n\nGPS) uses a combination of satellite data and cell tower data to shorten the time to first fix, reduce the need to download a satellite almanac periodically and to help resolve a location when satellite signals are disturbed by the proximity of large buildings. When out of range of a cell tower the location performance of a phone using A-GPS may be reduced. Phones with an A-GPS based hybrid positioning system can maintain a location fix when GPS signals are inadequate by cell tower triangulation and WiFi hotspot locations. Most smartphones", "id": "18639529" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\nfive) Generally, a strong mobile phone signal is more likely in an urban area, though these areas can also have some \"dead zones\", where no reception can be obtained. Cellular signals are designed to be resistant to multipath reception, which is most likely to be caused by the blocking of a direct signal path by large buildings, such as high-rise towers. By contrast, many rural or sparsely inhabited areas lack any signal or have very weak fringe reception; many mobile phone providers are attempting to set", "id": "926553" }, { "contents": "Memory B cell\n\n\n. The specific antigen does not have to be present to keep memory B cells, neither T cells are necessary. Strong and quick response could be a result of switched BCR. Some isotypes do have a cytoplasmic part which can signal into B cell - mainly it was studied on IgG1. The cytoplasmic domain of IgG1 can interact with components of MAPK cascade and so potentiate the signalling when antigen is recognised. Apart from that, the stimulation history of memory B cell is critical - thanks to that the B cell has changed levels", "id": "12272940" }, { "contents": "Advanced Mobile Phone System\n\n\nuse it in other areas for making calls without paying. Cellular phone cloning became possible with off-the-shelf technology in the 1990s. Would-be cloners required three key items : The radio, when tuned to the proper frequency, would receive the signal transmitted by the cell phone to be cloned, containing the phone's ESN/MDN pair. This signal would feed into the sound-card audio-input of the PC, and Banpaia would decode the ESN/MDN pair from this signal and display it on", "id": "2544254" }, { "contents": "KST oscillator\n\n\nsignals when it crosses above and below its exponential moving average, known as the “signal line”. This approach isn’t perfect; the ellipses on the chart highlight all the whipsaws. As said earlier, the KST can also give false or misleading signals, as you can see from the April 2005 buy signal. It comes close to a couple of whipsaws, but by and large, it’s more accurate, even though the MACD often turns faster than the KST. The concept is that when the indicator crosses above", "id": "8874984" }, { "contents": "Boris Pasternak\n\n\nI was \"busy today.\" But almost every afternoon, toward the end of working hours, he came in person to the office and often walked with me through the streets, boulevards, and squares all the way home to Potapov Street. 'Shall I make you a present of this square?' he would ask.\" She gave him the phone number of her neighbour Olga Volkova who resided below. In the evenings, Pasternak would phone and Volkova would signal by Olga banging on the water pipe which connected their", "id": "4473316" }, { "contents": "Surveillance\n\n\n, and text messages, but it is widely believed that the capabilities of the StingRay extend much further. A lot of controversy surrounds the StingRay because of its powerful capabilities and the secrecy that surrounds it. Mobile phones are also commonly used to collect location data. The geographical location of a mobile phone (and thus the person carrying it) can be determined easily even when the phone is not being used, using a technique known as multilateration to calculate the differences in time for a signal to travel from the cell phone to", "id": "5484499" }, { "contents": "Cell site\n\n\nand repair work for cellular phone and other wireless communications companies. According to documents leaked to Der Spiegel, the NSA sells a $40,000 \"active GSM base station\" to be used as a tool to mimic a mobile phone tower and thus monitor cell phones. In November 2014, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Technical Operations Group of the U.S. Marshals utilizes spy devices, known as \"dirtboxes\", to mimic powerful cell tower signals. Such devices are designed to cause mobile phones to switch over to the tower,", "id": "18673097" }, { "contents": "Cellular repeater\n\n\nA cellular repeater (also known as cell phone signal booster or amplifier) is a type of bi-directional amplifier used to improve cell phone reception. A cellular repeater system commonly consists of a donor antenna that receives and transmits signal from nearby cell towers, coaxial cables, a signal amplifier, and an indoor rebroadcast antenna. A \"donor antenna\" is typically installed by a window or on the roof a building and used to communicate back to a nearby cell tower. A donor antenna can be any of several types,", "id": "3005884" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\nconstruction (or with dense rebar in concrete), signal attenuation may prevent a mobile phone from being used. Underground areas, such as tunnels and subway stations, will lack reception unless they are wired for cell signals. There may also be gaps where the service contours of the individual base stations (Cell towers) of the mobile provider (and/or its roaming partners) do not completely overlap. In addition, the weather may affect the strength of a signal, due to the changes in radio propagation caused by clouds (particularly", "id": "926555" }, { "contents": "Signal (bridge)\n\n\n: Some partnerships agree in advance to play Upside Down Count and Attitude (\"UDCA\"). With this agreement, the standard count and attitude signals are inverted: when signaling attitude, a low card is encouraging and a high card is discouraging; when signaling count high-low shows odd count, low-high shows even count. Many experienced players believe UDCA is superior to standard signaling. Most importantly, it is often easier for partner to read your signals. Also, you do not have to \"waste\"", "id": "17122282" }, { "contents": "Automatic callback\n\n\n. Inter-Tel Eclipse IDS Integrated Operator Terminal Press the Call Back key at the busy signal. Press the RLS key. When your line is free and the extension you called is idle, your extension will ring. When the calls rings back to you, press the RLS key. Inter-Tel Eclipse2 Associate Display and Basic Digital Phone Press \"6\" at the busy signal and hang up. Your phone will ring when the extension if available. Press \"6\" again to cancel before you get your callback.", "id": "19038410" }, { "contents": "Automatic callback\n\n\nIsoetec Digital Systems Display/Data Phone Press \"Cb.\" Soft key at the busy signal. Replace the handset or press \"HF\". Wait for the double tone. When the extension is no longer busy, it will automatically call you back. Isoetec IDS M Series Telephones When you hear the busy signal, press the \"CALL BACK\" key. Hang up. When you are signaled, lift the handset or press the \"HF\" key. Press the blinking \"CALL BACK\" key. PCS Digital Telephone", "id": "19038411" }, { "contents": "Righting reflex\n\n\ncells. The semicircular canals encode head velocity signals, or angular acceleration, while the otoconia encode linear acceleration signals and gravitational signals. Regular afferent signals and irregular afferent signals travel to the vestibular nuclei in the brain, although irregular signals are at least two times more sensitive. Because of this, it has been questioned why humans have regular afferent signals. Studies have shown that regular afferent signals give information about how long the motion of the head or body lasts, and irregular afferent signals occur when the head is moved more violently", "id": "17739799" }, { "contents": "Carcinogenesis\n\n\n\"chemical messenger\" between cells that encourage mitosis, the effect of which depends on the signal transduction of the receiving tissue or cells. In other words, when a hormone receptor on a recipient cell is stimulated, the signal is conducted from the surface of the cell to the cell nucleus to affect some change in gene transcription regulation at the nuclear level. Some oncogenes are part of the signal transduction system itself, or the signal receptors in cells and tissues themselves, thus controlling the sensitivity to such hormones. Oncogenes often produce", "id": "6778543" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone tracking\n\n\nGSM, LTE, IP addresses, and network environment data. In order to route calls to a phone, the cell towers listen for a signal sent from the phone and negotiate which tower is best able to communicate with the phone. As the phone changes location, the antenna towers monitor the signal, and the phone is \"roamed\" to an adjacent tower as appropriate. By comparing the relative signal strength from multiple antenna towers, a general location of a phone can be roughly determined. Other means make use of the", "id": "4190982" }, { "contents": "When You Reach Me\n\n\nparts of the novel explore \"the same streets where Stead grew up, and riffs on some of her experiences\". Stead was inspired to use this setting because she moved into an apartment near her childhood home early in the development of the story. There she had experienced her first independence while exploring the streets, only to find a scary man near her house. Wondering why he was there, Stead later used this encounter as \"the anchor as she wrote \"When You Reach Me\"\". \"When You Reach", "id": "18387832" }, { "contents": "Cell signaling\n\n\nSpecificity of signaling can be controlled if only some cells can respond to a particular hormone. \"Paracrine\" signals such as retinoic acid target only cells in the vicinity of the emitting cell. Neurotransmitters represent another example of a paracrine signal. Some signaling molecules can function as both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. For example, epinephrine and norepinephrine can function as hormones when released from the adrenal gland and are transported to the heart by way of the blood stream. Norepinephrine can also be produced by neurons to function as a neurotransmitter within", "id": "15025314" }, { "contents": "A Perfect Getaway\n\n\nGina is stabbed in the leg but manages to push Cydney off the cliff into the water. Even though they have not had a signal during the entire trip, Gina fortuitously receives a call on her cell phone from a phone company representative. She begs him to call the police. She spots Cydney below in the kayak just as Cliff pops up over the cliff ledge to grab her feet. Gina stabs him in the hand with Cydney's knife and flees. While Cliff chases Gina and Cydney kayaks ashore to intercept the police", "id": "9509490" }, { "contents": "Mobile marketing\n\n\n\" Snacks company, Mondelez International, makers of Cadbury and Oreo products has committed to exploring proximity-based messaging citing significant gains in point-of-purchase influence. Location-based services (LBS) are offered by some cell phone networks as a way to send custom advertising and other information to cell-phone subscribers based on their current location. The cell-phone service provider gets the location from a GPS chip built into the phone, or using radiolocation and trilateration based on the signal-strength of the closest cell", "id": "15254854" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone tracking\n\n\nMobile phone tracking is a process for identifying the location of a mobile phone, whether stationary or moving. Localization may be effected by a number of technologies, such as using multilateration of radio signals between (several) cell towers of the network and the phone, or simply using GPS. To locate a mobile phone using multilateration of radio signals, it must emit at least the roaming signal to contact the next nearby antenna tower, but the process does not require an active call. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM", "id": "4190970" }, { "contents": "Cellular Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein 1\n\n\ncell survival under endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) stress. Studies show that when the protein is exposed to palmitate the concentration of cIAP1 decreases and, as a result, the apoptosis is no longer inhibited resulting in the death of the cell. ER stress increases cIAP1 expression in cancer cells through the UPR pathway, that is why, the induction of cIAP1 is suggested to be important for cancerous cell survival under stress conditions. Crohn's disease. cIAP1 is responsible for NOD signalling. When this signalling is defective, Crohn's disease is", "id": "18616264" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\ntheir own country, though mobile phone companies can program their billing systems to re-rate these as domestic usage when it occurs on a foreign cell site that is known to frequently cause such issues for their customers. The volume of network traffic can also cause calls to be blocked or dropped due to a disaster or other mass call event which overloads the number of available radio channels in an area, or the number of telephone circuits connecting to and from the general public switched telephone network. Areas where mobile phones cannot transmit", "id": "926557" }, { "contents": "Cell communication (biology)\n\n\nsignal can also direct a vesicle to fuse with the plasma membrane and releases its content on the exterior of the cell. Another response that the cell may have is the signal directs actin molecules to assemble into filament allowing the cell to change shape. A carrier protein delivers a signal to a nuclear pore where it can enter the nucleus and turn the gene on or off. Cells can assimilate multiple signals and every cell collects a multifaceted combination of signals that all require the cell to respond simultaneously transmitting different signals though different signaling pathways", "id": "17542302" }, { "contents": "Insulin signal transduction pathway\n\n\nand raises the cell concentration of calcium even more. The influx of Ca2+ ions causes the secretion of insulin stored in vesicles through the cell membrane. The process of insulin secretion is an example of a trigger mechanism in a signal transduction pathway, because insulin is secreted after glucose enters the beta cell and that triggers several other processes in a chain reaction. While insulin is secreted by the pancreas to lower blood glucose levels, glucagon is secreted to raise blood glucose levels. This is why glucagon has been known for decades as", "id": "17892371" }, { "contents": "List of Doctor Who items\n\n\n(\"The Long Game\"), despite their native time periods being about six years apart. In addition, it can send signals in places ordinary phones cannot, such as the sealed Cabinet Rooms at 10 Downing Street (\"World War Three\"). However, its range is not infinite (\"The Impossible Planet\"). The Doctor describes the superphone as being able to \"call anyone, in any time, so long as you know the area code\". The superphone first appears in \"The", "id": "419971" }, { "contents": "Caspase 1\n\n\nbe necessary for secretion in some way. Following the inflammatory response, an activated Caspase-1 can induce pyroptosis, a lytic form of cell death, depending on the signal received as well as the specific inflammasome sensor domain protein that received it. Though pyroptosis may or may not be required for the full inflammatory response, the inflammatory response is fully required before pyroptosis can occur. In order to induce pyroptosis, Caspase-1 cleaves Gasdermin D, which either directly or through some signaling cascade leads to pyroptosis. The exact mechanism is not known.", "id": "19504386" }, { "contents": "Mountain Locator Unit\n\n\neven when buried in snow. They could be received at up to , though the signal travels in line of sight, so they could not be received from behind a ridge or deep in a canyon. The technology iasvery similar to wildlife tracking systems. A Mountain Locator Unit only transmitted a signal and did not initiate a rescue (when you activated an MLU beacon, there was no one monitoring for signals, the device only assisted rescuers in locating lost climbers once a rescue has been requested by other means and rescuers know to", "id": "699927" }, { "contents": "Douglas Vakoch\n\n\n“Unlike Hollywood movies, where you get a quick 'yes or no' about a possible signal from aliens,” Vakoch told \"Universe Today\", “the real SETI confirmation process takes some time. It’s easy to think that all we need to do is get on the phone with an astronomer at another location, and we’re all set. But even when colleagues at other facilities are willing to observe, they may face technical limitations.” He also assumes it may take some time to decode any message", "id": "1160546" }, { "contents": "Stingray phone tracker\n\n\ntotal blocking of all cell phones in the geographic area. A StingRay can be used to identify and track a phone or other compatible cellular data device even while the device is not engaged in a call or accessing data services. A Stingray closely resembles a portable cellphone tower. Typically, law enforcement officials place the Stingray in their vehicle with a compatible computer software. The Stingray acts as a cellular tower to send out signals to get the specific device to connect to it. Cell phones are programmed to connect with the cellular tower", "id": "15366408" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\n, including expansion of their home network coverage, increased cell capacity, and offering refunds for individual dropped calls. Various signal booster systems are manufactured to reduce problems due to dropped calls and dead zones. Many options, such as wireless units and antennas, are intended to aid in strengthening weak signals. Arbitrary Strength Unit (ASU) is an integer value proportional to the received signal strength measured by the mobile phone. It is possible to calculate the real signal strength measured in dBm (and thereby power in Watts) by a", "id": "926568" }, { "contents": "Cellular network\n\n\ngreatly increases the chances of receiving a usable signal from at least one direction. The numbers in the illustration are channel numbers, which repeat every 3 cells. Large cells can be subdivided into smaller cells for high volume areas. Cell phone companies also use this directional signal to improve reception along highways and inside buildings like stadiums and arenas. Practically every cellular system has some kind of broadcast mechanism. This can be used directly for distributing information to multiple mobiles. Commonly, for example in mobile telephony systems, the most important use", "id": "19382056" }, { "contents": "Mixed-signal integrated circuit\n\n\n-signal ICs are more difficult to design and manufacture than analog-only or digital-only integrated circuits. For example, an efficient mixed-signal IC would have its digital and analog components share a common power supply. However, analog and digital components have very different power needs and consumption characteristics that make this a non-trivial goal in chip design. Typically, mixed-signal chips perform some whole function or sub-function in a larger assembly such as the radio subsystem of a cell phone, or the read", "id": "13543226" }, { "contents": "MAPK/ERK pathway\n\n\nThe MAPK/ERK pathway (also known as the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway) is a chain of proteins in the cell that communicates a signal from a receptor on the surface of the cell to the DNA in the nucleus of the cell. The signal starts when a signaling molecule binds to the receptor on the cell surface and ends when the DNA in the nucleus expresses a protein and produces some change in the cell, such as cell division. The pathway includes many proteins, including MAPK (mitogen-", "id": "21171032" }, { "contents": "Piggybacking (Internet access)\n\n\nInternet access from traditional Internet service providers for desktop or laptop computers, the Internet can be accessed anywhere there is an adequately strong data signal. Some mobile phone service providers offer mobile Internet service to other devices via a data connection from the mobile phone. Also known as tethering, one can interface to their phone either wirelessly using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi or wired via cable allowing access to the Internet anywhere there is a cell network signal. Many jurisdictions have been experimenting with statewide, province-wide, county-wide or", "id": "16043083" }, { "contents": "Cell site\n\n\n(AoA) and it occurs when the device is in range of at least two cell sites, produces intermediate precision. Assisted GPS uses both satellite and cell phone signals. In the United States, for emergency calling service using location data (locally called \"Enhanced 911\"), it was required that at least 95% of cellular phones in use on 31 December 2005 support such service. Many carriers missed this deadline and were fined by the Federal Communications Commission. The Federal Communications Commission, says: Cell phones, cell", "id": "18673094" }, { "contents": "2003 Melbourne runaway train\n\n\nnot able to work out why the train had left the station. As he returned to the station building, the stationmaster saw the driver coming out and warned him that the train had left. The driver began to chase the train down the line but, as the train had now been rolling for some 3 minutes, he was unable to catch it, and rang the Broadmeadows signaller from a phone box on a signal post. The signaller made an emergency call to Metrol and advised them of the runaway at 9.21pm. Metrol", "id": "14684063" }, { "contents": "Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease\n\n\nfunctional nerve. Schwann cells and neurons exchange molecular signals by gap junctions that regulate survival and differentiation. Demyelinating Schwann cells causes abnormal axon structure and function. They may cause axon degeneration, or they may simply cause axons to malfunction. The myelin sheath allows nerve cells to conduct signals faster. When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve signals are slower, and this can be measured by a common neurological test, electromyography. When the axon is damaged, though, this results in a reduced compound muscle action potential. CMT can", "id": "7937476" }, { "contents": "Paracrine signaling\n\n\nto understand why disruption in Wnt signaling pathways can promote human degenerative disease and cancer. The Wnt signaling pathways are complex, involving many different elements, and therefore have many targets for misregulation. Mutations that cause constitutive activation of the Wnt signaling pathway lead to tumor formation and cancer. Aberrant activation of the Wnt pathway can lead to increase cell proliferation. Current research is focused on the action of the Wnt signaling pathway the regulation of stem cell choice to proliferate and self renew. This action of Wnt signaling in the possible control and", "id": "10808874" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\nwill lost (dropped). Not all cellular telephone radio towers are owned by the same telephone company (though this is not true to all locations) be maintained across a different company's network (as calls cannot be re-routed over the traditional phone network while in progress), also resulting in the termination of the call once a signal cannot be maintained between the phone and the original network. Another common reason is when a phone is taken into an area where wireless communication is unavailable, interrupted, interfered", "id": "926564" }, { "contents": "Cell of origin\n\n\nto the strongest signal (the reality is slightly more complex than this and includes parameters that each individual network can optimise, including signal quality and variability. Most networks endeavour to optimise for minimum power consumption, but the overall effect approximates to each phone locking onto the strongest signal). All networks generate 'splash maps' predicting signal coverage when planning and managing their networks. These maps can be processed to analyse the area which will be dominated by each base station and to approximate each area by a circle (the actual area", "id": "429950" }, { "contents": "Technology brokering\n\n\nbrief case, to more modernized digital cell phones with access to internet and much more. It seemed as though the residential phone would disappear completely due to the technology found in the cellular phones; however, technology brokering was able to bring about a huge change in residential phones. Verizon communications recently introduced the Verizon Hub, a residential phone that allows you to send and receive text-messages, pictures, connect to the internet, and link your cell phone to your Verizon Hub so you can answer your home phone even if", "id": "16322652" }, { "contents": "Radio receiver\n\n\nantenna of cell phones; attached to the outside of the receiver, as with whip antennas used on FM radios, or mounted separately and connected to the receiver by a cable, as with rooftop television antennas and satellite dishes. Practical radio receivers perform three basic functions on the signal from the antenna: filtering, amplification, and demodulation: The modulation signal output by the demodulator is usually amplified to increase its strength, then the information is converted back to a human-usable form by some type of transducer. An audio signal", "id": "16947954" }, { "contents": "Soft handover\n\n\nrequest or end soft handover with the cell sectors on the list. Due to the properties of the CDMA signaling scheme, it is possible for a CDMA phone to simultaneously receive signals from two or more radio base stations that are transmitting the same bit stream (using different transmission codes) on the different physical channels in the same frequency bandwidth. If the signal power from two or more radio base stations is nearly the same, the phone receiver can combine the received signals in such a way that the bit stream is decoded much", "id": "19935708" }, { "contents": "Handover\n\n\nothers. In CDMA systems, 2G and 3G, the most common criterion for requesting a handover is Ec/Io ratio measured in the pilot channel (CPICH) and/or RSCP. In CDMA systems, when the phone in soft or softer handover is connected to several cells simultaneously, it processes the received in parallel signals using a rake receiver. Each signal is processed by a module called \"rake finger\". A usual design of a rake receiver in mobile phones includes three or more rake fingers used in soft handover", "id": "9865118" }, { "contents": "Cell site\n\n\ntypically due to the ability to send a good signal from the phone to the mast. The base station controller (a central computer that specializes in making phone connections) and the intelligence of the cellphone keeps track of and allows the phone to switch from one mast to the next during conversation. As the user moves towards a mast it picks the strongest signal and releases the mast from which the signal has become weaker; that channel on that mast becomes available to another user. Cellular geolocation is less precise than by GPS,", "id": "18673092" }, { "contents": "Amateur radio frequency allocations\n\n\nsignals. Peak signals usually come from the north, even though the station you are talking to is east or west of you. Most noticeable in the northern latitudes above 45 degrees. Amateurs do successfully communicate by bouncing their signals off the surface of the moon, called Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) transmission. The mode requires moderately high power (more than 500 Watts) and a fairly large, high-gain antenna because round-trip path loss is on the order of 270 dB for 70 cm signals.", "id": "20674367" }, { "contents": "Cellphone surveillance\n\n\nthe bugging. Tsalikidis was found hanged in his apartment the day before the leaders were notified about the bugging, which was reported as \"an apparent suicide.\" Security holes within Signalling System No. 7 (SS7), called Common Channel Signalling System 7 (CCSS7) in the US and Common Channel Interoffice Signaling 7 (CCIS7) in the UK, were demonstrated at Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg in 2014. Some indications of possible cellphone surveillance occurring may include a mobile phone waking up unexpectedly, using a lot of the", "id": "13284285" }, { "contents": "Faster-than-light\n\n\nenvelope of a pulse may travel with a velocity above \"c\". However, even this situation does not imply the propagation of signals with a velocity above \"c\", even though one may be tempted to associate pulse maxima with signals. The latter association has been shown to be misleading, because the information on the arrival of a pulse can be obtained before the pulse maximum arrives. For example, if some mechanism allows the full transmission of the leading part of a pulse while strongly attenuating the pulse maximum and everything", "id": "11263062" }, { "contents": "HSP60\n\n\na signal it must be present in the extracellular environment. In recent research “it has emerged that…chaperonin 60 can be found on the surface of various prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and can even be released from cells”. According to recent research, many different types of heat shock proteins are used in immune response signaling, but it appears that different proteins act and respond differently to other signaling molecules. HSP60 has been shown to be released from specific cells like peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) when there are lipopolysaccharides", "id": "12310178" }, { "contents": "Cell signaling\n\n\nclassifications: Cells communicate with each other via direct contact (juxtacrine signaling), over short distances (paracrine signaling), or over large distances and/or scales (endocrine signaling). Some cell–cell communication requires direct cell–cell contact. Some cells can form gap junctions that connect their cytoplasm to the cytoplasm of adjacent cells. In cardiac muscle, gap junctions between adjacent cells allows for action potential propagation from the cardiac pacemaker region of the heart to spread and coordinate contraction of the heart. The notch signaling mechanism is an", "id": "15025311" }, { "contents": "Generic Access Network\n\n\nhome network over the Internet. Several companies have developed femtocell systems that do precisely that, broadcasting a \"real\" GSM or UMTS signal, bypassing the need for special handsets that require 802.11 technology. In theory, such systems are more universal, and again require lower power than 802.11, but their legality will vary depending on the jurisdiction, and will require the cooperation of the operator. Further, users may be charged at higher cell phone rates, even though they are paying for the DSL or other network that ultimately carries", "id": "9968758" }, { "contents": "Reconvergent fan-out\n\n\nshare an identical path, branch and follow different paths for a while, then converge back to the same point to produce a result. When this happens, you can remove a fair amount of uncertainty from the total delay because you know that they shared a common path for a while. Even though each signal has an uncertain delay, because their delays were identical for part of the journey the total uncertainty can be reduced. This tightens up the worst-case estimation for the signal delay, and usually allows a small but", "id": "12458096" }, { "contents": "Notch signaling pathway\n\n\n-like and Jagged. In mammals there are multiple Delta-like and Jagged ligands, as well as possibly a variety of other ligands, such as F3/contactin. In the nematode \"C. elegans\", two genes encode homologous proteins, \"glp-1\" and \"lin-12\". There has been at least one report that suggests that some cells can send out processes that allow signaling to occur between cells that are as much as four or five cell diameters apart. The notch extracellular domain is composed primarily of small cystine", "id": "7055746" }, { "contents": "Cell Signaling Technology\n\n\nCell Signaling Technology, Inc. (CST) is a privately held company that develops and produces antibodies, ELISA kits, ChIP kits, proteomic kits, and other related reagents used to study the cell signaling pathways that impact human health. CST maintains an in-house research program, particularly in the area of cancer research, and has published scientific papers in many peer-reviewed journals. Cell Signaling Technology was founded in 1999 by scientists in the Cell Signaling group at New England Biolabs (NEB). Originally housed in the Cummings", "id": "2841024" }, { "contents": "IPhone 4\n\n\ncontained blue or green \"splotches.\" Issues with white balance were also discovered, particularly when using the flash. Shortly after the iPhone 4 was launched, some consumers reported that signal strength of the phone was reduced when touching the lower left edge of the phone, bridging one of the two locations which separates the two antennas, resulting in dropped calls in some areas with lower signal reception. In response, Apple issued a statement advising that customers should \"avoid gripping [the phone] in the lower left corner\" when", "id": "14354624" }, { "contents": "Cellular network\n\n\n-sight signal loss and to support a large number of active phones in that area. All of the cell sites are connected to telephone exchanges (or switches), which in turn connect to the public telephone network. In cities, each cell site may have a range of up to approximately , while in rural areas, the range could be as much as . It is possible that in clear open areas, a user may receive signals from a cell site away. Since almost all mobile phones use cellular technology, including", "id": "19382062" }, { "contents": "WRNN-TV\n\n\nWith the introduction of the cell phone developed by Bell Labs in 1982, all upper band channels were scheduled to be displaced for cell phone use. But before that happened, WNJU-TV expanded its signal farther north, making W62AA obsolete as a backup. W62AA was taken off the air in 1983; that year, a construction permit for a full-power television station in Kingston, New York was issued to a group led by Albany-area businessman Edward Swyer. It would be two years before the channel 62 allocation", "id": "10167521" }, { "contents": "Concert etiquette\n\n\nduring performances, particularly in heavy metal. Even in venues that provide seating, generally the audience will stand for the band's performance. Sometimes at rock concerts, lighters are held or waved in the air to signal an encore or a power ballad. With the decline of smokers, the restrictions placed on carrying lighters during air travel, and the increase of cell phones in the early 21st century, cell phones (specifically the camera flash) are often used in place of lighters, and as a way to take personal pictures", "id": "2501013" }, { "contents": "Cellular repeater\n\n\ntype of repeater and features used. Additional distance also adds propagation delay. In many rural areas the housing density is too low to make construction of a new base station commercially viable. Installing a home cellular repeater may remedy this. In flat rural areas the signal is unlikely to suffer from multipath interference. Certain construction materials can attenuate cell phone signal strength. Older buildings, such as churches, often block cellular signals. Any building that has a significant thickness of concrete, or a large amount of metal used in its construction", "id": "3005889" }, { "contents": "Cordless telephone\n\n\nbase unit using a matching pseudorandom number can decode the signal, and it chooses from one of thousands of such unique codes each time the handset is returned to the cradle. Additionally, the digital nature of the signal increases its tolerance to noise, and some systems even encrypt the digital signal for additional security. Roaming wireless phone handsets exist which are not tethered to any particular base station, but which also do not use traditional mobile (cellular) phone networks. These most commonly use digital technologies like DECT, 2.4 GHz unlicensed", "id": "5314841" }, { "contents": "Notch signaling pathway\n\n\nmaturation. In gliogenesis, Notch appears to have an instructive role that can directly promote the differentiation of many glial cell subtypes. For example, activation of Notch signaling in the retina favors the generation of Muller glia cells at the expense of neurons, whereas reduced Notch signaling induces production of ganglion cells, causing a reduction in the number of Muller glia. Apart from its role in development, evidence shows that Notch signaling is also involved in neuronal apoptosis, neurite retraction, and neurodegeneration of ischemic stroke in the brain In addition to", "id": "7055764" }, { "contents": "Wi-Fi\n\n\nbelow the internet layer of the Internet Protocol. This means that nodes have an associated internet address and, with suitable connectivity, this allows full Internet access. Wi-Fi operational range depends on factors such as the frequency band, radio power output, receiver sensitivity, antenna gain and antenna type as well as the modulation technique. In addition, propagation characteristics of the signals can have a big impact. At longer distances, and with greater signal absorption, speed is usually reduced. Compared to cell phones and similar technology,", "id": "16888384" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone signal\n\n\nin cellular network architecture (the locations of antennas), limited network density, interference with other mobile sites, and topography. Since cell phones rely on radio waves, which travel though the air and are easily attenuated (particularly at higher frequencies), mobile phones may be unreliable at times. Like other radio transmissions, mobile phone calls can be interrupted by large buildings, terrain, trees, or other objects between the phone and the nearest base. Cellular network providers work continually to improve and upgrade their networks in order to", "id": "926559" }, { "contents": "Bananas for Betty\n\n\nwoman, on whom she slams the door. Unfortunately, the elderly woman turns out to be Betty White, and thanks to a pair of eyewitnesses who catch the incident on a cell phone, it makes headlines even on YouTube. Wilhelmina is surprised over this negative publicity, and when Marc assures her that it won't affect the investors, the phones start ringing endlessly with calls from the backers. At Henry's apartment, Henry tells Betty what their romantic evening consists of: making ice cream and watching a movie, though", "id": "14615391" }, { "contents": "Cell signaling\n\n\nand signaling between cells of a single organism. However, cell signaling may also occur between the cells of two different organisms. In many mammals, early embryo cells exchange signals with cells of the uterus. In the human gastrointestinal tract, bacteria exchange signals with each other and with human epithelial and immune system cells. For the yeast \"Saccharomyces cerevisiae\" during mating, some cells send a peptide signal (mating factor pheromones) into their environment. The mating factor peptide may bind to a cell surface receptor on other yeast cells", "id": "15025309" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone jammer\n\n\nA mobile phone jammer or blocker is a device which deliberately transmits signals on the same radio frequencies as mobile phones, disrupting the communication between the phone and the cell-phone base station, effectively disabling mobile phones within the range of the jammer, preventing them from receiving signals and from transmitting them. Jammers can be used in practically any location, but are found primarily in places where a phone call would be particularly disruptive because silence is expected, such as entertainment venues. Because they disrupt the operations of legitimate mobile phone services", "id": "3845884" }, { "contents": "Cell signaling\n\n\nto permeate the hydrophobic cell membrane due to their hydrophilic nature, the target receptor is expressed on the membrane. When such a signaling molecule activates its receptor, the signal is carried into the cell usually by means of a second messenger such as cAMP. In some cases, receptor activation caused by ligand binding to a receptor is directly coupled to the cell's response to the ligand. For example, the neurotransmitter GABA can activate a cell surface receptor that is part of an ion channel. GABA binding to a GABA receptor on", "id": "15025322" }, { "contents": "Stingray phone tracker\n\n\ninsecure mode nor display any warning indication. In passive mode, the StingRay operates either as a digital analyzer, which receives and analyzes signals being transmitted by cellular devices and/or wireless carrier cell sites or as a radio jamming device, which transmits signals that block communications between cellular devices and wireless carrier cell sites. By \"passive mode,\" it is meant that the StingRay does not mimic a wireless carrier cell site or communicate directly with cellular devices. A StingRay and a test phone can be used to conduct base station surveys,", "id": "15366419" }, { "contents": "Signal (software)\n\n\n\"full backup/restore to SD card\", and as of version 4.17, users are able to restore their entire message history when switching to a new Android phone. The Signal iOS client does not support exporting or importing the user's messaging history. Signal messages are encrypted with the Signal Protocol (formerly known as the TextSecure Protocol). The protocol combines the Double Ratchet Algorithm, prekeys, and a Triple Diffie-Hellman (3XDH) handshake. It uses Curve25519, AES-256, and HMAC-SHA256 as primitives.", "id": "539789" }, { "contents": "Cell adhesion\n\n\nadjacent cells form continuous channels when they come into contact and align with each other. These channels allow transport of ions and small molecules between cytoplasm of two adjacent cells, apart from holding cells together and provide structural stability like anchoring junctions or tight junctions. Gap junction channels are selectively permeable to specific ions depending on which connexins form the connexons, which allows gap junctions to be involved in cell signalling by regulating the transfer of molecules involved in signalling cascades. Channels can respond to many different stimuli and are regulated dynamically either by rapid", "id": "3861752" }, { "contents": "Fas ligand\n\n\nor cell death. Soluble Fas ligand is generated by cleaving membrane-bound FasL at a conserved cleavage site by the external matrix metalloproteinase MMP-7. Fas forms the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) upon ligand binding. Membrane-anchored Fas ligand trimer on the surface of an adjacent cell causes trimerization of Fas receptor. This event is also mimicked by binding of an agonistic Fas antibody, though some evidence suggests that the apoptotic signal induced by the antibody is unreliable in the study of Fas signaling. To this end, several", "id": "600124" }, { "contents": "Satellite television in the United States\n\n\nhave to approve the bill, and if the two versions cannot be reconciled, the license to import signals that expires at the end of the year could be extended. The House version included an agreement with Echostar that, where possible, all 210 markets could receive signals, and Echostar could once again deliver distant signals. The Senate Commerce Committee approved a version of the bill on November 19, without an amendment requiring local signals in all markets in three years, though a study would be conducted on why 30 markets still", "id": "18335530" }, { "contents": "Laminin 111\n\n\n. Even though there is not a general mechanism that applies to all laminins in signalling, there are some common pathways that can be seen in more than one isoform of laminin. For example, the PI3K/AKT pathway is used by laminin-111 (promotes cell-survival), 511 (prevents apoptosis with laminin 521), and 521 (stabilizes pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells). The pathway begins with the adhesion of the cell to the ECM for activation of the lipid-associated PI3K. Once PI3K is activated,", "id": "10529790" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone radiation and health\n\n\non its control channel, to keep contact with its cell tower and for functions like handing off the phone to another tower if the user crosses into another cell. When the user is making a call, the cell phone transmits a signal on a second channel which carries the user's voice. Existing 2G, 3G, and 4G networks use frequencies in the UHF or low microwave bands, 600 MHz to 3.5 GHz. Many household wireless devices such as Wifi networks, garage door openers, and baby monitors use", "id": "7982470" }, { "contents": "2014 Boston Brownstone fire\n\n\nsignaling they were trapped. Despite rescue efforts, it took about half an hour to recover Kennedy, who was then transported to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Another 13 firefighters were injured during the search, though their injuries were not life-threatening. A small explosion knocked a number of firefighters down a staircase inside the row house, causing burns and musculoskeletal injuries. It took firefighters until the evening to recover Walsh, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Some of the apartments' residents were rescued", "id": "13284540" }, { "contents": "History of pain theory\n\n\nexplain why we rub a smack. They pictured not only a signal traveling from the site of injury to the inhibitory and transmission cells and up the spinal cord to the brain, but also a signal traveling from the site of injury directly up the cord to the brain (bypassing the inhibitory and transmission cells) where, depending on the state of the brain, it may trigger a signal back down the spinal cord to modulate inhibitory cell activity (and so pain intensity). The theory offered a physiological explanation for the previously", "id": "12412260" }, { "contents": "Killer activation receptor\n\n\nthe NK KARs (meaning: Killer Activation Receptors) and the NK KIRs (meaning: Killer Inhibitory Receptors). Such receptors have a broad binding specificity and, therefore, are able to broadcast opposite signals. It is the balance between these competing signals that determines whether or not the cytotoxic activity of the NK cell should get started. As KARs and KIRs are receptors with antagonic effects on NK cells, they have some structural characteristics in common. Firstly, both of them are usually transmembrane proteins. Apart from that, the", "id": "5799083" }, { "contents": "Coverage (telecommunication)\n\n\nof a mobile phone to connect to a base station depends on the strength of the signal. That may be boosted by higher power transmissions, better antennas, taller antenna masts or alternative solutions like in-building picocells. Normal Macro-Cell signals need to be boosted to pass through buildings, which is a particular problem designing networks for large metropolitan areas with modern skyscrapers, hence the current drive for small cells and micro and pico cells. Signals also do not travel deep underground, so specialized transmission solutions are used to deliver", "id": "9884694" } ]
Why is there a blood shortage? Hospitals charge like $800 per unit. Why don't they pay $250 for a donation. Everyone would donate. ELI5
[{"answer": "If you pay people to donate blood, you encourage people to give blood more frequently than they should, lie on their donation forms and perhaps even use aliases to give excessive amounts of blood in the short term. You are also encouraging people to give blood that ordinarily wouldn't - maybe it's not safe for them to currently do so but they need the money. This is often the reason some scientific experiments with potential side effects or harm to participants are purely voluntary and not paid. Edit: Here is some research FOR paid donations and counters the research behind the points I raised, just for the other side of the story: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "The beginning of the book Freakonomics discusses this in a fair amount of detail, you should read it if you're interested. The short answer is that they've tried it (though I'm not sure if the dollar amount was so high), and it actually led to decreased blood donations. People donate blood to feel altruistic, and turning it into a painful way to make money made those people want to give less. There's also concerns it will give people who shouldn't donate a reason to lie about their eligibility"}, {"answer": "There's a really interesting episode of Radiolab that touches on this topic. I believe it's the third segment of this one: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "It's illegal to traffic in viable human body parts. They don't actually charge for the blood, they charge for related services. Some places do buy blood , but they tend to do things like sell it to dopers or send it overseas to countries where donating is a religious or cultural taboo. Broadly, there is a blood shortage because people are either ignorant, apathetic, or both."}, {"answer": "This is a modern debate in the law: do you own your own body? If so, can you sell your kidney? If not, why not? If yes, can you sell yourself into slavery? (say, have the money go to your mother who needs an expensive treatment). If not, do you own the produce of your labor? If yes, what is the difference? I could write hundreds of pages on the above questions alone. It is relevant to your question because we presently cannot pay people to donate parts of their bodies. ---- The other part of your question is, why is there a shortage? The shortage isn't in the supply, it is in the distribution, storage, and allocation. It costs a great deal of money to move, store, and efficiently allocate these products."}, {"answer": "As the wife of the OP of this ELI5, we had to reschedule our blood tests for marriage license due to his fear of needles. The only way he would willingly be stuck with needles is money or someone he loves dies."}, {"answer": "I believe that blood doesn't have a very long shelf life, so it's hard to transport and store."}, {"answer": "I'm a little late to the party, but oh well: Like previously said, you don't want to encourage people to donate when they shouldn't. As in: * they're sick, running a fever, etc. * they just donated a week ago, not giving their body enough time to regenerate the lost red blood cells * they are unsure of their status, as in hepatitis, HIV, etc, or have exposed themselves to this since their last donation and might omit this information * for women, they might be pregnant in the time between the last donation and this one As for the hospital/blood center customer itself: **Yes, they may charge $800/unit to the patient, but this is NOT the cost that the hospital pays to the blood center.** The markup is due to the pre-transfusion testing that the hospital performs. It's not just ordered by the hospital and passed directly to the patient - further testing is performed to ensure compatibility to the recipient. It's a huge liability to give blood to a patient without prior testing and is heavily discouraged unless it's an emergency situation. My hospital paid around $225 for a regular unit without special requests (CMV status, irradiated, etc). That $225 pays for the person before collection to screen patients, the person to collect the blood, the time to collect the blood, the products used to collect the blood, and the post-collection testing (HIV, hepatitis, etc). Also... a lot of blood just doesn't get used before it expires. It's just the nature of the beast. We do our best to limit this, but a large hospital will still expire 2-3 units on a 'good' day. The hospital ends up eating a lot of the extra cost. Source: I worked in a level-one trauma center blood bank for five years. I've seen it all."}, {"answer": "3 letters. FDA. It became donor only after HIV/AIDS became prevalent. And just to comment on the the free donation and 800 dollar per unit disparity..... Overhead. Blood collection supplies, testing, wages, hundreds of vehicles, property leases and mortgages add up. Just looked at the 2012 overview at the blood bank I work at recently (on website) 36 million in sales. 35 million in overhead."}, {"answer": "Guess I am late to this party but it is the area of my expertise. There is no over-arching, on-going national blood shortage. Blood usage for non-trauma purposes and the total number of units of blood being collected is falling nation wide. Orthopedic surgery in particular has gone from 6-7 units of blood to rarely needing any for lots of common procedures over the past 20 years. The Red Cross has actually been shutting down blood banks and consolidating. Of course lower total usage means lower standing inventory levels means less ability to absorb spikes. Harder forecasting, apparent shortages. Shelf life and storage capacity are both quite low, making regional inventory levels vulnerable. A bag of blood is legal for 35 to 42 days depending on what they mix in it, but it's not like it's new and shiny until midnight on the 35th day and then turns green. In reality doctors know it's badly degrading after two weeks or so. Blood that is getting older will preferably only be used in emergencies when nothing else compatible is found. Lots of blood gets thrown out. It expires. It goes out of temperature range during transport. The container is compromised. Or it's ordered and never used. (Once it's out of the controlled environment of the hospital blood bank and sitting on a cart in the ER for hours they're not allowed to just take it back and toss it in the fridge for someone else, it is trash.) So the cost of one is also covering the cost of the lost overhead expense on unused units. (Affects what it would be reasonable to be able to pay per-donation. I don't work on the hospital side, don't know a firm number of what % collected units go unused nationally.) For donors who are compensated in the US (that is, plasma) the protocols are more stringent, there is a lot of extra work the clinic is required to do to make sure you're a legitimate donor. Blood Banks aren't set up for this, it's more work, more staff. Some of the rules used to make compensated plasma donations acceptable just don't really translate onto blood banking. Imagine the task and cost of developing a protocol to assert a compensated donation is safe for use and getting it past the US FDA...!"}, {"answer": "As an English man I cannot get my head around the whole concept of being charged or paid for blood. I would have been no less suprised if the topic would have been about the cost of breathing air when out walking in the park. It took me at least 3 or 4 post to realise it was a USA issue."}, {"answer": "I don't want to start the whole US healthcare circlejerk, but a unit of blood is around \u00a3125 GBP in the UK ($208 USD). [Source]( URL_0 ) In the US, the cost to a hospital of acquiring the blood is almost exactly the same, on average: $210 USD. [Source]( URL_1 ). The ~$600 dollars difference between the cost price and the sale price is presumably profit for the hospital and/or insurance company."}, {"answer": "I've been battling aplastic immunity for three years or so. A rare form of cancer that does not allow my bone marrow to produce healthy blood. I have received dozens of plasma & blood transfusions. All I have to say is that donations DO save lives & thank you to all that donated, no matter what the motivation was that brought you to donate."}, {"answer": "I work in a blood bank at a hospital so I have a pretty close working relationship to this. The reason that each unit of blood costs that much is because of all the different testing that is done on it from the time it leaves the donors arm until it gets transfused. It first needs to checked for infectious diseases, typed, analyses that its counts are high enough, and so on. When it gets to the hospital, it needs to be crossmathched against the patients blood, which has already had a few different tests done to determine type and to see if the receiving patient has unexpected antibodies. If all tests are okay, only then can blood be transfused. All the tests are described are highly regulated by certifying bodies, such as the American Association of Blood Banking, Federal Drug Administration, and usually College of American Pathologists. Each of these governing bodies require a wide variety of quality assurance, documentation of every step of the process, continuous education of the testing employees, and inspections every 18 months to name a few. Third expense is all the people that are involved in the process and their paychecks. From the phlebotomist at the donation site, to the medical technologists (all with either an associate degree or a bachelor's degree) at both the blood center and the hospital, administrators at the blood center ranging from quality assurance managers to personal managers to marketing people to human resources. Fourth is all the equipment that is needed. Highly precise instruments that separate RBCs, plasma, and platelets aren't cheap. Neither are the irradiators that are needed for immunosuppressed patients. Or the fleet of buses that each blood center has so they can have \"mobile donation centers\" that travel to churches, hospitals, schools/colleges, and local businesses. In conclusion, paying you for your donation would only further increase the cost of each unit of blood. All the expenses stated above are not going away. Tl;dr - Patients don't get charged for the product. They pay for all the things that happen to the unit between donation and transfusion!"}, {"answer": "It's because they tried it in the past and it didn't work. What happens is you get predatory blood banks who will buy blood from alcoholics/homeless/unemployed and then sell it to the hospitals. What happens next is you have liquor stores set up next to the blood banks in symbiotic relationships. There is a radiolab episode on it called Blood. Blood is actually a good profitable business for blood banks and it spoils quickly making it a good product to sell for repeat business. It's often not in shortage overall, though it may be in shortage in your local city. It's really your local hospitals shortage as it hasn't had many blood donors. They could of course buy more blood in but at $800 a unit or whatever it it is, most hospitals would rather have it donated. And should, we all should be giving it away anyway, but it did used to pay donors however, as always greed got in the way of a good system. Source: listened to radiolab and repeated what I heard like I'm an expert."}, {"answer": "I would donate blood, but I'm gay, so I must have AIDS. Thanks, American Red Cross (and the FDA)!"}, {"answer": "This post just made me book in to my first blood donation. Cheers."}, {"answer": "This isn't the whole answer, but it's important to remember that there are different blood types. Not every person can receive blood from every other person and not every donor can donate to every other person. Some can, and they're called universal donors. Their blood is rare and highly sought after."}, {"answer": "Maybe it should be a one for one. You can receive as many units of blood as you have donated up until that point free. Then you have to pay for more after that. This way, there is a real incentive to give to build up this credit."}, {"answer": "I feel like if you at least donate blood regularly, then you shouldn't have to pay $800 should you need a transfusion."}, {"answer": "I used to work for a plasma 'donation' center during college. I started off working on the donor floor as a phlebotomist (the guy that stuck the big scary needle in your arm), then as a lab technician. We paid our 'donors' up to $35 per bottle. I use the apostrophes around the word 'donor', because they were not donors in the true sense of the word. They were there to collect money in a slow, painful manner. By paying our 'donors', we had to weed out liars, and there were many of them. For every 10 people that would enter the building and sign in at the front desk, maybe 4 or 5 would make it back to the donor room, but, believe me, there was no shortage of work to be done in the donor room. There would be people walking in who would fill their pockets with rocks, just so they could be bumped up to the next weight bracket, so they could give more plasma, and thus be paid more. There were countless people we had to reject after their first donation because they would test positive for HIV/AIDS or some other disqualifying disease. They would come back to the center multiple times, insisting that they were not sick, and that they should be able to donate. There were multiple times where the police had to be called to escort these people out of the center, or where they would threaten to harm (or, on at least one occasion, contaminate employees with their tainted blood). In the three years I worked at this center, there was rarely ever a day that went by where a 'donor' wasn't in your face about how long they had to wait to get into the donor room, and how they preferred the needle be inserted into their massive scar tissue port. I donate blood to the Red Cross on a regular basis, and have since I turned 18 (I'm 25 now). I've just surpassed the 3 Gallon mark, which means I'm pretty much a regular at my local donation center. I never feel threatened or packed in with a crowd of...'interesting' people when I'm at my donation center. I never feel the need to lie about my eligibility requirements, because I receive no incentive for doing so. The only tangible reward I receive for my time is a bottle of water and a small snack to help restore my blood sugar. The employees at the donation center are always kind, willing to answer any questions that I might have, and take great care of me throughout the donation process. Compare this to the 16+ donors that I, as the phlebotomist at the plasma center, had to set up, stick, document, and disconnect, with maybe only one other person to help me, who usually spent their time staring at the TVs, or restocking supplies. I don't care if my wallet weighs the same coming out of the Red Cross as it did when I went in, it's a great feeling to donate blood, knowing that I have saved quite a few lives in the process."}, {"answer": "Can they test blood to see if its usable? I mean do they have to test for everything individually or is there a general series of tests they can do? why not charge $50 to give blood, and when the test comes back that it's good the you get $250. If it comes back full of THC or anything else that disqualifies it you loose the $50."}, {"answer": "They charge $800?! This makes me very, very, very glad to live in the UK and not be charged a penny for healthcare when I need it."}, {"answer": "Donate blood! People die if you don't! Many thanks to the 7 people that donated blood that has kept me alive the last six weeks!"}, {"answer": "South Korean govn't solved blood shortage by making conscripted soldiers donate their blood."}, {"answer": "is now a good time to bring up the thing where [you can't donate blood if you're a dude who sleeps with dudes]( URL_0 )? like, you don't even have to be 'gold star gay' to be excluded - you can sleep your way through a hundred women, but if you fool around with one guy, boom, disqualified. your blood is tainted. hey also guess what else - all those women you slept with? they're disqualified for *a year* just as a result for being exposed to you and your filfthy man-loving ways. it's pretty fucked up. that rule is basically why I don't think blood donation is any kind of big deal. if the need is as dire as people make it out to be, they couldn't afford to be so discriminating."}, {"answer": "Because I lived in western europe (Belgium) for more than 6 months in the early 90s, I'm not allowed to donate blood where I live in Canada. Which is a shame, because I would definitely do so. I have asked on two or different occasions but they however they have not changed these criteria. I believe it had something to do with mad cow beef coming out of the UK around that time if that makes any sense? Feel free to enlighten me if I am wrong."}, {"answer": "I'm from the uk and we give away our blood for free, seems to work well enough. I give blood every year or so, i figure one day all need someone else's."}, {"answer": "The real question is why don't hospitals charge less for blood units? I would be interested to know how that cost is appropriated. edit: I guess U/leftnuttriedtokillme answered this"}, {"answer": "Payment should be in form of a Kind. People who donate blood receive free blood when needed."}, {"answer": "Radiolab did a great job covering this issue. Here's a link with some further reading/listening: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I'm only commenting here because I feel that I have something that could add some insight into this. I use to work at a blood bank and processed blood that people donate. Sometimes I like to tell people that I have held a bag of AIDs infected blood before, but that's another story. ;) So donors would be asked a series of questions and although the donors could lie, most did not. A few people do lie about it and because every donation of blood had to be tested for various diseases, some use it as an STD test or something like that. Some donors had to give blood because they were ordered by their doctors to do so. These units of blood had to be thrown out because there was something wrong with it. I worked in the back of the lab and processed the blood that the company collected. Reading some of the comments on here I'm not sure that people realize how much work goes into the processing and testing of the donors blood. So there were a few different types of bags used to collect blood depending on what we wanted to do with it. The simplest type was a double bag system like this one URL_0 and we would start to process it by putting each bag into a plastic cup, weigh it out for putting them into a centrifuge. The process would separate the red blood cells from the plasma. This is where the second bag would come in at. Once the blood and plasma were separated you would drain the plasma out and into the other bag. The device that did this was a device where you would put the blood bag into and would squeeze it into the other. Once you got all the plasma into the 2nd bag, you would seal it and break them apart. Now let me take a moment to explain something. There were times when just based on the plasma you were able to figure out someone's gender (the plasma was green due to some birth controls) and you could always tell if the person as obese. The plasma looked like milk shake mix. The reason for bringing this up is that these were set off to the side. Unless the plasma was usable, ie able to be sold to a hospital, it would be put off to the side. It was not thrown away, but was instead sold to overseas companies for an insane amount of money. These bags would be weighed and the weight written on them and frozen. Once a week a truck would come and pick up a pallet of the stuff. We also processed other donations another way, but the bag used was a three bag system similar to URL_2 and was processed the same way. However once the plasma was extracted, you would spin the other two bags again. You would then squeeze out the plasma and what was left were platelets. We processed a lot of these units because platelets have a short time frame and after that you had to throw them away. So you have the potential to have 2 or more products off one donation. There are a few other products you can make from just one donation. That is all that we did for those. For the red blood cells, we had to process them further using a process called Leukoreduction ( URL_1 ) which in a nut shell, remove the white blood cells. You can do around 70 to 100 units an 8 hour shift. On top of all this processing, you have people that are attaching the blood type stickers. You would also get doctors and nurses that would order a specific type of blood Rh which if that happened, one of the higher paid doctors would just randomly grab a blood bag and run a few tests that could take a few hours. If it didn't meet the requirements, another random bag was picked to run tests on. You also need to keep in mind that this stuff was not held at the hospital and the doctors ordered on a need by need basis so we used our own system of drivers and some different curriers. Please keep in mind that the job I did was not that technical and is a job that has no real requirements. In my book it was a slight step up from fast food. I hope this helps and can put some of this into perspective."}, {"answer": "I can somewhat answer why hospital blood costs so much as my dad is the manager of the blood bank within a hospital. First, blood goes \"bad\" very quickly, and if it isn't in a properly cooled container for over 30 minutes, it is usually disposed of since there is a chance of bacteria growing. There are quite a few instances where blood is quickly used up. For instance, if a John Doe comes in with extreme trauma requiring blood and there's no time to type him or look up his medical file, he gets the universal donor blood type, and will probably need lots of it. If a surgeon orders too many units of blood down to the OR, they can be contaminated if handled and have to be tossed. Another problem experienced in hospitals is doctors ordering blood for patient's with a low hemoglobin that don't necessarily need blood, especially if they have already been given blood previously. The issue is the doctor not waiting for the hemoglobin to slowly return to normal levels, and will order blood to get back within normal limits. Then there's outside costs involved in donating blood. All the medical staff at donation centers are getting paid, there's overhead on the building(rent/utilities), and the blood also needs to be screened for blood borne diseases such as hepatitis before it can be safely administered to a patient. After all of that screening, the blood needs to be inventoried in the hospital's blood bank by staff where there's overhead on the building, cost of employees, and the cost to have and maintain equipment."}, {"answer": "Addressing the hospital charge: There are many costs associated with giving a unit of blood that account for that $800 including the bag and tubing it comes in, the phlebotomist that performs the donation procedure and the facility where this happens, the equipment used to store and climate control the blood, the blood bank that physically stores the blood and the transportation cost to get it there, the cost of the laboratory tests to check the blood for infectious pathogens and the cost of the type and crossmatch to make sure it is compatible with the recipient, the cost of processing the blood into the separate components of plasma, packed red cells, and cryoprecipitate since we never transfuse whole blood anymore, the salary of the nurse or anesthesiologist that administers the transfusion (the doctor ordering blood gets paid for his services separately from the $800 you mention), the cost of giving intravenous fluids that must be administered with the blood. Not to mention most hospitals must extract profit for everything or at least net profit on some things. To compensate donors more, hospitals would need to charge more. All of that aside, we don't want to pay blood donors because it would encourage some people to donate more often than is recommended and because many people would donate just to get money for drugs, making the donated blood less safe. That is why frequently donors are compensated with less currency convertible items such as movie tickets. In short, you get more favorable donors and more of them when it is a charitable donation."}, {"answer": "One: As many people on this post have said. Charging for blood donations attracts the wrong kind of people. People with drugs in their system, contagions and other nasty things that can be transmitted via blood contact. This would create a massive stock of unusable blood which would have to be disposed of in a sanitary way (not cheap). Plus the syringe, blood bag, tubing, etc. is completely wasted, again not cheap. This would be more detrimental to the health care industry then a shortage of blood. Which will continue to exist as long as doctors are saving live no matter the cost. Two: There will always be shortages as a single patient can go through the entire blood reserve just to keep them alive. I asked my father if the hospital had ever ran out of blood. My father being an internal medical doctor who specializes in respirology and intensive care. His response was yes. In fact he practically used up the entire hospitals blood supply attempting to keep a car accident patient alive. You see if a doctor has the ability to save someone he is legally obligated to. It doesn't matter if the local blood supply will run out. They will bleed it dry if necessary. This leads to one of the reasons why euthanasia is a difficult idea for some doctors as it goes against every fibber in their being. Even if it does cease an otherwise excruciating death."}, {"answer": "There's some good reasons listed already but an additional one is the Red Cross. Despite what they save, it's the life blood of the organization. They turn blood into money and use that to pay for their overhead. It makes it look like they spend a greater percentage on charitable works than they do since your blood isn't a monetary donation. Since they run their organization with blood money they can spend most of their donated dollars on charity and make it look like they only spend 10% on overhead. It's a huge organization that has lots of money and all the blood. They spend millions a year on lobbying."}, {"answer": "Many people do not realize the costs that go into blood donation. You have to pay for the skilled workers to collect the blood, the equipment to collect the blood, the transportation costs, the sterilization costs, the paperwork, the management, and the storage of the blood. Blood does not have a long shelf life so many of the areas with shortages are localized areas. On a national scale, there is a surplus of blood that goes wasted, but it is better to have a surplus than a shortage. TL:DR A hospital's cost factors in many costs associated with blood collection and distribution. You are also paying for the waste."}, {"answer": "Anecdotal for sure, but with the knowledge that my blood is being sold to patients I stopped donating to red cross altogether a few years ago. I'd donate the blood for free of they weren't using it to cover their overhead, but I don't find it ethical to charge patients for something people give to you freely. Now I just donate to any friends or relatives who are expecting to have surgery soon. If anyone is in the northeast is having surgery soon and wants some awesome O- blood with good O2 and clotting factors, PM me."}, {"answer": "I'm not American, but that price seems high. [This]( URL_0 ) seems to indicate significantly cheaper costs to patients. If you look at the cost breakdown for a unit of blood product, banking, testing, separating, and acquiring blood is not cheap and makes up a significant portion of the cost. Also remember that just because \"everyone\" would want to donate doesn't imply those people would be of the needed type, disease free, and able to donate safely."}, {"answer": "There is an NPR interview with one of the people from red cross or whatever that takes blood donations.. Look it up and listen to it. They make big time profits of the blood you donate by selling it to hospitals across the country, and they sell it to other hospitals, and then to others... Its like a big money train and every stops gets more expensive"}, {"answer": "Here in Egypt. Hospitals require a ratio of blood to blood donation. So if you're a A+ or B+ it's 1:1 of any type. If you need something rarer it can go as high as 8:1 (you need to donate 8 units to get 1 unit) so people gather their friends and family members to help."}, {"answer": "There's more than just \"Fuck you, that's why\" tied up in that price. You can't just shove blood in a fridge and call it a day. The blood has to be handled properly, properly labeled, and kept at very specific conditions. It's actually harder than people think."}, {"answer": "I make a decent enough living, but $250 every couple weeks or so would get me to donate blood. I could use it to pay extra on my student loans, which seems a bit ironic since they already got so much blood, sweat and tears from me."}, {"answer": "Red Cross Volunteer here. The biggest reason blood banks don't pay for blood anymore is because it increase the chances people will lie on the health history, and in turn, increase the chances that there will be more blood-borne pathogens(HIV, Malaria, etc.) in the national blood supply."}, {"answer": "Paying a huge amount like $250 might also lead to a moral hazard. People who desperately need the money but don't have a healthy lifestyle may contribute and therefore, the cost of checking/running tests may be greater than the benefit. Just a theory."}, {"answer": "In a study done by Steven Levitt (author of Freakonomics) it was shown that when people were paid to donate blood, it resulted in less donors because the moral incentive to donate blood was reduced because they were getting paid."}, {"answer": "i would love to donate blood... unfortunately i cant because of my sexuality and can guarantee i am more careful than most straight people. i have only had two sexual partners, worn protection and STILL gone for a check."}, {"answer": "I work in a hospital and not sure if anyone said this but, blood only last so long a week or two and they throw it out quite frequently. Also vampires break in and drink it."}, {"answer": "blood and kidneys should be able to be sold to hospitals for cash. the only reason its not is because losers cry over who is getting it and are afraid the rich will of course."}, {"answer": "If they pay for blood, health officials would be scared of adverse selection. By offering money you may invite those who aren't in the best of health to donate purely for the money."}, {"answer": "That's a good question. My father works in this area as well, I know the companies make boat loads of cash selling the blood to hospitals, whilst getting it for almost nothing."}, {"answer": "Most countries pay nothing because giving blood is a donation, not a sale. Then again, most countries wouldn't allow hospitals to make a profit from saving lives."}, {"answer": "Going to go with the assumption that it costs money to store the blood, extract it, insurance in case of malpractice, staff salaries, etc."}, {"answer": "What if patients at hospitals that give blood donations, receive a discount on their medical bills. Seems like a fair trade."}, {"answer": "What freakin country do you live in where hospitals charge you when you need a blood transfusion????"}, {"answer": "My blood is worth that much? Now I don't feel guilty when I take two snacks."}, {"answer": "Not russians, nor aliens, neither global warming. Your own healthcare system will destroy United States."}, {"answer": "Radiolab did a great episode about the blood industry URL_0 Give it a listen!"}, {"answer": "You PAY for getting blood? I keep getting chocked by these things..."}, {"answer": "What do I have to do to donate blood right now."}, {"answer": "I'd give blood if I actually weighed enough"}, {"answer": "I can provide a really interesting thought/answer from a statistical viewpoint. An example, I have been studying the ELISA blood test for HIV. This test was designed so that the false negative rate (IE the chance that the test would tell you that you do not have HIV when you really do to be around 1/10000). Now stay with me, here is where it gets really interesting. for the sake of the problem we assume 1/10000 people actually has the HIV virus ( a probability of .01 which is reasonable). The sensitivity of the test is 99% (seems good right?) and the specificity is 98% (also seems passable) so you would expect probability that a person having HIV given the test says they have HIV to be high. However this is false. **The chance of having HIV given you tested positive for HIV is below 50%**, meaning over half of the people who tested positive will not carry the virus. But who designs a test like that? Well it all comes back to decision theory, we have to consider what happens in two cases. First, what happens if the test says a person has HIV when they really do not? and second, what happens when the tests says a person does not have HIV and they really do. Finally we can apply the above thought to blood banks. **If a person receives a transfusion from HIV positive blood they will get HIV.** Therefore blood banks have requested that the test have an extremely low false negative rate, as a consequence the false positive rate grows very large. **The end result is that blood banks throw away 1/2 to 2/3 of the blood that is clean because it tested positive, all to ensure that nobody gets HIV from a contaminated transfusion.** Thanks for reading, I will go into the Bayesian calculations if requested but its super dense. **TL,DR Statistical analysis of the blood for contamination forces blood banks to throw away a large portion of incoming stock**"}, {"answer": "Biologics (replacement enzymes, proteins > 100-mer, antibodies, etc) are a pain in the ass to make and are held to very high quality standards - refining blood is likely annoying as shit (just guessing based other biologic mfc protocols). They don't just take the stuff out of you an put it back into someone else. They filter it, either w/ actual filters or a centrifuge and add in some preservatives/stabilizers. So basically, you have a situation where you need to create a highly pure product that complies with expensive, though not highly technical standards.From a business perspective, it becomes a matter of scale. I look at this situation and I see a commonly used product that probably does a lot of volume, that requires strict standards of manufacturing, with no real way to block competitors out. The only way to clip a legit margin is to scale up production. I'd prob have to throw down $20mm to start up a factory (very low ball estimate) to clip $5mm (generous estimate) w/ 15% net margins (fair)? That's 750k per annum in my pocket. I would be paying 26x NI for some shitty product that is EXACTLY the same as every other blood substitute. I'd have to wait 26 YEARS to make my money back. The only way to differentiate my product is price. The only way to lower my price is to funnel cash into this money pit of a business and get some economies of scale going. If i even thought about trying to push my top line (revenue), i'd have to hire a sales team and that just eats at my net income. Basically, blood product manufacturing is a shit business as it is. No commercial incentive to fill these gaps in supply. Your suggestion would make it more expensive at both the company and patient level. Why are you trying to kill these patients?** **obligatory pharma guilt trip Source- biotech/pharma finance guy edit - math"}, {"answer": "The truth is they probably would, but its against the law because we have this strange taboo against the selling of parts of the body. People usually justify this law on a \"wont somebody think of the poor people!\" argument, but IMHO, it sucks because just blanket assuming that people who think they really \"need\" the money is wrong because they're stupid poor people, is in my opinion, incredibly stupid. If a person is willing to buy blood and another is willing to sell, there is no good moral reason to stop the practice. Hell, you could even put limits on selling if you wanted to protect health. Its also why you need proof of address when \"donating\" plasma. The homeless clearly would just donate so they could get money for like, homes (rent) and stuff. Wouldn't want them to exploited in such a way /sarcasm."}, {"answer": "Kinda related factoid for Brits: I used to work for the NHS Blood and Transplant service. In the UK blood donations are mostly unpaid and completely voluntary. Consequently only about 3% of British people donate regularly. This creates a massive shortfall in blood and plasma available for treatment. We actually have to import blood donations from the US and France to make up the shortfall. This costs us about \u00a3100 per unit (more for infant-suitable donations). If you are a Brit and you have ever considered donation, I would urge you to do it! Grab a friend or partner and get down to your local NHS donation centre! This is especially important if you have a rare blood type or are from an ethnic minority (blood donations are used to make all sorts of bio-products and variation matters!)."}, {"answer": "If they paid $250, they'd have to charge $2500. It is the U.S. healthcare system, after all. That covers all of the administrative and healthcare costs, as well as this... I went to the emergency room one day, and my bill was about $1200 (my out-of-pocket share). Then I noticed that my health insurance info was wrong, and that the hospital has charged them too much, as my insurance didn't cover a couple of the procedures. I mentioned that my health insurance info was wrong. The clerk looked and said, \"Oh, I'm sorry, that is incorrect.\" When she handed me back the bill, it was $750. \"We forgot to reduce the charges because your health insurance doesn't cover those things, then we give you a further price reduction because of the lack of comprehensive health insurance coverage.\" Subsidies."}, {"answer": "Paying people to donate would make the blood less safe because there would be an incentive for donors to lie about risk factors (like IV drug use or travel to Africa). We test for many infections (like HIV and hepatitis) but there's a potential for these tests to not work in certain situations. Also, several infections (like mad cow disease and babesiosis) just don't have any good screening tests \u2026 asking questions like \"How long did you live in Europe\" is the best we can do. Paying donors would result in more blood being thrown out, and potentially some unsafe blood being given to patients. Also, many donors keep donating because they feel good about helping others as volunteers; paying people to donate would make these awesome (and low disease risk) volunteers less likely to return."}, {"answer": "This used to be the case. It made it more likely for drug users and prostitutes to give blood. They are more likely to have HIV. since the current ELISA HIV test only tests for HIV antibodies, somebody who has just recently(within past 6 weeks) contracted HIV will not have antibodies and thus not test positive for it. This would increase the chance for a person (particularly haemophiliacs, who need factor 6/9, which is made from many samples of blood pooled together) to receive HIV from a blood transfusion(It is currently really really low). Whether it would increase the chance enough to make up for the benefit of more blood is an experimental variable. But that is why they don't pay for blood anymore."}, {"answer": "If your interested, and have half an hour, listen to the radiolab podcast \"blood.\" It's got a section about the blood business. It is, by the way, a business. Basically, they buy/sell blood with jacked up prices and do their best to get it to areas who need it. Some places have high demand with low donations, so they buy. Others are the opposite. Also, here's an interesting thing. When people donate blood, they feel they've fulfilled their civic duty and don't donate for a while. That means a while after a crisis, like the Boston bombing, (where they got TOO much blood), there can be a shortage. So it's more complex than it seems."}, {"answer": "People will come up with all sorts of inane and solve-able roadblocks to sensible ideas. When nothing is physically stopping humans from doing something, it is only words and rules that do. We are the masters of words and can do anything we want with them. And the most powerful people DO whatever they want. And the rules stopping sensible and progressive solutions to most societal problems are a result of what (the big) they want. Anything that makes it easier to live with less money, or easier to make money, destroys a lot of profit along the line, and nobody with any financially strewn power wants that."}, {"answer": "I think apathetic individuals, like myself, don't donate blood. My reason is the blood center calls ne every single day at like 8-9 am. I blocked them, but every time they call and their call gets blocked, i hear my phone vibrating. It is really annoying, and they have really obnoxious emails. During a snow storm, they basically wrote that I should be safe, but hey donate some blood. I got an email not too long ago wishing me a happy birthday and give the gift of giving blood. It seems they're not sympathetic at all. I think its just a culmination of everything that's pissing me off."}, {"answer": "Paying people to donate blood also attracts the wrong type of people. For example: IV drug users. People will lie on the pre-donation form just to make the $250 bucks, and then the money to workup the product goes to waste. The shortage is more for O type units anyway. O negative blood is always in demand because it can be used in trauma situations. To be honest, even if donor numbers increased, there would still likely be a shortage of O negative units, since it's less than 5% in most areas. The same can be said for type AB, which is needed for platelets."}, {"answer": "This is going to get buried. But at one point in history up to the early 1970's they did pay. And it became a huge issue that alcoholics and drug addicts would donate multiple times of day couple while being infected with Hep C and HIV. They couldn't even test for HIV at the time, but by the end of the paying period 1 out of 7 blood samples were infected with Hep C due to this practice. Theres a great series of investigative articles by a Chicago Tribune journalist I can link you to if anyone's interested."}, {"answer": "My company gives us PTO (paid time off) to donate blood. If we give three times in a fiscal year, we get one day. If we give six times (which is the max you can give), we get two. My company also has a policy allowing us to sell back PTO during open enrollment. As such, I can sell back the two days I earn and get paid a decent chunk for each time I donate. I never before gave blood before working for this company... Never had the incentive. I'm proof that paying for donors works."}, {"answer": "Because the american medical system is based in a capitalist structure. If supply is below demand then the price goes up accordingly. The system is set up to periodically create shortages due to disdain for gouging which due to the literally vital nature of their product leads to blood drives marketed around shortages guilting them into donating. Each time the supply becomes abundant again the price reduces from where it was in the shortage but still significantly more than before. So the cost of an abundant renewable resource goes up exponentially perpetually."}, {"answer": "This was addressed thoroughly on Radiolab season 12 episode 1 \"Blood\". From memory, blood is never in short supply. The high price is due to blood banks taxing each other when blood Is transferred from one to the other (much like drug dealers). It's a multimillion (billion?) industry. A notable quote from NYC blood bank supervisor(?) after 9/11 \"omg people will be lined up to give blood, most will be discarded\". There have not been a shortage in blood for a very long time and will not be in the foreseeable future."}, {"answer": "My friend actually works in cryo at the blood center. They have three shifts of people processing blood bags every day of the year. I'm not sure the exact process but it's a lot of equipment, a lot of staff and a lot of work. [Pic]( URL_0 ) for proof. That's one night of work. She said that table has 66 units on it which has the potential to save 198 lives. Not to mention logistics and advertising blood drives. I guess I could ask her more about it."}, {"answer": "$250 appears a bit too much. Here in Germany you can chose to just donate without revenue or get 15 to 20\u20ac per blood donation or get a meal or a coupon for some shopping mall. It depends on which organization you chose you donate your blood. For plasma donation it's the same. You can donate blood up to 8 times a year and plasma up to 45 times. So here it's more like a small gift you get in return, you can't really make a living from it."}, {"answer": "I know hospitals in USA overcharge for everything, but doing it with blood seems unethical, that blood was donated, i know they have to do things to keep it in good condition, but i'm sure it won't be that 800$, in Spain i think the blood banks charge between 50 and 100\u20ac per blood bag, which seems fair. The answer to your question is probably selfishness in most cases, and fear in others, money would probably mobilize more people, but it's illegal and it should be."}, {"answer": "I worked for Canadian Blood Services as an analyst- maybe I can help you out. In short- there is no blood shortage for most blood types. Due to the different surgical methods of reusing your own blood and laparoscopy, the demand for blood has dropped significantly. The reason why blood costs so much in American hospitals has to be mark up. In Australia and Canada, the cost per unit of blood is under $400. This includes collection (voluntary donation), testing, processing, and distribution."}, {"answer": "I was led to believe by my economics teacher that paying people to donate blood would cause less people to give blood. He sourced it with a study (can't find the link right now). But in essence, people donate blood because of the good feeling they get. It is hard to create an incentive to donate blood in addition to this \"personal-high\". This also falls in line with the risk of people that need to donate blood having stds and such."}, {"answer": "There's no blood shortage in The Netherlands. In fact when I asked they said.. yeh you can donate anything you like, but there's so much that it probably ends up in the waste. But I donate anyway, stemcells and blood. Btw there needs to be more stemcell donators. Oh and we don't get anything for donating, just a mug when you donated 5 times. We just like to share I suppose, many of my friends donate."}, {"answer": "sorry I don't buy in the economics argument. Blood needs to be tested anyhow, and money can be payed according results. That will filter out anybody who shouldn't donate. if there was a price paid for, the whole blood industry would perform better, leaner, cleaner, and more efficient. On the other hand hospitals in US charge just because they can. You have no choice, and insurances play the game. it's all skrewed up..."}, {"answer": "I am a blood donor. Donor. That means I give it for free. I resent like hell that hospitals charge around $800 per unit for something that I gave them for free. I know, I know...they have to store it, follow costly protocols, etc. etc. etc. So they could charge SOMETHING for it...but hell. I don't donate for money, so people shouldn't be profiting off of my blood."}, {"answer": "RadioLab has a podcast about this very topic: [Blood]( URL_0 ) Basically, when you pay people for blood, you get more donations from those that need money. Red Cross and others used to pay for blood donations. They found that the people that donated for money tended to be less healthy than those that donated for altruism and their blood tended to have more contaminants, disease, etc."}, {"answer": "Shelf life. Currently, the FDA limits the storage of red blood cells to 42 days, but studies have shown the cells begin to become damaged after just 21 days and it could be harmful to receive older blood. Add the fact that only 38% of the population can donate and advances in medicine that require additional blood and there's just not a lot to go around."}, {"answer": "I didn't know that all blood centers profit off my donation. Even Red Cross profits off it. I understood some costs were necessary for test and other overhead costs but i didn't know they actually profited off it. Once I learned they all did, it didn't deter me from giving but certainly motivated me to give to a local community blood bank instead."}, {"answer": "They actually should. In florida, an organization called One Blood does most of the donation drives, as opposed to the Red Cross. They use incentives like free movie tickets and other giveaways to draw folks generally. Red Cross generally uses emotional pleas through mailings and emails, and irritating telemarketing tactics. Needless to say I've donated far more regularly since moving to Florida."}, {"answer": "Donating blood is in fact very expensive for the hospital side. Depends on who pays the bill, all the processing and testing of the donated blood can cost in the hundreds. So while it is relatively cheap to set up a facility and draw people's blood, there is a very expensive process afterwards, before the blood can be used in a hospital."}, {"answer": "It doesn't help that they won't give you blood for ridiculous reasons. For example, I have not been able to give blood for years now because I go on vacation out of the country, and they won't let me donate. They are going to test the blood no matter what ,so why do they just not let me donate?"}, {"answer": "Paying anything for blood donations is a bad idea. It can lead to people who are not fit for donations to do it for the money. In Finland they offer you some sandwitches, cookies, coffee etc. but never money. It's pleasant to go there but you don't gain anything but a good feeling."}, {"answer": "I was under the impression that the Red Cross had tried this at some point in the past, but it undermined the \"giving blood = altruism\" thing and turned it into an economic transaction, which significantly undermined the desire to participate in the general public. Can't find a source for that, though."}, {"answer": "You have to pay to donate blood ? Wow... In Romania you get: * 7 meal vouchers. 1 is 2.83$ = > 7x2.83 = ~20$ * One free day * 50% off for public transportation subscription for 30 days * free blood analysis 450ml is the quantity you have to donate."}, {"answer": "There are many other ways to incentivise giving blood. If when you donated blood you got a voucher to pay for some of your future hospital costs, everyone would donate blood. If I got a voucher for $250 off a hospital bill, I would donate every two months for life."}, {"answer": "because there is no profit for the CEO corps of this world, for caring, or keeping healthy people in mass numbers. this is why you must learn and educate your next of kin, to be healthy from the get go, and not depend on pharmaceuticals in your adult life."}, {"answer": "Some insight as to why hospitals charge so much for blood. My hospital gets blood donated but then has to pay to have it all tested and rebagged and whatnot at its sister hospital. Then has to buy it back from its sister hospital when it needs it."}, {"answer": "I'm not sure on other countries but in the UK blood donation is purely altruistic - no payments made. I can't remember where I saw it but I read an article that suggested the 'quality' of donations seemed to be noticeably higher in the UK because of this."}, {"answer": "There was a \"this American life\" about this I listened to. Basically the blood banks are just like the people who are in control of the diamond market. They hold on to extra blood, scream about a shortage that is not true to raise the price."}, {"answer": "Well if everyone got payed 250$ for blood then eventualy when the bloodbank were getting full, the price would drop to about 25$ and you would stop giveing donatins til the price goes up again, and this would keep the bloodbank in good supply forever."}, {"answer": "People have pointed out the reasons why not, but I'd just like to point out that at least in South Africa you do receive payment indirectly. If you donate blood, you will receive free blood transfers if you are ever in need of blood."}, {"answer": "I give blood semi-regularly as I'm an o-negative donor and am CMV negative. I usually do it when time permits but if the were paying me $250 you can bet your butt I'd be there every 56 days on the dot to donate."}, {"answer": "Jesus H Fuckington hospitals charge you for Blood that's been donated?? What kinda shit is that?? We get charged for going to the hospital but if we need blood it's free. USA is fucked up when it comes to Medicine."}, {"answer": "Can confirm. I work as a Medical Coder at a medium-sized hospital, and one of my duties is entering blood bank charges. We charge $912 per unit of packed red blood cells. The transfusion itself is something like $250."}, {"answer": "They don't pay you for it to make sure people who desperately need money like drug addicts or people who can't afford propper food donate their blood for money because their blood is of a bad quality."}, {"answer": "The best way to get more blood donation is throuigh increased social capital. The problem is that can't be done artifically, socialcapital is a natural byproduct of homogenius well run societies with a good core value set."}, {"answer": "Wait, so we donate blood, and then hospitals charge people for the blood!? What the fuck!? I always thought donating blood meant you're giving someone your blood for FREE... Apparently hospitals just get rich off it?"}, {"answer": "So either blood banks do really good viral marketing campaigns, or some people are going to die every year from lack of donors? Seems like a good business case to buy blood if you ask me."}, {"answer": "I just learned from my wife that we are both universal donors. While I was dancing around because my post was going viral, she informed me that I was giving my O- away for free tomorrow."}, {"answer": "I know in my region, the blood shortage is blamed on the weather. Since the weather has been so bad, a lot of blood drives have been canceled, leading to less blood being donated."}, {"answer": "I like how people have to keep repeating the same exact argument in different sentences. It is a fairly valid point that donating blood would become more unethical if it was driven by profit"}, {"answer": "I donated blood until I found out it was a for-profit thing. You're gonna make money off my blood? Fuck you, pay me. I hate the health care industry in this country."}, {"answer": "Caught something on NPR about this back in November. The TL;DR is that people who show up to sell blood are not the kind of people you want giving blood."}, {"answer": "When you start paying people for blood what was once a nice gesture to help people in need becomes a nasty way of selling your own fluids for money."}, {"answer": "This fact cause me to not donate. If I give my blood freely and then someone makes $800 a pint off of it then I am getting exploited."}, {"answer": "I'd be willing to donate blood if I got something more than a damn cookie for being stuck by a needle and drained of my life source."}, {"answer": "What the shit? I thought donating blood ment whoever who needed my donated blood will get it. But instead they need to PAY for it? Wtf"}, {"answer": "Anyone know how much people are charged per unit of blood in Canada? Or Ontario? Just curious, tried doing a search but couldn't find anything specific."}, {"answer": "I have AB- blood. I give every time I can since I know it is so rare. Edit: Looked it up. I am the 0.6%"}, {"answer": "In Ireland they used to offer a pint of Guinness for a pint of blood in my university. They had very high donation levels."}, {"answer": "Why pay 250$ for a donation when you can get it for free? A shortage just means you can inflate the prices even more."}, {"answer": "Or on the contrary.. if the get the hospitals get the blood for free, why do they charge $800 per unit!?"}, {"answer": "Australian blood donators receive a biscuit and a cup of tea. Yet, they still don't understand why the bank is empty."}, {"answer": "I think it's silly that you have to pay for blood at all what kind of backwards country are you from?"}, {"answer": "Capitalism aka Corruptism They pay like $20 - $30 per unit and sell it for $$$. Similar to saline water...."}, {"answer": "Stupid question here. Do hospitals charge patients for donated blood and how because that seems evil. End stupid question"}, {"answer": "There was an excellent Radiolab piece about this not too long ago. Check it out. Very interesting. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "[This Radiolab podcast talks a bit about the blood business and how hospitals distribute blood supply.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "They could always be bending the truth. The $400,000 hospital administrator salary has to come from somewhere."}, {"answer": "Somebody has to pay for the hospital administrators' Mercedes and second home on the seashore."}, {"answer": "Because then the CEOs of the blood banks can't make mid to high 6 figures"}, {"answer": "College student here. I'd do it. Set up an office buying blood near campus. Win-win."}, {"answer": "They charge 800 per units? Its free in Argentina. Damn, US sucks health wise."}, {"answer": "In the UK a unit of blood costs 0 because our healthcare isn't retarded."}, {"answer": "This is how you get blood bandits. Do you *really* want blood bandits?"}, {"answer": "It's been proven that more people donate when there is no monetary reward."}, {"answer": "Because you live in the USA and profit if more important than health"}, {"answer": "Germany here. You recieve in common about 40$ and a free meal."}, {"answer": "That is such a good business idea. Selling blood. Vampire Inc."}, {"answer": "There's a great radio lab on this topic...very eye opening!"}, {"answer": "Hospials \"Giving Away Money\" ? When pigs fly!"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "505536", "title": "Blood donation", "section": "Section::::Recovery and time between donations.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 49, "end_paragraph_id": 49, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Donors are screened for health problems that would put them at risk for serious complications from donating. First-time donors, teenagers, and women are at a higher risk of a reaction. One study showed", "First-time donors, teenagers, and women are at a higher risk of a reaction. One study showed", "Iron supplementation decreases the rates of donor deferral due to low hemoglobin, both at the first donation visit and at subsequent donations. Iron-supplemented donors have higher hemoglobin and iron stores. On the other hand, iron supplementation frequently causes diarrhea, constipation and epigastric abdominal discomfort. The long-term effects of iron supplementation without measurement of iron stores are unknown. Donors are screened for health problems that would put them at risk for serious complications from donating. First-time donors, teenagers, and women are at a higher risk of a reaction. One study showed"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions\n\n\n, to which Witnesses must adhere strictly on the premise of them being Bible-based \"truth\". He has questioned why white blood cells (1 per cent of blood volume) and platelets (0.17 per cent) are forbidden, yet albumin (2.2 per cent of blood volume) is permitted. He has questioned why donating blood and storing blood for autologous transfusion is deemed wrong, but the Watch Tower Society permits the use of blood components that must be donated and stored before Witnesses use them. He has questioned why", "id": "10968456" }, { "contents": "Blood donation in India\n\n\nBlood donations in India are conducted by several organizations and hospitals by organizing blood donation camps. Donors can also visit blood banks in hospitals to donate blood or directly to a receiver. Despite shortage of donated blood, efforts by the government and various organizations have led to a decrease in the demand and supply gap over the years. The number of voluntary blood donors increased from 54.4% in 2006–2007 to 83.1% in 2011–2012, with the number of blood units increasing from 4.4 million units in 2006–2007 to 9.3 million units in 2012–2013.", "id": "4573030" }, { "contents": "Fullerton Police Department\n\n\n. She was fired in October, although the department would not make a public statement as to why she was discharged. She admitted her guilt in court on February 2012 and was sentenced to pay $100 in court costs, a $250 charitable donation and a requirement to attend a \"theft class.\" In July 2011, Fullerton police officer Todd Alan Major plead guilty to two charges involving embezzlement and theft to fuel his drug habit. He was sentenced to six months in jail. In August 2011, Officer Alber Rincon", "id": "11586945" }, { "contents": "WhatsApp\n\n\nuse – 'a 911 for the internet.' These could be a social networking service like Facebook, a messaging service, maybe search and other things like weather. Providing a bundle of these free of charge to users will work like a gateway drug of sorts – users who may be able to afford data services and phones these days just don't see the point of why they would pay for those data services. This would give them some context for why they are important, and that will lead them to paying for", "id": "16980798" }, { "contents": "NHS Blood and Transplant\n\n\n. Besides the main blood donations, known as \"whole blood\", platelets are also collected. As platelets can only be stored for a few days, regular and frequent donors are in great demand and that is why platelet donors are asked to attend at least 8 – 10 times per year. As one of the two arms of NHSBT, Organ Donation and Transplantation ensures that organs donated for transplant are matched and allocated to patients in a fair and unbiased way. Matching, particularly in the case of kidneys, is so", "id": "22198761" }, { "contents": "National Blood Donation Week\n\n\nIn the United States, the first full week of September is designated National Blood Donation Week. Established in 2016, the week unites states to hold individual state blood donation days. This serves to assist blood banks all over the country to keep their shelves full and to raise awareness of the continual need to donate blood and blood products. The final day of the week holds most of the states' blood donation days, and is known as National Blood Donation Day. 2016 was plagued with massive reports of blood bank supply shortages", "id": "4922371" }, { "contents": "Blood ritual\n\n\nin 1984, she “…strikingly associated her blood with the health of the nation. Her blood would continue to nurture the nation even after her death…” (132). The reason behind the donation is to keep life going or to give the individuals receiving the blood more time to live (Copeman 130). The reason why the politicians are involved with this is because the donors are making a connection with the dead, symbolizing the blood being donated to the blood of the politician being honored (Copeman 131)", "id": "3040957" }, { "contents": "Guinea–India relations\n\n\nfacility in Guinea. The Indo-Gulf Hospital, Noida established a 300-bed hospital in Conakry. India donated 50 electric transformers with capacities between 250 and 400 KVA to Guinea in April 2007. The transformers cost and are intended to help deal with the country's electricity shortage. India also donated 175 computers to the Government of Guinea. The Indo-Gulf Hospital, Noida donated medicines and other supplies worth 30 lakhs to provide relief during the outbreak of ebola in Guinea. Indian firm Tata Steel donated 10 buses to the Government of", "id": "677080" }, { "contents": "Blood donation in England\n\n\nand that is why platelet donors are asked to attend at least 8 - 10 times per year. The service had come under criticism for a long implemented policy of banning men who have sex with men (MSM) from ever being blood donors. University students in both England and Scotland protested against the ban, and University of Birmingham's Guild of Students banned the National Blood Service from setting up a recruitment stall during Freshers' week. The policy was changed in 2011 to prevent MSMs from donating for 12 months after having anal", "id": "4542526" }, { "contents": "Blood donation\n\n\nvein as whole blood. This blood is typically separated into parts, usually red blood cells and plasma, since most recipients need only a specific component for transfusions. A typical donation is 450 millilitres (or approximately one U.S. pint) of whole blood, though 500 millilitre donations are also common. Historically, blood donors in India would donate only 250 or 350 millilitre and donors in the People's Republic of China would donate only 200 millilitres, though larger 300 and 400 millilitre donations have become more common. The other method is", "id": "20573165" }, { "contents": "National Blood Donation Week\n\n\n. The Zika epidemic was beginning, preventing many who donate blood routinely to abstain from donating for at least a month. 36,000 units of blood are needed each day in the U.S. With mass casualties that occurred during the summer, including the Orlando nightclub shooting and the Dallas officer shooting, a united campaign was necessary to increase the nation's blood supply. Syndicated radio host and physician Dr. Daliah Wachs had created Nevada Blood Donation Day in 2015 in response to local blood shortages, and partnered with United Blood Services and the American Red", "id": "4922372" }, { "contents": "Interpreter of Maladies\n\n\nof being a woman: her studies ceased prematurely, she is not allowed to watch TV, she has not been told how to pin a sari or how to prepare meals. The women don't understand why, then, this reluctance to marry her off if she such a burden to Haldar and his wife. The wife asks who will pay for the wedding? One morning, wearing a donated sari, Bibi demands that Haldar take her to be photographed so her image can be circulated among the bachelors, like other brides", "id": "3789372" }, { "contents": "Juliette Binoche\n\n\nJuliette Binoche is meant to be?\" he said. \"I would really like to know why she has been so esteemed for so many years. She has nothing – absolutely nothing\". In response, while promoting \"Certified Copy\", Binoche spoke to movie magazine \"Empire\" saying, \"I don't know him. I understand you don't have to like everyone and you can dislike someone's work. But I don't understand the violence [of his statements]... I do not understand why he", "id": "10466659" }, { "contents": "National Blood Donation Day\n\n\nNational Blood Donation Day is an observance and campaign that highlights the need for blood. Multiple states throughout the United States have their state blood donation day on this same day uniting the country in its effort to keep blood banks and hospitals stocked. In 2015, syndicated radio host and family physician Dr. Daliah Wachs requested Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to create a Nevada Blood Donation Day to help the state raise blood and awareness. Uniting with United Blood Services and the American Red Cross, Nevada Blood Donation Day held blood drives across the state", "id": "12925717" }, { "contents": "National Blood Donation Day\n\n\nand its success prompted the campaign to continue in 2016. During this year, blood shortages were being reported nationally. Dr. Daliah approached Governors in all 50 states to help proclaim state blood donation days, and United Blood Services, the American Red Cross and blood banks across the US joined forces to help bring this national campaign to light. By September 2016, the majority of states had proclaimed state blood donation days. Indiana and Arizona proclaimed a blood donation week during this time and Alaska proclaimed the entire month of September Alaska Blood", "id": "12925718" }, { "contents": "History of United States prison systems\n\n\nThe state was not the only entity profiting from the farm; private operators controlled certain of its industries and maintained high profit margins. The physician who ran the farm's for-profit blood bank, for instance, earned between $130,000 and $150,000 per year off of inmate donations that he sold to hospitals. Faced with this acute shortage of manpower, authorities at the penal farms relied upon armed inmates, known as \"trusties\" or \"riders,\" to guard the convicts while they worked Under the trusties' control", "id": "19937265" }, { "contents": "NHSBT Blood Donation\n\n\n23 permanent blood donation venues across England, and it has been estimated that three units of blood are issued to hospitals within England every minute. It was reported by The Independent in 2016 that Blood Donation and NHS Blood and Transplant collect 1.8 million units of blood each year from 23,000 blood donations sessions across England and North Wales. On May 2nd 2016, responsibility for blood collection in North Wales was passed from Blood Donation to the Welsh Blood Service, making it a national service operating across the whole of Wales. In 2016,", "id": "2362852" }, { "contents": "Tony Rizzo\n\n\nof underhanded electioneering in the 1988 election when he admitted to donating $700 to the campaign of Roland Saggiorato, a rival candidate shortly after Saggiorato withdrew from the race. Rizzo claimed the donation was legal but some argued the payment was a bribe for Saggiorato withdrawing his candidacy. Rizzo said he had no idea why Saggiorato left the race. He said, \"I don't give a damn why.\" Later Rizzo tried unsuccessfully to appoint Saggiorato to the city's municipal Committee of Adjustment - a position that came with a $", "id": "7959249" }, { "contents": "New Zealand Blood Service\n\n\nand forecasts demand from hospitals and uses this to calculate the number of appointments and donations required for the week, based on blood type. Blood type is key, as donations are matched to the blood types of the patients being treated in hospitals. Each year New Zealand Blood Service collects approximately 120,000 whole blood donations, 22,000 plasma donations and 18,000 units of platelets. New Zealand Blood Service has nine Donor Centres around New Zealand and runs over 300 mobile blood drives each year. The Donor Centres are in Auckland (Epsom, Manukau", "id": "19743390" }, { "contents": "Blood donation\n\n\n\"Every blood donor is a hero\" focuses on the idea that everyone can become a hero by giving blood. Based on data reported by 180 countries between 2011 and 2013, the WHO estimated that approximately 112.5 million units of blood were being collected annually. In the United States it is estimated that 111 million citizens are eligible blood donors, or 37% of the population. However less than 10% of the 37% eligible blood donors donate annually. In the UK the NHS reports blood donation levels at \"only 4", "id": "20573185" }, { "contents": "Shane Cross\n\n\n, I think it didn't-like we went to Shane's funeral, everyone was there, and it was like one of the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Like, there's like 250 skateboarders around the world, and close friends and family, all together there, and ... why couldn't it have been just like, everyone there, just like Shane 'Skater of the Year' party, or something, you know? Why did it have to be a funeral? The team manager of Flip at", "id": "7994155" }, { "contents": "Pedro Manrique de Lara\n\n\nErmessinde further pledged 200 gold pieces per annum for the erection of a monastery at Arandilla, offering even to pay the salary of the master builder who would supervise its construction. No monastery was every built at Arandilla, nor was Pedro buried there. It is not clear why the project failed. On 11 March 1183, Pedro and his eldest son, García, made a donation to the Order of Calatrava for the good of the soul of his first wife, the latter's mother, the \"infanta\" Sancha. Pedro", "id": "14685563" }, { "contents": "School fees in New Zealand\n\n\nfor low decile schools because the decile represents the school community's socio-economic rank. As they get less Government funding, and because parents have more ability to pay, high decile schools typically request a larger donation. On 10 May 2013, the NZ Herald reported that in 2012 parents raised \"more than $357 million a year in donations and fundraising to support the \"free\" schooling system.\" Wellington College, a decile 10 school, charges $720 per student and $250 for each sibling each year for", "id": "3134222" }, { "contents": "Hunter 28\n\n\nand there's altogether too much that you don't get for what you don't pay, for any serious sailor to take the Hunter 28 seriously. There's a good reason why first impressions should be taken seriously, too. What you don't pay for up front will surely be heavily loaded on the back end. Count on it ... If you wonder why people are leaving sailing like the plague just arrived, possibly this boat offers some reasons. There are too many just like it.\" Related development Similar sailboats", "id": "12990314" }, { "contents": "British logistics in the Falklands War\n\n\nthere were 425 Royal Navy medical staff with the task force, including 103 doctors. Some 40 Royal Naval Reserve doctors were called up for service in the UK to replace those headed for the South Atlantic. The departure of so many trained personnel led to the suspension of nursing training at the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar, and Royal Naval Hospital, Stonehouse. The Army Blood Supply Depot issued 800 units to the task force, and more units were obtained from a blood donation drive on \"Canberra\". It was initially hoped", "id": "14983093" }, { "contents": "Israeli–Arab organ donations\n\n\n\", Ahmed's mother Abla explained why she agreed to the donations: \"We saw a lot of painful scenes in the hospital. I have seen children in deep need of organs, in deep pain. It doesn't matter who they are. We didn't specify that his organs would go to Arabs, Christians or Jews. I didn't want my son to suffer, I didn't want other children to suffer regardless of who they are\". Ahmed's father Ismail worked as a car mechanic in Israel for", "id": "5032717" }, { "contents": "Renzo Rosso\n\n\npoint of reference for me.\" Following the donation, Alessandro Maggioni, Venice's councilor in charge of public works, said, \"We are facing a period of severe crisis in Italy, and even a city like Venice doesn’t have the means to cover all the restoration and maintenance works its immense cultural heritage would require. This is why Renzo Rosso’s commitment is so important for us: it is a message for the entire world.\" Built in 1592, the bridge hasn't been restored since 1975. The", "id": "2351813" }, { "contents": "Manav Utthan Sewa Samiti\n\n\ncamps across the various ashrams in India every year. Many participants take part in it with full zeal and vigor. Such camps help in replenish the blood of all blood groups in the blood camps, as many people die due its unavailability. Such a camp was recently held at an Ashram in Punjabi Bagh, Delhi, where 250 Units of blood were collected in association with Lions Club and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital. In the recent held camp, Satpal Maharaj (under whose guidance the camp held) said, blood donation is", "id": "5609346" }, { "contents": "North American blizzard of 1999\n\n\nseveral days, many businesses were closed as well. Of those that were able to remain open, stores selling snow removal equipment were doing a booming business. There was also a nationwide blood shortage since a high proportion of blood donations come from the Midwest and many could not make it to the hospital and donate during the storm or during the subsequent cold snap. In much of Northwest Indiana, blackouts occurred for days at a time. Porter County was without electricity for about 3 days total. Local buildings, such as schools", "id": "14743928" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\ndonations and Blackburn received $20,500 in donations from these trade groups. On March 23, 2017, abolition of these privacy protections passed on a narrow party-line vote. In June 2018, California passed the law restricting companies from sharing user data without permission. Also, users would be informed to whom the data is being sold and why. On refusal to sell the data, companies are allowed to charge a little higher to these consumers. Used by government agencies are array of technologies designed to track and gather Internet users", "id": "1742867" }, { "contents": "Charm School with Ricki Lake\n\n\ndollars, and needs to work on her \"issues with men\". Next, is Bubbles who donates her salsa dancing clothing, some pants, and pajamas, but doesn't really talk about her issues. Brittaney goes next and after donating, states she needs to change deep inside of herself, and many girls begin to laugh at her. She says she doesn't know why girls hate her, but she needs to change that because she wants everyone to love her. K.O. impresses the judges by donating all the clothes", "id": "8674514" }, { "contents": "Blood Donation Badge of Honor\n\n\nIf worn as a ribbon bar, a miniature version of the badge is attached to a red ribbon bar. Blood donation service of the German armed forces: For 3; 6; 10; 15; 25; 40; 50; 75; 100; 125; 150; 175; 200; 225; 250; 275 and 300 donations. German Red Cross For 10; 25; 50; 75; 100; 125; 150; 175; 200; 250; 275 and 300 donations. Bavarian Red Cross For 3", "id": "19265002" }, { "contents": "Blood donation\n\n\nassurances that donors would have priority during shortages, free T-shirts, first aid kits, windshield scrapers, pens, and similar trinkets. There are also incentives for the people who recruit potential donors, such as prize drawings for donors and rewards for organizers of successful drives. Recognition of dedicated donors is common. For example, the Singapore Red Cross Society presents awards for voluntary donors who have made a certain number of donations under the Blood Donor Recruitment Programme starting with a \"bronze award\" for 25 donations. The government", "id": "20573189" }, { "contents": "2018 Mastung and Bannu bombings\n\n\nHealth Department, and urged citizens of Karachi to donate blood, following which mobile messages asking for blood donation started circulating in Karachi. On 14 July 2018, Quetta civil hospital overflowed due to the excess of patients. Beds in the hospital fell short of need and many patients were treated in the corridor of hospital. On the next day of attacks, a First Information Report (FIR) was registered against the Bannu bombing at the Haved police station. The FIR included charges of terrorism. Caretaker Chief Minister of KPK, Dost", "id": "21133814" }, { "contents": "NHS Blood and Transplant\n\n\nof NHSBT as an effective and responsive organisation, focused on the needs of donors and patients. The year saw a record high in organ donation and transplantation together with an increase in the number of people signing up to donate blood. The National Blood Service (NBS), now renamed Blood Donation, is the organisation for England which collects blood and other tissues, tests, processes, and supplies all the hospitals in England. Other official blood services in the United Kingdom include the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service, Scottish National Blood", "id": "22198755" }, { "contents": "The Last Blood\n\n\nto his big family. This explains why; in a raid earlier on, did Kama Kura manage to escape: Stone did fire at Kama Kura but missed the terrorist leader (most likely on purpose) . Lui Tai however ends the betrayal in a match of quick-draw whereby Lui shoots Stone in the head, but Stone missed. After witnessing the tragedy of his girlfriend Fatty agrees to donate his blood to save the Daka as well as B's girlfriend, as a promise to his own deceased girlfriend. With the", "id": "20580943" }, { "contents": "Navroji Mistri\n\n\ntreated at the Singapore General Hospital, Navroji asked his doctor and close friend Professor Gordon Ransome about why sick children had to sleep along the corridors of the hospital. In reply, Professor Ransome jokingly asked that since he was rich, why don't he contribute money to build a paediatric ward? Having heard this, he presented a SGD$950,000 check to the hospital for the construction of a third-class hospital ward for non-paying patients, saying that \"\"I cannot bear to think of sick children, and their", "id": "697406" }, { "contents": "Regional Institute of Medical Sciences\n\n\nof Manipur was attached for teaching purpose with bed strength of 250. Round the year, Doctors are attending number of OPD patients and numbers of patients are admitted in the hospital. There had been better nursing care with the induction of more staff nurses. It has 18 clinical departments, Casualty and emergency ward and a blood bank. Number of voluntary donors are donating blood and the blood bank continues to provide blood whenever needed. It has a stand-by Diesel Generator of 250 KVA capacity also. Emergency cases are managed by", "id": "5750925" }, { "contents": "Blood donation in England\n\n\nIn England, blood and other tissues are collected by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), which also processes and supplies blood products to hospitals in the country through the Bio Products Laboratory. NHSBT Blood Donation was previously known as the National Blood Service until it merged with UK Transplant in 2005 to form a NHS special health authority. Other official blood services in the United Kingdom include the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service, the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and the Welsh Blood Service. The service depends entirely on voluntary donations from the", "id": "4542518" }, { "contents": "Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial\n\n\nIntellectual Properties Management Inc., an organization operated by King's family, wanted the foundation to pay licensing fees to use his name and likeness in marketing campaigns. The memorial's foundation, beset by delays and a languid pace of donations, stated that \"the last thing it needs is to pay an onerous fee to the King family.\" Joseph Lowery, past president of the King-founded Southern Christian Leadership Conference stated in \"The Washington Post\", \"If nobody's going to make money off of it, why", "id": "14189375" }, { "contents": "Undie 500\n\n\nin at least one conviction for fifteen people. Furthermore, University of Otago students involved in the rioting also risked being expelled from the university. 31 people were charged at the Dunedin District Court, 22 being convicted (9 on two charges), and 5 receiving diversion. One charge of disorderly likely to cause violence was upheld on appeal to the High Court. The people convicted were forced to pay fines, reparations, donations and court costs exceeding $16,500 (up to $2,000 for some individuals), and received 250", "id": "15100772" }, { "contents": "Oldboy (2013 film)\n\n\nCheap Trick Writing To Me. YO\". He also addressed this further on Instagram, \"Why Should I Pay Someone Who I Never Met Nor Had Any Contact With Ever? He Never Made Any Deal With Me. Why Don't You Pay Me For Your Stupid Text On Thanksgiving Day?\". The issue was eventually settled. Garcia replaced the letter on his website with a message saying \"A big Thank You to everyone who contacted me regarding the Oldboy posters. Spike Lee, Art Sims, and I have settled", "id": "5162954" }, { "contents": "In re Gill\n\n\nhave been unable to identify any who would be available for this case.\" However, his choice of witness was criticized by Nadine Smith of the gay-rights organization Equality Florida: \"Rekers is part of a small cadre of bogus pseudo scientists that charge these exorbitant fees to peddle information they know has been discredited time and time again. And people like McCollum will pay top dollar for it. There's a reason why he can't find credible sources. Because credible people don't believe this ban should exist.\"", "id": "7468275" }, { "contents": "Singapore Cord Blood Bank\n\n\nThe Singapore Cord Blood Bank (Abbreviation: SCBB) is Singapore's only public cord blood bank that collects, processes and stores donated umbilical cord blood for use in stem cell transplants. Its cord blood units may be searched for use by qualifying transplant centers around the world. As a public cord blood bank, SCBB does not charge cord blood donors for its services. However, as the cord blood is donated altruistically, the donor relinquishes any claims to it after donation. This contrasts with a private cord blood bank where parents", "id": "9936996" }, { "contents": "Martin Gaffney\n\n\n, there were no blood screening tests for the virus. It was also discovered that the donors had donated blood the day before Mutsuko Gaffney's caesarean section was performed. It is possible that she would not have been infected with HIV if Navy doctors had treated her and the unborn child she was carrying in a timely manner. In 1983 and 1985 Mutsuko Gaffney gave birth again. First to a daughter named Maureene and then a son named John. John was a sickly child and tests were done to find out why. It", "id": "20956446" }, { "contents": "Terry Jones (i-D)\n\n\ndirection and design. If a picture suggested that it be used full-frame, full-bleed, then Terry's inclination would be to crop it in half and print it upside down with a 30 per cent cyan-tint. The best picture from a session would be used small, while the worst one would be used across a spread. When asked why he did it, he'd cut back with, \"Why do it like everyone else?\" Video-grabs and TV-stills were used to provide", "id": "2683131" }, { "contents": "NHSBT Blood Donation\n\n\nit was announced by NHS Blood and Transplant that blood donors within England would receive a text message when their donation was sent to a hospital for use. In recent years, Blood Donation has launched campaigns aimed at increasing the numbers of Black and Minority Ethnic donors. In 2016 a number of famous landmarks across the world took part in the Missing Type Campaign, in which the letters A, B, and O were removed from signage for BAFTA, Abbey Road and Llanfairpwllgwyngyll railway station to highlight the need for the corresponding blood types", "id": "2362853" }, { "contents": "Mark Meechan\n\n\nstated he has not and will not pay the £800 fine, instead donating £800 to the Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity. In April 2016, Meechan posted a video of his girlfriend's pet pug Buddha titled \"M8 Yer Dugs A Nazi\". At the start of the video, he says: \"My girlfriend is always ranting and raving about how cute and adorable her wee dog is so I thought I would turn him into the least cute thing I could think of, which is a Nazi\". In", "id": "5654382" }, { "contents": "Irish Blood Transfusion Service\n\n\nawarded as follows: A silver award is given for 10 donations; a gold award for 20 donations; a gold drop-shaped lapel pin (representing blood) for 50 donations; and presentation at an awards dinner ceremony, and a porcelain pelican, for 100 donations. The Irish Blood Transfusion Service is also responsible for the collection of blood platelets and for managing the Unrelated Bone Marrow registry in Ireland. Donors can give platelets at the National Blood Centre in St James Hospital in Dublin or at St Finbarr's Hospital in Cork", "id": "4728597" }, { "contents": "YouCaring\n\n\nbut a third-party credit card processing fee exists. Operating costs (including salaries for YouCaring employees) are funded by voluntary donations. YouCaring does not charge the fundraiser a fee, but YouCaring does ask that the donor provide a \"Tip\" to YouCaring. The credit card processing fee for each donation is 2.9% plus $0.30 per donation, which is paid by the donor. All crowdfunding platforms charge money either through the tipping fee structure that YouCaring charges or through a straight percentage which the fundraiser pays on the total", "id": "10928901" }, { "contents": "LifeSouth Community Blood Centers\n\n\nLifeSouth Community Blood Centers is a not-for-profit blood bank incorporated in Florida. LifeSouth is headquartered in Gainesville, Florida and serves over 100 hospitals in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. It has formerly been known as Civitan Regional Blood Centers. In 1974, hospitals were in critical need of volunteer blood donors after the FDA curtailed the practice of paying donors for blood donations. Gainesville, Fla. hospitals (Alachua General Hospital, UF Health Shands Hospital and North Florida Regional Medical Center) all agreed that a non-profit community", "id": "18906003" }, { "contents": "Military of Serbia Civil Services\n\n\n. The civilians are free to use the hospital on certain days of the week. During all other times the hospital is reserved for the military use. Serbian Armed Forces have organized a blood donation campaign on 28 May 2008 in order to boost the supply. According to the words of the head of the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia, Snezana Draskovic, in May 2008 the blood supply was below needed quantity. Due to the blood donations of the Serbian Armed Forces the blood supplies have reached the needed amount. Medical units of", "id": "13429635" }, { "contents": "Blood donation in Bangladesh\n\n\nBlood donation in Bangladesh is an activity conducted by several different organisations. As of 2011, about 25% of the nation's blood supply came from voluntary donation, 20–25% from paid donors, and 50–55% from one-time donation for a specific patient. Blood transfusion service became available in Bangladesh at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital in 1950. Professional blood donors were the mainstay of blood donation in Bangladesh, with 47% of donated blood coming from professional donors as late as the year 2000. The potential for contamination in", "id": "15694895" }, { "contents": "Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue\n\n\n, and began to slowly spread a culture of voluntary, unpaid blood donation across the country — although, even to this day, the north of Italy has a freer attitude towards blood donation than the south, where voluntary, free donation is only expected for a family member. By 1955, Formentano had become the president of IFBDO, the International Federation of Blood Donor Organisations. In the 1950s and early 60s, the sale of blood in Italy was still permitted, and due to the shortages, particularly in the south of", "id": "9669536" }, { "contents": "Coin's Financial School\n\n\nreached over $40 billion, then an unprecedented sum. Farms and cities were mortgaged to pay off the debt, more and more businesses and farms went out of business, and so began the Panic of 1893. The school continued to gain more attention and popularity as more newspapers began to cover the lessons, this time with more positive enthusiasm. It got to the point where Coin had to start charging the audience for admission, and donate the proceedings to charity. Among the first questions directed at Coin involved why the metals", "id": "9523143" }, { "contents": "Francis Goya\n\n\n, and we would like to use this opportunity to appeal to generosity of the donators for the financing of our ambitious projects, such as donation of musical instruments or taking the charge of conducting artistic classes for children and teenagers from “problem” regions (such as orphanages, hospitals, douars). I would like to thank you in advance for the coverage and publicity that you can give to this good initiative” – the speech of Francis Goya, President of the Francis Goya Foundation Francis Goya has over 40 album releases to", "id": "3860110" }, { "contents": "Predicted effects of the FairTax\n\n\ncertain charities, from taxable income. Someone paying a 25% income tax rate would receive $250 back from the government for a $1,000 donation. While there is no deduction for payroll taxes and most do not itemize the deduction for full benefit, this encourages households to donate more of their income to charity than would otherwise be the case. As the FairTax would only tax new retail purchases, donations to charity would be made with untaxed income (comparable to a deduction on both income and payroll taxes). The FairTax", "id": "17703047" }, { "contents": "New Zealand Blood Service\n\n\ntissues. Approximately 29,000 New Zealanders need blood or blood products every year and 4% of New Zealanders donate. New Zealand Blood Service has four key roles: Blood collection, based on voluntary, unpaid donations; Processing of blood donations, by separating blood donations into blood components; Accreditation testing of blood donations, to minimise risk to the recipients of blood and blood products; Blood Banking at hospital-based laboratories, where blood products are tested pre-transfusion and matched to each individual patient. New Zealand Blood Service carefully plans", "id": "19743389" }, { "contents": "Naggalama Hospital\n\n\nUganda Catholic Medial Bureau and is administered by the Little Sisters of St. Francis. The planned bed capacity of the hospital is 100. Like most community hospitals in Uganda, Nagalama Hospital operates under severe constraints of staffing and funding. The hospital charges fees for treatment, but no one is turned away because of inability to pay. Funding for the hospital is dependent on service fees, donations from within Uganda and overseas, support from the Catholic Church and subsidies from the Ugandan Government. The hospital has been managed by Sr Jane of", "id": "12717698" }, { "contents": "Blood bank\n\n\nA blood bank is a center where blood gathered as a result of blood donation is stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term \"blood bank\" typically refers to a division of a hospital where the storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is performed (to reduce the risk of transfusion related adverse events). However, it sometimes refers to a collection center, and indeed some hospitals also perform collection. For blood donation agencies in various countries, see List of blood donation agencies and List of", "id": "20148221" }, { "contents": "Blood donation restrictions on men who have sex with men\n\n\nperiod for testing and could have entered the blood supply, potentially infecting blood product recipients. An incident in 2003 in New Zealand saw a non-MSM donor testing positive for HIV and subsequently all blood products made with the donor's last blood donation had to be recalled. This included NZ$4 million worth of Factor VIII, a blood clotting factor used to treat hemophiliacs which is manufactured from large pools of donated plasma, and subsequently led to a nationwide shortage of Factor VIII and the deferral of non-emergency surgery on hemophiliac patients", "id": "14336534" }, { "contents": "Detroit bankruptcy\n\n\nbe used to shore up underfunded pensions. This would save the DIA from selling its art; the DIA would then become a private organization, releasing it from city ownership and protecting its collection forever. When asked why they donated, Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation said \"If you don't have great cities, you won't have great nations,\" he said. \"Detroit is a metaphor for America, for America's challenges and America's opportunities. It is a hothouse for new innovation, for ingenuity", "id": "14779660" }, { "contents": "Blood transfusion in Sri Lanka\n\n\nthe direction of a superintendent blood transfusion service. It had a staff of 124 at that time. In the 1960s and 1970s, blood was collected into glass bottles and collected blood was screened only for malaria and syphilis. Hospital-based blood banks started operations in late 1968. In 1979, paid donation was discontinued and voluntary donation was encouraged to ensure the safety of collected blood. In 1980, the number of hospital-based blood banks reached 20, and 12 emergency bleeding centres were also established. Mobile blood donation programs", "id": "7378418" }, { "contents": "2017 Las Vegas shooting\n\n\nat the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California. One person stated that the number of Las Vegas survivors at the bar may have been as high as 60. It was confirmed that a survivor of the massacre in Las Vegas died in the shooting in Thousand Oaks. On the morning after the shooting, lines to donate blood in Las Vegas stretched for blocks. Wait times were as much as six hours or more. In Las Vegas alone, 800 units of blood were donated to the local blood bank in the", "id": "3442036" }, { "contents": "Fifth Street Historic District\n\n\n, but Whit wouldn't agree. 'Lynchburg Hospital belongs to the whole city,' he told them, 'us as much as anybody, and we don't want to improve and pay for what we get over there.'\" When Brown died in 1946, he donated his entire estate to Lynchburg General Hospital, including the brick duplex at 411-413 Polk Street (118-5318-0043) that he had constructed as rental property only six years earlier. Lynchburg General Hospital kept the building (likely earning", "id": "10096490" }, { "contents": "Blood donation in India\n\n\nby conducting check-ups. Athar Blood Bank is an initiative by \"Athar Minorities Social and Welfare Association\" and is based in Solapur, Maharashtra. It was established in 2012 and conducts blood donation camps across the state. Apart from governmental and non-governmental organizations, major hospitals in the country have their own blood banks where blood donation is conducted within the facility. Organizations such as BloodConnect, Indian Blood Donors and Friends2support maintain a database of blood donors which facilitates a network between blood donors and organizations/hospitals. Despite", "id": "4573042" }, { "contents": "Sean Langan\n\n\nbeing kidnapped in future.\" Tory MP Philip Davies said: 'I don't believe in basically caving in to kidnappers in any way, shape or form. It creates a more unsafe environment for everyone. It is just encouraging them to do this to other people. If they did ignore Foreign Office advice given to them then it was wholly irresponsible.' Tory MP David Davies, also, said: 'I can see why Channel 4 felt this obligation and why people do pay ransoms to release valued employees or loved", "id": "7149186" }, { "contents": "Ferenc Szálasi\n\n\nneck, the rope tightened, and the steps were removed. With the post only leaving a couple feet between Szálasi and the ground it is likely that he died slowly due to strangulation rather than being instantaneously rendered unconscious and dying shortly after as would happen when utilizing the standard drop. This would also explain why his arms and legs were bound as to prevent struggle during the process. Thirty-two photos of the hanging were donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Other photographs of the execution are on display in the", "id": "18198425" }, { "contents": "American Red Cross\n\n\nshowed that ARC was ranked as the third \"most popular charity/non-profit in America\" of over 100 charities researched with 48% of Americans over the age of 12 choosing \"Love\", and \"Like A lot\" to describe the Red Cross. ARC supplies roughly 40% of the donated blood in the United States, which it sells to hospitals and regional suppliers. Community-based blood centers supply 50% and 6% is collected directly by hospitals. In December 2004, ARC completed its largest blood", "id": "6641867" }, { "contents": "Dive! (film)\n\n\nDive! is an American documentary film directed by Jeremy Seifert. The film follows director Jeremy Seifert and his friends as they dumpster dive behind several grocery stores in the Los Angeles area to demonstrate the massive amount of food that is wasted each year in America. After showing that much of the food found in dumpsters is perfectly edible, Seifert confronts the managers of the stores to question why they don't donate more of it to local food banks, especially in light of the 1996 Federal Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act,", "id": "9541473" }, { "contents": "Noel Neill\n\n\n, and she played Gertrude Vanderworth (the dying elderly wife of Lex Luthor) in the 2006 film \"Superman Returns\". Neill and \"Superman\" actor Jack Larson donated their time to record commentaries for the DVD releases of the \"Superman\" TV episodes. On the documentary \"\", Neill remarked that a frequent question she would get from children was, \"Why don't you know that Clark Kent was Superman, just wearing a pair of those darn eyeglasses?\" She replied to the children (and later to", "id": "3333096" }, { "contents": "Edward Adamson\n\n\nby the hospital Art Therapist, Alice Jackson, until 2012. In 2000 SLaM named a new mental health unit at St Thomas' Hospital as the Adamson Centre for Mental Health as a tribute to his pioneering work. Timlin donated 50 ink portraits by Adamson of people at work in the Netherne shower room, which he drew after one of the people in the session asked Adamson why wasn't he also drawing. (There are many more of these at the Wellcome Library Adamson Archive). The Adamson Centre closed in November 2016", "id": "13221166" }, { "contents": "Blood donation\n\n\nof Malaysia also offers free outpatient and hospitalization benefits for blood donors, for example, 4 months of free outpatient treatment and hospitalization benefits after every donation. In Poland, after donating a specific amount of blood (18 litres for men and 15 for women), a person is gifted with the title of \"Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor\" as well as a medal. In addition, a popular privilege in larger Polish cities is the right to free use of public transport, but the conditions for obtaining a privilege may vary depending", "id": "20573190" }, { "contents": "World Blood Donor Day\n\n\nfreely, give often\". Blood donation matters. This year campaign pays attention to stories from people whose lives have been saved through blood donation. Activities include memorable events, meetings, publication of relevant stories on media, scientific conferences, publication of articles on national, regional and international scientific journals, and other activities that would help in encouraging the title of this year's World Blood Donor Day. The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2015 is China through its blood center in Shanghai, Shanghai Blood Centre, also the", "id": "10397968" }, { "contents": "FOR VETS Act of 2013\n\n\npersonal property through the Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program at no cost; other organizations must pay for such property. The legislation would expand eligibility to allow any organization that primarily supports veterans to receive donations free of charge. Based on information from the General Services Administration (GSA) about the current donation program, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that implementing the legislation would have no significant impact on the federal budget. Enacting H.R. 1171 would reduce offsetting receipts (a credit against direct spending); therefore, pay-", "id": "13097538" }, { "contents": "Blood donation in India\n\n\na huge population, the demand-supply gap for blood units persists in many healthcare facilities in the country. According to a 2012 report by the World Health Organization, only 9 million blood units are available annually, whereas the demand is 12 million units. Disparities in access of donors in different areas have led to wastage of blood stock in some parts of the country, while at the same time creating a shortage of blood in some other parts. Due to substandard medical facilities and practices in many parts of the country,", "id": "4573043" }, { "contents": "Broodfonds\n\n\nthe other members in their group, the total amounting to a net monthly income. The participants open individual bankaccounts dedicated to their 'bread fund'. On these accounts the people who join a \"broodfonds\" save a fixed amount per month: between €33.75 and €112.50. They also pay a one-time service fee of €250 and a monthly contribution of €10. If members fall sick, they receive net donations depending on their own monthly contribution: between €750 and €2500. Personal donations can", "id": "5632977" }, { "contents": "Dera Sacha Sauda\n\n\nDuring the donation exercise, the Dera had meticulously collected proofs needed to qualify for the world record. After creating the record, several Dera devotees also stated that their aim was to create the record. Doctors have criticised the \"ostentatious\" mass blood donation camps organised by Dera Sacha Sauda as wasteful. According to the director of the Shiv Shakti blood bank in Sirsa, most of the blood collected in Dera's camps gets wasted. Moreover, the devotees don't respond to the blood bank's requests for blood donations at other", "id": "21787339" }, { "contents": "Heartland Blood Centers\n\n\nmobile blood drives. Heartland Blood Centers partners with schools, churches, businesses, and community groups to host blood drives 7 days a week. Heartland Blood Centers provides over 172,500 units of blood annually to 12 counties and 50 plus hospitals. It operates under a volunteer donor system and returns 100% of the blood donated to communities served by Heartland. HBC is also a partner of the nationwide resource sharing program which directs blood donations to relief efforts after natural disasters, national emergencies, and demands by the armed forces. As a", "id": "18403483" }, { "contents": "Temie Giwa-Tubosun\n\n\n\" with the aim of ending blood shortage, educating people on the importance of blood donation for anyone in need of blood, to overcome fears, prejudice, myths and apathy of people on blood donation, and to increase an efficient distribution network of blood in blood banks in Nigeria. The founding board of trustees were Oluwaloni Olamide Giwa, Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, Mustapha Maruf Damilola, Oluwaseun Odewale, Akintunde Oyebode, Mary Oyefuga, Hezekiah Olayinka Shobiye, and Kolawole Olatubosun. In January 2016, Temie founded LifeBank, a business organisation set", "id": "11736112" }, { "contents": "Sun State Roller Derby\n\n\nto Southside Education School For Girls and $5000 to Dress for Success. In 2010, the league held a shoe/handbag/jewellery drive, helped run a fundraising gala for Dress For Success, and raised $250 for The Brain Foundation (on behalf of the Brisbane Zombie Walk ) and donated $7500 to Fitted for Work. In 2011, the league organised a group blood donation for the Australian Red Cross, where league members donated blood while wearing the popular Sun State \"Give Blood, Play Roller Derby\" T", "id": "13809926" }, { "contents": "Charles Saatchi\n\n\nGallery and over 200 works of art to the British public. The donation was estimated to be worth £30 million. He has donated over 100 works to the Tate Gallery, Art for Hospitals and the Arts Council. According to the \"Times Online\", Saatchi is \"reclusive\", even hiding from clients when they visited his agency's offices and, as of February 2009, has only ever granted two newspaper interviews. He does not attend his own exhibition openings; when asked why by the \"Sunday Telegraph\"", "id": "2496009" }, { "contents": "Gaguari\n\n\n. Several reasons are attributed to the rise of Donatism, political, religious and social. However, it would appear to be a clash of strong personalities that brought rapid development of schism. Under the reign of Constantine I, several measures of repression to Donatism were applied in vain. This is why, in 321, Constantine published an edict to authorize Donatism. After 25 years of existence, the Donatist Church had its own network of bishops, organized its own councils, gathered its own renamed faithful since the sacraments of the", "id": "6408290" }, { "contents": "Mesenich\n\n\nearly as 1050, Mesenich had its first documentary mention in connection with the Polish queen and count palatine's daughter Richeza's donation to the Brauweiler Benedictine Monastery near Cologne. The municipality's name, originally \"Mesinich\", is, like most other nearby villages’ names, of Celtic origin. Besides winegrowing and subsistence agriculture, shipbuilding was an important means of livelihood. This explains why an anchor is included as a charge in the municipality's coat of arms. Between 1050 and 1088, the Abbot of Brauweiler, Wolfhelm,", "id": "5120283" }, { "contents": "Arnold Schwarzenegger\n\n\nto donate blood. In an interview with \"Talk\" magazine in late 1999, Schwarzenegger was asked if he thought of running for office. He replied, \"I think about it many times. The possibility is there because I feel it inside.\" \"The Hollywood Reporter\" claimed shortly after that Schwarzenegger sought to end speculation that he might run for governor of California Following his initial comments, Schwarzenegger said, \"I'm in show business – I am in the middle of my career. Why would I go away", "id": "1595092" }, { "contents": "Blood donation\n\n\ndonations. Donors are now paid between $25 and $50 per donation. In some countries, for example Australia, Brazil and Great Britain, it is illegal to receive any compensation, monetary or otherwise, for the donation of blood or other human tissues. Regular donors are often given some sort of non-monetary recognition. Time off from work is a common benefit. For example, in Italy, blood donors receive the donation day as a paid holiday from work. Blood centers will also sometimes add incentives such as", "id": "20573188" }, { "contents": "Organ donation in the United States prison population\n\n\nwith over 2 million prisoners in the U.S., they reason that prisoners can provide a solution for reducing organ shortages in the U.S. While some have argued that prisoner participation would likely be too low to make a difference, one Arizona program started by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio encourages inmates to voluntarily sign up to donate their heart and other organs. As of mid-2012, over 10,000 inmates had signed up in that one county alone. In the United States, prisoners are not discriminated against as organ recipients and are equally eligible for organ", "id": "1930418" }, { "contents": "MATCH International Women's Fund\n\n\nand death. The quiz ends with MATCH asking for the respondent to pay their fine (i.e. a donation). Their #LotteryOfLife quiz, launched in 2016, aims to increase awareness on the life of women and girls in the global south. By taking this quiz based on some of your basic personal information (age, education, gender, etc.), the quiz tells you where you would be in the developing world. Another digital quiz found on the Fund's website titled \"Why Are We Still Protesting This", "id": "6672043" }, { "contents": "Last Blood (webcomic)\n\n\nguns and swords. After stopping the zombies, they meet with the survivors and introduce themselves as Matheson and Valerie, explaining that they are vampires that require their blood to live. April shoots Matheson out of shock and runs outside to be sick. Math follows her and explains that they are there to help, since the survival of vampires depends on the survival of humans and that it would be like donating blood to the hospital since they can live off very little blood. He reveals that she is the key to human survival", "id": "7577691" }, { "contents": "Gopali Youth Welfare Society\n\n\nwomen, free of charge, to make into 'thongas' or paper bags. Currently 30 women are associated with the production process who were given a week long training to make thongas. K.B.C. is also associated with 'Kharagpur Voluntary Blood Donor Organisation (KVBDO)' and have contacted the local hospitals of Kharagpur including Kharagpur Railway Hospital. To increase awareness about the society and its working in the campus of I.I.T Kharagpur and to raise donations from students of IIT Kharagpur in the form of general donation through cash and online payment with", "id": "21387751" }, { "contents": "Plasmapheresis\n\n\nundetected during the screening process. In a few countries, plasma (like blood) is donated by unpaid volunteers. In others, including the United States, most plasma donors are paid for their time as the time commitment for regular donors is over 200 hours per year. Standards for donating plasma are set by national regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Union, and by a professional organization, the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (or PPTA), which audits and accredits collection facilities", "id": "14350388" }, { "contents": "Roland JD-800\n\n\nin the sound. The JD-800 manual stated: \"[T]he original purpose of the synthesizer was to 'create sound'. It's easy to simply select a preset you like, but that sound will always be 'someone else's sound'. We at Roland asked, 'Why don't we return to the roots of synthesis; the enjoyment of creating original sounds?' ... 'Creating sounds' may seem like a highly technical process, but it's actually just a matter of moving a slider to make the", "id": "8297956" }, { "contents": "1950s in Hong Kong\n\n\na small space, like buttons, artificial flowers, umbrellas, textiles, enamelware, footwear and plastics. The handling of the refugees required the collaboration of numerous services and programs. The British Red Cross would set up their first branch in Hong Kong on 12 July 1950 as the Hong Kong Red Cross. They started in the Lai Chi Kok Hospital and began the Patient Concern Service. Blood donation also began in 1952 with 483 people donating in the first year. A Disaster Relief service was established in 1953 mostly to deal with", "id": "3037124" }, { "contents": "Baruch Samuel Blumberg\n\n\nhuman blood samples, to study the genetic variations in human beings, focusing on the question of why some people contract a disease in a given environment, while others do not. In 1964, while studying \"yellow jaundice\" (hepatitis), he discovered a surface antigen for hepatitis B in the blood of an Australian aborigine. His work later demonstrated that the virus could cause liver cancer. Blumberg and his team were able to develop a screening test for the hepatitis B virus, to prevent its spread in blood donations,", "id": "1672709" }, { "contents": "Hitrino train derailment\n\n\n. The discharged gas fumes from the liquid gas reached a bakery located in immediate proximity to the railway station, and its furnaces ignited them, causing the violent explosion. According to ammunition experts, the chain of events led to an equivalent of an oversized thermobaric weapon with blasting energy four to five times greater than the TNT-equivalent. Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov visited the scene. He called for people to donate blood as there was a shortage in the local hospitals. Local response alleviated the shortages. Bulgarian Transport Minister Ivaylo", "id": "4426887" }, { "contents": "NHSBT Blood Donation\n\n\nNHSBT Blood Donation (previously the National Blood Service or NBS) is responsible for the collection and distribution of blood products within England. Other parts of the United Kingdom are served by the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service, the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, and the Welsh Blood Service. Blood Donation is part of NHS Blood and Transplant, which was established as a special health authority in October 2005 and also has responsibility for NHSBT Organ Donation and Transplantation. Blood Donation collects at a combination of community-based temporary donation centres and", "id": "2362851" }, { "contents": "Malala Yousafzai\n\n\na temporary Malala tattoo on her back. American actress Angelina Jolie wrote an article about explaining the event to her children and answering questions like \"Why did those men think they needed to kill Malala?\" Jolie later donated $200,000 to the Malala Fund for girls' education. Former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush wrote an op-ed piece in \"The Washington Post\" in which she compared Yousafzai to Holocaust diarist Anne Frank. Indian director Amjad Khan announced that he would be making a biographical film based on", "id": "10664233" }, { "contents": "2011 Wisconsin protests\n\n\nto pay out of state tuition, out of my pocket, as Walker's budget proposes this dream will be crushed.\" The crowd chanted in support of Pacheco of shedding light into his experiences as an illegal immigrant. On June 2 in Madison, a blood drive sponsored by the Red Cross had to be rescheduled due to loud singing by anti-Walker protesters. The singers later apologized and said they would sing outside the Capitol during the rescheduled event and that they would donate blood to help make up for any lost donations", "id": "12267538" }, { "contents": "Colectiv nightclub fire\n\n\n, and the injured were redirected to other hospitals. Ventilation devices also had to be moved from hospitals where they were not being used, to those that needed more. Many residents of Bucharest reportedly flocked to blood donation centres in an effort to help the injured. Previously, health officials had launched an appeal to residents to donate blood. By the morning of 31 October, almost 600 people had donated blood at the Bucharest Transfusion Centre. As of the evening of 31 October, 23 of 27 dead had been identified—14 men and", "id": "4742917" }, { "contents": "Canadian Blood Services\n\n\n, on behalf of all provincial and territorial governments except Quebec. Its national transplant registry for interprovincial organ sharing and related programs extend to all provinces and territories. It has a unique relationship with Héma-Québec, the provincial blood system operator that provides products to patients and manages Quebec’s stem cell donor registry. The two organizations work closely to share blood products in times of need, and collaborate regularly to share information, insights and data. There are several reasons why individuals can be deferred from donating blood, including intravenous drug", "id": "17101980" } ]
How can high end clothing companies like Gucci charge, and actually get, $300-$500 for simple cotton t shirts?
[{"answer": "Your edit still shows you don't get it. What they said is all there is to it. It's prestigious. And the company gets a reputation of being prestigious, which perpetuates that prestige. It doesn't matter if they're 100% identical. One has the \"Gucci\" tag and the other doesnt. The price is their way to \"weed out\" people they think are lower status than them. It's pathetically socioeconomically prejudiced but that's all it is. That is literally all there is to this."}, {"answer": "First of all, you can guarantee you're getting an excellent product. Gucci has a reputation of making fashionable and *high quality* clothing. The company stands behind this. When I purchase a Gucci shirt, I know I'm paying for something that will look good and last a long time (provided I take care of it). If I'm buying a cheaper shirt, I don't know what I'm getting. The shirt could fade or tear easily and my money will have been wasted. Secondly, wearing a Gucci shirt creates a certain image. Gucci caters to celebrities, wealthy people, and fashion icons. When other people see me wearing a Gucci shirt, they might think \"Oh wow, he's wearing a $300 Gucci shirt. He must be successful.\" In our society, being financially successful is often associated with popularity and sex appeal. The same principal applies to other products as well. A Mercedes and a Toyota do the exact same thing. But with a Mercedes, I *know* I'm buying a great car that will handle well and last long. Toyota cars are probably just as good but Mercedes has a reputation for a reason. Driving a Mercedes makes me look successful. I can afford a decent car so I must be doing something right. It's hard to say that spending more money on a brand name product is a good decision or not. It's a personal decision based on experience. In my experience, I know that Starkist tuna tastes the same as the store brand tuna so I go with the cheaper option. In my experience know that Clorox anti-bacterial wipes stay moist longer than the store brand wipes, so I am willing to spend more money. Companies know the importance of a brand name and use it to their advantage, oftentimes deceiving the customer. In CVS (for non-American Redditors, it's a pharmacy), you have a choice of Bayer aspirin and CVS brand aspirin. The Bayer aspirin is more expensive because the company has a history of making quality medicine. What most people don't know is that the CVS brand aspirin is also made by Bayer. No matter which of the two aspirins a customer picks, the Bayer company still makes a sale."}, {"answer": "Because people like feeling exclusive. While you might not want to shell out more than $20 for a t-shirt, there are definitely people who are more than willing to do so just to show off the money they have"}, {"answer": "a long long time ago, i've read a research paper done on hooke... ...I mean... ... hotdog stands in NYC. the guy first posed a question of \"why does a same hotdog from the same hotdog stand cost $1 in Bronx and $5 in Manhattan?\" IIRC, it all comes down to how we Individually perceive Value. if it's something that you THINK is worth $60 and it sells for $60, then you'll probably buy it. if it sells for $40, then you'll think it's a Deal. however, if it sells for $120, then it's expensive. on the other hand, i might think that thing is worthless to me. eg. a brand new PS3 copy of Assassin's Creed 4 when i only got a 360. Furthermore, you're not really buying the \"same\" product. as in, a $2 white tee from bubbles mart is different than a $200 Gucci white tee. Do i think it's worth $200, hell no. but some people think the design (a very objective thing), quality and reputation is worth the $200-300 price tag."}, {"answer": "Let's take the accepted answer of a display of your financial success and status one step further. There are those who do not have that level of success that desire to have it greatly, and so instead of the correct path (step 1: achieve financial success. Step 2: spend large amounts of money on things that symbolize that success), they skip ahead to the part of owning stuff that symbolizes their financial success. To do this, they either buy forged, pirated or stolen goods or worse, the real thing at exorbitant prices. They blow their real budget on items they could have spent less money on with a non-name brand but still quality item. This impacts them and their families in compromising their budgets in other ways, denying them the purchasing power for items of real need. Or, they just put it on a credit card and find themselves in perpetual debt. Next, in the population as a whole, when a large percentage of the population has their own copy of the prestigious thing, making it much more commonplace, the level of exclusivity drops. The only way to exit that status is to spend even more money on something even more unusual and ridiculous. Repeat ad nauseum. Last night while waiting for my table to open up, I observed a nearly elderly woman near me who had a Coach purse. This is a similar situation to some of the staff members at my office where I see them with a new and different purse a couple of times a year. I'm pretty familiar with the level of wages they make and the prices of these purses. It doesn't match. The purses, in my mind, does not add one whit to their level of attractiveness. Them or this grandmother I saw. Yet, hundreds of dollars are spent without serious thought to the reason why. I can only come up with the rationale in that they do it to feel pretty. To whom, exactly? Men? Gay men, maybe. It's to feel prettier than other women. It's a never-ending cycle, and companies that have established some prestige in their products are absolutely shovelling in the money because of this aspect of human behaviour. Good for them, sad for us. Thankfully, Mrs. LeFortIII doesn't participate in that."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "844136", "title": "Gucci", "section": "Section::::Controversies.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 50, "end_paragraph_id": 50, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Italian luxury brand still continues to publish controversial ads. Gucci used a short film and images with reference to a cult film about drug addiction. This advertisement received a lot of backlash primarily because one of their young models was unhealthily thin according to the Advertising Standards Authority. This advertisement sounded shocking to many, but to the advertisement industry it was regarded as a prime example of what companies are supposed to do. William O'Barr argues that advertisements' main priority is to break through and draw the consumer's attention, regardless of what is deemed appropriate in society's eyes. In February 2019, Gucci advertised a black turtleneck sweater, which", "The Italian luxury brand still continues to publish controversial ads. Gucci used a short film and images with reference to a cult film about drug addiction. This advertisement received a lot of backlash primarily because one of their young models was unhealthily thin according to the Advertising Standards Authority. This advertisement sounded shocking to many, but to the advertisement industry it was regarded as a prime example of what companies are supposed to do. William O'Barr argues that advertisements' main priority is to break through and draw the consumer's attention, regardless of what is deemed appropriate in society's eyes"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Brandon Paris\n\n\nattained his black belt at Kangs Taekwondo before he reached the age of 13. During the late 80's in Winnipeg where young local owners of clothing companies like Mondetta Clothing Company and Chip and Pepper where flourishing. Brandon now 19 years old and still in high school, was determined to do the same and started making T-shirts in a friends basement with a brand name he called \"Express Clothing\" meaning, expressing one's self with clothing. He started selling T-shirts out of the trunk of his car at", "id": "17279558" }, { "contents": "Howies\n\n\nHowies is a clothing company based in west Wales. The company was founded in 1995 and produces eco-friendly T-shirts, jeans and sportswear, with the aim of having ethically correct practices. Howies use natural fabrics as alternatives to petrochemical-derived modern fabrics, including organic cotton, Merino wool and recycled cotton. Howies T-shirts often have images or slogans with political or environmental themes and are screen printed by hand in a workshop located at the brand headquarters. The Howies brand has a strong identity within many UK", "id": "22165010" }, { "contents": "Cut and sew\n\n\nt-shirt itself. Cut and sew garments are generally of higher quality and price than a standard mass-produced item. Brands like A Bathing Ape, Diamond Supply Co., Marc Ecko and Kanati Clothing Company have 'cut and sew' lines, which are most commonly items like button up shirts and other higher end clothing items instead of items like t-shirts. Learning Cut 'n' Sew is now more possible than before, principal institutions have now started to offer electable Majors & Minors in Fiber Science and Apparel", "id": "17472926" }, { "contents": "Culture of Djibouti\n\n\na minority religion in Djibouti, with around 4,767 adherents. When not dressed in western clothing such as jeans and t-shirts, men typically wear the macawiis, which is a sarong-like garment worn around the waist. Among nomads, many wear a loosely wrapped white cotton robe called a tobe that goes down to about the knee, with the end thrown over the shoulder (much like a Roman toga). Women typically wear the dirac, which is a long, light, diaphanous voile dress made of cotton or", "id": "4289930" }, { "contents": "Some Kinda Rush\n\n\nthe kind of clothes suitable for such conditions. Towards the end of the video they go into a desert and their outfits change into blouses and T-shirts, the same clothes they were wearing at the start of the video. They drive into Las Vegas, the camera also cuts to shots that point down Nadia and Cherises tops (which at this time is focused on their cleavage). At the end Booty Luv get out of the car and walk off leaving the car behind, the background changes back to a simple", "id": "13054769" }, { "contents": "Gucci\n\n\nsmall car includes leather trim and other designs \"to make it feel like a Gucci handbag.\" The hatchbacks were joined by the 500C by Gucci featuring a sliding cloth roof with a green-red-green Gucci stripe. The Gucci versions of both the regular 500 and the cloth-top 500C were again available in 2013. Gucci has had a partnership with UNICEF since 2005. Gucci stores worldwide donate a percentage of the sales for special collections made specifically for UNICEF to go toward the United Nations Children's Fund. The", "id": "11185282" }, { "contents": "HTnaturals\n\n\ncotton-like alternative called CRAILAR. They've been successful in reaching this goal and have spun fibres on regular cotton-spinning equipment, resulting in cloth with applications ranging from T-shirts to carpet. They are now in the midst of commercializing this technology and exploring partnerships with some of the world's leading brands. They have recently signed a multi-phase Joint Development Agreement with Hanes ( HTnaturals produced clothing and accessories made from hemp, soy, organic cotton and bamboo. HTnaturals Triple Bottom Line philosophy aimed", "id": "10271435" }, { "contents": "Cotton\n\n\nCotton is used to make a number of textile products. These include terrycloth for highly absorbent bath towels and robes; denim for blue jeans; cambric, popularly used in the manufacture of blue work shirts (from which we get the term \"blue-collar\"); and corduroy, seersucker, and cotton twill. Socks, underwear, and most T-shirts are made from cotton. Bed sheets often are made from cotton. Cotton also is used to make yarn used in crochet and knitting. Fabric also can be", "id": "16207021" }, { "contents": "Organic product\n\n\namount of labour per unit of food is larger compared to the mass production of non-organic products. Clothing products made with such raw materials which have been produced by using organic methods are referred to as Organic Clothing. Organic cotton T-shirts are T-shirts which are made from organic cotton that has been grown using organic fertilizers and other supplements instead of inorganic insecticides and pesticides. By definition, organic clothing products are such products whose raw material have been produced using organic methods and the product has been produced using eco", "id": "12199606" }, { "contents": "Jason Redman\n\n\nAfter getting positive feedback from strangers, Redman realized that other wounded soldiers must be feeling the same way. Wounded Wear was founded in 2009. The organization donates clothing kits to warriors hurt in combat and to families of fallen soldiers. The kit contains clothing like jacket, workout gear, and t-shirts. They also alter clothing for soldiers injured in combat to accommodate their medical devices. Everything is done free of charge. As of 2014, Wounded Wear has donated 2,000 kits. In March 2015, Redman announced plans to", "id": "14121881" }, { "contents": "Gucci Mane\n\n\nto give the news. Gucci Mane made his acting debut in the 2012 film \"Birds of a Feather\", co-starring with Producer Zaytoven. The same year, he was featured in \"Spring Breakers\" which also featured James Franco, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine. In May 2016, Gucci Mane began teasing images of his upcoming clothing line called Delantic, which will feature a range of apparel, from T-shirts and hoodies to underwear. In September 2017, Davis published his", "id": "12531751" }, { "contents": "Dress shirt\n\n\n. However, while high quality cotton shirts can survive with care a few decades, a polyester/cotton blend may be used in more demanding environments. However, these plastic-based materials create microplastic pollution. Giza Cotton is a type of high-quality cotton which is the preferred choice among high-end shirtmakers, because of its long staple length. Linen produces a cool fabric that wrinkles heavily, and is mostly used in light summer shirts. Cotton is therefore the standard material for all but the cheapest shirts. Silk", "id": "2609528" }, { "contents": "T-shirt\n\n\nshirt ideas and trends. While several brick-and-mortar chains included these items in their inventories, many of these shirts were pioneered by online start-ups. Innovations included the flip-up T-shirt, which the wearer can lift and stretch over their head to display an interior print, and all-over print clothing. With the rise of social media and video sharing sites also came numerous tutorials on DIY T-shirt projects. These videos typically provided instructions on how to modify an old shirt into a", "id": "18804096" }, { "contents": "Gucci Mane\n\n\nfeel like the way the city's been supporting all three of us, they deserve this. It's about that time, man. We're getting older, growing, so let's do it for the city.\" On March 24, 2010, members of Gucci Mane's crew 1017 Brick Squad and members of Jeezy's crew Corporate Thugz got into an altercation outside an Atlanta clothing store. Neither Gucci Mane nor Jeezy were present during the altercation. On December 2, 2011, Jeezy explained how the beef originated,", "id": "12531770" }, { "contents": "Waist (clothing)\n\n\nFrom the early 19th century through the Edwardian period, a waist was a term common in the United States for the bodice of a dress or for a blouse or woman's shirt. A shirtwaist was originally a separate blouse constructed like a shirt; i.e., of shirting fabric with turnover collar and cuffs and a front button closure. In the later Victorian period, the term became applied more generally to unlined blouses with relatively simple construction and usually of a cotton or linen fabric, but often highly ornamented with embroidery and lace.", "id": "2017703" }, { "contents": "Nobody's Home (Avril Lavigne song)\n\n\nseen trying to get inside parked cars, eventually finding an unlocked one, during heavy rain. At the end of the video, the girl, with dirty clothes and messy hair, is shown with a tear rolling down her cheek. She then turns around and walks away as the camera fades out. During the video Avril was wearing the T-shirt with logo of Moscow. Russian word \"Москва\" was printed on Avril's T-shirt. At the beginning of the video, one can see \"A+D\"", "id": "15720419" }, { "contents": "T-shirt\n\n\nA T-shirt is a style of fabric shirt named after the T shape of its body and sleeves. Traditionally it has short sleeves and a round neckline, known as a \"crew neck\", which lacks a collar. T-shirts are generally made of a stretchy, light and inexpensive fabric and are easy to clean. Typically made of cotton textile in a stockinette or jersey knit, it has a distinctively pliable texture compared to shirts made of woven cloth. Some modern versions have a body made from a continuously", "id": "18804086" }, { "contents": "Gucci\n\n\nincluded a partial balaclava with red lips, which many twitter users criticized as resembling blackface. The brand quickly addressed the controversy by issuing an apology statement and asserting that the piece was \"immediately removed\" from its online and physical stores. Rapper and actor 50 Cent posted a video on Instagram of himself burning a Gucci t-shirt in response to this incident, captioning the video \"I gotta get rid of all the Gucci I have at home. I'm not supporting their brand anymore.\" Aldo Gucci expanded into", "id": "11185275" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Ohio\n\n\ncome to school wearing a T-shirt with the words \"Jesus is not a homophobe\". The board explained their position, \"Wayne Local School District Board of Education had the right to limit clothing with sexual slogans, especially in light what was then a highly charged atmosphere, in order to protect its students and enhance the educational environment. Consequently, the high school principal was well within the bounds of his authority to request that the student remove his T-shirt and refrain from wearing the T-shirt in the", "id": "8069682" }, { "contents": "10 feet\n\n\n10Feet is a Dutch fashion label, based in Amsterdam and is a subsidiary of Herb Industries. The label was founded in the late 1990s, and has since grown to the point where its clothes are now offered in over 250 retail outlets in the Netherlands. In June 2006 Henk Schiffmacher sued the company, alleging they had used his images upon their T-shirts without permission. The court ruled for Schiffmacher on all counts and ordered 10Feet to cease printing the T-shirts, fining the company 500 euro per summary infringement to", "id": "3438847" }, { "contents": "History of clothing and textiles\n\n\nvarious fashions, over a simple tunic. Early tunics were two simple rectangles joined at the shoulders and sides; later tunics had sewn sleeves. Women wore the draped stola or an ankle-length tunic, with a shawl-like palla as an outer garment. Wool was the preferred fabric, although linen, hemp, and small amounts of expensive imported silk and cotton were also worn. The Iron Age is broadly identified as stretching from the end of the Bronze Age around 1200 BC to 500 AD and the beginning of the", "id": "6411256" }, { "contents": "Teeology\n\n\na lean model and offer good prices right off the bat?\" Teeology offers high-end limited edition T-shirts designed by \"various artists and designers\". Designers can submit their own T-shirts designs, which are then considered by the company's curators. From the designs they are sent, the curators create a shortlist of designs to be included in a poll. Some of these designs were created by Members of the website can then vote for T-shirt designs and the winning designs will go into", "id": "16822577" }, { "contents": "Factory Green\n\n\nworld through reducing their environmental impact. Factory Green had been described as selling artistic, edgy, and fashion-forward merchandise; for example, T-shirts emblazoned with the words \"Go Organic\" or \"Carbon Free\" and organic cotton tote bags that read \"F*@k Plastic.\" One newspaper claims that \"There are few businesses out there that can combine trendy clothes, savvy accessories and contemporary products with a plan to save the environment.\" According to the internet blog,, Factory Green is a \"company", "id": "3662307" }, { "contents": "Culture of El Salvador\n\n\nEl Salvador, there are different costumes used mostly in religious or other festivals, although in some of the older towns, they are still worn regularly. In female clothing, it is common to see elements like a scapular, a shawl, and a cotton headscarf with different coloured adornments. These can be worn with a skirt and a blouse, or with a dress. The normal footwear is sandals. With male clothing, it is common to see a cotton suit or a cotton shirt, worn with modern jeans, sandals", "id": "2869366" }, { "contents": "Henk Schiffmacher\n\n\n. In June 2006, Schiffmacher sued the Amsterdam clothing company, 10Feet, alleging they had used his images upon their t-shirts without permission. The court ruled for Schiffmacher on all counts and ordered 10Feet to cease printing the t-shirts, fining the company 500 euro per summary infringement to a maximum of 25,000 euro. In September 2007, the Schiffmachers starred in a TV show on Dutch channel AT5 about their lives and on 29 September 2007 the opening for the second Hanky Panky tattoo shop in Amsterdam for his daughter Morrison", "id": "5969368" }, { "contents": "West Coast Choppers\n\n\nwell as high-end lines available in more expensive department stores, such as T-shirts for \"$100 a pop in Nordstrom, Bloomingdale's, and Fred Segal\". Koral Industries of Vernon, California is responsible for the design and manufacture of WCC clothing, as well as supplying the sales force to place the products in stores. Clothing items include hoodies, tank tops, T-shirts and jackets. There is also a line of Jesse James/WCC-branded bib overalls and other workwear. Besides clothing", "id": "16039531" }, { "contents": "Sammy's Super T-Shirt\n\n\nIn trying to get it back, Sammy upsets some electrical apparatus and in the resultant explosion the T-shirt is transformed into a source of tremendous power. The chief scientist, Mr. Trotter (Julian Holloway), and his boss, Mr. Becket (Richard Vernon), decide to exploit this discovery for their own ends, but Sammy and Marvin escape with the shirt, which enables Sammy to jump over the high factory wall, to stop the crooks car with one hand, and to run down the road like a rocket", "id": "10325214" }, { "contents": "Reconstructed clothing\n\n\nReconstructed clothing is used or vintage clothing that has been redesigned and resewn into a new garment. Reconstructed clothing was trendy in the mid-2000s. The book \"Generation T\" (2006), which gave instructions for \"108 Ways to Transform a T-Shirt\", was one example of this trend. The book included instructions for how to make halter tops, A-line skirts, and string bikinis out of T-shirts. In 2008, Nicolay released another book entitled: \"Generation T-Beyond Fashion 120 More", "id": "21993104" }, { "contents": "T-shirt\n\n\nT-shirts are among the most worn garments of clothing used today. T-shirts are especially popular with branding for companies or merchandise, as they are inexpensive to make and purchase. T-shirts were originally worn as undershirts, but are now worn frequently as the only piece of clothing on the top half of the body, other than possibly a brassiere or, rarely, a waistcoat (vest). T-shirts have also become a medium for self-expression and advertising, with any imaginable combination of words", "id": "18804093" }, { "contents": "Sustainable fashion\n\n\nclothing come from reused plastics, often recycled plastic bottles. The Coca-Cola Company, for example, created a \"Drink2Wear\" line of T-shirts made from recycled bottles. Generally, PET plastic clothing are made from recycled bottles as follows: plastic bottles are collected, compressed, baled, and shipped into processing facilities where they will be chopped into flakes, and melted into small white pellets. Then, the pellets are processed again, and spun into yarn-like fiber where it can be made into clothing.", "id": "16152257" }, { "contents": "Entitativity\n\n\nlibrary. They could be friends who are studying together, or they may also be strangers happening to share the same table. If you're wondering whether this is an actual group, you would examine their common fate, similarity, and proximity. Common fate may be something like the group all getting up and leaving together while talking or laughing amongst themselves. Similarity could be as simple as noticing that they are all using the same textbooks or notes, or that they happen to be wearing the same t-shirts to organizations", "id": "20205720" }, { "contents": "Sweater\n\n\nA sweater, also called a jumper in British English, is a piece of clothing, typically with long sleeves, made of knitted or crocheted material that covers the upper part of the body. Sweaters are worn by adults and children of all genders, often over a shirt, blouse, T-shirt, or other top, but sometimes next to the skin. Sweaters were traditionally made from wool but can now be made of cotton, synthetic fibers, or any combination of these. According to British dictionaries, \"sweater", "id": "14728083" }, { "contents": "Vitola\n\n\n#4 cigars (e.g.) are of same/similar length I managed to get AN understanding of what is meant but I'm still not sure. I assume that all that is 'incorrect' is the No.2 in the third sentence - as it refers to a SPECIFIC size while the others are brands and, some of them, also shapes but never a number. It's like saying: \"Clothing... for instance yellow sweaters ... t-shirts, shirts and pants are all clothing articles.\" Is is clear", "id": "17689726" }, { "contents": "Banyan (clothing)\n\n\nloose, T-shaped or kimono-like garment of cotton, linen, or silk gown worn at home as a sort of dressing gown or informal coat over the shirt and breeches. The typical banyan was cut \"en chemise\", with the sleeves and body cut as one piece. It was usually paired with a soft, turban-like cap worn in place of the formal periwig. An alternative style of banyan was cut like a coat, fitted, with set-in sleeves, and was closed with buttons", "id": "13242208" }, { "contents": "Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival\n\n\nand fry mullet. In 2009, a third annual Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival T-shirt made by Tailgate Clothing Company appeared in Season 2 of the HBO series, \"True Blood\" (Episode 3 - \"Scratches\"). A representative from the show said that she found the shirt on a Web site she used to outfit some of the characters. A Mullet Festival T-shirt had also appeared on the CBS comedy \"How I Met Your Mother\" (Season 4, Episode 1), according to Niceville City", "id": "12899506" }, { "contents": "The Three Mouseketeers\n\n\nMouseketeer to go without clothing), and last of all Minus, short, dressed in oversized t-shirt and baseball cap with the bill pointing to one side. Of the group, Minus was the most likely to get into trouble (a running gag had him getting many demerits from Fatsy) though this was usually not of a malicious nature. The mice met at a clubhouse, which was an old tin can with the open mouth covered by a leaf. The mice rarely used this entrance, preferring an underground secret", "id": "16204636" }, { "contents": "Adire (textile art)\n\n\nAdire (Yoruba: tie and dye) textile is the indigo-dyed cloth made in southwestern Nigeria by Yoruba women, using a variety of resist-dyeing techniques. The earliest pieces of this type were probably simple tied designs on cotton cloth handspun and woven locally (rather like those still produced in Mali), but in the early decades of the 20th century new access to large quantities of imported shirting material via the spread of European textile merchants in Abeokuta and other Yoruba towns caused a boom in these women's entrepreneurial and", "id": "10652745" }, { "contents": "The Get Weird Tour\n\n\nof \"Get Weird\", \"I Won't\". By the end of it the screens falls down, the members are taking of their shirts to show off simple, glittery, black one pieces and perform second single from the album, \"Love Me Like You\" ending the third part of the gig. The last act before the encore starts with the third interlude, where one of the band members, Jesy Nelson makes her own guide for audience how to do weird moves as the clip is set in a", "id": "8853478" }, { "contents": "Destination Maternity\n\n\nclothes at Motherhood Maternity stores. In 2010, a similar partnership was announced to offer MLB baseball maternity t-shirts and baby clothes. In 2010, Destination Maternity launched two maternity-wear collections from Heidi Klum. Lavish by Heidi Klum for A Pea in the Pod features more high-end items, while Loved by Heidi Klum for Motherhood Maternity features affordable options. In 2012, the company launched a maternity clothing collection from Jessica Simpson, \"available in 700 retail locations, including Motherhood Maternity, Destination Maternity, as well", "id": "7701414" }, { "contents": "Los Angeles Apparel\n\n\nAmerican Apparel. Los Angeles Apparel was started as wholesale business. The company is upfront about the fact that its clothing and business model is similar to that of American Apparel. Los Angeles Apparel is a manufacturer and distributor of apparel to screen printers, apparel companies, and boutiques. The company focuses on production of T-shirts, sweatshirts, cotton bodysuits and swimwear. The company is a vertically integrated manufacturer with knitting and dyeing done in Los Angeles. Los Angeles Apparel's factory spreads over the area of 100,000 square foot with", "id": "17867807" }, { "contents": "Punk fashion\n\n\nearly 1960s rude boys. as of 1990s and today many ska fans dressed out normally with regular or simple clothing. Skate punk is a derivative of hardcore fashion and is chosen with comfort and practicality in mind. Common skate punk clothing items include T-shirts, flannel button-down shirts, hooded sweatshirts, webbing belts, and khaki shorts, pants or jeans. Some punks, especially in Southern California, mirror Latino gang styles, including khaki Dickies work pants, white T-shirts and colored bandanas. While some skateboarders", "id": "5405401" }, { "contents": "West Coast Choppers\n\n\nWest Coast Choppers (WCC) is a brand that began selling screen-printed T-shirts and stickers with the company's Iron cross/Maltese cross logo while founder and \"master marketer\" Jesse James was finishing high school, packaging the accoutrements of the chopper lifestyle long before any actual West Coast Choppers customs had been ordered or sold. Even after the company did begin building custom choppers, 60% of revenue still came from sales of WCC-branded marketing tie-ins such as clothing, beverages and tools. Yearly", "id": "16039518" }, { "contents": "Massimo Osti\n\n\nHe was the first to use new techniques like the four-color process and silkscreen which are used for producing T-shirt. Following the success of this first T-shirt collection, he accepted the offer to design a complete Men's collection and became an equity partner in the company he would name 'Chester Perry' (later renamed the 'C.P. Company'). During this period, Osti laid the foundations for a creative philosophy entirely based on experimentation. The first innovation he would be responsible for in the clothing", "id": "5207690" }, { "contents": "Culture of Africa\n\n\nused to get the audience involved in the stories. Women's traditional clothes in Ethiopia are made from cloth called \"shemma\" and are used to make \"habesha kemis\". The latter garment is basically cotton cloth, about 90  cm wide, woven in long strips which are then sewn together. Sometimes shiny threads are woven into the fabric for an elegant effect. Men wear pants and a knee-length shirt with a white collar, and perhaps a sweater. Men often wear knee-high socks, while women might", "id": "12998294" }, { "contents": "Linens\n\n\nNeolithic prehistoric age. Cotton is another popular fibre for making cloth used for household linens. Its use in cloth-making also dates back to prehistoric times, in Indian subcontinent, China, Peru and Egypt. The Indian subcontinent was especially well known for high quality cotton cloth as early as 1500 BCE. Linen was an especially popular cloth during the Middle Ages in Europe, when cotton was an exotic import. It was used for underclothing, chemises, shifts, shirts and blouses, in fact most clothing worn next to the", "id": "2300383" }, { "contents": "Hugh T. Inman\n\n\nCity until moving to Savannah, Georgia and then ultimately Atlanta where he continued in the cotton trade. He was a founding member and first president of the Exposition Cotton Mills, which was founded in 1882. By 1890, it had 500 employees and had spun fifty million yards of yarn. Along with his brothers he was an investor in the Atlanta Steel and Hoop Company, later known as Atlantic Steel. It was Atlanta's first steel hoop mill. Hugh founded clothing manufacturer Inman, Smith and Company with his son, Edward", "id": "15852033" }, { "contents": "Textile Labelling Act (Germany)\n\n\nare filaments or hairs which can be spun, including bands and flexible tubes not wider than 5mm. For example, if a T-shirt consists of 80% cotton and 20% elastane this has to be declared on the label of the garment. If the shirt consists of 100% cotton one can choose between \"100% cotton\" or \"completely made of cotton\" or \"pure cotton\". For things made of wool and silk there are special regulations. Annex One of the law regulates the denomination of", "id": "18734367" }, { "contents": "Peace Frogs\n\n\nthe frog is an American Indian symbol for peace and is recognized by some cultures as an icon for good luck. As the popularity of the frog itself increased, the focus shifted from the flag shorts to the production of items with designs of the appealing amphibian. Peace Frogs products include a variety of T-shirts, sweatshirts, pajamas, hats, swimsuits, stickers and other items. In 2007, the company introduced organic cotton T-shirts to its brand line. Peace Frogs claims that the cotton used in their shirts", "id": "13616758" }, { "contents": "Cotton recycling\n\n\nand reduce pollution from agriculture. Recycling one tonne of cotton can save 765 cubic metres (202,000 US gal) of water. Recycled cotton is often combined with recycled plastic bottles to make clothing and textiles, creating sustainable, earth-conscious products. Recycled cotton can also be used in industrial settings as polishing and wiper cloths and can even be made into new, high-quality paper. When reduced to its fibrous state, cotton can be used for applications like seat stuffing or home and automotive insulation. It is also sold", "id": "5799649" }, { "contents": "Crazy Shirts\n\n\nCrazy Shirts is an American T-shirt and clothing company established in 1964 and based in Honolulu, Hawaii. The company operates 35 retail stores in Hawaii, California, Florida, Nevada, and Colorado. Crazy Shirts houses the largest printing facility in Hawaiʻi, on the island of Oʻahu, and employs more than 400 employees. Frederick Carleton “Rick” Ralston is associated with transforming T-shirts from underwear into fashionable outerwear. Reporter Sharon Nelton of BNET titled Ralston as “the T-shirt king of America and the father", "id": "21274531" }, { "contents": "Anti-fashion\n\n\nshirts, or simple plain T shirts in rebellion with the gender roles and societal norms at that time. This fashion has the roots of many modern anti-fashion trends, such as grunge, decades later. Another example, this time from the early 20th century, was promoted by the legendary designer Gabrielle Chanel - a \"poor girl\" woman's style where rich ladies could look like regular women while still dressing in clothes that showed their quality under close inspection. The dress sense of the Charles, Prince of Wales has", "id": "18111194" }, { "contents": "Che Guevara in fashion\n\n\ncultural symbol has been thanks to the very economic system he sought to destroy\". Che Guevara's image is a popular design for clothing, so much so that Che's likeness has been known as \"the face that launched a thousand T-shirts\". Commentators have noted how the T-shirt is popular among younger adults, especially university students drawn to the rebelliousness associated with the icon. Richard Castle of the \"Brisbane Times\" wryly observes that \"strolling down Brunswick Street or Chapel Street, it could be easy", "id": "7640134" }, { "contents": "Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes\n\n\nwithin actual indie games like \"Hotline Miami\", but Suda later clarified that these games would be featured as \"T-shirt collaborations\", with Travis able to unlock and wear clothing items that promote these indie games, a concept he came up with while seeing various game expositions like PAX West. One such title is \"Hyper Light Drifter\", with Nintendo of America showcasing Travis's shirt alongside announcing the game's release on the Switch. Suda wanted players to see Travis as a fan of indie games, not", "id": "20890347" }, { "contents": "Av Pak\n\n\n. This Style had changed to Khmer version known as \"Av Tneal Pkal\" according to its Pleat was on the fringle like flower up from Collar to the end of shirt. Finally, popular \"Av Pak\" had its origin from The Kebaya worn in Java, Bali and Sunda which retained strongly on Embroidery like \"Av Pak\". The Earliest Av Pak in Cambodia was the white shirt with the long arm but no pleat like T-shirt with the whole part of clothes were in Embroidery upon the Silk, a", "id": "2253301" }, { "contents": "Star in the Hood (company)\n\n\nof Varsity Jackets, gilets, Hoodies, Tracksuits, T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Sweatpants, Denim Jeans; outerwear in leather, down, cotton and technical fabrics; Caps, Tuques, Ushankas, Fashion accessories. The items are produced in very limited quantities and are usually sold for mid-range to high-end prices. The sunglasses, belts, and the watches are made according to their demand, making these items the brands most exclusive products. In 2010, Star in the Hood became an international brand, and", "id": "12107672" }, { "contents": "Top (clothing)\n\n\nA top is an item of clothing that covers at least the chest, but which usually covers most of the upper human body between the neck and the waistline. The bottom of tops can be as short as mid-torso, or as long as mid-thigh. Men's tops are generally paired with pants, and women's with pants or skirts. Common types of tops are t-shirts, blouses and shirts. The neckline is the highest line of the top, and may be as high as a head", "id": "20652165" }, { "contents": "Polo shirt\n\n\nattire created: In 1933, after retiring from professional tennis, Lacoste teamed up with André Gillier, a friend who was a clothing merchandiser, to market that shirt in Europe and North America. Together, they formed the company Chemise Lacoste, and began selling their shirts, which included the small embroidered crocodile logo on the left breast. Until the beginning of 20th century polo players wore thick long-sleeve shirts made of Oxford-cloth cotton. This shirt was the first to have a buttoned-down collar, which polo", "id": "16570525" }, { "contents": "Cottonworld\n\n\nCottonworld (Retailer) Cottonworld is a natural clothing brand with 31 stores across India based in Mumbai. Their head office is based in Mumbai, It is India's only clothing brand that uses natural fabrics like cotton, linen, modal, tencel, and viscose. Early History It all began in the year 1987, when the Lekhraj family, with an established garment export-manufacturing unit, had an idea - to use the excess fabric to make quality cotton shirts. The shirts were put on sale and sold almost immediately.", "id": "21191372" }, { "contents": "Cher Coulter\n\n\nApart from AKA, Coulter, designed a line of clothes for Richard Ashcroft, and tour T-shirts for the band, Starsailor. Other design accomplishments include T-shirts for Keira Knightley, and T-shirts based on \"About a Boy\" for the House of Fraser, clothes for Virgin Music, and a limited edition tracksuit for Pro-Keds. Coulter is currently a stylist in Los Angeles and New York, working alongside the likes of Karl Lagerfeld, Francisco Costa, and Alexander Wang. She styled Sienna Miller", "id": "10654514" }, { "contents": "Ancient Chinese clothing\n\n\nwrap around the body once or several times (shenyi). A typical set of clothing can consist of two or three layers. The first layer of clothing is mostly the \"zhongyi\" (中衣) which is typically the inner garment much like a Western T-shirt and pants. The next layer is the main layer of clothing which is mostly closed at the front. There can be an optional third layer which is often an overcoat called a \"zhaoshan\" which is open at the front. More complicated sets can", "id": "3992232" }, { "contents": "Star in the Hood (company)\n\n\nand Kwasi Danquah III himself, making sure the brand stays true to its original concept and as the dominant force in fashion design and bespoke tailoring. Although designed as street fashion, the Autumn/Winter 2011 collection took influence from the likes of Armani, Levi's and Gucci. These designs are used throughout the Star in the Hood range, on accessories, hoodies, jackets, T-shirts and hats. Star in the Hood has also collaborated with many other famous brands, such as Nike, G-Shock, and", "id": "12107675" }, { "contents": "Bingata\n\n\npeople three days to paint material for a kimono. It then takes almost a month to finish just one kimono -- after the painting and dyeing, it is sewn together, then delivered to customers\". Although bingata kimonos are hard to come by, hand-made bingata T-shirts can be found for around $40 and noren curtains for around $200. A cotton bingata kimono can cost about $500 and a silk kimono $1,000. There are ten labor-intensive steps to producing Okinawan Bingata. Step 1", "id": "6716912" }, { "contents": "Organically Grown (Delaware company)\n\n\n. Organically Grown provides 100 percent certified-organic cotton products that are available to purchase through the company's website and other retail outlets. After beginning with baby clothes and bedding, Organically Grown added adult T-shirts and headwear, as well as women's activewear to their collection of products. All Organically Grown's products comply with regulations set forth by either the Global Organic Textile Standard, which is the leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres or the Organic Exchange 100 Standard, a standard for tracking and documenting the", "id": "7044989" }, { "contents": "Three Wolf Moon\n\n\nn-gram analysis was \"alpha male\". The T-shirt is manufactured by The Mountain Corporation, a wholesale clothing company in Keene, New Hampshire, United States. Their art director, Michael McGloin, said that they were making many more shirts in response to the great demand which had made it the top-selling item in Amazon's clothing store. Due to the success of the shirt, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development made it their \"official New Hampshire T-shirt of economic development\" and", "id": "1800081" }, { "contents": "Volchok (clothing)\n\n\nЮность\" black tees at a cocktail party in Galeries Lafayette. Volchok designs t-shirts, sweatshirts, pants, socks, cloaks, coats and other apparel for men and women while most models fall under unisex. Clothing is (mostly) fabricated locally in Russia so it remains affordable to regular customers. According to Volchok-Rusakovich his company is also a social platform for young people as the simple design with laconic black and white color palette is intended to be a medium for messages, transmitted via prints and slogans. Volchok", "id": "20363453" }, { "contents": "A.F.C.A (clothing)\n\n\nA.F.C.A came into being from selling t-shirts and doing graffiti. Sven \"High\" Westendorp began doing graffiti with C.B.S. in the tunnels and on the trains in Amsterdam in the early 1980s and founded his clothing brand A.F.C.A years later. A prominent F-sider, he eventually expanded from Clothing to footwear, and accessories. He funded his clothing line with the success of his company Ticketbureau Ticket Unlimited, an important company for concert tickets and football matches in the Netherlands. On 24 December 2009 the A.F.C.A outlet store in Hoogoorddreef", "id": "13620145" }, { "contents": "Edun Live on Campus\n\n\n, or EDUN, the clothing label founded in 2005 by U2 singer Bono, his wife, Ali Hewson, and clothing designer Rogan Gregory, a 1995 Miami graduate. EDUN LIVE makes t-shirts that support sustainable socioeconomic development bringing employment to people in Africa who might otherwise be unemployed. EDUN LIVE works with disenfranchised African citizens, teaching them to grow cotton, sew, and participate in the textile business. The shirts are made in Africa by Africans helping support communities, giving jobs to the jobless, and teaching skills to", "id": "17204174" }, { "contents": "2005 Indianapolis 500\n\n\non the cover of \"Sports Illustrated\". Patrick became a household name nearly overnight, and became a \"watercooler\" topic. Two weeks after the race, other drivers in the series started to embrace and make light of the attention. Race winner Dan Wheldon wore a t shirt stating \"I actually 'won' the Indy 500.\" Buddy Rice, the 2004 Indy 500 winner sported a shirt saying \"Danica's teammate,\" while Vitor Meira, who finished second wore a shirt with \"Danica's other teammate", "id": "3753508" }, { "contents": "Yarn\n\n\nyarn include linen and cotton. These tend to be much less elastic, and retain less warmth than the animal-hair yarns, though they can be stronger in some cases. The finished product will also look rather different from the woolen yarns. Other plant fibers which can be spun include bamboo, hemp, corn, nettle, and soy fiber. T-shirt yarn is a yarn made directly from t-shirts, and the fiber composition is determined by the material the t-shirt is made from. In general", "id": "6793473" }, { "contents": "Djibouti\n\n\non producing qualified instructors and encouraging out-of-school youngsters to pursue vocational training. , the literacy rate in Djibouti was estimated at 70%. Institutions of higher learning in the country include the University of Djibouti. Djiboutian attire reflects the region's hot and arid climate. When not dressed in Western clothing such as jeans and T-shirts, men typically wear the \"macawiis\", which is a traditional sarong-like garment worn around the waist. Many nomadic people wear a loosely wrapped white cotton robe called a", "id": "5594481" }, { "contents": "List of Daredevil characters\n\n\nthe character coming into the series as a mysterious yet glamorous femme fatale, dressing in high-end, couture clothing; \"she needed to appeal to [Fisk]. He wouldn't go for just any chick in a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt.\" Claire Temple (portrayed by Rosario Dawson) is a nurse who helps Murdock when she finds him beaten and injured, and after he saves her from some Russians who are using her to get to him, she becomes his confidant and near-", "id": "17415105" }, { "contents": "Kid Cudi\n\n\nrock acts that inspired Cudi include the Electric Light Orchestra, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana, the Pixies and Pink Floyd. In September 2009, Kid Cudi teamed up with Japanese clothing company BAPE, for a collaboration that saw Cudi's likeness featured on graphic T-shirts, with the Japanese label's mascot, Baby Milo. As of 2014, he has had five t-shirt collaborations with BAPE. Cudi wore a men's kilt to a 2010 New Year's Eve party in Miami. In February 2011, Kid Cudi announced", "id": "13738744" }, { "contents": "Blazer\n\n\nsports clubs, or sportsmen and women on a particular team. Blazers are worn with a wide variety of other clothes, ranging from a dress shirt and necktie to an open-necked polo shirt, or even just a plain T-shirt. They are seen with trousers of all colours and fabrics, from the classic white cotton or linen, to grey flannel, to brown or beige chinos, and also jeans. A fitted, classically cut, double-breasted navy blue blazer with navy-style buttons is a popular", "id": "19394488" }, { "contents": "Tailgate Clothing Company\n\n\nmultiple Tailgate T-shirts on Joey, Zac Efron wore a Lexington, TX BBQ Pit T-shirt on Saturday Night Live, and Timothy Olyphant is wearing a Tailgate oatmeal henley shirt in the upcoming movie A Perfect Getaway. A Tailgate \"Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival\" T-shirt is worn by Sam Trammell in Season 2 of the HBO series, True Blood (Episode 3 - \"Scratches\"). Tommy Lee wore a Tailgate T-shirt in GQ Magazine. Reggie Bush wore a pair of Tailgate chinos in GQ", "id": "4304340" }, { "contents": "Chamoli district\n\n\n), Kamiz (knee length shirt) and Dupatta ( long scarf for the head and shoulders). The Bhotiyas who lives at high altitudes generally wear woolen clothes. The usual wear for the men are pyjamas, shirt, coat and cap. The women wear gay coloured Angras, a Ghagra (long full shirt), phantu (coloured scarf) and a woolen shawl which is worn so as to make a pocket on each side. Both men and women wear a long piece of cotton cloth as a tight Kamarband (", "id": "2974531" }, { "contents": "Culture (album)\n\n\nCulture is the second studio album by American hip hop trio Migos. It was released on January 27, 2017, by 300 Entertainment, Quality Control Music and YRN Tha Label. The album features guest appearances from DJ Khaled, Lil Uzi Vert, Gucci Mane, 2 Chainz and Travis Scott, while the production was handled by Metro Boomin and Murda Beatz, among others. \"Culture\" was supported by three singles: \"Bad and Boujee\", \"T-Shirt\" and \"Slippery\". The album received generally", "id": "20785433" }, { "contents": "Joe Fontana (Law & Order)\n\n\nnew coworkers, who wonder how he can afford those expensive things on his salary; however, apparently they are later satisfied of his honesty, though it‘s never explained exactly how he gets such large amounts of money. Fontana's penchant for fancy things even escalates to a character shtick throughout several episodes. On multiple occasions he bemoans job-related damage to expensive articles of clothing. In one episode, he tramples through the snow to look for evidence, and says, \"Ugh, there goes a perfectly good pair of Gucci", "id": "947740" }, { "contents": "Herpes gladiatorum\n\n\nthe virus cannot live long enough outside the body in order to be able to cause an infection. Direct contact with an infected person or infected secretions is undoubtedly the main way in which this virus may be transmitted. It is also believed that wearing abrasive clothing may increase the chances to get infected with this type of virus. Shirts made of polyester and cotton may cause frictions that lead to small breaks in the skin which makes it easier to contract the infection. Studies in which athletes were wearing 100% cotton shirts showed", "id": "12404920" }, { "contents": "T-shirt\n\n\non the basic T-shirt and the T-shirt became a medium for wearable art, commercial advertising, souvenir messages, and protest art messages. Psychedelic art poster designer Warren Dayton pioneered several political, protest, and pop-culture art printed large and in color on T-shirts featuring images of Cesar Chavez, political cartoons, and other cultural icons in an article in the \"Los Angeles Times\" magazine in late 1969 (ironically, the clothing company quickly cancelled the experimental line, fearing there would not be a", "id": "18804105" }, { "contents": "Quilt\n\n\n, thus making a pillow. Once folded into the pocket, it can be used as a cushion during the day and unfolded into a blanket at night. A T-shirt quilt is a quilt made out of T-shirts. Often seen as a keepsake item and made from memorable T-shirts, sweatshirts, or other clothing, they are popular graduation gifts. There are six different types of T-shirt quilts. One of the most famous quilts in history is the AIDS Memorial Quilt, which was begun in", "id": "6798668" }, { "contents": "Keyboard Cat\n\n\nFive-0\" Season 6 Episode 22. On the homepage of the popular online game \"Bin Weevils\", one can get a glimpse of a large television screen at the Drive-In Cinema where a \"bin pet\"-ified Keyboard Cat can be seen. The Keyboard Cat meme has been integrated into other memes. An 8-bit version of both the cat and the song have been created. Online clothing vendor Threadless sells a \"Three Keyboard Cat Moon\" T-shirt based on the infamous Three Wolf Moon design; the shirt design was", "id": "21313419" }, { "contents": "Fighters+Lovers\n\n\nFighters+Lovers is a group consisting of 7 Danish people. The group has made a clothing company, brand and record label which sells controversial T-shirts, perfumes and CDs. The T-shirts feature logos of the FARC and the PFLP. These groups have been labeled by the United States Government and the European Union as terrorist groups. The company sold the T-shirts and collected 24.982 DKK (about $5000) and they were going to send the money to a radio station run by FARC and a printing press run", "id": "4274649" }, { "contents": "Griffon Corporation\n\n\nprice-conscious acquisition strategy and reestablished a conglomerate structure by purchasing undervalued growth-oriented companies in unrelated industry sectors in order to diversify ISC's source of revenue and earnings. In 1984, ISC acquired troubled clothing manufacturer Oneita Knitting Mills, Inc., for $14 million. Blau and his team renamed the company Oneita Industries, restructured its finances, and grew it to the country's third-largest maker of specialty T-shirts, tripling sales to $300 million within a few years. ISC took Oneita public in 1988", "id": "17590775" }, { "contents": "OshKosh B'gosh\n\n\n's, another clothing manufacturer in 2005 for $312 million, though it still operates under the original name. Today, the company sells accessories, jeans, pants, shirts, sweaters, t-shirts, tank tops, and its trademark overalls. The company produces clothing for babies, infants, toddlers, kids (4-7), and youth (5-14); however, it no longer manufactures clothing in adult sizes due to poor sales. The company also has over three hundred stores in the United", "id": "6347692" }, { "contents": "Gucci Gang\n\n\nHot 100, peaking at number three. In a November 2017 interview with \"Complex\", producer Bighead spoke of his inspiration from Blink-182, whom he considers to have reached the \"Billboard\" charts with simple compositions: \"Simple music is good music, because if a three-year-old or a four-year-old can sing it, that's what I aim for. Like \"Gucci Gang\"—a little kid can sing that.\" On October 20, 2017, Lil Pump posted a 44-second snippet of the", "id": "5364040" }, { "contents": "U.S. Army M1943 Uniform\n\n\nThe U.S. Army developed the M1943 uniform manufactured in windproof cotton sateen cloth beginning in 1942 to replace a variety of other specialist uniforms and some inadequate garments, like the M1941 Field Jacket. By 1941, soldiers wore a wool flannel shirt and wool serge trousers in winter and a cotton khaki shirt and trousers in summer, both with ankle-length russet leather service shoes and OD canvas leggings, and often with the OD cotton M1941 Field Jacket. A blue denim fatigue uniform was gradually being replaced by a M1941 green herringbone twill (", "id": "5153185" }, { "contents": "Godadi\n\n\nproduction outlets for woollen or cotton blankets at villages of Gujarat. In the beginning, unused pieces of cloths like a piece of a shirt, sari and other clothes, were collected over time and with a design in mind to make a good blanket, girls from the Bhuj,Gujarat used to sew these pieces of cloth together, after cutting them into different shapes. Over time, pieces of cotton became available in the market which helped girls and housewives to make a well designed blanket by embedding them with different designs. The", "id": "13101234" }, { "contents": "Clothing\n\n\nand women have adopted Western-style dress for daily wear, but still wear traditional hanboks on special occasions, like weddings and cultural holidays. Items of Western dress may also appear worn or accessorized in distinctive, non-Western ways. A Tongan man may combine a used T-shirt with a Tongan wrapped skirt, or tupenu. Most sports and physical activities are practiced wearing special clothing, for practical, comfort or safety reasons. Common sportswear garments include shorts, T-shirts, tennis shirts, leotards, tracksuits,", "id": "17422615" }, { "contents": "Gone Missing (musical)\n\n\nGone Missing is a 2003 musical by The Civilians, an investigative theater company in New York City. This piece of musical theatre is composed of interviews conducted by the company on the subject of loss. The play engages with individuals who have lost everything from jewelry to technology to a black Gucci pump, investigating both how things get lost, and how the impact of that loss can extend far beyond the meaning of the object itself. \"Gone Missing\" was written and directed by Steve Cosson from interviews by the company, with", "id": "4326462" }, { "contents": "Varun Agarwal\n\n\nT-shirt maker tool called PLAY. The user can join or create a group, make custom T-shirts with an online editing tool, share it with friends and group members and invite others to join. Varun has been featured on the cover of India Today as well as on the CNBC Young Turks Show. Varun also wrote the bestselling ‘How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company’ that dealt with his entrepreneurial experiences. The book is an autobiography and is about how he started his", "id": "20399758" }, { "contents": "Lyocell\n\n\ntextiles for clothing and other purposes. , Lyocell is more expensive to produce than cotton or viscose rayon. It is used in many everyday fabrics. Staple fibres are used in clothes such as denim, chino, underwear, casual wear, and towels. Filament fibres, which are generally longer and smoother than staple fibres, are used in items that have a silkier appearance such as women's clothing and men's dress shirts. Lyocell can be blended with a variety of other fibres such as silk, cotton, rayon, polyester", "id": "19964095" }, { "contents": "Shirt\n\n\n, etc. Polyester mixed with cotton (poly-cotton) is often used. Fabrics for shirts are called shirtings. The four main weaves for shirtings are plain weave, oxford, twill and satin. Broadcloth, poplin and end-on-end are variations of the plain weave. After weaving, finishing can be applied to the fabric. In the 1920s and 1930s, fascists wore different coloured shirts: In addition, red shirts have been used to symbolize a variety of different political groups, including Garibaldi's Italian revolutionaries", "id": "18735777" }, { "contents": "Edun Live on Campus\n\n\npeople who lack specialized training. EDUN LIVE features 100% certified organic cotton t-shirts in their product line and make great efforts to help farmers transition from conventional cotton farming to organic farming through their development of the Conservation Cotton Initiative with the Wildlife Conservation Society. The goal – “promote trade, not aid” – is to promote fair trade in Africa, improve overall working conditions, and create sustainable employment in Africa. Edun Live currently manufactures clothing in a network of factories in sub-Saharan African countries, such as", "id": "17204175" }, { "contents": "Seedless Clothing Co.\n\n\n2013, Seedless Clothing assisted with the marketing of the first \"High Times\" Cannabis Cup held in Denver, Colorado. This followed legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington states in 2012. In addition, Seedless Clothing assisted with the marketing for the \"High Times\" Cannabis Cup held in Seattle, Washington. In 2010, Seedless Clothing designed a t-shirt featuring a lightning bolt with the word \"seedless\" across the front. The NFL issued a cease and desist to Seedless Clothing to prevent them from selling the t", "id": "10096929" }, { "contents": "Zazou\n\n\nrationing of clothing material. Their trousers were narrow, gathered at the waist, and so were their ties, which were cotton or heavy wool. The shirt collars were high and kept in place by a horizontal pin. They liked thick-soled suede shoes, with white or brightly coloured socks. Their hairstyles were greased and long. Many \"Zazous\" liked to dress in the \"style anglais\" with umbrellas (seen as a symbol of Britishness in France) a popular fashion accessory and their hair done up \"á", "id": "19180689" }, { "contents": "American Apparel\n\n\nApparel maintains a bicycle lending program for its employees and according to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals it is a vegan-friendly clothing company. As of 2007 the company planned to increase its use of organic cotton within the next four years from over 20% to 80%. American Apparel also sells a line of shirts under the \"Sustainable\" label that are 100% USDA organic cotton. In 2008, American Apparel purchased over 30,000 pounds of organic cotton known as B.A.S.I.C cotton. American Apparel installed a 146-kilowatt solar electric", "id": "4718491" }, { "contents": "Lakshmi Mills\n\n\nin South India to sell suiting, shirts, sarees and other textile products Lakshmi Mills was also instrumental in the groups expansion into textile machinery companies like LMW, Lakshmi Automatic Looms, Lakshmi Card Clothing, Lakshmi Ring Travellers. The management along with R.Venkataswamy family set up the viscose staple yarn production unit South India Viscose with technology license from SNIA Viscosa of Milan, Italy . Lakshmi Mills manufactures 100% combed cotton yarns in NE 50s to NE 120s, polyester cotton blended yarns in NE 40s to NE 100s. In addition, the", "id": "19252396" }, { "contents": "Aztec clothing\n\n\nthe main use of the cotton for clothing, the cotton was also used in religious offerings, marriage payments, and the wrapping of mummy bundles. Clothing varied from plain to extremely decorated. There was a tremendous process of bringing the cotton from the fields then through marketplaces to end up in the homes of the individuals who would spin and weave the fibers into actual clothing. Each household was responsible for their own weaving and production of fibers as well as creating the clothing that would be used for tribute. Within the Aztec Empire", "id": "1450901" }, { "contents": "Thrift store chic\n\n\nto reject mainstream trends. The hipster movement embraced thrift store chic because of its love for vintage items, especially clothing. Items that became popular for indie girls included flowery cotton dresses, cardigans, keffiyehs, and eyeglasses chosen deliberately for their unfashionable connotations. Hipster-thrift-store-chic embraces nostalgia and irony by combining old trucker-caps and vintage bowling t-shirts with worn luxury goods like leather jackets, old military dress uniforms as a protest against the war in Iraq, or used business wear, such as tweed", "id": "15678641" }, { "contents": "Woodstock '89\n\n\nas the original festival, even though in 1989 this fell in the middle of the week. A total lunar eclipse occurred during the concert on the night of August 16–17. Musicians worked the lunar eclipse into performances; one sang his own version of Man's \"Call Down the Moon\". The actual performer \"calling down the moon\" was Jack Hardy in his song \"The Hunter\". Although the property owners briefly attempted to charge $5 for parking, and a few people had made up simple T-shirts", "id": "1853375" } ]
Why don't opponents of illegal immigration go after the employers who hire illegal immigrants?
[{"answer": "Because the rich actually love having a permanent underclass of workers without rights, and have always played on the ignorance and racism of the white working class in order to direct the blame at those beneath them, rather than those at the top."}, {"answer": "They do, here in Arizona a local car wash chain (a very big one at that) was temporarily shut down for hiring mostly illegal immigrants (and paying them very low wages). Businesses that hire illegals in this state (I can't vouch for the country) receive warnings and fines for the hiring of illegals and if they continually do so, they can risk losing their business licences."}, {"answer": "They don't want to admit our country's dependence on illegal immigration. Entire areas have been devastated when borders were closed (e.g., URL_0 ). Plenty of research has found that most undocumented immigrants pay into the system as much or more as they get out (especially given that undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most services and there is a five-year waiting period for legal immigrants. TL; DR: They don't want to \"restrict\" \"innocent\" employers, don't want to pay $10+ for a pint of blueberries, and they want someone to blame for the less than ideal economy. Irish and Italian Catholics used to be blamed, and today it's Mexicans."}, {"answer": "Because they don't care about poor or unemployed people, they care that their food and consumer goods are cheap to buy, which they are because they're produced by such workers."}, {"answer": "I live around many farms in South Florida. I drive by them and see a bunch of people hunched over in 90 degree weather picking fruit (tomatoes usually). Are all those people US citizens? Of course not. So they are paid cash, and do not collect social security, pay income tax, etc. Now imagine the farmer has to hire only citizens to do the same job. Now those employees cost at least twice as much, and so will the tomatoes they pick. When you go to market and tomatoes are expensive, you stop buying. The market stops purchasing from that supplier, and he's out of business. It's like you said: supply and demand. There is always high demand for cheap labor, and supply is limited. The only source of it is undocumented workers. It's the price some businesses pay to stay in business. Mind you, there are some studies showing that immigrant labor does not, in fact, take \"jobs from Americans\". The main point of immigration is cultural. People fear what it's different. They don't want to go into a store and see weird products being sold to cater to an immigrant population. They don't want to see signs in languages they don't understand. They don't want to see people that look different from themselves. It's human nature, and every large immigration wave has been like that (Italians, Irish, Chinese, and now Latinos)."}, {"answer": "Hang on, its not illegal? As a brit who would like to move to the USA, I've looked into the laws a bit. And its very illegal to go over and work without one of the visas that allow it (which are bloody hard to get BTW). But its not illegal to hire someone who can't legally work? Surely they'd be guilty of assisting or enabling a criminal act?"}, {"answer": "The party that is more anti-immigration is also more pro-business. Small business owners trend Republican. So essentially, they would be going after their own voters and campaign contributors. Also, keep in mind that labor law is definitely not in worker's favor these days. So if you know your company hires illegal labor and you report them, it's hard to protect yourself from being fired and given poor references. In some industries, it's not like you can find other local companies that aren't doing the same thing. While you technically do have protection, you have to eat while suing your former employer. This makes reporting less likely. Then contending with lawyers and the like makes it expensive and time-consuming. Much easier to deport the immigrant (who probably has no lawyer)."}, {"answer": "I am against illegal immigration and I won't explain this from everyone else's point of view, because I don't know why other people are against it. I am 100% pro-immigration. Totally for it, and I don't think it's any of the governments damn business who comes into the country. I think a man or woman should be allowed to walk across the border, fill out 50 applications, get a job, and live here to their hearts content. What I am against is a non-tax-paying-person getting state, or federal money for any reason at all, ever. I am a citizen of the United States, and I have a good portion of my hard earned money taken away from me by force every month, then once a year, I am required to \"voluntarily\" give them even more of my income based on my lifestyle. Sorry, tangent. Back to the point. If a person wants to come live, and work here and remain a non-citizen, I think that's great. What I don't think they should get to do is live here, pay no taxes, and get all the benefits of being a registered citizen. Tl/dr: Replace income tax with 5% across the board sales tax, and open borders."}, {"answer": "This has been my argument for years. Illegal immigration is basically an unholy alliance between American business and the illegals. If businesses operated above board and didn't hire them illegal immigrants would largely \"self-deport\". You can't live on air. The whole issue of of illegal immigration is a manufactured one and EVERYONE'S hands are dirty. Gutless conservative politicians won't enforce the border laws because they don't dare shut off the supply of cheap labor that their business supporters rely on. On the other side, gutless liberal politicians won't enforce the laws because it's basically a giant voter registration drive for them. Change the demographics of the country and ensure democrats win for decades. Need an example? See California."}, {"answer": "The answer is simple: Illegal immigration, whatever the merits of the various positions might could take, effectively functions are a vote driver and party ID builder for the Republican Party. It allows Rush Limbaugh and company to drive up the rage of middle age white men against \"the liberals.\" If effective measures were taken to curb illegal immigration, then the party would lose this cudgel and many of the party's biggest financial backers would lose a source of cheap labor. Hence, as far as the GOP is concerned, the status quo is a good one: Illegal immigrants serve both the political needs of the party and the financial needs of the people who effectively control the party. And I do not mean to say that there is some master plan to make it work this way. Things have a way of working out to create these kinds of balances (though I imagine there are plenty of cynical political types who recognize it for what it is)."}, {"answer": "I work on a huge farm, most employees are Mexican. During harvest we hire a bunch of new guys. Every person we hire has paperwork. We can't say \"I don't think your paper work is legal\" with out getting in trouble for discrimination. We also get in trouble if ICE comes out and says these guys shouldn't be here. It's lose lose for us. Edit: Also we pay a dollar over minimum wage, anyone that comes out here and is obviously american quit after a day."}, {"answer": "This, being 94 comments down will probably receive little attention. The problem (and reason for so many to oppose illegal immigration) isn't a shortage of jobs, but the problem of welfare. Dr. Friedman will be able to explain his points better than I will ever be able too, and for those interested in hearing his wisdom please watch the following links: URL_0 URL_1 "}, {"answer": "Can't believe no one has mentioned this, but they have: URL_0 . > The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99\u2013603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The act[1]: > * required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status; * **made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants;** * egalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and; * legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; *c andidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language."}, {"answer": "They do. It's called E-verify. My dad is a small business owner and he hates that shit. He argues that he shouldn't have to do the government's job by screening for illegal aliens. That costs time and money. Furthermore, he can be severely fined or have his license revoked for hiring illegals, even if it's done by mistake."}, {"answer": "People who oppose illegal immigration don't want a bunch of people to come into the US and have the government take care of them. Them getting a job and supporting themselves is what people want."}, {"answer": "I worked for a company that hired illegals. I learned a lot about mexico/mexicans there. Great group of guys really. Do not fault them one bit for coming to America to find work. Nearly all of them had plans of returning to Mexico. I called it the mexican 401k. They worked state side for many years. Sending money home to eventually retire back to their families who have been running stores or farms with their funding. Some F'ed up... Went home and bought big trucks, drank all day, had a bunch of women until their money ran out. Then they come back and do it again. The smart/lucky ones went home to live decent lives being the boss of a nice sized farm. They often took vacations back home for extended time. I was told by them that the whole dangerous boarder crossing thing with coyotes and what have you were for dirt poor mexican crossing for the first time. Once you had some money you flew over the boarder for cash. It was no more dangerous or difficult than legals flying to mexico. I had the privilege of doing the payroll for a group of them for a few months. Dont want to give too much detail away but this group were paid piece work. It wasnt slave labor wages but the piece work was well under the standard. The company was saving money for sure but... They were so damn fast and efficient some of the guys were pulling paychecks that would put them at 60k- 70k per year. It wast 100% steady but the most of them were floating at around 40-50k per year. More than your average office worker at the company. Did I mention they would buy/lease/rent a large nice house with 7-8 bedrooms and bunk 2-3 per room all chipping in to live cheap. The wives made all the food each day for lunch. They all sat and eat the food the wives prepared each day together. It was really awesome actually. Food was great. Except for Fridays... Fridays the wives didnt have to cook because friday was drinking day after work. They would order fast food / take out that day. They all had fake docs. Fake SS#, Fake DL, and such. You buy these on the street. One of the supervisors was the point of contact and would send new hires off to get docs if they didnt have. They used these docs when they got hired. They even passed the government screening, forget what it is called now. When the forged docs didnt and a red flag came back, the guy was sent away to get new docs and just filled out new paperwork as another person. Rescreen and hired. As much as I liked these guys it was wrong. Not wrong of them for abusing this system. Good on them. Wrong for the company to knowingly allow this. To turn a blind eye to it. To keep it at a legal distance so they had deny ability while gaming the system. I must say I was and still am openly jealous that while they have no employee matched 401k... they basically had a 401k were for each dollar they put away they got 10 added to it. I really hit home when one day the police came on site. They were looking for one of the employees. He was a driver. See one guy always drove the others. The guy with the good docs or DL. If they got pulled over for speeding they would give false information, get a ticket, and never show up for court. Who cares when its not REALLY you. Who needs insurance? So back to the police. That day in the morning while driving to work the mexicans pancaked a car with a mom and some kids in it. Killed the mom from what I heard. The mexicans all took off. Hit and run. Cops wanted the driver. Nobody knew a thing. The word was the guy went back to mexico. I heard from one of the supervision that he just got new paperwork and went west to work on a farm to avoid the heat. I cant help to think that lady would be alive and thoes kids would still have a mom if the company I worked for didnt hire illegals. All the hit and runs that happen from these illegals on the road with no insurance and fake docs would not happen if the companies did not game the system. The gov, the state... they do not care. There is almost zero enforcement."}, {"answer": " URL_4 URL_3 The first is a law that was enacted with the second. Opponents of Illegal Immigration (read: Republicans) did in fact right legislation to stop the hiring of illegal workers. Here's some examples of people actually going and raiding businesses, first a famous one: URL_2 and a recent one: URL_1 Here's an NY Times article talking about the change from the practice of these kinds of raids under Bush, to audits under Obama. URL_0 So, ELI5: Your premise is false, opponents of illegal immigration DO go after the employers who hire illegal immigrants, and the also try to prevent those hirings in the first place. Assuming your premise is correct: There are 11 million illegal aliens in the United States. Assuming they have a similar set of employable ages and unemployment as legal residents (a big assumption, granted) then there are arguable six and a half million or more illegal aliens employed in the county, or about 5% of employed persons. So 1 in 20 is a lot of people, but how do you find them? Can you imagine the amount of investigation required? You can't just go around checking business because they hire a lot of people with accents. Even with farms, how do you know? I grew up in a farming area, and since moved to LA. I took a girlfriend to my home town and she asked: Why don't the Hispanics here have accents? The answer of course is, as opposed to her experiences in Arizona and LA where there is a large immigrant population, there are accents. In the central valley where people have lived there for generations and are citizens, they don't have accents. Arguably, it could be said that the largest centers of illegal immigrants then, are in major metropolitan areas where it is easy for them to fit in, rather than small rural towns where everybody knows your grandfather. Major Metro Areas are skewed towards political views that tolerate illegal immigration, leaving the rural areas with less 'magnet businesses' so that, while they are against illegal immigration, they may not have anything news worthy in their jurisdiction to go after. TL:DR ELI5: Texas and California have similar % numbers for Illegal Aliens in residence, California (which banned E-verify and has Sanctuary Cities, predominately pro-illegal alien.) has 7% more illegals employed than Texas, who less than five months ago went after the businesses and arrested the owners."}, {"answer": "Because the only reason people care about it is because it serves as a useful political narrative to drive a wedge between two groups of people (poors and immigrants) who would otherwise band together to provide more challenge to the people in power. It's a classic divide and conquer strategy that has been used for centuries."}, {"answer": "I'm probably one of the more conservative people on Reddit - I'd be 100% fine with severely punishing Illegal Immigration by punishing the employers, including jail time. I'd be fine with broadly opening up Legal Immigration, but I have absolutely zero tolerance for Illegal Immigration."}, {"answer": "They do. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona (where Phoenix is located) is famous for going after employers of illegal immigrants."}, {"answer": "I this question for real? There is law after law prohibiting US companies from hiring illegal immigrants. This really is ELI5."}, {"answer": "So we're telling illegals to not come into this country, but if they do come, well hire them immediately. Mmmmhhhhh"}, {"answer": "This guy is apparently going to jail for hiring restaurant workers... URL_0 "}, {"answer": "You don't fight the rich, you sway the poor"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7124412", "title": "Illegal immigration", "section": "Section::::Problems faced by illegal immigrants.:Exploitation of labour.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 51, "end_paragraph_id": 51, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Most countries have laws requiring workers to have proper documentation, often intended to prevent or minimize the employment of undocumented immigrants. However the penalties against employers are often small and the acceptable identification requirements vague, ill-defined and seldom checked or enforced, making it easy for employers to hire illegal labor.", "criminals typically members of transnational gangs who engage in the trafficking of human beings between the two countries. Most countries have laws requiring workers to have proper documentation, often intended to prevent or minimize the employment of undocumented immigrants. However the penalties against employers are often small and the acceptable identification requirements vague, ill-defined and seldom checked or enforced, making it easy for employers to hire illegal labor. Where the minimum wage is several times the prevailing wage in the home country, employers sometimes pay less than the legal minimum wage or have unsafe working conditions, relying on the reluctance of illegal workers to report the violations to the authorities."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ronald Reagan\n\n\nto knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants, required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and granted amnesty to approximately three million illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982, and had lived in the country continuously. Critics argue that the employer sanctions were without teeth and failed to stem illegal immigration. Upon signing the act at a ceremony held beside the newly refurbished Statue of Liberty, Reagan said, \"The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of", "id": "5786501" }, { "contents": "Murder of Eliud Montoya\n\n\nThe employer's brother, an illegal immigrant, and a third illegal immigrant the brothers hired as a hit man, allegedly drove to a spot near Montoya's home where they shot and killed him. The case was intensely covered by the press because of the complexity of a crime in which a fairly large business enterprise that exploited the labor of ans stole money form illegal immigrants, was run by illegal immigrants who attempted to cover up their crimes by hiring an illegal immigrant to murder a legal immigrant to the United States who was", "id": "758771" }, { "contents": "Farmers Branch, Texas\n\n\nemployers who hire illegal immigrants and eliminating subsidies for illegal immigrants in the city's youth programs. After initially being set aside in favor of a resolution calling for the federal government to increase immigration-law enforcement, the rental, police, and official-language measures were adopted by the council on November 13, 2006 Following disputes over whether closed-door discussions of the measures violated the state's open-meetings law, a petition was circulated by opponents in order to force the council either to repeal the measures or to hold", "id": "10148213" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\nillegally an opportunity to qualify for permanent residency if they met certain qualifications), because he considered it yet another magnet for illegal immigration. Romney has argued that a key step to reducing illegal immigration would be to reduce the job opportunities available for undocumented immigrants. He has said that requiring employers to confirm each worker's immigration status using an E-Verify-type database, such as in Arizona, and punishing employers who hire workers lacking proper documentation, would lead employers to stop hiring undocumented immigrants, with the result that fewer", "id": "11527230" }, { "contents": "Great American Boycott\n\n\nwith illegal immigration. Georgia has also since passed a law, which took effect in 2007, that prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving many social services and requires police and employers to report illegal workers to the Immigration Service. Fox News's Sean Hannity asked \"Why is it that so many people who didn't respect our laws and our sovereignty are demanding for the right to stay here, demanding for the right to jump in front of other people who are going through the process properly, and those that disagree are being called racist", "id": "13949827" }, { "contents": "United States Border Patrol\n\n\nsouthern border. Agents primarily patrol the Mexico–United States border, where they control drug trafficking and illegal immigration. The majority of Border Patrol agents are minorities. According to 2016 data, Latinos constitute slightly more than 50% of the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol's priorities have changed over the years. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act placed renewed emphasis on controlling illegal immigration by going after the employers that hire illegal aliens. The belief was that jobs were the magnet that attracted most illegal aliens to come", "id": "11721330" }, { "contents": "History of Mexican Americans in Houston\n\n\nillegal immigrants. Despite this fluctuation, in the 1980s 89,000 Mexicans arrived in Harris County. After 1987, when the oil bust ended, the wages stagnated and the number of jobs had a slow growth. The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) offered amnesty and legalization for illegal immigrants who arrived before 1982. The same law fined employers hiring illegal immigrants. In 1990, there were 132,596 Mexican immigrants in Houston, making up 69% of the 192,220 foreign-born Hispanic residents of Houston. That year, 46%", "id": "7993746" }, { "contents": "Immigration to Greece\n\n\nlate 1990s and early 2000s has been through the underpaid work of illegal immigrants, constituting 29.4% of Greece's GDP. Illegal employment of illegal immigrants is attractive to Greek employers because they don't have to obey to strict working regulations and social security for undocumented workers. Additionally, some migrants choose the flexibility of the illegal labor market. Immigrants find it easier to find work in this sector compared to the legal market due to stringent immigration policies that make the visa application processes difficult, costly, and in constant need of renewal", "id": "3444839" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\ntougher penalties for employers who hire illegal workers, and allowing illegal immigrants to register for a temporary worker program that includes a path to citizenship. Respondents favored the program over a deportation and enforcement-only plan 58% to 33%. Following the passage of Arizona's Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act in April 2010, which authorizes police officials to question persons on their immigration status if there is reasonable suspicion that they are illegally in the country or committing other violations not related to their immigration status, numerous polls showed", "id": "20107601" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nthen-current Libyan leader Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi in January 2008, \"No resident without a legal visa will be excluded.\" There are an estimated 800,000 illegal immigrants in Malaysia. In January 2009, Malaysia banned the hiring of foreign workers in factories, stores and restaurants to protect its citizens from mass unemployment amid the late 2000s recession. An ethnic Indian Malaysian was recently sentenced to whipping and 10 months in prison for hiring six illegal immigrants at his restaurant. \"I think that after this, Malaysian employers will be", "id": "14967123" }, { "contents": "1994 California Proposition 187\n\n\n. Unlike Feinstein, Huffington had hired a housekeeper who was an illegal immigrant after the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which made it illegal to knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Feinstein was narrowly re-elected. President Bill Clinton urged Californians to reject Proposition 187 as an impediment to federal policy on immigration. After stating that \"it is not wrong for you [Californians] to want to reduce illegal immigration,\" Clinton asked voters to allow the federal government to \"keep working on what we're doing.\" In", "id": "21663904" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United Kingdom\n\n\npossible amnesty for illegal immigrants, citing larger tax gains within the London area which is considered to be home to the majority of the country's population of such immigrants. In February 2008, the government introduced new £10,000 fines for employers found to be employing illegal immigrants where there is negligence on the part of the employer, with unlimited fines or jail sentences for employers acting knowingly. In July 2013, the Home Office introduced an advertising lorry in London with its billboard saying \"\"In the UK illegally? — GO HOME", "id": "4080227" }, { "contents": "Alabama HB 56\n\n\nor universities (currently blocked). At the high, middle, and elementary public school levels, the law requires that school officials ascertain whether students are illegal immigrants. Attendance is not prohibited for such students; school districts are mandated to submit annual tallies on the suspected number of illegal immigrants when making report to state education officials. The law prohibits the transporting or harboring of illegal immigrants (currently blocked). It prohibits landlords from renting property to illegal immigrants. It forbids employers from knowingly hiring illegal immigrants for any job within", "id": "16908649" }, { "contents": "E-Verify\n\n\nthe US Supreme Court and is currently in effect. The Legal Arizona Workers Act requires all Arizona employers to use E-Verify with all newly hired employees, effective 1 January 2008. As of December 2008, 5.6 percent of Arizona businesses had signed up with E-Verify. As amended, the law prohibits employers from intentionally and/or knowingly hiring illegal immigrants (or a person who employs or contracts with an illegal immigrant) and requires all employers to use E-Verify during the employment process and keep a record of the verification", "id": "4107888" }, { "contents": "Angie Paccione\n\n\ncredit reports in order to deter identity theft and credit solicitation. A 2006 special session of the Colorado General Assembly, called to address immigration issues, became a focal point Paccione's Congressional campaign against Marilyn Musgrave (see below). During the special session, Paccione sponsored legislation to strengthen penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants, and to create a division of the Colorado State Patrol to address trafficking in illegal immigrants. Paccione had also voted on several occasions to allow illegal immigrants who graduate from Colorado schools to receive in-state", "id": "21336135" }, { "contents": "UK immigration enforcement\n\n\nworkers was now addressed by the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 which created a new Civil penalty for employers who hired illegal workers,(Section 15), and separate criminal offence of knowingly employing an illegal worker, (Section 21). The rules imposed much stricter rules than the 1999 legislation as to the level of evidence that employers needed to keep regarding proof of employment rights and carried a potential £10,000 fine for each illegal employee. The Act came into force on 29 February 2008. In April 1996, the total percentage of", "id": "15909068" }, { "contents": "Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States\n\n\nemployer may benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. If paid under the table rather than using an ITIN, hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs. Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that", "id": "17067310" }, { "contents": "Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act\n\n\nregulation of immigration. In the twentieth century states have exercised their right to enforce restrictions on the access immigrants have regarding state benefits such as welfare as well as public employment restrictions that were placed on employers who hired unauthorized workers. State and local efforts that have been made to prohibit employers from hiring unauthorized workers have two key historical features in common: First, it is declared unlawful to knowingly recruit, hire for employment, or continue to employ any individual who is an illegal worker. Second, employers are required to enter all", "id": "17193991" }, { "contents": "Colorado Referendum H\n\n\nReferendum H was a 2006 Colorado referendum to bar businesses from claiming a state income tax business deduction for wages paid to workers who were known at the time of hiring to be undocumented immigrants. It passed and it affected employees hired on and after January 1, 2008. Arguments for: It targets the employment of unauthorized aliens, which is the root cause of illegal immigration. It reduces the financial advantage a business gains from paying lower wages to people illegally in the country. Arguments against: It will have little or no effect", "id": "17248741" }, { "contents": "History of immigration to the United States\n\n\nlike Korea, China, India, the Philippines, and Pakistan, as well as countries in Africa became more common. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) was passed, creating, for the first time, penalties for employers who hired illegal immigrants. IRCA, as proposed in Congress, was projected to give amnesty to about 1,000,000 workers in the country illegally. In practice, amnesty for about 3,000,000 immigrants already in the United States was granted. Most were from Mexico. Legal Mexican immigrant family numbers", "id": "16442312" }, { "contents": "History of Mexican Americans\n\n\nmigration to the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s was temporary and short-term. Since the 1980s, Mexican migration has increased dramatically. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 granted amnesty to illegal immigrants who had resided in the U.S. before 1982, while imposing penalties on employers who hired illegal immigrants. Several factors led to an increase in Mexican immigration to the U.S. The Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s led to high rates of unemployment in Mexico and destroyed the savings of a large portion of the middle-class,", "id": "16662187" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Ronald Reagan\n\n\n1986. The act made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants, required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and granted amnesty to approximately three million illegal immigrants who had entered the United States before January 1, 1982, and had lived in the country continuously. The bill was also contained provisions designed to enhance security measures at the Mexico–United States border. Upon signing the act at a ceremony held beside the newly refurbished Statue of Liberty, Reagan said, \"The legalization provisions in this act", "id": "16116453" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\n. United States employers hire illegal immigrants at wages substantially higher than they could earn in their native countries. A study of illegal immigrants from Mexico in the 1978 harvest season in Oregon showed that they earned six times what they could have earned in Mexico, and even after deducting the costs of the seasonal migration and the additional expense of living in the United States, their net U.S. earnings were three times their Mexican alternative. In the 1960s and early 70s, Mexico's high fertility rate caused a large increase in population. While", "id": "20107511" }, { "contents": "Donald Cresitello\n\n\nDonald Cresitello was the Mayor of Morristown, New Jersey. He has been active in reducing the presence of illegal immigrants in Morristown. He has attempted to have his police officers deputized as immigration officers. He has asked federal authorities to assist local police in cracking down on illegal immigration in the town and employers that hire illegal immigrants. He wrote a letter to then-United States attorney Chris Christie in this effort. His attempt to have local law enforcement officials coordinate with federal authorities is consistent with Section 287(g) of the Illegal", "id": "1679735" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\ncontroversial in the United States. In 2007, President George W. Bush called for Congress to endorse his guest worker proposal, stating that illegal immigrants took jobs that Americans would not take. The Pew Hispanic Center notes that while the number of legal immigrants arriving has not varied substantially since the 1980s, the number of illegal immigrants has increased dramatically and, since the mid-1990s, has surpassed the number of legal immigrants. Penalties for employers of illegal immigrants, of $2,000–$10,000 and up to six months' imprisonment, go largely unenforced.", "id": "14967152" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nthrough bad conditions and low income jobs — consequently making themselves vulnerable to abuse. Most illegal migrants end up being hired by U.S. employers who exploit the low-wage market produced through immigration. Typical jobs include: janitorial services, clothing production, and household work. Many illegal Latin American immigrants are inclined to the labor market because of the constraints they have with their job opportunities. This consequently forms an informal sector within the labor market. As a result, this attachment formulates an ethnic identity for this sector. Congress passed the", "id": "20107505" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to Saudi Arabia\n\n\nSaudi Arabia has mandated a six-year cap on the residency of foreigners in the country, as part of its programme to control the local job market, and any Hajji or illegal overstayers are met with a mandatory prison sentence followed by swift deportation. Many illegal immigrants are those who have overstayed their visit, employment or Hajj visas, although there are many who sneak into the country without border staff noticing. However, some nationalities don't need a visa to enter the country, which include the members of the Gulf Cooperation", "id": "12631923" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\ncriminals typically members of transnational gangs who engage in the trafficking of human beings between the two countries. Most countries have laws requiring workers to have proper documentation, often intended to prevent or minimize the employment of undocumented immigrants. However the penalties against employers are often small and the acceptable identification requirements vague, ill-defined and seldom checked or enforced, making it easy for employers to hire illegal labor. Where the minimum wage is several times the prevailing wage in the home country, employers sometimes pay less than the legal minimum wage", "id": "14967094" }, { "contents": "Modern immigration to the United Kingdom\n\n\nup to £12 billion. Former Mayor of London Boris Johnson commissioned a study into a possible amnesty for illegal immigrants, citing larger tax gains within the London area which is considered to be home to the majority of the country's population of such immigrants. In February 2008, the government introduced new £10,000 fines for employers found to be employing illegal immigrants where there is negligence on the part of the employer, with unlimited fines or jail sentences for employers acting knowingly. Women who are illegal immigrants and also domestic violence victims", "id": "4311800" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to Chile\n\n\nperson hired, charged against those who hired the illegal workers. Owners, administrators or managers of hotels, residences or houses providing lodging to illegal immigrants can also be charged 1-20 sueldos vitales per person. The visa with which many immigrants enter the country illegally, the tourist visa, expires after 90 days. In 2015, a new visa was released by the foreign affairs department of Chile. Previously, the Visa Sujeta a Contrato had been the only labor visa in place. The Visa Sujeta a Contrato requires a signed", "id": "2894909" }, { "contents": "Unreported employment\n\n\nand imprison an individual for engaging in commerce without the state's approval, the high cost of such enforcement is usually prohibitive except for the most egregious cases. According to a \"The New York Times\" report in February 2013, the Obama administration had demonstrated a new strategy to curb the employment of illegal immigrants by focusing on companies that hire them in the first place. By concentrating on the businesses employing the large numbers of illegal workers, the number of illegal immigrants working in the US would drop dramatically. The U.S. government", "id": "15446322" }, { "contents": "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986\n\n\nThe Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA or the Simpson–Mazzoli Act) was passed by the 99th United States Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986. The Immigration Reform and Control Act altered U.S. immigration law, making it illegal to knowingly hire illegal immigrants and establishing financial and other penalties for companies that employed illegal immigrants. The act also legalized most illegal immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1982. Despite the passage of the act, the number of illegal", "id": "3958359" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Kirsten Gillibrand\n\n\nthe 9/11 attacks in New York federal court. Gillibrand's views on illegal immigration have shifted since she joined the Senate. Noted for having relatively conservative viewpoints while in the House, she quickly switched some opinions upon entering the Senate. As a Representative, Gillibrand opposed granting any sort of amnesty to illegal immigrants and supported empowering local police to enforce federal immigration laws. She also opposed giving federal contracts to employers that hire illegal immigrants and supported increasing the number of border patrol agents. She was a co-sponsor of the SAVE", "id": "7790071" }, { "contents": "Kinky Friedman\n\n\n, let's do away with the death penalty.\" On illegal immigration, Friedman wants to increase the number of Texas National Guard troops on the border (from the current 1,500 to 10,000), impose $25,000 and $50,000 fines on companies that hire illegal immigrants and require foreign nationals seeking employment to purchase a foreign taxpayer ID card once they have passed a criminal background check. \"Texas can no longer wait for our federal government to solve our illegal immigration problem,\" Friedman said. \"These are steps that Texas", "id": "16825252" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigrant population of the United States\n\n\n. Moreover, according to the three authors, their estimate has a 95 percent probability range of 16 million to 29 million. That result, however, was criticized for vastly overstating the true number and for failing to account for the circular flow rate. The 2008 global financial crisis has had a large impact on the United States. The construction sector and other areas illegal immigrants traditionally seek employment shrunk. The recession also led to a surplus of American labor, driving down the benefit of hiring illegal immigrants. According to the Pew", "id": "19526301" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nMexican population growth has slowed, the large numbers of people born in the 1960s and 70s are now of working age looking for jobs. According to Judith Gans of the University of Arizona, United States employers are pushed to hire illegal immigrants for three main reasons: Another reason for the large numbers of illegal immigrants present in the United States is the termination of the bracero program. This bi-national program between the U.S. and Mexico existed from 1942 to 1964 to supply qualified Mexican laborers as guest workers to harvest fruits and vegetables", "id": "20107512" }, { "contents": "Joanna Gregory-Scocchi\n\n\nCall before you Dig Legislation. In a November 1994 special election, early favorite Gregory-Scocchi was defeated by Barbara Buono, after unfounded allegations that a temporary employment firm owned by Gregory-Scocchi had hired illegal immigrants. A few weeks before the election, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization (INS ) agents reviewed close to 3000 records and found only 6 paperwork errors. The Gregory-Scocchi camp had always maintained that this was orchestrated by her opponent in what became a hotly contested race. In the November 8, 1994, special", "id": "3913888" }, { "contents": "Lou Barletta\n\n\nemployers who hired illegal immigrants and gave the city authority to fine landlords up to $1,000 for leasing to illegal immigrants. The act also made English the official language of Hazleton, prohibiting city employees from translating documents into any language without official authorization. In response, the ACLU and Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund sued in Federal District Court to block the ordinance. In July 2007, District Court Judge James M. Munley ruled that the act was unconstitutional for interfering with Federal immigration laws and violating the due process of individuals,", "id": "8868746" }, { "contents": "Immigration to the United States\n\n\nworkers. Since the Bracero Program ensured a constant supply of cheap immigrant labor for growers, immigrants could not protest any infringement of their rights, lest they be fired and replaced. Their efforts contributed to Congress ending the Bracero Program in 1964. In 1973, the UFW was one of the first labor unions to oppose proposed employer sanctions that would have prohibited hiring illegal immigrants. On a few occasions, concerns that illegal immigrant labor would undermine UFW strike campaigns led to a number of controversial events, which the UFW describes as anti", "id": "15160141" }, { "contents": "Opposition to immigration\n\n\nBracero Program ensured a constant supply of cheap immigrant labor for growers, immigrants could not protest any infringement of their rights, lest they be fired and replaced. Their efforts contributed to Congress ending the Bracero Program in 1964. In 1973, the UFW was one of the first labor unions to oppose proposed employer sanctions that would have prohibited hiring illegal immigrants. On a few occasions, concerns that illegal immigrant labor would undermine UFW strike campaigns led to a number of controversial events, which the UFW describes as anti-strikebreaking events,", "id": "15185032" }, { "contents": "Caning in Singapore\n\n\nowner of a company which imports, delivers or sells dangerous fireworks. Another example is the transporting of illegal immigrants; a manager of a company who authorises or participates in such activity can be sentenced to caning. In July 1998, police reported six cases of employers sentenced to imprisonment and caning for hiring illegal immigrants. Contrary to what has sometimes been misreported, the importation of chewing gum is subject only to fines; it is \"not\" and has \"never\" been an offence punishable by caning. In 1993, the", "id": "16950540" }, { "contents": "Immigration policies of American labor unions\n\n\ntheir rights, lest they be fired and replaced. Their efforts contributed to Congress ending the Bracero Program in 1964. In 1973, the UFW was one of the first labor unions to oppose proposed employer sanctions to prohibit hiring illegal immigrants. However, on a few occasions, concerns that illegal immigrant labor would undermine UFW strike campaigns led to a number of controversial events, which the UFW describes as against strikebreaking but have also been interpreted as being anti-immigrant. In 1969, Chavez and other members of the UFW marched through", "id": "8836697" }, { "contents": "United Farm Workers\n\n\nprohibited hiring illegal immigrants. On a few occasions, concerns that illegal immigrant labor would undermine UFW strike campaigns led to controversial events, The UFW describes these as anti-strikebreaking events, but some have also interpreted them as anti-immigrant. In 1969, Chavez and members of the UFW marched through the Imperial and Coachella Valleys to the border of Mexico to protest growers' use of illegal immigrants as strikebreakers. In its early years, the UFW and Chavez went so far as to report illegal immigrants who served as strikebreaking replacement", "id": "5892313" }, { "contents": "2006 United States immigration reform protests\n\n\nMexico. In the 1980s, the United States government began to express concern about the large scale flow of unauthorized immigration, which led to the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986. First, the Act made it illegal for employers to hire workers who could not provide proof of legal immigration to the United States. Second, it allowed for the legalization of immigrants who could prove residency in the U.S. since January 1, 1982 and agricultural workers who began working in the United States prior to May 1986. Out", "id": "18329300" }, { "contents": "You Don't Speak for Me\n\n\nthey speak for me. Well, you don't speak for me!\" You Don't Speak for Me was launched with help from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, an organization that supports lower levels of immigration in the United States. Less than three months after the launch, a vice chair of the group claimed that it had attracted about a thousand members. The group supported petitions calling for enforcement of laws against illegal immigration and held and participated in anti-illegal immigration rallies. In 2007, group leaders participated in", "id": "14297489" }, { "contents": "Immigration policy of Donald Trump\n\n\nsome of whom said that their employers had accepted their fraudulent documentation, and others who said that the thinking of the club was \"Get the cheapest labor possible\". In May 2019, Univision published a report based on interviews with seven illegal immigrants who said that they worked for Trump's vineyards in the state of Virginia, with long work hours and no overtime pay. They said that Trump's businesses either did not check for their immigration status or pretended not to know that they were illegal immigrants. After Mitt Romney lost", "id": "10704524" }, { "contents": "Mixtec transnational migration\n\n\n’s fields are undocumented as well. The media has created an anti-immigrant message in the United States that portrays Mexicans as illegal aliens who are invading this country and taking away many sources of employment. Especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the immigrant population has been target of racism as Stephen (2007) asserts that what initially was a legal and cultural label (undocumented/illegal Mexican immigrant) became racialized as images of supposed illegal aliens that depicts the loss of control, invasion, danger, and war. Indigenous workers", "id": "11603882" }, { "contents": "Matt Blunt\n\n\nagencies to verify the legal status of applicants before providing welfare benefits; criminalizing the transportation of illegal immigrants for exploitative purposes; and enacting provisions to punish employers who willfully hire illegal immigrants. In 2006, Blunt signed legislation requiring gasoline sold in Missouri to contain 10% ethanol. Blunt has supported the development of biomass, biofuels, wind power and solar energy as alternative energy sources. Air quality continues to be a problem for the state, which has a high rate of air pollution due to burning of coal. In his 2008", "id": "10771159" }, { "contents": "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986\n\n\nof a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.\" The act required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status and made it illegal to hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants knowingly. The act also legalized certain seasonal agricultural undocumented immigrants as well as undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due", "id": "3958364" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nand Nationality Act of 1952 (INA), and to some extent, the United States Armed Forces, state and local law enforcement agencies, and civilians and civilian groups guard the border. Before 2007, immigration authorities alerted employers of mismatches between reported employees' Social Security cards and the actual names of the card holders. In September 2007, a federal judge halted this practice of alerting employers of card mismatches. At times illegal hiring has not been prosecuted aggressively: between 1999 and 2003, according to \"The Washington Post\"", "id": "20107523" }, { "contents": "2012 Republican Party presidential debates and forums\n\n\n\"The idea that you stand here before us and talk about that you're strong on immigration is on its face the height of hypocrisy.\" Romney replied that after they found out the company used illegal immigrants, they let them go, criticising Perry's tuition credit for the children of illegal immigrants, adding that \"If there's someone who has a record as governor with regards to illegal immigration that doesn't stand up to muster, it's you, not me.\". Romney also remarked that upon discovering that", "id": "15899685" }, { "contents": "Employment authorization document\n\n\nand Control Act implemented new employment regulations that imposed employer sanctions, criminal and civil penalties \"against employers who knowingly [hired] illegal workers\". Prior to this reform, employers were not required to verify the identity and employment authorization of their employees; for the very first time, this reform \"made it a crime for undocumented immigrants to work\" in the United States. The Employment Eligibility Verification document (I-9) was required to be used by employers to \"verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment", "id": "10731258" }, { "contents": "Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States\n\n\nThe economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States is challenging to measure, and politically contentious. The scarcity of reliable statistics leaves room for many methods of study, leading to diverse conclusions. One possibility is that foreign workers entering the country illegally can lower wages, decreasing overall costs of production. This comes from the theory that when there are more illegal immigrants in the country, there will be more immigrants looking for employment because most illegal immigrants prefer to work and are willing to work for less than most American citizens.", "id": "17067301" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\ntrade. But rapid opening of domestic markets may lead to displacement of large numbers of agricultural or unskilled workers, who are more likely to seek employment and a higher quality of life by illegal immigration. Undocumented immigrants are not impoverished by standards of their home countries. The poorest classes in a developing country may lack the resources needed to mount an attempt to cross illegally, or the connections to friends or family already in the destination country. Studies from the Pew Hispanic Center have shown that the education and wage levels of illegal Mexican", "id": "14967083" }, { "contents": "You Don't Speak for Me\n\n\nstates. Clarence Page noted that \"You Don't Speak For Me\" stood shoulder to shoulder with \"Choose Black America\" in opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants. The group was created after Rodriguez viewed media coverage of the 2006 United States immigration reform protests. According to Rodriguez, \"Their leaders were saying it was a march for immigrant rights and a Latino/Hispanic movement. I thought to myself, 'Hey, those are illegal aliens, not immigrants!' I'm of Hispanic ancestry and those people are acting like", "id": "14297488" }, { "contents": "Dan Lungren\n\n\ntake money from a drug dealer . . . and if they do, seize the business. Put the merchant in jail.\" Lungren also supported sanctions against employers who hired illegal immigrants, but also favored a temporary guest-worker program. He was the principal House cosponsor of the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill, which became the Immigration Reform Act of 1986. He also independently sponsored a \"guest worker\" bill, designed to allow for importation of \"temporary\" immigrant laborers. Lungren did not seek re-election to", "id": "15711481" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nDACA-eligibility. A 2017 study found that extending Medicaid to undocumented immigrants led to improvements in infant health and reductions in infant mortality. Many Mexican immigrants have been trafficked by either their smugglers or the employers after they have gotten to the United States. According to research at San Diego State University, approximately 6% of illegal Mexican immigrants were trafficked by their smugglers while entering the United States and 28% were trafficked by their employers after entering the United States. Trafficking rates were particularly high in the construction and cleaning industries.", "id": "20107586" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Marco Rubio\n\n\ninstead a series of individual bills. Rubio now advocates stopping illegal immigration before addressing those illegal immigrants who are already in the country. In an interview in September 2015 he stated: \"I don't think it's a decision you have to make on the front end. The first two things you have to do is stop illegal immigration, then second you have to modernize our legal immigration system, and then third you can have a debate about how to even legalize people to begin with. And then ultimately in 10 or", "id": "21866380" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nor have unsafe working conditions, relying on the reluctance of illegal workers to report the violations to the authorities. The search for employment is central to illegal international migration. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, undocumented immigrants in the United States often work in dangerous industries such as agriculture and construction. A recent study suggests that the complex web of consequences resulting from illegal immigrant status limits illegal workers' ability to stay safe at work. In addition to physical danger at work, the choice to immigrate for work often entails", "id": "14967095" }, { "contents": "Killing of Sergeant Almog Shiloni\n\n\nPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately convened the Security Cabinet, ordering some troops to switch from training maneuvers to active duty protecting roads from rioters and \"terrorists\". In it, he accused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of inciting Palestinian and Israeli Arabs by spreading lies. The stabbing prompted calls to crack down on illegal immigration from the Palestinian Authority to Israel. MK Moti Yogev called on the government to prevent illegal Arab migrants from receiving work permits, and to pass a bill monitoring employers and punishing them if they hire illegal immigrant workers", "id": "7487090" }, { "contents": "LatinoJustice PRLDEF\n\n\numbrella Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. In the 2000s, PRLDEF collaborated with the New York Legal Assistance Group, suing the United States Government for delays in the processing of immigration applications. PRLDEF was also known to collaborate with the Hispanic National Bar Association. After the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania passed an ordinance to punish landlords who rented to illegal immigrants and businesses who hired illegal immigrants, the American Civil Liberties Union and the PRLDEF sued Hazleton, saying the law was unconstitutional. Perales said, \"What [the ordinance", "id": "2995718" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to Malaysia\n\n\nmanagement companies appointed as intermediaries between employers and illegal foreign workers. Malaysian authorities have frequently cracked down on illegal immigrants (sometimes without notice), with more frequent enforcement since 2014. Illegal immigrants are imprisoned, caned and deported. In early 2017, a former employee of the Malaysian Registration Department (JPN) was sentenced to 156 years in prison for giving illegal citizenship to Filipino immigrants in Sabah. A joint border commission has been formed with the Philippines to patrol from the southern Philippines to East Malaysia, and Thailand has agreed to", "id": "10177477" }, { "contents": "Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States\n\n\nThis competition will depress wages for the domestic low-skilled workers. Simultaneously the increased supply in unskilled unauthorized immigrants can offset technological developments and \"reduce the country's economic competitiveness in the international market\". The opposing theory is that even though this can happen in some areas with more low-skilled employment, on the net illegal immigration increases the welfare of domestic workers because their additional consumption outweighs the costs of welfare. Along the same lines it is argued that illegal immigrants work for lower wages, then domestic employers recognize these", "id": "17067302" }, { "contents": "Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States\n\n\nskilled workers: In 2008, Gordon H. Hanson at University of California–San Diego and National Bureau of Economic Research performed a study to see if illegal immigration affects native workers employment. From the study was concluded that unauthorized immigrants provide a source of manpower in agriculture, construction, food processing, building cleaning and maintenance, and other low-end jobs. Cities with a high percentage of illegal immigration were examined in this study and data showed that illegal immigrants overall impact on the US economy is small. On the other hand", "id": "17067320" }, { "contents": "Immigration policies of American labor unions\n\n\nillegal migration, however. As a whole, during the 1970s the AFL-CIO's policies towards illegal immigrants mirrored the economic arguments made towards legal immigrants during the first half of the century. The AFL-CIO believed that illegal immigrants were willing to work for less money under worse conditions than legal workers and so would drag down the wages of native workers and increase unemployment. They, therefore, pushed for policies aimed at reducing the flow of illegal immigration such as increased enforcement and employer sanctions. However, by the early", "id": "8836700" }, { "contents": "Americans for Immigration Control\n\n\nAmericans for Immigration Control is an American activist group that opposes illegal immigration to the United States. Based in Monterey, Virginia, it advocates for increasing funding to the United States Border Patrol, introducing punishments for employers that hire undocumented immigrants, and reforms to reduce legal immigration to the United States. It also opposes amnesty and birthright citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the United States. Founded in 1983, the group claims to have over 250,000 members. It promotes the \"reconquista\" conspiracy theory that Chicano and Mexican immigrants to the United", "id": "20341264" }, { "contents": "Nannygate\n\n\nCounsel and the FBI background check were completed, and Clinton and the White House learned that she had employed an illegal immigrant to look after her son, even though she had done it when it was still legal to do so. The immigrant, from Trinidad, had been hired in March 1986, several months before enactment of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 made hiring of illegal immigrants unlawful. The nanny obtained legal status in December 1987, and overall worked for Wood for seven years. Clinton decided the nomination could", "id": "16180022" }, { "contents": "Riverside Township, New Jersey\n\n\nof unauthorized immigrants, primarily from Brazil, that had moved into the township. The ordinance stated that employers who hired an illegal immigrant and landlords who rented to them would be fined $1,000 - $2,000 per incident and could possibly lose their business license. In response to the ordinance, several civil groups including the ACLU and People for the American Way took or contemplated legal actions against the ordinance. In August 2007, the ordinance was repealed, and some have speculated that the exodus of over 1,000 immigrants from Riverside to other", "id": "3622479" }, { "contents": "Immigration policies of American labor unions\n\n\n(ACTWU), both of which have strong histories of opposition to restrictive immigration policies. The AFL-CIO increasingly believed illegal immigrants to be much harder to organize than legal immigrants, as fear of deportation and lack of legal recourse make them much easier to exploit by employers to prevent the unionization of their workforce. Therefore, believing restricting the flow of illegal immigrants to be impossible, the AFL-CIO began to support policies favoring the legalization of illegal immigrants. One such policy was the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986", "id": "8836703" }, { "contents": "Dan Patrick (politician)\n\n\nabout the immigration status of one of Patrick's employees, Miguel \"Mike\" Andrade. Patrick and Andrade offered different recollections about Andrade's employment. The matter was raised by one of Patrick's opponents, Jerry Patterson, who questioned Patrick's declared commitment to halt illegal immigration. When the oil boom ended, Houston's economy fell, something which fatally hurt Patrick's sports bar chain. In 1986, after the sports bars failed, Patrick filed for personal bankruptcy. In October 1992, the case was closed, discharging several", "id": "14107338" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\n, \"work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Major employers of illegal immigrants have included: About 31,000 people who are not American citizens are held in immigration detention on any given day, including children, in over 200 detention centers, jails, and prisons nationwide. The United States government held more than 300,000 people in immigration detention in 2007 while deciding whether to deport them. Deportations of immigrants, which are also referred to as removals, may be issued when immigrants are found", "id": "20107524" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nis further supported by a May 2006 New York Times/CBS News Poll report that 53 percent of Americans felt \"illegal immigrants mostly take the jobs Americans don't want\". However, there are others who say that illegal immigration helps to \"decimate the bargaining leverage of the American worker. If you use a form of labor recruitment that bids down the cost of labor, that leads you to a society where a small number are very, very rich, there's nobody in the middle, and everyone is left scrambling", "id": "20107591" }, { "contents": "Jeb Bush\n\n\nthe fight\" against the law. In 2015, Bush took the position that people in the United States illegally should have a path to legal status, but not a path to citizenship, and said that legal status and avoiding deportation should require immigrants to pay fines, get work permits, pay taxes, not receive government assistance, learn English, and not commit crimes. He supports tougher enforcement of immigration laws, including prosecution of businesses that try to hire illegal aliens. Bush, an opponent of same-sex marriage,", "id": "16769158" }, { "contents": "Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007\n\n\nThe Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007 or STRIVE Act of 2007 is proposed United States legislation designed to address the problem of illegal immigration, introduced into the United States House of Representatives (H.R. 1645). Its supporters claim it would toughen border security, increase enforcement of and criminal penalties for illegal immigration, and establish an employment verification system to identify illegal aliens working in the United States. It would also establish new programs for both illegal aliens and new immigrant workers to achieve legal citizenship. Critics allege", "id": "2373992" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\napproximately two-thirds of unauthorized adult immigrants had lived in the U.S. for at least a decade. The categories of foreign-born people in the United States are: The latter two constitute illegal or undocumented immigrants. Non-citizen residence can be or become illegal in one of four ways: by unauthorized entry, by failure of the employer to pay worker documentation fees, by staying beyond the expiration date of a visa or other authorization, or by violating the terms of legal entry. Fewer than seven years after ex-", "id": "20107480" }, { "contents": "Immigration policies of American labor unions\n\n\n1980s, the AFL-CIO, under Lane Kirkland, began to consider the United States unable to reduce the flow of illegal immigration effectively and that laws to restrict immigration are inherently ineffective. It argued that one central reason is that the disparities between the quality of life in the United States and the countries of origin of most illegal immigrants are so great that many people will attempt to enter the United States regardless of the potential risks. Two of the most vocal opponents of restrictionist immigration policy towards illegal immigrants were the Service Employees", "id": "8836701" }, { "contents": "Éric Besson\n\n\nof illegal immigrants, penalized employment of illegal immigrants, and called on immigrants wishing to acquire French citizenship to adhere \"to the essential principles and values of the republic\". Furthermore, Sarkozy gave the immigration ministry a target of 30,000 repatriations per year. At the same time, the state budget for the reception and integration of those entering France legally was increased by more than 20% in order to discourage illegal immigration and, in turn, promote lawful ways of entering and settling in France. Entry formalities for foreigners were simplified", "id": "20205998" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nborder crossings into the U.S. for a set amount of time. Border Crossing Card entry accounts for the vast majority of all registered non-immigrant entry into the United States—148 million out of 179 million total—but there is little hard data as to how much of the illegal immigrant population entered in this way. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates the number at around 250,000–500,000. Illegal immigrants within the workforce are extremely vulnerable due to their status. Being illegal makes these individuals susceptible to exploitation by employers as they are more willing to work", "id": "20107504" }, { "contents": "Hazleton, Pennsylvania\n\n\nand council members passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act. This ordinance was instituted to discourage hiring or renting to illegal immigrants. Initially, the ordinance levied an administrative fine of $100.00 per illegal immigrant rented to and a loss of permits for non-compliance. Another act passed concurrently made English the official language of Hazleton. Mayor Lou Barletta of Hazleton estimated that as \"many as half\" of the estimated 10,000 Hispanics who were living in Hazleton left the city when the ordinance was passed. The issue was covered by the television", "id": "8563407" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nto the US. Most illegal immigrants who come to America come for better opportunities for employment, a greater degree of freedom, avoidance of political oppression, freedom from violence, famine, and family reunification. International polls by the Gallup organization from 2013 to 2016 in 156 foreign countries found that about 147 million adults would, if they could, move to the US, making it the most-desired destination country for potential migrants worldwide, followed by Germany and Canada. In general, illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America come", "id": "20107509" }, { "contents": "Storylines of Coronation Street\n\n\nan illegal immigration storyline. Two Polish women were hired at the Underworld factory co-owned by Connor brothers Paul (Sean Gallagher) and Liam (Rob James-Collier). The storyline included the police raiding the factory after receiving a tip off from a disgruntled Janice Battersby (Vicky Entwistle), only to declare all the Polish workers legal. However, it was discovered that another factory worker Joanne Jackson (Zaraah Abrahams) was an illegal immigrant due to her being a Liberian national, who was brought to Britain illegally by", "id": "15317942" }, { "contents": "E-Verify\n\n\n. The act makes it illegal for any business entity, employer, or public employer to \"knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ\" an undocumented immigrant to perform work within the state. Effective 1 April 2012, every employer in Alabama must enroll in E-Verify and use the program to check employment authorization. The act creates an incentive for using E-Verify as businesses and subcontractors that enroll in E-Verify are immune from liability for employing an undocumented immigrant. The act requires the Alabama Department", "id": "4107886" }, { "contents": "One People's Project\n\n\nJersey, to deputize law enforcement officials to enforce immigration laws via the Immigration and Nationality Act, OPP posted a notice on their website calling the event an \"anti-immigrant rally\", although the organizer described it as a rally against illegal immigration. After the rally, the OPP website included the following statement: \"[w]e don't think anyone is going to lose any sleep over people chanting during the anti-immigrant side's salute to the flag, Nazis getting slapped around a bit or the pain Robb Pearson &", "id": "2306863" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nthe desert border with Egypt. As a result, completing a barrier along the border with Egypt, illegal immigration from Africa decreased by over 99%. Israel faces substantial illegal immigration of Arab workers from the Palestinian Authority territories, a migration that includes both workers seeking employment, and homosexuals escaping the social opprobrium of Arab society. Before the Libyan civil war, Libya was home to a large illegal Sub-Saharan African population which numbers as much as 2,000,000. The mass expulsion plan to summarily deport all illegal foreigners was announced by", "id": "14967122" }, { "contents": "Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States\n\n\n: \"Supporters of a crackdown argue that the U.S. economy would benefit if illegal immigrants were to leave, because U.S. employers would be forced to raise wages to attract American workers. Critics of this approach say the loss of illegal immigrants would stall the U.S. economy, saying illegal workers do many jobs few native-born Americans will do.\" Professor of Law Francine Lipman writes that the belief that illegal migrants are exploiting the US economy and that they cost more in services than they contribute to the economy is \"undeniably false\"", "id": "17067330" }, { "contents": "Murder of Eliud Montoya\n\n\nEliud Montoya, a naturalized American citizen, was murdered on August 19, 2017. Law enforcement authorities describe the murder as a contract killing undertaken by his employer. The employer, an illegal immigrant to the United States who ran a tree care company, is alleged to have been motivated by evidence Montoya was preparing to present to the government to back up a complaint Montoya had filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging that his employer had skimmed millions of dollars form the wages of illegal immigrants working for his tree care company.", "id": "758770" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nthe Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship to levy infringement notices against business (AUD $15,300) and individual (AUD $3,060) employers on a strict liability basis – meaning that there is no requirement to prove fault, negligence or intention. There are about 1.2 million Indians living in Bangladesh illegally as of 2014. The illegal migrants are mainly from the poorest states in India including West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assam and Manipur, which surround Bangladesh. They illegally immigrate to Bangladesh in search of jobs in the metropolitan hubs and a", "id": "14967105" }, { "contents": "California Coalition for Immigration Reform\n\n\nas education to illegal immigrants with public taxmoney. The proposition was approved by the electorate but overturned as unconstitutional by a federal court. CCIR has sponsored billboards along the Arizona-California border that read, \"Welcome to California, the Illegal Immigration State. Don't Let This Happen to Your State.\" In 2006, a letter connected to Republican congressional nominee Tan D. Nguyen, was sent to 14,000 Hispanic voters in Orange County. It warned that immigrants who were citizens could not legally vote and may be deported if they did", "id": "7320335" }, { "contents": "David Dreier\n\n\nthe vote. He won re-election every two years after that with at least 57% of the vote until his 2004 re-election campaign. His district was renumbered to the 28th after the 1990 United States Census and to the 26th district after the 2000 United States Census. In 2004, Dreier faced strong criticism on his stances on illegal immigration from opponent Cynthia Matthews and “The John and Ken Show” on KFI-AM who felt he was not tough enough on illegal immigrants. Dreier and the Republican party filed", "id": "18134019" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nincluding: \"Marking Up The Dream\", Story Six in the \"How Democracy Works Now\" series, focuses on the heated 2003 markup in The Senate Judiciary Committee, contrasting optimistic supporters who viewed The DREAM Act as a small bi-partisan bill that would help children, with opponents who saw the legislation as thinly-veiled amnesty. Also presented in the film are the rallies and demonstrations from illegal immigrant students who would benefit from the DREAM Act. The film opens with demonstration by some illegal high-school students as", "id": "20107607" }, { "contents": "Lydia (play)\n\n\ntheir language, in order to survive. The setting also effects \"Lydia\" through the character of Lydia herself, an illegal immigrant who came to American seeking work and a chance at a better life. Octavio Solis grounded this exploration in his own experience growing up with two undocumented parents who would hire illegal maids to help in the home. As the Chicano Movement began to take root and thrive, this issue of immigration and illegal workers was a focus in the movement, and the characters of Lydia and Claudio (the undocumented", "id": "12245863" }, { "contents": "UK immigration enforcement\n\n\ncases. Growing numbers of those detected were found working illegally, 10,000 in 1994 as opposed to fewer than 4,000 in 1988. Until 1997 it was illegal to undertake paid work only if employment was prohibited as a condition of entry; people who had entered illegally were not subject to this restriction, although they would if detected be arrested as illegal entrants. There was no sanction on employers employing an illegal entrant. Section 8 of the Asylum Act of 1996 made it an offence to employ an illegal worker, with a potential fine", "id": "15909049" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\n, generally based on the argument that the act of immigrating illegally does not make the people themselves illegal, but rather they are \"people who have immigrated illegally\". In the United States, a \"Drop the I-Word\" campaign was launched in 2010 advocating for the use of terms such as undocumented immigrants or unauthorized immigrants when referring to the foreign nationals who reside in a country illegally. News associations that have discontinued or discourage the use of the adjective \"illegal\" to qualify nouns that describe people include the US", "id": "14967069" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration\n\n\nspecific documents for legal residency and employment. Many have driver's licences, debit cards, library cards, and school identifications which are useful documents in specific contexts but not nearly so much for immigration.\" For example, in the U.S., youths brought into the country illegally are granted access to public K-12 education and benefits regardless of citizenship status, so the youths are documented for educational purposes, and are not entirely undocumented. U.S. immigration laws do use the phrase illegal immigrant at least in some contexts. A related term,", "id": "14967072" }, { "contents": "Jan Brewer\n\n\n, otherwise known as Arizona SB1070, into law, making it \"a state crime for illegal immigrants to not have an alien registration document\", and requiring police \"to question people about their immigration status if there is reason\". It also makes it illegal for people to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or to knowingly transport them. In addition, it provides provisions to allow citizens to file lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws. A follow-on bill, said to address certain \"racial profiling", "id": "20949655" }, { "contents": "Immigrant surveillance\n\n\noccurred in 2014, many illegal immigrants deported were of Central American descent. Arizona was in the midst of controversy during 2010 due to its passage of Arizona SB 1070, making it a misdemeanor crime if an unlawful citizen did not carry identification that determined if they were in the country legally. This legislation also allowed for officers to attempt to determine an individuals' immigration status based on reasonable suspicion. Arizona was the first state in the country to pass legislation that penalized employers for knowingly hiring unlawful immigrants. In addition, Joe Arpaio", "id": "1189651" }, { "contents": "Mo Brooks\n\n\nadvocated getting the federal government \"out of the way so state and local governments can help solve the problem.\" He also advocated making it \"unprofitable\" for employers to hire illegal immigrants over American citizens. In an interview in 2014, he stated that \"8 million undocumented workers, 500,000 young immigrants should be deported\". Brooks has been endorsed by Americans for Legal Immigration (ALI), a political action committee (or PAC). The anti-immigration organization NumbersUSA gave Brooks a perfect 100% score. Brooks", "id": "15380133" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Gary Johnson\n\n\naccess to the normal procedures for gaining permanent status and citizenship, and should be able to bring their families to the U.S. after demonstrating ability to support them financially.\" Johnson does not support immigration quotas. Under the present system, Johnson does not support \"cracking down\" on illegal immigration or creating penalties for businesses that hire undocumented immigrants. Instead, he believes the work visa program will reduce illegal immigration. But once the program is implemented, he believes in enforcing \"a 'one strike, you're out' rule", "id": "16340175" }, { "contents": "1994 California Proposition 187\n\n\nWilson said that he would require all state and local government employees to report suspected illegal immigrants to the Attorney General's Office if Proposition 187 passed. State Attorney General Dan Lungren, also running for re-election, agreed to enforce emergency regulations to implement the law immediately after the election. During the United States Senate election in California, 1994 campaign, the incumbent Senator Dianne Feinstein and Republican challenger Michael Huffington both adopted tough policies against illegal immigration. The candidates each revealed that they had previously hired illegal immigrants for housekeeping and childcare", "id": "21663903" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to the United States\n\n\nIllegal immigration to the United States is the process of migrating into the United States in violation of federal immigration laws. This can include foreign nationals who have entered the United States illegally, as well as those who entered legally but remained after the expiration of their entry visa or parole documents. Illegal immigration has been a matter of strong debate in the United States since the 1980s, and has been a major focus of President Donald Trump, as illustrated by his campaign to build a wall along the Mexico border. Research shows that", "id": "20107476" } ]
If the Big Bang theory is correct, how could nothing exist before the universe existed? What existed before the universe existed?
[{"answer": "1. The big bang only addresses the very early universe, and not the origin of the universe. 2. Since time is a dimension of the universe, the phrase \"before the universe existed\" makes about as much sense as \"north of the north pole\"."}, {"answer": "I actually have the perfect Stephen Hawking quote on my desktop that explains this: Since events before the Big Bang have no observational consequences, one may as well cut them out of the theory, and say that time began at the Big Bang. Events before the Big Bang, are simply not defined, because there's no way one could measure what happened at them."}, {"answer": "We don't know. The Big Bang theory is a model for what we do know, but before that point we don't have any data to work with."}, {"answer": "Like a Five year old: We have no idea."}, {"answer": "This was a bad thread to open up right before trying to shut my brain off."}, {"answer": "Don't think of \"nothing\" like a human would. Think of it like a machine would. A machine has data, which is always \"something\". When a machine detects the absence of data, it does not concern itself with the absence, like humans do (and like you are). The data that isn't in the machine simply does not exist in that machine's reality. When a human thinks of \"nothing,\" he needs to not converse about it. The more characteristics one attributes to \"nothing,\" the farther he gets away from what \"nothing\" really is. We cannot think of \"nothing,\" because everything that exists in our head is at least something. Even the number 0 is not in itself nothing, but can only be used in relation to something else, i.e. to say that that something else isn't present. I know this is overused, but think of what life was before you were born. You can't, because that's in the realm of the true \"nothing\" for you. That's the closest anyone can get to explaining \"nothing.\""}, {"answer": "The whole concept of nothing is very strange for us humans to grasp. Kind of like when you wonder what happens when you die, or what happened before you were born. Not existing is something I always wondered about as well."}, {"answer": "I'm an astrophysicist, and this \"before the big bang\" bugs me a little, too. One possible model is called inflation. In inflation, before the big bang is a sea of this thing called the inflaton. By one way or another, some tiny patch of this particle jumps up to a higher energy state. Quantum mechanics lets this kind of thing happen all the time, as long as that jump isn't very big, and isn't for very long. The cool thing about this inflaton is that when its in this higher energy state, it expands _really fucking fast_. What's better, it causes _space_ to expand really fast, much much much faster than the speed of light. So it gets a factor of 10^{60} bigger in 10^{-60} seconds. Then! It had it's fun at this higher energy state, so now it's time to decay. Remember that quantum mechanics lets energy giggle around, but not for very long. That energy then gets released as photons that are _really fucking hot_. That's the big bang. So, in this model, before the big bang was this sea of particles that do _really_ strange things some times. And outside of our universe, this sea of odd particles. Maybe another universe has popped up. The other cool thing is that several things that were predicted by inflation have actually been observed. So some variant on this picture has a high probability of being right."}, {"answer": "The closest you'll get to an explanation of \"nothing\" comes from Never Ending Story."}, {"answer": "Not many people seem to have actually given an answer beyond \"impossible to know\" or \"this question makes no sense due to a technicality\". There actually are theories about the idea, involving quantum physics, it's not just a complete mystery. Unfortunately, I'm probably way too late for anyone to notice this, but here it is anyway. First off, we didn't know there was anything outside the Milky Way until 1925. *1925*. Seriously. Edwin Hubble first started talking about it in 1922, and some others even earlier, but they were all ridiculed until Hubble finally formally proved there was trillions times more in 1925 and it was huge news in the scientific community, like if CERN had turned out to be right about those superluminal neutrinos. Keep that in mind while thinking \"No, this seems too ridiculous.\" As Sherlock Holmes/Arthur Conan Doyle once said, when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. So, maybe we'll have found out that the Big Bang was actually just one of many explosions that's just now joining the rest of the smoke clouds, it would explain why some physicists theorize that the universe may actually be infinite. In the early 1900s, we thought only this galaxy existed. The concept of a universe blew minds. Maybe this universe will turn out to be like a galaxy. As for where it all originally came from, with infinite time the most unlikely things can happen. For example, a comparatively likely thing, such as an immensely dense ball of energy suddenly appearing in the middle of infinite nothing, due to quantum fluctuations. Quarks actually can appear out of nowhere, it's just that they appear for very short periods of time. Larger, even macroscopic things could also appear, but as they get larger they also become much less likely. If they're larger, they're also more stable and don't appear for very short periods of time. Immensely dense balls of energy are obviously unimaginably rare, but given infinite time? It's gotta happen at some point. And an immensely dense ball of energy is basically what the Big Bang started off with. Immensely dense balls of energy have very low Kolmogorov complexity, for obvious reasons. Basically Kolmogorov complexity is how much information you need to describe something, and though it's mostly used in computer science, once we get into this really crazy abstract physics stuff, anything can apply. Immensely dense balls of energy can be summed up thusly: They are x in radius, y in density, and made up of loads of energy. So, really low Kolmogorov complexity. So, if we start thinking about the universe in terms of a massive, massive quantum field, with infinite time for anything to happen, it's much more likely that the Big Bang would have happened randomly, than for something like an armchair to suddenly appear, or a whale plummeting to the ground out of Earth's sky. And that's what the Big Bang was, an immensely dense point of energy that suddenly happened for some reason and started expanding outwards, as immensely compressed things tend to do under such circumstances. Of course now we get into where the massive quantum field came from, and who knows, maybe we're just a simulation run by a computer programmer the next simulation level up who decided to start a program defining the rules for quantum fluctuation and quarks and all that shit and then specified a positively enormous (subjectively, in our eyes enormous of course) quantum field and just let it start running. But at least we're one step further back in the quest for how it all began, assuming this is true."}, {"answer": "Here is a list of video links collected from comments that redditors have made in response to this submission: |Source Comment|Score|Video Link| |:-------|:-------|:-------| |[helgaofthenorth]( URL_34 )|23|[Origin of the Universe - Stephen Hawking 1 of 5]( URL_30 )| |[def_oj]( URL_43 )|13|[Cosmos - Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension]( URL_48 )| |[69Bandit]( URL_13 )|9|[The Elegant Universe - The 'M' Theory]( URL_56 )| |[slampisko]( URL_36 )|7|[The Ocean - The Origin Of God]( URL_15 )| |[ncwise]( URL_0 )|7|[There is no \"Fourth\" dimension]( URL_54 )| |[slampisko]( URL_36 )|7|[The Ocean -- The Origin of Species]( URL_31 )| |[CelebrityCamelToe]( URL_21 )|4|[Lawrence Krauss: A Universe From Nothing]( URL_29 )| |[image_engineer]( URL_10 )|4|[Comic Relief - Catherine Tate & David Tennant]( URL_24 )| |[JLBeast]( URL_2 )|3|[Tim and Eric: \"Dark and Massive\" Awesome Show]( URL_40 )| |[networklackey]( URL_3 )|2|[\"A Universe From Nothing\" - Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins]( URL_37 )| |[JoeKneeMarf]( URL_18 )|2|[Alan Watts - On Nothingness]( URL_9 )| |[runfromgaga2]( URL_4 )|1|[Creation Seminar 2 - Kent Hovind - Garden of Eden FULL]( URL_32 )| |[Mr_Scruff]( URL_33 )|1|[Imagining the Tenth Dimension - 2012 Version]( URL_14 )| |[Sierra004]( URL_42 )|1|[Negative Energy - Stephen Hawking's Grand Design]( URL_22 )| |[Mr_Wary]( URL_50 )|1|[5 Unsolved Space Mysteries! - The Countdown #26]( URL_46 )| |[Dfely]( URL_27 )|1|[2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Existence of Nothing]( URL_23 )| |[namrog84]( URL_6 )|1|[Isaac Asimov - The Last Question]( URL_8 )| |[mafiasecurity]( URL_44 )|1|[Morgan Freeman on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 2013 Full Interview HD]( URL_7 )| |[kumarsays]( URL_25 )|1|[Memento 2000 HD Trailer]( URL_20 )| |[TheStrayArrow]( URL_12 )|1|[Krauss-Dawkins: Something from Nothing is Counter-Intuitive]( URL_51 )| |[HappyWulf]( URL_35 )|1|[Flatland: The Film 2007]( URL_45 )| |[dudewiththebling]( URL_47 )|1|[Family Guy - How the Universe was made]( URL_55 )| |[Somanytacos]( URL_28 )|1|[Dido - White Flag]( URL_5 )| |[Squiggy_Pusterdump]( URL_52 )|1|[Imagining the Tenth Dimension - Rob Bryanton FULL CLIP.flv]( URL_57 )| |[Padigun]( URL_19 )|1|[Dr Quantum - Flatland]( URL_53 )| |[68024]( URL_17 )|1|[Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2]( URL_11 )| |[elstupidos]( URL_38 )|1|['A Universe From Nothing' by Lawrence Krauss, AAI 2009]( URL_41 )| |[canada686]( URL_26 )|1|[2. The Illusion of Time]( URL_16 )| * [VideoLinkBot FAQ]( URL_49 ) * [Feedback]( URL_39 ) * [Playlist of videos in this comment]( URL_1 )"}, {"answer": "Under some interpretations of the BBT, there cannot be a 'before' the big bang, as time did not yet exist. Instead there is a singularity consisting of all of the energy that makes up the universe as we know it."}, {"answer": "The ELI5 version is: \"we have no idea yet\""}, {"answer": "Something to consider: just because a question makes grammatical sense, does not mean that it is not complete non-sense. The question: > What existed before the universe existed? Might very well be a string of words that just doesn't make sense. Like, \"what does the color green dream of?\" Colors are not capable of having dreams so this question is just nonsensical and has no answer. The idea of 'before the universe' might be just as nonsensical. 'The Universe' as a concept might not be able to posses that quality of having something precede it. I'm no physicist so I don't really know, but this is something to keep in mind when talking about this stuff. Just because a question sounds good does not mean it is a good or answerable question."}, {"answer": "The Big Bang theory is a scientific *theory*--it explains the evidence we have of the early Universe. We do not currently have any known evidence of whatever happened *before* the Universe. The Big Bang theory does not even approach an explanation of the pre-Universe. It is also presumptive to say that *nothing* existed. You weren't there; how do you know there was nothing? Scientists don't know either; they don't claim to know. They just do the best they can with the observations they've gathered."}, {"answer": "The mystery is all we know and possibly all we'll ever know about this topic. It's a pretty liberating idea to get used to. This doesn't discount knowledge, not all all. But all knowledge is discovered and passed down through man. Sure, it's empirically verified and peer reviewed, but at the end of it all, we know deep down that nobody can truly prove anything, because we're all comparing and contrasting to each other! Where is the objectivity? This extends more into philosophy than science, but both are intrinsic to our understanding of existence. It's when we let go of trying to grasp these larger bodies of understanding that, I feel, we tap into some truths that exist. Big problem? There's no way to test them, so they stay personal. Another big problem? Most people don't get that, so when they feel they have the answer (from Scientist to Zealot), they refuse other perspectives...or worse, try to convince others. For me, the more I allow existence to exist, the more I feel truth start to seep in from the cracks of my preconceptions. This truth can take the form of many ideologies...some are hardcore material and others are delightfully spiritual. Either way, all I want is truth. And the only way to truth, to me of course, is stop pretending we know a damn thing. Especially about something as infinitely complex as the origin of our entire existence and universe. Natural or mythical, scientific or spiritual...we don't know. And to me, that's so damn liberating! /rant Edit - For nothing to exist, that would mean nothing exists, which means existence (in the form of nothingness) is actually eternally existing. Think about it...but not for too long. :)"}, {"answer": "Picture it this way: You put in a DVD, and hit play. The first thing you see is an explosion. There no empty frames before the explosion, and you do not come in after it has already started. The absolute first, *first*, ***first***, thing, the thing that comes on when the machine reads 00:00:00:00:00...01, is the exact start of the explosion. There is nothing before, because it was the first thing filmed. The Big Bang is like that. Kinda weird to imagine there being absolutely *nothing*, but sometimes you just gotta admit you don't get something"}, {"answer": "I have an explanation which I think would actually be pretty decent for a five year old, though I wouldn't recommend going and telling any five year olds, because it's pretty heavy. \"Okay, so remember when you were born? Sort of? Just barely? Okay, so remember before that? No, of course not, you weren't alive, nothing existed to you, you have no memories of that. That's what it was like.\""}, {"answer": "I have always thought of the universe as continuing system, being born and then dying again and again. I believe that eventually time/space (the universe) will begin to contract (it's currently expanding.) I believe when this happens eventually every particle of matter and energy will find itself in a black hole (where time does not exist due to > c time dilation. From what I understand about physics, a black hole is so dense that it immediately destroys the matter it sucks in and immediately turns it into energy. However, since time cannot exist inside a black hole, we will never see this happening. If time/space ever begins to contract again, which it likely will (theories suggest that the expansion of time/space is caused by the energy in the universe repelling itself, as more energy cools and turns into matter / gets sucked into black holes, there will eventually be more matter than energy, resulting in time/space contracting,) then eventually all matter and energy will find itself in a single singularity, thus spelling the end of this \"cycle.\" The next \"cycle\" would begin exactly as this one did, with a big bang as singularity erupts and time/space can once again begin expanding."}, {"answer": "There is a theory that there is \"stuff\", which is everything we know, and there is \"anti-stuff\" (which is not the same as antimatter). When you put the two together, you get nothing. When nothing separates, you get the two. Somewhere out there, there could be a pile of anti stuff just waiting to cancel everything out. That's how you can theoretically have something come out of nothing."}, {"answer": "Not science: Consider the philosophy of causality. There can only be one of two realities \u2014 (1) an infinite chain of nonprimary causes (nothing ultimately responsible for all observable causes and effects); or (2) an uncaused primary cause of all causes (one absolute cause responsible for initiating everything)."}, {"answer": "We don't know right now, and we may never know, but a variety of different theories exist on the subject. Some still believe that the universe has always existed, though this is highly unlikely and has become increasingly less popular over the years. Some believe that there simply was no \"before\" since time has only existed since the universe began. One quite popular theory posits that the universe is cyclical and will continue to expand and contract for eternity. Others say that the universe is part of a larger multiverse, where our universe is just a bubble within the next largest universe. Brane theory, which IIRC, is tied to string theory, states that the universe exists between two parallel branes which, because they are actually wavy, sometimes come into contact and our universe was actually a product of these two branes touching. Some theorize that the universe exists within a black hole, which is located in a parallel universe. There's all sorts of exciting theories out there right now, and we can only hope that some day we'll find the right answer to this impossible problem! Sorry for the wall of text. If you still want to know more [the Wikipedia page on multiverses]( URL_0 ) is a great place to start."}, {"answer": "Time is a dimension, think of it as another direction like up or down. When the big bang happened is when all of the dimensions expanded. Before that there was no time, there was also no space. Space expanded and is still expanding. I know that is hard to grasp. The \"nothing\" \"before\" the big bang was only \"nothing\" for a give value of \"nothing\" energy existed. Matter and antimatter popped in and out of existence constantly. As long as the anti-matter and the matter were balance nothing happened.13.7 billion years ago 3000 anti matter particles popped into existence and 3001 matter particles popped into existence(this ratios are correct but the actual number of particles is unknown, or at least unknown to me). They were not balanced so it caused the biggest explosion ever. This explosion was so big that until the universe was 300,000 years old there was no gravity. Gravity travels at the speed of light and the expansion of the universe was so fast that it took 300,000 years for gravity to catch up with the expansion. ( just like Wile E Coyote not falling out of the air until he looks down. It took the Universe 300,000 years to look down and be affected by gravity) We are still learning about how the smallest particles pop in and out of existence constantly. We can entangle particles so as they pop in and out of existence, we can make them affect each other, this seems to happen independently from Time. As we learn more about how the smallest particles of matter behave we will learn more about the \"nothing\" that existed \"before\" the big bang."}, {"answer": "The universe is made of nothing interestingly enough, at least according to our understanding. It's just a really interesting and dynamic nothingness. You have regular matter and anti matter and if you add it all up you get nothing. If you think I'm full of shit just take a look at stuff like [Hawking radiation]( URL_1 ) and [the Casimir effect]( URL_0 ). Hawking radiation is based off of the casimir effect and the casimer effect has been proven through physical experiments. Basically both state that vacuum space is actually full of subatomic particles popping in and out of existence. From nothing two opposing particles of matter and anti matter spontaneously appear out of no where, move apart for a short time, then come together and destroy themselves. But because they have opposite charge, spin and mass really nothing happened. Once you wrap your brain around that concept it's not a huge leap to getting a whole universe from nothing."}, {"answer": "When scientists say there was \"nothing\" they really mean \"we can say NOTHING about it.\" There might have been something before the big bang. But at the moment of the big bang, the fundamental laws of physics were warped/took a pause/TIFU. So all the formulas and measurements don't mean anything because for an instant, all bets were off and we can't really say anything intelligent about that moment. So we can't say anything about what happened beforehand either. It's like a hot dog. There very well MAY have been actual meat used in the recipe. but once it came out of the hot-dog-hose, you got NO idea what it used to be in the first place and it's anybody's guess."}, {"answer": "All Big Bang theory says is that roughly 14 billion years ago the universe was extremely tiny and in an extremely dense state. We can model it very well up until a few (tiny) fractions of a second after \"it\" happened, but we can't say what it was because all of our physical models break down at that point. So Big Bang theory doesn't really have anything to say about what happened at t=0, or before. There are lots and lots of ideas out there, but no way of telling which one might be correct (at the moment)."}, {"answer": "Not necessarily 'before' but I've always been confused as to how there's anything to even allow for existence. Forgot time and the concept of past present future etc. However complicated the explanation of time and space can get, still can't get past the idea of why there's even a 'nothing' for something to come from. Can't even think of how to phrase the question. I need an 'ask it like I'm 5' to articulate that."}, {"answer": "Two things: 1. We cannot say what happened before the big bang. Time is a property of the universe and therefore did not exist before it. 2. We cannot explain what happened before the big bang because it was a singularity, a pint in the universe at which the laws of physics we know break down."}, {"answer": "Nothing can't \"exist\". The universe defines existence. Nothing existed before the universe existed. However, ~laws of being~ apparently create existence. People are too stupid to understand and explain such things. We are products of universe-being, and probably have no insight into universe-making."}, {"answer": "I m still in awe that we are evening capable of discussing this. The universe thinking about where it came from...BRILLIANT."}, {"answer": "There is no first cause for the universe. You're looking for causation; like the cause of a pencil is a tree or the cause of a rock is a volcano, something like that. Scientists say the Big Bang was the cause of the Universe. The name is misleading because it implies that it happened very quickly, almost like an explosion, but in reality, it happened much slower. But anyways, there is no first cause for the universe. The universe goes through a process of expansion and contraction over and over again, since time without beginning. Also, you're distinguishing the qualities of existing and non-existing. You say that now the universe is existing, where-as before the universe was created, it was non-existing. In reality, things neither exist nor not-exist. Everything arises in dependence upon something else. No one thing exists independently of something else. Quarks and Gluons make Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons, they make molecules and so forth. Even if you look at a single elementary particle, the smallest thing in the universe, it will have a left side, a right side, a top, a bottom, a front, and a back. And even if you took one of those parts, they would have a beginning and an end, a beginning of the beginning, an end of the beginning, a beginning of the end, and an end of the end, and so on. This is called an infinite regression. The universe is really like a mirage in the desert or a rainbow, it appears but it lacks an essence of its own. Our human bodies are also part of the universe. Our bodies are made from the same atoms that comprise the world around us, and so there is no difference at all between our bodies and the world around us. Our minds, however, are different. The definition of mind is clarity, and its function is to cognize objects. Because of the mind, we are able to experience everything. If we had no mind, then nothing would appear to us and we would be like a piece of dead wood. So, the mind is the real cause for the universe to appear."}, {"answer": "There is a great difficulty in trying to comprehend or even \"see\" what is \"outside\" our Universe or what happened \"before\" the big bang. \"Before the big bang\" is not even a concept, because time itself came into existence when the big bang occured - so there is no \"before\". It is unreachable, unknowable (at this point) the same way that we could not see beyond our own Universe. If there are other Universes, contained within infinite space, we will never know it because the light will never reach us. The gross rate of expansion of the Universe exceeds the speed of light (imagine two trains racing away from each other) while each is going 70 mph, their combined speed of separation is 140. So if the gross rate of expansion of the Universe exceeds the speed of light, we will never be able to see light from a neighboring \"big bang\". we can only see the light generated within our own. In the same way - we are limited from seeing (we can postulate but not \"see\" other dimensions of existence) or \"the time before\" the big bang. We are locked in the spacetime of our own Universe so while we can postulate a \"time before\". We can't touch it. How can you prove a \"time before\" everything that is...existed?"}, {"answer": "We must also remember Quantum theory. In the laws of Quantum theory, a particle may be in multiple places at once and even pop in and out of existance from nothing. In a way, that provides evidence (not proof yet) that the universe may have been created out of nothing, without the laws of Quantum theory being broken. Others have referenced Flatland, observers in set dimensions being unable to see or grasp concepts of higher dimensions unless they are shown to exist by an observer of that dimension. That is an important concept to try and reconcile, as time is only a constant (variable by changes in speed and gravity) in our 4 dimensional world (3 spatial dimensions + Space-time). It is inconcievably difficult for someone living in a dimension where in everything, they observe a beginning and an end to understand that this may not be true for those living in higher dimensional states where the concept of a beginning and an end may sound as ludicrious as not having one for us. It is entirely possible that Nothing existed before the big bang (without going into dimensional Branes or anything too complicated) Suggested readings on the subject include works by Dr Michio Kaku."}, {"answer": "I actually really enjoy topics like this. One idea I really like is that the big bang is the exhausted matter from a wormhole. In many different areas we can observe the presence of black holes. We are not sure how they work past their event horizon and that can offer a lot of speculation as to what precisely they are. It is becoming increasingly apparent that mostly every observable thing in our universe has an opposite. The opposite of a black hole would essentially be what we should call a white hole, but in what instance has anyone actually observed that a whitehole existed? It is possible to assume that the big bang was the only known white hole that may have existed. If I think of things this way, I would have to assume that before our universe must have existed an even larger universe. I suppose out of the black holes in our universe could be born even smaller universes."}, {"answer": "I'm probably going to get downvoted into oblivion, but I must ask. The concept of no past, present, or future is difficult to comprehend. This would imply that the matter needed for the universe, has always existed. I find this difficult to believe, because my brain can not rationalize something with no beginning. In every aspect of my reality, everything has a cause and an effect, a beginning and an end. No one will ever be able to prove these concepts, because there are no records or witnesses to observe the early history of the universe. The only thing that can be proven is that the universe is expanding, therefore if the expansion is reversed, it leads to shrinking into nothing. I must take what came before the expansion, on faith. In short, everything always existed and arranged itself into people and trees by chance. How is this not any more ridiculous than an uncaused, eternal maker of everything?"}, {"answer": "We cannot measure anything from before the big bang, ergo we know nothing about it. This doesn't mean that there was \"nothing\" before the big bang. For instance, and I'm butchering this so please accept my apologies, cosmologists, but physics says that objects that exist can be run in a black hole (I think, reverse, meaning in simulation, not violating laws of physics). The reverse of a black hole being a white hole...instead of sucking everything within reach in....blowing everything out. Big bang? Who knows. From what I understand of the universe, I don't think that \"nothing\" existed before the big bang. It just doesn't seem very likely...not that that means anything, of course. Also, here's an episode of Through the Worm Hole that talks about the whole black hole/white hole thing: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "The Big Bang does not preclude the existence of other universes or other dimensions, even though it is generally accepted that nothing existed pertaining to our particular universe before the Big Bang. The mere idea that other universes could exist (reinforced by a myriad of scientific theories from the 20th and 21st centuries) invalidates the meaning of the word \"universe\" since now it cannot be said to encompass all of creation. As for your other question \"How can nothing exist? What does it mean for nothing to exist?\" I would say this is more philosophical. I would direct you towards Ontology, Metaphysics and even linguistics for erudition on said subject. Here is a landmark lecture to whet your appetite by Martin Heidegger on the subject of being and nothingness: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I read something ages ago about the current understanding of the cosmos, and all I can remember from it was an artist's representation of what was being talked about, basically imagining the fabric of the universe as a flexible sheet, and in some places a bit would push out, like a film of soap just before you blow a bubble. That precise moment when the two sides of the film snap together and a bubble is formed. The snap is the big bang, and the bubble is our universe, which will split again and again, possibly in black holes. Is that close to being right? Or just shit?"}, {"answer": "Because humans can only perceive anything that flows in time, basically it has always existed in a very condensed form. All that makes up the universe was formed before time existed, I believe. That's one way to describe it, but that's only a theory. As far as time goes, the universe has always existed. Think of it this way. You've always had a packet of Grape Kool-Aid and a pitcher of water.. Recently, you decided to pour the Kool-Aid into water and turn the concentrate into a perfect drink. That's how the universe is. It has always existed, but in a more condensed form before the Big Bang."}, {"answer": "I enjoy how people explain using absolute terms. If I change \"was\" to \"possibly was\" or \"could have been\" and change \"is\" to \"may be\" throughout this thread, there is some pretty good discussion. Your answer to a five year old, \"Assuming the Big Bang theory is correct, we do not know what existed before the universe. There are competing theories and if you study hard you might be able to grasp one or two of them. Chances are though, you do not have the IQ to ever contribute to these theories. Now go play with your toys.\""}, {"answer": "Here's an interesting video you might like. It basically claims that the question as to the origin of the universe begins to break down if we assume that there is only one universe, and that quantum mechanics might imply that there are nearly countless similar universes. Its by Laura Mersini-Houghton, who developed a theory for the birth of the universe that made 5 predictions, four of which have since been observed (CMB cold spot, power suppression at low l's, alignment of quadrupole with octupole, dark flow, and Sigma8~0.8) URL_0 "}, {"answer": "There is no definitive answer but one I have heard is that time didn't exist before the big bang, or it didn't occur. No time passed until the big bang occurred. The big bang was the starting point for time. So because there was no time for anything to exist in, there was nothing before the big bang. That brings us to what caused the big bang to happen if there was nothing, including no time? EDIT: Added info to specifically answer question."}, {"answer": "All matter was condensed into a single point. Think of a point on a graph- no x, no y, no z. These dimensions include time as well. And according to a theory I'll refer to as GTD, the more matter/density something has, the slower time is, so with matter condensed into a single point, time would literally slow to zero, thus, there was nothing, but, something."}, {"answer": "Well, Billy, long ago, before the universe was born, there was a mommy and a daddy universe. And they loved each other very much, so they decided to have a baby universe. Daddy stuck his supernova in mommy's black hole, and it exploded there. And nine nanoseconds later, the universe was born. Now get the fuck out of here, I'm trying to watch the game."}, {"answer": "My theory is that the big bang for our universe was just the next iteration of this cycle. It's not that there was nothing before, but that all of the mass in the universe was pulled together by gravity and BANG now the next iteration starts."}, {"answer": "I want answers damn it! But I'm afraid as humans, there's just things we can't understand or are brains can fathom. This whole topic crosses my mind quite frequently. Perhaps it's just something that will remained unsolved."}, {"answer": "I had a physics professor tell me that science can explain everything from a few nanoseconds after the big bang to the edge of the universe. Beyond those limitations, anything is possible, or nothing."}, {"answer": "What if black holes keep sucking everything up until they consume themselves. Wouldnt that put everything into one tiny point until it couldnt anymore and then it would eventually explode and start over again?"}, {"answer": "Go check out an episode of Through the Wormhole. I think it's called \"Is the universe alive?\" That answered a lot of questions I had with theories that certain people are working on testing."}, {"answer": "Actually, it is theorized that there was a universe before the universe. The Big Bang was the result of a Big Crunch. The energy produced generated another Big Bang"}, {"answer": "What is the philosophical term for dismissing a valid question by stating that it doesn't make sense, even when both parties understand the intent of the question?"}, {"answer": "I'm going to go out on a limb and say I wasn't the only one who thought it was about the T.V. show..."}, {"answer": "Thanks for finally asking a question which has led to a sensible debate and series of answers!"}, {"answer": "I used to think I was reasonably intelligent. Fuck this thread."}, {"answer": "Try to imagine the time before you were born."}, {"answer": "This entire thread makes my brain hurt so bad..."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11269605", "title": "The Big Bang Theory", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Big Bang Theory is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom served as executive producers on the series, along with Steven Molaro. All three also served as head writers. The show premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007 and concluded on May 16, 2019, having broadcast a total of 279 episodes over 12 seasons.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The Big Bang Theory is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom served as executive producers on the series, along with Steven Molaro. All three also served as head writers. The show premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007 and concluded on May 16, 2019, having broadcast a total of 279 episodes over 12 seasons."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4116", "title": "Big Bang", "section": "Section::::Observational evidence.:Galactic evolution and distribution.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 77, "end_paragraph_id": 77, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["the Big Bang theory. A combination of observations and theory suggest that the first quasars and galaxies formed about a billion years after the Big Bang, and since then, larger structures have been forming, such as galaxy clusters and superclusters. Populations of stars have been aging and evolving, so that distant galaxies (which are observed as they were in the early universe) appear very different from nearby galaxies (observed in a more recent state). Moreover, galaxies that formed relatively recently, appear markedly different from galaxies formed at similar distances but shortly after the Big Bang. These observations are strong arguments against the steady-state model. Observations of star formation, galaxy and quasar distributions and larger structures, agree well with Big Bang simulations of the formation of structure in the universe, and are helping to complete details of the theory.", "the Big Bang theory. A combination of observations and theory suggest that the first quasars and galaxies formed about a billion years after the Big Bang, and since then, larger structures have been forming, such as galaxy clusters and superclusters. Populations of stars have been aging and evolving, so that distant galaxies (which are observed as they were in the early universe) appear very different from nearby galaxies (observed in a more recent state). Moreover, galaxies that formed relatively recently, appear markedly different from galaxies formed at similar distances but shortly after the Big Bang. These observations are strong arguments against the steady-state model. Observations of star formation, galaxy and quasar distributions and larger structures, agree well with Big Bang simulations of the formation of structure in the universe, and are helping to complete details of the theory."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21544", "title": "Nuclear fusion", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In nuclear chemistry, nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or absorption of energy. This difference in mass arises due to the difference in atomic \"binding energy\" between the atomic nuclei before and after the reaction. Fusion is the process that powers active or \"main sequence\" stars, or other high magnitude stars.", "In nuclear chemistry, nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or absorption of energy. This difference in mass arises due to the difference in atomic \"binding energy\" between the atomic nuclei before and after the reaction. Fusion is the process that powers active or \"main sequence\" stars, or other high magnitude stars.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Big Bang\n\n\nEpoch, and correcting this will require the development of a correct treatment of quantum gravity Certain quantum gravity treatments, such as the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, imply that time itself could be an emergent property. As such, physics may conclude that time did not exist before the Big Bang so there might be no \"beginning\" or \"before\". While it is not known what could have preceded the hot dense state of the early universe or how and why it originated, speculation abounds as the subject of \"cosmogony\"", "id": "3693468" }, { "contents": "Religious interpretations of the Big Bang theory\n\n\nearliest discernible existence, the Big Bang carries possible theological implications regarding the concept of creation out of nothing. Many atheist philosophers have argued against the idea of the Universe having a beginning - the Universe might simply have existed for all eternity, but with the emerging evidence of the Big Bang theory, many theologians and physicists have viewed it as implicating theism; a popular philosophical argument for the existence of God known as the Kalam cosmological argument rests in the concepts of the Big Bang. In the 1920s and 1930s almost every major cosmologist", "id": "4095654" }, { "contents": "Edward Tryon\n\n\nno one could speak about what came before the Big Bang and stay within the boundaries of science. It was almost universally accepted that no scientist could explain why there is something and not nothing. This was the scientific climate Tryon existed in as he was getting settled working at Hunter College. But soon after arriving there he found himself in a writing project that he thought required him to do an exhaustive study of how modern science perceives our universe. In studying the many ways cosmologists see our universe, he thought he had discovered", "id": "20614094" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\nattempt to explain \"why\" the universe began to exist; it explains only \"how\" the universe physically developed once that moment happened. We interpret the singularity from the FLRW metric as meaning that current theories are inadequate to describe what actually happened at the start of the Big Bang itself. It is widely believed that a correct theory of quantum gravity may allow a more correct description of that event, but no such theory has yet been developed. After that moment, all distances throughout the universe began to increase from (", "id": "5612087" }, { "contents": "The Neanderthal Parallax\n\n\npart of who the gliksins are. The Barasts also do not believe that the universe had a beginning and do not adhere to the Big Bang theory. Instead, they believe the universe has always existed, and can point to scientific evidence and verified theory to back up this belief. They believe that the gliksin theories concerning an origin of the universe exist because of the gliksin need to believe in a creator, and thus a beginning, which biases gliksin science. The story ends before any large-scale intermingling and rationalization of", "id": "575171" }, { "contents": "Cosmological argument\n\n\nwho said that asking what occurred before the Big Bang is like asking what is north of the North Pole. However, some cosmologists and physicists do attempt to investigate causes for the Big Bang, using such scenarios as the collision of membranes. Philosopher Edward Feser states that classical philosophers' arguments for the existence of God do not care about the Big Bang or whether the universe had a beginning. The question is not about what got things started or how long they have been going, but rather what keeps them going. Alternatively", "id": "6548575" }, { "contents": "Gregangelo’s Velocity Circus/Arts and Entertainment\n\n\nin the circus field. For example, he still employs the laws of physics into the themes and titles of his choreographed performances. Herrera became aware of the Big Bang theory in the 1990s; in 1992 scientists witnessed through a telescope what they thought was a universe coming into existence. Obsessed with the Big Bang theory, Herrera wanted a company name that described the force of everything that exists in the universe. Thus, Herrera thought the equation for velocity (velocity equals distance over time) fit the kinetic nature of circus arts", "id": "4696867" }, { "contents": "Big Bang\n\n\nSteady State theory, but a wide range of empirical evidence has strongly favored the Big Bang which is now universally accepted. In 1929, from analysis of galactic redshifts, Edwin Hubble concluded that galaxies are drifting apart; this is important observational evidence for an expanding universe. In 1964, the cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered, which was crucial evidence in favor of the hot Big Bang model, since that theory predicted the existence of background radiation throughout the universe before it was discovered. The known physical laws of nature can be", "id": "3693381" }, { "contents": "Recombination (cosmology)\n\n\nIn cosmology, recombination refers to the epoch at which charged electrons and protons first became bound to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms. Recombination occurred about 379,000 years after the Big Bang (at a redshift of \"z\" = ). The word \"recombination\" is misleading, since the big bang theory doesn't posit that protons and electrons had been combined before, but the name exists for historical reasons since it was named before the Big Bang hypothesis became the primary theory of the creation of the universe. Immediately after the Big", "id": "11078158" }, { "contents": "Initial singularity\n\n\nmodel of the Big Bang, alternative theoretical formulations for the beginning of the Universe have been proposed, including a string theory-based model in which two branes, enormous membranes much larger than the Universe, collided, creating mass and energy. It is impossible to see the singularity or the actual Big Bang itself, as time and space did not exist inside the singularity and, therefore, there would be no way to transmit any radiation from before the Big Bang to the present day. Although there is no direct evidence for", "id": "15672441" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nwith ours”) and humans (\"a genetically-modified race of superhumans, say with greater memory and disease resistance, would imperil the others\"). The book also discusses the \"big questions\", including life (\"in the next 50 years, we will come to understand how life began and possibly discover whether life exists elsewhere in the universe\"), time (“You can’t get to a time before the Big Bang [because] there was no time before the Big Bang ... If the", "id": "10283815" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nworking on strings and multiverses are not really practising physics,\" and quotes Hossenfelder, “I’m not sure anymore that what we do here, in the foundations of physics, is science”. Nevertheless, according to Ephrat Livni writing for Quartz, Hawking believed \"The law of nature itself tell us that not only could the universe have popped into existence without any assistance, like a proton, and have required nothing in terms of energy, but also it is possible that nothing caused the Big Bang. Nothing.\"", "id": "10283827" }, { "contents": "Edward Tryon\n\n\nto zero energy, in his paper Tryon said: \"If this be the case, then our Universe could have appeared from nowhere without violating any conservation laws.\" Tryon then goes on to describe how our universe could have come from a quantum fluctuation of the vacuum. He does this by simply applying our current scientific laws such as quantum mechanics and quantum field theory which exist in our universe, to that era before our universe was here. Like many physicists he believes that a vacuum, or empty space, existed before", "id": "20614099" }, { "contents": "Cosmological argument\n\n\n\"One finds that time just disappears from the Wheeler–DeWitt equation\" (Carlo Rovelli). The Big Bang theory states that it is the point in which all dimensions came into existence, the start of both space and time. Then, the question \"What was there before the Universe?\" makes no sense; the concept of \"before\" becomes meaningless when considering a situation without time. This has been put forward by J. Richard Gott III, James E. Gunn, David N. Schramm, and Beatrice Tinsley,", "id": "6548574" }, { "contents": "Edward Tryon\n\n\nour universe existed. According to physics, because of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, every vacuum has something in it. At the quantum level, because of the uncertainty principle, the law of the conservation of energy can be broken for just a brief moment, causing virtual particles to pop in and out of existence. Tryon says virtual particles also existed in the vacuum that was here before our universe existed, and these quantum fluctuations from nothing (the vacuum) eventually led to one of these particles popping into existence and", "id": "20614100" }, { "contents": "Ultimate fate of the universe\n\n\nsimple terms, this theory states that the universe will continuously repeat the cycle of a Big Bang, followed up with a Big Crunch. In order to best understand the false vacuum collapse theory, one must first understand the Higgs field which permeates the universe. Much like an electromagnetic field, it varies in strength based upon its potential. A true vacuum exists so long as the universe exists in its lowest energy state, in which case the false vacuum theory is irrelevant. However, if the vacuum is not in its lowest", "id": "18124268" }, { "contents": "Religious interpretations of the Big Bang theory\n\n\nRazi and Shaykh Ahmad). In an early text, Bahá’u’lláh describes the successive creation of the four natures heat and cold (the active force), dryness and moisture (the recipients), and the four elements fire, air, water and earth. About the phrase \"That which hath been in existence had existed before, but not in the form thou seest today,\" 'Abdu'l-Bahá has stated that it means that the universe is evolving. He also states that \"the substance and primary matter of contingent", "id": "4095660" }, { "contents": "Roger Penrose\n\n\nthe CMB sky, of an earlier universe existing before the Big Bang of our own present universe. He mentions this evidence in the epilogue of his 2010 book \"Cycles of Time\", a book in which he presents his reasons, to do with Einstein's field equations, the Weyl curvature C, and the Weyl curvature hypothesis (WCH), that the transition at the Big Bang could have been smooth enough for a previous universe to survive it. He made several conjectures about C and the WCH, some of which", "id": "6598141" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\nThe chronology of the universe describes the history and future of the universe according to Big Bang cosmology. The earliest stages of the universe's existence are estimated as taking place 13.8 billion years ago, with an uncertainty of around 21 million years at the 68% confidence level. For the purposes of this summary, it is convenient to divide the chronology of the universe since it originated, into five parts. It is generally considered meaningless or unclear whether time existed before this chronology: The standard model of cosmology is based on a", "id": "5612084" }, { "contents": "Big Bang\n\n\ngalaxies, the descendants of which are visible today. Astronomers also observe the gravitational effects of dark matter surrounding galaxies. Most of the matter in the universe seems to be in the form of dark matter, and Big Bang theory and various observations indicate that it is not conventional baryonic matter (atoms). It is still not known exactly what dark matter is. More recently, measurements of the redshifts of supernovae indicate that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, an observation attributed to dark energy's existence. In 1922,", "id": "3693383" }, { "contents": "Big Bounce\n\n\nto the oscillatory universe and Big Bounce theories. One of the main problems with the Big Bang theory is that at the moment of the Big Bang, there is a singularity of zero volume and infinite energy. This is normally interpreted as the end of the physics as we know it; in this case, of the theory of general relativity. This is why one expects quantum effects to become important and avoid the singularity. However, research in loop quantum cosmology purported to show that a previously existing universe collapsed, not to", "id": "5899199" }, { "contents": "Nucleosynthesis\n\n\nitself had been proposed in 1931, long before this period, by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian physicist, who suggested that the evident expansion of the Universe in time required that the Universe, if contracted backwards in time, would continue to do so until it could contract no further. This would bring all the mass of the Universe to a single point, a \"primeval atom\", to a state before which time and space did not exist. Hoyle is credited with coining the term \"Big Bang\" during a 1949", "id": "4346537" }, { "contents": "Incompatible-properties argument\n\n\nGod's time must be aligned with our time if human activities are relevant to God's purpose. (In a relativistic universe, presumably this means—at any point in spacetime—time measured from t=0 at the Big Bang or end of inflation.) A God existing outside of any sort of time could not create anything because creation substitutes one thing for another, or for nothing. Creation requires a creator that existed, by definition, prior to the thing created. Another pair of alleged incompatible properties is omniscience and either", "id": "15571848" }, { "contents": "Negative mass\n\n\none). In general relativity, the universe is described as a Riemannian manifold associated to a metric tensor solution of Einstein’s field equations. In such a framework, the runaway motion prevents the existence of negative matter. Some bimetric theories of the universe propose that two parallel universes instead of one may exist with an opposite arrow of time, linked together by the Big Bang and interacting only through gravitation. The universe is then described as a manifold associated to two Riemannian metrics (one with positive mass matter and the other with", "id": "18214009" }, { "contents": "Taixu\n\n\nthe heart only, then his existence is legendary, similar to such non-existent things as \"turtle hair\" and \"hare horn.\" Thus, we should not believe that God created all things in the world. . . . How did He create the Universe? If the Holy Father is part of the universe, it is unreasonable that He created the world. I challenge the existence of God. Show me the evidence of the birth of God. What was He before His birth? Does He exist because", "id": "6391901" }, { "contents": "List of Marvel Comics characters: A\n\n\nThe character is usually depicted as an enemy of Galactus. Created by writer Keith Giffen and artist Andrea DiVito, the character first appeared in \"Annihilation: Silver Surfer\" #3 (Aug. 2006). She is a member of the Proemial Gods and an ally of fellow member, Tenebrous. Shortly after the Big Bang of the Marvel universe, the Proemial Gods arose from the very universe itself, collectively existing to maintain the cosmic consonance between order and chaos in the universe and to prepare \"what exists for what is to", "id": "9438466" }, { "contents": "Gravitational singularity\n\n\napparently becomes infinite at the center of a black hole, and within astrophysics and cosmology as the earliest state of the universe during the Big Bang. Physicists are undecided whether the prediction of singularities means that they actually exist (or existed at the start of the Big Bang), or that current knowledge is insufficient to describe what happens at such extreme densities. General relativity predicts that any object collapsing beyond a certain point (for stars this is the Schwarzschild radius) would form a black hole, inside which a singularity (covered", "id": "9396402" }, { "contents": "The Grand Design (book)\n\n\nabsolute nothing God is not necessary. All that is needed are the laws of nature. … [That is,] there can have been a big bang creation without the help of God, provided the laws of nature pre-date the universe. Our concept of time begins with the creation of the universe. Therefore if the laws of nature created the universe, these laws must have existed prior to time; that is the laws of nature would be outside of time. What we have then is totally non-physical", "id": "15348308" }, { "contents": "Religious interpretations of the Big Bang theory\n\n\n\" (\"\"Lawh-i-Hikmat\"\", written 1873–1874). Bahá'u'lláh states: “That which hath been in existence had existed before, but not in the form thou seest today. The world of existence came into being through the heat generated from the interaction between the active force and that which is its recipient. These two are the same, yet they are different.” The terminology used here refers to ancient Greek and Islamic philosophy (al-Kindi, Avicenna, Fakhr al-Din al-", "id": "4095659" }, { "contents": "Cyclic model\n\n\nof Cambridge University. The theory describes a universe exploding into existence not just once, but repeatedly over time. The theory could potentially explain why a repulsive form of energy known as the cosmological constant, which is accelerating the expansion of the universe, is several orders of magnitude smaller than predicted by the standard Big Bang model. A different cyclic model relying on the notion of phantom energy was proposed in 2007 by Lauris Baum and Paul Frampton of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Other cyclic models include Conformal cyclic cosmology", "id": "21091730" }, { "contents": "List of unsolved problems in philosophy\n\n\nproven unprovable, the platonist would argue that an answer nonetheless does exist. The question about why is there anything at all instead of nothing has been raised or commented on by philosophers including Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Martin Heidegger − who called it the fundamental question of metaphysics − and Ludwig Wittgenstein. The question is general, rather than concerning the existence of anything specific such as the universe/s, the Big Bang, mathematical laws, physical laws, time, consciousness or God. Related to the quarrel of universals, the principle", "id": "19573607" }, { "contents": "Higgs boson\n\n\nand the inflaton a hypothetical field suggested as the explanation for the expansion of space during the first fraction of a second of the universe (known as the \"inflationary epoch\"). Some theories suggest that a fundamental scalar field might be responsible for this phenomenon; the Higgs field is such a field, and its existence has led to papers analysing whether it could also be the \"inflaton\" responsible for this exponential expansion of the universe during the Big Bang. Such theories are highly tentative and face significant problems related to unitarity", "id": "13562608" }, { "contents": "Vacuum genesis\n\n\nVacuum genesis (zero-energy universe) is a scientific hypothesis about the Big Bang that questions whether the universe began as a single particle arising from an absolute vacuum, similar to how virtual particles come into existence and then fall back into non-existence. The concept of vacuum genesis was first proposed in 1969 during a seminar being conducted by cosmologist Dennis Sciama. Edward Tryon, in the audience, was seized by an idea and blurted \"Maybe the \"universe\" is a vacuum fluctuation.\" This was treated as a", "id": "542215" }, { "contents": "History of the Big Bang theory\n\n\ngeneral theory may be in error, and he tried to correct it by adding a cosmological constant. This constant would restore to the general theory's description of space-time an invariant metric tensor for the fabric of space/existence. The first person to seriously apply general relativity to cosmology without the stabilizing cosmological constant was Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann derived the expanding-universe solution to general relativity field equations in 1922. Friedmann's 1924 papers included \"\"Über die Möglichkeit einer Welt mit konstanter negativer Krümmung des Raumes\"\" (", "id": "20821434" }, { "contents": "Deuterium\n\n\nfound, unless there are obvious processes at work that concentrate it. The existence of deuterium at a low but constant primordial fraction in all hydrogen is another one of the arguments in favor of the Big Bang theory over the Steady State theory of the universe. The observed ratios of hydrogen to helium to deuterium in the universe are difficult to explain except with a Big Bang model. It is estimated that the abundances of deuterium have not evolved significantly since their production about 13.8 billion years ago. Measurements of Milky Way galactic deuterium from", "id": "8714463" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nthat God does not exist and there is no reliable evidence for an afterlife, though people could live on through their influence and genes\"). According to Hawking in the book, education and science are \"in danger now more than ever before\", and urged young people \"to look up at the stars and not down at your feet ... Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist ... It matters that you don't give up. Unleash your imagination. Shape the", "id": "10283818" }, { "contents": "Stephen Hawking\n\n\nHartle, and in 1983 they published a model, known as the Hartle–Hawking state. It proposed that prior to the Planck epoch, the universe had no boundary in space-time; before the Big Bang, time did not exist and the concept of the beginning of the universe is meaningless. The initial singularity of the classical Big Bang models was replaced with a region akin to the North Pole. One cannot travel north of the North Pole, but there is no boundary thereit is simply the point where all", "id": "10409002" }, { "contents": "The Big Bang (Doctor Who)\n\n\nBig Bang. Before this, the Doctor instructs Amy to focus on her family and Rory to restore them in the new universe. The Doctor begins witnessing events in his life in reverse as the cracks in the universe close. The Doctor has to stay outside this new universe for that to happen. After a final goodbye to Amelia on the night they met, he enters the cracks and disappears. Amy wakes in her home in 2010 to discover that her parents and Rory have been brought back into existence. Amy and Rory", "id": "12187228" }, { "contents": "Logology (science)\n\n\ncreated by nuclear reactions in the cores of massive stars. He then proposed a theory of the history of the universe known as steady-state cosmology, which has the universe existing forever without an initial Big Bang (as Hoyle derisively dubbed it). He held his belief in the steady state long after observations proved that the Big Bang had happened. Albert Einstein discovered the theory of space, time, and gravitation known as general relativity, and then added a cosmological constant, later known as dark energy. Subsequently, Einstein", "id": "14488771" }, { "contents": "Big Bang\n\n\nenergy, but the exact nature and existence of dark energy remains one of the great mysteries of the Big Bang. Results from the WMAP team in 2008 are in accordance with a universe that consists of 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter, 4.6% regular matter and less than 1% neutrinos. According to theory, the energy density in matter decreases with the expansion of the universe, but the dark energy density remains constant (or nearly so) as the universe expands. Therefore, matter made up a larger", "id": "3693448" }, { "contents": "Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation\n\n\nAntenna. The new measurements were accepted as important evidence for a hot early Universe (big bang theory) and as evidence against the rival steady state theory. In 1978, Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their joint measurement. By the middle of the 20th century, cosmologists had developed two different theories to explain the creation of the universe. Some supported the steady-state theory, which states that the universe has always existed and will continue to survive without noticeable change. Others believed in the Big", "id": "4118215" }, { "contents": "State of nature\n\n\nThe state of nature is a concept used in moral and political philosophy, religion, social contract theories and international law to denote the hypothetical conditions of what the lives of people might have been like before societies came into existence. Philosophers of the state of nature theory deduce that there must have been a time before organized societies existed, and this presumption thus raises questions such as: \"What was life like before civil society?\"; \"How did government first emerge from such a starting position?,\" and; \"", "id": "2255592" }, { "contents": "Big Bang\n\n\ndensity of the universe must have been within one part in 10 of its critical value, or it would not exist as it does today. Before observations of dark energy, cosmologists considered two scenarios for the future of the universe. If the mass density of the universe were greater than the critical density, then the universe would reach a maximum size and then begin to collapse. It would become denser and hotter again, ending with a state similar to that in which it started—a Big Crunch. Alternatively, if the", "id": "3693459" }, { "contents": "Kalam cosmological argument\n\n\n. The argument generally goes something like this: This argument presupposes presentism or A Theory of time (how common sense tells us time flows forwards into the future). If A Theory is correct, all past moments would have to occur before the present, which would vindicate the first premise. The second premise follows also from A Theory along with the nature of infinity being endless. Therefore, it follows that the universe cannot be infinitely old and began to exist. If both premises are true up until now, the", "id": "12873988" }, { "contents": "The 4 Percent Universe\n\n\ncreation of the Big Bang model and the later discovery of the cosmic background radiation in the 1960s. In following this history, Panek also discusses the flaws and missing pieces in the theories and the quest by two major scientific groups to discover the reason for the expansion of the universe not matching the models as expected. The book discusses the science behind the idea of dark matter being made up of weakly interacting massive particles and how scientists tried to determine the existence of dark energy from the 1990s and onward. The two groups involved", "id": "15186166" }, { "contents": "Cosmological argument\n\n\nargument from universal causation. Aquinas observed that, in nature, there were things with contingent existences. Since it is possible for such things not to exist, there must be some time at which these things did not in fact exist. Thus, according to Aquinas, there must have been a time when nothing existed. If this is so, there would exist nothing that could bring anything into existence. Contingent beings, therefore, are insufficient to account for the existence of contingent beings: there must exist a \"necessary\"", "id": "6548551" }, { "contents": "Strong interaction\n\n\nfreedom, wherein the strength of the strong force diminishes at higher energies (or temperatures). The theorized energy where its strength becomes equal to the electroweak interaction is the grand unification energy. However, no Grand Unified Theory has yet been successfully formulated to describe this process, and Grand Unification remains an unsolved problem in physics. If GUT is correct, after the Big Bang and during the electroweak epoch of the universe, the electroweak force separated from the strong force. Accordingly, a grand unification epoch is hypothesized to have existed", "id": "8344946" }, { "contents": "Cosmological lithium problem\n\n\nIn astronomy, the lithium problem, lithium discrepancy or lithium gap refers to the discrepancy between the observed abundance of lithium produced in Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the amount that should theoretically exist. Namely, the most widely-accepted models of the Big Bang suggest that three times as much primordial lithium, in particular lithium-7, should exist. This contrasts with the observed abundance of isotopes of hydrogen (H and H) and helium (He and He) that are consistent with predictions. One day after the Big Bang, the universe", "id": "8038476" }, { "contents": "Temporal finitism\n\n\nago. Conclusion: the universe did not always exist.\" More recently though physicists have proposed various ideas for how the universe could have existed for an infinite time, such as eternal inflation. But in 2012, Alexander Vilenkin and Audrey Mithani of Tufts University wrote a paper claiming that in any such scenario past time could not have been infinite. It could however have been \"before any nameable time\", according to Leonard Susskind. Kant's argument for finitism has been widely discussed, for instance Jonathan Bennett points out that", "id": "815384" }, { "contents": "Meaning of life\n\n\noccurred coincidentally, and when considering the anthropic principle, it is sometimes interpreted as implying the existence of a multiverse. The ultimate fate of the universe, and implicitly humanity, is hypothesized as one in which biological life will eventually become unsustainable, such as through a Big Freeze, Big Rip, or Big Crunch. Theoretical cosmology studies many alternative speculative models for the origin and fate of the universe beyond the Big Bang theory. A recent trend has been models of the creation of 'baby universes' inside black holes, with", "id": "103700" }, { "contents": "ALICE experiment\n\n\nbelieved to have existed a fraction of the second after the Big Bang before quarks and gluons bound together to form hadrons and heavier particles. ALICE is focusing on the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities. The existence of the quark–gluon plasma and its properties are key issues in quantum chromodynamics for understanding color confinement and chiral symmetry restoration. Recreating this primordial form of matter and understanding how it evolves is expected to shed light on questions about how matter is organized, the mechanism that confines quarks and gluons and the", "id": "5866728" }, { "contents": "Alpha Centurion\n\n\nand Parallax in fighting against the heroes of the DC Universe, siding with Parallax as he promised to restore Alpha Centurion's apparently lost timeline. After the heroes had to restart existence with a new Big Bang, all alternate realities ceased to exist and this Alpha Centurion was no more. Some time later, the Alpha Centurion of our timeline showed up. He too was Marcus Aelius and, like his counterpart before him, began operating out of Metropolis. He initially had some tension with Superman. With Lex Luthor in hiding and", "id": "18095728" }, { "contents": "Big Bounce\n\n\nconstants were determined in a quantum-mechanical manner during the Big Crunch, then their apparently inexplicable values in this universe would not be so surprising, it being understood here that a \"universe\" is that which exists between a Big Bang and its Big Crunch. The Big Bounce Models, however do not explain much about how the currently expanding universe will manage to contract. This constant and steady expansion is explained by NASA through the expansion of the universe. Big bounce models have a venerable history and were endorsed on largely aesthetic", "id": "5899193" }, { "contents": "STAR detector\n\n\nand subsequent physics analysis that allows definitive statements to be made about the collision. In the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, the expanding matter was so hot and dense that protons and neutrons could not exist. Instead, the early universe comprised a plasma of quarks and gluons, which in today's cool universe are confined and exist only within composite particles (bound states) – the hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. Collisions of heavy nuclei at sufficiently high energies allow physicists to study whether quarks and gluons become deconfined at", "id": "11177212" }, { "contents": "Stellar population\n\n\ntheir existence has been found in a gravitationally lensed galaxy in a very distant part of the universe. Their existence may account for the fact that heavy elements – which could not have been created in the Big Bang – are observed in quasar emission spectra. They are also thought to be components of faint blue galaxies. These stars likely triggered the universe's period of reionization, a major phase transition of gases leading to the opacity observed today. Observations of the galaxy UDFy-38135539 suggest it may have played a role in this reionization process", "id": "5521414" }, { "contents": "Astronomy\n\n\nexistence of \"external\" galaxies. The observed recession of those galaxies led to the discovery of the expansion of the Universe. Theoretical astronomy led to speculations on the existence of objects such as black holes and neutron stars, which have been used to explain such observed phenomena as quasars, pulsars, blazars, and radio galaxies. Physical cosmology made huge advances during the 20th century. In the early 1900s the model of the Big Bang theory was formulated, heavily evidenced by cosmic microwave background radiation, Hubble's law, and the", "id": "5613106" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nconcept of time only exists within our universe and the universe came to be spontaneously ... and with it, brought time into existence, there’s simply no 'before' to consider.\" Further, Hawking believed the universe could reach an end point, either through an eventual cosmic \"crunch or an expansion\" ... \"In the interim ... We are all time travelers, journeying together into the future. But let us make that future a place we want to visit”), the possibility of time travel (“asking", "id": "10283816" }, { "contents": "Meaning of life\n\n\n. Though the Big Bang theory was met with much skepticism when first introduced, it has become well-supported by several independent observations. However, current physics can only describe the early universe from 10 seconds after the Big Bang (where zero time corresponds to infinite temperature); a theory of quantum gravity would be required to understand events before that time. Nevertheless, many physicists have speculated about what would have preceded this limit, and how the universe came into being. For example, one interpretation is that the Big Bang", "id": "103699" }, { "contents": "Ekpyrotic universe\n\n\n\"conflagration\"); it refers to an ancient Stoic cosmological model in which the universe is caught in an eternal cycle of fiery birth, cooling and rebirth. The theory addresses the fundamental question that remains unanswered by the Big Bang inflationary model: what happened before the Big Bang? The explanation, according to the ekpyrotic theory, is that the Big Bang was actually a big bounce, a transition from a previous epoch of contraction to the present epoch of expansion. The key events that shaped our universe occurred before the bounce", "id": "526561" }, { "contents": "Maurice Goldhaber\n\n\nin 1950. With Edward Teller he proposed that the so-called \"giant-dipole nuclear resonance\" was due to the neutrons in a nucleus vibrating as a group against the protons as a group (Goldhaber-Teller model). He made a well-known bet with Hartland Snyder in about 1955 that anti-protons could not exist; when he lost the bet, he speculated that the reason anti-matter does not appear to be abundant in the universe is that before the Big Bang, a single particle,", "id": "5927708" }, { "contents": "George Deutsch\n\n\nBang is \"not proven fact; it is opinion... It is not NASA's place, nor should it be to make a declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that discounts intelligent design by a creator... This is more than a science issue, it is a religious issue.\" The memo also noted that the AP Stylebook calls for the usage of the phrase \"Big Bang theory\". Prior to the 2004 Bush/Cheney presidential campaign, Deutsch had been a student at Texas A&M University. His", "id": "8508741" }, { "contents": "Conservation of mass\n\n\nin ancient Greek philosophy was that \"Nothing comes from nothing\", so that what exists now has always existed: no new matter can come into existence where there was none before. An explicit statement of this, along with the further principle that nothing can pass away into nothing, is found in Empedocles (approx. 4th century BC): \"For it is impossible for anything to come to be from what is not, and it cannot be brought about or heard of that what is should be utterly destroyed.", "id": "14641346" }, { "contents": "Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still\n\n\nin the Large Magellanic Cloud. These neutrinos were detected before any light from the explosion reached us; this was due to their ability to pass through the matter of the dying star itself. Tyson compares how neutrinos were postulated by Wolfgang Pauli to account for the conservation of energy from nuclear reactions in the same manner as Darwin's postulate on the long-tongued moth. Tyson concludes by noting that neutrinos from the Big Bang still exist in the universe but, due to the nature of light, there is a \"wall of", "id": "16101006" }, { "contents": "Rustam Singh\n\n\ndeath, what Singh calls a \"fabricated death\", which kills the self, and it kills it before the inevitable death could even appear. This is how the self is deprived of a proper death. However, there is a deeper reason, too, why this deprivation takes place. Since the self does not exist for existence, it does not exist for that death either which Singh calls the inevitable death and what he also calls the \"death proper\". To quote Singh: \"This is how the self", "id": "20149847" }, { "contents": "Steady-state model\n\n\nthat the universe was in fact changing: bright radio sources (quasars and radio galaxies) were found only at large distances (therefore could have existed only in the distant past), not in closer galaxies. Whereas the Big Bang theory predicted as much, the steady state model predicted that such objects would be found throughout the universe, including close to our own galaxy. By 1961, statistical tests based on radio-source surveys had ruled out the steady state model in the minds of most cosmologists, although some proponents of", "id": "11333136" }, { "contents": "Baby Blue (Person of Interest)\n\n\n\"The Big Bang Theory\", first on its timeslot and third for the night in the 18-49 demographics, behind \"American Idol\", and \"The Big Bang Theory\". \"Baby Blue\" received positive reviews from critics. Phil Dyess-Nugent of \"The A.V. Club\" wrote \"The possibility exists that the show may fully blossom in the remaining weeks of its first season as it bravely examines the full, dark implications of vigilante justice. The possibility also exists that, if the baby ploy pays", "id": "12494167" }, { "contents": "Firestorm (comics)\n\n\nLantern Firestorm still exists in the Firestorm Matrix. Firestorm is then told by the Entity that they must learn from each other and defeat the Black Lantern Firestorm before he destroys the Entity. Somehow, Jason and Ronnie trade places. After running a test, Professor Stein reveals the origin of the Firestorm Matrix. Stein believes that during the initial experiment he was able to capture the spark that preceded the Big Bang that created our universe, thereby making the matrix a trigger for a new big bang. If the boys continue to experience", "id": "4232948" }, { "contents": "Monadology\n\n\nwhere needed. This theory leads to: 1. Idealism, since it denies things in themselves (besides monads) and multiplies them in different points of view. Monads are \"perpetual living mirrors of the universe.\" 2. Metaphysical optimism, through the principle of sufficient reason, developed as follows: a) Everything exists according to a reason (by the axiom \"Nothing arises from nothing\"); b) Everything which exists has a sufficient reason to exist; c) Everything which exists is better than anything nonexistent", "id": "19891796" }, { "contents": "Primus (Transformers)\n\n\nwhen he gathered all his children together to prepare for Unicron's coming. It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated the current universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. He had slept peacefully, alone in the void of un-creation that remained, until fragments of the old universe that he had overlooked reacted, causing the Big Bang and birthing the current universe. The \"sentient core\" of this new universe recognized the threat that Unicron posed, and so created Primus", "id": "8030329" }, { "contents": "Cybertron\n\n\nof orbit and sent wandering through the galaxy. Before the Big Bang, an older universe existed, which was destroyed - consumed - by the fallen deity, Unicron. In the void of nothingness left in the universe's wake, Unicron slumbered, his work done... but Unicron had not been thorough enough, and tiny particles of the old universe that remained reacted with one another, birthing the current universe we know today. When Unicron awoke, his task began again, as he consumed world after world, until the sentient", "id": "7805074" }, { "contents": "Infinity Gems\n\n\nBattleworld, he is killed by the Maestro, who says the Gems do not work in any universe other than their own. The Infinity Stones are significant in the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), playing important roles in several films. In the film \"Guardians of the Galaxy\", the Collector explains that the Stones are the remnants of six singularities that existed before the Big Bang, which were compressed into Stones by cosmic entities after the universe began and were dispersed throughout the cosmos. In \"", "id": "20137393" }, { "contents": "The Black Cloud\n\n\nscientists alert the cloud of this plot, it turns the missiles back upon their senders but does not otherwise retaliate. When the astronomers ask the cloud how its lifeform originated, it replies that they have always existed. One of the characters suggests this is incompatible with the Big Bang theory. The cloud announces that another nearby (by the cloud's standards) intelligent cloud has suddenly stopped communicating and may have vanished. This has apparently happened many times before and is a long-standing mystery to the clouds; the cloud therefore", "id": "7641261" }, { "contents": "Arationality\n\n\nthis reductionist trap we might need to go beyond the very methods that work by way of reduction, i.e. scientific reason and formal logic. A true theory of novelty therefore might need to acknowledge in the creative process, whether artistic or physical, an arational source. As an example we could think of the event we call the Big Bang. Cosmologists affirm that our universe started with an explosion that brought into existence, not only the matter and energy that constitutes it, but also the very fabric of time and space. This", "id": "14944856" }, { "contents": "Dark energy\n\n\nrepulsive force, qualitatively similar to dark energy, resulted in an enormous and exponential expansion of the universe slightly after the Big Bang. Such expansion is an essential feature of most current models of the Big Bang. However, inflation must have occurred at a much higher energy density than the dark energy we observe today and is thought to have completely ended when the universe was just a fraction of a second old. It is unclear what relation, if any, exists between dark energy and inflation. Even after inflationary models became accepted", "id": "14282241" }, { "contents": "Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory\n\n\nfrom axioms 1–8, AC only matters for certain infinite sets. AC is characterized as nonconstructive because it asserts the existence of a choice set but says nothing about how the choice set is to be \"constructed.\" Much research has sought to characterize the definability (or lack thereof) of certain sets whose existence AC asserts. One motivation for the ZFC axioms is the cumulative hierarchy of sets introduced by John von Neumann. In this viewpoint, the universe of set theory is built up in stages, with one stage for each", "id": "19089837" }, { "contents": "Controversy over Cantor's theory\n\n\noften taken as a useful abstraction which helped mathematicians reason about the finite world; for example the use of infinite limit cases in calculus. The infinite was deemed to have at most a potential existence, rather than an actual existence. \"Actual infinity does not exist. What we call infinite is only the endless possibility of creating new objects no matter how many exist already\". Carl Friedrich Gauss's views on the subject can be paraphrased as: 'Infinity is nothing more than a figure of speech which helps us talk about", "id": "13006211" }, { "contents": "Helium compounds\n\n\nHePm, HeSm, HeGa, HeTb, HeDy, HeHo, HeEr, HeTm, and HeLu where the third ionisation point is below that of helium. The positronium helide ion PsHe should be formed when positrons encounter helium. The Fluoroheliate FHeO ion should be stable but salts like LiFHeO are not stable. The lithium hydrohelide cation HLiHe is linear in theory. This molecular ion could exist with big bang nucleosynthesis elements. Other hydrohelide cations that exist in theory are HNaHe sodium hydrohelide cation, HKHe potassium hydrohelide cation, HBeHe beryllium hydrohelide cation", "id": "5274339" }, { "contents": "Universal set\n\n\nhierarchy, do not allow for the existence of a universal set. It is directly contradicted by the axiom of regularity, and its existence would cause paradoxes which would make the theory inconsistent. Russell's paradox prevents the existence of a universal set in Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory and other set theories that include Zermelo's axiom of comprehension. This axiom states that, for any formula formula_1 and any set , there exists a set that contains exactly those elements of that satisfy formula_3. If a universal set  existed and the axiom of", "id": "8870414" }, { "contents": "Age of the universe\n\n\nwere attempting to detect low level noise which might be left over from the Big Bang and could prove whether the Big Bang theory was correct. The two teams realized that the detected noise was in fact radiation left over from the Big Bang, and that this was strong evidence that the theory was correct. Since then, a great deal of other evidence has strengthened and confirmed this conclusion, and refined the estimated age of the universe to its current figure. The space probes WMAP, launched in 2001, and Planck, launched", "id": "11717490" }, { "contents": "Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four\n\n\nthe University of London. The Ministry of Truth is involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect. For example, if Big Brother makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the employees of the Ministry of Truth correct the record to make it accurate. This is the \"how\" of the Ministry of Truth's existence. Within the novel, Orwell elaborates that the deeper reason for its existence", "id": "3330126" }, { "contents": "Force carrier\n\n\nlight as the \"quickest of all the messengers\". In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed the existence of a light-particle in answer to the question: \"what are light quanta?\" In 1923, at the Washington University in St. Louis, Arthur Holly Compton demonstrated an effect now known as Compton scattering. This effect is only explainable if light can behave as a stream of particles and it convinced the physics community of the existence of Einstein's light-particle. Lastly, in 1926, one year before the theory", "id": "17216470" }, { "contents": "Something (concept)\n\n\nSomething and anything are concepts of existence in ontology, contrasting with the concept of nothing. Both are used to describe the understanding that what exists is not nothing without needing to address the existence of everything. The philosopher, David Lewis, has pointed out that these are necessarily vague terms, asserting that \"ontological assertions of common sense are correct if the quantifiers—such words as \"something\" and \"anything\"—are restricted roughly to ordinary or familiar things.\" The idea that \"something\" is the opposite of \"nothing\"", "id": "17485047" }, { "contents": "First Evil\n\n\nBang and transcends all realities and dimensions; it is older than any other evil being and may even be the very first entity ever to have existed. It is said that the First lurked in the darkness long before the universe was even created and shall remain long after the universe ends. Few have heard of it and even fewer believe in its existence. The entity cannot affect the world on a physical level. Its power lies in its ability to deceive, torment and manipulate others. It can take the form of", "id": "14038802" }, { "contents": "Nuclear physics\n\n\n, natural nuclear fission reactors were active over 1.5 billion years ago. Measurements of natural neutrino emission have demonstrated that around half of the heat emanating from the Earth's core results from radioactive decay. However, it is not known if any of this results from fission chain reactions. According to the theory, as the Universe cooled after the Big Bang it eventually became possible for common subatomic particles as we know them (neutrons, protons and electrons) to exist. The most common particles created in the Big Bang which are still", "id": "1590105" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\nenergy). There is overwhelming evidence that dark matter exists and dominates our universe, but since the exact nature of dark matter is still not understood, the Big Bang theory does not presently cover any stages in its formation. From this point on, and for several billion years to come, the presence of dark matter accelerates the formation of structure in our universe. In the early universe, dark matter gradually gathers in huge filaments under the effects of gravity, collapsing faster than ordinary (baryonic) matter because its collapse is", "id": "5612129" }, { "contents": "Galactus\n\n\nof the planet Taa, which existed in the prime pre-Big Bang universe. When an unknown cosmic cataclysm gradually begins killing off all of the other life in his universe, Galan and other survivors leave Taa on a spacecraft and are engulfed in the Big Crunch. Galan, however, does not die: after bonding with the Sentience of the Universe, he changes and gestates for billions of years in an egg made of the debris of his ship that the current universe formed after the Big Bang. He emerges as Galactus", "id": "12826986" }, { "contents": "Knowledge integration\n\n\n, a student performance index. The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE), from the University of California at Berkeley has been developed along the lines of knowledge integration theory. Knowledge integration has also been studied as the process of incorporating new information into a body of existing knowledge with an interdisciplinary approach. This process involves determining how the new information and the existing knowledge interact, how existing knowledge should be modified to accommodate the new information, and how the new information should be modified in light of the existing knowledge.", "id": "16550282" }, { "contents": "Actor–network theory\n\n\nActor–network theory (ANT) is a theoretical and methodological approach to social theory where everything in the social and natural worlds exists in constantly shifting networks of relationships. It posits that nothing exists outside those relationships. All the factors involved in a social situation are on the same level, and thus there are no external social forces beyond what and how the network participants interact at present. Thus, objects, ideas, processes, and any other relevant factors are seen as just as important in creating social situations as humans.", "id": "20472911" }, { "contents": "Scotistic realism\n\n\nonly within the mind and have no external or substantial reality. The problem of universals existed as early as Plato, who taught the Theory of Forms, that universal \"forms\" existed. This opinion was rejected by many later thinkers, such as Peter Abelard, who instead argued that forms are merely mental constructs. Scotus denied these claims; in his \"Opus Oxoniense\" he argued that universals have a real and substantial existence. For Scotus, the problem of universals was closely tied to that of individuation, by identifying what", "id": "16180977" }, { "contents": "Stephen Hawking\n\n\nnorth-running lines meet and end. Initially, the no-boundary proposal predicted a closed universe, which had implications about the existence of God. As Hawking explained, \"If the universe has no boundaries but is self-contained... then God would not have had any freedom to choose how the universe began.\" Hawking did not rule out the existence of a Creator, asking in \"A Brief History of Time\" \"Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?\" In his", "id": "10409003" }, { "contents": "The Big Bang Theory (Family Guy)\n\n\nthe Big Bang, thereby creating a paradox that begins to wipe everything from existence. Stewie explains this to Brian and says that they will have only one shot at getting back to the present since Bertram took the return pad with him. Brian and Stewie then go back to fifteen minutes before Bertram arrives in the past to stop him from killing Stewie's ancestor, revealed to be Leonardo da Vinci. Stewie guesses that given that he and Bertram share the same father but have different mothers, Leonardo must be an ancestor from Lois", "id": "6177252" }, { "contents": "Letters on Sunspots\n\n\nis no 'section on sunspots' in the \"Dialogue\". Rather, they are referred to at various points in arguments about other topics. In the \"Dialogue\", that sunspots are on the surface of the Sun and not planets was taken as established fact. The discussion concerned what inferences could be drawn about the universe from their rotation. Galileo did not argue that the existence of sunspots conclusively proved that the Copernican model was correct and the Aristotelian model wrong; he explained how the rotation of sunspots could be explained", "id": "16707807" }, { "contents": "Universe\n\n\nonly form about 6% of ordinary matter, or about 0.3% of the entire universe. There are many competing hypotheses about the ultimate fate of the universe and about what, if anything, preceded the Big Bang, while other physicists and philosophers refuse to speculate, doubting that information about prior states will ever be accessible. Some physicists have suggested various multiverse hypotheses, in which our universe might be one among many universes that likewise exist. The physical Universe is defined as all of space and time (collectively referred to as", "id": "13294011" }, { "contents": "Extraterrestrial life\n\n\nsuch as Winston Churchill, it would be improbable for life \"not\" to exist somewhere other than Earth. This argument is embodied in the Copernican principle, which states that Earth does not occupy a unique position in the Universe, and the mediocrity principle, which states that there is nothing special about life on Earth. The chemistry of life may have begun shortly after the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, during a habitable epoch when the universe was only 10–17 million years old. Life may have emerged independently at many", "id": "9556076" }, { "contents": "Primordial black hole\n\n\nPrimordial black holes are a hypothetical type of black hole that formed soon after the Big Bang. In the early universe, high densities and inhomogeneous conditions could have led sufficiently dense regions to undergo gravitational collapse, forming black holes. Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich and Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov in 1966 first proposed the existence of such black holes. The theory behind their origins was first studied in depth by Stephen Hawking in 1971. Since primordial black holes did not form from stellar gravitational collapse, their masses can be far below stellar mass (c. )", "id": "1440473" }, { "contents": "J. Posadas\n\n\n, it turned out, he was actually in Bolivia fighting with the guerrilla movement there. Conversely, after Guevara was executed by Bolivian authorities, Posadas claimed in 1967 that it was unclear how Che Guevara was killed. Beginning in 1968, Posadas also became known for his theories concerning UFOs. If anything like UFOs existed, they could demonstrate the existence of agents able to master a very sophisticated technology, something that would be compatible with what in this planet was advocated by socialism. If UFOs existed, they could be allied in", "id": "729433" }, { "contents": "William Lane Craig\n\n\npublished about any other philosopher's contemporary formulation of an argument for God's existence.\" For example, Wes Morriston of the University of Colorado Boulder, specifically challenged Craig's support of the argument. The classical form of the argument, as well as Craig's, \"[attempt] to prove God's existence by showing that the world must have a beginning in time.\" Craig supports its premises by appealing to his interpretation of the Big Bang model. Craig believes that a cosmic singularity marks an origin of the universe", "id": "12696583" }, { "contents": "Cosmic age problem\n\n\nstars and planets could not have existed in the extreme temperatures and densities shortly after the Big Bang. Since around 1997–2003, the problem is believed to be solved by most cosmologists: modern cosmological measurements lead to a precise estimate of the age of the universe (i.e. time since the Big Bang) of 13.8 billion years, and recent age estimates for the oldest objects are either younger than this, or consistent allowing for measurement uncertainties. Following theoretical developments of the Friedmann equations by Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaître in the 1920s, and", "id": "6981166" }, { "contents": "Fine-tuned Universe\n\n\nin the first few minutes after the Big Bang. This \"diproton argument\" is disputed by other physicists, who calculate that as long as the increase in strength is less than 50%, stellar fusion could occur despite the existence of stable diprotons. The precise formulation of the idea is made difficult by the fact that physicists do not yet know how many independent physical constants there are. The current standard model of particle physics has 25 freely adjustable parameters and general relativity has one additional parameter, the cosmological constant, which is", "id": "12964323" }, { "contents": "Hubble's law\n\n\nthe Big Bang theory, and in part on the Hubble expansion: In a universe that exists for a finite amount of time, only the light of a finite number of stars has had enough time to reach us, and the paradox is resolved. Additionally, in an expanding universe, distant objects recede from us, which causes the light emanated from them to be redshifted and diminished in brightness by the time we see it. Instead of working with Hubble's constant, a common practice is to introduce the dimensionless Hubble parameter", "id": "20517509" } ]
Why is China's air pollution so much worse than any other country?
[{"answer": "A lot of factories (where the companies don't care about the environment at all) are located inland. The winds come down from the west, across the factories, and carry the pollution into the coastal cities. But, the answer is, generally, Chinese companies don't really care about the environment."}, {"answer": "India is bad as well. Certain parts of Iran aren't that great. China is in the process of sacrificing the environment to gain economically. America was doing the same thing till the EPA came about. Environmental protection does come with a cost and businesses simply weren't doing it. \\ China is starting to invest a lot in green energy. They understand that they are on borrowed time. They are trying to shift from coal power plants to other means, but it will take some time."}, {"answer": "They're just a little behind. Less than 50 years ago most of the rivers in Europe were full of dead fish, trees were dying from acid rain. Thousands of people just due to smog in London alone. They just need to implement similar regulations to the western world and they're working on it. After all, the history books explain exactly what needs to be done."}, {"answer": "Short version, after WWII destroyed Europe, leaving the US untouched, the US became the world's factory leading to the mythologized golden age of America and extreme pollution. Then as the US got too expensive, cleaned up with the EPA, and other countries started competing again after rebuilding. At the same time China embraced capitalism and US companies rushed to offshore their manufacturing to China. Then China took over the role of being the world's factory. TLDR; China pollutes on all our behalf because we like cheap goods and don't bear the environmental costs ourselves.. until global warming."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9895897", "title": "Pollution in China", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["China will either shut down or curtail operations at dozens of steel plants from November 2017, over the next five months under an aggressive action plan to reduce winter pollution in Beijing and its surrounding areas. The immense growth of the People's Republic of China since the 1980s has resulted in increased soil pollution.", "Pollution in China is one aspect of the broader topic of environmental issues in China. Various forms of pollution have increased as China has industrialised, which has caused widespread environmental health problems. China will either shut down or curtail operations at dozens of steel plants from November 2017, over the next five months under an aggressive action plan to reduce winter pollution in Beijing and its surrounding areas", "Pollution in China is one aspect of the broader topic of environmental issues in China. Various forms of pollution have increased as China has industrialised, which has caused widespread environmental health problems. China will either shut down or curtail operations at dozens of steel plants from November 2017, over the next five months under an aggressive action plan to reduce winter pollution in Beijing and its surrounding areas. The immense growth of the People's Republic of China since the 1980s has resulted in increased soil pollution"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "ESCO Group\n\n\nnationwide for air toxins. That puts Portland's school air quality on par with that of Cleveland, Ohio.\" \"Industrial air pollution in Northwest Portland is significantly worse than in other parts of the city, and ESCO Corporation is the main reason why. That conclusion can be drawn from an eight-month study by USA Today applying U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data and modeling to public and private school locations across the country. For each of the seven Northwest schools, the No. 1 source of pollution was ESCO, which", "id": "21683491" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in Turkey\n\n\nhealth problems.\" \"PM10 levels are 36.7 micrograms per cubic meter, much higher than the OECD average of 20.9 micrograms per cubic meter, and the annual guideline limit of 20 micrograms per cubic meter set by the World Health Organization.\" Although there is some monitoring of air pollution compared with other European countries, many air pollution indicators are not available. Regulations in Turkey do not contain any restrictions on the pollutant PM 2.5, which causes lung diseases. Researchers estimate that reducing air pollution to World Health Organization limits would save", "id": "9106496" }, { "contents": "Human sex ratio\n\n\nthat the trends they found in Finland are similar to those observed in other countries with worse pollution and much greater pesticide use. Some studies have found that certain kinds of environmental pollution, in particular dioxins leads to higher rates of female births. Sex-selective abortion and infanticide are thought to significantly skew the naturally occurring ratio in some populations, such as China, where the introduction of ultrasound scans in the late 1980s has led to a birth sex ratio (males to females) of 1.181 (2010 official census data for China", "id": "20942808" }, { "contents": "Air pollution\n\n\nInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. These productivity losses are caused by deaths due to diseases caused by air pollution. One out of ten deaths in 2013 was caused by diseases associated with air pollution and the problem is getting worse. The problem is even more acute in the developing world. \"Children under age 5 in lower-income countries are more than 60 times as likely to die from exposure to air pollution as children in high-income countries.\" The report states that", "id": "11087616" }, { "contents": "Air pollution\n\n\n. India has the highest death rate due to air pollution. India also has more deaths from asthma than any other nation according to the World Health Organization. In December 2013 air pollution was estimated to kill 500,000 people in China each year. There is a positive correlation between pneumonia-related deaths and air pollution from motor vehicle emissions. Annual premature European deaths caused by air pollution are estimated at 430,000-800,000 An important cause of these deaths is nitrogen dioxide and other nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted by road vehicles. In", "id": "11087591" }, { "contents": "Debate over China's economic responsibilities for climate change mitigation\n\n\nNGOs), in cooperation with international NGOs, have been assuming a more prominent role in efforts to mitigate climate change within China. NGO activity in China, however, remains restricted by tight government controls. A federal financial auditing project—the 'Green GDP' -- has focused on the economic losses incurred by pollution. Begun in 2004 to incorporate the externalities of previously unaccounted-for environmental costs, the project soon produced results that were so much worse than anticipated that the program was quietly tabled in 2007. Firms facing the", "id": "11436371" }, { "contents": "Environmental movement\n\n\nProtests cover topics such as environmental issues, land loss, income, and political issues. They have also grown in size from about 10 people or fewer in the mid-1990s to 52 people per incident in 2004. China has more relaxed environmental laws than other countries in Asia, so many polluting factories have relocated to China causing pollution in China. Water pollution, water scarcity, soil pollution, soil degradation, and desertification are issues currently in discussion in China. The groundwater table of the North China Plain is dropping by 1.5 m", "id": "1712988" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in India\n\n\n, cars consumed more fuel and polluted more if the traffic was congested, than when traffic flowed freely. At average trip speeds between 20 and 40 kilometers per hour, the cars pollutant emission was twice as much as when the average speed was 55 to 75 kilometers per hour. At average trip speeds between 5 and 20 kilometers per hour, the cars pollutant emissions were 4 to 8 times as much as when the average speed was 55 to 70 kilometers per hour. Fuel efficiencies similarly were much worse with traffic congestion. Traffic", "id": "21448642" }, { "contents": "Pollution in South Korea\n\n\n, to blame China, happens especially when a lot of slow air currents in colder months create smog-like conditions. However we should keep in mind that many experts say that Korea's heavy reliance on coal-fired power plants and diesel fuel is also a major part of the problem. Fine dust particles from China together with domestic air pollutants contribute to the surge in the concentration of air pollutants in the Korean air. This gets worse with slow air currents in colder months, the National Institute of Environmental Research said in", "id": "14381932" }, { "contents": "Plastic pollution\n\n\nwith the study. However, plastic tap water pollution remains under-studied, as are the links of how pollution transfers between humans, air, water, and soil. In 2012, it was estimated that there was approximately 165 million tons of plastic pollution in the world's oceans. The Ocean Conservancy reported that China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam dump more plastic in the sea than all other countries combined. One study estimated that there are more than 5 trillion plastic pieces (defined into the four classes", "id": "3408580" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in India\n\n\nsmoke and air pollutants per kilogram equivalent. Some Indian taxis and auto-rickshaws run on adulterated fuel blends. Adulteration of gasoline and diesel with lower-priced fuels is common in South Asia, including India. Some adulterants increase emissions of harmful pollutants from vehicles, worsening urban air pollution. Financial incentives arising from differential taxes are generally the primary cause of fuel adulteration. In India and other developing countries, gasoline carries a much higher tax than diesel, which in turn is taxed more than kerosene meant as a cooking fuel,", "id": "21448637" }, { "contents": "Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act\n\n\nGHGs are generally emitted from sources in amounts far greater than other pollutants regulated under the PSD program. So much so, that sources like office buildings and large shopping malls could easily cross the 250 ton per year threshold and become subject to PSD permitting requirements. In fact, without any action to change how the PSD program is applied, the EPA estimated that as many as 41,000 sources may require permits \"every year\" with the addition of GHGs as a regulated pollutant. To prevent the unbearable administrative burdens on permitting authorities associated", "id": "15228009" }, { "contents": "Coal pollution mitigation\n\n\nrenovations on Boundary Dam's boiler number 3 making it the worlds first post-combustion carbon capture storage facility. The renovation project ended up costing a little over $1.2 billion and can scrub out CO2 and other toxin from up to 90 percent of the flue gas that it emits. Since 2006, China keeps releasing more than any other country. Researchers in China are focusing on increasing efficiency of burning coal so they can get more power out of less coal. It is estimated that new high efficiency power plants could reduce CO2", "id": "15037501" }, { "contents": "China waste import ban\n\n\n, but some countries lack the land to accommodate to landfills. The process of incineration will reduce the need for a dedicated plastic waste landfill, but this brings up the issue of whether or not harmful substances being released into the atmosphere during this process. Furthermore, collecting and packaging plastics for sale to other countries is much cheaper than recycling. The quality of recyclable materials exported to China gradually declined; on the contrary, large amounts of waste entering China was mixed with food, garbage, and other pollutants. These unmanageable waste", "id": "14381208" }, { "contents": "Geography of China\n\n\nare sunnier than the south of the country. Air pollution (sulfur dioxide particulates) from reliance on coal is a major issue, along with water pollution from untreated wastes and use of debated standards of pollutant concentration rather than Total Maximum Daily Load. There are water shortages, particularly in the north. The eastern part of China often experiences smoke and dense fog in the atmosphere as a result of industrial pollution. Heavy deforestation with an estimated loss of one-fifth of agricultural land since 1949 to soil erosion and economic development is", "id": "3528173" }, { "contents": "Environmental protection\n\n\n10.3% by 2002 and the economic loss from water pollution (6.1%) began to exceed that caused by air pollution. China has been one of the top performing countries in terms of GDP growth (9.64% in the past ten years). However, the high economic growth has put immense pressure on its environment and the environmental challenges that China faces are greater than most countries. In 2010 China was ranked 121st out of 163 countries on the Environmental Performance Index. China has taken initiatives to increase its protection of the", "id": "8719591" }, { "contents": "Robert Balling\n\n\nmade air pollutants, especially ozone and carbon monoxide, were influencing weather patterns on the East Coast of the United States. Their study also concluded that this effect was the strongest on Saturdays, and that this was so because \"...the end of the week brings worse air pollution than the beginning.\" Balling was mentioned as a fossil fuel industry – funded scientist in Ross Gelbspan's 1997 book \"The Heat is On\". This led the Minnesota \"Star Tribune\" to run an editorial speaking of a \"disinformation campaign", "id": "17071212" }, { "contents": "1966 New York City smog\n\n\nknown by scientists, city officials, and the general public that the city—and most major American cities—had serious air-pollution problems. According to scientific studies from the period, more than 60 metropolitan areas had \"extremely serious air pollution problems\" and \"probably no American city of more than [50,000] inhabitants enjoys clean air the year round.\" The air \"over much of the eastern half of the country [was] chronically polluted,\" and the cities with the most intense air pollution were New", "id": "12759885" }, { "contents": "Air pollution sensor\n\n\ncatastrophic events lead to major cities controlling and measuring atmospheric pollutions. This revolution changed the way we see and understand the environment today. Technology was developed by governments to create air pollution sensors in order to measure the toxins in the environment. With further scientific research and advancements in technology, people are more concerned and conscious with the air the breath. Technology has made air pollution sensors more readily available and affordable for personal use. Scientific evidence has indicated that indoor air pollution can be worse than outdoor pollutants in large and industrialized cities", "id": "448609" }, { "contents": "Pollution in China\n\n\nthe national standard for air quality. Zhong Nanshan, the president of the China Medical Association, warned in 2012 that air pollution could become China's biggest health threat. Measurements by Beijing municipal government in January 2013 showed that highest recorded level of PM2.5 (particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in size), was at nearly 1,000 μg per cubic meter. PM, consisting of K, Ca, NO, and SO, had the most fearsome impact on people’s health in Beijing throughout the year, especially in cold seasons.", "id": "8976112" }, { "contents": "Economy of China\n\n\nfrom the countryside. Due to worsening pollution, the corruption and political uncertainties of the one-party state and the limited economic freedom in an economy dominated by large state-owned enterprises, many skilled professionals are either leaving the country or preparing safety nets for themselves abroad. In the decade up to 2014, 10 million Chinese emigrated to other countries, taking assets and their technical skills. Perceived corruption continued to grow worse in China as it dropped from 75th to 80th place in Transparency International's index of state corruption. A", "id": "8407258" }, { "contents": "Smog\n\n\nconvection. All taken together, this results in a relatively thin, enclosed layer of air above the city that cannot easily escape out of the basin and tends to accumulate pollution. Los Angeles was one of the best known cities suffering from transportation smog for much of the 20th century, so much so that it was sometimes said that \"Los Angeles\" was a synonym for \"smog.\" In 1970, when the Clean Air Act was passed, Los Angeles was the most polluted basin in the country, and California", "id": "7192016" }, { "contents": "Ennore\n\n\nbeen reduced to poverty. Many of the industries in Ennore pollute the air, especially the Thermal Power Plants. Data from the Central Pollution Control Board and from independent bodies show that the air quality is clearly worse than the limits and can only be prescribed as \"unhealthy\" or \"very unhealthy\". For PM 2.5 (Particulate Matter or dust less than 2.5 micrometers in size) the air pollution is up to 3.7 times higher than standards prescribed by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC). Data", "id": "17565029" }, { "contents": "China\n\n\ndeath toll because of air pollution. There are 1.14 million deaths caused by exposure to ambient air pollution. China is the world's largest carbon dioxide emitter. The country also has significant water pollution problems: 40% of China's rivers had been polluted by industrial and agricultural waste by late 2011. In 2014, the internal freshwater resources per capita of China reduced to 2,062m, and it was below 500m in the North China Plain, while 5,920m in the world. In China, heavy metals also cause environmental", "id": "5264307" }, { "contents": "Air quality index\n\n\n) is responsible for measuring the level of air pollution in China. As of January 1, 2013, MEP monitors daily pollution level in 163 of its major cities. The AQI level is based on the level of six atmospheric pollutants, namely sulfur dioxide (SO), nitrogen dioxide (NO), suspended particulates smaller than 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM), suspended particulates smaller than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM),carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O) measured at the monitoring stations throughout each city", "id": "13464648" }, { "contents": "Pollution in China\n\n\nfrom both primary and secondary pathways. Primary sources such as coal combustion, biomass combustion and traffic directly emit particulate matter (PM). The emissions from power plants are considerably higher than in other countries, as most Chinese facilities do not employ any flue gas treatment. High secondary aerosol (particulates formed through atmospheric oxidation and reactions of gaseous organic compounds) contribution to particulate pollution in China is found. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, such fine particles can cause asthma, bronchitis, and acute and chronic respiratory symptoms such", "id": "8976114" }, { "contents": "Jinan\n\n\nAlso according to this report, 7 of 10 most air polluted cities are in China, including Taiyuan, Beijing, Urumqi, Lanzhou, Chongqing, Jinan and Shijiazhuang. As air pollution in China is at an all-time high, several northern cities are among the most polluted cities and has one of the worst air quality in China. Reporting on China's air quality has been accompanied by what seems like a monochromatic slideshow of the country's several cities smothered in thick smog. According to a survey made by \"Global", "id": "13857491" }, { "contents": "2013 Northeastern China smog\n\n\nBank in January 2013, 7 of 10 most air polluted cities in the world are located in China, including Taiyuan, Beijing, Urumqi, Lanzhou, Chongqing, Jinan and Shijiazhuang. As air pollution in China is at an all-time high, several northern cities are among one of the most polluted cities and has one of the worst air quality in China. Reporting on China's airpocalypse has been accompanied by what seems like a monochromatic slideshow of the country's several cities smothered in thick smog. According to a survey", "id": "7551256" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in India\n\n\nthan half of the health issues caused by air pollution. According to the WHO, India has14 out of the 15 most polluted cities in the world in terms of PM 2.5 concentrations. Other Indian cities that registered very high levels of PM2.5 pollutants are Delhi, Patna, Agra, Muzzaffarpur, Srinagar, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Patiala and Jodhpur, followed by Ali Subah Al-Salem in Kuwait and a few cities in China and Mongolia. Air Quality Index (AQI) is a number used to communicate the level of pollution in", "id": "21448649" }, { "contents": "Shale gas in China\n\n\nAlthough production rates were small as of 2013, the volume of technically recoverable shale gas in China has been estimated to be 1,115 trillion cubic feet (31.6 trillion cubic meters), the largest of any country in the world. As of 2013, China is one of only three countries (with the US and Canada) to produce shale gas in commercial quantities. China is turning to natural gas as a way to decrease air pollution created by burning coal. In 2011, 70 percent of China’s energy consumption came from coal", "id": "9229589" }, { "contents": "Asturias\n\n\nis very renowned for the Picos de Europa and Somiedo areas. The Gijón area was marked and singled out as one of the pollution hotspots in Western Europe in a 2015 report from the International Institute for Applied Science Systems, where predictions for 2030 conditions were made. Gijón was marked much higher than any other Spanish metro area, in spite of the much larger populations in cities such as Madrid and Barcelona. This was attributed to heavy industrial activities. Since outdoor air pollution is a major cause of premature death in Europe, the", "id": "18963304" }, { "contents": "Indoor air quality\n\n\nQuality, would typically result in about 3 air changes per hour, depending on the occupant density. Of course the occupants are not the only source of pollutants, so outdoor air ventilation may need to be higher when unusual or strong sources of pollution exist indoors. When outdoor air is polluted, then bringing in more outdoor air can actually worsen the overall quality of the indoor air and exacerbate some occupant symptoms related to outdoor air pollution. Generally, outdoor country air is better than indoor city air. Exhaust gas leakages can occur", "id": "4452497" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in India\n\n\nand PM10 concentrations by 2024, considering 2017 as the base year for comparison. It will be rolled out in 102 cities that are considered to have air quality worse than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Fuel wood and biomass burning is the primary reason for near-permanent haze and smoke observed above rural and urban India, and in satellite pictures of the country. Fuelwood and biomass cakes are used for cooking and general heating needs. These are burnt in cook stoves known as \"chullah\" or \"chulha\" piece in", "id": "21448633" }, { "contents": "The Triple Package\n\n\nhas helped drive America's triumphs in the past – and how we might harness this knowledge for our future.\" J.D. Vance, writing in the \"National Review Online\", described the book as \"sometimes funny, sometimes academic, and always interesting study of the cultural traits that make some groups outperform others in America. . . . \"[The Triple Package]\" asks a very important question: why are some of us doing so much better (or worse) than others? . . . I'm not", "id": "8708959" }, { "contents": "2013 Eastern China smog\n\n\nof the worse offenders, but has failed to reach its target of reducing emissions by 2 percent. In 2011, a factory manufacturing solar panels in Zhejiang province had been shut down because of toxic emissions of fluorine polluting air and water, sickening nearby residents. Air in Shanghai was reported to have strange taste – astringent and smoky, with an aftertaste of earthy bitterness. It was possible to feel the dust-like particulate matter on tongues. With such a high concentration of air pollutants, government authorities warned residents of health symptoms", "id": "15791006" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in the United States\n\n\nquality of Los Angeles is worse than it was 10 years ago. In 2013, the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside area ranked the 1st most ozone-polluted city, the 4th most polluted city by annual particle pollution, and the 4th most polluted city by 24-hour particle pollution. Both ozone and particle pollution are dangerous to human health. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) engaged a panel of expert scientists, the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, to help them assess the evidence. The EPA released their most recent", "id": "1633877" }, { "contents": "Kwinana Beach, Western Australia\n\n\nMayor, Cr. F. Baker, who advised residents to stay put and see what happened. The Air Pollution consultant, Mr A. Keil, informed them that, though there were no immediate plans to use the land for industry, it was a definite possibility – and pollution problems were \"unavoidable\", and would only get worse. Residents responded that they didn't mind moving, so long as the compensation was fair, and enabled them to purchase a property of at least equal value – rather than leaving them in debt", "id": "7836517" }, { "contents": "Sustainable transport\n\n\ncarsharing can reduce car ownership at an estimated rate of one rental car replacing 15 owned vehicles. Car sharing has also begun in the developing world, where traffic and urban density is often worse than in developed countries. Companies like Zoom in India, eHi in China, and Carrot in Mexico, are bringing car-sharing to developing countries in an effort to reduce car-related pollution, ameliorate traffic, and expand the number of people who have access to cars. The European Commission adopted the Action Plan on urban mobility on", "id": "14396268" }, { "contents": "China\n\n\nthem, nearly 6,000 are higher fungi. In recent decades, China has suffered from severe environmental deterioration and pollution. While regulations such as the 1979 Environmental Protection Law are fairly stringent, they are poorly enforced, as they are frequently disregarded by local communities and government officials in favor of rapid economic development. Urban air pollution is a severe health issue in the country; the World Bank estimated in 2013 that 16 of the world's 20 most-polluted cities are located in China. And China is the country with the highest", "id": "5264306" }, { "contents": "2016 G20 Hangzhou summit\n\n\ncity) and factories in the region (including more than two hundred steel mills) were asked to stop their production (in order to temporarily reduce air pollution). On 3 September 2016, Barack Obama and Xi Jinping announced the ratification of the Paris Agreement (of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference) by their countries. After they did it, it is 26 countries which have ratified the agreement so far; the United States and China represent respectively 18 percent and 20 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions (the driving", "id": "9336146" }, { "contents": "Tangshan\n\n\n, and the area receives 2,600−2,900 hours of sunshine annually. As air pollution in China is at an all-time high, several Hebei cities are among the most polluted in the country and Tangshan has some of the worst air quality in China. Reporting on China's airpocalypse has been accompanied by what seems like a monochromatic slideshow of the country's several cities smothered in thick smog. According to a survey made by \"Global voices China\" in February 2013, 7 cities in Hebei including Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan", "id": "14093610" }, { "contents": "Wet scrubber\n\n\nThe term wet scrubber describes a variety of devices that remove pollutants from a furnace flue gas or from other gas streams. In a wet scrubber, the polluted gas stream is brought into contact with the scrubbing liquid, by spraying it with the liquid, by forcing it through a pool of liquid, or by some other contact method, so as to remove the pollutants. The design of wet scrubbers or any air pollution control device depends on the industrial process conditions and the nature of the air pollutants involved. Inlet gas characteristics", "id": "14097115" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in the United States\n\n\nbrain can lead to health problems, diseases, and behavior changes and people living in communities with poor air quality, usually low income, and colored communities, have higher chances of becoming ill than wealthy, white communities. It is found that children living in areas of high air pollution, particularly high traffic pollution, tend to do worse on standardized testing. Black carbon is very small (PM2.5), very light absorbent pollutant that mostly comes from incomplete combustion of fuels. According to a study in 1986–2001 in Boston, children", "id": "1633849" }, { "contents": "Lives at Risk\n\n\ncare as delivered in countries with national health insurance. Further, they desired to explain why the American system is bad, why the nationalized systems are worse, and how to reform the American system without making the same mistake made by many other countries. According to the book, citizens in countries with national health care systems do not have an entitlement to health care. (See also Accuracy below). The book claims that the only country in the world that provides an entitlement to any health care service is the United States", "id": "2774129" }, { "contents": "1966 New York City smog\n\n\nattacks left \"a hole in the medical library,\" and presented medical experts with a challenge in the absence of \"hard knowledge about the health consequences of intense brief pollution.\" Other major air pollution, particularly in China, has been compared to the 1966 smog. Elizabeth M. Lynch, a New York City legal scholar, said that images of visible air pollution in Beijing from 2012 were \"gross\" but not \"that much different from pictures of New York City in the 1950s and 1960s\", specifically referring to", "id": "12759951" }, { "contents": "Pollution in China\n\n\ndegradation is now so severe, with such stark domestic and international repercussions, that pollution poses not only a major long-term burden on the Chinese public but also an acute political challenge to the ruling Communist Party.\" The article's main points included: A draft of a 2007 combined World Bank and SEPA report stated that up to 760,000 people died prematurely each year in China because of air and water pollution. High levels of air pollution in China's cities caused to 350,000-400,000 premature deaths. Another 300,000 died because", "id": "8976105" }, { "contents": "Plastic pollution\n\n\ncosmetic products are also referred to as scrubbers. Because microdebris and scrubbers are so small in size, filter-feeding organisms often consume them. Nurdles enter the ocean by means of spills during transportation or from land based sources. The Ocean Conservancy reported that China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam dump more plastic in the sea than all other countries combined. It is estimated that 10% of the plastics in the ocean are nurdles, making them one of the most common types of plastic pollution, along with plastic", "id": "3408568" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in India\n\n\nmillion Indians every year. In urban areas, most emissions come from vehicles and industry, whereas in rural areas, much of the pollution stems from biomass burning for cooking and keeping warm. In autumn and winter months, large scale crop residue burning in agriculture fields – a low cost alternative to mechanical tilling – is a major source of smoke, smog and particulate pollution. India has a low per capita emissions of greenhouse gases but the country as a whole is the third largest after China and the United States. A 2013", "id": "21448631" }, { "contents": "Geography and wealth\n\n\nGuinean politician: why were Europeans so much wealthier than his people? In this book, Diamond argues that the Europe-Asia land mass is particularly favorable for the transition of societies from hunter-gatherer to farming communities. This continent stretches much further along the same lines of latitude than any of the other continents. Since it is much easier to transfer a domesticated species along the same latitude than it is to move it to a warmer or colder climate, any species developed at a particular latitude will be transferred across the continent", "id": "16664840" }, { "contents": "Air Pollution Control Act\n\n\ngranted significantly more authority to the federal government than any prior air quality legislation. Nine subjects were identified in this amendment, with smog, acid rain, motor vehicle emissions, and toxic air pollution among them. Five severity classifications were identified to measure smog. To better control acid rain, new regulatory programs were created. New and stricter emission standards were created for motor vehicles beginning with the 1995 model year. The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants program was created to expand much broader industries and activities. The first National", "id": "10871767" }, { "contents": "GreatPoint Energy\n\n\ncoal as the rest of the world combined, according to the International Energy Agency, and as a result, air pollution has gotten so bad that a study by the World Bank found that air pollution kills 750,000 people every year in China. Amidst growing public concern, social unrest incidents are growing around the country. For example, in December 2011 the government suspended plans to expand a coal-fired power plant in the city of Haimen after 30,000 local residents staged a violent protest against it, on the grounds that \"the", "id": "6445871" }, { "contents": "Traffic in Metro Manila\n\n\nof the air pollution in the Philippines comes from vehicles on the road. Furthermore, the situation is much worse in the National Capital Region (NCR), wherein 85% of the air pollution comes from vehicles. Also, based on data gathered from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Metro Manila’s air quality situation has worsened in terms of total suspended particulates. There was a rise from 106 µg/Ncm in July to December 2014 to 130 µg/Ncm in January to April 2015, which are both above", "id": "14064135" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in the United Kingdom\n\n\nis banning the sale of new fossil fuel cars by 2040, and is phasing out the use of coal in its electrical power generation. Early in December 1952, a cold fog descended upon London. Because of the cold, Londoners began to burn more coal than usual. The resulting air pollution was trapped by the inversion layer formed by the dense mass of cold air. Concentrations of pollutants, coal smoke in particular, built up dramatically. The problem was made worse by use of low-quality, high-sulphur coal", "id": "12742542" }, { "contents": "Environmental issues in Pakistan\n\n\nEnvironmental issues in Pakistan include deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, climate change, pesticide misuse, soil erosion, natural disasters and desertification. These are serious environmental problems that Pakistan is facing, and they are getting worse as the country's economy expands and the population grows. Little is being done to tackle these issues, because the goals of economic growth and tackling terrorism within the country supersede the goals of environmental preservation. Although NGOs and government departments have taken initiatives to stop environmental degradation, Pakistan's environmental", "id": "1176153" }, { "contents": "Air Pollution Index\n\n\nsector commercial and industrial activities in the reporting area excluding the food sector. China's State Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is responsible for measuring the level of air pollution in China. As of 28 August 2008, SEPA monitored daily pollution level in 86 of its major cities. The AQI level was based on the level of 5 atmospheric pollutants, namely sulfur dioxide (SO), nitrogen dioxide (NO), suspended particulates (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O) measured at the monitoring", "id": "423098" }, { "contents": "Geography of Brazil\n\n\nwhere irrigated soybean production expanded in the 1980s, the water table has been affected. Expansion of pastures for cattle raising has reduced natural biodiversity in the savannas. Swine effluents constitute a serious environmental problem in Santa Catarina in the South. In urban areas, at least in the largest cities, levels of air pollution and congestion are typical of, or worse than, those found in cities in developed countries. At the same time, however, basic environmental problems related to the lack of sanitation, which developed countries solved long ago", "id": "3229918" }, { "contents": "Ethical intuitionism\n\n\nfact that not all senses are limited to the five physical senses. However, this doesn't necessarily imply any further connection between the moral and aesthetic senses. The problem is made worse by the fact that there is so much widespread and apparently irresolveable disagreement about moral values. Why do these not get settled through the careful use of the moral sense? There are no long disputes about whether some object is green – these would be quickly settled if we just invited the disputing parties to look. Why does the moral sense not", "id": "18439290" }, { "contents": "Coal\n\n\n. It is the world's largest energy consumer, and coal in China supplies 60% of its primary energy. However two fifths of China's coal power stations are estimated to be loss-making. Air pollution from coal storage and handling costs the USA almost 200 dollars for every extra ton stored, due to PM2.5. Coal pollution costs the EU €43 billion each year. Measures to cut air pollution benefit individuals financially and the economies of countries such as China. Broadly defined total subsidies for coal in 2015 have been", "id": "6232499" }, { "contents": "Outline of air pollution dispersion\n\n\nand governmental environmental protection agencies (local, state, province and national) of many countries (which have adopted and used much of the terminology of this field in their laws and regulations) regarding air pollution control. Air pollution emission plume – flow of pollutant in the form of vapor or smoke released into the air. Plumes are of considerable importance in the atmospheric dispersion modelling of air pollution. There are three primary types of air pollution emission plumes: There are five types of air pollution dispersion models, as well as some", "id": "8514547" }, { "contents": "Health in China\n\n\nthe \"Streptococcus suis\" bacteria was reported in 2005, which led to 38 deaths in and around Sichuan province, an unusually high number. Although the bacteria exists in other pig rearing countries, the pig-human transmission has only been reported in China. Many of China's water sources, including underground sources and rivers, have been heavily polluted because of industry and economic growth. Increased exposure to polluted water and air has created \"cancer villages\" and further health and environmental problems. A majority of groundwater and shallow wells", "id": "17907814" }, { "contents": "Coal mining\n\n\nfor agriculture or other human uses, and inhospitable to indigenous wildlife. Chinese underground mines often experience severe surface subsidence (6–12 meters), negatively impacting farmland because it no longer drains well. China uses some subsidence areas for aquaculture ponds but has more than they need for that purpose. Reclamation of subsided ground is a significant problem in China. Because most Chinese coal is for domestic consumption, and is burned with little or no air pollution control equipment, it contributes greatly to visible smoke and severe air pollution in industrial areas using", "id": "431932" }, { "contents": "Maternal mortality in the United States\n\n\nin the U.S.\" based on a six-month long collaborative investigation, they reported that the United States has the highest rate of maternal mortality than any other developed country, and it is the only country where mortality rate has been rising. The maternal mortality rate in the United States is three times higher than that in neighboring Canada and six times higher than in Scandinavia. Deaths per 100,000 live births There are many possible reasons to why the United States has a much larger MMR than other developed countries: many hospitals are unprepared", "id": "16021311" }, { "contents": "Line source\n\n\npartially by progress in electronic warfare, including the technologies of active antenna arrays. Air pollution levels near major highways and urban arterials are in violation of U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards where millions of Americans live or work. Even the interior of a building does not really protect inhabitants from adverse exterior air quality, since the exterior air is the intake supply, and it is well known that indoor air quality is typically worse than exterior air. A roadway travelled by motor vehicles can be idealized by a line source emitting air pollutants", "id": "20028836" }, { "contents": "Environment of China\n\n\nThe environment of China () comprises diverse biotas, climates, and geologies. Rapid industrialization, population growth, and lax environmental oversight have caused many environmental issues and large-scale pollution. China is the 4th largest country by area, so it is geologically a diverse country. The geology of China can be divided into several parts, the loess plateau, the alluvial East China plains, mountainous regions south of the Yangzi River, and others. China is home to a diverse landscape of wildlife. It is considered to be", "id": "2112627" }, { "contents": "Clean Air Conservancy\n\n\nof pollution rights, which involved sulphur dioxide allowances traded on the Chicago Board of Trade under a mandate by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The Clean Air Conservancy has served as a leader in guiding and directing pollution markets. The Clean Air Conservancy represents the public good in pollution markets and strives to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of those markets by maximizing economic incentives for retiring pollution permanently. For example, the Clean Air Conservancy encourages companies to donate their pollution rights so that they can be retired rather than selling them to other", "id": "12192901" }, { "contents": "Edward Lazear\n\n\n, he argues that people are promoted only after a standard of performance has been met, and regression to the mean implies that future performance will be lower, on average. This theory extends to other situations: for example, it addresses why movie sequels are worse than original films. One puzzle in personnel economics is why we see so many incentive pay schemes in which a group is paid for their output, rather than an individual. In many firms, production is team-based, so it is natural to measure and", "id": "15025623" }, { "contents": "Get Out of My Life\n\n\nreceiving, all in an attempt to get her back. Gaby is having trouble taking care of the girls, running the house and helping out with his business whilst Carlos is away in rehab. To make matters worse Roy invites himself to stay because Karen has kicked him out although he can't figure out why. Although at first Gaby is uneasy about this, when she sees how much the girls listen to him she is keen to have him stay. So much so that she thwarts any attempts by him or Karen to", "id": "20083830" }, { "contents": "Tanzania\n\n\nbanking sectors. According to the United Nations Development Program, however, recent growth in the national economy has benefited only the \"very few\", leaving out the majority of the population. Tanzania's 2013 Global Hunger Index was worse than any other country in the EAC except Burundi. The proportion of persons who were undernourished in 2010–12 was also worse than any other EAC country except Burundi. Tanzania has made some progress towards reducing extreme hunger and malnutrition. The Global Hunger Index ranked the situation as “alarming” with a score", "id": "11083294" }, { "contents": "Xingtai\n\n\n, this amount has averaged to a meagre per annum. As air pollution in China is at an all-time high, several Hebei cities are among one of the most polluted cities and has one of the worst air quality in China. Reporting on China's airpocalypse has been accompanied by what seems like a monochromatic slideshow of the country's several cities smothered in thick smog. According to a survey made by \"Global voices China\" in February 2013, 7 cities in Hebei including Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan,", "id": "10686850" }, { "contents": "China\n\n\nwidespread air pollution, hundreds of millions of cigarette smokers, and an increase in obesity among urban youths. China's large population and densely populated cities have led to serious disease outbreaks in recent years, such as the 2003 outbreak of SARS, although this has since been largely contained. In 2010, air pollution caused 1.2 million premature deaths in China. The government of the People's Republic of China officially espouses state atheism, and has conducted antireligious campaigns to this end. Religious affairs and issues in the country are overseen by", "id": "5264417" }, { "contents": "Bids for the 2008 Summer Olympics\n\n\nOlympics.\" China pledged to \"Deliver Clean Energy Towards a Harmonious World\" and that by 2008, measurements of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide would meet World Health Organization standards and airborne particle density would be reduced to the level of major cities in developed countries, however the IOC stated that Beijing had so far met only WHO 2005 interim guidelines, which are significantly less restrictive, and that \"Official data during the Aug. 8 to Aug. 24 Olympic period indicates air quality was actually worse in 2006 and 2007 than", "id": "15977847" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in Hong Kong\n\n\nbe monitored, but less stringently due to their more pronounced health impact. Targets set for three of the seven environmental pollutants are to be based on the WHO's loosest interim targets. Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and lead would be subject to monitoring. Monitoring of particulates smaller than 2.5 µm (PM) would be introduced under the proposals, but will be loosest of the three WHO interim targets. Yau asserted some local pollution had roots in mainland China, but did not mention any ongoing dialogue to address the", "id": "6760324" }, { "contents": "Prince George, British Columbia\n\n\nand residential and commercial heating. Because a large part of the city and its local sources of air pollution are contained within a valley, there are often meteorological conditions that trap pollutants and result in episodes of poor air quality and unhealthy levels of air pollution exposure in some areas. More people die in Prince George every year due to diseases associated with air pollutants than any other community in the province, according to data gathered by two BC physicians. Although, \"Copes said it was difficult to definitively say certain deaths are caused", "id": "19868071" }, { "contents": "Kyrgyzstan\n\n\nexpensive, imported fuel. At the end of the Soviet period there were about 50 airports and airstrips in Kyrgyzstan, many of them built primarily to serve military purposes in this border region so close to China. Only a few of them remain in service today. The Kyrgyzstan Air Company provides air transport to China, Russia, and other local countries. Kyrgyzstan appears on the European Union's list of prohibited countries for the certification of airlines. This means that no airline which is registered in Kyrgyzstan may operate services of any kind", "id": "6844299" }, { "contents": "Tuberculosis in India\n\n\nhaving the most TB cases of any country falls under this cause because it stands recognized as consuming a higher chance of gaining TB. Those listed are all the bodily and personal causes of acquiring TB, but decreases in tuberculosis in India incidence are correlated with improvements in social and economic determinants of health moreso than with access to quality treatment. In India TB occurs at high rates because of the pollution dispersed throughout the country. Pollution causes many effects in the air the people breathe there, and since TB can be gained through air", "id": "3077465" }, { "contents": "John M. Ackerman\n\n\nLópez Obrador. Ackerman defended the government of Nicolas Maduro, saying Venezuela was \"much more democratic and respectful of human rights than Mexico\". In the same article, published on \"La Jornada\" on 27 March 2017, Ackerman claims there is no electoral fraud in Venezuela, that there is constant media censorship in Mexico, that there are more political prisoners in Mexico than in any other Latin American country and that there is a clear separation of branches of government in Venezuela. He also claimed that Mexico is worse off than", "id": "1785675" }, { "contents": "Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong\n\n\nglobalization at all. Jean-Benoît Nadeau wrote long reports to the foundation of his observations about France. Julie Barlow wrote a number of reports for the same institute. \"Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong\" answers the question that the authors struggled with during their two years in France: why do the French get so much flak for resisting globalization when they aren’t resisting it any more than other countries, including the United States? \"Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong\" is divided into three parts. Part", "id": "11328521" }, { "contents": "Environmental health policy\n\n\nrenewable energy sources. China has large-scale mineral resources and is one of the biggest producers and consumers of metals and metalloids. Since the 1980s, they have seen an increase in pollution and degradation of natural resources, putting the health of the population at risk. Air pollution is the biggest environmental cause of cardiopulmonary disease in the country. The Asian countries are looking to research environmental factors to better understand how it affects health. China's mines have produced heavy metal polluted soils that pose a risk to human health. Those", "id": "17583985" }, { "contents": "Wildlife observation\n\n\nthe image of billowing clouds of smoke rising into the sky from a large factory. While the fumes and smoke previously stated definitely is a prominent form of air pollution, it is not the only one. Air pollution can come from the emission of cars, smoking, and other sources. Air pollution does not just affect birds though, like one may have thought. Air pollution affects mammals, birds, reptiles, and any other organism that requires oxygen to live. Frequently, if there is any highly dangerous air pollution,", "id": "2478329" }, { "contents": "Air pollution in Taiwan\n\n\nAir pollution in Taiwan is created both domestically as well as blown over from China (People's Republic of China), though the majority is from domestic sources and is not transboundary. Taiwan's topography has been noted to be a contributing factor to its air pollution problem, leading to poor dispersal and trapping pollutants. Taipei, Taiwan's capital and largest city for example, is surrounded by mountains, and other industrial centers along the northern and western coasts of Taiwan are surrounded by high mountains. In March 2014, Taiwanese legislators", "id": "20497288" }, { "contents": "Lanzhou\n\n\nthe winter and spring. In 2011, using Chinese statistics, the World Health Organization reported that Lanzhou had the worst air quality (annual mean PM10 ug/m3 of 150) among eleven western Chinese cities, and was worse than Beijing with its reading of 121. Since then, authorities have taken measures to improve air quality, which have largely been successful. \"Thirteen polluting enterprises with excessive capacity have been closed, more than 200 highly polluting enterprises were suspended in winter, and 78 industrial enterprises have moved to an industrial", "id": "13857748" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nwhere excess quantities can cause fluorosis. Drinking water is typically the largest source of fluoride. In many industrialized countries swallowed toothpaste is the main source of fluoride exposure in unfluoridated communities. Other sources include dental products other than toothpaste; air pollution from fluoride-containing coal or from phosphate fertilizers; trona, used to tenderize meat in Tanzania; and tea leaves, particularly the tea bricks favored in parts of China. High fluoride levels have been found in other foods, including barley, cassava, corn, rice, taro, yams", "id": "1723345" }, { "contents": "History of the People's Republic of China (2002–present)\n\n\nthan remove it from power. In recent years, local elections with more candidates than positions available have become regular, yet talking about major changes at higher levels remains taboo. China's reliance on coal continue to damage its already compromised air quality. Some of its major cities are among the most polluted in the world. Domestic issues require more attention from the central government than ever before. The growing number of public protests against corruption in China, along with the increasing wealth gap, require political action to stabilize the country.", "id": "20222786" }, { "contents": "Pollution in China\n\n\nof indoor air of poor quality. There were 60,000 premature deaths each year because of water of poor quality. Chinese officials asked that some of the results should not be published in order to avoid social unrest. China has made some improvements in environmental protection during recent years. According to the World Bank, 'China is one of a few countries in the world that have been rapidly increasing their forest cover. It is managing to reduce air and water pollution. Vennemo \"et al.\", in a 2009 literature review", "id": "8976106" }, { "contents": "Diesel exhaust\n\n\nand chemical conditions that exist inside any such diesel engines under any conditions differ considerably from spark-ignition engines, because, by design, diesel engine power is directly controlled by the fuel supply, not by control of the air/fuel mixture, as in conventional gasoline engines. As a result of these differences, diesel engines generally produce a different array of pollutants than spark-driven engines, differences that are sometimes qualitative (what pollutants are there, and what are not), but more often quantitative (how much of", "id": "19726717" }, { "contents": "Ma Jun (environmentalist)\n\n\nthe Sinosphere Corporation. Ma said: \"Water pollution is the most serious environmental issue facing China. It has a huge impact on people’s health and economic development. That is why we have begun to build this database. To protect water resources, we need to encourage public participation and strengthen law enforcement. In some places, polluting factories and companies are being protected by local governments and officials.\" In 2010, Ma, addressing air pollution particularly in the wake of efforts made at the time of the Beijing Olympics,", "id": "13405468" }, { "contents": "Pollution in California\n\n\nthe Environment showed that 45% of citizens in Los Angeles consider air pollution to be a “big problem”, and 47% believe that the air quality of Los Angeles is worse than it was 10 years ago. The most recent PPIC Survey of 2018 showed that the strong majority of California adults (72%) and likely voters favor the new state law mandating reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and 56% of adults support the state's cap-and-trade program. In addition, about half of Californians believe", "id": "12578624" }, { "contents": "Pollution in South Korea\n\n\nChina is not the only contributor to the pollution in South- Korea, as many people may believe. The country itself actually contributes a lot on its own with diesel vehicles, Construction Equipment, Heating/ Air Conditioning, and Power Plants. South-Korean citizens usually blame China for its pollution because of the spread of their yellow dust produces by huge factories and coal-fired powerplants. China causes 30 to 50 percent of the PM2.5 in South Korea on normal days, but 60 to 80 percent on the worst days. This reasoning", "id": "14381931" }, { "contents": "Pollution in California\n\n\npoints are held at much higher standards than most other states. Therefore, if a part is not CARB approved there is a high chance that it leads to more than ideal emissions particles being emitted by the vehicle. By adhering to CARB legal parts, consumers are helping reduce the pollution effects of their vehicles on the Earth. Despite the state's efforts to reduce air pollution, tailpipe pollution continued to increase as of January 2019, increasing 5% since 2013. The government of California has set a target goal of 5 million", "id": "12578653" }, { "contents": "Acid Rain Program\n\n\nIn December 2005, a few trades were registered at slightly over $1,600/ton. At those rates, it was less expensive to install scrubbers and reduce air pollution than to purchase SO emissions allowances and continue polluting. Subsequently, the market price of SO allowances decreased to around $88/ton in August 2009. Citizens and groups can purchase sulfur dioxide emissions allowances alongside electric utilities and other producers of air pollution in annual auctions conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and on the Chicago Board of Trade.", "id": "6039199" }, { "contents": "Climate change in China\n\n\nthe effects of global warming, including sea level rise, glacier retreat and air pollution. The implications of climate change impose serious setbacks on global health and will hinder the economic development of various regions worldwide impacting countries on more than just the basic environmental scale. As in the case of China, we will see the effects on a social and economic level. China's first National Assessment of Global Climate Change, released recently by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), states that China already suffers from the environmental impacts", "id": "10561268" }, { "contents": "Pollution in China\n\n\nreduce PM2.5 by 25% from 2012 to 2017. As the capital of China, it is suffering from high levels of air pollution. According to Reuters, in September 2013, the Chinese government published the plan to tackle air pollution problem on its official website. The main goal of the plan is to reduce coal consumption by closing polluting mills, factories, and smelters, and switching to other eco-friendly energy sources. These policies have been taking effect, and in 2015, the average PM2.5 in 74 key cities in", "id": "8976120" }, { "contents": "Pollution in China\n\n\nthreat to the health of Chinese citizens. A study from 2012 shows fine particles in the air, which cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are one of the key pollutants that are accounted for a large fraction of damage on the health of Chinese citizens. The water resources of China are affected by both severe water shortages and severe water pollution. An increasing population and rapid economic growth, as well as lax environmental oversight, have increased water demand and pollution. According to an investigation in 1980, the entire country has 440 billion cubic", "id": "8976109" }, { "contents": "Migration in China\n\n\nlow education levels of grandparents who take care of left-behind children also contribute to the problems. Comparative studies show that left-behind children's situation is not much worse than that of those living with parents in the same area. On the one hand, the institutions (e.g. the hukou system) that maintain the urban-rural inequality should be modified so that more migrants can settle down in cities with families. On the other hand, public resources in rural communities should be improved and regional inequality should be further reduced", "id": "17599366" }, { "contents": "Air pollution\n\n\n, Australia, Canada and many other countries have published similar compilations, as well as the European Environment Agency. Air pollution risk is a function of the hazard of the pollutant and the exposure to that pollutant. Air pollution exposure can be expressed for an individual, for certain groups (e.g. neighborhoods or children living in a country), or for entire populations. For example, one may want to calculate the exposure to a hazardous air pollutant for a geographic area, which includes the various microenvironments and age groups. This can", "id": "11087580" }, { "contents": "Rocket engine\n\n\nthe launch structure, or worse, be reflected back at the comparatively delicate rocket above. This is why so much water is typically used at launches. The water spray changes the acoustic qualities of the air and reduces or deflects the sound energy away from the rocket. Generally speaking, noise is most intense when a rocket is close to the ground, since the noise from the engines radiates up away from the jet, as well as reflecting off the ground. Also, when the vehicle is moving slowly, little of the", "id": "18053381" }, { "contents": "Transport in China\n\n\nnatural gas in 2003. As a major oil and gas consumer, China is searching for more external supplies. Construction of a 4,200-km-long pipeline from Xinjiang to Shanghai (West–East Gas Pipeline) was completed in 2004. The government hopes that the use of natural gas will assist to reduce the use of coal which is responsible for much air pollution. Some economic experts have argued that the development gap between China and other emerging economies such as Brazil, Argentina and India can be attributed to a large extent to China", "id": "3528372" }, { "contents": "Jinan\n\n\nand surrounding Shandong area. A lack of cold air flow, combined with slow-moving air masses carrying industrial emissions, collected airborne pollutants to form a thick layer of smog over the region. Officials blamed the dense pollution on lack of wind, automobile exhaust emissions under low air pressure, and coal-powered district heating system in North China region. Prevailing winds blew low-hanging air masses of factory emissions (mostly SO) towards China's east coast. The sub-provincial city of Jinan has direct jurisdiction over ten", "id": "13857493" }, { "contents": "Pig farming\n\n\nreduce pollutants in the environment because pigs on ractopamine do not need as much feed to reach finishing weight and do not produce as much manure. However, ractopamine has not been approved for use by the European Union, China, Russia, and several other countries. China once used colistin (an antibiotic) as growth promoter (subtherapeutic antibiotic use) but discovered a colistin-resistant form of \"E. coli\" bacteria in a pig from a Shanghai farm in 2013. Investigations then led to the identification of \"a gene called", "id": "2854657" }, { "contents": "Pollutant Standards Index\n\n\nvalue. In other words, the PSI is determined by the pollutant with the most significant concentration. During haze episodes, PM is the most significant pollutant. The PSI is reported as a number on a scale of 0 to 500. The index figures enable the public to determine whether the air pollution levels in a particular location are good, unhealthy, hazardous or worse. The following PSI table is grouped by index values and descriptors, explaining the effects of the levels, according to Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA)", "id": "21247765" } ]
Why did the U.S. government need a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol, but didn't to ban other drugs?
[{"answer": "The temperance movement sought a constitutional ban, not a legal ban, so as to prevent the ban from being easily repealed. A super-majority of the members of the 65th Congress favored prohibition -- but that was really an oddity. Many in politics opposed prohibition, and anti-prohibitionists might retake a majority at any time. The temperance movement enacted a constitutional ban to ensure that, without a 2/3 majority, Congress couldn't repeal the ban on the sale, transport, and manufacture of alcohol. Opponents of prohibition also preferred the constitutional ban -- because it didn't include any provisions for enforcement. They thought they could deliver prohibitionists a moral victory, while still using their power to block good enforcement. Ultimately, they succeeded -- alcohol was banned, but everyone still drank. Of course, this ended out being a huge disaster, but that's another matter. Daniel Okrant's *Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition* details the nitty-gritty of the prohibition battle including the risk that Congress might repeal. For the record, Congress claims the authority to regulate drugs today under the interstate commerce clause, given that most drugs include components traded across state lines, or are sold across state lines, or are sold by groups that operate across state lines, etc. etc. etc. See *United States v. Lopez* for more information."}, {"answer": "Watch Ken Burns' documentary Prohibition, it details the long and complicated story of the social issues that lead to prohibition. In short, alcoholism was a huge huge huge problem, women had no control over finances which went straight to the husband's booze, and hard spirits like rum replaced softer ale and beer as the drink of choice. This was one of the first issues that women felt they could use to gain power outside the home, and it actually helped give them the confidence to pursue gaining the vote, and from there they used that power to vote in dry politicians. The wet politicians never believed prohibition would succeed and sort of treated it as a joke. Clearly, they weren't laughing in the end. But seriously this is not something explainable to a five year old, watch the first part of the documentary. Edit: as for a constitutional ban vs a simple bill, they believed it was their moral obligation to obliterate alcohol, and the only way to ensure all states permanently went dry was to pursue it via the Constitution."}, {"answer": "Every answer in this thread is wrong. It isn't a hard one. Wickard v. Filburn was the Supreme Court case that did it. It made anything interstate commerce, which then allowed regulation. Previous to that case the government didn't have the right to regulate it, thus needed an amendment. Edit: URL_1 URL_0 > The government also contended that consuming one's locally grown marijuana for medical purposes affects the interstate market of marijuana, and hence that the federal government may regulate\u2014and prohibit\u2014such consumption. This argument stems from the landmark New Deal case Wickard v. Filburn, which held that the government may regulate personal cultivation and consumption of crops, due to the aggregate effect of individual consumption on the government's legitimate statutory framework governing the interstate wheat market. It is important to note that the first ban wasn't technically a ban... The marihuana tax act was passed in 1937 made it so that people needed a tax stamp to grow it and sell it, the government just refused to give anyone the stamp, effectively making it illegal. They couldn't actually make it illegal until after Wickard passed. In 1969 the tax act was ruled unconstitutional, so congress passed the controlled substances act to replace it. Edit 2: Downvotes... That's reddit for you I guess."}, {"answer": "Really it has to do with the date. The 18th amendment was passed before the judicial revolution of 1937; the \"switch in time that saved nine.\" Prior to 1937, and the Parrish decision the courts had a much more constrained view of the commerce power. Only after this extremely important shift in american jurisprudence could the New Deal be implemented. Tldr: prohibition was before the courts expanded the commerce power."}, {"answer": "It actually would, or does need an amendment. The government constantly acts outside of its Constitutional limits and the States largely do nothing about it. This is an example. There is no enumerated power in the Constitution that allows for the federal government to ban drugs."}, {"answer": "Well, partly. In those days they took \"limited government\" a bit more seriously, and Congress might have had trouble trying to ban same-state production and consumption of alcohol. But mostly it's because banning it by constitutional amendment was the deliberate result of the \"[temperance movement]( URL_0 )\". Surprisingly, the 18th Amendment was railroaded through 36 states in less than two years, so drinking must have been perceived as a pretty severe social problem in those days."}, {"answer": "Well the U.S. used to operate in a constitutional way. But that has since been abandoned for the, \"Do as we say,\" method of governing which is far more efficient."}, {"answer": "Back then, they understood that the federal government had no power to regulate private commerce. Therefore, they had to make a constitutional amendment in order for the federal government to have that power (no constitutional amendment can be unconstitutional but a regular statute can be). Since the 18th and 21st Amendments, various presidents have bullied Congress and the Supreme Court into changing what power the Commerce Clause gives to the government. The Commerce Clause gives the federal government the power to regulate state isolationism; and that's it. But, since they've been bullied, Congress has capitulated and has aggrandized its power and given the president more power and the Supreme Court has shirked its duties and ignored the unconstitutional regulations of every commercial interaction in the country. This error gave the federal government the bright idea that it could ban any private conduct so long as they define it as having an impact on interstate commercial activity in the aggregate (if everyone did it, would it impact interstate trade? If so, then Congress can regulate it)."}, {"answer": "Statutory entrenchment (in whatever form), i.e., where a statute requires more than 51% of the vote to change it, is the dead hand of the past trying to control the future. I don't give a fuck what some dead folks wanted me to do. The intentions of living constituents are the only valid ones."}, {"answer": "The Constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate interstate trade but not intrastate trade, so they should have gotten an amendment, and many original intent scholars hold that federal intrastate contraband regulations are illegal."}, {"answer": "The Gov't didn't 'need' a constitutional amendment, the people looking to change the government sought one."}, {"answer": "Ah yes, a very prescient question. It is because they stopped following it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "22418955", "title": "Prohibition in the United States", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 11, "end_paragraph_id": 11, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Prohibition Act, over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. The act established the legal definition of intoxicating liquors as well as penalties for producing them. Although the Volstead Act prohibited the sale of alcohol, the federal government lacked resources to enforce it. Prohibition was successful in reducing the amount of liquor consumed, cirrhosis death rates, admissions to state mental hospitals for alcoholic psychosis, arrests for public drunkenness, and rates of absenteeism. While some allege that Prohibition stimulated the proliferation of rampant underground, organized and widespread criminal activity, many academics maintain that there was no increase in crime during the Prohibition era and that such claims are \"rooted in the impressionistic rather than the factual.\" By 1925, there were anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 speakeasy clubs in New York City alone. Wet opposition talked of personal liberty, new tax revenues from legal beer and liquor, and the scourge of organized crime.", "Prohibition Act, over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. The act established the legal definition of intoxicating liquors as well as penalties for producing them. Although the Volstead Act prohibited the sale of alcohol, the federal government lacked resources to enforce it. Prohibition was successful in reducing the amount of liquor consumed, cirrhosis death rates, admissions to state mental hospitals for alcoholic psychosis, arrests for public drunkenness, and rates of absenteeism. While some allege that Prohibition stimulated the proliferation of rampant underground, organized and widespread criminal activity, many academics maintain that there was no increase in crime during the Prohibition era and that such claims are \"rooted in the impressionistic rather than the factual.\" By 1925, there were anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 speakeasy clubs in New York City alone. Wet opposition talked of personal liberty, new tax revenues from legal beer and liquor, and the scourge of organized crime."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21139", "title": "North America", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea.", "North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered by some to be a northern subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\nAmendment 2. This amendment differed from future marriage amendments in other states as it did not ban same-sex marriage itself, but merely empowered the state legislature to enact such a ban. In November 1998, 69% of Hawaii voters approved the amendment, and the state legislature exercised its power to ban same-sex marriage. Only three constitutional bans on same-sex unions (in Alaska, Nebraska, and Nevada) were proposed between 1998 and 2003. All three amendments passed. In Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's November", "id": "3212131" }, { "contents": "Society of the United States\n\n\nthroughout the country's history. During the nineteenth century, alcohol was readily available and consumed, and no laws restricted the use of other drugs. A movement to ban alcoholic beverages, called the Prohibition movement, emerged in the late-nineteenth century. Several American Protestant religious groups, as well as women's groups such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union, supported the movement. In 1919, Prohibitionists succeeded in amending the Constitution to prohibit the sale of alcohol. Although the Prohibition period did result in lowering alcohol consumption overall", "id": "15828523" }, { "contents": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nto the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment but did not ban the consumption of alcohol in most households. It took some states longer than others to ratify this amendment, especially northern states, including New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. They violated the law by still allowing some wines and beers to be sold. By 1916, 23 of 48 states had already passed laws against saloons, some even banning the manufacture of alcohol in the first place. The Temperance Movement was dedicated to the complete abstinence of alcohol from public life", "id": "13052105" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\n. Two marriage amendments differed greatly from all others: Hawaii's and Virginia's. The former gave the Hawaii state legislature the authority to ban same-sex marriages but did not explicitly make such unions unconstitutional. Virginia's amendment not only banned same-sex marriage and civil unions, but arguably rendered any state recognition of private contracts entered into by unmarried couples unconstitutional. The following table shows all popular vote results on state constitutional amendments that banned same-sex marriage, or, in the case of Hawaii, that granted the", "id": "3212138" }, { "contents": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nin favor and two Independents cast votes against the amendment. It was officially proposed by the Congress to the states when the Senate passed the resolution, by a vote of 47 to 8, the next day, December 18. The amendment and its enabling legislation did not ban the consumption of alcohol, but made it difficult to obtain alcoholic beverages legally, as it prohibited the sale, manufacture and distribution of them in U.S. territory. Any one who got caught selling, manufacturing or distributing alcoholic beverages would be arrested. Because prohibition", "id": "13052109" }, { "contents": "44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Island\n\n\n44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Island, 517 U.S. 484 (1996), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that a complete ban on the advertising of alcohol prices was unconstitutional under the First Amendment, and that the Twenty-first Amendment, empowering the states to regulate alcohol, did not operate to lessen other constitutional restraints of state power. In 1956, the Rhode Island Legislature passed two regulations. The first prevented both in and out-of-state manufacturers, wholesalers, and shippers from", "id": "2801726" }, { "contents": "History of United States drug prohibition\n\n\nlaw enforcement officials for the purpose of prosecuting doctors who prescribe opiates to addicts. 1919: Alcohol prohibition in the U.S. first appeared under numerous provincial bans and was eventually codified under a federal constitutional amendment in 1919, having been approved by 36 of the 48 U.S. states. 1925: United States supported regulation of cannabis as a drug in the International Opium Convention. and by the mid-1930s all member states had some regulation of cannabis. 1930: The Federal Bureau of Narcotics was created. For the next 32 years it was headed by", "id": "7091361" }, { "contents": "Hawaii Constitutional Amendment 2\n\n\namendment appeared on the 1998 general election ballot as Constitutional Amendment 2. The question that appeared on the ballot for voters was: Amendment 2 differed from amendments that followed in other states in that it did not write a ban on same-sex marriage into the state's constitution; rather, it allowed the state legislature to enact such a ban. On November 3, 1998, Hawaii voters approved the amendment by a vote of 69.2–28.6%, and the state legislature exercised its power to ban same-sex marriage. The language", "id": "3179422" }, { "contents": "Granholm v. Heald\n\n\nthe power to regulate alcohol however they wished, including banning alcoholic beverages entirely within the state if desired. Before Prohibition, the states did not have the power to violate the Dormant Commerce Clause, and the 21st Amendment was not intended to grant them this power. Michigan's liquor control board announced it would recommend to the state government that it ban \"all\" direct wine sales to consumers, joining the 15 other states currently banning all such sales. New York governor George Pataki unveiled a bill that would limit each winery's", "id": "11560689" }, { "contents": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\n. Section 1 of the Twenty-first Amendment expressly repeals the Eighteenth Amendment. Section 2 bans the importation of alcohol into states and territories that have laws prohibiting the importation or consumption of alcohol. Several states continued to be \"dry states\" in the years after the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, but in 1966 the last dry state legalized the consumption of alcohol. Nonetheless, several states continue to closely regulate the distribution of alcohol. Many states delegate their power to ban the importation of alcohol to counties and municipalities, and", "id": "20352323" }, { "contents": "Culture of the United States\n\n\nthe Harrison Act, which eventually became proscriptive. A movement to ban alcoholic beverages, called the Temperance movement, emerged in the late 19th century. Several American Protestant religious groups and women's groups, such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union, supported the movement. In 1919, Prohibitionists succeeded in amending the Constitution to prohibit the sale of alcohol. Although the Prohibition period did result in lowering alcohol consumption overall, banning alcohol outright proved to be unworkable, as the previously legitimate distillery industry was replaced by criminal gangs that trafficked", "id": "684355" }, { "contents": "Federal Marriage Amendment\n\n\nAmericans would favor amending the federal Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, while 47% were opposed, and 3% were undecided or did not respond. An ABC News poll that year found that 42% of Americans supported amending the U.S. Constitution, banning same-sex marriage. A 2003 Wirthlin poll found that 57% of Americans supported a constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Public opinion varies widely between different states. Only 2 states, Mississippi and Alabama, had public opinion", "id": "14490249" }, { "contents": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nthe amendment: Ratification was completed on December 5, 1933. The amendment was subsequently ratified by conventions in the following states: The amendment was rejected by the following state: Voters in the following state rejected holding a convention to consider the amendment: The following states took no action to consider the amendment: The second section bans the importation of alcohol in violation of state or territorial law. This has been interpreted to give states essentially absolute control over alcoholic beverages, and many U.S. states still remained \"dry\" (with state", "id": "20352329" }, { "contents": "History of Florida\n\n\n, brewers, hoteliers, retailers, and ordinary Floridians organized to try to repeal the ban on alcohol. When the federal government legalized near beer and light wine in 1933, the wet coalition launched a successful campaign to legalize these beverages at the state level. Floridians subsequently joined in the national campaign to repeal the 18th Amendment, which succeeded in December 1933. The following November, state voters repealed Florida's constitutional ban on liquor and gave local governments the power to legalize or outlaw alcoholic beverages. The Great Depression began with the", "id": "11930536" }, { "contents": "Webb–Kenyon Act\n\n\n–Kenyon Act established the federal government's endorsement of the right of each state to control the receipt, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages within its jurisdiction. Its passage, followed shortly by the passage of an income tax, was recognized as a major progressive victory and gave added impetus to the prohibition movement's drive for a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol nationwide. The act faced challenges in the courts and the courts differed in their consideration of its constitutionality. Some lower courts declared complete bans on alcohol at the state level", "id": "4876960" }, { "contents": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\n%, including increases in assault and battery, theft, and burglary. Anti-prohibition groups arose and worked to have the amendment repealed, once it became apparent that Prohibition was an unprecedented catastrophe. It is alleged that the Eighteenth Amendment failed because of its sudden, strict enforcement. It didn't allow the people to have a say or let them gradually ease into the complete ban of alcoholic beverages. Instead, the people rebelled and the introduction of speakeasies and \"flappers\" came about. The Twenty-first Amendment repealed", "id": "13052126" }, { "contents": "List of U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions by type\n\n\ninsofar as they prevented same-sex couples from marrying, even though the actual text of these amendments remain written into the state constitutions. Thirty-one U.S. state constitutional amendments banning legal recognition of same-sex unions have been adopted. Of these, ten make only same-sex marriage unconstitutional; sixteen make both same-sex marriage and civil unions unconstitutional; two make same-sex marriage, civil unions, and other contracts unconstitutional; and one is unique. Hawaii's amendment is unique in that it does not make", "id": "3304540" }, { "contents": "Rum-running in Windsor, Ontario\n\n\nAct\", which prohibited the manufacturing, sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages expired on January 1, 1927, new legislation authorized each province to decide whether to continue the enforced bans on alcohol. Like most provinces in Canada, Ontario chose to continue to ban the production and sale of alcohol. This decision led to an upswing in organized crime activity along the Detroit-Windsor borders. In January 16, 1919, the American Government passed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. It had three sections: Congressman Andrew John", "id": "3407394" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\nMany U.S. states enacted amendments to their state constitutions which prevented the recognition of some or all types of same-sex unions, but all such amendments were struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States on June 26, 2015, in the case of \"Obergefell v. Hodges\". Some amendments prevented a state from legalizing same-sex marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships, while others banned only same-sex marriage. By May 2012, voters in 30 states had approved such amendments. While the actual text of", "id": "3212128" }, { "contents": "Prohibition in the United States\n\n\nconstitutional convention voted unanimously on that day to ratify the Twenty-first Amendment, making Utah the 36th state to do so, and putting the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment over the top in needed voting. In the late 1930s, after its repeal, two fifths of Americans wished to reinstate national Prohibition. The Twenty-first Amendment does not prevent states from restricting or banning alcohol; instead, it prohibits the \"transportation or importation\" of alcohol \"into any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States\" \"", "id": "10817736" }, { "contents": "Richard Neal\n\n\n. During debate on the House health care reform bill, he voted in favor of the Stupak–Pitts Amendment, restricting government funding of abortion. On other social issues Neal has a moderate record: he supports a proposed Constitutional amendment to ban desecration of the U.S. flag, and has twice voted against an amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Neal is a Roman Catholic. He lives in Springfield with his wife Maureen Neal, née Conway. They have four children: Rory Christopher, Brendan Conway, Maura Katherine, and", "id": "5169107" }, { "contents": "List of U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions by type\n\n\nonlyinclude Prior to the Supreme Court's decision in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" (2015), U.S. states passed several different types of state constitutional amendments banning legal recognition of same-sex unions in U.S. state constitutions, referred to by proponents as defense of marriage amendments. The amendments define marriage as a union between one man and one woman and prevent civil unions or same-sex marriages from being legalized, though some of the amendments bar only the latter. The \"Obergefell\" decision in June 2015 invalidated these state constitutional amendments", "id": "3304539" }, { "contents": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nideologies and causes that had little to do with it. If public sentiment had turned against Prohibition by the late 1920s, the Great Depression only hastened its demise, as some argued that the ban on alcohol denied jobs to the unemployed and much-needed revenue to the government. The efforts of the nonpartisan group Americans Against Prohibition Association (AAPA) added to public disillusionment. In 1932, the platform of Democratic presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt included a plank for repealing the 18th Amendment, and his victory that November marked a certain", "id": "13052120" }, { "contents": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nin its entirety. The Eighteenth Amendment was the result of decades of effort by the temperance movement in the United States and at the time was generally considered a progressive amendment. Starting in 1906, the Anti-Saloon League (ASL) began leading a campaign to ban the sale of alcohol on a state level. They led speeches, advertisements, and public demonstrations, claiming that banning the sale of alcohol would get rid of poverty and social issues, such as immoral behavior and violence. It would also inspire new forms of", "id": "13052103" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Iowa\n\n\nopposition to same-sex marriage, now showing majority support. A state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage has been proposed several times in the State Legislature in the wake of the judicial rulings. To amend the Constitution, two consecutive sessions of the Legislature will need to approve the amendment, after which it would be placed on the ballot for final approval by the Iowa electorate. An amendment was first proposed in 2008 but did not pass. The Legislature did not vote on a constitutional amendment in 2009, and Senate", "id": "2774357" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\n2003 decision in \"Goodridge v. Department of Public Health\", the court legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. Social and religious conservatives feared that their own state supreme courts would issue such rulings at some point in the future; in order to prevent this, they proposed additional constitutional bans on same-sex marriage. The following year, eleven constitutional referenda banning same-sex unions were placed on state ballots. Constitutional bans on same-sex unions were advocated in response to the legalization of same-sex marriage in other", "id": "3212132" }, { "contents": "Nullification (U.S. Constitution)\n\n\nthat \"acts of Congress in violation of the Constitution are absolutely void\" and asserted the right of a state \"to interpose its authority\" to protect against unconstitutional government action. The final resolutions did not attempt to ban enforcement of any act of Congress. Rather, the resolutions recommended to state legislatures that they protect their citizens from unconstitutional federal action, called on the federal government to fund the defense of New England, and proposed a series of amendments to the Constitution. No state legislature followed up by attempting to nullify a", "id": "22061162" }, { "contents": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nThe Eighteenth Amendment (Amendment XVIII) of the United States Constitution established the prohibition of \"intoxicating liquors\" in the United States. The amendment was proposed by Congress on December 18, 1917, and was ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919. The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment on December 5, 1933. The Eighteenth Amendment was the product of decades of efforts by the temperance movement, which held that a ban on the sale of alcohol would ameliorate poverty and other societal", "id": "13052100" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in El Salvador\n\n\nwoman\" and barring them from adopting children. Civil rights groups vowed to fight the measure, which still needed to be voted on by other branches of the Government before becoming law. The amendment eventually failed the same month. On 25 April 2012, a same-sex marriage and adoption ban was introduced to the Legislative Assembly. The measure eventually failed on 8 February 2014, after only receiving 19 votes in favor of its ratification. On 17 April 2015, a constitutional amendment to ban on same-sex marriage and adoption", "id": "21791143" }, { "contents": "Abortion-rights movements\n\n\n, South Korea's Constitutional Court ruled the abortion ban unconstitutional and called for the law to be amended. The law stands until the end of 2020.The Constitutional Court has taken into consideration pro-choice cases by women because they find the abortion ban as unconstitutional. To help support the legalization of abortion in South Korea, thousands of advocates compiled a petition for the Blue House to consider lifting the ban. Due to the abortion ban, this has led to many dangerous self-induced abortions and other illegal practices of abortion that needs", "id": "9485515" }, { "contents": "Abortion in Arkansas\n\n\nAbortion in Arkansas is legal. Access to abortion correlates to a number of other women's health rights issues, including maternal death, insured pregnant women, infant and child deaths, teen drug and alcohol abuse, and cancer screening. 38% of adults said in a poll by the Pew Research Center that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Arkansas had an abortion ban in place by 1900.  Reforms to abortion laws took place sometime in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  The state constitution was amended in 1988", "id": "14732249" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\nthese amendments still remains written into the various state constitutions, the \"Obergefell\" decision has rendered them unenforceable insofar as they prevented same-sex couples from marrying. Conservative activists who favor such amendments may refer to them as \"defense of marriage amendments\" or \"marriage protection amendments.\" These state amendments are different from the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban same-sex marriage in every U.S. state, and Section 2 of the Defense of Marriage Act, more commonly known as DOMA, which allowed the states not", "id": "3212129" }, { "contents": "Federal Assault Weapons Ban\n\n\nseveral constitutional provisions\" but that challenges to three constitutional provisions were easily dismissed. The ban did not make up an impermissible bill of attainder. It was not unconstitutionally vague. Also, it was ruled to be compatible with the Ninth Amendment by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Challenges to two other provisions took more time to decide. In evaluating challenges to the ban under the Commerce Clause, the court first evaluated Congress's authority to regulate under the clause and then analyzed the ban's prohibitions on manufacture, transfer, and", "id": "17445578" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Minnesota\n\n\na marriage in Minnesota?\" The amendment was defeated by Minnesota voters, making Minnesota the first U.S. state to reject a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Arizona rejected a ban on same-sex marriages and civil unions in 2006 and then adopted a ban on only same-sex marriages in 2008. Minnesota's constitutional amendment proposal was rejected by 51.9% of voters. In 1997, the State Legislature passed a statutory ban on same-sex marriage shortly after passage of the federal \"Defense of Marriage Act\".", "id": "20553364" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\ncredit clause did require recognition of all legal marriages. Similarly, in \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" the Supreme Court ruled that the federal constitution required state recognition of same-sex marriages. All state constitutions are trumped by the federal constitution due to the supremacy clause. State referenda on constitutional bans of same-sex unions have been used as a \"get-out-the-vote\" tactic by Republicans and social conservatives. When voters see that a particular legislative initiative appears on the ballot, they are thought to feel more", "id": "3212135" }, { "contents": "Overview of gun laws by nation\n\n\nof the Czech Parliament, and therefore didn't become law, as constitutional laws need to be approved by senate in order to pass. Czech government has filed a lawsuit to the European Court of Justice against a new EU directive restricting possession of firearms. In October 2017 a petition against the EU Gun Ban signed by over 100.000 citizens was debated during a public hearing in the Senate. In February 2018, Ministry of Interior proposed amendment of current \"Weapons and ammunition law\" to comply with EU directive. The process of approving", "id": "12534272" }, { "contents": "United States Brewers' Association\n\n\npresident Julius Liebmann praised the merits of beer as compared to other drinks: \"...of all alcoholic beverages beer is the mildest, averaging only about three and one-half per cent of alcohol.\" However, the forces of Prohibition had won a significant victory in 1901 when the sale of alcohol was banned on army bases, and they set their sights on a national ban. One element in their favor was the imposition of a national income tax according to the Sixteenth Amendment of 1913, which decreased government reliance on excise", "id": "22195556" }, { "contents": "2006 Oklahoma state elections\n\n\nin the Fund and other conditions are met. Such spending is limited to Ten Million Dollars a year. The help given to a manufacturer is limited to ten percent of its in-State capital investments. The Legislature could make laws to carry out the amendment. For - 53.58% Against - 46.42% This measure amends the Oklahoma Constitution. It amends Article 28. This Article deals with sales of alcoholic beverages. Section 6 of Article 28 bans the sale of alcoholic beverages by package stores on certain days. Package store sales", "id": "14914023" }, { "contents": "Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nthe Constitution, until that purpose was supposed to be accomplished, as far as constitutional law can accomplish it. In the \"Civil Rights Cases\" (1883), the Supreme Court reviewed five consolidated cases dealing with the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which outlawed racial discrimination at \"inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement\". The Court ruled that the Thirteenth Amendment did not ban most forms of racial discrimination by non-government actors. In the majority decision, Bradley", "id": "13051805" }, { "contents": "Matt Bevin\n\n\nDistrict Judge John G. Heyburn II that held that an amendment to the Kentucky Constitution banning same-sex marriage violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Bevin pointed out that Heyburn once worked for McConnell, who supported his nomination to the bench by President George H. W. Bush. Later in the month, Bevin told \"The Janet Mefford Show\", \"If it's all right to have same-sex marriages, why not define a marriage – because at the end of the day, a lot of this ends up", "id": "7809265" }, { "contents": "Illegal drug trade\n\n\nin 1914, after 12 international powers signed the International Opium Convention in 1912. Between 1920 and 1933 the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution banned alcohol in the United States. Prohibition proved almost impossible to enforce and resulted in the rise of organized crime, including the modern American Mafia, which identified enormous business opportunities in the manufacturing, smuggling and sale of illicit liquor. The beginning of the 21st century saw drug use increase in North America and Europe, with a particularly increased demand for marijuana and cocaine. As a result", "id": "3954465" }, { "contents": "Drug policy of the Netherlands\n\n\nis claimed by some scientists as a hard drug, is legal and a soft drug can't be more dangerous to society if it's controlled. This may refer to the Prohibition in the 1920s, when the U.S. government decided to ban all alcohol. Prohibition created a golden opportunity for organized crime syndicates to smuggle alcohol, and as a result the syndicates were able to gain considerable power in some major cities. Cannabis remains a controlled substance in the Netherlands and both possession and production for personal use are still misdemeanors, punishable by", "id": "1233965" }, { "contents": "Goodridge v. Department of Public Health\n\n\nstay its decision to allow for a referendum to amend the state constitution. In May 2004, U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Tauro denied their request for an injunction delaying implementation of the decision, as did the First Circuit Court of Appeals in June. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case without comment in November. Other opponents of same-sex marriage formed to promote the adoption of an amendment to the state constitution banning same-sex marriage. On June 17, 2004, GLAD filed another suit on behalf of eight", "id": "7804444" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Ron Paul\n\n\ntreated as a medical problem: \"We treat alcoholism now as a medical problem and I, as a physician, think we should treat drug addiction as a medical problem and not as a crime.\" The U.S. Constitution does not enumerate or delegate to Congress the authority to ban or regulate drugs in general. Paul believes in personal responsibility, but also sees inequity in the current application of drug enforcement laws, noting in 2000, \"Many prisoners are non-violent and should be treated as patients with addictions, not as", "id": "10807763" }, { "contents": "Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986\n\n\nbarring orders; regarding divorce, it recommended that a referendum be held but did not agree on a yes vote. Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill proposed to delete the following Article 41.3.2º of the Constitution: and to substitute that subsection with the following: A private member's bill by Labour Party government backbencher Mervyn Taylor to remove the ban on divorce, Tenth Amendment of the Constitution (No. 2) Bill 1985, was defeated in Dáil Éireann on 26 February 1986 by 54 votes to 33. On 14 May of the", "id": "19755170" }, { "contents": "Osborne v. Ohio\n\n\nif the First Amendment did not categorically forbid the government to ban the possession of child pornography, Osborne argued that the Ohio statute under which he was convicted was overbroad. A ban on speech is \"overbroad\" if it outlaws both prohibited speech as well as a substantial amount of legitimate speech. The statute, as written, banned depictions of nudity, and the Court had previously held that nudity was protected expression. But the Ohio Supreme Court had held that the statute only applied to nudity that \"constitutes a lewd exhibition or", "id": "269370" }, { "contents": "2005 Texas Proposition 2\n\n\nthe nineteenth US state to adopt constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. It was the most populous state to adopt a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage until California passed its ban in November 2008. Article 1, Section 32 of the Texas Constitution, as amended, states: The joint resolution proposing the amendment included additional language about rights that the ban on same-sex marriage was not meant to restrict: As provided in Article 17, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution, a proposed constitutional amendment is placed on the", "id": "1830590" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Michigan\n\n\nSame-sex marriage is legal in the U.S. state of Michigan and all other U.S. states as per the U.S. Supreme Court ruling of \"Obergefell v. Hodges\" on June 26, 2015. Michigan had banned recognition of same-sex unions in any form since a 2004 popular vote added an amendment to the State Constitution. Previously, a statute enacted in 1996 banned both the licensing of same-sex marriages and the recognition of same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions. On March 21, 2014, a U.S. District Court ruled", "id": "5868893" }, { "contents": "Pine Ridge Indian Reservation\n\n\npeddlers from engaging in the illegal sale of \"knives, guns, and alcohol\" to the Oglala Lakota residents of Pine Ridge. A law passed in Congress in 1832 banned the sale of alcohol to Native Americans. The ban was ended in 1953 by Public Law 277, signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The amended law gave Native American tribes the option of permitting or banning alcohol sales and consumption on their lands. The OST and many other tribes chose to exclude alcohol from their reservations because of the problems for their people", "id": "13778277" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ was a U.S. political organization in the state of Massachusetts dedicated to the passage of a constitutional amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. Its goal was to have the amendment voted on by the people of Massachusetts in the 2008 general election, but the amendment failed when it was defeated by a joint session of the Massachusetts Legislature. Led by evangelical preacher Roberto S. Miranda and Kris Mineau, the group was successful in getting the Massachusetts Legislature to vote on a proposed ban on future same sex marriages. The", "id": "3764218" }, { "contents": "Prohibition of drugs\n\n\n. Drug prohibition is responsible for enriching \"organised criminal networks\", according to some critics, and the hypothesis that the prohibition of drugs generates violence is consistent with research done over long time-series and cross-country facts. Some Islamic countries prohibit the use of alcohol (see list of countries with alcohol prohibition). Many governments levy a sin tax on alcohol and tobacco products, and restrict alcohol and tobacco from being sold or gifted to a minor. Other common restrictions include bans on outdoor drinking and indoor smoking.", "id": "5846060" }, { "contents": "Citizens for Equal Protection v. Bruning\n\n\nlimiting the state-recognized institution of marriage to heterosexual couples ... do not violate the Constitution of the United States.\" The plaintiffs did not appeal to the Supreme Court. \"Bruning\" was the only decision of a U.S. Court of Appeals to rule that a state ban on same-sex marriage comports with the U.S. Constitution until the Sixth Circuit did so on November 6, 2014. In November 2000, Nebraska's voters approved Initiative Measure 416 by 70%, amending the Nebraska Constitution to prohibit the state from recognizing either", "id": "9765958" }, { "contents": "Ban on caffeinated alcoholic drinks\n\n\nA ban on caffeinated alcoholic drinks is a ban which prevents the marketing and distribution of any prepackaged caffeinated alcoholic drink. In the United States, such a ban was discussed as a result of multiple cases of alcohol poisoning and alcohol related blackouts among users of such drinks. The majority of these alcohol poisoning cases were found on college campuses throughout the United States. Caffeinated alcoholic drinks such as Four Loko, Joose, Sparks and Tilt were the most popular around the U.S. The beverages, which combine malt liquor or other grain alcohol with", "id": "7871942" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\nmotivated to turn out to vote, enhancing ballot numbers for other candidates and issues of their party. The presence of these amendments on state ballots has been credited as providing a boost to Republicans in the 2004 election, and the 2004 Ohio amendment in particular has been cited as aiding President George W. Bush's reelection campaign by motivating evangelical social conservatives in the state to go to the polls. President George W. Bush's close political consultant, Karl Rove, has been an enthusiastic proponent and organizer of legislation banning same-sex unions", "id": "3212136" }, { "contents": "United States v. Nice\n\n\nthe sale of alcohol to Indians. Citizenship of the parties involved was never clarified. In the Supreme Court case \"Matter of Heff\", the decision clarified that a Native American granted citizenship through the Dawes Act is immediately a citizen of the U.S. and his state. The 1897 amendment banning alcohol was considered a police statute, where power lies with the state and not Congress, and therefore would not apply to such a citizen. Representative of South Dakota, Charles H. Burke, saw the need to correct the situation in order", "id": "19267044" }, { "contents": "Headscarf rights in Turkey\n\n\nsecular, opposition party of the Republican People's Party asked the constitutional court to block the new law passed, and viewed it is a move towards an Islamic state. Thousands of demonstrators supporting the ban also gathered near the Parliament against the move by the government. On 5 June 2008, Turkey's Constitutional Court annulled the parliament's proposed amendment intended to lift the headscarf ban, ruling that removing the ban was against the founding principles of the constitution. The highest court's decision to uphold the headscarf ban cannot be appealed", "id": "17779100" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\n. After the 2006 general elections some activists argued that such referenda were starting to lose their potential to mobilize conservative voters. Kevin Cathcart, director of Lambda Legal pointed to the narrow defeat of Arizona's Proposition 107, which would have rendered civil unions as well as same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Nevertheless, that same election saw seven such amendments pass; these seven included an amendment in Virginia which banned civil unions as well as same-sex marriages. Most of these amendments banned civil unions as well as same-sex marriage", "id": "3212137" }, { "contents": "Natuashish\n\n\nwith alcohol and drug abuse. The government was accused of creating a system overburdened with bureaucracy, and not adequately addressing the issue. The local tribal band was accused of corruption, as was shown in a 2005 CBC report in which it was shown that the leadership was trafficking drugs and other illicit substances to maintain power. The community's attempt to resolve its problem with alcoholism led to a ban on the sale, purchase, and possession of alcohol within the community. The bylaw was originally passed in 2008 by a margin of", "id": "19996654" }, { "contents": "Constitution of Florida\n\n\nand comptroller were combined into the new position of chief financial officer who serves as head of the newly created Department of Financial Services. The 1968 Constitution eliminated the prior ban on racially integrated schools. A Blaine Amendment banned the use of public funds to support sectarian private schools. In 2012, a measure repealing it did not even win a majority, much less the 60% approval a constitutional amendment requires. A Constitutional Revision Commission was held in 1977-78 with the following delegates: The outcome of the commission was placing,", "id": "8786359" }, { "contents": "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment\n\n\nWithin five minutes Fat Tony is only too happy to oblige when Mayor Quimby asks him to flood the town with alcohol once more, and Springfield salutes its qualities as Homer proclaims his undying love of alcohol by saying, \"To alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems.\" The entire town cheer Homer with beers in hands. The main plot of the episode is based on the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, in which alcohol was banned in the United States. As \"", "id": "9471380" }, { "contents": "Martin O'Malley 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nand firing-range training in Maryland. He is calling for a national assault weapons ban. O'Malley says that he is \"pissed\" about the gun control climate and that Congress is not doing anything about it. O'Malley in August 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act in South Carolina by calling for a constitutional amendment to \"protect every citizen's right to vote, once and for all.\" He added that \"Passing a constitutional amendment that enshrines that right... will give U.S. courts the clarity they need", "id": "10833786" }, { "contents": "Beacon Center of Tennessee\n\n\npublished with Citizens Against Government Waste) and a \"Legislators’ Guide to the Issues\". Beacon supports reductions in state government spending and the elimination or reduction of several Tennessee state taxes. The organization supports an amendment to the Tennessee Constitution to ban a state income tax in order to \"quash...attempts to pass such a tax once and for all.\" In 2014, Tennessee citizens voted for a constitutional amendment to ban a state income tax. In 2012, the Beacon Center was involved in repealing Tennessee's estate tax", "id": "3893153" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Virginia\n\n\nconstitutional amendment. On November 7, 2006, voters approved the constitutional amendment, which took effect on January 1, 2007. In January 2016, Senator Adam Ebbin introduced a resolution which proposed to repeal Virginia's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. The resolution died without a vote. On July 18, 2013, two gay men filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia challenging the state's ban on same-sex marriage. A lesbian couple, married in California and parents of a", "id": "1014542" }, { "contents": "John Boozman\n\n\nmade due to certain factors including, but not limited to, \"a bona fide factor other than sex.\" In September 2004, Boozman voted in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. The amendment did not pass. In July 2006, Boozman co-introduced and voted in favor of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. The amendment did not pass. In April 2009, Boozman voted against the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which sought to define crimes committed", "id": "18083031" }, { "contents": "Alcohol powder\n\n\nsale in the U.S. Under the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution, state and territory governments also have substantial regulatory powers over \"intoxicating liquors\", especially regarding retail sales and sales to minors. Shortly after the TTB approval was announced, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to inaccurate reports implying that it had approved powdered alcohol as being safe. The FDA clarified that its role was to evaluate the nonalcoholic ingredients and that based on its evaluation of specific powdered alcohol products it had no legal basis", "id": "7921150" }, { "contents": "U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions\n\n\nto recognize same-sex marriages from other states. The idea of extending marriage rights to same-sex couples did not become a political issue in the United States until the 1990s. During that decade, several Western European countries legalized civil unions, and in 1993 the Supreme Court of Hawaii ruled in \"Baehr v. Lewin\", 852 P.2d 44 (Haw. 1993), that refusing to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples was sex-discrimination under that state's constitution. In response, voters passed Hawaii Constitutional", "id": "3212130" }, { "contents": "List of U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions by type\n\n\nsame-sex marriage unconstitutional; rather, it allows the state to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples. Virginia's amendment prevents the state from recognizing private contracts that \"approximate\" marriage. Observers have pointed out that such language encompasses private contracts and medical directives. Furthermore, the Michigan Supreme Court has held that the state's amendment bans not only same-sex marriage and civil unions, but also domestic partnership benefits such as health insurance. This list only covers bans of civil unions, private contracts between same-sex", "id": "3304541" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Switzerland\n\n\n, and 17 of these were executed before the end of the war. This law was abolished by the Federal Assembly on 20 March 1992 after a parliamentary initiative by Massimo Pini of the Free Democratic Party of Switzerland. The 1999 Swiss Federal Constitution then banned the death penalty at the constitutional level. Two initiatives have so far been launched to amend the Constitution to provide for the reintroduction of capital punishment. The first, in 1985, would have made drug dealing punishable by death. It did not manage to collect the required 100,000", "id": "5569127" }, { "contents": "Boris van der Ham\n\n\nParty he drafted the bill that led to the 2005 European Constitution referendum, the country's first referendum in two hundred years. He drafted several other successful bills, among others: the possibility to correct parliamentary bills by people-initiated referenda, an amendment to put equal rights for gays and handicapped in the Constitution, a bill to abolish the ban on blasphemy, a bill to reform a ban on shopping on Sundays and a proposal to make the formation process of a new government more transparent. In November 2006, he also", "id": "3612466" }, { "contents": "William Jennings Bryan\n\n\ncontrol over the party and return it to the policies of the Cleveland era. Meanwhile, Roosevelt succeeded McKinley as president after the latter was assassinated in September 1901. Roosevelt prosecuted anti-trust cases and implemented other progressive policies, but Bryan argued that Roosevelt did not fully embrace progressive causes. Bryan called for a package of reforms, including a federal income tax, pure food and drug laws, a ban on corporate financing of campaigns, a constitutional amendment providing for the direct election of senators, local ownership of utilities and the", "id": "19037372" }, { "contents": "Social policy of the Barack Obama administration\n\n\nhas advocated closing the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, but has not supported two specific bills that would have done so. Obama still opposes the use of torture and used to oppose warrantless domestic wiretaps by the U.S. He voted against the Flag Desecration Amendment in 2006, arguing that flag burning didn't justify a constitutional amendment, but said that he would support a law banning flag burning on federal property. As of August 8, 2008, the ACLU has given Obama a score of 80% on civil liberty issues for the 110th Congress", "id": "12420844" }, { "contents": "Temperance movement\n\n\nthe US. Furthermore, enforcement of the alcohol ban was an expensive undertaking for the government. Because the Eighteenth Amendment did not prohibit consumption, but only manufacture, distribution and sale, illegal consumption became commonplace. Illegal production of alcohol rose, and a thousand people per year died of alcohol that was illegally produced with little quality control. Bootlegging was a profitable activity, and crime increased rather than decreased as expected and advocated by proponents. The temperance movement itself was in decline as well: fundamentalist and nativist groups had become dominant", "id": "736396" }, { "contents": "Religion and drugs\n\n\nhadith that ban \"khamr\" (intoxicants, including alcohol). Muhammad said: Every intoxicant is like alcohol, and every (type of) alcohol is prohibited. (Muslim) The second reason for banning drugs is that they are believed to have a harmful effect on the body. The Qur'an says, \"And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction.\" Surah, Al-Baqara, 2: 195 The Muslim nations of Turkey and Egypt were instrumental in banning opium, cocaine, and cannabis when the", "id": "3921344" }, { "contents": "44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Island\n\n\nfound the regulation banning advertisements unconstitutional, because the state did not prove that the law directly advanced its interest in reducing alcohol consumption, and because the law's reach was unnecessarily extensive. The First Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the lower court, ruling that an increase in alcohol advertisements would lead to an increase in alcohol sales and that the Twenty-first Amendment gave Rhode Island's ban a presumption of validity. Justice Stevens, writing for the plurality, reversed the First Circuit Court of Appeals. He stated first that it was", "id": "2801730" }, { "contents": "History of New Jersey\n\n\n. However, the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which banned alcohol manufacturing & sales, was later repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment in December 1933. Newark's breweries reopened almost immediately. Like the rest of the United States, the people of New Jersey were hit hard by the Great Depression. By 1933, one-tenth of the population was dependent upon Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. In fact, New Jersey issued begging licenses to the poor people because the New Jersey government funds were being exhausted", "id": "7294055" }, { "contents": "1997 Constitution of Fiji\n\n\ngovernment introduced legislation to amend the Constitution so as to allow parliamentarians and other senior government officials to serve as members of Provincial Councils, the Fijian Affairs Board, or the Great Council of Chiefs. Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase told the House of Representatives that the amendments, to which the Opposition Fiji Labour Party had agreed at the Tanaloa Talks in 2003, were necessary to allow chiefs to hold multiple positions if their subjects so wished. In 2005, several prominent figures were affected by the constitutional ban on politicians holding other public offices.", "id": "15266803" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Florida\n\n\nsame-sex marriage in 1977. Since the passage of Florida Amendment 2 in November 2008 by a vote of 61.9% in favor and 38.1% opposed, both same-sex marriage and civil unions have been banned by Florida's state Constitution. Amendment 2 added Article I Section 27 to the Florida Constitution, which says: A U.S. district court ruled on August 21, 2014, in \"Brenner v. Scott\" that Florida's same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional. As a result of that ruling, same-sex", "id": "3574488" }, { "contents": "Rónán Mullen\n\n\nof the second Lisbon referendum the Government had secured the guarantees but no other constitutional amendment was proposed as part of the plebiscite. The Treaty of Lisbon passed at the second time of asking by 67.1% in favour to 32.9% against. Mullen voted against the 2009 Blasphemy Law saying it did not protect arguments that a reasonable person would see as being of religious value against accusations of blasphemy, unlike the protection it afforded to literary, artistic, political, scientific or academic value. He opposed the removal of the Constitutional ban on", "id": "4731424" }, { "contents": "Greg Orman\n\n\na constitutional amendment that would overturn the \"Citizens United\" decision. Orman has also proposed several reforms to campaign financing, including a ban on political action committees formed by congressional leaders and a ban on PAC donations from lobbyists to candidates. Orman has declined to indicate whether he would have voted for the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. He did say, however, that \"we need to relax the Dodd–Frank regulations that relate to community banks and region banks.\" Orman was never asked his", "id": "16127618" }, { "contents": "Times of Tonga\n\n\n, but the government repeatedly ignored the ruling and reinstated the ban. The ban was eventually lifted in June 2003. The failure of the ban caused the government to amend the constitution to limit judicial review of royal decisions. In 2004, the newspaper was banned under a new Media Operators Act, which prohibited foreign owned publications. The law was later overturned by the Supreme Court, and the Times was issued with a media licence. In 2005 Tonga's Crown Prince Tupoutoʻa ʻUlukalala claimed that the newspaper's legal problems were due to", "id": "18858408" }, { "contents": "Dick Durbin\n\n\nthe 1988 transportation spending bill. In 1989, Congress banned cigarette smoking on all domestic airline flights. In March 1994, Durbin proposed an amendment to the Improving America's Schools Act that required schools receiving Federal drug prevention money to teach elementary and secondary students about the dangers of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. The amendment also required schools to warn students against tobacco and teach them how to resist peer pressure to smoke. In February 2008, Durbin called on Congress to support a measure that would allow the Food and Drug Administration", "id": "19190198" }, { "contents": "Illicit drug use in Ireland\n\n\nthe Oireachtas. Emergency legislation to reinstate the ban on drugs previously banned by Government orders, which also include amphetamine, khat and ketamine, took effect on 12 March 2015. The Court of Appeal ruling implicated pending cases involving possession of those drugs, and may potentially have led to appeals from those previously convicted of possession of those drugs. However, in June 2016, the Supreme Court overturned the Court of Appeal's ruling, finding the original Government orders constitutional, on the basis that the Government was bound to outlaw only drugs", "id": "3587803" }, { "contents": "NCAA drug testing\n\n\nlist of NCAA banned drugs includes the following classes: stimulants (except for phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine, which are permitted); anabolic agents; diuretics and other masking agents; \"street drugs\" (the NCAA gives as examples heroin, marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and synthetic cannabinoids); peptide hormones and analogues; anti-estrogens, and beta-2 agonists. Alcohol and beta blockers are also banned for rifle only. The NCAA also bans \"any substance chemically related to these classes.\" The penalties differ form and NCAA", "id": "6369009" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Europe\n\n\nthe constitution, a final vote was required to approve them. This final parliamentary session was commenced on 26 January but never concluded, as the ruling coalition did not obtain the two-thirds majority required. The parliamentary session on the constitutional amendments was in recess until the end of 2015, thus the amendement failed. On 7 February 2015, Slovaks voted in a referendum to ban same-sex marriage and same-sex parental adoption. The result of the referendum was for enacting the ban proposals, with 95% and 92", "id": "3470702" }, { "contents": "LGBT history in Louisiana\n\n\n, a memorial service for the UpStairs Lounge arson was organized with a jazz funeral and a memorial plaque laid at the site of the fire. On September 18, 2004, by a significant margin, the voters of Louisiana approved a state constitutional amendment, Louisiana Constitutional Amendment 1, that banned same-sex marriages and civil unions. The measure did not ban domestic partnerships, however. In 2011, Equality Louisiana was founded. With the support of local groups like Spectrum on LSU's campus, Capital City Alliance in Baton Rouge", "id": "8056020" }, { "contents": "Duncan Hunter\n\n\nHunter opposed same-sex marriage, and proposed a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. As chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Hunter \"developed a reputation for never meeting a weapons system he didn't like.\" Hunter used congressional earmarks to \"steer money\" to defense projects that the Defense Department did not want, including the L-3 Communications Sea Fighter and the DuPont Aerospace DP-1. Hunter defended the use of earmarks by saying that it was the constitutional prerogative of Congress to decide how specifically federal monies should", "id": "18443416" }, { "contents": "Dominion Alliance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic\n\n\non constitutional grounds. In 1907 Spence's brother, the Reverend Ben Spence, succeeded Francis Spence as secretary of the Ontario branch. The Dominion alliance produced books, pamphlets and flyers, organized meetings and backed temperance laws at all levels of government. The alliance prepared a draft bill that was submitted to the government in 1878. After a number of amendments this became the Canada Temperance Act. Under this act local governments were given right to hold votes on temperance and if successful to ban the sale of alcohol. The Dominion Alliance", "id": "8561266" }, { "contents": "Vibrator (sex toy)\n\n\ncourt overturned a Texas statute banning the sales of vibrators and other sexual toys, deeming such a statute as violating the right to privacy guaranteed by the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The appeals court cited \"Lawrence v. Texas\", where the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003 struck down bans on consensual sex between gay couples, as unconstitutionally aiming at \"enforcing a public moral code by restricting private intimate conduct\". Similar statutes have been struck down in Colorado and Kansas. As of 2009, Alabama is the only state where", "id": "2370990" }, { "contents": "Recognition of same-sex unions in Slovakia\n\n\nthat it would submit a draft law to prohibit same-sex marriage in the Slovak Constitution. In February 2014, Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič said there were enough SMER-SD MPs in favour of the constitutional ban for it to pass. 40 opposition MPs introduced a draft law to the National Council to ban same-sex marriage in the Slovak Constitution. Slovakia's Social Democratic Prime Minister Robert Fico said that the governing SMER-SD would be willing to support the amendment in exchange for the opposition's support for an amendment", "id": "11169752" }, { "contents": "Colorado Amendment 41\n\n\nstate trial court of general jurisdiction in Denver, Colorado issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of Amendment 41 on U.S. constitutional grounds in 2007. The state court in this case issued a preliminary injunction banning enforcement of the gift ban on First Amendment grounds during the pendency of the litigation. On appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court, the preliminary injunction was then vacated on February 25, 2008, on the grounds that the suit was not ripe prior to the organization of the independent ethics commission, without reaching the merits of the constitutionality", "id": "17248895" }, { "contents": "Alcoholism\n\n\nas sensitive as screening questionnaires. The World Health Organization, the European Union and other regional bodies, national governments and parliaments have formed alcohol policies in order to reduce the harm of alcoholism. Targeting adolescents and young adults is regarded as an important step to reduce the harm of alcohol abuse. Increasing the age at which licit drugs of abuse such as alcohol can be purchased, the banning or restricting advertising of alcohol has been recommended as additional ways of reducing the harm of alcohol dependence and abuse. Credible, evidence based educational campaigns", "id": "2654472" }, { "contents": "Reubin Askew\n\n\ndisclosure by public officials. When they did not, he used a provision of the 1968 constitution, collecting sufficient signatures to put the measure on the ballot in 1976. The voters passed the \"Sunshine Amendment\" by 78%, the first time the constitution was amended due to citizen action. It calls for full financial disclosure by public officials and candidates, a ban on gifts to legislators, and prohibits former officials from lobbying for two years after leaving office. At a time of government scandals, he established a reputation for", "id": "3190121" }, { "contents": "Kay Bailey Hutchison\n\n\n2004 and 2006, she voted for the Federal Marriage Amendment which was a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. She voted against later legislation expanding hate crime definitions to include sexual orientation, but did vote against banning affirmative action for federal contractors. In 2009, Hutchison voted for a Defense spending bill that included penalties for people who harm others based on sexual orientation as well as for the 2012 Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act which stated that all organizations receiving funds cannot discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.", "id": "6884959" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Hawaii\n\n\n, the state enacted a statute banning same-sex marriage. In November 1998, the voters of Hawaii voted 69 percent in favor of Hawaii Constitutional Amendment 2, which amended the State Constitution to allow the Legislature to ban same-sex marriage. The constitutional amendment led the Hawaii Supreme Court to dismiss the lawsuit. Hawaii established reciprocal beneficiary relationships, a limited form of civil unions, for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples in 1997. Numerous legislative attempts to enact fuller civil unions equivalent with other jurisdictions' civil", "id": "86997" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in Alabama\n\n\nbeing of the same sex, but stayed its ruling pending action by the U.S. Supreme Court. Previously, the state banned the licensing of same-sex marriages and the recognition of such marriages from other jurisdictions by executive order of the Governor in 1996, by statute in 1998, and by constitutional amendment in June 2006. On August 29, 1996, Governor Fob James issued Executive Order 24 banning same-sex marriage and recognition of same-sex marriages performed in other states or foreign countries. On April 9, 1998,", "id": "4453196" }, { "contents": "Governorship of Mitt Romney\n\n\nThomas Finnernan to merely ban gay marriage without a provision for civil unions was narrowly defeated. The compromise amendment needed to be approved in a second constitutional convention to be held a year later before it could appear on a state election ballot. The amendment was voted down in the subsequent convention and never appeared on a ballot put before voters of Massachusetts. Romney reluctantly backed the compromise amendment, viewing it as the only feasible way to ban gay marriage in Massachusetts. \"If the question is, 'Do you support gay marriage or", "id": "801912" }, { "contents": "Conscience vote\n\n\noccasion the Commons voted for a ban and the House of Lords rejected it. In 2004 the Government, trying to placate the Lords and other opponents of a ban, proposed only restriction and licensing of hunting but anti-hunting MPs (mostly Labour backbenchers) forced through an amendment which would effect a total ban. Seconds after the vote on the amendment, the Government bowed to pressure and agreed to force the ban through the Lords under the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949. It passed in November 2004. Other decisions which were", "id": "8904549" }, { "contents": "Bans on Communist symbols\n\n\nHowever the law itself was recognized as constitutional. However, in 2005, there was a petition in the Czech Republic to ban the promotion of Communism and in 2007, there was a proposed amendment to the law to ban Communist symbols. Both attempts failed. In 2009, in Poland § 2 to 4 were added to Article 256, which ban \"fascist, communist or other totalitarian symbols\" unless used \"as part of artistic, educational, collecting or academic activity.\" On July 19, 2011, the Constitutional Tribunal", "id": "19534785" }, { "contents": "Saratoga lake houses\n\n\nend of the lake. In the mid-1800s John Morrissey opened the Saratoga Race Course in 1863. In 1866 he opened the Saratoga Clubhouse downtown, offering high-stakes gambling for the town's fashionable visitors. The clubhouse was later bought by Richard Canfield and was expanded to today's Canfield Casino. However, in 1907 Saratoga Springs banned gambling in the city and the casino was closed. In 1920 the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. Saratoga Springs soon", "id": "14468612" }, { "contents": "Pat Toomey\n\n\ntraditional\" definition of marriage as \"one man, one woman.\" He voted in 2004 to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. In 2010, Toomey supported the repeal of Don't ask, don't tell, a policy which banned openly gay or bisexual persons from serving in the military, in a statement made while he was Senator-elect. In November 2013, Toomey proposed an amendment exempting private religious entities from following the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The amendment failed. After the bill", "id": "6089668" } ]
What is honey? I know honey comes from bees, and I know honey is delicious on toast, but what is honey, and does it harm the bees we harvest it from? Can you trace back a batch of honey to the hive it came from, or is all honey the same?
[{"answer": "Many flowers secrete nectar as part of their biology. They lack the ability to move pollen from the male flowers to the female flowers so they entice bees and insects with nectar with the hope the while the bees collect the nectar they also move the pollen around allowing for the fertilization of the plant species. Honey bees have a special compartment in their body to hold nectar. This compartment (called the crop or honey stomach) is designed to allow the bee nectar storage while it is foraging. When the forager bee returns to the hive she passes the nectar to a receiver bee who puts it in a wax comb cell for ripening. Nectar has a high moisture content, perhaps 40+%, but the bees want to store the honey for future consumption. They regulate the humidity in the hive via wing flapping over fresh stored nectar and move air in and out from the entrances. Once the honey is at 17/18% moisture content it is ready for capping. The bees cap the cell with wax and that honey will stay in storage until they need it. If the season goes well, the colony may collect for example, twice the amount of honey they will need for winter. The beekeeper can take that extra and this harvesting does not harm the bees at all."}, {"answer": "Honey is bee vomit, which the bees save to feed themselves later."}, {"answer": "Honey is a bit more complex than just sugars. It also has antibacterial properties. It makes a decent wound dressing. > The healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. URL_0 Honey can also be poisonous. > Poisoning can also happen if you eat honey made by bees that used the oleander plant for nectar. URL_1 "}, {"answer": "\"What is honey\" has been adequately answered already. Harming the bees? No, unless you're doing it wrong. Doing it wrong would entail destroying the hive and taking all the honey in the fall, after plants have stopped flowing. The bees need protection and food for the hive to survive through the winter. Typically, the hives are built so that you can easily remove frames full of honey comb. We had bees when I was a kid, and we would put on gloves, long sleeves, and a mesh hood, to keep from getting stung. We would blow smoke into the hive to drive the bees away, pull out the frames of honey that we wanted, and put the hive back together. To get the honey, we would cut the surface caps off of the comb, and centrifuge the honey out. Finally, different flowers certainly have an effect on what the honey tastes like. I can't answer you about tracing it back, but there are certainly measurable differences between clover honey and apple tree honey. Also, mass market honey you find in stores is almost certainly not real honey. It's far easier and quicker to make it from sugar and flavorings than to deal with bees. If you want real honey, go to a farmer's market or something similar. Edit: upon further review, my last statement is questionable. The \"fake\" honey is apparently ultra-filtered honey, which removes all the pollen. This process causes the honey to be less likely to crystallize, so it has a longer shelf life. It is still an open question whether some honey might be manufactured instead of bee-made."}, {"answer": "It is mainly water, glucose and fructose, with some other sugars and traces of other compounds in. If you take too much, the hive will starve and die. The hive will survive some being harvested though."}, {"answer": "I've always wondered -- is honey considered vegan?"}, {"answer": "Please support your local beekeepers! You can find their products at many farmer's markets and fairs. Stock up for the year, it keeps well. Grocery story honey is often cut with corn syrup and is generally flavorless."}, {"answer": "in the simplest term its bee vomit, but its more complicated then that, do we harm the bees when we harvest? no the bees overproduce honey, and we also give suggar stuff to feed them."}, {"answer": "You may not be able to trace it back to the exact hive, but you can trace it to what type of flower was the majority in pollination - clover, thistle, etc"}, {"answer": "Note that honey isn't just evaporated nectar. Enzymes and digestive processes take effect while the nectar is in the bee's honey-stomach, changing the nature of the sugars."}, {"answer": " > Can you trace back a batch of honey to the hive it came from, or is all honey the same? Read about Chinese honey dumping if you're curious about this sort of thing. They filter out the pollen from it so you can't tell where it came from, and dump it on the market. So yes, to some degree you can track where honey has come from, due to the pollens in it."}, {"answer": "I've wondered recently what honey would be like if the bees had exclusive access to a cannibus crop."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "14361", "title": "Honey", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The variety of honey produced by honey bees (the genus \"Apis\") is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption. Honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from hives of domesticated bees, a practice known as beekeeping or apiculture.", "Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb.", "Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb. The variety of honey produced by honey bees (the genus \"Apis\") is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption. Honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from hives of domesticated bees, a practice known as beekeeping or apiculture."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Stingless bee\n\n\nSouth Wales can the bees produce more honey than they need for their own survival. The bees only come out of the hive when it is above about 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit). Harvesting honey from a nest in a cooler area could weaken or even kill the nest. In warm areas of Australia, these bees can be used for minor honey production. They may also be kept successfully in boxes in these areas. Special methods are being developed to harvest moderate amounts of honey from stingless bees in these areas", "id": "4429733" }, { "contents": "African Honey Bee (organization)\n\n\nprovide support to partner beekeepers in the form of mentorship, training, logistics, access to low cost equipment and consumables. African Honey Bee's first incubator, Bushbuckridge, began operations in April 2013. Honey harvested from the incubation farms and procured from partner beekeepers, is transported to a central processing plant where it is strained, bottled, labelled, packaged and dispatched for distribution. African Honey Bee's Nektar management and traceability technology will allow consumers to trace their batch of honey back to the beekeeper that produced it and see on", "id": "14742190" }, { "contents": "Beehive\n\n\nas opposed to frames, the honey is usually extracted by crushing and straining rather than centrifuging. Because the bees have to rebuild their comb after honey is harvested, a top-bar hive yields a beeswax harvest in addition to honey. The bees store most of their honey separately from the areas where they are raising the brood. For this reason, bees are not killed when harvesting from a top-bar hive. Variations: The Long Box Hive is a single story hive utilizing fully enclosed frames (per the dimensions of", "id": "5580217" }, { "contents": "Stingless bee\n\n\nhoney production provide a separate compartment for the honey stores so the honey pots can be removed without spilling honey into other areas of the nest. Unlike a hive of commercial honeybees, which can produce 75 kg (165 lbs) of honey a year, a hive of Australian stingless bees produces less than 1 kg (2 lbs). Stingless bee honey has a distinctive \"bush\" taste—a mix of sweet and sour with a hint of fruit. The taste comes from plant resins—which the bees use to build", "id": "4429736" }, { "contents": "Honey extraction\n\n\nHoney extraction is the central process in beekeeping of removing honey from honeycomb so that it is isolated in a pure liquid form. Normally, the honey is stored by honey bees in their beeswax honeycomb; in framed bee hives, the honey is stored on a wooden structure called a frame. The honey frames are typically harvested in the late summer, when they will be most filled with honey. On a completely filled frame, the cells will be capped over by the bees for storage; that is, each cell containing honey", "id": "8559384" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nindividuals. Bee brood, the eggs, larvae, or pupae of honey bees, is edible and highly nutritious. Bee brood contains the same amount of protein that beef or poultry does. Bee brood is often harvested as a byproduct when the beekeeper has excess bees and does not wish to have any more. Propolis is a resinous mixture collected by honey bees from tree buds, sap flows or other botanical sources, which is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Although propolis is alleged to have health", "id": "3495535" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nand for heating the hive during the winter. Western honey bees also collect pollen which, after being processed to bee bread, supplies protein and fat for the bee brood to grow. Centuries of selective breeding by humans have created western honey bees which produce far more honey than the colony needs, and beekeepers (also known as apiarists) harvest the surplus honey. Beekeepers provide a place for the colony to live and store honey. There are seven basic types of beehive: skeps, Langstroth hives, top-bar hives,", "id": "3495523" }, { "contents": "Honeycomb\n\n\nA honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal prismatic wax cells built by honey bees in their nests to contain their larvae and stores of honey and pollen. Beekeepers may remove the entire honeycomb to harvest honey. Honey bees consume about 8.4 lb (3.8 kg) of honey to secrete 1 lb (454 g) of wax, so it makes economic sense to return the wax to the hive after harvesting the honey. The structure of the comb may be left basically intact when honey is extracted from it by uncapping and spinning in a", "id": "13011572" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nregurgitation, digestion, and storage as honey. In cold weather or when other food sources are scarce, adult and larval bees use stored honey as food. By contriving for bee swarms to nest in human-made hives, people have been able to semidomesticate the insects and harvest excess honey. In the hive or in a wild nest, the three types of bees are: Leaving the hive, a foraging bee collects sugar-rich flower nectar, sucking it through its proboscis and placing it in its proventriculus (honey stomach", "id": "14494706" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\n, has specific antibacterial activity towards an infection-causing bacteria, \"Staphylococcus aureus\". Honey will not rot or ferment when stored under normal conditions, but it will crystallize over time. Although crystallized honey is acceptable for human use, bees can only use liquid honey and will remove and discard any crystallized honey from the hive. Bees produce honey by collecting nectar, a clear liquid consisting of nearly 80 percent water and complex sugars. The collecting bees store the nectar in a second stomach and return to the hive, where", "id": "3495532" }, { "contents": "Japanese giant hornet\n\n\noften prefer European honey bees because they are more productive than the endemic Japanese honey bees. However, it can be difficult to maintain a captive hive of European honey bees, as the giant hornets are devastating to the bee hives. Once a Japanese giant hornet has located a hive of European honey bees, it leaves pheromone markers around it that quickly attract nest-mates to converge on the hive. An individual hornet can kill forty European honey bees per minute, while a group of 30 hornets can destroy an entire hive containing", "id": "9015304" }, { "contents": "Tool use by animals\n\n\nbrush\" made from grass stems with their teeth to collect the ants. Honey of four bee species is eaten by chimpanzees. Groups of chimpanzees fish with sticks for the honey after having tried to remove what they can with their hands. They usually extract with their hands honeycombs from undisturbed hives of honey bees and run away from the bees to quietly eat their catch. In contrast, hives that have already been disturbed, either through the falling of the tree or because of the intervention of other predators, are cleaned of the", "id": "20248776" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nbee nests are sometimes located by following a honeyguide bird. To safely collect honey from a hive, beekeepers typically pacify the bees using a bee smoker. The smoke triggers a feeding instinct (an attempt to save the resources of the hive from a possible fire), making them less aggressive and the smoke obscures the pheromones the bees use to communicate. The honeycomb is removed from the hive and the honey may be extracted from that, either by crushing or by using a honey extractor. The honey is then usually filtered to", "id": "14494712" }, { "contents": "Beekeeping\n\n\nfather of modern bee-science\" and his \"Nouvelles Observations sur Les Abeilles (or \"New Observations on Bees\") revealed all the basic scientific truths for the biology and ecology of honeybees. Early forms of honey collecting entailed the destruction of the entire colony when the honey was harvested. The wild hive was crudely broken into, using smoke to suppress the bees, the honeycombs were torn out and smashed up — along with the eggs, larvae and honey they contained. The liquid honey from the destroyed brood nest was", "id": "15180029" }, { "contents": "Beekeeping in the United States\n\n\n' honey harvest, although nowadays crop pollination service can often provide a greater part of a commercial beekeeper's income. Other hive products are pollen, royal jelly, and propolis, which are also used for nutritional and medicinal purposes, and beeswax, which is used in candle making, cosmetics, wood polish, and for modelling. The modern use of hive products has changed little since ancient times. Western honey bees are not native to the Americas. American colonists imported honey bees from Europe for their honey and wax. Their", "id": "7364537" }, { "contents": "Honey super\n\n\nwill reduce the moisture content of the honey to 17-18% moisture content before capping the comb with beeswax. Beekeepers will take the full honey supers and extract the honey. Periods when there is an abundant nectar source available and bees are quickly bringing back the nectar, are called a honey flow. During a honey flow, beekeepers may put several honey supers onto a hive so the bees have enough storage space. Honey supers are removed in the fall when the honey is extracted, and before the hive is winterized,", "id": "1135897" }, { "contents": "Apis cerana japonica\n\n\nfrom summoning reinforcements that would wipe out the entire colony. Although it is a commonly accepted theory that the Japanese giant hornet may be allowed to enter the Japanese honey bee hive, recent studies suggest that the Japanese honey bee and large hornets actually have a predator-prey “I see you” (ISY) relationship. The ISY relationship is supported by the observation that Japanese honey bee wingbeats become louder and increase in intensity as a bee-hawking wasp (such as an Asian hornet (\"Vespa velutina\"), a", "id": "17838314" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\non their abdomen, using it to form the walls and caps of the comb. When honey is harvested, the wax can be collected for use in products like candles and seals. Bees collect pollen in a pollen basket and carry it back to the hive where, after undergoing fermentation and turning into bee bread, it becomes a protein source for brood-rearing. Excess pollen can be collected from the hive; although it is sometimes consumed as a dietary supplement by humans, bee pollen may cause an allergic reaction in susceptible", "id": "3495534" }, { "contents": "Beekeeper\n\n\nBeekeepers are also called honey farmers, apiarists, or less commonly, apiculturists (both from the Latin \"\", bee; cf. apiary). The term beekeeper refers to a person who keeps honey bees in beehives, boxes, or other receptacles. Honey bees are not domesticated and the beekeeper does not control the creatures. The beekeeper owns the hives or boxes and associated equipment. The bees are free to forage or leave (swarm) as they desire. Bees usually return to the beekeeper's hive as the hive", "id": "13889846" }, { "contents": "Honey bee life cycle\n\n\nThe honey bee life cycle, here referring exclusively to the domesticated Western honey bee, depends greatly on their social structure. Unlike a bumble bee colony or a paper wasp colony, the life of a honey bee colony is perennial. The three types of honey bees in a hive are: queens (egg-producers), workers (non-reproducing females), and drones (males whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen). Honey bee larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. They", "id": "9589049" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nhis experimentation with movable box hives, which allow honey to be extracted without first killing off the hive, bees and bee products were mainly an object of local trade. The expansion of better highways and increased use of motor vehicles after World War I allowed commercial beekeepers to expand the size of their businesses. The western honey bee is an important pollinator of crops; this service accounts for much of the species' commercial value. In 2005, the estimated commercial value of western honey bees was just under $200 billion worldwide.", "id": "3495527" }, { "contents": "Honey bee\n\n\n. Today's honey bees constitute three clades: \"Micrapis\" (dwarf honey bees), \"Megapis\" (giant honey bee), and \"Apis\" (domestic honey bees and close relatives). \"Apis florea\" and \"Apis andreniformis\" are small honey bees of southern and southeastern Asia. They make very small, exposed nests in trees and shrubs. Their stings are often incapable of penetrating human skin, so the hive and swarms can be handled with minimal protection. They occur largely sympatrically, though they", "id": "13011588" }, { "contents": "Langstroth hive\n\n\nLangstroth's movable frames hold bee-combs, the furniture of a hive. They enable a great deal of hive management: Inspection and harvest become both easier and less destructive of bees and beekeepers. In winter, bees sometimes can become so cold they are unable to move to the other side of a hive. So beekeepers often prepare hives for winter by moving all the honey together. Also, movable standard frames permit transfer of combs of honey, pollen or brood from a healthy hive to a failing hive. Brood transfer", "id": "16239214" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nor from hives of domesticated bees, a practice known as beekeeping or apiculture. Honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has about the same relative sweetness as sucrose (granulated sugar). It has attractive chemical properties for baking and a distinctive flavor when used as a sweetener. Most microorganisms do not grow in honey, so sealed honey does not spoil, even after thousands of years. Honey provides 46 calories in a serving of one tablespoon (15 ml). Honey is regarded as safe when not", "id": "14494704" }, { "contents": "Apis mellifera lamarckii\n\n\nLamarck's honey bee or the Egyptian honey bee, Apis mellifera lamarckii, is a subspecies of honey bee native to the Nile valley of Egypt and Sudan, named after Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. It is a dark honey bee with yellow abdomen, and is a small subspecies like the races South of the Sahara. The Lamarck's mitotype can also be identified in honey bees from California and in feral bees from Florida. A unique trait of the pure \"lamarckii\" is that it does not collect propolis. Lamarckii does not", "id": "14702535" }, { "contents": "Beeswax\n\n\na gram of wax. Honey bees use the beeswax to build honeycomb cells in which their young are raised with honey and pollen cells being capped for storage. For the wax-making bees to secrete wax, the ambient temperature in the hive must be . The amount of honey used by bees to produce wax has not been accurately determined. The book, \"Beeswax Production, Harvesting, Processing and Products\", suggests of beeswax is used to store honey. According to Whitcomb's 1946 experiment, of honey yields of wax", "id": "20951038" }, { "contents": "Beekeeping\n\n\ndoes not manage to capture the resulting swarm, he is likely to harvest significantly less honey from that hive, since he has lost half his worker bees at a single stroke. If, however, he can use the swarming impulse to breed a new queen but keep all the bees in the colony together, he maximizes his chances of a good harvest. It takes many years of learning and experience to be able to manage all these aspects successfully, though owing to variable circumstances many beginners often achieve a good honey harvest.", "id": "15180087" }, { "contents": "Apis cerana japonica\n\n\n-known defensive behavior when dealing with hornets which no other honeybee displays. Although a handful of Asian giant hornets can easily defeat the uncoordinated defenses of a honey bee colony, the Japanese honey bee (\"Apis cerana japonica\") has an effective strategy. As a hornet enters the hive, a mob of hundreds of honey bees surrounds it in a ball, completely covering it and preventing it from reacting effectively. The bees violently vibrate their flight muscles in much the same way as they do to heat the hive in cold", "id": "17838312" }, { "contents": "Australian native bees\n\n\n-climate areas of Australia, all the honey the bees produce is needed by the swarm to live through winter. Collecting honey from Australian native bee nests can cause many of the bees to drown in spilt honey. The honey is tangy in comparison with commercial honey taken from the European Honey bee. The bees store their honey in \"small resinous pots which look like bunches of grapes\". The different species of Australian native bee have different habits and preferences in gathering pollen, so different species are better pollinators of a given", "id": "19431526" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\n. The western honey bee is a colonial insect which is housed, transported by and sometimes fed by beekeepers. Honey bees do not survive and reproduce individually, but as part of the colony (a superorganism). Western honey bees collect flower nectar and convert it to honey, which is stored in the hive. The nectar, transported in the bees' stomachs, is converted with the addition of digestive enzymes and storage in a honey cell for partial dehydration. Nectar and honey provide the energy for the bees' flight muscles", "id": "3495522" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nevaporation, to maintain a fairly constant temperature in the honey-storage areas around . The process continues as hive bees flutter their wings constantly to circulate air and evaporate water from the honey to a content around 18%, raising the sugar concentration beyond the saturation point and preventing fermentation. The bees then cap the cells with wax to seal them. As removed from the hive by a beekeeper, honey has a long shelf life and will not ferment if properly sealed. Another source of honey is from a number of wasp species", "id": "14494710" }, { "contents": "Honey hunting\n\n\nHoney hunting or honey harvesting is the gathering of honey from wild bee colonies and is one of the most ancient human activities and is still practiced by aboriginal societies in parts of Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. Some of the earliest evidence of gathering honey from wild colonies is from rock painting, dating to around 8,000 BC. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the gathering of honey from wild or semi-wild bee colonies was carried out on a commercial scale. Gathering honey from wild bee colonies is usually done", "id": "8647573" }, { "contents": "Robbing\n\n\na surplus.\" Some historical methods of bee \"keeping\" actually were bee \"robbing\" in that hives were killed for harvest. As recently as the 1940s Southern beekeepers would \"sulphur\" hives to take honey. This killed the hives and required bee \"keepers\" to catch spring swarms to replenish their livestock. In some extreme latitudes bees are still killed at the end of the season to take all their honey, then bees are imported from lower latitudes (or even the opposite hemisphere) to begin the next season", "id": "21315540" }, { "contents": "Stingless bee\n\n\nwithout causing harm. Like the European honey bee (\"Apis mellifera\"), which provides most of Australia's commercially produced honey, stingless bees have enlarged areas on their back legs for carrying pollen back to the hive. After a foraging expedition, these pollen baskets or corbiculae can be seen stuffed full of bright orange or yellow pollen. Stingless bees also collect nectar, which they store in an extension of their gut called a crop. Back at the hive, the bees ripen or dehydrate the nectar droplets by spinning them", "id": "4429734" }, { "contents": "High-fructose corn syrup\n\n\nHFCS or honey. In apiculture in the United States, HFCS is a honey substitute for some managed honey bee colonies during times when nectar is in low supply. However, when HFCS is heated to about , hydroxymethylfurfural, which is toxic to bees, can form from the breakdown of fructose. Although some researchers cite honey substitution with HFCS as one factor among many for colony collapse disorder, there is no evidence that HFCS is the only cause. Compared to hive honey, both HFCS and sucrose caused signs of malnutrition in bees", "id": "9824638" }, { "contents": "Beehive\n\n\nextra top baskets which could be removed when the bees filled them with honey. These were gradually supplanted with box hives of varying dimensions, with or without frames, and finally replaced by newer modern equipment. Honey from traditional hives was typically extracted by \"pressing\" – crushing the wax honeycomb to squeeze out the honey. Due to this harvesting, traditional beehives typically provided more beeswax, but far less honey, than a modern hive. Four styles of traditional beehives include; mud hives, clay/tile hives, skeps and", "id": "5580189" }, { "contents": "List of diseases of the honey bee\n\n\nwarm at all times; nurse bees will cluster over the brood to keep it at the right temperature. When a beekeeper opens the hive (to inspect, remove honey, check the queen, or just to look) and prevents the nurse bees from clustering on the frame for too long, the brood can become chilled, deforming or even killing some of the bees. Honey bees are susceptible to many of the chemicals used for agricultural spraying of other insects and pests. Many pesticides are known to be toxic to bees.", "id": "5462198" }, { "contents": "Bee sting\n\n\nA honey bee that is away from the hive foraging for nectar or pollen will rarely sting, except when stepped on or roughly handled. Honey bees will actively seek out and sting when they perceive the hive to be threatened, often being alerted to this by the release of attack pheromones (below). Although it is widely believed that a worker honey bee can sting only once, this is a partial misconception: although the stinger is in fact barbed so that it lodges in the victim's skin, tearing loose from the", "id": "21920729" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nattempted to quantify the effects of the western honey bee on only US food crops. Their calculations came up with a figure of US$14.6 billion in food crop value. Honey is the complex substance made from nectar and sweet deposits from plants and trees, which are gathered, modified and stored in the comb by honey bees. Honey is a biological mixture of inverted sugars, primarily glucose and fructose. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Honey from the western honey bee, along with the bee \"Tetragonisca angustula\"", "id": "3495531" }, { "contents": "Honey bee\n\n\nA honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade. They are known for construction of perennial, colonial nests from wax, for the large size of their colonies, and for their surplus production and storage of honey, distinguishing their hives as a prized foraging target of many animals, including honey badgers, bears and human hunter-gatherers. In the early 21st century, only seven species of honey bee are recognized, with a total of 44 subspecies, though historically", "id": "13011581" }, { "contents": "Beekeeping\n\n\nbrood nest. In modern hives the beekeeper places separate boxes, called \"supers\", above the brood box, in which a series of shallower combs is provided for storage of honey. This enables the beekeeper to remove some of the supers in the late summer, and to extract the surplus honey harvest, without damaging the colony of bees and its brood nest below. If all the honey is taken, including the amount of honey needed to survive winter, the beekeeper must replace these stores by feeding the bees sugar or", "id": "15180084" }, { "contents": "The Several Journeys of Reemus\n\n\nwho have not been seen in Fredericus for a long time. He manages to wake up Reemus and knock out the Gygax with a Sugar Bee Honey dart. Their next line of action is to consult the All-Knowing Parasite and find out what is going on. But first they have to knock the Devouring Worm it is attached to with some Sugar Bee Honey. They manage to obtain the honey by disguising Liam as a bee and arrive at the cave of the Devouring Worm. However, their enraged captive Gygax spots them", "id": "16109616" }, { "contents": "Honeybee starvation\n\n\nanother frame, it may be too cold for the bees to leave the cluster to reach the food. This leads to starvation and death. Early Spring can be misleading in terms of knowing honey level in hive. A couple of cold nights in Spring can prevent the bees from foraging and beekeepers may not realise if the bees have been able to store enough to get through those days. Throughout Spring, colonies are likely to become densely populated. In Summer, huge amount of honey is necessary for the big population of bees", "id": "7887484" }, { "contents": "Bee\n\n\nmuch about their biology. The playwright Laline Paull's fantasy \"The Bees\" (2015) tells the tale of a hive bee named Flora 717 from hatching onwards. Humans have kept honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, for millennia. Beekeepers collect honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly from hives; bees are also kept to pollinate crops and to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. Depictions of humans collecting honey from wild bees date to 15,000 years ago; efforts to domesticate them are shown in", "id": "4413106" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nwill die immediately after mating, since the process of insemination requires a lethally convulsive effort. Drone honey bees are haploid (single, unpaired chromosomes) in their genetic structure, and are descended only from their mother (the queen). In temperate regions drones are generally expelled from the hive before winter, dying of cold and starvation since they cannot forage, produce honey or care for themselves. There has been research into the role western honey bee drones play in thermoregulation within the hive. Given their larger size (1.5", "id": "3495501" }, { "contents": "Ormond Aebi\n\n\ncarefully complied with Jesus' instructions. For those who don't know, the queen excluder is a series of parallel wires placed closely together in a bee hive. It sits between the lower brood boxes and the upper supers, the boxes where the honey is stored. It functions to keep the queen from laying eggs in the boxes that contain the honey in them. She's too big to fit between the wires, but the worker bees can still come and go unimpeded. So Ormond attaches the precisely measured wires to the", "id": "19334698" }, { "contents": "Carniolan honey bee\n\n\nbee populations after nectar becomes available in the spring, and, again, to rapidly cut off brood production when nectar ceases to be available in quantity. It meets periods of high nectar with high worker populations and consequently stores large quantities of honey and pollen during those periods. They are resistant to some diseases and parasites that can debilitate hives of other subspecies. Carniolan honey bees are about the same size as the Italian honey bee, but they are physically distinguished by their generally dusky brown-grey color that is relieved by stripes", "id": "13822713" }, { "contents": "Château Frontenac\n\n\nBee Sustainable\" program, the Château Frontenac hosts four queen honey bees in hives on the hotel's rooftop garden. The honey is harvested three times a year and is used by the hotel's restaurants. The hotel has nearly 70,000 honey bees producing of honey per year. The hotel's rooftop apiary also operates a pollinator hotel. In the 1870s, a restoration project began in Quebec under the British governor general of Canada aimed at restoring the capital to its former 17th century look. One of the contributors to this project was", "id": "2230261" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nIron Age site in the Jordan Valley. The hives, made of straw and unbaked clay, could have housed more than a million bees, and indicate that honey was produced on a large scale. It is most likely that the inhabitants of Tel Rehov imported the bees from Anatolia because they were less aggressive than the local bees and produced a higher yield of honey. It is also possible that the domestication of bees for honey production was introduced from Egypt during the Iron Age and honey was being obtained from domesticated bees from late", "id": "16744404" }, { "contents": "Pollinator\n\n\nto some extent in tension with, those of a beekeeper who is trying to produce honey. Millions of hives of honey bees are contracted out as pollinators by beekeepers, and honey bees are by far the most important commercial pollinating agents, but many other kinds of pollinators, from blue bottle flies, to bumblebees, orchard mason bees, and leaf cutter bees are cultured and sold for managed pollination. Other species of bees differ in various details of their behavior and pollen-gathering habits, and honey bees are not native to", "id": "15660054" }, { "contents": "Mole Creek\n\n\n. A grocery and hardware shop ran from part of the building from 1929 to 1965. In June 1953 the sale conditions were overcome and a licence to serve alcohol was granted. Robert Stephens had kept bees as a hobby. After he returned from service in World War I he continued his interest. He opened a commercial honey production facility in Mole Creek in 1918. By 1923 the factory had 50 hives and was selling honey under the Golden Bee brand. Since 1951 it has concentrated on leatherwood honey. Each year hives are", "id": "16520613" }, { "contents": "Nepalese honey with tejpat oil\n\n\nof honey. Honey from the hill mountain region offers an exotic taste. Beekeeping in Nepal is regarded as a very rewarding occupation for many people. Nepal is host to five species of honeybee, but only the Asian hive bee (\"Ampis cerana\") and the European honeybee (\"Apis mellifera\") are kept in hives to manage for honey production. Communities who do not practice traditional beekeeping techniques called ‘honey hunters’, collect honey from the nests of wild species. Wild (organic) honey produced by \"", "id": "8480433" }, { "contents": "List of diseases of the honey bee\n\n\nauthorities recommend, and some jurisdictions require, that notice of spraying be sent to all known beekeepers in the area, so they can seal the entrances to their hives and keep the bees inside until the pesticide has had a chance to disperse. This, however, does not solve all problems associated with spraying and the label instructions should be followed regardless of doing this. Sealing honey bees from flight on hot days can kill bees. Beekeeper notification does not offer any protection to bees, if the beekeeper cannot access them,", "id": "5462201" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nto for short periods. Western honey bee behavior has been extensively studied, since they are widespread and familiar. Karl von Frisch, who received the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his study of honey bee communication, noticed that bees communicate with dance. Through these dances, bees communicate information regarding the distance, the situation, and the direction of a food source by the dances of the returning (honey bee) worker bee on the vertical comb of the hive. Honey bees direct other bees to food sources with", "id": "3495510" }, { "contents": "Bee pollen\n\n\nopen cells located at the interface between the brood and stored honey, creating a typical band of what is called bee bread – the substance which is the main food source for honey bee larvae and workers. Foraging bees bring pollen back to the hive, where they pass it off to other worker bees, who pack the pollen into cells with their heads. During collection and possibly packing, the pollen is mixed with nectar and bee salivary secretions. Bee pollen is the primary source of protein for the hive. Bees other than", "id": "9918928" }, { "contents": "Pollinator decline\n\n\nhive activity. A French 2012 study of \"Apis mellifera\" (western honey bee or European honey bee) that focused on the neonicotinoid pesticide thiamethoxam, which is metabolized by bees into clothianidin, a pesticide cited in legal action, tested the hypothesis that a sublethal exposure to a neonicotinoid indirectly increases hive death rate through homing failure in foraging honey bees. When exposed to sublethal doses of thiamethoxam, at levels present in the environment, honey bees were less likely to return to the hive after foraging than control bees that were tracked", "id": "50429" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\n, such as \"Brachygastra lecheguana\" and \"Brachygastra mellifica\", which are found in South and Central America. These species are known to feed on nectar and produce honey. Some wasps, such as \"Polistes versicolor\", even consume honey themselves, alternating between feeding on pollen in the middle of their lifecycles and feeding on honey, which can better provide for their energy needs. Honey is collected from wild bee colonies or from domesticated beehives. On average, a hive will produce about of honey per year. Wild", "id": "14494711" }, { "contents": "Honey Puffs\n\n\nfree for children and are 99% fat-free. The back of the box tells you how to play Sticky Stucky and features the same bee from the front, two bees wearing blue shoes and a bee wearing green shoes all flying around. There are also three bees hiding in between two flowers somehow growing in the hive. In 2003, Honey Puffs was the only cereal out of nearly two hundred that was judged as \"okay\" by The Australian Consumers Association, based on nutritional value. New Zealand television show Studio", "id": "16641451" }, { "contents": "Africanized bee\n\n\ninterbreed or directly compete with each other. The honey production from a single hive of Africanized bees can be 100 kg annually and far exceeds the much smaller 3–5 kg of the various \"Melipona\" stingless species. Thus economic pressures are forcing beekeepers to switch from the traditional bees of their ancestors to the new reality of the Africanized honey bee. Whether this will lead to their extinction is unknown, but they are well adapted to exist in the wild, and there are a number of indigenous plants that the Africanized honey bees do", "id": "2027929" }, { "contents": "Forage (honey bee)\n\n\nFor bees, their forage or food supply consists of nectar and pollen from blooming plants within flight range. The forage sources for honey bees are an important consideration for beekeepers. In order to determine where to locate hives for maximum honey production and brood one must consider the off-season. If there are no honey flows the bees may have to be fed. Bees that are used for commercial pollination are usually fed in the holding yards. Forage is also significant for pollination management with other bee species. Nectar contains sugars that", "id": "21363568" }, { "contents": "Hadza people\n\n\nwill occasionally gather a small animal or egg, or gather honey, and men will occasionally bring a tuber or some berries back to camp. A myth depicts a woman harvesting the honey of wild bees, and at the same time, it declares that the job of honey harvesting belongs to the men. For harvesting honey or fruit from large trees such as the baobab, the Hadza beat pointed sticks into the trunk of the tree as ladders. This technique is depicted in a tale, and it is also documented in film", "id": "19694983" }, { "contents": "National Honey Bee Day\n\n\nNational Honey Bee Day (formerly National Honey Bee Awareness Day) is an awareness day when beekeepers, beekeeping clubs and associations, and honey bee enthusiasts from all across the United States celebrate honey bees and recognize their contribution to our everyday lives as a means of protecting this critical species. National Honey Bee Day also pays homage to beekeepers, whose labors ensure there are well-managed, healthy bees to pollinate crops. According to its organizers, the National Honey Bee Day program started with a simple concept: The event was started", "id": "18822726" }, { "contents": "Stewarton hive\n\n\nThe Stewarton hive is a type of historical bee hive. Extra boxes below allowed expansion of the brood, and thus strongly inhibited swarming and any tendency for the queen to enter the honey boxes, while expansion with extra honey boxes above the brood area gave ample space for the bees to create surplus honey stores that were easily harvested by the beekeeper. The introduction of this hive is credited to Robert Kerr, of Stewarton, Ayrshire, in 1819. During the last quarter of the twentieth century, workers at Rothamsted Experimental Station built", "id": "18918197" }, { "contents": "Langstroth hive\n\n\nadaptations led to the Langstroth hive design being preferred by beekeepers over all others, and his hive is used throughout the world. Langstroth subsequently published a book called \"A Practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey-Bee\", nowadays commonly known as \"The Hive and the Honey Bee\" or, under the title with which it was re-issued in 2004, as \"Langstroth's Hive and the Honey-Bee: The Classic Beekeeper's Manual\". In this book, Langstroth described the proper dimensions and use of", "id": "16239200" }, { "contents": "List of Animal Mechanicals episodes\n\n\nThen, seeing that the Honey Hive Machine needs to be put back together, Komodo gets help from the Bees by pretending it's a puzzle, using a small screwdriver in his tail. Unicorn plays Simon Says with them to fill up the honey jars, so the honey doesn't go to waste. Something is making the Raccoon Rollers slip and slide all over their skate park, so the Animal Mechanicals head over to figure out what's going on. They discover that Mechana-Squirrels have being throwing nuts over the skatepark", "id": "18574941" }, { "contents": "Worker bee\n\n\nthe developing brood. Pollen carried on their bodies may be carried to another flower where a small portion can rub off onto the pistil, resulting in cross pollination. A significant amount of the world's food supply, particularly fruit, depends greatly on crop pollination by honey bees. Nectar is sucked up through the proboscis, mixed with enzymes in the stomach, and carried back to the hive, where it is stored in wax cells and evaporated into honey. Honey bee workers keep the hive temperature uniform in the critical brood area", "id": "14760667" }, { "contents": "Apocephalus borealis\n\n\nmorphological criteria, sequencing of 18S rRNA genes, and cross-infection of honey bees using phorids that had emerged from both honeybees and bumblebees, thus confirming that the phorids attacking honey bees are the same species as those attacking bumble bees. To make matters worse for the infected hosts, microarray analyses of honey bees from infected hives reveal that these bees are often infected with deformed wing virus and \"Nosema ceranae\". Unfortunately, both larvae and adult phorids have tested positive for these pathogens, implicating the fly as a potential vector", "id": "17083448" }, { "contents": "Honey bee\n\n\nof hives) of European honey bee colonies have occurred in North America. This has been dubbed \"colony collapse disorder\" (CCD) and was at first unexplained. It seems to be caused by a combination of factors rather than a single pathogen or poison, possibly including neonicotinoid pesticides or Israeli acute paralysis virus. Honey is the complex substance made when bees ingest nectar, process it, and store the substance into honey combs. All living species of \"Apis\" have had their honey gathered by indigenous peoples for consumption.", "id": "13011616" }, { "contents": "Asian giant hornet\n\n\nthe usual prey species) and honey bee hives to obtain the adults, pupae and larvae as food for their own larvae; sometimes they also cannibalize each other's colonies. A single scout, sometimes two or three, cautiously approaches the hive, producing pheromones to lead its nest-mates to the hive. The hornets can devastate a colony of honey bees, especially if it is the introduced western honey bee; a single hornet can kill as many as 40 bees per minute due to its large mandibles, which can quickly", "id": "14350273" }, { "contents": "Tetragonisca angustula\n\n\nof honey produced by common honey bees. Like most honey, \"T. angustula\" honey is made up of simple sugars, water, and ash. The specific ratio of these three components makes each honey unique however, and can be affected by season, climate, and other factors that affect flora availability. \"T. angustula\" honey contains more moisture than honey from typical honey bees and is also more acidic, giving it a complex flavor. Honey and propolis, a glue like substance that bees use as sealant, collected", "id": "10883928" }, { "contents": "Beekeeping\n\n\nand the honey extracted without destroying the comb. The emptied honey combs could then be returned to the bees intact for refilling. Langstroth's book, \"The Hive and Honey-bee\", published in 1853, described his rediscovery of the bee space and the development of his patent movable comb hive. The invention and development of the movable-comb-hive fostered the growth of commercial honey production on a large scale in both Europe and the US (see also Beekeeping in the United States). Langstroth's design for", "id": "15180037" }, { "contents": "Asian giant hornet\n\n\nthe uncoordinated defenses of a honey bee colony, the Japanese honey bee (\"Apis cerana japonica\") has an effective strategy. When a hornet scout locates and approaches a Japanese honey bee hive, she emits specific pheromonal hunting signals. When the Japanese honey bees detect these pheromones, a hundred or so gather near the entrance of the nest and set up a trap, keeping the entrance open. This permits the hornet to enter the hive. As the hornet enters, a mob of hundreds of bees surrounds it in a", "id": "14350276" }, { "contents": "Langstroth Cottage\n\n\nhive would be cheap, and the combs could be removed with safety to the bees.\" 2. \"The practical beekeeper, who wished an income from his bees, could propagate queens, make artificial swarms, supply destitute hives with honey or brood, and produce honey ready for the market in boxes or in glass tumblers, and he could protect his hives against the bee moth. In short, he could do almost anything he wanted to do with his bees.\" 3. \"The farmer could easily procure honey", "id": "6900911" }, { "contents": "Bee brood\n\n\nSome beekeepers do not use excluders, but try to keep the queen within the intended brood area by keeping a honey barrier of capped honey, which the queen is reluctant to cross, above the brood. In feral hives the honey bees tend to put the brood at bottom center of the cavity, and honey to the sides and above the brood, so beekeepers are trying to follow the natural tendency of the bees. In the mid to late spring, just before a bee hive would naturally split by swarming, beekeepers often", "id": "9862049" }, { "contents": "Robbing\n\n\nin one apiary or hives of different apiaries. Among the races of the Western honeybee, the Italian bee has been identified with an especially strong tendency to rob. Robbing can be prevented by reducing the entrances of the hive so the attacked hive has a better chance of defending itself. Bees are immediately attracted when a hive is opened and honey supers are removed. In the US South, 'robbing' is an archaic term for removing honey. Beekeepers do not actually \"rob\" bees in modern times, but \"harvest", "id": "21315539" }, { "contents": "Africanized bee\n\n\nsouthern Africa there was formerly no tradition of beekeeping, and the hive was destroyed in order to harvest the honey, pollen and larvae. The bees adapted to the climate of sub-Saharan Africa, including prolonged droughts. Having to defend themselves against aggressive insects such as ants and wasps, as well as voracious animals like the honey badger, African Bees evolved as a race of highly defensive bees unsuitable by a number of metrics for domestic use. As Africanized bees migrate into regions, hives with an old or absent queen can", "id": "2027945" }, { "contents": "Acherontia styx\n\n\nAcherontia styx, the lesser death's head hawkmoth or bee robber, is a sphingid moth found in Asia, one of the three species of death's-head hawkmoth. It is very fond of honey, and bee keepers have reported finding dead moths in their hives as a result of bee stings. They can mimic the scent of bees so that they can enter a hive unharmed to get honey. Their tongue, which is stout and very strong, enables them to pierce the wax cells of the beehive and suck the honey", "id": "13734186" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nHoney is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb. The variety of honey produced by honey bees (the genus \"Apis\") is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption. Honey is collected from wild bee colonies,", "id": "14494703" }, { "contents": "Bee\n\n\nEgyptian art around 4,500 years ago. Simple hives and smoke were used; jars of honey were found in the tombs of pharaohs such as Tutankhamun. From the 18th century, European understanding of the colonies and biology of bees allowed the construction of the moveable comb hive so that honey could be harvested without destroying the colony. Among Classical Era authors, beekeeping with the use of smoke is described in the \"History of Animals\" Book 9. The account mentions that bees die after stinging; that workers remove corpses from the hive", "id": "4413107" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nworker bees remove the nectar. The worker bees digest the raw nectar for about 30 minutes, using digestive enzymes to break down the complex sugars into simpler ones. Raw honey is then spread in empty honeycomb cells to dry, reducing its water content to less than 20 percent. When nectar is being processed, honey bees create a draft through the hive by fanning with their wings. When the honey has dried, the honeycomb cells are sealed (capped) with wax to preserve it. Mature worker bees secrete beeswax from glands", "id": "3495533" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\nThe western honey bee or European honey bee (\"Apis mellifera\") is the most common of the 7–12 species of honey bee worldwide. The genus name \"Apis\" is Latin for \"bee\", and \"mellifera\" is the Latin for \"honey-bearing\", referring to the species' production of honey. Like all honey bee species, the western honey bee is eusocial, creating colonies with a single fertile female (or \"queen\"), many normally non-reproductive females or \"workers\"", "id": "3495476" }, { "contents": "Comb honey\n\n\ncomb honey more difficult. This problem has been largely circumvented with the adoption of specialized frames, such as the Ross Round frame, which prevent accumulation of propolis on saleable units. Populous honey bee colonies are usually reduced to single hive body at the beginning of the honey flow when one or more comb honey supers are added. Comb honey can either be produced in wooden sections, shallow frames or Ross Rounds. The successful production of comb honey requires that the hive remain crowded without inducing swarming. Young prolific queens help rapid colony", "id": "21228944" }, { "contents": "Jun (drink)\n\n\n's recipe, whereas raw honey is—as it has ever been—ready to use straight from the hive. Straight does note that today's commercially produced raw honey, if unstrained, has the potential to introduce contaminants such as bee parts. Perhaps due to honey's strong antiseptic properties, Straight notes that in his years of experience he has never yet yielded a compromised batch. The obscurity of Jun is partly due to the ethos surrounding its origin as a beverage to aid enlightenment: commercial transactions of Jun culture are viewed", "id": "6757551" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nused as a talisman and symbol of sweetness. Honey collection is an ancient activity. Humans apparently began hunting for honey at least 8,000 years ago, as evidenced by a cave painting in Valencia, Spain. The painting is a Mesolithic rock painting, showing two honey hunters collecting honey and honeycomb from a wild bee nest. The figures are depicted carrying baskets or gourds, and using a ladder or series of ropes to reach the wild nest. The greater honeyguide bird guides humans to wild bee hives and this behavior may have evolved", "id": "14494763" }, { "contents": "Langstroth hive\n\n\nbees can pass through, but queens (generally) cannot. When used, it is generally placed between the hive body and the honey supers. The purpose of the queen excluder is to keep the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers, which can lead to darker honey and can also complicate extraction. Many beekeepers reject the use of queen excluders, however, claiming that they create a barrier for workers and result in lower levels of honey collection and storage. A feeder is most often used to feed granulated sugar", "id": "16239224" }, { "contents": "Hive management\n\n\nto prevent swarming. Once a good location for an apiary is selected, techniques under the control of a beekeeper for maximizing extracted honey production depend mostly on maximizing the number of foraging bees at the peak time of the honey flow. Techniques may include interrupting brood production right before the main honey flow to free up nurse bees for foraging. A main objective is to prevent swarming. Comb honey production requires many of the same techniques that are required for the production of extracted honey. In addition, the colony must be very strong", "id": "17694861" }, { "contents": "Ormond Aebi\n\n\nhoney the following year after relocating. Ormond also told me that his ancestors were from Australia and his surname Aebi meant \"Honey Bee\". I remembered seeing Ormond on TV as a child when broadcasts were only in black and white mode. He was demonstrating how to tend a bee hive. It was fascinating to me that I was actually talking to the same man who had a high pitched voice and still spoke caringly about his bees. It was about 15 years later and 3,000 miles from home for me. Ormond told", "id": "19334704" }, { "contents": "Western honey bee\n\n\ndozens of bees from the hive entrance as they emerge. Mammals that sometimes take western honey bees include bears, opossums, raccoons, skunks, the North American least shrew and the honey badger. Apart from \"Apis mellifera\", there are six other species in the genus \"Apis\". These are \"Apis andreniformis\", \"Apis cerana\", \"Apis dorsata\", \"Apis florea\", \"Apis koschevnikovi\", and \"Apis nigrocincta\". These species all originated in southern and southeastern Asia. Only", "id": "3495544" }, { "contents": "Beehive\n\n\nSeveral species of \"Apis\" live in colonies, but for honey production the western honey bee (\"Apis mellifera\") and the eastern honey bee (\"Apis cerana\") are the main species kept in hives. The nest's internal structure is a densely packed group of hexagonal prismatic cells made of beeswax, called a honeycomb. The bees use the cells to store food (honey and pollen) and to house the brood (eggs, larvae, and pupae). Beehives serve several purposes: production of honey", "id": "5580182" }, { "contents": "Beekeeping\n\n\nBeekeeping (or apiculture) is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans. Most such bees are honey bees in the genus \"Apis\", but other honey-producing bees such as \"Melipona\" stingless bees are also kept. A beekeeper (or apiarist) keeps bees in order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produce (including beeswax, propolis, flower pollen, bee pollen, and royal jelly), to pollinate crops, or to produce bees for sale", "id": "15180015" }, { "contents": "Caucasian honey bee\n\n\nThe Caucasian honey bee (\"Apis mellifera caucasia\", commonly misspelled \"caucasica\") is a subspecies of the western honey bee. The Caucasian honey bee originates from the high valleys of the Central Caucasus. Georgia is the “central homeland” for the subspecies, although the bees also can be found in eastern Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Caucasian (Georgian) honeybee has a long history of importance to beekeeping worldwide. The bees were first introduced in the United States in the 19th century. The Caucasian honey bee", "id": "19016430" }, { "contents": "Bees and toxic chemicals\n\n\nbut innocuous to bees and their larvae. Poisoning from this honey is called mad honey disease. Even when honey is not produced from the nectar of toxic plants, it can still ferment to produce ethanol. Animals, such as birds, that have consumed honey fermented in the sun can be found incapable of flight or other normal movement. Sometimes honey is fermented intentionally to produce mead, an alcoholic beverage made of honey, water, and yeast. The word for \"drunk\" in classical Greek is even translated as \"honey", "id": "6586438" }, { "contents": "Bees and toxic chemicals\n\n\nThe metabolism of bees and humans is sufficiently different that bees can safely collect nectars from plants that contain compounds toxic to humans. The honey produced by bees from these toxic nectars can be poisonous if consumed by humans. Many humans have eaten toxic honey and become seriously ill as a result. (source?) Natural processes can also introduce toxic substances into nontoxic honey produced from nontoxic nectar. Microorganisms in honey can convert some of the sugars in honey to ethanol. This process of ethanol fermentation is intentionally harnessed to produce the alcoholic", "id": "6586420" }, { "contents": "Honeybee starvation\n\n\nand fall. In the winter, syrup would freeze. Therefore, dry sugar is preferred. Harvested honey made by the bees can also be fed back. It is important to make sure honey comes from disease-free bees, although in practice, this is impossible, as every beehive carries some disease. It is also essential to look at how starved the bees are. If the bees are dying, thin sugar syrup should be directly sprinkled on the bees as they will not be able to fly or process hard candy", "id": "7887489" }, { "contents": "Flow Hive\n\n\nFlow Hive is a beehive designed to allow honey to be extracted simply by turning a lever: the hive does not have to be opened and the bees are not disturbed as in normal extraction. The frames contain a partially-formed plastic honeycomb lattice with vertical gaps. Bees fill in these gaps with beeswax and the cells with honey. When the mechanism of the frames is activated, the vertical gaps are offset by one half of a cell, breaking the wax seal and allowing the honey to flow down through the cells into", "id": "8090345" }, { "contents": "Bee brood\n\n\n, the bees may reuse the cells from which brood has emerged for additional brood or convert it to honey or pollen storage. Bees show remarkable flexibility in adapting cells to a use best suited for the hive's survival. In modern removable frame hives the nursery area is in the \"brood chamber\", which beekeepers prefer to be in the bottom box. In the late winter and early spring as the brood cycle begins, the queen starts to lay eggs within the winter cluster in proximity to available honey stores. Honey bees", "id": "9862047" }, { "contents": "Cape honey bee\n\n\nThe Cape honey bee or Cape bee (\"Apis mellifera capensis\") is a southern South African subspecies of the Western honey bee. They play a major role in South African agriculture and the economy of the Western Cape by pollinating crops and producing honey in the Western Cape region of South Africa. The Cape honey bee is unique among honey bee subspecies because workers can lay diploid, female eggs, by means of thelytoky, while workers of other subspecies (and, in fact, unmated females of virtually all other eusocial insects", "id": "11725274" }, { "contents": "Small hive beetle\n\n\nThe small hive beetle (\"Aethina tumida\") is a beekeeping pest. It is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa, but has spread to many other locations, including North America, Australia, and the Philippines. The small hive beetle can be a destructive pest of honey bee colonies, causing damage to comb, stored honey, and pollen. If a beetle infestation is sufficiently heavy, they may cause bees to abandon their hive. Its presence can also be a marker in the diagnosis of colony collapse disorder for honey", "id": "15978114" }, { "contents": "Honey extraction\n\n\n, or honey that is not capped over, and therefore unripened, is usually placed back into the colonies for the bees to clean up. Some beekeepers place wet frames outside so that it will be reclaimed by the bees. This must be done early in the morning or late in the evening as the bees will aggressively harvest such a rich source. Care must be taken so that this is done at a time when food is not scarce, or else bees from differing colonies will fight over the honey. In addition,", "id": "8559388" }, { "contents": "Bee Movie Game\n\n\na truck. The name \"Honey Farms\" is omitted in this demo. Jerry Seinfeld, John Goodman, Patrick Warburton, and Tress MacNeille reprise their voices from the movie in this game. A honey bee named Barry B. Benson stars on a new show known as \"New Hive Tonight\". On the show, Barry talks about how he changed the lives of honey bees and humans, bringing them together. On his graduation day from BU University (which is the only university in the entire hive, and also maybe", "id": "13782685" } ]
How do fingernails grow when they seem so firmly (and sometimes painfully) attached to the skin underneath?
[{"answer": "You might want to check out this other reddit post: URL_0 The long and short of it, apparently: Fingernails grow outwards at a rate of approximately 3 mm per month (0.1 mm per day). This means that the skin under our nail is pulled off by our nail so slowly that the pain receptors are not set off and we feel nothing. The microscopic tears in the nail bed heal just as quickly as they are formed, so you don't notice it. Edit: I can't seem to find a whole lot of information on this topic online. It all seems to be... conflicting. dr-mc-ninja offers a [different viewpoint below]( URL_1 )."}, {"answer": "I've always noticed or thought that my fingernails grow faster on flights. Any science behind that? After a 2 hour flight my nails seem to grow more than they would in a few days."}, {"answer": "The skin under the nails also grows, there is no stretching between them. I mean, the skin under the nails is not static. It is growing and reconfiguring all the time."}, {"answer": "I would like a gif explaining this process."}, {"answer": "I don't know, but when I had my index finger shut in a car door, it ended up making the nail detach from the skin beneath and I ended up taking the nail off because it was halfway out off the cuticle bed and it came off easy. The skin underneath smelled like dead flesh and the nail ended up growing back twice as thick and there is a weird bit if skin that grows along with the nail underneath. I dunno what happened, but it was really gross"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1603832", "title": "Lunula (anatomy)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["he lunula, or lunulae (pl.) (), is the crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail or toenail. The lunula is the visible part of the root of the nail. In humans, it appears by week 14 of gestation, and has a primary structural role in defining the free edge of the distal nail plate (the part of the nail that grows outward). It is located at the end of the nail (that is closest to the skin of the finger),\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The lunula, or lunulae (pl.) (), is the crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail or toenail. The lunula is the visible part of the root of the nail. In humans, it appears by week 14 of gestation, and has a primary structural role in defining the free edge of the distal nail plate (the part of the nail that grows outward). It is located at the end of the nail (that is closest to the skin of the finger),"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Athlete's foot\n\n\n. Scratching infected areas may also spread the fungus to the fingers and under the fingernails. If not washed away soon enough, it can infect the fingers and fingernails, growing in the skin and in the nails (not just underneath). After scratching, it can be spread to wherever the person touches, including other parts of the body and to one's environment. Scratching also causes infected skin scales to fall off into one's environment, leading to further possible spread. When athlete's foot fungus or infested skin particles", "id": "99142" }, { "contents": "Whale barnacle\n\n\nfeed. The cyprids seemed to be induced to settle onto a substrate by a cue released from whale skin, though they do not have to settle on the skin. Though the mechanism is not fully understood, coastal barnacles receive settling cues from a certain protein, so it may be that whale barnacles use the alpha-2-macroglobulin, a plasma protein of the blood common in vertebrates. After settling, the juvenile barnacles formed a ring-shaped structure that firmly gripped onto the skin, growing upwards as a cylinder. Wall plates did not", "id": "19007185" }, { "contents": "Nail (anatomy)\n\n\nexisted measured a total of 601.9 cm, an average of 60.19 cm (23.7 inches) for each fingernail. Contrary to popular belief, nails do not continue to grow after death; the skin dehydrates and tightens, making the nails (and hair) appear to grow. The nail is often considered an impermeable barrier, but this is not true. In fact, it is much more permeable than the skin, and the composition of the nail includes 7–12% water. This permeability has implications for penetration by harmful and medicinal", "id": "14621832" }, { "contents": "Dakshinavarti Shankh\n\n\nsmall dark spots on its body whrol, near the conch cavity. These dots are of conch skin i.e. of periostrachum attached firmly in very small ditch or cavities, and difficult to remove. Firmly attached dark periostrachum sometimes is seen in conch sutures. However, this type of Valampuri is very rare in its occurrence and is much expensive as compared to other types. Genuine Dakshinavarti Lakshmi Conches are only found in the Indian Ocean, between Myanmar (Burma) all the way to Sri Lanka. There are three main localities of this", "id": "3823822" }, { "contents": "Painted lady\n\n\na caterpillar in the very early stages of growth. The egg stage takes about three to five days. The caterpillar hatches during the larval stage, eating its way out of the egg and then eating the shell. Over the next few days, the caterpillar eats through leaves, growing rapidly and getting stronger. It spins a silk thread to keep itself attached to leaves. As the caterpillar grows bigger, its skin tightens until it is shed to reveal new skin underneath. This skin-shedding process happens four times before the", "id": "4503237" }, { "contents": "Retour des cendres\n\n\nwhite incisors. The chin was stippled with the beginnings of a blueish beard which had emerged due to the dryness of the skin. The hands were perfectly preserved, with long and very white fingernails still attached. Only the seams of the boots had cracked, showing the four smaller toes on each foot. Napoleon's small hat was placed sideways across his thighs. All the spectators were in a state of shock. Gourgaud, Las Cases, Philippe de Rohan, Marchand and all the servants wept; Bertrand seemed to be overcome", "id": "11109550" }, { "contents": "Compeed\n\n\nthat the plaster stays on skin even while moving) and polyurethane film. When applied to the blister, it starts to absorb body liquids turning into a soft mass that cushions the blister. It seals the blister forming so-called \"second skin\". The plaster doesn't heal the wound. It prevents the blister from developing and helps new skin to grow underneath the plaster. Cushioned zone created by the plaster relieves pain and protects the wound from rubbing. The plaster repels water, and stops dirt and germs from entering", "id": "15655792" }, { "contents": "Gisele Bündchen\n\n\nchild. It's unfortunate that in an interview sometimes things can seem so black and white.\" In February 2011, she infuriated cancer experts when she said of sunscreen: \"I cannot put this poison on my skin ... I do not use anything synthetic.\" The statement was made as she launched her own organic skin care line Sejaa. Bündchen has made advertising for Nivea Sun in the past. Bündchen's publicist Amber Clapp added, telling StyleList: \"Gisele would never say not to use sunscreen because she has", "id": "3035406" }, { "contents": "Dermatophagia\n\n\ntheir skin out of compulsion, and can do so on a variety of places on their body. Those with dermatophagia typically chew the skin surrounding their fingernails and joints. They also chew on the inside of their mouth, cheeks, and/or lips, causing blisters in and outside of the mouth. If the behavior is left unchecked for an extended period, calluses may start to develop where most of the biting is done. Skin chewing can be bolstered by times of apprehension and other unpleasant events. Blisters in particular can cause a", "id": "10767487" }, { "contents": "Dermacentor variabilis\n\n\ntake from 10 minutes to 2 hours. When the tick finds a feeding spot, it grasps the skin and cuts into the surface, where it then inserts its feeding tube. Many species also secrete a cement-like substance that keeps them firmly attached during the meal. The feeding tube can have barbs to help keep the tick in place. Ticks also can secrete small amounts of saliva with anesthetic properties so that the animal or person cannot feel that the tick has attached itself. Therefore, unless one feels the tick", "id": "7555055" }, { "contents": "Undead (Dungeons & Dragons)\n\n\n3.5 edition in the revised Monster Manual (2003) and again in the 4th edition, it appears in the Monster Manual (2008). The is an undead creature which can be used by Dungeon Masters as allies or enemies of the player characters. In the game, they resemble humanoids who are half skeletal and half without skin, with their sinew and muscle exposed. The most prominent feature of the boneclaw are its claws; its three, bony fingernails seem to grow and shrink randomly between two and ten feet long,", "id": "10971457" }, { "contents": "Sepsis fulgens\n\n\nwill quickly dismount again when the error is apparent. When a suitable mate is found the male will stay firmly attached to the female, and copulation will normally take place later and at another location. So attached are the pair that it usually takes a 180-degree maneuver for the couple to part company. \"S. fulgens\" are also known for their swarming behaviour, and these swarms have been estimated to sometimes reach 30,000 to 50,000. In places where these swarms takes place, there is often a distinctive odour. There are a", "id": "20793837" }, { "contents": "Cuticle\n\n\n(the eponychium) and to refer to the superficial layer of overlapping cells covering the hair shaft (cuticula pili) that locks the hair into its follicle, consisting of dead cells. It can also be used as a synonym for the epidermis, the outer layer of skin. The cuticle of fingernails and toenails protects the skin underneath from moisture and environmental germs. In zoology, the invertebrate cuticle or cuticula is a multi-layered structure outside the epidermis of many invertebrates, notably roundworms and arthropods, in which it forms an", "id": "21850649" }, { "contents": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (fictional)\n\n\nto do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue\" suggests that first, you \"consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.\" Its advice on drunkenness is simply, \"Go to it, and", "id": "4995591" }, { "contents": "Equine coat color\n\n\nanimals. Markings usually have pink skin underneath them, though some faint markings may not, and white hairs may extend past the area of underlying pink skin. Though markings that overlie dark skin may appear to change, the underlying skin color and hair growing from pink skin will not. Horses may also be uniquely identified by an unusual eye color, whorls, brands and chestnuts. Registries have opened that accept horses (and sometimes ponies and mules) of almost any breed or type, with color either the only requirement for registration", "id": "20464302" }, { "contents": "Mark Erelli\n\n\n, since 2000 really. Before September 11, that election of 2000 was a major thing. So, all the songs come out of that context. If the songs seem related, they all come out of that context over the last four years and they’re all coming through my lens and how I’m looking at the world. They all, in kinda one way or another, deal with the issue of how do you keep on keepin’ on when things seem really grim.\" Sometimes viewed as his most political", "id": "1506314" }, { "contents": "Marshall (film)\n\n\nto throw her over the calm side instead of the side with rapids. Spell is initially interested in a plea bargain offered by Willis, but Marshall talks him out of it. Later on at trial, though, a doctor testifies to finding pieces of skin underneath Strubing's fingernails, as well as bruises. Strubing herself testifies that she was tied in the back seat when the patrolman pulled Spell over. With this information, Marshall and Friedman confront Spell, who admits that he was lying about not having sexual contact with Strubing", "id": "14048222" }, { "contents": "Horse markings\n\n\nMarkings on horses are usually distinctive white areas on an otherwise dark base coat color. Most horses have some markings, and they help to identify the horse as a unique individual. Markings are present at birth and do not change over the course of the horse's life. Most markings have pink skin underneath most of the white hairs, though a few faint markings may occasionally have white hair with no underlying pink skin. Markings may appear to change slightly when a horse grows or sheds its winter coat, however this difference is", "id": "17671376" }, { "contents": "Hemipepsis ustulata\n\n\ncreating a perforation aided by a dissolving fluid. Now that the grub is firmly attached by both its tail and head to the tarantula, it begins to suck the juices out of the tarantula’s body. As it feeds, the larva grows, rapidly engorging itself on the tarantula and darkening in color. As it grows, it molts several times, casting off its head capsule and body skin. After each molt, it resumes feeding, often through a new perforation. By the fourth instar, the tarantula’s abdomen has", "id": "582082" }, { "contents": "Strap-on dildo\n\n\nand they sometimes do not hold the dildo very firmly, causing it to sag, flop, twist, or squeak. Three-strap harnesses have one strap around the wearer's waist, but instead of one strap between the legs, they have two straps, one around each thigh, rejoining the first strap near the front. This design leaves the genitals and anus uncovered, and attaches the dildo more firmly, giving the wearer more control. Not all people find this design comfortable, and sometimes they are difficult to fit", "id": "7205608" }, { "contents": "Aegis\n\n\n. John Tzetzes says that aegis was the skin of the monstrous giant Pallas whom Athena overcame and whose name she attached to her own. In a late rendering by Gaius Julius Hyginus (\"Poetical Astronomy\" ii. 13), Zeus is said to have used the skin of a pet goat owned by his nurse Amalthea (\"aigis\" \"goat-skin\") which suckled him in Crete, as a shield when he went forth to do battle against the Titans. The aegis appears in works of art sometimes as", "id": "2387533" }, { "contents": "Vampire folklore by region\n\n\nto leave the deceased's body. Some unusual features of the Chinese vampire include its long, curved fingernails, perhaps derived from the appearance of growing fingernails on corpses due to flesh recession, and its greenish-white furry skin, perhaps derived from fungus or mould growing on corpses. Jiangshi legends have inspired a genre of jiangshi films and literature in Hong Kong and East Asia. Films like \"Encounters of the Spooky Kind\" and \"Mr. Vampire\" were released during the jiangshi cinematic boom of the 1980s and 1990s. In", "id": "10437085" }, { "contents": "Dendrelaphis bifrenalis\n\n\nthe ground in search of food. Arboreal and feeds on frogs, geckos, skinks and agamid lizards. Sometimes descends to the ground, and it is said that when moving on the ground it has a peculiar habit of keeping its head and 1/8 of the forebody erect. These are very active and do not get panicked easily. Dendrelaphis is one of the quickest snakes to escape and hide, when exited they expose the skin underneath scales. Ventral keels help them to climb trees. Cylindrical, narrow, slender body is present", "id": "9779316" }, { "contents": "Skin bridge\n\n\nA skin bridge is a penile skin adhesion. It most commonly occurs as a consequence of an improperly healed circumcision, being formed when the inner lining of the remaining foreskin attaches to another part of the penis (normally the glans) as the cut heals. While less common, skin bridges can also occur in uncircumcised men due to difficulty of cleaning, resulting in buildups of smegma underneath wide skin bridges, but this is typically a minor inconvenience and does not lead to further issues. However, in more severe cases, this", "id": "2268003" }, { "contents": "Grass snake\n\n\n. Ecdysis occurs at least once during the active season. As the outer skin wears and the snake grows, the new skin forms underneath the old, including the eye scales which may turn a milky blue/white colour at this time — referred to as being 'in blue'. The blue white colour comes from an oily secretion between the old and new skins; the snake's coloration will also look dull, as though the animal is dusty. This process affects the eyesight of the snakes and they do not move", "id": "3344487" }, { "contents": "Ectodermal dysplasia\n\n\nhair may be thin, sparse, and very light in color, even though beard growth in affected males may be normal. The hair may grow very slowly or sporadically and it may be excessively fragile, curly, or even twisted. Kinky hair is also a possibility. Fingernails and toenails may be thick, abnormally shaped, discolored, ridged, slow-growing, or brittle. The cuticles may be prone to infections. The skin may be lightly pigmented. Skin sustaining injury may grow back permanently hypo-pigmented. In", "id": "4661339" }, { "contents": "Darier's disease\n\n\nDarier's disease (DAR), is an autosomal dominant disorder discovered by French dermatologist Ferdinand-Jean Darier. Darier's is characterized by dark crusty patches on the skin, sometimes containing pus. The crusty patches are also known as keratotic papules, keratosis follicularis, or dyskeratosis follicularis. Mild forms of the disease are the most common, consisting solely of skin rashes that flare up under certain conditions such as high humidity, high stress, or tight-fitting clothes. Short stature, when combined with poorly-formed fingernails that", "id": "15796645" }, { "contents": "Zoophilia\n\n\nMenninger (1951) admit that sometimes animals take the initiative and do so impulsively. Those supporting zoophilic activity feel animals sometimes even seem to enjoy the sexual attention or voluntarily initiate sexual activity with humans. Animals such as dogs can be willing participants in sexual activity with humans, and \"seem to enjoy the attention provided by the sexual interaction with a human.\" Animal owners normally know what their own pets like or do not like. Most people can tell if an animal does not like how it is being petted, because", "id": "15167728" }, { "contents": "Sevenia boisduvali\n\n\n. The larvae are gregarious and at first only eat the upper layer of the leaves, working from the tip to the base, and leaving a pale green dead leaf behind. As they grow older, the larvae begin to eat the entire leaf, starting at the leaf margin. Sometimes the larvae defoliate individual trees. The full-grown larvae attach their rear ends to a leaf or branch with a small patch of silk and hang with their heads down. After about a day or so, they shed their skin to", "id": "19827673" }, { "contents": "Shelfstone\n\n\nShelfstone is a type of speleothem that grows inwards from the edge of a cave pool. It takes the form of ledges that tend to be flat on top and sloping underneath. They are almost always formed from calcite, when materials precipitated from dripping water onto a cave pool attach to the side. The deposition continues to grow laterally, underneath. The shelfstone above the current water level in a pool is an indicator of past levels of the pool. Shelfstone can be very thick when the water level has stayed constant over a", "id": "20368170" }, { "contents": "Monsieur Vénus\n\n\nduel is taking place, nor how Raoule encouraged its escalation from \"to the blood\" to \"to the death.\" de Raittolbe wins the duel and Jacques dies. Raoule does not seem to grieve normally. Not long after, Raoule creates a wax dummy version of Jacques with real hair, teeth, and fingernails from a corpse (we assume Jacques'). In the closing passage of the novel, Raoule puts the grisly mannequin in a shrine and gazes upon it nightly, dressed in mourning clothes, sometimes as", "id": "349947" }, { "contents": "Dermatophyte\n\n\n(worm) is used to describe the snake-like appearance of the dermatophyte on skin. Toenail and fingernail infections are referred to as onychomycosis. Dermatophytes usually do not invade living tissues, but colonize the outer layer of the skin. Occasionally the organisms do invade subcutaneous tissues, resulting in kerion development. Infections by dermatophytes affect the superficial skin, hair, and nails are named using \"tinea\" followed by the Latin term for the area that is affected. Manifestation of infection tends to involve erythema, induration, itching,", "id": "17034434" }, { "contents": "Integumentary system\n\n\nkeratin can cause disease by giving rise to eruptions from the skin that will protrude outwards and lead to infection. Keratin is also a waterproofing protein. Millions of dead keratinocytes rub off daily. The majority of the skin on the body is keratinized. The only skin on the body that is non-keratinized is the lining of mucous membranes, such as the inside of the mouth. Non-keratinized cells allow water to \"stay\" atop the structure. The protein keratin stiffens epidermal tissue to form fingernails. Nails grow from", "id": "14508106" }, { "contents": "The Riot Club\n\n\ncalls for an ambulance. The boys are all arrested but believing that the club is more important than the individual, they agree not to give statements. The club meet after the incident and agree that Miles, as the newest club member, should take the blame for the attack on Chris. Miles tries to apologise to Lauren, who tells him to never talk to her again. Later, Chris's skin is then found underneath Alistair's fingernails, meaning they can arrest and charge him. Alistair is expelled from Oxford since", "id": "4546645" }, { "contents": "Archaeopteryx\n\n\nwere embedded, with tendons and muscle relaxing so that the characteristic shape (death pose) of the fossil specimens was achieved. This would mean that the skin already was softened and loose, which is bolstered by the fact that in some specimens the flight feathers were starting to detach at the point of embedding in the sediment. So it is hypothesized that the pertinent specimens moved along the sea bed in shallow water for some time before burial, the head and upper neck feathers sloughing off, while the more firmly attached tail feathers", "id": "2654924" }, { "contents": "The Kiesha'ra Series\n\n\ncan assume a Demi form which consists of their eyes becoming more brightly colored and the pupils turning into slits. They also grow fangs and snake skin. Their demi-form is less poisonous than their second form, so if bitten, the victim dies slower and more painfully. Serpiente children are born able to take their serpent form, though they don't have much control over it for the first several months and their poison does not develop for four or five years. Serpiente are not completely immune to their own venom,", "id": "18786317" }, { "contents": "Geoffrey Crowther, Baron Crowther\n\n\nwas elected president of the Cambridge Union Society in 1928. Donald Tyerman said of him that \"Crowther's self-awareness and self-confidence were not so much asserted as taken for granted. But men who did well enough in life after Cambridge were in despair when they saw how sure it seemed that he would succeed in whatever he chose to do.\" In 1929 he was awarded a Commonwealth Fund Fellowship. He spent a year at Yale, where he met his wife Peggy and then, while nominally attached to Columbia", "id": "19754789" }, { "contents": "Sociotechnology\n\n\nmeans, and how it feels (for example feeling \"attached\" to someone after losing your virginity to them) is already set up through media communication (show, music, movies, articles). People will anticipate that they will be attached because of what they already know about it, so when it happens they do feel attached because that is how they were programmed to feel. People have turned to technology to create their \"self\" and determine how they feel and act. The conscious mind does not move into", "id": "3371943" }, { "contents": "Battle Scars (comic book)\n\n\nand frankly lengthy approach to establish parallels with the Marvel movie universe is painfully uninspired and disappointing. While there are nuggets of potential laced in this series' outcome, I'm not sure I have faith in the current state of superhero comics to deliver on it.\" He also gave credit to the artwork. Jamil Scalese of \"Comics Bulletin\" stated that many fans of Marvel Comics expressed a generally negative reaction to the series. but explained that while the purpose of it is painfully apparent, the story underneath is not so", "id": "10541738" }, { "contents": "Black garden ant\n\n\nas they feed the larvae grow, shedding their skin, doing so usually three times in total. With each molt, the larvae grow hooked hairs which allow them to be carried in groups. When \"Lasius niger\" larvae reach the last molt they are generally too big to be carried as part of a group and so are carried singly. Once the larva grows big enough it spins a cocoon around itself. To aid this process a queen (or workers) may bury the larva so that it can spin its cocoon", "id": "8814152" }, { "contents": "Gas-checks in British RML heavy guns\n\n\nthe gas-check would become located on the base of the projectile, but not attached to it, during ramming. On firing it became firmly attached to the projectile, and remained firmly attached all the way to the target. As an alternative to loading the gas-check separately, it was also sometimes permissible to pre-attach the gas-check to the projectile before loading. Fig 3 shows the base of a 10-inch studless common shell Mk I with automatic gas-check in place but not attached i.e. as it", "id": "448681" }, { "contents": "Visitors (fictional race)\n\n\nthe point of allowing them to simultaneously telecast to the entire world via the motherships in every known Earth language. Unlike the original series, in which the Visitors' human \"skin\" was a latex-like material that could be easily ripped off without much pain, these Visitors seem to wear literal skin which can only be damaged or removed forcefully and painfully. Indeed, they have a high threshold for pain, and the only effective way to torture them is to skin them, which is ultimately lethal. They also practice", "id": "8036682" }, { "contents": "Vampire\n\n\nreported in the Blagojevich case—the dermis and nail beds emerging underneath were interpreted as \"new skin\" and \"new nails\". It has also been hypothesized that vampire legends were influenced by individuals being buried alive because of shortcomings in the medical knowledge of the time. In some cases in which people reported sounds emanating from a specific coffin, it was later dug up and fingernail marks were discovered on the inside from the victim trying to escape. In other cases the person would hit their heads, noses or faces and", "id": "13765897" }, { "contents": "Lee Redmond\n\n\n: \"Lee Redmond, who lost the fingernails in February, says it's now much easier to do things and her hands seem to fly with the weight of the nails gone. The 68-year-old won't grow her nails out again, saying it took 30 years the first time, and she may not live for another 30.\" Her nails are currently about 10 centimetres (4 in) long, however. Lee currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah. She has two sons, a daughter, two", "id": "5021943" }, { "contents": "Ceremonies of ancient Greece\n\n\nespecially given the time between when the ritual was performed and when Hipponax wrote. Over time, this sacrificial ritual changed to a less severe form of atonement for a criminal act. So at sites like Lefkada, criminals would sometimes be taken to be cast down from a cliff side, but he would be watched and caught underneath by men in boats, and his descent would be slowed by attaching birds or feathers to him. This reflected a distinctly non-lethal form of the scapegoat ritual which some scholars have used to support", "id": "10995920" }, { "contents": "Global cooling\n\n\ngrow in importance relative to that of .\" The report did not predict whether the 25-year cooling trend would continue. It stated (Forward, p. v) that, \"we do not have a good quantitative understanding of our climate machine and what determines its course [so] it does not seem possible to predict climate,\" and (p. 2) \"The climates of the earth have always been changing, and they will doubtless continue to do so in the future. How large these future changes will be, and", "id": "6195603" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\ntake the pain away. I may be diving for my own pleasure or showing others how to do so, but when I return to the shop, it seems empty without you. I stock and order as I always did, but even now, I sometimes glance over my shoulder without thinking and call for you. As I write this note to you, I wonder when, or if, things like that will ever stop. Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself", "id": "2224451" }, { "contents": "Shrek\n\n\nwhile we were doing the animation,\" Hui noted. \"In \"Antz\", we had a facial system that gave us all the facial muscles under the skin. In \"Shrek\", we applied that to whole body. So, if you pay attention to Shrek when he talks, you see that when he opens his jaw, he forms a double chin, because we have the fat and the muscles underneath. That kind of detail took us a long time to get right.\" One of the most", "id": "15828630" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary psychology\n\n\nadaptations are somewhat like \"if-then\" statements. For example, adult attachment style seems particularly sensitive to early childhood experiences. As adults, the propensity to develop close, trusting bonds with others is dependent on whether early childhood caregivers could be trusted to provide reliable assistance and attention. The adaptation for skin to tan is conditional to exposure to sunlight; this is an example of another facultative adaptation. When a psychological adaptation is facultative, evolutionary psychologists concern themselves with how developmental and environmental inputs influence the expression of the adaptation", "id": "9632766" }, { "contents": "Trombiculidae\n\n\na chigger bite may not develop until 24–48 hours after the bite, so the victim may not associate the specific exposure with the bite itself. The red welt/bump on the skin is not where a chigger laid eggs, as is sometimes believed. The larvae remain attached to suitable hosts for three to five days before dropping off to begin their nymphal stage. They tend to attach where clothing has restrictions, such as belt lines, or behind the knees when wearing jeans. During the wet season, chiggers are usually found", "id": "19148771" }, { "contents": "Megatrema anglicum\n\n\n. However, it has been found growing on corals of at least eight different genera. The cyprid larvae of the barnacle settle around the rims of the stony cups of the coral where they seem unaffected by the nematocysts (stinging cells). They become firmly attached and, except for their operculum, are overgrown by the epithelium of the coral. The barnacles benefit from this arrangement by being in an elevated position for better harvesting of food particles and by being free of competition from other organisms that are unable to withstand the coral", "id": "16122011" }, { "contents": "Sakura Kinomoto\n\n\ntowards the feelings of others. Sakura is so innocent and naive that she fails to recognize Syaoran's feelings for her and unintentionally gets into trouble. Despite this, she retains a determined spirit and attachments to those she cares for. Sakura has short, honey brown hair, fair skin, and emerald green eyes. In certain manga sketches and official artwork, this sometimes changes. In addition to her anime hair and eyes, her hair is sometimes colored auburn, her eyes are sometimes colored grey or blue, and her skin", "id": "14282987" }, { "contents": "Peripheral odontogenic fibroma\n\n\nThe peripheral odontogenic fibroma is an uncommon gingival mass. It affects people across a large age range. It can be confused with the peripheral ossifying fibroma. In contrast to the peripheral ossifying fibroma, the peripheral odontogenic fibroma is a rare lesion. No specific gender predilection while the ages of the patients ranged from 5 to 65 years.commonly seen in mandible than maxilla. slow growing, solid, firmly attached gingival mass sometimes arising between teeth and sometimes displacing teeth. consists of cellular fibrous connective tissue parenchyma with non neoplastic islands, strands of", "id": "2776156" }, { "contents": "Thursday's Child (Hartnett novel)\n\n\nit feels like to get married. One day going to school, their house collapses. Da had wanted to start a farm, just like Mr. Cable wanted them to. Harper runs back, and tries to find Tin, while Audrey and Devon try to find their parents. Da screams out in rage how this is all Tin's fault. Mam argues that it's not his fault, they'll just rebuilt it. Da is so upset that he's biting his fingernails and digging them into his skin. Harper is", "id": "13486878" }, { "contents": "Onaeme hill\n\n\nvillage was shocked and shaken physically, mentally, economically, socially, politically, psychologically, educationally and emotionally. 29 (twenty nine) years have gone and no justice is delivered so far, the people crying and hope for justice yet it seems so distant and far only questioning how long is too long the justice been delayed denying the justice to the people. However the people of the village hasn't lost faith in humanity. They painfully has taken the task of rebuilding their beloved home and today the village is fill activities", "id": "15727521" }, { "contents": "Cheek piercing\n\n\nis above the skin. Cheek piercings are sometimes pierced with 1.6mm flat backed labret studs, but is mostly done with a regular barbell so the cheek tissues do not grow over the back of the jewelry. Also, so the wearer doesn't accidentally break/crack the jewelry by means of unintentional biting. The flat back provides comfort and lessens the chance of the jewelry damaging the teeth and gums of the wearer. However it proves problematic during the healing process because the cheek will likely heal over the flat back if the", "id": "4824137" }, { "contents": "The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder – Part 1\n\n\neat lunch with Shiki, leaving her perplexed. At lunch, Mikiya notices a bandaged injury on Shiki's left arm, who admits that she got it during the last killing. Mikiya doesn't believe her, but Shiki warns him again that if he doesn't back off, she will probably end up killing him. Mikiya once again has Daisuke over for dinner, who reveals that they found the killer's skin underneath the victim's fingernails, and that the killer probably has an injury around the elbow, the location that", "id": "18897101" }, { "contents": "Common toad\n\n\neggs on the toad's skin and when these hatch, the larvae crawl into the toad's nostrils and eat its flesh internally with lethal consequences. The European fingernail clam (\"Sphaerium corneum\") is unusual in that it can climb up water plants and move around on its muscular foot. It sometimes clings to the toe of a common toad and this is believed to be one of the means by which it disperses to new locations. In 2007, researchers using a remotely operated underwater vehicle to survey Loch Ness, Scotland", "id": "8765777" }, { "contents": "Recess: All Growed Down\n\n\n\"Recess\" gang remembers how they all met back in kindergarten. It begins with T.J. and four of his gang looking forward to starting a game of croquet with Mikey's new set, but they needed an empty space to do so. They find a nice quiet piece of ground, and are about to set up when they are abruptly captured by Kindergartners. They are surprised that the Kindergartners seem to no longer like the gang. The reason is that the Kindergartners have a new leader called Chief Stinky who despises Big Kids", "id": "709112" }, { "contents": "Adelaide Hall\n\n\nsong 'Sing to the Moon' came from a time when I was reading a book called \"Underneath a Harlem Moon\", which is a biography of a jazz singer called Adelaide Hall, which is basically all about how she kind of was overlooked, or probably didn't get the recognition she perhaps deserved. Plus it also talks about how she'd had a hard time growing up, because her sister – who she was very close to – had died tragically of an illness... So anyway, there's a point", "id": "5866690" }, { "contents": "Spall\n\n\nflake off due to the expansion of the water. This effect can also be seen in terra-cotta surfaces (even if glazed) if there is an entrance for water at the edges. Exfoliation (or onion skin weathering) is the gradual removing of spall due to the cyclic increase and decrease in the temperature of the surface layers of the rock. Rocks do not conduct heat well, so when they are exposed to extreme heat the outermost layer becomes much hotter than the rock underneath causing differential thermal expansion. This differential", "id": "9070851" }, { "contents": "Breast mass\n\n\nA breast mass, also known as a breast lump, is a localized swellings that feel different from the surrounding tissue. Breast pain, nipple discharge, or skin changes may be present. Concerning findings include masses that are hard, do not move easily, are of an irregular shape, or are firmly attached to surrounding tissue. Causes include fibrocystic change, fibroadenomas, breast infection, galactoceles, and breast cancer. Breast cancer makes up about 10% of breast masses. Diagnosis is typically by examination, medical imaging, and", "id": "16017976" }, { "contents": "Castanea sativa\n\n\n, have a skin which is astringent and unpleasant to eat when still moist; after drying for a time the thin skin loses its astringency but is still better removed to reach the white fruit underneath. Cooking dry in an oven or fire normally helps remove this skin. Chestnuts are traditionally roasted in their tough brown husks after removing the spiny cupules in which they grow on the tree, the husks being peeled off and discarded and the hot chestnuts dipped in salt before eating them. Roast chestnuts are traditionally sold in streets, markets", "id": "4664378" }, { "contents": "Bodily mutilation in film\n\n\nappliance. Be sure to color the burned flesh convincingly, then gradient from third degree burn, to second degree to first. Latex is a synthetic rubber often used in special effects. Foamed latex is sometimes considered the \"ultimate in prosthetic appliance.\" It can be used in an inflatable bladder effect to make it seem like the actor’s skin is moving or rippling like Rick Baker’s werewolf change effect An American Werewolf in London. This is accomplished by covering an inflatable balloon of some type underneath a covering made of latex", "id": "13984055" }, { "contents": "Place attachment\n\n\ncan I do in this place that I can't do in other places?\". Functional attachment depends on certain characteristics related to the place, as how much this area is compatible with a person, as they can carry out their activities and goals, this type of attachment is common in those who practice green exercise. This kind of attachment grows exponentially in relation to the number of visits. The benefits related to place attachment include the ability to build memories as the person is capable to connect with his ancestors past,", "id": "12542757" }, { "contents": "Linophryne arborifera\n\n\nthat free-living males die after a few months if they do not attach to a female. In the family Linophrynidae, males are obligatory sexual parasites. Attached males are nearly always found upside down, facing forward, and attached to the belly close to the anus. In all specimens found so far, only one male is attached to each female, which differs from some other angler fish species. Females without attached males and free-living males do not have well-developed sexual organs, so it seems that they", "id": "14178615" }, { "contents": "Vermilacinia ceruchis\n\n\nto San Diego and the Channel Islands, while he also recognized \"R. testudinaria\" to occur strictly on rocks in coastal California. Howe had also studied the type specimens and presented images of them. It seems that Howe firmly established \"Ramalina ceruchis\" as a corticolous lichen species in North America, whereas its occurrence in South America was still viewed as one that grew on rocks, sand and shrubs including cacti. Additionally, Nylander also described \"R. combeoides\" (=\"Vermilacinia combeoides\") as a new species growing", "id": "9483670" }, { "contents": "Edrioasteroidea\n\n\n, the relationships of the cover plates, and ornamentation. The mode of life was sessile; they were often attached via a stalk made of small plates to a hard object such as a carbonate hardground or shell. Several examples of epibiotic attachment have also been noted. In the discocystinids, the area between the body and peripheral rim could be extended and retracted; in so doing the two were separated. The peripheral rim became the base of the stalk which was attached to a surface. Underneath the body was a \"recumbent", "id": "3981375" }, { "contents": "Gossypium herbaceum\n\n\n). When ripe and in warm weather, the flower capsule will burst and expose the cotton surrounding the seeds firmly. The cotton produced by this plant is short, about long and is firmly attached to the seed, which is covered in hairy down. An acre of cotton can be expected to produce about . Cotton fibres grow from the surface of the seeds and can be separated from these by hand or mechanically; the long fibres are called lint. The cotton fibres are constituted of nearly pure cellulose. The main use", "id": "598933" }, { "contents": "Orthodox Judaism\n\n\nMany Orthodox Jews can be identified by their manner of dress and family lifestyle. Orthodox men and women dress modestly by keeping most of their skin covered. Married women cover their hair, with either scarves (tichel), snoods, hats, or wigs. Orthodox men are expected to wear a ritual fringe called Tzitzit, and a skullcap (kippah). Many men grow beards, and Haredi men wear black hats with a skullcap underneath and suits. Modern Orthodox Jews are sometimes indistinguishable in their dress from general society, although", "id": "2581542" }, { "contents": "Amemasu\n\n\nmen to their deaths. The skin of an \"amemasu\" is said to be cold and clammy, much like fish skin, which is how they can be identified when they are in human form. The inhabitants of Hokkaido believed that large \"amemasu\" held up the Earth. Sometimes, the fish would get tired and this could cause earthquakes, similar to the namazu. In Akita Prefecture, there is a place called \"Amemasu Otoshi\" (アメ鱒落し). Legend says that the \"amemasu\" so powerful, it", "id": "988516" }, { "contents": "Terana caerulea\n\n\n, with the hymenium exposed to the outside. The fruiting body is 2–6 mm thick. It is dark blue with a paler margin, with a velvety or waxy texture when moist, but crusty and brittle when dry. The fruiting body is firmly attached to its growing surface except at the edges. In nature, the fungus surface is typically found pointing downward, which helps facilitate spore dispersal. It usually grows on dead deciduous wood, often ash and hazel. The spore print is white. Spores are ellipsoidal, smooth,", "id": "11512711" }, { "contents": "Central venous catheter\n\n\ntip placement and provide guidance during insertion, obviating the need for the X-ray afterwards. There are several types of central venous catheters: Non-tunneled catheters are fixed in place at the site of insertion, with the catheter and attachments protruding directly. Commonly used non-tunneled catheters include Quinton catheters. Tunneled catheters are passed under the skin from the insertion site to a separate exit site. The catheter and its attachments emerge from underneath the skin. The exit site is typically located in the chest, making the access", "id": "3606634" }, { "contents": "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me\n\n\nLewis' \"The Screwtape Letters\". The next scene shows Bono in the hospital flatlining and about to die, when a bolt of red lightning strikes his heart monitor turning his skin white, his shirt red, and causing his fingernails to grow, thus transforming him into MacPhisto. He makes his appearance, terrifying the doctors and the other band members. The video ends with an orchestra of Batmen playing the outro on strings, then a shot from above of MacPhisto repeatedly transforming into Batman and MacPhisto alternately. Author Višnja Cogan", "id": "11980284" }, { "contents": "Lichen morphology\n\n\nlichens often bears rootlike fungal structures known as rhizines, which serve to attach the thallus to the substrate on which it grows. Lichens also sometimes contain structures made from fungal metabolites, for example crustose lichens sometimes have a polysaccharide layer in the cortex. Although each lichen thallus generally appears homogeneous, some evidence seems to suggest that the fungal component may consist of more than one genetic individual of that species. This seems to also be true of the photobiont species involved. A podetium (plural podetia) is a lichenized stem-like", "id": "21386287" }, { "contents": "Periungual wart\n\n\nPeriungual warts are warts that cluster around the fingernail or toenail. They appear as thickened, fissured cauliflower-like skin around the nail plate. Periungual warts often cause loss of the cuticle and paronychia. Nail biting increases susceptibility to these warts. Warts of this kind often cause damage to the nail either by lifting the nail from the skin or causing the nail to partially detach. If they extend under the nail, then the patient may suffer pain as a result. Sometimes periungual wart infections resemble the changes that are found in", "id": "15285740" }, { "contents": "Glass nail file\n\n\nfor example, masters in beauty salons. Such nail files have only one working side, so as not to injure the manicure masters' finger skin. Mild care: Due to the granular surface the glass nail file doesn't injure fingernails during manicure, grinding them softly and smoothly. With continuous use with such a nail file, the fingernails become stronger and cease to stratify. Hygiene: A glass nail file is quickly and easily disinfected. It is enough to wash it in warm water with soap. With frequent use of", "id": "18627688" }, { "contents": "Shivers (song)\n\n\nperhaps finally successfully, to divorce myself from the song. It's impossible for me to recreate what I was trying to do when I wrote that song so whilst I can see that people have an attachment to it, I don't. I feel like, when I did use to do it in shows, I was doing a cover of some song that had been around forever. That's how it felt. And I guess that is a strange way to feel about a song you wrote, so yeah, I", "id": "9419053" }, { "contents": "Deadly Friend\n\n\nher face rips apart, revealing a terrifying variant of BB's head. Her skin strips away, revealing half-robotic bones underneath. With a robotic voice, Samantha tells him to come with her. When a horrified Paul screams and refuses to do so, she snaps his neck off-screen, killing him. Wes Craven and Bruce Joel Rubin's original intent for the film was for it to be a science fiction thriller with the primary focus being on the dark love story between Paul and Samantha. Craven filmed this", "id": "21619142" }, { "contents": "Dental avulsion\n\n\n, process that is sometimes not observed by x-rays for years. Once this process starts, it is irreversible and the tooth will eventually fall out. In growing children, this can cause bone development problems because the replacement resorption (also termed ankylosis) attaches the tooth firmly to the jaw bone and stops normal tooth eruption and impedes normal jaw growth. Research has shown that the critical factor for reduction of the death of the tooth root cells and the subsequent root replacement resorption following reimplantation of knocked-out teeth is maintenance", "id": "16662725" }, { "contents": "Attachment theory\n\n\nwith age in ways determined partly by experiences and partly by situational factors. As attachment behaviours change with age, they do so in ways shaped by relationships. A child's behaviour when reunited with a caregiver is determined not only by how the caregiver has treated the child before, but on the history of effects the child has had on the caregiver. In Western culture child-rearing, there is a focus on single attachment to primarily the mother. This dyadic model is not the only strategy of attachment producing a secure and", "id": "18199341" }, { "contents": "Aloe rupestris\n\n\na very fast-growing aloe, which is usually single-stemmed in nature - though clumping, off-setting varieties seem to occur in cultivation. It grows extremely tall and its trunk is relatively thin, compared to other arborescent aloes. Therefore especially tall plants sometimes fall over when they do not have support (in their natural habitat, they tend to grow among rocks and thickets, which provide support). The thin, partially recurved, spreading leaves form a dense rosette at the growth head of adult plants. They", "id": "5076936" }, { "contents": "Hemideina femorata\n\n\nare laid in vertically the soil. Females are said to guard their eggs and occasionally guard the first-instar nymphs too. The juvenile weta shed their skin many times before they become an adult. This is essential because the exoskeleton of the weta does not stretch. Canterbury tree weta are inactive one to two days before they moult and they become paler. Most weta shed their skin at night. \"When moulting, most weta hang head downward with their hind legs, and sometimes also their middle legs, firmly hooked on", "id": "6378576" }, { "contents": "Low-rise pants\n\n\nmay be worn to display more skin at the waist, torso, and hips. Accordingly, they are sometimes worn in combination with crop tops, giving a glimpse of skin between the jeans and the top, or (more commonly in the summer or in warmer countries) showing their entire midriff including the navel. From 2001 to 2007, the low rise style frequently revealed the thong or G-string underneath, but after 2007 this fell out of favor and thongs began their decline. When the wearer sits down or bends", "id": "8541910" }, { "contents": "Cosmetic surgery in Australia\n\n\nbut only a few are capable of doing so with the same potency as a laser. IPL is predominantly used for mild skin issues in comparison to laser being used for the more extreme cases. Also known as breast augmentation, Augmentation Mammaplasty involves the use of breast implants or the transfer of fat tissue to restore and create volume or improve symmetry of the breast. The implants used are most commonly composed of silicone which are inserted underneath the skin/muscle through a small incision. Breast Augmentation frequently is performed in conjunction with mastopexy", "id": "16627177" }, { "contents": "Kara Thrace\n\n\npresented with a young girl named Kacey that Leoben claims is their daughter, created with the ovary removed when she was in the egg farm. Initially she refuses to believe it and wants nothing to do with the girl, but when Kacey is badly injured in a fall down a staircase, she calls on Leoben for help and seems to grow more attached to both of them. During the uprising on New Caprica, however, Starbuck once again kills Leoben and escapes with Kacey. In the episode \"Exodus\" Part II,", "id": "1445021" }, { "contents": "Laboulbeniales\n\n\nhemolymph. The external part of the thallus may form male structures (antheridia) or female structures (trichogynes and perithecia), or both. New infections are initiated when spores from the perithecia attach to a compatible insect host. Spore transmission can sometimes occur during insect copulation, which may account for the different site specificity sometimes observed in male and female hosts. These fungi do not grow apart from their hosts. Foundational work on the Laboulbeniales was completed by the American mycologist Roland Thaxter (1858–1932), particularly in a five-", "id": "6709744" }, { "contents": "Jazz, Ltd.\n\n\non Grand Avenue, a frequent guest of theirs, Mr. McCorkle, asked Ruth Reinhardt to save a particular thing from the first club of great interest to him, no matter how odd it seemed. So, when McCorkle got the package he pleaded for pianist Art Hodes to come over right away to the new club to witness 'the unveiling'. It is a gilded toilet seat, which underneath has a note reading, \"Talullah Bankhead sat here.\" In 1970 Bill and Ruth Reinhardt, along with investors, were", "id": "13265313" }, { "contents": "How Do You Sleep at Night\n\n\n\"How Do You Sleep at Night\" is a song written by Jim McBride and Jerry Salley, and recorded by American country music artist Wade Hayes. It was released in July 1998 as the third single from his album \"When the Wrong One Loves You Right\". The song reached number 13 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in November 1998. Deborah Evans Price of \"Billboard\" gave the song a favorable review, writing that \"with each successive release [Hayes] seems to grow more", "id": "21637752" }, { "contents": "Psychological egoism\n\n\nPsychological egoism is the view that humans are always motivated by self-interest and selfishness, even in what seem to be acts of altruism. It claims that, when people choose to help others, they do so ultimately because of the personal benefits that they themselves expect to obtain, directly or indirectly, from so doing. This is a descriptive rather than normative view, since it only makes claims about how things are, not how they ought to be. It is, however, related to several other normative forms of", "id": "3214442" }, { "contents": "Eremophila glabra subsp. glabra\n\n\nsometimes spreading to wide. The stems are covered with fine white hairs, except for a strip underneath the leaf attachment, so that the hairs are in bands down the stems interspersed with glabrous bands. The leaves are scattered and spreading, elliptic to lance shaped with the narrower end towards the base, long and wide. The flowers are red or orange, sometimes yellow and occur singly in the leaf axils on flower stalks long. There are 5 partly overlapping sepals which are narrow triangular to egg shaped and 5 petals forming a", "id": "18894028" }, { "contents": "Lunula (anatomy)\n\n\nThe lunula, or lunulae (pl.) (), is the crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail or toenail. The lunula is the visible part of the root of the nail. In humans, it appears by week 14 of gestation, and has a primary structural role in defining the free edge of the distal nail plate (the part of the nail that grows outward). It is located at the end of the nail (that is closest to the skin of the finger),", "id": "747626" }, { "contents": "Hemet Maze Stone\n\n\nblue (outer) and purple (inner). Notice how the purplish complex object is completely surrounded by the blueish complex object. The inner objects are completely surrounded in the space created by the outer objects. The blueish object seems to surround the simple gray object in the center, but is unable to completely do so, and the gray/beige object is either directly attached and is completely surrounded by the space associated with the outer black boundary wall that surrounds the whole “maze.” Taking away or adding the blue", "id": "21988191" }, { "contents": "Namorita\n\n\nor Namor she had some additional powers that seems to be related to her emotional state triggering dormant Atlantean genes. She was able to secrete corrosive acid or paralyzing toxin from her skin and possessed some kind of octopoid camouflage. Namorita had the ability to change her skin color as camouflage (the effect was so convincing it seemed as though she could actually turn invisible). Namorita was trained in Atlantean methods of hand-to-hand and weapons combat. She speaks English, Atlantean, and Lemurian. She sometimes wears Atlantean battle", "id": "5451379" }, { "contents": "Rowlock\n\n\nA rowlock , sometimes spur (due to the similarity in shape and size), oarlock (USA) or gate (Australia) is a brace that attaches an oar to a boat. When a boat is rowed, the rowlock acts as a fulcrum, and, in doing so, the propulsive force that the rower exerts on the water with the oar is transferred to the boat by the thrust force exerted on the rowlock. On ordinary rowing craft, the rowlocks are attached to the gunwales. In the sport of rowing", "id": "5973856" }, { "contents": "Spring Awakening (play)\n\n\nribbons on her dress) and sometimes sexually abuses her. The three girls are united by the fact that they do not know why they seem to disappoint their parents so much these days. Melchior walks by; Wendla and Thea swoon. They remark on how beautiful he is and how pathetic his friend Moritz is, although Martha admits finding Moritz sensitive and attractive. As the boys watch from the schoolyard, Moritz sneaks into the principal's office to look at his academic files. Because the next classroom only holds 60 pupils,", "id": "18087892" }, { "contents": "Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde\n\n\ninterview. Although everything appears normal at first, his voice begins to crack, his fingernails grow long and the hairs on his arms recede into his skin. He then feels a strange sensation in his groin area and watches in horror as his manhood disappears. Then, his head hair grows long and he starts to develop breasts. Embarrassed, Richard flees back to the lab, where the final stages of the transformation into a woman take place. The new female alter-ego (Sean Young) names herself Helen Hyde and", "id": "2844594" }, { "contents": "Echidnophaga gallinacea\n\n\nEchidnophaga gallinacea, commonly known as the hen flea, stickfast flea and sticktight flea, occurs on a wide range of bird and mammal hosts. If uncontrolled it causes anaemia, loss of condition, severe skin irritation and sometimes death. When feeding, female fleas can remain attached for up to 6 weeks at a single site on the host, causing ulceration at the attachment site. Males feed intermittently while displaying mating behavior. Eggs are laid in the ulcers that have formed on the host's skin. The larvae drop to the", "id": "4685671" }, { "contents": "Romer's tree frog\n\n\ndorsum. Sometimes, the lines do not meet medially, thus leading to a chevron marking posteriorly. Underneath the X-like marking lies another upside-down V-like marking. The skin is peppered with fine granules. A distinct fold extends from the eye to the foreleg. Romer's tree frog has a triangular but blunt snout with brown-spotted lips. Between the eyes is a dark bar, which extends to the eyelids. The hind legs are long, slender, and barred with irregular brown-to-", "id": "8245349" }, { "contents": "Urtica dioica\n\n\nthat if a nettle plant is grasped firmly rather than brushed against, it does not sting so readily, because the hairs are crushed down flat and do not penetrate the skin so easily. In the German language, the idiom \"sich in die Nesseln setzen\", or to sit in nettles, means to get into trouble. In Hungarian, the idiom \"csalánba nem üt a mennykő\", the thunderbolt does not strike into nettle, means bad people escape trouble or the devil looks after his own. The same idiom", "id": "2713267" } ]
Why are all search engines so goddamn awful compared to Google?
[{"answer": "Its because the algorithm Google uses for search is very, very good. It is, by far, the most valuable piece of IP that Google owns. Since it is so good, most people use Google as their search engine. This gives constant feedback on what results people actually want, which they use to make the algorithm more accurate."}, {"answer": "Google is ubiquitous because when it first started it was a such a huge change in how search engines worked. Without wanting to get into a long winded piece about the history of search engines, essentially prior to Google pages were listed according to how many times the search term was seen on a particular page. That wasn't particularly helpful. What Google did was change how pages were ranked. They basically looked at peer-reviewed scientific journals and created an algorithm based on that model. The theory is that the more a give paper is cited by other papers in a similar field, the more valuable that paper becomes. THis was applied to web pages. So just as important as the text on the page was who was linking to it. That forms the basis of PageRank. (it's a bit more complicated that this but this is ELI5 after all). incidentally, I don't believe that Google actually owns PageRank - becuase the paper that Page and Brin wrote on the idea was done during their time at Stanford, I'm pretty sure Stanford University owns the patent. Google paid them for it's use in shares which worked out pretty damn well for Stanford). Anyway, ever since search engines have worked by looking for the links and relationships between pages as much as well as the page content. Whether or not everything is 'goddamn awful' in comparison is open to question - other places have made pretty big improvements in the past few years - but you only have to google 'google' to see it's ubiquity. Nobody does a 'web search' any more. They Google it."}, {"answer": "It depends what you mean by awful. If it's a matter of the search delivering exactly what you want, then it's likely that Google's code is more complex and thorough at finding relevant results. In terms of features, Google is not a clear-cut winner; Duck Duck Go is one in particular that has some really powerful tools that Google doesn't have (or at least aren't as easy to use with Google)."}, {"answer": "they arent. I use bing and it is superior in ALOT of ways. image and video search are amazing. web search isnt dominated by paid results. About the only thing I go to google for is that you can search for an image itself (as in the jpg). and their streetview is a bit more comprehensive. But bing has birds eye view which is great as well."}, {"answer": "Intrusive ads, other miscellaneous clutter on the sites, and an unwillingness to just let the search engine be what it is. A search engine."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "12431", "title": "Google Search", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 439, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\nGoogle Street View, however, Google has made attempts to report a problem difficult by disabling the \"Why are you reporting the street view\" icon. Search engines have the ability to track a user's searches. Personal information can be revealed through searches by the user's computer, account, or IP address being linked to the search terms used. Search engines have claimed a necessity to retain such information in order to provide better services, protect against security pressure, and protect against fraud. A search engine takes all of", "id": "1742799" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\nto be more accommodating. Google's new privacy policy will combine all data used on Google's search engines (i.e., YouTube and Gmail) in order to work along the lines of a person's interests. A person, in effect, will be able to find what he/she wants at a more efficient rate because all searched information during times of login will help to narrow down new search results. Google's privacy policy explains what information they collect and why they collect it, how they use the information, and", "id": "1742806" }, { "contents": "Search engine privacy\n\n\nthe United States Department of Justice as part of a conspiracy to hack Yahoo and steal user data. As of 2016, the Yahoo breaches of 2013 and 2014 were the largest of all time. In October 2018, there was a Google+ data breach that potentially affected about 500,000 accounts which led to the shutdown of the Google+ platform. The government may want to subpoena user data from search engines for any number of reasons, which is why it a big threat to user privacy. In 2006, they wanted it as part of", "id": "13213378" }, { "contents": "Multimodal search\n\n\nof them are in an experimental phase. Some of the more simple engines are Google Images or Bing , web interfaces that use text and images as inputs to find images in the output. MMRetrieval is a multimodal experimental search engine that uses multilingual and multimedia information through a web interface. The engine searches the different inputs in parallel and merges all the results by different chosen methods. The engine also provides different multistage retrieval, as well as a single text index baseline to be able to compare all the different phases of search.", "id": "11249801" }, { "contents": "Google Search\n\n\nof its index. With \"Caffeine\", Google moved its back-end indexing system away from MapReduce and onto Bigtable, the company's distributed database platform. In August 2018, Danny Sullivan from Google announced a broad core algorithm update. As per current analysis done by the industry leaders Search Engine Watch and Search Engine Land, the update was to drop down the medical and health related websites that were not user friendly and were not providing good user experience. This is why, the industry experts named it \"Medic\"", "id": "12080130" }, { "contents": "Her Story (video game)\n\n\nthat \"the conceit of making the computer itself a prop in the game was so neat\". He also compared the searching mechanic to the Google search engine, and wanted to \"run with the idea\" that the player is \"essentially Googling\". The game's concept was inspired by the TV series \"\" (1993–1999), which Barlow found depicted police interviews being a \"gladiatorial arena for detectives\". Barlow intentionally made the game's opening screen to be \"slightly too long\", to immediately notify the", "id": "3964636" }, { "contents": "Web search engine\n\n\nengine. In Russia, Yandex commands a marketshare of 61.9 percent, compared to Google's 28.3 percent. In China, Baidu is the most popular search engine. South Korea's homegrown search portal, Naver, is used for 70 percent of online searches in the country. Yahoo! Japan and Yahoo! Taiwan are the most popular avenues for Internet searches in Japan and Taiwan, respectively. Most countries' markets in Western Europe are dominated by Google, except for Czech Republic, where Seznam is a strong competitor. Although search", "id": "12319734" }, { "contents": "Google Search\n\n\nGoogle Search, also referred to as Google Web Search or simply Google, is a web search engine developed by Google LLC. It is the most used search engine on the World Wide Web across all platforms, with 92.62% market share as of June 2019, handling more than 5.4 billion searches each day. The order of search results returned by Google is based, in part, on a priority rank system called \"PageRank\". Google Search also provides many different options for customized search, using symbols to include, exclude", "id": "12080122" }, { "contents": "\n\n\na mobile device, so that they can search for the product online at a cheaper price. Bambi Francisco of MarketWatch described as \"the next evolution of comparison-shopping engines, such as Google's Froogle, eBay's, EW Scripps' Shopzilla or and the next evolution in image search offered by the portals and search engines, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft's Live and InterActiveCorp's\" Internet search engine giant, Google Inc, bought the shopping comparison website, on Aug 23 2010. Google", "id": "120809" }, { "contents": "Search engine technology\n\n\nindex that the search engine has created —you are not actually searching the Web. These indices are giant databases of information that is collected and stored and subsequently searched. This explains why sometimes a search on a commercial search engine, such as Yahoo! or Google, will return results that are, in fact, dead links. Since the search results are based on the index, if the index hasn't been updated since a Web page became invalid the search engine treats the page as still an active link even though it", "id": "12715413" }, { "contents": "Search engine privacy\n\n\nGoogle or Yahoo, and may not collect any. As of 2008, search engines were not in the business of selling user data to third parties, though they do note in their privacy policies that they comply with government subpoenas. Google, founded in 1998, is the most widely used search engine, receiving billions and billions of search queries every month. Google logs all search terms in a database along with the date and time of search, browser and operating system, IP address of user, the Google cookie, and", "id": "13213358" }, { "contents": "Sputnik (search engine)\n\n\nSputnik is a web search engine owned by the Russian state-owned telecommunications company Rostelecom. It markets itself as an engine geared towards \"local services\". At the end of the week of the launch, it was responsible for 0.01% of the search engine traffic in Russia, compared with 62% for Yandex and 28% for Google. It went through the maximum in February 2016, with 11 thousands hits (compared with 121 million hits of Yandex). In January 2017, Sputnik was the 15th most popular search", "id": "4704868" }, { "contents": "Search engine scraping\n\n\na legal point of view there is no known case or broken law. The process of entering a website and extracting data in an automated fashion is also often called \"crawling\". Search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo are getting almost all their data from automated crawling bots. Google is the by far largest search engine with most users in numbers as well as most revenue in creative advertisements, this makes Google the most important search engine to scrape for SEO related companies. Google does not take legal action against scraping,", "id": "125341" }, { "contents": "Marketing communications\n\n\nhave the freedom to search for whatever they wish. For instance, whenever a consumer types \"flower\" on Google's search engine, an advertisement of a specific flower shop might be placed on the top or bottom of the search result page by the Google Adword program. Google makes use of the client's search history and location to place an appropriate ad. The traditional one-way \"push\" communication is supplanted by the more productive two-way \"push and pull\" interaction. Compared with the traditional media where", "id": "5357594" }, { "contents": "Polycola\n\n\nbeen updated. Then these pages are updated and added to the search engine index. The final part of a search engine is the search interface and relevancy software. Usually major search engines do not operate by allowing search of the actual web, but rather allow a search of a catalog of content that is slightly outdated. Each of the three parts that make up a search engine is able to do most of the following: PolyCola lets searchers to simultaneously search and compare results from major metasearch engines such as Google, Yahoo!", "id": "8358722" }, { "contents": "Google Trends\n\n\nGoogle Trends is a website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. The website uses graphs to compare the search volume of different queries over time. On August 5, 2008, Google launched Google Insights for Search, a more sophisticated and advanced service displaying search trends data. On September 27, 2012, Google merged Google Insights for Search into Google Trends. Google Trends also allows the user to compare the relative search volume of searches between two or more terms. Originally", "id": "21982448" }, { "contents": "Search engine optimization\n\n\nsearch engines' market shares vary from market to market, as does competition. In 2003, Danny Sullivan stated that Google represented about 75% of all searches. In markets outside the United States, Google's share is often larger, and Google remains the dominant search engine worldwide as of 2007. As of 2006, Google had an 85–90% market share in Germany. While there were hundreds of SEO firms in the US at that time, there were only about five in Germany. As of June 2008, the market", "id": "15981475" }, { "contents": "Google Ads\n\n\nadditional new features, such as Spreadsheet Editing, Search Query Reports, and better conversion metrics. All ads on AdWords are eligible to be shown on Google's search engine. Advertisers also have the option of enabling their ads to show on Google's partner networks. This \"search network\" includes AOL search,, and Netscape. The Google Display Network (GDN), formerly referred to as the \"content network\", shows AdWords ads on sites that are not search engines. These GDN sites use AdSense and DoubleClick", "id": "17442693" }, { "contents": "Web search engine\n\n\npages based on the number and PageRank of other web sites and pages that link there, on the premise that good or desirable pages are linked to more than others. Larry Page's patent for PageRank cites Robin Li's earlier RankDex patent as an influence. Google also maintained a minimalist interface to its search engine. In contrast, many of its competitors embedded a search engine in a web portal. In fact, Google search engine became so popular that spoof engines emerged such as Mystery Seeker. By 2000, Yahoo! was", "id": "12319720" }, { "contents": "Search engine optimization metrics\n\n\nA number of metrics are available to marketers interested in search engine optimization. Search engines and software creating such metrics all use their own crawled data to derive at a numeric conclusion on a website's organic search potential. Since these metrics can be manipulated, they can never be completely reliable for accurate and truthful results. Google PageRank (Google PR) is one of the methods Google uses to determine a page's relevance or importance. Important pages receive a higher PageRank and are more likely to appear at the top of the search", "id": "18539976" }, { "contents": "DuckDuckGo\n\n\nbe powered by Apple Maps, both on Desktop and Mobile devices. In March 2019, Google added DuckDuckGo to the default search engine list in Chrome 73. In a June 2011 article, Harry McCracken of \"Time\" magazine commended DuckDuckGo, comparing it to his favorite hamburger restaurant, In-N-Out Burger: Thom Holwerda, who reviewed the search engine for \"OSNews\", praised its privacy features and shortcuts to site-specific searches as well as criticizing Google for \"track[ing] pretty much everything you do\"", "id": "14471089" }, { "contents": "Buddy (software)\n\n\nCore, Go, Ember CLI Jekyll, Hexo, Hugo, Middleman FTP, SFTP, FTPS, Heroku, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean, Modulus, Shopify, WebDAV, push to Git Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Lambda Google Cloud Storage, Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine SSH commands, HTTP requests, Heroku CLI, Docker image build and push to registry (Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, private registry) Email, SMS, Slack, Desktop notifications (Pushbullet, Pushover)", "id": "12089609" }, { "contents": "Judgement of the German Federal Court of Justice on Google's autocomplete function\n\n\nfiled an action for an injunction and financial compensation against Google based on a violation of their right of personality. Google runs a web search engine under the domain “” (among others), which allows Internet users to search for information online and access third party content through a list of search results. In 2009, Google implemented a so-called “autocomplete” function which shows word combinations as predictions for the search of the user in a new window while typing in a search term into the search mask. These", "id": "3173747" }, { "contents": "Udi Manber\n\n\na vice president. He later was appointed CEO of the Amazon subsidiary company He filed a patent on behalf of Amazon. In 2004, Google promoted sponsored listings for its own recruiting whenever someone searched for his name on Google's search engine. In 2006, he was hired by Google as one of their vice presidents of engineering. In December 2007, he announced Knol, Google's project to create a knowledge repository. In October 2010, he was responsible for all the search products at Google. In October 2014", "id": "13418873" }, { "contents": "Comparative advertising\n\n\ncountries. An appeal by Sodastream to reverse Clearcast's decision to censor the commercial was rejected. A similar ad was expected to air during Super Bowl XLVII in February 2013 but was banned by CBS for jabbing at Coke and Pepsi (two of CBS's largest sponsors). In 2012, Microsoft's Bing (formerly MSN Search) began to run a campaign about which search engine they prefer as it compared Bing to Google, and that more people preferred Bing over Google. The campaign was titled \"Bing It On\".", "id": "10752249" }, { "contents": "Google China\n\n\nGoogle China is a subsidiary of Google. Once a popular search engine, most services offered by Google China were blocked by the Great Firewall in the People's Republic of China. In 2010, searching via all Google search sites, including Google Mobile, were moved from mainland China to Hong Kong. By November 2013 its search market share had declined to 1.7% from its August 2009 level of 36.2%. On 12 September 2000, Google announced the addition of Simplified and Traditional Chinese versions to and began to provide search", "id": "10835763" }, { "contents": "Paid inclusion\n\n\nMicrosoft and Ask moved away from paid inclusion—both search engines ended paid inclusion programs in 2004. In 2012, Google re-incorporated paid inclusion within its search, though in a different form. Google Flights, Google Hotel Finder, and Google Shopping all have new forms of paid inclusion programs. Some critics, such as Danny Sullivan, founder of Search Engine Watch, criticize this move as a step away from the Founders Letter that was a part of Google's IPO. Aaron Wall of the popular SEO site criticize", "id": "19297611" }, { "contents": "Search engine technology\n\n\nno longer is. It will remain that way until the index is updated. So why will the same search on different search engines produce different results? Part of the answer to that question is because not all indices are going to be exactly the same. It depends on what the spiders find or what the humans submitted. But more important, not every search engine uses the same algorithm to search through the indices. The algorithm is what the search engines use to determine the relevance of the information in the index to what", "id": "12715414" }, { "contents": "Resources of a Resource\n\n\nengines better understand content and meaning. Similar concepts, like Google Sitemaps and Google Base, have also been developed since the introduction of the ROR format. ROR objects are placed in an ROR feed called codice_1. This file is typically located in the root directory of the resource or website it describes. When a search engine like Google or Yahoo searches the web to determine how to categorize content, the ROR feed allows the search engines \"spider\" to quickly identify all the content and attributes of the website. This has three", "id": "18619753" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\nincluded that of Google's search engine. Beginning in 2009, Google began to run a new system where the Google search became personalized. The item that is searched and the results that are shown remembers previous information that pertains to the individual. Google search engine not only seeks what is searched, but also strives to allow the user to feel like the search engine recognizes their interests. This is achieved by using online advertising. A system that Google uses to filter advertisements and search results that might interest the user is by having", "id": "1742803" }, { "contents": "Direct navigation\n\n\ndivision revealed that direct navigation traffic such as browser type-in traffic, bookmarks of existing sites, and visits to existing, known website domain names converts into sales for advertisers at 4.23% of total visits compared to 2.3% for product and service related searches performed via the search box at search engines such as Google and Yahoo. In September, 2008, the first direct navigation search engine, was released. In addition to providing results by type in traffic, the search engine utilized new proprietary technology that was able to", "id": "6612815" }, { "contents": "Personalized search\n\n\nsite through a search result from Google many times, it believes that they like that page. So when users carry out certain searches, Google's personalized search algorithm gives the page a boost, moving it up through the ranks. Even if a user is signed out, Google may personalize their results because it keeps a 180-day record of what a particular web browser has searched for, linked to a cookie in that browser. In search engines on social networking platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, personalization could be achieved by exploiting homophily", "id": "2061053" }, { "contents": "Google hacking\n\n\nGoogle Hacking, also named Google Dorking, is a computer hacking technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use. \"Google Hacking\" involves using advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within search results. Some of the more popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. A search query with codice_1 would locate all web pages that have that particular text contained within them. It is normal for default installations of applications", "id": "17678541" }, { "contents": "Metasearch engine\n\n\nget quick answers. Instead of having to go through multiple search engines like Yahoo! or Google and comparing results, metasearch engines are able to quickly compile and combine results. They can do it either by listing results from each engine queried with no additional post-processing (Dogpile) or by analyzing the results and ranking them by their own rules (IxQuick, Metacrawler, and Vivismo). A metasearch engine can also hide the searcher's IP address from the search engines queried thus providing privacy to the search. It is", "id": "7900550" }, { "contents": "Google bombing\n\n\nFor victims of Google bowling, it may be difficult to appeal the ranking decrease because Google avoids explaining penalties, preferring not to \"educate\" real offenders. If the situation is clear-cut, however, Google could lift the penalty after submitting a request for reconsideration. Furthermore, after the Google Penguin update, Google search rankings now take Google bowling into account and very rarely will a website be penalized due to low-quality \"farm\" backlinks. Other search engines use similar techniques to rank results, so Yahoo!", "id": "3561892" }, { "contents": "Search engine optimization\n\n\n' Saul Hansell stated Google ranks sites using more than 200 different signals. The leading search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo, do not disclose the algorithms they use to rank pages. Some SEO practitioners have studied different approaches to search engine optimization, and have shared their personal opinions. Patents related to search engines can provide information to better understand search engines. In 2005, Google began personalizing search results for each user. Depending on their history of previous searches, Google crafted results for logged in users. In 2007", "id": "15981453" }, { "contents": "Google PageSpeed Tools\n\n\nsize, and number of requests when compared to other options in the industry. According to several researchers, mod_pagespeed can reduce loading times by up to 80%, amount of bytes on a wire can be decreased by 30% and the number of total requests can drop by over 20%. Since many search engines, including Google, employ a ranking algorithm which is affected by a page’s loading speed, these optimizations can impact a website’s placement in search results. As of February 2015, Google has begun testing “", "id": "19141283" }, { "contents": "KidRex\n\n\nKidRex is a child-safe search engine powered by Google Custom Search. The site utilizes Google SafeSearch and maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords. The site has a colorful hand-drawn crayon and colored marker design. Time\" magazine put KidRex on its list of the top 50 websites of 2013 and compared it to Google. was launched in December of 2008, and was acquired by ten years later in 2018. It is to be seen what will do with the core business of KidRex technologies", "id": "7268558" }, { "contents": "Political Google bombs in the 2004 U.S. Presidential election\n\n\nDuring the 2004 U.S. presidential election, Google bombs were used to further various political agendas. Two of the first were the \"miserable failure\" Google bomb linked to George W. Bush's White House biography and the \"waffles\" Google bomb linked to John Kerry's website. Supporters and detractors of the candidates were able to manipulate search engine rankings so that searches for \"miserable failure\" and \"waffles\" returned links to the targets' sites. In 2006, Google altered its searching algorithm to make massive link farms less effective", "id": "9385460" }, { "contents": "Search neutrality\n\n\nuser is satisfied with the results and is therefore subject to the user's preferences. And because relevance is so subjective, putting search neutrality into practice has been so contentious. Search neutrality became a concern after search engines, most notably Google, were accused of search bias by other companies. Competitors and companies claim search engines systematically favor some sites (and some kind of sites) over others in their lists of results, disrupting the objective results users believe they are getting. The call for search neutrality goes beyond traditional search engines", "id": "19160114" }, { "contents": "Mozilla Corporation\n\n\n's director of community development suggested that users use the Bing search engine instead of Google search. Google also promoted Firefox through YouTube until the release of Google Chrome. In August 2009, Mozilla Security assisted Google by pointing out a security flaw in Google's Chrome browser. In November 2014, Mozilla signed a five-year partnership with Yahoo!, making Yahoo! Search the default search engine for Firefox browsers in the US. With the release of Firefox Quantum on November 17th 2017, Google became the default search engine again.", "id": "10069707" }, { "contents": "Google Hacks\n\n\nGoogle Hacks: Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching is a book of tips about Google, a popular Web search engine, by Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest. It was listed in the \"New York Times\" top ten business paperbacks in May 2003, considered at the time to be \"unprecedented\" for a technology book, and \"even rarer\" for the topic of search engines. The book was first published by O'Reilly in February 2002. Third edition of the book was released in 2006. It covers tips of all", "id": "3159914" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Google\n\n\nattack, Google announced that they were \"no longer willing to continue censoring our results on, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all.\" On March 22, 2010, after talks with Chinese authorities failed to reach an agreement, the company redirected its censor-complying Google China service to its Google Hong Kong service, which is outside the jurisdiction of Chinese censorship laws. From the", "id": "8532062" }, { "contents": "Search engine scraping\n\n\nSearch engine scraping is the process of harvesting URLs, descriptions, or other information from search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. This is a specific form of screen scraping or web scraping dedicated to search engines only. Most commonly larger search engine optimization (SEO) providers depend on regularly scraping keywords from search engines, especially Google, to monitor the competitive position of their customers' websites for relevant keywords or their indexing status. Search engines like Google do not allow any sort of automated access to their service but from", "id": "125340" }, { "contents": "Learning to rank\n\n\n\", as Google calls them), who check results for some queries and determine relevance of each result. It is not feasible to check the relevance of all documents, and so typically a technique called pooling is used — only the top few documents, retrieved by some existing ranking models are checked. Alternatively, training data may be derived automatically by analyzing \"clickthrough logs\" (i.e. search results which got clicks from users), \"query chains\", or such search engines' features as Google's SearchWiki. Training", "id": "5340596" }, { "contents": "Yandex Browser\n\n\nis facing web search competition in Russia from Google Search. Google Chrome, Russia's most popular web browser, uses Google Search as its default search engine. In June 2012, Mozilla Firefox, the world's third most popular web browser, signed a deal to replace its default search engine Yandex Search with Google Search. As Yandex Browser's \"Smartbox\" uses Yandex Search as its default search engine, the browser will help Yandex compete for Russian search market share. Distinguishing features of the Yandex Browser include the following: Protect", "id": "3408070" }, { "contents": "Search engine privacy\n\n\non differences in the language of privacy policies, judges in court cases certainly do. This means that search engine and email companies like Google and Yahoo are technically able to keep up the practice of targeting advertisements based on email content since they declare that they do so in their privacy policies. A study was done to see how much consumers cared about privacy policies of Google, specifically Gmail, and their detail, and it determined that users often thought that Google's practices were somewhat intrusive but that users would not often be willing", "id": "13213360" }, { "contents": "Bing (search engine)\n\n\nhas been criticized for being slower to index websites than Google. It has also been criticized for not indexing some websites at all. Bing has been criticized by competitor Google for utilizing user input via Internet Explorer, the Bing Toolbar, or Suggested Sites, to add results to Bing. After discovering in October 2010 that Bing appeared to be imitating Google's auto-correct results for a misspelling, despite not actually fixing the spelling of the term, Google set up a honeypot, configuring the Google search engine to return specific unrelated", "id": "5355710" }, { "contents": "Google bombing\n\n\nThe terms Google bombing and Googlewashing refer to the practice of causing a website to rank highly in web search engine results for irrelevant, unrelated or off-topic search terms by linking heavily. In contrast, search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the search engine listings of web pages for \"relevant\" search terms. Google-bombing is done for either business, political, or comedic purposes (or some combination thereof). Google's search-rank algorithm ranks pages higher for a particular search phrase if", "id": "3561883" }, { "contents": "Personalized search\n\n\nto customize a user's search results, but also advertisements. This has been criticized as an invasion on privacy. An important example of search personalization is Google. There are a host of Google applications, all of which can be personalized and integrated with the help of a Google account. Personalizing search does not require an account. However, one is almost deprived of a choice, since so many useful Google products are only accessible if one has a Google account. The Google Dashboard, introduced in 2009, covers more than", "id": "2061065" }, { "contents": "Generic trademark\n\n\ndiscouraging publications from using the term 'googling' in reference to Web searches. In 2006, both the Oxford English Dictionary and the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary struck a balance between acknowledging widespread use of the verb coinage and preserving the particular search engine's association with the coinage, defining \"google\" (all lower case, with -\"le\" ending) as a verb meaning \"use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet\". Where a trademark is used generically, a trademark owner may need to take aggressive measures", "id": "19906588" }, { "contents": "Search as a service\n\n\neven the smallest organisation. Two methods are popular for this: One method searches a company's publicly visible web presence. An existing search engine such as Bing or Google is encouraged to web crawl this site, as they would normally do so anyway. A link to the company's favoured search partner is coded onto their web site as a simple HTML web form or search box. When a query is submitted, this search box searches the main Google (or other) corpus for the text string, but \"only\"", "id": "15635367" }, { "contents": "Mystery Seeker\n\n\nMystery Seeker was a website based on the Google search engine. that until November 30, 2009 had been known as Mystery Google. The WHOIS domain name record for was created on 10 February 2009 with registrant Google Inc, but since February 26, 2017 it has had no website. The website has been featured in a number of technology blogs. Upon a search query, Mystery Seeker returns the results from the previous search, so “you get what the person before you searched for.” There is a trend among", "id": "8250914" }, { "contents": "Google Scholar\n\n\nhas been cited in other scholarly literature\". Research has shown that Google Scholar puts high weight especially on citation counts and words included in a document's title. As a consequence, the first search results are often highly cited articles. Search engine optimization (SEO) for traditional web search engines such as Google has been popular for many years. For several years, SEO has also been applied to academic search engines such as Google Scholar. SEO for academic articles is also called \"academic search engine optimization\" (ASEO)", "id": "12238782" }, { "contents": "Search engine privacy\n\n\nmay not have made otherwise. In 1994, a conflict between selling ads and relevance of results on search engines began. Besides ad targeting and personalization, Google also uses data collected on users to improve the quality of searches. Search result click histories and query logs are crucial in helping search engines optimize search results for individual users. Search logs also help search engines in the development of the algorithms they use to return results, such as Google's well known PageRank. An example of this is how Google uses databases of information", "id": "13213367" }, { "contents": "Privacy concerns regarding Google\n\n\npreferences and they have concluded that \"For Google, 100% of user sessions on a sensitive topic reject the hypothesis that no learning of the sensitive topic by the search engine has taken place and so are identified as sensitive. For Bing, the corresponding detection rate is 91%.\" Scroogle, named after the fictional character Ebenezer Scrooge, was a web service that allowed users to perform Google searches anonymously. It focused heavily on searcher privacy by blocking Google cookies and not saving log files. The service was launched in 2003", "id": "9879698" }, { "contents": "Google Custom Search\n\n\nallows anyone to create their own search engine by themselves. Search engines can be created to search for information on particular topics chosen by the creator. Google Custom Search Engine allows creators to select what websites will be used to search for information which helps to eliminate any unwanted websites or information. Creators can also attach their custom search engine to any blog or webpage. Google AdSense results can also be triggered from certain search queries, which would generate revenue for the site owner. Provided as part of the original service, subscribed links", "id": "10704099" }, { "contents": "Quality Score\n\n\nGoogle has revealed that the accounts performance in the geographical region where the ad will be shown impacts Quality Score. All three search engines have revealed that other factors are taken into consideration when calculating Quality Score. In particular, changes in terms of use in Google Analytics have fed speculation in the search engine marketing (SEM) community that Google is using on-site conversion data in its Quality Score formula. Below is the most recent update of factors that go into your Quality Score on Google. The biggest change since the previous", "id": "16144102" }, { "contents": "Pricesearcher\n\n\nGoogle CSS Partner (Comparison Shopping Services) Pricesearcher starts to work with affiliate sites like Pricesearcher uses PriceBot, its custom web crawler, to search the web for prices, and it allows direct product feeds from retailers at no cost. The search engine's rapid growth has been attributed to its enabling technology: a retailer can upload their product feed in any format, without the need for further development. Pricesearcher processes 1.5 billion prices every day and uses Amazon Web Services (AWS), to which it migrated in December 2016", "id": "20650023" }, { "contents": "Censorship by Google\n\n\, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all.” On March 22, 2010, after talks with Chinese authorities failed to reach an agreement, the company redirected its censor-complying Google China service to its Google Hong Kong service, which is outside the jurisdiction of Chinese censorship laws. However, at least as of March 23, 2010, \"The Great Firewall\" continues to censor", "id": "9472006" }, { "contents": "Local search (Internet)\n\n\nof this shift in consumer behavior, local product and service providers are slowly shifting their advertising investments from traditional off-line media to local search engines. One can search local information via search engines. These often return local search results from directories and maps. Google for instance, will present results from its directory (called Google My Business) in Google Maps and also in the search engine results pages in the form of a local pack. One can also look for local information by searching apple maps Search engines offer local businesses", "id": "10229438" }, { "contents": "Dragonfly (search engine)\n\n\nThis means that, for Google, who makes most of its revenue from advertisements run on its search engines, the potential profits of reentering the Chinese search engine market are enormous. Yet, analysts have suggested that if Google does reenter China—either with the Dragonfly prototype or a different search model—it might initially struggle to meet its revenue goals. Google's advertising strategy is highly targeted: it involves collecting data on users' search histories and using that data to present users with advertisements which are applicable to them. Google", "id": "7984984" }, { "contents": "Personalized search\n\n\n20 products and services, including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, YouTube, etc. that keeps track of all the information directly under one's name. The free Google Custom Search is available for individuals and big companies alike, providing the Search facility for individual websites and powering corporate sites such as that of the \"New York Times\". The high level of personalization that was available with Google played a significant part in helping remain the world's most favorite search engine. One example of Google's ability to personalize searches is", "id": "2061066" }, { "contents": "Site map\n\n\nSitemaps do not guarantee all links will be crawled, and being crawled does not guarantee indexing. Google Webmaster Tools allow a website owner to upload a sitemap that Google will crawl, or they can accomplish the same thing with the robots.txt file. XML Sitemaps have replaced the older method of \"submitting to search engines\" by filling out a form on the search engine's submission page. Now web developers submit a Sitemap directly, or wait for search engines to find it. Regularly submitting an updated sitemap when new pages are published", "id": "3815289" }, { "contents": "RankBrain\n\n\nRankBrain is a machine learning-based search engine algorithm, the use of which was confirmed by Google on 26 October 2015. It helps Google to process search results and provide more relevant search results for users. In a 2015 interview, Google commented that RankBrain was the third most important factor in the ranking algorithm along with links and content. , \"RankBrain was used for less than 15% of queries.\" The results show that RankBrain produces results that are well within 10% of the Google search engine engineer team.", "id": "4296490" }, { "contents": "Google Search\n\n\nof 11.5 percent. Market leader Google generated 63.2 percent of all core search queries in the U.S. Google indexes hundreds of terabytes of information from web pages. For websites that are currently down or otherwise not available, Google provides links to cached versions of the site, formed by the search engine's latest indexing of that page. Additionally, Google indexes some file types, being able to show users PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, certain Flash multimedia content, and plain text files. Users can also activate", "id": "12080126" }, { "contents": "Google Search\n\n\nGoogle Image Swirl. In 2009, Google claimed that a search query requires altogether about 1 kJ or 0.0003 kW·h, which is enough to raise the temperature of one liter of water by 0.24 °C. According to green search engine Ecosia, the industry standard for search engines is estimated to be about 0.2 grams of CO emission per search. Google's 40,000 searches per second translate to 8 kg CO per second or over 252 million kilos of CO per year. In 2003, \"The New York Times\" complained about Google", "id": "12080175" }, { "contents": "Censorship by Google\n\n\ngovernment information about users who search for blocked content, and will inform users that content has been restricted if they attempt to search for it. As of 2009, Google was the only major China-based search engine to explicitly \"inform\" the user when search results are blocked or hidden. , Google no longer informs the user of possible censorship for certain queries during search. The Chinese government has restricted citizens' access to popular search engines such as Altavista, Yahoo!, and Google in the past. This complete ban", "id": "9472000" }, { "contents": "Google China\n\n\ndevelopment in world affairs, marking a split between authoritarian socialism and the Western model of free capitalism and Internet access. The Chinese government since made numerous standard and general statements on the matter, but took no real action. It also criticized Google for failing to provide any evidence of its accusation. Accusations were made by Baidu, a competing Chinese search engine, that Google was pulling out for financial rather than other reasons. Baidu is the market leader in China with about 60% of the market compared to Google's 31%", "id": "10835787" }, { "contents": "Google Insights for Search\n\n\nGoogle Insights for Search was a service by Google similar to Google Trends, providing insights into the search terms people use in the Google search engine. Unlike Google Trends, Google Insights for Search provides a visual representation of regional interest on a country's map. It displays top searches and rising searches that may help with keyword research. Results can be narrowed down with categories that are displayed for each search terms. Term order is important in searches, and that different results will be found if keywords are placed in a different order", "id": "16441216" }, { "contents": "Google (verb)\n\n\n, \"to use the Google search engine to seek online information\" (a concern which did not deter the Oxford editors from preserving the history of both \"cases\"). On October 25, 2006, Google sent a request to the public requesting that \"You should please only use 'Google' when you're actually referring to Google Inc. and our services.\" Ungoogleable (or unGoogleable) is something that cannot be \"googled\" – i.e. it cannot be found easily using the Google Search web search engine", "id": "8719052" }, { "contents": "Local search (Internet)\n\n\nsignal\", meaning local search will now rely more on organic SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Google can show a business' information in mobile or desktop google search results, or/and in mobile and desktop google maps results. Local search results displayed by google often include a local pack, that currently displays three listings. Major search engines have algorithms that determine which local businesses rank in local search. Primary factors that impact a local business's chance of appearing in local search are proper categorization in business directories,", "id": "10229442" }, { "contents": "Dragonfly (search engine)\n\n\nsecurity teams out of the Dragonfly. However, a director of security and privacy at Google said she \"saw no sidelining whatsoever.\" Google issued a statement, saying privacy reviews were \"non-negotiable\". Google's relations with China have been fraught since the tech giant's arrival there in 2006. Google's first China-specific platform,, was also a self-censored one: like the Dragonfly prototype, it was engineered so as not to return results for topics blacklisted by the Chinese government. Unlike", "id": "7984978" }, { "contents": "Web search engine\n\n\nranked higher in search results for a fee. Search engines that do not accept money for their search results make money by running search related ads alongside the regular search engine results. The search engines make money every time someone clicks on one of these ads. Google is the world's most popular search engine, with a market share of 92.86 percent as of February, 2019. The world's most popular search engines are: graph{ }/graph In some East Asian countries and Russia, Google is not the most popular search", "id": "12319733" }, { "contents": "Search engine marketing\n\n\nin 2003, and now offers paid search opportunities for advertisers through Yahoo! Search Marketing. Google also began to offer advertisements on search results pages in 2000 through the Google AdWords program. By 2007, pay-per-click programs proved to be primary moneymakers for search engines. In a market dominated by Google, in 2009 Yahoo! and Microsoft announced the intention to forge an alliance. The Yahoo! & Microsoft Search Alliance eventually received approval from regulators in the US and Europe in February 2010. Search engine optimization consultants expanded", "id": "7817344" }, { "contents": "Google\n\n\nthe Chinese search engine Baidu. Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine \"BackRub\", because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. Eventually, they changed the name to Google; the name of the search engine originated from a misspelling of the word \"googol\", the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, which was picked to signify that the search engine was intended to provide large quantities of information. The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997, and the company", "id": "5102085" }, { "contents": "Google Search\n\n\nto influence their website's Google rankings. An industry of consultants has arisen to help websites increase their rankings on Google and on other search engines. This field, called search engine optimization, attempts to discern patterns in search engine listings, and then develop a methodology for improving rankings to draw more searchers to their clients' sites. Search engine optimization encompasses both \"on page\" factors (like body copy, title elements, H1 heading elements and image alt attribute values) and Off Page Optimization factors (like anchor text and", "id": "12080150" }, { "contents": "Search engine optimization\n\n\nbefore, Google caffeine was a change to the way Google updated its index in order to make things show up quicker on Google than before. According to Carrie Grimes, the software engineer who announced Caffeine for Google, \"Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index...\" Google Instant, real-time-search, was introduced in late 2010 in an attempt to make search results more timely and relevant. Historically site administrators have spent months or even years optimizing a website to increase search rankings.", "id": "15981456" }, { "contents": "Google Search\n\n\nof Google include Baidu and in China; and in South Korea; Yandex in Russia; in the Czech Republic; Yahoo in Japan, Taiwan and the US, as well as Bing and DuckDuckGo. Some smaller search engines offer facilities not available with Google, e.g. not storing any private or tracking information. Within the U.S., as of July 2018, Microsoft Sites handled 24.2 percent of all search queries. During the same period of time, Oath (formerly known as Yahoo) had a search market share", "id": "12080125" }, { "contents": "Google Custom Search\n\n\nGoogle Custom Search (formerly known as Google Co-op) is a platform provided by Google that allows web developers to feature specialized information in web searches, refine and categorize queries and create customized search engines, based on Google Search. The service allows users to narrow the 11.5 billion indexed webpages down to a topical group of pages relevant to the creator's needs. Google launched the service on October 23, 2006. The Google Custom Search platform consists of three services: Released on October 23, 2006, Google Custom Search", "id": "10704098" }, { "contents": "Political bias\n\n\nanalysis to discern connections between aspects of reality and convey an interpretation of opinions that may not be entirely accurate. Opinions and perceptions of political issues and candidates are often shaped by search results from search engines like google. Google algorithms are not designed to provide balanced or equal representation of controversial issues. Search engines influence democracy due to the potential distrust of media, increasing online searches for political information and understanding. Looking specifically at America, the Fairness Doctrine was introduced in 1949 to avoid political bias in all licensed Broadcasting mediums. Within", "id": "15751303" }, { "contents": "Dragonfly (search engine)\n\n\nDragonfly, though, was set up to notify searchers when the results they sought had been removed. In response to criticism over at the time of its launch, Google asserted that \"while removing search results is inconsistent with our mission, providing no information is more inconsistent with our mission,\" referring to the alternative of not servicing Chinese users at all. Google also downplayed the extent of the new search engine's censorship, reminding users that it also removes search results from its German, French, and U.S. platforms", "id": "7984979" }, { "contents": "Google China\n\n\nservices and functions, but users reported that access was denied the next day. In November 2012, GreatFire.Org reported that China had blocked access to Google. The group reported that all Google domains, including Google search, Gmail, and Google Maps, became inaccessible. The reason for the blockage was likely to control the content in the nation's Internet while the government prepared to change leadership. As the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre approached, Chinese authorities blocked more websites and search engines. GreatFire said that the", "id": "10835793" }, { "contents": "Is Google Making Us Stupid?\n\n\nultimate search engine\" in a PBS interview with Google co-founder Sergey Brin as noted in Carr's book \"The Big Switch\", and also Brin's TED talk. Brin was comparing Google's ambitions of building an artificial intelligence to HAL, while dismissing the possibility that a bug like the one that led HAL to murder the occupants of the fictional spacecraft \"Discovery One\" could occur in a Google-based artificial intelligence. Carr observed in his essay that throughout history technological advances have often necessitated new metaphors, such", "id": "14955389" }, { "contents": "Dragonfly (search engine)\n\n\nan internal memo authored by a Google engineer which contained details about the project. According to a transcript of a July 18 meeting published by \"The Intercept\", Google's search engine chief Ben Gomes stated that although the future was \"unpredictable\", he wanted the app to be ready to launch in \"six to nine months\". Google executives stated in 2018 that Dragonfly was \"exploratory\", \"in early stages\" and that Google was \"not close to launching a search product in China\". In a", "id": "7984975" }, { "contents": "Google Voice Search\n\n\nthe service, products from Google, such as GOOG-411, Google Maps and Google Mobile App, have been developed to use speech recognition technology in various ways. On October 30, 2012, Google released a new Google Search app for iOS, which featured an enhanced Google Voice Search function, similar to that of the Voice Search function found in Google's Android Jelly Bean and aimed to compete with Apple's own Siri voice assistant. The new app has been compared favorably by reviewers to Siri and The Unofficial Apple Weblog's side", "id": "14530246" }, { "contents": "Google AdSense\n\n\nconsidered to be search engine spam and can be reported to Google. A Made for AdSense (MFA) website or webpage has little or no content, but is filled with advertisements so that users have no choice but to click on advertisements. Such pages were tolerated in the past, but due to complaints, Google now disables such accounts. There have also been reports of Trojan horses engineered to produce counterfeit Google advertisements that are formatted looking like legitimate ones. The Trojan uploads itself onto an unsuspecting user's computer through a webpage", "id": "19383270" }, { "contents": "Knol\n\n\nso \"Guides\" at After Google's announcement of the project in December 2007, there was speculation on its motives and its position as a producer of content rather than as an organizer. \"The Guardian\"s Jack Schofield argued that \"Knol represents an attack on the media industry in general.\" There was debate whether Google search results could remain neutral because of possible conflict of interest. According to Danny Sullivan, the editor of \"Search Engine Land\", \"Google's goal of making Knol pages easy to find", "id": "9993336" }, { "contents": "Search engine results page\n\n\nmajor search engines visually differentiate specific content types such as images, news, and blogs. Many content types have specialized SERP templates and visual enhancements on the first search results page. Also known as 'user search string', this is the word or set of words that are typed by the user in the search bar of the search engine. The search box is located on all major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Users indicate the topic desired based on the keywords they enter into the search box in", "id": "19249798" }, { "contents": "Search Engine Marketing in China\n\n\nmarket. By doing so, it gives local businesses to compete against each other, as well, create their own platforms that can rival with their western counterpart. One of the largest examples being Baidu, China's own SEO that's comparable to Google. At the basis, obtaining the crucial data in correlation to the marketing performance. With these data, companies and organizations can gather details in understanding and adjusting the efficiency and effectiveness in marketing. This course will drive businesses to a better ROI and decisions. According to The", "id": "19169636" }, { "contents": "Nofollow\n\n\nthe codice_5 tag for their outgoing links include YouTube and (for most links); websites that don't use the codice_5 tag include (no longer an active website), Yahoo! My Web 2.0 and Technorati Favs. Search engines have attempted to repurpose the nofollow attribute for something different. Google began suggesting the use of codice_2 also as a machine-readable disclosure for paid links, so that these links do not get credit in search engines' results. Google considers paid backlinks as a black-hat practice.", "id": "20348785" }, { "contents": "Egosurfing\n\n\nEgosurfing (also Googling yourself, vanity searching, egosearching, egogoogling, autogoogling, self-googling) is the practice of searching for one's own name, or pseudonym on a popular search engine in order to review the results. Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for his or her own name to see what information appears. It has become increasingly popular with the rise of Internet search engines, as well as free blogging and web-hosting services. Though Google is the search engine most commonly mentioned when", "id": "15143921" }, { "contents": "Google bombing\n\n\nGoogle bomb and many others. The BBC, reporting on Google bombs in 2002, used the headline \"Google Hit By Link Bombers\", acknowledging to some degree the idea of \"link bombing\". In 2004, Search Engine Watch suggested that the term be \"link bombing\" because of its application beyond Google, and continues to use that term as it is considered more accurate. By January 2007, Google changed its indexing structure so that Google bombs such as \"miserable failure\" would \"typically return commentary, discussions", "id": "3561894" }, { "contents": "Yahoo! Search\n\n\nthey didn't use them on the main website, but kept using Google's search engine for its results. Starting on April 7, 2003, Yahoo! Search became its own web crawler-based search engine. They combined the capabilities of search engine companies they had acquired and their prior research into a reinvented crawler called \"Yahoo!\". The new search engine results were included in all of Yahoo's websites that had a web search function. Yahoo! also started to sell the search engine results to other companies", "id": "2735023" }, { "contents": "Transformativeness\n\n\nmust weigh Google's superseding and commercial uses of thumbnail images against Google's significant transformative use, as well as the extent to which Google's search engine promotes the purposes of copyright and serves the interests of the public. Although the district court acknowledged the \"truism that search engines such as Google Image Search provide great value to the public,\" the district court did not expressly consider whether this value outweighed the significance of Google's superseding use or the commercial nature of Google's use. The Supreme Court, however, has", "id": "7605165" }, { "contents": "Search engine technology\n\n\nengine software that are separately applicable to specific 'browsing' needs. These include web search engines (e.g. Google), database or structured data search engines (e.g. Dieselpoint), and mixed search engines or enterprise search. The more prevalent search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!, utilize hundreds of thousands computers to process trillions of web pages in order to return fairly well-aimed results. Due to this high volume of queries and text processing, the software is required to run in a highly dispersed environment with a", "id": "12715417" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\ncollected from these search engine websites. The Google search engine is given as an example of a search engine that retains the information entered for a period of three-fourths of a year before it becomes obsolete for public usage. Yahoo! follows in the footsteps of Google in the sense that it also deletes user information after a period of ninety days. Other search engines such as Ask! search engine has promoted a tool of \"AskEraser\" which essentially takes away personal information when requested. Some changes made to Internet search engines", "id": "1742802" }, { "contents": "Internet censorship in China\n\n\nsystems inside China that try to access Web sites outside the country. If a site was inaccessible, then it was added to Google China's blacklist. In addition, a connection containing intensive censored terms may also be closed by The Great Firewall, and cannot be re-established for several minutes. This affects all network connections including HTTP and POP, but the reset is more likely to occur during searching. Before the search engines censored themselves, many search engines had been blocked, namely Google and AltaVista. Technorati,", "id": "20202778" }, { "contents": "Yahoo! Search\n\n\nYahoo! Search is a web search engine owned by Yahoo, headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. , it is the second largest search engine worldwide across all platforms with 2.32% market share. As of July 2018, Microsoft Sites handled 24.2 percent of all search queries in the United States. During the same period of time, Oath (formerly known as Yahoo) had a search market share of 11.5 percent. Market leader Google generated 63.2 percent of all core search queries in the United States. Originally, \"Yahoo Search\"", "id": "2735020" }, { "contents": "Dragonfly (search engine)\n\n\nresults produced by that engine. Brin justified Google's sudden policy switch by arguing that operating a search engine in China no longer aligned with Google's goals of advancing internet freedom, as the company had been seeing a daily \"increase\" in requests for certain topics or search terms to be censored, rather than the other way around. Google faced widespread criticism for the decision which some commentators called a \"face saving capitulation\": an attempt by Google to take a stand for internet freedom while still preserving their share of the", "id": "7984982" } ]
why if humans and dolphins are the only creatures to have sex for pleasure, why does my dog hump everything in sight?
[{"answer": "Chimps and bonobos also have sex for pleasure. Bonobos use it as social bonding. Chimps... it's kind of just a lot of rape."}, {"answer": "Dogs generally hump other dogs to express dominance over each other."}, {"answer": "Every animal has sex for pleasure. It gratifies an instinctual need."}, {"answer": "Whenever you hear a factoid like 'X and Y are the only animals that do Z for (reason)' - it's generally wrong. Someone made it up to fill space in a magazine or website article, and people just sorta've started believing it."}, {"answer": "Your dog isn't looking for pleasure, it's trying to relieve it's libido. Having sex for pleasure means you have sex even though your body isn't pushing you to do it. Your dog is pretty much always getting pushed by its body to have sex to reproduce."}, {"answer": "Dogs do it to assert dominance. If your dog constantly is humping your leg then you really need to think about who is being dominant in the pack. You should always be the alpha, but your dog *will* take control if you let them... And having an alpha dog is an absolute nightmare, because they do whatever they want and don't obey you at all."}, {"answer": "where did you hear that? sounds like a load of BS to me just one example URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Your premise is incorrect, but a dog humping things is not about sex it's about social order, the dog is trying to establish dominance. As for humans and dolphins, there a many many many more species that have been observed engaging in non reproductive sex, which is what I think you meant."}, {"answer": "I'm pretty sure quite a few animals have gay sex. So the premise behind your question is incorrect."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9301", "title": "Erotica", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Erotica is any artistic work that deals substantively with subject matter that is erotically stimulating or sexually arousing but is not pornographic. Erotic art may use any artistic form to depict erotic content, including painting, sculpture, drama, film or music. Erotic literature and erotic photography have become genres in their own right.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Erotica is any artistic work that deals substantively with subject matter that is erotically stimulating or sexually arousing but is not pornographic. Erotic art may use any artistic form to depict erotic content, including painting, sculpture, drama, film or music. Erotic literature and erotic photography have become genres in their own right."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Serer creation myth\n\n\nas well as the jackal myth which was close to Roog before being transformed into the dog of the forest (or \"pale fox\" according to some). This is why it is not named, but only by allusion. The jackal was the first intelligent creature on earth, before the arrival of humans. It is believed that will still remain on earth after human beings have returned to the divine. The Serers believe that, not only does it know in advance who will die, but it traces the tracks in", "id": "5390059" }, { "contents": "Paul R. Abramson\n\n\nin human sexual expression. Abramson expanded upon this research by studying this process cross-culturally, in Japan in particular. Many other studies on the psychology of human sexuality followed. Most notable of all, however, is the work he did on sexual pleasure with his former student Steven Pinkerton. Their book \"With Pleasure\" answers the most basic question about sex, namely, why does it feel so good? This book reframed the dialogue and research agenda on the study of sex. Having published a series of studies on", "id": "386669" }, { "contents": "Hölderlin's Hymn \"The Ister\"\n\n\nof taking nonbeings for beings and beings for nonbeings. Thus human beings are creatures of risk. They seek to become homely within a site, place everything at stake in this, and encounter the fact that the homely refuses itself to them. This is the uncanniness of human being, and this is why \"deinon\" does not mean simply power and violence. Human beings do not themselves make themselves the most uncanny thing; it is not a matter of self-consciousness here. Only because human beings can say \"it", "id": "18921754" }, { "contents": "Why Is Sex Fun?\n\n\nWhy Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality is a 1997 book about the evolution of human sexuality by the biologist Jared Diamond. Diamond addresses aspects of human sexuality such as why women's ovulation is not overtly advertised (concealed ovulation); why humans have sex in private rather than in public like other mammals; and why the ovaries are U-shaped. \"Why Is Sex Fun?\" was published in 1997 by Basic Books, as part of the Science Masters series. \"Why Is Sex Fun?\"", "id": "3803821" }, { "contents": "Lake Van Monster\n\n\ncreature, together with Kozak. Kozak's video is under constant criticism, with questions like why it never pans left, possibly because of a boat that may have carried the creature. Or why the monster only goes straight, instead of curving through the water. Even criticism as to why the breathing is not in and out, but a continuous release, much like the effects of an air hose. A 4-meter high statue based on reported sightings has been erected to its honor in Van, Turkey. Skeptics point out that", "id": "2055185" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nof \"Honey\" featuring American R&B singer Kelis, reaching number 17 on the UK Singles Chart. The music video for \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was directed by Filipe Alçada, Hotessa Laurence, and Susi Wilkinson. It is completely animated and features the character Little Idiot, who is also featured on the \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" single cover. The video depicts Little Idiot and his pet dog coming down from the Moon to Earth and traveling through a variety of locations,", "id": "1564563" }, { "contents": "Paul R. Abramson\n\n\ncriticism his touchstone. He employed methods – mathematical models, narrative theories, constitutional scholarship, archival research, epidemiology, psychological interviews, ethnography, the philosophy of aesthetics – that suited the conundrums he grappled with. Why is severe trauma so protracted and unpredictable? Are multiple one-night stands with a condom riskier than serial monogamy without them? Can the philosophy of aesthetics be extended to severe trauma? Why is sex so pleasurable? Why don't Americans have 9th amendment constitutionally protected sexual rights? How does a person who is", "id": "386667" }, { "contents": "Eros (concept)\n\n\nnotice the arrow that sped to his heart.\" The rhetorical antithesis between the pleasure and pain from love's dart continued through the 17th century, as for example, in these classically inspired images from The Fairy-Queen: If Love's a Sweet Passion, why does it torment?brIf a Bitter, oh tell me whence comes my content?brSince I suffer with pleasure, why should I complain,brOr grieve at my Fate, when I know 'tis in vain?brYet so pleasing the Pain is, so soft is the Dart,brThat", "id": "16557906" }, { "contents": "Miriam (TV personality)\n\n\nvisitor on \"Big Brother Australia 2004\", also produced by Endemol. A documentary about her life was commissioned but not aired. She has stated she does not plan to have sex reassignment surgery, citing concerns about complications or loss of sensation. \"My mother always says to me, 'Why would you want to be half-and-half? Why don't you want to be a complete woman?' But I just love myself and I'm really enjoying my life.\" The \"New York Post\"", "id": "1222779" }, { "contents": "Indigo Muldoon\n\n\nHe'll never free you. He took away everything I ever wanted.\" \"Why did you and the others leave him?\" \"It's too complicated for a child.\" Indie stands up angrily. \"So my body is all that you see as woman?!\" \"I have all the mistresses I could want in Hell, but I want none of them. I had never seen a creature as elegant and pure as you, and nothing else will do.\" \"Negotiate for my freedom.", "id": "18619997" }, { "contents": "Why Do Men Have Nipples?\n\n\nWhy Do Men Have Nipples?, subtitled \"Hundreds of Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Martini\", is a humor/medical book written by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D., and is a New York Times Bestseller. Mark Leyner is the author of \"My Cousin\", \"My Gastroenterologist\"; \"Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog\"; \"I Smell Esther Williams\"; \"Et Tu Babe\"; and \"The Tetherballs of Bougainville\". He has written scripts for a", "id": "1433183" }, { "contents": "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence\n\n\n\"real\" being, makes a key appearance, as in many of Oshii's movies. A scene with Batou feeding his dog is echoed in Ash in \"Avalon\" (2001). He explained the reason why all his films feature a basset hound—his companion in real life: \"This body you see before you is an empty shell. The dog represents my body. Human beings can be free only if they free themselves from their bodies. When I am playing around with my dog, I forget that", "id": "650953" }, { "contents": "Arkady Leokum\n\n\nlife, such as: Why does Saturn have rings? What are the different types of clouds? How does an octopus swim? Why does a tiger have stripes? How do flowers grow? The first-known reference to the \"Tell My Why\" is a 96-page paperback by Arkady Leokum, published by Scholastic Book Services in 1958, of answers to the children's question \"TELL ME WHY?\" It was based on the newspaper column \"It's Amazing (Tell Me Why)\" syndicated by the George Matthew", "id": "3872656" }, { "contents": "Marlene Dietrich\n\n\n. Everybody in America works today. You have to. Oh - know, I could live tucked away out of sight in some Swiss chalet - but why should I? I am an American citizen, and proud to be so. I enjoy living in that country and one pays for one's pleasures. So I work. And as long as people want me, and I have them eating out of my hands, I shall continue to do so.\" In her 60s and 70s, Dietrich's health declined:", "id": "15056431" }, { "contents": "Stanley Coren\n\n\nto be very popular and Coren's personality test is now used by some dog shelters to determine whether prospective owners are suitable for a particular breed of dog. Similarly, his book \"Why does my dog act that way?\" uses data from approximately a thousand dogs to determine features of the personality of various dog breeds. However other books that he has written on dog behavior have provided less formal data presentation and in these his creative contribution is based on the organization and interpretation of the research of others, as is the", "id": "16031334" }, { "contents": "Manusmriti\n\n\ncontemplates, undertakes and does what he loves to do and when he does so without harming any creature. Numerous verses relate to the practice of meat eating, how it causes injury to living beings, why it is evil, and the morality of vegetarianism. Yet, the text balances its moral tone as an appeal to one's conscience, states Olivelle. For example, verse 5.56 as translated by Olivelle states, \"there is no fault in eating meat, in drinking liquor, or in having sex; that is the", "id": "6117823" }, { "contents": "Temptation (novella)\n\n\nthat was causing her distraction; a giant centipede-like creature who proceeded to pull her in with tentacles. She awoke in a strange fantasy world with miniature versions of all the sapient life-forms of Jijo, and as she approached a small human village to ask some questions, a tribal elder of sorts summoned a multitude of creatures to attack her. As she swam away she passed several different settlements until she came across one whose leader knew of dolphins from ancestral stories. The elder then proceeded to explain why there were", "id": "14901522" }, { "contents": "His Dark Materials\n\n\ntakes the form of a creature (moth, bird, dog, monkey, snake, etc.) and is usually the opposite sex to its human counterpart. The dæmons of children have the ability to change form - from one creature to another - but towards the end of a child's puberty, their dæmon \"settles\" into a permanent form, which reflects the person's personality. When a person dies, the dæmon dies too. But if the dæmon dies, the person does not. Armoured bears, cliff", "id": "16540749" }, { "contents": "The Teacher of Literature\n\n\nexamining the lives of little provincial creatures... Initially I planned to destroy the main characters, but then was careless enough to read it to some of my [friends] and they all cried out: please have mercy on them! I did, and that is why the story turned out so sour.\" Nikitin, a 27-year-old teacher of Russian literature in a provinial gymnasium, is infatuated with Masha Shelestova, an 18-year daughter of a local landlord. A happy man, he admires everything about the Shelestov house and", "id": "10451559" }, { "contents": "Meiotic recombination checkpoint\n\n\nsex chromosomes and some products may inhibit cell cycle progression. Meiotic sex chromosome inactivation only happens in male, which may partially be the reason why only Spo11 mutant spermatocytes but not oocytes fail to transition from prophase I to metaphase I. However the asynapsis does not happen only within sex chromosomes, and such transcription regulation was suspended until it was further expanded to all the chromosomes as meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin, but the effector gene is not found yet. The central role in meiosis of human and mouse CHEK1 and CHEK2 and their orthologs", "id": "8310651" }, { "contents": "The Iron Man (novel)\n\n\ntwo rounds, the dragon is so badly burned that he no longer appears physically frightening. The Iron Man by contrast has only a deformed ear-lobe to show for his pains. The alien creature admits defeat. When asked why he came to Earth, the dragon reveals that he is a peaceful \"star spirit\" who experienced excitement about the ongoing sights and sounds produced by the violent warfare of humanity. In his own life, he was a singer of the \"music of the spheres\"; the harmony of his", "id": "19716200" }, { "contents": "Non-reproductive sexual behavior in animals\n\n\nas gaining practice, relieving tension, and experiencing pleasure. Georgetown University professor Janet Mann has specifically theorised that homosexual behaviour, at least in dolphins, is an evolutionary advantage that minimizes intraspecies aggression, especially among males. \"Humans have created the myth that sexuality can be justified only by reproduction, which by definition limits it to hetero sex,\" says Michael Bronski, author of The Pleasure Principle: Culture, Backlash, and the Struggle for Gay Freedom. \"But here is an animal society that uses homosexuality to improve its", "id": "375708" }, { "contents": "Heavenly Creatures\n\n\nliteral-minded brute force.\" Gleiberman complains that Jackson never quite explains \"why the two girls have metamorphosed into the '50s teenybop answer to Leopold and Loeb,\" yet concludes, \"Still, if the pleasures of \"Heavenly Creatures\" remain defiantly on the surface, on that level the movie is a dazzler.\" \"Heavenly Creatures\" had a limited box office success, but performed admirably in various countries, including the United States, where it grossed a total of $3,049,135 during its limited run in 57", "id": "3009677" }, { "contents": "Florence Aline Rodway\n\n\nthat gender was irrelevant in her case: 'Sex is an accident - the capacity for expressing the infinitely large or the infinitesimally little cannot be gauged by outward measurements. The soul frequently bears little relation to its case. Else, why does Florence Rodway, tall, slight and blonde, revel in peopling large spaces with the Titanic creatures of her imagination.' The Art Gallery of New South Wales purchased work in 1910 and from then her reputation as a portraitist only grew. She completed many portraits in pastel, especially", "id": "7760457" }, { "contents": "Signature whistle\n\n\nor identity, and can explain why dolphins in captivity use them. Signature whistle emissions also increase during socialization and predation. Similar to vocal learning, bottlenose dolphins demonstrate vocal copying. Bottlenose dolphins repeat another dolphin’s signature whistle back in order to address that particular dolphin individually. Unlike other animals, dolphins do not display this behavior in aggressive situations. Humans and dolphins are the only known species to use vocal copying in cooperative contexts. Although this behavior is rare, dolphins with close relationships are more likely to demonstrate vocal copying.", "id": "14195848" }, { "contents": "Animal sexual behaviour\n\n\nbehaviour directly. Rather, they affect thinking and emotions in variable ways (Azar, 40).\" There is much more involved in sexual behaviour in the mammalian animal than oxytocin and vasopressin can explain. It is often assumed that animals do not have sex for pleasure, or alternatively that humans, pigs, bonobos (and perhaps dolphins and one or two more species of primates) are the only species that do. This is sometimes stated as \"animals mate only for reproduction\". This view is considered a misconception by", "id": "21054133" }, { "contents": "List of Shadow Star characters\n\n\nhappen. This means that in reality she does not wish to casually speak with him, and that everything he does is actually Shiina's will - whether for good or for bad. In the anime it is not stated, but later in the manga it becomes known that Hoshimaru is Takeo Tsurumaru's dragon, not Shiina's, which explains why she could not link with the creature. When Takeo dies, Hoshimaru attempts to turn his bearer into a virgin princess, but somehow fails. His Japanese voice actor is Satsuki Yukino", "id": "15084498" }, { "contents": "Reverence for Life\n\n\nde vivre I never really knew...One thing especially saddened me was that the unfortunate animals had to suffer so much pain and misery...It was quite incomprehensible to me -- this was before I began going to school -- why in my evening prayers I should pray for human beings only. So when my mother had prayed with me and had kissed me good-night, I used to add silently a prayer that I composed myself for all living creatures. It ran thus: \"O heavenly Father, protect and bless all", "id": "1859207" }, { "contents": "Josh Lyman\n\n\nsex and romance.\" Other characters occasionally speculate on the pair's relationship. When Donna encourages Josh to ask Joey Lucas on a date, Joey guesses that Donna is attempting to cover her own feelings for Josh through misdirection. During the same episode Josh and Sam Seaborn discuss why Donna was so pushy about asking out Joey; Josh comments that he wonders why Donna wouldn't be jealous to which Sam asked if Josh gets jealous when Donna dates. Josh says he doesn't but does everything in his power to stop or hinder", "id": "9730818" }, { "contents": "Ethics of eating meat\n\n\nby ethical vegetarians and vegans. Ethical vegetarians say that the reasons for not hurting or killing animals are similar to the reasons for not hurting or killing humans. They argue that killing an animal, like killing a human, can only be justified in extreme circumstances; consuming a living creature just for its taste, for convenience, or out of habit is not justifiable. Some ethicists have added that humans, unlike other animals, are morally conscious of their behavior and have a choice; this is why there are laws governing human", "id": "3515786" }, { "contents": "Chow Chow\n\n\n, though while some are of an aggressive nature, many are known to be easy-going in nature - sometimes adopting an aloof disposition to individuals other than their owners. Aggression when it does appear is often towards other dogs of the same sex, especially Chows. Due to their strong hunting instincts, it is recommended that these dogs stay fenced, leashed, and away from cats and small dogs. This is why it is crucial that they are socialized early and consistently in order to act appropriately with strangers. At first", "id": "1002189" }, { "contents": "Samuel Charters\n\n\nwas my way of fighting racism. That's why my work is not academic, that is why it is absolutely nothing but popularization: I wanted people to hear black music, as I said in \"The Poetry of the Blues\". . . . It's where I say, you know, if by introducing music I can have somebody look across the racial divide and see a black face and see this person as a human being—and that's why my work is unashamedly romantic\" (Ismail, 2011,", "id": "10151971" }, { "contents": "Heaven Before All Hell Breaks Loose\n\n\nthe sight of Strickland Banks. I'm sure a lot of other people did too. I was plastered everywhere. That would've got on my nerves. It did get on my nerves!\" \"I can understand why it gets on other people's nerves, when someone gets so big you're just bombarded with their face all over the place. I was sick of the sight of my own face. That's why I did \"Ill Manors\" instead of \"The Ballad of Belmarsh\".\" Adapted from", "id": "7028144" }, { "contents": "Lost in Space (American Dad!)\n\n\ntempted when the creature transforms itself into a Hayley lookalike. With that, Jeff attempts to appease the slave alien and have sex one last time before losing his penis. However, his scruples and love for Hayley get in the way, and he is unable to comply. Jeff then decides to confront The Majestic and ask why he only played negative memories of his relationship. After lowering himself into a pit where The Majestic resides, Jeff complains to the creature that he did not show any of the positive memories of his marriage", "id": "3376961" }, { "contents": "Medieval art\n\n\n, to which religious meanings might be loosely attached, although this did not impress St Bernard of Clairvaux, who famously denounced such distractions in monasteries:But in the cloister, in the sight of the reading monks, what is the point of such ridiculous monstrosity, the strange kind of shapely shapelessness? Why these unsightly monkeys, why these fierce lions, why the monstrous centaurs, why semi-humans, why spotted tigers, why fighting soldiers, why trumpeting huntsmen? ... In short there is such a variety and such a", "id": "20552661" }, { "contents": "Drukpa Kunley\n\n\nmore into my inner happiness. I can have sex with many women, because I help them to go the path of enlightenment. Outwardly I'm a fool and inwardly I live with a clear spiritual system. Outwardly, I enjoy wine, women and song. And inwardly I work for the benefit of all beings. Outwardly, I live for my pleasure and inwardly I do everything in the right moment. Outwardly I am a ragged beggar and inwardly a blissful Buddha. Song about the pleasure A young woman finds pleasure in", "id": "16449194" }, { "contents": "Angel In-the-Making\n\n\nHer mother not only needs her care but also her kidney. The relationship between mother and daughter is tense as Halley finds out why her mother was never and does not want to be a part of her life. With Ray's urging of Halley to see her mother, she finds out the reason why her mother must have her kidney and agrees to donate one to her. After the ordeal, Halley gets what she always wished for, a relationship with and knowing her mother. Just as everything is looking up for Halley", "id": "8826341" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\n\"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" is a song by American electronica musician Moby. It was released on October 11, 1999 as the fourth single from his fifth studio album \"Play\". \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was originally written by Moby in 1992 in an iteration which Moby would describe as \"really bad techno... Just mediocre, generic techno.\" Years later, Moby revisited the song, reproducing it as a considerably slower and more \"mournful and romantic\" song,", "id": "1564560" }, { "contents": "The Winds of Winter (Game of Thrones)\n\n\nhave seen it if it wasn't earth-shattering, because everything we've learned so far during his visions has been pretty big and important, from the creation of the first White Walker to the origins of Hodor. This is clearly another important milestone in the history of Westeros. For Bran, he sat there thinking, 'This isn't my brother. This is my cousin somehow, but who's the dad? And why have I been shown this? If I find out who the dad is and why I", "id": "21388203" }, { "contents": "The Castle (Fargo)\n\n\nthe artifice he delights in putting on (and which makes the show such a pleasure to watch), a good grasp on the vagaries of human behavior.\" Handlen also praised the inclusion of the UFO as consistent with the rest of the season's storytelling, saying: \"Everything here makes sense, more or less, but it’s also bizarre and loopy and easily preventabl[e], and it cost people their lives. Which is why the UFO is entirely fitting. It’s the nonsense given a physical presence, like", "id": "6023570" }, { "contents": "Mating preferences\n\n\nMate preferences in humans refers to why one human chooses or chooses not to mate with another human and their reasoning why (see: Evolutionary Psychology, mating). Men and women have been observed having different criteria as what makes a good or ideal mate (gender differences). A potential mate's socioeconomic status has also been seen as having a noticeable effect, especially in developing areas where social status is more emphasized. In humans, when choosing a mate of the opposite sex, females place high preference for a mate that", "id": "11915105" }, { "contents": "Indian Ocean humpback dolphin\n\n\ndolphin is a medium-sized dolphin that ranges in length from and in weight from . They have a fatty hump on the back, which differentiates them from S. chinensis\"which have a more prominent dorsal fin, but no hump. Different varieties have different coloration, although young dolphins are generally gray, with darker gray above than below. 'They are generally dark gray. '\\ Indian Ocean humpbacked dolphins can appear similar to conspecific Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, but the bottlenose dolphins lack the hump. And all humpbacked dolphins have", "id": "671723" }, { "contents": "List of Pretty Rhythm: Dear My Future characters\n\n\nthe husband of the children's mother, MyeongJa. Not much is known about him as a person, though he patched up his daughter's wound at her recital when she fell. He is the owner of many resorts and expensive establishments. This is why ChaeKyoung has the ability to buy all of the things she does, and possibly why she is so spoiled. MyeongJa had broken up with Kintaro, and she felt she could not love again and began to hate everything. However, she credits the father of her children", "id": "18246398" }, { "contents": "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen\n\n\nA woman is asking: at least you will allow her that right. Tell me? What gave you the sovereign right to oppress my sex?\" She demands that her reader observe nature and the rules of the animals surrounding them - in every other species, sexes coexist and intermingle peacefully and fairly. She asks why humans cannot act likewise and demands (in the preamble) that the National Assembly decree the \"Declaration\" a part of French law. Also they have seen many wars in combat with the men of", "id": "6394860" }, { "contents": "Ben Shapiro\n\n\nman and a woman do a better job of raising a child than two men or two women\". He has stated he does not feel same-sex marriage should be taught to students in schools, saying, \"In California they've already passed laws that you have to teach same-sex marriage in public schools, for example... I went to public school for elementary school and junior high, I don't know why the government is teaching me anything about this stuff. This is for my parents to teach me", "id": "12660522" }, { "contents": "Matford Vic\n\n\ntwo sons, who told him that they did not want that kind of dog. Vic was brought along to a dog show where her owner was showing his Cocker Spaniels. A terrier fancier happened to catch sight of the dog and said to him \"That is a fine dog that you have there. Why don't you exhibit it here?\" He entered the dog in the classes, and Vic would end up winning her classes. An offer of $500 was made for Vic, which was turned down but eventually", "id": "18848652" }, { "contents": "The Button (comics)\n\n\nduo visits the graves of Thomas and Martha Wayne to discuss their adventure and how they lost the button as well as having even more unanswered questions than before. Bruce thinks about his father's words and contemplates quitting the Batman persona. The final pages reveal the button being picked up from off the ground by a familiar glowing blue hand, confirming Doctor Manhattan's introduction into the DC Universe while a familiar quote from \"Watchmen\" plays in the background:\"\"Why does my perception of time distress you? Everything is preordained. Even my responses", "id": "138179" }, { "contents": "Nicomachean Ethics\n\n\ntype of pleasure, is not the only type of pleasure. He points out that if pleasure is not good then a happy person will not have a more pleasant life than another, and would have no reason to avoid pain. Chapter 14 first points out that any level of pain is bad, while concerning pleasure it is only excessive bodily pleasures that are bad. Finally, he asks why people are so attracted to bodily pleasures. Apart from natural depravities and cases where a bodily pleasure comes from being restored to health Aristotle", "id": "17023379" }, { "contents": "Yale Labor and Management Center\n\n\ntheory of human behavior is our most serious handicap in the development of policy in labor relations. Management, union leaders and workers all must have a working knowledge, validated by experience, of such questions as: (1) why does the other person behave as he does? (2) why does he change from one kind of behavior to another? (3) how will this proposal or this action affect him – and why?\" The research program established to work on these problems drew considerable attention within the field", "id": "12115422" }, { "contents": "Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov\n\n\ngiving, developing organs for itself\" and anticipated V. Vernadsky’s idea of autotrophic humans. He argues that a person must become an autotrophic, self-feeding creature, acquire a new mode of energy exchange with the environment that will not end. Fedorov repeatedly said that only general scientific studies of aging, death and postmortem studies can deliver the means to overcome death and promote indefinite healthy lifespan. Fedorov's criticism of philosophers: \"How unnatural it is to ask, ‘Why does that which exists, exist?' and", "id": "3941062" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Joe's Garage\n\n\nletter to Joe telling him about it (\"Toad-O Line\"). Joe \"falls in with a fast crowd\" and gets seduced by Lucille, a girl who works at the Jack in the Box, and has sex with her, only to catch gonorrhea (\"Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?\"). Discouraged, he sings about Lucille and his feelings for her (\"Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up\"). In Act 2, Joe arrives at the First Church of Appliantology,", "id": "7141204" }, { "contents": "Fazal Inayat-Khan\n\n\nSufism has three aspects: it is non-definitive, inclusive, and experiential – \"You can always love more.\" \"Sufism has always changed, and that's why it is always the same.\" \"Everything matters, nothing matters.\" \"Sufism is a call, a cry to awaken, to the minds who are ready, to the human beings who have slept enough, but to those who still want to sleep, it is merely a lullaby along in their dream.\" \"My mind is", "id": "12408664" }, { "contents": "Literary nonsense\n\n\nthe pleasure and happiness of having a Q in your name you must have a popcorn hat, popcorn mittens and popcorn shoes\". Riddles only appear to be nonsense until the answer is found. The most famous nonsense riddle is only so because it originally had no answer. In Carroll's \"Alice in Wonderland\", the Mad Hatter asks Alice \"Why is a raven like a writing-desk?\" When Alice gives up, the Hatter replies that he does not know either, creating a nonsensical riddle. Some seemingly", "id": "22141380" }, { "contents": "Cross River gorilla\n\n\ndecline of this species started thirty years ago and has since continued to decline at an alarming rate. The danger of hunters has led these creatures to fear humans and human contact, so sightings of the Cross River gorilla are rare. Cross River gorillas try to avoid nesting in grasslands and farms, which causes the remaining forest to become fragmented. However, the Cross River gorilla's habitat has become degraded and fragmented. Spatial scale coarse models fail to explain why the gorillas display a highly fragmented distribution within what appears to be a", "id": "14392876" }, { "contents": "Northern Lights (novel)\n\n\nhumans in \"Northern Lights\", as well as witches, have a dæmon \"(pronounced \"demon\")\", which is the physical manifestation of a person's \"inner being\", soul, or spirit. It takes the form of a creature \"(moth, bird, dog, monkey, snake, etc.)\" and is usually the opposite sex to its human counterpart. The dæmons of children have the ability to change form – from one creature to another – but towards the end of a", "id": "12450592" }, { "contents": "Caste system in India\n\n\nin Hindu texts. If \"Brahma\" wanted castes, argued Phule, he would have ordained the same for other creatures. There are no castes in species of animals or birds, so why should there be one among human animals. In his criticism Phule added, \"Brahmins cannot claim superior status because of caste, because they hardly bothered with these when wining and dining with Europeans.\" Professions did not make castes, and castes did not decide one's profession. If someone does a job that is dirty,", "id": "21460396" }, { "contents": "Commerson's dolphin\n\n\n-sharply delineated dark and light grey patterning with a white ventral band, and is found around the Kerguelen Islands in the Indian Ocean. The dolphin is named after French naturalist Dr Philibert Commerson, who first described them in 1767 after sighting them in the Strait of Magellan. Two disjunct subspecies of the dolphin are found in geographically disparate areas separated by 130° of longitude and about ; it is not known why they are thus distributed. Global populations are unknown, but the species is accepted to be locally common. The main", "id": "11679510" }, { "contents": "Against the Galileans\n\n\nidea that a literal interpretation of the story of the Tower of Babel can adequately explain why men differ so greatly, saying that it does not explain why men have different morals or laws or why they have such marked physical differences (138A). Instead, he believes, different gods responsible for different races and nations are responsible for mankind’s differences (143A). The God of Moses does exist, but only as an inferior to the God of All (148B). Julian expounds on this idea, asking why,", "id": "8851357" }, { "contents": "A Star Is Burns\n\n\nis magnificent, but it's easy to see why Homer wants Hans Moleman to be the winner.\" Adam Finley of TV Squad wrote, \"the episode, even if I didn't care for it as a whole, does have moments that are still very Simpson-y, and still very funny. Jay's appearance, however, casts a shadow over everything that tends to leave a bad taste in my mouth.\" Todd Gilchrist of IGN listed Barney's film as one of the best moments of the sixth season", "id": "20484852" }, { "contents": "Paradox of hedonism\n\n\nto collect stamps. According to most models of behavior, including not only utilitarianism, but most economic, psychological and social conceptions of behavior, it is believed that Paul collects stamps because he gets pleasure from it. Stamp collecting is an avenue towards acquiring pleasure. However, if you tell Paul this, he will likely disagree. He does get pleasure from collecting stamps, but this is not the process that explains why he collects stamps. It is not as if he said, \"I must collect stamps so I,", "id": "11031318" }, { "contents": "List of Friends characters\n\n\nfor Marcel. Later, as Marcel sexually matures and begins to hump everything, Ross has to give him away to a zoo—\"where he can have access to regular monkey-lovin'.\" Ultimately, Ross finds out that Marcel then got stolen from the zoo and taken into a life of show business, and—after starring in a liquor commercial—is starring in a movie in New York, where they are reunited one last time. In a later season Ross questions why he had a monkey as a pet. Janice", "id": "13766731" }, { "contents": "Attenborough in Paradise and Other Personal Voyages\n\n\nfor the origins of human music, he traces its connections to the musical sounds that other animals make: the beauty of the wolf's howl, the complexity of the bat's cry, the deep rumble of the elephant's signals, the acoustically sophisticated sounds the dolphin produces and the songs of whales and birds. Why do these animals produce this amazing variety of sounds? It's all tied up with sex and territory. This BBC documentary traces David Attenborough's career. It is presented by Michael Palin and was first transmitted", "id": "2901893" }, { "contents": "My Secret History\n\n\nabout 100 sheds called Kanjedza with Captain. Andy carries a stick for the dogs who only bark at whites. Andy discusses America with his new neighbor Harry Gombo, and when Harry claims that Americans have everything, Andy counters that Americans are starved for sex compared to Africans. Harry states that sex is like eating. Rockwell continues building his Alamo-inspired latrine. Andy continues having sex on weekends with girls from the bar and contracts gonorrhea. Andy avoids the Peace Corps doctor and is instead prescribed free antibiotics from Mr. Nunka -", "id": "19253484" }, { "contents": "Benoît Assou-Ekotto\n\n\nhe realised that it could have ended his career: When your surgeon tells you maybe you won't play football anymore many things are different in your mind. Before, when you're injured, your money comes into your account every month and everything is cool. But when they speak to you about the end of your career at 22 or 23… it's why maybe I changed. I'm safe now but this gave me a lesson. That's why I changed many things in my mind and in my life.", "id": "17711236" }, { "contents": "There Is No Alternative: Why Margaret Thatcher Matters\n\n\nsome major players and observers of Thatcher's time. It gives a good insight into the person and her background.\" Vincent Carroll wrote in \"The Wall Street Journal\" that \"Despite Ms. Berlinski's obvious admiration for her subject,\" the book \"is a pleasure to read in part because of its unflinching judgments.\" He continued, \"As an interviewer herself, Ms. Berlinski is subtle and dogged. And while she never interviews Mrs. Thatcher, whose mind has reportedly been clouded by strokes, she does sit down", "id": "8335694" }, { "contents": "Cardea\n\n\n\" of the whitethorn explains why, Ovid says, a branch or twig of it is used to repel \"tristes … noxas\", \"baleful harms,\" from doorways \"(fores)\". Why is this necessary? Because there are greedy winged creatures ready to fly in and suck the blood from sleeping infants so young they still take only breast milk. Ovid describes these creatures (6.131–142) as having a large head, prominent eyes, and beaks suited for snatching and carrying off; their wings are white,", "id": "4941170" }, { "contents": "Nicomachean Ethics\n\n\nperson can have an extra good \"bloom of well-being\". This raises the question of why pleasure does not last, but seem to fade as if we get tired. Aristotle proposes as a solution to this that pleasure is pursued because of desire to live. Life is an activity (\"energeia\") made up of many activities such as music, thinking and contemplation, and pleasure brings the above-mentioned extra completion to each of these, bringing fulfillment and making life worthy of choice. Aristotle says we", "id": "17023391" }, { "contents": "Robert Wilson (director)\n\n\nabsence. It is Wilson's means of answering his own question: \"Why is it no one looks? Why is it no one knows how to look? Why does no one see anything on stage?\". Another technique Wilson uses is that of what words can mean to a particular character. His piece, \"I was sitting on my patio this guy appeared I thought I was hallucinating\", features only two characters, both of whom deliver the same stream-of-consciousness monologue. In the play's", "id": "16093990" }, { "contents": "Poetry analysis\n\n\nfor a large measure of the poem's effect. The poem does not have a deep, hidden, symbolic meaning. Rather, it is simply pleasurable to read, say, and hear. Critical terminology becomes useful when one attempts to account for \"why\" the language is pleasurable, and \"how\" Byron achieved this effect. The lines are not simply rhythmic: the rhythm is regular within a line, and is the same for each line. A poem having a regular rhythm (not all poems do) is", "id": "6985845" }, { "contents": "Rebecca West\n\n\nside of death, women on the side of life, one seems to be making an accusation against men. One is not doing that.\" One reason why she does not want to make an accusation against men is that they are simply playing their assigned role in a flawed universe, which is, of course, the result of an imperfect deity. Only love can alleviate destructive aspects of the sex-antagonism: \"I loathe the way the two cancers of sadism and masochism eat into the sexual life of humanity,", "id": "10615432" }, { "contents": "Miss USA 2009 same-sex marriage controversy\n\n\nquestion came to Prejean. Hilton asked: Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not? Prejean responded: Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I think I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman,", "id": "18321503" }, { "contents": "Theory of everything (philosophy)\n\n\nIn philosophy, a theory of everything or ToE is an ultimate, all-encompassing explanation or description of nature or reality. Adopting the term from physics, where the search for a theory of everything is ongoing, philosophers have discussed the viability of the concept and analyzed its properties and implications. Among the questions to be addressed by a philosophical theory of everything are: \"Why is reality understandable?\" \"Why are the laws of nature as they are?\" \"Why is there anything at all?\" The \"", "id": "1786108" }, { "contents": "The Tears of Princess Prunella\n\n\nability to only hear sounds that are beautiful. The Minstrel does not understand why his son wants to hear the Princess cry as he does not considered this sound to be beautiful to him. The Wymps The Wymps are fairy-like creatures living in the forest. They have magical powers and like to laugh and joke around. Common Fairytale Elements found in this story include: The story evokes the ever-popular themes found in most fairy tales of proving oneself brave, kind, foolish and wise. As with many fairy tales", "id": "6488530" }, { "contents": "Can't Stop Killing You\n\n\n, it was a very cinematic piece and the characters were like film characters to me. It wasn't a particularly autobiographical song.\" MacColl said of the lyrical message on abusive relationships: \"People do have this terrible fear of being alone [and] that's why [they] get married and everything else, but there comes a point where you have to say 'Ok, well if this relationship's doing my head in all the time, why do you keep going back to it?'\" The song", "id": "19503904" }, { "contents": "Character mask\n\n\neven although they could in principle choose to abandon it. That is why both the humanist and the antihumanist interpretations of character masks can have some validity in different situations. Althusser's \"totalizing perspective\" – which, by destroying the dialectics of experience, cannot reconcile the ways in which people \"make history\" and are \"made by history\", and therefore falls from one contradiction into another – does not just destroy belief in the power of human action (because \"the system\" dominates everything); the super", "id": "3977090" }, { "contents": "The Scapegoat (Cherryh novel)\n\n\nelves by the humans because of their resemblance to the mythical creatures. Other unprovoked attacks follow. All attempts to negotiate fail; the elves fire without communicating. Eventually, the overmatched enemy is driven back to his homeworld, but the conflict does not cease. The Alliance, one of the three human power blocs, ends up mired in a twenty-year-long war. In all that time, humans get no closer to understanding why the elves fight or how to make peace. A few districts remain puzzlingly neutral,", "id": "10151622" }, { "contents": "The Dream of Gerontius (poem)\n\n\nmock those afraid of hell for being cowards because they turn to religion not because of love of the Lord but because of fear of the unknown. The soul of Gerontius asks the Angel why all of his senses still work except sight, \"All has been darkness since I left the earth; Shall I remain thus sight-bereft all through my penance-time?\" The Angel explains that his soul now exists in a world where he does not need senses but on the day of resurrection he will regain \"all thou", "id": "8684137" }, { "contents": "Moses in rabbinic literature\n\n\nworld, and no creature knew where he was.\" When God said to Moses that he must die, Moses replied: \"Must I die now, after all the trouble I have had with the people? I have beheld their sufferings; why should I not also behold their joys? Thou hast written in the Torah: 'At his day thou shalt give him his hire' why dost thou not give me the reward of my toil?\" God assured him that he should receive his reward in the future world", "id": "19576884" }, { "contents": "Ishvara\n\n\nquestioned what is \"Ishvara\" (God)? They used their \"pramana\" tools to cross examine answers offered by other schools of Hinduism. For example, when Nyaya scholars stated God is omnipotent, omniscient and infallible, that the world is the result of God's creation which is proved by the presence of creatures, just like human work proves human existence, Mimamsa scholars asked, why does this God create the world, for what reason? Further, they added, it cannot be because of Ishvara's love", "id": "19663790" }, { "contents": "Black Flower\n\n\nthat has shapes like a human. It was born from the tree of souls, near the death tree. So, the black flower has to depart and it is the start of this story. Everything was born and had means in itself. Don’t have anything worthless or live from day to day for comeback to death again. So, all life tries to search for the meaning of life such as Malance. The black flower that was last flower of the tree of souls has been born and does not know why", "id": "11128464" }, { "contents": "Doggystyle\n\n\nthe cover art and lyrics convey what they refer to as the self-indulgent \"gangsta\" lifestyle, drugs, cars, sex, and money. The artwork uses several quotes from the 1982 George Clinton single \"Atomic Dog\". The quotes come from the dogs at the top of the brick wall on the album cover, which say, \"Why must I feel like dat?\", \"Why must I chase da cat?\" and \"Nuttin' but da dogg in me\". Dre's handling of", "id": "1411183" }, { "contents": "Lust\n\n\nthe sin of Lust in questions 153 and 154 of his Summa Theologica. Aquinas says the sin of lust is of \"voluptuous emotions,\" and makes the point that sexual pleasures, \"unloosen the human spirit,\" and set aside right reason (Pg.191). Aquinas restricts lust's subject matter to physical desires specifically arising from sexual acts, but Aquinas does not assume all sex-acts are sinful. Sex is not a sin in marriage, because sex is the only way for humans to reproduce. If sex is", "id": "5155720" }, { "contents": "Fouke Monster\n\n\nCenter Ridge, Arkansas. On June 26 of that same year, a sighting was reported in Crossett, Arkansas. During this period the creature was blamed for missing livestock and attacks on several dogs. Since the initial clusters of sightings during the 1970s, there have been sporadic reports of the creature. In 1991 the creature was reportedly seen jumping from a bridge. There were forty reported sightings in 1997 and, in 1998, the creature was reportedly sighted in a dry creek bed south of Fouke. More recent sightings from 2000–2010", "id": "18983287" }, { "contents": "Body Language (Kylie Minogue album)\n\n\n\", both in its title and refrain. The line of the song in which Minogue sings \"don't confuse emotions with the pleasure principle\" also refers to American recording artist Janet Jackson's 1987 song \"The Pleasure Principle\". Lyrically, \"Body Language\" touches upon themes like enjoyment, flirting, sex, and \"partying like it's 1987 all over again\". In an interview with VH1, Minogue was asked why the lyrics on the album \"sound more personal than they might have been a few years", "id": "20475963" }, { "contents": "Kyle Falconer\n\n\ngood! It's just saying how my bird is always telling me how to spell stuff and everything. But I know better than her. And so forth, man. It does what it says on the tin.\" \" In February 2009, it was reported that Falconer and Katie are no longer a couple, reportedly due to his excessive alcohol consumption. Justifying the split, Falconer explained, \"Am I a good drunk? No, that's why I split up from my girlfriend, she said I'm a", "id": "16831795" }, { "contents": "Anthropology\n\n\npoverty increasing? Why is there such a gap between plans and outcomes? Why are those working in development so willing to disregard history and the lessons it might offer? Why is development so externally driven rather than having an internal basis? In short, why does so much planned development fail? \"Kinship\" can refer both to \"the study of\" the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures, or it can refer to \"the patterns of social relationships\" themselves. Over its history, anthropology has", "id": "1048" }, { "contents": "An Unsuitable Attachment\n\n\nwhen endorsed by Philip Larkin; - \"It was a great pleasure and excitement to me to read \"An Unsuitable Attachment\" in typescript and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it continuously amusing and interesting - I have tried to keep my eye open for anything that would suggest why Cape's should not publish it, and I am bound to say that it still seems a mystery to me.\" This began a period in the literary \"wilderness\" which ended only in 1978, shortly before the author's death.", "id": "20298860" }, { "contents": "Wrzesień żagwiący\n\n\nto our fighting. At that time, everything that the world knew about September, came from our enemies, who spread lies about the campaign that lasted only for eighteen days. The world wondered why small Finland defended itself for so long. That is why I wrote the book in a hurry, without sources, with one target - to show Polish fighting spirit. So, my book is not a report about the war itself, but rather about Polish spirit in September 1939 (...) Loose pages wandered with me across", "id": "4882083" }, { "contents": "Wii system software\n\n\n, or interface with IOS running on the ARM architecture processor (for Wii-specific hardware). The ARM processor does not have access to the screen, and therefore neither does IOS. This means that while a piece of software is running, everything seen on the screen comes from that software, and not from any operating system or firmware. Therefore, the version number reported by the Wii is actually only the version number of the System Menu. This is why some updates do not result in a change of the version", "id": "13487305" }, { "contents": "Sardine run\n\n\nwinter is significantly associated with sardine presence, and the common dolphin can be considered the third most useful species for predicting sardine presence. The resident population of bottlenose dolphin does not appear to associate with the sardine run, whereas the migrant stock does. This may explain why the bottlenose dolphin is less likely to predict sardine presence. 2005 records: In June and July 2005 the avian and mammal predators included Bryde’s whale (\"Balaenoptera edeni\"), African penguin (\"Spheniscus demersus\"), Cape cormorant (\"Phalacrocorax", "id": "10391219" }, { "contents": "Mi adorable maldición\n\n\non her navel, and the mother of Aurora dies just after the delivery. Anselmo, father of Aurora, fails to overcome the loss of his wife, Carmen. He dumps all his love in Aurora and insists on protecting and keeping her away from the people of the town who point her as an evil creature. Aurora's curious spirit takes her one day to disobey her father and approach the village. At first, Aurora does not understand why her father has denied meeting these people who are so kind, but everything", "id": "6006640" }, { "contents": "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish\n\n\nblacked out. She has not been able to recall the substance of the epiphany. Noticing that Fenchurch's feet do not touch the ground, Arthur teaches her how to fly. They have sex in the skies over London. In a conversation with Fenchurch, she learns from Arthur about hitchhiking across the galaxy and Arthur learns that all the dolphins disappeared shortly after the world hallucinations. He and Fenchurch travel to California to see John Watson, an enigmatic scientist who claims to know why the dolphins disappeared. He has abandoned his original", "id": "19519235" }, { "contents": "Lazy reason\n\n\nLazy Reason is a pejorative name for a logical argument which holds that since all events are predestined, it is not necessary to carefully deliberate about one's actions. Determinism is the philosophical proposition that every event, including human cognition and action, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. In other words, Determinism holds that Free Will does not exist, and that everything is essentially pre-determined. But this presents a puzzle: If everything is pre-determined, why should we worry about the future,", "id": "2458454" }, { "contents": "Unveiling a Parallel\n\n\nare held to when it comes to making human mistakes. Even Severnius says to the traveler that even though he is not thrilled about the idea of women having sex out of marriage, it does not make sense that men should be freer to do it than women. “What possible reason is there why men, more than women, should be privileged to indulge in vice?” Because the story is a utopian society where women have more rights than they did in nineteenth-century America the story is often compared to Charlotte", "id": "12787835" }, { "contents": "Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse\n\n\nFauna\". They're all songs about that experience. And I was experiencing it in the moment that I was writing the songs, and sort of asking myself: What the hell is going on? Why are you all of a sudden totally paranoid and plagued by these anxieties? And why is everything so distorted and confusing and fucked up? My lifestyle hadn't changed that much. And then I realized, well, there's something going on inside of me that I don't have control over, and then you", "id": "16369058" }, { "contents": "Blessings of Prayer\n\n\nimaginary god, like an idol, whose voice we cannot hear, and the manifestation of whose supreme power we cannot see. You should know for a certainty that the Omnipotent God, Who has power over everything, does exist. (p. 49) Ahmad refutes Syed's view that \"acceptance of prayers implies acceptance of worship ONLY\", Ahmad wrote, then why at times God has even admonished His beloved ones, NOT to ask? It is obvious that if every prayer was worship, then why should Noah", "id": "3456003" }, { "contents": "You are Christ\n\n\nmy Tender God, my Great King, my Good Shepherd, my Only Master, my Best Helper, my Most Beautiful and my Beloved, my Living Bread, my Priest Forever, my Leader to my Country, my True Light, my Holy Sweetness, my Straight Way, my Excellent Wisdom, my Pure Simplicity, my Peaceful Harmony, my Entire Protection, my Good Portion, my Everlasting Salvation. Christ Jesus, Sweet Lord, why have I ever loved, why in my whole life have I ever desired anything except", "id": "17649067" }, { "contents": "Wiener Stadtbahn\n\n\nhour on the Girdle! - Kikeriki, May 1898 And even the relatively low speed of the steam trains inspired the humorists: \"Why are you making such a sad sight? I'm from the express train of the Stadtbahn and during the fastest part, my hat, my stick and my glasses fell from the car! So what? And I could only pick up the stick and the glasses! \" - Kikeriki, May 1898 The only arguments in favour of steam operation were the lower construction costs and the strategic military", "id": "12293219" }, { "contents": "Blindness (2008 film)\n\n\na Hollywood story. The film, like the novel, directly addresses sight and point of view and asks you to see things from a different perspective.\" McKellar wrote the script so audiences would see the world through the eyes of the protagonist, the doctor's wife. He sought to have them question the humanity of how she observes but does not act in various situations, including a rape scene. He consulted Saramago about why the wife took so long to act. McKellar noted, \"He said she became aware of", "id": "10222796" } ]
How can Journalists leak secret documents without any consequences?
[{"answer": "Against freedom of speech, any information you can get your hands on is yours and you are free to speak it. They can declare that access to a server is illegal or entering an area is trespassing, but if they don't know who did the trespassing then they have no one to punish. You can bind someone to a contract that says, you cant let this information out without punishment, but those terms have to be accepted legally by someone."}, {"answer": "You have some answers already, but I think you have the situation reversed a little bit. Journalists don't leak the documents. The documents get leaked *to the journalists*. The journalists then publish them, and there's a long-standing tradition and precedent for them being allowed to do this. Freedom of the press and all that."}, {"answer": "The US does not have an official secrets act like many other countries. What this means is that while information may be classified by the government, it's only a crime to release it by *those who have security clearance* -- that is, the people who have agreed to keep it secret. If Joe has a security clearance and gets secret information and gives it to Cathy, a journalist, then Joe can be charged, convicted and imprisoned for disclosing the information. But Cathy doesn't have a security clearance. She never agreed to keep information secret, so she can legally tell anyone she wants about it -- even telling everyone in a story in the newspaper. So, what stops the government from charging the journalists is that it's simply not against the law for a private citizen to share information."}, {"answer": "So long as the journalist doesn't break the law or ask someone else to break the law, they can publish whatever they like, no crime has been committed. If they gov't finds out about it before publication, they can stop them. If they find out after, they can try to have the story removed, but by then it is usually too late, the information is out there, and all they can do is create the Streisand Effect."}, {"answer": " > charging the journalists? The government actually does by using the contempt of court clause. If the journalist does know who their source is and the court subpoenas the journalist then he must reveal the identity. If he does not reveal the identity then he will be jailed until he either reveals the identity or the court finds no need to hold him in contempt any longer. Now if the journalist truly does not know who their source is and says so in the court of law then the government can't do anything as he is not in contempt and fulfilling the court order to the best of his abilities."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "10864839", "title": "Public interest privilege", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Under common law, public-interest privilege prevents the compulsory disclosure of documents or information which is against the public interest. There is a balance between public interests- if the public interest in secrecy is greater than the public interest in disclosure, it will be privileged. The public interest in disclosure is the principle that a court of justice ought", "Under common law, public-interest privilege prevents the compulsory disclosure of documents or information which is against the public interest. There is a balance between public interests- if the public interest in secrecy is greater than the public interest in disclosure, it will be privileged. The public interest in disclosure is the principle that a court of justice ought not be denied access to relevant information, and that the opposing party should have access to all relevant information to make their case."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Alexander Poskrebyshev\n\n\nbe suspected of conspiracy. The job duties and job functions of staff members of Secret/Special Section were also secret even from relations. The leaking of any information related to job duties and/or secret documents was the reason for punishment of staff member of Secret/Special Section without civil trial. The duties of Secret/Special Section also included the control of conditions for storing of secret documents and their use, investigation of violation management, using and storing of secret documents; in collaboration with GPU and NKVD carrying out investigation of leaking", "id": "15509959" }, { "contents": "Gao Yu (journalist)\n\n\n1999, she was given parole in poor health. In 2014, Gao was arrested again a few weeks ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. The detention of the outspoken 70-year-old journalist was just one of several detentions of government critics over the previous days ahead of the politically sensitive 4 June anniversary. In April 2015, Beijing's high court convicted Gao of leaking state secrets and sentenced her to seven years in prison. According to Reporters Without Borders, the authorities accused Gao of sending \"Document Number", "id": "12754891" }, { "contents": "The Intercept\n\n\nsecurity letters\" to spy on journalists without the previously necessary step of obtaining permission from a judge. Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, said the rules were \"incredibly weak and almost nonexistent.\" The documents also showed that the FBI uses the threat of deportation to turn immigrants into confidential informants. In June 2017, \"The Intercept\" released a top-secret document leaked from NSA, which revealed information about hacking efforts by Russian military intelligence against several U.S. state and local government agencies during", "id": "5849124" }, { "contents": "Laura Poitras\n\n\na 2004 ambush on U.S. troops in Iraq, an allegation Poitras denies. In 2013 Poitras was one of the initial three journalists to meet Edward Snowden in Hong Kong and to receive copies of the leaked NSA documents. Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald are the only two people with full archives of Snowden's leaked NSA documents, according to Greenwald. Poitras helped to produce stories exposing previously secret U.S. intelligence activities, which earned her the 2013 Polk award and contributed to the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service awarded jointly to \"The Guardian", "id": "11736757" }, { "contents": "Document Number Nine\n\n\nUrban and Rural Construction studied the material, as did cadre in Anyang. However, there were no explicit mentions of the seven Western values above. In April 2015, the \"Wall Street Journal's\" Josh Chin reported a 71-year-old Chinese journalist was convicted for releasing Document 9. Journalist Gao Yu was sentenced to seven years in prison by Beijing's Third Intermediate People’s Court after being found guilty in a closed trial of leaking state secrets to foreign media. Ms Gao was accused by the court of leaking an internal", "id": "19967888" }, { "contents": "Mauritius Leaks\n\n\nMauritius Leaks refers to the report of a datajournalistic investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in 2019 about how the former French colony Mauritius has transformed itself into a thriving financial centre and tax haven. A whistleblower leaked documents from a law firm in Mauritius to the investigative journalists, providing insight in how multinational companies avoid paying taxes when they do business in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The report was considered as evidence that laws in the country of Mauritius help corporations to avoid taxes globally, including", "id": "21296310" }, { "contents": "Beyers Naudé\n\n\n\" Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu later said \"Beyers became a leper in the Afrikaner community.\" During the same year Naudé was blamed for leaking secret, confidential and unauthorized documents about the Broederbond to the press. The University of the Witwatersrand New Testament scholar Professor Albert S. Geyser later admitted that he had leaked the documents. Naudé had given the documents to Geyser to evaluate the extent of the influence of the Broederbond on the church.Geyser then provided the information to a journalist at \"The Sunday Times\". The book \"", "id": "11742495" }, { "contents": "Mary Anne Fitzgerald\n\n\nHer court conviction was later exploited by the government to challenge her credibility as a journalist. In 1988, she published an article in \"The Sunday Times\" documenting how the Kenyan judiciary was directly manipulated by the government to curb political opposition, and how this had led to widespread and well documented human rights abuses. Returning at the end of 1988 to Nairobi on a flight from London she was stalked by the secret police and then deported. Without a home or money, and homesick for Kenya, she eventually settled in London", "id": "18971720" }, { "contents": "Albert Geyser\n\n\nleak. In reality it was Geyser who had leaked the documents to a journalist at the newspaper. In his statement on 20 November 1963, Geyser said that he had decided to make the documents public because he wanted to frustrate the aims of the Broederbond. According to Geyser the documents showed without a doubt that the Broederbond was using the Church for political ends: “My immediate observation was that these people were making the Church, which is the bride of Christ, a servant girl of politics.” The Broederbond reported the", "id": "18416885" }, { "contents": "Anat Kamm–Uri Blau affair\n\n\nThe Anat Kamm–Uri Blau affair refers to a leak of thousands of classified Israel Defense Forces (IDF) documents by the former Israeli soldier Anat Kamm. During her military service as an assistant in the Central Command bureau, Kamm secretly copied thousands of classified documents, including many confidential documents. After she finished her military service, Kamm copied the documents to a CD and leaked it to the Israeli \"Haaretz\" journalist Uri Blau. On these acts, Kamm was later on convicted of espionage and providing confidential information without authorization", "id": "202005" }, { "contents": "Japan and weapons of mass destruction\n\n\nthen Japan's Foreign Minister. \"There were many things left unsaid; it was a very sophisticated negotiation. The Japanese are masters at understood and unspoken communication in which one is asked to draw inferences from what may not be articulated.\" The secret agreement was concluded without any Japanese text so that it could be plausibly denied in Japan. Since only the American officials recorded the oral agreement, not having the agreement recorded in Japanese allowed Japan's leaders to deny its existence without fear that someone would leak a document to prove", "id": "4581065" }, { "contents": "Panorama (TV programme)\n\n\n\"Panorama\" revealed the secret trail of internal emails which show how GlaxoSmithKline manipulated the results of the trials for its own commercial gain. Access to the documents has been gained as GlaxoSmithKline fights a fraud trial in the US. Some of these previously secret Glaxo documents featured in the programme were leaked into the internet after the programme's broadcast. On 19 September 2006 \"Panorama\" showed a documentary called \"\"Undercover: Football's Dirty Secrets\"\", which alleged payments in English football contrary to the rules of the Football", "id": "10501807" }, { "contents": "CryptoParty\n\n\noutside WMF if any, probably because of scarce effectiveness\"). In May 2014, \"Wired\" reported that Edward Snowden, while employed by Dell as an NSA contractor, organized a local CryptoParty at a small hackerspace in Honolulu, Hawaii on December 11, six months before becoming well known for leaking tens of thousands of secret U.S. government documents. During the CryptoParty, Snowden taught 20 Hawaii residents how to encrypt their hard drives and use the Internet anonymously. The event was filmed by Snowden's then-girlfriend, but", "id": "2124881" }, { "contents": "Bastian Obermayer\n\n\nJohn Doe cited income inequality, and said he leaked the documents \"simply because I understood enough about their contents to realise the scale of the injustices they described\". He added that he has never worked for any government or intelligence agency and expressed willingness to help prosecutors. The two journalists shared the documents with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Journalists from 107 media organizations in 80 countries analyzed documents detailing the operations of the law firm. After more than a year of analysis, the first news stories were published on April", "id": "10545122" }, { "contents": "Timbro\n\n\nsecret document” put together by the Swedish Employers’ Association: “[…] this is how the leftish tendency should be stopped.” A fierce debate ensued on how big business wanted to change the intellectual climate in Sweden. In the left-leaning journal FIB/Kulturfront, author Jan Guillou and journalist Peter Bratt wrote an article head-lined, “The secret document  of the board of Swedish Employers’ Association” about the alleged efforts by “buyer’s of labor to shape our opinions”, and that the", "id": "550334" }, { "contents": "Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal\n\n\nstory, Pentagon analyst Lawrence A. Franklin (who initially passed the secrets to the two lobbyists), has already been convicted. Wouldn't that cover news reporting of leaked information? We can understand laws to keep government officials from leaking sensitive secrets, but once that information is out, do we really want to start prosecuting journalists and others who publish it? That sounds more like Britain's Official Secrets Act than an American law consonant with the 1st Amendment. When Congress passed the Espionage Act, it explicitly rejected a version that", "id": "16030285" }, { "contents": "Document automation\n\n\ndocument automation systems allow users to create their own data and rules (logic) without the need for programming. While document automation software is used primarily in the legal, financial services, and risk management industries, it can be used in any industry that creates transaction-based documents. A good example of how document automation software can be used is with commercial mortgage documents. A typical commercial mortgage transaction can include several documents including: Some of these documents can contain as many as 80 to 100 pages, with hundreds of optional", "id": "22085606" }, { "contents": "Frederik Obermaier\n\n\nto Obermaier and his colleague Bastian Obermayer. \"My life is in danger\", he told them. In a May 6 statement, John Doe cited income inequality, and said he leaked the documents \"simply because I understood enough about their contents to realise the scale of the injustices they described\". He added that he has never worked for any government or intelligence agency and expressed willingness to help prosecutors. The two journalist shared the documents with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Journalists from 107 media organizations in 80 countries", "id": "11329226" }, { "contents": "Bob Spink\n\n\nlater found himself at odds with his new-found colleagues over the issue of whether or not to extend the amount of time a suspect can be detained without charge from 28 to 42 days. He voted for the bill, but UKIP opposed it. Following the arrest of the Shadow Immigration Minister, Damian Green, and the searching of Green's House of Commons office on suspicion of \"procuring misconduct in public office\" for passing leaked Government documents to journalists, the House of Commons debated whether it was right that the police", "id": "7176717" }, { "contents": "Center for Public Integrity\n\n\n60 countries. The ICIJ brings together teams of international journalists for different investigations (over 80 for Offshore leaks). It organized the bi-annual \"Daniel Pearl Awards for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting\". ICIJ staff members include Michael Hudson, while the Advisory Committee in 2013 included Bill Kovach, Phillip Knightley, Gwen Lister, and Goenawan Mohamad. In April 2016, the ICIJ made headlines worldwide with the announcement that it and the German newspaper had received a leaked set of 11.5 million confidential documents from a secret source, created", "id": "3101518" }, { "contents": "Winebox Inquiry\n\n\n) as well as fraud and incompetence by both the Inland Revenue Department and the Serious Fraud Office. Journalist Ian Wishart was assigned by the TV3 network to report on the case, He came into possession of documents relating to tax avoidance and tax evasion; known as the \"Winebox\" documents as they were in an old wine carton. Wishart investigated them in secret for TV3 and then TVNZ, but the proposed December 1993 broadcast was stopped by the TVNZ board and a court injunction. After Wishart leaked details of the programme,", "id": "20681586" }, { "contents": "Iraq leak\n\n\nhis job as advisor to the president. On 19 December 2003, criminal charges were pressed against Martti Manninen for leaking secret documents and against Anneli Jäätteenmäki for incitement and aid to the same. Manninen was found guilty, and had to pay 80 day fines, but Jäätteenmäki was not found guilty, as she did not specifically request the documents. David Schlaefer, spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, denied in 2003 after Jäätteenmäki's resignation that there was ever any understanding on cooperation or assistance between Finland and the U.S. during Lipponen", "id": "19924342" }, { "contents": "Aadhaar\n\n\nto identify Osama Bin Laden was also supplying equipment to India. The complex structure of ownership is detailed in an article in Concerns were raised as early as 2011 in the Sunday \"Guardian\" regarding not following due process and handing over contracts to entities with links to the FBI and having a past history of leaking data across countries. How the CIA can hack and access the Aadhaar database using a secret Expresslane project is documented in a report on the GGInews website and saved in an archive lest it be removed. Further communications", "id": "10813025" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the Syrian Civil War (January–April 2012)\n\n\n, how security operations are planned, and orders for security forces spy on foreign observers sent by the Arab league. Barakat's leaked documents also showed that the government spied on Arab League observers in the country. Barakat was in charge of collecting information from across Syria at the secret joint crisis management cell in Damascus, and had been one of Assad's most trusted officials. However, he had been a mole for the opposition for months, before he was compromised and went to Turkey to save his and any relatives' lives", "id": "16433615" }, { "contents": "Offshore Leaks\n\n\n\"The Global Muckraker\". The investigation is based on a cache of 2.5 million secret records about the offshore assets of people from 170 countries and territories, obtained by ICIJ's director, Gerard Ryle. The ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database is headed with the cautionary paragraph: \"There are legitimate uses for offshore companies and trusts. We do not intend to suggest or imply that any persons, companies or other entities included in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly.\" More than 100 journalists from", "id": "15973503" }, { "contents": "Luxembourg Leaks\n\n\nor accomplice of the offences committed by the former PwC employee charged on 23 January. Journalist organizations consider this judicial decision as an attempt against press freedom. Following Price Waterhouse Coopers' complaint, the trial of the three people involved in the disclosure of secret tax agreements was held from 26 April to 11 May 2016 at the Criminal Court of Luxembourg, for eight half-day hearings, instead of the five initially scheduled. The prosecutor and lawyers for the plaintiff (PricewaterhouseCoopers) emphasized the disclosure of secret documents as an act of", "id": "6790960" }, { "contents": "Reactions to the United States diplomatic cables leak\n\n\nAmerican political spectrum as WikiLeaks has: as usual, for authoritarian minds, those who expose secrets are far more hated than those in power who commit heinous acts using secrecy as their principal weapon\". Greenwald has criticized one prominent \"New York Times\" article on Assange by John F. Burns as a \"sleazy hit piece\". Burns defended his article, saying it was an \"absolutely standard journalistic endeavour\". Marc Lynch wrote in \"Foreign Policy\" that \"my initial skepticism about the significance of this document leak,", "id": "12505698" }, { "contents": "News leak\n\n\notherwise would not have been able to be made public, or simply as self-promotion, to elevate the leaker as a person of importance. Leaks can be intentional or unintentional. A leaker may be doing the journalist a personal favor (possibly in exchange for future cooperation), or simply wishes to disseminate secret information in order to affect the news. The latter type of leak is often made anonymously. Sometimes partial information is released to the media off the record in advance of a press release to \"prepare\" the", "id": "1273732" }, { "contents": "List of Guardian's Office operations\n\n\nas \"Government Exhibit No. 5\" in the case against Guardian Jane Kember and other senior GO staff. Operation Chaos Leak (April 1976) sought to attack the US Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) by leaking a confidential DoJ internal report on the DEA. The plan envisaged causing \"maximum chaos\" to the DoJ and DEA by carrying out the leak and included elaborate details on how to leak the document without it being traced back to the Church of Scientology. The plan was", "id": "14538952" }, { "contents": "European Investigative Collaborations\n\n\nwhich they revealed how in spite of security risk warnings, \"the EU’s freedom of goods policy facilitated the sale of weapons leading to [the 2015] terror attacks in Paris.\" In 2017 working with \"over 60 journalists in 14 countries\", the EIC published the Football Leaks—the \"largest leak in sports history\". Through \"joint reporting and publication\", the EIA aims to strengthen the European transnational investigative journalism by joint reporting with the utmost transparency. They exchange documents and articles and coordinate publication,", "id": "5231387" }, { "contents": "United States diplomatic cables leak\n\n\nwere then available online, fully unredacted. In response, WikiLeaks decided on 1 September 2011 to publish all 251,287 unedited documents. The publication of the cables was the third in a series of U.S. classified document \"mega-leaks\" distributed by WikiLeaks in 2010, following the Afghan War documents leak in July, and the Iraq War documents leak in October. Over 130,000 of the cables are unclassified, some 100,000 are labeled \"confidential\", around 15,000 have the higher classification \"secret\", and none are classified as \"", "id": "11944280" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Apple Inc.\n\n\nregard to leaked information about new Apple products, Apple has been accused of pressuring journalists to release their sources, has filed lawsuits against unknown persons, \"John Does\", to find out how their product information has been leaked and has been chastised by the courts for doing so as an abuse of the legal discovery process. In particular, Apple fought a protracted battle against the Think Secret web site that resulted in a \"positive solution for both sides\". No sources were revealed. In April 2010 a Gizmodo editor,", "id": "21987710" }, { "contents": "Vault 7\n\n\nDr. Who, alongside \"Sonic Screwdriver\" in \"Dark Matter\". On 28 April 2017 WikiLeaks published Vault 7 part 7 \"Scribbles\". The leak includes documentation and source code of a tool intended to track documents leaked to whistleblowers and journalists by embedding web beacon tags into classified documents to trace who leaked them. The tool affects Microsoft Office documents, specifically \"Microsoft Office 2013 (on Windows 8.1 x64), documents from Office versions 97-2016 (Office 95 documents will not work!) [and d]ocuments that", "id": "17583124" }, { "contents": "Neuroergonomics\n\n\nwhat extent it must make the changes. This is also a consequence of the complexity of the system and factors such as: how easily can the sensed parameter be quantified, how many parameters in the machine's system can be changed, and how well can these different machine parameters be coordinated. A developing area of research called brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) strives to use different types of brain signals to operate external devices, without any motor input from the person. BCIs provide promise for patients with limited motor capabilities,", "id": "22075994" }, { "contents": "Football Leaks\n\n\n\"about 18.6 million documents, including contracts, e-mails and spreadsheets, which served as material for investigative journalism work by 60 journalists from 12 European media.\" On 5 December, \"El Mundo\" revealed a judicial decree from Spanish judge Arturo Zamarriego that prohibits EIC from publishing information until \"the legal investigation of its obtaining\". Reporters Without Borders described the decision as \"an attempt to censor on a continental scale\". The leaks revealed Third-Party Ownership (TPO) of footballers, \"whereby a player", "id": "16630955" }, { "contents": "Official Secrets Act 1989\n\n\ndisclosure by the preceding sections of the Act. It allows, for example, the prosecution of newspapers or journalists who publish secret information leaked to them by a crown servant in contravention of section 3. This section applies to everyone. Section 6 creates an offence of making a \"damaging disclosure\" which \"relates to security or intelligence, defence or international relations\" where that information was provided in confidence \"by or on behalf of the United Kingdom to another State or to an international organisation\" where that person obtained it without", "id": "9472663" }, { "contents": "Reactions to the United States diplomatic cables leak\n\n\ngovernments' reaction to the release of diplomatic correspondence by the WikiLeaks website is \"deeply troubling\" and warned that they will \"strongly resist any attempts to make the publication of these or similar documents illegal\". A 30 November 2010 \"Ottawa Sun\" editorial criticised the leak: \"we see no for-the-good-of-the-people journalistic justification for WikiLeaks reckless sabotage of U.S. international relations\". Javier Moreno, editor-in-chief of \"El País\", said that the release of the", "id": "12505712" }, { "contents": "ThreeBallot\n\n\nThis likely allows a voter's votes to be known by anyone with the receipt. Moreover, even without a receipt it leaks information that could discredit a voter's claimed candidate selections. Consequently, a voter conspiring to prove their vote (for money, coercion, or posterity) could mark all the ballots in a previously agreed unusual pattern that could later prove to a third party if the agreement was kept (even without seeing the receipt). In either case the veil of the secret ballot is pierced and traceable to the", "id": "4112574" }, { "contents": "Document Number Nine\n\n\n. There is an emphasis on controlling and preventing communication using the internet of ideas subversive to one party rule. The document was issued in the context of planned economic reforms and increased calls for political reform. It has been described as a critique of the \"liberal ways of thinking\". The document was not made available to public by the Communist Party or any branches of the Chinese government, but in July 2013 was allegedly leaked by Chinese dissident journalist Gao Yu, who was in turn sentenced to a seven-year imprisonment", "id": "19967883" }, { "contents": "Afghan War documents leak\n\n\ndissemination by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Justice Department considered using the U.S. Espionage Act of 1917 to prevent WikiLeaks from posting the remaining 15,000 secret war documents it claimed to possess. In June 2010, \"Guardian\" journalist Nick Davies and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange established that the U.S. Army had built a huge database with six years of sensitive military intelligence material, to which many thousands of U.S. soldiers had access and some of them had been able to download copies, and WikiLeaks had one copy which it proposed to publish online, via a", "id": "5285238" }, { "contents": "Iraq document leak 18 September 2004\n\n\nOn 18 September 2004 the British \"Daily Telegraph\" ran two articles titled \"Secret papers show Blair was warned of Iraq chaos\" and 'Failure is not an option, but it doesn't mean they will avoid it' by reporter Michael Smith, revealing the contents of six leaked British government documents – labelled \"secret\" or \"confidential\" – concerning the lead-up to the war in Iraq. The documents achieved recognition in the US press nine months later, on 18 June 2005, when the Associated Press (", "id": "4294748" }, { "contents": "Afghan War documents leak\n\n\n\", \"The New York Times\" and the \"Guardian\" were 'unanimous in their belief that there is a justified public interest in the material. U.S. Army officials condemned the public dissemination of military secrets and the White House urged the website WikiLeaks to not publish any more classified documents related to the Afghan war. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that it is up to the Justice Department to determine if there would be criminal charges in the release of classified military documents by WikiLeaks, but the website was \"morally guilty", "id": "5285273" }, { "contents": "United States diplomatic cables leak\n\n\nAssange gave \"Guardian\" journalist David Leigh an encryption key and a URL where he could locate the full Cablegate file. In February 2011, shortly before Domscheit-Berg's book appeared, he and Luke Harding, another \"Guardian\" journalist, published \"\" via Guardian Books. In it, Leigh revealed the encryption key Assange had given him. The key to the document is: . It is not yet clear how or when the encrypted file itself was released inadvertently. So far it appears that it was released to", "id": "11944301" }, { "contents": "List of material published by WikiLeaks\n\n\nJoint Services Protocol 440, a 2,400-page restricted document written in 2001 by the British Ministry of Defence was leaked. It contained instructions for the security services on how to avoid leaks of information by hackers, journalists, and foreign spies. On 25 November 2009, WikiLeaks released 570,000 intercepts of pager messages sent on the day of the September 11 attacks. Chelsea Manning (see below) commented that those were from an NSA database. Among the released messages are communications between Pentagon officials and New York City Police Department. On 15 March", "id": "14165324" }, { "contents": "Commentary on Edward Snowden's disclosure\n\n\neditors of the \"Post\" dismissed calls from human-rights organizations for clemency because of Snowden's \"noble purposes\" and the policy changes resulting from the leaks, and urged the president not to pardon Snowden despite the \"Post\" itself being responsible for publishing some of the leaked material. According to \"The Guardian\", the editorial stunned many American journalists. Glenn Greenwald, one of the journalists to whom Snowden had initially leaked the classified documents, characterized the \"Post\" editorial as \"an act of journalistic treachery", "id": "5903531" }, { "contents": "Luxembourg Leaks\n\n\nof Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released LuxLeaks investigation. Eighty journalists from media organizations around the globe had been involved in collaboratively reviewing 28,000 pages of documents. All documents are available online in a searchable database categorized by industry and corporation published by the ICIJ and by other websites. The documents disclose tax rulings between Luxembourg and more than 340 companies worldwide aiming at reducing their tax payments. The Luxembourg Leaks provide insight into 548 tax rulings, dating from 2002 to 2010. On 9 December 2014, ICIJ revealed new names of about 30", "id": "6790928" }, { "contents": "WikiLeaks\n\n\n. Rather than leaking directly to the press, and fearing exposure and retribution, whistleblowers can leak to WikiLeaks, which then leaks to the press for them. Its servers are located throughout Europe and are accessible from any uncensored web connection. The group located its headquarters in Sweden because it has one of the world's strongest laws to protect confidential source-journalist relationships. WikiLeaks has stated it does not solicit any information. However, Assange used his speech during the Hack in the Box conference in Malaysia to ask the crowd of", "id": "2197986" }, { "contents": "Reception of WikiLeaks\n\n\nthe leaks harm national security and compromise international diplomacy. From the perspective of the U.S. security establishment, the issue of concern is not only the publication of sensitive information but also, at a deeper level, the anonymity afforded by the internet. Several human rights organisations requested with respect to earlier document releases that WikiLeaks adequately redact the names of civilians working with international forces, in order to prevent repercussions. Some journalists have likewise criticised a perceived lack of editorial discretion when releasing thousands of documents at once and without sufficient analysis. In", "id": "11171280" }, { "contents": "Global surveillance\n\n\ndocuments leaked by Snowden, other than to combat terrorism, these surveillance programs were employed to assess the foreign policy and economic stability of other countries, and to gather \"commercial secrets\". In a statement addressed to the National Congress of Brazil in early August 2013, journalist Glenn Greenwald maintained that the U.S. government had used counter-terrorism as a pretext for clandestine surveillance in order to compete with other countries in the \"business, industrial and economic fields\". In a December 2013 letter to the Brazilian government, Snowden wrote", "id": "14567459" }, { "contents": "Ryan Gallagher\n\n\nRyan Gallagher is a Scottish investigative journalist. He writes for The Intercept about security and civil liberties, reporting on classified documents leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. He has previously worked for \"The Guardian\", \"Slate\", and the \"Financial Times\". In August 2014, Gallagher revealed the existence of ICREACH, an NSA search engine that he alleged is \"the largest system for internally sharing secret surveillance records in the United States.\" In March 2014, with Glenn Greenwald, he revealed a", "id": "5497034" }, { "contents": "Chelsea Manning\n\n\nFBI without having read them. In a series of chats between May 21 and 25, Manning—using the handle \"bradass87\"—told Lamo that she had leaked classified material. She introduced herself as an Army intelligence analyst, and within 17 minutes, without waiting for a reply, alluded to the leaks. Lamo replied several hours later. He said: \"I'm a journalist and a minister. You can pick either, and treat this as a confession or an interview (never to be published) & enjoy a modicum of", "id": "16355140" }, { "contents": "Secret sharing using the Chinese remainder theorem\n\n\nperfect: is independent of the secret and formula_32 Therefore can be any integer modulo This product of moduli is the largest of any of the n choose possible products, therefore any subset of equivalences can be any integer modulo its product, and no information from is leaked. The following is an example on the Asmuth-Bloom's Scheme. For practical purposes we choose small values for all parameters. We choose \"k=3\" and \"n=4\". Our pairwise coprime integers being formula_34 and formula_35. They satisfy the Asmuth-Bloom", "id": "2128400" }, { "contents": "Luxembourg Leaks\n\n\nthat other leaks originated from PwC but also from other accountancy firms based in Luxembourg. On 23 January 2015, Raphaël Halet, another former PricewaterhouseCoopers employee was charged for similar accusations as was Antoine Deltour, following the leak of 16 tax returns of US companies. This employee was fired due to the leak. His identity was kept secret until the trial began, as Halet signed a secret agreement with PwC forcing him to silence. On 23 April 2015, the journalist Edouard Perrin was indicted in Luxembourg for being the co-author", "id": "6790959" }, { "contents": "Ring signature\n\n\ncheck. On the other hand, it should be hard for anyone to create a valid ring signature on any message for any group without knowing any of the private keys for that group. In the original paper, Rivest, Shamir, and Tauman described ring signatures as a way to leak a secret. For instance, a ring signature could be used to provide an anonymous signature from \"a high-ranking White House official\", without revealing which official signed the message. Ring signatures are right for this application because the", "id": "10704169" }, { "contents": "Guantanamo Bay files leak\n\n\nare marked \"secret\" and NOFORN (information that is not to be shared with representatives of other countries). Media reports on the documents note that more than 150 innocent Afghans and Pakistanis, including farmers, chefs, and drivers, were held for years without charges. The documents also reveal that some of the prison's youngest and oldest detainees, who include Mohammed Sadiq, an 89-year-old man, and Naqib Ullah, a 14-year-old boy, suffered from fragile mental and physical conditions. The files contain statements", "id": "5961369" }, { "contents": "Shooting of Michael Brown\n\n\n[were] not in possession of any of the disclosed reports or the investigative report\". The County prosecutor spokesperson said his office would not investigate the leaks because they could not force journalists to divulge their sources, and \"you can tell by the information they have that the leaks are not coming from the grand jury or the prosecutor's office.\" The leaks concerning grand jury testimony were condemned by the Justice Department as inappropriate effort to influence public opinion about this case. The leaks referred to evidence supporting Wilson's testimony", "id": "14835558" }, { "contents": "David Hunt (gangster)\n\n\nthe leaked documents, the Met responded by unsuccessfully trying to sue them for the recovery of those documents and to obtain an order banning their publication. The Met also launched an internal investigation to try and identify the source of the leak. Sunday Times journalist Michael Gillard was named British Journalism Awards Journalist of the Year in 2013 for the expose, but was unable to attend the award ceremony due to security concerns meaning that he was unable to attend public events in London. It was revealed in May 2014 that Lloyds Bank had loaned", "id": "9987668" }, { "contents": "Li Bin (diplomat)\n\n\nofficials took Li into custody for allegations of corruption. Soon after his arrest however, authorities began to allege that he had leaked state secrets to South Korean media outlets. Through a series of interrogations, Chinese authorities began to broaden their claims to say that Li had leaked state secrets to officials in the United States and South Korea. One South Korean journalist that was suspected to have profited off the leaks, Park Ki-sung, published a blog post that Li had not been his source. The information leaked as well as", "id": "1523381" }, { "contents": "Rwandan genocide\n\n\nhe was called to testify at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He was reported as \"join[ing] a long list of Mr Kagame's opponents who have disappeared or died\". In 2018, the Canadian journalist Judi Rever released a book titled \"In Praise of Blood\". Based on interviews with RPF defectors and top-secret documents that were leaked from the ICTR, Rever argued that a second genocide against Hutus had in fact been committed by the RPF in 1994 as well as in the following years. Scholars had", "id": "10522479" }, { "contents": "Corruption and Crime Commission\n\n\nwitnesses who appeared before the Parliamentary Inspector of the Commission, Malcolm McCusker, in late June and early July when he investigated the leaking of a Commission document to the media on former Labor MP John D'Orazio The journalists’ union, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, described the secret hearings as “insidious and sinister”. “We are bringing it to public attention because we are deeply disturbed by its impact on the practice of journalism,” Alliance WA Branch Secretary Michael Sinclair-Jones was quoted in The Australian on Thursday", "id": "1308670" }, { "contents": "Tapandegan\n\n\nwell as journalists. This email, according to this report, claims that top secret information is leaked regarding the transfer of two Trillion Touman each year in USD, double to Iran's Foreign Ministry annual budget, by Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to the Lebanese Hizballah, via his advisor Shirkhodaei, his special team, and the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon. The group claims that they got hold of documents related to this information while hacking into IRIB's computer systems and the email of the Iranian counselor in Berlin. Tapandegan blamed", "id": "19214622" }, { "contents": "Media of Latvia\n\n\n), the broadcasting regulator. The Constitution of Latvia regulates freedom of speech and the press. Law on the Press and Other Mass Media, Electronic Media Law (emended in 2014) represent the other sources within which media operate. However the Constitution does not clearly define restrictions on freedom of expression. In 2016 the Criminal Law was amended in regards to the limits to disseminate \"State secret\", thus creating a wide debate on the right of journalists to publish leaked documents. Defamation through mass media is another issue concerning media", "id": "962354" }, { "contents": "Sisyphus\n\n\nwith the Oracle of Delphi on just how to kill Salmoneus without incurring any severe consequences for himself. From Homer onward, Sisyphus was famed as the craftiest of men. He seduced Salmoneus's daughter Tyro in one of his plots to kill Salmoneus, only for Tyro to slay the children she bore him when she discovered that Sisyphus was planning on using them eventually to dethrone her father. King Sisyphus also betrayed one of Zeus's secrets by revealing the whereabouts of Aegina, (an Asopid who was taken away by Zeus) to", "id": "635154" }, { "contents": "Software rot\n\n\na consequence of this and a changing environment, assumptions made by the original designers may be invalidated, introducing bugs. In practice, adding new features may be prioritized over updating documentation; without documentation, however, it is possible for specific knowledge pertaining to parts of the program to be lost. To some extent, this can be mitigated by following best current practices for coding conventions. Active software rot slows once an application is near the end of its commercial life and further development ceases. Users often learn to work around any", "id": "10167548" }, { "contents": "Privacy protocol\n\n\nPrivacy protocols are guildlines intended to allow computation while still protecting the individuals involved. It can be developed from just two individuals trying to discover if they both know the same secret, without leaking information about the secret itself. In this case, after the protocol runs, both individuals will either know that they share the secret, or know that they do not share it; they will have gained no additional information about the other's secret. For example, say the secret is a name of a person. One protocol is", "id": "13092321" }, { "contents": "Iraq leak\n\n\nPrime Minister of Finland by President Tarja Halonen on 17 April 2003. However, the lack of confidence in Jäätteenmäki caused by her use of secret documents in the campaign and her flat-out denial before the Parliament of having solicited them, despite incriminating evidence, forced her to resign as Prime Minister on 24 June. Jäätteenmäki claimed to have received the documents unexpectedly and without solicitation, which Manninen denied. A new cabinet was formed by Matti Vanhanen, who also became the leader of the Centre Party. Manninen was also sacked from", "id": "19924341" }, { "contents": "Shale gas in the United Kingdom\n\n\nand production, it is a concern with every well that is drilled. This originates from a document that sells solutions for this problem to oil and gas companies. This often relates to 'SCP', or Sustained Casing Pressure This is a 'well barrier' issue, but could also include casing 'integrity' (external) leaks. Regulation calls for baseline monitoring to determine if any leak issues are related to the drilled well. If a well were to leak, workover operations can usually fix leaks, by, for", "id": "18950439" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Apple Inc.\n\n\nallegedly cooperate with PRISM, which authorizes the government to secretly access data of non-American citizens hosted by American companies without a warrant. Following the leak, government officials acknowledged the existence of the program. According to the leaked documents, the NSA has direct access to servers of those companies, and the amount of data collected through the program had been growing fast in years prior to the leak. Apple has denied having any knowledge of the program. Apple has often been accused of planned obsolescence – the idea that it deliberately", "id": "21987774" }, { "contents": "United States diplomatic cables leak\n\n\nthus, SIPA's position is that students have a right to discuss and debate any information in the public arena that they deem relevant to their studies or to their roles as global citizens, and to do so without fear of adverse consequences.\" \"The New York Times\" reported on 14 December that the U.S. Air Force bars its personnel from access to news sites (such as those of \"The New York Times\" and \"The Guardian\") that publish leaked cables. On 18 December, the Bank of America", "id": "11944316" }, { "contents": "Afghan War documents leak\n\n\nThe Afghan War documents leak, also called the Afghan War Diary, is the disclosure of a collection of internal U.S. military logs of the War in Afghanistan, which were published by WikiLeaks on 2010. The logs consist of over 91,000 Afghan War documents, covering the period between January 2004 and December 2009. Most of the documents are classified secret. As of 28 July 2010, only 75,000 of the documents have been released to the public, a move which WikiLeaks says is \"part of a harm minimization process demanded by [", "id": "5285234" }, { "contents": "Gao Yu (journalist)\n\n\nNine\" to a foreign news organization, although the document had already been posted online. Following an appeal, her sentence was reduced to five years on 26 November 2015. Hours later, Chinese state media announced she has been released on medical parole, however the conviction for leaking state secrets was not overturned. As of 2016, she is serving a five-year sentence under house arrest. German president Joachim Gauck, on his first state visit to China in March 2016, raised the plight of Gao with the Chinese government", "id": "12754892" }, { "contents": "Media of Slovenia\n\n\nto reveal their sources. Publishing classified information is a criminal offense too, since the new 2008 Penal Code. The 2008 reform of the Penal Code spurred by the Janez Janša's government cancelled the provision protecting journalists when divulgating classified information with the intent of bringing irregularities to light (whistleblowing). Several high-level cases of prosecutions against journalists have brought the issue to the fore. Journalists reporting on classified documents leaked to them by political opponents have been hit by legal actions by the targets of the leaks. Both journalists'", "id": "962774" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the Syrian Civil War (January–April 2012)\n\n\n, in the Damascus suburbs, and said that a crowd of opposition demonstrators that had protested around the passing UN cars had been shot at, and one UN vehicle had been damaged. More secret documents were leaked from the Syria government. Highly classified documents from a covert Syrian government unit exposed attempts by the regime to contain the unrest sweeping the country, according to Al arabiya. These were leaked by a defector from this covert unit who was called Abdel-Majeed Barakat. He leaked copies of the Crisis Cell's official documentation", "id": "16433633" }, { "contents": "Journalism source protection\n\n\nnewsrooms and with broadly defined state secrets acts which criminalize journalists who publish leaked information\". The problem has grown in the intervening years, as a parallel to digital development, and occurs where it is unchecked by measures designed to preserve fundamental rights to freedom of expression and privacy, as well as accountability and transparency. In practice, Campbell considers that this leads to what can be identified as a 'trumping effect', where national security and anti terrorism legislation effectively take precedence over legal and normative protections for confidential journalistic sources.", "id": "13637323" }, { "contents": "WikiLeaks\n\n\ntime, several US government officials have criticised WikiLeaks for exposing classified information and claimed that the leaks harm national security and compromise international diplomacy. Several human rights organisations requested with respect to earlier document releases that WikiLeaks adequately redact the names of civilians working with international forces, to prevent repercussions. Some journalists have likewise criticised a perceived lack of editorial discretion when releasing thousands of documents at once and without sufficient analysis. In 2016, Harvard law professor and Electronic Frontier Foundation board member Jonathan Zittrain argued that a culture in which one constantly risks", "id": "2198097" }, { "contents": "Birthday attack\n\n\nhow many documents could we have at the most? which is close to the correct answer of 93. Digital signatures can be susceptible to a birthday attack. A message formula_31 is typically signed by first computing formula_32, where formula_6 is a cryptographic hash function, and then using some secret key to sign formula_32. Suppose Mallory wants to trick Bob into signing a fraudulent contract. Mallory prepares a fair contract formula_31 and a fraudulent one formula_36. She then finds a number of positions where formula_31 can be changed without changing the meaning,", "id": "16769363" }, { "contents": "Anthony Earbury\n\n\nthe Speaker and Commons deemed it to be libellous and sent Jones and Earbury to Newgate Prison for examination by the Privy Council. The prisoners made their petitions for release, and it appears that, while Bancroft had in fact been in negotiation with the Catholics this had been with royal approval from both Queen Elizabeth and King James, and the Council was mainly concerned because the secret discussions had been \"leaked\". Earbury, being in possession of this knowledge, was released without further adverse consequences, and indeed managed to retain his", "id": "9134406" }, { "contents": "Governmental positions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq\n\n\nsecret documents to Anneli Jäätteenmäki, who used information provided by these documents to accuse Paavo Lipponen of supporting the Iraq War. The secret documents included a memo or memos of discussions between George W. Bush and Paavo Lipponen. Later on criminal charges were pressed against Martti Manninen for leaking secret documents and against Anneli Jäätteenmäki for incitement and aid to the same. The Finnish government stated that they took a stronger stand on the Iraq question at a meeting chaired by President Tarja Halonen. The meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy", "id": "14144352" }, { "contents": "Hose coupling\n\n\nleak proof connections. Completed with clamp and gasket to mate the two ends. Clamp connections can be secured without the use of tools when using wing nut style clamps. Primarily utilized in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Specified by DIN 32676 / SMS 1145 / RJT BS:4825 / IDF. A defined flange that can have any of several of the above couplers installed. Specified by EN 14420-3 / DIN 1817, and also specified by EN 14420-5 / DIN 2817. BS 6391:2009 specifies how to use wire to", "id": "13479905" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Germany\n\n\nCicero, which was criticized as an attack on press freedom by part of the German press. The raid was based on a substantiated suspicion of leaking of state secrets. However, on February 27, 2007, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that suspicion that a journalist is aiding the betrayal of state secrets is not sufficient to warrant a search, and thus the raid was illegal. The finding has been widely regarded as a strengthening of press freedom. A scandal regarding spying on journalists by the secret service \"Bundesnachrichtendienst\", starting", "id": "7684055" }, { "contents": "Abalone Alliance\n\n\nSan Francisco, documenting how the NRC had illegally licensed Diablo Canyon without properly reviewing evacuation plans as previously required. The Mothers then reopened their challenge based on the leaked NRC transcripts. Judge Robert Bork of the DC Court took the lead in denying the appeal April 25, 1986. Bork claimed that to look at the leaked transcripts would be judicial activism. The Diablo Canyon reactors were originally estimated to cost just over $300 million when PG&E was first given permission to construct the facility. When finally opened in 1985, construction costs", "id": "14964176" }, { "contents": "Tax status of Scientology in the United States\n\n\nany of the agreement's terms or how much the Church of Scientology had paid in back taxes. It was not until December 30, 1997 that the terms of the agreement became public when they were leaked to \"The Wall Street Journal\". The source of the leak (which was made to both \"The Wall Street Journal\" and \"The New York Times\") was never disclosed but it possibly came from Capitol Hill, where a congressional committee had recently subpoenaed numerous IRS documents. The agreement between Scientology and the", "id": "9971758" }, { "contents": "The Manhattan Project (film)\n\n\nof chicken: How close can I come to the edge here? I wanted to show how you could get embroiled without any regard to consequences. Which is what happened to the guys involved in the original Manhattan Project. They became hooked; they were just too far into it.\" John Lithgow said the film was \"\"a change of pace\" for him. \"The script appealed to me, and the subject matter was intriguing, too. It's a cut above the teenage science movies that have been filling", "id": "16985877" }, { "contents": "International Consortium of Investigative Journalists\n\n\n2014, the ICIJ revealed that relatives of China's political and financial elite were among those using offshore tax havens to conceal wealth. The \"Süddeutsche Zeitung\" received a leaked set of 11.5 million confidential documents from a secret source, created by the Panamanian corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca. The so-called Panama Papers provided detailed information on more than 214,000 offshore companies, including the identities of shareholders and directors which included government officials, close relatives and close associates of various heads of government of more than 40 other countries. Because", "id": "14293200" }, { "contents": "Voyeurism\n\n\ndocuments the criminalisation of secret photography. Criminal voyeurism statutes are related to invasion of privacy laws but are specific to unlawful surreptitious surveillance without consent and unlawful recordings including the broadcast, dissemination, publication, or selling of recordings involving places and times when a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a reasonable supposition they are not being photographed or filmed by \"any mechanical, digital or electronic viewing device, camera or any other instrument capable of recording, storing or transmitting visual images that can be utilised to observe a person.\"", "id": "14313804" }, { "contents": "Romanian Intelligence Service\n\n\ngroup of journalists began digging the decaying documents and the \"România Liberă\" newspaper published several of them, including information on dissidents, being not only Securitate, but also of the newly created SRI. This led to the adoption of a law on state secrets, which banned publication of any SRI documents. It was only in 2005 that the archives of the Securitate began to be transferred to an outside institution (CNSAS) with a first batch containing two-thirds of the total number of documents. The goal was to transfer", "id": "8517897" }, { "contents": "Media of Slovenia\n\n\nprosecutions against journalists have brought the issue to the fore. Journalists reporting on classified documents leaked to them by political opponents have been hit by legal actions by the targets of the leaks. Both journalists' associations have urged the government to reform the legislative framework to ensure press freedom and allow for investigative journalism. A public interest protection clause finally entered into force on 20 October 2015, though defamation still carries criminal penalties. Liberalisation, privatisation, and the transformation of the journalism profession from advocacy journalism of Marxist–Leninist tradition to Western", "id": "962729" }, { "contents": "PRISM (surveillance program)\n\n\nbe changed, and you've got to change how you operate section 215. Otherwise, in two and a half years, you're not going to have it anymore.\" Leaks of classified documents pointed to the role of a special court in enabling the government's secret surveillance programs, but members of the court maintained they were not collaborating with the executive branch. \"The New York Times\", however, reported in July 2013 that in \"more than a dozen classified rulings, the nation's surveillance court has created", "id": "6247477" }, { "contents": "Leaktivism\n\n\nconsidered to be larger than both the US diplomatic cables distributed by WikiLeaks in 2010 and the secrete intelligence documents released by Edward Snowden in 2013. In total there 11.5m documents along with 2.6 terabytes of information taken from the Mossack Fonseca’s internal database. Micah White is the co-founder of Occupy and a democratic activist. His article in the Guardian states that the Panama Papers illustrate the rising of leaktivism. He argues that the Panama Papers show that leaking information can be an impactful form of protest. White argues that the", "id": "10543353" }, { "contents": "Romanian Intelligence Service\n\n\nnational security and, according to historian Marius Oprea, this leads to suspicions about whether the SRI has political police activities. The \"Jurnalul Național\" newspaper fired its editor-in-chief, Valentin Zaschievici, in August 2012, accusing him of being an infiltrated SRI agent, following the leak of some SRI documents by \"Cotidianul\". The Romanian Intelligence Service admitted that the documents were indeed genuine, but it claimed that their agent was only monitoring the leaking of secret documents to the press. In 2013, George Maior", "id": "8517906" }, { "contents": "Memory leak\n\n\ncan come about, and its effects, without needing any programming knowledge. The program in this case is part of some very simple software designed to control an elevator. This part of the program is run whenever anyone inside the elevator presses the button for a floor. The memory leak would occur if the floor number requested is the same floor that the elevator is on; the condition for releasing the memory would be skipped. Each time this case occurs, more memory is leaked. Cases like this wouldn't usually have any", "id": "19833952" }, { "contents": "Yahoo! Mail\n\n\nis available. In 2004, Yahoo's Hong Kong office provided technical information to the Chinese authorities about the account of journalist Shi Tao, who was subsequently sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for \"leaking state secrets\". Yahoo! was criticized by Reporters Without Borders for acting as a \"police informant\" to increase its profits. In August 2007, the United States Congress began an investigation into Yahoo's handling of the case. Yahoo! founder Jerry Yang testified before Congress. On November 6, 2007, the congressional panel", "id": "5375219" }, { "contents": "Governmental positions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq\n\n\nPresident George W. Bush. Lipponen denied the claims and declared that \"We support the UN and the UN Secretary-General.\" Jäätteenmäki resigned as prime minister after 63 days in office amid accusations that she had lied about the leak of the documents about the meeting between Bush and Lipponen. This series of events was considered scandalous and it is named Iraq leak or Iraq-gate. The main point was that special advisor of President of Finland had leaked series of documents which were considered secret. Special advisor Martti Manninen gave these", "id": "14144351" }, { "contents": "Vikram Buddhi\n\n\nsenior defense scientist with the Indian navy who had been tried for leaking naval secrets in 1988. However he was acquitted in 1993. The charges were that he was leaking naval secrets which turned out to be his own PhD thesis which was a document available freely in libraries of reputed institutions of Nuclear Research. The police were reprimanded for their complete ignorance of what constitutes a secret. Buddhi was arrested on 14 April 2006 and found guilty of threatening the life of a US President in 2007. Earlier on Friday, 3 February 2006", "id": "337167" }, { "contents": "Ian Wishart (journalist)\n\n\ncarried out in secret with the assistance of \"Frontline\" journalist Michael Wilson and producers Carol Hirschfeld and Mark Champion. The documentary was originally scheduled to air in December 1993, but was prevented from going to air by TVNZ management after the intervention of the TVNZ board of directors. Wishart and his colleagues decided to leak details of the banned programme to other news media, turning the blackout into a public issue. The network was enjoined to an injunction forbidding broadcast of the programme, but the leak of further information made the gagging", "id": "9031527" }, { "contents": "Tanaka Memorial\n\n\n: In 1940, Leon Trotsky published an account of how the document allegedly came to light. Soviet intelligence had obtained it from a high-placed mole in Tokyo but did not want to compromise their own security by publishing it openly, so they had leaked it through contacts that they had in the United States. Journalist and popular historian Edwin P. Hoyt wrote that the Tanaka Memorial was an accurate representation \"of what Prime Minister Tanaka had said and what the supernationalists had been saying for months.\" Iris Chang adds that the", "id": "15830992" }, { "contents": "Panama Papers\n\n\n(RATs). Kubecka confirmed there were still numerous critical vulnerabilities, too many open ports into their infrastructure and internet access to their archive server due to weak security. Kubecka explained how each data security issue was discovered in detail in a full-length book titled \"Down the Rabbit Hole: An OSINT Journey\". Gerard Ryle, director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, called the leak \"probably the biggest blow the offshore world has ever taken because of the extent of the documents\". Edward Snowden described the", "id": "9325832" }, { "contents": "Global surveillance\n\n\nof the UKUSA Agreement. According to a 2008 Five Eyes document leaked by Snowden, data of Australian citizens shared with foreign countries include \"bulk, unselected, unminimised metadata\" as well as \"medical, legal or religious information\". In close cooperation with other members of the Five Eyes community, the ASD runs secret surveillance facilities in many parts of Southeast Asia without the knowledge of Australian diplomats. In addition, the ASD cooperates with the Security and Intelligence Division (SID) of the Republic of Singapore in an international operation", "id": "14567481" }, { "contents": "Legality of the Iraq War\n\n\nof reviving the authorisation in 678 without a further resolution. He concluded his revised analysis by saying that \"regime change cannot be the objective of military action.\" On 1 May 2005, a related UK document known as the Downing Street memo, detailing the minutes of a meeting on 26 July 2002, was apparently leaked to \"The Sunday Times\". The memo recorded the head of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) as expressing the view following his recent visit to Washington that \"Bush wanted to remove Saddam,", "id": "2402781" }, { "contents": "Pentagon Papers\n\n\nsummarized the reaction of editors and journalists at the time: Ellsberg surrendered to authorities in Boston, and admitted that he had given the papers to the press: \"I felt that as an American citizen, as a responsible citizen, I could no longer cooperate in concealing this information from the American public. I did this clearly at my own jeopardy and I am prepared to answer to all the consequences of this decision\". He was indicted by a grand jury in Los Angeles on charges of stealing and holding secret documents.", "id": "7322228" } ]
How did ancient people discover how to refine stuff such as grapes into wine or cooking made food taste better?
[{"answer": "Food was rare back in the days which meant that throwing it away could have terrible consequences as long as it was still somewhat edible. Cooking possibly couldve happened by someone accidentally dropping food into a fire and because they wouldnt want to throw it away they ate it. Wine was probably similsr by forgetting about some grapes and they started fermenting. A lot of things happened most likely by accident because food was scarce and hard to come by..."}, {"answer": "I always wondered about cooking, and the best theory I've heard so far is it came about from people walking through the ashes of forest fires and picking up the animals they found teaching them \"hey this tastes better and we get sick less often. Maybe we should be putting meat in fire\""}, {"answer": "Cooking is something that may have caused humans to evolve differently from other animals. We are tens of thousands of years removed from our primative ancestors. While this may seem like a long time nowadays based on technology progress, it is actually a very short time scale for evolution to happen. Therefore, our bodies have not changed much from our ancient ancestors. Our bodies are not well-designed for raw foods. In contrast to other animals, humans have very small jaws compared to head size. We cannot chew as much as other plant eating animals. Many plant eating animals spend a great deal of their day chewing up their food to aid in digesting it. Since humans are omnivores, we also eat meat. But our small jaws doesnt allow for large muscles to tear and rip apart raw meat. Have you ever tried to eat too-raw meat? It ends up extremely fiber-y and tough to chew. So how have we managed to survive while still powering our extremely energy-draining large brains? Cooking. Cooking breaks down food so that it is easier to eat. Easier to eat means less time spent eating and more calories that can be digested from the meal. It's not that humans discovered cooking but cooking is what allowed us to evolve into humans. Therefore it is hard to pinpoint how exactly we discovered how to cook. Fermentation is a form of cooking but using bacteria, yeast, and/or mold to break down foods before we eat it. Fermentation was necessary because there really wasn't many ways to store food, especially in regions where food rots easily. Fermenting foods use a \"good\" edible rot that prevents \"bad\" or poisonous rot from living on the food. This way, fermented food can keep longer and we also get the benefit that it is partially digested (more nutritious) and free from poisonous rot. How did we discover it? Foods pick up the spores of these microbes from the air. Sometimes we are lucky to have good rot taking over the food. Someone may have decided to try older stored food only to realize it was edible and may have tasted better."}, {"answer": "That\u2019s not nearly as weird as how humans figured out how to eat cassava root. Cassava contains cyanide. If you don\u2019t peel it and process it in a particular way then it will kill you."}, {"answer": "I've heard for asian cuisine, a lot of the \"unusual\" stuff was discovered by Daoists?/Taoists?. In search of food that will extend their lives/immortality - they apparently tried everything edible and not edible. For example, in the days before deep understanding of chemistry and proteins, how did anyone figure that mixing salt with soy beans and wheat and letting it ferment for a few weeks - then eating the resulting smelly product (soy paste/soy sauce) would actually taste good/not kill you?"}, {"answer": "The one that really blows my mind is Aloe Vera. Who was the brave person who got a really bad sunburn and thought \"You know what would feel good on this burn? If I took that tough, prickly plant and rubbed it all over me!\" ??"}, {"answer": " > Did they really just taste test and if they died they died? It was more like, \"I'm starving to death, it can't hurt to give this a try.\" Food was often scarce, hunger and starvation lurked around every corner. Caution would give way to desperation, kind of a trial and error at gunpoint. Also, this happened over thousands of very, plenty of time for all sorts of happy accident. I saved up a bunch of grapes for later, whoops, looks like they went bad, hey, we can still eat them and wow! I'm just going to set my chunk of raw meat here by the fire, whoops, it is all burn now, but hey, it tastes even better, has fewer parasites, and won't go bad as quickly."}, {"answer": "With something like wine (or anything which involves a multistep process) this would likely have happened gradually, in stages, with each stage being possibly discovered by accident, or after a period of deliberate trial and error, and refined over time. So eg you collect grapes when they are in season and store them in a container. The bottom of that container will get filled with grape juice. Which might start to naturally ferment. You might notice that this tastes good, and has pleasant effects, if it's left for a certain length of time, but turns sour (or worse) if you leave it too long. So people start deliberately making it by leaving the juice for the right length of time. Then it might be noticed that if it's made in a certain type of container it tastes better than in another. Or if it's made in a cool cave it tastes better (or worse) than if made out in the open. Or you get a different flavour if you pick the grapes sooner rather than later. And so on and so on, with lots of different variations competing with each other in a kind of Darwinian process."}, {"answer": "Not every discovery had to come from random dumb luck. Ancient people had the same compactly to reason as we do today and they could think things through and experiment intelligencetly."}, {"answer": "The real ELI5 is they didn't waste their time watching TV or playing video games or browsing the internet. Our ancestors couldn't just go to 7-11 and get a 6 pack. Therefore, they spent a lot of time thinking about ways to improve their lives."}, {"answer": "waste not want not.. unused food, stored food. grapes in a barrel the magical liquid on the bottom made your tummy warm. left over porridge baked to dry it turned into a flat bread"}, {"answer": "People are getting beer wrong here: In the old days food really sucked. They didn't discover the Americas yet, so there were no potatoes, tomatoes, corn. Pretty much all they had was barley, vegetables and squirrels. So now barley is made out of seeds and the seeds start to grow all by themselves and that is no good because then you can't cook squirrel and barley soup. So then they roast the barley seeds to stop them growing and that is called malted barley. When the next harvest of barley is ready, the price of the malted barley drops close to zero, because people prefer squirrel soup made with fresh barley. So they fermented the malted barley to make ale and get drunk. Once they made ale, they got all experimental because they were drunk. Then they started adding all sorts of herbs and stuff to the ale. Eventually, some monks discovered that if you add hops to the ale, it keeps longer, so the hops was used as a preservative. Ale with hops in it is called beer. Yeast was discovered later."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7029997", "title": "Medieval cuisine", "section": "Section::::Food preparation.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 37, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 37, "end_character": 439, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nand connectedness. A wine's color is better judged by putting it against a white background. The wine glass is put at an angle in order to see the colors. Colors can give the taster clues to the grape variety, and whether the wine was aged in wood. Varietal character describes how much a wine presents its inherent grape aromas. A wine taster also looks for integration, which is a state in which none of the components of the wine (acid, tannin, alcohol, etc.) is out of", "id": "16005355" }, { "contents": "Enologix\n\n\nto optimize taste quality to improve sales. Wine modeling, the task of building an abstract representation (a model) of wine price, volume and tasting scores had eluded enologists since the 1855 Classification of Bordeaux. In the 1990s Enologix wrote the first mathematics used to compute taste quality from statistical correlations between grape chemistry and bottled wine tasting scores. Dow Jones', Market Watch, used Enologix to exemplify how innovation by \"Quants\" has been extended from the financial industry to improve the Food/beverage sector Enologix approach to winemaking", "id": "12909000" }, { "contents": "Louisiana wine\n\n\nmost of its wine by importing grapes from the west coast. To ensure that the Louisiana wine you are getting is actually made from Louisiana grapes or fruit look for \"Louisiana\" on the label. Another Louisiana vineyard is Pontchartrain Vineyards. Louisiana wine industry is small but growing. \"\"The main problem we have is getting people to try our wine,\" Seago said. \"They say, 'How can it be any good, it's from Louisiana?' Well, they never say that about our food.", "id": "13606232" }, { "contents": "Sweetness of wine\n\n\n900 g/L. Such wines are balanced, keeping them from becoming cloyingly sweet, by carefully developed use of acidity. This means that the finest sweet wines are made with grape varieties that keep their acidity even at very high ripeness levels, such as Riesling and Chenin blanc. How sweet a wine will taste is also controlled by factors such as the acidity and alcohol levels, the amount of tannin present, and whether the wine is sparkling or not. A sweet wine such as a Vouvray can actually taste dry due to", "id": "21782189" }, { "contents": "Preservative\n\n\nwas then converted to an “icebox”. The Icebox was converted in the 1800s to mechanical refrigeration. Clarence Birdseye found in the 1800s that freezing meats and vegetables at a low temperature made them taste better. Fermenting was discovered when a few grains of barley were left in the rain and turned into beer. Microorganisms ferment the starch-derived sugars into alcohols. This is also how fruits are fermented into wine and cabbage into Kimchi or sauerkraut. Anthropologists believe that as early as 10,000 B.C people began to settle and grow barley", "id": "5066381" }, { "contents": "Muscat of Alexandria\n\n\nrival the French \"Beaume de Venise\" in its most refined form. In Italy wine is made from the grape on the island of Pantelleria, and in Spain, the grape is used for wine around Málaga, Alicante, Valencia, and the Canary Islands. It is grown in Calabria and Sicily where it is known as \"Zibibbo\". The grape originated in North Africa, and the name is probably derived from its association with Ancient Egyptians who used the grape for wine making. It is also a table grape used", "id": "17128941" }, { "contents": "San Rocco di Piegara\n\n\n). The ancient feast of Maroni (chestnuts) is held annually in San Rocco di Piegara in the penultimate Sunday of October. Autumn welcomes the return of chestnuts and the village is full of people, inviting scents and colored stalls packed with local products. In the main square, a giant \"rostidora\" cooks quintals of maroni, while enogastronomical stands offer tastings of wine and home-made food. At the celebration, skilled craftsmen offer demonstrations of crafts of ancient culture, such as timber and the production of baskets,", "id": "14903868" }, { "contents": "Ancient Greek cuisine\n\n\n. Plutarch tells how the king of Pontus, eager to try the Spartan \"black gruel\", bought a Laconian cook; 'but had no sooner tasted it than he found it extremely bad, which the cook observing, told him, \"Sir, to make this broth relish, you should have bathed yourself first in the river Eurotas\"'. According to Polyaenus, on discovering the dining hall of the Persian royal palace, Alexander the Great mocked their taste and blamed it for their defeat. Pausanias, on discovering", "id": "8615669" }, { "contents": "Pressing (wine)\n\n\ncrushing and squeezing grapes into a bag or container where the contents would ferment. The pressure applied by these manual means was limited and these early wines were likely pale in color and body. Eventually humans discovered that more juice could be extracted and potentially a better wine could be produced if they developed ways of pressing. It begin with the ancient Egyptians who developed a \"sack press\" made of cloth that was squeezed with the aid of a giant tourniquet. The ancient Greeks and Romans developed large wooden wine presses that utilized large", "id": "1788702" }, { "contents": "Katherine Cole\n\n\nOregon winemakers behind this revolution. She first became interested in the topic after tasting an Oregon Pinot Gris that had been made with biodynamic grapes. \"Voodoo Vintners\" explores the history of biodynamic winegrowing and includes a chapter which addresses criticism of the movement. The book was a finalist in the Louis Roederer International Wine Book of the Year, in the International Wine Writers' Awards. In 2013, she published \"Complete Wine Selector: How to Choose the Right Wine Every Time\". In \"Complete Wine Selector\", Cole", "id": "3186492" }, { "contents": "Castello di Volpaia\n\n\noil, etc. Classes can be conducted in Italian, English or French. Lessons include cooking demonstrations with an emphasis on technique, lessons on food and wine pairing and how to serve Italian menus. Students learn to prepare dishes from all over Italy, with particular attention paid to Tuscan food and relying on local ingredients that are widely available. The Castello di Volpaia wine shop is located in what was once the principal tower of the castle – the village jail in a previous incarnation. The tasting room is reached by passing through", "id": "10236678" }, { "contents": "Typicity\n\n\nTypicity (French \"typicité\", Italian \"tipicità\") is a term in wine tasting used to describe the degree to which a wine reflects its varietal origins and thus demonstrates the signature characteristics of the grape from which it was produced, e.g., how much a Merlot wine “tastes like a Merlot”. It is an important component in judging wine competition when wines of the same variety are judged against each other. In some countries, such as Austria, typicity is used as part of a qualitative hierarchy that takes", "id": "8549797" }, { "contents": "Bruno Goussault\n\n\ninvolved with meat research and became a meat specialist despite being colorblind. Goussault claimed that he learned to \"correlate the structures and textures people associate with particular colors to exact temperatures,\" and because of this, he discovered that meat cooked at lower temperatures loses less of its juices, develops a better texture, and cooks more evenly. In 1974, a study that Goussault conducted regarding the sous-vide cooking of beef shoulder was presented at an international frozen-foods conference in Strasbourg, France, demonstrating how cooking the beef", "id": "2363319" }, { "contents": "Ancient Greece and wine\n\n\n: laying out freshly harvested grapes on mats to dry nearly to raisins before pressing. A wine made on Lesbos known as \"protropon\" was among the first known to be made exclusively from \"free-run juice,\" drawn from grape clusters expressing their contents under their own weight. Other Greek innovations include the harvest of deliberately unripe grapes in producing a more acidic wine for blending. The boiling of grape must was discovered as another means of adding sweetness to the wine. The Greeks believed wine could also be improved by", "id": "7575523" }, { "contents": "Provence wine\n\n\n18 lucky owners just benefit from the classification, no matter how good the wine is. The main grape variety throughout Provence is Mourvèdre, which is the primary component in many red wines and rosés. Provence makes over 1,000 kinds of wines. It is often blended with Grenache and Cinsault, with the latter being used as a significant component in most rosé. Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah are rising in prominence, though some traditional Provençal winemakers view those grapes with suspicion and a sign of globalization and appeal to international tastes. For the", "id": "18590354" }, { "contents": "Caecuban wine\n\n\nlegendary treasure of Dido which was supposed to have been buried there. The destruction of Caecuban’s single vineyard extinguished the wine completely; but in Martial’s time, if his words can be relied on, Caecuban wine was still maturing in cellars at Amyclae. Galen is the last person on record to have tasted Caecuban wine, nearly a century after it ceased to be made. Among the grape varieties that have been speculated to be behind the ancient wine is the Abbuoto grape that is still grown in the Lazio region of central", "id": "9826174" }, { "contents": "Iban people\n\n\ncontainers because its wall still contains water; old, mature bamboo trees are dryer and are burned by fire more readily. The bamboo also imparts the famous and addictive, special bamboo taste or flavour to the cooked food or rice. Glutinous rice is often cooked in bamboo for the routine diet or during celebrations. It is believed in the old days, bamboo cylinders were used to cook food in the absence of metal pots. Tuak is an Iban wine traditionally made from cooked glutinous rice () mixed with home-made yeast", "id": "3397094" }, { "contents": "Laura Anne Gilman\n\n\na modern age. Cosa Nostradamus is the name given to the entire magical community – Human Talent and non-human ‘fatae.’ \"Wine. A world with a source of magic that is grapes, in the vintages made with each different strain of grapes. Wait, before you wander off, think about that a minute. Think of how much goes into a bottle of wine, from how the grapes are grown to how each harvest is gathered and pressed and bottled. Then add in a touch of magic along", "id": "7851207" }, { "contents": "Ancient Rome and wine\n\n\nlavender and thyme, presumably as a reflection of the grape varieties used and the \"terroir\". Another widespread practice was the storage of amphoras in a smoke chamber called a fumarium to add smokiness to a wine's flavor. The term \"wine\" spanned a broad spectrum of wine-based beverages, the quality of which depended on the amount of pure grape juice used and how diluted the wine was when served. The finest wine was reserved for the upper classes of Rome. Below that was \"posca\", a", "id": "15329974" }, { "contents": "Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl\n\n\n\"Food and Wine,\" and \"Saveur\". Her writing has been included in five editions of \"Best Food Writing\". In her first book on wine, Grumdahl draws on her own experience to aid the reader into better understanding their own tastes and preferences as a guide to exploring the world of wine. The book presents nine parties to have at home to discover the reader's own taste when it comes to nine major varieties of wine including Zinfandel, Sauvignon blanc, Riesling, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah", "id": "11121442" }, { "contents": "Sam Aaron\n\n\nremained until a second move in 2007. Aaron and his brother hired sometime actor and food enthusiast James Beard to run Alanberry's, the gourmet shop next door. During the postwar years, Aaron continued to write about wine, now for the popular market: with Beard, he co-authored \"How to Eat Better for Less Money\" and with the book critic Clifton Fadiman, he wrote a coffee table book, \"The Joys of Wine.\" He was a judge at the New York Wine Tasting of 1973 which", "id": "462641" }, { "contents": "Aging of wine\n\n\nthis time the wine could taste drastically different from how it did prior to bottling or how it will taste after the wine has settled. While many modern bottling lines try to treat the wine as gently as possible and utilize inert gases to minimize the amount of oxygen exposure, all wine goes through some period of bottle shock. The length of this period will vary with each individual wine. The transfer of off-flavours in the cork used to bottle a wine during prolonged aging can be detrimental to the quality of the bottle", "id": "5493551" }, { "contents": "Oz and James's Big Wine Adventure\n\n\n, more interested in drinking wine than in talking about it. When he determined that Clarke rambled on pompously, he blew on a whistle, which he called the \"Ozillator.\" At the start of the series, May declared he likes to drink wine, but knows little about it. Clarke teaches him the basics about smells and texture and about grape varieties, showing him how wine is made, what wine goes with what food and exposed May to the culture surrounding wine. They visited various types of winemakers, from", "id": "15836521" }, { "contents": "History of the wine press\n\n\nthat could contain about 14-15 gallons (52-57 liters) of wine. The carbon dating of these sites (and earlier sites at Çatalhöyük and Neolithic B sites in Jordan) are based on left over grape pips (seeds) and while they provide solid evidence of wine making, they don't necessarily provide evidence of how the wine was made and if the modern concept of pressing (i.e. extracting juice from the skins and separating it from the skins and seeds) was used. Winemaking in ancient Egypt probably used", "id": "20978357" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\ntime allowed for fermentation, and the age of the wine. The often coarse and unrefined taste of ancient wine was adjusted to make it more drinkable. Spices were added directly to the wine to improve the aroma, and other ingredients, such as honey, pepper, herbs and even lime, resin or seawater were added to improve the flavor or disguise a poor-tasting wine. Wine was also sweetened by the addition of grape juice syrup. Wine was also sometimes given an aroma by rubbing the winepress with wood resin.", "id": "16744380" }, { "contents": "Wine Museum, Ehnen\n\n\nalso house a cooperage showing how barrels were made, a large wine press, a smithy and the former Ehnen office of weights and measures. The museum exhibits demonstrate the process of wine-making from growing the grapes to bottling the wine. Many of the items in the museum have been donated by local vintners. There is also a small vinyard with all the local grape varieties. As these grapes are grown on government land, the wine made from them is served at official functions such as embassy dinners. The museum is", "id": "15227302" }, { "contents": "Litti (cuisine)\n\n\nwith \"murgh korma\" (a creamy chicken curry) or \"chokha\" (a vegetable preparation of roasted and mashed eggplant, tomato, and potato). Litti is a staple food of Bihar, Jharkhand and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It is made of whole wheat flour and stuff with Sattu(Gram flour powder). Cooking and serving of Litti is very important to realise the actual taste of this food. Best Litties should be cooked in low fire of cow dung cake. The taste of Liiti lies on its stuffed material i.e.", "id": "2748935" }, { "contents": "Food choice of older adults\n\n\n's food preferences might become affected. With certain diseases, people tend to develop specific preferences or distaste for various types of food. For example, people with Alzheimer's (which is the most common form of dementia), experience many big and small changes as a result of their symptoms. One change identified by Suszynski in \"How Dementia Tampers With Taste Buds\" is a dementia patient's taste buds, which contain the receptors for taste. Since they don’t experience flavor the way they once did, people with dementia", "id": "9900678" }, { "contents": "Noah's wine\n\n\nsuited for the growing of grapes; hence it is purported that humanity was led to discover other means (e.g. beer) of not simply satisfying thirst but also stimulating the mind. A journal, at the end of the nineteenth century published the following: \"Man has been defined, perhaps somewhat crudely, says \"Food and Cookery\", as an animal that prefers a properly cooked meal to raw food, and Noah's wine to Adam's ale.\" Madeleine L'Engle used the term in her 1986 novel, \"Many", "id": "12055622" }, { "contents": "Rosé\n\n\nfor the lucrative Flemish wine trade. In the 16th and 17th century, the region achieved some acclaim for their \"white\" wines made from Pinot noir grapes but rather than actually being white these wines were instead a pale \"greyish pink\" that was reminiscent of a \"partridge's eye\" and earned the nickname \"Œil de Perdrix\"—a style of rosé still being produced in Switzerland. In the late 17th century, the Champenois (aided by the work of Dom Perignon) learned how to better separate the skins from the must", "id": "19952513" }, { "contents": "Taste\n\n\nfoods unique textures that are often described as creaminess. But this texture is not an actual taste. It is only during ingestion that the fatty acids that make up triglycerides are hydrolysed into fatty acids via lipases. The taste is commonly related to other, more negative, tastes such as bitter and sour due to how unpleasant the taste is for humans. Richard Mattes, a co-author of the study, explained that low concentrations of these fatty acids can create an overall better flavor in a food, much like how small", "id": "7317675" }, { "contents": "Gastronomy\n\n\npractical gastronomy. It is related with a system and process approach, focused on recipes, techniques and cookery books. Food gastronomy is connected with food and beverages and their genesis. Technical gastronomy underpins practical gastronomy, introducing a rigorous approach to evaluation of gastronomic topics. Gastronomy involves discovering, tasting, experiencing, researching, understanding and writing about food preparation and the sensory qualities of human nutrition as a whole. It also studies how nutrition interfaces with the broader culture. Later on, the application of biological and chemical knowledge to cooking", "id": "2143659" }, { "contents": "Terrano (grape)\n\n\nwith other pork dishes, sausages, pancetta or cooked ham with horseradish (traditional foods of the Karst Plateau and Istria). \"Kraski teran\" should be served at 15 - 16 °C (59 - 60.8 °F). Indigenous Teran wine is produced exclusively from Teran grapes, a wine under the same name is made of Refosco grapes grown on Terra Rossa, which is the Slovenian produced \"Kraški teran\", therefore it is often a misnomer when different synonyms may be used: Cagnina (in Emilia-Romagna", "id": "21124184" }, { "contents": "Kingston Family Vineyards\n\n\nMichael Kingston who founded the winery. It was Courtney Kingston, the great great granddaughter of CJ Kingston who formulated the idea to plant vineyards on the land and sell the grapes to the wineries in the region while in business school at Stanford University. After discovering that the wineries in the region did not know how to work with Pinot noir grapes, they decided to produce the wines themselves. They consulted several winemakers and eventually partnered with Byron Kosuge, a winemaker from California and Evelyn Vidal, an up-and-coming female", "id": "14203818" }, { "contents": "Vincotto\n\n\nVincotto (translated as \"cooked wine\") is a dark, sweet, thick paste produced by country people in the Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Lombardy, Apulia, and Marche regions of Italy. It is made by the slow cooking and reduction over many hours of non-fermented grape must until it has been reduced to about one-fifth of its original volume and the sugars present have caramelized. It can be made from a number of varieties of local red wine grapes, including \"Primitivo\", \"Negroamaro\"", "id": "13423686" }, { "contents": "Melbourne Food and Wine Festival\n\n\nMitchell, Anthony Ross, Sally Wise, Alla Wolf–Tasker, Adrian Richardson Melbourne hosts food and wine festivals every year to attract tourist people into it and to show how diverse Melbourne is with its food. In 2010, the large-scale cooking class, known as the \"Langham Melbourne Masterclass\" included chefs David Chang (Momofuku, New York), Massimo Bottura (Osteria Francescana, Modena, Italy) and Claude Bosi (Hibiscus, London), and winemaker Gaia Gaja (Angelo Gaja’s daughter). The", "id": "19094844" }, { "contents": "Sara Moulton\n\n\nin every family kitchen.\" Moulton's fourth cookbook, \"Home Cooking 101: How to Make Everything Taste Better,\" was published Oxmoor House in March 2016. Diana K. Rice, in The Huffington Post, described it as \"extremely useful to the home cook. [Looks] like a textbook, albeit...with fabulous food photos and enticing recipes.\" In August 2012 Moulton began writing a weekly column entitled \"The Healthy Plate\" for the Associated Press. In January 2015, she replaced it with a new", "id": "9061969" }, { "contents": "Geoff Tate\n\n\nfurther developed when Tate was in Queensrÿche: \"I have been collecting wine seriously since the band first got signed back in 1983 and we were touring the world. I’d make special arrangements to leave at certain point of the tour and take off and head into the wine regions. I started to become even more interested in how it was made and how grapes were grown and which grapes grew best where and that type of thing.\" Tate has given several interviews to the magazine Wine Spectator. In 2010, Geoff and", "id": "20292032" }, { "contents": "Donald deAvila Jackson\n\n\n1958, he founded the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, and was its first director. \"How did Don Jackson influence the field of family therapy? How did Watts influence the steam engine? He made it. Others have refined the steam engine into a better, more efficient machine. I'd say that is what Don did for family therapy, he established the discipline. Others have gone on to refine it.\" — Richard Fisch, MD, Founder & Director, Brief Therapy Center, Mental Research", "id": "18917215" }, { "contents": "Lyndey and Blair's Taste of Greece\n\n\nLyndey and Blair's Taste of Greece is an Australian television series first screened on SBS One in 2011. The series follows food and wine personality, Lyndey Milan, and her actor/voice-over artist son, Blair, as they tour Greece, from Athens to Corinth, around the Peloponnese and Kythira. They seek culinary delights, wines, ancient sites, adventure and antiquities. Over seven episodes, Lyndey and Blair cook, eat, drink and engage with the locals they meet along the way – a charming yet eclectic", "id": "21729464" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\navailability. Most food was eaten fresh and in season. Fruits and vegetables had to be eaten as they ripened and before they spoiled. People had to contend with periodic episodes of hunger and famine; producing enough food required hard and well-timed labor, and the climatic conditions resulted in unpredictable harvests and the need to store as much food as possible. Thus, grapes were made into raisins and wine; olives were made into oil; figs, beans and lentils were dried; and grains were stored for use throughout the", "id": "16744326" }, { "contents": "Wine\n\n\nmay benefit younger wines. During aeration, a younger wine's exposure to air often \"relaxes\" the drink, making it smoother and better integrated in aroma, texture, and flavor. Older wines generally fade (lose their character and flavor intensity) with extended aeration. Despite these general rules, breathing does not necessarily benefit all wines. Wine may be tasted as soon as the bottle is opened to determine how long it should be aerated, if at all. When tasting wine, individual flavors may also be detected,", "id": "14466530" }, { "contents": "Cabernet blanc\n\n\nregion of Germany with some experimental plantings in the Netherlands. The grape is currently not being used for commercial wine production in the United States with American wines labeled as \"Cabernet blanc\" or \"White Cabernet\" instead being sweet pink-colored blush wines made from early pressing of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes similar to how White Zinfandel is produced from the red Zinfandel grape. Cabernet blanc is a hybrid crossing of the \"Vitis vinifera\" wine grape Cabernet Sauvignon and an unknown disease-resistant variety that is known under the catch-all", "id": "3704266" }, { "contents": "Phil Coturri\n\n\ncontributing factor in Coturri exploring organic viticulture and agriculture. He left behind conventional agriculture and dedicated his work to organic practices. \"If an organic tomato is going to taste better than a hot-house tomato, an organic grape is going to taste better than a conventionally-grown grape.\" -Phil Coturri He believes that the way he farms the vineyards he manages impacts the ecological systems of the surrounding environment, including the San Francisco Bay. He also believes that organic grapes produce better quality wine. He is a staunch proponent", "id": "787908" }, { "contents": "Buddhist cuisine\n\n\nZen Cook\"), Soto Zen founder Eihei Dogen wrote the following about the Zen attitude toward food: In preparing food, it is essential to be sincere and to respect each ingredient regardless of how coarse or fine it is. (...) A rich buttery soup is not better as such than a broth of wild herbs. In handling and preparing wild herbs, do so as you would the ingredients for a rich feast, wholeheartedly, sincerely, clearly. When you serve the monastic assembly, they and you should taste", "id": "6360220" }, { "contents": "Zoe Laughlin\n\n\nDepartment of Engineering at King's College London in 2010. During her PhD, Laughlin discovered how materials affects the taste of food, and how to predict the taste of food using electrode potential. Her thesis, \"Beyond the Swatch: How can the Science of Materials be Represented by the Materials Themselves in a Materials Library?\", became the basis for the methodological approaches of the Institute of Making and some of its research. The experiments Laughlin undertook were designed to identify the links between the physical properties of materials and our", "id": "1398344" }, { "contents": "Minnesota Grape Growers Association\n\n\nThe Minnesota Grape Growers Association (MGGA) was established in 1976 to further the art and science of growing grapes in cold climates. The association sponsors workshops, tours, tastings of locally produced wines and sponsors an important annual conference on cold climate viticulture. In August 2013, in partnership with the University of Minnesota, the MGGA held the 5th International Cold Climate Wine Competition. This event featured over 300 different wines and was judged by a panel of 21 judges including Food and Wine writers, oenologists, wine marketers and other expert", "id": "12524053" }, { "contents": "Traveling Vineyard\n\n\nGuides help hosts prepare for the event and then present guests with specific wines they can taste with the opportunity to order. Wine Guides make marketing fees from their sales to customers, not from how many people they recruit to be on their team. In 2013, Traveling Vineyard launched Sommology. Sommology is an award-winning, trademarked food and wine pairing educational resource. It was created in collaboration with Eddie Osterland, America’s first Master Sommelier. Traveling Vineyard was founded in 2001. In April 2010, the company declared Chapter", "id": "7870499" }, { "contents": "The Spirit of New Wine\n\n\nintimate relationship between wine and cuisine. Host Denise Ingrid Brickel tastes a variety of California white and red wines and learns practical wine tasting tips from Peter Nelson, wine consultant. The craft of winemaking is discussed at length by Sonoma and Napa vintners Barry Grushkowitz, J.D. Shon, Judd Finklestein and others. Chef Kelly MacDonald offers viewers wine and food pairing recommendations, while Cheryl Forberg, nutritional writer and advisor to NBC's \"The Biggest Loser,\" reviews the multiple health benefits of wine. The second episode examines how wine is", "id": "9477540" }, { "contents": "Biodynamic wine\n\n\n, as well as wines that remain drinkable longer. Biodynamic wines are more \"floral\", according to Spanish biodynamic vintner Pérez Palacios. Biodynamic producers also claim that their methods tend to result in better balance in growth, where the sugar production in the grapes coincides with physiological ripeness, resulting in a wine with the correct balance of flavor and alcohol content, even with changing climate conditions. In a blind tasting of 10 pairs of biodynamic and conventionally made wines, conducted by \"Fortune\" and judged by seven wine experts including", "id": "20487044" }, { "contents": "Sancerre (wine)\n\n\nleaf plucking and de-budding in order to thin out the canopy and produce more concentrated grapes. The age of vine can also contribute to how much grassy character the resultant wine may have as well as how early the grapes are harvested. Many of the phenolic compounds and aroma compounds, such as pyrazine, that contribute to strong grassy flavours are found in the grape skins, eventually breaking down as it goes through its ripening process. Grapes that are harvested before they are physiologically ripe may have more overt grassy notes. How", "id": "1007220" }, { "contents": "Mayacamas Vineyards\n\n\nParis event, two panels of expert wine tasters tasted all the original red entries to assess how the wines had aged. Mayacamas Vineyards tied for third place (with Heitz Wine Cellars) in the field of ten. Cultivating Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, and small blocks of Sauvignon blanc, Pinot noir, Merlot and Cabernet Franc, the vineyard area extends . The winery produces approximately a total of 5,000 cases of wine per year. On average there is produced 2,000 cases of Cabernet Sauvignon and 2,000 cases of Chardonnay. There is", "id": "11984394" }, { "contents": "Ms Yeah\n\n\n. Although the videos always have Ms Yeah as the main actor, the camera is primarily controlled by an unknown camera operator, and co-workers play bit parts. Most of the food cooked in the videos are common Chinese dishes and not difficult to prepare per se. Ms Yeah has admitted that the end result often did not taste good, but the goal of her channel is not to teach viewers how to cook; hence there are no cooking instructions. Some videos feature product placement; at a cost of 500,000 CNY", "id": "15541701" }, { "contents": "Mastroberardino\n\n\nMisteri\" (or \"Villa of the Mysteries\") project in 1996 that aimed to recreate the wine of the ancient city of Pompeii using the same grape varieties and viticultural techniques of the period. Working with historians and ampelographers, the team examined imprints left in the soil from vine roots as well as DNA testing on grape seeds discovered in the volcanic ash and identified the ancient varieties of Piedirosso and Sciascinoso (also known as \"Olivella\") as the most likely varieties behind ancient Pompeiian wines. Using the details discovered from", "id": "9359956" }, { "contents": "Naples Grape Festival\n\n\nNaples Grape Festival is an annual festival in Naples, New York, United States, dedicated to grapes. The town of Naples is in the center of Finger Lakes American Viticultural Area (AVA), a region known for grape-growing and wine making in the Finger Lakes area of Upstate New York. The festival, which has been held since 1961, includes arts and crafts vendors, a wine-tasting tent, food, live music, Grape festivals elsewhere include the Turpan Silk Road Grape Festival in Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur", "id": "17511986" }, { "contents": "Naso (parsha)\n\n\ngrape skins unless the nazirite ate at least two grape seeds and one grape skin. In the Talmud, Rabbi Joshua discouraged asceticism and abstaining from wine. The Rabbis taught in a Baraita that when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, large numbers of Judeans became ascetics, binding themselves neither to eat meat nor to drink wine. Rabbi Joshua asked the ascetics why they did not eat meat or drink wine. The ascetics asked how they could eat meat when priests used to offer meat on the altar that the Romans had destroyed.", "id": "9596929" }, { "contents": "Food & Wine\n\n\nFood & Wine is a monthly magazine published by Meredith Corporation. It was founded in 1978 by Ariane and Michael Batterberry. It features recipes, cooking tips, travel information, restaurant reviews, chefs, wine pairings and seasonal/holiday content and has been credited by \"The New York Times\" with introducing the dining public to \"Perrier, the purple Peruvian potato and Patagonian toothfish\". The premier event for the magazine is the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen, Colorado. The Classic features wine tasting, cooking demonstrations,", "id": "10589940" }, { "contents": "Food photography\n\n\nwell to narrow-angled shots. The role of the food stylist is to make the food look attractive in the finished photograph. The time and effort a stylist takes to carefully and artfully arrange the food, is the cause of differences between the way the stylist presents it and the way a home cook or chef may. Visual know-how is also a requirement, as is the knowledge of how to translate the perception of taste, aroma and appeal that one gets from an actual dish, to a two-dimensional", "id": "13440143" }, { "contents": "Wine and food matching\n\n\ncheese with a sweet Port. Sweetness in a wine can balance tartness in food, especially if the food has some sweetness (such as dishes with sweet & sour sauces). The astringency associated with wine is usually derived from a wine's tannins. Tannins add a gritty texture and chalky, astringent taste. It can enhance the perception of \"body\" or weight in the wine. Tannins are normally derived from the skins, seeds, and stems of the grapes themselves (leached out during the maceration process) or from", "id": "20747927" }, { "contents": "French wine\n\n\ncolonization of Southern Gaul by Greek settlers. Viticulture soon flourished with the founding of the Greek colony of Marseille. Wine has been around for thousands of years in the countries on the Mediterranean but France has made it a part of their civilization and has considered wine-making as an art for over two thousand years. The Gauls knew how to cultivate the vine and how to prune it. Pruning creates an important distinction in the difference between wild vines and wine producing grapes. Before long, the wines produced in Gaul were popular", "id": "19345587" }, { "contents": "Lacryma Christi\n\n\nLacryma Christi, (also Lachryma Christi of Vesuvius, literally \"tears of Christ\"), is the name of a celebrated Neapolitan type of wine produced on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius in Campania, Italy. White Lacryma Christi is made mainly from Verdeca and Coda di Volpe grapes, with smaller proportions of Falanghina, Caprettone and Greco di Tufo included. Red Lacryma Christi is made from Piedirosso and Sciascinoso grapes. It is also, as archaeologists have discovered, the nearest equivalent to wine drunk by the Ancient Romans, having analysed", "id": "13505686" }, { "contents": "Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human\n\n\nCatching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human (2009) is a book by British primatologist Richard Wrangham, published by Profile Books in England, and Basic Books in the USA. It argues the hypothesis that cooking food was an essential element in the physiological evolution of human beings. It was shortlisted for the 2010 Samuel Johnson Prize. Eighteenth-century writers noted already that \"people cooked their meat, rather than eating it raw like animals\". Oliver Goldsmith considered that \"of all other animals we spend the least time in", "id": "6131114" }, { "contents": "Sena wine\n\n\nThe wine is made from a blend of six of the classic red grape varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Carmenère, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and Malbec. The grapes for Seña are sourced from Seña Hillside vineyards within the Aconcagua Valley, in which vines are grown according to bio-dynamic principles. The wine is currently produced at Errázuriz's Don Maximiano Estate winery in the Aconcagua Valley. Seña 2001 was amongst two Chilean wines to take first and second place in the Berlin Wine Tasting of 2004, a blind tasting of", "id": "3863643" }, { "contents": "Saint-Estèphe AOC\n\n\nfrom year to year. Once the wine has been drained off, the grape residue is pressed. The pressed wine is tasted. Based on the outcome of this test of taste and smell, which takes into account grape variety and vintage, a decision is made as to whether or not the press wine is good enough to be included in the final blend. The next step is to store the wine in a tank (or sometimes in a barrel) at a temperature situated between 20 and 25 °C, which allows", "id": "18126699" }, { "contents": "Agiorgitiko\n\n\nStevenson notes that while Agiorgitiko vines can withstand heat well, the grape tends to produce better in higher altitude vineyards that are slightly cooler but still sufficiently warm to insure that the grape fully ripens. The altitude of the vineyard, in particular, seems to have an effect on how much of a \"spicy note\" comes out in the flavor of the resulting wines. For most of the 21st century, growers have been working with Greek wine authorities to produce new virus-free clones of Agiorgitiko that have the potential to resist", "id": "13653380" }, { "contents": "History of the wine press\n\n\nGreek wine presses was discovered in Palekastro in Crete and dated to the Mycenaean period (1600-1100 BC). Like most of the earlier presses, it was mainly a stone basin for treading the grapes by feet with a run off drain for the juice to flow. However, there is evidence that some of the later Cretan winemakers would sometimes use a pressing method similar to how olive oil was extracted from olives. This press would entail laying the grapes out underneath several planks of wood and then weighing the planks down with", "id": "20978360" }, { "contents": "Luzhu huoshao\n\n\nin the chapter for luzhu huoshao. In his opinion, Beijing's street foods such as luzhu huoshao provides a chance for the poor people to experience how the foods in palace taste like. Luzhu huoshao was originated from palace food, hence the ingredients were costly for many families in the olden days. Nevertheless, many people also wanted to know how does the food for the emperor tastes like, so they replaced the expensive ingredients such as pork belly with cheap ingredients such as pork lung and intestines, and created their own version", "id": "13101227" }, { "contents": "Aglianico\n\n\na first-growth wine today. Oenologist Denis Dubourdieu has said \"Aglianico is probably the grape with the longest consumer history of all\". Aglianico is also nicknamed \"the Southern Barolo\" () because the grape can have striking similarities in frame and taste refinement to the Nebbiolo grape of Piemonte, notably in Barolo. The vine is believed to have first been cultivated in Greece by the Phoceans from an ancestral vine that ampelographers have not yet identified. From Greece it was brought into Italy by settlers at Cumae, near modern", "id": "2628597" }, { "contents": "Zinfandel\n\n\nto a different grape, likely \"Zierfandler\" from Austria. The grapes typically produce a robust red wine, although in the United States a semi-sweet rosé (blush-style) wine called White Zinfandel has six times the sales of the red wine. The grape's high sugar content can be fermented into levels of alcohol exceeding 15 percent. The taste of the red wine depends on the ripeness of the grapes from which it is made. Red berry fruit flavors like raspberry predominate in wines from cooler areas, whereas", "id": "11315265" }, { "contents": "French wine\n\n\nimmediate consumption while other are meant for long-time cellaring. If there is one thing that most French wines have in common, it is that most styles have developed as wines meant to accompany food, be it a quick baguette, a simple bistro meal, or a full-fledged multi-course menu. Since the French tradition is to serve wine with food, wines have seldom been developed or styled as \"bar wines\" for drinking on their own, or to impress in tastings when young. Numerous grape varieties", "id": "19345596" }, { "contents": "Cauim\n\n\nstep; but (predictably) it did not work. Eventually they got used to the natives' drink. \"To those readers who are put off by the idea of drinking what someone else has chewed,\" adds the traveler, \"let me remind them of how our wine is made ... by the peasants who trample on the grapes with their feet, sometimes with shoes and all; things that are perhaps even less agreeable than the chewing of American women. Just as one says that wine, by fermenting, rids", "id": "6196898" }, { "contents": "Food & Wine\n\n\n-in-chief. In June 2017, Hunter Lewis replaced her as editor-in-chief. The Food & Wine Classic is an annual event presented by \"Food & Wine Magazine\" since 1986. The Classic takes place in Aspen, Colorado in June of each year. The event features wine tasting, cooking demonstrations, featured speakers, as well as a cooking competition. The event celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2012, featuring singers Cee Lo Green, Elvis Costello, athlete Wes Welker, and chef Bobby Flay.", "id": "10589947" }, { "contents": "Lodi, California\n\n\nLodi was named Wine Region of the Year by \"Wine Enthusiast\" magazine. The Wine Bloggers Conference of 2016 brought over 300 wine bloggers to the area, where attendees filled the Internet with compliments about the small-town hospitality of Lodi's approachable, authentic winegrowing community. Every September the Lodi Grape Festival is held and includes rides, food, and wine tasting. The Wine & Food Festival (formerly known as the Spring Wine Show, held in late March/early April, so as not to coincide with Easter every", "id": "17260890" }, { "contents": "Okko's Inn\n\n\ncan only eat bland healthy food, but he finds the food the inn staff unsatisfying. Okko then remembers that Matsuki was working on a menu of healthy food. So, setting aside her rivalry to please a guest, she visits Matsuki at her huge inn to ask for help. Matsuki gives her a sample of her inn's beef, as well as many tips on how to cook food that Shota's father can eat which doesn't taste so bland. Shota's father is overjoyed at how tasty the new food is", "id": "3370156" }, { "contents": "Makgeolli\n\n\nskilled in making fermented foods such as wine, soybean paste, and salted and fermented fish\". The Asuka Japanese book \"Kojiki\" (Records of Ancient Matters) makes reference in the section entitled \"Ōjin-tennō\" (Emperor Ōjin) to a man named \"Inbeon\" () from the kingdom of Baekje being taught how to brew wine. And the poem \"Gōngzishí\" (), by the Tang Chinese poet Li Shangyin, refers to Silla wine () made with non-glutinous rice. During the", "id": "8117874" }, { "contents": "Dessert wine\n\n\nare all made from the white Muscat grape, whilst Banyuls and Maury are made from red Grenache. Regardless of the grape, fermentation is stopped with up to 10% of 95% grape spirit. The Muscats are made in a somewhat oxidised style, the Grenaches less so. In ancient Carthage, a sweet wine called \"passum\" was made from air-dried grapes and across the Malta Channel from the site of Carthage similar wines are still made, called Moscato Passito di Pantelleria. Such wines were described by the Romans", "id": "12161777" }, { "contents": "Arneis\n\n\ngrown for centuries in the region. The white wines made from the Arneis grape tend to be dry and full bodied with notes of pears and apricots. Wine historians disagree on how long Arneis has been growing in the Piedmont region and under what name. A potential root of the name Arneis in the Piemontese dialect, \"renesi\", makes an appearance in the description of several different grape varieties in the 15th century. Some historians believe that Arneis may be the Ranaysii grape that was documented in 1432 growing in the province of", "id": "2157846" }, { "contents": "Dom Pérignon (monk)\n\n\nLe Vin de Champagne\" in 1896 that celebrated Perignon as the inventor of champagne by following \"ancient traditions.\" The myth served to protect champagne made in Marne as the original sparkling wine and dismiss other wines as imitators. The myth also helped distance champagne from its associations with aristocratic decadence and transform it as a drink made from a monk’s labor and persistence. The myths about Pérignon being the first to use corks and being able to name the precise vineyard by tasting a single grape likely originated from Groussard's account.", "id": "8258734" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nOn the other hand, wine could also be added to drinking water to improve the taste, especially towards the end of the summer when rainwater had been standing in a cistern for at least six months. This also had the beneficial effect of lowering the bacteria content of the water. After the grape harvest in mid-summer, most grapes were taken to wine presses to extract their juice for winemaking. Once fermented, wine was transferred to wineskins or large amphorae for storage. Israelite amphorae were typically tall with large handles and", "id": "16744381" }, { "contents": "To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone)\n\n\n, \"Gustatus Similis Pullus\"—Dog Latin for \"Tastes Like Chicken\". The plot device of the alien cookbook is parodied in the segment \"Hungry Are the Damned\" on \"The Simpsons\" episode \"Treehouse of Horror\" (1990). In the segment, the seemingly benevolent aliens Kang and Kodos are discovered to have a book titled \"How to Cook Humans\". The humour is played up by a series of reversals in revealing the actual title of the book. What begins as \"How to Cook Humans\",", "id": "8818982" }, { "contents": "Ancient Roman cuisine\n\n\n(called a pyment today); and conditum, a mixture of wine, honey and spices made in advance and matured. One specific recipe, Conditum Paradoxum, is for a mixture of wine, honey, pepper, laurel, dates, mastic, and saffron, cooked and stored for later use. Another recipe called for the addition of seawater, pitch and rosin to the wine. A Greek traveler reported that the beverage was apparently an acquired taste. Sour wine mixed with water and herbs (\"posca\") was", "id": "2408689" }, { "contents": "Georgian wine\n\n\n, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti, Adjara and Abkhazia. In 2013, UNESCO added the ancient traditional Georgian winemaking method using the Kvevri clay jars to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. The roots of Georgian viticulture have been traced back by archeology to when people of the South Caucasus discovered that wild grape juice turned into wine when it was left buried through the winter in a shallow pit. This knowledge was nourished by experience, and from 6000 BC inhabitants of the current Georgia were cultivating grapes and burying clay vessels, kvevris", "id": "1249204" }, { "contents": "Top Chef Masters (season 2)\n\n\nan Elimination challenge. The Quickfire is a short, simple challenge that can vary from cooking, tasting or a food-related task (e.g., peeling a certain amount of apples to certain quality standard in a limited amount of time). The Elimination challenge is a more complex challenge which usually requires cooking a meal for many people with certain requirements. The chefs are scored based on how well they execute in the Elimination and Quickfire challenges. Scoring: Unlike Season 1, where the Quickfire was scored on a scale of one", "id": "75836" }, { "contents": "Jeanette Orrey\n\n\nthat by very gradually replacing the processed food with home-cooked meals, the children's tastes slowly changed and they became less fussy. When asked to explain the secret of her success at St Peter's, Orrey has said 'Children copy each other. Convince one child to eat curry and the rest will follow'. In 2003, Orrey co founded Food for Life, a programme in British schools aimed at encouraging school kitchens to cook meals from scratch as well as teaching children how to cook and grow food. In", "id": "9225484" }, { "contents": "Human interactions with microbes\n\n\nHuman interactions with microbes include both practical and symbolic uses of microbes, and negative interactions in the form of human, domestic animal, and crop diseases. Practical use of microbes began in ancient times with fermentation in food processing; bread, beer and wine have been produced by yeasts from the dawn of civilisation, such as in ancient Egypt. More recently, microbes have been used in activities from biological warfare to the production of chemicals by fermentation, as industrial chemists discover how to manufacture a widening variety of organic chemicals including enzymes", "id": "1230914" }, { "contents": "Mexican wine\n\n\ninclude wine tasting and contests, winery tours, fishing tournaments, cook-offs, gourmet food and concerts. These events are sponsored and/or organized by the area’s wineries. Since the event occurs in the summer, afternoon temperatures can hover around . Some of the events include “Noche de Cofradia en Ensenada”, which features wine and food tasting from about thirty wineries and restaurants, matching local wines with local culinary specialties. The annual Malagon Family Celebration is held on a ranch, vineyard with winery and bed and breakfast.", "id": "21315904" }, { "contents": "Cabernet Sauvignon\n\n\nto grow in popularity until the \"Powdery mildew\" epidemic of 1852 exposed Cabernet Sauvignon's sensitivity to that grape disease. With vineyards severely ravaged or lost, many Bordeaux wine growers turned to Merlot, increasing its plantings to where it soon became the most widely planted grape in Bordeaux. As the region's winemakers started to better understand the area's \"terroir\" and how the different grape varieties performed in different region, Cabernet Sauvignon increased in plantings all along the Left Bank region of the Gironde river in the Médoc as well", "id": "16862609" }, { "contents": "Bianca (grape)\n\n\nOutside of Hungary some planting of the grape can be found in the Russian wine regions of Krasnodar Krai where there in cultivation in 2009. In Moldova, there were of Bianca being used in wine production as of 2012. According to Master of Wine Jancis Robinson, Bianca tends to produce relatively neutral tasting wines that have moderate alcohol levels and can have some floral aromatics. The styles of wines made from Bianca are highly influenced by harvest time decisions with earlier harvested grapes tending to produce wines with what Robinson describes as more \"exotic", "id": "13541661" }, { "contents": "Southern Food and Beverage Museum\n\n\nfood world. The Southern Food and Beverage Museum usually hosts events on weekends to allow visitors to interact with food in a more traditional way. The events can be anything from cooking demonstrations to workshops on beer making or rum tasting. They are well supported by the New Orleans food community, which is especially evident at these events and galas where many famous chefs and restaurants contribute food and support. The Museum also hosts children's culinary camps that teach kids how to cook and appreciate food. There are also lesson plans for teachers", "id": "8974606" }, { "contents": "Culture of the Song dynasty\n\n\nsome exotic foreign foods imported to China from abroad, including raisins, dates, Persian jujubes, and grape wine; rice wine was more common in China, a fact noted even by the 13th century Venetian traveler Marco Polo. Although grape-based wine had been known in China since the ancient Han dynasty Chinese ventured into Hellenistic Central Asia, grape-wine was often reserved for the elite. Besides wine, other beverages included pear juice, lychee fruit juice, honey and ginger drinks, tea, and pawpaw juice. Dairy", "id": "21874246" }, { "contents": "Auslese\n\n\ngrapes may be affected by noble rot in some regions although this never dominates the character of the wine. Rheingau winemaker Schloss Johannisberg is generally credited with discovering Auslese wine in 1787. Auslesen are sometimes considered a German dessert wine, especially the wines made from botrytis infected bunches, though it is not as sweet as Eiswein, Beerenauslese (BA), or Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) dessert wines. Auslesen can be enjoyed by themselves (\"aperitif\" – an \"afternoon wine\") but are usually best accompanied with food, particularly", "id": "20300193" }, { "contents": "Mark Bitterman\n\n\n, Searing, and Serving on Himalayan Salt Blocks\" (). \"Salt Block Cooking\" is a how-to guide on cooking and entertaining with Himalayan salt blocks. In October 2015, Bitterman released his third book, \"Bitterman's Field Guide to Bitters & Amari\" (). \"Bitterman's Field Guide to Bitters & Amari\" is the most comprehensive handbook available on selecting, understanding, mixing, and cooking with bitters. Bitterman was named a tastemaker by \"Food & Wine\" and a local food hero", "id": "9793173" }, { "contents": "Wine Grapes\n\n\nincludes details about almost 300 previously unpublished relationship between different grape varieties including the extensive family tree of the Pinot grape that includes a genetic link between the Burgundian wine grape Pinot noir to the Rhône grape Syrah and the Bordeaux varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet franc, Merlot and Malbec. The book also details how the Jura wine grape Savagnin blanc descended from the Pinot grape to go on and be the parent vine of several white wine varieties including Chenin blanc, Grüner Veltliner, Sauvignon blanc, Petit Manseng and Verdelho. Along with research assistant", "id": "7221808" }, { "contents": "Culture of Saskatchewan\n\n\ncreation. Pemmican and bannock are a few of the historical foods of the Cree First Nation aboriginal peoples. Bannock is easy to prepare and combine with local berries, the dough can be cooked over the open fire suspended on willow stick, and tastes similar to biscuits. Early settlers survived by learning from the First Nations which flora and fauna of the land were edible and how to prepare. Thereafter, the land was tilled, and agricultural practices and trading economies allowed each ethnic group to plant and cultivate the foods necessary for the", "id": "15822878" }, { "contents": "Wheedle\n\n\nof Stuff\" and \"How to Cook a Bunch of Stuff.\" The cookbook for kids features a pictorial; essay of the Wheedle demonstrating how to cook a \"bunch of stuff\" and to appreciate what their mothers do in the kitchen. The cookbook was by Stephen Cosgrove with recipes by Nancy Roberts. The garden book was by Stephen Cosgrove with planting tips by Ed Hume. From 1978 through 1985 the Wheedle was the official mascot of the NBA's Seattle SuperSonics, and was part of the organization when they won their", "id": "4791834" }, { "contents": "A Hint of You\n\n\nhigh end Hana Japanese Restaurant, she decides to dine there to have a taste of their food. At Hana she runs into Zai Yu, who is the head chef at the restaurant. He cooks her his signature egg friend rice dish to show her how good food should taste like. Upon her first bite it brings her back to the taste of her father's fried rice dish. After many failed attempts at duplicating the taste of Zai Yu's dish, she begs and stalks Zai Yu to accept her as his student", "id": "16507733" }, { "contents": "How to Cook That\n\n\nbecoming a YouTube personality, Reardon worked as a qualified food scientist and dietitian. She left the field of food to work with youth in a low socioeconomic area in Western Australia. She self-catered for various events. During that time, Reardon taught many of the young people how to cook in her own kitchen. In 2009, Reardon moved to Sydney, Australia, with her family and initially launched How To Cook That as a website that contained both video recipes and an online shop. The site was launched after she", "id": "12114887" }, { "contents": "Hyphaene thebaica\n\n\nuse of the fruit as food, juice is extracted from the young fruit and palm wine is prepared from the sap. A commercial drink in Niger, called Torridité Glacée, is made from this fruit, somewhat reminiscent in taste of ice coffee or milk chocolate. Doum palm was considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians, and the seed was found in many pharaoh's tombs. On September 24, 2007, it was announced that a team of Egyptian archaeologists led by Zahi Hawass, discovered eight baskets of 3,000-year-old doum fruit", "id": "6194052" }, { "contents": "Moët & Chandon\n\n\n, did not discover the champagne method for making sparkling wines. Dom Pérignon was the first prestige cuvée, an idea proposed by Englishman Laurence Venn. The first vintage of Dom Pérignon was 1921 and was only released for sale in 1936. It is a vintage champagne, meaning that it is only made in the best years, and all grapes used to make the wine are harvested in the same year. Many champagnes, by contrast, are non-vintage, meaning that the champagne is made from grapes harvested in various years", "id": "13822805" }, { "contents": "Chinese tea\n\n\nby pastry shops. Customers could drink tea while sampling these pastries. Wowoguan served various refreshment, including aiwowo, steamed sponge cakes, paicha, pengao and sesame seed cakes. Characterized by a large copper pot, banhuguan suited both refined and popular taste. Erhunpu served tea without refreshments but provided dining and wining facilities. It supplied customers with food cooked from in-house ingredients or ingredients brought by customers. The \"China famous tea\" () or \"The Ten Great Chinese Teas\" () are the ten most notable", "id": "11926960" } ]
Why does alcohol apparently inspire writers? Doesn't it make most people just fall asleep eventually?
[{"answer": "Alcohol allows one inhibitions to be discarded, thus allowing ones imagination to wander over to the \"uncontrolled, uninhibited\" side of the imagination, thats where the best stories often hide."}, {"answer": "Alcohol does not inspire people. If you have racing thoughts or other issues that may be related to pathologies such as ADHD, anxiety, etc., or if you are just high-strung or do not have other coping mechanisms for stress, alcohol can alleviate those symptoms in the short term to allow you to function. For reasons that people don't fully understand, it seems like many artistic individuals have issues like distractibility, anxiety / anxiousness, etc. So they are prone to self-medication. They may feel that alcohol helps them function and even say so. However, it's unlikely that it makes them more creative. More likely, they'd be even more productive without alcohol, but unfortunately the circumstances of their lives, their coping mechanisms and so on lead them to continue drinking. I drink alcohol (1 - 2 servings) rather than go get prescription ADHD or other medication. I also used to use nicotine for ADHD but learned other coping mechanisms when I became a parent. tl;dr Drugs alleviate symptoms short term but they don't inspire. However if you are experiencing pain they may seem to help short term. If you feel like you need inspiration, read, go outdoors, and be kind to yourself. If you are in pain, get help. There are better ways."}, {"answer": "For those of those whose thoughts are constantly moving if our body is at rest drinks helps us slow down and think about one thing. The eventual sedative affect is an additional bonus. It also helps us manage the emotional stuff we are dealing with in manageable pieces. It does not \"inspire\" but rather helps us cope with our state of being. Terry Pratchett called the state of needing a few drinks to be sober knurd (I cannot remember the spelling). Sam Vines was such a person."}, {"answer": "I was never a novel writer, but I used to review music. For me, when I drank it made it easier to get the idea on the page, and took out some of the tedium of writing. The next day I'd have to go back and edit for things like spelling and coherence, but by that time 90% of the work was done, and I'd usually edit at my day job so it was like I was getting paid to write."}, {"answer": "There certainly seems to be a connection between alcoholism and writing, but I think what you're saying might be confusing cause and effect. One of the big challenges of remaining functional despite having a serious substance abuse problem is keeping a job. If you're working in an office environment and they catch you drinking on the job you're probably going to get fired. They also tend to get bent out of shape when you do things like come in hung over and take a little nap under the table in the employee break room or whatever, even if *on average* you're way more productive than your co-workers. It's possible to keep a job like this when you'd rather be blitzed most of the time, but it's a fucking grind. Being a novelist means you're a free agent most of the time. If you want to get day drunk for a week and then buckle down and produce a week's worth of writing in an afternoon that's totally fine. There's no boss hanging around wanting to smell your breath, you're a free agent. For a drunk who's capable of doing it, writing is pretty close to the perfect career. So there tend to be a lot of writers who are drunks, there are also a lot of house painters who are drunks for kind of similar reasons."}, {"answer": "Alcohol shuts down inhibitions as most others have mentioned. Do you need it to write a literary masterpiece? Well it depends on the person and their level of focus on the subject. Pretend your brain is running a Windows OS. If you have the capacity to run a shit ton of services in the background while focusing on the main task(and doing it well) you probably don't need a drink to produce creative materials. But if you have too many thoughts (services processes whatever) running in the background while your trying to write a book, song, or make a painting; alcohol will shut down those thoughts and either make you zero in on something or make you fall asleep. It depends on the day, and mental state of the person on that day. Sometimes I can write a song no problem because I got myself into the zone. Other days, there's too much shit going through my head (all the awful things going on in the world, plus being stuck with either Hilary or trump for next president) so I'll have a few drinks zone out until I come up with something cool."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4031803", "title": "Social inhibition", "section": "Section::::Reduction.:Alcohol consumption.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 47, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 47, "end_character": 275, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Naomi Wolf\n\n\nand the Belfast Book Festival. Speaking at the Hay Festival in 2019 on why people should tolerate objectionable speech and why censorship does not work, she said, \"Censorship makes nothing go away. Censorship doesn't make bad ideas go away and it doesn't ultimately kill good ideas. It kills people, eventually, who are espousing good ideas. The only thing that makes bad ideas go away I can say categorically looking at history, including yours, is sunlight, scrutiny, and debate. So tolerate objectionable speech because that", "id": "1871054" }, { "contents": "Judy Davis\n\n\n\"Judy Davis makes her entrances as if she were straddling a cyclone. She doesn't just walk in, she blows in on a torrent of extravagant self-assurance and wild temperament. Sand, who's the locus of this blissfully high-spirited romp about the circle of writers and musicians in 1830s Paris, never does anything halfway; her life is an experiment in full-throttle, passionate immersion, and that's why Davis is the ideal actress for the part. She's the most atmospheric of actors, perhaps", "id": "9802911" }, { "contents": "List of The X-Family characters\n\n\nher because she does not want her son to follow his father's footsteps in becoming a musician. But he eventually convinces her to let him pursue his dream when he sings her favourite song while kneeling outside their house to beg for her permission. She loves to cook, but most people are repulsed by her cooking because she makes the worst food and would do anything to avoid eating it. The only people who enjoy her cooking are Demon Hunter, Jiu Wu and herself, which explains why she doesn't stop making food", "id": "18327723" }, { "contents": "The Waitress (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)\n\n\nat Alcoholics Anonymous, where he continues to guilt her into being his sponsor. The pair share an enjoyable night together at the beach, frolicking and holding hands and falling asleep in each others' arms. But in the morning The Waitress reveals she was tripping and doesn't remember any of their encounter. Charlie once proposed to The Waitress, but she declined. Dennis does not care for The Waitress whatsoever; however, she is notably infatuated with him. When together, she seems to forget herself and follows Dennis blindly and", "id": "18760540" }, { "contents": "Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat\n\n\n, her mother and father also end their sentences with \"-mya\". Rinna - りんな Rinna is the owner of her own cake shop. In episode 2, the townspeople claim that she makes the most delicious cakes on the planet; however, they have no idea when her shop will open, as Rinna has a tendency to fall asleep without warning. In a later episode, it is revealed that Rinna can run at an impossible speed; she does not usually do it because she \"doesn't like to run.", "id": "9910887" }, { "contents": "Argument from marginal cases\n\n\nnot something rigid but something reasonable. While there are some people who either for a little or longer while – say when they're asleep or in a coma – lack moral agency, in general people possess that capacity, whereas non-people don't. So it makes sense to understand them having rights so their capacity is respected and may be protected. This just doesn't work for other animals. David Graham interprets this to mean that if most of a species' members are moral agents then any member has the same", "id": "3957843" }, { "contents": "The First Secret\n\n\n. When Hanna responds in the negative, Alison doesn't bother to explain her questioning and hangs up. Just then, there is a knock at the door—but it's not the bogeyman, exactly, but policeman Darren driving a drunken Ashley home. Apparently, Ashley had binged on martinis at The Grille. It is revealed that Ashley is upset about her husband leaving and is stressed about dealing with the situation he has left behind in Rosewood. As Ashley falls asleep on the couch, Hanna consoles her that her dad", "id": "18532104" }, { "contents": "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (season 31)\n\n\nthe sand sculpture inspires Lady Aberlin to dance, and leads Daniel to create a tiny mobile. Daniel suggests why Lady Elaine might be hurting people's feelings. Rogers does a video insert of his visit to a lady's pottery. Rogers makes his final visit to Negri's Music Shop, where he meets an expert playing the glass harmonica. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, several discover just why Lady Elaine is hurting people's feelings. Everyone in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe now knows that Lady Elaine is still", "id": "17791574" }, { "contents": "Liam Spencer (The Bold and the Beautiful)\n\n\nrealizes he still has feelings for Steffy and tries to win her back and eventually does. However, after a series of events with Ivy and Steffy where Ivy was electrocuted by a broken electric panel while arguing with Steffy and Ivy falling down stairs while arguing with Steffy, Liam gets fed up with Steffy and leaves her. Liam eventually goes to see Steffy to talk one night and finds her asleep in bed with Wyatt. In the following days, Liam is mad at Steffy and is done with her, although she doesn't", "id": "13746741" }, { "contents": "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote\n\n\nthe film \"painful to watch: an astonishing 'un-making of' documentary which defines the phrase 'catalogue of disasters'\". Olga Kurylenko, who starred in the eventual 2018 film, stated about \"Lost in La Mancha\", \"You watch and you think, poor Terry. Why does this have to happen to this wonderful man? He doesn't deserve this. It's just crazy. But it wasn't meant to be, I guess. It wasn't the moment.\" In May 2018", "id": "17730571" }, { "contents": "Ethical intuitionism\n\n\nfact that not all senses are limited to the five physical senses. However, this doesn't necessarily imply any further connection between the moral and aesthetic senses. The problem is made worse by the fact that there is so much widespread and apparently irresolveable disagreement about moral values. Why do these not get settled through the careful use of the moral sense? There are no long disputes about whether some object is green – these would be quickly settled if we just invited the disputing parties to look. Why does the moral sense not", "id": "18439290" }, { "contents": "People Hold On (film)\n\n\nDan tries to encourage him to pursue a music career. When Marley falls asleep, Dan and Robin end up briefly making out in the kitchen before Robin stops and angrily storms off, while Alycia and Freddy make a campfire and eventually have sex. The next morning, Robin tells Alycia and Julia about her kiss with Dan, and while Alycia assumes that Dan brought Marley to make Robin jealous, Julia thinks Dan is just struggling over still having feelings for her. Meanwhile, Darren is shocked when he learns that Julia used to", "id": "20520282" }, { "contents": "Graveyard slot\n\n\n. The most well-known graveyard slot in most parts of the world is the overnight television slot, after late night television and before breakfast television/morning show (between 2:00a.m. and 6:00a.m.). During this time slot, most people who are at home are asleep, and most of those who are awake are either at work, away from the television, trying to fall asleep, or just returning home from a bar and too intoxicated to pay attention, leaving only insomniacs, intentionally nocturnal people, and irregular", "id": "17489456" }, { "contents": "Women at Work\n\n\nof inspiration, he decides to join the construction field. After all, why not have the cake and eat it too. When working in the construction field, he obtains both money and women who flock to him. A little money is just an added benefit. However, Akiyoshi selected a very peculiar company to work for. His boss immediately wishes to see Akiyoshi's virility. After the interview, Akiyoshi sank into the couch, falling asleep easily, but the official assistant unexpectedly appeared and tripped over the couch onto Akiyoshi", "id": "1124895" }, { "contents": "Miles Gloriosus (play)\n\n\neffects. A few of them are theft, addiction, and lethargy. Both Lurcio and Sceledra know full well that they will face severe punishment if they are caught stealing their master's wine, but their addiction is sufficiently deep for them to disregard the potential consequences of their actions. An additional negative of alcohol is its sloth-inducing effect. After drinking heavily Sceledrus, who is supposed to be watching over Philocomasium, abandons his duties and responsibilities and instead falls asleep. Though he does not make it a major part of", "id": "13507540" }, { "contents": "Hannah Wilson (Home and Away)\n\n\nanother woman. Howarth revealed that Hannah feels awkward about the kiss, but more unsettled that it makes her jealous. She truly believed Chris was just a friend and her jealousy peaks when he asks for dating advice. Hannah feels she cannot explain her feelings and reacts by kissing Chris. Howarth explained \"she doesn't know how to articulate the way she feels, she just wants to kiss so she does.\" But writers soon introduced problems playing Hannah wanting to be secretive about their romance. Chris eventually threatens to leave", "id": "12236030" }, { "contents": "Sleep inversion\n\n\nthe disorder feel sleepy or fall asleep during the desired wake period, which includes the time spent at work. People with rotating shift schedules, especially schedules that gradually change, exhibit sleep disturbance and wake period sleepiness. Insufficient sleep time, family and social expectations, and alcohol use worsen this problem. Individuals with the unspecified type of circadian rhythm sleep disorder also exhibit daytime and evening sleepiness or insomnia, especially those people who have a non-24-hour sleep pattern. People with irregular sleep patterns have difficulty knowing when they will fall asleep and", "id": "9085439" }, { "contents": "The Enemy (Higson novel)\n\n\nother children left for Buckingham Palace. He is unable to catch up with them, eventually heading down into the subway tunnels where he is swarmed by a group of zombies. He is saved by an apparently uninfected man named Nick, who takes him to the subway car which he and his also uninfected wife Rachel are using as a home. Due to exhaustion, Sam eventually falls asleep. As they are making their way to the palace, the Waitrose and Morrisons children (Now called the Holloway kids after the road both shops", "id": "13372764" }, { "contents": "Rob McClure\n\n\ntitle of \"Limelight: The Story of Charlie Chaplin.\" The \"Newsday\" reviewer wrote of his performance: Welcome to the show that's going to make you a Broadway star... McClure...doesn't just replicate the waddle and pratfalls of Chaplin's little tramp. He doesn't just do a back somersault without spilling a glass of wine or tap dance on roller skates or walk a tightrope. He does all that without apparent effort, but he also has a pungent voice that pings and he embodies more than seven decades", "id": "21958829" }, { "contents": "FVEY (album)\n\n\n: Three years ago we were at the Metal Hammer awards. I hadn't talked to Jaz for ages. We'd had a falling out, I just didn't have time for him. Tom [Larkin] went and chatted to him and was like, \"come over and talk to him\". I was like, \"Fuck that guy\". But he was softer—he doesn't drink alcohol anymore. He's still gnarly and idealistic and brutal but minus the alcohol that makes him this focused machine.", "id": "8539979" }, { "contents": "Anterograde amnesia\n\n\nfound not to experience amnesia when drinking slowly, despite being heavily intoxicated by the end of the experiment. When alcohol is consumed at a rapid rate, the point at which most healthy people's long-term memory creation starts to fail usually occurs at approximately 0.20% BAC, but can be reached as low as 0.14% BAC for inexperienced drinkers. The exact duration of these blackout periods is hard to determine, because most people fall asleep before they end. Upon reaching sobriety, usually after waking, long-term memory", "id": "3814406" }, { "contents": "Marvelyn Brown\n\n\nwanted people to get the full story and not a sound bite or the one-hour prep speaking engagement. Most people can’t identify with who I am now because I am HIV-Positive but they can identify with who I was before. That is what makes me relate and shows people that I am just like them. This virus is real and just because you are ignorant or uneducated about HIV that does not make you immune. That is why I wrote \"The Naked Truth\". I can’t be everywhere", "id": "5597064" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Marvel Comics)\n\n\nto destroy absolutely everything and become the only being in the Universe once more. He travels to Nightmare's realm while they are trying to torment Hercules with visions of Amatusu-Mikaboshi and quickly defeats the demon. Nightmare attempts to join Amatsu-Mikaboshi's forces but the ancient force of nature doesn't get tricked by his begging and destroys the heart, apparently killing Nightmare. His apparent death is felt by those who have psionic powers and it is later revealed that those who fall asleep enter into a state of berserk rage.", "id": "16950160" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\n, mental health and suicide. In an interview with Zane Lowe, Eilish explained that the album was largely inspired by lucid dreaming and night terrors, revealing that it \"is basically what happens when you fall asleep,\" hence its title, and stated at an earlier interview that it \"is basically supposed to be a bad dream, or a good dream\". \"i-D\" writer Jack Hall noted that in order to deal with the record's serious subject matter in a less portentous manner, Eilish writes with", "id": "1265699" }, { "contents": "The Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best\n\n\nthat the story is true, and lies well enough to bring him to tears. The band doesn't get to perform but sells most of their merchandise and Cassidy steals a bottle of wine. After Jim falls asleep, Alex and Cassidy share the bottle and chat, although Alex becomes agitated when Cassidy reveals that she read the letter he writes to himself (the purpose of which is never fully explained). The band continues its travels, eventually taking a gig in an unusual frat house. After the gig, Cassidy and", "id": "20978288" }, { "contents": "Jaz Coleman\n\n\nalbum. Following a 15-year period in which Coleman and Shihad did not communicate, Coleman made amends with the band members at a London, UK awards ceremony. Shihad's lead singer and guitarist Jon Toogood explained in June 2014: We'd had a falling out, I just didn't have time for him [Coleman] ... I was like, \"Fuck that guy\". But he was softer—he doesn't drink alcohol anymore. He's still gnarly and idealistic and brutal but minus the alcohol that makes him this", "id": "9725492" }, { "contents": "Sleepwalker (2017 film)\n\n\nshe has panic to fall asleep because everything could change again. White responds with the explanation, that chemical triggers in the brain cause emotions during dreams, which the rational part of the brain uses to construct a story. She insists, that the unknown house was real, but does not want to get in trouble with the resident. Watching a thunderstorm she asks herself, whether she can be rescued and why White helps her. He answers that they are going to stand this together and everything will make sense. Sarah spends", "id": "301034" }, { "contents": "Brihannala\n\n\nbattle with the Kauravas. With the assistance of Uttara's chariot-riding, he was able to drive out the Kauravas and retrieve the cows of Matsya Kingdom. In this war he defeated all the warriors of Kauravas including Drona, Kripa, Karna, Ashwatthama. He invoked Sammohana astra which made all of them fall asleep. Uttara asked Arjuna why he couldn't have killed them instead of making them fall-sleep. Arjuna then told that clothes of dead people would become unholy. Arjuna asked Uttara to collect their clothes for", "id": "6390133" }, { "contents": "Delayed sleep phase disorder\n\n\nSleep deprivation does not reset the circadian clock of DSPD patients, as it does with normal people. People with the disorder who try to live on a normal schedule cannot fall asleep at a \"reasonable\" hour and have extreme difficulty waking because their biological clocks are not in phase with that schedule. \"Non\"-DSPD people who do not adjust well to working a night shift have similar symptoms (diagnosed as shift-work sleep disorder). In most cases, it is not known what causes the abnormality in the biological clocks", "id": "7774506" }, { "contents": "Oxazepam\n\n\nexcitement, and anterograde amnesia, but does not affect transient global amnesia. Side effects due to rapid decrease in dose or abrupt withdrawal from oxazepam may include abdominal and muscle cramps, convulsions, depression, inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, sweating, tremors, or vomiting. Oxazepam, as with other benzodiazepine drugs, can cause tolerance, physical dependence, addiction, and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. Withdrawal from oxazepam or other benzodiazepines often leads to withdrawal symptoms which are similar to those seen during alcohol and barbiturate withdrawal. The higher", "id": "14677673" }, { "contents": "Titus Andronicus\n\n\nworked by \"bringing into play our sense of reality in terms of detail and literal time structure.\" He argued that when presented realistically, the play simply doesn't work, as it raises too many practical question, such as why does Lavinia not bleed to death, why does Marcus not take her to the hospital immediately, why does Tamora not notice that the pie tastes unusual, exactly how do both Martius and Quintus manage to fall into a hole? Freedman argued that \"if one wants to create a fresh emotional", "id": "14228815" }, { "contents": "Sky Giant\n\n\nbecomes apparent that they will not make it with the injured man as a burden, Fergie insists they leave him behind, but they refuse. After Ken and Stag fall asleep, however, Fergie drags himself out of their tent to freeze to death. Eventually, Stag becomes too exhausted to go on. Ken is glad to leave him behind, but then recalls the time Stag stood up for him against his father after a near crash. He turns around, gets Stag to his feet and supports him as they trudge along", "id": "19652089" }, { "contents": "Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey\n\n\n,' which should make Kevin Clash a household name, is an inspiring and joyous celebration of art, skill, determination and making kids happy... Clash is a remarkable talent, a true master of his field, and the importance of what he does is considerable. Sick children apparently have asked to meet Elmo as their dying wish. If you can watch one such encounter without crying, you're a stronger man than I. Clash, pro that he is, doesn't cry. Because where there is Elmo, there must", "id": "15988403" }, { "contents": "Farewell, My Lovely (1975 film)\n\n\n—and following on the heels of 'Chinatown' doesn't make it any fresher—at least the casting of Mitchum as Marlowe was inspired. Mitchum, the actor who makes nodding off seem glamorous, plays Marlowe with a delicious ease. He sounds just like Marlowe should sound.\" A review in \"Variety\" was more critical, calling it \"a lethargic, vaguely campy tribute to Hollywood's private eye mellers of the 1940s and to writer Raymond Chandler, whose Philip Marlowe character has inspired a number of features.", "id": "16886048" }, { "contents": "Death of X\n\n\nto push the Terrigen cloud away from the populace. Even with the cloud going in a new direction away from Madrid, the riot continues to grow. Crystal orders Daisuke to use his powers to make everyone fall asleep to end the riot. He does so, but it also makes Storm and her team of X-Men fall asleep. Emma converses with Magneto to make new plans on how to end the threat of Terrigen, claiming that mutants and Inhumans cannot successfully coexist. Magneto and Emma find out that the Inhumans", "id": "2941497" }, { "contents": "Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie\n\n\nthat \"I don't see why anyone is obliged to like [the film] just because it does well at the box office... In any case, it doesn't really matter. It is now absolutely clear that Mrs Brown is a slating-proof juggernaut.\" In one of the few positive reviews, James Ward of the \"Daily Mirror\" gave the film 4 stars out of 5. Though Ward enjoyed the 1970s-inspired politically-incorrect humour, he noted that some moments caused him to wince rather than", "id": "13165930" }, { "contents": "Duerme Negrito\n\n\nwork hard in the fields for no pay. It is sung by this lady to the little black child who has been left in her care. This lady tells the child to fall asleep, because his mother is working in the fields. The lady promises that the child's mother will bring him treats, such as quails and pork, if he falls asleep. The mother is a slave, as she works without pay. The caregiver tells the boy, if he doesn't fall asleep, the white devil, meaning", "id": "6319760" }, { "contents": "Dr. Zeus Inc.\n\n\nCompany engineer their rebellion, or simply benefit from it? Is Dr. Zeus manipulating events, or just making sure that what is known to have happened does happen, to safeguard its own destiny? Only the things Dr. Zeus doesn't already know about can hurt it, but what does Dr. Zeus not know? Throughout the stories, the cyborgs mention \"theobromos\" as their narcotic of choice. In fact this is simply chocolate. Having been rendered immune to all known human diseases, and being largely unaffected by alcohol and other", "id": "5221140" }, { "contents": "Sharron Angle\n\n\n, Jerry Stacy, was asked to clarify Angle's statement he responded that she doesn't want to bring back Prohibition, saying \"Sharron doesn't want to make alcohol illegal,\" and noting that she has never introduced legislation along those lines, and even voted against taxes on alcohol. \"Alcohol is a legal substance, and adults can choose to imbibe,\" Stacy said. Angle does not accept man-made global warming. \"I'm a clean-air proponent,\" she stated. \"I don't", "id": "552843" }, { "contents": "Phil Callaway\n\n\nnot just to entertain, but to inspire. \"I love to make people laugh. I've seen them fall off chairs when I speak. But I also like to tell them why I'm not in a home weaving baskets somewhere and it's because of faith and hope.\" He travels primarily in North America speaking approximately 100 times a year to corporations, health care conferences, and churches. He is also a frequent guest on national radio and television programs. Callaway's speeches and books frequently discuss life's challenges", "id": "609096" }, { "contents": "The Rose Tattoo (film)\n\n\nhours later at the Delle Rose household intoxicated and, mortified by his actions, Serafina leaves him in a drunken stupor and retires to bed. That night Rosa returns home and falls asleep on the sofa. As Alvaro awakes from his drunken stupor he sees Serafina's beautiful daughter lying there asleep and moves over to kiss her. As he does Rosa wakes up and screams, before confronting her mother as to why there is a strange man in the house. Serafina gets rid of him, but the following morning she finds him", "id": "22063578" }, { "contents": "Character mask\n\n\neven although they could in principle choose to abandon it. That is why both the humanist and the antihumanist interpretations of character masks can have some validity in different situations. Althusser's \"totalizing perspective\" – which, by destroying the dialectics of experience, cannot reconcile the ways in which people \"make history\" and are \"made by history\", and therefore falls from one contradiction into another – does not just destroy belief in the power of human action (because \"the system\" dominates everything); the super", "id": "3977090" }, { "contents": "The Giant Joshua\n\n\n. At the conference, Ford Maddox Ford liked \"Beaver Dam Wash\" and convinced Ferris Greenslet, then vice president at Houghton Mifflin, to read it. Greenslet advised Whipple to make the novella a little longer; instead, she proposed a Mormon epic and sent a sample chapter. Greenslet encouraged her to apply for Houghton Mifflin's $1,000 literary fellowship for new writers working on their first novel. Whipple lived with her parents while she wrote the chapters for the fellowship application, often getting inspiration right before falling asleep and working", "id": "16528832" }, { "contents": "Hank Moody\n\n\n, an inspiring writer who shares several characteristic traits with a young Hank Moody. After falling back into alcoholism, Richard ends his marriage to Karen and gives his blessing for her to be with Hank, with the two eager to be with one another again. However, Carrie makes a surprise visit and tricks Hank into drinking a drugged alcoholic beverage in an effort to end both their lives. Although Hank recovers fully, Carrie is left in a persistent vegetative state with her family deciding to end her life. Hank feels responsible and", "id": "3233796" }, { "contents": "House of Mystery (Vertigo)\n\n\nof the house bar and discovers the terms of what is apparently her imprisonment. Everyone must pay for their drinks with stories, and no one can leave without being picked up by the house's mysterious coachman. None of the house's occupants are sure why some people might get to leave and others not, so each person's stay is at least ostensibly eternal until the coachman inexplicably turns up to take them away. This doesn't stop some of the inhabitants from trying to get out, nor does it stop Cain from", "id": "16243222" }, { "contents": "Tutchapon Suaetongkum\n\n\none of his marvelous skills. This inspired the show producers to grant him his own special and isolated part called \"Mai Hew Jing Ror\" (means \"Hungry! Aren't you?\") in the show. Soh doesn't use many tools on social media to connect with people. It's the reason why he doesn't appear to be posting updates and photos through Facebook and Twitter. However, he uses Instagram, which is the most common channel he picked to connect with his friends and fan club. To", "id": "17164927" }, { "contents": "Winter Sleep (film)\n\n\nin an attempt to make amends for the glass-breaking incident. However, this only serves to annoy Aydin, inspiring him to write a column on how an imam should really give a proper example to their community. At first, his sister Necla wonders why Aydın does not use his writing talent in a better place than the local newspaper. Later, she reverses her view and tells him that he is just superficially and sentimentally criticising other people from his comfortable armchair. This results in a long chain of snide remarks made", "id": "10433320" }, { "contents": "Breakfast with Buddha\n\n\nthem attend a baseball game at Wrigley Field. During the game, amidst all the noise, Rinpoche falls asleep with a very peaceful expression, which captivates Otto. They then take a tour of Chicago. At the end of the book, there is a section which includes an interview with the author, Roland Merullo. From his childhood, Merullo had been interested in questions such as \"Why are we here?\", \"Why does evil exist?\". He has read books on various religions and has gone on", "id": "10227497" }, { "contents": "Leah Patterson-Baker\n\n\n, she doesn't know she's pregnant - she's just hormonal and being a bitch to Miles and needs time to herself. When she does realise she's pregnant, she doesn't want it. That might be an unpopular choice for most people and it can be hard to understand where Leah is coming from, but she doesn't want to be put in that situation at all. She's not happy about being pregnant.\" Leah realises that she does not want a baby as she previously had a miscarriage after", "id": "15801514" }, { "contents": "Brad Watson (writer)\n\n\nof the most diverse places in the country. Not that everyone gets along. There is ignorance, there is racism. There are also more proud people trying to change that than might be apparent from the results at the polling booths. But writing the book, I was just thinking about these people, trying to make them real people in the reader’s mind. Here’s an anecdote, though. I was at a tea party or the like at a famous university in the early stages of researching \"Miss Jane\"", "id": "2872574" }, { "contents": "History of the Captivity in Babylon\n\n\n). The angel Michael visits Nebuchadnezzar and convinces him to march on Israel, which he eventually does (16-21). Ebedmelech falls asleep in the garden of Agrippa (22). The Israelites, along with the king, are taken prisoner and suffer punishments (23-26). Jeremiah is told that the captivity will be spared if he can find one honest man, but he fails (27-28). The people are taken into captivity and after forty years Zedekiah dies (29-31)", "id": "4793268" }, { "contents": "Strandhugg paa Kavringen\n\n\non the Hill\". A poor man is sent by his wife to buy fish. On the way to the fish market, he gets drunk, using the money he was supposed to buy the fish with. The man does not dare go home without fish, and he steals a small boat with fishing gear to try his luck. He does not catch any fish, and he drinks the rest of the alcohol he has left before he falls asleep in the boat. As he sleeps, he dreams that he is", "id": "20830049" }, { "contents": "Perils of Paranoia\n\n\nShe says she doesn't mind him making fun of her, but she doesn't like being manipulated. He assures her he's only making fun of her, but she says she deserves some respect. He assures her that people respect her, they just don't like her. The patient's wife has left the hospital and the patient believes it's because he lied to her. He assures the doctors he's not crazy. Chase reassures him. Foreman and Nurse Regina are arguing about why the paperwork hasn't been", "id": "21008612" }, { "contents": "A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master\n\n\ndoes not survive. Later, Alice falls asleep during class and inadvertently brings Sheila into her dream. Freddy kills Sheila and makes it look like an asthma attack. Rick starts to believe Alice, but the following day, he has a dream and is killed. With each death, Alice changes—she gains the abilities and personalities of her dead friends. She makes plans with Debbie and Dan to fight and kill Freddy together, but when her father keeps her in, Alice falls asleep. Through Alice, Freddy stalks Debbie", "id": "17861590" }, { "contents": "Love Never Dies (musical)\n\n\n's wow factor, of course (a galloping carousel is an early highlight) though quieter scenes are realised with the same attention to detail, particularly the recreation of a Coney Island bar to frame Raoul's saloon song feature (Why Does She Love Me) and his face-off with Mr Y (Devil Take the Hindmost). An inspired, often ravishing production for sure, though of a sequel that doesn't make a strong enough musical or narrative argument for its own existence.\" In the \"Daily Express\"", "id": "9958264" }, { "contents": "Skellig (film)\n\n\nto cure the baby as he did his hand. To prove that he can heal his baby sister, Michael jumps off the tower, only to be caught by Skellig. Skellig tells him to fall asleep while flying and he does. Skellig goes to the hospital and walks past everyone but no one sees him. Even Michael's mother doesn't notice when he walks into the baby's room. Skellig picks the baby out of her cot and does as before: flies off the ground and spins around as the baby lies", "id": "6398092" }, { "contents": "Stevie Dickinson\n\n\nposh characters in Walford stand out and can bring comedy to the show. Stevie is very naive and, according to Fairbank-Hynes, \"away with the fairies\"—the most naive person anyone could meet. However, writer Emer Kenny was worried that Stevie being \"away with the fairies\" would make her unrealistic, but said that Fairbank-Hynes made the character recognisable. Because of Stevie's naivety and her kind nature, people see this as an invitation to take advantage of her. Stevie does not understand why people are cruel", "id": "8374550" }, { "contents": "I Love Money (season 2)\n\n\nSaaphyri then asks It if she should quit, and It says \" might not go home...she might send Frenchy home!\". He then continues to mumble on about other things, to everyone's amusement. So Saaphyri changes her mind and stays in the game. On the power outing, the contestants get massages. During the massage, 20 Pack falls asleep and doesn't bother pleading his case. At lunch, Myammee wonders why Saaphyri hasn't said much and Saaphyri says she isn't gonna", "id": "17912405" }, { "contents": "Monte Carlo or Bust!\n\n\nhis new co-driver, Betty (Susan Hampshire) end up duelling with Cuthbert. Various misfortunes plague each of the contestants, with Cuthbert, poised to win, being disqualified for cheating, the British Army team blowing up, the Germans being arrested and Chester falling asleep at the wheel. In the end, the Italians are declared the winners and share their winnings with the French women's team to help people injured in the snowslide. Chester does eventually cross the finish line, albeit because Betty and some others have pushed", "id": "16041458" }, { "contents": "Jigglypuff\n\n\nversion of the fourth game. In the \"Pokémon\" anime series, Jigglypuff is a recurring character who aspires to be a great singer after the inspiration of Ash and company. Unfortunately, most potential audiences fall asleep before the song finishes. Jigglypuff's singing can often prove problematic to the series' protagonists, as it causes all around to fall asleep. It carries around a trademark marker, which it uses as a microphone due to its resemblance to such when it is capped. When it realizes those who have been subject", "id": "8019689" }, { "contents": "The Reader (2008 film)\n\n\n, but that doesn't explain why filmmakers Daldry and Hare luxuriated in the sex scenes – and why it's so tastefully done audiences won't see it for the child pornography it is.\" When asked to respond, Hare called it \"the most ridiculous thing ... We went to great lengths to make sure that that's exactly what it didn't turn into. The book is much more erotic.\" Daldry added, \"He's a young man who falls in love with an older woman who is complicated, difficult", "id": "6558914" }, { "contents": "Matty Levan\n\n\nrevives. Matty, bleeding, seeing the shipment of drugs and in shock at the sight of Grace apparently dead, runs away desperately. Three weeks later, a new year at school starts. The gang is divided, Grace is in a coma and Matty is still missing and wanted by the police. Nick misses his brother and wonders why he doesn't call. In the end, Matty does call Nick but Nick doesn't answer. In \"Alex\", after Grace dies in her coma, and the group help", "id": "6041400" }, { "contents": "Ditloid\n\n\nequations is that the answer hits him or her all at once rather than being solved in an incremental fashion. It is similar to what happens when we suddenly see an embedded figure pop into focus; the satisfaction is visceral rather than just intellectual. My experience was that people often had the answer to an item come to them when they were not consciously thinking about the puzzles, but relaxed, such as in the shower or about to fall asleep. Another factor is that with well-written items, success does not hinge", "id": "21746729" }, { "contents": "The Books of Abarat\n\n\ninsane asylum is located, because the founder believed that the 2:00 hour promotes healing in the soul. Patients are apparently allowed the run of the islands, and have been given permission to follow artistic disciplines, which means that there are many weird and wonderful sculptures and objects created by the patients. The Nonce is a beautiful, drowsy island. Most people who visit fall asleep quickly, and dream about the beginning of the world. This implies that the Nonce is the site of that event. It is also notable for its", "id": "12042202" }, { "contents": "Rab Butler\n\n\nexplain why Butler did not put up all that much of a fight for the leadership that autumn, although in fact Home, the eventually successful candidate, was almost exactly the same age as Butler, and both men were substantially younger than Macmillan himself had been when he first entered 10 Downing Street. In the summer of 1963, Macmillan told Lord Hailsham, \"Rab simply doesn't have it in him to be Prime Minister\". Just before Butler departed for the Victoria Falls Conference in July 1963, John Morrison, still", "id": "17941988" }, { "contents": "Ella Minnow Pea\n\n\na council member, that the tiles falling is a result of the adhesive breaking down of the fixative holding them in place. Unfortunately, this report doesn't affect the decisions of the council, although it brings about the sentence challenge. He is later discovered to be the scholarly writer he really is and is sent back to the States. He falls in love with Tassie Purcy. Mr. Lyttle is the high priest on the council, and he seems to be the most sensible of those on the council. Although he does", "id": "13093938" }, { "contents": "Just Friends\n\n\nend up falling asleep and nothing happens that night. The next day, Jamie speaks with Darla about the night before, while Chris goes to Clark's medical office for advice, her fear that Chris's lack of affection means that he doesn't like her. Jamie admits that while the two are \"just friends\", she tried to show Chris that she is interested in a relationship. Clark tells Chris that \"the timing wasn't right\" and Jamie and Chris's history hinders his willingness to have sex with her", "id": "3513344" }, { "contents": "Seth Green\n\n\nSilence of the Lambs\" during his audition. His main inspiration for Chris' voice came from envisioning how \"Buffalo Bill\" would sound if he were speaking through a PA system at a McDonald's. Green is a co-creator, co-producer, writer, director, and most frequent voice of the Emmy-winning stop-motion sketch comedy TV series \"Robot Chicken\", for which he does many voices and has appeared in animated form. Green is friends with the band Fall Out Boy, making a", "id": "9376937" }, { "contents": "List of Boy Meets World characters\n\n\na big production about the fact that he does not want to do it, and how unnecessary he finds it; whereas Shawn will just not do it, preferring to fall asleep or make paper airplanes. During the junior and senior years in high school, Cory becomes a hard working student, able to raise his GPA in addition earning an adequate SAT score to get accepted into colleges. As the series progresses, Cory's \"slacker\" tendencies diminish, and his neuroses increase, along with his pessimism and paranoia. This", "id": "16748014" }, { "contents": "Kārlis Padegs\n\n\nonce wrote in the newspaper that \"just this outsider who dreams about \"Narcissus\" and the perverse madonna does not forget the invalid. He shows him side by side with the fashionable Dorian Gray, the lover Don Juan, but why?- Because of sharp contrast, to make even the most dim-minded people understand that the world in World War I has already lost 12,996,117 people killed and 5,669,000 disabled people who have not died yet, and we do not want new victims.\" The art of Kārlis Padegs is essentially original", "id": "15025588" }, { "contents": "Turn the Key Softly\n\n\n, is not happy to see her mother and coldly sends her away. The three women, along with Johnny the dog, meet up at an elegant restaurant for the planned dinner. Afterwards, Stella, falling back into her old ways, allows a businessman, George Jenkins, to pick her up on the street. They go drinking together, he gets drunk and Stella realises she is going be late meeting Bob. Just before George falls asleep against a building, he tells Stella he doesn't like her new earrings and", "id": "5561891" }, { "contents": "Just Dream\n\n\n, Decker revealed: \"The inspiration for the lyrics on this song were that hinterland as you just fall asleep and you just wake up.\" Talking about the song's creation and production, Decker commented: \"Basically what we did was, Ronnie and I and Jez, who engineered and helped produce it, we just emailed each other. You don't actually have to even get together, you just email an idea and it gets popped on the track, and emailed back to you to listen to in a nanosecond", "id": "3100424" }, { "contents": "Dark Side (Kelly Clarkson song)\n\n\nstory. It doesn't make up a person's identity. Dark sides are just one of the many factors that make us who we are! No one is perfect and our flaws make us interesting. Clarkson helps us realize that with her smart video. Sarah Maloy of \"Billboard\" wrote, \"Clarkson tackles demons of sorts in her new video for 'Dark Side.' As the singer showcases people facing drug addiction, alcoholism, unemployment, weight issues and marital problems in 'Dark Side,' Clarkson sings of", "id": "8056052" }, { "contents": "Burnitup!\n\n\nwas positive, saying \"Ms. Jackson doesn't just make music for the bedroom—Burnitup! seems tailor-made for booming club speakers, all anchored by drill-sergeant rapping from—yes, she's baaaack!—Missy\". James Vincent, writer for \"The Verge\", noted that both artists featured on the song have been relatively absent from the music world for a while, and \"Burnitup!\" shows why it is good to have them back. Andy Kellman of AllMusic picked the track as one of the best", "id": "17185437" }, { "contents": "Vladimir Voinovich\n\n\nled by a KGB general Bukashev (the name means \"the bug\") who meets the main character of the novel in Germany. A Slavophile, Sim Karnavalov (apparently inspired by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), eventually overthrows the Party and enters Moscow on a white horse. The similarities between the plot of the book and the actual political developments in Russian following the fall of the Soviet Union have been noted by several observers. Voinovich's other novels have also won acclaim. His \"The Ivankiad\" concerns a writer trying to get", "id": "10504332" }, { "contents": "Truth-default theory\n\n\nthemselves. For example, if a women's partner were to get a new haircut that she did not like she is more prone to lie and say she likes it to protect their self-image. A man might tell others that they make more money than they actually do in order to raise their self-image. Being able to successfully detect deception does not come easily to most, and that is why so many people are just automatically truth-biased. Studies have shown that people who are successful at detecting deception", "id": "18073921" }, { "contents": "The Great Ziegfeld\n\n\nhit, and is followed by more versions of the Follies. Ziegfeld tries to make a star out of Audrey Dane, who is plagued with alcoholism, and he lures Fanny Brice from vaudeville, showering both with lavish gifts. He gives stagehand Ray Bolger his break as well. Mary Lou, now a young woman, visits Ziegfeld, who doesn't recognize her initially, and hires her as a dancer. The new production upsets Anna, who realizes that Flo's world does not revolve around just her, and she becomes", "id": "865741" }, { "contents": "Baby the Rain Must Fall\n\n\nthroughout the picture and leaves one sadly let-down at the end. It is the failure of the screenwriter--Mr. Foote himself--to clarify why the object of the woman's deep affection is as badly mixed-up as he is and why the woman, who seems a sensible person, doesn't make a single move to straighten him out...Granting that the wife is astonished and distressingly mystified at the neurotic behavior of her husband, this doesn't mean that the viewer is satisfied to be kept in the", "id": "13769955" }, { "contents": "Magic User's Club\n\n\n. It had soon become apparent that the Bell's defenses and its probes only destroy whatever attacks them first. As such, most people have now adapted to the Bell's presence on Earth and are once again going about with their everyday lives, just making sure to stay out of the way of the probes when they pass by. A lot of people, however, due to a message sent by the Bell, believe the Bell may eventually attack and conquer Earth, and are working to figure out a way to stop", "id": "5127465" }, { "contents": "Insomnia\n\n\nsleep loss, they do not feel like they have slept very much, if at all. Because their perception of their sleep is incomplete, they incorrectly believe it takes them an abnormally long time to fall asleep, and they underestimate how long they remain asleep. Symptoms of insomnia can be caused by or be associated with: Sleep studies using polysomnography have suggested that people who have sleep disruption have elevated nighttime levels of circulating cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone. They also have an elevated metabolic rate, which does not occur in people who", "id": "5682098" }, { "contents": "The Hobo Code\n\n\nis asleep nearby and tells him that he can ask him anything he wants. Don expects his son to ask him something about him but he's disappointed when his son asks \"why do lightning bugs glow at night?\" Don tells him that he doesn't know why and promises never to lie to him. The next day Peggy again arrives early to the office and searches for Pete but he isn't there so she begins her work at the typewriter. Later, Pete arrives but doesn't even glance at Peggy to", "id": "21427834" }, { "contents": "Lexa (The 100)\n\n\npeople love people for who they are and not what they are and that creates such a broad variety of characters. It is representative of the world that we live in today, but it also doesn't make it out to be this statement—it's not a social/cultural statement,\" she said. \"It is just that in this world, some things are a little better after the apocalypse [...] It kind of represents, in a way, an ideal place where people love people and it does", "id": "20304944" }, { "contents": "Homer the Heretic\n\n\nwould be a good one. So the 'Homer doesn't go to church' storyline was given to George Meyer.\" Reiss and Jean thought that as a lapsed Catholic, Meyer would \"bring the proper degree of rage\" to the episode. Meyer had a lot of fun making the episode, thinking that most people could relate to the bliss of staying home from church. One of the main problems Meyer had writing this episode is that whenever Homer saw God, he had to have fallen asleep so that it appeared", "id": "9994938" }, { "contents": "Shambhala Buddhism\n\n\na natural source of radiance and brilliance in the world, which is the innate wakefulness of human beings. This is the basis, in myth and inspiration, of the Kingdom of Shambhala, an enlightened society of fearlessness, dignity and compassion.\" Furthermore, \"Shambhala vision applies to people of any faith, not just people who believe in Buddhism. The Shambhala vision does not distinguish a Buddhist from a Catholic, a Protestant, a Jew, a Moslem, a Hindu. That's why we call it the Shambhala kingdom", "id": "7511593" }, { "contents": "Rice People\n\n\na poisonous thorn, and then, after a protracted period of being bedridden, dies of infection. Om is unable to handle the pressure of being the head of the family, nor does she have the strength to tend to the rice fields. She turns to alcohol and gambling and is eventually locked up for her mental illness. Responsibility for bringing in the crop and raising her six sisters falls on the oldest girl, Sakha. \"Rice People\" premiered at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival in the main competition for the Palme", "id": "1701559" }, { "contents": "Welcome to Alflolol\n\n\nto claim as their own since it lies on the exact spot they lived on before they departed. Left with no choice, the Governor leaves them to it and Algol and his family begin celebrating their return. The party lasts for several days and, eventually, Valérian and Laureline, exhausted, fall asleep in the corridor outside. Waking up, the pair find the Alflololians have gone. Algol has left a message – the city doesn't agree with them and they have set out for their traditional hunting grounds. The Governor", "id": "19122474" }, { "contents": "Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (film)\n\n\n, Valerie reunites with Orlík, revealed to be one of the actors; then Elsa, who doesn't recall anything that's happened; then her long-lost parents. In the final scene everyone dances around Valerie in the forest, while the virgins sing for her. Eventually she falls asleep in a bed in the forest, alone. The screenplay was approved in late April 1968, and despite Jireš' 1969 feature \"The Joke\" being banned by Czech authorities, production proceeded on \"Valerie\". The film soundtrack", "id": "6568764" }, { "contents": "Ghosting (relationships)\n\n\nwith someone else but trying to keep the person as an option if the other person doesn't work out. Due to the frequency of these actions, it becomes impossible to tell which it is, making it especially frustrating and stressful. In her article \"Why Ghosting Is a Form of Self-Protection for Women\", Emily Kellogg' states that after she tried to break up in person with a man, he kept sending her invites, which she kept declining; eventually she \"just didn’t text him back\"", "id": "19793522" }, { "contents": "Little Big Mom\n\n\nto make ends meet. She eventually calls Marge and asks if she can return, but Marge, who enjoys the lifestyle of lying all day in bed not working, lies to Lisa saying she is still too injured to come back. Lisa, angered and desperate for answers, sees the ghost of Lucille Ball, who has an idea to get revenge. She suggests that she pull a clever trick on Homer and Bart while they are asleep. She does just that, and using green poster paint mixed with oatmeal on the", "id": "8340761" }, { "contents": "Trapped in the Closet\n\n\n. Randolph hid in the closet and unintentionally overheard the conversation seen in chapter eighteen among Chuck, Rufus and Cathy. After relaying the story, Rosie asks Randolph why he had said the pastor had \"the package\", Randolph says that Chuck told him he was at the hospital. Rosie immediately decides to inform the masses, despite Randolph's protests. The chapter ends with Randolph sitting on the couch, falling asleep. Sylvester and Twan go to visit an apparent mobster named Joey. Sylvester informs Joey of some job that could", "id": "16621971" }, { "contents": "Lemming (film)\n\n\nwheel, and the previous night's events were apparently a dream. Upon Alain's release from the hospital, he and Bénédicte visit Richard's lakeside holiday chalet. Bénédicte continues to behave coldly. She asks why Alain hadn't told her about Alice's attempt to seduce him, using the exact words Alice used that night and asks Alain to call her \"Alice\". They have sex and Alain falls asleep. When he wakes, Bénédicte and their car are gone. Alain hitches a ride home and discovers that Bénédicte started", "id": "2260335" }, { "contents": "Ydessa Hendeles\n\n\nContemporary Art. “She has a great eye. When she buys something, we look at her and say, ‘Oh, why is she doing so?’” Her bold aesthetic vision led \"ARTNews\", a respected U.S. journal, to twice include her in its list of “the art world’s 50 most influential people” in 1993 and 1995—the only Canadian and one of just a handful of women. “Every museum curator who is not asleep knows about her,” says Robert Storr, a curator at", "id": "8437669" }, { "contents": "Down Bound Train\n\n\nThe song Down Bound Train was inspired by Chuck Berry's fire and brimstone religious upbringing. both his parents were staunch Baptists, and sang in the Antioch Church Choir, which rehearsed at his home. It is a song about redemption and a warning against alcohol abuse. A man who has too much to drink falls asleep on a bar room floor and has a vivid dream about riding a train, which is driven by the Devil himself. When the man wakes up he renounces the demon drink. \"Down Bound Train\"", "id": "12473154" }, { "contents": "My Body (Young the Giant song)\n\n\nof a frustrating day for the band. \"Why don't we just jam something out, like the most ridiculous thing you could imagine?\" Gadhia recalled the discussion. \"It doesn't even have to make sense. Just yell it out, because it means you're releasing your tension.\" Ten minutes later, he said, \"the entire song had been created.\" Guitarist Eric Cannata, in a separate interview, echoed Gadhia's remarks that the song \"started just as a quirky joke\" to help", "id": "15610657" }, { "contents": "The Snow Queen (2005 film)\n\n\nthe robber girl is all alone and promises she'll come back for her with Kay and be friends. The robber girl gives her a reindeer who knows the way and they make it to the North. Gerda is exhausted and falls asleep in a blizzard, but an old lady rescues her and her animals. She doesn't know the entire way to the Snow Queen's palace but she gives them a way to the Laplander's home. Gerda, the raven and the reindeer manage to beat many dangerous obstacles and make it", "id": "8610300" }, { "contents": "Remember Me (book series)\n\n\nEarth. She begins to write her story down, almost positive that it's just her writer's block becoming unstuck. Shari doesn't realize the danger she just started, because her story is true. It is the warning of danger to everyone in the whole world from creatures who do not like humans, but they also have it out for wanderers as well. They are monsters that will do anything to stop Shari from publishing the truth, even if that means making her fall for one of them, Roger, as", "id": "6078323" }, { "contents": "Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms\n\n\na goodly measure of pleasures and rewards. In short, it needs thee to make a difference.There are six chapters in this book: Shannon Appelcline commented that \"even sections that \"seem\" like typical gaming fare aren't. Thus, the section on gods doesn't just talk about the deities that people worship, but also why the people of the Realms tolerate evil churches and how temples raise funds. The \"setting\" of \"Elminster's Forgotten Realms\" was somewhat surprising for fans. It's largely focused", "id": "18002623" }, { "contents": "In the Best Interest of the Children\n\n\ndo, but she snaps and tells them she doesn't know everything, and they should just take a vote. She then runs after her mother to wish her good luck, making an apparent peace with her, and Callie later bids goodbye to her children as they leave with John and Wanda, whom they have decided to live with. The film ends in the same manner as it opened, with the children singing a rendition of \"Take Me Home, Country Roads\", eventually joined by their aunt and uncle.", "id": "9169460" }, { "contents": "Renee Perry\n\n\ndrunk and about to fall asleep, she tells Susan that Tom Scavo is the guy. Susan tells Tom that she knows about the affair and suggest that Tom ask Renee to move off the Lane or she will tell Lynette. Renee is furious when she finds out and tells Susan that it's none of her business and that she's not moving. Renee eventually tells Lynette about the affair. Apparently, Tom and Lynette had briefly broken up during this time. Lynette feels betrayed by both of them but eventually decides to forgive", "id": "8654628" }, { "contents": "Good Enough (Evanescence song)\n\n\none I wrote for the record -- is definitely the most representative of me now, the way that I feel. If we're talking about the 'new me,' that's it and why it's at the end of the record. You have to go through those things and make the changes you have to make and be there and go, 'Okay, I did it.' It doesn't come that easy. [...] I just didn't hold back this time, and writing that way has", "id": "4985680" } ]
how do we know how well other animals can see or smell?
[{"answer": "Two main ways: 1. Dissecting animals sensory organs to analyze their structure (For example, we can look at the structure of rods and cones in their eyes and theorize based on that). 2. Running tests like playing high or low pitched sounds, putting them in mazes with food, etc."}, {"answer": "* Train an animal that pressing a lever laced in X scent gets it a treat. * Give it two levers - one does nothing, one gives a treat. Lace the treat lever with a *tiny* amount of X scent. * Keep on reducing the amount until the animal can't tell the treat lever from the other."}, {"answer": "Well, for many animals we know how they live, which gives us many clues. For example the European eel, a carnivorous fish that lives in many rivers and lakes in Europe (surprise!). Well, we know that it lives in muddy water mostly and while it also hunts, it acts more like the hyena or ant of the river, eating mostly already dead animals. For it's style of living and habitat good eyes would be pointless. It's not going to see much in the muddy waters and its usual food has a strong smell to it. It's logical to assume that eels don't have the best eyesight and an outstanding capability to smell just from knowing their \"lifestyle\". Additionally, we can catch an eel and look at its eyes, see how many nerve-endings there are and see, that our assumption holds up, since there are way less of them in an eels eye than say in a pikes eye. Pikes are carnivorous fish living mostly in clear waters and actively hunting other live fish, so we'd already assume that they have good eyes."}, {"answer": "Well for one there is the physical properties of the animal. For example Owls big pupils do denote good night vision (human pupils dilate in darkness but not as much as an Owl's). However by far the main reason is how well they use the senses. You know a Dog has a good sense of smell because he finds things, they can easily track scents. A eagle as good vision because it hunts small rabbits from high altitudes where a human wouldn't even see them. In other words the process goes: Physical attributes indicate a good sense, but further test of the animal is what confirms it. This is why scientists speculate T-Rex couldn't see well, (tiny eye sockets for it's size) but can't confirm it today."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "62696", "title": "Guinea pig", "section": "Section::::Characteristics.:Behavior.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 18, "end_paragraph_id": 18, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Like many rodents, guinea pigs sometimes participate in social grooming, and they regularly self-groom. A milky-white substance is secreted from their eyes and rubbed into the hair during the grooming process. Groups of boars often chew each other's hair, but this is a method of establishing hierarchy within a group, rather than a social gesture. Dominance is also established through biting (especially of the ears), piloerection, aggressive noises, head thrusts, and leaping attacks. Non-sexual simulated mounting for dominance is also common among same-sex groups. Guinea pig eyesight is not as good as that of a human in terms of distance and color, but they have a wider angle of vision (about 340\u00b0) and see in partial color (dichromacy). They have well-developed senses of hearing", "Dominance is also established through biting (especially of the ears), piloerection, aggressive noises, head thrusts, and leaping attacks.", "Like many rodents, guinea pigs sometimes participate in social grooming, and they regularly self-groom. A milky-white substance is secreted from their eyes and rubbed into the hair during the grooming process. Groups of boars often chew each other's hair, but this is a method of establishing hierarchy within a group, rather than a social gesture. Dominance is also established through biting (especially of the ears), piloerection, aggressive noises, head thrusts, and leaping attacks. Non-sexual simulated mounting for dominance is also common among same-sex groups. Guinea pig eyesight is not as good as that of a human in terms of distance and color, but they have a wider angle of vision (about 340\u00b0) and see in partial color (dichromacy). They have well-developed senses of hearing"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4699587", "title": "Fish", "section": "Section::::Anatomy and physiology.:Sensory and nervous system.:Sense organs.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 89, "end_paragraph_id": 89, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Most fish possess highly developed sense organs. Nearly all daylight fish have color vision that is at least as good as a human's (see vision in fishes). Many fish also have chemoreceptors that are responsible for extraordinary senses of taste and smell. Although they have ears, many fish may not hear very well. Most fish have sensitive receptors that form the lateral line system, which detects gentle currents and vibrations, and senses the motion of nearby fish and prey. Some fish, such as catfish and sharks, have the Ampullae of Lorenzini, organs that detect weak electric currents on the order of millivolt. Other fish, like the South American electric fishes Gymnotiformes, can produce weak electric currents, which they use in navigation and social communication.", "Most fish possess highly developed sense organs. Nearly all daylight fish have color vision that is at least as good as a human's (see vision in fishes). Many fish also have chemoreceptors that are responsible for extraordinary senses of taste and smell. Although they have ears, many fish may not hear very well. Most fish have sensitive receptors that form the lateral line system, which detects gentle currents and vibrations, and senses the motion of nearby fish and prey. Some fish, such as catfish and sharks, have the Ampullae of Lorenzini, organs that detect weak electric currents on the order of millivolt. Other fish, like the South American electric fishes Gymnotiformes, can produce weak electric currents, which they use in navigation and social communication."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Animal grief\n\n\nasked aside from do animals grieve is how long do they grieve for or if these animals show signs of mourning. Anthropologist Barbra J King mentions how animals might sleep less or change their ways in their daily life styles. These animals might also end up staying close to their companion's corpse for a long time as well (Safina, 2015). Something we know is that emotions in a human can change, one day they can be sad and the other happy. Actions are taken days after one of our loved ones", "id": "3929129" }, { "contents": "Anders Dale\n\n\nhis graduate work his interest “shifted to learning how to test models of how the brain works. Ideally you'd like to test your models not in anesthetized animals and brain slices, but by measuring brain activity in humans non-invasively. I wanted to study normal people doing normal tasks. That was what brought me to imaging. My goal was to see what kind of things we can measure non-invasively that can be quantitatively related to the models we want to build...I wanted to know what exactly we are", "id": "2864104" }, { "contents": "Foraging\n\n\nin an animal's best interest to do so known as a dispersion economy. Think of a cardinal at a bird feeder for the dispersion economy. We might see a group of birds foraging at that bird feeder but it is not in the best interest of the cardinal for any of the other birds to be there too. The amount of food the cardinal can get from that bird feeder depends on how much it can take from the bird feeder but also depends on how much the other birds take as well. In red", "id": "6733130" }, { "contents": "Girly Edition\n\n\non ads involves revealing their hiding places in other texts.\" A real-life journalist named Reid, who Gray interviewed for his book, states that \"Girly Edition\" mirrors well how some journalists actually work. She said the episode shows \"the ludicrous nature of, you know, what we do in a lot of things. The kids news with Bart and Lisa: I mean, you see them do really stupid stories about the news, and 'news you can use,' and 'how to get rid", "id": "16235165" }, { "contents": "Epistemology\n\n\n\" We have a logical rule that says \"All humans are mortal\" and an assertion that \"Socrates is human\" and we deduce that \"Socrates is mortal\". In this example how do we know that Socrates is human? Presumably we apply other rules such as: \"All born from human females are human.\" Which then leaves open the question how do we know that all born from humans are human? This is the regress problem: how can we eventually terminate a logical argument with some statement(s) that", "id": "9156219" }, { "contents": "Incredibles 2\n\n\nthem in 2004. There were no notions of, 'Well, we don't know how to do long hair, we don't know how to do humans, we don't know how to do muscles.' Everybody knows how to do it. It's just now about doing it quickly.\" Because Pixar no longer used the same systems from the first movie, all the characters had to be created from scratch on the computer again. The studio also used physically-based human eye models for the characters for", "id": "3704225" }, { "contents": "Gulabrao Maharaj\n\n\nany other thing to smell ? who will see whom ? who will listen to whom ? who will talk to whom ? where is any other thing to think about ? who will know whom ? how to know him who knows everything ?\" (Asy sarva atmaivabhuta, tat ken kam jighnet ? ken kam pashyet ?.. ... brihadaranyaka). \"What exists is only one thing i.e. Brahma and what we see and experience as world is illusionary\" is the teachings of \"adwaita\". Madhura Bhakti is the devotional love for", "id": "17263405" }, { "contents": "Lorenzo Valla's Dialogue on Free Will\n\n\ncharacteristics, and that we are free to decide how we use those attributes. Lorenzo speaks about how the differences amongst our characteristics are things that God knows, and that we can not know about all of the things we don't have, and that we are best to just do all that we can to make the best of what we know we do have. The heart of Lorenzo's initial argument is that although God does know who we are and what we are going to do, we still have the ability to", "id": "15468966" }, { "contents": "Agustín García Calvo\n\n\nwords that have signification in each of the world's languages constitute a Reality that happens to be different in each tribe. Insofar as language helps create the illusion that we know everything there is and that we know how to call it and how to manipulate it, language is a weapon directed against the people. On the other hand we continuously see conjectures or glimpses arise in the common use of language that point to the opposite conclusion (that we do not know what there is and that Reality does not reach so far as", "id": "12441210" }, { "contents": "Media in The Simpsons\n\n\nA real-life journalist named Reid, who Gray interviewed for his book, states that the episode \"Girly Edition\" mirrors well how some journalists actually work. She said the episode shows \"the ludicrous nature of, you know, what we do in a lot of things. The kids news with Bart and Lisa: I mean, you see them do really stupid stories about the news, and 'news you can use,' and 'how to get rid of your sheets when you wet them.' I", "id": "10345751" }, { "contents": "Permeability (foundry sand)\n\n\nPermeability is a property of foundry sand with respect to how well the sand can vent, \"i.e.\" how well gases pass through the sand. And in other words, permeability is the property by which we can know the ability of material to transmit fluid/gases. The permeability is commonly tested to see if it is correct for the casting conditions. The grain size, shape and distribution of the foundry sand, the type and quantity of bonding materials, the density to which the sand is rammed, and the percentage", "id": "11568503" }, { "contents": "See You on the Other Side (Korn album)\n\n\nDavis stated \"We went through a lot of drama with Head leaving and getting off our label and making the album by ourselves.\" Regarding Brian \"Head\" Welch's departure, James \"Munky\" Shaffer recalled \"There was kind of a moment where we didn't know what we were going to do and how we were going to continue. We kind of decided, 'OK, we can just sit back and we can put out a greatest hits album and end this or we can use this opportunity and instead", "id": "3629488" }, { "contents": "Epistemological particularism\n\n\nEpistemological particularism is the belief that one can know something without knowing how one knows that thing. By this understanding, one's knowledge is justified before one knows how such belief could be justified. Taking this as a philosophical approach, one would ask the question \"What do we know?\" before asking \"How do we know?\" The term appears in Roderick Chisholm's \"The Problem of the Criterion\", and in the work of his student, Ernest Sosa (\"The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence versus", "id": "2645937" }, { "contents": "Attractiveness\n\n\nattracted to how much a male weighs, his opposition to sickness and diseases, as well as his domination and authority over large sections of land. Beyond the physicality of what makes one attractive, there are many other factors that play a role in someone's sense of attractiveness. Certain pheromones secreted by animals and humans alike can attract others, and this is viewed as being attracted to smell. Human sex pheromones may play a role in human attraction, although it is unclear how well humans can actually pick up on the pheromones", "id": "15190645" }, { "contents": "The Laughing Cavalier (novel)\n\n\nartist who portrayed him in the very realism of the personality which literally seems to breathe and palpitate and certainly to laugh to us out of the canvas.\" \"Those twinkling eyes! how well we know them! that laugh! we can almost hear it; as for the swagger, the devil-may-care arrogance, do we not condone it, seeing that it has its mainspring behind a fine straight brow whose noble, sweeping lines betray an undercurrent of dignity and of thought.\" \"And yet no biographer", "id": "16889856" }, { "contents": "Pretty. Odd.\n\n\n\" received relatively poor sales in competition with its predecessor, which was certified platinum in a matter of months. \"It's really hard to judge how the album is doing based on record sales, you know?\" Ross told MTV News. \"We look at that, and we don't really know what that even means. All we can go off is being on [the Honda Civic Tour] and seeing that people are getting into the new stuff, and that's the only way we can tell firsthand if", "id": "8499564" }, { "contents": "Dave Abbruzzese\n\n\nhave got to know what's the right thing to do. They can't justify ignoring my contributions. Like me or not. If there is still a part of that band that remembers how hard we worked, how much blood and how much sweat ... They will do the right thing.\" He further stated \"It’s just a fine opportunity to see what Pearl Jam has to say in response. Let’s see if they do the right thing. It’ll be interesting to see the spin that is put on", "id": "6351862" }, { "contents": "John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum\n\n\nwe can. Because that way we see it’s him. We do that a lot, we try to play it as wide as we can and do long shots. Of course, because Chad has a background from the stunt world he knows exactly how to block this kind of stuff. I’m not the best stunt person in the world, but I’m learning.\" In an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Halle Berry said, \"I broke three ribs in rehearsal.\" The visual effects are provided by Method", "id": "905696" }, { "contents": "How Sex Works\n\n\nHow Sex Works: Why We Look, Smell, Taste, Feel, and Act the Way We Do is a 2009 book by evolutionary biologist and \"New York Times\" bestselling author Sharon Moalem, published by HarperCollins. The book examines the scientific reasons people are attracted to one another including the evolutionary underpinnings of sexual attraction, monogamy, and sexual orientation. \"How Sex Works\" uses evolutionary biology to explore human sexuality, and how sexuality can influence society in terms of human relations and belief systems. The author examines the", "id": "6511806" }, { "contents": "Shifting Baselines\n\n\nocean, necessarily. You can also make a film about the broader idea of shifting baselines, which refers to the lowered standards created when we can no longer tell what is natural for our world any more. For instance, how do we know how clean our water originally was? Today all of our water has small, but ever-increasing levels of mercury, lead, and other even more poisonous compounds. Certainly a certain amount of that has always been in the water, but how much is normal? How much", "id": "20624234" }, { "contents": "Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set\n\n\na conversation that there was an interest in seeing another starter game. We wouldn't have done it if we didn't think or we didn't know or were told that there was a reason to do it. [...] Then we sat down as a group to decide how best to execute it and what lessons did we learn from the first one that we can now apply in the second one. [...] One of the things we wanted to do was to make this box even easier for DMs to use", "id": "20698905" }, { "contents": "Shock and awe\n\n\n-awe bombing campaign on Baghdad. These findings were disputed by both the U.S. military and the Iraqi government. Lieutenant Colonel Steve Boylan, the spokesman for the U.S. military in Baghdad, stated, \"I don't know how they are doing their methodology and can't talk to how they calculate their numbers,\" as well as \"we do everything we can to avoid civilian casualties in all of our operations.\" National Geographic researcher Bijal Trivedi stated, \"Civilian casualties did occur, but the strikes, for the most", "id": "7623279" }, { "contents": "2016 Citizen Soldier 400\n\n\ndon’t even know what to say\" and that his team just needs \"to go out there each week and try to be as prepared as we can. We’re not going to change who we are. We didn’t do that before the Chase started. We just got hot and we got momentum, and hopefully we don’t lose it. I mean, I don’t know how we got it, I don’t know how to keep it, I just know that we’re going to continue to approach", "id": "15570965" }, { "contents": "Broken Dimanche Press\n\n\nthe humanistic narrative of Man as the sole animal who has language. Not merely a question of the 'posthuman' – next step on the ladder of continuous progression – we want to confront narratives of mastery and expansion by probing around, before, after and beyond the category of the human. Asking what other possibilities can be afforded to us on the verge of environmental catastrophes? How do we speculate and engage in parallel vocabularies? How do we participate in narrations of worlds inhabited by something other than Man – the manifestation of", "id": "20004299" }, { "contents": "The Organ (band)\n\n\nconcept of how to do it any more […] I spent the majority of my twenties wanting to be in a band and it's all I ever thought about. And by the time the band ended I was in really bad health. Like drinking was a problem, and not knowing how to deal with personal crises. I was in bad shape. […] If a band is really supportive of one another and can help each other through things, it works really well, but at the end we were", "id": "2020692" }, { "contents": "Rational reconstruction\n\n\nreconstructing the pretheoretical know-how of certain human capabilities can be seen as representative of this procedure of rational reconstruction. Habermas suggests along these lines that \"we can distinguish between know-how, the ability of a competent subject who understands how to produce or accomplish something, and know-that, the explicit knowledge of how it is that he is able to do so\" (Habermas, 1979). This should be understood in the context of rational reconstruction as two levels of the explication of meaning, two ways of", "id": "2078725" }, { "contents": "Dugald Semple\n\n\nmeans that the more we get away from nature and congregate people in towns and cities, there is more crime, disease and war. We cannot get away from nature without suffering thereby. We have got to live closer to the laws of our being. We must have a healthy body, but that is not enough. We are suffering today from an unbalanced proportion of activities – we seem to know how to do everything, and yet we do not know how to walk properly. We can link up the world", "id": "15001399" }, { "contents": "The Dew Breaker\n\n\na famous “dew breaker,” or torturer, anyway, just one of hundreds who had done their jobs so well that their victims were never able to speak of them again,” referring to Anne’s husband in \"The Dew Breaker\". Now knowing this, we can see why Anne struggles so much in this scene because she thinks about how her daughter looks at Constant and how she might look at her father knowing he was once a man who participated in similar violent acts. All while also struggling with how", "id": "14572102" }, { "contents": "Madhuri Dixit\n\n\ncreate awareness and raise vital funds for the protection of the critically endangered Asian elephant. A collaborative project between the World Land Trust (a UK based nonprofit environmental organisation) and the Wildlife Trust of India that is creating protected wildlife corridors connecting National Parks and protected areas to others. Speaking about the issue she said: \"Elephants are one of my favourite animals and I love them. So what we need to do today is to see how we can preserve our animals. I feel very strongly about this.\" In 2014", "id": "20423464" }, { "contents": "External memory (psychology)\n\n\nfar more than they actually do in practice. This is especially true of verbatim memory: generally, a person will recall the general ideas of a text or conversation rather than the exact words that were used. Even so, most people believe that they can recall conversations word-for-word. Because we cannot know what we do not know, people tend to have an inflated view of how well the human mind can remember. As such, it is not surprising that the importance of external memory aids is often", "id": "13395646" }, { "contents": "Persuasion\n\n\nby saying \"I’ll sign up later\" or \"No thanks, I prefer not making money\". We, as humans, are influenced by others around us; we want to do what everyone else is. People often base their actions and beliefs on what others around them are doing, how others act or what others believe. \"The power of the crowd\" is very effective. We all want to know what others are doing around us. We are so obsessed with what others do and how others act", "id": "5066915" }, { "contents": "Zhenren\n\n\nmental dangers. Therefore for you to argue with us and disturb our minds merely because you surpass others in ability to govern, and to try and allure us with promises of glory and appointments, is indeed shameful and deplorable. But we will now settle the question with you. See now. If anybody knows how to regulate external things, the things do not of necessity become regulated, and his body has still to toil and labour. But if anybody knows how to regulate internals, the things go on all right,", "id": "20803218" }, { "contents": "Clay Davenport\n\n\nthey are NOT the players' actual statistics. The Translations are an attempt to show how well the player would have performed in a standard league (the American League of 1992), knowing how well he played in his actual league. We know that some leagues are tougher than others; that's why we have the majors, AAA, AA, and so on. We know that some leagues are easier to hit in; we know that some parks favor the pitchers; and we know that these effects are not constant", "id": "14457782" }, { "contents": "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (film)\n\n\nto him \"Perfume\" \"was much more a film about the importance of smell in our life than a film that tries to be smelly.\" The filmmakers strived to convey smell visually without the use of colors or special effects, Griebe says \"people see the fish market full of raw, bloody fish, and they know it stinks; they see a field of lavender and know it smells wonderful. We show Grenouille taking in smells by cupping his nose, and by doing close shots of his nose, and that", "id": "11701130" }, { "contents": "Sonic Animation\n\n\ntime they were using a 386 computer for programming. In March 2002 Keiller recalled how \"people would yell out 'nice one 386!', cos you know, we didn't really do anything, it was all just the computer. There are still some people that hold that view but we don't see it as much because of the kind of shows we play these, days.\" Bertschik left the group in 1998 to \"pursue his own musical interests.\" The band signed with a new label: Global", "id": "11913420" }, { "contents": "SpellForce: The Order of Dawn\n\n\nthis time it will work for him. Rohen thanks the avatar for all that he has accomplished before, using the power of the Phoenix Stone, he walks into a time-gate that sends him back into the past, years before the Convocation. We see an illustration of how time passes, with Rohen maturing to become his elder self again. We see him just before the Convocation, speaking of how his younger self, about to perform the Convocation, does not know what he is doing, and how he,", "id": "5795709" }, { "contents": "The Subjection of Women\n\n\nnot must be found out in practice. In reality, we don't know what women's nature is, because it is so wrapped up in how they have been raised. Mill suggests we should test out what women can and can't do – experiment. Women are brought up to act as if they were weak, emotional, docile – a traditional prejudice. If we tried equality, we would see that there were benefits for individual women. They would be free of the unhappiness of being told what to do by", "id": "14214134" }, { "contents": "Collaboration tool\n\n\n- it is about people and their interactions. Although technology really helps us in this way, the key to solve these problems can be found in the way how we use these tools. Although video conferencing tools such as Skype or FaceTime connect us with everyone, they do not always give us all the contextual information. What we see might not be the reality, as there might be other people in the room that one does not know about while skyping with your colleagues at work. More connectivity also allows more interruption:", "id": "749834" }, { "contents": "Euthanasia in Canada\n\n\nmatter and stated: \"While I share a deep concern over the subtle and overt pressures that may be brought to bear on such persons if assisted suicide is decriminalized, even in limited circumstances, I do not legalization that deprives a disadvantaged group of the right to equality can be justified solely on such speculative grounds, no matter how well intentioned ... we simply do not and cannot know the range of implications that allowing some form of assisted suicide will have for persons with physical disabilities. What we do know and cannot", "id": "21266880" }, { "contents": "Culture and menstruation\n\n\nallowed to attend temple while menstruating. In Sumba, women keep their cycles secret, which makes men see them as deceitful. Women from Sumba believe that because of their secrecy, they will always have control of the men. \"Men will never know how much we really can do to control these things. We have all kinds of secrets, and they should always believe that we can control even more than we really can\". Women are supposed to avoid intercourse while menstruating. It is believed that sexually transmitted diseases are", "id": "5859249" }, { "contents": "Concealing-Coloration in the Animal Kingdom\n\n\nspends the summer in eclipse plumage, while he is Barbour and Phillips note that Thayer \"in his enthusiasm, has ignored or glossed over [sexual dimorphism] with an artistic haze.\" They also question whether every animal needs protection. \"By skilful jugglings we are shown how anything and everything may be rendered inconspicuous,\" citing the skunk among other boldly black and white animals with both the skunk coloration and the \"well-known skunk smell\". They conclude by writing that they have \"purposely omitted calling special attention", "id": "12079328" }, { "contents": "2015 500 at Talladega\n\n\nwe’ve shown in this latest round is a big deal, but the fact of the matter is that we’re back to zero again. What we do have going for us that other teams don’t have is a lot of confidence. We’ve got momentum, and we’re relaxed. We’ve shown that we know how to do it. We’ve just got to keep going out there and do what we know how to do.” Dale Earnhardt, Jr. said after the race that if they went another 100", "id": "2574432" }, { "contents": "Animal consciousness\n\n\nis like \"for\" the organism\"; and he argued that no matter how much we know about an animal's brain and behavior, we can never really put ourselves into the mind of the animal and experience its world in the way it does itself. Other thinkers, such as the cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter, dismiss this argument as incoherent. Several psychologists and ethologists have argued for the existence of animal consciousness by describing a range of behaviors that appear to show animals holding beliefs about things they cannot directly perceive—", "id": "1889447" }, { "contents": "Animorphs\n\n\nleft, and we're gonna use them. But just know that the end is coming. And we don't know how much longer we can do this. How much longer can we fight. What about you? Where will you be when it ends? Think about it. Think hard. Because the countdown has already begun... In addition to this text, each book also carried an introduction, or teaser of sorts, to its own storyline. Another interesting feature of the books was a flipbook composed of the", "id": "466091" }, { "contents": "Rose McDermott\n\n\nhaving different test persons smell other people, and whether the ideology actually also had an impact here. They could conclude that liberals prefer the smell of liberals and conservatives prefer the smell of other conservatives, even though not knowing the ideology of the person they smelled. An overall conclusion was that biology has a greater impact on politics than maybe expected. That politics not only has to do with the mindset or ideas about societal structures, but rather encarved values, that define how you experience the world. David Easton Lectures by Rose", "id": "4226269" }, { "contents": "Index of epistemology articles\n\n\nEpistemology (from Greek ἐπιστήμη – \"episteme\"-, \"knowledge, science\" and λόγος, \"logos\") or theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. It addresses the questions \"What is knowledge?\", \"How is knowledge acquired?\", \"What do people know?\", \"How do we know what we know?\", and \"Why do we know what we know?\". Much of the debate in this field has", "id": "19425033" }, { "contents": "Thomas Muthee\n\n\nwaiting for. That’s part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the Israelites, you know, that’s how they won. And that’s how they are, even today. When we will see that, you know, the talk transport us in the lands. We see, you know, the bankers. We see the people holding the paths. They are believers. We will not have the kind of corruption that we are hearing in our societies. There has been debate over the meaning of his", "id": "10943003" }, { "contents": "Growing block universe\n\n\nbecause he is in the past; he does not know that now is now. But how can we be sure we are not in the same position? There is nothing special with Socrates. Therefore, we do not know whether now is now. However, some have argued that there is an ontological distinction between the past and the present. For instance, Forrest (2004) argues that although there exists a past, it is lifeless and inactive. Consciousness, as well as the flow of time, is not active", "id": "20042543" }, { "contents": "Phil Cooke\n\n\nfocus on Christian media with his book \"Jolt!: Get the Jump on a World That's Constantly Changing\", which deals with how leaders can adapt to the radical changes around them. In discussing the book, Cooke stated: \"...change is coming whether we like it or not, and whether we're ready or not. The question that drove me to write Jolt! was – do you know how to see change coming and navigate that change in a positive way?\" In Jolt!, Cooke argues", "id": "21514554" }, { "contents": "How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World\n\n\n-exist peacefully with each other and dragons can return in peace. In December 2010, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg announced that there would also be a third film in the series: \"\"How To Train Your Dragon\" is at least three: maybe more, but we know there are at least three chapters to that story.\" Dean DeBlois, the writer and director of the second and the third film, said that \"How to Train Your Dragon 2\" is being intentionally designed as the second act of the", "id": "2555286" }, { "contents": "You Know How We Do It\n\n\n\"You Know How We Do It\" is the second single from Ice Cube's fourth studio album, \"Lethal Injection.\" It was released as a 12\" single on February 2, 1994. A G-funk hit which has the same kind of mood and feeling from \"The Predator\", it samples \"The Show Is Over\" by Evelyn \"Champagne\" King and uses an interpolation of \"Summer Madness\" by Kool & the Gang. Eventually Mariah Carey sampled \"You Know How We Do It\"", "id": "15834287" }, { "contents": "Consciousness\n\n\nis like \"for\" the organism\"; and he argued that no matter how much we know about an animal's brain and behavior, we can never really put ourselves into the mind of the animal and experience its world in the way it does itself. Other thinkers, such as Douglas Hofstadter, dismiss this argument as incoherent. Several psychologists and ethologists have argued for the existence of animal consciousness by describing a range of behaviors that appear to show animals holding beliefs about things they cannot directly perceive—Donald Griffin's", "id": "5775837" }, { "contents": "2010 Daytona 500\n\n\napologized for the track surface, and revealed that no issues were discovered during a pre-race inspection, \"This is not supposed to happen, But we can come back from this. We know how to fix it. … We know how to do it right. I apologize for it. This is hallowed ground. We understand that. We accept the responsibility.\" He additionally stated his belief that it was also by cars running too low to the ground for aerodynamic efficiency improvements. It was later determined that several", "id": "2953434" }, { "contents": "Zoopoetics\n\n\nit, see Debra Hawhee's \"Toward a Bestial Rhetoric.\") Aaron Moe's book \"Zoopoetics: Animals and the Making of Poetry\" explores the zoopoetic dynamic in the poetry of Whitman, Cummings, Merwin, Hillman as well as several other poets. As with many literary terms, it is helpful to look at the term’s etymology. Zoopoetics, etymologically speaking, has to do with how animals (\"zoo\") can be capable of creation, or of \"making\" (\"poesis\").", "id": "14484037" }, { "contents": "Silliman University\n\n\nthe Gospel of John chapter 14, verse 6, which reads “Thomas said to him, \"Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?\" Jesus answered, \"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.\" (New International Version) The choice of", "id": "6550835" }, { "contents": "The Block Brochure: Welcome to the Soil 4\n\n\n.\" In the same interview he spoke about how he decided who he would collaborate with on the album, saying: \"You know, a lot of times, we get the beats early. The beat is always first. Us as artists, we like, \"This the perfect beat. Do you know who would sound good on here? Big K.R.I.T. and Z-Ro.\" And I rock with 'em. I got love for 'em, so let's see if they can get on this with me,", "id": "8998515" }, { "contents": "The Block Brochure: Welcome to the Soil 6\n\n\n\" In the same interview he spoke about how he decided who he would collaborate with on the album, saying: \"You know, a lot of times, we get the beats early. The beat is always first. Us as artists, we like, \"This the perfect beat. Do you know who would sound good on here? Big K.R.I.T. and Z-Ro.\" And I rock with 'em. I got love for 'em, so let's see if they can get on this with me, and", "id": "8998551" }, { "contents": "Grethe Meyer\n\n\n, which is composed of only one material and which only has to fulfill a few functions, and certainly never can or shall grow as a plant or an animal. When we consider the universe which is continually expanding and evolving, and we try to understand—of course in vain—how infinitely great it is, we know that each of us can’t even be perceived as a tiny little dot. All the same, I find it very important that each of us put our full endeavor into the work we do", "id": "3194181" }, { "contents": "Sheltered\n\n\nthe lack of power tools. Whether he’s mixing mud and straw by hand or hoisting stones with ropes and pulleys, we get to see how he adapts to doing things the way the locals do it. In some cases it’s how they’ve been doing it for thousands of years. Through his exposure to other Indigenous and traditional cultures he gains insight into how his own people can re-connect to their traditional home building techniques and ultimately their traditional way of life. Sheltered is an Aboriginal carpenter’s search for the", "id": "4038990" }, { "contents": "Roger de Beaufeu\n\n\nothers still more corruptly Welson. It may be mentioned in passing that many other varieties of the name are found, such as Belfagus, Beaufou, Beaufogh, Beaufour, Belflour, Beufo, Beufew, and, in the eighteenth century, Beaufoy. How the bishop of Thetford stood related to Radulphus de Bello Fago we do not certainly know. Of Ralph nothing more is known than has already been stated, while of William we know little more than the dates of his appointment to the see of Thetford and his death. That", "id": "845917" }, { "contents": "Computational sociology\n\n\nthere exists tendencies of interactions between and across these levels. Levels need not only be micro-level or macro-level in nature. There can be intermediate levels in which a society exists say - groups, networks, communities etc. The question however arises as to how to identify these levels and how they come into existence? And once they are in existence how do they interact within themselves and with other levels? If we view entities(agents) as nodes and the connections between them as the edges, we see the formation", "id": "11074845" }, { "contents": "Al Zubara Fort\n\n\nexternal staircases which were used to climb up to the fort's floors and roof. For more information about the Al Zubara Fort's structure, see the table below. The well once provided fresh drinking water all year round, but today, like other wells in the area it is completely dry. Dug by hand through the hard dammam limestone the well reached down to a thin band of fresh water. If it were dug too deep the water would become salty. Rubble in the bottom means we do not know exactly how", "id": "4942273" }, { "contents": "Stephanie Edwards (Grey's Anatomy)\n\n\ncontinue to require more care. For a person like Stephanie, she is so driven and so young. This is the logic of a younger person. She doesn't have the capacity to give Kyle what he needs. Even in this week's episode, we see Stephanie try: He's sick and she brings him into the hospital and does the thing she knows how to do — medicine. She tries to do the thing she knows how to do and she's stopped at every turn because her superior says she's", "id": "6315676" }, { "contents": "Susannah Constantine\n\n\nWear\" argued that the duo were too patronising to their subjects, a claim which they strongly disagree with. Constantine insists that their subjects \"see we have a genuine love of women. We love women and they can see that. Women just know.\" She also stated \"Ultimately, what we're doing is giving people confidence. We're probably the only people who have an opinion, who care how ordinary people dress. No one at \"Vogue\" magazine gives a shit. They work with the designers,", "id": "3080683" }, { "contents": "Ethical non-naturalism\n\n\nof certain human actions. However, these two types of property are quite different. Those natural properties, such as hardness and roundness, can be perceived and encountered in the real world. On the other hand, it is not immediately clear how to physically see, touch or measure the goodness of a novel or the rightness of an action. Moore did not consider goodness and rightness to be natural properties, i.e., they cannot be defined in terms of any natural properties. How, then, can we know that", "id": "9277005" }, { "contents": "Happiness... Is Not a Fish That You Can Catch\n\n\nDefinitely seeing those obsessions in the States, the guns, the Gap ads and how the media determines who you are these days... During the recording of this record, we talked a lot about death, for whatever reason. There's definitely an obsession with death and a huge fear. But in knowing that, it makes you hate these other things more, because it's not what life's about. Buying Tommy Hilfinger (sic) because it's cool has nothing to do with any kind of emotional value or content", "id": "5687894" }, { "contents": "Optimistic knowledge gradient\n\n\nlabel such that the expect reward is maximized using Knowledge Gradient: They are multiple items, let us know how do we break the ties. If we break the tie deterministically, which means we choose the smallest index. We are going to have a problem because this is not consistent which means the positive stage formula_34 does not converge to the true positive stage formula_3. So we can also try to break the ties randomly, it works, however, we will see the performance is almost like uniform sampling, is the best", "id": "3843476" }, { "contents": "Analytic–synthetic distinction\n\n\nno problem understanding how we can know analytic propositions; we can know them because we only need to consult our concepts in order to determine that they are true. After ruling out the possibility of analytic \"a posteriori\" propositions, and explaining how we can obtain knowledge of analytic \"a priori\" propositions, Kant also explains how we can obtain knowledge of synthetic \"a posteriori\" propositions. That leaves only the question of how knowledge of synthetic \"a priori\" propositions is possible. This question is exceedingly important, Kant", "id": "12140580" }, { "contents": "The Tell-Tale Brain\n\n\nIn The Tell-Tale Brain, we see the genius at work, tackling extraordinary cases, many of which mark turning points in neuroscientific knowledge. We see him hypothesizing, experimenting, failing, having epiphanies, experimenting, succeeding. In this utterly entertaining account, we see how these fascinating cases fit together, and how he uses them to explain, from a Darwinian point of view, how our brains, though evolved from those of other animals, become neurologically distinct and fundamentally human.” James McConnachie (\"Sunday Times\"):When", "id": "13066725" }, { "contents": "When Einstein Walked with Gödel\n\n\nprefers to perch in the middle of a muddle — say, the string theory wars — and hear evidence from both sides without rushing to adjudication. The essays orbit around three chief concerns: How do we conceive of the world (metaphysics), how do we know what we know (epistemology) and how do we conduct ourselves (ethics)\". Steven Poole of \"The Wall Street Journal\" commented \"...this collection of previously published essays by Jim Holt, who is one of the very best modern science writers", "id": "4390839" }, { "contents": "Wat Pa Ban Tat\n\n\nThis is the way leopards are. So they were in this monastery around every dwelling area. How did we know? Well, isn‘t this place swept so that it‘s spotless? Even if a mouse runs by, don‘t we know about it? And these were big cats, so how could we help but see their tracks?“ The wilderness surrounding the monastery has disappeared since the area has been cleared for cultivation. The forest that remains inside the domain of the monastery is only a remnant of what the forest once was", "id": "5503428" }, { "contents": "Dry lab\n\n\n, these findings can be further supported. Once we can see how a protein folds then we can see how it works as a catalyst, or in intracellular communication, e.g. neuroreceptor-neurotransmitter interaction. How certain compounds may be used to enhance or prevent the function of these proteins and how an elucidated protein overall plays a role in diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease or Huntington's Disease can also be much better understood. Of course, there are many other avenues of research in which the dry lab approach has been implemented.", "id": "2030943" }, { "contents": "Joseph Margolis\n\n\nno conceptual privilege involved in making statements, nor in the justifications proferred for the statements made. Still, Margolis emphasizes that justifications cannot be dispensed with, as any statement implies a whole set of beliefs about the way the world is and about how we know that. We must legitimize our statements as best we can, else we should never know why we should choose some over others, nor should we know how to proceed to make other statements building upon, but going beyond, our original exemplars. The key to", "id": "9092029" }, { "contents": "Asura's Wrath\n\n\nand in games as well, there are many interesting depictions of wrath already – things like Dragonball and Naruto – and we love those kinds of comics and games. So we thought, what can we do if we really, really focus on that? How interesting can we make it? That was our challenge to ourselves.\" The hot spring scene, a very traditional scene for manga and anime in Japanese culture according to Matsuyama, was deliberately placed as a change of pace and a chance for Asura to show a different", "id": "18772726" }, { "contents": "Wilfrid Esteve\n\n\nof consensus. Today, we no longer know how to show, we don't even know how to see. The threat lies in the fact that financial results take the place of testimony and emotion. And that the mandate of a subculture replaces a unified world vision. Let's not forget that to exclude, also means to be deprived of the vision of the other, and that the way through which we inform and get information, is a major aspect of democracy.\" Wilfrid Estève during the conference \"Is photojournalism", "id": "8871335" }, { "contents": "Cinema Museum (Girona)\n\n\noff cities and landscapes without leaving their homes. Afterwards, the visitor can see how photography was able to reproduce precise images of reality, thanks to advances in chemistry and the camera obscura. Now on the second floor, the exhibition continues with instruments based on the principle of the persistence of vision that began to generate the illusion of moving Images, even though they were simply drawings that were animated through repetitive movements After this, we enter into the section dedicated to the definitive path towards cinema as we know it, when in", "id": "6340830" }, { "contents": "Stephen Hales\n\n\na new water supply for the village – and well regarded although there is some evidence that his experimental work on animal physiology was viewed with misgivings.Thomas Twining included a verse in his poem The Boat on Hales: In 1718, the poet Alexander Pope, a renowned dog lover, also criticized Hales' work. In conversation with his friend, Joseph Spence, Pope reportedly said of Hale: \"He commits most of these barbarities with the thought of its being of use to man. But how do we know that we", "id": "13481538" }, { "contents": "Harmonic function\n\n\n\"B\"(\"x\",\"r\") such that ∫\"h\" = 1, then \"u\"(\"x\") = \"h\" * \"u\"(\"x\"). In other words, we can take the weighted average of \"u\" about a point and recover \"u\"(\"x\"). In particular, by taking \"h\" to be a \"C\" function, we can recover the value of \"u\" at any point even if we only know how \"u\" acts as a distribution. See Weyl's lemma. Let \"u", "id": "11132237" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of mathematics\n\n\nwhere and how do the mathematical entities exist, and how do we know about them? Is there a world, completely separate from our physical one, that is occupied by the mathematical entities? How can we gain access to this separate world and discover truths about the entities? One proposed answer is the Ultimate Ensemble, a theory that postulates that all structures that exist mathematically also exist physically in their own universe. Kurt Gödel's Platonism postulates a special kind of mathematical intuition that lets us perceive mathematical objects directly. (This", "id": "2536892" }, { "contents": "Value tree analysis\n\n\n, how would you feel about yourself? o How do others see you making this choice? The lack of awareness of this intangible consequence can easily lead to our regretful decision. Moreover, if there is a disagreement between our intuitive and thorough analysis of decision-making, we are usually not aware of the underlying intangible consequences. o For each option you can think of, what are the best and worst aspects of yourself? These will be values. o Special consideration of costs and risks. We tend to start our", "id": "13969639" }, { "contents": "Exchange force\n\n\nthink of as \"forces\" are actually the effects of force carrier particles on matter particles. The basketball animation is, of course, a very crude analogy since it can only explain repulsive forces and gives no hint of how exchanging particles can result in attractive forces. We see examples of attractive forces in everyday life (such as magnets and gravity), and so we generally take it for granted that an object's presence can just affect another object. It is when we approach the deeper question, \"How can two", "id": "3181312" }, { "contents": "Bruce Norris (playwright)\n\n\nof bourgeois venality and hypocrisy.\" \"A Parallelogram\" was produced at Steppenwolf Downstairs Theatre from July 1 through August 29, 2010, directed by Anna D. Shapiro. The cast featured Marylouise Burke, Tim Bickel, Kate Arrington and Tom Irwin. In an article for Steppenwolf, Marti Lyons writes about the theme of the play: \"what do we do after we know the truth about ourselves? If we rid ourselves of all self-deception, how well can we function in the world? Is some self-protective", "id": "21533779" }, { "contents": "Intelligence analysis\n\n\n, with 5–10 key players. Learn something about each of them, both in terms of how they express themselves, and how you can reinforce their strengths and support their weaknesses. The analyst must constantly ask himself, \"what do they want/need to know? How do they prefer to have it presented? Are they still trying to select the best course of action, or have they committed and now need to know the obstacles and vulnerabilities on their chosen path?\" Others on the team may know how to handle", "id": "13440083" }, { "contents": "Khirbet Zanuta\n\n\nthis is how we live,\"... \"The only thing we know how to do is raise sheep. We can only do that here.” According to Amira Hass, while calling for the demolition of Palestinian villages, Israeli authorities have approved construction in Jewish settlements on more imposing archaeological sites, such as the settlement at Tel Rumeida in Hebron, or in Jerusalem itself. The state declared that the military were not obliged to find a solution for the villagers, and demands that they be moved out to ad-Dhahiriya", "id": "15247394" }, { "contents": "Altamont Free Concert\n\n\nWe go to concerts to enjoy ourselves and have fun. Well, what about helping people out—you know, giving directions and things? Sure, we can do that. When Cutler asked how they would like to be paid, William replied, \"We like beer.\" In the documentary \"Gimme Shelter\", Sonny Barger states that the Hells Angels were not interested in policing the event, and that organizers had told him that the Angels would be required to do little more than sit on the edge of the", "id": "11464600" }, { "contents": "Heathen hof\n\n\nin which the human and animal victims are hanged. Adam's presumed source, Sweyn Estridsen, was in service as a young man (from 1026 to 1038) with King Anund Jakob of Sweden, and therefore had the opportunity to personally see the hof at Uppsala. But we do not know how accurately Adam reports what he said. Accuracy concerning heathenry was not his objective in writing his history. In his \"Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum\" (\"Ecclesiastical History of the English People\"), Bede describes the conversion of", "id": "4643461" }, { "contents": "Qana massacre\n\n\ncan you do? He told us we were firing well and we should keep it up, and that Arabs, you know there are millions of them,\" Soldier A was quoted as saying. Another artilleryman, Soldier T, was quoted as saying that \"no-one spoke about it as if it was a mistake. We did our job and we are at peace with that. Even 'S' told us we were great and that they were just a bunch of Arabs (in Hebrew, 'arabushim')...How", "id": "12962100" }, { "contents": "Methodism (philosophy)\n\n\nIn the study of knowledge, Methodism refers to the epistemological approach where one asks \"How do we know?\" before \"What do we know?\" The term appears in Roderick Chisholm's \"The Problem of the Criterion\", and in the work of his student, Ernest Sosa (\"The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence versus Foundations in the Theory of Knowledge\"). Methodism is contrasted with particularism, which answers the latter question before the former. Since the question \"How do we know?\" does", "id": "14139742" }, { "contents": "She Ventures and He Wins\n\n\ndemonstrates materialist theory. This play was not published with the actual playwright's name on it because at this time, a theater company would make more money and probably have more people come see the play if it was written by a man. Even Ariadne herself said her identity would remain a mystery until her work was revered. As we still do not know her true identity, we can see how that ended. \"She Ventures and He Wins\" only ran for two performances mainly because the playwright made accusations against the theater", "id": "13703744" }, { "contents": "Men in Black (film series)\n\n\nsaid it would be \"easy to pick up where we left off. We know what we are doing, we know how to do it. It's just a hell of a lot of fun.\" In July 2012, Columbia chief executive Doug Belgrad said: \"We're very pleased with the financial performance of \"Men in Black 3\", and we believe it is an ongoing franchise. We're going to do [another one], but we don't have clarity yet on how it should be done", "id": "15558806" }, { "contents": "Common sense\n\n\nanimal mind converts raw sense perceptions from the five specialized sense perceptions, into perceptions of real things moving and changing, which can be thought about. According to Aristotle's understanding of perception, each of the five senses perceives one type of \"perceptible\" or \"sensible\" which is specific (, ) to it. For example, sight can see colour. But Aristotle was explaining how the animal mind, not just the human mind, links and categorizes different tastes, colours, feelings, smells and sounds in order to", "id": "11777752" }, { "contents": "Ethical non-naturalism\n\n\nanything is good and how can we distinguish good from bad? Moral epistemology, the part of epistemology (and/or ethics) that studies how we know moral facts and how moral beliefs are justified, has proposed an answer. British epistemologists, following Moore, suggested that humans have a special faculty, a faculty of moral intuition, which tells us what is good and bad, right and wrong. Ethical intuitionists assert that, if we see a good person or a right action, and our faculty of moral intuition is sufficiently developed", "id": "9277006" }, { "contents": "Vazha-Pshavela (biographical novel)\n\n\nthe epic creativity of Vaja-Pshavela. His poems and narrative stories are widely translated into a number of languages. This biographical novel will we know what to look like Vaja-Pshavela: from ancient Greek mythology characters Laocoön, the divine poet Homer and the genius Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi. We see that it easily can be compared to the same level in creativity: Ovid, Goethe, Shakespeare, Robert Burns; but we see also how the original is Vaja-Pshavela and how many greatest are its meaning in today's", "id": "6424090" }, { "contents": "Inside of a Dog\n\n\nInside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know is a book written by cognitive scientist, Alexandra Horowitz. Horowitz walks the reader through the cognitive process of dogs in relation to how they perceive their day-to-day activities. The author explains the animal's cognitive abilities, and allows the reader insight into what it might be like to be a dog. The book also contains a brief interview with the author. Horowitz' approach is based on biosemiotic theory of Jakob von Uexküll on umwelten or the", "id": "8900516" }, { "contents": "Self-help groups for mental health\n\n\nvery high acceptance of self-help groups and 43.2% rated their acceptance of self-help groups as moderate. Only 6.8% of respondents rated their acceptance of self-help groups as low or very low. Surveys of self-help groups has shown very little evidence of antagonism towards mental health professionals. The maxim of self-help groups in the United States is \"Doctors know better than we do how a sickness can be treated. We know better than doctors how sick people can be treated as humans.\"", "id": "3073909" }, { "contents": "Sarah Ruhl\n\n\nage: \"Cell phones, iPods, wireless computers will change people in ways we don't even understand,\" Ruhl stated. \"We're less connected to the present. No one is where they are. There's absolutely no reason to talk to a stranger anymore—you connect to people you already know. But how well do you know them? Because you never see them—you just talk to them. I find that terrifying.\" \"In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play)\" premiered", "id": "15699041" }, { "contents": "Common descent\n\n\n, \"Analogy would lead me one step further, namely, to the belief that all animals and plants have descended from some one prototype. But analogy may be a deceitful guide.\" And in the subsequent edition , he asserts rather, \"We do not know all the possible transitional gradations between the simplest and the most perfect organs; it cannot be pretended that we know all the varied means of Distribution during the long lapse of years, or that we know how imperfect the Geological Record is. Grave as these", "id": "5059013" }, { "contents": "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus\n\n\nif the situation actually obtains. This allows Wittgenstein to explain how false propositions can have meaning (a problem which Russell struggled with for many years): just as we can see directly from the picture the situation which it depicts without knowing if it in fact obtains, analogously, when we understand a proposition we grasp its truth conditions or its sense, that is, we know what the world must be like if it is true, without knowing if it is in fact true (TLP 4.024, 4.431). It is", "id": "10889321" }, { "contents": "William C. Wimsatt\n\n\n1971. He has one son, William Upski Wimsatt, known as an author and political activist. Wimsatt's philosophical position starts with two themes: we are limited beings and the world we try to understand is complex. The problem then is how to build a philosophical world view based on these two themes. For Wimsatt, \"robustness\" (e.g., believing that a particular apple exists because we can see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, and hear it crunch when we eat it) is fundamental", "id": "14278588" }, { "contents": "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics\n\n\nbased on experience. § 8. How is it possible to intuit anything \"a priori\"? How can the intuition of the object occur before the experience of the object? § 9. My intuition of an object can occur before I experience an object if my intuition contains only the mere form of sensory experience. § 10. We can intuit things \"a priori\" only through the mere form of sensuous intuition. In so doing, we can only know objects as they appear to us, not as they are", "id": "9212316" } ]
How can people like the guy off of 'Man v. Food' eat loads at a time and still be fairly healthy?
[{"answer": "To be honest he didn't look fairly healthy...he was pretty overweight towards the end of the 2nd season...if you notice now he has other fans do the challenges now too."}, {"answer": "My understanding is the reason he's stopped eating like that is because he wasn't healthy. He followed that show up with a show where he watches other people attempt those feats."}, {"answer": "I remember an article about this. He would run his ass off on a treadmill every morning, and the challenge meal would be the only thing he ate that day. Even then, he was still rather heavy, and last I heard the production company was having a hard time getting insurance. Hence the shift to watching other people do the challenges instead of him. The show ended a couple of years ago now, and he has lost a *lot* of weight since."}, {"answer": "Unfortunately your question is somewhat malformed. During the shooting of Man v Food, the host was completely unhealthy despite putting in significant effort to work off the weight gained from shooting the show. The host developed sleep apnoea as well as other health issues. After leaving the show he dropped approximately 70 pounds and looks significantly more healthy than he did during taping of the show."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "31885773", "title": "Man v. Food Nation", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Man v. Food Nation is the name given to the fourth season of the Travel Channel's \"Man v. Food\", a food reality television series. It premiered on June 1, 2011. A preview episode, \"The Quest Begins\", aired on May 25, 2011.", "Man v. Food Nation is the name given to the fourth season of the Travel Channel's \"Man v. Food\", a food reality television series. It premiered on June 1, 2011. A preview episode, \"The Quest Begins\", aired on May 25, 2011."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Arian Foster\n\n\nnot last very long, his diet was a very interesting subject to the media for a period of time. Regarding his diet, he said: \"I just like to eat healthy, man. That whole vegan thing, a lot of people are really interested in my food... I've had meat since I've said I don't eat meat anymore. I like to stay with the plant-based foods, but every now and then, I'll eat meat.\" Foster revealed his political affiliation during an NFL", "id": "11115007" }, { "contents": "Tlingit\n\n\nother infectious diseases brought by the Europeans. The Native Americans had no immunity to such endemic Eurasian diseases, which had entered Europe centuries before. Food is a central part of Tlingit culture, and the land is an abundant provider. Most of the richness of intertidal life found on the beaches of Southeast Alaska can be harvested for food. Though eating off the beach could provide a fairly healthy and varied diet, eating nothing but \"beach food\" is considered contemptible among the Tlingit and a sign of poverty. Indeed, shamans", "id": "5683589" }, { "contents": "Feeding disorder\n\n\ncondition that has been resolved is causing the issue. Children attempting to swallow different food textures often vomit, gag, or choke while eating. At feeding times they may react negatively to attempts to feed them, and refuse to eat. Other symptoms include head turns, crying, difficulty in chewing or vomiting and spitting whilst eating. Many children may have feeding difficulties and may be picky eaters, but most of them still have a fairly healthy diet. Children with a feeding disorder however, will completely abandon some of the food", "id": "13387563" }, { "contents": "Okko's Inn\n\n\ncan only eat bland healthy food, but he finds the food the inn staff unsatisfying. Okko then remembers that Matsuki was working on a menu of healthy food. So, setting aside her rivalry to please a guest, she visits Matsuki at her huge inn to ask for help. Matsuki gives her a sample of her inn's beef, as well as many tips on how to cook food that Shota's father can eat which doesn't taste so bland. Shota's father is overjoyed at how tasty the new food is", "id": "3370156" }, { "contents": "Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder\n\n\nhave an inability to eat certain foods. \"Safe\" foods may be limited to certain food types and even specific brands. In some cases, individuals with the condition will exclude whole food groups, such as fruits or vegetables. Sometimes excluded foods can be refused based on color. Some may only like very hot or very cold foods, very crunchy or hard-to-chew foods, or very soft foods, or avoid sauces. Most people with ARFID will still maintain a healthy or typical body weight. There are", "id": "11686509" }, { "contents": "Tlingit cuisine\n\n\nSince food is so easy to gather from the beaches, a person who can't feed himself at least enough to stay alive is considered a fool, perhaps mentally incompetent or suffering from very bad luck. Though eating off the beach could provide a fairly healthy and varied diet, eating nothing but \"beach food\" is considered contemptible among the Tlingit, and a sign of poverty. Shamans and their families were required to abstain from all food gathered from the beach, and men might avoid eating beach food before battles or strenuous", "id": "11446496" }, { "contents": "Lauren Von Der Pool\n\n\n!\" Von Der Pool released a successful vegan cookbook, \"Eat Yourself Sexy! The Goddess Edition\", to demonstrate how eating fresh, locally grown, environmentally sustainable food can still be very tasty. It also serves as a guide for “glowing skin,” “healthy hair,” “weight loss” and \"wellness.\" Overall, consumer reception has been positive. Civil rights activist and comedian Dick Gregory said, “\"Eat Yourself Sexy!\" Is one of the best vegan and living foods books I", "id": "3982469" }, { "contents": "Food Justice Movement\n\n\nchoice in terms of what food the participants can have. Even though many still purchase foods that are deemed unhealthy much of this is due to the fact that some may live in substandard housing or not have a functional kitchen so these foods, although some may be healthy will not always be suitable for all recipients. In comparison to SNAP, the administration's new program would only cover 90,000 people, while the former helped millions to come out of poverty. There are still many questions left to answer, like delivery and how", "id": "4640494" }, { "contents": "Poverty in the United Kingdom\n\n\nLoopstra who lectures in nutrition at King’s College London, said: “These robust survey data confirm how serious the scale of the problem of people not having enough money for food to eat is in the UK, and are consistent with reports of increasing food bank usage. Anna Taylor of the 'Food Foundation' thinktank, said: “To take so many British people off the breadline the government must drive uptake of the Healthy Start programme for young and low-income mothers, tackle gaps in food provision during school holidays", "id": "1823034" }, { "contents": "Competitive eating\n\n\nthis type are featured in the Travel Channel show \"Man v. Food\". The Great American Eat Off - a show that pits two average eaters against each other to see who can eat the fastest, while raising awareness for charity and then brings in a professional competitive eater to beat the winning time, raises the stakes for competitive eaters by incorporating various challenges and obstacles that would interfere with their speed. Obstacles may include eating with two spoons, eating with no hands, or Interval Eating where the competitive eat is permitted to", "id": "4771532" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food (season 5)\n\n\nThe revived fifth season of the food reality television series, \"Man v. Food\", premiered on the Travel Channel August 7, 2017, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time with back-to-back half-hour episodes in New York City and Milwaukee. New host, actor and food enthusiast Casey Webb, takes over where former host Adam Richman left off by visiting unique eateries in different cities in a quest to find the ultimate eats before he takes on their local eating challenges. The fifth-season tally wound up at", "id": "17867131" }, { "contents": "West Harlem Environmental Action\n\n\nConsumption work group, one of the main points of the Climate Justice group is to teach people how to reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions. The Food Justice work group aims to educate people about the barriers to healthy eating and the importance of purchasing healthy food, while bringing healthful food initiatives to low-income communities. Some of these initiatives include Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) projects, community and rooftop gardens, food drives, and food stamp outreach. The Healthy Homes Project is a joint research initiative between the Columbia", "id": "10427901" }, { "contents": "Healthy Life Years\n\n\nchance of people getting certain diseases or losing their ability to perform a daily life activity. For example, if a certain group of people who pertain to a certain race or ethnic group, where they eat primarily unprocessed food, then these people are less prone to certain diseases and are more likely to live disease free lives for a longer time than people whose diet consists of highly processed food . Moreover, even people of the same culture and race but of different socioeconomic status could live different number of healthy life years. People", "id": "9867520" }, { "contents": "Food presentation\n\n\nwith a disorganized and casual design. This research is particularly important because understanding how food presentation affects how people eat can be used in the study of health and nutrition. For instance, another study showed that participants who ate off of uncleaned tables (i.e. all uneaten food was left on the table) ate less than those that had their tabled periodically cleaned. This is presumably because those that could see the leftovers of what they had eaten were less likely to take more food. This could be useful, for instance, in", "id": "12122294" }, { "contents": "Glucose test\n\n\nMany types of glucose tests exist and they can be used to estimate blood sugar levels at a given time or, over a longer period of time, to obtain average levels or to see how fast body is able to normalize changed glucose levels. Eating food for example leads to elevated blood sugar levels. In healthy people these levels quickly return to normal via increased cellular glucose uptake which is primarily mediated by increase in blood insulin levels. Glucose tests can reveal temporary/long-term hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. These conditions may not", "id": "15454648" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food\n\n\nMan v. Food is an American food reality television series. It premiered on December 3, 2008 on the Travel Channel. The program was originally hosted by actor and food enthusiast Adam Richman. In each episode, Richman explores the \"big food\" offerings of a different American city before facing off against a pre-existing eating challenge at a local restaurant. The program airs in syndication at various times during the week. Travel Channel announced in May 2017 that the series would be revived, with actor, food lover, and", "id": "14507237" }, { "contents": "East Oakland, Oakland, California\n\n\nThe average family household enrolled in health insurance amongst Hispanics is approximately 4-6 people. Along with the socioeconomic disparities that people in East Oakland face, is the issue of food scarcity. East Oakland is considered a food desert because of the lack of access to affordable, healthy, fresh food. Some studies have found that food was considered one of the highest priorities and came second to shelter. The participants claim that they knew how to eat healthy and about the importance of a nutritious diet, but the availability and cost", "id": "21519482" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nIt is also imperative that parents and guardians are well informed regarding healthy eating for their children. Developing strategies on how to encourage their children to eat more healthy foods and grasping the knowledge on how to distinguish between high and low calorie based pre-packaged snacks is crucial. The food industry also plays a huge part in promoting healthy foods as management from a dietary point of view. Methods include making wholesome foods widely available and affordable for their customers. Closely monitoring and managing the amount of fat, sugar and salt content that", "id": "16685132" }, { "contents": "Nudge (book)\n\n\nat eye level while putting less-healthy junk food in harder-to-reach places. Individuals are not actually prevented from eating whatever they want, but arranging the food choices that way causes people to eat less junk food and more healthy food. Sunstein and Thaler apply the idea of nudges in the context of choice architecture to propose policy recommendations in the spirit of libertarian paternalism. They have recommendations in the areas of finance, health, the environment, schools, and marriage. They believe these problems can at least be", "id": "12546168" }, { "contents": "Hunger (motivational state)\n\n\nHunger and satiety are sensations. Hunger represents the physiological need to eat food. Satiety is the absence of hunger; it is the sensation of feeling full. Appetite is another sensation experienced with eating; it is the desire to eat food. There are several theories about how the feeling of hunger arises. A healthy, well-nourished individual can survive for weeks without food intake, with claims ranging from three to ten weeks. The sensation of hunger typically manifests after only a few hours without eating and is generally considered to", "id": "8465457" }, { "contents": "Soul food health trends\n\n\nconducted between 57 Africa Americas to assess their those aspects that relate to healthy eating. It is found that although people have awareness and knowledge about healthy eating, the survey showed that there are barriers that restrict people's healthy eating, with price of heathy food as main barriers in food choice. Another research also showed that barriers of heathy eating comes from not only the price, flavour, accessibility and absence of social report, but also changes in total energy, fat intake and weigh. More broadly, a project conducted showed", "id": "10580731" }, { "contents": "Overeaters Anonymous\n\n\nfeeling that feels irresistible. So, according to Overeaters Anonymous, \"abstinence\" is the act of refraining from \"compulsive eating\" and \"compulsive food behaviors,\" while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. While this definition can fairly be described as nuanced and subject to personal interpretation (e.g., the definition of a \"healthy body weight\"), or requiring self-searching analysis (e.g., to determine the drivers of certain behaviors), it is not unspecific. The objective of OA's definition of", "id": "8427556" }, { "contents": "Health in Sri Lanka\n\n\navoided the issues related to the overuse of sugar in diets. A substantial use of fish, instead of other meats, has also increased the healthiness of the Sri Lankan diet. While Sri Lankans tend to eat food that should achieve a healthy diet, the manner in which they casually choose how much food to eat often results in diet-related health problems. The diet can often contain too much carbohydrates, due to a cultural preference for finding rice and other staples appetizing, increasing the chance of diabetes, while disproportionately leaving", "id": "15235025" }, { "contents": "Food desert\n\n\nof self-care that is affected by food deserts. People employ both rational and naturalistic decision-making processes on a routine basis. Naturalistic decisions occur in situations where time is limited, stakes are high, needed information is missing, the situation is ambiguous and the decision-maker is uncertain. Rational decisions are more likely when people have time to weigh options and consider the consequences. The way individuals living in a food desert make decisions about healthy eating is influenced by a variety of factors. Communities with higher than state", "id": "3497853" }, { "contents": "Social undermining\n\n\nalso showed that social undermining can affect men and women differently. Men tend to feel as if they can overcome social undermining because they were still able to make a healthy eating decision. Women have stated that they tend to make bad eating decision when they are eating with other people such as their friends. Social undermining pressures can cause serious challenges when a person is trying to maintain healthy eating and trying to stay active. The study found that people that engage in undermining behavior tend to feel guilty about their own unhealthy behavior and", "id": "1240086" }, { "contents": "Jillian Michaels\n\n\n2012, and Rhoades gave birth to a son that same month. On her sexuality, Michaels has stated, \"Let's just say I believe in healthy love. If I fall in love with a woman, that's awesome. If I fall in love with a man, that's awesome. As long as you fall in's like organic food. I only eat healthy food, and I only want healthy love!\" The couple announced the end of their relationship in June 2018. In an", "id": "2247152" }, { "contents": "Dawn (Wiesel novel)\n\n\nGad. Later in the night when the broadcast is finished, Ilana came to the house where John Dawson was being kept. The group of people at the house were sitting and talking about how they have escaped death and about Dawson’s execution. As the talking continued they decide that Dawson may be hungry. However, Elisha says he is not, asking how can a man be hungry when he knows he is about to die. Gad still takes a plate of food to Dawson and he ends up eating it all.", "id": "6838783" }, { "contents": "Jamie's Ministry of Food\n\n\nJamie's Ministry of Food is a four-part Jamie Oliver series that aired from 30 September to 21 October 2008. The series was based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Oliver aimed to make the town \"the culinary capital of the United Kingdom\" and tried to get the town's inhabitants to learn how to cook fresh food and establish healthy eating as part of daily life. The title of the show is a play on the Ministry of Food that existed during the Second World War to help people eat well despite food", "id": "21160156" }, { "contents": "Im Sang-ok\n\n\nBeijing, and it made Chinese vomit. So people didn't eat well considering there is a poison in it. Then one guy in Songdo found out how to make ginseng, from boiling baeksam. There were few affects making people sick, it was less likely to be rotten. It became popular, the profit was 10 times of baeksam when it is sold. Basically, there was a limit that can be brought to Qing when u take ginseng and silver, Hence, you could hide as much as you can,", "id": "11381298" }, { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nby saying, \"While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds.\" Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is", "id": "5961707" }, { "contents": "Glycemic load\n\n\nThe glycemic load (GL) of food is a number that estimates how much the food will raise a person's blood glucose level after eating it. One unit of glycemic load approximates the effect of consuming one gram of glucose. Glycemic load accounts for how much carbohydrate is in the food and how much each gram of carbohydrate in the food raises blood glucose levels. Glycemic load is based on the glycemic index (GI), and is calculated by multiplying the grams of available carbohydrate in the food by the food's glycemic", "id": "2341264" }, { "contents": "The Dead and the Gone\n\n\nKevin Daley- A 17-year-old boy who helps his friend Alex to get food and teaches him how to \"body shop\" (taking the valuable items off of the people who drop dead in the streets), and how to use those items to barter with the last guy in the city to give out food. Harvey- A man with whom Alex trades the items from body shopping for food. Carlos Morales-A 22-year-old that is the brother of Alex. He is/was in the Marines, and is", "id": "16087176" }, { "contents": "First Monday Trade Days\n\n\nvaluable items can still be found. This is becoming a bit harder than it used to be because of the advent of eBay and the general increase in knowledge of collectors and sellers. Just like the material items for sale, food is also abundant and varied. Quality is generally very good but most is on the unhealthy junk food side of the menu. This doesn't mean that one can't eat healthy. There are options available but everyone tends to go with the \"I only come once a year\" mentality.", "id": "17225102" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\ngoing vegetarian and that it may be beneficial for people with diabetes to go vegetarian, as this will cut down on saturated fats. A meta analysis done in 2013 that compared a variety of different diets' effects on health concluded that a plant based diet high in whole foods, and with limited processed foods can be beneficial for the treatment and prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. For people with diabetes, healthy eating is not simply a matter of \"\"what\" one eats\", but also \"when\" one eats.", "id": "17167857" }, { "contents": "Environmental health ethics\n\n\nof this regulation are not always clear. Health consequences of unsafe food, eating in overlarge quantities, are well documented yet in all societies there is no legislation against over-consumption. Ethical properties of utilitarianism and social justice conflict with humanity's freedom of choice in the determining of access to healthy, safe food. Air, water, and solid waste pollution are environmental health issues which can adversely affect people, plants, and animals. From an ethical standpoint many things about pollutants can be studied, like questions of disposal,", "id": "13097690" }, { "contents": "Weight loss coaching\n\n\na core set of practices. For a long time it has been recognised that attitude can have an impact upon the maintenance of a healthy weight. In 1978 Susie Orbach published her book “Fat is a Feminist Issue” one of the first texts to highlight the relationship between behavior, culture and weight gain. In her book Susie looks at how food becomes associated with love, comfort and nurture and how this can manifest in over eating behaviors. This was the start of an acceptance that the calories in = calories out equation", "id": "2486070" }, { "contents": "Line Gordon\n\n\nLine Gordon is director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. Line Gordon is also an associate professor at Stockholm University. Her work includes research on how food production and consumption can provide a healthy diet for all of the world's people while maintaining the functioning of Earth's vital systems. Her recent research interests are particularly interested in how people's desire for better food can promote sustainability, especially in the Nordic region. In recognition of her leadership on sustainable and healthy food she was ranked as one of the 100 most", "id": "10284106" }, { "contents": "France\n\n\n. Even if the French have the reputation of being one of the thinnest people in developed countries, France—like other rich countries—faces an increasing and recent epidemic of obesity, due mostly to the replacement in French eating habits of traditional healthy French cuisine by junk food. The French obesity rate is still far below that of the United States (the obesity rate in France is the same as the United States had in the 1970s), and is still the lowest of Europe. Authorities now regard obesity as one of", "id": "9799170" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food (season 1)\n\n\n, in association with the Travel Channel. The season contains 18 episodes and concluded airing on March 25, 2009. \"Man v. Food\" is hosted by actor and food enthusiast Adam Richman. In each episode, Richman explores the \"big food\" of a different American city before facing off against a pre-existing eating challenge at a local restaurant. Over the course of the first season, the final record wound up at 11 wins for \"Man\" and 7 wins for \"Food\". The first season of", "id": "2205829" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food (season 2)\n\n\nepisode aired. \"Man v. Food\" is hosted by actor and food enthusiast Adam Richman. In each episode, Richman explores the \"big food\" of a different American city before facing off against a pre-existing eating challenge at a local restaurant. Not counting the \"Live\" episode in Miami (which he won), the final second season tally was: 13 wins for \"Man\" and 7 wins for \"Food\". The second season was first rumored in March 2009 when the \"Anchorage Daily News", "id": "2206056" }, { "contents": "Toddler nutrition\n\n\ninfants usually start eating solid foods between 4 and 6 months of age, more and more solid foods are consumed by a growing toddler. If a food introduced one at a time, a potential allergen can be identified. Food provides the energy and nutrients that young children need to be healthy. Toddlers are learning to feed themselves and to eat new foods. They should eat a variety of foods from all the food groups. Each day, toddlers need enough nutrients, including The eating habits of toddlers differ from that of infants", "id": "15628355" }, { "contents": "Soul food health trends\n\n\nattention to healthy lifestyle. Although soul food are fast and easy to consume in the fast-paced life, where people suffer from healthy issues, modifying soul food within healthy trends become necessary. To better promote soul food within healthy trends, there are three ways for advocating. Since chronic diseases commonly happen on people all around the world, modifying soul food within healthy trends should be promoted not only among African Americas, but also people all over the world. Healthy eating along with regular physical activities, as two main lifestyle", "id": "10580745" }, { "contents": "Zambian cuisine\n\n\n\" with only one type of relish at a time. The stews made with meat and vegetables were cooked with salt and sometimes ground-nuts. Generally, the Bemba did not eat raw food. Overall, Bemba cooking was fairly plain in taste and only occasionally acidic or spicy. Beer was an imprortant part of social events for the Bemba people and beer was brewed often during harvest months. Like the Bemba, the Chewa people also eat a porridge, called \"nsima\", which is eaten with vegetables and used as", "id": "457644" }, { "contents": "School meal programs in the United States\n\n\n-school students in Michigan found that those who ate school lunches were significantly more likely to be obese than those who did not. Promoting healthy eating in schools may reduce adolescent obesity by as much as 25 percent. One such effort is the Berkeley Food System, which uses vegetable gardens to promote education on healthy eating. Janet Brown, who started the project, explained that students were more likely to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables when they were better introduced to them. In 2008, the Economic Research Service of", "id": "794371" }, { "contents": "Alive in the Killing Fields\n\n\n. While in the Jungle, Nawuth is forced to eat monkey, turtle snake and whatever animals he can kill. Nawuth later rejoins Van Lan, only to find nothing has changed for the better. There is less food and the murders have gotten worse. At this time Nawuth witnesses an old man's murder and realizes how truly evil the Khmer Rouge are. After some time back, food is too scarce to survive on. During that year, more people died from starvation than from bullets. Then one morning, Van", "id": "13817126" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food (season 3)\n\n\nThe third season of the food reality television series, \"Man v. Food\", premiered on the Travel Channel June 16, 2010, at 9PM Eastern time. On \"Man v. Food\", the host, actor and food enthusiast Adam Richman, visits a different city to sample the \"big food\" of its local eateries before taking on a pre-existing eating challenge at one of the local restaurants. The final third-season tally wound up at 12 wins for Man and 9 wins for Food (despite technically", "id": "17150147" }, { "contents": "Big Brother 3 (American season)\n\n\nCan Eat Anything Better Than You\" food competition. For this, HouseGuests split into two teams of four, and would face off with a member of the other team. They were given a specific amount of time to eat a certain food, and must wager how many bites they can take of the meal in the given time. If they were successful, they earned their team a point, and would give the other team a point if unsuccessful. Ultimately, Chiara, Roddy, Josh, and Danielle were on the", "id": "12200188" }, { "contents": "Dietary supplement\n\n\ndoes more good than harm for people who are healthy and eating a reasonable diet but there is clear data showing that dietary pattern and lifestyle choices are associated with health outcomes. As a result of the lack of good data for supplementation and the strong data for dietary pattern, public health recommendations for healthy eating urge people to eat a plant-based diet of whole foods, minimizing processed food, salt and sugar and to get exercise daily, and to abandon Western pattern diets and a sedentary lifestyle. The regulation of food and", "id": "14801944" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\nsuch as a sugary sports drink, followed by a long-acting carbohydrate (such as rye bread) to prevent risk of further hypoglycemia.) Others question the usefulness of the glycemic index and recommend high-GI foods like potatoes and rice. It has been claimed that oleic acid has a slight advantage over linoleic acid in reducing plasma glucose. People with type 1 diabetes who use insulin can eat whatever they want, preferably a healthy diet with some carbohydrate content; in the long term it is helpful to eat a consistent", "id": "17167852" }, { "contents": "Food choice of older adults\n\n\nElderly people can make different lifestyle choices in eating healthy. Dietary choices are often a result of personal beliefs and preferences. A survey based on self-reporting found that many rural community-dwelling elderly Iowans adopted eating habits that provided inadequate levels of some key nutrients and most did not take supplements to correct the deficiencies. In contrast, a restaurant study found that the impact of a lifestyle of health and sustainability on healthy food choices is much stronger for senior diners than for non-senior diners. Other research has found that", "id": "9900680" }, { "contents": "Man-eater\n\n\npeople by eating humans alive. Rat torture has been documented by Amnesty International. Crocodile attacks on people are common in places where crocodiles are native. The saltwater and Nile crocodiles are responsible for more attacks and more deaths than any other wild predator that attacks humans for food. Each year, hundreds of deadly attacks are attributed to the Nile crocodile within sub-Saharan Africa. Because many relatively healthy populations of Nile crocodiles occur in East Africa, their proximity to people living in poverty and/or without infrastructure has made it likely that the", "id": "10994559" }, { "contents": "Behold the Man (novel)\n\n\ntheir child Jesus is a profoundly intellectually disabled hunchback who incessantly repeats the only word he knows: \"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.\" Karl, however, is so deeply committed to the idea of a real, historical Jesus that, at this point, he himself begins to step into the role, gathering followers, repeating what parables he can recall, and using psychological tricks to simulate miracles. When there's no food, he shows the people how to pretend to eat to take their minds off their hunger; when", "id": "17759326" }, { "contents": "Thathai Bhatia Cuisine\n\n\nIgyas\" or the 11th day, a meal consisting mostly of simple food, fruits and nuts is taken. This gives a break from the routine food habit and is a healthy alternative. It takes the mind off eating and a person is able to devote more time to prayers and devotion. In contrast to days of fasting, there are days of feasting like Holi, Dassera, Diwali when special meals are prepared. One such day is the day after Diwali when 56 dishes are offered to God. This is called \"", "id": "2001948" }, { "contents": "Chinese food therapy\n\n\nChinese food therapy (, also called nutrition therapy and dietary therapy) is a mode of dieting rooted in Chinese beliefs concerning the effects of food on the human organism, and centered on concepts such as eating in moderation. Its basic precepts are a mix of folk views and concepts drawn from traditional Chinese medicine. Food therapy has long been a common approach to health among Chinese people both in China and overseas, and was popularized for western readers in the 1990s with the publication of books like \"The Tao of Healthy Eating\"", "id": "17994165" }, { "contents": "Junk food\n\n\nthose who have satisfied their appetite with junk food are less likely to eat healthy foods like fruit or vegetables. Testing on rats has indicated negative effects of junk food that may manifest likewise in people. A Scripps Research Institute study in 2008 suggested that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin. After many weeks with unlimited access to junk food, the pleasure centers of rat brains became desensitized, requiring more food for pleasure; after the junk food was taken away and replaced with", "id": "16953179" }, { "contents": "Food choice of older adults\n\n\neating difficulties due to oral health conditions are needed desperately because without being able to chew or take in food properly, their health is effected drastically and their food preferences are limited greatly (to soft or liquids only). Declines in physical health can cause deterioration in diet due to difficulties in preparing and eating food as a result of conditions like arthritis. At the 2010 \"Providing Healthy and Safe Foods As We Age\" conference sponsored by the Institute of Medicine, Dr. Katherine Tucker noted that the elderly are less active and have", "id": "9900675" }, { "contents": "Sawfin\n\n\nbeen mainly due to the introduced smallmouth bass (\"Micropterus dolomieu\"), which can kill off antire subpopulations by eating the juveniles. Clanwilliam yellowfish (\"Labeobarbus capensis\") might be regarded as a competitor for food, but this is apparently not significant. Other threats are water pollution and overuse, mainly due to agriculture. Overall however, its stocks are healthy wherever the smallmouth bass is absent, but this still restricts its range quite a lot. It is also listed as Endangered by the Nature Conservation Ordinance of Western", "id": "21264219" }, { "contents": "Self-control\n\n\n-control and healthiness of the food. After eating equal amounts of either clearly healthy (raisins and peanuts) or unhealthy (M&Ms and Skittles) snack foods, people who scored higher on trait self-control tests reported feeling significantly less desire to eat more of the unhealthy foods than they did the healthy foods. Those with low trait self-control satiated at the same pace regardless of health value. Further, when reading a description emphasizing the sweet flavor of their snack, participants with higher trait self-control reported a", "id": "7063352" }, { "contents": "Detroit Black Community Food Security Network\n\n\nFood Warriors Program at the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church. Children are provided with tools to develop their own sense of agency by learning how to plant, tend, and harvest a garden and how healthy eating is connected to the health of their overall community. The program also strives to de-stigmatize the connection many people have between agriculture and African Americans. What really sets the Food Warriors initiative apart is their seven principles of Nguzo Saba. This is a set of core values that signify the importance of strengthening the family,", "id": "20650003" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food\n\n\n\"if food is the new porn, this is an all-out orgy between wobbling gutsos and farmyard animals – a snuff orgy, no less, since the latter end up sawn in half and smothered in BBQ sauce.\" Alton Brown, host of the food science show \"Good Eats\", was also critical of the show, calling \"Man v. Food\" \"disgusting,\" stating: \"That show is about gluttony, and gluttony is wrong. It's wasteful. Think about people that are starving to", "id": "14507247" }, { "contents": "Food processing\n\n\nwhich is higher than the recommended limit of 2,300 milligrams per day for healthy people, and more than twice the limit of 1,500 milligrams per day for those at increased risk for heart disease. While you don't need to limit the sugars found naturally in whole, unprocessed foods like fresh fruit, eating too much added sugar found in many processed foods can increase your risk for heart disease, obesity, cavities and Type 2 diabetes. The American Heart Association recommends women limit added sugars to no more than 100 calories, or 25", "id": "19457672" }, { "contents": "MadGibbs\n\n\nthat just already knows what to do, and that's the kind of people I usually work with… I don't want to sit there like a babysitter.\" Gibbs also spoke about how the album was recorded over three years, saying: \"We two different guys, man. I was still in the streets when I first started that Madlib album. I was, then I wasn't. You can tell the progression on the record, though. You can tell the different places that I'm in, 'cause", "id": "7184503" }, { "contents": "Adam Richman\n\n\nOn January 23, 2011, Richman appeared on Food Network's \"Iron Chef America\" as a judge for a battle with Gruyère cheese as the theme ingredient. Richman hosted Travel Channel's \"The Traveler's Guide to Life\", which debuted on January 26, 2011, and \"Amazing Eats\", a spin-off of his popular series \"Man v. Food\" and \"Man v. Food Nation\", which premiered on January 11, 2012. Richman also hosted the TV series \"Adam Richman's Best Sandwich", "id": "8034763" }, { "contents": "List of nutrition guides\n\n\nthree categories are safer food, a healthy diet, and appropriate physical activity. In the healthy diet category, the five keys are: \"Give your baby only breast milk for the first 6 months of life,\" \"Eat a variety of food,\" \"Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit,\" \"Eat moderate amounts of fats and oil,\" and \"Eat less salt and sugar.\" Each key includes bullet points with further recommendations. The 3 Fives was originally developed for distribution at major sporting events like", "id": "15139657" }, { "contents": "Amazing Eats\n\n\nAmazing Eats is an American food reality television series that premiered on January 11, 2012 on the Travel Channel. The program is hosted by actor and food enthusiast Adam Richman. In each episode, Richman tracks down cuisines of the United States. Episodes air every Wednesday at 9pm EST in place of Richman's popular series \"Man v. Food\" during its mid-season break. The episodes consist primarily of footage from \"Man v. Food\" and \"Man v. Food Nation\" re-edited by theme instead of city", "id": "18801607" }, { "contents": "Camera eats first\n\n\n\"Camera eats first\" is the behavior and global phenomenon of people taking photos of their meals with digital or smartphone cameras before they eat, mostly followed by uploading the photos to the social media. The term refers to how people \"feed\" their cameras first by taking photos of their food before feeding themselves. It derives from professional food photography while the behavior of the \"Camera Eats First\" is generally for personal use such as keeping photographic food diaries instead of commercial purposes. It can also be referred as online food", "id": "8131772" }, { "contents": "Snipets\n\n\na green gruff man sitting in a chair eating candy, cakes, chips, and other things not considered good for you, and dismissing the advice people give to eat better foods. As he eats and rants, he visibly gets fatter and melts but stays in denial all the way to the end. -\"'Good For You' Foods\", another skit about eating right showing proper foods, like meat, fish, fruits, and veggies as anamorphic athletes, while other foods, like soda pop, candy, and other snacks", "id": "9372059" }, { "contents": "Canada's Food Guide\n\n\nthe Guide issued a warning to Canadians about the relationship of diet and heart disease, as the \"Report of the Committee on Diet and Cardiovascular Disease\" made its impact: In 1992, the name evolved to \"Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating\". The year 2007 saw for the first time a racially-tailored Guide: the \"Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people\" was born. For all other Canadians, the name evolved to \"Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide\". \"", "id": "3863655" }, { "contents": "Slows Bar BQ\n\n\nduring his 2009 \"Man v. Food\" visit to Slows, is the \"Triple Threat Pork\": a 1-pound sandwich stacking together applewood-smoked bacon, pulled pork, and grilled ham, on a poppy-seed bun. Actress Erin Cummings said of the menu \"you can’t go to Slow’s and eat healthy... you have to go to Slow’s ready to knock it back\". Adam Richman described the food at Slow's as \"a truly life-changing experience\", while trying the triple threat", "id": "5683697" }, { "contents": "Mallie's Sports Grill & Bar\n\n\nan additional $200. Mallie's was featured on \"Man v. Food\" during a Detroit area visit from Adam Richman, the host of the show; he and a team of 40 people attempted to eat a 190-pound \"Absolutely Ridiculous Burger\" within two hours, but only managed to eat 160 pounds when time ran out. This episode aired on November 4, 2009. An almost 250 pound \"Absolutely Ridiculous Burger\" was served to a football team during the Modern Marvels episode \"Supersized Food\" that originally aired on", "id": "8279588" }, { "contents": "Adam Richman\n\n\n2012; thus, \"Man v. Food Nation\" was his final season of \"Man v. Food\". During his time as a competitive eater, Richman gained a considerable amount of weight and became depressed. After retiring from competitive eating, he lost . Richman was a paid spokesman for Zantac during Season 3 of \"Man v. Food\". Richman is also the author of \"America the Edible: A Hungry History from Sea to Dining Sea\", which was released on November 9, 2010, by Rodale Publishing.", "id": "8034762" }, { "contents": "Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion\n\n\nof the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which provide evidence-based advice for people 2 years and older about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases. However, as a result of conflicts of interest, the Guidelines sometimes favor the interests of the food and drug industries over the public's interest in accurate and impartial dietary advice. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines were released on Jan. 7, 2016. The updated Guidelines recommend that Americans consume \"a healthy eating pattern at an appropriate calorie level", "id": "13094792" }, { "contents": "WW International\n\n\nfast weight loss, tied for No. 2 for easiest diet to follow, tied for No. 3 for diabetes diets, tied for No. 5 for healthy eating; and it was ranked No. 4 for diets overall. The study noted that participants can eat what they want, no food is off-limits, and the diet is flexible and personalizable. It also noted, \"Participation can be pricey, though often deemed a good value, depending on the program you choose.\" The overall summary stated:", "id": "17664632" }, { "contents": "Piñata (Freddie Gibbs and Madlib album)\n\n\npeople I usually work with… I don't want to sit there like a babysitter.\" Gibbs also spoke about how the album was recorded over three years, saying: \"We two different guys, man. I was still in the streets when I first started that Madlib album. I was, then I wasn't. You can tell the progression on the record, though. You can tell the different places that I'm in, 'cause I did it over the course of three years, coming up with the", "id": "8998885" }, { "contents": "Piotr Uklański\n\n\nto go to school.' So I worked in the studios, and I think the two collided. With people, like Guy Bourdin—at the time I did not know who Guy Bourdin was—you realize that you can work in the commercial world of photography and still make art. That's what I was aiming at. That's not exactly how I ended up supporting myself as an artist, but that was the interest that I took when it came to photography.\"One of his early works, \"The", "id": "8132629" }, { "contents": "Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective\n\n\nof the processing, the calorie level in those foods tends to spike. Monitoring the size and how many portions you are consuming each day of the processed foods tends to help reduce the risk of cancer. Foods that are typically low in calorie density tend to contain higher amounts of healthy fiber and water content. Plant Foods: Eat mostly foods of plant origin Animal Foods: Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meat. According to the Report in reducing cancer risks, people should not consume more than 18 ounces or 500", "id": "4899992" }, { "contents": "Kathy Brodsky\n\n\nHe's a pig who knows how to be fit and eat healthy foods.\" Her sixth children's book, \"Stover,\" is based on a pig featured in \"The Winner Is...\". The story focuses on Stover's healthy lifestyle, which consists of healthy eating and working out. The book won a \"Preferred Choice Award\" from \"Creative Child Magazine\" in the Health and Fitness Storybook category, and the Children's Book Council spotlighted the book in its \"On the Move\" showcase, which", "id": "21448262" }, { "contents": "The Food Chain\n\n\nThe Food Chain is a London, United Kingdom-based charity who provide nutritional support services for people living with HIV in London. Formed on Christmas Day 1988, its stated aim is \"to ensure people living with HIV in London can access the nutrition they need to get well, stay well and lead healthy, independent lives.\". Using a large network of volunteers The Food Chain deliver meals and groceries, offers cookery and nutrition classes and communal eating opportunities to people living with HIV in London and their dependents. These", "id": "3178330" }, { "contents": "In Defense of Food\n\n\nhis previous book, \"The Omnivore's Dilemma\". In the book, Pollan explores the relationship between nutritionism and the Western diet, postulating that the answer to healthy eating is simply to \"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.\" Pollan argues that nutritionism as an ideology has overcomplicated and harmed American eating habits. He says that rather than focusing on eating nutrients, people should focus on eating the sort of food that their ancestors would recognize, implying that much of what Americans eat today isn't real food", "id": "18572762" }, { "contents": "Action for Happiness\n\n\nhow we feel in general, rather than the short-term ups and downs.\"\" AfH supports people to understand that everybody has an inner world and mental health, and that everybody can choose to take action to look after their mental health, in good times as well as bad times. Just like choosing to look after our physical health by exercising and eating good food, you can look after your mind by developing skills to be happy. AfH promotes 10 Keys to Happier Living which were created by Action for Happiness", "id": "3817207" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nnon-profit organization Just Food defines food justice as \"communities exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat healthy food.\" As a potential remedy for obesity, food justice advocates are in favor of providing affordable, quality food through community supported agriculture and the slow food movement. Proponents of the food justice discourse seek to empower historically disadvantaged communities and groups by advocating equal access to healthy food for all people. Some critics of this discourse commend the movement for making healthy food more accessible but are critical of the fact", "id": "20729430" }, { "contents": "Women's Health (magazine)\n\n\n, organic foods, recipes, ways to boost energy and more. \"Weight Loss\" looks at a wide variety of topics that focus on anything from food to work-outs to sleep, in relation to losing weight. The \"Eat This!\" section, which teaches readers ways to substitute their current meals for healthy alternatives, is based on Rodale Inc.’s \"Eat This, Not That\" book series. This topic looks at the ingredients and nutritional values, so consumers can make healthy eating choices while. The", "id": "19535789" }, { "contents": "Lifestyle (sociology)\n\n\na healthy lifestyle, this child will be 27% more likely to become healthy and adopt the same lifestyle. For instance, high income parents are more likely to eat organic food, have time to exercise, and provide the best living condition to their children. On the other hand, low income parents are more likely to participate in unhealthy activities such as smoking to help them release poverty-related stress and depression. Parents are the first teacher for every child. Everything that parents do will be very likely transferred to their", "id": "17216955" }, { "contents": "Emetophobia\n\n\npregnancy altogether because of the morning sickness associated with the first trimester, and if they did become pregnant, it made pregnancy difficult. Other inhibitions on daily life can be seen in meal preparation. Many emetophobic people also have specific \"rituals\" for the food they eat and how they prepare it. They frequently check the freshness of the food along with washing it several times in order to prevent any potential sicknesses that they could contract from foods not handled properly. Eating out is also avoided, if possible, and when asked", "id": "7582315" }, { "contents": "Aggie Jones\n\n\nliving a healthy lifestyle, she did not take too well to all of the guidelines that came with becoming a surrogate for instance the healthy eating that is involved and opted to eat junk food. When Bridget called to make sure that she had been eating healthy Aggie lied and said that she was while eating a candy bar. Aggie took a liking to Bridget but pulled away from Nick, seemingly uncomfortable around men. On November 17, she was implanted with Nick and Bridget's embryo and clung excitedly to Bridget during the procedure", "id": "17708828" }, { "contents": "Social class differences in food consumption\n\n\nwhole foods while avoiding food without added fats and sugars, and processed foods. Customary forms of eating for royal upper classes include full course dinners often depicted in films; however, not everyone always eats expensive, healthy, privately catered meals like Queen Elizabeth II of England and Kim Jong il of North Korea; Warren Buffett, the third wealthiest person has history of regularly eating fast food and soda. \"Although foods like truffles and caviar have traditionally been delicacies of the upper class, free-range and fair-trade foods", "id": "9418463" }, { "contents": "Snacking\n\n\nrelationship between eating behavior and being overweight and how they relate to watching television. The first theory centers on external eating declaring that some people are more sensitive to food cues than others. Food cues found on television include food advertisements. Certain people can be influenced by these cues regardless of their state of hunger and satiety. The second theory is the restraint theory, which states, “Dieting can lead to overeating”. Weight-related advertisements and images of a stereotypical attractive female on television can generate negative feelings toward the body", "id": "14101711" }, { "contents": "Tyson Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo\n\n\nmore than forty hours per week would be able to recover. But Tyson Foods did not keep records of the time that each employee spent putting on and taking off their protective gear. The employees, therefore, relied on employee statements, videos of people putting on and taking off protective gear, and a research study. The study had people put on and take off gear, and averaged how long it took, which was considered “representative evidence.” Tyson Foods asked the judge to bifurcate proceedings so that the jury would", "id": "11597058" }, { "contents": "Luzhu huoshao\n\n\nof \"palace food\". Nowadays, eating luzhu huoshao is more like a custom that Beijing people feels attached with. Not everyone would accept the strong odor, but people who likes it certainly feels attached to it and the traditional Beijing culture. Therefore, you can still find many restaurants that sells luzhu huoshao in Beijing, or even overseas. There are certain characteristics that are expected from a well made luzhu huoshao, which also make it a unique Beijing street food. Similar to baodu, the meat in a well made", "id": "13101228" }, { "contents": "Pirates of the Great Salt Lake\n\n\ngood acting before giving them drinks and food. Kirk becomes irritated when the woman isn't intimidated by their pirate ways and walks off in exasperation. Flint explains how Captain Kirk can't eat any thing he doesn't steal, because \"it's the pirate's way\". While the old man complains how he hates Star Trek, the woman revokes her offer with a wink before handing Flint the food and watching him run off to tell Kirk how he stole the food while her back was turned. Kirk then complains about", "id": "10358988" }, { "contents": "Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics\n\n\nfrom registered dietitians. Kids Eat Right also has scientifically-based health information centered around the theme \"Shop-Cook-Eat\" which has information about how to shop for healthy foods, how to cook foods with the most nutrient value, and gives the benefits of eating together at home and away from home. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has been criticized for its connections to the pharmaceutical industry, including an inquiry from Senator Chuck Grassley. In 1982, the organization faced mass resignations from members over a decision to support", "id": "21697703" }, { "contents": "Dole Nutrition Institute\n\n\nInternet Advertising - Best Food Industry On-line Newsletter Award. The Corporate Wellness Toolkit teaches businesses how to promote healthy eating and exercise. The kit includes signage, newsletters, videos, and instructional materials which encourage businesses to provide weight loss seminars, trainers, and healthier foods for their employees. The School Salad Days program was designed to encourage healthy eating habits and promote daily fruit and vegetable consumption in California public schools. The pilot program was launched in 2006 with the donation of fifty full-service portable salad bars to public", "id": "9058463" }, { "contents": "Garden-based learning\n\n\nlearning. Students can then learn about the nutritional values of food and multiple ways to prepare their own products in healthy ways to further progress their awareness of health issues. These two examples of physical acts of learning are what motivate healthier eating choices in and outside of the school setting. Teachers also regarded the garden to be very effective at enhancing academic performance, physical activity, language arts, and healthy eating habits. Garden-based learning attempts to combat obesity by introducing students to healthy foods and providing opportunities to for outside experiential", "id": "18776506" }, { "contents": "Untouchable (novel)\n\n\nbrother, is still out collecting food. Bakha tells his father that a high-caste man slapped him in the streets. Sensing his son's anger, Lakha tells him a story about the kindness of a high-caste doctor that once saved Bakha's life. Bakha is deeply moved by the story but remains upset. Soon after story time, Rakha comes back with food. A ravenous Bakha starts to eat but then is disgusted by the idea of eating the leavings of the high-caste people. He jumps up", "id": "7778646" }, { "contents": "Healthy diet\n\n\n, gluten ataxia, dermatitis herpetiformis, and wheat allergy. In these people, the gluten-free diet is the only available treatment. There may be a relationship between lifestyle including food consumption and lowering the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. A diet high in fruit and vegetables appears to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and death, but not cancer. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise can maintain body weight within the normal range and prevent obesity in most people, and thus prevent the chronic diseases and poor", "id": "18725862" }, { "contents": "The Cat Who...\n\n\nKoko became lonely and this led to Qwill to get Yum Yum. Of course, because Koko eats food like salmon and crab, Yum Yum had the privilege of eating this food as well. Qwilleran always feeds them such meals throughout the series. Koko's most notable characteristic is his sixth sense. On the surface, his actions are not that extraordinary; they are things that any energetic and healthy cat might do from time to time. He might dig up small pieces of evidence, for instance, or point something out", "id": "16288931" }, { "contents": "The Gingerbread Man\n\n\ntoo many people. A similar Russian tale is called \"The Clay Guy\" (). In it, an old childless couple make themselves a clay child, who first eats all their food, then them, then a number of people, until he meets a goat who offers to jump right into his mouth, but instead uses the opportunity to ram the clay guy, shattering him and freeing everyone. The Czech folk tale Otesánek (and the 2000 movie with the same name) follows a similar plot. Joseph Jacobs", "id": "21899183" }, { "contents": "Mike Huckabee 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\nis still alive and there's hope and optimism that can be awakened in a lot of people's lives if they think that a person like me can run and actually become president.\"James Carville, Clinton's former political consultant, said the following about Huckabee: \"He likes people, he knows how to relate to people. He can talk the talk. I'm impressed with this guy's political skills.\" On \"Meet the Press\", Huckabee said \"I think you've got to be very careful.", "id": "7252488" }, { "contents": "Star-nosed mole\n\n\nindividual piece of food and maximizes the time available for finding more. Further, the proximity of the star-shaped nose to the mouth greatly reduces the handling time required before food can be ingested and is a major factor in how the star-nosed mole can find and eat food so quickly. The study of highly specialized systems often allows better insight into more generalized ones. The mole's striking, star-like structure may reflect a general trend in its \"less remarkable\" relatives, including humans. Little is known", "id": "19900523" }, { "contents": "Man v. Food (season 2)\n\n\n\" said that people from the show had contacted the owners of the Pepper Mill, home to \"Fat Andy's Pizza Challenge\". This challenge, still unmet after two years and 50 attempts, requires two people to eat a 12-pound (5.4 kg) two-meat, two-cheese pizza in one hour or less. A successful challenger would win $500 in cash and have their photo posted on \"Fat Andy's Wall of Pain\". The challenge pizza, the equivalent of four standard large pizzas, costs", "id": "2206057" } ]
Why does sweat from our armpits smell significantly worse than sweat from other parts of our body?
[{"answer": "The human body has 2 types of sweat glands. The first type is called an eccrine sweat gland. These are located all over the body and produce mostly watery sweat. The other kind is called apocrine sweat glands. Apocrine sweat glands are found in the armpits and groin areas. Apocrine glands make sweat that has more protein and other nutrients than sweat from eccrine sweat glands. All the proteins and nutrients from apocrine sweat are good food for bacteria. The bacteria are responsible for the odors you smell. ~~Anyone who has an old, white, undershirt can see this. Armpits turn yellow because of all the proteins and other nutrients that is in the sweat in there.~~ Edit: So I guess yellow sweat stains are actually from compounds in the deodorant itself and is unrelated to the sweat. Learn something new every day. Thanks for pointing that out."}, {"answer": "There's bacteria in your armpits that digests minerals in your sweat and produces volatile (smelly) compounds as a waste product. This is deliberate - your body produces and secretes some of those chemicals on purpose, to feed those bacteria. Those chemicals aren't present before puberty, mostly, which is why children don't smell bad, but teens smell *awful*. Exactly why that happens, no one is entirely sure. But it's probably something to do with attracting a mate. The strong scent would indicate that the person has extra resources to waste on feeding unnecessary bacteria. EDIT: A few people have asked why BO smells bad if it's supposed to attract a mate. Well, it smells bad *now*, we have germ theory and hygiene. Our fitness is demonstrated by our cleanliness now. Technology and culture has changed faster than evolution. Assuming that BO *was* used to attract mates, which is speculation anyway (not mine, but speculation of scientists)."}, {"answer": "I feel like this is important and hope it doesn't get removed bc it's not a direct answer to the question...but it's important to know the difference between the two types of sweat glands we have. Others have already posted that our armpit and groin sweat glands are different than the rest on our body. Anyways here's what I wanna say. For years I thought I was getting ingrown hairs on my bikini like from waxing/shaving. It was incessant and very painful. Several times I had to go to the doctor and get antibiotic shots. I stopped shaving/waxing and was STILL getting the \"ingrown hairs\" so I went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with Hidradentitis Suppurativa. It's a condition that causes apocrine glands to clog and become infected. I wanted to post this bc many women may be suffering from this condition but think they're just getting ingrown hairs or shaving bumps. There's no cure but treatment is easy and can drastically reduce the number of infections and their severity. If you think this might be you, go see a doctor because relief is possible! URL_0 EDIT: spelling error"}, {"answer": "So many years ago I was an anthropology major. The amount of apocrine glands in certain areas (armpits, genitals) varies in races. Interesting stuff"}, {"answer": "It isn't the sweat itself that smells, but the bacteria that feeds on it, and the armpit is an ideal place for these little critters to live"}, {"answer": "Hey I get to put my undergrad anatomy study to work! We actually have two types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine are found all over the body and typically have the odorless sweat you're talking about. Apocrine glands are found in the same parts of the body as hair follicles I.e. pubic areas and armpits, in which the sweat passes through the hair follicle before releasing the sweat. Apocrine glands also produce milky fluid that produces odor when bacteria come into contact with it. Incidentally these glands tend to develop body odor around the same time you grow hair in your armpits and groin, that is puberty, hence why most lessons about \"bodily changes\" during puberty include body odor."}, {"answer": "Though the difference between eccrine and apocrine sweat glands has been thoroughly explained, there's a little more to the \"why\" part of the question. Before mammals had developed nipples and dedicated mammary glands to provide milk, some mammals just secreted milky sweat that was enriched with fats and protein from certain patches of skin, in order to feed their young. The echidna is one of the few animals that still does this. Though the thought of nursing your children on underarm or groin sweat is disgusting, the apocrine glands are still producing an \"enriched sweat\" that may have originally been used for that very purpose."}, {"answer": "Follow-up question: what's the purpose of having different types of sweat glands, and specifically having sweat glands that feed bacteria which produce an odour?"}, {"answer": "Simple answer: Bacteria. Here's an article I googled: URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "509632", "title": "Thirst", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Thirst is the craving for potable fluids, resulting in the basic instinct of animals to drink. It is an essential mechanism involved in fluid balance. It arises from a lack of fluids or an increase in the concentration of certain osmolites, such as salt. If the water volume of the body falls below a certain threshold or the osmolite concentration becomes too high, the brain signals thirst.", "Thirst is the craving for potable fluids, resulting in the basic instinct of animals to drink. It is an essential mechanism involved in fluid balance. It arises from a lack of fluids or an increase in the concentration of certain osmolites, such as salt. If the water volume of the body falls below a certain threshold or the osmolite concentration becomes too high, the brain signals thirst."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1381306", "title": "Sweat gland", "section": "Section::::Sweat.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 35, "end_paragraph_id": 35, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Sweat glands are used to regulate temperature and remove waste by secreting water, sodium salts, and nitrogenous waste (such as urea) onto the skin surface. The main electrolytes of sweat are sodium and chloride, though the amount is small enough to make sweat hypotonic at the skin surface. Eccrine sweat is clear, odorless, and is composed of 9899% water; it also contains NaCl, fatty acids, lactic acid, citric acid, ascorbic acid, urea, and uric acid. Its pH ranges from 4 to 6.8. On the other hand, the apocrine sweat has a pH of 6 to 7.5; it contains water, proteins, carbohydrate waste material, lipids, and steroids. The sweat is oily, cloudy, viscous, and originally odorless; it gains odor upon decomposition by bacteria. Because both apocrine glands and sebaceous glands open into the hair follicle, apocrine sweat is mixed with sebum. Both apocrine and eccrine sweat glands used merocrine secretion, where vesicles in the gland released sweat via exocytosis, leaving the entire cell intact. It was originally thought that", "Sweat glands are used to regulate temperature and remove waste by secreting water, sodium salts, and nitrogenous waste (such as urea) onto the skin surface. The main electrolytes of sweat are sodium and chloride, though the amount is small enough to make sweat hypotonic at the skin surface. Eccrine sweat is clear, odorless, and is composed of 9899% water; it also contains NaCl, fatty acids, lactic acid, citric acid, ascorbic acid, urea, and uric acid. Its pH ranges from 4 to 6.8. On the other hand, the apocrine sweat has a pH of 6 to 7.5; it contains water, proteins, carbohydrate waste material, lipids, and steroids. The sweat is oily, cloudy, viscous, and originally odorless; it gains odor upon decomposition by bacteria. Because both apocrine glands and sebaceous glands open into the hair follicle, apocrine sweat is mixed with sebum. Both apocrine and eccrine sweat glands used merocrine secretion, where vesicles in the gland released sweat via exocytosis, leaving the entire cell intact. It was originally thought that"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "48798515", "title": "Thermoregulation in humans", "section": "Section::::In hot and humid conditions.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 10, "end_paragraph_id": 10, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In general, humans appear physiologically well adapted to hot dry conditions. However, effective thermoregulation is reduced in hot, humid environments such as the Red Sea and Persian Gulf (where moderately hot summer temperatures are accompanied by unusually high vapor pressures), tropical environments, and deep mines where the atmosphere can be water-saturated. In hot-humid conditions, clothing can impede efficient evaporation. In such environments, it helps to wear light clothing such as cotton, that is pervious to sweat but impervious to radiant heat from the sun. This minimizes the gaining of radiant heat, while allowing as much evaporation to occur as the environment will allow. Clothing such as plastic fabrics that are impermeable to sweat and thus do not facilitate heat loss through evaporation can actually contribute to heat stress. Adjusting the human body temperature downward has been used therapeutically, in particular, as a method of stabilizing a", "In general, humans appear physiologically well adapted to hot dry conditions. However, effective thermoregulation is reduced in hot, humid environments such as the Red Sea and Persian Gulf (where moderately hot summer temperatures are accompanied by unusually high vapor pressures), tropical environments, and deep mines where the atmosphere can be water-saturated. In hot-humid conditions, clothing can impede efficient evaporation. In such environments, it helps to wear light clothing such as cotton, that is pervious to sweat but impervious to radiant heat from the sun. This minimizes the gaining of radiant heat, while allowing as much evaporation to occur as the environment will allow. Clothing such as plastic fabrics that are impermeable to sweat and thus do not facilitate heat loss through evaporation can actually contribute to heat stress. Adjusting the human body temperature downward has been used therapeutically, in particular, as a method of stabilizing a"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nexpel heat. As a result, humans evolved the ability to sweat: a process which was facilitated by the loss of body hair. A major problem with this theory, however, is that it does not explain why males are larger, hairier, and were more active in hunting than females. The female-male size differential among other closely associated primates is much greater than among humans, and therefore it was reduced during human evolution. Other primates have sweat gland in their armpits that function as those of humans, and", "id": "14493785" }, { "contents": "Body odor\n\n\narmpits of men whereas greater population numbers of \"Staphylococcus haemolyticus\" are found in the armpits of women. This causes male armpits to give off of a rancid/cheese-like smell whereas female armpits give off a more fruity/onion-like smell. \"Staphylococcus hominis\" is also known for producing thioalcohol compounds that contribute to odors. These smaller molecules smell, and give body odor its characteristic aroma. Propionic acid (propanoic acid) is present in many sweat samples. This acid is a breakdown product of some amino", "id": "20827097" }, { "contents": "Deodorant\n\n\nA deodorant is a substance applied to the body to prevent or mask (hide) body odor due to bacterial breakdown of perspiration in the armpits, groin, and feet, and in some cases vaginal secretions. A subclass of deodorants, called antiperspirants, prevents sweating itself, typically by blocking sweat glands. Antiperspirants are used on a wider range of body parts, at any place where sweat would be inconvenient or unsafe, since unwanted sweating can interfere with comfort, vision, and grip (due to slipping). Other types", "id": "14007135" }, { "contents": "Foot odor\n\n\nis foot sweat (also see focal hyperhidrosis). Sweat itself is odorless; however, it creates a beneficial environment for certain bacteria to grow, producing odorous substances. These bacteria are naturally present on our skin as part of the human flora. The front part of the foot produces the most sweat. The smell is exacerbated by factors that increase sweating, such as wearing closed-toe shoes. Sports footwear such as sneakers is often heavily padded inside which provides a perfect environment to trap moisture and allow the bacteria to thrive", "id": "20945080" }, { "contents": "Sissel Tolaas\n\n\npipeline. The Re_Search Lab continues to support interdisciplinary projects and research involving smell, odor, and fragrance. It establishes communication among experts in different fields dealing with olfaction Her project \"SWEAT FEAR | FEAR SWEAT\" from 2005 examines the body odors of twenty men, all of whom have a severe phobia of other bodies. Their smells were collected and chemically reproduced. The simulated sweat molecules were painted onto the gallery walls using a micro-encapsulation process, where they became activated by touch. From her artist's statement about the", "id": "8253382" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nsurface. As high energy molecules evaporate from the skin, releasing energy absorbed from the body, the skin and superficial vessels decrease in temperature. Cooled venous blood then returns to the body's core and counteracts rising core temperatures. There are two situations in which the nerves will stimulate the sweat glands, causing perspiration: during physical heat and during emotional stress. In general, emotionally induced sweating is restricted to palms, soles, armpits, and sometimes the forehead, while physical heat-induced sweating occurs throughout the body. People", "id": "1279486" }, { "contents": "Hyperhidrosis\n\n\neither be \"generalized\", or \"localized\" to specific parts of the body. Hands, feet, armpits, groin, and the facial area are among the most active regions of perspiration due to the high number of sweat glands (eccrine glands in particular) in these areas. When excessive sweating is localized (e.g. palms, soles, face, underarms, scalp) it is referred to as \"primary\" hyperhidrosis or focal hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating involving the whole body is termed \"generalized\" hyperhidrosis or secondary hyperhidrosis", "id": "14359486" }, { "contents": "Apocrine sweat gland\n\n\nAn apocrine sweat gland (; from Greek \"apo–\" \"away\" and \"krinein\" \"to separate\") is composed of a coiled secretory portion located at the junction of the dermis and subcutaneous fat, from which a straight portion inserts and secretes into the infundibular portion of the hair follicle. In humans, apocrine sweat glands are found only in certain locations of the body: the axillae (armpits), areola and nipples of the breast, ear canal, eyelids, wings of the nostril, perianal region,", "id": "15590201" }, { "contents": "Camel\n\n\ncritical for animals; to assist this, camels have a rete mirabile, a complex of arteries and veins lying very close to each other which utilizes countercurrent blood flow to cool blood flowing to the brain. Camels rarely sweat, even when ambient temperatures reach . Any sweat that does occur evaporates at the skin level rather than at the surface of their coat; the heat of vaporization therefore comes from body heat rather than ambient heat. Camels can withstand losing 25% of their body weight to sweating, whereas most other mammals can", "id": "6659243" }, { "contents": "Hyperhidrosis\n\n\nas securely grasping objects. Some focal hyperhidrosis sufferers avoid situations where they will come into physical contact with others, such as greeting a person with a handshake. Hiding embarrassing sweat spots under the armpits limits the sufferers' arm movements and pose. In severe cases, shirts must be changed several times during the day and require additional showers both to remove sweat and control body odor issues or microbial problems such as acne, dandruff, or athlete's foot. Additionally, anxiety caused by self-consciousness to the sweating may aggravate the", "id": "14359504" }, { "contents": "Sweat gland\n\n\nare larger than eccrine glands, but smaller than apocrine glands. Their secretory portion has a narrow portion similar to secretory coils in eccrine glands as well as a wide section reminiscent of apocrine glands. Apoeccrine, found in the armpits and perianal region, have ducts opening onto the skin surface. They are presumed to have developed in puberty from the eccrine glands, and can comprise up to 50% of all axillary glands. Apoeccrine glands secrete more sweat than both eccrine and apocrine glands, thus playing a large role in axillary sweating", "id": "19633867" }, { "contents": "Sweat gland\n\n\nsalty taste. The total volume of sweat produced depends on the number of functional glands and the size of the surface opening. The degree of secretory activity is regulated by neural and hormonal mechanisms (men sweat more than women). When all of the eccrine sweat glands are working at maximum capacity, the rate of perspiration for a human being may exceed three liters per hour, and dangerous losses of fluids and electrolytes can occur. Eccrine glands have three primary functions: Apocrine sweat glands are found in the armpit, areola (", "id": "19633864" }, { "contents": "Frey's syndrome\n\n\nnormal salivatory response. It is often seen with patients who have undergone endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, a surgical procedure wherein part of the sympathetic trunk is cut or clamped to treat sweating of the hands or blushing. The subsequent regeneration or nerve sprouting leads to abnormal sweating and salivating. It can also include discharge from the nose when smelling certain food. Rarely, Frey's syndrome can result from causes other than surgery, including accidental trauma, local infections, sympathetic dysfunction and pathologic lesions within the parotid gland. An example of such,", "id": "12846226" }, { "contents": "Amulya Malladi\n\n\nwould be such a waste if I wouldn’t write about the places I have lived in.\" She said that writing this book was like taking a trip to Hyderabad. A review from the Santa Monica Mirror said: Amulya Malladi lays India out like a living picture before her readers. The smells curl out through the spine of the book, the tastes leave our throats burning with an unknown spice. The heat causes sweat to run down our backs, the curious sounds block the more familiar ones of cars and traffic from", "id": "21114942" }, { "contents": "Body odour and sexual attraction\n\n\nyellow/brown structure about one inch square located in our upper nasal cavity in our nose. The olfactory membrane is used as a tool to smell others body odor and pheromones. The olfactory membrane is made up of olfactory receptors and glands. Olfactory membranes play a huge role in why we are attracted to someone biologically rather than physically, this relates directly to our sense of smell and not their physical appearance. Olfactory communication is common in all animals and in recent studies have shown that humans have this communication trait as well.", "id": "11370728" }, { "contents": "Apocrine sweat gland\n\n\nand eventually smelly) compound that acts as a pheromone, territorial marker, and warning signal. Being sensitive to adrenaline, apocrine sweat glands are involved in emotional sweating in humans (induced by anxiety, stress, fear, sexual stimulation, and pain). In a five-month-old human fetus, apocrine glands are distributed all over the body; after a few weeks, they exist in only restricted areas, including the armpits and external genitalia. They are inactive until stimulated by hormonal changes in puberty. The apocrine", "id": "15590205" }, { "contents": "Mosquito\n\n\nat which point their disease vectoring activity becomes operative. Female mosquitoes hunt their blood host by detecting organic substances such as carbon dioxide (CO) and 1-octen-3-ol (\"mushroom alcohol\", found in exhaled breath) produced from the host, and through visual recognition. Mosquitoes prefer some people over others. The preferred victim's sweat smells more attractive than others' because of the proportions of the carbon dioxide, octenol, and other compounds that make up body odor. The most powerful semiochemical that triggers the keen sense of smell of", "id": "17056898" }, { "contents": "Compensatory hyperhidrosis\n\n\nthe sympathetic chain interruption, body temperature is significantly lower, creating a stark contrast that can be observed on thermal images. The difference in temperatures between the sympathetically under- and overactive regions can be as high as 10 Celsius. The term 'compensatory' is largely misleading, as it indicates that there is a compensatory mechanism that takes effect after sympathectomy, in which the body 'redirects' the sweating from the palms or face to other areas of the body. Sweating after sympathetic surgery is a reflex cycle between the sympathetic system and", "id": "8726107" }, { "contents": "Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia\n\n\nHypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is one of about 150 types of ectodermal dysplasia in humans. Before birth, these disorders result in the abnormal development of structures including the skin, hair, nails, teeth, and sweat glands. Most people with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia have a reduced ability to sweat (hypohidrosis) because they have fewer sweat glands than normal or their sweat glands do not function properly. Sweating is a major way that the body controls its temperature; as sweat evaporates from the skin, it cools the body. An inability to", "id": "21418804" }, { "contents": "Exercise physiology\n\n\n. This allows them to escape from animals that quickly speed after them for a short duration (the way nearly all predators catch their prey). Humans, unlike other animals that catch prey, remove heat with a specialized thermoregulation based on sweat evaporation. One gram of sweat can remove 2,598 J of heat energy. Another mechanism is increased skin blood flow during exercise that allows for greater convective heat loss that is aided by our upright posture. This skin based cooling has resulted in humans acquiring an increased number of sweat glands,", "id": "13979531" }, { "contents": "Ichthyosis vulgaris\n\n\nno symptoms other than faint, tell-tale \"mosaic lines\" between the Achilles tendons and the calf muscles. Severe cases, although rare, do exist. Severe cases entail the buildup of scales everywhere, with areas of the body that have a concentration of sweat glands being least affected. Areas where the skin rubs against each other, such as the armpits, the groin, and the \"folded\" areas of the elbow and knees, are less affected. When the buildup of scales is bad, the person with", "id": "21908257" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nthus it is probable that human sweat glands evolved from a similar distribution, spreading to more areas of the body, rather than occurring through evolution of a new trait. It is not known whether the increased distribution of sweat glands occurred before, during, or after, the change in body hair, or even whether the two are related developments. Horses also sweat, and they are larger, hairier, and expend more energy running than human males, so there may not be any connection between the ability to sweat and the", "id": "14493786" }, { "contents": "Sweat gland\n\n\nthe lips, ear canal, prepuce, glans penis, labia minora, and clitoris. They are ten times smaller than apocrine sweat glands, do not extend as deeply into the dermis, and excrete directly onto the surface of the skin. The proportion of eccrine glands decreases with age. The clear secretion produced by eccrine sweat glands is termed sweat or \"sensible perspiration\". Sweat is mostly water, but it does contain some electrolytes, since it is derived from blood plasma. The presence of sodium chloride gives sweat a", "id": "19633863" }, { "contents": "César Calvo de Araujo\n\n\nnative land swamps do not have any secrets for him, as well as the study of the natives type and the colorful scenes from the riverbanks with their canoes loaded of woodland fruits and their oarsmen shining sweat from the tropical sun. The art of Cesar Calvo belongs to the narrative and figurative realism. He seizes his scenes directly from the jungle or port life in Iquitos and other places of our tropics but when he does it he does not allow himself drag by the excesses of picturesque details and his painting is rather of damp", "id": "18639220" }, { "contents": "Fu Yang Festival\n\n\nkind of hot food which may make people sweat when they are eating——that’s why in most parts of China people choose to eat mutton in cold winter day rather than in summer. However, in Xuzhou, people act in a diametrically opposite way, they enjoy being bathed in sweat as well as tasting the delicious dishes made from mutton under the burning hot sun. However, little is known that eating mutton cooked with pepper, chili, cumin or other hot condiments during summer days is of great benefit to people’s", "id": "2738850" }, { "contents": "Deodorant\n\n\nin the armpits and groin, which produce a more oily \"heavy\" sweat containing a proportion of waste proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates, that can be metabolized by bacteria to produce compounds that cause body odor. In addition the vagina produces secretions which are not a form of sweat but may be undesired and also masked with deodorants. Human perspiration of all types is largely odorless until its organic components are fermented by bacteria that thrive in hot, humid environments. The human underarm is among the most consistently warm areas on the", "id": "14007138" }, { "contents": "Apocrine sweat gland\n\n\n\"axillary organs\", limited regions with equal numbers of apocrine and eccrine sweat glands, only exist in humans, gorillas, and chimpanzees. In humans, the apocrine glands in this region are the most developed (with the most complex glomeruli). Men have more apocrine sweat glands than women in all axillary regions. East Asians who have nearly complete loss of typical body odor, when compared to people of African and European descent, have significantly less of the characteristic axillary odorants and variants in the ABCC11 gene, which is", "id": "15590209" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nbeen found to suppress the allergic response along with showering. In some people, the body's mechanism for cooling itself is overactive—so overactive that they may sweat four or five times more than is typical. Millions of people are affected by this condition, but more than half never receive treatment due to embarrassment or lack of awareness. While it most commonly affects the armpits, feet, and hands, it is possible for someone to experience this condition over their whole body. The face is another common area for hyperhidrosis to", "id": "1279481" }, { "contents": "Sweat gland\n\n\non the skin (via osmosis) to increase evaporative cooling. Secretion of sweat occurs when the myoepithelial cell cells surrounding the secretory glands contract. Eccrine sweat increases the rate of bacterial growth and volatilizes the odor compounds of apocrine sweat, strengthening the latter's acrid smell. Normally, only a certain number of sweat glands are actively producing sweat. When stimuli call for more sweating, more sweat glands are activated, with each then producing more sweat. Both eccrine and apocrine sweat glands participate in thermal (thermoregulatory) sweating, which", "id": "19633872" }, { "contents": "Earwax\n\n\npeople have wet or dry earwax. The difference in cerumen type has been tracked to a single base change (a single nucleotide polymorphism) in a gene known as \"ATP-binding cassette C11 gene\", specifically rs17822931. Dry-type individuals are homozygous for adenine whereas wet-type requires at least one guanine. Wet-type earwax is associated with armpit odor, which is increased by sweat production. Researchers have conjectured that the reduction in sweat or body odor was beneficial to the ancestors of East Asians and Native Americans", "id": "1285167" }, { "contents": "Axilla\n\n\nThe axilla (also, armpit, underarm or oxter) is the area on the human body directly under the joint where the arm connects to the shoulder. It also provides the under-arm sweat gland. In humans, the formation of body odor happens mostly in the axillary region. These odorant substances serve as pheromones which play a role related to mating. The underarm regions seem more important than the genital region for body odor which may be related to human bipedalism. Anatomically, the boundaries of the \"axilla\" are", "id": "2494828" }, { "contents": "Hyperhidrosis\n\n\neffects have been described as ranging from trivial to devastating. The most common side-effect of ETS is compensatory sweating (sweating in different areas than prior to the surgery). Major problems with compensatory sweating are seen in 20–80% of patients undergoing the surgery. Most people find the compensatory sweating to be tolerable while 1–51% claim that their quality of life decreased as a result of compensatory sweating.\" Total body perspiration in response to heat has been reported to increase after sympathectomy. The original sweating problem may recur due to", "id": "14359501" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nmore readily. As someone becomes fit, the body becomes more efficient at regulating the body's temperature and sweat glands adapt along with the body's other systems. Sweat is not pure water; it always contains a small amount (0.2–1%) of solute. When a person moves from a cold climate to a hot climate, adaptive changes occur in the sweating mechanisms of the person. This process is referred to as acclimatisation: the maximum rate of sweating increases and its solute composition decreases. The volume of water lost in", "id": "1279488" }, { "contents": "Vellus hair\n\n\n, this change in vellus hair occurs on the face and the body. Vellus hair provides both thermal insulation and cooling for the body. This insulation regulates body temperature: the vellus hair functions like a wick for sweat. While a skin pore is open, sweat wets a strand of vellus hair. The sweat on the external part of the strand evaporates. More sweat wets the external part of the vellus strand and then evaporates. This process is called perspiration. The unusual growth of vellus hair can be a side effect of", "id": "14018312" }, { "contents": "Dew point\n\n\nit is producing sweat exceeds the evaporation rate, so one can become coated with sweat on humid days even without generating additional body heat (such as by exercising). As the air surrounding one's body is warmed by body heat, it will rise and be replaced with other air. If air is moved away from one's body with a natural breeze or a fan, sweat will evaporate faster, making perspiration more effective at cooling the body. The more unevaporated perspiration, the greater the discomfort. A wet bulb thermometer", "id": "10214137" }, { "contents": "Body odor\n\n\n. The condition can be known medically as bromhidrosis, apocrine bromhidrosis, osmidrosis, ozochrotia, fetid sweat, body smell, or malodorous sweating. Osmidrosis or bromhidrosis is defined by a foul odor due to a water-rich environment that supports bacteria, which is caused by an abnormal increase in perspiration (hyperhidrosis). This can be particularly strong when it happens in the axillary region (underarms). In this case, the condition may be referred to an axillary osmidrosis. Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), also known as fish odor", "id": "20827111" }, { "contents": "Deodorant\n\n\non the skin feed on the waste proteins and fatty acids in the sweat from the apocrine glands and on dead skin and hair cells, releasing trans-3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid in their waste, which is the primary cause of body odor. Underarm hair wicks the moisture away from the skin and aids in keeping the skin dry enough to prevent or diminish bacterial colonization. The hair is less susceptible to bacterial growth and therefore reduces bacterial odor. The apocrine sweat glands are inactive until puberty, which is why body odor often only becomes noticeable at that", "id": "14007140" }, { "contents": "Deodorant\n\n\nsurface of the human body, and sweat glands readily provide moisture containing a proportion of organic matter, which when excreted, has a vital cooling effect. When adult armpits are washed with alkaline pH soap, the skin loses its protective acid mantle (pH 4.5 - 6), raising the skin pH and disrupting the skin barrier. Many bacteria are adapted to the slightly alkali environment within the human body, so they can thrive within this elevated pH environment. this makes the skin more than usually susceptible to bacterial colonization. Bacteria", "id": "14007139" }, { "contents": "Men's adventure\n\n\nMen's adventure is a genre of magazine that was published in the United States from the 1940s until the early 1970s. Catering to a male audience, these magazines featured pin-up girls and lurid tales of adventure that typically featured wartime feats of daring, exotic travel or conflict with wild animals. These magazines were also colloquially called \"armpit slicks\", \"men's sweat magazines\" or \"the sweats\", especially by people in the magazine publishing or distribution trades. Fawcett Publications was having some success with their slick", "id": "21178535" }, { "contents": "Body odor\n\n\ndiet, gender, health, and medication, but the major contribution comes from bacterial activity on skin gland secretions. Humans have three types of sweat glands; eccrine sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Eccrine sweat glands are present from birth, while the two latter become activated during puberty. Among the different types of human skin glands, the body odor is primarily the result of the apocrine sweat glands, which secrete the majority of chemical compounds needed for the skin flora to metabolize it into odorant substances. This", "id": "20827094" }, { "contents": "Fear\n\n\nto the subjects' conscious attention on the acoustic startle reflex level. In analogy to the social buffering of rats and honeybees in response to chemosignals, induction of empathy by \"smelling anxiety\" of another person has been found in humans. A study from 2013 provided brain imaging evidence that human responses to fear chemosignals may be gender-specific. Researchers collected alarm-induced sweat and exercise-induced sweat from donors extracted it, pooled it and presented it to 16 unrelated people undergoing functional brain MRI. While stress-induced sweat", "id": "10642685" }, { "contents": "Double Fold\n\n\nto increase access to their holdings, possibly moving them to other mediums through methods such as microfilm or digitization, and sometimes destroying them in the process? Baker claims these goals need not conflict: \"Why can't we have the benefits of the new and extravagantly expensive digital copy \"and\" keep the convenience and beauty and historical testimony of the original books resting on the shelves, where they've always been, thanks to the sweat \"and\" equity of our prescient predecessors?\" (p. 67). \"Double", "id": "12732739" }, { "contents": "Pygmy hippopotamus\n\n\nbodies, and is sometimes described as \"blood sweat\" though the secretion is neither sweat nor blood. This substance, hipposudoric acid, is believed to have antiseptic and sunscreening properties. The skin of hippos dries out quickly and cracks, which is why both species spend so much time in water. The skeleton of \"C. liberiensis\" is more gracile than that of the common hippopotamus, meaning their bones are proportionally thinner. The common hippo's spine is parallel with the ground; the pygmy hippo's back slopes forward,", "id": "15596832" }, { "contents": "Bibhas Roy Chowdhury\n\n\n. Source of melancholy need not cloud spirit of hope as is evident here. Perhaps, it explains why this book is so appealing. Nowhere does rendition look jarring or monotonous. Rumpa Das, Associate Professor and head of the department of English in Maheshtala College in Kolkata writes (on Ink Sweat and Tears), \"Reading Roy Chowdhury’s poems that smell of his thought-ridden soul – his anguished response to the holocaust of the Partition (in Bhatiyali), his painful awareness of a poet’s predicament in today’s", "id": "16753396" }, { "contents": "Sotolon\n\n\nhelvus\". Sotolon can pass through the body relatively unchanged, and consumption of foods high in sotolon, such as fenugreek, can impart a maple syrup aroma to one's sweat and urine. In some individuals with the genetic disorder maple syrup urine disease, it is spontaneously produced in their bodies and excreted in their urine, leading to the disease's characteristic smell. This molecule is thought to be responsible for the mysterious maple syrup smell that has occasionally wafted over Manhattan since 2005. Sotolon was first isolated in 1975 from the", "id": "4494899" }, { "contents": "Protectionism in the United States\n\n\nthat it is the best for our citizenship and our civilization and that it opens up a higher and better destiny for our people.\" [Free trade] destroys the dignity and independence of American labor ... It will take away from the people of this country who work for a living—and the majority of them live by the sweat of their faces—it will take from them heart and home and hope. It will be self-destruction.\" President Theodore Roosevelt believed that America's economic growth was due to the", "id": "993205" }, { "contents": "Eccrine sweat gland\n\n\nis formed by two layers of cuboidal epithelial cells. Eccrine glands are active in thermoregulation by providing cooling from water evaporation of sweat secreted by the glands on the body surface and emotional induced sweating (anxiety, fear, stress, and pain). The white sediment in otherwise colorless eccrine secretions is caused by evaporation that increases the concentration of salts. The odour from sweat is due to bacterial activity on the secretions of the apocrine sweat glands, a distinctly different type of sweat gland found in human skin. Eccrine glands are innervated", "id": "15590212" }, { "contents": "Emotion\n\n\nbehaviors that in the past would have contributed to the passing on of genes through survival, reproduction, and kin selection. In some theories, cognition is an important aspect of emotion. Those acting primarily on the emotions they are feeling may seem as if they are not thinking, but mental processes are still essential, particularly in the interpretation of events. For example, the realization of our believing that we are in a dangerous situation and the subsequent arousal of our body's nervous system (rapid heartbeat and breathing, sweating,", "id": "10321123" }, { "contents": "Deodorant\n\n\nof deodorant allow sweating but inhibit (prevent) bacterial action on sweat, since human sweat only has a noticeable smell when it is decomposed by bacteria. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration classifies and regulates most deodorants as cosmetics but classifies antiperspirants as over-the-counter drugs. The first commercial deodorant, Mum, was introduced and patented in the late nineteenth century by an inventor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Edna Murphey. The product was briefly withdrawn from the market in the US. The modern formulation of", "id": "14007136" }, { "contents": "Patsy Pease\n\n\nOf Our Lives\". She was not listed so, to this day, she has no idea how they found her. She was asked to audition the next day, though Pease had to thumb a ride to get to the Sunset Gower Studios in time. The stage manager grabbed her when she arrived and dried off the sweat from Pease's clothes with a hair dryer from make-up. \"Never let them see you sweat\", was the advice that stayed with her during the four call back auditions over the", "id": "20778418" }, { "contents": "Lasioglossum gotham\n\n\nLasioglossum gotham, commonly known as the Gotham bee, is an extant species of sweat bee native to Eastern and Midwestern United States. The Gotham bee has a greenish-blue body and brown legs and antennae. Females are long, about the size of a sesame seed. Males are smaller than females, about long. The Gotham bee has a wide head ( wide versus long). Males are bluer in color than females which are more green. The Gotham bee can be distinguished from other sweat bees from the pattern of", "id": "17786023" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nhave an average of two to four million sweat glands. But how much sweat is released by each gland is determined by many factors, including gender, genetics, environmental conditions, age or fitness level. Two of the major contributors to sweat rate are an individual's fitness level and weight. If an individual weighs more, sweat rate is likely to increase because the body must exert more energy to function and there is more body mass to cool down. On the other hand, a fit person will start sweating earlier and", "id": "1279487" }, { "contents": "Lonesome Suzie\n\n\nHe says he doesn't belong there, but may know someone who does. The narrator, of course, means himself the entire time eventually asking the woman to be with him in the line \"why don't we get together, what else can we do?\". The 2000 re-issue of Music From Big Pink includes a version of the song with a faster tempo and more doo wop rhythm. In 1970, it was covered by Blood, Sweat & Tears on their third album Blood, Sweat & Tears", "id": "18279793" }, { "contents": "Eurytherm\n\n\ntransport in the mitochondrion from the production of chemical energy (ATP). This creation of a gradient across the mitochondrial membrane causes energy to be lost as heat. On the other hand, humans have only one method of cooling themselves, biologically speaking: sweat evaporation. Cutaneous eccrine sweat glands produce sweat, which is made up of mostly water with a small amount of ions. Evaporation of this sweat helps to cool the blood beneath the skin, resulting in a cooling of deep-body temperature. While some organisms are eurythermic", "id": "8497004" }, { "contents": "The Prince\n\n\nsomeone to pick you up\". They all showed a defect of arms (already discussed) and either had a hostile populace or did not know to secure themselves against the great. As pointed out by it was traditional in the genre of Mirrors of Princes to mention fortune, but \"Fortune pervades The Prince as she does no other similar work\". Machiavelli argues that fortune is only the judge of half of our actions and that we have control over the other half with \"sweat\", prudence and virtue. Even", "id": "13443706" }, { "contents": "Lip\n\n\nthe lip forms the border between the exterior skin of the face, and the interior mucous membrane of the inside of the mouth. The lip skin is not hairy and does not have sweat glands. Therefore, it does not have the usual protection layer of sweat and body oils which keep the skin smooth, inhibit pathogens, and regulate warmth. For these reasons, the lips dry out faster and become chapped more easily. The lower lip is formed from the mandibular prominence, a branch of the first pharyngeal arch. The", "id": "10391355" }, { "contents": "Byron Khun de Prorok\n\n\nvisit his vast, savage realm...for three terrible days we trekked across the enormous canyons and great mountains of this legendary land. Even in the shade our thermometers registered from 140 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit, so much greater than the heat of the human body that we were actually able to cool our hands by clamping them under our armpits. The merciless heat once reached 167 degrees, three-fourths as hot as boiling water. Our porters were terror-stricken. They were fearful of being caught and killed by the savage", "id": "13638337" }, { "contents": "Brucellosis\n\n\nother febrile diseases, but with emphasis on muscular pain and night sweats. The duration of the disease can vary from a few weeks to many months or even years. In the first stage of the disease, bacteremia occurs and leads to the classic triad of undulant fevers, sweating (often with characteristic foul, moldy smell sometimes likened to wet hay), and migratory arthralgia and myalgia (joint and muscle pain). Blood tests characteristically reveal a low number of white blood cells and red blood cells, show some elevation of", "id": "1345953" }, { "contents": "Gentleman (Psy song)\n\n\nat the tent. He starts saying \"Wet Psy!\" He sits with the two bikini-clad girls. He sings \"Wet Psy!\" over and over. He raises his arms to show his sweat-soaked armpits. He and the two girls are catapulted into the swimming pool. He and the dancers sway at the pool, an indoor field, and outdoors. The after-song footage has an outtake from the tent cafe. The girl dances around the pole of a street sign while Psy does the", "id": "17356153" }, { "contents": "Chico River Dam Project\n\n\nquoted by journalist Ma. Ceres Doyo expressing this sentiment: ...the question of the dam is more than political. The question is life—our Kalinga life. Apo Kabunian, the Lord of us all, gave us this land. It is sacred, nourished by our sweat. It shall become even more sacred when it is nourished by our blood. In addition, legal and tribal relationships among Kalinga communities are expressed in peace pacts called \"bodong\", which together form a system of laws and agreements (\"pagta", "id": "20701118" }, { "contents": "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out\n\n\nFever You Can't Sweat Out\" was created in only \"three and a half weeks\" — including mixing and mastering — on a budget of $11,000. The group entered the studio with half of the songs completed; the others were crafted in pre-production. Recording was stressful. \"We were in the studio for 14 hours a day for five weeks; we might have started losing our minds a little bit,\" Ross recalled humorously in a 2006 interview. The band lived in a one-bedroom basement", "id": "7836109" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\nthe average human has more hair follicles on his or her body than the average chimpanzee. The main distinction is that human hairs are shorter, finer, and less heavily pigmented than the average chimpanzee's, thus making them harder to see. Humans have about 2 million sweat glands spread over their entire bodies, many more than chimpanzees, whose sweat glands are scarce and are mainly located on the palm of the hand and on the soles of the feet. Humans have the largest number of eccrine sweat glands among species. The", "id": "11237555" }, { "contents": "Agaricus moelleri\n\n\na drooping ring, and stains yellow very easily when bruised, this colour then changes to brown over time. The stem flesh bruises yellow only faintly, and is more noticeable in the base. The gills are crowded, and free, as is typical for an \"Agaricus\". They are pink on young specimens, but brown to black on older fruit bodies. The flesh is white and does not change colour on cutting. It is noted by some authors as smelling like ink, iodoform, sweat, or mouldy straw", "id": "5774398" }, { "contents": "Paul Pope\n\n\nfigure in our pop-psyche. My Batman is not only totally science fiction, he's also a very physical superhero: he bleeds, he sweats, he eats. He's someone born into an overarching police state; someone with the body of David Beckham, the brain of Tesla, and the wealth of Howard Hughes... pretending to be Nosferatu.\" The story, colored by José Villarrubia, was originally presented in a four-part prestige format in 2006. DC Comics later published a trade paperback collecting \"Batman", "id": "17213389" }, { "contents": "Compensatory hyperhidrosis\n\n\nsevere focal hyperhidrosis, often affecting just one part of the body. It may also be called \"rebound\" or \"reflex hyperhidrosis\". In a small number of individuals, compensatory hyperhidrosis following sympathectomy is disruptive, because afflicted individuals may have to change sweat-soaked clothing two or three times a day. According to Dr Hooshmand, sympathectomy permanently damages the temperature regulatory system. The permanent destruction of thermoregulatory function of the sympathetic nervous system causes latent complications, e.g., RSD in contralateral extremity. Following surgery for axillary (armpit", "id": "8726105" }, { "contents": "Excretory system\n\n\nlike insects, possesses a number of blind guts that serve the similar functions. Marine invertebrates do not need the ammonia conversion of the liver, as they can usually expel ammonia directly by diffusion through the skin. Sweat glands in the skin secrete a fluid waste called sweat or perspiration; however, its primary functions are temperature control and pheromone release. Therefore, its role as a part of the excretory system is minimal. Sweating also maintains the level of salt in the body. In mammals, the skin excretes sweat through sweat", "id": "17580437" }, { "contents": "Cystic fibrosis\n\n\nthe movement of halogens from inside to outside of the cell; however, in the sweat ducts, it facilitates the movement of chloride from the sweat duct into the cytoplasm. When the CFTR protein does not resorb ions in sweat ducts, chloride and thiocyanate released from sweat glands are trapped inside the ducts and pumped to the skin. Additionally hypothiocyanite, OSCN, cannot be produced by the immune defense system. Because chloride is negatively charged, this modifies the electrical potential inside and outside the cell that normally causes cations to cross", "id": "5555517" }, { "contents": "Get Me Bodied\n\n\nEducation Foundation for trying to make a positive difference in the lives of our schoolchildren.\" The lyrics of the original song were switched to fit the cause. The new lyrics include the line: \"A little sweat ain’t hurt nobody [...] Don't just stand there on the wall, everybody just move your body, move your body, move your body.\" The song is a step-by-step flash dance-style workout that combines elements of hip hop music, Latin music as well as dancehall", "id": "10523895" }, { "contents": "Shatnez\n\n\n. The Torah does not state from what materials the purple, blue, and scarlet threads were made. The phrase regarding the kohanim sons of Zadok, \"they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causeth sweat\" is interpreted in the Talmud to mean \"they shall not gird themselves around the bent of the body, where sweat effuses most\". Rabbi Judah haNasi was of the opinion that the girdle of the ordinary priest was of \"shatnez\", but Rebbi Eleazar says it was of fine linen. The Talmud", "id": "118496" }, { "contents": "Purification Rundown\n\n\nare stored in body fat, which are released through the exchange of fats (thus the oil consumption) and exercise, and then finally released via perspiration and other normal mechanisms such as body waste. Independent scientific evaluations report that the concentration of toxins or drugs in the sweat is negligible, as they are primarily removed from the body through the liver, the kidneys and the lungs. The notion that toxins from fatty tissue can be sweated out is categorically denied by toxicology experts. Evidence offered for the Rundown has not demonstrated that", "id": "8625057" }, { "contents": "Apocrine sweat gland\n\n\nand some parts of the external genitalia. Modified apocrine glands include the ciliary glands in the eyelids; the ceruminous glands, which produce ear wax; and the mammary glands, which produce milk. The rest of the body is covered by eccrine sweat glands. Most non-primate mammals, however, have apocrine sweat glands over the greater part of their body. Domestic animals such as dogs and cats have apocrine glands at each hair follicle but eccrine glands only in foot pads and snout. Their apocrine glands, like those in", "id": "15590202" }, { "contents": "Intertrigo\n\n\nIntertrigo refers to a type of inflammatory rash (dermatitis) of the superficial skin that occurs within a person's body folds. These areas are more susceptible to irritation and subsequent infection due to factors that promote skin breakdown such as moisture, friction, and exposure to bodily secretions such as sweat, urine or feces. Areas of the body which are more likely to be affected by intertrigo include the inframammary fold, intergluteal cleft, armpits, and spaces between the fingers or toes. Skin affected by intertrigo is more prone to infection", "id": "7171366" }, { "contents": "Detoxification foot pads\n\n\n. NPR also discovered that the pads change from white to grey when they are exposed to moisture, including sweat, and not necessarily because they are absorbing other substances. The Japanese company Kenrico claim that their pads have a positive effect on the health of the users, and that they remove heavy metals from the body. There is no evidence that these products work and although the skin is one of the bodies largest organs of detoxification, there is no proposed mechanism as to why these patches would increase the detoxification rate above baseline", "id": "7358967" }, { "contents": "Sexual selection in humans\n\n\nconcluded that, at the time of the evolutionary separation of chimpanzees and humans, the common ancestors of all humans had light skin that was covered by dark hair. Additionally, our closest extant relative, the chimpanzee, has light skin covered by thick body hair. Over time human hair disappeared to allow better heat dissipation through sweating and the skin tone grew darker to increase the epidermal permeability barrier and protect from folate depletion due to the increased exposure to sunlight. When humans started to migrate away from the tropics, there was less", "id": "20170975" }, { "contents": "Margaret Jane Mussey Sweat\n\n\nMargaret Jane Mussey Sweat (1823-1908) was an American author, patron and reformer from Portland, Maine. Sweat received her education in Portland public schools and the Roxbury Latin School. Margaret Mussey married Lorenzo De Medici Sweat at age 26 in 1849 and began keeping a journal. Her husband was a lawyer; he graduated from Bowdoin College and served in the United States Senate and Maine House of Representatives. Their home, known as the Sweat Mansion, is now part of the Portland Museum of Art. The Sweats traveled", "id": "17655221" }, { "contents": "Yan Ying\n\n\na conceited demeanor: \"Is there no one else left in the state of Qi to send? They actually sent you as the envoy.\" Yan Ying replied: \"Our capital Linzi is full of people. Sleeves are raised to cover the sun; along with every wipe of sweat a small drizzle; pedestrians walk shoulder to shoulder; toe to heel. How can you state that Qi has no people?\" \"If that is the case, then why did they send you?\" \"Qi has a very", "id": "8808179" }, { "contents": "Hypohidrosis\n\n\nsweat. A thermoregulatory sweat test can evaluate the body’s response to a thermal stimulus by inducing sweating through a hot box ⁄ room, thermal blanket or exercise. Failure of the topical indicator to undergo a colour change during thermoregulatory sweat testing indicates hypohidrosis, and further tests may be required to localize the lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and ⁄ or spinal cord is the best modality for evaluation when the lesion is suspected to be localized to the central nervous system. Skin biopsies are useful when anhidrosis occurs as part of", "id": "19974303" }, { "contents": "Armpit fetishism\n\n\nArmpit fetishism (also known as maschalagnia) is a partialism in which an individual is sexually attracted to armpits - something which may lead to axillism, or armpit intercourse (sexual activity with one or both armpits). The natural body smell is a powerful force in sexual attraction, and can be focused by the strong pungent odor of the armpit: Alex Comfort considered that for a woman to shave her armpits was “simply ignorant vandalism”, obliterating a powerful sexual tool, and praised the French for greater sexual awareness than American", "id": "2634242" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nThe sweat glands in humans could have evolved to spread from the hands and feet as the body hair changed, or the hair change could have occurred to facilitate sweating. Horses and humans are two of the few animals capable of sweating on most of their body, yet horses are larger and still have fully developed fur. In humans, the skin hairs lie flat in hot conditions, as the arrector pili muscles relax, preventing heat from being trapped by a layer of still air between the hairs, and increasing heat loss by", "id": "14493779" }, { "contents": "Ectodermal dysplasia\n\n\nin single family units and derive from very recent mutations. Ectodermal dysplasias can occur in any race but are much more prevalent in Caucasians than any other group and especially in fair Caucasians. Ectodermal dysplasias are described as \"heritable conditions in which there are abnormalities of two or more ectodermal structures such as the hair, teeth, nails, sweat glands, salivary glands, cranial-facial structure, digits and other parts of the body.\" Individuals affected by an ED syndrome frequently have abnormalities of the hair follicles. Scalp and body", "id": "4661338" }, { "contents": "Sweat diagnostics\n\n\nSweat diagnostics is an emerging non-invasive technique used to provide insights to the health of the human body. Common sweat diagnostic tests include testing for cystic fibrosis and illicit drugs. Most testing of human sweat is in reference to the eccrine sweat gland which in contrast to the apocrine sweat gland, has a lower composition of oils. Although sweat is mostly water, there are many solutes which are found in sweat that have at least some relation to biomarkers found in blood. These include: sodium (Na), chloride (", "id": "944171" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nfifteenfold) zinc (), copper (), iron (), chromium (), nickel (), and lead (). Probably many other less-abundant trace minerals leave the body through sweating with correspondingly lower concentrations. Some exogenous organic compounds make their way into sweat as exemplified by an unidentified odiferous \"maple syrup\" scented compound in several of the species in the mushroom genus \"Lactarius\". In humans, sweat is hypoosmotic relative to plasma (i.e. less concentrated). Sweat is found at moderately acidic", "id": "1279492" }, { "contents": "30 Years Live\n\n\nalbum during our spring 2010 tour, and offering it as a free \"thank you\" to the loyal fans who've been with us through all the sweat and mayhem. So let us know who you are by joining our mailing list below, and sometime late spring we'll let you know how you can get your free Bad Religion 30 Years Live download. We'll be playing a few tracks at the shows from our new album, coming this fall, so this will be a great way to get a preview of", "id": "14884862" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nthere are too many covers on the bed. Night sweats caused by a medical condition or infection can be described as \"severe hot flashes occurring at night that can drench sleepwear and sheets, which are not related to the environment\". Some of the underlying medical conditions and infections that cause these severe night sweats can be life-threatening and should promptly be investigated by a medical practitioner. Sweating allows the body to regulate its temperature. Sweating is controlled from a center in the preoptic and anterior regions of the brain's hypothalamus", "id": "1279484" }, { "contents": "1912 Lawrence textile strike\n\n\n. br Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes; br Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses! —James Oppenheim Founded in 1845, Lawrence was a flourishing but deeply-troubled textile city. By 1900, mechanization and the deskilling of labor in the textile industry enabled factory owners to eliminate skilled workers and to employ large numbers of unskilled immigrant workers, mostly women. Work in a textile mill took place at a grueling pace, and the labor was repetitive and", "id": "8473808" }, { "contents": "Plan Espiritual de Aztlán\n\n\ncome about by driving the exploiter out of our communities, our pueblos, and our lands and by controlling and developing our own talents, sweat, and resources. Cultural background and values which ignore materialism and embrace humanism will contribute to the act of cooperative buying and the distribution of resources and production to sustain an economic base for healthy growth and development Lands rightfully ours will be fought for and defended. Land and realty ownership will be acquired by the community for the people's welfare. Economic ties of responsibility must be secured by", "id": "14376360" }, { "contents": "Panic! at the Disco\n\n\nvaudeville, and emo. Panic! at the Disco went on record many times saying that the group's second album would be completely different from \"A Fever You Can't Sweat Out\", as \"Rolling Stone\" wrote in an article: \"The group cemented its next direction with their first single, called \"Nine in the Afternoon.\" \"It's influenced by the music our parents listened to: the Beach Boys, the Kinks, the Beatles,\" says Ross. \"Our new songs are more like", "id": "6265760" }, { "contents": "Perspiration\n\n\nand horses) produce large amounts of sweat in order to cool down. Sweat contributes to body odor when it is metabolized by bacteria on the skin. Medications that are used for other treatments and diet also affect odor. Some medical conditions, such as kidney failure and diabetic ketoacidosis, can also affect sweat odor. Areas that produce excessive sweat usually appear pink or white, but, in severe cases, may appear cracked, scaly, and soft. Diaphoresis is a non-specific symptom or sign, which means that it", "id": "1279475" }, { "contents": "Stormborn\n\n\nfeel the wave machine trying to knock us off our feet, or the sweat dripping off our faces.\" Mylod also discussed his direction for the battle sequence, saying that \"We agreed that the violence should be brutal and feel un-choreographed, that it shouldn't feel structured\". Stunt coordinator Rowley Irlam also stated that they were inspired by riots when it was being choreographed. Mylod decided to put much more of the focus to Theon, Yara and Euron Greyjoy, rather than people around them. \"Stormborn\"", "id": "12851214" }, { "contents": "Secularism in the Republic of Ireland\n\n\nin certain cases, including incest, rape, sexual abuse, \"fatal foetal abnormalities\", or when risk or danger is threatening a woman's life, can abortion be permitted. Former Northern Ireland politician and 1998 Nobel Peace prize winner, John Hume, has said “the country [the land mass] is not divided; it’s the people who are divided...We must learn to spill our sweat together rather than spill our blood together”. Today, Protestants, Catholics and agnostics over the whole island - both", "id": "6673578" }, { "contents": "Endurance running hypothesis\n\n\nhuman sweat glands are under a higher level of neuronal control than those of other species, they allow for the excretion of more sweat per unit surface area than any other species. Heat dissipation of later hominins was also enhanced by the reduction in body hair. By ridding themselves of an insulating fur coat, running humans are better able to dissipate the heat generated by exercise. In addition to improved thermoregulation, hominins have evolved an enhanced method of respiration consistent with the demands of running. Due to their orientation, respiration in quadrupedal", "id": "6503012" }, { "contents": "Fear\n\n\nparticipants, of five able to olfactorily distinguish exercise-induced sweat from room air, three could also distinguish exercise-induced sweat from anxiety induced sweat. The acoustic startle reflex response to a sound when sensing anxiety sweat was larger than when sensing exercise-induced sweat, as measured by electromyograph analysis of the orbital muscle, which is responsible for the eyeblink component. This showed for the first time that fear chemosignals can modulate the startle reflex in humans without emotional mediation; fear chemosignals primed the recipient's \"defensive behavior\" prior", "id": "10642684" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "Compensatory hyperhidrosis\n\n\nlink to gender, age or weight. There is no test or screening process that would enable doctors to predict who is more susceptible. Gustatory sweating or Frey's syndrome is another presentation of autonomic neuropathy. Gustatory sweating is brought on while eating, thinking or talking about food that produces a strong salivary stimulus. It is thought that ANS fibres to salivary glands have become connected in error with the sweat glands after nerve regeneration. Apart from sweating in the anhidriotic area of the body, it can produce flushing, goosebumps, drop", "id": "8726109" }, { "contents": "Vices & Virtues\n\n\nof \"A Fever You Can't Sweat Out\", with the focus and clarity of \"Pretty. Odd.\"\" Urie has explained that he and Smith desired to achieve a sound that is more similar to the former: \"We missed a couple things from our first record in terms of sonically, with these little instruments that we hadn’t really used on our second record. There [were] a lot of organic instruments and not a lot of electronics or synthesizers. So we wanted to get back to some", "id": "13687698" }, { "contents": "Margaret Jane Mussey Sweat\n\n\ninclude all gender identities not just heterosexuals. For example, female sexuality is not directly linked to babies and reproduction. Sweat believed that social tolerance was diminished, and that societies view of homosexuality was deviant and chaotic. The idea of change from 'normality' was viewed as corrupt and wrong. Sweat claimed that urbanization, industrialization, and immigration are three key components as to why society has these views. The novel raises the reader's consciousness of the erotic components of same sex relationship. Indications of lesbianism within the novel would", "id": "17655233" }, { "contents": "Sweat scraper\n\n\nA sweat scraper is a tool used in horse grooming and with other animals, such as dogs. It consists of a handle and a rubber blade. Sweat scrapers are available in both metal and plastic form, and also traditionally in wood (as seen in Mongolia). It is used to remove sweat and/or excess hair from larger pets. It is used in much the same manner as a window cleaner would scrape water or foam from a window with a rubber blade. The typical use of a sweat scraper is now actually", "id": "14693677" }, { "contents": "Oceania (song)\n\n\nto the reviewer. The last line from the song, \"Your sweat is salty/ And I am why/ Your sweat is salty/ And I am why\", is about how \"we were all little jellyfish or whatever before we made it on to land\", according to the singer. Elthan Brown from \"New York\" magazine considered these lyrics as \"frank sensuality\". \"Oceania\" also features The London Choir. \"Entertainment Weekly\"s writer Chris Willman commented that \"the computer-enhanced choir behind Björk [suggests]", "id": "18032907" }, { "contents": "Arthur Nash (businessman)\n\n\nquoted as an argument, why avaricious organizations should be allowed to exploit their labour, and grind their dollars out of the very sweat and blood of our brothers and sisters in their factories; or shall we join with this great group of organized workers, who are striving to loose the bonds of wickedness, lift the burdens of the heavy-laden and let the oppressed go free?\" He even went so far as to commit to his workers that if unionization did not turn out as Hillman had promised, Nash would personally", "id": "12436452" }, { "contents": "Hyperhidrosis\n\n\nclassification scheme is based on possible causes of hyperhidrosis. The cause of primary hyperhidrosis is unknown, although some physicians claim it is caused by over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Anxiety or excitement can exacerbate the condition for many sufferers. A common complaint of patients is they get nervous because they sweat, then sweat more because they are nervous. Other factors can play a role, including certain foods and drinks, nicotine, caffeine, and smells. Primary (focal) hyperhidrosis has many causes. Similarly, secondary (", "id": "14359489" } ]
Why do heating pads (or any other warm thing) help with period cramps, stomach pain, etc?
[{"answer": "Because heating pads are warm, they open blood vessels in the area and improve blood flow. This carries with it chemicals that can block pain and reduce swelling."}, {"answer": "Heat dilates blood vessels allowing a higher volume of oxygen, chemicals etc to reach muscles. Period pain is (mainly) muscular. The uterus is contracting to push it's old lining out, causing literal cramps just like you get in your foot or leg. More blood = more oxygen and pain blocking chemicals (including pharmaceuticals) = less pain."}, {"answer": "There is a theory called the Gate Control theory of pain which basically states that your brain can only process a certain amount of somatosensory input (pain, pressure, hot/cold sensation, etc.) from a given area of your body at one time. So by applying heat to an area of pain, you're basically distracting your brain from the pain itself. Also, this may not apply to period cramps or stomach aches in particular, but many aches are caused by muscle soreness, which typically stems from overexertion of those muscles. When you overexert muscles, they build up lactic acid, which causes a sensation of pain. Adding heat to an area causes vasodilation (an increase in the diameter of local blood vessels), which increases blood flow in the area, and allows the lactic acid to be drained away from the area more quickly."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "411879", "title": "Dysmenorrhea", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 433, "bleu_score": 0.7701068294171282}]}]
[ { "contents": "Central pain syndrome\n\n\ncomplete relief of pain, for those affected by central pain syndrome. Tricyclic antidepressants such as nortriptyline or anticonvulsants such as neurontin (gabapentin) can be useful. Lowering stress levels appears to reduce pain. For regular treatment some people prefer body length heating pads while others rely on warm baths, and most any normal 'hot or cold' help. Central pain syndrome is not a fatal disorder, but the syndrome causes disabling chronic pain and suffering among the majority of individuals who have it. Canavero S, & Bonicalzi V (", "id": "5598710" }, { "contents": "Heating pad\n\n\nA heating pad is a pad used for warming of parts of the body in order to manage pain. Localized application of heat causes the blood vessels in that area to dilate, enhancing perfusion to the targeted tissue. Types of heating pads include electrical, chemical and hot water bottles. Specialized heating pads (mats) are also used in other settings. Heat mats in plant propagation stimulates seed germination and root development; they operate at cooler temperatures. Heat mats also are available in the pet trade, especially as warming spots for", "id": "9523281" }, { "contents": "ThermaCare\n\n\nThermaCare is the brand name of a disposable heating pad made by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. A type of Continuous Low-level Heatwrap Therapy (CLHT), ThermaCare heatwraps activate upon contact with the air, providing approximately eight hours of heat directly where the heatwrap is applied. Thermacare heatwraps are available for specific applications, including neck or wrist pain, low back pain, knee pain and menstrual cramps. The brand was first introduced in 2001 by Procter & Gamble. P&G sold the ThermaCare brand to Wyeth in 2008, and merged with", "id": "8512580" }, { "contents": "Warm compress\n\n\nA warm compress is a method of applying heat to the body. Heating sources can include warm water, microwaveable pads, and electrical or chemical pads. Some more unorthodox methods include warmed potatoes, uncooked rice, and hard-boiled eggs. The most common method is a warm, wet washcloth. Warm compresses are a common non-pharmacological therapy used in the treatment of such things as sports injuries, post-operative wound healing, and ophthalmic conditions. They are believed to improve blood flow, increase oxygenation in tissues,", "id": "17947621" }, { "contents": "Stomach disease\n\n\n, cramps, diarrhea and pain. Disorders of the stomach are very common and induce a significant amount of morbidity and suffering in the population. Data from hospitals indicate that more than 25% of the population suffers from some type of chronic stomach disorder including abdominal pain and indigestion. These symptoms occur for long periods and cause prolonged suffering, time off work and a poor quality of life. Moreover, visits to doctors, expense of investigations and treatment result in many days lost from work and a colossal cost to the financial system", "id": "14711152" }, { "contents": "Miglustat\n\n\ncannot be controlled; changes in vision; and easy bruising or bleeding. Common side effects include gastrointestinal effects (including diarrhea, stomach pain or bloating, gas, loss of appetite, weight loss, upset stomach, vomiting, constipation), dry mouth, muscular effects (including weakness, muscle cramps, especially in the legs, feeling of heaviness in the arms or legs, unsteadiness when walking), back pain, dizziness, nervousness, headache, memory problems, and difficult or irregular menstruation (period). Type", "id": "8389704" }, { "contents": "Solenostemma\n\n\ntreat gastro-intestinal cramps, stomach-ache, colic, cold and urinary tract infections and is effective as an anti-syphilitic if used for prolonged periods of 40–80 days. Leaves possess purgative properties which may be due to the latex present in the stems. Several active compounds have been extracted from \"Solenostemma\". The native Sudanese have commonly used \"Solenostemma argel\" to suppress stomach pain, pains due to childbirth, and loss of appetite. The word is used in the book called \"أرض السودان\" written by", "id": "139622" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming on human health\n\n\n. Human response to heat stress can be hyperthermia, heat stroke and other harmful effects. Heat illness can relate to many of the organs and systems including: brain, heart, kidneys, liver, etc. A good example of the impact of global warming on health can be seen in the disease erythromelalgia. This is a vascular disease that is commonly triggered by the involvement of change in temperature, which leads to syndromes including (first and second degree) burning pain, increased temperature, erythema and swelling, of mainly the", "id": "1310823" }, { "contents": "Heat cramps\n\n\nHeat cramps, a type of heat illness, are muscle spasms that result from loss of large amount of salt and water through exercise. Heat cramps are associated with cramping in the abdomen, arms and calves. This can be caused by inadequate consumption of fluids or electrolytes. Heavy sweating causes heat cramps, especially when the water is replaced without also replacing salt or potassium. Although heat cramps can be quite painful, they usually don't result in permanent damage, though they can be a symptom of heat stroke or heat exhaustion", "id": "565339" }, { "contents": "Scary Monsters (The X-Files)\n\n\n, only to have his hand go completely through the man's stomach. Upon investigation, Reyes is unable to find any organs in the man's body. Tommy soon shows Reyes the pictures he has been drawing. They include the sheriff with a gun, insect creatures, and Reyes with an insect creature bursting through her stomach. Reyes asks Tommy why he would imagine such things, and Tommy replies it is because he is very scared. Suddenly, the sheriff's body disappears, and Reyes doubles over in pain. Doggett", "id": "18942339" }, { "contents": "Clidinium bromide\n\n\nClidinium bromide (INN) is an anticholinergic (specifically a muscarinic antagonist) drug. It may help symptoms of cramping and abdominal/stomach pain by decreasing stomach acid, and slowing the intestines. It is commonly prescribed in combination with chlordiazepoxide (a benzodiazepine derivative) using the brand name Librax. Used in fixed combination with chlordiazepoxide as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease; however, no conclusive data that antimuscarinics aid in the healing, decrease the rate of recurrence, or prevent complications of peptic ulcers. With the", "id": "3500499" }, { "contents": "Muscle tissue\n\n\nthe body (micromovement). 3. Assist ligaments in holding bones together. 4. Rapid contraction and release will create friction and therefore warm the body--shivering. 5. To a lesser extent than fat, they can help insulate the body and retain heat. Smooth musculature is found in almost all organ systems such as hollow organs (e.g. stomach, bladder), in tubular structures (e.g. vessels, bile ducts), in sphincters, in the uterus, in the eye etc. In addition it plays an important", "id": "14873540" }, { "contents": "Dysmenorrhea\n\n\nheavy periods, irregular periods, whose periods started before twelve years of age, or who have a low body weight. A pelvic exam in those who are sexually active and ultrasound may be useful to help in diagnosis. Conditions that should be ruled out include ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, interstitial cystitis, and chronic pelvic pain. Dysmenorrhea occurs less often in those who exercise regularly and those who have children early in life. Treatment may include the use of a heating pad. Medications that may help include NSAIDs such as", "id": "19272449" }, { "contents": "Vicia caroliniana\n\n\nVicia caroliniana (common name Carolina vetch, or Carolina wood vetch), is a plant found in North America. The Cherokee use this plant for a variety of medicinal purposes. It is used for back pains, local pains, to toughen muscles, for muscular cramps, twitching and is rubbed on stomach cramps. They also use a compound for rheumatism, for an affliction called \"blacks\", and it is taken for wind before a ball game. An infusion is used for muscle pain, in that it is rubbed", "id": "21936986" }, { "contents": "Enteritis\n\n\nof the small intestine. Inflammation of both the stomach and small intestine is referred to as gastroenteritis. Signs and symptoms of enteritis are highly variable and vary based on the specific cause and other factors such as individual variance and stage of disease. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhoea, dehydration, fever, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. Crohn's disease – also known as regional enteritis, it can occur along any surface of the gastrointestinal tract. In 40% of cases it is limited to the small intestine", "id": "2996391" }, { "contents": "Memory foam\n\n\npadding for people suffering long-term pain or postural problems; for example, a memory foam cervical pillow may alleviate chronic neck pain. Its heat-retaining properties may help some pain sufferers who find the added warmth helps to decrease the pain. The heat-retaining properties can also be a disadvantage when used in mattresses and pillows so in the second generation memory foam, companies began using open cell structure to improve breathability. In 2006, the third generation of memory foam was introduced. Gel visco or gel memory foam consists", "id": "7729056" }, { "contents": "Nabozny v. Podlesny\n\n\nbullying and assistant principal Thomas Blaumert told Nabozny that his harassment was due to him provoking them and that he deserved the punishment because of his sexuality. Blaumert also laughed when Nabozny was pushed and tripped in the hallway. For over four years, no school official took any disciplinary action in response to Nabozny's reports. In the eleventh grade, he was attacked in the school library by a group of boys, one of whom repeatedly kicked him in the stomach which caused him to have pain and a stomach cramp for weeks.", "id": "1658049" }, { "contents": "Peripheral artery disease\n\n\nsigns and symptoms of peripheral artery disease are based on the part of the body that is affected. About 66% of patients affected by PAD either do not have symptoms or have atypical symptoms. The most common presenting symptom is intermittent claudication, which causes pain and severe cramping when walking or exercising. The pain is usually located in the calf muscles of the affected leg and relieved by rest. This occurs because during exercise the muscles of the leg need more oxygen and in an unaffected leg, the arteries would be able to", "id": "16345216" }, { "contents": "Sodium oxalate\n\n\nbetween permanganate and oxalic acid (formed \"in situ\" by the addition of excess sulfuric acid). The final equation is as follows: Like several other oxalates, sodium oxalate is toxic to humans. It can cause burning pain in the mouth, throat and stomach, bloody vomiting, headache, muscle cramps, cramps and convulsions, drop in blood pressure, heart failure, shock, coma, and possible death. Mean lethal dose by ingestion of oxalates is 10-15 grams/kilogram of body weight (per MSDS", "id": "4479829" }, { "contents": "Heating pad\n\n\nhas a high specific heat capacity, which then gradually releases the heat over time. A hot water bottle is the most familiar example of this type of heating pad. A microwavable heating pad is a heating pad that is warmed by placing it in a microwave oven before use. Microwavable heating pads are typically made out of a thick insulative fabric such as flannel and filled with grains such as wheat, buckwheat or flax seed. Due to their relative simplicity to make, they are frequently sewn by hand, often with a custom", "id": "9523286" }, { "contents": "Sickle cell trait\n\n\nor symptom of a potential sickling collapse is cramping. Specifically to sickle cell trait, cramping occurs in the lower extremities and back in athletes undergoing intense physical activity or exertion. In comparison to heat cramps, sickling cramps are less intense in terms of pain and have a weakness and fatigue associated with them, as opposed to tightly contracted muscles that lock up during heat cramps. A sickling collapse comes on slowly, following cramps, weakness, general body aches and fatigue. Individuals with known positive sickle cell trait status experiencing significant muscle", "id": "3258552" }, { "contents": "Orellanine\n\n\nhumans, a characteristic of poisoning by the nephrotoxin orellanine is the long latency; the first symptoms usually do not appear until 2–3 days after ingestion and can in some cases take as long as 3 weeks. The first symptoms of orellanine poisoning are similar to the common flu (nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, headaches, myalgia, etc.), these symptoms are followed by early stages of renal failure (immense thirst, frequent urination, pain on and around the kidneys) and eventually decreased or nonexistent urine output and other", "id": "3308831" }, { "contents": "Lil-lets\n\n\nof absorbencies in each pack, allowing consumers to buy one pack in order to use a different absorbency for the differing flow rates within a period (often lighter at the start and finish of the period). Solutions, a range of intimate care products is also launched, featuring wipes, a cleansing mousse and a heat soother patch to warm the tummy to help with period pain. In 2005, Lil-lets launched pantyliners. 20 December 2006, Lil-lets was sold to Electra Private Equity, and the Lil-", "id": "15993776" }, { "contents": "Murari (film)\n\n\nsculptors and also read books like Yogi's Autobiography etc. He said \"I met highly qualified people like Sirivennela Sitaramasastri to enhance my knowledge in various things. I also studied the visions of our ancestors, who during their time have designed things like missiles, television, aircrafts etc\" in an interview. He added \"We always have an answer for any questions that start with 'what', 'how' and 'when'. But we do not have any reason or answer for questions starting with 'why'", "id": "1786450" }, { "contents": "Tropical Asia\n\n\nit relieves upset stomach and aids digestion. It is useful to curb flatulence and aids asthma. It also alleviates female organ troubles and conditions. Castor oil is a cathartic reliever. The practice is a poultice of warm oil soaked in wool flannel and applied with a heating pad (1 hour, 3 times a week) to cause relief of arthritis, calluses and corns, colds, colitis, cysts, gallstones, gout, headaches, hepatitis and warts, ichthyoids, indigestion, moles, seborrhea, nervous tics, varicose veins", "id": "12581802" }, { "contents": "Arizona mud turtle\n\n\nother species of turtles is that the first vertebral scute and second marginal shield do not connect. Arizona mud turtles prefer temporary ponds and puddle because they will have a secured food source. The Arizona mud turtle's activity occurs during the day. It is often found near the temporary pond to conserve heat and energy from sunlight. It also is active at night but specifically in July and August in monsoon season. Because it is warm during this period, they tend to spend most of their time in the water, hence why", "id": "10009888" }, { "contents": "Naproxen\n\n\nNaproxen, sold under the brand name Naprosyn among others, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat pain, menstrual cramps, inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and fever. It is taken by mouth. It is available in immediate and delayed release formulations. Onset of effects is within an hour and last for up to twelve hours. Common side effects include dizziness, headache, bruising, allergic reactions, heartburn, and stomach pain. Severe side effects include an increased risk of heart disease,", "id": "19297953" }, { "contents": "Bloating\n\n\ndrugs and dietary modifications. The most common symptoms associated with bloating is a sensation that the abdomen is full or distended. Rarely, bloating may be painful or cause shortness of breath. Pains that are due to bloating will feel sharp and cause the stomach to cramp. These pains may occur anywhere in the body and can change locations quickly. They are so painful that they are sometimes mistaken for heart pains when they develop on the upper left side of the chest. Pains on the right side are often confused with problems in", "id": "17439402" }, { "contents": "Pluchea odorata\n\n\nperspiration, in the manner of pleurisy root or pennyroyal, and is diuretic. It is a safe and reliable menstrual stimulant when flow begins late, is scanty, and there are clotty cramps. Moreover, it is antispasmodic, thus relieving cramping. It similarly inhibits spasms and cramps from diarrhea and stomach ache. Used as an eyewash it reduces redness and pain from hay fever, wind and dust. Tea concentrate has been marketed as a coffee substitute. Unlike coffee which is a vasoconstrictor, sweetscent tea is a vasodilator. It", "id": "11847022" }, { "contents": "Mebeverine\n\n\nMebeverine is a drug used to alleviate some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It works by relaxing the muscles in and around the gut. Mebeverine is used to alleviate some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and related conditions; specifically stomach pain and cramps, persistent diarrhea, and flatulence. Data from controlled clinical trials have not found a difference from placebo in the alleviating stomach pain in people with IBS. It has not been tested in pregnant women nor in pregnant animals so pregnant women should not take", "id": "1246728" }, { "contents": "Disc brake\n\n\nthe brake shims between the brake pad and pistons, etc. All should be coated with an extremely high temperature, high solids lubricant to help reduce squeal. This allows the metal to metal parts to move independently of each other and thereby eliminate the buildup of energy that can create a frequency that is heard as brake squeal, groan, or growl. It is inherent that some pads are going to squeal more given the type of pad and its usage case. Pads typically rated to withstand very high temperatures for extended periods tend", "id": "14467743" }, { "contents": "Iris basaltica\n\n\nIrises generally require a period of cold, then a period of warmth and heat, also they need some moisture. Some seeds need stratification, (the cold treatment), which can be carried out indoors or outdoors. Seedlings are generally potted on (or transplanted) when they have 3 leaves. One known cultivar is 'Basaltica'. Like many other irises, most parts of the plant are poisonous (rhizome and leaves), and if mistakenly ingested can cause stomach pains and vomiting. Also, handling the plant may", "id": "2835609" }, { "contents": "Tobacco smoke enema\n\n\ntobacco poultice as an analgesic, and Nicolás Monardes advocated tobacco as a treatment for a long list of diseases, such as cancer, headaches, respiratory problems, stomach cramps, gout, intestinal worms and female diseases. Contemporaneous medical science placed much weight on humorism, and for a short period tobacco became a panacea. Its use was mentioned in pharmacopoeia as a tool against cold and somnolence brought on by particular medical afflictions, its effectiveness being explained by its ability to soak up moisture, to warm parts of the body, and", "id": "10195402" }, { "contents": "Patrick Michaels\n\n\nthe \"Wall Street Journal\": Why is the news on global warming always bad? Perhaps because there's little incentive to look at things the other way. If you do, you're liable to be pilloried by your colleagues. If global warming isn't such a threat, who needs all that funding? A 2002 article published in the journal \"Climate Research\" by Michaels and three other scholars has predicted \"a warming range of 1.3–3.0°C, with a central value of 1.9°C\" over the 1990", "id": "5495727" }, { "contents": "Iris barnumiae subsp. demawendica\n\n\nthe plants generate root and shoot growth. Irises generally require a period of cold, then a period of warmth and heat, also they need some moisture. Some seeds need stratification, (the cold treatment), which can be carried out indoors or outdoors. Seedlings are generally potted on (or transplanted) when they have 3 leaves. Like many other irises, most parts of the plant are poisonous (rhizome and leaves), and if mistakenly ingested can cause stomach pains and vomiting. Also, handling the plant may", "id": "787957" }, { "contents": "Nitazoxanide\n\n\nsignificantly differ from a placebo treatment for giardiasis; these symptoms include stomach pain, headache, upset stomach, vomiting, discolored urine, excessive urinating, skin rash, itching, fever, flu syndrome, and others. Nitazoxanide does not appear to cause any significant adverse effects when taken by healthy adults. Information on nitazoxanide overdose is limited. Oral doses of 4 grams in healthy adults do not appear to cause any significant adverse effects. In various animals, the oral LD is higher than 10 . Due to the exceptionally high plasma", "id": "1703942" }, { "contents": "Codeine\n\n\nor abnormally noisy breathing. As with other opiate-based pain killers, chronic use of codeine can cause physical dependence. When physical dependence has developed, withdrawal symptoms may occur if a person suddenly stops the medication. Withdrawal symptoms include: drug craving, runny nose, yawning, sweating, insomnia, weakness, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle spasms, chills, irritability, and pain. To minimize withdrawal symptoms, long-term users should gradually reduce their codeine medication under the supervision of a healthcare professional", "id": "4676300" }, { "contents": "History of medical cannabis\n\n\nnew drugs such as aspirin. An Irish physician, William Brooke O'Shaughnessy, is credited with introducing the therapeutic use of cannabis to Western medicine. He was Assistant-Surgeon and Professor of Chemistry at the Medical College of Calcutta, and conducted a cannabis experiment in the 1830s, first testing his preparations on animals, then administering them to patients to help treat muscle spasms, stomach cramps or general pain. Modern medical and scientific inquiry began with doctors like O'Shaughnessy and Moreau de Tours, who used it to treat melancholia and migraines,", "id": "15444544" }, { "contents": "Heat exchanger\n\n\nin steam systems for power plants, etc. to minimize fouling and corrosion of the heat exchange and other equipment. A variety of companies have started using water borne oscillations technology to prevent biofouling. Without the use of chemicals, this type of technology has helped in providing a low-pressure drop in heat exchangers. The human nasal passages serve as a heat exchanger, with cool air being inhaled and warm air being exhaled. Its effectiveness can be demonstrated by putting the hand in front of the face and exhaling, first through", "id": "19808466" }, { "contents": "Latrodectism\n\n\noccurs. About 75% of \"wet\" bites will have localized pain and nothing more. If, however, there is a substantial dose, a bite can cause latrodectism. The main symptoms are generalized muscle pain, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting. Initially a pinprick or burning sensation can be felt when bitten by widow spiders. If there was enough venom injected, pain worsens over the next hour. The area will develop localized sweating and gooseflesh piloerection. The pain may spread and become generalized. The typical duration is", "id": "2151499" }, { "contents": "Heat therapy\n\n\n, the interface between soft tissue and bone is selectively heated. Heat therapy can be used for the treatment of headaches and migraines. Many people who suffer from chronic headaches also suffer from tight muscles in their neck and upper back. The application of constant heat to the back/upper back area can help to release the tension associated with headache pain. In order to achieve heat therapy for headaches, many use microwaveable pads which can often overheat, potentially leading to injury, and lose their heat after a few minutes. Some", "id": "4794688" }, { "contents": "Bowel obstruction\n\n\nischemic bowel, incarcerated hernias, etc.). A small flexible tube (nasogastric tube) may be inserted through the nose into the stomach to help decompress the dilated bowel. This tube is uncomfortable but relieves the abdominal cramps, distention, and vomiting. Intravenous therapy is utilized and the urine output is monitored with a catheter in the bladder. Most people with SBO are initially managed conservatively because in many cases, the bowel will open up. Some adhesions loosen up and the obstruction resolves. The patient is examined several times", "id": "16137927" }, { "contents": "Sleeping bag\n\n\n's body shapes. Most mummy bags do not unzip all the way to the feet, because the zipper is a weak point in any sleeping bag's insulating qualities. Together with the tapered shape, this design feature helps protect the feet, which are more vulnerable to heat loss than other parts of the body. Another design feature is a drawstring, equipped with a cord lock, at the head end to help prevent the escape of warm air. A mummy bag often cannot be rolled like a rectangular bag. Instead", "id": "9865966" }, { "contents": "Acupressure\n\n\nAcupressure is an alternative medicine technique similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through \"meridians\" in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians. Pressure may be applied by hand, by elbow, or with various devices. Some medical studies have suggested that acupressure may be effective at helping manage nausea and vomiting, for helping lower back pain, tension headaches, stomach ache, among other things, although", "id": "19979778" }, { "contents": "Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Roberto Durán II\n\n\n\"I'm not going any further\". He has said that he quit because of stomach cramps, which started to bother him in the fifth round. He said the cramps occurred because he took off weight too quickly, then ate too much after the morning weigh-in, but his manager, Carlos Eleta, said Durán always ate that way before a fight. \"Durán didn't quit because of stomach cramps\", Eleta said. \"He quit because he was embarrassed.\" Leonard claimed credit for having forced", "id": "3682333" }, { "contents": "Bobby Simpson (Home and Away)\n\n\nschool so she enlists Pippa and Grant Mitchell's (Craig McLachlan) help to get his job back. After coming to terms with the prospect of being a mother, Bobby develops stomach pains and is devastated to find out she has suffered a miscarriage. When she gets her head together, she decides to take a leaf out of Pippa's book and looks into the prospect of fostering a child of her own. After a series of hits and misses, she wonders if it is the right thing to do. However,", "id": "15279090" }, { "contents": "The House of Love\n\n\nbuddy thing going on though at the same time it's very intimate... We've always had a very instinctive way of communicating with each other, which I guess is why we make good music together.\" Bickers in turn reflected \"I think we're both old enough and ugly enough to address any issues head-on and keep our tempers in check. We're also doing things at our own pace rather than letting a record company dictate what we do, which helps... It's still early days but communication is", "id": "3466351" }, { "contents": "Cystinuria\n\n\nThe parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive disease both carry one copy of the defective gene, but usually do not experience any signs or symptoms of the disease. Although signs and symptoms are rare, there are some directly and indirectly associated with cystinuria. These sign and symptoms consist of 1) hematuria- blood in the urine, 2) flank pain – pain in the side due to kidney pain, 3) renal colic – intense, cramping pain due to stones in the urinary tract, 4) obstructive uropathy- urinary tract", "id": "16148692" }, { "contents": "Dysmenorrhea\n\n\nDysmenorrhea, also known as painful periods, or menstrual cramps, is pain during menstruation. Its usual onset occurs around the time that menstruation begins. Symptoms typically last less than three days. The pain is usually in the pelvis or lower abdomen. Other symptoms may include back pain, diarrhea, or nausea. In young women painful periods often occur without an underlying problem. In older women it is more often due to an underlying issues such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, or endometriosis. It is more common among those with", "id": "19272448" }, { "contents": "Side stitch\n\n\nA side stitch (also called a side ache, a side cramp, a side crampie, a side sticker, a muscle stitch, or simply the stitch) is an intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage that occurs while exercising. It is also referred to as exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP). Some people think that this abdominal pain may be caused by the internal organs (like the liver and stomach) pulling downwards on the diaphragm, but that hypothesis is inconsistent with its frequent occurrence", "id": "5571927" }, { "contents": "Effects of tropical cyclones\n\n\ncyclones may actually do the opposite. 2005's Hurricane Dennis blew warm water behind it, contributing to the unprecedented intensity of Hurricane Emily, which followed it closely. Hurricanes help to maintain the global heat balance by moving warm, moist tropical air to the mid-latitudes and polar regions and also by influencing ocean heat transport. Were it not for the movement of heat poleward (through other means as well as hurricanes), the tropical regions would be unbearably hot. Shipwrecks are common with the passage of strong tropical cyclones.", "id": "13549838" }, { "contents": "Sanhujori\n\n\nto keep their body warm, it is traditionally believed that she will become vulnerable to Sanhubyung, which means a life-long illness after the postpartum period. Childbirth tends to lower the immunity of mothers, and they may have pains and swellings in their bodies. During the postpartum period, Korean mothers do light stretching and self-massage of the muscles to relax and strengthen their bodies. It is scientifically proved that 30 minutes exercise, per day, is helpful in recovering the bladder and pelvic muscles rapidly. Postpartum period Taegyo", "id": "6316307" }, { "contents": "Jill Abbott\n\n\nmother, and she doesn't know how to deal with them.\" Walton said she felt Jill had been \"shaken to the very foundation\" upon the revelation that Katherine is her mother, stating: \"A big part of who she has been all these years has to do with her anger towards Katherine. She always shoved any feeling of love down. Now, she's questioning everything about herself. That's why she is in such pain and why she is drinking. That hate thing is baseless now.\"", "id": "2259697" }, { "contents": "Iris bismarckiana\n\n\nperiod of warmth and heat, also they need some moisture. Some seeds need stratification, (the cold treatment), which can be carried out indoors or outdoors. Seedlings are generally potted on (or transplanted) when they have 3 leaves. Known \"I. bismarkiana\" cultivars include 'Benjaminii', 'Nazarena' and 'Nazarena Thompsoni'. Like many other irises, most parts of the plant are poisonous (rhizome and leaves), if mistakenly ingested can cause stomach pains and vomiting. Also handling the plant may", "id": "5037467" }, { "contents": "Sickness and Wealth\n\n\n\"Sickness and Wealth\" is an episode of the BBC sit-com, \"Only Fools and Horses\". It was the fifth episode of series 6, and was first broadcast on 5 February 1989. In the episode, Del is suffering from stomach cramps, but refuses to see a doctor. Elsewhere, Del organises a séance. Del Boy is suffering from a mysterious illness that is giving him stomach pains, but he refuses to admit to it or go to see a doctor because he is scared of them.", "id": "19874847" }, { "contents": "Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease\n\n\n. Pregnancy has been known to exacerbate CMT, as well as severe emotional stress. Patients with CMT must avoid periods of prolonged immobility such as when recovering from a secondary injury, as prolonged periods of limited mobility can drastically accelerate symptoms of CMT. Pain due to postural changes, skeletal deformations, muscle fatigue, and cramping is fairly common in people with CMT. It can be mitigated or treated by physical therapies, surgeries, and corrective or assistive devices. Analgesic medications may also be needed if other therapies do not provide relief", "id": "7937471" }, { "contents": "Massage\n\n\nwith the aim of clearing blockages in those meridians. Pressure may be applied by fingers, palm, elbow, toes or with various devices. Some medical studies have suggested that acupressure may be effective at helping manage nausea and vomiting, for helping lower back pain, tension headaches, stomach ache, among other things, although such studies have been found to have a high likelihood of bias. Aquatic bodywork comprises a diverse set of massage and bodywork forms performed in water. This includes land-based forms performed in water (e.g.", "id": "73667" }, { "contents": "Stomach disease\n\n\nchronic stomach disorders. One of the most causes of chronic stomach problems is use of medications. Use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to treat various pain disorders can damage lining of the stomach and cause ulcers. Other medications like narcotics can interfere with stomach emptying and cause bloating, nausea, or vomiting. The majority of chronic stomach problems are treated medically. However, there is evidence that a change in life style may help. Even though there is no specific food responsible for causing chronic stomach problems", "id": "14711160" }, { "contents": "Electronic drum\n\n\ncircuits would be triggered by the touch pads, merely by damp. Just breathing over them would do the job. So in the end a 40 Watt light bulb was built inside the box holding the pads, electronic circuitry and relays, to heat up the unit when the instrument had been sitting in a car and then put on a stage in a relatively warm, damp environment. After all we'd just left the dark ages of electronic music... \" The first electronic drum was created in the early 1970s by Graeme Edge", "id": "3619513" }, { "contents": "Heat therapy\n\n\nHeat therapy, also called thermotherapy, is the use of heat in therapy, such as for pain relief and health. It can take the form of a hot cloth, hot water bottle, ultrasound, heating pad, hydrocollator packs, whirlpool baths, cordless FIR heat therapy wraps, and others. It can be beneficial to those with arthritis and stiff muscles and injuries to the deep tissue of the skin. Heat may be an effective self-care treatment for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Heat therapy is most commonly used for", "id": "4794679" }, { "contents": "Laptop cooler\n\n\nfan, thus generating a small amount of additional heat. This additional heat generation is usually insignificant in relation to the amount of heat a fan moves away from the laptop. Typically, a conductive cooling pad allows for the cooling of a laptop without using any power. These \"pads\" are normally filled with an organic salt compound that allows them to absorb the heat from the laptop. They are good for a limited amount of time from around 6–8 hours of cooling. Other designs are simply a pad that elevates the laptop", "id": "9367821" }, { "contents": "The Tenth Level\n\n\nThe Tenth Level is a 1976 American made-for-television drama film movie starring William Shatner. Inspired by the Stanley Milgram obedience research, this TV movie chronicles a psychology professor's study to determine why people, such as the Nazis, were willing to \"just follow orders\" and do horrible things to others. Professor Stephen Turner (Shatner) leads students to believe that they are applying increasingly painful electric shocks to other subjects when they fail to perform a task correctly, and is alarmed to see how much pain the", "id": "20943155" }, { "contents": "Enteritis\n\n\nEnteritis is inflammation of the small intestine. It is most commonly caused by food or drink contaminated with pathogenic microbes, such as \"serratia\", but may have other causes such as NSAIDs, cocaine, radiation therapy as well as autoimmune conditions like Crohn's disease and coeliac disease. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhoea, dehydration, and fever. Related diseases of the gastrointestinal system include inflammation of the stomach and large intestine. Duodenitis, jejunitis and ileitis are subtypes of enteritis which are only localised to a specific part", "id": "2996390" }, { "contents": "Dog anatomy\n\n\na short tail or no tail in some breeds. Dogs have a violet gland or supracaudal gland on the dorsal (upper) surface of their tails. Dogs can stand, walk and run on snow and ice for long periods of time. When a dog's footpad is exposed to the cold, heat loss is prevented by an adaptation of the blood system that recirculates heat back into the body. It brings blood from the skin surface and retains warm blood in the pad surface. There is some debate about whether a dewclaw", "id": "13301224" }, { "contents": "Pain\n\n\n67% reported it. Some amputees experience continuous pain that varies in intensity or quality; others experience several bouts of pain per day, or it may reoccur less often. It is often described as shooting, crushing, burning or cramping. If the pain is continuous for a long period, parts of the intact body may become sensitized, so that touching them evokes pain in the phantom limb. Phantom limb pain may accompany urination or defecation. Local anesthetic injections into the nerves or sensitive areas of the stump may relieve pain", "id": "4739017" }, { "contents": "Ramsay Street crash\n\n\nmorals are good. The last things he wants to do is jeopardise anyone's safety by doing something silly. But he gets talked into overloading the car by letting Sophie get in with them. He wants to please his friends and make sure everyone's happy - and it doesn't help that the whole group use a bit of peer pressure to convince him. The others just don't see any danger in what they're doing.\" Shortly after restarting their journey, a heated argument breaks out between Natasha and Andrew when", "id": "15186952" }, { "contents": "XTC\n\n\nstage, and afterward, took a flight back to Swindon for treatment, which amounted to hypnotherapy. He described feeling nausea and stomach pains while on stage: \"My body and brain said, You're hating this experience I'm going to make it bad for you. When you go on stage I'm going to give you panic attacks and stomach cramps. You're not enjoying this and you haven't got the heart to tell anyone you can't carry on so I'm gonna mess you up.\" The", "id": "15295594" }, { "contents": "Sugar Ray Leonard\n\n\n, I got cramps in my stomach and it kept getting worse and worse\", Duran later said. \"I felt weaker and weaker in my body and arms.\" He then announced, \"I am retiring from boxing right now.\" During the night Durán was admitted to a hospital with stomach pains, and discharged the following day. Everyone was surprised by Durán's actions, none more so than his veteran trainers, Freddie Brown and Ray Arcel. \"I was shocked\", Brown said. \"There was", "id": "5688986" }, { "contents": "Ricinodendron\n\n\nthe tree is used by traditional doctors as an antidote against poison because the extracts are said to contain lupeol. It is also used to cure various diseases as cough, malaria, yellow fever, stomach pain, rheumatism etc. Other characteristics are aphrodisiac and anti-inflammatory properties. Seed husk and latex, leaf decoction and sap are also used to treat divers illnesses. Presence of njangsa helps to improve soil quality because the roots are colonized by mycorrhizae and because of its natural leaf litter. Burned kernel shells deliver potassium rich ash", "id": "1600457" }, { "contents": "Alcohol in the Bible\n\n\nabout a man from Samaria who assists an injured man by, among other things, pouring oil and wine on his wounds. Oil mixed with wine was a common remedy in the ancient world to cleanse wounds and assuage their pain. Paul advises Timothy that he should not drink water only, but should use a little wine for the sake of his stomach and frequent infirmities. Some have suggested this advice is particularly in reference to purifying low quality drinking water, while others suggest it was simply intended to help his digestion and general", "id": "18386155" }, { "contents": "Uterine contraction\n\n\n, possibly to facilitate any implantation. If implantation does not occur, the frequency remains low, but the amplitude increases dramatically to between 50 and 200 mmHg producing labor-like contractions at the time of menstruation. These contractions are sometimes termed \"menstrual cramps\", although that term is often used for menstrual pain in general. These contractions may be uncomfortable or even painful, but they are generally significantly less painful than contractions during labour. A hot water bottle or exercising has been found to help. A shift in the myosin", "id": "14906503" }, { "contents": "Hard problem of consciousness\n\n\nThe hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining how and why sentient organisms have qualia or phenomenal experiences—how and why it is that some internal states are felt states, such as heat or pain, rather than unfelt states, as in a thermostat or a toaster. The philosopher David Chalmers, who introduced the term \"hard problem\" of consciousness, contrasts this with the \"easy problems\" of explaining the ability to discriminate, integrate information, report mental states, focus attention, etc. Easy problems are easy", "id": "3092527" }, { "contents": "Triazolam\n\n\n, drug dependence, rebound insomnia, and CNS-related adverse effects. Benzodiazepine hypnotics should be used at their lowest possible dose and for a short period of time. Nonpharmacological treatment options were found to yield sustained improvements in sleep quality. A worsening of insomnia (rebound insomnia) compared to baseline may occur after discontinuation of triazolam, even following short-term, single-dose therapy. Other withdrawal symptoms can range from mild unpleasant feelings to a major withdrawal syndrome, including stomach cramps, vomiting, muscle cramps, sweating,", "id": "11942750" }, { "contents": "Growing pains\n\n\nsyndrome is sometimes misdiagnosed as growing pains. Other possible causes of pain in the limbs include injuries, infections, benign tumors such as osteoid osteoma, malignant tumors such as osteosarcoma, and problems that affect the shape and function of the legs, such as genu valgum (knock-knees). Parents and children can be substantially reassured by explaining the benign and self-limiting nature of the pains. Local massage, hot baths, hot water bottles or heating pads, and analgesic drugs such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) are often", "id": "6872874" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on suicide\n\n\n\"teshuva\" notes that while many people get sick, often with terminal illnesses, most people do not try to kill themselves. The committee believes we are obliged to determine why some seek help with suicide and to ameliorate those circumstances. The Conservative response states: The paper says the proper response to severe pain is not suicide, but better pain control and more pain medication. Many doctors, it asserts, are deliberately keeping such patients in pain by refusing to administer sufficient pain medications: some out of ignorance; others to", "id": "2326112" }, { "contents": "List of Royal Pains characters\n\n\nshould go on their honeymoon). They then agree that they should go on a honeymoon. In the sixth season, Hank offers his spare room, but Paige and Evan rent a new home and insist that Emma stay with them. This causes tension, as they begin to feel very cramped in such a small space with three people. Their landlord helps them realise mid-squabble, that Paige and Evan tend to put others needs above their own and they \"do this to ourselves.\" They tell Emma and she", "id": "1914611" }, { "contents": "Rogue Valley Transportation District\n\n\ncarried with their corresponding riders ). Each bus is equipped with both forward cabin and rear cabin heating units keeping each bus at a warm, comfortable temperature during the winter. Most of the buses also have air conditioning as well, save for the 4500 series (the GMC New Looks) which do not have A/C. All buses have padded frontal seats for additional comfort, with the 4500 series featuring both front and rear padded seats. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 all RVTD buses feature some form", "id": "4010338" }, { "contents": "Wheat allergy\n\n\nsacroiliitis, eczema (atopic dermatitis), hives (urticaria), asthma, \"hay fever\" (allergic rhinitis), angioedema (tissue swelling due to fluid leakage from blood vessels), abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Rarer symptoms include anaphylactic shock, anxiety, arthritis, bloated stomach, chest pains, depression or mood swings, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, joint and muscle aches and pains (may be associated with progressive arthritis), palpitations, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), swollen throat", "id": "8234538" }, { "contents": "Knee\n\n\nleg immobilization followed by physical therapy. Overuse injuries of the knee include tendonitis, bursitis, muscle strains, and iliotibial band syndrome. These injuries often develop slowly over weeks or months. Activities that induce pain usually delay healing. Rest, ice and compression do help in most cases. Once the swelling has diminished, heat packs can increase blood supply and promote healing. Most overuse injuries subside with time but can flare up if the activities are quickly resumed. Individuals may reduce the chances of overuse injuries by warming up prior to", "id": "16275569" }, { "contents": "Docusate\n\n\nemulsifier and dispersant in topical preparations. When taken by mouth it is typically recommended with plenty of water. Docusate is not recommended in people with appendicitis, acute abdomen, or ileus. Possible side effects are typically mild and include stomach pain, diarrhea, or cramping. Serious allergic reactions may occur with the drug. The most severe side effect of docusate, although very rare, is rectal bleeding. Docusate might increase resorption of other drugs, for example, dantron (1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone). Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate is used as a surfactant", "id": "21007181" }, { "contents": "Fever\n\n\nis an increase in body temperature over the temperature set point, due to either too much heat production or not enough heat loss. Treatment to reduce fever is generally not required. Treatment of associated pain and inflammation, however, may be useful and help a person rest. Medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help with this as well as lower temperature. Measures such as putting a cool damp cloth on the forehead and having a slightly warm bath are not useful and may simply make a person more uncomfortable.", "id": "2303701" }, { "contents": "Graham Young\n\n\nto make them violently ill. Beginning in February, 37-year-old Molly Young had suffered vomiting, diarrhoea and excruciating stomach pain, which she initially dismissed as bilious attacks. Before long her husband Fred, 44, was also suffering, with similar stomach cramps debilitating him for days at a time. Then Young's sister was violently ill on a couple of occasions that summer. Shortly afterwards, Young himself was violently sick at home. It even seemed as if the mystery bug had spread beyond their household: a couple of", "id": "21981" }, { "contents": "Pain in invertebrates\n\n\nphysiological and morphological features. Morphine extends the period that crickets remain on the heated surface of a hotplate. This is a particularly important criterion for assessing whether an animal has the capacity to experience pain rather than only nociception. Nociceptive responses do not require consciousness or higher neural processing; this results in relatively fixed, reflexive actions. However, the experience of pain does involve higher neural centres which also take into account other factors of relevance to the animal, i.e. competing motivations. This means that a response to the experience of pain", "id": "5475641" }, { "contents": "Occupational heat stress\n\n\nworker, landscaper, some athletes and agricultural worker. The main symptoms of heat stress are perspiration, increased heart rate, and dehydration. Other general symptoms include painful muscle cramps, extreme weakness, nausea, dizziness, headache, breathing fast and clammy, pale, cool, and/or moist skin or red, dry skin. Employers can establish prevention programs, which focus on having protocols to gradually increases workloads and concede on allowing on more breaks for new hired workers. Employers can control heat stress through engineering controls, work practices,", "id": "17311026" }, { "contents": "Psychobilly\n\n\n, one American act that emulated the style was The Reverend Horton Heat, formed in Dallas, Texas in 1985. Their 1990 single \"Psychobilly Freakout\" helped introduce American audiences to the genre. The band was heavily inspired by The Cramps, and original Cramps members Lux Interior and Poison Ivy have both identified The Reverend Horton Heat as the latter-day rockabilly/psychobilly band most closely resembling the style and tone of The Cramps. Horton Heat noted that the lack of audience awareness of the band was in some ways a benefit", "id": "13762419" }, { "contents": "Trouser press\n\n\nwithout damaging the trousers. On a typical trouser press, the side levers are raised; and the trousers placed between the pressing plate and the cushioned heating pad. The press is slowly closed, the trousers gently pulled so that they align properly and the press dial turned on for heat. The press heats to around regardless of model type. It can take roughly 15 to 45 minutes to press the trousers depending on the model type and the thermostatically-controlled heating pad will warm up and gently press out creases and wrinkles without", "id": "14980673" }, { "contents": "Bambusa bambos\n\n\nis used to treat joint pain and general debility[254]. The leaves are antispasmodic and emmenagogue[254]. They are taken internally to stimulate menstruation and to help relieve period pain[254]. They are also taken to tone and strengthen stomach function; to expel worms; and have the reputation of being an aphrodisiac[254]. The young sprouts, harvested as they emerge from below soil level, are taken internally to relieve nausea, indigestion and wind[254]. They are applied externally as a poultice to help drain infected wounds[254]. The juice", "id": "17901634" }, { "contents": "Heat therapy\n\n\nrehabilitation purposes. The therapeutic effects of heat include increasing the extensibility of collagen tissues; decreasing joint stiffness; reducing pain; relieving muscle spasms; reducing inflammation, edema, and aids in the post acute phase of healing; and increasing blood flow. The increased blood flow to the affected area provides proteins, nutrients, and oxygen for better healing. Moist heat therapy has been believed to be more effective at warming tissues than dry heat, because water transfers heat more quickly than air. Clinical studies do not support the popular belief", "id": "4794680" }, { "contents": "Stomach disease\n\n\nof time lasting a few weeks. The difference in diagnosis will help determine the cause of the illness. Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive tract, even the stomach, although it's a rare presentation. Its main feature is inflammatory ulcers that can affect the total thickness of the stomach wall and can bleed but rarely perforate. Symptoms include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Diarrhea is also a symptom that can develop, so checking stools for the appearance", "id": "14711157" }, { "contents": "Bostic v. Schaefer\n\n\nand wife,\" Of same-sex relationships and unions, he said: \"It doesn't work biologically,\" and calling it marriage is to \"play with the language.\" In complete contrast, Gregory questioned: \"Why do you want to deny [children] all these warm and wholesome things about marriage? ... You think the child loves these parents any less because they are same-sex parents?\" and demanded the defending lawyer to answer. Ultimately, Gregory viewed the case as a \"way station", "id": "12537800" }, { "contents": "Pointe technique\n\n\ntoes or use gel pads that can conform to any one problem area. Choosing between cloth and gel, gel, only cloth, wool, etc. for toe pads is a personal preference for each dancer, but each style has its own benefits. Other exterior injuries include cuts caused by toenails piercing adjacent toes. This can be prevented by keeping toe nails cut short and filed smooth. Also, calluses may form on the bottoms and sides of the feet, which can crack open. This can be helped by the use", "id": "3774845" }, { "contents": "Stratification (seeds)\n\n\nof any additional material (fruit pulp, leaf and seed-pod fragments, cone scales, etc.), but the shells of nuts should not be removed. Any seeds that are indicated as needing a period of warm stratification followed by cold stratification should be subjected to the same measures, but the seeds should additionally be stratified in a warm area first, followed by the cold period in a refrigerator later. Warm stratification requires temperatures of 15-20°C (59-68°F). In many instances", "id": "4888546" }, { "contents": "Climate change in Washington\n\n\nwould cause a serious increase in the need for medication for allergies and exacerbate the effects of global warming on the economy. Impact on \"heat-related illnesses\" Heat-related deaths will increase as average yearly temperatures increase. More frequent days over will cause several problems for humans, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. The amount of heat waves has increased in the state of WA over the past 20 years. The average cost for each mortality from heat-related deaths is $6,250. These occur", "id": "6720757" }, { "contents": "Mongoloid\n\n\nis not very prominent on the face of a Mongoloid. Their frontal sinus is also reduced in order to allow more room for padding to protect from their cold environment. Regardless of the environment that the Mongoloid is in, their nose helps reduce the stress of the environment on their body by moistening the air inspired to cool the body off instead of doing a straight up heat exchange. The Asian mt-DNA Haplogroup D has been shown in a small Japanese study to provide greater heat production upon exposure to cold than other haplogroups", "id": "19365850" }, { "contents": "Hot water bottle\n\n\ncountries and rural areas. For example, it is widely used in Chile, where it is called a \"guatero\". There has been a recent surge in popularity in Japan where it is seen as an ecologically friendly and thrifty way to keep warm. Some newer products function like the older bottles, but use a polymer gel or wax in a heating pad. The pads can be heated in a microwave oven, and they are marketed as safer than liquid-filled bottles or electrically-heated devices. Some newer bottles", "id": "15747115" }, { "contents": "Kurt Cobain\n\n\n\" as a way to self-medicate his stomach condition. \"It started with three days in a row of doing heroin and I don't have a stomach pain. That was such a relief,\" he related. However, longtime friend Buzz Osborne disputes this, saying that his stomach pain was more likely caused by his heroin use, saying \"He made it up for sympathy and so he could use it as an excuse to stay loaded. Of course he was vomiting—that's what people on heroin do", "id": "16824960" }, { "contents": "Steam mop\n\n\nhit the mass-market. A steam mop works by heating up the water inside the reservoir to temperatures of about 120 degrees Celsius (248 degrees Fahrenheit). Many steam mops have one jet of dry steam (but may have as many as 15 jets), moistening a microfibre pad placed underneath. The steam helps soak the pad and dirt is drawn off ground. Unlike regular mops, steam mops do not leave a residue on the floor and often clean through the dirt. The heat of the steam can kill about", "id": "17419074" }, { "contents": "Nociceptor\n\n\nstimulus. The first to be discovered was TRPV1, and it has a threshold that coincides with the heat pain temperature of 42 °C. Other temperature in the warm–hot range is mediated by more than one TRP channel. Each of these channels express a particular C-terminal domain that corresponds to the warm–hot sensitivity. The interactions between all these channels and how the temperature level is determined to be above the pain threshold are unknown at this time. The cool stimuli are sensed by TRPM8 channels. Its C", "id": "12157182" }, { "contents": "Margaret Jones (Puritan midwife)\n\n\nwhom she stroked or touched with any affection or displeasure, or etc. [sic], were taken with deafness, or vomiting, or other violent pains or sickness. \" \" 2. She practising physic, and her medicines being such things as, by her own confession, were harmless, — as anise-seed, liquors, etc., — yet had extraordinary violent effects. \" \" 3. She would use to tell such as would not make use of her physic, that they would never be healed", "id": "15423218" }, { "contents": "List of Royal Pains characters\n\n\nthe sixth season, Hank offers them his spare room, but Paige and Evan rent a new home and insist that Emma stay with them. This causes tension, as they begin to feel very cramped in such a small space with three people. Their landlord helps them realize mid-squabble that Paige and Evan tend to put others needs above their own and they \"do this to ourselves.\" In Season 7, Boris buys Hampton Heritage and appoints Evan as Interim Hospital Administrator. Later, Evan becomes the permanent Hospital Administrator", "id": "1914586" } ]
How can antidepressants cause depression?
[{"answer": "Because of the effect they have on the brain. Once you start taking them, they start giving you more energy for a brief period *before* they start enhancing your mood. So if you were suicidal before, you'll still be suicidal for a while, but now you may also have the energy to want to *do* something about it. [More info.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "A lot of these comments are missing an important point, which is that two common symptoms of major depression are quite paradoxical: suicidal ideation and apathy. few but those who have experienced it can truly understand the type of physical dullness that this sort of apathy really entails. it's not just feeling *bad* or *sad* but having zero motivation to do anything. so you might feel like continuing to live is pointless, but actually killing yourself is a huge change of state, it's an amount of effort major depressives may find difficult to muster. The way my psychiatrist explained it to me is that after a couple of weeks of medication, enough motivation might return that I would be ready to actually do something about my depression. luckily I had a wonderfully supportive therapist and what I did was to slowly return to my life. but for many people the action they take at this point is a suicide attempt, because if life is miserable, the logical solution is to end it. having a sudden feeling of motivation, but not yet having a sustained period of happiness, after months of major depression is dangerous. SSRIs can be a very effective treatment but the nature of the disease is that it is very important to keep track of and understand the emotions that psychoactive drugs can produce."}, {"answer": "I thought the same thing when I started taking meds for my depression. Along with how these other explanations, here's mine. Some anti-depressants are more like a mood stabilizer than anything. They make you feel normal, not sad anymore. The thing is, it also cuts into your ability to feel super excited and happy. I would always get worsening suicidal thoughts after about 6 months because of this."}, {"answer": "Antidepressants are still very much trial-and-error. Say one antidepressant opens up more receptors for dopamine. Some people have an inefficient neutron firing process when it comes to delivering dopamine, so for them, more receptors is great. However, other people might be completely fine with their dopamine regulation, and opening up more receptors upsets the balance, sending a message to the brain that says 'these receptors aren't being activated; thus, we're not getting enough dopamine', even when the brain's overall dopamine levels are good."}, {"answer": "Some people have depression that makes them numb, lethargic, apathetic, anhedonic, zombie-like, going through the motions while others have depression that leaves them in a vortex of sadness, anxiety, self loathing, guilt, bed-ridden and in crippling emotional pain. SNRIs and NDRIs are often better for the former, and SSRIs are better for the latter. Sometimes the former group does well on stimulants, i.e. ADHD meds like Adderall or Ritalin. Sometimes the latter group does better on antipsychotics. Then you have older Antidepressants like MAOIs or TCAs. Above all, lifestyle changes (usually with the guidence of cognitive behavioral therapy) and physical health (diet/exercise) do the most. I'm trying to fight some depression I've realized I've had since puberty. I'm quite the zombie."}, {"answer": "My mom was on them forever. I'm not sure if they helped. My impression of what they do to someone is; they take the emotional aspect out of life. She started taking them and she wasn't such a train wreck, but she was never happy either. It kind of gave her a mediocre base line lifestyle, where she could function and be a part of society... but never really improve her position. It took away her crying, but also took away her ambition to acheive. Anyway the whole point... antidepressants don't free you from oppression, they only hide it. They don't make you feel good, they make you feel less. They don't do anything but take away from your ability to feel, which is everything that life is about."}, {"answer": "We don't know. We don't even know how antidepressants cure depression. They just seem to have a positive effect, so we keep using them. We know that they mess with the neurotransmitters in your brain, but the fact that the anti-depressant effects are delayed and unpredictable from person to person suggest that this is an indirect downstream effect. That's why there's a trial-and-error period for a person starting depression medication. There are a ton of anti-depressants, and some of them work in different ways than others. Some raise the level of one neurotransmitter, others lower the level of another one, and so on. The resulting effects vary widely, and certain drugs in certain people can make the whole situation worse. Changing to a different drug may or may not help. We really just don't understand the brain right now. We're getting better at it, as newer scanning technology is coming out that's allowing us to really dive into research. Maybe in five or ten years we'll have a real answer to this question. But brain science is still in its infancy."}, {"answer": "Well, this has to do with a number of things but let's just touch on the basics. Your brain has little chemicals called neurotransmitters. There are many different neurotransmitters, and each one has different purpose. They jump between brain cells through a synapse. After they accomplish their job, they return to the original brain cell they came from. When we use drugs, specifically mood enhancing drugs, like cocaine for instance, they have an impact on our ability to complete the \"reuptake\" process, and the neurottansmitter (in this case dopamine) stays in the post-synaptic cell. When this happens with dopamine you get really happy!!! But, your brain stops recognizing the need to produce more dopamine, because it's being supplied by the drugs. This causes withdrawal, or a negative physical or mental reaction to losing the provided comfort of a drug. With anti-depressants specifically, the neurotransmitter effect doesn't always work the way it's supposed too, and often times you can see a reduction in the production of dopamine or serotonin, without the \"high\" given by the drug. Also, if you are misdiagnosed as having a deficiency in something like dopamine when you don't, the drug can cause you to become deficient accidently, so the pharma companies cover their asses by laying that on the doctor for misdiagnosis. There is a lot more complexity to the neuroscience that takes place here, but this is a basic run through of the major issues."}, {"answer": "Because they aren't \"anti-depressants\" in the way people think they are. They are not \"happy pills\". They remove depression by removing all feelings to a degree. For some people this can make them apathetic towards activities and things that give them their last bit of joy in life, which in turn causes a worsening of depression."}, {"answer": "Antidepressants give you more chemicals (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) in your brain. A lack of these causes you to have a decrease in control of your emotions. Increasing them can help you can back some control, but the thoughts that you do have in your depressed state dont go away. Without proper behavioral therapy to combat and challenge your old way of thinking, the antidepressants just give you some short term relief which will eventually susbisde. But if you have persistent negative thoughts, they dont go away with antidepressants alone and you can just continue to spiral down because even though you have more energy and control, you also have mostly negative thoughts. You gotta get a different, more positive outlook on your situation otherwise you're still just having negative thoughts."}, {"answer": "imagine you are suicidal. But you are also depressed. you are so depressed that you cant even muster enough energy to kill yourself. then you take some medicine. this medicine makes you feel just good enough that you now have enough energy to follow through with your plan to kill yourself. ta-da, your anti-depression medication has successfully given you the boost you need to kill yourself. Same deal with it maybe making you more depressed. when you are rock bottom, things cant get worse because you lack the capacity to think of how they could get worse. but when you take antidepressents, you may find yourself with enough energy to now think about how things could be worse, and thus you become more depressed."}, {"answer": "I've suffered with depression for a long time and the first time I've felt tablets have actually worked was when my doctor prescribed an SNRI. It's side effects were grim, not in the sense it increased my willing for suicide but the nausea and headaches were absolutely crazy. I have the night sweats and I still have days were picking myself up is a challenge but I'm far better than I have ever been. Much less angry for certain too! I can't actually remember if increased suicide tendencies are a major side effect of Venlafaxine but I could understand if they did, they sometimes have a numbing effect on emotions to start with."}, {"answer": "Research shows that some depressive symptoms are alleviated in some individuals by *reducing* serotonin. SSRIs address a deficit of serotonin (which inhibits neurons from firing as far as I know) as the cause of depression. This is clearly not the case universally speaking. Therefore when you mess around with the serotonin re-uptake in the brain you get **??? who knows ???**."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2388", "title": "Antidepressant", "section": "Section::::Types.:Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 89, "end_paragraph_id": 89, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["NRIs are commonly used in the treatment of conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy due to their psychostimulant effects and in obesity due to their appetite suppressant effects. They are also frequently used as antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder, anxiety and panic disorder. Additionally, many drugs of abuse such as cocaine and methylphenidate possess NRI activity, though it is important to mention that NRIs without combined dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI) properties are not significantly rewarding and hence are considered to have a negligible abuse potential. However, norepinephrine has been implicated as acting synergistically with dopamine when actions on the two neurotransmitters are combined (e.g., in the case of NDRIs) to produce rewarding effects in psychostimulant drugs of abuse. The only drug used of this class for depression is bupropion. The majority of the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) act primarily as serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) by blocking the serotonin transporter (SERT) and the norepinephrine transporter (NET), respectively", "NRIs are commonly used in the treatment of conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy due to their psychostimulant effects and in obesity due to their appetite suppressant effects. They are also frequently used as antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder, anxiety and panic disorder. Additionally, many drugs of abuse such as cocaine and methylphenidate possess NRI activity, though it is important to mention that NRIs without combined dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI) properties are not significantly rewarding and hence are considered to have a negligible abuse potential. However, norepinephrine has been implicated as acting synergistically with dopamine when actions on the two neurotransmitters are combined (e.g., in the case of NDRIs) to produce rewarding effects in psychostimulant drugs of abuse.", "NRIs are commonly used in the treatment of conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy due to their psychostimulant effects and in obesity due to their appetite suppressant effects. They are also frequently used as antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder, anxiety and panic disorder. Additionally, many drugs of abuse such as cocaine and methylphenidate possess NRI activity, though it is important to mention that NRIs without combined dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI) properties are not significantly rewarding and hence are considered to have a negligible abuse potential. However, norepinephrine has been implicated as acting synergistically with dopamine when actions on the two neurotransmitters are combined (e.g., in the case of NDRIs) to produce rewarding effects in psychostimulant drugs of abuse. The only drug used of this class for depression is bupropion. The majority of the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) act primarily as serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) by blocking the serotonin transporter (SERT) and the norepinephrine transporter (NET), respectively"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Depression in childhood and adolescence\n\n\nin the use of self-report scales is the accuracy of the information collected. The main controversy is caused by uncertainty about how the data from these multiple informants can or should be combined to determine whether a child can be diagnosed with depression. The controversy over the use of antidepressants began in 2003 when Great Britain's Department of Health stated that, based on data collected by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, paroxetine (an antidepressant) should not be used on patients under the age of 18. Since then,", "id": "12506860" }, { "contents": "Major depressive disorder\n\n\nare not recommended in children with mild disease. There is also insufficient evidence to determine effectiveness in those with depression complicated by dementia. Any antidepressant can cause low blood sodium levels; nevertheless, it has been reported more often with SSRIs. It is not uncommon for SSRIs to cause or worsen insomnia; the sedating atypical antidepressant mirtazapine can be used in such cases. Irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors, an older class of antidepressants, have been plagued by potentially life-threatening dietary and drug interactions. They are still used only rarely,", "id": "8378678" }, { "contents": "Mood stabilizer\n\n\nboth manic and depressive symptoms, are lamotrigine, lithium carbonate and quetiapine. Nevertheless, antidepressants are still often prescribed in addition to mood stabilizers during depressive phases. This brings some risks, however, as antidepressants can induce mania, psychosis, and other disturbing problems in people with bipolar disorder—in particular, when taken alone. The risk of antidepressant-induced mania when given to patients concomitantly on antimanic agents is not known for certain but may still exist. The majority of antidepressants appear ineffective in treating bipolar depression. Antidepressants cause", "id": "334833" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\ndifferent antidepressants. It's inconclusive which approach is superior. Treatment resistant depression can be misdiagnosed if subtherapeutic doses of antidepressants is the case, patient nonadherence, intolerable adverse effects or their thyroid disease or other conditions is misdiagnosed as depression. Acetylcarnitine levels were lower in depressed patients than controls and in rats it causes rapid antidepressant effects through epigenetic mechanisms. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 12 randomized controlled trials found \"supplementation significantly decreases depressive symptoms compared with placebo/no intervention, while offering a comparable effect with that of established", "id": "3147164" }, { "contents": "Mood disorder\n\n\n. Just as some antidepressants can cause or worsen anxiety in some patients due to being activating, benzodiazepines can cause or worsen depression due to being a central nervous system depressant—worsening thinking, concentration and problem solving (i.e., benzodiazepine-induced neurocognitive disorder). However, unlike antidepressants, in which the activating effects usually improve with continued treatment, benzodiazepine-induced depression is unlikely to improve until after stopping the medication. In a long-term follow-up study of patients dependent on benzodiazepines, it was found that 10", "id": "7082253" }, { "contents": "Epigenetics of depression\n\n\nbrain regions such as the hippocampus.Epigenetic factors, such as methylation, could serve as predictors for the effectiveness of certain antidepressant treatments. Currently, antidepressants can be used to stabilize moods and decrease global DNA methylation levels, but they could also be used to determine the risk of depression caused by epigenetic changes. Identifying gene with altered expression could result in new antidepressant treatments. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a class of enzymes that remove acetyl groups from histones. Different HDACs play different roles in response to depression, and these", "id": "21501243" }, { "contents": "Mood stabilizer\n\n\nseveral risks when given to bipolar patients. They are ineffective in treating acute bipolar depression, preventing relapse, and can cause rapid cycling. Studies have shown that antidepressants have no benefit versus a placebo or other treatment. Antidepressants can also lead to a higher rate of non-lethal suicidal behavior. Relapse can also be related to treatment with antidepressants. This is less likely to occur if a mood stabilizer is combined with an antidepressant, rather than an antidepressant being used alone. Evidence from previous studies shows that rapid cycling is linked", "id": "334834" }, { "contents": "Terminal illness\n\n\nas patients become sicker. Depression causes quality of life to go down, and a sizable portion of patients who request assisted suicide are depressed. These negative emotions may be heightened by lack of sleep and pain as well. Depression can be treated with antidepressants and/or therapy, but doctors often do not realize the extent of terminal patients' depression. Because depression is common among terminal patients, the American College of Physicians recommends regular assessments for depression for this population and appropriate prescription of antidepressants. Anxiety disorders are also relatively common for terminal", "id": "15803257" }, { "contents": "Treatment-resistant depression\n\n\nlessen the effectiveness of antidepressants or cause depression symptoms. People with depression who also display psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations are more likely to be treatment resistant. Another depressive feature that has been associated with poor response to treatment is longer duration of depressive episodes. Finally, people with more severe depression and those who are suicidal are more likely to be nonresponsive to antidepressant treatment. There are three basic categories of drug treatment that can be used when a medication course is found to be ineffective. One option is to switch the", "id": "21650489" }, { "contents": "Psychotic depression\n\n\na combination of an antidepressant from the newer, more well tolerated SSRI or SNRI categories and an atypical antipsychotic. Olanzapine may be an effective monotherapy in psychotic depression, although there is evidence that it is ineffective for depressive symptoms as a monotherapy; and olanzapine/fluoxetine is more effective. Quetiapine monotherapy may be particularly helpful in psychotic depression since it has both antidepressant and antipsychotic effects and a reasonable tolerability profile compared to other atypical antipsychotics. The current drug-based treatments of psychotic depression are reasonably effective but can cause side effects,", "id": "16734001" }, { "contents": "Antidepressant\n\n\nof bipolar disorder. Many cases of bipolar depression are very similar to those of unipolar depression. Therefore, the patient can be misdiagnosed with unipolar depression and be given antidepressants. Studies have shown that antidepressant-induced mania can occur in 20–40% of bipolar patients. For bipolar depression, antidepressants (most frequently SSRIs) can exacerbate or trigger symptoms of hypomania and mania. Studies have shown that the use of antidepressants is correlated with an increased risk of suicidal behaviour and thinking (suicidality) in those aged under 25. This problem", "id": "2088618" }, { "contents": "Alpha-2 blocker\n\n\ndepression; the tetracyclic antidepressants mianserin and mirtazapine are α-blockers, although their efficacy as antidepressants may come from their activity at other receptor sites. Mechanistically, α-blockers significantly increase adrenergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmitters, and induce insulin secretion and decreases blood sugar levels. Withdrawal from α-blockers can be difficult or dangerous as the global down-regulation of neurotransmitters may cause symptoms of depression and other neurological problems, and increased blood sugar levels together with decreased insulin sensitivity can cause diabetes. Reduced microcirculation together with adrenaline supersensitivity", "id": "9437663" }, { "contents": "Major depressive disorder\n\n\naltered response to dextroamphetamine, responses of depressive symptoms to dopamine receptor agonists, decreased dopamine receptor D1 binding in the striatum, and polymorphism of dopamine receptor genes implicate dopamine, another monoamine, in depression. Lastly, increased activity of monoamine oxidase, which degrades monoamines, has been associated with depression. However, this theory is inconsistent with the fact that serotonin depletion does not cause depression in healthy persons, the fact that antidepressants instantly increase levels of monoamines but take weeks to work, and the existence of atypical antidepressants which can be", "id": "8378636" }, { "contents": "Antidepressant\n\n\nAntidepressants are drugs used for the treatment of major depressive disorder and of other conditions, including some anxiety disorders, some chronic pain conditions (off-label use), and to help manage some addictions. Common side-effects of antidepressants include dry mouth, weight gain, dizziness, headaches, and sexual dysfunction. Most types of antidepressants are typically safe to take, but may cause increased thoughts of suicide when taken by children, adolescents, and young adults. A discontinuation syndrome can occur after stopping any antidepressant which resembles recurrent", "id": "2088594" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\nswitch to the atypical antidepressant bupropion (Wellbutrin) or to add bupropion to the existing therapy; this strategy is possibly more effective. It is not uncommon for SSRIs to cause or worsen insomnia; the sedating noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA) antidepressant mirtazapine (Zispin, Remeron) can be used in such cases. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia can also help to alleviate the insomnia without additional medication. Venlafaxine (Effexor) may be moderately more effective than SSRIs; however, it is not recommended as a first-line", "id": "3147153" }, { "contents": "Pharmacology of antidepressants\n\n\nlevels did not relieve symptoms of depression. At this time, decreased serotonin levels in the brain and symptoms of depression have not been linked Although there is evidence that antidepressants inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and to a lesser extent dopamine, the significance of this phenomenon in the amelioration of psychiatric symptoms is not known. Given the low overall response rates of antidepressants, and the poorly understood causes of depression, it is premature to assume a putative mechanism of action of antidepressants. While MAOIs, TCAs and SSRIs increase serotonin", "id": "14408846" }, { "contents": "Julio Vallejo Ruiloba\n\n\nof depression, against the current trend driven by American psychiatry, and some psychiatrists in Spain. This trend does not distinguish differential treatment in all cases depression in the same manner and with the same drugs. They believe that it must be treated very differently the depressions of biological cause (endogenous) from depressions of psychological or social causes (neurotic or reactive). Thus at the time defended the use of old tricyclics and MAOIs in atypical depression and endogenous, and now they prefer dual-action antidepressants in endogenous depression and antidepressant", "id": "8524049" }, { "contents": "Post-schizophrenic depression\n\n\nlinking social isolation and depression, it is possible that patients under these stigmas eventually develop post-schizophrenic depression. Depression in patients with schizophrenia may also be caused by substance abuse, which is fairly common among those suffering from schizophrenia, as depressants such as alcohol and cannabis can relax the patient. Furthermore, with what little information is currently known about post-schizophrenic depression, the onset may be caused by not giving patients with schizophrenia antipsychotic medications. After being taken off of antipsychotic medication, schizophrenic patients' antidepressant medication had to", "id": "5660294" }, { "contents": "Psychotic depression\n\n\nlower cortisol suppression). Those with psychotic depression also have higher ventricular-brain ratios than those with non-psychotic depression. Several treatment guidelines recommend either the combination of a second-generation antidepressant and atypical antipsychotic or tricyclic antidepressant monotherapy or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as the first-line treatment for unipolar psychotic depression. There is some evidence indicating that combination therapy with an antidepressant plus an antipsychotic is more effective in treating psychotic depression than either treatment alone or placebo. Pharmaceutical treatments can include tricyclic antidepressants, atypical antipsychotics, or", "id": "16734000" }, { "contents": "Major depressive disorder\n\n\ntreatment reduced the risk of relapse by 52% compared to placebo, and that this effect was primarily due to recurrent depression in the placebo group rather than a drug withdrawal effect. To find the most effective antidepressant medication with minimal side-effects, the dosages can be adjusted, and if necessary, combinations of different classes of antidepressants can be tried. Response rates to the first antidepressant administered range from 50–75%, and it can take at least six to eight weeks from the start of medication to improvement. Antidepressant medication treatment", "id": "8378675" }, { "contents": "Late life depression\n\n\nbut more studies are still needed about TCAs recommendations. Antidepressants, in general, may also work by playing a neuroprotective role in how they relieve anxiety and depression. It's thought that antidepressants may increase the effects of brain receptors that help nerve cells keep sensitivity to glutamate which is an organic compound of a nonessential amino acid. This increased support of nerve cells lowers glutamate sensitivity, providing protection against the glutamate overwhelming and exciting key brain areas related to depression. Antidepressant medications are often the first treatment choice for adults with moderate or", "id": "10850684" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\nadvice is that \"St. John’s wort may help some types of depression, similar to treatment with standard prescription antidepressants, but the evidence is not definitive.\" and warns that \"Combining St. John’s wort with certain antidepressants can lead to a potentially life-threatening increase of serotonin, a brain chemical targeted by antidepressants. St. John’s wort can also limit the effectiveness of many prescription medicines.\" Depression is sometimes associated with insomnia - (difficulty in falling asleep, early waking, or waking in the middle of the", "id": "3147191" }, { "contents": "Epigenetics of depression\n\n\nCREB Binding Protein. Therefore, this antidepressant, by increasing acetylation, works to lessen the HPA response, and as a result, decrease depressive symptoms. HDAC inhibitors have been show to cause antidepressant-like effects in animals. Research shows that antidepressants make epigenetic changes to gene transcription thus altering signaling. These gene expression changes are seen in the BDNF, CRF, GDNF, and GR genes (see above sections). Histone modifications are consistently reported to alter chromatin structure during depression by the removal of acetyl groups, and to", "id": "21501272" }, { "contents": "Δ-opioid receptor\n\n\nsafer than the μ agonists currently used for pain relief. Many δ agonists may also cause seizures at high doses, although not all δ agonists produce this effect. Of additional interest is the potential for δ agonists to be developed for use as a novel class of antidepressant drugs, following robust evidence of both antidepressant effects and also upregulation of BDNF production in the brain in animal models of depression. These antidepressant effects have been linked to endogenous opioid peptides acting at δ and μ opioid receptors, and so can also be produced by", "id": "12866608" }, { "contents": "Development and discovery of SSRI drugs\n\n\nthe axon terminal. However, this increase of 5-HT does not happen quickly compared to the increase of 5-HT at the somatodendretic area of the 5-HT neuron. This delay is caused by the time it takes 5-HT to downregulate 5-HT autoreceptors and turn on the neuro impulse flow of the 5-HT neuron. This delay can explain the reason why antidepressants do not have effect on depression immediately. This can also be the reason why the antidepressant mechanisms can be connected to the increasing neuro impulse flow from 5-HT neurons, where as the concentration of 5-HT", "id": "4091119" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\nantidepressant agents with fewer adverse effects.\" Clinical and experimental studies have reported antidepressant activity of chromium particularly in atypical depression, characterized by increased appetite and carbohydrate craving. The amino acid creatine, commonly used as a supplement to improve the performance of bodybuilders, has been studied for its potential antidepressant properties. A double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial focusing on women with major depressive disorder found that daily creatine supplementation adjunctive to escitalopram was more effective than escitalopram alone. Studies on mice have found that the antidepressant effects of creatine can", "id": "3147165" }, { "contents": "Atypical depression\n\n\nacute melancholic depression. Some studies suggest that the older class of antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), may be more effective at treating atypical depression. While the more modern SSRIs and SNRIs are usually quite effective in this illness, the tricyclic antidepressants typically are not. The wakefulness-promoting agent modafinil has shown considerable effect in combating atypical depression, maintaining this effect even after discontinuation of treatment. Antidepressant response can often be enhanced with supplemental medications, such as buspirone, bupropion, or aripiprazole. Psychotherapy, whether alone or", "id": "10006320" }, { "contents": "Alcohol and health\n\n\ncounterparts. Men taking antidepressants consumed significantly less alcohol than depressed men who did not use antidepressants. Non-depressed men consumed 436 drinks per year, compared to 579 drinks for depressed men not using antidepressants, and 414 drinks for depressed men who used antidepressants. Alcohol consumption remained higher whether the depressed women were taking anti-depressants or not. 179 drinks per year for non-depressed women, 235 drinks for depressed women not using antidepressants, and 264 drinks for depressed women who used antidepressants. The lead researcher argued that the", "id": "5664551" }, { "contents": "Psychiatric medication\n\n\nCommon antidepressants: Antipsychotics are drugs used to treat various symptoms of psychosis, such as those caused by psychotic disorders or schizophrenia. Atypical antipsychotics are also used as mood stabilizers in the treatment of bipolar disorder, and they can augment the action of antidepressants in major depressive disorder. Antipsychotics are sometimes referred to as neuroleptic drugs and some antipsychotics are branded \"major tranquilizers\". There are two categories of antipsychotics: typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics. Most antipsychotics are available only by prescription. Common antipsychotics: Benzodiazepines are effective as hypnotics,", "id": "12570834" }, { "contents": "Irritable bowel syndrome\n\n\nless robust as to the effectiveness of other antidepressant classes such as Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants (SSRIs). Antidepressants are not effective for IBS in people with depression, possible because lower doses of antidepressants than the doses used to treat depression are required for relief of IBS. SSRIs, because of their serotonergic effect, have been studied to see if they help IBS, especially people who are constipation predominant but as of 2015 the evidence is that SSRIs do not help. Magnesium aluminum silicates and alverine citrate drugs can be effective for", "id": "1026076" }, { "contents": "Treatment-resistant depression\n\n\npatient to a different medication. Another option is to add a medication to the patient’s current treatment. This can include combination therapy: the combination of two different types of antidepressants, or augmentation therapy: the addition of a non-antidepressant medication that may increase the effectiveness of the antidepressant. Increasing the dosage of an antidepressant is a common strategy to treat depression that does not respond after adequate treatment duration. Practitioners who use this strategy will usually increase the dose until the person reports intolerable side effects, symptoms are eliminated,", "id": "21650490" }, { "contents": "Biological aspects of fluorine\n\n\n, antidepressants altered not only serotonin uptake (lack of serotonin is a reason for a depression), but also the uptake of altered norepinephrine; the latter caused most of the side effects of antidepressants. The first drug to alter only the serotonin uptake was Prozac; it gave birth to the extensive selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant class and is the best-selling antidepressant. Many other SSRI antidepressants are fluorinated organics, including Celexa, Luvox, and Lexapro. Fluoroquinolones are a commonly used family of broad-spectrum antibiotics", "id": "272028" }, { "contents": "Doxepin\n\n\nmay potentiate some of the CNS depressant effects of doxepin. Antihypertensive agents may have their effects mitigated by doxepin. Cotreatment with CNS depressants such as the benzodiazepines can cause additive CNS depression. Co-treatment with thyroid hormones may also increase the potential for adverse reactions. Doxepin is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA). It acts as a serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) (a reuptake inhibitor of serotonin and norepinephrine), with additional antiadrenergic, antihistamine, antiserotonergic, and anticholinergic activities. Doxepin is a reuptake inhibitor of serotonin", "id": "9034372" }, { "contents": "Social undermining\n\n\nsupport or undermine the patient and can even do both within the same interaction, which can increase the depressive symptoms. Creating more social support can improve treatment outcomes of a patient depending on the type of stress level the person is enduring. Research by Joseph et al. found that when participants are exposed to high levels of social undermining and even high levels of social support it can improve the participants course of antidepressive treatment. High levels of social support and social undermining could reduce and also cause remission of the participant's depressive symptoms", "id": "1240080" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\nconsidered to be a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice in people under 18. As the most studied form of psychotherapy for depression, \"cognitive behavioral therapy\" (CBT) is thought to work by teaching clients to learn a set of cognitive and behavioral skills, which they can employ on their own. Earlier research suggested that cognitive behavioral therapy was not as effective as antidepressant medication in the treatment of depression; however, more recent research suggests that it can perform as well as antidepressants in treating", "id": "3147138" }, { "contents": "Biological psychiatry\n\n\nless effective than previously thought. The monoamine hypothesis was compelling, especially based on apparently successful clinical results with early antidepressant drugs, but even at the time there were discrepant findings. Only a minority of patients given the serotonin-depleting drug reserpine became depressed; in fact reserpine even acted as an antidepressant in many cases. This was inconsistent with the initial monoamine theory which said depression was caused by neurotransmitter deficiency. Another problem was the time lag between antidepressant biological action and therapeutic benefit. Studies showed the neurotransmitter changes occurred within hours", "id": "7501212" }, { "contents": "Treatment-resistant depression\n\n\nimprovement in mood and depression symptoms. Benzodiazepines may improve treatment-resistant depression by decreasing the adverse side effects caused by some antidepressants and therefore increasing patient compliance. Since the entry of olanzapine into psychopharmacology, many psychiatrists have been adding low dose olanzapine to antidepressants and other atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole and quetiapine. Eli Lilly, the company that sells both olanzapine and fluoxetine individually, has also released a combo formulation which contains olanzapine and fluoxetine in a single capsule. These have shown promise in treating refractory depression but come with serious side", "id": "21650493" }, { "contents": "Antidepressant\n\n\ndevelop an antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. The condition is generally not serious. Though about half of people with symptoms describe them as severe. Some restart antidepressants due to the severity of the symptoms. SSRIs appear to cause emotional blunting, or numbness in some people who take them. This is a reduction in extremes of emotion, both positive and negative. While the person may feel less depressed, they may also feel less happiness or empathy. This may be cause for a dose reduction or medication change. The mechanism is unknown.", "id": "2088626" }, { "contents": "Occupational therapy in the management of seasonal affective disorder\n\n\nperformance issues and can include: Cognitive behavioural therapy can lead to a significant decrease in levels of depression amongst those with SAD. There have been no direct comparisons made between the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy and antidepressant medication specifically for SAD. However, regarding non-seasonal depression, cognitive behavioural therapy is believed to be equally as effective as antidepressant medication in terms of acute distress reduction; however, the effects of therapy are shown to be longer lasting than antidepressant medication. Cognitive behavioural therapy is effective in treating both mild and more", "id": "6701090" }, { "contents": "Major depressive disorder\n\n\nHypersomnia, or oversleeping, can also happen. Some antidepressants may also cause insomnia due to their stimulating effect. A depressed person may report multiple physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or digestive problems; physical complaints are the most common presenting problem in developing countries, according to the World Health Organization's criteria for depression. Appetite often decreases, with resulting weight loss, although increased appetite and weight gain occasionally occur. Family and friends may notice that the person's behavior is either agitated or lethargic. Older depressed people may", "id": "8378622" }, { "contents": "Mirtazapine\n\n\ntotal cholesterol. Mirtazapine is not considered to have a risk of many of the side effects often associated with other antidepressants like the SSRIs, and may actually improve certain ones when taken in conjunction with them. (Those adverse effects include decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, urinary retention, increased body temperature, excessive sweating, pupil dilation and sexual dysfunction.) In general, some antidepressants, especially SSRIs, can paradoxically exacerbate some peoples' depression or anxiety or cause suicidal ideation. Despite its", "id": "3327824" }, { "contents": "Treatment of mental disorders\n\n\nsimilar to Parkinson’s disease. The most severe side effect of antipsychotics is agranulocytosis, a depression of white blood cell count with unknown cause, and some patients may also experience photosensitivity. Early antidepressants were discovered through research on treating tuberculosis and yielded the class of antidepressants known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO). Only two MAO inhibitors remain on the market in the United States because they alter the metabolism of the dietary amino acid tyramine which can lead to a hypertensive crisis. Research on improving phenothiazine antipsychotics led to the development of", "id": "7759590" }, { "contents": "Antenatal depression\n\n\ndoctors a better insight into the symptoms and their severity. In severe cases Medication can be prescribed. This is usually only done if the symptoms have proven so severe that they interfere with day-to-day life, self care, and ability to sleep. During pregnancy, there are two main kinds of antidepressants used during pregnancy; Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).Once prescribed, anti-depressant medication has been found to be extremely effective in treating antenatal depression. Patients can expect to feel an improvement in", "id": "20385514" }, { "contents": "Pethidine\n\n\ncause miosis because of its anticholinergic properties. Overdose can cause muscle flaccidity, respiratory depression, obtundation, cold and clammy skin, hypotension, and coma. A narcotic antagonist such as naloxone is indicated to reverse respiratory depression and other effects of pethidine. Serotonin syndrome has occurred in patients receiving concurrent antidepressant therapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Convulsive seizures sometimes observed in patients receiving parenteral pethidine on a chronic basis have been attributed to accumulation in plasma of the metabolite norpethidine (normeperidine). Fatalities have occurred following either", "id": "21953043" }, { "contents": "Major depressive episode\n\n\nFifty percent of people will have another major depressive episode after the first. However, the risk of relapse is decreased by taking antidepressant medications for more than 6 months. Symptoms completely improve in six to eight weeks in sixty to seventy percent of patients. The combination of therapy and antidepressant medications has been shown to improve resolution of symptoms and outcomes of treatment. Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in the United States. The risk of suicide is increased during a major depressive episode. However, the risk is even more", "id": "11357374" }, { "contents": "Pseudodementia\n\n\npervasive impairment of higher cortical functions resulting from widespread brain pathology. If effective medical treatment for depression is given, this can aid in the distinction between pseudodementia and dementia. Antidepressants have been found to assist in the elimination of cognitive dysfunction associated with depression, whereas cognitive dysfunction associated with true dementia continues along a steady gradient.  In cases where antidepressant therapy is not well tolerated, patients can consider electroconvulsive therapy as a possible alternative. However, studies have revealed that patients who displayed cognitive dysfunction related to depression eventually developed dementia later on", "id": "10752979" }, { "contents": "Antidepressants and suicide risk\n\n\nThe relationship between antidepressant use and suicide risk is a subject of medical research. Studies have shown that the use of some antidepressants correlate with an increased risk of suicide in some patients, and this problem has been serious enough to warrant government interventions in some places to label greater likelihood of suicide as a risk of using antidepressants. The circumstances under which this can happen are not clear, and other studies show that antidepressants treat suicidal ideation. People under the age of 24 who suffer from depression are warned that the use of antidepressants", "id": "12542613" }, { "contents": "Pharmacology of antidepressants\n\n\nHPA axis) that resembles the neuro-endocrine (cortisol) response to stress, that of increased cortisol production and a subsequent impaired negative feedback mechanism. It is not known whether this HPA axis dysregulation is reactive or causative for depression. This briefing suggests that the mode of action of antidepressants may be in regulating HPA axis function. In 1965, Joseph Schildkraut postulated the Monoamine Hypothesis when he posited an association between low levels of neurotransmitters and depression. By 1985, the monoamine hypothesis was mostly dismissed until it was revived with the", "id": "14408844" }, { "contents": "Moclobemide\n\n\ntolerability, however, moclobemide was found to be comparable to the SSRIs and better tolerated than the TCAs and older MAOIs. There is some evidence that moclobemide on its own or in combination with other antidepressants such as SSRIs is also effective for treatment resistant depression and that the combination can be administered without the development of serotonin syndrome; however, further research is needed before such a combination can be recommended. Follow-up studies show that ongoing use of antidepressants leads to continuing improvement in depression over time; and also have demonstrated that", "id": "20191573" }, { "contents": "Anxiolytic\n\n\nproduce more euphoria and require more constant dosing when compared to buprenorphine, there is a much higher danger for abuse and overdose. Antidepressant medications can reduce anxiety, and several selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been USFDA approved to treat various anxiety disorders. Antidepressants are especially beneficial because anxiety and depression often occur together. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of compounds typically used in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, OCD and some personality disorders. Primarily classified as antidepressants, most SSRIs", "id": "2598859" }, { "contents": "Psychotic depression\n\n\nsuch as nausea, headaches, dizziness, and weight gain. Tricyclic antidepressants may be particularly dangerous, because overdosing has the potential to cause fatal cardiac arrhythmias. In the context of psychotic depression, the following are the most well-studied antidepressant/antipsychotic combinations \"First-generation\" \"Second-generation\" In modern practice of ECT a therapeutic clonic seizure is induced by electric current via electrodes placed on an anaesthetised, unconscious patient. Despite much research the exact mechanism of action of ECT is still not known. ECT carries", "id": "16734002" }, { "contents": "Serotonin\n\n\nThe \"5-HTTLPR\" gene codes for the number of serotonin transporters in the brain, with more serotonin transporters causing decreased duration and magnitude of serotonergic signaling. The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism (l/l) causing more serotonin transporters to be formed is also found to be more resilient against depression and anxiety. Extremely high levels of serotonin can cause a condition known as serotonin syndrome, with toxic and potentially fatal effects. In practice, such toxic levels are essentially impossible to reach through an overdose of a single antidepressant drug, but require a", "id": "9258286" }, { "contents": "Depressogenic\n\n\nA depressogenic substance (or depressogen) is one that causes or can cause depression, usually as a side effect. They are the functional opposites of antidepressants. Examples of drugs commonly associated with depressogenic effects include some anticonvulsants such as the barbiturates (e.g. phenobarbital), benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam), vigabatrin, and topiramate, corticosteroids like dexamethasone and prednisone, cytokines like interferon-α and interleukin-2, certain antihypertensives such as amiodarone, clonidine, methyldopa, reserpine, and tetrabenazine (used as an antipsychotic/antihyperkinetic), and agents", "id": "21151449" }, { "contents": "Arketamine\n\n\nlower abuse potential in addition to superior antidepressant efficacy. A study conducted in mice found that ketamine's antidepressant activity is not caused by ketamine inhibiting NMDAR, but rather by sustained activation of a different glutamate receptor, the AMPA receptor, by a metabolite, (2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine; as of 2017 it was unknown if this was happening in humans. Arketamine is a AMPA receptor agonist. Paradoxically, arketamine shows greater and longer-lasting rapid antidepressant effects in animal models of depression relative to esketamine. It has been suggested that this may be", "id": "1916762" }, { "contents": "Antidepressant\n\n\nclose to the antidepressant, sometimes affecting a completely different mechanism of action. This may be attempted when depression treatments have not been successful in the past. Common types of adjunct medication techniques generally fall into the following categories: It is unknown if undergoing psychological therapy at the same time as taking anti-depressants enhances the anti-depressive effect of the medication. Lithium has been used to augment antidepressant therapy in those who have failed to respond to antidepressants alone. Furthermore, lithium dramatically decreases the suicide risk in recurrent depression. There", "id": "2088641" }, { "contents": "Rebound effect\n\n\ndepression and a return of ADHD symptoms but in a temporarily exaggerated form. Up to a third of ADHD children experience a rebound effect when methylphenidate is withdrawn. Many antidepressants, including SSRIs, can cause rebound depression, panic attacks, anxiety, and insomnia when discontinued. Sudden and severe emergence or re-emergence of psychosis may appear when antipsychotics are switched or discontinued too rapidly. Rebound hypertension, above pre-treatment level, was observed after clonidine, and guanfacine discontinuation. Other rebound effects An example is the use of highly", "id": "3037022" }, { "contents": "Trazodone\n\n\nas loss of energy and depressed mood. Thus, the ability of low doses of trazodone to improve sleep in depressed patients may be an important mechanism whereby trazodone can augment the efficacy of other antidepressants. Trazodone's potent α-adrenergic blockade may cause some side effects like orthostatic hypotension and sedation. Conversely, along with 5-HT and H receptor antagonism, it may contribute to its efficacy as a hypnotic. Trazodone lacks any affinity for the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, so does not produce anticholinergic side effects. mCPP, a non-selective", "id": "6463685" }, { "contents": "Major depressive episode\n\n\nreactivity, severe functional impairment), combined psychotherapy and antidepressant medications are more effective than psychotherapy alone. Meta-analyses suggest that the combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medications is more effective in treating mild and moderate forms of depression as well, compared to either type of treatment alone. Patients with severe symptoms may require outpatient treatment or hospitalization. The treatment of a major depressive episode can be split into 3 phases: Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, counseling, or psychosocial therapy, is characterized by a patient talking about their", "id": "11357366" }, { "contents": "CREB\n\n\nDisorder. Depressed rats with an overexpression of CREB in the dentate gyrus behaved similarly to rats treated with antidepressants. From post-mortem examinations it has also been shown that the cortices of patients with untreated major depressive disorder contain reduced concentrations of CREB compared to both healthy controls and patients treated with antidepressants. The function of CREB can be modulated via a signalling pathway resulting from the binding of serotonin and noradrenaline to post-synaptic G-protein coupled receptors. Dysfunction of these neurotransmitters is also implicated in major depressive disorder. CREB is", "id": "20376599" }, { "contents": "Bipolar disorder\n\n\nmedications and drug use is considered to rule out these causes; common medications that can cause manic symptoms include antidepressants, prednisone, Parkinson's disease medications, thyroid hormone, stimulants (including cocaine and methamphetamine), and certain antibiotics. Bipolar spectrum disorders includes: bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder and cases where subthreshold symptoms are found to cause clinically significant impairment or distress. These disorders involve major depressive episodes that alternate with manic or hypomanic episodes, or with mixed episodes that feature symptoms of both mood states.", "id": "4306825" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\nantidepressant, but also as a symptom of depression...More emotional blunting is associated with a poorer quality of remission...\" Physicians often add a medication with a different mode of action to bolster the effect of an antidepressant in cases of treatment resistance; a 2002 large community study of 244,859 depressed Veterans Administration patients found that 22% had received a second agent, most commonly a second antidepressant. Lithium has been used to augment antidepressant therapy in those who have failed to respond to antidepressants alone. Furthermore, lithium dramatically decreases the suicide", "id": "3147157" }, { "contents": "Pharmacology of antidepressants\n\n\nThe pharmacology of antidepressants is not entirely clear. The earliest and probably most widely accepted scientific theory of antidepressant action is the monoamine hypothesis (which can be traced back to the 1950s), which states that depression is due to an imbalance (most often a deficiency) of the monoamine neurotransmitters (namely serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine). It was originally proposed based on the observation that certain hydrazine anti-tuberculosis agents produce antidepressant effects, which was later linked to their inhibitory effects on monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that catalyses the", "id": "14408839" }, { "contents": "Mirtazapine\n\n\nless likely to leave treatment early because of side effects, although this is not the case for patients reporting side effects or leaving treatment early for any reason.\" A 2011 Cochrane review that compared mirtazapine to other antidepressants found that while it appears to have a faster onset in people for whom it works (measured at 2 weeks), it is about the same as other antidepressants at 6 weeks. A 2012 review focused on antidepressants and sleep found that in many people with sleep disorders caused by depression, mirtazapine reduces the time", "id": "3327821" }, { "contents": "Bupropion\n\n\ntreatment of seasonal affective disorder found that bupropion is effective in preventing the recurrence of the disorder; however, three out of four individuals who take the drug will not benefit from treatment and may be at risk for harm. Bupropion has several features that distinguish it from other antidepressants: for instance, unlike the majority of antidepressants, it does not usually cause sexual dysfunction. Bupropion treatment also is not associated with the sleepiness or weight gain that may be produced by other antidepressants. In depressed people who experience symptoms of sleepiness and fatigue", "id": "9588546" }, { "contents": "History of electroconvulsive therapy in the United States\n\n\ntreatment-resistant,” meaning there is no clinical improvement in depressive symptoms after two trials of at least two antidepressants from two different classes and psychotherapy for 6–8 weeks; depression with psychotic features is considered “refractory” when it does not improve after one or two trials of antidepressant/antipsychotic combination”. When medication is simply not effective, ECT has been shown, through various research trials, to cause significant physiological and chemical changes at molecular level of the brain which accounts for its therapeutic effect. As previously stated, ECT", "id": "11512235" }, { "contents": "Maprotiline\n\n\n. Maprotiline may worsen psychotic conditions like schizophrenia and should be given with caution. The antipsychotic treatment should be continued. Patients with bipolar affective disorder should not receive antidepressants whilst in a manic phase, as antidepressants can worsen mania. Same as other antidepressants, maprotiline increased the risk compared to placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents and young adults in short-term studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone considering the use of maprotiline or any other antidepressant in a child", "id": "3687813" }, { "contents": "Treatment of bipolar disorder\n\n\nare reports that suggest that it can also induce mania. For these reasons, some psychiatrists are hesitant to prescribe antidepressants for the treatment of bipolar disorder unless mood stabilizers have failed to have an effect, however, others feel that antidepressants still have an important role to play in treatment of bipolar disorder. Side effects vary greatly among different classes of antidepressants. Antidepressants are helpful in preventing suicides in people suffering from bipolar disorder when they go in for the depressive phase. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-", "id": "5885941" }, { "contents": "Serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor\n\n\nultimately respond to antidepressant treatment, one-third of patients respond to placebo, and remission is frequently sub-maximal (\"residual\" symptoms). In addition to post-treatment relapse, depressive symptoms can even recur in the course of long-term therapy (\"tachyphylaxis\"). Also, currently available antidepressants all elicit undesirable side-effects, and new agents should be divested of the distressing side-effects of both first and second-generation antidepressants. Another serious drawback of all antidepressants is the requirement for long", "id": "997568" }, { "contents": "Serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor\n\n\n, more consistent evidence demonstrates that chronic treatment with antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) decrease β-adrenoceptor density in the rat forebrain. This led to the theory that β-adrenoceptor downregulation was required for clinical antidepressant efficacy. However, some of the newly developed antidepressants do not alter, or even increase β-adrenoceptor density. Another adrenoceptor implicated in depression is the presynaptic α-adrenoceptor. Chronic desipramine treatment in rats decreased the sensitivity of α-adrenoceptors, a finding supported by the fact that clonidine administration caused a significant", "id": "997604" }, { "contents": "Perphenazine\n\n\nfast as the clinical situation allows. Perphenazine has no intrinsic antidepressive activity. Several studies show that the use of perphenazine with fluoxetine (Prozac) in patients with psychotic depression is most promising, although fluoxetine interferes with the metabolism of perphenazine, causing higher plasma levels of perphenazine and a longer half-life. In this combination the strong antiemetic action of perphenazine attenuates fluoxetine-induced nausea and vomiting (emesis), as well as the initial agitation caused by fluoxetine. Both actions can be helpful for many patients. Perphenazine has been", "id": "10229266" }, { "contents": "Inflammation\n\n\ndrop off during remission. Furthermore, it has been shown in clinical trials that anti-inflammatory medicines taken in addition to antidepressants not only significantly improves symptoms but also increases the proportion of subjects positively responding to treatment. Inflammations that lead to serious depression could be caused by common infections such as those caused by a virus, bacteria or even parasites. An infectious organism can escape the confines of the immediate tissue via the circulatory system or lymphatic system, where it may spread to other parts of the body. If an organism is", "id": "20530306" }, { "contents": "Agomelatine\n\n\n-analysis found that agomelatine is effective in treating severe depression. Its antidepressant effect is greater for more severe depression. In people with a greater baseline score (30 on HAMD17 scale), the agomelatine-placebo difference was of 4.53 points. Controlled studies in humans have shown that agomelatine is at least as effective as the SSRI antidepressants paroxetine, sertraline, escitalopram, and fluoxetine in the treatment of major depression. A 2018 meta-study comparing 21 antidepressants found agomelatine was one of the more tolerable, yet effective antidepressants. However", "id": "589603" }, { "contents": "Ketamine\n\n\n, and has shifted the direction of antidepressant research and development. Ketamine has not been approved for use as an antidepressant, but its active enantiomer, esketamine, has been. Esketamine was developed as a nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression and is approved for use in the United States. While there is evidence to support the effectiveness of ketamine in treating depression, there is a lack of consensus on optimal dosing and the effects and safety of long-term therapy. Ketamine can produce euphoria and dissociative hallucinogen effects at higher doses", "id": "17350669" }, { "contents": "Mianserin\n\n\nMianserin, sold under the brand name Tolvon among others, is an atypical antidepressant which is used primarily in the treatment of depression in Europe and elsewhere in the world. It is a tetracyclic antidepressant (TeCA). Mianserin is closely related to mirtazapine, both chemically and in terms of its actions and effects, although there are significant differences between the two drugs. Mianserin at higher doses (30-90mg/day) is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder. It can also be used at lower doses (around", "id": "22171884" }, { "contents": "Fluoxetine\n\n\nthan in recent-onset mild depression. NICE recommends antidepressant treatment with an SSRI in combination with psychosocial interventions as second-line treatment for short term mild depression, and as a first line treatment for severe and moderate depression, as well as mild depression that is recurrent or long-standing. The American Psychiatric Association includes antidepressant therapy among its first-line options for the treatment of depression, particularly when \"a history of prior positive response to antidepressant medications, the presence of moderate to severe symptoms, significant sleep or appetite", "id": "15575122" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\na significant reduction in depression symptom severity associated with bright light treatment. Benefit was found for both seasonal affective disorder and for nonseasonal depression, with effect sizes similar to those for conventional antidepressants. For non-seasonal depression, adding light therapy to the standard antidepressant treatment was not effective. A meta-analysis of light therapy for non-seasonal depression conducted by Cochrane Collaboration, studied a different set of trials, where light was used mostly in combination with antidepressants or wake therapy. A moderate statistically significant effect of light therapy was", "id": "3147185" }, { "contents": "Primary Care Behavioral health\n\n\nmedications and 80% of antidepressants. Thus, while it seems there are various \"specialty\" mental health clinics and psychiatrists alike, the primary care environment continues to lend itself to an array of psychiatric issues. One reason is that physical health problems can contribute to psychological dysfunction and vice versa. Examples of the frequent comorbity between medical and psychological problems include: chronic pain can cause depression; panic symptoms can lead to complaints of heart palpitations; and stress can contribute to irritable bowl syndrome. While these mind-body relationships may", "id": "16663631" }, { "contents": "Phil Skolnick\n\n\nexperimental model respond to antidepressants such as SSRIs. This depression-like effect arises, in part, through prolonged stimulation of the NMDA subtype of the glutamate receptor. This led Skolnick and colleagues to discover in 1990 that inhibition of activity at the NMDA receptor (NMDAr) can prevent the development of this depression-like behavior, suggesting NMDA receptor antagonists—such as ketamine—as novel antidepressant therapies. In 1996, Skolnick and one of his postdoctoral students, Anthony Basile, developed the hypothesis that off-site activity of aminoglycoside", "id": "15579102" }, { "contents": "Antidepressant\n\n\ndepression. Debate in the medical community centers around whether or not the observed results in patients can be attributed to the placebo effect. Between 30% and 50% of individuals treated with a given antidepressant do not show a response. In clinical studies, approximately one-third of patients achieve a full remission, one-third experience a response and one-third are nonresponders. Partial remission is characterized by the presence of poorly defined residual symptoms. These symptoms typically include depressed mood, psychic anxiety, sleep disturbance, fatigue and", "id": "2088595" }, { "contents": "Quinidine\n\n\nused to treat \"Plasmodium falciparum\" malaria, its US manufacturer, Eli Lilly, no longer manufactures quinidine and the future availability of this agent in the US and other countries is uncertain. Quinidine is also an inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 enzyme 2D6, and can lead to increased blood levels of lidocaine, beta blockers, opioids, and some antidepressants. Quinidine also inhibits the transport protein P-glycoprotein and so can cause some peripherally acting drugs such as loperamide to have central nervous system side effects, such as respiratory depression,", "id": "4171924" }, { "contents": "Atypical depression\n\n\nthought to be of superior efficacy compared to other antidepressants for the treatment of atypical depression. Since then numerous studies and meta analyses have provided mixed results, throwing doubt on the idea of select agent superiority for the treatment of atypical depression. Due to their toxicity (including hypertensive crises), MAOI are less often used by psychiatrists, even in the setting of atypical depression. There currently do not exist robust guidelines for the treatment of atypical depression. In general, atypical depression tends to cause greater functional impairment than other forms of", "id": "10006318" }, { "contents": "Depression of Alzheimer disease\n\n\nfor someone who has Alzheimer's disease, in conjunction with activities designed to support the caregiver, can produce positive results in addressing the associated depression. There are no official clinical guidelines as yet about the use of antidepressant medication for dAD in particular. Medication may be justified for people with diagnosed dAD who are suicidal, violent, not eating or drinking, or who score high on the Cornell scale. The evidence would seem to suggest similar efficacy for SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants in initial treatment for dAD. If these treatments do not", "id": "1470034" }, { "contents": "Major depressive disorder\n\n\nis usually continued for 16 to 20 weeks after remission, to minimize the chance of recurrence, and even up to one year of continuation is recommended. People with chronic depression may need to take medication indefinitely to avoid relapse. SSRIs are the primary medications prescribed, owing to their relatively mild side-effects, and because they are less toxic in overdose than other antidepressants. People who do not respond to one SSRI can be switched to another antidepressant, and this results in improvement in almost 50% of cases. Another option", "id": "8378676" }, { "contents": "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis\n\n\nGabapentin, pregabalin, and tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline) can be used for neuropathic pain, while nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, and opioids can be used for nociceptive pain. Depression can be treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or tricyclic antidepressants, while benzodiazepines can be used for anxiety. There are no medications to treat cognitive impairment/frontotemporal dementia (FTD); however, SSRIs and antipsychotics can help treat some of the symptoms of FTD. Baclofen and tizanidine are the most commonly", "id": "10408577" }, { "contents": "Biology of depression\n\n\nlong time. There have also been inconsistent findings with regard to levels of serum 5-HIAA, a metabolite of serotonin. Experiments with pharmacological agents that cause depletion of monoamines have shown that this depletion does not cause depression in healthy people. Another problem that presents is that drugs that deplete monoamines may actually have antidepressants properties. Further, some have argued that depression may be marked by a hyperserotonergic state. Already limited, the monoamine hypothesis has been further oversimplified when presented to the general public. As of 2012, efforts to determine differences", "id": "11949707" }, { "contents": "Minor depressive disorder\n\n\nthird-party payers do not pay to cover treatment for minor depressive disorder. The leading treatment techniques for minor depressive disorder are the use of antidepressants and therapy. Typically, patients with minor depression were treated by watchful waiting, prescribed antidepressants, and given brief supportive counseling, but Problem-Solving Treatment for Primary Care (PST-PC) is a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy that has gained popularity. In one study, Problem-Solving Treatment for Primary Care (PST-PC) and Paroxetine, an antidepressant, were shown", "id": "2792852" }, { "contents": "Gustavo Turecki\n\n\non DNA and histone methylation, Turecki's focus has expanded to non-coding RNAs and their involvement in depression and suicide, as well as in response to antidepressants. Turecki also conducts work aiming at refining the depression and suicide phenotype. His clinical work focuses on depression. He leads the Depressive Disorders Program, a clinical group that treats patients affected with major depression and integrates research projects into clinical practice. Two key aspects of this work are exploring how impulsive-aggressive behaviours contribute to suicide risk, and implementing novel protocols and", "id": "13002423" }, { "contents": "Tricyclic antidepressant\n\n\nmoclobemide. However, tricyclic antidepressants are possibly more effective in treating melancholic depression than other antidepressant drug classes. Newer antidepressants are thought to have fewer and less severe side effects and are also thought to be less likely to result in injury or death if used in a suicide attempt, as the doses required for clinical treatment and potentially lethal overdose (see therapeutic index) are far wider in comparison. Nonetheless, the TCAs are commonly prescribed for treatment-resistant depression that has failed to respond to therapy with newer antidepressants, they also", "id": "12900253" }, { "contents": "Narcolepsy\n\n\npotential causes. Excessive daytime sleepiness can also be caused by other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, major depressive disorder, anemia, heart failure, drinking alcohol and not getting enough sleep. Cataplexy may be mistaken for seizures. While there is no cure, a number of lifestyle changes and medications may help. Lifestyle changes include taking regular short naps and sleep hygiene. Medications used include modafinil, sodium oxybate and methylphenidate. While initially effective, tolerance to the benefits may develop over time. Tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors", "id": "18905005" }, { "contents": "Antidepressant\n\n\nThe earliest and probably most widely accepted scientific theory of antidepressant action is the monoamine hypothesis (which can be traced back to the 1950s), which states that depression is due to an imbalance (most often a deficiency) of the monoamine neurotransmitters (namely serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine). It was originally proposed based on the observation that certain hydrazine anti-tuberculosis agents produce antidepressant effects, which was later linked to their inhibitory effects on monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of the monoamine neurotransmitters. All currently marketed", "id": "2088627" }, { "contents": "Depression in childhood and adolescence\n\n\nadolescents who screen positive. There are multiple treatments that can be effective in treating children diagnosed with depression. Psychotherapy and medications are commonly used treatment options. In some research, adolescents showed a preference for psychotherapy rather than antidepressant medication for treatment. For adolescents, cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy have been empirically supported as effective treatment options. The use of antidepressant medication in children is often seen as a last resort; however, studies have shown that a combination of psychotherapy and medication is the most effective treatment. Pediatric massage therapy", "id": "12506850" }, { "contents": "Drug\n\n\ninto different groups like: stimulants, depressants, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics, and hallucinogens. These psychotropic drugs have been proven useful in treating wide range of medical conditions including mental disorders around the world. The most widely used drugs in the world include caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, which are also considered recreational drugs, since they are used for pleasure rather than medicinal purposes. Abuse of several psychoactive drugs can cause psychological or physical addiction. It's worth noting that all drugs can have potential side effects. Excessive use of", "id": "14258059" }, { "contents": "Epigenetics of depression\n\n\n. BDNF is involved in depression through its effects on serotonin. BDNF has been shown to promote the development, function, and expression of serotonergic neurons. Because more active serotonin results in more positive moods, antidepressants work to increase serotonin levels. Tricyclic antidepressants generally work by blocking serotonin transporters in order to keep serotonin in the synaptic cleft where it is still active. Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants antagonize serotonin receptors. Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NaSSAs) such as miratzapine and tricyclic antidepressants such as imapramine both increased BDNF in the", "id": "21501267" }, { "contents": "Late life depression\n\n\nadults often have better treatment compliance, lower dropout rates, and more positive responses to psychotherapy than younger patients. Consultation with a clinical geropsychologist is useful. Pharmacotherapy for acute episodes of depression usually is effective and free of complications. Underuse or misuse of antidepressants and prescribing inadequate dosages are the most common mistakes physicians make when treating elderly patients for depression. Only 10% to 40% of depressed elderly patients are given medication. Different types of antidepressants may by used such as TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants), SSRIs, and MAOIs,", "id": "10850683" }, { "contents": "Major depressive episode\n\n\ndepression. Some of the main forms of psychotherapies used for treatment of a major depressive episode along with what makes them unique are included below: Medications used to treat depression include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and atypical antidepressants such as mirtazapine, which do not fit neatly into any of the other categories. Different antidepressants work better for different individuals. It is often necessary", "id": "11357368" }, { "contents": "Major depressive episode\n\n\nalternative treatment for a major depressive episode. It is a noninvasive treatment that is easily tolerated and shows an antidepressant effect, especially in more typical depression and younger adults. If left untreated, a typical major depressive episode may last for about six months. About 20% of these episodes can last two years or more. About half of depressive episodes end spontaneously. However, even after the major depressive episode is over, 20% to 30% of patients have residual symptoms, which can be distressing and associated with disability.", "id": "11357373" }, { "contents": "Depressant\n\n\nA depressant, or central depressant, is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels, which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulation, in various areas of the brain. Depressants are also occasionally referred to as \"downers\" as they lower the level of arousal when taken. Stimulants or \"uppers\" increase mental and/or physical function, hence the opposite drug class of depressants is stimulants, not antidepressants. Depressants are widely used throughout the world as prescription medicines and as illicit substances. Alcohol is a very prominent depressant. Alcohol can", "id": "13014238" }, { "contents": "Management of depression\n\n\n, the dosages of medications must often be adjusted, different combinations of antidepressants tried, or antidepressants changed. Response rates to the first agent administered may be as low as 50%. It may take anywhere from three to eight weeks after the start of medication before its therapeutic effects can be fully discovered. Patients are generally advised not to stop taking an antidepressant suddenly and to continue its use for at least four months to prevent the chance of recurrence. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as sertraline (Zoloft,", "id": "3147151" }, { "contents": "Treatment-resistant depression\n\n\nsystematic review has shown that psychological therapies (including cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectal behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy) added to usual care (with antidepressants) can be beneficial for depressive symptoms and for response and remission rates over the short term (up to six months) for patients with TRD. Medium‐ (7–12 months) and long‐term (longer than 12 months) effects seem similarly beneficial. Psychological therapies added to usual care (antidepressants) seem as acceptable as usual care alone. rTMS (repetitive", "id": "21650496" }, { "contents": "S100A10\n\n\nto those of control mice, which further implicates p11 in the main action of antidepressant medications. Antidepressant manipulations increase the p11 levels, whereas depressant manipulations reduce it. Therefore, in order to achieve an anti-depression effect, antidepressant medications should focus on the main action of the p11 proteins and increase levels of the protein. At the current time, a study by the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC) is recruiting participants for a study that will compare levels of p11 protein in people with and without Major Depressive", "id": "20446158" } ]
How do fire engines in the UK get water to put out fires, if we don't have fire hydrants?
[{"answer": "you guys do have fire hydrants but just like here in Australia the are not big red/yellow things that stick out of the ground but rather dug into the ground and covered by little metal plates the trucks carry the equipment to plug into them"}, {"answer": "You do have fire hydrants, they're access points beneath the pavement rather than above ground ones like in the US. Look for 'H' signs next time you walk up the street and you'll find them."}, {"answer": "Every single yellow sign with a black H and two numbers is near a small manhole cover with FH on it. There's your fire hydrant - there are loads of them. Blew my mind when i found out"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "14369818", "title": "London Fire Brigade appliances", "section": "Section::::Hose layer unit.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 34, "end_paragraph_id": 34, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Upon arrival it will connect to a standard appliance to supply it with the water needed for the firefighting operations. The HLU may also be used to remove large amounts of water from an incident ground, such as a flood", "Hose layer units (HLU) house large-capacity high-pressure hose wagons and respond to incidents where hydrants or other water sources are not close enough to the fireground and firefighters are hampered by a lack of water. The vehicle will lay out its hose at the nearest hydrant or open source, and then drive to the fireground with the hose laying off the back. Upon arrival it will connect to a standard appliance to supply it with the water needed for the firefighting operations. The HLU may also be used to remove large amounts of water from an incident ground, such as a flood. An incident response unit (IRU) is a government-supplied decontamination vehicle"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "William Poole\n\n\ngroups. There were rivalries between the fire companies to put fires down in the neighborhood. One of the strategy that Bowery Boys used to ensure that other fire engine companies could not put out the fires was once hearing the alarm sound a Bowery Boy would find the nearest fire hydrant to the fire and flip over an empty barrel over the fire hydrant and sit on the barrel, so it could not be seen or used. The Bowery Boy would sit on the barrel until his own fire engine arrived; however, fights over", "id": "5710483" }, { "contents": "Electric fire engine\n\n\nself-propelled by on board batteries, and carried a water tank with hundreds of gallons of water that could be used immediately at the site of the fire. The hoses were then connected to the city fire hydrants for more water if needed for a large fire. In 1901, the Paris Fire Department put an electric fire engine into successful operation that also had a hook-and-ladder wagon. It had an electric motor-driven water pump to which hoses were attached for the firemen to use. In the twentieth", "id": "21244099" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nA dry hydrant is usually an unpressurized, permanently installed pipe that has one end below the water level of a lake or pond. This end usually has a strainer to prevent debris, such as frogs, from entering the pipe. The other end is above ground and has a hard sleeve connector. When needed, a pumper fire engine will pump from the lake or pond by drafting water. This is done by vacuuming the air out of the dry hydrant, hard sleeve, and the fire engine pump with a primer.", "id": "2461814" }, { "contents": "Hard suction hose\n\n\nwater supply, such as a fire hydrant. Under complete vacuum conditions, a pump would lift water , however pumps on fire apparatus are not capable of producing a perfect/ total vacuum. Due to this limitation and friction loss, fire services do not recommend attempting to lift water more than . Hard suction hose may also be used to connect a fire engine to a hydrant, due to its ability to handle both vacuum and pressure. This practice is common in Australia, but woven jacket fire hose is normally used for this purpose", "id": "16315823" }, { "contents": "Water tender\n\n\nA water tender, also known as a tanker in some regions, is a specialized firefighting apparatus designed for transporting water from a water source to a fire scene. Water tenders are capable of drafting water from a stream, lake or hydrant. This class of apparatus does not necessarily have enough pumping capacity to power large hose lines (like a fire engine), though it utilizes a smaller pump to draft from bodies of water. Water tenders are used when there is no working fire hydrant within reach of other fire equipment,", "id": "18030865" }, { "contents": "Fire engine\n\n\nsystems incorporated pressurized fire hydrants, where the pressure was increased when a fire alarm was sounded. This was found to be harmful to the system and unreliable. Today's valved hydrant systems are kept under pressure at all times, although additional pressure may be added when needed. Pressurized hydrants eliminate much of the work in obtaining water for pumping through the engine and into the attack hoses. Many rural fire engines still rely upon cisterns or other sources for drafting water into the pumps. Steam pumper came in to use in the 1850s", "id": "15765940" }, { "contents": "Fire engine\n\n\ntruck, which can also be known as a water tender or water bowser, is a specialist fire appliance with the primary purpose of transporting large amounts of water to the fire area to make it available for extinguishing operations. These are especially useful in rural areas where fire hydrants are not readily available and natural water resources are insufficient or difficult to exploit. Most tankers have an on-board pumping system. This pump is often not of sufficient power to fight fires (as it is designed to be attached to a fire engine", "id": "15765926" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\n. Hydrants are also sometimes used as entry or exit points for pipe cleaning pigs. In 2011, Code for America developed an \"Adopt a Hydrant\" website, which enables volunteers to sign up to shovel out fire hydrants after snowstorms. As of 2014, the system has been implemented in Boston, Providence, Rhode Island, Anchorage, Alaska, and Chicago. In rural areas where municipal water systems are not available, dry hydrants are used to supply water for fighting fires. A dry hydrant is analogous to a standpipe.", "id": "2461813" }, { "contents": "Great Boston Fire of 1872\n\n\nso severe that the pipes could not produce enough force to reach the top floors and roofs of newer buildings. The number of hydrants throughout the city was insufficient to adequately cover the surrounding buildings. As the fire spread, firefighters struggled to find hydrants with adequate water pressure. Additionally, the fire hydrant couplings were not standardized within Boston making it more difficult for firefighters to connect their hoses and related equipment. Horses were used by the Boston fire department to pull fire engines, hoses, and ladders. At the time of the", "id": "10870517" }, { "contents": "Hose Station No. 1\n\n\nIt wasn’t until 1856 that volunteers were organized into the Independent Fire Engine and Hose Company, a privately operated organization. In the following years, a dozen other volunteer companies were formed, and a system of water mains and fire hydrants were put in that allowed for modern fire-fighting techniques. Hose Station No. 1 was built in 1877 and the following year it housed the Fire King Engine 2nd Hose Company, which was still a volunteer crew. In 1878 the team became known as Hose Company No. 1 when", "id": "1240502" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nand in order to comply with the fire code. Such hydrants have met the requirements of insurance underwriters and are often referred to as UL/FM hydrants. Some companies are contracted out to inspect private fire hydrants unless the municipality has undertaken that task. Some fire hydrant manufacturers recommend lubricating the head mechanism and restoring the head gaskets and O-rings annually in order that the fire hydrant perform the service expected of them, while others have incorporated proprietary features to provide long-term lubrication of the hydrant's operating mechanism. In", "id": "2461810" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nof their concealed nature. In Germany the hydrant marker plates follow the style of other marker plates pointing to underground installations. Fire hydrant marker plates have a red border. Other water hydrants may have a blue border. A gas hydrant would have a yellow background instead of a white one for fire hydrants. All of them have large central T with the installation identification on top of it - an \"H\" or older \"UH\" is located in the ground, a \"OH\" is above ground, followed by the", "id": "2461806" }, { "contents": "1997 Red River flood in the United States\n\n\nreach the buildings due to the height of the floodwater and the water pressure from the hoses and fire hydrants was too weak to extinguish the flames. The National Guard placed the fire trucks on several tractor-trailers to prevent them from flooding, which allowed the firefighters to assist in extinguishing the fire. Also, two aircraft rescue and firefighting trucks from the Grand Forks International Airport were brought in to fight the fire because their engines were higher up off the ground, and thus did not get clogged by the flood waters. The", "id": "6558734" }, { "contents": "History of Williamsport, Pennsylvania\n\n\nthe money that went with successfully putting the fire out. They competed for access to the hydrants, and even fought one another for the water that was needed to fight the fire, as the fire raged around them and spread over many city blocks. The exact cause of the fire has never been found. All that is known for sure is that it started in that stable on Black Horse Alley. In the immediate aftermath of the fire many \"theories\" about the cause of the fire abounded. One theory pointed to", "id": "15027662" }, { "contents": "Fire engine\n\n\nscene. When the onboard water supply runs out, the engine is connected to more permanent sources such as fire hydrants or water tenders and can also use natural sources such as rivers or reservoirs by drafting water. A turntable ladder (TL) is perhaps the best-known form of special purpose aerial apparatus, and is used for forcible entry, ventilation, search and rescue, and to gain access to fires occurring at height using a large telescopic ladder, where conventional ladders carried on conventional appliances might not reach. The name", "id": "15765912" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nfire engine, which can use a powerful pump to boost the water pressure and possibly split it into multiple streams. One may connect the hose with a threaded connection, instantaneous \"quick connector\" or a Storz connector. A user should take care not to open or close a fire hydrant too quickly, as this can cause a water hammer, which can damage nearby pipes and equipment. The water inside a charged hose line causes it to be very heavy and high water pressure causes it to be stiff and unable to make", "id": "2461781" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nsirens), a fire extinguisher and, at certain times, emergency kits. In most areas fire hydrants require annual inspections and maintenance — they normally only have a one-year warranty, but some have 5- or even 10-year warranties, although the longer warranty does not remove the need for periodic inspections or maintenance. These inspections are generally performed by the local municipalities but they often do not inspect hydrants that are identified as private. Private hydrants are usually located on larger properties to adequately protect large buildings in case of a fire", "id": "2461809" }, { "contents": "Water flow test\n\n\nA water flow test is a way to measure the water supply available at a building site, usually for the purposes of installing a water based fire protection system (fire sprinkler system). The most common test involves measuring the flow of water flowing out of a municipal fire hydrant (measured in gallons per minute) while recording how much the water pressure has dropped (from no water flow to test flow). When the results are collected carefully, formulas can be applied to figure the varying pressure(s) that will be available", "id": "6012084" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nA fire hydrant is a connection point by which firefighters can tap into a water supply. It is a component of active fire protection. The user attaches a hose to the fire hydrant, then opens a valve on the hydrant to provide a powerful flow of water, on the order of 350 kPa (50 pounds per square inch gauge (psig)) (this pressure varies according to region and depends on various factors including the size and location of the attached water main). This user can attach this hose to a", "id": "2461780" }, { "contents": "Birdsill Holly\n\n\nin 1851 for Lockport, New York, where he established Holly Manufacturing Company in 1859 with the financial assistance of Washington Hunt and Thomas Flagler. The company produced sewing machines, cistern pumps, and rotary pumps. Holly built the Lockport Fire Protection and Water System in 1863, which used pumps powered by water-turbines and steam-engines to bring water to hydrants in the city. His system was adopted by Covington, Kentucky, in 1871. He patented a fire hydrant in 1869 used for fire protection. Holly's machinery", "id": "425436" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nsuch as street sweepers and tank trucks, may also be allowed to use hydrants to fill their water tanks. Often sewer maintenance trucks need water to flush out sewerage lines, and fill their tanks on site from a hydrant. If necessary, the municipal workers will record the amount of water they used, or use a meter. Since fire hydrants are one of the most accessible parts of a water distribution system, they are often used for attaching pressure gauges or loggers or monitor system water pressure. Automatic flushing devices are often", "id": "2461788" }, { "contents": "Phoenix (fireboat)\n\n\nthe 1906 earthquake. A number of buildings collapsed, and firefighters were called to rescue trapped residents. Subsequent to a sharp aftershock, a fire broke out in a three-story building at Divisadero and Jefferson, threatening nearby buildings. Fire engines connected their hoses to the city's seawater-based Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS) and began to quench the fire, but an explosion caused the structure to collapse onto the fire hydrant. Fire crews were forced back, and with the assistance of off-duty police and civilian", "id": "19076625" }, { "contents": "National Museum of Brazil\n\n\nof 20 million items were destroyed in the fire, though circa 1.5 million items are stored in a separate building, which were not damaged. First responders fighting the fire were hindered by a lack of water. Rio's fire chief claimed that two nearby fire hydrants had insufficient water, leaving firefighters to resort to pumping water from a nearby lake. According to a CEDAE () employee, although the hydrants did have water, the water pressure was very low, due to the fact that the building is on top of a", "id": "3036973" }, { "contents": "Community Fire Safety Act of 2013\n\n\nThe Community Fire Safety Act of 2013 () is a bill that would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from requiring that all new fire hydrants in the United States be lead-free beginning in 2014. The bill was passed by the United States House of Representatives during the 113th United States Congress. On October 22, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made an announcement about how it would apply new regulations from the 2010 Reduction of Lead In Drinking Water Act () to fire hydrants. According to the EPA,", "id": "15087419" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nto remove caps would not clear and the break flanges for traffic models would not be located correctly in case they were hit. Hydrant repair kits are also available to repair sacrificial parts designed to break when hit by a vehicle. Many departments use the hydrants for flushing out water line sediments. When doing so, they often use a hydrant diffuser, a device that diffuses the water so that it does not damage property and is less dangerous to bystanders than a solid stream. Some diffusers also dechlorinate the water to avoid ground contamination", "id": "2461812" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nyellow for rapid identification apart from the bonnet and nozzle caps which should be coded according to their available flow. Class AA hydrants (1500 gpm) should have their nozzle caps and bonnet colored light blue, Class A hydrants (1000–1499 gpm), green, Class B hydrants (500–999 gpm), orange, Class C hydrants (0–499 gpm), red and inoperable or end-of-system (risking water hammer) black. This aids arriving firefighters in determining how much water is available and whether to call for additional", "id": "2461800" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nused. In areas of the United States without winter snow cover, blue reflectors embedded in the street are used to allow rapid identification of hydrants at night. In areas with snow cover, tall signs or flags are used so that hydrants can be found even if covered with snow. In rural areas tall narrow posts painted with visible colours such as red are attached to the hydrants to allow them to be found during heavy snowfall periods. The tops of the fire hydrants indicate the amount of pressure each one will put out.", "id": "2461804" }, { "contents": "Karnataka Fire and Emergency Services\n\n\nprepared to handle emergency situations due to the lack of standard operating procedures. The department relies on groundwater reservoirs of the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board to fill water due to the lack of fire hydrants in Bangalore city. 400 fire hydrants have been reported to have gone missing since the 1980s. There is no single official complaint platform for reporting a lack of fire safety in private/public buildings like office premises, apartments or any shopping complex. KFES should provide a simple digital platform like email address, digital complaint form for", "id": "14350830" }, { "contents": "Notre Dame de Lourdes Church (Fall River, Massachusetts)\n\n\nquickly and with no fire extinguisher nearby the fire spread in minutes. Carpenters ran to get the Sexton and all raced up the stairs of the tower to try to put the fire out. Running into a wall of thick black smoke they could do nothing. Now it was a race against time to get records, the Eucharist and anything else of value out of the church before the building was engulfed. The fire department responded quickly but their efforts were hampered by strong winds, intense heat from the fire and low water pressure", "id": "8523524" }, { "contents": "Teaneck Fire Department\n\n\nRiver Subdivision Freight Line Crossings First Due Area (\"Districts\") As of 11/15/2018 The Teaneck Fire Department no longer uses multiple signal tones. Only the old Signal 5 tones are still in use when dispatching runs. Subsequent to the tones, the dispatcher still provides the necessary information to the units assigned to the response. Teaneck's three Engine Companies are tasked with securing a water supply from a fire hydrant, then extinguishing a fire. All three engine companies have a pump rated at 1,500 GPM and carry between 750 & 1000", "id": "6386710" }, { "contents": "DeWitt Clinton Cregier\n\n\nDeWitt Clinton Cregier (June 1, 1829 - November 9, 1898; buried in Rosehill Cemetery) served as mayor of Chicago, Illinois (1889–1891) for the Democratic Party. Prior to this he was an engineer with the City of Chicago, and was awarded, in 1875, and in 1876, , both for fire hydrants. The latter was a combination drinking fountain, fire hydrant, and watering basin for animals. The Cregier hydrant is widely seen in old photographs of Chicago. Cregier was also Master Mason, presided", "id": "11219518" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nThis is good because it makes the choice of what hydrants will be used to supply water to the fire scene. The hydrant bodies are also color-coded. These markings and colours are required by the NFPA(National Fire Protection Agency). In Australia, hydrant signage varies, with several types displayed across the country. Most Australian hydrants are underground, being of a ballcock system (spring hydrant type), and a separate standpipe with a central plunger is used to open the valve. Consequently, hydrant signage is essential, because", "id": "2461805" }, { "contents": "Fire hose\n\n\nA fire hose (or firehose) is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can permanently attach to a building's standpipe or plumbing system. The usual working pressure of a firehose can vary between while per the NFPA 1961 Fire Hose Standard, its bursting pressure is in excess of 110 bar, (11,000kPa; 1600psi) After use, a fire", "id": "16757526" }, { "contents": "BOAC Flight 712\n\n\n, and five killed. The first two fire engines to arrive were unable to do much, as they stopped too far from the aircraft and their design prevented their moving once they began making foam. Also, buildup of paint on the coupling threads of nearby fire hydrants prevented hoses from being attached. A back-up foam water tender drove in closer and discharged its foam effectively, but the fire had already gained hold by then. The aircraft was carrying 116 passengers and 11 crew. Five people were killed in the accident", "id": "14544396" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nhydrant. When in the 'closed' position, the valve lowers to block water passage and re-open drain holes at the bottom of the hydrant. These drain holes act as weeps which slowly drain the hydrant barrel and help prevent freezing. Water Supply & Storage: A water supply for a fire hydrant system can be derived from a reliable source of water such as; street mains, static water supply such as a tank or dam. Water storage must also include a facility for automatic replenishment (make-up water", "id": "2461797" }, { "contents": "Community Fire Safety Act of 2013\n\n\n\"Information available to EPA indicates that fire hydrants can be, and are, used in emergency situations to provide drinking water when there are disruptions to the normal operations of the drinking water distribution system. Therefore, as a class, hydrants would not qualify for the exclusion for pipes, fittings and fixtures used exclusively for nonpotable services.\" The October 22, 2013 announcement \"came as a total surprise to communities whose inventories of new, uninstalled fire hydrants would be rendered obsolete on January 4.\" The Community Fire Safety Act", "id": "15087420" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nas residents have been struck by passing automobiles while playing in the street in the water spray. In spite of this, some US communities provide low flow sprinkler heads to enable residents to use the hydrants to cool off during hot weather, while gaining some control on water usage. Most fire hydrants in Australia are protected by a silver-coloured cover with a red top, secured to the ground with bolts to protect the hydrant from vandalism and unauthorized use. The cover must be removed before use. In most areas of the", "id": "2461786" }, { "contents": "Second Great Fire of London\n\n\napproximately 180 of them — the bombs carried magnesium and started fires. The raid saw 1,500 fires begin in the city. Firefighters' efforts were hampered by a water shortage. The main water-main in the City was bombed. Units trying to get water from other hydrants caused that the water pressure to drop. Efforts to draw water from the River Thames were hampered by the low tide. The fire brigade's difficulties were further exacerbated by wind, combined with the concentrated area of the attack. Twelve of those killed in", "id": "778790" }, { "contents": "Palace of Justice, Vienna\n\n\nbut were pushed towards Schmerlingplatz by the mounted police force. Several demonstrators broke into the ground-floor rooms and began to demolish furniture and files. At about half past twelve, the Palace was set on fire. During their attempts to extinguish the fire the Vienna firefighters were attacked, hoses were cut and hydrants ran out of water. The fire rapidly spread out all over the building and it took until the early morning to get it under control. In a sweeping general renovation a few years ago, the Palace was forced", "id": "5726408" }, { "contents": "Rova of Antananarivo\n\n\nof the original structures were the stone shells of the royal chapel and Manjakamiadana. Fire-fighters arrived late at the scene. Their capacity to douse the fire was hampered by the discovery that their fire hoses did not properly fit onto the nearby hydrants. In addition, the water pressure at the hydrants was significantly reduced due to Analamanga hilltop's high elevation. As the fire-fighters battled the flames, numerous bystanders ran into Rova compound buildings to retrieve artefacts of historic and cultural significance. Approximately 1,675 objects were saved out of", "id": "8672588" }, { "contents": "Great Bakersfield Fire of 1889\n\n\ncaught the house on fire. Smoke was spotted at 9:00 am, and firefighters were quickly dispatched. At that point, the fire was too large for a single hose, connected to a single fire hydrant to handle. More men were dispatched, and a subsequent connection would be made at a neighboring hydrant. It was at this point that a horrific discovery was made. There was not enough water pressure in the line to deliver water to the fire. The fire jumped to the undertakers building, located next door. Since", "id": "10550079" }, { "contents": "Disney's Magical Quest\n\n\ncontinuous water stream at enemies. In addition, the water stream can be used to put out fires, push blocks and form icicles. Similarly to the magician outfit, spraying water with the firefighter uniform drains Mickey's water meter which is refilled by collecting the fire hydrant item. In the fourth level of the game Goofy gives Mickey the mountain-climbing gear, which allows Mickey to use a grappling hook to attach to certain objects. He can then hoist or swing himself on top of them. Moreover, his grappling hook", "id": "11707142" }, { "contents": "Electric fire engine\n\n\nThe electric fire engine was proposed to replace the steam pumper fire engines used for fighting and extinguishing fires in the 19th century. The fire engine's water pump, used to distribute water to put out a fire, would be operated by an electric motor instead of steam. The electric motor was claimed to be simpler, cleaner, and faster in operation, and would save money, and require less maintenance than the steam fire engine. There are a few modern battery-operated models, although the environs in which they are", "id": "21244086" }, { "contents": "2010 Bolivia forest fires\n\n\n. The head of Bolivia's forestry service, Weimar Becerra, described the fires as \"a total disaster, it is an environmental disaster. We have six forest fires which have a height of 50 m and are growing, and as a country we do not have the capacity to put them out\". Currently the worst of the damage has been to the country's section of the Amazon. The fire is largest in the eastern part along the country's border with Brazil. Smoke from the fires has halted numerous flights", "id": "11131656" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\na tight turn while pressurized. When a fire hydrant is unobstructed, this is not a problem, as there is enough room to adequately position the hose. Most fire hydrant valves are not designed to throttle the water flow; they are designed to be operated full-on or full-off. The valving arrangement of most dry-barrel hydrants is for the drain valve to be open at anything other than full operation. Usage at partial-opening can consequently result in considerable flow directly into the soil surrounding the hydrant,", "id": "2461782" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nfrom the lowest outlet. Hydrant Color: Some jurisdictions paint hydrants or hydrant bonnets to identify the capacity of the hydrant. Pump: A traditional dry barrel fire hydrant contains three outlets: two 2 1/2-inch (65 mm) side outlets and a single 4 1/2-inch (115 mm) or 6-inch (150 mm) \"pumper\" outlet. The latter outlet gets its name as it is often the preferred choice for the fire department to connect and feed pumper trucks. Stem Nut: The stem nut is the key to operating the", "id": "2461795" }, { "contents": "Fire engine\n\n\neven stood on the rear of the vehicles, exposed to the elements. This arrangement was uncomfortable and dangerous (some firefighters were thrown to their deaths when their fire engines made sharp turns on the road), and today nearly all fire engines have fully enclosed seating areas for their crews. Early pumpers used cisterns as a source of water. Water was later put into wooden pipes under the streets and a \"fire plug\" was pulled out of the top of the pipe when a suction hose was to be inserted. Later", "id": "15765939" }, { "contents": "New York City Fire Department\n\n\nthe hazardous materials (hazmat) company. In addition to these six types of fire companies, there are numerous other specialized units that are operated by the Special Operations Command (S.O.C.), the Haz-Mat. Division, and the Marine Division. Each fire company has a specific role at the scene of an emergency. Each type of fire company utilizes a certain type of fire apparatus, colloquially known as \"rigs\". FDNY engine companies are tasked with fire suppression; securing a water supply from a fire hydrant,", "id": "3943477" }, { "contents": "Phillips disaster of 1989\n\n\nexplosion occurred, some fire hydrants were sheared off at ground level by the blast. The result was inadequate water pressure for firefighting. The shut-off valves which could have been used to prevent the loss of water from ruptured lines in the plant were out of reach in the burning wreckage. No remotely operated fail-safe isolation valves existed in the combined plant/firefighting water system. In addition, the regular-service fire-water pumps were disabled by the fire which destroyed their electrical power cables. Of the three", "id": "15814054" }, { "contents": "North American Fire Hose Coupler Incompatibilities\n\n\nBaltimore Fire in 1904, and the Oakland Firestorm of 1991. As of 2017, San Francisco still maintains fire hydrants with a size and thread that are incompatible with those used by most or all other nearby fire departments that would respond in mutual aid conditions, such as occurred during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. As a result of the 1872 Boston fire, the International Association of Fire Engineers designed and published a fire hydrant coupling standard. As a result of the 1904 Baltimore fire, the National Fire Protection Association formed a committee", "id": "839522" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nUnited States, contractors who need temporary water may purchase permits to use hydrants. The permit will generally require a hydrant meter, a gate valve and sometimes a clapper valve (if not designed into the hydrant already) to prevent back-flow into the hydrant. Additionally, residents who wish to use the hydrant to fill their in-ground swimming pool are commonly permitted to do so, provided they pay for the water and agree to allow firefighters to draft from their pool in the case of an emergency. Municipal services,", "id": "2461787" }, { "contents": "Portable water tank\n\n\nwhere fire hydrants are not available. They are carried on water tenders and are deployed at the scene of a fire during a shuttle operation. A portable water tank is usually set up near or front of an attack engine, or possibly next to a supply engine. This enables tenders to quickly drop off their load of water and return to the fill site as soon as possible. They are designed to be set up in around a half-minute with two firefighters. The engine may then use suction hose to draft the", "id": "10288832" }, { "contents": "Fire engine\n\n\n), but is more often used to draw water into the tender from hydrants or other water sources. Many tankers are equipped with fast-drain valves on the sides and back of the truck. This allows firefighters to empty thousands of gallons of water into a portable water tank in just a few seconds. Most water tenders are designed to carry loads of or more. An airport crash tender, or \"crash rig\", is a specialized fire engine designed for use at aerodromes in aircraft accidents. Some of the features", "id": "15765927" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\n) due to losses from evaporation, leakage, periodic testing, etc. The capacity or volume of the water supply or storage must also be taken into account as part of the hydraulic analysis. Layflat Fire Hose: Some buildings may also require as part of the approved design the installation of ancillary equipment such as a layflat fire hose. A layflat fire hose is manufactured in accordance with Australian Standard AS2792 is a flexible hose and nozzle that may be connected to a hydrant. Hydrant Marker Plates: Found on power poles, fences", "id": "2461798" }, { "contents": "Electric fire engine\n\n\nwas issued in 1885. The system included electrical infrastructure, with electric motor driven water pumps, on a horse-drawn vehicle. The fire-engine vehicle was designed with the same general equipment as a regular steam fire engine of the time, but used electrically operated equipment instead of steam power. It was designed with an electrical regulator, and a switch for the main electric motor that drove the water pump, that pushed water through the fire-hoses used to put out the fire. The electric motor was equipped with", "id": "21244093" }, { "contents": "Standpipe (firefighting)\n\n\nIn North America, a standpipe is a type of rigid water piping which is built into multi-story buildings in a vertical position or bridges in a horizontal position, to which fire hoses can be connected, allowing manual application of water to the fire. Within the context of a building or bridge, a standpipe serves the same purpose as a fire hydrant. In many other countries, hydrants in streets are below ground level. Fire trucks carry standpipes and key, and there are bars on the truck. The bar is", "id": "8003784" }, { "contents": "Beslan school siege\n\n\nhead back over the railway, chased by helicopters into the town. Firefighters, who were called by Andreyev two hours after the fire started, were not prepared to battle the blaze that raged in the gymnasium. One fire truck crew arrived after two hours at their own initiative but with only 200 litres of water and unable to connect to the nearby hydrants. The first water came at 15:28, nearly two and a half hours after the start of the fire; the second fire engine arrived at 15:43. Few ambulances were available", "id": "6258407" }, { "contents": "Hong San Si Temple\n\n\nand seek his assistance if they faced any problems. During the Great Fire of Kuching in 1884, the locals saw the child deity appeared on buildings rooftops in Ewe Hai Street to give warning to nearby people and summoning rain to put out the fire. In 1993, the temple was declared as one of the historical building under the Sarawak Cultural Heritage Ordinance. The water hydrant however was torn down in the 2000s to make way for development before being replaced with a water fountain and garden by the state government in 2005. Earlier", "id": "4507697" }, { "contents": "Great Fire of 1852\n\n\nto the city and try to get there before any other carters could. This was due to the incentive of three dollars extra pay for getting there first. This of course would cause for the carters to rush, not fill the bucket all the way, or spill some of the water on their way over to the house. Spilling water would cause major problems while fighting fires because there would not be enough to put out a house fire and once they ran out of water, the fire would rage out of control.", "id": "16433885" }, { "contents": "Storz\n\n\nthe following threaded adapters: DIN standards define the following caps: DIN standards define the following swivel reducers: Guido Storz patented his coupling in Switzerland in 1890, and it soon became a standard for fire hydrants throughout much of Europe — but it took nearly one hundred years before the main larger \"steamer ports\" on fire hydrants started to be converted to the Storz coupling in the United States. U.S. fire engines typically carry LDH (large diameter hose) with Storz couplings on both ends for connections between fire hydrants and pumps.", "id": "8004213" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nattached to hydrants to maintain chlorination levels in areas of low usage. Hydrants are also used as an easy above-ground access point by leak detection devices to locate leaks from the sound they make. Fire hydrants may be used to supply water to riot control vehicles. These vehicles use a high pressure water cannon to discourage rioting. In areas subject to freezing temperatures, at most, only a portion of the hydrant is above ground. The valve is located below the frost line and connected by a riser to the above-", "id": "2461789" }, { "contents": "San Francisco Fire Department Auxiliary Water Supply System\n\n\nThe Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS, though often referred to on manhole covers and hydrants as HPFS for High Pressure Fire System) is a high pressure water supply network built for the city of San Francisco in response to the failure of the existing emergency water system during the 1906 earthquake. It was originally proposed by San Francisco Fire Department chief engineer Dennis T. Sullivan in 1903, with construction beginning in 1909 and finishing in 1913. The system is made up of a collection of water reservoirs, pump stations, cisterns, suction", "id": "967738" }, { "contents": "Collapse of the World Trade Center\n\n\nwith the UK engineering firm Arup, criticized its conclusion that the loss of fire proofing was a necessary factor in causing the collapses; \"We have carried out computer simulations which show that the towers would have collapsed after a major fire on three floors at once, even with fireproofing in place and without any damage from plane impact.\" Jose L Torero, formerly of the BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, pursued further research into the potentially catastrophic effects of fire on real-scale buildings. The", "id": "3540655" }, { "contents": "Albany Felt Company Complex\n\n\nplant. To provide water to douse any flames, they diverted Rendert's Stream, a small tributary of the Hudson that flowed through the site, into a reservoir with fire hydrants to be used in such an event. Later this was supplemented by the one on the south end. There were sometimes dryer fires to put out, but no major conflagrations since those could be extinguished before they spread far. The ponds were converted into decorative ponds in later years when the installation of a sprinkler system made them unnecessary. By 1910", "id": "12351723" }, { "contents": "Capital City Fire/Rescue\n\n\nregarded as the \"final straw\" in the need for implementing a town fire department. In March 1911, a fire started by an inattentive cook at the Douglas Grill nearly burned down the town of Douglas. While there was a quick response by the Douglas Fire Department, the firefighters were met with frozen fire hydrants and the fire quickly grew out of control, spreading to the Douglas Hotel, Island Hotel and Lyric theater. Mutual aid was struck and personnel from the Juneau Fire Department, who responded with two engines and over", "id": "15438699" }, { "contents": "Steve Marriott\n\n\nargue. Poulton finally fell asleep and later woke to discover that Marriott had taken a taxi to his home in the nearby village of Arkesden. At about 6:30 am on 20 April, a passing motorist saw the roof of Marriott's cottage ablaze and called the fire brigade. It was reported that four fire engines were needed to put out the fire. In newspaper interviews, Assistant Divisional Fire Officer Keith Dunatis, who found Marriott, said: \"It was a tough fight getting upstairs. We searched the bedroom areas and it", "id": "17613732" }, { "contents": "Tory Lanez\n\n\nat him on \"Summer Sixteen\". Drake fired back in the song, \"Still Here\" on the album, \"Views\". In an interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1, Drake spoke on Tory: \"I encourage anybody to go out there and do the most damage that you possibly can. Do you things. Get all the fruits. Get everything. Become the biggest artist you can possibly be. Just don't get up there finally and start talking down on me, especially when we have no", "id": "1368003" }, { "contents": "War Dogs (1943 film)\n\n\nThen message delivery training is depicted. The yellow dog carries a letter and tiny dog carries a P.S. message (a size gag). Later the yellow dog builds a tent (even with a fire hydrant!) within a time limit. Looks like all is done, but when dog pulls one non-connected thread, all tent dismantles back. Then, we see how yellow dog tries to ski and drive aircraft, both unsuccessful. Then, we look at the parachute training. Dog don't wants to jump from", "id": "16745822" }, { "contents": "History of firefighting\n\n\nuntil 1850. Even after the formation of paid fire companies in the United States, there were disagreements and often fights over territory. New York City companies were famous for sending runners out to fires with a large barrel to cover the hydrant closest to the fire in advance of the engines. Often fights would break out between the runners and even the responding fire companies for the right to fight the fire and receive the insurance money that would be paid to the company that fought it. During the 19th century and early 20th century", "id": "364856" }, { "contents": "North American Fire Hose Coupler Incompatibilities\n\n\nDespite fire hose and hydrant coupler standardization efforts that are at least 144 years old, there remain significant areas in Canada, the United States, and Mexico that use fire hose and hydrant threads and other couplings that are incompatible with those used by neighboring fire departments. This is notable because the first fire hydrant was invented by Manhattan fire fighter George Smith in 1817, making these devices 200 years old. These incompatibilities have led to well-documented loss of life and buildings, including the Great Boston fire of 1872, the Great", "id": "839521" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\ndecimeter precision. If it is not a common fire hydrant type then another identification may be used, for example \"300 m³\" would point to a cistern usable to pump water from. In East Asia (China, Japan and South Korea) and former Socialist countries of Eastern Europe, there are two types of fire hydrants, of which one is on the public ground and the other inside a building. The ones inside a building are installed on a wall. They are big, rectangular boxes that also provide alarms (", "id": "2461808" }, { "contents": "Whirlpool Corporation\n\n\nresponsibility.\" The same month, following the publication of the investigation results into the Shepard's Bush blaze that concluded the faulty tumble dryer was to blame for starting the fire and other fires across the UK, pressure grew on Whirlpool and the government to do more to reassure the public. Dave Brown, London fire brigade's director of operations, said, “This fire has highlighted just how dangerous faulty white goods can be... disappointingly though, Whirlpool have still not changed their advice to consumers. We are now appealing once", "id": "15488353" }, { "contents": "C.D. Scully\n\n\nhad no fireboat. The editor argued that too much of the extensive expenditures in civil defense were being concentrated too much on bomb shelters, with insufficient funding for fire-fighting equipment. The \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\" quoted Fire Chief Thomas Kennelly, who said the city did not need a fireboat. \"\"We don't have any wharves or piers and any fire we have can be handled by our land fire fighting force.\"\" She was long. In 2015 and 2016 Pittsburgh experienced fires that put a focus", "id": "5837054" }, { "contents": "San Francisco Fire Department Auxiliary Water Supply System\n\n\nconnections and fireboats. While the system can use both fresh or salt water, it is preferential to not use salt water, as it commonly causes galvanic corrosion in fire equipment. The large, white oversized hydrants that are supplied by the AWSS/HPFS, of which there are 1889, are visible throughout the city. The hydrants have painted tops that are color-coded as to zone: The Twin Peaks Reservoir acts as the backbone of the AWSS system and is located in San Francisco's Twin Peaks hilltop. It is", "id": "967739" }, { "contents": "Rescue and Fire Unit N°1 in Bydgoszcz\n\n\nhad almost 400 Fire hydrants ( among which 136 underground ones): they were supplied with water from 20 deep wells. Polish municipal authorities, took over German professional fire department: they increased personnel by 52 firefighters and modernized the equipment with horses drawn fire sprinklers and two horse-drawn vehicles equipped with a pump steam. In 1927, new investment provided the department with two French produced \"Lafli\" fire engines, one mechanical ladder, one tanker and one car. As a consequence of a bill voted at the parliament on", "id": "628082" }, { "contents": "Streets of Fire\n\n\nof film... I later realized or talked to people about this and MGM in the old days everybody was on contract and they would rehearse for weeks. We don't get that. We would stage it and shoot it. We got the songs a lot of times just a few days before we shoot. We only get the final song. The structural advantage of the old studio system we didn't have. It made a very inefficient shoot. I don't think there was any other way to do it given the", "id": "18438972" }, { "contents": "Fire\n\n\n\"wildland fire use\" and \"prescribed or controlled burns\". \"Wildland fire use\" refers to any fire of natural causes that is monitored but allowed to burn. \"Controlled burns\" are fires ignited by government agencies under less dangerous weather conditions. Fire fighting services are provided in most developed areas to extinguish or contain uncontrolled fires. Trained firefighters use fire apparatus, water supply resources such as water mains and fire hydrants or they might use A and B class foam depending on what is feeding the fire. Fire prevention", "id": "10949523" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nneed to be visible and accessible in an emergency. To prevent casual use or misuse, the hydrant requires special tools to be opened, usually a large wrench with a pentagonal socket. Vandals sometimes cause monetary loss by wasting water when they open hydrants. Such vandalism can also reduce municipal water pressure and impair firefighters' efforts to extinguish fires. Sometimes those simply seeking to play in the water remove the caps and open the valve, providing residents a place to play and cool off in summer. However, this is usually discouraged", "id": "2461785" }, { "contents": "Barton Fink\n\n\nThe shot was a lot of fun and we had a great time working out how to do it,\" Joel said. \"After that, every time we asked Roger to do something difficult, he would raise an eyebrow and say, 'Don't be having me track down any plug-holes now.'\" Three weeks of filming were spent in the Hotel Earle, a set created by art director Dennis Gassner. The film's climax required a huge spreading fire in the hotel's hallway, which the Coens", "id": "14655520" }, { "contents": "James P. Hagerstrom\n\n\nI haven't been sleeping. I've got to do this thing. I'm gonna do it, and if you don't want to go with me, that's fine, I'll understand. We are going to go up there and give it one good college try south of the Yalu, and if we don't scare anything up, I'm going after them today. As it turned out, he did get it that day. He sneaked up behind six MiGs and fired on one, but by", "id": "19855345" }, { "contents": "Eddie Hurley\n\n\n. I'm going to fight this thing all the way to the Commissioner's office if I have to. And if I don't get any satisfaction from him [William Eckert], I'll hire an attorney. ... I don't know of any business in the world that would do something like this to a man. Even a dog gets more consideration than we did. Why, even if an umpire is fired - if he's the worst in the business - he gets 10 days' notice. We got", "id": "8457032" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\nfirefighter typically wears appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and a helmet with face shield worn. High-pressure water coursing through a potentially aging and corroding hydrant could cause a failure, injuring the firefighter operating the hydrant or bystanders. In most jurisdictions it is illegal to park a car within a certain distance of a fire hydrant. In North America the distances are commonly 3 to 5 m or 10 to 15 ft, often indicated by yellow or red paint on the curb. The rationale behind these laws is that hydrants", "id": "2461784" }, { "contents": "Fire hydrant\n\n\n. A typical U.S. dry-barrel hydrant has two smaller outlets and one larger outlet. The larger outlet is often a Storz connection if the local fire department has standardized on hose using Storz fittings for large diameter supply line. The larger outlet is known as a \"steamer\" connection, because they were once used to supply steam powered water pumps, and a hydrant with such an outlet may be called a \"steamer hydrant\", although this usage is becoming archaic. Likewise, an older hydrant without a steamer connection may", "id": "2461792" }, { "contents": "Dakota Access Pipeline protests\n\n\nthey had set, while the protesters said the fires were peaceful bonfires used to keep warm. A number of videos posted on social media show protesters being doused with continuous streams of water. Initially the Morton County Sheriff's Office said the water was used only to put out fires, but the following day Sheriff Kirchmeier corrected that statement, saying, \"Some of the water was used to repel some of the protest activities\" and adding that it was \"sprayed more as a mist and we didn't want to get it", "id": "11075535" }, { "contents": "Great Baltimore Fire\n\n\nAssociation adopted a national standard for fire hydrant and hose connections. However, inertia remained. Conversion was slow and still remains incomplete. One hundred years after the Baltimore Fire, only 18 of the 48 most populous American cities were reported to have national standard fire hydrants. Hose incompatibility contributed to the Oakland Firestorm of 1991: although the standard hose coupling has diameter, Oakland's hydrants had couplings. H. L. Mencken, future famed columnist/commentator/author and linguist, survived the fire at the beginning of his blossoming journalism and", "id": "20359474" }, { "contents": "Firefighting\n\n\nmust have extensive knowledge of the city, the location of streets, fire hydrants and fire alarm boxes, and the principal buildings. Also he must have knowledge of explosives, hazardous chemicals, and the combustion qualities of materials in buildings, homes, and industrial plants. In certain jurisdictions, civilians can get certified to be a Fire Warden, and some cities require certain types of buildings, such as high rises, to have a certain number of Fire Wardens. For example, the City of Houston, Texas, requires every", "id": "13185177" }, { "contents": "Standpipe (firefighting)\n\n\nused to lift a cover in the road, exposing the hydrant. The standpipe is then \"sunk\" into the hydrant, and the hose is connected to the exposed ends of the standpipe. The bar is then combined with the key, and is used to turn the hydrant on and off. When standpipes are fixed into buildings, the pipe is in place permanently with an intake usually located near a road or driveway, so that a fire engine can supply water to the system. The standpipe extends into the building to", "id": "8003785" }, { "contents": "Scorched (Numbers)\n\n\nfires instead of one fire as Charlie and Larry were considering. While discussing the case at the FBI office, Don, Megan, Colby, and Charlie learn of a fire at an office building. This time, six firefighters suffer smoke inhalation as there was not enough water in the fire hose to put out the fire. When Ethan is brought in for questioning, he confesses to the fire. At the house, Alan demonstrates Pascal's law to Charlie and Larry, who are confused how a lack of water pressure could", "id": "5921427" }, { "contents": "Great Bakersfield Fire of 1889\n\n\nalso set back from the sidewalks. The town did have a network of fire hydrants. Water was delivered by Scribner's Water Tower. The fire started on July 7, 1889. Accounts vary as to the start of it, however, the best supported view was that it began in Mrs. N. E. Kelesy residence (near the intersection of 20th Street and Chester Avenue). She was in the process of preparing Sunday dinner, which was an all day affair. Apparently gas fumes from the stove caught fire, and subsequently", "id": "10550078" }, { "contents": "Fire Barn 5 (Elgin, Illinois)\n\n\na fire broke out. Elgin citizens were eager to support the department because of reduced insurance premiums. Fire hydrants were installed in 1875. The department ran on a volunteer basis until the late 1880s, when professional carriage-drivers were hired to drive the fire engine. The growth of the department closely followed the growth of Elgin as a whole. The first fire station, capable of housing on-duty firefighters, was opened on January 19, 1889 on the site of the original truck house. Two years later, a", "id": "20335230" }, { "contents": "Luna (tugboat)\n\n\nLuna\" is equipped with various pumps, including a fuel transfer pump, to shift fuel from one fuel tank to another and to a day tank, a bilge and salvage pump, to pump water from the tug and from barges and ships in case of an emergency, and a fire pump to deliver water to several hydrants for fire-fighting and deck washing. Galley water is delivered by hand pump. There is also a steering engine which is an electro-hydraulic motor-driven winch that takes directions from the steering", "id": "17914239" }, { "contents": "Basin, Montana\n\n\non the south side of the river in the Hope-Katy mine complex, at the Hope Mill, which crushed and separated ore, and at the Basin Reduction Works. Flumes carried water from upstream on Cataract Creek and Basin Creek to a storage reservoir in town and supplied water to the mills as well as the town's fire hydrants. A separate flume carried water to the mills from upstream on the Boulder River. At the Basin Reduction Works, Corliss steam engines, driven by the coal-fired boilers, provided power", "id": "3486811" }, { "contents": "German auxiliary cruiser Komet\n\n\nspeed to fire 2 torpedoes at a range of 500 yards. MTB 236 immediately turned away and “crash-started” her main engines to get away under cover of a smoke-screen. Komet had now sighted them and switched their fire. Within a few seconds, the 2 torpedoes struck, followed by a huge secondary explosion. The force of this blast lifted the stern of MTB 236 out of the water and put out of action 2 of the boat's 3 engines, leaving her to limp home at slow speed", "id": "16038954" }, { "contents": "Mann Gulch fire\n\n\ndon't know why, I just thought it. I struck a match to waist-high grass, running out of time. Tried to tell them, 'Step into this fire I set. We can't make it, this is the only chance you'll get.' But they cursed me, ran for the rocks above instead. I lay face down and prayed above the cold Missouri waters.\" Ross Brown, a musician/songwriter from Townsend, MT (about 35 miles south of Helena) wrote another", "id": "9466843" }, { "contents": "Electric fire engine\n\n\nmore efficient. Joseph Sachs had also invented an electric fire engine vehicle consisting of a wagon on which a spring-supported platform held an electric motor which operated two rotary water pumps. The motor was supplied with a reel of electric cable and it could be regulated from either side of the vehicle. There were various experimental illustrations showing what an electrical fire engine could do better than a steam fire engine if the complete system was put into operation. One set up demonstration was at the Crystal palace electrical exhibition of 1892. The", "id": "21244095" }, { "contents": "Wildland fire engine\n\n\nmust be put into park to flow water, it depends on the specifications to which the Fire Department wants the vehicle to be built. This pump-and-roll feature allows the engines to make \"running attacks\" on vegetation fires, a tactic that can help minimize the rate of spread by having a firefighter walk the edge of a fire with a hose line and the engine trailing close behind. In the fall of 2007, the National Wildfire Coordinating Group agreed on a set of standards for all fire engines that are", "id": "8576461" }, { "contents": "Riverside Fire Department\n\n\nfirst motorized unit in September 1909, with the $4,750 purchase of a Seagrave, hose wagon and chemical engine. Following another major fire in 1924 at the Motor Transit building, the number of fire hydrants in the city was doubled. By 1938, the department had grown to 33 firefighters and five engine companies spread out across four stations. Starting in 1998, the department transitioned to the Advanced Life Support (ALS) level of support. The RFD is the sponsoring agency of California Task Force 6 (CA-TF6)", "id": "21916792" }, { "contents": "Alexander Bonner Latta\n\n\nJoseph Ross, after the councilman that promoted it. Latta designed his steam fire engine in 1852. The steam fire engine was put into full service at the Cincinnati fire department on January 1, 1853, and used as a regular part of their equipment for putting out fires. The Cincinnati volunteer fire department was reorganized in April 1853, because of Latta's practical steam fire engine that they were using successfully to put out fires. The Cincinnati fire department officially became the first paid company of firemen. The city ordered another of", "id": "929872" }, { "contents": "Electric fire engine\n\n\nan electric fire engine could be brought to full power immediately, whereas a steam fire engine took time. It was necessary to keep the fire going all the time to boil the water on a steam pump vehicle, with workmen furnishing coal for it. This was required so that as little time as possible was lost getting the water to boil to produce steam to run the water pump to extinguish the fire. In the case of an electric motor running a fire engine water pump, its operation was basically instantaneous since the motor", "id": "21244089" }, { "contents": "Grenfell Tower fire\n\n\noutside the building onto the building.\" Before the Grenfell fire, 70% of fire brigades would have automatically sent a high ladder to tower fires. An independent fire expert told the BBC having the ladder earlier could have stopped the fire getting out of control. The London Fire Brigade told Newsnight the first attendance procedure for tower fires has now been changed from four engines to five engines plus a high ladder unit. Firefighters said inside the building they lacked sufficient 'extended duration' breathing apparatus. They had difficulty getting vital radio", "id": "9772977" } ]
If Verizon and the FCC were to overturn Net Neutrality laws, what will REALLY happen?
[{"answer": "A combination of the following (one, the other, or both, to varying degrees of limitation and/or price): * You own a website, online service, or mobile app; but Verizon slows it so it takes a long time to load *unless* you pay them. * You subscribe to the internet as an end user. Facebook and Google load slowly, Netflix and YouTube run at standard def only, and LiveLeak and BitTorrent are totally blocked. Your ping time in games is abysmal UNLESS you pay extra for a \"Premium Subscriber\" package. ISPs then introduce their own content services, which will of course run much faster than anyone else's over their own connections. They take all the ad revenue, and you are stuck with their service which they can do whatever they want with (including charge for it - but charge less than what they charge to use a competitor's). The original content providers slowly die off, as people don't want to pay for the \"Netflix\" package since they already pay for Netflix, or for the YouTube package since YouTube is supposed to be free. They make all the money and control all the information flow. Little startup companies who can't afford to pay for all their user's bandwidth? Gone. With the competition eliminated, these companies have no reason to really innovate, and the internet becomes a crappy text-based version of cable-TV: super-high subscription fees, crap content, and no freedom to innovate. It's really a shit excuse to sap as much money from people as they can, but if it happens it will cost much, much more. EDIT: One silver lining is that we may see more startup ISPs who DON'T pull this kind of crap - but that will be very difficult because the big boys provide all the \"information superhighway\" wires that connect the internet across long ranges, and they'll just charge the small ISPs to lease bandwidth from the big connection lines."}, {"answer": "You can think of it basically like [this]( URL_0 ) picture was a real picture on an ISP pricing page."}, {"answer": " > I know what a lot of people FEAR will happen, but what is the reality? People have reasons for having those fears. Go back a decade, and you'll notice people fearing the Patriot Act could be misused for dubious practices, a fear which has been realized. URL_0 Just because the ramifications seem too far fetched for us today does not mean they will not happen."}, {"answer": "Think of toll roads versus interstate highways. Verizon wants to charge either the users a toll for certain applications ie) Facebook, Facetime, Skype.. or charge owners of those services. This drastically will reduce competition and advancements because users are not going to pay money to try something new and unproven yet, and on the flip side if the owners have to pay more money there will be less money to put back into the business. Another explanation is that all internet is already payed for on both ends of the line. If i run a website I am paying to host that website on the internet, and someone accessing it is paying to be connected to the internet. Verizon wants to have a say which sites/services should caugh up more money if their paying customers happen to go to said websites."}, {"answer": "basically Telecoms want to turn the Internet into a tiered paid subscription. Just like television."}, {"answer": "You know how when you pay for tv, you buy it in packages? You can buy HD packages, and sports packages, and packages that give you HBO? Well without net neutrality, companies can charge more for you to go to Youtube, as opposed to just checking your email. It's the difference between paying money at a buffet, and being able to try everything, and having to pay for each course."}, {"answer": "It would be the end of a golden era of shared information. It would turn a platform into a product. Instead of unlimited access to the internet at a price, it would be specific portions of the internet at varying qualities and prices, like tv. The smaller sites (Independant sites, blogs, ect.) would likely die out leaving only the larger corporation run sites (Facebook, google, youtube, ebay, ect), which would likely be offered in bundles and packages, featuring only approved content. *Please note that I am a dumbass on the internet with no real knowledge on the subject, this is just my two cents.*"}, {"answer": "We all will be bent over and screwed even harder by service providers. 'Murica, for the corportations, by the corporations."}, {"answer": "Think of it like your standard TV cable package. You will probably pay nothing, or very little for the most basic, minimal usage of the internet. Like basic cable. You won't get a lot, but its cheap. If you want more fancy websites, like Youtube and Facebook, you are going to have to pay a little bit more. Its like adding ESPN, USA, or other networks onto your TV. It also costs a bit more. If you want all internet, or the most internet, you are going to have to cough up the most. Like HBO, Starz, and Showtime. The reason people dislike it or are afraid of it, is because it makes it much more difficult for smaller and new websites to get any viewing, because no one will pay for that. Think of it like living in NYC, and trying to pay for a local broadcasting in LA. No one is going to do that."}, {"answer": "The big providers might get away with their tiered system for a while but only for a little while (1-5 years lets say). Because just when they start to feel comfortable with the new higher level of revenue they are dragging in, the whole thing will collapse as soon as Google comes to town with not only significantly faster service, but no tiers and no bullshit, just wide open internet access 24/7. You see Google saw this coming a years ago and they know that this greed on the part of the majors will only help them sell a newer better system, makes it easy actually."}, {"answer": "To anybody saying, \"oh, the ISP's won't abuse this new power without net neutrality\". Remember a lot of people said the same thing about the government with the Patriot Act. If you give people power, it will be used. Period."}, {"answer": "Nothing. At least not at first. These companies play the game for the long haul. When they get a ruling on their side they know that people are against them, so they don't act for a while. They'll sit it out for a while as all the original hubbub dies down. People have short memories and even worse attention spans. But slowly and surely, they'll make moves. They'll start to acquire companies that they'll use in the future to maximize their power and profit. Then they'll start pulling t he crap that other people are posting about. That's when certain sites will conveniently start to slow down and when certain other ones automagically become \"premium\" services. Heyve already set the precedent with things like cable TV and cell phones. Its all fucken data. Its all 1s and 0s, so why do I need a separate voice, texting *and* data plan? This is the type of shit they will pull. But they'll wait. They'll start implementingthese type of pricing structures slowly, and not too coincidentally, ALL the service providers will do it together. Just like with cell phone plans... when vVerizon announces a plan, AT & T has a mirror image of that plan within weeks. And its never to the customers advantage."}, {"answer": "As someone who does NOT live in the USA, do you think there will be significant flow-on effects for me?"}, {"answer": "Can someone please explain to me why Facebook, Google, Yahoo, etc are not flipping the **** out right now?"}, {"answer": "I guess we would make our own internet. We'd need Al Gore."}, {"answer": " > I know what a lot of people FEAR will happen, but what is the reality? Most of the stuff in the other comments is fear based, although it's important to note that it all *could* happen if the law is changed without careful consideration, and we have good reason to be concerned. *Why* Verison is looking for change is important, and a valid concern on their part. The ISP business model is based on overselling their capacity. If they have a 100Mb/s link in the network they can safely sell five 20Mb/s connections and never have an issue; but unless all five connections are constantly maxed out the network will be under-utilised, it makes sense to sell more connections until the actual usage gets closer to capacity. Higher return means higher profits and/or lower prices. Traditionally this has worked very well, customers (simplifying) only use the network when downloading a web page, and for most pages this is only a small amount of data and take a small amount of time (just think about how long you look at reddit pages versus how long you're waiting for them to load), you can put a lot of customers into a limited amount of bandwidth this way, unless everyone coincidentally tries to load a page at the same time the system will handle it. Recently though, steaming video has changed this, Netflix and similar services make up a massive portion of total internet traffic. When streaming data connections are sustained for very long periods of time, and if the video is HD it occupies a lot of bandwith. It's becoming more common for enough people to be using data at the same time to strain ISP resources, improving capacity severely cuts into the ISP's bottom line (remember, most people don't watch Netflix 24/7, during non-peak periods the network becomes very under utilised). Some ISPs use throttling to keep on top of this but to be neutral they can't discriminate, all traffic is sped up or slowed. ISPs would like to be able to prioritise bandwidth selectively, if they can limit Netflix traffic to a portion of their capacity they have the rest to service other kinds of traffic. Obviously the business side of this could allow the ISP to sell additional capacity on their network to customers or sites that were otherwise limited. This would mean Netflix or its users would need to pay for the peak strain they put on the system, offsetting the ISP's cost of boosting capacity. This is of course the part people think will be abused, if an ISP could limit you to a tiny fraction of their capacity unless you cough up a hefty fee then this creates issues for all sites on the Internet."}, {"answer": "Is there some way we can pool our money together and put Verizon out of business? Maybe we can crowdsource our own isp. Anyone got any ideas? Lets talk."}, {"answer": "Right now, we have the same access to everything on the big table that is the internet. Slow downs have to do with how many people want a dish, and how slow the servers are in serving it up. Without net neutrality, suddenly this internet table would have some plates easier to eat than others, the restaurant owner decides what you get served rather your communication to the servers or your ability to navigate the crowds. Maybe the restaurant has a problem with pork or prefers pepsi over coke. Maybe you won't get the meals you prefer, like you can now, as your entire experience will be tailored by the restaurant owner. This hasn't happened before in a big scale before, so no one knows how it will affect our meal."}, {"answer": "Verizon and the FCC aren't working together to overturn net neutrality regulations as the title somewhat implies. The FCC created the net neutrality rules, and Verizon is challenging their validity. It's important to remember that these rules are very new: they were only adopted in 2010. The problem with predicting what would happen if the rules were overturned is that the net neutrality push has pretty much been preemptive, so there's not a huge amount of stuff to point to in terms of actual things that the rules were preventing. The major actual examples that I'm aware of are Comcast's interference with BitTorrent (which predated the rules), and MetroPCS creating service levels that only allowed video from YouTube, not other providers."}, {"answer": "Ultimately, ISPs will be regulated like utilities. It is inevitable. Unfortunately, it looks like companies like Comcast will have to destroy the internet before we move in that direction."}, {"answer": "To answer this question, I'd think of the internet as having a bunch of train stations (IP Addresses) and a bunch of trains (Internet Service Providers - ISPs). Right now, everyone with an ISP pays some amount of money for unlimited train access - more money can get you a faster train, but it doesn't matter where you're going. This court case is not really about who owns the tracks, but rather a question on whether an ISP can limit your train access or charge you more based on your destination. With this power, they can make renting a train on the way to Netflix more expensive. It remains to be seen if this can be be implemented and whether Netflix could use mirrors (copy-paste their train station) to circumvent this. Why this could be really bad: ISP's are notoriously not competitive in most regional markets. Depending on the verdict, this could give them more staying power. Why this could be irrelevant: Assuming the cost of traveling on a different set of tracks is not more expensive, economics would suggest that this is an unsustainable practice from a competitive standpoint."}, {"answer": "One (I think) important distinction is that ISPs are not planning to \"slow down\" certain sites/services, per se. What they are planning to do is use Quality of Service/Class of Service markings on traffic to sites and services they prefer (read - that pay them) to protect that traffic during congestion. So, here's an example - I am Verizon or whatever ISP. My customers use Netflix and Hulu. Netflix, however REALLY wants my 100 million subscribers to use their service and is willing to pay me a ton of cash to ensure that connectivity to their service maintains a certain level of performance. Say Hulu is not willing to do that. I haven't \"slowed down\" Hulu traffic, I have only given Netflix traffic priority through my network to maintain the service level we have agreed upon. I don't believe this scenario will ever involve the ISP charging the end user, although it is possible I suppose that they may offer \"premium service\" at the higher rate. The golden ring for the ISPs is to get the content providers to foot the bill."}, {"answer": "If you're feeling ballsy: instead of asking what would happen to users and startups in the case of overturning Net Neutrality, try asking what would happen to the USA as a whole. People tend to forget that the internet doesn't reside in America; when the USA is done chasing out it's intellectuals and emerging business people, all they'll be left with is poverty-stricken middle class and an oligarchy of business vampires that control the politics of the state. And nobody or nothing will be able to save the country and it will mark the end of an empire. Mark my words."}, {"answer": "The net would be like cable. They could charge you more for certain \"premium\" sites or for sites that they don't want around. Right now it is like by paying one price you get pretty much the whole internet. If the companies get their way the public would end up paying more for the same thing. This also means some less popular sites may have less chance to stay afloat because of their inability to generate profits like the more mainstream sites."}, {"answer": "The internet has jumped the shark. The new new is already making its way to a synapse near you. Soon you'll be thinking your way around the ol' BioGoogle wetwire. A.K.A.the inner-net."}, {"answer": "A lot of people are comparing this to TV, my question is what would TV be like if it had its own \"neutrality law\"?"}, {"answer": "We'll just have to make our own Internet, with coke and hookers."}, {"answer": "I'll bridge the gap that people tend to leave open. What is this \"neutrality\" in Net Neutrality? It's the **indifference / non-interference** that we expect from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with regards to what **kind** of data they transmit to/from us. We already pay for data transmission, and we already pay **more** for **faster** data transmission. Just not what **kind**. --- I still haven't worked out exactly how someone with this power would use it to make money, but consider this ... contrived scenario: > I subscribe to Comcast's package A, which promises to deliver 4Mbps downstream and 1Mbps upstream connection. > Scenario 1 (with net neutrality): Comcast lets me do what I want, so I can do the followings: > - download large files at near-3mbps speeds: Maybe a 2GB+ Windows image in a bit more than 1 hour. Note: 2GB / 4Mbps ~= 1.14 hours. > - stream HD movies without stopping to buffer: Maybe a 2GB+ movie that lasts 93 minutes. Note: 2GB per 93 minutes requires a 388KBps = 3.1Mbps internet connection, which is well under our 4Mbps capability. > Now, let's play devil's advocate and try to come up with ways Comcast can charge me more. > 1) They can throttle my connection so that neither of those tasks finish as expected. My download takes more than 3 hours and my video stream spends ~100% more time buffering. Since this performance is clearly unacceptable, they'd then offer me a better package at a higher price. I don't know whether or not they're already doing this. > 2) More discretely, they can throttle your data stream only for types of data that they don't like (for whatever reason). So your download would still finish in a bit more than an hour and you'd still be happy, but your movies won't play satisfactorily. In heroic manners, Comcast comes along and offers you a \"video package\" that \"boosts\" your video streaming connection for a \"small monthly subscription fee\". I don't know the legal details, but they may get away with doing this because they actually *do* serve you the subscribed speed of your package (so they technically didn't lie legally when you signed the contract). > 3) Things can be a bit more bleak for a small start-up company, as their needs tend to be more \"focused\". This is wildly speculative, so feel free to ignore it. As a user, you may not die if video streaming is taken away from you; you can still watch cat gifs or play online games. A start-up company tends to serve only one type of service, which likely involves one data type. Take a DRM-free video streaming service for example (we don't care whether this can ever be a legal business). Their lives depend on video streaming. If the only ISP in their area throttle their video data transfer speed, they either pay extra or get screwed. And then of course they can jump into the service providing game, eliminating competition until they are the primary provider of certain services you depend on. Then charge you cut-throat prices for them. I imagine this is what happened to the cable TV. Exclusivity of certain TV shows and hundred-dollar subscriptions. Eventually, the internet may look like an amusement park. You pay once for the ticket to get into the area, then pay again for everything you do."}, {"answer": "I am a network engineer for an ISP. I sit in big wig meetings and I can tell you that My company can not wait until Net Neutrality is gotten rid of. My company's train of thought is this, they are the ones who paid the money for laying out the wiring, it is their network that people use. But services like, facebook, Skype, oovoo, etc are saturating the bandwidth forcing my company to expand and open higher Bandwidth only so these free video services can make money, While the ISP doesn't make enough from its customers. This is a major schism of all ISPs. Skype has more bandwidth usage and airtime then any other phone, video conferencing service, and Skype is just raking in money with out having to do any work that ISP does for that connection. I'm sure by now it is understood that, when an ISP gives you 50 MB of bandwidth. What they are saying is that it is possible you you to achieve 50 MB download speeds as certain times of the day, when the bandwidth is available. so it not guaranteed 50 MB its Best effort 50MB. Lets say 1000 GIG pipe was layed out for a specific neighborhood and all residence buy internet from that company. Even to some people are paying for 50 MB, they will only be guarenteed 5 MB, so the ISP can put as many customers on that pipe as possible. Evening and night times, you will experience slow speeds because everybody is online after coming home from work. During Mid day, you will experience even higher speeds than 50MB, since not many of the customers are online. EDIT: I am only giving an outlook in to the ISPs agenda and reasoning. I am not justifying their actions."}, {"answer": "What is going to happen is that a company like google with tons of money is going to be forced to pay to pay money to ISPs so that internet users can use their sites quickly (a little bit faster than currently). A website like reddit, in the red, not yet profitable without money to spare won't be able to pay nearly as much as to them. That means users don't get a high speed connection and everything will load slower. And new sites just starting out are going to be terrible"}, {"answer": "Browse google. Instead of a colourful search box, you're greeted with: \"Hi! This is just a friendly reminder from Verizon. Did you know what you can use **Bing** to search for things too? Would you like to search for *horse p0rn* using **Bing** today? **Yes** - OK! **No** - Please wait 30 seconds and fill out this captcha to continue to google.\" Basically, the shit of nightmares."}, {"answer": "I pay for the amount of food I eat, amount of gas I use, etc. Why shouldn't everyone pay for the amount of bits they use? Right now, lite users subsidize heavy users (people watching hours of Netflix, etc. People should pay for what they use, not ride on the backs of low-bandwidth users."}, {"answer": "So, wealth wise, would Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc., decide that this means war and combine forces to buy/create their own ISPs at a much faster pace than Google fiber is being deployed now?"}, {"answer": "What about the people that are not in the US, we shouldn't get punished for the ridiculous shit that America pulls."}, {"answer": "Norwegian redditor here :) Is this something only happening in the US, or is the entire world going under?"}, {"answer": "Won't overturning net neutrality laws in the US speed up the technology exodus started by the Snowden leaks?"}, {"answer": "Google will start its own internet. They will lay the wires and take over the world"}, {"answer": "Is this relevant in a worldwide scale? Will this have any impact on someone in Europe?"}, {"answer": "Google better hurry up with that Google Fiber and deliver us away from evil!"}, {"answer": "This is where a Death Note would be really handy..."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "8426122", "title": "Net neutrality in the United States", "section": "Section::::Regulatory history.:Net neutrality and the Trump administration (2017).:Rollback of Obama-era rules.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 82, "end_paragraph_id": 82, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Internet freedom\" by rolling back net neutrality regulations. The official \"Comment Date\" was July 17, 2017, with the \"Reply Comment Date\" being August 16, 2017. The primary argument in this NPRM is that the Title II Order (on net neutrality) has pushed the major telecoms to reduce their capital expenditures (CapEx) in new infrastructure, thereby threatening the future of the nation. For this, they cite the approx. $1 billion reduction from 2014 to 2015 in CapEx reported by the United States Telecom Association and similar figures from industry consultant Hal Singer.", "The official \"Comment Date\" was July 17, 2017, with the \"Reply Comment Date\" being August 16, 2017. The primary argument in this NPRM is that the Title II Order (on net neutrality) has pushed the major telecoms to reduce their capital expenditures (CapEx) in new infrastructure, thereby threatening the future of the nation. For this, they cite the approx. $1 billion reduction from 2014 to 2015 in CapEx reported by the United States Telecom Association and similar figures from industry consultant Hal Singer.", "Internet freedom\" by rolling back net neutrality regulations. The official \"Comment Date\" was July 17, 2017, with the \"Reply Comment Date\" being August 16, 2017. The primary argument in this NPRM is that the Title II Order (on net neutrality) has pushed the major telecoms to reduce their capital expenditures (CapEx) in new infrastructure, thereby threatening the future of the nation. For this, they cite the approx. $1 billion reduction from 2014 to 2015 in CapEx reported by the United States Telecom Association and similar figures from industry consultant Hal Singer.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nsense that ISPs could not block or discriminate against lawfully operated websites, apps, or web services. The ruling in \"Verizon v. FCC\" was that the FCC could not enforce net neutrality rules as long as service providers were not identified as \"common carriers\". However, the FCC was given permission to regulate broadband and craft more specific rules that stop short of identifying service providers as common carriers. The ruling created a dispute as to whether net neutrality could be guaranteed under existing law, or if reclassification of ISPs was", "id": "11962762" }, { "contents": "Verizon Communications\n\n\nsole ownership of Verizon Wireless. On January 14, 2014, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the FCC's net neutrality rules after Verizon filed suit against them in January 2010. In June 2016, in a 184-page ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld, by a 2–1 vote, the FCC's net neutrality rules and the FCC's determination that broadband access is a public utility, rather than a luxury. AT&T and the telecom industry said that they would seek to appeal", "id": "13616922" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nruling in the case of \"Verizon v. FCC,\" in which Verizon Communications, an internet service provider (ISP), sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for violating its rights under the United States Constitution. The FCC had passed the Open Internet Order in 2010 following the outcome of \"Comcast Corp. v. FCC,\" where it was found that FCC could not censure Comcast's interference with their customers' peer-to-peer traffic. The order was meant as a further step toward ensuring net neutrality in the", "id": "11962761" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\ncontent, nor unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic. These rules are effective 20 November 2011. On 14 January 2014, the DC Circuit Court determined in \"Verizon Communications Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission (2014)\" that the FCC has no authority to enforce Network Neutrality rules, as service providers are not identified as \"common carriers\". Since the 14 January ruling, AT&T has submitted several patents that account for specific ways to take advantage of the FCC's limited authority. Verizon is also under a mountain of allegations", "id": "13163386" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Amy Klobuchar\n\n\nmet with local business owners, experts and advocates to discuss the Congressional Review Act resolution and its potential to overturn the FCC's net neutrality repeal. Klobuchar said that Senate approval of the resolution would give it momentum to get passed in the House. In May 2018, Klobuchar voted for a bill that would reinstate net neutrality rules and thereby overturn the FCC's repeal via a law authorizing Congress to reverse regulatory actions by a simple majority vote. In December 2014, Klobuchar was one of six Democratic senators to sign a letter to", "id": "4232103" }, { "contents": "Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality\n\n\npreviously referred to protests against Internet censorship in 2012. The event sought to contact members of Congress and the FCC. The protest noted that Ajit V. Pai formerly worked at Verizon, a company which opposes net neutrality. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings publicly stated that net neutrality was no longer a primary concern for Netflix and that it would not participate. Netflix later reversed their position and decided to support the campaign. Prior to the Day of Action there was speculation Tumblr would not participate after Verizon acquired their parent company, Yahoo!.", "id": "10674631" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nthe FCC] \"'has failed to tie its assertion' of regulatory authority to an actual law enacted by Congress\"\", and in June 2010, it overturned (in the same case) the FCC's Order against Comcast, ruling similarly that the FCC lacked the authority under Title One of the Communications Act of 1934, to force ISPs to keep their networks open, while employing reasonable network management practices, to all forms of legal content. In May 2010, the FCC announced it would continue its fight for net", "id": "10324759" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nbusiness advocates complained about any regulation of the Internet at all. Republicans in Congress announced to reverse the rule through legislation. Advocates of net neutrality criticized the changes. On January 14, 2014, the DC Circuit Court determined in the case of \"Verizon Communications Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission\" that the FCC had no authority to enforce network neutrality rules as long as service providers were not identified as \"common carriers\". The court agreed that FCC can regulate broadband and may craft more specific rules that stop short of identifying service", "id": "10324763" }, { "contents": "Media Access Project\n\n\nbigger cases that lead to current net neutrality rules was in 2007 when internet service provider Comcast was caught directly manipulating or blocking their subscriber’s access to the popular file sharing service BitTorrent. MAP filed a petition with the FCC stating that Comcast had violated several of the agencies policies. A more recent court case dealing with the current net neutrality rules being challenged by cellular giant Verizon Wireless was thrown out because the company supposedly filed the lawsuit prematurely. Specifically Verizon Wireless was challenging the Open Internet Framework and felt that the FCC had too", "id": "17067629" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nof Appeals said, however, that because the FCC had previously said broadband Internet access services were not common carrier services, the common carrier network neutrality regulations exceeded the authority the FCC had imposed on itself. Therefore, in 2015, the FCC changed its analysis, reclassified retail providers of BIAS as common carriers, and adopted revised open Internet requirements. Following the ruling in Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (2014), between July 15 and September 15, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received 3.7 million comments to", "id": "13163377" }, { "contents": "FCC Open Internet Order 2010\n\n\nsaying \"Internet users across America will have lost a hero if Commissioner Copps caves to pressure from big business and supports FCC Chairman Genachowski's fake Net Neutrality rules — rules written by AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon, the very companies the public is depending on the FCC to regulate strongly.\" In his defense, Copps did not fully support the measure; however, he did feel as though it was a step in the right direction towards Net Neutrality. He said that “The item we will vote on tomorrow is not", "id": "2885827" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\nArguing that such enforcement is an infringement on the freedoms of their businesses, American ISPs such as Verizon have argued that the FCC forcing anti-discrimination policies on information flowing over company networks is a violation of the ISPs constitutional rights, specifically concerning the First Amendment and Fifth Amendment in a court case challenging the Open Internet Order. Verizon challenged the Open Internet Order on several grounds, including that the Commission lacked affirmative statutory authority to promulgate the rules, that its decision to impose the rules was arbitrary and capricious, and that the", "id": "13551467" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\n. Brian Schatz, a Democratic U.S. Senator representing Hawaii and the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet, said that Pai's claim of decreased investment was untrue. Oliver then quotes a 2014 phone call from Francis J. Shammo, the chief financial officer of Verizon, in which the latter says that the new net-neutrality rules did not affect Verizon's business. Oliver says, \"that doesn't really sound like net neutrality was jeopardizing investment at all\". He states", "id": "11962800" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nto ISPs. On February 19, 2014, the FCC announced plans to formulate new rules to resume enforcing net neutrality while complying with the court rulings. However, in the event, on April 23, 2014, the FCC reported a new draft rule that would permit broadband ISPs such as Comcast and Verizon to offer content providers, such as Netflix, Disney or Google, willing to pay a higher price, faster connection speeds, so their customers would have preferential access, thus \"reversing\" its earlier position and (so", "id": "10324766" }, { "contents": "Federal Communications Commission\n\n\nit to Title II regulation, although several exemptions were also created. The reclassification was done in order to give the FCC a legal basis for imposing net neutrality rules (see below), after earlier attempts to impose such rules on an \"information service\" had been overturned in court. In 2005, the FCC formally established the following principles: To encourage broadband deployment and preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of the public Internet, Consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice; Consumers are entitled", "id": "11232037" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\naccess service providers challenged the FCC's network neutrality principles. In \"Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC\", 740 F.3d 623 (D.C. Cir. 2014), the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that because the FCC classified broadband internet service providers (ISPs) as providing \"information services,\" governed by Title I of the Communications Act of 1934, rather than \"common carrier services,\" governed by Title II of the Act (47 U.S.C. § 201–31), the FCC could not regulate ISPs pursuant to the much broader", "id": "10324737" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nbe flawed and would allow states to still override the FCC's decision on net neutrality, as the language divests the FCC from regulating broadband carriers, and thus would disallow them from preventing states from regulating them. California had been working since 2015 to implement a stronger form of net neutrality than the previous 2015 FCC decision, including provisions that the FCC had not included in the 2015 language. Following the FCC's revoking of the prior net neutrality language, California's legislature has been working to push this into law, and by", "id": "10324814" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nthat they have been slowing access to both Netflix and to the Amazon Cloud services, although the company denies these allegations. Multiple independent sources have performed network speed analysis and do find slower connection times to these sites, although there is currently no proof that Verizon is purposefully causing these slowdowns. On 29 April 2017, a clearer understanding of the latest proposal to compromise net neutrality has been described. On 19 February 2014 the FCC announced plans to formulate new rules to enforce net neutrality while complying with the court rulings. On 23", "id": "13163387" }, { "contents": "Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (2014)\n\n\nnot appealing but establishing new rules, James P. Tuthill, an attorney and lecturer of UC Berkeley School of Law, criticized the decision as the agency could appeal the Supreme Court to seek review, and the Court would likely accept the case because of the significance of the issues and a request by a federal agency. He also predicted that even if the FCC would propose new rules, they would be challenged and overturned based on this case results as \"simply calling a rose by another name will not change what it is,", "id": "5604980" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\nthe FCC reclassify broadband Internet service as a telecommunications service in order to preserve net neutrality. On 26 February 2015, the FCC ruled in favor of net neutrality by reclassifying broadband access as a telecommunications service and thus applying Title II (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 to internet service providers. On 14 December 2017, the FCC voted to repeal these net neutrality regulations, particularly by reclassifying broadband providers so that they are not considered common carries under Title II of the Communications Act of 1936. The concept of network", "id": "13551454" }, { "contents": "Xfinity\n\n\ngo into specifics. Following the announcement of an official investigation by the FCC, Comcast voluntarily ended the traffic discrimination. The FCC investigation concluded that Comcast's throttling policies were illegal. However, after filing a lawsuit in September 2008, Comcast overturned the illegality of its network management in 2010, as the court ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to enforce net neutrality under the FCC's then current regulatory policy. The court suggested instead of its current framework, the FCC move to a common carrier structure to justify its enforcement.", "id": "20591664" }, { "contents": "Jessica Rosenworcel\n\n\n. In June 2017, Rosenworcel was nominated to an additional term by President Donald Trump. She was confirmed by the Senate on August 3, 2017. Rosenworcel is the Chair of the Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Telecommunications Services, a forum for dialogue among the FCC, state regulators, and local and regional entities about the deployment of advanced telecommunications capabilities. During her initial term as an FCC Commissioner, Rosenworcel voted to enforce net neutrality by classifying Internet service providers as Title II common carriers, overturn state laws that protect", "id": "17307555" }, { "contents": "FCC Open Internet Order 2010\n\n\nfirst articulated by Republican Chairmen Michael Powell and Kevin Martin, and endorsed in a unanimous FCC policy statement in 2005. President Obama voiced his support for the measure as well, \"calling the FCC's decision a victory for consumers, free speech, and \"American innovation.\" President Obama will also be fulfilling a campaign promise to institute some form of Net Neutrality regulation. On January 14, 2014 in \"Verizon v. FCC\" the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated the \"No blocking\"", "id": "2885829" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nway on a different legal footing\". The comedian next explains Titles I and II of the Communications Act of 1934; the ruling provided by \"Comcast v. FCC\"; and Pai's appointment by President Trump. Oliver says that based on this context, Verizon's bid for a \"different legal footing\" was akin to \"O. J. Simpson asking why you won't let him hold any of your samurai swords\". He continues that the new FCC chairman's promise that the current rules' \"days were numbered\"", "id": "11962796" }, { "contents": "Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (2014)\n\n\nmeasures that promote competition in the local telecommunications market or other regulating methods that remove barriers to infrastructure investment.\" This has been interpreted to mean that the FCC has the authority to challenge state laws restricting municipal broadband. Immediately following the decision, both Comcast and Verizon issued a statement that the Internet will continue to work for consumers. Verizon stated the ruling will result in more innovation and more choice for consumers. AT&T stated that their commitment to network neutrality will not diminish. Time Warner Cable stated that their commitment to deliver the", "id": "5604973" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nor submit comments to congressional representatives. Net neutrality advocacy groups such as Save the Internet coalition and Battle for the Net responded to the 2015 FCC ruling by calling for defense of the new net neutrality rules. On March 12, 2015, the FCC released the specific details of its new net neutrality rules, and on April 13, 2015, the final rule was published. Following the publication of the FCC's ruling in 2015, several internet providers filed suit to challenge the FCC's ruling. The cases were combined into a", "id": "10324778" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\ndata discrimination with Verizon's: \"I want to be clear what we mean by Net neutrality: What we mean is if you have one data type like video, you don't discriminate against one person's video in favor of another. But it's okay to discriminate across different types. So you could prioritize voice over video. And there is general agreement with Verizon and Google on that issue.\" Echoing similar comments by Schmidt, Google's Chief Internet Evangelist and \"father of the Internet\", Vint Cerf,", "id": "21270162" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\ndeclared September 10, 2014, to be the \"Internet slowdown\". Participating websites were purposely slowed down to show what they felt would happen if the new rules took effect. Websites that participated in the Internet slowdown included Netflix, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo and Kickstarter. The \"Economist\" described the \"Battle for the Net [...] now casting the upcoming FCC decision as an epic clash between \"Team Internet\" (a plucky band of high-tech multi-millionaires) and \"Team Cable\"", "id": "10324772" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\nincident inadvertently helping it to reach greater audiences. However, in response, Ajit Pai selected one particular comment that specifically supported removal of net neutrality policies. At the end of August, the FCC released more than 13,000 pages of net neutrality complaints filed by consumers, yet it was released one day before the deadline for the public to comment on Ajit Pai's proposal to remove net neutrality. It has been implied that the FCC ignored evidence against their proposal in order to remove the protection laws faster. It has also been noted", "id": "21270183" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\nNet neutrality law refers to laws and regulations which enforce the principle of net neutrality. Opponents of net neutrality enforcement claim regulation is unnecessary, because broadband service providers have no plans to block content or degrade network performance. Opponents of net neutrality regulation also argue that the best solution to discrimination by broadband providers is to encourage greater competition among such providers, which is currently limited in many areas. On 23 April 2014, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was reported to be considering a new rule that would permit Internet", "id": "13551452" }, { "contents": "FCC Open Internet Order 2010\n\n\ntreats all internet traffic in \"roughly the same way\". In \"Verizon v. FCC\", the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated portions of the order that the court determined could only be applied to common carriers. The United States Federal Communications Commission established four principles of \"open internet\" in 2005: These tenets of open internet essentially encapsulate the ideas of net neutrality. From 2005 until the establishment of Open Internet in December 2010, these standards existed in name only. In 2009, FCC Commissioner Julius Genachowski", "id": "2885819" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\nnet neutrality. The poll also showed that many Americans do not think that Trump's government can be trusted to protect access to the Internet. Net neutrality supporters had also made several comments on the FCC website opposing plans to remove net neutrality, especially after a segment by John Oliver regarding this topic was aired on his show \"Last Week Tonight\". He urged his viewers to comment on the FCC's website, and the flood of comments that were received crashed the FCC's website, with the resulting media coverage of the", "id": "21270182" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\nservice providers to offer content providers a faster track to send content, thus reversing their earlier position on net neutrality. Municipal broadband could provide a net neutral environment, according to Professor Susan Crawford, a legal and technology expert at Harvard Law School. On 15 May 2014, the FCC decided to consider two options regarding Internet services: first, permit fast and slow broadband lanes, thereby compromising net neutrality; and second, reclassify broadband as a telecommunication service, thereby preserving net neutrality. On 10 November 2014, President Obama recommended", "id": "13551453" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nAct has not been amended by the United States Congress to account for ISPs, the FCC has the authority to designate how ISPs should be treated in addition to what regulations they can set on ISPs. The makeup of the 5-member FCC has changed with each new administration, leading to the state of net neutrality flipping back and forth over the last two decades. In 2005, the FCC adopted network neutrality principles \"to preserve and promote the vibrant and open character of the Internet as the telecommunications marketplace enters the broadband age.\"", "id": "10324732" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\ninformation services\". Through 2017, the FCC has generally been favorable towards net neutrality, treating ISPs under Title II common carrier. With the onset of the Presidency of Donald Trump in 2017, and the appointment of Ajit Pai, an opponent of net neutrality, to the chairman of the FCC, the FCC has reversed many previous net neutrality rulings, and reclassified Internet services as Title I information services. The FCC's decisions have been a matter of several ongoing legal challenges by both states supporting net neutrality, and ISPs challenging", "id": "21270091" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nDSL was regulated as a telecommunications service. In 2005, the FCC reclassified Internet access across the phone network, including DSL, as \"information service\" relaxing the common carrier regulations and unbundling requirement. During the FCC's hearing, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association urged the FCC to adopt the four criteria laid out in its 2005 Internet Policy Statement as the requisite openness. This made up a voluntary set of four net neutrality principles. Implementation of the principles was not mandatory; that would require an FCC rule or federal law", "id": "10324751" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\nSome ISPs, such as Comcast, oppose blocking or throttling, but have argued that they are allowed to charge websites for faster data delivery. AT&T has made a broad commitment to net neutrality, but has also argued for their right to offer websites paid prioritization and in favor of its current sponsored data agreements. While many countries lack legislation directly addressing net neutrality, net neutrality can sometimes be enforced based on other laws, such as those preventing anti-competitive practices. This is currently the approach of the US FCC, which", "id": "13551462" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\ncontent of sponsors or affiliates. This was at least the FCC's third attempt to create internet fast lanes. By May 2014, the FCC was considering two options: permitting fast and slow broadband lanes, thereby compromising net neutrality; or reclassifying broadband as a telecommunication service, thereby preserving net neutrality. Draft plans for the \"fast-lane\" option were approved, with 3 Democratic FCC commissioners voting to have the public review the proposal, and 2 Republican communications voting against public feedback. The FCC's proposal was heavily criticized", "id": "11962766" }, { "contents": "Internet service provider\n\n\n23 April 2014, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was reported to be considering a new rule that will permit ISPs to offer content providers a faster track to send content, thus reversing their earlier net neutrality position. A possible solution to net neutrality concerns may be municipal broadband, according to Professor Susan Crawford, a legal and technology expert at Harvard Law School. On 15 May 2014, the FCC decided to consider two options regarding Internet services: first, permit fast and slow broadband lanes, thereby compromising net neutrality", "id": "12798918" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\ndiscrimination between different types of data is allowed, so that voice data could be given higher priority than video data. Google and Verizon are both agreed on this type of discrimination. Some opponents of net neutrality argue that under the ISP market competition, paid-prioritization of bandwidth can induce optimal user welfare. Although net neutrality might protect user welfare when the market lacks competition, they argue that a better alternative could be to introduce a neutral \"public option\" to incentivize competition, rather than enforcing existing ISPs to be neutral.", "id": "13551461" }, { "contents": "Ron Wyden\n\n\n2006, Wyden informed Senate leadership that he would block legislation overturning the Death with Dignity Act. Wyden said in 2009 that he will continue to \"fight tooth and nail\" to block new federal attempts to block the law. In September 2017, Wyden was one of nine senators to sign a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai that charged the FCC with failing \"to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the tens of thousands of filed complaints that directly shed light on proposed changes to existing net neutrality protections.", "id": "8394598" }, { "contents": "Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (2014)\n\n\nand the courts won't buy it.\" In response to the FCC's plans to start challenging state laws prohibiting municipal broadband, reformer and law professor Susan P. Crawford believes promoting local municipal broadband may be the most effective way to provide broadband access. Some people, who have paid attention to the governmental regulation on the Internet, mentioned another aspect of the ruling. April Glaser, a staff activist at the EFF, noted that the ruling had an aspect of a bar against the FCC's approach to network neutrality. Various", "id": "5604981" }, { "contents": "Julius Genachowski\n\n\non television to closed captioning. While chief technology advisor to President-Elect Obama, Genachowski was a strong advocate of a net neutrality principle. Net neutrality principles were first articulated at the FCC by Republican Chairmen Michael Powell and Kevin Martin, and were endorsed in a unanimous FCC policy statement in 2005. Support for codifying net neutrality came from public interest groups, venture capitalists, wireless carriers such as Sprint and Clearwire, and a coalition including Google, Amazon, Twitter and others. Support for the net neutrality principle was also a", "id": "3491891" }, { "contents": "Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (2014)\n\n\n, based on the decision. The FCC stated that it will keep \"Title II authority on the table\" and work \"on a case by case basis\" to evaluate whether standards of network neutrality are met by carriers. The FCC also opened a new proceeding asking for general public comment, and on April 24, the Chairman announced he would be circulating a draft Open Internet Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the next open FCC meeting on May 15. Additionally, the FCC laid out plans to start challenging state laws prohibiting municipal", "id": "5604977" }, { "contents": "Internet bottleneck\n\n\nuse through a newer initiative called the . This fund is meant to reduce wasteful spending, while improving the original Universal Service Fund. The new rules became active November 20, 2011. Since then Verizon has filed lawsuits against the FCC claiming the FCC is overstepping the bounds of the commission, but the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives voted in favor of the Net Neutrality regulations. Content providers are actors who have specific interest in gaining as much Internet traffic as possible, but they also have other competitors from other", "id": "11385578" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nApril 2014, in a press statement, the Federal Communications Commission announced their new proposed rules which would allow Broadband Internet service providers, such as Comcast and Verizon, the \"right to build special lanes\" with faster connection speeds for companies, such as Netflix, Disney or Google, willing to pay a higher price. Their customers would have preferential access. On 15 May the FCC launched a public comment period on how FCC rulemaking could best protect and promote an open Internet, garnering over one million responses—the most the", "id": "13163388" }, { "contents": "Ed Markey\n\n\nnot include the additional protections envisioned by the law\" and asserting that service members and their families \"deserve the strongest possible protections and swift action to ensure that all forms of credit offered to members of our armed forces are safe and sound.\" In May 2014, days before the FCC was scheduled to rewrite its net neutrality rules, Markey was one of 11 senators to sign a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler charging Wheeler's proposal with destroying net neutrality instead of preserving it and urging the FCC to \"consider reclassifying Internet", "id": "5169261" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\naccess to their site from known FCC IP addresses, as a protest on the FCC's position on net neutrality. On his show \"Last Week Tonight\", Oliver took on the issue of net neutrality for the first time in 2014, in the show's first season. The episode went viral with 13 million views on YouTube and prompted 45,000 comments on the FCC website. At the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show, former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler cited Oliver's episode as a turning point in the issue of net neutrality. “", "id": "10324830" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nchange the Internet to a telecommunications service, which would allow the FCC to uphold net neutrality. On 26 February 2015, the FCC ruled in favor of net neutrality by reclassifying broadband access as a telecommunications service, thus applying common carrier protections under Title II of the Communications Act and section 706 of the Telecommunications Act to Internet service providers. On 12 March 2015, the FCC released the specific details of its new net neutrality rule. And on 13 April 2015, the FCC published the final rule on its new regulations. The", "id": "13163378" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Elizabeth Warren\n\n\nCommission, to improve the Lifeline program and ensure that more Americans can afford access, and have means of access, to broadband and phone service\". In May 2018, Warren voted for a bill that would reinstate net neutrality rules and thereby overturn the FCC's repeal via a law authorizing Congress to reverse regulatory actions by a simple majority vote. In November 2015 Warren introduced, as the chief sponsor, the Seniors And Veterans Emergency Benefits Act, also known as the SAVE Benefits Act, which would direct the Department of the", "id": "18668398" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Bernie Sanders\n\n\nof the Federal Communications Commission, to improve the Lifeline program and ensure that more Americans can afford access, and have means of access, to broadband and phone service\". In May 2018, Sanders voted for a bill that would reinstate net neutrality rules and thereby overturn the FCC's repeal via a law authorizing Congress to reverse regulatory actions by a simple majority vote. Sanders voted for the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists that has been cited as the legal justification for controversial military actions since the September 11 attacks", "id": "20150246" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Kirsten Gillibrand\n\n\n2018, Gillibrand voted for a bill that would reinstate net neutrality rules and thereby overturn the FCC's repeal via a law authorizing Congress to reverse regulatory actions by a simple majority vote. Sen. Gillibrand expressed support for preserving the Senate filibuster during an interview in 2019, saying it's \"useful\" because it encourages bipartisan consensus seeking, and saying \"if you’re not able to get 60 votes on something, it just means you haven’t worked hard enough, talking to enough people and trying to listen to their concerns and", "id": "7790088" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nto give support to the bill. The bill cleared the House on a 232-190 vote on April 10, 2019, but both leaders in the Republican-controlled Senate and President Trump have indicated they would stop the bill's passage. While various states have enacted versions of net neutrality laws, these mostly have been working within the established parameters set by the FCC. In the FCC's rollback, the ruling includes language that asserts states do not have authority to override the FCC decision. Legal experts believe this clause to", "id": "10324813" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nFCC had ever received for rulemaking. The new proposed rules have received heavy criticisms, with many claiming they are ruining the internet; others have shown significant support. Proponents of the rules declared September 10, 2014 to be the \"Internet Slowdown\". On it, participating websites were purposely slowed down to show what they feel would happen if the new rules failed to take effect. Websites that participated in the Internet Slowdown include: Netflix, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo and Kickstarter. On 26 February 2015, the", "id": "13163389" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nnet neutrality. In September 2014, the Pew Research Center found that the FCC filing page received 3,076 comments the week before the June 1 segment, and that there were another 79,838 comments posted the week immediately afterward. Google searches for the term \"net neutrality\" rose in popularity that week compared to the previous and following weeks. Two interns analyzing the data for the Pew Research Center wrote that the sudden rise in the number of comments on the FCC net-neutrality page could not be attributed to cable or printed news media", "id": "11962786" }, { "contents": "Save the Internet\n\n\nand of the press, so would a proposed Internet first amendment protect network neutrality, which would allow for equal access to every website. January 14, 2014 - Court overturned the Federal Communications Commission's Net Neutrality due to a lawsuit by Verizon. In September 2018, Article 13 has vote to success or reject. Many people have to save own internet. Many people chose reject, which means it is rejected. In January 22, 2019, Article 13 is halted and rejected now. This online activist organization functions mainly as", "id": "14710342" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\na political movement\" and ultimately helped to reverse the FCC's position in regards to net neutrality. Soraya Nadia McDonald of \"The Washington Post\" stated that Oliver \"may be just the firebrand activist we’re looking for\" in regards to the net-neutrality debate. Terrance F. Ross of \"The Atlantic\" wrote, \"John Oliver’s segment on net neutrality this past June perfectly summed up what his HBO show \"Last Week Tonight\" is so good at: transcending apathy.\" Not all commentators had positive reviews", "id": "11962780" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Cory Booker\n\n\nof access to communication services.\" In May 2018, Booker voted for a bill that would reinstate net neutrality rules and thereby overturn the FCC's repeal via a law authorizing Congress to reverse regulatory actions by a simple majority vote. In June 2019, Booker was one of eight senators to cosponsor the bipartisan Save our Seas 2.0 Act, a bill unveiled by Dan Sullivan and Bob Menendez intended to spur innovation along with aiding in the reduction plastic waste's creation and both find ways to use already existing plastic waste to stop it", "id": "6980439" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\na lawsuit against the FCC in 2015 challenging the net neutrality rule. The Association argued that the FCC's classification of broadband carriers as \"common carriers\" was a form of administrative overreach. In June 2016, a divided panel of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the FCC's net neutrality rules and the FCC's determination that broadband access is a public utility, rather than a luxury. Upon becoming FCC chairman in April 2017, Ajit Pai proposed to repeal the policies and issued a NPRM soliciting comments from", "id": "10324740" }, { "contents": "History of the Internet\n\n\nto offer content providers a faster track to send content, thus reversing their earlier net neutrality position. A possible solution to net neutrality concerns may be municipal broadband, according to Professor Susan Crawford, a legal and technology expert at Harvard Law School. On May 15, 2014, the FCC decided to consider two options regarding Internet services: first, permit fast and slow broadband lanes, thereby compromising net neutrality; and second, reclassify broadband as a telecommunication service, thereby preserving net neutrality. On November 10, 2014, President", "id": "13422667" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\njustifies their enforcement based on compliance with \"commercially reasonable\" practices. In the United States, author Andy Kessler argued in \"The Weekly Standard\" that, though network neutrality is desirable, the threat of eminent domain against the telecommunication companies, instead of new legislation, is the best approach. In 2011, Aparna Watal of Attomic Labs said that there had been few violations of net neutrality. She argues that transparency, threat of public backlash, and the FCC's current authority was enough to solve the issues of net neutrality", "id": "13551463" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nthose using boilerplate language in support of repealing the rules had used names and addresses off known spam databases, and of those who were willing and able to be contacts asserts they left no such comment for the FCC. At least twenty-four people listed by the FCC as giving anti-net neutrality comments signed an open letter to the FCC in May 2017 requesting the comments they were asserted to have made to be removed from public record. The FCC's system for public comments, the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS)", "id": "10324799" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nby the FCC in both 2014 and 2017, created educational videos and articles explaining to their customers why net neutrality was important and what individuals could do to protect it. During the July 12, 2017 Day of Action to raise awareness and support of net neutrality, posted a banner on the homepage of its website encouraging visitors to contact the FCC to voice their support for Title II. In 2007, was accused of trademark infringement by Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. The companies declared the domain registrars and Spot", "id": "16013207" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nrule took effect on June 12, 2015. In 2015, the United States Telecom Association, which represents large telecom companies, filed a lawsuit against the FCC challenging the net neutrality rule. The Association argued that the FCC's classification of broadband carriers as \"common carriers\" was a form of administrative overreach. In June 2016, a divided panel of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the FCC's net neutrality rules and the FCC's determination that broadband access is a public utility, rather than a luxury", "id": "13163379" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nBetween 2005 and 2012, five attempts to pass bills in Congress containing net neutrality provisions failed. Opponents claimed that these bills would have benefited industry lobbyists instead of consumers. In response to legal challenges from ISPs challenging the FCC's ability to set net neutrality principles, the FCC in 2015 issued the Open Internet Order which reclassified ISPs as Title II services and giving them authority to enforce net neutrality. The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the FCC's new rules in a legal challenge raised by advocate groups representing ISPs", "id": "10324733" }, { "contents": "John Kennedy (Louisiana politician)\n\n\nnomination of Gregory Katsas to the D.C. Circuit, though the nomination was still confirmed. He opposed the FIRST STEP Act. The bill passed 87–12 on December 18, 2018. John Kennedy introduced a bill on March 7, 2018, that would \"prohibit companies like Comcast and Verizon from blocking or throttling web content.\". Kennedy was one of three Republican senators, alongside Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, that voted with the entirety of the Democratic caucus on May 16, 2018, to overturn the FCC's repeal of net", "id": "18596795" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nin history\". On June 15, 2017, Gigi Sohn, who had previously served as a top counselor to then-FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, published \"4 steps to writing an impactful net neutrality comment (which you should do)\": On November 21, 2017, FCC chairman Pai unveiled plans to repeal the net neutrality policy in the United States. FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel alleged on December 8 that the FCC was withholding evidence of fraud due to irregularities in its comment period and said the vote should be postponed", "id": "10324795" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\n\". As of May 15, 2014, the \"Internet fast lane\" rules passed with a 3–2 vote. They were then open to public discussion that ended July 2014. On May 15, 2014, in the face of continuing intense focus and criticism, the FCC stated it would consider two options regarding Internet services: first, permit fast and slow broadband lanes, thereby compromising net neutrality; and second, reclassify broadband as a telecommunication service, thereby preserving net neutrality. The same day, the FCC opened a public", "id": "10324769" }, { "contents": "Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (2014)\n\n\na loss for network neutrality supporters and a victory for the cable broadband industry. Of the three orders that make up the FCC Open Internet Order 2010, two were vacated (no blocking and no unreasonable discrimination) and one was upheld (transparency). Judge David S. Tatel wrote the opinion with Judge Judith Ann Wilson Rogers joining. Judge Laurence H. Silberman wrote a separate decision concurring in part and dissenting in part. At issue was whether the FCC could regulate Internet service providers with regards to network neutrality. On June 27,", "id": "5604964" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\neconomy, as an engine for productivity growth and cost savings.\" One article on Net Neutrality detailed not only what it means for educators, but also described what would happen if it were to be taken away. The author, Chad Sansing, goes on to say that \"...Without net neutrality, regardless of how much bandwidth any particular user has, Internet service providers can “throttle” the speed of delivery to privilege some bits of information over others, effectively slowing down some websites and services while speeding up others.", "id": "13163375" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\neleventh episode of the fourth season, and the 100th episode overall. During these two segments, comedian John Oliver discusses the respective threats to net neutrality at the time of each segment. The first episode was about how, under the administration of President Barack Obama, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was considering two options for net neutrality in early 2014. The FCC proposed permitting fast and slow broadband lanes, which would compromise net neutrality, but was also considering reclassifying broadband as a telecommunication service, which would preserve net neutrality", "id": "11962758" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nFCC's ruling on January 16, 2018, calling it \"arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of discretion\", and that the FCC mis-classified Internet access as a Title I service rather than Title II due to a \"an erroneous and unreasonable interpretation\" of laws around communication services. The initial filing was withdrawn in early February 2018 only due to the fact that the FCC's ruling had not yet been published within the Federal Register. Once the new FCC rules were published in February 2018, the states,", "id": "10324807" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nand Senate subcommittees, asking that they urge the FCC to cancel its vote to repeal net neutrality. That vote took place on December 14, 2017 where the tally was 3 for and 2 against repealing net neutrality rules. The two dissenting commissioners, Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel (both Democrats), released a dissenting statement. Less than an hour after the results were declared, Attorney Generals for the states of Washington and New York announced that they intended to sue the FCC over its decision. On February 2, 2018,", "id": "13163382" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nresult, over 20 states launched a joint lawsuit against the FCC, while California passed its own state-level net neutrality law that is being challenged by the federal government. In 2005, under Republican Chair Kathleen Abernathy, the Federal Communications Commission adopted network neutrality principles \"to preserve and promote the vibrant and open character of the Internet as the telecommunications marketplace enters the broadband age.\" Between 2005 and 2012, five attempts to pass bills in Congress containing net neutrality provisions failed. Proponents claimed that these bills would preserve the open", "id": "10324735" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nthereafter, twenty two state Attorneys General filed suit against the FCC, alleging among other things that the comment process had been corrupted, making the rule changes invalid. On June 11, 2018, the repeal of the FCC's rules took effect, ending network neutrality regulation in the United States. In August 2018 the FCC admitted that its previous claim that the commenting system used during the Net Neutrality Notice of Proposed Rulemaking had been hacked was false. The ideas underlying net neutrality have a long pedigree in telecommunications practice and regulation.", "id": "10324743" }, { "contents": "History of the Internet\n\n\nthe Communications Act of 1934 to the internet in a vote expected on February 26, 2015. Adoption of this notion would reclassify internet service from one of information to one of telecommunications and, according to Tom Wheeler, chairman of the FCC, ensure net neutrality. The FCC is expected to enforce net neutrality in its vote, according to \"The New York Times\". On February 26, 2015, the FCC ruled in favor of net neutrality by applying Title II (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 and", "id": "13422669" }, { "contents": "Julius Genachowski\n\n\nInternet Advisory Committee created to evaluate the effectiveness of the neutrality rules. The group is made up of representatives from Mozilla, Netflix, the Center for Democracy and Technology, AT&T, Internet Society, Comcast, Disney, and others. As of April 2013, no evaluation has been provided to the public. In July 2012, during the FCC review of Verizon Wireless' purchase of spectrum held by cable operators, the FCC settled an investigation into Verizon Wireless over violation of open Internet rules on its 700 MHz spectrum. The FCC", "id": "3491894" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\nline with this statement, caching is not regulated by legal frameworks that are favourable to Net Neutrality, such as the Open Internet Order issued by the FCC in 2015. Even more so, the legitimacy of caching has never been put in doubt by opponents of Net Neutrality. On the contrary, the complexity of caching operations (e.g., extensive information processing) has been successively regarded by the FCC as one of the technical reasons why ISPs should not be considered common carriers, which legitimates the abrogation of Net Neutrality rules. Under", "id": "21270166" }, { "contents": "Federal Communications Commission\n\n\nconcept.\" According to a Washington Post poll, 81% of Americans supported net neutrality in 2014. According to the poll, 81% of Democrats and 85% of Republicans said they opposed fast lanes. On March 12, 2015, the FCC released the specific details of the net neutrality rules. On April 13, 2015, the FCC published the final rule on its new \"Net Neutrality\" regulations. On April 27, 2017, FCC chairman Ajit Pai released a draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would revise the", "id": "11232045" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nrule making on net neutrality. In two rulings, in April and June 2010 respectively, both of the above were rejected by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in \"Comcast Corp. v. FCC\". On April 6, 2010, the FCC's 2008 cease-and-desist order against Comcast to slow and stop BitTorrent transfers was denied. The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC has no powers to regulate any Internet provider's network, or the management of its practices: \"[", "id": "10324758" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality by country\n\n\nthe FCC informed the Senate of its plans to repeal net neutrality rules. This gave Congress 60 days to stop the repeal with the Congressional Review Act (CRA) before they can no longer do so. Both the Senate and House must pass the CRA measure for the repeal to succeed. On June 11, 2018, the FCC's repealing of net neutrality rules went into effect. There is ongoing legal and political wrangling in the U.S. regarding net neutrality. The United States Federal Communications Commission is in charge of regulating Internet service", "id": "13163383" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nproviders as common carriers. As a response to the DC Circuit Court's decision, a dispute developed as to whether net neutrality could be guaranteed under existing law, or if reclassification of ISPs was needed to ensure net neutrality. Wheeler stated that the FCC had the authority under Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to regulate ISPs, while others, including President Obama, supported reclassifying ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. Critics of Section 706 point out that the section has no clear mandate", "id": "10324764" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nCarolina. According to FCC officials, some residents who lived just outside the service areas of the Chattanooga and Wilson utilities then had no broadband service available. One of the two February 26, 2015, rulings set aside those states' restrictions on municipal broadband, although legal challenges to the FCC's authority to do so were seen as likely. Individual states have taken action to generally uphold net neutrality either through proposed legislation or through by requiring state agencies to establish contracts with Internet providers that offer net neutral-services. The status", "id": "10324849" }, { "contents": "Federal Communications Commission\n\n\nlegal foundation for the agency's Open Internet regulations. The NPRM was voted on at the May 18th Open Meeting. On December 14, the Commission voted 3-2 in favor of passing the repeal of the 2015 rules. The repeal formally took effect on June 11, 2018, when the 2015 rules expired. In August 2018 the FCC admitted that its previous claim that the commenting system used during the Net Neutrality Notice of Proposed Rulemaking had been hacked was false. When it emerged in 2006 that AT&T, BellSouth and Verizon", "id": "11232046" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\ndiscussion draft bill, that made concessions to net neutrality but prohibited the FCC from accomplishing that goal, or from enacting any further regulation affecting ISPs. Two weeks later, on January 31, AP News reported the FCC would present the notion of applying (\"with some caveats\") common carrier status to the Internet in a vote expected on February 26, 2015. Adoption of this notion would reclassify Internet service from one of information to one of telecommunications and ensure net neutrality, according to FCC chairman Tom Wheeler. On the", "id": "10324774" }, { "contents": "Internet service provider\n\n\n; and second, reclassify broadband as a telecommunication service, thereby preserving net neutrality. On 10 November 2014, President Barack Obama recommended that the FCC reclassify broadband Internet service as a telecommunications service in order to preserve net neutrality. On 16 January 2015, Republicans presented legislation, in the form of a U.S. Congress H.R. discussion draft bill, that makes concessions to net neutrality but prohibits the FCC from accomplishing the goal or enacting any further regulation affecting Internet service providers. On 31 January 2015, AP News reported that the FCC will", "id": "12798919" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality\n\n\nsupport the concept. Net neutrality in the United States has been a point of conflict between network users and service providers since the 1990s. Much of the conflict over net neutrality arises from how Internet services are classified by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) under authority of the Communications Act of 1934. The FCC would have significant ability to regulate ISPs should Internet services be treated as a Title II \"common carrier service\", or otherwise the ISPs would be mostly unrestricted by the FCC if Internet services fell under Title I \"", "id": "21270090" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nthe FCC Open Internet Order banning cable television and telephone service providers from preventing access to competitors or certain web sites such as Netflix. On December 21, 2010, the FCC voted on and passed a set of six net \"neutrality principles\": The net neutrality rule did not keep ISPs from charging more for faster access. The measure was denounced by net neutrality advocates as a capitulation to telecommunication companies such as allowing them to discriminate on transmission speed for their profit, especially on mobile devices like the iPad, while pro-", "id": "10324762" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\n. After a surge of comments supporting net neutrality that were inspired by Oliver's episode, the FCC voted to reclassify broadband as a utility in 2015. The second episode dealt with a resurgence of the same problem, except under the administration of Donald Trump. The FCC was proposing to eliminate the 2015 rules that classified broadband as a utility, thereby allowing the implementation of slow and fast lanes. Despite another surge of comments following the second episode, the FCC proceeded with its plans to eliminate the 2015 regulations. Prior to the", "id": "11962759" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nsite was unavailable due to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that were unrelated to the Oliver segments. HBO also denied having initiated the DDoS attacks. \"Engadget\" noted that apart from the specific page about the net-neutrality proposal, the rest of the FCC site was working at normal speeds. Several Congressional Democrats doubted that the cause of the FCC website's outage was a DDoS attack, and they called on the FCC to investigate the issue. \"BuzzFeed\" journalist Kevin Collier filed a lawsuit against", "id": "11962804" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\noften provide competing services—e.g., cable TV, telephony—that might differentially benefit when the need to manage applications could be invoked to disadvantage other competitors. The proposal of Google and Verizon would allow discrimination based on the type of data, but would prohibit ISPs from targeting individual organizations or websites: Google CEO Eric Schmidt explains Google's definition of Net neutrality as follows: if the data in question is video, for example, then there is no discrimination between one purveyor's data versus that of another. However,", "id": "13551460" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nefforts for the House of Representatives to pass similar legislative action through the CRA had stalled; Democratic Representatives had attempted to gain sufficient signatures for a discharge petition to force the vote on the matter, but by June 2018, were still 46 signatures short, principally along partisan lines. While the revised FCC order repealing net neutrality has become official as of June 11, 2018, it had possible for the House to take action to reverse the decision, but even with CRA passage, the action would have to be signed into law", "id": "10324811" }, { "contents": "Net Neutrality (Last Week Tonight)\n\n\nsome news clippings and broadcasts that explain the FCC's priority-lane proposal. Oliver returns onto the segment, and he protests vehemently against the proposed rules, jokingly stating that the rules would ensure \"my startup video streaming service, Nutflix, a one-stop resource for videos of men getting hit in the nuts\", would not be able to compete with larger companies like Netflix. He then takes a more serious approach, stating that the proposal would allow large ISPs such as Verizon and Comcast to buy the \"fast", "id": "11962770" }, { "contents": "Internet Association\n\n\nThe Internet Association is a lobbying group, and reported $1.5 million in political lobbying in the year 2014. The association contested the FCC's initial net neutrality proposal in July 2014, advocating stronger neutrality rules. It later praised the newer rules that surfaced in early 2015, advocating for net neutrality rules to apply equally to wireless and wired internet connections, and applauded the development of net neutrality legislation by the Republican Party in the US Congress, which was developed as an alternative to the FCC reclassification proposal. The association supported the", "id": "14081615" }, { "contents": "Internet Slowdown Day\n\n\n\"Contrary to what the name suggests, Internet Slowdown Day didn't actually slow down the Internet, or even any of the Web sites involved. Instead, the sites displayed the spinning-wheel image with messages explaining that \"slow lanes\" were about to be imposed on parts of the Internet.\" Site visitors were then directed to click on the image which then brought them directly to the FCC page, allowing them to submit complaints in favor of Net Neutrality. Over one million comments were sent to the FCC before Internet", "id": "18913839" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality law\n\n\n\"any government agency or process big enough to control a major sector of our economy will be prone to influence by those most affected by it\", and that consequently \"for all the talk we hear about how the FCC's move to impose Net Neutrality regulation is about 'putting consumers first' or 'preserving Net freedom and openness,' it's difficult to ignore the small armies of special interests who stand ready to exploit this new regulatory regime the same way they did telecom and broadcast industry regulation during decades past.", "id": "13551465" }, { "contents": "National Black Chamber of Commerce\n\n\n, which are used disproportionately by African Americans. In doing so, he sided with Lorillard, whose major product was mentholated Newport cigarettes, and which had been an NBCC member since 2008, paying $35,000 in dues annually. NBCC has also received funding from and lobbied on behalf of the telecommunications industry. Verizon was listed as a funder of NBCC, which has in turn lobbied the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) against net neutrality and other telecommunications industry regulations. NBCC also voiced support for a proposed merger between AT&T and T", "id": "9982998" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nby the President. However, the Congressional term ended before the House of Representatives could act, preventing the CRA challenge. Democratic Senators and Representatives presented the Save the Internet Act in both Houses of Congress in early March 2019. The Act, if passed, would rescind the 2017 FCC order to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order, codify the 2015 Open Internet Order into law, and prevent the FCC from making any similar changes baring any further change in law. Republican lawmakers indicated they felt this was too extreme and were unlikely", "id": "10324812" }, { "contents": "Net neutrality in the United States\n\n\nit was reported that Pai had proposed that the net neutrality rules and Title II classifications be rolled back, that ISPs should instead \"voluntarily\" commit to the principles, and that violations of them should be enforced by the Federal Trade Commission instead of the FCC as unfair or deceptive business practices. On April 29, 2017, a clearer understanding of the latest net neutrality compromise proposal was described. On May 18, 2017, the FCC voted to move forward with Pai's Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on \"Restoring", "id": "10324785" }, { "contents": "Tom Wheeler\n\n\nof applying (\"with some caveats\") Title II (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 to the Internet in a vote expected on February 26, 2015. Adoption of this notion would reclassify Internet service from one of information to one of telecommunications and, according to Wheeler, ensure US net neutrality. The FCC was expected to enforce net neutrality in its vote, according to the New York Times. On February 26, 2015, the FCC ruled in favor of net neutrality by applying Title II of the", "id": "15445544" } ]
Why is it so controversial when someone says "All Lives Matter" instead of "Black Lives Matter"?
[{"answer": "Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say \"I should get my fair share.\" And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, \"*everyone* should get their fair share.\" Now, that's a wonderful sentiment -- indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share *also*. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any! The problem is that the statement \"I should get my fair share\" had an implicit \"too\" at the end: \"I should get my fair share, too, just like everyone else.\" But your dad's response treated your statement as though you meant \"*only* I should get my fair share\", which clearly was not your intention. As a result, his statement that \"everyone should get their fair share,\" while true, only served to ignore the problem you were trying to point out. That's the situation of the \"black lives matter\" movement. Culture, laws, the arts, religion, and everyone else repeatedly suggest that all lives should matter. Clearly, that message already abounds in our society. The problem is that, in practice, the world doesn't work the way. You see the film Nightcrawler? You know the part where Renee Russo tells Jake Gyllenhal that she doesn't want footage of a black or latino person dying, she wants news stories about affluent white people being killed? That's not made up out of whole cloth -- there is a news bias toward stories that the majority of the audience (who are white) can identify with. So when a young black man gets killed (prior to the recent police shootings), it's generally not considered \"news\", while a middle-aged white woman being killed *is* treated as news. And to a large degree, that is accurate -- young black men are killed in significantly disproportionate numbers, which is why we don't treat it as anything new. But the result is that, societally, we don't pay as much attention to certain people's deaths as we do to others. So, currently, we *don't* treat all lives as though they matter equally. Just like asking dad for your fair share, the phrase \"black lives matter\" also has an implicit \"too\" at the end: it's saying that black lives should *also* matter. But responding to this by saying \"*all* lives matter\" is willfully going back to ignoring the problem. It's a way of dismissing the statement by falsely suggesting that it means \"*only* black lives matter,\" when that is obviously not the case. And so saying \"all lives matter\" *as a direct response* to \"black lives matter\" is essentially saying that we should just go back to ignoring the problem. TL;DR: The phrase \"Black lives matter\" carries an implicit \"too\" at the end; it's saying that black lives should also matter. Saying \"all lives matter\" is dismissing the very problems that the phrase is trying to draw attention to."}, {"answer": "The problem is when is it in response to the \"black lives matter\", making it dismissive at best. When someone says \"save the rainforest\" do you say \"what about the rest of nature?\" When someone does a \"cure MS\" walk, do you say \"we need to cure all diseases?\" It takes the focus off the problem and dilutes the message to a meaningless feel good statement."}, {"answer": "Because the 'Black lives matter' campaign / proponents are trying to get media attention on one particular issue - that is, the issue that black people are disproportionately killed by police officers, especially in situations in which people of other races would be treated very differently. Going 'all lives matter' is not only nonsensical because nobody is saying that other lives don't matter, but it also invalidates their efforts in getting this particular issues talked about. It's like going to a rally for victims of a particular cancer which does not have a lot of attention / funding, but is killing a bunch of people, and going 'nobody should ever die from a disease'."}, {"answer": "I'm kind of impressed. The replies to this have hit every single idiotic, oddly angry talking point ever used to diminish the idea that cops are killing black people with impunity. The two most annoying ones: \"More blacks are killed by blacks than by cops!\" And more whites are killed by whites, at roughly the same rate. So? Not unusual, you're more likely to be killed by the people in your area. Also not your best argument: in the past 20 years, black-on-black homicides have decreased by 67 percent, a sharper decline than white-on-white homicide. What's that got to do with cops killing black people? \"Whites killed by black people get ZERO coverage!\" \"Where's all the marching when whites get killed?\" \"Why isn't Al Sharpton angry about white people getting shot?\" etc etc. Here the complaint is that whites shoot blacks and get in the news, blacks shoot whites and no one pays attention. But it misses a very important point. The various outraged Facebook memes going around about horrible crimes committed by blacks that \"the media won't talk about\" all ignore the fact that in every single one I've seen, the criminals were arrested and are in the process of being punished. They're NOT a story because in those situations, the system is working the way it should. They did horrible things. They got arrested. They will go to jail. Media coverage and outrage are not, strictly speaking, about any black person being shot by the police. Media coverage and outrage comes when a black person is shot without sufficient cause and the officer is not punished for it, even in recent cases where video evidence was available. Outrage comes when justice is not evenhanded, and just about every study done shows that it isn't."}, {"answer": "Just answered this in R conservative ... Imagine you are at a cure for cancer rally. Then someone bursts in saying \"hey what about diabetes\". You would think they are ridiculous right? Not because one affliction is not worse than another, it's just that is not the time to talk about it. It's not that all lives don't matter ... It's just that's not what we are talking about right now and you butting in trying to empathize or change the narrative doesn't help at all."}, {"answer": "It's like if someone walks up to you with a severed finger, and your response is \"everyone's got problems.\" There's a clear issue that needs to be dealt with, and you're trying to bury it with non-specific, less immediate, less severe generalities."}, {"answer": " > **When some people rejoin with \u201cAll Lives Matter\u201d they misunderstand the problem, but not because their message is untrue. It is true that all lives matter, but it is equally true that not all lives are understood to matter which is precisely why it is most important to name the lives that have not mattered**, and are struggling to matter in the way they deserve. > Whiteness is less a property of skin than a social power reproducing its dominance in both explicit and implicit ways. > Claiming that \u201call lives matter\u201d does not immediately mark or enable black lives only because they have not been fully recognized as having lives that matter. I do not mean this as an obscure riddle. I mean only to say that we cannot have a race-blind approach to the questions: which lives matter? Or, which lives are worth valuing? **If we jump too quickly to the universal formulation, \u201call lives matter,\u201d then we miss the fact that black people have not yet been included in the idea of \u201call lives.\u201d** That said, it is true that all lives matter (we can then debate about when life begins or ends). But to make that universal formulation concrete, to make that into a living formulation, one that truly extends to all people, we have to foreground those lives that are not mattering now, to mark that exclusion, and militate against it. Achieving that universal, \u201call lives matter,\u201d is a struggle, and that is part of what we are seeing on the streets. For on the streets we see a complex set of solidarities across color lines that seek to show what a concrete and living sense of bodies that matter can be. -[Judith Butler]( URL_0 ) (emphasis added)"}, {"answer": "I think [this cartoon]( URL_0 ) covers it quite well. Basically, \"black lives matter\" is a response to a particularly severe immediate problem \u2014 a string of incidents involving unarmed black people being killed by police in dubious circumstances. While we really don't want _anyone_ killed by police in dubious circumstances, the wealthy white guys (for example) are doing OK and really don't need the help, so why insist that it has to be just as much about them, other than to be a dick?"}, {"answer": "The reason is that saying \"all lives matter\" is a deliberate attempt to distract from the problem of racially motivated police brutality. Some people may not be using it in such a way, being unaware of where it came from, but those who say \"all lives matter\" have the racist context set for them. I mean, imagine you set up a charity to help victims of AIDS, and someone came and started telling everyone how important cancer research was. No one is debating the merits of cancer research, but i think you can still see how it would be disrespectful to say such a thing."}, {"answer": "Because black people's lives have been ended, unjustifiably often, by police lately. If you say Black Lives Matter, you are saying you agree that the police shouldn't have the right to just mow down black people like they have been doing. If you say \"All lives matter\" instead, you are saying a truth that is so general it's almost the same as saying, \"I don't care about the specific issue you're responding to, I think that my people's lives are important just as much as your people's lives are, and I don't want you arguing that your people have it harder.\" That can be offensive, especially to the family of a police-shooting victim. Edit: forgot closing quotation mark."}, {"answer": "It's kind of like going to a meeting of children with cancer and screaming \"all diseases matter!\" Yeah, that's true, but we're discussing the issue of cancer in children."}, {"answer": "It's the context of when the statement was made that makes it offensive. There is a better time and place to argue that the problem goes beyond race."}, {"answer": "Most simply when something is said as a retort to a statement, then it exists to invalidate the original statement. This makes people angry."}, {"answer": "It shouldn't be. If we are honest, it's all about capturing the public microphone so to speak vs the multitude of other causes fighting for just a moment's notice of our time. Saying, \"Black lives matter\" specifically focuses on the suffering of that group of people. Go even further and it only pertains to an American context. (If anyone actually knew anything about the history of the Ivory Coast, Timbuktu, the Tripoli Slave Trade, ect...) The supposed argument is that \"black lives matter\" represents all oppressed an marginalized groups within the last 400 years of American history, but it doesn't and is only along specific racial lines. For instance, my Armenian ancestors went through slavery for over a thousand years, plus repeated massacres and genocides not including the one in 1915. Should we use a hashtag to demand people recognize our suffering specifically over others? (Hell, the US still won't even officially say the word genocide in regards to the Armenian Genocide because it will offend a certain NATO member.) Then again, do the lives of my 3 half-black cousins matter or do they only matter if they are 100% black? Do the lives of me and my half middle eastern cousins matter, or are we not black enough? During the Ferguson riots there was a Bosnian man beaten to death by a hammer and the Bosnian community has alleged that their have been racially targeted crimes against their community over the years. Do their lives not matter? Apparently not as the police deny its a hate crime while the Bosnian community insists it is. Thats what happens when you dehumanize the plight of other people by insisting that only certain lives matter."}, {"answer": "Imagine someone says 'gay marriage matters', and someone rebuttals 'ALL marriage matters'. Well, yes, but... like... some people don't think gay marriage is ok. We are trying to vie for the rights of some people. Our language reflects that. So, black lives matter."}, {"answer": "If there was a march to raise awareness of breast cancer and fundraise for research to cure it, that's a noble cause. Trying to interrupt that march and saying \"ALL cancer is important\" is, while true, a bit dismissive of the heartbreak and suffering that the people at that march felt as Breast cancer hurt their families and loved ones. It's a harsher way of saying \"everyone suffers (and you don't get special help).\""}, {"answer": "It's only controversial to those who wish to silence those who say it. I read the supposed brilliant analogy given elsewhere on this thread and found it extremely weak in reasoning. All lives do matter with the possible exception of thugs, killers, etc."}, {"answer": "I just heard on npr the lady that started this phrase and that she was pissed that other creeds and religions and whatnot were using the same formula she used."}, {"answer": "Let's change the phrase to \"Black lives matter, too.\" It's what it should have been from the start."}, {"answer": "There's only so much time in a day. You can waste it on negative things or use it wisely on positive things that are important This could be \"ones perspective\" on the whole #blacklivesmatter debate. It doesn't mean its right or wrong but it will always exist as a thought. It's how someone else may see things to which you have no control over. All you can do is \"be the change you want to see in the world\" Mahatma Gandhi someone creates a movement #blacklivesmatter someone creates a movement #whitelivesmatter someone creates a movement #mexicanlivesmatter someone creates a movement #jewishlivesmatter someone creates a movement #asianlivesmatter and so on to infinity.. the freedom to voice your opinion happens someone says, \"This sure seems silly to have so many INDIVIDUAL lives that matter. I mean we are all the same people just in different places in life. We should put together a movement called #alllivesmatter and work together as a TEAM! Just think of how much more we could accomplish working as a human society!! Super excited about this!\" #alllivesmatter is created the creator of #whateverlivesmatter takes offense that it doesn't address their movement specifically and proclaims you can't use #alllivesmatter because it would be ignoring what they're about and they will not be heard. #alllivesmatter feels upset because it can no longer have the freedom to voice their belief that \"we are all the same people just in different places in life\" Yet #whateverlivesmatter continues their movement excluding all the #otherlivesthatmatter The TEAM has been segregated, and we go back to working as INDIVIDUALS and accomplish much less All racist groups have been INDIVIDUAL efforts A human society is a TEAM effort Racism-consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among different racial groups. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently ( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "I appreciate people having their mind changed but its mond-blowing to me that this wasn't obvious. If anything it only further solidifies the huge disconnect that exists between the actual treatment of blacks in society vs the perception of the treatment they receive. The way I would describe its like a \"save the music in schools\" movement and someone Deeboing your mic to say \"Math matters too!\"... Well OK, no one argued otherwise...but music programs are the ones being cut and in need of awareness"}, {"answer": "Nuance. Black Lives Matter Too. But you only see Black Lives Matter as an offense. When it is clear as day that people of color are treated much differently. That we are wishing to be heard and understood. No one is saying Black Lives Matter think that white lives don't matter. Why would that train of thought cross your mind. I'm sorry but is there a hashtag called kill whitey followed at BLM? No. It was never implied and you should know that."}, {"answer": "the problem though, the only reason i know about the black lives matter movement is because i saw representatives ruining speeches of a presidential candidate multiple times and being extremely rude and unreasonable...oh and they interrupted the candidate that they would actually want on their side. makes it hard for me to respect the movement when that's the behavior that's exhibited"}, {"answer": "Anybody who truly thinks that black lives don't matter won't be swayed by this phrase, or any phrase. Catchphrase activism. A sub-genre of the ever popular slacktivism. How many Berkeley students can dance on the head of a pin? Black lives matter, catchphrases ... not so much."}, {"answer": "fact blacks kill more blacks than cops do within a year..the real epidemic is black on black crime..if black lives mattered to these playing victim protesting..then go to chicago and protest the real epidemic"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "51041141", "title": "All Lives Matter", "section": "Section::::Facebook graffiti incident.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 18, "end_paragraph_id": 18, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["According to Zuckerberg's memo, \"\"Black Lives Matter\" doesn't mean other lives don't it's simply asking that the black community also achieves the justice they deserve\". The memo also said that the act of crossing something out in itself, \"means silencing speech, or that one person's speech is more important than another's\".", "previously condemned this practice at previous company meetings, and other similar requests had been issued by other leaders at Facebook, Zuckerberg wrote in the memo that he would now consider this overwriting practice not only disrespectful, but \"malicious as well\". According to Zuckerberg's memo, \"\"Black Lives Matter\" doesn't mean other lives don't it's simply asking that the black community also achieves the justice they deserve\". The memo also said that the act of crossing something out in itself, \"means silencing speech, or that one person's speech is more important than another's\".", "On February 24, 2016, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, sent out a company-wide internal memo to employees formally rebuking employees who had crossed out handwritten \"Black Lives Matter\" phrases on the company walls and had written \"All Lives Matter\" in their place. Facebook allows employees to free-write thoughts and phrases on company walls. The memo was then leaked by several employees. As Zuckerberg had previously condemned this practice at previous company meetings, and other similar requests had been issued by other leaders at Facebook, Zuckerberg wrote in the memo that he would now consider this overwriting practice not only disrespectful, but \"malicious as well\". According to Zuckerberg's memo, \"\"Black Lives Matter\" doesn't mean other lives don't it's simply asking that the black community also achieves the justice they deserve\". The memo also said that the act of crossing something out in itself, \"means silencing speech, or that one person's speech is more important than another's"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Post-racial America\n\n\nsheriff's deputy in Harris County, Texas, was fatally shot while pumping gas in August, Sheriff Ron Hickman claimed that the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter activists had contributed to the killing and said, \"We've heard 'black lives matter'. All lives matter. Well, cops' lives matter, too. So why don't we just drop the qualifier and just say 'lives matter', and take that to the bank.' Supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement criticized the \"all lives matter\"", "id": "16049006" }, { "contents": "History of the United States (2008–present)\n\n\nIn response to the \"black lives matter\" rallying cry, some people, including politicians, began using the phrase \"all lives matter\". After a sheriff's deputy in Harris County, Texas, was fatally shot while pumping gas in August, Sheriff Ron Hickman claimed that the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter activists had contributed to the killing and said, \"We’ve heard 'black lives matter'. All lives matter. Well, cops’ lives matter, too. So why don’t we just drop the qualifier", "id": "9915123" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nSherman supports the All Lives Matter message, saying \"I stand by what I said that All Lives Matter and that we are human beings.\" According to an August 2015 telephone poll, 78% of likely American voters said that the statement \"all lives matter\" was closest to their own personal views when compared to \"black lives matter\" or neither. Only 11% said that the statement \"black lives matter\" was closest. Nine percent said that neither statement reflected their own personal point of view. According to", "id": "14528182" }, { "contents": "Shooting of Darren Goforth\n\n\nmotive at the moment, it appeared that Goforth was targeted \"because he wore a uniform.\" The shooting drew comparisons to the shooting deaths of two officers with the New York City Police Department, which occurred the year before. The shooting also brought criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement, alleging that they were responsible for inspiring the attack. Hickman stated, \"We've heard 'black lives matter.' All lives matter. Well, cops' lives matter, too. So why don't we just drop the", "id": "16572864" }, { "contents": "Jim Webb 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nthe Black Lives Matter movement, when the candidates were asked if all lives matter or black lives matter, Webb was the only one who said \"all lives matter.\" As a result, Webb was the third most-searched of the five candidates on Google during the night, behind the frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The candidates were asked \"which enemy they were the proudest of making.\" He said \"I would have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he's", "id": "9382458" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nAccording to professor David Theo Goldberg, \"All Lives Matter\" reflects a view of \"racial dismissal, ignoring, and denial\". On \"Real Time with Bill Maher\", Bill Maher expressed support for use of the \"Black Lives Matter\" phrase, stating that \"'All Lives Matter' implies that all lives are equally at risk, and they're not\". Founders of the Black Lives Matter movement have responded to criticism of the movement's exclusivity, saying, \"#BlackLivesMatter doesn't mean your life", "id": "3290162" }, { "contents": "Cop vs. Phone Girl\n\n\nThe song makes many allusions to a 2015 incident at South Carolina's Spring Valley High School, where a police officer violently removed an African American student from class. Specifically, the song takes a pro-Black Lives Matter stance, with lyrics of \"\"On the classroom floor, there's a little blood splatter / Why's it so hard to say Black Lives Matter? / Doesn't mean that you're anti-white / Take it from me, I'm super fucking white.\"\" Jenkins, the band", "id": "6152906" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nfrom Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter made news when they embraced during a \"run-in\" in Dallas. \"We're all brothers and sisters,\" one of the protesters can be heard saying on CNN. \"This is how you kick down a wall.\" On October 2, 2016, a fan at a Chicago Bears NFL game ran onto the field during a television timeout during the 4th quarter dressed in a gorilla costume, wearing a shirt that read \"All Lives Matter\" on the front.", "id": "3290161" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nisn't important – it means that Black lives, which are seen without value within White supremacy, are important to your liberation.\" In a video interview with Laura Flanders, Black Lives Matter movement co-founder Alicia Garza said that \"changing Black Lives Matter to All Lives Matter is a demonstration of how we don't actually understand structural racism in this country\". She went on to say that other lives are valued more than black lives, and that to take blackness out of this equation is inappropriate. President Barack", "id": "3290163" }, { "contents": "U.S. national anthem protests (2016–present)\n\n\nstuck, and we are followers. When you hear one person say 'black lives matter' or 'blue lives matter,' all lives matter.\" Adding moments later, \"With me being a fighter, and my hands being registered, if I hit a guy for breaking in my house, or breaking in my car, it's gonna cost me more money, so I gotta work smarter, not harder. I'm gonna call the cops.\" Discussion continued throughout August 2017. Baseball Hall", "id": "14514699" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nfounder Patrisse Cullors, asked both candidates for specific policy proposals to address deaths in police custody. The protesters chanted several slogans, including \"if I die in police custody, burn everything down\". After conference organizers pleaded with the protesters for several minutes, O'Malley responded by pledging to release a wide-ranging plan for criminal justice reform. Protesters later booed O'Malley when he stated \"Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.\" O'Malley later apologized for his remarks, saying that he did not mean to", "id": "14528167" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nprofessor David Theo Goldberg, \"All Lives Matter\" reflects a view of \"racial dismissal, ignoring, and denial\". Founders have responded to criticism of the movement's exclusivity, saying, \"#BlackLivesMatter doesn't mean your life isn't important – it means that Black lives, which are seen without value within White supremacy, are important to your liberation.\" President Barack Obama spoke to the debate between Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Obama said, \"I think that the reason that the organizers used", "id": "14528183" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nAll Lives Matter (#AllLivesMatter) is a slogan that has come to be associated with criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement. The slogan became a large talking point in the 2016 United States presidential election. Several notable individuals have supported All Lives Matter. Its proponents include Senator Tim Scott. American football player Richard Sherman supported the All Lives Matter message, saying \"I stand by what I said that All Lives Matter and that we are human beings.\" In June 2015, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton faced backlash after", "id": "3290156" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nMatter\", whose proceeds would have gone to BLM, had been scheduled for September 11, 2016, at Feinstein's/54 Below, a Manhattan cabaret. The club's management canceled the event, saying they could not hold the event given the release of a platform by a group affiliated with Black Lives Matter \"that accuses Israel of genocide and endorses a range of boycott and sanction actions.\" Commenting on the platform, Alan Dershowitz wrote, \"It is a real tragedy that Black Lives Matter — which has done so much good", "id": "14528199" }, { "contents": "History of the United States (2008–present)\n\n\nand just say 'lives matter', and take that to the bank.' Supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement criticized the \"all lives matter\" phrase, arguing that it minimized the systemic threats faced by African-Americans. President Obama said in October, \"There is a specific problem that is happening in the African-American community that’s not happening in other communities.\" Andrew Rosenthal wrote, similarly, in \"The New York Times\", \"The point of 'Black Lives Matter' is that", "id": "9915124" }, { "contents": "Gorilla Biscuits\n\n\nDegradation\" that rails against nazis in the 1980s punk scene. He also commented on the Black Lives Matter movement, saying: In 2016 people still have to wear shirts that say 'Black Lives Matter'. No shit. Brown, white, yellow, black, we all fucking matter. Everybody here matters. Do not let the media, schools, institutions, influence you. We are one family, one people. Apparently, the statement did not sit well with some attendees at the festival who understood the speech as", "id": "11646676" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nusing the phrase \"all lives matter\" at an African-American church in Missouri during her presidential campaign. Republicans have been stronger proponents in general of All Lives Matter and harsher critics of the Black Lives Matter movement in general. Senator Rand Paul has argued that Black Lives Matter has focused on the wrong targets and has stated, \"I think they should change their name maybe—if they were All Lives Matter, or Innocent Lives Matter.\" President Donald Trump has stated that \"Black Lives Matter\" is a divisive", "id": "3290157" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nterm and that the term is inherently racist. According to an August 2015 poll, 78% of likely American voters said that the statement All Lives Matter was \"close[r] to [their] own\" point of view than Black Lives Matter was. Only 11% said that the statement Black Lives Matter was closer. Nine percent said that neither statement reflected their own point of view. The internet facilitated the spread of the message \"All Lives Matter\" as a response to the Black Lives Matter hashtag as well as the", "id": "3290158" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Bernie Sanders\n\n\nplatform, Sanders calls for an end to \"the four central types of violence waged against black and brown Americans: physical, political, legal and economic.\" Speaking on these issues, Sanders says: During a Democratic debate, Sanders was asked \"do black lives matter or do all lives matter\" to which he responded \"Black lives matter\" and went on to condemn racist policing and incarceration. In his appearance at the She the People forum in Houston, Texas on April 24, 2019, Sanders was asked by", "id": "20150369" }, { "contents": "Katie Hopkins\n\n\n(and the United States flag), later stating that she had not looked at the handle. Sharing a poster on Twitter for the Netflix series \"Dear White People\" at the beginning of May 2017, Hopkins added: \"Dear black people. If your lives matter why do you stab and shoot each other so much\". Although the tweet was deleted, users of the social media site circulated screenshots of what appeared to be a reference to the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. In August 2016,", "id": "21931185" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nintersectionality, that \"Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum.\" All three founders of the Black Lives Matter movement are women, and Garza and Cullors identify as queer. Additionally, Elle Hearns, one of the founding organizers of the global network, is a transgender woman. The founders believe that their backgrounds have paved the way for Black Lives Matter to be an intersectional movement", "id": "14528116" }, { "contents": "In a Lonely Place (song)\n\n\nof dialogue in the film; at one point, Bogart's character says, \"I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me,\" while in the film's climactic scene, Grahame's character says, \"Yesterday, this would've meant so much to us. Now it doesn't matter... it doesn't matter at all.\" The relevant lyrics are: \"I was born the day I met you/Lived a while when", "id": "20792397" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nhashtag and call to action, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, expanded their project into a national network of over 30 local chapters between 2014 and 2016. The overall Black Lives Matter movement, however, is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. There have been many reactions to the Black Lives Matter movement. The U.S. population's perception of Black Lives Matter varies considerably by race. The phrase \"All Lives Matter\" sprang up as a response to the Black Lives Matter movement, but has been", "id": "14528109" }, { "contents": "Netroots Nation\n\n\ncalling out the names of black women killed in police custody. Pressed to address his position on the Black Lives Matter movement, O'Malley stated, \"Black lives matter, White lives matter, All lives matter,\" drawing boos from the crowd. Upon Martin O'Malley's exit, Senator Bernie Sanders stepped onto the stage to make his remarks. “Senator Sanders then took the stage and was more forceful with the protesters. When they interrupted him, he threatened to simply leave the stage and let them have it. That quieted", "id": "14609802" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nunderstanding of BLM. She was then sent messages by members of the Seattle Chapter which she described as threatening, and was forced to change the name of her group to \"Black in Seattle\". The founders of Black Lives Matter stated that they had not issued an apology. In August 2015, the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution supporting Black Lives Matter. In the first Democratic primary debate, the presidential candidates were asked whether black lives matter or all lives matter. In reply, Bernie Sanders stated, \"Black lives", "id": "14528169" }, { "contents": "Jay Fielden\n\n\n. “Why did \"Esquire\" do this in February, which is Black History Month?” (It's the March cover subject). But March is Women's History Month! Although my favorite complaint is when people say, “Who thought this was a good idea?” Why isn't \"someone\" an acceptable answer? Journalist Kate Rosman posted a tweet, saying, “It's a story that matters to a lot of parents of kind, empathetic boys who feel confused by society's assumptions that they", "id": "19104200" }, { "contents": "Black Knight (Dane Whitman)\n\n\nThe neural sword appears to be made of a laser beam and cuts through non-living matter. Its \"laser\" blade is actually a neural disruptor when used against living beings; when Whitman cuts someone with the sword, it delivers a massive jolt to the being's central nervous system. This jolt is usually enough to incapacitate someone within just a few hits. Alternately, Whitman can reverse the neural sword's energy stream so that it encases its hilt and by extension, Whitman's fist in a high-energy field", "id": "10076352" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nObama spoke to the debate between Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Obama said, \"I think that the reason that the organizers used the phrase Black Lives Matter was not because they were suggesting that no one else's lives matter ... rather what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that is happening in the African-American community that's not happening in other communities.\" He also said \"that is a legitimate issue that we've got to address.\" In July 2016, \"USA Today\"", "id": "3290164" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\npeople are killed by police. Murdock wrote, \"the notion that America's cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today's biggest and deadliest lies.\" Heather Mac Donald says \"the Black Lives Matter movement is based on a lie. The idea that the United States is experiencing an epidemic of racially driven police shootings is false—and dangerously so.\" Citing the \"Washington Post\"s database of fatal police shootings, she writes that the police shot 990 people in 2015, most of whom were armed", "id": "14528190" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\n100,000 or more, purportedly for U.S. Black Lives Matter causes; however, some of the money was instead transferred to Australian banks accounts, according to CNN. Facebook has suspended the offending page. In 2015, after the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, black activists around the world modeled efforts for reform on Black Lives Matter and the Arab Spring. This international movement has been referred to as the \"Black Spring\". Connections have also been forged with parallel international efforts such as the Dalit rights movement. Following", "id": "14528161" }, { "contents": "Respectability politics\n\n\ncame to imply black men are \"dangerous\". The Black Lives Matter movement argues that people are deserving of rights regardless of \"any ostensibly non-respectable behavior.\" Instead of acknowledging and shying away from negative black stereotypes, the Black Lives Matter movement works to expand the concept of what it means to be \"respectable\" and argue that negatively stereotyped behavior should not be met with deadly force. In line with the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement, some celebrities who have typically shied away from conversations about race", "id": "17306598" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nfrom within the Black Lives Matter movement, including professor and civil rights advocate Treva B. Lindsey, have argued that BLM has sidelined black women's experiences in favor of black men's experiences. For example, some argue that more demonstrations have been organized to protest the killings of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin than the killings of Kayla Moore or Rekia Boyd. In response, Say Her Name was founded to focus specifically on the killing of black women by police and to bring their names into the Black Lives Matter protest. Their stated", "id": "14528202" }, { "contents": "Gorilla Biscuits\n\n\nan endorsement of the anti-Black Lives Matter movement 'All Lives Matter'. Later, Civarelli said on his Facebook that the controversy had been a gross misunderstanding of his words: “…I’m surprised that this was taken in any other way then it was intended. My point was and I thought it was clear that in 2016 we as a people should not need such things to be on a shirt and they should be universal truths. We are all in this together. If you know the band and the", "id": "11646677" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nMatter is decentralized, and leaders have emphasized the importance of local organizing over national leadership. Activist DeRay McKesson has commented that the movement \"encompasses all who publicly declare that black lives matter and devote their time and energy accordingly.\" In 2013, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi formed the Black Lives Matter Network. Alicia Garza described the network as an online platform that existed to provide activists with a shared set of principles and goals. Local Black Lives Matter chapters are asked to commit to the organization's list", "id": "14528118" }, { "contents": "James Comey\n\n\n, Comey said:I remember being asked why we were doing so much prosecuting in black neighborhoods and locking up so many black men. After all, Richmond was surrounded by areas with largely white populations. Surely there were drug dealers in the suburbs. My answer was simple: We are there in those neighborhoods because that's where people are dying. These are the guys we lock up because they are the predators choking off the life of a community. We did this work because we believed that all lives matter, especially", "id": "12289191" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\npolice force, improving community relations, and addressing issues that catalyzed the Black Lives Matter movement. The U.S. population's perception of Black Lives Matter varies considerably by race. According to a September 2015 poll on race relations, nearly two-thirds of African Americans mostly agree with Black Lives Matter, while 42% of white Americans are unsure or do not have an opinion about Black Lives Matter. Of white people surveyed, 41% thought that Black Lives Matter advocated violence, and 59% of whites thought that Black Lives Matter", "id": "14528204" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nin raising awareness of police abuses — has now moved away from its central mission and has declared war against the nation state of the Jewish people.\" He noted that Black Lives Matter is not monolithic and \"is a movement comprising numerous groups. ... But the platform is the closest thing to a formal declaration of principles by Black Lives Matter.\" Dershowitz called on \"all decent supporters of Black Lives Matter\" to demand removal of the paragraph accusing Israel of genocide. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that Black", "id": "14528200" }, { "contents": "XXXTentacion\n\n\nmusic video to YouTube for his song \"Riot\" after sharing a music video for his on September 12, 2017. The controversial scene portrays him placing a noose around the neck of a white child then hanging him (representing lynching). The child's mother originally was anxious about the scene but said she was fine with the message being portrayed. Talking on Instagram Live, he told his followers that the video was not supporting Black Lives Matter or addressing police brutality but was supporting All Lives Matter. Onfroy announced he was", "id": "11894479" }, { "contents": "Lisa Durden\n\n\n\"Soul Food Junkies\", which won the 2012 Grand Jury Prize of Best Documentary at the American Black Film Festival. On June 6, 2017, Durden appeared on Fox News in an interview with Tucker Carlson, discussing a Black Lives Matter chapter that held a Memorial Day event exclusively for black people. Durden defended the chapter's actions, saying \"Boo-hoo-hoo... You white people are angry because you couldn’t use your ‘white privilege’ card to get invited to the Black Lives Matter’s all-", "id": "11711108" }, { "contents": "Protest songs in the United States\n\n\n\"Wanna kill us dead in the street of sho'\" and \"My knees getting' weak and my gun might blow / But we gon' be alright.\" \"We gon' be alright\" has become a protest chant during the movements of Black Lives Matter. Lamar discusses his song's relation with the movement during a New York Times interview in 2015. When asked if he knew it was becoming an anthem for Black Lives Matter he says, \"When I'd go in certain parts of the world,", "id": "17129889" }, { "contents": "Aaron Betsky\n\n\nembedded in the earth, \"Landscrapers: Building with the Land\" (IBSN 9780500341889). His 2017 book \"Architecture Matters\", called \"a delightful ramble through a lively, well-stocked mind\" by Interior Design magazine, includes \"46 Thoughts on Why Architecture Matters,\" including “Why Architecture Is So Cool (to a Teenager),” “How Dreams Die in the Process,” “How Perfection Kills,” “Why It All Happens in China,” and “What We Can Still Learn", "id": "5331360" }, { "contents": "To Pimp a Butterfly\n\n\nblack crime in the song \"The Blacker the Berry\". He criticizes himself and his community by rapping, \"So why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in the street? / When gang banging make me kill a nigga blacker than me? / Hypocrite!\" Some critics claim that his attitude facilitates the rhetoric that silences the Black Lives Matter movement. Stereo Williams of \"The Daily Beast\" wrote in response to his lyrics that \"it's dangerous to use that violence as a silencing tactic when the public is", "id": "8158495" }, { "contents": "Black bullhead\n\n\nto live in muddy water, with warmer temperatures and in water with lower levels of oxygen, which reduce competition from other fish. Black bullheads also occur as an invasive species in large parts of Europe. They are omnivorous, so eat almost anything, from grains and other plant matter to insects, dead or living fish, and crustaceans. They have short, pointed, conical teeth, formed in multiple rows called cardiform teeth. Black bullheads have no scales; instead, they have about 100,000 taste receptors placed all over their", "id": "7863491" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nBLM. Some critics accuse Black Lives Matter of being anti-police. Sgt. Demetrick Pennie of the Dallas Police Department filed an unsuccessful lawsuit against Black Lives Matter in September 2016, which accused the group of inciting a \"race war.\" Marchers using a BLM banner were recorded in a video chanting, \"Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon\" at the Minnesota State Fair. Law enforcement groups said that the chant promotes death to police. The protest organizer disputed that interpretation, saying \"What we are", "id": "14528188" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\n\"Blue Lives Matter\" hashtag as a response to Beyonce's halftime performance speaking out against police brutality. At a performance during the 2016 MLB All-Star Game, Remigio Pereira, a member of The Tenors, held up an \"All Lives Matter\" sign and altered some lyrics to the anthem \"O Canada\". Pereira sang, \"We're all brothers and sisters. All lives matter to the great,\" instead of the lines, \"With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and", "id": "3290159" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\ntransformational change\". He said that \"I voted my entire life, and I was still tear-gassed in the streets of St. Louis and Baltimore. I voted my entire life, and those votes did not convict the killers of Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray or Michael Brown\". The phrase \"All Lives Matter\" sprang up as response to the Black Lives Matter movement, shortly after the movement gained national attention. Several notable individuals have supported All Lives Matter. Its proponents include Senator Tim Scott. NFL cornerback Richard", "id": "14528181" }, { "contents": "The Queers\n\n\nthe ghettos of America trying to help there instead of screaming about white America. That's where the murders of black people are happening, but according to BLM it's all white cops who are doing it! It's insane thinking and not getting to the root of the problem at all. All lives matter.\" In a 2017 interview, Joe Queer stated \"“I get called a Nazi and racist because of our name, and then because I had an opinion about the Ferguson thing,” he says. “", "id": "13425594" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\n. In a September 2016 interview with W. Kamau Bell and Hari Kondabolu, King described himself as part of the broader Black Lives Matter movement and supportive of the formal organization Black Lives Matter, but not affiliated with the latter. The loose structure of Black Lives Matter has contributed to confusion in the press and among activists, as actions or statements from chapters or individuals are sometimes attributed to \"Black Lives Matter\" as a whole. Matt Pearce, writing for the \"Los Angeles Times\", commented that \"the words could", "id": "14528120" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\n. Garza wrote a Facebook post titled \"A Love Note to Black People\" in which she said: \"Our Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter\". Cullors replied: \"#BlackLivesMatter\". Tometi then added her support, and Black Lives Matter was born as an online campaign. In August 2014, BLM members organized their first in-person national protest in the form of a \"Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride\" to Ferguson, Missouri after the shooting of Michael Brown. More than five hundred members descended upon Ferguson", "id": "14528113" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\nconcluded from the thoughts of Columbia University sociology professor Carla Shedd, that the phrase \"'All Lives Matter' can actually be interpreted as racist\". It also cited professor Joe Feagin, who said that white people use the phrase \"All Lives Matter\" to ignore the Black Lives Matter movement, which he described as \"already about liberty and justice for all.\" \"USA Today\" reported that some celebrities who had tweeted using the hashtag #AllLivesMatter, including Jennifer Lopez and Fetty Wap, had deleted the tweets and", "id": "3290165" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Hillary Clinton\n\n\nYes, black lives matter\" and \"all lives matter.\" Clinton has met with Black Lives Matter leadership, to which activist DeRay Mckesson said \"We didn't agree about all the issues, but in the end I think that we felt heard.\" In the meeting Clinton supported ending private prisons and immigration detention centers. Clinton addressed the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia in July 2016, following the killings of two black men by police officers and the subsequent killings of five police officers by a black man in Dallas", "id": "7977583" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nrising anti-police sentiment, while Marco Rubio was the first candidate to publicly sympathize with the movement's point of view. In August 2015, activists chanting \"Black Lives Matter\" interrupted the Las Vegas rally of Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush. As Bush exited early, some of his supporters started responding to the protesters by chanting \"white lives matter\" or \"all lives matter\". Several conservative pundits have labeled the movement a \"hate group\". Candidate Chris Christie, the New Jersey Governor, criticized President Obama", "id": "14528176" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nwas upset about Black Lives Matter\", and that \"he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.\" Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and other conservative lawmakers blamed the shootings on the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Lives Matter network released a statement denouncing the shootings. On July 8, more than 100 people were arrested at Black Lives Matter protests across the United States. In the first half of July, there were at least 112 protests in 88 American cities. In July 2016, NBA stars LeBron", "id": "14528150" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nof the platform of the Movement for Black Lives, released in 2016. Since then, Black Lives Matter has organized thousands of protests and demonstrations. Expanding beyond street protests, BLM has expanded to activism on American college campuses, such as the 2015–16 University of Missouri protests. Black Lives Matter incorporates those traditionally on the margins of black freedom movements. The organization's website, for instance, states that Black Lives Matter is \"a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes\" and, embracing", "id": "14528115" }, { "contents": "The Journal of Political Philosophy\n\n\nThe Journal of Political Philosophy is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering all aspects of political philosophy. The journal became engaged in a controversy when it published three articles on Black Lives Matter, each written by white academics and previously presented at a conference on that subject. The controversy began when Yale professor Christopher Lebrom published an \"open letter\" criticising the journal for not having included \"philosophers of color\" in the symposium. Lebrom further claimed that the journal had not, up to that point, published on race since", "id": "17429630" }, { "contents": "Post-racial America\n\n\nare video recording of all police-citizen interactions, creating a Citizens Review Board with investigative powers, and assigning an independent prosecutor. Or, in the educational sphere, creating charters, academies and school choice to turn around under-performing schools. The divide in public opinion on the status of race in America was reflected in reactions to the Black Lives Matter movement. In response to the \"black lives matter\" rallying cry, some people, including politicians, began using the phrase \"all lives matter\". After a", "id": "16049005" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nthis country matters.\" Hillary Clinton was not directly asked the same question, but was instead asked: \"What would you do for African Americans in this country that President Obama couldn't?\" Clinton had already met with Black Lives Matter representatives, and emphasized what she described as a more pragmatic approach to enacting change, stating \"Look, I don't believe you change hearts. I believe you change laws\". Without policy change, she felt \"we'll be back here in 10 years having the same conversation", "id": "14528171" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\ndistracted attention from the real issues of racial discrimination. By comparison, 82% of black people polled thought that Black Lives Matter was a nonviolent movement, and 26% of blacks thought that Black Lives Matter distracted attention from the real issues of racial discrimination. On the question of whether \"Black Lives Matter\" was mostly a movement or mostly a slogan, 46% of whites and 67% of blacks thought that it is mostly a movement. A similar poll in June 2016 found that 65% of black American adults supported", "id": "14528205" }, { "contents": "Alicia Garza\n\n\nmovement. Garza is credited with inspiring the slogan when, after the July 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman, she posted on Facebook: \"Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter, Black Lives Matter\" which Cullors then shared with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. Garza's organization Black Lives Matter was spurred on by the deaths of black people by police in recent media and racial disparities within the U.S. criminal justice system. She was also struck by the similarities of Trayvon Martin to her younger brother,", "id": "8312366" }, { "contents": "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided\n\n\nword \"apartheid\" as part of its marketing. The criticism stemmed from the word's historic association with apartheid, a system of racial segregation in South Africa for much of the 20th century. Members of the game's staff advocated their use of the term due to its relevance to the story's subject matter. Additional controversy arose among the public and other game developers for \"Mankind Divided\" use of the phrase \"Aug Lives Matter\" in its promotional concept art. The slogan is very similar to Black Lives Matter,", "id": "14182415" }, { "contents": "The Queers\n\n\nChris and Chester, two gay black guys. I was actually working a part time job. I was one of two white people on the whole job. If I was so racist, I wouldn't have worked there or be living in Atlanta! The whole city is predominantly black.\" He also voiced his opinion of the activist group Black Lives Matter, stating \"Black Lives Matter doesn't care about black people, they just want to cause trouble and hate white people. If they truly cared they'd be in", "id": "13425593" }, { "contents": "First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia\n\n\nof support for the Black Lives Matter movement: In line with our commitment to affirming the inherent worth and dignity of all people, we, the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, declare that black lives matter. We support the Black Lives Matter movement and pledge our congregation's dedication to participating in anti-racist, anti-oppression work within our own community; to acknowledging our denomination's and our congregation's checkered racial history; and to serving as allies, witnesses, and partners in our country's continued struggle for racial", "id": "12518095" }, { "contents": "Hate crime laws in the United States\n\n\nof Columbia cover homelessness. On May 26, 2016, Louisiana was the first state to add police officers and firefighters to their state hate crime statute, when Governor John Bel Edwards signed an amendment from the legislature into law. This amendment was added, in part, as a response to the Black Lives Matter movement, which seeks to end police brutality against black people, with some advocates of the amendment using the slogan \"Blue Lives Matter\". Since the inception of Black Lives Matter, critics have found some of the", "id": "3802893" }, { "contents": "Recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches introduced 1991–1992\n\n\nplayed by Ellen Cleghorne, was an Afrocentric social critic who dressed in African garb, observed Kwanzaa, and made commentaries on race. She had a somewhat disdainful persona, such as when she observed about Michael Jackson: \"'Black or White'? If it doesn't matter, then why are you so white?\", or when she commented that Kwanzaa \"is a Swahili word which means 'Santa don't come to my house'\". Debuted October 26, 1991. A Chris Farley sketch. Debuted November", "id": "8756341" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nof guiding principles, but operate without a central structure or hierarchy. Alicia Garza has commented that the Network was not interested in \"policing who is and who is not part of the movement.\" Currently, there are at least 30 Black Lives Matter chapters in the U.S., England, Canada, Australia, and Ghana. Notable Black Lives Matter activists include co-founder of the Seattle Black Lives Matter chapter Marissa Johnson, lawyer and president of the Minneapolis chapter of the NAACP Nekima Levy-Pounds, and writer Shaun King", "id": "14528119" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\ncriticized for dismissing or misunderstanding the message of \"Black Lives Matter\". Following the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, the hashtag Blue Lives Matter was created by supporters of the police. Some black civil rights leaders have disagreed with tactics used by Black Lives Matter activists. BLM claims inspiration from the civil rights movement, the Black Power movement, the 1980s Black feminist movement, Pan-Africanism, the Anti-Apartheid Movement, hip hop, LGBTQ social movements, and Occupy Wall Street. Several media organizations have referred", "id": "14528110" }, { "contents": "Resistance to diversity efforts in organizations\n\n\nGoogle's Ideological Echo Chamber\", which went viral as a prominent example of perceived \"anti-diversity\" attitudes. The document says Google's current diversity initiatives discriminate against dominant group members (i.e. Whites and males) and foster tension within the organization. In 2016, it was reported that Intel's CEO was threatened in response to his diversity efforts, and Facebook's CEO faced challenges with what he considered the malicious behavior of his employees replacing a \"black lives matter\" message with an \"all lives matter\" message", "id": "12376051" }, { "contents": "2015 Baltimore protests\n\n\nprotested against the apparent mistreatment of Freddie Gray as well against inadequate and inconsistent information on police actions during the arrest and transport. Gray died at approximately 7am on April 19, 2015. Later that day, in response to Gray's death, Baltimore City Police Commissioner, Anthony Batts said, \"I extend my deepest sympathies to his family\" while also saying, \"All Lives Matter\" in a nod to the \"Black Lives Matter\" mantra shouted at protests. Protests continued during six nights in Baltimore's streets.", "id": "18534454" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\n\" Representatives of the schools as well as some students have said that the groups do not represent their values. Other students complained that attempts by the universities to remove these pages are a violation of free speech. White Lives Matter is an activist group created in response to Black Lives Matter. In August 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center added \"White Lives Matter\" to its list of hate groups. The group has also been active in the United Kingdom. The \"White Lives Matter\" slogan was chanted by torch-", "id": "14528186" }, { "contents": "All Lives Matter\n\n\n\"All Lives Matter\" in their place. Facebook allows employees to free-write thoughts and phrases on company walls. The memo was then leaked by several employees. As Zuckerberg had previously condemned this practice at previous company meetings, and other similar requests had been issued by other leaders at Facebook, Zuckerberg wrote in the memo that he would now consider this overwriting practice not only disrespectful, but \"malicious as well\". According to Zuckerberg's memo, \"\"Black Lives Matter\" doesn't mean other lives don't", "id": "3290167" }, { "contents": "Tommy Sotomayor\n\n\nTwitter that declared African Americans are responsible for most violent crime in the United States. In the video, Sotomayor claimed that black Americans are a more serious threat than guns. Houck, a retired NYPD detective, linked to Sotomayor’s video via Twitter, saying that the radio host \"knows what he’s talking about!\". In 2016, Sotomayor stated that Black Lives Matter protesters \"are like the retarded kids in the class\". Sotomayor has also referred to Black Lives Matter as a \"thug group.\" Sotomayor", "id": "20085008" }, { "contents": "Romanos Pontifices\n\n\nfaculties, living in residences and small missions, do the same.\" The Council of Trent prescribes that all having the cure of souls be present at diocesan synods. The constitution says in regard to this question: Let the Council of Trent be observed. Another point of controversy related to appeals from synodal decrees. Regulars are not denied this right. Their appeal from the ordinary's interpretation of synodal statutes in matters pertaining to common law has a devolutive effect only; in matters pertaining to regulars as such, owing to their", "id": "5738294" }, { "contents": "Rong Qiqi\n\n\nmost men are poor and all men will die, so why should he worry himself? This is consistent with all lives, so instead of waiting with everyone else for it to eventually end, why should he worry himself with anything? Why should he deny himself happiness? Instead of being miserable, waiting for his fate, he chooses to be happy. Says Rong Qiqi: Confucius was a famous philosopher in Ancient China, known for his emphasis on filial piety and on the importance of education and studying. This makes him", "id": "3065413" }, { "contents": "DeRay Mckesson\n\n\na Baton Rouge policeman who sustained life-altering injuries in an ambush attack, claiming that Black Lives Matter \"incited the violence against police in retaliation for the death (sic) of black men shot by police\" The suit was dismissed in October 2017; U.S. District Judge Brian Jackson's ruling stated that the officer \"utterly failed to state a plausible claim\" and instead launched a \"confused attack\" against Black Lives Matter and others. However on April 24, 2019 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Jackson's", "id": "19418751" }, { "contents": "Hip hop music\n\n\nto Philips that the misunderstanding of \"Cop Killer\" and the attempts to censor it had racial overtones: \"The Supreme Court says it's OK for a white man to burn a cross in public. But nobody wants a black man to write a record about a cop killer.\" The subject matter inherent in gangsta rap more generally has caused controversy. The White House administrations of both George Bush senior and Bill Clinton criticized the genre. \"The reason why rap is under attack is because it exposes all the contradictions of", "id": "21675751" }, { "contents": "Organic matter\n\n\nof decomposition would have proceeded much slower. Measurements of organic matter generally measure only organic compounds or carbon, and so are only an approximation of the level of once-living or decomposed matter. Some definitions of organic matter likewise only consider \"organic matter\" to refer to only the carbon content, or organic compounds, and do not consider the origins or decomposition of the matter. In this sense, not all organic compounds are created by living organisms, and living organisms do not only leave behind organic material. A clam", "id": "4123670" }, { "contents": "Netroots Nation\n\n\ncommunity also participated in a large demonstration against Sheriff Joe Arapaio. Representative Donna Edwards was the opening keynote speaker. Senator Elizabeth Warren was also among those that gave riveting keynote addresses. On July 18, 2015, former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley was interrupted while answering questions at the conference by protestors associated with the Black Lives Matter movement. Black Alliance for Just Immigration staffer and Coordinator of the Black Immigration Network Tia Oso took the stage with O'Malley as the protest group chanted \"Black Lives Matter\" and \"Say Her Name\" while", "id": "14609801" }, { "contents": "Wellington Boone\n\n\neffectiveness of doing so. This book is more than just information; it is indeed revelation. If every woman was a kingmaker, what a wonderful world this would be.\" In October 2016, after 30 years of preparation, Bishop Boone was a TV guest of Fox & Friends when he debuted his book Black Self-Genocide: What Black Lives Matter Won't Say. The message and his explanation of the content immediately prompted intense debate on social media. Another TV interview with the author was called \"Reversing the Curse", "id": "17449274" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nin 2014. Memes are also important in garnering support for the Black Lives Matter new social movement. Information communication technologies such as Facebook and Twitter spread memes and are important tools for garnering web support in hopes of producing a spillover effect into the offline world. However, Blue Lives Matter and other opponents of BLM have also used memes to criticize and parody the movement. By September 2016, the phrase \"Black Lives Matter\" had been tweeted over 30 million times, and Black Twitter has been credited with bringing international attention to", "id": "14528124" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\n.\" In June 2015, Clinton used the phrase \"all lives matter\" in a speech about the opportunities of young people of color, prompting backlash that she may misunderstand the message of \"Black Lives Matter\" A week after the first Democratic primary debate was held in Las Vegas, BLM launched a petition targeted at the DNC and its chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz demanding more debates, and \"specifically for a #BlackLivesMatter themed Presidential debate.\" The petition received over 10,000 signatures within 24 hours of being launched, and had", "id": "14528172" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nshut down Allen Road in Toronto, Ontario, protesting the shooting deaths of two black men in the metropolitan area—Andrew Loku and Jermaine Carby—at the hands of police. In September, BLM activists shut down streets in Toronto, rallied against police brutality, and stood in solidarity with marginalized black lives. Black Lives Matter was a featured part of the Take Back the Night event in Toronto. In June 2016, Black Lives Matter was selected by Pride Toronto as the honoured group in that year's Pride parade, during", "id": "14528163" }, { "contents": "Interview (1979 film)\n\n\nthen selected different parts to animate:I look at the film now and wonder why we included certain things we did. There was a lot of nonsense there. I think we were just having fun. There wasn't much planning but we were seeking to say a certain amount about our work habits. We thought that everything about living related to work, so we included a very broad range of things as the subject matter for the film.The released film is a combination of still photographs, live action and animation,", "id": "20346330" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nthe phrase Black Lives Matter was not because they were suggesting that no one else's lives matter ... rather what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that is happening in the African American community that's not happening in other communities.\" He also said \"that is a legitimate issue that we've got to address.\" Following the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson and in response to BLM, the hashtag #BlueLivesMatter was created by supporters of the police. Following this, Blue Lives Matter became a pro", "id": "14528184" }, { "contents": "Us or Else\n\n\nHands up / Can't breathe\" chorus is interspersed throughout.\" T.I. has said the video is in response to the \"All Lives Matter\" slogan: \"We wanted to give 'the other side' -- and when I say the 'other side' I don't mean police, I don't mean white people, I mean people who think we're just overreacting, the 'All Lives Matter' people -- we wanted to give them the least amount of ammunition to oppose our message. And the way to", "id": "14975189" }, { "contents": "American Idol controversies\n\n\nthe judges for being too nice, not being honest enough, offering hardly any constructive criticism towards the contestants, and for not giving any guidance and direction for the viewers/voters in terms of why they should or should not be voting for someone. Executive producer Ken Warwick responded to these criticisms and said, \"The truth of the matter is these kids are very good and I wouldn't influence the judges to say anything they don't absolutely believe ... They are trying to keep things on the straight and narrow. What", "id": "4635144" }, { "contents": "2017 Chicago torture incident\n\n\nstated that they were uninvolved, and police stated that they found no evidence that Black Lives Matter was the motive of the incident. Some media pundits such as Glenn Beck suggested that the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter and its supporters had encouraged the attackers, while other commentators disputed this claim. President Barack Obama released a statement condemning the incident, saying, \"What we have seen as surfacing, I think, are a lot of problems that have been there a long time... Whether it's tensions between police and communities,", "id": "7887623" }, { "contents": "Everett T. Moore\n\n\nwhy we \"…would treat all adults as sick and unable to withstand exposure to the world of ideas.\" Douglas further questions why Communism is censored without even allowing US citizens to learn the principles of what it means. Why not educate ourselves instead of limit our knowledge? Douglas describes censorship as forcing, \"the public to live up to the censor's code of morality…\" The case of Moore vs. Younger originated from a somewhat ambiguous law, California's Harmful Matter Statute. California Attorney General Evelle J. Younger \"", "id": "11463424" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nmatter.\" Martin O'Malley said, \"Black lives matter,\" and that the \"movement is making is a very, very legitimate and serious point, and that is that as a nation we have undervalued the lives of black lives, people of color.\" In response, Hillary Clinton pushed for criminal justice reform, and said, \"We need a new New Deal for communities of color.\" Jim Webb, on the other hand, replied: \"As the president of the United States, every life in", "id": "14528170" }, { "contents": "Price Tag\n\n\nwho find the lyrics of the song hypocritical: a \"rich rock star\" saying that money does not matter, or questioning why she then charges for her music. She has repeatedly explained in interviews that this is a misreading of her meaning, which skewers the superficiality of conspicuous consumption—or more simply, that \"show-offs suck.\" \"For me, so much I hear about how much money people have and how people just take stuff too seriously. It’s not me saying that you can live for", "id": "3821661" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nbe serving as a political rallying cry or referring to the activist organization. Or it could be the fuzzily applied label used to describe a wide range of protests and conversations focused on racial inequality.\" According to the Black Lives Matter website, there are thirteen guiding principles that should apply to those who choose to become involved under the Black Lives Matter banner, among them Diversity, Globalism, Empathy, Restorative justice and Intergenerationality. Concurrently, a broader movement involving several other organizations and activists emerged under the banner of \"Black Lives", "id": "14528121" }, { "contents": "Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement\n\n\nStay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement is a 2016 American television documentary film starring Jesse Williams about the Black Lives Matter movement, and the events that led to the uprising of the movement. The phrase \"stay woke\" refers to a continuing awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice and came to widespread use as a result of Black Lives Matter.The \"Stay Woke\" documentary gives a deeper understanding to how the movement came to be and what the movement believes. The film debuted on BET on May 26", "id": "18000742" }, { "contents": "2017 Chicago torture incident\n\n\nOfficer Donnelly discovered that the victim was reported as a missing person and brought him to the hospital. The live stream was later deleted, but archives still exist. There was widespread outrage over the beating. In its aftermath, the hashtag #BLMKidnapping was trending on Twitter, implying a connection with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. None of the attackers specifically mentioned Black Lives Matter in the video and the police found there to be no direct connection. Representatives for Black Lives Matter's Chicago branch denounced the beating and", "id": "7887622" }, { "contents": "Back to Methuselah\n\n\nwhy, he says life alone is true and meaningful and that marble remains marble, no matter how skilfully it is shaped. Instead of sculptures, he has brought a scientist, Pygmalion, who is a greater artist than the world has seen before. Pygmalion has successfully created a pair of living, artificial human beings and is ready to display them, which he does, to an audience made impatient by his incomprehensible scientific explanations. The creations are a man and woman, noble in appearance, beautiful to look at and splendidly", "id": "3578985" }, { "contents": "International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy\n\n\nof the Islamic Conference says \"This is a deliberate act of provocation. They should cease and desist from doing so.\" The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Jan-Peter Balkenende, issued the following statement (translated): \"I regret the threats from the Muslim world. In our world, when someone crosses a line, we take the matter to court. There is no place here for threats and own direction. (I am) Glad there is freedom of speech here. At the same time we have", "id": "7684504" }, { "contents": "A Theory of Architecture\n\n\ncontroversy with most architects. Christopher Alexander reproduces Salingaros’ results in Book 1 of “The Nature of Order”, saying that: “It is telling that a simply constructed arithmetical function, based on the considerations of the nature of living structure, no matter how crudely, could get these kinds of results at all. It shows that, while the question itself may be a million times more subtle, there is something tangible, and ultimately measurable, in the degree of life the living structure has.” Salingaros describes architecture", "id": "18185521" }, { "contents": "Hypatia transracialism controversy\n\n\nsexism is not reason enough, Tuvel argues, to reject their identification as women. Following this argument, Dolezal's experience of racism while living as a black woman would be sufficient exposure. The second objection holds that Dolezal cannot identify as black because of the importance placed on ancestry (in America, at least). No matter the genetic facts, there is intersubjective agreement that ancestry matters; it is crucial because it is regarded as crucial. Tuvel argues that this position—espoused by Cressida Heyes, the associate editor", "id": "5021089" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\nRacism on Heart Disease among African-Americans\"; Keith Knight presented the 14th Annual VCU Libraries Black History Month lecture; Lawrence Ross, author of the book \"Blackballed: The Black and White Politics of Race on America's Campuses\" talked about how his book related to the \"Black Lives Matter\" movement; and Velma P. Scantlebury, M.D., the first black female transplant surgeon in the United States, discussed \"Health Equity in Kidney Transplantation: Experiences from a surgeon's perspective.\" Black Lives Matter protested the shooting", "id": "14528157" }, { "contents": "The Purple Cloud\n\n\nhim, no matter how he mistreats her. Gradually, he accepts her, but forces her to wear a veil over her mouth. Her speed at learning astonishes him, so he teaches her to speak, read, cook, fish, and dress. The girl (who is unable to pronounce \"r\", instead saying \"l\") reveals that she had lived her whole life in a cellar below the royal palace of Turkey, and that she knew nothing of the world until she was freed when Jeffson burned", "id": "8186211" }, { "contents": "Spotted tilapia\n\n\nmore time away from the young, guarding ahead of the school by chasing away predators. Parental care continues until the fish are about . This biparental behaviour could help explain why black tilapia are able to live in many different habitats and become dominant over other fish populations in the same area. Spotted tilapia feed mainly on plant matter and males and females never feed at the same time. Instead, one will feed while the other stays close by and then they will switch. There are a number of factors that contribute to the", "id": "8458902" }, { "contents": "Black Lives Matter\n\n\n's 1994 criminal reform law. Republican candidates have been mostly critical of BLM. In August 2015, Ben Carson, the only African American vying for the Republican nomination for the presidency, called the movement \"silly\". Carson also said that BLM should care for all black lives, not just a few. In the first Republican presidential debate, which took place in Cleveland, one question referenced Black Lives Matter. In response to the question, Scott Walker advocated for the proper training of law enforcement and blamed the movement for", "id": "14528175" } ]
What is a person's net worth? Does it have to do with how much money they have or what potential they have to earn more, or maybe a combination?
[{"answer": "A person's net worth is the value of all their assets, minus debts."}, {"answer": "It's all your assets (cash, investments, houses, stuff) minus all your liabilities (credit cards, mortgages, etc.)"}, {"answer": "Your net worth is a snapshot of your *present* financial status. It's calculated pretty easily, add up the value of everything you own (house, car, investments, etc) and subtract the value of everything you owe (mortgage, credit card debt, etc)."}, {"answer": "By the way, what you're wondering about, which is combining net worth with other measures of financial potential, I do for myself. I add Net Worth and Annual Income together into a figure I have called Financial Strength."}, {"answer": "If you took everything you had and sold it, then used that money to pay all your debts, your net worth would be what was left over."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "405981", "title": "Net worth", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 10, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 485, "bleu_score": 0.8241349640643945}]}]
[ { "contents": "Advertising campaign\n\n\nwhether they are married or unmarried. Geographical location is a broad term specifying a particular area or place within a given country, state/ city, suburb or street as some examples. Income refers to how much money a person is earning annually which can help identify how much money they have left over after expenses to potential spend on a brand. The final factor to explain is education, whether a person went to school or not, what school they attended, what standard of education they have, diplomas, certificates, graduate,", "id": "1272312" }, { "contents": "Itô calculus\n\n\n. In mathematical finance, the described evaluation strategy of the integral is conceptualized as that we are first deciding what to do, then observing the change in the prices. The integrand is how much stock we hold, the integrator represents the movement of the prices, and the integral is how much money we have in total including what our stock is worth, at any given moment. The prices of stocks and other traded financial assets can be modeled by stochastic processes such as Brownian motion or, more often, geometric Brownian motion", "id": "10641179" }, { "contents": "Value-form\n\n\n, because to express what any commodity is worth might now require the calculation of a whole \"chain\" of comparisons, i.e. What this means is, that if A is normally traded for B, and B is normally traded for C, then to find out how much A is worth in terms of C, we first have to convert the amounts into B (and maybe many more intermediate steps). This is obviously inefficient if many goods are traded at the same time. The practical solution in trade is therefore the", "id": "535132" }, { "contents": "Wealth inequality in the United States\n\n\nmeasure, the wealthiest families may have low income, but the value of their assets earns enough money to support their lifestyle. Dividends from trusts or gains in the stock market do not fall under the definition of income but are the primary money flows for the wealthy. Retired people also have little income but usually have a higher net worth because of money saved over time. Additionally, income does not capture the extent of wealth inequality. Wealth is derived over time from the collection of income earnings and growth of assets. The", "id": "14859179" }, { "contents": "Zest (positive psychology)\n\n\nheart rate, skin conductance, and pupil dilation, have much more defined and widely accepted methods of measure. However, measurements of Zest are still in the beginning stages of development. How do we measure how energetic one person is compared to another? How do we determine exactly how excited a person is about life? What precisely does it mean to approach life adventurously? These are just a few of the questions that must be answered to most effectively research zest. Relating to the problem of operationalizing zest, much of the", "id": "5870964" }, { "contents": "Mutual credit\n\n\ncomplementary currency movement have not yet offered a definition of mutual credit, (The place to do it would be the ) and while credit is well enough understood, just what is mutual is wide open to interpretation, it could be: Money is much more than a record of what we have spent and earned. Though the definition of money itself is highly contentious, it is usually important that it be generally exchanged for useful things. What makes a mutual credit accounting system, into something like a money system is the contractual", "id": "15523603" }, { "contents": "Mary Anning\n\n\nof the poor woman and her son and daughter at Lyme, who have in truth found almost \"all\" the fine things which have been submitted to scientific investigation ... I may never again possess what I am about to part with, yet in doing it I shall have the satisfaction of knowing that the money will be well applied.\" The auction was held at Bullocks in London on 15 May 1820, and raised £400 (worth the equivalent of over £26,000 in 2010). How much of that was given", "id": "17530721" }, { "contents": "History: Mob Music\n\n\neach other. [Laughs.] It must be something they do over there. We would have made so much money together ten years ago. But we both waited it out. We waited until we both got out of Jive and we talked about it one day and said, ‘You know what? Now is a good damn time to do that album.\" He also spoke about how many tracks would be on the album, saying: \"We’re only doing 12 tracks, maybe. We’ll put some", "id": "4104639" }, { "contents": "History: Function Music\n\n\neach other. [Laughs.] It must be something they do over there. We would have made so much money together ten years ago. But we both waited it out. We waited until we both got out of Jive and we talked about it one day and said, ‘You know what? Now is a good damn time to do that album.\" He also spoke about how many tracks would be on the album, saying: \"We’re only doing 12 tracks, maybe. We’ll put some", "id": "4104736" }, { "contents": "Measuring economic worth over time\n\n\nnot exist in past periods, nor ideas like wage labour or capital investment. Comparing what someone paid for a good, how much they had to work for that money, what the money was worth, how scarce a particular good was, what role it played in someone's standard of living, what its proportion was as part of social income, and what proportion it was as part of possible social production is a difficult task. This task is made more difficult by conflicting theoretical concepts of worth. One chief problem is", "id": "13139674" }, { "contents": "McAllister Hull\n\n\n,” Hull said in a 1995 interview with CNN, “it was a tremendous relief. All of us felt that way. All of us felt that way. We had done it. But at the same time, immediately both of us who knew the score began to think, OK, what have we done? What have we done?...How many of us knew everything about the bomb, enough to know what its potential was? Well, a relatively small number, maybe a thousand. Maybe a few of", "id": "14035456" }, { "contents": "Fuel tax\n\n\nthrough their state as if the fuel used was bought there, wherever the fuel is purchased. While most commercial truck drivers have an agent to handle the required paperwork: what's reported is how much tax was collected in each state, how much should have been paid to each state, the net tax for each state and the combined net tax for all states to be paid by or refunded to the operator by their base jurisdiction where they file. The operator carries paperwork proving compliance. The member jurisdictions, the US states", "id": "4608472" }, { "contents": "Martinez Familia Sangeros\n\n\nlarger through the years. The Family started loan sharking and extorting. They invested in small business and threatened business, as well as blackmailed other gangs into paying them lump sums of money. This counted for only 23% of their net worth. The Family became very organized, establishing different ranks within the Family. These ranks determined how much money a member was earning and what was expected out of them. The ranks consisted of 6 parts: El Gran: Quitoni held this rank as the Don of the mafia. He", "id": "10645853" }, { "contents": "International inequality\n\n\nchallenge deciding who gets what money and how much they get. These organizations do not have unlimited funds and need to be careful where money is being used. The Global Poverty Project is an organization that works to help reduce the global poverty percentage. They have currently contributed $35 billion in order to help provide the care many people need. This money has been earned through fundraisers and donations. This organization has provided clean water and sanitation stations for people in countries like India. Sanitation stations help avoid contaminating clean water that can", "id": "15700676" }, { "contents": "Tonsillectomy\n\n\nchild has a bad sore throat, or has repeated sore throats, the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, \"You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out.\" Now, that may be the right thing to do. But I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions just based on whether you really need your kid's tonsils out or whether it might make more sense just to change -- maybe they have allergies. Maybe they have something", "id": "17942509" }, { "contents": "Peggy Ahwesh\n\n\nhelped explore Ahwesh's interest in her friends and helped answer the questions of what kind of relationship does one have with a person, what kind of relationship does the camera have with a person, how do you shoot positive and negative space and what is it about people that makes them interesting? Ahwesh was not aware that she had copied the name for the trilogy from another experimental filmmaker, Stan Brakhage. In 1990, she received recognition for her film \"The Deadman\" (1990) due to her use of 16mm", "id": "4088535" }, { "contents": "Death of a Salesman\n\n\n, they will be happy. Because of this, Willy thought that money would make him happy. He never bothered to try to be happy with what he had …\" Willy also believes that to attain success, one must have a suitable personality. According to another analyst, \"He believes that salesmanship is based on 'sterling traits of character' and 'a pleasing personality.' But Willy does not have the requisite sterling traits of character; people simply do not like him as much as he thinks is necessary for", "id": "21184414" }, { "contents": "Wayne Baker\n\n\ndemocratic instrument. You bypass our leaders, you bypass everyone and you go right to the people and say, 'What do you think?'\" \"Maybe what we're hearing from our politicians in Washington about how bad things are, how divided we are, maybe that's not true. Maybe the American people are sensible and do have this common ground.\" Baker won the Emory Williams Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Max Weber Award for Distinguished Scholarship (with Robert Faulkner), the Joanne Martin Trailblazer Award", "id": "1212778" }, { "contents": "Va'eira\n\n\nlogical to ask, \"How will you do in the thickets of the Jordan?\" (8) reasoned, \"Behold, the righteous shall be requited in the earth,\" and does it not follow, \"How much more the wicked and the sinner?\" (9) In \"The king said to Esther the queen: ‘The Jews have slain and destroyed 500 men in Shushan the castle,'\" and it thus stands to reason, \"‘What then have they done in the rest of the king", "id": "18153682" }, { "contents": "Iron Fist (season 1)\n\n\nday basis... high-level corporation, Big Pharma, things like that\". Actor Finn Jones added the season examined \"corporate corruption and corporate responsibility in the modern world, and... how much do corporations have impact on society? And what we actually look at in the show is the heroin epidemic of the city, and how corporations maybe actually fund the heroin epidemic, and what that means to society\". In terms of Rand donning a comic-based costume in the season, Buck stated, \"There was", "id": "15071247" }, { "contents": "Keasbey Nights\n\n\nfeel what we have is worth paying for. Although, truth be told, I don't care if a single record is sold, as it is indeed old music, and kids have a right to know what it is and to decide whether or not they'll pay for it. Do I think it's worth thirteen dollars? Yes, very much so, but that's my opinion. What other people decide, that's their own opinion. We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a", "id": "20885000" }, { "contents": "Neurotechnology\n\n\nmade significant impact on society, though its presence is so commonplace that many do not realize its ubiquity. From pharmaceutical drugs to brain scanning, neurotechnology affects nearly all industrialized people either directly or indirectly, be it from drugs for depression, sleep, ADD, or anti-neurotics to cancer scanning, stroke rehabilitation, and much more. As the field's depth increases it will potentially allow society to control and harness more of what the brain does and how it influences lifestyles and personalities. Commonplace technologies already attempt to do this", "id": "11581565" }, { "contents": "My Lucky Star (2013 film)\n\n\nvibe I kept getting was, \"What is a white chick from Hollywood doing, telling us what to do with our biggest stars. What the [heck]?\" I could feel it and I was just having a hard time getting my mojo going with these guys no matter how much beer I bought them. I had an idea that maybe if I cut together a trailer—I had heard that the Wachowskis did this on the first \"Matrix\"—and so I cut together a trailer about three weeks in and then took", "id": "8049812" }, { "contents": "Thematic analysis\n\n\nand recontextualizing help to reduce and expand the data in new ways with new theories. Searching for themes and considering what works and what does not work within themes enables the researcher to begin the analysis of potential codes. In this phase, it is important to begin by examining how codes combine to form over-reaching themes in the data. At this point, researchers have a list of themes and begin to focus on broader patterns in the data, combining coded data with proposed themes. Researchers also begin considering how relationships are", "id": "3800563" }, { "contents": "Pay as you go pension plan\n\n\n, the contributor will be able to devise a plan on what to invest in, which in turn leaves said contributor as the person mainly responsible for how much the pension can grow. Choosing an investment that is more risky can lead to a bigger return on money however, it is also possible to choose a steady and safe investment in order to have a consistent return on money. Upon reaching the age of retirement, the contributor can choose to have their money paid to them in a lump sum, which means they will", "id": "9924613" }, { "contents": "Teaching method\n\n\nAn effective classroom discussion can be achieved by probing more questions among the students, paraphrasing the information received, using questions to develop critical thinking with questions like \"Can we take this one step further?;\" \"What solutions do you think might solve this problem?;\" \"How does this relate to what we have learned about..?;\" \"What are the differences between ... ?;\" \"How does this relate to your own experience?;\" \"What do you think causes ... ?;\"", "id": "8908685" }, { "contents": "Randolph Turpin\n\n\nand sent him a tax bill for £100,000 for unpaid tax for the years where he hadn't made a payment (bearing in mind that the highest rate of tax was a lot higher than it is now). Turpin had not kept good financial records and couldn’t prove how much money he had received or what had happened to it. He claimed to have never received much of the money that he was said to have earned. Which could have been the case as his manager would have taken 25% under the", "id": "12860831" }, { "contents": "Controversies of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad\n\n\nit, what conditions led to it, who was involved, and put together how to understand and how to prevent the crisis in Iraq, fix the problem in Afghanistan and Iraq combined\". He also stated \"the most liberated women in the world are the women in Iran\". Despite having previously called the Holocaust a \"myth\", Ahmadinejad stated \"granted this happened, what does this have to do with the Palestinian people?\" He used Koranic quotes to criticize the Bush administration and the bombings of Nagasaki and", "id": "15802059" }, { "contents": "Adam Watts (musician)\n\n\nrecorded anything! Total amnesia. Then I'd see a title on my hard drive and go \"huh? What's that?!\". I've realized how much of artistic life has been hidden. It's the nature of the business side maybe... or maybe it's the nature of me: I create much more than I have time to \"put out\". And I edit the output. Maybe I over think it. I fight against an introverted nature: I like to simultaneously put myself out there", "id": "13715406" }, { "contents": "Social class in New Zealand\n\n\novert signals of class which mark countries such as the United States. Most people do not care what others' parents do for a living, who a person is descended from, or where they went to school, and New Zealanders almost invariably have more respect for those who have earned their money through hard work than those who have inherited it or made it through investment. The trend of greater social disparity has also seen a change in attitudes. Younger New Zealanders increasingly accept inequality as an unavoidable social reality, and egalitarian concerns", "id": "14637490" }, { "contents": "Stephanie Edwards (Grey's Anatomy)\n\n\ncontinue to require more care. For a person like Stephanie, she is so driven and so young. This is the logic of a younger person. She doesn't have the capacity to give Kyle what he needs. Even in this week's episode, we see Stephanie try: He's sick and she brings him into the hospital and does the thing she knows how to do — medicine. She tries to do the thing she knows how to do and she's stopped at every turn because her superior says she's", "id": "6315676" }, { "contents": "Tim Crouch\n\n\nMcTeer, Alan Cumming, Alanis Morissette, Samuel West, Samuel Barnett and Patrick Marber. In 2005, Crouch described his own experience of performing with a different actor each time: 'Every single father has been as different as every person is different...Maybe some have acted too much and some have not acted at all. At times, they've each done exactly what I thought I didn't want them to do. But, in so doing, they are each and every one a revelation. They have done the", "id": "18538357" }, { "contents": "Immutable object\n\n\nconsidered more \"thread-safe\" than mutable objects. Immutability does not imply that the object as stored in the computer's memory is unwriteable. Rather, immutability is a compile-time construct that indicates what a programmer can do through the normal interface of the object, not necessarily what they can absolutely do (for instance, by circumventing the type system or violating const correctness in C or C++). In Python, Java and the .NET Framework, strings are immutable objects. Both Java and the .NET Framework have mutable", "id": "19868714" }, { "contents": "Centre for the Study of Human Learning\n\n\nenabled to learn how to thoroughly understand in personal terms much of what they need to know when and how they need to know it. And to do this in clearer and more applicable terms than their education seems to have allowed them to achieve. Whilst doing this, Sheila Harri-Augstein and Laurie Thomas invented, and indeed created, {and during the period 1962 up until the present day have gradually continued to improve both the concept and the practical reality of Self-Organised-Learning (S-O-L)", "id": "4310478" }, { "contents": "Resource-oriented architecture\n\n\nsatisfactory. What the mortgage broker needs is a more \"objective\" argument that would reassure the issuer that the party asking for the mortgage does indeed have enough money for the down payment. But how is the issuer to go about obtaining the more objective proof? Certainly not by going directly into the applicant's safety vault and counting the money deposited there. Instead, the issuer is simply expecting to receive a \"representation\" of that person's balance in his bank account. That \"representation\" projects a sufficient illusion of", "id": "18480241" }, { "contents": "Nurse–client relationship\n\n\n\"Well you have to have a sense of humour if you want to live and survive. You have to keep it up no matter how much it hurts\". Humour helped clients accept what happened by finding a positive outlook. One participant stated, \"... when you're sick as you can be and do nothing but lie down and another person does everything in her power to help, humour really makes you feel good\". Humour also serves as a defence mechanism, especially in men. A participant said, \"", "id": "6139124" }, { "contents": "Yumi Stynes\n\n\n-Smith topless in a pool appeared on screen. Stynes apologised for her comments, and said: \"What I didn’t estimate was how much my joke was not appreciated. I sort of intimated that maybe he wasn’t very smart, because how could you be that buff and spend that much time in a gym and be smart as well? And people have been a bit angry and I’ve been getting a lot of angry messages. And I’m really sorry.\" Stynes spoke personally with Roberts-Smith,", "id": "3862833" }, { "contents": "Mavra Mesanychta\n\n\n\"Black Midnight\" is a black comedy that shows how a man can turn from being a sheep to a wolf and how money and power can change people or make them change if they don't have any other choice, to show how far people are able to go and what they are willing to do and what they are willing to lose in order to achieve what they want, no matter the cost they have to pay. It shows the reality of the underworld, what really happens backstage and what most people do", "id": "14764352" }, { "contents": "Value-form\n\n\nthey have, is not observable. It seems like \"the market\" does that, but what the market is, and how that happens, remains rather vague. This story does not get much further than the idea, that things have value, because people want to have them, and are prepared to pay money for them. Marx's comment clarifies, that according to Marx the value-form of commodities is \"not\" simply a feature of industrial capitalism. It is associated with the whole history of commodity trade", "id": "535097" }, { "contents": "Where the Red Fern Grows (2003 film)\n\n\nhe believes that God doesn't want him to have any dogs. His grandfather replies that maybe it's because Billy's not doing his fair share of the deal, and if he wants His help, he has to meet Him half ways. At first, he doesn't understand what that means, but after coming across an article in a sportsman magazine offering a pair of Redbone coonhounds in Kentucky for $25 each, he finally understands what his grandfather meant and decides to earn the money himself. For two years,", "id": "17528617" }, { "contents": "I'm Not in Love\n\n\nthe time of recording \"The Original Soundtrack\" the band was already being courted by Mercury Records (part of the Phonogram group) to leave Jonathan King's small UK Records label, where they were struggling financially. He said: \"I rang them. I said come and have a listen to what we've done, come and have a listen to this track. And they came up and they freaked, and they said, 'This is a masterpiece. How much money, what do you want? What sort", "id": "19995355" }, { "contents": "Scripophily\n\n\npeople are trying to collect the same certificate? Aesthetics - How does the certificate look? What is in the vignette? What color of ink was used? Does it have fancy borders or writing on it? Type of company - What type of company was it issued for? Does the industry still exist? Has the industry changed a lot over the years? Original Face Value - How much was the stock or bond issued for? Usually, the larger the original face value, the more collectible it is. Bankers associated", "id": "10602781" }, { "contents": "Job interview\n\n\n– what the applicant said, what they meant, what it means for how they can do the job, etc. Research has shown that those higher in general mental ability were more accurate when judging the personality of others. Also, interviewers who have higher social intelligence and emotional intelligence seem to do a better job of understanding how an applicant behaves in an interview and what that means for how they will act once on the job. These abilities do not appear to be enough on their own to make accurate judgements. The", "id": "22072144" }, { "contents": "High Finance\n\n\nthe cheque. Jones does not understand why, having just paid money in, he can't take money out. Mainwaring complains that the cheque is stained, and Jones explains it is from a piece of liver. Mainwaring then asks what Jones is going to do about 'it', meaning his overdraft, and Jones replies that maybe he could \"keep the cheques away from the meat\". Mainwaring insists on coming round to Jones's shop after work to try to see where his overdraft has come from. After Jones", "id": "9509406" }, { "contents": "Aggregate demand\n\n\nby some as the . Aggregate demand is \"spending,\" be it on consumption, investment, or other categories. Spending is related to income via: Rearranging this yields: In words: What you spend is what you earn, plus what you borrow. If you spend $110 and earned $100, then you must have net borrowed $10. Conversely if you spend $90 and earn $100, then you have net savings of $10, or have reduced debt by $10, for a net", "id": "2440648" }, { "contents": "Shifting Baselines\n\n\nis natural? And how do we know what \"Pristine\" is any more? When talking about what is natural we really have no clue what the world was like before human impact, and therefore cannot know what struggles we have to put forward in order to clean up the world and make it liveable and drinkable again. This meaning of \"shifting baselines\" is a fairly heavy depressing one. However, many people have taken a much more light-hearted approach to the term, using it to refer to the", "id": "20624235" }, { "contents": "Manjunath (film)\n\n\n. They wonder why he put himself in so much danger. Slowly, the worst fears start coming true. Beyond the initial grief, no one wants to come forward to carry on the fight. In the film, Manjunath is shown watching what happens after he dies. He is starting to feel that it is all pointless. He cannot watch his parents' tears any more: What was their fault? Maybe he should have compromised. But how can people not see what he has? What he fought was something", "id": "10938267" }, { "contents": "Countersignaling\n\n\nthere is no need for signals as the problem is merely one of communication. Once these conditions are fulfilled, signals have to be used by individuals to prove to the other person their underlying hidden property. Much research is concerned with understanding what signals signalers should send to convince a receiver that they have a certain property, and what signals a receiver should be convinced by. One way of doing this is by putting money on the table just to prove that you can; someone without the property would not be able to do", "id": "20275951" }, { "contents": "Karen Hunter\n\n\n. During the open forum portion she suggested: \"If they [atheists] had Hallmark Cards, maybe they wouldn't feel so left out. We have Christmas cards. We have Kwanzaa cards now. Maybe they need to get some atheist cards and get that whole ball rolling so more people can get involved with what they're doing. I think they need to shut up and let people do what they do.\" On April 11, 2011, on her Facebook page, Hunter called for a boycott of the television", "id": "14653452" }, { "contents": "The Actor's Children\n\n\nhe is interested, but does not know what to do with the children. Mrs. O'Brien puts the children out onto the street where they dance to the music played by an organ grinder. The organ grinder earns more money from their dancing and he entices the children to return to his hovel and teaches them to dance. The organ grinder instructs them to dance for money. The children are rescued by a theater manager and finds them a place in the theater program. In the meantime, the parents have searched for their children", "id": "6973047" }, { "contents": "Ted Ellis (artist)\n\n\nthat he's \"a history buff at heart. I read a lot, and I have more books than paint.\" As an artist who focuses on African American history, Ellis intentionally does not approach its difficult chapters from a position of pain: \"I have to be careful what I do [...] there's a power to art. I don't want to be from an angry position. That's out there, and maybe they do that to shake you up and make you think. I want to", "id": "2591824" }, { "contents": "Ghost in the Machine (The X-Files)\n\n\nparts of the episode worked. What maybe fell a little flat is that we were a little too afraid of doing HAL and, in a sense, I think that's what the building needed; to have a scary personality.\" James Wong had mixed feelings, saying that the episode \"had some neat stuff at the end ... although I think the ending was a little unsatisfying to me visually, as well as in terms of how Mulder comes to dismember the machine. Overall a fun episode.\" Chris Carter was", "id": "22039706" }, { "contents": "On the Money (Philippine TV program)\n\n\nthe show’s social media segment by monitoring questions and comments from viewers via Facebook and Twitter and relay them to the program’s resource persons. \"The Philippines needs this show. We live in a culture that does not know how to save and we need to be taught. Our stock market is doing great, we have the strongest performing currency in Asia right now. What could be better than now to start a personal finance show? We needed this a long time ago, so better late than never,\" she", "id": "20735900" }, { "contents": "Affluence in the United States\n\n\ncombined.\" Inherited wealth may help explain why many Americans who have become rich may have had a \"substantial head start\". In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, \"over 60 percent\" of the Forbes richest 400 Americans \"grew up in substantial privilege\". If a family has a positive net worth then it has more wealth than the combined net worth of over 30.6 million American families. This is because the bottom 25% of American families have a negative combined net worth. Interpreting these", "id": "17303429" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nafter Amazon's share price increased by more than 2.5%. When the 2017 list was issued, Bezos' net worth was registered at $72.8 billion, adding $27.6 billion from the previous year. Bezos was officially ranked as the third wealthiest person in the world up from the 5th spot in 2016. His wealth's rapid growth from 2016 to 2017 sparked a variety of assessments about how much money Bezos earned on a controlled, reduced time scale. On October 10, 2017, he made an estimated $6.24 billion", "id": "13281849" }, { "contents": "What the Fields Remember\n\n\nRemember also attempts to raise larger questions around collective memory – of what we choose to remember and why we choose to forget. \"What The Fields Remember\" is an account of what happened on 18 February 1983 as two survivors, Sirajuddin Ahmed and Abdul Khayer, remember it. Before I began my trips to Nellie, I was confronted with some fundamental questions: What do you ask, and how much do you ask? What does it mean to go 32 years later to people who have been through unimaginable violence and loss", "id": "19400647" }, { "contents": "Metaphysics\n\n\nof what, exactly, it means for something to be identical to itself, or — more controversially — to something else. Issues of identity arise in the context of time: what does it mean for something to be itself across two moments in time? How do we account for this? Another question of identity arises when we ask what our criteria ought to be for determining identity? And how does the reality of identity interface with linguistic expressions? The metaphysical positions one takes on identity have far-reaching implications on issues", "id": "19256044" }, { "contents": "George C. Homans\n\n\n. What were the best possibilities for establishing generalizations? What were the main intellectual issues? By what handle shall we lay hold on it? \"\" \"\"As far as what good my work does people, I’m sorry to say that it does much more by way of alerting people to what may go wrong than it does in telling them what they can do about it.\"\" \"\"When you’re talking about reforming an industrial system, you have to talk about something that can be operated across the", "id": "3455871" }, { "contents": "State disability benefits\n\n\nState disability insurance is a program for those workers who are ill, unable or injured. It is a type of insurance, that should partially replace wages in the event a worker is unable to perform their work and earn money due to a disability. In many countries, there are many types of organisations that provide different types of disability insurance. These organisations have specific rules how to define what is and what is not a disability and how a person should qualify in order to receive the disability insurance benefit. State disability insurance", "id": "18038218" }, { "contents": "Rock Band 4\n\n\nwant their band to play, with various risks and rewards that influence: how many fans the group attains per geographic region; what future gigs they will have available; and how much in-game money they earn (which can be spent customizing their band's clothes and instruments). While there are a number of possible sets that the band can select from with more unlocked as the players progresses in the game, the primary means of advancing the band's narrative is through multi-part Tours which consist of 3 to", "id": "7761049" }, { "contents": "Study hall\n\n\nhelp you use your time to accomplish what you want. Why Time Management Matters? Gaining time management skills early on in a high school's student life, will have lasting impact on them as they grow into a young adult into college, and beyond. It will help these young adults learn how to manage having so much \"free time\". It helps them prioritize what matters, it gives you more time to do activities you want to do, and helps you accomplish your tasks more efficiently. How Study Hall Reduces", "id": "15443342" }, { "contents": "Inbred (film)\n\n\n\", \"Straw Dogs\" and maybe \"The Hills Have Eyes\"\", concluding \"this is pitch-black stuff and its humour is as dark as night - and as such it does what it sets out to do and is a triumph of its type.\" Despite the possibly disrespectful take on its home county, \"The Yorkshire Post\" said the film \"combines gruesome shocks with genuine humour\", suggests it is \"[f]rom the same genre as Simon Sprackling's deliriously demented Funny Man\" and ends", "id": "13736735" }, { "contents": "Y. Misdaq\n\n\nthe performance, when he helped unblock a toilet. “\"[In response to a question about potentially creative children growing up in today's environment] Yeah they do have more distractions than I did, but they'll be fine. The right ones will emerge from the noise and help uplift the world, and the rest will do what the rest do. It doesn't change, generation after generation. Maybe you can say there are fewer and fewer people emerging; I don't know ... But either way, it", "id": "18045298" }, { "contents": "Eastern Conference Records\n\n\nceiling with E.C., period. That was it. I wasn't making money. The amount of money I made with them, I could have made myself. But then again, in doing it myself, how many more pieces would I have sold? I'd be kind of doing the same thing, just not splitting the money so many different ways. But it was about expansion, about growth. It's what artists do.\" However, Cage later stated that another reason for his leaving the label was financial", "id": "7493196" }, { "contents": "Satisfied (Jewel song)\n\n\nhappiness and what makes a person happy. It's funny because I feel like we all are interested in happiness, but I feel like very few of us sit down to actually see how much we're doing in our day lends to our happiness. It also seems like when you're a kid you have all these goals about what you want your life to become. Now when you accomplish those goals, you have to re-evaluate and see if they are making you happy because what makes a person feel satisfied might", "id": "7979102" }, { "contents": "Paycheck (short story)\n\n\ntrinkets that Jennings received as payment are as follows: Dick said of the story: \"How much is a key to a bus locker worth? One day it's worth 25 cents, the next day thousands of dollars. In this story I got to thinking that there are times in our lives when having a dime to make a phone call spells the difference between life and death. Keys, small change, maybe a theater ticket -- how about a parking receipt for a Jaguar? All I had to do was link", "id": "17968627" }, { "contents": "Coffee with D\n\n\n\"Spend your money on some cappuccino instead and save your brain cells.\" also rated it 1.5/5, writing \"Coffee With D does not have a bad plot but it could do with a better on-screen translation. What lets down the film is the way it is executed and shot. The film's music and dubbing too are disappointing.\" News18 rated it 1/5, writing \"To opt a theme impersonating a real-life don and a high-profile journalist maybe a brave attempt but in this case", "id": "5291554" }, { "contents": "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters\n\n\nsomehow\" made her \"a perfect combination\" of \"sexy and dangerous\". Janssen said that at first the initial appeal was just money, but she quickly took a liking of the script and of Wirkola personally. She also thought the idea of playing an \"evil to the core\" witch \"was appealing and different\", saying, \"I hadn't done anything like it ... A character like a witch feels like you would have so much freedom, because there are no restrictions as to what you can do", "id": "8139584" }, { "contents": "UBPC\n\n\nmarkets, which in turn usually do not cover costs. Since there is no market for supply for the producers, they are state reliant for production resources. They are thus not realized as a state autonomous enterprises and are subject to an intermediate organization that dictates centralized decisions, such as the types and quantity of supply they receive, how much to produce, at what prices to sell at, what is worth investing into, among others. (Harnecker) UBPCs' have difficulty managing internal accounting and the lack of incentives for", "id": "22020436" }, { "contents": "Ponzi scheme\n\n\nhigh returns to attract investors and entice current investors to invest more money. When other investors begin to participate, a cascade effect begins. The schemer pays a \"return\" to initial investors from the investments of new participants, rather than from genuine profits. Often, high returns encourage investors to leave their money in the scheme, so that the operator does not actually have to pay very much to investors. The operator simply sends statements showing how much they have earned, which maintains the deception that the scheme is an investment", "id": "3192291" }, { "contents": "Wa$ted! (New Zealand TV series)\n\n\nDenmark, Portugal, and Malaysia. The show starts with Francesca and Tristan returning one year's worth of rubbish to the family. From here, they filter through the rubbish with the family to show them what they could have recycled and what environmental impact their rubbish is doing. Taking into account rubbish, electricity, water, and transportation, an ecological footprint is calculated to show how much land it would take to provide the resources for their household. They also calculate how many tones of carbon dioxide the family would emit in", "id": "7085685" }, { "contents": "MOGUL framework\n\n\nwhen someone is exposed to the sights and sounds of a new language? How do we explain what gets noticed and what gets regularly ignored? What about the fixed stages that people seem to pass though? How is it that we have so little conscious control over what we are attempting to acquire? Why do children appear to be worse language learners in the short run and much better in the long run? How can two or more language systems cohabit in one mind? Answers to these questions require an interdisciplinary approach. Two", "id": "18969942" }, { "contents": "Priceless (2006 film)\n\n\nit—why Jean might start sleeping with an older rich woman, just so he can stay in the hotels where Irene stays. Would you want to be the person who orders the drinks or fetches the drinks? How easy would it be to go back to normal life after confirming what you never really wanted to know, that the rich really do have it better, as in a lot better, as in money really does buy happiness? So \"Priceless\" is silly, but it's not so silly. It", "id": "19307829" }, { "contents": "The American Crisis\n\n\nKingdom of Great Britain; the character of General Washington will fill a page with as much luster as that of Lord Howe; and Congress have as much right to command the king and parliament of London to desist from legislation, as they or you have to command the Congress.\" Paine then goes on to try to bargain with King George III, \"Why, God bless me! What have you to do with our independence? we asked no leave of yours to set it up, we asked no money of yours", "id": "12000834" }, { "contents": "Certified Blue\n\n\nmaking another record? One came out 15 months ago!’ I say, ‘Because I have to!’ I’ve just gotta do it. That’s what I do – the money I save on not smoking and not drinking, that’s what I spend it on.\" Scott Podmore from The Herald Sun gave the album 4 out of 5 saying \"Joe and gang are smokin’ in an hour’s worth of songs that insist you move and keep coming back for more.\" Noel Mengel from The", "id": "11247169" }, { "contents": "Net.wars\n\n\nmagazines devoted to computer culture.\" The review concluded, \"But what ties the book together is Grossman's demonstration that the boundary disputes have more to do with power than with decency or etiquette. The Net gives all its users a vastly increased power to communicate. How much of this power, she asks, will average users be allowed to keep?\" Donna Seaman of \"Booklist\" wrote that Grossman, \"vividly describes the virtual realm as a place of interconnecting communities every bit as complicated, exciting, and dangerous", "id": "4841235" }, { "contents": "2011 United Nations Climate Change Conference\n\n\n.\" Natarajan responded to European Union Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, saying that: We have shown more flexibility than virtually any other country. But equity is the centrepiece, it cannot be shifted. This is not about India. Does fighting climate change mean we have to give up on equity? We have agreed to protocol and legal instrument. What's the problem in having one more option? India will never be intimidated by any threat or any kind of pressure. What's this legal instrument? How do I give", "id": "8227249" }, { "contents": "The Color of Me\n\n\nnever completely belonged in either of them. Are there certain things I’m supposed to be doing just because I’m an Indian? I have often questioned, What if I was a black person or What if I was white?, would my life be so different?. Could I still be the same person if I wasn’t Indian? What if my skin could change color? So I wanted to write a story that asked, If I am a person of a different race or ethnicity, how much is my", "id": "21075299" }, { "contents": "Job interview\n\n\nhave made them more popular. Despite the potential benefits to the group interview, there are problems with this interview format. In group interviews the interviewer has to multitask more than when interviewing one applicant at a time. Interviewers in one-on-one interviews are already busy doing many things. These include attending to what applicants are saying and how they are acting, taking notes, rating applicant responses to questions, and managing what they say and how they act. Interviewing more than one applicant at a time makes it more", "id": "22072097" }, { "contents": "Volo's Guide to Monsters\n\n\nhave new stat blocks, but it's hard not to get sucked in and read all of it\". For \"Polygon\", Charlie Hall wrote that \"most of the information is great fodder for dungeon masters. How do you roleplay a beholder? How do you speak like a giant? What does their four-tier caste system contribute to goblin society? What does a gnoll chant to keep his spirits up while on the hunt? What is the lifecycle of a mind flayer? [...] Ever wondered what", "id": "19126644" }, { "contents": "Ecocomposition\n\n\n, critical education (Giroux, 1987), and place-based education (Sobel, 2004). Ecocomposition asks what effects a place has (or different places have) on the writing process. In what ways is our identity influenced by place, and what bearing does this have on our writing? What sets of relationships help us define our place—including the relationship between writer and reader? How do the sometimes contradictory sets of relationships in which we write allow us to see certain possibilities and foreclose others? How do", "id": "19256436" }, { "contents": "Zlatan Ibrahimović\n\n\nmatches. On 17 July 2012, Paris Saint-Germain confirmed that they had reached an agreement to acquire the sporting and economic rights of Ibrahimović from Milan, having already agreed personal terms with the striker, for a transfer fee of €20 million. Valued at €180 million, these combined fees eclipsed those commanded by Nicolas Anelka. His three-year contract would see him receive a net annual salary of €14 million including bonuses (which would be €2 million more than what he was earning per year just before", "id": "18558900" }, { "contents": "David Ligare\n\n\nresident of Salinas, California, his paintings often depict the terrain of the central Californian coast in the background. \"I think that I'm very Californian in the character of the light that I use, but I made a decision very early on in my project to try to be an invisible presence in my work. Personal expression and having a personal style are very important to many artists but I've been much more interested in how we see - what I call perceptual analysis - and the potential meanings of the objects that", "id": "20190120" }, { "contents": "Blixa Bargeld\n\n\n'I am doing this, I am doing that, or maybe I should play organ'. I didn't have any of these things, and I could not afford any of these things, and neither could anybody else in the group. It was more of the logical consequence of what can we obtain, and that's how it turned out. It certainly didn't start out as an artistic concept to say \"let's do something different\", it started as an extension of the live situation as it already", "id": "6827003" }, { "contents": "Zone of proximal development\n\n\nand their speaking skills. Wells gives the example of dancing: when a person is learning how to dance, they look to others around them on the dance floor and imitate their moves. A person does not copy the dance moves exactly, but takes what they can and adds their own personality to it. In mathematics, proximal development uses mathematical exercises for which students have seen one or more worked examples. In secondary school some scaffolding is provided, and generally much less at the tertiary level. Ultimately students must find library", "id": "17099219" }, { "contents": "2011 Canadian federal election voter suppression scandal\n\n\nand just say, you know what, what is the more realistic option here? That some then-22-year-old guy managed to co-ordinate this entire massive scheme when he didn't even have access to the data to be able to do this, or the alternative — that this was much more co-ordinated or possibly that there were people that knew how to do this, that it was being done? ... I don't know for sure who it could have been, but I will say this. It's", "id": "6578543" }, { "contents": "Rachael Denhollander\n\n\nto impose the maximum sentence on Nassar, Denhollander said, \"How much is a little girl worth?\" She answered her own question: \"These victims are worth everything ... I plead with you to impose the maximum sentence under the plea agreement because everything is what these survivors are worth.\" In Ingham County, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said Denhollander \"built an army of survivors\" and called her \"a five-star general.\" Aquilina also said Denhollander was \"the bravest person I have ever had in my courtroom", "id": "12218705" }, { "contents": "Spec Ops: The Line\n\n\n's development. The game does not feature a morality system, but instead has situations that give players some freedom of choice. The consequences of some of these choices were deliberately made unclear in an attempt to make them more realistic, encouraging players to explore the other potential options not directly presented by the game. These choices were inspired by \"Fallout 3\", and are often between: \"what the character knows and what the player would maybe try and do\". To make choices more realistic, and to increase the", "id": "14685447" }, { "contents": "Frank Lowy\n\n\nworth of 8.26 billion in 2017, Lowy is ranked as the fourth richest Australian according to the \"Financial Review Rich List\"; having been the richest person in Australia during 2010. \"Forbes Asia\" magazine assessed Lowy's net worth at 4.6 billion in January 2014. In 2019, Forbes placed him fourth in its Australia's 50 Richest 2019 with the net worth at 6.5 billion. Lowy was born in Czechoslovakia (in what is now Slovakia), and was forced to live in a ghetto in Hungary during World War", "id": "14595844" }, { "contents": "Lorenzo Valla's Dialogue on Free Will\n\n\ncharacteristics, and that we are free to decide how we use those attributes. Lorenzo speaks about how the differences amongst our characteristics are things that God knows, and that we can not know about all of the things we don't have, and that we are best to just do all that we can to make the best of what we know we do have. The heart of Lorenzo's initial argument is that although God does know who we are and what we are going to do, we still have the ability to", "id": "15468966" }, { "contents": "Digital signature\n\n\nvariance (optimistically or pessimistically) with the state of the underlying cryptographic engineering, and have had the net effect of confusing potential users and specifiers, nearly all of whom are not cryptographically knowledgeable. Adoption of technical standards for digital signatures have lagged behind much of the legislation, delaying a more or less unified engineering position on interoperability, algorithm choice, key lengths, and so on what the engineering is attempting to provide. Some industries have established common interoperability standards for the use of digital signatures between members of the industry and with", "id": "14507887" }, { "contents": "Marry the Night\n\n\n. She was friendly and kind. ... I think, for us, we're so excited to have someone of her talent, and to have somebody like that shoot here is a sheer honor. What her music does for music is so much more than entertainment. It's connecting to the arts on a much deeper level, and that's what I hope we can do here.\" On October 11, 2011, several publications announced that Gaga was seen during the filming of the video in Snug Harbor Cultural Center.", "id": "2541940" }, { "contents": "Amy Pascal\n\n\nup and go, 'Can I give you some more?' ... what women have to do is not work for less money... People should know what they're worth and say no.\" Women making less than their male counterparts and male co-stars learned of the difference from the hack, such as actress Charlize Theron, who had been able to obtain a deal of more than $10 million in early January 2015 to match the fee of Chris Hemsworth, her male co-star in \"The Huntsman\"", "id": "22178056" }, { "contents": "St Luke Passion, BWV 246\n\n\nwho had just paid a large sum of money to purchase the Lukaspassion: \"I am sorry to hear you have given so much money for the St. Luke Passion.\" Mendelssohn repudiated Bach's authorship of the work upon the evidence of a single chorale, 'Weide mich und mach' mich satt' (No. 9). He continued: \"No doubt, as an authentic autograph, it would be worth the price. But it is not by Bach. You ask, 'On what grounds do you maintain", "id": "18678754" }, { "contents": "Information hiding\n\n\nwhat the alarm clock does, and how to use it through the provided interface (buttons and screen), without having to understand every part inside of the clock. Similarly, if the clock were replaced by a different model, the lay person could continue to use it in the same way, provided that the interface works the same. In the more concrete setting of an object-oriented programming language, the notion is used to mean either an information hiding mechanism, a bundling mechanism, or the combination of the two", "id": "9327002" }, { "contents": "Mental disorder\n\n\nof treatment and what is most suitable depends on the disorder and the individual. Many things have been found to help at least some people, and a placebo effect may play a role in any intervention or medication. In a minority of cases, individuals may be treated against their will, which can cause particular difficulties depending on how it is carried out and perceived. Compulsory treatment while in the community versus non-compulsory treatment does not appear to make much of a difference except by maybe decreasing victimization. Lifestyle strategies, including", "id": "19611898" }, { "contents": "Richie Champion\n\n\nto win money a lot of times and having to push yourself sore or hurt, trying to get on the next one to make money[. ...] To not do that and just to ride bucking horses and do what I love is amazing.” The American was not sanctioned by the PRCA. This meant Champion could not use his earnings to qualify for the National Finals Rodeo, which selects competitors based on their prize winnings for the year. Champion competed at more than 100 other rodeos during the 2014 season, earning", "id": "21370022" }, { "contents": "Counterculture of the 1960s\n\n\n\"Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundation of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible. This is a fundamentally subversive doctrine. If businessmen do have a social responsibility other than making maximum profits for stockholders, how are they to know what it is? Can self-selected private individuals decide what the social interest is?\" In the UK, commentator Peter Hitchens identified the counterculture as one of the contributing factors to what", "id": "13908390" }, { "contents": "The Ant Bully (film)\n\n\nanimated film adaptation after reading the book with his child. He then sent a copy to Davis because of Davis' work on the computer-animated film \"\". Davis came up with a potential take on the story within a few days. \"To be honest, when I first looked at it, I thought Oh, why does it have to be ants again?\" said Davis. \"But the more I thought about it, I said, So what? It's got as much to do with \"", "id": "97805" }, { "contents": "South African labour law\n\n\n. This means that, when we work, we offer our services to another person, and agree that the other person will be able to tell us what to do, when to do it, how to do it and where to do it. To place your labour potential at the disposal of another means to offer your ability to perform certain tasks to another person, and to offer, at the same time to follow that person’s instructions. Remuneration normally takes the form of payment of money, or the provision of", "id": "20978913" } ]
What Is Linux and what makes it different (better or worse) than other options?
[{"answer": "There is a whole group of computer Operating Systems which are called 'linux' because they all use the linux kernel, which basically just means they all work in roughly the same way. The main thing that differentiates linux from the other main operating systems (Windows and Mac OS X), is that it is \"free software\". With other \"proprietary\" software, nobody except for the company that made it is allowed to modify it, make and share their own versions, or even really see how it works. If there's something you don't like about a piece of proprietary software, the only thing you can do is ask the company that made it to change it, and if they don't want to, you just have to put up with it. If you find a problem with the software, even if you are a programmer and know how to fix it, you aren't allowed to. Free software doesn't have those restrictions, so linux is worked on by thousands of programmers all over the world, many of whom are not paid to do it, they just want to make the software better. Since so many people are making improvements and fixing bugs, linux is a very stable, fast and reliable operating system. Some advantages: - You can change, tweak, customise or replace anything about your system if you want to. If you don't know how, chances are someone else has wanted the same thing as you and figured it out, so you can just use their solution. - The type of people who work on linux tend to be a little paranoid, which is a good thing because it means the code they write is very secure. Combined with the fact that fewer people use linux, this means that linux basically doesn't get viruses. - Linux and much of the software that runs on it is free, as in you don't have to pay any money for it. Apart from being cheap, this is neat because it means installing and removing software is really easy, there are no keys or authorisation systems or whatever. You can casually install some big complicated program that would have cost $100 proprietary, and if you get bored of it uninstall it 5 minutes later. - There are loads of people who love linux and like to help people learn how to use it and help solve their issues Some disadvantages: - It doesn't run software that was written for Windows or OS X (well, it often can, but not without a little bit of work). This is mostly an issue for gamers. - Getting the most out of it, using the more advanced features, modifying it etc, requires you to know about computers - Because so many different people are working on different programs, there are a lot of options and variations. I think it's good to have choice, but it can be confusing."}, {"answer": "It is a *series* of operating systems based on the \"linux kernel\". They are generally more \"optimized\" than windows, so they run some programs faster. They are usually highly customizable as well, and so \"power-users\" often prefer them. An operating system based on linux is called a \"distro\" (distribution). Most can be burned to a \"live CD\" from which you can boot your computer, so you can try it out without reformatting your hard drive. Linux is \"free and open source\" which means many people from all over the world contribute to it (much like Wikipedia). However, the user-base is lower, so many popular applications, especially games, are not made for them. Drivers for certain hardware may also be nonexistent, so you would want to check this before installing a linux distro (or try a live CD). Linux is much more popular for servers than for desktop computers. Most people are probably familiar with it via the Android operating system (based on the Linix kernel)."}, {"answer": "I always try to focus more on the EL5 aspect of this as a challenge. Some of this may be vague to the point of slight inaccuracy, but I get asked this by kids a lot. There are three layers of a computer. The first layer is hardware. That's the part you can kick. Next is a layer called \"the operating system.\" That's what makes the computer useful; it brings all the hardware inside the computer together to run software on. On top of the operating system is the third layer, software. That's your games and stuff. For the last 20 years, you pretty much had only three choices in operating systems. If you wanted to have a huge choice in hardware, you chose Windows. If you wanted everything to \"just work out of the box,\" you chose Apple OS, but your hardware choices were what Apple gave you and get old rather quickly. Then you had Linux, which worked on all sorts of hard ware, but was really hard to use until about 10 years ago. Linux is not \"better or worse\" than anything overall because it depends on what you need it for. If you want something that will run pretty much any software out there on the cheap, you choose Windows. Most people do, as a matter of fact. Including people who want to steal all your names, passwords, photos, and use your computer to hack other Windows computers. Because it's so easy to use, it's also easy to break into. If you want something that is much, much more secure, but still easy to use, you choose Apple. But not a lot of software runs on Apple unless you are a serious writer, designer, or artist. Only about half the stuff you can run on Windows can be used on an Apple computer. Also, you can't really mess around with the hardware; you get what Apple gives you. And it's more expensive than Windows or Linux. Then you have Linux. Nowadays, Linux runs on pretty much everything: computers, Apple computers, cell phones, and lots and lots of teeny computers. But the software is very, very limited to really serious computer software. Very few games run on it, and since most of the users are programmers, hackers, and people who love computers to run other things... the games have gone to the wayside. But Linux is very, very, very safe because is designed to only do what you tell it to do... and no one else. Also, there is such a huge choice in what program can do what (like 30+ text editors alone), you may find it hard because there is no one singular \"best of everything.\" So asking what's \"better\" is hard. Linux and Apple are more secure than Windows, although Windows is getting better. It comes from how the creators think about their operating system. Windows is \"permission inclusive\" while Linux is \"permission exclusive,\" and Apple is somewhere in the middle. Think of it this way: You are a duke of a land. You don't have time to build a castle fortress, so you have one made for you. - Windows Castle Fortress is cheap, and all the doors and windows of the castle are open by default. Also, it doesn't come with a lot of perks out of the box. You have to buy the drawbridge, moat, and all the garrisons inside and those can get expensive. Luckily, you can find some pirate to get them for you for free, but you have no idea if they will come with enemy soldiers already hiding in them. The Windows Castle is also incredibly obvious with bright colors and targets painted on it that glow brightly in the night with blaring horns, so it attracts more enemies than anything else. It's a large target, has a lot of problems which cause it to fall apart depending on where you build it (aka \"crash on certain hardware\"). You add up the missing parts, the holes, and the main target problems... it's not ideal and you have to be careful. Luckily, a lot of people use them. Unluckily, so do your enemies. - Apple iCastle is expensive. But it's much more secure, with only a few open things by default. It also has a lot of expensive options, but it looks really, really nice. - Linux Kastle comes with a lot of options, but requires a lot of reading, even if you buy one fully assembled (known as \"a distro\" like Red Hat, Ubuntu, Slackware, etc). It's so secure, you may have trouble at first figuring how to even get in the damn thing. MOST of the software you can run on it is free. Now here's the best part: Linux Kastle is designed by castle fortress engineers FOR castle fortress engineers. Once you figure out the damn thing, your fortress is like a fucking solid wall of defense with ninja-like hiding capabilities. Not only that, but it can run on any land condition you can think of like in the air, underwater, underground, and unlike Castle Fortress or iCastle, you don't have to have one huge block of castle: you could set up thousands of mini-castles all over the fucking place: in trees, in birdhouses, turn statues into golems, and so on. Is that a river? No, it's 200,000 Kastle systems so small, they look like a liquid, but they all work together as a single mind. But again, you have to be fucking smart to get there. For instance, you could tell your archers to shoot arrows, but if you forget to install arrow slots in the wall, none of your arrows will get to your enemies. Also, you may have to tell the archers not to shoot one another. You better be specific, which can get annoying until you write your own commands to tell them \"when I say fire at the enemy, open a slit in the wall, fire arrows only at the enemy, who wear red shirts, and then you are done, close the slit. Also, don't get hit by an enemy.\" [Source: a Senior Linux admin for a large company, typed reply on a Kubuntu box I use at home as my main machine]"}, {"answer": "The way I see windows/Linux/Mac is that Windows is like American cars. Cheap, and the parts and technicians are easy to find. Mac is like a foreign car that's more reliable, but parts and service are more expensive. Linux is like a hot rod that you can customize any way you want, but you usually have to know a thing or two about cars to keep it running."}, {"answer": "When you use a computer, you use something called an operating system. Operating systems are big, complicated things, and they're made up of lots of individual components. It's a lot of work to make an operating system. Some of these components are visible to you when you use the computer, and some of them are behind the scenes and you might never see. One of the most important pieces is one you never see - it's called the kernel. The kernel is the foundation on which everything else runs. It's the stage on which the play is performed. Making a kernel is very difficult because it requires some very special skills - a kernel programmer often has to talk directly with the hardware that the computer is made of. If they get something wrong, they can make the entire system crash. Linux is a free kernel. But a kernel itself is only one component of a complete operating system. Fortunately people have made other free components as well, enough that you can put an entire operating system together. This is usually called a \"distro\" (distribution) and there are lots of them. Even though they mostly use the same components, they're often put together in quite different ways. They're commonly called \"Linux distros\" because Linux is the kernel that everything else is running on. The main difference between these systems and \"traditional\" operating systems is the way they're developed. Operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X are developed by commercial companies and sold. Linux systems are developed on the Internet. More specifically, there are lots of separate individual projects on the Internet developing the individual components. Traditionally these were made by hobbyists and researchers in universities. Nowadays quite a lot of them are made by commercial companies who have found ways to make money while still (effectively) giving away their work for free. Examples are Red Hat and the Mozilla foundation (who make Firefox). Unlike commercial software that you have to pay for, they give it away by licensing it liberally in a way that anyone can use it. There's a whole philosophy around the movement - see for example [What is Free Software?]( URL_1 ), [The Open Source definition]( URL_0 ) and the [Debian Social Contract]( URL_2 )."}, {"answer": "Back in 1999, Neal Stephenson wrote an essay called [\"In the Beginning Was the Command Line\"]( URL_0 ) that has a really nice metaphor about the differences between Mac, PC and Linux: > Imagine a crossroads where four competing auto dealerships are situated. One of them (Microsoft) is much, much bigger than the others. It started out years ago selling three-speed bicycles (MS-DOS); these were not perfect, but they worked, and when they broke you could easily fix them. > > There was a competing bicycle dealership next door (Apple) that one day began selling motorized vehicles--expensive but attractively styled cars with their innards hermetically sealed, so that how they worked was something of a mystery. > > The big dealership responded by rushing a moped upgrade kit (the original Windows) onto the market. This was a Rube Goldberg contraption that, when bolted onto a three-speed bicycle, enabled it to keep up, just barely, with Apple-cars. The users had to wear goggles and were always picking bugs out of their teeth while Apple owners sped along in hermetically sealed comfort, sneering out the windows. But the Micro-mopeds were cheap, and easy to fix compared with the Apple-cars, and their market share waxed. > > Eventually the big dealership came out with a full-fledged car: a colossal station wagon (Windows 95). It had all the aesthetic appeal of a Soviet worker housing block, it leaked oil and blew gaskets, and it was an enormous success. A little later, they also came out with a hulking off-road vehicle intended for industrial users (Windows NT) which was no more beautiful than the station wagon, and only a little more reliable. > > Since then there has been a lot of noise and shouting, but little has changed. The smaller dealership continues to sell sleek Euro-styled sedans and to spend a lot of money on advertising campaigns. They have had GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! signs taped up in their windows for so long that they have gotten all yellow and curly. The big one keeps making bigger and bigger station wagons and ORVs. > > On the other side of the road are two competitors that have come along more recently. > > One of them (Be, Inc.) is selling fully operational Batmobiles (the BeOS). They are more beautiful and stylish even than the Euro-sedans, better designed, more technologically advanced, and at least as reliable as anything else on the market--and yet cheaper than the others. > > With one exception, that is: Linux, which is right next door, and which is not a business at all. It's a bunch of RVs, yurts, tepees, and geodesic domes set up in a field and organized by consensus. The people who live there are making tanks. These are not old-fashioned, cast-iron Soviet tanks; these are more like the M1 tanks of the U.S. Army, made of space-age materials and jammed with sophisticated technology from one end to the other. But they are better than Army tanks. They've been modified in such a way that they never, ever break down, are light and maneuverable enough to use on ordinary streets, and use no more fuel than a subcompact car. These tanks are being cranked out, on the spot, at a terrific pace, and a vast number of them are lined up along the edge of the road with keys in the ignition. Anyone who wants can simply climb into one and drive it away for free. > > Customers come to this crossroads in throngs, day and night. Ninety percent of them go straight to the biggest dealership and buy station wagons or off-road vehicles. They do not even look at the other dealerships. > > Of the remaining ten percent, most go and buy a sleek Euro-sedan, pausing only to turn up their noses at the philistines going to buy the station wagons and ORVs. If they even notice the people on the opposite side of the road, selling the cheaper, technically superior vehicles, these customers deride them cranks and half-wits. > > The Batmobile outlet sells a few vehicles to the occasional car nut who wants a second vehicle to go with his station wagon, but seems to accept, at least for now, that it's a fringe player. > > The group giving away the free tanks only stays alive because it is staffed by volunteers, who are lined up at the edge of the street with bullhorns, trying to draw customers' attention to this incredible situation. A typical conversation goes something like this: > > Hacker with bullhorn: \"Save your money! Accept one of our free tanks! It is invulnerable, and can drive across rocks and swamps at ninety miles an hour while getting a hundred miles to the gallon!\" > > Prospective station wagon buyer: \"I know what you say is don't know how to maintain a tank!\" > > Bullhorn: \"You don't know how to maintain a station wagon either!\" > > Buyer: \"But this dealership has mechanics on staff. If something goes wrong with my station wagon, I can take a day off work, bring it here, and pay them to work on it while I sit in the waiting room for hours, listening to elevator music.\" > > Bullhorn: \"But if you accept one of our free tanks we will send volunteers to your house to fix it for free while you sleep!\" > > Buyer: \"Stay away from my house, you freak!\" > > Bullhorn: \"But...\" > > Buyer: \"Can't you see that everyone is buying station wagons?\" TL;DR: Macs are hermetically sealed Euro-styled sedans, PCs are station wagons, Linux turns your computer into a tank."}, {"answer": "Linux's biggest PR problem is the behavior of its ultrazealots. They're a lot like the Ron Paul people. I'd love to see a Venn diagram of this."}, {"answer": "Linux is just a base operating system, like Windows, or Macintosh. Given that this is ELI5, I feel the need to say that an operating system is a big program that turns confusing computer code into something that can be understood by humans. (Basically, it turns [this]( URL_0 ) into [this]( URL_1 )). Better: Linux is also programmed by random people of the public, which means that, assuming you are clever enough to do so, you can modify it however you want, unlike Windows or Macintosh where the source code is much more difficult to obtain. Worse: Less programs available to it than Windows or Macintosh, as it is less popular, and people want to sell their programs to more people."}, {"answer": "Like you're five: Linux is a free OS with a huge following. (if you're into android it's the same thing) The core of linux is free, so if you're a big enough nerd you can make your own OS out of linux. There are communities that upgrade and update linux all the time. People like linux because it's smaller, cheaper, and more customizable than windows or apple Linux's downside is that it's un familiar to new users, but more so is compatability--there are work arounds sometimes, but when you buy a program they usually offer it in for windows/apple"}, {"answer": "Well, Tommy, Linux is what we call an \"Operating System\", it's a very big program that computers have to learn in order to know how to use other programs. Think of it like the computer's big \"How-To\" book. Windows and Macintosh are also operating systems; they have their own how-to books. You know all books have authors, and the books are copyrighted. That means if you want to have a book, you pay the author for it, and you can't copy the book to give to someone else. The Windows book says Microsoft/Bill Gates is the author, and the Macintosh book says Apple/Steve Jobs is the author. The people who started making Linux wanted other people to be able to write in the book without arguing about whose name would go on the cover, so they left it off and told their lawyers to make a new license: the GNU General Public License (GPL). Having a GPL instead of a copyright means you're saying to people \"You can use and copy this book all you want. If you want to write your own version, I'll let you look at my notes.\" Programmers really liked this because they go in and fix the typos or add chapters they think need to be in the book. Of course, with many people making their own copies of the book, lots of versions of the Linux book have been put out. The most popular one is Ubuntu-linux, which was written from the book for Debian-linux, which was written from the Linux book. They all have lots of authors all working together, adding and revising pages all over the place and writing programs that the book has instructions for. People say this is a very good thing, because when people notice mistakes in the book, they can fix it or tell someone who knows how to fix it. It also means that if someone tries to write a program that will make your computer do bad things, they can rewrite the book so that the program doesn't work anymore. Because so many people are fixing the mistakes, your computer is sure to have a book that won't make it do something silly like turn itself off when you're playing your favorite game or drawing a pretty picture. If your computer has the book of Ubuntu, it knows how to use programs written for Ubuntu best. It knows programs for Debian pretty well, but if you want it to use programs for Linux it sometimes needs a little help. Thing is, if you have a program for Windows or Macintosh, the computer won't know what to do with it. There are a lot of programs written for Windows and Macintosh because they're so popular, but usually they don't write a version for Linux. There is a program out there called WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator) which acts like a Windows-to-Linux translator for your computer. If your computer has a Windows program that says \"flob the jiggly\", your computer can pipe it through Wine, which knows that \"flob the jiggly\" means \"turn off the lights.\" The problem with it is that the people who write the Windows book won't show the programmers who make Wine their notes, so \"flob the jiggly\" might actually mean \"flip the light switch.\" So if you have a program saying \"flob the jiggly\" and it wants the lights to be on, your computer will turn the lights off instead. So you can see, Tommy, Linux has good parts and bad parts. It's a very well-written book, but not a lot of people write programs that it can use. It's getting more popular, though, so more people are making good programs for it. I hope that answers your question."}, {"answer": "There're some awesome explanations already posted here, but I think I'll try to explain it with analogy. Imagine you have to buy a car. There're some really popular models, which come with many things built in, and are sold for a relatively expensive price. If you open one of them and look under the hood you will see a huge steel plate over the engine and other parts, making it almost impossible for you to modify, unless you are a specialist. You don't care much though, since due to its popularity there're many things you can install over it to make your ride more comfortable. This, however, also makes quite easy for an average criminal to steal your car, because every thief knows about its weak points and has enough tools to make it work. That'd be Windows. At the same time there's a bunch of car models in the market built around blueprints, which were publicly issued some time ago. They come in different flavours: some of them are more like their popular rivals, with everything sealed from average driver, while others come with a very basic setup, and most of the time requiring some engineering skills (or a fucking PhD in machinery if that's gentoo) to make it work the way you want. Most of the time you wouldn't really notice the difference from popular models, and while it lacks some awesome features you liked in more expensive cars, you still get a well-made car for a bargain price. Also, since your model is not that popular, it makes harder for an average thief to steal your car, because for instance, unlike most cars, yours can have its ignition keyhole in the trunk, or somewhere under your seat. That'd be *nix-based systems. Hope it helps."}, {"answer": "Like robertskmiles said, quite a bit has to do with it being free. Now for a ELI5 analogy: Imagine there were a whole bunch of companies that make cakes. Many companies make really good cakes, but some of them only sell the cakes. Then one guy, we'll call him Lenny, decided to make his own cake. He knows a lot about cake making, so it's a pretty good cake. But Lenny thinks everyone that wants to should be able to make their own cake. So instead of sell pre made cakes, he goes out and gives out the recipe for free. Now you can go out and make your own cake yourself. Forums are started about the recipe, and about cake-making in general. Lenny had already thought about this, so he made his cake *really* generic. Now other people, who are also really good at making cake, use Lenny's base and make cakes much more suited to specific tastes, like vanilla or chocolate. And you know the internet, so soon there was a cake for any taste you could imagine. Now, not everyone is a cook. Some people are fine with getting a premade cake. Sometimes they just make their own frosting, and that's ok. But a lot of people like to tinker and mess, or just like a free cake, so they use Lenny's cake recipe. Nowadays, people put tutorials of how to bake Lenny's cake for those people who maybe aren't the best cooks, but would like to know how. Some people even give away pre-made cakes from Lenny recipe for free. To sum it all up, it's mainly this sense of freedom and utility that drives this DIY cake community. Does that help? At all?"}, {"answer": "Imagine each different operating system is a machine made out of Lego blocks. Windows and Macs are made out of Legos that are all glued together. There are very few that are not glued that you can mess around with but for the most part you must rely on the companies to un-glue/fix/and re-glue things when you need something fixed or changed. You must rely on the companies for changes. Linux which is basically a very similar machine as windows and mac but all of its parts are unglued. You can freely tear down, rebuild, and make additions and changes as it pleases you. Since anyone can change the structure of a linux based operating system, you can find many communities out there who actively contribute to these operating systems which means you must rely on the community or yourself to make changes. Each machine does similar stuff but Linux gets little support from the other major companies meaning some things won't work with it. In those cases you must look for alternatives which many people in the Linux community have supplied already for free."}, {"answer": "Windows: \"Cannot delete file: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again.\" Linux: \"There was an error, program X doesn't want you to delete that file. Here's a helpful link to teach you how to get around that. Would you like some tea?\" Linux: \"You can't install that until you install these 50 libraries, update these 3 drives, downgrade this 1 driver, and pick my mom up from the airport.\" Windows: \"Click the next button over and over again until the program is installed. It will then work perfectly unless it doesn't.\""}, {"answer": "Linux is the umbrella term for a group of operating systems (often called distros) based off the Linux kernel(a kernel is sort of the core of you computer software, like the engine of your car). In short it as a group of operating systems."}, {"answer": "Not an ELI5, but in case you're up for an ELI16 or 20, [Neal Stephenson explained this pretty well some years back]( URL_0 )."}, {"answer": "Windows = Physical encyclopedia. Linux = Wikipedia. Mac\\Apple products in general = [VTech Tiny Touch Tablet.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Does linux run as well, or better, than windows 7/8?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6097297", "title": "Linux", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 173, "bleu_score": 0.5922111127396987}]}]
[ { "contents": "Nikolay Chernyshevsky\n\n\nthe phrase “the worse the better”, to indicate that the worse the social conditions became for the poor, the more inclined they would be to launch a revolution. There are those arguing, in the words of Professor Joseph Frank, that “Chernyshevsky’s novel \"What Is to Be Done?\", far more than Marx’s \"Das Kapital\", supplied the emotional dynamic that eventually went to make the Russian Revolution”. Fyodor Dostoyevsky was enraged by what he saw as the simplicity of the political and psychological", "id": "10020102" }, { "contents": "Religiocentrism\n\n\nthink my religion is nearer to the truth than any other\" and \"Most Moslems, Buddhists and Hindus are very stupid and ignorant\"), with five-point Likert scale psychometric response options from \"Strongly agree\" (Scored 5) to \"Strongly disagree\" (1). To verify internal consistency among respondents, 11 items were reverse scored (\"It makes no difference to me what religion my friends are\" is the converse of \"I think that it's better if you stick to friends of the same", "id": "8817071" }, { "contents": "For Better or For Worse\n\n\na lifetime. It defines you as a person and describes your soul. It's a promise to be there, one for the other, no matter what happens, no matter who falls ... For better or for worse, my dears ... for better or for worse\". This final daily strip had a message from Lynn Johnston saying, \"This concludes my story ... with grateful thanks to everyone who has made this all possible. ~Lynn Johnston\". The Sunday strip on August 31, 2008, revealed what each character", "id": "1119894" }, { "contents": "Linux kernel interfaces\n\n\nis a wrapper around the system calls of the Linux kernel; the combination of the Linux kernel System Call Interface and glibc is what builds the Linux API. As in other Unix-like systems, additional capabilities of the Linux kernel exist that are not part of POSIX: DRM has been paramount for the development and implementations of well-defined and performant free and open-source graphics device drivers without which no rendering acceleration would be available at all, or even worse, only the 2D drivers would be available in the X.Org", "id": "18160056" }, { "contents": "Welfare economics\n\n\ndeveloped. Any change usually makes some people better off while making others worse off, so these tests ask what would happen if the winners were to compensate the losers. Using the \"Kaldor criterion\", an activity will contribute to Pareto optimality if the maximum amount the gainers are prepared to pay is greater than the minimum amount that the losers are prepared to accept. Under the \"Hicks criterion\", an activity will contribute to Pareto optimality if the maximum amount the losers are prepared to offer to the gainers in order to", "id": "4723863" }, { "contents": "Dana 30\n\n\nif someone is just starting out but bad things with experience. In Pete Trasborg’s article “Jeep Cherokee Axle Guide” there are examples of the different dana 30s through the years and what each had that was better or worse than the others. The first type of dana 30 is the center axle disconnect which was good as the driver did not have to get out of the vehicle to put the vehicle into four wheel drive as well as less wear on the front driveline parts.  This type of dana 30 is the worst", "id": "5896884" }, { "contents": "David Holzman's Diary\n\n\ndecisions stop being moral decisions, and they become aesthetical decisions. Putting this differently, Jaime Wolf writes that \"David Holzman's Diary\" applies what film critic Andrew Sarris described as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of documentary filmmaking, namely \"the inevitable effect of the presence of an observer on the behavior of the observed.\" For better or worse, consciously or not, overtly or subtly, people often play to the camera, behaving differently than they otherwise would. Nowhere in this film is this more overt than in David's", "id": "21705847" }, { "contents": "Aristotle\n\n\nAristotle believed that each of the mimetic arts possesses what Stephen Halliwell calls \"highly structured procedures for the achievement of their purposes.\" For example, music imitates with the media of rhythm and harmony, whereas dance imitates with rhythm alone, and poetry with language. The forms also differ in their object of imitation. Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of imitation – through narrative or character,", "id": "611" }, { "contents": "AMF Bowling Pinbusters!\n\n\nwhile the Wii version received \"unfavorable\" reviews, according to the review aggregation website Metacritic. One common complaint was that the latter console version lacked an option to play left-handed. IGN complained about the Wii version's offensive stereotypes and terrible gameplay, and pointed out that \"Wii Sports\" had a better bowling simulation for free. \"GamesRadar+\" said of the same console version, \"It is, as a whole, considerably worse than what is one-fifth of \"Wii Sports\" - in look,", "id": "7699953" }, { "contents": "Grease (musical)\n\n\nwith Sandy, who questions Rizzo on why she rejected her friends and deduces that Kenickie was the presumptive father. Rizzo responds by saying that she is a better person than others make her out to be and that showing weakness is the worst thing she knows (\"There Are Worse Things I Could Do\"). Rizzo leaves, and Sandy decides what she needs to do to fit in with the greasers (\"Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee\" (Reprise)). The next day, the Burger Palace", "id": "13492555" }, { "contents": "Henri Adamczewski\n\n\nothers and whose objectives are not of a scientific nature. A teacher who adopts a metaoperational perspective will not teach what should be said (in such and such a situation), but will explain the different strategies, based on distinct linguistic operations, open to the speaker (in such and such a situation). The learner will not learn what should be said but what can be said, what the consequences of the different options are on the making of meaning, and that approach is meant to be quite reassuring. 1973", "id": "21991298" }, { "contents": "Screening (medicine)\n\n\nto its better prognosis, the survival rates of screened people will be better than non-screening even if screening makes no difference. Not everyone will partake in a screening program. There are factors that differ between those willing to get tested and those who are not. If people with a higher risk of a disease are more likely to be screened, for instance women with a family history of breast cancer are more likely than other women to join a mammography program, then a screening test will look worse than it really is", "id": "6889364" }, { "contents": "Violet Oaklander\n\n\nlook at them, that is what makes a difference.” Further, Oaklander has stated, “Gestalt therapy is about helping people become aware of what they do and how they do it, and to encourage living in the present, to ‘be here now,’ and to help make better choices. Children live in the present more than adults. But rather than becoming ‘aware’ of what they do, it's a matter of providing the experience for them to understand how they operate in the world. We", "id": "15573406" }, { "contents": "Windows 2000\n\n\nof 104 North American companies in which they determined what they were using for a specific workload for file, print, security and networking services. IDC determined that the four areas where Windows 2000 had a better TCO than Linux – over a period of five years for an average organization of 100 employees – were file, print, network infrastructure and security infrastructure. They determined, however, that Linux had a better TCO than Windows 2000 for web serving. The report also found that the greatest cost was not in the procurement of", "id": "15104477" }, { "contents": "Fantastic Four (2015 film)\n\n\n\" praised \"Fantastic Four\" for its stylistic deviation from other recent superhero films, and argued that the film's characters \"make decisions which may appear to lack credibility, but the writing works hard to show you why these people are doing what they are doing – and it's not just haphazard patching work, but believable reasons which build on the themes of the movie\". James Berardinelli gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying \"Fantastic Four\" is \"no better or worse [than", "id": "21958188" }, { "contents": "Counterexample\n\n\nto when a mathematician modifies a conjecture because of a counterexample. For example, in Plato's \"Gorgias\", Callicles, trying to define what it means to say that some people are \"better\" than others, claims that those who are stronger are better. But Socrates replies that, because of their strength of numbers, the class of common rabble is stronger than the propertied class of nobles, even though the masses are prima facie of worse character. Thus Socrates has proposed a counterexample to Callicles' claim, by", "id": "13668026" }, { "contents": "Worse is better\n\n\nWorse is better, also called New Jersey style, was conceived by Richard P. Gabriel in an essay \"Worse is better\" to describe the dynamics of software acceptance, but it has broader application. It is the idea that quality does not necessarily increase with functionality—that there is a point where less functionality (\"worse\") is a preferable option (\"better\") in terms of practicality and usability. Software that is limited, but simple to use, may be more appealing to the user and market than", "id": "5521443" }, { "contents": "Value-added tax\n\n\nbecause these effects are different for every type of good. The above example assumes the tax is \"non-distortionary\". A VAT, like most taxes, distorts what would have happened without it. Because the price for \"someone\" rises, the quantity of goods traded decreases. Correspondingly, some people are \"worse\" off by \"more\" than the government is made \"better\" off by tax income. That is, more is lost due to supply and demand shifts than is gained in tax. This", "id": "20561857" }, { "contents": "Taito Legends 2\n\n\na more positive response saying, \"It's all but impossible to make an objective assessment that takes into account everyone's hugely varying tastes. What's definitely unarguable, though, that this particular package has much better presentation than the last one, with all games sorted into chronological order (a small but valuable point), and various useful options that make the experience far better than most retro collections.\" Some reviewers also compared \"Taito Legends 2\" unfavorably with the \"Sega Genesis Collection\", writing the aforementioned\"", "id": "21913274" }, { "contents": "Exhumed Films\n\n\nhit a play button. There’s no element of trying to track [the film print] down. The look, the texture, of film is really important. What makes it unique is that it’s very fragile. Every time you’re playing it, it’s getting a little worse. Oftentimes, the films that we’re showing is different than what’s on video--there’s a little bit missing here, there’s a little bit added there--so we felt like film from the beginning and we want", "id": "8575215" }, { "contents": "Counterfactual thinking\n\n\nbest course of action for future behavior. Upward counterfactual thinking focuses on how the situation could have been better. Many times, people think about what they could have done differently. For example, \"If I started studying three days ago, instead of last night, I could have done better on my test.\" Since people often think about what they could have done differently, it is not uncommon for people to feel regret during upward counterfactual thinking. Downward counterfactual thinking focuses on how the situation could have been worse.", "id": "7729210" }, { "contents": "Attention\n\n\nprocess: driving performance is worse while engaged in other tasks; drivers make more mistakes, brake harder and later, get into more accidents, veer into other lanes, and/or are less aware of their surroundings when engaged in the previously discussed tasks. There has been little difference found between speaking on a hands-free cell phone or a hand-held cell phone, which suggests that it is the strain of attentional system that causes problems, rather than what the driver is doing with his or her hands. While speaking with", "id": "19316589" }, { "contents": "Socialized medicine\n\n\n. When offered descriptions of what such a system could mean, strong majorities believed that it means \"the government makes sure everyone has health insurance\" (79%) and \"the government pays most of the cost of health care\" (73%). One third (32%) felt that socialized medicine is a system in which \"the government tells doctors what to do.\" The poll showed \"striking differences\" by party affiliation. Among Republicans polled, 70% said that socialized medicine would be worse than", "id": "14131908" }, { "contents": "Michael Corinthos\n\n\nexcitement out of the life he currently has. Michael refuses to take no for an answer which often gets him into trouble. According to Garrett, Michael does not believe he has any other options in life which is why he is determined to work for his father. Michael stubbornly refuses to accept that working for Sonny is not an option. Things are further complicated when Michael cannot control emotions. What makes matters worse is that Michael does not know why he gets so angry; the not knowing perpetuates the anger. Chad", "id": "11697433" }, { "contents": "Comparative historical research\n\n\nis better than the other just that a theory needs to be used. Their chosen theory is rational choice. One of the main problems is that everyone has a different concept of what a theory is and what makes something a theory. Some of their opponents feel that any theory can be tested and they are arguing that some cannot be. Kiser and Hecter do acknowledge that this is a growing field and that their perspective may change in the future. The comparative-historical method can be seen in \"The Familial State", "id": "11692340" }, { "contents": "Independence of irrelevant alternatives\n\n\nshould not make a difference. However, the heuristic that leads to majority rule when there are only two options is that the larger the number of people who think one option is better than the other, the greater the likelihood that it is better, all else being equal (see Condorcet's Jury Theorem). A majority is more likely than the opposing minority to be right about which of the two candidates is better, all else being equal, hence the use of majority rule. The same heuristic implies that the larger", "id": "16710663" }, { "contents": "RedSleeve\n\n\nname RedSleeve was chosen because it makes it intuitively obvious what upstream distribution it is derived from, while at the same time implying that it is for the ARM platform (we have sleeves covering our ARMs). RedSleeve is different from other Red Hat Enterprise Linux derivatives such as CentOS and Scientific Linux in that it is also a port to a new platform (ARM) that is not supported by the upstream distribution. The first official Alpha release was made available on February 12, 2012. RedSleeve aims to maintain equal versioning with", "id": "11914697" }, { "contents": "A Walk to Remember\n\n\nthe 50s would fail to draw teens. \"To interest them,\" he writes, \"we had to make the story more contemporary.\" To make the update believable, Landon's pranks and behavior are worse than they are in the novel; as Sparks notes, \"the things that teen boys did in the 1950s to be considered a little 'rough' are different than what teen boys in the 1990s do to be considered 'rough.'\" Sparks and the producer also changed the play in which Landon and", "id": "13309107" }, { "contents": "Confirmation bias\n\n\nstill thought they were better or worse than average at that kind of task, depending on what they had initially been told. In another study, participants read job performance ratings of two firefighters, along with their responses to a risk aversion test. This fictional data was arranged to show either a negative or positive association: some participants were told that a risk-taking firefighter did better, while others were told they did less well than a risk-averse colleague. Even if these two case studies were true, they would", "id": "14132544" }, { "contents": "Minimal important difference\n\n\n\"about the same\", \"somewhat worse\" and \"much worse\". Differences between those who answered \"better\" and those who answered \"about the same\" form the basis of the anchor method. An interesting approach to the anchor based method is establishment of an anchor before treatment. The patient is asked what minimal outcome would be necessary to undergo the proposed treatment. This method allows for more personal variation as one patient might require more pain relief, where another strives towards more functional improvement. Different anchor questions", "id": "20133852" }, { "contents": "Jonny Greenwood\n\n\nin the real world\". Greenwood described his role in the band as arranger: It's not really about can I do my guitar part now, it's more ... what will serve this song best? How do we not mess up this really good song? Part of the problem is Thom will sit at the piano and play a song like \"Pyramid Song\" and we're going to record it and how do we not make it worse, how do we make it better than him just playing it by himself", "id": "769793" }, { "contents": "Portland Building\n\n\n. I said at the time that there were only two good things about it: 'It will put Portland on the map, architecturally, and it will never be repeated.'\" Not all commentary has been negative. In the estimation of architectural critic Paul Goldberger: \"For better or for worse, the Portland Building overshadows other things. It is more significant for what it did than how well it does it. It had a profound effect on American architecture and brought a return to classicism that brought us better buildings", "id": "1832076" }, { "contents": "Worse is better\n\n\nare examples of this design approach. Gabriel contrasted his philosophy with what he called the \"MIT/Stanford style of design\" or \"MIT approach\" (also known as \"the Right Thing\"), which he described as follows. Contrasts are in bold: Gabriel argued that \"Worse is better\" produced more \"successful\" software than the MIT approach: As long as the initial program is basically good, it will take much less time and effort to implement initially and it will be easier to adapt to new", "id": "5521446" }, { "contents": "Joke\n\n\nDifferent types of jokes, going from general to topical into explicitly sexual humour signalled openness on the part of the waitress for a connection. This study describes how jokes and joking are used to communicate much more than just good humour. That is a single example of the function of joking in a social setting, but there are others. Sometimes jokes are used simply to get to know someone better. What makes them laugh, what do they find funny? Jokes concerning politics, religion or sexual topics can be used effectively to", "id": "16432880" }, { "contents": "Friedrich Hayek\n\n\nthat the Conservative Party were more concerned with the connection between liberty and private enterprise than between liberty and democracy. Hayek claimed that a limited democracy might be better than other forms of limited government at protecting liberty, but that an unlimited democracy was worse than other forms of unlimited government because \"its government loses the power even to do what it thinks right if any group on which its majority depends thinks otherwise\". Hayek stated that if the Conservative leader had said \"that free choice is to be exercised more in the market", "id": "11422165" }, { "contents": "Nature (philosophy)\n\n\n, such laws of nature are quite different to human laws: they no longer imply any sense of better or worse, but simply how things really are, and, when in reference to laws of \"human\" nature, what sorts of human behavior can be most relied upon. Having disconnected the term \"law of nature\" from the original medieval metaphor of human-made law, the term \"law of nature\" is now used less than in early modern times. To take the critical example of human nature,", "id": "14262643" }, { "contents": "Simalto\n\n\nor services. It mirrors respondent decisions such as ‘what options must I have, what options are nice to have, what are they worth to me and which options are unnecessary for me’. Simply counting how many respondents choose a particular option in preference to another provides an unambiguous quantification of each option’s relative popularity. However this direct data is insufficient to deduce the most popular total specification when there are more than 5 or 6 attributes, or to predict preference shares between competing specifications at different prices/costs. Therefore", "id": "13067957" }, { "contents": "Influence diagram\n\n\nbest possible scenario for this decision situation since there is no longer any uncertainty on what they care about (\"Weather Condition\") when making their decision. Scenario 3, however, is the worst possible scenario for this decision situation since they need to make their decision without any hint (\"Weather Forecast\") on what they care about (\"Weather Condition\") will turn out to be. The decision-maker is usually better off (definitely no worse off, on average) to move from scenario 3 to", "id": "18491978" }, { "contents": "Reality therapy\n\n\nfreedom. And it is through an individual's choices that he or she makes change happen for the better or worse. In our current society, the survival need is normally being met—it is then in how people meet the remaining four psychological needs that they typically run into trouble. Reality therapy holds that the key to behavior is to remain aware of what an individual presently wants and make choices that will ensure that goal. Reality therapy maintains that what really drives human beings is their need to belong and to be loved", "id": "9340824" }, { "contents": "Daniel Goldhagen\n\n\n(why it happens), (iii) moral evaluation (judgment), and (iv) prescription (what is to be done?). According to Goldhagen, his Holocaust studies address questions about the political, social, and cultural particulars behind other genocides: \"Who did the killing?\" \"What, despite temporal and cultural differences, do mass killings have in common?\", which yielded \"Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity\", about the global nature of", "id": "1285694" }, { "contents": "Kodi (software)\n\n\nwith thumbnail and different listings options. However, while this feature was fully functioning on the Xbox version of XBMC, it is still in its infant stage on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows, thus requiring third-party launcher plugins to function properly. There are many software applications for mobile devices available for and associated with Kodi. Some of these mobile apps just works as simple remote controls, while others function as more advanced second screen companion apps, offering additional information about what users are viewing or listening", "id": "10377529" }, { "contents": "Nobody Praying for Me\n\n\ntheir own, rather than being told by any media outlet saying, this is what you should be thinking, this is what is right. The whole point is to try and shift the way we look at things and to not always leap to our pre-conceived conclusions, which is mostly racially and profile-based, because that's what we get fed all the time. I've been guilty of it too. It's very unfortunate, and it's getting worse instead of better\". The music video was", "id": "22135512" }, { "contents": "House of Wax (2005 film)\n\n\nof what anyone attending \"House of Wax\" could reasonably expect...assuming it would be unreasonable to expect very much.\" He said of Hilton's performance that \"she is no better or worse than the typical Dead Post-Teenager and does exactly what she is required to do in a movie like this, with all the skill—admittedly finite—that is required.\" Film critic Stephen Hunter of \"The Washington Post\" called it a \"guilty pleasure\" and wrote that it gives horror fans exactly what they", "id": "4191173" }, { "contents": "Well-being\n\n\n's experience, make life better; there are other elements which if added to one's experience, make life worse. But what remains when these are set aside is not merely neutral: it is emphatically positive.\"\" A 2012 study found that wellbeing was higher for people who experienced both positive and negative emotions. Research on positive psychology, well-being, eudaimonia and happiness, and the theories of Diener, Ryff, Keyes and Seligmann covers a broad range of levels and topics, including \"the biological, personal", "id": "15049431" }, { "contents": "Crystallizing Public Opinion\n\n\nother type of paid space), plays, cinema, and direct mail. (pp. 199–207) Defending the role of the public relations counsel as a \"special pleader\", Bernays writes that the viewpoints which he fosters are not necessarily worse than those he would discourage. In reality, \"the only difference between 'propaganda' and 'education,' really, is in the point of view. The advocacy of what we believe in is education. The advocacy of what we don't believe in is propaganda.", "id": "677013" }, { "contents": "JFS (file system)\n\n\nreliable, with consistently good performance under different kinds of load, contrary to other filesystems that seem to perform better under particular usage patterns, for instance with small or large files. Another characteristic often mentioned, is that it is light and efficient with available system resources and even heavy disk activity is realized with low CPU usage. Especially for databases which need synchronous writes to survive a hardware crash, JFS with external journal seems to be the best option. File fragmentation on JFS impairs filesystem performance less than on more traditional Linux ext3", "id": "5422689" }, { "contents": "Renée Ashley\n\n\nor worse, that imposes limits, especially the physical ones, with death being the ultimate defining context. However, the struggle against limits remains heroic and is better than the alternatives of apathy, acquiescence, even the embrace of oppression. The struggle against limits is what creates us and makes our beloved underdogs. We are how we respond to mortality. Renee Ashley’s collection is an intellectually brilliant banner in that battle.\" \"The Literary Review\" wrote of \"The View from the Body\" (2016): \"", "id": "16374156" }, { "contents": "Stein's example\n\n\nthere exist alternative estimators which \"always\" achieve lower mean squared error, no matter what the value of formula_4 is. For a given \"θ\" one could obviously define a perfect \"estimator\" which is always just \"θ\", but this estimator would be bad for other values of \"θ\". The estimators of Stein's paradox are, for a given \"θ\", better than \"X\" for some values of \"X\" but necessarily worse for others (except perhaps for one particular \"θ", "id": "8283616" }, { "contents": "Bar Refaeli\n\n\noff big time. That's just the way it is: celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.\" She also said: \"Israel or Uganda, what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn't it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It's dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel.\" In 2009", "id": "2075448" }, { "contents": "The Dutch Nul group\n\n\na better world. Should I dream of a worse?’ wrote Otto Piene in ‘Paths to Paradise’ in 1961. With their clear-eyed view of reality, the members of Nul were not dreaming of the world, neither a better nor a worse, and certainly not of ‘paths to paradise’. During the Nul period, radicalism and a sincerely felt admiration for what was new and contemporary went hand in hand; nimble provocation is what Nul seemed to have a patent on. Jan Schoonhoven’s ‘objectively", "id": "9808082" }, { "contents": "Varieties of criticism\n\n\n. When someone proposes an idea, others might first consider if it makes sense – but often raise concerns about practicality and consequences. For example, would relevant people or organizations be better off or worse off? Does it get in the way of other things? Practical criticisms are effective, if people are concerned with practicalities. If, however, people are purely concerned with what things mean, or ought to mean, they may not care about whether their way of seeing things is \"practical\" or not. People might", "id": "4328968" }, { "contents": "Maliheh Afnan\n\n\n,” insisting those are just things that happen to be true. She believed that if instead of focusing on what makes people different, we should focus on our “common denominator” of humanity, and that the world would be better for it. She also expressed her love for accidents. Afnan said that she never planned her work ahead of time, and said “Often the accident is much more profound than what you are planning to do and what you are doing.\" A story she told in accordance with this", "id": "14616568" }, { "contents": "Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation\n\n\nand I enjoyed the prayer, as we began, served, getting food. He said, if the Jews could be better Jews, and if Christians could be better Christians, if all of us could just be a little better ourselves, what a difference that would make in this world, what a difference that would make.\" The Foundation and its members had held that this \"gave the appearance of endorsing religion.\" The court ruled \"These statements ... are too far removed from any congressional action taken pursuant to", "id": "12821416" }, { "contents": "GNU Project\n\n\nthe Linux kernel \"GNU/Linux\", and asks others to do the same, resulting in the GNU/Linux naming controversy. Today most Linux distros combine GNU packages with a Linux kernel which contains proprietary binary blobs and a number of proprietary programs. The GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (GNU FSDG) is a system distribution commitment used to explain what it means for an installable system distribution (such as a GNU/Linux distribution) to qualify as free (libre), and help distribution developers make their distributions qualify", "id": "1262194" }, { "contents": "Sexual abuse scandal in Southern Baptist churches\n\n\n, called the allegations \"alarming and scandalous\", saying that \"nothing is worse than the use of the name of Jesus to prey on the vulnerable, or to use the name of Jesus to cover up such crimes\". Moore called out the policy of local church autonomy, saying in a blog post on his website that \"church autonomy is no excuse for a lack of accountability\". Moore announced the Convention's \"Sexual Abuse Presidential Study Group, assigned with investigating all options and reviewing what other denominations and groups", "id": "2540336" }, { "contents": "Dramatens elevskola\n\n\nrequired more room and deserved more attention than he felt Dramaten could upbring at the time). However, he later came to regret this decision, bitterly calling it (in a late 1990s interview) \"the most stupid thing I've done in my entire life\" as he later felt that the long inherited theatre tradition was completely lost within the Dramaten building. For better or worse can always be debated (what tools and training methods make good actors?); but it's a fact that the students lost contact with", "id": "3538566" }, { "contents": "Government failure\n\n\nmake matters worse rather than better. As with a market failure, a government failure is not a failure to bring a particular or favored solution into existence but is rather a problem which prevents an efficient outcome. The problem to be solved need not be a market failure; governments may act to create inefficiencies even when an efficient market solution is possible. Government failure (by definition) does not occur when government action creates winners and losers, making some people better off and others worse off than they would be without governmental regulation", "id": "13292675" }, { "contents": "Regret (decision theory)\n\n\nbe a regret of about  9.78. The regret table for this example, constructed by subtracting actual returns from best returns, is as follows: Therefore, using a minimax choice based on regret, the best course would be to invest in bonds, ensuring a regret of no worse than  5. A mixed investment portfolio would do even better: 61.1% invested in stocks, and 38.9% in the money market would produce a regret no worse than about  4.28. What follows is an illustration of how the concept of regret can", "id": "16084063" }, { "contents": "Mathematical economics\n\n\nno exchanges could occur between actors that could make at least one individual better off without making any other individual worse off. Pareto's proof is commonly conflated with Walrassian equilibrium or informally ascribed to Adam Smith's Invisible hand hypothesis. Rather, Pareto's statement was the first formal assertion of what would be known as the first fundamental theorem of welfare economics. These models lacked the inequalities of the next generation of mathematical economics. In the landmark treatise \"Foundations of Economic Analysis\" (1947), Paul Samuelson identified a common paradigm", "id": "299772" }, { "contents": "Ecological rationality\n\n\nfrom a set of two according to some criterion. Rather than considering information about all attributes of each option, the heuristic uses only information on the most valid attribute (i.e., the attribute correlating the highest with the criterion) that discriminates between different options and chooses the option favored by this one attribute. Thus, it does not form expectations integrating all available information, as required by RCT. Nonetheless, it was found that the take-the-best heuristic can yield better choices than other models of decision-making including", "id": "9126177" }, { "contents": "Babe Carey\n\n\nkeep Little Adam from dying, making her internal and external bleeding worse. While in the hospital, she asks JR to marry her. They cannot find a minister as Babe is running out of time before she loses her life, but they exchange vows, regardless, alone in the hospital's chapel. They kiss and declare that they made each other better people and that they love each other from the deepest parts of their souls; that their love will never stop, no matter what. After a light hug,", "id": "18502629" }, { "contents": "Smeegol Linux\n\n\nSmeegol Linux is a new MeeGo and openSUSE Linux-based open source mobile operating system made available from Novell and their openSUSE Goblin Team under the name Smeegol Linux. This Linux distribution combines openSUSE with MeeGo's netbook oriented user interface to get a new Linux distribution designed for netbooks. What makes Smeegol Linux unique when compared to the upstream MeeGo or openSUSE is that this distribution is at its core based on openSUSE but has the MeeGo User Experience as well as a few other changes such as adding the Mono-based Banshee media player", "id": "1239659" }, { "contents": "Environmental economics\n\n\n(2007): \"A market failure occurs when the market does not allocate scarce resources to generate the greatest social welfare. A wedge exists between what a private person does given market prices and what society might want him or her to do to protect the environment. Such a wedge implies wastefulness or economic inefficiency; resources can be reallocated to make at least one person better off without making anyone else worse off.\" Common forms of market failure include externalities, non-excludability and non-rivalry. An externality exists when", "id": "3506241" }, { "contents": "The Kid (book)\n\n\n, and unassailable.\" He expresses \"a complex sense of moral obligation\" in writing the narrative. Terry, Savage's boyfriend at the time for two years, initially helped him look into the option of seeking out lesbian acquaintances to assist them in becoming biological parents. Savage writes, \"Terry and I would be giving up certain things that, for better or worse, define what it means to be gay.\" Subsequently, they decided to go through the process of adoption. Terry and Savage were connected with Melissa", "id": "13539912" }, { "contents": "Numeric precision in Microsoft Excel\n\n\naccuracy may turn out to be better or worse, but you will know exactly what Excel is doing. (It should be noted, however, that only the selected precision is retained, and one cannot recover extra digits by reversing this option.) Some similar examples can be found at this link. In short, a variety of accuracy behavior is introduced by the combination of representing a number with a limited number of binary digits, along with truncating numbers beyond the fifteenth significant figure. Excel's treatment of numbers beyond", "id": "386170" }, { "contents": "GNU/Linux naming controversy\n\n\nStallman's preferred pronunciation (see below), has been criticized for its perceived clumsiness and verbosity, a factor that Torvalds has cited as the downfall of operating systems such as 386BSD. The \"Linux Journal\" speculated that Stallman's advocacy of the combined name stems from frustration that \"Linus got the glory for what [Stallman] wanted to do.\" Others have suggested that, regardless of the merits, Stallman's persistence in what sometimes seems a lost cause makes him and GNU look bad. For example, Larry McVoy", "id": "19370624" }, { "contents": "The Beastmaster\n\n\nthe film inexplicably goes on for another 20 minutes. In this sort of brainless adventure film, one climax is enough.\" Vincent Canby of \"The New York Times\" thought the film was \"neither better nor worse than 'Conan the Barbarian'\" and \"looks both big and cheap.\" \"Variety\" wrote, \"When 'The Beastmaster' begins, it is very hard to tell what it is all about. An hour later, it is very hard to care what it is all about. Another", "id": "16696333" }, { "contents": "Americans\n\n\nother racial groups in the United States, including whites, and the trend appears to be increasing in relation to those groups. Additionally, Asians have a higher education attainment level than all other racial groups in the United States. For better or for worse, the group has been called a model minority. While Asian Americans have been in what is now the United States since before the Revolutionary War, relatively large waves of Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese immigration did not begin until the mid-to-late 19th century.", "id": "17222566" }, { "contents": "Animal rights\n\n\nThe capabilities approach focuses on what individuals require to fulfill their capabilities: Nussbaum (2006) argues that animals need a right to life, some control over their environment, company, play, and physical health. Stephen R. L. Clark, Mary Midgley, and Bernard Rollin also discuss animal rights in terms of animals being permitted to lead a life appropriate for their kind. Egalitarianism favors an equal distribution of happiness among all individuals, which makes the interests of the worse off more important than those of the better off. Another approach", "id": "14600047" }, { "contents": "Je Joue\n\n\nJe Joue is a London-based luxury sex toy company that produces high end vibrators, G-spot vibrators, vibrating cock rings and Kegel exercise balls. Je Joue also has offices in China, Barcelona and USA. What makes Je Joue different is that they set the frequency of their toys lower than other vibrator manufacturers. Having a low-frequency vibrator gives a \"rumbling\" sensation, rather than a buzzy sensation. Low-frequency vibrations also carry through the body better, accessing parts of the clitoris that other vibrators", "id": "10387190" }, { "contents": "Chimpanzee genome project\n\n\nThe Chimpanzee Genome Project is an effort to determine the DNA sequence of the Chimpanzee genome. It is expected that by comparing the genomes of humans and other apes, it will be possible to better understand what makes humans distinct from other species from a genetic perspective. It will also aid in the study of diseases that affect (or, conversely, do not affect) various primate species. Human and chimpanzee chromosomes are very similar. The primary difference is that humans have one fewer pair of chromosomes than do other great apes.", "id": "16301292" }, { "contents": "Chinese philosophy\n\n\npractise Confucianism on the outside, Taoism on the inside.\" Most of Taoism's focus is on what is perceived to be the undeniable fact that human attempts to make the world better actually make the world worse. Therefore, it is better to strive for harmony, minimising potentially harmful interference with nature or in human affairs. Philosopher Han Fei synthesized together earlier the methods of his predecessors, which famous historian Sima Tan posthumously termed Legalism. With an essential principle like \"when the epoch changed, the ways changed\", late", "id": "6026806" }, { "contents": "FAT filesystem and Linux\n\n\nLinux mounting options (specified with the codice_2 option to the codice_3 command): The \"umsdos\" FAT filesystem driver stores all of the extra information relating to Unix file semantics in what, to another FAT filesystem driver, appears to be just a normal file in each directory and subdirectory, named codice_14. In the absence of this file in any given directory, and thus by default, the \"umsdos\" filesystem driver provides the same semantics as the \"msdos\" filesystem driver does for the directory: only 8.3 filenames and", "id": "15263578" }, { "contents": "Open-source video game\n\n\nto call GNOME or KDE-enabled Linux a better option for out of the box casual gaming than Microsoft Windows. Examples include \"gbrainy\", \"GNOME Mines\" and \"KAtomic\". Many such games are packaged into GNOME Games and kdegames. The availability of free game engines, such as Stratagus, Pygame, Sauerbraten and ioquake3 have also helped unify free software development by making the engine projects themselves hubs of activity for games that make use of them. The \"Battle for Wesnoth\" project was started in 2003 and", "id": "16335519" }, { "contents": "Airplane II: The Sequel\n\n\n\"That's exactly what they'll be expecting us to do!\" \"Variety\" magazine commented that \"It can't be said that \"Airplane II\" is no better or worse than its predecessor. It is far worse, but might seem funnier had there been no original.\" Roger Ebert gave the film two out of four stars, saying it \"never really seems to know whether it's about a spaceship. It's all sight gags, one-liners, puns, funny signs and scatological cross-", "id": "18820030" }, { "contents": "Group decision-making\n\n\nits individual members, in the direction of the individual inclinations. There is much debate as to whether this difference results in decisions that are better or worse. According to the idea of synergy, decisions made collectively tend to be more effective than decisions made by a single individual. However, there are also examples where the decisions made by a group are flawed, such as the Bay of Pigs invasion, the incident on which the groupthink model of group decision-making is based. Factors that impact other social group behaviours also", "id": "18669490" }, { "contents": "For Better or Worse (film)\n\n\nhoped for, 'For Better or Worse' is little more than a ninety-minute collection of strained situations and unfunny moments. The problems start early, as it is just a bad idea for a romantic comedy to begin with, and it certainly doesn't help that Jeff Nathanson can't inject anything fresh into it. 'For Better or Worse' isn't devoid of comedy, as it did occasionally make me chuckle, but not nearly enough as it made me annoyed. 'For Better or Worse' is a", "id": "12982543" }, { "contents": "Cross-cultural differences in decision-making\n\n\nstandpoints in the corresponding philosophies. It can be taken into consideration when explaining profound divergences in how willing the Westerners and the Easterners are to compromise when they make consumer choices. Just as much as the low-context Westerners are more likely to notice the changes in the salient objects, they are more likely to believe in a single right answer and pursue even the slightest indication that one option is better than all others, whereas the high-context Easterners begin the decision-making process already favoring the compromise option. The individuals", "id": "21038493" }, { "contents": "Active management\n\n\ntactical asset allocation). For example, a large-cap U.S. stock fund might decide which large-cap U.S. stocks to include in the fund. Then those stocks will do better or worse than the class in general. Another fund may choose to move money between bonds and stocks, or some country versus a different one, et cetera. Then one class will do worse or better than the other class. The case where a fund changes its class of assets is called style drift. An example would be where a", "id": "5559732" }, { "contents": "Illusion of validity\n\n\nwould actually matter.\" Comparing the results of 25 wealth advisers over an eight-year period, Kahneman found that none of them stood out consistently as better or worse than the others. \"The results,\" as he put it, \"resembled what you would expect from a dice-rolling contest, not a game of skill.\" Yet at the firm for which all these advisers worked, no one seemed to be aware of this: \"The advisers themselves felt they were competent professionals performing a task that was", "id": "6747038" }, { "contents": "Vulkan (API)\n\n\ncases, as it comes at a much lower complexity and maintenance burden than Vulkan, while in many cases still providing great overall performance. AMD says that Vulkan supports close-to-metal control, enabling faster performance and better image quality across Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Linux. No other graphics API offers the same powerful combination of OS compatibility, rendering features, and hardware efficiency. At SIGGRAPH 2016, Khronos announced that Vulkan would be getting support for automatic multi-GPU features, similar to what", "id": "7612417" }, { "contents": "Oedipus Rex\n\n\noption of making the oracle to Laius conditional (\"if\" Laius has a son, that son will kill him) or unconditional (Laius \"will\" have a son who will kill him). Both Aeschylus and Euripides write plays in which the oracle is conditional; Sophocles ... chooses to make Laius's oracle unconditional and thus removes culpability for his sins from Oedipus, for he could not have done other than what he did, no matter what action he took. This interpretation is supported by Jocasta's repetition of the", "id": "5933480" }, { "contents": "Prisoner's dilemma\n\n\nfrom a reduction in advertising. However, should Firm B choose not to advertise, Firm A could benefit greatly by advertising. Nevertheless, the optimal amount of advertising by one firm depends on how much advertising the other undertakes. As the best strategy is dependent on what the other firm chooses there is no dominant strategy, which makes it slightly different from a prisoner's dilemma. The outcome is similar, though, in that both firms would be better off were they to advertise less than in the equilibrium. Sometimes cooperative behaviors", "id": "7491" }, { "contents": "GNU/Linux naming controversy\n\n\nbe much larger than the Linux kernel. Later, a 2011 analysis of Ubuntu's \"Natty\" release (a popular Linux distribution) main repository found that 8% to 13% of it consisted of GNU components (the range depending on whether GNOME is considered part of GNU), while only 6% is taken by the Linux kernel (9% when including its direct dependencies). Determining exactly what constitutes the \"operating system\" \"per se\" is a matter of continuing debate. On the other hand,", "id": "19370613" }, { "contents": "Sexual script theory\n\n\nplay a part in what makes sexual script differ between males and females. Gender schema theory also plays a part in sexual script because studies show that males and females interact in different ways, even from a young age. In 1991, Martha Boston and Gary Levy found that through their research observations, children, primarily boys, were better with being able to sequence own-sex rather than other-sex scripts. \"As well as acquiring knowledge about the sex-role stereotypes of their culture, young children also develop sex", "id": "9644926" }, { "contents": "Betting in poker\n\n\nIf action returns to the straddle without a raise, the straddle has the option to raise. (This is part of what makes a straddle different from a \"sleeper\" because a sleeper does not have the option to raise if everyone folds or calls around to him.) Some casinos permit the player to the left of a live straddle to \"re-straddle\" by placing a blind bet raising the original straddle. Most public cardrooms do not permit more than one re-straddle. Depending on house rules, each", "id": "393793" }, { "contents": "William James\n\n\n\". \"The free will option is pragmatically truer because it better accommodates the judgements of regret and morality.\" Overall James uses this line of reasoning to prove that our will is indeed free: because of our morality codes, and the conceivable alternate universes where a decision has been regarded different than what we chose. In \"The Will to Believe\", James simply asserted that his will was free. As his first act of freedom, he said, he chose to believe his will was free. He was encouraged", "id": "7407962" }, { "contents": "Social class differences in food consumption\n\n\n. In reference, here an article reflects this relationship of being “no influence” Simply, that people of a higher class “thought” of healthy options more frequently than those of the lower. Yet, it's counterpart debates that this is nullified by the notion that it may depend on that specific geological location and its own general awareness of food and the implications of what nutrients are in certain foods or lack thereof (i.e. quality) In contrast to the US, China's middle class has a better concept of food", "id": "9418473" }, { "contents": "Housing in the United Kingdom\n\n\nthey pay in real terms, at least three time the rent of their parent's generation. Jessica McLean was a tenant who complained about a dwelling and claimed that she was evicted due to this. For many people the social life their home enables is as important as the physical conditions the home provides. There is a debate about whether the generation born in the 1980s are better or worse off than their parents. Some economists claim living standards have improved for what has been called generation X, whilst others hold they have declined", "id": "10537147" }, { "contents": "Pyrophone\n\n\nsimilar to the steam calliope, but the difference is that in the calliope the combustion is external to the resonant cavity, whereas the pyrophone is an internal combustion instrument. The difference initially seems insignificant, but external combustion is what gives the calliope its staccatto. Operating under the constant pressures of an external combustion chamber, the calliope merely directs exhaust (HB# 421.22: internal fipple flutes). By controlling the combustion specific to each resonant chamber, the pyrophone has, for better or worse, a greater range of variables in", "id": "8114894" }, { "contents": "Bikeway controversies\n\n\nControversies have surrounded bikeways, particularly in North America and the United Kingdom and specifically between those who prefer to focus on education rather than separated cycling infrastructure and those who prefer to create dedicated facilities to make cyclists safer and make it more inviting to a wider public. Other dissenters say safety is better served by using the road space for parking. Some detractors argue that one must be careful in interpreting the operation of dedicated or segregated bikeways/cycle facilities across different designs and contexts; what works for the Netherlands won't necessarily work", "id": "5556968" }, { "contents": "Occupy South Africa\n\n\ncommunity organisations from Blikiesdorp and Manenburg, Zeitgesters, Anarchists, and Blackwash members amongst others. Following occupations in Cape Town were held in Thibault Square. Mario Wanza, of 'Proudly Manenberg' and one of the organizers of Occupy Cape Town stated that \"People have started realising that political parties don't have the answers. They make speeches everyday but nothing happens. Our lives don't get any better, our lives get worse. What is important is that this is a growing movement of change and we have given up on", "id": "12988792" }, { "contents": "Commensurability (ethics)\n\n\ncomparisons\" are betterness, worseness, and equal goodness. For example, one artist, drawing, or cup of coffee might be better or worse than another, or precisely equally as good as it. When two items are incomparable, none of the trichotomous comparisons holds between them (or at least it seems that way). The clearest way of arguing that two options are incomparable is a small improvement argument. The purpose of such examples is to show that none of the trichotomous comparisons apply. Here is an example.", "id": "9198654" }, { "contents": "Legal consciousness\n\n\nemploys them or for what ends.\" These meanings and sources and different ways of knowing and understanding enable people to make sense of what happens to them and what that might mean in terms of their rights and options. This process of understanding legal experiences occurs within a larger ecosystem in which there are disputes over meaning and values. Seron and Munger explain that \"\"in addition, class may affect legal consciousness: Law may mean different things depending on an individual's location in the various hierarchies of status, prestige, and", "id": "13552060" }, { "contents": "Leaves Turn Inside You\n\n\ndegree by asking, 'What can we do to make this better?' Usually that was just increasing the amount of time we spent in the studio. So the idea with the last record is that we would build a studio to record ourselves and break out of the pattern we'd established with [longtime producer] Steve Fisk and we'd have as much time to do it as we wanted — for better or worse\". All songs were written and recorded by Unwound, with the production being handled between the band", "id": "8768873" }, { "contents": "Minimax\n\n\nchoices are \"dominated\" by others and can be eliminated: A will not choose A3 since either A1 or A2 will produce a better result, no matter what B chooses; B will not choose B3 since some mixtures of B1 and B2 will produce a better result, no matter what A chooses. A can avoid having to make an expected payment of more than 1∕3 by choosing A1 with probability 1∕6 and A2 with probability 5∕6: The expected payoff for A would be 3 × (1∕6) − 1 × (5∕6", "id": "19833273" }, { "contents": "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner\n\n\nus who were close knew it was worse than they thought. Kate brought him to and from the set. She worked with him on his lines. She made sure with [Stanley] Kramer that his hours were right for what he could do, and what he couldn't do was different each day. There were days when he couldn't do anything. There were days when he was great, and I got the chance to know what it was like working with Tracy.\" A bust of Tracy sculpted by Hepburn", "id": "20647127" }, { "contents": "Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate\n\n\nand that MINIX could be used on \"a regular 4.77 MHz PC with no hard disk.\" To this, Kevin Brown, another user of the Usenet group, replied that Tanenbaum should not complain about Linux's ties to the 386 architecture, as it was the result of a conscious choice rather than lack of knowledge about operating system design, stating \"... an explicit design goal of Linux was to take advantage of the special features of the 386 architecture. So what exactly is your point? Different design goals get you", "id": "21760567" }, { "contents": "Open Market Option\n\n\nEnhanced Annuity (sometimes known as an Impaired Life Annuity) which pays a higher income to people who suffer from a range of health conditions - anything from asthma to a serious heart condition. There are also other products available that may suit people’s retirement needs better than the default deal offered by a pension provider. One of the best ways to make the most of the Open Market Option is to speak to an Independent Financial Adviser who will explain the different options available at retirement. The Association of British Insurers has been working", "id": "12355846" }, { "contents": "What I Believe\n\n\norder to make it seem less dull \"much as plums have to be put into a bad pudding to make it palatable\". As a contrast Forster believes in an \"aristocracy\", not based on rank or influence but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate and the plucky. For Forster it is a tragedy that no way has been found to transmit private decencies into public life: The more highly public life is organized the lower does its morality sink; the nations of today behave to each other worse than they", "id": "15612159" } ]
Why are we taught that we must be tolerant of cultures that are different from ours, but at the same time we are told that the practice of child marriages around the world must be stopped?
[{"answer": "Raping is also a part of some cultures. So is cutting hands off for theft, so is death by stoning for homosexuality. Doesn't make those things right/respectable just because it's a different culture. Respecting a different culture is generally said in reference to differences in clothing, language, lifestyles, food, appearance etc. Getting two children married to each other basically takes away their right to make an informed, rational decision by themselves. Arranging a marriage without informed consent is one of the worst things you could do to a person. It is simply wrong whichever way you look at it. A practice like that doesn't enrich any culture in any way, it's simply evil and unnecessary in this day and age."}, {"answer": "I'm going to do a little bit more than ELI5, let's say ELI15. When we talk about culture and tolerance we are generally using a lens of cultural relativism. That is to say, generally speaking that from our framework we may not understand another culture's practices or behaviors and that's fine so long as we don't judge. That statement could mean one of two things. Either 1. There is no objective measures by which to judge culture and as such, we can't make an objective comparison between the two cultures. Or 2. that we as an individual can not(or at least ought not) make direct moral judgments. This distinction can best be summed up separating the discussion into two tiers. The second example I gave is tier one, the tier we make direct moral judgments about something and the first example I gave is actually the second tier, a meta tier (one in which we are effectively talking about talking about another culture). Philosophical, if we learn that there is no objective \"right\" culture we are effectively learning the meta, 2nd tier. This teaches us that things we may not understand or that might even make us morally uncomfortable can potentially be entirely justified from another framework. However, we are still moral actors and cannot function in day to day life without making moral and normative judgments (that is to say, judgments inflected by our own society). It would literally be impossible. So, we must acknowledged that in practice we must still be able to make moral judgments against practices we find particularly morally repugnant. In short, there is no objective right when it comes to culture (which is a 2nd tier truth). However, some things are so repugnant to our day to day truths (1st tier) that we override our awareness of the 2nd tier and need to act at the first tier. So, the child marriage example. Those in the west believe in certain notions of consent/agency theory as well as certain post-romanticism notions of sex. While we can appreciate certain societies might view the will of the individual or love differently than we do and that's fine (2nd tier thought), the idea of child marriage is so repugnant to our 1st tier beliefs that we will still have to challenge it because it breaches our notions of agency (children are too young to fully be able to commit to a marriage), and post-romanticism views (children haven't developed the capacity to love in the way that is necessary to properly pick a mate). So while we can tolerate the idea that societies are different this, hits us at fundamental presumptions."}, {"answer": "Because it kills, injures and maims young girls and stunts their opportunities in life. These children are married to grown men and their bodies aren't developed enough to cope. A 13 year old dying from internal injuries caused by her adult husband. URL_0 Girls under 16 are more likely to die from childbirth or develop fistulas (Awful tears between the vagina and bladder (or rectum) which cause awful infections, pain, incontinence, and social shunning). If you look at a girl of 12-13 and compare her with a 16-17 year old and then with a young woman of 19-20 there is a huge difference in their physical appearances. The hips widen, the body becomes stronger - the girl grows. All these things are essential to make reproduction safer."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "411381", "title": "Child marriage", "section": "Section::::Consequences of child marriage.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 173, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 173, "end_character": 351, "bleu_score": 0.8987547482669214}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sodomy law\n\n\nin homosexual acts. His first major public condemnation of homosexuality came during the Zimbabwe International Book Fair in August 1995. He told the audience that homosexuality: ...Degrades human dignity. It's unnatural and there is no question ever of allowing these people to behave worse than dogs and pigs. If dogs and pigs do not do it, why must human beings? We have our own culture, and we must re-dedicate ourselves to our traditional values that make us human beings... What we are being persuaded to accept is", "id": "21663233" }, { "contents": "Reception of WikiLeaks\n\n\nwe don't have much of an affiliation with WikiLeaks, we fight for the same reasons. We want transparency, and we counter censorship ... This is why we intend to utilise our resources to raise awareness, attack those against, and support those who are helping lead our world to freedom and democracy.\" In December 2010, the Internet Society stated that despite the international concern about the content released by WikiLeaks, \"we nevertheless believe it must be subject to the same laws and policies of availability as all Internet sites\"", "id": "11171339" }, { "contents": "Church Growth\n\n\n. Just as Donald McGavaran stated that we must understand the culture of the people we are trying to reach; we cannot simply enter a completely different culture on the other side of the world, we must seek to understand that culture, and present the gospel in a culturally relevant way. Paul's missionary journeys, it was argued, used the same cultural relevance, which eventually led to the council at Jerusalem (Acts 15) which determined whether Gentile converts must adopt Jewish culture in order to become Christian. Stetzer states", "id": "7984213" }, { "contents": "Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan\n\n\nthe Tokyo Framework of Mutual Accountability. \"We will fight corruption with strong resolve wherever it occurs, and ask the same of our international partners,\" Karzai told the donors. \"Together we must stop the practices that feed corruption or undermine the legitimacy and effectiveness of national institutions.\" The international aid is tied to a mechanism that will regularly review how it is being spent, and to guarantees from Kabul that it will seriously take on its deep-rooted corruption problems – what the conference called a roadmap of accountability.", "id": "21700829" }, { "contents": "History of Seventh-day Adventist freedom of religion in Canada\n\n\ndedicated to truth—in all areas. We must avoid anti-other-religious and \"holier-than-thou\" attitudes. Our message proclaims love for God and our fellow men. We must exercise tolerance and kindness among ourselves within our own church and practise religious liberty toward those of different faiths. Above all, we should be ready at all times.\" Seventh-day Adventists vigorously opposed the Lord's Day Act as it was being formulated. The Canadian Union Messenger, April 1, 1904: As Canadians", "id": "14390617" }, { "contents": "Final Report of the Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel\n\n\never, we must continue moving forward on legislation that will ensure we can finally put a stop to the rapid spread of terrorism across the globe.\" He emphasized the recommendations from the report were ready to be put into practice, \"This means we must not only continue pressing forward to implement the actionable measures we devised in our work last Congress in the Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel, but we must also continue adapting our efforts as the threat landscape continues to evolve.\" \"Final Report of the", "id": "9153407" }, { "contents": "Centre for Child Protection\n\n\nperfection in love and in the gift of ourselves to God and to our brothers and sisters.' As a global institution affected by sexual abuse, the Catholic Church has clearly recognized the significance of this matter. Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged it, saying that 'the power of evil penetrated so far into the interior world of the faith is a suffering that we must bear, but at the same time, we must do everything to prevent it from repeating.' The CCP is among the decisive responses of the Catholic Church to", "id": "16393842" }, { "contents": "Wallace Fard Muhammad\n\n\nbeen made blind, deaf and dumb by this white race of people and how we must return to our people, our God and His religion of peace (Islam), the religion of the prophets. We must give up the slave names of our slave-masters and accept the name of Allah (God) or one of His divine attributes. He also taught us to give up all evil doings and practices and do righteousness or be destroyed from the face of the earth. He taught us that the slave-masters", "id": "20664395" }, { "contents": "Agricultural literacy\n\n\nagricultural world requires that we pose problems about where our food comes from and why; and about how we continue to be raced, gendered, faithed, and classed by agricultural policies, practices, and groups. In doing so, however, we must be prepared to help students read and respond critically to agricultural “words” as well, directing explicit attention to the powerful roles rhetoric plays in mediating our relationships to one another, farm owners, farm workers, farming communities, and food. There are number of educational terms", "id": "16680861" }, { "contents": "John Frame (theologian)\n\n\nthe categories of thought that are necessary for our understanding the world around us, such as causality, logic, time, space, and order, are structured by our minds and imposed upon the things we experience. In order to be rational and make sense out of life we must assume, or presuppose, these notions. Because we cannot empirically verify these categories by touch, smell, sight, etc. they must be thought of as created by and arising from our minds, thus ordering and providing the criterion for", "id": "17299088" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Senegal\n\n\n... we even had a federal republic to authorize a homosexual to have their name changed to a woman's name in order to emphasize their feminine side. No one was shocked when the president authorized the man to adopt the woman's name. But when homosexuality becomes blatantly public, it leads to embarrassing situations. You have to understand that we are a country with a particularly tolerant form of Islam. And that is why we must avoid, we must avoid the development of fundamentalism. We must ensure social cohesion. We must", "id": "4286211" }, { "contents": "Recording practices of the Beatles\n\n\nRickenbacker. Then we boosted it further by using a loudspeaker as a microphone. We positioned it directly in front of the bass speaker and the moving diaphragm of the second speaker made the electric current.\" Combined with this was the conscious desire to be different. McCartney said, \"Each time we just want to do something different. After \"Please Please Me\" we decided we must do something different for the next song... Why should we ever want to go back? That would be soft.\" The desire to", "id": "5472839" }, { "contents": "Lies Agreed Upon\n\n\nthe UN office was located. Another person claimed that people had no say about such matters when the area was under LTTE control. \"We must do as told. If they ask, we have to open, if they ask to close we must close. If we do not obey we will have to stop doing our business..\". The government documentary also alleged that the Channel 4 documentary tried to imply, the residents of Vanni were left with no refuge by the abandoning of the UN office. Benjamin Dix,", "id": "21986034" }, { "contents": "Lincoln Portrait\n\n\ndifficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country. (Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862) It is the eternal struggle between two principles, right and wrong, throughout the world. It is the same spirit that says 'you toil and work and earn bread, and I'll eat it.' No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of", "id": "8815972" }, { "contents": "Yitzhak Yedid\n\n\nto convey the idea of cultural pluralism.\" And \"My music presents a philosophy that I believe should also apply in our day-to-day interactions between individuals and between nations and religions. We should acknowledge the past (our tradition and our history) accepting that, no matter what, we are not able to change that which has already occurred but we can try to understand why it occurred. We must also cognizant of the fact that we are the ones who are creating the \"new tradition\" and that", "id": "1370066" }, { "contents": "John McCallum\n\n\nwe extend this right? Rather our question should be, why should we not extend the right? Let the burden of proof be on those who wish to limit fundamental rights. Many Canadians will want to accept both of these principles: protect the traditional definition of marriage and protect the rights of minorities. The essence of my message today is that we cannot do both. We cannot have it both ways. We must make a choice between traditional marriage and the protection of minority rights. As Defence Minister under Jean", "id": "5169898" }, { "contents": "Our Lady of the Nile\n\n\nin Africa, but books like \"Our Lady of the Nile\" remind us why we must not be dismissive, why we must not look away.\" The story takes place at an all-girls lycée at the top of a hill, near the source of the Nile River. The story is set during Hutu rule. Most of the students are children of prominent government officials. Julian Lucas describes the culture as an \"East African \"Mean Girls\". The school has a quota that limits Tutsi students to 10", "id": "198353" }, { "contents": "Antisemitism in the UK Labour Party\n\n\nname or would ever be done in my name\". In the same month, Corbyn also said that he would not tolerate antisemitism \"in and around\" Labour. \"We must stamp this out from our party and movement\", he said. \"We recognise that anti-Semitism has occurred in pockets within the Labour Party, causing pain and hurt to our Jewish community in the Labour Party and the rest of the country. I am sincerely sorry for the pain which has been caused.\" In August 2018,", "id": "12376573" }, { "contents": "Why (Sabrina Carpenter song)\n\n\nthere are multiple meanings within the song that are up to interpretation. We don’t necessarily need to be the same, to love the same. Sometimes differences can hold us together and I think that’s a beautiful sentiment to how we deal with divergence and how it can furthermore prove our compatibility. In the end, we don’t really need to know 'why' if we are confident in our own emotions,\" Carpenter told iHeartRadio. In an interview with Music Choice, Carpenter said that she is very excited about", "id": "12850892" }, { "contents": "Pyotr Gannushkin\n\n\nwhy he made psychopathies his main research subject. \"We, our generation, do not limit ourselves by psychiatric hospitals. Using the same approach, we are coming into life, coming to schools, barracks, prisons. We are not looking for the demented who need to be hospitalized, but for half-normal people, borderline types, intermediate steps. Borderline psychiatry, minor psychiatry... - here is a motto for our times, an area to which our actions must be directed in the immediate future.\" When Gannushkin", "id": "14247647" }, { "contents": "Boise Kimber\n\n\nmust speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, for those who are disenfranchised… we must have a voice… When was the last time you heard this convention talk about anything that was wrong in our world? We said nothing about Trayvon Martin; we said nothing about the (federal government) shutdown. We said nothing about gay and lesbian marriages.\" Kimber was later endorsed by LMBSC President C.S. Gordon Jr. In July 2013, Kimber led a coalition of religious and social groups in a \"Justice for Trayvon\"", "id": "12608498" }, { "contents": "Theresa Kachindamoto\n\n\nwere boy-fathers. I wanted them to go back to school and that has worked.\" She told \"Nyasa Times\", \"I don't want youthful marriages, they must go to school. We have now set our own laws to govern everybody within my area when it comes to marriages and will leave no sacred cow. ... No child should be found loitering at home; gardening or doing any house hold chores during school time. No village head, GVH or church clergy to officiate marriage before scrutinizing the", "id": "9882262" }, { "contents": "International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy\n\n\nsome cases, we condemn the views that are aired in public that are published in media organizations around the world, we, at the same time, defend the right of those individuals to express their views. For us, freedom of expression is at the core of our democracy and it is something that we have shed blood and treasure around the world to defend and we will continue to do so. ... So we would urge all parties to exercise the maximum degree of understanding, the maximum degree of tolerance when they talk", "id": "7684521" }, { "contents": "Some of My Best Rappers Are Friends\n\n\npast, lest they vanish. In order to save the music, we must be willing to integrate our skills and be willing to work together. We must set aside our pride and realize that our past establishes our present and our present builds our future. By respecting our differences in age, cultures, experiences and abilities, we can come together and keep helping our music to evolve. This mixtape is dedicated to Hip hop and every producer or rapper with whom I’ve had the good fortune to work, any rapper who", "id": "19059494" }, { "contents": "Indigenous psychology\n\n\nthe formation of psychologies tailored to fit each culture around the world yet linked to an evolving global psychology.\" (Lawson, Graham and, Baker p.435) Understanding indigenous psychologies and finding a way to incorporate them into already established psychological knowledge will positively change the field of psychology. While it is important and necessary that we find a way for indigenous psychologies and global psychologies to mix, we must be careful that assimilation or its predecessors not follow as a result of our desire to mix differing cultural ideals. \"Assimilation refers to", "id": "16691570" }, { "contents": "Satpal Maharaj\n\n\nart which has got tremendous physical,mental, emotional and spiritual benefits.School children practice Tai Chi Chuan (martial art) with great discipline in China, \"We gave yoga to the world but we are ignoring it in India and we must bring it into our schools\", Maharaj told AFP. Yoga, which in the Sanskrit language means \"union\" or \"integration\", involves the practice of numerous physical postures called asanas and is usually combined with long meditation sessions. Indian scholars believe yoga dates back 5,000 years", "id": "3480052" }, { "contents": "Zen yoga\n\n\n) into Zen practice: \"...there are four kinds of Zen: sitting, standing, lying, and moving. We should practise them all. Whatever we do, we must do it fully, mindfully, wholeheartedly, one thing at a time without being attached to or involved in it. When we practise moving Zen, the quality of our daily lives becomes very different.” In Zen, the inseparability of the \"body-mind\" is often stressed, together with the need to retain our flexibility for life", "id": "3708639" }, { "contents": "The Shape of Time\n\n\n). They look at things in broad strokes to make \"assessments of cultural effort\" (84). However, the existence of so many replicas and copies in our world, clue us into \"an altogether different rule of order\", in which the public feeds and functions off of the things that already exist (85). We have been working off of prime objects since the beginning of time. We must look at the \"sequence of forms\" which have stemmed from the original primes, in order to", "id": "19320164" }, { "contents": "Webster Kitchell\n\n\nKitchell was the first associate minister at that church since 1941. In June 1960, Kitchell attracted attention when he delivered a sermon that argued the national purpose of the U.S. was defined by its role within the international community. \"We must have a new ideal to dedicate ourselves to,\" he told his congregation. \"We must fasten our ideals upon the vision of a world community, if not as a political fact, at least a world community in cooperation and spirit.\" In the same sermon, Kitchell challenged comments", "id": "9863416" }, { "contents": "Inverse gambler's fallacy\n\n\na difference between the observation of double sixes and the observation of fine tuning, namely that the former is not necessary (the roll could have come out different) while the latter is necessary (our universe must support life, which means \"ex hypothesi\" that we must see fine tuning). He suggests the following analogy: instead of being summoned into a room to observe a particular roll of the dice, we are told that we will be summoned into the room immediately after a roll of double sixes. In this", "id": "8275220" }, { "contents": "The Roots of Heaven (film)\n\n\n\"simple... A man comes to the conclusion that if we don't stop killing people we destroy ourselves.\" And he says, \"Why not start with our biggest companions on earth, the elephants, whose only enemy is man?\" He later added: This picture is really great for us - intellectually great. Whether it's commercially great, whether people will grab on to it, we must wait and see. If they grab on to a man in love with a bridge, then why shouldn't they", "id": "3889193" }, { "contents": "LGBT history in Singapore\n\n\nlikely therefore that the homosexual tendency is imprinted in the brain \"in utero\" and homosexuals must live with the tendencies that they inherit as a result of the structural changes in their brain. Within the moral and cultural constraints of our society, we should be tolerant of those who may be different from most of us.' This was the first time a Cabinet Minister had publicly quoted scientific findings about homosexuality. The 7 July 2003 issue of \"Time Asia\" magazine carried a feature article entitled \"The Lion in Winter\"", "id": "17332398" }, { "contents": "Deconstruction\n\n\nostensive description or definition: when can we talk about a \"house\" or a \"mansion\" or a \"shed\"? The same can be said about verbs, in all the languages in the world: when should we stop saying \"walk\" and start saying \"run\"? The same happens, of course, with adjectives: when must we stop saying \"yellow\" and start saying \"orange\", or exchange \"past\" for \"present\"? Not only are the topological differences between the words", "id": "8991519" }, { "contents": "Valentino Ready-to-Wear runway collections\n\n\nas a camouflage-like material. As told told to \"Vogue Runway,\" \"We probably feel that the greatest privilege in doing our work is that fashion can give a message,\" said Chiuri. \"We think every person coming here is an individual, and we can show that we can improve ourselves by understanding other cultures.\" \"The message,\" added Piccioli, \"is tolerance. And the beauty that comes out of cross-cultural expression.\" As told to WWD, \"After Roma we", "id": "6843397" }, { "contents": "Frobenius solution to the hypergeometric equation\n\n\nis a second-order differential equation, we must have two linearly independent solutions. The problem however will be that our assumed solutions may or not be independent, or worse, may not even be defined (depending on the value of the parameters of the equation). This is why we shall study the different cases for the parameters and modify our assumed solution accordingly. Solve the hypergeometric equation around all singularities: Let Then Hence, \"x\" = 0 and \"x\" = 1 are singular points. Let's", "id": "11660198" }, { "contents": "Moss Cass\n\n\nnations, for that is what we are, have an obligation not only to the poor nations, but to all the grandchildren of the world, rich and poor. We have not inherited this earth from our parents to do with it what we will. We have borrowed it from our children and we must be careful to use it in their interests as well as our own. Anyone who fails to recognise the basic validity of the proposition put in different ways by increasing numbers of writers, from Malthus to The Club of", "id": "14004005" }, { "contents": "Chronemics\n\n\nseconds and even milliseconds. We use time to structure both our daily lives and events that we are planning for the future. We have schedules that we must follow: appointments that we must go to at a certain time, classes that start and end at certain times, work schedules that start and end at certain times, and even our favorite TV shows, that start and end at a certain time.\" As communication scholar Edward T. Hall wrote regarding the American's viewpoint of time in the business world, \"the", "id": "16010846" }, { "contents": "Thor Heyerdahl\n\n\nTo the innocent masses in all industrialized countries, we direct our appeal. We must wake up to the insane reality of our time ... We are all irresponsible, unless we demand from the responsible decision makers that modern armaments must no longer be made available to people whose former battle axes and swords our ancestors condemned. Our planet is bigger than the reed bundles that have carried us across the seas, and yet small enough to run the same risks unless those of us still alive open our eyes and minds to the desperate need", "id": "17108879" }, { "contents": "Soraya Tarzi\n\n\nseventh anniversary of Independence from the British, Soraya gave a public speech: \"It (Independence) belongs to all of us and that is why we celebrate it. Do you think, however, that our nation from the outset needs only men to serve it? Women should also take their part as women did in the early years of our nation and Islam. From their examples we must learn that we must all contribute toward the development of our nation and that this cannot be done without being equipped with knowledge.", "id": "5053358" }, { "contents": "Ethics of circumcision\n\n\nthe kindest cut of all.\" Viens (2004) contends that \"we do not know in any robust or determinate sense that infant male circumcision is harmful in itself, nor can we say the same with respect to its purported harmful consequences.\" He suggests that one must distinguish between practices that are grievously harmful and those that enhance a child's cultural or religious identity. He suggests that medical professionals, and bioethicists especially, \"must take as their starting point the fact that reasonable people will disagree about what is valuable", "id": "20806237" }, { "contents": "History of Seventh-day Adventist freedom of religion in Canada\n\n\nthis union that will plunge us into the final conflict. We cannot say how the final events will come upon us in this part of the world. But it is soon to come. We must be prepared spiritually to face any conflict that the enemy may bring to us. \"How? First, we must proclaim in certain tones the fast-fulfilling signs of the end. We should not invite persecution in any form by unduly stressing our peculiarities and differences, but only show others by our life that we are", "id": "14390616" }, { "contents": "Coral Reef Alliance\n\n\ngreater impact around the globe. Originally founded in 1994 to galvanize the dive community around conservation, CORAL has grown from a small, grassroots alliance into a world-renowned organization with a history of successfully working with local communities in coral reef regions around the world to protect their coral reefs. We believe that for conservation to be durable, our interventions must be aligned with the social, cultural and economic needs of each community and that local leaders must be empowered to lead the effort. Now, we’re honing our strategies and", "id": "1392119" }, { "contents": "André Gorz\n\n\nto create an amount of wealth equal to or greater than the amount we create at the present time in 1,600 hours per year or 40,000 to 50,000 hours in a working life, we must all be able to obtain a real income equal to or higher than our current salaries in exchange for a greatly reduced quantity of work. In practice, this means that in the future we must receive our full monthly income every month even if we work full-time only one month in every two or six months in a year or", "id": "18694995" }, { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State\n\n\ncould hold up the weight of the world, today we need a dynamic mix of materials and structures.\" She added, echoing Madeleine Albright, \"... we are truly the indispensable nation, it's not meant as a boast or an empty slogan. It's a recognition of our role and our responsibilities. That's why all the declinists are dead wrong. It's why the United States must and will continue to lead in this century even as we lead in new ways.\" Clinton's final day as secretary", "id": "4271007" }, { "contents": "Rugby union and apartheid\n\n\nIsles in 1978, and the British and Irish Lions tour of South Africa in 1980. For the first time I no longer have to circumvent questions, I can at long last look everybody in the face. It is really a disgrace that we in South Africa have tolerated putting the Blacks and Coloured in a place, perhaps the worst place imaginable in our rugby grounds. We are now closing a book and entering a new era. South Africa will never be the same again. You know we must make changes towards a", "id": "20555134" }, { "contents": "Armenian Genocide\n\n\nblue and made all of us to be considered murderers. We knew, before we did it, that the Christian world would not tolerate it and they would direct their anger and hatred toward us. Why did we impute the title of murderer to our race? Why did we enter into such a decisive and difficult struggle? That was done just to secure the future of our country, which we know to be more precious and sacred than our lives.\" The Russian Empire's response to the bombardment of its Black Sea", "id": "12735441" }, { "contents": "Technical intelligence\n\n\ncame from open sources, he said. But \"five percent is essentially secrets that we steal. We steal secrets with espionage, with communications, with reconnaissance satellites.\" Explaining his view that Europe was the main centre of world industrial bribery, he asked \"Why... have we in the past from time to time targeted foreign corporations and government assistance to them?... Some of our oldest friends and allies have a national culture and a national practice such that bribery is an important part of the way they try to do", "id": "20980233" }, { "contents": "Theodor Herzl\n\n\nanyone, whatever his origin, his descent, or his religion, from participating in our achievements. For we stand on the shoulders of other civilized peoples ... What we own we owe to the preparatory work of other peoples. Therefore, we have to repay our debt. There is only one way to do it, the highest tolerance. Our motto must therefore be, now and ever: 'Man, you are my brother.'\" \"\"If you will it, it is no dream.\"\" a", "id": "4713151" }, { "contents": "Laura Cornelius Kellogg\n\n\nwealth is the ruling power and intellectual attainments secondary, we must watch out…that we do not act altogether upon the dictates of a people who have not given sufficient time and thought to our own peculiar problems, and we must cease to be dependent on their estimates of our position\". However, Kellogg differed with other reformers who wanted to abolish the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Kellogg believed that the Bureau of Indian Affairs could play a different role, that of guarantor of sovereignty and protector of Native peoples from grafters and", "id": "520761" }, { "contents": "Tariq Majid\n\n\nthe NDU that, \"World must accept Pakistan as nuclear power.\" While dismissing all the concerns on the safety of country's nuclear arsenal, Majid maintains to the fact: \"We are shouldering our responsibility with utmost vigilance and confidence. We have put in place a very robust regime that includes \"multilayered mechanisms\" and processes to secure our strategic assets, and have provided maximum transparency on our practices. We have reassured the international community on this issue over and over again and our track record since the time our atomic", "id": "14333967" }, { "contents": "Arsenal of Democracy\n\n\nwill reconcile their differences by voluntary or legal means.\" Roosevelt stressed that it was not the American government but the American people who had the power to turn the tide of the war. It was here that he used the phrase \"arsenal of democracy\": \"We must be the great arsenal of democracy. For us this is an emergency as serious as war itself. We must apply ourselves to our task with the same resolution, the same sense of urgency, the same spirit of patriotism and sacrifice as we would", "id": "3013019" }, { "contents": "Joseph Margolis\n\n\nno conceptual privilege involved in making statements, nor in the justifications proferred for the statements made. Still, Margolis emphasizes that justifications cannot be dispensed with, as any statement implies a whole set of beliefs about the way the world is and about how we know that. We must legitimize our statements as best we can, else we should never know why we should choose some over others, nor should we know how to proceed to make other statements building upon, but going beyond, our original exemplars. The key to", "id": "9092029" }, { "contents": "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics\n\n\napart from being experienced. However, things in themselves may exist and there may be other ways of knowing them, apart from our experience. We must guard against assuming that the limits of our reason are the limits of the possibility of things in themselves. To do this, we must determine the boundary of the use of our reason. We want to know about the soul. We want to know about the size and origin of the world, and whether we have free will. We want to know about a Supreme", "id": "9212370" }, { "contents": "Martha Lucas Pate\n\n\ncountry and world to campus, assumed leadership of the Junior Year Abroad program from the University of Delaware and emphasized the importance of educating women for global citizenship. She wrote, If we are to educate for world awareness and enlarged moral responsibility, we must enable our people to see their own civilization in the larger context of world history and many cultures. We must acquire a sympathetic understanding of the values and aspirations which determine the thinking and acting of human beings in the vast areas of eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, South", "id": "20262794" }, { "contents": "Ruby Bridges\n\n\nshe worked as a travel agent for 15 years and later became a full-time parent. She is now chair of the Ruby Bridges Foundation, which she formed in 1999 to promote \"the values of tolerance, respect, and appreciation of all differences\". Describing the mission of the group, she says, \"racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it.\" Bridges is the subject of the Lori McKenna song \"Ruby's Shoes\". Her childhood struggle at William", "id": "12271629" }, { "contents": "Rowen House School\n\n\nwhen the child has cut his tether – the psychiatrist will call a Case Conference… the odd headteacher or social worker, or educational psychologist, who cares for the individual child, will press for his or her welfare, and, eventually, the child will arrive at our school.\"\" Purdy uses the term \"unschool\"… \"\"When a child has suffered failure, for whatever reason, at school or at home, we feel that we must offer her something different, perhaps radically different, from the arena", "id": "9580612" }, { "contents": "Fannie E. McKinney Hughey\n\n\n, and broaden out to include the whole field of learning. A child's imagination is very active and sensitive; his power of imitation is just as keen. His world is made up of imagination and imitation. If we would have him love music and desire it, we must go to him where he is, rather than expect him to come to us with our grown-up ideas.\" \"If we would help him to think, feel, render and love music, we must teach him by imagery,", "id": "20889435" }, { "contents": "Transgender Day of Remembrance\n\n\nfurther—not only with respect to TDOR but also in the many ways we recount and confront violence. None of us are innocent. We must envision practices of remembrance that situate our own positions within structures of power that authorize violence in the first place. Our task is to move from sympathy to responsibility, from complicity to reflexivity, from witnessing to action. It is not enough to simply honor the memory of the dead—we must transform the practices of the living\". Transgender activist Mirha-Soleil Ross criticizes TDoR", "id": "4241856" }, { "contents": "Zionist Freedom Alliance\n\n\nHaKohen told Israel National News that: \"We must make the world understand that the Jewish nation, like any other nation on the planet, has a right to self-determination in our country. Not in half of our country, but in our whole country. We have nothing against any other peoples, but the world today has no shortage of Arab states. 77% of Palestine [the territory east of the Jordan River] was made into an Arab state, and we are at least entitled to the remaining 23", "id": "15568050" }, { "contents": "Vladimir Putin 2000 presidential campaign\n\n\nfor Russia's place in the world, having stated in December 1999, “For the first time in the past 200-300 years, Russia is facing a real threat of sliding to the second, and possibly even the third, echelon of world states. We must strain all intellectual physical and moral forces of the nation. Nobody will do it for us. Everything depends on us, and us alone.” Two months prior he had similarly declared, “We must stop the process of our being left behind by", "id": "4391153" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mike Huckabee\n\n\nU.S. Army and the Marine Corps by about 92,000 troops over the next five years. We can and must do this in two to three years. I recognize the challenges of increasing our enlistments without lowering standards and of expanding training facilities and personnel, and that is one of the reasons why we must increase our military budget. Right now, we spend about 3.9 percent of our GDP on defense, compared with about six percent in 1986, under President Ronald Reagan. We need to return to that six percent level. The", "id": "10911460" }, { "contents": "Jewish World Watch\n\n\nthat we must not be silent in the face of yet another genocide; that we must educate ourselves and raise our collective voices, and that we cannot stand idly by. The \"we\" at the time was the Jewish people, but since its founding JWW has grown from a collection of Southern California synagogues into an organization that draws support from schools, churches, individuals, communities, and partner organizations across the country all sharing a vision of a world without genocide. In March 2010, JWW became a member of", "id": "3806085" }, { "contents": "Language change\n\n\nJohn Lyons notes that \"any standard of evaluation applied to language-change must be based upon a recognition of the various functions a language 'is called upon' to fulfil in the society which uses it\". According to Guy Deutscher, the tricky question is \"Why are changes not brought up short and stopped in their tracks? At first sight, there seem to be all the reasons in the world why society should never let the changes through.\" He sees the reason for tolerating change in the fact that we", "id": "17278397" }, { "contents": "Pascal's wager\n\n\nbriefly thrust into being from non-being, with no explanation of \"Why?\" or \"What?\" or \"How?\" On Pascal's view, human finitude constrains our ability to reliably achieve truth. Given that reason alone cannot determine whether God exists, Pascal concludes that this question functions like a coin toss. However, even if we do not know the outcome of this coin toss, we must base our actions on some expectation about the outcome. We must decide whether to live as though God", "id": "2714536" }, { "contents": "Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust\n\n\nwe ourselves must remember. We must learn not only about the vulnerability of life, but of the value of human life. We must remember the terrible price paid for bigotry and hatred and also the terrible price paid for indifference and for silence... To truly commemorate the victims of the Holocaust, we must harness the outrage of our memories to banish all human oppression from the world. We must recognize that when any fellow human being is stripped of humanity; when any person is turned into an object of repression; tortured or", "id": "14758343" }, { "contents": "Turing's proof\n\n\nour little example we will forego this and just put symbols ( ) around the scanned symbol, as follows: Let us write a simple program: Remember that we always start with blank tape. The complete configuration prints the symbols on the tape followed by the next instruction: Let us add “jump” into the formula. When we do this we discover why the complete configuration must include the tape symbols. (Actually, we see this better, below.) This little program prints three “1”s to the right,", "id": "18641049" }, { "contents": "Mereological essentialism\n\n\nlogic to quantify. Instead the world only contains stuff, or masses of matter which come in different quantities. We have for instance a gram of gold. There is a grammatical difference between stuff and things. We cannot say, take a gold, but must say a lump of gold (Simons 1987). Our standard way of quantifying is at most a way for the mind to project thinghood onto the world. If the world is made only of stuff, mereological essentialism must be true. The argument from a", "id": "3471723" }, { "contents": "Centre for Child Protection\n\n\nacknowledge, respond to, and prevent abuse. Pope Francis follows in this line saying: 'This is a tragedy. We must not tolerate the abuse of minors. We must defend minors. And we must severely punish the abusers.' Recognizing that pastoral caregivers are often first contact persons for victims, the CCP is committed to the training and education of priests and candidates for the priesthood, religious orders, Church workers, teachers, and social workers, raising awareness and offering training for a competent response. Educating clergy,", "id": "16393843" }, { "contents": "Child marriage in the United States\n\n\nits lax child marriage law and the high toleration of the practice. Since July 1, 2018, the minimum marriage age is 17, with both parental and judicial approval, and the age difference between the party must not be more than 2 years. The new law was passed after sustained lobbying from a former victim of child marriage, Sherry Johnson. In May 2019, the Georgia raised the marriage age explicitly from 16 to 17, must be emancipated minors, must have completed a premarital education course, and cannot marry", "id": "15006878" }, { "contents": "Italian protectorate of Albania (1939–1943)\n\n\nItaly's relations with Albania in the following: \"We must create stable centres of Italian influence there. Who knows what the future may have in store? We must be ready to seize opportunities which will present themselves. We are not going to withdraw this time, as we did in 1920. In the south [of Italy] we have absorbed several hundred thousand Albanians. Why shouldn’t the same thing happen on the other side of the entrance to the Adriatic.\". On 26 March 1938, Ciano wrote in", "id": "11586403" }, { "contents": "We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity\n\n\nthe advocacy of Stokely Carmichael and other black advocates. The problems with black violence, as she sees it, are that it echoes patriarchal, sexist messages of masculinity, it is often experienced within the family and between members of the same race, and that it is often the expression of a more insidious rage. “To end our cultural fascination with violence, and our imposition onto men in general and black men in particular […] we must choose a partnership model that posits interbeing as the principle around which to organize", "id": "18968047" }, { "contents": "Norman Thomas\n\n\ncontinence.\" Thomas also deplored the secular objection to birth control because it originated from \"racial and national\" group-think. \"The white race, we are told, our own nation—whatever that nation may be—is endangered by practicing birth control. Birth control is something like disarmament—a good thing if effected by international agreement, but otherwise dangerous to us in both a military and economic sense. If we are not to be overwhelmed by the 'rising tide of color' we must breed against the", "id": "16516579" }, { "contents": "Katherine Emmet\n\n\nAudiences today have tabloid minds,\" she explained in 1927, \"and, whether we like it or not, we must cut the classics to a length that they will tolerate, if we want them to be interested at all.\" She also directed Sheridan's \"The School for Scandal\" for the same radio program. She was later in the cast of radio soap operas, including \"Our Gal Sunday\" (1937-1955) and \"Front Page Farrell\" (1941-1942). Emmet called herself", "id": "6538674" }, { "contents": "One Way Forward\n\n\nthe government \"dependent on the people alone\", as James Madison wrote in Federalist paper No. 52. The difference today between Left and Right today is nowhere nearly as profound as slavery was.. If our forebears could fix that, we should be able to fix our current problems with crony capitalism. In Republic, Lost, Lessig documented why he thinks that crony capitalism is the gateway problem in the sense that we must fix that problem before we can fix any of the other major problems facing the nation today. The", "id": "7709813" }, { "contents": "Scouts for Equality\n\n\n, political and judicial changes taking place in our country...We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be. The status quo in our movement's membership standards cannot be sustained.\" Gates called on the board to consider his proposal, but stopped short of asking the board to vote that same day. Gates also stated local jurisdictions would be able to decide membership according to their beliefs. The announcement was praised by Zach Wahls, the Human Rights Campaign, and Scouts for", "id": "5369576" }, { "contents": "Peshawar Accord\n\n\nThe leaders are meeting in Peshawar. ... The troops should not enter Kabul, they should enter later on as part of the government.\"\" Hekmatyar's response: \"\"We will march into Kabul with our naked sword. No one can stop us. ... Why should we meet the leaders?\"\" Massoud answered: \"\"It seems to me that you don't want to join the leaders in Peshawar nor stop your threat, and you are planning to enter Kabul ... in that case I must defend the", "id": "21317898" }, { "contents": "Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front\n\n\n, to be an integral part of Kashmiri society and has insisted on their right of return. Yasin Malik said, \"We want our Kashmiri Pandit mothers, sisters and brothers to come back. It is their land. They have every right to live in it as we do. This is the time that Kashmiri Muslims must play a constructive role so that we can restore the culture for which we are famous all over the world.\" In 2002, in an interview to Reuters, Amanullah Khan blamed Pakistani backed non-", "id": "5644522" }, { "contents": "Jack Agüeros\n\n\nWe are too culturally rich to force ourselves into ghettoes of narrow nationalism. El Museo now wants to embody the culture of all of Latin America. New York is the fourth or fifth largest Spanish speaking city in the world, with people from every Spanish speaking country, and El Museo must reflect everything that is Latino. We must look upon Latin America as our Indian ancestors did. They did not see artificial boundaries dividing nations. They saw an open world where they were free to travel from one place to another, pursuing", "id": "10481507" }, { "contents": "Governorship of Rick Perry\n\n\nthe statute extending in-state tuition to children of undocumented workers. He said: We must say to every Texas child learning in a Texas classroom, \"we don't care where you come from, but where you are going, and we are going to do everything we can to help you get there.\" And that vision must include the children of undocumented workers. That's why Texas took the national lead in allowing such deserving young minds to attend a Texas college at a resident rate. Perry has opposed the", "id": "11948819" }, { "contents": "Interracial marriage and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints\n\n\nthat you would encourage intermarriage ... we must discourage intermarriage ... it is not expedient.\" He clarified, however, that interracial marriage was not considered a sin. In a January 1959 address he taught that church leaders were unanimous in teachings that Caucasians should marry Caucasians stating that interracial marriage was selfish because the background differences could pose challenges to the marriage and children. He also told BYU students in 1965 that \"the brethren feel that it is not the wisest thing to cross racial lines in dating and marrying\", something he", "id": "20023855" }, { "contents": "J Street U\n\n\n: “At the present time, it is critical for our students to set aside their differences and come together under the idea that we, in the end, are pro-Israel. We must be united for Israel, and Hillel must be the place to foster this kind of dialogue. We hope that all of us can find a way to see this change as a positive step for our community to grow for the future.” Open Hillel, a network of student groups that support Israel but object to HIllel guidelines", "id": "9296937" }, { "contents": "Simone B. Champagne\n\n\nto create jobs we must get government out of the way. No more moratoriums, no more regulations and we can’t afford higher taxes. As a mother of five and grandmother of three, I’ve stretched a budget and done more with less. Shouldn’t our government do the same? . . . If we have learned anything in the past two years it is that we cannot afford to allow government to run rampant and continue the out-of-control spending. That is why I voted against the bloated", "id": "12268050" }, { "contents": "Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922)\n\n\ndemands remain the same after our recent victory as they were before. We ask for Asia Minor, Thrace up to the river Maritsa and Constantinople... We must have our capital and I should in that case be obliged to march on Constantinople with my army, which will be an affair of only a few days. I must prefer to obtain possession by negotiation though, naturally I cannot wait indefinitely.\"\" Around this time, several Turkish officers were sent to infiltrate secretly into Constantinople to help organize Turkish population living in", "id": "19233689" }, { "contents": "Ari Wallach\n\n\nin 1993, Sen. Harry Reid declared “Recently our Nation lost a national treasure… His family's loss was ours. There is one fewer just man to stand and tell the truth. One fewer just man to bear witness. We who are living must remember him and what by living he taught us. We must, we shall, never forget.” Wallach majored in Peace and Conflict Studies at UC Berkeley. Wallach’s career has ranged from work in media, government, and various creative fields. Wallach worked with", "id": "18715237" }, { "contents": "Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.\n\n\nSupreme Court ruling \"[led] Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Matt Bowman to call \"Hobby Lobby\" an 'inclusive decision' that advances everyone's freedom.\" Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said, \"This is a great victory for religious liberty – the bedrock of our founding. In living out our religious convictions, there are certain things we must not do. This is why we are at a watershed moment. Religious people will no longer be ordered to take action that our religion says we must not take", "id": "13165572" }, { "contents": "Mobutism\n\n\na great prophet, our prestigious Guide Mobutu. This prophet is our liberator, our Messiah. Our Church is the MPR. Its chief is Mobutu. We respect him like one respects a Pope. Our gospel is Mobutuism. That is why the crucifixes must be replaced by the image of our Messiah.\" Mobutu and the MPR pursued a national cultural revival program in Zaire called \"Authenticité\" beginning in 1967 which sought to purge colonial European culture from Zaire and restore local culture, such as by forbidding Christian names and culture", "id": "11004077" }, { "contents": "Chicano nationalism\n\n\nBronze\") must use their nationalism as the key or common denominator for mass mobilization and organization. Once we are committed to the idea and philosophy of El Plan de Aztlán, we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism. Our struggle then must be for the control of our barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our economy, our culture, and our political life. El Plan commits all levels of Chicano society", "id": "14814836" }, { "contents": "Altruism (ethics)\n\n\ncannot tolerate the notion of rights, for such notion rests on individualism. We are born under a load of obligations of every kind, to our predecessors, to our successors, to our contemporaries. After our birth these obligations increase or accumulate, for it is some time before we can return any service... This [\"to live for others\"], the definitive formula of human morality, gives a direct sanction exclusively to our instincts of benevolence, the common source of happiness and duty. [Man must serve", "id": "21590713" }, { "contents": "International Holocaust Remembrance Day\n\n\nremembrance of those who were massacred during the Holocaust, and the other with educating future generations of its horrors. The International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is thus a day on which we must reassert our commitment to human rights. [...] We must also go beyond remembrance, and make sure that new generations know this history. We must apply the lessons of the Holocaust to today’s world. And we must do our utmost so that all peoples may enjoy the protection and rights for which the United", "id": "9887864" }, { "contents": "Abdul-Vahed Niyazov\n\n\nof the unlawful, the ‘haram’, we still should not exclude non-Muslims. This is what our responsibility calls for. For this reason, we must render this product as competitive as can be, so that our product is sought-after and appealing. - European Muslim Union Andreas Abubakr Rieger, Chairman of the European Muslim Union We are not frightened of the circumstances, but we also know our boundaries. Therefore, we are capable of making meaningful and notable contributions to this area. This is why Salamworld", "id": "8347228" }, { "contents": "Timeline of Shakespeare criticism\n\n\n: \"Dante and Shakespeare divide the modern world between them, there is no third.\" T. S. Eliot, 1922 : \"We must simply admit that here Shakespeare tackled a problem which proved too much for him. Why he attempted it at all is an insoluble puzzle; under compulsion of what experience he attempted to express the inexpressibly horrible, we cannot ever know. We need a great many facts in his biography; and we should like to know whether, and when, and after or at the same time", "id": "8693499" }, { "contents": "Oculesics\n\n\nscientists teach that individuals need to first become consciously aware of their own culture before being able to interpret differences among other cultures. In learning about our own culture, we learn how we are different from the cultures of those around us. Only then, will we become aware of the differences among the cultures of others. Finally, we should undergo acculturation, that is, borrow attributes from other cultures that will help us function effectively without in any way having to relinquish our own cultural identities. In Nonverbal Communication, Nine-", "id": "7914133" }, { "contents": "Catholic social teaching\n\n\nhuman family. We must be our brother's keeper, though we may be separated by distance, language or culture. Jesus teaches that we must each love our neighbors as ourselves and in the parable of the Good Samaritan we see that our compassion should extend to all people. Solidarity includes the Scriptural call to welcome the stranger among us—including immigrants seeking work, a safe home, education for their children, and a decent life for their families. Solidarity at the international level primarily concerns the Global South. For example", "id": "6395642" }, { "contents": "Goan literature\n\n\nMarathi, English and Portuguese. Nazareth describes Goans as 'cultural brokers': Goans mediate between cultures, Goans live between different cultures, Goans are travellers from one part of the world to another. This, in my opinion, happened when East and West met in Goans under pressure with the Portuguese conquest. Since that time, our usefulness to the world, wherever we are, is that we can understand different cultures and help people from different cultures understand one another. The disadvantage is that if we don't work on", "id": "10621615" }, { "contents": "Swami Sri Sitaramacharya\n\n\nliberated from this material world at the end of this life. If this is the fact, then why even ask for liberation to the Lord? Our liberation is confirmed. All we need to do is trust this fact and enjoy serving the Lord for the rest of our life. Swamiji always emphasized Intense Love while serving the Lord. While serving the Lord the topmost priority must be given to Love towards the Lord. All rituals, procedures, rules must be secondary to the Love towards the Lord. All our activities must", "id": "3640265" }, { "contents": "Restoring Honor rally\n\n\nwhy I'm here today. Glenn says there is one human race; I agree with him. We are not here to divide. I'm about unity. That's why I'm here, and I want to honor my uncle today.\" Palin told the crowd that calls to transform the country were not enough; \"We must restore America and restore her honor.\" Palin likened the rally participants to the civil rights activists from 1963, and said the same spirit that helped them overcome oppression, discrimination and violence", "id": "13236722" }, { "contents": "Julia Sauer\n\n\nShe finished with an appeal to her fellow librarians: \"We need many more books about the Janey Larkins in our literature for children. And when we get them we will need the courage to give them to our children... before a world can be made safe even for nightingales, it must be made safe for the Janey Larkins.\" Sauer presented the paper, \"Library Services to Children in a World at War,\" to the 8th Pan- American Child Congress in Washington, DC, in 1942. Her final children", "id": "19893680" }, { "contents": "Sebastiano Maffettone\n\n\na specific culture. Legitimation, on the other hand, is normally based on an institutional practice, concerns mainly the inputs of a political process, goes bottom- up and does not directly appeal to the moral and metaphysical roots of a culture. Maffettone claims that justification and legitimation must be seen as complementary. Assuming the fact of pluralism in contemporary liberal-democratic societies, we can have different plausible justifications in reciprocal conflict, but we have to rely on the same institutional legitimation for the sake of stability (for the right reasons", "id": "16992465" }, { "contents": "Area of a circle\n\n\nthan the circumference, the polygon consists of \"n\" identical triangles with total area greater than \"T\". Again we have a contradiction, so our supposition that \"C\" might be less than \"T\" must be wrong as well. Therefore, it must be the case that the area enclosed by the circle is precisely the same as the area of the triangle. This concludes the proof. Following Satō Moshun and Leonardo da Vinci , we can use inscribed regular polygons in a different way. Suppose we inscribe", "id": "9010334" } ]
Why are cats more likely to act affectionate when you're completely ignoring them, busy, asleep etc. than when you actively try to pet them or call them over?
[{"answer": "Cats have some nuances in their behaviour that a lot of humans tend to overlook or misinterpret as lack of affection or being aloof. One thing that a cat will do to display that they are comfortable around you, is look away from you. This lets you know that they do not perceive you as a threat. This is often accompanied by a slow blink where they half close their eyes. If you reciprocate that slow blink and slightly turn your head away, it will show them that you feel the same. If you pick a cat up or approach it in a manner that is very direct, they can interpret this as threatening behaviour. Some cats like to be picked up, some don't. That's kind of dependent on how they were raised. I have a kitten that I'm fostering, and he will come over which I call him with a particular sound or if I make eye-contact and slow-blink. The problem is that a lot of people try to interpret cats in the same way as dogs. Dogs operate a lot like humans in their social structure, which is why we get along so well. For cats, we need to learn to adapt to how they socialise, because our methods do not have as much in common. So, to address your initial question: A cat is more affectionate when you are ignoring them, because they perceive you as less threatening and see you as being more comfortable with them."}, {"answer": "As a life long owner of cats this is my expert opinion: Cats are dicks."}, {"answer": "The aren't. And they are. Everyone will tell you \"that's how cats are\", but it's somewhat a false positive, it's how we have come to perceive cats and therefor what we remember about cats. You remember the cat trying to push itself on to your lap when you're ignore it because \"omg, kitty, so annoying!\", you do not remember it coming over for a cuddle when you randomly go \"c'mere\" one day. You remember it waking you up, stumbling over it, it being in the way when you're trying to get shit done. You don't really remember easy, trivial, unexciting stuff like the cat coming over to you to cuddle when you want it to. So you perceive the cat to only be attentive when you don't want to, don't have the time. Sometimes, however, they are. Most tame cats are cuddly and will run up to you when they are called. Cats who are not called very often, and this will happen after the novelty of \"omg kitty!\" has ran out, and people have a tendency to give their cat a lot less attention than they think they do, they love the little creature and take pictures and are all lubby wubby wubby in their thoughts, but forget to give the cat attention. Which leaves the cat with the option of seeking out the human. Return to \"you remember it when it's annoying\". We have humanized and built personalities for all the animals we keep at pets, because this is what we do as a species. If we are able to recognize a pattern we will however vague it is, and we will build on it to fit us. We're creative, loving creatures after all. Cat's are more often than not solitary by nature which gives them several traits we perceive as \"douchebaggy\", among the \"I do what the fuck I want\"-attitude and the \"I must be free to roam as I feel puny human\"-demands. Combine this with selective memory and a prejudice you get, well. Cat facts."}, {"answer": "every cat i've raised has been trained to come when i make a clicking sound with my mouth. they always come when i do it because they know it means pets or treats."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5160010", "title": "Emotion in animals", "section": "Section::::Background.:Scientific approach.:Vocalizations.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 45, "end_paragraph_id": 45, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Some vocalizations of domestic cats, such as purring, are well known to be produced in situations of positive valence, such as mother kitten interactions, contacts with familiar partner, or during tactile stimulation with inanimate objects as when rolling and rubbing.", "n estrus female is approaching or by lactating mothers while licking and nursing their lambs. The argument that animals experience emotions is sometimes rejected due to a lack of evidence, and those who do not believe in the idea of"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Getaway (1994 film)\n\n\nnecessarily. They get into it because they love acting. And then you're basically trying to convince them that this part of the story is essential... Basically my philosophy of how to do these scenes is to give the actors as much freedom and privacy as you can possibly bring to it, and let them feel that ultimately you won't compromise them. That you won't make them look stupid or expose more of themselves than they would perhaps like to see. It has to be relevant to the movie and be tasteful", "id": "10856565" }, { "contents": "Leah Remini\n\n\nyou are when you're in something like this. You can't pretend to be something you're not. You have to know your brand. You can't be all things to everyone.\" Osbourne replied to criticism about the refusal to inform Remini and Peete why they were let go, rhetorically stating, \"Why should we call them to discuss?\" In March 2012, a heavily publicized Twitter dispute ignited between Remini and Osbourne when Remini fired back at Osbourne for her comments on \"The Howard Stern Show\".", "id": "12512573" }, { "contents": "List of Littlest Pet Shop (2012 TV series) characters\n\n\nfor a girl by Russell due to his feminine name, later he went missing, but was found under the table, sleeping, by Russell. A kitten who she only tells \"why\". Meow-Meow asks the pets why Blythe can understand them. When they ask Blythe why he can talk to them, Meow-Meow speaks. A pink cat with blue bangs and blue eyes. Her necklace is like Delilah’s, only the jewel is blue. She was asked by Delilah to get Zoe’s permission to", "id": "4167733" }, { "contents": "List of Trailer Park Boys characters\n\n\nvideotapes them with the hope of showing them to him later. Randy calls Lahey \"Mr. Lahey\", except on very rare occasions when he is angry with him and (rather contemptuously) calls him \"James\". Lahey affectionately calls him \"Bo-Bandy\" occasionally when he is drunk. Like Lahey, Randy drinks heavily, but he is sober more often than Lahey and acts as the voice of reason during Lahey's occasional lapses of sanity. Lucy (Lucy DeCoutere) was Ricky's on-and-off", "id": "19757870" }, { "contents": "Brian Welch\n\n\ndo it again. You try to just be at peace but even a big, huge band like Korn, playing in front of thousands of people, it can get lonely. You feel like you're a trucker and you're traveling with a bunch of truckers. You can't connect with people except for the ones that you're with because the ones you party with after the show, you don't know them and then you're gone. When everyone's drunk, you're like 'Alright. Later.'", "id": "3408925" }, { "contents": "In Death characters\n\n\ncat is Eve's, Roarke's, and Summerset's pet: he is often fed by all of them and takes food as he pleases, and occasionally steals it if he can manage it. On occasion, Eve has had bad dreams from which she wakes up to find Galahad trying to wake and comfort her. On other occasions when Eve falls dead asleep, Galahad sits on her butt. When Nixie, the title character from \"Survivor in Death\", stays at their home, she stays mostly with Galahad,", "id": "8780357" }, { "contents": "Tomorrow's Pioneers\n\n\n: \"We will liberate Al-Aqsa from the filth of the criminal Jews,\" and \"We will go on Jihad when we grow up.\" In episode 204, Nahoul visits the zoo where streaks of cruelty become apparent for the (first?) time. Nahoul states: \"The cats here are asleep - the poor, wretched, imprisoned cats. I feel like abusing them. This cat is asleep. I feel like attacking it.\" Nahoul then proceeds to swing cats by their tails and throw them", "id": "16977959" }, { "contents": "Freydís Eiríksdóttir\n\n\nbelieved to be catapults. Many of the Nordic invaders panicked, having never seen such weaponry. As men fled during the confusion, Freydís, who was eight-months pregnant, admonished them saying: \"Why run you away from such worthless creatures, stout men that ye are, when, as seems to me likely you might slaughter them like so many cattle? Give me a weapon! I know I could fight better than any of you.\" Ignored, Freydís then picks up the sword of the fallen Snorri Thorbrandsson", "id": "12418480" }, { "contents": "Cyberbully (2015 film)\n\n\nof the script. Maisie Williams, who portrayed the central character of Casey Jacobs, noted that she had been a victim of cyberbullying after being cast as Arya Stark in \"Game of Thrones\". She received messages calling her \"stuck up\", and saying that she thought was \"too good for everyone else\". Like the film's protagonist Williams admitted responding to the bullying in kind, saying \"when you're 13 and someone says something nasty you don't want to ignore them. You want to hurt them", "id": "18877946" }, { "contents": "Aztec Camera\n\n\n, Frame replied: The songs that you write when you're young are just a part of you—they stay with you. The interesting thing was how far I kind of strayed from the original versions over the years—I mean acoustically and everything. So, coming back and stripping them down and trying to revisit them in a kind of honest, genuine fashion was actually—even for an old cynic like me—it turned to be a very moving thing ... It [30th anniversary tour] was a very moving", "id": "19324785" }, { "contents": "Henry Stump\n\n\nStump wrote: \"If you, learned Judges, will refer me to the Acts of Assembly, I will obey your order to try Ford over again. You say there are such acts, of course you ought to show them, otherwise I am not bound to obey them.\" More than a hint of Stump's sarcasm or perhaps disdain is evident when he writes: \"Allow me to assure you (in order to tranquilize your nerves and satisfy your religious influences that Ford had as fair a trial as any man", "id": "2702853" }, { "contents": "See (Preacher)\n\n\nmake those decisions. They have to learn them, they have to discover those things for themselves. That's why he has no idea. He's completely useless, ultimately. You [still] can't help but appreciate what he's trying to do ... You're filming this stuff so quickly, it's on from one scene to the next, and you forget there were moments like that, where he's completely missed the whole point of everything. Cooper, in an interview with \"The Wall Street Journal\"", "id": "21429934" }, { "contents": "Nobody Likes Onions\n\n\netc. Sometimes listeners will send in creepy or gross things to try to scare the hosts, such as cryptic letters, riddles, books and even pubic hair. A segment in which Patrick discusses situations that make one want to cringe in disgust. Fans are encouraged to email or call in with their cringe fantasies. An example of a cringe moment would be taking a pair of toenail clippers, sliding them over your front teeth, and clamping down as hard as you can. And twisting, if you're feeling fancy.", "id": "87859" }, { "contents": "I Miss You (Blink-182 song)\n\n\ntoward his then-wife, Shanna Moakler. The trio struggled recording \"I Miss You\" at first, originally employing a completely different chorus reminiscent of what they considered adult contemporary music. The track was directly inspired by The Cure song, \"The Love Cats\". In expanding on the song's lyrical meaning, DeLonge said: \"The song's more about the vulnerability and kind of heart-wrenching pain you feel when you're in love and when you're a guy and you're trying to tell a girl", "id": "19464456" }, { "contents": "Hannibal (TV series)\n\n\nsuspense—show the audience the bomb under the table and let them sweat when it's going to go boom\". He went on to call the relationship between Graham and Lecter as \"really a love story\", saying \"As Hannibal has said [to Graham] in a couple of the movies, 'You're a lot more like me than you realize'. We'll get to the bottom of exactly what that means over the course of the first two seasons\". Fuller originally planned for the show to", "id": "16529847" }, { "contents": "If I Were a Boy\n\n\nher earrings, she puts them on to go dancing with her partner at a party. Her husband is upset when he sees them, and when he confronts her about this, she acts like he is making a big deal out of nothing. \"When you act like that, I don't think you realize how it makes me look or feel\", he tells her. Beyoncé then asks him in a condescending tone, \"Why are you so jealous? It's not like I'm sleeping with the guy.", "id": "6846990" }, { "contents": "Henry Ford\n\n\nthings Harry Bennett ever did when he got the UAW into this plant.\" Reuther inquired, \"What do you mean?\" Ford replied, \"Well, you've been fighting General Motors and the Wall Street crowd. Now you're in here and we've given you a union shop and more than you got out of them. That puts you on our side, doesn't it? We can fight General Motors and Wall Street together, eh?\" Ford, like other automobile companies, entered the aviation business", "id": "13003378" }, { "contents": "Valleyspeak\n\n\n, 1976, where Laraine Newman plays a Valley Girl stewardess from Encino in a therapy session with John Belushi as the Godfather and Elliot Gould as their therapist. In it, Laraine says, \"Like, my friends kept bugging me, kept asking me, “God, Sherry, why do you want to be a stewardess?” And I ralzied that it’s ’cause I love people, I rully do. I love to serve them and help them try to fall asleep sitting up. And, like, I had", "id": "3400843" }, { "contents": "Extremism\n\n\n's use of guerilla war tactics against the South African Government) may change as conditions (leadership, world opinion, crises, historical accounts, etc.) change. Thus, the current and historical context of extremist acts shapes our view of them. Power differences also matter when defining extremism. When in conflict, the activities of members of low power groups tend to be viewed as more extreme than similar activities committed by members of groups advocating the status quo. In addition, extreme acts are more likely to be employed by", "id": "2056147" }, { "contents": "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive\n\n\nthem with frequent and erroneous negative feedback (e.g. \"careless\", \"you're irresponsible\", \"you're immature\", \"you're lazy\", \"you don't care/show any effort\", \"you just aren't trying\", etc.). The inattentive children may realize on some level that they are somehow different internally from their peers. However, they are also likely to accept and internalize the continuous negative feedback, creating a negative self-image that becomes self-reinforcing. If", "id": "13656276" }, { "contents": "When the Lights Go Out (EP)\n\n\nR3hab and RedOne handling production. Brown described the inspiration behind \"You'll Be Mine\" saying, \"when you're naive; when you don't necessarily know too much about someone, but you have a crush on them and in your mind you're dreaming about dating them, marrying them, having children, and you believe that they're perfect.\" The next, \"Spread a Little Love\", is about negativity in the media, and how an act of kindness can positively affect someone. The electronic dance", "id": "13069155" }, { "contents": "European badger\n\n\nEuropean badgers being tamed. Tame badgers can be affectionate pets, and can be trained to come to their owners when their names are called. They are easily fed, as they are not fussy eaters, and will instinctively unearth rats, moles and young rabbits without training, though they do have a weakness for pork. Although there is one record of a tame badger befriending a fox, they generally do not tolerate the presence of cats and dogs, and will chase them. Badger meat is eaten in some districts of the", "id": "1733929" }, { "contents": "Ether (song)\n\n\nby rapping, \"I got this, locked since Nine-One (1991), I am the truest/ Name a rapper that I ain't influenced.\" The song contains numerous slurs directed at Jay-Z: \"When these streets keep calling, heard it when I was asleep/ That this Gay-Z and Cock-A-Fella Records wanted beef\", \"Then you got the nerve to say that you're better than Big/ Dick-suckin' lips, why don't you let the late great veteran", "id": "21007612" }, { "contents": "Regulatory compliance\n\n\n. Data retention laws and regulations ask data owners and other service providers to retain extensive records of user activity beyond the time necessary for normal business operations. These requirements have been called into question by privacy rights advocates. Compliance in this area is becoming very difficult. Laws like the CAN-SPAM Act and Fair Credit Reporting Act in the U.S. require that businesses give people the right to be forgotten. In other words, they must remove individuals from marketing lists if it is requested, tell them when and why they might share", "id": "6452233" }, { "contents": "Multiple inheritance\n\n\n. For example, one might create a variable class \"Mammal\" with features such as eating, reproducing, etc.; then define a child class \"Cat\" that inherits those features without having to explicitly program them, while adding new features like \"chasing mice\". Multiple inheritance allows programmers to use more than one totally orthogonal hierarchy simultaneously, such as allowing \"Cat\" to inherit from \"Cartoon character\" and \"Pet\" and \"Mammal\" and access features from within all of those classes. Languages that", "id": "19776419" }, { "contents": "Graveyard Keeper\n\n\nto get your character back to his old world. To that end, you need information and help from various NPCs, whom you will be trying to please them, or do their quests. Such quests usually involves gameplay elements like bringing them some crafted or collectable items like oil, honey etc. More gameplay elements and areas slowly unlock throughout the game as you unlock new technologies. The skill tree in this games is called a \"Technology Tree\", and you unlock new technologies to progress in the game. Beyond the", "id": "2399183" }, { "contents": "Trouble in Paradise (La Roux album)\n\n\nNile Rodgers's guitar work on David Bowie's 1983 song \"Let's Dance\". According to Jackson, \"Kiss and Not Tell\" is \"kind of the feeling of when you're in a relationship and you both know the problems you might come up against maybe five years or 10 years into the relationship, but you choose to ignore them [...] It could be something like 'I hate your mum' or something like that and you know that it's going to be an issue at some point down", "id": "21521959" }, { "contents": "Down on the Upside\n\n\nbecause it becomes repetitious. You feel like fans have paid their money and they expect you to come out and play them your songs like the first time you ever played them. That's the point where we hate touring.\" The band was criticized for its lack of energy while performing. Cornell said that \"after a number of years, you start to feel like you're acting. All those people who criticize us for not jumping around should shut the fuck up, and when they come to our shows they should", "id": "83243" }, { "contents": "Child beauty pageant\n\n\nsexual activity and can teach an unfortunate lesson that woman's worth is determined by their status as a sex object. \"When you have them looking older, for a lot of people that means looking sexier. I don't think it's a great idea for girls at that age to be focused so much on their sexuality,\" Syd Brown, a youth psychologist practicing in Maryland told ABC News. \"If you're telling a 6-year-old to act like a 16-year-old, you're telling her to be", "id": "17402933" }, { "contents": "Yu Fan\n\n\nto meet them and prove them wrong. He also considered sending Zhang Hong, but he still preferred Yu Fan. Yu Fan refused and said, \"I'm like one of your treasured possessions. You might lose me if you show me to others and they want me. That's why I don't want to go there.\" Sun Ce laughed and said, \"I still have military campaigns to complete so I can't return home yet. You're like my Xiao He. I intend to let you return", "id": "15658439" }, { "contents": "Niranjanananda\n\n\n. At this, Niranjan got angry and threatened to drown the entire boat. When Ramakrishna heard about the incident he disapproved by saying that, \"\"Anger is a deadly sin, why should you be subject, to it? Foolish people in their pitiable ignorance say many things. One should completely ignore them as beneath notice\"\". Ramakrishna also disapproved of Niranjan working in an office, but he consented when he heard that Niranjan took up the job to maintain his aged mother. When the master was ill and was", "id": "1844729" }, { "contents": "Googly (film)\n\n\nauditorium he gets bored with the seminar and falls asleep. When his name is called upon, he is woken up by Swathi (Kriti Kharbanda) who is an MBBS student. Later he gives his hilarious speech and thanks Swathi for waking him up. By this meet, both of them become close friends and start to like each other. Over a period of time, Sharath starts to suspect every act of Swathi.One day Swathi is injured, and things become more complicated when he misunderstands Swathi's friend to be her", "id": "21281973" }, { "contents": "Mad (magazine)\n\n\n, \"Artists are always trying to equal the work that impressed them in their childhood and youth. I still feel extremely inadequate when I look at the old Mad comics.\" When Weird Al Yankovic was asked whether \"Mad\" had had any influence in putting him on a road to a career in parody, the musician replied, \"[It was] more like going off a cliff.\" Comedian Jerry Seinfeld talked about the magazine's impact on him, saying, \"You start reading it, and you're", "id": "1232931" }, { "contents": "Bajah + The Dry Eye Crew\n\n\nkids that always try to ask questions and want to know things are the dry eye. If you always coming up to talk to the elder people, trying to ask them certain questions, they say, 'Oh, you, you're dry eye,' like, 'You're bold. You're too bold!'\" Bajah explains. \"But we just use dry eye because we decide to talk about the bad things going on. Cause the leaders, we take them as our fathers—but we still", "id": "20507113" }, { "contents": "Explicit memory\n\n\nlinks are also made for features related to that event. For example, when you meet someone new, a unique link is created for them. More links are then connected to that person's link so you can remember what colour their shirt was, what the weather was like when you met them, etc. Specific episodes are made easier to remember and recall by repeatedly exposing oneself to them (which strengthens the links in the memory space) allowing for faster retrieval when remembering. Hippocampal cells (\"neurons\") are", "id": "13981624" }, { "contents": "We Are the Tigers\n\n\nall for trying to act like nothing happened. They argue until Kate announces she is going to call the police and fix what they've done. Outside, Kate and Annleigh struggle over their feelings for their dead loved ones (“Move On”), with the ghosts of Farrah, Clark, and Chess watching them. Reese follows Kate outside and begs her not to call the police. When Kate asks why, Reese confessed to killing Clark. Annleigh overhears and is angrily attacks Reese for letting her believe Clark died after", "id": "10445731" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married?\n\n\na well-programmed sequence, so the events unfold somewhat spontaneously, beginning with their \"adventures\" in getting up to the mountain retreat. Dianne falls asleep not long after arriving with her BlackBerry close at hand and when her secretary calls while she is asleep, Terry tells the woman not to call them while they are on their vacation. When Patricia arrives, she goes up to wake Dianne while the men bond over the wine that Terry has poured for his wife. The sound of arguing signals the arrival of Angela and", "id": "10325278" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\ntroops should not go off and try to fight a war of independence for another nation. Only the Afghanis can win Afghanistan's independence from the Taliban. In 2012, when Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta outlined a plan to withdraw U.S. combat troops by 2013 if possible, Romney criticized the announcement, saying, \"Why in the world do you go to the people that you're fighting with and tell them the date you're pulling out your troops?\" Romney's 2012 presidential election campaign website similarly criticized the Obama Administration for", "id": "11527140" }, { "contents": "Nocturnality\n\n\nin special night-illumination enclosures to invert their normal sleep-wake cycle and to keep them active during the hours when visitors will be there to see them. Hedgehogs and sugar gliders are just two of the many nocturnal species kept as (exotic) pets. Cats have adapted to domestication so that each individual, whether stray alley cat or pampered housecat, can change their activity level at will, becoming nocturnal or diurnal in response to their environment or the routine of their owners. Cats normally demonstrate crepuscular behavior, bordering nocturnal", "id": "16324106" }, { "contents": "I Do (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\nyou're not with that person, when you're thinking about them and knowing that you're ready to tell them that you love them.\" Caillat did get miffed at the way video directors were interpreting the song. She told AOL: \"Every single director who sent treatments in [made it] all [about a] wedding dress, or me at the altar or me dreaming about a wedding. And I was like, 'No. Come on, if you understood the song then you'd know it was", "id": "7572745" }, { "contents": "Cat Stevens\n\n\nsecond name is like the official tag, but you call a friend by their first name. It's more intimate, and to me that's the message of this record.\" As for why the album sleeve says \"the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens\", he responded, \"That's the tag with which most people are familiar; for recognition purposes I'm not averse to that. For a lot of people, it reminds them of something they want to hold on to. That name is part of", "id": "1925545" }, { "contents": "Socialization of animals\n\n\nindoor environment. Kittens learn to be feral either from their mothers or through bad experiences. They are more easily socialized when under six months of age. Socializing is done by keeping them confined in a small room (i.e. bathroom) and handling them for 3 or more hours each day. There are three primary methods for socialization, used individually or in combination. The first method is to simply hold and pet the cat, so it learns that such activities are not uncomfortable. The second is to use food bribes. The", "id": "6749722" }, { "contents": "Ross Geller\n\n\n. In the final season of the show, Rachel tells him that he means more to her than any other member of their group. He is also close friends with Joey Tribbiani and helps him with acting auditions. He kisses Joey once in order to help him practice a role as a gay man, only to find out that Joey had already done the audition and didn't get the part. Joey and Ross also briefly try to cut Chandler out of their friend group after Chandler ignores them. They once fall asleep together", "id": "10001550" }, { "contents": "Singapura cat\n\n\nCFA as active, curious and playful. They are affectionate and desire human interaction. They have a tendency to perch on high places, to allow them a better view of their surrounding. In 2006, a pet-quality Singapura in the UK cost £1000-1500 while a show specimen can cost upwards of £2000. At present pet-quality Singapuras can cost £1500-2500 while show specimens go for upwards of £3,000. Of concern to breeders is the condition known as uterine inertia, an inability to", "id": "4118123" }, { "contents": "Bengal cat\n\n\nleopard cat × domestic cross was in 1889, when Harrison Weir wrote of them in \"Our Cats and All About Them\". The next recorded mention of an Asian Leopard Cat x domestic cat cross was in a 1924 Belgian scientific journal, and in 1941 a Japanese cat publication printed an article about one that was kept as a pet. The early breeding efforts always stopped after just one or two generations. Jean Mill was the breeder who decided to make a domestic cat with a coat like a wild cat. Jean Mill", "id": "16324316" }, { "contents": "Red-fronted parrot\n\n\nUsually called Jardine's parrots, the red-fronted parrot is becoming an increasingly popular pet, owing to increased availability and a growing following. They are particularly playful, intelligent, and affectionate. Some speak very clearly, and imitate other birds expertly. Their size, temperament, and voice makes them good candidates for apartment dwellers, when compared to larger, louder birds. Captive bred birds have an endearing nature, bonding well, usually imperceptibly or only slightly favouring one member of the family more than others. They are not", "id": "4712190" }, { "contents": "Secrets (The Walking Dead)\n\n\none up on Rick. It’s going to be fun waiting for the other shoe to drop, when Rick may or may not confront Shane with this information. In an interview with MTV News, Bernthal stated that Walsh was suffering from the \"loneliness you feel when you're right there with them and you can't be with them in the way you want.\" Bernthal applauded the writers for such changes, and felt that the storyline never devitalized. \"The people that Shane loved more than anyone else in the world", "id": "6135452" }, { "contents": "Dispositionist\n\n\nregulatory activity and are more likely to be motivated to influence the regulatory body than dispersed individual consumers, each of whom have little particular incentive to try to influence regulators. When regulators form expert bodies to examine policy, this invariably features current or former industry members, or at the very least, individuals with contacts in the industry. Some economists, such as Jon Hanson and his co-authors, argue that the phenomenon extends beyond just political agencies and organizations. Businesses have an incentive to control anything that has power over them", "id": "7099414" }, { "contents": "Immortal (Highlander)\n\n\nyou know all the rules from the beginning?' and it's just like in life: You don't know any of the rules. You make them up as you go along and you try your best to be consistent and so that no one turns around, and says, 'Wait a minute, you're cheating!' Because that's one thing we didn't want to do. We didn't want to ever cheat.\" The Rules are more of a code of ethics and conduct, as violating them", "id": "36530" }, { "contents": "Zoo TV Tour\n\n\nthat many reviewers found one of the most poignant moments of the show. Bono continued making prank calls as MacPhisto, but the targets changed with the location of each concert. Many of them were local politicians that Bono wished to mock by engaging them in character as the devil. He enjoyed making these calls, saying, \"When you're dressed as the Devil, your conversation is immediately loaded, so if you tell somebody you really like what they're doing, you know it's not a compliment.\" The band", "id": "21435950" }, { "contents": "Rhampsinit\n\n\narriving, he deliberately makes the wineskins rip open. The guardians become curious when the thief laments and scolds his donkeys and the ruckus lures many bystanders who try to calm him down. The thief acts as if he was grateful for the guardian´s help and gives them wine from his wineskins. Late that evening, the guards are completely drunk and fall asleep. The thief takes the body and binds it on the donkeys, then he shaves the right cheek of both guards in attempt to humiliate them. Then he flees. Rhampsinit", "id": "2577156" }, { "contents": "The Book of Night with Moon\n\n\nIsland, Rhiow looks like nothing more than their little black pet cat: a sweet-tempered, good-natured little creature who shakes them down for food at every opportunity, is always ready for a cuddle, and never ventures any further away than the apartment's terrace. But a lot more could be said about Rhiow...for when her humans aren't looking, she has a life of her own that they don't dream of. Rhiow is a wizard, and heads an elite team of other feline wizards whose", "id": "13942909" }, { "contents": "Kegerator\n\n\neven greater. Therefore, more specialized craft beers can often provide significantly higher savings than common brands like Budweiser. A kegerator conversion kit allows you to convert an existing refrigerator into a beer-dispensing kegerator. This may be a more economical solution if you already have the refrigerator or you're able to find a cheap used refrigerator (at a yard sale, classifieds, etc.). An important thing to consider is whether or not the refrigerator will be able to hold a keg. Many refrigerators have a step inside them", "id": "17613244" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\n. Cats and Loves like to sport, and when we pet them they become velvet-pawed. Drinkers, beware of Love's paw. Love is a cat that will catch you. /poem This movement is the first of the three choral sections in the original version of the ballet; it is for male voices with orchestral accompaniment. It begins quietly, with a theme marked \"quieto\", which in its five bars switches between 4/8 and 6/8 time. This is followed by a strongly rhythmic song for male voices,", "id": "18355073" }, { "contents": "Cat play and toys\n\n\nObject play for animals (in this case, cats) is the use of inanimate objects by the animal to express play behaviour. In the case of pet domestic cats, humans normally provide them with purchased, human-made toys such as toy mice. When it comes to non-domestic, wild cats, they may use several objects in the wilderness as their toys including sticks, leaves, rocks, feathers, etc. Actions that cats may carry out as this play behaviour include throwing the toy object, chasing,", "id": "16384218" }, { "contents": "Scaler (video game)\n\n\nspots you, it'll attack at lightning speed. Try and take them out before you're seen, or just use your camouflage to sneak by. Rattlecrab: This giant flying crab-like creature ambushes you while you're attempting to gain one of the missing eggs. He hits rather hard and has a large amount of health. You can only shoot him when he's getting ready to attack, by firing at the vulnerable areas across his body. Dragon War Beast: One of the biggest non-bosses you'll", "id": "15294493" }, { "contents": "How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All\n\n\n. Babe buys the car and, as he drives it, the text of road signs and billboards along the road is spoken as he passes them. He decides to take the Antelope Freeway, and the distance signs to it progress per Zeno's paradox (one mile, 1/2 mile, 1/4 mile, etc.) The infinite series is broken only when he decides to try the \"all-weather climate control\", and selects \"tropical paradise\" from a list of options. At the push of a button,", "id": "13935031" }, { "contents": "Emanet Beden\n\n\n, the music video was the only clip that remained the most on the charts. But it satisfies me to hear more of my songs mumbling at other people's mouths.\" As to why the album was called \"Emanet Beden\", she said: \"When I started to live in Turkey I realized how close death was to everyone. The situation was different in Germany. It's not only the terrorism in Turkey; murders of women, car accidents, etc. you see them all the time. You see", "id": "3801902" }, { "contents": "James Yonge (surgeon)\n\n\nof restoring and preserving do destroy men's lives and estates and more especially at such a time when the Nation is in need of both for its defence and preservation.\" \"Why then should impudent ignorant quack and empirics (smiths weavers cobblers draymen women etc) boldly and unaccountably take upon them great cures and things of great difficulty in which they partly use sorcery, witchcraft, [cause] grievous hurt damage and destruction of many of the Kings liege people, most especially of them that can not discern the uncunning from the", "id": "1866964" }, { "contents": "Mexican Hairless Cat\n\n\nfrom the Indians a few miles from this place. The old Jesuit Fathers tell me they are the last of the Aztec breed known only in New Mexico. I have found them the most intelligent and affectionate family pets I have ever met in the cat line; they are the quickest in action and smartest cats I have ever seen. They are fond of a warm bath, and love to sleep under the clothes at night with our little girl. They seem to understand nearly everything that is said to them; but I", "id": "4399066" }, { "contents": "Just Can't Get Enough (The Black Eyed Peas song)\n\n\n.\" Group member Taboo explained the meaning of the song to MTV News as: \"The message is knowing that when you're gone from somebody, especially when you're on tour, you can't get enough of them or you're just thinking about them and you just want to let them know that you're always there for them.\" Andy Gill from \"The Independent\" said, positively, that: \"other highlights include \"Just Can't Get Enough\" – not the Depeche Mode song – which vaults", "id": "3759745" }, { "contents": "Tim Minchin\n\n\nefficacy are the key: You're in such a strong position when you understand the scientific process because all you say is, \"Do you understand that the great breakthrough of humanity was figuring out how to make decisions about things whilst discarding human foibles? So, anecdotal evidence involves all your subjectivity—if we do it like this we don't have that anymore. Why, surely do you understand how \"powerful\" that is?\" And if they don't, then that's what you have to explain to them", "id": "7243863" }, { "contents": "Out of Mind (Tove Lo song)\n\n\nintense\" failed relationship. In an interview with \"Coup de Main Magazine\", she said that \"'Out Of Mind' for me is kind of the step after 'Habits'... Picked up the pieces again and now just trying to glue them back together, you know? But it never really works\". She further explained, \"That comes after I have the pain and I'm trying to get over this heartbreak. It's when you moved on and you're sort of okay, but you still", "id": "1348626" }, { "contents": "Friends (Marshmello and Anne-Marie song)\n\n\nabout how funny it is about the situation.\" Anne-Marie wrote on Genius: \"I think this is the friend-zone anthem because I don't think there's been any other songs like this. I don't know if I've heard this, like this blatant in a song before. Like if you're trying to put someone in the friend zone, you can send them this song. And then everything will be sweet. That's why I feel like it's the friend-zone anthem.", "id": "22070373" }, { "contents": "7 Days of Funk (album)\n\n\nI was [in] New York, in A1 [Record Shop] just listening to some records, and Snoop calls, like, 'Hey man, you need to check this out, check your email.' Four hours later I'm at the club, and he's like, 'Hey man, check these out, two more done.' He was just smashing them. When you're inspired by something, that's how you do it.\" Dâm-Funk created the music, and Snoopzilla came", "id": "7939461" }, { "contents": "Straight Out of Line\n\n\nAngeles with director Dean Karr. \"The song has got good aggression, and the visuals, when the band plays it, look really good,\" Erna explained to\" \"Sometimes it's really hard to shove a story within a four-minute video, unless you're a solo artist like Eminem or wherever, because all you have to do is cut back to him once in a while. When there are four guys in a band and you have to try to cover all of them and get a", "id": "7690251" }, { "contents": "The Sims 3: Pets\n\n\nlearn to hunt, dogs can learn to locate collectibles, and horses can learn racing and jumping. There are over a hundred breeds of dogs and cats. Players may have a poodle with short hair, or you may also have a Poodle with Dalmatian spots. Pets can meet, fall in love and reproduce. They can try to have puppies, kittens, or foals, and will also have family trees. Players can adopt horses and train them to run in races. The PC version was bundled in a package with", "id": "15070441" }, { "contents": "The Battle Cats\n\n\nCorp, and YD Online Corp, was released. The game is completely different than the original; It is a clicker/idle game rather than a 2D tower defense. The main gameplay involves tapping the screen to attack enemies that endlessly stream towards your team. You don't take any damage from enemies and there is no time limit to defeat them, except when fighting bosses which you will only have 30 seconds to defeat them. If you are unable to, you are kicked back to the previous enemy and farm until", "id": "3731551" }, { "contents": "Bitch (slang)\n\n\nManifesto\" in 1968: A Bitch takes shit from no one. You may not like her, but you cannot ignore her...[Bitches] have loud voices and often use them. Bitches are not pretty...Bitches seek their identity strictly thru themselves and what they do. They are subjects, not objects...Often they do dominate other people when roles are not available to them which more creatively sublimate their energies and utilize their capabilities. More often they are accused of domineering when doing what would be considered natural by a", "id": "3656330" }, { "contents": "Exotic felines as pets\n\n\ndomestic cat. Ocelots were popular as an exotic pet in the 50s and 60s. The passage of the Endangered Species Act in the United States effectively ended their keeping outside of zoological facilities due to interstate animal movement restrictions. Their popularity is also limited by their comparatively high aggression. No hybrids with domestic cats are known. While being considered small cats taxonomically, pumas are comparable in size to some of the big cats. They are typically less aggressive and more affectionate than big cats, which has led to some popularity as exotic", "id": "12139964" }, { "contents": "Midtown-Edmondson, Baltimore\n\n\nHilton Court pharmacies - a chain of pharmacies \"catered to the needs of black consumers at a time when white-owned businesses ignored them.\" Between 1970 and 1990, Super Pride grew to seven locations, employing more than 400 people, and making over $43 million in annual sales. Under Burns' leadership, Super Pride sponsored Black History Month activities and supported the Arena Players. By the late 1990s, however, the business struggled to compete against national chains and the city's shrinking population. In the fall of", "id": "11525409" }, { "contents": "Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes\n\n\nout and reveal more characters, is that they're going to be more characters that you've known forever and they make sense,\" Jefferson said. \"And the other characters, you may not know them as well, but once you see them in-game, you're going to understand why we made the choices that we made. These characters bring a certain narrative strength with them and, just as important, they bring a unique bit of gameplay with them ... [these are the] characters that are the", "id": "19226752" }, { "contents": "Jeff Erlanger\n\n\n-year-old Jeff showed Rogers how his electric wheelchair worked and explained why he needed it. They talked about his parents, doctors, recent surgery and what you can do when you're sad. Together they sang one of Rogers' popular songs, \"It's You I Like\". The two of them continued to communicate. In speeches Rogers gave, he told of Erlanger's example \"about overcoming obstacles and feeling comfortable about yourself.\" When Fred Rogers was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1999", "id": "3738593" }, { "contents": "Kidnapping of Sharon Commins and Hilda Kawuki\n\n\n. We know them by name, clan and tribe, so they will never escape punishment\". Betty Akech, Ugandan ambassador to Sudan said: “They are criminals and when you are a criminal you must pay for your actions. Whatever action the Sudanese government takes to punish this activity, we will support because it will act like a deterrent to anyone who would like to try something like this again”. Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon approved the release of Commins and Kawuki, praising in", "id": "9616360" }, { "contents": "Call Me When You're Sober\n\n\nmagazine, Lee described \"Call Me When You're Sober\" as \"mostly a chick anthem: 'You only want me when you're drunk. You only want me because I'm not there'\" and deemed it empowering for her female audience of listeners due to the response she had received from them. In retrospect, Lee mentioned in 2016, \"I love this song because it has this fun spirit that was new for us as a band. You can still be heavy with a smile on your face.", "id": "821775" }, { "contents": "When You're an Addams\n\n\ndon't apply!br When you're an Addams,br You do what Addams do or die! Overall, the song was better received than the original opening number, \"Clandango\", with Patrick Healy of \"The New York Times\" saying that \"When You're an Addams\" \"is more lighthearted and generic\", and Stephen Rader's review saying that it \"presents all of the family members to us as we know and love them from the TV series and subsequent movies.\" The song was nominated for a", "id": "19265554" }, { "contents": "Wet Blanket Policy\n\n\nto try to carry out his plan, mocking him by saying \"If you think you're going to bump ME off and collect $10,'re crazy! Anytime you can get $10,000 from me, it'll be over my dead body, you dirty crook!\" Buzz then tries his best to kill Woody so he can collect, resulting in a battle of wits between them, only to have the tables turned on him when Woody knocks him into a pit full of alligators. As Buzz flees from his attackers", "id": "20232122" }, { "contents": "Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu!\n\n\nA. Try to make long combos for higher bomb scores. A combo is when you make Panechus disappear in a row without interruption. You can hear how good you're doing by the shouts from the Panechus as they disappear. For some instances, a 1 combo will make them say \"HAPPY\", a 2+ combo will make them say \"SO HAPPY\", a 6+ combo will make them say \"MEGA HAPPY\" and so on. You can see at the top of the bomb meter how many bonus", "id": "2900747" }, { "contents": "The Wave (novel)\n\n\n, \"it's amazing how much more they like you when you make decisions for them\". It is through the Wave that Ben is enlarging his own ego while crushing his students' individuality to make them function like a single unit. An old saying has it that those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it, and this seems to very well be the case for those involved in the Wave. The students don't understand why the Nazis did what they did and some of them downright disregard the events", "id": "12530854" }, { "contents": "Later...When the TV Turns to Static\n\n\nwhen an infant trips and falls – people rush to pick them up and crowd around them going, 'Are you OK? Are you all right?' But as soon as you're out of that infant stage, when you trip and fall, everybody laughs at you. As you get older, it seems like sympathy is nowhere to be found.\" Explaining the meaning behind the title track, Allan said, \"I guess it's a song that I was writing, kind of about the place between what has", "id": "8974020" }, { "contents": "Kakapo\n\n\nto decorate the heads of taiaha, but were removed before use in combat. Despite this, the kakapo was also regarded as an affectionate pet by the Māori. This was corroborated by European settlers in New Zealand in the 19th century, among them George Edward Grey, who once wrote in a letter to an associate that his pet kakapo's behaviour towards him and his friends was \"more like that of a dog than a bird\". The conservation of the kakapo has made the species well known. Many books and documentaries", "id": "6797375" }, { "contents": "The Werewolf (1956 film)\n\n\n. Forrest corners Duncan in a mineshaft. Looking at his rifle, Duncan pleads, \"You're going to shoot me? Why? What have I ever done to you?\" He suddenly transforms into the werewolf and attacks Forrest, but is driven off by shots fired by Chambers. Helen and Chris also drive to Mountaincrest. After talking with them, Amy convinces Jack to try to take Duncan alive, and volunteers to help with first aid, as Duncan had been injured when he stepped into a bear trap laid for", "id": "20074382" }, { "contents": "The X Factor\n\n\nYou\", Natalia Kills suggested Faherty had wallflower body language. Kills then said \"buskers often end up performing more to themselves than to the people around them because they go unappreciated for so long it's as if the people around them think that they are invisible. You have the body language as you're trying to blend into the background behind you.\" The audience didn't appreciate what Kills had said and started booing her. Kills then said that Faherty was not invisible on the stage and that it was her time", "id": "20533452" }, { "contents": "Pillars of Eternity: The White March\n\n\nWatcher, who ask them why they are trying to kill them. They tell the player that their main objective is preservation. When the player tells them what Ondra said, they say that she changed them into destroyers against their will. They tell the Watcher that they want to return to themselves to restore Abydon. The player has a choice between destroying them and Abydon's memory or allowing them to return to themselves. Plans for an expansion pack were already announced more than a week before \"Pillars of Eternity\" was released", "id": "15342828" }, { "contents": "Always Drink Upstream from the Herd\n\n\nthe tradition that they so lovingly preserve. When you see or hear Riders in the Sky, you do not step back into a period piece or a recreated segment of history. You will always hear them pay tribute to the Western musical greats of the past, with songs like \"Cool Water\" and \"Cattle Call,\" but you will also hear them do their own compositions, like \"Desert Serenade,\" which fittingly take their place alongside the classics. Riders in the Sky are more than revivalists; they have", "id": "6200407" }, { "contents": "Ironic process theory\n\n\nIronic process theory, ironic rebound, or the white bear problem refers to the psychological process whereby deliberate attempts to suppress certain thoughts make them more likely to surface. An example is how when someone is actively trying not to think of a white bear they may actually be more likely to imagine one. \"Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute.\" The phenomenon was identified through thought suppression studies in experimental", "id": "16773294" }, { "contents": "The Shawshank Redemption\n\n\nthe suggestion of producer Liz Glotzer, who ignored the novella's character description of a white Irishman, nicknamed \"Red\". Freeman's character alludes to the choice when queried by Andy on why he is called Red, replying \"Maybe it's because I'm Irish.\" Freeman opted not to research his role, saying \"acting the part of someone who's incarcerated doesn't require any specific knowledge of incarceration ... because men don't change. Once you're in that situation, you just toe whatever line you have", "id": "11863625" }, { "contents": "Blood Mountain (album)\n\n\n, contains a secret \"fan letter\" from Josh Homme, who provided guest vocals on the album. At minute 21:25, he says: \"Dear Mastodon: My name is Joshua. I'm a big fan from Southern Cal. Really diggin' on your new scene. That's why I hope you don't mind when I got your new demos for your new CD, I had to sing parts on them and send them to you as a tribute. I hope you're not mad about me also uploading them", "id": "18989777" }, { "contents": "G.I. Jeff\n\n\nI thought they'd have more problems than they did with the idea of Jeff Winger's G.I. Joe character accidentally killing people. But they were cool with that! More power to them, because they were very, very gracious with their product. That's really cool too, because you're accustomed in TV that if someone pulls out a Snickers bar, it always says 'Snookers.' So the weird thing is that when you see actual branding like that, it hits your brain like it's kind of revolutionary.", "id": "14427643" }, { "contents": "Cats and the Internet\n\n\nat the history of how they rose to internet fame, and why people like them so much\". There is even a book entitled \"How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity: A Guide to Financial Freedom\". The annual Internet Cat Video Festival celebrated and awards the Golden Kitty to cat videos. According to \"Star Tribune\", the festival's success is because \"people realized that the cat video they'd chuckled over in the privacy of their homes was suddenly a thousand times funnier when there are thousands of", "id": "22124822" }, { "contents": "If It's Not Forever\n\n\nunknown; empathy with that person’s life and plight; relevance to other’s dreams and a dream to fulfill that unknown’s dream, a pain for other’s plight and loving your loved ones and making them feel this coziness and warmth throughout your life so that you don’t need to repent or think, “Why couldn’t I express them when I was alive”.\" \"Stories In Moments\" gives 4 stars and writes, \"It’s a captivating read. More than once I felt like jumping to the", "id": "12069118" }, { "contents": "Colorpoint Shorthair\n\n\nis a highly intelligent, playful, and people-friendly breed. They are extremely affectionate and outgoing and enjoy lounging around and playing with people, causing them to also be described as \"extroverts\". They can also be very sensitive with nervous temperaments, which do not adapt well to changes of environment or to strangers. Like Siamese, they can be extremely vocal and attention-demanding, feeling a need for human companionship. They have over 100 vocal sounds, much more than regular cats, making very unusual meows.", "id": "5486978" }, { "contents": "Little Friends: Dogs & Cats\n\n\nLittle Friends: Dogs & Cats is a pet simulation video game developed by Imagineer exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. The game was released on December 6, 2018 in Japan, May 27, 2019 in North America and May 28, 2019 in Europe and Australia. The game was announced in September 2018 in an issue of \"Famitsu\" magazine. The game offers a variety of puppies and kittens which you can interact with. Activities include playing, feeding, petting, and dressing up the pets to develop a bond with them", "id": "4745920" }, { "contents": "List of Warriors characters\n\n\n, Socks and Ruby wander into his territory; they were adopted as house cats, but later become lost and forgotten when their owners move; as dependent pets, they never learned to hunt for their own food. They ask Scourge for help, but he snarls at them, asking why he should help them after everything they did to him. Ruby then asks if blood means anything to him, to which Scourge replies that it is everything to him and how the blood of his enemies soaks into his fur. He then", "id": "9577359" }, { "contents": "Ernst Ludwig Kirchner\n\n\nbefore them you stand….. They help you when you work. You can thank them only through work. When you want to die, they sometimes appear to you. When you are completely empty and completely open, you belong to them\". Erna Schilling, his life partner, visited him periodically in Frauenkirch, while also maintaining a residence in Berlin to take care of Kirchner's business there. Kirchner continued to work through 1919 and 1920 as his health also rapidly improved. His reputation grew with several exhibitions in Germany", "id": "11441807" }, { "contents": "Michael Caine\n\n\nthe return of national service to help combat youth violence, stating: \"I'm just saying, put them in the Army for six months. You're there to learn how to defend your country. You belong to the country. Then, when you come out, you have a sense of belonging, rather than a sense of violence.\" Caine began his acting career at the age of 20 in Horsham, Sussex, when he responded to an advertisement in \"The Stage\" for an assistant stage manager who would", "id": "15597666" }, { "contents": "The Marble Index\n\n\nways to separate her voice from it as much as possible and then find instrumental voices that would be compatible with the harmonium track ... As an arranger you're usually trying to take the songs and put a structure on them, but what I thought was valuable was when you took the centre out of the track and worked around the central core of the tonality and changes. That left you with a sort of floating free-form tapestry behind what she was doing, which is when things became more abstract. /blockquote He also", "id": "7321201" }, { "contents": "Piaget's theory of cognitive development\n\n\nand three cats. The girl knows what cats and dogs are, and she is aware that they are both animals. However, when asked, \"Are there more dogs or animals?\" she is likely to answer \"more dogs\". This is due to her difficulty focusing on the two subclasses and the larger class all at the same time. She may have been able to view the dogs as dogs \"or\" animals, but struggled when trying to classify them as both, simultaneously. Similar to this is", "id": "469960" }, { "contents": "Snowpack Park\n\n\nonly a few penguins to be found. You're set out to gather back all the penguins at the various islands, and bring them back to the Snowpack Park. You are accompanied by Sam the penguin, who teaches you everything you need to know about caring for the penguins. \"Snowpack Park\" is a slowpaced life simulation game. You take control over either a Mii character or one of the characters already prepared. The game revolves around gathering penguins and interacting with them by feeding, petting and playing different minigames with", "id": "8558533" }, { "contents": "Wog\n\n\nbackgrounds to assert ethnic identity rather than succumb to ethnic stereotypes. Upon the release of \"Wog Boy 2\", Giannopoulos discussed the contemporary use of the term \"wog\" in the Australian context: I think by defusing the word 'wog' we've shown our maturity and our great ability to adapt and just laugh things off, you know... When I first came [to Greece] and I started trying to explain to them why we got called 'wog' they'd get really angry about it, you know", "id": "15683776" } ]
My parent's mentality: "ObamaCare takes my money and gives it to welfare ridin', foodstamp collectin' dead beats who don't work. I hate it!" Are they missing the point or is this a fair view?
[{"answer": "That is just how governments work. I don't drive, but my tax money goes to build roads for people who do. I don't have children but my tax money still goes to public schools. I've never had a house fire but my tax money is still used to fund fire departments. Healthcare funding is no different. It's also a bit of a fallacy to assume everyone who is unemployed is a deadbeat slacker. Some people are simply unable to find sustainable work, despite trying their hardest whether it be due to a disability or simply bad luck. I currently have a great job and a comfortable salary, but I was unemployed for a long time after college because I simply didn't get any calls back, no matter how many places I applied or how hard I worked to polish my resume."}, {"answer": "This is a fair view. If you have no money and no insurance, under Obamacare you will get some care. This care will be paid for by your parents' tax dollars. That said, this is: * a) Already true. Homeless, pennyless folks can walk into an emergency room and receive care for their major injuries/illnesses, and your parents are gonna pay for that. * b) Cheaper. Homeless, pennyless deadbeats can get PREVENTATIVE care for free under Obamacare, and that care is way cheaper than fixing the problem later when it's about to kill them and they come into the emergency room. * c) Gonna help your parents. Maybe, god forbid, your Dad gets cancer. The stress makes him do worse at work and he's fired. He is uninsurable. Nobody would cover him, since he has cancer, a pre-existing condition if there ever was one. Under Obamacare, he can (and in fact is required to) still be insured. Without Obamacare, he'll be required to make a decision between using all of his savings and mortgaging his house to try to save his own life vs. just dying and leaving money for his family."}, {"answer": "Well, there are a number of social assistance programs. Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, etc. The biggest of these were set up in the 30's during the Great Depression. It was Roosevelt's New Deal. So, it's not like President Obama created those. Obamacare was called by many as the completion of the New Deal. It fills in the last missing piece, (nearly) universal health care. I think the simplest justification comes down to this. Are we a nation that lets its poorest citizens die because they can't afford health care? If not, then we all need to chip in to help."}, {"answer": "This is already true. Your parents live in a fantasy world where they don't already pay for other people's healthcare. If \"foodstamp collectin' dead beats\" can't afford a visit to a doctor they can just walk into an ER and skip out on the bill instead. They'll potentially have bill collectors after them but if they are genuinely poor little will be gained by that. People who can and do pay their medical bills pay more to make up for those people. The key point to note is that ER care is the most expensive possible way someone like that could receive treatment. A doctor's visit may only be around $200 to treat a common ailment, but given the person was unable or unwilling to pay they just cost us all a $2,000 ER visit. **tl;dr** Your parents can either pay the \"dead beats'\" $2,000 ER bill (no ObamaCare) or pay the \"dead beats'\" $200 doctor bill (ObamaCare). The third option where they don't pay either is a figment of their imagination."}, {"answer": "Some unemployed people are deadbeats. Other are honest people who just can't find a job because of the recession. And of course, there's no way to tell which is which. So the question is this: do we take care of unemployed people? If we don't, then we're letting honest unemployed people - people who are genuinely trying to find a job - we're saying they don't deserve health care if they get sick. We're saying that they're so worthless that if they get sick, they should literally *die*. Is that really what we've come to as a society, to say that if you're between jobs, then you're a worthless human being who deserves to die of an untreated sickness? I find that view repugnant."}, {"answer": "Huh, I'll be the first person to say \"Not really\", and I'm Republican who strongly oppose Obamacare. The \"my money\" part of your parents statement doesn't work. Very little money is being reallocated from your parents taxes to the poor as a result of Obamacare. Obamacare is paid for in two major ways, and a lot of minor ways. The major ways are cuts to Medicare, and taxes on the rich. The minor ways are increasing the burden on states via Medicaid (Supreme Court undid some of this, saying it can't be forced on states), increasing taxes in a few areas like tanning beds, and making some people pay more in taxes by decreasing flexible spending caps. If your parents were very rich, they have a point. If they are Medicare recipients, they sort of have a point, but their point would be saying \"Some of our future planned entitlement money is being used as an entitlement for another group.\" Overall, for the average American, Obamacare doesn't shift much money around from what they pay or to where it goes."}, {"answer": "An economist would say healthcare has a [positive externality]( URL_0 ). You can look at it like this: * The amount a person buys of a good (eg doctor visits) is based on how many they want and how much they can afford. This is referred to as the **private benefit**. * There are some things you can buy that make everyone better off. For example: going to the doctor every time you are sick will make you less likely to make other people sick. This is referred to as a **public benefit**. * Because only the private benefit is taken into account when someone is buying something, people buy less of a good than is **socially optimal** (private benefit + public benefit) * Governments give money to people so that they will buy more of these goods in order to make everyone else feel better (ie get closer to the socially optimal amount of consumption). Positive/Negative externalities are the driving force behind a lot of government policy. Edit: Formatting"}, {"answer": "You know, I steer clear of US Politics threads for the most part, because I'm not American. But this one particular issue is one that baffles me. I don't understand why it is such a big deal in the USA. Yes, government tax revenue pays for healthcare. The rest of us in the first world have been doing this for decades. Ask whether Government should provide free schooling for those same freeloading poor people? And free roads too for those too poor to use private toll roads? Some people will always pay for private schools and Hospitals etc, but that doesn't mean free options shouldn't exist also. For the record, I am an Australian with private health insurance. I have never used it beyond dental and optical. The last time I was at hospital, I went public."}, {"answer": "This is an honest view. What it means is that they value 'fairness' more than they value 'care' for everyone. It means they are willing to let people who they perceive to be freeloaders suffer and even die. It's not illogical at that level, though clearly it does display an enormous amount of ignorance about who is benefitting from ObamaCare, but mostly it is unfortunate for anyone who needs that help, and what's more unfortunate, is that most Republicans share this view. For more on this, look up Jonathan Haidt, who I generally think is an idiot, but has collected some great data."}, {"answer": "It would've been far easier for my family; single mom raising three kids and going to collage, we lived off food stamps. When I moved to Phoenix around 2010 I couldn't find work anywhere I had to get food stamps as I was down to plain pasta noodles for meals and donating plasma to pay rent. Luckily I've found work but in this day and age losing your job is serious as it's fucking hard to get another. Without these social assistance a lot of people who lost their jobs during the financial collapse would have also lost their lives."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "32802570", "title": "Criticisms of welfare", "section": "Section::::Liberal criticism.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Advocates of classical liberalism, economic liberalism and neoliberalism such as adherents of the Chicago school of economics like Milton Friedman faulted the New Deal version of social insurance for creating \"notches\" that perverted economic incentives, arguing: The government, Milton Friedman and others argued, told the poor: make more money and we will take away your free housing, food stamps, and income support. People are rational, Friedman said, so they will not work for long if they get nothing or next to nothing for it. The big difference between the Malthusian conservative critics of social insurance in the early nineteenth century and the Chicago critics of the 1970s is that the Chicago critics had a point: Providing public support to the \"worthy\" poor, and then removing it when they began to stand on their own feet, poisoned incentives and was unlikely to lead to good outcomes. And so, from 1970 to 2000, a broad coalition of conservatives (who wanted to see the government stop encouraging immorality), centrists (who wanted government money spent effectively), and leftists (who wanted poverty alleviated) removed the \"notches\" from the social-insurance system. Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and even George W. Bush and their supporters created the current system, in which tax rates and eligibility thresholds are not punitive disincentives to enterprise.", "People are rational, Friedman said, so they will not work for long if they get nothing or next to nothing for it. The big difference between the Malthusian conservative critics of social insurance in the early nineteenth century and the Chicago critics of the 1970s is that the Chicago critics had a point: Providing public support to the \"worthy\" poor, and then removing it when they began to stand on their own feet, poisoned incentives and was unlikely to lead to good outcomes."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sacred Band (1821)\n\n\nCountry's leader. To not retreat if I don't repel the enemy of my Country and Religion. To fight when my Leader campaigns against the tyrants and to invite my friends to follow me. To hate and despise my enemies. To not give up until I see my Country free and my enemies dead. To spill my blood so that I can beat the enemies of my Religion or to die as a martyr for Jesus Christ. I swear in the name of Holy Communion that I will deprive her if I do", "id": "19818136" }, { "contents": "Tad Williams\n\n\nthese big, world-changing events.\" Williams uses the view point of many different characters to give depth to the created world. \"One thing people often miss about my work is how closely humor is woven into it. Even my most serious stuff usually is laced with humor, although obviously not at every moment, and not always in the most noticeable ways. (A lot of my humor is absurdist in nature, so often I just put crazy things in and don't make much out of them, because", "id": "1322429" }, { "contents": "The Black Crown\n\n\nmy life. This is my head cracked open and poured on the paper! I still have the same beliefs and same views, but I'm more open to everything,\" he adds. \"At this point in my life, I don't see the good in making people hate you for something you say. This record is for everybody.\" The cover for \"The Black Crown\" was designed by Ken \"K3N\" Adams, who designs the artwork for Lamb of God albums as well as many other artists", "id": "19895251" }, { "contents": "Haunted Mouse\n\n\nhis missing nose as if to say, \"Ahem, I would like my nose back if you don't mind.\" Jerry gives him the radish and Tom screws it on. It takes only a few seconds for Tom to realize something is wrong. He creeps up behind Jerry again, pokes him and points to the radish on his nose as if to say, \"This is not my nose. Give me my \"real\" nose\". Jerry, realizing his mistake, grins and this time gives him his", "id": "15983275" }, { "contents": "Julie Burchill\n\n\nSugar Rush\" was adapted for television. Julie Burchill was born in Bristol and educated at Brislington Comprehensive School. Her father was a Communist union activist who worked in a distillery. Her mother had a job in a cardboard box factory. In 2010, Burchill wrote of her parents: \"I don't care much for families. I adored my mum and dad, but to be honest I don't miss them much now they're dead\"; three years later she contradicted this when she said she couldn't return to", "id": "5214757" }, { "contents": "Jump (Rihanna song)\n\n\nthe song, the singer sings \"Skrillex-worthy\" lines, \"You think I give a damn/ but you know who I am/ I don't go around chasing no dude\". The chorus features Rihanna singing, \"If you want it, let's do it/ Ridin' my pony/ My saddle is waitin'/ Come and jump on it.\" Rapper Theophilus London remixed the song, a remix which leaked under the title \"Jump (Club Cheval Rap Remix)\". Additional production to the song was added by Club", "id": "8477261" }, { "contents": "Jack LaLanne\n\n\nwho have Alzheimer's or are in a wheelchair or whatever. And I say to myself 'I don't want to live like that. I don't want to be a burden on my family. I need to live life. And I'd hate dying; it would ruin my image.'\" LaLanne summed up his philosophy about good nutrition and exercise: LaLanne often stressed that artificial food additives, drugs, and processed foods contributed to making people mentally and physically ill. As a result, he writes, many", "id": "19595117" }, { "contents": "List of songs recorded by Memphis Minnie\n\n\nHustlin' Woman Blues\" \"I Am Sailin'\" \"I Called You This Morning\" \"I Don't Want No Woman I Have to Give My Money To\" \"I Don't Want That Junk Outa You\" \"I Don't Want You No More\" \"I Got To Make a Change Blues\" \"I Hate to See the Sun Go Down\" \"I Hope Love Will Change Some Day\" \"I Never Told a Lie\" \"Ice Man Blues\" \"Ice Man (Come On Up)", "id": "15107288" }, { "contents": "Dead Silence\n\n\nwhich means that I write them in my own time without getting paid and then take them out into the world to see if anyone's interested. Never again will I enter the arranged marriage of selling a pitch. I have also become very gun-shy about working with studios. In the world of independent film, what you write ends up on screen. Plus, they don't have the money to bring in script doctors! Works fine for me. Who knows, maybe one day I will work with a studio", "id": "21841206" }, { "contents": "Hatata\n\n\n\"If I say that my father and my mother created me, then I must search for the creator of my parents and of the parents of my parents until they arrive at the first who were not created as we [are] but who came into this world in some other way without being generated.\" However, the knowability of God does not depend on human intellect, but \"Our soul has the power of having the concept of God and of seeing him mentally. God did not give this power purposelessly;", "id": "7549396" }, { "contents": "Joe Rogan\n\n\nquarter Irish and three-quarters Italian descent. His father, Joseph, worked as a police officer in Newark. At five years of age, Rogan's parents divorced, and his father has not been in contact with him since he was seven. Rogan said of his father: \"All I remember of my dad are these brief, violent flashes of domestic violence ... But I don't want to complain about my childhood. Nothing bad ever really happened to me ... I don't hate the guy.\" At seven", "id": "18630311" }, { "contents": "Over My Dead Body (song)\n\n\naccording to Popdust writer Andrew Unterberger, \"taking stock of where he's at\" in his career, with the lyrics \"I think I killed everybody in the game last year, man / Fuck it I was on though / And I thought I found the girl of my dreams at a strip club / Fuck it I was wrong though\". Other lyrics, such as \"just performed at a Bar Mitzvah over in the States / used half of the money to beat my brother's case\" see him taking on", "id": "20003864" }, { "contents": "My Gift Is You\n\n\nalluding to Stefani's relationship with boyfriend Blake Shelton. Rachel McRady from \"Entertainment Tonight\" suggested that even when considering their previously released duet (\"You Make It Feel Like Christmas\"), \"My Gift Is You\" may be the \"most telling tune\" on the parent album. Stefani sings: \"I can't wait to give all my lovin' to my best friend / All I want is you to take my love and give it back again\". While crooning, she says: \"Don't need", "id": "16305083" }, { "contents": "Dan Blackburn\n\n\n.\" He also stated, \"It's not bittersweet, you know what? I don't really miss it anymore - it's been such a long time. It was a chapter of my life and I'm on to the next...I don't have any regrets at all about what transpired or the way things happened for me. I really enjoy what I do now in the business world...From my point of view, I was really fortunate, even though I was only there for a couple of years", "id": "16074398" }, { "contents": "Sir Charles Asgill, 2nd Baronet\n\n\npaying good money to enter his cell and taunt or beat him, was never published. Left for dead after one particular attack, he was subsequently permitted to keep a Newfoundland dog to protect himself. I leave for the public to decide how far the treatment I have related deserved acknowledgements – the motives of my silence were shortly these. The state of my mind at the time of my release was such that my judgement told me I could not with sincerity return thanks [and] my feelings would not allow me to give", "id": "4423737" }, { "contents": "Mulgrew Miller\n\n\nworked hard to maintain a certain mental and emotional equilibrium. It's mostly due to my faith in the Creator. I don't put all my eggs in that basket of being a rich and famous jazz guy. That allows me a certain amount of freedom, because I don't have to play music for money. I play music because I love it. Ben Ratliff, writing for \"The New York Times\", commented that, \"As a composer, Mr. Miller is difficult to peg; like his piano playing", "id": "10187035" }, { "contents": "Jorge Luis Borges\n\n\nI am a Conservative, I hate the Communists, I hate the Nazis, I hate the anti-Semites, and so on; but I don't allow these opinions to find their way into my writings—except, of course, when I was greatly elated about the Six-Day War. Generally speaking, I think of keeping them in watertight compartments. Everybody knows my opinions, but as for my dreams and my stories, they should be allowed their full freedom, I think. I don't want to", "id": "15878366" }, { "contents": "Hoy Wong\n\n\nmade headlines; some of the over 300 guests at the ceremony were previous customers, including some who were underage at the time. Wong had served them anyway and they came to give him thanks. When asked about his longevity and how he still manages to keep so busy and healthy he remarked, \"Not many secrets. Eat right, take a nap and every day get exercise working. Don't worry about money. I don't plan to retire. I love my job. I love to meet people. President", "id": "20450702" }, { "contents": "Le roi s'amuse\n\n\nat the scene and pronounces Blanche dead. Triboulet collapses, exclaiming, \"J'ai tué mon enfant!\" (\"I have killed my child\"). In his preface to the play, the author notes that Triboulet \"hates the king because he is king; hates the nobles because they are nobles and hates men because they don't all have a hump-back... he corrupts the king and brutalizes him, urging him on to tyranny, ignorance and vice, dragging him through the gentlemen's families, pointing out", "id": "17768234" }, { "contents": "Abdellah Taïa\n\n\nof public money to fund TV shows that featured him. Bloggers called for him to be stoned. Newspaper readers wrote to attack his credentials. 'They said I am a prostitute and not a Muslim anymore, that I should apologize for the shame I brought to my mother, to my religion, to my town, to my country. These attacks hurt, but worse was the silence of the Moroccan intellectuals. It just confirmed that they were dead people who live in another world–they don't talk about us,", "id": "19632749" }, { "contents": "Lawyer joke\n\n\ndying of a long-term illness and has medical bills several times her income? Did you know that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and in a wheelchair? Do you understand my sister is widowed and penniless with three dependent children? Well, since I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?\" Similarly: Other anecdotes are based on logical fallacy, such as a lawyer defending a client on trial for killing his parents: \"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury", "id": "3686476" }, { "contents": "You Can Dance\n\n\ntransposed up and down in pitch and give them more echo, reverberation, treble or bass. It was this concept which intrigued Madonna, while she was developing her third studio album \"True Blue\" (1986). She said, \"I hate it when people do master mixes of my records. I don't want to hear my songs changed like that. I don't know that I like it, people screwing with my records. The jury is out on it for me. But the fans like it,", "id": "13874240" }, { "contents": "Jermaine Turner\n\n\n. I’ve got to carry my own bag. We don't practise enough. They want me to coach the local kids when I just want to play.' But when I went back to America for the Christmas break, I realised that I had to take my blinders off or I'd end up just like my friends at home, doing nothing or working in a job they hated.\" He came to embrace the lifestyle and it showed on and off the court. However, while he was considered 'prolific", "id": "12415530" }, { "contents": "Sarah Burge\n\n\n. I think you're dreadful and I honestly don't want to talk to you anymore.\" Cooper stated later that he felt she was only seeking publicity. Burge responded by accusing him of the same thing: \"I went on the Anderson Cooper show after being offered a chance to talk about plastic surgery, my controversial views, my book and domestic violence; instead he attacked me in what I can only assume was a bid for international glory. I can take a beating but he did it in front of my", "id": "5338754" }, { "contents": "Racial views of Donald Trump\n\n\nthe job market.\" Fortune Magazine reported that Trump's statement was not confirmed by studies of factual evidence concerning the impact of an applicant's race on their job prospects. In his 1991 book \"Trumped!\" John O'Donnell quoted Trump as allegedly saying: I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money", "id": "21859763" }, { "contents": "The Mountain Men\n\n\nrecognition that they earned as trappers. I confess that I miss that aspect bitterly. My son found it difficult to swallow. He poured everything into the script and he resented the changes. But all artists compromise. Every one of my films could have been better. Every one of them. My son learned that the people who put up the money control the film. When we saw the final cut, he was heartbroken... I could have walked out. I could have put everything on the line but I don't", "id": "10911015" }, { "contents": "Floyd Mayweather Jr.\n\n\nfinal verdict and thought he won the fight, \"If the judges want to give the fight to fighters that run, they can give it to him. I was attacking all the time. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that I was the aggressor. I kept my plan to be aggressive but he kept holding and pushing. I don't want to waste my time with a third fight. I trained with all my heart to get this type of result. This is not fair. There's not reason", "id": "20291542" }, { "contents": "Tony Lucadello\n\n\nat least $100,000 from seven other teams while all Lucadello could offer from the Cubs was $4,000. Lucadello had been watching the player, Dick Drott, since he was fifteen. On the night of Drott's graduation, the earliest time he could sign a high school player, Lucadello, Drott and both of his parents were in tears about their decision when the mother said, \"I don't want the money...Over my dead body is my boy going to sign with anyone but Tony.\" These are the", "id": "19667961" }, { "contents": "George Mueller (NASA)\n\n\nthen to leave before, and let someone else take over for the next phase. From a practical point of view, I needed to go make some money so I could keep my family going. It was costly for us to join the Apollo program. My salary was half what I was making in industry when I went there, and it was just a strain to keep the family going and work going at the same time. So I went back to industry.\". After a short time at General Dynamics,", "id": "16249194" }, { "contents": "Vicki Fowler\n\n\nexpense of any parent's realistic concerns: \"We get it wrong when we take the easy route like the kidnap snatch with Vicki. My argument about this was that I am a father but have never had my kids snatched. If I'm just sitting at home and my children are out late at night and they say they're going to be back at midnight and they don't come back, you immediately think they're dead and you start to worry. If they'd actually been snatched, it would have affected", "id": "5487361" }, { "contents": "Unconscious mind\n\n\nwe are not aware, that is, \"of which we are unconscious\". If I hate a man because I am afraid of him, and if I am aware of my hate but not of my fear, we may say that my hate is conscious and that my fear is unconscious; still my fear does not lie in that mysterious place: 'the' unconscious.\" John Searle has offered a critique of the Freudian unconscious. He argues that the Freudian cases of shallow, consciously held mental states would be", "id": "19449851" }, { "contents": "Next to Nothing (Rittz album)\n\n\nabout my career and where I'm at. I just kept going with making the music that I make that hopefully pleases the fans. So I didn't change up anything. I just kind of stuck with my formula. I have a formula for picking out beats whether it was for the last album or this album, I start with picking out tracks and I just flow from the heart, whatever is on my mind. So I think I don't compromise my music that pleases my fans to make money or anything", "id": "19312879" }, { "contents": "Utada the Best\n\n\nentirely against [her] will\". She also said \"I understand that if it doesn't sell I'm the one who will take the hit, but to be honest, I don't want my fans putting down money for something that my heart isn't in.\" She posted on her official Twitter account: \"The release of \"Utada the best\" is entirely against my will. I wish that my fans won't have to buy it. There's no new material in it.\" The album", "id": "4510267" }, { "contents": "Jessica Alba\n\n\nwith your face. Just make it flat. We can CGI the tears in.'\" According to Alba, this experience filled her with self-doubt: \"And then it all got me thinking: Am I not good enough? Are my instincts and my emotions not good enough? Do people hate them so much that they don't want me to be a person? Am I not allowed to be a person in my work? And so I just said, 'Fuck it. I don't care about", "id": "50073" }, { "contents": "Hollywood (Marina and the Diamonds song)\n\n\nmy brain and I really valued the wrong things in life, but I changed dramatically.\" \"This obsession with celebrity culture is really unhealthy. I don't want to live my life like that, and I don't want to be a typical pop star\". Diamandis told \"The Sun\": \"That track is a sarcastic and cynical take on everything that's commercial about America. I love the country and people dearly and can't wait to tour there but I hate the way it brainwashes you. I", "id": "11716200" }, { "contents": "Shel Silverstein\n\n\n. People who say they create only for themselves and don't care if they are published... I hate to hear talk like that. If it's good, it's too good not to share. That's the way I feel about my work. So I'll keep on communicating, but only my way. Lots of things I won't do. I won't go on television because who am I talking to? Johnny Carson? The camera? Twenty million people I can't see? Uh-uh.", "id": "11979297" }, { "contents": "Julio César Chávez\n\n\na lot of problems with my arms, with my knees. I really don't want to extend myself much longer\", Chávez said. \"After so many years of working out, it all builds up. I am not giving what I used to be able to give. I will fight De La Hoya for a lot of money, and then retire.\" On June 7, 1996, Chávez faced Oscar De La Hoya. A large gash appeared over the left eye of Chávez within the first minute of the", "id": "3823586" }, { "contents": "Moazzam Begg\n\n\n. Begg said that, when first approached, he hesitated, \"I was worried that it might trivialise my experience\", but that he would \"help to bring those issues to people who would not usually think about it\". Although Begg had a financial stake in the game, he said that he had not received any money at that point. The software company said: \"We have had a lot of hate mail about this, mainly from America, saying things like 'don't dare put out a game", "id": "19762862" }, { "contents": "2006-2007 Life Peerages scandal\n\n\nquite untrue to say there was a deal or I made the decision.\" Of Garrard and Rosenfeld he said, \"I don't think I have ever met them. I don't know who the companies are and I certainly don't know if they were giving money to the Labour Party. I am not a great one for circulating among businessmen. I just do my damn job and therefore I resent it when these implications are made. I have not made any money from politics for God's sake. But I", "id": "11122391" }, { "contents": "Oh Father\n\n\nfather and I didn't want to lose him. I lost my mother, but then I was my mother... and my father was mine... When he married my stepmother, it was, 'OK, I don't need anybody.' I hated my father for a long, long time.\" When Madonna started work on her fourth studio album, \"Like a Prayer\", she was already in an emotional state of mind, following her divorce with then-husband, Sean Penn, her thirtieth birthday,", "id": "3513795" }, { "contents": "Logan (Iroquois leader)\n\n\nman in the Civil War, but when I got to Harrisburg I was sent back as too old. But I was a dead shot, and can still beat men one-quarter of my age with the gun and bow and arrow. Next summer, if I live I hope to visit Logan Valley, where my grandfather resided, and view the scenes that my father loved to talk about. I would also like to visit Mrs. Gross, at Fort Augusta, who has done so much to honor Shikellamy's memory.", "id": "10226241" }, { "contents": "Bernard Manning\n\n\nin family values who never swore in front of his mother, stating: \"I dragged myself up by my bootlaces. I don't drink or smoke, I don't take drugs. I have never been a womaniser. I was brought up right with good parents and I have never been in trouble or harmed no-one. And I love my family.\" In 2010, BBC Four commissioned Alice Nutter to write a biographical drama based on Manning's life. The screenplay was completed but cuts to the channel's", "id": "8691832" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nof voice I have. I really hate listening to myself! The first time I listened to a recording of my singing was when we were recording \"San Giovanni Battista\" by Stradella in a church in Perugia in 1949. They made me listen to the tape and I cried my eyes out. I wanted to stop everything, to give up singing... Also now even though I don't like my voice, I've become able to accept it and to be detached and objective about it so I can say, \"", "id": "17351069" }, { "contents": "The Devil's Star\n\n\ndead in her shower, shot in the head. Waaler is appointed to lead the investigation, but Hole and his former partner Beate Lønn are attached to Waaler's team. Hole, investigating the murder scene, discovers a small, red, five-pointed diamond under the eyelid of the victim and that a finger is missing from her left hand. Another murder is presumed when the director of a theatre production of \"My Fair Lady\", reports that his wife has gone missing. Her finger is later sent to Kripos", "id": "21023790" }, { "contents": "Manhattan Is My Beat\n\n\nrents the same tape over and over: a crime film based on a true story called Manhattan Is My Beat. When Rune goes to visit him for a routine tape collection and finds him dead, the police suspect a robbery. However, Rune is convinced that the true answer to the mystery lies with the tape of \"Manhattan Is My Beat\". This conviction draws her into a dangerous adventure against those who will stop at nothing to hide the truth and don't believe in Hollywood endings. \"Manhattan Is My Beat", "id": "1850385" }, { "contents": "ZK (rapper)\n\n\nand is his most streamed song. ZK went to the studio to make \"Zum Zum\" after he was told that two of his close friends were in prison. The song is his explanation of him and his friends' understanding of life and the ghetto life. “I don't feel anyone is explaining my friends and my story. We come from slum and ghetto, and most of our lives take place on the street. Out here, it's just our mentality to hit money fast quick. ZK's third", "id": "8421331" }, { "contents": "High with Somebody\n\n\nall the money in the world but he was so indifferent to it. He could throw a house party and while everyone else was having a blast he would just go to bed. He was someone who is really in a \"Hakuna Matata\" mentality. I live my life the polar opposite, working all the time for everything because I don't believe anything happens just for itself, but it was fun to write a song that is about someone who is absolutely certain that tomorrow everything will be sensational.\" The music", "id": "6440378" }, { "contents": "James Zwerg\n\n\nin what I did. If you want to talk about heroism, consider the black man who probably saved my life. This man in coveralls, just off of work, happened to walk by as my beating was going on and said 'Stop beating that kid. If you want to beat someone, beat me.' And they did. He was still unconscious when I left the hospital. I don't know if he lived or died.\" Zwerg was denied prompt medical attention because there were no white ambulances available", "id": "2600374" }, { "contents": "Over My Head (Better Off Dead)\n\n\nhearing everything you've just done the night before, and you're like, \"Ah, fuck, I'm better off dead.\" I don't regret any of the things I do and I don't mind doing them, I just hate hearing about it. Being told every morning, \"Dude, what did you do last night?\" drives me nuts.\" The video was released in Canada, Japan and the UK only. It was directed by Chris Hafner and shows assorted backstage footage and concert clips", "id": "15207131" }, { "contents": "Don't Take My Darling Boy Away\n\n\ndoor Your boy is commanded to war \"No Captain please, here on my knees, I plead for one I adore\" Don't take my darling boy away from me, Don't send him off to war You took his father and brothers three, Now you've come back for more Who are the heroes that fight your war Mothers who have no say But my duty's done so for god's sake leave one! And don't take my darling boy away A hero is now laid to rest, A hero", "id": "3330304" }, { "contents": "Lindsay Crosby\n\n\nfailed them by giving them too much work and discipline, too much money, and too little time and attention. But I did my best and so did their mother.\" Lindsay responded by saying \"I don't know how our dad could feel he's failed us as a father. Reading that he had said that in an interview really shook me up. I only hope someday that I can give my son a tenth of what Dad has given us. And that I can rate any part of the admiration we", "id": "11029540" }, { "contents": "Pirappu\n\n\nparents, Shankarapandi humiliates him and is hell-bent on performing the rite, thus receiving his sister's inheritance. Meera, who was in the hospital, tells Padma about the whole incident and blames Shankarapandi for the murders. Padma then orders Kannan to punish her father. An angry Kannan beats him up and tells Shankarapandi that money and caste don't matter to him. Meera takes a burning stick and gives it to Padma (Meera symbolically sacrifices her love), Padma then cremates the dead bodies. The film ends with", "id": "3311209" }, { "contents": "Khosrow Golsorkhi\n\n\n. Eyes flashing in anger Golesorkhi spoke passionately \"Don't you give me any orders. Go and order your corporals and squadron leaders. I doubt if my voice is loud enough to awaken a sleeping conscience here. Don't be afraid. Even in this so-called respectable court, bayonets protect you\". Earlier Golesorkhi had defended himself: \"Iranian society should know that I am here being tried and condemned to death purely for holding Marxist views. My crime is not conspiracy, nor an assassination but my views.", "id": "1824465" }, { "contents": "Suicide of Leelah Alcorn\n\n\nand be a straight male, but eventually I realized that I hated religion and my parents.\" On Reddit, Alcorn also disclosed that she was prescribed increasing dosages of the anti-depressant Prozac. In concluding her post, she wrote, \"Please help me, I don't know what I should do and I can't take much more of this.\" Alcorn's computer was recovered near the site of her suicide. It contained conversations showing that she had planned to jump off the bridge that crosses Interstate 71 days", "id": "16172993" }, { "contents": "Superunknown\n\n\nand my voice pretty much took a beating. Towards the end of the American tour I felt like I could still kinda sing, but I wasn't really giving the band a fair shake. You don't buy a ticket to see some guy croak for two hours! That seemed like kind of a rip off.\" The band made up the dates later in 1995. Although the album's singles featured quite a few B-sides, only \"Exit Stonehenge\" (from the \"Spoonman\" single) was sourced", "id": "5408032" }, { "contents": "The Heathen\n\n\ncommon Christian morality... he was a heathen... a gross materialist who believed that when he died he was dead. He believed merely in fair play and square-dealing... Otoo had my welfare always at heart. He thought ahead for me, weighed my plans and took a greater interest in them than I did myself.\" Otoo advises Charley to become a captain of a schooner, in order to save enough to own a plantation. He does so; he marries and has children. Otoo helps to bring up the", "id": "8594838" }, { "contents": "Kenojuak Ashevak\n\n\nand simplicity: Since her death, prices for Kenojuak's work have reached new records, including $59,000CAD paid for a copy of \"Rabbit Eating Seaweed\". Kenojuak described her work thusly in 1980: I just take these things out of my thoughts and out of my imagination, and I don't really give any weight to the idea of its being an image of something... I am just concentrating on placing it down on paper in a way that is pleasing to my own eye, whether it has anything to do", "id": "16589073" }, { "contents": "Craig Bryson\n\n\nthey've scored between them. It's a smashing partnership.\" Martin himself said of his partnership with Bryson in May 2014: \"I think people must hate playing against him, because I certainly would. I wouldn't want to mark him. People can't stay with him, he's got that much energy. From my point of view, he helps my game, because he takes people away and runs in behind. It makes it easier for me to play, because he's always there next to me", "id": "11560056" }, { "contents": "Larry Adler\n\n\nappeared in 1994 but he told \"The Free-Reed Journal\": \"That's a lousy book and I don't like it; it's ghosted. ... [It] has a certain amount of factual material but the author completely missed my style and my voice. That's why I hate the book.\" Adler married Eileen Walser in 1952; they had two daughters and one son. They divorced in 1957. He married Sally Kline in 1959; they had one daughter, Marmoset. They divorced in 1963", "id": "11183487" }, { "contents": "Zera Yacob (philosopher)\n\n\nproof for the existence of God. \"If I say that my father and my mother created me, then I must search for the creator of my parents and of the parents of my parents until they arrive at the first who were not created as we [are] but who came into this world in some other way without being generated.\" However, the knowability of God does not depend on human intellect, but \"Our soul has the power of having the concept of God and of seeing him mentally. God", "id": "3433566" }, { "contents": "Publication of Darwin's theory\n\n\nof your data \"pigeons\" if you please & so out with the theory & let it take date—& be cited—& understood.\" Darwin replied on 3 May: \"With respect to your suggestion of a sketch of my view; I hardly know what to think, but will reflect on it; but it goes against my prejudices. To give a fair sketch would be absolutely impossible, for every proposition requires such an array of facts. If I were to do anything it could only refer to the", "id": "2351071" }, { "contents": "Morrison's Academy\n\n\nhaving a particular regard to the Education of youth and the diffusion of knowledge\". And he continues, \"although I do not wish to confine this object to a particular place, yet I have regard in my views to the part of the country where I was born, and to the city of Edinburgh, where I long resided and acquired my fortune\" He finishes by saying \"I rather incline to point at a new institution which may bear my name and preserve the remembrance of my good intentions for the welfare and", "id": "10279972" }, { "contents": "Who Knew\n\n\nUr Hand\". On an interview with \"Daily Mail\", Pink explained her teenage years: \"My life was insane, I was [in her youth] out of control and doing lots of stupid things. Some of my friends were selling crack, and I got into drugs too. I've always been honest about that, although I don't like going into details. I've got lots of young fans and I wouldn't want to give them any ideas. I found a friend dead from a drug", "id": "18927089" }, { "contents": "Suicide Silence\n\n\nand \"Fuck Everything\". When asked by \"Kerrang!\", Lucker revealed that the album's lyrical themes would feature more of the personal topics that \"No Time to Bleed\" had in-concept rather than the anti-religious theme that \"The Cleansing\" held. Lucker explained \"I still have the same beliefs and same views, but I'm more open to everything. At this point in my life, I don't see the good in making people hate you for something you say. This record", "id": "4936502" }, { "contents": "New antisemitism\n\n\ndebate, anti-globalization or the war in Iraq or any other issue, and when you start turning that into an excuse for saying therefore we should hate Jews, that's where you cross the line, in my view. It's not that you're not entitled to question all those other issues. Of course, those are fair game. But it's the same as saying, you know, you start hating all Muslims because of some policy you don't like by one Muslim country or something. Robert Wistrich", "id": "10448990" }, { "contents": "Catherine de Jong\n\n\nparents refused to have antibiotics administered to him. \"When people cause unnecessary harm to themselves or their children because of their decisions, then it gives me a knot in my stomach. I find it incredibly hard to deal with\", said De Jong, who emphasised making \"wise, rational choices\" regarding health. She opines that alternative therapists merely give their clients a \"medically empty treatment ritual\", make them dependent, waste their time and money and miss the opportunity to properly inform them. In 2004, De", "id": "19402579" }, { "contents": "From my cold, dead hands\n\n\n\"I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands\" is a slogan popularized by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on a series of bumper stickers. It is a variation of a slogan mentioned in a 1976 report from the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency: \"I Will Give Up My Gun When They Peel My Cold Dead Fingers From Around It.\" The original version did not originate with the NRA, but with another gun rights group,", "id": "18426224" }, { "contents": "Charles Rosen\n\n\n] in the then less fashionable Upper West Side, where Rosen still lives. Because money was so short Rosen's parents arranged a contract with the Rosenthals not to pay them for Charles's tuition, but instead to give them 15% of his earnings as a pianist until the age of 21. \"As I didn't make my debut in New York until I was 23, it was not a very satisfactory deal. But when I made my first recording I took some money to Hedwig [Kanner] Rosenthal, who", "id": "10003129" }, { "contents": "One in a Million (Aaliyah song)\n\n\n, Won't let no one come and take your place/ 'Cause the love you give can't be replaced/ See no one else love me like you do/ That's why I don't mind to spend my life with you.\" Quentin B. Huff from PopMatters felt that the song represented Aaliyah \"better in the slow jam department\". He also praised the production of the song saying, \"The beat for \"One in a Million\" is awfully hard for a romantic song, but that's the point, actually:", "id": "3032645" }, { "contents": "Aboul-Qacem Echebbi\n\n\ntold me when I asked: “O Mother do you hate humans?” “I bless those who have ambitions and those who enjoy taking risks and I damn those who don’t flow with the times and those who are complacent about life, life between the stones. The universe is alive, loves life And pities the dead no matter how glorious. The horizon won’t embrace dead birds, and the bees won’t kiss dead flowers. Were it not for the motherhood of my adoring heart those holes wouldn’t have", "id": "20939978" }, { "contents": "Phil Coulter\n\n\nI was a natural but I wasn't. I hated playing it and I hated my music teacher. My father, who was a canny man, told me, 'We have to scrimp and save to pay for these lessons, you might as well give them up.’ “It wasn't long before I gravitated back to the piano, trying to play the songs that I was listening to on the radio. I always wondered what my left hand was supposed to be doing though. But after two or three", "id": "1840957" }, { "contents": "Hate My Life\n\n\nstarts singing the song, the lyrics matching everything that is happening in the video. He complains about how he hates hobos (\"\"So sick of the hobos always begging for change, I don't like how I gotta work and they just sit around and get paid\"\"), he almost gets hit by a car (\"\"I hate all of the people, who can't drive their cars...\"), we meet his wife, played by his real wife Christine Danielle Connolly (\"\"", "id": "3925580" }, { "contents": "Sam Saunders (footballer)\n\n\nthe opportunity to go out and play. I used to start work at half 10 at night and get in at five or six in the morning. I would go training in the evening, then go straight into work again. When John Still came calling I couldn't say no, even though I had to take a pay cut to get back into football. My parents told me they would have my back, which was great, but luckily the gamble paid off. I enjoy every second of it and don't", "id": "6454447" }, { "contents": "Alberto Gonzales\n\n\nparent, it is my obligation as a judge to impartially apply the laws of this state without imposing my moral view on the decisions of the Legislature.\" Political commentators had suggested that Bush forecast the selection of Gonzales with his comments defending the Attorney General made on July 6, 2005, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bush stated, \"I don't like it when a friend gets criticized. I'm loyal to my friends. All of a sudden this fellow, who is a good public servant and a really fine person", "id": "10616901" }, { "contents": "Martin Amis\n\n\nexperience which he was to draw on for his fifth novel \"Money\". \"Dead Babies\" (1975), more flippant in tone, chronicles a few days in the lives of some friends who convene in a country house to take drugs. A number of Amis's characteristics show up here for the first time: mordant black humour, obsession with the zeitgeist, authorial intervention, a character subjected to sadistically humorous misfortunes and humiliations, and a defiant casualness (\"my attitude has been, I don't know much", "id": "5546826" }, { "contents": "Ali Babachahi\n\n\nangels, who then go and learn a bit of humanness – drive a truck and empty eyes bulged out of out town! …I don't if I am a postmodern poet. Anyway I don't believe in simplifying issues. The range of postmodernism may be stretched back as far as Homer. So a work must have postmodern demands. You can't fashion your work after Calvino's One Winter Night A Traveler and then become a postmodern author! My views on the situation of criticism today in Iran are elaborated in my", "id": "18215273" }, { "contents": "Celine Dion\n\n\nsiblings in her parents' small piano bar called \"Le Vieux Baril\", \"The Old Barrel\". From an early age, she had dreamed of being a performer. In a 1994 interview with \"People\" magazine, she recalled, \"I missed my family and my home, but I don't regret having lost my adolescence. I had one dream: I wanted to be a singer.\" At age 12, she collaborated with her mother and her brother Jacques to write and compose her first song,", "id": "21580881" }, { "contents": "Tall Stories (album)\n\n\nwere sort of obligated. Even to me now, it's not a Johnny Hates Jazz album. It didn't feel like one. I can't really listen to that record, some things happened from a personal point of view, my mother died right at that time, Calvin had that car crash. So I don't want to go there.\" He added to \"Magic Music Magazine\" in 2017: \"There was a very bad car accident. Terrible timing but luckily nobody died. After the car accident", "id": "21181010" }, { "contents": "Joanna Christie\n\n\ntaught her that she \"could do anything [she] wanted in life and to always be [her]self and follow [her] own path.\" She has been highly influenced by her parents her whole life. \"I owe all my success to my parents for giving me the opportunities to get to this point in my career and I would like to pay tribute to them...I'm just so grateful to my mum for giving me the gift of music and to both her and my dad for always supporting and encouraging me", "id": "11731571" }, { "contents": "Ether (song)\n\n\nlive\", \"You a dick-ridin' faggot, you love the attention/ Queens niggas run you niggas, ask Russell Simmons\" and \"Put it together/ I rock hos; y'all rock fellas.\" Nas also attacks Jay-Z's street cred, claiming, \"In '88, you was gettin' chased to your buildin'/ Callin' my crib, and I ain't even give you my numbers/ All I did was give you a style for you to run with.\" He also accuses Jay of", "id": "21007613" }, { "contents": "Dale Romans\n\n\nfor his father from a young age. He once said, \"I had a way with the horses. I could walk the worst horse in the country when I was 10 years old. My parents were divorced, and if my father had a bad horse he couldn't get on the van he'd come and get me at home to load the horse. I don't know what it was about horses, but they saved me as a child. The guys who worked for my dad took me in and I", "id": "15247024" }, { "contents": "William G. Whitney\n\n\n. The enemy were about 100 yards in our front, preparing for another charge, and their sharpshooters were firing at every man who showed his head above our light works. The dead and wounded lay in great numbers, right up to our works. They were armed with Enfield rifles of the same calibre as our Springfield rifles. I don't know what prompted me, but I took my knife from my pocket, stepped over the works, and, while my company cheered and the rebels made a target of me,", "id": "9105942" }, { "contents": "Louis XV of France\n\n\nto the King, who was hunting in Fontainebleau, that the Emperor Charles VI was dead, and his daughter Maria Theresa was set to succeed him. After two days of reflection, Louis declared, \"In these circumstances, I don't want to get involved at all. I will remain with my hands in my pockets, unless of course they want to elect a protestant emperor.\" This attitude did not please France's allies, who saw an opportunity to take parts of the Habsburg empire, or Louis's generals", "id": "9396522" }, { "contents": "War (Swedish band)\n\n\nTägtgren did not want it associated with him. Typhon continued, \"I can't stand [racism]. My parents are Northern Indian... They experienced racism and I experienced racism... That said, I don't believe in that stuff, but... to each his own.\" Tägtgren claimed to be unaware of All's lyrics and that the song was not supposed to be racist, but generally misanthropic. \"I didn't give a shit, and I still don't give a shit... I don't associate with", "id": "13729412" }, { "contents": "Resurrection Power\n\n\nBillboard, he explained the meaning behind the song, \"'Resurrection Power' is that same power that raised Jesus from the dead, that we have that authority. I don't know about you, but when my feet hit the floor in the morning, I don't have that energy, you have to claim it. It's actually pretty simplistic, we're God's sons and daughters and we have that ability, letting God lead us and take that heavy weight off of our shoulders. He gives us the", "id": "21616894" }, { "contents": "Cross-dressing\n\n\nI don't want to keep it confined to my circle of friends, or my party circle, and I want to take that to my wife and I don't understand why she doesn't accept it, or I take it to my office and I don't understand why they don't accept it, then it's become a problem because it's interfering with my relationships and environment.\" Cross-dressing is a traditional popular trope in British comedy. The Pantomime dame in British pantomime dates from the 19th century,", "id": "5776764" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Butler\n\n\nrelationship with his parents, saying, \"I don't hold grudges. I still talk to my family. My mom. My father. We love each other. That's never going to change.\" In a summer basketball league before his senior year at Tomball High School, he was noticed by Jordan Leslie, a freshman football and basketball player at the school, who challenged him to a three-point shooting contest. The two immediately became friends, and Butler began staying at Leslie's house. Although his friend", "id": "3465111" }, { "contents": "Alice Cornelia Thaw\n\n\nEngland. Upon leaving the U.S., much was made about debts the Earl had accumulated while in New York, prompting him to comment to reporters: \"I don't owe much here and I don't want any fuss. I don't expect any, as my lawyer is here to meet anybody who may have a claim against me. My father has given Col. Olin money to pay my debts and I want it understood that may wife is not paying them for me. After I leave, if any other creditor", "id": "18687167" }, { "contents": "Dennis Brown\n\n\nhour he would give it away.\" Brown said of his approach to songwriting in the late 1990s: \"When I write a song I try to follow Joseph's way - deliverance through vision from all - true vibration. I want to be a shepherd in my work, teaching and learning, really singing so much. I don't want to sing and not live it. I must live it. If I can sing songs that people can watch me living, then they can take my work\" Brown's 1994", "id": "4191726" }, { "contents": "Plame affair\n\n\npoint of view, I said in the book I probably should have ignored what I'd been told about Mrs. Wilson. Now I'm much less ambivalent. I'd go full speed ahead because of the hateful and beastly way in which my left-wing critics in the press and Congress tried to make a political affair out of it and tried to ruin me. My response now is this: The hell with you. They didn't ruin me. I have my faith, my family, and a good life.", "id": "896622" }, { "contents": "Bill Novelli\n\n\nfixing prices.\" Novelli said he earned, as the AARP CEO, \"...$420,000 a year. I think my salary is very fair.\" Solomon continued, \"Have you invested any of your own money in the health-insurance business?\" Novelli responded, \"You mean stocks and bonds? My wife manages that. I honestly don't know. I know that we own a lot of mutual funds that buy insurance stocks. It's a nonissue.\" He left AARP in 2009. After the", "id": "631988" }, { "contents": "I Really Hate My Job\n\n\nI Really Hate My Job is a 2007 British comedy film directed by Oliver Parker and starring Neve Campbell, Shirley Henderson, Alexandra Maria Lara, Anna Maxwell Martin, Oana Pellea, and Danny Huston as himself. It is an independent film distributed by TriStar Pictures and produced by 3DD Productions. \"I Really Hate My Job\" is the story of the lives of five women stuck working in a second-rate London restaurant with delusions of grandeur. The action takes place over a single evening. Customers come and go, unaware", "id": "16977272" }, { "contents": "Liway\n\n\nanyone, I just said ‘these are the facts, this is what happened.’ It got massively shared, and what surprised me was, no one bashed me for it, I didn’t get trolled or hated, not even by those who do not necessarily agree with my political leanings. And so I thought maybe this is the way to start the discourse with people who don’t necessarily subscribe to your political views: Just give them facts, give them the stories of what really happened. Even some people who", "id": "467071" }, { "contents": "The Beat Bullies\n\n\nthey worked with the legendary Carlos Santana on his \"All That I Am\" album, producing \"My Man\" featuring Mary J. Blige and Big Boi with lyrics by Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty. Nelly's \"Suit\" album includes The Beat Bullies-produced song \"She Don't Know My Name\" with Snoop Dogg and Ron Isley. When Nelly released \"Sweatsuit,\" which featured all of the hits that made his albums \"Sweat\" and \"Suit\" instant classics, \"She Don't Know My Name", "id": "2680678" }, { "contents": "My Name (song)\n\n\n\". Singer Iyaz produced a song named 'So Big' that has the same melody. BBC chart blog's Fraser McAlpine gave a fair review for the song: I don't know how the people who made this record ever got through it. I mean I've some idea of how you record a song, and usually it requires several million listens to the same three minutes, adding bits, taking bits away, polishing, until it's finally perfect. I only have to review the thing and by my tally", "id": "15435127" }, { "contents": "Tom Swifty\n\n\nI'm a professional balloonist, parachute jumper. Give exhibitions at county fairs. Leap for life, and all that sort of thing. I guess you mean my friend. He's smart enough for a professor. Invented a lot of things. How much is the damage?\" \"No professor?\" cried Miss Perkman indignantly. \"Why I understood from Miss Nestor that she called some one professor.\" \"I was referring to my friend, Mr. Swift,\" said Mary. \"His father's a professor", "id": "4758808" }, { "contents": "Jay-Z\n\n\nwould work on new music with Roc Nation producer Jahlil Beats. Beats told \"XXL\": \"Me and Jay-Z been going back and forth. He picked a couple of my joints that he's working on. I don't even wanna say too much about Jay, but we definitely working on some stuff. I haven't even sent him a bunch of beats. I sent him my favorite stuff. He hit me right back like, 'Yo, I'ma go in on this,' or", "id": "2590178" }, { "contents": "Kandahar massacre\n\n\ntwo-year-old member of the Taliban yet.\" \"I don't want any compensation. I don't want money, I don't want a trip to Mecca, I don't want a house. I want nothing. But what I absolutely want is the punishment of the Americans. This is my demand, my demand, my demand and my demand,\" said one villager, whose brother was killed. More than 300 Panjwai locals gathered around the military base to protest the killings. Some brought burned", "id": "8746898" }, { "contents": "I Don't Give A\n\n\n, I'm livin' fast, And I like it like that, I do ten things all at once, And if you have a problem, I don't give a.\" During the bridge, the lyrics presumably talks about a marriage which did not work out for unknown reasons, \"I tried to be a good girl/ I tried to be your wife/ I diminished myself/ And I swallowed my light.\" Many critics agreed that the song has pretty direct lyrics that seem to take aim at her ex-husband,", "id": "7697489" }, { "contents": "Mend-Ooyo Gombojav\n\n\npoem, I printed it out. I read it. The spirit with which I had been born was missing, there was no mental engagement in it.\" And: \"I understood that my manuscript was the soul of my poem, the source of its spiritual power. A writer's manuscript is the calligraphy which shows the unrepeatable beating of their heart, the pathway through their warm life.\" Mend-Ooyo has been awarded many prizes from literary organizations around the world. Most notably, he has been named Distinguished", "id": "558116" } ]
Why do people hate GM foods?
[{"answer": "If you check [here]( URL_0 ) with the good folk of /r/askscience they'll tell you there's little evidence that they are harmful. A lot of it is to do with Monsanto. A huge company who are heavily into it who are a very disagreeable company with questionable ethics in some areas. Add in the fact that papers love to scare us dumb folk into thinking harmless things will kill us. Add in a nice bt of mad scientists trying to pervert nature and its a hack's wet dream."}, {"answer": "You start fucking with the genetic structure of things you can't predict the long term effects of these changes. Some people are just stupid also, usually clinging to things like the bible as reasoning for it, stating that it's just leading us down a false path. Other's go the scientific route, usually saying that genetic modification is fine but further research should be done before introducing it into the public food supply, just to make sure it is safe."}, {"answer": "* Many people are against them for religious reasons, y'know the whole \"God didn't intend for corn to be that way\" type of thing. * Some are against them because of pure paranoia. Even though they're usually safe, \"genetically modified\" sounds scary. It's like the big fear everyone has of nuclear power, when in reality they're one of the safest types of power plants out there. * Another reason people don't like GM foods is because, at least in the US, companies are not required to specify that the food is genetically modified. This can cause issues with allergies if someone's cross-breeding genes from peanuts into corn. It isn't necessarily \"against GM foods\" as it is against the companies (and the FDA) for not making it required to label them. Also, most of them aren't \"completely inedible.\" Usually genetic modifications don't change the taste. For example, a lot of corn is genetically modified to have natural insecticides or herbicides. This doesn't really affect taste, just helps with the growing process."}, {"answer": "They aren't, as you put it, \"completely inedible\". There's very little we eat that hasn't been extensively genetically modified already through selective breeding. There's no real evidence that GMO foods are harmful to eat, that they taste differently, are less nutritious, etc. In my experience, very nearly everybody who declares blanket opposition to GMO foods has been completely unfamiliar with genetics (or biology in general), and the details are usually all wrong in ways that make no sense at all. For those people, the opposition seems to be largely motivated by politics and ideology, not science or evidence. Among those who've put more thought into the matter, the risk is usually theoretical: \"we should study X more, etc, in case Y is possible in the long term, though we concede this is unlikely\". It's hard to take exception to that position."}, {"answer": "Because the thought of moving selective genetic manipulation off a farm (breed cow A with cow B for specific traits) and into the BIG SCARY LABORATORY freaks people out. There's going to be the hair splitters that say \"well, you're mixing DNA from one organism with another incompatible organism\" DNA is a universal code, it doesn't matter if you're talking about an amoeba or a horse. What they really mean is that it's \"bad\" to eat anything that wasn't the result of sexual reproduction, \"naturally\" = \"right\" (although if you've ever seen a racehorse stud on a human-subdued mare, you'd realize it's anything but natural). Did you know that GMO wheat has sustained millions of people in countries that could not produce enough food to feed their people? Or that scientists that study GMO's are often unable to publish their findings because of the controversy (how are people supposed to learn if the research is being stop-gagged to prevent public outcry)? Often times, something being \"bad\" or \"good\" is simply a matter of perspective. As far as it being inedible BECAUSE it's GMO, that's 100% bullshit. Your body breaks down proteins, uses sugars, and produces waste in the exact same way if you eat a Certified Organic Banana Grown in the Excrement of Free Range Jungle Chickens as you eating a GMO ear of corn grown in Iowa. Your body is simply a machine. It chops, dices, and utilizes what it can and gets rid of the rest."}, {"answer": "Probably because most people know that the GMO companies do not have their best interests at heart and these companies intend to fuck with our food supply. This isn't the Internet or the price of video games where we complain but in the end it doesn't really matter. This is our food and we die if they fuck up. Plus they don't want to label it so people have a gut reaction that it must be icky and want to avoid. If they just listed \"may contain milk, wheat, GMO soy, and peanuts\" on the back of the box I doubt most people would care and just buy it. BUT they don't want to tell you so it must be bad."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7746391", "title": "Denialism", "section": "Section::::Scientific.:Genetically modified foods.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 35, "end_paragraph_id": 35, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["These beliefs are viewed as pseudoscience in the scientific community and are widely regarded as erroneous. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation.", "old. These beliefs are viewed as pseudoscience in the scientific community and are widely regarded as erroneous. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1512214", "title": "Germplasm", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Germplasm are living genetic resources such as seeds or tissues that are maintained for the purpose of animal and plant breeding, preservation, and other research uses. These resources may take the form of seed collections stored in seed banks, trees growing in nurseries, animal breeding lines maintained in animal breeding programs or gene banks, etc. Germplasm collections can range from collections of wild species to elite, domesticated breeding lines that have undergone extensive human selection. Germplasm collection is important for the maintenance of biological diversity and food security.", "Germplasm are living genetic resources such as seeds or tissues that are maintained for the purpose of animal and plant breeding, preservation, and other research uses. These resources may take the form of seed collections stored in seed banks, trees growing in nurseries, animal breeding lines maintained in animal breeding programs or gene banks, etc. Germplasm collections can range from collections of wild species to elite, domesticated breeding lines that have undergone extensive human selection. Germplasm collection is important for the maintenance of biological diversity and food security.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Séralini affair\n\n\nweirdly complicated and unclear on key issues: what the controls were fed, relative rates of tumors, why no dose relationship, what the mechanism might be. I can’t think of a biological reason why GMO corn should do this...So even though I strongly support labeling, I’m skeptical of this study.'\" Likewise, Dan Charles, writing for NPR, noted that in the study, rats that ate 33% GM food developed fewer tumors than did those who ate 11% GM food, suggesting the absence", "id": "22003672" }, { "contents": "Denialism\n\n\nthem, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. However, opponents have objected to GM foods on grounds including safety. Psychological analyses indicate that over 70% of GM food opponents in the US are \"absolute\" in their opposition, experience disgust at the thought of eating GM foods, and are \"evidence insensitive\". Despite wide scientific consensus that some animals can experience pain and suffering, this is often denied when it is convenient for people to do so. Such denial occurs for animals on farms,", "id": "11960714" }, { "contents": "Ziauddin Sardar\n\n\n, concepts, lifestyles, food, clothes now play a central part in shaping ‘us’ and ‘our society’. We thus have no yardstick to measure our difference and define ourselves.\" In his book \"Orientalism\" and in \"Why Do People Hate America\" and \"American Dream, Global Nightmare\", co-written with Merryl Wyn Davies, he explores how Muslims are perceived in books, films, television series and advertisements. He argues that the image of Muslims as \"the darker side of Europe", "id": "4014405" }, { "contents": "Death Takes a Holiday (musical)\n\n\nscale of killing and death, he confronts a girl who has been in a car accident and he cannot take her because her potency of life is so strong. He sends her back into the world and resolves that he finally needs to know why people hate him so. Why do they dread him, why are they afraid of him, why do they cling to life, why is that important? And so, with Death tantalized by taking a few days off, nobody will die on the earth because he's", "id": "17425817" }, { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\nseven countries are members of the Protocol and many use it as a reference point for their own regulations. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. Some countries allow the import of GM food with authorisation, but either do not allow its cultivation (Russia, Norway, Israel) or have provisions for cultivation even though no GM products are yet produced (Japan, South Korea). Most countries that do", "id": "12021955" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\nthem, pushing back against GM food. They believe a GM crop is not substantially equivalent to traditional crops. Moreover, they believe that the FDA follows the substantial equivalence rule not because of the science, but because the FDA was corrupted by corporate influence. This is not a belief that the authors' share, but there are smart people of high character who do believe this conspiracy theory, and their side of the story deserves to be heard. In \"The World According to Monsanto\", author Marie-Monique Robin", "id": "19372639" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Oceania\n\n\ncultivation of GM cotton in the Ord River Irrigation Areas. Trials of GM canola were carried out in 2003 and in 2010 the Western Australian government allowed the commercialisation of GM canola. Genetic engineering is a contentious issue in New Zealand. no genetically modified food was grown in New Zealand, and no medicines containing live genetically modified organisms have been approved for use. However, medicines manufactured using genetically modified organisms that do not contain live organisms have been approved for sale, and imported foods with genetically modified components are sold. Food Standards", "id": "18370254" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n. Food writer Michael Pollan does not oppose eating genetically modified foods, but supports mandatory labeling of GM foods and has criticized the pesticide-heavy monoculture farming enabled by certain GM crops, such as glycosphate-tolerant (\"Roundup-ready\") corn and soybeans. He has also expressed concerns about biotechnology companies holding the intellectual property of the foods people depend on, and about the effects of the growing corporatization of large-scale agriculture. To address these problems, Pollan has brought up the idea of open sourcing GM foods", "id": "6079468" }, { "contents": "Lorraine Barrett\n\n\na 2007 row over genetically modified foods in the Welsh Assembly Canteen. The Assembly had earlier signed a document committing to \"maximum restrictions on GM crops\" when it later became apparent that the Assembly canteen was serving items containing GM ingredients. Barrett explained the situation saying \"We have discussed this with our in-house caterers, Charlton House. They do not deliberately source GM foods and in fact make every effort to avoid using GM products.\" Barrett was critical of the planned Cardiff Bay expansion of \"\"something like 1,250", "id": "2913070" }, { "contents": "Forum for Fact-finding Documentation and Advocacy\n\n\nin a government office. FFDA is helping the women to publicise the atrocities and take legal action. FFDA is exposing how genetically modified (GM) food makes people ill. In 1999, 30,000 people died in a cyclone in Orissa. CARE International and Catholic Relief Services gave GM bulgur wheat to survivors. After six months, thousands of people became ill from the wheat. FFDA picketed CARE International offices. After a long battle, the Indian government in the last week of February 2003 banned the GM food supplies by overseas organizations", "id": "11329745" }, { "contents": "Sweatshop\n\n\nof basic food items costs $26.87. Mexican GM workers earn enough to buy a pound of apples in 30 minutes of work, while GM workers in the US earn as much in 5 minutes.\" People critical of sweatshops believe that \"free trade agreements\" do not truly promote free trade at all but instead seek to protect multinational corporations from competition by local industries (which are sometimes unionized). They believe free trade should only involve reducing tariffs and barriers to entry and that multinational businesses should operate within the laws in", "id": "13625137" }, { "contents": "Greenpeace\n\n\nno non-GM aid was being offered then they should absolutely accept GM food aid. But the Zambian government decided to refuse the GM food. We offered our opinion to the Zambian government and, as many governments do, they disregarded our advice.\" Greenpeace opposes the planned use of golden rice, a variety of \"Oryza sativa\" rice produced through genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of pro-vitamin A in the edible parts of rice. The addition of beta-carotene to the rice is", "id": "11875570" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n-Gómez found that although most studies concluded that modified foods do not differ in nutrition or cause toxic effects in animals, some did report adverse changes at a cellular level caused by specific modified foods. The review concluded that \"More scientific effort and investigation is needed to ensure that consumption of GM foods is not likely to provoke any form of health problem\". Dona and Arvanitoyannis' 2009 review concluded that \"results of most studies with GM foods indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic, pancreatic,", "id": "6079522" }, { "contents": "Hate crime\n\n\nwhile permitting such speech for other topics. Many critics further assert that it conflicts with an even more fundamental right: free thought. The claim is that hate-crime legislation effectively makes certain ideas or beliefs, including religious ones, illegal, in other words, thought crimes. Heidi Hurd argues that hate crimes criminalize certain dispositions yet do not show why hate is a morally worse disposition for a crime than one motivated by jealousy, greed, sadism or vengeance or why hatred and bias are uniquely responsive to criminal sanction compared to", "id": "13167593" }, { "contents": "History of Austria\n\n\n18th century, especially for the Serbs and Croats. The nobility throughout his empire hated Joseph: they hated his taxes, his egalitarianism, his despotism and his puritanism. In Belgium and Hungary everyone resented the way he tried to do away with all regional government, and to subordinate everything to his own personal rule in Vienna. The ordinary people were not happy. They loathed the Emperor's interference in every detail of their daily lives. Why should they be forbidden to bake gingerbread just because Joseph thought it bad for the stomach", "id": "18307940" }, { "contents": "Pribislavec\n\n\nwing groups. Kajtazi underlined that \"\"extreme right-wingers and people who spread hate messages...are not the people who will solve the problem..\".\" Organizers denied antiziganist nature of the demonstration stating that even \"\"among the Roma there are honorable and honest people\"\". European Roma Rights Centre called upon authorities of the Međimurje County to clarify why do they support demonstration stating that it is unacceptable for a multicultural, democratic and antifascist state to tolerate demonstrations against entire groups of people. Prior to gathering,", "id": "15060980" }, { "contents": "Kedoshim\n\n\n-two parasangs by six parasangs. The parashah is discussed in these medieval Jewish sources: Reading \"Do not hate your brother in your heart,\" Maimonides taught that whoever hates a fellow Jew in his heart transgresses a Torah prohibition. Maimonides taught that when someone wrongs you, you should not remain silent and despise that person. Rather, you must make the matter known and ask the person: \"Why did you do this to me?\" \"Why did you wrong me regarding that matter?\" as states:", "id": "4661656" }, { "contents": "Dinesh D'Souza\n\n\nhe argues that the American cultural left was in large part responsible for the Muslim anger that led to the September 11 attacks. He argues that Muslims do not hate America because of its freedom and democracy, but because they perceive America to be imposing its moral depravity (support for sexual licentiousness) on the world. D'Souza's conclusion urges conservatives to condemn products of the American entertainment industry, asking \"why should the right stand up for the left's debased values? Why should our people defend their America? Rather, American", "id": "10353885" }, { "contents": "Why I Hate School but Love Education\n\n\n\"Why I Hate School but Love Education\" is a 2012 video by English spoken word poet Suli Breaks. The video conveys the message that, while education is good, educational institutions leave much to be desired. It features Suli Breaks rhyming his dislike of the unnecessary strictures of formal schooling. In the video, Breaks also outlines why young people are encouraged to get a formal education. Emi Kolawole of \"The Washington Post\" said, \"Breaks's message taps into a very fundamental desire among young people to disrupt —", "id": "5782180" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Ghana\n\n\ndeveloped nations), a threat to economic and food sovereignty and also to national security. For these activists, the multinational corporations (MNCs) that genetically engineer these seeds do so both to assert control over the agricultural domain in developing countries and to return profits to the developed nations. Ghana's Biosafety Act 831, 2011 has already permitted the introduction of genetically modified (GM) foods. By 2014, “confined field trials” of GM rice and cowpea in the Ashanti region and cotton in the 3 northern regions of the", "id": "4013055" }, { "contents": "15 Big Ones\n\n\nbe on par with \"Good Vibrations\". Carl was disappointed with the record, while Dennis was \"heartbroken,\" explaining: \"People have waited all this time, anticipating a new Beach Boys album, and I hated to give them this. It was a great mistake to put Brian in full control. He was always the absolute producer, but little did he know that in his absence, people grew up, people became as sensitive as the next guy. Why do I relinquish my rights as an artist?", "id": "8029015" }, { "contents": "Agriculture in Iran\n\n\nfor importation, exportation, production, transformation and packaging of all kinds of pesticides, herbicides, and plant hormones. Attention to the food and nutrition status of Iranian people has been made since Institute of Nutrition and Food Science of Iran (INFSI) was established by Dr. Habibollah Hedayat in 1961. In 2005, Iran's first genetically modified (GM) rice was approved by national authorities and is being grown commercially for human consumption. In addition to GM rice, Iran has produced several GM plants in the laboratory, such as", "id": "2841719" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified fish\n\n\ntilapia in Cuba, GM carp in the People's Republic of China, and GM salmon in the US and Canada. In 2014, it was reported that applications for the approval of transgenic fish as food had been made in Canada, China, Cuba and the United States. Over-production of GH from the pituitary gland increases growth rate mainly by an increase in food consumption by the fish, but also by a 10 to 15% increase in feed conversion efficiency. Another approach to increasing meat production in GM fish is", "id": "7928375" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified soybean\n\n\n, GM crops also provide a number of ecological benefits. Critics have objected to GM crops on several grounds, including ecological concerns, and economic concerns raised by the fact these organisms are subject to intellectual property law. GM crops also are involved in controversies over GM food with respect to whether food produced from GM crops is safe and whether GM crops are needed to address the world's food needs. See the genetically modified food controversies article for discussion of issues about GM crops and GM food. These controversies have led to litigation", "id": "8311082" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nof biologists have published concerns about GM food, and said that scientists who support the use of GMOs in food production are often overly dismissive of them. Prior to 2010, scientists wishing to conduct research on commercial GM plants or seeds were unable to do so, because of restrictive end-user agreements. Cornell University's Elson Shields was the spokesperson for one group of scientists who opposed such restrictions. The group submitted a statement to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2009 protesting that \"as a result of", "id": "6079491" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\ntesting). Kimber claimed that the \"ethical and technical constraints of conducting human trials, and the necessity of doing so, is a subject that requires considerable attention.\" Food with nutritional benefits may escape this objection. For example, GM rice has been tested for nutritional benefits, namely, increased levels of Vitamin A. Árpád Pusztai published the first peer-reviewed paper to find negative effects from GM food consumption in 1999. Pusztai fed rats potatoes transformed with the \"Galanthus nivalis\" agglutinin (GNA) gene from the \"", "id": "6079528" }, { "contents": "Nutrition psychology\n\n\nNutrition psychology looks at the internal psychological effects of why people do what they do, and how they are shaped and influenced by outside stimuli. Nutrition psychology is a field that is still in its early stages of development. With obesity being a continually growing problem in the United States and abroad, nutrition psychology is gaining importance and popularity in society today. As it has grown, nutrition psychology has directly and indirectly influenced research on dieting, food labels, the way food is marketed, food technology, obesity, and the attitude", "id": "2555530" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Asia\n\n\n. Japan has not approved any commodity GM crops to be grown in Japan, but does allow import of agricultural products made from GM crops and food made of imported GM ingredients. Japan does however allow cultivation of GM flowers (e.g. Blue roses). GM foods must undergo a safety assessment prior to being awarded certification for distribution to the domestic market. The Food Safety Commission (FSC) performs food and feed safety risk assessments. Certain GM food must be labeled, but this is limited to designated genetically modified agricultural products,", "id": "18370192" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified crops\n\n\n, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. No reports of ill effects from GM food have been documented in the human population. GM crop labeling is required in many countries, although the United States Food and Drug Administration does not, nor does it distinguish between approved GM and non-GM foods. The United", "id": "3256525" }, { "contents": "Surprise! It's Edible Incredible!\n\n\nthey hate/love. Then the contestants face the first challenge, which involves racing around the game studio in search for different kinds of foods on a list that they were given; but will need to guess if they are the correct foods or not. Then Julie announces the \"Grosstacle\" and the two must stop what they are doing and face a challenge which involves eating the foods that they hate, then afterwards, they must go back in search of the foods that they were looking for earlier. They are then", "id": "11198781" }, { "contents": "Redd Foxx\n\n\nAn episode of his show \"Everybody Hates Chris\" shows young Chris Rock overhearing his parents' Redd Foxx albums and getting started doing stand-up through retelling the jokes at school. In 1990, in the first-ever episode of \"In Living Color\", in reference to Foxx's financial troubles, Foxx was portrayed by Damon Wayans, who is making a public service announcement to encourage people to pay their taxes. In the film \"Why Do Fools Fall in Love\", Foxx is portrayed by Aries Spears.", "id": "18008900" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in the European Union\n\n\nRotterdam. The second in 2009 when trace amounts of a GMO maize approved in the US were found in a \"non-GM\" soy flour cargo. The coexistence of GM and non-GM crops has raised significant concern in many European countries and so EU law also requires that all GM food be traceable to its origin, and that all food with GM content greater than 0.9% be labelled. Due to high demand from European consumers for freedom of choice between GM and non-GM foods. EU regulations require measures", "id": "10008243" }, { "contents": "Jeff Rooker\n\n\nviews. In 2007, following Rooker's appointment, numerous complaints from animal welfare campaigners were sent to the Labour Party. In July 2009 he was appointed as chair of the Food Standards Agency and resigned the Labour party whip for the duration until he ceased to be chair in 2013. Jeff Rooker has shown himself to be outspokenly in favour of genetically modified (GM) foods. In September 2008, at the Labour Party Conference, he accused people opposed to GM foods of \"ignorance\". Rooker called for Jeremy Corbyn to", "id": "17296713" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Ghana\n\n\ntheir resistance to pests, GM seeds also present challenges. Conventional seeds are able to be used from one season to the next. However, GM seeds have \"Terminator Technology,\" a genetic composition that makes it impossible for seeds from one season to be replanted in the next; this results in farmers having to purchase additional seeds. Food sovereignty refers to the inherent right of all countries and their people to have control over food production, and also recognizes the political and economic aspects of the agriculture industry. The importance of", "id": "4013060" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified canola\n\n\nand publication, the effect of GM crops on health and the environment, the effect on pesticide resistance, the impact of GM crops for farmers, and the role of GM crops in feeding the world population. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods", "id": "1332728" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Haiti\n\n\nLesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in Haiti may face social and legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Adult, noncommercial and consensual same-sex sexuality is not a criminal offense, but transgender people can be fined for violating a broadly written vagrancy law. Public opinion tends to be opposed to LGBT rights, which is why LGBT people are not protected from discrimination, are not included in hate crimes laws and households headed by same-sex couples do not have any of the legal", "id": "15348139" }, { "contents": "Laurence Harvey\n\n\nvisited him three weeks before he died. Upon his death, Taylor issued the statement, \"He was one of the people I really loved in this world. He was part of the sun. For everyone who loved him, the sun is a bit dimmer.\" She and Peter Lawford held a memorial service for Harvey in California. Harvey once responded to an assertion about himself: \"Someone once asked me, 'Why is it so many people hate you?' and I said, 'Do they? How", "id": "1968948" }, { "contents": "Biotechnology\n\n\nconsumption. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food must be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. GM crops also provide a", "id": "4193797" }, { "contents": "Green Monday (organization)\n\n\nGreen Monday (GM) is a multi-faceted social venture group that aims to tackle climate change, global food insecurity, public health and animal welfare issues. Founded on April 22nd, 2012 (Earth Day) in Hong Kong, GM has targeted to champion a sustainable food system by advocating a once-a-week plant-based meal philosophy. In doing so, the aim is to make sustainable living simple, widespread and actionable. Green Monday has developed a hybrid model that consists of a social branch and different", "id": "16978449" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in the United States\n\n\nwhen compared to the other agencies regulating GM) informal and they do not approve new GM products. Instead they issue a \"memo\" stating whether the new food is the same as or different from the non-modified variety. The Center for Veterinary Medicine of the FDA regulates genetically modified animals in consultation with Centers at the FDA responsible for regulating pharmaceuticals or other medical products derived from biopharm animals. The FDA also has extra guidelines that apply to genetically modified animals that will be used in the manufacturing and testing of therapeutic products", "id": "4872677" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nyears had established that GM soybeans, rice, corn, and wheat do not differ from the corresponding conventional crops in terms of short-term human health effects, but recommended that further studies of long-term effects be conducted. Most conventional agricultural products are the products of genetic manipulation via traditional cross-breeding and hybridization. Governments manage the marketing and release of GM foods on a case-by-case basis. Countries differ in their risk assessments and regulations. Marked differences distinguish the US from Europe. Crops not intended", "id": "6079503" }, { "contents": "GMO conspiracy theories\n\n\nGM food (\"Frankenfood\") is profitable to industry not only because it can be patented but because crop uniformity will eventually drive up pesticide demand. The charge that big food interests take advantage of poverty to open new markets for GM food is restated by conspiracy theorists, who describe a deliberate macroeconomic creation of food shortages in impoverished nations in order to open the door to GM food. The food industry's opposition to GM food labeling and precautionary measures fuels such suspicions. This view was echoed by bioethicist Michael Reiss and moral", "id": "19372632" }, { "contents": "Regulation of genetic engineering\n\n\nof GM food is voluntary, while in Europe all food (including processed food) or feed which contains greater than 0.9% of approved GMOs must be labelled. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of", "id": "4950838" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nto digital manipulation, raising serious doubts on the reliability of the findings\". There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others", "id": "6079500" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nis a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. Consumer concerns about food quality first became", "id": "6079463" }, { "contents": "GMO Answers\n\n\nlabels for food containing DNA. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation.", "id": "6302637" }, { "contents": "List of genetically modified crops\n\n\nhave approved but not actually cultivated GM crops, due to public uncertainty or further government restrictions, while at the same time, they may import GM foods for consumption. For example, Japan is a leading GM food importer, and permits but has not grown GM food crops. The European Union regulates importation of GM foods, while individual member states determine cultivation. In the US, separate regulatory agencies handle approval for cultivation (USDA, EPA) and for human consumption (FDA). Two genetically modified crops have been approved", "id": "1034163" }, { "contents": "Ziauddin Sardar\n\n\nhis long-time co-author Merryl Wyn Davies. These books include the classic studies \"The Future of Muslim Civilisation\" (1979) and \"Islamic Futures: The Shape of Ideas to Come\" (1985), a vigorous intellectual assault on postmodern thought, \"Postmodernism and the Other\" (1998) and \"Orientalism\" (1999), and the international bestseller \"Why Do People Hate America?\" (2002). He has published two highly acclaimed books on cities: The Consumption of Kuala Lumpur (", "id": "4014384" }, { "contents": "Denialism\n\n\nold. These beliefs are viewed as pseudoscience in the scientific community and are widely regarded as erroneous. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting", "id": "11960713" }, { "contents": "Plant genetics\n\n\nthe highly destructive Papaya ringspot virus, and the nutritionally improved golden rice (it is however still in development). There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations", "id": "8835846" }, { "contents": "Neophobia\n\n\nlevel in general, then he or she might avoid new foods as a method of managing his or her current arousal level. Also, if people are currently experiencing situations with a lot of novelty and are therefore more aroused, they might be reluctant to try new foods as doing so would increase their arousal level to an uncomfortable level. This example can help explain why Americans visiting a foreign country might be less likely to try a new food item and instead gravitate towards the familiar McDonald’s food. Some efforts to address this", "id": "10332157" }, { "contents": "Gornji Milanovac\n\n\nbankrupted in 2004. Gornji Milanovac was a pioneer in the application of sorting waste, recycling and water purification in Serbia and previously in Yugoslavia. Also, Gornji Milanovac is a great antagonist of GM food why it has adopted declaration and municipality statute about prohibition of this type of food. Tourists from around the world visit this municipality for its clean air, small and quiet places, inner and family vacations. Gornji Milanovac every other year is the host of International Biennial of miniature Art, founded in 1989. In village Takovo is", "id": "2857483" }, { "contents": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?\n\n\nmy whole life, doing that LP—I hated it [...] I'm on all the tracks here and there, but generally I just stayed in the tent! It was a horrible experience.\" The album is a collection of ballads and has been described as a follow-up to McCulloch's 1989 solo album, \"Candleland\". In a 2005 interview for \"Record Collector\" magazine, McCulloch said, \"Will [Sergeant] hated the album, and I can understand why. He'd ask me", "id": "10644810" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food in Hawaii\n\n\nconventional (non-GM) papayas in Hawaii. Organic farmers and environmental organizations in Hawaii have expressed concern that crops grown from ostensibly non-GM seeds may test positive for modifications. This concern led South Korea to stop buying papayas from Hawaii Island and led Japan to require organic papaya farmers to test their crops. The US Food and Drug Administration does not require GM foods to be labeled, instead claiming that GM crops are as safe as crops developed by conventional breeding. The European Food Safety Authority certifies new GM products as", "id": "4493662" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified crops\n\n\nfood needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. However, opponents have objected to GM crops on grounds including environmental impacts, food safety, whether GM crops are needed to address food needs, whether they are sufficiently accessible to farmers", "id": "3256453" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified soybean\n\n\nscientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. A 2010 study found that in the United States", "id": "8311081" }, { "contents": "Dayananda Saraswati\n\n\nhad anything to do with the God, and questioned why a God would hate every non-believer, allowing slaughter of animals, and command Muhammad to slaughter innocent people. He further described Muhammad as \"imposter\", and one who held out \"a bait to men and women, in the name of God, to compass his own selfish needs\". He regarded Quran as \"Not the Word of God. It is a human work. Hence it cannot be believed in\". His analysis of the Bible", "id": "1766717" }, { "contents": "Other (philosophy)\n\n\nasked: \"Why do they hate us?\" as political prelude to the War on Terror (2001). Bush's rhetorical interrogation of armed resistance to empire, by the non–Western Other, produced an Us-and-Them mentality in American relations with the non-white peoples of the Middle East; hence, as foreign policy, the War on Terror is fought for control of imaginary geographies, which originated from the fetishised cultural representations of the Other invented by Orientalists; the cultural critic Edward Saïd said that", "id": "8931064" }, { "contents": "Cadillac V series\n\n\nwagon, the GM Vice Chairman at that time, Bob Lutz, replied, \"... should sufficient demand materialize, there is no reason why we couldn't do a V-series wagon, and I would be standing in line for one, just ahead of you.\" GM decided to move forward, introducing a 5-door sport wagon body style to the CTS-V vehicle line at the New York International Auto Show on March 29, 2010. The CTS-V wagon shares the 556 hp (415 kW) engine", "id": "11927179" }, { "contents": "Everybody Hates Hugo\n\n\n\"Everybody Hates Hugo\" is the fourth episode of the second season of the American drama television series \"Lost\", and the show's 29th episode overall. The episode was written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, and directed by Alan Taylor. It first aired in the United States on October 12, 2005, on ABC. In this episode, flashbacks reveal why Hurley is hesitant at his new job of distributing food found in the newly discovered Swan station. Meanwhile, a few castaways become worried that the raft sent", "id": "8454171" }, { "contents": "Lego Friends\n\n\nthe computer animation than it was in the webisodes. It is unknown why this is, though. She is the only Friend in the series without a love interest or crush, besides Tad in \"Dive In\". Andrea hates being told what to do, and doesn't really see when people are just trying to help her. She, out of all the Friends, is most similar to Stephanie. She's very dramatic, much to her friends' annoyance and chagrin. Andrea loves yellow, orange, strapless dresses", "id": "18866523" }, { "contents": "Ginger Bloke\n\n\n(pointing at Chad)\" Is he alright? the giant? is he okay? br\"Antony swirls his finger near his temple\" brGinger Bloke: Oh, right, I see, good. Anyway, back to what I was saying, let's take this out. Why do people continue to buy your crappy albums, I mean what's your secret? brFlea: It's magic. (Ginger Bloke smiles stupidly). I hate to say it. It's magic. \"sings\" It's magic, you", "id": "2182554" }, { "contents": "Stephen Crabb\n\n\ngo soft on welfare reform in a place like Wales – it's precisely the place that needs it.\" On 2 March 2016, Crabb voted with the government to reduce by £30 per week the amount of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) paid to disabled people newly placed in the cohort of recipients known as the work-related activity group from April 2017. Crabb's constituency office was vandalised afterwards, with graffiti asking: \"Why do you hate the sick?\" seen on its facade on 12 March.", "id": "6997947" }, { "contents": "General Motors ignition switch recalls\n\n\ndisclosure of automobile defects. At the Capitol, they also said that their relatives had died \"because they were a cost of doing business GM style.\" The recall cost GM more than $3 billion in shareholders' value over four weeks. One mother, Laura Christian, created a Facebook page to bring together the family, friends and those who support them. Mary Barra's testimony also stated that she doesn't know why it took nearly a decade to try to initiate a recall, but that she has accelerated efforts", "id": "14138819" }, { "contents": "Animal rights and the Holocaust\n\n\nThe agony of animals arises from different causes from those of the Holocaust. Human beings do not hate animals. They do not eat them because they hate them. They do not experiment on them because they hate them, they do not hunt them because they hate them. These were the motives for the Holocaust. Human beings have no ideological or theological conflict with animals.\" In 2005, Newkirk apologized for the pain the campaign had caused some people, while defending the goals of the campaign, writing: \"The Guardian", "id": "11046019" }, { "contents": "Substantial equivalence\n\n\n. The concept of substantial equivalence is then described as a comparison between a GM food and a similar conventional food, taking into account food processing, and how the food is normally consumed, including quantity, dietary patterns, and the characteristics of the consumer population. Substantial equivalence is the starting point for GM food safety assessment. It can be applied at different points in the food chain, from unprocessed harvested crop to final ingredient or product, depending on the nature of the product and its intended use. For a GM plant", "id": "10193758" }, { "contents": "Nancy Kopp\n\n\nPublic Works vote on May 9, 2019 generated outrage, in particular because Kopp was scheduled to be out of the country, on a long-planned celebration of her fiftieth wedding anniversary. Among 36 lawmakers who wrote a letter calling for postponement, a delegate to the state assembly, Kumar P. Barve, said during an interview: \"This is bullshit. This kind of behavior is why people hate American government.\" Under pressure to delay the vote until after Kopp's return, Hogan agreed to do so. Kopp had", "id": "10078152" }, { "contents": "Arthur de Gobineau\n\n\ntowers of Notre-Dame so that people cold see this better. Do you know why? It is because I hate this age!\" For Gobineau, maintaining his Catholicism was a symbol of his reactionary politics and rejection of liberalism, and it was for these reasons that he continued to nominally observe Catholicism. Gobineau told his friend the Comte de Basterot that he wanted a Catholic burial only because the de Gobineaus had always been buried in Catholic ceremonies, not because of any belief in Catholicism. In 1879, Gobineau attempted to", "id": "13016392" }, { "contents": "Pussy Riot\n\n\nA United Russia MP stated that the incidents were inspired by Pussy Riot, calling the actions \"true Satanism\". Conservative Orthodox activists staged counter-demonstrations, bursting into a pro-Pussy Riot event at a theatre, and shouting slogans such as \"Repent\", and \"Why do you hate the Russian people?\" An art museum curated by gallerists who had supported Pussy Riot was also invaded. In early September 2012, unidentified vandals drew a \"feminist caricature\" of Saint Nino on Qvashveti Church in Tbilisi, Georgia", "id": "1901236" }, { "contents": "Religious views on genetically modified foods\n\n\nReligious views on genetically modified foods have been mixed, although as yet, no genetically modified foods (\"GM\" foods) have been designated as unacceptable by religious authorities. There is no consensus in the views of Jewish religious leaders, scholars and commentators on whether Jews can eat GM food products or engage in research in the area of GM food technology. One perspective emphasizes that humanity was created in God's image and this means that humanity can \"partner with God in the perfection of everything in the world,\" and", "id": "7409295" }, { "contents": "Sharifani\n\n\nin the cities which is the main reason why people of the village do not migrate to cities and stick with their customs, traditions and teachings given by their ancestors. Most of the villagers have their personal transport and usually travel to nearer cities like Kamber and Larkana either to buy groceries, food or in case of emergency because this village does not have hospital or medical care. The school in the village is of primary level and that is why the boys or girls who pass 5th Grade travel to Khairpur Juso, Kamber or", "id": "14588277" }, { "contents": "Akhenaten\n\n\nof Qidsa. (Kadesh) The two of you take food and strong drink together.\" And it is true. Why do you act so? Why are you at peace with a ruler whom the king is fighting? And even if you did act loyally, you considered your own judgment, and his judgment did not count. You have paid no attention to the things that you did earlier. What happened to you among them that you are not on the side of the king, your lord? Consider the people", "id": "7095684" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\n, environmental activist Mark Lynas said that complete rejection of genetic engineering is \"illogical and potentially harmful to the interests of poorer peoples and the environment\". In 2013, the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) asked the EU to allow the development of agricultural GM technologies to enable more sustainable agriculture, by employing fewer land, water and nutrient resources. EASAC also criticizes the EU's \"timeconsuming and expensive regulatory framework\" and said that the EU had fallen behind in the adoption of GM technologies. GM crops play a", "id": "6079573" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food\n\n\nstability. Some mammals typically used for food production have been modified to produce non-food products, a practice sometimes called Pharming. A GM salmon, awaiting regulatory approval since 1997, was approved for human consumption by the American FDA in November 2015, to be raised in specific land-based hatcheries in Canada and Panama. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by", "id": "2963201" }, { "contents": "March Against Monsanto\n\n\nThey have expressed concerns about the objectivity of regulators and the rigor of the regulatory process, possible contamination of non-GM foods, effects of GMOs on the environment and nature, and the consolidation of control of the food supply in companies that make and sell GMOs. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the", "id": "2677044" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nWhy do we need GMOs? Who benefits from their use? Who decided that they should be developed and how? Why were we not better informed about their use in our food, before their arrival on the market? Why are we not given an effective choice about whether or not to buy these products? Have potential long-term and irreversible consequences been seriously evaluated, and by whom? Do regulatory authorities have sufficient powers to effectively regulate large companies? Who wishes to develop these products? Can controls imposed by regulatory authorities", "id": "6079470" }, { "contents": "Food security\n\n\nof their effects on human, animal, and environmental health. The body of scientific evidence concluding that GM foods are safe to eat and do not pose environmental risks is wide. Findings from the International Council of Scientists (2003) that analyzed a selection of approximately 50 science-based reviews concluded that “currently available genetically modified foods are safe to eat,” and “there is no evidence of any deleterious environmental effects having occurred from the trait/species combinations currently available.” The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (", "id": "3026553" }, { "contents": "Yehuda Elkana\n\n\ntear away the life-support system from old people in the hospital, I saw soldiers breaking the arms of a civilian population, including children. For me all this is not new. At the same time I do not generalize: I do not think that they all hate us; I do not think that all Jews hate the Arabs; I do not hate those responsible for the \"anomalies\" - but that does not mean that I condone their acts or that I do not expect them to be punished with the", "id": "9604037" }, { "contents": "Operation Bedrock (Laos)\n\n\n403, 407, and 408. The CIA case officer who had trained the local Commando Raiders was transferred to advisory duty with GM 41. With a highly respected Royalist Lieutenant Colonel in command, GM 41 was operational as Operation Sayasila ended. Operation Bedrock's objective was the removal of the 46th Battalion of the People's Army of Vietnam from the rice paddies southwest of Salavan, thus depriving the Communist foe of food. On 1 November 1971, GM 41 was helilifted to Salavan. The guerrilla regiment stepped off and moved 17", "id": "18864184" }, { "contents": "James Joseph Dresnok\n\n\nfull food ration by the government. \"Why? Why do they let their own people starve to death to feed an American?\", he asked. \"The Great Leader has given us a special solicitude. The government is going to take care of me until my dying day.\" In December 1959, Dresnok married Kathleen Ringwood, a 19-year-old from New York. In \"Crossing the Line\", Dresnok explains that after getting married at a young age, he was deployed in West Germany for two years", "id": "14343316" }, { "contents": "Shiva Ayyadurai\n\n\ncontained elevated levels of formaldehyde. Plant scientist Kevin Folta noted that there was \"no evidence ever published ... that shows a difference in formaldehyde between GM and non-GM varieties\". Ayyadurai later cited the study as evidence of a lack of safety standards for GM foods and bet Monsanto a $10 million building if they could prove that they were safe. Monsanto did not take up the challenge but stated that GM food did indeed undergo safety assessments that \"are more rigorous and thorough than assessments of any other food crop in", "id": "17075279" }, { "contents": "Migraine\n\n\na greater role in migraine without aura. Migraines typically do not occur during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, or following menopause. Between 12 and 60% of people report foods as triggers. Evidence for such triggers, however, mostly relies on self-reports and is not rigorous enough to prove or disprove any particular trigger. A clear explanation for why food might trigger migraines is also lacking. There does not appear to be evidence for an effect of tyramine – which is naturally present in chocolate, alcoholic beverages,", "id": "946208" }, { "contents": "List of The X-Family characters\n\n\nher because she does not want her son to follow his father's footsteps in becoming a musician. But he eventually convinces her to let him pursue his dream when he sings her favourite song while kneeling outside their house to beg for her permission. She loves to cook, but most people are repulsed by her cooking because she makes the worst food and would do anything to avoid eating it. The only people who enjoy her cooking are Demon Hunter, Jiu Wu and herself, which explains why she doesn't stop making food", "id": "18327723" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food\n\n\nmembers of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. However, there are ongoing public concerns related to food safety, regulation, labelling, environmental impact, research methods, and the fact that some GM seeds, along with all new plant varieties, are subject to plant breeders' rights owned by corporations. Genetically modified foods are", "id": "2963166" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nthat as of that time there were enough independent studies to establish that GM crops were not any more dangerous acutely than conventional foods, while still calling for more long-term studies. While some groups and individuals have called for more human testing of GM food, multiple obstacles complicate such studies. The General Accounting Office (in a review of FDA procedures requested by Congress) and a working group of the Food and Agriculture and World Health organizations both said that long-term human studies of the effect of GM food are not", "id": "6079526" }, { "contents": "Regulation of genetic engineering\n\n\nThe regulation of genetic engineering varies widely by country. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Lebanon and Egypt use \"substantial equivalence\" as the starting point when assessing safety, while many countries such as those in the European Union, Brazil and China authorize GMO cultivation on a case-by-case basis. Many countries allow the import of GM food with authorization, but either do not allow its cultivation (Russia, Norway, Israel) or have provisions for cultivation, but no GM products are yet produced (", "id": "4950836" }, { "contents": "The Gene Revolution\n\n\nThe Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal Development is a 2006 book by Professor Sakiko Fukuda-Parr. While some people do not support genetic manipulation (GM), others view it as an important technological solution to limited agricultural output, increasing populations, and climate change. The book provides a detailed analysis of debate about GM adoption in developing countries, which are dealing with poverty and trying to better compete in the global economy. Per the introduction, the book focuses on five countries' use of GM technology, Argentina,", "id": "15278147" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food\n\n\ndisputes the claim that \"science\" supports the safety of current GM foods, proposing that each GM food must be judged on case-by-case basis. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Lebanon and Egypt use \"substantial equivalence\" to determine if further testing is required, while many countries such as those in the European Union, Brazil and", "id": "2963203" }, { "contents": "Food allergy\n\n\n, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecan nuts, pistaches, pine nuts, and chestnuts. There are concerns that genetically modified foods, also described as foods sourced from genetically modified organisms (GMO), could be responsible for allergic reactions, and that the widespread acceptance of GMO foods may be responsible for what is a real or perceived increase in the percentage of people with allergies. There is a scientific consensus that available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food. A 2016", "id": "10863805" }, { "contents": "Protagoras (dialogue)\n\n\nor overindulging in other pleasures, and asks Protagoras whether his view is the standard one, that these men do so because of pleasure. Protagoras agrees, and Socrates continues by saying that what we call bad is not necessarily unpleasant in the short term, but necessarily so in the long term, like certain foods that cause pleasurable sensations but harm the body in the long run. Socrates then concludes that the only reason why people exchange good for bad, like the pleasant taste of food for sickness that comes by eating it,", "id": "3861807" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food\n\n\nprimarily focused on cash crops in high demand by farmers such as soybean, corn, canola, and cotton. Genetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to pathogens and herbicides and for better nutrient profiles. GM livestock have been developed, although, , none were on the market. There is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless,", "id": "2963165" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified fish\n\n\nconcerns raised by the fact GM techniques and GM organisms are subject to intellectual property law. GMOs also are involved in controversies over GM food with respect to whether using GM fish as safe is safe, whether it would exacerbate or cause fish allergies, whether it should be labeled, and whether GM fish and crops are needed to address the world's food needs. These controversies have led to litigation, international trade disputes, and protests, and to restrictive regulation of commercial products in most countries. There is much doubt among the", "id": "7928383" }, { "contents": "Hep-Hep riots\n\n\nyears I've said the Jews will be attacked. I have witnesses. The Germans wax bold with indignation, and why? Because they are the most civilized, peace-loving, and obedient people... Their newfound hypocritical love for Christianity (may God forgive my sin) and the Middle Ages, with its poetry, art, and atrocities, incites the people to commit the only atrocity they may still be provoked to: attacking the Jews!... Their hate does not stem from religious zeal: how can they hate other", "id": "16901386" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\ntrials were destroyed by anti-GM activists. Although there is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, GM food safety is a leading concern with critics. Gene flow, impact on non-target organisms, control of the food supply and intellectual property rights have also been raised as potential issues. These concerns have led to the development of a regulatory framework, which started in 1975. It has led to an international treaty, the Cartagena Protocol on", "id": "12021914" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\nThere is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. Genetic engineering features in many science fiction stories. Frank Herbert's novel \"The White Plague\" described the deliberate use of genetic engineering to create a pathogen which specifically killed women. Another of Herbert", "id": "12021962" }, { "contents": "Séralini affair\n\n\n. Séralini, a professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen, is president of the scientific advisory board of the Committee of Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN), which opposes genetically modified food (GM food). Séralini co-founded CRIIGEN in 1999 because he judged that studies on GM food safety were inadequate. Before 2012 Séralini had published other peer-reviewed papers that concluded there were health risks to GM foods. In 2007 he and two others published a Greenpeace-funded study (Séralini 2007", "id": "22003658" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified maize\n\n\ngreater risk to human health than conventional food, but that each GM food needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction. Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe. The legal and regulatory status of GM foods varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting them, and others permitting them with widely differing degrees of regulation. The scientific rigor of the studies regarding human health has been disputed due to alleged lack of independence and due to", "id": "4194192" }, { "contents": "Robin Ramsay (editor)\n\n\nsays that Ramsay \"hates conspiracy theories\", quoting him as saying \"The term 'conspiracy theory' is used by various intellectual establishments to dismiss people like me. It's irritating but there's nothing you can do about it.\" Ramsay is the eldest child of a food chemist father and housewife mother. \"Guardian\" journalist Robert McCrum describes Ramsay as \"an extrovert, fast-talking Scot with jack-of-all-trades experience in alternative journalism, jazz music and the theatre\". In July 1988", "id": "2973843" } ]
If body fat is stored energy, how come a morbidly obese person would die of starvation before all their fat is used up?
[{"answer": "It's not starvation that morbidly obese people will die of when they literally stop eating. Its malnutrition. The body stores any energie it does not use in the form of fat. Energie intake can be done via different sources: carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Note, we need all of the aforementioned in various degrees, but in western societies, they are heavily over consumed. Vitamins and minerals don't supply us with energy, but are necessary to perform functions, such as potassium is needed to flex a muscle. Vitamins and minerals can't be stored by the body, and an overconsumption of these will leave the body via excretion or fecal matter, or can even poison the body. Malnutrition is observed in lots of poor third world counties, but also in Western societies. It is because of people are not conscious of what their body needs. Here is an analogy for your morbidly obese person: an African child gets to eat nothing but a cup of rice each day. The cup of rice gives the cild the energy it needs. Energy alone however, is not enough. It also needs its vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins and others to have all its cells perform its functions. The child does not have a healthy intake of vitamins and minerals, and slowly, its body functions are shutting down. The morbidly obese person has plenty of fat storage to provide the body with energie, however, the body does not need all this energy, it needs other nutrients, the obese person is not taking in, so it dies."}, {"answer": "This has already been done, a Scottish man ate nothing for a year and 17 days and lost 125 kilograms over the period while the hospital monitored him/gave him the necessary vitamins. There are problems that come around from doing this as well, that scottish man was pretty lucky and people have died from things like lactic acidosis."}, {"answer": "You can only metabolize fat so fast, and the worse shape you're in, the worse your body is at doing it. A super obese person will often require more calories per day to maintain essential organ function, partly because they have so much extra tissue to keep alive as well, than they can extract from their fat alone."}, {"answer": "To get access to the energy contained within the fat cells in the body you need certain other chemical reactions to occur which require certain vitamins and nutrients and water to take away any of the fat-bound toxins (for lack of a better word). So if you were to not drink or have vitamins the body would be unable to carry out the reactions to break down the fat cells. That is one problem, the other is the guff that binds to fat and your insulin levels, so if you ingest a lot of processed foods which contain all manner of artificial chemicals, in some cases these chemicals cannot be flushed out by the body and are basically bound up in fat cells so the problem can be dealt with a different day. So when your body finally cracks back open that fat cell it may get a small amount of energy from it, but now you have the toxins back in circulation, and if your body is unable to get rid of them (via kidneys/liver etc) then it has to put them back into fat, which takes energy and can send your insulin levels off a bit. So you would not be able to get enough energy to supply the body AND deal with the rising amount of fat soluble toxins so your body would be overwhelmed and would slowly shut down. Assuming the person is taking all the vitamins etc and does not have any crazy toxins bound up within their cells then theoretically they could survive until all the fat is used up."}, {"answer": "From my point of view, as someone who works in retirement and nursing homes - the fat ones linger for *way* longer than the thin ones. When an overweight person goes palliative they can hang on for months while for the skinny ones the suffering is usually over with fairly quickly. When it's my time to go I sure as hell hope I'm skinny because if you hang on for a long time the bed sores and other stuff that happens to you while you are dying is excruciatingly horrible for your family to have to go through."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18993882", "title": "Overweight", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas", "Being overweight or fat is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight is especially common where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary. , excess weight reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults being either overweight or obese. In 2013 this increased to more than 2 billion. Increases have been observed across all age groups. A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nin the \"overweight\" category by BMI, even though their body fat percentages frequently fall in the 10–15% category, which is below that of a more sedentary person of average build who has a \"normal\" BMI number. For example, the BMI of bodybuilder and eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman was 41.8 at his peak physical condition, which would be considered morbidly obese. Body composition for athletes is often better calculated using measures of body fat, as determined by such techniques as skinfold measurements or underwater weighing and", "id": "4612954" }, { "contents": "Starvation response\n\n\nshown that proteins can be depleted first and death from starvation is predicted to occur before fat reserves are used up. (There is nothing in the study about any of the five subjects dying.) During starvation, less than half the energy used by the brain comes from metabolized glucose. Because the human brain can use ketone bodies as major fuel sources, the body is not forced to break down skeletal muscles at a high rate, thereby maintaining both cognitive function and mobility for up to several weeks. This response is extremely", "id": "7533149" }, { "contents": "Starvation response\n\n\nthe only fuel source available to the body. Thus, after periods of starvation, the loss of body protein affects the function of important organs, and death results, even if there are still fat reserves left unused. (In a leaner person, the fat reserves are depleted earlier, the protein depletion occurs sooner, and therefore death occurs sooner.) The ultimate cause of death is, in general, cardiac arrhythmia or cardiac arrest brought on by tissue degradation and electrolyte imbalances. In very obese persons, it has been", "id": "7533148" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nof total energy from fat (e.g. 60%). The effect of the diet is quantified using the measures detailed below. Often, the experiment aims to see how obesity affects some other physiological or behavioral outcome, so other measures may be taken. Common such measures include stress (both physiological and psychological), changes in hormones, and insulin. The outcome measure of obesity is usually either the gain of body weight or body fat. The body weight gain is quantified using the difference in the raw mass of the animal", "id": "10628489" }, { "contents": "Female body shape\n\n\nbody than in a male body. They also affect body fat distribution, causing fat to be stored in the buttocks, thighs, and hips in women, but generally not around their waists, which will remain about the same size as they were before puberty. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland regulate the rate of metabolism, controlling how quickly the body uses energy, and controls how sensitive the body should be to other hormones. Body fat distribution may change from time to time, depending on food habits, activity levels", "id": "11954307" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\ndepots in the mouse, the gonadal depots are the largest and the most easily dissected, comprising about 30% of dissectible fat. In an obese person, excess adipose tissue hanging downward from the abdomen is referred to as a panniculus. A panniculus complicates surgery of the morbidly obese individual. It may remain as a literal \"apron of skin\" if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of fat (a common result of gastric bypass surgery). This condition cannot be effectively corrected through diet and exercise alone,", "id": "21827531" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nby storing energy as fat would be advantageous during times of varying food availability, and individuals with greater adipose reserves would be more likely to survive famine. This tendency to store fat, however, would be maladaptive in societies with stable food supplies. This theory has received various criticisms, and other evolutionarily-based theories such as the drifty gene hypothesis and the thrifty phenotype hypothesis have also been proposed. Certain physical and mental illnesses and the pharmaceutical substances used to treat them can increase risk of obesity. Medical illnesses that increase obesity", "id": "11648969" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nor in the Lee index (an index similar to the BMI in humans). The body fat gain is quantified either indirectly through the weight gain, or directly using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. When studying effects of obesity on diabetes, a fasting blood sugar test is also done before and after the diet. Scientists have successfully induced obesity in animals using a wide range of diets. Although generally diets containing more than 30% of total energy from fat are considered to induce obesity, scientists have induced obesity with", "id": "10628490" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\n% of those who were considered active at ages 14 to 19 were also active adults, compared to 2% of those who were inactive at ages 14 to 19, who were now said to be active adults. Staying physically inactive leaves unused energy in the body, most of which is stored as fat. Researchers studied 16 men over a 14-day period and fed them 50% more of their energy required every day through fats and carbohydrates. They discovered that carbohydrate overfeeding produced 75–85% excess energy being stored as body fat and", "id": "19958534" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody fat. Most researchers have used 25% in men, and 30% in women, as cut-points to define obesity. As by anthropometric methods, body fat percentage can be estimated from a person's BMI by the following formula: There are many other methods used to determine body fat percentage. Hydrostatic weighing, one of the most accurate methods of body fat calculation, involves weighing a person underwater. Two other simpler and less accurate methods have been used historically but are now not recommended. The first is the", "id": "80491" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nhaving little fat. For example, more than half of all NFL players are classified as \"obese\" (BMI ≥ 30), and 1 in 4 are classified as \"extremely obese\" (BMI ≥ 35), according to the BMI metric. However, their mean body fat percentage, 14%, is well within what's considered a healthy range. The preferred obesity metric in scholarly circles is the body fat percentage (BF%) - the ratio of the total weight of person's fat to his or her", "id": "80483" }, { "contents": "Starvation response\n\n\nin many chronic infections. Starvation in biofilms is due to nutrient consumption by cells located on the periphery of biofilm clusters and by reduced diffusion of substrates through the biofilm. Biofilm bacteria shows extreme tolerance to almost all antibiotic classes, and supplying limiting substrates can restore sensitivity. Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced energy intake by burning fat reserves and consuming muscle and other tissues. Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in liver cells and after significant protein loss .", "id": "7533138" }, { "contents": "Android fat distribution\n\n\ndevelops as a back-up source of energy when the male body is experiencing an imbalance, whereas gynoid fat develops after puberty, in order to better prepare the body for supporting a potential infant. 50% of the variance in abdominal fat mass observed in humans is due to genetic factors The cellular characteristics of adipose tissue in android and [gynoid] obese women are different. Android type have larger fat (Hypertrophy) cells whereas gynoid type have increased number of fat cells (Hyperplasia). This allows for hypertrophic obesity and", "id": "14181055" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nalternative to BMI. BMI doesn't account for muscle and fat distribution, or gender, or ethnicity; and therefore is not an accurate measure of obesity in many individuals. BVI uses 3D technology to analyse overall body shape, identifying where fat is distributed across the body. Body Volume means the composition of a person and their body parts; each part of a person’s body (arms, legs, chest, etc.) has its own 3D shape, individual weight and measurement. An increase in the volume of fat", "id": "80488" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nexcellent for identifying obesity and body fat in large populations, but they are far less reliable for determining fatness in individuals.\" A frequent use of the BMI is to assess how much an individual's body weight departs from what is normal or desirable for a person's height. The weight excess or deficiency may, in part, be accounted for by body fat (adipose tissue) although other factors such as muscularity also affect BMI significantly (see discussion below and overweight). The WHO regards a BMI of less than 18.5", "id": "4612935" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nto be the strongest contributors to obesity. One study found that black men and women have a lower percentage of body fat than white men and women with the same body mass index (BMI). A similar study concluded that obese black adolescents had significantly less dangerous visceral fat than obese white adolescents. Visceral fat is significant because it has been more strongly linked to the risk of disease as compared to fat stored in other parts of the body. A multitude of studies show that members of racial and ethnic minority communities are disproportionately", "id": "20729389" }, { "contents": "Manolis Kellis\n\n\n, the epigenome is the complete set of annotations and bookmarks.” His lab now uses this map to further the understanding of fundamental processes and disease in humans. Kellis and colleagues used epigenomic data to investigate the mechanistic basis of the strongest genetic association with obesity. They showed that this mechanism operates in the fat cells of both humans and mice and detailed how changes within the relevant genomic regions cause a shift from dissipating energy as heat (thermogenesis) to storing energy as fat. A full understanding of the phenomenon may lead to", "id": "21704378" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nObesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. This is often described as a body mass index (BMI) over 30. However, BMI does not account for whether the excess weight is fat or muscle, and is not a measure of body composition. For most people, however, BMI is an indication used worldwide to estimate nutritional status. Obesity is usually the result of consuming more calories than the body needs and not expending that energy by", "id": "15571524" }, { "contents": "Human nutrition\n\n\nmay occur in which insulin/leptin resistance and obesity aggravate one another. The vicious cycle is putatively fuelled by continuously high insulin/leptin stimulation and fat storage, as a result of high intake of strongly insulin/leptin stimulating foods and energy. Both insulin and leptin normally function as satiety signals to the hypothalamus in the brain; however, insulin/leptin resistance may reduce this signal and therefore allow continued overfeeding despite large body fat stores. There is a debate about how and to what extent different dietary factors – such as", "id": "10186729" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nat determining a person is not obese than it is at determining a person is obese. Despite this undercounting of obesity by BMI, BMI values in the intermediate BMI range of 20–30 were found to be associated with a wide range of body fat percentages. For men with a BMI of 25, about 20% have a body fat percentage below 20% and about 10% have body fat percentage above 30%. BMI is particularly inaccurate for people who are very fit or athletic, as their high muscle mass can classify them", "id": "4612953" }, { "contents": "Body fat percentage\n\n\nseveral advantages over established reference methods, including a quick, comfortable, automated, noninvasive, and safe measurement process, and accommodation of various subject types (e.g., children, obese, elderly, and disabled persons). However, its accuracy declines at the extremes of body fat percentages, tending to slightly understate the percent body fat in overweight and obese persons (by 1.68–2.94% depending on the method of calculation), and to overstate to a much larger degree the percent body fat in very lean subjects (by an average", "id": "6936747" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nbeneficial for building specific muscles, but it has little effect, if any, on fat in that area of the body, or on the body's distribution of body fat. The same logic applies to sit-ups and belly fat. Sit-ups, crunches and other abdominal exercises are useful in building the abdominal muscles, but they have little effect, if any, on the adipose tissue located there. Several colloquial terms used to refer to central obesity, and to people who have it, refer to beer drinking", "id": "10161820" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nIn women, estrogen is believed to cause fat to be stored in the buttocks, thighs, and hips. When women reach menopause and the estrogen produced by ovaries declines, fat migrates from their buttocks, hips, and thighs to their belly. Males are more susceptible to upper-body fat accumulation, most likely in the belly, due to sex hormone differences. Abdominal obesity in males is correlated with comparatively low testosterone levels. Testosterone administration significantly increased thigh muscle area, reduced subcutaneous fat deposition at all levels measured, but", "id": "10161812" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\n, and as energy for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement, flexibility, and alter the appearance of the body. The degree to which a person is overweight is generally described by the body mass index (BMI). \"Overweight\" is defined as a BMI of 25 or more, thus it includes pre-obesity defined as a BMI between 25 and 30 and obesity as defined by a BMI of 30 or more. Pre-obese and overweight however are often used interchangeably,", "id": "850190" }, { "contents": "Cat food\n\n\nacids that can be utilized and metabolised as energy over fat when provided, even though protein is not stored in the body the same way as fat. Dietary fat is more efficiently converted to body fat than protein; if an animal is consuming more than its energy requirement and if the excess energy is provided by fat, more weight will be gained than if the excess calories are coming from protein. Dietary protein also improves satiety during feed, resulting in decreased overconsumption of food. The protein content of the diet is a key", "id": "10716800" }, { "contents": "Oleoyl-estrone\n\n\nhormone leads to adipose stores being the source of energy that makes up for the energy deficit rather than protein stores. The molecule has been widely studied in various strains of animals and shown to be effective in virtually all studies. A surprising result that came out of the animal studies was that OE treated animals maintained their fat loss after treatment was stopped. Weight loss maintenance is one of the most difficult aspects of obesity treatment and so this effect is promising. This led to the postulation that oleoyl-estrone can reduce the body", "id": "9116244" }, { "contents": "Media depictions of body shape\n\n\nand an obese character, with the exception of Beauty and the Beast. A study published in 2010 involved one hundred and twenty one girls age 3-6 to determine the effects of brief exposure to appearance‐related media on young girls' body image. The exposure ended up not affecting body dissatisfaction. Although nearly all the girls did like how they looked ⅓ would change one physical thing and half were worried of becoming fat. In 64% of children's videos and 20% of books obesity is related to negative traits. Obese", "id": "3090898" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n–hip ratio and body fat percentage. Normal weight obesity is a condition of having normal body weight, but high body fat percentages with the same health risks of obesity. BMI can be used to predict the risk of metabolic abnormalities like diabetes. Body mass index or BMI is a simple and widely used method for estimating body fat mass. BMI was developed in the 19th century by the Belgian statistician and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet. BMI is an accurate reflection of body fat percentage in the majority of the adult population. However it", "id": "80479" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\n25 kg/m may indicate optimal weight, a BMI lower than 18.5 suggests the person is underweight, a number from 25 up to 30 may indicate the person is overweight, and a number from 30 upwards suggests the person is obese. Lean male athletes often have a high muscle-to-fat ratio and therefore a BMI that is misleadingly high relative to their body-fat percentage. BMI is proportional to the mass and inversely proportional to the square of the height. So, if all body dimensions double, and", "id": "4612933" }, { "contents": "Bet Me\n\n\nobject to be viewed, Crusie focuses on feelings, gestures, and reactions. Secondary characters interpret her size differently; some describe her as fat, some as voluptuous. Readers can relate to the conflicting descriptions, as the characters' debate reflects society's inability to agree on a single acceptable body size. Although she is not morbidly obese, Min expends significant mental energy worrying about her weight and her desirability. This is exacerbated by her mother, who constantly stresses that Min must be thin in order to catch and keep a", "id": "9537753" }, { "contents": "Catabolysis\n\n\nthe disorder by giving food or protein are futile. The body has a natural store of fat (also called \"adipose tissue\") that stores reserve energy. One can still stay alive while the body breaks down the fatty tissue (hence people wasting away from starvation). The person may, during catabolysis, have large amounts of lipids, proteins, and amino acids in the bloodstream, due to the muscle fibers and adipose tissues being broken down and sent to the nervous system and brain. One may also exhibit a", "id": "12384779" }, { "contents": "Oleoyl-estrone\n\n\ncompound was found to potently induce body-fat loss while preserving protein stores in animals which is the ultimate goal of an anti-obesity agent as body protein loss is an undesired but inevitable (to some degree) side effect of fat loss via calorie restriction. Oleoyl-estrone functions by reducing energy-intake without prescribed dietary restriction (forced dietary restriction in addition to OE actually led to protein losses) while maintaining energy expenditure (which normally falls as part of the adaptations to calorie restriction). The partitioning effects of this", "id": "9116243" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nat every size, and numerous other courses that had some fat acceptance content. Taylor & Francis publish an online Fat Studies journal. In the UK, the first national Fat Studies seminar was held at York in May 2008, leading to the 2009 publication \"Fat Studies in the UK\", edited by Corinna Tomrley and Ann Kalosky Naylor. The fat acceptance movement has been divided in its response to proposed legislation defining morbidly obese people as disabled. NAAFA board member Peggy Howell says: \"There's a lot of conflict in", "id": "8626798" }, { "contents": "Hunger strike\n\n\n, however, is quickly able to persuade him to abandon the attempt. Rama mentions it as a practice of the brahmanas. In the first three days, the body is still using energy from glucose. After that, the liver starts processing body fat, in a process called ketosis. After depleting fat, the body enters a \"starvation mode\". At this point the body \"mines\" the muscles and vital organs for energy, and loss of bone marrow becomes life-threatening. There are examples of hunger strikers", "id": "5266760" }, { "contents": "Sokushinbutsu\n\n\non pine needles, resins and seeds found in the mountains, which would eliminate all fat in the body. Increasing rates of fasting and meditation would lead to starvation. The monks would slowly reduce then stop liquid intake, thus dehydrating the body and shrinking all organs. The monks would die in a state of \"jhana\" (meditation) while chanting the \"nenbutsu\" (a mantra about Buddha), and their body would become naturally preserved as a mummy with skin and teeth intact without decay and without the need of", "id": "9747298" }, { "contents": "Starvation response\n\n\n. On average, the starvation response of the individuals after isolation was a 180 kCal reduction in daily total energy expenditure. 60 kCal of the starvation response was explained by a reduction in fat-free mass and fat mass. An additional 65 kCal was explained by a reduction in fidgeting. The remaining 55 kCal was statistically insignificant. The energetic requirements of a body are composed of the basal metabolic rate and the physical activity level. This caloric requirement can be met with protein, fat, carbohydrates, or a mixture of those", "id": "7533140" }, { "contents": "Fat Bastard\n\n\nFat Bastard is a fictional character in the second and third films of the \"Austin Powers\" series. A morbidly obese henchman hailing from Scotland, Fat Bastard serves Dr. Evil in his quest to destroy Austin Powers. The character is portrayed by Mike Myers. His extreme size and weight (1 metric tonne, according to Dr. Evil) endows Fat Bastard with massive strength. He exhibited this prowess in the sumo ring in the third movie. Fat Bastard is noted for his foul temper, his emotional monologues that culminate in flatulence", "id": "14810830" }, { "contents": "Starvation\n\n\nhunger, since the perception is controlled by the volume of the stomach that is empty. Individuals experiencing starvation lose substantial fat (adipose tissue) and muscle mass as the body breaks down these tissues for energy. \"Catabolysis\" is the process of a body breaking down its own muscles and other tissues in order to keep vital systems such as the nervous system and heart muscle (myocardium) functioning. The energy deficiency inherent in starvation causes fatigue and renders the victim more apathetic over time. As the starving person becomes too weak", "id": "2855914" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\ndetermining body fat are more accurate than BMI but come with added complexity. If an individual is overweight and has excess body fat it can create or lead to health risks. Reports are surfacing, however, that being mildly overweight to slightly obese – BMI being between 24 and 31.9 – may be actually beneficial and that people with a BMI between 24 and 31.9 could actually live longer than normal weight or underweight persons. While the negative health outcomes associated with obesity are accepted within the medical community, the health implications of the overweight", "id": "850193" }, { "contents": "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead\n\n\nmedications. During his road-trip Cross meets Phil Staples, a morbidly obese truck driver from Sheldon, Iowa, in a truck stop in Arizona and inspires him to try juice fasting. A sequel to the first film, \"Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2\", was released in 2014. \"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead\" won the Turning Point Award and shared the Audience Choice Award – Documentary Film at the 2010 Sonoma International Film Festival. \"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead\" was the", "id": "239884" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nObesity classification is a ranking of obesity, the medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies obesity by body mass index (BMI), which is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat. BMI is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex, and is obesity determination is in", "id": "80477" }, { "contents": "Android fat distribution\n\n\nin children who are obese. Even adults who are overweight and obese report foot pain to be a common problem. Body fat can impact on an individual mentally, for example high levels of android fat have been linked to poor mental wellbeing, including anxiety, depression and body confidence issues. On the reverse, psychological aspects can impact on body fat distribution too, for example women classed as being more extraverted tend to have less android body fat. \"See Gynoid fat distribution\" Central obesity is measured as increase by waist circumference", "id": "14181062" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nfatness in itself, which promotes the same unhealthy lifestyle that she believes killed her brother, who was morbidly obese and died at the age of 55. She also criticized the movements' repeated comparison of sizeism with racism or homophobia, saying that this approach casts obesity in the light of being an unchangeable state. Cathy Young, writing for \"The\" \"Boston Globe\", claimed that the movement was responsible for normalizing and promoting the acceptance of a controllable disease with clear health complications. While she recognizes the value in fighting", "id": "8626802" }, { "contents": "Fat (cookbook)\n\n\nfat as a \"greasy killer\" and describes the shift to a low-fat diet, citing two studies that show that obesity may not be connected to heart attacks, and pointing to the Atkins diet. There are sections dedicated to butter and to types of fat from different animals, with instructions on how to render it, store it, and cook with it. Recipes for dishes with animal fat as an ingredient are included as well. McLagen's book also covers the health benefits of animal fat, such as its", "id": "8157180" }, { "contents": "Body positivity\n\n\nwhile accepting their physical traits. Body positivity has roots in the fat acceptance movement as well as the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. Body positivity differs from fat acceptance in that it is all encompassing and inclusive of \"all\" body types, whereas fat acceptance only advocates for individuals considered to be obese or overweight. The movement states that neither fat-shaming nor skinny-shaming is acceptable, and that all body types can and should be celebrated. Body-shaming of all types has been shown to yield detrimental long", "id": "13101131" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nfertility decline. Taken into consideration firstly must be the weight of the individual before investigating further into complications surrounding fertility. Initially, treatment should proceed for obesity, then if complications still arise with infertility then progression onto ART is required. There are many other ways of reducing body fat including modifying diet or administrating diet pills, increasing energy expenditure, or surgically removing abdominal fat/surgical fitting of a gastric band in order to subside excess abdominal weight. Restoration of fertility should follow these modifications. A weight-loss study was carried", "id": "15571532" }, { "contents": "Leptin\n\n\nboth, is needed. Leptin is known to interact with amylin, a hormone involved in gastric emptying and creating a feeling of fullness. When both leptin and amylin were given to obese, leptin-resistant rats, sustained weight loss was seen. Due to its apparent ability to reverse leptin resistance, amylin has been suggested as possible therapy for obesity. It has been suggested that the main role of leptin is to act as a starvation signal when levels are low, to help maintain fat stores for survival during times of starvation", "id": "2347896" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nslightly increased the visceral fat area. Even with the differences, at any given level of central obesity measured as waist circumference or waist to hip ratio, coronary artery disease rates are identical in men and women. A permanent routine of exercise, eating healthily, and, during periods of being overweight, consuming the same number or fewer calories than used will prevent and help fight obesity. A single pound of fat yields approximately 3500 calories of energy (32 000 kJ energy per kilogram of fat), and weight loss is achieved", "id": "10161813" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nconsume higher amounts of alcohol. There are various ways of measuring abdominal obesity including: In those with a BMI under 35, intra-abdominal body fat is related to negative health outcomes independent of total body fat. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong correlation with cardiovascular disease. BMI and waist measurements are well recognized ways to characterize obesity. However, waist measurements are not as accurate as BMI measurements. For this reason, it is recommended to use both methods of measurements. While central obesity can be obvious", "id": "10161804" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nskinfold test, in which a pinch of skin is precisely measured to determine the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The other is bioelectrical impedance analysis which uses electrical resistance. Bioelectrical impedance has not been shown to provide an advantage over BMI. Body fat percentage measurement techniques used mainly for research include computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). These techniques provide very accurate measurements, but it can be difficult to obtain in the severely obese due", "id": "80492" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nrelation to a historical normal group. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. Relative weight and body mass index (BMI) are nearly identical and are reasonable estimates of body fatness as measured by percentage body fat. However, BMI does not account for the wide variation in body fat distribution, and may not correspond to the same degree of fatness or associated health risk in different individuals and populations. Other measurements of fat distribution include the waist", "id": "80478" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nBMI, total body fat, visceral fat and BVI number. The BVI Number has been designed by Mayo Clinic as an alternative to BMI. It provides an indication of health risk based on fat distribution with a particular emphasis on visceral fat; which is located around organs. Visceral fat is metabolically active, with high levels a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes type II. Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. There is no generally accepted definition of obesity based on total", "id": "80490" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nthe mentality that food supplies were unpredicted and their next meal was unknown. In this way, ancestors would eat whenever possible and efficiently store the energy absorbed as fat to use when resources were scarce. Since then, the environment in which we live in, has evolved rapidly with food supplies readily and effortlessly available. Consequently, the approach to conservation of energy from food has now been transformed into overeating and under-activity, generating a recipe of chronic disease and premature death. Childhood obesity has been a consistent health burden throughout", "id": "16685105" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nimbalances. People attempting these diets must be monitored closely by a physician to prevent complications. With use, muscles consume energy derived from both fat and glycogen. Due to the large size of leg muscles, walking, running, and cycling are the most effective means of exercise to reduce body fat. Exercise affects macronutrient balance. During moderate exercise, equivalent to a brisk walk, there is a shift to greater use of fat as a fuel. To maintain health, the American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of", "id": "11423994" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\ndiets containing 13% to 85% of total energy from fat. The specific fatty foods used in the diets vary across studies, ranging from Crisco to lard to palm oil. Other researchers have shown that an animal diet more similar to the human Western diet (i.e. a diet with high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt, and low-fiber content) is more effective in inducing obesity and obesity-related disorders than a traditional high-fat diet. Sensory stimulation from high-fat foods is one", "id": "10628491" }, { "contents": "Ketosis\n\n\ncontroversial. Carbohydrate deprivation to the point of ketosis has been argued to have both negative and positive effects on health. Ketosis can also be induced following periods of fasting (starvation), and after consumption of ketogenic fats (such as medium chain triglycerides ) or exogenous ketones. The two sources of ketone bodies in the body are fatty acids in adipose tissue and ketogenic amino acids. The main formation of ketone bodies is through ketogenesis. Adipose tissue can be used to store fatty acids for regulating temperature and energy. These fatty acids", "id": "4550645" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey M. Friedman\n\n\nthe adipose (fat) tissue in proportion to its mass that in turn modulates food intake relative to energy expenditure. Increased fat mass increases leptin levels, which in turn reduces body weight; decreased fat mass leads to a decrease in leptin] levels and an increase in body weight. By this mechanism, weight is maintained within a relatively narrow range. Defects in the leptin gene are associated with severe obesity in animals and in humans. Leptin acts on sets of neurons in brain centers that control energy balance. Leptin also plays", "id": "19084390" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nhad a good general correlation with body fat percentage, and noted that obesity has overtaken smoking as the world's number one cause of death. But it also notes that in the study 50% of men and 62% of women were obese according to body fat defined obesity, while only 21% of men and 31% of women were obese according to BMI, meaning that BMI was found to underestimate the number of obese subjects. A 2010 study that followed 11,000 subjects for up to eight years concluded that BMI is not", "id": "4612960" }, { "contents": "Fatty acid metabolism\n\n\nhave the energy equivalent to 4.6 kg (10 lb) of fat. Hibernating animals provide a good example for utilizing fat reserves as fuel. For example, bears hibernate for about 7 months, and, during this entire period, the energy is derived from degradation of fat stores. Migrating birds similarly build up large fat reserves before embarking on their intercontinental journeys. Thus the young adult human’s fat stores average between about 10–20 kg, but varies greatly depending on age, gender, and individual disposition. By contrast the human", "id": "3618897" }, { "contents": "Gynoid fat distribution\n\n\nstored in the breasts and the hips, thighs and bottom. This process is modulated by estrogen, the female sex hormone, causing the female form to store higher levels of fat than the male form, which is affected primarily by Testosterone. \"See Android fat distribution\" The location of android fat differs in that it assembles around internal fat depots and the trunk (includes thorax and abdomen). Android fat has more of a survival role and is utilised by the body as an energy source when energy supplies are low,", "id": "1390667" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nChildhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight rather than obese is often used when discussing childhood obesity, especially in open discussion, as it is less stigmatizing. Body mass index (BMI) is acceptable for", "id": "19958513" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\n, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their healthy-weight counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass. HAES proponents believe that health is a result of behaviors that are independent of body weight and that favouring being thin discriminates against the overweight and the obese. Efforts towards such weight loss are instead held to cause rapid swings in size that inflict far worse physical and psychological damage than would obesity itself. As part of the wider fat acceptance movement, HAES includes also a significant social and psychological dimension", "id": "8780633" }, { "contents": "Yo-yo effect\n\n\nstate leads many people to eating more than they would have before dieting, causing them to rapidly regain weight. The process of regaining weight and especially body fat is further promoted by the high metabolic plasticity of skeletal muscle. The \"Summermatter Cycle\" explains how skeletal muscle persistently reduces energy expenditure during dieting. In addition, food restriction increases physical activity which further supports body weight loss initially. Such weight regain in the form of preferential catch-up-fat is well documented after weight loss due to malnutrition, cancer, septic", "id": "12874038" }, { "contents": "Marathon\n\n\nintake constant) during the week before the marathon to allow their bodies to store more glycogen. Carbohydrates that a person eats are converted by the liver and muscles into glycogen for storage. Glycogen burns rapidly to provide quick energy. Runners can store about 8 MJ or 2,000 kcal worth of glycogen in their bodies, enough for about 30 km/18–20 miles of running. Many runners report that running becomes noticeably more difficult at that point. When glycogen runs low, the body must then obtain energy by burning stored fat, which does not", "id": "4698412" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nfat accumulation, and stimulating thermogenesis due to the catechins that are present. Catechins are polyphenols that are a major component of green tea extract. Green tea has also been shown to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans, independent of the caffeine content. In a human study conducted, 690 mg of catechins daily for 12 weeks reduced body fat, suggesting that green tea might be useful in the prevention of chronic disease, particularly obesity. Moreover, catechins in the brain play a major role in satiety. When assessing popular", "id": "19103838" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nThe fat acceptance movement (also known as fat pride, fat empowerment, and fat activism) is a social movement seeking to change anti-fat bias in social attitudes by raising awareness about obstacles faced by overweight and obese persons for the general public. Areas of contention include the aesthetic, legal, and medical approaches to people whose bodies are fatter than the social norm. The modern fat acceptance movement began in the late 1960s. Besides its political role, the fat acceptance movement also constitutes a subculture that acts as a social", "id": "8626767" }, { "contents": "Body shape\n\n\ndistribution of fat in women i.e. around the belly instead of buttocks and thighs. Estrogen increases fat storage in the body, which results in more fat stored in the female body. Body fat percentage recommendations are higher for females, as this may serve as an energy reserve for pregnancy. Males have less subcutaneous fat in their faces due to the effects of testosterone; testosterone also reduces fat by aiding fast metabolism. Males generally deposit fat around waists and abdomens (producing an \"apple shape\") due to the lack of estrogen", "id": "11556193" }, { "contents": "Feline hepatic lipidosis\n\n\ndisease, but it may develop without these conditions existing. Obesity is known to increase the risk of hepatic lipidosis; however, there is no known \"official\" cause of the disease. Severe anorexia usually precedes the onset of the disease. When the cat has no energy from eating, the liver must metabolize fat deposits in the body into usable energy to sustain life. The cat liver, however, is poor at metabolizing fat, causing a buildup of fat in the cells of the liver, leading to fatty liver.", "id": "279622" }, { "contents": "Dr. Evil\n\n\nin promotional shots. Fat Bastard is a morbidly obese henchman hailing from Scotland, said to weigh a metric ton. His extreme size endows Fat Bastard with super-human strength as exhibited by his prowess in the Sumo ring from \"Goldmember\". This makes him a formidable enemy for Austin Powers. Fat Bastard is noted for his foul temper, his frequent flatulence, his vulgar and revolting bad manners and his unusual eating habits, which include cannibalism, more specifically a taste for human infants (which he calls \"the other", "id": "6149109" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\n) is predictive of increased risk. Another diagnosis of obesity is the analysis of intra-abdominal fat having the most risk to one's personal health. The increased amount of fat in this region relates to the higher levels of plasma lipid and lipoproteins as per studies mentioned by Eric Poehlman (1998) review. An increasing acceptance of the importance of central obesity within the medical profession as an indicator of health risk has led to new developments in obesity diagnosis such as the Body Volume Index, which measures central obesity by measuring a", "id": "10161807" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nremainder in the liver (totaling about 2,000 kcal in the whole body). It is created from the excess of ingested macronutrients, mainly carbohydrates. When glycogen is nearly depleted, the body begins lipolysis, the mobilization and catabolism of fat stores for energy. In this process fats, obtained from adipose tissue, or fat cells, are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, which can be used to generate energy. The primary by-products of metabolism are carbon dioxide and water; carbon dioxide is expelled through the respiratory", "id": "8430281" }, { "contents": "Equine polysaccharide storage myopathy\n\n\nthe use of fat for energy (via free fatty acid oxidation) over glucose metabolism. Horses with the most severe clinical signs often show the greatest improvement on the diet. Dietary recommendations usually include a combination of calorie restriction, reduction of daily NSC content, and an increase in dietary fat. Diet recommendations need to be balanced with the animal's body condition score and exercise level, as it may be beneficial to wait on increasing dietary fat after an obese animal has lost weight. The diet should have 10% of digestible", "id": "8968475" }, { "contents": "Starvation response\n\n\nof fats from adipose tissue. Fats are broken down into glycerol and free fatty acids, with the glycerol being turned into glucose in the liver via the gluconeogenesis pathway. When even the glucose made from glycerol reserves start declining, the liver starts producing ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are short-chain derivatives of the free fatty acids mentioned in the previous paragraph, and can cross the blood–brain barrier, meaning they can be used by the brain as an alternative metabolic fuel. Fatty acids can be used directly as an energy", "id": "7533143" }, { "contents": "Adipocyte\n\n\nbody adipocytes. Approximately 10% of fat cells are renewed annually at all adult ages and levels of body mass index without a significant increase in the overall number of adipocytes in adulthood. Obesity is characterized by the expansion of fat mass, through adipocyte size increase (hypertrophy) and, to a lesser extent, cell proliferation (hyperplasia). In the fat cells of obese individuals, there is increased production of metabolism modulators, such as glycerol, hormones, macrophage stimulating chemokines, and pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to the", "id": "868158" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nis less accurate in people such as body builders and pregnant women. A formula combining BMI, age, and gender can be used to estimate a person's body fat percentage to an accuracy of 4%. An alternative method, body volume index (BVI) , is being developed by Mayo Clinic in an effort to better take into account different body shapes. BVI measures body fat distribution and calculates the BVI number, based on these results. This BVI number is an indication of weight associated health risk. BMI is calculated", "id": "80480" }, { "contents": "Orlistat\n\n\n35.5% and 54.8% of subjects achieved a 5% or greater decrease in body mass, although not all of this mass was necessarily fat. Between 16.4% and 24.8% achieved at least a 10% decrease in body fat. After orlistat was stopped, a significant number of subjects regained weight—up to 35% of the weight they had lost. It reduces the incidence of diabetes type II in people who are obese around the same amount that lifestyle changes do. Long-term use of orlistat also leads to", "id": "15707192" }, { "contents": "Lipid metabolism\n\n\nis often considered as the digestion and absorption process of dietary fat; however, there are two sources of fats that organisms can use to obtain energy: from consumed dietary fats and from stored fat. Vertebrates (including humans) use both sources of fat to produce energy for organs such as the heart to function. Since lipids are hydrophobic molecules, they need to be solubilized before their metabolism can begin. Lipid metabolism often begins with hydrolysis, which occurs with the help of various enzymes in the digestive system. Lipid metabolism also", "id": "16960116" }, { "contents": "Saturated fat\n\n\nenergy expenditure is high and body fat stores are low (BMI 18.5 kg/m). The amount and quality of fat supply has to be considered keeping in mind the need to meet energy requirements. Specific sources of saturated fat, such as coconut and palm oil, provide low-cost energy and may be an important source of energy for the poor.\" A 2004 statement released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) determined that \"Americans need to continue working to reduce saturated fat intake…\" In addition", "id": "19074365" }, { "contents": "Fat\n\n\nas excretion, urination, accidental or intentional bloodletting, sebum excretion, and hair growth. In animals, adipose tissue, or fatty tissue is the body's means of storing metabolic energy over extended periods of time. Adipocytes (fat cells) store fat derived from the diet and from liver metabolism. Under energy stress these cells may degrade their stored fat to supply fatty acids and also glycerol to the circulation. These metabolic activities are regulated by several hormones (e.g., insulin, glucagon and epinephrine). Adipose tissue also secretes", "id": "10886886" }, { "contents": "Adiposopathy\n\n\nto the metabolic syndrome. Most medical organizations recognize obesity as a disease. According to the Obesity Medicine Association Obesity Algorithm: \"Obesity is defined as a chronic, relapsing, multi-factorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, biomechanical, and psychosocial health consequences.\" Consistent with this functional definition, patients with the disease of obesity can generally be categorized into patients with \"fat mass disease\" and \"sick fat disease.", "id": "2892011" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over ; the range is defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use lower values. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of", "id": "11648941" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Thailand\n\n\nto junk food, and unhealthy switches from active to sedentary lifestyles. These factors are closely linked to economic growth in the country. The internationally recognised method of measuring obesity is through the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to WHO, an overweight person has a BMI of ≥25. An obese person has a BMI of ≥30. However, while the WHO standard has been used internationally, studies have shown that it may not be accurate for the classification of obesity in the Asian context due to different body fat percentages and", "id": "15555378" }, { "contents": "Obesity and walking\n\n\nwalking across differing speeds. They found that standing metabolic rate when normalized for body weight was ~20% less for obese people (more adipose tissue and less metabolically active tissue), but that metabolic rates during walking were ~10% greater per kilogram body mass for obese individuals when compared to lean. These researchers also found that increased thigh mass and adipose distribution did not matter, overall body composition of percent body fat was related to net metabolic rate. Therefore, obese individuals are using more metabolic energy than their lean counterparts when walking", "id": "11249648" }, { "contents": "Climate of Svalbard\n\n\nthe ice algal spring bloom. The increasing day length triggers the growth of nutritious ice-algae. The ice slowly melts from underneath and the algae use the sun's energy to photosynthesise. This increased food availability causes tiny crustaceans called copepods to come up from the dark depths and start feeding on the ice-algae. Soon there are millions of them, and they will store the algae's energy in form of droplets of fat in their small bodies. When April comes, the sea ice finally begins to break apart,", "id": "359993" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nto obesity via increased food intake. Weight gain is the primary effect of diet-induced obesity, but there are a variety of additional physiological side effects. One such side effect is that the body gains more fat cells. The increased number of fat cells persists even after the diet becomes lower in fat. Weight put on during the high-fat diet also tends to persist. Changes in the composition of the body are accompanied by hormonal changes. High levels of leptin and insulin are produced; at the same time,", "id": "10628493" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\nare specifically designed to measure abdominal volume and abdominal fat. Excess visceral fat is also linked to type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, inflammatory diseases, and other obesity-related diseases. Likewise, the accumulation of neck fat (or cervical adipose tissue) has been shown to be associated with mortality. Several studies have suggested that visceral fat can be predicted from simple anthropometric measures, and predicts mortality more accurately than body mass index or waist circumference. Men are more likely to have fat stored in the abdomen due to sex hormone", "id": "21827534" }, { "contents": "Fat\n\n\nare high in saturated fatty acid content and are solids. Olive and linseed oils on the other hand are unsaturated and liquid. Fats serve both as energy sources for the body, and as stores for energy in excess of what the body needs immediately. Each gram of fat when burned or metabolized releases about 9 food calories (37 kJ = 8.8 kcal). Fats are broken down in the healthy body to release their constituents, glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol itself can be converted to glucose by the liver and so become", "id": "10886879" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nsymbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world. In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body", "id": "11648945" }, { "contents": "Relative Fat Mass\n\n\nRelative Fat Mass (RFM) is a simple formula for the estimation of overweight or obesity in humans that requires only a calculation based on a ratio of height and waist measurements. High body fat is associated with increased risks of poor health and early mortality. RFM is a simple anthropometric procedure that is claimed to be more convenient than body fat percentage and more accurate than the traditional body mass index (BMI). The ratio of the patient's height and waist measurement is multiplied by 20 before being subtracted from a number (", "id": "4336126" }, { "contents": "Big Pun\n\n\nlife. He weighed at age 18, which increased to at 21. His weight fluctuated in the early 1990s between obese and morbidly obese. Rios enrolled in a weight-loss program at Duke University and shed , but he prematurely quit the program and eventually regained the weight. His weight was a constant topic of argument among him and his friends to the point that Rios would not eat around them. On February 5, 2000, Rios withdrew from a planned \"Saturday Night Live\" performance with Fat Joe and Jennifer Lopez", "id": "11046185" }, { "contents": "Diacylglycerol oil\n\n\nTAG, which is stored as body fat, DAG is immediately burned as energy. With DAG-rich oil containing more than 80% DAG, less of the oil is stored as body fat as compared to traditional oils, which are rich in TAG. Excess calories consumed by the body are converted into fat and stored, regardless if it is consumed as DAG or TAG. DAG oil was designated as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by an outside panel of scientific experts and their conclusion has been reviewed and accepted by", "id": "4498026" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\na common and useful measurement of body fat that helps individuals understand the difference between being overweight and obese. The system can be used to calculate a persons Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing their weight (in kilograms) by the square of their height (in meters). According to the World Health Organisation (2015) a BMI greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2 in adults is overweight and greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 regards individuals as obese. Using the BMI method, however,", "id": "16685101" }, { "contents": "Social influences on fitness behavior\n\n\n10.5% of males and 11.6% of females were obese. 3.5% of the total students surveyed needed to slim down and 4.5% are becoming obese. The test revealed that obesity has a great effect on changing moods and lowering of self-esteem. Inactivity is one of the biggest reasons for obesity in children. Berkey et al., conducted a study on 11,887 children from the ages of 10–15 to test whether or not an increase in a person's activity level would reduce a person's body fat. A test", "id": "16857438" }, { "contents": "Genetics of obesity\n\n\nfor BMI have been identified. Confirmed and hypothesized associations include: Some studies have focused upon inheritance patterns without focusing upon specific genes. One study found that 80% of the offspring of two obese parents were obese, in contrast to less than 10% of the offspring of two parents who were of normal weight. The thrifty gene hypothesis postulates that due to dietary scarcity during human evolution people are prone to obesity. Their ability to take advantage of rare periods of abundance by storing energy as fat would be advantageous during times of", "id": "80555" }, { "contents": "List of Mr. Pickles characters\n\n\ndestroy the satellite containing her downloaded memories. Before the satellite is destroyed, it is implied from one of past memories that Agnes became Steve when Mr. Pickles held a knife to her throat and she pleaded for her life. Floyd (voiced by Dave Stewart) – A colleague of Stanley Goodman who works as a telemarketer. Morbidly obese to the point that his excessive fat sags, Floyd is almost always seen eating various foods. He got his obesity from traveling to food competitions, which he won. Because of his competition fame", "id": "21508498" }, { "contents": "Android fat distribution\n\n\nhyperplastic obesity. Two different receptors, alpha and beta fat cell receptors, vary in their ability to facilitate or inhibit fat mobilization. Alpha-receptors are predominately in the lower body thus more abundant in gynoid patterns and Beta-receptors are predominantly in the upper body and so more abundant in android patterns. Hormonal disorders or fluctuations can lead to the formation of a lot of visceral fat and a protruding abdomen. Medications such as protease inhibitors that are used to treat HIV and AIDS also form visceral fat. Android fat can be", "id": "14181056" }, { "contents": "Metabolic age\n\n\nintestine, sex organs, muscles, and skin. Formulas for estimating basal metabolic rate take into account age, weight, height, activity level, body fat mass, and lean body mass. All the components in the body require various levels of energy to be maintained. Body fat requires much less energy than lean muscle, as lean muscle is much more metabolically active and therefore requires more energy expenditure to remain in homeostasis. If comparing two individuals, with all variables being equal, the person with more lean muscle mass will", "id": "17528126" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nthe high failure rate of permanent weight loss attempts, and the dangers of \"yo-yo\" weight fluctuations and weight loss surgeries. Fat activists argue that the health issues of obesity and being overweight have been exaggerated or misrepresented, and that the health issues are used as a cover for cultural and aesthetic prejudices against fat. Proponents of fat acceptance maintain that people of all shapes and sizes can strive for fitness and physical health. They believe health to be independent of body weight. Informed by this approach, psychologists who were", "id": "8626784" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n. In the European Union waist circumference of ≥ 94 cm(≈37\") in men and ≥ 80 cm(≈31.5\") in non pregnant women are used as cut offs for central obesity. A lower cut off of 90 cm has been recommended for South Asian and Chinese men, while a cut off of 85 cm has been recommended for Japanese men. In those with a BMI under 35, intra-abdominal body fat is related to negative health outcomes independent of total body fat. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong", "id": "80486" }, { "contents": "Female body shape\n\n\nand hormone levels. When women reach menopause and the estrogen produced by ovaries declines, fat migrates from their buttocks, hips and thighs to their waists; later fat is stored at the abdomen. Body fat percentage recommendations are higher for females, as this fat may serve as an energy reserve for pregnancy. Males have less subcutaneous fat in their faces due to the effects of testosterone; testosterone also reduces fat by aiding fast metabolism. The lack of estrogen in males generally results in more fat being deposited around the waist and abdomen", "id": "11954308" } ]
Why shouldn't you plug a power strip into another power strip?
[{"answer": "The short answer is because outlets are only designed to draw so much current and adding power strips makes them more likely to draw a dangerous amount of current."}, {"answer": "A powerstrip is a way of creating a parallel circuit: all devices you plug in get the same voltage. Since each device uses some amount of power, each will draw some current, which will all pass through the powerstrip wires. Since they're all plugged in parallel, all that current adds up. So the powerstrip tends to draw more current from the same outlet: it \"amplifies\" the possible current being drawn. It's the current that makes wires heat up, it's not difficult to see how this amplification effect can be dangerous. For example, suppose you have a 110 watt lightbulb plugged into a 110 volt outlet. It will draw 1 amp\u00e8re of current from the outlet. Now plug a powerstrip with 5 outlets instead, and plug 5 lightbulbs in the powerstrip. Each lightbulb will still draw 1 A, so the powerstrip is now drawing 5 A from the outlet. Now replace one of the bulbs with another power strip with 5 bulbs. The first powerstrip is now drawing 4 A + 5 A = 9 A from the wall outlet. Most outlets and powerstrips aren't supposed to go above 10 A - 20 A, so you can see how easily this can become dangerous with devices that draw more power."}, {"answer": "You absolutely can as long as you don't draw too much current from the source outlet, it's just that having more outlets connected to the same source makes it easier to exceed this limit. If the outlet can handle 10 Amps then plugging in even two 6 Amp devices will overload it, but you could safely have one hundred 0.1 Amp devices, using as many power strips as necessary to provide one hundred outlets. The trouble is if you plug 1 Amp devices into all those outlets you'll be ten times over the limit."}, {"answer": "It is a falsely stated safety precautions. You _can_ quite safely line up as many power plug as you desire. But you have to be careful, all the devices that are plugged into your tree of power strips will draw current from one power outlet and therefore the current of all your devices will go through the cable of the first power strip. The problem is in this first strip, it has been designed to withstand a particular current, which is related to the amount of outlets it has. If you branch out to more outlets, you basically \"increase\" the amount of outlets of the first strip. To wrap up, the actual valid safety precaution would be: \"If you plug a power strip into another power strip, never connect more devices than you could using first power strip.\" And the answer why is to prevent the current to exceed limits. Exceeding current limits is how you'll get a electrical fire, which is undesirable, so that is _why_."}, {"answer": "It's not specifically about plugging power strips into power strips, it's about using too much power from one outlet. When you use a power strip, all the power that goes to all the stuff plugged into it comes through the power strip's cable. When you plug another power strip into that power strip, the first power strip's cable is carrying all the power for all the stuff in the first strip, plus all the power for all the stuff in the second strip. More strips and it gets even worse. \"Don't plug them into each other\" is a rule of thumb. If the things plugged in don't use very much power then you're fine. If the things use lots of power (think clothes dryers) then even just one power strip might be too many. As for *why* it's a problem - loose plugs get hot when lots of power goes through them, and if they get too hot they could start to melt or catch fire. (Theoretically the cable could melt too, but I've never heard of that, it always seems to be the plug/outlet first)"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "38824", "title": "Electric power transmission", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site, such as a power plant, to an electrical substation. The interconnected lines which facilitate this movement are known as a transmission network. This is distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution. The combined transmission and distribution network is known as the \"power grid\" in North America, or just \"the grid\". In the United Kingdom, India, Tanzania, Myanmar, Malaysia and New Zealand, the network is known as the \"National Grid\".", "Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site, such as a power plant, to an electrical substation. The interconnected lines which facilitate this movement are known as a transmission network. This is distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution. The combined transmission and distribution network is known as the \"power grid\" in North America, or just \"the grid\". In the United Kingdom, India, Tanzania, Myanmar, Malaysia and New Zealand, the network is known as the \"National Grid\"."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nA power strip (also known as an extension block, power board, power bar, plug board, pivot plug, trailing gang, trailing socket, plug bar, trailer lead, multi-socket, multi-box, super plug, multiple socket, multiple outlet, polysocket and by many other variations) is a block of electrical sockets that attaches to the end of a flexible cable (typically with a mains plug on the other end), allowing multiple electrical devices to be powered from a single electrical socket. Power", "id": "9074873" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nstrips are often used when many electrical devices are in proximity, such as for audio, video, computer systems, appliances, power tools, and lighting. Power strips often include a circuit breaker to interrupt the electric current in case of an overload or a short circuit. Some power strips provide protection against electrical power surges. Typical housing styles may include strip, rack-mount, under-monitor and direct plug-in. Some power strips include a master switch to turn all devices on and off. This can be", "id": "9074874" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nprotected by circuit breakers of up to 32 A. However, UK Consumer Protection legislation requires that plug-in domestic electrical goods must be provided with plugs to BS 1363, which include a fuse rated at not more than 13 A. Hence, in the UK and in other countries using , this fused plug provides overload protection for any power strip. The fuse must be replaced if the power strip is overloaded, causing the fuse to operate. In Australia and New Zealand the rating for a standard socket outlet is 10 Amperes but these", "id": "9074891" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nevenly, and will typically go through the one that triggers first. Daisy chaining of power strips (known in building and electric codes as multi-plug adapters or relocatable power taps), whether surge protected or not, is specifically against most codes. As an example, the International Code Council's \"International Fire Code 2009 Edition\" in 605.4.2 states, \"Relocatable power taps shall be directly connected to permanently installed receptacles.\" Where the current rating of the socket outlet, plug and lead of the power strip is equal", "id": "9074889" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\n, there can be problems detecting standby power in appliances that use more power in standby mode (such as plasma televisions) as they will always appear to the power strip to be switched on. When using a master–slave power strip, one way to avoid such problems is to plug an appliance with a lower standby wattage (such as a DVD player) into the master socket, using it as the master control instead. A different power strip design intended to save energy uses a passive infrared (PIR) or ultrasonic", "id": "9074878" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nwhich is used to return the strip to service after an overload has caused it to trip. Electrical overloading can be a problem with any sort of power distribution adapter. This is especially likely if multiple high-power appliances are used, such as those with heating elements, like room heaters or electric frying pans. Power strips may have a circuit breaker integrated to prevent overload. In the UK, power strips are required to be protected by the fuse in the BS 1363 plug. Some also feature a 13A BS1362 fuse in", "id": "9074893" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nto the rating of the circuit breaker supplying the circuit concerned, additional overload protection for the power strip is unnecessary, since the existing circuit breaker will provide the required protection. However, where the rating of a socket outlet (and, hence, the plug and lead of the power strip) is less than the rating of the circuit breaker supplying the circuit concerned, overload protection for the power strip and its supply cable is necessary. In the UK, standard and sockets are rated at 13 A but are provided on circuits", "id": "9074890" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nThe Plugs and Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994. This regulation lists the requirements for all domestic plugs and sockets; including socket outlet units (power strips), see Electrical Equipment - Requirements for Plugs & Sockets etc. - Guidance notes on the UK Plugs & Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994 (S.I. 1994/1768). The regulation requires all socket outlet units to comply with the requirements of BS 1363-2 Specification for 13A switched and unswitched socket-outlets and with the requirements of BS 5733 Specification for", "id": "9074897" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nof the plugs pulling on the adapter (and often pulling it part way out of the socket) can also be a problem if adapters are stacked or if they are used with brick-style power supplies. Such adapters, while still available, have largely fallen out of use in some countries (although two- and three-way adapters are still common in the US, UK, and Ireland). When plugging a device into a power strip, a buildup of carbon or dust can cause sparking to occur. This generally", "id": "9074895" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nthe socket end. Power strips are generally considered a safer alternative to “double adapters”, “two-way plugs”, “three-way plugs”, or “cube taps” which plug directly into the socket with no lead for multiple appliances. These low-cost adapters are generally not fused (although more modern ones in the UK and Ireland are). Therefore, in many cases the only protection against overload is the branch circuit fuse which may well have a rating higher than the adapter. The weight", "id": "9074894" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nsound detector to determine if a person is nearby. If the sensors don't detect any motion for a preset period of time, the strip shuts off several outlets, while leaving one outlet on for devices that should not be powered off. These so-called \"smart power strips\" are intended to be installed in offices, to shut down equipment when the office is unoccupied. It is recommended that appliances that need a controlled shutdown sequence (such as many ink-jet printers) \"not\" be plugged into a", "id": "9074879" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nsuppression circuits can demonstrate compliance with the LVD by complying with the requirements of EN 61643-21:2001. Connecting MOV-protected power strips in a \"daisy chain\" (in a series, with each power strip plugged into a previous one in the chain) does not necessarily increase the protection they provide. Connecting them in this manner effectively connects their surge protection components in parallel, in theory spreading any potential surge across each surge protector. However, due to manufacturing variations between the MOVs, the surge energy will not be spread", "id": "9074888" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\noutlets are provided on circuits usually protected by circuit breakers of 16 or 20 A capacity. Also, it is possible to insert an Australian/NZ 10 A plug into socket outlets rated at up to 32 A. Hence, all power strips sold in Australia and New Zealand with three or more 10A socket outlets are required to have overload protection so that if the total current drawn exceeds 10 A the inbuilt circuit breaker will operate and disconnect \"all\" connected devices. These power strips have a reset button for the circuit breaker,", "id": "9074892" }, { "contents": "Engineers for a Sustainable World\n\n\ndevice is connected then the controller will flip the relay switch, turning on the power strip and everything plugged into it. And when the device is not in range of the wifi (disconnected) then the micro controller will turn off the power strip saving energy. Low Cost Wind Turbine Low cost and simple sources of electrical power are needed in rural and remote areas, especially in third world countries. The project scope is to design, build, and test the minimal cost wind power generation system using common materials such as automotive", "id": "17777495" }, { "contents": "AC power plugs and sockets: British and related types\n\n\none socket-outlet, or allow the use of a plug of different type. There are several common types, including double- and triple-socket blocks, shaver adaptors, and multi-socket strips. Adaptors which allow the use of non-BS 1363 plugs, or more than two BS 1363 plugs, must be fused. Appliances are designed not to draw more power than their plug is rated for; the use of such adaptors, and also multi-socketed extension leads, makes it possible for several appliances to be", "id": "20338812" }, { "contents": "Daisy chain (electrical engineering)\n\n\nIn electrical and electronic engineering a daisy chain is a wiring scheme in which multiple devices are wired together in sequence or in a ring. Other than a full, single loop, systems which contain internal loops cannot be called daisy chains. Daisy chains may be used for power, analog signals, digital data, or a combination thereof. The term daisy chain may refer either to large scale devices connected in series, such as a series of power strips plugged into each other to form a single long line of strips,", "id": "13218309" }, { "contents": "Standby power\n\n\nreduce power when in standby. Unused features may be disabled in the computer's BIOS setup to save power. Devices were introduced in 2010 that allow the remote controller for equipment to be used to totally switch off power to everything plugged into a power strip. It was claimed in the UK that this could save £30, more than the price of the device, in one year. As users of energy and government authorities have become aware of the need not to waste energy, more attention is being paid to the electrical", "id": "4729446" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nunits with control circuits also fall within the scope of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. Examples of power strips exist in the U.S. patent system dating back as far as 1929, starting with the creation of Carl M. Peterson's \"Table Tap\". Another early example was created by Allied Electric Products in 1950. Perhaps the first modern designs for the power strip were created by the U.S. firm Fedtro, which filed two patents in 1970 for designs that hew close to designs used in the modern day. One early iteration,", "id": "9074899" }, { "contents": "Power supply\n\n\nplus a few diodes in DC-output adapters), or they may employ switch-mode circuitry. AC adapters consume power (and produce electric and magnetic fields) even when not connected to a load; for this reason they are sometimes known as \"electricity vampires\", and may be plugged into power strips to allow them to be conveniently turned on and off. A programmable power supply is one that allows remote control of its operation through an analog input or digital interface such as RS232 or GPIB. Controlled properties may", "id": "4163232" }, { "contents": "Names of God in Islam\n\n\nof all Sovereignty\"): \"\"Say: \"O God! Lord of Power, You give power to whom You please, and You strip off power from whom You please. You endue with honour whom You please, and You bring low whom You please. In Your hand is all Good.\" Verily, over all things You have power.\"\" [Quran 3:26] The two parts of the name starting with \"ˁabd\" may be written separately (as in the previous example) or combined as", "id": "15841753" }, { "contents": "AC power plugs and sockets\n\n\n32 (IS16A-R) is used only in Israel and in the territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. There are two versions: an older one with flat pins, and a newer one with round pins. The pre-1989 system has three flat pins in a Y-shape, with line and neutral apart. The plug is rated at 16 A. In 1989 the standard was revised, with three round pins in the same locations designed to allow the socket to accept both older and newer Israeli plugs, and", "id": "3535285" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\n. Low-cost power strips often come with only one MOV mounted between the live and neutral wires. More complete (and desirable) power strips will have three MOVs, connected between each possible pair of wires. Since MOVs degrade somewhat each time they are triggered, power strips using them have a limited, and unpredictable, protective life. Some power strips have \"protection status\" lights which are designed to turn off if protective MOVs connected to the live wire have failed, but such simple circuits cannot detect all failure", "id": "9074885" }, { "contents": "Power-line communication\n\n\nin the AM radio band, it is known as a carrier current system. High frequency communication may (re)use large portions of the radio spectrum for communication, or may use select (narrow) band(s), depending on the technology. Power line communications can also be used in a home to interconnect home computers and peripherals, and home entertainment devices that have an Ethernet port. Powerline adapter sets plug into power outlets and establish an Ethernet connection using the existing electrical wiring in the home (power strips with filtering may absorb the", "id": "9558659" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\ndata centers, to allow computer systems or other devices to be remotely restarted, often over the Internet (although this leaves them vulnerable to outside attacks). Many power strips have a neon or LED indicator light or one per output socket to show when power is on. Better-quality surge-protected strips have additional lights to indicate the status of the surge protection system, however these are not always reliable as an indicator. Some power strips have energy-saving features, which switch off the strip if appliances go into", "id": "9074876" }, { "contents": "Electro Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process\n\n\noptimum electrode configuration in terms of pattern type, shape, and separation; power supply requirements; power synchronization; optimal target temperature; and estimated time to attain the targeted temperature. The Power Delivery System (PDS) is a computer controlled three-phase current transformer. The PDS can come in a range of KVA (kilovolt amp) ratings and are fully modular for plug and play applications. Each PDS is equipped with voltage tap settings that allow the voltage to be increased to the electrodes in formations with varying resistivity. ET", "id": "14948212" }, { "contents": "Ingeborg of Norway\n\n\npeace treaty between Norway and Sönderjylland 14 June 1327. Ingeborg married her lover Canute Porse (d. 1330), a noble from less than royal circles, in 1327. While Canute was allowed to become Duke of Halland and holder of Ingeborg's inherited estates, her marriage was another reason why Swedes, and also increasingly Norwegians, did not allow Ingeborg to use her governmental power in these kingdoms. The year of her second marriage, Ingeborg was stripped from her power also in the Norwegian regency council. Her husband was made Duke", "id": "18989230" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nGeneral requirements for electrical accessories. Sockets and socket outlets do not require independent approval under the regulations. Any plug fitted to the socket outlet unit must comply with the requirements of BS 1363-1 Specification for rewirable and non-rewirable 13A fused plugs. Plugs must also be independently approved and marked in accordance with the requirements of the regulation. If a socket outlet unit contains additional control circuits or surge protection circuits they will fall within the scope of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and must be CE marked. Socket outlet", "id": "9074898" }, { "contents": "AC power plugs and sockets\n\n\nfor temporary connections when a socket is not within convenient reach of an appliance's power lead. A power strip with multiple sockets may also have a switch, surge voltage protection, or over-current protection. Special purpose sockets may be found in residential, industrial, commercial or institutional buildings. Examples of systems using special purpose sockets include: Special-purpose sockets may be labelled or coloured to identify a reserved use of a system, or may have keys or specially shaped pins to prevent use of unintended equipment. National wiring", "id": "3535248" }, { "contents": "Casey Sorrow\n\n\ncomic protested on religious grounds. One said, \"As a born-again Christian, I just wanted to notify the writers of “Fetus-X” that the comic strip [is] very offensive. ... I pray that one day you will come to know the power of the cross.\" Another warned, \"Do you remember what happened when they said, 'not even God can sink the Titanic?' There are certain things you just don’t joke about. ... keep your blasphemy to yourself.\"", "id": "20788565" }, { "contents": "Fetus-X\n\n\ncomic protested on religious grounds. One said, \"As a born-again Christian, I just wanted to notify the writers of “Fetus-X” that the comic strip [is] very offensive. ... I pray that one day you will come to know the power of the cross.\" Another warned, \"Do you remember what happened when they said, 'not even God can sink the Titanic?' There are certain things you just don’t joke about. ... keep your blasphemy to yourself.\"", "id": "2736204" }, { "contents": "Nintendo Power\n\n\nPower\" mainly featuring tips and strategies for the game. In 1989, a smaller version of the magazine called \"Pocket Power\" was distributed at movie theaters showing \"The Wizard\". Nester is the long-time teenage mascot and comic strip star of \"Nintendo Power\". Nester was created by Howard Phillips, \"President\" of the Nintendo Fun Club and a former editor of \"Nintendo Power\", to be the supporting character in his comic strip, \"Howard & Nester\". The comic strips generally advertised", "id": "9383637" }, { "contents": "Power distribution unit\n\n\nA power distribution unit (PDU) or mains distribution unit (MDU) is a device fitted with multiple outputs designed to distribute electric power, especially to racks of computers and networking equipment located within a data center. Data centers face challenges in power protection and management solutions. This is why many data centers rely on PDU monitoring to improve efficiency, uptime, and growth. PDUs vary from simple and inexpensive rack-mounted power strips to larger floor-mounted PDUs with multiple functions including power filtering to improve power quality, intelligent", "id": "20668821" }, { "contents": "Life in Hell\n\n\nwrote the title on top. Instead of being quickly written, sometimes it would be in balloons, or bubble letters, or fireworks, old English handwriting, etc., he also wrote \"This is your\" above the \"Life in Hell.\" He also sometimes changed the way he wrote his name and date but not very often. In one strip \"Why men growl\" from 1982, he wrote his name as Matt Grrrrroening. In another strip, \"Are you Easily Provoked?\" He misspelled his name", "id": "2103212" }, { "contents": "Life imprisonment in England and Wales\n\n\nfollowing a European Court of Human Rights ruling that the Home Secretary could no longer set minimum terms for life sentence prisoners, the High Court stripped the Home Secretary of his powers to set minimum terms completely. Earlier that year, following a legal challenge by another convicted murderer, Dennis Stafford, the Home Secretary had also been stripped of his powers to overrule the Parole Board's recommendations that a life sentence prisoner should be granted parole. Another notable prisoner whose minimum sentence was increased was Myra Hindley, jailed for life in 1966 for", "id": "11677083" }, { "contents": "Death of a Pop Star\n\n\nyears and years. This comic strip will show you exactly how close the relationships between those entities are.\" On December 10, 2010, the anime-styled webcomic strip series was launched for promotional purposes. The strip, bearing the same title as the album it coincides with, centers around both men living in the real world with superhuman powers. Throughout the series, the duo is forced to deal with a number of personal challenges; 9th's character toils with issues of inner conflict, discipline and violence, and Banner", "id": "10435295" }, { "contents": "Lights Out (2013 film)\n\n\ncreaking sounds and looks towards the doorway. The hallway light turns off. Scared, she hears footsteps approaching the bedroom and hides under the blanket. After a few seconds of silence, she peeks out. The door opens wider by itself, which terrifies the woman. The lamp flickers. From under the blanket, the woman looks towards the power strip it’s plugged in to. She nervously reaches out, locates the plug, and pushes it in more firmly. The flickering stops. The hallway light clicks back on and", "id": "6461035" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\ndoesn’t pose much of a risk in a non-explosive atmosphere, but explosive atmospheres (for example, near a gasoline refueling station or a solvent cleaning facility) require specialized explosion-proof sealed electrical equipment. In Europe, plugs and sockets without additional control or surge protection circuits are outside the scope of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and controlled by National regulations, and therefore must not be CE marked. In the UK the legal requirements for plugs and sockets are listed in Statutory Instrument 1994 No. 1768,", "id": "9074896" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nused with simple devices, such as lights, but not with most computers, which must use shutdown commands from the software. Computers may have open files, which may be damaged if the power is simply turned off. Some power strips have individually switched outlets. \"Master/slave\" strips can detect one \"master\" device being turned off (such as the PC itself in a computer setup, or a TV in a home theatre) and turn everything else on or off accordingly. Remote control strips are used in", "id": "9074875" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nslave socket on such a strip as it can damage them if they are switched off incorrectly (for example the inkjet printer may not have capped the print head in time, and consequently the ink will dry and clog the print head.) Within Europe, power strips with energy-saving features are within the scope of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and require a CE mark. In some countries where multiple socket types are in use, a single power strip can have two or", "id": "9074880" }, { "contents": "HomePlug\n\n\nto draw any charging power. All commercial HomePlug implementations meet the AES-128 encryption standard specified for advanced metering infrastructure by the US FERC. Accordingly, these devices are suitable to deploy as utility grade meters off the shelf with appropriate software. As of late 2012, the most widely deployed HomePlug devices are \"adapters\", which are standalone modules that plug into wall outlets (or power strips [but not surge protectors] or extension cords) and provide one or more Ethernet ports. In a simple home network, the Internet gateway", "id": "10997037" }, { "contents": "Reef aquarium\n\n\nfault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets. These can be purchased at any hardware store and are relatively easy to install. Plug in GFCI power strips are also readily available. Home monitoring equipment with water sensors can also be adapted for the home aquarist and used to alert the owner of power outages or water overflows. This equipment can allow for timely intervention in a potential disaster and provides an added sense of security for frequent travelers. A nano reef is a type of marine aquarium that is typically less than 140 litres (30", "id": "13698014" }, { "contents": "Xun You\n\n\ngenerously and hoped that his sons would cooperate harmoniously to safeguard his territories; that was why turmoil in the Empire never seemed to end. As of now, relations between the brothers have deteriorated and they seek to destroy each other. If one of them defeats and absorbs the other, he will become more powerful and more difficult to defeat. If you take advantage of their internal conflict to defeat them, you will restore stability in the Empire. You shouldn't miss this great opportunity.\" Cao Cao agreed, accepted Yuan", "id": "10281926" }, { "contents": "Power Pack\n\n\non the \"Power Pack Holiday Special\", which undid all of the plotlines started by Michael Higgins. The \"Power Pack\" strips were reprinted by Marvel UK beginning around 1986. It was Marvel UK's practice at the time to use a less well-known series as a second strip in a comic devoted to more recognizable characters, and \"Power Pack\" became the \"back-up strip\" in a run of Marvel's licensed \"Star Wars\" weekly \"Return of the Jedi\". During this period", "id": "21098636" }, { "contents": "Schuko\n\n\n7/4, S 31 = CEE 7/7, S 32 = CEE 7/17). Appliances are commonly sold with Schuko-type plugs (as well as Europlugs), while Italian-type plugs have become rare today and almost only power strips, cable reels and adaptors are sold with them. Some sockets (P 30 and P 40) accept both types, the remainder accepting one or the other. Schuko sockets are most commonly used for larger-rated appliances such as washing machines, and are particularly common in South Tyrol,", "id": "3454866" }, { "contents": "Stripping (linguistics)\n\n\nanalysis becomes more plausible. The distinction between the two analyses explains the ambiguity in the sentence \"Do you want coffee or tea?\": As with most ellipsis mechanisms, theoretical accounts of stripping face significant challenges. The greatest challenge is to come up with a coherent explanation of the stripped material. The insight that the remnant of stripping is always a constituent is straightforward. The difficulties arise when one attempts to discern which individual constituents can and cannot be a remnant. For instance, why are the remnants in the following", "id": "17816967" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nmodes (such as failure of a MOV connected between neutral and ground). The surge-induced triggering of MOVs can cause damage to an upstream device, such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which typically sees an overload condition while the surge is being suppressed. Therefore, it is recommended not to connect a surge-protected power strip to a UPS, but instead to rely solely on surge protection provided by the UPS itself. More-elaborate power strips may use inductor-capacitor networks to achieve a similar", "id": "9074886" }, { "contents": "Power Rangers S.P.D.\n\n\npopular TF artist Andrew Wildman, who had previously done artwork for other Power Rangers strips under Jetix Magazines' previous banner of Fox Kids' Wicked. The strip ended with its own conclusion to the SPD series, the first time any comic strip version of Power Rangers has dared to pull off a different take on a PR finale. In the strip, A-Squad are brainwashed instead of corrupted and turn against their superiors. The B-Squad regulars deal with them and help Cruger defeat and overcome both Grumm and Omni,", "id": "13627941" }, { "contents": "Superman\n\n\npowers\". Just before the Earth explodes, he escapes in a time-machine to the modern era, whereupon he immediately begins using his super powers to fight crime. O'Mealia produced a few strips and showed them to his newspaper syndicate, but they were rejected. Nothing of Siegel and O'Mealia's collaboration survives, except in Siegel's memoir. In June 1934, Siegel found another partner: an artist in Chicago named Russell Keaton. Keaton drew the \"Buck Rogers\" and \"Skyroads\" comic strips. In the script", "id": "8689769" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nstandby mode. Using a sensor circuit, they detect if the level of power through the socket is in standby mode (less than 30 watts), and if so they will turn off that socket. This reduces the consumption of standby power used by computer peripherals and other equipment when not in use, saving money and energy Some more-sophisticated power strips have a master and slave socket arrangement, and when the \"master\" socket detects standby mode in the attached appliance's current it turns off the whole strip. However", "id": "9074877" }, { "contents": "Israeli–Palestinian peace process\n\n\nPeres were awarded the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. On behalf of the Israeli people, Rabin said: \"We who have fought against you, the Palestinians, we say to you today, in a loud and a clear voice, enough of blood and tears ... enough!\" Various \"transfers of power and responsibilities\" in the Gaza Strip and West Bank from Israel to the Palestinians took place in the mid-1990s. The Palestinians achieved self-governance of major cities in the West Bank and the entire Gaza Strip", "id": "18490934" }, { "contents": "Total Recall (video game)\n\n\n% and wondered why Quiad is so stupid, trying to get rid of every bad guy on the right path and lure them into dark alleys only to offer a boring fight, commenting that these sequences should not have been programmed at all, and that apart from that, a lot of parts seem like a graphically strong stripped down \"Double Dragon\". \"Zzap\" #71 (Mar 1991) rated the game C64 version of the game at 76%. Another \"Power Play\" reviewer rated the Amiga version at", "id": "19254281" }, { "contents": "Power Rangers (comics)\n\n\nIn March 2003, Disney Publishing Worldwide produced a short comic strip based on \"Power Rangers Ninja Storm\" for their magazine \"Disney Adventures\". The magazine \"Disney Adventures\" was published from 1990 to 2007 and featured many comic strips based on several shows owned by Disney. From 2004 to 2009, Future Publishing produced the official Jetix Magazine in the United Kingdom. The magazine featured short comic strips based on several shows aired on Jetix in the United Kingdom including \"Power Rangers Ninja Storm\", \"Power Rangers Dino Thunder", "id": "10030724" }, { "contents": "Power Rangers (comics)\n\n\n\", \"Power Rangers S.P.D.\" and \"Power Rangers Operation Overdrive\". The seasons of \"Power Rangers Mystic Force\", \"Power Rangers Jungle Fury\" and \"Power Rangers RPM\" were also covered in the magazine, but did not receive comic strips. From 2004 to 2010, Egmont Group produced the official Power Rangers Magazine in the United Kingdom. The magazine featured short comic strips based on \"Power Rangers Ninja Storm\", \"Power Rangers Dino Thunder\", \"Power Rangers S.P.D.\", \"Power Rangers", "id": "10030725" }, { "contents": "Christian Walker\n\n\nWolfe into Triphammer's building and activates the Power Drainer. Without powers, Walker is physically superior and proceeds to beat Wolfe half to death, while questioning him as to why he has been torturing him across time. Wolfe simply laughs and says he can no longer remember. Infuriated, Walker throws the fragile Wolfe into the Drainer, causing an explosion that leaves both of them stripped of their powers, seemingly forever. Wolfe is taken to prison and even questioned in the \"Who Killed Retro-Girl Case?\" during the", "id": "10153816" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nwhich rotate in their housing, or multiple short receptacle cords feeding from a central hub. A simple DIY method for adapting problematic power strips arrangements to large \"wall warts\" is to use a three-way socket adapter to extend the socket above its neighbors, providing the required clearance. The PowerCube adapter is arranged as a cube, meaning the adapters do not fight for space next to each other. Many power strips have built-in surge protectors or EMI/RFI filters: these are sometimes described as surge suppressors or", "id": "9074882" }, { "contents": "Power Rangers S.P.D.\n\n\nSpace Invaders style targeting game with the Green Delta Runner, a racing level involving R.I.C. (the Rangers' robotic dog), and Megazord battle levels. A new monthly comic strip based on the series appeared every issue of Jetix Magazine in the UK in 2005. Jetix Magazine is the official magazine of Jetix, the channel that showed \"S.P.D.\" in the UK in 2006. The strip was the first Power Rangers strip to be written by Transformers writer Simon Furman, collaborating for the first time on the PR strip with equally", "id": "13627940" }, { "contents": "LED strip light\n\n\nfor single-color 5050 SMDs which can operate at slightly higher power levels and have high efficacy. Less common designs may have 3014, 4014, 7020, 8020, or other SMDs. In addition to the LED SMD type, the quantity of LEDs per foot (or meter) is also an important factor in determining the overall power and brightness. LED strip lights most commonly operate on 12 or 24 volts of direct current from a power supply, sometimes referred to as a driver. USB strip lights operate on the standard", "id": "17421575" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\nmore kinds of socket. Socket arrangement varies considerably, but for physical access reasons there are rarely more than two rows. In Europe, power strips without surge suppression are normally single row, but models with surge suppression are supplied both in single and double row configurations. If sockets on a power strip are grouped closely together, a cable with a large \"wall wart\" transformer at its end may cover up multiple sockets. Various designs address this problem, some by simply increasing the spacing between outlets. Other designs include receptacles", "id": "9074881" }, { "contents": "John Templeton\n\n\n, \"But why shouldn't I try to learn more? Why shouldn't I go to Hindu services? Why shouldn't I go to Muslim services? If you are not egotistical, you will welcome the opportunity to learn more.\" Similarly, one of the major goals of the Templeton Foundation is to proliferate the monetary support of spiritual discoveries. The Templeton Foundation encourages research into \"big questions\" by awarding philanthropic aid to institutions and people who pursue the answers to such questions through \"explorations into the laws of nature", "id": "5229758" }, { "contents": "Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW)\n\n\nwell as the appropriate length of time for an investigation period. Part 4 of LEPRA describes the power of police to undertake different categories of searches without a warrant. Specifically, division 4 contains provisions which permits personal searches. This includes searches generally and strip searches. Sections 33 and 34 contain rules in relation to ensuring the privacy and appropriateness of strip searches, including a provision that specifies that children under 10 must not be strip searched. Section 99 of LEPRA expands the scope of the previous common law power of police to arrest", "id": "10324342" }, { "contents": "Power strip\n\n\neffect of protecting equipment from high voltage spikes on the mains circuit. These more-expensive arrangements are much less prone to silent degradation than MOVs, and often have monitoring lights that indicate whether the protective circuitry is still connected. Within the EU, power strips with surge suppression circuits can demonstrate compliance with the (LVD) Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC by complying with the requirements of EN 61643-11:2002+A1. The standard covers both the performance of the surge suppression circuit and their safety. Likewise, power strips with telecoms surge", "id": "9074887" }, { "contents": "Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)\n\n\nnot good to get tigers wet,\" to which Calvin asks Hobbes why this is true, and Hobbes replies \"it takes us all day to dry out, and until we do, we smell funny.\" Another example is that although the debut strip showed Calvin capturing Hobbes with a snare in such a way that seems like it's the first time they've ever met, another strip implies that Hobbes is older than Calvin and has been around his entire life. This strip has Calvin quoting that he can't recall", "id": "12165861" }, { "contents": "The Thin Ice\n\n\nWaters singing \"\"If you should go skating/On the thin ice of modern life...\"\" As the lyrics end, the diatonic sense of C Major is abandoned, as the melody heard earlier (E, D, F, E, and A) becomes stripped to a simple power chord riff, played loud by distorted guitars, with brief soloing. The song ends on a sustained C Major chord, but through crossfading with the next song on the album, \"Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1", "id": "9824608" }, { "contents": "List of The Awesomes characters\n\n\ntricked both the Awesomes and Euro-Awesomes into gathering in one place, he used a giant robot to start replicating their powers, when he found out that Prock had another power beside his intellect he replicated it and called Prock a fool for never using it, declaring the power to stop time to be the greatest of them all. He ended up defeating himself by stopping time for too long (not knowing that you shouldn't do it for more than 10 seconds). It is shown from Dr. Turfenpeltz's process of", "id": "1922036" }, { "contents": "The Beano\n\n\noutlandish material for D C. Thomson, as well as later including celebrity appearances in the comic. The comic revealed Plug's full name to be Percival Proudfoot Plugsley and also gave him a pet monkey by the name of Chumkee. Plug's strip was mostly drawn by Vic Neill but other artists, including Dave Gudgeon drew some later strips. Other strips included \"Antchester United\", \"Violent Elizabeth\", \"Eebagoom\", \"Hugh's Zoo\" and \"D'ye Ken John Squeal and his Hopeless Hounds\". The venture", "id": "4413051" }, { "contents": "Lynn Borden\n\n\ncute, they won't harm you, and they're good luck. You know, kiss the frog and marry a prince, that kind of thing. If I see a frog, real or otherwise, I'll always stop to look at it. ...\"\" Her father drew elephants regularly in his cartoon strip. Some of her elephant figurines were a gift from her friend, actress Mala Powers, who had a recurring role as the next-door neighbor on \"Hazel\". Borden recalls that Powers was \"", "id": "4203692" }, { "contents": "Popeye\n\n\nstrip were J. Wellington Wimpy, a hamburger-loving moocher who would \"gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today\" (he was also soft-spoken and cowardly; Vickers Wellington bombers were nicknamed \"Wimpys\" after the character); George W. Geezil, a local cobbler who spoke in a heavily affected accent and habitually attempted to murder or wish death upon Wimpy; and Eugene the Jeep, a yellow, vaguely dog-like animal from Africa with magical powers. In addition, the strip featured the Sea Hag,", "id": "10882481" }, { "contents": "Dilbert (character)\n\n\nAdams, the creator of the \"Dilbert\" comic strip, has offered no definitive explanation for this, he has explained the tie at least as a further example of Dilbert's lack of power over his environment. A second explanation given by Adams in the Dilbert FAQ is that \"he is just glad to see you\". Adams has also hinted that the tie may be displaying an aversion to him (one series of strips had Dogbert attempt to find out: he tries having Ratbert eat one of the ties, theorizes", "id": "1218986" }, { "contents": "Billy DeBeck\n\n\neach day, as Google desperately tried to get his horse to win a race. The sequence in which Spark Plug was introduced into the strip was republished in the October 1922 issue of \"Comic Monthly\"—likely the earliest newsstand comics periodical. DeBeck kept readers on the edges of their seats with uncertain suspense: sometimes Spark Plug actually won a race. While DeBeck resisted at first, Hearst demanded a pretty girl be introduced into the strip. DeBeck brought in Sweet Mama, which initially created a stir, and certain papers dropped the strip", "id": "784653" }, { "contents": "Current loop\n\n\nor \"sourcing\" power) or \"passive\" (relying on or \"sinking\" loop power). For example, a chart recorder may provide loop power to a pressure transmitter. The pressure transmitter modulates the current on the loop to send the signal to the strip chart recorder, but does not in itself supply power to the loop and so is passive. Another loop may contain two passive chart recorders, a passive pressure transmitter, and a 24 V battery. (The battery is the active device). Note", "id": "15712604" }, { "contents": "Jurisdiction stripping\n\n\nIn the United States, jurisdiction-stripping (also called court-stripping or curtailment-of-jurisdiction), is the limiting or reducing of a court's jurisdiction by Congress through its constitutional authority to determine the jurisdiction of federal and state courts. Congress may define the jurisdiction of the judiciary through the simultaneous use of two powers. First, Congress holds the power to create (and, implicitly, to define the jurisdiction of) federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court (i.e. Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and", "id": "16247937" }, { "contents": "Super School\n\n\nSuper School is a comic strip, which started in November 2008 and is drawn by Lew Stringer. This strip was stated in the book The History of The Beano: The Story So Far as originally having the name \"The Ultras\" in the planning stages, and was inspired by the X-Men. The strip originally features four super powered children (which later became five) and their non-super powered Teacher. The pupils are \"Invisible Isobel\", who as the name suggests can turn invisible; \"Safari", "id": "21877058" }, { "contents": "Mortal Kombat (Malibu Comics)\n\n\nSub-Zero answers two riddles (the rest only have answered one) and at some stage of their adventures they try to unlock the book's power. The books' last riddle is solved by Goro, but Raiden and Shang Tsung join forces to strip Goro off his newfound power. The \"Prince of Pain\" trilogy revolves around the storyline elements of chaos and order, the themes later officially introduced in the video game \"\". The story is starred by Goro and the possible reason why he disappeared from the first", "id": "19184854" }, { "contents": "On Your Feet!\n\n\n, moving through its rags-to-riches paces as if to a rigid percussive beat, 'On Your Feet!' ultimately falls somewhere in the middle of the hefty pack of jukebox musicals that have plugged in to Broadway's power strip.\" David Rooney, in his review for \"The Hollywood Reporter\", wrote, \"Just try keeping the grin off your face when two massive human chains—of cast and audience members—flood the aisles of the Marquis Theatre... Charting the rise to international superstardom of Gloria", "id": "17768909" }, { "contents": "Port expander\n\n\ntypically on the motherboard, and the only part the user sees is the expansion plate containing multiple ports. An external device plugs into the existing port and then has multiple places to connect. When not part of a computer system, these devices are commonly known as splitters. In the non-computer world, splitters are very common. Extension cords and power strips are in nearly every modern home. Both of these devices will split a single outlet to multiple devices. Cable splitters also operate in many homes, allowing a single", "id": "19515959" }, { "contents": "Auxiliary car power outlet\n\n\ncable could be withdrawn from the socket and be used for lighting a cigar or cigarette. As the removable plug was returned to the socket, the wires were reeled back into it. The circuit was closed either by pressing a button or removing the igniter from its socket. The modern \"automatic\" removable automotive V-Coil lighter was developed by Casco in 1956, for which it received , issued in 1960. The lighter is a metal or plastic cylinder containing a thin flat coil of nichrome metal strip, through which high", "id": "21359276" }, { "contents": "Islamism in the Gaza Strip\n\n\nIslamism in the Gaza Strip involves efforts to promote and impose Islamic laws and traditions in the Gaza Strip. The influence of Islamic groups in the Gaza Strip has grown since the 1980s. Following Hamas' victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections and a conflict with supporters of the rival Fatah party, Hamas took complete control of the Gaza Strip, and declared the \"end of secularism and heresy in the Gaza Strip\". For the first time since the Sudanese coup of 1989 that brought Omar al-Bashir to power, a Muslim", "id": "19645011" }, { "contents": "Cliff Hanger (comic strip)\n\n\nusing the shoe as a paddle simply sent Cliff round in circles, and pulling out the tree revealed it was plugging a hole, causing the island to sink. The correct answer was C, as Cliff's weight caused the tree to bend over onto the shore, lifting Cliff to safety. The strip featured several minor background details that would occur in every issue, including a box with a handle, a plaster, the word 'Acme', an arrow with another (backwards facing) arrow inside it, a warthog", "id": "18248622" }, { "contents": "Standby power\n\n\nthat use electricity, such as VCRs, televisions, stereos, computers, and kitchen appliances. This can be avoided by unplugging the appliance or using a power strip and using the switch on the power strip to cut all power to the appliance.\" Standby power used by older devices can be as high as 10–15 W per device, while a modern HD LCD television may use less than 1 W in standby mode. Some appliances use no energy when turned off. Many countries adopting the One Watt Initiative now require new devices", "id": "4729426" }, { "contents": "Cole Turner\n\n\nby a sleazy landlord. In \"Sympathy for the Demon\", Cole is taunted by the spirit of the demon Barbas (Billy Drago), who convinces him to use a power-stripping potion, inadvertently granting Barbas his powers and a corporeal form. To stop the threat of Barbas or anyone else possessing Cole's powers, Paige strips Barbas of Cole's powers and Cole takes them back. The sisters, however, fear that these abilities will make him evil again. In \"Sam, I Am\", Cole", "id": "19429543" }, { "contents": "Homotopy\n\n\ncontinuously to a single point). As another example, the Möbius strip and an untwisted strip are homotopy equivalent (since you can deform both strips continuously to a circle) but not homeomorphic. Spaces that are homotopy equivalent to a point are called contractible. Intuitively, two spaces \"X\" and \"Y\" are homotopy equivalent if they can be transformed into one another by bending, shrinking and expanding operations. A function \"f\" is said to be null-homotopic if it is homotopic to a constant function.", "id": "1621063" }, { "contents": "Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW)\n\n\ndescribed the sudden increase in the number of strip searches in NSW that occurred in 2017-18 (5483) compared to in 2014-15 (3735). The article argued that this increase was alarming based on the notion of strip searches as a last resort. As a result of this increase, in October 2018, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission stated that it would investigate the exercise of police powers under LEPRA to undertake strip searches. In May 2019, 10 daily published an article “Highest in the World: Half", "id": "10324357" }, { "contents": "Channel strip\n\n\nA \"channel strip\" is a device that allows the output of an audio device to be amplified to a line level and integrated into some other system. An audio channel strip may be a stand-alone unit or one of many units built into a mixing desk. It usually includes a microphone preamp with a switchable phantom power voltage to power condenser microphones and some form of audio equalization. Some designs also offer other facilities including audio compression, de-essing, noise-gating and limiting. Manufacturers of stand-alone", "id": "10862092" }, { "contents": "Power shovel\n\n\nthe bank, and involves lowering the dipper into the track position to close the dipper door. In the 1950s with the demand for coal at a peak high and more coal companies turning to the cheaper method of strip mining, excavator manufacturers started offering a new super class of power shovels, commonly called giant stripping shovels. Most were built between the 1950s and the 1970s. The world's first giant stripping shovel for the coal fields was the Marion 5760. Unofficially known to its crew and eastern Ohio residents alike as The Mountaineer", "id": "14257696" }, { "contents": "Tommy Clark (Heroes Reborn)\n\n\n, he indicates his ability is strong enough to teleport the Eiffel Tower if he so wishes. It is eventually revealed that Tommy's actual ability is a form power absorption with similarities to Arthur Petrelli's power and Peter Petrelli's second power. In Tommy's case, he absorbs the power of an evo he touches, permanently stripping them of their ability, but he loses access to that ability when he takes the power of another evo. The only evo who does not permanently lose their ability when he takes it on is", "id": "3476186" }, { "contents": "Cognitive behavioral training\n\n\nto actually deal with the emotionally driven urge to smoke. CBTraining contends that, in fact, this white-knuckled method of willpower only lends the urge more power. With urge conditioning/desensitization, the participant is asked to actually create urges in order to become comfortable with having them. As the strategic format of CBTraining unfolds through the training, the urges are methodically stripped of their power. In acknowledging \"urge\", says CBTraining, you are actually acknowledging your power to choose. Further distinguishing CBTraining from its closely related", "id": "16345066" }, { "contents": "LED strip light\n\n\nonly in different colors and addressable or non-addressable, by different shapes, sizes, and power levels. The most common types of SMD are: 3528, single colour, non-addressable, very low power; 5050, containing three LEDs allowing for RGB and addressable strips as well as higher power levels; 2835, a newer single-color SMD having the same surface dimensions as the 3528 but a larger emitter area and a thinner design with an integrated heatsink allowing for higher power levels; 5630/5730, a newer replacement", "id": "17421574" }, { "contents": "Johnny Valentine\n\n\nValentine defeated Jacques Rougeau for the International Heavyweight Championship, but was stripped of the title in January 1973, after he no-showed the rematch. In the National Wrestling Federation, Valentine defeated Johnny Powers for the NWF North American Heavyweight Championship on September 1, 1972. Powers beat Valentine for the title in October, but Valentine won the title again from Abdullah the Butcher on October 19. He was stripped of the title following a match with Johnny Powers. On November 23, he captured the title from Powers, but lost", "id": "20823295" }, { "contents": "Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project\n\n\nof the cost the French credit will cover. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will govern the interest rates and other terms of agreement. Interest rates and other terms are under discussion. It is one of several nuclear power projects being undertaken in a thin strip of coast of Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts. The total power generating capacity proposed on a narrow strip of coastal land to km wide and long is around 33,000 MW. The prospect of nuclear power generation in India received a boost after", "id": "4743006" }, { "contents": "Erotic electrostimulation\n\n\nintentionally (usually via nipple stimulation) or unintentionally (for instance, touching an energized part with a hand). In one case reported in the press, a man from York, Pennsylvania was sentenced to 20–40 years in prison for third-degree murder and reckless endangerment after killing his wife with electrostimulation to her nipples directly from a power strip plugged into the mains. The use of electricity for entertainment purposes dates back at least as early as the 1740s. In the 1830s, insertable electrode attachments for small magnetos could be purchased", "id": "11242063" }, { "contents": "Botch (band)\n\n\nlamps plugged into a power strip with a switch. Commenting on the lights, Dave Verellen said, \"I hated the lights at clubs, which were always on the band, so we figured we'd turn them on the audience. [...] I liked it because I could see people's reaction in the crowd because their faces were totally illuminated.\" Also during this tour, Botch played music from the girl group Destiny's Child before they went on stage, which was intentionally drastically different from the more traditional \"", "id": "3679672" }, { "contents": "Powers (comics)\n\n\n, before discovering that \"Top Ten\" featured superhero police officers and a different enough approach that led them to feel safe in continuing. \"Powers\" was initially previewed in a series of original strips which ran in Cliff Biggers and Ward Batty's \"Comic Shop News\" a comics-industry periodical available from many comic shops. The eight strips were colored and lettered by Bendis (before initial colorist/letterer Pat Garrahy became involved) and complemented the up-coming series as a companion piece in newspaper strip form. The", "id": "12496770" }, { "contents": "Stan Pitt\n\n\nThe Sun-Herald\", where he produced a new science fiction comic strip, \"Captain Power\", with the storyline provided by journalist Gerry Brown, the first issue appearing on 6 March 1949. \"Captain Power\" relied heavily on super-hero style costumes and gadgets for its impact. He continued to illustrate the strip until June 1950, when the pressure of other work saw him pass the strip onto Peter James. At the time Pitt commenced illustrating \"Yarmak-Jungle King\" comics, for Young's Merchandising", "id": "132532" }, { "contents": "Sherman's Lagoon\n\n\n, misshapen eyes and a belching habit. An undersea statue. He is possibly a deity, as stated in one strip, and is reminiscent of the moai on Easter Island. The other characters come to Kahuna for wisdom, though Kahuna's logic cannot always be trusted as he was unable to help Ernest solve a simple word problem. He's also known to have magic tiki powers. In one strip he turned Sherman and Fillmore into humans so they could go to a Rolling Stones concert. On another occasion, it", "id": "15075032" }, { "contents": "Israel Electric Corporation\n\n\nas a subsidiary of Palestine Power Company LLC, operates in the Gaza Strip power generating plants with a generation capacity of approximately 140 MW. It has been granted by the Palestinian Authority an exclusive right to generate electricity in the Gaza Strip and sell it to Palestinian Authority owned or managed institutions for 20 years, which may be extended for a maximum of two consecutive five-year terms. The company currently does not have any fuel for its generator. Gaza also receives some power from Egypt, though supply is unreliable. Palestine Power", "id": "1500404" }, { "contents": "Prue Halliwell\n\n\non in the afterlife was because she refused to truly let go of her destiny with her sisters. Realizing that her time as a Charmed One has passed, as she no longer inhabits the body of a true Warren witch, Prue instead strips herself of her Warren powers so that Paige will be the only sister with the power to move things with her mind. After being stripped of her active powers, Prue retains her status as witch and keeps the basic witch powers that allow her to cast spells and brew potions. Prue", "id": "486499" }, { "contents": "Charlie Brown\n\n\nas only a friend. Her wishful thinking shows when she asks Charlie Brown on a Sunday Strip: \"You kind of like me, don't you, Chuck?\"; her saying on another Sunday strip that Charlie Brown \"doesn't even understand who he likes\"; her sending a Valentine to Charlie Brown that said: \"I know you like me.\" Marcie, on the other hand, was usually too shy to admit her feelings. Another one of Charlie Brown's characteristics is his inability to fly a", "id": "12796090" }, { "contents": "Gaza Strip\n\n\nof Gaza airspace and will continue to carry out military activity in the waters of the Gaza Strip.\" \"Therefore, Israel continues to maintain exclusive control of Gaza's airspace and the territorial waters, just as it has since it occupied the Gaza Strip in 1967.\" Human Rights Watch has advised the UN Human Rights Council that it (and others) consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip because Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out", "id": "11738498" }, { "contents": "My Cage\n\n\nMy Cage was an American daily comic strip by Melissa DeJesus and Ed Power and was distributed by King Features Syndicate. The strip debuted on May 6, 2007, while the final strip ran on October 31, 2010. \"My Cage\" was the first \"manga-inspired\" comic to be syndicated by King Features. Currently, the 2007-2010 strip is in re-runs on Universal Uclick's As of June 1, 2015, new strips can be found on Patreon. The comic is set in", "id": "19032363" }, { "contents": "Barney Google and Snuffy Smith\n\n\nseldom raced, and he was typically seen almost totally covered by his trademark patched blanket with his name scrawled on the side. \"Peanuts\" creator Charles M. Schulz was known to his friends as Sparky, a lifelong nickname given to him by his uncle as a diminutive of \"Barney Google\"'s Spark Plug. Comics historian Don Markstein noted that, In deference to his enormous popularity during this period, the strip was retitled \"Barney Google and Spark Plug\". DeBeck's strip hit its peak of popularity with Spark Plug", "id": "1372984" } ]
Nationalism and Globalism
[{"answer": "First, it's important to note that both of these are generally derogatory terms used to put down the political opposition. As such, you'll often see them miss used or applied in odd ways. Nationalism: the belief that your nations interests must come first, regardless of the effects on other people or nations. A nationalist would be in favor of strictly limiting refugee intake if there's a risk terrorism or instability, regardless of how small that risk is. Globalism: the belief that nations must act to benefit everyone, even if it comes at the detriment of the nation enacting the policy. A globalist would be in favor of expanding the number if refugees allowed into the nation, even if it resulted in some economic or safety risks."}, {"answer": "**Globalism** : a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence \u2014 compare imperialism, internationalism. **Nationalism**: *patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts. synonyms: patriotism, patriotic sentiment, flag-waving, xenophobia, chauvinism, jingoism, isolationism *an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries. *advocacy of political independence for a particular country. In it's most basic and extreme sense, globalists see the world as unified unit and do not put their country first where nationalists care first and most importantly about their country. Globalists are more likely to support free trade and global human rights initiatives whereas nationalists only really care about their country. Nationalists are more likely to care more about relative gains (gaining 5 more than other countries) where globalists care more about absolute gains (gaining 10 although everyone else gained 11). Most people are somewhere in the middle and not the extremes when it comes to these two world views. You can be for both, ending sweatshops and child labor in other countries but wanting your country to have the largest GDP in the world, etc. Currently, (the last 100 years or so) we are in an age of globalism not seen in any point in human history. I am typing this on hardware made in china using software designed by American workers who were taught by professors from all around the world. I'm wearing cloths made in Mexico and Italy and this comment can be seen by anyone around the world with internet access. Many Globalists will argue that free trade deals make things like this very comment possible. Nationalists/isolationists may argue that we could have done this without the rest of the world's help and it hurts their country's job prospects when you use other country's cheap labor."}, {"answer": "Nationalism stems from the basic human instinct of tribalism applied to a nation. Wikipedia covers the aspect quite nicely: > A nation (from Latin: natio, \"people, tribe, kin, genus, class, flock\") is a large group or collective of people with common characteristics attributed to them - including language, traditions, mores (customs), habitus (habits), and ethnicity. A nation, by comparison, is more impersonal, abstract, and overtly political than an ethnic group. It is a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its autonomy, unity, and particular interests. > > Stalin's Marxism and the National Question (1913) declares that \"a nation is not a racial or tribal, but a historically constituted community of people;\" \"a nation is not a casual or ephemeral conglomeration, but a stable community of people\"; \"a nation is formed only as a result of lengthy and systematic intercourse, as a result of people living together generation after generation\"; and, in its entirety: \"a nation is a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.\" Nationalists engage in an ingroup-outgroup mentality, prioritizing the interests of their nation-state and their fellow countrymen; those who are not in the ingroup get the short end or the stick, or, in the worst case, the pointy end. Nationalism does not *automatically* result in xenophobia or a superiority complex (jingoism); by default nationalists respect other nationalists so long as they are being nationalist somewhere else. Most theorize that nationalism is *crucial* for democracy, because before nationalism, people were affiliated with something as tenuous as the ruling figure or ruling family, with loyalty ensured through force and sheer inertia. Obviously, citizens of a democratic state need something greater than the jackboot of the elected authorities to fell loyalty towards. Globalism is among other things a rejection of nationalism; globalists see no benefit - and a lot of harm - in the construct of nation. As such, they frequently go about weakening the nation-state as well as breaking up and marginalizing national identities."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11054436", "title": "Rise of nationalism in Europe", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Nationalism is the basis for the development of the modern nation-state. According to Leon- Baradat, nationalism 'calls on people to identify with the interests of their national group and to support the creation of a state a nation-state to support those interests'. It was an important factor in the development of Europe. In the 19th century, a wave of romantic nationalism swept the European continent, transforming its countries. Some newly formed countries, such as Germany and Italy were formed by uniting various regional states with a common \"national identity\". Others, such as Greece, Serbia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, were formed by uprisings against the Ottoman Empire and Russia. Nationalism was the ideological impetus that, over the century, transformed Europe. Rule by monarchies and foreign control of territory was replaced by self-determination and newly formed national governments.", "Nationalism is the basis for the development of the modern nation-state. According to Leon- Baradat, nationalism 'calls on people to identify with the interests of their national group and to support the creation of a state a nation-state to support those interests'. It was an important factor in the development of Europe. In the 19th century, a wave of romantic nationalism swept the European continent, transforming its countries. Some newly formed countries, such as Germany and Italy were formed by uniting various regional states with a common \"national identity\". Others, such as Greece, Serbia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, were formed by uprisings against the Ottoman Empire and Russia. Nationalism was the ideological impetus that, over the century, transformed Europe. Rule by monarchies and foreign control of territory was replaced by self-determination and newly formed national governments"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Global National\n\n\nGlobal National is the English language flagship national newscast of Canada's Global Television Network. It is produced from Global's national news centre in Burnaby, British Columbia, with Dawna Friesen and Robin Gill anchoring the weekday and weekend editions respectively. From 2008 to 2010, the program was the only Canadian network newscast to be regularly anchored from the nation's capital, Ottawa. In addition to Global's owned-and-operated stations (O&Os), \"Global National\" also airs on affiliate CHFD-DT in Thunder Bay,", "id": "12660487" }, { "contents": "Global National\n\n\n20, 2010. Carolyn Jarvis was reassigned to Global's newsmagazine program \"\" in 2011, with Robin Gill taking over as Saturday anchor alongside her pre-existing Sunday hosting duties. \"Global National Mandarin\" was a newscast aired on the Shaw Multicultural Channel in Vancouver and Calgary. On December 6, 2011, Global announced its plans to launch \"Global National Mandarin\" (Global National 国语新闻). The 30-minute Mandarin newscast debuted on January 23, 2012, with Carol Wang as anchor. It was announced on June 29", "id": "12660497" }, { "contents": "Global journalism\n\n\nGlobal journalism is a news style that encompasses a global outlook and considers issues that transcend national boundaries like climate change, focusing on news that are intercontinental and the relationships between nation states. Global journalism is different from foreign journalism in that, foreign journalism focuses on stories in different regions in that regions specific context, while global journalism works to bring foreign issues into a global context. Scholars such as Stephen Ward feel that traditional media practices are typically designed to deal with news on the national rather than global level, which negatively impacts", "id": "2941070" }, { "contents": "Hyper-globalization\n\n\nthe sovereignty of the nation state. Rodrik concludes that hyper-globalization is globalization that has gone too far. He rejects the solution of using intergovernmental organizations as a way to provide governance, because by definition that requires nation states to give up sovereignty and thus it is not compatible with democracy. He does not argue to stop or reduce globalization, but rather to change the rules of globalization away from hyper-globalization to activity that does not conflict with national sovereignty. Subramanian and Kessler argue that the world is now in an", "id": "11970967" }, { "contents": "Anti-globalization movement\n\n\nnot distinguish the international leftist anti-globalization position from a strictly nationalist anti-globalization position. Many nationalist movements, such as the French National Front, Austrian Freedom Party, the Italian Lega Nord, the Greek Golden Dawn or the National Democratic Party of Germany are opposed to globalization, but argue that the alternative to globalization is the protection of the nation-state. Other groups, influenced by the Third Position, are also classifiable as anti-globalization. However, their overall world view is rejected by groups such as Peoples", "id": "2751560" }, { "contents": "Education NGOs\n\n\nbeen the role of the nation-state, globalization has created new institutions including global regulatory organizations, global mass media and the aforementioned global flow of populations, which have contributed to the weakening of the nation-state in education. Global regulatory organizations include the intergovernmental organizations, such as membership organizations like the World Bank and World Trade Organization that regulate the world economy, as well as other international organizations such as the United Nations. These organizations operate within a context of global norms that are established, and laws that are passed", "id": "6748530" }, { "contents": "United Nations Global Compact\n\n\nThe United Nations Global Compact is a non-binding United Nations pact to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. The UN Global Compact is a principle-based framework for businesses, stating ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Under the Global Compact, companies are brought together with UN agencies, labor groups and civil society. Cities can join the Global Compact through the Cities Programme. The UN Global Compact is the", "id": "814670" }, { "contents": "Global Entry\n\n\nentry. As of June 2019, nationals of the following countries may apply for Global Entry: Nationals and permanent residents of Canada are not eligible to apply for Global Entry but they may apply for NEXUS, whose members have all benefits of Global Entry including using Global Entry kiosks. Nationals of the Netherlands could apply for Global Entry before 2017, and existing members may continue using the program. New applications are expected to resume under a new agreement but as of 2018 no implementation date has been announced. Australia is expected to start", "id": "5675595" }, { "contents": "Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions\n\n\nThe Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), formerly known as the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions, sometimes shortened to the International Coordinating Committee (ICC), is a global network of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) – administrative bodies set up to promote, protect and monitor human rights in a given country. The GANHRI, whose full legal title is the \"Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions\", coordinates the relationship between NHRIs and the United Nations human rights system, and is", "id": "14669901" }, { "contents": "National identity\n\n\nguests.\" Immigrants were considered outsiders and were excluded from sharing the national identity of belonging to Russia. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, international tourism, communication and business collaboration has increased. People around the world cross national borders more frequently to seek cultural exchange, education, business, and different lifestyles. Globalization promotes common values and experiences, and it also encourages the identification with the global community. People may adapt cosmopolitanism and view themselves as global beings, or world citizens. This trend may threaten national identity because globalization", "id": "12198547" }, { "contents": "Global News\n\n\nGlobal News is the news and current affairs division of the Global Television Network in Canada, itself owned by Corus Entertainment, overseeing all of the network's national news programming as well as local news on its 15 owned-and-operated stations. Corus also operates several talk radio stations under the \"Global News Radio\" brand. Global's lineup of national news and current affairs programming is as follows: Although Global stations had always carried local news in various forms, the first tentative steps towards a national presence came in 1994", "id": "7979804" }, { "contents": "Criticisms of globalization\n\n\nArab nations, a large percentage of Muslims see it to be imperialistic and a cultural invasion that attempts to destroy their heritage and cultural beliefs. Despite the differing opinions of globalization, almost all acknowledge and believe that globalization is simply Americanism— the implementation of American cultures and ideals into other countries. Globalization is especially threatening to Arab nations because Islam is not simply a religious practice, but it dominates laws and social norms such as marriages and spending habits. Since globalization is seen to be a way of secularizing a nation, Muslims", "id": "10186539" }, { "contents": "Anti-globalization movement\n\n\n-globalization\" to be a misnomer. The term suggests that its followers support protectionism and/or nationalism, which is not always the case – in fact, some supporters of anti-globalization are strong opponents of both nationalism and protectionism: for example, the No Border network argues for unrestricted migration and the abolition of all national border controls. S. A. Hamed Hosseini (an Australian sociologist and expert in global social movement studies), argues that the term anti-globalization can be ideal-typically used only to refer to only one", "id": "2751555" }, { "contents": "Political globalization\n\n\nPolitical globalization refers to the growth of the worldwide political system, both in size and complexity. That system includes national governments, their governmental and intergovernmental organizations as well as government-independent elements of global civil society such as international non-governmental organizations and social movement organizations. One of the key aspects of the political globalization is the declining importance of the nation-state and the rise of other actors on the political scene. The creation and existence of the United Nations has been called one of the classic examples of political globalization", "id": "3640103" }, { "contents": "Trade globalization\n\n\n\". Chase-Dunn et al. note that trade globalization is one of the types of economic globalization, and define trade globalization as \"the extent to which the long-distance and global exchange of commodities has increased (or decreased) relative to the exchange of commodities within national societies\", and precisely operationalize it as \"the sum of all international exports as a percentage of the global product, which is the sum of all the national gross domestic products (GDPs).\" Erreygers and Vermeire define trade globalization as", "id": "4443194" }, { "contents": "Global governance\n\n\npolitical accountability.\" Vijaya Ramachandran, Enrique Rueda-Sabater and Robin Kraft also define principles for representation of nations and populations in the system of global governance. They propose a \"Two Percent Club\" that would provide for direct representation of nations with at least two percent of global population or global GDP; other nations would be represented within international fora through regional blocs. In the light of the unclear meaning of the term \"global governance\" as a concept in international politics, some authors have proposed defining it not in substantive", "id": "13212322" }, { "contents": "Global Education Network Europe\n\n\nThe Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is the European network of ministries, agencies and other national bodies responsible for support, funding and policy-making in the field of global education. Started in 2001 with 6 national structures, GENE has grown to include structures from 14 countries leading the provision of global education in Europe, with combined annual budgets in excess of 100 million Euro. Global education can be defined as: The purpose of GENE is to support national structures in their work of improving the quality and increasing the provision", "id": "20553400" }, { "contents": "Global National\n\n\nOntario and CTV affiliate CJON-DT in St. John's, Newfoundland. Global also produced a Mandarin version of the newscast, titled \"Global National Mandarin\" from 2012-2016. It was anchored by Carol Wang. The newscast was seen on Shaw Multicultural Channel in Vancouver, British Columbia and Calgary, Alberta. Global's first tentative steps towards a national news presence came in 1994 with the launch of \"First National\", a regional newscast presented by Peter Kent which was aired in Manitoba, Ontario and (starting in", "id": "12660488" }, { "contents": "Global health\n\n\nGlobal health is the health of populations in the global context; it has been defined as \"the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide\". Problems that transcend national borders or have a global political and economic impact are often emphasized. Thus, global health is about worldwide health improvement (including mental health), reduction of disparities, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders. Global health is not to be confused with international health", "id": "9216030" }, { "contents": "Global National\n\n\nFirst National\" ended production in February, and the Global stations which had aired that program broadcast \"Canada Tonight\" in its place until the new newscast launched. The final broadcast of \"Canada Tonight\" aired on August 31, 2001, and the new newscast, titled \"Global National\", debuted on September 3 from a renovated studio at CHAN, which became a Global O&O two days earlier and produces its local newscasts from the same studio. As part of the deal in which Global bought CHAN, it became home", "id": "12660490" }, { "contents": "National Intelligence Council\n\n\nDay and Inauguration Day, and it assesses critical drivers and scenarios for global trends with an approximate time horizon of fifteen years. The Global Trends analysis provides a basis for long-range strategic policy assessment for the White House and the intelligence community. The NIC's most recent Global Trends report, \"Global Trends: Paradox of Progress\" was released in January 2017. On February 2, 2007, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the National Intelligence Council released the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)—'Prospects for Iraq's", "id": "12350331" }, { "contents": "Global Education Network Europe\n\n\npilot review being part of the initial feasibility study. The Global Education National Report on Finland was launched in October 2004. The National Report on the Netherlands was launched in April 2005, while in June 2006 the National Report on Global Education in Austria was completed and launched. The latest national report, on Global Education in the Czech Republic, was launched on 16 November 2008 in Strasbourg, at the European Development Days 2008. Further reviews are underway or envisaged including Norway, (2008–2009), and Poland (2009),", "id": "20553404" }, { "contents": "Global News\n\n\nwith the launch of \"First National\" with Peter Kent, an early-evening program focusing on national and international news but airing only in central Canada. After acquiring the Western International Communications (WIC) group of stations, Global cancelled \"First National\" in February 2001 and briefly aired the similar WIC newscast \"Canada Tonight\" in its place. In September 2001, Global replaced \"Canada Tonight\" with a new network newscast, \"Global National\", anchored by Kevin Newman until 2010 and Dawna Friesen since. It", "id": "7979805" }, { "contents": "United Nations Global Compact\n\n\n), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The UN Global Compact was initially launched with nine Principles. On 24 June 2004, during the first Global Compact Leaders Summit, Kofi Annan announced the addition of the tenth principle against corruption in accordance with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption adopted in 2003. The UN Global Compact is not a regulatory instrument, but rather a forum for discussion and a network for communication including governments,", "id": "814673" }, { "contents": "Global Television Network\n\n\nTelevision Network, which is based in Vancouver. National programs broadcast by the division include Global's flagship national newscast \"Global National\" and newsmagazine shows such as \"16x9\". The network also offers various amounts of local news programming on its eleven O&Os. Local news programming on most of Global's O&Os mirror the newscast schedules of many U.S. television stations; most Global-owned stations carry a morning newscast of three or four hours in length, a noon newscast, supper hour newscasts of between 30 and 90 minutes and a", "id": "18451198" }, { "contents": "Techno-globalism\n\n\nbehavioral and cultural patterns among individuals around the world. The rise of the internet, smartphones and social media around the world create common values and behavioral patterns in people who have different national backgrounds. This trend of globalization on an individual level is supported by techno-globalism. Examples of techno-globalism can be found in the joint efforts of nations pursuing scientific knowledge or realizing ambitious engineering projects. Large-scale scientific research and engineering projects often require fundings and manpower beyond the capacity of a single nation. As such, nations", "id": "16596778" }, { "contents": "CJON-DT\n\n\nprogramming well beyond what Stirling and other NTV officials claimed they could pay. As a result, NTV officially became an independent station at the start of the 2002–03 television season. However, for all practical purposes, it is a Global affiliate (although this did not include news programming, which it still primarily receives from CTV, until CJON added Global's national evening newscast in 2009). NTV is the only Canadian television station to broadcast two national news programs: Global's \"Global National\" and CTV's CTV National News", "id": "2447974" }, { "contents": "Decentralization\n\n\n: \"increased involvement of local jurisdictions and civil society in the management of their affairs, with new forms of participation, consultation, and partnerships.\" Decentralization has been described as a \"counterpoint to globalization [which] removes decisions from the local and national stage to the global sphere of multi-national or non-national interests. Decentralization brings decision-making back to the sub-national levels\". Decentralization strategies must account for the interrelations of global, regional, national, sub-national, and local levels.", "id": "4698486" }, { "contents": "Global National\n\n\nto 6:30 p.m. as part of a scheduling shift with its early evening newscast, \"News Hour\".) Despite having fewer reporters and being a latecomer to national news in Canada, \"Global National\" has come to rival its competitors at \"CTV National News\" and CBC's \"\" in both awards and ratings. During most weeks since the timeslot change in February 2006, \"Global National\" had ranked as Canada's most-watched national newscast according to the Bureau of Broadcast Measurement. This is with the caveat", "id": "12660494" }, { "contents": "Global citizenship education\n\n\nand technology into their GCE curricula, to \"strengthen linkages between education and economic development\". In the present era of globalization, the recognition of global interdependence on the part of the general public has led to a higher degree of interest in global citizenship in education. Though modern schooling may have been oriented to education suitable for the nation-state throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, in the 21st century, citizenship is understood in global terms, so that schooling might improve individual nations' global competitiveness. Many universities worldwide have", "id": "16551969" }, { "contents": "Techno-globalism\n\n\nTechno-globalism is a social theory that aims to explain globalization using the spread of science and technology. Through the spread of science and technology, different nations and societies come together to form a more open and knowledge-based group which is characterized as \"globalized.\" Broadly speaking, techno-globalism is establishing connections between individuals or groups of individuals using shared science and technological practices. In terms of form, techno-globalism can be expressed in macro and micro scales ranging from the interconnections of national economies to individual behavioral", "id": "16596775" }, { "contents": "News broadcasting\n\n\nthe early 2000s). CBC Television, Global, and CTV each produce national evening newscasts (\"The National\", \"Global National\" and \"CTV National News\", respectively), which unlike the American network newscasts do not compete with one another in a common timeslot; while \"Global National\" airs at the same early evening time slot as the American evening network newscasts, \"The National\"s 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time slot competes against primetime entertainment programming on the private broadcast networks, while \"CTV National News\" airs", "id": "14625542" }, { "contents": "Global South\n\n\nNew International Economic Order. They have a ‘no-strings-attached’ policy that promotes developing countries remaining or becoming self-sufficient. More specifically, they advocate sovereignty over natural resources and industrialization. The global issues most often discussed by nations from the \"Global South\" include globalisation, global health governance, health, and prevention needs. This is contrasted by issues Western nations tend to address, such as innovations in science and technology. Coalitions of developing nations, like the NIEO, frequently lobby for parity in the", "id": "1290308" }, { "contents": "Global Peace Foundation\n\n\n, and the Alliance's many international, regional and national public and private partners and youth networks. A Global Peace Leadership Conference was held in Belfast, Northern Ireland in September 2016 As of 2015, The Global Peace Foundation has initiatives in 20 nations. The Americas: Asia Africa Europe The Global Peace Foundation has several divisions that focus on particular issues related to its overall objectives. Global Peace Youth, the youth division of the Global Peace Foundation, has the mission to \"educate young people to become future leaders with both moral", "id": "16203086" }, { "contents": "Global Classrooms\n\n\nGlobal Classrooms is a U.S.-based global education program, belonging to the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA), that engages middle school and high school students in an exploration of current world issues through Model United Nations, wherein students step into shoes of UN Ambassadors and debate a range of issues on the UN agenda. Global Classrooms was created primarily for students in economically disadvantaged public schools who have little or no knowledge of global affairs or experience with Model UN The Global Classrooms program is currently in 24", "id": "2438717" }, { "contents": "United Nations Global Compact\n\n\nGlobal Compact Leaders Summit, chaired by the then Secretary-General Kofi Annan, was held in UN Headquarters in New York on 24 June 2004, to bring \"intensified international focus and increased momentum\" to the UN Global Compact. The second Global Compact Leaders Summit, chaired by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, was held on 5–6 July 2007 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. It adopted the Geneva Declaration on corporate responsibility. Marking the 10th anniversary of the Global Compact's launch, the Global Compact", "id": "814677" }, { "contents": "Global supply chain management\n\n\naspect is cutting emissions relative to energy use which needs to be addressed through a policy. The United Nations plays a big role in designing and implementing international regulations that have huge impacts on the operation and management of global supply chains. The United Nations created the UN Global Compact which is an organization that aims to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders. The UN Global Compact attempts to mobilize a global movement by supporting companies to be responsible and to advance societal goals. The organization has created a set of ten principles", "id": "8993086" }, { "contents": "Global News\n\n\ndelays have led the launch to be rescheduled for March 14, 2013. On September 22, 2014, Shaw Media filed an application with the CRTC to launch a national news channel, to be branded as Global News 1. Billed as a \"hybrid\" local and national news channel, the service would broadcast news reports from Global's national news bureau and its local stations, and would open eight new newsrooms in underserved areas of Canada. The application is pending CRTC approval. According to a news release, Global News 1", "id": "7979824" }, { "contents": "Environmental governance\n\n\nthis, policymakers must be more aware of these concerns of the global south, and must make sure to integrate a strong focus on social justice in their policies. At the global level there are numerous important actors involved in environmental governance and \"a range of institutions contribute to and help define the practice of global environmental governance. The idea of global environmental governance is to govern the environment at a global level through a range of nation states and non state actors such as national governments, NGOs and other international organisations such as UNEP", "id": "11306098" }, { "contents": "Global citizens movement\n\n\nsocially just and ecologically sustainable global society and the establishment of an institutional structure to defend the rights of humanity, future generations, and the biosphere. The major critique of the notion of a global citizens movement centers on the potential for the emergence of solidarity on issues at the global level. Nationalism, racism, and the dominance of the Westphalian state system are considered antithetical to the adoption of a global civic identity. However, some scholars point out that the historical emergence of nationalism must have felt just as improbable in a time", "id": "11426317" }, { "contents": "United Nations Environment Organization\n\n\nperform the tasks of an anchor institution in the system of Global Environmental Governance (GEG). According to the Nairobi Declaration on the Role and Mandate of the United Nations Environmental program, “the role of UNEP was to be the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the Environmental dimension of sustainable development within the UN system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment”. Maria Ivanova, Director of the Global Environmental Governance Project at the Yale Center for Environmental Law", "id": "12065083" }, { "contents": "Techno-globalism\n\n\ntechno-globalism where nations share resources and information to achieve a common goal. The Large Hadron Collider is another example of techno-globalism at a national scale. The LHC is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator and was built under the cooperation of more than 100 countries. In this case, both the construction and the utilization of the facility represent techno-globalism. Techno-globalism can impact the behaviors and values of individuals through the use of technology in people's daily lives. The MacBook Pro is a", "id": "16596780" }, { "contents": "Globalization\n\n\nthe founding of the League of Nations and, later, the United Nations. Environmentalism is a broad philosophy, ideology and social movement regarding concerns for environmental conservation and improvement of the health of the environment. Environmentalist concerns with globalization include issues such as global warming, climate change, global water supply and water crises, inequity in energy consumption and energy conservation, transnational air pollution and pollution of the world ocean, overpopulation, world habitat sustainability, deforestation, biodiversity loss and species extinction. One critique of globalization is that natural resources", "id": "2397054" }, { "contents": "Troy Reeb\n\n\nhalf covering national and international events for Broadcast News, the radio service of The Canadian Press. In addition to serving as a backup anchor on \"Global National\", other network programs Reeb hosted for Global included \"Global Sunday\", and the short-lived \"Ottawa Inside-Out\". In his executive role, Reeb in 2008 championed the launch of a new current affairs program on Global entitled \"16x9 - The Bigger Picture.\" Following Shaw's purchase of Global and other broadcast assets of the former Canwest in", "id": "3921406" }, { "contents": "First National (TV series)\n\n\nFirst National was a Canadian television newscast, which aired on the Global Television Network's stations in Ontario and Manitoba from 1994 to 2001. It was also seen in Quebec after Global launched there in 1997. The program's anchor was Peter Kent. Although the newscast aired in only three provinces at most, its format was that of a national newscast, broadcasting national and international, rather than local, news. On February 9, 2001, following Global's acquisition of the WIC group of stations, \"First National\" aired", "id": "21228643" }, { "contents": "United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking\n\n\nThe United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) is a multi-stakeholder initiative providing global access to expertise, knowledge and innovative partnerships to combat human trafficking. The UN.GIFT was conceived to promote the global fight on human trafficking, on the basis of international agreements reached at the UN. To date, 167 countries are parties to the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons especially Women and Children, which supplements the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. UN.GIFT was launched in March 2007 by the", "id": "10174259" }, { "contents": "Techno-globalism\n\n\n, global initiatives on cooperation in scientific research and technology development shed new light on the role that science and technology can play in globalization. Massive science projects often require co-funding of different nations and, more importantly, the sharing of knowledge among different nations. These projects signal a shift from technology as competition to technology as cooperation. Techno-globalism further permeates the globe by going beyond national scale and into the realm of individual behavior. Consumerism in the 21st century led to the widespread consumption of technology products that created common", "id": "16596777" }, { "contents": "Mangrove tree distribution\n\n\necological systems and human communities dependent on healthy mangrove ecosystems. This English Wikipedia page presents an overview of global Mangrove Forest biome trends in s distribution, as well as the cause of such changes. As of 2012, mangroves are found in 105 nations globally. Although distributed across 105 nations, the top 10 mangrove holding nations contain approximately 52% of the global mangrove stock with Indonesia alone containing between 26% and 29% of the entire global mangrove stock. The largest continuous area of mangrove forest is likely in-and-", "id": "21450659" }, { "contents": "National Climate Assessment\n\n\n\"design and conduct\" \"national efforts to assess the consequences of climate variability and climate change for the United States.\" NAST is an advisory committee chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to help the US Global Change Research Program fulfill its legal mandate under the Global Change Research Act of 1990. The National Science and Technology Council forwarded the report to the President and Congress for their consideration as required by the Global Change Research Act. Administrative support for the US Global Change Research Program was provided by the University Corporation for Atmospheric", "id": "2285216" }, { "contents": "United Nations Global Pulse\n\n\nUN Global Pulse is an innovation initiative of the United Nations to harness big data, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies for sustainable development and humanitarian action. Global Pulse works through a network of regional innovation labs, known as Pulse Labs, and with partners to build and implement solutions and to provide policy guidance and technical assistance for mainstream adoption of innovation. UN Global Pulse is a United Nations innovation initiative that was established to assist the UN to transition development and humanitarian practice and policy implementation to more agile, adaptive ways of working", "id": "5604241" }, { "contents": "Global News Morning (Canadian TV series)\n\n\non the national edition. In 2017, Corus Entertainment launched two other local morning news programs on their affiliates CHEX Peterborough (now Global Peterborough) and CKWS Kingston (now Global Kingston), also branded \"The Morning Show\". These shows follow a similar format to other \"Global News Morning\" programs east of Alberta, with cut-ins to the Toronto version of the show for national and international news headlines. On January 28, 2019, Corus Entertainment announced the expansion of the national edition of \"The Morning Show", "id": "8327292" }, { "contents": "Cosmopolitanism\n\n\npursue a cosmopolitan agenda. Other authors imagine a cosmopolitan world moving beyond today's conception of nation-states. These scholars argue that a truly cosmopolitan identity of Global Citizen will take hold, diminishing the importance of national identities. The formation of a global citizens movement would lead to the establishment of democratic global institutions, creating the space for global political discourse and decisions, would in turn reinforce the notion of citizenship at a global level. Nested structures of governance balancing the principles of irreducibility (i.e., the notion that certain problems", "id": "18805113" }, { "contents": "Globalization\n\n\nnations. A world confederation would not supersede the authority of the State governments but rather complement it, as both the States and the world authority would have power within their sphere of competence\". Former Canadian Senator Douglas Roche, O.C., viewed globalization as inevitable and advocated creating institutions such as a directly elected United Nations Parliamentary Assembly to exercise oversight over unelected international bodies. Global civics suggests that civics can be understood, in a global sense, as a social contract between global citizens in the age of interdependence and interaction. The", "id": "2397027" }, { "contents": "Political globalization\n\n\nquestions central to the discussion of the political globalization are related to the future of the nation-state, whether its importance is diminishing and what are the causes for those changes; and understanding the emergence of the concept of global governance. The creation and existence of the United Nations has been called one of the classic examples of political globalization. Political actions by non-governmental organizations and social movements, concerned about various topics such as environmental protection, is another example. David Held has proposed that continuing political globalization may lead to", "id": "3640109" }, { "contents": "Global supply chain management\n\n\nIn commerce, global supply-chain management (GSCM) is defined as the distribution of goods and services throughout a trans-national companies' global network to maximize profit and minimize waste. Essentially, global supply chain-management is the same as supply-chain management, but it focuses on companies and organizations that are trans-national. Global supply-chain management has six main areas of concentration: logistics management, competitor orientation, customer orientation, supply-chain coordination, supply management, and operations management. These six", "id": "8993062" }, { "contents": "Global health\n\n\n, which is defined as the branch of public health focusing on developing nations and foreign aid efforts by industrialized countries. Global health can be measured as a function of various global diseases and their prevalence in the world and threat to decrease life in the present day. The predominant agency associated with global health (and international health) is the World Health Organization (WHO). Other important agencies impacting global health include UNICEF and World Food Programme. The United Nations system has also played a part with cross-sectoral actions to address", "id": "9216031" }, { "contents": "United Nations Department of Global Communications\n\n\nfor all.\" In 2018 Jan Kickert, Permanent Representative of Austria to the UN, was Chairman of the United Nations Committee on Information, a subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly established to deal with questions relating to public information. The Committee oversees the work of the United Nations Department of Global Communications. The Department aims to accomplish this through its three Divisions: The Strategic Communications Division formulates and launches global information campaigns on United Nations issues to help support the goals of the Organisation. The Division also manages its network", "id": "667722" }, { "contents": "CIHF-DT\n\n\nand commercials. Global Halifax airs three local newscasts a day from their Halifax studios: the flagship \"Global News at 6\" at 6 p.m., \"Global News at 11\" at 11 p.m., and \"Global News Morning\" from 6-9 a.m. on weekdays. \"Global News at 6\" is followed by \"Global National\" at 6:30 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, Global Halifax and Global New Brunswick share a combined \"Global News at 6\" and \"Global News at 11\" under the \"Global Maritimes", "id": "21178386" }, { "contents": "IQ and Global Inequality\n\n\nIQ and Global Inequality is a 2006 book by psychologist Richard Lynn and political scientist Tatu Vanhanen. \"IQ and Global Inequality\" is follow-up to their 2002 book \"IQ and the Wealth of Nations\", an expansion of the argument that international differences in current economic development are due in part to differences in average national intelligence as indicated by national IQ estimates, and a response to critics. The book was published by Washington Summit Publishers, a white nationalist publisher. Lynn and Vanhanen's research on national IQs has attracted", "id": "14584244" }, { "contents": "Global financial system\n\n\n' resources. The Council on Foreign Relations' assessment of global finance notes that excessive institutions with overlapping directives and limited scopes of authority, coupled with difficulty aligning national interests with international reforms, are the two key weaknesses inhibiting global financial reform. Nations do not presently enjoy a comprehensive structure for macroeconomic policy coordination, and global savings imbalances have abounded before and after the global financial crisis to the extent that the United States' status as the steward of the world's reserve currency was called into question. Post-crisis efforts to", "id": "11757605" }, { "contents": "Scientific consensus on climate change\n\n\nResearch Letters reviewed 11,944 abstracts of scientific papers matching \"global warming\" or \"global climate change\". They found 4,014 which discussed the cause of recent global warming, and of these \"97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming\". This study was criticised by Richard Tol. James L. Powell, a former member of the National Science Board and current executive director of the National Physical Science Consortium, analyzed published research on global warming and climate change between 1991 and 2012 and found that of the 13,950", "id": "16423353" }, { "contents": "Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk\n\n\nand Evaluation (DOT&E) found the RQ-4B \"not operationally effective\" due to reliability issues. In June 2011, the Global Hawk was certified by the Secretary of Defense as critical to national security following a breach of the Nunn-McCurdy Amendment; the Secretary stated: \"The Global Hawk is essential to national security; there are no alternatives to Global Hawk which provide acceptable capability at less cost; Global Hawk costs $220M less per year than the U-2 to operate on a comparable mission; the U-2 cannot simultaneously", "id": "16741364" }, { "contents": "National LGBT Chamber of Commerce\n\n\ngroundwork for a future U.S. certified LGBT trade mission to Colombia. NGLCC Global™, a division of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, promotes the growth of small businesses and provides advocacy for broad-based economic advancement and empowerment of the global LGBT community. Through a variety of resources, NGLCC Global connects LGBT-owned and -allied companies, multinational corporations, and international affiliate chamber leaders and members. In 2016, NGLCC launched NGLCC Global LGBTI Business Week. Hosted by NGLCC in partnership with leaders and organizations committed to expanding global", "id": "17941838" }, { "contents": "The Global Minotaur\n\n\n. Early examples were the Marshall Plan in Europe and later the Korean War for Japan. Crucially the plan also featured a 'Global Surplus Recycling Mechanism', that would recycle American surpluses to the rest of the world economy, thus preserving global stability by avoiding unstable trade imbalances. The global plan dissolved around 1971 as a result of the rising costs of the Vietnam War and domestic social programs transforming the USA from a surplus nation to a deficit nation. The increased quantities of US dollars on the global market gave rise to inflationary", "id": "21002084" }, { "contents": "Benedict Kingsbury\n\n\npeoples in international law, his professional interests also include global administrative law, the history and theory of international law, and the international law of global governance. His ongoing research programs at NYU involve work on infrastructure as regulation, and on global tech law and global data law. His publications include two books edited with Sir Adam Roberts on the United Nations and Hugo Grotius. \"What, How, and Who Should Public International Law Regulate? New Problems of Global Administrative Governance\" in the Lecture Series of the United Nations Audiovisual", "id": "6122375" }, { "contents": "Cultural globalization\n\n\nurban centers had developed, the idea of globalization after the second world war was that globalization took place due to the lifting of state restrictions by different nations. There were national boundaries for the flow of goods and services, concepts and ideas. Many writers suggest that cultural globalization is a long-term historical process of bringing different cultures into interrelation. Jan Pieterse suggested that cultural globalization involves human integration and hybridization, arguing that it is possible to detect cultural mixing across continents and regions going back many centuries. They refer, for", "id": "9401548" }, { "contents": "International Day of Happiness\n\n\n\"Happy\". Global citizens around the world were called upon to make their own music video to the song to make the first ever globally crowdsourced 24 hour global music video. 2015 The third International Day of Happiness was promoted by Pharrell Williams, the United Nations and the United Nations Foundation among other global campaigns. Pharrell Williams made a speech at the United Nations General Assembly where he proclaimed \"Happiness is your birthright\" and asked for action on climate change. Google created a home page takeover which received more than 3.5 billion", "id": "17108071" }, { "contents": "Criticisms of globalization\n\n\nCriticism of globalization is skepticism of the claimed benefits of globalization. Many of these views are held by the anti-globalization movement. Globalization has created much global and internal unrest in many countries. While the dynamics of capitalism is changing and each country is unique in its political makeup, globalization is a set-in-stone \"program\" that is difficult to implement without political unrest. Globalization can be partly responsible for the current global economic crisis. Case studies of Thailand and the Arab nations' view of globalization show that", "id": "10186520" }, { "contents": "Globalism\n\n\njihad globalism, and market globalism. Market globalism includes the ideology of neoliberalism. In some hands, the reduction of globalism to the single ideology of market globalism and neoliberalism has led to confusion. For example, in his 2005 book \"The Collapse of Globalism and the Reinvention of the World\", Canadian philosopher John Ralston Saul treated globalism as coterminous with neoliberalism and neoliberal globalization. He argued that, far from being an inevitable force, globalization is already breaking up into contradictory pieces and that citizens are reasserting their national interests in", "id": "14795371" }, { "contents": "Cosmopolitanism\n\n\n1944 – January 1, 2015) was a sociologist who posed the new concept of cosmopolitan critical theory in direct opposition to traditional nation-state politics. Nation-state theory sees power relations only among different state actors, and excludes a global economy, or subjugates it to the nation-state model. Cosmopolitanism sees global capital as a possible threat to the nation state and places it within a meta-power game in which global capital, states and civil society are its players. It is important to mark a distinction between", "id": "18805105" }, { "contents": "Global Education Network Europe\n\n\nhas been provided by GENE participants. The key aim of the Europe-wide process is to increase and improve support for, access to, and the impact of global education in European countries. National reports, and the peer review processes leading to them, act as both a tool to enhance quality and impact nationally, and a mechanism for international comparative analysis, benchmarking and policy making. To date five national reports have been published. The first Global Education National Report, on Cyprus, was published in early 2004 as a", "id": "20553403" }, { "contents": "United Nations Department of Global Communications\n\n\nof 63 United Nations Information Centres around the world. These centres are responsible for promoting greater public understanding of, and support, for the aims and activities of the United Nations by disseminating information to the public. It achieves this by: The News and Media Division works with partners in global media to disseminate information on the United Nations and its work. This includes dissemination in various formats, including: television, radio and Internet. The Departments services include: The Outreach Division works to foster global dialogue between academia, civil society", "id": "667723" }, { "contents": "Democrats Abroad primary\n\n\nGlobal Primary, but the worldwide Global Primary results helped to choose 11 of Democrats Abroad's 25 delegates to the 2012 Democratic National Convention as well as established the weighting for subsequent votes at the Democrats Abroad Global Convention. Additional votes were held to fill delegate, alternate, page, and standing-committee positions held during the Democrats Abroad Global Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, from May 18–20, 2012. The delegation to the Democratic National Convention included the 11 delegates selected in the Global Primary, 4 more delegates and 1 alternate", "id": "15288716" }, { "contents": "Global Green USA\n\n\nGlobal Green USA is the U.S. arm of Green Cross International, founded by President Gorbachev to \"foster a global shift toward a sustainable and secure future\". It is one of 30 national offices with over 70 professional staff worldwide. Global Green USA is a national environmental organization. Global Green USA has raised more than twenty billion dollars' worth of building construction by encouraging the integration of green building and sustainability practices. The organization raises money through annual events, with the premier being their Pre-Oscar Gala. Programs include City", "id": "19308300" }, { "contents": "Globalism\n\n\nas globalization. The term is used in a specific and narrow way to describe a position in the debate about the historical character of globalization (i.e. whether globalization is unprecedented or not). It has been used to describe international endeavours begun after World War II, such as the United Nations and the European Union, and also sometimes the later neo-liberal and neoconservative policies of \"nation building\" and military interventionism between the end of the Cold War in 1992 and the beginning of the War on Terror in 2001. The", "id": "14795373" }, { "contents": "Global National\n\n\nto Global's national news centre; the station had wanted to do a national newscast for several years. Kevin Newman's name was added to the program's title from the start of its second season. The program initially only aired on weekdays; weekend broadcasts began on February 26, 2005, with Tara Nelson as the anchor. \"Global National\" initially aired in different time slots across the country: 5:30 pm in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; 6:30 pm in Ontario and Quebec; and 11:15 pm", "id": "12660491" }, { "contents": "Quidditch Canada\n\n\n. The Global Games was a biennial event run by the International Quidditch Association that features national teams from quidditch-playing nations instead of collegiate or community teams. Canada took third place in the 2014 IQA Global Games following the United States and Australia, respectively.[1] The first Team Canada was formed in 2012 to compete at the Summer Games in Oxford, UK where the team placed 4th of 5 teams in the first tournament to feature national squads. Quidditch Canada hosted a second national team at the 2014 Global Games in Burnaby, BC", "id": "1315961" }, { "contents": "United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace\n\n\nand young professionals (with a college or university degree) in various occupations in Japan and abroad who wish to pursue careers in international fields in public-service or private organizations, including the United Nations, multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations as well as national foreign service organizations. The courses are designed to provide analyses of global issues from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The aim of the UNU Global Seminars is to enhance awareness about contemporary global issues and the role of the United Nations in addressing those issues. Students and", "id": "13909734" }, { "contents": "Proto-globalization\n\n\ndiffered from modern globalization in the practices of expansionism, methods of managing global trade, finances, as well as commercial innovation. With the shift of expansionism by large nations to Western Europe, nations began competing in an effort to achieve world domination. The rise of larger-scale conflicts between these powerful nations over expanding their wealth led to nations taking control over one another’s territory and then moving products and the accumulated wealth of these conquered regions back to the sovereign country. Although conflicts occurred throughout the world between 1600 and 1800", "id": "1655483" }, { "contents": "Infant mortality\n\n\n's internal impact is highly influenced by its position in the global economy and has adverse effects on the survival of children in developing countries. Countries can experience disproportionate effects from its trade and stratification within the global system. It aids in the global division of labor, distorting the domestic economy of developing nations. The dependency of developing nations can lead to a reduce rate of economic growth, increase income inequality inter- and intra-national, and adversely affects the wellbeing of a nation's population. A collective cooperation between economic countries plays", "id": "21085938" }, { "contents": "Global News\n\n\naired from the network's new national news centre at CHAN-TV's studio in Burnaby, British Columbia. The program initially aired only on weekdays. In February 2005, it launched a weekend edition anchored by Tara Nelson until 2008 and Robin Gill since. Originally airing in different timeslots around the country, \"Global National\" moved to a standard 5:30 p.m. (6:30 p.m. Atlantic) start time nationwide in 2006. Since then, \"Global National\" has gained ground on longtime number-one \"CTV National News\",", "id": "7979806" }, { "contents": "Global studies\n\n\nacross disciplines. It is rare to find a leading business school without an international focus. A third motivation for global studies is the creation of an effective citizenry. In the US, the National Council of Social Studies states that the purpose of social studies is to “teach students the content knowledge, intellectual skills, and civic values necessary for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy.” A key goal of the NCSS is “global education”. As globalization causes the lines between national and international to become blurred", "id": "13133729" }, { "contents": "Ulrich Beck\n\n\n(environmental destruction, financial crisis, global warming, the crisis of democracy and the nation-state institutions) be intertwined in a new modernity? A radicalized modernity, for Beck, attacks its own foundations. Institutions such as the nation-state and the family are globalized 'from the inside'. Beck studied modernization, ecological problems, individualization and globalization. Later in his career, he embarked on exploring the changing conditions of work in a world of increasing global capitalism, declining influence of unions and flexibilisation of the labour", "id": "829985" }, { "contents": "Hyper-globalization\n\n\nelimination of all transaction costs associated with the movement between the natural borders of nation states of goods, services, capital and finance. These costs are not limited to just tariffs and quotas, but also includes things such as domestic regulations, standards, rules on product safety, rules on intellectual property, and banking regulations. In other words, Rodrik sees hyper-globalization as a type of globalization that allows multinational companies to avoid the rules and regulations of nation states. The deep integration of hyper-globalization conflicts with and threatens", "id": "11970966" }, { "contents": "Climate governance\n\n\nof market based emissions reduction mechanisms, for example the EU-ETS. The increased agency of non-state actors in the realm of global governance and the growth of public and public-private networks offer the potential for the global climate arena to develop at a sub-national level. Recent attempts to 'territorialise' the carbon cycle seek to frame climate change as a local rather than global problem by rearticulating the global carbon cycle as a combination of national 'sinks'. An emerging research direction is focusing on the institutional", "id": "1626276" }, { "contents": "Global citizenship education\n\n\nformal and informal settings. For this reason, GCE is part and parcel of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education (SDG4, Target 4.7). Global citizenship consists of voluntary practices oriented to human rights, social justice, and environmentalism at the local, regional, and global level. Unlike national citizenship, global citizenship does not denote any legal status or allegiance to an actual form of government. The emergence of regional economic blocs, supra-national political institutions such as the European Union, and the advancement of ICTs,", "id": "16551966" }, { "contents": "Proto-globalization\n\n\nEurope and the systems that had formed between nations in East Asia and the Middle East. Proto-globalization was a period of reconciling the governments and traditional systems of individual nations, world regions, and religions with the \"new world order\" of global trade, imperialism and political alliances, what historian A.G. Hopkins called \"the product of the contemporary world and the product of distant past.\" According to Hopkins, \"globalization remains an incomplete process: it promotes fragmentation as well as uniformity; it may recede as well as", "id": "1655460" }, { "contents": "German Advisory Council on Global Change\n\n\nin principle, avert irreversible or disastrous damage to the global environment. Whether these steps will actually be taken will have to be seen, since substantial efforts and significant reorientations at the local, national and global level are necessary. Two aspects have to be considered: on the one hand, at the societal level, the prerequisites for solving global environmental problems have to be improved. These measures present a challenge to nations and societies as a whole, where nongovernmental organisations could also play an important role. On the other hand,", "id": "18937820" }, { "contents": "Global Dialing Scheme\n\n\nThe Global Dialing Scheme (GDS) is numbering plan for H.323 audio-visual communication networks (often used for videoconferencing). Based on the numerology provided by the United Nations International Telecommunications Union, GDS numerology resembles the international telephone system numbering plan, with some exceptions. The Global Dialing Scheme uses a hierarchy of gatekeepers to route call set-up information nationally and internationally. National gatekeepers have knowledge of all zones within a country, World gatekeepers have knowledge of all National gatekeepers. Each basic number consists of four parts: IACCCOPEN", "id": "14375398" }, { "contents": "Study of global communication\n\n\nundergoing significant changes. Some authors started to use the term global communication because it goes beyond the bounds of individual states and emphasizes communication between and among peoples across borders and, importantly, the rise of transnational media corporations. International communication traditionally refers to communication between and among nation-states and connotes issues of national sovereignty, control of national information resources, and the supremacy of national governments. Nevertheless, earlier International communication theories have failed to develop models or research agendas that match the reality of the contemporary role of global communication .", "id": "20096601" }, { "contents": "Economic globalization\n\n\nEconomic globalization is one of the three main dimensions of globalization commonly found in academic literature, with the two others being political globalization and cultural globalization, as well as the general term of globalization. Economic globalization refers to the widespread international movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information. It is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital. Economic globalization primarily comprises the globalization of production", "id": "11426565" }, { "contents": "Capitalist peace\n\n\nto have a better standard of living as symbolized by McDonald's franchise in their downtown, but want to have the lump of the labour sector that is created by globalization. That is, developing nations do not want to risk the trust of the multi-national companies who venture into their markets and include them in the global supply chain. Thomas Friedman also warns in his book \"The World Is Flat\" that the Dell Theory should not be interpreted as a guarantee that nations who are deeply involved in global supply chains will", "id": "10173875" }, { "contents": "World government\n\n\ninternational trade in goods, services and currencies (the \"global market\") has a tremendous impact on the lives of people in almost all parts of the world, creating deep interdependency amongst nations (see globalization). Trans-national (or multi-national) corporations, some with resources exceeding those available to most governments, govern activities of people on a global scale. The rapid increase in the volume of trans-border digital communications and mass-media distribution (e.g., Internet, satellite television) has allowed information", "id": "12317764" }, { "contents": "Democratic globalization\n\n\nfields of common interest. Its long-term goal is that these institutions federate later into a full-fledged democratic world government. Thus, it supports the International Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, that would allow for participation of member nations' legislators and, eventually, direct election of United Nations (UN) parliament members by citizens worldwide. Some supporters of the democratic globalization movement draw a distinction between their movement and the one most popularly known as the 'anti-globalization' movement, claiming that", "id": "16243967" }, { "contents": "Kofi Annan\n\n\nJanuary 1999, Secretary-General Annan argued that the \"goals of the United Nations and those of business can, indeed, be mutually supportive\" and proposed that the private sector and the United Nations initiate \"a global compact of shared values and principles, which will give a human face to the global market\". On 26 July 2000, the United Nations Global Compact was officially launched at UN headquarters in New York. It is a principle-based framework for businesses which aims to \"Catalyse actions in support of broader", "id": "16959743" }, { "contents": "Global citizenship\n\n\ncountry; the Internet may carry this several steps further. Another interpretation given by several scholars of the changing configurations of citizenship due to globalization is the possibility that citizenship becomes a changed institution; even if situated within territorial boundaries that are national, if the meaning of the national itself has changed, then the meaning of being a citizen of that nation changes. The lack of a universally recognized world body can put the initiative upon global citizens themselves to create rights and obligations. Rights and obligations as they arose at the formation of", "id": "18373173" }, { "contents": "Global politics\n\n\nGlobal politics, also known as world politics, names both the discipline that studies the political and economical patterns of the world and the field that is being studied. At the centre of that field are the different processes of political globalization in relation to questions of social power. The discipline studies the relationships between cities, nation-states, shell-states, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations and international organizations. Current areas of discussion include national and ethnic conflict regulation, democracy and the politics of national self-determination,", "id": "22087888" }, { "contents": "Globalization\n\n\nbusiness organization and practice would continue to grow. Economist Takis Fotopoulos defined \"economic globalization\" as the opening and deregulation of commodity, capital, and labor markets that led toward present neoliberal globalization. He used \"political globalization\" to refer to the emergence of a transnational élite and a phasing out of the nation-state. Meanwhile, he used \"cultural globalization\" to reference the worldwide homogenization of culture. Other of his usages included \"ideological globalization\", \"technological globalization\", and \"social globalization\". Lechner", "id": "2396943" }, { "contents": "Global studies\n\n\ngrandfather of global education. It often includes the study of countries, world religions, languages and international relations ... (global studies) is centred on the concept of connectedness – recognizing local/ global connections, the commonalities all humans share, and how understanding how national borders have become practically irrelevant for many global actors. Five defining characteristics of global studies were identified by scholars at the first annual meeting of the Global Studies Consortium in Tokyo in 2008: The field of global studies revolves around the impacts of globalization and the growing interdependence of", "id": "13133724" }, { "contents": "Global News: BC 1\n\n\nright of the screen they put traffic cameras, live traffic feed. BC1 features live programming on weekdays from 5:00 a.m. or weekends from 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. The service draws content from Global News in Vancouver and Okanagan (although no newscasts produce from the latter newsroom are aired on BC1). It simulcasts \"Global News Morning\", \"Global News at Noon\", \"Global News at 5\", \"Global News Hour at 6\", \"Global News at 11\" and \"Global National\". \"Global", "id": "13365224" } ]
Why are polar bears and grizzly bears considered different species if they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring?
[{"answer": "It's very difficult to group living, evolving organisms into discrete categories. Polar bears diverged from the rest of the *Ursus* genus very recently, therefore they are still genetically similar enough to other bears to produce fertile offspring. Taxonomy is also based on physical appearance. Since polar bears are quite distinct from other species of bears in terms of their physical appearance and geographical habitat, the decision was made to consider them a separate species. Doves and pigeons are another example. There are 310 species of birds within the *Columbiformes* order (which encompasses all pigeon and dove families), many of which are capable of breeding with other species and producing fertile offspring. Their classification as separate species lies mainly in their physical differences. The long and the short of it is that taxonomy is a human construct, and not everything fits nice and neatly between the lines all of the time. **Tl;dr:** while this typically isn't the case, there is no hard, taxonomic rule stating that members of different species cannot produce fertile offspring. A better way of thinking about it would be: \"if two populations are unable to interbreed, they cannot be considered the same species\". This doesn't necessarily preclude two species from being able to interbreed."}, {"answer": "This is a common misunderstanding. While you are right that species are defined in terms of those that can interbreed, this distinction is made on the POPULATION level, not the individual level. While individual polar bears may be able to successfully mate with individual grizzlies, the two groups mate at different times and places. That's enough to keep the count of known wild hybrids to... 3... That's right, just 3 wild examples known. Ever. As such, they are different enough that they are reproductively isolated despite having overlapping territories."}, {"answer": "The differentiation between species is more of an art than a science. In the botanical world, massive flame wars between adherents to various authorities break out frequently, because having the only specimen of a particular species in cultivation can net you tend of hundreds of thousands more than just having a particular variation of a more common genus/species combo. It\u2019s way more of a grey area than simple interbreeding."}, {"answer": "The Brainscoop YouTube channel does a really great video on the topic. The tl;dr is that we did our best to make groups that made sense at the time they were made... but we're working on incomplete, inaccurate, sparse datasets. Also life, uh, finds a way. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Be cause they look and act differently enough. The seperation between species is pretty grey for a long time. If kept apart for long enough they will no longer be able to cross breed."}, {"answer": "Because in nonhumans any consistent difference between any two populations of animals, no matter how small or trivial, is sufficient for them to be classified as a \"different species.\" Or more precisely there isn't a real official basis for determining species, mostly just depends on to what extent a scientist wants to insist on it or not."}, {"answer": "Fertility is an artificial criteria humans use to help define species (although there are numerous definitions of the word). In actuality, \"species\" may not be a real thing. And there's no reason to assume that the boundaries separating species work in the same way for all organisms."}, {"answer": "We don't really have a proper definition for species. It's a human construct to help us categorize things because that's how our brains work. In reality, life in all it's forms is a continuum and vastly more similar than we sometimes like to think."}, {"answer": "Even if they can interbreed if they are brought together by people, but they don't ever encounter each other due to natural barriers in the wild, then the two organisms can still be considered separate species because they are not *naturally* interbreeding populations"}, {"answer": "Geographic isolation. They cannot breed because they cannot naturally come in contact with each other. Same thing with a species of lion on Madagascar that never meets lions of the Savanna even though they are the same"}, {"answer": "What constitutes a species is highly subjective and not entirely empirical. Arguments regularly break out in the field of taxonomy regarding classifications."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5104231", "title": "Grizzlypolar bear hybrid", "section": "Section::::Occurrences in the wild.:Subsequent discoveries.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 13, "end_paragraph_id": 13, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Between 2012 and 2014 another six hybrid bears were either killed by hunters or live-captured by biologists. Samples were collected from all six, and genetic analysis confirmed both their hybrid status and their family relationships. The eight hybrids identified to date include four first generation (F1, 50:50) and four grizzly bear backcross individuals (75:25 grizzly:polar bear). A single F1 female was the mother of all four backcross individuals, and a single female polar bear was the mother of all four F1s, and thus the grandmother of all four backcross bears. Two male grizzlies mated with the female polar bear to give rise to the four F1s, with one grizzly bear apparently mating with the polar bear in two different years (two of the F1s are full siblings, but born three years apart). The same two male brown bears both mated with the F1 female to produce the four backcross individuals, with three litter mates being sired by one male and a single, older 3/4 grizzly bear coming from a mating between the F1 female and her father. It is hard to know", "Between 2012 and 2014 another six hybrid bears were either killed by hunters or live-captured by biologists. Samples were collected from all six, and genetic analysis confirmed both their hybrid status and their family relationships. The eight hybrids identified to date include four first generation (F1, 50:50) and four grizzly bear backcross individuals (75:25 grizzly:polar bear). A single F1 female was the mother of all four backcross individuals, and a single female polar bear was the mother of all four F1s, and thus the grandmother of all four backcross bears. Two male grizzlies mated with the female polar bear to give rise to the four F1s, with one grizzly bear apparently mating with the polar bear in two different years (two of the F1s are full siblings, but born three years apart). The same two male brown bears both mated with the F1 female to produce the four backcross individuals, with three litter mates being sired by one male and a single, older 3/4 grizzly bear coming from a mating between the F1 female and her father. It is hard to know"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5104231", "title": "Grizzlypolar bear hybrid", "section": "Section::::Ancient hybridization.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 21, "end_paragraph_id": 21, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Genomics studies of brown bears and polar bears have revealed that gene flow from polar bears into brown bears but not the other way around", "The genetic methods used to confirm the family relationships and ancestry of the hybrid bears from northern Canada date back to the early 1990s, and are not powerful enough to reveal ancient history. However, the newer methods of genomics analyze thousands of sites in the genome, allowing the history of individual fragments of chromosomes to be traced back to particular populations (or species in the case of hybridization). Genomics studies of brown bears and polar bears have revealed that gene flow from polar bears into brown bears but not the other way around was widespread in time and space during the Pleistocene. Of particular note, the bears living on the islands of the Alexander Archipelago of southeast Alaska trace their maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA entirely to polar bears, but over 90% of their nuclear genome to brown bears. This appears to reflect a process in which a population of polar bears was left behind as the species retreated northwards at the end of the last ice age, with male brown bears subsequently introducing genes from the adjacent mainland, but female brown bears being generally unable or unwilling to swim across several km of open ocean to reach the islands (thus the lack of exchange of mitochondrial DNA). Such studies have not been limited to polar bears and brown bears, and it now appears that gene flow between species has been widespread during the evolution of the living species of bears. Since the 2006 discovery placed the hybrid into the spotlight, the media have referred to this animal with several portmanteau names, such as \"pizzly", "The genetic methods used to confirm the family relationships and ancestry of the hybrid bears from northern Canada date back to the early 1990s, and are not powerful enough to reveal ancient history. However, the newer methods of genomics analyze thousands of sites in the genome, allowing the history of individual fragments of chromosomes to be traced back to particular populations (or species in the case of hybridization). Genomics studies of brown bears and polar bears have revealed that gene flow from polar bears into brown bears but not the other way around was widespread in time and space during the Pleistocene. Of particular note, the bears living on the islands of the Alexander Archipelago of southeast Alaska trace their maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA entirely to polar bears, but over 90% of their nuclear genome to brown bears. This appears to reflect a process in which a population of polar bears was left behind as the species retreated northwards at the end of the last ice age, with male brown bears subsequently introducing genes from the adjacent mainland, but female brown bears being generally unable or unwilling to swim across several km of open ocean to reach the islands (thus the lack of exchange of mitochondrial DNA). Such studies have not been limited to polar bears and brown bears, and it now appears that gene flow between species has been widespread during the evolution of the living species of bears. Since the 2006 discovery placed the hybrid into the spotlight, the media have referred to this animal with several portmanteau names, such as \"pizzly"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ursid hybrid\n\n\nAn ursid hybrid is an animal with parents from two different species or subspecies of the Ursidae (bear) family. Species and subspecies of bear known to have produced offspring with another bear species or subspecies include black bears, grizzly bears and polar bears, all of which are members of the \"Ursus\" genus. Bears not included in \"Ursus\", such as the giant panda, are probably unable to produce hybrids. Note all of the confirmed hybrids listed here have been in captivity (except grizzly/polar bear)", "id": "14099036" }, { "contents": "Evidence of common descent\n\n\n\"Ursus maritimus\") and the brown bear (\"Ursus arctos\"). Considered separate species throughout their ranges; however, it has been documented that they possess the capability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. This introgressive hybridization has occurred both in the wild and in captivity and has been documented and verified with DNA testing. The oldest known fossil evidence of polar bears dates around 130,000 to 110,000 years ago; however, molecular data has revealed varying estimates of divergence time. Mitochondrial DNA analysis has given an estimate of 150,000", "id": "7261857" }, { "contents": "Peppered moth\n\n\nobserved evolution of the peppered moth. This is not the case; individuals of each morph interbreed and produce fertile offspring with individuals of all other morphs; hence there is only one peppered moth species. By contrast, different subspecies of the same species can theoretically interbreed with one another and will produce fully fertile and healthy offspring, but in practice do not, as they live in different regions or reproduce in different seasons. Full-fledged species are either unable to produce fertile and healthy offspring, or do not recognize each other", "id": "5066736" }, { "contents": "Hybrid (biology)\n\n\nhave matching genomes, meaning that once hybridization has occurred, the new genome can remain stable. Many hybrid zones are known where the ranges of two species meet, and hybrids are continually produced in great numbers. These hybrid zones are useful as biological model systems for studying the mechanisms of speciation. Recently DNA analysis of a bear shot by a hunter in the North West Territories confirmed the existence of naturally-occurring and fertile grizzly–polar bear hybrids. Hybridization between reproductively isolated species often results in hybrid offspring with lower fitness than", "id": "19170062" }, { "contents": "Polar bear\n\n\nspecies have mated intermittently for all that time, most likely coming into contact with each other during warming periods, when polar bears were driven onto land and brown bears migrated northward. Most brown bears have about 2 percent genetic material from polar bears, but one population, the ABC Islands bears has between 5 percent and 10 percent polar bear genes, indicating more frequent and recent mating. Polar bears can breed with brown bears to produce fertile grizzly–polar bear hybrids; rather than indicating that they have only recently diverged, the", "id": "4739487" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\nthese are all the same species, \"Ursus arctos\". In 1963 Rausch reduced the number of North American subspecies to one, \"Ursus arctos middendorffi\" Further testing of Y-chromosomes is required to yield an accurate new taxonomy with different subspecies. Coastal grizzlies, often referred to by the popular but geographically redundant synonym of \"brown bear\" or \"Alaskan brown bear\" are larger and darker than inland grizzlies, which is why they, too, were considered a different species from grizzlies. Kodiak grizzly bears were also", "id": "20881507" }, { "contents": "Hibernaculum (zoology)\n\n\n. There were no significant den size differences between age or sex classes, except adult males creating larger entrances. Grizzly bears likewise don't show age or sex class differences in den dimensions. Grizzlies prefer hibernacula sites with abundant ground and canopy cover, and abundant sweet-vetch. Polar bears differ from black bears, grizzlies, and other bear species where both sexes hibernate in that only females use hibernacula. Like other female bears, polar bears use hibernacula as maternity dens. Also like other species, they tend to dig dens", "id": "14776615" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nbear\", \"grolar bear\", and \"polizzly\", but there is no consensus on the use of any one of these terms. Canadian wildlife officials have suggested calling the hybrid \"nanulak\", taken from the Inuit names for polar bear \"(nanuk)\" and grizzly bear \"(aklak)\". By one convention, the name of the sire comes first in such combinations: the offspring of a male polar bear and a female grizzly would be the suggested \"nanulak\" or a \"pizzly bear", "id": "22051133" }, { "contents": "ABC Islands bear\n\n\nand one polar bear remains estimated at 120,000 years old. Data shows that the brown bears and polar bears were isolated at the same time in which black bears became their own species. Brown bears and polar bears continued to remain isolated for a long period of time, theorized due to the presence of ice, before recent changes allowed polar bears and brown bears to interbreed again. It is estimated that polar bears and brown bears began to interbreed again about 160,000 years ago. The study shows that previous estimates of polar bears only", "id": "10696201" }, { "contents": "Hybrid speciation\n\n\na source of genetic variation, and can in itself facilitate speciation. There is evidence that introgression is a ubiquitous phenomenon in plants, animals, and even humans, where genetic material from Neanderthals and Denisovans is responsible for much of the immune genes in non-African populations. For a hybrid form to persist, it must be able to exploit the available resources better than either parent species, which, in most cases, it will have to compete with. While grizzly bears and polar bears may have offspring, a grizzly–", "id": "3203212" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nTwo male grizzlies mated with the female polar bear to give rise to the four F1s, with one grizzly bear apparently mating with the polar bear in two different years (two of the F1s are full siblings, but born three years apart). The same two male brown bears both mated with the F1 female to produce the four backcross individuals, with three litter mates being sired by one male and a single, older 3/4 grizzly bear coming from a mating between the F1 female and her father. It is hard to know", "id": "22051126" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\n\", while the offspring of a male grizzly and a female polar bear would be a \"grolar bear\" or possibly an \"aknuk\". If the remains of MacFarlane's 1864 specimenwhich was validly described according to ICZN ruleswere traced and confirmed to be such a hybrid by ancient DNA techniques, the scientific name \"Ursus × inopinatus\" would be available for these animals. Two grizzly–polar hybrid cubs (one female and one male) were born at Osnabrück Zoo in Osnabrück, Germany, in 2004, and their physical", "id": "22051134" }, { "contents": "Kherubim\n\n\n) can interbreed with humans, bearing fertile offspring. An evolutionary drawback to their near-immortality is that nearly all Kheran females are infertile; only very rarely will a Kheran produce offspring. This is a natural check against overpopulation. Only one in 10,000 Kheran females is capable of giving birth, and only then at her very first mating. Of those, only one in approximately 10,000 will become pregnant, and only 1 in 1000 of those babies will be born alive; the rest are stillborn. The saving grace of the", "id": "1271322" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nbear-grizzly bear hybrids have been reported and shot in the past, but DNA tests were not available to verify the bears' ancestry. Genetic analysis has revealed multiple instances of introgressive hybridization between bear species, including introgression of polar bear DNA into brown bears during the Pleistocene (\"grizzly bear\" is a local common name for \"Ursus arctos\" whereas \"brown bear\" is used internationally and in science to refer to the species as a whole). With several suspected sightings and eight confirmed cases, theories of how", "id": "22051120" }, { "contents": "Speciation\n\n\n\"On the Origin of Species\" (1859), under the heading \"Difficulties with the Theory\". There are several suggestions as to how mate choice might play a significant role in resolving . New species have been created by animal husbandry, but the dates and methods of the initiation of such species are not clear. Often, the domestic counterpart of the wild ancestor can still interbreed and produce fertile offspring as in the case of domestic cattle, that can be considered the same species as several varieties of wild ox,", "id": "9507628" }, { "contents": "Alaska Peninsula brown bear\n\n\ncome from the Alaska Peninsula. To hunt this large bear, hunters must follow a variety of regulations, including bear bag limits, hunting fees and proper rifles. The Alaska Peninsula brown bear's name most likely arose because, until 1975, they were considered a different species from the inland grizzly bear. They were never considered closer to European brown bears than inland grizzlies, but were given a different name, due to the size and color differences of coastal browns and inland grizzlies. From 1975 onward, they were considered to", "id": "19281557" }, { "contents": "Ursid hybrid\n\n\nalters normal mating periods. The Canadian Wildlife Service noted that grizzly-polar hybrids born of zoo matings have proven fertile. Grizzly bears have been sighted in what is usually polar bear territory in the Western Arctic near the Beaufort Sea, Banks Island, Victoria Island, and Melville Island. A \"light chocolate colored\" bear, possibly a hybrid, is reported to have been seen with polar bears near Kugluktuk in western Nunavut. In 1975, within Venezuela's \"Las Delicias\" Zoo, a female Asian black bear shared its", "id": "14099044" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nsuch hybrids might naturally occur have become more than hypothetical. Although these sister species often occupy adjacent regions, direct contact has not been the norm because polar bears hunt, breed and sometimes even make maternity dens on sea ice, where brown bears have an overwhelmingly terrestrial lifestyle. It has been suggested that the yellowish-white MacFarlane's bear, known from a single specimen collected in 1864, may have been a grizzly-polar hybrid. Jim Martell, a hunter from Idaho, reportedly shot a grizzly–polar bear hybrid near", "id": "22051121" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\n, and the Arviat bear did not have other features characteristic of hybrids. The Arviat bear was subsequently confirmed by genetic analysis to be a pure brown bear, although few news organizations that had published the original story provided this update. Although a grizzly bear was killed on Banks Island in 1951, it has until recently been rare for this species to stray far north of the coast of mainland Canada. In 1991 one or more grizzly bears were documented hunting seals and polar bears on the sea ice near Melville island, over 500", "id": "22051128" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\ntraits are generally an intermediate between the polar bear and the grizzly bear. For example, their bodies are smaller than polar bears, but larger than grizzlies, while their heads fall between the broader grizzly head and the leaner polar bear head. They have long necks like polar bears, but small shoulder humps like grizzlies. The soles of their feet are partially covered in hair; polar bears have hair-covered soles, which act as insulation, and grizzlies have hairless soles. Similarly, the hair of the hybrids exhibits a", "id": "22051135" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\nat one time considered distinct. Therefore, at one time there were five different \"species\" of brown bear, including three in North America. Most adult female grizzlies weigh , while adult males weigh on average . Average total length in this subspecies is , with an average shoulder height of and hindfoot length of . Newborn bears may weigh less than . In the Yukon River area, mature female grizzlies can weigh as little as . One study found that the average weight for an inland male grizzly was around 272 kilograms (600", "id": "20881508" }, { "contents": ".338 Winchester Magnum\n\n\nthe hunting of and defense against dangerous class 3 game, particularly the great bears including grizzly, polar and brown bears. It is often carried by fishermen, hunters and guides in Alaska and Canada for protection as encounters with these larger bear species can be common. The .338 Winchester Magnum can be considered a good all-round plains game hunting rifle in Africa. It has also been found to be effective against the big cats where hunting allows for the use of the cartridge. Due to the cartridge's popularity all North American", "id": "2680742" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nto Mr. Martell. On 8 April 2010, David Kuptana, an Inuvialuit hunter from the community of Ulukhaktok on Victoria Island shot what he thought was a polar bear. After inspecting the bear and having its DNA tested, it was discovered that the bear's mother was a grizzly-polar hybrid and the father was a grizzly bear. The bear possesses physical characteristics intermediate between grizzlies and polar bears, such as brown fur on its paws, long claws, and a grizzly-like head. Between 2012 and 2014 another six", "id": "22051124" }, { "contents": "The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore\n\n\nBear Watch\" features a polar bear named Anoki, as well as grizzly bears, ravens, bald eagles, snowy owls and Arctic foxes. Guests can view the polar bear from underwater viewing areas, or from the windows of an actual massive Tundra Buggy, purchased from the Canadian company that creates these one of kind vehicles for viewing the polar bear in its natural habitat. Beginning in January, 2016, the Polar Bear Watch also became home to two rescued orphaned grizzly bear cubs. They were named Nova and Nita after the", "id": "20377922" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nwhether these events are a harbinger of the breakdown of a species barrier, or just an unusual anecdote, since all confirmed cases to date trace to the unusual mate choice of a single polar bear. It was widely reported that a bear shot in 2016, near Arviat, on the western shore of Hudson Bay, was a hybrid, with news agencies going so far as to describe this as an outcome of climate change. This bear was light in colour, but 'blonde' grizzly bears are common on the Barren Grounds", "id": "22051127" }, { "contents": "Introduction to evolution\n\n\n, evolution leads to the emergence of new species. Scientists have struggled to find a precise and all-inclusive definition of \"species\". Ernst Mayr defined a species as a population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed naturally with one another to produce viable, fertile offspring. (The members of a species cannot produce viable, fertile offspring with members of \"other\" species). Mayr's definition has gained wide acceptance among biologists, but does not apply to organisms such as bacteria, which", "id": "18540991" }, { "contents": "Capra (genus)\n\n\ngeographically separated)—the only geographical overlaps are the wild goat (\"Capra hircus\") with the East Caucasian tur (\"Capra caucasica cylindricornis\"), and the markhor (\"Capra falconeri\") with the Siberian ibex (\"Capra siberica\"). In both cases, the overlapping species do not usually interbreed in the wild, but in captivity, all \"Capra\" species can interbreed, producing fertile offspring. Along with sheep, goats were among the first domesticated animals. The domestication process started at least 10,000 years ago", "id": "14243934" }, { "contents": "Bear\n\n\nspecies. Male Alaskan brown bears and polar bears may continue to grow until they are 11 years old. Lifespan may also vary between species. The brown bear can live an average of 25 years. Bears of northern regions, including the American black bear and the grizzly bear, hibernate in the winter. During hibernation, the bear's metabolism slows down, its body temperature decreases slightly, and its heart rate slows from a normal value of 55 to just 9 beats per minute. Bears normally do not wake during their hibernation", "id": "4085508" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nfrom polar bears into brown bears — but not the other way around — was widespread in time and space during the Pleistocene. Of particular note, the bears living on the islands of the Alexander Archipelago of southeast Alaska trace their maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA entirely to polar bears, but over 90% of their nuclear genome to brown bears. This appears to reflect a process in which a population of polar bears was left behind as the species retreated northwards at the end of the last ice age, with male brown bears subsequently introducing", "id": "22051131" }, { "contents": "Ursid hybrid\n\n\nrarely conceived. In the Reports published since this date three species have produced young (hybrids in one case)... Hybrids between the European brown bear and the grizzly bear (now considered to be a North American variety of brown bear rather than a separate species) have been bred in Cologne, Germany. See grizzly bear for taxonomy. \"Kodiak\" or \"Kodiak brown\" is a term now applied to brown bears found in coastal regions of North America. In the far north these bears feed on salmon and often attain", "id": "14099039" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\n. If the bear had been adjudicated to be a grizzly, the hunter would have faced a possible CAN$1,000 fine and up to a year in jail. A DNA test conducted by Wildlife Genetics International in British Columbia confirmed it was a hybrid, with a polar bear mother and a grizzly bear father. It is the first documented case in the wild, though it was known that this hybrid was biologically possible and other ursid hybrids have been bred in zoos in the past. Amidst much controversy, the bear has since been returned", "id": "22051123" }, { "contents": "Dromedary\n\n\n, earlier than previously estimated from North American fossils. The dromedary and the Bactrian camel often interbreed to produce fertile offspring. Where the ranges of the species overlap, such as in northern Punjab, Persia and Afghanistan, the phenotypic differences between them tend to decrease as a result of extensive crossbreeding. The fertility of their hybrid has given rise to speculation that the dromedary and the Bactrian camel should be merged into a single species with two varieties. However, a 1994 analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene showed the species display 10.3", "id": "16423449" }, { "contents": "Bear hunting\n\n\nlower 48 states, grizzlies are considered a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Grizzly bears can still be sport hunted in British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Alaska. The Syrian brown bear (\"Ursus arctos syriacus\") is a small and pale-furred bear subspecies found in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and the Caucasus mountains of Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. These bears are hunted mostly in the Caucasus, by stalking, where the harsh terrain offers a greater challenge to the hunter. The Eurasian", "id": "560564" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\nand roe of the fish. In doing so, they provide a food source for gulls, ravens, and foxes, all of which eat salmon as well; this benefits both the bear and the smaller predators. Grizzlies are considered more aggressive compared to black bears when defending themselves and their offspring. Unlike the smaller black bears, adult grizzlies do not climb trees well and respond to danger by standing their ground and warding off their attackers. Mothers defending cubs are the most prone to attacking, and are responsible for 70%", "id": "20881550" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\npattern of hollowness, which blends the traits of polar bears and grizzlies. In cross section, the hair of polar bears is hollow, while the hair of grizzlies is either solid or has small hollow regions. This varies according to which part of the grizzly the hair is taken from. In the hybrid male, the paw hair was solid, but the dark back hair was somewhat hollow, albeit with \"smaller empty regions than found in polar bear hair\". The hair of the female hybrid, \"contains a range", "id": "22051136" }, { "contents": "Lake Clark National Park and Preserve\n\n\nalso provide bear viewing. Crescent Lake provides excellent bear viewing in June, July and August. Both grizzly and black bears are present, but grizzly bears are more common and seen more often, since black bears are shier and are easily displaced by their larger cousins. On the other side of the park, the Kvichak River is the world's most productive watershed for sockeye salmon, whose offspring account for 33% of the species' catch in the United States and 16% of world production. Salmon are so plentiful that", "id": "920534" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\n2002, the Endangered Species Conservation Committee recommended that the Alberta grizzly bear population be designated as threatened due to recent estimates of grizzly bear mortality rates that indicated the population was in decline. A recovery plan released by the provincial government in March 2008 indicated the grizzly population is lower than previously believed. In 2010, the provincial government formally listed its population of about 700 grizzlies as \"Threatened\". Environment Canada consider the grizzly bear to a \"special concern\" species, as it is particularly sensitive to human activities and natural threats", "id": "20881561" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\ngenes from the adjacent mainland, but female brown bears being generally unable or unwilling to swim across several km of open ocean to reach the islands (thus the lack of exchange of mitochondrial DNA). Such studies have not been limited to polar bears and brown bears, and it now appears that gene flow between species has been widespread during the evolution of the living species of bears. Since the 2006 discovery placed the hybrid into the spotlight, the media have referred to this animal with several portmanteau names, such as \"pizzly", "id": "22051132" }, { "contents": "Bactrian camel\n\n\nfrom North American fossils. Speciation began first in Lamini as the alpaca came into existence 10 million years ago (late Pleistocene). Nearly two million years later, the Bactrian camel and the dromedary emerged as two independent species. The Bactrian camel and the dromedary often interbreed to produce fertile offspring. Where the ranges of the two species overlap, such as in northern Punjab, Iran and Afghanistan, the phenotypic differences between them tend to decrease as a result of extensive crossbreeding between them. The fertility of their hybrid has given rise", "id": "4226839" }, { "contents": "Ursid hybrid\n\n\n2006, proved the kill was a grizzly/polar bear hybrid. This is thought to be the first recorded case of interbreeding in the wild. The bear was proven to have a polar mother and a grizzly father. The DNA testing also spared the hunter the C$1000 fine for killing a grizzly bear, as well as the risk of being imprisoned for up to a year. The hunter had bought a license to hunt polar bears; he did not have a license to hunt grizzly at that time. The animal had", "id": "14099041" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Metroparks Zoo\n\n\n. The Wilderness Trek area is home to cold climate animals such as Siberian tigers, reindeer, grizzly bears, white-lipped deer, the endangered Persian onager, and Bactrian camels, which remain active outdoors year-round. The polar bear and California sea lion/harbor seal exhibits feature large pools for visitors to observe the animals at play. The Metroparks Zoo also contains one of the largest collections of bear species in North America, including grizzly bears, Andean bears, Malayan sun bears, North American black bears, and", "id": "4520833" }, { "contents": "Hawaiian duck\n\n\nThe Hawaiian duck (\"Anas wyvilliana\") or koloa is a species of bird in the family Anatidae that is endemic to the large islands of Hawaii. Taxonomically, the koloa is closely allied with the mallard (\"A. platyrhynchos\"). It differs in that it is monochromatic (with similarly marked males and females) and non-migratory. As with many duck species in the genus \"Anas\", Hawaiian duck and mallards can interbreed and produce viable offspring, and the koloa has previously been considered an island subspecies", "id": "3566178" }, { "contents": "Ursus (genus)\n\n\nUrsus is a genus in the family Ursidae (bears) that includes the widely distributed brown bear, the polar bear,the American black bear, and the Asian black bear. The name is derived from the Latin \"ursus\", meaning \"bear\". A hybrid between grizzly bears and polar bears has also been recorded. Known commonly as a pizzly, prizzly, or grolar bear, the official name is simply \"grizzly–polar bear hybrid\". The mating systems within the genus \"Ursus\" are primarily classified", "id": "3086923" }, { "contents": "Wapusk National Park\n\n\na 2010 report biologists affiliated with the American Museum of Natural History and City College of the City University of New York have prepared a new report published in \"Canadian Field-Naturalist\" that offers the first documented evidence the temperamental grizzly bears are migrating into polar bear territory. Researchers found that seven grizzlies have been spotted in Wapusk National Park south of Churchill, between 2003 and 2008. This national park is home to animals such as polar bears, great grey owls, timber wolves, lemmings, ivory gulls, two species of", "id": "357926" }, { "contents": "Seekers (novel series)\n\n\nSeekers is a children's novel series written by a team of authors under the pseudonym Erin Hunter, who also wrote the \"Warriors\" series. \"Seekers\" follows the adventures of four bear cubs: Kallik (a polar bear), Lusa (a black bear), Ujurak (a small grizzly bear who can shape-shift into any animal), and Toklo (also a grizzly bear). Led by Ujurak, the four bears search for a place where they can live in peace without human interference and harassment", "id": "20235020" }, { "contents": "National Wilderness Preservation System\n\n\n. One of the major qualifications for this area to be considered as a possible wilderness area was its diverse wildlife population, many of which are on the endangered species list. In this potential wilderness area alone, whales, seals, wolves, polar bears, grizzly bears, muskoxen, caribou, and over 200 species of migratory birds call this one area home for at least part of the year. This vast assortment of flora and fauna is a major consideration for addition into the wilderness preservation system. Thousands of laws and policies", "id": "12907883" }, { "contents": "Brown bear\n\n\ndomain of the polar bear (potentially another offshoot of a radiation of coastal brown bears). In non-Arctic areas, habitat loss is blamed as the leading cause of endangerment, followed by hunting. While the brown bear's range has shrunk and it has faced local extinctions, it remains listed as a Least concern species by the IUCN, with a total population of approximately 200,000. , this and the American black bear are the only bear species not classified as threatened by the IUCN. However, the California grizzly bear", "id": "4085700" }, { "contents": "Hypercarnivore\n\n\nextreme dietary specialization results in reduced population densities and a greater vulnerability for extinction. As a result of these opposing forces, the fossil record of carnivores is dominated by successive clades of hypercarnivores that diversify and decline, only to be replaced by new hypercarnivorous clades. As an example of related species with differing diets, even though they diverged only 150,000 years ago, the polar bear is the most highly carnivorous bear (more than 90% of its diet is meat) while the grizzly bear is one of the least carnivorous in many", "id": "16935595" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\nof humans killed by grizzlies. Grizzly bears normally avoid contact with people. In spite of their obvious physical advantage they rarely actively hunt humans. Most grizzly bear attacks result from a bear that has been surprised at very close range, especially if it has a supply of food to protect, or female grizzlies protecting their offspring. A bear killing a human in a national park may be killed to prevent its attacking again. Exacerbating this is the fact that intensive human use of grizzly habitat coincides with the seasonal movement of grizzly bears", "id": "20881551" }, { "contents": "Bear attack\n\n\nand sloth bears to the frozen tundra inhabited by polar bears, thus occupying most of the same territory as humanity. A bear's muscular structure is highly suited for strength and power. Polar bears are known to swim for kilometers in search of food and to scoop seals out of the water. Grizzly bears can bring down prey, such as bison or moose, that outweigh the bear by several hundred kilograms and can steal kills from entire packs of wolves. Their top speed running on all fours has been reported to be around", "id": "15410328" }, { "contents": "Denver Zoo\n\n\nhome to the famous polar bear cubs Klondike and Snow. While the zoo has long-term plans for a new, innovative exhibit for polar bears, the former polar bear exhibit no longer houses the species and in May 2019 was renovated and reopened as Harmony Hill. A much larger exhibit for the zoo’s grizzly bears, this portion of Northern Shores provides a habitat modeled after the fictional Harmony Hill State Park and a second habitat modeled after a backyard to illustrate and provide solutions for human-wildlife conflict. Cave and underwater", "id": "17063704" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nA grizzly–polar bear hybrid (also named grolar bear or pizzly bear or nanulak) is a rare ursid hybrid that has occurred both in captivity and in the wild. In 2006, the occurrence of this hybrid in nature was confirmed by testing the DNA of a unique-looking bear that had been shot near Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories on Banks Island in the Canadian Arctic. The number of confirmed hybrids has since risen to eight, all of them descending from the same female polar bear. Possible wild-bred polar", "id": "22051119" }, { "contents": "Induced ovulation (animals)\n\n\n. Horses are induced ovulators and studies using combinations of PGF2alpa analogues, Lipsostiol, d-cloprostenol and hCG were able to artificially induce ovulation in this species though these neural pathways. Induced ovulation occurs in various carnivoran species. Many bear species are able to have induced ovulation including the grizzly bear, black bear and polar bear where both the presence of a male and mating itself are requirements for induced ovulation. However, there are some suggestions that mating is not as strict a requirement for ovulation in bears. Black bears are widely", "id": "19843637" }, { "contents": "Polar bear\n\n\nnew evidence suggests more frequent mating has continued over a longer period of time, and thus the two bears remain genetically similar. However, because neither species can survive long in the other's ecological niche, and because they have different morphology, metabolism, social and feeding behaviours, and other phenotypic characteristics, the two bears are generally classified as separate species. When the polar bear was originally documented, two subspecies were identified: the American polar bear (\"Ursus maritimus maritimus\") by Constantine J. Phipps in 1774, and", "id": "4739488" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\ngather around streams, lakes, rivers, and ponds during the salmon spawn. Every other year, females (sows) produce one to four young (usually two) that are small and weigh only about at birth. A sow is protective of her offspring and will attack if she thinks she or her cubs are threatened. Grizzly bears have one of the lowest reproductive rates of all terrestrial mammals in North America. This is due to numerous ecological factors. Grizzly bears do not reach sexual maturity until they are at least five", "id": "20881522" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nSachs Harbour on Banks Island, Northwest Territories on 16 April 2006. Martell, with his local guide, Roger Kuptana, had been hunting for polar bears, and killed the animal believing it to be a normal polar bear. Officials took interest in the creature after noticing that while it had thick, creamy white fur typical of polar bears, it also had long claws, a humped back, a shallow face, and brown patches around its eyes, nose, back, and foot, which are all traits of grizzly bears", "id": "22051122" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\ngrizzly bear population in British Columbia. One example of these efforts is the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary located along the north coast of British Columbia; at in size, it is composed of key habitat for this threatened species. Regulations such as limited public access, as well as a strict no hunting policy, have enabled this location to be a safe haven for local grizzlies in the area. When choosing the location of a park focused on grizzly bear conservation, factors such as habitat quality and connectivity to other habitat patches are considered", "id": "20881563" }, { "contents": "Bronx Zoo\n\n\nexhibited here as well, though are currently absent. The former can now be found in African Plains while the later appears to be absent from the zoo's current on-exhibit collection. Big Bears features a brown bear exhibit and a now empty polar bear exhibit. They have four bears, a male grizzly bear and three Sitka brown bears (\"Ursus arctos sitkensis\") rescued as orphans from the ABC Islands of Alaska. Until 2015, two female grizzly bears named Betty and Veronica also lived in this exhibit, but", "id": "9037298" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\na grizzly coming, it either turns tail and runs or climbs a tree. Black bears are not strong competition for prey because they have a more herbivorous diet. Confrontations are rare because of the differences in size, habitats, and diets of the bear species. When this happens, it is usually with the grizzly being the aggressor. The black bear will only fight when it is a smaller grizzly such as a yearling or when the black bear has no other choice but to defend itself. There is at least one confirmed", "id": "20881541" }, { "contents": "Lamini\n\n\nLamini (members are called \"laminoids\") is a tribe of the subfamily Camelinae. It contains two extant genera with four species, all exclusively from South America: llamas, alpacas, vicuñas, and guanacos. The former two are domesticated species, while the latter two are only found in the wild. None display sexual dimorphism. The four species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Additionally, there are two extinct genera known from the fossil record. The digestive system of lamoids allows them to digest certain toxins. Laminoids", "id": "17777997" }, { "contents": "List of ecoregions in North America (CEC)\n\n\nwell as the large white polar bear and that is why when people think about arctic animals, they think about the polar bear. As long as the polar bear exists, it will be the keystone species of the Arctic Cordillera. However, this existence relies solely on the degree of ice melt that is encountered in the future. The polar bear is one of the most notably affected species in the Arctic Cordillera, mainly due to their heavy reliance on arctic ice for hunting and bedding grounds. Habitat loss, caused by global", "id": "21536677" }, { "contents": "Saint-Félicien, Quebec\n\n\n-Felicien as part of a municipal re-organization in the area. Population trend: Private dwellings occupied by usual residents: 4,389 (total dwellings: 4,835) Mother tongue: The main attraction of the municipality is the wildlife zoo founded in 1960. The attraction contains about 80 different species including the polar bear, Arctic fox, Canada goose, snowy owl, Canada lynx, American black bear, grizzly bear, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, American bison and the black-tailed prairie dog. Until 1994, the zoo", "id": "987015" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\na refuge during the ice-free season on Hudson Bay. The genetic methods used to confirm the family relationships and ancestry of the hybrid bears from northern Canada date back to the early 1990s, and are not powerful enough to reveal ancient history. However, the newer methods of genomics analyze thousands of sites in the genome, allowing the history of individual fragments of chromosomes to be traced back to particular populations (or species in the case of hybridization). Genomics studies of brown bears and polar bears have revealed that gene flow", "id": "22051130" }, { "contents": "American bison\n\n\n), they clearly have a lot of genetic compatibility and American bison can interbreed with cattle, although only the female offspring are fertile in the first generation. These female hybrids can be bred back to either bison or domestic bulls, resulting in either 1/4 or 3/4 bison young. Female offspring from this cross are also fertile, but males are not reliably fertile unless they are either bison or domestic. Moreover, when they do interbreed, crossbreed animals in the first generation tend to look very much like purebred bison, so appearance", "id": "4990403" }, { "contents": "Brown bear\n\n\nregion, all descended from a single female polar bear. Previously, the hybrid had been produced in zoos and was considered a \"cryptid\" (a hypothesized animal for which there is no scientific proof of existence in the wild). Analyses of the genomes of bears have shown that introgression between species was widespread during the evolution of the genus \"Ursus\", including the introgression of polar bear DNA introduced to brown bears during the Pleistocene. Brown bears are often not fully brown. They have long, thick fur, with", "id": "4085645" }, { "contents": "Evolution of sexual reproduction\n\n\n-female representation, and only the females of this species can bear offspring. If all capable members of this population procreated once, a total of 50 offspring would be produced (the \"F1\" generation). Contrast this outcome with an asexual species, where each member of the 100-organism population is capable of bearing young. If all capable members of this asexual population procreated once, a total of 100 offspring would be produced. This idea is sometimes referred to as the two-fold cost of sexual reproduction. It was", "id": "7898827" }, { "contents": "Brown bear\n\n\nsizes, brown bears tend to dominate polar bears in disputes over carcasses, and dead polar bear cubs have been found in brown bear dens. Large herbivores, such as moose, bison and muskox may have an intolerance of brown bears due to their possible threat to vulnerable members of their herds or themselves; moose regularly charge grizzly bears in their calf's defense, but seldom are the bears killed. Bison have been known to fatally injure lone grizzly bears in battles, and even a mountain goat (\"Oreamnos americanus\")", "id": "4085790" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\nA grizzly bear can also be identified by its rump, which is lower than its shoulders, while a black bear's rump is higher. A grizzly bear's front claws measure about 2–4 inches in length and a black bear's measure about 1–2 inches in length. Brown bears are found in Asia, Europe, and North America, giving them the widest ranges of bear species. They also inhabited North Africa and the Middle East. In North America, grizzly bears previously ranged from Alaska down to Mexico and as far east", "id": "20881511" }, { "contents": "Polar bear\n\n\na species under some species concepts. The mtDNA of extinct Irish brown bears is particularly close to polar bears. A comparison of the nuclear genome of polar bears with that of brown bears revealed a different pattern, the two forming genetically distinct clades that diverged approximately 603,000 years ago, although the latest research is based on analysis of the complete genomes (rather than just the mitochondria or partial nuclear genomes) of polar and brown bears, and establishes the divergence of polar and brown bears at 400,000 years ago. However, the two", "id": "4739486" }, { "contents": "Polar bear\n\n\n(\"white bear\") or \"ours polaire\" (\"polar bear\"). In the Norwegian-administered Svalbard archipelago, the polar bear is referred to as \"Isbjørn\" (\"ice bear\"). The polar bear was previously considered to be in its own genus, \"Thalarctos\". However, evidence of hybrids between polar bears and brown bears, and of the recent evolutionary divergence of the two species, does not support the establishment of this separate genus, and the accepted scientific name is now", "id": "4739483" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\ncontiguous United States and endangered in parts of Canada. In May 2002, the Canadian Species at Risk Act listed the Prairie population (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba range) of grizzly bears as extirpated in Canada. As of 2002, grizzly bears were listed as special concern under the COSEWIC registry and considered threatened under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Within the United States, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concentrates its effort to restore grizzly bears in six recovery areas. These are Northern Continental Divide (Montana), Yellowstone (", "id": "20881556" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\nan easy food source when other food sources decline. Grizzly bears hibernate for 5–7 months each year except where the climate is warm, as the California grizzly did not hibernate. During this time, female grizzly bears give birth to their offspring, who then consume milk from their mother and gain strength for the remainder of the hibernation period. To prepare for hibernation, grizzlies must prepare a den, and consume an immense amount of food as they do not eat during hibernation. Grizzly bears do not defecate or urinate throughout the entire", "id": "20881519" }, { "contents": "Western jumping mouse\n\n\nThe western jumping mouse (\"Zapus princeps\"), is a species of rodent in the family Dipodidae. It is found in Canada and the United States. Western jumping mice evolved during the Pleistocene, possibly from the fossil species \"Zapus burti\", which is known from the late Blancan. Their closest relatives appear to be Pacific jumping mice, with which they can still interbreed to produce fertile offspring. Western jumping mice resemble typical mice in appearance, but with long hind-feet and reduced forelimbs. They range from", "id": "11628354" }, { "contents": "Cycadales\n\n\nthree main lineages of cycads, implying that genetic diversity in the clade was once high. Some clearly defined cycad species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. The three families can be identified by looking at the central stalk of the leaf. Each family has at least one vein running up the leaf stalk from bottom to top (longitudinal). The Cycadaceae have only one vein in the center of the leaf stalk (central vein), but no veins on the stalklets of the leaflet (no lateral veins). The Stangeriaceae", "id": "8375724" }, { "contents": "Bear hunting\n\n\n, longer and coarser, and while they also insulate, they primarily serve to protect the body from dirt, debris and insects, as well as to repel water. Black bear fur was considered more valuable in the American West than that of grizzly and was once used to fabricate bearskins, which are tall fur caps worn as part of the ceremonial uniform of several regiments in various armies. The Inuit of Greenland use polar bear fur for clothing in areas where caribou and seals are scarce. Polar bear hide is wiry and bulky", "id": "560571" }, { "contents": "Bear\n\n\nclearly the oldest species. The relationships of the other species are not very well resolved, though the polar bear and the brown bear form a close grouping. The bear family includes the most massive extant terrestrial members of the order Carnivora. The polar bear is considered to be the largest extant species, with adult males weighing and measuring in total length. The smallest species is the sun bear, which ranges in weight and in length. Prehistoric North and South American short-faced bears were the largest species known to have lived", "id": "4085480" }, { "contents": "MacFarlane's bear\n\n\nbear hybrid, or even a surviving representative of a Pleistocene species. The recent discovery of demonstrable grizzly-polar bear hybrids that match the specimen's description very well, notably the pale tan fur and oddly shaped skull that led Merriam to propose his new genus, places the validity of the proposed species and its associated scientific names into question. In episode #215 of the History Channel program \"Monster Quest\", \"Giant Bear Attack\", paleontologist Dr. Blaine W. Schubert (of East Tennessee State University) was allowed to", "id": "9168191" }, { "contents": "MacFarlane's bear\n\n\nvery far outside the brown bear's normal range, and concluded that it was not a brown bear at all. In 1918, he described the specimen as a new species and genus, \"Vetularctos inopinatus\", calling it the \"ancient unexpected bear.\" With the exception of unconfirmed sightings, MacFarlane's bear is sometimes thought to have become extinct since the specimen was obtained in 1864. There have been many theories concerning the origin of MacFarlane's bear, which include suggestions that it may have been a grizzly–polar", "id": "9168190" }, { "contents": "Sexual reproduction\n\n\nfish species use internal fertilization and then disperse the developing eggs or give birth to live offspring. Fish that have live-bearing offspring include the guppy and mollies or \"Poecilia\". Fishes that give birth to live young can be ovoviviparous, where the eggs are fertilized within the female and the eggs simply hatch within the female body, or in seahorses, the male carries the developing young within a pouch, and gives birth to live young. Fishes can also be viviparous, where the female supplies nourishment to the internally growing", "id": "7931467" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\n. The Refuge for Endangered Wildlife located on Grouse Mountain in Vancouver is an example of a different type of conservation effort for the diminishing grizzly bear population. The refuge is a five-acre terrain which has functioned as a home for two orphaned grizzly bears since 2001. The purpose of this refuge is to provide awareness and education to the public about grizzly bears, as well as providing an area for research and observation of this secluded species. Another factor currently being taken into consideration when designing conservation plans for future generations are anthropogenic", "id": "20881564" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nkm from the mainland coast. In 2003 and 2004 a geological team working on Melville Island obtained photographic and DNA evidence of a grizzly bear in the area. Their report also collated information on several other sightings in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Grizzly bears have apparently also been extending their range east across the Barren Grounds towards Hudson Bay, and south towards northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Between 2003 and 2008 seven individuals were spotted in Wapusk National Park south of Churchill, Manitoba, an area used by polar bears for maternity dens and as", "id": "22051129" }, { "contents": "Saint Louis Zoo\n\n\nblue tarantula, Texas brown tarantula, and Egyptian fattail scorpion. The Wild is home to Polar Bear Point, Conservation Carousel, Fragile Forest, Jungle of the Apes, and Penguin and Puffin Coast. Polar Bear Point features a polar bear called Kali. Two grizzly bears named Huck and Finn arrived for the opening of Grizzly Ridge in 2017. The Fragile Forest and Jungle of the Apes features gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans in a naturalized outdoor setting. Penguin and Puffin Coast displays a variety of water birds including Humboldt penguins,", "id": "12101917" }, { "contents": "Yellowstone National Park\n\n\nbears has not been permitted since the 1960s to reduce their desire for human foods. Yellowstone is one of the few places in the United States where black bears can be seen coexisting with grizzly bears. Black bear observations occur most often in the park's northern ranges and in the Bechler area which is in the park's southwestern corner. , an estimated 700 grizzly bears were living in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, with about 150 grizzlies living wholly or partially within Yellowstone National Park. The grizzly was initially listed as a threatened species", "id": "15581039" }, { "contents": "Grizzly–polar bear hybrid\n\n\nhybrid bears were either killed by hunters or live-captured by biologists. Samples were collected from all six, and genetic analysis confirmed both their hybrid status and their family relationships. The eight hybrids identified to date include four first generation (F1, 50:50) and four grizzly bear backcross individuals (75:25 grizzly:polar bear). A single F1 female was the mother of all four backcross individuals, and a single female polar bear was the mother of all four F1s, and thus the grandmother of all four backcross bears.", "id": "22051125" }, { "contents": "Seekers (novel series)\n\n\nthe Stars\". The story follows four young bears. Lusa, an American black bear, Kallik, a polar bear, Toklo, a grizzly bear, and Ujurak, a grizzly bear who is able to shapeshift into any animal, but remains a grizzly bear most of the time. The first book, \"The Quest Begins\", shows how each of the four bears are either abandoned or separated from their parents. Kallik is separated from her mother Nisa and brother Taqqiq when a pod of orcas eat her mother,", "id": "20235027" }, { "contents": "Kermode bear\n\n\ntrophy hunting of grizzlies in the Great Bear Rainforest, but the hunting of black bears remains legal. Black bears are the parent species of Kermode bears, and each one killed could be carrying the rare recessive gene that allows Kermode bears to be genetically produced; therefore, the continued hunting of black bears is a threat to the Kermode bear population. Additional concerns in regards to hunting are caused by the understaffing of wildlife officers who enforce the hunting bans, as this could allow for poaching. Grizzly bears also pose a threat to", "id": "19943224" }, { "contents": "Ukkusiksalik National Park\n\n\nmaterial for the stone pot\"\" (from \"ukkusik\", meaning \"pot\" or \"saucepan\" like qulliq). In addition to a reversing waterfall and over 500 archeological sites, including an old Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) trading post, the region is home to such species as polar bears, grizzly bears, Arctic wolf, caribou, seals and peregrine falcons. Vegetation in the park is typical low tundra, with dwarf birch, willow and mountain avens. Scattered patches of boreal forest can be encountered", "id": "8870042" }, { "contents": "Alpaca\n\n\nand dentition between the alpaca and the vicuña. Classification was complicated by the fact that all four species of South American camelid can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. The advent of DNA technology made a more accurate classification possible. In 2001, the alpaca genus classification changed from \"Lama pacos\" to \"Vicugna pacos\", following the presentation of a paper on work by Dr.Jane Wheeler etal. on alpaca DNA to the Royal Society showing the alpaca is descended from the vicuña, not the guanaco. Alpaca fleece is a", "id": "12403442" }, { "contents": "Ursid hybrid\n\n\n. The biologists of the Canadian Wildlife Service suggested grolar or pizzly, as well as nanulak, an elision of the Inuit \"nanuk\" (polar bear) and \"aklak\" (grizzly or brown bear). Both grolar and pizzly were used by the Canadian Broadcast Corporation in widely distributed stories. Presently, though the mating seasons overlap, the polar bear's season begins slightly earlier than the grizzly bear's. A blog columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer suggested that more hybrids may be seen as global warming progresses and", "id": "14099043" }, { "contents": "Kodiak bear\n\n\nThe Kodiak bear (\"Ursus arctos middendorffi\"), also known as the Kodiak brown bear, sometimes the Alaskan brown bear, inhabits the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago in southwest Alaska. It is the largest recognized subspecies of brown bear, and one of the two largest bears alive today, the other being the polar bear. Physiologically, the Kodiak bear is very similar to the other brown bear subspecies, such as the mainland grizzly bear (\"Ursus arctos horribilis\") and the now-extinct California grizzly bear (", "id": "16672993" }, { "contents": "Grizzly bear\n\n\n, national efforts have been made since 1982 for the recovery plan of grizzly bears. A lot of the efforts made have been through different organizations efforts to educate the public on grizzly bear safety, habits of grizzly bears and different ways to reduce human-bear conflict. The Interagency Grizzly Bear Recovery Committee is one of many organizations committed to the recovery of grizzly bears in the lower 48 states. There are five recovery zones for grizzly bears in the lower 48 states including the North Cascades ecosystem in Washington state. The National Park", "id": "20881567" }, { "contents": "Chris Morgan (ecologist)\n\n\ncampaign that would support bear conservation efforts around the world and is a collaboration between Morgan (Executive producer/host/narrator) and nature-cinematographer/director, Joe Pontecorvo (Producer/director). The 'BEARTREK' film documents the scientific studies of Robyn Appleton and her Spectacled Bear Conservation Society and their conservation efforts in Northern Peru; Dr. Nick Lunn on polar bears in Manitoba, Canada; Siew Te Wong on sun bears in Borneo; and Chris Morgan's experiences with brown/grizzly bears in Alaska. The documentary", "id": "19866635" }, { "contents": "Bear\n\n\nraising young. Infanticide, where an adult male kills the cubs of another, has been recorded in polar bears, brown bears and American black bears but not in other species. Males kill young to bring the female into oestrus. Cubs may flee and the mother defends them even at the cost of her life. In some species, offspring may become independent around the next spring, through some may stay until the female successfully mates again. Bears reach sexual maturity shortly after they disperse; at around 3–6 years depending on the", "id": "4085507" }, { "contents": "Polar bear\n\n\nthe sea ice, where the mother can once again catch seals. Depending on the timing of ice-floe breakup in the fall, she may have fasted for up to eight months. During this time, cubs playfully imitate the mother's hunting methods in preparation for later life. Female polar bears are noted for both their affection towards their offspring, and their valor in protecting them. Multiple cases of adoption of wild cubs have been confirmed by genetic testing. Adult bears of either gender occasionally kill and eat polar bear cubs", "id": "4739534" }, { "contents": "Marine mammal\n\n\nfrom the eastern part of Siberia, (from Kamchatka and the Kolym Peninsula). The oldest known polar bear fossil is a 130,000 to 110,000-year-old jaw bone, found on Prince Charles Foreland in 2004. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the polar bear diverged from the brown bear roughly 150,000 years ago. Further, some clades of brown bear, as assessed by their mtDNA, are more closely related to polar bears than to other brown bears, meaning that the polar bear might not be considered a species under some", "id": "14852748" }, { "contents": "California grizzly bear\n\n\nand then California was known as the \"Bear State.\" A 1953 researcher stated, \"The specific status of North American brown bears (or grizzly bears) is one of the most complex problems of mammalian taxonomy. The difficulty stems directly from the work of Merriam (1918), who concluded that there are 86 forms of grizzlies (and brown bears) in North America.\" North American grizzlies were taxonomically grouped as a species apart from other bear species until DNA testing revealed that they should properly be grouped in the", "id": "3086942" }, { "contents": "Pagophily\n\n\ntheir primary food source. While the bears can hunt land mammals such as caribou and fox, they can survive off of land prey for only approximately 6 months. Without the abundance of sea ice, polar bears cannot access seals and fish and, thus, can starve. These projections were important in the decision to list the polar bear as a threatened species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. In addition to threatening polar bear populations researchers also argue that seal populations will also be impacted by climate change. \"The breeding", "id": "4419370" }, { "contents": "Snow goose\n\n\nare not as bright on the feet, legs, and bill of immature birds. The head can be stained rusty-brown from minerals in the soil where they feed. They are very vocal and can often be heard from more than a mile away. White- and blue-morph birds interbreed and the offspring may be of either morph. These two colors of geese were once thought to be separate species; since they interbreed and are found together throughout their ranges, they are now considered two color phases of the same species", "id": "20296288" }, { "contents": "Polar bear jail\n\n\nPolar bear jail (also known as Polar Bear Holding Facility) is a special building in Churchill, Manitoba where polar bears that are considered troublesome or dangerous are isolated before they can be relocated. Before establishing the facility, polar bears who were considered dangerous used to be shot. In 1982 (according to other sources, in 1983, after a person was mauled by a bear on the street) the holding facility was first established in the building officially named \"House D-20\". Before that, the facility was used as", "id": "11440383" }, { "contents": "California grizzly bear\n\n\nbear has been considered as a possible candidate for attempts at de-extinction, through the proposed use of back-breeding, cloning and genetic engineering to recreate extinct species. The California grizzly bear is one of the state's most visible and enduring symbols, adorning both the state flag and seal. The Bear Flag first flew in 1846 as a symbol of the short-lived California Republic. A second version was adopted as the state flag by the state legislature in 1911. The bear symbol became a permanent part of the", "id": "3086950" } ]
How do fancy jets have heads-up displays, but we don't have those anywhere else in real life?
[{"answer": "It's just a cost issue. A lot of luxury cars have them already. As the price drops we will see them more in cheaper cars."}, {"answer": "As someone who has flown with a HUD, I can see why they aren't used everywhere. We'll start with the design of such displays. The fancy little glass you see atop an airplane's panel has a sizable projector under/behind it. The glass has no circuitry in it, it's just a way of turning that light towards one's eyes. The bigger the display, the bigger the projector. Furthermore, this projector is designed with infinite relief and focus. When you see the 5 degree down tick on a HUD, everything on that line is EXACTLY 5 degrees down from any position where that tick is visible. This isn't a simple thing to do and takes a special projection, programming, and testing to ensure an accurate view. Pilots need infinite relief in tactical jets so they don't have to think of their head position to get an correct view of the display over the world. This ability isn't necessary when you're not displaying attitude information, and in most aircraft it's not really critical to have the other information in one's face. The downside of this is the limited visibility range of this display. If its projection is only 10 degrees wide, you aren't going to see a damn thing if you're 15 degrees offset from the display. Movies don't accurately portray this. HUDs generally show A LOT of information. It takes training to be able to use one effectively and it can easily suck you in to the point where you ignore the outside world. You might as well be looking down at an instrument panel at this point. We have settings to change their modes and declutter them to prevent information overload. All this tech leads to a big, heavy, and expensive device that has to be used from a specific viewpoint and requires training for the average person to use. Still think you need these capabilities for other tasks? Read on. \"Flat\" HUDs exist, that simply display an image that isn't infinitely projected into the world. Unlike in a proper HUD, one has to take focus off the outside and focus on the display to see the number. It might as well be a separate screen or dial. The expense and complication is not justified. It could be useful in a car. Some cars do have this sort of display. They aren't cheap, and how many people crash cars looking at speedometers who wouldn't crash using a HUD? GPS display would be great, but trust me, it would really distract a majority of drivers to the point of crashing. Again, a data heavy HUD only enhances functionality for people who wont be overwhelmed by one. Many people can't get past the data constantly in their view and forget that there's an outside world. Even fighter pilots have to occasionally turn their heads away from displays to unwind a bit. [Information overload is actually a well noted risk for cockpits in general, and is worse with helmet-mounted displays.]( URL_1 ). These are well trained people who's intellect, coordination, and spatial awareness are, on-average, superior to the general population. Think a transparent computer screen is any benefit to you? They look great in movies with controlled lighting and perspectives. [They are impressive but not terribly clear in real life]( URL_2 ). [Do you really want to pay the thousands of dollars it would currently cost just to project very basic information on your windows like you see in the Corning concepts?]( URL_0 ) So who can justify the costs and complexities of these displays at their current level of tech? Anybody who needs unfamiliar information in motion. That's not going to be your typical office worker. It could be the mechanic who needs quick directions to a part in a stockroom or maintenance instructions overlaid on an engine. It's the firefighter who could use a map of a building or schematic of a car (firefighters already benefit from a great, super simple \"HUD\", lights at the periphery of their vision that indicate oxygen remaining in their tanks). It could be an ER surgical team getting the vitals of a patient who's being flown in. The bus driver with memorized routes doesn't need this. Neither does the guy entering data at a console, the retail worker, the line cook, the car mechanic, anybody in most positions of management, our school teachers nor their students, the pharmacist, even many scientists and engineers, salesmen, or hell, pilots. Sure, SOME of those may benefit, but they'd better be making a hearty profit or have an extreme safety need to justify the expenses of integrating HUDs into their jobs. In a few decades when this stuff could be commonplace, it might provide small productivity boosts with little development and purchasing cost. Right now, the use of HUDs for most work would be a waste of money and time. EDIT: Some proofreading."}, {"answer": "It's a cost issue. There are some premium (as in, expensive) motorcycle helmets that do have them like URL_1 or URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I got to tour a C-17 once at an Air Force base and I'm pretty sure someone there told me the HUDs in those aircraft cost $30,000 a piece. I'm assuming this includes the projector, the optics, and the computers that control the data. So not only can I guarantee you that what you see in cars like Corvettes and BMWs are extremely cheap knockoffs of what they have on military jets, but they'll also never be as good."}, {"answer": "Corvettes have them and some Pontiacs did for a while as well."}, {"answer": "It's not so much about the cost even, since simple projection HUD's are actually quite cheap. It's more about the amount of info you can project on the screen directly in front of the drivers eyes without distracting him, as well as reliability of the system (after all the car's dashboard is prone to vibrations that can break a more sophisticated system). Yet some guys have done it, aside from mentioned Pontiac and Chevrolet before, [Citroen has been doing]( URL_0 ) it for quite a while. Though Citroen has always been quite extravagant with their interior design."}, {"answer": "The glass on the HUD on a F-18 is made of a special grown crystal. It costs upwards of 10k per pane. This is not cost effective for the average consumer."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "459417", "title": "Head-up display", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 495, "bleu_score": 0.7020825773629337}]}]
[ { "contents": "Oday Rasheed\n\n\nother prominent film director, Mohamed Al-Daradji. The two have secured a building rent-free for three years from the Ministry of Culture, provided they do the necessary renovations. In Rasheed's words, \"We made it. And film life, you make it once and you made it. Forever. So, actually, we don't need this. The idea is to help those guys who sit in Iraq dreaming up films, but they don't know how to do it.\" As Director: Screenplay", "id": "2019667" }, { "contents": "1000hp (album)\n\n\ndo this album in our hometown,\" concluded Merrill. \"We are all born and raised in the Boston area and it was good for all of us to just soak up the atmosphere of the town and let it influence our music.\" \"We have everything there and we don't really need to go anywhere else now to either rehearse for tours or to record new music,\" said Erna who, in the first webisode of \"The Making of 1000hp\", took viewers on a guided tour of the band", "id": "5192994" }, { "contents": "Chris Roberts (skateboarder)\n\n\non skateboarding's popularity and global reach. Johnson asserted in a March 2014 interview that while the project sold products, it was not a company per se. On the Back Forty's Facebook page, the project is self-defined as a commitment to \"Becoming the voice for what skateboarding has to say for itself.\" Johnson further explained: \"We have tons of ideas that don't belong anywhere else ... Back Forty's a home for all the ideas that we have that don't really vibe with anything else that", "id": "11174884" }, { "contents": "Marc Johnson (skateboarder)\n\n\n\"About\" section of the Back Forty's Facebook page, the project is self-defined as a commitment to: \"Becoming the voice for what skateboarding has to say for itself.\" Johnson further explained: \"We have tons of ideas that don't belong anywhere else ... Back Forty's a home for all the ideas that we have that don't really vibe with anything else that we're involved in.\" Johnson appeared on episode #36 of \"The Nine Club\" hosted by Chris Roberts. While technically", "id": "4902354" }, { "contents": "US signals intelligence in the Cold War\n\n\nthe cost still would be very high for Britain, and the traditional antagonism between France and the UK would have to have been overcome. According to Urban, by 1987, the UK concluded working with the French was not a real alternative. Perhaps based on experience with the UKUSA Agreement, a British civil servant observed, \"Investing anywhere else [than the US] would have bought far less capability. The French don't even know how far behind they are.\" In 1980, U.S. intercepts of Soviet communications generated a", "id": "170944" }, { "contents": "Lorenzo Valla's Dialogue on Free Will\n\n\ncharacteristics, and that we are free to decide how we use those attributes. Lorenzo speaks about how the differences amongst our characteristics are things that God knows, and that we can not know about all of the things we don't have, and that we are best to just do all that we can to make the best of what we know we do have. The heart of Lorenzo's initial argument is that although God does know who we are and what we are going to do, we still have the ability to", "id": "15468966" }, { "contents": "I'm Glad\n\n\n, 'You're going to leave everything the way it is. That's how it wiggles and jiggles in real life, that's how they're going to see it in the video. And I noticed—[the editors] sent [the video] to me and they have shaved off a little bit of my hips and—I was like, 'That ain't me—those are not my hips. Just leave them the way they are. Do me a favor—don't touch my hips. Don't try to", "id": "19404015" }, { "contents": "Therapy (Tech N9ne EP)\n\n\njust thought it up right there. We did one called \"When Demons Come\". Everything came from getting recognition from \"Something Else\". That's how my life is. I like my life. \"So Much Love\" on \"Something Else\" had me ready for \"When Demons Come\". There's so much love you can get lost in this shit. You don't know when something's going to hit. You have to be ready with angels when demons come. Songs like that just came", "id": "15255587" }, { "contents": "Concert photography\n\n\n. Those people don't know how to photograph, their only option is to put a flash on a camera. A lot of people didn't even know how to change film, they knew they only had 36 shots. They were just doing it for the excitement of doing it. Bruce would go up on stage, and there would be 50 photographers, all shooting flashes in his face. I don't blame him, he walked off stage one night and said, we have to do something about this. Somebody", "id": "6578147" }, { "contents": "Trapt (album)\n\n\ninterview with VH1, Chris Taylor Brown stated the picture of a man mowing a lawn was selected to show the choices and results an individual can make in life. He elaborated, \"Everyone has this path they think they should take – it's the safe route. You go to college; you wake up and mow the lawn; and go to work for eight or nine hours a day. We didn't want to do that. We wanted to say that you don't have to do what everyone else does.", "id": "4046565" }, { "contents": "La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club\n\n\nimportant. We were her baby playwrights and she sat on us like eggs that would hatch. She told us that what we were doing mattered, and we wouldn't get confirmation on that anywhere else. In a 1997 interview, Stewart echoed this sentiment: I call them my kids. I'm very fortunate. They know they can come to see me whenever they want. They don't need to have appointments. And they call me on the phone from all over the world. I'd be a zero without my", "id": "2349243" }, { "contents": "Bree Hamilton\n\n\ncharacter as if you have a secret – because you will have a secret!\" To portray Bree's penultimate breakdown, Blampied researched borderline personality disorder and severe narcissism. Blampied enjoyed how Bree was portrayed in her final scene, stating: \"We don't often see Bree's vulnerable side side and when we do she's still being manipulative and deceitful ... I really like the way she ends up because there is an element of real sadness to it ... when she realises how wrong she's been.\" Blampied cared for", "id": "5780995" }, { "contents": "Amateur Athletic Union\n\n\nit as \"Horrible, terrible AAU basketball. It's stupid. It doesn't teach our kids how to play the game at all so you wind up having players that are big and they bring it up and they do all this fancy crap and they don't know how to post. They don't know the fundamentals of the game. It's stupid.\" Kobe, who moved to Italy at age 6 because of his father playing basketball there, stated that the AAU has been \"treating [amateur basketball players", "id": "1831748" }, { "contents": "Truth's Triumph\n\n\ndeliberate conjuration. \"Those frogs, grasshoppers and lice that Moses brought up in the sight of Pharoah were real living substances, but those the magicians produced were nothing but shadows.\" Tomkinson admits witches have an excellent understanding of nature and that is how they dupe those who do not. It is not wrong to say the victim is bewitched. \"The imagination of the mind doth do and conceive strong things.\" Thus, we may swoon when we see another's blood, or vomit when we see something foul,", "id": "11046394" }, { "contents": "Suzan-Lori Parks\n\n\nand Oedipus – these larger than life figures that walked the earth and spoke – and they turned them into plays. Shakespeare had kings and queens that he fashioned into his stories. Lincoln, to me, is one of those.\" Parks also believes that Lincoln \"created an opening with that hole in his head.\" She makes the case that everything we do has to pass through everything else, like the eye of a needle. She says we have all passed through the hole in Lincoln's head on our journey", "id": "1481672" }, { "contents": "Auburn Warriors\n\n\ndue to a failed sponsorship deal involving former deputy Auburn mayor Salim Mehajer. Mehajer had promised the club a payment of $100,000 but the amount was never paid. Auburn Warriors president Fedi Sleiman said \"He didn't pay us. He didn't pay a cent, \"We don't have a leagues club, we don't have the backing of anyone else, When he comes up with nothing, there's nothing we can do. We can't keep going\". As a result The NSWRL confirmed the Warriors would", "id": "13478202" }, { "contents": "Roar (1981 film)\n\n\nso much regulation, if you're working on a film and two people get injured, they come in and they shut you down. They have safety meetings and they say, 'What are we gonna do to change this situation?' If they did that to us after two bites, we would have said, 'I don't know what else we can do differently. Should we do it with dogs? I don't know!' If we wanna make a movie with lions, people are gonna", "id": "21292712" }, { "contents": "Pixies (band)\n\n\n's fragile guitar, and the persistent flush of David Lovering's drums.\" The band's music incorporates extreme dynamic shifts; Francis explained in 1991, \"Those are the two basic components of rock music ... the dreamy side and the rockin' side. It's always been either sweaty or laid back and cool. We do try to be dynamic, but it's dumbo dynamics, because we don't know how to do anything else. We can play loud or quiet—that's it\". The Pixies are", "id": "4252136" }, { "contents": "The Life You Can Save\n\n\ncataracts and have rescued many thousands of women and children from lives blighted by cleft palates or obstetric fistulas\". Scialabba concludes \"For those willing to do more than [the] bare minimum, Singer has worked out a detailed chart specifying how much everyone at every income level should give... Is this unrealistic? Maybe. But if we don't do it, our 26th-century descendants will be heartily ashamed of us.\" After the release of the book, Peter Singer founded the organization The Life You Can Save.", "id": "11050312" }, { "contents": "Terry Underwood\n\n\na tent as the master bedroom”. In her memoir, Underwood celebrates the close connection she felt with the landscape and station life stating “Riveren has captured our bodies, hearts and spirits. It lies within the heart of Australia. How privileged we are to call it home. Riveren is where I belong. I know it would not have worked anywhere else with anyone else. The middle of nowhere has become my everywhere.” Underwood saw many changes in agricultural practice during her four decades at Riveren. Riveren was subdivided", "id": "17706333" }, { "contents": "Lara Dutta\n\n\nfact that women don't speak up, they don't come to the forefront because they should be homemakers. Women today still do all of that. We always manage home, take care of family, we are still the troubleshooters, we wear multiple hats in a day, we juggle a million works, and we don't let any of them drop. But this generation of women have become more vocal, and they are empowering each other. I cannot stress enough about how essential it is to have a sisterhood", "id": "920773" }, { "contents": "4 Minutes\n\n\nthink it's important to take it too literally. I think the song, more than anything, is about having a sense of urgency; about how we are you know, living on borrowed time essentially and people are becoming much more aware of the environment and how we're destroying the planet. We can't just keep distracting ourselves we do have to educate ourselves and wake up and do something about it. You know at the same time we don't want to be boring and serious and not have fun so it", "id": "20295254" }, { "contents": "Real Life (Jake Owen song)\n\n\na series of odd-but-familiar images from small-town America: prom queens in plastic crowns, amateurish bar bands and rude Waffle House waitresses.\" According to Owen, the song is thematically about how \"In a world of materialistic things, everybody is constantly looking for what they don't have, as opposed to looking for what's real and what you have right in front of you. That's what 'What We Ain't Got' touched on…'Real Life' is about what we've got", "id": "1364450" }, { "contents": "Titanic (1953 film)\n\n\nunder contract, and we have CinemaScope, and I now want to do something big ... Don't make Clifton a clown. I want him to start a new career as a character actor. Use all the young people we have on the lot, like Audrey Dalton and Robert Wagner ...\" Reisch says he came up with the Titanic idea and pitched Clifton Webb as one of the 25 multimillionaires who died on the Titanic. He said the film would be \"60 percent truth, completely documentary\" drawing on real life accounts", "id": "19892817" }, { "contents": "Outsider (Three Days Grace album)\n\n\n\"vibe\" in order for the album to have \"a good sequence to it.\" Talking about the themes found on the album, Sanderson said \"I think there's a common thread that talks about how to navigate your way through modern life and being bombarded by information and feelings and beliefs... We don't have all the answers here, but we definitely do bring up the topic a lot.\" He also revealed that lead vocalist Matt Walst was much more involved in the songwriting, messages, and concepts than", "id": "20799142" }, { "contents": "Men in Black (film series)\n\n\nsaid it would be \"easy to pick up where we left off. We know what we are doing, we know how to do it. It's just a hell of a lot of fun.\" In July 2012, Columbia chief executive Doug Belgrad said: \"We're very pleased with the financial performance of \"Men in Black 3\", and we believe it is an ongoing franchise. We're going to do [another one], but we don't have clarity yet on how it should be done", "id": "15558806" }, { "contents": "Mark Foster (singer)\n\n\ntouring for the previous album that helped him formulate the theme behind Supermodel: \"I went to India, I spent some time in the Middle East and I went to Northern Africa — places where the priorities are completely different. Those cultures aren't focused on individuals. They're focused on communities. That changed how I will look at life. I saw people who had joy and human connections and they don't have one one-thousandth of the things we have here. But they have something we don't have,", "id": "8622026" }, { "contents": "Once in a Lifetime (Talking Heads song)\n\n\naddress \"the drudgery of living life according to social expectations, and pursuing commonly accepted trophies (a large automobile, beautiful house, beautiful wife)\". Although the singer has these trophies, he questions whether they are real and how he acquired them, a kind of existential crisis. Byrne denied that the lyrics address yuppie greed and said the song was about the unconscious: \"We operate half-awake or on autopilot and end up, whatever, with a house and family and job and everything else, and we", "id": "17199656" }, { "contents": "Dotbusters\n\n\nphone books and look up the name Patel. Have you seen how many of them there are? Do you even live in Jersey City? Do you walk down Central avenue and experience what like to be near them: we have and we just don't want it anymore. You said that they will have to start protecting themselves because the police cannot always be there. They will never do anything. They are a race physically and mentally. We are going to continue our way. We will never be stopped.", "id": "10868067" }, { "contents": "Anti-Hindu sentiment\n\n\nlook up the name Patel. Have you seen how many of them there are? Do you even live in Jersey City? Do you walk down Central avenue and experience what its [sic] like to be near them: we have and we just don't want it anymore. You said that they will have to start protecting themselves because the police cannot always be there. They will never do anything. They are a weak [sic] race physically and mentally. We are going to continue our way. We", "id": "11933674" }, { "contents": "Adam and Eve\n\n\n) and Eve (life), the Land of Nod (\"Wandering\"), and so on - are symbolic rather than real, and almost none of the persons, places and stories mentioned in it are ever met anywhere else. This has led scholars to suppose that the History forms a late composition attached to Genesis and the Pentateuch to serve as an introduction. Just how late is a subject for debate: at one extreme are those who see it as a product of the Hellenistic period, in which case it", "id": "2402702" }, { "contents": "Center for Public Integrity\n\n\nCPI's critics, and Fund specifically, arguing that \"[Fund] doesn't cite a single instance in which the Center has attempted to \"hoodwink\" government officials (or anyone else, for that matter) into thinking campaign finance is a genuinely popular issue, because he can't. We simply don't operate that way. We don't do public relations campaigns. We don't lobby Congress. We don't petition the Federal Election Commission. We don't pretend we have legions of individuals contributing money to support", "id": "3101542" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\n\"Anthology 3\". In a 1981 conversation with Hunter Davies, who had written a biography of the Beatles in 1968, McCartney responded to a Yoko Ono interview where she said McCartney had hurt Lennon more than anyone else, by saying, \"No one ever goes on about the times John hurt \"me\" ... Could I have hurt him more than the person who ran down his mother in his car?\" He then brought up Lennon's comments about \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\"", "id": "21227600" }, { "contents": "Hoffman Estates v. The Flipside, Hoffman Estates, Inc.\n\n\nThe first was to take the presumption that illegal use was intended in that kind of marketing, or at least take judicial notice. The second was in regard to the appeals court's concern about targeting certain lifestyles. \"I can't make the argument strong enough that I think under the rational interest of the community and the state we have a right to legislate against lifestyles, such as homicidal maniacs, burglars, and drug abusers ... We don't like his lifestyle in Hoffman Estates, and I don't think anywhere else", "id": "5017290" }, { "contents": "William J. Lynn III\n\n\ndirectly transferred into the force structure and modernization accounts, Lynn explained. The rest of the cost savings would come from \"\"developing efficiencies within those force structure and modernization accounts,\"\" he added. \"\"If we're able to reduce overhead accounts where we don't need those increases, shift it to the force structure and modernization accounts, we can get that 2 to 3 percent [real growth] and we can do what we think we need to do in technology refresh, modernization, protecting quality of life", "id": "6626775" }, { "contents": "Duncan Hunter 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\n, securing our border without amnesty, holding China accountable on trade, and protecting life are resonating with the voters. Our campaign is one of issues, not flash and expense. We don't have a jet or an army of consultants and paid staff. We do have the conservative message that is true. In the end, that will be what Americans want.\" Hunter participated in all televised Republican Party (GOP) debates until January 5, 2008; noted for his role in the May 15 South Carolina debate where", "id": "8763231" }, { "contents": "Lucinda Davis\n\n\ncoming to get you. The next dance could have been one of the ritual dances, but it sounds more as though Lucinda was young and didn't know reckless partying. This dance is known as the \"drunk dance\", none of the good people dance to this one. Those who do dance, fumble around \"wrasslin' and huggin'\" and they sing about going over to sleep at someone else's house, then shout \"We aren't wrong because we are drunk and don't know what we are", "id": "8976146" }, { "contents": "Beat the World Records\n\n\nfrontman Courtney Taylor-Taylor is quoted as saying \"We're terrible at business, terrible. We don't know what we're doing. It's like trying to have children run a household. We need to hook up with some indie label.\" In an interview with German magazine Catch Fire from later that same year, Logan Lynn is quoted as saying \"I love the Warhols and everybody had really great intentions going in but... No radio, no real distribution, no licensing, no PR. Without those things", "id": "2242018" }, { "contents": "Helen Fisher Frye\n\n\n, but the Kentucky School of Embalming in Louisville. I don't know for how long they had done it, but they evaded the law by having an adjoining room, an adjacent room, for the Negro students right where they could be in full view. And they were told, now you come on in this classroom with everybody else, but ever anyone comes in here and we are knowledgeable it might be a person who will check to see if we were adhering to the law, all you do is say you", "id": "13828246" }, { "contents": "Anywhere for You (John Martin song)\n\n\nAustralia. John Martin co-wrote and produced with Michel Zitron. Talking to Digital Spy about the song he said, \"Michel and I wrote it on a writing trip to LA where we rented a house and spent time reflecting on how blessed we have been for doing what we love and with the incredible experiences we have had since things really took off musically for us, it's all about what is important - friends, family and lovers back home. It's what really counts in life. It's the first", "id": "5495859" }, { "contents": "Not Your Kind of People\n\n\nas she included and filtered some of her bandmates' ideas on songwriting. \"It was a very do-it-yourself, homemade thing when it comes down to it\", Erikson explained; \"We all pitch in. Shirley had just as many comments on the guitar parts or the sound of the guitars as anybody else, and likewise, if we don't like a lyric, we say it right away.\" Many songs have a more optimistic view in life, inspired by Manson overcoming a desire to quit", "id": "21848115" }, { "contents": "Gregory Shvedov\n\n\nsince then they have transformed themselves into a professional news source. Shvedov has a simple goal for the site: Caucasian Knot is more than a news broadcasting company. In Russia and the surrounding regions, reporting on crime and corruption can be dangerous to those involved. However, through the use of free Google applications that allow the 50 or so journalists to stay connected and report remotely from anywhere, the government cannot come knocking on the door, \"We don't have a door, he explained. We don't have", "id": "10906632" }, { "contents": "Freelancer (video game)\n\n\nanywhere, group with others for missions, and trade ships and equipment, they have very little else to do in the unchanging virtual galaxy. Despite these limitations, Stratos Group said the joy of playing with real-life counterparts is a positive factor; the NPC pilots are so inept that human-controlled pilots outperform them most of the time. However, as the missions are practically the same, IGN and questioned the point of playing them repeatedly with friends. Furthermore, IGN thought it was meaningless to amass wealth and", "id": "20828186" }, { "contents": "Valentin Berlinsky\n\n\n-health. Having recruited replacements, Berlinsky insisted that the ensemble spend two years out of sight until the Borodin sound had been fully recreated. Berlinsky was a very loyal Russian. In 2000 he said: \"I have never condemned those who left. It's difficult to describe in words why I stayed, but for me it was nothing to do with cheap patriotism. It was just that Russia is my fatherland; I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.\" For much of his life he taught at the Gnessin School", "id": "16805227" }, { "contents": "Seeker After Truth\n\n\nimpulse from which the material comes and which indicates how it may be used, we would be forced to present Sufi materials like you would any other dead corpus of lore: you would rearrange, prune and present in accordance with subjective assessments. We do not have to do this, since the material itself provides the guidance to those who can descry it. The question, however, illustrates the mind of the questioner more than anything else; for it presupposes that Sufi materials are like those of any other pursuit, capable of", "id": "10081016" }, { "contents": "Bob Mellish\n\n\nwithin months of Wilson's own retirement. At one stage Mellish opened a speech by saying \"As I come to this platform, many of you will know that I have never been an anti-racialist\". In 1976 Mellish argued that the Malawi Asians expelled by Hastings Banda should not be allowed to live in Britain despite possessing British passports: We cannot go on like this. I do not care what those on this side of the House, or the Opposition side or anywhere else, say. Problems at local", "id": "14074542" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\n. People of Tamil Eelam, and Liberation Tigers... All eyes are now in the direction of Mullaiththeevu. Tamil Nadu is also emotionally only on your side. It also wants to do something else. But what can we do? We don't have a true leader like you have... Please don't leave hope. Such a leader will emerge from Tamil Nadu only in such desperate times. Until then, strengthen the hands of the Tigers. Because the 1965 anti-Hindi agitation was placed in the hands of a few", "id": "9635351" }, { "contents": "Australian Broadcasting Corporation\n\n\nthe criticism of bias because \"a lot of that criticism comes from right wing commentators and they wonder where are the strong right wing commentators on the ABC. We don't do that kind of journalism. We don't ask questions about our journalists' voting pattern and where their ideology are. We look at the journalism that they put to air and we have strong editorial standards...\" Following the interview, conservative ABC critic Andrew Bolt wrote \"How can the man heading our biggest media organisation be so blind to the ABC", "id": "2898038" }, { "contents": "Božidar Orešković\n\n\nempty hands ... we must, we need ... What do they offer? I do not know. I only see that they want to take us ... where? So we have to stay here. I want to stay here, I don't want to go somewhere else. I want to communicate, reach some standards, but I don't want to go away! I want to stay in this country, to be a particle in its formation. I want it and I will do it as an actor and therefore", "id": "9862380" }, { "contents": "Angela Barry\n\n\nLamming in his endorsement of the collection states that it \"displays an astonishing virtuosity in bringing together the multiple narratives that define the Atlantic adventure.\" Barry herself has said: \"There's a preoccupation in these stories with how we deal with difference of all kinds -- racial difference, class difference, differences of gender, and how we look at the whole notion of diaspora. These are things that have been a part of my life. Africa has been a major theme in my life, and how those of us of", "id": "18878377" }, { "contents": "Carla Connor\n\n\nSpeaking about the tone of the episode, MacLeod added: \"We're inside Carla's head, but I'm still unsure about how far we explore what's real and what's not real.\" In the run-up to the factory disaster, a determined Carla will be seen ploughing all her energies into making the business a market leader, but this ends up having fatal consequences for her workforce: \"It comes from a workaholicism story for Carla. She makes the decision that her life's priority is her work", "id": "14599265" }, { "contents": "Rodney Mullen\n\n\nsometimes I have lofty goals, my friends do—we all do, we all have goals. But, if you fix yourself to that goal, and you don't see anything else on the horizon—which is natural, 'cos that what it takes, we all have that in our personality ... but, sometimes, if you attach that to a goal that is out of your reach, and you continue to fail, it will just grind you into nothing. And if you dwell on that, it can end", "id": "16701680" }, { "contents": "Roman Polanski sexual abuse case\n\n\n, she recalled that she began to feel uncomfortable after he asked her to lie down on a bed, and described how she attempted to resist. \"I said, 'No, no. I don't want to go in there. No, I don't want to do this. No!', and then I didn't know what else to do,\" she stated, adding: \"We were alone and I didn't know what else would happen if I made a scene. So I was just", "id": "16018403" }, { "contents": "Tim Minchin\n\n\nefficacy are the key: You're in such a strong position when you understand the scientific process because all you say is, \"Do you understand that the great breakthrough of humanity was figuring out how to make decisions about things whilst discarding human foibles? So, anecdotal evidence involves all your subjectivity—if we do it like this we don't have that anymore. Why, surely do you understand how \"powerful\" that is?\" And if they don't, then that's what you have to explain to them", "id": "7243863" }, { "contents": "Jay Copeland\n\n\nit does come up but we have tried to avoid lesbian-based stories ... Of course when you have kids and stuff, that's the thing they want to talk about. My daughter wants to know if they’re lesbians in real life and how do they feel about kissing. So obviously it is an issue but not for us so much.\" Jay was at first shown to be the strong and confident one in the relationship whilst Maia was a lot more self-conscious. The two broke up following Jay's", "id": "5077470" }, { "contents": "Linda Gottfredson\n\n\nRights Act codified \"Griggs vs. Duke Power\", which said that if you have disproportionate hiring by race, you are prima facie -- that's prima facie evidence of racial discrimination. ...Differences in intelligence have real world effects, whether we think they're there or not, whether we want to wish them away or not. And we don't do anybody any good, certainly not the low-IQ people, by denying that those problems exist. While an assistant professor of Educational Studies in the late 1980s, Gottfredson", "id": "5325084" }, { "contents": "River (TV series)\n\n\nto life\". Describing how she addressed the subject of living with voices in your head, as River does, Morgan told the BBC, \"I know from myself, I talk out loud. I've got children and they say to me 'mummy, you talk to yourself all the time'. I realised how much I do have other people in my head and what a comfort they are to me. It's not just about those who experience voices through mental health, it's the voices we carry from", "id": "3240795" }, { "contents": "Jet (mathematics)\n\n\nthis isomorphism. We have defined the space formula_36 of jets at a point formula_61. The subspace of this consisting of jets of functions \"f\" such that \"f\"(\"p\") = \"q\" is denoted by If \"M\" and \"N\" are two smooth manifolds, how do we define the jet of a function formula_63? We could perhaps attempt to define such a jet by using local coordinates on \"M\" and \"N\". The disadvantage of this is that jets cannot thus be defined in", "id": "12406111" }, { "contents": "The Real Housewives of Auckland\n\n\n, \"I do not think that overt racist behaviour is a part of kiwi culture so we all need to call it out when it rears its very ugly head, People like Julia need to understand that using words like that is not how we roll here. That is not us.\" Since Devoy's remarks, the couple has contacted their lawyers who have claimed Devoy as a bully, however Devoy has since denied those claims. During the season in episode 8, titled \"You Drive Me Crazy\" which aired on", "id": "3300389" }, { "contents": "Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube?\n\n\nmore to the game than it would seem: \"There is something we haven't told everybody about when you play the cube. When you play the cube you're also doing something else. You don't realise you're doing it. [...] You're not just doing things in the cube. You don't realise it but you're doing something in something else as well at the same time.\" Peter Molyneux claimed that \"what is inside the cube is life-changingly amazing by any definition\".", "id": "6530019" }, { "contents": "1967 Intercontinental Cup\n\n\nby Argentinian fans and a battle between Argentinian and Uruguayan (who had travelled to Buenos Aires to support Celtic) fans broke out outside the stadium. Increasingly angered by events on and off the pitch, Celtic manager Jock Stein told reporters \"We [Celtic] don't want to go to Montevideo or anywhere else in South America for a third game. But we know we have to.\" As both teams were level on two points each after two legs, a play-off was required to take place at a neutral", "id": "14946871" }, { "contents": "Love Is All You Love\n\n\n, because we don't think anyone wants to hear a dark, depressing record about these times. We wanted to have that feeling of euphoria in song, because we weren't getting it anywhere else.\" They instead decided to take a more electronic approach, enlisting producer Richard X after spending most of 2017 writing the album. Emma Richardson said because the band lost their drummer after Matt Hayward left, they \"started to experiment with electric drums and acoustic drums\". Richard X helped the band experiment with a mix of", "id": "9285828" }, { "contents": "Bell Bank\n\n\nHow Bell of You,\" the bank recognizes employees for doing something nice for someone else and demonstrating Bell's core values of family atmosphere, personal service and paying it forward. Those who go above and beyond in demonstrating the company's values have a chance to win a trip to anywhere in the continental U.S. Every month, the bank holds employment anniversary luncheons for employees hired that month. And each year, Bell Bank gives employees a $500 gift card and a day off to spend with a friend or family member.", "id": "9647808" }, { "contents": "Geno Auriemma\n\n\ncoach Jim Calhoun has been called Auriemma's \"unfriendly rival\", and he once mocked the women's team's fan base as the \"world's largest nursing home.\" When asked about their relationship in 2001, Auriemma said, \"Jim has a problem with anyone else's success, not just ours. Do we get along? No, but we don't have to.\" Auriemma was named head coach of the US women's team that competed in the Junior World Championship in Brno, Czech Republic during July", "id": "659382" }, { "contents": "The Mole (series 1)\n\n\n£10,000. But there are snipers with paint guns. If the contestants are hit on their blue vest or on the head, they're dead. If they're hit anywhere else, it's a wound and they have to stop to put bandage on it. If they don't bandage it, the entire team will get disqualified. Three wounds equals death. To win the money, they have to go get Sara and return with her. If they get to Sara's location and unchain her, they can defend", "id": "19644820" }, { "contents": "American Life\n\n\nwon't bring you happiness if you don't have a lot of money? How can you say that fame and fortune are not a guarantee for happiness and joy and fulfillment in your life?' You have to have that experience to know. 'Cause you have all those things, I've had all those things, and I've had nothing but chaos around me. So I'm just sharing what I know with the world. 'Cause I do think that we've become completely consumed with being rich and famous, our", "id": "13875070" }, { "contents": "Deaths of John and Joyce Sheridan\n\n\n. \"I don't know what else was going on in his life.\" Mark Sheridan had been in regular contact with Soriano and was able to review the report in its final drafts before it was made public. He strongly disagreed with its conclusions, and expressed that opinion in news coverage. \"\"To be clear, we do not have answers to what happened to our parents,\" he said in a statement on behalf of himself and his brothers. \"Based on the evidence, neither do the investigators.", "id": "3541557" }, { "contents": "J.Lo (album)\n\n\nYou have to live your life. I don't do drugs, I don't drink or smoke or do anything like that. So, those are the type of things that people like [in] role models: 'Oh, you can't be human.' You are human.\" \"J.Lo\" is a pop album with Latin, dance-pop and R&B influences. Lopez revealed, \"I don't think what I make is real Latin pop. I make pop music that has some Latin influence.", "id": "9212500" }, { "contents": "Tree of Life (Kester)\n\n\nmillion people were killed and the war only ended when the Soviet Union collapsed and the funding ended. Kofi Annan of the United Nations said, when similar work was being discussed, \"We don't manufacture weapons, we sometimes don't even have money to buy them. How do we get these weapons to kill each other?\" This sculpture was commissioned by the British Museum in 2005 after they had purchased another sculpture called \"Throne of Weapons\" in 2002. The sculpture had been brought to England by Christian Aid's", "id": "4715993" }, { "contents": "Beyond Fear\n\n\n(laughs), so I think some of the new songs may go in that direction. We are still gonna have songs like “Save Me” but I think it will probably have some more aggression. We have been writing now, John Comprix and I, for a while, I have a lot of ideas and melodies in my head that I really can’t use anywhere else (laughs). Its nice I get to use em for Beyond Fear. I mean I have been a writer for many years", "id": "20240521" }, { "contents": "Feminist activism in hip hop\n\n\nwomen are belittled and treated differently when they are the ones that make life possible in his song Keep Ya Head Up.\"I wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time that we kill for our women, time to heal our women, be real to our women\" These lyrics uplifted women in a genre dominated by men. He displayed his feminism through his music also with Dear Mama. A few other artists in the feminist wave include Lauryn", "id": "19967579" }, { "contents": "Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975\n\n\nthey should write, or invoke, or resurrect, laws that will shut Andrew Bolt up.\" The ABC's Jonathan Holmes of Media Watch described Justice Bromberg's interpretation of the Racial Discrimination Act, and his application of it to Bolt's columns as \"profoundly disturbing\" because it reinforced concerns that 18c creates \"one particular area of public life where speech is regulated by tests that simply don't apply anywhere else, and in which judges – never, for all their pontifications, friends of free speech – get to do", "id": "591920" }, { "contents": "It Bites\n\n\n\" On 25th May 2019, Bob Dalton announced the end of the band on Facebook, stating \"unfortunately It Bites won't be touring or gigging again, we don't have any plans for anything else in the future but it was a great time and we do appreciate all of you who have followed us through the years.\" A few days after Dalton's announcement, John Mitchell revealed that neither he nor John Beck had been consulted about dissolving It Bites, and that even if the band had split up he might", "id": "1202496" }, { "contents": "The Subjection of Women\n\n\nnot must be found out in practice. In reality, we don't know what women's nature is, because it is so wrapped up in how they have been raised. Mill suggests we should test out what women can and can't do – experiment. Women are brought up to act as if they were weak, emotional, docile – a traditional prejudice. If we tried equality, we would see that there were benefits for individual women. They would be free of the unhappiness of being told what to do by", "id": "14214134" }, { "contents": "Seascape (play)\n\n\nAs Nancy cleans up, the noise of a jet flying low engulfs the stage. Charlie predicts that a jet will someday smash into a dune. Nancy expresses her desire to be near the water forever. She loves everything about it and would like to travel from beach to beach. Charlie responds negatively to her dreams. He does not want to do anything or go anywhere. Charlie's attitude angers Nancy. She points out that life is short. She threatens to have adventures on her own. Charlie's attitude changes after", "id": "3850500" }, { "contents": "Grindhouse (film)\n\n\nout because it looked so vintage and so real. He started showing it around to Eli Roth and to Edgar Wright, and they said, 'Can we do a trailer? We have an idea for a trailer!' We were like, 'Hey, let them shoot it. If we don't get around to shooting ours, we'll put theirs in the movie. If theirs come out really great, we'll put it in the movie to have some variety.' Then Rob Zombie came up to me", "id": "1239142" }, { "contents": "Travis Henry\n\n\nbe anywhere else. I owe those people something for all that happened last year. I want to clear my name there. I'm so hungry to do right there.\" On June 2, 2008, Henry was released from the Denver Broncos just one year into his five-year, $22.5 million deal. \"We did not feel his commitment to the Broncos was enough to warrant a spot on this football team,\" said head coach Mike Shanahan in a prepared statement. \"He's just too inconsistent as", "id": "7439509" }, { "contents": "Flint water crisis\n\n\nin Flint may never happen anywhere else, the factors that led to this crisis remain in place and will most certainly lead to other tragedies if we don't take steps to remedy them. We hope this report is a step in that direction.\" The Governor's office responded: \"Some findings of the report and the recommendations are similar to those of the (Flint Water Advisory Task Force and) the legislative panel and the Flint Water Interagency Coordinating Committee,\" said Gov. Rick Snyder spokeswoman Anna Heaton. \"The Governor", "id": "14177719" }, { "contents": "Great Filter\n\n\ncivilizations, thus explaining the lack of evidence for intelligent extraterrestrial life. There is no reliable evidence aliens have visited Earth and we have observed no intelligent extraterrestrial life with current technology nor has SETI found any transmissions from other civilizations. The Universe, apart from the Earth, seems \"dead\"; Hanson states: Our planet and solar system, however, don't look substantially colonized by advanced competitive life from the stars, and neither does anything else we see. To the contrary, we have had great success at explaining the", "id": "15777863" }, { "contents": "Nkosi Johnson\n\n\naccept us — we are all human beings. We are normal. We have hands. We have feet. We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else — don't be afraid of us — we are all the same!\" Nelson Mandela referred to Nkosi as an \"icon of the struggle for life.\" Together with his foster mother, Nkosi founded a refuge for HIV positive mothers and their children, Nkosi's Haven, in Johannesburg. In November 2005, Gail represented Nkosi when", "id": "1667445" }, { "contents": "Baltimore Colts relocation to Indianapolis\n\n\nBaltimore mayor Schaefer stated, \"We're not going to build a new stadium. We do not have the bonding capacity. We don't have the voters or taxpayer who can support a $60 million stadium. One-third of the people in Baltimore pay taxes. Unless private enterprise builds it, we won't build it.\" The Phoenix Metropolitan Sports Foundation, headed by real estate developer Eddie Lynch, along with Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt and other top Arizona officials, had secretly met with Irsay early in January 1984", "id": "20287285" }, { "contents": "Anatoly Tarasov\n\n\nlast. He reportedly said, \"We Swedes don't' grow up to practice like this. I don't want to die.\" According to Tretiak, \"If I let in just one puck, Tarasov would ask me the next day \"What's the matter?\" If it was my fault (and it usually appears to be the goalkeeper's fault), my punishment would follow immediately. After everybody else had gone home I had to do hundreds of lunges and somersaults. I could have cheated and not", "id": "8876127" }, { "contents": "Scorched Earth (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\n\n\n-Kahn's real life attorney, Benjamin Brafman. New showrunner Warren Leight said of the incident's inspiration for this episode, \"In this case, I don't believe we ripped from the headlines. I believe the actual story ripped us off.\" While the real life case's twists and turns made for tantalizing headline news, it wound up being \"quite annoying,\" Leight said. \"We had to do rewrites. Everything we had in our initial draft had to be changed.\" He joked that the", "id": "12592278" }, { "contents": "Romeo + Juliet\n\n\nhis next project would be: Our philosophy has always been that we think up what we need in our life, choose something creative that will make that life fulfilling, and then follow that road. With \"Romeo and Juliet\" what I wanted to do was to look at the way in which Shakespeare might make a movie of one of his plays if he was a director. How would he make it? We don't know a lot about Shakespeare, but we do know he would make a 'movie' movie", "id": "21256639" }, { "contents": "Digital pet\n\n\ngun being held to a real dog's head and the line, \"If you don't buy this magazine, we'll kill this dog.\" Some people suggest that digital pets are preferable for a number of reasons. Having a digital pet in place of a real pet ensures real pets do not have to suffer, and it is arguably training before adopting a real pet. PETA has suggested that robotic animals can help people recognize that they are not up to the commitment of caring for a real animal. Another argument", "id": "11315364" }, { "contents": "Messabout\n\n\nreach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not. Messabouts are usually attended by a group of people who have taken up boat building, boating and all things boat-related as their primary hobby. While many people have been at this hobby for quite some time, the advent of", "id": "18347600" }, { "contents": "Sensics\n\n\nto create head mounted displays that have more pixels than products that use a single micro-display. This is conceptually similar to how individual computers can be connected together in the field of grid computing. For instance, several micro displays with 800x600 pixel resolution can be blended into a 1920x1080 image. An example of such a product is the xSight. Sensics' products, as do other head-mounted displays, are typically used with peripherals such as those that perform motion tracking and eye tracking. The company's products are being", "id": "20802950" }, { "contents": "Gok Wan\n\n\nas suffering from anorexia by a doctor. Under the supervision of his family he began to eat more and slowly increased to a healthier weight. Despite the sudden change, he had no problem with having been overweight, later reflecting: \"I don't regret having been fat at all. I know how to throw jokes at myself and I use humour before anything else, and those skills allow me to do the chat-shows. So I'm thankful for that.\" He even lamented that, after losing weight,", "id": "17972318" }, { "contents": "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act\n\n\npolitical campaign by Mitt Romney in May 2007 in Des Moines, Iowa. Romney said, \"In my state, I worked on healthcare for some time. We had half a million people without insurance, and I said, 'How can we get those people insured without raising taxes and without having government take over healthcare?' And let me tell you, if we don't do it, the Democrats will. If the Democrats do it, it will be socialized medicine; it'll be government-managed care.", "id": "9602055" }, { "contents": "Tupelo Honey\n\n\nNew Spotlight\" magazine at the time, Morrison's wife, Janet Planet referred to Morrison's dislike of socializing at this time: \"Really he is a recluse. He is quiet. We never go anywhere. We don't go to parties. We never go out. We have an incredibly quiet life and going on the road is the only excitement we have.\" Although Morrison said that the songs on the album \"had been hanging around \" and according to biographer Steve Turner they were written in Woodstock, musician", "id": "15793656" }, { "contents": "David M. Stern\n\n\n, I think that really is the dream.\" He has also noted that on the show, \"We [the staff] have a lot of horror comedy elements that I don't see anywhere else. I wrote for \"The Simpsons\" for a few years, and \"Treehouse of Horror\" was always the highlight of the year, but I always sort of wanted more of that. But because of the structure of \"The Simpsons\", it wasn't really possible, being it was so specifically based on", "id": "16930378" }, { "contents": "Anti (album)\n\n\ndoing what we do, and we get to make music to it. Speaking of the album's production and style, Harrell stated that artists such as Rihanna have been talking a stance and stepping away from the popular music of the time and the expectations of her label, directors and radio, stating, \"I don't want to make what everybody else is making. I want to make what I want to make. I know my fans will love it because my fans are loyal to me, but if everybody else", "id": "936027" }, { "contents": "Paul Dirac\n\n\n, just as a conjecture, that the chance life starting when we have got suitable physical conditions is 10. I don't have any logical reason for proposing this figure, I just want you to consider it as a possibility. Under those conditions ... it is almost certain that life would not have started. And I feel that under those conditions it will be necessary to assume the existence of a god to start off life. I would like, therefore, to set up this connexion between the existence of a god and", "id": "4968345" }, { "contents": "The Medullary Paralysis\n\n\n, loneliness, victimism, depression as an escape excuse, empathy and controversial ideals in their music to expose their points of view of an alternative vision of the world. The band has the following quote about their concept and main slogan: \"The Medullary Paralysis is an idiosyncratic lifestyle. We don't drink, we don't take drugs, we don't have mechanical sex. The problem is addiction. We have a new vision about how to enjoy life. We hate victimism and we practice compassion. Latex is nothing special", "id": "3019595" }, { "contents": "Sling TV\n\n\nservice's approach required Dish to be selective in how it built the service's lineup, stating that \"it would have been easy for us to do deals earlier on if we just agreed to say 'let’s just take these big pay TV packages and put them online.' We would have ended up with $60 or $70 bundles. We don't think that is the way to reach that demographic. We spent a lot of time working with programmers to make sure we had smaller bundles, lower costs and", "id": "17032371" }, { "contents": "Fancy Bear\n\n\ndomains. In its announcement Microsoft advised that \"we currently have no evidence these domains were used in any successful attacks before the DCU transferred control of them, nor do we have evidence to indicate the identity of the ultimate targets of any planned attack involving these domains\". According to the August 2018 report by the Associated Press, Fancy Bear had been for years targeting the email correspondence of the officials of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople headed by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. The publication appeared at a time of heightened tensions between the", "id": "16878205" }, { "contents": "John Simmons (actor)\n\n\nreally wanted to do anything else. \"I wanted to have a comedy group, but it didn't seem right. It didn't seem like it was attainable, for some reason. There's no career path for comedy, is there? You don't go to Slapstick University. Comedy was a real fringe area when I was growing up; stand-up comedy wasn't especially popular then. And improv comedy today is still considered a stepchild to stand-up.\" In 1980, following the year abroad,", "id": "22091820" }, { "contents": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\n\n\nthey've blown those doors wide open.\" He added, \"We have relatively free rein [in what the series can introduce and connect to]; we just can't go anywhere that [the films are] going. They know their stories so much further out than we do, which is good for us to tee up things that we know are coming to them or avoid things that they want to be special on the big screen. As long as we are not covering bases that they're going to cover", "id": "20849878" }, { "contents": "2010 Fiesta Bowl\n\n\n2009 Sugar Bowl (prior to the game, non-AQ teams were 3–1 versus AQ teams in BCS bowls). In response, Fiesta Bowl CEO John Junker called those allegations \"the biggest load of crap that I've ever heard in my life\" and said that \"[w]e're in the business of doing things that are on behalf of our bowl game and we don't do the bidding of someone else to our detriment.\" This was a rematch of the Poinsettia Bowl from the previous season. In the weeks", "id": "169335" }, { "contents": "Rooms on Fire\n\n\n, she will never have children, she will never do those [that] part of life.\"\" The song, according to the liner notes of \"\", was inspired by Nicks's brief relationship with Rupert Hine. \"\"The night I met Rupert Hine was a dangerous one. He was different from anyone else I had ever known...He was older, and he was smarter, and we both knew it. I hired him to do the album before we even started talking about music. It seemed", "id": "3267404" } ]
Why do Mac users always give the advice of having more and more ram to improve your computer, while windows users say once you have 4gb, you're good (or 8 go for some things, but more than that is excessive unless you're doing something very highly specialized).
[{"answer": "Because neither of the users you are hearing this from know what the fuck they're talking about"}, {"answer": "Who is telling you this? I mean in reality more ram is always better. Over 4gb isn't wasted in windows anymore. It obviously depends on what you are going to use your computer for though. I'd say 8 gb is a good number now days but 4 would work fine if you aren't doing anything intensive. SSD is always a great boost to boot times but that's really all it adds."}, {"answer": "Macs are often used for things like Photoshop and Video Editing etc. Those types of programs require a lot of ram to function efficiently. However, PC's also can also be used to run these types of programs and will need the extra ram just as much as the macs..."}, {"answer": "Whatever might have been the case in the past, the advice you cite is wrong. (As I imagine you realize.) Both Windows 8 and Mac OS X 10.9 and up are very efficient with RAM. Four gigabytes is probably sufficient if you don't *know* a specific reason you need more. On systems where XP or even 7 had trouble running with 2gb, you'll likely find 8 runs better. Likewise but maybe slightly less so, OS X 10.9+ works well with 2gb. Mac OS accomplishes this by, IIRC, compressing the content of RAM and using quite fast solid-state memory in nearly all current laptops and some desktops to handle virtual RAM needs; windows mostly by being very efficient --possibly due to it being designed to run on a wide range of hardware types, now-- with the RAM it does use - i.e. needing less to start with. The reasons for this shift are interesting, I think. And here's what I suspect drove the changes: prior to these latest versions of OSs, RAM and CPU efficiency wasn't of high importance to manufacturers since... 1. users were accustomed to updating components or systems every ~3 years, which is good for computer companies, so no incentive to make things more efficient 2. Increases in CPU capability were easy and everyone could expect next year's PCs to be a lot more powerful than this years 3. the current desires for longer battery life, less heat and power usage, and the ability to run full powered OSs on less than full powered devices weren't things enough people wanted. That is all now changed. I now welcome the deserved criticisms on the accuracy of my post, of which I'm sure there are many."}, {"answer": "I'm a long time Mac (and Windows) user and while I would generally advise people to upgrade their RAM as the 'most bang for the buck' to speed up their computer operation, an SSD drive would be a close second. The 4GB limitation would be a holdover from 32-bit OSes. My mac is only 32-bit and if I put in 4GB of RAM it will only address 3.5GB of it. This sounds like one of those rules-of-thumb that has just become outdated."}, {"answer": "Pretty simple answer: both groups giving you advice are morons. If you're having performance issues with your machine, *regardless of platform choice*, you should diagnose the cause of the issue and act accordingly. If you're buying a new machine, 8gb+ and an SSD are a no brainer. Again, regardless of platform choice."}, {"answer": "I am not sure about windows, but osx and Linux use ram to cache opened file data. Reading the same file a second time is very efficient if the data has not been evicted. Perhaps windows is not as aggressive in caching file data?"}, {"answer": "For most users, 4 GB of RAM is sufficient to run programs smoothly and efficiently. Depending on the application, 4 GB might not cut it. For example, photographers with heavy duty applications like Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator might require more memory if you're working with large graphics files. The situation that you want to avoid is paging. Your computer (regardless of OS) virtualizes the total capacity of your RAM. So let's say you have 4 GB of physical memory ... this doesn't mean that you're limited to 4 GB. Virtualization allows the OS to allocate more memory (but is resident on your hard disk rather than DRAM). If you exceed the initial 4 GB of memory (stored in DRAM), the OS will start using your hard disk like RAM (but much slower). TL;DR: It all depends on your needs. Having more memory won't hurt and will help you avoid paging if you're using heavy duty programs."}, {"answer": "Depends on your usage. Without knowing what you will use it for it doesn't make sense answering the question. Also the boost an ssd gives you is very different from the boost of more ram. An ssd lets you access your files and programs faster. Thats it. Ram lets you save more information at the same time in a very fast accessible memory (so yeah, faster than ssd). If you experience performance issues with a program an ssd won't help you. More ram or a better cpu will."}, {"answer": "The amount of RAM doesn't affect your performance if you don't use it. i.e if you have 16GB RAM and only use 2GB the excessive 14GB RAM is a a waste, although you can have a few GB as a safety margin. What will boost you performance is the speed of the RAM. Higher Hz = better performance. If you are doing heavier stuff i recommend 1600Hz or higher."}, {"answer": "Most people running windows until recently (5ish years?) were running the 32 bit version which could only address (use) 4GB of ram. I haven't used windows in a long time, so I'm not sure which version went mostly 64 bit but I think it was Windows 7. Mac OS however went 64 bit a while earlier allowing the OS to use more than the 4GB."}, {"answer": "Absolutely no PC users say that 4gb is all you need. 4gb is good if you play no games and only use the PC for writing up papers, very basic work programs, and browsing the internet. If you game the standard is 8gb and 12 is preferred."}, {"answer": "OS X dumps everything into memory and keeps it there. That is until you're out and it has to recycle. Windows returns it usually."}, {"answer": "My mac seems very ram hungry. It will use as much as it can."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4705441", "title": "Mac gaming", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 271, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 573, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Internet activism\n\n\nall well and good in the past. Now it's a recipe for disaster ... You can choose to have a Stalinist structure that's really doctrinaire and that's really opposed to grassroots. Or you can say, 'Go forth. Do what you're going to do.' As long as we're running in the same direction, it's much better to give some freedom.\" Two-thirds of Internet users under the age of 30 have a SNS, and during the 2008 election, half of them used", "id": "9775975" }, { "contents": "Lufia: The Ruins of Lore\n\n\nup when they are hit by an enemy. In your new merged state, you lose control of the character but gain two abilities. The first is invincibility: while you're merged with your monster partner, you can not be hurt or given status ailments in any way. The second is a special attack (depends on what form you're in) that may or may not do more damage than your characters normally can: this same move is repeated until all three turns pass. Once three turns go by, you", "id": "13951540" }, { "contents": "Calvin Valentine\n\n\nthing, the drama thing, or even fail - I'd rather go over and fail and have them say, 'You're not good enough, your accent's not right or your look's not right' - at least then I'd know and I'd have it out of my head. I always believe you regret the things you don't do. I don't want what-ifs hanging over me.\" Calvin first appeared as an honest, kind-hearted policeman. However, in 2008, the", "id": "14807655" }, { "contents": "Future Islands\n\n\ncan stand on the street and perform for 30 minutes with some weird thing you came up with off the top of your head, act out a play to no one but people are going to walk by and you're going to get a reaction. They may not get what you're doing or care about what you're doing, but there's something, you sparked something in their heads. And that's an exciting thing, to look into people's eyes. There's no expectation—you can create a memory", "id": "9059739" }, { "contents": "Stadium Arcadium\n\n\nsays \"she's doing something different, she's doing so many vocals that there is never a space. Whenever one voice stops, another one does something in its place. There's very little space, and there are so many vocal parts that are breathy, you don't know what you're listening to. There is so much going on, you can't hear her voice with your conscience, you have to hear it with your subconscience. Some of them have a watery sound, then metallic, she really", "id": "7243109" }, { "contents": "Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube?\n\n\nmore to the game than it would seem: \"There is something we haven't told everybody about when you play the cube. When you play the cube you're also doing something else. You don't realise you're doing it. [...] You're not just doing things in the cube. You don't realise it but you're doing something in something else as well at the same time.\" Peter Molyneux claimed that \"what is inside the cube is life-changingly amazing by any definition\".", "id": "6530019" }, { "contents": "Cyc\n\n\nslightly more confused than you, the user, are about the subject. The user's role is to observe the Cyc avatar and give it advice, correct its errors, mentor it, get it to see what it's doing wrong, etc. As the user gives good advice, Cyc allows the avatar to make fewer mistakes of that type, hence, from the user's point of view, it seems as though the user has just successfully taught it something. This is a variation of Learning by Teaching. The", "id": "7036683" }, { "contents": "Doug Hart\n\n\nrookie for $500 a week. That was more money than I’d ever seen in my life.\" As was the case with many of his players, Lombardi left a lasting impression upon Hart: \"I think of Coach Lombardi and his philosophies in one way or another almost every day...He taught us to do your very best at whatever you're doing. He always said, 'When you walk off this field, you want to have those people in the stands say they just saw the very best playing", "id": "13424089" }, { "contents": "Renegades (band)\n\n\nmassive, amazing marketing plan, it wasn’t that calculated but it was just a way of us going back to doing some very small shows away from the usual Feeder thing and not having to play all the usual songs we always have to play. Not that we hate them, it’s just nice to do something different sometimes and be able to play a whole album live, which we haven’t done since our first album. The more albums you do and the more singles you have, that steadily becomes your set", "id": "16620807" }, { "contents": "Irenaeus (Susemihl)\n\n\n. Then he talked to me a couple times. Always like this. Then he says, 'Well, you know, I'll tell you what. You don't owe me any money... And if you need some more, I can give you some more... Don't worry about it. You're going to have to have a few things, this and that.' And this is how it started. In 1999, Col. Trofimoff boasted that he routinely smuggled every classified document he could obtain home to", "id": "3472019" }, { "contents": "Rush Hour 3\n\n\nthe series.\" Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" was slightly more positive giving the film two stars and saying, \"...once you realize it's only going to be so good, you settle back and enjoy that modest degree of goodness, which is at least not badness, and besides, if you're watching \"Rush Hour 3\", you obviously didn't have anything better to do, anyway.\" James Berardinelli of \"ReelViews\" gave the film one-and-a-half", "id": "19087890" }, { "contents": "Superman: Earth One\n\n\n. He looks at it and says, in essence, 'Shouldn't there be a mask?' She says no, that 'when people see how powerful you are, all the things you can do, they're going to be terrified ... unless they can see your face, and see there that you mean them no harm. The mask ... is that what you're going to have to wear the rest of your life.\" Straczynski introduced a new villain character with a connection to Krypton, who was used", "id": "12815421" }, { "contents": "Google Native Client\n\n\n, saying: \"if you have to do something inside a browser, Native Client is much more interesting as something that started out as a really pretty darn clever x86 hack in the way that they could sandbox all of this in user mode interestingly. It's now dynamic recompilation, but something that you program in C or C++ and it compiles down to something that's going to be not your -O4 optimization level for completely native code but pretty damn close to native code. You could do all of your evil pointer chasings", "id": "14856955" }, { "contents": "Hermann Niebuhr\n\n\nHome, which encapsulated the nightly journeys from his studio in Fordsburg to his house in Kensington. It resulted in a beautiful, almost dreamlike overview at the Absa Gallery, full of blurred visions and shattered lights, a kind of Edward Hopper for the 21st century. The new paintings seem to go even deeper. “As your language develops you're able to describe more authentically the things you can see,\" says Niebuhr. “That's what I'm doing now. I go into the buildings. And once you're", "id": "20424797" }, { "contents": "Joseph Kittinger\n\n\nfeet before stepping off. Of the jumps from \"Excelsior\", Kittinger said: There's no way you can visualize the speed. There's nothing you can see to see how fast you're going. You have no depth perception. If you're in a car driving down the road and you close your eyes, you have no idea what your speed is. It's the same thing if you're free falling from space. There are no signposts. You know you are going very fast, but you do", "id": "5378786" }, { "contents": "Patsy Cline\n\n\nthat bar... If you're going to be a country singer, and if you're not going to copy her – and most people do come to town doing just that – then you have to be aware of her technique. It's always good to know what was in the past, because someone might think they're pretty hot until they hear her... It gives all the female singers coming in something to gauge their talents against. And I expect it will forever.\" When Cline made her first commercial recordings in", "id": "7095029" }, { "contents": "Everything's Fine (Jean Grae and Quelle Chris album)\n\n\nWhen asked why they chose to work together on the album Chris told Uproxx, \"We're together all the time anyway, so it's not like you have to set times to link up or anything. It's like, 'Oh, let's just make an album!'\" Explaining the title Grae says, \"As you get older, it tends to be a response that you give more and more without realizing that you're even doing it. You're like, 'Everything's fine,' but", "id": "7826456" }, { "contents": "The Miracle (1959 film)\n\n\nmy way. I wanted things to be artistically wonderful, and when I worked with a bad director when I did with \"The Miracle\", I was jumping all over him and saying, \"No, you can't do that\" and \"No, you're not going to have me do this.\" I was very difficult. He worked with Bette Davis and she was difficult, so I guess the studio thought he would be able to handle me. Obviously I was more difficult than Bette Davis.\"", "id": "11165128" }, { "contents": "Pat Robertson controversies\n\n\nhis cohorts have given us for years a prosperity gospel with more in common with an Asherah pole than a cross.\" Following a backlash over Robertson's advice, Robertson said, \"Basically I'm saying, adultery is not a good thing and you might as well straighten your life out and the only way to do it is to kind of get your affair with your wife in order. ... I was not giving advice to the whole world and nor was I counseling anybody to be unscriptural and leave their spouse. ...", "id": "9575328" }, { "contents": "Chloe Dallimore\n\n\nand Chloe Dallimore have both carved out a place for themselves as icons in Australian showbiz – and more specifically they are icons of the Australian musical theatre. Their resumes are spectacularly diverse. Between the two of them, they have played some of the greatest roles ever written for the stage.Mel Brooks the writer/creator of \"The Producers\" commented to Dallimore in the role of Ulla, \"I love what you're doing in the show. Love your comic timing. The way you say you're going to belt", "id": "14565727" }, { "contents": "The Dark Swan\n\n\n. She steals a woman's candy bar, and is approached by an usher, who tells Emma \"Don't do it\". She expects him to reprimand her, but he instead offers her advice by saying, \"When you do something that you're not supposed to do, even if you're doing it for the right reason, bad things will happen\". He also mentions that she will have the opportunity to remove Excalibur from its stone and warns her not to touch it, just before he disappears.", "id": "6144571" }, { "contents": "Now You Know (Desperate Housewives)\n\n\nnotes, \"we established from very early on that she's suffering from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, so we never once let the audience think she's going to die. It's more about examining how your friends and family react to you when you're sick.\" \"We don't want to do some ridiculous she-might-die thing. That's not our point in dealing with the disease. It was mostly to see what being sick does to you and the people around you.\" From this", "id": "21988718" }, { "contents": "Some Kind of Trouble\n\n\n. My new songs are more optimistic. One thing I did learn is that your artistic credibility goes out the window when you have a record that big. 'You're Beautiful' meant something to me, but to most people, it's a song they sing when they're drunk.\" In an interview with \"Robert Copsey\" from Digital Spy, Blunt describes the album, saying \"It's got a certain innocence to it, which my last album didn't have. It doesn't sound like the current", "id": "17556248" }, { "contents": "G.I. Jeff\n\n\nI thought they'd have more problems than they did with the idea of Jeff Winger's G.I. Joe character accidentally killing people. But they were cool with that! More power to them, because they were very, very gracious with their product. That's really cool too, because you're accustomed in TV that if someone pulls out a Snickers bar, it always says 'Snookers.' So the weird thing is that when you see actual branding like that, it hits your brain like it's kind of revolutionary.", "id": "14427643" }, { "contents": "Rachel Maddow\n\n\nare.\" Maddow often begins her broadcast with a monologue, some of these have extended over twenty minutes. About this process she has said, \"The thing that defines whether or not you're good at this work is whether you have something to say when it's time to say something. Because you're going to have to say something when that light goes on...I want to have something to say that people don't already know every single night, every single segment, and that makes it hard to get", "id": "13083357" }, { "contents": "Windows RT\n\n\nthat Windows RT was ultimately designed to provide a \"closed, turnkey\" user experience, \"where it doesn't have all the flexibility of Windows, but it has the power of Office and then all the new style applications. So you could give it to your kid and he's not going to load it up with a bunch of toolbars accidentally out of Internet Explorer and then come to you later and say, 'why am I getting all these pop-ups?' It just isn't capable of doing that", "id": "15672382" }, { "contents": "Messabout\n\n\nreach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not. Messabouts are usually attended by a group of people who have taken up boat building, boating and all things boat-related as their primary hobby. While many people have been at this hobby for quite some time, the advent of", "id": "18347600" }, { "contents": "Zoe Slater\n\n\n, 'You're young, so get out there. Now's the time to go for it. You're only young once and you can't stay here forever.' \"I've grown up in EastEnders. I've been here for five years, so I will miss everybody. But you get that feeling and when you know it's time to spread your wings and fly, you need to do that. Everyone says I'm doing the right thing.\" Her exit storyline was revealed saying,\"She leaves because she", "id": "19176466" }, { "contents": "Greg Ritchie\n\n\nhelping Queensland win. His form was so good there was some talk Ritchie might make the 1989 Ashes squad. \"I think it's not really up to me to give an opinion,\" he said. \"It's like me saying 'you've done a good job as a journo, how do you rate your promotion prospects?' — you're not going to answer that... [But] I'm playing better cricket than I ever have before. This season I've gone out to simply enjoy the game", "id": "5807338" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nof the African-American vote (about half a million more votes than Mitt Romney received in 2012). Starting in July and August, in an effort to improve his appeal to black Americans and make a direct appeal for their votes, Trump was vocal in expressing concern for their situations. Speaking in Virginia on August 23, 2016, Trump said, \"You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed – what the hell do you", "id": "2936088" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "HP LaserJet\n\n\njam or out-of-paper condition. The actual application of the button was supposed to be far more intuitive than any possible written description – basically, the button tells the printer \"whatever you're doing now, do the next most logical thing\"). This interface was supposed to be easier for new and casual users to understand and use, but it was also much less powerful, as in any case there is only one thing a user can make the printer do. Until the user becomes familiar with the", "id": "18314362" }, { "contents": "This House Is Not for Sale Tour\n\n\n're doing a lot more stuff in the round to have some people around us as well, which I think we always loved ... to have actual fans behind you as you're playing, and it's quite simple and it's movable,\" he said. \"There's a lot of motion that goes with the songs. ... We're rehearsing it now and trying to get used to it. When you're onstage, you see it a little differently than when you're in the audience\". This is the", "id": "17271096" }, { "contents": "Sinful Attraction Tour\n\n\nbe different when you have a big catalog. Why not give different songs an opportunity to come out and play?… \"[On the band and crew]\" There will be long days and long hours; everyone has to have their chops up for a lot of songs. Once you've been playing for a while, four weeks into a tour, your chops are tight and you know a lot more songs. But when you're starting you have to really build your repertoire back up – and the light guys", "id": "2747779" }, { "contents": "José Padilla (prisoner)\n\n\nthink you have to put it in the context of federal conspiracy law, where the government doesn't have to prove that something happened, but just that people agree that something should happen in the future. In this case, it was even more strained. The crime charged in this case was actually an agreement to agree to do something in the future. So when you're dealing with a charge like that, you're not going to have—or the government's not going to be required to produce the kind of", "id": "278007" }, { "contents": "The Labyrinth of Time\n\n\nfor a while, the game has enough bite to keep you enthralled for as long as you're prepared to put the effort in, with puzzles and problems to tax experienced and neophyte adventurers alike\". In February 1994, \"PC Zone\" also recommended the game, giving it a score of 89 out of 100. Reviewer Paul Presley criticized the game's \"less than user-friendly interface\", stating that there's \"far too many mouse clicks to do far too few things\", while highly praised the", "id": "15864603" }, { "contents": "Leah Remini\n\n\nyou are when you're in something like this. You can't pretend to be something you're not. You have to know your brand. You can't be all things to everyone.\" Osbourne replied to criticism about the refusal to inform Remini and Peete why they were let go, rhetorically stating, \"Why should we call them to discuss?\" In March 2012, a heavily publicized Twitter dispute ignited between Remini and Osbourne when Remini fired back at Osbourne for her comments on \"The Howard Stern Show\".", "id": "12512573" }, { "contents": "Test Drive 5\n\n\nimmediately goes flying out of control. While this seems reasonable (if a tad excessive), the same trick just doesn't work if you try to do it back. Shove an opponent's car from behind, and you're a lot more likely to end up in the ditch than he is. [...] The way it is, the most you'll get is about three or four races before the computer pulls a dirty trick so foul that you'll turn your computer off in disgust.\" Ward concluded that", "id": "16247969" }, { "contents": "The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor\n\n\ncareful, Elizabeth Allen. You're very good at making enemies, but as you found last term, that only makes things difficult for you and your friends. Arabella's a silly, empty-headed doll. You let Whyteleafe deal with her and don't try to cure her all by yourself\", Thankfully school restarts soon and Elizabeth won't have to have anything to do with Arabella unless she wants to. As well as Arabella, there are three new students that term; two boys and one girl. Martin", "id": "20782441" }, { "contents": "Demon Days\n\n\nchoir or string section or guitarist – are specialized in what they do. All you have to do is figure out the best thing they're doing and how it's going to fit within the context of the whole project. That goes back to putting together a song on a computer-based program. You're looking for all the parts that are going to make something sound right. It's also being able to communicate. I had done stuff before Gorillaz – like the Pelican City stuff – where I worked with musicians", "id": "12869281" }, { "contents": "Mark McGowan (performance artist)\n\n\n, saying \"Moat was a bad man, he killed people. That's inappropriate, more than inappropriate, you can't go round expressing anger in that way, it's just wrong. There's no way in the world that I'd want to hurt anyone, but being an artist, that's always difficult. Being a witness to your times is very challenging, it's difficult not to affect people if you are doing your job. One of the things that people have a problem with is art as a", "id": "18500401" }, { "contents": "The Weight\n\n\nBuñuel would make films that had these religious connotations to them but it wasn't necessarily a religious meaning. In Buñuel there were these people trying to be good and it's impossible to be good. In \"The Weight\" it was this very simple thing. Someone says, \"Listen, would you do me this favour? When you get there will you say 'hello' to somebody or will you give somebody this or will you pick up one of these for me? Oh? You're going to Nazareth,", "id": "11574657" }, { "contents": "Tim Minchin\n\n\nefficacy are the key: You're in such a strong position when you understand the scientific process because all you say is, \"Do you understand that the great breakthrough of humanity was figuring out how to make decisions about things whilst discarding human foibles? So, anecdotal evidence involves all your subjectivity—if we do it like this we don't have that anymore. Why, surely do you understand how \"powerful\" that is?\" And if they don't, then that's what you have to explain to them", "id": "7243863" }, { "contents": "Maria Sharapova\n\n\n, I woke up, and I was just so happy to be going back on the court. I felt so fresh, full of energy, just with a really good perspective. Times change, obviously. I see myself playing this sport for many more years because it's something that gives me the most pleasure in my life. I think it helps when you know you're good at something, and you can always improve it. It obviously helps with the encouragement.\" Although a United States resident since 1994,", "id": "3416223" }, { "contents": "The Silent House (2010 film)\n\n\ndownstairs. They kiss each other and have a conversation: Nestor tells Laura that he loves her and only called her father in order to see her. Laura mentions his pictures and asks: \"Do you miss her? Do you want to tell her something? She is here now.\" In a mirror, the little girl is visible, appearing to be in the room. During the conversation, Laura becomes more and more aggressive until she finally shouts and says, \"You two killed my baby. You're going", "id": "3872987" }, { "contents": "Robert Smith (singer)\n\n\nday job so that the couple would not have to spend so much time apart. Smith told \"The Face\" that he had once left a video camera running in their home \"and after a couple of hours you forget that it's on and I was quite horrified at the amount of rubbish we say to each other. It's like listening to mental people ... I feel more natural in the company of people who are mentally unbalanced because you're always more alert, wondering what they're going to do next...", "id": "17750711" }, { "contents": "Helen Thomas\n\n\nthe CNN interview: \"Why do they [Jews] have to go anywhere? They aren't being persecuted! They don't have the right to take other people's land.\" When asked if she regretted the comment, she said: \"We have organized lobbyists in favor of Israel, you can't open your mouth. I can call the president of the United States anything in the book, but you say one thing about Israel and you're off limits.\" On June 4, Thomas posted the following", "id": "9127476" }, { "contents": "2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture\n\n\nto the film: it responds \"I'm sorry I can't do that\" when asked to \"open the pod bay doors\". When asked repeatedly, it may say, \"Without your space helmet, you're going to find this rather... breathtaking.\". The iPhone 6 version also included some references to HAL: initially, when the user said it was \"good\", it sometimes repeated what HAL says to the BBC interviewer about himself, then, when the user asked her to search information about", "id": "352078" }, { "contents": "You and Me Both\n\n\nwas persuaded that it would not be a good idea to do the same thing again only a year later. Moyet said, \"I think the second album happened because of advice from his publisher, because Vince'd done one album with Depeche and had walked, and then he'd done one album with me and he was ready to walk then. I think that his publisher was going, 'You're mad – you shouldn't be doing this, you should make at least one more record'. But even as we", "id": "10312996" }, { "contents": "Mike McCarley\n\n\n’re part of a team. And when the team wins, you win.” McCarley's leadership style is collaborative. “I encourage our employees to ask questions. Why did we do something a certain way? Why did we make this decision; I don’t understand this. Because the more you understand those decisions and how certain things connect to the ultimate goals of the company, the better you’re going to be at your job, and the more opportunity you’re going to have in your career.” According", "id": "11476397" }, { "contents": "Cam Neely\n\n\npoints more than doubled his previous year's performance. In the same season, he also spent 143 minutes in the penalty box Mike Milbury said, 'I want you to think about what you're doing by putting yourself into the penalty box. If you're going to fight, make sure it's on your terms and not just because someone is challenging you.' He was trying to make me understand who I was going in the box with. He'd say, 'I don't want to take away from", "id": "4188328" }, { "contents": "Where We're Meant to Be\n\n\nin stressing out about it. Howard says of the theme that \"one of the most important aspects is to just live your life regardless of what's happening around you. If you're worried or stressed out about something, it's not going to do any good to shut down and not keep moving on. And whether the situation turns out good or bad, there was still so much wasted time in that interim. It's not how much time you have; it's how you \"use\" that time that", "id": "20890326" }, { "contents": "Peter Stone\n\n\nto write three or four more musicals. \"'The Peter Principle'--this notion that as soon as you get good at something, you're promoted to something you're not good at--isn't going to work here,\" he said. \"I'm good at writing book musicals and I'm going to keep writing them. I know I'm not going to sit down and write the Great American Play, but I hope to do the Great American Musical. Maybe I've already done it.\" Stone had one last", "id": "3840381" }, { "contents": "Sridhar Tayur\n\n\nhow doing “something new” is a joy in itself:There's a certain self-satisfaction to being clever for its own sake. It has nothing to do whether you helped somebody or made money or got a prize. All of those things matter. But there’s this joy when you're sitting alone in your room and you say, “Aha! I thought about something in a new way.” From the Harvard Business School Case \"OrganJet and GuardianWings\": On why he created “OrganJet and GuardianWings”:I", "id": "3148490" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous recovery\n\n\nthat you do not have because your family can't afford it when you were young, you could believe that \"things in life are hard to come by\". When you're an adult another situation could arise that is similar, and the recovery of that association and inner response can show up spontaneously as jealousy again. It is why a lot of people say to themselves, \"where does this feeling come from\" or, \"Why did I do that?\" A lot of human reactions are from spontaneous recovery", "id": "9114540" }, { "contents": "Bree Hamilton\n\n\n-consciousness. Blampied enjoyed playing such a complex character, stating: \"It's definitely a lot more interesting than always being the nice guy because you do get to say and do some things you would never do and it's the furthest thing from my personal character and demeanor, so it is quite a turnaround.\" Blampied went on to explain her mixed opinions of Bree: \"I obviously don't agree with what she's doing. Sometimes I read the script and go, 'Why are you doing that?", "id": "5780993" }, { "contents": "Live Seventy Nine\n\n\ndon't think we would have signed Hawkwind if it weren't for Motorhead, I can't say I was that interested... Once you run a record label and you're employing people, you have to make good commercial decisions - you can't turn away business, even if the business isn't what you particularly want to do\". The music is more energetic and aggressive than the previous albums released on Charisma Records and the album benefited in the rise in popularity of NWOBHM at the time. \"Shot Down in the", "id": "10764927" }, { "contents": "Freddy Kempf\n\n\n, quoting Kempf as saying, \"With the piano it's very easy for your life to become very solitary. You're always the soloist, or you tell the conductor what to do. And with recitals it's the same, you just do what you want. ... It's nice to sit in a chamber group and be told 'you're playing rubbish', or to be told what to do. ... For me it's one of the most fulfilling mediums to play in. Especially with the piano trio", "id": "7500066" }, { "contents": "Adam Best (EastEnders)\n\n\nto say \"To move representation of disability in the media forward is something I take a lot of pride in. It is one of those lovely bonuses of doing what I do, you feel like hopefully if you do it right you're encouraging more disabled people to get into acting and not just increasing people's awareness of disability,\" and said he is not worried about the inevitable narrow-mindedness of some of the \"EastEnders\" audience: \"Someone once said, 'If you can't laugh at yourself you", "id": "4134827" }, { "contents": "Ka-Ching!\n\n\nin buying and having more money and things (\"Can you hear it ring/it makes you wanna sing/it's such a beautiful thing -- Ka-ching!\"). In the second verse, she sings that the shallow, materialistic people are irresponsible and will go to drastic lengths, including risking foreclosure on their home to buy more stuff: \"when you're broke go and get a loan/take out another mortgage on your home/consolidate so you can afford/to go and spend some more", "id": "19328713" }, { "contents": "Shelley Niro\n\n\nOklahoma. In 2009, Niro received the “Milagro Award for Best Indigenous Film” for “Kissed by Lightning” at the Santa Fe Film Festival. She won the Scotiabank Photography Award in 2017. \"\"Some people think that to be Indian, you have to do certain things, but I'm saying that you're Indian no matter what you do, but you have to decide what you want to do and you have to ask questions, like, am I doing something because it's expected of me to do", "id": "12888855" }, { "contents": "Chris Crocker\n\n\nmake those little calculated moves\". \"It kind of created a whole other box that I have to overcome,\" he stated. \"But when you're known as the Britney-boy, or you're in a '15 minutes of fame' box, it's very interesting, because the offers start coming at you really quick. And when they dwindle, you don't know what to do.\" Crocker stated that acting in porn was going to be more than a single event; \"it was going", "id": "7773284" }, { "contents": "Ranker\n\n\n, and you always have this expectation that the amount of time you'll get to spend on the cool parts is a lot more rosy-eyed than reality. When it's your baby, you have to wake up every morning and say, ‘What are the mission- critical things I have to do today?’ The last thing you want to do is fail, or stop growing, or whatever your particular ‘bad thing’ may be.” Prior to Ranker, Benson's company, eCrush, an early social", "id": "3347185" }, { "contents": "Kseniya Simonova\n\n\n\"It is a constant struggle. I knew that, and was ready for it. If you chose this profession, you're struggling all your life. You do not enjoy everyday life - like comfort, and buying furniture... You're always looking for something more, and actually, I was never interested in a life of comfort and buying furniture.\" In 2007, she married Igor Paskar, a theatre director, journalist and magazine editor. Their son Dmitry was born on November 27, 2007, their son Serafim", "id": "541940" }, { "contents": "Ubuntu version history\n\n\nof what you're searching for on your own computer based on Amazon product images. It's a major privacy problem if you can't find things on your own computer without broadcasting what you're looking for to the world.\" Writing about Ubuntu 12.10 in a December 2012 review, Jim Lynch addressed the Amazon controversy: He concluded by saying, \"Overall, Ubuntu 12.10 is a decent upgrade for current Ubuntu users. However, the inclusion of the Amazon icon on the launcher, and the discontinuation of Unity 2D might irritate", "id": "7955359" }, { "contents": "The Killing (season 2)\n\n\nI just take each scene individually. Then when I watch it as a whole I'm like, 'Oh, it was one piece.' I take each scene, look at it, break it down and it's a new experience every time, with every scene. But being with the characters the whole time, for a long period of time really allows you to sink your teeth into something more than if you're just doing a guest star. If you're doing a guest star spot, you come in", "id": "10401603" }, { "contents": "David Hedison\n\n\nin more than one film when he reprised the role in \"Licence to Kill\" (1989). Hedison thought he was asked back because \"there was much more to do in the film than in the past, and they were afraid of using an unknown or someone they were not quite sure of.\" \"I think in this kind of film, it won't lead to other work unless you do something stand-out with a really wonderfully written scene,\" added Hedison.\" Otherwise you're just doing", "id": "14321685" }, { "contents": "Troy Donahue\n\n\nscreenplays under a pseudonym. Donahue was struggling to make his way in a changing Hollywood. As he said later, \"If you're the boy next door and you're supposed to be squeaky clean, all you had to do was let your sideburns grow and suddenly you were a hippie.\" Donahue says when he met casting directors they would ask \"Why don't you comb your hair? How come you have grown a moustache? What are you doing with a beard?\" He also thinks his career was hurt", "id": "14357843" }, { "contents": "Mama (Spice Girls song)\n\n\nWhether she's an over-protective mother or a bit of a landmine, she probably knows you better than yourself in some ways. In the same book, Melanie C further elaborated: \"'Mama's all about how you're such a cow to your mum when you're going through that rebellious teenage stage. Then when you get a bit older, you realise that whatever she was doing, she was only doing it for your own good. And you think: 'God, I was really horrible.'", "id": "11401359" }, { "contents": "Monique Scheier-Schneider\n\n\nYou can't ask for more than receiving an award for something you're doing with love and passion. I hope I can still go on some more time because hockey is my life\". In 2014 Schneider had announced plans to retire from hockey in 2016, stating that she was \"proud to have seen hockey in Luxembourg go a long way\". She later withdrew as a candidate from the elections for the 2016 IIHF council. Schneider worked as an executive secretary at ARBED, then worked in the family's mechanical workshop", "id": "14439861" }, { "contents": "Bob Clarkson\n\n\nthat \"If you walk up and down the street picking your nose, you're a bit different, aren't you? You're going to offend somebody.\" Clarkson was also reported as saying he had nothing against gays and lesbians unless they tried to \"ram it down\" his throat. While visiting a prominent all-male school in his electorate, he caused a negative reaction towards himself, and his party, by again referring to homosexuality as being \"rammed down his throat\". He also stated that \"", "id": "16401804" }, { "contents": "Blue and Yellow\n\n\nhe's just one of those people that you meet in your life that's special. You know you're going to be with this person forever and you know you're going to be close to that person. And it's pretty much about being in a band with someone ... being around someone 24 hours a day is really hard thing to do, and sometimes we don't get along the greatest, but if it came down to it, I'd much rather be Quinn's friend than be in a band with", "id": "9282303" }, { "contents": "Andreas Panayiotou (businessman)\n\n\nperiod. To me, it became very straightforward. It wasn't a good investment. I found myself with a big war chest [in 2007]. Where do we go from there? The nearest asset class to residential is hotels. Looking at hotels you can add more value, as against residential where, once it's built and let, you're relying on indexation on rents – with hotels you can improve facilities – build a gym, conference facilities. His company, Ability Group, had seven hotels in 2011", "id": "433491" }, { "contents": "Immortal (Highlander)\n\n\nyou know all the rules from the beginning?' and it's just like in life: You don't know any of the rules. You make them up as you go along and you try your best to be consistent and so that no one turns around, and says, 'Wait a minute, you're cheating!' Because that's one thing we didn't want to do. We didn't want to ever cheat.\" The Rules are more of a code of ethics and conduct, as violating them", "id": "36530" }, { "contents": "Emma Slade\n\n\nmaking money and having a career – two things she had equated with success and happiness – were a very small part of who she actually was,\" saying, \"Once you think you are going to die you do start to live your life in a different way. I had survived this experience and I wanted to explore more of what I could potentially do with my life.\" Having been shown a picture of her captor, slumped, bloodied and in his underpants, by the police in Jakarta on the day of", "id": "18696230" }, { "contents": "Macintosh 128K\n\n\n's inadequate RAM, Apple released an official 512k machine. Although this had always been planned from the beginning, Steve Jobs maintained if the user desired more RAM than the Mac 128 provided, he should simply pay extra money for a Mac 512 rather than upgrade the computer himself. When the Mac 512 was released, Apple rebranded the original model as \"Macintosh 128k\" and modified the motherboard to allow easier RAM upgrades. Improving on the hard-wired RAM thus required a motherboard replacement (which was priced similarly to a new", "id": "7899712" }, { "contents": "Kevin Youkilis\n\n\nmy religion, the Jewish religion, that's one of the biggest things that's taught, is giving a mitzvah, forming a mitzvah\", said Youkilis. \"I was always taught as a kid giving to charity. You're supposed to give a good amount of charity each and every year. ... It's just a great thing when you can make a kid smile that's going through some hard times in life ... I wish more people, not just athletes, would give people just a little bit of their", "id": "17384310" }, { "contents": "Tom Merritt\n\n\n, who has followed tech news since 2005, responded by saying \"Boycotts of Apple might be good to nudge Apple into doing something to improve conditions, but, you're going to have to boycott buying electronics if you really wanted to punish China. I'm not sure that that's called for, necessarily.\" Citing a Forbes infographic showing Foxconn with, reportedly, fewer suicides per million workers (18) than the number of suicides per million Chinese citizens (220), Merritt suggested it might be worth investigating whether", "id": "11296652" }, { "contents": "Jim Gray (sportscaster)\n\n\na lot of things on his mind. But I hope to some day.\" Gray: \"Pete, it's been 10 years since you've been allowed on the field. Obviously, the approach that you have taken has not worked. Why not, at this point, take a different approach?\" Rose: \"Well, when you say it hadn't worked, what do you exactly mean?\" Gray: \"You're not allowed in baseball. You're not allowed to earn a living in the", "id": "2287471" }, { "contents": "David Rotenberg (author)\n\n\nacross people who really do have special gifts. There are people you can see are working their butts off, but you're never sure they're going to make more than the grade ... They are generally people who are instinctively in touch with deeper spiritual currents.Finally, Rotenberg's principal career path has had a more straightforward influence on his writing:I've been asked for years to write a book about the unique way that I teach acting. But every time I've sat down at my computer I've wanted to write", "id": "9903061" }, { "contents": "Octalysis\n\n\n, but I need a coffee first”). Black Hat core drives are located at the bottom of the Octalysis chart. Black Hat core drives make us feel obsessed, anxious and addicted. If you are always doing something because you don't know what will happen next, you are constantly in fear of losing something, or because you're struggling to attain things you can't have, the experience will often leave a bad taste in your mouth- even if you are consistently motivated to take these actions. The White Hat", "id": "10537698" }, { "contents": "Dance Again... the Hits\n\n\nit was like 'We're going to have to do something again.' And this was the perfect song. I love the message of the song. That when something bad happens, your life is not over. You have to get up. You're gonna live. You're gonna to be okay. You're gonna dance again.\" \"Goin' In\" was written by Michael Warren, Jamahl Listenbee, Joseph Angel, Coleridge Tillman, David Quiñones and Tramar Dillard. Lopez's vocals were produced", "id": "6334903" }, { "contents": "Dance Again\n\n\nan interview with Ryan Seacrest, Lopez revealed that she loved being able to collaborate with RedOne and Pitbull again. She stated: \"We had a great chemistry the last time, and it was like 'We're going to have to do something again.' And this was the perfect song. I love the message of the song. That when something bad happens, your life is not over. You have to get up. You're gonna live. You're gonna to be okay. You're gon", "id": "7017525" }, { "contents": "Dreams on Spec\n\n\nrelates his love for screenwriting: \"I never knew anybody who ever got a Writers Guild card who didn’t have a hard time when somebody said, 'What do you do for a living?' saying, 'I'm a writer.' Your—your voice always catches on 'a writer.' I think it takes about 14 years to not have the catch in your voice if you’re very aggressive. It takes longer if you're not. Because ... so many of us have dreamt about it forever", "id": "4854283" }, { "contents": "Dove Real Beauty Sketches\n\n\n, and more accurate, than the first. The dramatic differences in the sketches cause tears and other strong reactions when each woman is shown her two portraits. \"We spend a lot of time as women analyzing and trying to fix the things that aren't quite right, and we should spend more times appreciating the things we do like,\" explains one participant. \"Do you think you're more beautiful than you say?\" Zamora asks another woman. \"Yes,\" she admits. The film ends by stating", "id": "19721008" }, { "contents": "No One Is Lost\n\n\nlose this game and, as you get older, you lose people more and more. I just wanted to close my eyes and jump and hope that was true. Life is loss, love is loss. And loving people is about accepting that you're going to have to say goodbye to them. And that's why it's fucking brave. That's Stars ethos: this life is very heartbreaking and sad... so let's get completely fucking arseholed and listen to some Dionne Warwick.\" \"No One Is Lost", "id": "2759723" }, { "contents": "Dora Carrington\n\n\n... you \"do\" know very well that I love you as something more than a friend, you angelic creature, whose goodness to me has made me happy for years, and whose presence in my life has been and always will be, one of the most important things in my life ...\" On his deathbed Strachey said, \"I always wanted to marry Carrington and I never did.\" His biographer calls this sentiment \"not true; but he could not have said anything more deeply consoling\". Upon his", "id": "6198351" }, { "contents": "Adam Dunn\n\n\nin response to a question about acquiring Dunn: \"Do you know the guy doesn't really like baseball that much? Do you know the guy doesn't have a passion to play the game that much? How much do you know about the player? There's a reason why you're attracted to some players and there's a reason why you're not attracted to some players. I don't think you'd be very happy if we brought Adam Dunn here.\" Ricciardi later apologized for his comments. In 2008", "id": "20565999" }, { "contents": "Suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer\n\n\nat the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, saying, \"I wrote this record about how your identity is really all you've got when you're in tonight, Jamey, I know you're up there looking at us and you're not a victim. You're a lesson to all of us. I know it's a bit of a downer, but sometimes the right thing is more important than the music.\" Lady Gaga later met with President Barack Obama to discuss what his administration would do", "id": "15610813" }, { "contents": "Mac and Me\n\n\nby Calegory, who has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair in real life) is seen rolling off a cliff in his wheelchair; Raffill noted that he performed a portion of the stunt himself, explaining that \"it's very hard to do physical things when you're in that condition. It's very hard to make a wheelchair work, because it's not a very balanced thing. When you start going fast in a wheelchair, you place tremendous risk on the child, so you have to try and figure out how", "id": "1527380" }, { "contents": "Holden Snyder\n\n\nkid so he had this special interest in me as a person. He always made sure I was growing as a person and made sure I was happy. We would have dinner once a month and go to the theatre. He was more of a father figure for me than anything else. He was very caring and loving. It was a very special relationship. I never expected to have experienced something like that with a head writer. I mean, when you go out with your head writer, you’re terrified because", "id": "17303370" }, { "contents": "Glenn Beck Program\n\n\nsimple point, which is, 'You're going to make choices, you're going to challenge, you're going to say, why not?, you're going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before.\" Beck was critical of Dunn as he questioned what he alleged was a pattern of communist sympathy. Within days of its premiere, Beck began using his program on Fox News to warn the public about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). In September 2009", "id": "11252734" }, { "contents": "Warriors and Priests of the Realms\n\n\nthat the kits were \"(mainly) uninspiring\", and concluded the review by saying: \"Really, if you're stuck for ideas on how to characterize your newly rolled fighter, then you ought to consider giving up fantasy roleplaying - it's not as if there's a shortage or archetypes to choose from. Priests are more tricky, and the priest kits definitely exhibit more imagination than their warrior counterparts. Even so, do you really want to spend this much money to flesh out one or two characters?\"", "id": "12047441" }, { "contents": "Under the Sheets\n\n\nrelationship in that it's only based on being physical. It's not like a sexual song, it's more like shows that some relationships are based on nothing that is real, they are not based on something good. I've had that experience in my life, because you're trying to cling on to something that you know you're in denial. That's what the song is about in that you know the world won't bring us down, you can be as happy as Larry inside your house with your", "id": "10207607" }, { "contents": "Glory (EP)\n\n\nhave to be more considerate of the other people that you're working with or your label or A&R, and you have to appease these other people and for something like \"Glory\". When it's free, I get a pass to do whatever I like, and this is what I wanted to do, because of who I was around.\" Azalea announced the project in late April via her Twitter feed, when she tweeted: \"May = glory. The EP. #GLORY. I'm just onto something", "id": "8808426" }, { "contents": "Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia\n\n\nI see that you're planning to do something wild. Please take care and do not get mixed up in any shady business. The dirtiest thing is that you have decided to do it all without me. I don't see how I can take part in it now, since it's all arranged... In a word, be careful. I see from your letter that you're in a state of wild enthusiasm and ready to climb a wall... I'll be in Petrograd on the 12th or 13th, so do", "id": "7167101" }, { "contents": "Kind of Blue\n\n\nto hear things. When you go this way, you can go on forever. You don't have to worry about changes and you can do more with the [melody] line. It becomes a challenge to see how melodically innovative you can be. When you're based on chords, you know at the end of 32 bars that the chords have run out and there's nothing to do but repeat what you've just done—with variations. I think a movement in jazz is beginning away from the conventional string", "id": "19247416" }, { "contents": "System 7\n\n\nmore native approach by running Windows and MS-DOS by using x86 expansion cards with an x86 chip on the card. Apple offered some systems configured this way, marketed as \"DOS Compatible\"—a card with dedicated x86 CPU and RAM was used, while the Mac hard drive, sound subsystem, networking and input provided services to the PC. The PC could run simultaneously with the Mac, and the user could switch between the two in a fashion similar to a KVM switch. The earliest of these systems were 680x0 based systems running", "id": "549832" }, { "contents": "Reboot Restore Rx\n\n\nleast your system will thank you for not allowing its condition to deteriorate rapidly from abuse.\" In a review of the product, Lifehacker wrote, \"There's nothing worse than rebooting your computer thinking everything is fine only to find out something's busted and you need to troubleshoot it. It's especially bad if you start having problems after a driver update or a series of Windows updates, and you're stuck trying to figure out which thing caused the problem in the first place. Reboot Restore RX takes the hassle out", "id": "8409647" }, { "contents": "Robbins v. Lower Merion School District\n\n\nabout TheftTrack because doing so could \"defeat its purpose\". Perbix said that when \"you're controlling someone's machine, you don't want them to know what you're doing\". He praised TheftTrack in a YouTube video he produced, saying: \"It's ... just a fantastic feature ... especially when you're in a school environment\". Perbix maintained a personal blog in which he discussed computer oversight techniques, including how to cloak remote monitoring so it is invisible to the user. On August 11, 2008", "id": "11078287" } ]
how come every week it seems that life altering discoveries are made, yet almost every time, nothing comes of it
[{"answer": "The news media hypes a lot of this stuff to high hell. Most of these announcements should be properly read as \"In a lab somewhere, scientists found that this may be true\". Of course this makes for an unattractive headline. So you get people blowing stuff way out of proportion."}, {"answer": "There is a quite a long trickle down time between discoveries being made and them being added into text books, and even being put into use, but it does happen. Usually to be taught at any lower level the evidence needs to be very strong, and then accepted by the education board and text book publishers. I have old physics text books which don't have any mention of the accelerating expansion of the universe. My newer books do. Also, a lot of these things aren't really applicable for lower level text books. For discoveries such as HIV \"deletion\" it's only going to be used by researchers, and so papers are much more efficient. Also, the mainstream media don't really have an audience for these sorts of pieces. Current affairs, celebrity news etc. brings in much more money, even for relatively good news sites such as the BBC and Al Jazeera. Science blogs how are the main place for accurate and constant news about scientific discovery."}, {"answer": "It's a combination of a lot of different factors: 1) Media attention/blowing things out of proportion. From your example, the sixth mass extinction. Several scientists in a lab do some ecology simulations, and find evidence that it is statistically possible for X% of species to go extinct. They think this is interesting and possibly concerning, so they publish a paper saying \"we had this simulation result, what do you guys think?\" A reporter takes it, and republishes the story with the headline \"Mass extinction incoming! RUN AHHHHHHH CLICK HERE\" 2) Effectiveness. For example, HIV deletion in cells. Their lab result might have been \"it's physically possible to go into a single bacterial cell with cultured human DNA and remove the HIV code without killing the bacterial cell.\" This is definitely interesting and will likely advance the field of AIDS research by providing more info on how the virus operates, but on its own is useless--this isn't something that can be directly adapted into a medicine. 3) Optimization. Example: the biological amplifier. Let's say you work in a top research lab, and you come up with this awesome thing and publish a paper on it. Right now, what good is it? It's likely very difficult/finicky to produce, it's expensive, and it requires research staff to work with it. Five years from now, they have continued testing the material, and eventually have optimized the procedure enough that the first-level grad students can prepare the amplifiers themselves, it's not incredibly complicated. Eventually, a company's R & D department decides that the technology is looking likely enough to work on. They buy the patent, and start testing it to figure out how to produce it cheaply and consistently in a useful way. Then, maybe 15 years after the material was developed, a company discovers an economically effective and reliable way to implement that technology in a consumer product. Think about how long it was after the invention of the computer that the average person had a PC. It's not that these discoveries aren't amazing or worthwile contributions to their respective fields, but they are all in the \"discovery\" phase, or they are *potentially* life-altering. This means that it will take years before someone comes up with an effective way to implement them, and many of them will never actually find a use."}, {"answer": "A lot of what is discovered is at a very early stage in their development, it takes significant work to take things through from discovery to marketable/viable product. Using something like a [Technology Readiness Level]( URL_0 ) is a great way of visualising/thinking of these things in terms of their progression. Much of what makes the news is TRL1/TRL2 type things - so the basic principles are proven and potential applications validated but they're still a long way away from being a viable product."}, {"answer": "One word: Sensationalism, or rather sensation journalism. While scientific articles strive to provide an objective view on the study, regular journalism is under no such obligation, and since headlines like \"*Cure for Cancer found!*\" sells better than \"*Small statistical difference in a petri dish trial, in some obscure form of cancer, while using this drug under certain conditions found*\", we get this immense volume of life altering discoveries."}, {"answer": "You have to understand, a lot of these issues have to be boiled down to the smallest headline. You read \"AMAZING SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH PUTS US AT THE BRINK OF CURING BUTT CANCER!\". When you should read \"AMAZING SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH ~~could~~ *maybe* PUT US AT THE BRINK* OF CURING** ~~some kinds of~~ BUTT CANCER!\". *At the brink is used in this sentence as an exaggeration for the sake of attracting readership. **Curing or mitigating only possible in 1 of every 3. Results only speculated upon lab rats. Human testing still 10 to 20 years from now, at best. As with... Well, pretty much every issue outside of celebrity gossip, things are too complicated or...\"mundane\" to be explained in a newspaper article, nevermind a headline. Newspapers/science blogs/whatever know this, so they go with whatever helps them sell either the paper itself or the editorial line. Most people don't really care for that thing that *maybe*, *possibly*, *we're hoping* will *probably* cure *some* types of diseases in the next 20 or 30 years. They want to hear butt cancer will be cured next year."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "250945", "title": "Media circus", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 700, "bleu_score": 0.979629900343721}]}]
[ { "contents": "The House of Hunger\n\n\nknow how to explain or what exactly to compare it to—it’s just genuinely unexpected. \"The House of Hunger\" shocked me, not because it brought me the news about some bit of brutality or another—literature from every continent and era has made that more or less routine—but because I was shocked by the words on the page, the book in my hands. Marechera seemed to be coming at me with everything, yet with an enormous artistry. His life seemed to be at stake in his words", "id": "10342944" }, { "contents": "2014–15 Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball team\n\n\n37 percent and was outrebounded 45 to 38 yet always seemed in control because of timely baskets and rebounds that Cincinnati failed to get. The physical, pesky Bearcats made the Wildcats work hard for every shot and rebound in an intense contest. Yet the Wildcats succeeded by making life difficult on both ends for Cincinnati, holding the Bearcats to 32 percent shooting including just 24 percent in the second half. Kentucky blocked six shots after halftime and nine overall while also coming up with key rebounds. Kentucky outlasted Cincinnati's physicality, defeating the", "id": "15134156" }, { "contents": "Chike Ukaegbu\n\n\nastray. At 29, Chike wrote his personal creed that brought clarity to purpose. This is it: \"\"I don't care how many times I fail, or how high the hurdle seems, but I am sure that before I die, I will fulfill my life's goal and mission of uplifting The Black Man, The Black Race, Humanity - every minute, every hour, every week, every month and every year;\" \"literally long as I have breath in me. I am not scared of", "id": "13214158" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Jamaica\n\n\nget violent. It's the worst insult you could give to a Jamaican man.\" Dr. Stewart believes that homophobia influences almost every aspect of life and shapes the everyday language of ghetto youth. \"It's like if you say, 'Come back here,' they will say, 'No, no, no don't say 'come back'.' You have to say 'come forward,' because come back is implying that you're 'coming in the back,' which is how gay men have", "id": "13786618" }, { "contents": "Ruth Behar\n\n\ncomes to understand how fragile life is, how vulnerable we all are as human beings, and how friends, neighbors, and the power of the arts can sweeten even the worst of times. Writing for Cuba Counterpoints, Julie Schwietert Collazo writes, \"Behar, without fail, always seems to be writing with the goal of honoring her own history, experiences, and feelings, without ever denying or excluding those of others, and in Lucky Broken Girl the achievement of this goal is evident on every page.\" \"Traveling", "id": "20063407" }, { "contents": "VR Troopers\n\n\nalter-ego was never in the same action scene as JB or Kaitlin's (since they were taken from two different shows). Due to this, many episodes involved some sort of plot device that separated Ryan from the other two, forcing them to fight separately. Almost every episode ended with either Ryan or JB destroying the monster of the day (Kaitlin never got to destroy any on her own), at which point his missing comrade(s) would come running up to inquire how the fight went. The only time", "id": "21765522" }, { "contents": "Blue Is for Nightmares\n\n\nthey aren't about one of her friends; they're about another girl, Clara, staying at a different beachside cottage. During the time they met, Clara seems to flirt with every guy possible. Yet Stacey can't just stand by and watch Clara die, but her dreams aren't always clear. This time, they don't warn her about horrific outcome, and a disaster beyond her worst nightmares that will haunt her for life, that she never even saw coming. Stacy Brown, now about to start Beacon", "id": "6289495" }, { "contents": "How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company\n\n\nnature. Every step Varun and his friends take seems to be thwarted by Anu Aunty. \"The Times of India\" wrote a favourable review where they stated \"The book is as light hearted as they come, written in a boyish (almost bordering on childish) style that could appeal to some or prove to be a turn off for others. But the writer, young though he is, manages to hold the interest of his reader right through.\" \"The Tribune\" also praised the work and wrote \"The", "id": "19122988" }, { "contents": "Piano Concerto No. 2 (Mendelssohn)\n\n\nfrank assessment of the piece, observing: This concerto, to be sure, will offer virtuosos little in which to show off their monstrous dexterity. Mendelssohn gives them almost nothing to do that they have not already done a hundred times before. We have often heard them complain about it. And not unjustly! ... One will ask how it compares with his First Concerto. It's the same, and yet not the same; the same because it comes from the same practised master hand, different because it comes ten years", "id": "6961598" }, { "contents": "Vágsfjørður\n\n\nthe harbour of Vágur. The fjord is 10–15 metres deep where the harbour is. The municipality of Vágur made it deeper in 2004, it was a big investment. There are fish factories in the harbour. There is also a ferry port, where the ferry Smyril used to sail to a few times every week, now it only comes to Vágur once every three weeks in order to bunker from the Vágsverkið of SEV which is on the south side of the fjord. When the ferry comes to buker, Smyril first arrives", "id": "16806625" }, { "contents": "Leslie Dewart\n\n\nreligious faith. This is one lesson the superficial meaning of which has been learned reasonably well by philosophy, But, being unaware of the connection between traditional religious beliefs and some of our fundamental assumptions about the world and our mental functions, modern Western culture and its philosophy have not completely shed such assumptions; this implicit self-contradiction creates unnecessary difficulties for us. For it seems almost as if it were a feature of human knowledge, fallible and finite as it is, that the discovery of every truth comes to us wrapped", "id": "6577435" }, { "contents": "Philip Belt\n\n\nallegro, for instance, the notes in the cadenza come in dazzling torrents. Yet, despite the speed with which Bilson played, every note was clear and distinct. To feel the difference, I dusted off an old LP of the same piece, record by another world-famous performer on a modern concert grand. The playing was beautiful but, compared to the fortepiano, the sound seems almost muted, the rapid passages of the allegro slurred. It was like listening to Bilson's version with earmuffs on. Belt's", "id": "16987811" }, { "contents": "Love Gets Me Every Time\n\n\nhow Twain and Lange \"raise[d] their game\" on \"Come On Over\". \"Love Gets Me Everytime\" was awarded a BMI Country Award at the 1998 ceremony. \"Love Gets Me Every Time\" peaked at number four the Canadian Singles Chart, a now-defunct chart which only tracked physical single sales, and was compiled by Nielsen SoundScan and published by Jam!. \"Love Gets Me Every Time\" debuted at number 67 on \"RPM\" airplay-measuring Canadian Country Singles chart on the week of", "id": "9256247" }, { "contents": "Bend & Break\n\n\nextreme pain. Callie does an ultrasound of her upper arm and says a little over a week post-op, it's still going to hurt from time to time, but she says she can't eat or sleep. The pain comes in shocks 2-3 times a minute. Callie says she's run every test and nothing is coming up. Emily says she can't live like this and begs Callie to do something. Callie goes into a supply room, shuts the door, and knocks some supplies off a", "id": "3330382" }, { "contents": "Murder of Kelsey Smith\n\n\nthe store watching her. Going back to the security cameras they noticed that a male figure, who was white and in his early twenties, seemed to be in every aisle and in almost every part of the footage showing Kelsey — but at a discreet distance. Investigators also noticed he was wearing a white shirt and dark shorts. When they looked at the video of her entering they saw him coming in about thirty seconds later. He made no effort to talk to her or approach her in the store but left just as", "id": "7196168" }, { "contents": "Chifa\n\n\n, and to \"San Joy Lao\" where there was even dancing to a live orchestra. (...) At one time or another, nobody knows when, Chinese restaurants began to become known as Chifa. For some this word was derived from the Chinese \"ni chi fan\" or \"Have you eaten yet\". Soon later would come the dish \"chau fan\" (fried rice), and finally, \"chaufa\", a dish that comes with almost every chifa meal.\" br- León, R.,", "id": "15569487" }, { "contents": "George Copeland\n\n\n, Copeland gave the following account of their discussions: \"I have never heard anyone play the piano in my life who understood the tone of every note as you do,\" remarked Debussy. \"Come again tomorrow.\" This seemed praise indeed and I did go tomorrow. I found him much more genial than on my first visit, and then I went time after time, until finally I was with him about twice a week for three months. I bought new copies of his works, which he marked for me", "id": "7425777" }, { "contents": "Mary of Nazareth (film)\n\n\nwedding day, even when it seems as though Jesus publicly repudiates Mary. Each stage of her life, we see how Mary responds to the humiliation with perfect and total trust in God's plan. Humour and humanity. This movie delivers when it comes to humour. When Mary arrives to visit her cousin Elizabeth, Zechariah opens the door, but fails to answer Mary's greeting because of his own misgivings from months prior. We also see Joseph do what every father does when their child has come into the world – count", "id": "16904962" }, { "contents": "The Nature of Truth\n\n\nfor the story playing out in the novel's subtext. A scholar every bit as inquisitive as Helmut, Ariane yet comes to embody the truth that Helmut has forsaken: that conventional taboos, though conventional, serve a grand ethical purpose. When her crisis arrives, again in the form of knowledge, she must make a life-altering decision, and her one of compassion and forgiveness for Helmut betrays a moral fortitude far exceeding that of her beloved. Rosselli, on the other hand, lacks the imagination required for compassion that", "id": "1739342" }, { "contents": "Every Lover's Sign\n\n\nthe liner notes of the 2015 re-issue of the album, Freeman revealed of the track's lyrics: \"Lyrically, \"Every Lover's Sign\" is a simple concept. Every single sign that any lover makes ever at any time in history has already been made before. Nothing is new. The whole language of love is there before we are born. The idea of that song is that everything I could do to prove I love you outwardly is coming from a pop parade that has existed before we were born", "id": "18962219" }, { "contents": "Microsoft PowerPoint\n\n\nneed considerably more content than they would have if they were intended for projection by a speaker who would orally provide additional details and nuance about content and context.\" PowerPoint, more than most other personal computer applications, has been experienced as a powerful force producing change throughout all of society. In 2016 an analyst summed up: \"the real mystery is ... 'how come almost every organisation in the world is using PowerPoint to communicate almost everything to almost everybody?'. That's the real question. How come PowerPoint is", "id": "1026571" }, { "contents": "Emotion: Side B\n\n\nthe time came to sequence \"Emotion\", Jepsen's label gave her a hard limit of 17 tracks to work with. Jepsen later said: \"The metamorphosis of the tracklists I've made for \"Emotion\" have probably changed six times. I have a little easel board with it painted on and I'd come home from a session and then I'd write down a song I liked better than having to decide which song to take out. I had to rebuild it and give it a facelift almost every week.", "id": "9922231" }, { "contents": "Jon Challinor\n\n\nquoted as saying \"It's been a long time coming so I'm going to embrace it and enjoy every minute. I think almost every team I have played for has gone on to reach the League so to finally achieve it is a dream come true but it doesn't end there\". He made his first appearance as a League player in a League Cup first round match away to Doncaster Rovers on 11 August 2012 as an 87th-minute substitute for McLaughlin. York lost 4–2 in a penalty shoot-out after", "id": "20279283" }, { "contents": "Ethel Dench Puffer Howes\n\n\nEthel Dench Puffer Howes (10 October, 1872–1950) was an American psychologist and feminist organizer. The ideal life must be that in which every act has a meaning for the whole, in which every purpose comes to fruition. Life is a unity, and responsibility is its matchword: for responsibility means obligation, a bond, one part of life answering to another part, a close-woven texture. - Puffer Howes, January 18 As one of the first women to embark on a career in psychology, Ethel Dench Puffer", "id": "3744189" }, { "contents": "American Gangster (album)\n\n\nprimary theme is an investigation of the evolution of the gangsta archetype, looking at how the drug dealer became a semi-sympathetic outlaw figure, examining the contradictions inherent in those who chase the American Dream on the far side of legality, and ruminating on what this period of US history might yet come to mean\". Jay-Z stated that almost every song is based on a specific scene from the film. In an interview on the \"Charlie Rose Show\", he elucidated the inspiration behind the album: Although Jay", "id": "10015453" }, { "contents": "Islamic view of death\n\n\nstate or \"sleep\" until a great resurrection. It is seen not as the termination of life, rather the continuation of life in another form. In Islamic belief, God has made this worldly life as a test and a preparation ground for the afterlife; and with death, this worldly life comes to an end. Thus, every person has only one chance to prepare themselves for the life to come where God will resurrect and judge every individual and will entitle them to rewards or punishment, based on their good or", "id": "1134697" }, { "contents": "A Class Act\n\n\nhis life, he deals with ambitions, success, failures, and loves. A recording by the Off-Broadway cast was released by RCA Victor Broadway on February 20, 2001. \"The New York Times\" reviewer wrote of the Broadway production that it \"... seems smaller in almost every respect, and perhaps more curiously it is a better and more satisfying show, one that has found its rightful dimensions. ...The choreography could be more lively and original ... overall the show's alteration in spirit carries the day.", "id": "3098313" }, { "contents": "Achewood\n\n\na French horn, though Ray wound up stepping on it by mistake. Mr. Bear seems to command respect from nearly every member of the cast — with the noteworthy exception of the brash and petulant Lyle. This can be seen in almost every strip in which they both appear. He also won \"The Badass Games,\" a manliness contest held by Ray and Roast Beef, a rather surprising achievement considering his gentle nature. Despite a reputation for class, Mr. Bear seems to have surprisingly low standards when it comes to employment", "id": "11684749" }, { "contents": "Mazhar Krasniqi\n\n\n, Said Alvi, Mohammed Yakub Patel and Hajji Mohammed Hussein Sahib - all mortgaged their own houses to raise the necessary cash to complete the financial commitment needed by the builder. In a media interview in 1979, Krasniqi observed the increasing number of conversions to Islam : \"Most of them are people who have come into contact with Islam while travelling in the Middle East. We seem to be getting new members almost every week. If it goes on like this, we will soon be outnumbered by Kiwi Muslims. Seriously, though", "id": "520194" }, { "contents": "Every Day Except Christmas\n\n\nthe throne, we are told, look for bargains as we hear their chatter about the old days when every man wore a flower. \"By 11am there's nothing left\" and loading of big lorries going out into the country is well under way. In a montage of loaded lorries leaving the market (not surprisingly, perhaps, a few of which are made by Ford) the activities have come full circle: the market's day ends where it began, and film comes to an end with a review of", "id": "4178758" }, { "contents": "How I Met Your Mother (season 7)\n\n\naudience from figuring out how the trick works. And the finale affirmed that belief for me. The parts that had little or nothing to do with things to come were quite good; the parts that were all about the future made me roll my eyes and ask, for the umpteenth time, 'Really? This is where you're going with this?'\". Ethan Alter, of Television Without Pity, gave the season a lukewarm response. In his review of the season finale, he criticized the Robin-Barney", "id": "4683366" }, { "contents": "Death (personification)\n\n\nof life in another form. In Islamic belief, God has made this worldly life as a test and a preparation ground for the afterlife; and with death, this worldly life comes to an end. Thus, every person has only one chance to prepare themselves for the life to come where God will resurrect and judge every individual and will entitle them to rewards or punishment, based on their good or bad deeds. And death is seen as the gateway to and beginning of the afterlife. In Islamic belief, death is", "id": "3307685" }, { "contents": "Zeroville\n\n\n-of-the-'60s Los Angeles. He gets his first job in the industry as a set builder during which time he meets an aging film editor whom he befriends, and begins a dreamlike journey into the world of films that eventually ends in tragedy and almost horrific discovery. \"Zeroville\" discusses the supernatural power of films over people and how films become like gods in our worship of them. Vikar's bizarre discovery of a secret movie, found frame by frame in every film ever made, confirms this. \"Zeroville\"", "id": "17227528" }, { "contents": "Montana (1950 film)\n\n\n'they went that a-way pard', but there is one cliche I've said so many times it comes back to me in all my nightmares. Every time there's a gap in the story, every time the writers don't know what to do next, they have me pull up ahead of my gang, assume a decidedly grim look, and say 'All right men, you know what to do now.' The fact is I've made so many of these things, scripts seem so much", "id": "18327480" }, { "contents": "Françoise de Graffigny\n\n\nshow Françoise de Graffigny as a sentimental, foolish and irresponsible gossip. The first few weeks at Cirey seemed like a wonderful dream come true. Voltaire read from his works in progress and joined in performances of his plays. The hostess, Émilie, showed off her estate, her furnishings, her clothes and jewelry, and her formidable learning. There were constant visitors, including luminaries like the scientist-philosopher Pierre Louis Maupertuis. The conversation ranged over every topic imaginable, always enlivened by Voltaire's sparkling wit. Yet trouble was", "id": "12825818" }, { "contents": "Kelsey Brookes\n\n\nhis raw, anxious form on the U.S. university system which refuses to teach its scientists how to draw.\" In 2006 he told the Art Blog \"Most of my influence comes from a desire of beautiful women (me and every other bi-pedal ape with a twig and two berries hanging between his legs), a childhood love of the discovery channel, and a more recent interest in Hindu Folk art. Funny how when that all comes together it looks like pop.\" Kelsey as stated that his album art images", "id": "18669022" }, { "contents": "Sonnet\n\n\nshaken; (D)*** It is the star to every wand'ring bark, (C)** Whose worth's unknown although his height be taken. (D)*** Love's not time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks (E) Within his bending sickle's compass come, (F)* Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, (E) But bears it out even to the edge of doom: (F)* /poem \"* \"br \"*", "id": "8586509" }, { "contents": "Nothing comes from nothing\n\n\nNothing comes from nothing () is a philosophical expression of a thesis first argued by Parmenides. It is associated with ancient Greek cosmology, such as is presented not just in the works of Homer and Hesiod, but also in virtually every internal system—there is no break in-between a world that did not exist and one that did, since it could not be created in the first place. The idea that \"nothing comes from nothing\", as articulated by Parmenides, first appears in Aristotle's 'Physics\"", "id": "18606580" }, { "contents": "Juvenile Liaison Officer\n\n\ninvolved in filing the form calls to your residence where he will then talk to the parents/guardians and then yourself. If you are only a first time offender, they generally give you a warning and do not come back again (this depends on how serious the offence). But if you are a repeated offender, they are regular visitors, generally coming every 2 weeks or so and calling your residence to check up on what you have been up to. Your passport is then 'censored' which means that you", "id": "17342834" }, { "contents": "Dress form\n\n\nA dress form is a three-dimensional model of the torso used for fitting clothing that is being designed or sewed. When making a piece of clothing, it can be put on the dress form so one can see the fit and drape of the garment as it would appear on a body, and make adjustments or alterations. Dress forms come in all sizes and shapes for almost every article of clothing that can be made. Dress forms in standard clothing sizes are used to make patterns, while adjustable dress forms allow garments", "id": "11234858" }, { "contents": "Anansi\n\n\nYet, nothing that he told his mother, no matter how much he cried, caused her to do the things that Dew's mother had done for her son. The funeral was a failure, so Anansi went ahead with his mother's burial. About a week passed, and Dew had his mother come visit him while he worked outside in the fields. Anansi noticed Dew's mother had come and asked if the woman he saw was in fact her. Dew replied that it was his own mother, and that it", "id": "12430571" }, { "contents": "Ismail Mohamed (activist)\n\n\nBlack Ducks\" was started in Cairo with nothing more than a computer, speakers and a small piece of paper featuring the show's logo. Every guest interviewed by Mohamed comes from across the Middle East, usually explaining why they left Islam and how they deal with their apostasy and atheism in everyday life in their respective societies. In some cases, women from Saudi Arabia appeared on the show from behind their computers unveiled, despite the hijab being mandatory in their state. Not all guests are necessarily atheists; sometimes religious people,", "id": "2345305" }, { "contents": "Modern history\n\n\nin the fields of science, politics, warfare, and technology. It has also been an age of discovery and globalization. During this time, the European powers and later their colonies, began a political, economic, and cultural colonization of the rest of the world. By the late 19th and 20th centuries, modernist art, politics, science and culture has come to dominate not only Western Europe and North America, but almost every civilized area on the globe, including movements thought of as opposed to the west and globalization", "id": "18323220" }, { "contents": "Mike Reynolds (architect)\n\n\nReynolds describes one of his new homes, called the \"Phoenix\": \"There's nothing coming into this house, no power lines, no gas lines, no sewage lines coming out, no water lines coming in, no energy being used ... We're sitting on 6,000 gallons of water, growing food, sewage internalized, 70 degrees [21° C] year-round ... What these kind of houses are doing is taking every aspect of your life and putting it into your own hands ... A family of four", "id": "5765541" }, { "contents": "Andrea Levy\n\n\nblack, in a house in Earls Court, but when I asked myself, 'Who are these people and how did they get here?' I realised that 1948 was so very close to the war that nothing made sense without it. If every writer in Britain were to write about the war years there would still be stories to be told, and none of us would have come close to what really happened. It was such an amazing schism in the middle of a century. And Caribbean people got left out of", "id": "15750678" }, { "contents": "Small Island (novel)\n\n\n'Who are these people and how did they get here?' I realised that 1948 was so very close to the war that nothing made sense without it. If every writer in Britain were to write about the war years there would still be stories to be told, and none of us would have come close to what really happened. It was such an amazing schism in the middle of a century. And Caribbean people got left out of the telling of that story, so I am attempting to put them back into", "id": "5085968" }, { "contents": "List of Love Hina characters\n\n\nthe princess of Molmol, a fictional island nation located near the International Date Line. The dot on her forehead seems to have something to do with the 3-eyed symbol of Molmol. She is often barefoot and dressed in nothing else except her heavily altered school uniform in almost every anime episode and manga chapter, or some otherwise scant costume. To top her personality, she is above all extremely hyperactive, usually hugging (or, in Keitaro's case, kicking) someone, trying to eat something, especially bananas and/or Tama-", "id": "1000963" }, { "contents": "SMAP\n\n\nevery week in a musical segment on \"SMAP×SMAP\". This was the first time in thirteen years that the band did not release any new material or go on tour. A song titled \"Wonderful Life\" was initially scheduled to become the band's new single in 2004. After finding out that the release was unlikely, they first decided to wait until the coming year but later had Inagaki release the song as a solo artist instead. He created a temporary stage name, &G, and made his solo debut in", "id": "16695313" }, { "contents": "Clarinet Concerto (Mozart)\n\n\nthe soloist and orchestra are united, and the secondary theme is altered to stay in the tonic. As the secondary theme comes to a close, the clarinet has another chance to improvise briefly, and this time leads the canonic material that follows. The Alberti bass and arpeggios over diminished chords for the soloist recur before the movement ends in a cheerful final orchestral \"ritornello\". The solo exposition of this movement appears in almost every professional orchestral clarinet audition. The second movement, which is in rounded binary form (i.e. ABA", "id": "1372926" }, { "contents": "It's Blitz!\n\n\neven though there are more come-downs than come-ons, every song seems to glow from within\". \"It's Blitz!\" debuted at number 32 on the \"Billboard\" 200, selling 13,000 digital copies in its first week. Following its physical release, the album climbed to a new peak position of number 22 in its fourth week on the chart, selling 22,000 copies. As of October 2009, it had sold 184,000 copies in United States, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The album entered the UK", "id": "12515469" }, { "contents": "Goin' South\n\n\n\"Every time Nicholson beams his gin-soaked grin into the movie, \"Goin' South\" is momentarily salvaged; but everything and everybody outside him seem to atrophy in the sun. It's his second crack at directing ... and he's not untalented, yet the selection of shots doesn't have the rhythmic grace to pull us into the wispy narrative.\" Pauline Kael of \"The New Yorker\" stated, \"Nicholson's prankish performance dominates the movie, and, with his prankishness also coming out in the casting and", "id": "1185907" }, { "contents": "Motor neuron disease\n\n\nmotor neuron disease affects patients differently, they all cause movement-related symptoms, mainly muscle weakness. Most diseases seem to occur randomly without known causes, but some forms are inherited. Studies into these inherited forms have led to discoveries of various genes (e.g. \"SOD1\") that are thought be important in understanding how the disease occurs. Symptoms of motor neuron diseases can be first seen at birth or can come on slowly later in life. Most diseases worsen over time; while some diseases shortening one's life expectancy (", "id": "335788" }, { "contents": "Daigasso! Band Brothers\n\n\nand the better each player follows along, the more in tune the song comes through. Every note played, right or wrong, can be heard on the other players' systems, and if every single part in the song is played by a human absolutely nothing will be automated. Scores are measured by percentage of notes hit, each players percentage is represented by a balloon in the bottom screen. This lets everyone know how they are doing in comparison to their friends score. Another feature is a full blown music editor allowing", "id": "15082939" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard\n\n\nlife from one termination-notice to the next.” You let everything pass you by; nothing makes any impact. But then something suddenly comes along that grips you, an idea, a situation, a young girl’s smile, and now you are “involved,” for just on certain occasions you are not “involved,” so at other times you are “at your service” in every way. Wherever there is something going on you join in. You behave in life as you usually do in a", "id": "7164520" }, { "contents": "Whitman massacre\n\n\nnothing. After the Doctor [Whitman] is come, there will come every year a big ship, loaded with goods to be divided among the Indians. Those goods will not be sold, but given to you. The missionaries will bring you plows and hoes, to teach you how to cultivate the land, and they will not sell, but give them to you.\" Whitman returned the following year with his wife, mechanic William H. Gray, and the missionary couple Rev. Henry Spalding and Eliza Hart Spalding. The", "id": "16854018" }, { "contents": "The Songs of Zamran: Son of Olias\n\n\n's coming along. It's about three hours of it now and it's going to be probably a five-hour project.\", adding: \"People will be able to go into the realm of Zamran and they can choose their path every time they go in there. They don't have to take the same pathway so they can choose different pathways and hear different versions and different styles of music relating to the same theme that carries on all the way through. It's about the discovery of how the earth", "id": "20364479" }, { "contents": "Henry Every\n\n\nsuggested that, like Every before him, Edward England had a \"brief, yet spectacular career,\" and he may have come \"closest to living out the Avery legend.\" A number of fictional and semi-biographical accounts of Every were published in the decades following his disappearance. In 1709, the first such account appeared as a sixteen-page pamphlet entitled \"The Life and Adventures of Capt. John Avery; the Famous English Pirate, Now in Possession of Madagascar\" (London: J. Baker, 1709)", "id": "21601543" }, { "contents": "Virgil (film)\n\n\nVirgil is a 2005 comedy drama film written and directed by French-Tunisian director Mabrouk El Mechri, his first feature film. It had its first public screening in movie theaters starting September 2005. The film is about the life of a French boxer in the French suburbs. Every week, Virgil dreams of his father Ernest telling him about his earlier life as a boxer. And every week he dreams of a crossing glance from a young woman named Margot. This week, his father announces that he will finally come to see", "id": "9422917" }, { "contents": "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation\n\n\nmisunderstanding with Santa, meaning Santa cannot come to Danville. Phineas and Ferb, not ready to give up yet, see their opportunity to save the holiday and decide to create a flying sleigh, along with help from Blanyn't, Clewn't, Isabella, Baljeet, Buford and (amazingly) Candace to deliver presents made by the two elves at record speed to every house in the city. They almost fail at doing so, as it is too dark to see anything, and when one of the presents gets jammed in the", "id": "14631338" }, { "contents": "Planet B\n\n\nand the \"Quantum Leap's\", you kind of get a different show each week.\" The cast for \"Planet B\" comes from the Radio Drama Company, a repertory radio company. This is because they cost nothing to use and the budget for the show is small. The cast of the Radio Drama Company changes around every six months, which means that cast of \"Planet B\" changes every series. All episodes have been available download as a podcast. Nearly 25,000 people downloaded the first series. The", "id": "17594629" }, { "contents": "How It's Made\n\n\nexceptions are allowed in the allotted time for more complex products. Usually, every show has at least one product with a historic background note preceding it, showing how and where the product originated, and what people used before it. In April 2007, all episodes run in the United States (on the Discovery Channel and Science) had the individual season openings replaced with a new opening used for every episode. Similar to most other Discovery Channel shows, the credits now run during the last segment, with only a blue screen", "id": "7438249" }, { "contents": "Henning von Anstetten\n\n\nTanja Wittkamp, but with time is shown as a warm and suffering hero. With the character's recasts in 1998 and 2000 the character seems more softened and became a romantic lead. Even though her schemes cost Christoph his life, Henning remains close with his longtime-stepmother Clarissa through his existence. Henning comes from a wealthy family and is an ambitious young man. He tries to make his father Christoph proud, but seems to fail every time, when Christoph gives him the feeling that he wasn't good enough. In", "id": "1607618" }, { "contents": "The Right Stuff (book)\n\n\nLiberty Bell 7\" had been most likely self-initiated. Another fact that had been altered in the film was the statement by Trudy Cooper, who commented that she \"wondered how they would've felt if every time their husband went in to make a deal, there was a one-in-four chance he wouldn't come out of that meeting\". According to the book, this actually reflected the 23% chance of dying during a 20-year career as a normal pilot. For a test pilot, these odds", "id": "12206183" }, { "contents": "George Ancona\n\n\nthe pictures. I let the pictures tell me the story. I find that I do better if I know nothing about a subject before I start the book. The discovery of a subject is what makes it fun and that makes the book fun. I like to end up with a life experience that will enrich my life. How many pictures do you have to take to make a book? Usually for every picture, I use one roll of film. There are usually 50 pictures in a book, so there are", "id": "4679961" }, { "contents": "The Understudy (Inside No. 9)\n\n\nthe title role in \"Richard III\" at the theatre, using the same, now redecorated, dressing room. A paralysed Tony comes backstage to visit him and talks about how far Jim's career has come. Jim broke up with Laura and has not seen her since his run in \"Macbeth\". After Tony leaves, Kirstie arrives to see Jim. She is now Tony's full-time carer. She has watched Jim's performance every day of the week, and says she knew that he just needed \"", "id": "10433399" }, { "contents": "Leonidas of Tarentum\n\n\nIn one grim poem, he addresses the mice that share his meal tub, reminding them that he needs only one lump of salt and two barley cakes for himself. According to the translator Edwyn Bevan, \"the thought of death pervades most of the poetry of Leonidas ... there does not seem to be for Leonidas any feeling of transcendental meaning to life ... Leonidas seems almost to find satisfaction in thinking that outside this little sunlit world of every day there is nothing but opaque blackness into which the figures of this world one by", "id": "3762181" }, { "contents": "Incense for the Damned\n\n\ntime when anxiety about the so-called counterculture movement was coming to its peak and the drugs, psychedelic music and anti-Vietnam War protests were taking a more sinister turn'; e.g. the Charles Manson-led murders in Los Angeles in August 1969. He calls the film an 'inept and barely watchable mess' but adds that 'it is no longer possible' to say how much of the blame for its failure 'on almost every level' falls on Hartford-Davis and 'how much was the result of", "id": "14105948" }, { "contents": "Buena Vista Social Club\n\n\nAmerican and world music.\" Cuba's burgeoning tourist industry of the late 1990s benefited from this rebirth of interest. According to \"The Economist\", \"In the tourist quarters of Old Havana it can seem at times as if every Cuban with a guitar has come out to sing the songs that Buena Vista made famous. It's as if you were to go to Liverpool and find bands singing Beatles songs on every street corner.\" The songs Buena Vista sings are often not their own compositions. Some songs they sing", "id": "509922" }, { "contents": "Liz in September\n\n\nand every year some of her friends come to celebrate Liz's (Patricia Velásquez) birthday. She usually would not accommodate another guest during this time, but seems to take pity on Eva and lets her stay. Unbeknownst to Eva, Margot and all of her friends at the hotel this week are lesbians. Having just recently lost a young child to cancer and found out her husband may possibly be cheating, she seems to have a lot on her mind when she arrives. Liz takes a liking to her after Eva sabotages", "id": "13599734" }, { "contents": "The Caribbean Artists Movement\n\n\nto me that our West Indian artists were not participating significantly in the cultural life of the country that had become their home. Since 1950, nearly every West Indian novelist worth the name had come to London and more than a hundred books had come from their typewriters and pens. But despite this, the British public didn’t seem to be very much aware of the nature and value of this contribution. ...This situation, it seemed to me, was something to be deplored. The isolation of West Indian writers from each", "id": "14863527" }, { "contents": "Science of Life Studies 24/7\n\n\nLeste in July 2009. 'Science of Life' comes from the concept that if every child could be scientifically shown the challenges and possibilities they would face in life and also shown their true self, they will be able to prepare and develop all the skills needed to live a great life. 'Life' constitutes all the time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), and is represented now. Not the future, or after life only. 'Science of Life' is also the name of the", "id": "5725248" }, { "contents": "Smith River (Virginia)\n\n\nmuch difficulty and some danger, by reason of the hollow spaces betwixt the rocks, into which our horses plunged almost every step. The Irvin runs into the Dan about four miles to the southward of the line, and seemed to roll down its waters from the N. N. W. in a very full and limpid stream, and the murmur it made, in tumbling over the rocks, caused the situation to appear very romantic, and had almost made some of the company poetical, though they drank nothing but water. We encamped", "id": "22152317" }, { "contents": "Alonzo T. Jones\n\n\nperfect expression of this law in the life of the worshiper of God. By this law is the knowledge of sin. And all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God—have come short of this perfection of character...In His coming in the flesh—having been made in all things like unto us and having been tempted in all points like as we are—He has identified Himself with every human soul just where that soul is. And from the place where every human soul is, He has", "id": "11251957" }, { "contents": "Frankfurt Parliament\n\n\n, and yet all know that they are Englishmen. We want to start by saying that everyone is German. We should therefore also stand by the expression \"every German\", and vote very soon, because if these words lead to weeks of negotiations, we never come to an end.\" In reply to that, deputy Titus Mareck of Graz quipped, \"Try and say \"every German\", and you will see if the Slavs in Styria and Bohemia will be satisfied with it. I can assure you that", "id": "12189197" }, { "contents": "Thomas Tomkinson\n\n\nand they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.\" We should not think of our resurrection as the 'springing back to life' of our old bodies, but of a quickening of our seed – like the seed corn which rots in the earth yet comes to life anew when its time is due. This has an egalitarian slant to it: no saint will be resurrected except as all saints are resurrected. The remainder", "id": "15188885" }, { "contents": "Black Canadians\n\n\nhotel had armed themselves with handguns before heading for Canada saying they were \"...determined to die rather be captured\". The \"Toronto Colonist\" newspaper on 17 June 1852 noted that almost every ship or boat coming into Toronto harbor from the American side of Lake Ontario seemed to be carrying a run-away slave. One of the more active \"conductors\" on the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman, the \"Black Moses\" who made 11 trips to bring about 300 run-away slaves to Canada, most of whom", "id": "11474077" }, { "contents": "David Goodall (botanist)\n\n\nhis helpers, were financed by crowdfunding via the website GoFundMe, where 376 donors exceeded the target of A$20,000. He stated, \"I don't want to go to Switzerland, though it's a nice country. But I have to do that in order to get the opportunity of suicide which the Australian system does not permit. I feel very resentful ... [My family realises] how unsatisfactory my life here is, unsatisfactory in almost every respect. The sooner it comes to an end the better ... My feeling is", "id": "17405354" }, { "contents": "Wout Brama\n\n\nfuture: \" We had four weeks of vacation and I thought that was long enough. That is why it was allowed to start again for me. The match 'which club is the first to start', we seem to win every year. My focus is entirely on FC Twente, but as I know I have never made it a secret that when a nice club comes over I am open to it. But I will not leave FC Twente for the first club.\" Despite this, Brama remained at the", "id": "658280" }, { "contents": "Devon Hamilton\n\n\n, Tyra is the only big mistake Devon had made in his romantic life. Devon has grown up a bit since his tryst with Tyra. Also, the lack of a family connection between Devon and Tyra made it seem a little less dramatic for James. They \"didn’t grow up together. It’s not like someone you see at every family reunion or anything like that.\" Ultimately, James regretted the storyline because it made Devon look like a hypocrite when he comes down on his biological parents for having an affair", "id": "5796196" }, { "contents": "BC Prienai\n\n\nperiod in the NKL, the team would change names as it seemed every season, Prienai had their ups and downs, such as going from third seed in their group to not making the playoffs next season, but the major victories were yet to come. During 2008–09 season, then called Rūdupis, the club, for the first time in the club history, became NKL champions downing Meresta Pakruojis in Game 7 of the finals. Because of that, BC Rūdupis got their slot in the Lithuanian Basketball League. The 2009–10 season", "id": "19351251" }, { "contents": "Another Place, Another Time (album)\n\n\nin Nashville. By this point, Lewis' commercial stock was extremely low. In Nick Tosches Lewis biography \"Hellfire\", Kilroy recalls calling every credible publisher in Nashville asking for material for Jerry Lee, but only three acetates turned up after two weeks, adding, \"That was all the material that had come in. Nobody wanted a Jerry Lee Lewis cut. I thought, Holy God, this is embarrassing.\" With nothing to lose, Lewis agreed to record the Jerry Chestnut song \"Another Place, Another Time", "id": "1531191" }, { "contents": "Henry Ossawa Tanner\n\n\n\"The Story of an Artist's Life\", Tanner describes the burden of racism: I was extremely timid and to be made to feel that I was not wanted, although in a place where I had every right to be, even months afterwards caused me sometimes weeks of pain. Every time any one of these disagreeable incidents came into my mind, my heart sank, and I was anew tortured by the thought of what I had endured, almost as much as the incident itself. In the hope of earning enough", "id": "15092032" }, { "contents": "Zap! (webcomic)\n\n\nZap!, often erroneously referred to as Zap in Space, is a sci-fi webcomic currently hosted on Keenspot. The series began on 2003-07-13. At first it updated twice or sometimes three times a week. Somewhere around February 2007 it switched to updating once a week, every Monday. This seems to correspond roughly with the increased elaborateness of the graphic design. As of January 2009 it was still being updated every Monday on a very regular schedule. The comics are almost universally in color. The", "id": "20522510" }, { "contents": "Complex manifold\n\n\n-dimensional. An almost complex structure is \"weaker\" than a complex structure: any complex manifold has an almost complex structure, but not every almost complex structure comes from a complex structure. Note that every even-dimensional real manifold has an almost complex structure defined locally from the local coordinate chart. The question is whether this complex structure can be defined globally. An almost complex structure that comes from a complex structure is called integrable, and when one wishes to specify a complex structure as opposed to an almost complex structure", "id": "21194735" }, { "contents": "Søren Kierkegaard\n\n\ncontemporaneous with that of Christ have nothing whatsoever to do with Christians of the preceding generation, but all the more with their contemporary, Christ. His life here on earth attends every generation, and every generation severally, as Sacred History...\"He was against the Hegelian idea of mediation because it introduces a \"third term\" that comes between the single individual and the object of desire. Kierkegaard wrote in 1844, 'If a person can be assured of the grace of God without needing temporal evidence as a middleman or as the", "id": "7346019" }, { "contents": "Whatever Will Be (song)\n\n\n\"Whatever Will Be\" (2005) is the second song released by Tammin from her first album \"Whatever Will Be\". The song is about how you shouldn't take life too seriously and just to take every day as it comes. It is about how you should not regret the past and look towards the future. On April 4, 2005, \"Whatever Will Be\" made its official debut within the ARIA Singles Chart at number thirteen. On April 11, the song dropped eleven spots landing at number twenty", "id": "8348157" }, { "contents": "St Mary Magdalene's Church, Battlefield\n\n\ndeducting the charge for board and lodging: not much for \"the unremitted services of a man of education for every day of the year, and almost every hour of the day and night.\" In fact the pay rise decreed by Ive seems not to have been granted, as the remaining chaplains were still receiving only 8 marks annually in 1548 on the eve of dissolution. A small increment in kind might have come from the use of a garden and fish pond, which chaplains were certainly allowed in the later years", "id": "7446365" }, { "contents": "Jill Abbott\n\n\n's a naturally lovely person. Lauren was really awful a few times, and that just came out of her pain. So, it looks like Lauren and Jill are kind of getting along okay, but there's nothing else coming up in the scripts for them yet.\" In February 2017, after learning that her husband Colin stole her life savings (millions of dollars), Jill suffers from a near-fatal heart attack. In the weeks leading up to this, she had been experiencing feelings of warmth and jaw", "id": "2259705" }, { "contents": "The First Garment\n\n\nnot very pleasant) life of the refugee. The refugee tells Domenico how he had been kidnapped by pirates and became a white Maasai (\"Lion Killer\") in an African tribe. When Domenico's village is ravaged by heat, the peasants fear that unless the rain falls, all of their crops will die. This almost ends up happening, but the rain comes just in time to save the crops and thus the village. The refugee laughs, saying that this was nothing compared to the heat he had to endure", "id": "18533443" }, { "contents": "Coming of Age in Samoa\n\n\nbe defused in Samoan families simply by having one of the parties to the conflict relocate to a different home that is part of the household within the village. Another reason Mead cites is that Samoans do not seem eager to give judgmental answers to questions. Mead describes how one of the things that made her research difficult was that Samoans would often answer just about every question with non-committal answers, the Samoan equivalent to shrugging one's shoulders and saying: \"Who knows?\" Mead concludes the section of the book dealing", "id": "6998965" }, { "contents": "Sai & Co\n\n\nin 2018. The music video for \"Sai & Co\" received rave reviews internationally. Stereogum listed \"Sai & Co\" as one of their \"5 Best Videos of the Week\" and wrote, \"It is difficult to make a music video that will give a hardened critic the much-sought-after 'what the heck was that?' reaction. And yet virtually every KPP video gets there. She just keeps coming up with new ways to overload my brain, and I keep coming back.\" \"", "id": "10545065" }, { "contents": "Werner Seelenbinder\n\n\nto his father:The time has now come for me to say goodbye. In the time of my imprisonment I must have gone through every type of torture a man can possibly endure. Ill health and physical and mental agony, I have been spared nothing. I would have liked to have experienced the delights and comforts of life, which I now appreciate twice as much, with you all, with my friends and fellow sportsmen, after the war. The times I had with you were great, and I lived on", "id": "20048507" }, { "contents": "North of the Yukon\n\n\nhad feared, people come up to him asking for money. Just as he thinks things cannot get any worse, an old enemy in Goldboom, Alaska sees the article. The fiend then comes up with a plot. Since Scrooge gave him an I.O.U. in 1898, the sum doubled every month for the last sixty-seven years! It is not long until Scrooge gets a summons from the same fiend known as Soapy Slick. Scrooge remembers how Slick was a crooked moneylender who cared for nothing but money. Scrooge does", "id": "7567636" }, { "contents": "Come Sing with Me\n\n\nfor chorus, and the yellow columns which indicate the singers and participators at most reception of Hi sing in grassroots on that weeks. According to the competition rules arrangement, every group of guests, after ending on second round of chorus, audience on live would have 10 seconds for approving points to deserve the performance, every group performance by the most reception of Hi sing intelligent persons in grassroots get how many approval points for decision on that week. However this competition quality was violation in SAPPRFT, regarding the type of music competition", "id": "11869186" }, { "contents": "Hippy Gourmet\n\n\ngroups of friends for the week ahead. The series encourages people of all ages to join together in the kitchen, demonstrating how easy and fun it is to share the experience of making delicious foods. Every episode is created to remind people about the cycle of life by shifting their awareness on where each ingredient comes from. \"The Hippy Gourmet\" features different aspects on leading a green lifestyle. Filming segments on Solar Cookers, Habitat and wildlife preservation, Hemp food and clothing and people who are inventing solutions to global environmental issues", "id": "15041117" }, { "contents": "F.I.R. (TV series)\n\n\nHaryanvi female police officer named \"Chandramukhi Chautala\" and her three subordinates, Head Constable Gopinath Gandothra, Constable Mulayam Singh Gulgule and Constable Billu. The show depicted their lives as they try to solve every case which comes to Imaan Chowki. New cases come to the police station in every episode. An individual or a group come with a complaint or a problem. The problem generally has nothing to do with police. It may be a case of love, divorce, snoring, or bad cooking. Chandramukhi Chautala and her constables", "id": "13252038" }, { "contents": "Alagados\n\n\n, nem das antenas de tevê\"\" (\"hope does not come from the sea, nor from the TV antennas\"). The song also showed how the Brazilian faith in an improvement in the quality of life seemed to be almost completely lost during that time. In the background, the band used images of large pockets of poverty on beaches around the world—the slums of Alagados in Salvador, Trenchtown in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica and at Maré in Rio—to show the contrast between the cities'", "id": "515131" }, { "contents": "The Cookbook\n\n\nseems to simply go with what comes naturally and sounds best.\" \"Q\" stated \"If not Elliott's most inventive album, \"The Cookbook\" is certainly her most colourful and entertaining\". However, Ben Sisario of \"Blender\" wrote, \"For every killer raise-your-hands hook there is a snoozer of an SWV-esque torch ballad, and she can't seem to tell the difference.\" He went on to say, \"Almost half the songs are treacly Kleenex soul ballads; even", "id": "1277452" }, { "contents": "House of Sand and Fog (film)\n\n\nas he comes very close to overcoming them ... the conflict between Kathy and Behrani arises from a sin so trivial as to be almost comical ... and every stage of its escalation seems determined less by the psychology of the characters than by the forced, schematic logic of the story. You feel the heavy, implacable force of the narrative without quite believing it.\" Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" wrote, \"Here is a film that seizes us with its first scene and never lets go, and we", "id": "9810991" }, { "contents": "London Tipton\n\n\nIt is revealed in \"The Suite Life on Deck\" episode \"A London Carol\" that London at one time loved helping people, and that every Christmas she volunteered at homeless shelters. Despite being born into wealth and privilege, London had a very unhappy childhood; her father almost seems to have made a hobby of neglecting her, and married so many times that London never felt she had a mother. \"The Suite Life on Deck\" reveals that her father married a girl named Karina because London wanted her out of", "id": "18388936" } ]
Why is the golden ratio common to so many things of different nature?
[{"answer": "Say you have a seed. Deep down in the genetic code of the seed is the simple genetic code that says \"have these cells build more of themselves.\" If you let all those cells grow, the ratio between old cells and new cells will usually be the golden ratio. The golden ratio is so common in nature because it is the product of such a simple idea: the ratio between the first thing and the second thing is the same as the ratio between both those things and a third thing. It's what you always get when you tell cells or leaves or branches or scales to just \"grow more of yourself.\""}, {"answer": "The golden ratio is a beautiful mathematical *idea*, but it doesn't manifest in nature as much as is claimed in videos on youtube or books about the universality and even mystical significance of the ratio. It is 'pop' science, tenuously connected to a wide array of natural processes because people find that idea aesthetically pleasing. *Mathematically*, the golden ratio is fascinating. It is the irrational number with the simplest continued fraction expansion... > 1 + (1 / (1 + (1 / (1 + (1 / (1 + (1 / ... ... and it is the limit of the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci numbers *do* show up in science, in ((almost?) exclusively biological) natural processes, though this relationship also doesn't occur as much in nature as is often claimed. The number of spiral patterns in the arrangements of leaves around branches, petals around flowers, and scales around pine cones are often consecutive Fibonacci numbers - see [phyllotaxis]( URL_0 ) - and the higher those numbers get the closer the placement of elements around those spirals is related to the golden angle (the golden mean as applied to the circumference of a circle). This arrangement arises because it is the simplest and most efficient way to arrange petals (for example) such that they all get the maximum amount of sunlight with the least amount of work. In a sense the golden ratio is a lot like a Platonic 'ideal' - the idea that circles (for example) are always just approximations of some ideal perfect circle, that the forms of everything we see in nature are imperfect shadows of pure ideal forms that we cannot perceive directly. In that sense the golden ratio is the ideal, perfect relationship that is approximated in natural forms by the Fibonacci numbers. This leads some people to assume that there must be something universally important about the golden ratio, in the way that ideal-but-inaccessible forms were considered important to ancient Greek philosophers. But such ideas are in the realm of philosophy, not physics. tl,dr: the golden ratio is fascinating in mathematics as the eventual limit of the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers, and as an organizing principle in some spiral biological processes. Claims that the golden ratio has some other significance or cosmic relevance might be interesting philosophically, but they have little to do with science."}, {"answer": "There's a good amount of debate but here's the unpopular truth: it doesn't play a big role in nature. There are many things that are close to the golden ratio but it does not crop up all over as is often claimed. Here's an article about the golden ratio in people. URL_0 And here's one about it in manmade stuff. URL_1 "}, {"answer": "[Vi Hart has an excellent 3 part video series explaining it better than I have ever seen it explained.]( URL_0 ) This is part 1. This ratio is the result of trying to maximize efficiency in using space. As she explains, it would be weird if these things *didn't* exhibit this pattern. The first part is mostly showing how the pattern occurs in nature, the explanation starts in part 2. The actual biological rather than mathematical explanation is in part 3."}, {"answer": "Because \"the golden ratio\" is a clever-sounding way of pointing out when something is approximately half-again bigger than something else. As you can imagine, such a vague concept can be interpreted to occur very frequently."}, {"answer": "Here's a recent article from Fast Company supporting the claim that the Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence is man-made bullshit URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Actually it does not play a main role in nature. You can \"occasioannaly\" find something that roughly is under this ratio. Such an unfortunate myth that needs to go away."}, {"answer": "A combination of observer bias and selection bias. People expect the golden ratio and look for it in nature (selection bias), when things sort of fit, they claim to have found it. (observer bias). The same results can be achieved with many other arbitrary ratios. Nature is big."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "12386", "title": "Golden ratio", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "end_character": 327, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Paideia\n\n\ndescribed themselves as \"Lovers of Beauty\", and they were very much attuned to aesthetics. They saw and appreciated beauty in nature. They noticed a particular proportion called the golden ratio (roughly 1.618) and its recurrence in many things. They spoke of the need for balance as the golden mean—choosing the middle and not either extreme—and believed that beauty was not in the superficialities of color, light, or shade, but in the essence of being, expressed in structure, line, and proportion. The", "id": "13386826" }, { "contents": "Jay Hambidge\n\n\nin the early 20th century because \"he was teaching precisely the things that certain artists wanted to hear, especially those who had blazed so brief a trail in observing the American scene and now found themselves displaced by the force of contemporary European trends.\" Dynamic symmetry is a proportioning system and natural design methodology described in Hambidge's books. The system uses \"dynamic rectangles\", including \"root rectangles\" based on ratios such as , , , the golden ratio (φ = 1.618...), its square root ( =", "id": "4266467" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\nthe atomic scale in the magnetic resonance of spins in cobalt niobate crystals. However, some have argued that many apparent manifestations of the golden ratio in nature, especially in regard to animal dimensions, are fictitious. The golden ratio is key to the golden-section search. The golden ratio is an irrational number. Below are two short proofs of irrationality: Recall that: If we call the whole \"n\" and the longer part \"m\", then the second statement above becomes or, algebraically To say that the", "id": "12022092" }, { "contents": "Station Creek Cemetery\n\n\nGrimwade, who prepared a Conservation Plan for the Croydon cemeteries in January 2000, has recommended that this matter needs resolution by a \"location and ident\" survey. It is not known why a new cemetery was gazetted for the area in a different location. However the new site is midway between the Golden Gate group of mines and the Sunset group of mines, so it was possibly moved to facilitate common use by both of these communities. Mines in the Golden Gate group included Golden Gate Nos 1 to 10, Golden Gate", "id": "1554895" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\nso many volumes of contradicting scholarly and popular speculations that it virtually impossible to reach any unambiguous conclusions\"\" with respect to the golden ratio, according to Livio. The \"Tempietto\" chapel at the Monastery of Saint Peter in Montorio, Rome, built by Bramante, has relations to the golden ratio in its elevation and interior lines. José Villagrán García has claimed that the golden ratio is an important element in the design of the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral (circa 1667–1813). Olmos claims the same for the design of the", "id": "8419928" }, { "contents": "Evelyn Fox Keller\n\n\n\"It may seem an ingrateful and unfilial thing to dispute against nature, that is taken by mankind for the common parent of us all. But although it be as undutiful thing, to express a want of respect for an acknowledged parent, yet I know not, why it may not be allowable to question one, that a man looks upon but as a pretend one; and it appear to me, that she is so, I think it my duty to pay my gratitude, not to I know not what,", "id": "9292238" }, { "contents": "Pierrot Barra\n\n\nand Vodou art and brought over from Africa. The changing nature of the \"lwa\" are why they love so many different kinds of materials and why so many different materials are used for sculptures, altars, and other reverent pieces. Some of his works contain \"pwen\", or points of spiritual power allowing the spirit world to seep into the world of flesh. The most iconic part of Barra’s works are the plastic dolls, which some scholars believe is his greatest contribution to Haitian art and sculpture. These dolls", "id": "4400138" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\nhas claimed that Egyptian designers sought the golden proportions without mathematical techniques and that it is common to see the 1.618:1 ratio, along with many other simpler geometrical concepts, in their architectural details, art, and everyday objects found in tombs. In his opinion, \"That the Egyptians knew of it and used it seems certain.\" From before the beginning of these theories, other historians and mathematicians have proposed alternative theories for the pyramid designs that are not related to any use of the golden ratio, and are instead based on", "id": "8419911" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\ngolden rectangle, which may be cut into a square and a smaller rectangle with the same aspect ratio. The golden ratio has also been used to analyze the proportions of natural objects as well as man-made systems such as financial markets, in some cases based on dubious fits to data. The golden ratio appears in some patterns in nature, including the spiral arrangement of leaves and other plant parts. Some twentieth-century artists and architects, including Le Corbusier and Salvador Dalí, have proportioned their works to approximate the golden", "id": "12022070" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\nsquare: Bronze by comparison was an innovator, in practical rather than in philosophic things. Amongst other things Bronze was one of the few masters to use the fascinating ratio of the golden mean. For the builder, the most important function Fi, as we write the golden mean, is that if the uses is consistently he will find that every subdivision, no matter how accidentally it may have been derived, will fit somewhere into the series. Is not too difficult a ratio to reproduce, and Bronze could have had the", "id": "8419924" }, { "contents": "Mu problem\n\n\nof the electroweak scale, many orders of magnitude smaller than the Planck scale, which is the natural cutoff scale. This brings about a problem of naturalness: why is that scale so much smaller than the cutoff scale? And why, if the μ term in the superpotential has different physical origins, do the corresponding scale happen to fall so close to each other? Before LHC, it was thought that the soft supersymmetry breaking terms should also be of the same order of magnitude as the electroweak scale. This was refused by", "id": "20350435" }, { "contents": "Golden spiral\n\n\nsquare the length of the rectangle's longest side is added to the rectangle. Since the ratio between consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio as the Fibonacci numbers approach infinity, so too does this spiral get more similar to the previous approximation the more squares are added, as illustrated by the image. Approximate logarithmic spirals can occur in nature, for example the arms of spiral galaxies - golden spirals are one special case of these logarithmic spirals, although there is no evidence that there is any general tendency towards this case appearing.", "id": "4221904" }, { "contents": "Hermann Lotze\n\n\nreality again can neither be consistently represented as a fixed and hard substance nor as an unalterable something, but only as a fixed order of recurrence of continually changing events or impressions. The things themselves which exist and their changing phases must stand in some internal connexion; they themselves must be active or passive, capable of doing or suffering. Why not interpret at once and render intelligible the common conception originating in natural science, viz. that of a system of laws which governs the many things? But, in attempting to make", "id": "17727280" }, { "contents": "Spiritual naturalism\n\n\nof trends toward privileging individuality, and so many different definitions are given it by many different people, any one of them unlikely to satisfy everyone. In fact, the term is so broad and so dependent on who is using how, why, when, and in what context, that some have given up on trying to give it a comprehensive definition and just say that it means something different to all who use it. Perhaps a less necessarily contextual definition is found in the words of K. I. Pargament, who sees spirituality", "id": "1212224" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\n+ 1. But triangle ABC is similar to triangle CXB, so AC/BC = BC/BX, AC/ = φ/1, and so AC also equals . Thus = φ + 1, confirming that is indeed the golden ratio. Similarly, the ratio of the area of the larger triangle AXC to the smaller CXB is equal to , while the inverse ratio is φ − 1. In a regular pentagon the ratio of a diagonal to a side is the golden ratio, while intersecting diagonals section each other in the golden", "id": "12022101" }, { "contents": "Patterns in nature\n\n\n. For example, when leaves alternate up a stem, one rotation of the spiral touches two leaves, so the pattern or ratio is 1/2. In hazel the ratio is 1/3; in apricot it is 2/5; in pear it is 3/8; in almond it is 5/13. In disc phyllotaxis as in the sunflower and daisy, the florets are arranged in Fermat's spiral with Fibonacci numbering, at least when the flowerhead is mature so all the elements are the same size. Fibonacci ratios approximate the golden angle, 137.508°", "id": "18479787" }, { "contents": "Cold Feet\n\n\nwas compared to \"Cold Feet\". While the BBC wanted the series to match the success of \"Cold Feet\", producer Rob Bullock stressed that \"\"Cold Feet\" is about a different period of life. It's about people in their early thirties. \"Mutual Friends\" moves things on—what's happening to our characters as they approach 40 is very different. Why do so many lives fall apart at 40? Because things haven't worked out how we hoped and we've had to turn to Plan", "id": "8782847" }, { "contents": "Subjectivity\n\n\nother things like the economy, political institutions, communities, as well as the natural world. Though the boundaries of societies and their cultures are indefinable and arbitrary, the subjectivity inherent in each one is palatable and can be recognized as distinct from others. Subjectivity is in part a particular experience or organization of reality, which includes how one views and interacts with humanity, objects, consciousness, and nature, so the difference between different cultures brings about an alternate experience of existence that forms life in a different manner. A common", "id": "21654645" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\nformula_55 consisting of the 3-cycles and the identity formula_56 fixes the two numbers, while the 2-cycles interchange these, thus realizing the map. The golden ratio has the simplest expression (and slowest convergence) as a continued fraction expansion of any irrational number (see \"Alternate forms\" above). It is, for that reason, one of the worst cases of Lagrange's approximation theorem and it is an extremal case of the Hurwitz inequality for Diophantine approximations. This may be why angles close to the golden ratio often show up in", "id": "12022112" }, { "contents": "Flag of the Eurasian Economic Union\n\n\nMember States reflect the peaceful nature of the Union's activities. The ratio of the flag width to its size is 2: 3. The image of the Union emblem symbolizes the desire for economic cooperation of the member states. Blue is the symbol of Europe. The golden color is the symbol of Asia. The circle reflects the common interests of the two parts of the world - Europe and Asia: the blue part of the circle is in the golden part of the dynamic figure, the golden part of the circle is", "id": "20582860" }, { "contents": "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding\n\n\nsong as the 284th best song of all time. \"Modern Drummer\" said of Pete Thomas' performance, \"A beautiful thing happens on this song, common to many early Attractions songs. It’s that feeling that the track could derail, when in reality Thomas has everything locked down. He does a lot of playing here without overplaying. Like most Attractions songs from that era, this was cut live, full-band and lead vocal. That’s probably why so many years later, it still sounds so energized", "id": "21475925" }, { "contents": "Gutenberg Bible\n\n\nis typical of other folio Bibles printed on Royal paper in the fifteenth century. Most fifteenth-century printing papers have a width-to-height ratio of 1:1.4 (e.g. 30:42 cm) which is mathematically a ratio of 1 to the square root of 2. Man suggests that this ratio was chosen to match the so-called Golden Ratio of 1:1.6; in fact the ratios are not at all similar (a difference of about 12%). The ratio of 1:1.4 was a long established one for medieval paper sizes.", "id": "3508244" }, { "contents": "K–Ca dating\n\n\nPotassium–calcium dating, abbreviated K–Ca dating, is a radiometric dating method used in geochronology. It is based upon measuring the ratio of a parent isotope of potassium (K) to a daughter isotope of calcium (Ca). This form of radioactive decay is accomplished through beta decay. Calcium is common in many minerals, with Ca being the most abundant naturally occurring isotope of calcium (96.94%), so use of this dating method to determine the ratio of daughter calcium produced from parent potassium is generally not", "id": "15847733" }, { "contents": "Kepler triangle\n\n\nA Kepler triangle is a right triangle with edge lengths in a geometric progression in which the common ratio is , where is the golden ratio, and can be written: formula_1, or approximately 1 : 1.272 : 1.618. The squares of the edges of this triangle are in geometric progression according to the golden ratio. Triangles with such ratios are named after the German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), who first demonstrated that this triangle is characterised by a ratio between its short side and hypotenuse equal to the golden ratio", "id": "1440847" }, { "contents": "Hydrogen isotope biogeochemistry\n\n\nof hydrogen isotope analysis in answering these questions is that in many cases the D/H ratio of a natural product is related to the natural water D/H values in the area where the product was formed (see: Hydrologic cycle). Since D/H ratios vary significantly between different geographic areas, this can serve as a powerful tool in locating the original source of many different substance. Foods, flavorings and scents are often sold with the guarantee that chemical additives come from natural sources. This claim becomes difficult to", "id": "17293880" }, { "contents": "Bank of Saint George\n\n\nthe republic, and gives the commons a figure: So that it is no small check upon the aristocracy, and may be one reason why the Genoese senate carries it with greater moderation towards their subjects than the Venetian. Montesquieu in his The Spirit of the Laws discussed the laws relative to the nature of aristocracy (Book II, Chapter III): It would be a very happy thing in the aristocracy, if by some indirect method the people could be emancipated from their state of annihilation, Thus at Genoa the bank of", "id": "21800373" }, { "contents": "Why Does It Hurt So Bad\n\n\njoys of things, but the pains of things, also,\" Houston explained. \"Why Does It Hurt So Bad\" is an R&B ballad. The song was written and produced by Kenneth Brian Edmonds, popularly known as \"Babyface\". According to the sheet music book for \"The Greatest Hits\" at, the song is written in the key of B major, and moves at a tempo of 69 beats per minute. It is set in time signature of common time and features a basic chord progression of", "id": "685672" }, { "contents": "R. G. Collingwood\n\n\ntwo branches are different: natural sciences are concerned with the physical world while history, in its most common usage, is concerned with social sciences and human affairs. Collingwood pointed out a fundamental difference between knowing things in the present (or in the natural sciences) and knowing history. To come to know things in the present or about things in the natural sciences, \"real\" things can be observed, as they are in existence or that have substance right now. Since the internal thought processes of historical persons cannot", "id": "12961085" }, { "contents": "Nikos Salingaros\n\n\ntraditional architectural typologies, Salingaros emphasizes that architects should be free to adapt their ideas to particular situations, leaving decisions to be influenced by the environment and needs of the project. He explores questions such as: How can ornament be justified, and why is it necessary? What are the ratios and hierarchies that promote neighborliness and beauty? What is it about our biological nature — perhaps even about the nature of matter itself — that makes us feel one thing in the presence of one kind of structure and something else in the presence", "id": "9210520" }, { "contents": "Mario Livio\n\n\nscientific laws that govern the cosmos. A self-described \"art fanatic\" who owns hundreds of art books, Livio put this interest to good use in his next book on patterns in nature and art, \"The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi\" (2002). He traced the influence of the golden ratio through many centuries of art, architecture, music, and even stock market theories. Dan Brown, author of \"The Da Vinci Code,\" endorsed the book stating, \"Livio unveils the history", "id": "20873420" }, { "contents": "Remyelination\n\n\nThe most notable evidence that remyelination has taken place on an axon is its thin myelin sheath created by an oligodendrocyte, though the reason why the new myelin sheath is thinner remains unclear. This can be quantified in the g-ratio, the ratio between the diameter of the axon itself to the outer diameter of the myelinated fiber. Remyelinated axons tend to have values closer to 1, indicating a thinner myelin sheath than those myelinated naturally. The g-ratio differences are less apparent on smaller axons. The thinner myelin not only", "id": "15529294" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\nMany works of art are claimed to have been designed using the golden ratio. However, many of these claims are disputed, or refuted by measurement. The golden ratio, an irrational number, is approximately 1.618; it is often denoted by the Greek letter φ (phi). Various authors have claimed that early monuments have golden ratio proportions, often on conjectural interpretations, using approximate measurements, and only roughly corresponding to 1.618. For example, claims have been made about golden ratio proportions in Egyptian, Sumerian and Greek vases", "id": "8419908" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\n, whose main interests were mathematics and philosophy, found the golden ratio expressed in the arrangement of parts such as leaves and branches along the stems of plants and of veins in leaves. He extended his research to the skeletons of animals and the branchings of their veins and nerves, to the proportions of chemical compounds and the geometry of crystals, even to the use of proportion in artistic endeavors. In these patterns in nature he saw the golden ratio operating as a universal law. In connection with his scheme for golden-ratio", "id": "12022090" }, { "contents": "Kanada (philosopher)\n\n\nof grass upwards, the nature of rainfall and thunderstorms, the flow of liquids, the movement towards a magnet among many others, asks why these things happen, then attempts to integrate his observations with his theories on atoms, molecules and their interaction. He classifies observed events into two: those caused by volition, and those caused by subject-object conjunctions. His idea of the observer, that is the subject, being different from objective reality is completely consistent with Vedanta, which speaks of the difference between \"apara\"", "id": "10546672" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\n—of the irrationality of the golden ratio makes use of the closure of rational numbers under addition and multiplication. If formula_15 is rational, then formula_16 is also rational, which is a contradiction if it is already known that the square root of a non-square natural number is irrational. The golden ratio is also an algebraic number and even an algebraic integer. It has minimal polynomial Having degree 2, this polynomial actually has two roots, the other being the golden ratio conjugate. The conjugate root to the minimal polynomial x", "id": "12022094" }, { "contents": "Sortino ratio\n\n\nThe Sortino ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment asset, portfolio, or strategy. It is a modification of the Sharpe ratio but penalizes only those returns falling below a user-specified target or required rate of return, while the Sharpe ratio penalizes both upside and downside volatility equally. Though both ratios measure an investment's risk-adjusted return, they do so in significantly different ways that will frequently lead to differing conclusions as to the true nature of the investment's return-generating efficiency. The Sortino ratio", "id": "5823248" }, { "contents": "Relative change and difference\n\n\nIn any quantitative science, the terms relative change and relative difference are used to compare two quantities while taking into account the \"sizes\" of the things being compared. The comparison is expressed as a ratio and is a unitless number. By multiplying these ratios by 100 they can be expressed as percentages so the terms percentage change, percent(age) difference, or relative percentage difference are also commonly used. The distinction between \"change\" and \"difference\" depends on whether or not one of the quantities being compared is considered a", "id": "16885922" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\nLeonardo's own writings. Similarly, although the \"Vitruvian Man\" is often shown in connection with the golden ratio, the proportions of the figure do not actually match it, and the text only mentions whole number ratios. Salvador Dalí, influenced by the works of Matila Ghyka, explicitly used the golden ratio in his masterpiece, \"The Sacrament of the Last Supper\". The dimensions of the canvas are a golden rectangle. A huge dodecahedron, in perspective so that edges appear in golden ratio to one another, is", "id": "12022084" }, { "contents": "Underground Luxury\n\n\nchanged is the content because I have always pulled from my life experience. My life has changed, so the content has changed, and my perspective has changed. I am much older and I see things much differently than I did when I was a kid.\" In a December 2013, interview with \"The Source\", B.o.B spoke about why it took so long to release the album, saying: \"I spent a lot of time on this project, man. I really wanted it to be natural", "id": "1903253" }, { "contents": "Kresnik (deity)\n\n\n. On the other side, Kresnik is a storm god and so shares many common features with the Slavic god Perun. Some characteristics even connect him with Slavic hero Yarilo/Jarovit. Many correlations with Mithra and Indra exist, too. Kresnik is a very diverse deity with many different faces depending on the location of the myth. Kresnik gradually evolved into a Slovenian national hero who lives on a golden mountain, sometimes as a deer with golden antlers. As a human, he is a great king skilled with magic, but", "id": "18848831" }, { "contents": "Ancient Greek architecture\n\n\nfront, and the other defining their distribution. Examples: The ideal of proportion that was used by ancient Greek architects in designing temples was not a simple mathematical progression using a square module. The math involved a more complex geometrical progression, the so-called \"Golden mean\". The ratio is similar to that of the growth patterns of many spiral forms that occur in nature such as rams' horns, nautilus shells, fern fronds, and vine tendrils and which were a source of decorative motifs employed by ancient Greek architects", "id": "7800236" }, { "contents": "Emelan\n\n\nAmbient mages are rarer than academic ones, at a ratio of about one to four. Both the Circle of Magic and The Circle Opens series focus on the mechanics of ambient magic, shifting viewpoints to show several different types. The existence of ambient mages is one of the reasons why magic is such a commonplace thing in the Emelan Universe. It manifests as just another aspect of an artisan's expertise, and exemplifies the philosophy that magic exists in all things, no matter how seemingly mundane. This distinguishes it from other fantastical", "id": "10273589" }, { "contents": "Vibration\n\n\nto the undamped natural frequency by the following formula: The damped natural frequency is less than the undamped natural frequency, but for many practical cases the damping ratio is relatively small and hence the difference is negligible. Therefore, the damped and undamped description are often dropped when stating the natural frequency (e.g. with 0.1 damping ratio, the damped natural frequency is only 1% less than the undamped). The plots to the side present how 0.1 and 0.3 damping ratios effect how the system “rings” down over time. What", "id": "15620260" }, { "contents": "Aristotle's views on women\n\n\nLaws\" (781b), he offers his reasons why women should be educated: \"Because you neglected this sex, you gradually lost control of a great many things which would be in a far better state today if they had been regulated by law. A woman's natural potential for virtue is inferior to a man's, so she's proportionately a greater danger, perhaps even twice as great.\" Plato further establishes his opinion on the inferiority of women's \"natural potential\" by claiming in \"Republic\" (", "id": "15950425" }, { "contents": "History of Rome (Mommsen)\n\n\nbe, if my thoughts about Julius Caesar differ from Mommsen's? Must not one of us be wrong? No, because the object differs. My historical [object] is about my own past, not about Mommsen's past. Mommsen and I share in a great many things, and in many respects we share in a common past; but in so far as we are different people and representatives of different cultures and different generations we have different pasts. ... [O]ur views of Julius Caesar must differ, slightly perhaps", "id": "17198465" }, { "contents": "Scale relativity\n\n\nnature co-exist as two different things. In the scale relativity theory, there are not two things (in analogy with Einstein's general relativity theory in which gravitation is a manifestation of the curvature of space-time): the quantum laws are considered as manifestations of the fractality and nondifferentiability of space-time, so that they do not have to be added to the geometric description. They have in common to start from relativity theory and principles, and to fulfill the condition of background independence. El Naschie has developed", "id": "8822198" }, { "contents": "Henry Lucy\n\n\nservice. In spite of the sneers from disappointed or flippant persons, a seat in the House of Commons remains one of the highest prizes of citizen life. There is no reason why any constituency desiring to do so may not return a member on the terms of paying him a salary. It is done in several cases, in two at least with the happiest results. It would be a different thing to throw the whole place open with standing advertisement for eligible Members at a salary. The horde of impecunious babblers and busybodies", "id": "15828317" }, { "contents": "Bettadapura\n\n\nthis just a rainwater stocking in some accidentally naturally-occurring pond-like structure. If so, why it remains almost the same in all seasons is also not clear. There is a small granite structure that looks like some miniature bathtub suitable for infants. Many are not sure of its significance. There are many beehives that can be found built on a huge rock before reaching the summit. A little strange thing is even though most of the hill is filled with thick vegetation, there are very few flowering plants & trees", "id": "1679792" }, { "contents": "Cluster analysis\n\n\ncluster\" cannot be precisely defined, which is one of the reasons why there are so many clustering algorithms. There is a common denominator: a group of data objects. However, different researchers employ different cluster models, and for each of these cluster models again different algorithms can be given. The notion of a cluster, as found by different algorithms, varies significantly in its properties. Understanding these \"cluster models\" is key to understanding the differences between the various algorithms. Typical cluster models include: A \"clustering", "id": "9389660" }, { "contents": "Quo Vadis (band)\n\n\nthat we spent on Forever...\" He also said, \"One thing that many fans asked about... was why there was no violin. At the time we wanted to distance ourselves from all the bands that filled space in their music with different instruments as opposed to writing good music that stood on its own. We did the violin thing five years ago when the idea was a new concept so we wanted to move in. In face, we did record a violin piece for the album but chose not to include it", "id": "416799" }, { "contents": "Merit (Buddhism)\n\n\nof the two generates mixed results in a person's life. This (\") or \"automatic cosmic reaction\" (Brokaw) is a common idea found in Buddhist texts and Buddhist societies, and explains why people are different and lead different lives in many ways. Karma is self-regulatory and natural: it operates without divine intervention and human intention is fundamental to it. Internally, merit makes the mind happy and virtuous. Externally, present good circumstances, such as a long life, health and wealth, as well as", "id": "21941730" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\ncivilization between the 11th and 13th centuries AD as a temple to the god Kukulcan. John Pile claims that its interior layout has golden ratio proportions. He says that the interior walls are placed so that the outer spaces are related to the central chamber by the golden ratio. The Great Mosque of Kairouan (built by Uqba ibn Nafi c. 670 A.D.) has been claimed to use the golden ratio in the design including its plan, the prayer space, court, and minaret, but the ratio does not appear in the original", "id": "8419917" }, { "contents": "Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development\n\n\nso that their order of appearance reflects the information processing possibilities at successive ages. There are some commonalities between the Piagetian and Commons' notions of stage and many more things that are different. In both, one finds: What Commons et al. (Commons, Trudeau, Stein, Richards, & Krause 1998; Commons & Pekker, 2008; Commons, McCalla, et al., in press) have added includes: The five highest stages in the MHC are not represented in Piaget's model. They are systematic,", "id": "6020189" }, { "contents": "Canons of page construction\n\n\nand incunabula, mostly in those produced between 1550 and 1770. Hendel writes that since Gutenberg's time, books have been most often printed in an upright position, that conform loosely, if not precisely, to the golden ratio. These page proportions based on the golden section or golden ratio, are usually described through its convergents such as 2:3, 5:8, and 21:34. Tschichold says that common ratios for page proportion used in book design include as 2:3, 1:, and the golden section. The image with circular arcs", "id": "21666319" }, { "contents": "Pythagorean tiling\n\n\n-way rotational symmetry around each of its squares. When the ratio of the side lengths of the two squares is an irrational number such as the golden ratio, its cross-sections form aperiodic sequences with a similar recursive structure to the Fibonacci word. Generalizations of this tiling to three dimensions have also been studied. The Pythagorean tiling is the unique tiling by squares of two different sizes that is both \"unilateral\" (no two squares have a common side) and \"equitransitive\" (each two squares of the same size", "id": "19430258" }, { "contents": "Trouble (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nnew for me ... because I usually do things that are so constructed and have so many stage props or choreography, but this is a really different record for me to be able to have me and (Jennifer) perform it and have that relaxed atmosphere.\" \"It has a great, great live vibe to it,\" Hudson added, \"It came to life for both of us when we were performing it together.\" \"Seeing them in rehearsal today, you can see why magic is coming out of the", "id": "2334672" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\n, Chinese pottery, Olmec sculptures, and Cretan and Mycenaean products from the late Bronze Age. These predate by some 1,000 years the Greek mathematicians first known to have studied the golden ratio. However, the historical sources are obscure, and the analyses are difficult to compare because they employ differing methods. It is claimed, for instance, that Stonehenge (3100 BC – 2200 BC) has golden ratio proportions between its concentric circles. Kimberly Elam proposes this relation as early evidence of human cognitive preference for the golden ratio. However", "id": "8419909" }, { "contents": "Rhombic triacontahedron\n\n\nIn geometry, the rhombic triacontahedron, sometimes simply called the triacontahedron as it is the most common thirty-faced polyhedron, is a convex polyhedron with 30 rhombic faces. It has 60 edges and 32 vertices of two types. It is a Catalan solid, and the dual polyhedron of the icosidodecahedron. It is a zonohedron. The ratio of the long diagonal to the short diagonal of each face is exactly equal to the golden ratio, \"φ\", so that the acute angles on each face measure , or approximately 63.43", "id": "8580290" }, { "contents": "Metallic mean\n\n\nshown at right. Notice that each metallic mean is a root of the simple quadratic equation: formula_2, where formula_3 is any positive natural number. As the golden ratio is connected to the pentagon (first diagonal/side), the silver ratio is connected to the octagon (second diagonal/side). As the golden ratio is connected to the Fibonacci numbers, the silver ratio is connected to the Pell numbers, and the bronze ratio is connected to . Each Fibonacci number is the sum of the previous number times one", "id": "3322228" }, { "contents": "Floor area ratio\n\n\nThe amounts of these things tend to be constant for a given total floor area, regardless of how that area is distributed horizontally and vertically. Thus, many jurisdictions have found it unnecessary to include hard height limitations when using floor area ratio calculations. Common exclusions to the total calculation of square footage for the purpose of floor area ratio (FAR) include unoccupied areas such as mechanical equipment floors, basements, stair towers, elevator shafts, and parking garages. Japan has extensively adopted the floor area ratio in the zoning system since", "id": "4606467" }, { "contents": "Why We Disagree About Climate Change\n\n\ntaken such a dominant position in modern politics and why it is so contested. In the book, the author looks at the differing views from various disciplines, including natural science, economics, ethics, social psychology and politics, to try to explain why people disagree about climate change. The book argues that climate change, rather than being a problem to be solved, is an idea which reveals different individual and collective beliefs, values and attitudes about ways of living in the world. Max Boykoff writing for \"Nature Reports Climate", "id": "11509617" }, { "contents": "Common Fisheries Policy\n\n\nbe used. Areas may be closed from fishing to allow stocks to recover. A minimum size for catch led to fishermen dumping dead fish that were too small to land legally, so a minimum mesh size was introduced, which let small fish escape to replenish stocks. Choice of mesh is complicated, because mature fish of different species are naturally different sizes and require different nets. In 1977 an aid programme was introduced to improve the fish processing industries. This includes such things as fish filleting, salting, drying, smoking,", "id": "11799224" }, { "contents": "Common sense\n\n\nsoul (, ) proposed by Aristotle, which enables different individual senses to collectively perceive the characteristics of physical things such as movement and size, which all physical things have in different combinations, allowing people and other animals to distinguish and identify physical things. This common sense is distinct from basic sensory perception and from human rational thinking, but cooperates with both. The second special use of the term is Roman-influenced and is used for the natural human sensitivity for other humans and the community. Just like the everyday meaning,", "id": "11777746" }, { "contents": "Subterranea (album)\n\n\nthe person responsible for locking him away. In the final scene, the central character is the only survivor and he, in a different sense, resigns himself to going back into the same isolation where he started, making the album's story go full circle. The album starts with him being on his own and not knowing why he's there or what's going on and ends with him at peace with himself because he's experienced, himself, so many terrible things and he wants to be alone again. So he", "id": "16045313" }, { "contents": "The golden verses of Pythagoras\n\n\ndifferent beings extend, and what contains and binds them 52. You shall likewise know that according to Law, the nature of this universe is in all things alike,br 53. So that you shall not hope what you ought not to hope; and nothing in this world shall be hidden from 54. You will likewise know, that men draw upon themselves their own misfortunes voluntarily, and of their own free 55. Unhappy they are! They neither see nor understand that their good is near 56", "id": "18203377" }, { "contents": "Are We Changing Planet Earth?\n\n\nthese programmes about climate change are different, in that previously I have made programmes about natural history, and now you could say I have an engaged stance. The first is about the fact that there is climate change and that it is human-induced. So I'm glad that the BBC wanted some clear statement of the evidence as to why these two things are the case. Although the two programmes represent Attenborough's personal take on global warming, he backs up his arguments with findings from leading scientists and climatologists. The", "id": "5775107" }, { "contents": "Natural law\n\n\nthe law of nature. Luis Molina, for example, when referred to the 'natural' price, explained that it is \"so called because 'it results from the thing itself without regard to laws and decrees, but is dependent on many circumstances which alter it, such as the sentiments of men, their estimation of different uses, often even in consequence of whims and pleasures\". And even John Locke, when talking about the foundations of natural law and explaining what he thought when citing \"reason\", said", "id": "2148861" }, { "contents": "Bank of Saint George\n\n\nthe smallest court or office, the stated forms and methods, by which business must be conducted, are found to be a considerable check on the natural depravity of mankind. Why should not the case be the same in public affairs? Can we ascribe the stability and wisdom of the Venetian government, through so many ages, to any thing but the form of government? And is it not easy to point out those defects in the original constitution, which produced the tumultuous governments of Athens and Rome, and ended at last", "id": "21800375" }, { "contents": "Arthur Schopenhauer's aesthetics\n\n\nso to speak, rid of ourselves.\" (\"The World as Will and Representation\", Vol. I, § 68) \"Perhaps the reason why common objects in \"still life\" seem so transfigured and generally everything \"painted\" appears in a supernatural light is that we then no longer look at things in the flux of time and in the connection of cause and effect …. On the contrary, we are snatched out of that eternal flux of all things and removed into a dead and silent eternity.", "id": "14905656" }, { "contents": "Golden ratio\n\n\nnavel with the two sections in golden ratio, then subdivided those sections in golden ratio at the knees and throat; he used these golden ratio proportions in the Modulor system. Le Corbusier's 1927 Villa Stein in Garches exemplified the Modulor system's application. The villa's rectangular ground plan, elevation, and inner structure closely approximate golden rectangles. Another Swiss architect, Mario Botta, bases many of his designs on geometric figures. Several private houses he designed in Switzerland are composed of squares and circles, cubes and cylinders. In", "id": "12022081" }, { "contents": "Geometric series\n\n\nintroduction, may simply be written as The following table shows several geometric series with different start terms and common ratios: The behavior of the terms depends on the common ratio \"r\": The sum of a geometric series is finite as long as the absolute value of the ratio is less than 1; as the numbers near zero, they become insignificantly small, allowing a sum to be calculated despite the series containing infinitely many terms. The sum can be computed using the self-similarity of the series. Consider the sum", "id": "12381141" }, { "contents": "Multifuel\n\n\nled to increased development of multifuel technology for non-military use as well, leading to many flexible-fuel vehicle designs in recent decades. A multifuel engine is constructed so that its compression ratio permits firing the lowest octane fuel of the various accepted alternative fuels. A strengthening of the engine is necessary in order to meet these higher demands. Multifuel engines sometimes have switch settings that are set manually to take different octanes, or types, of fuel. One common use of this technology is in military vehicles, so that they", "id": "18713715" }, { "contents": "Natural history of Africa\n\n\nreptiles the lizard and chameleon are common, and there are a number of venomous snakes, though these are not so numerous as in other tropical countries. The scorpion is abundant. Of insects Africa has many thousand different kinds; of these the locust is the proverbial scourge of the continent, and the ravages of the termites are almost incredible. The spread of malaria by means of mosquitoes is common. The tsetse fly, whose bite is fatal to all domestic animals, is common in many districts of South and East Africa.", "id": "1665155" }, { "contents": "Golden rectangle\n\n\n, and pentagon. The respective lengths \"a\", \"b\", and \"c\" of the sides of these three polygons satisfy the equation \"a\" + \"b\" = \"c\", so line segments with these lengths form a right triangle (by the converse of the Pythagorean theorem). The ratio of the side length of the hexagon to the decagon is the golden ratio, so this triangle forms half of a golden rectangle. The convex hull of two opposite edges of a regular icosahedron forms", "id": "4221950" }, { "contents": "Geometric separator\n\n\nof the spiral, and each shape touches its neighbours in the spiral ordering. For example, start with a 1-by-Φ rectangle, where Φ is the golden ratio. Add an adjacent Φ-by-Φ square and get another golden rectangle. Add an adjacent (1+Φ)-by-(1+Φ) square and get a larger golden rectangle, and so on. Now, in order to separate more than 1/3 of the shapes, the separator must separate O(\"N\") shapes from two different vertices. But to do this, the separator must", "id": "341622" }, { "contents": "NuvoTV\n\n\nPuerto Rican girl watching TV and not having a lot to identify with. \"West Side Story\" was really my favorite thing because it had Puerto Ricans in it\". Lopez explained that her partnership with nuvoTV marked a natural step in her career. \"I'm in this business and I do know this business on many different levels – in music, in television, in film production, and as an actress, and in so many different ways, even in fashion. It's kind of right up my alley,", "id": "11984724" }, { "contents": "Canons of page construction\n\n\nand accidental ratios. The difference between a clear and an unclear ratio, though frequently slight, is noticeable. ... Many books show none of the clear proportions, but accidental ones.\" John Man's quoted Gutenberg page sizes are in a proportion not very close to the golden ratio, but Rosarivo's or van de Graaf's construction is applied by Tschichold to make a pleasing text area on pages of arbitrary proportions, even such accidental ones. Richard Hendel, associate director of the University of North Carolina Press, describes book", "id": "21666323" }, { "contents": "William Horman\n\n\nin the Latin sense of \"common things\", in this case \"everyday sayings\". The book is a collection of English sentences followed by their Latin translations, covering subjects related to school, manners, upbringing, religion, natural history and many other subjects. The textbook is not radically different from previous Latin grammars, differing mainly in its arrangement by subject rather than by grammatical structure. In this, it followed the principles laid out by Erasmus. The \"Vulgaria\" draws from a variety of sources, for example", "id": "13290222" }, { "contents": "Nod (gesture)\n\n\nor to the right). An early survey of nodding and other gestures was \"The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals\", written by Charles Darwin in 1872. Darwin wrote to missionaries in many parts of the world asking for information on local gestures, and concluded that nodding for \"yes\" was common to many different groups. There are varying theories as to why nodding is so frequently used to indicate acceptance. One simple theory is that it is a form of bowing, indicating that one is prepared to", "id": "2924186" }, { "contents": "Benoît Assou-Ekotto\n\n\nhe realised that it could have ended his career: When your surgeon tells you maybe you won't play football anymore many things are different in your mind. Before, when you're injured, your money comes into your account every month and everything is cool. But when they speak to you about the end of your career at 22 or 23… it's why maybe I changed. I'm safe now but this gave me a lesson. That's why I changed many things in my mind and in my life.", "id": "17711236" }, { "contents": "Population dynamics of fisheries\n\n\nits common prey dependent generalizations) emerged, the ratio dependent or Arditi-Ginzburg model. The two are the extremes of the spectrum of predator interference models. According to the authors of the alternative view, the data show that true interactions in nature are so far from the Lotka-Volterra extreme on the interference spectrum that the model can simply be discounted as wrong. They are much closer to the ratio dependent extreme, so if a simple model is needed one can use the Arditi-Ginzburg model as the first approximation.", "id": "12244376" }, { "contents": "Numerical response\n\n\n, simple alternative to the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model and its common prey dependent generalizations is the ratio dependent or Arditi-Ginzburg model. The two are the extremes of the spectrum of predator interference models. According to the authors of the alternative view, the data show that true interactions in nature are so far from the Lotka-Volterra extreme on the interference spectrum that the model can simply be discounted as wrong. They are much closer to the ratio dependent extreme, so if a simple model is needed one can", "id": "7231770" }, { "contents": "Unveiling a Parallel\n\n\nconstant debate between Severnius and the traveler. Whenever the traveler encounters something new on Mars, he gets confused and will ask lots of questions and explain why he thinks things work differently on Earth. Severnius then can explain why Martians do it differently so that anyone reading the story can see the argument that Jones and Merchant are trying to make about why equality between men and women would be possible in America. For example, Severnius tells the traveler that women are allowed to vote on Mars because they are a part of society.", "id": "12787831" }, { "contents": "Ezra Stiles College\n\n\nat the same time, has an adjoining dining room, and shares a common kitchen. Architecturally, Morse and Stiles differ from older colleges by having more private space per student and the lowest ratio of natural light aperture to wall surface. Because none of the interior walls make right angles, many of Stiles' dorm rooms are furnished with built-in desks and bookshelves. The college was once heated by a system that warmed the stone floors, but maintenance troubles led Yale to abandon it and install radiators. Contrary to popular", "id": "10799401" }, { "contents": "Vocabulary mismatch\n\n\nVocabulary mismatch is a common phenomenon in the usage of natural languages, occurring when different people name the same thing or concept differently. Furnas et al. (1987) were perhaps the first to quantitatively study the vocabulary mismatch problem. Their results show that on average 80% of the times different people (experts in the same field) will name the same thing differently. There are usually tens of possible names that can be attributed to the same thing. This research motivated the work on latent semantic indexing. The vocabulary mismatch", "id": "18715228" }, { "contents": "I Don't Want to Grow Up\n\n\nin a mid-1980s interview. \"Sometimes I want to have sex so much that I think I'm a pervert, so that's why I wrote the song. Even though sex is the healthiest thing in the world, the most natural thing, sometimes for some strange reason my psyche tells me that I should be a pervert for wanting to have it so much.\" The band learned the new material and recorded the album within a two-week period, leaving little time to rehearse the songs. In addition to the", "id": "5295330" }, { "contents": "Introduction to evolution\n\n\nlimbs represented modern species and the branches represented the common ancestors that are shared amongst many different species. To explain these relationships, Darwin said that all living things were related, and this meant that all life must be descended from a few forms, or even from a single common ancestor. He called this process \"descent with modification\". Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection in \"On the Origin of Species\" in 1859. His theory means that all life, including humanity, is a product of continuing", "id": "18540945" }, { "contents": "Scientific method\n\n\nas distinguished from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises. Though diverse models for the scientific method are available, there is in general a continuous process that includes observations about the natural world. People are naturally inquisitive, so they often come up with questions about things they see or hear, and they often develop ideas or hypotheses about why things are the way they are. The best hypotheses lead to predictions that can be tested in various ways. The most conclusive testing of hypotheses comes from reasoning based on carefully", "id": "7030470" }, { "contents": "Cenodoxus\n\n\ncathedral when Cenodoxus's body cried out the things described. Seeing this with his own eyes, Bruno was beside himself with confusion as to why these things had happened, and why Cenodoxus—of all people—should have met with such a stern judgment. \"If that good man Cenodoxus is lost, despite the many good things he has done, how can I be saved, who am so much worse a man, and by far the less deserving?\" Bruno left society behind to build a monastery in the woods", "id": "15096013" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\npurely rational slopes that only approximate the golden ratio. The Egyptians of those times apparently did not know the Pythagorean theorem; the only right triangle whose proportions they knew was the 3:4:5 triangle. The Acropolis of Athens (468–430 BC), including the Parthenon, according to some studies, has many proportions that approximate the golden ratio. Other scholars question whether the golden ratio was known to or used by Greek artists and architects as a principle of aesthetic proportion. Building the Acropolis is calculated to have been started around 600 BC,", "id": "8419912" }, { "contents": "Determinism\n\n\nerror in knowledge of initial conditions can result in arbitrarily large deviations from predicted behavior. Chaos theory thus explains why it may be practically impossible to predict real life, whether determinism is true or false. On the other hand, the issue may not be so much about human abilities to \"predict\" or attain \"certainty\" as much as it is the nature of reality itself. For that, a closer, scientific look at nature is necessary. Quantum physics works differently in many ways from Newtonian physics. Physicist Aaron D.", "id": "3608966" }, { "contents": "Fibonacci number\n\n\nthe head of a sunflower was proposed by in 1979. This has the form where \"n\" is the index number of the floret and \"c\" is a constant scaling factor; the florets thus lie on Fermat's spiral. The divergence angle, approximately 137.51°, is the golden angle, dividing the circle in the golden ratio. Because this ratio is irrational, no floret has a neighbor at exactly the same angle from the center, so the florets pack efficiently. Because the rational approximations to the golden ratio", "id": "10780823" }, { "contents": "Nature photography\n\n\na type of nature photography. While common macro subjects – bees, dragonflies, and so on – could be described as wildlife, their world also makes for good photography. Many photographers record images of the texture in a stone, tree bark, leaf, or any of other small scenes. Many of these images are abstract. Tiny plants and mushrooms are also popular subjects. Close-up nature photography doesn't always need a true macro lens; however, the scenes here are small enough that they're generally considered different", "id": "5439144" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "Vladimir J. Konečni\n\n\nabout ten years (1995–2005), Konečni did a great deal of experimental and theoretical work on the \"golden ratio\" (or \"golden section\"). He has repeatedly emphasized the need for distinguishing among the numerous facets of this classical problem in aesthetics and art: Objects in nature vs. objects in art and architecture; the known presence vs. absence of artist's intention in utilizing the ratio; the degree of perceivers' awareness of the ratio in an object and the influence of that awareness, if any, on the", "id": "4983091" }, { "contents": "Golden Stream Corridor Preserve\n\n\nThe Golden Stream Corridor Preserve is a nature preserve in Belize with a unique diversity of habitat types and ecosystems. The preserve is owned and managed by Ya'axche' Conservation Trust. The preserve protects the Golden Stream watershed. The Golden Stream Corridor preserve is located in the southern part of Belize and is estimated to be approximately . The nature reserve is located near the Nim Li Punit archaeological site. The nature preserve is made up of many different ecosystems which includes both forest and marine ecosystems. Its forest ecosystem includes a pristine forest consisting", "id": "14313492" }, { "contents": "Centrality\n\n\nthere will be many different eigenvalues formula_70 for which a non-zero eigenvector solution exists. Since the entries in the adjacency matrix are non-negative, there is a unique largest eigenvalue, which is real and positive, by the Perron–Frobenius theorem. This greatest eigenvalue results in the desired centrality measure. The formula_73 component of the related eigenvector then gives the relative centrality score of the vertex formula_11 in the network. The eigenvector is only defined up to a common factor, so only the ratios of the centralities of the", "id": "6394706" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nthis incredible, incredible gift that she was given, this gift that reached out and taught us all – taught us things about music we knew very well, but showed us new things, things we never thought about, new possibilities. I think that's why singers admire her so; I think that's why conductors admire her so; I know that's why I admire her so. And she paid a tremendously difficult and expensive price for this career. I don't think she always understood what she did or why", "id": "17351169" }, { "contents": "Small Mahzor\n\n\nand Gregorian years) in the Era of the Lord (Anno Domini), a.k.a. the Common Era. The golden number is the remaining number of dividing the year in the Common Era by nineteen, plus one. The Babylonians and the Israelites used Nisan-years, and the Jews used Tishri-years, their years were lunar in nature, different in length, and the beginning of the Jewish cycle is by making the day of creation according to the Rabbinical Chronology (3761 BC) Thus the Golden Number value in", "id": "21548773" }, { "contents": "Century Mountain\n\n\nof Lin Biao and the Gang of Four,\" they had asked themselves why China, with its long history of civilization, progressed so slowly, when Yugoslavia, also a \"socialist\" state, had developed quickly. Like many in their generation they concluded that the first thing to do was to establish respect for human rights and democracy. They differed from some of their contemporaries in that they read Western classics and respected Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Chinese Mysticism. But what distinguished them more than anything else was the visionary", "id": "145315" } ]
Why does injecting air bubbles into your veins kill you?
[{"answer": " URL_0 > Small bubbles can block capillaries in vital organs, most urgently the brain, causing anything from pain and inflammation to neurological damage and paralysis. A small bubble impedes blood flow the same way a solid obstruction would \u2014 the bubble's surface tension relative to its size is too great for the force of blood to break it up or shove it along. Bad? Yes. Fatal? Probably not, although see below. > A big bubble, on the other hand, gets us into the vapor lock scenario. Your heart, like the fuel pump in an old car (cars with modern fuel injection work differently), is a simple mechanical device. In ordinary operation, its contracting chambers squeeze the blood out and force it through the circulatory system. All is well. Now imagine a massive air embolus shows up and your heart starts squeezing on that. There's nothing to get any purchase on; the air just compresses. Blood flow stops, and eventually so does your heart."}, {"answer": "Tiny amount of air -- no problem. Small amounts -- could cause stroke symptoms if they go to brain circulation -- treatment is supportive +/- hyperbaric oxygen. Larger amounts (about 60cc) can cause \"airlock\" in the heart -- causes the pump to lose its prime and thus lead to cardiac arrest. Treatment for witnessed, large volume air embolus is immediate positioning of the patient left side down with legs up which may prevent the air from movement into the RV/pulmonary artery. Since it's often caused by air entering a central venous catheter you can try sucking it back out by advancing the catheter and withdrawing blood/air with a syringe. Occasionally aggressive CPR can \"shove\" it out of the heart and get things going again if it has caused cardiac arrest. I've only seen it once, positioning prevented problem."}, {"answer": "The air bubble can quite easily get 'stuck' in the lungs - it would be an air embolism that you are most at risk from"}, {"answer": "In case anyone is wondering, it would take an entire IV tube filled with air for it to begin causing problems in a relatively healthy individual. Small amounts in a syringe or a few bubbles in IV tubing will not cause problems as it will end up dissolving. Oxygen will bind to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells and the CO2 and other gasses will dissolve in the blood and will be exhaled when it reaches your lungs."}, {"answer": "Blood flow relies on pressure gradients created by the compressing/beating heart. Normally blood is in liquid form (a non compressible form), Liquids transmit pressure equally, thus maintaining the pressure gradients between the heart and the veins, blood then flows along the gradient. Air on the other hand is compressible. if you have a small block of air, the pressure from the heart simply compresses the air; thereby not transmitting the pressure through the full length of vessel. This distorts the pressure gradients, literally stopping blood from flowing. Small amounts of air are not harmful as it dissolves over time. Organs such as your lungs and brain which have really really tiny veins, a small amount of air could cause some major damage. Deep sea diving is a great scenario to see the real effects of air in the bloodstream."}, {"answer": "Small bubbles won't kill you. It takes a full IV tube of air to have any real effect. Source: Just came out of an eight day visit to the hospital, had bubbles in my IV which I asked about. I am completely fine."}, {"answer": "Small bubbles aren't a problem. If you've had an IV, which I've had a few this year, you've probably had small bubbles get into you. As long as they're small enough your lungs just remove them."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "447738", "title": "Air embolism", "section": "Section::::Causes.:Direct injection.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 39, "end_paragraph_id": 39, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["causing sudden death. Breath-holding while ascending from scuba diving may also force lung air into pulmonary arteries or veins in a similar manner, due to the pressure difference. Air can be injected directly into a vein or artery accidentally during clinical procedures. Misuse of a syringe to meticulously remove air from the vascular tubing of a hemodialysis circuit can allow air into the vascular system. Venous air embolism is a rare complication of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures requiring catheterization of a vein or artery. If a significant embolism occurs, the cardiovascular, pulmonary, or central nervous system may be affected. Interventions to remove or mitigate the embolism may include procedures to reduce bubble size, or withdrawal of air from the right atrium.", "causing sudden death. Breath-holding while ascending from scuba diving may also force lung air into pulmonary arteries or veins in a similar manner, due to the pressure difference. Air can be injected directly into a vein or artery accidentally during clinical procedures. Misuse of a syringe to meticulously remove air from the vascular tubing of a hemodialysis circuit can allow air into the vascular system. Venous air embolism is a rare complication of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures requiring catheterization of a vein or artery. If a significant embolism occurs, the cardiovascular, pulmonary, or central nervous system may be affected."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Vararuchi\n\n\nVararuchi, why have you shaved your head all of a sudden?\" Vararuchi replied: \"O king, is there anything that a woman does not demand and a man does not readily concede? He would do anything, shave his head or neigh like a horse.\" Raktamukha, the monkey, then told Karalamukha, the crocodile: \"You wicked crocodile, you are a slave of your wife like Nanda and Vararuchi. You tried to kill me but your chatter gave away your plans.\" That’s why the", "id": "2757112" }, { "contents": "Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia\n\n\nbe used as a screening tool to identify abnormal connections between the lung arteries and veins. This involves the injection of agitated saline into a vein, followed by ultrasound-based imaging of the heart. Normally, the lungs remove small air bubbles from the circulation, and they are therefore only seen in the right atrium and the right ventricle. If an AVM is present, bubbles appear in the left atrium and left ventricle, usually 3–10 cardiac cycles after the right side; this is slower than in heart defects, in which", "id": "18413750" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\nattack if the heart is affected. The amount of arterial gas embolism that causes symptoms depends on location — 2 mL of air in the cerebral circulation can be fatal, while 0.5 mL of air into a coronary artery can cause cardiac arrest. If a patent foramen ovale (PFO) is suspected, an examination by echocardiography may be performed to diagnose the defect. In this test, very fine bubbles are introduced into a patient's vein by agitating saline in a syringe to produce the bubbles, then injecting them into an arm", "id": "6625809" }, { "contents": "Why Can't He Be You\n\n\nsession was produced by Owen Bradley and among the other tracks recorded by Cline that day was the single \"Leavin' on Your Mind\" and the song \"Your Kinda Love\". \"Why Can't He Be You\" was released as the B-side to Cline's 1962 single \"Heartaches\". While the A-side reached a minor position on the Billboard Hot 100, \"Why Can't He Be You\" reached a peak position on the \"Billboard\" Bubbling Under Hot 100 singles chart, stalling at", "id": "13395412" }, { "contents": "Red Smith (sportswriter)\n\n\neditor or adviser by dictionary and thesarus publishers. Smith is best known for his famous quotation, \"Writing is easy. You just open a vein and bleed.\" In 1946, sportswriter Paul Gallico wrote, \"It is only when you open your veins and bleed onto the page a little that you establish contact with your reader.\" In April 1949, columnist Walter Winchell wrote, \"Red Smith was asked if turning out a daily column wasn't quite a chore. ... 'Why, no', dead-", "id": "17500814" }, { "contents": "Where the Hell is Matt?\n\n\nwith other dancers, sometimes using a local dance or another dance step. While working in Australia for Activision on the project \"All Humans Must Die\", Harding claimed that: \"My life had become this rhythmic migration from bubble to bubble. You wake up in your apartment bubble, you get in your car bubble, you go to your work bubble, you get in your car, and then you go to you know, whatever, the outdoor shopping plaza bubble, back in your car bubble, back in your", "id": "4596657" }, { "contents": "Unnatural Death (novel)\n\n\nhas been carped at, but no one could do anything but rejoice at Miss Climpson and her subterfuges.\" HRF Keating, writing in 1989, noted that Sayers had \"invented a murder method that is appropriately dramatic and cunningly ingenious, the injection of an air-bubble with a hypodermic\". However, \"not only would it require the use of an instrument so large as to be farcical, but Miss Sayers has her bubble put into an artery not a vein. No wonder afterwards she pledged herself 'strictly in", "id": "21037121" }, { "contents": "Gofraid of Lochlann\n\n\nThe two brothers, Amlaib and Imar, went to consult about the matter of the young lad Óisle; although they had hidden reasons for killing him, they did not bring these up, but instead they brought up other causes for which they ought to kill him; and afterwards they decided to kill him. When Óisle visited Amlaib the former said: ‘Brother, if your wife, i.e. the daughter of Cináed, does not love you, why not give her to me, and whatever you have lost by her,", "id": "9497180" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\n. Patent foramen ovale in underwater divers is considered a risk factor for arterial gas embolism due to shunt of what would otherwise be asymptomatic venous bubbles into the systemic arteries. Air embolism can occur whenever a blood vessel is open and a pressure gradient exists favoring entry of gas. Because the circulatory pressure in most arteries and veins is greater than atmospheric pressure, an air embolus does not often happen when a blood vessel is injured. In the veins above the heart, such as in the head and neck, the venous pressure may", "id": "6625804" }, { "contents": "Resistance (comics)\n\n\n\" and he asks again why: \"there are men who afraid and full of pain you are full pain and hate\". Capelli then explains how he was in Project Abraham and remembers two men, one named Hale and the other Shepherd. When he tried to sleep he had visions and saw the Chimera killing everyone and simply does not wish it to come true. The Sentinels come up with a plan of running into the hangars, which was crazy at first, and planned on used the gas veins which made them", "id": "6510171" }, { "contents": "Dua's layer\n\n\nthat it may have important medical implications. The layer may help surgeons improve outcomes for patients undergoing corneal grafts and transplants. During surgery, tiny air bubbles are injected into the corneal stroma in what is known as the \"big bubble technique\". Sometimes the bubble bursts, damaging the patient's eye. If the air bubble is injected under Dua's layer instead of above it, the layer's strength could reduce the risk of tearing. The understanding of diseases of the cornea, including acute hydrops, Descemetocele, and pre", "id": "7570138" }, { "contents": "Johan Cruyff\n\n\nwith your head, and your legs are there to help you. If you don't use your head, using your feet won't be sufficient. Why does a player have to chase the ball? Because he started running too late. You have to pay attention, use your brain and find the right position. If you get to the ball late, it means you chose the wrong position. Bergkamp was never late.\" For Cruyff, football (the so-called beautiful game) is much an artistic-", "id": "12011793" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\nwere also guilty of this murder. If so, are you also the murderers who killed Rajiv Gandhi? They say the British killed people in Jallianwallahbagh, but what are they doing in Mullaiththeevu and Vanni? Look at the children being killed there. Aren't you reminded of your children? Look at the women being raped? Don't you have a sister in that age? When Rajiv Gandhi was killed why where frontline leaders of the Congress not with him? Why did Jayalalithaa, an alliance partner, not go to take", "id": "9635332" }, { "contents": "The Internet Galaxy\n\n\nEducational, informational, and technological resources are characterized by extremely uneven distribution throughout the world (UNESCO, 1999).\" \"I imagine one could say: ″Why don't you leave me alone?! I want no part of your Internet, of your technological civilization, of your network society! I just want to live my life!″...\" One of the significant features of the book (published in 2001 before the September 11 attacks and around the time of the dot-com bubble) is the inclusion of the e", "id": "360981" }, { "contents": "Caerus\n\n\nwhy does your hair hang over your face? For him who meets me to take me by the forelock. And why, in Heaven's name, is the back of your head bald? Because none whom I have once raced by on my winged feet will now, though he wishes it sore, take hold of me from behind. Why did the artist fashion you? For your sake, stranger, and he set me up in the porch as a lesson.\" This statue was the original model for the various", "id": "2096429" }, { "contents": "James Horton (Highlander)\n\n\nrules. I tried to get Xavier to come but even he wouldn't kill here.\" When MacLeod asks if Horton does this to feel powerful, Horton replies, \"This is not about me, MacLeod. This is about you, you and your kind. You're an abomination.\" Then Horton boasts, \"I'm the man you can't kill. Frustrated? I know I would be in your position. How would you like to kill me? ...with your sword? No, I think you", "id": "20474492" }, { "contents": "Sigma Star Saga\n\n\ndanger. In most battles, you are required to shoot down a certain number of enemies to end the sequence. The ship battles are where the RPG elements of the game come in: as you kill enemies, they drop experience bubbles, which power up your offensive and defensive capabilities. You can further increase your abilities through the Gun Data system. Unlike many shooters, you do not have a fixed ship in this game. You are transported to a different ship in one of half a dozen classes, chosen randomly by", "id": "6100893" }, { "contents": "Transthoracic echocardiogram\n\n\ncloser visualization of common sites for vegetations and other abnormalities. Transesophageal Echocardiography also affords better visualization of prosthetic heart valves and clots within the four chambers of the heart. This type of Echocardiogram may be a better option for patients with thick chests, abnormal chest walls, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the obese. \"Bubble contrast TTE\" involves the injection of agitated saline into a vein, followed by an Echocardiographic study. The bubbles are initially detected in the right atrium and right ventricle. If bubbles appear in the left heart,", "id": "132876" }, { "contents": "Anne Ley\n\n\nthat you aloft may soare To learnings pitch, where that you once may rest Il’e lend a hand, doe you but doe your may. The commonplace manuscript also contains a short, undated letter (likely an except) that Anne Ley wrote to her father, concerning poetry: “I am glad to heare you are so merilie disposed, as to enter into that veine of peotrie; or else it may be these times, wherein our London is changed to Aracadia.” Lastly, the following poem is about the birth", "id": "7754601" }, { "contents": "CollXtion I\n\n\nthan \"Catch\".\" Melissa Locker of TIME called the song \"an injection of sparkly synth-pop that’s so catchy. it [sic] reminds you of why pop songs are called infectious in the first place.\" \"Bitch\" was described as, \"brimming with bubbly bleeps and sonic squelches,\" and as highlighting \"Ms. X’s dream-like vocals,\" by Robbie Daw of Idolator. Popjustice said, \"Allie X is one of the best new entities in all of Pop,\"", "id": "13156023" }, { "contents": "Pop (video game)\n\n\nto stop them from popping bubbles. Nic Watt, Creative Director of Nnooo, gave more detail regarding the multiplier system. \"To create a chain you must pop only the same color of bubbles consecutively. If you miss (pop on the background), wait too long between popping or pop a different colour the chain will break. Also while you are chaining your score and time from each bubble is stored in a tally below the cursor. This means that until you break your chain neither your main score nor the main", "id": "21294521" }, { "contents": "Sonnets for an Old Century\n\n\nall going to work out. The first lines of the play being \"\"You stand here and make your statement. That's it.\"\" She does not explain where they are, why they are there and if they are dead. It is easy to assume that they might be, but the playwright does not specify. It is thought as if they are dead, considering Wendy's last words are: \"\"It's the last and only time you have to give your side of the story, as", "id": "13158281" }, { "contents": "Karren Brady\n\n\nconfidence to aim for the boardroom. We need to look outside the corporate mainstream, at female entrepreneurs and self-employed businesswomen, who can inject different insights and diversity to any board.” Similarly, Brady famously told the Independent: \"If you don't have a woman on your board you should write to your shareholders and explain why. Tell us how many women you've interviewed and what skills they've been lacking, because that will give us some basis to teach the new generation of women in business.\"", "id": "10335177" }, { "contents": "Deng Zhi\n\n\ninto the hall, smiling at the heavily armed guards who glare at him. After entering the hall, he does not kneel when he pays respect to Sun Quan, who shouts at him: \"Why are you not kneeling?\" Deng Zhi confidently replies: \"An emissary of a great kingdom does not bow to the lord of a lesser state.\" An enraged Sun Quan says: \"You don't know your place. Are you trying to use that tongue of yours to convince me in the same way Li", "id": "17926114" }, { "contents": "When Björk Met Attenborough\n\n\nwhich the naturalist affirms: \"Music, to be most rewarding, [...] does require work, and does require concentration, does require thought, which is why your music is so challenging, because it does require thought. So much of what you do, is completely new, [and] hasn't been done by people before, and that's what's challenging about that. So, if you're very tired, I don't suggest that they put on your music. I put on your music when", "id": "13922962" }, { "contents": "Dua's layer\n\n\nthe air bubble to dissipate in some specimens (\"type II bubbles\"), but not others (\"type I bubbles\"). Further experimentation revealed that all air-bubble-free specimens could be re-inflated with a type I bubble. After the bubble was inflated to the point of popping, no further bubble could be formed from further injection, indicating that the bubble was being trapped by a distinct layer of material, not a random variation in the corneal stroma. The experimental results were studied by optical", "id": "7570136" }, { "contents": "CLaCS\n\n\nCLaCS (Cryo-Laser and Cryo-Sclerotherapy) is a treatment for leg vein lesions by combining transdermal laser effect and injection sclerotherapy, all under skin cooling (Cryo - cold air blown onto the skin at -20C). The laser causes a selective photothermolysis damaging the vein wall. The vein's lumen gets smaller. On a second procedure, sclerosing agent is injected where the vein is still open. This combination allows to treat veins that could be treated by phleboectomy or foam sclerotherapy - more invasive options. To improve results", "id": "19341983" }, { "contents": "Uriah the Hittite\n\n\nyour arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. \"And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in His eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. \"You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised Me and took the wife of", "id": "12955518" }, { "contents": "Sonnet 71\n\n\nif that memory would cause you grief. \"Beloved\": Then I will, from love, mention your name to others. \"Poet\": No, do not rehearse my name, but let your love for me cease when me life does. \"Beloved\": Why do you forbid me to remember you, grieve for you, read you, name you? \"Poet\": Because the world, which has so mocked me, will then associate you with me, and you will find yourself by association", "id": "882872" }, { "contents": "The Dick Cavett Show\n\n\n's \"finger bowl\" comment and made further jokes, Mailer stated \"Why don't you look at your question sheet and ask your question?\", to which Cavett responded \"Why don't you fold it five ways and put it where the moon don't shine?\" A long laugh by the audience ensued, after which Mailer asked Cavett if he had \"come up with that line himself\". Cavett replied \"I have to tell you a quote from Tolstoy?\" The headbutting and later on-air", "id": "8881758" }, { "contents": "Stress ball\n\n\nform known as the Baoding ball. These are not like the others as these are not squeezable, they are solid, they usually come in pairs so you can roll them together to make a soothing sound and a smooth sensation feeling in your hands. Some stress relievers are made from closed-cell polyurethane foam rubber. These are made by injecting the liquid components of the foam into a mold. The resulting chemical reaction creates carbon dioxide bubbles as a byproduct, which in turn creates the foam. Stress balls, especially those", "id": "14262922" }, { "contents": "Viz (comics)\n\n\nyour tenner just as she reaches to take it when paying for a round. It really turns us on\". In a similar vein, one reader suggested \"Old people – are you worried that people in a hurry might be able to get past you on the pavement? Why not try stumbling aimlessly from side to side? That should stop them\". McDonald's was accused of plagiarising a number of \"Viz Top Tips\" in an advertising campaign they ran in 1996. Some of the similarities are almost word-", "id": "14313692" }, { "contents": "Ed Boyce\n\n\na law? No, it is not necessary: you of the Republican party have the votes to kill the bill and that is all you desire. But remember these words: the laboring men of Idaho have asked you for bread and you give them a stone: we ask you for justice and you treat us with scorn, but the day is fast approaching when your action will be condemned by every man who has one drop of manly blood in his veins. The Populists were unable to pass the legislation they desired,", "id": "16091440" }, { "contents": "Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder\n\n\n. It remains a great mystery as to why Loath Nolder disappeared so suddenly, resurfacing five years later and resuming his investigations just as abruptly as he had left them. Why does this venerated P.I. now sit on the other side of the law? This seemingly routine investigation takes a dramatic twist as strange and terrifying happenings begin to plague your psyche. You experience lucid horrifying dreams and are tormented by paranormal happenings. Why do days pass instead of hours when you sleep? What’s real and what’s not? As you pursue", "id": "6085023" }, { "contents": "Water aeration\n\n\nthe expulsion of bubbles can cause a mixing action to occur, and the contact between the water and the bubble will result in an oxygen transfer. Subsurface aeration can be accomplished by the use of jet aerators, which aspirate air, by means of the Venturi principle, and inject the air into the liquid. Coarse bubble aeration is a type of subsurface aeration wherein air is pumped from an on-shore air compressor. through a hose to a unit placed at the bottom of the water body. The unit expels \"coarse", "id": "9363902" }, { "contents": "Void (composites)\n\n\nincrease the amount of voids present in a composite. If the injection pressure in a resin injection pultrusion process is not high enough, the resin or matrix might not be able to penetrate the fiber bed to completely wet out the fibers without voids. Entrapped air or bubbles can be formed in the resin during resin mixing. If these bubbles are not removed before the wetting of the fibers or curing of the composite, the bubbles could become voids that can be found throughout the final composite structure. Because voids are viewed as defects", "id": "11601308" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\ndependent on the Tigers or on the Government, they are going to be killed for the sole reason that they are Tamils. Is this not genocide? If India, Pakistan and China are supplying arms, Japan is giving economic aid, and moreover India is bullying Sri Lanka and thus killing Tamils, why don't you realize that you are also committing the same murder by your silence and your blindness? Nobody becomes a terrorist simply by taking up arms. Our Thiruvalluvar has said: Arathirke anbucar penpa ariyaar/ marathirkum akthe thunai (", "id": "9635354" }, { "contents": "Peter Fontaine\n\n\nthe tough phlegm which engenders the pleurisy, make good blood, and keep the body in good order. I know you eat little meat. Taking the air on horseback in fine weather, and your employment in your garden, will keep you healthy and cheerful, with God's blessing. Be pleased with little things, such as the flourishing of a tree or a plant, or a bed of flowers, and fret not at disappointments. Why may not the growth of your trees afford you as much pleasure as the flourishing", "id": "19025071" }, { "contents": "The Crock of Gold (novel)\n\n\na spider is described: \"Does anybody ever kick you in the nose?\" said the ass to \"Ay does there,\" said the spider; \"you and your like that are always walking on me, or lying down on me, or running over me with the wheels of a cart.\"br \"Well, why don't you stay on the wall?\" said the \"Sure, my wife is there,\" replied the \"What's the harm in that?\" said the", "id": "9066705" }, { "contents": "Save Your Heart (Lights & Motion album)\n\n\n. Franzén recorded the album as a way to both remember and remind himself of why he does what he do in life; \"...This is me doing the thing I love and this is me sharing the things that I am most afraid of. Save Your Heart is conceptually about not giving up on the things that make you lose track of time, that make you feel something and the things that make you realize that maybe there is something that you are born to do. Music is that way for me, and", "id": "13227459" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\ncausing sudden death. Breath-holding while ascending from scuba diving may also force lung air into pulmonary arteries or veins in a similar manner, due to the pressure difference. Air can be injected directly into a vein or artery accidentally during clinical procedures. Misuse of a syringe to meticulously remove air from the vascular tubing of a hemodialysis circuit can allow air into the vascular system. Venous air embolism is a rare complication of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures requiring catheterization of a vein or artery. If a significant embolism occurs, the cardiovascular", "id": "6625802" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous recovery\n\n\nthat you do not have because your family can't afford it when you were young, you could believe that \"things in life are hard to come by\". When you're an adult another situation could arise that is similar, and the recovery of that association and inner response can show up spontaneously as jealousy again. It is why a lot of people say to themselves, \"where does this feeling come from\" or, \"Why did I do that?\" A lot of human reactions are from spontaneous recovery", "id": "9114540" }, { "contents": "Mahmoud Vahidnia\n\n\nsomething: why does nobody in this country dare to criticize you? Do you think that you never make mistakes? Isn't this ignorance? You have been changed into a kind of inaccessible idol that nobody can criticize. I don't understand why everybody is forbidden to criticize your choices.\". Vahidnia classified his criticism in four parts: Vahidnia was ranked 37th on 2009 national math Olympiad in Iran and has received the gold medal for it. Although some media reported he was the \"international mathematics Olympiad winner\", he", "id": "2557540" }, { "contents": "List of minor characters in the Matrix series\n\n\nCan you imagine what that means? 'Our help!' He's got Neo, why does he need you?! (Pause) I know you're both listening to me as much as you're listening to this...pole, here, so I'll just tell you what I think; I think you just spent eight of your nine lives getting out of there. And if you go right back in, I don't think you're just pushing your luck, I don't think you're crazy,", "id": "5617887" }, { "contents": "Pre-Descemet's Endothelial Keratoplasty\n\n\nneedle is stable in the stroma, controlled air injection is performed. Numerous tiny air bubbles are seen cleaving the stroma and finally they coalesce to form one large bubble or Big bubble (BB) (Fig 2A). Once the type 1 BB is formed in the centre, it is gradually enlarged to maximum size which is about 8 mm. Following this, the bubble is pierced with a trephine or knife (Fig 2B) and the graft is dissected meticulously. It is then stained with a dye (trypan blue)", "id": "22038963" }, { "contents": "Cetacea\n\n\nvortex rings or \"bubble rings\". The two main methods of bubble ring production are rapid puffing of air into the water and allowing it to rise to the surface, forming a ring, or swimming repeatedly in a circle and then stopping to inject air into the helical vortex currents thus formed. They also appear to enjoy biting the vortex rings, so that they burst into many separate bubbles and then rise quickly to the surface. Whales produce bubble nets to aid in herding prey. Larger whales are also thought to engage", "id": "7878479" }, { "contents": "Say10\n\n\nKennelty of Metal Injection commended Manson and Tyler Bates' use of dynamics on the song, writing that each musician – through their respective vocals and production – throw \"punches only when [they] need to. Why waste all your energy going full force when there's a more subtle and effective tactic of getting what you want? After all, you rarely need aggression when aiming straight for the jugular.\" On the day of the 2016 US presidential election – November 8 – Manson released a short teaser video for the song", "id": "5181188" }, { "contents": "Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)\n\n\na number of incidents in his early life that suggest that he was an upset and sometimes malicious individual from the beginning. His complicated, mesmerizing, consumable, and altogether bizarre nature makes him a rare character, with components of both the hero and villain. You teach me now how cruel you've been — cruel and false! Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may", "id": "10711768" }, { "contents": "Peer pressure\n\n\nthe modeling which is being a “copycat” and following your friends then finally you have the social norms which are drinking. There are two reasons why people do it; because everyone does it, or as a means to fit into social groups. on entering college most people begin to increase their amount of alcohol intake, this is more so true to those who do not live at home. This would be because you have shifted from being influenced by your parents to being influenced by your college peers. (Borsari and", "id": "20816149" }, { "contents": "Martin Sommer\n\n\nsadism, Sommer was indicted and tried before Morgen. Commandant Karl Koch and his wife Ilse Koch were also put on trial. According to Morgen, Sommer had a secret compartment underneath the floor under his desk. He kept his private instruments of torture concealed within this compartment such as the needles he used to kill his victims after he was done torturing them, he would inject them with carbolic acid, or inject air into their veins causing their death by embolism. On occasions, after private late night torture sessions Sommer would hide", "id": "3903681" }, { "contents": "List of The League of Gentlemen characters\n\n\npolice across the moors. Whereas in the first two series, Briss is a fairly one-dimensional villain, in the film, he is fleshed out into the anti-hero of the piece, before being killed by Dr Erasmus Pea, the film's parody of occultist John Dee. This may be why, despite the film being set in a \"bubble\", he does not appear in the 2017 specials. He does, however, appear in \"The League of Gentlemen Live Again!\" in 2019 as the", "id": "13998089" }, { "contents": "Lu Haodong\n\n\n. Why did you want to get yourself in trouble that would cost you your life? I feel sorry for you that you don't value your life.\" Lu replied sternly, \"China is a vast country and it has the highest population in the world. Poverty is at an extreme because the Qing government is authoritarian and incompetent in foreign policy. My comrades and I planned an uprising with the aim of overthrowing the Qing government and replacing it with a new republican government. I intended to kill one or two persons", "id": "13497053" }, { "contents": "Charm School with Ricki Lake\n\n\nthrows a tantrum. Ricki congratulates the remaining twelve girls on making it through the first night and then dismisses the class. Reasons for Expulsion: \"First aired May 18, 2009 The girls wake up and ready themselves for another lesson in charm. So Hood complains about having Bubbles in her room, and Bubbles does not understand why So Hood feels that way. Farrah says at least they don't have Brittaney Starr in their room, because if they did they wouldn't be able to sleep. So Hood continues to bash", "id": "8674528" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\nfor example, a bubble entering an intravenous fluid line), but most of these air emboli enter the veins and are stopped at the lungs, and thus a venous air embolism that shows any symptoms is very rare. Gas embolism is a diving disorder suffered by underwater divers who breathe gases at ambient pressure, and can happen in two distinct ways: Trauma to the lung can also cause an air embolism. This may happen after a patient is placed on a ventilator and air is forced into an injured vein or artery,", "id": "6625801" }, { "contents": "Kaatru Veliyidai\n\n\nis bang on\". Vishal Menon of The Hindu wrote \"there are reasons why \"Kaatru Veliyidai\" is certainly no classic\", \"but when you leave the theatre with a lump in your throat, you remember how your love for this director doesn’t arise merely because he makes you smile — he does so much more than that\". Giving the film their highest score of 2017, wrote \"it’s a custom made film for Maniratnam buffs, who are very well etched up with his trademark pattern of", "id": "2659365" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\nvein. A few seconds later, these bubbles may be clearly seen in the ultrasound image, as they travel through the patient's right atrium and ventricle. At this time, bubbles may be observed directly crossing a septal defect, or else a patent foramen ovale may be opened temporarily by asking the patient to perform the Valsalva maneuver while the bubbles are crossing through the right heart – an action which will open the foramen flap and show bubbles passing into the left heart. Such bubbles are too small to cause harm in the", "id": "6625810" }, { "contents": "Sparkling wine\n\n\nbottled using a counter pressure filler. The process of carbon injection (or carbonation), the method used to make soda pop fizzy, does not involve initiating a secondary fermentation but rather injecting carbon dioxide gas directly into the wine. This method produces large bubbles that quickly dissipate and is generally only used in the cheapest sparkling wines. An initial burst of effervescence occurs when the sparkling wine contacts the dry glass on pouring. These bubbles form on imperfections in the glass that facilitate nucleation. Nucleations are needed to stimulate the formation of", "id": "13668313" }, { "contents": "Maniots\n\n\nGreeks of Mani and the rest of Greeks who live there to Ibrahim Pasha. We received your letter in which you try to frighten us saying that if we don't surrender, you'll kill the Maniots and plunder Mani. That's why we are waiting for you and your army. We, the inhabitants of Mani, sign and await you.\" Enraged by the Spartan reply, Ibrahim, commanding an army of 7,000 men, attacked Mani on June 21, 1826. He was stopped at the walls of Almiro and", "id": "896995" }, { "contents": "Bubble ring\n\n\nof bubble ring production: rapid puffing of a burst of air into the water and allowing it to rise to the surface, forming a ring; or creating a toroidal vortex with their flukes and injecting a bubble into the helical vortex currents thus formed. The dolphin will often then examine its creation visually and with sonar. They will sometimes play with the bubbles, distorting the bubble rings, breaking smaller bubble rings off of the original or splitting the original ring into two separate rings using their beak. They also appear to enjoy", "id": "17344304" }, { "contents": "Whale\n\n\nbubble ring production: rapid puffing of a burst of air into the water and allowing it to rise to the surface, forming a ring, or swimming repeatedly in a circle and then stopping to inject air into the helical vortex currents thus formed. They also appear to enjoy biting the vortex-rings, so that they burst into many separate bubbles and then rise quickly to the surface. Some believe this is a means of communication. Whales are also known to produce bubble-nets for the purpose of foraging. Larger whales", "id": "14933891" }, { "contents": "Ramiro de Maeztu\n\n\n\" and strongly condemning Liberalism and the French Revolution's slogan \"Liberté, égalité, fraternité\", which he countered by his own motto: \"Duty, hierarchy, and humanity.\" On October 29, 1936, Maeztu was murdered by Republican soldiers in the early days of the Spanish Civil War while near Madrid. The following last words are attributed to him: \"You do not know why you kill me, but I know why I'm dying: For your children to be better than you!\" His political", "id": "2470353" }, { "contents": "Fat removal procedures\n\n\nfood during digestion. They are distinct from injection lipolysis, which depends on device-based procedures, while injection lipolysis relies solely on injections marketed as causing lipolysis. Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes fat from the human body in an attempt to change its shape. Evidence does not support an effect on weight beyond a couple of months and it does not appear to affect obesity related problems. In the United States it is the most commonly done cosmetic surgery. Serious complications include deep vein thrombosis, organ perforation,", "id": "16318542" }, { "contents": "Teachings of Ramakrishna\n\n\n, educational institutions, dispensaries and the like—\"Where should you go to seek for God? Are not all the poor, the miserable, the weak, god? Why not worship them first?...Let these people be your God...\" Ramakrishna did not directly participate in social service, but entrusted the task to his chief disciple Vivekananda. Ramakrishna, though not formally trained as a philosopher, had an intuitive grasp of complex philosophical concepts. According to him \"brahmanda\", the visible universe and many other universes, are mere bubbles", "id": "17649388" }, { "contents": "Cetacean intelligence\n\n\nof air into the water and allowing it to rise to the surface, forming a ring; or swimming repeatedly in a circle and then stopping to inject air into the helical vortex currents thus formed. The dolphin will often then examine its creation visually and with sonar. They also appear to enjoy biting the vortex-rings they have created, so that they burst into many separate normal bubbles and then rise quickly to the surface. Certain whales are also known to produce bubble rings or bubble nets for the purpose of foraging.", "id": "19481359" }, { "contents": "One Leg Too Few\n\n\nfor the part to be taken by a \"unidexter\", but Spiggott's enthusiasm is undimmed. Cook keeps a straight face as he explains exactly why Spiggott is unsuitable for the role. Cook would often add the line 'you fall down on your left' in other versions of the sketch. The sketch continues in a similar vein with the agent observing that at least Spiggott scores over a man with no legs at all (in the later versions, Spiggot enthusiastically agrees that he has \"twice as many\" as a", "id": "11074672" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\npresence of symptoms of other lung overexpansion injury would raise the probability of gas embolism. A large bubble of air in the heart (as can follow certain traumas in which air freely gains access to large veins) will present with a constant \"machinery\" murmur. It is important to promptly place the patient in Trendelenburg position (head down) and on their left side (left lateral decubitus position). The Trendelendburg position keeps a left-ventricular air bubble away from the coronary artery ostia (which are near the aortic valve", "id": "6625813" }, { "contents": "Peter MacDonald (director)\n\n\nunit. It must have the stamp of the first unit, both in photography and the style of direction. That's why, when I do second unit, I always photograph \"and\" direct, so you try and copy what the first unit does as much as possible. You mustn't be on an ego trip and try and do your own style, because your material has to cut into theirs and it mustn't jar, it must fit in exactly so no-one can tell the difference.\" MacDonald", "id": "5271788" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\nrises high enough in a patient who is one of the 20% to 30% of the population with a patent foramen ovale, the gas bubble can then travel to the left side of the heart, and on to the brain or coronary arteries. Such bubbles are responsible for the most serious of gas embolic symptoms. Venous or pulmonary air embolism occurs when air enters the systemic veins and is transported to the right side of the heart and from there into the pulmonary arteries, where it may lodge, blocking or reducing blood", "id": "6625806" }, { "contents": "The Little Mermaid (franchise)\n\n\nchests open with. The treasure she finds in the sand is usually just bonus points, but the treasure you find in chests will increase your bubble's power and range. The gameplay is similar to other Capcom games such as \"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers\" and \"DuckTales\" in that Ariel shoots air bubbles from her tail that when they hit certain enemies, can be picked up and thrown at other enemies or bosses. Ariel can also collect icons scattered throughout the levels to restore health, gain extra lives,", "id": "1093806" }, { "contents": "Bubbly\n\n\ndidn't write \"Bubbly\" for any [special] guy. I wrote it about the feelings you get when you have a crush on somebody, and when they give you butterflies in your stomach and they just make you smile.\" Susan Visakowitz of \"Billboard\" wrote that Caillat's \"warm vocals along with a gentle acoustic arrangement effortlessly conjure the idyllic California she calls home\". On the issue dated October 6, 2007, \"Bubbly\" rose from number 16 to number 10 on the \"Billboard\" Hot", "id": "9578659" }, { "contents": "Yu Fan\n\n\n, grabbed Sun Quan, and pleaded with him to spare Yu Fan. Liu Ji said, \"If Your Majesty kills a good man when you're drunk, even if Yu Fan is in the wrong, who would understand the truth? Your Majesty is famous and respected because you showed acceptance and tolerance towards virtuous and talented people over the years. Is it worth ruining your good reputation in just one day?\" Sun Quan said, \"If Cao Mengde can kill Kong Wenju, why can't I do the same", "id": "15658456" }, { "contents": "Bus Cook\n\n\ndrama queen? Play, don’t play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I’m getting sick of it! Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What’s he ever done for anybody other than say, ‘Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain’t I special?’ You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?” Favre would respond that Cook's", "id": "6116057" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\nbe less than atmospheric and an injury may let air in. This is one reason why surgeons must be particularly careful when operating on the brain, and why the head of the bed is tilted down when inserting or removing a central venous catheter from the jugular or subclavian veins. When air enters the veins, it travels to the right side of the heart, and then to the lungs. This can cause the vessels of the lung to constrict, raising the pressure in the right side of the heart. If the pressure", "id": "6625805" }, { "contents": "MOSAIC threat assessment systems\n\n\nwith the potential for violent behavior.\" The Superintendent of the L.A. County Office of Education said about MOSAIC: “This is not something where I call you in and give you the third degree. I give myself the third degree because parents want to know why. It just can't be, ‘I don't like your child, I don't like what he does, and I can't explain why.’ This is bringing us to a higher level.\" In April 2010, Oprah Winfrey dedicated an hour", "id": "6543268" }, { "contents": "CSI: Deadly Intent\n\n\non top of a sword on the casino's opening. \"The opening of Glass Works Casino is interrupted by a strange death.\" You work with Nick Stokes and Catherine Willows. An air gun fight ends with a man killed with a real one. \"Find out who brought a gun to an air gun fight.\" You work with Greg Sanders. Unfortunately for you, your last suspect was found poisoned and you see that a therapist facility connects the culprits of your cases. \"Discover the shocking truth behind the", "id": "1711524" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Nesbitt\n\n\nto keep on committing murders. This way, you would forget them because you always remember your first victim and if you kept killing they would all eventually disappear – become jumbled up and none would stand out in your mind\". He was the subject of a series of interviews by Stephen Nolan in his 2011 televised documentary on the Shankill Butchers. Nolan posed tough questions to Nesbitt as to why it had taken the RUC so long to catch the killers and whether or not the UVF leadership had knowledge of the Butchers' identity", "id": "3310166" }, { "contents": "Jirga (film)\n\n\ncave. The Taliban men discuss whether to kill Mike but their leader, Sher Khan, wants to interview him first. They speak through an English speaking Taleb, and Mike explains why he is in Afghanistan. Khan tells him that giving the money would be disrespectful and asks \"your people kill thousands of us. Why do you care about this one man?\" Khan takes Mike to a bombed building and tells him that his brother and his brothers entire family were killed by an American drone there. Khan agrees to bring", "id": "9483035" }, { "contents": "Life in Hell\n\n\nwrote the title on top. Instead of being quickly written, sometimes it would be in balloons, or bubble letters, or fireworks, old English handwriting, etc., he also wrote \"This is your\" above the \"Life in Hell.\" He also sometimes changed the way he wrote his name and date but not very often. In one strip \"Why men growl\" from 1982, he wrote his name as Matt Grrrrroening. In another strip, \"Are you Easily Provoked?\" He misspelled his name", "id": "2103212" }, { "contents": "Vedigundu Murugesan\n\n\nand loop-holes, Vedigundu Murugesan does work at times chiefly because the climax and screenplay try to rise above the ordinary\". Indiaglitz wrote:\"There's a certain deftness that you need to have, to handle both comedy and sentiment in the same vein. Moorthy, whose 'Vedigundu Murugesan' has just released, definitely displays that\". Behindwoods wrote:\"there is nothing much to rave about the story and ditto with the performances and the direction. Awful dialogues, in the guise of comedy only tests your patience further as you are busy", "id": "2759512" }, { "contents": "Folklore of Russia\n\n\n(name stated), I will come from the house into the doorway, from the doorway into the gate, ...\" It is common as well for a charm to invoke God or saints. A charm against toothaches reads:\"Three paths, a tree stands by the road, under the tree a corpse lies, past the corpse goes St. Anthony and says: \"Why do you, corpse, lie here? Do your teeth ache? Do your ribs hurt? Do worms eat you away? Does the blood flow out of", "id": "10111257" }, { "contents": "Elisha ben Abuyah\n\n\nnot let your mouth cause your flesh to sin\". What does this mean? Acher saw that Metatron had been granted authority to sit while he record the merits of Israel, and he said: \"We have been taught that in heaven there is no sitting... Perhaps there are — God forbid! — two supreme powers\". They brought him to Metatron and they smote him with sixty bands of fire. They said to Metatron: \"When you saw him, why did you not stand up before him?\"", "id": "13658698" }, { "contents": "Fred Hirsch\n\n\nclass\". Positional goods are those that derive their value specifically from their scarcity - cannot be distributed more widely as the doing so would undermine their construction of high status value. Hirsch's concept helps explains why, as economic growth improves overall quality of life at any particular level, doing \"better\" than how your grandparents lived does not translate automatically into doing \"well\", if there are as many or more people ahead of you in the economic hierarchy. For example, if you are the first in your", "id": "6501524" }, { "contents": "Contemplations (poem)\n\n\nvisitation, In Lakes and ponds, you leave your numerous fry, So Nature taught, and yet you know not why, You watry folk that know not your felicity. 25 Look how the wantons frisk to tast the air, Then to the colder bottome streight they dive, Eftsoon to Neptun’s glassy Hall repair To see what trade they, great ones, there do drive, Who forrage o’re the spacious sea-green field, And take the trembling prey before it yield, Whose armour is their scales, their spreading", "id": "21230680" }, { "contents": "David Gratzer\n\n\n, public health experts and politicians are working overtime to find scapegoats for America's obesity epidemic.\" He rejects this: \"governments can't micromanage your waistline for you. Even if governments could magically walk you to work, ban food advertising, regulate sugar out of food and suck those fat particles out of the air, in a free society you would still have the power to drive to the nearest restaurant, shake your salt shaker and order a second piece of pie. That's why understanding—and rejecting—the", "id": "6862726" }, { "contents": "Candy (Robbie Williams song)\n\n\ntrack was originally rumoured to be titled \"Vertigo\". Williams said of the track: \"It's a summer song, very much in a similar vein to 'Rock DJ', about a girl who thinks she's great. And she might be, but she's a bit nefarious with her ways. Some songs take an age to write and some songs just fall out of your mouth completely formed, and you don't have to think about it. I don't know why that fell out of my mouth", "id": "794011" }, { "contents": "Willi Unsoeld\n\n\nof mentoring inspired thousands of followers. Why don’t you stay in the wilderness? Because that isn’t where it is at; it’s back in the city, back in downtown St. Louis, back in Los Angeles. The final test is whether your experience of the sacred in nature enables you to cope more effectively with the problems of people. If it does not enable you to cope more effectively with the problems – and sometimes it doesn’t, it sometimes sucks you right out into the wilderness and you stay there", "id": "12952920" }, { "contents": "Sclerotherapy\n\n\n, these veins are injected whilst real-time monitoring of the injections is undertaken, also using ultrasound. The sclerosant can be observed entering the vein, and further injections performed so that all the abnormal veins are treated. Follow-up ultrasound scans are used to confirm closure of the treated veins, and any residual varicose veins can be identified and treated. Foam sclerotherapy is a technique that involves injecting “foamed sclerosant drugs” within a blood vessel using a pair of syringes – one with sclerosant in it and one with gas", "id": "16191492" }, { "contents": "Liu Ji (Three Kingdoms)\n\n\nFan, Liu Ji stood up, grabbed Sun Quan and pleaded with him to spare Yu Fan. He told Sun Quan, \"If Your Majesty kills a good man when you're drunk, even if Yu Fan is in the wrong, who would understand the truth? Your Majesty is famous and respected because you showed acceptance and tolerance towards virtuous and talented people over the years. Is it worth ruining your good reputation in just one day?\" Sun Quan said, \"If Cao Mengde can kill Kong Wenju, why", "id": "20024127" }, { "contents": "Umar\n\n\nnot told Umar. When Umar informed him that he had set out to kill Muhammad, Nua'im said, “By God, you have deceived yourself, O Umar! Do you think that Banu Abd Manaf would let you run around alive once you had killed their son Muhammad? Why don't you return to your own house and at least set it straight?\" Nuaimal Hakim told him to inquire about his own house where his sister and her husband had converted to Islam. Upon arriving at her house, Umar found his", "id": "2821279" }, { "contents": "Bubble Wrap (brand)\n\n\nBubble Wrap (originally Air Cap) is a trademarked brand of Sealed Air Corporation that includes numerous cushioning products made from bubble wrap. The brand is produced by the Product Care division of Sealed Air. Both the Bubble Wrap brand and product were introduced in 1960, with the launch of Sealed Air. Although the brand was originally used for the packaging of IBM computers, Sealed Air now does most of its Bubble Wrap business in the food packaging industry. Bubble wrap was invented in 1957 by engineers Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes in", "id": "21548340" }, { "contents": "Intravenous therapy\n\n\nIV at a dangerous rate. The risk is greater with a central IV. Air bubbles of less than 30 microliters are thought to dissolve into the circulation harmlessly. A larger amount of air, if delivered all at once, can cause life-threatening damage, or, if extremely large (3-8 milliliters per kilogram of body weight), can stop the heart. One reason veins are preferred over arteries for intravascular administration is because the flow will pass through the lungs before passing through the body. Air bubbles can", "id": "11818640" }, { "contents": "Ragnachar\n\n\n\"leudes\" captured Ragnachar and his brother Ricchar (Riccar), while they were fleeing after their defeat in battle. They brought them, hands tied behind their backs, to Clovis. Gregory reports that Clovis asked Ragnachar: \"Why have you humiliated our family in permitting yourself to be bound? It would have been better for you to die.\" He then killed him with an axe and told Ricchar, \"If you had aided your brother, he would not have been bound\", before killing Ricchar in the", "id": "293650" }, { "contents": "Deathdream\n\n\ntruck driver and says he needs to inform the police about the suspicious coincidence of Andy's return. Andy visits him in the middle of the night demanding a checkup, but the doctor can't detect a pulse or heartbeat. Andy tells him, \"I died for you, Doc. Why shouldn't you return the favor?\" He attacks and kills the doctor, then uses a syringe to inject the doctor's blood into his arm. It's clear that Andy is some kind of vampire or zombie who needs the", "id": "8717615" }, { "contents": "Recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches introduced 2010–2011\n\n\nwhat's the sexiest role you've ever done, and, like, how many boys have you kissed on screen, and, like, who's your best friend, and, like, who's Tom Cruise's best friend, and why does your baby wear high heels, and what does Jesus think of Scientology?\") According to Bayer, the questions tend to change throughout the process from writing through rehearsal to the live performance. \"That run is one of those things that is always changing up until the", "id": "8983947" }, { "contents": "Maureen Chiquet\n\n\n, a mother.\" Chiquet puts particular emphasis on the importance of integrating feminine leadership into existing corporate structures. \"Why should we separate art from business, feelings from logic, intuition from judgment? Who decided you can’t be determined and flexible, introspective and attuned, mother and top executive? And where does it state standing unflinchingly in your vulnerability, embracing your femininity, won’t make you stronger?\" A Francophile, Chiquet has said, \"I just dreamed about living in Paris and being French\" in an", "id": "18148221" }, { "contents": "Rachel Bradley\n\n\nbirth [...] She becomes obsessed with the baby and excludes Adam from everything. They have to work hard to resolve their differences and there is a big transition. I can see why she behaves the way she does—you do become over-protective with a baby. It's amazing what your body does to you and the instincts that suddenly take over. Being a mum myself, I have got real empathy with Rachel.\" However, \"Observer\" television reviewer Kathryn Flett criticised the plot as unrealistic: As", "id": "1717434" }, { "contents": "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus\n\n\non TV or something.\" The crowd in Las Vegas for the New Year's concert is enraged upon seeing Rod Stewart (portrayed here as very old and incontinent) and they turn against Jesus. With them preparing to crucify him again, Stan asks Jesus why God does not answer his prayers, and Jesus explains that, if God does everything for you, then your existence has no real purpose. Jesus realizes that this was God's message: Jesus had to figure his \"own\" way to get people to follow", "id": "4821030" }, { "contents": "Kill It Live\n\n\nthat’s going on and questioning a band’s integrity. Are you doing this because you really love it or are you doing it because you’re checking in and checking out when your bank account gets low? Are you willing to play in front of five people when the going gets rough, or is that not why you’re here? It’s about questioning bands’ intentions, I guess. And there are so many bands I think you can question that you can’t even narrow it down to one.\" The", "id": "16504794" }, { "contents": "Pervez Musharraf\n\n\nair staff air chief marshal Pervez Mehdi also arose when air chief refrained to participate or authorise any air strike to support the elements of army operations in the Kargil region. During the last meeting with the Prime minister, Musharraf faced a grave criticism on results produced by Kargil infiltration by the principal military intelligence (MI) director lieutenant-general Jamshed Gulzar Kiani who maintained in the meeting: \"(...) whatever has been written there is against logic. If you catch your enemy by the jugular vein he would react with full", "id": "4681535" }, { "contents": "Varicose veins\n\n\ntreatment consists in injection of pulses of steam into the sick vein. This treatment which works with a natural agent (water) has similar results than laser or radiofrequency. The steam presents a lot of post-operative advantages for the patient (good aesthetic results, less pain, etc.) ELA and ERA require specialized training for doctors and special equipment. ELA is performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require an operating theatre, nor does the patient need a general anaesthetic. Doctors use high-frequency ultrasound during the", "id": "14464840" } ]
How to Television production companies produce and edit a Memorial Look back on the life of a celebratory who recently died so soon after the death?
[{"answer": "The pieces are pre-recorded. The BBC regularly practices high profile deaths (i.e. The Queen)"}, {"answer": "They have much of the footage ready to go in advance. They don't necessarily even wait for someone to fall ill."}, {"answer": "As morbid as it might seem, when a celebrity gets older or is in poor health, news organizations make these memorials in advance. This [famous SNL sketch]( URL_0 ) makes light of this practice."}, {"answer": "They pre make them for celebrities. I know Fox News updates the \"Video Obits\" every 6 months. Then all they have to do is tack on the cause of death and it's ready to go."}, {"answer": "It's very common to keep obituary stories or videos for famous people. In most cases, they go through and update them about once a year. Then, when the celebrity dies, all they have to do is add in what happened since the last time they updated this. This has been a standard practice in journalism for over a century."}, {"answer": "In journalism it's quite common to prepare stories in advance if you know something is likely to happen. What you read the day after an election in the newspaper may have been written before the election even took place. Sometimes, they even get [published by mistake]( URL_0 )."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "379881", "title": "Obituary", "section": "Section::::Media.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 7, "end_paragraph_id": 7, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Many news organisations have pre-written (or pre-edited video) obituaries on file for notable individuals who are still living, allowing detailed, authoritative, and lengthy obituaries to", "\". To that end, nearly all newspapers now have policies requiring that death notices come from a reliable source (such as a funeral home), though even this has not stopped some pranksters such as Alan Abel. Many news organisations have pre-written (or pre-edited video) obituaries on file for notable individuals who are still living, allowing detailed, authoritative, and lengthy obituaries to appear very quickly after their death. The \"Los Angeles Times\" obituary of Elizabeth Taylor, for example, was written in 1999 after three months of research, then often updated before the actress' 2011 death. Sometimes the prewritten obituary's subject outlives its author; an example is \"The New York Times\"' obituary of Taylor, written by the newspaper's theater critic Mel Gussow, who died in 2005."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Philip Hinchcliffe\n\n\non his three-year reign as producer in some depth, examining what made the show so successful during that period. Most recently, an interview titled \"Life After Who\" was included on \"The Android Invasion\" DVD release, where daughter Celina Hinchcliffe takes her father on a trip down memory lane to recall his distinguished career in British television and film after his work on \"Doctor Who\". With the death of Derrick Sherwin in October 2018, Hinchcliffe is the only producer of the classic series of \"Doctor Who", "id": "18004937" }, { "contents": "Mass communication\n\n\n, services or ideas. Advertisers have full control of the message being sent to their audience. Journalism, is the collection, verification, presentation, and editing of news for presentation through the media, in this sense, refers to the study of the product and production of news.  The study of journalism involves looking at how news is produced, and how it is disseminated to the public through mass media outlets such as newspapers, news channel, radio station, television station, and more recently, e-readers and smartphones", "id": "904958" }, { "contents": "How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)\n\n\nex-husband who wants her back. In January 2012, ABC placed a pilot order for \"How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)\". Claudia Lonow wrote the pilot episode, and serves as showrunner and head writer. Lonow also executive produces the series alongside Brian Grazer and Francie Calfo, under their production company Imagine Entertainment. Casting announcements began in February 2012, with Sarah Chalke first cast in the lead role of Polly, the recently divorced mother who moves back in with her parents", "id": "21104060" }, { "contents": "Blumhouse Productions\n\n\n\"Insidious\", \"The Purge\", \"Happy Death Day\", \"Sinister\", \"Truth or Dare\" and \"Unfriended\". On November 11, 2014 the company launched Blumhouse Books, dedicated to having filmmakers and authors create original horror and thriller novels. On the television side, Blumhouse had a first look deal with Lionsgate, and the company produced the short-lived series \"Stranded\" for Syfy and executive produced \"The River\" with Amblin Television for ABC. Recently, Blumhouse has a first", "id": "18567964" }, { "contents": "Deimantas Narkevičius\n\n\nthe same day. Since they were done in quite a rush, it provoked considerable experimentation. These films were screened and then broadcast, raising a range of possibilities for using film. Narkevičius who grew familiar with these images admitted to the ingenuity of their production and the effect it had on him even after many years: “I sometimes look back at them, and I see how creative they were – how creative the camerawork and the editing was.” The early influences of cinema and television describe Narkevičius's artistic style and", "id": "18720585" }, { "contents": "James Gandolfini\n\n\nsurviving soldiers, who revealed their thoughts about the challenges they face reintegrating into society and family life. They also reflected on their memories of the day when they narrowly escaped death and what life may have been like in other circumstances. That same year, Gandolfini returned to HBO as the executive producer of the Emmy-nominated documentary special, \"Alive Day Memories: Home From Iraq\", his first project after \"The Sopranos\" and the first production for his company Attaboy Films, which was opened in 2006 with producing partner", "id": "12941912" }, { "contents": "WKC Stahl- und Metallwarenfabrik\n\n\nknives and pistols. Soon after he discontinued the production of pistols and concentrated on ceremonial sword production and so the company established its own blade etching plant. The company's first orders at this time came from the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps. On 1989 Hans Kolping died and left the company to his life partner, Margard Willms. Soon after the company changed ownership and Joachim Willms undertook large investments in the buildings and the equipment so as to further grow the company. In 1995, André Willms, the", "id": "6040164" }, { "contents": "Connor (Angel)\n\n\nSenior Partners to turn back time to the moment of the original alleyway fight in the television finale. All those who died since the city was sent to hell come back to life and have their memories of the intervening time intact. \"\", a companion piece to \"Angel: After the Fall\", shows how Connor came about to form his alliance with Spike shortly after Los Angeles went to hell. Connor appears when Spike and Illyria are in a violent showdown with a group of demonic women. Catching the demonic leader", "id": "7072815" }, { "contents": "Language Weaver\n\n\ndata to \"train\" a new translation system that statistically understands how to translate that customers information so new data can be translated in a shorter amount of time and edited as needed prior to publication. As well as their primary translation software, SDL Language Weaver has several other products available. Their Alignment Tool is a translation memory generator. This allows users to enter previously translated documents, and align them at the segment level, producing a translation memory file. The company also has Customizer, a customization tool. This product allows", "id": "14077986" }, { "contents": "Don Hewitt\n\n\nYork City, so he moved back. Back in New York City, Hewitt started working at the E.W. Scripps Company-owned photo agency ACME Newspictures, which was later merged into co-owned news service United Press Soon he received a lucrative offer at the CBS television network, which was seeking someone who had \"picture experience\" to help with production of television broadcast. Hewitt started at its news division, CBS News, in 1948 and served as producer-director of the network's evening-news broadcast with Douglas Edwards", "id": "12175236" }, { "contents": "Joan Werner Laurie\n\n\nin an SPCK bookshop after the war, and had a son (Nicholas Laurie Seyler, later Nicholas Werner Laurie, now Nick Laurie), in 1946. Her husband left Britain soon after their son was born, and disappeared. Her father had died in 1944, and she worked for his old company as a production editor. She met journalist and broadcaster Nancy Spain in 1950 and they became life partners. From 1954 until her death, she edited the woman's periodical \"She\", dealing frankly with a range of", "id": "3604595" }, { "contents": "Jade: With Love\n\n\nJade: With Love is a two-part tribute special that aired on Living after Jade Goody died on 22 March 2009 that aired a week after her death celebrating her life from her early career in 2002 up until her death and final television appearance in February 2009.The show looked back at all her reality shows and also battling through her last months of her life and looking at exclusive footage of her funeral and ended with a montage with the ABBA hit \"Slipping Through My Fingers\" playing as the final song in the background.", "id": "2267793" }, { "contents": "Cooley High\n\n\nanniversary of the film's release, nationally syndicated news station NPR published a story that discussed some of the fondest memories that the cast and crew shared of the film's production. Actor Sherman Smith (now using the professional name Rick Stone), who played the character of Stone in the film, recalled how he was approached by producers of the film while playing basketball one day. The crew members were looking for realistic gang members to be a part of the cast, so after being tipped off by police, producers offered", "id": "11358904" }, { "contents": "Fortune Smiles\n\n\nBefore the narrator dies, she introduced her husband to Megumi, a single mother whose child goes to the same school as he children. When the narrator dies, she becomes a ghost and oversees her husband's transition. She grows jealous of him because he is a successful writer who borrowed some of her ideas as well as how close he is with Megumi so soon after her death. Ultimately, he lies by their children as she looks on, taking keen notice of their youngest child. Hans receives packages of personal items", "id": "9622724" }, { "contents": "The Return of the Musketeers\n\n\non September 20 was transferred to a nearby clinic but died soon after from internal bleeding. After a six year legal battle Kinnear's widow was awarded £650,000 in damages from the production company, Falconfilms - consisting of producer Pierre Spengler and director Richard Lester. A court later ruled that the hospital was 60% liable for his death and ordered them to pay 60% of the payout figure. \"It was ghastly,\" said Fraser. \"He was such a jolly, witty character in the prime of life. His", "id": "16407847" }, { "contents": "Buckminster Fuller: Thinking Out Loud\n\n\nBuckminster Fuller: Thinking Out Loud (1996) is a PBS \"American Masters\" documentary on the inventor, visionary, and thinker R. Buckminster Fuller produced and directed by Academy Award nominees Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon. Cinematography by Buddy Squires, edited by Sara Fishko, and a production of Simon & Goodman Picture Company. Fuller, who died in 1983, is considered by some to be one of the 20th century's most noteworthy, controversial, and creative thinkers. The film looks at his unconventional life, his innovations,", "id": "847138" }, { "contents": "Ben Reilly\n\n\nsaved her life. After Abigail Mercury dies because Ben tested a new drug on her too quickly, he is attacked by Kaine once again, only for Kaine to be \"killed\" by what appears to be Marlo Chandler. Though the Marlo Chandler look-a-like quickly identifies herself as actually being Death, using Marlo's form to communicate. She explains that she has an \"interest\" in Ben as no other person has been brought back to life so often. Death reveals that he has \"died\" so", "id": "20472612" }, { "contents": "Media in Birmingham\n\n\nand Asia, is based in the city's Aston area. Birmingham has an independent television production sector, with companies including Maverick Television, who produce \"Embarrassing Bodies\" and \"How to Look Good Naked\"; and North One Television, whose productions include \"Fifth Gear\" and \"The Gadget Show\". In May 2018, Birmingham was included in a bid to secure and host the partial relocation of national broadcaster Channel 4. Birmingham's bid was submitted by the West Midlands Combined Authority alongside that of Coventry. In", "id": "19436012" }, { "contents": "Crystal (novel)\n\n\nCrystal starts to feel that the modeling business is just all about how she looks and not who she is. Soon, Crystal realizes she wants to quit. Her agent, Loretta, however, insists Crystal star in a movie that will ultimately boost her fame. Crystal refuses and after doing that and the death of a fellow model named Rowena, but later on Rowena try to kill herself. She cut herself and end up lying in the hospital. but then she gave up to live, so she died in the hospital", "id": "3504243" }, { "contents": "The Yeomen of the Guard\n\n\nMackerras recording is also admired. The 1982 Brent Walker video suffers from a number of important cuts and Joel Grey's much-criticised portrayal of Jack Point. More recent professional productions have been recorded on video by the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival. A monument in Sullivan's memory was erected in the Victoria Embankment Gardens (London) and is inscribed with a lyric from \"Yeomen\": \"Is life a boon? If so, it must befall that Death, whene'er he call, must call too soon\". In", "id": "16814239" }, { "contents": "Pacific Blue (TV series)\n\n\nexecutive produced by Gary Nardino, a producer and former president of Paramount Television and Bill Nuss. Their production company, North Hall Productions, took its name from their respective alma maters – Northwestern University and Seton Hall University. Nardino died on January 31, 1998, after which Nuss became the sole, chief show runner. Nuss continued to use the North Hall Productions name after Nardino's death. Co-executive producers included E! Entertainment Television founders, Alan Mruvka, Marilyn Vance, Rick Filon, Richard C. Okie and John", "id": "14945538" }, { "contents": "Plastic Memories\n\n\n, abbreviated as , is a Japanese anime television series produced by Doga Kobo and directed by Yoshiyuki Fujiwara. The story was conceived by Naotaka Hayashi, who also wrote the screenplay, with original character designs by Okiura. The series aired in Japan between April 5 and June 28, 2015. \"Plastic Memories\" takes place in a city in the near future, in which humans live alongside androids that look exactly like humans and have human emotion and memory. SAI Corp, the leading android production company, has introduced the Giftia", "id": "943006" }, { "contents": "Life table\n\n\nexpectancy is rising substantially by looking at each other's healthcare, and adopting ideas to their own systems. In order to price insurance products, and ensure the solvency of insurance companies through adequate reserves, actuaries must develop projections of future insured events (such as death, sickness, and disability). To do this, actuaries develop mathematical models of the rates and timing of the events. They do this by studying the incidence of these events in the recent past, and sometimes developing expectations of how these past events will change", "id": "1977331" }, { "contents": "Douglas Quijano\n\n\nAunor. Quijano then helped Lily Monteverde establish Regal Films, a filmmaking and entertainment firm producing various movies such as Scorpio Nights and Shake, Rattle, and Roll. He also established the production company Sine Filipino and became a major producer and handler of MAQ Productions. In 1999, Quijano was awarded the Dr. Jose Perez Memorial Award from the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences. Quijano participated in the production of over 140 television shows and movies including the recent Starstruck: The Next Level (2006) and Happily Ever After (", "id": "8894829" }, { "contents": "Alan Rickman\n\n\nwere cremated on 3 February 2016 in the West London Crematorium in Kensal Green. His ashes were given to his wife, Rima Horton. His final two films, \"Eye in the Sky\" and \"Alice Through the Looking Glass\", were dedicated to his memory. Soon after his death his fans created a memorial underneath the \"Platform 9¾\" sign at London King's Cross railway station. His death has been compared to that of David Bowie, a fellow English cultural figure who died at the same age as Rickman", "id": "18488203" }, { "contents": "Cinema of the United States\n\n\ncreative teams on their films so that a DeMille film still looked like one whether it was made in 1932 or 1956. Also, the number of movies being produced annually dropped as the average budget soared, marking a major change in strategy for the industry. Studios now aimed to produce entertainment that could not be offered by television: spectacular, larger-than-life productions. Studios also began to sell portions of their theatrical film libraries to other companies to sell to television. By 1949, all major film studios had given", "id": "21664205" }, { "contents": "Victorian Pharmacy\n\n\nVictorian Pharmacy is a historical documentary TV series in four parts, first shown on BBC Two in July 2010. It was made for the BBC by independent production company Lion Television. The series producer was Cassie Braben and the Executive Producer was David Upshal. It was filmed at Blists Hill Victorian Town in Shropshire. It is a historical documentary that looks at life in the 19th Century and how people attempted to cure common ailments. Since some of the ingredients of Victorian remedies are now either illegal or known to be dangerous, Professor", "id": "3020469" }, { "contents": "In memoriam segment\n\n\nAn in memoriam segment is a memorial to the people, of one particular field or industry, who have recently died. Typically, such memorials air on television, mostly during awards ceremonies. These segments consist of images or video clips of the recently departed individuals, edited together into a montage and usually accompanied by music. These memorials have been featured in such places as the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, the Tonys, the Olivier Awards, the SAG Awards, and even the NFL during Super Bowl week. In", "id": "2787122" }, { "contents": "Back Alley Film Productions\n\n\nBack Alley Film Productions is a television production company founded by Janis Lundman and Adrienne Mitchell and based in Toronto, Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec Canada. Founded in 1989, Back Alley is a creator and producer of original content for television with programming available in more than 120 countries worldwide. The company's most recent project is Bellevue starring Anna Paquin for CBC. Other productions include Played, a 1 hour police drama series for CTV and Bomb Girls, a series that followed the lives of women working in a munitions factory during", "id": "4859522" }, { "contents": "Where Are They Now? (Australian TV program)\n\n\nWhere Are They Now? is a television show that aired on Australia's Seven Network. It was hosted by David Koch, presenter of Seven's breakfast television program \"Sunrise\" and former Sunrise co-presenter Melissa Doyle. The program looks back at particular periods in recent history with a specific slant towards major events and popular culture, with a focus on Australian life at the time. Along with edited segments, each show features studio interviews with noted figures and celebrities who have seemingly ended their 15 minutes of fame and gone", "id": "11862081" }, { "contents": "Phoenix Film & Television Productions\n\n\nPhoenix Film & Television Productions Ltd. is a Production and Post-Production company based in London at Three Mills Film Studios, founded in July 1998. The company produces films for the Corporate and Broadcast video markets. Phoenix Film & Television Productions offers a range of different services including Production for Television and Corporate films, DVD Production, CGI Graphics, Second Life consultancy and Audio production services. Some of Phoenix's recent projects include the DVD documentary Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds for Sony BMG, Pink Floyd", "id": "6050710" }, { "contents": "Happy People: A Year in the Taiga\n\n\nHappy People: A Year in the Taiga is a 2010 documentary film directed by Werner Herzog and Dmitry Vasyukov and produced by Herzog. The film depicts the life of the people in the village of Bakhtia () along the Yenisei River in the Siberian taiga. In particular, it focuses on the trappers who hunt for fur animals, such as sable. It also briefly detours to a look at the life of native Ket people. The footage in the documentary was edited from a previous television work by Vasuykov, with original production", "id": "12489742" }, { "contents": "Ross Jennings\n\n\nthe running of NZ Parliament, Inside Parliament, was in production when he died. Ross Jennings, a former head of drama at TVNZ, died on 25 March 2016, aged 71. His death was preceded by that of his mother-in-law, Edna Peters, 96, who died the same day. He left behind his wife, Carmel Jennings, whom he ran his production company, Just The Ticket Productions with, also a television and film producer, and six children. The family held funerals on consecutive", "id": "13158188" }, { "contents": "Charlie Parsons\n\n\nhad its 32nd series on CBS and it still leads its time slot. Charlie is its Creator and Executive Producer and his former company Castaway Television Productions licenses the show to production companies around the world. Survivor is one of the world's top TV shows, a huge hit internationally and continues to create punchy headlines with its originality and win awards globally. More recently, Silver Star is a UK based television production company backed by Waheed Alli and Charlie, creators of The Word, The Big Breakfast and Survivor. It produces shows", "id": "19362817" }, { "contents": "Bedford Falls Productions\n\n\nBedford Falls Productions (or The Bedford Falls Company) is the production company of Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick, the creators of the television series \"thirtysomething\" and \"Once and Again\", and producers of \"Legends of the Fall\" and \"Blood Diamond\". The company is also known for producing the series \"My So-Called Life\", and the Academy Award-winning films \"Shakespeare in Love\" and \"Traffic\". In honor of the 1946 film \"It's a Wonderful Life\";", "id": "18868311" }, { "contents": "Starting Over (2007 film)\n\n\nStarting Over is a 2007 Scottish romantic drama television film directed by Giles Foster, produced by the British company Gate Television Productions for the German television channel Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF). Based on the 2002 novel of the same name by Robin Pilcher, the film stars Suzanne von Borsody, Iain Glen and Rutger Hauer. The film explores how an aristocratic woman's life changes when her brother dies and her marriage breaks down. Lady Elizabeth Dewhurst (Suzanne von Borsody) believes her husband Gregor (Iain Glen) is at fault", "id": "19397115" }, { "contents": "Red Hot Riding Hood\n\n\n. This ending, deleted for reasons of implied bestiality and how it made light of marriage (something that was considered taboo back in the days of the Hays Office Code), was replaced with one (that has also been edited, but only on television) where The Wolf is back at the nightclub and tells the audience that he's through with chasing women and if he ever even looks at a woman again, he's going to kill himself. When Red soon appears onstage to perform again, the Wolf takes out", "id": "5332377" }, { "contents": "NCAA Productions\n\n\nNCAA Productions is the official film and television production company for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). It was founded by Dick Snider as NCAA Films. One of the earliest programs to be produced was the television show \"College Football\", the first Sunday morning show to nationally broadcast college football highlights. From 1946-70, \"Look\" published the Football Writers Association of America (FWAA) Team. After \"Look\" folded, the FWAA started a long association with NCAA Films, which produced a 30-minute television", "id": "17777107" }, { "contents": "Chris Green (horseman)\n\n\nwere given. So after an unsuccessful Grand National, Green retired to Walsoken to his farming interests. Soon, though, he was coaxed back to training with Lord Poulett in Hampshire in 1870, taking his family with him. He won the 1871 Grand National but was soon back with his family at Walsoken - sources disagree whether this was in late 1871 or April 1872 when his father died. The life of a gentleman farmer was brought to an abrupt end by the death of his wife, Rebecca, in late 1873,", "id": "17515038" }, { "contents": "Peter Entell\n\n\n. Other films which Entell produced and directed include: \"Depending on Heaven\", two films on the life of Mongols in China. (1988) \"The Tube\", an investigation led by a journalist who tries to discover the truth about how the television affects our brains. It first was released in 2001. He re-edited the film in 2009. \"Josh’s Trees\", the story of the filmmaker’s best friend who dies when his son is less than a year old. Years later the boy", "id": "12174028" }, { "contents": "Holy Cross Church, Binstead\n\n\nwith short s where appropriate, reads: To the memory of THOs SIVELL who was cruelly shot on board his sloop by some officers of customs of the Port of Portsmouth on the 15th June 1785 at the age of 64 years leaving a disconsolate widow & family. poem All you that pass pray look and see How soon my life was took from me By those officers as you hear They spilled my Blood that was so dear But God is Good and just and true And will reward each to their due/poem In more", "id": "16313812" }, { "contents": "Rulan Chao Pian\n\n\nLiang who credits her as one of his most important mentors and musical influences. With her father, she edited and translated her mother's \"How to Cook and Eat in Chinese\", the book responsible for introducing the terms stir fry and pot sticker into English. Pian died of pulmonary fibrosis. After her death, she was widely eulogized in various obituaries. A memorial at Harvard was held on March 30, 2014 and an exhibition in her memory was held at Chinese University of Hong Kong. Rulan Pian was the author", "id": "13867408" }, { "contents": "José Plácido de Castro\n\n\nto a disagreement with the government. On 9 August 1908, as he was preparing to return to Rio Grande do Sul, he fell into an ambush prepared by José da Silva. He was shot from behind, and died two days later. His dying words were recorded as, \"Death is a phenomenon as natural as life. He who knows how to live will know how to die. I only lament that having had so much occasion for glorious death, these 'heroes' have shot me in the back.", "id": "2321716" }, { "contents": "The Defected\n\n\nThe Defected (; literally \"The Iron Detectives\") is a 2019 Hong Kong television drama produced and directed by So Man-Chung, with Carmen So serving as co-director. It is a co-production between the Hong Kong broadcasting company TVB and China's Tencent Penguin Pictures, a television production unit launched by Tencent. It stars Benjamin Yuen as Inspector Sheung Sing, a policeman who becomes embroiled in a conspiracy plaguing the high-ranking officials due to an incident that almost cost him his life. The drama premiered", "id": "9665503" }, { "contents": "Shadow of Memories\n\n\ntime period at the time of his death, the game ends. Set in a fictional German town named Lebensbaum (Life's Tree), \"Shadow of Memories\" revolves around a 22-year-old man named Eike Kusch, who dies in the beginning of the game from being stabbed after leaving a small diner. However, he is resurrected by Homunculus (voiced by Charles Martinet in English), a djinn or genie, who offers to send him back in time to prevent his death and gives him the time-traveling", "id": "8262719" }, { "contents": "John Blocki\n\n\n's death, the firm was renamed John Blocki, Inc. and it continued to produce perfumes and toiletries for many years. Blocki died on May 7, 1934, at the age of eighty eight having been active in his business up to the end. He is buried in a family memorial room in the mausoleum at Rosehill Cemetery; a Victorian era cemetery that is the burial place of many well-known early Chicagoans. Blocki's daughter, Jeannette Peterson, operated the perfume company after his death but soon sold it to the", "id": "20791528" }, { "contents": "Alias Smith and Jones\n\n\nus to stay in production. We were already a little bit behind the eight ball on airdates. So, we contacted everybody, including Ben (Murphy), and told them to come back in. The entire company was reassembled and back in production by one o'clock that day shooting scenes that did not involve Peter — only 12 hours after his death. Series writer, director, and producer Roy Huggins contacted actor Roger Davis (who had appeared in episode 19 \"Smiler with a Gun\" and provided narration for the series", "id": "17840057" }, { "contents": "Playwrights' Company\n\n\nhad been unhappy with the policies of the Theatre Guild which had previously been their main producer. Robert Anderson, producer Roger L. Stevens, Kurt Weill and lawyer John F. Wharton joined later. It became a major production company. The company was dissolved in 1960 as only two founders were still alive, Behrman (who had already left) and Rice. After Howard's death, the four surviving members of the group created the Sidney Howard Memorial Award in his memory. The $1,500 award was created as a way to encourage", "id": "21327107" }, { "contents": "Nova (novel)\n\n\nRed brags about how he is responsible for the death of Brian, a character who disappears, in earlier editions, after a single chapter. In the Vintage edition, toward the end of the book Prince describes how, using his wealth and power, and with no more provocation than a careless comment Brian once made about Prince's arm, Prince systematically destroyed Brian's life, until Brian became homeless and died of exposure. Prince claims that he has killed some two dozen others in a similar manner for similar reasons. This", "id": "9525279" }, { "contents": "Di Bonaventura Pictures\n\n\nDi Bonaventura Pictures (also known as dB Pictures) is an American film and television production company founded in 2003 by Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who is known for producing the \"Transformers\" films. Di Bonaventura Pictures is currently based at Paramount Pictures since established, signing three-year deals in a series since then. Both studios are well known for producing the Transformers franchise together. In June 2011, Di Bonaventura launched a television division Di Bonaventura Pictures Television along with Dan McDermott, and the company is based at ABC Studios under", "id": "17542334" }, { "contents": "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (poem)\n\n\n. He loved him from those early days of working in the revolutionary underground. So shaken was he by this death that for some time couldn't find it in him to express his feelings [in writing]… [Mayakovsky] has been coming back to Lenin's memory and ideas throughout his life. Because it was Lenin's struggle for the shining ideals of Communism, that Vladimir considered his own life's meaning.\" Mayakovsky started working upon the poem called originally just \"Lenin\" soon after the funeral, then took", "id": "1802838" }, { "contents": "Looking 4 Myself\n\n\nmore experimental music, and to produce records with producers he normally wouldn't work with or admired. DJ and producer Diplo was one of them, and so both collaborated on the album's lead single, \"Climax\". They discussed the concept throughout the song's development and how it relates to Usher's life, as Diplo \"tried to help realise these lyrics and feelings.\" After conceiving some melody lines, they wrote the song in about an hour. Usher and Diplo worked on the song's production for two", "id": "17321935" }, { "contents": "Hal E. Chester\n\n\nsailing to Britain on \"The Liberte\" in 1955 with his wife Virginia (née Wetherly) and two young sons, he was able to take advantage of tax laws intended to encourage international co-productions. The couple, who had married in 1948, soon had a third son soon afterwards. The family adapted so well to British life they set up permanent home in London, where Chester lived until he died. He produced \"The Weapon\" (1956) for Republic Pictures in a co-production deal. He", "id": "16531007" }, { "contents": "Psylocke\n\n\n. In Valencia, Psylocke died in combat with the man known as Vargas while protecting Rogue and Beast, who were badly beaten by the villain. Brian Braddock and Meggan collected Psylocke's body from Spain. She was buried at the Braddock family estate and a memorial to her was erected at the X-Mansion by Beast. One year after her death, Betsy awoke where she had died, unaware of how she had survived, and was soon reunited with the X-Men, helping them against the Saurian Hauk'ka, and", "id": "4800028" }, { "contents": "For the Term of His Natural Life\n\n\n, stops him. Through a hazard, Frere tells Dawes of the fate of his cousin and how narrowly he missed inheriting the Devine fortune. Dawes had not known about Sir Richard's death. Finally, they set to sea with Mrs. Vickers gravely ill and Sylvia soon also sick. After some time they are found by an American vessel at which point Frere takes the rudder of the boat and Sylvia in his arms. By 1838, in Port Arthur, Mrs. Vickers has died. Sylvia has lost all her memories of the", "id": "21524760" }, { "contents": "Imaginary Witness\n\n\n, complex look at how the film industry both influences and is in turn influenced by the culture at large. The documentary includes newsclips from newsreels, from footage of liberated camps to events such as a conference in Jerusalem of Holocaust survivors; clips from television productions including one episode of \"This is Your Life\", in which a woman is reunited with her sister, who she thought had died in the Holocaust; documentaries such as \"Kitty: Return to Auschwitz\"; some excerpts from films not directly depicting the Holocaust but", "id": "1774160" }, { "contents": "Northern Light Productions\n\n\nNorthern Light Productions is a documentary film and museum media production company based in Boston, MA. Founded in 1982 by independent filmmaker Bestor Cram, the company is one of New England's premiere production organizations, creating a variety of work for museums, visitor centers, educational institutions, and television broadcast worldwide. Northern Light Productions was founded in 1982 when Bestor Cram, himself a Vietnam Veteran, produced How Far Home, a documentary film about the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. In 2001 another landmark film", "id": "12231012" }, { "contents": "Hammer of the Gods (2009 film)\n\n\na strange feeling, as if he had been there before. Freyja suggests that he has memories of his past life. Thor replies that if he lived before, then he had died as well. He says he would not make that mistake twice. Thor and Aegir (Velislav Pavlov) go out scouting, but soon a werewolf grabs Aegir and carries him off. Thor makes it back after escaping two other werewolves by climbing up a tree. The Vikings rally and go looking for Aegir. Instead, they find a village", "id": "15020010" }, { "contents": "Steven Hoggett\n\n\nHe then founded a physical theatre company in Wales called Frantic Assembly, with his friend and fellow student Scott Graham. The company's first production was a 1994 revival of John Osborne's classic \"Look Back in Anger,\" in which Hoggett directed, produced, and performed. The company staged numerous productions in their early years, especially at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Their unique blend of theatre and movement began to attract attention, and soon Frantic Assembly were producing large scale touring work and collaborating with some of the UK's", "id": "4497539" }, { "contents": "Mike Leonard (journalist)\n\n\nMichael Leonard (born November 30, 1947) is a retired American television journalist who formerly worked for The Today Show on NBC. Leonard was a feature correspondent for the Today Show for 31 years and is known for his stories on everyday life and the unique creative way he presents his work. Leonard is also part of a family video production company, Picture Show Films. The company uses digital video exclusively and edits its projects on PowerBooks. Picture Show has produced critically acclaimed television shows; features for PBS, ESPN, and", "id": "15039196" }, { "contents": "Film editing\n\n\nmore precise. The Moviola editing practice is non-linear, allowing the editor to make choices faster, a great advantage to editing episodic films for television which have very short timelines to complete the work. All film studios and production companies who produced films for television provided this tool for their editors. Flatbed editing machines were used for playback and refinement of cuts, particularly in feature films and films made for television because they were less noisy and cleaner to work with. They were used extensively for documentary and drama production within the", "id": "10528289" }, { "contents": "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane\n\n\n, alongside L.C.L. Industries in Montreal and Filmedis-Filmel in Paris. Canadian producer Denis Héroux, who during the decade specialized in popular cinema with financiers from outside the country, also worked on the project. It was shot on a small budget. Financiers disliked how in the novel, Rynn murdered Mrs. Hallet with poisonous gas, causing the scene to be rewritten so the death is accidental. Director Martin Scorsese was editing \"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", and Gessner's look at his work led him to discover Jodie", "id": "8002746" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Goodson\n\n\nJonathan Michael Goodson (born August 20, 1945) is an American television producer who specializes in game shows. He is the son of legendary game show producer Mark Goodson and began his television career in 1973 as chief counsel of Goodson-Todman Productions. He later produced several of the company's shows. After his father's death in December 1992, Jonathan took over the company in March 1993 (in the early 1980s the Goodsons had acquired the Todman heirs' portion of the company) and ran it until it was sold", "id": "15210808" }, { "contents": "Dini Dimakos\n\n\n\" Laidman. After her time in radio, Dimakos began to take interest in television broadcasting. She volunteered her time at \"2001 Canadian Comedy Awards\", which led to a chance meeting with television personality and comedian Mista Mo, who co-starred in the television show \"Buzz\" and on The Comedy Network. Having a keen interest in Canadian television and how a comedy show was produced, Dimakos was soon hired as a Production Assistant on Buzz by MTR Entertainment. She worked on the show from seasons 3 to 6", "id": "11566885" }, { "contents": "Mary Claire Helldorfer\n\n\nof Fear. In \"No Time to Die\", Jenny is devastated by the recent death of her sister, Liza. Looking for a sense of closure, she secretly signs up for the drama camp where Liza died. Jenny knows that someone here holds the key to what really happened to Liza that night, but if she doesn't find out the truth soon, she may become the next victim. In The \"Deep End of Fear\", Kate has tried to bury the horrible memories associated with the Westbrook estate", "id": "13836297" }, { "contents": "Edward Barnes (television executive)\n\n\nEdward Barnes (born 8 October 1928) is British former BBC television executive and television producer. Barnes was a co-creator of \"Blue Peter\" in and the programme's assistant director in 1958. Later he was a producer of the series. It was Barnes, with colleague Biddy Baxter, who in late 1962 toured London pet shops after the show's mongrel puppy died and a clandestine substitute (soon known as Petra) was needed so as not to needlessly upset young viewers. Barnes was the originator of \"Newsround", "id": "641435" }, { "contents": "Pye Ltd.\n\n\nvalve. It was soon superseded by the B18T, which used an extra high tension (EHT) transformer developed by German companies before the war to produce the high voltage required by the cathode ray tube. In 1955, the company diversified into music production with Pye Records. The Independent Television Authority (ITA) started public transmissions in the same year, so Pye produced new televisions that could receive ITV, and the availability of a second channel introduced the need for tuners. Pye's VT4 tunable television was launched in March", "id": "8598832" }, { "contents": "List of Timeless characters\n\n\nled to Rufus' death and she has to be removed to undo all that she caused. Flynn travels back 2012, sacrificing himself to kill Jessica on the night that she originally died. Rufus is restored to life and rescues his friends in 1848, but is left with the memories of a whole different timeline since their adventure in Hollywood. After the death of Emma and the defeat of Rittenhouse, Rufus and Jiya marry and by 2023 run a company together, but Rufus prefers to work in the background, resulting in Rufus", "id": "963407" }, { "contents": "Gladiators (British series 8)\n\n\nin popularity in the mid-1990s. Soon after ITV officially confirmed that Gladiators would end, the recently launched digital terrestrial platform ONdigital, co-owned by ITV's two largest regional companies Carlton Television and Granada Television, persuaded LWT (itself owned by Granada) to produce a final mini-series in order to give the show a proper send-off. \"Gladiators: The Supreme Champion\" was commissioned by ONdigital for ITV, and all four episodes aired exclusively on the digital terrestrial provider over the Bank Holiday weekend as a back", "id": "20497882" }, { "contents": "Project U.F.O.\n\n\nProject U.F.O. is an American anthology television series which ran on NBC from 1978 to 1979. Running for two seasons of 13 episodes each, the show was based loosely on the real-life Project Blue Book. The show was created by Jack Webb, who pored through Air Force files looking for episode ideas. The show was a production of Mark VII Limited in association with Worldvision Enterprises, now CBS Television Distribution and was Webb's last weekly series produced before his death. It was also one of the rare times that Webb", "id": "10150067" }, { "contents": "Lyman H. Howe\n\n\nand Canada. Although Howe died in 1923, his film company continued operating for a number of years after his death, into the Great Depression. Howe was born in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania to Nathan Howe, a building contractor, and Margaret Robins (Howe)––the youngest of their eight children. He attended Wyoming Academy, a secondary preparatory and business school, for two years and then started a business as a house and sign painter with a friend. He soon became a traveling salesman. After his father's death and the 1873", "id": "3654445" }, { "contents": "Global TV (Venezuela)\n\n\nGlobal TV is a Venezuelan regional television channel that can be seen in the Zulia State, located in western Venezuela, on UHF channel 65. It can also be seen on channel 10 by those who subscribe to Netuno and on channel 69 by those who subscribe to Intercable. Global TV was created in the year 1990 as a television production company. It soon became one of the largest production companies in the Zulia State, producing commercials and audiovisual works. Since the beginning, Global TV has been producing the show \"Primicias\"", "id": "6260155" }, { "contents": "Max Herz\n\n\ngood at the age of 21 – of course he was not aware of this at the time –, so one might not have been surprised if the memory of his native country had faded in his mind over the long decades he spent away from home. However, it was not so: he remained a proud Hungarian patriot throughout his life. When he died, his wife wrote about his illness and death in the emotional style of the period: \"The silent struggle lasted four years and a half. Looking death straight", "id": "14492286" }, { "contents": "Iambic Productions\n\n\nIambic Productions Limited is an independent television production company specializing in the fields of music, arts and drama founded by producer Chris Hunt in 1988. The company was a part of production and distribution Group DCD Media since its acquisition by the Group in 2000 until 2008, when Chris Hunt took Iambic back into private ownership Recent productions include: Its producers have won over thirty nominations and awards in most of the major festivals in the world - BAFTA, Emmy, Prix Italia, International New York Festival, Chicago, ACE, Houston Worldfest", "id": "10253689" }, { "contents": "Radio Days\n\n\nRadio Days is a 1987 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Woody Allen, who also narrates. The film looks back on an American family's life during the Golden Age of Radio using both music and memories to tell the story. It stars an ensemble cast. Joe, the narrator, relates how two burglars got involved in a radio game after picking up the phone. He goes on to explain that he associates old radio songs with childhood memories. During the late 1930s and early 1940s young Joe lived in", "id": "14790455" }, { "contents": "Vince Chong\n\n\nto make sure he will be fit physically and flawless voice control. Recently Chong is involved in composing commercial jingles for Rakan Muda which is now aired as a Malaysian local television advertisement. He is now focusing on television production and also starting his personal company InVinceAble Tunes. He recently admitted to local entertainment magazines that he had experienced back pain since last July and he's now working hard to regain his fitness. Although he is now more involved in television production, Chong has expressed his desire to produce a Mandarin-language album", "id": "12094459" }, { "contents": "Richard Armitage (actor)\n\n\noff. I was looking for something else, so that's why I went back to drama school.\" After completing LAMDA's three-year programme, he returned to the stage as a supporting player with the Royal Shakespeare Company's productions of \"Macbeth\" and \"The Duchess of Malfi\", as well as \"Hamlet\" and \"Four Alice Bakers\" with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre while taking a series of small roles in television and films. In 2002 he starred in the Charm Offensive's production of \"Use", "id": "3656752" }, { "contents": "Killer Company\n\n\nKiller Company: James Hardie Exposed is a 2009 Australian book by journalist Matt Peacock. The book documents how the use of harmful asbestos fibre in building materials produced by James Hardie Industries \"led to the deaths of thousands of workers and customers, who were never informed of the dangers\". Working with asbestos products, such as \"fibro\", resulted in medical abnormalities, such as asbestosis. The book opens with the story of Bernie Banton, former James Hardie employee, who suffered from asbestos-induced fibrosis and later died", "id": "2810667" }, { "contents": "European embedded value\n\n\nmany years. Losses are possible for policies where the insured dies soon after signing the contract. And profitability is also affected by whether (and when) a policy might terminate early. An actuary calculates an embedded value by making certain assumptions about life expectancy, persistency, investment conditions, and so on - thus making an estimate of what the company is worth now. But if each person has a different opinion on how things will turn out, you could expect a range of inconsistent estimates of the worth of the company.", "id": "1506656" }, { "contents": "The Duck Factory\n\n\nThe Duck Factory is an American sitcom produced by MTM Enterprises. It was Jim Carrey's first lead role in a Hollywood production. The show was co-created by Allan Burns. The premiere episode introduces Skip Tarkenton (Carrey), a somewhat naive and optimistic young man who has come to Hollywood looking for a job as a cartoonist. When he arrives at a low-budget animation company called Buddy Winkler Productions, he finds out Buddy Winkler has just died, and the company desperately needs new blood. So Skip gets", "id": "6605302" }, { "contents": "Don't Fence Me In (film)\n\n\nentertainers there to learn what connection Anson has to Bennett. Anson soon panics when he sees Gabby visiting the resort, and he tells Bennett, who kills Anson and then implicates Gabby for the murder. Running from the police, Gabby, Roy, and Toni soon manage to meet with the local sheriff (Tom London) to explain what truly happened. Gabby recounts how as Wildcat back in 1910, he staged his death so he could begin a constructive, law-abiding life with a new name. A large \"sack", "id": "10116083" }, { "contents": "Charles Pattinson\n\n\nof the 1997 Best Drama Serial accolades from both the British Academy Television Awards and the Royal Television Society) and the 1997 Jimmy McGovern serial \"The Lakes\". In 1998, he and fellow producer George Faber set up their own independent production company, Company Pictures. The company has produced several notable and award-winning series and one-offs, such as \"Shameless\", \"The Life and Death of Peter Sellers\", \"Skins\", \"Elizabeth I\", \"Talk to Me\" and \"Wild", "id": "20059182" }, { "contents": "Ant & Dec\n\n\n\"Alien Autopsy\". They have been television producers, and have their own production company, Mitre Television. When appearing together, they normally position themselves so that Ant is on the viewer's left, and Dec on the right. In a 2004 poll for the BBC, Ant & Dec were named the eighteenth most influential people in British culture. McPartlin and Donnelly met while working on the BBC children's drama \"Byker Grove\" in 1989. After a shaky start, they soon became best friends. They have achieved", "id": "10754373" }, { "contents": "Smallfilms\n\n\nby \"Noggin the Nog\", their first production for the BBC, which established Smallfilms as a safe and reliable pair of hands to produce children's entertainment, in the days when the number of UK television channels was restricted to two. In 2000, Postgate and his friend Loaf set up a small publishing company called The Dragons Friendly Society, to look after \"Noggin the Nog\", \"Pogles' Wood\" and \"Pingwings\". After Postgate's death in December 2008, Smallfilms was inherited by his son Daniel", "id": "10329759" }, { "contents": "List of Sankarea: Undying Love episodes\n\n\n\"\" is a 2012 anime television series produced by Studio Deen. The series has been based on the manga series by Mitsuru Hattori. The story follows a boy named Chihiro Furuya and his relationship with Rea Sanka, a girl who dies and comes back to life as a zombie due to a resurrection potion Chihiro had made. The 13-episode television series aired in Japan between April 5 and June 28, 2012. Three additional original video animation episodes were released. Episodes 00 and 14 were bundled with the limited editions of the 6th", "id": "19263017" }, { "contents": "Murder Files\n\n\nMurder Files, also known as \"Witness Murder Files,\" is a British crime documentary television series filmed in the United Kingdom in England. The first and only series debuted on Channel 5 on 28 February 2013. The series takes an in-depth look at some of Britain's most high-profile murders in recent memory and examines just how police nabbed the culprits through interviews with the victim's family members and police detectives. Episode 1 examines the criminal career of murderer Danilo Restivo, specifically the death of mother, Heather", "id": "372522" }, { "contents": "Aversion (film)\n\n\nand never looked back. He began shooting film-based projects and after investing in equipment began his own production company. From there he learned the workings of the camera and after sufficient experience he hired himself out as a cinematographer, working on several films. He has also shot music videos and a spec television show. He recently completed “The Citizen Core”, which was an official selection in the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival and Sarah’s Demons, a horror short was an official selection in the 2008 Bare Bones International Film", "id": "13530075" }, { "contents": "The Golden Arm\n\n\nThe Golden Arm is a folktale, a story appearing in multiple cultures through oral tradition and folklore, most famously told by Mark Twain and also used by him to instruct others in how to tell a story. The tale begins with a death or a recently deceased victim who has an artificial limb, usually an arm, made of gold. The victim has their limb stolen after their death, most often by a loved one or trusted one in greed. Then the victim comes back from the grave looking to get their golden", "id": "5092301" }, { "contents": "W. H. R. Rivers\n\n\nShaw; he later described how he spent \"many hours every day talking – the greatest treat of my life\". Back in England, Rivers gained the distinction of an M.D. (London) and was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Soon after, he became house surgeon at the Chichester Infirmary (1887–1889) and, although he enjoyed the town and the company of his colleagues, an appointment at Bart's and the opportunity to return to the company of productive researchers in medicine proved too much to resist", "id": "16736803" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Hawkins\n\n\nJanssen. His last role on television was on November 1, 1974, as Father James Jay Remy on ABC's \"\" starring Darren McGavin. After his acting career, Hawkins produced films, a number for ABC Theatre Productions, including \"Evel Knievel\", based on motorcycle daredevil, and \"Don't Look Back: The Life of Satchel Paige\" (1981), starring Lou Gossett, Jr., as the legendary African American baseball pitcher Leroy \"Satchel\" Paige. He also produced Gary Coleman in \"Scout's", "id": "20926272" }, { "contents": "Suspended animation in fiction\n\n\nfrom Earth. The series is set in the year 2050. In 2010 a Spanish soap opera titled \"Aurora\" premiered in the television network Telemundo. The theme of this soap is suspended animation and everything centers around it. It tells the story of Aurora Ponce De Leon, a 20-year-old who is frozen by her father after her death from a rare and mysterious disease. She comes back to life 20 years later and finds out how everything changed after her death. She has to adjust to life 20 years later", "id": "7398087" }, { "contents": "SAES Getters\n\n\nafter the collapse of a number of key markets, such as barium getters for the television industry or back lights for LCD screens. Furthermore, during this period, the company developed highly innovative technologies and processes for the depositing of getters on silicon wafers for so-called MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems), miniaturised devices intended for various applications, such as sensors and gyroscopes. The company entered the shape memory alloy sector (SMA), becoming a key reference for the sector and the first producer of SMA devices and", "id": "12749640" }, { "contents": "Grae Drake\n\n\nnews topical to the entertainment industry and popular culture in general. Drake continues to actively create new content in a variety of different formats for emerging new media outlets. Prior to her journalism career, Drake worked in many facets of the entertainment industry. She has previously worked behind the camera for ABC, Oceangate Productions, Motion Theory and Prometheus Productions. Drake has also produced, appeared in, and is credited for video editing work on a variety of projects for film and television, including , Ancient Aliens, and How to Look", "id": "1558034" }, { "contents": "Gaylon Smith\n\n\ngift items including trophies, watches and jewelry to companies for presentation to clients. He also worked for Thompson Products and the National Screw Company as a manufacturer's representative. Smith died in 1958 in Ohio, where he had remained with his family after retiring from football. He had four children with his wife Carol. Two years after his death, Rhodes College dedicated the Gaylon Smith Memorial Gateway in his honor. He is considered one of the best football players Rhodes has produced. He was inducted into the Rhodes College Athletic Hall", "id": "13365398" }, { "contents": "Jorge Guillén\n\n\noblivion offered by drink or the television. In \"Cántico\", there were many poems about awakening and how wonderful it is to return into consciousness. In \"Clamor\", dawn brings a desire to sink back into sleep and find oblivion. \"Del trascurso\" compares with \"Muerte a lo lejos\" from \"Cántico\" and not just because both poems are sonnets. In the earlier poem, death was somewhere in the future and life was to be enjoyed. In the later poem, the poet looks back to", "id": "11496987" }, { "contents": "Okamoto Yasutaka\n\n\n-level university teaching position, but resigned after a month. He instead moved to the university's editing and publishing department and devoted his energy to the compilation of the linguistic work \"Goi\" (語彙). In 1872, immediately following the completion of the first volume of the work, its production was cancelled and he was fired. He produced a large volume of writings, but did not publish any of it during his life, and requested that his works be burned after his death. He died on 5 April", "id": "10130609" }, { "contents": "World Productions\n\n\n, a co production with Network Ten in Australia. It also co-produced, with BBC Wales, a one-off \"This Life\" reunion special, transmitted in early 2007. It was announced in February 2012 that the company had been taken over by Marcus Evans Entertainment owned by billionaire businessman and owner of Ipswich Town F.C., Marcus Evans. Evans's company had been looking to get involved with television and film production for a number of years beforehand, and in 2010 set up its own production operation, Marcus Evans", "id": "4261822" }, { "contents": "Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland, A. D. 1803\n\n\n1822 Dorothy put together a more refined version, she had lost the original and it was completed from memory, but a publisher was never located.[7] It would not be until 1874, nearly 20 years after her death in 1855, that John Campbell Shairp would publish it for the first time. It sold so well a second edition came soon after including one in the US. Then a third edition in 1894, and then another in 1897. In 1941 it was recognized again when Ernest de Selincourt published a new edition and", "id": "18258862" }, { "contents": "John Bard Manulis\n\n\n. With Gary Sinise, he directed the Director's Guild of America's memorial tribute to the life of director John Frankenheimer. Manulis co-founded Visionbox Media Group, a production, post-production and distribution consulting company using digital technology to produce and distribute films and television content in 2000, before digital technology became ubiquitous in film and television. \"Definitions are changing on everything, even what the word 'digital' means\", Manulis said in a 2002 interview with the \"Los Angeles Times\". \"There are", "id": "3457533" }, { "contents": "The Time of Your Life (TV series)\n\n\nThe Time of Your Life is a British television series made by ITV Productions for ITV, and aired in the summer of 2007. The drama series tells the story of Kate (portrayed by Genevieve O'Reilly) who has awoken from an 18-year coma to find the world that she once knew has slipped away. Initially she is unable to come to terms with the fact her parents are older and her friends look so different. But as the weeks go by she adjusts to a world with the internet, mobile phones and global companies", "id": "17376754" } ]
why are gay men often friends with straight women but lesbians generally do not hang out with straight men?
[{"answer": "Many lesbians feel, right or wrong that straight men still try to hit on them whereas straight women like the fact that gay men do not try to make advances on them. Obviously this isn't true for all men and women, men have platonic female friends all the time and women hit on gay men all the time too."}, {"answer": "One of the better friendships I've had in years was/is with a lesbian. There's an unspoken understanding that there is really no need to impress each other and no possibility of sexual tension that can creep up in many hetero friendships, like it or not. Probably one of the few people I've ever felt comfortable around ."}, {"answer": "I liked hanging out with my lesbian friend because she liked to have sex with me. That's how I found out I was also a lesbian."}, {"answer": "I think Mitch and Cam can explain this in the simplest way possible: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "This does not at all match my experience. As a straight guy, i love hanging out with lesbians. Its like having a buddy, but with boobs."}, {"answer": "When I (straight guy) first turned 21 I had an older Lesbian friend that would take me out drinking all the time, which led to making more lesbian friends. I understand what OP is saying but that has definitely not been my experience."}, {"answer": "Straight dude here - in my late 20s, one of my best friends was a self-described \"gold star\" lesbian - had never kissed or slept with a boy. We were inseperable until I broke up with a woman who I met and dated while she and I were friends. After I broke up with this woman, my friend straight cut me off, and I found out later she \"sided\" with this woman in our breakup and also had a huge crush on her the whole time. When I looked back on it, there was a surprising amount of sexual competition even when I was single and we would hang out at bars together."}, {"answer": "Gay guy here. On gay men - straight women friendship: 1. Women always are completely non-sexual to gay men. Just like the completely non-sexual friend for straight men would be other men, and straight men tend to have other men as friends. Likewise women can be relaxed with gay men, as gay men are not hitting on women. They don't really want anything sexual or romantic from each other. Both know this, and that's the reason they can talk about things like relationships, sex and so on without it being awkward for both. For many gay men, it could be somewhat awkward to talk about gay sex to straight men as gays know straight men could feel uncomfortable with the subject. 2. Gender non-conformity is more common among gay men than in straight men. So fabulous fashionable platinum gays might more easily relate to women and their interests than straight guys do. (I underline that there's nothing wrong being a fabulous fashionable platinum gay). 3. There are tons of gay men who have very few women as friends. Some gay men can be even sexist and look down on women, as women are completely irrelevant to their life. It is quite surprising that some gay men can be very sexist towards women. I don't know about lesbians though."}, {"answer": "What about bi men and bi women ?"}, {"answer": "I know a lot of lesbians and have pretty much seen the opposite to what you describe. I have a lot of gay girl friends, and as a guy, I think a lot of them quite enjoy some of the more laddish behaviour that they don't get in a group of girls. Even if they're tomboyish or more 'girly'. Maybe it's a generational thing, still. I live in what could be described as a hotbed of gayness, so you've got your first generation of enlightened 20-somethings who truly feel unafraid and accepted. Older lesbians were shunned by society in different nuanced ways than gay males were. Whereas there seemed genuine hatred and shaming of gay men, there was more confusion and isolation for women coming out. Anger yes, but a different brand of it. I think there's an iffy implication sometimes that a preference for women indicates that they want very little to with men. Anecdotally, I've found that to be totally false, and that there are other good reasons why lesbians would tend to stay out of someone's way that are less complicated than having a negative relationship with the male gender."}, {"answer": "That's not true in my experience at least. I hang out with everyone. I would rather talk to/hangout with a straight man over a bubbly girly-girl any day. All of my lesbian friends are like this. Not sure where the uptight lesbian thing comes from and if there's any truth to it. Only two things annoy me: 1. If they hit on me knowing I am obviously not interested. 2. When they talk to me about sex and women. I am not a very sexual person so I don't care for talking about it and it seems like there's this misconception that if you like women then you must like talking about sex with women."}, {"answer": "I'm a lesbian, mid 20s - I have only a few close straight cis guy friends, and in my experience this is because I come out quite early on when meeting an acquaintance, and then guys treat me differently. They either 1. Treat me like a 'bro', someone to objectify women with them - \"Check out pink dress's ass. Damn so fine.\" Me: \"Uh, her name is Sally, why don't you say hi?\" Or 2. Ask me weird invasive questions about my sex life before we've even gotten to know each other well. There's also the creepy third level where they try to \"get in\" on bedroom action. Also, your typical dude can often say something a little bit sexist, sometimes not meaning to be malicious. My straight female friends sometimes put up with this (if it's not too bad) because they don't want to be seen as unfuckable, whereas I have nothing to lose so I can call them out on their bullshit, making them less likely to want to be my BFFL."}, {"answer": "in my experience, straight men (me) get along with lesbians better than the gay men seem to get along with them."}, {"answer": "Well, I'm a straight male, and I have a lesbian friend, 2 bisexual female friends, 1 gay male friends, and 3 bisexual male friends. I don't even live in a big city and I don't 'go clubbing'. Mostly we get high and play video games."}, {"answer": "I have to say, I have both gay and lesbian friends. I don't really understand exactly what you're trying to say here."}, {"answer": "Because that is a stereotype, and it isn't necessarily true. I bet that a lot of lesbians have guy friends."}, {"answer": "I am a straight guy who has lesbian friends. In the way that some men do not hang out with women, some women just don't hang out with men."}, {"answer": "Have you meet straight men? We are terrible. No wonder why both groups avoid them."}, {"answer": "One of my good friends is a lesbian. She and her wife, and I and mine like to go out to dinner and drinks because we're all into the same shows and books and stuff. At least a few times, while we were out, some brah would try and get my attention and give me a huge thumbs-up, or something else shitty like that. We've gone out a fair amount of times, and been in the company of hundreds of men (cumulatively), and only a handful have been jackasses like that. Most of them, like everyone else, just want to do what they're out to do, and disregard the \"background people.\" However, it's *always* the jackasses that make sure they catch my attention. For me, it builds an analogy that I think answers your question. Lesbians pass by tons of men all the time that they have no reason to interact with (background people), and most of them (the background men) feel the same way. Every once in a while, they meet a person who they share interests with, and is male, and is not a douche, and they become friends. But far more often the men that they interact with are just background people who jump into the foreground to give unwanted sexual advances, because two lades doing it is very attractive to (a lot of the) men (that I've met) and the brahs don't have the impulse control to see something that sexually excites them and not jump on it. Anyway, I'm a guy, so take it with a grain of salt. I don't feel qualified to speak on behalf of lesbians, this the just the perception that I got from \"riding shotgun.\""}, {"answer": "This is clearly anecdotal, but I'm straight and my best friend is a Lesbian. We like beer, dogs, shooting, and fire. I like hanging out with her more than the gay dudes I know. The gay dudes I know are cool, but not \"will help you move a couch\" type bros."}, {"answer": "This isn't true for me at all. I'm a lesbian in my twenties who loves hockey, video games, board games and comic books so even at a very young age I gravitated towards the other people enjoying those things, and that was usually the boys. I have of course encountered straight men who want to turn me, or are generally rude. However, for the most part the straight men that I've met have been fine, and my core friend group is awesome about it and always has been. When I was in my awkward coming out stage a guy in my group asked me out and I turned him down and we talked about why and he was so supportive of my confused feelings at the time and it was never an issue again. He's now married to a lovely woman and I am at his house every Friday for our board game group. I have more straight male friends than I do female friends of any orientation. But its never really something I've thought about. I make friends with human beings I find awesome and I don't exclude people based on their gender. Just because one or two straight guys I've tried to be friends with have been jerks, doesn't mean they all are."}, {"answer": "From a tribal/early human standpoint I think it makes sense that way. (not saying this is the way it has to be or that we ought to seek out relationships that mirror early humans) The gay men you're talking about might not want to go out and hunt/pillage so they stay home and help with the babies and the housekeeping and one article I read suggested they could stay behind to protect the womenfolk from hostile invaders while the other men go out and hunt. it's mutually beneficial for the gay men and women of the tribe to form a bond. Lesbians aren't as strong as men typically so having them go out on hunting/raiding parties isn't really as mutually beneficial. They can, however stay home to help the women. Also, I think in this type of scenario the lesbian would still be paired off with a male and impregnated because her contribution as a childbearer is still important where a gay man can forgo his duty to inseminate while the more virile males get a chance. not saying that's how it has to be, but it might be a natural reason for the way we tend to form bonds in that manner."}, {"answer": "I'm a lesbian with a lot of straight male friends, actually. I think we have a lot in common and I tend to get along better with guys anyway. This has actually been the case with the majority of lesbians I'm friends with, with some exceptions of course. I love that guys aren't dramatic and the ones who are on that friend level with me aren't the type of guy to come on to me constantly, like the straight guys described in this thread a lot. We can just sit back with some Jack and discuss sports/ladies/the weather. I do find, oddly, that gay men and gay women don't tend to mix."}, {"answer": "I know this is anecdotal, but I am a straight guy who is actually really great friends with quite a few lesbians because we have so many shared interests, which is why I would imagine straight women and gay men get along. I honestly don't view them as very different than hanging with some of my straight male friends. We talk about almost all of the same things and the dynamics are really similar. I think it mostly has to do with the higher population of open gay and lesbian people in my town and the face that you really can't have a social life here without getting to know them."}, {"answer": "I'm a straight male and I've hung out with plenty of gay men and lesbians at all different kinds of bars. I think that the question by the OP is a perceived stereotype. As for other's experiences. I can't speak for them, but in my experience, I've definitely seen some douchebags that don't understand boundaries or how to be polite to others, and I've seen some very militant feminist types that actively avoid the opposite sex when out at social gatherings, but both groups are usually the minority (and generally not much fun to hang out with anyway.)"}, {"answer": "I definitely don't feel this statement is true for me. I'm a lesbian and have a bunch of straight male friends. Want to watch sports? Check, they'll watch the game with me. Want to be my wingman? Check, they'll come have a drink with me. Want to talk about work? Check, they show up and shoot the shit. Want to talk about your girlfriend problems? Check, they'll bounce ideas off me. I'm not trying to sleep with them and they're not trying to sleep with me. They're friends with no intentions other than to be just friends."}, {"answer": "I've had the opposite experience. As a heterosexual guy in a relationship with a girl who has TONS of lesbian friends, I've gotten along great with all of them because this particular group of lesbian girls love sports, video games and tons of other stuff that are generally of a heterosexual male's interest. I love when we talk about what we find attractive in women and sexual interests because they are basically the same conversations I'd have with male friends."}, {"answer": "What? My three friends who are lesbian have equal amounts of straight friends from both sexes. My gay friend has two best friends- one male, one female, both hetero. And of course, there's me: hetero with an equal number of gay friends to straight friends (who are close friends to me) but on a scale of normal gay/straight ratio, I have way more hetero friends of mostly males. I'm female. I guess the point is, I hate bitches."}, {"answer": "Three of my closest friends are Lesbians. I've known one since the age of 2, the others are more recent friends. Our friendship is simple and doesn't deal too much with sexual issues and that's possibly why. I don't care who they love as long as it makes them happy. I treated them the same before they came out to me. It possibly helps that we are all in our 40's."}, {"answer": "If they are truly gay men, they don't want to have sex with straight women. Straight men still want to have sex with lesbian women. Straight women consider gay men as \"safe\" or \"friend zone\", where straight men don't have categories like women do. If they are a woman then the primal urge to reproduce with lesbian women is the same as with straight women."}, {"answer": "I'm actually not sure this is even true. I know gay guys with straight women friends, and I know lesbians with straight men friends. Do you have stats to back up your claim?"}, {"answer": "have you seen the way straight men tend to act towards lesbians?"}, {"answer": "Had a bisexual ex-girlfriend some years ago, we tried dating, it didn't work, as we were both young and wanting to do the \"single and mingle\" kind of thing, but we were still really good friends, and still are, and often hung with her lesbian/bisexual girl friends also. I didn't care for some of them because they always had to act tough and 'prove they could hang with the boys'. They usually wore skate-shoes and hoodies. One of them found out I used to be in wrestling in High School, so she demanded I wrestle her. Didn't want to do it, but after an hour of harassment, I gave in. I planned on taking it easy obviously, but she straight up speared me into my table, it hurt, a lot. So I got pissed, and put her in a chokehold. I felt bad right after, asked if she was alright, she was, but the was the last time I saw her. The \"lipstick\" lesbian types always tried to \"one-up\" me when it came to getting girls. If I picked up a girl that night, it was often that I'd hear stuff like, \"I could have gotten her, but I figure I'd let you take her.\" or \"My girl was way hotter than yours.\" Then there's the other type, the, at some sort of music festival every weekend, flowers in the hair, sundress types, \"Men don't know the struggle of women\" and \"If I was a man, I'd be a millionaire\", \"Men wouldn't be able to handle having periods\" blah blah blah. **TL:DR**: As someone who's hung out with TONS of bi/lesbian women, to answer your question, they probably don't like hanging with us because they see us competition or something.. That'd be my guess."}, {"answer": "Straight man here. Best friends with a hot lesbian. It is hard for men to be friends with a woman, especially an attractive one, You hang out with them because you like their personality, they make you laugh, they make you smile and generally life up your mood. Just like any friend, male or female would. But we are instinctively looking for a mate, and naturally the fact that this friend is a woman triggers your natural straight desires for something more. Women know this, and know that if you are single, and they initiated some sort of sexy time, then the guy would probably go along with it. Lesbians are no different, but they probably feel the same about them being with you as you being with another guy. The only word I can describe that is a bit repulsed. Obviously I have no problem men being with other men but that's their business not mine. If a guy can get past the initial desires of wanting to date that hot lesbian and her hot lesbian lover, then you can be really good friends. They pay for their half of a meal, they talk more about normal boy things, and you can both talk about the smoking woman with a nice ass that just walked past both of you without feeling liker a perv."}, {"answer": "As a lesbian/gay woman, whilst I have a couple of 'straight male' friends, mostly I would say my experience around other straight men (I will not say *all* men, but quite a few), is that my gayness is seen as challenge to them. It's a challenge for their masculinity that there is a women they will remain immune to their *charm* and pressure to conform to the sexual role that women fill in their lives. In a social setting, where I just want to chill, talk about how things are with my girlfriend, and have a giggle... I do not want to have to endure the questions of straight male peers who will try and insist upon me that I \"*haven't found the right guy*, or that I \"*don't know what I'm missing*. Nor do I, want to have to remain constantly vigilant about how this passively stating this opinion could easily become something a lot more sinister. As someone said in one of the comments below \"*Its like having a buddy, but with boobs*\", this is just another example of how often some men turn the existence of a woman into sexual entertainment, even when that woman has explicitly made them aware of no returned desire or attraction. It's uncomfortable and is not the basis of an equal friendship."}, {"answer": "This is just a very generalized and unfair question. I used to ID as a lesbian and most of my guy friends were gay. I obviously liked them for other reasons, but our initial meeting was usually around a gay related even or bond. Gay people like to flock together at times because we share the same initial bond that straight people don't have. I love my straight girl friends but sometimes it's nice to talk to a gay lady friend who understands my feelings. Now most of my friends are straight guys because sexuality literally doesn't mean shit to me and I have found that guys in general fit my personality more. Back to my first point though, when I was heavily involved in the gay community, there were a lot of women at our events....most of whom were straight. In my experience, the women have tended to seek out gay friends than guys. Not sure how true this part is, but I've heard many gay men complain about women treating them like \"one of the girls\" and my guy friends just don't care about my sexuality. I get along better with guys. We don't hit on girls together or anything. I'm a very feminine girl but with a more masculine attitude"}, {"answer": "Making the argument that lesbian women don't hang out with straight men because they don't want someone to be hitting on them is totally reasonable, but that doesn't explain why many lesbians are averse to hanging out with gay men. IMO, female sexuality is less physical than male sexuality, in general. A lot of women tend to have less emphasis on the physical nature of the relationship and a lot more on the emotional and stability aspects of romantic relationships. In my experience the lesbians who are most hostile to men, are the ugly ones, i.e. the ones who have very few positive male interactions. Some of it is a reaction to men treating them like shit, some of it is men just not giving them the attention they want, so they seek it elsewhere, and over time, some of them stereotype and villainize men. And I'm sorry, it's almost a purely physical aversion. There's plenty of masculinity within lesbian circles that would not be tolerated if it came from a man."}, {"answer": "That's not been my experience. Here it is: Dated a girl in hs, later in our early 20s she comes out of the closet. At this point she's living in a different city than I, and I eventually move there in my mid 20s. Meet all of her friends. Go to a local lesbian bar with them and certainly do get those \"come near me I'll cut your balls off\" stares, but usually anyone I'm introduced to is very nice. That all happened about 6 years ago. I moved away but still keep in touch with everybody and they're always the people I see when I visit. Obviously everybody's experience is going to be different. If you're a good guy any lesbian will be your friend."}, {"answer": "Straight Male here, the street I live on has 3 lesbian couples, one is a Registered Nurse, Another is a handy jack of all trades, has a nice garage with all kinds of tools, the other one across the street is a welder and her partner is also a nurse. The couple next door is bar tender and locksmith. We all get together, drink alcohol and work on cars and eat good food. Some of the coolest women I know. Butch lesbians tend to like me for some reason...maybe I give off a non judgmental vibe? I am not very macho, just your typical white collar office IT guy."}, {"answer": "My best female friend is a lesbian. I'm a straight male. She's one of my friend's sisters. I hit on her for two years in a row, hard, and she never fell for it. Then she told me and it all made sense. I hit on her cause I like vagina, I'm friends with her because she's a great person. I don't hit on her anymore. But I can see why lesbians don't generally hang out with straight men, we hit on anything with two legs and a vagina."}, {"answer": "In my experience gay men have more female friends when they are younger and get more male friends when they are older. Imo it's part they become more comfortable around straight dudes and straight dudes become more comfortable around gay dudes. Before i met my first guy friend i had so many strange \"facts\" about gays in my head, thought everyone of them looks and talks like a fag and then i met this dude who is \"normal\" just like me"}, {"answer": "While in the military I had a few women come out to me as gay. At the time don't ask don't tell was still in effect. I think the reason that they came out to me was because... Get this... I treated them like people before any particular gender. Grated the military is mostly male and they had to find someone that would to have any kind of social life. By and large after it was said, sexuality wasnt discussed."}, {"answer": "The trend may also not be as strong as one gets the impression of from TV show tropes. I don't know if anyone have numbers on this? Data point: Being a straight male with somewhere between 3 and 12 lesbian friends (depending on how often you must hang out to be defined as friends, as well as where on exactly how gay the woman in question must be to count for the friendship to count)."}, {"answer": "They do. Maybe instead of asking a blanket question to the internet, you should ask this question specifically to the man or woman who's behaviour you seem to be basing it off of. They probably have personal reasons for hanging out with who they choose to hang out with. The most likely reason? Because those are their friends."}, {"answer": "SO for me at least, i tell a straight guy I am gay and he'll react with: \"Thats hot, want a third?\" Yes i have guy friends who dont care, but to hang out with a random straight guy that i havent known for a long time? I dont want to put up with stupid-ass comments."}, {"answer": "Am i the only one that thinks this statement has absolutely no truth to it? As a lesbian, I daresay that the majority of my friends are straight men. Also, all the lesbians I know have a lot of straight men as friends."}, {"answer": "Because television shows say so. Lesbian characters don't often hang out with straight men on TV shows, so most people assume they don't in real life. Whether or not they actually do I have no idea since I am not a homosexual woman."}, {"answer": "Cause straight dudes can't look at a lesbian women and see a \"dude\", they still see a women and often are still attracted to them. Being attracted to your friend or having your friend attracted to you is awkward."}, {"answer": "One of my best friends is a lesbian. We enjoy many similar interests like sports, pretty women, bikes and all kinds of stuff. Though many do have men issues due to abuse I've found."}, {"answer": "I have two friends. One male, one female. The female is gay, but still enjoys spending time with me. So... Quite frankly, I don't know."}, {"answer": "In my experience it's because hardcore lesbians think of other men as competition and are very standoffish for no real reason"}, {"answer": "I have a great friend who is a Lesbian and I'm a Married Straight dude. What are you talking about?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19771642", "title": "Same-sex relationship", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A same-sex relationship is a relationship between persons of the same sex and can take many forms, from romantic and sexual, to non-romantic homosocially-close relationships. The term is primarily associated with gay and lesbian relationships. \"Same-sex marriage\" refers to the institutionalized recognition of such relationships in the form of a marriage; civil unions may exist in countries where same-sex marriage does not.", "A same-sex relationship is a relationship between persons of the same sex and can take many forms, from romantic and sexual, to non-romantic homosocially-close relationships. The term is primarily associated with gay and lesbian relationships. \"Same-sex marriage\" refers to the institutionalized recognition of such relationships in the form of a marriage; civil unions may exist in countries where same-sex marriage does not."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "29252", "title": "Sexual orientation", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Sexual orientation is an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, while asexuality (the lack of sexual attraction to others) is sometimes identified as the fourth category.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Sexual orientation is an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, while asexuality (the lack of sexual attraction to others) is sometimes identified as the fourth category."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Not Gay\n\n\nShe also discusses male-male sexual activities in prisons and the military. The book features excerpts from Craigslist personal ads, and discusses a number of reasons why straight men might seek out sex with other men, such as fear of being rejected by women, or finding women's bodies gross. The term \"bro-job\" (analogous to bromance and a play on blowjob) refers to a sexual encounter between two straight men who are often close friends. Ward expresses the view that \"bro-jobs\" are not", "id": "13196017" }, { "contents": "Gay wage gap\n\n\nMeanwhile, lesbians earn 13% more than straight women. La Nauze, economist at University of Melbourne, noted: \"There are grounds for concern that workers in Australia, particularly gay men, are discriminated against because of their sexual orientation.\" A study of the 2013-15 National Health Interview Surveys found that gay, full-time employed men made, on average, 10% more than similarly employed straight men. The same study showed that lesbians received a pay premium of 9%. Bisexual men and women earned", "id": "20446932" }, { "contents": "Gay wage gap\n\n\nless than both gay and straight counterparts. Lesbian and bisexual women receive the same pay or the equivalent of what a straight woman makes. Despite the similar pay grade, they experience less of a pay gap than their straight and gay male coworkers, as well as discrimination. Lesbian women are seen as economically advantaged because they appear to be closer to the male standard of idealism rather than more feminine. Lesbian women make a median of 1.4% more than heterosexual women, but make 25.6% less than heterosexual men. Women who", "id": "20446933" }, { "contents": "Out to Swim\n\n\nOut to Swim is a British swimming, water polo and synchro club for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and their friends. The club also accepts straight men and women. The club was founded by AGM when the name was agreed in March 1992. In 2006 \"Out to Swim South\" was formed in Brighton and Hove and 2018 \"Out To Swim West\" in Bristol. Inspired by the swimming teams at the Gay Games in Vancouver in 1990, the club has competed at national and international competitions;", "id": "13371586" }, { "contents": "Fat fetishism\n\n\ncommon labels among gay men, while both straight men and women as well as lesbian women often identify as feeders and feedees. Gainers and feedees have a wide array of personal weight-gain goals--only 10 percent of gainers and 13 percent of feedees express interest in immobility as a fantasy or reality. While gaining and feeding are often considered fetishes, many within the gainer and feederism communities report viewing them more as a lifestyle, identity or sexual orientation. The gay gainer community grew out of the Girth & Mirth movement in", "id": "6824321" }, { "contents": "Demographics of sexual orientation\n\n\nalso correlated with sexual orientation, as more gay than straight men worked full-time (three quarters v. 57%), and the same was true among women (lesbians: 58%, straight women: 41%). Similarly, gay men (73%) and lesbians (66%) were overrepresented among the upper classes (classes ABC1), though the difference between heterosexuals and bisexuals (54% v. 58%) was not statistically significant. LGB people — especially lesbians — also had on average higher educational", "id": "4214856" }, { "contents": "Lesbian erotica\n\n\nwho perceive lesbianism as erotic may have less negative attitudes toward lesbians than they do toward gay men. Studies have further shown that, while men tend to correlate lesbianism with eroticism more often than women do, women perceive male homosexuality as erotic no more often than men do. Lesbian views on sex between women in erotica are complex. Historically, women have been less involved in the production and consumption of erotica in general and visual pornography in particular than have men. Since the late 1960s, radical feminist objections to pornography and the", "id": "1363203" }, { "contents": "Lesbophobia\n\n\n. Like homophobia, this belief is classed as heteronormative, as it assumes that heterosexuality is dominant, presumed, and normal, and that other sexual or relationship arrangements are abnormal and unnatural. A stereotype that has been identified as lesbophobic is that female athletes are always or predominantly lesbians. Lesbians encounter lesbophobic attitudes not only in straight men and women, but from gay men, as well as bisexual people. Lesbophobia in gay men is regarded as manifest in the perceived subordination of lesbian issues in the campaign for gay rights. Lesbophobia", "id": "15442709" }, { "contents": "LGBT linguistics\n\n\nentirely imitates women's speech is inaccurate, though certain vocal qualities are certainly shared between the two speech styles. Research has also shown unique speech of gay men in other languages, such as Puerto Rican Spanish and Flemish Dutch. Speech scientist Benjamin Munson confirmed such features among lesbians as the use of lower pitch and more direct communication styles found in previous studies, plus more backed variants of back vowels, but he noted too that differences between lesbians and straight women are \"even more subtle\" than differences between gay and straight men", "id": "12975449" }, { "contents": "List of Two and a Half Men characters\n\n\nsatirically portraying Jenny as a stereotypical lesbian who is uninterested in serious relationships and is content to have sex with any woman she meets, to the point that she is able to seduce (or \"recruit\") straight women (at one point, Walden claims that he didn't know one of Jenny's one-night-stands, who is his friend, was a lesbian, and Jenny responds \"Neither did she until last week\", insinuating that the woman was straight but Jenny made her gay), among them", "id": "3064196" }, { "contents": "Undergarment\n\n\nin companies often do not market men's underwear to straight men on the assumption that they are not interested in buying underwear for themselves; therefore many such advertisements are catered to women, as well as gay men, to convince them to buy underwear for their husbands. In 1985 Jockey International president Howard Cooley stated that women often shop more than men do, and men request women to buy underwear for them. According to multiple studies conducted circa 1985, 60-80% of men's undergarments for sale had been purchased by", "id": "5612067" }, { "contents": "Joe Kort\n\n\ndiscussing straight men who have sex with men. Kort has devoted his career to advancing the social acceptance, and professional treatment of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. His first book, \"10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives\" (2003, Alyson Books) gave answers to the most common questions his clients brought to him. Kort came out with a second edition in 2016. This book has been updated and revised and includes a new chapter on the sexual health of gay men which", "id": "4527964" }, { "contents": "Melbourne Gay and Lesbian Chorus\n\n\nmen and women in an effort to unify these sometimes divergent groups. AIDS had already caused much devastation in the gay community, and he believed that a choir would help to lift spirits and be a positive expression against homophobia. With a small group of men and women, both gay and straight, the first rehearsal was held on 28 April 1990 at St Luke's Anglican Church in South Melbourne. Sydney Gay and Lesbian Choir (SGLC) began less than a year later in January 1991, independent of the Melbourne chorus.", "id": "15287186" }, { "contents": "Bisexual erasure\n\n\nthough it can also be seen as proof of the existence and acceptance of bisexuality. In both the gay and straight media, individuals who have kept their sexual identity unknown have been portrayed as either gay or straight, even when they engaged in romantic or sexual relationships with both men and women. The same has occurred even with people who openly identify themselves as bisexual. Ani DiFranco's 1998 marriage to Andrew Gilchrist was portrayed in both gay and mainstream media as renouncing lesbianism, even though she had been out as bisexual since the", "id": "22099584" }, { "contents": "Boy Meets Boy (TV series)\n\n\nwould win a cash prize and a trip for two to New Zealand provided by Alyson Adventures of Key West, Florida, which specializes in gay and lesbian small group tours throughout the world. If James chose a straight mate, James would win nothing and the mate would win $25,000. The producers managed to keep a mixture of gay and straight men in the house despite the eliminations by putting the men into \"groups\" that prevented the contestant from eliminating all of the gay men or all of the straight men. At", "id": "5047700" }, { "contents": "Odor\n\n\nand that the gay men respond in the same way as straight women, though it could not be determined whether this was cause or effect. The study was expanded to include lesbian women; the results were consistent with previous findings that lesbian women were not as responsive to male-identified odors, while their response to female cues was similar to that of straight males. According to the researchers, this research suggests a possible role for human pheromones in the biological basis of sexual orientation. An odor can cue recall of a distant", "id": "6521847" }, { "contents": "Gay-for-pay\n\n\nbacklash against their careers has lessened and society's acceptance of gay and lesbian people has increased. In the gay pornography industry, which uses amateurs as well as professional actors, the term \"gay-for-pay\" refers to actors who identify as straight but who engage in same-sex sexual activities for money or sexual gain. Some actors who are actually gay or bisexual will be marketed as straight to appeal to the \"allure of the unattainable\", because straight men (or those newly coming out) are virgins", "id": "19873859" }, { "contents": "Justin Chin\n\n\ncloset: I was on the swim team, I participated in sports – something the queens never dreamed of doing\". Through his works Justin Chin worked to give voice to marginalized groups of racial, national or sexual minorities. He questioned the usefulness of categories and language by acknowledging that \"men and women, white people and people of color, straight people and LGBT people, lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and trans persons do not sound the same. We are not homogenous.\" In the same \"Mongrel: Essays", "id": "13023008" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\nfeaturing gay men, but primarily written by and for straight women. Some lesbian and bisexual women are also fans of gay male pornography, specifically yaoi, for its feminine-styled men. An analysis by \"Mother Jones\" found that Pakistan leads the world in gay porn searching on the Internet. Bareback gay pornography was standard in \"pre-condom\" films from the 1970s and early 1980s. As awareness of the risk of AIDS developed, pornography producers came under pressure to use condoms, both for the health of the", "id": "5980642" }, { "contents": "LGBT stereotypes\n\n\norientation. Research also suggests that lesbians may be slightly more likely than gay men to be in steady relationships. In terms of unprotected sex, a 2007 study cited two large population surveys as showing that \"the majority of gay men had similar numbers of unprotected sexual partners annually as straight men and women\". Another study found that gay men sometimes faced social boundaries because of this stereotype. Participants in the study reported finding it difficult to befriend other gay men on a platonic basis. They found that when they would engage with", "id": "9416586" }, { "contents": "Sexual attraction\n\n\nheterosexual women and men on these factors. While gay and straight men showed similar psychological interest in casual sex on markers of sociosexuality, gay men showed a larger number of partners in behaviour expressing this interest (proposed to be due to a difference in opportunity). Self-identified lesbian women showed a significantly greater interest in visual sexual stimuli than heterosexual women and judged partner status to be less important in romantic partnerships. Heterosexual men had a significantly greater preference for younger partners than homosexual men. People who identify as asexual may not", "id": "1339686" }, { "contents": "Gaydar\n\n\nfor people countering stereotypes. The race, ethnicity, and nationality of neither the person making the judgment nor the person they are judging seems to make a difference when making judgments from faces. Even individual facial features (just the eyes) can sometimes give enough information to tell whether a man or woman is gay, straight, or lesbian. One study showed that judgments of men's and women's faces for about 1/25 of a second was enough time to tell whether they were gay, straight, or lesbian. People's", "id": "14656242" }, { "contents": "Lesbian\n\n\nidentity is unique from gay men and heterosexual women, and often creates tension with bisexual women. One point of contention are lesbians who have had sex with men, while lesbians who have never had sex with men may be referred to as \"gold star lesbians.\" Those who have had sex with men may face ridicule from other lesbians or identity challenges with regard to defining what it means to be a lesbian. Researchers, including social scientists, state that often behavior and identity do not match: women may label themselves heterosexual", "id": "18036263" }, { "contents": "Lesbian\n\n\nthey divulge their sexual identities to, and more often see being lesbian as a choice, as opposed to gay men, who work more externally and see being gay as outside their control. Anxiety disorders and depression are the most common mental health issues for women. Depression is reported among lesbians at a rate similar to heterosexual women, although generalized anxiety disorder is more likely to appear among lesbian and bisexual women than heterosexual women. Depression is a more significant problem among women who feel they must hide their sexual orientation from friends and", "id": "18036372" }, { "contents": "Demographics of sexual orientation\n\n\nclassification. Among men, around 89% identified as heterosexual, 5.5% identified as gay, and 2.5% as bisexual. Straight women constituted around 93% of all women, lesbians were 1.4%, and bisexual women 2.3%. A little over two percent of each sex identified as \"Other\", and a little over 1% did not want to indicate a sexual orientation. Non-heterosexuals tended to be younger, and this was especially the case for bisexual women and gay men, whose average ages were 32", "id": "4214854" }, { "contents": "Lavender Menace\n\n\n\" were invited to run workshops the next day on lesbian rights and homophobia (Jay 144). Straight and gay women from the congress joined an all-women's dance (a frequent organizing and social tool used by Gay Liberation Front men and women) (Brownmiller 98). The \"Lavender Menace\" zap, and the publication of \"The Woman-Identified Woman,\" are widely remembered as a turning-point in the second-wave feminist movement, and as a founding moment for lesbian feminism. After the", "id": "8754136" }, { "contents": "LGBT stereotypes\n\n\nsex or bondage is also a stereotype in gay men. People often presume that gay men often conform to the stereotype of leather and chaps, including fisting. It is a common stereotype that gay men are sexual predators or pedophiles. The former perception can lead to a knee-jerk reaction that created the \"gay panic defense\", usually in straight men, who fear being hit on by gay men, and can be either a cause or an expression of homophobia. The perception that a greater proportion of gay than straight", "id": "9416592" }, { "contents": "Gay-for-pay\n\n\nnot the way to correct an inequality.\" He believes that \"in a world where gay actors are still denied straight roles, it'll just lead to typecasting of gay actors - the very thing they're wanting to escape. Gay actors want a diversity of roles just like straight actors do.\" A term that is derivative of \"gay-for-pay\" is the partly tongue-in-cheek term \"straight-for-pay\", which describes gay men who have sex with women for pay.", "id": "19873874" }, { "contents": "Straight-acting\n\n\nStraight-acting is a term for a same gender-attracted person who does not exhibit the appearance or mannerisms of what is seen as typical for gay people. And although the label is used by and reserved almost exclusively for gay and bisexual men, it may also be used to describe a lesbian or bisexual woman exhibiting a feminine appearance and mannerisms. Because the term invokes negative stereotypes of gay people, its application is often controversial and may cause offense. Communication Scholar, Shinsuke Eguchi (2009) proposes to explain the emergence", "id": "12536049" }, { "contents": "Fag hag\n\n\nor have boyfriends to counteract the stereotype that fag hags are unable to find a suitable straight partner. The Japanese word \"okoge\" has a more neutral connotation. The German word is \"Schwulenmutti\" (literally: Mommy for gays), or \"Gabi\", the ironic used nickname for Gabriele or Gabriela. In the case of friendships between lesbians and gay men, the term \"dyke diva\" describes the gay man in the relationship. A straight man of platonic affinity with gay men is a \"fag stag\"", "id": "18963772" }, { "contents": "Gay village\n\n\nassociated with their wealth but also with the role that lesbians and gay men have played (and continue to play) in urban revitalization. Provincetown, Massachusetts was ranked by the US Census Bureau as \"the gayest city in America\". Also Provincetown, or Ptown, was voted \"Best Resort Town in 2011\" by The town had far more gay marriages than straight marriages performed since 2003 when Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage. The town's various businesses sponsor Gay Men's Week, Women's Week, Bear", "id": "18451344" }, { "contents": "High School Confidential (Rough Trade song)\n\n\nto lesbianism. In a 2000 interview with \"Eye Weekly\", Pope confirmed that while she intended the lyric from her own perspective as a lesbian, the ambiguity was intentional: \"The general public didn't get that I was gay – if you were gay you did – and when I wrote love songs, I wanted them to be interpreted however. The thing is, I really, really love men – straight men are very sexy as long as, you know, they don't try – and I think that", "id": "3763001" }, { "contents": "Promiscuity\n\n\n2014, gay male users self-reported a lower median of lifetime sex partners than straight male users: four for gay men and five for straight men. A 2007 study reported that two large population surveys found \"the majority of gay men had similar numbers of unprotected sexual partners annually as straight men and women.\" The words 'womanizer', 'playboy', 'stud', 'player', 'ladies' man', 'lady killer', and 'rake' may be used in reference to", "id": "14700190" }, { "contents": "History of gay men in the United States\n\n\nbelt loop as well as earrings. The National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, a large political rally that took place in Washington, D.C. occurred on October 14, 1979. The first such march on Washington, it drew around 100,000 gay men, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people and straight allies to demand equal civil rights and urge the passage of protective civil rights legislation. In 1978 Harvey Milk became the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States, and the first openly gay or lesbian", "id": "12594606" }, { "contents": "Out & Equal\n\n\nsome key partners include Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, International Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Human Rights Campaign, Linkage, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, Out for Work, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Council for Global Equality, United ENDA, ENDA Now, NCTE, Immigration Equality and ReachOutUSA. Out & Equal also partners with gay media organizations including Diversity Inc. In 2013, Out & Equal published its second book", "id": "22054201" }, { "contents": "Sissyphobia: Gay Men and Effeminate Behavior\n\n\nSissyphobia: Gay Men and Effeminate Behavior is a book by gay author Tim Bergling, published in 2001, that investigates why some gay men are more masculine than others and why society finds effeminate men objectionable. The neologism \"sissyphobia\" designates the fear or hatred of effeminate men, pejoratively called sissies. While researching this topic, Bergling interviewed a number of men, both straight and gay, and analyzed the contents of personal ad sections of dozens of gay newspapers from the US. Bergling found that 40 percent of the ads were", "id": "18087510" }, { "contents": "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\n\n\n3 size between gay and straight men, but the difference was not quite statistically significant by the criteria Byne used. LeVay concludes that homosexuality is, \"part of a package of gender-atypical traits.\" For the second edition, LeVay added a new chapter dealing with aspects of sexuality and gender such as bisexuality, asexuality, attraction to different age groups, \"butch\" and \"femme\" behavior, preferences for different sexual roles or positions, and transsexualism. \"Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\" was", "id": "5329665" }, { "contents": "Homosexuality\n\n\nof influence to harm other gay people. Lesbians often experience their sexuality differently from gay men, and have different understandings about etiology from those derived from studies focused mostly on men. For information specific to female homosexuality, see Lesbian. In a U.S.-based 1970s mail survey by Shere Hite, lesbians self-reported their reasons for being lesbian. This is the only major piece of research into female sexuality that has looked at how women understand being homosexual since Kinsey in 1953. The research yielded information about women's general understanding of lesbian", "id": "15832423" }, { "contents": "Media portrayal of LGBT people\n\n\nas a norm, and provide information on the topic. Gwendolyn Audrey Foster admits, \"We may still live in a world of white dominance and heterocentrism, but I think we can agree that we are in the midst of postmodern destabilizing forces when it comes to sexuality and race.\" Although lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals are generally indistinguishable from their straight or cisgender counterparts, media depictions of LGBT individuals often represent them as visibly and behaviorally different. For example, in many forms of popular entertainment, gay men", "id": "4686194" }, { "contents": "Heteroflexibility\n\n\na self-applied label, although use of the term as a \"pop-culture slur\" has been attested. The openly gay sexologist and author Joe Kort has described homoflexible men as \"a gay man who has come out and embraced his identity fully as a gay man and chooses to have sex with a woman.\" Kort stated that homoflexible men are rewarded with some degree of heterosexual privilege by straight people:Straight people also reward the homoflexible man. I was telling a straight friend that as I get older,", "id": "14036019" }, { "contents": "Fag hag\n\n\nare secretly (or openly) sexually attracted to gay men. In fact, many women who identify as fag hags are already in romantic relationships, either with straight men or with women but appreciate the alternative experience of socializing with gay men and may prefer the gay culture to the straight counterpart. American \"fag hag\" synonyms include \"fruit fly\", \"queen bee\", \"homo honey\", \"fruit loop\", \"Goldilocks\", \"flame dame\", \"fairy princess\", \"gabe\"", "id": "18963770" }, { "contents": "Bisexual erasure\n\n\ninternationally\". Richard C. Friedman, an academic psychiatrist who specializes in the psychodynamics of homosexuality, writes in his essay \"Denial in the Development of Homosexual Men\" that many gay men have experienced sexual fantasies about women or engaged in sex with women and that many straight men have experienced sexual fantasies about men or engaged in sex with men. Despite being bisexual in fantasy and activity, these men identify as \"gay\" or \"straight\" rather than as bisexual. This erasure of bisexuality is sometimes caused by denying the significance", "id": "22099561" }, { "contents": "BDSM\n\n\nis a difference in gay and straight men suggests strongly that S/M (and BDSM in general) can not be considered a homogenous phenomenon. As Nordling et al. (2006) puts it, \"People who identify as sadomasochists mean different things by these identifications.\" (54) In Steve Lenius' original 2001 paper he explored the acceptance of bisexuality in a supposedly pansexual BDSM community. The reasoning behind this is that 'coming-out' had become primarily the territory of the gay and lesbian, with bisexuals", "id": "4307190" }, { "contents": "Wingman (social)\n\n\nthe other group, allowing their friend to express an interest in the most attractive group member. Despite the name, wingmen are not exclusively male; women can also act as wingmen. Wingmen also do not necessarily share their friend's sexual orientation; gay people can be wingmen for straight friends, and vice versa. Certain sources describe the wingman role as a part of predatory heterosexual male seduction, with women referred to as \"targets\" and men as \"pilots\". Others highlight the ability of a wingman (of any", "id": "7976528" }, { "contents": "Heterosexuality\n\n\n23) reported that half of the participants had changed sexual-minority identities more than once, one third of them during the 2-year follow-up. Diamond concluded that \"although sexual attractions appear fairly stable, sexual identities and behaviors are more fluid.\" In a 2004 study, the female subjects (both gay and straight women) became strongly sexually aroused when they viewed heterosexual as well as lesbian erotic films. Among the male subjects, however, the straight men were more turned on by erotic films with women, the", "id": "14304984" }, { "contents": "I Thought About You (film)\n\n\ndifficult viewing for most audiences, gay or straight. As one of the gay ENK studio's most highly regarded films, Sharp notes that \"I Thought About You\" sheds light on the violence against women often portrayed, and often criticized in \"straight\" \"pink films\". Sharp writes, \"If these films had laid themselves open to criticism for the often rough treatment the female characters received at the hands of men, the violence contained within them seems relatively restrained compared to gay porno's images of man-on", "id": "2995630" }, { "contents": "Straightwashing\n\n\nby the Provincetown Chamber of Commmerce shows the town's busy nightlife and artists, but the advertisement makes no mention of the town's active LGBT community, in what some LGBT activists call an example of straightwashing. In the Philadelphia's gay neighbourhoods, gay bars such as Woody's and are facing “straight gentrification”, becoming, in effect, \"gay-themed straight bar[s]” where straight men and women predominate, a trend triggered by the desire of straight women for spaces where they will not be harassed by straight", "id": "21938736" }, { "contents": "LGBT social movements\n\n\nradical, and the Gay Liberation movement emerged towards the end of the decade. This new radicalism is often attributed to the Stonewall riots of 1969, when a group of gay men, lesbians, and drag queens at a bar in New York resisted a police raid. Immediately after Stonewall, such groups as the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and the Gay Activists' Alliance (GAA) were formed. Their use of the word \"gay\" represented a new unapologetic defiance—as an antonym for \"straight\" (\"", "id": "12769775" }, { "contents": "Raise Your Glass\n\n\nnot feel any differently towards gay marriage than straight marriage. Pink commented on the video in an interview for MTV: \"I threw my best friend's wedding in my backyard — she is lesbian and she married her wife, and it was absolutely beautiful. At the end of it, her mom said, 'Why can't this be legal?' and started crying. It was just the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen, so that's why I'm doing it in my video.\" The music video", "id": "1064663" }, { "contents": "Not Gay\n\n\nNot Gay: Sex between Straight White Men is a 2015 book by Jane Ward, in which Ward details the phenomenon of straight men seeking out sex with other straight men despite not identifying as gay, bisexual, or bi-curious. Ward discusses hazing traditions, such as the \"elephant walk\" (in which each man has one hand on the penis of the man behind him and the other hand inserted into the anus of the man in front) and the circle jerk as examples of sexual contact between heterosexual men.", "id": "13196016" }, { "contents": "Handedness and sexual orientation\n\n\n, it was found that gay men and lesbians are more likely to be left-handed (13 and 11%, respectively) than heterosexual men and women (11% and 10%, respectively). Bisexuals of both sexes more often described themselves as ambidextrous than gay or heterosexual individuals of the same sex (bisexual men: 12%; gay and heterosexual men: 8%; bisexual women: 16%; lesbians: 12%; heterosexual women: 8%). A subsequent study by Blanchard found that both", "id": "3102778" }, { "contents": "Sissyphobia: Gay Men and Effeminate Behavior\n\n\nmasculine-themed, for instance containing clichés like \"straight acting\", while only two percent were feminine-themed. Bergling argues that many “straight-acting” gay men see effeminate gay men as slowing the process towards gays achieving equal rights. For example, he found that masculine gay men point to press coverage of gay pride events where only a small percentage of the attendees are drag queens, yet the press focuses on the latter. Bergling confesses that \"I still wrestle with some sissyphobia myself, as do many", "id": "18087511" }, { "contents": "One Fierce Beer Coaster\n\n\nGet Chicks\" parodies the belief that girls only like gay men, playing on the stereotype that gay men are often better looking and more sensitive than straight men. \"Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me?\" is mainly about how Jimmy Pop was constantly picked on in high school and has since developed extreme katagelophobia, an intense fear of being ridiculed. The album also includes a cover of Run DMC's \"It's Tricky\" and \"Boom\", which features an appearance by Vanilla Ice. \"One Fierce", "id": "19044019" }, { "contents": "Courtney Love\n\n\ngo out on the street, and forty percent of those kids are gay, lesbian, or transgendered. They come out to their parents, and become homeless... for whatever reason, I don't really know why, but gay men have a lot of foundations—I've played many of them—but the lesbian side of it doesn't have as much money and/or donors, so we're excited that this has grown to cover women and women's affairs.\" She has also contributed to AIDS organizations, partaking in benefits", "id": "5775618" }, { "contents": "Lesbians in Francoist Spain\n\n\nto combat the perceived communist threat. Historical memory of LGBT people has often focused much more on gay men and the transgender community than around women more generally and lesbians specifically. This did not occur by accident, but by design as traditional gender norms in Spain always emphasized men as being more important than women. Consequently, historical memory focused on telling the stories of gay men first. The Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory was founded in 2000 by Spanish journalist Emilio Silva after he successfully located the remains of his grandfather and", "id": "7525818" }, { "contents": "Lesbian\n\n\nor gay rights issues. As equality was a priority for lesbian-feminists, disparity of roles between men and women or butch and femme were viewed as patriarchal. Lesbian-feminists eschewed gender role play that had been pervasive in bars, as well as the perceived chauvinism of gay men; many lesbian-feminists refused to work with gay men, or take up their causes. However, lesbians who held a more essentialist view that they had been born homosexual and used the descriptor \"lesbian\" to define sexual attraction, often", "id": "18036328" }, { "contents": "Sexual Preference (book)\n\n\nReform Act 1986, writing that while important, it was only one study, and as such did not support gay rights activist claims that \"all evidence\" shows that sexual orientation is fixed early in life. The neuroscientist Simon LeVay wrote in \"Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\" (2010) that statistical studies support Freud's view that on average gay men are more likely than straight men to describe their relationships with their mothers as close and their relationships with their fathers as distant or hostile; he cited Bell", "id": "17083777" }, { "contents": "National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights\n\n\nThe National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights was a large political rally that took place in Washington, D.C. on October 14, 1979. The first such march on Washington, it drew between 75,000 and 125,000 gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, and straight allies to demand equal civil rights and urge the passage of protective civil rights legislation. The first major attempt at organizing a national gay and lesbian march on Washington occurred Thanksgiving Weekend 1973 in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. The National Gay Mobilizing Committee for", "id": "4680545" }, { "contents": "Gay-for-pay\n\n\noften play the \"top\" roles but this is not always the case, such as with Kristen Bjorn and some Bel Ami models. In some cases, a straight porn actor will shift between gay and straight porn to expand opportunities to work. Because some gay men consider heterosexual men to be objects of fantasy, some gay porn producers have almost certainly described some actors as heterosexual to increase sales and publicity for their product. Moreover, many gay or bisexual men who star in gay porn films may wish to be identified publicly", "id": "19873861" }, { "contents": "Gay wage gap\n\n\nthat Gay men made a median of 18.4% less than compared to straight men. A recent study has showed that in the US Gay men now earn 10% more than their heterosexual counterparts. Gay men are economically disadvantaged for not being the straight stereotypical male in a heterosexual relationship. Gay and bisexual men receive 10%-32% less pay than straight men, especially when considering factors such as education, race, occupation, and work experience come into the work place. 20% of gay men and 25% of bisexual men between", "id": "20446935" }, { "contents": "Gay male speech\n\n\nselectively adopts some of those features. Gay speech characteristics appear to be learned ways of speaking, though their origins and process of adoption by men remain unclear. Linguists have attempted to isolate exactly what makes gay men's English distinct from that of other demographics since the early 20th century, typically by contrasting it with straight male speech or comparing it to female speech. In older work, speech pathologists often focused on high pitch among men, in its resemblance to women, as a defect. Since the gay community consists of many", "id": "14817980" }, { "contents": "Bisexuality\n\n\nassociated with homophobia, bisexuals frequently contend with discrimination from gay men, lesbians, and straight society around the word \"bisexual\" and bisexual identity itself. The belief that everyone is bisexual (especially women as opposed to men), or that bisexuality does not exist as a unique identity, is common. This stems from two views: In the heterosexist view, people are presumed to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex, and it is sometimes reasoned that a bisexual person is simply a heterosexual person who is sexually experimenting.", "id": "9564027" }, { "contents": "Gerald P. Mallon\n\n\nof Gay and Lesbian Youth in Child Welfare Settings\" (1998), which was the first systematic investigation providing empirical data on LGBTQ youth in foster care. His more recent books and edited volumes include: • \"Let's get this straight: A gay- and lesbian- affirming approach to child welfare\" (2000) • \"Gay men choosing parenthood\" (2004) • \"Social Work Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People, 2nd Edition\" (2008) • \"Social Work Practice with Transgender and", "id": "11128065" }, { "contents": "Bisexual erasure\n\n\nas either \"gay\" or \"straight\" in the media even though she has publicly identified as bisexual. Freddie Mercury, who according to his obituary was a \"self-confessed bisexual,\" is often depicted as gay by the media. The media in both communities also often refers to the \"gay and lesbian\" community, ignoring bisexual and/or transgender people. There have also been examples of media outlets referring to \"lesbian, gay and transgender\" issues while still excluding or ignoring bisexuals. Bisexual women specifically are subject", "id": "22099586" }, { "contents": "Handedness and sexual orientation\n\n\nHe suggests two possibilities; that non-right-handed fetuses are less sensitive to the antibodies, or that the mothers of left-handed fetuses do not, for some reason, produce them. In a sample including 694 gay men and 894 straight men, it was found that 13.9% of gay men and 15.9% of straight men were non-right handed, a non-significant difference. The study replicated the older brother effect for homosexual men, but unlike Blanchard 2006 (see above), it found that", "id": "3102780" }, { "contents": "Gender role\n\n\nFor instance, cleaning and cooking, traditionally regarded by many as both female responsibilities, might be assigned to different people. Carrington observed the daily home lives of 52 gay and lesbian couples and found that the length of the work week and level of earning power substantially affected the assignment of housework, regardless of gender or sexuality. In many cultures, gender roles, especially for men, simultaneously act as an indicator for heterosexuality, and as a boundary of acceptable behavior for straight people. Therefore, lesbians, gay men and bisexual", "id": "20586042" }, { "contents": "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\n\n\nstatistical studies support Sigmund Freud's view that on average gay men are more likely than straight men to describe their relationships with their mothers as close and their relationships with their fathers as distant or hostile. However, he is skeptical of Freud's claim that the behavior of parents influences the future sexual orientation of their children, writing that while psychoanalytic theories about homosexuality have not been proven wrong, they are no more plausible than the idea that unidentified flying objects are alien spacecraft. LeVay suggests that boys who become gay may be unmasculine", "id": "5329659" }, { "contents": "Asexuality\n\n\nAsexual Visibility and Education Network has formulated asexuality as a biologically-determined orientation. This formula, if dissected scientifically and proven, would support researcher Simon LeVay's blind study of the hypothalamus in gay men, women, and straight men, which indicates that there is a biological difference between straight men and gay men. In 2014, Cerankowski and Milks edited and published \"Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives\", a collection of essays intended to explore the politics of asexuality from a feminist and queer perspective. It is broken into", "id": "21415545" }, { "contents": "Homosexuality in Indonesia\n\n\nthe Bahasa Binan, that often influenced Indonesian hip dialects among youngsters. The pressure upon gay men or lesbian women often comes from their own family. With family pressure to get married there are mainly two alternatives — either gays and lesbians decide to get married just to please the family or they run away from them. Another difference in homosexual life in Indonesia compared to their western counterparts is gays' and lesbis' commitment to heterosexual marriage; the vast majority of the gay men either planned to marry women or were married already.", "id": "7060120" }, { "contents": "Randy Shilts\n\n\nand, if not be objective, at least be fair; history is not served when reporters prize trepidation and propriety over the robust journalistic duty to tell the whole story. Shilts was also criticized by some segments of the gay community on other issues, including his opposition to the controversial practice of outing prominent but closeted lesbians and gay men. Nevertheless, his tenacious reporting was highly praised by others in both the gay and straight communities who saw him as \"the pre-eminent chronicler of gay life and spokesman on gay issues", "id": "16838526" }, { "contents": "Attraction to transgender people\n\n\nto those of straight men, and different from those of gay men. The study showed that those men, also known in literature as \"gynandromorphophiles\", are much more strongly aroused to female than to male stimuli. They differ from both straight and gay men, however, in displaying strong arousal to stimuli featuring trans women, which in this group was as arousing as the female stimuli. The study also found that autogynephilia is common in this group: 42% of the study group scored above 1 point on a questionnaire", "id": "18006593" }, { "contents": "Getting It (novel)\n\n\n, the guy at school who everyone thinks is gay? Asking Sal to do him a favor is harder than it seems, because Carlos is worried that if any of his friends see him hanging out with Sal, they will think he is gay too. And in return for making Carlos over, Sal wants help starting a Gay-Straight Alliance at their school—not exactly something Carlos is dying to do. But over the course of the makeover, Carlos learns about life and love, and finally starts to \"get", "id": "20873818" }, { "contents": "Playing It Straight\n\n\nPlaying It Straight is a 2004 American reality show in which one woman spent time on a ranch with a group of men in an attempt to discern which of them were gay and which of them were straight. All of the gay men pretended to be straight. The woman went on individual dates with the men, in addition to engaging in group activities with them. Over the course of the episodes, she voted to eliminate the men she believed to be gay. At the end of the show, the woman had to", "id": "3386879" }, { "contents": "Endell Street\n\n\nBohemian Rendezvous said to be the most unconventional spot in town\" which was code for being gay-friendly. The club helpfully promised \"All night gaiety\". It was run by Jack Rudolph Neaves, known as \"Iron Foot Jack\" on account of the metal leg brace he wore, and was frequented by both gay men and lesbian women. It was financed by small-time criminal Billy Reynolds. The club came to the attention of the police almost straight away and in August local residents complained \"It's absolutely", "id": "18600526" }, { "contents": "Sissy\n\n\n, Christian, 2005; Clarkson, 2006; Payne,2007). They are perceived as if they perform like \"women,\" spurring straight-acting gay men to have negative attitudes toward gay feminine men (Clarkson, 2006; Payne, 2007;Ward, 2000). This is called sissyphobia (Bergling, 2001). Kimmel (1996) supports that \"masculinity has been (historically) defined as the flight from women and the repudiation of femininity\" (p. 123). Thus, sissyphobia plays as the communication strategy for straight", "id": "5378351" }, { "contents": "Mixed-orientation marriage\n\n\na single mixed-orientation marriage led to speculation that heterosexual women in mixed-orientation marriages may be attracted to homosexual men and proceed to marry them. Kort said that \"straight individuals rarely marry gay people accidentally\". He theorized that some heterosexual women find homosexual men less judgmental and more flexible, while others unconsciously seek partnerships that are not sexually passionate. This claim, however, is widely disputed. Approximately 30 percent of the straight spouses who contact the Straight Spouse Network for support are men. Some persons cite spiritual reasons", "id": "6915857" }, { "contents": "Gender variance\n\n\nmen exhibit traditionally feminine characteristics, some of them do not, and not all feminine men are necessarily gay or bisexual. For women, adult gender non-conformity is often associated with lesbianism due to the limited identities women are faced with at adulthood. Notions of heterosexual womanhood often require a rejection of physically demanding activities, social submission to a male figure (husband or boyfriend), an interest in reproduction and homemaking, and an interest in making oneself look more attractive for men with appropriate clothing, make-up, hair", "id": "21795186" }, { "contents": "Assessment of suicide risk\n\n\nwhich is attributed to social marginalization, trans-generational trauma, and high rates of alcoholism. A link may be identified between depression and stress, and suicide. Unmarried men and divorced or widowed women are at highest risk. Single, white, older males are at highest risk. Again, the constant thread is depression and stress. There is evidence of elevated suicide risk among gay and lesbian people. Lesbians are more likely to attempt suicide than gay men and heterosexual men and women; however, gay men are more likely", "id": "12134159" }, { "contents": "History of gay men in the United States\n\n\n, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Services Center in New York's Greenwich Village to create a direct action organization. The goal of the unnamed organization was the elimination of homophobia, and the increase of gay, lesbian and bisexual visibility through a variety of tactics. Group's breakthrough was at New York's Gay Pride parade when militant AIDS activists passed out to the assembled crowd an inflammatory manifesto, bearing the titles I Hate Straights! and Queers Read This! Within days, in response to the brash, \"in-your", "id": "12594626" }, { "contents": "Asylum in the United States\n\n\ndo not have the public visibility element that the asylum process requires for credibility. This leads to Lewis and Naples’ critique to the fact that asylum officials often assume that since women do not live such public lives as men do, that they would be safe from abuse or persecution, in comparison to gay men who are often part of the public sphere. This argument violates the basic concept that one's sexual orientation is a fundamental right and that family and the private sphere are often the first spaces where lesbians experience violence and", "id": "17671163" }, { "contents": "Gay Asian & Pacific Islander Men of New York\n\n\nworkshop around racism sponsored by Men of All Colors Together generated interest to start Gay Asian & Pacific Islander Men of New York. The organization made its public debut at the 1990 Lesbian and Gay Heritage of Pride Parade. In 1991, the leaders of GAPIMNY, alongside the Asian Lesbians of the East Coast (ALOEC), protested against Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund's and the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center’s use of \"Miss Saigon\" in their fundraisers. The protesters expressed anger over the way Asian men and women", "id": "13536245" }, { "contents": "Politics in The Simpsons\n\n\n. Patty Bouvier, Marge Simpson's lesbian sister, was included on both lists. A list published in 2008 by the same organization included Smithers. In an interview, Matt Groening expressed his friendship and support to gay individuals. According to him, \"gay men are starved for positive portrayals of lasting love\". The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which was in the middle of running a campaign to prevent casual use of the adjective \"gay\", criticized Nelson Muntz's line \"the Grand", "id": "12670523" }, { "contents": "HIV and men who have sex with men\n\n\nremained more than five times higher than that in the general population. However, as the study acknowledges data on the impact of HIV/AIDS on mortality among gay and bisexual men as well as among other populations, is very limited, and methods to use this are problematic. A 2007 study analyzing two large population surveys found that \"the majority of gay men had similar numbers of unprotected sexual partners annually as straight men and women.\" However, a 2006 study found that men who reported 4 or more male sexual partners", "id": "10462263" }, { "contents": "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast\n\n\nbody fascism\", 9/11, people with disabilities, \"straight-acting\" conversion therapy, family rejection, and the struggles of married, closeted gay men. Originally running in \"Genre\" magazine, the strip expanded to run in many gay and lesbian publications across North America, including the \"Washington Blade\", \"Philadelphia Gay News\", the \"Dallas Voice\", \"Out New Jersey\" and many others. The strip has been collected into several paperback editions. The first, published in September 2004,", "id": "7960026" }, { "contents": "Attraction to transgender people\n\n\nmeasuring autogynephilic arousal, compared to 12% of straight men and 0% of gay men. In the sample, 41.7% of men attracted to trans women identified as bisexual, with the remainder identifying as straight. The bisexuals among them did not display significantly more arousal to male stimuli than their heterosexual counterparts, however, they had a high number of male sex partners and they had higher levels of self-reported autogynephilic arousal than their straight counterparts. Erotic materials created for people attracted to trans men have become more visible in", "id": "18006594" }, { "contents": "Sheela Lambert\n\n\nin her nationally syndicated advice column that \"everyone is either straight or gay\" and there \"is no such thing as being bisexual\". In November 2005, Browne, on her nationally syndicated radio show and Discovery Health Channel TV show, told a young woman regarding her attractions to women and men that she must decide between being gay or straight. According to BiNet USA's website Browne stated \"saying that 'I’m bisexual' just means 'Do me!'\". Working together with BiNet USA, Bisexual Resource", "id": "20920566" }, { "contents": "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight Alliance\n\n\nChapel Hill students voted 58%-42% against funding the Carolina Gay and Lesbian Association. The referendum was non-binding, however, and only acted as a gauge of student opinion. On April 17, the newly elected Student Congress voted to continue funding the CGLA. In 1992 the organization changed its name to the Bisexuals, Gay Men, Lesbians, and Allies for Diversity. In 1998, B-GLAD changed its name to the Queer Network for Change in an effort to be more inclusive of transgender people. Two juniors,", "id": "18286507" }, { "contents": "LGBT movements in the United States\n\n\nof gay men, even to the point of exclusion to the needs of lesbians and bisexual women. This extended to frequently directing attention to campus harassment of gay men while ignoring the concerns and needs of gay women. Gay women were frequently turned off by the focus on male cruising at many of these events, and as a result, lesbians and bisexual women on some campuses began to hold their own dances and social activities. As gay began to increasingly refer only to gay men in the 1970s, many lesbians sought to have", "id": "5323563" }, { "contents": "Christianity and homosexuality\n\n\nGays and lesbians are Christians – they're just not as good as straight ones.\" She argued that Barna had formulated his report with undue irony and skepticism, and that he had failed to take into account the reasons for the data which enkindled his \"arrière pensée.\" The reason why far fewer homosexuals attend church, she argued, is that there are far fewer churches who will accept them. Equally, gays and lesbians do not see the Bible as unequivocally true because they are forced by its use against them to", "id": "7479111" }, { "contents": "Bisexual erasure\n\n\nwatched gay pornography and 7.5% reported having sex with a man in the past six months, while 55% of gay-identified men had watched heterosexual pornography and 0.7% reported having sex with a woman in the past six months. He argues that some of the straight-identified men are actually gay or bisexual but are erasing their bisexuality due to internalized biphobia and denial in order to claim a straight identity label. Pointing out that the majority of gay-identified men watched heterosexual pornography but few had recent heterosexual sex,", "id": "22099563" }, { "contents": "Bisexuality\n\n\nhomosexual experiences but do not consider themselves to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Likewise, self-identified gay or lesbian individuals may occasionally sexually interact with members of the opposite sex but do not identify as bisexual. The terms \"queer\", \"polysexual\", \"heteroflexible\", \"homoflexible,\" \"men who have sex with men\" and \"women who have sex with women\" may also be used to describe sexual identity or identify sexual behavior. Some sources state that bisexuality encompasses romantic or sexual attraction", "id": "9563988" }, { "contents": "Aloha shirt\n\n\nstraight, and the shirts are often with the shirt-tails hanging out, rather than tucked in. Wearing a untucked shirt was possibly influenced by the local Filipinos who wore shirt-tail out, and called these \"bayau\" meaning \"friend\". The dress code used to be more conservative. In the 1950's, the shirt became allowed as business attire for Aloha week, but only if worn tucked in. It is a matter of personal taste to wear it tucked in or out. Traditional men's Aloha", "id": "8783707" }, { "contents": "Erotic plasticity\n\n\nprevent damage during rape. However, a study that measured sexual arousal through pupil dilation found that physical response of lesbian and bisexual women to erotic images was more category-specific, with lesbian women showing more response to women, and bisexual women showing more response to the preferred sex than the other. This may be due to masculinization of the brain via prenatal hormones. The difference between straight and non-straight women was consistent with Chivers' findings. The same study found also sexual fluidity in men's response, that moved", "id": "14083191" }, { "contents": "Straight-acting\n\n\nof the straight acting phenomenon \"because some gay men want to achieve hegemonic masculinity to overcome gay effeminate images\". Both Eguchi and Tim Berling relate it to the general context of sissyphobia—the dominant cultural norm that disparages effeminate men, which is not restricted to the gay culture. In \"Negotiating Sisyphobia: A critical/ interpretive analysis of one ‘femme’ gay Asian body in the heteronormative world,\" Shinsuke Eguchi (2011) writes, \"I began to see that the discursive manifestation of sissyphobia is not that feminine gay", "id": "12536050" }, { "contents": "Passing (sociology)\n\n\norientation with which they identify. In the entry \"Passing\" for the glbtq Encyclopedia Project, Tina Gianoulis notes \"the presumption of heterosexuality in most modern cultures,\" which in some parts of the world, such as the United States, may be effectively compulsory, \"most gay men and lesbians in fact spend a great deal of their lives passing as straight even when they do not do so intentionally.\" The phrase \"in the closet\" may be used to describe an individual who is hiding or concealing their sexual", "id": "17216347" }, { "contents": "Spin City\n\n\nCarter, going so far as to be genuinely jealous when Carter spends more and more time with new campaign manager Caitlin (Heather Locklear). In spite of all the jokes and innuendo, they prove to be best friends willing to do anything for both their friends and each other. This, too, was considered an important moment in television history, with Douglas noting, \"I love the fact that the writers of \"Spin City\" explored the fact that gay men and heterosexual men can be friends. The straight man", "id": "15773827" }, { "contents": "Cottaging\n\n\nwas met with praise on one side due to its innovation and criticism on the other due to having outed \"straight\" men and risked their privacy, brought to light the multidimensionality of public restrooms and the intricacy and complexity of homosexual sex amongst self-identifying straight men. Sexual acts in public lavatories are outlawed by many jurisdictions. It is likely that the element of risk involved in cottaging makes it an attractive activity to some. Historically in the United Kingdom, public gay sex often resulted in a charge and conviction of gross", "id": "14923987" }, { "contents": "LGBT community\n\n\ngrowing and complex place in the American & Western European media. Lesbians and gay men are often portrayed inaccurately in television, films, and other media. The gay community is often portrayed as many stereotypes, such as gay men being portrayed as flamboyant and bold. Like other minority groups, these caricatures are intended to ridicule this marginalized group. There is currently a widespread ban of references in child-related entertainment, and when references do occur, they almost invariably generate controversy. In 1997, when American comedian Ellen DeGeneres came", "id": "6797744" }, { "contents": "History of lesbianism in the United States\n\n\nincluded Gearhart talking about working with Milk against Proposition 6, and appearances by Anne Kronenberg. In 1979, the first National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights was held, in Washington, D.C. on October 14. It drew between 75,000 and 125,000 lesbians, bisexual and transgender people, gay men, and straight allies to demand equal civil rights and urge the passage of protective civil rights legislation. The march was led by the Salsa Soul Sisters, a lesbian group, who carried the official march banner. Charlotte Bunch and", "id": "22100844" }, { "contents": "Symbolic annihilation\n\n\ngay and lesbian actors like Neil Patrick Harris or Portia de Rossi often play straight roles to ensure heterosexual audience comfort, further annihilating depictions of LGBT reality from media. This profit-motivation means that networks are careful in their portrayals of gay and lesbian characters. While \"Will & Grace\" does feature two openly gay male characters, the content lacks discussion about gay romance or intimacy. The two gay characters are merely friends, never depicted as lovers, and are rarely shown engaging in sexual relations with other males. The primary", "id": "21601350" } ]
Why are yawns so contagious? ELI5
[{"answer": "Nobody knows exactly why we yawn. It is not as good as getting oxygen to your lungs as actual breathing. The closest anyone has ever gotten to explain it is that it is something social. If you yawn when you see someone else do it, you're subconsciously communicating that you both belong to the same group and are not a threat. \"See, I yawned, I'm just as tired as you. Don't see me as a threat\""}, {"answer": "I yawned when I read this question as well. EDIT: Apologies for this making it to top comment. I realise this isn't Ask Reddit and I'm sorry I didn't contribute anything useful in answering this question."}, {"answer": "I read somewhere once (tried to find it but can't) that our yawning is a left over defense mechanism from when we were primates. The yawning acted like a wake up mechanism that was a signal to try to stay alert when we were on \"look out duty\". URL_0 Edit: found a link."}, {"answer": "Yawning stretches a set of muscles that don't get stretched in regular activity, for instance, the Eustachian Tubes, which are lined with mucous. And just like your nose, that mucous needs to drain occasionally too. Stretching those muscles by yawning helps the mucous drain, maintain proper air pressure in your inner ear & helps the muscles remain limber. It is contagious because it is a sensation we all share, consciously or not."}, {"answer": "One time I yawned when I used the little \"yawning\" emoticon. I told this to my coworkers and BF and it was agreed that I have very little will power :("}, {"answer": "FYI - human yawns are contagious to many dogs as well. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "When I read the question I yawned. See guys, I'm harmless- even on the Internet."}, {"answer": "I don't think we have a solid answer on why we yawn. BUT, I read somewhere that yawning's contagiousness has a lot to do with empathy. When you see someone, like your best friend or your mummy and daddy, yawn you react, without even realising it, by yawning. It's like when someone waves at you and you wave back, only instead of saying \"hello\" you're saying \"I'm tired.\" Even more interesting is that just like when someone waves at you, the less you know a person, the less likely you are to yawn in response. [Sauce]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Can't believe I have yawned twice already. It hasn't even been a minute since I opened this thread. Thrice now. Fuck!"}, {"answer": "Yawns are a form of nonverbal communication, similar to how furrowing your brow indicates anger. One of the things that is interesting about the contagious nature of yawns is that they are the only social signal contagious outside the bounds of perceived social rank. That means that you might be just as likely to \"catch\" a yawn from a wino as you are from a new boss that you are trying to impress. Other signals, such as laughing, are less likely to be passed on from those that you consider socially inferior, whether consciously or not. you are more likely to laugh at a joke your date makes than that dick in the office, even if you do have to admit he's got a pretty good sense of humor. The theory that I like best about yawns is that they are remnants from evolutionary history. They signaled when it was time for your ape ancestors to bed down for the night. Since a pack of apes is more likely to survive when they cooperate on things such as guarding each other from hyenas while sleeping it is useful to pass on."}, {"answer": "Interesting fun fact: Children with autism are immune from contagious yawning. Experts believe that it has something to do with social awareness and/or empathy (citation needed - cbf looking it up now). Apparently psychopaths do get contagious yawning, which led experts to believe it had more to do with social awareness rather than empathy."}, {"answer": "Some say it's empathy and mirror neurons. Wiki: Yawn"}, {"answer": "[Mass Effect 2 told me why.]( URL_0 })"}, {"answer": "Well, humans and other mammals like cats, dogs, and rats all yawn, so all these descriptions of yawning being a complex social cue or a remnant from our pre-human ape-like ancestors is suspect. Yawning probably started much earlier along in evolution, probably among the first proto-mammals. So why might yawining be so contagious, let alone exist in the first place? I can only speculate, really, but I'd guess it's a signal to synchronize the activity cycles of a group of mammals. Especially if you're one of the earliest, tiniest mammals, you don't want to be out and scurrying about all by yourself at bad times when predators could be out to get you. Yawning was probably a way for these mammals, who generally lived in packs, to keep the group strong by signaling to each other \"hey, don't go out, it's bedtime\". The yawn is probably contagious to ensure that the signal propagates."}, {"answer": "Your mind naturally copies things that other people do when you like them. You're more likely to copy someone as they check the time, drink, stretch, or preform any other simple action within your eyesight. Yawning is just another simple action that you uncontrollably mimic due to a certain type of cell in your brain."}, {"answer": "I heard one time that yawns were the body's way of getting oxygen. So of one person takes extra oxygen, then a person close by has less oxygen, and they need to yawn to get more oxygen. See how that makes sense?"}, {"answer": "I yawned when I read this. I had a teacher in elementary school tell us it was because we had too much carbon dioxide in our lungs and that's how we got it out. Yep..."}, {"answer": "I've been in the psychology/biology research field for about a decade and the research on positive correlations between \"levels of empathy\" and likelihood of yawning is a fairly accepted position. [sources]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "You yawn to balance the pressure between your head and the outside. When you so this, it offsets the pressure for others so they have to do the same."}, {"answer": "Haha, yawn is such a funny word. Yawn yawn yawn. *yaaawwwwwn* Dangit."}, {"answer": "Since I started reading this discussion, I've yawned 5 times."}, {"answer": "I just yawned from reading about all this yawning."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "8430768", "title": "Globalization and disease", "section": "Section::::Specific diseases.:Measles.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 23, "end_paragraph_id": 23, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["\". Measles is a highly contagious airborne virus spread by contact with infected oral and nasal fluids. When a person with measles coughs or sneezes, he releases microscopic particles into the air. During the 4- to 12-day incubation period, an infected individual shows no symptoms, but as the disease progresses, the following symptoms appear: runny nose, cough, red eyes, extremely high fever and a rash. Measles is an endemic disease, meaning that it has been continually present in a community, and many people developed resistance.", "Measles is a highly contagious airborne virus spread by contact with infected oral and nasal fluids. When a person with measles coughs or sneezes, he releases microscopic particles into the air. During the 4- to 12-day incubation period, an infected individual shows no symptoms, but as the disease progresses, the following symptoms appear: runny nose, cough, red eyes, extremely high fever and a rash. Measles is an endemic disease, meaning that it has been continually present in a community, and many people developed resistance.", "Measles is a highly contagious airborne virus spread by contact with infected oral and nasal fluids. When a person with measles coughs or sneezes, he releases microscopic particles into the air."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\n, wolves were observed in an effort to answer this question. The results of the study showed that wolves are capable of yawn contagion. This study also found that the social bond strength between individuals affected the frequency of contagious yawning in wolves, supporting previous research which ties contagious yawning to emotional proximity. Some evidence for contagious yawning has also been found in budgerigars (\"Melopsittacus undulatus\"), a species of social parrots. This indicates that contagious yawning may have evolved several times in different lineages. In budgerigars, contagious yawning", "id": "8788651" }, { "contents": "Exhalation\n\n\nintercostals, phrenic, and abdominals. These nerves lead to the specific muscles they control. The bulbospinal pathway descending from the VRG allows the respiratory centers to control muscle relaxation, which leads to exhalation. Yawning is considered a non-respiratory gas movement. A non-respiratory gas movement is another process that moves air in and out of the lungs that don't include breathing. Yawning is a reflex that tends to disrupt the normal breathing rhythm and is believed to be contagious as well. The reason why we yawn is unknown", "id": "15711636" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nchildren. Since atypical development of empathy is reported in autism spectrum disorder, results support the claim that contagious yawning and the capacity of empathy share common neural and cognitive mechanisms. Similarly, patients suffering neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, have shown an impaired ability to empathize with others. Contagious yawning is one means of evaluating such disorders. The Canadian psychiatrist Heinz Lehmann claimed that increases in yawning could predict recovery in schizophrenia. The impairment of contagious yawning can provide greater insight into its connection to the underlying causes of empathy", "id": "8788653" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nfor respiratory reasons, as their trachea can be seen to expand when they do this. Dogs, and occasionally cats, often yawn after seeing people yawn and when they feel uncertain. Dogs demonstrate contagious yawning when exposed to human yawning. Dogs are very adept at reading human communication actions, so it is unclear if this phenomenon is rooted in evolutionary history or a result of domestication. Fish can also yawn, and they increase this behavior due to lack of oxygen. Some cultures lend yawning spiritual significance. An open mouth has", "id": "8788657" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nyawn the whole group becomes much more vigilant and much better at being able to detect danger.\" A study by the University of London has suggested that the \"contagiousness\" of yawns by a human will pass to dogs. The study observed that 21 of 29 dogs yawned when a stranger yawned in front of them, but did not yawn when the stranger only opened his mouth. Helt and Eigsti (2010) showed that dogs, like humans, develop a susceptibility to contagious yawning gradually, and that while dogs above seven", "id": "8788648" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nspatial proximity is an indicator of yawn contagion. Evidence for the occurrence of contagious yawning linked to empathy is rare outside of primates. It has been studied in Canidae species, such as the domestic dog and wolf. Domestic dogs have shown the ability to yawn contagiously in response to human yawns. Domestic dogs have demonstrated they are skilled at reading human communication behaviors. This ability makes it difficult to ascertain whether yawn contagion among domestic dogs is deeply rooted in their evolutionary history or is a result of domestication. In a 2014 study", "id": "8788650" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nneither providing more oxygen nor reducing carbon dioxide in air decreased yawning. Another proposal points out that animals subject to predation or other dangers must be ready to physically exert themselves at any given moment. At least one study suggests that yawning, especially psychological \"contagious\" yawning, may have developed as a way of keeping a group of animals alert. If an animal is drowsy or bored, it may not be as alert as it should be - to spring into action. Therefore, the \"contagious\" yawn could be an", "id": "8788634" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nDiscovery Channel's show \"MythBusters\" also tested this concept. In their small-scale, informal study they concluded that yawning is contagious, although elsewhere the statistical significance of this finding has been disputed. Gordon Gallup, who hypothesizes that yawning may be a means of keeping the brain cool, also hypothesizes that \"contagious\" yawning may be a survival instinct inherited from our evolutionary past. \"During human evolutionary history, when we were subject to predation and attacks by other groups, if everybody yawns in response to seeing someone", "id": "8788647" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nA yawn is a reflex consisting of the simultaneous inhalation of air and the stretching of the eardrums, followed by an exhalation of breath. Yawning (\"oscitation\") most often occurs in adults immediately before and after sleep, during tedious activities and as a result of its contagious quality. It is commonly associated with tiredness, stress, sleepiness, or even boredom and hunger. In humans, yawning is often triggered by others yawning (e.g. seeing a person yawning, talking to someone on the phone who is yawning) and", "id": "8788629" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nkin. Hence, yawn contagion appears to be primarily driven by the emotional closeness between individuals. Two classes of yawning have been observed among primates. In some cases, the yawn is used as a threat gesture as a way of maintaining order in the primates' social structure. Specific studies were conducted on chimpanzees and stumptail macaques. A group of these animals was shown a video of other members of their own species yawning; both species yawned as well. This helps to partly confirm a yawn's \"contagiousness\". The", "id": "8788646" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\n' behavioral and physiological state,\" says Norris. The yawn reflex has long been observed to be contagious. In 1508, Erasmus wrote, \"One man's yawning makes another yawn\", and the French proverbialized the idea to \"Un bon bâilleur en fait bâiller sept\" (\"One good gaper makes seven others gape\"). Often, if one person yawns, this may cause another person to \"empathetically\" yawn. Observing another person's yawning face (especially his/her eyes), reading or thinking", "id": "8788642" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nA 2007 study found that young children with autism spectrum disorders do not increase their yawning frequency after seeing videos of other people yawning, in contrast to typically developing children. In fact, the autistic children actually yawned less during the videos of yawning than during the control videos. This supports the claim that contagious yawning is related to empathic capacity. The relationship between yawn contagion and empathy is strongly supported by a 2011 behavioral study, conducted by Ivan Norscia and Elisabetta Palagi (University of Pisa, Italy). The study revealed that", "id": "8788644" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nmonths 'catch' yawns from humans, younger dogs are immune to contagion. The study also indicated that nearly half of the dogs responded to the human's yawn by becoming relaxed and sleepy, suggesting that the dogs copied not just the yawn, but also the physical state that yawns typically reflect. Yawning has multiple possible functions, and may occur when the body perceives the benefits. In a study involving gelada baboons, yawning was contagious between individuals, especially those that were socially close. This suggests that emotional proximity rather than", "id": "8788649" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\n, proposed yawning may be a means to keep the brain cool. Mammalian brains operate best within a narrow temperature range. In two experiments, subjects with cold packs attached to their foreheads and subjects asked to breathe strictly-nasally exhibited reduced contagious-yawning when watching videos of people yawning. A similar hypothesis suggests yawning is used for regulation of body temperature. Similarly, Guttmann and Dopart (2011) found, that, when a subject wearing earplugs yawned, a breeze is heard, caused by the flux of the air moving", "id": "8788636" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nabout yawning, or looking at a yawning picture can cause a person to yawn. The proximate cause for contagious yawning may lie with mirror neurons in the frontal cortex of certain vertebrates, which, upon being exposed to a stimulus from conspecific (same species) and occasionally interspecific organisms, activates the same regions in the brain. Mirror neurons have been proposed as a driving force for imitation, which lies at the root of much human learning, such as language acquisition. Yawning may be an offshoot of the same imitative impulse.", "id": "8788643" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nis a typical example of positive feedback. This \"contagious\" yawning has also been observed in chimpanzees, dogs, cats, and reptiles (including birds), and can occur across species. Approximately 20 psychological reasons for yawning have been proposed by scholars, but there is little agreement on the primacy of any one. During a yawn, the tensor tympani muscle in the middle ear contracts, creating a rumbling noise from within the head. Yawning is sometimes accompanied, in humans and other animals, by an instinctive act of", "id": "8788630" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nbe a herd instinct. For example, theories suggest that the yawn serves to synchronize mood in gregarious animals, similar to the howling of the wolf pack. It signals tiredness to other members of the group in order to synchronize sleeping patterns and periods. Research by Garrett Norris (2013) involving monitoring the behavior of students kept waiting in a reception area indicates a connection (supported by neuro-imaging research) between empathic ability and yawning. \"We believe that contagious yawning indicates empathy. It indicates an appreciation of other peoples", "id": "8788641" }, { "contents": "Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book\n\n\nDr. Seuss's Sleep Book is a 1962 children's book by Dr. Seuss. This book begins with a small bug, named Van Vleck, yawning. This yawn spreads (as yawns are terribly contagious) and then the book follows various creatures, including the Foona Lagoona Baboona, the Collapsible Frink, the Chippendale Mupp, The Offt, and the Crandalls, throughout the lands who are sleeping, or preparing to sleep. Towards the end of the book the sleepers in the world are recorded by a special machine (\"The", "id": "17214323" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\ndoes not seem to be related to social closeness. In certain neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism, the patient has an impaired ability to infer the mental states of others. In such cases, yawn contagion can be used to evaluate their ability to infer or empathize with others. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder which severely affects social and communicative development, including empathy. The results of various studies have showed a diminished susceptibility to contagious yawn compared to the control group of typically-developing", "id": "8788652" }, { "contents": "Suggestibility\n\n\nparticularly suggestible. While it is true that DID sufferers tend to score to the higher end of the hypnotizability scale, there have not been enough studies done to support the claim of increased suggestibility. Aspects of crowd dynamics and mob behavior, as well as the phenomenon of groupthink are further examples of suggestibility. Common examples of suggestible behavior in everyday life include \"contagious yawning\" (multiple people begin to yawn after observing a person yawning) and the medical student syndrome (a person begins to experience symptoms of an illness after reading", "id": "20951674" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\n. There is still substantial disagreement in the existing literature about whether or not yawn contagion is related to empathy at all. Empathy is a notoriously difficult trait to measure, and the literature on the subject is confused, with the same species sometimes displaying a connection between contagious yawning and social closeness, and sometimes not. Different experimenters typically use slightly different measures of empathy, making comparisons between studies difficult, and there may be a publication bias, where studies which find a significant correlation between the two tested variables are more likely to", "id": "8788654" }, { "contents": "Psychopathic Personality Inventory\n\n\nthe other two factors when comparing across other personality models, such as the Five Factor Model (FFM). In particular, Coldheartedness has significantly negative correlations with the Openness and Agreeableness dimensions of the FFM. In 2015, researchers from Baylor University proposed the connection between psychopaths' cold-heartedness and their inaability to “catch” the contagious yawning. Those who had more psychopathic qualities were less likely to yawn while watching the yawning clip. The Fearless Dominance and Self-Centered Impulsivity factors are similar to the concepts of primary and", "id": "20964993" }, { "contents": "Meme\n\n\nthe transmission of memes to the spread of contagions. Social contagions such as fads, hysteria, copycat crime, and copycat suicide exemplify memes seen as the contagious imitation of ideas. Observers distinguish the contagious imitation of memes from instinctively contagious phenomena such as yawning and laughing, which they consider innate (rather than socially learned) behaviors. Aaron Lynch described seven general patterns of meme transmission, or \"thought contagion\": Dawkins initially defined \"meme\" as a noun that \"conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission,", "id": "19611284" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\ntheories that attempt to explain why humans and other animals yawn. It is likely that there are a number of triggers for the behavior. However, there are comparatively few theories that attempt to explain the primary evolutionary reason for the yawn. One study states that yawning occurs when one's blood contains increased amounts of carbon dioxide and therefore becomes in need of the influx of oxygen (or expulsion of carbon dioxide) that a yawn can provide. Yawning may, in fact, reduce oxygen intake compared to normal respiration. However,", "id": "8788633" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nitself. There is little detailed data on central activation for contagious itching, but it is hypothesized that a human mirror neuron system exists in which we imitate certain motor actions when we view others performing the same action. A similar phenomenon in which mirror neurons are used to explain the cause is contagious yawning. The sensation of itch can be reduced by many painful sensations. Studies done in the last decade have shown that itch can be inhibited by many other forms of painful stimuli, such as noxious heat, physical rubbing/scratching", "id": "1019998" }, { "contents": "Contagious shooting\n\n\nA contagious shooting is a sociological phenomenon observed in military and police personnel, in which one person firing on a target can induce others to begin shooting. Often the subsequent shooters will not know why they are firing, unless they are infantrymen, in which case they are expected to do so. For instance, if someone was a member of a fire team following the point man and he suddenly begins firing his weapon, there is a good chance that their element is in contact with the enemy. Prerequisites for a sworn peace", "id": "2564394" }, { "contents": "Exhalation\n\n\n, but some think we yawn as a way to regulate the body’s levels of O and CO. Studies done in a controlled environment with different levels of O and CO have disproved that hypothesis. Although there isn’t a concrete explanation as to why we yawn, others think people exhale as a cooling mechanism for our brains. Studies on animals have supported this idea and it is possible humans could be linked to it as well. What is known is that yawning does ventilate all the alveoli in the lungs. Several receptor", "id": "15711637" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\ntheir impressive incisor teeth. This is often accompanied by teeth chattering, purring and scent marking. Adelie penguins employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual. Penguin couples face off and the males engage in what is described as an \"ecstatic display\", opening their beaks and pointing their faces skyward. This trait has also been seen among emperor penguins. Researchers have been attempting to discover why these two different species share this trait, despite not sharing a habitat. Snakes yawn, both to realign their jaws after a meal and", "id": "8788656" }, { "contents": "Blood of the Vampire\n\n\nHollywood Reporter\", whom Warren calls \"hard-to-please\", wrote in his review that the film \"rates more serious audience attention than most of the contemporary rash of domestic horror films. Direction by Henry Cass is brisk enough to keep yawning from being contagious to the audience\". Reviews from the U.K. were mixed. According to film critic John Hamilton, \"Film Daily\" described the film as \"one of the best films in the horror-fiction category. It ventures into gore and supernatural with a", "id": "16485541" }, { "contents": "Vasile Pogor\n\n\n, Pogor appeared \"cheeky and missing something upstairs\". Moreover, Pogor embarrassed his friends with his obscene anecdotes, his name-calling, and his occasional outbursts, during which he would hurl his cape at them. However, Pogor's lolling habit and thundering laughter soon became fashionable, and his yawning during the others' recitations was intentionally loud, provocative and contagious. He justified such heckling with the expression \"Entre qui veut, reste qui peut\" (French for \"enters who wishes, stays on who can stand", "id": "18508538" }, { "contents": "Yawning Heights\n\n\nYawning Heights () is the first published novel by Soviet philosopher Alexander Zinoviev. Zinoviev expressed skepticism and frustration toward writings that attempted to expose and reveal the evils of Soviet communism. Zinoviev chose, instead, to satirize and ridicule Soviet society in \"Yawning Heights\", presented as the city / nation of Ibansk. The novel has been compared to the writings of Jonathan Swift, Lewis Carroll, and others. Everyone in \"Yawning Heights\" is named Iban Ibanovich Ibanov, so each is instead referred to by a descriptive name", "id": "1940558" }, { "contents": "Valsalva maneuver\n\n\nheard by the practitioner, thus providing feedback that the maneuver was successful. During swallowing or yawning, several muscles in the pharynx (throat) act to elevate the soft palate and open the throat. One of these muscles, the tensor veli palatini, also acts to open the Eustachian tube. This is why swallowing or yawning is successful in equalizing middle ear pressure. Contrary to popular belief, the jaw does not pinch the tubes shut when it is closed. In fact, the Eustachian tubes are not located close enough to", "id": "11807666" }, { "contents": "Tales from the Yawning Portal\n\n\nTales from the Yawning Portal is an adventure module anthology for the 5th edition of the \"Dungeons & Dragons\" fantasy role-playing game. \"Tales from the Yawning Portal\" is an anthology of updated modules and adventures from previous editions. The modules are modified to use the fifth edition rules, and adjusted to match differing levels of characters, so that the adventures can be played in the order they are presented in the book, or dropped into a home campaign. The adventures included, in the order of presentation and", "id": "14531735" }, { "contents": "Sleep induction\n\n\nrelaxation, attributed to the release of the neurohormones oxytocin and prolactin. Yawning is commonly associated with imminent sleep, but it seems to be a measure to maintain arousal when sleepy and so prevents sleep rather than inducing it. Yawning may be a cue that the body is tired and ready for sleep, but deliberate attempts to yawn may have the opposite effect of sleep induction. Hypnotics, sometimes referred to as sleeping pills, may be prescribed by a physician, but their long-term efficacy is poor and they have numerous adverse", "id": "4859459" }, { "contents": "Messiah (Handel)\n\n\nin \"How beautiful are the feet\", theatrically operatic in \"Why do the nations so furiously rage\"—towards the Part II culmination of \"Hallelujah\". This, as Young points out, is not the climactic chorus of the work, although one cannot escape its \"contagious enthusiasm\". It builds from a deceptively light orchestral opening, through a short, unison cantus firmus passage on the words \"For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth\", to the reappearance of the long-silent trumpets at \"And He shall reign", "id": "17115186" }, { "contents": "Battle of Spion Kop\n\n\nkop\" means \"hill\" or \"outcropping\". Another variant that is sometimes found is the combination into \"Spionkop\". The reason why the older spelling is used internationally is because the name \"Spionkop\" originates from Dutch; \"spion\" [spee-yawn], and not \"spioen\" [spee-yoon], is the Dutch word for \"spy\". Until the 1920s, Dutch was still the official \"written\" language of the Boers, which is why the older Dutch spelling persists outside", "id": "11743112" }, { "contents": "Yawning Heights\n\n\na pun on a cliche of Soviet ideological propaganda, describing communism as the \"Shining heights\". The words \"yawning\" and \"shining\" in Russian are identical, except for the first letter: a \"Z\" in the case of \"yawning\", and an \"S\" in the case of \"shining\". The \"yawning\" in the generally accepted translation of the Russian title does not refer to a \"yawn\" but rather to its meaning as in \"yawning abyss\". To capture the", "id": "1940561" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nchemicals include serotonin, dopamine, glutamic acid, and nitric oxide. As more (or fewer) of these compounds are activated in the brain, the frequency of yawning increases. Conversely, a greater presence in the brain of opioid neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, reduces the frequency of yawning. Individuals in opioid withdrawal exhibit a greatly increased frequency of yawning. Patients taking the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Paxil (paroxetine HCl) or Celexa (citalopram) have been observed yawning more often. Excessive yawning is more common", "id": "8788638" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nbe published than studies which do not. In animals, yawning can serve as a warning signal. For example, Charles Darwin, in his book \"The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals\", mentioned that baboons yawn to threaten their enemies, possibly by displaying large canine teeth. Similarly, Siamese fighting fish yawn only when they see a conspecific (same species) or their own mirror-image, and their yawn often accompanies aggressive attack. Guinea pigs also yawn in a display of dominance or anger, displaying", "id": "8788655" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nRerum Inventoribus\", writes that it was customary to make the Sign of the Cross over one's mouth, since \"alike deadly plague was sometime in yawning, wherefore men used to fence themselves with the sign of the cross...which custom we retain at this day.\" Yawning is often perceived as implying boredom, and yawning conspicuously in another's presence has historically been a faux pas. In 1663 Francis Hawkins advised, \"In yawning howl not, and thou shouldst abstain as much as thou can to yawn, especially", "id": "8788659" }, { "contents": "Valsalva maneuver\n\n\nas soon as mild pressure is felt, before it increases to the point that its release would be painful. The effectiveness of the \"yawning\" method can be improved with practice; some people are able to achieve release or opening by moving their jaw forward or forward and down, rather than straight down as in a classical yawn, and some can do so without moving their jaw at all by activating the tensor tympani muscle, which is heard by the individual as a deep, rumbling sound. Opening can often be clearly", "id": "11807665" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\n—among other variables such as nationality, gender, and sensory modality—only social bonding predicted the occurrence, frequency, and latency of yawn contagion. As with other measures of empathy, the rate of contagion was found to be greatest in response to kin, then friends, then acquaintances, and lastly strangers. Related individuals (r≥0.25) showed the greatest contagion, in terms of both occurrence of yawning and frequency of yawns. Strangers and acquaintances showed a longer delay in the yawn response (latency) compared to friends and", "id": "8788645" }, { "contents": "Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia\n\n\nContagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP – also known as lung plague), is a contagious bacterial disease that afflicts the lungs of cattle, buffalo, zebu, and yaks. It is caused by the bacterium \"Mycoplasma mycoides\", and the symptoms are pneumonia and inflammation of the lung membranes. The incubation period is 20 to 123 days. It was particularly widespread in the United States in 1879, affecting herds from several states. The outbreak was so severe that it resulted in a trade embargo by the British government, blocking U.S.", "id": "19493470" }, { "contents": "Yawning Sons/WaterWays\n\n\nYawning Sons/WaterWays is a split extended play by the collaborative musical projects Yawning Sons and WaterWays. It was released on December 24, 2010 by SpaceAge & Cheesecake Records. The EP is the second release from Yawning Sons, following up on their debut studio album \"Ceremony to the Sunset\", and received generally positive reviews from music critics. Following the release of \"Ceremony to the Sunset\", Gary Arce of Yawning Sons went back to the studio at the request of Linda Perry to record a series of tracks with", "id": "17720990" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nyawning in mushroom users. While, even, opioid-dependent users of psilocybin on stable opioid therapy often report yawning and excess lacrimation while undergoing this entheogenic mushroom experience, there are no reports on mushrooms in the literature regarding habituated users experiencing other typical opioid withdrawal symptoms, such as cramping, physical pain, anxiety, gooseflesh, etc. Yawning behavior may be altered as a result of medical issues such as diabetes, stroke, or adrenal conditions. To look at the issue in terms of a possible evolutionary advantage, yawning might", "id": "8788640" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nbeen associated with letting good immaterial things (such as the soul) escape or letting bad ones (evil spirits) enter, and yawning may have been thought to increase these risks. Covering the mouth when yawning may have been a way to prevent such transmission. Exorcists believe that yawning can indicate that a demon or possessive spirit is leaving its human host during the course of an exorcism. Superstitions regarding the act of yawning may have arisen from concerns over public health. Polydore Vergil (c. 1470–1555), in his \"De", "id": "8788658" }, { "contents": "Nash Format\n\n\nmost influential trilogy of the coming of age literature; “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela; “Brain Rules for Baby”, the bestseller of a developmental molecular biologist John Medina; “” by Peter Thiel; “Contagious: Why Things Catch On” by Jonah Berger; “Why evolution is true” by Jerry Coyne; “Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation” by Gabriele Oettingen etc. The first books of Nash Format were published in cooperation with our partner publishing houses, in particular", "id": "20488886" }, { "contents": "Normalization (sociology)\n\n\nof expression. It is not uncommon to see doctors, lawyers, soldiers, police officers, and other professionals have them. During the 1900s homosexuality was not accepted as a normal behavior and people attracted to the same gender were considered different and were heavily discriminated against. Over the years, it has now been accepted in places such as the United States, Canada and other places around the world. Laughter signals acceptance and trust in a group. This is often why laughter is contagious, and explains why people are unlikely to", "id": "7163159" }, { "contents": "House of the Holy Ghost, Copenhagen\n\n\nto both hospitals. Christian II added an unusual income source by decreeing that shipwreck goods on the Øresund which lay unclaimed were to be sold and the funds sent to the hospital. In 1527 the city fathers read a publication by Povl Helgesen which decried the conditions at the hospitals and outlined the view that the hospital should be broken up so that the poor were not mixed in with those who had contagious diseases. The sick should be divided into those who had non-contagious diseases and those who has contagious diseases. His views", "id": "8229038" }, { "contents": "Tron: Legacy\n\n\n\"a little boost from\" Wilde, according to Rickey. \"The Boston Globe\" Wesley Morris called Hedlund a \"dud stud\"; \"None of what he sees impresses,\" he elaborated. \"The feeling is mutual. At an alleged cost of $200 million, that's some yawn. If he can't be thrilled, why should we?\" To Salon commentator Andrew O'Hehir, even Bridges—an individual he regarded as \"one of America's most beloved and distinctive\" actors—was \"weird", "id": "14344506" }, { "contents": "Middle ear\n\n\nthe nasopharynx is to help keep middle ear pressure the same as air pressure. The Eustachian tubes are normally pinched off at the nose end, to prevent being clogged with mucus, but they may be opened by lowering and protruding the jaw; this is why yawning or chewing helps relieve the pressure felt in the ears when on board an aircraft. Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear. The middle ear of tetrapods is analogous with the spiracle of fishes, an opening from the pharynx to the side of the head", "id": "11231990" }, { "contents": "New Sincerity\n\n\nMaybe that'll be the point. Maybe that's why they'll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today's risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the \"Oh how banal\"", "id": "9490753" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\ninstinctual reaction to a signal from one member of the group reminding the others to stay alert. Nervousness has also been suggested as a possible reason. Nervousness often indicates the perception of an impending need for action. Anecdotal evidence suggests that yawning helps increase the state of alertness of a person. Paratroopers have been noted to yawn in the moments before they exit the aircraft. Another notion states that yawning is the body's way of controlling brain temperature. In 2007, researchers, including a professor of psychology from the University of Albany", "id": "8788635" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nduring the first three months of taking the SSRIs. Anecdotal reports by users of psilocybin mushrooms often describe a marked stimulation of yawning while inebriated, often associated with excess lacrimation (eyes producing tears) and nasal mucosal stimulation, especially while \"peaking\" (undergoing the most intense portion of the psilocybin experience). While opioids have been demonstrated to reduce this yawning and lacrimation provoked by psilocybin, it is not clear that the same pathways that induce yawning as a symptom of opioid abstinence in habituated users are the mode of action in", "id": "8788639" }, { "contents": "Yawn Mower\n\n\nYawn Mower are an American rock band from Asbury Park, New Jersey. Yawn Mower are a rock duo from Asbury Park, New Jersey that formed in 2015. While in their former bands, guitarist and vocalist Mike Chick and drummer Biff Swenson met playing shows in Seaside Heights and Asbury Park, and considered jamming, which began after Chick bought a baritone guitar and suggested they start a two-piece band. Yawn Mower is known for their fuzz-rock guitars, crunchy hooks and sense of humor as \"The Jersey Journal", "id": "18379804" }, { "contents": "Ishqedarriyaan\n\n\ndull. Lost in a world of its own, the film forgets to engage the viewer. The makers of the film might need to offer free tea at the screenings to give the audience an incentive to stay awake. The kindest thing I can say about \"Ishqedarriyaan\" is that it is yawn worthy.\" and gave the film 1.5/5 stars. \"The Indian Express\" gave 1/5 stars and wrote \"Mahakshay returns in a badly-written romance, which makes you wonder why anyone would want to repeat the same mistakes", "id": "13155702" }, { "contents": "A Gold Slipper\n\n\nthroughout the concert, and the singer Kitty Ayrshire notices his yawns and glares. Later that night on his way to a train to New York City, he accepts a request to drive the singer to the station, as her car has stopped working. She only finds out it is him when they get to the railway station in East Liberty, as she couldn't see his face properly before that. Once on the train, she decides to join him and to ask him why he didn't like her performance. He", "id": "3384500" }, { "contents": "How Rude!\n\n\n, sneezing, yawning, coughing, hiccuping, nose-picking and much more. Hundreds of \"Dear Alex\" questions and answers cover everything from dating to breaking up, thank-you notes to table manners, ethnic jokes to obscene phone calls, skiing to driving. \"True Stories from the Manners Frontier\" divulge the shocking consequences of \"not\" having good manners. Survey results reveal what teens, parents and teachers think about manners and why they are important. \"How Rude!\" was selected by Young Adult", "id": "771482" }, { "contents": "Dog skin disorders\n\n\n, interacting with people) and cannot easily be interrupted. Infectious skin diseases of dogs include contagious and non-contagious infections or infestations. Contagious infections include parasitic, bacterial, fungal and viral skin diseases. One of the most common contagious parasitic skin diseases is Sarcoptic mange (scabies). Another is mange caused by Demodex mites (Demodicosis), though this form of mange is not contagious. Another contagious infestation is caused by a mite, \"Cheyletiella\". Dogs can be infested with contagious lice. Other ectoparasites,", "id": "15851350" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nsongs. In 2007, an LP called \"Vista Point\", a combination of the \"Rock Formations\" and \"Pot Head\" releases, was released. In 2009, members of Yawning Man collaborated with British band Sons of Alpha Centauri to release the album \"Ceremony to the Sunset\" under the band name Yawning Sons. The album was well received by music critics, with \"Echoes and Dust\" labelling it a \"classic\". In 2014, members of Sons of Alpha Centauri stated that a follow-up", "id": "19646345" }, { "contents": "Measles\n\n\n1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurological complications. Measles is caused by the measles virus, a single-stranded, negative-sense, enveloped RNA virus of the genus \"Morbillivirus\" within the family \"Paramyxoviridae\". The virus is highly contagious and is spread by coughing and sneezing via close personal contact or direct contact with secretions. It can live for up to two hours in that airspace or nearby surfaces. Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of nearby", "id": "13650160" }, { "contents": "Herd immunity\n\n\nwas used for the eradication of smallpox in 1977 and for the regional elimination of other diseases. Herd immunity does not apply to all diseases, just those that are contagious, meaning that they can be transmitted from one individual to another. Tetanus, for example, is infectious but not contagious, so herd immunity does not apply. The term herd immunity was first used in 1923. It was recognized as a naturally occurring phenomenon in the 1930s when it was observed that after a significant number of children had become immune to measles", "id": "5483835" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nstretching several parts of the body, including arms, neck, shoulders and back. English \"yawn\" continues a number of Middle English forms, \"yanen\" from Old English \"ġānian\", and \"yenen, yonen\" from Old English frequentatives \"ġinian, ġionian\", from a Germanic root \"*gīn-\". The Germanic root has Indo-European cognates, from a root \"*g̑hēi-\" found also with \"-n-\" suffix in Greek χαίνω \"to yawn\", and without the \"-n-\"", "id": "8788631" }, { "contents": "Yawn\n\n\nbetween the subject's ear and the environment. Guttmann and Dopart determined that a yawn causes one of three possible situations to occur: the brain cools down due to an influx or outflux of oxygen, the pressure in the brain is reduced by an outflux of oxygen, or the pressure of the brain is increased by an influx of air caused by increased cranial space. Still another hypothesis suggests yawns are caused by the same chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain that affect emotions, mood, appetite, and other phenomena. These", "id": "8788637" }, { "contents": "Yawning Sons\n\n\nYawning Sons is a British-American collaborative musical project formed in 2008 by members of the psychedelic rock bands Yawning Man and Sons of Alpha Centauri. Often associated with the Palm Desert Scene, the project's nature has been compared to The Desert Sessions project founded by Josh Homme. The project's first and only studio album to date, \"Ceremony to the Sunset\", was released in 2009. However, in an interview in August 2014, members of Sons of Alpha Centauri stated that a second studio album will not be", "id": "15129584" }, { "contents": "Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act\n\n\nThe Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act is a series of Acts of Parliament of the UK to deal with the possibility of the accrual of economic harm or intra-species contamination. In 1892, the local authorities were not making sufficient use of powers to combat animal diseases so the Act introduced central control over the slaughter of infected animals and the payment of compensation. The 1893 Act transferred from local authorities to the Board of Agriculture the responsibility for wiping out swine fever. It was followed by the 20th-century series notation Diseases", "id": "21510102" }, { "contents": "Tales from the Yawning Portal\n\n\nincluding original publication year, are: \"Tales from the Yawning Portal\" was released on March 24, 2017, in local game stores and was later released through other retailers on April 4, 2017. Destructoid, Bleeding Cool, and Paste Magazine all highlighted the module nature of this book unlike the more linear structure of \"Storm King's Thunder\". In Paste Magazine's review, Cameron Kunzelman wrote that \"\"Tales from the Yawning Portal\" rides the line between nostalgia and ease of access for new players\" and", "id": "14531736" }, { "contents": "Yawning Sons\n\n\nRecords. Receiving generally positive reviews, the album was placed eighth on \"The Obelisk\"'s Top 10 Albums of 2009. A deluxe vinyl edition of the album was released by Alone Records in 2014. In 2010, in collaboration with WaterWays, a project that includes Arce, fellow Yawning Man member Mario Lalli and Fatso Jetson drummer Tony Tornay, the group followed up with a split EP entitled \"Yawning Sons/WaterWays\" that also received generally favourable reviews. The album was mastered at Abbey Road Studios in London and released", "id": "15129586" }, { "contents": "The Yawn of the New Age\n\n\nThe Yawn of the New Age is the debut album by the Norwegian electronic/noise/avant-garde metal artist Zweizz. All music and lyrics are created by Svein Egil Hatlevik, except \"Blacker Than Darkness\", which is an adaptation of the song by the same title, written by Norwegian black metal group Immortal. \"The Yawn of the New Age\" has been met with reviews ranging from very favourable to very unfavourable. Pitchfork's monthly metal columnist, Brandon Stosuy belonged to the enthusiasts: \"Hatlevik's one", "id": "15567604" }, { "contents": "Ceremony to the Sunset\n\n\nCeremony to the Sunset is the debut studio album by Yawning Sons, a collaborative musical project formed by members of American band Yawning Man and British band Sons of Alpha Centauri. It was released on June 15, 2009 by Lexicon Devil Records, with a deluxe vinyl edition released by Alone Records on October 25, 2014. In 2008, Gary Arce of Yawning Man was invited to the United Kingdom by the band Sons of Alpha Centauri to produce new tracks, but upon arrival, the idea of simply producing the record was scrapped", "id": "16393283" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nYawning Man is an American experimental rock band from La Quinta, California, United States. The band originally formed in 1986, although they released no studio recordings until 2005. They have been noted to be one of the first influential bands in the desert rock scene. Yawning Man was formed in 1986, founded by members Gary Arce, Alfredo Hernández, Mario Lalli, and Larry Lalli. At this time, the band started to play marathon jams from the garage to the desert. The word spread of these \"generator parties", "id": "19646340" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\n\" and large crowds began to show up. Their music heavily influenced the likes of John Garcia, Josh Homme, and Brant Bjork (who would later form the legendary stoner rock band Kyuss) to name only a few. When Hernandez played in Kyuss on their last album \"...And the Circus Leaves Town\" they recorded a cover of Yawning Man's song \"Catamaran\". From 1986 to 1987, 30 to 40 songs were recorded on 2 different demos but no official Yawning Man material was ever released until 2005.", "id": "19646341" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nYawning Man's music began to mutate into strange loops with an almost dark/free-form jazz punk sound, and the name of the band just didn't fit the music anymore. The band changed name to The Sort of Quartet and in the mid '90s released three albums with SST Records and one with German label Hot Wax Crippled Dick. During this time, the Lalli cousins also achieved recognition with their band Fatso Jetson, which briefly included Arce. In 2005, Yawning Man's first LP \"Rock Formations\"", "id": "19646342" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nto the album would be considered once they released their own second album. In 2010, Yawning Man released their second studio album \"Nomadic Pursuits\" under the imprint of Cobraside Records. Its cover art was composed and delivered by Hernández. Following the release of the album, the band embarked on a tour across Europe with Bill Stinson and Billy Cordell replacing Hernández and Mario Lalli as touring members respectively. The \"Nomadic Pursuits\" tour concluded with a headline show at the DesertFest in London and Berlin in April 2013 with Yawning Sons", "id": "19646346" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nand Fatso Jetson. The band then self-released a dedicated tour vinyl with Fatso Jetson. In August 2014, Yawning Man returned to Europe with Arce, Mario Lalli and Stinson for a tour that ran from August 29 to September 7, after which they undertook the Legends of the Desert Tour with Fatso Jetson from February 2 to 28, 2015. In 2016, Yawning Man released their third studio album \"Historical Graffiti\", which marked the first studio recordings to feature Stinson on drums. The album was recorded by Leonardo", "id": "19646347" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nChecheccia at Ion Studios in Buenos Aires, Argentina while the band were on tour. The first vinyl pressings were released by Lay Bare Records and later re-released by Cobraside Records. In 2017, Yawning Man went on their first ever tour of the United States and Canada to support the album's release. In 2018, Yawning Man released their fourth studio album \"The Revolt Against Tired Noises\". The album was recorded at Gatos Trail Studio in Joshua Tree, CA and produced and engineered by friend and long time collaborator", "id": "19646348" }, { "contents": "Yawning Man\n\n\nrelease “And the Circus Leaves Town”. The Kyuss cover of Catamaran proved to be a favorite among Kyuss fans, spreading the word about Yawning Man’s unique rock music. On \"The Revolt Against Tired Noises\", Yawning Man finally released this classic song, properly recorded for the first time in 30 years. The Birth of Sol Music (The Demo Tapes)(1986 demos released in 2009) \"Live at W2\" Den Bosch. Netherlands. DVD + rock formations. (CD + DVD release) W2 Concertzaal June 17", "id": "19646350" }, { "contents": "Knole\n\n\n– we are beginning to yawn. But if we stop, it is only that the catalogue is tedious, not that it is finished. There are ninety-nine pages more of it … . And so on and so on.\" Although its complex history reveals Knole to have been the result of many periods of development, its national importance is primarily for its 17th-century structure. As Newton puts it: At the time of Sackville's rebuilding, little notice was taken of his work. It was not at", "id": "18187177" }, { "contents": "The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever\n\n\na week that doctor himself died of infection, seemingly contracted when he was wounded during the autopsy he had conducted on the dead woman. The report stated that during the time interval between when the physician received the wound and then subsequently died from it, all the women whom he had attended during childbirth contracted puerperal fever. This report seems to have convinced Holmes that “The disease, known as Puerperal Fever, is so far contagious as to be frequently carried from patient to patient by physicians and nurses.” The end of", "id": "6851401" }, { "contents": "The Yawn of the New Age\n\n\n\"The Yawn of the New Age is not metal. It doesn't owe anything to anybody. You want your Crowleyan freedom? Here it is, and it's already set your house on fire and stolen your car keys and your Tamagotchis while you weren't paying attention. You can't even call Yawn noise music, that's way too restrictive and regressively macho for the mischievous sonic riddles and puzzle boxes that former DHG keyboardist and black metal musician Svein Egil Hatlevik have painstakingly constructed.\" Ignacio Coluccio of the webzine", "id": "15567606" }, { "contents": "Yawning Sons/WaterWays\n\n\nfellow Yawning Sons member Mario Lalli and Fatso Jetson's Tony Tornay at the Donner and Blitzen Studio in Los Angeles. California. The new tracks formed part of a new band called WaterWays which, together with Arce, Lalli and Tornay, featured Abby Travis on vocals for a selection of tracks. WaterWays contributed two tracks, whose genre they describe as \"aqua beat surf rock\", towards the split, while Yawning Sons re-recorded and expanded one of the \"Garden Sessions\" outtakes from their \"Ceremony to the Sunset", "id": "17720991" }, { "contents": "Yawn Mower\n\n\neverybody who is local is excited because they feel they're going to get their beach town back from everybody who comes and vacations over the summer.\" \"Could Eat, Would Sleep\" was released on April 20, 2018, and is listed on music journalist Jim Testa's Top New Jersey EPs of 2018. Yawn Mower performed at the North Jersey Indie Rock Festival on October 6, 2018. Yawn Mower took part in the Speak into My Good Eye annual \"24 Hour Songwriting Challenge\", with the song \"It", "id": "18379807" }, { "contents": "Psychedelic frogfish\n\n\nseen in large fish. The fish employs this behavior periodically when not feeding, as though yawning. The psychedelic frogfish has so far been positively identified only at Ambon Island, Indonesia. It has been found in coral rubble, where it may be camouflaged from predators, though the location is primarily considered a 'muck' dive with few corals in the area. The fish have so far been found in locations where the water is deep, about away from the shoreline. Occasionally, the current in these areas is so strong", "id": "17066254" }, { "contents": "Cold Contagious\n\n\n\"Cold Contagious\" is the fourth and final single from the band Bush's second studio album, \"Razorblade Suitcase\" (1996). Along with \"Bonedriven\", \"Cold Contagious\" is the only Bush single from 1994-1999 not to be included on the band's 2005 greatest hits compilation, \"\". \"Cold Contagious\" features a sharp distorted sound and a heavy, dark drumbeat. The lyrics seem to be about a relationship breaking up, accompanied by a desire for revenge. \"Cold Contagious\"", "id": "6938508" }, { "contents": "Contagious disease\n\n\n). The boundary between contagious and non-contagious infectious diseases is not perfectly drawn, as illustrated classically by tuberculosis, which is clearly transmissible from person to person, but was not classically considered a contagious disease. In the present day, most sexually transmitted infections are considered contagious, but only some of them are subject to medical isolation. Originally, the term referred to a \"contagion\" (a derivative of 'contact') or disease transmissible only by direct physical contact. In the modern day, the term has", "id": "21435735" }, { "contents": "I Don't Want to Walk Without You\n\n\nhour telling me that 'Walk' is the best song he ever heard. He played and sang it over, bar by bar, explaining why it's the best song he ever heard. I was flattered like crazy.\" A review in the trade publication \"Billboard\" called the composition \"one of those natural songs with a down-to-earth story that boy sings to girl and vice versa, with a matching melody that makes it contagious on the first listen\". The song was published in 1941.", "id": "12599915" }, { "contents": "Viral marketing\n\n\nmethods for various media. This exponential growth is not infinite, because customers, people, are finite. This ceiling is called carrying capacity. According to the book \"Contagious: Why Things Catch On\", there are six key factors that drive virality. They are organized in an acronym called STEPPS which stands for: According to marketing professors Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein, to make viral marketing work, three basic criteria must be met, i.e., giving the right message to the right messengers in the right environment: Whereas", "id": "1910990" }, { "contents": "Jonah Berger\n\n\nJonah Berger is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is an expert on word of mouth, viral marketing, social influence, and how products, ideas, and behaviors catch on. He has published articles in academic journals, teaches Wharton’s highest rated online course, and accounts of his work often appear in places like \"The New York Times\", \"Wall Street Journal\", and \"Harvard Business Review\". Berger is the author of multiple books including \"Contagious: Why Things", "id": "19237230" }, { "contents": "WaterWays/Sons of Alpha Centauri/Hotel Wrecking City Traders\n\n\nFrom 2009 through to 2011, WaterWays recordings had been delayed significantly and re-recorded as \"Big Scenic Nowhere\". However, when the tracks became available, the first singles were released on \"Yawning Sons/WaterWays\". Hotel Wrecking City Traders had released a collaborative project with Arce entitled \"Hotel Wrecking City Traders & Gary Arce\" in 2011, while Sons of Alpha Centauri had been working with Yawning Man since 2008 as Yawning Sons. In 2012, following two separate collaborative projects from Arce with both Sons of Alpha", "id": "9347165" }, { "contents": "Ständchen, D 889 (Schubert)\n\n\nbut \"a trifle overrated [...] the song is hardly one to be very fond of. Not a lifetime of familiarity with it can bridge the gap that yawns between the Elizabethan's verse and the Austrian's tune.\" On the other hand, while discussing the variorum readings of Shakespeare's play, Howard Furness refers to \"the version which Schubert sets to peerless music\", and Sir George Grove describes how \"that beautiful song, so perfectly fitting the words, and so skilful and happy in its accompaniment,", "id": "12985369" }, { "contents": "High rising terminal\n\n\n. It seems that nobody is immune to this trend that has become as contagious as the common cold\". Findings have thus been inconclusive regarding HRT as a gendered speech pattern, though the (partial) evidence that HRT is more common among women is consistent with the third principle of the gender paradox identified by sociolinguist William Labov, namely that \"in linguistic change from below, women use higher frequencies of innovative forms more than men do\". Viewing HRT as \"change from below\" also explains why it appears to be", "id": "1210021" }, { "contents": "Word-of-mouth marketing\n\n\nby introducing Net Promoter Score, which analyzes the number of \"Promoters\" a brand has, who recommend the brand to other people they know through such marketing tactic. According to academic research and Jonah Berger's bestselling book \"Contagious: Why Things Catch On\", there are six key factors that drive what people talk about and share. They are organized in an acronym called STEPPS which stands for: When further research went into developing the concept word-of-mouth marketing, many models behind the word of mouth strategy", "id": "19221818" }, { "contents": "Luca Antonini (jurist)\n\n\nthe recognition of more forms of autonomy. He also represented Veneto Region in front the Constitutional Court in trying to overturn Italy's legislation on compulsory vaccination for children, embracing the stances of the Italian no-vaccine movement. On 22 June 2018 he reaffirmed his anti-vaccines beliefs in a message on Twitter, where he wondered on Twitter why the tetanus vaccine would need to be compulsory if tetanus itself is non-contagious. On 19 July 2018 Antonini was elected by the Parliament as the judge of the Constitutional Court of Italy", "id": "2511210" }, { "contents": "Transformation in economics\n\n\nwage, historically rather neutral with respect to employment, will now be readily replacing low-level jobs with ever cheaper and more abundant automation - along with millions of jobs being lost due to the still uninformed and aimless political process. Obscuring the difference between cyclical crisis and the ongoing transformation (metamorphosis) is not without consequences: when true diagnosis is not attempted, and people do not know what is happening with their economy and why, all forms of contagious social unrest follow worldwide. In economics, Okun's law (named", "id": "2697912" }, { "contents": "Héctor Camacho\n\n\nhim into one of the greats of all time. That's the only way you can explain why all those great hitters he faced during the best moments of his career never knocked him down. Jaime Vega-Curry (deputy editor of ESPN Deportes), said Camacho was \"a character that combined a contagious charisma, impressive boxing quality, a child's soul, a salesman's shrewdness, and a superlative confidence on himself and in the force of his 'Macho Time'\" Brophy noted Camacho would be eligible for the", "id": "5327063" }, { "contents": "Origins (Imagine Dragons album)\n\n\nstating \"While the album may sound bombastic and derivative to critics, \"Origins\"' eclectic song list is sure to be an instant crowd-pleaser and will impress in the inevitable stadium tour.\" Another positive review came from \"The Daily Campus\", which stated that \"Imagine Dragons has once again shown why they are one of the most popular rock bands in the world with \"Origins\" including a plethora of contagious rock-pop anthems that will have fans singing their hearts out across the country.\" A", "id": "8862078" }, { "contents": "Catherine (1986 TV series)\n\n\nproduction, comparing it to popular TV soaps Dynasty and Dallas. Newspaper Le Monde wrote \"Un soap opera? Certes! Mais realise avec panache Il est patent que les acteurs s’y sont vraiment eclates. Et c’est contagieux... pourquoi pas?\" (A soap opera? Certainly! But with panache. It is clear that the actors really go for broke. And it's contagious…why not?) December 2007 the French book sales club released the series on DVD. The complete collection consists of 5 boxes with 10 CDs", "id": "10057899" }, { "contents": "Mouth ulcer\n\n\nof osteradionecrosis is part of the reason why all teeth of questionable prognosis are removed before the start of a course of radiotherapy. Aphthous stomatitis (also termed recurrent aphthous stomatitis, RAS, and commonly called \"canker sores\") is a very common cause of oral ulceration. 10–25% of the general population suffer from this non-contagious condition. Three types of aphthous stomatitis exists based on their appearance, namely minor, major and herpetiform major aphthous ulceration. Minor aphthous ulceration is the most common type, presenting with 1–6 small", "id": "12418101" }, { "contents": "Albert Nerenberg\n\n\nare related to health and happiness which have gone relatively unexplored by science. Nerenberg organized the first Montreal Laughing Championships after attending a UFC fight were two fighters unintentionally started laughing during a stare down. \"Punching people in the face is a sport. Poking people with sticks is a sport. Why not have a sport about the pursuit of joy?\" Nerenberg told The Pacific Standard. Using stare-downs and laughing fits, 12 competitors would compete to see who was the champion. The laughers would be judged for their contagiousness", "id": "7940662" }, { "contents": "Infection\n\n\nby contact with an ill person or their secretions (e.g., influenza). Thus, a contagious disease is a subset of infectious disease that is especially infective or easily transmitted. Other types of infectious, transmissible, or communicable diseases with more specialized routes of infection, such as vector transmission or sexual transmission, are usually not regarded as \"contagious\", and often do not require medical isolation (sometimes loosely called quarantine) of victims. However, this specialized connotation of the word \"contagious\" and \"contagious disease\"", "id": "16540615" } ]
What are some good and simple arguments that favour the use of nuclear power compared to fossile fuels?
[{"answer": "1) Less atmospheric pollution. 2) Not as tied to transportation networks. 2a) Allows building in more remote areas. 2b) Not as subject to potential issues of transportation failures. 3) Possibly perceived as not being reliant on foreign imports. edit: As per BunchOAtoms, 4) Long term total cost of ownership may be lower (i.e. it is supposedly [slightly cheaper to run]( URL_0 ))."}, {"answer": "Pros: * It's incredibly efficient * It doesn't produce any pollution Cons: * Small possibility of nuclear meltdown * Produces nuclear waste, which is incredibly dangerous and a bitch to dispose of. Though, in the context of waste produced by fossil fuels, the volume of waste is substantially smaller."}, {"answer": "People have noted the Pros already, so I'll try to make a simple note about the misconception of the Cons: Nuclear reactors are given a very bad rap and deemed as extremely dangerous by many anti-nuclear groups. They are actually very safe, but their problem is that when they fail, they can fail *very very* big. The two biggest well known incidents - Chernobyl and Fukushima - we extreme cases of misfortune (9.0 magnitude earthquake and a long list of slip ups and mistakes that bypassed all safety protocols and redundant fail-safes). It may be a 1 in a million shot for one of these things to fail, but they do eventually happen, and when they do... dayum. What a mess. But with enough forethought on location and safety/environmental protocols, and then *not* ignoring those protocols, nuclear can be a 'green' way to produce energy. And cheap."}, {"answer": "The US Navy is a fantastic argument in favor of nuclear power. They use it for most of their submarine and aircraft carrier fleet (and maybe other types of ships as well, I'm not sure) and have never had a single nuclear accident. On the other side of it, the reason they've never had a nuclear accident is that they maintain extremely high safety and security standards. It's hard to translate that level of regulation to the civilian world since special interest groups are always trying to weaken regulatory agencies to make their jobs easier and more profitable."}, {"answer": "Two cons that haven't been mentioned about nuclear generation: First, to build a plant requires locking up very large amounts of capital in a project that will take 10 years to build and start generating returns. You just can't finance that. No investment bank will put their money in that when they could invest in shorter term projects with faster returns. That makes nuclear power very reliant on government funds to set up. Second, in countries with a national or large-region electricity market, profitability is in the ability to ramp up production quickly to chase peaks in the real time electricity spot price. Baseload power generation is important but not as profitable. Nuclear power is great for Baseload but terrible for peak chasing. That makes its profitability relatively low, which in turn discourages private investment into building the projects."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19770540", "title": "Climate change mitigation scenarios", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Climate change mitigation scenarios are possible futures in which global warming is reduced by deliberate actions, such as a comprehensive switch to energy sources other than fossil fuels. These are actions that minimize emissions so atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilized at levels that restrict the adverse consequences of climate change. Using these scenarios, the examination of the impacts of different carbon prices on an economy is enabled within the framework of different levels of global aspirations.", "Climate change mitigation scenarios are possible futures in which global warming is reduced by deliberate actions, such as a comprehensive switch to energy sources other than fossil fuels. These are actions that minimize emissions so atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilized at levels that restrict the adverse consequences of climate change. Using these scenarios, the examination of the impacts of different carbon prices on an economy is enabled within the framework of different levels of global aspirations."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fossil fuel power station\n\n\nin central station service. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on the planet, and widely used as the source of energy in thermal power stations and is a relatively cheap fuel. Coal is an impure fuel and produces more greenhouse gas and pollution than an equivalent amount of petroleum or natural gas. For instance, the operation of a 1000-MWe coal-fired power plant results in a nuclear radiation dose of 490 person-rem/year, compared to 136 person-rem/year, for an equivalent nuclear power plant including", "id": "16758873" }, { "contents": "Carbon-neutral fuel\n\n\nconverting renewable energy into liquid fuel. The article also states that the energy return on energy invested using fossil diesel is 18 times higher than that for e-diesel. Investigation of carbon-neutral fuels has been ongoing for decades. A 1965 report suggested synthesizing methanol from carbon dioxide in air using nuclear power for a mobile fuel depot. Shipboard production of synthetic fuel using nuclear power was studied in 1977 and 1995. A 1984 report studied the recovery of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel plants. A 1995 report compared converting vehicle fleets", "id": "21652238" }, { "contents": "Environmental impact of electricity generation\n\n\nheat pump will use 70% less hydroelectricity. Heat pumps may be beneficial for the environment or not, it depends how your region generates electricity. Nuclear power plants do not burn fossil fuels and so do not directly emit carbon dioxide; because of the high energy yield of nuclear fuels, the carbon dioxide emitted during mining, enrichment, fabrication and transport of fuel is small when compared with the carbon dioxide emitted by fossil fuels of similar energy yield. A large nuclear power plant may reject waste heat to a natural body of", "id": "413621" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel phase-out\n\n\nGreece, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Norway have no nuclear power stations and remain opposed to nuclear power. Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland are phasing-out their nuclear power. Moving away from fossil fuels will require changes not only in the way energy is supplied, but in the way it is used, and reducing the amount of energy required to deliver various goods or services is essential. Opportunities for improvement on the demand side of the energy equation are as rich and diverse as those on the supply side,", "id": "16368405" }, { "contents": "Peak uranium\n\n\nWorld Nuclear Association, India plans on bringing 20,000 MWe nuclear capacity on line by 2020, and aims to supply 25% of electricity from nuclear power by 2050. The World Nuclear Association believes nuclear energy could reduce the fossil fuel burden of generating the new demand for electricity. As more fossil fuels are used to supply the growing energy needs of an increasing population, the more greenhouse gases are produced. Some proponents of nuclear power believe that building more nuclear power plants can reduce greenhouse emissions. For example, the Swedish utility Vattenfall", "id": "18018317" }, { "contents": "Tokyo Electric Power Company\n\n\nnetworks. Fossil fuel power plants around Tokyo Bay are used for peak load supply and nuclear reactors in Fukushima and Niigata Prefecture provide base load supply. Additionally, hydroelectric plants in the mountainous areas outside the Kanto Plain, despite their relatively small capacity compared to fossil fuel and nuclear generation, remain important in providing peak load supply. The company also purchases electricity from other regional or wholesale electric power companies like Tohoku Electric Power, J-POWER, and Japan Atomic Power Company. The company has built a radiated and circular grid between", "id": "17503646" }, { "contents": "Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources\n\n\ncompared to the other alternatives (fossil fuel, coal, and some renewable energy including biomass and PV solar panels). A 2005 study, by Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen, reported that carbon dioxide emissions from nuclear power plants per kilowatt hour could range from 20% to 120% of those for natural gas-fired power stations depending on the availability of high grade ores. Although the study was heavily criticized, the paper was used by anti-nuclear organizations to claim that nuclear power is not suitable for a warming world", "id": "1725440" }, { "contents": "Climate change mitigation\n\n\ntechnical, economic or fuel-related, but are instead linked to complex issues of societal acceptance, fiscal and political inertia, and inadequate critical evaluation of the real-world constraints facing [the other] low-carbon alternatives.\" Nuclear power may be uncompetitive compared with fossil fuel energy sources in countries without a carbon tax program, and in comparison to a fossil fuel plant of the same power output, nuclear power plants take a longer amount of time to construct. Two new, first of their kind, EPR reactors", "id": "9314333" }, { "contents": "Portable stove\n\n\n. Issues of plumbing connections, fuel toxicity, leakage, spillage, and stove flareup are also nonexistent when using a solid-fuel portable stove. Contribution to climate change and dependence on fossil fuel is also minimized when using a portable stove powered by a local, renewable biomass resource (however, carbon dioxide is released no matter what source of fuel you use). While simple, solid-fuel stoves have some disadvantages versus their liquid-fueled counterparts. In most cases, the burn rate may be controlled only by varying", "id": "9370573" }, { "contents": "Open energy system models\n\n\n) and model (data). A 2015 study uses Calliope to compare the future roles of nuclear power and CSP in South Africa. It finds CSP could be competitive with nuclear by 2030 for baseload and more competitive when producing above baseload. CSP also offers less investment risk, less environmental risk, and other co-benefits. A second 2015 study compares a large number of cost-optimal future power systems for Great Britain. Three generation technologies are tested: renewables, nuclear power, and fossil fuels with and without carbon", "id": "11989776" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel power station\n\n\nbrown. In a fossil fuel power plant the chemical energy stored in fossil fuels such as coal, fuel oil, natural gas or oil shale and oxygen of the air is converted successively into thermal energy, mechanical energy and, finally, electrical energy. Each fossil fuel power plant is a complex, custom-designed system. Multiple generating units may be built at a single site for more efficient use of land, natural resources and labor. Most thermal power stations in the world use fossil fuel, outnumbering nuclear, geothermal,", "id": "16758864" }, { "contents": "Energy development\n\n\nHowever, the economic costs of nuclear power accidents is high, and meltdowns can take decades to clean up. The human costs of evacuations of affected populations and lost livelihoods is also significant. Comparing Nuclear's \"latent\" cancer deaths, such as cancer with other energy sources \"immediate\" deaths per unit of energy generated(GWeyr). This study does not include fossil fuel related cancer and other indirect deaths created by the use of fossil fuel consumption in its \"severe accident\" classification, which would be an accident with more than", "id": "4477858" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power plant\n\n\nof technology controversies,\" in some countries. Proponents argue that nuclear power is a sustainable energy source which reduces carbon emissions and can increase energy security if its use supplants a dependence on imported fuels. Proponents advance the notion that nuclear power produces virtually no air pollution, in contrast to the chief viable alternative of fossil fuel. Proponents also believe that nuclear power is the only viable course to achieve energy independence for most Western countries. They emphasize that the risks of storing waste are small and can be further reduced by using the", "id": "171576" }, { "contents": "Peak uranium\n\n\nthe price of uranium is eventually passed on to the consumer either directly or through a fuel surcharge. An alternative to uranium is thorium which is three times more common than uranium. Fast breeder reactors are not needed. Compared to conventional uranium reactors, thorium reactors using the thorium fuel cycle may produce some 40 times the amount of energy per unit of mass. If nuclear power prices rise too quickly, or too high, power companies may look for substitutes in fossil energy (coal, oil, and gas) and/or renewable energy", "id": "18018403" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in Japan\n\n\n, again leaving Japan with no operating power reactors. Government figures in the 2014 Annual Report on Energy show that Japan depended on imported fossil fuels for 88% of its electricity in fiscal year 2013, compared with 62% in fiscal 2010. Without significant nuclear power, the country was self-sufficient for just 6% of its energy demand in 2012, compared with 20% in 2010. The additional fuel costs to compensate for its nuclear reactors being idled was ¥3.6 trillion. In parallel, domestic energy users have seen", "id": "16129430" }, { "contents": "Anti-nuclear movement\n\n\n2013) is a good example of this trend. Some environmentalists criticise the anti-nuclear movement for under-stating the environmental costs of fossil fuels and non-nuclear alternatives, and overstating the environmental costs of nuclear energy. Of the numerous nuclear experts who have offered their expertise in addressing controversies, Bernard Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Pittsburgh, is likely the most frequently cited. In his extensive writings he examines the safety issues in detail. He is best known for comparing nuclear safety to the relative", "id": "14623755" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power phase-out\n\n\nwhen it \"reached an intensity unprecedented in the history of technology controversies\", in some countries. Proponents of nuclear energy argue that nuclear power is a sustainable energy source which reduces carbon emissions and can increase energy security if its use supplants a dependence on imported fuels. Proponents advance the notion that nuclear power produces virtually no air pollution, in contrast to the chief viable alternative of fossil fuel. Proponents also believe that nuclear power is the only viable course to achieve energy independence for most Western countries. They emphasize that the risks", "id": "15363304" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel power station\n\n\nfirst be created from natural gas through steam reforming, as a step towards a hydrogen economy, thus eventually reducing carbon emissions. there is still a chance of keeping global warming below 1.5°C if no more fossil fuel power plants are built and some existing fossil fuel power plants are shut down early, together with other measures such as reforestation. Alternatives to fossil fuel power plants include nuclear power, solar power, geothermal power, wind power, hydropower, biomass power plants and other renewable energies (see non-carbon economy", "id": "16758904" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\nand in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, the price of power from wind turbines built 300 feet to 400 feet above the ground can now compete with conventional fossil fuels like coal. Prices have fallen to about 4 cents per kilowatt-hour in some cases and utilities have been increasing the amount of wind energy in their portfolio, saying it is their cheapest option. From a safety stand point, nuclear power, in terms of lives lost per unit of electricity delivered, is comparable to and in some cases, lower than", "id": "6846678" }, { "contents": "Economics of nuclear power plants\n\n\nand repaying the capital...\" Capital cost, the building and financing of nuclear power plants, represents a large percentage of the cost of nuclear electricity. In 2014, the US Energy Information Administration estimated that for new nuclear plants going online in 2019, capital costs will make up 74% of the levelized cost of electricity; higher than the capital percentages for fossil-fuel power plants (63% for coal, 22% for natural gas), and lower than the capital percentages for some other nonfossil-fuel sources (", "id": "8590360" }, { "contents": "The Dirty Energy Dilemma\n\n\nThe Dirty Energy Dilemma: What’s Blocking Clean Power in the United States is a 2008 book by academic Benjamin K. Sovacool, published by Praeger. In the book, Sovacool explores problems with the current U.S. electricity system and ways to overcome them. In the first part of the book, Sovacool explores the problems with the current system of large-scale electricity generation being used in the United States, powered by fossil fuels and nuclear power reactors. He identifies \"The Big Four Energy Challenges\" as rising fossil fuel costs,", "id": "12012348" }, { "contents": "Green-collar worker\n\n\nSolar Cell, Peat and Wind which the utility uses to produce electricity. The net result of the study was that nuclear power produced 3.3 grams of carbon dioxide per KW-Hr of produced power. This compares to 400 for natural gas and 700 for coal (according to this study). The study also concluded that nuclear power produced the smallest amount of CO of any of their electricity sources. Claims exist that the problems of nuclear waste do not come anywhere close to approaching the problems of fossil fuel waste. A 2004", "id": "4415363" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in Pakistan\n\n\nAs of 2017, nuclear power in Pakistan is provided by 5 commercial nuclear power plants. Pakistan is the first Muslim country in the world to construct and operate civil nuclear power plants. The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), the scientific and nuclear governmental agency, is solely responsible for operating these power plants. As of 2012, the electricity generated by commercial nuclear power plants constitutes roughly ~3.6% of electricity generated in Pakistan, compared to ~62% from fossil fuel, ~33% from hydroelectric power and ~0.3% from coal", "id": "11404809" }, { "contents": "Iran and weapons of mass destruction\n\n\nenergy, especially when there are fears of its oil fields eventually being depleted. It continues to argue that its valuable oil should be used for high value products and export, not simple electricity generation. Furthermore, Iran argues that nuclear power makes fairly good economic sense. Building reactors is expensive, but subsequent operating costs are low and stable, and increasingly competitive as fossil-fuel prices rise. Iran also raises funding questions, claiming that developing the excess capacity in its oil industry would cost it $40 billion, not to", "id": "18312574" }, { "contents": "Feedwater heater\n\n\n, an isenthalpic process that results in some entropy gain with a slight penalty on overall cycle efficiency: Many power plants incorporate a number of feedwater heaters and may use both open and closed components. Feedwater heaters are used in both fossil- and nuclear-fueled power plants. An economizer serves a similar purpose to a feedwater heater, but is technically different as it does not use cycle steam for heating. In fossil-fuel plants, the economizer uses the lowest-temperature flue gas from the furnace to heat the water before it", "id": "4189004" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\n314 billion while fatalities could reach 50,000. The primary environmental effects of nuclear power come from uranium mining, radioactive effluent emissions, and waste heat. Nuclear generation does not directly produce sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury or other pollutants associated with the combustion of fossil fuels. Nuclear plants require slightly more cooling water than fossil-fuel power plants due to their slightly lower generation efficiencies. Uranium mining can use large amounts of water — for example, the Roxby Downs mine in South Australia uses of water each day and plans to", "id": "6846695" }, { "contents": "Energy in Germany\n\n\n, meaning \"energy turnaround\" or \"energy transformation\". Germany intends to eliminate current use of nuclear power by 2022. Operators have already closed plants ahead of their intended retirement dates. Presumably, fossil fuels, wind power, solar power, biofuels, and energy conservation will be enough to replace the existing capacity from nuclear power. The policy includes phasing out nuclear power, and progressive replacement of fossil fuels by renewables. Germany is the sixth largest consumer of energy in the world. Germany imports more than half of its", "id": "15367562" }, { "contents": "Pakistan\n\n\npower was provided by four licensed commercial nuclear power plants. The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) is solely responsible for operating these power plants, while the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority regulates safe usage of the nuclear energy. The electricity generated by commercial nuclear power plants constitutes roughly 5.8% of Pakistan's electrical energy, compared to 64.2% from fossil fuels (crude oil and natural gas), 29.9% from hydroelectric power, and 0.1% from coal. Pakistan is one of the four nuclear armed states (along with India", "id": "3528024" }, { "contents": "Nuclear energy in Bangladesh\n\n\nincreased to a mere 6%, while nuclear power was increased to around 30%. There are arguments in favor of nuclear energy when compared to the use of coal. For example, a single 1000 MW coal-fired plant produces over 300,000 tons of ash, 44,000 tons of sulphur dioxide, 22,000 tons of Nitrous Oxide and 6 million tons of carbon. In contrast, a 1000 MW of nuclear power plant produces 3 cubic meters of waste after reprocessing the spent fuel, 300 tons of radioactive waste and 0.20 tons of", "id": "17675224" }, { "contents": "Economics of nuclear power plants\n\n\nempirical evidence where ever possible. The situation was compared to medical research where 98% of industry sponsored studies return positive results. Nuclear Power plants tend to be very competitive in areas where other fuel resources are not readily available — France, most notably, has almost no native supplies of fossil fuels. France's nuclear power experience has also been one of paradoxically increasing rather than decreasing costs over time. Making a massive investment of capital in a project with long-term recovery might affect a company's credit rating. A Council", "id": "8590421" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\nof most common energy sources. It found that nuclear energy receives 1.7 US cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) of energy it produces, compared to fossil fuels receiving 0.8 US cents per kWh, renewable energy receiving 5.0 US cents per kWh and biofuels receiving 5.1 US cents per kWh. Kristin Shrader-Frechette has said \"if reactors were safe, nuclear industries would not demand government-guaranteed, accident-liability protection, as a condition for their generating electricity\". No private insurance company or even consortium of insurance companies \"", "id": "6846689" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\nof nuclear power claim that it is the beneficiary of inappropriately large economic subsidies, taking the form of research and development, financing support for building new reactors and decommissioning old reactors and waste, and that these subsidies are often overlooked when comparing the economics of nuclear against other forms of power generation. Nuclear power proponents argue that competing energy sources also receive subsidies. Fossil fuels receive large direct and indirect subsidies, such as tax benefits and not having to pay for the greenhouse gases they emit, such as through a carbon tax.", "id": "6846687" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power\n\n\nwave and solar projects, and the inherent assumption that humanity will use less, and not more, energy in the future. As Brook notes, the \"principal limitations on nuclear fission are not technical, economic or fuel-related, but are instead linked to complex issues of societal acceptance, fiscal and political inertia, and inadequate critical evaluation of the real-world constraints facing [the other] low-carbon alternatives.\" In some places which aim to phase out fossil fuels in favor of low carbon power, such", "id": "2204742" }, { "contents": "Low-carbon power\n\n\nLow-carbon power comes from processes or technologies that produce power with substantially lower amounts of carbon dioxide emissions than is emitted from conventional fossil fuel power generation. It includes low carbon power generation sources such as wind power, solar power, hydropower and nuclear power. The term largely excludes conventional fossil fuel plant sources, and is only used to describe a particular subset of operating fossil fuel power systems, specifically, those that are successfully coupled with a flue gas carbon capture and storage (CCS) system. Over the past 30", "id": "4955090" }, { "contents": "Megatons to Megawatts Program\n\n\nfuel in American nuclear power plants. The program was the largest and most successful nuclear non-proliferation program to date. The first nuclear power plant to receive low-enriched fuel containing uranium under this program was the Cooper Nuclear Station in 1998. During the 20-year Megatons to Megawatts program, as much as 10 percent of the electricity produced in the United States was generated by fuel fabricated using LEU from Russian HEU. During this period, on a comparatively modest basis, the US government has also been converting some of its excess", "id": "832497" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power\n\n\nper unit of energy generated than all other major sources of energy generation. Energy produced by coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydropower has caused more deaths per unit of energy generated due to air pollution and energy accidents. This is found when comparing the immediate deaths from other energy sources to both the immediate nuclear related deaths from accidents and also including the latent, or predicted, indirect cancer deaths from nuclear energy accidents. When the combined immediate and indirect fatalities from nuclear power and all fossil fuels are compared, including fatalities resulting", "id": "2204720" }, { "contents": "Electricity sector in the United Kingdom\n\n\nThe United Kingdom has a National Grid that covers most of mainland Great Britain and several of the surrounding islands, as well as some connectivity to other countries. As of 2017 the electricity sector in the United Kingdom generation uses around 50% fossil fuelled power, roughly 20% nuclear power and 30% renewable power. Renewable power is showing strong growth, while fossil fuel generator use in general and coal use in particular is shrinking, with coal generators now mainly being run in winter due to pollution and costs. The use of", "id": "11941266" }, { "contents": "Koeberg Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nCape Town to be the sole provider of power in the Western Cape after fossil-fuel power stations were deemed too small and too expensive to be viable. Nuclear power was considered because it was more economical than transporting coal to the existing fossil-fuel power stations, and construction of new fossil-fuel power-stations, which would have required 300 m tall chimneys to comply with clean-air legislation. Athlone Power Station in the city was too small to provide Cape Town's needs, and the Paarden Island power station", "id": "14906421" }, { "contents": "Alternative energy\n\n\ncosts of maintaining nuclear facilities, the potential risk of meltdowns, and the cost of cleaning up meltdowns are cited as reasons behind the movement away from the use of nuclear energy. In some countries nuclear power plants cannot compete with fossil fuels currently due to the latter's lower price and availability. Nuclear power plants also face competition from the increasing renewable energy subsidies. Solar panels are an icon of the 'green power' movement, however the process of manufacturing the quartz based panels can be detrimental to the environment. Raw", "id": "18588260" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in China\n\n\ncontributed 4.2% of the total Chinese electricity production in 2018, with 294.4 TWh. This is an increase from 3.9% and 247 TWh in 2017. Due to increasing concerns about air quality, climate change and fossil fuel shortages, nuclear power has been looked into as an alternative to coal. China's National Development and Reform Commission has indicated the intention to raise the percentage of China's electricity produced by nuclear power from the current 3% to 6% by 2020 (compared to 20% in the United States and 74", "id": "22115038" }, { "contents": "Ecological footprint\n\n\nSolar Cell, Peat and Wind. The net result of the study was that nuclear power produced 3.3 grams of carbon dioxide per kW⋅h of produced power. This compares to 400 for natural gas and 700 for coal (according to this study). The study also concluded that nuclear power produced the smallest amount of CO of any of their electricity sources. Claims exist that the problems of nuclear waste do not come anywhere close to approaching the problems of fossil fuel waste. A 2004 article from the BBC states: \"The World", "id": "7858475" }, { "contents": "Anti-nuclear movement\n\n\ngroups also favour the use of renewable energy, such as hydro, wind power, solar power, geothermal energy and biofuel. According to the International Energy Agency renewable energy technologies are essential contributors to the energy supply portfolio, as they contribute to world energy security and provide opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gases. Fossil fuels are being replaced by clean, climate-stabilizing, non-depletable sources of energy. According to Lester R. Brown: ...the transition from coal, oil, and gas to wind, solar, and geothermal energy", "id": "14623678" }, { "contents": "Aftermath: Population Zero\n\n\non dead penned up cattle. Security measures in power plants fail. The equipment in the spent fuel buildings adjoining nuclear power plants that maintain the temperature level of the spent nuclear fuel rods will shut down. Spent nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants is generally stored in pools in on-site facilities. Because the fossil fuel powered back up, power generators will run out. At that time, the cooling pools that prevent the spent nuclear fuel from overheating will start to boil since this water is not replenished. Radioactive steam will", "id": "3605565" }, { "contents": "Climate change mitigation\n\n\nSince about 2001 the term \"nuclear renaissance\" has been used to refer to a possible nuclear power industry revival, driven by rising fossil fuel prices and new concerns about meeting greenhouse gas emission limits. However, in March 2011 the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan and associated shutdowns at other nuclear facilities raised questions among some commentators over the future of nuclear power. Platts has reported that \"the crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plants has prompted leading energy-consuming countries to review the safety of their existing reactors and cast doubt on", "id": "9314321" }, { "contents": "Pro-nuclear movement\n\n\na political choice to leave fossil fuels in the ground, or because fossil fuels become depleted. Globally, there are dozens of companies with an interest in the nuclear industry, including Areva, BHP Billiton, Cameco, China National Nuclear Corporation, EDF, Iberdrola, Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Ontario Power Generation, Rosatom, TEPCO, and Vattenfall. Many of these companies lobby politicians and others about nuclear power expansion, undertake public relation activities, petition government authorities, as well as influence public policy through referendum campaigns and involvement", "id": "5899344" }, { "contents": "Bhabha Atomic Research Centre\n\n\nnot only to develop nuclear fuel for future reactors to be used in power generation and research, but also the capacity to refine the same fuel into weapons-grade fuel to be used in the development of nuclear weapons. BARC also designed and built India's first Pressurised water reactor at Kalpakkam, a 80MW land based prototype of INS Arihant's nuclear power unit, as well as the Arihant's propulsion reactor. India is not a part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), citing concerns that it unfairly favours", "id": "9670868" }, { "contents": "Hydrogen economy\n\n\nnot available on Earth in convenient natural reservoirs. Most hydrogen in the lithosphere is bonded to oxygen in water. Manufacturing elemental hydrogen does require the consumption of a hydrogen carrier such as a fossil fuel or water. The former carrier consumes the fossil resource and produces carbon dioxide, but often requires no further energy input beyond the fossil fuel. Decomposing water, the latter carrier, requires electrical or heat input, generated from some primary energy source (fossil fuel, nuclear power or a renewable energy). Hydrogen can also be produced", "id": "20251" }, { "contents": "Nuclear energy in the Netherlands\n\n\nmeant for energy provision, but is used as a neutron- and positron-source for research. Researchers in the Netherlands began studying nuclear energy in the 1930s and began the construction of research reactor at Dodewaard in 1955. The researchers’ goal was to introduce nuclear power technology by 1962 and replace fossil fuels. In 1968, a test nuclear reactor was attached to the power grid. This unit was shut down in 1997. In the 1970s, the Dutch chose a policy that required reprocessing all spent nuclear fuel. In 1984,", "id": "17622343" }, { "contents": "Environmental impact of nuclear power\n\n\nlife-cycle greenhouse gas emissions|similar emissions from wind energy as nuclear in 2014]].]] Many stages of the [[nuclear fuel chain]] — mining, milling, transport, fuel fabrication, enrichment, reactor construction, decommissioning and waste management — use fossil fuels, or involve changes to land use, and hence emit carbon dioxide and conventional pollutants. Nuclear energy contributes a very small amount of emissions into the atmosphere which can cause many environmental problems such as global warming. Uranium is not burned in a nuclear", "id": "7140375" }, { "contents": "James Hansen\n\n\nIt estimated that 1.8 million air pollution-caused deaths were prevented worldwide between 1971 and 2009, through the use of nuclear power instead of fossil fuels. The paper also concluded that the emission of some 64 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent were avoided by nuclear power use between 1971 and 2009. Looking to the future, between 2010 and 2050, it was estimated that nuclear could additionally avoid up to 420,000 to 7 million premature deaths and 80 to 240 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. This paper elicited a critical response to", "id": "19172832" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in the United States\n\n\n2015, a senior vice president of General Atomics stated that the U.S. nuclear industry was struggling because of comparatively low U.S. fossil fuel production costs, partly due to the rapid development of shale gas, and high financing costs for nuclear plants. In July 2016 Toshiba withdrew the U.S. design certification renewal for its Advanced Boiling Water Reactor because \"it has become increasingly clear that energy price declines in the US prevent Toshiba from expecting additional opportunities for ABWR construction projects\". In 2016, Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo directed the New York", "id": "16062624" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power\n\n\ncarbon dioxide equivalent that would have otherwise resulted from the burning of fossil fuels. Accidents in nuclear power plants include the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union in 1986, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, and the more contained Three Mile Island accident in the United States in 1979. There have also been some nuclear submarine accidents. There is a debate about nuclear power. Proponents, such as the World Nuclear Association and Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy, contend that nuclear power is a safe, sustainable energy source that reduces", "id": "2204615" }, { "contents": "UHTREX\n\n\nThe Ultra-High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX) was an experimental gas-cooled nuclear reactor run at Los Alamos National Laboratory between 1959 and 1971 as part of research into reducing the cost of nuclear power. Its purpose was to test and compare the advantages of using a simple fuel against the disadvantages of a contaminated cooling loop. It first achieved full power in 1969. The experiment was a spin-off from the technology developed by the earlier ROVER project. The UHTREX core was composed of a vertical hollow rotating cylinder (", "id": "11338982" }, { "contents": "Environmental impact of nuclear power\n\n\nand industrial emissions, and 1.6 million indoors through using solid fuel.\" In the U.S. alone, fossil fuel waste kills 20,000 people each year. A coal power plant releases 100 times as much radiation as a nuclear power plant of the same wattage. It is estimated that during 1982, US coal burning released 155 times as much radioactivity into the atmosphere as the [[Three Mile Island accident]]. The [[World Nuclear Association]] provides a comparison of deaths due to accidents among different forms of energy production", "id": "7140363" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nmost of them from cities hosting nuclear plants would agree to restarting the reactors, provided the government could guarantee their safety. More than 30,000 people marched on 2 June 2013, in Tokyo against restarting nuclear power plants. Marchers had gathered more than 8 million petition signatures opposing nuclear power. In October 2013, it was reported that TEPCO and eight other Japanese power companies were paying approximately 3.6 trillion yen (37 billion dollars) more in combined imported fossil fuel costs compared to 2010, before the accident, to make up for the", "id": "16637516" }, { "contents": "Environmental radioactivity\n\n\nbe released from the nuclear fuel cycle; this is the radioisotope responsible for the majority of the dose experienced by the population as a result of the activities of the nuclear power industry. Nuclear bomb tests have increased the specific activity of carbon, whereas the use of fossil fuels has decreased it. See the article on radiocarbon dating for further details. Discharges from nuclear plants within the nuclear fuel cycle introduce fission products to the environment. The releases from nuclear reprocessing plants tend to be medium to long-lived radioisotopes; this is", "id": "4794838" }, { "contents": "Energy subsidies\n\n\n, Chief Economist at the International Energy Agency, without a phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies, countries will not reach their climate targets. A 2010 study by Global Subsidies Initiative compared global relative subsidies of different energy sources. Results show that fossil fuels receive 0.8 US cents per kWh of energy they produce (the estimate of fossil fuel subsidies applies only to consumer subsidies and only within non-OECD countries), nuclear energy receives 1.7 cents / kWh, renewable energy (excluding hydroelectricity) receives 5.0 cents / kWh and bio-", "id": "8159535" }, { "contents": "Power station\n\n\nplants achieve around 30 to 49 percent. The waste heat produces a temperature rise in the atmosphere, which is small compared to that produced by greenhouse-gas emissions from the same power plant. Natural draft wet cooling towers at many nuclear power plants and large fossil fuel-fired power plants use large hyperboloid chimney-like structures (as seen in the image at the right) that release the waste heat to the ambient atmosphere by the evaporation of water. However, the mechanical induced-draft or forced-draft wet cooling", "id": "1620311" }, { "contents": "Economy of Puerto Rico\n\n\nindustry behind. Public policy has also opted not to pursue nuclear power either. Biofuel, biomass, geothermal energy, wave power and tidal power are still in its infant stages although there are some microbusinesses providing energy from those sources or performing research on the subject. The Puerto Rican government has made plans to reduce dependency on costly imported fossil fuels, but lacks funds to make more than modest progress. As a result, Puerto Ricans pay 26¢ per kilowatt per hour of electricity, compared to an average of 11 to 12 cents", "id": "8298728" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\ninstead of fossil fuels between 1971 and 2009. The paper examined mortality levels per unit of electrical energy produced from fossil fuels (coal and natural gas) as well as nuclear power. Kharecha and Hansen assert that their results are probably conservative, as they analyze only deaths and do not include a range of serious but non-fatal respiratory illnesses, cancers, hereditary effects and heart problems, nor do they include the fact that fossil fuel combustion in developing countries tends to have a higher carbon and air pollution footprint than in developed", "id": "6846707" }, { "contents": "Iran and weapons of mass destruction\n\n\nNPT, the adoption of the Additional Protocol (which provides for the right of inspection of any facility at any time with no prior notice), placement of nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, nor Russia's and Iran's commitments to repatriate spent nuclear fuel to Russia is seen as a good enough argument by the United States.\" Ryabev argued that \"at the same time, such requirements are not imposed on, for example, Brazil, which has been developing its nuclear power industry and nuclear fuel cycle, including uranium enrichment", "id": "18312601" }, { "contents": "List of proposed future transport\n\n\nTransport today is mostly powered by fossil fuel. The reason for this is the ease of use and the existence of mature technologies harnessing this fuel source. Fossil fuels represent a concentrated, relatively compact source of energy. The drawbacks are that they are heavily polluting and rely on limited natural resources. There are many proposals to harness renewable forms of energy, to use fossil fuel more efficiently, or to use human power, or some hybrid of these, to move people and things. The list below contains some forms of transport", "id": "17674686" }, { "contents": "Solar thermal energy\n\n\nobtain a significant amount of energy. An important way to decrease cost is the use of a simple design. When considering land use impacts associated with the exploration and extraction through to transportation and conversion of fossil fuels, which are used for most of our electrical power, utility-scale solar power compares as one of the most land-efficient energy resources available: The federal government has dedicated nearly 2,000 times more acreage to oil and gas leases than to solar development. In 2010 the Bureau of Land Management approved nine large-", "id": "19764041" }, { "contents": "Zero-emissions vehicle\n\n\ngenerated electricity at this time can be used for recharging the EVs' batteries. It's worth mentioning that renewable sources such as wind turbines or nuclear power plants are less controllable in terms of the amount of generated electricity compared to fossil fuel power plants; most of renewable energy sources are known as intermittent energy sources. Therefore, development of these resources will lead to excess energy which can be better used by development of EVs. Moreover, most of EVs benefit from regenerative brakes and other optimization systems which increases the energy efficiency in", "id": "17979393" }, { "contents": "Climate change mitigation\n\n\nclimate goals if we eliminate nuclear power as an option.\" Analysis in 2015 by Professor and Chair of Environmental Sustainability Barry W. Brook and his colleagues on the topic of replacing fossil fuels entirely, from the electric grid of the world, has determined that at the historically modest and proven-rate at which nuclear energy was added to and replaced fossil fuels in France and Sweden during each nation's building programs in the 1980s, within 10 years nuclear energy could displace or remove fossil fuels from the electric grid completely, \"allow[ing", "id": "9314330" }, { "contents": "Waste management in Australia\n\n\nsyngas are products of pyrolysis and gasification processes respectively. They can be reused as green energy to produce energy as input fuels for industrial engines, or as chemical feedstock. Incinerators, pyrolysis and gasification are some of the thermal treatments into which waste can be diverted. They might be accompanied by energy recover. In Australia, the waste-to-energy approach is becoming by the time more favoured by both councils and industries. The major environmental pros of these practices consist of the decreasing adoption of fossil fuels, whose use compared", "id": "16025346" }, { "contents": "Tesla Roadster (2008)\n\n\nefficiency of 83% for gasoline. The Prius's sticker , for example, converts to a full-cycle energy-equivalent of 38.2 mpg. Recharging with electricity generated by newer, 58% efficiency CCGT power plants, changes the factor to 21,763  in the above equation and yields a fuel efficiency of 77.7 mpg. Recharging with non-fossil fuel electricity sources such as hydroelectric, solar power, wind or nuclear, the petroleum equivalent efficiency can be even higher as fossil fuel is not directly used in refueling. Whereas vehicles with", "id": "5035349" }, { "contents": "The Doomsday Machine (book)\n\n\ncause of rising temperatures at the global level thus becomes a \"simple story\" told by a club dominated from Anglophone countries in an attempt to defend and promote particular national interests. Reducing huge national subsidies to domestic coal industries and promoting the lucrative market for nuclear power stations being the case in point. The book describes how fossil fuels remain the main source of energy for the world, while nuclear power manages to meet only three percent of the needs of world energy. Which leads to the question: why is the figure so", "id": "6701068" }, { "contents": "Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation\n\n\nPurchasing Agency, with any shortfall in price being funded by the Levy. As a result of these arrangements, the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation has been generating a trading surplus, expected to have reached £500m by 2008. The Government have been criticised for siphoning off funds from this surplus to contribute to the exchequer, instead of using it to support renewable energy in other ways. In the past nuclear power was by far the greatest beneficiary of this system, and the associated fossil fuel levy was designed to support the", "id": "21768221" }, { "contents": "Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources\n\n\nas follows. A meta analysis of 103 nuclear power life-cycle studies by Benjamin K. Sovacool found that nuclear power plants produce electricity with a mean of 66 g equivalent life-cycle carbon dioxide emissions per kWh, compared to renewable power generators, which produce electricity with 9.5 to 38 g carbon dioxide per kWh, and fossil-fuel power stations, which produce electricity with about 443 to 1,050 g equivalent life cycle carbon dioxide emissions per kWh. Sovacool thus concludes that nuclear energy technologies are seven to sixteen times more effective at", "id": "1725430" }, { "contents": "Ecological footprint\n\n\nHealth Organization (WHO) says 3 million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emissions, and 1.6 million indoors through using solid fuel.\" In the U.S. alone, fossil fuel waste kills 20,000 people each year. A coal power plant releases 100 times as much radiation as a nuclear power plant of the same wattage. It is estimated that during 1982, US coal burning released 155 times as much radioactivity into the atmosphere as the Three Mile Island incident. In addition, fossil fuel waste causes", "id": "7858476" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Baldwin\n\n\ncommentary. Examples include: Professor Baldwin has also commented on nuclear power in Australia. Following the announcement of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission in South Australia in February 2015, Baldwin told the ABC:\"Australia is an energy rich country... we have 40 per cent of the worlds uranium stock, so it makes enormous sense for us to look at to replacing our fossil fuels with renewables and also with the prospect of using our vast quantities of nuclear power.\"In June 2015 Baldwin told the Science Show on ABC Radio National that \"the", "id": "4136939" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\ncause global warming. Use of nuclear power provides plentiful, well-paying jobs, energy security, reduces a dependence on imported fuels and exposure to price risks associated with resource speculation and Middle East politics. Proponents advance the notion that nuclear power produces virtually no air pollution, in contrast to the massive amount of pollution and carbon emission generated from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. Modern society demands always-on energy to power communications, computer networks, transportation, industry and residences at all times of day", "id": "6846659" }, { "contents": "Energy subsidies\n\n\nnuclear power ($85 billion) and fossil fuels ($60 billion) from 1950 to 2016. During this same timeframe, renewable energy technologies received a total of US $34 billion. Though in 2007 some suggested that a subsidy shift would help to level the playing field and support growing energy sectors, namely solar power, wind power, and bio-fuels., by 2017 those sources combined had yet to provide 10% of U.S. electricity, and intermittency forced utilities to remain reliant on oil, natural gas,", "id": "8159557" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Rudy Giuliani\n\n\nhurt the environment, we're going to find ourselves not contributing to global warming ... I think we have to take another look at nuclear power. // We haven't had a licensed nuclear power plant in 30 years. It has to be done carefully. But we haven't lost a life to nuclear power yet. Giuliani did not address the fact that coal-generated electricity produces more carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels, and was not asked what specific measures could be taken to reduce the environmental impacts of coal. His", "id": "463214" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in the United States\n\n\n\"Greenpeace is wrong — we must consider nuclear power\". He argues that any realistic plan to reduce reliance on fossil fuels or greenhouse gas emissions need increased use of nuclear energy. Phil Radford, Executive Director of Greenpeace US responded that nuclear energy is too risky, takes too long to build to address climate change, and by showing that the can U.S. shift to nearly 100% renewable energy while phasing out nuclear power by 2050. Environmentalist Stewart Brand wrote the book \"Whole Earth Discipline\", which examines how nuclear power", "id": "16062666" }, { "contents": "Nuclear energy policy\n\n\ntechnologies are closely related, military aspirations can act as a factor in energy policy decisions. The fear of nuclear proliferation influences some international nuclear energy policies. After 1986's Chernobyl disaster, public fear of nuclear power led to a virtual halt in reactor construction, and several countries decided to phase out nuclear power altogether. However, increasing energy demand was believed to require new sources of electric power, and rising fossil fuel prices coupled with concerns about greenhouse gas emissions (see Climate change mitigation) have sparked heightened interest in nuclear power", "id": "17736643" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in Australia\n\n\nin that state – and the industries that would inevitably spin-off?\" In November 2017, Senator Cory Bernardi presented the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Facilitation) Bill in the Senate. The bill is intended to repeal prohibitions preventing the future establishment of nuclear power in Australia and the further processing of uranium and spent nuclear fuel. One of the arguments often made by opponents of nuclear power in Australia is the problem of the management of long-lived and toxic nuclear wastes, including, but not limited to spent nuclear fuel.", "id": "14337015" }, { "contents": "Worldwide energy supply\n\n\nin Germany, Energy in France, etc. Some fuel and electricity is used to construct, maintain and demolish/recycle installations that produce fuel and electricity, such as oil platforms, uranium isotope separators and wind turbines. For these producers to be economic the ratio of energy returned on energy invested (EROEI) or energy return on investment (EROI) should be large enough. There is little consensus in the technical literature about methods and results in calculating these ratios. For fossil fuels, nuclear and hydro power the ratios were", "id": "3585828" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel power station\n\n\nstation conversion methods have efficiency limited by the Carnot efficiency and therefore produce waste heat. Fossil fuel power stations provide most of the electrical energy used in the world. Some fossil-fired power stations are designed for continuous operation as baseload power plants, while other are used as peaker plants. However, starting from the 2010s, in many countries plants designed for baseload supply are being operated as dispatchable generation to balance increasing generation by variable renewable energy. By-products of fossil fuel power plant operation must be considered in their design", "id": "16758861" }, { "contents": "Anti-nuclear movement in the United States\n\n\nof self-reproducing, renewable energy systems and use of federal investments, purchasing, mandates, and incentives to shut down nuclear power plants and phase out fossil fuels. Recent campaigning by anti-nuclear groups has related to several nuclear power plants including the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Power Plant, Indian Point Energy Center, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station, Salem Nuclear Power Plant, and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant. There have also been campaigns relating to the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Plant, the Idaho National Laboratory,", "id": "16503006" }, { "contents": "Abenomics\n\n\nelectricity could be supplied without nuclear power generation. Thus, restarting the reactors is still controversial: a nationwide poll showed that 76 percent either opposed nuclear power or wanted Japan to reduce the reliance on nuclear energy, while in some regions such as communities close to Sendai city, where nuclear power plants create jobs and relating subsidies are granted, restarting the reactors is widely supported. Unless nuclear reactors are restarted, the Marshall-Lerner condition will not be met due to a heavier dependence on fossil fuels and an increased reliance on imports", "id": "984171" }, { "contents": "Wind power\n\n\nexample, a 2009 study by the Environmental Law Institute assessed the size and structure of U.S. energy subsidies over the 2002–2008 period. The study estimated that subsidies to fossil-fuel based sources amounted to approximately $72 billion over this period and subsidies to renewable fuel sources totalled $29 billion. In the United States, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003. During this same time frame", "id": "1996505" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel phase-out\n\n\nrest by the end of 2022. Italy voted overwhelmingly to keep their country non-nuclear. Switzerland and Spain have banned the construction of new reactors. Japan's prime minister has called for a dramatic reduction in Japan's reliance on nuclear power. Taiwan's president did the same. Shinzō Abe, prime minister of Japan since December 2012, announced a plan to restart some of the 54 Japanese nuclear power plants and to continue some nuclear reactors under construction. As of 2016, countries such as Australia, Austria, Denmark,", "id": "16368404" }, { "contents": "Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\ndollars. In December 2008, PG&E finished moving the spent nuclear fuel into dry cask storage on site. The dismantlement of the nuclear unit began in 2010 along with the two original fossil-fuel-powered steam-turbine generators on site. The plant's power was replaced by an array of modern, multi-fuel Wärtsilä reciprocating engine-generators in late 2010. The complete dismantlement of Humboldt Bay Power Plant is expected to finish in 2018. In the 2012 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) of the California Public", "id": "1861579" }, { "contents": "Nuclear fuel\n\n\nself-sustaining chain reaction that is controlled in a nuclear reactor, or uncontrolled in a nuclear weapon. The processes involved in mining, refining, purifying, using, and disposing of nuclear fuel are collectively known as the nuclear fuel cycle. Not all types of nuclear fuels create power from nuclear fission; plutonium-238 and some other elements are used to produce small amounts of nuclear power by radioactive decay in radioisotope thermoelectric generators and other types of atomic batteries. Nuclear fuel has the highest energy density of all practical fuel sources. For", "id": "1853892" }, { "contents": "California-class cruiser\n\n\n\" class was designed in part to provide high endurance escort for the navy's nuclear aircraft carriers, which were often limited in range due to their conventionally powered escorts continuously needing to be refueled. was the fourth nuclear-powered cruiser in the US Navy; the previous three were , and . The second \"California\"-class cruiser, , was the fifth nuclear-powered cruiser in the US Navy. Other than the four ships of the Soviet Navy's , which were actually built with a combination of nuclear and fossil-fuel propulsion", "id": "15714473" }, { "contents": "Ontario\n\n\nof the province's electricity, of which 51 percent is nuclear, 39% is hydroelectric and 10% is fossil-fuel derived. By 2025, nuclear power is projected to supply 42%, while fossil-fuel-derived generation is projected to decrease slightly over the next 20 years. Much of the newer power generation coming online in the last few years is natural gas or combined-cycle natural gas plants. OPG is not, however, responsible for the transmission of power, which is under the control of Hydro", "id": "2324432" }, { "contents": "Steam turbine\n\n\nof the world's electricity. The advent of large steam turbines made central-station electricity generation practical, since reciprocating steam engines of large rating became very bulky, and operated at slow speeds. Most central stations are fossil fuel power plants and nuclear power plants; some installations use geothermal steam, or use concentrated solar power (CSP) to create the steam. Steam turbines can also be used directly to drive large centrifugal pumps, such as feedwater pumps at a thermal power plant. The turbines used for electric power generation are", "id": "10212436" }, { "contents": "Anti-nuclear movement in the United States\n\n\nReactors or Pebble Bed Reactors. It is because of these facts that proponents argue that nuclear fission power is the safest means currently available to entirely replace the use of fossil fuels, and pro-nuclear environmentalists argue that a combination of both nuclear energy and renewable energy would be the fastest, safest, and cheapest way forward. In 2007 Gwyneth Cravens outlined the message of her newest book, \"Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy\". It argues for nuclear power as a safe energy source and an", "id": "16503028" }, { "contents": "Alternative fuel\n\n\nAlternative fuels, known as non-conventional and advanced fuels, are any materials or substances that can be used as fuels, other than conventional fuels like; \"fossil fuels\" (petroleum (oil), coal, and natural gas), as well as nuclear materials such as uranium and thorium, as well as artificial radioisotope fuels that are made in nuclear reactors. Some well-known alternative fuels include bio-diesel, bio-alcohol (methanol, ethanol, butane), refuse-derived fuel, chemically stored", "id": "1061380" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power\n\n\ndetermined that at the historically modest and proven-rate at which nuclear energy was added to and replaced fossil fuels in France and Sweden during each nation's building programs in the 1980s, nuclear energy could displace or remove fossil fuels from the electric grid completely within 10 years, \"allow[ing] the world to meet the most stringent greenhouse-gas mitigation targets\". In a similar analysis, Brook had earlier determined that 50% of all global energy, that is not solely electricity, but transportation synthetic fuels etc. could be", "id": "2204740" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel phase-out\n\n\ngreatly increase its nuclear power. Several countries have enacted laws to cease construction on new nuclear power stations. Several European countries have debated nuclear phase-outs and others have completely shut down some reactors. Three nuclear accidents have influenced the slowdown of nuclear power: the 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the United States, the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the USSR, and the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Following the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany has permanently shut down eight of its 17 reactors and pledged to close the", "id": "16368403" }, { "contents": "Wind turbine\n\n\nas wind farms, are becoming an increasingly important source of intermittent renewable energy and are used by many countries as part of a strategy to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. One assessment claimed that, , wind had the \"lowest relative greenhouse gas emissions, the least water consumption demands and... the most favourable social impacts\" compared to photovoltaic, hydro, geothermal, coal and gas. The windwheel of Hero of Alexandria (10 AD – 70 AD) marks one of the first recorded instances of wind powering a machine in", "id": "13246529" }, { "contents": "List of power stations in New South Wales\n\n\nThis is a list of active power stations in New South Wales, Australia. Candidates for this list must already be commissioned and capable of generating 1 MW or more of electricity. These fossil fuel power stations burn bituminous coal to power steam turbines that generate some or all of the electricity they produce. These fossil fuel power stations are fired with gas or liquid fuels to produce electricity by use of a gas turbine. These power stations use gas combustion in reciprocating engines to generate some or all of the electricity they produce. These", "id": "1320946" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power\n\n\nfirst widely distributed account of nuclear energy, in the form of the pocketbook \"The Atomic Age\", discussed the peaceful future uses of nuclear energy and depicted a future where fossil fuels would go unused. Nobel laureate Glenn Seaborg, who later chaired the Atomic Energy Commission, is quoted as saying \"there will be nuclear powered earth-to-moon shuttles, nuclear powered artificial hearts, plutonium heated swimming pools for SCUBA divers, and much more\". In the same month, with the end of the war, Seaborg", "id": "2204622" }, { "contents": "Economics of nuclear power plants\n\n\nsuch as a carbon tax or carbon emissions trading, would favor the economics of nuclear power over fossil fuel power. Nuclear power construction costs have varied significantly across the world and in time. Large and rapid increases in cost occurred during the 1970s, especially in the United States. A single study has claimed that these cost increases are specific to the United States. However, the study has been criticized for the selective use of data and biased interpretation. There were no construction starts of nuclear power reactors between 1979 and 2012 in", "id": "8590348" }, { "contents": "2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference\n\n\ndevelopment mechanism. The International Atomic Energy Agency presented information regarding the role of nuclear energy in reducing the effect of climate change. Holger Rogner, head of the IAEA´s Planning and Economic Studies Section and lead IAEA delegate at the conference, reasoned in his presentation that use of nuclear power produces fewer green house gases relative to those produced by other sources of fuels, such as fossil fuels. The IAEA introduced their newest publication entitled \"Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2008\" to the delegates in attendance. The book focused on the benefits", "id": "17222056" }, { "contents": "Fuel\n\n\nvery rapid uncontrolled rate in a nuclear weapon. The most common fissile nuclear fuels are uranium-235 (U) and plutonium-239 (Pu). The actions of mining, refining, purifying, using, and ultimately disposing of nuclear fuel together make up the nuclear fuel cycle. Not all types of nuclear fuels create power from nuclear fission. Plutonium-238 and some other elements are used to produce small amounts of nuclear power by radioactive decay in radioisotope thermoelectric generators and other types of atomic batteries. Also, light nuclides such as tritium (H", "id": "5038606" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power\n\n\nnuclear power plant accident in average exposure is 0.002 mSv/a and is continually dropping at the decaying rate, from the initial high of 0.04 mSv per person averaged over the entire populace of the Northern Hemisphere in the year of the accident in 1986. Slowing global warming requires a transition to a low-carbon economy, mainly by burning far less fossil fuel. Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C is technically possible if no new fossil fuel power plants are built from 2019. This has generated considerable interest and dispute in determining", "id": "2204736" } ]
If electricity travels at 300k meters per second, why does it take several hours to charge some lithium ion batteries.
[{"answer": "A battery isn't simply 'storing electricity' the same way a glass stores water. The electricity that flows to a battery is used to reverse a chemical reaction. The electricity is converted into chemical potential energy. This is the part that takes some time. Since it isn't a 100% efficient process, excess heat is generated. If you were to charge the battery super quickly, bad things would happen. When the battery is being used to power something, the chemical potential energy is being converted back into electrical energy."}, {"answer": "Electrons in a conductor don't travel nearly that fast. The velocity that the electrons themselves travel at is referred to as the [drift velocity]( URL_1 ), which is actually very slow (typically less than a millimetre per second). What travels quickly is the electrical *signal* - when a voltage is applied, the electrons at the far end of the conductor start moving almost instantly. You can imagine a pipe filled with water: * The velocity of the water doesn't tell you how long it's going to take to fill your tank - you would also need to know how big your pipe is. What you want to know is how *much* water is flowing, not how fast it's flowing. * When you start pumping water, the disturbance will propogate at the speed of sound in water (which is about 1.5km/s), but that doesn't mean the water itself is travelling that fast. The water that starts flowing out the end of the pipe when you turn on the pumps is water that was already sitting near the end of the pipe. The reason you can't supply a lithium battery with a higher current to make it charge faster is because doing so can damage the battery. Lithium batteries rely on a chemical reaction to store energy, which can only proceeed so fast. If too much current is supplied, lithium metal gets deposited on the electrodes, which results in loss of capacity as it is the lithium ions that store the charge. If this results in a short circuit, it can lead to thermal runaway and the [catastrophic failure of the battery]( URL_0 ). Lithium batteries must be used within specified voltage and temperature ranges in order to remain safe to use."}, {"answer": "If you open the tap, water starts flowing out of it quickly. It still takes a while until your bathtub is full. 300 million meters per second, by the way."}, {"answer": "Those two things aren't related. Electricity travels that fast. That's why when you flick on your lights, it's basically instant. But a lithium ion battery takes several hours to charge because it holds *a lot* of electricity. The issue isn't how fast electricity is traveling, but how much has to pile in before a battery is charged."}, {"answer": "I bullet travels faster than the speed of sound, but you would still take hours to fill a house with bullets fired from your gun."}, {"answer": "\"If light travels 300k meters per second, why does it take several days to get a tan?\""}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2174251", "title": "Mechanically powered flashlight", "section": "Section::::Shake type design.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The expensive supercapacitor is omitted from the internal components. In some of these fake designs, the \"magnet\" is not a magnet or", "The best designs use a supercapacitor instead of a rechargeable battery, since these have a longer working life than a battery. This, along with the long-life light emitting diode which does not burn out like an incandescent bulb, give the flashlight a long lifetime, making it a useful emergency light. A disadvantage of many current models is that the supercapacitor cannot store much energy in comparison to a lithium-ion cell, limiting the operating time per charge. In most designs, vigorously shaking the light for about 30 seconds may provide up to 5 minutes of light, though the advertised time omits the reduced output of the LED after 2 or 3 minutes."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Brammo\n\n\nPlus will have a 6.0 kWh Brammo Power Lithium Ion battery pack. According to CEO Bramscher, the Enertia Plus is a zero-emissions motorcycle that will travel 80 miles on one charge, over 60 miles per hour, and should take about 6 hours to fully power up at any electric vehicle (EV) charging station with Level 1 capabilities. In May 2011, Brammo announced two new models of electric motorcycle, the Engage and the Encite. The Engage is a full-sized dirtbike, available in both motorcross (offroad", "id": "9596630" }, { "contents": "Electrical system of the International Space Station\n\n\nTrusses P6, S6, P4, and S4. Since 2017, nickel-hydrogen batteries are being replaced by lithium-ion batteries. On January 6, a multi-hour EVA began the process of converting some of the oldest batteries on the ISS to the new lithium-ion batteries. There is a number of differences between the two battery technologies, and one difference is that the lithium-ion batteries can handle twice the charge, so only half as many lithium-ion batteries are needed during replacement. Also,", "id": "11988494" }, { "contents": "Battery charger\n\n\nand voltage, determine the state of charge, and cut off at the end of charge. A trickle charger provides a relatively small amount of current, only enough to counteract self-discharge of a battery that is idle for a long time. Some battery types cannot tolerate trickle charging of any kind; attempts to do so may result in damage. Lithium ion battery cells use a chemistry system which does not permit indefinite trickle charging. Slow battery chargers may take several hours to complete a charge. High-rate chargers", "id": "5690792" }, { "contents": "Mitsubishi i-MiEV\n\n\nefficient regenerative charging during braking or coasting downhill, allows the SCiB battery to deliver 1.7 times the driving range per charge of a typical lithium-ion battery of the same size. Alternatively, the carmaker could install a smaller battery with less weight and keep the same range to contribute to lower the vehicle price as compared to lithium-ion batteries. Recharging is estimated to take 14 hours from a 110 volt power supply, 7 hours from a 220 volt power supply and as little as 30 minutes from a quick charging station.", "id": "8056820" }, { "contents": "Electric aircraft\n\n\nwith a 42-kilowatt DC/DC brushless motor and lithium-ion batteries, it can climb up to 3,000 meters with fully charged cells. The first flight was in 2003. In 2011 the aircraft won the 2011 Berblinger competition. In 2005, Alan Cocconi of AC Propulsion flew, with the assistance of several other pilots, an unmanned airplane named \"SoLong\" for 48 hours non-stop, propelled entirely by solar energy. This was the first such around-the-clock flight, on energy stored in the batteries mounted", "id": "10851490" }, { "contents": "Subaru G4e\n\n\nin red and white, with a dashboard incorporating a large video screen in the center stack intended to be reminiscent of a waterfall. It has a range of and can be fully charged in about eight hours from a home AC power source. A quick charge to 80 per cent of the batteries' capacity is possible in just 15 minutes. The G4e uses a lithium-ion battery developed exclusively by Subaru which employs vanadium technology to allow the battery to store two to three times more lithium ions than conventional lithium-ion batteries", "id": "17144570" }, { "contents": "Volkswagen Up\n\n\n-integrated drive electric motor, mounted at the front and drives the front wheels. This electric motor generates a torque turning force of from rest. Power is sourced from 18 kilowatt-hours (kWh) lithium-ion batteries, which will give a range up to . Quick charging will charge the battery up to 80% in an hour, while a regular 230 volt plug will take five hours. The roof of the E-up has a 1.4 square metre solar cell which supplies power to the vehicle's electrics,", "id": "12540040" }, { "contents": "Electric bus\n\n\nhigh-performance lithium-ion battery can achieve 200 watt-hours per kilogram), but the ultracapacitor bus is also cheaper than lithium-ion battery buses, about 40 percent less expensive, with a far superior reliability rating. There is also a plug-in hybrid version, which also uses ultracaps. Sinautec is in discussions with MIT's Schindall about developing ultracapacitors of higher energy density using vertically aligned carbon nanotube structures that give the devices more surface area for holding a charge. So far, they are able to get", "id": "416894" }, { "contents": "Electric bicycle\n\n\nmotors and some form of control. Battery systems in use include sealed lead-acid (SLA), nickel-cadmium (NiCad), nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) or lithium-ion polymer (Li-ion). Batteries vary according to the voltage, total charge capacity (amp hours), weight, the number of charging cycles before performance degrades, and ability to handle over-voltage charging conditions. The energy costs of operating e-bikes are small, but there can be considerable battery replacement costs", "id": "16560560" }, { "contents": "Electric vehicle\n\n\nworked to achieve the energy density of lithium ion batteries, offering almost unlimited lifespans and no environmental issues. High-K electric double-layer capacitors, such as EEStor's EESU, could improve lithium ion energy density several times over if they can be produced. Lithium-sulphur batteries offer . Sodium-ion batteries promise with only minimal expansion/contraction during charge/discharge and a very high surface area. Researchers from one of the Ukrainian state universities claim that they have manufactured samples of pseudocapacitor based on Li-ion intercalation", "id": "2360189" }, { "contents": "Lithium-titanate battery\n\n\nion battery that uses lithium-titanate nanocrystals, instead of carbon, on the surface of its anode. This gives the anode a surface area of about 100 square meters per gram, compared with 3 square meters per gram for carbon, allowing electrons to enter and leave the anode quickly. This makes fast recharging possible and provides high currents when needed. Lithium-titanate cells also last for 3000 to 7000 charge cycles, far longer than other battery chemistries, although other source states it lasts a little more than 1000 cycles before", "id": "10922110" }, { "contents": "Net metering\n\n\nless long (5 years or so). Lithium-ion batteries are sometimes also used, but too have a relatively short lifespan. Finally, nickel-iron batteries last the longest with a lifespan of up to 40 years. A 2017 study of solar panels with battery storage indicated an 8 to 14 percent extra consumption of electricity from charging and discharging batteries. In some Australian states, the \"feed-in tariff\" is actually net metering, except that it pays monthly for net generation at a higher rate than retail", "id": "11076146" }, { "contents": "Battery electric multiple unit\n\n\nmanufacture battery electric trains in the UK in the modern era. Their Class 230 is converted from redundant London Underground D-Stock trains and the second demonstrator unit, the two-car 230002, has been fitted for battery power in contrast to the diesel-electric power of the earlier 230001 demonstrator unit. Vivarail claim that a ten-minute charge gives a range of 50 miles. Power is provided by two lithium-ion batteries per car giving four per train, providing 106kWh, with an expected life of seven years for", "id": "21286023" }, { "contents": "Mini Countryman\n\n\nof 221 hp (165 kW) with system torque of 385 N·m (284 lb-ft). Average fuel consumption on the NEDC test cycle is , with emissions of 49 grams per kilometer. The 7.6 kWh lithium-ion battery is positioned directly in front of the electric motor underneath the rear seat, delivering an all-electric range of up to and a top speed of . Charging at a 240-volt socket takes 3 hours and 15 minutes. Mini makes the John Cooper Works edition available again in this generation with the", "id": "4798806" }, { "contents": "Electric vehicle battery\n\n\n/discharge efficiency. The downside of traditional lithium-ion batteries include short cycle lives (hundreds to a few thousand charge cycles) and significant degradation with age. The cathode material is also somewhat toxic. Traditional lithium-ion batteries pose a fire safety risk if punctured or charged improperly. These early cells will not accept or supply charge when extremely cold, and so heaters can be necessary in some climates to warm them. The maturity of this technology is moderate. The Tesla Roadster (2008) uses groups of traditional lithium", "id": "15035802" }, { "contents": "Lithium-ion battery\n\n\nA lithium-ion battery or Li-ion battery (abbreviated as LIB) is a type of rechargeable battery. Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used for portable electronics and electric vehicles and are growing in popularity for military and aerospace applications. It was developed by John Goodenough, Rachid Yazami and Akira Yoshino in the 1980s, building on a concept proposed by M Stanley Whittingham in the 1970s. In the batteries lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge and back when charging. Li-ion batteries", "id": "20996464" }, { "contents": "VDL Citea\n\n\n. The buyer can choose from various electric drives and battery packs. The Citea SLFA 181 Electric is an 18.1-meter-long, all-electric articulated bus. It was first presented to the public in May 2015 as part of the World Congress of UITP in Milan. In order to recharge the 1380 kg lithium ion battery with an energy content of 122.6 kWh in operation, the Citea SLFA Electric has a pantograph fast charging system. The pantograph is installed on the roof of the front car above the second axle. At the", "id": "17599650" }, { "contents": "Lithium-titanate battery\n\n\n-Ion manufacturing line in Germany. In 2014, their product, \"TiBox\", was launched in the market. The energy content of the TiBox is 3.2 kWh, with 20,000 cycles. Microvast, based in Houston, Texas, makes a lithium-titanate battery that it calls \"LpTO\". In 2011, the world's first ultrafast charge bus fleet was launched in Chongqing, China. An 80 kW LpTO battery system was installed in 37 twelve-meter electric buses, which can be fully charged within 10 minutes", "id": "10922113" }, { "contents": "Tesla, Inc.\n\n\nand will have a range of up to . The Tesla Roadster is a battery electric vehicle (BEV) sports car, based on the Lotus Elise chassis, that was produced by the electric car firm Tesla Motors (now Tesla, Inc.) in California from 2008 to 2012. The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells and the first production all-electric car to travel more than per charge. It is also the first production car to be launched into orbit", "id": "17500931" }, { "contents": "Tesla Roadster (2008)\n\n\nThe Tesla Roadster is a battery electric vehicle (BEV) sports car, based on the Lotus Elise chassis, that was produced by the electric car firm Tesla Motors (now Tesla, Inc.) in California from 2008 to 2012. The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells and the first production all-electric car to travel more than per charge. It is also the first production car to be launched into orbit, carried by a Falcon Heavy rocket in a", "id": "5035305" }, { "contents": "Tazzari Zero\n\n\nThe Tazzari Zero is a battery electric microcar produced by the Tazzari Group, in Imola, Italy, and debuted in the 2009 Bologna Motor Show. The Tazzari Zero uses a lithium-ion battery pack that delivers an all-electric range of . The Tazzari Zero has rear wheel drive and the motor is situated above the rear axles. The car's Lithium iron phosphate battery pack charge time is nine hours (standard charge) and the motor can accelerate the car to top speed of . Its range is in Eco mode (", "id": "11001487" }, { "contents": "Gas turbine\n\n\nX75 concept car. This electrically powered supercar has a top speed of and can go from in 3.4 seconds. It uses Lithium-ion batteries to power four electric motors which combine to produce 780 bhp. It will travel on a single charge of the batteries, and uses a pair of Bladon Micro Gas Turbines to re-charge the batteries extending the range to . The first race car (in concept only) fitted with a turbine was in 1955 by a US Air Force group as a hobby project with a turbine loaned", "id": "13521466" }, { "contents": "History of the electric vehicle\n\n\nfirst delivered to customers in 2008. The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells, and the first production all-electric car to travel more than per charge. Since 2008, Tesla sold approximately 2,450 Roadsters in over 30 countries through December 2012. Tesla sold the Roadster until early 2012, when its supply of Lotus Elise gliders ran out, as its contract with Lotus Cars for 2,500 gliders expired at the end of 2011. Tesla stopped taking orders for the Roadster", "id": "6195141" }, { "contents": "Mitsubishi i-MiEV\n\n\nthat its SCiB batteries can withstand 2.5 times more charge/discharge cycles than a typical lithium-ion battery. In addition, recharging via CHAdeMO takes much less time than charging at the AC Level 2 rate used by most electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), allowing the SCiB battery to reach 80% capacity in 15 minutes, 50% in 10 minutes and 25% in 5 minutes. In terms of performance, the SCiB battery offers a higher effective capacity than a typical lithium-ion battery, which combined with more", "id": "8056819" }, { "contents": "Environmental aspects of the electric car\n\n\nhowever does not calculate in the emissions from battery replacements (battery replacement of regular lithium-ion batteries needs to be done every 2–3 years; lithium-ion batteries from cars typically last longer though). Furthermore, two other studies suggest a 100kWh battery would generate about 6-6.4 tons of CO2 emissions, so significantly less than what the IVL study claims. Common technology for plug-ins and electric cars is based on the lithium-ion battery and an electric motor which uses rare-earth elements. The demand for", "id": "19408879" }, { "contents": "Chevrolet Volt\n\n\nrange lets drivers make most travel electrically driven, with the assumption that charging takes place at home overnight. This requirement translated to using a lithium-ion battery pack with an energy storage capacity of 16 considering that the battery would be used until the state of charge (SOC) of the battery reached 30%. This limit to the SOC was necessary in order to maintain operational performance under a wide range of environments, and to minimize the battery degradation to allow at least a ten-year life span. The initial target", "id": "21253897" }, { "contents": "Plug-in hybrid\n\n\nfour popular U.S. market plug-in hybrids, as tested by Popular Mechanics magazine. A key design parameter of the Chevrolet Volt was a target of for the all-electric range, selected to keep the battery size small and lower costs, and mainly because research showed that 78% of daily commuters in the U.S. travel or less. This target range would allow most travel to be accomplished electrically driven and the assumption was made that charging will take place at home overnight. This requirement translated using a lithium-ion battery pack", "id": "1778795" }, { "contents": "Float voltage\n\n\nfloat charger may be kept connected indefinitely without damaging the battery. However, it should be understood that the concept of a float voltage does not apply equally to all battery chemistries. For instance, lithium ion cells have to be float charged with extra care because if they are float charged at just a little over optimum voltage, which is generally the full output voltage of the lithium cell, the chemical system within the cell will be damaged to some extent. Some lithium ion variants are less tolerant than others, but generally overheating", "id": "19666133" }, { "contents": "Cadillac ELR\n\n\nShow. The ELR uses the GM Delta II platform and incorporates a version of the Voltec propulsion system used in the Chevrolet Volt. The Voltec propulsion system includes a 119–135-kilowatt electric motor, a four-cylinder engine-generator and a 16.5 kWh lithium-ion battery pack. The ELR has an official all-electric range of and a total range of , as rated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Charging times are 12.5–18 hours using the 120-volt travel charger, and about 5 hours using a 240-volt charging", "id": "2129346" }, { "contents": "Plug-in electric vehicle fire incidents\n\n\n, or 30 vehicle fires per hour, and that vehicles were involved in 17% of all reported U.S. fires. The study also finds that roughly 90 highway vehicle fires and 0.15 highway vehicle fire deaths were reported per billion miles driven. Lithium-ion batteries may suffer thermal runaway and cell rupture if overheated or overcharged, and in extreme cases this can lead to combustion. To reduce these risks, lithium-ion battery packs contain fail-safe circuitry that shuts down the battery when its voltage is outside the safe range.", "id": "1328251" }, { "contents": "Lithium-titanate battery\n\n\nThe lithium-titanate battery is a type of rechargeable battery which has the advantage of being faster to charge than other lithium-ion batteries. Titanate batteries are used in certain Japanese-only versions of Mitsubishi's i-MiEV electric vehicle, and Honda uses them in its EV-neo electric bike and Fit EV. They are also used in the Tosa concept electric bus. Due to their high level of safety, lithium-titanate batteries are used in mobile medical devices A lithium-titanate battery is a modified lithium-", "id": "10922109" }, { "contents": "Marine propulsion\n\n\n(GSI) launched what may be the world's first all-electric, battery-powered inland coal carrier. The 2,000 dwt vessel will carry bulk cargo for up to 40 nautical miles per charge. The ship carries lithium ion batteries rated at 2,400 kilowatt-hours, about the same amount as 30 Tesla Model S electric sedans. Numerous types of propulsion have been developed over time. These include: Marine propellers are also known as \"screws\". There are many variations of marine screw systems, including twin, contra", "id": "9363104" }, { "contents": "Toronto Transit Commission bus system\n\n\nNew Flyer, BYD and Proterra. In April 2019, the TTC received the first of 60 electric buses after ordering 20 each from Winnipeg-based New Flyer, Chinese-based BYD and US-based Proterra. The 60 buses, plus infrastructure changes at three TTC garages, will cost approximately $140million with the federal government paying $65million of that cost. The buses are powered exclusively with lithium-ion batteries which take about 3 hours to recharge. The buses are expected to travel about on a single charge; however", "id": "12142526" }, { "contents": "Potassium-ion battery\n\n\ncheaper. The key advantage is the abundance and low cost of potassium in comparison with lithium, which makes potassium batteries a promising candidate for large scale batteries such as household energy storage and electric vehicles. Another advantage of potassium-ion battery over lithium-ion battery is the possibility for charging faster. This means that the next generation of mobile phones based on potassium-ion batteries can be charged within a few minutes only. The prototype employed a electrolyte though almost all common electrolyte salts can be used. In addition, ionic", "id": "19204338" }, { "contents": "Trans Tech\n\n\nthe National Association of Pupil Transportation, Trans Tech debuted the first factory-built battery-powered electric school bus. A 42-passenger vehicle based on the Newton electric truck from Smith Electric Vehicles. With the chassis manufactured in the Bronx, New York City, the entire bus was manufactured in New York State. A set of two Lithium-ion batteries give the eTrans an approximate range of up to 130 miles between charges, taking an average of eight hours to fully recharge. This initial vehicle was never certified to operate, and", "id": "6781706" }, { "contents": "Lithium–sulfur battery\n\n\nions are intercalated in the anode and cathodes. Each sulfur atom can host two lithium ions. Typically, lithium-ion batteries accommodate only 0.5–0.7 lithium ions per host atom. Consequently, LiS allows for a much higher lithium storage density. Polysulfides are reduced on the cathode surface in sequence while the cell is discharging: Across a porous diffusion separator, sulfur polymers form at the cathode as the cell charges: These reactions are analogous to those in the sodium–sulfur battery. The main challenges of LiS batteries is the low conductivity", "id": "2385252" }, { "contents": "Nikon D50\n\n\na through-the-lens full-aperture exposure metering system. It can simultaneously record NEF and JPEG data to a Secure Digital storage device. Like its newer, higher-end sibling (the D80), the D50 uses Secure Digital instead of CompactFlash cards found on previous Nikon digital SLRs. The camera is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery which is claimed to be able to take up to 2,000 shots on a single charge. The camera is compatible with PictBridge printers and can shoot 2.5 frames per second in", "id": "11071652" }, { "contents": "Mitsubishi Eclipse\n\n\nEclipse of different model years: The Mitsubishi Eclipse EV is a prototype electric vehicle with a lightweight electric motor and lithium-ion batteries in the chassis of a third generation Eclipse. It is powered by manganese lithium-ion batteries made by Japan Storage Battery, which have 65% reduced charging time over nickel-hydrogen batteries. It participated in the 2001 Shikoku EV Rally, a circuit around the perimeter of Shikoku, Japan, where it drove in excess of on a single battery charge. Another substantial styling revision was introduced,", "id": "12298090" }, { "contents": "Ford Focus Electric\n\n\nhighways. The Focus Electric's EPA certified all-electric range is and the 2017 model's EPA certified range is . Ford used a complete electric drive train developed and supplied by Magna International, and the advanced lithium-ion battery system is being engineered by Ford in cooperation with supplier Compact Power, Inc., a subsidiary of LG Chem. A full recharge using the car's 6.6 kW charger takes 3–4 hours for the original model and 5.5 hours for the 2017 model using a SAE J1772-2009 charging station powered from a", "id": "5019727" }, { "contents": "Research in lithium-ion batteries\n\n\nolivine LiFePO that increased charge rates 100 times. They are capable of a 10-second re-charge of a cell phone battery and a 5-minute re-charge of an electric car battery. The cathode is composed of nanosized balls of lithium iron phosphate. The rapid charging is because the nanoballs transmit electrons to the surface of the cathode at a much higher rate. The batteries have also shown higher energy density, power density and cycle durability. In 2012, researchers at A123 Systems developed a battery that operates in extreme temperatures without the", "id": "18445814" }, { "contents": "Mobile phone\n\n\ndigital audio files of music or speech or watch videos with an audio component, without holding the phone close to the ear. The average phone battery lasts 2–3 years at best. Many of the wireless devices use a Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery, which charges 500-2500 times, depending on how users take care of the battery and the charging techniques used. It is only natural for these rechargeable batteries to chemically age, which is why the performance of the battery when used for a year or two", "id": "15019943" }, { "contents": "Drill\n\n\nInstead of charging a tool for an hour to get 20 minutes of use, 20 minutes of charge can run the tool for an hour. Lithium-ion batteries also hold a charge for a significantly longer time than nickel-cadmium batteries, about two years if not used, vs. 1 to 4 months for a nickel-cadmium battery. The hammer drill is similar to a standard electric drill, with the exception that it is provided with a hammer action for drilling masonry. The hammer action may be engaged or disengaged as", "id": "21826046" }, { "contents": "Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid\n\n\nThe 4.4 kWh lithium-ion battery developed for the Prius Plug-in fits under the rear cargo floor and weighs . As a comparison, the nickel-metal hydride battery of the third generation Prius, which has a capacity of only 1.3 kWh, weighs . A full charge using an external AC outlet takes approximately 2.5 to 3.0 hours from a standard North American 120 V 15 A household outlet, or 1.5 hours using a standard European 230 V household outlet. The battery requires approximately 3.2 kWh of electricity plus of gasoline to", "id": "15859342" }, { "contents": "Electric vehicle battery\n\n\nin long-term storage of charge. Zebra batteries have been used in the Modec commercial vehicle since it entered production in 2006. Lithium-ion (and similar lithium polymer) batteries, widely known for their use in laptops and consumer electronics, predominate in use for the most recent group of EVs in development. The traditional lithium-ion chemistry involves a lithium cobalt oxide cathode and a graphite anode. This yields cells with an impressive 200+ Wh/kg specific energy and high specific power with 80 to 90% charge", "id": "15035801" }, { "contents": "BugE\n\n\nthem to supply the high current required by the electric motors used in the BugE. Only the Optima Blue Top batteries will fit within the fiberglass battery compartment offered with the basic kit. There are other types of electric vehicle batteries to consider but the most widely utilized is the lithium-ion battery. There are several types of lithium-ion batteries, including lithium cobalt oxide and lithium iron phosphate. Lithium cobalt batteries offer a higher energy density but also provide a greater risk for damage and potential safety hazard, especially when overcharged or", "id": "21294230" }, { "contents": "Rechargeable battery\n\n\nto stabilize an electrical distribution network. Several different combinations of electrode materials and electrolytes are used, including lead–acid, nickel–cadmium (NiCd), nickel–metal hydride (NiMH), lithium-ion (Li-ion), and lithium-ion polymer (Li-ion polymer). Rechargeable batteries typically initially cost more than disposable batteries, but have a much lower total cost of ownership and environmental impact, as they can be recharged inexpensively many times before they need replacing. Some rechargeable battery types are", "id": "20996473" }, { "contents": "Battery electric vehicle\n\n\nNEVs) are battery electric vehicles that are legally limited to roads with posted speed limits no higher than 45 miles per hour (72 km/h), are usually built to have a top speed of 30 miles per hour (48 km/h), and have a maximum loaded weight of 3,000 lbs. The concept of battery electric vehicles is to use charged batteries on board vehicles for propulsion. Battery electric cars are becoming more and more attractive with the higher oil prices and the advancement of new battery technology (Lithium", "id": "7148499" }, { "contents": "Lithium\n\n\nof its high electrode potential. Because of its low atomic mass, it has a high charge- and power-to-weight ratio. A typical lithium-ion battery can generate approximately 3 volts per cell, compared with 2.1 volts for lead-acid and 1.5 volts for zinc-carbon. Lithium-ion batteries, which are rechargeable and have a high energy density, differ from lithium batteries, which are disposable (primary) batteries with lithium or its compounds as the anode. Other rechargeable batteries that use lithium include the", "id": "17643168" }, { "contents": "Eviation Alice\n\n\nwith Siemens electric engines and Honeywell flight control systems, including automatic landing. Mobile charging stations will give one hour of flight per half-hour of charge. At 3,700kg (8,200lb), the battery accounts for 60% of the aircraft take-off weight. Eviation was founded in 2015. A subscale unmanned model prototype was flown to validate the aerodynamics and flight controls. The South Korean Kokam Co., the Solar Impulse 2 battery supplier, was selected to supply pouch lithium polymer batteries to power the full-scale", "id": "5124679" }, { "contents": "Battery storage power station\n\n\n. Thus the saved fuel costs will exceed the cost of battery storage significantly. A 13 MWh battery made of worn lithium-ion batteries from electric cars is being constructed in Germany, with an expected second life of 10 years, after which they will be recycled. In Schwerin, Germany the electricity supplier WEMAG operates a lithium-ion battery storage to compensate for short-term power fluctuations. Supplier of battery storage power station is the Berlin company Younicos. The South Korean company Samsung SDI supplied the lithium-ion cells.", "id": "20250847" }, { "contents": "BYD F6DM\n\n\non the BYD F6, the F6DM uses lithium iron phosphate battery, a type of li-ion battery under trade name \"Ferrous\", that can be recharged to 70 percent of capacity in 10 minutes. Iron-Phosphate Lithium-Ion batteries are claimed to be much safer than Cobalt-Oxide Lithium-Ion batteries, which have a history of causing fires in consumer electronic devices. BYD claims that a test model can travel on electric power before the gasoline engine will be needed, and that the battery can be fully", "id": "10506559" }, { "contents": "Hybrid vehicle\n\n\nLevel 2 equipment offers charging from 208 V or 240 V (at up to 80 A, 19.2 kW). It may require dedicated equipment and a connection installation for home or public units, although vehicles such as the Tesla have the power electronics on board and need only the outlet. The optimum charging window for Lithium ion batteries is 3-4.2 V. Recharging with a 120 volt household outlet takes several hours, a 240 volt charger takes 1–4 hours, and a quick charge takes approximately 30 minutes to achieve 80% charge", "id": "2471" }, { "contents": "Aluminium-ion battery\n\n\nlarger number of charge-discharge cycles. Thus, Al-ion batteries have the potential to replace Li-ion batteries. Like all other batteries, the basic structure of aluminium-ion batteries includes two electrodes connected by an electrolyte, an ionically (but not electrically) conductive material acting as a medium for the flow of charge carriers. Unlike lithium-ion batteries, where the mobile ion is , aluminum forms a complex with chloride in most electrolytes and generates an anionic mobile charge carrier, usually or . The amount of", "id": "15371192" }, { "contents": "Smart (marque)\n\n\nworld for leasing or through the Car2Go carsharing service in San Diego and Amsterdam. Production of the second-generation Smart Fortwo electric drive began in November 2009, in Hambach, France. The Smart EDs have a lithium-ion battery provided by Tesla Motors with capacity of . The range of a fully charged battery is up to under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's official all-electric range is and rated the Smart ED with a combined fuel economy of 87 miles per gallon gasoline", "id": "6021299" }, { "contents": "Electric vehicle battery\n\n\nmade of aluminum and the cathode made of graphite (see Aluminium-ion battery). The electric car Volar-e of the company Applus + IDIADA, based on the Rimac Concept One, contains lithium iron phosphate batteries that can be recharged in 15 minutes. According to the manufacturer BYD the lithium iron phosphate battery of the electric car e6 is charged at a fast charging station within 15 minutes to 80%, after 40 minutes at 100%. The charging power can be connected to the car in two ways. The", "id": "15035825" }, { "contents": "Electric car\n\n\nTesla Roadster (2008), which was first delivered to customers in 2008. The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells, and the first production all-electric car to travel more than per charge. Tesla global sales passed 250,000 units in September 2017. The Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance achieved the milestone of 500,000 units electric vehicles sold in October 2017. Tesla sold its 200,000th Model S in the fourth quarter of 2017. Global Leaf sales passed 300,000 units", "id": "7148449" }, { "contents": "International Motor Show Germany\n\n\n, a subsidiary of General Motors, unveiled the Flextreme, a plug-in hybrid that can travel on its lithium-ion battery before a small diesel engine starts charging the battery. Opel also unveiled the Corsa Hybrid, a coupe that combines a belt-driven starter and alternator with a lithium-ion battery. Volvo Cars, a division of Ford Motor Company, exhibited a plug-in hybrid with motors in each of the wheels. The Volvo ReCharge can travel about on battery power alone, using a lithium-polymer", "id": "11865488" }, { "contents": "Electric bus\n\n\nrange of over in testing and has been demonstrated in Las Vegas, Nevada. However, this technology is in the development phase, and several major hurdles must be overcome before it can be adopted for transit fleet use, including available refueling infrastructure or use in bus stations. Buses can use capacitors instead of batteries to store their energy. Ultracapacitors can only store about 5 percent of the energy that lithium-ion batteries hold for the same weight, limiting them to a couple of miles per charge. However ultracapacitors can charge and", "id": "416889" }, { "contents": "Battery recycling\n\n\nextract lithium since lithium-ion battery technology continuously changes and processes to recycle these batteries can thus be outdated in a couple of years. Another reason why it isn't being done on a large scale is because the extraction of lithium from old batteries is 5x more expensive than mined lithium. However, it is already being done on a small scale (by some companies), an industry in expectation of large quantities of disused batteries to come. Energy saving and effective recycling solutions for lithium-ion batteries can reduce the carbon", "id": "7331733" }, { "contents": "Grid energy storage\n\n\n. Some electric utilities plan to use old plug-in vehicle batteries (sometimes resulting in a giant battery) to store electricity However, a large disadvantage of using vehicle to grid energy storage would be if each storage cycle stressed the battery with one complete charge-discharge cycle. However, one major study showed that used intelligently, vehicle-to-grid storage actually improved the batteries longevity. Conventional (cobalt-based) lithium ion batteries break down with the number of cycles – newer li-ion batteries do not break", "id": "5619445" }, { "contents": "Lithium battery\n\n\nLithium batteries are primary batteries that have metallic lithium as an anode. These types of batteries are also referred to as lithium-metal batteries. They stand apart from other batteries in their high charge density (long life) and high cost per unit. Depending on the design and chemical compounds used, lithium cells can produce voltages from (comparable to a zinc–carbon or alkaline battery) to about . Disposable primary lithium batteries must be distinguished from secondary lithium-ion or a lithium-polymer, which are rechargeable batteries.", "id": "17787910" }, { "contents": "Mahindra Electric\n\n\nUK but later, in May 2017 withdrew from the market. The electric car has a lithium-ion battery pack that takes five hours for a full charge, and with a weight of , delivers a range of and a top speed of . The product was eventually pulled from the market following the launch of its four-door successor. Prior to the Mahindra acquisition, Reva had partnered with Bannon Automotive to set up an assembly plant in upstate New York to produce the NXR for the US market. Formula E car was", "id": "6051106" }, { "contents": "Lithium-ion battery\n\n\na basic electrochemical unit that contains the electrodes, separator, and electrolyte. A \"battery\" or \"battery pack\" is a collection of cells or cell assemblies, with housing, electrical connections, and possibly electronics for control and protection. For rechargeable cells, the term \"cathode\" designates the electrode where \"reduction\" is taking place during the \"discharge cycle\". For lithium-ion cells the \"positive electrode\" (\"cathode\") is the lithium-based one. Lithium batteries were proposed by British", "id": "20996468" }, { "contents": "Lithium polymer battery\n\n\ngame consoles, wireless PC peripherals, electronic cigarettes, and other applications where small form factors are sought and the high energy density outweighs cost considerations. Lithium-ion cells in pouch format are being investigated to power battery electric vehicles. While it is possible to use a large number of cells of small capacity to obtain required levels of power and energy to drive a vehicle, some manufacturers and research centres are looking into large-format lithium-ion cells of capacities exceeding 50 Ah for this purpose. With higher energy content per", "id": "21043084" }, { "contents": "Smart electric drive\n\n\nthe second-generation model include a more powerful electric motor, which improves acceleration and top speed; a new lithium-ion battery pack that will allow to increase the range to and an option for quick-charge will be available; and other features include an enlarged grille opening, stylish LED daytime running lights, wider door sills, some minor modifications to the rear, fully automatic air conditioning with pollen filter and pre-air conditioning. Several features will be controlled remotely through a smart drive application for the iPhone. In", "id": "9407384" }, { "contents": "Zero X\n\n\nThe Zero X is an electric motorcycle manufactured by Zero Motorcycles. The wheels are driven by hardened steel 420 chain and direct drive gearing. Braking is performed by six-piston calipers per axle, with front rotor. It includes rear rim with rear tire and front tire. Standard battery pack is made from lithium-ion, with rated range of up to two hours or . Recharging is done using 110 V or 220 V with charging time of two hours. Other features include USB port that allow access to the bike's", "id": "430990" }, { "contents": "Smart electric drive\n\n\nscheduled to begin with the 2012 model year. In the United States sales were scheduled to begin in 2012 with the 2013 model year. On July 2011 an agreement was reached between Daimler AG and Robert Bosch GmbH to develop and produce innovative traction motors for electric vehicles. Based on this joint venture, Daimler planned to use the improved traction motors with the third generation of Smart electric drive cars scheduled to go on sale in 2012. The lithium-ion battery pack takes three hours to charge from 20 to 80 percent of its", "id": "9407377" }, { "contents": "Lithium-ion capacitor\n\n\nthe cathode of an electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC). The packaged energy density of an LIC is approximately 20 Wh/kg, roughly four times higher than an EDLC and five times lower than a lithium-ion battery. The power density, however, has been shown to match that of EDLCs, as it is able to completely discharge in seconds. At the negative electrode (cathode), for which activated carbon is often used, charges are stored in an electric double layer that develops at the interface between", "id": "12711086" }, { "contents": "Lithium-titanate battery\n\n\n's largest automated port, PSA TUAS, started to use the Microvast LpTO for 22 electric AGVs as a first phase of a project for horizontal container transportation. Toshiba released a lithium-titanate battery, dubbed \"Super Charge Ion Battery\" (SCiB). The battery is designed to offer 90% charge capacity in just 10 minutes. SCiB batteries are used in the Schwinn Tailwind electric bike. Toshiba has also demonstrated its use as a prototype laptop battery. Toshiba SCiB batteries are used in a Japan-only version of Mitsubishi", "id": "10922115" }, { "contents": "Hybrid vehicle\n\n\naddition to its smaller size and lighter weight, lithium-ion batteries deliver performance that helps to protect the environment with features such as improved charge efficiency without memory effect. The lithium-ion batteries are appealing because they have the highest energy density of any rechargeable batteries and can produce a voltage more than three times that of nickel–metal hydride battery cell while simultaneously storing large quantities of electricity as well. The batteries also produce higher output (boosting vehicle power), higher efficiency (avoiding wasteful use of electricity), and", "id": "2469" }, { "contents": "Nissan R'nessa\n\n\nit was exclusive to \"Nissan Satio Store\" Japanese dealerships. The R'nessa was also equipped with a neodymium magnet 62 kW electric motor and run on lithium ion batteries manufactured by Sony and used for testing in California, and had a range of between a charging interval of 5 hours, and a charge-discharge cycle over 1,000 times. The batteries were installed beneath the floor. The Nissan Altra was an electric car produced by Nissan Motors between 1998 and 2002. The Nissan Altra was introduced at the Los Angeles International Auto Show", "id": "14402924" }, { "contents": "Electric vehicle battery\n\n\nenergy because the cathode is provided by the surrounding oxygen in the air. Rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles include lead–acid (\"flooded\", deep-cycle, and VRLA), NiCd, nickel–metal hydride, lithium-ion, Li-ion polymer, and, less commonly, zinc–air and molten-salt batteries. The most common battery type in modern electric cars are lithium-ion and Lithium polymer battery, because of their high energy density compared to their weight. The amount of electricity", "id": "15035790" }, { "contents": "Aqueous lithium-ion battery\n\n\nAn aqueous lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is a lithium-ion battery that uses a concentrated saline solution as an electrolyte to facilitate the transfer of lithium ions between electrodes and induce an electrical current. In contrast to non-aqueous lithium-ion batteries, aqueous Li-ion batteries are nonflammable and do not pose any significant risks of explosion, because of the water-based nature of their electrolyte. They also lack the poisonous chemicals and environmental risks associated with their non-aqueous counterparts. Aqueous Li-", "id": "20917250" }, { "contents": "Potassium-ion battery\n\n\nA potassium-ion battery or K-ion battery (abbreviated as KIB) is a type of battery and analogue to lithium-ion batteries, using potassium ions for charge transfer instead of lithium ions. It was invented by the Iranian/American chemist Ali Eftekhari (President of the American Nano Society) in 2004. The prototype device used a potassium compound Prussian blue as the cathode material for its high electrochemical stability. The prototype was successfully used for more than 500 cycles. A recent review showed currently that several pragmatic materials", "id": "19204336" }, { "contents": "Vehicle-to-grid\n\n\nLand Rover collaborated with the Energy and Electrical Systems group of the university. Dr Kotub Uddin analysed lithium ion batteries from commercially available EVs over a two year period. He created a model of battery degradation and discovered that some patterns of vehicle-to-grid storage were able to significantly increase the longevity of the vehicle's battery over conventional charging strategies, while permitting them to be driven in normal ways. There is some skepticism among experts about the feasibility of V2G and several studies have questioned the concept's economic rationale.", "id": "20213229" }, { "contents": "General Motors EV1\n\n\n's Delco Remy Division; these were rated at 53 amp-hours at 312 volts (16.5 kWh), and initially provided a range of per charge. The battery pack design, including the battery tray, electronic monitoring, safety disconnects, and crashworthiness, was utilized on all EV1 models and accommodated future (planned) energy storage products including NiMH and Lithium-ion. Gen II cars, released in 1999, used a new batch of lead-acid batteries provided by Panasonic, which now weighed ; some Gen I cars", "id": "12619844" }, { "contents": "Research in lithium-ion batteries\n\n\nthen crushed into a powder to increase their surface area. The powder was coated with reduced graphite oxide (RGO) to increase conductivity while protecting the electrode. The coated powder was used for the battery cathodes. Trials indicated that capacity was quite stable at high discharge rates and remained consistently over 100 charge/discharge cycles. Energy density reached around 1,000 watt-hours per kilogram and a discharge capacity that exceeded 300 mAh/g. Used as the cathode for a lithium-sulfur battery this system has high capacity on the formation", "id": "18445809" }, { "contents": "Think Global\n\n\n, while developing the next model THINK EV.\" thus hinting that another Think EV is in development. The Th!nk City was a small two-seater or 2+2-seater highway capable electric car, with a top speed of and an in-town range of on a full charge. The Think City is available with either a Zebra Sodium (molten salt battery) battery or a lithium-ion battery, which both travel 100 miles, or 160 kilometres on a full charge, and based on the International Electrotechnical Commission's", "id": "8458230" }, { "contents": "Battery electric vehicle\n\n\nthe battery and its end-of-life, the GHG savings are 10-13% lower. Although electric cars do not produce any tailpipe emissions, carbon dioxide is still emitted when the electric vehicle is being manufactured. The lithium-ion batteries used in the vehicle take more materials and energy to produce because of the extraction process of the lithium and cobalt essential to the battery. This means the bigger the electric vehicle, the more carbon dioxide emitted. The mines that are used to produce the lithium and cobalt used", "id": "7148518" }, { "contents": "Battery charger\n\n\nis prevented while avoiding full charge cycles which are known to be hard on all types of dry-cell batteries, eventually resulting in a permanent decrease in battery capacity. Most modern cell phones, laptops, and most electric vehicles use Lithium-ion batteries. These batteries last longest if the battery is frequently charged; fully discharging the cells will degrade their capacity relatively quickly, but most such batteries are used in equipment which can sense the approach of fill discharge and discontinue equipment use. When stored after charging, lithium battery cells", "id": "5690833" }, { "contents": "Mercedes-Benz BlueZERO\n\n\nand only-electric range. The E-CELL PLUS features a rapid charging option with a capacity of 20 kW, enough power to allow for a cruising range in about 30 minutes. To achieve full electric charge, a little over an hour is needed, which will then allow the BlueZERO E-CELL PLUS to achieve its maximum range of . They both uses cooled lithium-ion batteries manufactured by Li-Tec that boast a full recharge time of 2 hours. The Mercedes-Benz designers have emphasised this aspiration by", "id": "15278998" }, { "contents": "Lithium–air battery\n\n\ndates. For example, the 30-month delay between a Provisional application filing and the publication of a Patent Cooperation Treaty application. However, the technical difficulties facing such batteries, especially considering that they must be rechargeable for most applications, are daunting. In general lithium ions move between the anode and the cathode across the electrolyte. Under discharge, electrons follow the external circuit to do electric work and the lithium ions migrate to the cathode. During charge the lithium metal plates onto the anode, freeing at the cathode. Both non-", "id": "13786214" }, { "contents": "Singulato iS6\n\n\nthe Singulato iS6 has a range of 400 kilometers, and is capable of accelerationg from 0 to 100 km/hr in four seconds. The battery pack consists of 18650 lithium ion batteries which is enough for 320 kilometers of range after a one hour charge on a fast-charger. The is6 has two electric motors with a combined output of 348 hp and 580 Nm. The production Singulato iS6 is semi-autonomous or Level 2 autonomous with various driver-assistance systems such as adaptive cruise control, lane-departure warning,", "id": "7964807" }, { "contents": "Better Place (company)\n\n\nin the short term. The first prototype car was the Renault Laguna with a battery instead of a fuel tank and an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The battery for electric vehicles was a Lithium iron phosphate ion device. The range of the car running on just one battery was from about to . By replacing the battery at a battery switch station, the range between longer charging stops was to be limited only by the geographical distribution of the battery-swapping infrastructure. The second demo car was the Nissan eRogue", "id": "2940045" }, { "contents": "Johnson Matthey Battery Systems\n\n\nMatthey Battery Systems supplies lithium-ion battery technology for cordless power tools, such as cordless hedge trimmers and lawn mowers. Its customers include several major producers of professional power tools, including Robert Bosch GmbH. Johnson Matthey Battery Systems supplies rechargeable lithium-ion batteries to several electric bike projects for both major component manufacturers and bike OEMs, manufacturing e-bike batteries using various cells from a range of cell manufacturers. Johnson Matthey Battery Systems produces mobile batteries that mean devices are able to run without a connection to mains electricity. Applications include", "id": "14009964" }, { "contents": "MIT EAD Airframe Version 2\n\n\npowered by an ionic wind generated through controlled electrical discharge. The fuselage contains a stack of lithium-polymer batteries. With the aid of a power supply unit these deliver a minimum of 20,000 volts of electrical potential, producing enough corona discharge to propel the aircraft. Air at the front of the wing is ionized by an electrical field near thin filaments of wire called emitters. Elsewhere on the airframe, collectors attract these positively charged ions. As the ions travel toward the collectors, they collide with air molecules. Energy is transferred", "id": "14849873" }, { "contents": "Capa vehicle\n\n\nhave an energy density of six watt-hours per kilogram (for comparison a high-performance lithium-ion battery can achieve 200 watt-hours per kilogram, but the ultracapacitor bus is about 40% cheaper than a lithium-ion battery bus and far more reliable). There is also a plug-in hybrid version, which also uses ultracaps. RATP, the public-owned company that manages most of Paris' public transport system, is currently performing tests using a hybrid bus outfitted with ultracapacitors. The model,", "id": "1520929" }, { "contents": "Lithium-ion battery\n\n\nuse an intercalated lithium compound as one electrode material, compared to the metallic lithium used in a non-rechargeable lithium battery. The batteries have a high energy density, no memory effect (other than LFP cells) and low self-discharge. They can however be a safety hazard since they contain a flammable electrolyte, and if damaged or incorrectly charged can lead to explosions and fires. Samsung were forced to recall Galaxy Note 7 handsets following lithium-ion fires, and there have been several incidents involving batteries on Boeing 787s", "id": "20996465" }, { "contents": "Kia Niro\n\n\nKorea, named Niro EV in Asia and e-Niro in Europe. It shares powertrain and battery with the Hyundai Kona Electric. Niro EV is available in two battery versions: 39,2 kWh and 64 kWh. The batteries are liquid-cooled lithium ion polymer. The 39,2 kWh version is propelled by 100 kW (134 hp) permanent-magnet electric motor with 395 Nm (291 lb-ft) of torque and can travel up to 288 km (179 mi) on one charge according to WLTP, while the 64", "id": "869634" }, { "contents": "Sodium-ion battery\n\n\nshipped safely. Lithium-ion batteries must retain about 30% of charge during storage, enough that they could short-circuit and catch fire during shipment. Moreover, sodium-ion batteries have excellent electrochemical features in terms of charge-discharge, reversibility, coulombic efficiency and high specific discharge capacity. In 2014 Aquion Energy offered a commercially available sodium-ion battery with cost/kWh capacity similar to a lead acid battery for use as a backup power source for electricity micro-grids. According to the company, it was", "id": "6891849" }, { "contents": "A123 Systems\n\n\nto create an electric current. In September 2010, the company opened the largest lithium ion battery manufacturing facility in North America in Livonia, Michigan. When fully operational, the factory is expected to be capable of producing battery packs for the equivalent of up to 30,000 electric cars per year. In March 2011, the company received its third contract from the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE): an US$8 million advanced battery development contract to continue developing its Nanophosphate", "id": "20443128" }, { "contents": "CR-V3 battery\n\n\nrechargeable lithium battery chemistry, with a nominal voltage of 3 V (the same as 2 alkaline AA batteries). Because both lithium and lithium-ion chemistries offer higher energy density than NiMH rechargeable batteries or even alkaline batteries, a CR-V3 battery is designed to last much longer than a pair of AA batteries. Rechargeable lithium-ion RCR-V3 batteries, with a nominal voltage of 3.7 V, are also available. Some have a third smaller terminal used for charging and may not be compatible with chargers from different", "id": "22081841" }, { "contents": "Environmental aspects of the electric car\n\n\nmix of the U.S. grid in 2014. In 2017, a report made by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute also calculated that the CO2 emissions of lithium-ion batteries (present in many electric cars today) are in the order of 150–200 kilos of carbon dioxide equivalents per kilowatt-hour battery. Half of the CO2 emissions (50%) comes from cell manufacturing, whereas mining and refining contributes only a small part of the CO2 emissions. In practice, emissions in the order of 150–200 kilos of carbon dioxide equivalents per kilowatt", "id": "19408877" }, { "contents": "Electric razor\n\n\ncuts the hairs. Moisturizers designed specifically for electric shaving are available. Since at least the mid-1960s, battery-operated electric razors have been available using rechargeable batteries sealed inside the razor's case, previously nickel cadmium or, more recently, nickel metal hydride. Some modern shavers use Lithium-ion batteries that do not suffer from memory effect. Sealed battery shavers either have built-in or external charging devices. Some shavers may be designed to plug directly into a wall outlet with a swing-out or pop-up plug", "id": "13933322" }, { "contents": "Battery charger\n\n\ndegrade more while fully charged than if they are only 40-50% charged. As with all battery types, degradation also occurs faster at higher temperatures. Degradation in lithium-ion batteries is caused by an increased internal battery resistance often due to cell oxidation. This decreases the efficiency of the battery, resulting in less net current available to be drawn from the battery. However, if Li-ION cells are discharged below a certain voltage a chemical reaction occurs that make them dangerous if recharged, which is why many such", "id": "5690834" }, { "contents": "Toronto Hydro\n\n\ninstalled the world's first pole-top energy storage unit. The unit's lithium-ion batteries charge during off-peak hours and then discharge energy to Toronto Hydro's grid during peak hours. In 2017, Toronto Hydro launched \"PowerLens\"®, an online platform allowing customers to view how their homes use electricity so that they can take steps towards conservation and saving. The Ontario Energy Board approved Toronto Hydro's 2015-2019 rates application. Over this five-year period, Toronto Hydro has secured more than $", "id": "14157936" }, { "contents": "Nanoarchitectures for lithium-ion batteries\n\n\nNanoarchitectures for lithium-ion batteries are attempts to employ nanotechnology to improve the design of lithium-ion batteries. Research in lithium-ion batteries focuses on improving energy density, power density, safety, durability and cost. Increased energy density requires inserting/extracting more ions from the electrodes. Electrode capacities are compared through three different measures: capacity per unit of mass (known as \"specific energy\" or \"gravimetric capacity\"), capacity per unit volume (\"volumetric capacity\"), and area-normalized specific capacity", "id": "19242335" }, { "contents": "Electric battery\n\n\nsteam builds up within the sealed case. Recalls of devices using Lithium-ion batteries have become more common in recent years. This is in response to reported accidents and failures, occasionally ignition or explosion. An expert summary of the problem indicates that this type uses \"liquid electrolytes to transport lithium ions between the anode and the cathode. If a battery cell is charged too quickly, it can cause a short circuit, leading to explosions and fires\". Many battery chemicals are corrosive, poisonous or both. If leakage occurs", "id": "5727471" }, { "contents": "Electric vehicle battery\n\n\n-ion \"laptop battery\" cells that can be replaced individually as needed. Recent EVs are utilizing new variations on lithium-ion chemistry that sacrifice specific energy and specific power to provide fire resistance, environmental friendliness, rapid charging (as quickly as a few minutes), and longer lifespans. These variants (phosphates, titanates, spinels, etc.) have been shown to have a much longer lifetime, with A123 types using lithium iron phosphate lasting at least 10+ years and 7000+ charge/discharge cycles, and", "id": "15035803" }, { "contents": "Aluminium-ion battery\n\n\n/kg limit. Today’s lithium ion batteries have high power density (fast discharge) and high energy density (hold a lot of charge). It can also develop dendrites, similar to splinters, that can short-circuit a battery and lead to a fire. Aluminum also transfers energy more efficiently. Inside a battery, atoms of the element — lithium or aluminum — give up some of their electrons, which flow through external wires to power a device. Because of their atomic structure, lithium ions can only provide", "id": "15371205" } ]
Social Security and why I am paying for it if it will run out by the time I am eligible to use it.
[{"answer": "A lot of the talk about \"Social Security running out\" seems to be based on two misconceptions. First is that Social Security and its trust fund are the same thing. For decades, SS was taking it more money than it was paying out, so the surplus was invested in treasury bonds - that's the trust fund. Depending on how you calculate things, we either just passed, or are about to pass, the point where SS is paying out more than it's taking in, so the program has to start taking from the trust fund to cover current benefit levels. If nothing is changed, we'll completely deplete the trust fund in 25 years or so. However, people will still be paying payroll taxes towards SS, so the program won't have run out of money. The second misconception seems to be that retirees are guaranteed certain benefit levels, so once the trust fund runs out, they'll still be entitled to the same amount of money, and we'll either have to borrow money from somewhere to keep the program going, or SS will have to go bankrupt. That's not true, either. The current law is that once we lose the trust fund, benefits will automatically be cut so that the money paid out doesn't exceed the money coming in. The current projections show that at the point where the fund runs out, that will be equivalent to about 75% of the benefits paid out while it was being subsidized by the fund. So, if the law isn't changed at all, you'll still have Social Security checks coming to you when you retire, it's just that it will be less than what your parents and grandparents received. Chances are good, looking at how it's worked in the past, that some change will be made once people get panicked enough over it."}, {"answer": "You're paying for it because your parents and grandparents want you to. It's a massive transfer of money from the younger to the older. It may or may not completely run out by the time you are eligible, but it will doubtless be restructured in a significant way (for example, by raising the age of eligibility)."}, {"answer": "I wanna know why can't the person paying into SS just get back what they put in. We all got social security numbers, if I only paid in $10,000 I only get $10,000. It seems more unbalanced to keep paying someone more then their share... If you want to argue people would act fraudulently, that same threat exists today and the system is being taken advantage of is as likely as someone abusing the systems if other rules were in place."}, {"answer": "Social Security is a basic insurance program where you are guaranteed a minimum income in your later years in exchange for paying into the program for the entirety of your working life. It was created as a response to the crushing poverty of the Great Depression, which disproportionately hurt the elderly. (It also disproportionately hurt racial and ethnic minorities, but this is an entirely different subject.) It will \"run out\" because of our nation's demographics. The people who reach the eligible age for social security and the cost to give them their earned benefits exceeds the projected input from those still paying into the program. This is complicated further because people are living longer and taking more out of the program than their predecessors did. These are projections though, and projections are not set in stone. One final addition the this mess is that all of the people coming to age now paid more into social security than was withdraw by their predecessors. That money should have been placed in a safe place for later use when it would be needed, since this is essentially an insurance program. However, the U.S. government has a way of reallocating unused funds to other projects, so the money we should have saved up is no longer there. Social Security is not a scheme meant to swindle people out of their hard-earned money, although it has actually done that in the past. It is an insurance program which offers basic, very basic, protection to the people in our society who are often the most vulnerable to economic hardships. Also, it will not necessarily run out by the time of your eligibility if there is an honest attempt to reform it so that it is first solvent and second protected from being raided by other programs. Of course, it is extremely difficult to predict the future, and a lot of what happens with government programs like Social Security depend on what happens with the economy in general."}, {"answer": "Social Security is not like a bank account than can 'run out'. Working people pay into from the age of 18-20 until they are 65 years old. The money you are paying into it is paid out to retired people who are older than 65. When you reach 65 (or older) and retire, you will be paid from the money younger people pay into it then."}, {"answer": "Keep in mind that Social Security is more than just retiree benefits. It actually consists of four main components: RIB (retirement benefits), Survivors' Insurance (for children of deceased parents), disability insurance (for people who are too disabled to work), and Supplemental Security Income (commonly known as SSI, for when you already receive Social Security in some form but are still considered poor enough that additional assistance is warranted). Social Security is more than just an assistance program for retirees for which we have to \"wait\" in order to use. It provides a basic safety net against some of the harshest forms of poverty (i.e., child poverty caused by a sudden drop in parental income due to the death of a parent, or poverty due to disability/inability to work) that could strike someone at any time. That's the point of social insurance; even if you aren't receiving benefits from it now, you pay into it because you could still need it at any given point in time that you may not be able to anticipate."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1587800", "title": "Social Security debate in the United States", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 10, "end_paragraph_id": 10, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["He added, \"the imperative to undertake reform earlier rather than later is great.\" The tax increases or benefit cuts required to maintain the system as it exists under current law are significantly higher the longer such changes are delayed. For example, raising the payroll tax rate to 15% during 2016 (from the current 12.4%) or cutting benefits by 19% would address the program's budgetary concerns indefinitely; these amounts increase to 16% and 21% respectively if no changes are made until 2034", "Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on October 4, 2006: \"Reform of our unsustainable entitlement programs should be a priority.\" He added, \"the imperative to undertake reform earlier rather than later is great.\" The tax increases or benefit cuts required to maintain the system as it exists under current law are significantly higher the longer such changes are delayed. For example, raising the payroll tax rate to 15% during 2016 (from the current 12.4%) or cutting benefits by 19% would address the program's budgetary concerns indefinitely; these amounts increase to 16% and 21% respectively if no changes are made until 2034. During 2015, the Congressional Budget Office reported on the financial effects of various reform options. Social Security is funded through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA), a payroll tax. Employers and employees are each responsible for making tax payments of 6.2%"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "48728", "title": "Social Security (United States)", "section": "Section::::Benefits.:Benefits while continuing work.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 80, "end_paragraph_id": 80, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Due to changing needs or personal preferences, a person may go back to work after retiring. In this case, it is possible to get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. A worker who is of full retirement age or older may (with spouse) keep all benefits, after taxes, regardless of earnings. But, if this worker or the worker's spouse are younger than full retirement age and receiving benefits and earn \"too much\", the benefits will be reduced. If working under full retirement age for the entire year and receiving benefits, Social Security deducts $1 from the worker's benefit payments for every $2 earned above the annual limit of $15,120 (2013). Deductions cease when the benefits have been reduced to zero and the worker will get one more year of income and age credit, slightly increasing future benefits at retirement. For example, if you were receiving benefits of $1,230/month (the average benefit paid) or $14,760 a year and have an income of $29,520/year above the $15,120 limit ($44,640/year) you would lose all ($14,760) of your benefits. If you made $1,000 more than $15,200/year you would \"only lose\" $500 in benefits. You would get no benefits for the months you work until the $1 deduction for $2 income \"squeeze\" is satisfied. Your first social security check will be delayed for several monthsthe first check may only be a fraction of the \"full\" amount. The benefit deductions change in the year you reach full retirement age and are still workingSocial Security only deducts $1 in benefits for every $3 you earn above $40,080 in 2013 for that year and has no deduction thereafter. The income limits change (presumably for inflation) year by year. If a worker covered by Social Security dies, a surviving spouse can receive survivors' benefits. In some instances, survivors' benefits are available even to", "Due to changing needs or personal preferences, a person may go back to work after retiring. In this case, it is possible to get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. A worker who is of full retirement age or older may (with spouse) keep all benefits, after taxes, regardless of earnings. But, if this worker or the worker's spouse are younger than full retirement age and receiving benefits and earn \"too much\", the benefits will be reduced. If working under full retirement age for the entire year and receiving benefits, Social Security deducts $1 from the worker's benefit payments for every $2 earned above the annual limit of $15,120 (2013). Deductions cease when the benefits have been reduced to zero and the worker will get one more year of income and age credit, slightly increasing future benefits at retirement. For example, if you were receiving benefits of $1,230/month (the average benefit paid) or $14,760 a year and have an income of $29,520/year above the $15,120 limit ($44,640/year) you would lose all ($14,760) of your benefits. If you made $1,000 more than $15,200/year you would \"only lose\" $500 in benefits. You would get no benefits for the months you work until the $1 deduction for $2 income \"squeeze\" is satisfied. Your first social security check will be delayed for several monthsthe first check may only be a fraction of the \"full\" amount. The benefit deductions change in the year you reach full retirement age and are still workingSocial Security only deducts $1 in benefits for every $3 you earn above $40,080 in 2013 for that year and has no deduction thereafter. The income limits change (presumably for inflation) year by year. If a worker covered by Social Security dies, a surviving spouse can receive survivors' benefits. In some instances, survivors' benefits are available even to"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Who Am I This Time? (film)\n\n\nthat \"Who Am I This Time?\" is \"one of the best movies about acting, and \"what it is\", and \"why\", that I have ever seen... it is a funny and \"accurate\" look at why grown men and women put on costumes and cavort about with fake swords for a paying populace.\" \"Who Am I This Time?\" won the \"Best Television Production Award\" at the Semana Internacional De Cinema de Barcelona, invitational screenings in Russia (ACT I)", "id": "16658148" }, { "contents": "Shaving horse\n\n\nMike Dunbar, the \"Dean of Windsor Chair Makers\", has posted a blog decrying the use of the shave horse for actual production work: \"I do not use a shave horse. When asked why, I answer, 'Why would I impose a pay cut on myself?' That is in effect the result of using this tool. It is so limiting that it slows down the chairmaker and costs him income. I prefer a vise. Using a vise I am standing, not sitting, and I am", "id": "19470960" }, { "contents": "Why Am I?\n\n\nWhy Am I?: The Science of Us (also known as Predict My Future: The Science of Us) is a 2016 New Zealand documentary series about the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, a long-running cohort study following 1037 people born in Dunedin, New Zealand during 1972 and 1973. The study revealed the result of the combined effects of hereditary (genes) and environment (upbringing) on how people turn out. The series of four sixty minute episodes was made by Razor Films of Auckland, New Zealand", "id": "21860181" }, { "contents": "Caerus\n\n\nSikyon. The following epigram by Poseidippos was carved on the statue: \"Who and whence was the sculptor? From Sikyon. And his name? Lysippos. And who are you? Time who subdues all things. Why do you stand on tip-toe? I am ever running. And why you have a pair of wings on your feet? I fly with the wind. And why do you hold a razor in your right hand? As a sign to men that I am sharper than any sharp edge. And", "id": "2096428" }, { "contents": "The Way I Am (Eminem song)\n\n\nthe most perfectly formed lyrics of his career, weaving in and out of a tight rhyme scheme that echoes the loping piano motif. Interesting aside: this is one of the first Eminem songs that gives him 100% of the writing credits.\" IGN praised the song: \"Eminem is an angry ass white boy and the vitriol continues on \"I Way I Am,\" in which he soundly states \"I am whatever you say I am/If I wasn't why would I say I am?\" And when", "id": "1578091" }, { "contents": "Adam Barlow\n\n\nhis role as Adam. Addressing the plans, producer Kate Oates told \"Digital Spy\": \"One of the things I am most excited about and something I consider a real privilege is that I am lucky enough to work on the longest-running soap. One of the longest-running families on that soap is the Barlows and why would you not want to strengthen that family? I love the idea of Ken as the head of the family which has Tracy, Simon and Amy. I am excited to bring Peter", "id": "2492377" }, { "contents": "Stephen Colbert 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\nColbert took over \"The New York Times\" opinion columnist Maureen Dowd's column, which he used to engage in similar speculation: \"I know why you want me to run, and I hear your clamor ... Nevertheless, I am not ready to announce yet – even though it's clear that the voters are desperate for a white, male, middle-aged, Jesus-trumpeting alternative.\" The campaign began in earnest on October 16, 2007, when Colbert officially announced his candidacy on his own 11:30 pm–12:00 am", "id": "21355299" }, { "contents": "Why I Am Not a Christian\n\n\nWhy I Am Not a Christian is an essay by the British philosopher Bertrand Russell. Originally a talk given 6 March 1927 at Battersea Town Hall, under the auspices of the South London Branch of the National Secular Society, it was published that year as a pamphlet and has been republished several times in English and in translation. Russell begins by defining what he means by the term Christian and sets out to explain why he does not \"believe in God and in immortality\" and why he does not \"think that Christ was", "id": "2764202" }, { "contents": "Marlene Dietrich\n\n\n. Everybody in America works today. You have to. Oh - know, I could live tucked away out of sight in some Swiss chalet - but why should I? I am an American citizen, and proud to be so. I enjoy living in that country and one pays for one's pleasures. So I work. And as long as people want me, and I have them eating out of my hands, I shall continue to do so.\" In her 60s and 70s, Dietrich's health declined:", "id": "15056431" }, { "contents": "Ella Wheeler Wilcox\n\n\nMax Heindel, still seeking help in her sorrow, still unable to understand why she had no word from her Robert. She wrote of this meeting: Several months later, she composed a little mantra or affirmative prayer which she said over and over \"I am the living witness: The dead live: And they speak through us and to us: And I am the voice that gives this glorious truth to the suffering world: I am ready, God: I am ready, Christ: I am ready, Robert.", "id": "5047293" }, { "contents": "Gong Byeong-ho\n\n\nThe reason why I have written about such diverse topics as economics, management, leadership, ancient Greek philosophy, and the bible is because of my thirst for knowledge. I am the type that loses interest easily, so I am used to focusing on certain topics for a certain period of time to write a book. Honestly, at the end of the day, the reason why I write about such diverse number of topics is to live an interesting and fun life (\"Gong Byeong-Ho’s Study Guide\",", "id": "21166967" }, { "contents": "Caleb Gattegno\n\n\nI am doing. The third stage is a transitional stage. At the beginning, I am able to do what I want if I pay attention at each instant. At the end of this stage I no longer need to pay attention: the new skill has become completely automatic and because it is automatic, I am free to give my attention to learning other things. The fourth stage is that of transfer. For the rest of my life, what I have learnt can be used for all the new skills I may", "id": "3461281" }, { "contents": "I Am Tour (Leona Lewis)\n\n\n's openness regarding her personal and private life throughout the show, which gave the audience an insight as to \"why she's remained quiet in previous months and why, as we all love, each album is full of emotion and honesty\". He singled out \"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face\", \"Bleeding Love\", and \"Thunder\" as the show's highlights, and described \"Run\" as \"perfect\". Emma Noye of the \"Ipswich Star\" wrote that despite there being some", "id": "19059129" }, { "contents": "Father Christmas\n\n\nChristmas? ... they would not let me in: I must come another time! a good jeast, as if I could come more then once a yeare; why, I am no dangerous person, and so I told my friends, o'the Guard. I am old Gregorie Christmas still, and though I come out of Popes-head-alley as good a Protestant, as any i'my Parish.\" The stage directions to \"The Springs Glorie\", a 1638 court masque by Thomas Nabbes, state, \"Christmas", "id": "11365312" }, { "contents": "Rick Springfield\n\n\nconcert at the House of Blues in Orlando, FL on 2 March 2006, Springfield announced he had become a US citizen. He announced, \"after 30 plus years of paying so many taxes he decided it was more than time to become an American\". He continued to say, \"I am not sure how this is going to go over here but I am a Republican..which in my house only means that I cancel out my wife's vote because she votes for 'the other side' it's", "id": "5011258" }, { "contents": "NeverSeconds\n\n\nthing about this blog is Dad understands why I am hungry when I get home. Today he made a Banana Loaf, shame I don't like bananas, see I am not perfect!\" The blog hit local and then national headlines, after gaining support from chef and school meals campaigner Jamie Oliver, who used social networking site Twitter, tweeting \"Shocking but inspirational blog. Keep going, big love from Jamie x.\" The blog had gained 3 million hits by 15 June 2012. In February 2014 it reached 10 million", "id": "5553319" }, { "contents": "Social Security (United States)\n\n\nfrom the Social Security Administration. The message informs the reader \"that someone illegally is using your Social Security number and assuming your identity\" and directs the reader to a website designed to look like Social Security's Internet website. \"I am outraged that someone would target an unsuspecting public in this manner,\" said Commissioner Jo Anne B. Barnhart. \"I have asked the Inspector General to use all the resources at his command to find and prosecute whoever is perpetrating this fraud.\" Once directed to the phony website, the", "id": "4292473" }, { "contents": "Chloë Grace Moretz\n\n\nfigure out who I am and what I am and what I want and what this industry means... Why not sit back, slow down, realize I'm 19 and go, 'Hey, let's make stuff that really, really hits hard with who I am and helps me figure out what it means to be a 19-year-old actor who is just doing her thing.'\" In 2017, Moretz co-starred again with Ansel Elgort, in the crime drama \"November Criminals\". She also appeared in", "id": "10139375" }, { "contents": "Walter Woon\n\n\nleave one hot seat to jump into another hot seat? I've said for years that I would want to go back to my natural habitat eventually. Why wouldn't anyone believe me?\" – although when asked if he had forever ruled out a political career, he said: \"Forever is a long time but definitely not now.\" Subsequently, he reiterated in a \"Today\" interview: \"I am not a politician and I am not interested in politics and have no desire to go into politics. I", "id": "2869937" }, { "contents": "Edward Adamson\n\n\nCollection three major paintings created while he was at Netherne: \"\"Where Am I? Who Am I? Why Am I?\"\", \"\"I Spit On Life\"\", and \"\"The Ball of Twine and Other Nonsense\"\". About the last, completed shortly before he left hospital, Kurelek said, \"I have never really been mad. I was only fooling. I had you all on the end of a piece of string all the time!\" Polonska had been an artist before", "id": "13221140" }, { "contents": "Faith Ringgold\n\n\nmuch older before I found out that there was at least one black artist in my history books. Only one. Now that didn’t help me. That wasn’t good enough for me. How come I didn’t have that source of power? It is important. That’s why I am a black artist. It is exactly why I say who I am.\" In 1988, Ringgold co-founded the Coast-to-Coast National Women Artists of Color Projects with Clarissa Sligh. From 1988 to 1996,", "id": "9102719" }, { "contents": "Chitto Harjo\n\n\n\"Oh, yes, I am a farmer. I have a farm and a home there on it. I used to have horses and hogs and cattle but I have precious few left now. The white people have run all through me and over me and around me and committed all kinds of depredations and what I have left is precious few. I am here and stand before you today, my fathers, as a man of misery. I am here appealing to you to have the laws carried out.\" Senator", "id": "8194516" }, { "contents": "Venkat (Telugu actor)\n\n\nme. I am fresh in their minds. A number of heroes have come and gone. Still, I continue to remain with them. Not that I am big star, but I believe in capabilities. I was never after chances. At the same time, I didn’t get any big chances. I am a Vijayawada product. I moved to Mumbai just like that. I observed lot many things. That helps me a great deal. In fact, my media friends ask me why I had taken a big", "id": "3068331" }, { "contents": "Placeholder (politics)\n\n\nsometimes criticized as deceptive. Perhaps the best-known placeholder candidate was retired Admiral James Stockdale, who had been used in 1992 as a placeholder vice presidential candidate by activists seeking to draft Ross Perot to run for the presidency as an independent. By the time Perot committed to run, it was too late to remove Stockdale's name from the ballot, and Stockdale remained on the ticket, even joining Dan Quayle and Al Gore in the nationally televised vice presidential debate, where Stockdale quipped, \"Who am I? Why am", "id": "3462057" }, { "contents": "Myself When I Am Real\n\n\nthat I have a difficult time listening to it without distraction. As I listen to the songs, recurring visions of teenage girls staring in rapt attention dominate my mind. Facing the stage, hands folded in the classic prayer posture and placed vertically to one side of their face—the young ladies convey a reverence reserved only for the boyfriend who will always be out of reach. Why? Well, because he’s a rock star.\" Lastly, McLey wrote that \"most of the songs on Myself When I am Real", "id": "5581536" }, { "contents": "Jason Molina\n\n\nwriting music eight hours per day. \"I throw away most of what I write,\" he said in a 2006 interview. \"I feel a lot of guilt about the freedom that being an artist provides. I ask myself, 'Why am I not the guy emptying the trash, why am I the guy who is watching the guy empty the trash?'\" Molina was married to Darcie Schoenman Molina. They were estranged at the time of his death, and the couple had no children. All releases on", "id": "4467232" }, { "contents": "Anthony Callea\n\n\nAustralian Idol during Anthony’s run on the show. \"Yes, I am gay,\" Callea said. \"I have no issue with my sexuality now, but it's taken time to become confident with who I am and happy with who I am. I'm comfortable enough to come clean now. It's a weight off my shoulders\". On 30 March 2007, Michael Kirby, then a judge of the High Court of Australia, described Callea as an \"admirable Australian\" for coming out. Justice Kirby", "id": "8487442" }, { "contents": "Just What I Am\n\n\na baroque frame. I create art, so it will be presented as such. ART IN MOTION\" In a 2013 interview with \"Complex\", Cudi explained why he used certain imagery in the visuals for \"Just What I Am\": \"Yeah, it’s funny. People in my life know that I’m a fucking goofball. I’m a prankster and I clown a lot. In any moment in time, I’ll incorporate some jokes in my music or raps or whatever. And all throughout my career", "id": "2182881" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nI am definitely doing a lot of watching, Different things that they do is the reason why they're successful in the NFL, so I am kind of watching and learning and seeing how they go about their business. ... I am asking questions and they've been very helpful with me.\" Teammate Chris Johnson said of the other backs, \"Basically if you have the talent to make it here, you pretty much know how to read a defense and know how to run a ball, So there are not a", "id": "11053500" }, { "contents": "Justin De Fratus\n\n\n. You are not done yet figuring out what you need to figure out, and I am going to give you a little more time.’ There is a big reason why that injury happened and I feel that I used it as best as I could have.\" He noted that he would like to take classes at a seminary to help proselytize to others. Early in his professional career, he struggled to find fellow Catholics, and noted that most of his teammates were either Protestants or not religious. Moreover, in", "id": "16637958" }, { "contents": "Meryl Streep\n\n\nEqual: Why the Time for the ERA is Now\" by Jessica Neuwirth, president of the ERA Coalition. Streep, when asked in a 2015 interview by \"Time Out\" magazine if she was a feminist, answered, \"I am a humanist; I am for nice easy balance.\" In March 2016, Streep, among others, signed a letter asking for gender equality throughout the world, in observance of International Women's Day; this was also organized by the ONE Campaign. In 2018, she collaborated with", "id": "16611088" }, { "contents": "Holly Merrill Raschein\n\n\nWhitney supported the expansion of Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act while Raschein opposed it, noting, \"I am all for health care. But I don't know how the states are going to be able to pay for the expansion of Medicaid. The devil is in the details. How are we going to pay for that? We don't want to cut education anymore, social services can't be cut anymore. I am concerned about how we are going to fund it.\" Despite the competitive nature", "id": "22003136" }, { "contents": "Khaled Ali\n\n\na well-attended event, held one day after his 40th birthday, the minimum age eligible to run for the office. He is the youngest candidate to enter the race. “I am a candidate from one of Egypt’s villages ... a humble farmer, a president from Tahrir,\" Ali said. “I decided to pursue the race as a young man, inclined to support the poor, against military rule and with the rights of our martyrs. I am not afraid, so long as I have the support", "id": "6640414" }, { "contents": "Peter Roskam\n\n\nstate Senate bill which would have allowed retired military and police personnel to carry concealed weapons. On May 20, 2005, Roskam and six other Illinois senators missed a vote in the Illinois Senate on a non-binding resolution urging the United States Congress to protect Social Security and reject private accounts. The resolution passed 32–19–1, but no action was taken in the Illinois House. Roskam has said in a WBBM post-debate press conference, \"I am against privatizing Social Security, I am against raising taxes for Social Security benefits", "id": "14914597" }, { "contents": "I Am (Monrose album)\n\n\nand \"Why Not Us\", both of which missed the top ten. The songs on \"I Am\" were selected out of more than six hundred demo tracks. The album's opening track, \"Strike the Match\", was penned by OneRepublic singer Ryan Tedder and Deborah Epstein. Selected out of several tracks in Tedder's repertoire, it was the first song confirmed to be appearing on the album. Released as its leading single, the song reached the top ten of the German Singles Chart. Second track \"", "id": "19712820" }, { "contents": "The Velvet Rope\n\n\nobject of fantasy, feeling as if she could no longer fulfill her own desires. In self-analysis, Jackson uncovered vital details regarding her past, saying, \"Certain things may happen, and you just dismiss them instead of stopping and saying, \"Why am I feeling this way? Why am I acting out in this way?\" She had suppressed various traumas throughout her adolescence and early adulthood, using evasion tactics to prevent thoughts from surfacing. She also recalled feeling unaccepted and ostracized for her skin color. She", "id": "14881857" }, { "contents": "Marco Allen Chapman\n\n\n. Chapman wrote in a statement he gave to Warden Tom Simpson to read, \"I don't know why I did the thing that I did, and I know the hate of me over that night must be overwhelming, but Carolyn and Courtney you have to know that wasn't who I was or am,\"\"I am not a moster (sic) even though I did a mosterously (sic) evil thing. That is why I give my life willing as well as quickly in hopes that you know how truly sorry I am", "id": "886860" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Social constructionism\n\n\nthe concept of currency, as people in society have agreed to give it importance/value. Another example of a social construction is the concept of self/self-identity. Charles Cooley stated based on his Looking-Glass-Self theory: \"I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.\" This demonstrates how people in society construct ideas or concepts that may not exist without the existence of people or language to validate", "id": "21581672" }, { "contents": "I Am Terrified\n\n\n\". After much consideration and new thinking, Fixed Til Tuesday changed their name to I Am Terrified sometime between 2006 and 2010. The name comes straight from the verse in the Bible's Book of Job 23:14-15 which reads, \"He carries out His decree against me, and many such plans He still has in store. That is why I am terrified before Him; when I think of all this, I fear Him.\" As guitarist Jeremy Folse explained they changed the name because they became driven \"by", "id": "7750707" }, { "contents": "Cardi B\n\n\n\", Michael Wolff's insider's account of Trump's administration, and stated \"Why am I even reading this shit? I can't believe this. I can't believe—this is how he really lives his life?\" Cardi B endorsed Sanders once again in his second bid for the presidency in the 2020 United States presidential election, while praising U.S. Representative Tim Ryan. She has praised President Franklin D. Roosevelt for advocating for the Social Security program and the New Deal project in general and has noted her admiration for", "id": "20611583" }, { "contents": "The Near Future\n\n\nYear 1812\". This portion of the song...How dry I am, how dry I amIt's plain to see just why I amNo alcohol in my highballAnd that is why so dry I am...became known for its ironic use as a drinking song in all manner of popular media, especially Warner Bros. cartoons in which that behavior became a stock substitute for the explicit mention of alcohol and/or drunkenness. That use necessitated removal of the phrases that overtly mentioned drinking, leading to the song's frequently being condensed to these two", "id": "4108345" }, { "contents": "Belle Squire\n\n\n, also from Chicago, to organize tax resisting women. That year she was quoted as saying, \"I am not a tax dodger but I announce from this time on I am and will be delinquent until, by the consent of your kind, I arrive at the full stature of adult life and am regarded as a normal human being upon whose shoulders rest part of the responsibility of political life with its privileges and duties as well. When that time comes I will cheerfully and honestly pay my share of government expenses.", "id": "1524099" }, { "contents": "Lepa Brena\n\n\n\"Sviraj mi o njoj\". She later reflected, \"\"It was the only time in my life that I've ever experienced stage fright.\"\" After that she would regularly perform at dance parties in Brčko. While a guest on a Croatian television show in March 2014, she was asked if she was ashamed of having a Muslim name, to which she replied: \"\"Why would I be ashamed? I was and stay what I am. Today I am Fahreta. I am proud of my parents", "id": "1946715" }, { "contents": "Danilo Pantić\n\n\n23 minutes of a 3–0 defeat. On 9 August 2015, Pantić made his league debut in a 1–1 draw with Willem II, replacing Valeri Qazaishvili in the 71st minute. On 3 March 2016, after being supposedly 'frozen' out of the Vitesse starting eleven, Pantić stated his passion for a return to London: \"I want to come back to Chelsea, just to train. Why am I in Vitesse if I am not good enough? I am [going] crazy! I've made no mistake. If", "id": "3511753" }, { "contents": "Panic (comics)\n\n\nwith putting out \"Tales From the Crypt\"? If we put out \"Mad\" and it's successful, what's wrong with putting out — all the time we put out \"Panic\", Harvey felt we were competing with him, and I used to say, \"Harvey, we're not competing with you, we're all one company. \"[Laughter.]\" The money comes from everywhere and it goes into a pot and from this pot we publish.\" Why am I competing? And", "id": "15837533" }, { "contents": "Susan Tepper\n\n\n. \"I paint, I draw. I can only do that which involves my hand and my eye directly—no prints, no lithos, no chemicals, no technicalities—from the brain to the surface, and if the first is out of order than I am in trouble. I am in trouble often.\" Working in disciplined series, the artist moved fluidly between autobiography and social issues. “I am a painter of content – images of women swept into caves of isolation. I paint the story of this", "id": "6998723" }, { "contents": "Why I Am Not a Muslim\n\n\nWhy I Am Not a Muslim, a book written by Ibn Warraq, is a critique of Islam and the Qur'an. It was first published by Prometheus Books in the United States in 1995. The title of the book is a homage to Bertrand Russell's essay, \"Why I Am Not a Christian\", in which Russell criticizes the religion in which he was raised. Outraged over the fatwa and death threats against Salman Rushdie, Ibn Warraq assumes a pseudonym to write what the historian and writer Daniel Pipes called \"serious", "id": "9678025" }, { "contents": "Noncommissioned officer's creed\n\n\nCreed, the Security Forces Creed, etc.). However, as of April 2007 all the creeds used in the Air Force were replaced by The Airman's Creed. No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer: a leader of people. I am proud of the Noncommissioned Officer corps and will, at all times, conduct myself so as to bring credit upon it. I will not use my grade or position to attain profit or safety. So, what does this mean to me as an", "id": "230666" }, { "contents": "Stefan Grabiński\n\n\n, or from that mysterious power which pushes aside objects, contemptuous of their size; I am still wearied by endless monotonous roads that led nowhere. That is why I am not a perfect spirit, only an 'insane person', someone who arouses in normal people pity, contempt or fear. But I do not complain. Even like this, I am better off than those of healthy mind.” His tuberculosis worsened and he was forced to spend more time seeking treatment. In 1931, he settled in the resort", "id": "20805344" }, { "contents": "Dennis Erickson\n\n\nMaaco Bowl in Las Vegas for their fifth consecutive loss. In February 2013, Erickson came out of retirement to join the staff at the University of Utah as the co-offensive coordinator with Brian Johnson under head coach Kyle Whittingham. In announcing the hire, Erickson is quoted \"Being around football players and coaches has been my life and that's why I am coming out of retirement, I will do whatever I can to help the players and coaches at Utah be successful and I am excited to get back out on the", "id": "17491966" }, { "contents": "Mark Lazarowicz\n\n\nwas \"much higher than many of the public would be prepared to accept\". Later he reversed his view, stating that his expenses were entirely within the existing parliamentary rules and that a lot of people and fellow MPs had questioned his decision to pay back the money: \"Why on earth am I bothering to pay back the money? That's actually the view which has come back from a large number of people I have been in contact with. Having said that I have said I will pay it back, so", "id": "20807617" }, { "contents": "Aaliyah (album)\n\n\nThey live in solitude, [and] there are times in my life [when] I just want to be by myself. There are times I can't even figure myself out. I feel they are very complex creatures, [but] at the same time, they're sexy, too. That's why they represent \"Aaliyah\" pretty well.\" She described the record as \"a good reflection of [myself] and the person [I am] today\", saying in an interview for \"Jet", "id": "10047101" }, { "contents": "Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\n\n\nThirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian is a 1903 publication by Henry Stephen Clubb. Printed on twelve pages, \"Thirty-nine Reasons Why I Am a Vegetarian\" is thus considered both a \"little book,\" as well as a pamphlet. Initially selling for 10 cents, it was sold as a paperback with a height of . Preceding the body of text in which Clubb lists his thirty-nine reasons for a vegetarian lifestyle, is a portrait of the author. The list is followed by the section", "id": "7897642" }, { "contents": "Social Security (United States)\n\n\n. Railroad retirement Tier I payroll taxes are coordinated with social security taxes so that employees and employers pay Tier I taxes at the same rate as social security taxes and have the same benefits. In addition, both workers and employers pay Tier II taxes (about 6.2% in 2005), which are used to finance railroad retirement and disability benefit payments that are over and above social security levels. Tier 2 benefits are a supplemental retirement and disability benefit system that pays 0.875% times years of service times average highest five years of", "id": "4292383" }, { "contents": "Xin Pi\n\n\nthose households?\" Cao Pi asked him in return: \"Do you think it is inappropriate?\" Xin Pi replied: \"Indeed. I do believe it is inappropriate.\" Cao Pi then said: \"I am not going to discuss it with you.\" Xin Pi said: \"Your Majesty doesn't think I am incapable. That is why you appoint me as a close aide and adviser. Why then wouldn't you discuss it with me? I am not speaking up because it is a private matter", "id": "9847138" }, { "contents": "The Near Future\n\n\ntreatment of the melody. A 1919 book entitled \"Out and about: A Note-book of London in War-time\" describes a group of Americans drinking in London and singing \"some excellent numbers of American marching-songs,\" including one described as \"the anthem of the 'dry' States\" whose lyrics were:Nobody knows how dry I am, How dry I am, How dry I am. You don't know how dry I am, How dry I am, How dry I am.", "id": "4108342" }, { "contents": "I Am (2010 Indian film)\n\n\nI Am\" \"painfully rehearsed\" and \"oversimplified\". In its opening weekend \"I Am\" released on 67 screens in India and 7 in Australia, but failed to make an impact at the box office. It was fourth in overall weekend collections, ranking ahead of only \"Zokkomon\". \"The Times of India\" blamed the poor collections on the film's depiction of social issues, saying it was \"restricted only to discerning audience\". The soundtrack for \"I Am\" was released on 8 April", "id": "14174413" }, { "contents": "Henry Martyn Whitney\n\n\nis; I cannot help it - it is my nature to be reliable, just as it is his to be shaky on matters of fact - we cannot alter these natures - us leopards cannot change our spots. Therefore, why growl? - why go and try to make trouble? If he cannot tell when I am writing seriously and when I am burlesquing - if he sits down solemnly and take one of my palpable burlesques and reads it with a funereal aspect, and swallows it as petrified truth", "id": "14058398" }, { "contents": "Andrew Mason\n\n\nas CEO of Groupon, I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. Just kidding – I was fired today. If you're wondering why... you haven't been paying attention. From controversial metrics in our S1 to our material weakness to two quarters of missing our own expectations and a stock price that's hovering around one quarter of our listing price, the events of the last year and a half speak for themselves. As CEO, I am accountable... Journalists estimated that his severance pay", "id": "12505330" }, { "contents": "Split (2016 American film)\n\n\nI had written out a few scenes of it, so I even had dialogue written out, which is really unusual for me. It sat there for a long time, and I really don't have a clear reason why I didn't pull the trigger earlier. But this felt like the perfect time to do it, with the type of movies I'm doing now, and the type of tones I am interested in – humor and suspense.\" On October 2, 2015, James McAvoy was cast in the film", "id": "10600787" }, { "contents": "Therefore I Am\n\n\n\"I met Alex, Brian, Chris and Jim on Pratt Street in Allston, MA during the spring of 2006. Therefore I Am played music before I came into the picture but my accompaniment marked the beginning of something new. I joined their band on a whim. I dropped out of school, bought an amp and hit the road. The aforementioned members of Therefore I Am became my family, my closest friends and my life. They presented to me several life-changing opportunities and plugged me into a social circle", "id": "19349687" }, { "contents": "I Am Kloot\n\n\nyears. He released his solo album 'Leave Alone The Empty Spaces' in November 2017. \"Sky at Night\" was shortlisted for the 2010 Barclaycard Mercury Music Prize. In response to the nomination, Bramwell stated: \"I thought we'd be out of, off people's radar enough, that they wouldn't have, kind of, noticed. One of the factors why they actually did pay attention to this record is the fact that Guy [Garvey] and Craig [Potter] produced it.\" From \"", "id": "13874035" }, { "contents": "Arnold Schwarzenegger\n\n\nto donate blood. In an interview with \"Talk\" magazine in late 1999, Schwarzenegger was asked if he thought of running for office. He replied, \"I think about it many times. The possibility is there because I feel it inside.\" \"The Hollywood Reporter\" claimed shortly after that Schwarzenegger sought to end speculation that he might run for governor of California Following his initial comments, Schwarzenegger said, \"I'm in show business – I am in the middle of my career. Why would I go away", "id": "1595092" }, { "contents": "Jeff Danziger\n\n\nDanziger said, \"Keep in mind that I agree with a great many things that the Republicans have been traditionally for. I am in favor of a solid economy. I am in favor of a strong dollar. I am in favor of looking after troops. I am in favor of maintaining a strong army, and I am in favor of the ability to go into business and make a profit and not pay taxes for silly purposes.\" In addition to his editorial cartoons, he also created the comic strip \"McGonigle", "id": "3658139" }, { "contents": "I Am an Animal\n\n\nI Am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA is a November 2007 HBO documentary about Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), and her struggle for animal rights. \"I Am an Animal\" premiered on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 8 p.m. on HBO. The documentary runs for the total length of 72 minutes. It is based in the United States of America. It is categorized by the genres of biography, animals, and social issues.", "id": "10078939" }, { "contents": "The Flame in All of Us\n\n\nUs\" was released simultaneously, with a DVD detailing the making of the record. This was the first time the band has let their fans in on the behind the scenes of their recording. The band's front man Trevor McNevan describes the concept as \"No Matter what you believe or where you were raised, you have the same core group of questions as the next person, who am I? Why am I here? What is life about?\" The album almost completely departs from the rap metal and nu metal", "id": "12821562" }, { "contents": "Bush–Aznar memo\n\n\nto the good. Bush: I made the decision to go to the Security Council. In spite of the disagreements in my Administration, I said to my people that we had to work with our friends. It will be wonderful to get a second resolution. Aznar: The only thing that worries me about you is your optimism. Bush: I am optimistic because I believe that I am in the right. I am at peace with myself. It has been up to us to face a serious threat to the peace", "id": "12634762" }, { "contents": "Farid Khavari\n\n\nwhat we have are huge economic \"problems.\" We can't look to Wall Street, or the banks, or Washington, or our Florida politicians to solve these problems. Our Florida politicians helped create this mess, yet not one of them has a plan to fix it, only plans for how to get elected.\" Khavari goes on to say \"That is why I am running for governor. I am an economist, and I have a comprehensive plan to solve Florida's economic problems \"without higher taxes.", "id": "8240520" }, { "contents": "I Am (Yo Gotti album)\n\n\n4.5 out of 10, saying \"This album slams harder than a body slam from Sticky Fingaz, and much like Onyx, ruthless misogyny runs throughout \"\"I Am\"\", with ‘bitch' and ‘nigga' in every other bar. At times you'd wish Gotti had done what DMX used to do and recorded two versions (of each song!), or even better, put some thought in to his writing. If you can get past the ignorance, this is enjoyable for what it is -", "id": "12996743" }, { "contents": "Farid Esack\n\n\nParis; I am not condemning anyone. Why the hell should I? I had nothing to do with it,\" \"I am sickened by the perpetual expectations to condemn. I walk away from your shitty racist and Islamophobic expectations that whenever your chickens come home to roost then I must feign horror\". \"Stop supporting and funding terror outfits, get out of other people's lands and continents, stop outlawing peaceful resistance such as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, to occupations, abandon your cultural imperialism", "id": "18251892" }, { "contents": "Cell Block Tango\n\n\nUh-uh! Cicero! Lipschitz!\" What am I doing here? They say my famous lover held down my husband while I chopped off his head. But it's not true. I am innocent. I don't know why Uncle Sam says I did it. I tried to explain at the police station but they didn't understand me. In the movie, after she says \"Not guilty\" in English, she takes out a white scarf that represents innocence. She is ultimately falsely convicted and hanged offstage", "id": "5662933" }, { "contents": "Idries Shah\n\n\nam interested in making available in the West those aspects of Sufism which shall be of use to the West at this time. I don't want to turn good Europeans into poor Asiatics. People have asked me why I don't use traditional methods of spiritual training, for instance, in dealing with people who seek me out or hunt me down; and of course, the answer is, that it's for the same reason that you came to my house today in a motorcar and not on the back of a camel", "id": "14348033" }, { "contents": "Unbreakable (Janet Jackson album)\n\n\nsound like her late brother Michael Jackson, and addresses the curiosity about her romantic life. \"I don't see why loving someone or what I do seem so radical to you [...] What you think doesn't mean nothing at all / Doesn't change who I am.\" The next track, \"Shoulda Known Better\" opens as a ballad, but develops EDM beats for its underpinning. During the song she asks \"Why, why, why?\", before making a call for social action. \"", "id": "15875400" }, { "contents": "Eric A. Williams\n\n\npain both families endured, a visibly stressed Dhansook said the time had come for him to make amends. 'I want to say sorry to the people that I hurt and I was used to hurt; I am sorry. I am very sad about what I did. I am totally disappointed in myself. I am not looking for any sympathy. I made a mistake by trusting a certain individual and I paid the price for it. 'I want to tell the families of Mr Khan and Williams that I am sorry", "id": "16386016" }, { "contents": "Soul Sound\n\n\nseeing the beauty and horror of a place, and going into a heightened state.\" She elaborated, \"My songs are all about who I am and what I am feeling, which is why they can take so much out of me to perform – and I always feel a lot when I go to Africa\". Cumming had spent a year with the Sugababes while they recorded their debut studio album \"One Touch\" (2000); according to the \"Daily Record\", the trio's management were desperate for", "id": "13169319" }, { "contents": "Prakash Raj\n\n\nSeptember 2017. He contested 2019 Indian general election from Bengalore Central Lok Sabha constituency as an Independent candidate but badly lost. Prakash has been involved in several controversies. He was banned by Telugu film producers six times in the past. Prakash reacted to it by saying: \"If people who work with me say that I play hide and seek, why do they repeat me? Why am I in Mahesh's nine films out of his ten. Why don't you judge me with my work? How I go about it", "id": "14596923" }, { "contents": "Diné Bahaneʼ\n\n\nme with those things and I shall go with you to the west.\" \"What do you mean by making such demands of me?\" said . \"Why should I provide you with all of those things?\" \"I will tell you why,\" she said. \"You are male and I am female. You are of the sky and I am of the earth. You are constant in your brightness, but I must change with the seasons. Remember that I willingly let you enter me and I", "id": "9512999" }, { "contents": "AI aftermath scenarios\n\n\nstated \"I am a skeptic. I don't believe this kind of thing is likely to happen, at least for a long time. And I don't know why I feel that way.\" Evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker stated, \"The fact that you can visualize a future in your imagination is not evidence that it is likely or even possible.\" Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems, in his April 2000 essay \"Why the Future Doesn't Need Us\", has advocated for global \"voluntary relinquishment\" of artificial", "id": "13603309" }, { "contents": "Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit\n\n\nprotect this heritage of wildlife.\" The rangers not only face dangers from poachers, but also from large wildlife. Siphiwe Sithole, said \"I don't know when I am going to face a lion.\" Another member, Leitah Mkhabela, said regarding poachers, \"I am not afraid. I know what I am doing and why I am doing it.\" In July 2015, the Black Mamba APU won the Best Conservation Practitioner category in the South African Rhino Conservation Awards. Later that year they won the Champions", "id": "21526375" }, { "contents": "Román González (boxer)\n\n\n2 in the rankings. I am grateful to [WBA President] Gilberto Mendoza for this opportunity.\" González didn't rule out fighting WBO champion Naoya Inoue, stating his next fight could be as soon as February. González wished to take up an interim fight, before challenging for a world title. He said, \"I am never going to [enter the Yafai] fight in bad condition. I take good care of myself, that's why I think I need a preparation fight.\" After being trained by", "id": "10506679" }, { "contents": "Who Am I? (Petula Clark song)\n\n\nhits — \"You'd Better Come Home\", \"Round Every Corner\" and \"A Sign Of The Times\" — did not crack the UK Top 40. \"Who Am I\" was symptomatic of a run of singles that on the whole proved far more successful in the States. Clark broke the spell in early 1967 with the release of \"This Is My Song\" – a UK #1. In Australia \"Who Am I\" reached #42. By virtue of its title, \"Who Am I", "id": "6564754" }, { "contents": "The Passion of the Christ\n\n\nwith the MPAA for the 1987 novel by Jeanette Winterson. Later, the title was changed again to \"The Passion of the Christ\" for all markets. Gibson began production on his film without securing outside funding or distribution. In 2002, he explained why he could not get backing from the Hollywood studios: \"This is a film about something that nobody wants to touch, shot in two dead languages. In Los Angeles they think I am insane, and maybe I am.\" Gibson and his Icon Productions company provided", "id": "18975245" }, { "contents": "Macro and security\n\n\njust a basic macro calling a function which calculate the maximum between 2 values. When this code is executed, we obtain: ./example2 I am called ! The max ? 5 For the moment, there is nothing wrong but let's replace the value of getNumber by 6 for example, now the result is: ./example2 I am called ! I am called ! The max ? 6 The function getNumber() is called two times, yet you only need to call it one time. This is because of the macro. If", "id": "2791846" }, { "contents": "Kamla Persad-Bissessar\n\n\nSeptember 7, 2015 general elections. The People's National Movement led by Dr. Keith Rowley secured 23 out of 41 seats to form the government, while the People's Partnership coalition led by Persad-Bissessar secured 18 out of the 41 seats in the House of Representatives to form the opposition. Persad-Bissessar is married to Dr. Gregory Bissessar and has one son named Kris Bissessar. She says, \"I am baptised in the Baptist faith. I have no specific church as such. I am of both the Hindu and", "id": "16836235" }, { "contents": "Alberto Korda\n\n\nLintas) over the use of the image in advertisement. Commenting on the illicit use of his photograph, the artist said, \"As a supporter of the ideals for which Che Guevara died, I am not averse to its reproduction by those who wish to propagate his memory and the cause of social justice throughout the world, but I am categorically against the exploitation of Che's image for the promotion of products such as alcohol, or for any purpose that denigrates the reputation of Che\". His out-of-court", "id": "8730315" }, { "contents": "I Am a Man!\n\n\nI Am a Man is a declaration of civil rights, often used as a personal statement and as a declaration of independence against oppression. Historically, in countries such as the United States and South Africa, the term \"boy\" was used as a pejorative racist insult towards men of color and slaves, indicating their subservient social status of being less than men. In response, \"Am I not a man and a brother?\" became a catchphrase used by British and American abolitionists. In 1787, Josiah Wedgwood designed a", "id": "17136234" }, { "contents": "Shalom bayit\n\n\n\". According to the Talmud, when God tells Sarah she will give birth to a son, she expresses disbelief, saying: \"After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my husband being old also?\" But when God speaks to Abraham, he says: \"Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?\" (Genesis: 18:12-13). The rabbis comment that God omitted Sarah's mention of Abraham's age out of concern", "id": "9294606" }, { "contents": "The Spirit Indestructible\n\n\ntime. It really reinforced my belief in humanity. It reminded me who I am. That's why the album is so childlike. The experience also inspired the album's title track, which pays tribute to mankind's ability to overcome adversity. \"So many things have happened that have inspired me in a lot of ways to believe in humanity.\" Furtado spoke about the title of the album saying, \"It's an ode to the spirit which resides in all of us and triumphs over anything. It is inspired", "id": "21240949" }, { "contents": "I Am a God\n\n\nHigh.\" West offered an explanation of the song in 2015 during the course of an interview with Show Studio, stating: The reason why I made the song 'I Am A God' is so those people that feel less than can turn it up and say it loud and embrace it for themselves, that God is inside all of us. It wasn't about specifically me. It was about us as a race; that we are an extension of God, that we all have God inside of us. On", "id": "10681941" }, { "contents": "Their Eyes Were Watching God\n\n\nbook, because I did not make it a lecture on the race problem.\" When asked why she chose not to comment on the race problem in her novel, Hurston said, \"Because I was writing a novel and not a treatise on sociology. [...] I have ceased to think in terms of race; I think only in terms of individuals. I am interested in you now, not as a Negro man but as a man. I am not interested in the race problem, but I am interested", "id": "11958827" }, { "contents": "John Oxendine\n\n\npeople across the state asking us to run for the [U.S.] Senate, and I told people I was flattered by their faith in me and that I would consider it. I did consider it to the point of commissioning a poll and the results were every encouraging. It turned out I am one of the best-known and -liked politicians in the state.\" However, when long time friend Congressman Johnny Isakson announced his candidacy a month later, Oxendine endorsed Isakson and restated his intention to serve out the remainder of", "id": "1466508" }, { "contents": "John Parker (potter)\n\n\nof clay and gravity. You have to make up new techniques to get what you want. I will use anything to aid the process of getting there. I am very Machiavellian when it comes to masking tape and string. I tend to throw blanks as finely as I can and severely turn them into the precise shapes I intend. I use metal kidneys most of the time and work on any surface I can reach. I stretch and coax rather than throw shapes. Bowls are always turned inside and out. I am", "id": "14455239" }, { "contents": "Arthur Newman (film)\n\n\nI live with anyone? I am a genetic time bomb.\" Arthur then comforted her, \"You're not a statistic Mike, you're a person. Can't defend yourself against your worst feelings. You feel the things most of us run away from, most of us just too bummed out to feel\". They held hands and Mike cried out, \"Now do I have to have sex with you? Because I really don't want to.\" Arthur laughs, responded while shaking his head,\"", "id": "2804885" }, { "contents": "Doping at the 2007 Tour de France\n\n\nto his support for the Tour. Another Belgian rider Johan Museeuw (who had previously received a two-year ban for doping), suggested doping and drug use were a possible consequence of the difficulty of riding the Tour in its current format. Questioning why stages had to be so long and including several arduous 'out-of-category' mountain climbs. Following Vinokourov's exit, Patrice Clerc president of Tour organisers Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) stated: \"I am not downcast and I am all the more determined", "id": "8763867" }, { "contents": "Omar Bakri Muhammad\n\n\nJon, I need you more than ever now. You know I am harmless, don't you? You know I am just a clown. You know I am laughable, don't you? ... Why don't people believe you when you tell them that I am just a harmless clown?\" Future Television interviewed Bakri on 11 August 2005. Bakri said he did not have ties to Al Qaeda, calling it a \"media creation\" and said he did not intend to return to Britain. During the interview,", "id": "19730559" }, { "contents": "What Am I Worth\n\n\n\"What Am I Worth\" is a 1956 country music song released by George Jones, co-written by Jones and Darrell Edwards. The song was released on January 14, 1956 and was one of the fourteen songs included on Jones' debut album with Starday Records in 1957. \"What Am I Worth\" was written by Jones and Darrell Edwards, who had also collaborated on Jones previous single \"Why Baby Why,\" which became the singer's first national chart hit. According to Bob Allen's book \"George", "id": "9073325" }, { "contents": "Graeme Hick\n\n\nvery much look forward to the next 12 months.\" In April 2007, just before Worcestershire's 2007 campaign got underway, Hick said that despite being contracted only for the season, he did not want to retire at the end of the summer. He said, \"I am not looking at it as my last season ... a lot of people say you are a long time retired ... I am still one of the fitter members of the side and I love and enjoy what I do ... Why should I pack it", "id": "9062043" }, { "contents": "The Dark Side of the Moon\n\n\nline about the \"geezer\" who was \"cruisin' for a bruisin used in the segue between \"Money\" and \"Us and Them\", and the words \"I never said I was frightened of dying\" heard halfway through \"The Great Gig in the Sky\". Perhaps the most notable responses \"I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do: I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it – you've got to go sometime\" and", "id": "20234768" }, { "contents": "Assassination attempts on Napoleon Bonaparte\n\n\nwith the knife?’ – ‘To kill you.’‘You are mad, young man; you are an \"illuminato\".’ – ‘I am not mad; and I know not what is meant by an \"illuminato\".’‘You are sick, then.’ – ‘I am not sick; on the contrary, I am in good health.’‘Why did you wish to assassinate me?’ – ‘Because you have caused the misfortunes of my country.’‘Have I done you any harm?’ – ‘", "id": "8089794" } ]
Why are unpaid internships not illegal?
[{"answer": "First, that is not a law. Second, many countries have not signed or ratified. Third, in the US at least, you can hire unpaid interns only if certain criteria are met. * The internship is similar to training/education which would be given in an educational environment. * The experience is for the benefit of the intern. * The intern does not displace regular employees but works under close supervision of existing staff. * The employer providing the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded. * There is no guarantee of a job at the conclusion of the internship. * Both parties understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the internship. Edit: a word"}, {"answer": "International conventions have absolutely no bearing on US law and no authority in the US. We are a sovereign nation. So appealing to them means nothing. Additionally while there are laws regarding wages, and laws regarding slavery there is nothing that bans you from volunteer work. That is what unpaid internships are classified as. You are a volunteer, not a forced worker and as such are not by default entitled to any kind of pay. You also agree to this by taking the volunteer position. That said, some States have heavily restricted what qualifies as an unpaid internship or outright banned them. But the specifics vary by State."}, {"answer": "UN treaties are really not the place to try to enfoce something like this. They have zero enforcement power., and really just serve as a prebuilt mechanism for large countries to try to get sanctions passed every now and then, if they want to. Also if violating it were really that much of an issue, a country could just pull out of the treaty. The place to stop this is at the national level, with laws that forbid it, and a Government that is interested in enforcing those laws. Trying to bring real change from UN actions is unwise."}, {"answer": "Interns are not **working** they are **learning**. It's an opportunity to learn about a job by being involved with it."}, {"answer": "Legally, interns MUST be paid IF the business is benefitting from their labor in any way. An unpaid internship is supposed to be strictly educational, even to the *detriment* of the business that is helping you. (People spending time teaching you, etc)"}, {"answer": "It's hard to force people to not volunteer their time for free. It's their time, they can do what they like with it, including (constitutionally protected) associate with other people. Including in relationships that involve work-like behavior. Who bans volunteers?"}, {"answer": "You pay to go to school right? Unpaid internships are usually for people who have no real world experience and need to be taught on the job. You are paying for your education by working instead of paying. Now you have the skills you need to get a paying job where you work for money instead of education. That's the process at least. Most unpaid internships are crap through, you work for free and they don't teach you anything. Make sure the internship is worth your time, or at least will be worth it on paper to get where you need to go."}, {"answer": "1. In some places they are. 2. You can think of it this way - The intern gets paid $X for their work. The intern then pays $X for training. I took on a few short, unpaid internships and they were crucial for helping me get stronger internships thereafter and launch my career. If opportunities like that go away then it'll pretty much just be people who are born well connected who have a chance at class mobility."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "298221", "title": "Internship", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Rules vary from country to country about when interns should be regarded as employees. The system can be open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers. Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways, but not as rigorous as apprenticeships for professions, trade, and vocational jobs. The lack of standardization and oversight leaves the term \"internship\" open to broad interpretation. Interns may be high school students, college and university students, or post-graduate adults.", "arranged by third-party organizations which recruit interns on behalf of industry groups. Rules vary from country to country about when interns should be regarded as employees. The system can be open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers. Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways, but not as rigorous as apprenticeships for professions, trade, and vocational jobs. The lack of standardization and oversight leaves the term \"internship\" open to broad interpretation. Interns may be high school students, college and university students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are temporary."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Passion pay\n\n\nor condition of the work is closer to the \"training\" of the training than to the actual work, it is not illegal. The US Department of Labor is concerned with wages and working hours that 'internships are for interns' benefit and interns do not replace existing ones, but existing staff directs and manages internships, I understand that the internship is unpaid, \"and that the unpaid internship is not against the law at all. However, Judge William Foley Manhattan District Court in 2013 ruled that Fox Search light violated", "id": "8113876" }, { "contents": "Hilda Solis\n\n\nof ongoing contract negotiations with the local. The year also saw the department trying to crack down on firms that illegally use summer internships for free labor, by clarifying what may constitute an unpaid academic internship; the move brought resistance from universities. The year additionally saw Solis leading an administration campaign against farmers who employed children or underpaid workers. (Proposed new rules in this area were dropped in 2012, however, following adamant criticism from conservatives and agricultural groups.) In February 2011, as protests continued over Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker", "id": "18134522" }, { "contents": "Veolia\n\n\nin Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, while exiting the transport business. On April 1, 2015, the company announced on its website \"Veolia closes the sale of its activities in Israel.\" This was taken by supporters of the BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) movement to signify a success for their campaigning efforts: \"The sale follows a worldwide campaign against the company’s role in illegal Israeli settlements that cost the firm billions of dollars of lost contracts.\" Veolia offered unpaid internship positions under the Irish government's", "id": "6225567" }, { "contents": "Environmental volunteering\n\n\nfor graduates to gain the required work experience to work in the environmental sector. However, there has been increasing concern about unpaid internships generally. The Taylor Report into working practises advocated the banning of unpaid internships as they were seen as a barrier to those entering professions from low socio-economic backgrounds. Specific concerns relating to Internships in the Environmental sector are more based reducing the number of level entry posts, exploitation for menial tasks. The concept of 'voluntary credentialism' with extended periods of volunteer work being seen as required for", "id": "2325778" }, { "contents": "Passion pay\n\n\nunpaid internship program of the United Nations has been known to the world as a young man from New Zealand has announced his resignation after six months of unpaid internship. David Hyde (22) began his internship at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, without pay, but was forced to live in a tent because of expensive housing costs, according to reports published on August 13, 2015. He said the United Nations did not support interns for wages, transportation, food aid, or health insurance, so he had to", "id": "8113873" }, { "contents": "Immigration to Canada\n\n\nsame average literacy scores. This is close to dysfunction when the Canadian Council on Learning in 2008 reported that almost half of Canadian adults are below the internationally accepted literacy standard for coping in a modern society. Across Canada, businesses have proposed to allow unpaid or basic pay internships, which are currently considered illegal in many provinces (both in government and private) and poses as a major obstacle to integrate immigrants into the working sector. The lack of policy leadership in this sector has resulted in a \"catch-22” situation where employers", "id": "4958553" }, { "contents": "Student Federation of the University of Ottawa\n\n\nwas to call on the province's political parties to take action on issues relevant to youth and students. Some issues advocated were lower tuition fees, end illegal college and university ancillary fees, extend OHIP health coverage to international students, end unpaid internships, and improve access to public transit for students. The Hikes Stop Here campaign was launched in 2013 in response to the announcement of the Ontario provincial tuition framework. The framework allows tuition to increase annually up to three percent for most general programs and up to five percent for high", "id": "14243364" }, { "contents": "Internship\n\n\n, their position, and they typically need little to no training. Internships provide current college students the ability to participate in a field of their choice to receive hands on learning about a particular future career, preparing them for full-time work following graduation. Internships exist in a wide variety of industries and settings. An internship can be paid, unpaid, or partially paid (in the form of a stipend). Internships may be part-time or full-time and are usually flexible with students' schedules. A", "id": "6964537" }, { "contents": "White House Internship Program\n\n\nThe White House Internship Program is a government internship program that enables students and graduates to work at the White House. The White House Internship Program is unpaid. Interns must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years of age, and must be either a current student, recent graduate, or veteran of the United States Armed Forces. Those selected for the program are able to work in one of sixteen available presidential departments. The White House Internship Program is split into three semester seasons: summer, fall, and spring. In", "id": "20036352" }, { "contents": "Passion pay\n\n\ngo to sleep in a small blue tent with camping burners and mattresses. The story of the young man who resigned because he could not withstand the financial difficulties was known through the media, and the UN 's \"Passion pay\" dispute arose. According to the 2012 data from the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 55% of college graduates in 2012 experienced internships, nearly half of whom were unpaid interns. In the early years, non-profit organizations that demanded volunteer services had been employing unpaid internships for about one", "id": "8113874" }, { "contents": "Internship\n\n\n. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are temporary. Typically, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the intern and the organization. Internships are used to determine if the intern still has an interest in that field after the real-life experience. In addition, an internship can be used to create a professional network that can assist with letters of recommendation or lead to future employment opportunities. The benefit of bringing an intern into full-time employment is that they are already familiar with the company", "id": "6964536" }, { "contents": "Internship\n\n\n. Critics of internships criticize the practice of requiring certain college credits to be obtained only through unpaid internships. Depending on the cost of the school, this is often seen as an unethical practice, as it requires students to exchange paid-for and often limited tuition credits to work an uncompensated job. Paying for academic credits is a way to ensure students complete the duration of the internship, since they can be held accountable by their academic institution. For example, a student may be awarded academic credit only after their university receives", "id": "6964540" }, { "contents": "Internship\n\n\ninterns generally have the opportunity to work at their own pace. Companies in search of interns often find and place students in mostly unpaid internships, for a fee. These companies charge students to assist with research, promising to refund the fee if no internship is found. The programs vary and aim to provide internship placements at reputable companies. Some companies may also provide controlled housing in a new city, mentorship, support, networking, weekend activities or academic credit. Some companies specifically fund scholarships and grants for low-income applicants", "id": "6964539" }, { "contents": "Virtual internship\n\n\ninformation literacy, core leadership skills and community engagement capacity to work in public health issues. According to career experts, although virtual internships are currently rare, they are growing in popularity due to improving technology and the growth of social media. A rise has been reported in virtual internships —most of which are unpaid— especially from small ventures and start ups seeking additional help. Larger companies are also starting to explore offering these types of internships. They are presently most popular among small to midsize companies and online businesses. The US", "id": "3165746" }, { "contents": "Labour economics\n\n\na given individual's employment relations, but as a useful approximation of human behaviour in the aggregate, which can be fleshed out further by the use of concepts such as information asymmetry, transaction costs, contract theory etc. Also missing from most labour market analyses is the role of unpaid labour such as unpaid internships where workers with little or no experience are allowed to work a job without pay so that they can gain experience in a particular profession. Even though this type of labour is unpaid it can nevertheless play an important part", "id": "18487181" }, { "contents": "Intern Aware\n\n\nIntern Aware is the United Kingdom national campaign for fair internships, founded in 2010. Working closely in cooperation with businesses, trade bodies and trade unions, they aim to help employers develop high quality internship schemes with recruitment based on merit, and payment that complies with employment law. They also work with interns to ensure they receive the pay they are potentially entitled to by law. They believe that unpaid internships are exploitative, exclusive and unfair. By asking people to work without pay, employers exclude those with talent, ambition and", "id": "4220270" }, { "contents": "The Spire School\n\n\nwhopping 22 AP/ECE courses. Eligible seniors have the opportunity to partake in Spire's Senior Internship Experience, an unpaid work placement outside the classroom, during the last few months of their senior year. Following this internship, those who participated present at Spire's Senior Symposium to describe their job experiences to fellow students and teachers, allowing seniors to reflect on their internships as well as inspire their younger peers to follow their educational and career goals. Each student at The Spire School is assigned a life coach, i.e. a clinical", "id": "6336810" }, { "contents": "Hinckley Institute of Politics\n\n\nThe Hinckley Institute of Politics has sent interns to Washington, D.C. since 1973, providing more than 100 students annually with full-time, paid internships in a variety of government institutions, public advocacy groups, and media/consulting firms. Hinckley interns are provided internship scholarships to cover expenses (if internship is unpaid), subsidized housing in central DC apartments, and up to 12 hours of academic credit. These interns work for members of the Utah delegation on Capitol Hill, the U.S. Supreme Court, and major think tanks that", "id": "18773861" }, { "contents": "National Museum of Wildlife Art\n\n\nprimary internship opportunities. Internships are offered to current graduate students and recent graduates with requisite coursework, experience, and background. The museum also offers additional unpaid internships. The Library is a non-circulating research library with an emphasis on material relating to wildlife art and artists. Additional material includes general art history, art conservation, natural history, wildlife biology, wildlife cinematography, conservation, and photography. The collection contains a wide variety of materials including books, journals, artist biographical files, video and DVD recordings, and Museum", "id": "2006919" }, { "contents": "BRIC Language Systems\n\n\n-conferencing. The courses are customized to the students’ needs and interests and include cultural sensitivity training. Each class is recorded so that the student can review the material they learned during class. BRIC also offers internship placement services in China and Brazil. BRIC is able to place students in both paid and unpaid internships in most industries in both countries. The services include securing interviews, internship placement in the appropriate industry, online language training, face to face language training, resume assistance, interview preparation, housing, visa assistance", "id": "3610270" }, { "contents": "The Chef (film)\n\n\nwork with Alexandre, because the position is an unpaid internship, but after hesitation, he accepts. The next day, both Jacky and Alexandre start cooking together but as soon as they begin, Jacky's finickiness and Alexandre's stubbornness leads to an argument that results in Jacky being fired. Alexandre regrets his decision and sends someone to search and take Jacky back to the Cargo Lagarde ranks. They reconcile and start to plan improvements to the restaurant's menu. As Jacky works as an unpaid intern, he lies to his girlfriend", "id": "1248366" }, { "contents": "Passion pay\n\n\nPark, Won-Soon who major of Seoul, Korea, has been known to have employed interns with unpaid work. There has been controversy over the exploitation of labor on the Internet. It is a task to judge whether the interns of the Hope Works, which are doing the job equivalent to the regular 5-day researchers, will be considered as volunteers. After the fact that the first Hope Works internship was known to the unpaid interns, there was a hot debate on Park, Won-Soon 's Twitter or Hope Factory", "id": "8113878" }, { "contents": "Legislative staff in Colorado\n\n\nis often intense. Because of the state's limited budget for paid staffers, most offices rely heavily on unpaid volunteers and interns. These employees report to an office's chief of staff, senior legislative aide, or directly to the member. As with aides, unpaid staff have varying levels of responsibility based on the legislative district and the staffer's level of education or experience. A number of institutions of higher education in Colorado partner with the Colorado General Assembly to provide statehouse internship programs. The most-publicized of these is", "id": "9288154" }, { "contents": "Elaine Welteroth\n\n\ngraduation from California State University-Sacramento. She then became a content producer for SomaGirls.TV, a digital media company. Welteroth broke into the magazine industry via an unpaid internship at \"Ebony\" magazine. In pursuit of the internship, Welteroth wrote Harriette Cole, then editor in chief, a letter asking for an informational interview, sent her an email, and called her assistant numerous times. Cole gave Welteroth the chance to assist with a cover shoot for Serena Williams in Los Angeles. Impressed with Welteroth's professionalism on", "id": "19704029" }, { "contents": "Office of Fine Arts\n\n\nand art found in the Guest House is supported by an outside 501(c)(3) organization, the Blair House Restoration Fund. The director of the office retains the title the \"Director of the Diplomatic Reception Rooms\". To date, there have been 3 such directors: The Office of Fine Arts at the U.S. Department of State offers internship opportunities in the spring, summer and fall of each year. These opportunities are unpaid, experience-oriented internships in historic artifact research and curation, fundraising, and cultural heritage management. Interns must", "id": "21777505" }, { "contents": "Engineering education\n\n\nhave a duration of 8-12 weeks and may be part-time or full-time as well as paid or unpaid depending on the company; sometimes students receive academic credit as an alternative to a wage. These internships are offered as temporary positions by engineering companies, and are often competitive enough that it is considered uncommon for a freshman or sophomore (1st and 2nd year student, respectively) to secure one. Engineering internships have numerous benefits for participating students. They provide hands-on learning outside of the classroom as", "id": "269494" }, { "contents": "Dominic Raab\n\n\nreport criticised \"exploitative unpaid internships\", saying \"an employer cannot avoid paying someone the minimum wage simply by calling them an 'intern' or saying that they are doing an internship.\" In April 2018, Raab said in an interview that immigration had \"put house prices up by something like 20%\" over the past 25 years. The UK Statistics Authority asked Raab to publish the evidence for his claim. A document published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government shows that the finding was based", "id": "8787795" }, { "contents": "The Walrus\n\n\nplan on creating more documentaries in the future. On September 13, 2012, the Walrus unveiled its redesigned website. It is based on the Wordpress platform and was developed over the course of five months. In March 2014, \"The Walrus\" was required to shut down its unpaid internship programme after the Ontario Ministry of Labour declared that its longstanding practice of not paying interns was in contravention of the Employment Standards Act. The magazine issued a statement justifying its practice of using unpaid labour, saying \"We have been training future", "id": "4149112" }, { "contents": "Toronto Life\n\n\nLife’s events, as well as special offers from local venues. In March 2014, \"Toronto Life\" was required to shut down its unpaid internship program implemented in 2009, after the Ontario Ministry of Labour declared that its longstanding practice of not paying interns was in contravention of the Employment Standards Act. The magazine responded, saying \"The idea that we can start paying everybody completely misunderstands the nature of the economics of the magazine industry at the moment.\" \"Toronto Life\"'s first (unpaid) intern, Derek", "id": "5748674" }, { "contents": "KNTV\n\n\nReport\", where Colbert played a clip read by weekend anchor Diane Dwyer on the issue of \"unpaid internships\". Colbert would eventually use that given clip to set the stage for laughs based on unpaid interns. In April 2014, a five-alarm fire destroyed the former KNTV complex on Park Avenue; the vacant property had been purchased by the San Jose Redevelopment Agency along with adjacent parcels in the (eventually ill-fated) hopes of attracting a new downtown stadium for the Oakland A's. The station's digital", "id": "9851839" }, { "contents": "Raphael Soriano\n\n\nLos Angeles, he enrolled in the University of Southern California's School of Architecture in 1929, graduating in 1934. In 1930, he became an American citizen and, the following year, secured an internship at the practice of Richard Neutra, working alongside fellow interns Gregory Ain and Harwell Hamilton Harris. A brief internship with Rudolph Schindler in 1934 followed, but Soriano quickly returned to his unpaid position at Neutra's office. With America in the throes of the Great Depression, Soriano managed to find work upon graduation with the County", "id": "1201845" }, { "contents": "Lycoming College\n\n\n-long, interdisciplinary seminars on topics chosen by the faculty and students on the Scholars Council. Lycoming offers a number of paid and unpaid internship opportunities including: the Williamsport Internship Summer Experience, the Philadelphia Center, Washington Semester Program, and Semester of the United Nations. Pre-law, medicine and health advising to help students gain the necessary skills and tools to pursue these professions. Lycoming College's cooperative program with Duke University's Environmental Science & Forestry program allows qualified students to earn the baccalaureate and master's degrees in five", "id": "20361649" }, { "contents": "Pomona College\n\n\nresearch opportunities at the other Claremont Colleges. Pomona was named by \"The Wall Street Journal\" as one of ten institutions where \"Great Research Meets Great Teaching\". The Pomona College Career Development Office provides pre-professional opportunities. The Pomona College Internship Program (PCIP) connected 134 students in the 2014–2015 year to paid internships undertaken during the school year at 102 different organizations in Southern California. Students receive a wage as well as transportation funding. The Summer Experience Funding (SEF) program provides funding for students with unpaid or", "id": "15893154" }, { "contents": "Washington & Jefferson College\n\n\nreserve commission following graduation. Members of the National Guard of the United States may take online classes to earn an associate's degree in Information Technology Leadership or a certificate in Information Management and Security. Students may undertake externships to gain experiential learning experience in their chosen field. The Franklin Internship Awards, established in 2006 by Ellis Hyman, provide upperclassmen with financial assistance to take an unpaid internship. The college's Magellan Project is a series of programs that provide support and financing for research and independent study projects. Past Magellan Projects have", "id": "20546118" }, { "contents": "Wheaton College (Massachusetts)\n\n\n. Wheaton's \"Semester in the City\" program places students in internships around Boston where they work while taking two related courses for the duration of the semester, to offer a more real-world living-working-learning experience. Wheaton guarantees funding for students pursuing unpaid extracurricular experiences, including internships, research, or any suitable experiential learning opportunity. The Wheaton Institute for the Interdisciplinary Humanities (WIIH) develops and exposes programming exploring liberal arts education's weight in the ever-changing and increasingly complex \"real world.\"", "id": "21099751" }, { "contents": "David Frederick\n\n\nPresident Obama was considering nominating Frederick to one of three vacancies on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Frederick is the author of dozens of legal articles and three books: At the University of Pittsburgh, Frederick created a scholarship to support tuition for six full-time undergraduate students who work part- or full-time jobs to pay for their education. He also established the David C. Frederick Public Service Internship Award, which supports unpaid public service summer internships, granted by the University Honors College and the", "id": "22134105" }, { "contents": "Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL)\n\n\nClosing Ceremony. Within this program, scholarships are awarded to students completing unpaid internships in public service work in the metropolitan DC area over the summer. They are expected to fulfill the same requirements as those accepted to CAPAL's Federal Internship Program, attending every Washington Leadership Program Session and completing their CAP Projects. This program encompasses a multitude of events that CAPAL puts together throughout the year, and includes an AAPI Leadership Roundtable Series, Happy Hours, a CAPALTalks Series, and a Career Fair. Each event is free and open to", "id": "4773429" }, { "contents": "The Pursuit of Happyness\n\n\nHe would be among 20 interns competing for a paid position as a stockbroker. Gardner's unpaid internship does not please Linda, who eventually leaves for New York because she might get a job at her sister's boyfriend's new restaurant. After Gardner bluntly says she is incapable of being a single mom, she agrees that Christopher Jr. will remain with his dad. Gardner is further set back when his bank account is garnished by the IRS for unpaid income taxes, and he and Christopher are evicted. He ends up with less", "id": "13152897" }, { "contents": "Interns Anonymous\n\n\nInterns Anonymous was a British based campaign and internet forum. Interns Anonymous was set up in March 2009 by two graduates who were both working as unpaid interns. Their initial aim was to create an internet forum where interns could share their experience anonymously. The organisation evolved to campaign against unpaid internships. It has represented the interests of interns before the Low Pay Commission, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, the European Youth Parliament and the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission. In September 2013 a farewell post by founders Alex Try and Rosy", "id": "14211587" }, { "contents": "Chris Holmes, Baron Holmes of Richmond\n\n\nagainst 'shared space' street design, publishing a report in 2015 that found shared space to be unpopular with two-thirds of users. Holmes has been a member of House of Lords Select Committees on Digital Skills, Social Mobility, Financial Exclusion and Artificial Intelligence and speaks often in debates. He has also introduced a Private Members Bill to prohibit unpaid work experience exceeding four weeks which has been described as a ban on unpaid internships. In November 2017 he published a report called \"'Distributed Ledger Technologies for Public and Private", "id": "4654393" }, { "contents": "Unpaid work\n\n\nthe household. Because women are traditionally believed to bring in less income than men, women are discouraged from investing in education and skills. This further entrenches women into domestic unpaid work, creating a cycle of social norms that is difficult to break and exacerbates gender inequality. This form of gender inequality feeds into the dynamic of 'gender risks', which explains why it is women and girls that are most disadvantaged, as well as why it is more likely for increased poverty to affect women more than men. Even if women", "id": "13852378" }, { "contents": "Care work\n\n\nfamilies. The persisting idea that care work is unimportant combined with these factors explains why care work continues to be ignored from an economic point of view, and why women still have a difficult time shirking gender roles. Many studies have shown that women provide the majority of unpaid childcare, while some have shown men to be more likely to support the elderly. The comparative willingness of women to perform unpaid care work has historically contributed to the poor compensation received by people in care-based professions. The historical and cultural pressure on", "id": "13056143" }, { "contents": "Michael John Garcés\n\n\nHe quickly found an internship at INTAR, a Hispanic theater company, as a production assistant. This internship launched a career in theater in New York as an actor, director, and playwright that lasted for 16 years. Of his time in New York, Garcés says that much of his work was spent \"focusing on my desire to learn about why one does this form, rather than why one does one's show.\" Garcés initially traveled to New York to work as an actor, but soon began writing his own", "id": "7529888" }, { "contents": "Cross border attacks in Sabah\n\n\nthe amount remains unpaid until today despite attempts to recover the monies. Sabah Health Department said infectious diseases among the illegal immigrants was on the rise resulting in more expenditures, as well as provisions for more funds to accommodate the logistics such as medical officers and others. Illegal electricity connection and theft in the state are mainly been attributed to illegal squatters settlement that inhabited by Filipino refugees and illegal immigrants. The seaweed industry operated by indigenous Suluk community in eastern Sabah are also heavily affected because of the persistent kidnappings perpetrated by their Filipino-", "id": "6679080" }, { "contents": "Medical school\n\n\nwith most students beginning an \"internato\" (internship) in the subject of their choice in their fifth or sixth year. The title awarded at the end of the discussion ceremony is that of \"\"Dottore Magistrale\"\", styled in English as a Doctor of Medicine, which in accordance with the Bologna process is comparable with a master's degree qualification or a US MD. After graduating, new doctors must complete a three-month, unpaid, supervised \"tirocinio post-laurea\" (\"post-degree placement", "id": "11092625" }, { "contents": "Sarah Kendzior\n\n\na collection of \"honest essays [in which Kendzior has] addressed themes of poverty, the American Dream, gentrification, race, school costs, unpaid internships and the decline of malls. Some articles have an opinion feel to them, but most are packed with statistics related to the topic at hand.\" Kealey Boyd, reviewing in 2018 for \"Hyperallergic\", stated that the essays in \"The View\" Omair Ahmad, reviewing Kendzior's \"The View\" for \"The Wire\" (India), stated that", "id": "21367409" }, { "contents": "Stage (cooking)\n\n\nStaging is an unpaid internship test when a cook or chef works briefly, for free, (or to gain a position) in another chef's kitchen to learn and be exposed to new techniques and cuisines. The term originates from the French word \"stagiaire\" meaning trainee, apprentice or intern. The French term \"commis\" is often used interchangeably with the aforementioned terms. The individual completing this activity is referred to as a \"stage\", \"stagiaire\" (pronounced \"stazhjer\"; IPA: /sta.ʒjɛ:ʁ/", "id": "10632737" }, { "contents": "Passion pay\n\n\n-third of companies seeking for-profit. Whether the unpaid internship is viewed as a valuable opportunity for young people to exploit their passion for the younger generation or to acquire actual job skills is a long-standing controversy in the United States. Under federal law, all employees are entitled to more than the minimum wage, except where there is an exception. If the employee's work is judged to be for the benefit of the employee rather than the benefit of the employer, that is to say, if the content", "id": "8113875" }, { "contents": "Bob Rivers\n\n\nworking at a used car dealership. O'Neill's father owned the dealership and advertised on the show, so Spike objected to Rivers's song \"Hyundai, Hyundai (Can't Trust That Car),\" a parody of \"Monday, Monday\" by The Mamas & the Papas. Rivers met Spike to test-drive a Hyundai, and Spike either \"talked his way\" into an unpaid internship on the show or, in his own words, \"[Rivers] had taken them [WIYY] from worst to first", "id": "11479789" }, { "contents": "Stipend\n\n\nA stipend is a regular fixed sum of money paid for services or to defray expenses, such as for scholarship, internship, or apprenticeship. It is often distinct from an income or a salary because it does not necessarily represent payment for work performed; instead it represents a payment that enables somebody to be exempt partly or wholly from waged or salaried employment in order to undertake a role that is normally unpaid (e.g. a magistrate in the United Kingdom) or voluntary, or which cannot be measured in terms of a task", "id": "12942460" }, { "contents": "Pregnant patients' rights\n\n\nis entitled to unpaid parental leave and unpaid leave if she is not. Discrimination in the workforce against pregnant women is illegal. This means that she can not be fired, lose hours, demoted and treated differently because of her pregnancy. In Australia the laws on termination change between each state and territory. In Western Australia termination is considered lawful up until 20 weeks of pregnancy. A termination after 20 weeks can only be undertaken if there is two medical practitioners from a panel of six that agree that the women or the fetus", "id": "18810075" }, { "contents": "Collection manager\n\n\nthis competitive field, a master's degree in the institution's area of focus, museum studies, or library/information science is preferred. Internships and volunteer work in libraries, museums, and archives is the best way to acquire hands-on collection management experience. Whether paid or unpaid, experience with object/artifact handling, processing, cataloging, preservation, packing, storage, inventory, fabrication, and collection management software is essential. Experience or training in conservation would be an added bonus, especially to small museums with", "id": "8468517" }, { "contents": "Student teaching\n\n\neducation. Student teaching is required for students who are not yet certified to teach. It is different from a practicum, which is required when a student \"already\" holds certification to teach, yet wants a certificate extension to teach another area of specialization; they are both college-supervised field-based experiences. The student teaching experience lasts about the length of a semester or quarter; long enough to fulfill the college’s assigned tasks. It is an unpaid internship. This experience gives the prospective teaching professional an opportunity to", "id": "1214314" }, { "contents": "Arnold Klein\n\n\nearned his Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Pennsylvania. He attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, earning his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1971. He completed an internship at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and his residency in dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). In 1975, he served as Chief Resident in Dermatology at UCLA. Klein was an unpaid, volunteer professor of Medicine and Dermatology at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.", "id": "15698086" }, { "contents": "Evan Spiegel\n\n\nwas raised Episcopalian. He was educated at the Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences in Santa Monica, and attended Stanford University. Spiegel took design classes at the Otis College of Art and Design while still in high school and at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena the summer before entering Stanford. He also had an unpaid internship in sales at Red Bull. While a student, he worked as a paid intern for a biomedical company, as a careers instructor in Cape Town, South Africa, and at Intuit on the", "id": "18041070" }, { "contents": "Alisa Valdes\n\n\nThe Boston Globe\". After graduating from Berklee in 1992, she took an unpaid internship at the \"Village Voice\", before going back to school to earn a master's degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1994. Valdes joined the staff of \"The Boston Globe\" in 1994, where she wrote for the Living/Arts section. Her essay for \"The Boston Globe Magazine\", \"Daughter of Cuba,\" won first place in the 1998 SUNMAG essay contest. In 1999, Valdes left", "id": "18448978" }, { "contents": "Condé Nast\n\n\nin 2011 to develop film, television and digital video programming. In May 2013, CNÉ's Digital Video Network debuted, featuring web series for such publications as \"Glamour\" and \"GQ\". \"Wired\" joined the Digital Video Network with the announcement of five original web series including the National Security Agency satire \"Codefellas\" and the animated advice series \"Mister Know-It-All\". In late October 2013, the company ceased its low and unpaid internship program. In November 2014, Condé Nast moved into", "id": "19173292" }, { "contents": "Bangalore School of Speech and Drama\n\n\ntour and rehearsal for the major production takes place. A vacation is also given in the month of August as a Midterm Break. Following are the productions put up by the school: Every year in the summer, usually between 1 and 16 April, a Summer Workshop is held. This was introduced for newcomers to get a feel of the curriculum and activities practiced in the school. An 'Unpaid internship program' has been launched for senior students to help out in the Summer Workshop; backstage and rehearsals. Every workshop is", "id": "20382348" }, { "contents": "Joseph E. Schwartzberg\n\n\nLiberal Arts, and as a member of innumerable committees. For three years (1984–87) he directed the Minnesota Studies in International Development program, providing unpaid student internships in a number of countries of the global South. He established several programs in India and headed a delegation to Colombia, which led to a program with that nation’s Fundación Social a business conglomerate guided by the Jesuit teachings of “liberation theology”. For several years following the Colombia visit, Schwartzberg was among a group of activists that tried (unsuccessfully) to", "id": "20785358" }, { "contents": "Equals6\n\n\nsix. IN January, 2011, Equals6 launched in the Sobey Lounge at Saint Mary's University In February, 2011 E6 launched its Top-Talent Scholarship program. with a speech by Andy Osburn, CEO. By March, 2012, the company was providing services to 10,000 student users. In May, 2012 Equals6 secured a $250,000 venture capital investment from Innovacorp. In 2013, Equals6 was selected for a Canadian government tech accelerator program. In 2014, Equals6 conducted a survey about unpaid internships and publicized the results. At", "id": "20934384" }, { "contents": "Cecilia Grierson\n\n\nwithout a diploma. Women were barred from the School of Medicine at the nation's four universities in operation at the time; indeed, few women in 19th century Argentina enrolled in formal secondary education. Grierson, however, was an exceptional student, volunteering as an unpaid assistant at the university laboratory, and in 1885, beginning her internship under the auspices of the Public Health Department. She organized an ambulance service while with the department, introducing the use of alarm bells (equivalent to today’s sirens), an innovation that", "id": "6526960" }, { "contents": "Work experience\n\n\nWork experience is any experience that a person gains while working in a specific field or occupation, but the expression is widely used to mean a type of volunteer work that is commonly intended for young people — often students — to get a feel for professional working environments. The American equivalent term is internship. Though the placements are usually unpaid, travel and food expenses are sometimes covered, and at the end of the appointment, a character reference is usually provided. Trainees usually have the opportunity to network and make contacts among the", "id": "7905817" }, { "contents": "Alberto Alemanno\n\n\nthe institutionalization of unpaid internships in Belgium before the Council of Europe. Alberto Alemanno was involved in the registration of the first European Citizen Initiative aimed at eliminating the international roaming charges in 2013 (One Single Tariff) and provided advice to several others, including the StopGlyphosate campaign. In 2016, he prepared a report for WWF advocating reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. In 2015, Alberto Alemanno and his students published a report on \"freedom of panorama\" in Europe for the European Consumer Organisation, advocating prohibition of airline \"no", "id": "9386073" }, { "contents": "Crime in Russia\n\n\nmarket economy, production fell and there was huge capital flight coupled with low foreign investment. Due to these factors, economic instability increased and a newly impoverished population emerged, accompanied by unemployment and unpaid wages. Extreme poverty as well as unpaid wages resulted in an increase in theft and counterfeiting. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, organized criminal groups in Russia and other former Soviet republics have been involved in different illegal activities such as drug trafficking, arms trafficking, car theft, human trafficking and money laundering being the most common", "id": "12664013" }, { "contents": "Mathilde Laurent\n\n\nfirst, whether to describe a plate of food or the atmosphere of a new house\". At a school event, Laurent approached Jean-Paul Guerlain, then the head perfumer of the Guerlain family succession of perfumers, and asked him for an internship. Guerlain replied, \"Why not?\" and so Laurent began her career in the early 1990s working alongside Guerlain. After her three-month internship, she was offered a permanent position at the house, and ultimately stayed with the company for the next 11 years.", "id": "8414124" }, { "contents": "Seeking Gaddafi\n\n\nSeeking Gaddafi: Libya, the West and the Arab Spring is a biographical account of the Libyan revolutionary and politician Muammar Gaddafi written by the Anglo-Polish politician Daniel Kawczynski. It was first published by Biteback Publishing in 2010, with a second edition containing several revisions being published in 2011. Political blogger Paul Staines (AKA Guido Fawkes) has accused Kawczynski of using 5000-word essay submissions by interviewees for an unpaid internship as the basis of his book, commenting on the inconsistency of style throughout the book and similarity of chapter titles to", "id": "10256823" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ncreate content on an unpaid voluntary basis, although there are some paid internships which cover article creation costs. An extra incentive for contributors is the website's content sharing agreements with The Telegraph, The Independent, GQ, USA Today, Huffington Post, and the Mirror, thus allowing the contributors to see their work published in well-established news providers. The website, which exceeded 30 million unique users per month in 2015, generates revenue via online advertising, with its clientele including the likes of Nike, Kia Motors, and", "id": "10402326" }, { "contents": "Portuguese Bar Association\n\n\nPortuguese recently graduated Lawyer to become full member of the Bar, includes a complex week-long exam at first, three day long pre-exams on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then a usually unpaid, though sometimes paid, internship of eighteen months and finally, a last exam for a whole day. However, after this exam, the intern is also subject to an oral exam which is again, mandatory. Law courses are available in Portugal in Public or Private Universities, though the Public ones are usually more", "id": "11325276" }, { "contents": "Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy\n\n\n, economics, gender studies, history, philosophy, political science, public health, and sociology. Core course work explores the development of public policy in such fields as: Juniors in HDPS, LOC, or Social Policy are required to complete a one-term, off-campus, unpaid internship in organization relevant to their academic concentration and interests. They may choose between three locations: Chicago during the school year, and San Francisco and Washington, D.C. during the summer. A major component of the practicum is for students", "id": "11917805" }, { "contents": "The Pursuit of Happyness\n\n\ndifficulty in paying the rent. While painting, Gardner is greeted by two policemen at his doorstep, who take him to the station, stating he has to pay for the numerous parking tickets he has accumulated. As part of the sanction, Gardner is ordered to spend the night in jail instead, complicating his schedule for the interview the next morning. He manages to arrive at Dean Witter's office on time, albeit still in his shabby clothes. Despite his appearance, he impresses the interviewers and lands an unpaid internship.", "id": "13152896" }, { "contents": "The Dartmouth\n\n\nmake through \"The Dartmouth\"s webpage. Since its founding it has donated nearly $140,000. In the past, the fund has awarded leave-term stipends for unpaid internships at news organizations including Hearst Newspapers, \"The New York Times\", CongressNow, Condé Nast and \"The Atlantic Monthly\", providing stipend recipients with front-row access to the world of journalism. The Vox Fund has also allowed \"The Dartmouth\" to bring renowned journalists to Hanover to work alongside staff through the Editor-in-Residence program.", "id": "13981685" }, { "contents": "Jefferson County International Baccalaureate School\n\n\nan IB diploma. Beginning in 11th grade, JCIB's students participate in a work-study program every Wednesday afternoon. Students choose whether to take on an unpaid internship in a career area of interest, volunteer for a nonprofit organization, or perform some other community service. These hours contribute to the 150 CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) hours that are required in order to receive the IB diploma. All students participate in the CAS program, even if they do not pursue the IB diploma. Students are required to", "id": "15528126" }, { "contents": "Anna Margarete Stegmann\n\n\nthe Social Democratic Party in 1918. After completing her internship, she received her license to practise medicine in 1920 and set up practice in Dresden. During the 1920s, she was a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association, the Schopenhauer Society and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. When the Nazi Party gained power in Germany, she left for Switzerland. From 1920 to 1924, she was an unpaid member of the city council of Dresden. She served as a member of the Reichstag from May 1924 to September", "id": "16015810" }, { "contents": "Registrar (museum)\n\n\n, or a field related to museum interests. Many institutions now require a graduate education in museum studies or field relating to the museum's collections in this competitive job market. Candidates are also expected to have hands-on experience in museum collection database management, object packing and handling, digitization, collections cataloging, and accession and loan procedures. Internships and volunteer work in cultural institutions are excellent ways to gain experience and make connections with museum professionals. By taking initiative to acquire experience, paid or unpaid, a candidate will also", "id": "16342785" }, { "contents": "Tavis Smiley\n\n\nhe said represented his feeling \"from the heart,\" and Bradley called Smiley to say that he had a position available for him. Although it counted for college credit, the internship was unpaid, so the Bloomington Community Progress Council funded Smiley with $5,000 for living expenses in Los Angeles, and Brown allowed Smiley to live as a houseguest in September 1985. Starting the following month, Smiley lived in the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity house at the University of Southern California. At City Hall, Smiley worked at the Office of", "id": "16891697" }, { "contents": "Rece Davis\n\n\n, and radio personality in select media outlets throughout the state, all positions that were primarily unpaid internships. In 1987, Davis began working as a general assignment reporter for WCFT-TV in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. In 2001 Davis was named as an outstanding alumnus of the University of Alabama's School of Communication and Information Sciences. After graduating from Alabama, Davis served until 1993 in various positions at WRBL in Columbus, Georgia. At WRBL, Davis worked as a sports reporter, the lead weekend news anchor, and later as", "id": "17041098" }, { "contents": "Matthew Malone\n\n\nof 5. On November 7, 2012, Malone and the Brockton School Committee agreed to end his contract early. The early termination did not include a buyout or severance package. Both Malone and the school committee stated that the city's residency requirement contributed to his departure. On December 13, 2012, Governor Deval Patrick announced that Malone would replace Paul Reville as state education secretary. He was sworn into office on January 14, 2013. In December 2014, Malone announced that he was planning to do an unpaid internship as", "id": "18132560" }, { "contents": "Rod Jackson (politician)\n\n\nfederally went on to win the provincial riding of Barrie, served for one term and then decided to retire. Jackson defeated Liberal candidate Karl Walsh by 2,521 votes. He served as party critic for the 2015 Pan American Games and critic for community and social services. In September 2013, Jackson was accused of terminating a part-time employee citing insufficient funds and then advertising the same position as an unpaid internship. Jackson said the accusation was, \"patently untrue.\" The Ministry of Labour was called in to investigate the situation", "id": "18688837" }, { "contents": "Gabriela Cowperthwaite\n\n\ntrack for a Ph.D, but shortly after dropped out to begin an unpaid internship, working on a documentary. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband and two boys, Max and Diego. Cowperthwaite's documentary Blackfish, earned BAFTA and an International Documentary Association Award nomination as well as making the shortlist for the Oscar feature documentary. In addition, the documentary City Lax: An Urban Lacrosse Story, earned itself both the July prize for Best Documentary as well as the Audience Award at the Sonoma International Film Festival", "id": "18940866" }, { "contents": "Washington College of Law\n\n\nThe school maintains programs in both human rights and public interest law. WCL's Equal Justice Foundation (EJF) provides scholarships to students who obtain unpaid summer internships with public interest organizations. The total cost of attendance (indicating the cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses) at WCL for the 2018-2019 academic year is $81,922. The Law School Transparency estimated debt-financed cost of attendance for three years is $293,573. According to \"U.S. News & World Report\", the average indebtedness of 2013 graduates", "id": "19628180" }, { "contents": "Andy Burnham\n\n\naligning himself with Intern Aware's campaign to end unpaid internships. He made key policy commitments to the creation of a National Care Service and called for inheritance tax to be replaced with a land value tax. Burnham finished fourth, eliminated on the second ballot with 10.41% of the vote. The leadership contest was won by Ed Miliband. At the end of September 2010, Burnham criticised Prime Minister David Cameron for the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government's public spending cuts and health reforms to the NHS. In October 2010,", "id": "20327345" }, { "contents": "Aaron Goldsmith\n\n\nGoldsmith to graduate from The Broadcast Center. Upon graduation, Goldsmith began play-by-play broadcasting as an intern for Gateway Grizzlies games. The year was 2007, and Goldsmith would provide 2-innings of play-by-play for each home game. Goldsmith would follow this up with an unpaid internship with the Bourne Braves and then a similar position with the Portland Sea Dogs. In all cases, Goldsmith would be allowed to call select games or innings. During these stints, Goldsmith often found himself starving after calling games and", "id": "20339050" }, { "contents": "Monica Lewinsky\n\n\na two-year community college, and worked for the drama department at Beverly Hills High School and at a tie shop. In 1992, she allegedly began a five-year affair with Andy Bleiler, her married former high school drama instructor. In 1993, she enrolled at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, graduating with a bachelor's degree in psychology in 1995. With the assistance of a family connection, Lewinsky got an unpaid summer White House internship in the office of White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta", "id": "20483516" }, { "contents": "Medical laboratory scientist\n\n\nscopes of practice and legislative differences. In Australia, medical laboratory scientists complete a four-year undergraduate degree program in medical laboratory science or Master of Medical Laboratory science . These programs should be accredited by the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists (AIMS). In Canada, three-year college or technical school programs are offered that include seven semesters, two of them comprising an unpaid internship. The student graduates before taking a standard examination (such as the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science, or CSMLS, exam) to be", "id": "20608703" }, { "contents": "Lieselotte Thoms-Heinrich\n\n\nthen worked as a typist between 1939 and 1945, which was the period covered by the Second World War. After the war, with a large part of what had been central Germany now administered as the Soviet occupation zone, she undertook an unpaid internship with the weekly newspaper \"Sonntag\", later working, till 1949, as a contributing editor for it. In 1949 she switched to the daily newspaper Neues Deutschland, which in October of that year became the official newspaper of the East German ruling party. She started as", "id": "21473832" }, { "contents": "List of MyMusic characters\n\n\na running gag on the series. Intern 2 is the only main character to not be nicknamed after a music genre, as he states he does not listen to any particular genre of music more than the other, if he listens to music at all. Intern 2, like Scene, is unpaid for his internship duties. Throughout the series, Intern 2 displays his unusual affection for flowcharts, to the point of fetish-type obsession with them. In the episode \"Someone Quits\", Intern 2 announces that he is", "id": "21732312" }, { "contents": "Susan Richard Nelson\n\n\nHampshire during the summers of 1973 and 1974. Later in 1974, Nelson became a bank teller at the First Federal Savings & Loan in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Between January and June 1975 she worked was a waitress at Stouffers Restaurant and later at the Pittsburgh YMCA as a camp counselor for the summer. Nelson's first professional employment was an unpaid internship with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and then as a summer associate with the law firm of Reed, Smith, Shaw & McClay in Pittsburgh from 1977 through 1980. From 1980", "id": "2538634" }, { "contents": "George Khoury (author)\n\n\na member of the Zeta Eta chapter of the Delta Sigma Pi fraternity. During his senior year, he held an unpaid late 1995 internship at Marvel Comics, with the editor Ralph Macchio and Macchio's assistant Matt Idelson. Khoury's main body of work has been produced for the North Carolina-based publisher TwoMorrows Publishing. His 2001 \"Kimota! The Miracleman Companion\" was nominated for an Eisner Award in 2002. In 2003, he published \"The Extraordinary Works of Alan Moore\" and in 2004 he was the editor of", "id": "2925305" }, { "contents": "Boomerang Generation\n\n\nlive on their own. Moving back home allows them the option of unpaid internships and additional schooling without the burden of paying rent at market rates (or paying rent at all). An increase in divorce rates as well as a delay in initial marriage are other contributing factors in young adults returning to reside with their parents. This generation differs from previous ones in that many members expect to remain with their parents for some years while maintaining their own social and professional lives. Home-leaving remains a priority for most in the", "id": "3085648" }, { "contents": "Atlas Black: Managing to Succeed\n\n\na potential entrepreneurial venture in most college towns – but he also needs a unique hook if this idea it to truly move forward. After a revelation with the mysterious ‘Black’ while playing disk golf, Atlas develops the idea of the No Cover Café. This restaurant would provide free live music with modestly priced food to attract the audience associated with most college towns. Atlas interviews a classmate for a potential internship, and she is livid to discover the position will be unpaid, providing another opportunity for embarrassment for Atlas. Atlas", "id": "4418844" }, { "contents": "College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University\n\n\nCollege of Saint Benedict. This gift will be used to fund student experiences, research as well as funding for student who have unpaid internships. The campuses are located on of forests, prairies, and lakes. Since CSB and SJU are located about three and a half miles apart, a regular inter-campus bus service known as \"The Link\" connects the campuses. Marcel Breuer, renowned Brutalist architect, designed several buildings on the Saint John's campus in the 1960s, including the Saint John's Abbey Church and bell", "id": "4517283" }, { "contents": "Karen Schmeer\n\n\nKaren Schmeer (February 20, 1970 – January 29, 2010) was a film editor who frequently collaborated with filmmaker Errol Morris. Schmeer was born in Portland, Oregon. She was the daughter of Michael Schmeer and Eleanor DuBois, as well as the granddaughter of photographer Ray Atkeson. In 1988, Schmeer graduated from Portland's Lincoln High School. In 1992 she graduated from Boston University with a degree in anthropology. The year she graduated from college she was hired for an unpaid internship with Errol Morris. Schmeer edited a number", "id": "5712085" }, { "contents": "The B.S. of A. with Brian Sack\n\n\nWhite House Correspondent's Dinner or Adolf Hitler discussing his views on breastfeeding in public. \"Patriot Kidz\" featured Sack as \"Liberty the Penguin\" and Lauren Adams as a cheerful co-host of a Department of Homeland Security show encouraging kids to help the government by snitching on their neighbors and parents. \"Brian Explains to an Alien\" had Sack in a bar setting explaining everyday things such as child beauty pageants and unpaid internships to an alien (played by Matt Fisher) and coming to realize a terrible truth about them", "id": "5947141" }, { "contents": "Medical education in Australia\n\n\ncommonest pathway in medicine, is to complete medical school, then internship and residency, before finally completing a specialty training program as a registrar thereby becoming a specialist medical practitioner. Hospitalists typically come from clinicians who have completed their successfully completed their internship-residency, and usually some further formal or informal rotations as a registrar, but have decided not to, or have yet not, complete their vocational specialty training. The reasons for why hospitalists choose their career track are varied, some of which include: These clinicians are known by", "id": "2211746" }, { "contents": "Oregon Shakespeare Festival\n\n\n, and Residencies) that provides students aspiring to a career in theatre with direct experience of best practices across all aspects of professional theatre. Fellows work directly with senior management while expanding their personal networks. Three residencies varying from four to eleven months are exclusive to the Dramaturgy and Literary Management Department. Twenty-five to thirty Assistantships annually provide hands-on opportunities in virtually every area of the organization by pairing recipients with an appropriate OSF staff member for an average of three months. Finally, 15-20 unpaid Internships of two", "id": "11919268" }, { "contents": "Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse\n\n\nwith Johann Abraham Peter Schulz. Schulz helped Weyse get an unpaid internship at the Reformed Church in Copenhagen. In 1794, he was appointed organist at the same church following the former organist's death. He later served in the same post at the Vor Frue Kirke after 1805. In 1819, he was appointed Court composer. He died in Copenhagen. He was best known for his vocal works, which included numerous singspielen, Christmas carols, a setting of the Te Deum and of the Miserere, over 30 cantatas, and", "id": "12028777" }, { "contents": "Grinnell College\n\n\nGrinnell College is a private liberal arts college in Grinnell, Iowa. It was founded in 1846 when a group of New England Congregationalists established the Trustees of Iowa College. Grinnell is known for its rigorous academics, innovative pedagogy, and commitment to social justice. Grinnell has the sixth highest endowment-to-student ratio of liberal arts colleges, enabling need blind admissions and substantial academic merit scholarships to boost socioeconomic diversity. Students receive funding for unpaid or underpaid summer internships and professional development (including international conferences and professional attire).", "id": "12827066" }, { "contents": "Snap Inc.\n\n\nbut Snapchat described the lawsuit as meritless and called Brown's tactics a shakedown. During April's depositions, Brown testified that he had believed he was an equal partner, and that he had agreed to share costs and profits. Spiegel instead described Brown as an unpaid intern who had been provided valuable experience, and although Murphy claimed that he had not fully understood what Brown's role was supposed to have been, he too characterized Brown's involvement as having been that of an internship. Months later, Spiegel dismissed the lawsuit as", "id": "15130141" }, { "contents": "Dan Maffei\n\n\n1991, and an M.P.P. from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1995. Upon graduating from Columbia, Maffei went to work as a reporter and producer for Syracuse's ABC affiliate WSYR-TV from 1991 to 1993, and part-time reporter for WWNY-TV in Watertown from then until 1995. Maffei was the Senior Vice President for Corporate Development at consulting firm Pinnacle Capital Management. Dan's career on Capitol Hill started with an unpaid internship in 1996 with New York Congressman Eliot Engel. He was", "id": "16346845" }, { "contents": "Kyle Higgins\n\n\nUniversity of Iowa, Higgins transferred to the Film Production program of Chapman University in Orange, California, from which he would graduate. In late 2006, he began an unpaid internship with The Donners' Company, which provided him with the opportunity to work with Richard Donner, who directed the film that introduced Higgins to comics and filmmaking. After writing and directing his college thesis film titled \"The League\", about the superhero labor union of 1960's Chicago, Higgins spent a year writing for Marvel Comics before authoring the back", "id": "16911946" } ]
why do people throw up after extreme workouts?
[{"answer": "If you body is doing a lot of work, it needs all the energy it has, digesting food takes energy, so getting rid of it allows more energy to be used for task at hand. Sort of a fight or flight response."}, {"answer": "AFAIK, high level endurance, strength, and other physical activities require a tremendous amount of energy. As another individual has mentioned, many metabolic processes require energy to regulate. However, when your body enters one of these hyper-activity states, all hands are on deck to get the best performance. Digestion stops, heart rate increases, breathing increases. The upset stomach/puking, is like due to a combination of stomach contents not being fully digested (tossed around in the stomach), and or the pausing/resuming of basic digestive processes."}, {"answer": "As others have stated, because your muscles require a large amount of blood flow during intense exercise, thus limiting the perfusion of the GI tract. If the stomach is full, and does not have adequate perfusion, it won't empty as quickly as usual, which can lead to nausea and vomiting. Chugging a large amount of fluid at once can compound the issue. Similar to how a person in hypovolemic shock (such as from blood or fluid loss), their body will begin shunting blood away from less vital areas, starting with the limbs and skin, and eventually the kidneys and GI tract, to divert blood to the brain. Same effect, if the stomach is full of food, and isn't getting adequate blood flow, it'll eventually say, \"fuck, I can't deal with this! Eject!\" Dehydration, hyponatremia (low sodium level), or heat exhaustion can factor in as well. Also, people who are prone to motion sickness can experience it from doing calisthenics, especially if done with their eyes closed."}, {"answer": "I think, in my experience with physical fitness, I puke because of my lack of experience with physical fitness and it's my bodies way of begging me to stop."}, {"answer": "The primary cause for experiencing nausea and vomiting after a rapid and strenuous workout is dehydration. When you exercise, the effort used in the activity makes you sweat and lose both moisture and salts from your body. Both water and these salts are necessary for maintaining the electrolyte balance in the body. You may feel nauseated when your electrolyte balance is disturbed. It is a similar reason to why you experience nausea when approaching heat stroke. URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "33242198", "title": "Exercise addiction", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Exercise addiction is a state characterized by a compulsive engagement in any form of physical exercise, despite negative consequences. While regular exercise is generally a healthy activity, exercise addiction generally involves performing excessive amounts of exercise to the detriment of physical health, spending too much time exercising to the detriment of personal and professional life, and exercising regardless of physical injury.", "Differentiating between addictive and healthy exercise behaviors is difficult but there are key factors in determining which category a person may fall into. E"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Street workout\n\n\npull ups, hefestos, muscle-ups and many others. Dynamics includes movements like 360s and its variations, switchblades, and an incredible variety of tricks developed by the athletes which are connected with other moves in order to create routines or sets. Some of the main benefits of street workout activities are: At the beginning of the 21st century, classic exercises were modified and combined with elements from other sports. The starting point of the whole was New York. Through the sports parks there, people could do their workout without", "id": "12654243" }, { "contents": "WWE Workout Series\n\n\nDeFranco doesn't appear in the Workout Series videos. Both Workout Series videos contain a warm-up video and a series of exercises, as well as a calendar for people to follow in order to get the proper fitness. The Workout Series have received mixed reviews, with most negative responses coming from wrestling fans who, despite the series having nothing to do with wrestling other than its theme as well as Levesque using his ring name Triple H in the Power Series, believe the series to be kayfabe-based and associated with", "id": "17591671" }, { "contents": "Sports journalism\n\n\n. Sports apps do not always have to be about giving scores, as some applications include workout helpers, rule books, and even games. The workout apps can show how the professionals’ workout and can give inspiration to do the same workout. The rule books are important, because it spreads the knowledge about the game, and it can get people interested in new games. The games apps are a good way of teaching people how the game is played, and can give players a bigger interest in a specific sport.", "id": "9787392" }, { "contents": "List of Bo' Selecta! characters\n\n\nand heard) bouncing around to add to comical humour. A singer famous for the song 'Perfect Moment'. Often singing it before throwing up violently. After saying something she's done, she asks what's other people's perfect moment, before throwing up again. Once they've explained, she's seen throwing up before saying \"Perfect!\". Seen as extremely camp and a sexual deviant, he's often heard saying \"Don't you worry about it!\" (his catchphrase). He's best", "id": "9811373" }, { "contents": "Peter Blegvad\n\n\nto come up with suitable verbals, and I wrote two verses about a woman throwing raisins at a pile of bones. Tim Hodgkinson just said, I'm sorry, this is not at all what we want. And he wrote reams of this political tirade. I admired his passion and application but it left me cold. I am to my bones a flippant individual, I don't know why I was created thus or what I'm trying to deny, but it clashed with the extreme seriousness. People who take themselves", "id": "17440267" }, { "contents": "Codigo Emprende\n\n\nthe chapters, participants will undergo a special tests that are sometimes very hard. They all meet to do exercises typical of business management courses: outdoor workouts (survival, rafting, communication in extreme conditions), actual sales simulations, and have experiences as workers in sectors that has nothing to do with theirs. Produced by Spanish Television in collaboration with producer CI Communicación, with the support of BBVA as a cultural sponsor. The 6 finalists are 'ordinary people', 3 women and 3 men, from more than 2,000 applicants", "id": "21405116" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 12)\n\n\nmaking Virginia Stuffed Peppers. Bob is amazed at how much Hannah has come since last season. On a beach somewhere, the three remaining members of the blue team and Anna are joined by Marci from Season 11. Marci tells them to think about their powerful why. They do several different workout moves with Anna saying she loves finding new moves to do with older people. Bonnie struggles with her knee and can't run with Anna believing she is mentally scared but physically capable. At the \"all-weather\" challenge,", "id": "10993839" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 8)\n\n\nand Jillian are going to do a public workout at the Washington Memorial, and contestants must bring members of the public to join them. Whoever brings the most people, wins. The winning team also gets a free meal at Subway. Tracey starts stealing people from other teams! Amanda loses her whole group when they find out Daniel is on the show again this season. Allen gets firemen to help him and they show up at the workout. Ultimately, Liz wins over Allen by one person. The next day the contestants", "id": "17683976" }, { "contents": "If (Janet Jackson song)\n\n\ninnocuous but extremely effective garnish,\" allowing Jackson to \"seethe with intensity\" over the sound of \"multiple drones.\" Satwell considered Jackson to make a \"definitive sexual statement\" in a way which was \"groundbreaking, indelible, and mesmerizing way,\" concluding \"few people have ever had more rhythm and control than Janet Jackson did in the summer of 1993.\" The song was applauded as a \"sweaty, sexy dance workout\" which \"still holds up\" twenty years after its premiere. \"Slant Magazine", "id": "10587394" }, { "contents": "Texarkana Moonlight Murders\n\n\nCounty Avenue. Miss Booker was survived by her mother (died in 1977), stepfather, both grandparents, three aunts, and three uncles. Friends do not know how or why Betty ended up at Spring Lake Park, because they knew she and Martin were just friends. Even after all this time, classmates of Booker and Martin do not want to be identified. The murders are still vivid. \"We were all extremely frightened and extremely upset. And in a way, we still are,\" said one classmate", "id": "5312960" }, { "contents": "The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me\n\n\nHe postulates that the Village People met at a community pool or the YMCA before starting a band, and fantasizes about being \"big and tough like the Village People\" and dominating his bullies. The scene ends with the performing picking up the aforementioned paperweight, and ragefully screaming at it the word \"fairy\". In \"Why I Go to the Gym\", the performer moves about the features of a gym - a locker room, and various workout stations. He carries with him a pole that serves as various parts", "id": "11068905" }, { "contents": "The Apprentice (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nthe contents of a vial into the Apprentice's drink telling her that he is an evil man. Anna states that she will do \"whatever it takes\" to find out why her parents visited The Enchanted Forest and Rumplestiltskin comments that he loves when people say they will do whatever it takes. Anna goes to the man's house and after a brief conversation she has a chance to put the vial's contents into his tea but instead decides to throw them into the fire thinking that it is poison. Anna arrives back at", "id": "4234636" }, { "contents": "The Tarnished Eye\n\n\nThe Tarnished Eye is a 2004 crime novel by Judith Guest, based on the Robison family murders that occurred in June 1968 in Good Hart, Michigan and the murders committed by John Norman Collins in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti areas of Michigan in the late 1960s. In an interview with Metro Times,Guest explained why she chose to write a fictionalized account of these two murder cases: \"I’m very interested in people’s motivations, why they do the things they do, why go to such extremes as if that’s", "id": "13172344" }, { "contents": "Idan Ravin\n\n\nhandling drills. Examples include throwing tennis balls at players and requiring them to catch the balls as they dribble through a set of cones on a basketball court. At other times, Ravin has been known to tap players under the chin when they fail to keep their heads up as they dribble. Rarely do his workouts last longer than an hour and during the sessions Ravin is known for not raising his voice above the level of a normal conversation. As opposed to the practice of other coaches, Ravin usually asks the player if", "id": "18895921" }, { "contents": "Search for the Truth (film)\n\n\nto be viewed by CHRISTIANS ONLY until AFTER the nation-wide distribution which is scheduled for March 25, 2007. In-other-words, do not allow any Mormon people to view the video or learn of our intended evangelistic outreach until after March 25, 2007. Why such extreme caution? If the leadership of the Mormon cult learns of our plans, they will publicly instruct their people not to watch the video and many Mormons will blindly obey. The letter goes on to say that the \"Mormon Church is vulnerable", "id": "12309798" }, { "contents": "Robert Sugden\n\n\ncabin and Robert shoots him in the arm. Robert sews up Paddy's arm after being convinced to do so by both Aaron and Paddy. He releases both of them. Just a few hours later, a furious Aaron reveals all to Chrissie about his affair with Robert and she throws Robert out of Home Farm. The next day, Chrissie tells the entire pub about Robert and Aaron's affair. Robert, not wanting him to find out by someone else, tells Andy why Chrissie is so angry and he throws Robert out", "id": "1238962" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "Exercise and music\n\n\nhelps boost workouts. This experiment was done by testing a control group of people working out in a normal workout setting and the same group of people working out with machines that incorporated beats and rhythms into each rep. To do this, they installed the kits into three different workout machines, one a stair-stepper, the other two weight machines with bars that could be raised or pulled down to stimulate various muscles. Thomas Hans Fritz, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute who led the study said, “Participants could", "id": "13237204" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\nhim an ultrasound and her burgeoning belly, and reminds Jordan how proud she is of him, and how he's doing this for the benefit of the family in the long run. Back in the gym, the workouts with the legends have really motivated the contestants and trainers. After an inspiration workout, everyone huddles up and the pros give an epic pep talk. Later, Scott sits down with Michael, who can understand the ups and downs of playing and retiring from professional football. He gets a lot of insight from", "id": "14229579" }, { "contents": "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (film)\n\n\nwas contacting the Blacks. She then informs him that she visited each Black in advance and informed them that Oskar was going to visit and why. Oskar makes an artbook-like scrapbook filled with pop-ups and pull tabs like a children's book, of his scavenger hunt and all the people he met and titles it \"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close\". At the end of the book there is a pull tab, showing an animation in which Thomas's body is falling up instead of down. Soon after,", "id": "3883439" }, { "contents": "Sky Coyote\n\n\ntwo. The Chumash go to their reward, the Company gets all the valuable information and samples it needs to sell to the rich and not-so-smart in the 24th century, and Joseph is left with a nagging doubt. For one thing, why does nobody know what happens after 2355, even though all history is available to the cyborgs up to that point? And why do cyborgs who talk too much about this tend to get suddenly reassigned? Why do the 24th-century people seem so cowardly and stupid", "id": "8154134" }, { "contents": "July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike\n\n\non a daily basis in Iraq.\" McCord also recalled being ordered to \"kill every motherfucker on the street\" in the event of an attack on their convoy. Describing doubts over his initial enthusiasm in Iraq, McCord said that \"I didn’t understand why people were throwing rocks at us, why I was being shot at and why we're being blown up, when I have it in my head that I was here to help these people. ... The first real serious doubt, where I could no longer justify", "id": "757616" }, { "contents": "Baka people (Cameroon and Gabon)\n\n\n. Kamei also describes the economic reasons behind why the Baka children do not attend public schools. Baka parents are often unable to afford sending their children to school as only a small fragment of the Baka society is pecuniary. In recent years, deforestation of the tropical forest has greatly increased. For example, some deforestation projects have been initiated in order to procure palm oil which is heavily found within the confines of the forest. Survival International has recently set up an initiative to help the Baka people survive the extreme deforestation of their", "id": "21270812" }, { "contents": "Gale Webb Extreme Sports and Air Shows\n\n\nis time for the show, Webb introduces each performer and has each of them do a few tricks. After that, the performers are free to take turns performing tricks, and gradually do more impressive ones as the show goes on. Most of the show is performed to loud rock music. During the performance, Webb throws items into the crowd and gives positive messages to children, including her mottoes such as \"Never give up\", \"Say no to drugs\" and \"Get high on life\". Other events", "id": "16166549" }, { "contents": "Integrated circuit design\n\n\ncomputer architecture concepts like pipelining, superscalar execution, and branch prediction, RTL designers will break a functional description into hardware models of components on the chip working together. Each of the simple statements described in the system design can easily turn into thousands of lines of RTL code, which is why it is extremely difficult to verify that the RTL will do the right thing in all the possible cases that the user may throw at it. To reduce the number of functionality bugs, a separate hardware verification group will take the RTL and", "id": "11247587" }, { "contents": "UFC Personal Trainer\n\n\nplace when doing the leg exercises. You set up your account to your height and weight and fitness level with the use of the adjustable menu and short fitness test, which you can retake as many times as you want. You can choose to do the menu of workouts under the three UFC fighters or you can choose separate preset 30 or 60 day workouts or make your own customized workouts. As you progress, there are prizes and trophies you earn and instructional and motivational videos that you unlock. There are also separate activities", "id": "7446790" }, { "contents": "Travis Henry\n\n\na person. I'm not going to get into details what he did do or didn't do. If you don't do the little things, obviously you can't count on somebody. So that's why he's released.\" At the time Henry was reported to be out of the country and had not yet participated in any Broncos off-season workouts. On July 12, 2008, it was revealed that Henry had once again tested positive for marijuana and would be suspended for one year. The failed test", "id": "7439510" }, { "contents": "CrossFit\n\n\nindividuals who complete daily workouts (otherwise known as \"WODs\" or \"workouts of the day\"). CrossFit has been criticized for allegedly causing people to suffer from unnecessary injuries and exertional rhabdomyolysis, a possible life-threatening breakdown of muscle from extreme exertion. Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai founded CrossFit, Inc. in 2000. The company was conceived a few years earlier, in 1996, as \"Cross-Fit\". The original CrossFit gym is in Santa Cruz, California, and the first affiliated gym was CrossFit North", "id": "5361617" }, { "contents": "Velites\n\n\nprove themselves and win glory by seeking out single combat with an enemy. This is also why they wore highly identifiable wolfskin headdresses. In the legion, the \"velites\" were attached to each maniple of \"hastati\", \"principes\" and \"triarii\". They usually formed up at the front of the legion before battle to harass the enemy with javelin throws and to prevent the enemy doing the same before retiring behind the lines to allow the heavier infantry to attack. After they had fallen back, they would move", "id": "10203304" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\nJJ is Team Maroon; Woody is Aqua; Toma is Orange; Jordan is Grey; Sonya is Purple; and Rob is Team Green. The contestants are now free to workout with any of the trainers, but must face a Yellow Line this week. At the first singles workout, the trainers push the players hard - they have a lot of catching up to do after their dismal performance on the scale last week. Toma is really upset about his +1 and knows if he falls below the Yellow Line, the others", "id": "14229610" }, { "contents": "Pedro J. González\n\n\n[the U.S.], well, they put up their children to kiss me... There was a moment when they asked me to sing a song. I said 'Sure, why not?' And the guards says 'You can't sing.' [González says] 'So what are you going to do? Throw me in jail again? I just got out of there! Throw me wherever you want, but I'm going to sing'... So I started to sing... and I satisfied them.", "id": "11192719" }, { "contents": "Anticipation (animation)\n\n\nbaseball pitcher must \"wind up\" before throwing the ball. This technique was borrowed from the theatre, and was important in holding the audience's attention. The audience might not know exactly \"why\" a character was doing something, but they would at least know \"what\" he was doing (or what he was about to do). The technique can also be used for less physical actions, such as a character looking off-screen to anticipate someone's arrival, or attention focusing on an object that a", "id": "1248205" }, { "contents": "Holi\n\n\nfoes to throw coloured powders on each other, laugh and gossip, then share Holi delicacies, food and drinks. Some customary drinks include bhang (made from cannabis), which is intoxicating. In the evening, after sobering up, people dress up and visit friends and family. There is a symbolic legend to explain why Holi is celebrated as a festival of triumph of good over evil in the honour of Hindu god Vishnu and his follower Prahlada. King Hiranyakashipu, according to a legend found in chapter 7 of \"Bhagavata", "id": "16473016" }, { "contents": "Pampha Bhusal\n\n\nhumiliation and name calling from relatives and villagers alike. This discrimination against girls left Bhusal with deep scars. In her own words, “There was extreme discrimination against a girl and I endured it in every step of the way. I would do the best in the class; people would say she is like a boy. I stood first in the whole school; people said how come she is like a boy. I would participate in social activities; people would say why she is doing a boy’s job. I", "id": "3860310" }, { "contents": "F56 (classification)\n\n\nroom or in the competition area. In general, people in this class should be allocated around 2 minutes to set up their chair. Athletes need to throw from a seated position. They cannot throw from an inclined or other position. Doing so could increase the contribution of their legs and benefit their performance. Their legs must be in contact with the seat during the throw. If an athlete throws from a non-seated position, this is counted as a foul. People in this class cannot put tape on", "id": "5336406" }, { "contents": "Trash (New York Dolls song)\n\n\nwhat I do\", and later by \"'Cause I don't know why I do\". He replaces the phrase \"life\" in \"Don't take my life away\" with \"knife\", \"night\", and \"lights\" when singing the lyric at different times throughout the song. Both Strongman and rock photographer Bob Gruen felt that the other chorus about needing to \"pick up\" trash gave the song an ecological theme: \"Trash, pick it up, don't throw my life away.", "id": "17300824" }, { "contents": "Al Leiter\n\n\nwalked up to him and asked him why he was lifting weights. Leiter responded, \"To strengthen my arm.\" Billy was quoted as saying, \"If you want to strengthen your arm, do some long toss.\" In one of his final starts as a young player for the Yankees, manager Dallas Green left Leiter in to throw 162 pitches in a cold damp day in 1989. The Yankees traded him to the Toronto Blue Jays for outfielder Jesse Barfield on April 30, 1989. After being dealt to Toronto", "id": "2240527" }, { "contents": "Joseph B. Soloveitchik\n\n\nchildren, and experience religion like children. This is why they accept all types of fanaticism and superstition. Sometimes, they are even ready to do things that border on the immoral. They lack the experiential component of religion, and simply substitute obscurantism for it ... After all, I come from the ghetto. Yet, I have never seen so much naïve and uncritical commitment to people and to ideas as I see in America ... All extremism, fanaticism, and obscurantism come from a lack of security. A person who is", "id": "3826613" }, { "contents": "1899–1900 Southampton F.C. season\n\n\nand that is to reduce the wages of players, which means inferior men. After all the brilliant players we have had, Southampton people won't put up with a mediocre team. Why, our people would throw bricks at us.brThe Board are particularly anxious to retain a good team, but you must remember we have a big deficit and our summer wage bill is within £12 of our winter one, whilst for over four months we have not taken a penny. During the summer of 1899, several players left the club", "id": "3854572" }, { "contents": "Stronger (Tank album)\n\n\ndo as a musician, as a true vocalist, as a songwriter and really let people experience that side of me 100 percent. Coming off the TGT album, I saw that there was still a need for real R&B music, and nobody’s really throwing that out there. This album is leaning towards my strengths and what I do well.\" He also spoke about why the album doesn't have any features, saying: \"I’m not really a feature-heavy guy anyway. When I have a vision,", "id": "16816472" }, { "contents": "Shedding for the Wedding\n\n\nof the couples were excited when the couples were told that they would be repeating the first workout they had ever done with Jennifer and Nicky. The couples were all surprised to realize how far they had come, and Sam even remarked that she could do the workout again after it was completed. This is when Nicky revealed that he and Jennifer had a surprise for the couples: they had brought in another trainer to help whip the contestants into shape. After the much more difficult workout, Sarah Rue informed the couples that they", "id": "11230172" }, { "contents": "Throw Ya Gunz\n\n\nas a promo for the 18th season of the American animated sitcom South Park. A visionary creative director Robert Sosin told why he chose this song:\"...For the South Park campaign of 2014, we wanted a clear simple message to get people to tune in and a visual theme that could unite creative across many platforms. The message I came up was HEADS UP and the image was the iconic South Park heads. For this promo spot we used 298 different heads from South Park and licensed Onyx's track \"Throw Ya Gunz\"", "id": "6224434" }, { "contents": "Taleb distribution\n\n\nis a combination of kurtosis risk and skewness risk: overall returns are dominated by extreme events (kurtosis), which are to the downside (skew). More detailed and formal discussion of the bets on small probability events is in the academic essay by Taleb, called \"Why Did the Crisis of 2008 Happen?\" and in the 2004 paper in the \"Journal of Behavioral Finance\" called \"Why Do We Prefer Asymmetric Payoffs?\" in which he writes \"agents risking other people’s capital would have the incentive to", "id": "15512756" }, { "contents": "Marshall Rosenberg\n\n\n. At an inner-city school Rosenberg discovered anti-Semitism and internalized it. \"Growing up as a kid, I couldn’t stand to see people torment other people.\" He developed a \"kind of awareness of suffering – why do people do this – and particularly, why does it have to happen to me?\" \"My family was very affectionate. I got heaps of love, and if it had not been for that, the effects of this self-hatred could have been much harder to deal", "id": "19233830" }, { "contents": "Pribislavec\n\n\nwing groups. Kajtazi underlined that \"\"extreme right-wingers and people who spread hate messages...are not the people who will solve the problem..\".\" Organizers denied antiziganist nature of the demonstration stating that even \"\"among the Roma there are honorable and honest people\"\". European Roma Rights Centre called upon authorities of the Međimurje County to clarify why do they support demonstration stating that it is unacceptable for a multicultural, democratic and antifascist state to tolerate demonstrations against entire groups of people. Prior to gathering,", "id": "15060980" }, { "contents": "Michael Kopech\n\n\nballpark. In an offseason workout on January 17, 2017, throwing from flat ground with run-up, Kopech threw a pitch that was unofficially clocked at 110 mph. On December 6, 2016, the Red Sox traded Kopech, Yoan Moncada, Luis Alexander Basabe, and Victor Diaz to the Chicago White Sox for Chris Sale. In 2017, Kopech was named the starter for the North Division in the Southern League All-Star game after he went 4–3 with a 2.93 ERA over 58 1/3 innings and a league best", "id": "4282894" }, { "contents": "Winger (band)\n\n\nUlrich of the band Metallica could be seen throwing a dart on a poster of Kip Winger in the video for \"Nothing Else Matters\". When asked about this, Kip Winger once stated: \"That is why it's the great irony that we ended up on that geeky guy's shirt on \"Beavis & Butt-head\", because Metallica couldn't play what we play, they couldn't do it, they literally — technically — couldn't do it. And I'll challenge those chumps to that any day", "id": "21086893" }, { "contents": "Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth\n\n\nthe 3rd lock, Hikari is presumably kidnapped by Doe, who escapes into the 4th film, a musical with a blacked-out title. While exploring the film, the group discover Hikari's memories; throughout her life, she repeatedly suffered traumatic experiences that made her believe individuality is worthless, culminating in extreme-depression and with her locking herself in her room as a result. Her father bought her a notebook to cheer her up, but instead ended up causing her to break down after saying \"Why do you have", "id": "1267099" }, { "contents": "Dexter Pittman\n\n\n366 lbs before enrolling at Texas. His weight still prevented him from doing basic drills in practice, which caused various back and knee aches. Pittman then dedicated himself to a workout program with Wright, which included 5:30 AM workouts and a complete revamp of his diet. Pittman agreed to call Todd Wright before every meal to evaluate his choices. He later characterized the workout regimen as so tough that \"I wanted to cry and say, 'Man, I want to give up'\". Since losing almost 100 pounds,", "id": "11569281" }, { "contents": "List of Rurouni Kenshin characters\n\n\nversion\" of Wolverine from \"X-Men\" and Carnage from \"Spider-Man\". After being told by various people to \"do Spider-Man, or to do Spawn and such,\" Watsuki got agitated and said \"I'll throw in Venom also!,\" which he referred to as digging his own grave. The gold-mining clan backstory was added after the fact, but Yatsume still ended up sticking out from the time period. is the second-in-command of Enishi's black", "id": "18825680" }, { "contents": "Yaqeen Ka Safar\n\n\nthat Barrister Usman called. Urooj, who is standing outside overhears. She recognizes the name as the father of Daniyal who she got murdered. She gets extremely guilty and remembers everything. Asfi realizes why he is a doctor and he is here to help people. He gives an oath which was very heart-wrenching. He goes to do surgery and Urooj's son is safe. Urooj gets a press conference arranged in which she says that all those accuses on Daniyal are not real. She gives this immediately the day after", "id": "14811890" }, { "contents": "List of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend characters\n\n\na relationship with Darryl after he came out as bisexual; ultimately they break up over their disagreements on having a child, however they reconcile after the baby is born. After their breakup, he befriends Nathaniel and the two enter into an extreme workout regime. He has never understood his friends' obsession with Rebecca, the two who never mesh themselves as friends except in social situations with their mutual friends. Portrayed by Scott Michael Foster, Nathaniel Plimpton is a successful lawyer who buys into Whitefeather & Associates and becomes Rebecca's new", "id": "9080317" }, { "contents": "Br'er Rabbit\n\n\nwell. For both Africans and African Americans, the animal trickster represents an extreme form of behavior that people may be forced to adopt in extreme circumstances in order to survive. The trickster is not to be admired in every situation. He is an example of what to do, but also an example of what not to do. The trickster's behavior can be summed up in the common African proverb: \"It's trouble that makes the monkey chew on hot peppers.\" In other words, sometimes people must use extreme", "id": "6245366" }, { "contents": "Dayzee Leigh\n\n\nwant it to be. We’re bringing in a lot of reality to the show along with romance and some fantasy.\" Real homeless people were brought in to shoot scenes. Lloyd said that: \"Brad is so hands-on with this storyline\", having shown up to her audition, which not many producers do. She stated that she had experience with homeless people: \"Another reason why this is great is because after I did missionary work in Indonesia last year, it led me to doing some work on", "id": "17475812" }, { "contents": "Allsport GPS\n\n\n, time, speed and distance. These statistics are updated every ten seconds. After the workout, the data is automatically uploaded wirelessly to the website. The data can then be viewed, as well as a trip calendar showing all workouts over time, and elevation and speed profiles. On the Allsport map function, the workout can be viewed on a map both on the phone and on the website. The route can be made public and shared with others. The user can do a trip search on the website and view", "id": "20574482" }, { "contents": "F55 (classification)\n\n\n. Athletes are not required to use a holding bar during their throw, and they can hold on to any part of the frame during their throw. Throwing frames should be inspected prior to the event. This should be done either in the call room or in the competition area. In general, people in this class should be allocated around 2 minutes to set up their chair. Athletes need to throw from a seated position. They cannot throw from an inclined or other position. Doing so could increase the contribution of", "id": "5336436" }, { "contents": "F31 (classification)\n\n\nrequired to use a holding bar during their throw, and they can hold on to any part of the frame during their throw. Throwing frames should be inspected prior to the event. This should be done either in the call room or in the competition area. In general, people in this class should be allocated around 3 minutes to set up their chair. Athletes need to throw from a seated position. They cannot throw from an inclined or other position. Doing so could increase the contribution of their legs and benefit", "id": "6988409" }, { "contents": "The Why of Fry\n\n\nwhich directly succeeds this episode in production order), it is one of two episodes that do not feature Professor Farnsworth. Fry feels useless after Leela and Bender return from an extremely successful mission without him. Leela asks Fry to walk Nibbler while she goes on a date with Chaz, the mayor's aide. Fry is convinced the only good he serves is to clean up after Nibbler, but Nibbler tells him otherwise. Having never heard Nibbler talk, Fry is dumbfounded as Nibbler knocks him out and takes him to Eternium,", "id": "18493183" }, { "contents": "Tengku Zatashah\n\n\ngroup of 500 volunteers end up collecting about 780kg of trash, nearly half of them are from plastic waste. Zatashah is an advocate for healthy lifestyle. She exercised regularly, doing kickboxing, body combat, cardio workout, and high intensity interval training (HIIT). She also attended dance classes, her favourite being Sh'bam, a cardio dance workout. In an interview, she stated, \"as you get older you realise that being healthy is so important because when you are fit, you get to do more things", "id": "20195883" }, { "contents": "Bro (novel)\n\n\nis the overall theme of violence throughout the novel. The Brotherhood of the Light uses violence, specifically smashing people's chests with hammers, and later murdering people. In the same interview, Sorokin is asked why he brings up violence so much in this novel. Sorokin replies that violence fascinates him, \"Why can’t people do without violence? Why can’t they keep from killing? This is a mystery to me, and I try to talk about it in literary form.” Sorokin also mentions how violence is often", "id": "5186739" }, { "contents": "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close\n\n\n. In response, the people Oskar met knew ahead of time why he was coming and usually treated him in a friendly manner. Resolving to try to move on from his father's death, Oskar bonds with Ron after finding out that he met his mother at a support group after having lost his wife and daughter in a car accident. On the second anniversary of his father's death, Oskar meets with \"the renter\" and they go to dig up his father's grave. Contemplating on what to put into the", "id": "20332330" }, { "contents": "2018 Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team\n\n\nNotre Dame defense took the field first to start off this contest for a change, and it limited the Stanford offense to no yards on a 3-and-out. On Notre Dame's first offensive drive of the game, Book hit senior receiver Miles Boykin on an extremely impressive 11-yard throw for a first down, but the Irish ended up turning the ball over on downs after junior running back Tony Jones, Jr. ran on four consecutive plays but could not convert on 4th and 1 near midfield. The Cardinal would not do anything", "id": "2877967" }, { "contents": "Equine nutrition\n\n\nfrom water longer than four hours at any one time. However, water may need to be temporarily limited in quantity when a horse is very hot after a heavy workout. As long as a hot horse continues to work, it can drink its fill at periodic intervals, provided that common sense is used and that an overheated horse is not forced to drink from extremely cold water sources. But when the workout is over, a horse needs to be cooled out and walked for 30–90 minutes before it can be allowed all the", "id": "19308404" }, { "contents": "F57 (classification)\n\n\nshould be allocated around 2 minutes to set up their chair. Athletes need to throw from a seated position. They cannot throw from an inclined or other position. Doing so could increase the contribution of their legs and benefit their performance. Their legs must be in contact with the seat during the throw. If an athlete throws from a non-seated position, this is counted as a foul. People in this class cannot put tape on their hands. All straps used to hold the athlete to the frame must", "id": "5336375" }, { "contents": "T33 (classification)\n\n\nand they can hold on to any part of the frame during their throw. Throwing frames should be inspected prior to the event. This should be done either in the call room or in the competition area. In general, people in this class should be allocated around 2 minutes to set up their chair. Athletes need to throw from a seated position. They cannot throw from an inclined or other position. Doing so could increase the contribution of their legs and benefit their performance. Their legs must be in contact with", "id": "6988429" }, { "contents": "F54 (classification)\n\n\n, and they can hold on to any part of the frame during their throw. Throwing frames should be inspected prior to the event. This should be done either in the call room or in the competition area. In general, people in this class should be allocated around 2 minutes to set up their chair. Athletes need to throw from a seated position. They cannot throw from an inclined or other position. Doing so could increase the contribution of their legs and benefit their performance. Their legs must be in contact", "id": "7038536" }, { "contents": "Bemidbar (parsha)\n\n\nwhy, in the words of God spoke to Moses \"in wilderness.\" Rava taught that when people open themselves to everyone like a wilderness, God gives them the Torah. Similarly, a Midrash taught that those who do not throw themselves open to all like a wilderness cannot acquire wisdom and Torah. The Sages inferred from that the Torah was given to the accompaniment of fire, water, and wilderness. And the giving of the Torah was marked by these three features to show that as these are free to all", "id": "9393760" }, { "contents": "Throwing Like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment Motility and Spatiality\n\n\nto her previously stated self-fulfilling prophecy, in which women do not succeed in tasks to the best of their ability, because they do not believe that they can do so; hence, why they \"throw like a girl.\" The third modality of feminine mobility presented in Young's essay is \"discontinuous unity.\" Young theorizes that the female body sees its surrounding space as \"a continuous extension of its own being,\" thus restricting its own movement. Additionally, the parts of a body moves when performing", "id": "6881393" }, { "contents": "Stronger (film)\n\n\ntaking full responsibility for his immaturity and fear of commitment. A few days later he and Carlos throw out the first pitch for a Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park, where he meets Pedro Martinez. Erin watches at home and smiles. After the game dozens of people come up to Jeff and tell him how and why he has so heavily impacted their lives. He and Erin meet at a diner where he walks with his prosthetics for the first time without assistance. He tells Erin he loves her, to which she", "id": "11444629" }, { "contents": "David Buchanan (baseball)\n\n\nteam in games. That capability has earned Kendrick 153 starts and 64 wins over the last seven seasons with the Phillies, not to mention a $7.7 million deal in 2014 as he approaches free agency.\" Buchanan also possesses a strong work ethic – instead of talking to the media or celebrating with teammates after throwing seven scoreless innings and striking out nine, he completed a 45-minute medicine ball workout. In addition to the aforementioned sinker, he throws a slider and a changeup. Outside of baseball, Buchanan's hobbies include playing", "id": "10657435" }, { "contents": "Kochadaiiyaan\n\n\nmasked man barges into the palace and attempts to kill Rishikodagan. Vadhana immediately goes after him, fights him and gets him captured. Rishikodagan unmasks the assassin who is revealed to be Rana, and immediately throws him into prison, sentencing him to death. An upset Vadhana rushes to the cell where Rana is imprisoned, where Rana tells her why he attempted to kill Rishikodagan. Years ago, Rana is the younger son of Kochadaiiyaan, the former Commander-in-Chief of Kottaipattinam's army. Kochadaiiyaan is extremely respected in Kottaipattinam", "id": "8119157" }, { "contents": "AMC AMX\n\n\nrace driver revving up at the starting line in one of AMC's sporty AMX models, which it describes as \"ready to do 125 miles an hour\".\" The two-seat AMX was \"meant for a small, well-defined market niche, and it pulled in young people into AMC dealer showrooms in never before seen numbers\". Numerous road tests described the new AMX as a \"handsome two-seater with American-style acceleration and European-style handling\". Journalists gave it a real run workout", "id": "2102818" }, { "contents": "Aaron Rodgers\n\n\nBecause of the 2011 NFL lockout, the Packers and Rodgers didn't schedule unofficial offseason workouts, despite many teams doing so. Rodgers and the Packers quickly quelled any concerns over their readiness by defeating the New Orleans Saints, who had scheduled offseason workouts, 42–34. He had 312 passing yards and three touchdowns to earn NFC Offensive Player of the Week. After the game, Rodgers said in the press conference, \"I was going to ask myself, what would have happened if we had offseason workouts? I mean, could", "id": "9341234" }, { "contents": "Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?\n\n\nstill be stuck, because we have never \"cultivated our minds.\" The key to throwing off these chains of mental immaturity is reason. There is hope that the entire public could become a force of free thinking individuals if they are free to do so. Why? There will always be a few people, even among the institutional \"guardians,\" who think for themselves. They will help the rest of us to \"cultivate our minds.\" Kant shows himself a man of his times when he observes that \"", "id": "7737340" }, { "contents": "WWE Workout Series\n\n\nWWE Workout Series is a series of fitness workouts by WWE, released on December 2, 2014 on DVD in Region 1. The Workout Series was designed by Joe DeFranco and based on similar workouts he designed for Paul Levesque (better known as Triple H) and Stephanie McMahon. Unlike other WWE Home Video releases, the Workout Series has nothing to do with either professional wrestling nor WWE Studios, but rather physical fitness. Levesque serves as the trainer for the male-centric WWE Power Series while McMahon serves as the trainer for", "id": "17591669" }, { "contents": "Sheridan Crane\n\n\nknow why she would hurt Luis so much, claiming to love him. After the revelation, Sheridan went back to her cottage to discover Pretty there planning to throw acid in Fancy's face, Sheridan let Pretty go after being treated by the acid herself. Up in Fancy's room at the Crane Mansion, Pretty was getting ready to throw the acid, but Sheridan is able to knock it out of her hand, and then reveals to Fancy and Luis that Pretty's scar was also a fake, and watches her niece", "id": "13898850" }, { "contents": "Sanabes\n\n\nthe Hajj rituals which are called sacrifice by slaughter the goat (Qurban). The children were waiting their parents in very warm situation as this day is the sign of Hajj day toward the end and start back journey. So they are sharing their parents by doing another sacrifice which is throwing his very nice Dokhalah to sea water. Question may raise, why throwing it to the sea?, because it add value to the sea environment as fish eat the grass of Dokhalah. The Dokhalah ceremony has nothing to do with the", "id": "4805050" }, { "contents": "Aromachologist\n\n\nimprove cognitive performance, and after a monotonous stressful task experimental subjects were shown to demonstrate greater motivation after being exposed to a blend of peppermint, bergamot, sandalwood and lavender. Pleasant aromas cause people to linger longer, a boon to retail stores, museums, spas and casinos. Pleasant smells have been shown to improve productivity, and improve physical performance, with athletes running faster, doing more pushups, and experiencing shorter recovery time after an extensive workout when the room was scented with either peppermint or lemon. By blending specific smells", "id": "20993395" }, { "contents": "Montgomery County Police Department\n\n\nA controversy over the tactics used by the MCPD ensued, with reports of officers walking down I-270 between stopped cars with weapons drawn, telling people to get back in their vehicles, and demanding commuters pop their trunks without any explanation why. One woman was reportedly shouted at by police with weapons drawn after she'd opened her car door to throw up, having gotten motion sickness from sitting in her vehicle for an extended period of time. Chief Thomas Manger defended the MCPD's actions, stating that they were justified under exigent circumstances", "id": "7337621" }, { "contents": "Darren Hambrick\n\n\nfirst five games of the year. In Dallas he is best known for replying \"What do voluntary mean?\" when asked why he did not report to offseason workouts in 2001. His quote is often referenced in jest by the Dallas sports media. On October 24, 2001, he was claimed off waivers by the Carolina Panthers, starting in eight of nine games and leading the team in tackles twice. During his tenure with the team, he reported as stolen a paycheck from the Panthers he had already cashed. At", "id": "18815390" }, { "contents": "Afleet Alex\n\n\njockey Jeremy Rose. \"He's classy enough to sit off the speed and take off. I really didn't have to do much with him, other than keep him out of trouble. I've been on decent horses before, but this one is special because of the way he runs. He is so athletic and professional. He does everything you ask him, whether it is in a workout or a race. It seems he has an unlimited amount of gears; that's why I think he can easily go", "id": "4902799" }, { "contents": "Extreme programming\n\n\n(November 2004), five years after the first edition, Beck added more values and practices and differentiated between primary and corollary practices. The Theory of Sustainable Software Development explains why extreme programming teams can thrive in spite of team disruptions. \"Extreme Programming Explained\" describes extreme programming as a software-development discipline that organizes people to produce higher-quality software more productively. XP attempts to reduce the cost of changes in requirements by having multiple short development cycles, rather than a long one. In this doctrine, changes are", "id": "8907603" }, { "contents": "Dance Dance Revolution Extreme\n\n\nwas altered and put in the center of the screen, song scrolling left and right instead of up and down. The banners are displayed at the top of screen with the Foot Ratings listed below in the center of the wheel. The Groove Radar has been removed and Nonstop and Challenge modes are selectable on the wheel instead of during difficulty select. Workout Mode The arcade release of \"Dance Dance Revolution Extreme\" features 80 new songs of 240 total. Among the new songs, three are from \"Dancing Stage EuroMix 2\"", "id": "10673574" }, { "contents": "Thomas Fleming (political writer)\n\n\nof family loyalty and patriotism as the bigotry of the “extreme right.” In fact, the ultraleft Southern Poverty Law Center is always railing against “right-wing extremism,” by which they mean everyone to the right of \"\"The New Republic\"—up to and including Matthew Hale. . . . Why should any conservative care if he is attacked by the leftists of the SPLC and ADL or those of the \"New York Times\"? These people have lies in their mouths, blood on their hands for the great", "id": "3493620" }, { "contents": "Seattle Slew\n\n\n,\" Turner said. \"He liked people but he wasn't lovey dovey. He didn't like people petting him. He was the boss hoss. He would stand back and just look at you. He would let you do whatever you wanted him to do, but only if he wanted to do it.\" Seattle Slew's debut was delayed by his initial awkwardness, but he started to attract attention over the course of the summer at Saratoga with some fast workouts. Taylor later recalled that the colt had been", "id": "11093203" }, { "contents": "EyeToy: Kinetic\n\n\nwill also have the option to perform a warm up and stretching sequence along with the routine. At the end of every routine and every week, you will be graded depending on your performance. These grades go from A+ (Master) to E (Beginner). If you miss five days of the workout, you will be asked if you wish to do the entire twelve-week workout from the beginning. The game received \"generally favorable reviews\" according to the review aggregation website Metacritic. \"The Times\" gave", "id": "359758" }, { "contents": "Jane Fonda\n\n\nselling book, \"Jane Fonda's Workout Book\". \"Jane Fonda's Workout\" became the highest selling home video of the next few years, selling over a million copies. The video's release led many people to buy the then-new VCR in order to watch and perform the workout at home. The exercise videos were produced and directed by Sidney Galanty, who helped to put the deal together with video distributor Stuart Karl, of Karl Home Video. Galanty produced the first video and 11 more after that.", "id": "16668292" }, { "contents": "2018 Russia–United States summit\n\n\nit's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be. But I really do want to see the server but I have, I have confidence in both parties. I have great confidence in my intelligence people but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today and what he did is an incredible offer. He offered to have the people working on the case come and work", "id": "19315010" }, { "contents": "Edgar & Ellen\n\n\nmakes your teeth hurt. There is no originality to the people that live there- which is why Edgar and Ellen are such a foil for them. The twins attempt to liven up shiny that one just wants to throw mud at it just to mix things up a bit. Living in it is, in the twins' own words, \"like living inside a sugar cube\". The cartoon shorts were co-produced with Bardel Entertainment in association with YTV and Nicktoons. Nicktoons Network aired Edgar & Ellen two-minute shorts", "id": "11966448" }, { "contents": "Luke Lee\n\n\nwas \"\"extremely important. It is part of who I am. It is like eating and breathing\"\" and that his \"\"being in the best physical condition motivates me to achieve my goals.\"\" His workout consists of training \"\"every day, usually around 4am, at a 24-hour gym. I start off with 20 minutes of cardio exercise, followed by 40 minutes focused on a particular muscle group. I do a lot of work with medicine balls, battle ropes, prowlers and free weights", "id": "537493" }, { "contents": "Rome Antics\n\n\nroads lead to Rome\", so they decide to take different routes from each other — finally ending up at exactly the same spot as each other, at exactly the same time. In Rome, the Emperor goes onto a balcony to talk to his subjects, but the Romans do not want to listen to him, and throw fruit and vegetables at him (which the Emperor then picks up, and, looking at the people outside the Palace, he asks them: \"Did you throw that? … \"Cheeky\"", "id": "15382979" }, { "contents": "Franciscan missions to the Maya\n\n\n. For example, Vasco de Quiroga, a bishop of Michoacán: \"[the regular orders] are now inflicting many mistreatments upon the Indians, with great haughtiness and cruelty, for when the Indians do not obey them, they insult and strike them, tear out their hair, have them stripped and cruelly flogged, and then throw them into prison in chains and cruel irons.\" Because of extreme cruelties inflicted upon the Mayan people of the provinces Cochua and Chetumal, Quintana Roo, a rebellion broke out. The violence", "id": "13999074" }, { "contents": "The Last Boy Scout\n\n\naway going to throw the guy out of the window and take over the steering.” Taylor Negron, who played Milo, described Silver as extremely hands-on in every aspect of the production. Assistant director James Skotchdopole attributed the tension on-set to an “overabundance of alpha males on that project. Bruce was at the height of his stardom, so was Joel, so was Tony and so was Shane. There were a lot of people who had a lot of opinions about what to do. There were some", "id": "14582416" }, { "contents": "Running in Ancient Greece\n\n\ndown. Aristotle observed that athletes who have a rest day should not rest completely but do a mild, low-intensity workout instead. These practices are still in use today because of how well-founded the early principles had been (Stefanović et al. 112). The ancient Greeks also valued rest after exercising. After a workout, athletes used their aryballos, a special bottle of oil, and a strigil, which is a curved stick. They would rub the oil on their skin and then scrape it off using", "id": "14274235" }, { "contents": "Fanshen\n\n\nland-poor peasants it meant to stand up, to throw off the landlord yoke, to gain land, stock, implements and houses.\" But it meant more than this: \"It meant to throw off superstition and study science... That is why this book is called \"Fanshen\".\" The book was published first in hardcover by Monthly Review Press, which specializes in socialist themed works, but agreed to publish the book only after it had been turned down by several other publishers. The paperback edition by Vintage", "id": "11159397" }, { "contents": "Valley Girls\n\n\ntrying too hard, throwing everything and anything '80s at us\" such as a montage of 1980s outfits worn by Lily and mentions of MTV videos, fanny packs, Rubik's Cube, and Jane Fonda workout videos. \"At this rate,\" said Sankowski, \"they won't have anything left to showcase.\" Tim Stack of \"Entertainment Weekly\" \"loved\" the episode and complimented the casting choices, but agrees with Sankowski in that \"if this ends up being an actual series, they need to dial", "id": "22116928" }, { "contents": "Undeclared\n\n\n-class men, which impresses Kieran when Lloyd tells him about it. A subplot revolves around Marshall getting extremely drunk and throwing up in a bar. When he is throwing up, Perry takes a picture and video, and makes T-shirts and posters and puts them around campus. Marshall is embarrassed at first, but he is glad when he finds out about all of the attention that he gets as \"Puke Dude\". Unfortunately for him, this doesn't last long when everyone forgets about him after another student", "id": "1379840" }, { "contents": "Sockbaby\n\n\nis black!” Cordova, confused, asks Burger to let him deal with it. Burger heads to a laboratory to perform a DNA comparison, while Ronnie and Jones stay at the pool to catch up. Jones poisons Ronnie as Burger discovers that the DNA does not match. Cordiva asks Jones why he would do this, and it is explained that Cordova's father killed Jones' son Guillermo. Jones throws Cordova into the pool and an animated sequence showing Ronnie's anthropomorphized lungs drowning is shown. Burger arrives at the pool", "id": "1242307" }, { "contents": "Cliff 'Em All\n\n\nalways talked about not doing. Releasing a vid[eo]! Before you throw up in disgust, let us (except K.) tell you the idea behind this.\" The \"K\" is presumably short for Kirk, explaining why he is on the bottom of the cover. Detroit, April 4, 1986 - \"supporting Ozzy\" \"Shot from the left of the stage. VG with closeups.\" Long Island, April 28, 1986 - \"still drunk on Ozzy tour\" \"Shot from ground level above heads", "id": "6940211" }, { "contents": "Laugh track\n\n\n\"If you ever try to do a show without a laugh track, you'll see a huge difference...[I]t flattens. The only way to get away from a laugh track is to use music, which can indicate when something is funny.\" On sweetening, he continued, \"Then it's determined by the taste of the producers – by the morality of the producers...[A]fter a while, you learn that it is valueless. In the extremes, people are going to hear it and say, 'Why are", "id": "18677542" } ]
Why can't a nuclear reactor power the pumps that cool its reactors?
[{"answer": "Nuclear engineer here. This is hard to really explain all the details involved. But here is the short answer. A reactor doesn't make electricity, it makes steam. The turbine and generator make electricity. So if they can't work, then you can't make electricity. During normal operation, the main generator will power the plant. After a reactor scram, there isn't enough steam to run the turbine generator, so your electric systems now need offsite power or emergency generators. Every plant has one auxiliary feed pump that runs on either steam, or diesel fuel....or they have a passive cooling system that can run for a short time. (Hours). These are meant to buy time, they aren't a final cooling solution. They will either run out of water or overheat if you don't get power back eventually. For reference: Fukushima unit 1 had failures cause it's passive and steam powered cooling system to be unavailable. Unit 2 used its small steam powered cooling pump until it over heated and failed 70 hours later. Unit 3 used its large steam powered cooling pump until it depleted the reactor's steam inventory 32 hours later and began to overheat and stall, finally failing. So we do use reactor decay steam to run auxiliary feed pumps, but ultimately you need to restore normal decay heat removal to bring the plant to cold shutdown. Also. The reactor doesn't explode. The core will melt. And the metal will rust so rapidly, that it absorbs O2 from water, leaving H2 (explosive hydrogen gas) that can later get outside, mix with oxygen, and explode. But that's not a reactor explosion."}, {"answer": "They usually are. However reactors still need cooling even if they aren't producing power. So most designs either have multiple redundant backups or some provision for cooling without pumps."}, {"answer": "About 10% of the nuclear reactors electricity generation powers in-house loads. When the reactor is operating pumps that cool the reactor are powered by what comes out of the electric generators. The reactor shuts down it's still generates heat. That heat has to be taken away from the core. Normally the electricity to power the pumps would come from the grid. If there was some type of catastrophic failure no source of electricity, the plants have separate diesel generators that provide electricity to run the pumps after everything is shut down. Basically there's a back up to the backup."}, {"answer": "Nuclear Engineer Here. They can! Just not right away... Most reactors can't power its own pumps after a \"blackout\" purely because they are actually making too much power. The primary coolant pumps are massive equipment and they can take as much as 25 MW of power to run. However, when the reactor is at 100%, it is generating about 1500 to 3000 MW of thermal steam power (depending on station) which gets converted to 500 to 1000 MW electrical. This is MASSIVE amounts of energy. If the grid \"goes down\" and the plant wants to continue running, it would need a LOAD that could accept the MASSIVE amount of power that's being outputted from the generator. You would need like another whole \"city\" to take a 1000 MW. Plus it would need to make the transfer, at that VERY instant, which is unlikely or blow up the generator/turbine system (the steam flow coming from the reactor is like a hundred 747s). Reactor power needs to be shutdown. This is actually surprisingly easy but is comes at the cost of being \"All or nothing.\" Reactor power is either maneuvered fraction of a % at a time, or EVERYTHING is just at once. You CANNOT in an instant, lower it from producing 1000 MW down to 26MW. So night night reactor :) Go to sleep. Now you have a shutdown reactor which doesn't power anything. No steam flow to the generator = no power. So as people said before, standby generators kick in and power the pumps. Ok cool. But what if they run out of fuel? What if an earthquake caused the grid to go down and we can't get more fuel to run these standby generators? HOW ARE WE GOING TO COOL THE NCUELEKR OMGA...okay relax... Besides the plethora of really cool features like pump inertial mixing, and thermosyphoning, you have actually a method that allows a reactor to be \"self sufficient\" called.... Islanding! After a shutdown, and some fancy \"xenon override\" stuff goes away, the core can be brought back to critical and SLOWLY increased in power. It can be brought up to a low power state that allows for a steam flow that will provide enough generator power for the plant to basically power its own needs."}, {"answer": "Nuclear reactor cores continue to produce heat after they are shutdown. This is much, much less (about 3% after a 1 minute, 1% after 1 day, and 0.1% after 1 month) normal heat production, but it is uncontrollable and cannot be stopped. This is not enough to power the main generator, but it is still a substantial amount of heat. For example, the modern EPR reactor has a normal reactor thermal rating of 4.5 GW. 1% of that is 45 MW, which is enough heat to be a serious problem. A common way of dealing with the heat is by pumping in cold water (either into the reactor or its steam generators, depending on design) and allowing the steam to escape or be re-condensed (depending on if the steam is contaminated). There are a number of different techniques: Isolation condensor - a steam pipe from the top of the reactor runs into a tank of cold water outside the main reactor containment, into a big radiator submerged in water. A drain pipe collects condensed from the radiator water and carries it back to the bottom of the reactor. The water in the tank boils, and the steam escapes. Eventually, the water in the cooling tank will run out unless it is topped up, this can be in a few hours (e.g. at Fukushima 1), to 7 days for the latest designs. Emergency feedwater - Steam is allowed to escape from steam generators or reactor, and additional cold water is pumped in from a large holding tank. Some designs use electric or diesel pumps, but many use a steam turbine to power a pump, capturing energy from the steam being released from the reactor. The correct operation of a steam turbine, however, needs some degree of control. This was used at Fukushima 2 and 3, but in the absence of battery power, the turbines operated abnormally, and may not have worked at correct efficiency, and eventually overheated. Passive heat removal heat exchanger and passive containment cooling: a large cold water tank is placed above the reactor inside containment. A large radiator is connected to the reactor at top and bottom. As hot water rises above cold water, hot water enters the radiator, is cooled and re-enters the reactor at the bottom, once the valves are open. After a few hours the water in the tank boils, and steam builds up in the containment building. The containment instead of being made from concrete is made from metal, allowing the heat from the steam to escape to the air around the building. This is assisted by having a roof tank trickle water onto the outer skin of the building. Steam inside the building touches the cold walls of the building, condenses back into water, falls into gutters and is directed back into the tank. Passively cooled steam generators - Like isolation cooling but for reactors with steam generators. Steam from the steam generators goes to a large radiator and the condensed water is returned to the steam generator. These can use water submerged radiators, but some designs just use air cooled radiators. The steam generators are placed high above the reactor in these designs, so the hot water naturally rises to the steam generators and after cooling sinks back into the reactor."}, {"answer": "Because if something goes wrong and the plant is not putting out power, you're still going to have to keep the fuel rods cool. So an outside power source and/or backup generators power the cooling system, so in the event of a plant shut down you're not dealing with a core meltdown because you lost power to the cooling system."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "55017", "title": "Fusion power", "section": "Section::::Safety and the environment.:Accident potential.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 237, "end_paragraph_id": 237, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Unless they are actively refueled, the reactions will quickly end. Therefore, fusion reactors are considered immune from catastrophic meltdown.", "Unlike nuclear fission, fusion requires extremely precise and controlled temperature, pressure and magnetic field parameters for any net energy to be produced. If a reactor suffers damage or loses even a small degree of required control, fusion reactions and heat generation would rapidly cease. Additionally, fusion reactors contain only small amounts of fuel, enough to \"burn\" for minutes, or in some cases, microseconds"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Nuclear power plant\n\n\ncondensed in a condenser. The condenser is a heat exchanger which is connected to a secondary side such as a river or a cooling tower. The water is then pumped back into the steam generator and the cycle begins again. The water-steam cycle corresponds to the Rankine cycle. The nuclear reactor is the heart of the station. In its central part, the reactor's core produces heat due to nuclear fission. With this heat, a coolant is heated as it is pumped through the reactor and thereby removes the energy", "id": "171557" }, { "contents": "Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nstill 30 to 40 centimetres lower than the most recent estimation. The Tokai plant suffered a loss of external power-supply. The levee was overrun, but only one of three seawater pumps failed, and the reactors could be kept stable and safe in cold shutdown with the emergency diesel generator cooled by the two remaining seawater pumps. Following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, the Number 2 reactor was one of eleven nuclear reactors nationwide to be shut down automatically. It was reported on 14 March that a cooling system pump for", "id": "15984273" }, { "contents": "BN-600 reactor\n\n\nThe BN-600 reactor is a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor, built at the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station, in Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Designed to generate electrical power of 600 MW in total, the plant dispatches 560 MW to the Middle Urals power grid. It has been in operation since 1980 and represents an evolution on the preceding BN-350 reactor. In 2014, its larger sister reactor, the BN-800 reactor began operation. The plant is a pool-type reactor, where the reactor, coolant pumps, intermediate heat", "id": "20920135" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster casualties\n\n\ncutting power to the critical pumps that must continuously circulate coolant water through a nuclear reactor for several days in order to keep it from melting down after being shut down. As the pumps stopped, the reactors overheated due to the normal high radioactive decay heat produced in the first few days after nuclear reactor shutdown (smaller amounts of this heat normally continue to be released for years, but are not enough to cause fuel melting). At this point, only prompt flooding of the reactors with seawater could have cooled the reactors quickly", "id": "4079054" }, { "contents": "Doel Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nsteam generators with water to cool down the reactor. These turbine driven pumps can cool down the plant even when no electrical power is available to power the motor driven feedwater pumps during a station blackout like the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. In a boiling water reactor, like those in Fukushima, the heat removal capacity of the pumps is limited as the steam that drives the turbines is radioactive and thus has to be stored. This is not the case with a PWR due to the use of steam generators. Steam can simply be", "id": "15033021" }, { "contents": "Investigations into the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nthe tsunami caused flooding of many cooling seawater pumps, emergency diesel generators (EDGs), and power panels which were housed in low-lying rooms. This resulted in the total loss of AC power at Unit1 through 5. As nuclear reactor coolant systems stopped for a long time from cutting power, the reactors overheated due to the normal high radioactive decay heat produced in the first few days after nuclear reactor shutdown. As the water boiled away in the reactors and the water levels in the fuel rod pools dropped, the reactor", "id": "4079092" }, { "contents": "Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nthrough the turbine, it is cooled in a condenser; the water obtained in this manner is pumped again toward the nuclear reactor, to restart the generation cycle. Steam flow rate from each reactor is 3944 kilotons/hour (kt/h) to generate 682 MW of electric power. Both Reactor Units (U1 and U2) operate using 444 enriched uranium assemblies, storing power equal to 38.9 million oil barrels. This nuclear fuel is specifically designed to be admitted into the core of the reactor. The fuel is purchased only", "id": "675047" }, { "contents": "Boiling water reactor safety systems\n\n\n\"Coincident long-term loss of both on-site and off-site power for an extended period of time is a beyond-design-basis event for the primary containment on any operating nuclear power plant\". The reactors shut down as designed after the earthquake. However, the tsunami disabled four of the six sets of switchgear and all but three of the diesel backup generators which operated the emergency cooling systems and pumps. Pumps were designed to circulate hot fluid from the reactor to be cooled in the wetwell, but", "id": "13895490" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\npower to run their own coolant pumps, emergency diesel generators came online, as designed, to power electronics and coolant systems. These operated nominally until the tsunami destroyed the generators for Reactors 1–5. The two generators cooling Reactor 6 were undamaged and were sufficient to be pressed into service to cool the neighboring Reactor 5 along with their own reactor, averting the overheating issues the other reactors suffered. The largest tsunami wave was high and hit 50 minutes after the initial earthquake, overwhelming the plant's seawall, which was high. The", "id": "16637381" }, { "contents": "Tokyo Electric Power Company\n\n\nneeded to run pumps which cool and control the reactors. The flooding and earthquake damage prevented assistance being brought from elsewhere. Over the following days there was evidence of partial nuclear meltdowns in reactors 1, 2 and 3; hydrogen explosions destroyed the upper cladding of the building housing reactors 1 and 3; an explosion damaged reactor 2's containment; and severe fires broke out at reactor 4. The Fukushima nuclear disaster revealed the dangers of building multiple nuclear reactor units close to one another. This proximity triggered the parallel, chain-", "id": "17503654" }, { "contents": "Islanding\n\n\nknown as a microgrid, allow for intentional islanding. In case of an outage, a microgrid controller disconnects the local circuit from the grid on a dedicated switch and forces the distributed generator(s) to power the entire local load. In the context of nuclear power plants, islanding is an exceptional mode of operation of a nuclear reactor. In this mode, the power plant is disconnected from the grid and cooling systems (especially the pumps) are powered using only the power generated by the reactor itself. For some reactor types,", "id": "11443024" }, { "contents": "Hunterston B nuclear power station\n\n\nin one. In December 1998 an INES 2 incident occurred after severe winds and sea spray disabled all four power lines to the site during the Boxing Day Storm of 1998. After multiple grid failures in a short period of time, emergency diesel generators failed to start. Normally, in the absence of power for the reactor cooling pumps, the reactor would be passively cooled. However, the emergency control system which would have initiated passive cooling failed to act, as it had not been reset. Reactor cooling was reinstated after 4", "id": "1031861" }, { "contents": "Sodium-cooled fast reactor\n\n\nIV margins of alarm call safety) permit a higher thermodynamic efficiency than in water cooled reactors. The molten sodium, being electrically conductive, can be pumped by electromagnetic pumps. A disadvantage of sodium is its chemical reactivity, which requires special precautions to prevent and suppress fires. If sodium comes into contact with water it reacts to produce sodium hydroxide and hydrogen, and the hydrogen burns when in contact with air. This was the case at the Monju Nuclear Power Plant in a 1995 accident. In addition, neutrons cause it to", "id": "1394961" }, { "contents": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami\n\n\nTōhoku Electric Power Co. stated this may have been due to radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accidents but was not from the Onagawa plant itself. As a result of 7 April aftershock, Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant lost 3 of 4 external power lines and lost cooling function for as much as 80 minutes. A spill of a couple of litres of radioactive water occurred at Onagawa. The number 2 reactor at Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant was shut down automatically. On 14 March it was reported that a cooling system pump for this reactor had", "id": "16224499" }, { "contents": "VT-1 reactor\n\n\nThe VT-1 reactor was the nuclear fission reactor used in a pair to power Soviet submarine K-27 as part of the Soviet Navy's Project 645 Кит-ЖМТ. It is a liquid metal cooled reactor (LMR), using highly enriched uranium-235 fuel to produce 73 MW of power. K-27 was a November class first generation nuclear submarine, and the only one of its class fitted with liquid metal cooled reactors. However the seven-member Alfa class were subsequently fitted with liquid metal cooled reactors. It was developed by OKB Gidropress in", "id": "3870935" }, { "contents": "National Research Universal reactor\n\n\nOn November 18, 2007, the NRU reactor was shut down for routine maintenance. This shutdown was voluntarily extended when AECL decided to install seismically-qualified emergency power systems (EPS) to two of the reactor's cooling pumps (in addition to the AC and DC backup power systems already in place), as required as part of its August 2006 operating license extension by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). This resulted in a worldwide shortage of radioisotopes for medical treatments because AECL had not pre-arranged for an", "id": "358704" }, { "contents": "Nuclear reactor safety system\n\n\nto condense the steam into liquid within the primary containment structure in order to prevent overpressure and overtemperature, which could lead to leakage, followed by involuntary depressurization. This system is often driven by a steam turbine to provide enough water to safely cool the reactor if the reactor building is isolated from the control and turbine buildings. Steam turbine driven cooling pumps with pneumatic controls can run at mechanically controlled adjustable speeds, without battery power, emergency generator, or off-site electrical power. The Isolation cooling system is a defensive system against", "id": "4457748" }, { "contents": "Liquid metal cooled reactor\n\n\nbismuth alloy (VT-1 reactors in \"K-27\"; BM-40A and OK-550 reactors in others). Both the Soviet and US navies had earlier constructed prototype attack submarines using LMFR power units. The second nuclear submarine, was the only U.S. submarine to have a sodium-cooled nuclear power plant. It was commissioned in 1957, but it had leaks in its superheaters, which were bypassed. In order to standardize the reactors in the fleet, the submarine's sodium-cooled reactor was removed starting in 1958 and replaced with a pressurized", "id": "21741179" }, { "contents": "Millstone Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\n1 was a General Electric boiling water reactor, producing 660 MWe, shut down in November 1995 before being permanently closed in July 1998. Millstone 2 is a Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactor plant built in the 1970s, and has a maximum power output of 2700 thermal megawatts, or MWth (870 MWe). It has 2 steam generators, and 4 reactor cooling pumps. It is undergoing an upgrade to its safe shutdown system which already met NRC standards. During its refueling outage in October 2006, the operator installed a new", "id": "21304391" }, { "contents": "Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nto the five 30–50 cm thick insoles and the massive drywell. The reactor is fed with water through two loops, each provided with its own pump. A third pump serves as reserve. The emergency cooling of the core is entrusted to three independent systems. A doubly redundant low pressure core spray with a 2·100% heat removal capacity is activated in case of leaks any size in the coolant system. Small leaks may be compensated by the redundant high pressure reactor core isolation cooling system (RCIC) or the redundant alternate low pressure", "id": "20603099" }, { "contents": "Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nan anti-Iran campaigns by the US and Israel stems from Iran's Islamic status. \"Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is a victory for Iran and indicates that Iranians do their best to achieve their peaceful objectives but the US and Israel are not ready to accept this achievement.\" In February 2011, Rosatom announced that one of the reactor's four main cooling pumps, from the original German reactor, had suffered damage. Thoroughly cleaning the reactor of metal particles required the removal of the fuel core, resulting in a startup delay", "id": "10627738" }, { "contents": "Integral reactor\n\n\nIn the nuclear power field, an integral reactor is a nuclear reactor design principle where the reactor core, primary cooling loop, steam generators and any required emergency cooling are contained within a single reactor vessel. The concept can be applied to any sort of underlying reactor design, there are examples of integral pressurized water reactors, sodium-cooled fast reactors, and others. The main goals are mass production of the reactor, as the entire working design can be delivered as a single unit and then connected to the non-nuclear", "id": "6236948" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (Unit 2 Reactor)\n\n\nsystems were available. Initially the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system was primary cooling the core and at 15:00 operators activated the residual heat removal system main pump and the containment vessel spray pump at 15:07 to cool the suppression pool; all these systems failed following both AC power and DC power loss after the tsunami as the diesel generators and other systems failed when the tsunami overran the plant. The reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system was manually activated by operators at 15:39 following power loss, but by midnight the status", "id": "14605338" }, { "contents": "Liquid metal cooled reactor\n\n\nA liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor, liquid metal fast reactor or LMFR is an advanced type of nuclear reactor where the primary coolant is a liquid metal. Liquid metal cooled reactors were first adapted for nuclear submarine use but have also been extensively studied for power generation applications. Metal coolants remove heat more rapidly and allow much higher power density. This makes them attractive in situations where size and weight are at a premium, like on ships and submarines. To improve cooling with water, most reactor designs are highly pressurized to raise the", "id": "21741169" }, { "contents": "Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nF, the limit set by the NRC. On August 22, 2013, with the plant online at 98% power, all three of the plant's main feedwater pumps tripped causing a drop of the reactor water level. The reactor subsequently tripped. The loss of feedwater and sudden trip from the high power level caused the reactor water level to drop below -46 inches. After passing this point, the emergency core cooling system automatically activated. The RCIC and HPCI systems promptly restored the reactor water level to normal. The cause", "id": "7958549" }, { "contents": "Containment building\n\n\ntransients. The Mark I containment was used in those reactors at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant which were involved in the Fukushima I nuclear accidents. The site suffered from a combination of two beyond design-basis events, a powerful earthquake, which may have damaged reactor plumbing and structures, and 15 meter tsunami, which destroyed fuel tanks, generators and wiring, causing back up generators to fail, and battery-powered pumps also eventually failed. Insufficient cooling and failure of pumps needed to restore water lost to boiling off led", "id": "7198688" }, { "contents": "Nuclear reactor safety system\n\n\nto dissipate the heat, water is recirculated via a cooling tower. The failure of half of the ESWS pumps was one of the factors that endangered safety in the 1999 Blayais Nuclear Power Plant flood, while a total loss occurred during the Fukushima I and Fukushima II nuclear accidents in 2011. Emergency core cooling systems (ECCS) are designed to safely shut down a nuclear reactor during accident conditions. The ECCS allows the plant to respond to a variety of accident conditions (e.g. LOCAs) and additionally introduce redundancy so that the plant", "id": "4457743" }, { "contents": "Liquid metal cooled reactor\n\n\nboiling point, which presents safety and maintenance issues that liquid metal designs lack. Additionally, the high temperature of the liquid metal can be used to produce vapour at higher temperature than in a water cooled reactor, leading to a higher thermodynamic efficiency. This makes them attractive for improving power output in conventional nuclear power plants. Liquid metals, being electrically highly conductive, can be moved by electromagnetic pumps. Disadvantages include difficulties associated with inspection and repair of a reactor immersed in opaque molten metal, and depending on the choice of metal", "id": "21741170" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in Japan\n\n\nPrior to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Japan had generated 30% of its electrical power from nuclear reactors and planned to increase that share to 40%. Nuclear power energy was a national strategic priority in Japan. As of February 2019, there are 42 operable reactors in Japan. Of these, 9 reactors in 5 power plants are operating. Though all of Japan's nuclear reactors successfully withstood shaking from the Tohoku earthquake, flooding from the ensuing tsunami caused the failure of cooling systems at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant", "id": "16129413" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nwere closed and could not be reopened automatically due to the loss of electrical power, but could have been opened manually. On 16 April 2011, TEPCO declared that cooling systems for Units 1–4 were beyond repair. When a reactor is not producing electricity, its cooling pumps can be powered by other reactor units, the grid, diesel generators, or batteries. Two emergency diesel generators were available for each of Units 1–5 and three for Unit 6. In the late 1990s, three additional backup generators for Units 2 and 4 were", "id": "16637401" }, { "contents": "Nuclear marine propulsion\n\n\noperates at a temperature of around . Any radioactive contamination in the primary water is confined. Water is circulated by pumps; at lower power levels, reactors designed for submarines may rely on natural circulation of the water to reduce noise generated by the pumps. The hot water from the reactor heats a separate water circuit in the steam generator. The water turns to steam and passes through steam driers on its way to the steam turbine. Spent steam at low pressure is run through a condenser cooled by seawater and returns to liquid form", "id": "1598131" }, { "contents": "Atomics International\n\n\nof 43 reactor core fuel elements to partially melt. Atomics International personnel repaired the reactor which was restarted in September, 1960 and operated until 1964. The company subsequently designed and developed a concept demonstration sodium cooled nuclear power unit for the Hallam Nuclear Generating Station in Nebraska and a concept demonstration organic (Santowax) cooled nuclear power unit for the Piqua Nuclear Generating Station, in Ohio as experimental demonstration projects for the Atomic Energy Commission. The Piqua reactor was a 45.5 MWe organically moderated and cooled reactor while Hallam was a liquid metal cooled", "id": "20855948" }, { "contents": "PRISM (reactor)\n\n\nPRISM (Power Reactor Innovative Small Module, sometimes S-PRISM from SuperPRISM) is a nuclear power plant design by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH). The S-PRISM represents GEH's Generation IV reactor solution to closing the nuclear fuel cycle and is also part of its Advanced Recycling Center (ARC) proposition to U.S. Congress to deal with nuclear waste. S-PRISM is a commercial implementation of the Integral Fast Reactor developed by Argonne National Laboratory between 1984 and 1994. It is a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor", "id": "20716505" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nwith the natural abundance. At 21:14 a cooling pump at reactor five stops. At 08:12 the next day, work began on a spare pump, and cooling was restored at 12:49. The reactor temperature had risen to 92.2 °C. The cause of the outage is suspected to be motor failure. It is reported that 22 out of 23 radiation monitoring systems around the Fukushima plants were disabled by the earthquake and tsunami. Some were directly damaged, but most were disabled due to communication and power lines being cut. Even monitors", "id": "16744672" }, { "contents": "Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nthe Number 2 reactor had stopped working. Japan Atomic Power Company stated that there was a second operational pump and that cooling was working, but that two of three diesel generators used to power the cooling system were out of order. After the disaster in Fukushima, a stress-test was ordered by the Japanese government, since an investigation of the electrical installations of the Tokai Daini reactor revealed that they did not meet the earthquake-resistance standards set by the government. Seismic research in 2011 did show, that the March 11th", "id": "15984274" }, { "contents": "Steam generator (nuclear power)\n\n\ntertiary cooling scheme is the basis of the pressurized water reactor, which is the most common nuclear power plant design worldwide. In other types of reactors, such as the pressurised heavy water reactors of the CANDU design, the primary fluid is heavy water. Liquid metal cooled reactors such as the Russian BN-600 reactor use a liquid metal, such as sodium, as the primary coolant. These also use heat exchangers between primary metal coolant and the secondary water coolant, and thus their secondary and tertiary cooling is similar to a PWR.", "id": "10312857" }, { "contents": "Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\n. 2. In November 1996, following pressure from international governments, reactor No. 1 was shut down. Removal of uncontaminated equipment has begun at reactor No. 1 and this work could be complete by 2020–2022. In December 2000, reactor No. 3 was shut down, and the plant as a whole ceased producing electricity. In April 2015, units 1 through 3 entered the decommissioning phase. In 2013, the pump lifting river water into the cooling reservoir adjacent to the facility was powered down, with the thermal sink", "id": "3211737" }, { "contents": "Hanford Site\n\n\nin the hole. A huge volume of water from the Columbia River was required to dissipate the heat produced by Hanford's nuclear reactors. As much as 75,000 gallons per minute was diverted from the Columbia River to cool the reactor. From 1944 to 1971, pump systems drew cooling water from the river and, after treating this water for use by the reactors, returned it to the river. Before its release into the river, the used water was held in large tanks known as retention basins for up to six hours.", "id": "17993123" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nrevealed that TEPCO failed to inspect more than 30 technical components of the six reactors, including power boards for the reactor's temperature control valves, as well as components of cooling systems such as water pump motors and emergency power diesel generators. In 2008, the IAEA warned Japan that the Fukushima plant was built using outdated safety guidelines, and could be a \"serious problem\" during a large earthquake. The warning led to the building of an emergency response center in 2010, used during the response to the 2011 nuclear accident.", "id": "15743510" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power plant\n\n\nthe tower. The water level in the steam generator and the nuclear reactor is controlled using the feedwater system. The feedwater pump has the task of taking the water from the condensate system, increasing the pressure and forcing it into either the steam generators—in the case of a pressurized water reactor—or directly into the reactor, for boiling water reactors. Continuous power supply to the reactor is critical to ensure safe operation. Most nuclear stations require at least two distinct sources of offsite power for redundancy. These are usually provided", "id": "171566" }, { "contents": "Carolinas–Virginia Tube Reactor\n\n\nCarolinas–Virginia Tube Reactor (CVTR), also known as Parr Nuclear Station, was an experimental pressurized tube heavy water nuclear power reactor at Parr, South Carolina in Fairfield County. It was built and operated by the Carolinas Virginia Nuclear Power Associates. Construction started on January 1, 1960. The CVTR was built to test the concept of a heavy water moderated and cooled pressurized tube reactor for civilian power. It was the first US heavy water power reactor. It was operated by the Carolinas Virginia Nuclear Power Associates, which", "id": "18045223" }, { "contents": "RBMK\n\n\ncontrolled by the feedwater supply, with the deaerator tanks serving as a water reservoir. The maximum allowed heat-up rate of the reactor and the coolant is /h; the maximum cool-down rate is /h. The reactor is equipped with an emergency core cooling system (ECCS), consisting of dedicated water reserve tank, hydraulic accumulators, and pumps. ECCS piping is integrated with the normal reactor cooling system. In case of total loss of power, the ECCS pumps are supposed to be powered by the rotational momentum of", "id": "1932952" }, { "contents": "Hinkley Point B Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nHinkley Point B is a nuclear power station near Bridgwater, Somerset, on the Bristol Channel coast of south west England. It was the first commercial Advanced Gas Cooled reactor to generate power to the National Grid in 1976 and shares its design with sister station Hunterston B nuclear power station. The construction of Hinkley Point B, which was undertaken by a consortium known as The Nuclear Power Group (TNPG), started in 1967. The reactors vessels were supplied by Whessoe, reactor machinery was supplied by Strachan & Henshaw and the turbines", "id": "3031598" }, { "contents": "Integral fast reactor\n\n\na loss-of-coolant accident. The entire reactor core, heat exchangers and primary cooling pumps are immersed in a pool of liquid sodium or lead, making a loss of primary coolant extremely unlikely. The coolant loops are designed to allow for cooling through natural convection, meaning that in the case of a power loss or unexpected reactor shutdown, the heat from the reactor core would be sufficient to keep the coolant circulating even if the primary cooling pumps were to fail. The IFR also has passive safety advantages as compared with", "id": "2852204" }, { "contents": "Genkai Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\n2011 a leak was discovered in the cooling system of reactor No. 3. An alarm was triggered when the temperature rose to over 80C at the base of one of the pumps, but this alarm did not indicate the leakage of 1.8 cubic meters of radioactive water, because the water did not go outside the purification system. After the leak was discovered Kyushu Electric failed to report the troubles in full to the local government. Only the failure of the pumps in the system for the No. 3 reactor were mentioned. As", "id": "18990555" }, { "contents": "Organic nuclear reactor\n\n\nthe PWR design was already common. Another common design in US use is the boiling water reactor (BWR). In this design the water is placed under less pressure and allowed to boil in the reactor core. This limits the operational temperature, but is simpler mechanically as it eliminates the need for a separate steam generator and its associated piping and pumps. One can adapt this design to an organic moderated and cooled reactor cycle as well, which is aided by the fact that suitable organic fluids superheat on their own when they", "id": "15233718" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nat Chernobyl. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds radioactive iodine in milk in the United States. Workers pump radioactive water from a utility trench near reactor 1 into a storage tank near reactor 4. Water in the condensers for reactors 2 and 3 is shifted to outside storage tanks so that the condensers can remove more contaminated water from inside the reactors. The world's largest concrete pumping truck is shipped from the United States to Fukushima. The truck has been slightly modified to be able to pump cooling water initially, then", "id": "16744639" }, { "contents": "Fast-neutron reactor\n\n\n- ZrCl). Moltex Energy proposes to build a fast-neutron reactor called the Stable Salt Reactor. In this reactor design the nuclear fuel is dissolved in a molten salt. The salt is contained in stainless steel tubes similar to those use in solid fuel reactors. The reactor is cooled using the natural convection of another molten salt coolant. Moltex claims that their design is less expensive to build than a coal-fired power plant and can consume nuclear waste from conventional solid fuel reactors. Gas-cooled fast reactors have been", "id": "18709750" }, { "contents": "Shika Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nshield the reactors against a possible tsunami. The wall was designed 4 meters high and 700 meters long, 11 meters above sea level. This was done to comply with extra governmental instructions ordered after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Next to this a new drainage gate was to be installed to minimize damage to plant facilities in case seawater would be able to climb over the wall and would submerge the plant. Other emergency safety measures included the installing of an extra pump to cool the reactors with seawater and an extra power source to", "id": "16082139" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (Unit 1 Reactor)\n\n\nmelted and dropped to the bottom of the pressure vessel, burning a hole through the vessel. By that time, water was pumped into the reactor in an effort to prevent the worst-case scenario – overheating fuel melting its way through the containment and discharging large amounts of radionuclides in the environment. In June the Japanese government confirmed that Unit 1 reactor vessel containment was breached, and pumped cooling water continues to leak months after the disaster. On 11 October 2012, TEPCO released results of the first direct inspections (by remotely", "id": "19036331" }, { "contents": "Nuclear reactor safety system\n\n\n. Boiling water reactors are able to SCRAM the reactor completely with the help of their control rods. In the case of a Loss of coolant accident (LOCA), the water-loss of the primary cooling system can be compensated with normal water pumped into the cooling circuit. On the other hand, the standby liquid control system (SLC) consists of a solution containing boric acid, which acts as a neutron poison and rapidly floods the core in case of problems with the stopping of the chain reaction. Pressurized water reactors", "id": "4457740" }, { "contents": "B Reactor\n\n\nbank of the Columbia River. Each reactor had its own auxiliary facilities that included a river pump house, large storage and settling basins, a filtration plant, large motor-driven pumps for delivering water to the face of the pile, and facilities for emergency cooling in case of a power failure. Emergency shutdown of the reactor, referred to as a SCRAM, was attained either by rapidly fully inserting the vertical safety rods or, as a backup method, by the injection of borated water into the reactor. In January 1952", "id": "2721173" }, { "contents": "Nuclear energy policy by country\n\n\nthe necessary investment is not there. The Czechoslovak government completed its first nuclear power plant – a gas-cooled heavy water reactor – in 1972 in Bohunice. The country's first commercial nuclear power plant began operating in 1985, and the government is still committed to nuclear energy today. The Czech Republic currently has six nuclear reactors with a net MWe of 3,472 and plans to build two more 1,500 MWe reactors by 2020. According to data from 1990 to 2005, the Czech Republic posted the largest increase in nuclear energy capacity (", "id": "8200505" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\n14 meters high, which would have been more than twice the designed height. Other sources give the tsunami height at Fukushima Daini plant at 9-meter-high, while the Fukushima Daiichi plant was hit by a 13-meter-high tsunami. The tsunami caused the plant's seawater pumps, used to cool reactors, to fail. Of the plant's four reactors, three were in danger of meltdown. One external high-voltage power line still functioned, allowing plant staff in the central control room to monitor data on internal reactor temperatures", "id": "15743579" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in France\n\n\nDampierre started the same year and France installed 56 reactors over the next 15 years. Following the 2011 Fukushima I nuclear accidents, the head of France's nuclear safety agency has said that France needs to upgrade the protection of vital functions in all its nuclear reactors to avoid a disaster in the event of a natural calamity, adding there was no need to close any plants. \"There is a need to add a layer to protect safety mechanisms in reactors that are vital for the protection of the reactor such as cooling functions and", "id": "16063107" }, { "contents": "Nuclear marine propulsion\n\n\nThe majority of marine reactors are of the pressurized water type, although the US and Soviet navies have designed warships powered with liquid metal cooled reactors. Marine-type reactors differ from land-based commercial electric power reactors in several respects. While land-based reactors in nuclear power plants produce up to around 1600 megawatts of electrical power, a typical marine propulsion reactor produces no more than a few hundred megawatts. Space considerations dictate that a marine reactor must be physically small, so it must generate higher power per unit of space", "id": "1598134" }, { "contents": "BN-800 reactor\n\n\nThe BN-800 reactor is a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor, built at the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station, in Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. The reactor is designed to generate 880 MW of electrical power. The plant was considered part of the weapons-grade Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement signed between the United States and Russia, with the reactor part of the final step for a plutonium-burner core. The plant reached its full power production in August, 2016. The plant is a pool-type reactor, in", "id": "19114549" }, { "contents": "Alvin M. Weinberg\n\n\nthe dominant reactor types in commercial nuclear power plants. Weinberg was attracted to the simplicity and self-controlling features of nuclear reactors that used fluid fuels, such as Harold Urey and Eugene Wigner's proposed Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor. Therefore, to support the Nuclear Aircraft project in the late 1940s, Weinberg asked ORNL's reactor engineers to design a reactor using liquid instead of solid fuel. This Homogeneous Reactor Experiment (HRE) was affectionately dubbed \"Alvin's 3P reactor\" because it required a pot, a pipe, and a pump", "id": "10092902" }, { "contents": "Japan Atomic Power Company\n\n\n, Chubu Electric Power (15.12%), Hokuriku Electric Power Company (13.05%), Tohoku Electric Power (6.12%), and Electric Power Development Company (J-Power) (5.37%). On 11 March 2011 several nuclear reactors in Japan were badly damaged by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. The Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant lost external electric power, experienced the failure of one of its two cooling pumps, and two of its three emergency power generators. External electric power could only be restored two days", "id": "16426633" }, { "contents": "List of small modular reactor designs\n\n\nof electro-magnetic (EM) pumps, with natural circulation used in emergencies. The SSR is a nuclear reactor design proposed by Moltex Energy. It represents a breakthrough in molten salt reactor technology, with the potential to make nuclear power safer, cheaper and cleaner. The modular nature of the design, including reactor core and non-nuclear buildings, allows rapid deployment on a large scale. The design uses static fuel salt in conventional fuel assemblies thus avoiding many of the challenges associated with pumping a highly radioactive fluid and simultaneously", "id": "13043071" }, { "contents": "Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor\n\n\ndrive coolant flow within the reactor pressure vessel (RPV); this results in fewer systems to maintain, and precludes significant BWR casualties such as recirculation line breaks. There are no circulation pumps or associated piping, power supplies, heat exchangers, instrumentation, or controls needed for these systems. ESBWR's passive safety systems include a combination of three systems that allow for the efficient transfer of decay heat (created from nuclear decay) from the reactor to pools of water outside containmentthe Isolation Condenser System, the Gravity Driven Cooling System,", "id": "10120353" }, { "contents": "Individual involvement in the Chernobyl disaster\n\n\nthe emergency tank and the reactor itself was intact. Bryukhanov, the plant manager, arrived at 2:30 a.m. Akimov reported a serious radiation accident but intact reactor, fires in the process of being extinguished, and a second emergency water pump being readied to cool the reactor. Due to limitations of available instruments, they seriously underestimated the radiation level. At 3 a.m., Bryukhanov called Maryin, the deputy secretary for the nuclear power industry, reporting Akimov's version of the situation. Maryin sent the message further up the chain of command", "id": "1517134" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nthan the original . On 27 February 2012, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency ordered TEPCO to report its reasoning for changing the piping layout for the emergency cooling system. The original plans separated the piping systems for two reactors in the isolation condenser from each other. However, the application for approval of the construction plan showed the two piping systems connected outside the reactor. The changes were not noted, in violation of regulations. After the tsunami, the isolation condenser should have taken over the function of the cooling pumps, by", "id": "16637407" }, { "contents": "UNGG reactor\n\n\nThe UNGG (\"Uranium Naturel Graphite Gaz\") is an obsolete nuclear power reactor design developed in France. It was graphite moderated, cooled by carbon dioxide, and fueled with natural uranium metal. The first generation of French nuclear power stations were UNGGs, as was Vandellos unit 1 in Spain. Of ten units built, all were shut down by end 1994, most for economic reasons due to staffing costs. The UNGG and the Magnox are the two main types of gas cooled reactor (GCR). A UNGG reactor", "id": "1324096" }, { "contents": "Energy Multiplier Module\n\n\nThe Energy Multiplier Module (EM² or EM squared) is a nuclear fission power reactor under development by General Atomics. It is a fast-neutron version of the Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) and is capable of converting spent nuclear fuel into electricity and industrial process heat. EM2 is an advanced modular reactor expected to produce 265 MW (500 MW) of power with evaporative cooling (240 MW with dry cooling) at a core outlet temperature of . The reactor will be fully enclosed in an underground containment", "id": "17126597" }, { "contents": "Decommissioning of Russian nuclear-powered vessels\n\n\na nuclear reactor requires a specially trained team. The coolant is drained first. A reactor must be cooled down for at least three years after its final shutdown before this can be done. The hull above the reactor is then removed, followed by the top shield. The fuel elements are extracted and transported by ship and then rail to a storage facility. The still heavily radioactive reactor compartment can then be cut away. (Most Russian submarines have two reactors, \"in separate rooms, but in the same compartment.\"", "id": "11148728" }, { "contents": "Integral fast reactor\n\n\naccidents involving loss of coolant flow. Even with its normal shutdown devices disabled, the reactor shut itself down safely without overheating anywhere in the system. The IFR project was canceled by the US Congress in 1994, three years before completion. The proposed Generation IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor is its closest surviving fast breeder reactor design. Other countries have also designed and operated fast reactors. S-PRISM (from SuperPRISM), also called PRISM (Power Reactor Innovative Small Module), is the name of a nuclear power plant", "id": "2852197" }, { "contents": "Light-water reactor\n\n\na major player with BWRs. The other types of nuclear reactor in use for power generation are the heavy water moderated reactor, built by Canada (CANDU) and the Republic of India (AHWR), the advanced gas cooled reactor (AGCR), built by the United Kingdom, the liquid metal cooled reactor (LMFBR), built by the Russian Federation, the Republic of France, and Japan, and the graphite-moderated, water-cooled reactor (RBMK or LWGR), found exclusively within the Russian Federation and", "id": "21150395" }, { "contents": "Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission\n\n\n's normal backup power supplies); however, in November 2007, this fact was recognized by the CNSC as evidence of a licence violation, leading AECL to extend the NRU's maintenance shutdown until the seismically-qualified backup power connection could be completed. These two pumps are the last line of defence in the event of an earthquake or other primary power system failure in order to continue to provide cooling to the reactor fuel and prevent a meltdown of the reactor core. The extended shutdown created a shortage of medical radioisotopes, of", "id": "1186606" }, { "contents": "Small modular reactor\n\n\nCurrently, most reactors use water as a coolant. New reactor designs are experimenting with different coolant types. Liquid metal cooled reactors have been used both in the United States and other countries for some time. Gas cooled reactors and molten salt reactors are also being looked at as an option for very high temperature operation. Traditionally, nuclear reactors use a coolant loop to heat water into steam, and use that steam to run turbines to generate electricity. Some new gas-cooled reactor designs are meant to drive a gas-powered", "id": "20307651" }, { "contents": "Atomics International\n\n\ncontainment vessel to capture the released pressure. Experience gained from conducting basic nuclear technology development provided Atomics International with the experience and practical knowledge necessary for the design, construction and operation of the Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear reactor. On July 12, 1957 the Sodium Reactor Experiment became the first nuclear reactor in the United States to produce electrical power for a commercial power grid by powering the nearby city of Moorpark. In July 1959 an accident where the narrow internal cooling channels within the reactor fuel assemblies became obstructed by an organic contaminant causing 13", "id": "20855947" }, { "contents": "Torness Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nsite. Many of them signed a declaration to “take all nonviolent steps necessary to prevent the construction of a nuclear power station at Torness”. The SSEB submitted designs for four types of reactor then being considered by HM Government for the next stage of the UK civil nuclear programme: the advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR), the Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor (SGHWR), the Light Water Reactor (LWR) and the High Temperature Reactor (HTR). In February 1975, the Secretary of State for Scotland", "id": "13162309" }, { "contents": "Boiling water reactor\n\n\none of the two feedwater pumps fails during operation, the feedwater system will command the recirculation system to rapidly reduce core flow, effectively reducing reactor power from 100% to 50% in a few seconds. At this power level a single feedwater pump can maintain the core water level. If all feedwater is lost, the reactor will scram and the Emergency Core Cooling System is used to restore reactor water level. Steam produced in the reactor core passes through steam separators and dryer plates above the core and then directly to the turbine", "id": "13721950" }, { "contents": "Munir Ahmad Khan\n\n\nheavy water reactors, advanced Gas Cooled Reactors, plutonium utilisation, performance of nuclear power plants, problems and prospects of introducing nuclear power in developing countries, Small and Medium Power Reactors and coordination of programs for research in Theoretical Estimation of Uranium Depletion and Plutonium build-up in Power Reactors in the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France and Canada. In 1961, he prepared a technical feasibility report on behalf of the IAEA on Small Power Reactor projects of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. While at the IAEA", "id": "123078" }, { "contents": "EBOR\n\n\nThe Experimental Beryllium Oxide Reactor (EBOR) was a 10MWt helium cooled beryllium moderated nuclear reactor at Idaho National Laboratory. It never achieved criticality. The project started on February 17, 1958 as the Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor. The project started with a contract between the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and General Dynamics. The Goal of the project was to create a small nuclear reactor for use in merchant shipping or in a medium sized power plant. The main goals for the reactor were a simple design, low maintenance costs and maximum", "id": "19852036" }, { "contents": "Gösgen Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\ninternal diameter of 4.36 m. The reactor concrete building has a wall thickness in the cylindrical part of 1.6 m (1.2 m the dome and 2.8 m the base plate). Due to the massive structures it should be able to withstand an aircraft crash. In case of small leakages in the reactor cooling loop, four high-pressure injection pumps (one for each cooling loop and a fourth as reserve) would replace the missing water. In case of fast loss of the coolant, six accumulator tanks with a total 3·100%", "id": "20459337" }, { "contents": "Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents\n\n\n. At Chernobyl, a test procedure was being conducted prior to the accident. The leaders of the test permitted operators to disable and ignore key protection circuits and warnings that would have normally shut the reactor down. At TMI-2, operators permitted thousands of gallons of water to escape from the reactor plant before observing that the coolant pumps were behaving abnormally. The coolant pumps were thus turned off to protect the pumps, which in turn led to the destruction of the reactor itself as cooling was completely lost within the core. A detailed", "id": "11281784" }, { "contents": "Surry Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\n's cooling pumps and causing the backup diesel generators to activate without incident. • On August 23, 2011, an earthquake in central Virginia automatically shut down Dominion's North Anna reactors 11 miles from the epicenter. The similar Surry reactors continued in operation and Dominion declared a \"Notice of Unusual Event\" (the least dangerous of a four-level emergency scale) for the Surry plant which was lifted later the same day. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's estimate of the risk each year of an earthquake intense enough to cause core", "id": "22018861" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\nbeen moved to inside the reactor buildings or to other flood-proof locations, power would have been provided by these generators to the reactors' cooling systems. The reactor's emergency diesel generators and DC batteries, crucial components in powering cooling systems after a power loss, were located in the basements of the reactor turbine buildings, in accordance with GE's specifications. Mid-level GE engineers expressed concerns, relayed to Tepco, that this left them vulnerable to flooding. The Fukushima reactors were not designed for such a large tsunami", "id": "16637403" }, { "contents": "Behavior of nuclear fuel during a reactor accident\n\n\n. In France a facility exists in which a fuel melting incident can be made to happen under strictly controlled conditions. In the PHEBUS research program fuels have been allowed to heat up to temperatures in excess of the normal operating temperatures, the fuel in question is in a special channel which is in a toroidal nuclear reactor. The nuclear reactor is used as a \"driver core\" to irradate the test fuel. While the reactor is cooled as normal by its own cooling system the test fuel has its own cooling system, which", "id": "1726474" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power debate\n\n\nUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has formally engaged in pre-application activities with four applicants who have Generation IV reactors. Of those four applicants' designs, two are molten salt reactors, one is a compact fast reactor, and one is a Modular High temperature gas-cooled reactor. This is a list of nuclear whistleblowers. They are mainly former employees of nuclear power facilities who have spoken out about safety concerns. A major concern in the nuclear debate is what the long-term effects of living near or working in a", "id": "6846724" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in France\n\n\nload following. However availability is around 84%, indicating excellent overall performance of the plants. The first eight power reactors in the nation were gas cooled reactor types (UNGG reactor), whose development was pioneered by CEA. Coinciding with a uranium enrichment program, EDF developed pressurized water reactor (PWR) technology which eventually became the dominant type. The gas-cooled reactors located at Brennilis, Bugey, Chinon, and Marcoule have all been shut down. All operating plants today are PWRs. The sodium-cooled fast breeder", "id": "16063121" }, { "contents": "Lead-cooled fast reactor\n\n\nhigh enough to support thermochemical production of hydrogen. The concept is generally very similar to sodium-cooled fast reactor, and most liquid-metal reactors have used sodium instead of lead. Few lead-cooled reactors have been constructed, except for some Soviet nuclear submarine reactors in the 1970s, but a number of proposed new nuclear reactor designs are lead-cooled. The lead-cooled reactor design has been proposed as a generation IV reactor. Plans for future implementation of this type of reactor include modular arrangements rated at 300 to", "id": "12111811" }, { "contents": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster\n\n\n, nor had the reactors been modified when concerns were raised in Japan and by the IAEA. Fukushima II was also struck by the tsunami. However, it had incorporated design changes that improved its resistance to flooding, reducing flood damage. Generators and related electrical distribution equipment were located in the watertight reactor building, so that power from the electricity grid was being used by midnight. Seawater pumps for cooling were protected from flooding, and although 3 of 4 initially failed, they were restored to operation. Used fuel assemblies taken from", "id": "16637404" }, { "contents": "Arktika-class icebreaker\n\n\nin Murmansk, the spent fuel reprocessed and waste disposed of at a radioactive waste plant. Both the OK-150 and OK-900(A) are pressurized water reactors, meaning that cooling water is continually pumped under pressure through the reactor to remove heat, keeping the cores and the reactor cool. The heated water is pumped from the reactor to a boiler (4 boilers per reactor), where it transfers its heat into another body of water, producing steam at a rate of 30 kg/cm3 (approx 1,084 psi) . Each set of", "id": "9583386" }, { "contents": "Argonne National Laboratory\n\n\nto design the reactor for the world's first nuclear-powered submarine, the U.S.S. \"Nautilus\", which steamed for more than 513,550 nautical miles (951,090 km). The next nuclear reactor model was Experimental Boiling Water Reactor, the forerunner of many modern nuclear plants, and Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II), which was sodium-cooled, and included a fuel recycling facility. EBR-II was later modified to test other reactor designs, including a fast-neutron reactor and, in 1982, the", "id": "1454839" }, { "contents": "Energy policy of Romania\n\n\nPower Plant () is the only nuclear power plant in Romania. It uses CANDU reactor technology from AECL, using heavy water produced at Drobeta-Turnu Severin as its neutron moderator and water from the Danube for cooling. There are also plans for the construction of a second nuclear power plant in Transylvania that will either have 2 reactors of 1,200 MW each or 4 reactors of 600 MW each with an electricity generating capacity of 2,400 MW and will be constructed after 2020 , Wind power in Romania has an installed capacity of 10 MW", "id": "15508683" }, { "contents": "HTR-PM\n\n\nThe HTR-PM is a small modular nuclear reactor under development in China. It is a high-temperature gas-cooled (HTGR) pebble-bed generation IV reactor partly based on the earlier HTR-10 prototype reactor. The reactor unit has a thermal capacity of 250 MW, and two reactors are connected to a single steam turbine to generate 210 MW of electricity. Work on the first demonstration HTR-PM power plant, composed of two reactors driving a single steam turbine, began in December 2012 in Shidao Bay Nuclear Power", "id": "6933700" }, { "contents": "Nuclear reactor heat removal\n\n\nbetween the average wall temperatures of the casing and the cooling agent. In boiling water cooled reactors (BWR) and partly in pressure water cooled reactors (PWR and PHWR) the heat transfer is made with a vapor phase in the cooling medium, which is why this type of heat transfer is called heat transfer in a biphasic system. This allows obtaining much higher transfer coefficients than the one-phase heat transfer described in the Dittus-Boelter equation. Increasing the flow of heat, reducing the agent flow and lowering the pressure", "id": "6681848" }, { "contents": "Steam generator (nuclear power)\n\n\ntubes, each about in diameter. The coolant (treated water), which is maintained at high pressure to prevent boiling, is pumped through the nuclear reactor core. Heat transfer takes place between the reactor core and the circulating water and the coolant is then pumped through the primary tube side of the steam generator by coolant pumps before returning to the reactor core. This is referred to as the primary loop. That water flowing through the steam generator boils water on the shell side (which is kept at a lower pressure than", "id": "10312855" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in the United Kingdom\n\n\nNuclear power in the United Kingdom generates around a quarter of the country's electricity as of 2016, projected to rise to a third by 2035. The UK has 15 operational nuclear reactors at seven plants (14 advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGR) and one pressurised water reactor (PWR)), as well as nuclear reprocessing plants at Sellafield and the Tails Management Facility (TMF) operated by Urenco in Capenhurst. The United Kingdom established the world's first civil nuclear programme, opening a nuclear power station, Calder Hall", "id": "16550120" }, { "contents": "Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents\n\n\na nuclear reactor exceeds the heat removed by the cooling systems to the point where at least one nuclear fuel element exceeds its melting point. This differs from a fuel element failure, which is not caused by high temperatures. A meltdown may be caused by a loss of coolant, loss of coolant pressure, or low coolant flow rate or be the result of a criticality excursion in which the reactor is operated at a power level that exceeds its design limits. Alternately, in a reactor plant such as the RBMK-1000, an external", "id": "11281774" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in Germany\n\n\na reactor in a major city was made in 1967, when BASF planned to build a nuclear power station on its ground at Ludwigshafen, to supply process steam. The project was withdrawn by BASF. In 1959, 15 municipal electric companies established the \"Association of Experimental Reactor GmbH\" (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor, AVR) to demonstrate the feasibility and viability of a gas-cooled, graphite-moderated high temperature reactor (HTGR). In the early 1960s, it started the design and construction of AVR at the Jülich Research Centre", "id": "2080387" }, { "contents": "Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\nSmolensk Nuclear Power Plant ( []) is a nuclear power station in Russia. It is located in the Smolensk region, in Desnogorsk province, approximately 100 km from Smolensk, 115 km from Bryansk and 320 km from Moscow. Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant is the biggest nuclear plant in the Nechernozem region of Russia. The plant operates three RBMK-1000 reactors (1000 MW water-cooled graphite-moderated channel-type reactors). The plant was supposed to have four units but the construction of the 4th reactor was stopped in 1993", "id": "1427256" }, { "contents": "Liquid metal cooled reactor\n\n\n, exporting 600 GW-h of electricity to the grid over that period. It was succeeded at the same site by PFR, the Prototype Fast Reactor, which operated from 1974 to 1994 and used liquid sodium as its coolant. The Soviet BN-600 is sodium cooled. The BN-350 and U.S. EBR-II nuclear power plants were sodium cooled. EBR-I used a liquid metal alloy, NaK, for cooling. NaK is liquid at room temperature. Liquid metal cooling is also used in most fast neutron reactors including fast breeder", "id": "21741182" }, { "contents": "Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant\n\n\n2 GW of electric power. Both units are water-cooled, water-moderated power reactors. Four more reactors are set to be added to this plant under a memorandum of intent signed in 2008. A firm agreement on setting up two more reactors was postponed. Reactor 1 was to begin supplying power to the Central Grid by end of August 2013. The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) board members have approved signing of a power purchase agreement (PPA) with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) for", "id": "9109324" }, { "contents": "Nuclear safety and security\n\n\nshort-term illness and death and longer-term death by cancer and other diseases. It is impossible for a commercial nuclear reactor to explode like a nuclear bomb since the fuel is never sufficiently enriched for this to occur. Nuclear reactors can fail in a variety of ways. Should the instability of the nuclear material generate unexpected behavior, it may result in an uncontrolled power excursion. Normally, the cooling system in a reactor is designed to be able to handle the excess heat this causes; however, should the reactor also", "id": "37793" }, { "contents": "Magnox\n\n\nMagnox is a type of nuclear power/production reactor that was designed to run on natural uranium with graphite as the moderator and carbon dioxide gas as the heat exchange coolant. It belongs to the wider class of gas cooled reactors. The name comes from the magnesium-aluminium alloy used to clad the fuel rods inside the reactor. Like most other \"Generation I nuclear reactors\", the Magnox was designed with the dual purpose of producing electrical power and plutonium-239 for the nascent nuclear weapons program in Britain. The name refers specifically", "id": "13641903" }, { "contents": "Nuclear power in China\n\n\n, a Generation IV design. The HTR-PM is a descendant of the AVR reactor. A sodium-cooled fast reactor, the CFR-600, is under construction. In July 2019 China National Nuclear Corporation announced it would start building a demonstration ACP100 small modular reactor (SMR) on the north-west side of the existing Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant by the end of the year. Design of the ACP100 started in 2010. It is a fully integrated reactor module with an internal coolant system, with a 2 year refuelling interval", "id": "22115058" }, { "contents": "Oldbury Nuclear Power Station\n\n\nin 2009 intentions to install up to 3,300 MWe of new nuclear plant at Oldbury. Horizon were considering building up to either two 1,650 MWe Areva EPR reactors, or three 1,100 MWe Westinghouse AP1000 reactors. As the Severn estuary water supply would be inadequate to cool these larger reactors, cooling towers would be built. On 18 October 2010 the British government announced that Oldbury was one of the eight sites it considered suitable for future nuclear power stations. On 29 March 2012 E.ON and RWE npower announced that their plans to build the new", "id": "21053168" } ]
Why Germany had enough resources and manpower to start WW2,despite losing in WW1 just 20 years before?
[{"answer": "He invaded and occupied major industrial military producers, like Czechoslovakia. Read this from Wikipedia... \"In a speech delivered in the Reichstag, Hitler stressed the military importance of occupation, noting that by occupying Czechoslovakia, Germany gained 2,175 field cannons, 469 tanks, 500 anti-aircraft artillery pieces, 43,000 machine guns, 1,090,000 military rifles, 114,000 pistols, about a billion rounds of ammunition and three million anti-aircraft grenades. This amount of weaponry would be sufficient to arm about half of the then Wehrmacht.[9] Czechoslovak weaponry later played a major part in the German conquests of Poland (1939) and France (1940) - countries that had pressured Czechoslovakia's surrender to Germany in 1938.\" Edit: I said invaded and occupied, but Austria was sympathetic and became German through an Anschluss plebiscite. Czech Sudetenland and the Skoda arms factory was gifted to Germany through the Munich Agreement in an appeasement move. This is all covered by commenters below."}, {"answer": "So the top answer at the moment is completely wrong. Anyone that refers to the NSDAP as having anything 'socialist' about it does not understand socialism, nor the state-led capitalist command economy run in Germany under Hitler. Prior to WW1 Germany was probably the industrial powerhouse of the world (albeit not to the extent the USA was in 1950 when it accounted for ~60% of world industrial output). It had the most efficient factories in the world and a skilled, healthy and efficient workforce. Germany's economic 'recovery' after the 1918 war came on the basis of a few things: - The wiping out of inefficient firms in the 1920s depression years. Their assets were acquired cheaply by surviving firms, who then experienced huge returns. (For a more recent example of this in action, look at the profits made in 2009-12 by banks that survived 2007/8 in the USA) - The wholesale devastation of working class consumption, first in the depression, then further under Hitler. These losses funded industrial expansion under the ownership of Hitler's oligarchs, and also the state itself. - A campaign of terror aimed at strikes. - The wholesale slaughter of the disabled and some of the elderly. Labour previously spent providing a modest existence for these people was now 'freed up' for use in the rest of the economy. - Economic compulsion - capitalists were forced to invest in the productive economy, rather than speculate. In the end Germany still had its skilled and healthy working class but one that lived in terror most of the time. The most modern similar example I can think of is Saddam's Iraq in the period after the Iran-Iraq war, but before the attempted annexation of Kuwait. The United States had many of these characteristics at the same time (the political repression was less severe and working class living standards were rising, so those were the exception)."}, {"answer": "It didn't. It was wrecking its own economy in the build-up of WW2 (e.g. [hiding its near bankruptcy by handing out funny money]( URL_0 )), it was desperately short on manpower (parts of the army were demobilized between Poland and France so the men could be sent back into factories to make the ammunition they'd be shooting later!) and so short on equipment that each conquered country had to be plundered for just enough materials to fund the *next* conquest (the soldiers invading Russia had to use captured French and Polish equipment, which were conquered using Czech tanks). The German war economy was a dumpster fire that needed to rape and pillage all of Europe to *barely* match the industrial output of a fully mobilized Britain, with no hope of ever matching the USSR or the USA. (Hence the whole Blitzkrieg idea \u2013 Germany couldn't afford more than a few months war, therefore everyone had to surrender within a few months. Too bad Stalin didn't want to cooperate.) Germany mainly got away with it during the 1930s and the first two years of the war because everyone else was too reluctant to mobilize and match Germany's war machine \u2013 the Great Depression was wrecking havoc with everyone else's economies too, and they instead focused on rebuilding their industrial base to have a healthy civilian economy instead. For France and the rest of continental Europe, this was a bad idea, since Germany could quickly assemble an army *just barely* good enough to take on the continental European peace time armies. But for Britain, the USSR and the USA, this gave them the broad industrial base they needed to out-last Germany. Germany never had hope of sustaining a long war. Not enough time nor resources to build a sufficient navy (and thus no hope of taking on the US or even Britain), no time nor resources to develop high-performance aero engines needed for strategic bombers (and thus no way to even slow down Britain, or hit the Soviet war industry); hell, for a large part there was no time nor resources to even build *assembly lines!* Apart from a few prestige projects like the Bf 109 short-range fighter (too short range to fight over Britain) and the Ju 88 light bomber (too light bomb load to be useful over Britain), Germany couldn't afford assembly line manufacturing for most of their equipment in the build-up to WW2. Even Speer, despite his promises, couldn't rationalize German industry as much as he liked to \u2013 too little resources and too little manpower to get by. He mostly just fudged the numbers by burning through slave labour (literally, in many cases; the Germans killed more slaves while building the V-2 than they did by using it) and allocating all available resources to tank and airplane factories at the expense of \"less important\" industry\u2026 like machine tool factories that made the tooling said tank and plane factories needed to keep running. Manpower, as mentioned, was a similar dumpster fire. Because Germany was pouring all its resources into getting ready for WW2, it didn't have any reserves to invest in, say, mechanized farming equipment. (Not that it would've been useful, with how little oil Germany had.) As a result, Germany needed a **lot** of farm hands and peasants to feed its population, and mobilization for war was only possible by raiding all of Europe for slave labour and food (thus leading to millions of people starving). Again, completely unsustainable; Germany ran out of its nominal manpower reserves by 1940 and was improvising from then on. The Allies, on the other hand, never had that problem \u2013 both because they *had* more reserves, and because they weren't ideologically blind and mobilized women at a much more massive scale in all possible fields (factory work, and in case of the USSR, even front line combat duty). (Main source: Adam Tooze, *The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy*)"}, {"answer": "Military History Visualized did a great video on [How Germany Cheated Versailles]( URL_0 ) that covers the topic pretty thoroughly, alongside other comments here."}, {"answer": "Reading some of these... like some of the economic reasoning for why Germany did well seems to contradict modern economic theory One thing to remember OP is that a key characteristic of fascism was power and speed. After the Great Depression people felt feckless. They felt government was feckless. And WW I showed people that the old traditions and regimes were morally bankrupt. There was a huge crisis in confidence over the values and institutions of societies. No one knows how to fix the issues. Everything was bad. So, imagine, on the scene, come leaders who are powerful, direct, action orientated, talk about speed, and will. Everyone gets excited: finally something to believe in. You have a goal. You have a leader. You have something to fight against. Everyone is in it together. You work hard. I think that\u2019s an important background for understanding WW II. Even without a lot of resources you can make something. Like Japan is a tiny set of islands with few resources, but they controlled huge swaths of the Pacific for a while. How do you do something like that? You get everyone excited to achieve a common goal, you have a state of ultranationalism or fascist fervour and will-to-power. And you do it. That\u2019s why some people still wear Nazi stuff today. It\u2019s because they get caught up in that feeling of empowerment. Usually the people who get into stuff like that feel feckless or feel as if their group is losing self-determination or power, and they want to regain the fleetness of being dominant. For me, that\u2019s a better explanation of the early success of the axis powers. Longer term success in Germany can probably be somewhat attributed to a strong tradition of training good military officers, and the society having the scientific ability to produce good technology. So it\u2019s not always what you got but how you use it. That and if you conquer other countries you can have their resources too."}, {"answer": "Germany is rich in natural resources (forest, plains, coasts) and has major rivers all over the place. It is basically perfect for internal and external trade. Also, Hitler did socialism right (if you want to cherry pick and not adopt his whole suite of policies). For example, newly married couples could apply for state subsidized loan to start their homes, of course they had to buy German made goods. For every kid they had a portion of the loan was forgiven. This fixes the single parent issue we have with welfare in the United States and gave local manufacturing a huge boost. It also fixed any issues with population growth. Really I think Evey country should implement a similar plan, the way we do welfare now is fully retarded. But yeah, good location and the non-genocidal non-jingoistic policies were actually well thought out. But generally if you say that you get in trouble, like a board member of the bank of Japan. URL_1 Edit: Here is a quick rundown of Germany's Natural resources and waterways and how it affects its geopolitics. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "In addition to what other people are saying: In WW1, Germany launched a sudden attack against France (and Belgium), and so most of the trench warfare happened next to its borders, but outside of Germany. When the rides of battle turned, and Entente soldiers began making their way towards Germany, they surrendered before they actually reached Germany. This means that the German soil saw no fighting during the war, and the country's infrastructure was essentially intact. Compare and contrast with France that had huge swathes of its territory rendered completely unusable to the point that some areas remain even today still off-limits. EDIT: changed the text to make the devastation in France clearer."}, {"answer": "They didn't quite have them. That's why they used the Blitzkrieg, to win the war as fast as possible seeing that a prolonged war would have a very significant impact on the industry. And they failed at this in Russia and as soon as the Blitzkrieg slowed down to a halt, they started losing the war because the industry and recruitment couldn't keep up with the losses incurred by an attrition war, unlike the russians and the americans."}, {"answer": "The answer to that question entails an accurate understanding of WWII, which few people in the West are ever taught. Germany had enough resources and manpower to start WWII because their entire war plan consisted of a knockout blow to the Soviet Union that would conclude the war in a matter of three months. Barbarossa was not the \"start\" of he war for Germany. It was the beginning, middle, and end. They didn't really have the resources to fight beyond that and when Barbarossa failed to topple the Soviet Government, the Germans were doomed. If the Germans knew how strong the Russians really were, they never would have invaded (though they'd still be in a perilous position because every year the Russians would increase their advantage and eventually use that to invade Germany). The real question is how the Russians became strong enough to not just withstand a German assault but to counterattack and conquer all of Eastern Europe just 20 years after losing WWI."}, {"answer": "It's important to understand a few key points: * Germany had been engaged in arms development in violation of the Treaty of Versailles almost immediately, usually by German firms using foreign subsidiaries to develop weapons. When Germany's rearmament was no longer a secret, the Germans already had plenty of modern weapons ready for production. * The Soviet Union was generally considered something of an international pariah, due to the fact that most European countries considered the communists to be an internal security threat. This isolation allowed the Germans and Soviets to come to an agreement to train German forces inside Russia, far from the eyes of Allied inspectors. The Germans tested aircraft and tank manuevers extensively in Russia, and by the time the war broke out Germany had already developed a good idea of how to use tanks, air power, and infantry in combined maneuvers. * The Soviets needed arms, and part of their agreements with Germany were a basic understanding of German weapons and development assistance in exchange for raw materials. Through the Soviet Union, Germany acquired much of the scarce alloys that it would need for producing aircraft and tanks in the immediate pre-war period. Because the Soviet Union was relatively closed to the outside world, the volume of German-Soviet trade was not widely known at the time. * When the war did start, the Germans were able to isolate their foes initially. Czechoslovakia had been rendered indefensible by the loss of the Sudetenland by negotiations and was rapidly overrun. The Poles likewise received the full brunt of the Wehrmact, along with the Soviet Union invading a few weeks later. A major problem with the Allied strategy was that France expected to fight a defensive war, which the Germans exploited by attacking everywhere except France in the early stages of the war. * Most importantly, the Germans used captured weapons, war material, and factories to bolster their own forces. When the Germans conquered Czechoslovakia they acquired an enormous amount of tanks, small arms, and other equipment that was easily converted to their use. The Germans, Czechoslovaks, Poles, all used the same ammunition for example. By the time the Germans invaded France the Wehrmact was a far more formidable force than it had been in 1938. Everytime the Germans beat a country, they were meticulous in reusing resources for their own forces whenever possible."}, {"answer": "Well, starting a war requires significantly less resources than actually winning a war. Also it should be noted that the Germany Army is often wrongly portrayed in popular fiction as this high tech behemoth, which it not really ever was. E.g., at the start of WW2, basically all German Artillery was still horse drawn, since Germany lacked motorized transport (and oil, ofc). Germany at no time in war had a surface Navy which could really challenge the Royal Navy. Most of the tanks Germany entered the war with were seriously inferior to the opposition they faced (both in France and in later in Russia)."}, {"answer": "Germany still had to largest population in Europe with access to the most natural resources. Europe, tired of war, did nothing while Hitler retook the Rhineland. Europe, tired of war, did nothing while Hitler annexed Austria. Europe, tired of war, did nothing while Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia. The entire process leading up to WWII was appeasement to Hitler in hopes that he would stop. Welp. They were wrong."}, {"answer": "Well part of the reason is Germany surrendered whilst still holind enemy territory. The war never reached Germany so it remained relatively entact."}, {"answer": "WW2 was a generation after WW1 and relatively few German civilians were killed in WW1 since most of the war was fought on enemy territory, so manpower wasn't a major concern. Germany borrowed from its citizens and other countries to rearm."}, {"answer": "The NSDAP had very powerful foreign financiers (funding and support during the war). Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler [( URL_0 )] FED / Bank of England [( URL_1 )] Financiers [( URL_2 )]"}, {"answer": "They violated the treaties with the aid of Russia and held military training on Russian soil. They had a massive amount of industrial resources within Germany that they leveraged to arm said military. Before starting the war they started enslaving the undesirables within Germany, and quickly did it in the regions they invaded once the war started, fueling their manufacturing with said slave labor."}, {"answer": "Currently teaching this in high school. Here\u2019s a very basic point form answer, there\u2019s lots of other reasons, too tired to elaborate as well: - crazy inflation right after WWI solved by $200 million loan from America, German economy recovers before much of the rest of the world suffers the Great Depression in the 30s, Germany largely unaffected -extreme nationalism, indoctrination, humiliation from WWI, etc. all fuel a cheap and (almost) total war effort -Germany offered relief from reparations owed from Treaty of Versailles -as others mentioned, they seized means of productions in other areas -blitzkrieg didn\u2019t necessarily require a massive standing army -first year of war a \u201cphony war\u201d (most sides building armies) so they didn\u2019t necessarily have a massive army to begin with, as well most countries they fought with also were involved in WWI so amount of troops is relative (also Germany by comparison had much less casualties than other countries) 1939-1918 = 21 years = a good enough new fighting generation"}, {"answer": "Germany started preparing for World War 2 almost the moment they lost World War 1. They became something almost incomprehensible when they were basically tricked into surrendering based of Wilson's '14 Points', and actually got the Versailles Treaty. They were a modern, first world country with citizens forced to exist within it like they were a third world country (if we use the common definition of first and third as an understanding of wealth/living conditions etc.) So they built what was in theory a border patrol, and set up agreements with the Soviet Union to basically exchange officers (and in truth men and equipment) and train the army on Soviet land (as well as in Germany). The manpower was easy to get - the surrender had deeply damaged the German psyche. A lot of people thought the soldiers/army never lost World War 1 (it didn't), they were let down by the homefront (which is true). So there was this anger that the deplorable living conditions where something that could have been avoided. That is basically how Hilter got into power. He blamed weak leadership for the loss of WW1, and blamed the Jews (a group of people who lived everywhere but had no homeland) for infiltrating the government and weakening German ideals. But the army Hilter used was built before he was anything but a radical German who wanted power. Germans secured as many of their resources as they could from French intervention, they got a lot from the Soviet Union also... but they always felt they couldn't compete with France and the UK because of their colonies. I forget how much it was now, but between them they essentially owned a huge percentage of the world. So the German's felt the only way they could strive to greatness (which was part of the German cultural ideal) was through war. To take. It made recruiting for armies and getting engineers to help build tanks/aircraft much easier. The Germans loved war. And if you get people who love something, they can do it in almost any conditions. (This is all within reason. Many in Germany did not love war. Many in Germany didn't want WW1 or WW2... but pedantic points will get in the way of the overall assumptions which are vital for explaining how a country which lost a devastating war can fight another so soon)."}, {"answer": "1. Germany still has a large population, large enough to gather 14 million \"soldiers\". 2. Germany was running on a deficit economy, if the war of conquest was not started in 1939 or at least early 1940, Germany would have to declare bankruptcy. It's not cheap to pay and feed 2-4 million soldiers. 3. Germany absorbed the economies of Austria (1938) and Czechoslovakia (1939). The annexation of Czechoslovakia helped to increased Germany's resources by a lot. 4. Germany focused most of its military power onto Poland and with the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union. Germany did not have to worry about using up more forces in the East and thus enabled them to maintain a sizable army to defend Western Germany. 5. Germany used a lot of its credit and manufactured goods to import and store a lot of oil and petrol to prepare for a modern war. The main downside was that they needed to win these war very quickly, in quick campaigns, like, if their war against Poland lasted too long, for example, 3 months, they would have run out of fuel, the same goes to the Western offensive. Heck, a major reason why the Luffwaffe could not simply \"zerg rush\" the British airforce during the Battle of Britain was because the Germans could not sustain a much larger air force and their fuel capacity for the battle of Britain was 3-4 months, then they had to resort to \"The Blitz\". It was only when Romania became more friendly towards Germany at the end of 1940, then Germany could afford to field a large airforce for a long period of time. And even with Romanian oil, the German war machine only had enough resources to properly maintain itself as an offensive power by late-1941, after that, Germany lost all of it offensive edge."}, {"answer": "This would be a much better question for r/askhistorians. You'll get much better quality and less contradictory answers. They are very strict though. I think this thread gives a good argument for why that is the case though."}, {"answer": "Well as I don't see it mentioned too often, Germany didn't start WW1 and wasn't even it's main aggressor. Back then the Austrian/Hungarian empire was still quite large. Austria started the war."}, {"answer": "Thanks everyone for answering! Now i understand it more, will be beneficial for my history class. Most of the answers are different so i guess because many factors come into play."}, {"answer": "Its important to remember when germany surrendered in ww1, no foreign soldiers were on german soil. So germany didnt suffer a lot of destruction."}, {"answer": "Blitzkreig requires very few resources or manpower. You knock out your enemy with minimal loss to their troops and sieze their manpower and resources"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "16354915", "title": "Economy of Nazi Germany", "section": "Section::::Pre-war economy: 1933\u20131939.:Recovery and rearmament.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The first financial package for rearmament was adopted by the Nazi government in June 1933, and it was extremely ambitious. Schacht approved a figure of 35 billion Reichsmarks to be spent on military buildup over eight years. By comparison, the entire national income of Germany in 1933 was 43 billion Reichsmarks, so the government was not merely proposing to increase military spending, but to make military production the primary focus of the national economy. Earlier, in April, the cabinet had already agreed to release the military from the normal processes of budgetary oversight.", "The first financial package for rearmament was adopted by the Nazi government in June 1933, and it was extremely ambitious. Schacht approved a figure of 35 billion Reichsmarks to be spent on military buildup over eight years. By comparison, the entire national income of Germany in 1933 was 43 billion Reichsmarks, so the government was not merely proposing to increase military spending, but to make military production the primary focus of the national economy."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4077967", "title": "History of Germany during World War I", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 775, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917\n\n\n1940 to prevent its assets from being used by the invading Nazi Germany. France was delisted in 1946. The Empire of Germany was first sanctioned in 1917 for its role WW1. Germany remained sanctioned until a U.S.-German peace treaty was ratified in 1921. Nazi Germany was sanctioned again in 1941 for its role in starting WW2. Sanctions were lifted in 1946. As Germany was judged to have a primary role in starting both world wars, the United States policy was to confiscate and sell off German assets that Germans acquired before 1946.", "id": "3146256" }, { "contents": "Wang Jian (Qin)\n\n\nJing Ke was a retainer, was conquered by General Wang Jian in 226 BC. A year later, Wang Jian's son Wang Ben conquered the Kingdom of Wei. In 225 BC, only two kingdoms (states) remained independent: Chu and Qi. Chu had recovered significantly enough to mount serious resistance after their disastrous defeats to Qin in 278 BC and losing their centuries-old capital of Ying (Jingzhou). Despite its territorial size, resources and manpower, Chu's fatal flaw was its largely corrupt government that mostly", "id": "20623799" }, { "contents": "British Colonial Auxiliary Forces\n\n\nGerman, Belgium & Portuguese encroachment and keeping order as the railways developed. Out the outbreak of WW1 and WW2 they divided into police and militia units serving in WW1 in Namibia & in the East Africa Campaign, as the campaign wore on & on they became like regular units, in 1917 the 5 NRP & 2 BASP companies (from S. Rhodesia) became Northern Rhodesia Police Service Battalion. Other regular units that contributed to what became the regular fighting forces of Central Africa through WW1 and WW2 and the Malay Emergency are the Kings", "id": "418983" }, { "contents": "Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917\n\n\n1940 to prevent its assets from being used by the invading Nazi Germany. Belgium was delisted in 1946. Bulgaria was a German and Austro-Hungarian ally during WW1 and some of its property was frozen or confiscated by the United States. The United States and Bulgaria avoided declaring war on each other during WW1. During WW2 Bulgaria was an axis power and was sanctioned again in 1941. Sanctions were lifted in 1945. In 1963 the government of Bulgaria agreed to accept American claims for lost property and war damages so the Bulgarians were", "id": "3146248" }, { "contents": "Salperton\n\n\n1817. The war memorial is different from most, consisting of a stone base, but topped by a wooden crucifix, also known as a “hooded calvary\". The memorial honours those from the village who lost their lives in WW1 (20 named) & two from WW2. As might be expected, most of the WW1 casualties died on the Western Front, but two naval officers, Commander Arthur Silvertop, RN aged 38, & Lt. Commander the Hon. Hugh Feilding, RN aged 28, were serving on", "id": "3995961" }, { "contents": "Methil\n\n\nWW1 and WW2. A related development was Methil Power Station (1960), which was sited at the mouth of the River Leven. It was eventually demolished in 2011. This power station used colliery slurry, which would otherwise have gone to waste. Nearby is the new Bayview Stadium, home to East Fife Football Club, previously located more centrally in the town at the corner of Wellesley and Kirkland Roads. Methil Docks was particularly significant during World War II for the movement of coal and other resources. The docks had a", "id": "5425701" }, { "contents": "U-boat\n\n\nthe three-man \"Brandtaucher\", sank to the bottom of Kiel harbor on 1 February 1851 during a test dive. The inventor and engineer Wilhelm Bauer had designed this vessel in 1850, and Schweffel & Howaldt constructed it in Kiel. Dredging operations in 1887 rediscovered \"Brandtaucher\"; it was later raised and put on historical display in Germany. There followed in 1890 the boats \"WW1\" and \"WW2\", built to a Nordenfelt design. In 1903 the Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft dockyard in Kiel completed the first fully", "id": "13294159" }, { "contents": "Caves of Namibia\n\n\n. Throughout 1882 to 1915, the Imperial German colonial administration troops were interested in caves, as they provided in remote areas water supply for transport animals. Cave pools which were accessible were used as water points for police patrols and resistance fighters alike. As years passed, landowners became interested in caves, as due to WW1 and WW2 nitrate was regarded a strategic resource and could no longer be used in fertilizers. Nitrate minerals were replaced by bird guano, but only a small quantity was used locally, the rest was exported.", "id": "4035861" }, { "contents": "Economic history of World War I\n\n\nwar and the Central Powers only $61 billion. Among the Allies, Britain and its Empire spent $47 billion and the U.S. $27 billion (America joined after the war started) while among the Central Powers, Germany spent $45 billion. Total war demanded total mobilization of all the nation's resources for a common goal. Manpower had to be channeled into the front lines (all the powers except the United States and Britain had large trained reserves designed just for that). Behind the lines labour power had to", "id": "10095481" }, { "contents": "DreamHack Open Cluj-Napoca 2015\n\n\ntook down flamie and the bomb was planted. GuardiaN creeped up and took down Happy, but kennyS immediately traded and EnVyUs won the first map, 16-14. seized lead all players with 32 kills, GuardiaN had 25, and Zeus had 22, but it was not enough. For EnVyUs, kennyS lead the team with 26 kills and Happy had 20, but EnVyUs still won the game despite losing based on individual statistics. The next map went to Cobblestone. EnVyUs started with a 7-0 lead before Na'Vi", "id": "7332580" }, { "contents": "Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917\n\n\nGerman installed occupation government expropriated during WW2. These restrictions were lifted sometime between 1964 and 1967 after an agreement was reached. Luxembourg was listed in 1940 to prevent its assets from being used by the invading Nazi Germany. Luxembourg was delisted in 1946. Monaco was listed in 1940 to prevent its assets from being used by the invading Nazi Germany. Monaco was delisted in 1946. Montenegro was invaded by the central powers during WW1. While the central powers occupied Montenegro, its assets from the areas they occupied were frozen to prevent the", "id": "3146261" }, { "contents": "One Step Out of Time\n\n\nand before Ireland's Linda Martin with \"Why Me?\" At the end of judging that evening, \"One Step Out of Time\" took the second-place slot with 139 points, it had been the pre-contest favourite. Belgium, Austria, Denmark and Germany awarded the UK their 12 points that evening. Despite losing by 16 points to Ireland's entry \"Why Me?\", the UK received more 12 point designations than Ireland (four to three). This would be the third of four second", "id": "10628426" }, { "contents": "Off-price\n\n\nWW1 and WW2 the U.S.A. became isolated from the major European suppliers of textile and sewing machinery - and, as such, domestic manufacturing began to increase. In the 50s, a huge amount of clothing, footwear and other sewn products were manufactured locally, and by the end of the season factories were prepared to announce substantial cut-offs and sell the unsold remnants on their own. Small business entrepreneurs would buy products out at wholesale prices and arranged their own retail sales in vacant factory workshops and other rooms that were cheap enough", "id": "3835067" }, { "contents": "Caucasus campaign\n\n\neffect on Russian forces. The plan found sympathy with Germany. Germany supplied the missing resources and the Ottoman 3rd Army's manpower was used to achieve the desired distraction. War Minister Enver Pasha hoped a success would facilitate opening the route to Tiflis and beyond with a revolt of Caucasian Muslims. The Ottoman strategic goal was to cut Russian access to the hydrocarbon resources around the Caspian Sea. Russia viewed the Caucasus front as secondary to the Eastern (European) front. The Eastern Front had the most Russian manpower and resources. Russia", "id": "21881575" }, { "contents": "The Monkey Suit\n\n\nto make a choice between creationism and Darwinism, as there is only one truth. The townspeople vote for creationism, much to her chagrin, and the act of teaching or learning Darwinism and evolution is made illegal. Lisa therefore decides to start holding secret classes for people interested in evolution. However, just as the first lesson is about to begin, she is arrested by Chief Wiggum. She asks why she is being arrested when there are far worse crimes out there, and embarrassed he tells her they only have enough manpower", "id": "19770788" }, { "contents": "Erich Kuby\n\n\nnot afraid of criticism by like-minded people or former colleagues. In 1983 and 1987 he wrote detailed critical analyses of Germany's past and present for the magazines ' and '. With his war diary ' (\"My War, notes from 2129 days,\" 1975) Kuby presented an ordinary soldier's insider view of the ' from 1939 to 1945. This first edition was not well received, perhaps because of its documentation of German collective responsibility for the excesses of WW2 and even WW1. Along with his journalistic activity", "id": "12464622" }, { "contents": "Baritone\n\n\ncousins, there was a plethora of baritones with more lyrical voices active in Germany and Austria during the period between the outbreak of WW1 in 1914 and the end of WW2 in 1945. Among them were , Heinrich Schlusnus, Herbert Janssen, Willi Domgraf-Fassbaender, Karl Schmitt-Walter and Gerhard Hüsch. Their abundant inter-war Italian counterparts included, among others, Carlo Galeffi, Giuseppe Danise, Enrico Molinari, Umberto Urbano, Cesare Formichi, Luigi Montesanto, Apollo Granforte, Benvenuto Franci, Renato Zanelli (who switched to", "id": "20596248" }, { "contents": "You're Welcome America\n\n\ngrown very popular in the entertainment business. Some more examples include \"The Daily Show\" and even the more recently popular show \"Late Night with Seth Meyers.\" The play took place months after Bush left the office in 2009 so why bring him back? The play was meant as a final farewell not only to the former president himself, but to Ferrell's character of the former president. The timing of the play was just close enough to get a few last minute jokes in before the people start to lose interest", "id": "69171" }, { "contents": "Type V ship\n\n\n(normal) and a length of 156 ft 8 in (47.75 m), a beam of 30 ft (9.1 m) and a draft of 14 ft 7 in (4.45 m), with a top speed of 12.4 knots. USS Example USS \"Sagamore\" (AT-20). Arapaho-class fleet tug were World War 1 tug boats used in WW1 and WW2. Engineered with a displacement of 575 tons and a length of 122 ft 6 in (37.34 m), a beam of 24 ft (7.3", "id": "20833836" }, { "contents": "History of the African Union\n\n\nvast natural resources and huge amount of manpower the continent had to offer to their Empires. However, the strong rivalry between European powers such as Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Portugal, meant the reality soon dawned that no one nation was powerful enough to outdo all the others, and take complete control of the continent. Instead, they carved the continent up between them, scrambling for control of as much territory as possible, and attempting to prevent their rivals from obtaining favourable regions. The", "id": "15630462" }, { "contents": "2004 Tour de France, Stage 10 to Stage 20\n\n\ndoes, since Armstrong already had such a commanding lead, but Armstrong came in saying he was racing to win. The biggest questions coming in, however, were whether Jan Ullrich would be able to race fast enough to get himself a podium spot, and whether Thomas Voeckler, who managed to hold the yellow jersey for ten days, despite numerous predictions he'd lose it well before that, would hold onto the lead in the young riders classification, which he held with a 45-second lead. Starting with the last place rider", "id": "13425769" }, { "contents": "Just Cause 3\n\n\nare unlocked when the player destroys an enemy base. Despite the multiplayer mod of \"Just Cause 2\" being well received by players, the game only featured asynchronous multiplayer, in which challenges and leaderboards were included instead of any cooperative or competitive multiplayer mode, as the studio wanted to focus their manpower, time and resources in creating the game's world. Six years after the events of \"Just Cause 2\", mercenary Rico Rodriguez returns to his homeland of Medici, a fictional Mediterranean island country that has fallen under the", "id": "1689221" }, { "contents": "Alto Adige\n\n\n77% according to B.D'Ambrosio of Genova Univerisity in a 1981 monograph. Only after WW1 and before WW2 did Bolzano again become a city populated mainly by Italians (according to the same study). Indeed, between the Renaissance and the 19th century, the whole area, originally populated by Latins from the time of Roman Empire, experienced a lot of Germanization. In the centuries before Napoleon, only the Dolomite's area of the western part of the present province of Bolzano (especially the Val Venosta near Merano) remained neolatin.", "id": "3736741" }, { "contents": "British contribution to the Manhattan Project\n\n\n. Ironically, it was the British project that had already been penetrated by atomic spies for the Soviet Union. Yet the United Kingdom did not have the manpower or resources of the United States, and despite its early and promising start, Tube Alloys fell behind its American counterpart and was dwarfed by it. Britain was spending around £430,000 per year on research and development, and Metropolitan-Vickers was building gaseous diffusion units for uranium enrichment worth £150,000; but the Manhattan Project was spending £8,750,000 on research and development,", "id": "7153941" }, { "contents": "Blockade of Germany (1939–1945)\n\n\nwar on 9 May 1944, just before D-Day, Lord Nathan told the House: Lord Selbourne told the house that the effect of the blockade, which may have been slight at first, had been cumulative, and Germany's greatest lack was now in manpower. While Britain was herself importing tens of millions of tons of supplies per year, the enemy was increasingly forced to use ersatz industries. German civilian motor traffic had practically entirely gone over to producer-gas, which like all ersatz materials was grossly wasteful in", "id": "18922594" }, { "contents": "5 Whys\n\n\napproach - the \"real\" root cause should point toward a process that is not working well or does not exist. Untrained facilitators will often observe that answers seem to point towards classical answers such as not enough time, not enough investments, or not enough manpower. These answers may be true, but they are out of our control. Therefore, instead of asking the question \"why?\", ask \"why did the process fail?\" A key phrase to keep in mind in any 5 Why exercise is \"", "id": "20072583" }, { "contents": "Hindenburg Line\n\n\n, Germany had imported nitrates for propellant manufacture and only the discovery before the war of the Haber process for the synthesis of nitrates from atmospheric nitrogen, enabled Germany to produce explosives while blockaded. Developing the process and building factories to exploit it took time. Under Falkenhayn, the procurement of ammunition and the weapons to fire it, had been based on the output of propellants, since the manufacture of ammunition without sufficient propellant fillings was as wasteful of resources as it was pointless; Hindenburg and Ludendorff wanted firepower to replace manpower and ignored", "id": "1843496" }, { "contents": "Stresa Front\n\n\nGermans to change the Treaty of Versailles. Some historians -like P. Buchanan in his \"Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War\"- wrote that \"the Stresa Front was the most important attempt to stop Hitler before the start of WW2\".The Stresa Front broke down completely within two/three months of the initial agreement, just after the Italian invasion of Abyssinia. The Stresa Front was triggered by Germany's declaration of its intention to build up an air force, increase the size of the army to 36 divisions (500,000 men) and", "id": "11108022" }, { "contents": "James Barlow (author)\n\n\nThe family eventually settled in Wales due to his father’s ill health, a problem dating back to his military service in WW1. After his father died, in 1936, the Barlow family returned to Birmingham. Upon leaving school, James attended a commercial college before joining the Birmingham Corporation Water Department. At the outbreak of WW2 he enlisted with the RAF, serving as a gunner, then gunnery instructor before being invalided out with tuberculosis. He began writing during his long convalescence, initially contributing articles to aeronautical magazines. He later", "id": "14360976" }, { "contents": "Chu (state)\n\n\nZhao force of 400,000 men onto the field, surrounding them and forcing their surrender at Changping in 260 BCE. The Qin army massacred their prisoners, removing the last major obstacle to Qin dominance over the Chinese states. By 225 BCE, only four kingdoms remained: Qin, Chu, Yan, and Qi. Chu had recovered significantly enough to mount serious resistance. Despite its size, resources, and manpower, though, Chu's corrupt government worked against it. In 224 BCE, Ying Zheng called for a meeting with his", "id": "6902846" }, { "contents": "Strömbron\n\n\nthe wider roadways on the old finally permitted speeds exceeding 20 km/h. In 1930 the traffic load on Norrbro had grown enough to motivate a contest for a traffic route from Skeppsbron to Nybroplan, necessarily including a bridge over the eastern part of Norrström. The contest resulted in a great number of proposals for both bridges and tunnels, of which none succeeded in making a lasting impression on a jury instead advocating further analyses. Before the end of WW2, more than a hundred proposals had been scrapped, and the lively debate", "id": "743316" }, { "contents": "James Paris Lee\n\n\narmed with Lee-Enfield rifles loading by inserting a new magazine, in reality, the Lee-Enfield rifle was always loaded by stripping two 5-round charger clips into the magazine, both in WW1 and WW2. The only exception was that soldiers were sometimes equipped with a single spare magazine, as it was feared that the primary magazine might be accidentally detached and lost, something that wasn't a risk on weapons without detachable magazines. Lee's detachable column-feed magazine system eventually became the pre-eminent design after WW2,", "id": "1116499" }, { "contents": "Mark F. Watts\n\n\nthe Red Orchestra Brussels HQ. The Red Orchestra was probably the most successful spy network in WW2. The raid led to the capture, torture, and execution of over 100 agents. The event included a seminar with Hans Coppi, expert on the Red orchestra whose parents were members of the RO, and were executed by the Gestapo, Natalia Narochnitskaya Ph.D., Prof., a doctor of historical science, an expert on international relations around WW1 and WW2, and a prominent public figure in Russia, Rabbi Avil Tawil, Director", "id": "11225945" }, { "contents": "Why Do I Always Get It Wrong\n\n\nas the second-place finisher. At Lausanne, the song was performed seventh on the night, after Belgium's Ingeborg Sergeant with \"Door de wind\", and before Norway's Britt Synnøve with \"Venners nærhet.\" At the end of judging that evening, \"Why Do I Always Get it Wrong?\" took the second-place slot with 130 points. Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg, France and Germany all gave their 12-point designations to the UK that evening. Despite losing the contest by six points to Yugoslavia", "id": "10560158" }, { "contents": "King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds\n\n\nwar. Four old boys were killed in the Boer War and 32 in WW1. On 4 February 1921 a memorial bearing the names of 32 old boys killed in the Great War was dedicated in the Cathedral at Bury St Edmunds. Twenty nine old boys gave their lives in WW2 and a memorial those former pupils was place close to the existing WW1 memorial in 1949. Both memorials were designed by Basil Oliver, an old boy of the school. The current school remains a Voluntary Controlled Church of England school and accepts Students from", "id": "9142142" }, { "contents": "Military service\n\n\n\". Voluntary service in the Boer War (1899-1902) was initially from a number of the separate colonies before federation in 1901 and later volunteers were deployed as an Australian force. Two conscription referendums were defeated during World War 1. Military service during WW1 was voluntary (1st AIF) as was service in WW2 (2nd AIF). Volunteer militia units (part-time civilian soldiers) were to be used only within the Commonwealth of Australia (such as in the Great Emu War in 1932) but in 1942", "id": "4584970" }, { "contents": "Duckworth–Lewis–Stern method\n\n\nmore heavily weighted resource than overs, leading to the suggestion that if teams are chasing big targets, and there is the prospect of rain, a winning strategy could be to not lose wickets and score at what would seem to be a \"losing\" rate (e.g. if the required rate was 6.1, it could be enough to score at 4.75 an over for the first 20–25 overs). The 2015 update to DLS recognised this weakness and changed the rate at which teams needed to score at the start of the second innings", "id": "11479460" }, { "contents": "Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball\n\n\nSuper Kittens returned with hopes of finally bringing Kentucky its fifth title. They nearly did just that, guiding Kentucky to a runner-up finish to UCLA in the 1975 NCAA tournament but not before avenging their 20-point defeat to an undefeated Indiana team. Despite losing in the championship game, it would give freshman Jack Givens a taste for success that would help propel Kentucky to the title three years later. It had been twenty years without a championship in Lexington, and along with pressure of following a hall of fame coach, Hall", "id": "6962204" }, { "contents": "The War That Came Early\n\n\nthe Western Front, Germany is now starting to lose ground in Russia, with just enough soldiers left to slow the Soviet advance. The biggest difference is Germany's use of Panzer IVs as medium battle tanks instead of just infantry support. They receive larger guns (75 mm vs the 50 mm of Panzer IIIs) and better armament so that they can now go toe-to-toe with Russian T-34 tanks. The bigger shock for the Russians is newer German Tiger I main battle tanks (Panzer VIs) with their 88", "id": "3646632" }, { "contents": "Sing (1989 film)\n\n\nthe school that it will close forever at the end of the semester and therefore, there won't be enough resources for them to complete this year's SING!. This fuels the kids to work even harder on their productions and the neighborhood comes together even more to help finance the show, despite the school authorities' ban. Just as things are starting to look up, Dominic reluctantly accompanies his brother on a robbery of Hannah's mother's diner, their sole source of income which already was at risk of failure due", "id": "8974550" }, { "contents": "Hundred Years' War\n\n\nof an ultimate English triumph, and convinced the English to continue pouring money and manpower into the war over many decades. However, the greater resources of the French monarchy prevented the English kings from ever completing the conquest of France. Starting in 1429, decisive French victories at Orléans, Patay, Formigny, and Castillon concluded the war in favour of the House of Valois, with England permanently losing most of its possessions on the continent. Historians commonly divide the war into three phases separated by truces: the Edwardian War (1337–1360", "id": "2383374" }, { "contents": "Georges Dufaux\n\n\n, dangerously understaffed, face a veritable invasion of patients. Inadequate technical resources make the task more difficult still. Despite a commendable effort the fight may just be a losing battle... -Au bout de mon âge (1975) (English: \"At the End of My Days\") The film follows the slow and painful itinerary of an aged couple with diminishing capacities, both physical and mental, who are facing a complexity of problems by no means unique: they are not well enough to go into residence but are not ill", "id": "13595078" }, { "contents": "Victor Brereton Rivers\n\n\nSeptember 6, 1911 of tuberculosis at age 20 (nineteen days before her father); Charles, who served in WW1 as a pilot and who died of stomach cancer in 1967 at age 72 having had no children; and the youngest, Victor Henry, who served in the trenches during WW1 where he was gassed but survived and died in 1994 at age 96. He had two children Victor B. Rivers and Timothy C. Rivers. Maud's father was Charles Fuller Gildersleeve, originally a lawyer but became general manager of the Northern", "id": "3421812" }, { "contents": "Shy Abady\n\n\nHungarian National Gallery in Budapest as part of an international group exhibition, \"Turning Points\". The exhibition dealt with the reaction of various contemporary artists to major twentieth-century events like WW1 and WW2. Between the years 2012 - 2016, Abady created the series \" The Return of the Desire\". The series conducts a dialogue with two artists and their creation, one is the 19th century Jewish-German artist Elie Marcuse and his epic biblical painting: \"The Death of King Saul on the Gilboa\", and the", "id": "1579304" }, { "contents": "Como, New South Wales\n\n\nof the Como Hotel was frequented by the Australian poet Henry Lawson, who lived at Como in the early 1900s. Local legend has it that Lawson \"used to row a boat from his house to the hotel and sell or recite his poems for beer.\" Unfortunately, the tale of poor business woes for successive owners of the \"Como Hotel\" was to continue for many more years, as the tiny, slowly re-growing population, the terrible economic effect of WW1, the 1930s Depression & WW2, all took", "id": "9554471" }, { "contents": "Illinois Senate career of Barack Obama\n\n\nwhen his son was shot to death shortly before the election. Obama said Rush was a part of \"a politics that is rooted in the past\" and said he himself could build bridges with whites to get things done. But while Obama did well in his own Hyde Park base, he didn't get enough support from the surrounding black neighborhoods. Starting with just 10 percent name recognition, Obama went on to get only 31 percent of the votes, losing by a more than 2-to-1 margin despite winning among white voters.", "id": "17252140" }, { "contents": "2008 Arizona Diamondbacks season\n\n\nThe Arizona Diamondbacks' 2008 season was the 11th season of the franchise in Major League Baseball. Arizona tried to defend their NL West title after winning the division the previous year. But despite a franchise-best 20-8 start in the months of March & April, they couldn't maintain the division lead late in the season and collapsed with many losing streaks and stumbled to an 82-80 record, good enough for a second-place finish, only two games behind the Los Angeles Dodgers. The 2008 season saw", "id": "9299557" }, { "contents": "Wout Brama\n\n\nfuture: \" We had four weeks of vacation and I thought that was long enough. That is why it was allowed to start again for me. The match 'which club is the first to start', we seem to win every year. My focus is entirely on FC Twente, but as I know I have never made it a secret that when a nice club comes over I am open to it. But I will not leave FC Twente for the first club.\" Despite this, Brama remained at the", "id": "658280" }, { "contents": "2011 Major League Baseball season\n\n\nyear despite losing many players from the year before. The Red Sox and Braves suffered two of the most epic collapses their respective franchises had ever had, losing their playoff spots on the last day and in the last game of the season despite leading the next contending teams by multiple games at the start of the last month of the season. The Cardinals eventually rode the momentum of their win to win the NLDS and NLCS on their way to defeating the Texas Rangers for their 11th World Series title. The 2011 season was the", "id": "21301672" }, { "contents": "Monitor (warship)\n\n\nof Normandy in 1944. They were also used to clear the German-mined River Scheldt by the British to utilize the port of Antwerp. The former Italian WW1 monitor \"Faa di Bruno\" had been redesignated as floating battery by the beginning of WW2, in which role she continued to play until the capitulation of Italy. She was then captured by the Germans and served as monitor \"Biber\" in Genoa, until German surrender. She was scrapped after the war. The German, Yugoslav, Croatian and Romanian navies all", "id": "1218520" }, { "contents": "1962 Canadian federal election\n\n\nof the Avro Arrow. Despite the Diefenbaker government's difficulties, the Liberal Party, led by Lester Pearson, was unable to make up enough ground in the election to defeat the government. For Social Credit, routed from the Commons just four years earlier, this election proved to be their most successful ever - they would never better the 30 seats won, losing seats in 1963 despite gaining a slightly better share of the vote. This was the first election in which all of Canada's Indigenous Peoples had the right to vote", "id": "6198486" }, { "contents": "British United Shoe Machinery\n\n\nfor customers before reliable car travel was available. Issued capital was seven times greater than 1899 and profits were ten times greater. WW2 saw a much higher percentage of BUSM's precision engineering capacity switched to manufacturing arms than in WW1. Products included Naval gun sights and the technically very demanding precision cast wheelhouse for the Rolls-Royce Merlin aero engine. Post war, BUSM was an early user of numerical control machines with the prototype Kearns horizontal boring machine now in Manchester Institute of Technology museum being installed in 1949. In December 1947", "id": "21356355" }, { "contents": "Kai Havertz\n\n\nscored his 17th goal during a 5–1 win over Hertha BSC. At the end of the season, he was named runner-up to Marco Reus for the German Footballer of the Year award, losing out by just 37 votes. Havertz made his debut for the Germany national under-16 team on 11 November 2014, starting in the friendly match against the Czech Republic before being substituted out in the 57th minute for Tom Baack. The match finished as a 3–1 win for Germany. Havertz was included in Germany's squad for the 2016", "id": "17948600" }, { "contents": "History of the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks\n\n\nin the grand final qualifier against the St George Illawarra Dragons before eventually losing 8-24. The Dragons went on to lose the 1999 grand final against the Melbourne Storm 20-18. Cronulla lost the grand final qualifier in similar circumstances in 2001, to eventual premiers Newcastle. The year was marked by the sudden rise of halfback Preston Campbell, who was named Dally M Player of the Year, despite being a fringe first grader at the start of the season. In 2002, John Lang was replaced by Australian coach,", "id": "11499882" }, { "contents": "Gareth Evans (rugby union, born August 1991)\n\n\nappearance over the course of 2 years which saw the Magpies promoted as ITM Cup Championship champions in 2015 before being relegated back to the championship for 2017 after just a sole season in the top division. Evans had injury troubles for the Highlanders in 2016 as well, and this restricted him to only 1 start and 4 appearances in total during 2016, as the Highlanders surrendered their Super Rugby crown, losing to the in Johannesburg at the semi-final stage. Despite his injury problems over the previous 2 years, new Highlanders head", "id": "9503475" }, { "contents": "Vera Zvonareva\n\n\nNataliya played field hockey and was the bronze medalist at the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. Zvonareva was introduced to tennis at age six by her mother. Zvonareva started to compete on the ITF Women's Circuit in 1999, debuting at an ITF tournament in Tbilisi, Georgia. She won three qualifying matches there to reach the main draw before losing in the first round. The next year, she won an ITF event in Moscow, Russia without dropping a set, despite being unranked. The event was just the second event she had", "id": "9496525" }, { "contents": "Vittorio di Africa\n\n\n-dealers\" in the area was reinforced, but in the late 1970s started to lose importance and in the 1990s disappeared. The late Aden Abdullah Osman Daar (Adan Cadde), Somalia's first president, had a farm in the town.[6] During WW2 in Vittorio d'Africa was done by the Italians the last battle against the British army before the Allied attacked Mogadiscio in 1941: because of this fight the small city suffered heavy damages. After the war all the Italians moved away and the farm production dwindled, reducing the city", "id": "6471652" }, { "contents": "Type V ship\n\n\nt), a length of 110 ft 0 in (33.53 m), a beam of 27 ft 0 in (8.23 m) and a draft of 11 ft 4 in (3.45 m). They had a propulsion of diesel-electric engine with a single screw and a top speed of 12 knots. A crew of 12. Sample tug: USS Cahto (YTB-215) Bagaduce-class tugboat were World War 1 tug boats used in WW1 and WW2. Engineered with displacement of 1,000 long tons (1,016 t)", "id": "20833835" }, { "contents": "Battle of Quebec (1775)\n\n\nCarleton, despite appearing to have a significant advantage in manpower, chose not to attack the American camp, and remained within Quebec's walls. Montgomery, in analysing the situation before the battle, had observed that Carleton served under James Wolfe during the 1759 Siege of Quebec, and knew that the French General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm had paid a heavy price for leaving the city's defenses, ultimately losing the city and his life in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. British General James Murray had also lost a battle", "id": "15241376" }, { "contents": "Hisham ibn Hakam\n\n\n.\" Hisham said: \"Today, it is a very long time since the death of the Prophet. Do you think the Book and the traditions alone can solve the disputes?\" He replied: \"Yes, of course, they are enough and sufficient.\" Hisham said: \"If it is just as you say, then why do you and I dispute and why have you travelled such a long way from Syria?...\" the chief of the Kharijites who was a learned man. Before starting with the", "id": "16651049" }, { "contents": "José Rijo\n\n\na trade package for Rickey Henderson. While with the Oakland Athletics, he struck out 16 Seattle Mariners on April 16, 1986, setting a club record. In his next start, he struck out 14 in a 2-hitter against the same Mariners organization, despite losing the game. But his time in Oakland was otherwise largely nondescript, with just 17 wins in three seasons. Even so, Rijo was still considered enough of a prospect for the Reds to acquire him in exchange for aging slugger Dave Parker, who'd had 338", "id": "14520858" }, { "contents": "High Explosive Research\n\n\na combined project. In November 1941, Frederick L. Hovde, the head of the London liaison office of the American Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), raised the issue of cooperation and exchange of information with Anderson and Lord Cherwell, who demurred, ostensibly over concerns about American security. Ironically, it was the British project that had already been penetrated by atomic spies for the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom did not have the manpower or resources of the United States, and despite its early and promising start,", "id": "5150397" }, { "contents": "Nuclear weapons and the United Kingdom\n\n\nOffice of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), raised the issue of cooperation and exchange of information with Anderson and Lord Cherwell, who demurred, ostensibly over concerns about American security. Ironically, it was the British project that had already been penetrated by atomic spies for the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom did not have the manpower or resources of the United States, and despite its early and promising start, Tube Alloys fell behind its American counterpart and was dwarfed by it. On 30 July 1942, Anderson advised the Prime", "id": "6496909" }, { "contents": "Luke Hyam\n\n\nin the first round of the league cup, as Ipswich found themselves the victims of one of the round's biggest upsets, losing 2–1 to Northampton. He had to wait until January 2012 before he would finally be given a start in the league under Jewell. Having faced the wrath of the fans for not including enough of the club's young players, Jewell included Hyam in a very young starting eleven for the game against Blackpool, with an average age of just under 25. During the game Hyam was one of the", "id": "7999811" }, { "contents": "Alt-Fest\n\n\nthe form of a website, Facebook group and Twitter account. They quickly became key resources for discussions and polls on what festival goers would be interested in. However, early criticism that the event might be too large for its first year or might not have the necessary funding appeared to be dismissed, or even removed. In January 2014, there was a dispute over whether industrial band KMFDM had been booked to play Alt-Fest. On 20 June 2014, just two months before the start of the event, Alt-", "id": "18058967" }, { "contents": "Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape\n\n\ncollar of his uniform, the individual who had successfully escaped and/or evaded the enemy pinned the \"Flying Boot\" and although everyone knew it was not official, they did not question it being worn. However the origins of what we now call SERE are firmly rooted in the leadership of Britain’s MI9 Evasion and Escape organisation, formed in February 1939 at the onset of WW2. Led by WW1 veteran Colonel (later Brigadier) Norman Crockatt, MI9 were formed to train air crew and Special Forces in evading enemy troops following bale", "id": "17556834" }, { "contents": "British hydrogen bomb programme\n\n\nthat the American S-1 Project (later renamed the Manhattan Project) was smaller than the British, and not as far advanced. The two projects exchanged information, but did not initially combine their efforts, ostensibly over concerns about American security. Ironically, it was the British project that had already been penetrated by atomic spies for the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom did not have the manpower or resources of the United States, and despite its early and promising start, Tube Alloys fell behind its American counterpart. The British considered producing", "id": "18300611" }, { "contents": "MAUD Committee\n\n\nWallace Akers from ICI was appointed the director of Tube Alloys. Tube Alloys and the Manhattan Project exchanged information, but did not initially combine their efforts, ostensibly over concerns about American security. Ironically, it was the British project that had already been penetrated by atomic spies for the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom did not have the manpower or resources of the United States, and despite its early and promising start, Tube Alloys fell behind its American counterpart and was dwarfed by it. The British considered producing an atomic bomb without", "id": "7856084" }, { "contents": "Bernd Storck\n\n\nof Kazakhstan said that \"We can see the team progressing because young players are gaining important experience. However, he had a task to collect at least three points in four matches and that was not done. That is why the federation has decided to turn to another coach.\" Storck was the coach for the Hungary national under-20 team at the 2015 FIFA U-20 World Cup. Hungary won their opening match against North Korea which was enough, as they went to lose to Brazil and Nigeria in the other group stage matches.", "id": "6620194" }, { "contents": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic\n\n\n, barely an hour before the ship went down, while Quartermaster George Rowe was so unaware of the emergency that after the evacuation had started, he phoned the bridge from his watch station to ask why he had just seen a lifeboat go past. Smith did not inform his officers that the ship did not have enough lifeboats to save everyone. He did not supervise the loading of the lifeboats and seemingly made no effort to find out if his orders were being followed. The crew was likewise unprepared for the emergency, as lifeboat", "id": "16664985" }, { "contents": "Jim Shofner\n\n\nstarting on defense before shifting to the offensive side. In 1970, he helped quarterback John Brodie win Most Valuable Player honors with a career year. On December 5, 1973, Shofner was named head coach at Texas Christian, but the team endured a 20-game losing streak and Shofner won just twice in three seasons before resigning. In 1977, Shofner resurfaced with the 49ers before serving as the architect of the Cleveland Browns' offense for three seasons. During his final year with the team, Shofner watched Browns' quarterback Brian Sipe", "id": "3536156" }, { "contents": "Father Damien\n\n\nsent to the Kalaupapa peninsula for medical quarantine. The Royal Board of Health initially provided the quarantined people with food and other supplies, but it did not have the manpower and resources to offer proper health care. According to documents of that time, the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi did not intend for the settlements to be penal colonies, but the Kingdom did not provide enough resources to support them. The Kingdom of Hawaii had planned for the lepers to be able to care for themselves and grow their own crops, but, due to", "id": "4940780" }, { "contents": "Rubens Barrichello\n\n\nto finish in the same place to score another point. In Singapore, the FW32 sported a new front wing, and Barrichello put this to good use to set the sixth fastest time in qualifying, although Williams technical director Sam Michael reckoned the car was fast enough to be a couple of positions higher. In the race despite losing places to Robert Kubica and Nico Rosberg at the start, Barrichello had a solid run to sixth at the finish. In Japan, he qualified in a strong seventh, he raced strongly before fading", "id": "14844230" }, { "contents": "Shōtenrō Taishi\n\n\nDespite only making a bare majority of eight wins at \"jūryō\" 5, this was enough for an immediate return to \"makuuchi\". He had a superb start to the March tournament, winning nine of his first ten matches, but he faded in the home stretch, losing his last five bouts as he was matched against higher ranking opponents. He remained a middle ranking \"maegashira\" for several tournaments before finally being demoted to the second division for the March 2014 tournament. He was unable to return to \"makuuchi", "id": "21487803" }, { "contents": "Edward Smith (sea captain)\n\n\nfor some time after the collision that the ship was sinking; Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall did not find out until 01:15, barely an hour before the ship went down, while Quartermaster George Rowe was so unaware of the emergency that after the evacuation had started, he phoned the bridge from his watch station to ask why he had just seen a lifeboat go past. Smith did not inform his officers that the ship did not have enough lifeboats to save everyone. He did not supervise the loading of the lifeboats and seemingly made no", "id": "21565614" }, { "contents": "Kevin Eastman\n\n\n, growing far too quickly for comfort, and requiring considerable injections of time and money, rather than being profitable. Speaking in 1992/93, Eastman was optimistic that the company had \"finally reached the point where [it had] slowed up enough... to be giving individual projects the time and attention they require[d];\" Shortly thereafter, Tundra was bought out by Kitchen Sink Press, closing its (solo) doors after just three years, losing Eastman between $9 and $14 million. Despite heavy financial losses, Eastman", "id": "19892628" }, { "contents": "Boston Celtics\n\n\ndown as the fourth-longest winning streak in the teams' history. The streak started with a 102–92 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers on October 20 and ended on November 22 to the hands of the Miami Heat with a 98–104 loss. The Celtics finished the year with a 55–27 record, good enough for second place in the Eastern Conference. In the playoffs, they defeated the Milwaukee Bucks in the First Round in seven games, and continued the feat in the Conference Semifinals by defeating the Philadelphia 76ers in five games before losing", "id": "20775275" }, { "contents": "Stormers\n\n\nif they won, however the Sharks managed to knock out the Cape side and left them wondering for a second straight year, this was to be revenged in October when Province gave the Sharks payback by winning the Currie Cup against them. In 2013 the Stormers had a tough start to the season, and despite winning their last six matches it was not enough to secure a play-off spot as they ended the season in seventh place, the following year the Cape side ended in 11th place after winning nine and losing nine", "id": "15642246" }, { "contents": "Peter Pett\n\n\nreturn of Charles II. The success of these efforts established for Pett a firm relationship with the King. In 1667 Pett was blamed for the insufficient protection of the British fleet at Chatham, the charge being that he failed to tow the most capital ships higher up the river. Modern historians argue that it is doubtful whether this would have protected them, the Dutch being powerful enough to advance a few miles more, and that Pett didn't have enough manpower anyway. Being asked during the official investigation why he had brought his", "id": "13072167" }, { "contents": "Lekar Hum Deewana Dil\n\n\nJerry. They start their journey with little to no problems. However, their parents start searching for them. This causes many problems for them. They first go to Goa, where they just manage to escape from Dino's brother and Mahesh. Before traveling to Nagpur, they decide to marry without considering the fact that Dino is only 20- years-old. While attempting to escape from the police, they get lost in a jungle where they start arguing and blame each other. During that argument, they lose Jerry.", "id": "19718522" }, { "contents": "Justin Graham\n\n\nHe was reacquired by the Jam on December 14 and played in three more games, before being waived again on December 22. In September 2012, Graham signed Slovakian club Inter Bratislava for the 2012–13 season. In just his fourth games for Bratislava, in a 102–88 win over SKP Banská Bystrica on October 20, 2012, Graham scored a season-high 29 points, helping the team start the season 4–0. He went on to help the club reach the 2013 Slovak Extraliga Finals series, where Bratislava won 4–3 despite losing the", "id": "16224592" }, { "contents": "History of the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs\n\n\nsaid “Physically, we just weren’t good enough. The way they turned up, the way they trained during the week wasn’t good enough, I feel sorry for the fans\". On 20 July 2018, Canterbury played against arch rivals Parramatta in what the media had dubbed as the \"Spoon Bowl\" with both sides sitting at the bottom of the ladder. There were fears before the game that the match would attract the lowest NRL crowd in over 20 years. Parramatta went on to win the match 14-", "id": "6787112" }, { "contents": "Immigration policy of South Korea\n\n\nThe Foreigner Policy Committee, headed by the Prime Minister, coordinates foreigner-related policies which were handled by many ministries. However, its role is limited because of a shortage of resources and manpower. The establishment of an Immigration Office is expected to solve these problems by concentrating all related resources and manpower under one umbrella. Korea was a sending country which sent farmers, miners, nurses and laborers to the United States, Germany and the Middle East. The Korean diaspora around the world consisted of 6.82 million people, as of", "id": "7979892" }, { "contents": "Zico\n\n\nand he was flexible enough to switch between 4–4–2 and 3–5–2 formations. In addition, he has had a respectable record on European soil, beating Czech Republic and Greece and drawing with England, Brazil and Germany. However, Japan failed to win a single match at the Finals, losing twice (to Australia and Brazil) and drawing once (to Croatia), and scoring just two goals while conceding seven. He resigned from Japan at the end of the World Cup campaign. In July 2006, signed a two-year", "id": "21727028" }, { "contents": "2012–13 Los Angeles Lakers season\n\n\n, who was averaging 17.1 points, 12.3 rebounds and 2.5 blocks, said he needed to \"bring it\" and dominate in more ways than just scoring. Many times Howard had been upset that he was not getting the ball enough, and he felt that Bryant was shooting too much. Howard predicted the next game would be \"the start of a new season\"; D'Antoni had made a similar declaration a week earlier, when they won two games before losing three in a row. In their first game of the second", "id": "8129107" }, { "contents": "Larry Johnson (running back)\n\n\nHe finished the season with 874 yards and five touchdowns. Johnson's 2009 season got off to a very slow start, despite Johnson keeping his starting job. As of week 8, he had 132 attempts for only 358 yards. His 2.7 yards per carry were the worst of any NFL running back with at least 70 carries. The Chiefs as a whole, and not just Johnson, struggled mightily in 2009, losing their first 5 games before winning 14–6 over the Washington Redskins. In the Washington game, Johnson had his", "id": "13203308" }, { "contents": "2006 St. Louis Cardinals season\n\n\nMarquis compiled a 6.02 ERA, starting pitcher Sidney Ponson was cut due to ineffectiveness, closer Jason Isringhausen blew ten saves before undergoing season-ending hip surgery in September, and catcher Yadier Molina had a poor offensive year, batting .216. All this led to a difficult season, despite that quick start, one that included two eight-game losing streaks (the longest such streaks for the franchise since 1988) and a seven-game losing streak, losing months in June, August and September, and an 83-78", "id": "5640923" }, { "contents": "Armies in the American Civil War\n\n\nPotomac Railroad. Lee did not have to worry about shifting bases; he simply needed to protect these rail lines to keep his army supplied. The difficulty for Lee was that the South was constantly strapped for resources, and the Army of Northern Virginia received just enough supplies to keep up its operations. Occasionally this affected Lee's planning, as when he was forced to keep a large part of his cavalry dispersed prior to the Wilderness to gather forage. Also, the Confederate commander's logistical weaknesses, when added to his manpower", "id": "16518715" }, { "contents": "Overland Campaign\n\n\nwar of attrition. He meant to \"hammer continuously against the armed force of the enemy and his resources until by mere attrition, if in no other way, there should be nothing left to him but an equal submission with the loyal section of our common country to the constitution and laws of the land.\" Both Union and Confederate casualties could be high, but the Union had greater resources to replace lost soldiers and equipment. Despite Grant's superior numbers, he had manpower challenges. Following their severe beating at the Battle", "id": "19245964" }, { "contents": "1997 North Queensland Cowboys season\n\n\nincluded a 20-all draw against arch-rivals Brisbane, their best ever result against them at the time. Back-to-back wins in Round 14 and 15 had the Cowboys sitting just four points outside the Top 5, but a three-game losing streak to end the season left the club languishing in last place. The Cowboys recorded their second wooden spoon in three seasons, with just five wins from 18 games. Despite the disappointing year, Tim Sheens signed a five-year contract renewal with the club. Owen", "id": "20174546" }, { "contents": "2012–13 Arsenal F.C. season\n\n\nto a close-range finish by Henri Lansbury, and despite losing 5–4 on penalties to Southampton (following a Gervinho 35th-minute equaliser to Jay Rodriguez's 31st-minute opener in regulation time), they had still accumulated enough points to win the cup. Arsenal then travelled to the Far East, in a tour similar to that they embarked upon before their 2011–12 season. Arsenal started their tour by travelling to Malaysia to play a Malaysia League XI in Kuala Lumpur. After an open-training session (which was attended", "id": "19894123" }, { "contents": "Union (American Civil War)\n\n\nreference to the U.S. Navy as the \"Abolition fleet\" and the U.S. Army as the \"Abolition forces\". Unlike the Confederacy, the Union had a large industrialized and urbanized area (the Northeast), and more advanced commercial, transportation and financial systems than the rural South. Additionally, the Union states had a manpower advantage of 5 to 2 at the start of the war. Year by year, the Confederacy shrank and lost control of increasing quantities of resources and population. Meanwhile, the Union turned its growing potential", "id": "14536071" }, { "contents": "The Fumble\n\n\ntwo before putting together what became 'The Drive'?\" ESPN Page Two writer Bill Simmons used \"The Fumble\" as an argument for why the Browns should be considered one of the most cursed franchises in sports. He also describes their fan base as \"tortured\" following this play. His article, \"The Levels of Losing,\" appeared January 29, 2010. Despite being primarily remembered for \"The Fumble\", Byner had a relatively successful career. After spending another year with the Browns, he was traded", "id": "6997005" }, { "contents": "Maximilian Beister\n\n\njoined KFC Uerdingen 05 on a two-and-half-year contract until 2020. He made his international debut for the Germany national Under-19 football team on 11 February 2009 in a friendly against Greece national under-19 football team and earned between November 2009 five caps. On 9 October 2009, he made his debut for the Germany national under-20 football team against Switzerland national under-20 football team, in which he scored despite losing 3–2. Beister went on to make 9 appearance and scoring 5 times for the Germany U20 side. In November", "id": "13522605" }, { "contents": "History of the Pittsburgh Steelers\n\n\nfor the Dodgers that year after spurning a similar offer from the Pirates/Steelers the previous season. The loss to the Dodgers began a six-game losing streak, before the team traded wins with the Philadelphia Eagles to cap a 2–7–2 season in which they scored a total of just 60 points. Rooney had finally seen enough. Over eight years, the team had compiled a record of 24–62–5 and had lost around $100,000 ($ million today). He was also concerned about the availability of players in the coming seasons", "id": "964522" }, { "contents": "Don Revie\n\n\nInter-Cities Fairs Cup, losing on aggregate to Spanish side Real Zaragoza despite Revie ordering the fire brigade to flood the pitch before the replay at Elland Road. Leeds struggled at the start of the 1966–67 season, though despite winning just three of their opening eleven games they went on to finish in fourth place. They reached the semi-finals of the FA Cup, losing 1–0 to Chelsea at Villa Park. They reached the final of the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup against Yugoslavian side GNK Dinamo Zagreb, but were unable", "id": "7713468" }, { "contents": "German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin\n\n\nhad already been diverted elsewhere. In July 1940, \"Graf Zeppelin\" was towed from Kiel to Gotenhafen (Gdynia) and remained there for nearly a year. While there, she was used as a storage depot for Germany's hardwood supply. Just before Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, the carrier was again moved, this time to Stettin, to safeguard her from Soviet air attacks. By November, the German army had pushed deep enough into Russian territory to remove any further threat of air attack and \"", "id": "18009518" }, { "contents": "1969–70 Brentford F.C. season\n\n\nFrom the point of view of manpower, Brentford began the season in the worst possible way, with just 14 fit players. Despite the early-season transfer of the versatile John Richardson to rivals Fulham for £10,000, Brentford had an excellent start to the season, with goals from Allan Mansley, Bobby Ross and Micky Cook helping the club stabilise its position in the promotion places. The number of fit players had dropped to 13 by October 1969, with the lack of a recognised centre forward being the problem. On 10", "id": "11159801" }, { "contents": "Sucker Punch (2011 film)\n\n\nher own sacrifice. She concludes that this is actually Sweet Pea's story. Despite Sweet Pea's protests, she insists on revealing herself to the visitors, thus distracting them long enough to allow her friend to slip away unnoticed. Back in the asylum, the surgeon has just performed Babydoll's lobotomy. Gorski notes earlier that the girl, during her short stay, stabbed an orderly, started a fire, and helped another girl escape the asylum. The surgeon is baffled by Babydoll's expression, and asks Gorski why she", "id": "21168899" }, { "contents": "2001 Parramatta Eels season\n\n\nin front of 17,336. After getting a week off, the Eels defeated the Brisbane Broncos at Stadium Australia, 24–16 in the rematch of the 2000 preliminary final. The Eels went into the decider hot favourites after losing just once in 22 matches. Despite this the team was defeated in their first grand final appearance in fifteen years. They lost 30–24 against the Newcastle Knights, trailing 24–0 at half-time. A second half resurgence was not enough for the Eels as Newcastle had already completed the damage in the first half.", "id": "7680542" } ]
Why do we have that voice in our head that narrates what we are thinking?
[{"answer": "I'm only a first year studying educational psychology, but I'm pretty sure this relates to Lev Vygotsky's ideas about language. Language is one of the most important mental tools, as it plays a major role in socialisation as well as cognition. We use it to regulate our thoughts and structure our intellectual activity. When you use the voice in your head to narrate a thought process, it's called private/ internalised speech. This can be observed in young children, who often talk to themselves aloud to help them work out a problem. This is gradually internalised as a child develops, but even as an adult sometimes reading something out loud can help you understand it."}, {"answer": "Remember, not everybody has that. The idea of an \"internal voice\" is fascinating to me, precisely because I've never had one. I always thought it was a poetic phrase (similar to saying your heart \"told\" you something), not that people literally have a voice in their heads."}, {"answer": "I hope its will help I get from [ URL_0 ](https://www. URL_0 /science/blog/2014/aug/21/science-little-voice-head-hearing-voices-inner-speech) Most of us will be familiar with the experience of silently talking to ourselves in our head. Perhaps you\u2019re at the supermarket and realise that you\u2019ve forgotten to pick up something you needed. \u201cMilk!\u201d you might say to yourself. Or maybe you\u2019ve got an important meeting with your boss later in the day, and you\u2019re simulating \u2013 silently in your head \u2013 how you think the conversation might go, possibly hearing both your own voice and your boss\u2019s voice responding. This is the phenomenon that psychologists call \u201cinner speech\u201d, and they\u2019ve been trying to study it pretty much since the dawn of psychology as a scientific discipline. In the 1930s, the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky argued that inner speech developed through the internalisation of \u201cexternal\u201d, out-loud speech. If this is true, does inner speech use the same mechanisms in the brain as when we speak out loud? We have known for about a century that inner speech is accompanied by tiny muscular movements in the larynx, detectable by a technique known as electromyography. In the 1990s, neuroscientists used functional neuroimaging to demonstrate that areas such as the left inferior frontal gyrus (Broca\u2019s area), which are active when we speak out loud, are also active during inner speech. Furthermore, disrupting the activity of this region using brain stimulation techniques can interrupt both \u201couter\u201d and inner speech. So the evidence that inner speech and speaking out loud share similar brain mechanisms seems pretty convincing. One worry, though, is whether the inner speech we get people to do in experiments is the same as our everyday experience of inner speech. As you might imagine, it\u2019s quite hard to study inner speech in a controlled, scientific manner, because it is an inherently private act. Typically, studies have required participants to repeat sentences to themselves in their heads, or, sometimes, count the syllables in words presented on a computer screen. These lack both the spontaneity of typical inner experiences and the conversational quality (think of the conversation with your boss) and motivational purposes (\u201cMilk!\u201d) of inner speech. Although the experience is undoubtedly different for everyone (not everyone reports having \u201cconversations\u201d in their head, for example), what does seem clear is that inner speech is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Why does it matter whether we have an accurate understanding of what\u2019s going on in our brains when we use inner speech? One reason is that understanding typical inner experience may be the key to understanding more unusual inner experiences. For example, psychologists have argued that hearing voices (\u201cauditory verbal hallucinations\u201d) might simply be a form of inner speech that has not been recognised as self-produced (although there are also important competing theories). Neuroscientists have found some evidence in favour of this theory. When they scanned the brains of people who reported hearing voices, they discovered that many of the same areas of the brain are active during both auditory hallucinations and inner speech. Broca\u2019s area, for example, is often active in people when they\u2019re hearing voices. But if we really want to know what the difference between what happens in the brain during inner speech and voice hearing \u2013 and how inner speech might become hearing voices \u2013 then first we need to understand what our internal talk is usually like. A recent study by researchers in Finland attempted to address flaws in previous brain-imaging studies of inner speech. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), they studied the difference between activity in the brain when participants experienced an auditory verbal hallucination, and when they deliberately imagined hearing the same voice. In this way, they controlled for aspects of the experience such as the sound and the content of the voice. Advertisement They found the main difference between the two conditions was the level of activation in a cortical region known as the supplementary motor area (SMA), which contributes to the control of movement. When participants heard voices, there was significantly less activation in the SMA, which fits with previous hypotheses suggesting that recognising actions as one\u2019s own might rely on signals from motor cortical areas reaching sensory areas of the brain. Of course, none of this is to say that understanding what happens in the brain is the only, or the most important, aspect of research into hearing voices. We also need to understand what the experience is like, how we can help people who are distressed by it, and when there\u2019s a need for psychiatric care. But to do any of this, we first need to know what typical inner speech is like, and the underlying neuroscience is part of that understanding. Peter Moseley is a PhD student in the psychology department at Durham University, working with the Hearing the Voice project The Hearing the Voice project is conducting a survey in collaboration with the Edinburgh International Book Festival to explore the ways readers imagine, hear or even interact with the voices of characters in stories"}, {"answer": "I'm not trying to be cute asserting this, but the more in-depth answer to this involves endogenous\u200b DMT, and we should be doing far more research in this area without studying humans' relationship to DMT, exploring consciousness and conscience is speculative and dizzying.. people with the most experience with it insist that this substance is the basis for human self-awareness, it is our inner voice, however minimally and randomly accessible\u200b without ingesting more.. a discussion on this topic without involving endogenous tryptamines would seem like \"trying to understand astronomy without a telescope\", as a wise man once said ;)"}, {"answer": "I'm a PhD student working on the network that creates this voice in our heads. The narration in our heads occurs when the Default Mode Network (DMN) is active. The DMN is a network of brain regions that are found to be active (from fMRI studies) when what Psychologists call self-referential narrative occurs, in other words, mental-chatter. It is found to be inversely related to other networks known as Task Positive Networks (TPN), which activates when one is focused on their immediate environment. This is why you find yourself mind-wandering a lot in the shower when you have no incentive to be focused on the immediate environment. You could even extend this to say that the DMN is the source of your identity. Other activities such as meditation by experienced meditators also tend to deactivate the DMN by reducing self-chatter."}, {"answer": "This is actually really interesting to me because I do have that narrator thing, but I remember a time when I didn't. I was very young at the time and got confused when other other kids would say stuff like \"don't say _____, not even in your head.\" Then one day, still when I was very young, I just started \"hearing\" what I thought as I thought it."}, {"answer": "HAHAHA, I literally just laughed out loud and showed my housemates your comment. PLOT TWIST - I'm on some kind of Truman Show where I narrate my own life."}, {"answer": "The voices told me to do it??? Lol"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "433584", "title": "McGurk effect", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The McGurk effect is a perceptual phenomenon that demonstrates an interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception. The illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound. The visual information a person gets from seeing a person speak changes the way they hear the sound. If a person is getting poor quality auditory information but good quality visual information, they may be more likely to experience the McGurk effect. Integration abilities for audio and visual information may also influence whether a person will experience the effect. People who are better at sensory integration have been shown to be more susceptible to the effect. Many people are affected differently by the McGurk effect based on many factors, including brain damage and other disorders. It was first described in 1976 in a paper by Harry McGurk and John MacDonald, titled \"Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices\" in \"Nature\" (23 Dec 1976). This effect was discovered by accident when McGurk and his research assistant, MacDonald, asked\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The McGurk effect is a perceptual phenomenon that demonstrates an interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception. The illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound. The visual information a person gets from seeing a person speak changes the way they hear the sound. If a person is getting poor quality auditory information but good quality visual information, they may be more likely to experience the McGurk effect. Integration abilities for audio and visual information may also influence whether a person will experience the effect. People who are better at sensory integration have been shown to be more susceptible to the effect. Many people are affected differently by the McGurk effect based on many factors, including brain damage and other disorders. It was first described in 1976 in a paper by Harry McGurk and John MacDonald, titled \"Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices\" in \"Nature\" (23 Dec 1976). This effect was discovered by accident when McGurk and his research assistant, MacDonald, asked"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "Ochwiay Biano\n\n\nseeking? The whites always want something, they are always uneasy and restless. We do not know what they want, we do not understand them, we think that they are mad.” I asked him why he thought the whites were all mad. “They say they think with their heads,” he replied. “Why, of course. What do you think with?” I asked him in surprise. “We think here,” he said, indicating his heart.^ Later in the 1925 visit, he", "id": "13326101" }, { "contents": "Damon Albarn\n\n\nthe head of the biggest peace march in the history of this country.\" Albarn also attended a protest in November where he commented on the diversity of people in attendance, saying that \"It represents everybody. It's the voice in our democracy and that's why we should be listened to.\" Speaking about the experience in 2008, Albarn stated:I think in this case the only reason we went to war was the result of our individual apathy in the end. You know, our inability to really express what", "id": "12648106" }, { "contents": "Treaty of Chicago\n\n\nyour children, and the last we should sell: and we thought it would be the last you would ask for. We have now told you what we had to say. It is what was determined on, in a council among ourselves; and what I have spoken, is the voice of my nation. On this account, all our people have come here to listen to me; but do not think we have a bad opinion of you. Where should we get a bad opinion of you? We speak to", "id": "343071" }, { "contents": "Ignorance Is Bliss (Tiddas song)\n\n\nAmerican group Sweet Honey in the Rock and Bob Geldof in 1993. Bennett said she remembers the tour well and said Gelfod ‘baited’ the girls into thinking about why they were singing and what they were singing about. “He wanted us to articulate what it was that we were doing, why were we singing about these issues, and in our minds we thought we were doing the right thing presenting songs that affected us and affected our families and friends.” Bennett said this made the group angry and they went back", "id": "10028106" }, { "contents": "The Intruder (1962 film)\n\n\nGene putting in the balance. Gene Corman later said: We put our hearts, our souls - and what few people do - our money into this picture. Everybody asked us 'Why would you make this picture?' as if to say why try to do something you believe in when everything else is so profitable. Obviously we did it because we wanted to, and we think it's a damn good job. It was shot in black and white over three and a half weeks on location in southeast Missouri.", "id": "19814289" }, { "contents": "Invented (album)\n\n\ninteresting to get more voices in there.\" Andrews subsequently joined the band on tour, with Adkins stating, \"there's female vocals on most of our records, so it's nice to have that represented live. [...] It's nice having her around to cover the higher stuff that I don’t normally do live.\" Upon release, guitarist and vocalist Jim Adkins stated: \"Given what we know about making records and what we are technically are able to do, I think it's our best work", "id": "2955474" }, { "contents": "Feminist activism in hip hop\n\n\nwomen are belittled and treated differently when they are the ones that make life possible in his song Keep Ya Head Up.\"I wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time that we kill for our women, time to heal our women, be real to our women\" These lyrics uplifted women in a genre dominated by men. He displayed his feminism through his music also with Dear Mama. A few other artists in the feminist wave include Lauryn", "id": "19967579" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Burke\n\n\nto Burke's scholarship throughout his career. He felt that through understanding \"what is involved when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it\", we could gain insight into the cognitive basis for our perception of the world. For Burke, the way in which we decide to narrate gives importance to specific qualities over others. He believed that this could tell us a great deal about how we see the world. Burke called the social and political rhetorical analysis \"dramatism\" and believed that such an approach", "id": "18770412" }, { "contents": "32X\n\n\n, on the other hand, remembers the 32X positively, stating, \"I think the 32X actually was an interesting, viable platform. The timing was wrong, and certainly our ability to stick with it, given what we did with Saturn, was severely limited. There were a whole bunch of reasons why we couldn’t ultimately do what we had to do with that platform, without third party support and with the timing of Saturn, but I still think the project was a success for a bunch of other reasons.", "id": "9508157" }, { "contents": "Woodshock\n\n\n,\" according to Laura Mulleavy. \"It requires that the audience look inward and question what they do and why they do it. As things get faster and faster with technology, and we become more and more disconnected from our natural world, it's important to remind ourselves that these trees have been here for thousands of years. They’re a lot older and wiser than we are and they're still standing. Unless we completely destroy them. If you think about it, it’s so strange that we can disconnect", "id": "260979" }, { "contents": "I Love My Life\n\n\nthought straightaway, 'this describes me'! We love our life, the way things are, what we do and the friends we have around us. It's why we celebrate, and it's why we are where we are now – because we love what we do, and we do what we love.\" The song was released physically on 3 April 2015 as the sixth single from Justice Crew's debut studio album \"Live by the Words\". The physical release features a Matt Watkins remix of \"I", "id": "15930391" }, { "contents": "The House of Love\n\n\nbuddy thing going on though at the same time it's very intimate... We've always had a very instinctive way of communicating with each other, which I guess is why we make good music together.\" Bickers in turn reflected \"I think we're both old enough and ugly enough to address any issues head-on and keep our tempers in check. We're also doing things at our own pace rather than letting a record company dictate what we do, which helps... It's still early days but communication is", "id": "3466351" }, { "contents": "Reality therapy\n\n\nat the heart of reality therapy. Behavior, in the real world is an immediate and alive source of information about how we are doing and whether we are happy with what is going on in our lives. However, it is very hard to choose and to change our emotions directly. It is easier to change our thinking—to decide, for example, that we will no longer think of ourselves as victims or to decide that in our thoughts we will concentrate on what we can do rather than what we think everybody", "id": "9340832" }, { "contents": "John L. McKenzie\n\n\n\"Source\", p. 176. “Think like Christ: What will that do to our world of values which we have built up by habit and conviction in our years from childhood, which we have learned from our parents and teachers, from our peers, from our friends and enemies—with whom we share many values—from our reading, from the stage and screen, and now from the omnipresent television? Think like Christ—and how much of what we adore would we have to burn?” \"Source", "id": "15703474" }, { "contents": "Come, Come, Ye Saints\n\n\nbetter far for us to strive Our useless cares from us to drive; Do this, and joy your hearts will swell - All is well! All is well! Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard? 'Tis not so; all is right. Why should we think to earn a great reward If we now shun the fight? Gird up your loins; fresh courage take. Our God will never us forsake; And soon we'll have this tale to tell- All is well! All is well", "id": "9130974" }, { "contents": "Tim Crouch\n\n\nThe play, performed by children in chorus, is written in verse: 'What do we do with a boy so deprived/ Who refuses to learn or to grow or to thrive?/ WHAT DO WE DO?/ We send him to school, that's what we do.' One girl performer, interviewed for the trailer for a 2011 production in Plymouth, said, 'The play is cool because the narrators say things like 'What do you think?' And most plays they tell you what to think. Plus it rhymes,", "id": "18538393" }, { "contents": "Hot Chip\n\n\nthat we had been enjoying ourselves elsewhere, whether at home, or on tour, or recording with our other projects, or DJing. I think that is right about [having a] subtler confidence, but it may also be that we are a bit more accepted these days as we keep doing what we want, and gradually people stop saying 'why' to everything and each decision. The songwriting developed quickly from songs that were dreamt ('Now There is Nothing'); songs that were written via email file", "id": "2843977" }, { "contents": "The Art of the Steal (2009 film)\n\n\n. That's why we didn't cooperate with the filmmakers. It was not in our interests to do so.\" Director Don Argott argued that presenting the story unfairly was not his intention, saying that he wanted supporters of the move to have a voice in the film. He added, \"there are a lot of allegations and accusations and ... I think in fairness, certainly as a documentary filmmaker you want to have everybody's point of view come across in the most fair way that you can and we tried.", "id": "14695893" }, { "contents": "Heaven or Las Vegas\n\n\n'd make some of the pieces more like songs we could actually play live [...] We like it better than all our last records. That's why we continue to make more–because if we made the perfect record we'd sit back and say, 'We can't do any better than that'. We think all our other ones are fucking crap. I'm slightly proud of a couple of tracks on a couple of them, but essentially I'm really embarrassed about what we've done in the past", "id": "19022425" }, { "contents": "Jack Reacher\n\n\nlive in today, by contrast, we have too much order: we are, as we have been reminded so frequently lately, over-policed. Our contemporary fantasy is about lawlessness: about what would happen if the institutions of civility melted away and all we were left with was a hard-muscled, rangy guy who could do all the necessary calculations in his head to insure that the bad guy got what he had coming. That's why there are rarely any police in Reacher novels—or judges or courts or", "id": "10961953" }, { "contents": "Ilkeston Grammar School\n\n\nthe gain? Why the Latin sung refrain? Labor Omnia Vincit – Work conquers all. Here we learn far greater things Learn to fly, to spread our wings Learn to think, to feel, to love Learn God's will in heaven above Here will His purpose at length become plain, What we should do with our lives for His gain, How we should learn to face evil and lust, And that only in God, Only in God, Should we put our whole trust. There was an earlier school song", "id": "10076269" }, { "contents": "B.J. Lawson\n\n\nthat the voice in the ad, claimed to be actor Morgan Freeman was an impersonator and not Freeman himself. Freeman confirmed that he was not the voice in the ad. BJ Lawson responded to the allegations by saying \"This is terribly unfortunate and we apologize profusely to Morgan Freeman for what has happened. This is obviously not something we ever would want to misrepresent. Once we found out that our contracted advertisement was not narrated by Morgan Freeman, we immediately pulled our ads. Our campaign is volunteers and we were presented with", "id": "20889031" }, { "contents": "Project Megiddo\n\n\nMegiddo report. On January 6, 2000, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said in response to a question at a news conference asking why the terrorist acts predicted in the report did not happen: I think that speculation as to why it didn't -- it -- the nice answer would be that there was no threat. What we must all do, I think, is make sure that we pursue situations, consistent with the law, consistent with due process; that we take reasonable precautions; that we -- when we have", "id": "1170201" }, { "contents": "Stuart Firestein\n\n\nthan building on what we do know. When asked why he wrote the book, Firestein replied, \"I came to the realization at some point several years ago that these kids [his students] must actually think we know all there is to know about neuroscience. And that's the difference. That's not what we think in the lab. What we think in the lab is, we don't know bupkis. So I thought, well, we should be talking about what we don't know, not what", "id": "18728477" }, { "contents": "Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?\n\n\nstill be stuck, because we have never \"cultivated our minds.\" The key to throwing off these chains of mental immaturity is reason. There is hope that the entire public could become a force of free thinking individuals if they are free to do so. Why? There will always be a few people, even among the institutional \"guardians,\" who think for themselves. They will help the rest of us to \"cultivate our minds.\" Kant shows himself a man of his times when he observes that \"", "id": "7737340" }, { "contents": "Richard Joyce (philosopher)\n\n\nancestors, then the question arises as to why we should suppose that it provides us with accurate information. Why should we trust our moral intuitions, no matter how strong they are, if we have a reasonable explanation of their origin that is compatible with their being entirely false? Joyce has developed and defended what has come to be known as an \"evolutionary debunking argument,\" according to which the evolutionary origin of human moral thinking might give us cause to doubt our moral judgments. The conclusion of Joyce's debunking argument is", "id": "1829003" }, { "contents": "Orly Cogan\n\n\nwithin the context of constantly shifting boundaries that define our relationships and our identities: What role do women want to play in society today? Who do we want to be? What kind of relationships do we want to have? Who are our role models? What are we teaching our children? American women have grown up with fairy tales in our heads, and somehow that “happily ever after” idea is instilled early on. With my own daughter I saw how strongly princesses infiltrated her play, although she had no direct", "id": "5895717" }, { "contents": "Talk About Our Love\n\n\nabout what you do and why you do it and I think everybody in a relationship experiences that kind of stuff, people talking about your business so that is what that song is about.\" On the final result Norwood commented, \"We collaborated and we just came up with a great melody [...] It's about two people in a relationship where everybody is in and out of their business, which is something that everybody in a relationship goes through.\" Though Norwood was expected to shoot a music video for a", "id": "6225199" }, { "contents": "...Like Clockwork\n\n\n, \"I think it was pretty key to have Mark there. He went through the process with us, and now he's like a brother. He was completely an outsider to what we were doing, and that was the one thing that we consciously decided. For this record we wanted to go out of our comfort zone, usually we’re around friends of ours. For this one, I think it was important to work with somebody who didn’t even know what some of our influences were. Someone completely out", "id": "13489641" }, { "contents": "Taishi Ci\n\n\n, \"If you didn't show me the document, I wouldn't have been able to destroy it. Regardless of the consequences, neither of us can say he is not responsible for what happened. I suggest we remain silent and escape. By doing this, we can avoid punishment and keep our heads. Otherwise, both of us will be executed.\" The courier asked, \"Your master sent you to destroy this document. Now that you have accomplished your mission, why do you still need to go on", "id": "7010506" }, { "contents": "Jack Wrangler\n\n\n), one of the first hard-core gay adult films to be released commercially in the United States. Wrangler performed in gay pornographic films for several reasons. First he saw them as culturally subversive and politically liberating: At the time we were all trying to find out who the hell we were as individuals, what we wanted specifically on our own terms, who we wanted to be, what our potentials were, what our differences were, what made us unique… And I think that's why the XXX-rated", "id": "1946674" }, { "contents": "Marilyn Musgrave\n\n\nvocal proponent of the 2005 congressional intervention into the Terri Schiavo case: When we talk about a permanent vegetative state, I am offended by that. Terri smiles and acknowledges the people that love her when they come to see her. She cries when they leave. How heartless are we to call somebody like Terri Schiavo a vegetable? What are we thinking?brWhen we think about this case, we need to think about the message that we are sending to our children and our grandchildren. What we do in this Chamber tonight is as", "id": "18621401" }, { "contents": "Love Me Do\n\n\nis Paul's song ... I do know he had the song around, in Hamburg, even, way, way before we were songwriters.\" McCartney said: \"'Love Me Do' was completely co-written ... It was just Lennon and McCartney sitting down without either of us having a particularly original idea. We loved doing it, it was a very interesting thing to try and learn to do, to become songwriters. I think why we eventually got so strong was we wrote so much through our formative period", "id": "20672163" }, { "contents": "Auguste Comte\n\n\n. The only way within society to gather evidence and build upon what we do not already know to strengthen society is to observe and experience our situational surroundings. “In the positive state, the mind stops looking for causes of phenomena, and limits itself strictly to laws governing them; likewise, absolute notions are replaced by relative ones,” The imperfection of humanity is not a result of the way we think, rather our perspective that guides the way we think. Comte expresses the idea that we have to open our eyes", "id": "8291680" }, { "contents": "Martha P. Cotera\n\n\nsupuestamente, la primera India que se fué con los españoles. There's some very good research that's been done on the politics of the conquest and the reasons why she went ahead with the Spaniards. Encouraged by the Octavio Paz mentality, men have used here as club for us, to keep us down. \"You stupid broads! You see what you did?\" What we are is what we decide we are. And what we do with our identity is also our own decision, not the decision of men", "id": "16055414" }, { "contents": "Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati\n\n\nwhen our wells Are poisoned, where can you have come from? Did we meet before I came to be?\"/poem With total despair, he speaks about the tormenting pain of exile. Following is his poem entitled Why Are We in Exile the Refugees Ask (translated from Arabic by Abdullah Al-Udhari): poemWhy do we die? In silence And I had a house And I had …. And here you are Without a heart without a voice Waiting, and here you are Why are we in exile? We die We", "id": "19940125" }, { "contents": "Craig Rundle\n\n\nthink about that game. You know, just wondering what if we'd done a few things differently.\" Despite the impressive 1993 season, Rundle's team was not invited to play in the Division III playoffs. Rundle told a reporter, \"It seems like they might be looking for reasons why we don't belong in the playoffs, instead of why we do. I've called a couple of people on the committee, just trying to enlighten them about our situation. But I'm not sure it's had any", "id": "15544963" }, { "contents": "Do Not Disturb (Bananarama song)\n\n\nlater said of the \"True Confessions\" album, \"It is all our ideas, it is what we wanted to sound like and sing about. Except 'Do Not Disturb' which Swain and Jolley wrote and which we don't think is very good. Thats why there's eleven songs on the LP instead of ten\". When released, \"Do Not Disturb\" was a mid-charting single, peaking at number thirty-one. The song was also issued as 3 separate shaped picture discs, each", "id": "4005853" }, { "contents": "Red Jacket\n\n\nWe do not wish to destroy your religion, or take it from you. We only want to enjoy our own.\" In his \"Speech to the U.S. Senate\", Red Jacket was respectful and open-minded regarding his visitors' beliefs, hoping that his audience would respond similarly. \"We have listened with attention to what you have said. You requested us to speak our minds freely. This gives us great joy; for we now consider that we stand upright before you, and can speak what we think", "id": "9135577" }, { "contents": "The 1 in 12 Club\n\n\nin 2003: \"The club is about having a social space that’s accessible to working class people. We also want a space, a journalistic space if you like, where we can state our ideas. I think it’s about reclaiming what’s ours to reclaim. We don’t have the right to reclaim the Philippines, we do have the right to reclaim Bradford because it’s ours. That’s always been a really strong thing, that Bradford is ours – it’s no more complicated than that really. From", "id": "10544925" }, { "contents": "MN8\n\n\nthe split and any prospects of a reunion: \"Around 1998 and 1999 we did our last European shows. We were at the end of our deal with Sony and weren't really sure what we wanted to do. We decided to take a break and think things through. Quite a lot's happened in the past few months actually. We're in tentative talks about maybe putting MN8 back together and doing a tour. The thing about MN8 is that we never did the sort of music we should have done. We", "id": "5963994" }, { "contents": "Charles Clarke\n\n\ncommunity of scholars seeking truth is not in itself a justification for the state to put money into that. We might do it at say a level of a hundredth of what we do now and have one university of medieval seekers after truth that we thought were very good, to support them as an adornment to our society. But I don't think that we will have the level of funding that we do now for universities unless we can justify it on some kind of basis of the type I have described.\" He", "id": "9403170" }, { "contents": "Dirty Heads\n\n\ndo. We grew up listening to it. We came from the [Long Beach] area and knew a lot of the same people, but we're obviously much younger. We met [Sublime's] Eric [Wilson) and Brad [Nowell] a long time ago. Lewis Richards has produced our stuff. It's almost the same camp. But we are thinking forward. We're not trying to sound like a '90s band. We're still progressive in our music, even though we do have a", "id": "11519890" }, { "contents": "Fuck for the heir Puppy Bear!\n\n\nreappeared with the same slogan and marched with the banner \"I fuck the heir Puppy Bear\" at the Dissenters March in St. Petersburg. The performance was announced as a ritual for the bear totem. Plucer-Sarno explained the reason for the action was \"We do not have a goal to necessarily be radical instigators. We have a goal to be honest artists and tell what we think. We think that the government fucks the people, and the people like this. This is why the action 'Fuck for the heir", "id": "11228433" }, { "contents": "Reactions to Occupy Wall Street\n\n\n\"We think the Occupy movement has given voice to something very basic about what's going on in our country right now. The fact that they've figured out certain concepts and language for doing that, we think is really important and positive.\" The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) has endorsed the movement saying, \"We recognize the need to work together and learn from each other. The vitality, energy and dialogue growing from the Occupy Wall Street movement show the", "id": "19143288" }, { "contents": "Non-cognitivism\n\n\nthere really is evidence that killing is wrong. We have evidence that Jupiter has a magnetic field and that birds are oviparous, but as yet, we do not seem to have found evidence of moral properties, such as \"goodness\". Emotivists ask why, without such evidence, we should think there \"is\" such a property. Ethical intuitionists think the evidence comes not from science or reason but from our own feelings: good deeds make us feel a certain way and bad deeds make us feel very differently. But", "id": "1378592" }, { "contents": "Blind Pilot\n\n\nuser score of 9.3 and a critic score of 71. During a 2009 interview with LAist, Israel describes how the original duo came up with the name:A blind pilot is one of the scariest things I can think of. Why did you choose that name? When Ryan and I came up with the name in Astoria, when we were planning our first bike tour. It seemed fitting for what we were trying to do. We hadn't heard of anyone else who had done it and we hadn't booked that", "id": "11092026" }, { "contents": "Robert Runcie\n\n\nthe orthodox, by the end of the century, but we will have to get a move on, certainly, if that is our target. I don't see why we should not have that target.\" Runcie said of the office of Pope: \"There is advantage in having a central focus of affection, even a central spokesman to articulate what the churches in different parts of the world are thinking. I think Anglicans recognise that there is value in that sort of concept\". He also played down the Queen", "id": "3515653" }, { "contents": "Waistland\n\n\nand salt, because, in the Stone Age, these things were hard to come by. When they turn up in abundance, our bodies, for the most part, can't say no. . . . to put it simply, human beings are evolving much more slowly than the food we eat. And the food is tricking us. We think it's what we need, but it's just what we want. What can we do? Eat sensibly and exercise, of course. One thing we have to", "id": "15635530" }, { "contents": "Industrial Toys\n\n\nthe things we're working on constantly doing is tearing away those preconceptions of what a core game is and starting over with the ideas that we have on that mobile platform. And it really just boils down to designing for the device. The second thing is our team. We are going to invest millions in this space. And we are assembling what I think is a dream team to go after core gamers on mobile, and we haven't even announced half the folks that are working on our first project. In the", "id": "9114419" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "Next Wave Festival\n\n\n\"How do we come to care about things we’re not interested in? The information we encounter is increasingly curated. And we have increased ability to filter that which doesn't add to our worldview. There are less pages of the newspaper to turn, more apps to buy and I don't have to follow you if you’re not relevant. What are the grand narratives of our time? How do we come to understand them and whose voices create their meaning?\" 38 commissioned works by 239 artists from across Australia", "id": "13783777" }, { "contents": "Pragmatic clinical trial\n\n\nknow with certainty that people in a situation similar to X who take drug A tend to have slightly better outcomes than those who take drug B, and even if we think we may suspect why, the causation is not as important). Explanation remains important, as does traditional efficacy research, because we still value knowledge of causation to advance our understanding of molecular biology and to maintain our ability to differentiate real efficacy from placebo effects. What has become apparent in the era of advanced health technology is that we also need to", "id": "13761566" }, { "contents": "Year of Africa\n\n\nvoice of tremendous power. And what do they say? We do not ask for death for our oppressors; we do not pronounce wishes of ill-fate for our slave-masters; we make an assertion of a just and positive demand; our voice booms across the oceans and mountains, over the hills and valleys, in the desert places and through the vast expanse of mankind’s inhabitations, and it calls out for the freedom of Africa. Africa wants her freedom. Africa must be free. It is a simple", "id": "21123890" }, { "contents": "Human rights complaints against Maclean's magazine\n\n\n, stating that: Every day we comment on things that aren't [formal] cases. Part of our job is to identify discrimination and to work to address it, but more often it is putting out a statement, having a debate, meeting with people, discussing and understanding the impact. Whenever we comment on what someone has said or done, we comment because we want them to think about the Human Rights Code, and the implications of it, and to think seriously about what they're saying or doing does", "id": "9294290" }, { "contents": "Marilla Waite Freeman\n\n\nschool. Freeman laid out the case for quality service this way: We want to do what we want when we want to, and we want other people to want what \"we\" think they \"ought\" to... Then we expect the meek and docile public to fit into their appointed places in our system, and being just normal, unsystematized humans, like ourselves really, they don't do it. They either rebel, kick holes in the machinery, and burst through our carefully nailed red-tape fences,", "id": "11292228" }, { "contents": "Belle Squire\n\n\nI...Why should a woman remain Miss until death or marriage? The boy changes his title from master to mister as soon as he wishes--as soon as he gets into long pants and is introduced to a razor. They say it's confusing. They will not know then whether we are single or married. I don't think it is anybody's business what we are. Why should we be obliged to print our marital relations on our business cards? Men don't.\" Squire worked professionally as a music", "id": "1524101" }, { "contents": "The Dew Breaker\n\n\nreplies with a pen and paper that she is a teacher, asking why they would send her home in the condition she is in. She goes on to tell Nadine that she is like a Basenji a dog that does not bark. This goes back to the theme of voice. Are we really human and living if we are not able to use our voice? Nadine has outlets to express her voice, however, something holds her back from reaching out to those who care about her. Narrated by Ka's mother Anne", "id": "14572098" }, { "contents": "Fernando Espuelas\n\n\naround one company vision...The one thing that we hear consistently from our employees is, 'We want more Fernando.' They want to know what he's thinking. This meeting allows him to communicate his vision\", added Bar-on. In a \"ComputerWorld\" interview Espuelas said, \"What we have to do is remain absolutely focused on giving our users the best possible experience, and giving our partners and advertisers a mutually profitable relationship. We're really looking forward, not backwards. All of this competition", "id": "13607334" }, { "contents": "The Green Elephant\n\n\nstating \"By the end, we find ourselves asking a lot of questions; of ourselves, of the director, of our television screens. What did we just watch? Why did these people do what we just them do? What does it all mean? I can’t answer those questions, but I can tell you that it is an experience that I am happy to have gone through, and I’d definitely be interested in checking out more of Svetlana Baskova’s movies.\" This film is banned for distribution in", "id": "6945642" }, { "contents": "Jim Clark\n\n\nso clean, he drove with such finesse. He never bullied a racing car, he sort of caressed it into doing the things he wanted it to do.\" He apparently had difficulty understanding why other drivers were not as quick as himself. When Clark died, fellow driver Chris Amon was quoted as saying, \"If it could happen to him, what chance do the rest of us have? I think we all felt that. It seemed like we'd lost our leader.\" Clark is buried in the village", "id": "13586176" }, { "contents": "Beverly Gooden\n\n\nresponse to widespread victim blaming of Janay Rice. Two days later, Beverly appeared on Good Morning America, and was interviewed by Robin Roberts where she explained her motivations for creating the Why I Stayed movement. \"The reason that I started the hashtag was to give voice to the people out there who had that voice taken away. I think what bothered me most was that the question was 'why did she stay' and not 'why did he hit her'. And we do this across the board with violent situations", "id": "20740521" }, { "contents": "Evanescence\n\n\nselling albums: That's the part of him we often disagreed on. I wanted to do the more artistic weird thing and he'd wanna do the thing that people would want to hear...\" She adds \"So that's a lot of the reason [why] it's been so fun writing now, is [that] we're not thinking about that. It's like 'what do we like?', 'what's fun?', like 'what do we want to do that's different", "id": "5926299" }, { "contents": "List of Jimmy Fallon games and sketches\n\n\nto make it look like a modern blimp. The new narration always ends with the exclamation \"Who cares?\" A frequent target is Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz. We listen in on Roots drummer ?uestlove as he thinks some quasi-intellectual thoughts such as \"what do you do when the fire escape catches on fire?\" or \"how do you throw out a trash can?\" (he cocks his head and looks off into the distance, nodding occasionally, as we listen to his pre-recorded", "id": "20759675" }, { "contents": "Aesthetics of nature\n\n\nonly a passive reflection of our inclinations, as Croce describes as the appreciation of nature as looking in a mirror, or what we might call our inward life; but may instead be the things we come across in nature that engage and stimulate our imagination. As a result, we are challenged to think differently and apply thoughts and associations to in new situations and ways. As a characterization of the appreciation of art, nature aestheticists argue that post modernism is a mistaken view because we do not have a case of anything goes", "id": "3548475" }, { "contents": "Shah Indrawan Ismail\n\n\n\"Syafinaz and myself have had long discussions about what we think you're doing wrong and what we think you're doing occasionally right. But our expectations are very high and we expect to see those expectations delivered in the Top 12, because you're both making it through.\"\"- Paul Moss Tomok kicked off his campaign in the OIAM3 Top 12 by singing Faizal Tahir's Coba. After the performance, both judges urged Tomok to prove that he deserves to be in the competition. However, Paul Moss also commented that the", "id": "19302410" }, { "contents": "Boxing career of Manny Pacquiao\n\n\ncuff before the fight said that it was \"extremely disappointed\" with both Mayweather and USADA. Pacquiao's camp voiced their displeasure after the revelation. Pacquiao's promoter Bob Arum stated that \"USADA has a lot of explaining to do. When we learned about this I was outraged. But I can't just bay at the moon. What legal redress do we have? I have the information, our lawyers got it, but what were we supposed to do with it? Ask for the decision to be reversed? I", "id": "15958552" }, { "contents": "Moral Politics (book)\n\n\nMetaphors are prevalent in communication and we do not just use them in language; we actually perceive and act in accordance with metaphors. Conceptual metaphors shape not just our communication, but also the way we think and act. As a cognitive scientist Lakoff emphasizes that what conservatives know that liberals don't is how to use metaphors to motivate people. Liberals try to persuade through reason and facts while conservatives used metaphorical stories and that is why, Lakoff argues, conservative politicians are more successful at motivating voters than liberals are. The book", "id": "19317760" }, { "contents": "1980 United States presidential election\n\n\nDo you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions 'yes', why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have.", "id": "18888007" }, { "contents": "Broken (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nstart of the [season]. Without addressing the budget, everybody at the studio is on board with this as a big-canvas show… A lot of it actually is the learning-curve aspect of season 1, where we figured out what we can do and how to do it well. We learned how to maximize our bang for our buck. The biggest key is time. If we can figure out our stories far enough in advance, the more time our effects team and department heads will have.\"", "id": "1897459" }, { "contents": "How to Stop an Exploding Man\n\n\nof the one used in the very first episode of the series, Genesis, narrated by Mohinder Suresh. \"Where does it come from, this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered? Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet", "id": "15515137" }, { "contents": "Exhalation\n\n\n, but some think we yawn as a way to regulate the body’s levels of O and CO. Studies done in a controlled environment with different levels of O and CO have disproved that hypothesis. Although there isn’t a concrete explanation as to why we yawn, others think people exhale as a cooling mechanism for our brains. Studies on animals have supported this idea and it is possible humans could be linked to it as well. What is known is that yawning does ventilate all the alveoli in the lungs. Several receptor", "id": "15711637" }, { "contents": "Hedonism\n\n\nwe should remain in this machine for the rest of our lives. However, he gives three reasons why this is not a preferable scenario: firstly, because we want to \"do\" certain things, as opposed to merely experience them; secondly, we want to be a certain kind of person, as opposed to an 'indeterminate blob' and thirdly, because such a thing would limit our experiences to only what we can imagine. Peter Singer, a hedonistic utilitarian, and Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek have both argued", "id": "13116461" }, { "contents": "Fuck Off (art exhibition)\n\n\nafraid that we are not thinking what others are thinking since such an issue is taken care of by our spirit. What we are afraid of is that people are thinking what they are not supposed to think. So we need to re-think over what people initially take to be right, and abstract out everything that has nothing to do with reality.\" Ai Wei Wei, Cao Fei, Chen Lingyang, Chen Shaoxiong, Chen Yunquan, Ding Yi, Feng Weidong, Gu Dexin, He An, He Yunchang,", "id": "18952883" }, { "contents": "Natasha Choufani\n\n\nn’t go there\" and \"don’t talk to X or Y\". But they don’t explain why, or they don’t explain what may happen. Overprotecting our daughters will not empower them. When they do go out and get harassed, they will feel guilty and ashamed, because they will think it is because of them, and not because the harasser is sick and cowardly. We need a change of laws, but we also need to raise awareness about it at schools, scouts, summer camps, and", "id": "13752797" }, { "contents": "Amy Gutmann\n\n\nCommencement speech, \"Think Uniquely, Stand United,\" in which she said that \". . . what makes us unique and what unites us are not starkly opposed. Uniqueness and unity are the twin pillars of a strong pluralism. We thrive when we combine unity of shared values with our unique perspectives on life. It has never been more important that we think uniquely while we stand united.\" In May 2012, Gutmann published her 16th book, \"The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines", "id": "10710123" }, { "contents": "The Purpose Driven Church\n\n\nnaturally. Healthy, consistent growth is the result of balancing the five biblical purposes of the church.\" He proposes that church leaders ask of themselves, \"What is our purpose?\", \"Why do we do what we do?\", \"What should we be doing?\", and \"How will you do that?\". In this book Warren provides a guide to answer these questions on how to do church. He further suggests that following the principles he outlines in the book will enable a church", "id": "9210677" }, { "contents": "Ronald Poulton\n\n\nhe was a welcome companion on the football field and everywhere else.\" At Rugby, a service was held on 10 May. The Reverend Albert David, Head Master of Rugby School, delivered these words in his sermon: \"... we have indeed given of our best. If we were asked to describe what highest kind of manhood rugby helps to make, I think we should have Ronnie in mind as we spoke of it. God had endowed him with a rare combination of graces ... what we hoped would come of it", "id": "14099747" }, { "contents": "Yoo Ah-in\n\n\naccepted much by those with power or vested interests. Considering what causes such aggressive and even violent voices to emerge, I think it's because our society does not yet accept reasonable, honest, and sincere demands. However, if we take a step away from the irrational violent voices, I think we have an opportunity to change society.\" Yoo has appeared in advertising campaigns for international brands, such as Diesel, Cartier, Absolut Vodka, Calvin Klein, and Burberry. He is the first Asian actor to be a", "id": "3314381" }, { "contents": "Bell hooks\n\n\n, communication, and commitment. She proposes that if we all came to the agreement that \"love\" is a verb rather than a noun, then we would all be happier. Hooks believes love is more of an interactive process. It is not about what we just feel, but more about what we do. She states, \"So many people think that it's enough to say what they feel, even if their actions do not correspond to what they are feeling\". Bell hooks strongly clarifies why society needs", "id": "20684344" }, { "contents": "Rebecca & Fiona\n\n\nBeing a Girl\". \"We're really aware of what we do. It’s important for women and young people. We stand up for what we think and believe, and we want to inspire people to do cool stuff and to not let anything hold them back. Look into yourself and discover what you want to do. That’s the way we live and make our music.\" They released their first independent single, \"Need You\" in April 2018, followed by single \"Fool's Gold\" on", "id": "6099067" }, { "contents": "The Grassroot Deviation\n\n\ntheir jam session style, which maintains the energy and enthusiasm of their live performances. Parker explains, \"We went into the studio and banged it out. It was very speedy, but I'm happy with that sound. That was sort of the concept of the album - 'Let's just do what we do.' We get the most response from our shows. The shows are what we do, so why would we try to change that?\" During 2007, the band toured Canada, beginning with Victoria", "id": "5751680" }, { "contents": "Sodomy law\n\n\nin homosexual acts. His first major public condemnation of homosexuality came during the Zimbabwe International Book Fair in August 1995. He told the audience that homosexuality: ...Degrades human dignity. It's unnatural and there is no question ever of allowing these people to behave worse than dogs and pigs. If dogs and pigs do not do it, why must human beings? We have our own culture, and we must re-dedicate ourselves to our traditional values that make us human beings... What we are being persuaded to accept is", "id": "21663233" }, { "contents": "Defense of Hengyang\n\n\nrounds and stopped. I asked him, \"Why did you fire the mortar like that?\". He replied, \"Sir, we are out of mortar rounds.\" I said, \"What is going on?\" He replied, \"What rounds do you need? My mortar is an mortar. We had used up all our mortar rounds ages ago. We still have some mortar rounds remaining [captured from the Japanese]. Our staff are using rocks to grind them down by , before loading them up", "id": "1788592" }, { "contents": "Mulan (1998 film)\n\n\nWen herself landed the role after the filmmakers listened to her narration at the beginning of \"The Joy Luck Club\". Coats reflected on her decision, stating, \"When we heard Ming-Na doing that voice-over, we knew we had our Mulan. She has a very likable and lovely voice, and those are the qualities we were looking for.\" For the role of Mushu, Disney was aiming for top Hollywood talent in the vein of Robin Williams's performance as the Genie, and approached Eddie Murphy", "id": "10896909" }, { "contents": "Imee Marcos\n\n\n) ay palagay ko hindi pwede 'yun.\"\" (If what is demanded is an admission of guilt, I don't think that's possible) When asked why, she replied: \"\"Bakit kami mag-aadmit sa hindi namin ginawa?\"\" (Why would we admit to something we did not do?) She then falsely claimed: \"As we all know, these are political accusations that have not been proven in court.\" She was convicted before a U.S. district court through the 1993 Trajano", "id": "12789822" }, { "contents": "Living for the Weekend (The Saturdays album)\n\n\nlot more edgy than our previous stuff and what we are known for. I think we are definitely a pop band so we will carry on doing what we do best.\" She said that her most favourite thing about being a singer is that she can try out different styles of genres. The band warned fans that the new album would have a \"fresh sound\". Although, the said they weren't changing the sound too much. \"It's a fresh start for a new album as it's got that", "id": "21989694" }, { "contents": "The Happiness Hypothesis\n\n\nwe can be manipulated. Part of our ultra-sociality is that we are constantly trying to manipulate others' perceptions of ourselves, without realizing that we are doing so. As Jesus said, we see the faults of others clearly, but are blind to our own. (\"Why do you see the speck in your neighbour's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?\") Haidt looks at what social psychology has to say about this, beginning with the work of Daniel Batson on cheating", "id": "14726959" }, { "contents": "The History of Mr Polly\n\n\ndoesn't matter. One starts with ideas that things are good and things are bad – and it hasn't much relation to what \"is\" good and what \"is\" bad. . . . There's something that doesn't mind us. It isn't what we try to get that we get, it isn't the good we think we do is good. What makes us happy isn't our trying, what makes others happy isn't our trying. There's a sort of character people like and stand", "id": "4249262" }, { "contents": "Voice writing\n\n\nform of repetition is naturally effortless; it is what we all do in our daily conversation, as we listen to a person speak, or when we read a book. So the most natural extension of this process is to psychologically switch the repetition mechanism from \"inner voice\" to the physiological \"spoken voice.\" Therefore, we minimize the introduction of cognitive overhead in our task of routing the spoken word to its permanent destination as printed words. This streamlined process allows voice writers to achieve excellent performance for many continuous hours", "id": "16501597" }, { "contents": "Elbow Room (book)\n\n\nDennett, belief in free will is a necessary condition for having free will. When we are planning for the future and thinking about possible actions to take in the future, we are utilizing considerable amounts of biologically expensive resources (brain power). Evolution has designed us to feel strongly that all of our effort of planning pays off, that we control what we do. If this connection between our brains' efforts to model reality and predict the future and so make possible good outcomes is disconnected from our sense of self and", "id": "16487326" }, { "contents": "Kiryas Joel, New York\n\n\nsaid most of them were provoked to do so by dissidents. \"Someone not following breaks down the whole system of being able to educate and being able to bring up our children with strong family values,\" Weider told \"The New York Times\" in 1992. \"Why do you think we have no drugs? If we lost respect for the Grand Rabbi, we lose the whole thing.\" In January 1990 the village held its first and, for a decade, only school board election. \"It's like", "id": "5249161" }, { "contents": "A Question (poem)\n\n\nthe fact that we live in suffering, and there is nothing we can do about it. Then the poem relays the question as to \"why\" we bear the unhappiness that is life, which makes readers think that Frost was heavily intrigued and curious about the \"why.\" There is also a Christian interpretation, in which God proposes the titular Question to his followers, the \"men of the earth\". He asks whether all the suffering and pain we go through during our lives is worth the gift of life", "id": "15366280" }, { "contents": "First inauguration of Richard Nixon\n\n\n--to the injured voices, the anxious voices, the voices that have despaired of being heard. Those who have been left out, we will try to bring in. Those left behind, we will help to catch up. For all of our people, we will set as our goal the decent order that makes progress possible and our lives secure. As we reach toward our hopes, our task is to build on what has gone before--not turning away from the old, but turning toward the new. In", "id": "5327540" }, { "contents": "Irene Esser\n\n\n). When asked by judge Diego Boneta \"If you could make a new law, what would it be and explain why?\", Esser responded: I think that any leyes (laws) there are in Constitution or in life, are already made. I think that we should have, uh, a straight way to go in our similar, or, eh, in our lives as is this. For example, I'm a surfer, and I think that the best wave that I can take is the", "id": "16779618" }, { "contents": "Soon and Baliunas controversy\n\n\nof editors. They quoted Phil Jones writing that \"I will be e-mailing the journal to tell them I’m having nothing more to do with it until they rid themselves of this troublesome editor\", and Mann's email response that \"I think we have to stop considering ‘Climate Research’ as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board. Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research", "id": "18077119" }, { "contents": "Phil Esposito\n\n\nare booing us, I'll come back and apologize personally to every one of you, but I really don't think that will happen. We gave it and are doing our best. All of us guys are really disheartened. . . We came out here because we love Canada. They're a good hockey team, and we don't know what we could do better, but I promise we will figure it out. But it's totally ridiculous – I don't think it is fair that we should be booed", "id": "14458353" }, { "contents": "Labeling theory\n\n\nhow to solve a problem. Mead's central concept is the self, the part of an individual's personality composed of self-awareness and self-image. Our self-image is, in fact, constructed of ideas about what we think others are thinking about us. While we make fun of those who visibly talk to themselves, they have only failed to do what the rest of us do in keeping the internal conversation to ourselves. Human behavior, Mead stated, is the result of meanings created by the social", "id": "18656612" }, { "contents": "Romeo + Juliet\n\n\nhis next project would be: Our philosophy has always been that we think up what we need in our life, choose something creative that will make that life fulfilling, and then follow that road. With \"Romeo and Juliet\" what I wanted to do was to look at the way in which Shakespeare might make a movie of one of his plays if he was a director. How would he make it? We don't know a lot about Shakespeare, but we do know he would make a 'movie' movie", "id": "21256639" } ]
In regard to cars, what is the practical difference between torque and horsepower? I.e. what am I meant to think when someone specifically highlights a high torque number?
[{"answer": "So there seems to be a little confusion with the relation between the two. This is because they stand for two different aspects of work and horsepower is calculated based on the torque. Torque is strictly measurement of force. Torque is defined specifically as a rotating force that may or may not result in motion. It's measured as the amount of force multiplied by the length of the lever through which it acts. For example, if you use a one-foot-long wrench to apply 10 pounds of force to a bolt head, you're generating 10-pound-feet of torque. Horsepower is defined as the amount of energy required to lift 550 pounds, one foot, in one second. From this definition you can see that the components of horsepower are force, distance and time. The measurement of torque is stated as pound-feet and represents how much twisting force is at work. If you can imagine a plumber's pipe wrench attached to a rusty drainpipe, torque is the force required to twist that pipe. If the wrench is two feet long, and the plumber pushes with 50 pounds of pressure, he is applying 100 pound-feet of torque (50 pounds x 2 feet) to turn the pipe (depending on the level of rust, this may or may not be enough torque). As you may have noticed, this measurement of torque does not include time. One-hundred pound-feet of torque is always 100 pound-feet torque, whether it is applied for five seconds or five years. **So, if you want a quick answer to the difference between horsepower and torque, just keep in mind that horsepower involves the amount of work done in a given time, while torque is simply a measurement of force and is thus a component of horsepower**. To see how torque and horsepower interact, imagine your favorite SUV at the base of a steep hill. The engine is idling and the gear lever is in the \"Four-Low\" position. As the driver begins to press on the throttle, the engine's rpm increases, force is transmitted from the crankshaft to each wheel, and the SUV begins to climb upward. The twisting force going to each wheel as the vehicle moves up the hill is torque. Let's say the engine is at 3,000 rpm, the gear ratio is 3, and the vehicle is creating 300 pound-feet of torque. Using the following formula, we can calculate horsepower: Take the torque of 300 multiplied by a shaftspeed of 1000 (3000 rpm divided by a gear ratio of 3) for a total of 300,000. Divide 300,000 by 5,252 and you get 57.1 horsepower that the SUV is making as it begins to ascend the hill. **It is interesting to note that, since 5,252 is used to calculate horsepower by way of torque and shaftspeed, it is also the number in the rpm range at which torque and horsepower are always equal. If you were to view the horsepower and torque curves of various engines, you would notice that they always cross at 5,252 rpm**. At low speeds the transmission's gears work to transmit maximum torque from the engine to the wheels. You want this because it takes more force, or torque, to move a vehicle that is at rest than it does to move a vehicle in motion (Newton's 1st Law). At the same time, once a vehicle is underway, you want less torque and more horsepower to maintain a high speed. **This is because horsepower is a measurement of work done and includes a time element** (such as wheel revolutions per minute necessary to maintain 75 mph). So to answer your I.E. a high torque number means the engine produces a lot of force. This is useful for moving more weight. That's why heavier older muscle cars need high torque while smaller lighter rice burners can get away with much lower torque. *Fun fact: Electric motors like that in the Tesla produce maximum torque at 1rpm. Most of this information was taken from and edited from [this article]( URL_1 ) from Edmunds. Edit: Here is a graph detailing a power curve of a Tesla motor. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Horsepower measures work, torque measures rotational force. For instance: if you try to open a jar that is stuck, you're applying force. Once the lid begins move, you're doing work. Torque gets the car moving, horsepower keeps it moving and helps with passing acceleration. Or: torque is applied at low engine speeds, horsepower is applied at higher speeds. Torque decrease as engine speed increases. Torque is especially important for towing because you need a lot of force to get so much weight moving in the first place."}, {"answer": "The simplest explanation is that torque affects how fast you accelerate, horsepower affects how fast you can go. Higher the torque, lower the 0 to 60 time. Higher the horsepower, higher the top speed."}, {"answer": "Mechanic here. This is how I describe it to a five year old. A cars engine produces torques. HP is how quickly the engine can apply those torques to the wheels. So as your engine speed increases it applies the torques faster. Engine design plays a lot into which is a priority. Meaning a big block Chevy will have a ton of torques available but ultimately cannot apply the torques as quickly because it was designed to rev to only 5000rpm. Where a Honda S2000 has very few torques but when it gets near 8000rpm it is applying so many torques per second that the car is still fast. Hope this makes sense."}, {"answer": "TIL nobody understands the difference between torque and horsepower."}, {"answer": "Torque is how much force the engine is creating. Power is torque over time. So the two are related. Imagine pushing a brick a metre along the ground. It requires a certain amount of force to get going, then some force to keep going. Now do the same thing in half the time. The torque is the same, but you need more power to do it faster. In relation to cars, power is torque by revs, so for most engines, the harder you rev it the more power you get (over the usable rev range). You are getting around the same amount of \"push\", but as the revs increase it is making it faster, or for the same time period, making more of it. Which is why increasing engine revs makes you go faster."}, {"answer": "While all these other comments sum it up very well, I'd like to add that high torque output becomes more \"useless\" as the weight of the car becomes less. For example, Formula 1 cars weigh maybe 1600lbs; they have an output of 700+ horsepower, but only around 200-400ftlbs of torque. If they had a higher torque output, they would exceed the point in which the car can have any efficient stability."}, {"answer": "Horsepower and torque aren't independent of each other. Horsepower = (torque*rpm)/5252. When people give you see horsepower and torque numbers, those are the peak values, as opposed to average horsepower or something that would give you an idea of what the area under the horsepower curve would be. When it comes to the engines you find in cars (ignoring wankels, cause they work on voodoo magic) you'll find that cars with pistons with longer strokes will put out more torque, where as shorter stroke and larger bore (the circular area of the cylinder) will put out more horsepower. This is generally the reason your muscle cars and trucks put out more torque, but redline are lower rpms whereas your souped up honda civics put out more horsepower and redline at higher rpm, but put out very little torque. tl;dr look at torque and horsepower curves, not peak numbers. Peak numbers can be misleading, looking at the area under the curve gives you a better understanding of the power put down (although you get values for given rpm values, not time values, which makes it harder to compare two cars)"}, {"answer": "Might be oversimplifying this, and it might be bs, but my intuition tells me: Power = Torque x Angular acceleration So for a given horsepower, you can 'trade' torque for acceleration. Torque allows you to haul really heavy things. Acceleration allows you to go faster/ish. Examples: motor operated winch. high torque to lift very heavy things, but does it slowly, so you can just use mains power. motor in an electric toothbrush. low torque since there isn't much friction but very high acceleration. Since the torque is so low, using the formula, the power is actually little, and can be powered of a battery. reading it back, its slightly off topic. appologies"}, {"answer": "This comes up constantly here and no one ever seems to get it right. Let me make it simple for you. Horsepower is all that matters. When people say an engine has a lot of torque, they probably mean \"low end torque\". Since power is torqueXspeed, low end torque implies you still are producing a lot of power. Again, power=torqueX(rotational)speed. So if you don't have much speed, having a lot of torque will compensate and still yield good power numbers. This gets slightly more complicated to think about with gearing but the end result is the same; if you're concerned with how quickly a car can accelerate, you're concerned with power."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9588527", "title": "Engine power", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Engine power or horsepower is the maximum power that an engine can put out. It can be expressed in kilowatts or horsepower. The power output depends on the size and design of the engine, but also on the speed at which it is running and the load or torque.", "Engine power or horsepower is the maximum power that an engine can put out. It can be expressed in kilowatts or horsepower. The power output depends on the size and design of the engine, but also on the speed at which it is running and the load or torque.", "Engine power or horsepower is the maximum power that an engine can put out. It can be expressed in kilowatts or horsepower. The power output depends on the size and design of the engine, but also on the speed at which it is running and the load or torque. Maximum power is achieved at relatively high speeds and at high load. The following tables give some examples of engine power for a wide variety of engines and vehicles. Increased engine performance is a consideration, but also other features associated with luxury vehicles."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Semi-automatic transmission\n\n\nsimplified version of Powerglide marketed under the name \"Torque Drive.\" This unit was basically two-speed Powerglide without the vacuum modulator, requiring the driver to manually shift gears between Low and High. The quadrant indicator on Torque Drive cars was, Park R N Hi 1st. The driver would start the car in \"1st,\" then move the lever to \"Hi\" when desired. Torque Drive was only offered on low-horsepower engines for Camaro, Nova, and the 1971 Vega. It was available on the", "id": "15617319" }, { "contents": "Powerglide\n\n\nthe driver to manually shift gears between Low and High. The quadrant indicator on Torque Drive cars was, Park R N Hi 1st. The driver would start the car in \"1st,\" then move the lever to \"Hi\" when desired. Torque Drive was only offered on low-horsepower engines for Camaro and Nova. It was available on the Nova four cylinder engine, and on the Turbo-Thrift Sixes for Camaro as well as Nova. Despite its low introductory price of $68.65, most buyers apparently considered", "id": "12406059" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 458\n\n\nroad car and the 458 Challenge. Unlike the road car, which has a high-revving low-torque engine, the engine in the GT2 version only has a red line of 6,250 rpm, but maintains a close-to-stock torque number even with the horsepower loss. The double-clutch gearbox had to be replaced, but paddle-shifting is retained since the amended rules in 2011 allow them. So far the 458 Italia GT2 has had an impressive racing record. The car won the 2012 and 2014 24", "id": "21539193" }, { "contents": "Horsepower\n\n\npower derived from residual jet thrust from the turbine exhaust. There exist a number of different standard determining how the power and torque of an automobile engine is measured and corrected. Correction factors are used to adjust power and torque measurements to standard atmospheric conditions, to provide a more accurate comparison between engines as they are affected by the pressure, humidity, and temperature of ambient air. Some standards are described below. In the early twentieth century, a so-called \"SAE horsepower\" was sometimes quoted for U.S. automobiles. This", "id": "14251085" }, { "contents": "Audi R8 (LMP)\n\n\nsequential transmission with an electro–pneumatic gear change. Unofficially, the works-team Audi R8 for Le Mans (2000, 2001 and 2002) is said to have had around instead of the quoted . The numbers were quoted at speed, and were due to the car making 50 extra horsepower due to twin ram-air intakes at speeds over . Official torque numbers were quoted for this version of the engine at at 6500 rpm. The equation for horsepower (torque divided by 5250, multiplied by rpm) for these numbers", "id": "14941542" }, { "contents": "Torque wrench\n\n\ntechnique suffers from inaccuracy due to inconsistent or uncalibrated friction between the fastener and its mating hole. Measuring bolt tension (indirectly via bolt stretch) is actually what is desired, but often torque is the only practical measurement which can be made. Torque screwdrivers and torque wrenches have similar purposes and mechanisms. The first patent for a torque wrench was filed by John H. Sharp of Chicago in 1931. This wrench was referred to as a \"torque measuring wrench\" and would be classified today as an indicating torque wrench. In 1935", "id": "4893952" }, { "contents": "Hemispherical combustion chamber\n\n\n) of torque, a 6.4 L (also known as the 392 cubic inch) that makes 485 horsepower and of torque, a (different) 6.4L that makes 410 horsepower and of torque, and a supercharged 6.2 L (commonly known as the Hellcat) that makes 707 horsepower and of torque. Chrysler also released a hemi 6 in Australia with a non full hemispherical chamber but the top of the line 4.3 L, 265cubic inch motor made . They came out as 215 120 hp 245 160 hp 265(std) 203 hp.", "id": "13308866" }, { "contents": "Dodge Shadow\n\n\ntorque rather than horsepower, resulting in horsepower and torque numbers that appear to be reversed from competitors such as the Honda Civic. A Mitsubishi-built 3.0 L V6 engine was added later, replacing the turbocharged engines. All engines were available with a five-speed manual transmission, while a 3-speed automatic was optional on the four cylinder equipped cars and a 4-speed automatic transmission was optional on the V6 powered cars. Features varied over the years, but some features included: power windows, power adjustable mirrors, power door locks,", "id": "307194" }, { "contents": "IOPS\n\n\n, and (application) workload. Absent simultaneous specifications of response-time and workload, IOPS are essentially meaningless. In isolation, IOPS can be considered analogous to \"revolutions per minute\" of an automobile engine i.e. an engine capable of spinning at 10,000 RPMs with its transmission in neutral does not convey anything of value, however an engine capable of developing specified torque and horsepower at a given number of RPMs fully describes the capabilities of the engine. The specific number of IOPS possible in any system configuration will vary greatly, depending", "id": "12070490" }, { "contents": "Ford Comète\n\n\nthis engine, befitting its truck heritage, delivered 78 kW (105 hp) with plenty of torque. Performance was much improved, but the new engine did not endear itself to buyers of the car having a \"truck engine\", The engine's large displacement meant that its taxed horsepower rating imposed by the French government was 22CV, giving a high road tax in a country where government taxation policy, especially after 1948, was high for cars with engine sizes above 2 litres. This new model was fitted with wire wheels", "id": "1362487" }, { "contents": "Tax horsepower\n\n\nwith the nature of British roads in the pre-motorway era, meant that British engines tended to deliver strong low- and mid-range torque for their size but have low maximum speeds. The long stroke also meant that piston speeds and the load on the big end bearings became excessive at higher cruising speeds. Many smaller British cars did not cope well with sustained cruising at 60 mph or more, which led to reliability problems when the vehicles were exported to other markets, especially the United States. Cars such as the Austin", "id": "2716063" }, { "contents": "Pelton wheel\n\n\non the runner is The torque is maximal when the runner is stopped (i.e. when \"u\" = 0, \"T\" = \"ρQDV\"). When the speed of the runner is equal to the initial jet velocity, the torque is zero (i.e. when \"u\" = \"V\", then \"T\" = 0). On a plot of torque versus runner speed, the torque curve is straight between these two points: (0, \"pQDV\") and (\"V\",", "id": "5130745" }, { "contents": "Suzuki Alto\n\n\nLower grade Van versions received a 6-valve engine, while passenger car versions (and the l'Èpo Van) got a single-cam 12-valve version. This engine was upgraded to in January 1991. 4WD versions with the three-speed automatic transmission were fuel-injected and offered three more horsepower. The F6A-engined Works RS/X and RS/R still claimed the legally limited with of torque, but the lower grade i.e. Turbo (introduced in July) received a 6-valve SOHC-engine producing and of torque (slightly more", "id": "2561250" }, { "contents": "Chrysler B engine\n\n\na two-barrel/single exhaust version producing at 4,400 rpm with of torque at 2,400 rpm, a four-barrel/single exhaust version producing at 4,400 rpm, and a high performance four-barrel/dual exhaust version rated at at 4,800 rpm, of torque at 3,200 rpm. All three versions used the same 8.2:1 compression ratio. The 400 was used in car, truck, and motorhome chassis. Horsepower and torque ratings gradually declined through the years due to the addition of more federally mandated emissions controls, until all", "id": "14102831" }, { "contents": "The Suffering: Ties That Bind\n\n\nman, years I been trying to get the straight word on Blackmore. And what the fuck is up with you my man? First I hear this, I couldn't believe, I said no way, not my man Torque. That cracker bleeding out in the basement, he told me what's what and he got no reason to lie. My brain ready to pop. It's too whack, nobody'd make this up. Nobody would never say that you...\" However, Torque blacks out, and when he", "id": "4255237" }, { "contents": "Infiniti G-series (Q40/Q60)\n\n\nyears (sedan, 2005-2007 for the coupe), those with automatic transmissions (both sedan and coupe) produced and of torque, while those with manual transmissions produced and of torque (again, both in sedan and coupe form). There is speculation that the output did not actually change, and that Infiniti was simply taking advantage of the outdated SAE standard of rating horsepower. However, manual transmission cars received a slightly different engine versus those fitted with automatics; manual cars had engines fitted with variable valve timing on", "id": "321960" }, { "contents": "Lancia Trevi\n\n\nand Living With the Car. Under Performance, the car was criticised for torque steer. Though it had a \"ponderous, clunky gearchange\" the gearbox was spaced to require frequent use to find the balance between maximum power and maximum torque. 72% of the car's weight was over the front wheels. 115 bhp was deemed only adequate to pull what the author viewed as too much weight for a car of its size (1,184 kilos). Under Testing, the car returned an average of 23 mpg (Imp.", "id": "20964143" }, { "contents": "Camshaft\n\n\nmore horsepower. The RPM at which peak horsepower occurs is typically increased as duration increases at the expense of lower rpm efficiency (torque). Duration specifications can often be misleading because manufacturers may select any lift point from which to advertise a camshaft's duration and sometimes will manipulate these numbers. The power and idle characteristics of a camshaft rated at a .006\" lift point will be much different from one with the same rating at a .002\" lift point. Many performance engine builders gauge a race profile's aggressiveness by looking at", "id": "16471605" }, { "contents": "Ford flathead V8 engine\n\n\nIt had higher 6.8:1 compression, but performance was unchanged. The 1950 V8-0BA boosted torque by , the 1951 -1BA by more, while in 1952, as the V8-B2, compression climbed to 7.2:1, power to , and torque to , then to in the -B3 of 1953, its final year. The 1948 to 1953 engines have a revised cooling and ignition system. Collectively all 239 engines are referred to as \"100 horse\" engines, although the horsepower was increased in 1952 to 110 horsepower in cars and 106 horsepower", "id": "12442699" }, { "contents": "Horsepower\n\n\n-foot units, rotational speed formula_3 is in rpm, the resulting power in horsepower is The constant 5252 is the rounded value of (33,000 ft⋅lbf/min)/(2π rad/rev). When torque formula_2 is in inch-pounds, The constant 63,025 is the approximation of If torque and rotational speed are expressed in coherent SI units, the power is calculated as where formula_9 is power in watts when formula_10 is torque in newton-metres, and formula_11 is angular speed in radians per second. When using other units or if the", "id": "14251059" }, { "contents": "Electric motor\n\n\nor generators will exhibit virtually the same maximum continuous shaft torque (i.e., operating torque) within a given air-gap area with winding slots and back-iron depth, which determines the physical size of electromagnetic core. Some applications require bursts of torque beyond the maximum operating torque, such as short bursts of torque to accelerate an electric vehicle from standstill. Always limited by magnetic core saturation or safe operating temperature rise and voltage, the capacity for torque bursts beyond the maximum operating torque differs significantly between categories of electric motors or", "id": "735302" }, { "contents": "Chrysler LH engine\n\n\nstability control. In 2004, the 2.7 liter engine was adapted for use in the LX series of cars, dropping peak power to at 6400 rpm and of torque at 4,000 rpm; but increasing torque at launch and during mid-range operation for everyday driving. Chrysler claimed that part-throttle torque was increased by up to 10% in the primary driving range, 2100–3400 rpm. Horsepower again dropped in 2009 on the LX cars to on the Chrysler 300 and Charger, but remains at 189 for the Chrysler Sebring. Buildup", "id": "16466758" }, { "contents": "Pontiac G6\n\n\n, another midsize car. The Pontiac G6 was first introduced at the 2003 North American International Auto Show as a concept car. The concept used a supercharged V6 that made 285 horsepower and 272 lb ft of torque mated to a 4T65-E electronically controlled automatic transmission. When the G6 was introduced in 2005, it had two trim levels, base \"V6\" and sportier \"GT\". Both trims, however, used a pushrod V6 producing and of torque. Matched to a four-speed automatic transmission, the GT featured TAPshift", "id": "1832242" }, { "contents": "Roock Racing\n\n\n620 lb.-ft of torque at 4960 RPM, putting it firmly among the world's fastest supercars at the time. Car and Driver reviewed the RST 650 in its April 2004 issue and gave the car high marks, saying \"it's the kind of explosive ferocity you expect 650 horsepower to feel like. And in this case, the high-performance feel translated directly to the test track, where the Roock Porsche posted world-class supercar numbers.\" In 2008, Roock announced its newest limited edition, tuner Porsches, the", "id": "10302805" }, { "contents": "Udiya Baba\n\n\n\" i.e dispassion, he would stress the importance of practice or Sādhanā. Regarding practice, he would say, referring to his own experience that what is only the Pure Consciousness appears, to be a hard physical body due to constant wrong thinking. This is the effect of practice! Therefore it is necessary to constantly practice the opposite thinking. He used to say, there are three stages of practice, first understanding oneself to be different from the physical body. When this practice becomes perfect, one develops the identification with the", "id": "1197986" }, { "contents": "Honda Civic (fifth generation)\n\n\nmixing of the charge, very high speed flame propagation at ignition, high resistance to predetonation (knock), and very low amounts of unburned hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide, and increased engine torque, and power in both lean burn mode, and at more normal fuel-air mixtures, below 2,500 rpm. As a result of, the increased torque, and power at low rpm, the engine's torque, and power curves are between those of normally aspirated gasoline, and diesel engines. Since the VX has what was", "id": "110121" }, { "contents": "Torque\n\n\nuse horsepower (imperial mechanical) for power, foot-pounds (lbf⋅ft) for torque and rpm for rotational speed. This results in the formula changing to: The constant below (in foot pounds per minute) changes with the definition of the horsepower; for example, using metric horsepower, it becomes approximately 32,550. Use of other units (e.g., BTU per hour for power) would require a different custom conversion factor. For a rotating object, the \"linear distance\" covered at the circumference of rotation is the", "id": "11652052" }, { "contents": "MG MGB\n\n\nwhen a five-bearing crankshaft design was introduced, the engine prefix became 18GB. Horsepower was rated at 95 net bhp on both five-main-bearing and earlier three-bearing cars with peak power coming at 5,400 rpm with a 6,000 rpm redline. Torque output on the MGB had a peak of and fuel consumption was around 25 mpg. US specification cars saw power fall in 1968 with the introduction of emission standards and the use of air or smog pumps. In 1971 UK spec cars still had at 5,500 rpm", "id": "2537933" }, { "contents": "Synchronous motor\n\n\nrotor poles usually have squirrel-cage windings embedded in them, to provide torque below synchronous speed. The machine starts as an induction motor until it approaches synchronous speed, when the rotor \"pulls in\" and locks to the rotating stator field. Reluctance motor designs have ratings that range from fractional horsepower (a few watts) to about . Very small reluctance motors have low torque, and are generally used for instrumentation applications. Moderate torque, multi-horsepower motors use squirrel cage construction with toothed rotors. When used with an", "id": "15955089" }, { "contents": "Stall (engine)\n\n\ncould also have its engine stalled when the vehicle is travelling in the opposite direction to the selected gear. For example, if the selector is in the 'D' position and the car is moving backwards, (on a steep enough hill to overcome the torque from the torque converter) the engine will stall, due to the fact that the engine is forced to turn in the opposite direction to what it is actually doing. This is because, hypothetically, if the car is rolling backward fast enough, the force from", "id": "8751060" }, { "contents": "Reluctance motor\n\n\nA reluctance motor is a type of electric motor that induces non-permanent magnetic poles on the ferromagnetic rotor. The rotor does not have any windings. It generates torque through magnetic reluctance. Reluctance motor subtypes include synchronous, variable, switched and variable stepping. Reluctance motors can deliver high power density at low cost, making them attractive for many applications. Disadvantages include high torque ripple (the difference between maximum and minimum torque during one revolution) when operated at low speed, and noise due to torque ripple. Until the early", "id": "8482711" }, { "contents": "Chairlift\n\n\non chairlifts is largely limited to smaller chairlift installations, otherwise the AC motor would need to be significantly oversized relative to the equivalent horsepower DC motor. The driveshaft turns at high RPM, but with lower torque. The gearbox transforms high RPM/low torque rotation into a low RPM/high torque drive at the bullwheel. More power is able to pull heavier loads or sustain a higher rope speed (the power of a force is the rate at which it does work, and is given by the product of the driving force", "id": "7189816" }, { "contents": "Hudson Motor Car Company\n\n\ndown models as the greatest autos of the era in articles for \"Consumer Guide\" and \"Collectible Automobile\". For the 1951 model year the 6 cylinder engine got a new block with thicker walls and other improvements to boost Horsepower by almost 18% and torque by 28.5% making Hudson a hot performer again. The GM-supplied 4 speed Hydramatic automatic transmission was now optional in Hornets and Commodore Custom 6s and 8s. Hudson's strong, light-weight bodies, combined with its high-torque inline six-cylinder", "id": "6080569" }, { "contents": "Limited-slip differential\n\n\nfrom the type of the resisting mechanism. Examples include viscous and clutch-based LSDs. The amount of limiting torque provided by these mechanisms varies by design. A limited-slip differential has a more complex torque-split and should be considered in the case when the outputs are spinning the same speed and when spinning at different speeds. The torque difference between the two axles is called \"Trq\". (In this work it is called \"Trq\" for torque friction). \"Trq\" is the difference in torque", "id": "18210140" }, { "contents": "Honda Civic Hybrid\n\n\nthe transmission, providing up to 13 horsepower. The motor also acts as a generator, to recharge the car's nickel-metal hydride battery located between the rear seat and the trunk, and as a starter motor. The motor in Civic hybrid is about a quarter-inch () thicker than that of the Insight. Through improvements to the magnetic coils of the DC brushless motor, it achieves 30 percent greater assisting and regenerative torque than the previous model without increasing the size. It generates more torque (46 versus 36", "id": "4537121" }, { "contents": "Torque vectoring\n\n\ndifferent amounts of torque. Rear wheels are also over spun by a slight percentage compared to front wheels. This implies some constant slippage of the clutches in the rear differential while driving in straight line. The reason behind this system is to allow the external rear wheel to apply a yaw moment to the car chassis while cornering. Honda’s AWD system also has a torque-vectoring function that can apportion torque across the rear axle to aid cornering. All Ridgeline models with AWD will utilize Honda’s i-VTM4™ torque vectoring", "id": "10937162" }, { "contents": "Toyota JZ engine\n\n\nratio), oil spray nozzles to aid in cooling the pistons and a different head (redesigned inlet/exhaust ports, cams and valves). Toyota's VVT-i variable valve timing technology was added to the engine beginning in September 1997, hence it phased out the original engine. Consequently, maximum torque and horsepower was raised for engines selling in all markets. These later 2JZ-GE VVT-i equipped models (Aristo, Altezza, Mark II) share a different part number for weaker connecting rods. The addition", "id": "11033198" }, { "contents": "Chrysler Town & Country (1941–1988)\n\n\nin. 4-BBL V8 producing 215 net horsepower and net torque. Even so, the updated Town and Country with its more imposing grille and nicely integrated fender skirts set sales records, with 6,473 six passenger and 14,116 nine passenger wagons produced for the model year. 1973 was the 5th and final year of what had been planned as a four-year platform cycle. A federal mandate to equip MY 1973 cars with bumpers that could absorb up to impacts with no functional damage was a major challenge, since the large cars Chrysler Corp", "id": "6901108" }, { "contents": "SRT Tomahawk\n\n\nset at and of torque. Combined with the pneumatic system, set at 422 horsepower, the X's total output is . The weight has increased from the GTS-R at , mostly due to the fact the car has extra aerodynamic parts. With all of these specifications, this gives for an extreme power-to-weight ratio of 3,452 horsepower per ton. As mentioned before, the vehicle's body now has nine control surfaces, including four panels located above the wheels, two \"rudder\" panels aft of the", "id": "19853085" }, { "contents": "Shelby Mustang\n\n\nLike the 2015 Shelby GT, it is also based on 2015 Ford Mustang GT. The 2015 Super Snake has a 5.0L V8 equipped with a Shelby/Ford Racing supercharger engine rated at 650+hp (750+hp via Shelby/Whipple Supercharger). According to Shelby, the test car produces . But the car's 12.3-second, quarter-mile run speaks to a horsepower number far less than 750, let alone 850. A stock Camaro ZL1 is faster. Tuner cars such as this one lack SAE-certified horsepower and torque ratings.", "id": "13558678" }, { "contents": "Prony brake\n\n\nthe band will increase the force reading on one balance and decrease it on the other. The difference between the two readings multiplied by the radius of the driven drum is equal to the torque. If the engine speed is measured with a tachometer, the brake horsepower is easily calculated. An alternate mechanism is to clamp a lever to the shaft and measure using a single balance. The torque is then related to the lever length, shaft diameter and measured force. The device is generally used over a range of engine speeds to", "id": "3705737" }, { "contents": "Alpina\n\n\nautomatic transmissions instead of manual or semi-automatic transmissions. For instance, regarding the high performance variants of the BMW E60 5 Series, the B5 offers a different take on performance and how to accomplish it. Unlike BMW M's own M5 which has a naturally aspirated, high-revving 5.0L V10, the Alpina B5 uses a supercharged 4.4L V8 which produces similar horsepower and greater torque at lower rpm. The Alpina XD3 made its debut at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show. The XD3 is fitted with an Alpina-modified version", "id": "18744826" }, { "contents": "Torque\n\n\nabove equation gives power in foot pounds-force per minute. The horsepower form of the equation is then derived by applying the conversion factor 33,000 ft⋅lbf/min per horsepower: because formula_55 The Principle of Moments, also known as Varignon's theorem (not to be confused with the geometrical theorem of the same name) states that the sum of torques due to several forces applied to \"a single\" point is equal to the torque due to the sum (resultant) of the forces. Mathematically, this follows from: Torque", "id": "11652055" }, { "contents": "Honda CB550SC\n\n\nactually used the same camshaft as the slightly larger CB650 nighthawk. The engine was very low maintenance with hydraulic self-adjusting valves. The power was rated @ 75 horsepower and roughly 36 foot pounds of torque. Fuel economy was 41 MPG on average. It would cover a quarter mile in 12.67 seconds @ @102 MPH. Though there have been various claims about the horsepower in magazines the Honda specifications in their Official American Honda Service Manual rates the HP at 64 at 9500 rpm with a torque of 36.5 lb.-ft. at 8000 rpm", "id": "17832452" }, { "contents": "Funny Car\n\n\nproceeds. The rate/degree of lockup is mechanically/pneumatically controlled and preset before each run according to various conditions, in particular track surface. Wheelbases are between . The car must maintain a ground clearance. Horsepower claims vary widely—from 6,978 to 8,897—but are probably around 8,000 HP. Supercharged, nitromethane-fueled motors of this type also have a very high torque, which is estimated at about . They routinely achieve a 6G acceleration from a standing start. Many safety rules are in place to protect the driver and", "id": "10086388" }, { "contents": "Honda Freed\n\n\n-up seat. In September 2009, it was announced that a hybrid version would be available by 2011. The Freed is equipped with a 1.5 L engine with 118 horsepower, which is the same engine that is used in the Jazz/City, but the engine used has more torque. For example, the Freed's engine has 118 horsepower and 148 Nm of torque, while the Jazz/City has 120 horsepower with 145 Nm of torque. On 21 March 2009, the first generation Freed was launched in Indonesia,", "id": "21572738" }, { "contents": "Electric motor\n\n\nneeded. Once this is done a figure relating the current to the torque can be used as a useful parameter for motor selection. The maximum torque for a motor will depend on the maximum current although this will usually be only usable until thermal considerations take precedence. When optimally designed within a given core saturation constraint and for a given active current (i.e., torque current), voltage, pole-pair number, excitation frequency (i.e., synchronous speed), and air-gap flux density, all categories of electric motors", "id": "735301" }, { "contents": "Callaway Cars\n\n\n-ft of torque. The SC757 package creates 757 horsepower and 777 lb-ft of torque when paired with the LT4 of the Z06. The Callaway Corvette package also includes emblems, badging and plaques bearing the Callaway name as standard equipment. Callaway provides a three-year, 36,000 mile warranty on Callaway components, which also covers any GM-supplied components that fail due to a failure of the Callaway parts. Warranty coverage can be upgraded to a 5-year, 60,000-mile powertrain service contract at an extra cost. In 2017,", "id": "17616877" }, { "contents": "Motor control\n\n\n, despite the fact that they require startlingly different arm dynamics (i.e. torques and forces). This recovery provides evidence that what is motivating movement is a particular motor plan, and the individual is using a forward model to predict how arm dynamics change the movement of the arm to achieve particular task level characteristics. Differences between the expected arm movement and the observed arm movement produces an error signal which is used as the basis for learning. Additional evidence for forward models comes from experiments which require subjects to determine the location of an", "id": "2697395" }, { "contents": "Ice drilling\n\n\nthe borehole wall; the blades dig into the wall and provide the anti-torque. Skates can be built with springs which allow them to keep the blades pressed against the wall in an irregular borehole, and to prevent problems in narrower parts of the borehole. Although skates are a popular design for anti-torque and have been used with success, they have difficulty preventing rotation in firn and at boundaries between layers of different densities, and can cause problems when drilling with high torque. When they fail, they act as", "id": "20793035" }, { "contents": "Lincoln Y-block V8 engine\n\n\nT-800, C-800, and C-900 Series heavy-duty trucks. The automobile engine was bored out in 1955 to , displacing . Power was up to and torque . in its sole year of production. In the 1956 model year the 341's bore was increased to and stroke to to create a engine that produced and . In 1957 horsepower increased to with of torque but the Lincoln still lagged in horsepower and torque behind the Chrysler Hemi 392 used on the Imperial, Chrysler New Yorker, and 300C, and in horsepower behind the", "id": "4494348" }, { "contents": "Trionic 8\n\n\nby the ECM with regard to current operating conditions and limitations. The result is an air mass request to achieve the torque requested by the ECM. The driver's requested torque can be higher than that requested by ECM when, for example: The ECM regulates the throttle area (opening angle) together with the turbo wastegate so that the correct torque is attained, i.e. air mass per combustion. Fuel injection is sequential and regulated with air mass per combustion and engine speed as parameters. This system has the following advantages: Ignition", "id": "10904558" }, { "contents": "Jaguar E-Type\n\n\nthat have two bows, and other changes. Series 1½ cars also have twin cooling fans and adjustable seat backs. The biggest change between 1961-1967 Series 1 E-Types and the 1968 Series 1.5 was the reduction in the number of carburetors from 3 to just 2, resulting in a loss in horsepower from 265 to 246 and a loss in torque from 283 to 263. Series 2 features were gradually introduced into the Series 1, creating the unofficial Series 1½ cars, but always with the Series 1 body style.", "id": "18369213" }, { "contents": "Volkswagen Gol\n\n\nthe options of 1.0 or 1.6 litre flex engines. Its dimensions are 3.90 m in length, 1.66 m in width, 1.45 m in height with a wheelbase of 2.47 m and luggage capacity of 285 litres. The advertisements were filmed in Los Angeles, California, featuring Sylvester Stallone and Gisele Bündchen. Volkswagen High Torque (VHT) technology was introduced on the third generation Gol family. This new technology allows the flex engine to get the high torques at lower revs, the engines produce higher torques and horsepower on Ethanol fuel.", "id": "15922161" }, { "contents": "Ford 385 engine\n\n\nengine. These 460s actually had higher horsepower and torque ratings than the IDI 6.9 liter and later 7.3 IDI diesel engines, as well as higher horsepower then the 94.5-97 7.3L powerstroke, (245 compared to 215), however the diesel did have a small torque advantage (415ftlb@2000rpm for the diesel, 410ftlbs@2200rpm for the 460, 94-97 rateings)though fuel economy was slightly better with the diesel. The 460 began using fuel injection in 1988, leading to a slight increase in horsepower and torque ratings. For 1993 and up", "id": "19703395" }, { "contents": "Ram Pickup (fifth generation)\n\n\nRam 1500 models. Also available on all Ram Heavy Duty (HD) models, regardless of cab configuration (aside from the 2500 Power Wagon), is a newly-improved 6.7L Cummins Turbodiesel Inline Six-Cylinder (I6) engine, now producing 400 horsepower (up 15 Horsepower from the previous model's 385 horsepower ) . Torque has been increased to a maximum 1,000 lb. ft. of torque (up 70 lb. ft. from the previous model's 930 lb. ft. of torque). It is", "id": "9375260" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Tennyson (car designer)\n\n\n...(and) carries NASA-grade storage batteries.\" The arch is covered by 140 solar panels. The 64 silver-zinc batteries, which hold the power collected by the solar panels, \"...feed a pair of 2-horsepower, brushless direct-current motors. Each motor utilizes two windings, one for lower speeds and higher torque, and another for higher speeds at lower torque.\" \"...[T]he graphics, lettering and art work on... the car...\" were done by John Mydock. Nicknamed \"the", "id": "21497967" }, { "contents": "Alfa GTV Cup\n\n\nthe weight has been reduced by another 200 kilos. The mechanics remain the same as the commercial series, but with different regulations in the electronic chip and suspension, to gain a little more horsepower and better transfer them onto the road. The circuit at Varano, with a few slow corners and two fast ‘S’ bends, was the ideal track to find one's feet with a car of character: a 230 horsepower is considerably powerful because of its front traction. The torque of six cylinders and the weight distribution on the", "id": "12288347" }, { "contents": "Hewland\n\n\nproduct range housed in Volkswagen case except for LD200. Transmission capacity is measured by the maximum output torque (not the horsepower), which is the product of the input torque times overall reduction ratio. However, as the output torque is proportional to the input torque with typical gear and differential reduction ratios, and as the input torque (engine output torque) is roughly proportional to the engine displacement, Hewland used to indicate the maximum allowable engine size, and later the maximum input torque measured in Lbs/ft., as", "id": "17658203" }, { "contents": "Transmission (mechanics)\n\n\nrange of 600 to about 7000 rpm (though this varies, and is typically less for diesel engines), while the car's wheels rotate between 0 rpm and around 1800 rpm. Furthermore, the engine provides its highest torque and power outputs unevenly across the rev range resulting in a torque band and a power band. Often the greatest torque is required when the vehicle is moving from rest or traveling slowly, while maximum power is needed at high speed. Therefore, a system is required that transforms the engine's output so", "id": "20671211" }, { "contents": "Misyar marriage\n\n\n\" marriage with the intention of divorce. He replied that it is permissible, and he along with Permanent Council (of Muftis), decreed that it is permissible. \"Someone asked him: In one of your tapes, you have a fatwa that it is permissible for someone in a Western country to get married with the intention of getting divorced after a specific period. What is the difference between this and between Mut'ah?Response: Yes, this fatwa has come from Permanent Council (of Muftis), and I am its leader", "id": "9659285" }, { "contents": "Mercedes-Benz BlueZERO\n\n\neach model the same performance specifications for acceleration and top speed. The Mercedes-Benz BlueZERO electric drive modular design accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (62.5 mph) in under 11 seconds, and the top speed is electronically governed to in the interests of optimal range and energy efficiency. Peak torque is and as with all EVs, maximum torque is available from zero rpm. \"The flexible BlueZERO concept allows electro-mobility for every requirement and highlights the fact that Mercedes-Benz is the world's only car manufacturer", "id": "15278990" }, { "contents": "Electric motor\n\n\nsaturation. Despite the high coercivity of neodymium or samarium-cobalt permanent magnets, continuous torque density is virtually the same amongst electric machines with optimally designed armature winding sets. Continuous torque density relates to method of cooling and permissible period of operation before destruction by overheating of windings or permanent magnet damage. Other sources state that various e-machine topologies have differing torque density. One source shows the following: where—specific torque density is normalized to 1.0 for the SPM—brushless ac, 180° current conduction, SPM is Surface", "id": "735308" }, { "contents": "Jaguar XK6 engine\n\n\n\" the head. Published horsepower ratings of the various versions of the 4.2-litre are complicated by the switch from gross to net horsepower systems during its lifetime. For example, in 1965 the 4.2-litre with triple SU HD8 carburetors fitted to the US-specification E-Type was rated at @ 5400 rpm SAE gross and a maximum torque of @ 4000 rpm whereas by 1969, now with twin Zenith-Stromberg carburetors, this had fallen to SAE gross. The difference indicates the effect of the revised carburetion and other changes made to reduce", "id": "18029349" }, { "contents": "Shiva (NCIS)\n\n\nloved him. There are good memories that go with the bad...It absolutely weighs on her. When anyone loses someone, you think about what they meant to you and what part of them you continue to carry. I think those are questions she will continue to seek and look for answers to as she moves forward.\" It was also pointed out that the shootings, and the revelation that the perpetrator was someone Ziva had known since childhood, would affect the relationships of certain characters: \"It certainly raises the point", "id": "3051800" }, { "contents": "Stall torque\n\n\nStall torque is the torque produced by a mechanical device whose output rotational speed is zero. It may also mean the torque load that causes the output rotational speed of a device to become zero, i.e., to cause stalling. Electric motors, steam engines and hydrodynamic transmissions are all capable of developing torque when stalled. Electric motors continue to provide torque when stalled. However, electric motors left in a stalled condition are prone to overheating and possible damage since the current flowing is maximum under these conditions. The maximum torque an electric", "id": "17974428" }, { "contents": "Pontiac Firebird\n\n\nGTA chassis were selected at random, thus there is no correlation between the VIN and production sequence number. The initial number of cars to be produced had ranged from 500 to 2,500 until GM finally settled on 1,500. In all, a total of 1,555 Turbo Trans Ams were manufactured. One of these served as the 1989 Indianapolis 500 pace car. The 2002 model-year WS6 Trans Am produced at 5,200 rpm and of torque at 4,000 rpm out of its 5.7-liter LS1 V8 engine. A completely-stock WS6 completed the ¼—mile", "id": "11747465" }, { "contents": "Trouton–Noble experiment\n\n\nwords: The electromagnetic torque is actually necessary for the uniform motion of a body, \"i.e.\", to hinder the body to rotate due to the mechanical torque caused by elastic stresses. Since then, many papers appeared which elaborated on Laue's current, providing some modifications or re-interpretations, and included different variants of \"hidden\" momentum. Other authors were unsatisfied with the idea that torques and counter-torques arise only because different inertial frames are chosen. Their aim was to replace the standard expressions for momentum and", "id": "18517443" }, { "contents": "Flexibility (personality)\n\n\nof negative thoughts and increase flexibility to behave as they want. An example of cognitive defusion would be when someone thinks \"I am the worst,\" and then notices the thought for what it is—mere words—perhaps by saying to themselves \"I am having the thought that I am the worst\". This is in contrast to a cognitive therapy approach where the person might challenge the thought by thinking of things in which he or she excels. \"Self as context\" attempts to have people create an awareness of", "id": "11151259" }, { "contents": "Limited-slip differential\n\n\nlimiting torques, \"Trq\", are different but neither is zero as in the case of the 1-way LSD. This type of differential is common in racing cars where a strong limiting torque can aid stability under engine braking. Geared, \"torque-sensitive\" mechanical limited-slip differentials use worm gears and spur gears to distribute and differentiate input power between two drive wheels or front and back axles. This is a completely separate design from the most common beveled spider gear designs seen in most automotive applications. As torque is", "id": "18210151" }, { "contents": "Pontiac V8 engine\n\n\nwith specific jetting. The 1971 455 HO was rated at @ 4,800 rpm and of torque @ 3,200 rpm (gross). The 1971 455 HO was available in the Firebird (Formula and Trans Am), and the GTO. The 455 HO moniker was again carried over, this time as a near exact repeat of the 1971 offering, the only changes were the carburetors (they used a conventional unit this year), and the head castings (casting #7F6). According to GM mandates horsepower was now rated in", "id": "17502627" }, { "contents": "International Association of Sufism\n\n\nof the human being), suggests there is something very important missing in western psychology regarding human potential. For instance, thinkers within Sufi psychology, influenced by many centuries of Sufi philosophy and spiritual practice, are confident that the question \"who am I\" can be answered versus guessed. They see the purpose and identity of the human being as not the accumulation of what one does, feels or thinks but as a very specific holder of a potential, capable to understand all facets of one's existence, or one's", "id": "2995775" }, { "contents": "Torque wrench\n\n\nslowly and without jerky or irregular motion. The table below gives more specifics regarding the pattern of testing for each class of torque wrench. While professional calibration is recommended, for some people it would be out of their means. It is possible to calibrate a torque wrench in the home shop or garage. The process generally requires that a certain mass is attached to a lever arm and the torque wrench is set to the appropriate torque to lift said mass. The error within the tool can be calculated and the tool may be", "id": "4893980" }, { "contents": "Lug wrench\n\n\n. Also, uneven torque between the various lug nuts, or excessive torque, can lead to warping of the brake rotor if the car is equipped with disc brakes. For this reason, impact wrenches should properly be used only for removing lug nuts, not for tightening them, although in practice this rule is often ignored for convenience's sake, even by professional mechanics. When re-fitting a wheel, the nuts (or bolts) should be tightened in a criss-cross pattern (to even out the forces)", "id": "13006151" }, { "contents": "Nissan Xterra\n\n\nprevious a dash-mounted pull-and-twist parking brake) — and an increase of 10 horsepower for the V6 engine. The 3.3L VG33E V6 was upgraded to at 4,800 rpm and 202 lb⋅ft (274 N⋅m) at 2,800 rpm, with the supercharged VG33ER option carried over from the 2001 Nissan Frontier, producing of torque for the automatic, and of torque with 5-speed manual. For 2003, options included side-curtain airbags and a tire pressure monitoring system. The 6-disc, 4-speaker AM/FM/CD audio system", "id": "8760558" }, { "contents": "Torque vectoring\n\n\na front or rear wheel drive differential is less complex than an all-wheel drive differential. The impact of torque distribution is the generation of yaw moment arising from longitudinal forces and changes to the lateral resistance generated by each tyre. Applying more longitudinal force reduces the lateral resistance that can be generated. The specific driving condition dictates what the trade-off should be to either damp or excite yaw acceleration. The function is independent of technology and could be achieved by driveline devices for a conventional powertrain, or with electrical torque sources", "id": "10937150" }, { "contents": "Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution\n\n\nmodel to another. In Europe, however, the Evolution IX was advertised to have . The GSR produced of torque, while the RS and GT produced . In the United Kingdom, the Evolution IX used a different model scheme based on the car's horsepower. There were initially three models available: the FQ-300, FQ-320 and FQ-340 each with around , respectively. An FQ-360 model was subsequently released as a successor to the Evolution VIII FQ-400. While the new FQ-360 produced at 6,887 rpm (less horsepower than its predecessor),", "id": "3962035" }, { "contents": "Chrysler 300\n\n\nspacious and well-equipped interior and the low price while criticizing the quality of materials, ride, steering and low engine torque. The first generation model was popular with British buyers who regarded it as the \"poor man's Bentley\". On Hip-hop artist Drake's album \"Views\", the song \"Keep The Family Close\" references the Chrysler 300 with the lyrics: \"Always saw you for what you could've been / Ever since you met me / Like when Chrysler made that one car that looked", "id": "13071290" }, { "contents": "Renault Scala\n\n\nThe Renault Scala nameplate has been used by the French automobile manufacturer Renault for the following cars, in the following markets: The Renault Scala is a five door sedan produced by the French automobile manufacturer, Renault. It has an 85 horsepower, 1416cc engine which produces 200Nm of torque. This engine is the same engine found in the Nissan Sunny. The interior is fairly basic with ventilation controls, optional air conditioning, an AM/FM radio, and a few other features. The interior of the vehicle is also exactly the", "id": "7994294" }, { "contents": "Squirrel-cage rotor\n\n\nminus the physical rotation rate. The interaction of the magnetic fields of currents in the stator and rotor produce a torque on the rotor. By adjusting the shape of the bars in the rotor, the speed-torque characteristics of the motor can be changed, to minimize starting current or to maximize low-speed torque, for example. Squirrel-cage induction motors are very prevalent in industry, in sizes from below one kilowatt (fractional horsepower; less than 1hp) up to tens of megawatts (10,000s of horsepower).", "id": "2506564" }, { "contents": "Cadillac V series\n\n\nwas a rear-wheel drive, powered by a LSA EATON-supercharged V8 that was based on LS9 V8 from—what was then—recently released Corvette ZR1. The engine generates 556 horsepower and 551 lb-ft of torque. The second-generation CTS-V was a major hit that advanced Cadillac's \"Art & Science\" philosophy further ahead. It broke a Nürburgring lap-record which made it—back then—the fastest production sedan. When asked in 2009 about the possibility of a CTS-V", "id": "11927178" }, { "contents": "Fiat Ritmo\n\n\nand altered timing, power and torque figures were kept the same as those of the 1.1, up by ten horsepower over what the engine produced when installed in the 127. The 60 CL (the fastest-selling Ritmo in the Italian market at the time) continued to use the comparable 1116 cc engine. At the 1980 Geneva Motor Show, a five-door only diesel version — marketed as the \"Ritmo D\" and available in both L and CL trim — was introduced with a 1,714 cc engine ().", "id": "14761340" }, { "contents": "What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)\n\n\n\"What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)\" is a 1964 single written by Ray Whitley and recorded by The Tams. The single was their most successful release on both the United States R&B and pop charts. \"What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)\" went to number one on the \"Cash Box\" R&B chart and peaked at number nine on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. this track was one of the many hit records recorded at Rick Hall's FAME Studios in Muscle", "id": "11212476" }, { "contents": "Torque steer\n\n\nTorque steer is the unintended influence of engine torque on the steering, especially in front-wheel drive vehicles. For example, during heavy acceleration the steering may pull to one side, which may be disturbing to the driver. The effect is manifested either as a tugging sensation in the steering wheel, or a veering of the vehicle from the intended path. Torque steer is directly related to differences in the forces in the contact patches of the left and right drive wheels. The effect becomes more evident when high torques are applied", "id": "9563392" }, { "contents": "Oldsmobile V8 engine\n\n\nQuadrajet, usually the CCC (Computer Command Control) Quadrajet. The output of the wasn't particularly high in terms of horsepower. For example, the stock (non-high-output, VIN \"Y\") in the 1983 Oldsmobile 98 was a mere , although in that year a high-output model (VIN \"9\") was available producing a nominal , at approximately torque. The final 1990 configuration was rated at at 3200 rpm and of torque at 2000 rpm. The combination of good low-RPM", "id": "3626219" }, { "contents": "Chevrolet Performance\n\n\nof 2012, the brand was renamed to Chevrolet Performance and broadened its focus from just parts to vehicles and racing as well. Today, Chevrolet Performance has aided in the development of many high-performance vehicles. ZR1 The 2019 Corvette ZR1 was released at the 2017 Los Angeles Motor show by Chevrolet Performance officials. The car is powered by a supercharged LT5 V8 engine that produces 755 horsepower and 715 foot pounds of torque with high octane fuel and high density air. The car has a top speed of 217 MPH without the rear", "id": "14330772" }, { "contents": "Eötvös experiment\n\n\nthat the system was constantly at rest – this meaning mechanical equilibrium (i.e. net forces and torques zero) – with the two bodies thus hanging also at rest, but having \"different\" centrifugal forces upon them and consequently exerting different torques on the rod through the reactions of the tensions, the rod then would spontaneously rotate, in contradiction with our assumption that the system is at rest. So the system cannot exist in this state; any difference between the centrifugal forces on the two bodies will set the rod in rotation", "id": "6707174" }, { "contents": "New South Wales 400/500 class railmotor\n\n\nwas destroyed by fire at Narrandera in 1944. The remaining three were fitted with diesel engines between 1953 and 1957. They were fitted with two 150 horsepower GM Detroit Diesel 6/71 in-line six-cylinder, diesel engines and Twin Disc hydraulic torque converter transmissions. When built, the power cars had a toilet located in the front opposite the driver and the front window was covered by a metal plate which gave the driver limited vision at level crossings. The cars had a 'one-eyed' appearance and this earned them", "id": "11914237" }, { "contents": "Pontiac Catalina\n\n\nHydraMatic have Roto's or Super HydraMatic's \"split torque\" design whereby when in top gear or fourth range for both only 40% of the engine torque went through the fluid coupling resulting in better fuel mileage. The 389 and 421 cubic-inch V8s received a number of revisions including thinner wall block castings. The standard engine for Catalina models is the 389 two-barrel rated at with base three-speed manual transmission and 8.6 to 1 compression or 290 horsepower with Turbo Hydramatic transmission and higher 10.5 to 1 compression.", "id": "6272290" }, { "contents": "Stepper motor\n\n\nfigures can be helpful for more in-depth electronics design, when deviating from standard supply voltages, adapting third party driver electronics, or gaining insight when choosing between motor models with otherwise similar size, voltage, and torque specifications. A stepper's low-speed torque will vary directly with current. How quickly the torque falls off at faster speeds depends on the winding inductance and the drive circuitry it is attached to, especially the driving voltage. Steppers should be sized according to published torque curve, which is specified by the", "id": "6844731" }, { "contents": "Carl Robert Pope\n\n\nI don’t think about what I shoot, I just react to what I see. But I am only reacting to what I see and my thoughts about what I want to see. Before I go shoot I have made up my mind about some of the things I am interested in and what I hope to do. Then when I go out and shoot I have already programmed myself about some of the things I am interested in, but I leave myself open to see what happens. Later I think about what it", "id": "8123148" }, { "contents": "Diesel engine\n\n\nused in smaller cars such as superminis in Europe since the 1980s. They were popular in larger cars earlier, as the weight and cost penalties were less noticeable. Smooth operation as well as high low end torque are deemed important for passenger cars and small commercial vehicles. The introduction of electronically controlled fuel injection significantly improved the smooth torque generation, and starting in the early 1990s, car manufacturers began offering their high-end luxury vehicles with diesel engines. Passenger car diesel engines usually have between three and ten cylinders, and a", "id": "8714947" }, { "contents": "MIVEC\n\n\n, something that car racers might do when modifying older-design engines to produce more power. However, such swaps come with a compromise - generally yielding either greater low-end torque or more high-end horsepower, but not both. MIVEC achieves both goals. With MIVEC, the \"cam swap\" occurs automatically at a fixed engine speed. The Cam Switch operation is transparent to the driver, who is simply rewarded with a smooth flow of power. Two distinct cam profiles are used to provide two engine modes:", "id": "12030654" }, { "contents": "Shelby Mustang\n\n\nfuel level, water temperature, and oil pressure gauges. The 1967 GT350 came with an iron-block, 289-cubic-inch (4.7-liter) V-8 rated at 306 horsepower and 329 lb-foot of torque. For a pushrod design, the GT350 revved relatively high, with the horsepower peak not in full swing until the 6,000-rpm redline. 1967 was well before modern fuel injection came about, and the car used a single Holley four-barrel carburetor. The true dual-exhaust with H-shaped crossover system came standard with", "id": "13558604" }, { "contents": "Components of jet engines\n\n\nchamber. Usually, an \"auxiliary power unit\" is used to start the engines. It has a starter motor which has a high torque transmitted to the compressor unit. When the optimum speed is reached, i.e. the flow of gas through the turbine is sufficient, the turbines take over. There are a number of different starting methods such as \"electric\", \"hydraulic\", \"pneumatic\", etc. The electric starter works with gears and clutch plate linking the motor and the engine. The clutch is used", "id": "4176901" }, { "contents": "Drill bit\n\n\nsimilar to an auger bit or brace bit, designed for low speed, high torque use with a brace or other hand drill (pictured to the right), or as a high speed, low torque bit meant for a power drill. While the shape of the cutting edges is different, and one uses screw threads and the other a twist bit for the pilot, the method of adjusting them remains the same. The diamond masonry mortar bit is a hybrid drill bit, designed to work as a combination router and drill", "id": "7661740" }, { "contents": "Wind-turbine aerodynamics\n\n\nL/D airfoils at high tip speed ratios to attempt to approximate this, but there are still additional losses in the wake because of these limitations. One key difference between actual turbines and the actuator disk, is that the energy is extracted through torque. The wind imparts a torque on the wind turbine, thrust is a necessary by-product of torque. Newtonian physics dictates that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the wind imparts a torque on the blades then the blades must be imparting a", "id": "21181700" }, { "contents": "Memristor\n\n\ninsulating MgO layer has been proposed to describe the observed memristive effects, another explanation could be charge trapping/detrapping on the localized states of oxygen vacancies and its impact on spintronics. This highlights the importance of understanding what role oxygen vacancies play in the memristive operation of devices that deploy complex oxides with an intrinsic property such as ferroelectricity or multiferroicity. The magnetization state of a MTJ can be controlled by Spin-transfer torque, and can thus, through this intrinsic physical mechanism, exhibit memristive behavior. This spin torque is induced by", "id": "9043311" }, { "contents": "Pontiac Bonneville\n\n\nthe lower models, including the supercharged 3800 (RPO: L67). For 1994, a new Generation III Eaton M62 supercharger came, along with new OBD-1.5 capabilities, raising the horsepower to , while torque was raised to . Also, this year introduced the new five-spoke \"Torque Star\" wheels. A resonator also became standard on the exhaust to lower the raspy tone that the engine produces. Passenger airbags also became standard on all models. For 1995, the car retained the same appearance, but the SE and", "id": "6272445" }, { "contents": "Four-wheel drive\n\n\ndesign suffers from fluid degradation with age and from exponential locking behavior. Some designs use gearing to create a small rotational difference that hastens torque transfer. A third approach to limiting slippage is taken by a Torsen differential. A Torsen differential allows the output shafts to receive different amounts of torque. This design does not provide for traction when one wheel is spinning freely, where there is no torque, but provides excellent handling in less extreme situations. A typical Torsen II differential can deliver up to twice as much torque to the high", "id": "5894959" } ]
How should I store my money?
[{"answer": "u shoud buy potatoes and bury them, then theyll multiply and you can sell them and get twice the money"}, {"answer": "Head on over to /r/personalfinance, you'll get much better advice over there."}, {"answer": "Oh boy. You are asking the right question at the right age. You have no idea how well you are setting yourself up by looking into this at 18. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. It all depends on you, or more accurately, things about you like what you want to do in life, what obligations you have/take on, will you work a stable job or not, etc? The good thing is, you have time to get out in front of it. Take some finance classes. Learn a little bit about how businesses handle money, and apply those principles to your own life. So many things are bought and sold everyday on this gap in people's knowledge. This will teach you the time-value of money and how to calculate the true cost of a thing. Example: let's say you decide to get a fancy watch. You figure you'll spend a couple of hundred bucks every 5 years or so, or you can just spend a couple of thousand once and get a nice Rolex or whatever, and you'll pass that down to your grandkids. What you may not take into account is the insurance costs of owning the watch, and the fact that you'll probably spend a few hundred getting it serviced every 5 years. Suddenly, your \"one time\" purchase is a constant drain on your finances. None of anything else you learn about finances will help you if you spend more than you have. Debt is the ultimate killer. It takes away all of your freedom to make decisions. That doesn't mean it's *never* a good idea to go into debt, but it does mean you should be very sure that you would rather have the thing you're getting now than the freedom you're giving up to make decisions later. When it comes to investing/saving, that's a different ball of wax. You can buy those lame books like *A Random Walk Down Wall Street*, or you can let me save you $10 by telling you what they all say: buy low, sell high. How do you do that? Well, the books will carry on for several chapters explaining different strategies that people have used in the past that worked. Each of these examples is immediately followed by the proviso that this doesn't mean the strategy itself is sound, it could mean the person got lucky. Wait, what? Come on, what's the real secret of these books? Ok, here it is, for real: write books that are essentially meaningless, sell a buttload of them. That's a great way to make money."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "236305", "title": "Piggy bank", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Piggy bank (sometimes penny bank or money box) is the traditional name of a coin container normally used by children. The piggy bank is known to collectors as a \"still bank\" as opposed to the \"mechanical banks\" popular in the early 20th century.", "The use of the name 'piggy bank' gave rise to its widely recognized 'pig' shape, and many financial service companies use piggy banks as logos for their savings products. Piggy banks"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Etienne Barbara\n\n\nI've scored 20 goals and had 9 assists and I won the best player of the league. And for what? For nothing in America. Because I'm stuck with Montreal and they don't want to pay good money. From what I understand, they are just holding my rights to try to get the best offer from somebody else. How can Montreal own my rights without even talking to me or paying me anything? If they don't want me they should just release me but obviously they want money for me", "id": "5440044" }, { "contents": "History of Apple Inc.\n\n\nthe components he needed to assemble the Apple I. The local credit manager asked Jobs how he was going to pay for the parts and he replied, \"I have this purchase order from the Byte Shop chain of computer stores for 50 of my computers and the payment terms are COD. If you give me the parts on a net 30-day terms I can build and deliver the computers in that time frame, collect my money from Terrell at the Byte Shop and pay you.\" The credit manager called Paul Terrell, who was", "id": "7512537" }, { "contents": "Utility maximization problem\n\n\nIn microeconomics, the utility maximization problem is the problem consumers face: \"how should I spend my money in order to maximize my utility?\" It is a type of optimal decision problem. It consists of choosing how much of each available good or service to consume, taking into account a constraint on total spending as well as the prices of the goods. Suppose the consumer's consumption set, or the enumeration of all possible consumption bundles that could be selected if there were no budget constraint, has \"L\" commodities", "id": "16213076" }, { "contents": "Robert Drayson\n\n\nthen headmaster, R. Q. Drayson, in no uncertain terms just how I felt he should have been running the school. I covered many areas... Boldly, I said money would be saved by my plan and this could be put towards my next proposals.\" When the 16-year-old Branson left Stowe, Drayson told him, \"Congratulations, Branson – I predict you will either go to prison or become a millionaire.\" Always a committed Christian, after retiring from Stowe in 1979, Drayson spent some five years as", "id": "16786226" }, { "contents": "Match fixing\n\n\nof money to secure a result) and \"koi-ni-yatta mukiryoku zumo\" (the deliberate performance of underpowered sumo, whereby an opponent simply lays a match down without exchange of money). The intricacies of Japanese culture, which include subordination of individual gain to the greater good, and knowing how to read a situation without the exchange of words (i.e. I know my opponent's score, he needs help and I should automatically give it to him), mean that the latter is almost readily accepted in the", "id": "10805615" }, { "contents": "Majid's Tales\n\n\neye, he asks what happened to his eyes. Majid replies, \"Sometimes my eyes burn when I eat ice cream. Some people have that problem.\" When it comes time for Majid to confront the owner about not having any money, he starts babbling about how the bicycle isn't really his, so please don't take it and how his socks should be worth a good deal of money because it is the first time he has worn them, and that if the owner wants to hit him on the head", "id": "18891720" }, { "contents": "Monobaz II\n\n\n.' He replied, 'My fathers stored up below and I am storing up above... My fathers stored in a place which can be tampered with, but I have stored in a place which cannot be tampered with … My fathers gathered treasures of money and I have gathered treasures of souls...' \" King Monobaz also donated handsome gifts to the Temple in Jerusalem. \"King Monobaz had all the handles of all the vessels used on Yom Kippur made of gold … He also made of gold the base of the", "id": "4037783" }, { "contents": "Lillian B. Horace\n\n\n. For example, after a white woman stole shoes from her while she was at the store, and an employee refused to help her, Horace wrote: The floorwalker, Mr. Weed, hurts my feelings. I lie awake and suffer much of the night. I want to say things to him not vulgar things but things to show how inconsiderate he was in a crisis. Shoes gone-- money and coupon \"17\"--but I suffer only for the insult I received. The first time I feel unpatriotic—just a dark face makes", "id": "6442747" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\ndid I find you? How strange my journey was! What words should I use to tell you on what twisted paths a good star has guided me to you? Give me your hand, my almost forgotten soul. How warm the joy at seeing you again, you long disavowed soul. Life has led me back to you. ... My soul, my journey should continue with you. I will wander with you and ascend to my solitude. The record continues with increasing intensity through the summer of 1914. A hiatus", "id": "943053" }, { "contents": "Jackie Mason\n\n\nwife ...\" And on trust: \"My grandfather always said that I shouldn't watch my money. That I should watch my health. So while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather.\" And on fidelity: \"Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.\" He was a comedian at the Fieldston Hotel in Swan Lake, New York, in the summer of 1955. Mason was let go because his act was considered too far ahead", "id": "10840354" }, { "contents": "The Slim Shady LP\n\n\nMy Name Is\". After a two-year-long trial, she was awarded $25,000, of which she received $1,600 after legal fees. Eminem was not surprised that his mother had filed the lawsuit against him, referring to her as a \"lawsuit queen\", and alleging that \"That's how she makes money. When I was five, she had a job on the cash register at a store that sold chips and soda. Other than that, I don't remember her working a day in", "id": "13586982" }, { "contents": "Criticism of evolutionary psychology\n\n\nhave solved. As summarized by Sterenly & Griffiths (1999): \"What are the problems 'out there' in the environment? Is the problem of mate choice a single problem or a mosaic of many distinct problems? These problems might include: When should I be unfaithful to my usual partner? When should I desert my old partner? When should I help my sibs find a partner? When and how should I punish infidelity?\" The grain problem therefore refers to the possibility that an adaptive problem may actually involve", "id": "18325149" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Wetch\n\n\nto manage my money right.\" However, Wetch's love for gambling and for pool did not translate into a love of the hustle. He did it because it was the only way he knew how to make money doing what he loved, but he never liked \"the , the moving, the mismatches, the phony names.\"\"I never felt good about the hustling. No matter how much money I made at it, I knew I didn't want to keep doing it. Frankly, when no one knows how", "id": "18112956" }, { "contents": "Orhan Pamuk\n\n\n$127,000) have on your life and your work?\", Pamuk replied: Nothing changed in my life since I work all the time. I've spent 30 years writing fiction. For the first 10 years, I worried about money and no one asked how much money I made. The second decade I spent money and no one was asking about that. And I've spent the last 10 years with everyone expecting to hear how I spend the money, which I will not do. Pamuk followed this with the", "id": "16563858" }, { "contents": "ThreeJars\n\n\ntheir website: \"Like most parents, my wife and I wanted our kids to lead happy, purposeful lives. But how to raise a child with a mind for managing money and a heart for helping others? Despite a career in finance, I found it hard to speak to my kids about money. While I didn't want them to feel entitled, I didn't want them to stress over money either. We all know that if you do not learn to manage money responsibly it will end up managing you.", "id": "12047649" }, { "contents": "Cyril Joe Barton\n\n\nBy my own calculations the average lifespan of an aircrew is twenty ops(operations). and we have 30 to do in our first tour. I'm Writing this for two reasons. One to tell you how I would like my money to be spent that I have left behind me; two to tell you how I feel about meeting my Maker. 1. I intended as you know, taking a university course with my savings. Well, I would like it to be spent over the education of my brothers and sisters.", "id": "16926598" }, { "contents": "Albert Horsley\n\n\nsome out-of-the-way place, I would save my money and make good resolutions; but how soon I would forget them when I would strike town and see a faro game running, or a game of poker. My money would burn my pocket. There were many other attractions, and money always soon got away. I always bought plenty of good clothes and lived well.\" Orchard confessed to numerous crimes having nothing to do with labor conflicts. He admitted that he was a bigamist, having abandoned", "id": "6954942" }, { "contents": "Joseph Fox the elder\n\n\nto the produce of it, and that the law should determine it. However, as I foresaw from the beginning how I should be served I examined my copies of letters, and found I had written cautiously, and that I had not given them any thing under my hand to forfeit my claims and looking on myself in the light of a Trustee for the original proprietors, I positively insisted on my share, and accepted of just as much as they pleased to give me, which I immediately lodged in the Funds with", "id": "15229270" }, { "contents": "Peter Davison\n\n\nIn 1978, Davison's performance as the youthfully mischievous Tristan Farnon in \"All Creatures Great and Small\" made him a household name. \"I don't know how much it changed my life. It creeps up on you really. You become used to it quickly, I think. I wasn't aware of it suddenly changing my life, although I had a bit more money to spend on rubbish. I bought a house, but the money was rubbish because I was a BBC newcomer, though nobody's money was", "id": "20467327" }, { "contents": "No Mercy (T.I. album)\n\n\nfeaturing Christina Aguilera) originally belonged to Diddy who had commissioned the song for his fifth album \"Last Train to Paris\" with his group Dirty Money. But Diddy told T.I. \"Yeah, this is my record, but you know what, I think this is a better fit for you. I think you should rock out on this one. I think this speaks volumes to where you are, what you going through, what you living and how you feel.\" The album was originally intended to be titled \"King", "id": "14072675" }, { "contents": "Julius Sumner Miller\n\n\na telegram reading \"You might find one of these fitting your requirements\". He later stated \"I sat amongst the straws with straws stuck in my hair and ears. But clearly I had made a mistake. I should have said: 'Australian potatoes ain't worth a damn', and I'd have cornered the potato market!\" Shortly after, he was offered a job presenting science for Australia's ABC Television. When asked how much money he wanted, he replied that he never asked, he listened to", "id": "5425501" }, { "contents": "Controversial issues surrounding Slumdog Millionaire\n\n\nhis son in light of the film's success. He stated, \"My son has taken on the world and won. I am so proud of him but I want more money. They promised me a new house but it hasn't happened. I'm still in the slum. I want the money now, it is of no use later. Mr. Boyle should take care of my son.\" He also claimed, \"There is none of the money left. It was all spent on medicines to help me", "id": "16910733" }, { "contents": "Mary Jemison\n\n\nby the Indians. Oh! how can I part with you, my darling? What will become of my sweet little Mary? Oh! how can I think of your being continued in captivity, without a hope of your being rescued? Oh! that death had snatched you from my embraces in your infancy: the pain of parting then would have been pleasing to what It now is; and I should have seen the end of your troubles! Alas, my dear! my heart bleeds at the thought of what awaits", "id": "20885475" }, { "contents": "Aspinal of London\n\n\n, office and business accessories such as briefcases and other travel accessories. {cite news |url= |title=Joss Kent: How I pack my bag |date=March 29, 2010 |accessdate=January 31, 2013 |author=Sophie de Rosée |publisher=\"The Daily Telegraph\"}}/ref . The Aspinal of London flagship store opened in Lower Regent St, St James in November 2017. The store is on two levels and 350 sq meters and has been includede", "id": "10020233" }, { "contents": "Enio Iommi\n\n\nin which he is devoted to convey new meanings through the composition of objects, whose artistic value was previously nonexistent. Once more, the materials were found and obtained from dollar stores. \"\"Whenever I found a material that is appealing to me, I look for it and save it at home for some time. After a while, I employ the material because I’ve already pondered on it. I envisage how the material appears on my mind and how my mind adapts to the material. I strive towards what I", "id": "1903213" }, { "contents": "Michelle Simson\n\n\na lot longer than I ever have been an MP, and as a taxpayer this was a real bone of contention. ... It was all about accountability. I may not succeed, but in my little piece of the world, my constituents can go on my website and will be able to see how the money is spent. It's their money. That's the bottom line.\" On November 6, 2009, Simson's motion M-354, which called upon the government to develop and adopt a Universal Declaration on Animal", "id": "17153230" }, { "contents": "The Ceiling (album)\n\n\nsaid, \"This song is a self observation of my social anxiety, and how I always compare ourselves to others when I should be working out how to be more comfortable in my own skin. Musically I think I’ve managed to merge my love for bands like The Cure and bands like Title Fight quite well on this one and its definitely one of my favourites on the record that I'm very much looking forward to playing live.\" \"Clash\" magazine described the track as \"songwriting it nails that breezy '", "id": "9045606" }, { "contents": "Voluntary taxation\n\n\nLocke. He was vocal about the concept of consent of the governed, writing: “The Parliament of Great Britain hath no more Right to put their hands into my Pocket without my consent, than I have to put my hands into yours, for money. Here is an example of how a voluntary taxation system could function. A state would distribute tax forms that could be filled out by recipients. The forms would describe options which the recipients could designate preferences as to how the recipient would like his or her money spent", "id": "16592362" }, { "contents": "Nookie (song)\n\n\nnookie' on the cover, so I was like, 'This song's called Nookie!', I never thought someone would actually run with it. I suppose it's all my fault.\" Fred Durst said about the song, \"It's about my ex-girlfriend, how she treated me like shit, and I couldn't leave her, wouldn't get over it,\" he said. \"She screwed my friends and used me for my money. I tried to figure out why I did it", "id": "3266321" }, { "contents": "Why Wal-Mart Works; and Why That Drives Some People C-R-A-Z-Y\n\n\nno agenda, with no set outcome in mind. With the $85,000 of our own money my brother Robert and I spent to make my film, I couldn't afford an agenda. \"Why Wal-Mart Works\" positive tone is solely a product of my experience making it. My brother and I made \"Why Wal-Mart Works\" with almost no cooperation from Walmart. I say 'almost' because Walmart—after several failed attempts—did finally allow me into their stores and to interview some of their", "id": "7330632" }, { "contents": "Never Fight a Man with a Perm\n\n\nit also. I wanted the song to be an exploration of the horrid corners of my past; the bit I felt shame from. I think of my art as a way of being vulnerable, an exercise in catharsis, and a reflection of my ugliness that can exalt shame. Here it manifested into something beautiful, as all catharsis should be. In an interview with \"Kerrang!\", lead singer, Joe Talbot discussed how the song focuses on his personal mental health and toxic masculinity. Specifically, Talbot exposes how", "id": "10179633" }, { "contents": "My Ten Years in a Quandary, and How They Grew\n\n\nthe reader a state of sustained hilarity.\" Robert van Gelder of the \"New York Times\" wrote, \"if there is a better bedside book than this it should be beside the couch of Jove.\" A reviewer at \"The Baltimore Sun\" wrote, \"I have never been able to find much humor in the writings of Robert Benchley but I must say his latest book, \"My Ten Years In A Quandary And How They Grew\", has caught my fancy and I do not hesitate to recommend it", "id": "10519474" }, { "contents": "Phil Keaggy\n\n\nlittle melodies with my guitar tuned out. Finally, my brother Dave said \"Here, let me show you how to tune this thing properly.\" I said, \"Well, O.K., but I gotta learn all over again.\" I was disappointed...My oldest brother Dave, showed me some chords...But if I were to pinpoint one turning point...when I was in sixth or seventh grade, I met a man named Nick who worked an electronics store in California, where my family lived for .", "id": "8098698" }, { "contents": "Ian Kinsler\n\n\n$1 trillion. It really doesn't make a difference to me. I'm going to go out there and play hard, and money doesn't bring respect. The way you play the game brings respect. When I finish playing the game, it's not how much money I made that is going to be my legacy. It's how I played the game, and what I did on the field. Kinsler was delighted when Rangers manager Ron Washington ultimately committed to Kinsler being the team's leadoff hitter in 2008", "id": "21941115" }, { "contents": "Robin Thicke\n\n\ninvolvement with Tommy Mottola and Epic Records following the end of his first deal with Interscope, Thicke resolved himself to work chiefly on material for his debut album, initially titled \"Cherry Blue Skies\", planning to use his own money to fund the project. As Thicke told Billboard, \"I decided I was going to save money to make my album, and I hoped to offer it to labels–take it or leave it–so I didn't have to negotiate how to make my music.\" While piecing his", "id": "15790515" }, { "contents": "Siege of Tripolitsa\n\n\nthe Greeks had always been hung. I sighed. \"Alas!\" I said, \"how many of my own clan — of my own race — have been hung there!\" And I ordered it to be cut down. I felt some consolation then from the slaughter of the Turks. ... [Before the fall] we had formed a plan of proposing to the Turks that they should deliver Tripolitsa into our hands, and that we should, in that case, send persons into it to gather the spoils together", "id": "17949829" }, { "contents": "Un Canadien errant\n\n\nwater pass And to it he did say: \"If you should reach my land, My most unhappy land, Please speak to all my friends So they will understand. /poem poem Tell them how much I wish That I could be once more In my beloved land That I will see no more. \"My own beloved land I'll not forget till death, And I will speak of her With my last dying breath. My own beloved land I'll not forget till death, And I will speak of her With", "id": "10246987" }, { "contents": "Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of Russia\n\n\nto him that I knew these feelings from my own personal experience. Yatsko and I talked for a long time. Before leaving he kissed my face and hands; I should not have allowed this, and should have pushed him away, however I was punished afterwards by vague feelings of shame and remorse. He told me that, ever since the first time we met, his soul has been filled with rapturous feelings towards me, which grow all the time. How this reminds me of my own youth.\" A few", "id": "3636814" }, { "contents": "Charles E. Kirk\n\n\nof the market until he finds one. In discussing the outlook for the market, Kirk's priority is always on the price action of the market itself, not what he or others think that price action should be. He says, \"My goal is simply to make money, not to prove to others how smart I am.\" The biggest mistakes that traders make, he claims, are trading too frequently and too aggressively without proper risk management, i.e. without using stops and position sizing. Kirk is not a big", "id": "17297805" }, { "contents": "Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail\n\n\nplus interest, when he is 18. His father has been quoted as saying \"My son has taken on the world and won. I am so proud of him but I want more money. They promised me a new house but it hasn't happened. I'm still in the slum. I want the money now, it is of no use later. Mr Boyle should take care of my son.\" Following his return home from the Oscars, there was more controversy surrounding Azharuddin after his father, Ismail Mohammed", "id": "18434076" }, { "contents": "Sweet Kill\n\n\nassistant. According to Hanson, the film cost $130,000 and Corman was supposed to put up two-thirds of the money. A couple of weeks before filming started Hanson says Corman \"reneged on the deal and said he would only put up one-third of the money. My producing partner and I had to raise the other two-thirds. To show how foolhardy I was, I went to my parents and persuaded them to put a mortgage on their home in order to finance this film.\" In November", "id": "12481611" }, { "contents": "Abdellah Taïa\n\n\nof public money to fund TV shows that featured him. Bloggers called for him to be stoned. Newspaper readers wrote to attack his credentials. 'They said I am a prostitute and not a Muslim anymore, that I should apologize for the shame I brought to my mother, to my religion, to my town, to my country. These attacks hurt, but worse was the silence of the Moroccan intellectuals. It just confirmed that they were dead people who live in another world–they don't talk about us,", "id": "19632749" }, { "contents": "First inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant\n\n\nstarted off his Inauguration Address by discussing how the laws should be enforced and what an ideal executive branch should look like,On all leading questions agitating the public mind I will always express my views to Congress and urge them according to my judgment, and when I think it advisable will exercise the constitutional privilege of interposing a veto to defeat measures which I oppose; but all laws will be faithfully executed, whether they meet my approval or not.I shall on all subjects have a policy to recommend, but none to enforce", "id": "5661651" }, { "contents": "William Speirs Bruce\n\n\nhave been started\". Bruce replied by return, denying rivalry, and asserting: \"If my friends are prepared to give me money to carry out my plans I do not see why I should not accept it [...] there are several who maintain that a second ship is highly desirable\". Unappeased, Markham wrote back: \"As I was doing my best to get you appointed (to the National Antarctic Expedition) I had a right to think you would not take such a step [...] without at", "id": "8939402" }, { "contents": "Stéphane Grappelli\n\n\n. Although Stéphane was sent to violin lessons, he preferred learning on his own. My first lessons were in the streets, watching how other violinists played...The first violinist that I saw play was at the Barbès métro station, sheltered under the overhead metro tracks. When I asked how one should play, he exploded in laughter. I left, completely humiliated with my violin under my arm. After a brief period of independent learning, he was enrolled at the Conservatoire de Paris on December 31, 1920, which his", "id": "16229582" }, { "contents": "San Diego free speech fight\n\n\nfun, they gave me my underwear for fear we should meet any women. They also gave me back my vest, in order that I might carry my money, railroad ticket, and watch. The rest of my clothes they kept. I was ordered to make a speech, and then they commanded me to run the gauntlet. The Vigilantes lined up, and as I ran past them, each one gave me a blow or a kick. Then they let me go.Reitman had not been a member of the", "id": "20998279" }, { "contents": "Durga Charan Nag\n\n\n, I tell you, take my word. Nothing can taint you, even if you remain a householder. Men will wonder to see your life. Nagmahashaya: How should I pass my days as a householder? Sri Ramakrishna: You have not to do anything; only be always in the company of pious men. Nagmahashaya: How am I to distinguish a pious man, unintelligent as I am? Sri Ramakrishna: Oh no, you have not to search for them. You remain in your own house, and the", "id": "2542611" }, { "contents": "Ch'io mi scordi di te?\n\n\nforget you? You can advise me to give myself to him? And this while yet I live? Ah no! My life would be far worse than death! Let death come, I await it fearlessly. But how could I attempt to warm myself at another flame, to lavish my affections on another? Ah! I should die of grief! Fear nothing, my beloved, my heart will always be yours. I can no longer suffer such distress, my spirit begins to fail me. You sigh? O", "id": "75778" }, { "contents": "Are Women People?\n\n\nto obey. II I'm in a hard position for a perfect gentleman, I want to please the ladies, but I don't see how I can, My present wife's a suffragist, and counts on my support, But my mother is an anti, of a rather biting sort; One grandmother is on the fence, the other much opposed, And my sister lives in Oregon, and thinks the question's closed; Each one is counting on my vote to represent her view. Now what should you think", "id": "12050872" }, { "contents": "Amelia Dyer\n\n\n, and a few days later she received a reply from Dyer. From Oxford Road in Reading, \"Mrs Harding\" wrote that \"I should be glad to have a dear little baby girl, one I could bring up and call my own.\" She continued: \"We are plain, homely people, in fairly good circumstances. I don't want a child for money's sake, but for company and home comfort ... Myself and my husband are dearly fond of children. I have no child of my own", "id": "1677720" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Pollard\n\n\nthat eventually reached $2,500 a month, and tens of thousands of dollars in cash disbursements for hotels, meals, and jewelry. In his pre-sentencing statement to Judge Robinson, Pollard said the money was a benefit that was forced on him. \"I did accept money for my services\", he acknowledged, but only \"as a reflection of how well I was doing my job\". He said that he had later told his controller, Rafi Eitan, a long-time spy who at the time headed", "id": "3213433" }, { "contents": "Oops!... I Did It Again (album)\n\n\non My Door\" finds Spears confidently forging ahead after a breakup. The fourth track, a cover of the Rolling Stones' \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction\", begins with mushy guitar plucking and breathy coos, until a dry, crackling lockstep is thrown down, turning the song into an urban stomp. The dance-pop version also jettisons the song's final verse and adds some new lyrics (\"how white my shirts could be\" becomes \"how tight my skirt should be\"). \"", "id": "22186851" }, { "contents": "Carter-Newton House\n\n\nwas destined to become my wife) at the residence of her mother in that town. It being decided that I should ‘refuge’, Mrs. Shepherd gave me a gold watch and several thousand dollars to take care of for her – besides which I had my own watch and money on my person. Though barely able to ride horseback, my arm still in a sling, I undertook the trip of refugee…(and was captured two days later by Union troops, ending up in a horrid prison on Hilton Head Island,", "id": "12644450" }, { "contents": "Michael Speaks\n\n\ndown to 34th Street in front of Macy's department store and started doing the same thing. I didn't have a bucket – I just had a hat, and took it off to gather my tips. The more money that was put into my hat, the louder I sang. I made between $50 and $200 a day just singing on the street.” One winning performance, at the Apollo Theater, caught the attention of executives at East West Records. The label signed Speaks to a six-figure", "id": "6919393" }, { "contents": "Ouyang Nana\n\n\nAs an overseas student, [I] often get asked 'where do you come from?' I come from China. This is my answer.\" She said:\" I have a good relationship with both of my parental and maternal grandparents since I was young. I grew up hearing Sichuan dialect, and they said that people should not forget about their roots wherever they go. I am proud of being Chinese. I will remember that my hometown is Ji'an Jiangxi. I will never forget how touched I was when", "id": "929410" }, { "contents": "Ap Chuni Dorji\n\n\nsong: poem \"How beautiful is Yak Legpai Lhadar’s face! Yak Legpai Lhadar – the god-sent calf! There is no need to describe my place and paths, If I were to explain my place and paths, It is on the high snow-capped mountains And the highland meadow of sershog flower Where flower buds blossom. There, my home is. I graze on mountains grass, And drink fresh water of glacial lakes. Should I dance my happiness, I dance along the base of distant meadows.", "id": "11070088" }, { "contents": "Sir Charles Asgill, 2nd Baronet\n\n\npaying good money to enter his cell and taunt or beat him, was never published. Left for dead after one particular attack, he was subsequently permitted to keep a Newfoundland dog to protect himself. I leave for the public to decide how far the treatment I have related deserved acknowledgements – the motives of my silence were shortly these. The state of my mind at the time of my release was such that my judgement told me I could not with sincerity return thanks [and] my feelings would not allow me to give", "id": "4423737" }, { "contents": "Amy Robsart\n\n\nthat she hath heard her pray to God to deliver her from desperation. Then, said I, she might have an evil toy [suicide] in her mind. No, good Mr. Blount, said Picto, do not judge so of my words; if you should so gather, I am sorry I said so much. Blount continued, wondering: My Lord, it is most strange that this chance should fall upon you. It passeth the judgment of any man to say how it is; but truly the tales", "id": "8026169" }, { "contents": "Po Bronson\n\n\nWhat Should I Do with My Life?\" which profiles about 50 people, exploring how each had confronted the question. The hardcover release of the book was a \"New York Times\" #1 bestseller. It remained on the bestseller list for 22 weeks, and a dozen more in paperback. Bronson's follow-up to \"What Should I Do with My Life?\" is \"Why Do I Love These People?\" For that book, Bronson spent three years researching and interviewing over 700 families. The book", "id": "9963179" }, { "contents": "Elvio Romero\n\n\nsoul. I don’t know if soon, or late, I understood that I should pick up in my poetry all the states of mood that came from that sadness and revelry. So I opened all windows for all the winds in the world to get in, and that’s how I could collect all the leaves of the decay of a combative fire. All of my feelings, all of them, mixed, and that’s where a gold pigeon came out flying to the warm of my passions and imaginations. As", "id": "12665227" }, { "contents": "Nathan Hale (colonel)\n\n\nhow that will be I can't say I believe. Give my duty to mothers and my respects to all enquiring friends. I understand that the people in the country are very uneasy with the Army and think there is treachery in it because they don't rush on. I should be very glad those persons would come and make one trial and then I think they would be satisfied. It is my opinion that there never was an army of so large number that was more faithful and true to their country than this is", "id": "14429613" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nstrained relationship with Litsa on her unhappy childhood spent singing and working at her mother's insistence, saying, My sister was slim and beautiful and friendly, and my mother always preferred her. I was the ugly duckling, fat and clumsy and unpopular. It is a cruel thing to make a child feel ugly and unwanted... I'll never forgive her for taking my childhood away. During all the years I should have been playing and growing up, I was singing or making money. Everything I did for them was mostly", "id": "17351016" }, { "contents": "Women in Partido Comunista de España in Francoist Spain\n\n\nPCE, what women should be doing in the interior and in exile, and how PCE involved women could resolve their militancy with their ability to be a good housewife and mother. She explained how to do this in one PCE magazine, saying, \"I have had six children and a miserable salary, and my political training has not been easy, I have done the most humble tasks: from cleaning the Casa del Pueblo to selling the newspaper, making the arrangement of my house and my children compatible With the attendance at", "id": "7525520" }, { "contents": "Johannes Hendricus van der Palm\n\n\n. How great my attachment to my office might have been, under a more energetic, united, worthy government, inspiring at the same time greater attachment and respect, it is not for me to determine; how much greater zeal and activity I should then have been able to exhibit, I have sometimes indeed ventured to conjecture, when this prospect opened up to my view.\" He received a state pension until his return to Leiden University. In 1806, at the age of 43, van der Palm returned to a", "id": "7987509" }, { "contents": "KOD (song)\n\n\nhe raps on KOD. \"I think you should, how 'bout I don't? How 'bout you just get the fuck off my dick? How 'bout you listen and never forget? Only gon' say this one time, then I'll dip, niggas ain't worthy to be on my shit.\" Upon its first week of release, \"KOD\" debuted at number 10 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song broke Spotify opening day record in the US, it was streamed 4.2 million times", "id": "9584799" }, { "contents": "October 1997 Loomis Fargo robbery\n\n\nlaundering; the latter offense was included because of how they spent the stolen money. Nine other relatives and friends were also charged with money laundering, as they had co-signed for safe deposit boxes used to store some of the money; prosecutors opted to charge them on the grounds that they should have known the money was obtained illegally. On similar grounds, four other people were ultimately also charged with money laundering. All but one of the defendants pleaded guilty. They received sentences ranging from probation for several relatives to 11", "id": "21096238" }, { "contents": "Richard J. Leon\n\n\ncriticized Congress and the Supreme Court: \"We are here today, much to my dismay, I might add, to deal with a legal question that in my judgment should have been resolved a long time ago. I don't understand, I really don't, how the Supreme Court made the decision it made and left that question open... I don't understand how the Congress could let it go this long without resolving.\" On November 20, Leon ordered five detainees released from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base due to insufficient", "id": "6750957" }, { "contents": "Brenda Draney\n\n\nremember something one time and then you remember it another time and other parts get informed and replaced and changed. I also think it's about things we're not supposed to talk about, or things that aren't my business to talk about--about a story I may not have the authority to tell. Those are things that may not necessarily be available to the viewer but that are part of my process. Part of my hesitation in answering questions about my paintings is because I think a lot about how much I should", "id": "20612022" }, { "contents": "George Trofimoff\n\n\nTrofimoff described his recruitment as follows, Upon being asked whether Bishop Iriney's actions made him suspicious, Trofimoff responded, No, not in the beginning. I said I needed money. And I told him my wife bought some furniture and I can't pay for it, I don't know how to get the money. And he says, 'I tell you what, I'll loan it to you.' So he gave me, I think, 5,000 marks and then, it wasn't enough, because I", "id": "927065" }, { "contents": "Eusebia (empress)\n\n\nfor my very life that hung over me every day, Heracles, how great it was, and how terrible! My doors locked, warders to guard them, the hands of my servants searched lest one of them should convey to me the most trifling letter from my friends, strange servants to wait on me! Only with difficulty was I able to bring with me to court four of my own domestics for my personal service, two of them mere boys and two older men, of whom only one knew of my attitude", "id": "19128389" }, { "contents": "James Shakespeare\n\n\nme himself afterwards. When the late Rev. W. Roby Fletcher took the pulpit there was an accumulated debt of £200. caused by the reduced subscriptions. A committee was formed to decide how this should be wiped off. It was suggested that the organ should be closed, the organist dismissed, and the harmonium reinstated; and that I should be asked to play for £30 per annum. I replied that if the church was in difficulties I would play for nothing; but that I would not disgrace my profession by playing", "id": "13962644" }, { "contents": "Dieter Nuhr\n\n\nme. While I was practicing my program more and more requisites went missing because he took more and more of them away. So when the day of my first performance came close there were no requisites left anymore. I just stood there and talked to the audience. This is how my very own style was born. At first I thought that this could not work at all, but the fewer requisites I used, the better it finally worked out for me. So I thought that this is what I should do:", "id": "15061203" }, { "contents": "Brave Little State of Vermont speech\n\n\nlight of day; here I received my bride, here my dead lie pillowed on the loving breast of our everlasting br I love Vermont because of her hills and valleys, her scenery and invigorating climate, but most of all because of her indomitable people. They are a race of pioneers who have almost beggared themselves to serve others. If the spirit of liberty should vanish in other parts of the Union, and support of our institutions should languish, it could all be replenished from the generous store held by the people", "id": "7921936" }, { "contents": "Toyah Willcox\n\n\nsaid: \"My mother taught me how to walk, she was one that was trained to give me the physiotherapy to straighten my own spine so twice a day we would go through this routine. So she was disciplinarian in my life from a very – well right from when I can remember. So it was natural she was the first person I should rebel against. And I regret that our relationship was very often violent. And [now] I feel very strongly towards my mum that she sacrificed everything to give me", "id": "21947119" }, { "contents": "Beat Off\n\n\nall later called me to apologize for the situation. They all seemed to point an accusatory finger at Ben, saying that they wanted my tracks on the record, but Ben adamantly insisted that my tracks should not be used and that I should not be paid. In his 2015 memoir \"How to Ru(i)n a Record Label: The Story of Lookout Records\", Livermore wrote that during this time \"erratic and inexplicable behavior was becoming the norm with Ben\", who had developed agoraphobia and refused to tour, was obsessing over", "id": "238848" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\non that record? Oh! Okay!'\" Drummer Tony Williams was an early influence. \"The first drummer I ever saw, where I got to feel the impact up close, was Tony Williams\", Blackman said. \"When I was 16, Tony came to my local drum store with a bassist and did a [drum] clinic that left a powerful impression on me. And that's what I thought drumming should be: drummers should have a lot of impact and a great sound, without being limited", "id": "8155243" }, { "contents": "Blade (comics)\n\n\n. Blade was introduced as a supporting character in Marvel Comics' \"The Tomb of Dracula\" #10 (July 1973), written by Marv Wolfman and penciled by Gene Colan. The artist recalled in 2003, \"Marv told me Blade was a black man, and we talked about how he should dress, and how he should look – very heroic looking. That was my input. [...] The bandolier of blades – that was Marv's idea. But, I dressed him up. I put the leather", "id": "20472710" }, { "contents": "Feeding America\n\n\n. He ended up with far more food than the kitchen could use in its operations. Around this time, he spoke with one of the clients, who told him that she regularly fed her family with discarded items from the grocery store's garbage bins. She told him that the food quality was fine, but that there should be a place where unwanted food could be stored and later accessed by people who needed it, similar to how banks store money. Van Hengel began to actively solicit this unwanted food from grocery stores", "id": "11257787" }, { "contents": "Alternative Press (magazine)\n\n\nschool newspaper and say, 'It's really professional...' That's how we got enough money to make the first issue\". Financial problems plagued \"AP\" in its early years. Of the fledgling magazine's struggles in 1986, Shea said: \"After the last few punk concerts we promoted that year failed to make any money to help finance the magazine, I had to start begging my mom for money to keep \"AP\" going: $1,500 here, $2,500 there. My mom was super-", "id": "9830814" }, { "contents": "The Bridal Party\n\n\nthe money, my grandfather left me about a quarter of a million dollars.\" quoted from Michael. \"How perfectly well! I can't tell you how glad i am... you were always a person who ought to have money.\" quoted from Caroline. Hamilton returns from the party and explains that the woman who tried to blackmail him gave him a secret code to a telegram. As he opens a telegram, he discovers that all of his fortunes are gone, because he had stuck with a mistake for too", "id": "15681543" }, { "contents": "Bulletin Board (album)\n\n\nof the TV show Produced by Wes Farrell for Coral Rock Productions, Inc. Bonus tracks produced by Bones Howe. July 25, 1973: Money, Money, I’ll Never Get Over You, Alone Too Long, Oh No Not My Baby, July 26, 1973: I Wouldn’t Put Nothing Over On You September 4, 1973: I Heard You Singing Your Song, Roller Coaster, Looking For A Good Time, How Long Is Too Long September 5, 1973: That’s The Way It Is With You,", "id": "7089519" }, { "contents": "The Thrill Book\n\n\nHersey himself claimed that he was not fired, but quit: \"I wasn't fired, but I should have been ... I saw the 'handwriting on the wall' ahead of time. I asked to be relieved of my duties ... and my request was promptly accepted!\" At the same time that Oliphant was appointed editor, the layout of the magazine was changed to that of a standard pulp. At 160 pages, this offered readers much better value for money than the 48-page dime novel format of the first eight", "id": "15551563" }, { "contents": "Sam Rayburn\n\n\nafter I entered the firm, Mr. Thurmond brought to my desk one-third of the amount of the check, explaining what it was for. I said to him that I was a member of the Legislature, representing the people of Fannin County, and that my experience had taught me that men who represent the people should be as far removed as possible from concerns whose interests he was liable to be called on to legislate concerning, and that on that ground I would not accept a dollar of the railroad's money,", "id": "18622144" }, { "contents": "Samuel Wightwick\n\n\nfor the Advance of Money on 12 January 1646, as follows \" I am joint patentee with Robert Henley (who was assessed at £2000 on 18 October 1643) in the office of Prothonotary of the King's Bench, and I agreed that he should have the profits of the office except 1/12 for me, and I gave a bond for £20,000 to his executors, if he should die, and he did the same as to my 1/12. I have always been forward for Parliament in co. Berks, in the", "id": "7815101" }, { "contents": "Mama Spent Money When She Had None\n\n\nherself and Katherine reveals that the Scavos are having money problems. \"And here I am rubbing my fabulous new car in her face,\" Bree says, \"I feel awful. Thank God I didn't show her how it parks itself!\" Bree gives Lynette a check for $20,000, saying she won't miss the money. Lynette won't accept the check but suggests that Bree buy into the restaurant. They shake hands on the deal. Lynette wants to throw a private party at Scavos' to honor their", "id": "5215846" }, { "contents": "Macquarie Field House\n\n\nmy sequestration (1843). In consideration of my receiving 10,000 pounds in cash from Mr Terry's will - a legacy to Mrs Hosking, and other moneys which came to my hands in consequence of the death of her brother, I agreed with Mrs Hosking that I should build the cottage, which has cost, with other improvements, about 2000 ponds - it may be more'. Hosking goes out of his way (in giving evidence) to declare that 'No portion of the sum due to Mr Hume (is", "id": "9737368" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Woolcock\n\n\nlate then, so I had to make the best of it, I tried to do my duty to him and the children,but the more I tried the worse he was, he was fond of drink but he did not like to part with his money for anything else and god only knows how he ill treated me I put up with it for 3 years during that time my parents went to Melbourne and then he was worse than ever I thought i would rather die than live so I tried to put an end", "id": "18467156" }, { "contents": "Lou Groen\n\n\ncoming up here with a bunch of crap!” “I don’t want my stores stunk up with the smell of fish.”\" Groen engaged in a wager with Kroc on whose idea would sell better. Groen recalls again: \"I called in (McDonald's) and asked, \"How many sandwiches did (Kroc) sell?\" They (McDonald's Corp.) said “I can't tell you.” They asked “How many did you sell?” I said “350!” Then,", "id": "1051417" }, { "contents": "Stephen Talbot\n\n\nhistorical accuracy I should say that, yes, Gilbert was a troublemaker and an occasional liar, but my character was certainly no Eddie Haskell – that leering teenage hypocrite who spoke unctuously to parents ('Well, hello Mrs. Cleaver, and how is young Theodore today?') and venomously to the Beav ('Hey, squirt, take a powder before I squash you like a bug').\"! \"I have spent my adult life trying to conceal my \"Leave it to Beaver\" past or correcting the", "id": "21561130" }, { "contents": "Maxim (philosophy)\n\n\nthat it should become a universal law.\" In his \"Critique of Practical Reason\", Immanuel Kant provided the following example of a maxim and of how to apply the test of the categorical imperative: I have, for example, made it my maxim to increase my wealth by any safe means. Now I have a deposit in my hands, the owner of which has died and left no record of it. . . . I therefore apply the maxim to the present case and ask whether it could indeed take the", "id": "2225142" }, { "contents": "Deca (journalism collective)\n\n\nReview offered this criticism of the Deca model: \"I found myself wondering if this really is a better arrangement for freelancers who feel exploited by traditional magazines. Sure, I might have to work harder to sell editors on my ideas or agree to tweak my initial pitch to their specifications, but at least I have a contract for a guaranteed amount of money that doesn’t fluctuate based on how many people read my work or purchase the magazine that week. Deca plans on publishing nonfiction stories of about 10,000 words each. For", "id": "2638923" }, { "contents": "Artist and the Author\n\n\nshould be a miser, who had a daughter, and that the struggles of feeling between the love for his child and his love of money, should produce certain effects and results; and as all my ancestors were mixed up in the Rebellion of '45, I suggested that the story should be of that date, in order that I might introduce some scenes and circumstances connected with that great party struggle, and also wishing to let the public of the present day have a peep at the places of public amusement of the", "id": "14530006" }, { "contents": "Pan Tadeusz\n\n\n/poem poem style=\"margin-left: 2em\" O Lithuania, my country, thou Art like good health; I never knew till now How precious, till I lost thee. /poem poem style=\"margin-left: 2em\" Lithuania, my country! You are as good health: How much one should prize you, he only can tell Who has lost you. /poem poem style=\"margin-left: 2em\" Oh Lithuania, my homeland, you are like health--so valued when lost beyond recovery; let these words now stand restoring", "id": "12001232" }, { "contents": "Julie Nixon Eisenhower\n\n\nJulie said \"I think it is very sad\" and stated, \"It's very heartbreaking because I love my sister very much\". Ultimately, the lawsuit was settled to the satisfaction of both sides. One of Eisenhower's fondest wishes was for the Nixon Library to join the National Archives-administered system of Presidential Libraries: It's not right, struggling for the money. My father should be in the system. As long as he's on the outside, historians will continue to look at him, I feel", "id": "11799990" }, { "contents": "Medea (play)\n\n\n. Medea, and the chorus of Corinthian women, do not believe him. She reminds him that she left her own people for him (\"\"I rescued you [...] I betrayed both my father and my house [...] now where should I go?\"\"), and that she saved him and slew the dragon. Jason promises to support her after his new marriage (\"\"If you wish me to give you or the children extra money for your trip into exile, tell me; I", "id": "17692012" }, { "contents": "Matthew 25\n\n\nit is back.’ 26 His master said to him in reply, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I did not plant and gather where I did not scatter? 27 Should you not then have put my money in the bank so that I could have got it back with interest on my return? 28Now then! Take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten. 29 For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich;", "id": "6457092" }, { "contents": "Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation\n\n\nIn 1990, \"Bugs Bunny\" magazine reported that Warner Bros. was planning the release of \"How I Spent My Vacation\", then referred to as a \"\"Tiny Toon Adventures\" home video\". Plans for the film began before \"Tiny Toon Adventures\" premiered on television. Warner Bros. discussed with executive producer Steven Spielberg whether the film should be released in theaters, but Spielberg insisted on a direct-to-video release. Spielberg said that he wanted to make the film a direct-to-video release", "id": "19280929" }, { "contents": "Descriptive psychology\n\n\nlife like? How should I live my whole life?' And 'boundary conditions' is a little harder to explain, but think in terms of, \"When have I reached the limit?\" For example, if I tell you that I know something, you may ask me how I know and I may be able to give you an answer. Then when I give you the answer, that has to be something else that I know, and so you may ask me about it, and I may give", "id": "13877091" }, { "contents": "John Cleese\n\n\ngreatest strength. We are proudly the English capital, a European city and a global hub.\" Cleese added, \"I suspect I should apologise for my affection for the Englishness of my upbringing, but in some ways I found it calmer, more polite, more humorous, less tabloid, and less money-oriented than the one that is replacing it.\" In 1992, the UK Health Education Authority (subsequently the Health Development Agency, now merged into the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) recruited Cleese—", "id": "15879268" }, { "contents": "Stephen Glass\n\n\nsending \"Harper's Magazine\" a check for $10,000 – what he was paid for the false articles – writing in the attached letter that he wanted \"to make right that part of my many transgressions...I recognize that repaying Harper's will not remedy my wrongdoing, make us even, or undo what I did wrong. That said, I did not deserve the money that Harper's paid me and it should be returned.\" In 2009 Glass applied to join the State Bar of California. The Committee of Bar", "id": "19075374" } ]
What is going on with the U.S. and Russia?
[{"answer": "The OP's question should really be: What the heck is going on in Russia? The Russian economy has taken a nosedive due to being under heavy sanctions by Europe and the US. These sanctions were put on them for invading Crimea plus for Russia's involvement in the commercial airliner MH17 being shot down in Ukraine in July 2014. MH17 was heading to Amsterdam (with mostly European passengers aboard), and therefore Europe responded harshly to the incident. After these sanctions were placed on Russia, inflation went out of control in Russia. Almost overnight the cost of goods doubled in Russia. These things have had a negative impact on Vladimir Putin's approval ratings. At first, the Russian people loved Putin for invading Crimea. However, after years of economic turmoil, Putin's approval ratings are starting to slip. Furthermore, Russia's federal reserve is quickly running out if money. The Russian government is due to completely run out of money by the end of 2017. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that Western nations still refuse to lend Russia any money. Putin is digging himself into a deep hole. He is pressuring the West to drop the sanctions so Russia's economy, and indirectly his approval ratings, can rebound. Unfortunately for Putin, the West refuses to drop the sanctions. So Putin is quietly using his military to put pressure on the West. By flexing Russia's military muscle, Putin is basically saying to the West \"ease up the sanctions or I may have to do something else to keep my people happy\". If Europe and the US refuse to play ball with Putin, there is a good chance that Russia invades Ukraine. Annexation of more territory would greatly boost Putin's approval ratings at home (which is really all that matters to Putin). Vladimir Putin is a dictator and he will do everything he can to remain in power, no matter what the cost. Invasion of Ukraine may be his only option if Europe and the US refuse to ease up on their sanctions. It is a very scary situation. As long as Vladimir Putin maintains his control over Russia, the entire world is at great risk."}, {"answer": "Russia is a communist country with communism being losely defined as a system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community(government) and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. The USA are a capitalist country with capitalism being losely defined as an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Because both countries have such diferent social organization systems, they have a hard time time being friendly with each other. After World War 2 ended, the USSR (today's Russian Federation) used their military influence and power to establish communist governments in a lot of countries in eastern Europe, with one of the countries being Germany, one of the defeated nations in WW2. The country was divided in 2, West Germany, under the protection of the european allied victors of WW2 and also the USA, and East Germany, under the protection of the USSR. Since both nations were on complete opposite sides regarding social systems, they tend to be unfriendly to one another. But shortly after WW2 ended, the USSR had no way to compete with the USA regarding military power because of the atomic bomb. But this changed in the 29th of August of the year 1949, with the USSR first successful test of the atomic bomb. Given the destructive power of the weapon, you could say both nations were somewhat balanced in terms of military power. But what happened next was something that was defined as a race to reach superiority over the opposing nation. The Cold War Both countries started developing technology that could tip the scales, giving one of the nations an edge. Most research was military grade, like tanks, missiles, even more power atomic bombs like the Tsar Bomba, that was over 1500 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in WW2. Fortunately, research also focused on space exploration, with USSR putting the first man in orbit, Yuri Gagarin and the USA putting the first man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong and the second.. wait nobody cares about the second. However the space exploration race aided in the creation and improvement of more powerful weapons, like missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads over vast distances. This so called Cold War reached a critical point when the USSR decided to carry nuclear missiles to Cuba, a country under communist influence. As you know, Cuba is very close to the USA, so the american president was very concerned about having nuclear missiles so close to them. This incident was called the Cuban Missile Crisis. The missiles were transported by sea, so the USA Navy blocked the way for the USSR convoy carrying the missiles. The russian captain decided not to go any further, preventing armed conflict and possibly WW3. Lets keep in mind that at this point both nations had enough nuclear warheads to destroy the planets surface. Fast foward some years, and both countries are at each others throats again, with the USSR invasion of Afghanistan. The USA wanted to fight against the invasion but could not risk direct confrontation with the USSR, so they engaged what is called a proxy war. They decided to give weapons to the afghan people to fight against the USSR. The USSR was well aware that the USA was providing weapons to the afghans, but they had no real proof, could not afford to to lose even more face in the international stage and also could not afford full scale conflict with the USA. Eventually they retreated from Afghanistan due to the severe loss of equipment and some personnel, in what was considered the only defeat of the Red Army in armed conflict. A few years later, a man came to power in the USSR, that almost single handedly diminished the hatred between both countries and created a more open minded government: Mikhail Gorbachev. His policies of open mindeness and the restructuration of the political system in the country helped soothe all the bickering between the USA and USSR. This marked the end of the Cold War and the fall of the USSR, giving birth to the Russian Federation and several other independent nations, most former soviet states, like Latvia, Lithuania. Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, to name just a few. The Berlin Wall also fell and West Germany and East Germany were reunited as one country again. All was well with the world (well not even close), and there was something that could be considered peaced between both nations. This so called peace last for almost 20 years, until a man called Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia. Putin was a former KGB intelligence officer, that retired from the military to pursue a career in politics in 1991. He quickly rose through the ranks and was even acting president in 1999, after Boris Yeltsin resigned. Vladimir Putin reworked the russian economy, managing to increase the country's GBP for eight consecutive years., gaining a lot of support from the russian people. After he ran 2 consecutive terms, the russian constituition prevented him to run a 3rd consecutive term. The following presidential election was won by Dmytry Medvedev, that appointed Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister. After the constituition was changed to extend presidential terms from 4 to 6 years, Vladimir Putin ran for a 3rd term and won again. Old hatreds resurfaced between both countries over the years, and Vladimir Putin disgruntled with the USA global influence and more specifically, their influence over the Middle East, started escalating actions to gain influence over their immediate neighbours, namely Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. The annexation of the Crimean Peninsula happened shortly after revolution deposed the Ukranian President, that was aligned with the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation claimed they were acting in the best interests of the Crimean population, namely the desire to return to the Russian Federation. One of the aledged reasons was that with the ukrainian shift of power happening and the loss of free movement by the Russian Federation on ukrainian soil, their major naval instalations capable of operation during the winter, would be cut off from them, preventing most military maneuvers by sea in that region during the winter. Fast forward to now. Elections are happening in the USA and the Russian Federation has increased its threats and bold actions, knowing that current president cant do much, and putting pressure on the next president. Donald Trump is on friendlier terms with Vladimir Putin, so he is not that big of a threat to them. But Hillary Clinton's foreign policies might be less friendly. Some say a second Cold War is already underway and if things dont slow down, a full nuclear war could follow, leading us all to the middle ages again. Just on a side note and something to make you sleep better at night, there were once rumors that both countries might have a defined security policy called the M.A.D doctrine. MAD stands for Mutual Assured Destruction, which states that in the event of the majority of the chiefs of staff are unable to perform their duties, for being dead or for being captured, all nuclear warheads should be fired against the opposing nation. This should prevent a nation with enourmous nuclear power to use it against another nation with similar power, preventing all out war. **TL:DR** Diferences between communisn and capitalism, arms race, Putin's rise to power, aftermath of current US elections and what it means in the near future. And also the fact that i cant do TL:DR, so go read. I wont say im sorry for the wall of text, if you dont feel like reading its cool , im not the boss of you, just dont leave the stupid comments regarding how much of a wall of text it is. I googled most historical facts from wikipedia and google, so if anything is wrong , please let me know. I wont correct anything because i will be shitfaced by the time i finish typing this and wont remember wtf i typed until the next day."}, {"answer": "Russia is trying to reassert itself as a world power and the US is trying to block that from happening. In Ukraine, Russia got Crimea which included important black sea military bases and in Syria by keeping Assad in power Russia can maintain its only military base on the Mediterranean sea."}, {"answer": "In super basic terms: Russia is making moves to retake more land and/or they're bombing countries in the middle-east. The US can't really stop them from taking more land for fear of starting an actual war between them. They also can't do much to interfere with Russia's bombing of middle-eastern countries because Russia has repeatedly warned the US not to intervene. Basically, the two don't play well together, and though the US feels as if they should intervene, they really can't do anything but make strongly-worded accusations or suggestions that they'd prefer Russia to stop."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4482509", "title": "RussiaUnited States relations", "section": "Section::::History.:From Trump\u2019s inauguration to present (January 20, 2017\u2013present).:2018.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 105, "end_paragraph_id": 105, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Russias intervention. On June 8, 2018, Trump called for Russia to be readmitted to the G-7, from which it was expelled after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Trumps public statements during his first formal meeting with Putin in Helsinki on July 16, 2018, drew criticism from the Democratic members of the U.S. Congress and a number of former senior intelligence officials as well as some ranking members of the Republican party for appearing to have sided with Putin rather than accepting the findings of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election issued by the United States Intelligence Community. Republican senator John McCain called the press conference \"one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.\" The press around the world ran publications that tended to assess the news conference following the presidents two-hour meeting as an event at which Trump had \"projected weakness\".", "would have been far more extensive had it not been for Russias intervention. On June 8, 2018, Trump called for Russia to be readmitted to the G-7, from which it was expelled after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Trumps public statements during his first formal meeting with Putin in Helsinki on July 16, 2018, drew criticism from the Democratic members of the U.S. Congress and a number of former senior intelligence officials as well as some ranking members of the Republican party for appearing to have sided with Putin rather than accepting the findings of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election issued by the United States Intelligence Community. Republican senator John McCain called the press conference \"one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.\" The press around the world ran publications that tended to assess the news conference following the presidents two-hour meeting as an event at which Trump had \"projected weakness\".", "On June 8, 2018, Trump called for Russia to be readmitted to the G-7, from which it was expelled after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Trumps public statements during his first formal meeting with Putin in Helsinki on July 16, 2018, drew criticism from the Democratic members of the U.S. Congress and a number of former senior intelligence officials as well as some ranking members of the Republican party for appearing to have sided with Putin rather than accepting the findings of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election issued by the United States Intelligence Community. Republican senator John McCain called the press conference \"one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.\" The press around the world ran publications that tended to assess the news conference following the presidents two-hour meeting as an event at which Trump had \"projected weakness\"."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "61250710", "title": "Russian state", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Russian state (, ) is a state proclaimed by the Act of the Ufa State Conference of September 23, 1918 (the Constitution of the Provisional All-Russian Government) on the formation of the all-Russian supreme power in the name of restoring state unity and independence of Russia affected by the revolutionary events of 1917, the establishment of Soviet power and the signing of the Soviet government of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.", "Russian state (, ) is a state proclaimed by the Act of the Ufa State Conference of September 23, 1918 (the Constitution of the Provisional All-Russian Government) on the formation of the all-Russian supreme power in the name of restoring state unity and independence of Russia affected by the revolutionary events of 1917, the establishment of Soviet power and the signing of the Soviet government of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25704", "title": "Politics of Russia", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The politics of Russia take place in the framework of the federal semi-presidential republic of Russia. According to the Constitution of Russia, the President of Russia is head of state, and of a multi-party system with executive power exercised by the government, headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President with the parliament's approval. Legislative power is vested in the two houses of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, while the President and the government issue numerous legally binding by-laws.", "The politics of Russia take place in the framework of the federal semi-presidential republic of Russia. According to the Constitution of Russia, the President of Russia is head of state, and of a multi-party system with executive power exercised by the government, headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President with the parliament's approval. Legislative power is vested in the two houses of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, while the President and the government issue numerous legally binding by-laws."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Lynching in the United States\n\n\nInternational media, including the media in the Soviet Union, covered racial discrimination in the U.S. Deeming American criticism of the Soviet Union's human rights abuses as hypocrisy, the Soviets would respond with \"And you are lynching Negroes\". In his 1934 book \"Russia Today: What Can We Learn from It?\", Sherwood Eddy wrote: \"In the most remote villages of Russia today Americans are frequently asked what they are going to do to the Scottsboro Boys and why they lynch Negroes.\" In a meeting with President", "id": "6968430" }, { "contents": "And you are lynching Negroes\n\n\nlithograph \"Freedom to the Prisoners of Scottsboro!\", after the 1931 trial of the Scottsboro Boys of Alabama. The treatment of the Scottsboro Boys popularized the phrase in usage by the Soviet Union against the U.S. as a form of criticism against those who themselves criticized human rights abuses. In his 1934 book \"Russia Today: What Can We Learn from It?\", Sherwood Eddy wrote: \"In the most remote villages of Russia today Americans are frequently asked what they are going to do to the Scottsboro Negro boys and", "id": "8027147" }, { "contents": "Mission Critical (novel)\n\n\n, Court goes off grid. About the book's tendency to mirror current news, Greaney states, “\"Mission Critical\" is a story that definitely takes a lot of things that are going on with the world — North Korea, Russia, U.S. intelligence circles, leaks, all that sort of stuff. But it’s not, you know, ‘ripped from the headlines.’ It’s more like this is the real world going on around us, and what can I create from that that makes it an interesting", "id": "16930665" }, { "contents": "Russia–United States relations\n\n\nset up by Iran, Iraq, Syria and Russia to coordinate their military efforts, but received what he called an \"unconstructive\" response; Putin's proposal that the U.S. receive a high-level Russian delegation and that a U.S. delegation arrive in Moscow to discuss co-operation in Syria was likewise declined by the U.S. In early October 2015, U.S. president Obama called the way Russia was conducting its military campaign in Syria a \"recipe for disaster\"; top U.S. military officials ruled out military cooperation with Russia in Syria.", "id": "15407511" }, { "contents": "Russia–Turkey relations\n\n\nrespective disputes with the United States. Russia condemned U.S. sanctions against Turkey over the detention of Andrew Brunson, while Turkey stated its opposition to U.S. sanctions on Russia over the annexation of Crimea and alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. elections. In addition, Turkey and Russia also shared foreign policy on the Venezuela crisis, supporting the regime of Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate government of Venezuela, opposing Western-supported opposition government led by Juan Guaidó. Despite these high ties, Turkish foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu stated that Turkey was not going to", "id": "8104737" }, { "contents": "Zersetzung\n\n\nin Russia and other ex-USSR states. In 2016, Zersetzung-like harassment was reported by the American press as carried out by Russia's secret services against U.S. diplomats posted in Moscow as well as in unspecified \"several other European capitals\"; the U.S. government's efforts to raise the issue with the Kremlin were said to have brought no positive reaction. The Russian Embassy's reply was cited by \"The Washington Post\" as implicitly admitting and defending the harassment as a response to what Russia called U.S. provocations and mistreatment", "id": "15767209" }, { "contents": "U.S. Russia Foundation\n\n\nby the U.S. Russia Foundation (USRF) in 2008. Three years later, in 2011, the disposal of $150 million from the fund was tabled by the United States Agency for International Development(USAID) and the United States Congress, on the recommendation from the Obama administration that half should go to the United States Department of the Treasury and half to support American values in Russia. By 2012, the Obama administration asked Congress to allocate only $50 million to support human rights non-profit organizations in Russia. The establishment of", "id": "19878052" }, { "contents": "North Russia intervention\n\n\nanti-communist forces drawn from the local citizenry. Severely short of troops to spare, the British and French requested that US President Woodrow Wilson provide U.S. troops for what was to be called the North Russia Campaign, or the Allied Intervention in North Russia. In July 1918, against the advice of the US War Department, Wilson agreed to a limited participation in the campaign by a contingent of U.S. Army soldiers of the 339th Infantry Regiment, that was hastily organized into the American North Russia Expeditionary Force, which came to be", "id": "11891233" }, { "contents": "Russia–United States relations\n\n\nwell as to force it to adopt an anti-Russia policy.\" At the end of 2016, U.S. president-elect Donald Trump praised Putin for not expelling U.S. diplomats in response to Washington's expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats as well as other punitive measures taken by the Obama administration in retaliation for what U.S. officials had characterized as interference in the U.S. presidential election. On January 6, 2017, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), in an assessment of “Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US", "id": "15407523" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration\n\n\nSeptember. On 11 September 2013, Obama put a military strike or combat operations on hold and achieved an agreement with Russia and the Syrian government to destroy all chemical weapons in Syria. Obama's decision to allow the violation of a red line he himself had drawn to go unpunished is widely criticised by the U.S. political establishment, as well as the allies, as detrimental to America's international credibility. However, in early 2016, Obama said he was \"proud\" of his decision, which repudiated what he referred to as", "id": "4981000" }, { "contents": "Russia–United States relations\n\n\narea in a northbound direction.\" At the end of 2013, Russia announced that a rearmament of the Kozelsk, Novosibirsk, Tagil Rocket divisions with advanced RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles was going ahead. In July 2014, the U.S. government formally accused Russia of having violated the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty by testing a prohibited medium-range ground-launched cruise missile (presumably R-500, a modification of Iskander) and threatened to retaliate accordingly. Concern in the U.S. was also caused by the test-", "id": "15407500" }, { "contents": "Level crossing\n\n\n, the barriers come down and the bells continue to ring. Romania's level crossings have a light pattern similar to the Czech Republic and Russia, but the lights have a different appearance. The sequence is the same with the alternating red flashing lights and the intermittent white light that flashes when no trains are approaching. Russia's level crossings have one of the loudest bells. Like U.S. level crossings, Russia has two red lights. It acts similarly to U.S. level crossings, but the barriers go slightly up for one second before", "id": "18348842" }, { "contents": "The eXile\n\n\nsin in \"the eXile\"'s ideology: Additionally, \"the eXile\" aims to publish articles about Russia from outside the perspective of mainstream western journalism. According to editor Jake Rudnitsky western reporting on Russia is often biased: \"Western newspapers have an agenda, to show that everything in Russia is related to oil prices, and that Putin's this competent but quasi-fascist leader. They don't have the freedom to go out and actually find out what's going on.\" Rudnitsky has also stated that the eXile", "id": "12530343" }, { "contents": "Russia–Syria–Iran–Iraq coalition\n\n\n, prior to the start of its operations in Syria, Russia invited the U.S. to join the Baghdad-based information center but received what he called an \"unconstructive\" response. Putin's proposal that the U.S. receive a high-level Russian delegation and that a U.S. delegation arrive in Moscow to discuss co-operation in Syria was likewise declined by the U.S. Following an official request from the Syrian government for martial help against rebel and jihadist groups in Syria, the coalition started its work. It was generally thought that Iran would", "id": "2518360" }, { "contents": "Vladimir Putin\n\n\n, designed to counterbalance U.S. capabilities. Most analysts agree that Russia's nuclear strategy under Putin eventually brought it into violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Because of this, U.S. President Donald Trump announced the U.S. would no longer consider itself bound by the treaty's provisions, raising nuclear tensions between the two powers. This prompted Putin to state that Russia would not launch first in a nuclear conflict but would “annihilate” any adversary. Russians killed in such a conflict “will go to heaven as martyrs”", "id": "14464646" }, { "contents": "Greece–Russia relations\n\n\nin the situation where military cooperation between Russia and Turkey was in the ascendant. On 13 December 2018, in Washington, D.C. Greece′ and the U.S.′ foreign ministers formally launched what they called \"the inaugural U.S.-Greece Strategic Dialogue\", which Greek acting foreign minister Georgios Katrougalos characterised as ″a procedure that shows the upgrading of our relations with that country″ and ″the apex of our bilateral relations″. Russia has been accused by Greece and other parties of having sought to thwart the Prespa agreement reached in June 2018 between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia meant", "id": "6050450" }, { "contents": "International recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia\n\n\nin these affairs, thinking up various scenarios for dismembering Russia.\" Georgian justice minister Nika Gvaramia claimed that “this will have very serious political consequences for Russia.\" \"We will overcome this crisis, I am sure; but what is Russia going to do with its own state – in respect of separatism, which is still a problem in Russia; I'm not worried much about it, but I am sure that it will lead to a total collapse of Russia if not today, tomorrow, for sure,\"", "id": "2456529" }, { "contents": "Pavel Khodorkovsky\n\n\nmany [U.S.] officials travel to Russia. I don't think that McCain is going skiing in the Ural Mountains anytime soon.” About Putin, Khodorkovsky told \"Business Insider\": “He cannot show any mercy, any weakness.” Khodorkovsky stated that “a year ago, both my father and I were thinking we'll have major changes [in Russia] in two years. But you ask me today, I don't know.” Khodorkovsky and his wife, Olesya Livanova, met in the U.S.", "id": "17608258" }, { "contents": "Bill Thomas (writer)\n\n\nsecrets.” \"Red Tape: Adventure Capitalism in the New Russia\" (Dutton) details how business is done in Russia. Thomas and co-author Charles Sutherland drew on more than 25 extended trips to Russia and the former Soviet Republics in researching this book. Kirkus Reviews say that Thomas and Sutherland have written “a breezy, street-wise guide…that does for the New Russia what P.J. O’Rourke’s \"Parliament of Whores\" did for the U.S. government.” Thomas launched and wrote “Heard of the Hill", "id": "216728" }, { "contents": "U.S.–Russia peace proposals on Syria\n\n\nfrom CNN that there are at least 500 military personnel in Syria, and Russia sent more troops to Syria. US announced that it would keep a very close eye on Russia's moves in Syria. A joint United States–Russia proposal was issued in May 2013 to organize a peace conference on Syria The effectiveness of the negotiations and possible conference were questioned by Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, who stated: \"Washington is using the conference to buy time, but buy time for what? The country", "id": "532767" }, { "contents": "Participants in Operation Enduring Freedom\n\n\na hospital in Kabul for allies and Afghan civilians. Russia has also agreed to provide logistic support for the United States forces in Afghanistan to aid in anti-terrorist operations. Russia is allowing U.S. and NATO forces to pass through its territory to go to Afghanistan. Russian Special Forces has also assisted U.S. and Afghan forces in operations in Afghanistan, by helping with intel and studying the lay of the land. Slovakia provided sappers and specialists on maintenance and reconstruction of airports and technical equipment for such operations. Slovenia deployed from 60–90 troops", "id": "19728695" }, { "contents": "Russia–United States relations\n\n\ncoup in history', which George Friedman says was taken out of context. U.S. secretary of state John Kerry in early March 2014 answering the press questions about the Russia's moves in Crimea said, \"This is an act of aggression that is completely trumped up in terms of its pretext. It's really 19th century behavior in the 21st century, and there is no way, to start with, that if Russia persists in this, that the G8 countries are going to assemble in Sochi. That's a starter.", "id": "15407504" }, { "contents": "Background of the Russo-Georgian War\n\n\ndescribed the Russian exercise as \"exactly what they executed in Georgia just a few weeks later [...] a complete dress rehearsal.\" In March 2008 \"Time magazine\" predicted that \"By splitting the West and the wider international community, the U.S.-backed declaration of independence by Kosovo has given Russia an opening. Countries concerned with separatist problems of their own, from Spain or Cyprus to China, have been unable to follow the U.S. lead in recognizing Kosovo's breakaway from Serbia. And Russia has sought to exploit the gaps that", "id": "20753159" }, { "contents": "Civil rights movement\n\n\nfrom his experiences in the California correctional system; it contributed to black militancy. There was an international context for the actions of the U.S. federal government during these years. The Soviet media frequently covered racial discrimination in the U.S. Deeming American criticism of its own human rights abuses hypocritical, the Soviet government would respond by stating \"And you are lynching Negroes\". In his 1934 book \"Russia Today: What Can We Learn from It?\", Sherwood Eddy wrote: \"In the most remote villages of Russia today Americans are", "id": "4547921" }, { "contents": "Amos Hochstein\n\n\nvalue\" to the European energy market. He has also stated that the U.S.'s position isn't to exclude Russia from the European market entirely, but rather that Russia should be an equal player, remarking that \"European countries should be able to choose their supplier and force their suppliers to compete for their business. That is what is good for energy security of Europe, economic security and ultimately for the national security of those countries involved.\" Hochstein has also been involved in the U.S. front against the Islamic State of Iraq", "id": "9325276" }, { "contents": "Medvedev modernisation programme\n\n\nMedvedev founded the Presidential Commission on Innovation. The commission comprises almost the entire Russian government and some of the best minds from academia and business. Medvedev outlined his programme in an article called \"Go Russia!\" that was published online in September 2009. In the article, he formulated his strategic objective of modernising Russia. He criticised Russia's economic \"backwardness\" and what he called Russia's \"humiliating\" dependency on oil and raw materials. He described the Russian society as \"archaic\" and \"paternalistic\" and said", "id": "4716062" }, { "contents": "Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War\n\n\n-led intervention in Syria for sending arms to the area that could end up in the wrong hands. He also criticized the American decision not to share with Russia information regarding potential ISIL targets, adding that American side does not seem to have a clear understanding of what really happens in the country and what goals they are seeking to achieve. In mid-October, Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, talking of the U.S. government's refusal to engage in dialogue with Russia on cooperation in Syria, called this a \"silly behavior", "id": "17817026" }, { "contents": "Corbin Harney\n\n\nPretty soon, I'm going to look like clean water, but no one is going to use me'. I didn't really understand what I was told until I went to Kazakhstan in Russia. Kazakhstan is where Russia tested nuclear bombs for many years. Over there I saw water that looks like clean water, but people can't drink it because it is contaminated with radiation ... [t]he nature put all the living things here for us to take care of, not to destroy them, but to work with them", "id": "5640196" }, { "contents": "Boris Spassky\n\n\nnational-Bolshevik. No; for a nationalist God exists and nations that respect each other. I'm a convinced monarchist, I remained a monarchist during the Soviet years and never tried to hide that. I believe that the greatness of Russia is connected to the activity of the national leaders represented by our tsars. What really makes me feel happy in modern Russia—churches come back to life. During his meeting with fans in Kaliningrad in 2005 Spassky stated: \"If only I knew what was going to happen to our", "id": "16506428" }, { "contents": "Mueller Report\n\n\nrequested how Russia should respond to the newly-placed U.S. sanctions: \"only in a reciprocal manner, without escalating the situation\". Afterwards, Flynn briefed McFarland on the call. Flynn said that the Russian response to the sanctions \"was not going to be escalatory because Russia wanted a good relationship with the Trump Administration\". On December 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia \"would not take retaliatory measures in response to the sanctions at that time and would instead 'plan . . . further steps to restore", "id": "10859028" }, { "contents": "Nikolay Timofeev-Ressovsky\n\n\nthinking, a course of lectures in 1943, and the eventual writing of the book \"What Is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell\". In 1937, Timofeev-Resovskij and Tsarapkin were ordered back to Russia by the Soviet government. Going back to Russia was deemed impossible, as they would have to abandon their equipment and work in progress, as well as their students. Also, once back in Russia and under the political distortions of science and agriculture due to Lysenkoism, they would, at best,", "id": "14568870" }, { "contents": "International counter-terrorism operations of Russia\n\n\nalso claimed that \"no matter who was behind the terrorist acts in the USA on September 11, this was favorable for the USA and aimed against Russia,\" claiming the U.S. wanted Russia to go to war with the Islamic world. Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on 7 May 2004. They discussed improving Afghanistan's economy and security. The Russian government has worked with the United States and Iran in counter-terrorism operations. Alexander Gurov, the General-Lieutenant of Police and Chairman of", "id": "17800894" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Donald Trump\n\n\njob...I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.\" On May 11, Trump said in a videoed interview: \"...regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.\" On May 18, Rosenstein told members of the U.S. Senate that he recommended Comey's dismissal while knowing Trump had already decided", "id": "21361211" }, { "contents": "Trump–Russia dossier\n\n\nto support Trump: When Trump Jr. was offered \"dirt\" on Clinton as \"part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump,\" instead of \"going to the F.B.I., as Steele had\" done when he learned that Russia was helping Trump, Trump's son accepted the support by responding: \"If it's what you say, I love it...\" On January 2, 2018, Simpson and Fritsch authored an op-ed in \"The New York Times\", requesting that Republicans \"release", "id": "9280432" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nto be strong in the face of an upcoming \"period of uncertainty... What is at stake is peace, the fight against terrorism, the Middle East and the preservation of the planet.\" Russian President Vladimir Putin \"expressed confidence that the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, in keeping with each other's views, meets the interests of both Russia and the U.S.\" After stating that the relationships between the United States and Russia had degenerated over time, he declared that \"Russia is ready and wants to restore the fully fledged", "id": "2936218" }, { "contents": "Tintin in the Land of the Soviets\n\n\nRussia, investigating and defending the accuracy of Hergé's account of Soviet human rights abuses. In an article for conservative newspaper the \"Daily Mail\", Gardner discussed his experience, stating that upon first reading the comic, he thought the drawings crude and the plot improbable. However, during his trip to Russia, he learned from a Muscovite historian that the spirit of Hergé's story was in keeping with what was going on in Russia at the time. The historian confirmed that one of the great tragedies of the 20th century", "id": "2935221" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the Russo-Georgian War\n\n\nonly confirmed the death of 44 South Ossetian civilians and accused Russia of reporting false casualty figures. Two flights delivered the U.S. humanitarian aid on a C-17 military plane to Georgia. U.S. Secretary of State Rice said that day \"the provisional ceasefire that was agreed to really must go into place. And that means that military activities have to cease\". Although Defence Secretary Gates accused the Russians of going \"far beyond reasserting the autonomy of Abkhazia and South Ossetia,\" Gates nonetheless said that there was \"no prospect\" of US", "id": "18524792" }, { "contents": "Deontay Wilder\n\n\nfight knockout streak since suffering his only defeat to Wladimir Klitschko in late 2013. Wilder didn't seem to be worried by the defense and saw this as a big name in the Heavyweight division that he could add to his legacy, \"Going to Russia is going to be nothing for me, I'm going to treat it like it's the U.S. because at the end of the day, it's one man, one ring. When I knock him out and come back, it's going to bring my legacy even", "id": "8428072" }, { "contents": "Samantha Power\n\n\nthe situation in Syria, Power said, \"What Russia is sponsoring and doing is not counter-terrorism, it is barbarism,\" \"Instead of pursuing peace, Russia and Assad make war. Instead of helping get life-saving aid to civilians, Russia and Assad are bombing the humanitarian convoys, hospitals and first responders who are trying desperately to keep people alive,\" Power said. A Sept. 9 ceasefire deal between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov aimed at putting Syria's peace process", "id": "12391404" }, { "contents": "Russia\n\n\n22bn, in what Putin described as \"the world's biggest construction project for the next four years.\" The natural gas would begin to flow sometime between 2018 and 2020 and would continue for 30 years at an ultimate cost to China of $400bn. Russia recorded a trade surplus of US$130.1 billion in 2017. Russia's Trade Balance recorded a surplus of US$19.7 billion in October 2018, compared with a surplus of US$10.1 billion in October 2017. Reuters reported that U.S. companies \"generated more than $90 billion", "id": "5599933" }, { "contents": "Dalton Trumbo\n\n\nIf I were a Russian ... I would be alarmed, and I would petition my government to take measures at once against what would seem an almost certain blow aimed at my existence. This is how it must appear in Russia today.\" He argued that the U.S. was a \"menace\" to Russia, rather than the more popular American view of Russia as the \"red menace\". According to anti-Communist author Kenneth Billingsley in 2000, Trumbo had written in \"The Daily Worker\" that Communist influence in Hollywood", "id": "8039217" }, { "contents": "Trump–Russia dossier\n\n\nIf it's what you say, I love it...\" Later, on June 9, 2016, a meeting in Trump Tower was held, ostensibly for representatives from Russia to deliver that dirt on Clinton. At the July 2018 summit meeting in Helsinki, Putin was asked if he had wanted Trump to win the 2016 election. He responded \"Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.\" The Mueller Report confirmed that the dossier was correct that the", "id": "9280375" }, { "contents": "Second Cold War\n\n\ndragging Russia into a new cold war. In February 2016, at the Munich Security Conference, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO and Russia were \"not in a cold-war situation but also not in the partnership that we established at the end of the Cold War\", while Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking of what he called NATO's \"unfriendly and opaque\" policy on Russia, said \"One could go as far as to say that we have slid back to a new Cold War\".", "id": "14300916" }, { "contents": "Erica Kane and Dimitri Marick\n\n\ncalled \"Destiny on the Danube\". This campaign involved full page ads in magazines. Plans for the shoot began in January 1992 and the desired location was Russia. Former executive producer Felicia Minei Behr said, she \"sent a crew in to Russia to see what kind of problems there would be. When it became apparent that it was not going to be able to be done because of a lot of recent problems getting shoots done in Russia, we started to look around for different locales. We had this grand story", "id": "16205438" }, { "contents": "Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War\n\n\npeacemaker in this conflict, Russian diplomats have repeatedly criticized the potential condemnation of Assad by western nations. Russia has also accused the West and allied nations of sabotaging a cease-fire brokered by Russia between Syrian forces. In the aftermath of the Houla massacre (May 2012), Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that \"The government bears the main responsibility for what is going on\" and that \"Any government in any country bears responsibility for the security of its citizens\". Russia's reaction was considered to be a condemnation of", "id": "17817016" }, { "contents": "Eurasian Economic Union\n\n\nto reduce shipping time. It proposed major high-speed railway lines going towards Europe via Russia and Kazakhstan and another through the Middle East via Tajikistan, a potential future member for the union. China has signed numerous energy deals with Russia and Kazakhstan, as it tries to move from coal to less pollutant alternatives. Iran has sought to diversify its economy as well, seeing the EEU and China as key economic partners. Relations between Russia and Iran have increased as both countries are under U.S. sanctions and are seeking new trade partners", "id": "9498333" }, { "contents": "History of the Jews in Russia\n\n\nthe appointment of count Pavel Ignatiev as minister of education. Even though the persecutions provided the impetus for mass emigration, there were other relevant factors that can account for the Jews' migration. After the first years of large emigration from Russia, positive feedback from the emigrants in the U.S. encouraged further emigration. Indeed, more than two million Jews fled Russia between 1880 and 1920. While a large majority emigrated to the United States, some turned to Zionism. In 1882, members of Bilu and Hovevei Zion made what came to", "id": "1219409" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\n, \"unlike what we have in this country,\" \"a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,\" and wondered if \"he will become my new best friend.\" He continued to praise Putin throughout the campaign, comparing him favorably to Obama, hailing Russia as an ally in fighting ISIS, and downplaying any suggestion that Russia had behaved aggressively in the world. He also dismissed the assertion by U.S. intelligence officials that Russia is responsible for the computer hacking of Democratic party organizations and individuals. Trump", "id": "2936177" }, { "contents": "United States missile defense complex in Poland\n\n\nspeech, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stated, \"From what we have seen in recent years—the creation of a missile defense system, the encirclement of Russia with military bases, the relentless expansion of NATO—we have gotten the clear impression that they are testing our strength.\" Russia would deploy short-range Iskander missiles to Russia's western enclave of Kaliningrad, sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania \"to neutralize, if necessary, a missile defense system.\" On November 8, an aide to U.S. President-Elect Barack", "id": "5612512" }, { "contents": "Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich of Russia\n\n\ngovernment on the matter of what its status was with Russia. This was due to a promise by the Russians earlier that they were going to help put the rebellion down. The patriotic Poles could not have been more pleased they took the upper hand and the Grand Duke Konstantin on 3 December retreated toward Russia. He himself retreated behind Russian lines but following the failure of the uprising expressed admiration for the valor of the Polish insurgents. The policy of neutrality at all costs has led to Konstantin being viewed two ways through the scope", "id": "14940595" }, { "contents": "French entry into World War I\n\n\nwhat was going on. The main decisions were made by the foreign office and increasingly by the president. Jules Cambon, the French ambassador to Berlin (1907-1914), was the one major French leader who worked for détente with Germany. The ambassador to Russia Maurice Paléologue hated Germany and reassured Russia that France would fight alongside her against Germany. The central policy goal for Poincaré was maintaining the close alliance with Russia, which he achieved by a week-long visit to St. Petersburg in mid-July 1914. French", "id": "22046824" }, { "contents": "Condoleezza Rice's tenure as Secretary of State\n\n\nby its rules ... I think that kind of behavior is going to continue to draw comment about the distance between Russian behavior and something like this and what would be expected of a responsible member of the G8.\" Though there was some question over whether or not Rice could convince Russia not to block the United States's move to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council in early 2006 (because of Russia's economic and diplomatic ties to Iran), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov eventually called Rice to confirm that Russia had", "id": "4981580" }, { "contents": "American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War\n\n\nkilled eight jihadists from the Guardians of Religion Organization, including six commanders: two Tunisians, two Algerians, an Egyptian and a Syrian. It was the first known U.S. strike in western Syria since February 2017 due to the U.S. and Russia arranging an unofficial deconfliction boundary that largely bars any substantial U.S. forces from venturing into the region. The U.S. did not specify what assets were used in the strike. U.S. special anti-ISIL envoy James Jeffrey continued to urge Britain, France and Germany to assist the U.S.'s ground mission in", "id": "17769186" }, { "contents": "Pre-emptive nuclear strike\n\n\ninvasion of Iraq was seen by the Russian leadership as indicating potential U.S. disrespect for what the Russian leadership views as international law. The U.S. missile defense program has proven to be the primary persistent obstacle to better relations with Russia, which views the placement of U.S. missile defense systems in Eastern Europe for defense against \"the Iranian threat\" similarly to how the U.S. would view placement of Russian missile defense systems in, for example, Cuba, for Russian defense against \"the insidious Asian\". The assassination of a British citizen by", "id": "1887634" }, { "contents": "Guardians of Religion Organization\n\n\nal-Qaeda in Syria (AQ-S) leadership meeting at a training facility west of Aleppo, which killed eight jihadists from the Guardians of Religion Organization, including six commanders: two Tunisians, two Algerians, an Egyptian and a Syrian. It was the first known U.S. strike in western Syria since February 2017 due to the U.S. and Russia arranging an unofficial deconfliction boundary that largely bars any substantial U.S. forces from venturing into the region. The U.S. did not specify what assets were used in the strike. It is thought", "id": "2395887" }, { "contents": "Robert Coulondre\n\n\nthe Soviet Union. Coulondre called the \"Yezhovshchina\" a \"crisis of growth\" towards what Coulondre called \"counterrevolutionary absolutism\", Russian nationalism, and military and economic might. In a dispatch to Paris, Coulondre wrote the most important question facing French diplomacy was not \"will Russia be with us or not?\", but rather \"with whom will Russia go?\" As the Soviet Union had signed an alliance with France's ally Czechoslovakia in 1935, one of Coulondre's main duties in Moscow was see if it", "id": "22000823" }, { "contents": "International reactions to the Syrian Civil War\n\n\n\"immediately while commercial transportation is available.\" On 24 November the U.S. Navy's Carrier Strike Group Two was operating off the coast of Syria to monitor the uprising. An unnamed Western diplomat in the region noting: \"It is probably routine movement. But it is going to put psychological pressure on the regime, and the Americans don't mind that.\" On 24 February after a veto by Russia and China of an Arab League-backed initiative, Clinton blasted Russia and China saying, \"It's quite distressing to", "id": "16663538" }, { "contents": "Lawrence Waldemar Tonner\n\n\n. Tonner's 1890 U.S. passport application lists an occupation of \"seceretary\", and includes a certification of identity by Shepard. Among his many performances, Shepard entertained at the Imperial Palace of Gatchina for the Czar of Russia and before a reunion of three royal houses at Cumberland Palace in Gmunden, Austria. His hostess was the Duchess of Cumberland, sister of the Empress of Russia, of the Princess of Wales and of the Queen of Greece. An account of what happened at the reunion is given by Tonner for \"The", "id": "14065615" }, { "contents": "Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan\n\n\nUnited States are reducing its plans for large civilian force in post-2014 Afghanistan, because the U.S. military is certain to curtail or stop the security and other services it provides U.S. government civilians in Afghanistan. Firm decisions on civilian numbers and locations cannot be made \"until we resolve exactly what the military follow-on numbers are going to be,\" one unnamed U.S. official said. \"That will determine . . . where we locate, what kind of security, medical and other support we might be able to get.\"", "id": "21700892" }, { "contents": "Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich of Russia\n\n\n, and Nikolai Mikhailovich and Georgy Mikhailovich, in their cells at Shpalernaya prison, telling them that they were going to be moved and they had to pack their belongings. They initially assumed that they were going to be transported to Moscow. Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich even thought that they might set free, but his brother Georgy said that it was more likely they were heading to another place to be shot. The Grand Dukes had an ominous hint of what was going to happen to them, when at the time of departure,", "id": "19473528" }, { "contents": "The lamps are going out\n\n\na national memorial service in Westminster Abbey. The World War II song \"When the Lights Go On Again\" was written as a direct counterpart. Ian Fleming's novel From Russia, with Love references the speech as James Bond boards the Orient Express, 'The great trains are going out all over Europe, one by one.' In the 1963 Theatre Workshop play \"Oh, What a Lovely War!\" the lines are given to an unnamed Englishman. In the 1969 film adaptation they are spoken by the character of", "id": "7947247" }, { "contents": "Edward Snowden asylum in Russia\n\n\nthe Brazilian government in investigating allegations of U.S. spying, and added that he continued to seek, and would require, asylum. Snowden wrote, \"Until a country grants permanent political asylum, the U.S. government will continue to interfere with my ability to speak ... going so far as to force down the Presidential Plane of Evo Morales to prevent me from traveling to Latin America!\" Brazil had been in an uproar since Snowden revealed that the U.S. was spying on Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, her senior advisors, and Brazil's national", "id": "7473128" }, { "contents": "Lindsey Graham\n\n\n, Russia, because of \"what the Russian government is doing throughout the world.\" Graham also said the U.S. should aim to \"drive the Russian economy into the ground.\" On January 5, 2017, Graham condemned President Obama for abstaining from UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israeli settlement building in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem as a violation of international law. In October 2017, in the wake of the Tongo Tongo ambush which killed four U.S. soldiers, Graham expressed surprise that there were a thousand U.S.", "id": "5479518" }, { "contents": "Viktor Yanukovych\n\n\nelection, even as the U.S. government opposed Yanukovych. Manafort's task was to rehabilitate Yanukovych's political career in the aftermath of the Orange Revolution. Manafort would later go on to serve as campaign chairman for Donald Trump from June - August 2016. In 2005, the Party of Regions signed a collaboration agreement with the Russian political party United Russia. In 2008, Yanukovych spoke at a congress of the United Russia party. In January 2006, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine started an official investigation of the allegedly false acquittal", "id": "13538473" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in Russia\n\n\nsexual orientation while serving in the army because \"other soldiers are not going to like that, they can be beaten\". President Vladimir Putin said in a U.S. television interview in 2010 that openly gay men were not excluded from military service in Russia. In 2013, it was reported that the Defense Ministry had issued a guideline on assessment of new recruits' mental health that recommends recruits be asked about their sexual history and be examined for certain types of tattoos, especially genital or buttocks tattoos, that would allegedly indicate a homosexual", "id": "14071098" }, { "contents": "The U.S. Russia Investment Fund\n\n\n2008. Meanwhile, Delta Capital Management, which became Delta Private Equity Partners, was purchased by UFG Private Equity, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank, in 2009. Three years later, in 2011, the disposal of $150 million from the fund was tabled by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United States Congress, on the recommendation from the Obama administration that half should go to the United States Department of the Treasury and half to support American values in Russia. By 2012, the Obama administration", "id": "19704967" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Kollontai\n\n\nhad arranged in 1916 to avoid conscription by going to the United States to work on Russian orders from U.S. factories. In 1917 Kollontai left Norway to return to Russia upon receiving news of Tsar's abdication and the onset of the Russian Revolution. When Lenin returned to Russia in April 1917, Kollontai was the only major leader of the Petrograd Bolsheviks who immediately voiced her full support for his radical and nonconformist new proposals (the so-called \"April theses\"). She was a member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd", "id": "3944608" }, { "contents": "Russia–United States relations\n\n\n. On July 6, 2017, during a speech in Warsaw, Poland, Trump urged Russia to cease its support for \"hostile regimes\" in Syria and Iran. On July 7, 2017, in what appeared to be a sign of good relations between the leaders of both countries, Trump met with Putin at the G20 Hamburg summit in Germany and described the meeting as \"an honour.\" In mid-July 2017, the Russian foreign ministry noted that the staff of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, following expulsion of", "id": "15407529" }, { "contents": "Richard A. Clarke\n\n\nthat the NSA had not known of Heartbleed. In a 2017 interview Clarke described Russia's recent cyberattack against Ukraine that spread worldwide, the exPetr virus that posed as ransomware. He warned confidently that Russia would be back to interfere with the 2018 and 2020 U.S. elections as the vulnerabilities demonstrated in the 2016 election still exist. On March 22, 2004, Clarke's book, \"Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror—What Really Happened\" (), was published. The book was critical of past and", "id": "7058262" }, { "contents": "What We Live For\n\n\nand spawned four singles: \"Go Big or Go Home\", \"Pride\", \"What We Live For\" and \"I'm Born to Run\". To promote the album, the band went on a U.S. tour to promote the record ahead of its release. In March 2014, American Authors released their debut studio album, \"Oh, What a Life\", after many years releasing extended plays under the moniker The Blue Pages. American Authors enjoyed considerable success with the album, gaining significant exposure, especially", "id": "12092661" }, { "contents": "Yury Luzhkov\n\n\nanything other than satanic. [...] We did not let the parade take place then, and we are not going to allow it in the future.\"\" He blamed groups which he accused of receiving grants from the West for spreading what he called \"\"this kind of enlightenment\"\" in Russia. \"\"We think that destructive sects and propaganda of same-sex love are inadmissible,\"\" he said of attempts to promote LGBT rights in Russia. Gay activists accuse him of homophobia and sent their appeals", "id": "659796" }, { "contents": "Central Powers\n\n\nviewed this as insufficient and used this lack of full compliance to justify military intervention. These demands have been viewed as a diplomatic cover for what was going to be an inevitable Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia. Austria-Hungary had been warned by Russia that the Russian government would not tolerate Austria-Hungary crushing Serbia. However, with Germany supporting Austria-Hungary's actions, the Austro-Hungarian government hoped that Russia would not intervene and that the conflict with Serbia would be a regional conflict. Austria-Hungary", "id": "6814870" }, { "contents": "James G. Watt\n\n\nactions, Watt's statement that \"the Department of the Interior ... must be ... the Amicus for the minerals industry ... in Federal Policy.\" In an interview with the Satellite Program Network, Watt said, \"If you want an example of the failure of socialism, don't go to Russia, come to America and go to the Indian reservations.\" A controversy erupted after a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in September 1983, when Watt mocked affirmative action with his description of a department coal leasing panel:", "id": "11563629" }, { "contents": "Mona May Karff\n\n\nMona May Karff (\"née\" Minna Ratner; 20 October 1908 – 10 January 1998) was an American competitive chess player. Karff dominated U.S. women's chess in the 1940s and early 1950s and had an extended career. She held seven U.S. Women's Chess Champion titles and four consecutive U.S. Open titles. She was born in Bessarabia, a province in Tsarist Russia. Sometime after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, her family moved to Tel-Aviv, in what was then Palestine. Her father, Aviv Ratner, a", "id": "11125661" }, { "contents": "Chris Washburn\n\n\nexhibition game in the Soviet Union. Washburn snarled \"Russia? I ain't going to no Russia!\" Washburn received a lifetime NBA ban in June 1989 after failing three drug tests in three years. In the mid-1990s, he tried to scrape together a basketball career in minor leagues, playing for a few years in the Continental Basketball Association and the U.S. Basketball League. He also played overseas in Argentina, Puerto Rico, Greece, Spain, Switzerland and Colombia. Washburn later moved to Houston, where he was destitute and", "id": "16930457" }, { "contents": "Weaponization of finance\n\n\nRose Revolution in Georgia brought Mikhail Saakashvili to power as the third president of Georgia. Saakashvili wanted to bring Georgia into NATO and the EU while also being a heavy supporter of the U.S. led war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia would soon implement a number of different sanctions on Georgia. The Russian state gas monopoly, Gazprom, increased the price of natural gas going to Georgia from $50/TCM to $235/TCM. Russia also used trade sanctions on impact the Georgian economy. Georgia exports wine, citrus fruits,", "id": "18533852" }, { "contents": "Norbert Röttgen\n\n\nUkraine by agreeing to further sanctions against Russia, saying that \"[a]ny hesitation would be seen by [Russian President Vladimir] Putin as European weakness that would encourage him to keep going.\" However, he ruled out a U.S. proposal to arm Ukraine against Russia, calling it a \"grave mistake\" which \"not only would [give] Putin a pretext to expand the war beyond eastern Ukraine, it would also serve his other goal to divide the West wherever he can.” Amid the debate on sending military assistance", "id": "879069" }, { "contents": "Dan Coats\n\n\nRussia and China. Coats supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq on the grounds of uncovering what he believed to be Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Coats opposed the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers – the U.S., U.K., Russia, France, China, and Germany. He described Iran as the foremost \"state sponsor of terrorism\". During testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee in January 2019, Coats said that Iran \"continues to sponsor terrorism\". According to Coats, \"Iran’s regional ambitions and", "id": "21425127" }, { "contents": "Russian espionage in the United States\n\n\nwhat Mueller called \"Russian hacking and dumping operations\" in which Russian intelligence officers hacked into the accounts of the Clinton campaign and democratic party organizations. The material was then posted online by Russia themselves, and the other information was disturbed by WikiLeaks. Russia repeatedly reached out to the Trump campaign to establish a connection to the Kremlin. Muller writes, \"The Russian contacts consisted of business connections, offers of assistance to the campaign, invitations for campaign officials and representatives of Russian government to meet, and policy positions seeking improved U.S.-Russian", "id": "615151" }, { "contents": "Freedom House\n\n\ndenied that it had a pro-U.S. agenda. \"If you look closely at the 193 countries that we evaluate, you'll find that we criticize what are often considered strategic allies of the United States,\" he said. Daniel Treisman, a UCLA political scientist, has criticized Freedom House's assessment of Russia. Treisman has pointed out that Freedom House ranks Russia's political rights on the same level as the United Arab Emirates, which, according to Freedom House, is a federation of absolute monarchies with no hint of", "id": "7082332" }, { "contents": "U.S. Russia Foundation\n\n\nthe U.S Russia Foundation was announced by presidents George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin at the 32nd G8 summit in 2006. It was an outgrowth of The U.S. Russia Investment Fund. It was registered in the United States in 2008 and in Russia in 2009. By 2015, its CEO, Mark Pomar, was denied entry into Russia. Meanwhile, the organization was declared \"undesirable\" by the 2015 Russian undesirable organizations law. Indeed, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Russia, chaired by Yury Chaika, suggested it posed \"", "id": "19878053" }, { "contents": "Continental shelf of Russia\n\n\nRussia's planting the national flag on the seabed at the North Pole, Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay said, \"This isn't the 15th century. You can't go around the world and just plant flags and say 'We're claiming this territory'\". In response to these words the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov stated: \"I was amazed by my Canadian counterpart's statement that we are planting flags around. We’re not throwing flags around. We just do what other discoverers did. The", "id": "12595146" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of Vladimir Putin\n\n\ninto endless conflict\". During the protests following the 2011 Russian elections (in December 2011) Putin named the Orange Revolution as a potential precedent of what was going to happen in Russia. Apart from a clash of nationalist rhetorics with the common historical legacies of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire, a number of economic disputes erupted between Russia and some neighbours, such as the 2006 Russian ban of Moldovan and Georgian wines. Moscow's policies under Putin towards these states were described as \"efforts to bully democratic neighbors\" by", "id": "14522322" }, { "contents": "From Russia, with Love (novel)\n\n\n. A fourth, \"Diamonds Are Forever\", was being edited and prepared for production. That month Fleming travelled to his Goldeneye estate in Jamaica to write \"From Russia, with Love\". He followed his usual practice, which he later outlined in \"Books and Bookmen\" magazine: \"I write for about three hours in the morning ... and I do another hour's work between six and seven in the evening. I never correct anything and I never go back to see what I have written ... By following", "id": "1558509" }, { "contents": "Sir Henry Wilson, 1st Baronet\n\n\nMilitary Representative (Robertson had refused to go) on a British mission to Russia in January 1917 (delayed from November 1916), the object of which was to keep the Russians holding down at least the forces now opposite them, to boost Russian morale and see what equipment they needed with a view to coordinating attacks. The party of 50 included British (led by Milner and including a banker and two munitions experts), French (led by de Castelnau) and Italian delegations. The War Office briefing advised that Russia was", "id": "1691279" }, { "contents": "Nicholas II of Russia\n\n\nthe style of \"Imperial Highness\". Nicholas may have felt unprepared for the duties of the crown, for he asked his cousin and brother-in-law, Grand Duke Alexander, \"What is going to happen to me and all of Russia?\" Though perhaps under-prepared and unskilled, Nicholas was not altogether untrained for his duties as Tsar. Nicholas chose to maintain the conservative policies favoured by his father throughout his reign. While Alexander III had concentrated on the formulation of general policy, Nicholas devoted much more", "id": "17762112" }, { "contents": "Lady Athlyne\n\n\nEntente. In 1904 Britain wanted Russia to come out of its self-isolation and join the rest of Europe. Britain wanted Russia to join the Entente Cordiale or what is known as, \"The Friendly Agreement\". Prime Minister Sir Edward Grey made Britain a part of the Triple Entente which had to the goal of these three past enemies supporting one another. While they did not have to go to war on behalf of any nation, they were expected to at least support it. While these enemies had been fighting on", "id": "21392651" }, { "contents": "Institutionalization of children with disabilities in Russia\n\n\nHealth. Those that are four years of age are then evaluated to determine what institution they should be assigned. Institutions regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science house those deemed educable, and other children, determined to be uneducable, go to institutions which are supervised by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. As adults, those categorized as uneducable transfer to an adult institution, where some facilities leave individuals to live in a bed-ridden state. According to the Library of Congress, about 1.6 million children in Russia need", "id": "7434509" }, { "contents": "Rodrigo Duterte\n\n\nAmericans. U.S. Department of State spokesperson John Kirby responded by saying: \"We are going to be seeking an explanation of exactly what the president meant when he talked about separation from the U.S.; it's not clear what that means and all its ramifications.\" On October 23, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel traveled to Manila to seek clarification and explanation for Duterte's comments with Philippine officials, including Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. and Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana. On November 7", "id": "1041237" }, { "contents": "Going Vertical\n\n\nRussia. The year 1970. The Soviet national basketball team is changing the head coach. The new coach Vladimir Garanzhin, who previously headed the Leningrad BC Spartak, said at a press conference that at the upcoming Olympic Games in Munich is going to beat the U.S. team. The statements of the coach frighten sports officials, for whom the main thing is to perform strongly at the world's biggest sporting stage in the year of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union and keep their posts. Vladimir Garanzhin completely changes the composition of", "id": "19675049" }, { "contents": "Jeremiah Curtin\n\n\nGreendale, Wisconsin and later attended Harvard College, despite his parents preference that he go to a Catholic college. While there he studied under folklorist Francis James Child. Curtin graduated from Harvard in 1863. Curtin then moved to New York where he read law, and worked for the U.S. Sanitary Commission while translating and teaching German. In 1864 he went to Russia, where he served as secretary to Cassius M. Clay, Minister to the Russian court. During his time in Russia, Curtin became friends with Konstantin Pobedonostsev, professor of", "id": "15590170" }, { "contents": "Relationship of American Jews to the U.S. Federal Government before the 20th century\n\n\nSecretary Hay replied, stating in brief what efforts had been made by the United States for the protection of American citizens in Russia, and added that though \"begun many years ago... [they] have not been attended with encouraging success\" (ib. pp. 301, 302). In January 1904, Goldfogle introduced another resolution, requesting the president to resume negotiations with Russia looking to the recognition of the validity of American passports irrespective of the religion of the holder. This resolution gave rise to notable addresses on the", "id": "12503385" }, { "contents": "Rachel Maddow\n\n\n\" confirming that she was not running and separately demanded Brown's apology. She added that, despite repeated invitations over the months, Brown had refused to appear on her TV program. Ultimately, it was Elizabeth Warren who ran in 2012, defeating Brown. Maddow has suggested that the alleged Trump-Russia collusion has continued beyond the 2016 presidential election. In March 2017, she blamed Russia for WikiLeaks' Vault 7 disclosure of the CIA's hacking tools, saying: \"Consider what the other U.S. agency is besides the State", "id": "13083365" }, { "contents": "Edward Snowden asylum in Russia\n\n\nSnowden had been granted an extension of his stay until 2020, and said what Morell proposed would be a betrayal. A senior U.S. official said in February 2017 that Russia was considering extraditing Snowden in order to \"curry favor\" with President Donald Trump. Snowden cited the comment in his own defense, using it as evidence that he was not a Russian spy, stating in a Twitter post, \"Finally: irrefutable evidence that I never cooperated with Russian intel. No country trades away spies, as the rest would fear they", "id": "7473147" }, { "contents": "U.S. Route 6 in Nebraska\n\n\nStreet serving the eastbound. US 6 goes through downtown and then goes up onto Interstate 480, which is an elevated freeway around downtown Omaha, and shortly thereafter, crosses into Iowa via the Grenville Dodge Memorial Bridge. When the U.S. Highway System was created in 1926, much of the current US 6 in Nebraska was U.S. Highway 38. The route was slightly different in the Omaha area, as it turned east from 204th Street onto Q Street to go through what was the city of Millard. It went through Millard on what", "id": "4929302" }, { "contents": "Imperial Russian Air Service\n\n\nThe Imperial Russian Air Service (Императорскiй военно-воздушный флотъ, literally \"Emperor's Military Air Fleet\") was an air force founded in 1912 for Imperial Russia. The Air Service operated for 5 years. It only saw combat in World War I before being reorganized and renamed in 1917 following the creation of Soviet Russia. It formed what would later become the Soviet Air Forces. The origins of Russian aviation go back to theoretical projects of the 1880s by pioneer Russian scientists such as Nikolai Kibalchich and Alexander Mozhaysky. During the", "id": "11609324" }, { "contents": "Inessa Armand\n\n\nof Foreign Organisations established to coordinate all Bolshevik groups in Western Europe. Armand returned to Russia in July 1912. This was a risky mission. Lenin needed her to pass on the resolution of the Prague Conference, to help organise the Bolshevik campaign to get its supporters elected to the Duma, and find out what was going on in Pravda. Rappaport notes that Lenin knew her entry into Russia would invite immediate arrest, yet he made light of it, his concerns for party works overcoming his personal feelings for her. Two months", "id": "19389747" }, { "contents": "1993 Russian constitutional crisis\n\n\nsituation of a deepest economic crisis. The Supreme Soviet has stopped taking into account the decrees of the president, his amendments of the legislative projects, even his constitutional veto rights. Constitutional reform has practically been pared down. The process of creating rule of law in Russia has essentially been disorganized. To the contrary, what is going on is a deliberate reduction of the legal basis of the young Russian state that is even without this weak. The legislative work became a weapon of political struggle. Laws, that Russia urgently needs", "id": "19591573" }, { "contents": "Blood Red, Snow White\n\n\n's supposed Bolshevist sympathies bring him under suspicion when the Red Terror begins, but he redeems himself by helping to free Lockhart from the Kremlin. Ransome is happy with Evgenia in Stockholm and when she has to return to Russia, he chooses to go with her. To ease his return, he reconsiders the offer from the SIS and becomes agent S76. Lenin welcomes him back to Russia, dismissing Trotsky's fears that he might be a spy. On what is intended to be a brief visit to England, he meets unexpected", "id": "6808800" }, { "contents": "Carrie Dew\n\n\nmember of the U.S. U-20 National Team that competed at the ‘06 Under-20 World Championship (Aug 17 – Sept. 3; in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia). She also played for the U.S. Under-17 in 2003, the Under-16 National Team in 2002 and the U-19 regional team. Dew was the overall twelfth pick at the 2009 WPS Draft, going to the Bay Area's FC Gold Pride in the second round, with the possibility of playing as a center midfielder, as well as defender, for the Pride. She", "id": "6067441" } ]
What happened to the documentary stations (History, Discovery, TLC, Nat Geo) that caused them to focus on reality TV in lieu of documentaries?
[{"answer": "Production costs for most reality shows are extremely low, making those kinds of shows a lot more profitable than traditional programming."}, {"answer": "Alright, sit yo ass down and get ready for a story. The TLDR is indeed ratings and production cost. But if that's the why, we must ask ourselves \"why now?\" What happened to these stations, and why did it all happen at the same time? Well, the seed of change (or pestilence if you wanna be poetic) is TLC. Before The Channel Formally known as Learning gave us child beauty pageants and whatever the fuck Honey Boo Boo is supposed to be. You see, in 2007 Discovery was kind of in a hole. As you may know Discovery owns, TLC, Nat Geo, Animal Planet and more. Despite their wide net, the brand was tanking. So they brought in a man from NBC (who would soon sell out to Comcast) to liven things up. The Discovery Channel store was closed, the main station started doing documentaries more fit for history channel with \"True crime\" exploitation pieces. This would in turn hemorrhage viewership from History (A sister network of A & E) who began showing programs like Gangland. Modern Marvels (which had existed since 1995) got a shiny update, and the content of the History Channel become the closest content rival for Discovery. But then, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, or more accurately here comes TLC's shit shows. Ya see, part of the way Discovery was able to have so many networks was appealing to different demos for each one. History had been nailing the males over 40 crowd and discovery had been shooting for educated younger males. TLC was basically discovery channel marketed to women in their early 20s to early 30s, and you know what bored women of that age-range were watching? Soaps, MTV/VH1 reality shows and celebrity gossip. Taking a \"documentary\" series about child fashion shows and editing it like an MTV reality show with a healthy bit of exploitation (the fans of these shows are watching to laugh at these people, make no mistake) and they suddenly had a the right ingredients for what would become a network of cheep, exploitative, schlock across all Discovery Networks (well, except the Science Channel). So What really happened? What really changed? Demographics. Say what you will about these networks being crap, they do a good job of not internally fighting with each other for attention. The Honey Boo Boo crowd doesn't want much to do with \"are Megladon's still around\" the age range, income level, and general education of the demo they're trying to reach can be reliably expected to enjoy the TV click bait. They figured out something Buzzfeed did before you wanted to inexplicably punch it in the face: people don't want to learn, they want to have what they know and like confirmed. This is how Discovery Channels' most profitable stretch, year after year, is telling people sharks aren't violent murder machines (except when they are but it's okay because not to people) like it's the first time anybody has heard this information. Apologies to Shark Week fans, but how surreal is it that the most educational thing on the network is telling a demographic that didn't grow up with Jaws shit they already know from last year? And then there's history channel. History is, again, owned by A & E not discovery. History is a tougher nut to dissect. In short, as they became more direct competition for Discovery they began duplicating what was making discovery successful. Deadliest Catch became Ice Road Truckers, bad speculative science docs became Ancient Aliens. History duplicated the pacing of TLC and marketed it to men, but dumbed its content down to turn the stuff with potential to be good into a filter for Discovery Channel's scraps. A & E went the way of TLC and now theirs no real market incentive to change. If you really want to know whose to blame, look in the mirror. The original demographics have moved on. We're watching Netflix and are simply too educated to watch a show about convergent mermaid evolution. Discovery says they're gonna start making quality programming again, so demand might be returning as Millennials get more disposable income (Oh right, the other big reason! Because of the whole recession thing, cheaper shows became a must and Gen-Xers aged 34-48 had more money than the groups they were, on paper, marketing towards so include this disclaimer in the paragraph about TLC's market shift) and educated young people starting families in their late 20s is presenting itself as a important demographic to snag. In short: The Economy tanked around the same time as the networks underwent massive internal restructuring. Networks that were in mild competition with each other entered a full race to the bottom and neither one went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."}, {"answer": "Market forces. Reality shows are cheaper to make than documentaries and pull in more viewers because most people watch TV to turn off their brains, not turn them on."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "77807", "title": "Discovery Channel", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["It initially provided documentary television programming focused primarily on popular science, technology, and history, but by the 2010s had expanded into reality television and pseudo-scientific entertainment. Programming on the flagship Discovery Channel in the U.S. is primarily focused on reality television series, such as speculative investigation (with shows such as \"MythBusters\", \"Unsolved History\", and \"Best Evidence\"), automobiles, and occupations (such as \"Dirty Jobs\" and \"Deadliest Catch\"); it also features documentaries specifically aimed at families and younger audiences. A popular annual\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "It initially provided documentary television programming focused primarily on popular science, technology, and history, but by the 2010s had expanded into reality television and pseudo-scientific entertainment."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "National Geographic (American TV channel)\n\n\nNational Geographic (formerly National Geographic Channel and also commercially abbreviated and trademarked as Nat Geo or Nat Geo TV) is an American pay television network and flagship channel that is owned by National Geographic Partners, a joint venture between The Walt Disney Company (73%) and the National Geographic Society (27%), with the operational management handled by Walt Disney Television. The flagship channel airs non-fiction television programs produced by National Geographic and other production companies. Like History and Discovery Channel, the channel features documentaries with factual", "id": "2859497" }, { "contents": "Budapest\n\n\nTV, Duna World, RTL Klub, TV2 (Hungary), EuroNews, Comedy Central, MTV Hungary, VIVA Hungary, Viasat 3, Cool TV, and Pro4, and politics and news channels such as Hír TV, ATV, and Echo TV. Documentary channels include Discovery Channel, Discovery Science, Discovery World, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo Wild, Spektrum, and BBC Entertainment. This is less than a quarter of the channels broadcast from Budapest; for the whole picture see Television in Hungary. In 2012,", "id": "16206749" }, { "contents": "Foxtel\n\n\n, Nat Geo People, History, A&E and CI, Discovery Communications' Animal Planet, Discovery Turbo MAX (with two-hour timeshifted version), Discovery Science, Discovery Home & Health, TLC and BBC Knowledge. Pre-Teenage entertainment channels are from 700 to 799 which includes Viacom Media Networks channels Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, Time Warner's Cartoon Network and ABC Me. Also included in the line-up are Nick Jr., CBeebies, Disney XD, Disney Junior, Boomerang and Baby TV. Music video channels are", "id": "17692461" }, { "contents": "TLC (German TV channel)\n\n\nTLC is a German-language television channel from Discovery Networks Germany. It went on air on 10 April 2014 via satellite, cable and IPTV. The program is mainly directed at women between the ages of 20 and 49, and will focus on non-fiction entertainment programs, some of which will be taken over by TLC US and will be partly produced in-house. The main focus will be on documentaries, reports and magazines. The channel is advertised with the slogan \"Hier spielt das Leben.\". Jana", "id": "18105839" }, { "contents": "NorthSouth Productions\n\n\nNorthSouth Productions is a television production company in the United States that was founded by Charlie DeBevoise and Mark Hickman in 2000. NorthSouth creates and produces original programming for a variety of broadcast and cable networks including Discovery, TLC, History, A&E, MTV, VH1, SyFy, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, TruTV, Speed, WE tv, Discovery Health, Food Network, Lifetime, and the Sundance Channel. Their production credits include documentaries, reality television, travel series, and sports entertainment. The company has offices in New", "id": "11716479" }, { "contents": "44 Blue Productions\n\n\n44 Blue Productions is an American production company founded in 1984 by Rasha and Stephanie Noonan Drachkovitch. It supplies reality television, documentary, lifestyle and action-adventure programming for US broadcast and cable outlets including A&E, Animal Planet, HBO, Tru TV, CBS, Court TV, CMT, Discovery Channel, E!, ESPN, Fine Living, FS1, Fox Family, Fox News, HGTV, History Channel, Lifetime, Lifetime Movie Network, Spike, MSNBC, Nickelodeon, PBS, Style, TLC, Travel Channel VH1", "id": "7368221" }, { "contents": "RIVR Media\n\n\nLifetime Movie Network, MTV, Fine Living, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, Weather Channel, History Channel, ESPN, Animal Planet, Game Show Network, TLC, Nickelodeon, Food Network, Court TV and TNN. RIVR's production credits include documentaries, reality series, sitcoms, travel series, sports entertainment, and post-production services. RIVR Media is owned by partners Dee Haslam, Rob Lundgren, and Lori Golden-Stryer, and is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Both Haslam and Lundgren are Executive Producers for", "id": "8493653" }, { "contents": "Ambar Das\n\n\nand documentaries for DISCOVERY, BBC, NAT-GEO, DDK, PPC, NETV, RONG, NEWSLIVE, ZEE TV, UTV BINDAS, Sony, COLORS and STAR PLUS, STAR WORLD. As a music composer of jingles, he has done music for most major brands such as Standard Chartered Bank, Louis Philippe, Adidas, Lufthansa, Nestle, Incredidible India, Skill India, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Dabur, Haier, LG, Onida, Ford, Citibank, Tvs motors, Hero Honda, Myntra, Shopclues etc.", "id": "3630584" }, { "contents": "David Newsom\n\n\n, 2008, \"Open Your Eyes\" was awarded the AFI \"Jean Picker Firstenburg Award of Excellence\". In recent years, Newsom has been busy producing adventure/reality television for such networks as: Discovery Channel, Nat Geo and History. From 2010-2011, he was a field producer, cameraman and story producer for Discovery's \"DEADLIEST CATCH\", Season 7. In fall of 2011, he was a field producer/cameraman for Nat Geo's \"Wild Justice\", seasons 2 and 3. In", "id": "18897569" }, { "contents": "Roger Ross Williams\n\n\nnumerous primetime specials for PBS, ABC, CBS, Sundance Channel and New York Times Television. He has won numerous awards for his TV work including a NAMIC Vision Award and the National Headliner for Best Human Interest Feature documentary. He started working in 1985 and has since worked for ABC News, NBC News, MSNBC, BBC, CNN and has produced work for Comedy Central, Food Network, TLC, VH1 He has directed prime-time reality (for ABC and CBS) and produced a documentary series for Discovery Networks and", "id": "15213420" }, { "contents": "Fox Networks Group\n\n\nto launch new sister channels to Nat Geo in India, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Adventure, Nat Geo Music and Nat Geo HD, by making them available to the market in May 2008. Fox International Channels launched the new Nat Geo channels again along with FX, Fox Crime and BabyTV to add to its existing Fox History and the main Nat Geo channel in June 2010. Fox International Channels in January 2008 purchased a controlling stake in Real Estate TV (RETV), a UK property-themed channel. In April", "id": "10632776" }, { "contents": "Police Women (TV series)\n\n\nPolice Women is a collective title of an American reality documentary series on the TLC network that follows female members of law enforcement agencies in different communities, at work and at home. Camera crews film them doing their everyday jobs. It is similar in most respects to \"COPS\", a long-running reality show on the Fox Network that also documents the work of police agencies in the United States. Between the \"Cincinnati\" and second \"Broward County\" series, TLC presented three clip specials, featuring the best moments", "id": "6309152" }, { "contents": "Aftermath (2010 TV series)\n\n\nAftermath is a four-part 2010 documentary television series created by History Television Canadian station, airing in the United States on the National Geographic Channel, and produced by Cream Productions. \"Aftermath\" consists of a series of \"experiments\" looking at what would happen if planetary conditions changed drastically, within our lifetime. The series is a follow-up to the TV special \"\". In 2010, the series was nominated for a 2010 Gemini award for best documentary. Population Zero The special that started it all documents what", "id": "2548476" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (German TV channel)\n\n\nNational Geographic Channel is a German television channel dedicated to documentaries and factual programmes. The channel was launched on November 1, 2004 on Kabel Deutschland's digital platform, broadcasting 24 hours per day from the start. The channel also launched on other cable networks such as Unitymedia, Kabel BW, and UPC Cablecom On May 16, 2009, National Geographic Channel replaced Discovery Geschichte on the Premiere satellite platform. this was followed by the launch of the German Nat Geo Wild when it replaced Animal Planet on Premiere on July 1, a", "id": "19744267" }, { "contents": "Ikke gjør dette hjemme\n\n\nIkke gjør dette hjemme \"(literal: Don't do this at home)\" is a Norwegian comedy-reality TV that airs on NRK1. Since its debut in 2011, four series have been aired. A Canadian remake was made for Discovery Channel (Canada) in 2013. The show is a comic documentary-style reality series in which hosts Rune Nilson and Per Olav Alvestad defy warnings and restrictions on various items to see what happens when they do. Some of their experiments include lighting fireworks indoors, washing wool on", "id": "1166786" }, { "contents": "Jesse James (customizer)\n\n\nJesse Gregory James (born April 19, 1969) is an American television personality and former CEO of Austin, Texas-based Austin Speed Shop. James was the host of the reality TV shows \"Jesse James Is a Dead Man\" on Spike TV and \"Monster Garage\" on the Discovery Channel, and the focus of the documentary \"Motorcycle Mania\", also on Discovery. Jesse James also appeared in the \"Tony Hawk's Underground 2\" video game, and was the focus of a show chronicling some of the", "id": "950783" }, { "contents": "The New Detectives\n\n\nThe New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science (or simply The New Detectives) is a documentary true crime television show that aired two to three different cases in forensic science per episode. Episode reruns currently air on the Discovery Channel, TLC, the Investigation Discovery network, and the Justice Network. Before the series was canceled, the show also aired on The History Channel in the United States and Canal D, Court TV, and Botswana TV in Canada. The show was also carried by international markets where the series was", "id": "17775917" }, { "contents": "Rachel Goslins\n\n\ninternal black politics, and The Machine, a secret coalition of traditionally white fraternities and sororities formed in 1914. She has worked on productions for the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), the Discovery Channel, the National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo), and History, and was the Director of the Independent Digital Distribution Lab, a joint PBS/ITVS project. Her most recent film was \"Besa: The Promise\", an award-winning feature documentary about Albanian Muslims who saved Jews during World War II. Prior to", "id": "4506140" }, { "contents": "Casey Anderson (naturalist)\n\n\nof bears. Some episodes have also focused on the wildlife of particular areas such as Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. Originally airing on the National Geographic Channel and later on its sister station Nat Geo WILD, \"Expedition Wild\" has been widely syndicated, including on ABC as part of \"Litton's Weekend Adventure\", on The CW, and online via Hulu. In 2013, Anderson became the executive producer and host of a new Nat Geo WILD documentary series, \"America the Wild with Casey Anderson\", which featured", "id": "21119147" }, { "contents": "Is Your Dog A Genius?\n\n\nIs Your Dog A Genius is a three-part American interactive documentary television series airing on Nat Geo Wild. The series, hosted by Dr. Brian Hare, uses a series of tests known as 'The Dognition Assessment' to determine what skills a dog possesses to determine how intelligent your dogs are. The series is produced by Authentic Entertainment. The series premiered in the U.S. on Nat Geo Wild across three nights from May 15 to May 17, 2015. The three part series aired as part of the channel's special '", "id": "14861145" }, { "contents": "Long Lost Family (American TV series)\n\n\nLong Lost Family is an American documentary television series based on the Dutch series \"Spoorloos\" created by broadcaster KRO-NCRV that premiered on March 6, 2016 on TLC. Presented by Chris Jacobs and Lisa Joyner, the show helps provide aid to individuals looking to be reunited with long-lost biological family members. The show is produced by Shed Media for TLC, and is co-sponsored by, which provides family history research and DNA testing to help make discoveries possible. The show follows the original British series very", "id": "15686521" }, { "contents": "Emre Sahin\n\n\nof their Best of the Festival, a touring showcase of the festivals top films from each category. In addition, \"Canta\" is the official selection of over 30 additional film festivals around the world, from India to Ireland to Italy. Before his foray into the scripted world, Emre directed and edited documentary and reality television shows for networks such as ABC, ABC Family, MTV, VH1, The History Channel, the Travel Channel, the Food Network, TLC, and the Discovery Channel. Most recent directorial projects include", "id": "9826864" }, { "contents": "Discovery Channel (Portugal)\n\n\nDiscovery Channel is a Portuguese basic cable and satellite television channel that features documentaries and entertainment based in real life, owned by Discovery Communications. Discovery was the first international channel that aired in the Portuguese language in Portugal, and the channel was distributed by Discovery Networks Latin America and Iberia, based in Miami, Florida. The channel began to shift its focus in the early 2000s in an attempt to increase viewership, by incorporating more reality-based series and, in 2002, it was briefly removed from TV Cabo platform, currently", "id": "5496680" }, { "contents": "Jeff Zucker\n\n\nfirst CNN president to actually watch CNN\". In December 2013, Zucker stated that his goal for the channel was to offer an \"attitude and a take\" to viewers, with a larger focus on reality-style documentary series (expanding upon the success of its documentary acquisition \"Blackfish\", and new series \"\"). Zucker explained that he wanted CNN to appeal more to regular viewers of factual networks (such as A&E, Discovery, and History), and make larger investments into the network's digital properties.", "id": "18498673" }, { "contents": "What's on TV\n\n\nWhat's on TV is a weekly television listings magazine published by TI Media. \"What's on TV\" is a weekly UK television magazine. It publishes features, TV listings, news and gossip from soap operas, as well as puzzles and competitions. Its primary focus is on soaps and reality TV, but documentaries and dramas are also covered. It was launched in March 1991, after the monopoly on broadcast programming listings magazines ended and the market was opened up. Before this, only two TV magazines were available:", "id": "11084756" }, { "contents": "National Geographic Wild (European TV channel)\n\n\nNational Geographic Wild is a Pan-European pay television channel that features documentaries produced by the National Geographic Society. It features documentaries about nature, wildlife, natural phenomenon, and earth. The channel replaced Adventure One in Europe on 1 March 2007. The channel was launched as Nat Geo Wild on 1 March 2007, replacing Adventure One. The channel launched its own high-definition feed in the UK and Ireland on 1 April 2009. In the Netherlands, the HD feed was launched on 14 October 2010 through CAIW, later", "id": "2420605" }, { "contents": "TLC (TV network)\n\n\nTLC (originally an initialism for The Learning Channel) is an American pay television channel that is owned by Discovery, Inc. Initially focused on educational and learning content, by the late 1990s, the network began to primarily focus towards reality series involving lifestyles, family life, and personal stories. As of February 2015, TLC was available to watch in approximately 95 million American households (81.6% of households with cable television) in the United States. The channel was founded in 1972 by the Department of Health, Education, and", "id": "8790816" }, { "contents": "Melissa Jo Peltier\n\n\nof which became New York Times Bestsellers. She also co-authored \"The Mommy Docs Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy and Birth\" in 2011. In 2014, Peltier wrote the novel, \"Reality Boulevard\". The story of the novel is based on what happens to a group of idealistic filmmakers after their long running documentary series is cancelled and they are thrust into the assembly line world of reality TV. Kirkus reviews called the novel \"a dead-on satire—with a heart—of the reality TV scene from a", "id": "16716664" }, { "contents": "Global Reality Channel\n\n\nannounced the 2012 fall schedules of all its terrestrial stations and specialty channels; however, Global Reality Channel was not included in the upfronts. The following day, Rogers announced that it would be adding Nat Geo Wild, a recently launched Shaw Media channel, by replacing Global Reality Channel on August 1, 2012. Effectively, this meant Nat Geo Wild would launch the same way it did in the United States in June 2010, as NGW replaced Fox Reality Channel in the United States, though there was very little similar between Fox", "id": "6857282" }, { "contents": "Curiosity (TV series)\n\n\nCuriosity is an American documentary television series that premiered on August 7, 2011, on the Discovery Channel. Each episode focuses on one question in science, technology, and society (e.g., why the sank) and, for the first season, features a different celebrity host. Stephen Hawking hosted the premiere episode titled \"Did God Create the Universe?\", which aired simultaneously on seven Discovery Communications networks: Discovery Channel, TLC, Discovery Fit and Health, Animal Planet, Science, Investigation Discovery, and Destination America.", "id": "2064241" }, { "contents": "The Devil You Know (TV program)\n\n\nThe Devil You Know is an American documentary television program broadcast on the Investigation Discovery (ID) cable television channel. The program debuted on June 15, 2011, when it was one of five new crime documentary television series released on ID in summer 2011. The program aired for three seasons, with its final episode airing on December 19, 2013. The program explores stories of crime mysteries and secret lives of men and women who are supposedly law-abiding citizens but in reality are people with deadly intentions causing pain to their", "id": "18486413" }, { "contents": "Weijun Chen\n\n\npurchased by over 100 TV Stations, including BBC and PBS. His recent work \"This is Life\" (2017) receives domestic attention. His films mainly focus on documentary realism, which reflects introspection of social reality. In 1992, Weijun Chen graduated from department of journalism in Sichuan University, after watching documentary films \"Long Ji\" (1994) (\"龙脊\") and \"Odyssey of The Great Wall\" (1991) (\"望长城\"), he got impressed by the cinematography of these two films,", "id": "4904334" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (American TV channel)\n\n\nlaunched in January 2006. It is available on all major cable and satellite providers. Nat Geo Wild (stylized as Nat Geo WILD or abbreviated as NGW) is a cable/satellite TV channel focused on animal-related programs. It is a sister network to National Geographic Channel and it is the latest channel to be jointly launched by the National Geographic Society and Fox Cable Networks. It was launched in United States on March 29, 2010, focusing primarily on wildlife and natural history programming. Nat Geo Tamil, part of", "id": "2859502" }, { "contents": "Barry Avrich\n\n\npicked up by local television stations in Canada, and \"The Madness of Method\" (1995), featuring M. Emmet Walsh, won a Gold Medal at the Bilbao International Festival of Documentary and Short Films. Avrich created Melbar Entertainment Group in 1998 to produce documentary films. Along with producers Nat Brescia and Tori Hockin Laurence, Avrich has directed and produced many documentaries and television specials. His focus is generally on the entertainment industry and television specials including the music special, \"Bowfire\" for PBS (2008), \"One", "id": "19278544" }, { "contents": "Casey Anderson (naturalist)\n\n\nNatural World History filmmaking. Anderson frequently appears as himself on reality television shows, particularly those involving nature and animals. He was a featured survival expert on the Discovery Channel reality show \"Dude, You're Screwed\", and guest starred (with his then-wife Missi Pyle) on a 2010 episode of \"Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan\" on the Nat Geo Channel. He has been a recurring guest on talk shows including \"Late Night with Conan O'Brien\", \"Conan\", \"Fox & Friends\",", "id": "21119149" }, { "contents": "Cesar Millan\n\n\nbetween dogs and humans. \"Cesar Millan's Leader of the Pack\" was an American documentary television series on the Nat Geo Wild channel which ran from January 5, 2013 to March 26, 2013. The next year, 2014, saw the premiere of Millan's new series, \"Cesar 911\", on the Nat Geo WILD channel; in non-American markets, it's known as \"Cesar to the Rescue\". In 2015, he teamed up with children's television veterans Sid and Marty Krofft to create", "id": "9329889" }, { "contents": "Edward Winterhalder\n\n\nfilmed in 2015 and 2016 in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Dubai. Winterhalder is a consultant to the entertainment industry for television shows and feature films that focus on the biker lifestyle, has appeared in TV shows on National Geographic aka Nat Geo (US, Australia, UK & New Zealand), History Television (Canada), the History Channel (US & Australia), Global TV (Canada), Prime TV (New Zealand), and the AB Groupe (France, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and southwest", "id": "608853" }, { "contents": "Foxtel\n\n\nchannels are from 600 to 699 which includes Sky News Live, Your Money, Sky News Weather Channel, Sky News UK, Fox News Channel, Warner Media's CNN International, National Geographic (with two-hour timeshifted version), Discovery (with two-hour timeshifted version), ABC News Australia, NBCUniversal's CNBC, A-PAC, BBC World News, Bloomberg Television, Al Jazeera English, CGTN News, CCTV-9 Documentary, NHK World and RT. Also included in the line-up are Nat Geo Wild", "id": "17692460" }, { "contents": "Nigel Marven\n\n\nyear. Season 2 of \"Ten Deadliest Snakes\" premiered in autumn 2015 on Eden, while season 3 began airing on 5 January 2017 on Nat Geo Wild in the UK. Highlights of \"Ten Deadliest Snakes\" included, among others, visiting sea krait caves in South China Sea and handling black mamba in South Africa. In January 2018, Nigel's \"Untamed Philippines\" was screened on Nat Geo Wild in the USA. The presenter-led version of this documentary called \"Wild Philippines with Nigel Marven\" aired on", "id": "16483449" }, { "contents": "Foxtel\n\n\nMasterpiece; More; Thriller; Greats. Docos – History; Nat Geo Wild; Discovery Turbo; Nat Geo People; Animal Planet; Discovery Science; Crime + Investigation; BBC Knowledge. The Foxtel Go also offers an on demand service for most channels listed above including sports channels. Foxtel Now (Formerly Foxtel Play) is an internet television alternative to the traditional Foxtel subscription, offering customers a no lock in contract subscription starting at $10. The service offers over 50 live channels and hundreds of hours of video on-", "id": "17692472" }, { "contents": "Trump: What's the Deal?\n\n\nExecutive producer Ned Schnurman claimed this happened under pressure of Trump, which both Trump and Henry Siegel of LBS denied. On July 5, 1991, \"Trump: What's the Deal?\" was screened twice in the Bridgehampton Community House in Bridgehampton, New York. In 2015, after Donald Trump announced he would run for president of the United States, TV stations would still not broadcast the documentary. The 80-minute documentary film was then released online with the tagline \"The new Trump. The old Trump. The same Trump", "id": "16680084" }, { "contents": "Foxtel\n\n\nStarpics 1 HD, Starpics 2 HD and W HD. BBC HD was relaunched as UKTV HD and the timeshared documentary channel was split into full time versions of Discovery HD World and National Geographic HD. The pricing and packaging of the HD+ channels was also revised. BBC Knowledge HD, MTVN Live HD, Nat Geo Wild HD and Speed HD launched almost a year later on 1 November 2010. ESPN 2 HD and Lifestyle HD launched on 1 March 2011.. A&E HD, Fox Footy HD and FX HD launched in late February", "id": "17692481" }, { "contents": "TLC (TV network)\n\n\nWelfare and NASA as the Appalachian Community Service Network, and was an informative and instructional network focused on providing real education through the medium of television; it was distributed at no cost by NASA satellite. ACSN was privatized in 1980, and its name was changed to The Learning Channel in November of that year; the name was subsequently shortened to \"TLC.\" (NASA immediately launched NASA TV as the ACSN's internal replacement.) The channel mostly featured documentary content pertaining to nature, science, history, current events,", "id": "8790817" }, { "contents": "Audience (TV network)\n\n\nchannel broadcast the Nat Geo Adventure's documentary travel/adventure series \"\" starting in June 2008. The short-lived ABC drama \"The Nine\" began airing on the channel on May 27, 2009. The channel also aired reruns of the 2005–06 Showtime drama series \"Sleeper Cell\". On April 21, 2009, it was announced that DirecTV picked up the syndication rights to HBO's \"Oz\" and \"Deadwood\". The channel began airing the CBS drama \"Smith\" on April 8, 2009. DirecTV", "id": "11796442" }, { "contents": "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant\n\n\nI Didn't Know I Was Pregnant is an American documentary television series that aired on Discovery Fit & Health and TLC. The series debuted on May 26, 2009 on Discovery Fit & Health. Each episode features two or more women who were unaware that they were pregnant until they went into labor. Frequent reasons for the subjects not recognizing pregnancy include: The series is shown on Discovery en Español and the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. TLC pulled the series from its schedule on July 15, 2011 citing low ratings. TLC", "id": "3787532" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (Australia and New Zealand)\n\n\ndocumentaries. The channel is available through Foxtel, Optus, TransTV, and SelecTV(Now defunct) in Australia. In New Zealand, National Geographic Channel is broadcast on SKY Network Television and TelstraClear InHomeTV. The National Geographic Channel in Australia has other sister channels, including Nat Geo Wild and Nat Geo People. The channels advertising sales are handled by Multi Channel Network (MCN). A high definition simulcast channel launched on 22 June 2008. On 14 November 2016, the word \"Channel\" was dropped from its name and branding,", "id": "4460690" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (Australia and New Zealand)\n\n\nNational Geographic is a subscription television network in Australia and New Zealand that features documentaries. It features programming around subjects such as nature, science, culture and history documentaries plus some reality and pseudo-scientific entertainment programming. It is the Oceanic version of the American National Geographic channel and owned by The Walt Disney Company in Australia. The National Geographic is an Australian television channel that features documentaries, many produced by the National Geographic Society. It features some programming similar to that on the Discovery Channel and History such as nature and science", "id": "4460689" }, { "contents": "Now You See It...\n\n\nNow You See It... is a 2005 Disney Channel Original Movie. The film is told from Allyson's (Aly Michalka) point of view, similar to a documentary and tells the story of what can happen when a reality TV show uncovers something that is not meant to be seen on television. Aspiring teen producer Allyson Miller (Alyson Michalka) signs up to produce a new reality show, searching for the world's greatest kid magician. Desperate to find her star, Allyson (along with adult mentor Paul, and kid", "id": "14299443" }, { "contents": "Docwest\n\n\nARMY MARCHES ON. Well, it’s happened again. Here, Joshua Oppenheimer invites unrepentant Indonesian death-squad leaders to make fiction films re-enacting their violent histories. Their cinematic dreams dissolve into nightmares and then into bitter reality. Like all great documentary, THE ACT OF KILLING demands another way of looking at reality. It is like a hall of mirrors––the so-called mise-en-abyme––where real people become characters in a movie and then jump back into reality again. And it asks the central question: what", "id": "21560045" }, { "contents": "Extreme Tourist Afghanistan\n\n\nExtreme Tourist Afghanistan is a television documentary series written, directed and presented by Sabour Bradley that explores life in Afghanistan. The series had its world premier in the UK on Current TV on 25 January 2011 and has screened in more than 150 countries around the world on channels including Nat Geo Adventure, Fox Traveler. In French-speaking territories, it is called Bienvenue Chez Les Afghans in French and was screened by Canal + and Canal Sat. The series was produced by Afghan television production company Kaboora Productions, post-produced by", "id": "15161000" }, { "contents": "John Edgar Browning\n\n\n, the supernatural, the un-dead, Bram Stoker, and gothic and cultural theory. Browning has appeared as a vampire scholar in three documentary television series: The National Geographic Channel's \"Taboo USA,\" formerly Taboo (2002 TV series), Discovery Channel's William Shatner's Weird or What?, and the seven-part AMC documentary series \"Eli Roth's History of Horror\". For his book \"Dracula in Visual Media\", Browning documented over 700 \"domestic and international Dracula films, television programs", "id": "13798778" }, { "contents": "TLC (TV network)\n\n\ntowards more mass-appeal shows. This came at a time when Discovery itself was overhauling much of its own programming, introducing shows like \"American Chopper\" (which Discovery moved to TLC for a time). Much of the old, more educationally focused programming can still be found occasionally dispersed amongst other channels owned by Discovery Communications. Most of TLC's programming today is geared towards reality-based drama or interests such as home design, emergency room or medical dramas, extreme weather, law enforcement, dating, and human", "id": "8790824" }, { "contents": "Jyllian Gunther\n\n\nseries of mini-documentaries for the series \"Design Squad\", and was director on multiple episodes of their Emmy award winning series \"Postcards From Buster\". For radio show \"This American Life\", she was reporter and co-producer on the episode “Kid Politics.” Other TV director/producer credits include: Discovery's \"A Crime To Remember\", TLC's \"Four Houses\", MTV’s \"MADE,\" The N’s \"Love High\" (an original pilot), \"TCM", "id": "6566664" }, { "contents": "International Kids Fund\n\n\nShe has had several surgeries since then to help reconstruct her face with titanium and polyethylene implants. Marlie's story also garnered international media attention. Marlie's journey was first documented on the Discovery Channel and has also been featured as an hour-long documentary on Discovery en Español's \"Extraordinary Stories. A follow-up to the original Discovery Channel documentary aired in September on TLC. International Kids Fund seeks to provide life-saving medical care to needy children from Latin America and the Caribbean who suffer from life-threatening illnesses", "id": "19437443" }, { "contents": "Skai TV\n\n\nin . Skai TV airs a diverse programming mix with a focus on entertainment and information. Programming includes comedies, dramas, current affairs shows, documentaries, and sports. Foreign programs originally made up the bulk of Skai TV's schedule but in recent years it has begun producing an increasing amount of original programs which now comprise a third of the schedule. It has programming alliances with popular foreign networks including National Geographic, Discovery Channel and the BBC and a large part of its schedule features recent and past-years documentaries. There", "id": "13750846" }, { "contents": "Discovery Channel\n\n\nprimarily on popular science, technology, and history, but by the 2010s had expanded into reality television and pseudo-scientific entertainment. Programming on the flagship Discovery Channel in the U.S. is primarily focused on reality television series, such as speculative investigation (with shows such as \"MythBusters\", \"Unsolved History\", and \"Best Evidence\"), automobiles, and occupations (such as \"Dirty Jobs\" and \"Deadliest Catch\"); it also features documentaries specifically aimed at families and younger audiences. A popular annual", "id": "1393762" }, { "contents": "DMAX (Asian TV channel)\n\n\nDMAX is a Southeast Asian pay television channel centred on broadcasting documentaries, factual-entertainment, lifestyle and reality programming TV series for male audiences. It is owned by Discovery Asia-Pacific, a division of Discovery Inc. The channel was launched in 2004 as Discovery Real Time and rebranded as Discovery Turbo in 2008. It was rebranded on 7 July 2014 as DMAX with the airing of \"American Digger\" at 6:00 AM (UTC+8). Some of its shows are also broadcast on Discovery Channel in Motor Mania every Thursday nights.", "id": "10777148" }, { "contents": "William Atwater (curator)\n\n\nAgency, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Doctor Atwater has served as a contributor to several books, including the \"Oxford Companion to American Military History\" (2000) on the topic of grenades, mortars, and land mines. He also served as a technical advisor for the book \"Black Hawk Down\". Doctor Atwater has appeared as a firearms and ordnance expert in many documentaries regarding military history on such television channels as The History Channel, TLC, Discovery Channel, and The Military Channel. One of Doctor Atwater's", "id": "10538907" }, { "contents": "WIPR-TV\n\n\nthe first Puerto Rican television station that used streaming media to broadcast programming to the internet. General Administrators for Radio and Television Services under the Department of Education Executive Directors/Presidents (CPRDP) The channel celebrated their 50th anniversary by producing a documentary focusing on their history. On July 1, 2008, TuTv renewed 150 contracts. In 2008, Puerto Rico's Public Broadcasting Station, WIPR-TV, celebrated its 50 years of broadcasting with a documentary that relived some of the best and worst moments in its history. The documentary", "id": "15163058" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (Asia)\n\n\nNational Geographic (Nat Geo Asia) is an Asian subscription television channel that features non-fiction, factual programming involving nature, science, culture and history, produced by the National Geographic Society, just like the The History Channel and the Discovery Channel. It was launched on 1 January 1994 by the partnership and distribution with STAR TV, Fox International Channels, and now Fox Networks Group is a Hong Kong-based pan-Asian satellite network owned by Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox (from 2013 to 2019), and", "id": "10556308" }, { "contents": "Television in the United States\n\n\n-and-culture-oriented channels ARTS and The Entertainment Channel, which now focuses on non-fiction programs and reality docuseries), Syfy (which focuses on science fiction and fantasy programming), Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network (which focus on children's programming, although the latter two run nighttime blocks aimed at a teen and adult audience, Nick at Nite and Adult Swim), Discovery Channel and Animal Planet (which focus on reality and documentary programs), AMC (which originally began as a classic film", "id": "1734982" }, { "contents": "Fox (Indian TV channel)\n\n\nFox is an Indian pay television channel, owned and produced by Star India. It was launched on 22 November 2008. On 2 April 2008 in New Delhi, Fox Networks Group announced that Fox channels would be entering into India. Many channels have been prepared including Fox Life, FX, Fox Crime, Cult, Speed and Voyage. Fox India did officially launch Fox Crime, Nat Geo Music, Nat Geo Adventure, Nat Geo Wild, FX, Nat Geo HD and Baby TV in India. Fox India airs many shows", "id": "21971431" }, { "contents": "Relentless Software\n\n\nusers to play virtual musical instruments. The second title \"Mutation Station\" is set in a mad scientist's lab and uses morphing of the Kinect video feed to transform players' appearances. In 2012 Relentless announced \"Kinect Nat Geo TV\" which combines National Geographic wildlife films with interactive entertainment using Kinect. After the release of Kinect Nat Geo TV, co-founder David Amor left the studio. In 2014 Relentless released Murder Files: The Enigma Express on iOS, Google Play, Google Chrome and Kindle Fire. The studio", "id": "19023869" }, { "contents": "Documentary photography\n\n\nSince the late 1990s, an increased interest in documentary photography and its longer term perspective can be observed. Nicholas Nixon extensively documented issues surrounded by American life. South African documentary photographer Pieter Hugo engaged in documenting art traditions with a focus on African communities. Antonin Kratochvil photographed a wide variety of subjects, including Mongolia's street children for the Museum of Natural History. Fazal Sheikh sought to reflect the realities of the most underprivileged peoples of different third world countries. Documentary photography generally relates to longer term projects with a more complex story", "id": "5703462" }, { "contents": "Remotely operated underwater vehicle\n\n\nevolved and vehicles have become more agile and simple-to-pilot ROVs have become popular particularly with documentary filmmakers due to their ability to access deep, dangerous, and confined areas unattainable by divers. There is no limit to how long an ROV can be submerged and capturing footage which allows for previously unseen perspectives to be gained. ROVs have been used in the filming of several documentaries including Nat Geo's Shark Men and The Dark Secrets of the Lusitania and the BBC Wildlife Special Spy in the Huddle. Due to their extensive", "id": "7259849" }, { "contents": "Atlas Media Corp.\n\n\nAtlas Media Corp. is a New York-based independent production company of non-fiction entertainment. The company was founded in 1989 by Bruce David Klein and produces television series and specials, theatrical documentaries, and digital web series for cable networks like Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, E! Network, TLC, Food Network, A&E, History, WE, GSN, DIY Network, Investigation Discovery, Style, National Geographic, BIO, SyFy, and HGTV—as well as national syndication and international distribution in over 100 markets worldwide", "id": "10570920" }, { "contents": "Frank Hurley: The Man who Made History\n\n\nrather than the investigation of supposed re-staging of historical events Antarctica that elevate \"Hurley\" to top-level TV biographical history.\" Hence, this review shows that the overall reception of the documentary recognises and praises the fact that the documentary attempts to give an impartial view of the life and work of Frank Hurley. The documentary also has a rating of 7/10 on IMDB. As a text used to analyse discovery, students are taught about how the text conveys that concept. For example, some analyses suggest that the", "id": "9549846" }, { "contents": "Dallas Police Department\n\n\nappointive ranks. On October 4, 2012, Chief David Brown created a new major rank in between captain and deputy chief. Breakdown of the makeup of the rank and file of DPD as of April 2011: The Dallas Police Department is portrayed in the 2010 Fox drama series, \"The Good Guys\", and the 2010 TLC reality TV series, \"Police Women of Dallas\". The Dallas Police Department (Homicide Unit) is portrayed in the A&E Network's documentary series entitled \"The First 48\". The department", "id": "8822645" }, { "contents": "First Week In\n\n\nFirst Week In is a documentary TV show on The Discovery Channel which features interviews and overviews about the life of three recently arrested individuals (per episode) in jail. Most of the inmates depicted in the show are in jail for their first time, earning the aptly named title. The events of the show take place over the course of 7 days, cycling between the three inmates as the show progresses. At the end of the show, there is an overview of what happened to the inmates after the events of the", "id": "1901525" }, { "contents": "What Really Happens on the Gold Coast\n\n\nWhat Really Happens on the Gold Coast is an Australian reality documentary television series that airs on the Seven Network. The series is the second spin-off of the 2014 program \"What Really Happens in Bali\", following the 2015 series \"What Really Happens in Thailand\", and is produced by the same production company McAvoy Media. The series will film Australian locals, workers and tourists in various locations on the Gold Coast, including nightclubs, hospitals and cosmetic surgery centres. It was filmed between November 2014 and January 2015", "id": "18505491" }, { "contents": "Peter Dickson (announcer)\n\n\n2011 and in 2012 he was the host of MTV's three big end-of-year video chart shows. Since 1998 Dickson has worked closely with the Discovery Channel, narrating over 250 documentaries, including the 25 part \"The FBI Files\". He has completed over 150 other documentary series for BBC Television, National Geographic Channel, Wall to Wall TV, The History Channel, Outline Productions, Adrenaline TV, Café Productions, Discovery Health, Flat Earth Films. For British Movietone. He narrated the 13 part series \"", "id": "15604707" }, { "contents": "Michio Kaku\n\n\nHistory Channel, \"Conan\", The Science Channel, The Discovery Channel, TLC, \"Countdown with Keith Olbermann\", \"The Colbert Report\", \"The Art Bell Show\" and its successor, \"Coast to Coast AM\", \"BBC World News America\", \"The Covino & Rich Show\", \"Head Rush\", \"Late Show with David Letterman\", and \"Real Time with Bill Maher\". He was interviewed for two PBS documentaries, \"The Path to Nuclear Fission: The", "id": "1193523" }, { "contents": "Sea Shepherd Conservation Society operations\n\n\nto push the ship into the ice. He also said that shortly after that, the \"Kaiko Maru\" reversed and collided deliberately into the port stern section of the \"Robert Hunter\" causing a metre-long gash in the starboard bow region. This campaign was featured in the documentary \"At the Edge of the World\". The 2007–08 Antarctic campaign was named Operation Migaloo, after the only known albino humpback in the world. This campaign was the focus of the first season of Animal Planet's reality TV series \"", "id": "21748359" }, { "contents": "Philip J Day\n\n\n\" was considered a marquee documentary for both PBS and BBC. Day established a strong relationship with American broadcasters, such as PBS the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. Day's most notable films during this period include \"Hello Mr. President\", which won him a prestigious Peabody Award and an Emmy Nomination. The eminent journalist Sir Charles Wheeler wrote and narrated the documentary on Lyndon B Johnson. The documentary spawned a multi-part TV series called 'The Whitehouse Tapes' History Channel. The prestigious series went on to win", "id": "14234099" }, { "contents": "Lost in La Mancha\n\n\nup documentary, to be titled \"He Dreamed of Giants\". It would cover the entire history of the film's making, with particular focus on what happened after the events depicted in \"Lost in La Mancha\". Pepe said that the film would be \"more introspective\" than \"Lost in La Mancha\", saying, \"This is more a film about an internal struggle in an artist’s mind. What is it like for an artist to be standing on the brink of actually finishing this project finally?", "id": "4223732" }, { "contents": "Cyrus Nowrasteh\n\n\nfrom the political left, specifically the Clintons themselves. As noted in the documentary, Disney/ABC denies this and claims the decision not to release a DVD was purely a business decision. Regarding the documentary's intention, filmmaker Ziegler stated, \"... the point of my documentary is not to 'blame' 9/11 on Bill Clinton. We just want to expose the real history that led to the attacks and correct the historical record about what happened to this film so that we can help prevent this from happening again in the", "id": "5440065" }, { "contents": "TLC (Asian TV channel)\n\n\nTLC is a Southeast Asian pay television channel that was launched in June 2005 as Discovery Travel & Adventure. It was the third channel launched by Discovery, Inc. in the region. It was initially focused on providing travel-related entertainment. On January 1, 2005, the channel was rebranded as Discovery Travel & Living and received new programming. This was part of a major action within Discovery Networks International to focus on lifestyle programming. The new schedules featured many cooking programmes and makeover shows. On 1 September 2010, the channel", "id": "2453525" }, { "contents": "90 Day Fiancé\n\n\n90 Day Fiancé is an American documentary series/reality tv series on TLC that follows couples who have applied for or received a K-1 visa (available uniquely to foreign fiancés of American citizens) and therefore have 90 days to decide to marry before the visas of the foreign half of the couple expire and they must leave the United States. It debuted on January 12, 2014. First, the petitioner must meet the beneficiary inside or outside the USA and then file a I-129F petition with evidence of meeting and of a relationship.", "id": "4966972" }, { "contents": "PB&J Television\n\n\nPB&J Television, also known as PB&J TV, is a television production company based in Santa Monica, California, USA. PB&J was started in 2004 by Julie Pizzi and Patty Ivins. Ivins has been working in reality television and news/documentary since 1996, and Pizzi since 1998. PB&J Television has executive produced NBC’s \"\", \"L.A. Riding Club\" for TLC, Showtime’s \"Reversal of Fortune\", Style’s \"The Modern Girl’s Guide to Life\", and CMT’s \"Pageant School: Becoming", "id": "8257669" }, { "contents": "Trump: What's the Deal?\n\n\nTrump: What's the Deal? is an American documentary film about Donald Trump's business projects, finances, and relationships. The documentary film was made for television, but was never broadcast. It was screened in 1991 and released online in 2015. In 1988, work on the documentary film started. It was intended as the first part of a television series about rich and famous Americans. In 1989, the producers were unable to find a TV station that would broadcast the documentary film after syndicator LBS Communications pulled out.", "id": "16680083" }, { "contents": "War Photographer\n\n\nin the history of documentary films about photographers, thanks to a small camera attached to James’ body, the director reflects a real look into the work of a photojournalist. A photo is not just an image; it is a trace of reality, an experience captured, a moment. Photography is an art that gives importance to events and makes them worth remembering. It is about telling the reality; about showing what other people are not able to see, to make them aware of it through the images they receive from", "id": "10804427" }, { "contents": "Global Reality Channel\n\n\nand Global's reality channel efforts. This would result in MTS as the only remaining distributor of the channel, assuming no other distributors begin carrying the channel. Following the upfronts and Rogers announcement, speculation and online gossip, citing various sources, arose stating that Global Reality Channel would be ceasing operations on August 1, 2012. Despite Rogers' initial intention to launch Nat Geo Wild in August, only days later in early June, Rogers added Nat Geo Wild without replacing Global Reality Channel. On August 1, 2012, MTS", "id": "6857283" }, { "contents": "Hathway\n\n\n, Zee Studio, Zee Cinema, Ten HD, Star Plus, Colors HD, Star World, CNBC, NGC, Discovery, Travel XP, M Tunes HD, UTV Stars, Star Gold, History Channel, Zee TV and Nat Geo Wild. Hathway Broadband Internet was one of the earliest cable ISP services in Indian cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Indore, Bhopal, Lucknow and Kolkata. As of 2013, The maximum speed provided is up to 50 Mbit/s. It uses Cisco Systems's Docsis 3 technology in", "id": "11891320" }, { "contents": "Tanyalee Davis\n\n\nwas featured in a few British-produced programmes such as Sky TV's documentary of the making of \"Abnormally Funny People\" as well as ITV's \"SuperHuman: World's Smallest People\" (which also aired on TLC in the US). Her extensive spinal surgery was a focus in this show. On 28 August 2013, she appeared as a special guest on the live comedy Paralympics show \"The Last Leg\", discussing Jim Davidson's comments about \"midgets\". In 2015 she appeared on two major UK", "id": "2065990" }, { "contents": "TLC (Dutch TV channel)\n\n\nTLC is a Dutch television channel which broadcasts lifestyle programmes. It airs programmes related to lifestyle, health, food, and reality shows. Its main target is the female audience. Discovery Benelux launched the channel on 4 July 2011. TLC initially aired from 6pm till 2am on the standard-definition channel of Animal Planet making this a time-sharing channel in the Netherlands. On 1 October 2012 TLC extended its air time from 3pm till 2am. TLC became a 24-hours channel on 8 January 2013. An", "id": "1998898" }, { "contents": "Liz Tucker\n\n\nMonte Carlo TV Festival; shortlisted at the Broadcast Awards and at the Televisual BullDog Awards. This documentary followed one family in crisis over four years as they struggled to come to terms with the father Steve Isaac's terminal illness - motor neurone disease (known as ALS in North America). Tucker's other films include programmes made for the BBC, Channel 5, Channel 4, WGBH, Discovery and TLC, which have been broadcast in over 100 countries. Some of Tucker's best known films include: \"Archimedes’ Secret", "id": "12711768" }, { "contents": "David Hartman (TV personality)\n\n\nbelief that each of us can affect our lives in a positive way, that our program was, we hoped, a public service.\" Hartman has been an anchor and host of a series of documentaries on the Discovery Channel and PBS member station WNET in New York City. Produced by James Nicoloro, the PBS documentaries are a series of \"Walk Through\" documentaries about various communities around New York City, which include \"A Walk Down 42nd Street\" (August 1998), \"A Walk Up Broadway\" (March", "id": "4188274" }, { "contents": "KRCR-TV\n\n\nofficial date when full-power television stations in the United States transitioned from analog to digital broadcasts under federal mandate. The station's digital signal relocated from UHF channel 34 to VHF channel 7. In the fall of 1995, Continental Cablevision of Mt. Shasta (now part of Northland Communications) filmed, produced and broadcast a 30-minute documentary special called \"What Makes News Channel 7?\" as part of its newsmagazine series \"In Focus: Siskiyou Magazine\". It took a look behind the scenes at what went on at the", "id": "10341881" }, { "contents": "Bruce David Klein\n\n\n. In 2011, Klein wrote and directed the TV movie \"Who Killed Chandra Levy?\" for TLC. In Fall 2016, the Klein-produced theatrical documentary \"Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened\" directed by Lonny Price, Executive Produced by Scott Rudin, and featuring Stephen Sondheim, Hal Prince, Jason Alexander, Mandy Patinkin and others was an official selection of the New York Film Festival. The film was released in theaters on November 18, 2016 to rave reviews -- Entertainment Weekly called it \"A Triumph", "id": "6069060" }, { "contents": "Brian Kraft\n\n\nnot a fan of reality TV but I am obsessed with documentary film and documentary TV. This is more about that. The show is really very moving. They did a great job at following my ugly mug around, watching me work with people who really wanted to be better human beings. It’s amazing what a person can accomplish when they realize they are not their egos, when they realize they are co-creators. The show isn’t about being successful as much as it is about connecting with natural law,", "id": "8426862" }, { "contents": "City in Fear (TV series)\n\n\nCity In Fear is a 10-episode documentary television programme produced by 44 Blue Productions in the United States for the television station MSNBC. This documentary investigates many violent events that shocked communities across the US in modern history, such as the 1993 Waco Siege, the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, the Beltway sniper attacks and the Los Angeles riots of 1992. It reveals the events that led up to each case; the causes of the events, as well as the aftermath and how it affected the community. It also investigated whether each", "id": "4083140" }, { "contents": "TLC (TV network)\n\n\nHome and Leisure and later Discovery Real Time as part of Discovery's slate of themed channels. TLC relaunched in the UK and the Republic of Ireland on April 30, 2013. TLC Romania was launched on 20 January 2011, replacing the European version of Discovery Travel & Living in this country. In early 2013 the channel launched in Bulgaria. In November, 2016, TLC began to appear free, before that TLC was payment channel in Finland. In November, 2011, TLC Portugal debuted on ZON TV (now NOS TV", "id": "8790833" }, { "contents": "What Really Happens in Thailand\n\n\nWhat Really Happens in Thailand is an Australian reality documentary television series that airs on the Seven Network. The program was first announced at the network's upfronts in 2014. The series is a spin-off of the 2014 program \"What Really Happens in Bali\" and produced by the same production company McAvoy Media. The series films the activities and situations of Australian tourists and expats in various locations throughout Thailand, including nightclubs, hospitals and cosmetic surgery centres. The series premiered in Australia on the Seven Network on 14 September 2015", "id": "15873440" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (American TV channel)\n\n\ncontent involving nature, science, culture, and history, plus some reality and pseudo-scientific entertainment programming. Its primary sister network worldwide, including the United States, is Nat Geo Wild, which focuses on animal-related programming, including the popular \"Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan\". As of February 2015, National Geographic is available to approximately 86,144,000 pay television households (74% of households with television) in the United States. In the United States, the National Geographic Channel launched on January 12, 2001 as", "id": "2859498" }, { "contents": "Russian Travel Guide\n\n\n-before-seen documentaries available only on RTG TV, viewers can take part in challenging breakthroughs in the discovery of unexplored locations. RTG TV has twice been awarded as Best Documentary Channel. The cable TV operators of Europe, Russia and CIS countries are showing very high levels of interest in RTG TV, and over 500 of them have already included the channel in their networks. RTG TV broadcasts 24 hours a day. Premium content, updated weekly, brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives covering the following subjects: nature, the", "id": "15562036" }, { "contents": "Medstar Television\n\n\nwhich premiered on TLC in April 1995. (IMDB program listing) It was the first reality based forensic series on television and used a 'murder mystery' approach to documentary storytelling. In 2000 the Medical Detectives series moved to the CourtTV network (now TruTV) where it was re-titled \"Forensic Files\" and quickly became the networks highest rated television series. Internationally, the series was sold to stations and networks in over 142 countries where it remains enormously popular. Peter Thomas narrates the series which is still in production", "id": "12922537" }, { "contents": "Gideon Levy (Dutch journalist)\n\n\nis mostly active as an investigative journalist and programme maker. He makes documentaries for the Dutch public broadcaster AVRO on controversial subjects. Since 2010 he works with the TV production company BlazHoffski, producing documentaries such as \"Brandende Kwesties\" and a series on Israeli history, \"Israël: tussen droom en werkelijkheid\" (\"Israel: between dream and reality\"). The documentaries Levy works on are often on controversial subjects such as patents in the pharmaceutical industry, Israel, doping in bicycle racing, bonuses in the banking industry etc", "id": "2882941" }, { "contents": "Reality television\n\n\ndocusoap\" and \"docudrama\". Documentary-style programs give viewers a private look into the lives of the subjects. Within documentary-style reality television are several subcategories or variants: Although the term \"docusoap\" has been used for many documentary-style reality television shows, there have been shows that have deliberately tried to mimic the appearance and structure of soap operas. Such shows often focus on a close-knit group of people and their shifting friendships and romantic relationships. One highly influential such series was the American 2004–2006", "id": "17629710" }, { "contents": "National Geographic (American TV channel)\n\n\nNational Geographic Channels International and 21st Century Fox. It is aimed at younger audiences, providing programming based around outdoor adventure, travel and stories involving people having fun while exploring the world in Tamil Regional Language Nat Geo Mundo is broadcast in American Spanish, and was launched in 2011. It shares programming with the Nat Geo Channel available in Hispanic American countries. Nat Geo TV is a application for smartphones and tablet computers, along with Windows 10. It allows subscribers of participating pay television providers (such as Time Warner Cable and Comcast", "id": "2859503" }, { "contents": "Nat Geo Wild\n\n\nNational Geographic Wild (shortened as Nat Geo Wild and abbreviated NGW) is a global pay television network owned by National Geographic Partners, a joint venture between The Walt Disney Company (73%) and the National Geographic Society (27%). The channel primarily focuses on wildlife and natural history non-fiction programming. It is a sister network to National Geographic TV. The channel first launched in Hong Kong on 1 January 2006. It later launched in the United Kingdom, Turkey, Ireland, Romania, India, Vietnam", "id": "706392" } ]
Why did infantry soldiers make a square formation against cavalry?
[{"answer": "A well disciplined square formation was absolutely very effective against cavalry (although by no means immune) but only if done right. First, there's no flank or rear to attack, which is the ideal tactic when using cavalry. In a square formation, all your weapons are facing outward. Second, horses have the same self preservation instinct as humans but without military training, and and such, they won't willing run into volley fire or a wall of bayonets. A well timed square could catch a cavalry charge off guard and take large numbers of them out with volley fire and impale the rest with bayonets. The flip side is that a poorly timed or executed square could quickly turn into a death trap. If the square formed too early or didn't time their fire correctly, the cavalry could regroup at a safe distance and harass them back with their own fire. Worse, infantry support could surround the square and attack or hold them in place under artillery fire."}, {"answer": "The advantage that cavalry has over infantry is in speed and mobility. A square formation helps counter this in two way - It's hard to flank - if the cavalry attempts to go around and attack on the side, the essentially encountering another front - Because it's several lines deep it can't be charged over (and allow the cavalry to return for a second charge). The horses get \"bogged\" down and are easier to fight back against. Cavalry was usually still going to be much more effective against infantry in almost any situation though."}, {"answer": "It was very effective against unsupported cavalry. At Waterloo, for example, French cavalry fruitlessly tried attacking allied/British infantry in squares for an extended period of time. Forming a square was a purely anti-cavalry tactic, as it had weaknesses, but it worked for at least three reasons (this list is probably not exhaustive): 1. As others have pointed out, there is no flank and all fronts. 2. Horses will not charge into things. 3. Squares are much more densly packed with arms than cavalry. In order, cavalry charging out of where you did not expect them to come and hitting your flanks or rear is an infantry nightmare. Squares prevent this by making sure there are no flanks. Wherever the cavalry is, it is facing an infantry front. This is no fun for the cavalrymen. And unlike what some will have you believe, horses will not charge into things. They will no more run madly into a wall of bayonets and musket fire than you will run into a wall unflinchingly. Anyone who has ever been on a horse will know this. The nearest thing to this happening was at Garc\u00eda Hern\u00e1ndez in 1812 when a mortally wounded horse stumbled into a square like a ram and thrashes about (opening the path to other cavalry which charged into the square and - unsurprisingly - had a field day as all the enemy were suddenly showing their rear). Finally, the firepower and bayonets of a square made it almost impenetrable to cavalry. Squares at Waterloo were mostly four ranks deep. The first rank would kneel and plant the musket butt in the ground, with fixed bayonets, creating a wall of spears. The other ranks were free to fire. The infantrymen would stand more or less shoulder to shoulder, many deep, meaning there were a lot of musekts and bayonets pr yard of square front. The cavalry, on the other hand, would ride about outside the square, needing room to manouvre, with considerable space between the horses, all the time sitting on an unstable platform (the horse moving about) whilst the infantry was densely packed and standing on firm ground. The disparity in volume of fire over the fronts of the squares was tremendous, meaning for every carbine or pistol the cavalrymen could fire at the square, many, many times that number of muskets would fire back. The weakness of the square was if it was broken, which it sometimes was when infantry panicked, it was done for. Then it became a death trap. Interestingly, in the movie Waterloo (1970) which was filmed with Red Army extras in huge numbers both as infantry and cavalry, you can in some scenes see squares disintegrating. These were extras in a movie - perfectly safe- but apparently the experience was still scary enough to break them. The real thing must have been very tough going. The other problem was the density. If cavalry was supported by infantry or artillery, the cavalry could force the enemy to maintain a square and then artillery would have a field day with an enemy presenting a perfect target. This was much of the reason for horse artillery, which could keep up with cavalry and help it defeat infantry squares. Or supporting infantry would be able to deploy in line and overwhelm the square with more efficient infantry tactics (essentially having all the infantry face one side of the enemy square, where three quarters of the square would be unable to use their weapons against them)."}, {"answer": "There are a lot of answers about why a square is good. Why didn't they use circles?"}, {"answer": "Cavalry moves much faster than infantry, so it can always out-maneuver infantry and attack from the weakest side. A square equalizes the firepower in all directions so there is no 'weakest side'. (Note: a mathematician might quibble with using a square, but you also need a formation that can be easily assumed by infantrymen jostling in relation to one another). The reason they used the square was that it was effective. Firearms were very inaccurate, so you really needed mass volley fire to do much good. If you had a situation where isolated infantrymen were put up against cavalry, they normally wouldn't be able to do much because the cavalry could close faster than they'd be able to land a lucky shot."}, {"answer": "Some great answers below. I would like to add: - Forming square is a 100% commit manoeuvre. If you do it, it's because your forced into making it. Commanders would of been reluctant to form square if the enemy has accurate artillery and voltiguers (skirmishers) that are able to engage the square at will, picking off members of the lines and reducing the effectiveness of the square. - If your infantry are in square, they are not able to move. If they cannot move, they cannot help other formations in distress on the battlefield. - Squares are best formed with OTHER squares. One square on its own will not hold for very long and will wither under fire and constant attack by skirmishers and artillery. You need 3 or 4 squares to be close to each other, and have ENVELOPING fields of fire, so that they dont hit each other when firing at moving targets. The object of this stratagem is to force enemy cavalry to charge through the gaps between the squares and get picked off. The volume of fire from one square is large. The volume of fire from FOUR is ridiculous and would almost certainly kill large numbers of cavalry attempting to penetrate the squares. - A skillfull commander will attempt to destroy enemy infantry by keeping cavalry on their flanks but not engaging. The threat of a charge by heavy curaissiers or dragoons would be enough for an opposing commander to form square. If he kept his troops in line or column, they would be devastated by a cavalry charge and would result in huge casualties. Once the infantry were in square, he could wheel his artillery into position with impunity and rain hell on infantry squares. - Squares were sitting ducks for artillery, particularly chained cannonballs. They were fired not directly at the squares, but aimed to land just infront, so the chained balls bounced and then ripped through a square. The first rank would be crippled or killed outright, the second rank severely injured and the ranks behind badly hurt. The cannonball bounces through the square and into the backs of the men behind, ploughing through their ranks aswell. - The only way to counter artillery firing on your squares was to charge them with your own cavalry or use your own guns to batter theirs, which is very difficult. Their guns will almost always be in range of your squares but out of range of your guns, so you must put your guns at risk of being either charged by cavalry or pounded by enemy cannon whilst they setup. - So infantry squares, whilst very effective against fighting cavalry on the battlefield, are not without their drawbacks. Sometimes, forming square can be detrimental to the mobility of your forces and cause armies to commit to ground where they cannot engage the enemy and win."}, {"answer": "Imagine someone wants to punch a hole in your wall. What do you do to stop them? Infantry squares make walls thicker and spiky, so there is no weak point for cavalry to punch through. The horses stall out at the pike line, and now you have to reach down and try to kill one of the 8 dudes with 6' long spears stabbing at you with your 4' long sword. Cavalry really depended on punching through time and again, and died quickly if forced to fight a proper line battle."}, {"answer": "But its not just a square, its many squares and how they are positioned in relation to each other in checkerboard fashion and the topography. Wellington troops formed many squares and the French cavalry had to maneuver between them limiting the area it could maneuver and placing the cavalry in a cross fire situation. No matter in what direction the cavalry traveled it was under fire and the squares were hidden behind a rise in the battlefield."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4538064", "title": "Line (formation)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The line formation is a standard tactical formation which was used in early modern warfare. It continued the phalanx formation or shield wall of infantry armed with polearms in use during antiquity and the Middle Ages. The line formation provided the best frontage for volley fire, while sacrificing maneuverability and defence against cavalry. It came to the fore during the Age of Reason, when it was used to great effect by Frederick the Great and his enemies during the Seven Years' War. An infantry battalion would form \"in line\" by placing", "The line formation is a standard tactical formation which was used in early modern warfare. It continued the phalanx formation or shield wall of infantry armed with polearms in use during antiquity and the Middle Ages. The line formation provided the best frontage for volley fire, while sacrificing maneuverability and defence against cavalry. It came to the fore during the Age of Reason, when it was used to great effect by Frederick the Great and his enemies during the Seven Years' War. An infantry battalion would form \"in line\" by placing"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Napoleonic tactics\n\n\nditches, fences, and trees on the battlefield. The line formation also fell prey to cavalry charges since the horses could cover the final while only receiving a single volley of fire from the infantry. The third formation, known as infantry square, used 4-6 ranks in depth with a square or rectangular shape to protect infantry from cavalry charges with the goal of not presenting the rear or sides of the soldiers to cavalry. The unit could move in square, but the square model proved slower than a column and more", "id": "15697924" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\nHistorically an infantry square, also known as a hollow square, is a combat formation an infantry unit forms in close order usually when threatened with cavalry attack. With the development of modern firearms and the demise of cavalry this formation is now considered obsolete. The formation was described by Plutarch and used by the Romans, and was developed from an earlier circular formation. In particular, a large infantry square was utilized by the Roman legions at the Battle of Carrhae against Parthia, whose armies contained a large proportion of cavalry. This", "id": "12400822" }, { "contents": "Line infantry\n\n\nfundamental battle formation as it allowed for the largest deployment of firepower. Troops in skirmish formation, though able to take cover and use initiative, were highly vulnerable to cavalry and could not hold ground against advancing infantry columns. Line infantry provided an 'anchor' for skirmishers and cavalry to retreat to if threatened. Against surrounding enemy cavalry, line infantry could swiftly adopt square formations to provide protection. Such squares were hollow (consisting of four lines), unlike the pikemen's and old-style musketeers' square. Movement in", "id": "21701775" }, { "contents": "Battle of Tours\n\n\n, with winter approaching. 'Abd-al-Raḥmân trusted in the tactical superiority of his cavalry and had them charge repeatedly. In one of the few instances where medieval infantry stood up against cavalry charges, the disciplined Frankish soldiers withstood the assaults, though according to Arab sources, the Arab cavalry broke into the Frankish square several times. Despite this, the Franks did not break. The well-trained Frankish soldiers accomplished what was not thought possible at that time: infantry withstanding a heavy cavalry charge. Paul Davis says", "id": "2632746" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\nis not to be confused with the testudo formation, which also resembled a square, but was used for protection against ranged weapons such as arrows. The Han Empire's mounted infantry forces effectively utilized tactics involving highly mobile infantry square formations in conjunction with light cavalry in their many engagements against the primarily cavalry Xiongnu nomad armies in the 1st century AD. Infantry squares were used in the siege of the nomads' mountain settlements near the Gobi region, where Han forces repelled nomad lancer attacks. The square was revived in the 14th century", "id": "12400823" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\nthe infantry to form square, but the closely packed infantrymen would then become targets for the artillery - the cohesion of the square would break under their fire, making it much easier for the cavalry to press home the attack. Combined attacks by infantry and cavalry would also have the same effect - the defending infantry unit would be placed in the difficult position of either forming square and being shot to pieces by the attacking infantry (which would usually be in line formation), or being ridden down by the cavalry if it decided", "id": "12400832" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\narranged in a checkerboard formation to minimize the chances of soldiers from one square accidentally shooting another. At Waterloo (1815) the four-rank squares of the Allied forces withstood eleven cavalry charges (unsupported by either horse artillery or infantry). At Lützen (1813), despite infantry and light artillery support, Allied cavalry charges failed to break green French troops. Similarly, impressive infantry efforts were seen at Jena-Auerstedt (1806), Pultusk (1806), Fuentes de Oñoro (1811) and first Battle of Krasnoi", "id": "12400828" }, { "contents": "Early modern warfare\n\n\nfire. Square - This formation was used against cavalry. Bayonets would be fixed, the first line would kneel with their muskets angled upward (much like a pike.) The second and third lines would fire at the cavalry when it came close. This formation was very ineffective when faced with combined cavalry and infantry, or artillery fire in the case of plain squares. Skirmishers - Skirmishers were not a common infantry unit until late in the 18th Century. Light infantry would advance and be the first to fire to draw the", "id": "15733842" }, { "contents": "Cavalry\n\n\ncharges by up to 9,000 French cavalrymen failed to break the line of the British and German infantry, who had formed squares. Massed infantry was deadly to cavalry, but offered an excellent target for artillery. Once the bombardment had disordered the infantry formation, cavalry were able to rout and pursue the scattered foot soldiers. It was not until individual firearms gained accuracy and improved rates of fire that cavalry was diminished in this role as well. Even then light cavalry remained an indispensable tool for scouting, screening the army's movements,", "id": "6976308" }, { "contents": "Praecepta Militaria\n\n\nboth infantry and cavalry. Three aspects of battle have particular attention paid to them: how infantry were to defend against cavalry, how the \"kataphraktoi\" were to attack infantry, and how an army should pursue a defeated enemy. The standard infantry formation described in the treatise is a hollow square with intervals purposely placed in the lines of heavy infantry so that cavalry could enter or exit the square. The intervals were protected by light infantry, such as javeliners, slingers, and archers, who would engage and disrupt approaching enemies", "id": "5658531" }, { "contents": "Coalition forces of the Napoleonic Wars\n\n\nfire their rifles at once. While the line formation worked well in engagements with infantry, it was very vulnerable whenever the enemy employed cavalry to attack the formation from the rear or at force, causing chaos and horrendous casualties. In the event of cavalry involvement, battalions would therefore hasten to reorganise their lines to square formation to cover their back against a much more mobile force. The square formation seems to have been the best protection against cavalry as horses were very reluctant to push into a row of bayonets three or more lines", "id": "5342725" }, { "contents": "Roman infantry tactics\n\n\nRoman heavy infantry, through their training and discipline, and operating in conjunction with light foot and cavalry, could quickly adopt a number of methods and formations depending on the situation. These range from the Testudo formation during siege warfare, to a hollow square against cavalry attack, to mixed units of heavy foot, horse and light infantry against guerrillas in Spain, to the classic \"triple line\" or checkerboard patterns. Against more sophisticated opponents the Romans also showed great flexibility at times, such as the brilliant adjustments Scipio made against", "id": "8749063" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\n(August 14, 1812). If a square was broken, as happened at Rio Seco (1808), the infantry could suffer many casualties, although brave and well-disciplined infantry could recover even from this disaster. Attacking cavalry would attempt to \"break a square\" by causing it to lose its cohesion, either by charging to induce poorly disciplined infantry to flee before making contact, or by causing casualties through close-range combat (see above). Cavalry charges were made in closely packed formations, and were", "id": "12400829" }, { "contents": "Battle of Benburb\n\n\nmeaning that they outreached them and were \"better to pierce\". At this point, the fatigue of the British soldiers told against them and they were gradually pushed backwards until their formation collapsed in on itself. The Confederate infantry then broke Monro's disordered formation with a musket volley at point-blank range and fell in amongst them with swords and \"scians\" (Irish long knives). Monro and his cavalry fled the scene, as, shortly after, did his infantry. A great many of them were cut down", "id": "16176355" }, { "contents": "Battle of Waterloo\n\n\nthe French cavalry and artillery was not impressive. The French artillery did not get close enough to the Anglo-allied infantry in sufficient numbers to be decisive. Artillery fire between charges did produce mounting casualties, but most of this fire was at relatively long range and was often indirect, at targets beyond the ridge. If infantry being attacked held firm in their square defensive formations, and were not panicked, cavalry on their own could do very little damage to them. The French cavalry attacks were repeatedly repelled by the steadfast infantry", "id": "4022630" }, { "contents": "Jean Danjou\n\n\ncompany was on its way, with three officers and 62 men. At 7 a.m., after a march, it stopped at Palo Verde to rest. Soon after, a Mexican force of 2,000 soldiers (800 cavalry and 1,200 infantry) was spotted. Danjou had the company take up a square formation and, even though retreating, he drove back several cavalry charges, inflicting the first heavy losses on the enemy. Looking for a more defensible position, Danjou decided to make a stand at the nearby Hacienda Camarón, an inn", "id": "6298822" }, { "contents": "Close order formation\n\n\nthe center, along with reserve forces. This formation enabled the defenders to fire on cavalry on all sides of the formation, although there was some risk that fire from one square might reach other squares formed nearby. The effectiveness of a square depended on the ability of the infantry to hold their ground against cavalry charges. During the 19th century, advances in firearms technology rendered the use of close formations obsolete. Widespread use of rifled guns (including cannons), and the advent of reliable breech-loading weapons and automated weapons", "id": "15611597" }, { "contents": "Cavalry tactics\n\n\nor, in Britain, harquebusier). Modern historians regard the caracole as a tactical system that ultimately proved ineffective. It sacrificed the cavalry advantages of speed and mobility, while also leaving mounted soldiers at a disadvantage to massed infantry equipped with heavier and longer-ranged weapons. The caracole gave way to close artillery support (see Horse artillery), deployed to break up the infantry formations and force the foot soldiers to scatter, so that the cavalry would regain their advantage in close-quarters combat. Contemporary writers did not seem", "id": "12882370" }, { "contents": "Heavy infantry\n\n\ncounter heavy cavalry. Swiss pikeman militia formations resembled ancient Greek warfare and hoplite forces. Despite similarities with Greek phalanx formation the Swiss showed more offensive posture during battles. The Swiss soldiers wore only steel caps and breastplates for protection. They were armed with halberds, which allowed footmen to pull cavalry soldiers from their mounts. The Swiss did also use drums to control formations. One additional factor that lessened heavy cavalry's role on the battlefield, despite innovations such as stirrup, were the inventions of longbow and crossbow after the eleventh century", "id": "4038013" }, { "contents": "Michel Ney\n\n\nto his aid at Quatre Bras. Without d'Erlon's corps blocking the Prussians' line of retreat, the French victory at Ligny was not complete, and the Prussians were not routed. At Waterloo Ney again commanded the left wing of the army. At around 3:30 p.m., Ney ordered a mass cavalry charge against the Anglo-Allied line. Ney's cavalry overran the enemy cannons but found the infantry formed in cavalry-proof square formations. Ney, without infantry or artillery support, failed to break the squares. The action", "id": "7131471" }, { "contents": "Ancient Macedonian army\n\n\nbattle. Although the Companion cavalry is largely regarded as the first real shock cavalry of Antiquity, it seems that Alexander was very wary of using it against well-formed infantry, as attested by Arrian in his account of the battle against the Malli, an Indian tribe he faced after Hydaspes. There, Alexander did not dare assault the dense infantry formation with his cavalry, but rather waited for his infantry to arrive, while he and his cavalry harassed their flanks. It is a common mistake to portray the Companion cavalry as", "id": "2161709" }, { "contents": "Carl Gustav Rehnskiöld\n\n\nthird of his infantry. At the same time, the Swedish cavalry had chased the Russian cavalry past the field camp and further north. The Russian cavalry were close to being driven off towards a deep sink in the terrain covered by stony wetlands, when Rehnskiöld ordered the Swedish cavalry to interrupt the hunt and re-assemble with the infantry. At nine o'clock, the Russian infantry marched out from the fortified camp and formed into battle formation. Prior to the final battle, 4,000 Swedish soldiers gathered in a line against 22,000 Russian", "id": "13854403" }, { "contents": "Close order formation\n\n\nincreased use in the late 18th century. Fortifications were designed to break up formations (reducing the effectiveness of volley fire), or to expose them to enfilading fire. In the latter, an enemy who could fire down the length of a line with an inaccurate weapon (or cannons loaded with anti-personnel grapeshot) greatly increased his chances of hitting something. Another formation that saw use was the infantry square. Designed as a defense against cavalry charges, an infantry battalion would form a square with the unit's standard in", "id": "15611596" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\n; the resulting casualties to the attackers would eventually form piles of dead and wounded horses and their riders which would obstruct further attacks. Undisciplined or early fire by the infantry would be ineffective against the attacking cavalry and leave the foot soldiers with empty muskets. The cavalrymen could then approach to very short range while the infantry was reloading, where they could fire at the infantry with their pistols, slash at them with sabres or stab them with lances (if they were so equipped.) Firing too late (with cavalry within 20", "id": "12400826" }, { "contents": "4th Army (Kingdom of Yugoslavia)\n\n\nofficers and 10 percent of the soldiers having reported for duty. Detachment \"Ormozki\" was an adhoc formation based on the headquarters of the 1st Cavalry Brigade, with an infantry regiment attached from the 32nd Infantry Division \"Triglavski\", and two cavalry regiments and a squadron of cavalry artillery attached from the 1st Cavalry Division. On 6 April, it was concentrating in the Ormož area, as follows: The 39th Infantry Regiment was later transferred to the 42nd ID, leaving Detachment \"Ormozki\" predominantly as a cavalry formation. The", "id": "2183889" }, { "contents": "Battle of Salamanca\n\n\na bayonet charge. Thomières was killed. Seeing British cavalry in the area, Maucune formed his division into squares, the standard formation to receive a mounted attack, but a poor choice when defending against infantry. With their two-deep line, Leith's 5th Division easily defeated Maucune in a musketry duel. As the French foot soldiers fell back, Cotton ordered John Le Marchant's heavy brigade (5th Dragoon Guards, 3rd and 4th Dragoons) to attack them. The left wing of the French army were on the point", "id": "21558661" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\nmetres), although more effective in hitting the targets, could result in a fatally wounded horse tumbling into the infantry ranks and creating a gap, permitting the surviving horsemen to enter the square and break it up from within. While it was vital for squares to stand firm in the face of a charge, they were not static formations. Astute commanders could, in suitable terrain, manoeuvre squares to mass fire and even trap cavalry, as the French managed against the Ottomans at Mount Tabor (1799). Squares would be", "id": "12400827" }, { "contents": "Napoleonic tactics\n\n\nvulnerable to musket and cannon fire, so if enemy infantry were a more proximate threat than cavalry, the unit would shift from square to line formation. A fourth formation, considered a specialty of the French Army, was l'ordre mixte, a mix of line and column used for pressing an attack against enemy infantry. It had some of the \"weight\" of the column formation for pushing through an opposing line, but some companies in line formation to offset some of the column formation's vulnerability to fire. However this was", "id": "15697925" }, { "contents": "Battle of Arzobispo\n\n\nHussars, but this effort collapsed and the Spanish cavalry scattered with their French counterparts in full pursuit. Seeing their cavalry supports routed, Bassecourt's infantry formations melted away. Retreating across the hills, the Spanish foot soldiers got away with few additional casualties. The chase ended when the French cavalry encountered one infantry and one cavalry division of Cuesta's army drawn up in battle formation across the Valdelacasa road. The Spanish suffered 800 killed and wounded plus 600 soldiers captured. Also taken by the French were 400 horses, 16 artillery pieces", "id": "7224576" }, { "contents": "Sharpe's Waterloo\n\n\nFrench cavalry at the ridge, where they are met by British infantry in square formation and unable to attack. Sharpe and Harper take shelter in the square formed by the Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers. The French cavalry are largely wasted in repeated fruitless attacks on the squares, but enough of them remain in the valley floor to force the British to remain in square, which makes them prime targets when the French artillery commence fire again, taking a dreadful toll. Orange, for the third time, causes his men (", "id": "11653959" }, { "contents": "Battle of Tegyra\n\n\nTheban soldier, upon seeing the enemy force, said to Pelopidas \"We are fallen into our enemies' hands,\" to which Pelopidas replied \"And why not they into ours?\" Pelopidas then ordered the Theban cavalry to charge while the infantry formed up into an abnormally dense formation. When the two phalanxes came together, the compact Theban formation broke through the Spartan line at the point of contact, then turned to attack the vulnerable flanks of the Spartans to either side. The Spartan force broke and fled, although the", "id": "15915746" }, { "contents": "Carl Gustav Rehnskiöld\n\n\nattack. The opposing forces at Poltava comprised about 16,000 Swedish soldiers and 40,000 Russian. Rehnskiöld replaced the King as commander-in-chief; Lewenhaupt commanded the infantry and Major-General Carl Gustaf Creutz the cavalry. The battle plan was constructed by Rehnskiöld in consultation with the King, while Gyllenkrok established the formation plan. The 8,170 strong Swedish infantry was divided into four columns, which would carry out a surprise attack against the Russian redoubts before dawn and bypass them. The 7,800 strong Swedish cavalry would follow the infantry, divided", "id": "13854398" }, { "contents": "Battle of Mormant\n\n\n(minus Subervie's brigade) in the first line, Gabriel Gaspard Montelégier's brigade in the second and Denis Éloi Ludot's in the third. Successive charges by Piré and Montelégier broke Rüdiger's squadrons and chased them off the battlefield with the French light cavalry in pursuit. Milhaud directed Montelégier to deal with the Russian infantry while sending Ludot on a sweep to block Pahlen's escape route. Without its supporting cavalry, Pahlen's infantry battalions were compelled to form into a square formation to defend against cavalry. Antoine Drouot aggressively pushed", "id": "2010" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\nthe colonial wars, a British square held out for two days in a remote area near Lake Victoria, fighting off assaults by French-armed native troops until reinforcements arrived. On 7 February 1857, during the Anglo-Persian War, Indian cavalry successfully attacked and broke a Persian square in the Battle of Khushab. Only twenty of the five hundred soldiers in the square escaped. During the Anglo-Zulu War, after the Battle of Isandlwana where the Zulu nation's warriors overwhelmed the British colonial force's poorly fortified linear formation", "id": "12400835" }, { "contents": "Battle of Aliwal\n\n\nBritish and Indian cavalry brigade, led by the 16th Lancers, charged and dispersed them. The 16th Lancers then attacked a large body of Sikh infantry. These were battalions organised and trained in contemporary European fashion by Neapolitan mercenary, Paolo Di Avitabile. They formed square to establish a strong front against a cavalry charge, as most European armies did. Nevertheless, the 16th Lancers broke the square. Both forces suffered heavy casualties. The infantry in the Sikh centre tried to defend a \"nullah\" (dry stream bed),", "id": "16917422" }, { "contents": "Invasion of Poland\n\n\nParty. There are several common misconceptions regarding the Polish September Campaign. The Polish Army did not fight German tanks with horse-mounted cavalry wielding lances and swords. In 1939, only 10% of the Polish army was made up of cavalry units. Polish cavalry never charged German tanks or entrenched infantry or artillery, but usually acted as mobile infantry (like dragoons) and reconnaissance units, and executed cavalry charges only in rare situations against foot soldiers. Other armies (including German and Soviet) also fielded and extensively used elite", "id": "11303049" }, { "contents": "Hessian (soldier)\n\n\nChange to the Second Light Dragon Cavalry Regiment (1812–1816, blue jacket) First Hurricane Regiment; Second Hurricane Regiment; Third Hurricane Regiment; Infantry: First Light Infantry Battalion; Second Light Infantry Battalion; First formation infantry battalion; Second Infantry Battalion; Third formation infantry battalion; Fourth Formation Infantry Battalion; Fifth formation infantry battalion; Sixth formation infantry battalion; Seventh formation infantry battalion; Eighth formation infantry battalion; Artillery and engineers: The British and German artillery had two artillery companies and three infantry companies. King of England and German", "id": "19422061" }, { "contents": "Sharpe's Sword\n\n\nup to him, but he is able to outrun them and gains the protection of a French infantry square. The infantry squares subsequently ambush a British cavalry charge against the French cavalry. Against all conventional expectations, the cavalry succeed in breaking the squares, although with heavy casualties. Sharpe wades into the defeated square in which Leroux had been seeking protection, but Leroux shoots at him, missing Sharpe but killing his horse. Dismounted, Sharpe shoots Leroux, wounding him in the leg and causing him to be thrown from his horse", "id": "11195247" }, { "contents": "Szabla wz. 34\n\n\nthe British Pattern 1908 and 1912 cavalry swords, the Polish Szabla wz. 34 was used in actual combat on numerous occasions. While by the late 1930s the Polish cavalry was primarily a formation of mounted infantry and was not supposed to be used as typical Napoleonic-era cavalry, during the German and Soviet Invasion of Poland of 1939 there were 16 confirmed cavalry charges in which the Polish units used the sabres against enemy soldiers. Contrary to a widespread yet counter-factual myth, most of them were successful. While World War", "id": "19451096" }, { "contents": "Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War\n\n\n, archers defeat spearmen, spearmen defeat cavalry). Military units in \"Rise and Fall\" are grouped as infantry, cavalry, special, siege, or naval. Infantry, cavalry, and some special units automatically group themselves into formations—groups of soldiers that receive attack and defense bonuses—when at least eight of that kind of unit is present; the maximum number of units a formation may consist of is sixty-four. The unit's speed, attack, defensive capabilities, and range vary, depending on several", "id": "14469245" }, { "contents": "Infantry tactics\n\n\ninfantry tactics and weapons meant a greater willingness to accept battle and so drill, discipline and retaining formation became more important. There were many reasons for this, one being that until the invention of smokeless powder, retaining contact with the men on either side of you was sometimes the only way of knowing which way to advance. Infantry in line was extremely vulnerable to cavalry attack, leading to the development of the \"carré\" or square; while not unknown, it was rare for cavalry to break a well-held square", "id": "7856586" }, { "contents": "Buffalo Soldier\n\n\nwar against Germany in April 1917. The Buffalo Soldiers did not participate with the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during World War I, but experienced noncommissioned officers were provided to other segregated Black units for combat service—such as the 317th Engineer Battalion. The soldiers of the 92nd and the 93rd infantry divisions were the first Americans to fight in France. The four regiments of the 93rd fought under French command for the duration of the war. On August 27, 1918, the 10th Cavalry supported the 35th Infantry Regiment in a", "id": "8811124" }, { "contents": "Battle of Quebracho Herrado\n\n\nbegan at noon. 4600 Unitarian soldiers clashed (350 infantry, 4000 cavalry, of which 1200 were dismounted, and 4 guns) against over 6500 Federals (1600 infantry and nearly 5000 cavalry with five pieces of artillery). Lavalle decided to place the burden of the battle on his right wing, led by Colonel Niceto Vega. Its rapid charge arrested the Federal cavalry of the left wing, under the orders of Colonel Hilario Lagos, some distance from the battlefield, but failed to make it retreat. Therefore, Lavalle's", "id": "8770705" }, { "contents": "Early modern warfare\n\n\n, only light-cavalry scouting units, \"the eyes of the army\", continued to wear front and back armour plates to protect themselves from distant or undisciplined musket-equipped troops. While soldiers armed with firearms could inflict great damage on cavalry at a moderate distance, at close quarters the cavalry could slaughter the musket-armed infantry if they could break their formation and close to engage in melee combat. For many years infantry formations included a mix of troops armed with both firearms to provide striking power and pikes to allow", "id": "15733828" }, { "contents": "Stevens Thompson Norvell\n\n\nto Captain on June 10, 1868. From May 15, 1869, until January 1, 1871, when he went to the 10th Cavalry Regiment (United States) he was unassigned. Shortly after the Civil War, Congress authorized the formation of the 9th and 10th Cavalry and the 38th, 39th, 40th and 41st Infantry Regiments, six all black Buffalo Soldier regiments. The four infantry regiments later merged and formed the 24th and 25th Infantries, and were composed of former slaves, freemen and African American Civil War soldiers.", "id": "2279033" }, { "contents": "Battle of Waterloo\n\n\nGuyot's heavy cavalry of the Guard were added to the massed assault, a total of around 9,000 cavalry in 67 squadrons. When Napoleon saw the charge he said it was an hour too soon. Wellington's infantry responded by forming squares (hollow box-formations four ranks deep). Squares were much smaller than usually depicted in paintings of the battle—a 500-man battalion square would have been no more than in length on a side. Squares that stood their ground were deadly to cavalry, as cavalry could not engage with", "id": "4022627" }, { "contents": "Battle of Coleto\n\n\nthe ox that was moving it was killed by Mexican fire. The Mexican soldiers then attacked the square. The left of the Texian square was confronted by the rifle companies under Morales, and the right was assaulted by the grenadiers and part of the San Luis Battalion. The Mexican formations involved in this attack on the right of the square was under the personal supervision of Urrea. The Jiménez Battalion under Col. Mariano Salas fought the front, and Col. Gabriel Núñez's cavalry was ordered against the rear of the square.", "id": "1935508" }, { "contents": "Battle of Belvoir Castle\n\n\nwith their enemies. The infantry marched in close order, with the spearmen guarding against direct attack and archers keeping the Saracens at a distance. Shielded by the footmen, the cavalry conformed to the pace of the infantry, ready to drive back their enemies with controlled charges. The Crusaders had successfully used this method of fighting in the Battle of Shaizar (1111) and the Battle of Bosra (1147). For their part, Saladin's soldiers tried to disrupt the Crusader formation by raining arrows from their horse archers, by", "id": "10865507" }, { "contents": "Battle of Adrianople (1205)\n\n\nattack of the Bulgarians. Baldwin makes the decision to wait for all of the remaining knights and soldiers to gather and prepare for a proper battle, which would take place after the upcoming Easter celebrations. During the preparation for the ambush, the Bulgarians dig the so-called \"wolf pits\", in order to create an obstacles for the movement and battle formation of the heavy cavalry knights. Within the ambush Kaloyan places the infantry, whilst the reserve is made up of heavy cavalry, in case the former begins to give", "id": "12005049" }, { "contents": "Troop\n\n\nA troop is a military sub-subunit, originally a small formation of cavalry, subordinate to a squadron. In many armies a troop is the equivalent element to the infantry section or platoon. Exceptions are the Royal Horse Artillery and the US Cavalry, where a troop is a subunit comparable to an infantry company or artillery battery. A cavalry soldier of private rank is called a trooper in many Commonwealth armies (abbreviated \"Tpr\", not to be confused with \"trouper\"). A related sense of the term \"", "id": "18917886" }, { "contents": "Infantry square\n\n\nwere positioned in the centre, along with a reserve force to reinforce any side of the square weakened by attacks. A square of 500 men in four ranks, such as those formed by Wellington's army at Waterloo, was a tight formation less than twenty metres in length upon any side. Once formed in square, the infantry would volley fire at approaching cavalry, either by file or by rank. In successful actions, the infantry would often withhold fire until the charging horses and men were some 30 metres from the square", "id": "12400825" }, { "contents": "Horse artillery\n\n\n-and-scoot tactics of their modern counterparts. Horse artillery was highly versatile and often supported friendly cavalry units by disrupting enemy infantry formations such as infantry squares with rapid concentrated fire. This would leave the enemy infantry vulnerable to cavalry charges. Their mobility also enabled them to outmaneuver enemy foot artillery units, and to act as a rearguard (in concert with friendly cavalry) to cover the retreat of slower units. A full battery could have a combined front of riders over 50 men strong. If the horse artillery was mistaken", "id": "13005845" }, { "contents": "Battle of Boruszkowce\n\n\nfirst attack of Russian cavalry then withdrew. Infantry and artillery began defence of train. The collapsing of bridge on the swamp river Derevichka was in truth a trap. Polish infantry (1000 soldiers) and artillery successfully defended against the Russians who were able to receive reinforcements during fight. When the Polish did not get relief, they began withdrawal under enemy fire. The Polish division received heavy losses of soldiers, 7 cannons, and a train. The only positive result was the halting of the Russian rally for several hours. Piotr", "id": "15673609" }, { "contents": "Cavalry\n\n\ntended to pay undue attention to the knights at the expense of the common soldiers, which led early students of military history to suppose that heavy cavalry was the only force that mattered on medieval European battlefields. But well-trained and disciplined infantry could defeat knights. Massed English longbowmen triumphed over French cavalry at Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt, while at Gisors (1188), Bannockburn (1314), and Laupen (1339), foot-soldiers proved they could resist cavalry charges as long as they held their formation. Once", "id": "6976293" }, { "contents": "Buffalo Soldier\n\n\n. The 39th and 40th were reorganized as the 24th, with headquarters at Fort Clark, Texas, in April 1869. The two black infantry regiments represented 10 percent of the size of all twenty-five infantry regiments. Similarly, the two black cavalry units represented 20 percent of the size of all ten cavalry regiments. During the peacetime formation years (1865-1870), the black infantry and cavalry regiments were composed of black enlisted men commanded by white commissioned officers and black noncommissioned officers. These included the first commander of", "id": "8811096" }, { "contents": "Polish cavalry\n\n\nBolshevik War), the cavalry was no longer seen as a unit capable of breaking through enemy lines. Instead, it was used as a mobile reserve of the Polish armies and was using mostly infantry tactics: the soldiers dismounted before the battle and fought as a standard infantry. Despite media reports of the time, particularly in respect of the Battle of Krojanty, no cavalry charges were made by the Polish Cavalry against German tanks. The Polish cavalry, however, was successful against the German tanks in the Battle of Mokra.", "id": "4166651" }, { "contents": "William Wallace\n\n\ncrossed over to the north side of the river. The narrowness of the bridge prevented many soldiers from crossing together (possibly as few as three men abreast), so, while the English soldiers crossed, the Scots held back until half of them had passed and then killed the English as quickly as they could cross. The infantry were sent on first, followed by heavy cavalry. The Scots' schiltron formations forced the infantry back into the advancing cavalry. A pivotal charge, led by one of Wallace's captains, caused", "id": "15034531" }, { "contents": "Battle of Dertosa\n\n\ninfantry formations closed with the Libyan formations opposite them. The Libyans and mercenaries placed on the flanks of the hard pressed Iberians charged the Italian infantry opposite them and, despite their advantage in numbers (16,000 against 18,000), the Italians were pushed back. Unlike Cannae, the Libyans did not outflank the Romans. The Carthaginian cavalry placed on the wings, on the flank of the Libyans, closed with the Roman and Italian horsemen opposite them. Despite having the advantage in numbers on both wings (1,600 Libyan/Punic and Iberians", "id": "15039765" }, { "contents": "Battle of Zieleńce\n\n\nordnance Ostrogoski began a counterattack. Russian infantry under fire of artillery and a Polish counterattack began withdrawal incurring heavy losses. Meanwhile, another Russian infantry unit secured the village of Zieleńce and opened fire on Polish formations. Poniatowski sent a formation of cavalry, but failed. After the village was set on fire, the Russians withdrew. Meanwhile, the Russians moved artillery fire onto Polish right wing on cavalry. The soldiers felt panic. At that moment, Cossacks began a charge. At beginning, that charge was stopped by field squadrons", "id": "18442613" }, { "contents": "Argyle, New York\n\n\nJune 1865. Additional New York volunteer infantry regiments which also, at times, contained soldiers from Argyle and from nearby communities in Washington County according to \"The History of Washington County\" published in 1878, were the 22nd, 43rd, 44th, 93rd and 96th Infantry Regiments and the 2nd Cavalry and Harris Light Cavalry units. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 57.8 square miles (149.7 km²), of which, 56.7 square miles (146.8 km²) of it is land and", "id": "5400954" }, { "contents": "3rd Infantry Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division\n\n\nof the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) at Fort Benning in 1965, the 2nd Infantry Division's stateside unit, along with 11th Air Assault Division's personnel and equipment, were merged to form a new formation, and the existing 1st Cavalry Division in Korea took on the title of the 2nd Infantry Division. Thus the division formally returned to Korea in July 1965. From 1966 onwards the Korean DMZ Conflict (1966–69) increased. On 2 November 1966, soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment were killed in an", "id": "4334691" }, { "contents": "Battle of Issus\n\n\nguard. According to some historians, like P. Stratikis, he was trying to replicate the Hellenic battle formation of the Battle of the Granicus. The Persian cavalry first charged Parmenion and the allied cavalry, crossing the river to open battle. Alexander's right wing became the crux of the battle, as at Gaugamela two years later, where Parmenion held the left wing long enough against superior Persian numbers for Alexander to make his calculated cavalry strike against Darius and break the Persian army. The infantry of the Greek left flank was commanded", "id": "6548256" }, { "contents": "The Thin Red Line (painting)\n\n\nagainst forming his six companies of Highlanders into square, the usual defensive tactic, or even a more robust formation of four ranks: instead, the vulnerable line of infantry fixed bayonets and fired several volleys with their Minié rifles. The body of cavalry split into two, swerved aside, and withdrew. The war correspondent of \"The Times\", William H. Russell, observed the scene, later describing the Russian cavalry as charging at a \"thin red streak tipped with a line of steel\", which later became known as", "id": "18444982" }, { "contents": "Pike and shot\n\n\ninfantry to a cavalry charge from the side. An attempt to do this against his new formations would be met with volley fire, perhaps not dangerous on its own, but giving the Swedish cavalry a real advantage before the two forces met. Under normal conditions detached musketeers without pikemen would be easy targets for the enemy cavalry, but if they did close to sabre range, the Swedish cavalry would be a more immediate concern. The effect of these changes was profound. Gustav had been largely ignored by most of Europe after his", "id": "21607905" }, { "contents": "Battle of Zieleńce\n\n\nfront watch under command of Józef Lubomirski. The group had to attack the Russian right wing. Morkov, who watched the preparations, concentrated most of his formation against the group. Polish cavalry successfully fought the Russian cavalry and forced them to withdrawal. But when Wielhorski met the enemy infantry, he stopped the advance because his infantry was weaker than the Russians and inexperienced. About 5 p.m. Morkov, who did not get relief from Kutuzov, withdrew. The victorious Polish army stayed on battlefield until evening and, thereafter, withdrew to", "id": "18442616" }, { "contents": "Portuguese conquest of Goa\n\n\nat the insistence of his soldiers, Albuquerque gathered the Portuguese in four squadrons and headed out against the Muslims: Albuquerque in the center, Dom Garcia in the right flank, Manuel de Lacerda on the left, and a small cavalry force of 35 mounted \"fidalgos\" in reserve. As the vanguard of the Portuguese center advanced in formation, it formed a pike square, supported by the squadron of Dom Garcia; the Muslims hesitated, and at this critical moment, a charge from the Portuguese cavalry threw the adversaries into a", "id": "14753763" }, { "contents": "Flying wedge\n\n\nwas first used by the Scythians, and then the Thracians. Philip II of Macedon adopted it from them as the main formation of his Companion cavalry and Alexander the Great faced Persian cavalry arrayed thus, as Arrian attests. The advantage of the wedge was that it offered a narrow point for piercing enemy formations and concentrated the leaders at the front. It was easier to turn than a square formation because everyone followed the leader at the apex, \"like a flight of cranes\". As an infantry formation it is attested by", "id": "17691651" }, { "contents": "Rashidun army\n\n\nwas used as a reserve force, with its main role being to attack the enemy once they were weakened by the repeated charges of the infantry. The cavalry would then make flanking or encircling movements against the enemy army, either from the flanks or straight from the center, most likely using a wedge-shaped formation in its attack. Some of the best examples of the use of the cavalry force occurred under the command of Khalid ibn Walid in the Battle of Walaja against the Sassanid Persians and in the Battle of Yarmouk against", "id": "20840558" }, { "contents": "Coalition forces of the Napoleonic Wars\n\n\nnumber of muskets available to shoot at the cavalry as the infantry would be busy reloading. The infantry square formation was the best formation for outmaneuvering the cavalry. Britain had a small but highly effective artillery arm (the Royal Artillery) that was exceedingly well trained but suffered from having only light guns. British cannon barrels were made of brass, with the carriages, wheels, and timbers painted grey and metal pieces painted black. The basic guns were from three to six pounders, and the British found themselves at a distinct disadvantage", "id": "5342729" }, { "contents": "Horses in the Napoleonic Wars\n\n\n, or when formed in line or column. A battalion formed in line was particularly vulnerable to cavalry, and could be broken or destroyed by a well-formed cavalry charge, such as when Lt-Col Colborne's brigade was destroyed during the Battle of Albuera in 1811, with the loss of 1,250 out of his 1,650 men. For protection, infantry sought their own cavalry screens and support. Otherwise, the infantry's only defence was to form square: a tight four-sided formation, presenting walls of muskets and", "id": "9685461" }, { "contents": "Napoleonic tactics\n\n\non farm fields, villages, roads, and streams; French forces regarded cities, mountains, swamps, and heavy woods as unsuitable combat arenas. Generals, such as the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, sought out terrain suitable for their forces. Infantry regiments use three primary battle formations: column formation, line formation, and infantry square (square formation). The first formation, known as column formation because of its narrow and long form, suited soldiers marching down a road or moving quickly towards the enemy", "id": "15697922" }, { "contents": "Battle of the Golden Spurs\n\n\n, the French crossbow bolts and arrows began to hit the main Flemish infantry formations' front ranks but inflicted little damage. The French commander Robert of Artois was worried the outnumbered French foot would be attacked from all sides by superior, heavily armed Flemish infantry on the other side of the brooks. Furthermore, the Flemish would then have their formations right on edge of the brooks and a successful French cavalry crossing would be extremely difficult. He therefore recalled his foot soldiers to clear the way for 2,300 heavy cavalry arranged into two attack", "id": "4361524" }, { "contents": "Roman infantry tactics\n\n\nsuperiority of Hannibal's forces. While not a classic phalanx force, Hannibal's army was composed of \"mixed\" contingents and elements common to Hellenic formations, and it is told that towards the end of his life, Hannibal reportedly named Pyrrhus as the commander of the past that he most admired Rome however had blunted Pyrrhus' hosts prior to the rise of Hannibal, and given their advantages in organization, discipline, and resource mobilization, why did they not make a better showing in the field against the Carthaginian, who throughout", "id": "8748993" }, { "contents": "Battle of García Hernández\n\n\nor 6-ranks deep. (A British square was 4-deep.) If a square stood its ground without flinching and fired with effect, it could withstand the best cavalry. When infantry squares were broken by cavalry in the Napoleonic Wars, it was usually because: At García Hernández, the last event occurred with the first square, leading to the extraordinary accident of a mortally-wounded horse and rider smashing into the square making a gap which was then exploited by the following cavalry. The second square likely panicked at the extraordinary sight", "id": "3243826" }, { "contents": "Combined arms\n\n\ncorps or division of a corps to increase any arm which the army general considered necessary. The great French cavalry charge commanded by Marshal Ney during the battle failed to break Wellington's squares of infantry and Ney's failure to supplement his cavalry with sufficient horse artillery to break the squares open is usually given as a major contributing factor in the failure. It is an example of why generals needed to use combined arms to overcome the tactics used by enemy officers to frustrate an attack by a single arm of an army. In contrast", "id": "17285734" }, { "contents": "Battle of Waterloo\n\n\nsoldiers behind a hedge of bayonets, but were themselves vulnerable to fire from the squares. Horses would not charge a square, nor could they be outflanked, but they were vulnerable to artillery or infantry. Wellington ordered his artillery crews to take shelter within the squares as the cavalry approached, and to return to their guns and resume fire as they retreated. Witnesses in the British infantry recorded as many as 12 assaults, though this probably includes successive waves of the same general attack; the number of general assaults was undoubtedly far", "id": "4022628" }, { "contents": "Sigismond Frédéric de Berckheim\n\n\nAustrian infantry square and forced it to surrender. Because it was raining hard, most foot soldiers could not fire their muskets, allowing the cavalry to approach very close to the infantry. Berckheim was promoted general of division on 3 September 1813. During the Battle of Leipzig on 16–19 October 1813, the 1st Light Cavalry Division numbered 1,850 sabers and had nine artillery pieces attached. Both Berckheim and Jean Corbineau are listed as the commander. The three cavalry brigades were led by Hippolyte Piré, Aime-Sulpice Pelletier de Montmarie and Cyrille", "id": "3245794" }, { "contents": "Étienne Marie Antoine Champion de Nansouty\n\n\n-Russian cavalry reserve into combat against Murat's 6,000 sabres. The Austro-Russians did not provide infantry or artillery support to the cavalry attack, while Murat's cavalrymen were able to cooperate with Lannes's infantry and artillery. Taking immense casualties after a first series of actions against Lannes's infantry, elements of the Coalition cavalry withdrew and were reformed by their commanders. Joined by Bagration's own cavalry, they set off again, this time aiming directly at Murat's command centre. As the Austro-Russian cavalry was closing", "id": "4430989" }, { "contents": "Battle of Zieleńce\n\n\nof train. With a force about 10,500.-11,500s soldiers and 24 cannons (2 infantry regiments of about 6,000 soldiers, three regiments of line cavalry of 2,500 soldiers, and a Cossack brigade under command of Orlov), the Russian formations took positions in a valley below a hill. Their order of battle was the same as Polish, except that one battalion was a reserve and the second to secure the train. Meanwhile, General Zajączek contacted Poniatowski for help. The battle began with artillery fire and cavalry clashes. About 7 a.m.,", "id": "18442610" }, { "contents": "Jean Louis Debilly\n\n\nDavout. The 10,000-man I. Division on the French left flank at Auerstadt. Jean Louis Debilly commanded the leading brigade of French infantry marching on Hassenhausen in late morning of 14 October. Facing a cavalry charge, Debilly ordered the infantry to form defensive squares. The infantry absorbed the brunt of a triple Prussian cavalry charge; when the Prussian cavalry recoiled under heavy musketry-fire, the brigade reformed its line and marched against the supporting Prussian infantry, pushing them back to Lissbach. In the course of this advance, Debilly was killed", "id": "21451306" }, { "contents": "Heavy infantry\n\n\nsuch as the post-Marian Romans, the Han military did not rely primarily on their heavy infantry, but emphasized a more balanced force of infantry, missile troops, and cavalry. The kingdom of Goguryeo in Korea was renowned for its military power and influence, especially during the rule of Gwanggaeto the Great. The rapid expansion of Goguryeo into Manchuria and parts of eastern China can be accredited to the skill and discipline of the Goguryeo heavy infantry and cavalry. Soldiers were typically equipped with iron swords, pole-arms, and", "id": "4038010" }, { "contents": "Military history of Estonia\n\n\nformations; every infantry regiment had one reconnaissance cavalry attachment. By the end of the war, another cavalry regiment, the Cavalry Reserve Regiment, was formed in Tallinn, and functioned as a cavalry school for soldiers and officers. The Estonian 2nd Cavalry Regiment was dissolved in 1920. Despite several attempts by the Estonian Defence Forces to modernize its cavalry, the units could not keep up with the technological advances of the 1930s and the rapid development of armoured warfare. While already declining before World War II, the remaining Estonian cavalry regiments", "id": "1936909" }, { "contents": "Battle of the Bagradas River (255 BC)\n\n\nelephants. The Romans had 15,000 infantry and 500 cavalry. The Romans were formed in their normal formation, with the legionary infantry in the centre and the outnumbered cavalry on the flanks. The Carthaginians started the battle with an attack by the elephants. This tied up the main force of Roman infantry. The Roman cavalry, outnumbered eight to one, was quickly defeated. Only on their left did the Romans have any success, when 2,000 troops, possibly allied troops, defeated the mercenaries facing them, and chased them back past", "id": "17734858" }, { "contents": "Samuel-François Lhéritier\n\n\nsent in his cavalry in mass against the Allied centre. A series of charges ensued, but such a cavalry attack, without proper infantry or artillery support was always set to fail on an uneven battlefield such as the one at Waterloo and against an infantry that had plenty of time to form protective squares. Despite the effortsof the French cavalry – Lhéritier's division alone lost six officers dead, three mortally wounded and forty wounded – the battle was lost. During this action, Lhéritier received a bullet wound to the right shoulder.", "id": "6077040" }, { "contents": "Battle of Rocroi\n\n\neach wing, and with a thin line of artillery at the front. The Spanish army was similarly arranged, but with its infantry deployed in their traditional \"tercio\" pike squares. The two armies exchanged some fire on the afternoon of 18 May, but the full battle did not occur until the following day. The battle began after dawn broke, with the French infantry launching a failed attack on the Spanish tercios. The cavalry on the French left advanced against d'Enghien's orders, and were also forced to retreat. The", "id": "21493694" }, { "contents": "Foot guards\n\n\nFederal Protective Service, is the elite unit that provides the guard of honor at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Moscow's Alexander Garden and is tasked with the protection of the President of Russia and the Kremlin complex. When in the Kremlin itself (at Cathedral Square) or at Red Square, during important occasions and weekends, it maintains certain traditions of the Russian Imperial Guard through its uniforms and rifle and cavalry drills during the weekly Changing of the Guard ceremony together with the regimental band, Infantry units and the Cavalry Escort", "id": "16215498" }, { "contents": "III Cavalry Corps (Grande Armée)\n\n\ncould still inflict losses on badly-deployed Allied formations. At some time in the afternoon, a body of cuirassiers rode down the 8th King's German Legion Infantry Battalion while it was advancing in line formation near La Haye Sainte. The battalion was destroyed as an effective unit and a companion battalion, the 5th, only escaped by rapidly forming square and retreating. III Cavalry Corps: General of Division Emmanuel Grouchy \"Source: \"br\"Source: \" III Cavalry Corps: General of Division Jean-Toussaint Arrighi de Casanova (4,000", "id": "20891026" }, { "contents": "Battle of Boruszkowce\n\n\nand 12 cannons. The route which he moved was sodden and an area in which were forests allowing Russian formations cover making it difficult for Polish defence. After getting information about Polish withdrawal, Mikhail Kakhovsky rallied two Cossacks regiments under command of Alexey Orlov and a part of cavalry under command of Alexander Tormasov. These forces attacked and destroyed the rear of the Polish train. There were clashes between the Polish and Russian cavalry and fighting between Polish and Russian infantry and artillery. In all probability, the Polish cavalry successfully defended against the", "id": "15673608" }, { "contents": "Battle of Kagul\n\n\nand surprisingly chose to go on the offensive against the allied forces of the Khanate of Crimea and the Ottoman Empire, which consisted of 30,000 Ottoman infantry and 45,000 Ottoman cavalry. About 80,000 Crimean Tatar cavalry were deployed within 20 km from the battlefield but they did not engage in battle. The comparatively small Russian army assaulted the Ottomans and put them to flight. The Russian casualties were 1,000, while casualties on the Ottoman side amounted to over 20,000 soldiers killed and wounded. In the wake of this victory, the Russians captured 130", "id": "18752310" }, { "contents": "Cavalry tactics\n\n\nespecially by the agency of Swedish officers who served in the Low Countries, such as Jacob De La Gardie. Against light cavalry with bows and javelins It was impossible for infantry to engage light cavalry with bows or javelins in close combat on ground that did not seriously hinder cavalry movement. The only resort for engagement were missile weapons in ranged combat. In this case both cavalry and infantry fought only in a missile exchange. While the infantry can be considered static in comparison to the cavalry, their own protection, the damage their", "id": "12882373" }, { "contents": "Battle of Capua (1348)\n\n\nBenevento with his troops. To cover this manoeuvre he ordered Niccolò Gaetano, Count of Fondi, to attack the bridgehead of river Volturno with the Hungarian and German cavalry and Lombard infantry. Count Gaetano did not make a frontal attack against the bridgehead: he sent part of his force along the river Volturno, towards Orticella, where they crossed the river and launched a surprise attack on the right wing and rear of the Neapolitan army. The attacking troops consisted mainly of cavalry and some infantry. Around at 3 PM the Hungarian light", "id": "12183849" }, { "contents": "Military history of African Americans\n\n\nUnits were in training when the war ended, and none served in combat. From 1863 to the early 20th century, African-American units were utilized by the Army to combat the Native Americans during the Indian Wars. The most noted among this group were the Buffalo Soldiers: At the end of the U.S. Civil War the army reorganized and authorized the formation of two regiments of black cavalry (the 9th and 10th US Cavalry). Four regiments of infantry (the 38th, 39th, 40th and 41st US Infantry) were", "id": "3835772" }, { "contents": "Roman infantry tactics\n\n\npart of an integrated team of cavalry and light foot. In the latter years, this formula that had brought so much success petered out. Caught between the growth of lighter armed/less organized foot soldiers, and the increasing cavalry formations of the mobile forces, the \"heavies\" as the dominant force, withered on the vine. This does not mean that heavy units disappeared entirely, but that their mass recruitment, formation, organization and deployment as the dominant part of the Roman military was greatly reduced. Ironically, in", "id": "8749058" }, { "contents": "Battle of Alba de Tormes\n\n\nthe French cavalry. Since his infantry were still far in the rear, Kellermann tried to fix the enemy squares in place by launching partial charges. For two and a half hours, this tactic succeeded in pinning down the Spanish soldiers on the west bank. Marchand's infantry and artillery finally appeared on the horizon. Realizing that his men would be annihilated by a combined arms attack, La Carrera ordered an immediate retreat. The French cavalry rushed forward and inflicted further losses, but most of the Spanish troops got away over the", "id": "2802978" }, { "contents": "He Gui\n\n\nZhen to pay more personal attention to the campaign against Jin rather than just leaving it to He Gui and other generals.) Soon, He Gui was in conflict with one of the generals under him, Xie Yanzhang (), as He Gui was known for his ability in commanding infantry soldiers and Xie was known for his ability in commanding cavalry soldiers, and He Gui did not like the fact that they had fairly equivalent reputation. In late 918, there was a time when He Gui and Xie were surveilling the potential", "id": "18484339" }, { "contents": "Line infantry\n\n\ncategories of infantry not focused on heavy front line combat. Line infantry mainly used three formations in its battles: the line, the square and the column. With the massive proliferation of small arms (firearms that could be carried by hand, as opposed to cannon) in the infantry units from the middle of 17th century, the battlefield was dominated by linear tactics, according to which the infantry was aligned into long thin lines and fired volleys. A line consisted of 2, 3 or 4 ranks of soldiers. The soldiers", "id": "21701772" }, { "contents": "Battle of Breitenfeld (1631)\n\n\n. The German allies extended the Swedish-Saxon front to be overall slightly longer than the Imperial. The imperial line had its cavalry evenly distributed on its flanks. The Swedes had their cavalry weighted to their right. The Saxon allies fielded their infantry in wedge formation with units in squares, and cavalry on their flanks. With their Saxon allies extending the Swedes' line, the Protestants had cavalry at the centre and their flanks. The battle started in the middle of the day and lasted over six hours. The first two", "id": "19457274" }, { "contents": "Napoleonic tactics\n\n\nstatic \"squares\". If the infantry unit failed to form square, quite often they would be overrun by the charging cavalry and forced to flee the battlefield en masse. Cavalry units often fought against other cavalry units to essentially neutralize one another. The speed of cavalry units made them capable of surprising enemy forces, especially as these battlefields were often covered in thick smoke generated by the black-powder muskets, cannon, and howitzer. Cavalry units also protected generals and marshals since these officers were usually mounted and were likely to", "id": "15697931" }, { "contents": "Howitzer\n\n\nalso designated a pike square formation in German. In the Hussite Wars of the 1420s and 1430s, the Czechs used short barreled \"\"houfnice\"\" cannons to fire at short distances into crowds of infantry, or into charging heavy cavalry, to make horses shy away. The word was rendered into German as \"aufeniz\" in the earliest attested use in a document dating from 1440; later German renderings include \"haussnitz\" and, eventually \"haubitze\", from which derive the Scandinavian \"haubits\", Croatian, Polish", "id": "14644726" }, { "contents": "Pike and shot\n\n\n, although even these numbers could be reduced by the conditions already mentioned. Tercio type formations were also used by other powers, chiefly in the Germanic areas of the Holy Roman Empire. To modern eyes the tercio square seems cumbersome and wasteful of men, many of the soldiers being positioned so that they could not bring their weapons to bear against the enemy. However, in a time when firearms were short-ranged and slow to load, it had its benefits. It offered great protection against cavalry – still the dominant fast", "id": "21607888" } ]
Why do, sometimes, we simply forget what we were going to do when we go to another room of the house?
[{"answer": "They've done some SCIENCE on this and it turns out whenever you cross some kind of threshold, like a doorway, your brain does a kind of reset. This is presumably so when you leave your house you need to start being aware of lions or whatever. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "The doorway effect I think it's called. I remember looking it up a while ago so I don't remember the specifics. It's basically that you take a mental image of your surroundings when you have a thought, about anything, and you associate the two with each other. So when you walk into a different environment, and your mind has strayed slightly from what your doing, it's easy to completely forget as your brain doesn't match the environment with the thought you had in the previous place. It's why people walk back into the room they had the thought and often remember what it is they were thinking of. It's kind of strange that people so commonly do that and most likely don't even know why they do it and how it helps them. Edit: Aaaaand I'm late to the party."}, {"answer": "Or as you enter the door of the supermarket \"What the hell did I come in for?\""}, {"answer": "memory works by association with the 3D space around you. top memory folks build \"memory palaces\" with objects / ideas in them to remember as a physical space. LSD can have little or no effect if you sit in one spot before ingesting and stay there ... but when you move it will \"kick in.\" i don't buy the threshold theory, I think any single room point of view suffices. if you move from one room to an identical room the same thing doesn't happen"}, {"answer": "It's because of the Silence and since you don't have a marker all the time you never realize it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2367207", "title": "Cue-dependent forgetting", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Cue-dependent forgetting, or retrieval failure, is the failure to recall information without memory \"cues\". The term either pertains to \"semantic cues\", \"state-dependent\" cues or \"context-dependent\" cues. Upon performing a search for files in a computer, its memory is scanned for words. Relevant files containing this word or string of words does then show up. This is \"not\" how memory in the human mind works. Instead, information stored in the memory is retrieved by way of association with other memories. Some memories can not be recalled by simply thinking about them. Rather, one must think about something associated with it.", "Cue-dependent forgetting, or retrieval failure, is the failure to recall information without memory \"cues\". The term either pertains to \"semantic cues\", \"state-dependent\" cues or \"context-dependent\" cues. Upon performing a search for files in a computer, its memory is scanned for words. Relevant files containing this word or string of words does then show up. This is \"not\" how memory in the human mind works. Instead, information stored in the memory is retrieved by way of association with other memories. Some memories can not be recalled by simply thinking about them. Rather, one must think about something associated with it.", "Some memories can not be recalled by simply thinking about them. Rather, one must think about something associated with it."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Shivarudra Balayogi\n\n\nnone of your worldly scholarship, wealth or possessions are going to come to your rescue.\" Seenu's mind became obsessed with thoughts of birth and death: \"What is the use of living if we are simply going to die?\", \"Do we come into being with our physical body, and do we die with this body?\", \"If one is truly the Immortal Soul, the Consciousness beyond birth and death, why is it that we are unaware of it?\", \"If happiness exists", "id": "7096924" }, { "contents": "Bruce R. McConkie\n\n\never said about the Negro matter before the first day of June 1978. It is a new day and a new arrangement, and the Lord has now given the revelation that sheds light out into the world on this subject. As to any slivers of light or any particles of darkness of the past, we forget about them. We now do what meridian Israel did when the Lord said the gospel should go to the Gentiles. We forget all the statements that limited the gospel to the house of Israel, and we start", "id": "554465" }, { "contents": "Neal Hefti\n\n\nquite impressive: We roomed together. And at night we didn't have nothing to do, and we were up at this place — Budd Lake. He said, \"What are we going to do tonight?\" I said, \"Why don't you write a chart for tomorrow?\" Neal was so great that he'd just take out the music paper, no score, [hums] — trumpet part, [hums] — trumpet part, [hums] — trombone part, [hums], and", "id": "2917791" }, { "contents": "U2 concert in Sarajevo\n\n\nasked what the band intended to do to help before telling Bono, \"We know you're not going to do anything for us. You're going to go back to a rock show. You're going to forget that we even exist. And we're all going to die.\" During a transmission to a Glasgow concert, a Bosnian woman told the concert audience, \"We would like to hear the music, too, but we hear only the screams of wounded and tortured people and raped women.\" Some", "id": "4905971" }, { "contents": "Testament (band)\n\n\nEric exactly when we were done recording. I said, 'You know what? It's a great record now, but I don't wanna go through what I had to go through to do this again. So why don't we start writing now?' So we decided that when we're not on the road, let's get together and just jam and maybe come up and at least get to that point where we were with this record — a bunch of ideas and riffs and lyrics.\" In a", "id": "3893555" }, { "contents": "Personal information management\n\n\nactivity, and this raises several interesting questions. How do we go about deciding when to re-use and when to write from scratch? We may sometimes spend more time chasing down a paragraph we have previously written than it would have taken to simply write a new paragraph expressing the same thoughts. Beyond this, we can wonder at what point a reliance on an increasing (and increasingly available) supply of previously written material begins to impact our creativity. As people do PIM they work in an external environment that includes other", "id": "2754238" }, { "contents": "2015 Axalta \"We Paint Winners\" 400\n\n\nThe last year and a half have been pretty tough, but this feels real good. It never gets any better than this. It takes time to heal things especially with what Sherry and I went through. This just kind of makes you forget all about it. Tomorrow we are still going back to normal life and we always try to remember that and be ourselves and remember why we are here. And how thankful we are to be here and how lucky we are to be doing this. I just feel super blessed", "id": "718534" }, { "contents": "History of rugby league in South Africa\n\n\nworld 15 to play against the Springboks at Ellis Park - Mr Oxley replied \" and politics are inextricably mixed, and to ignore one without the other is simply to bury ones head in the sand...\" So what are you going to do now Dave? Well not quite sure at the moment. TB-Why don't we do it ourselves? What? Start League in SA? DS-Yeah I'm up for that how should we start? TB-I'm actually going to the UK for a month", "id": "9044025" }, { "contents": "What the Fields Remember\n\n\nRemember also attempts to raise larger questions around collective memory – of what we choose to remember and why we choose to forget. \"What The Fields Remember\" is an account of what happened on 18 February 1983 as two survivors, Sirajuddin Ahmed and Abdul Khayer, remember it. Before I began my trips to Nellie, I was confronted with some fundamental questions: What do you ask, and how much do you ask? What does it mean to go 32 years later to people who have been through unimaginable violence and loss", "id": "19400647" }, { "contents": "2012 United States presidential election in Iowa\n\n\nSweden? That is absurd.\" Paul also stated, \"why do we have 900 bases in 130 countries and we're totally bankrupt. How do you rebuild a military when we have no money? How are we going to take care of the people? I think this wild goal to have another war in the name of defense is the dangerous thing. The danger is really us overreacting. We need a strong national defense, and we need to only go to war with a declaration of war.\" Later in", "id": "20323685" }, { "contents": "Meeting People Is Easy\n\n\ninterviews. To film each interview, Gee \"[ran] around, leaving a microphone in one room, going and filming something in another\". He placed surveillance cameras in the band's dressing room, which Gee said foreshadowed the rise of reality television: \"We were doing it in a slightly more \"arty\" way, but it's the same as \"Big Brother\", what we were doing with that band, seeing them locked in their bubble. \"Radiohead Big Brother\" is what I think of", "id": "2982660" }, { "contents": "2112 (album)\n\n\none more album. Despite pressure from the label and management to make a more commercial record, the band ignored the advice and proceeded with material as they saw fit. Lifeson questioned the musical direction the band was taking at such a crucial time in the band's history. \"I remember having these conversations about, 'What are we going to do? Are we going to try to make another mini-Led Zeppelin record or are we going to do what we are going to do and continue forward and whatever happens,", "id": "13668491" }, { "contents": "Foreverly\n\n\nit, and to put the finishing touches on the other tracks. \"Personally, I really enjoy doing records in two sessions so you have some room to see how you feel about everything. It was nice to go back and have some room to just kinda re-record a couple of songs that we’d done in the beginning. We figured out which way the record was going at that point and what was missing and so when we re-did those songs we put in what was missing. We just hit", "id": "7808996" }, { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "Reese Williams and Bianca Montgomery\n\n\nthis was \"not the story\" [she] came on to play but that it was in other ways. \"We were getting married, which is why I wanted to do the role,\" she said. \"I thought that we were going to show what it’s like to be a same-sex couple in a loving, committed relationship dealing with what life throws at them and the outside world and how they are treated. There are a lot of story points and ideas I thought we were going to", "id": "2740928" }, { "contents": "Nicola Cortese\n\n\n. Simply, when you do that automatically your expectations change. When the manager comes to ask me about buying players, we also talk about what we are going to end up with when we are buying those players. So we were always on the same page with what we want to achieve. A few weeks later, on 28 March 2010, Cortese was present at Wembley to witness Southampton win the Football League Trophy, defeating Carlisle United 4–1. After collecting his winner's medal, Pardew embraced both Liebherr and Cortese.", "id": "21573847" }, { "contents": "Underclass Hero\n\n\npunk progression that they were going with on this album. McCaslin said that \"we didn't seem like the same band we were five or six years ago, so we decided to ask ourselves why we were in a band in the first place.\" Jocz said \"All of us knew what we wanted to achieve with this album, and what we wanted to do was a unified idea, kind of in the style of a concept album, something that's just one thing that is related and all of the songs", "id": "3818119" }, { "contents": "Faith No More\n\n\nwill periodically go to San Francisco and make music with those guys. What we do is a really special, unique thing that we kind of share — especially like me and Mike Bordin and Billy… We were super young — we were, like, 18 [or] 19 years old — when we started making music, so we kind of get in the room and we have a language that speaks really loud and really clear, at least to the three of us. I mean, where it goes is questionable,", "id": "13491630" }, { "contents": "Zoo TV Tour\n\n\nfuck are these guys doing?' But I'm proud to have been a part of a group who were trying to do something.\" During a transmission for the band's concert at Wembley Stadium, three women in Sarajevo told Bono via satellite, \"We know you're not going to do anything for us. You're going to go back to a rock show. You're going to forget that we even exist. And we're all going to die.\" Some people close to the band joined the War", "id": "21435959" }, { "contents": "Donnaleigh Bailey\n\n\nthey didn't work in a surgery\". This happened in another instance, this time with co-star Diane Keen, \"One day Diane and I were going for lunch and saw a cyclist knocked off his bike. We ran towards him to see if we could help, but when we got to him I said, ‘What can we do?’. I thought, ‘This is serious, we can’t pretend’. So I just rang for an ambulance. I used to go out in my", "id": "7495802" }, { "contents": "Helloween\n\n\nbe a lot of work and it's going to take a lot of time and right now, we are kind of comfy with what we are doing, so to say. So, we are not lying. It's very easy to say; we are just too lazy to get started with that\", while Hansen stated \"There's a lot of ideas in the room for what we do next and so on. But, nothing is kind of decided. Nothing is ripe for the decision. We leave that", "id": "7413000" }, { "contents": "Counting 5-4-3-2-1\n\n\ncorresponding music video: \"[Counting 5-4-3-2-1] specifically comes from not being happy in the town that you grew up in and wanting to get out as quickly as possible. When we do videos, we send out a call and receive treatments and that one was one of the first ones that we got from Artificial Army. We were originally going to do two videos…a low-budget animated video and then we were going to do another video to connect it, but then", "id": "11058727" }, { "contents": "2112 (album)\n\n\nhappens?' That's what we honestly decided to do. We fully intended to go down in flames but we were prepared to do that.\" Rush began to put down musical ideas for \"2112\" in backstage dressing rooms, hotel rooms and in their touring van during the \"Caress of Steel\" tour. As Peart started to write lyrics, Lee and Lifeson would write music that complimented the mood of what Peart was writing about. Most of it was performed on acoustic guitars with the exception of some electric guitar", "id": "13668492" }, { "contents": "Face My Enemy\n\n\nour wardrobe back and forth. So we’d be going to one side of the fight, to the other side of the fight, back to the other side, and we just wanted to make sure we were safe about it. Because if we spaced out and started doing the other side again, we didn’t want anyone to get hurt. So that’s why we trained together. We were doing two sessions twice a week, anywhere from two to five hours at Ming’s house just trying to get as physically", "id": "3498336" }, { "contents": "Halloween (2018 film)\n\n\ncome out, and everyone could hate us, and we'd never work again. So, let's not have to sit around for a year while we wait for another movie to come out that we know people aren't going to like.' So, we were like, 'Let's learn from this, and see what works, and what doesn't.' But we definitely have an idea of where we would go [with] this branch of the story and hopefully we get a chance to do it", "id": "13962348" }, { "contents": "1987 (What the Fuck Is Going On?)\n\n\nand we went sample-crazy. We just ... went through my whole collection of records, sampling tons of stuff and putting it all together, and it ... was a real rush of excitement, when we were doing it... When we put that record out, we knew what we were doing was illegal, but we thought it was gonna be such an underground record, nobody would ever hear about it. So the first thing that shocked us is that British rock papers gave a big review. \"1987\"", "id": "3005405" }, { "contents": "Smiley Smile\n\n\nacknowledged: \"We had done about six months work on another thing, but we jumped and ended up doing the entire thing here at the house with an entirely different mood and approach than what we originally started out with.\" When questioned on why the band took the approach they did, he stated, \"We just had a particular atmosphere that we were working in that inspired the particular kind of things that were on the album.\" Author Domenic Priore notes that when the Beach Boys were taken out of professional studios", "id": "5491636" }, { "contents": "Advance (1872)\n\n\nout, but when nearing La Perouse the wind headed us veering more to the eastward, and we had to go around in an attempting, to do so the vessel missed stays. We filled on her, as there was no room to wear we made another attempt to stay her She would not stay, however, and the anchor was accordingly let go, which brought her up A kedge was then run out to try and heave her off and when we got to work the vessel was gradually being dragged off when the", "id": "17930832" }, { "contents": "Dead Man on Campus (The Vampire Diaries)\n\n\nJesse does not understand what is going on, so he locks up Wes at his laboratory and goes back to his apartment where he calls Caroline for help. Caroline gets there in time to stop Jesse from killing Aaron (Shaun Sipos) who had just entered his room and was asking him what happened and who made him a vampire. During the party, Elena sends Damon to find out why Wes is doing these experiments despite Caroline's fears that Damon will kill Wes. Damon injects Wes with different deadly viruses to make him", "id": "15727152" }, { "contents": "Trinity Broadcasting Network\n\n\nThe military] knew what we were doing. We told them that we were born again Christians, we're here doing ministry, we shoot for this TV station and we want to embed and see what it was like. We were interviewing the chaplains and we talked to them. We spoke at the services and things like that. So we did do our mission being over there as far as being able to document what the soldiers go through, what it's like in Afghanistan. So I could say that we were", "id": "1097016" }, { "contents": "2015 500 at Talladega\n\n\nwe’ve shown in this latest round is a big deal, but the fact of the matter is that we’re back to zero again. What we do have going for us that other teams don’t have is a lot of confidence. We’ve got momentum, and we’re relaxed. We’ve shown that we know how to do it. We’ve just got to keep going out there and do what we know how to do.” Dale Earnhardt, Jr. said after the race that if they went another 100", "id": "2574432" }, { "contents": "Brothers (The Black Keys album)\n\n\n, Neill, Auerbach, and Carney generally only had time to kill at night when fewer retailers are open. Furthermore, Sheffield was remote and isolated; Neill said, \"What they were complaining about is that at night, after we were done, they wanted to go swarm around and do something. There's nothing. I told them that before we went out. Unless you want to go see a movie or something, or go to Walmart and stand around under the fluorescent lights. So what did we do?", "id": "14948758" }, { "contents": "Scream Queens (2015 TV series)\n\n\n, why they were attacked, and if it's possible that we are eliminating anyone as a suspect by doing this. The answer always has to be no, because we know how fans are. They make big charts about who the killer is, and then someone figures it out. I think there's great fun in the whodunnit, but it's also, somebody's going to figure it out. By the end of episode one, somebody's going to figure it out, because that's what people do.", "id": "19200270" }, { "contents": "Close to Home (band)\n\n\na little about the process of making this record and what the concept for it was. When we were first told we would be doing a full length we sat down and put a lot of thought in what direction we wanted to go with it, musically and lyrically. We have always tried our best to be real in everything we do and write what is real to us so the concept of the record formed there. We decided to make a record that would be an exact reflection of our lives, in a way", "id": "14119274" }, { "contents": "Suburban Rock 'n' Roll\n\n\nsubstantial material began affecting the band's ability to play live, as former guitarist/vocalist Jamie Murphy recalls: \"When it was 3rd album time, I think we’d been away from it all for about a year and we had a tour while we had nothing out. We were doing 2000 capacity venues and there’d only be 400 people there. So we were going onstage every night going, “What the fuck’s going on here? What have we done wrong?”. Eventually, the album were scrapped", "id": "17298714" }, { "contents": "Duncan D. Hunter\n\n\nare the children of illegal immigrants. At the rally, Hunter said, \"It's a complex issue and ... you could look and say, 'You're a mean guy. That's a mean thing to do. That's not a humanitarian thing to do' ... We simply cannot afford what we're doing right now. We just can't afford it. California's going under.\" He confirmed the comments to San Diego County's \"North County Times\", telling the newspaper that he supported House", "id": "20525739" }, { "contents": "Marvel Cinematic Universe\n\n\nto do this at [San Diego] Comic-Con this year. Things were not set ... So the plan has been, since a few weeks before Comic-Con when we realized we weren't going to be able to do everything we wanted to do, is to decide 'let's do either something we haven't done in a long time, or something we've never done.' Which is a singular event, just to announce what we have when it's ready. I thought that might be early", "id": "9769205" }, { "contents": "Radiosurgery (album)\n\n\nalso means that the bass has a place to fit.\" Indeed, Pundik reflected on the recording process by stating, \"It was pretty smooth, we kind of go in there and do the drums first, which takes a couple of days. Then you do the guitars before I lay down vocals. It's kind of like this factory. It's not like before when we were trying to figure out what guitar sound we wanted, now we've established how we want to sound and what we want to do", "id": "10720973" }, { "contents": "Blonde on Blonde\n\n\n, and everybody's just peaking it up 'cause we thought, Man, this is it ... This is gonna be the last chorus and we've gotta put everything into it we can. And he played another harmonica solo and went back down to another verse and the dynamics had to drop back down to a verse kind of feel ... After about ten minutes of this thing we're cracking up at each other, at what we were doing. I mean, we peaked five minutes ago. Where do we go", "id": "20514134" }, { "contents": "Valley Girls\n\n\nschedule was formally announced, CW President of Entertainment Dawn Ostroff told reporters at a CW upfront that \"Valley Girls\" was still in contention for use as a midseason replacement. Said Ostroff, It was the toughest year we've ever had, figuring out what to pick up, because [our pilots] were all really, really good. We do have room for another midseason show. We have some reality, and we'll probably have another scripted drama. We're just going to take a beat and see where we", "id": "22116925" }, { "contents": "Kosovo (song)\n\n\nse-vic You sorry son of a bitch Every time we go To little places like Kosovo We never really know What happens after we go Tough luck for Kosovo Croatia, Albania, somewhere near Romania It's Euro, and NATO, why the hell do we go? Pristina blew up, huh? Head for Macedonia Oooo from Macedonia down to Kosovo We'll kick their ass and then we'll see how it goes And then we really don't know That sucks for Kosovo! Somalia, Grenada, Or rescuing Kuwait-", "id": "2660069" }, { "contents": "Carcass (band)\n\n\n-up to \"Surgical Steel\". He replied, \"Ultimately, as long as we feel we got somewhere to go then we would create new material. We are not just going to do it just for the sake of it. We have to feel inspired. All I can say is I do see somewhere where we can take Carcass if we choose to do another album and personally I do want to do another album. I'm not completely satisfied with any album we've made so far. I don't", "id": "14396223" }, { "contents": "Stock Car Racing (magazine)\n\n\nDavis met with NASCAR officials to arrange an agreement; he noted, \"Monk and I called NASCAR and asked for a meeting so we could explain to them what we were going to do. They eventually had Monk and me down there [to Daytona], essentially to have a meeting about what we were doing.\" Regardless, NASCAR was still not very receptive to the idea of a publication covering the sport, and Davis said that the press credentials were sometimes difficult to obtain because of that mindset. The magazine persevered", "id": "14515865" }, { "contents": "Outing\n\n\nWe were not going to wait for the perfect, utopian future to arrive before equalizing the two: We were going to do it now. That's what outing really is: equalizing homosexuality and heterosexuality in the media.\" (\"Why I Oppose Outing\", \"OutWeek\", May 29, 1991) Their aim is not only to reveal the hypocrisy of those in what Branch termed the \"closets of power\" but also a gay person awareness of the presence of gay people and political issues, thus showing that", "id": "2473584" }, { "contents": "Tetangga Masa Gitu\n\n\nwithout them for the weekend. After an argument in which Bastian does not like Adi's painting to give to his boss, Bintang tries to apologize by bringing Angel home, except she forgets, despite the rain. She redeems herself by doing her job when she gets the flu. Meanwhile, Angel will sell Adi keris if he does not get five interviews. We Going To Look Deeper About Bintang With Chelsea We Going To Look Deeper About Bastian With Deva We Going To Look Deeper About Angel With Sophia We Going To Look", "id": "1839351" }, { "contents": "The Hampton Institute\n\n\nPresidential Candidate Mimi Soltysik, and scientist Guy McPherson. independent initiative to crowd-source funding for a research and writing project, aiming to produce a series of books which take a radical look at the ideas, institutions, and individuals of power and resistance. The books aim to study power and people: what is the nature of our society, how did we get here, who brought us here, why, where are we going, when will we get there, and what can we do to change it", "id": "453516" }, { "contents": "Collective impact\n\n\nwhen we meet together; collective impact is what we do when we’re alone … Collaboration happens when we choose to sit in the same room and work together on the same project because we share an interest in accomplishing a shared goal … On the other hand, collective impact focuses on change inside each partner organization. It begins when we, as a community, agree to a set of shared outcomes … and then, individually, go back into our home organizations, work with our staffs, boards, and volunteers to figure", "id": "17545204" }, { "contents": "Live in Concert (EP)\n\n\nThat's why we went through the proper channels to do it that way, so people who do their due diligence will see what this project sampled and want to hear that whole album. Then you pick up more money. You pick up the money ’cause we paid you to clear it and then you pick up the money from the kids who go to get the original album.\" He also talked about when they originally recorded the EP, saying: \"We had already recorded this shit all the way back when my", "id": "19150829" }, { "contents": "Themes in Avatar\n\n\n's just human nature that if we can take it, we will. And sometimes we do it in a very naked and imperialistic way, and other times we do it in a very sophisticated way with lots of rationalization—but it's basically the same thing. A sense of entitlement. And we can't just go on in this unsustainable way, just taking what we want and not giving back.\" An article in the Belgium paper \"De Standaard\" agreed: \"It's about the brutality of man,", "id": "9704761" }, { "contents": "Hacker Manifesto\n\n\nof hackers at that time was ‘hey, we’re going to start a nuclear war, or play tic-tac-toe, one of the two,’ and so I decided I would try to write what I really felt was the essence of what we were doing and why we were doing it. The article is quoted several times in the 1995 movie \"Hackers\", although in the movie it is being read from an issue of the hacker magazine \"2600\", not the historically accurate \"Phrack\"", "id": "18737565" }, { "contents": "Honkin' on Bobo\n\n\nThat's what makes us want to do another record. Otherwise, we'd say, 'OK, we've done everything we can do, so why bother even going in again?’.\" The album title was suggested by Steven Tyler, who heard the phrase somewhere and the band found it funny. Perry also stated during a radio interview that \"We just know that it's a phrase that sounds... jazzish, nastyish, so it works for us.\" It may also be a reference to the early", "id": "6890255" }, { "contents": "Dorothy Du Boisson\n\n\nfood was not good and the water that was sometimes contaminated. \"We suffered from exhaust and malnutrition\". Employees at Bletchley Park did not know what they were doing and how their work was going to be used. They were expected to simply follow orders given by their superiors and were prohibited from asking questions or making comments about their work. Like other members of Wrens, Du Boisson knew little of Bletchley's successes on the codebreaking. They got some information about what they had been doing once a month. They were", "id": "17509003" }, { "contents": "Squeeze (Squeeze album)\n\n\nwere produced by the band. According to Glenn Tilbrook the process for making their first album was rewarding but also frustrating: \"For me, U.K. Squeeze wasn’t really very representative of what we were doing at the time. When we worked with John Cale in the studio, he threw out all the songs that we had written. When most bands make their first album, they go in and do a lot of stuff that’s been going down well in their sets; well, that wasn’t the case with us", "id": "12889490" }, { "contents": "Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden\n\n\none way or another, it got leaked to the individuals we were trying to go after, so as a result of that we were concerned that if we were going to perform a sensitive mission like this, we had to do it on our own. Talking about the support network Panetta stated that some \"lower rank\" officers in the military knew where Bin Laden was hiding. The defense secretary said, Well, you know, these situations sometimes, the leadership within Pakistan is obviously not aware of certain things and yet", "id": "7599689" }, { "contents": "Frozen (franchise)\n\n\nStudios, the ABC network, and then Disney brand management. The producers shared that \"their writers' room was \"basically a 'Frozen' appreciation room\" and they would be \"completely honored\" if the original movie stars wanted to reprise their roles. Producer Adam Horowitz said that they were not going to \"redo\" the film: \"We're very aware of what we think makes this character from 'Frozen' so special and we want to honor that and make sure that what we do is in the", "id": "13647975" }, { "contents": "The Doppelgangaz\n\n\ndo music. As things progressed, we got official equipment and decided to keep moving forward. But yeah, we’ve been cool since probably first grade, but the birth of The Doppelgangaz took place around 2008, and between 2009 and 2011 is when we got to go balls deep and that’s what we plan to do from here on out.” Before branching off to form The Doppelgangaz, the two were collectively involved in another project. It was during this period where the idea to separate into their own group formed", "id": "21089538" }, { "contents": "First Vatican Council\n\n\ncomplained of rainy weather, inadequate heating facilities and boredom. Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley of Newark, New Jersey, noted the high prices in Rome. When Lord Houghton asked Cardinal Manning what had been going on, he answered:“Well, we meet, and we look at one another, and then we talk a little, but when we want to know what we have been doing, we read the Times”. The doctrine of papal infallibility was not new and had been used by Pope Pius in defining as dogma, in 1854", "id": "11120142" }, { "contents": "Rock Music (album)\n\n\ncame to a peak when we were in London. We had forty or fifty songs written and we could not come to agree on a direction to go. Then with the departure of another guitarist (Tim Henwood) we really had to pick ourselves up off the canvas again. We realised that the songs we had been writing weren’t the ones that we wanted to do, because we were suddenly able to move as one in the direction we wanted to go. It was like a huge weight off our shoulders.\"", "id": "17071976" }, { "contents": "Men in Black (film series)\n\n\nsaid it would be \"easy to pick up where we left off. We know what we are doing, we know how to do it. It's just a hell of a lot of fun.\" In July 2012, Columbia chief executive Doug Belgrad said: \"We're very pleased with the financial performance of \"Men in Black 3\", and we believe it is an ongoing franchise. We're going to do [another one], but we don't have clarity yet on how it should be done", "id": "15558806" }, { "contents": "Time of My Life (3 Doors Down album)\n\n\nsecond record so it’s a good mix of what the bands been throughout the ten years we been out, well thirteen years, you know it’s a good mix of that .I’m really proud of it, and when you’re a band like us... we're not reinventing the wheel. We're not going to come out left field in the jazz fusion record, you know? We're not going to do a blues record. We're a rock band. That’s what we do so when we grow we", "id": "9841642" }, { "contents": "Debu\n\n\n\"After having already come to know DEBU, we hope people will begin to understand what they are, who they are and why they do what they are doing. But after that, one needs to forget it all because DEBU isn't really anything, nor anybody and there is simply no reason to ask about them. They have come from Him and are in the process of returning to Him. What should be remembered, however, is the message they bring.\" Debu's music is a mix of sounds of", "id": "9639115" }, { "contents": "Healthy in Paranoid Times\n\n\nband has grown, and the way we've come to trust Bob, it would be ridiculous for us to look for another producer now. When we're all together, we feel like we can do anything. We have to go at least one more round with him. I think we just scratched the surface of what we can do together.\" By the end of 2002, the band was eager to re-enter the studio in Maui to begin laying down demos with Rock. Two new songs, \"Not", "id": "10398004" }, { "contents": "Sting in the Tail\n\n\nWe had never spent a second thinking about this. For us, subconsciously, we thought it would go on forever. We were taken back a bit, but after a couple days living with the thought we decided together – that would be the right thing to do. We want to go out on top while we are still healthy and can still do a high-energy show that’s two, sometimes three hours a night.\" Rudolf Schenker explained that with this album, Scorpions went back to their roots. He", "id": "8310943" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\n: \"There's only one incident I can think of that John has mentioned publicly. It was when I went off with Ringo and did 'Why Don't We Do It in the Road'. It wasn't a deliberate thing. John and George were tied up finishing something and me and Ringo were free, just hanging around, so I said to Ringo, 'Let's go and do this.'\" McCartney also expressed some lingering resentment about a similar incident with \"Revolution 9\", recorded in June", "id": "21227601" }, { "contents": "Gentle Giant\n\n\nOh! What are we going to do? All right we'll buy a Moog synthesizer!' That's kind of trite; I don't mean it quite like that. We had to do something.\" \"John (Weathers) and I really pushed for the band to continue at that point because it looked like we were going to fold. And that seemed just ludicrous – I mean we had Kerry at full strength and Ray writing great. We were really strong live and we were about to get stronger.", "id": "1667058" }, { "contents": "Soul Asylum\n\n\n, but you could see the whole grunge-rock-band thing getting totally over-saturated and people were looking for something new.\" The band took a step back; Pirner explained, \"We needed to reassess how far we've gone and how much further we're going to go and which way we want to go and what we do right and what we do wrong. It was kind of time to take inventory.\" Pirner became friends with the film director Kevin Smith, a longtime Soul Asylum fan.", "id": "21580754" }, { "contents": "Diné Bahaneʼ\n\n\n, and saw that it came from an underground chamber with a ladder extending. When they looked down into the entrance they saw an old woman sitting before a small fire. It was , Spider Woman. \"Enter, (my sons),\" she said in a raspy voice. \"Who are you and why do you walk on Atiin diyinii, the trail of the rainbow?\" The boys entered. \"We do not know who we are, and we do not know where we are going,\" said", "id": "9512943" }, { "contents": "Bundy standoff\n\n\ndo?\" and our stance has always been we will do whatever it takes. Open-ended. And because of that, that's why they are scared, because they don't know to what level we will go to protect, but we will protect. In early April, armed people and private militia members from across the United States joined peaceful protesters against the trespass-cattle roundup in what has become known as the Battle of Bunkerville (evoking an association with the Battle of Bunker Hill). BLM enforcement agents", "id": "15556786" }, { "contents": "Halftime in America\n\n\nthat matters now is what's ahead. How do we come from behind? How do we come together? And, how do we win? Detroit's showing us it can be done. And, what's true about them is true about all of us. This country can't be knocked out with one punch. We get right back up again and when we do the world is going to hear the roar of our engines. Yeah, it's halftime America. And, our second half is about to begin", "id": "1901121" }, { "contents": "Dion DiMucci\n\n\n\"I'd give 'em sounds. I'd give 'em parts and stuff. That's what 'I Wonder Why' was about. We kind of invented this percussive rhythmic sound. If you listen to that song, everybody was doing something different. There's four guys, one guy was doing bass, I was singing lead, one guy's going 'ooh wah ooh,' and another guy's doing tenor. It was totally amazing. When I listen to it today, oftentimes I think, 'man,", "id": "11617460" }, { "contents": "Patrick Wilson (musician)\n\n\nhad met Matt Sharp, and we were trying to figure out something to do. We had a lot of passion and interested in certain kinds of music, but we didn't know how that was going to translate into what we were going to do. So we met Rivers – 'He's got an 8-track, let's get with him' – and we convinced him to move into this apartment with us. Rivers was just starting to write songs and he asked me to play drums on a song for him.", "id": "10307618" }, { "contents": "Natasha Choufani\n\n\nn’t go there\" and \"don’t talk to X or Y\". But they don’t explain why, or they don’t explain what may happen. Overprotecting our daughters will not empower them. When they do go out and get harassed, they will feel guilty and ashamed, because they will think it is because of them, and not because the harasser is sick and cowardly. We need a change of laws, but we also need to raise awareness about it at schools, scouts, summer camps, and", "id": "13752797" }, { "contents": "Ecological urbanism\n\n\nInstitute in New York. In his introduction to the \"Ecological Urbanism\", \"Why Ecological Urbanism? Why Now?\", extracted in \"Topos: The International Review of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design\", Mostafavi asks: \"Increased numbers of people and cities go hand in hand with a greater exploitation of the world’s limited resources. Every year, more cities are feeling the devastating impacts of this situation. What are we to do? What means do we have as designers to address this challenging reality? Jeb", "id": "17256287" }, { "contents": "Demons & Wizards (band)\n\n\nfeelings and that was probably a mistake. I mean I’m proud of that record (“Touched by the Crimson King” 2005) and it sold killer and it’s a good album but I think Hansi and I are capable of a lot more especially when we get back to the root reasons of why we did this thing together. \"We are not going to be bogged down by schedules – we’re going to do this as we see fit and we’re not going to let a particular window of opportunity dictate", "id": "6954466" }, { "contents": "Barry Freundel\n\n\nprohibit human cloning, but rather to regulate it. He argued that human knowledge and technology are inherently neutral, and it's what's done with them that is important. Human beings do the best that they can. If our best cost/benefit analysis says go ahead, we go ahead. \"God protects the simple\" is a Talmudic principle that allows us to assume that when we do our best God will take care of what we could not foresee or anticipate. If things do not work out, the theological", "id": "6102817" }, { "contents": "Travel the Road\n\n\nyears previously, they said that they no longer have the documentation of the missionaries' status with the troops. Scott defended the trip to Afghanistan, telling ABC, \"It wasn't like we were hiding in the back saying we're going to preach. [The military] knew what we were doing. We told them that we were born again Christians, we're here doing ministry, we shoot for this TV station and we want to embed and see what it was like. We were interviewing the chaplains and we", "id": "10234031" }, { "contents": "You Got to Move\n\n\n? But death had nothing to do with what we were doing. If somebody shot us we would be dead. And when people died, we cried. And we went to funerals. And we went and did the next thing the next day, because it was really beyond life and death. It was really like... Sometimes you know what you're supposed to be doing, and when you know what you're supposed to be doing, it's somebody else's job to kill you.\" Bill Saunders A former", "id": "19635393" }, { "contents": "Low Dog\n\n\nwhite man, or do as he should tell me. When it began to be plain that we would have to yield or fight, we had a great many councils. I said, why should I be kept as an humble man, when I am a brave warrior and on my own lands? The game is mine, and the hills, and the valleys, and the white man has no right to say where I shall go or what I shall do. If any white man tries to destroy my property,", "id": "17318084" }, { "contents": "Feel Again\n\n\nand it coincided with another thought that we had as a band which was on this album to really focus on doing stuff that actually served a greater purpose other than just putting out another song. The process of trying to get hits or constantly keep up with the Joneses, after a certain point it's like, 'Wait. Why are we doing this?'. The Save the Children program added a serious amount of gravity to what we were doing and the amount of kids that we would be helping with donating proceeds", "id": "17603315" }, { "contents": "It Was Written\n\n\nI really tried to go back and recreate [Nas’] \"It Was Written\", you know what I'm saying like that? [I would play] \"It Was Written\" and then I would play my album, and it was like, ‘Do we got [this] record, do we got that record?’\" When asked in an interview with about why he is comfortable admitting the album as a source of inspiration, Fiasco stated: American reggae and hip hop artist Matisyahu regards \"", "id": "12883558" }, { "contents": "Damien (South Park)\n\n\nedge and that Parker and Stone had \"sold out\". Parker said, \"We kept hearing that word so much. We were like, 'What does that mean, sold out? What did we get and what did we do?' We just kept doing what we thought was funny, we didn't go start making commercials or anything. But everybody was saying we sold out.\" Nevertheless, the episode received generally positive reviews, and has been described as one of \"South Park\" \"classic episodes", "id": "16876035" }, { "contents": "IBM 7030 Stretch\n\n\ngoing to build that machine for you; we want to build something better! We do not know precisely what it will take but we think it will be another million dollars and another year, and we do not know how fast it will run but we would like to shoot for ten million instructions per second.\" Livermore was not impressed, and in May 1955 they announced that UNIVAC had won the LARC contract, now called the \"Livermore Automatic Research Computer\". LARC would eventually be delivered in June 1960. In", "id": "17337276" }, { "contents": "Vs. (Pearl Jam album)\n\n\ntell when the music wanted to change just by the way he was singing.\" In a 2009 interview, Gossard stated, \"[\"Vs.\"] was probably where it felt better recording wise. I saw how it could change and evolve which gave me a lot of inspiration to go we can do ballads, we can do fast stuff, we can do slow stuff, we can do punk stuff. That was where I realized there were going to be a lot of places to go with Ed.\"", "id": "18213830" }, { "contents": "The Organ (band)\n\n\nthere, but whenever we'd play in the States it would be to nobody. So we worked really, really hard to get a label in the States and when we finally had label interest there, and a label we wanted to sign to, our Canadian record label, who own our record, wouldn't let us go with what we wanted to do. It felt like we'd been busting our asses for however long, and we felt like we had no control. So what was going to happen? We", "id": "2020697" }, { "contents": "António Vieira\n\n\nhis versatility is shown by the fact that he could treat the same subject differently on half a dozen occasions. His letters, simple and conversational in style, have a deep historical and political interest, and form documents of the first value for the history of the period. \"We are what we do. What we don't do, doesn't exist. Therefore, we only exist on days when we do. On the days when we don't do, we simply endure\". \"The purpose for men who", "id": "21024230" }, { "contents": "Blind Joe Death\n\n\nwas not someone who was going with what we perceived as the mainstream at that time. Don't forget those were the days when rhythm and blues were all of a sudden being marketed to the white audiences called by a new name, rock 'n' roll, and John certainly wasn't interested in doing any of that... he wasn't doing any of those things that people made a living at on that instrument in those days.\" The name for the mythical mentor came at a friend's suggestion. In an", "id": "2425001" }, { "contents": "K Foundation\n\n\nit?' remembers Drummond. 'He said it in a light-hearted way, I suppose, hoping I'd say: 'No, we can't do that, let's do this...' But it seemed the most powerful thing to do.\" Cauty: \"We were just sitting in a cafe talking about what we were going to spend the money on and then we decided it would be better if we burned it. That was about six weeks before we did it. It was too long,", "id": "13946855" }, { "contents": "Ralph Thomas\n\n\nThomas later recalled this time as: Enormously exciting and invigorating. We knew that we were not always doing very creative work, but that there was a chance to gain experience and that this wasn't going to last... You were quite likely to finish shooting on Friday, plan to go into the cutting rooms on Monday to look over your stuff and get your cut ready, then go for a drink, and you'd be given another script and be told, 'The sets are standing and you start on Monday –", "id": "17841272" }, { "contents": "Original Plumbing\n\n\nstill unsure how their magazine would fare when they started. According to Kayiatos, \"When Amos and I started, we didn’t know how this would go over. In general, \"OP\" was a pretty blessed and magical experience. We set all of our intentions for the first year, things both grandiose and achievable. Everything came to fruition. It felt like we were doing what we were supposed to do.\" The magazine's name refers to the term \"original plumbing\" as used by transgender people in", "id": "3217591" }, { "contents": "Sex Pistols\n\n\nIt was like, \"Wow, I believe in this.\" What they were saying was: \"It's a load of shite. I'm going to do what I do and I don't care what people think.\" That was the key to it. People forget that, but it was the main ideology for me: we don't care what you think—you're shit anyway. It was the attitude that got people moving, as well as the music. The Sex Pistols' 4 June 1976 concert", "id": "11511168" }, { "contents": "Brothers (Star Trek: The Next Generation)\n\n\nor another event to go on I was afraid it was going to be flat. We talked about what we could do and, ultimately, the obvious thing was that we bring Lore back. ..I knew from the moment we came up with it that Brent Spiner in three roles was going to make for an unforgettable episode and I think it was. \"Empire\" ranked \"Brothers\" 19th in the 50 top episodes of all \"Star Trek\" in 2016. In 2016, Hollywood Reporter rated \"Brothers\" the", "id": "12548382" }, { "contents": "1999 FA Cup Final\n\n\na bye to a later round of the competition to help alleviate the fixture congestion that would arise from entering both competitions, but the FA suggested that Manchester United simply pull out of the FA Cup altogether, putting the club in what chairman Martin Edwards called a \"no-win\" situation. Edwards said: \"We're going to get criticised whatever we do. If we don't go people will say that we are selfish and only looking after ourselves and not prepared to help the 2006 World Cup bid. But we", "id": "1676000" }, { "contents": "Spectre (song)\n\n\nhave written a song that wasn't used.\" Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich said: \"That fucking James Bond movie threw us a massive curveball. It was a real waste of energy. We stopped doing what we were doing and had to concentrate on that for a while since we were told it was something that was going to come to fruition ... It caused a stop right when we were in the middle of [the album recording].\" Yorke said the decision not to use the song was \"just politics as", "id": "13201078" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\ntwo more singles, \"Wish You Were Gay\" and \"Bad Guy\". The singles \"Come Out and Play\" and \"When I Was Older\" were included as bonus tracks on the album's deluxe edition. Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas O'Connell began working on \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" in March 2016 with the track \"Listen Before I Go\". Eilish intended the album to contain material \"that's so fun to be in the moment at a show to", "id": "1265689" }, { "contents": "Hearts & Flowers\n\n\n\" and each member was working with other, different musicians. \"But for a simple twist of fate, we could have been huge. We had what it took, we had a lot of charisma, the personality of the group was amazing. But I don't think we were focused business-wise. We tended to go with losers, because they were less high-pressure, and we dodged the real pressure people whose asses we should have been kissing. But you do what you do. Everything we did", "id": "14770076" }, { "contents": "K Foundation Burn a Million Quid\n\n\n, hoping I'd say: 'No, we can't do that, let's do this...' But it seemed the most powerful thing to do.\" Cauty: \"We were just sitting in a cafe talking about what we were going to spend the money on and then we decided it would be better if we burned it. That was about six weeks before we did it. It was too long, it was a bit of a nightmare.\" The journey from deciding to burn the money to deciding", "id": "332711" }, { "contents": "Champagne Supernova\n\n\nBands like The Clash just petered out. Punk rock was supposed to be the revolution but what did it do? Fuck all. The Manchester thing was going to be the greatest movement on earth but it was fuck all. When we started we decided we weren't going to do anything for anybody, we just thought we'd leave a bunch of great songs. But some of the words are about nothing. One is about Bracket The Butler who used to be on Camberwick Green, or Chipley or Trumpton or something.", "id": "2724658" }, { "contents": "Gulf Coast League Pirates\n\n\nPanama, Australia, Canada and one of the first three players ever signed out of South Africa, Gift Ngoepe, while one of the Americans, Chris Aure, is from Alaska. \"We eat together in the cafeteria, but sometimes we try each other's foods,\" Ngoepe says. \"I listen to the Indians' music when I go past their rooms, and they listen to my music from Africa. We tell each other stories about our home countries. We do everything together.\" \"Everybody's the", "id": "6341369" }, { "contents": "David Icke\n\n\nEast Yorkshire constituency), on the issue of \"Big Brother—The Big Picture\". He came 12th out of 26 candidates, with 110 votes (0.46%), resulting in a lost deposit. He explained that he was standing because \"if we don't face this now we are going to have some serious explaining to do when we are asked by our children and grandchildren what we were doing when the global fascist state was installed. 'I was watching \"EastEnders\", dear' will not be good", "id": "20507684" }, { "contents": "God Will'n\n\n\nn’t think like that because we out here living reckless, doing what we do, but we don’t think about what would happen if we pass away. \"It was just the thoughts that came into my head… those ‘Where would this go? Who would get that? How would this go down?’ I was just trying to get it all out. This song is for the fans that loved my “Who Am I” type of songs. “My Will” is going to be their favorite.", "id": "399080" } ]
Why do people choose to lease a car that they will never own? You pay a couple grand down payment, make monthly payments - just like buying your own car...but you never get the satisfaction of paying it off and actually owning it. I don't get it?
[{"answer": "I'll share one philosophy - Some people don't want to own a car. They want a \"new\" car every 3 years. So they lease a top of the line model and a few years later they get a new one. Not everyone seeks the satisfaction of owning a car. Many people are perfectly happy to give it back in exchange for a new car and a new lease."}, {"answer": "I've owned several cars outright. From my first $1500 beater through the 2008 Audi A4 I traded in to lease my current car, a 2014 Audi A4 that cost about $40k with the options I got. I have a 36 month lease, put $0 down on it and my monthly payment is about $515/month. If I were going to buy the car outright, my payments would be MUCH more. Like.. At a reasonable interest rate, if I stretch out the payments to 72 months (twice as long as my lease), they would be $620/month. So the two options I have to compare are: * keeping the car for 6 years, and paying $7200 more, but having an asset that will be worth.. something. Right now, a 6 year old A4 is worth about $12k. * Driving this car for 3 years, trade it in and drive another new car for 3 years and then having $7200 ($100/month * 72 months) that I've \"saved\" by leasing. So roughly, a $5000 difference. Seems silly to lease, right? Oh.. but wait.. then there's repairs. With a 3 years lease, I'm never out of warranty. All repairs are covered. If I bought outright, it's 4 years/ 50K miles. So, I think it would be safe to assume that you're probably going to spend a couple thousand on repairs. Brakes, tires, timing belt/whatever. And I take that extra $100 a month that I'm not spending on the car payment and throw it into an investment account making 6%, so rather than just $7200, it's about $8800. So the financial difference is realistically couple thousand dollars spread out over 6 years assuming that you don't trash the value of your car with an accident, or dings, and nothing seriously wrong mechanically pops up after the warranty. $2000 /72 months = $27 a month more to lease than to own outright, but I get to drive a new car every 3 years, and never have to worry about paying for repairs. Now, if you're looking at a Hyundai, it's totally different. It makes a huge difference what car you're leasing, how much you drive, etc. If you plan on keeping the car for 10 years, and it doesn't give you a lot of trouble, that makes a huge difference. But for a monthly difference of less money than I pay for lunches in a week, I can drive the car I want, new."}, {"answer": "The monthly lease payment is less than a loan payment. And for people who constantly want a new car, it's not worth it to buy one and pay off a loan, since they're going to sell it in a couple years while still owing money anyway."}, {"answer": "If you want a new car every year or two, this makes sense. In essence it's just like renting a car all the time. If you plan to keep a car for many years, it's worth it to finance and buy it. If you plan to replace it soon and regularly, it's cheaper to lease."}, {"answer": "It depends what you want from a car. If you want a car to get you from A to B a few days a week using minimal fuel and don't care about how it looks or paying \u00a3100 a year for an MOT on a car that's probably only worth \u00a3500, then you're better off buying a \u00a3500 car as if it breaks beyond repair, it's only \u00a3500 to fix it and this will be cheaper than leasing if the car lasts for at least six months. If this is what you want, then **leasing is not for you**. However, take me for example. I lease cars because it means I get a new car every three years, as I live in the UK this means: * 1) No having to worry about MOTs, as it only needs them after three years of being registered. * 2) No having to worry about servicing, all included and most modern cars don't need it really anyway. * 3) No having to worry about tyres, all paid for, just like servicing. * 4) Gadgets, everyone loves gadgets! * 5) Efficiency. This means all I have to worry about is insurance, fuel, tax and I'm fine with that. Especially as my car has likely paid for itself in fuel already, it can average 75mpg on the motorway at 70mph, and ~60mph in urban traffic, those efficiency gains add up so fast it's unreal. But let's do a little maths, shall we? Basing this off personal and family experience. If I want to have a new car, I can buy or lease, let's take my car for example, a BMW 1 Series M Sport F20. > **Buying brand new:** ~\u00a334,500. > **Leasing per month:** ~\u00a3500 a month over 36 months. This means that over the three years, I will pay: > **Buying brand new:** An unknown amount in servicing/tyre fees, likely somewhere around \u00a33000 over three years, plus insurance and fuel. > **Leasing per month:** Nothing other than insurance and fuel. Even if we ignore all those factors, and just do total paid for the car: > **Buying brand new:** Paid ~\u00a334,500 up front, paid for and done. > **Leasing per month:** Paid \u00a318,000 in total in leasing fees. Yes, I give the car back at the end of three years, so it seems like I'm paying \u00a318k and getting nothing for it right? Wrong! Remember that a new car loses around 25% of it's value the MOMENT you drive it off the forecourt and that odometer ticks \"00001\", bang, a lot of money gone, and then around 10% per year from then on for the first five years or so, let's do the maths: \u00a334,500 - 25% = \u00a328,875 \u00a328,875 - 10% (1st year) = \u00a323,288 \u00a323,288- 10% (2nd year) = \u00a320,959 \u00a320,959 - 10% (3rd year) = \u00a318,863. That means after three years of ownership I have lost (\u00a334,500 - \u00a318,863) \u00a315,637 in depreciation and, trust me, this is a conservative estimate. Some cars drop *much* faster than this, in the UK some cars lose around 50% of their value within the first YEAR. So, final comparison of just \"paying for the car\" costs: > **Buying brand new money lost:** Minimum \u00a318,637 > **Leasing per month money lost:** Maximum \u00a318,000. The reason it's maximum is because nothing is spent on the car as it's all included, as I said above I just pay for insurance, fuel and tax. Plus, I don't have to go through all the hassle of advertising the car, meeting buyers, getting my time wasted, worrying about keeping it \"all perfect\" because, remember, any blemish on that paid-off car of yours drops the resale value! The easiest way I can explain leasing is \"Six of one, half a dozen of the other\", sure, sometimes buying brand new will cost you less, but I'd rather take the security of leasing and have the peace of mind that every three years I have a brand new car that I don't have to worry about in any way, shape or form and that I avoid all the bad bits of car ownership whilst keeping all the good bits."}, {"answer": "I lease for a few reasons. 1) I don't put a lot of miles on my cars but, when I do drive, I want to enjoy the trip. This means I want something somewhat nicer than a paid off beater. 2) I make enough money that the the payment for the vehicles I drive isn't an issue. 3) I hate dealing with mechanical bullshit. I would rather pay extra to stay in warranty than deal with working on vehicles. 4) I get bored easily so prefer something different every few years."}, {"answer": "Also, there are HUGE tax incentives with leasing for business purposes. If I'm not mistaken, leases for business are 100% tax deductible. Just another reminder that the US tax structure heavily favors business owners, big or small, that can drive a brand new car and write it off. (I'm not making a political point one way or the other, it's just the nature of the system). Kids, when in doubt, start a business!"}, {"answer": "J. Paul Getty is pretty famous for saying \"If it appreciates, buy it. If it doesn't, lease it.\" I can't think of many things that depreciate faster than a new car. Also, what if the car is in a wreck, your fault or not, after your insurance fixes it that car will never be the same. On a lease, you give it back when the lease is over, it's the manufacturers problem. On a finance purchase, it's still yours, crashed, fixed and all. With a lease you always have the option to flip it to a traditional finance purchase, not the other way around. What happens if there's a massive recall (hello GM) and used car values tumble as a result, on a traditional finance deal, you just lost a ton of equity. With a lease your residual is fixed and it's not your problem, give the car back at the end and pick a different brand. There are TONS of benefits of leasing, these are just a few. My $0.02."}, {"answer": "My example: I was in a transition period financially, needed a cheap reliable car, but didn't want to get stuck with one I'd be upside down (owe more than worth) on because in a few years when I finished education I'd be able to afford what I wanted. I have excellent credit, for 1000$ down, i leased a brand new scion for 165$ a month for 2 years. After 2 years I can buy the car for about 11500$, or give it back. It was last years model, 2 days before Jan 1, so they wanted it off the lot. Effectively, all I'm paying is what the car is depreciating, a cost I'd have incurred if I'd bought it. But I have the option to walk away from the car hassle free."}, {"answer": "Some professionals, like Realtors, benefit from always having a nice new car to drive clients around in"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7486677", "title": "Leaseback", "section": "Section::::Aviation.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 34, "end_paragraph_id": 34, "meta": {"evidence_span": [". Due to the high price of aircraft and engines, especially new, the cash from such a leaseback is used by airlines to improve their financial performance.", "flight schools and other FBOs use their aircraft. Leaseback is very often used in commercial aviation to essentially take back the cash invested in assets. Airlines, for example, sell aircraft and engines to lessors, banks or other financial institutions who, in turn, lease the assets back to them. Tax deductions can also be realized by the airline since the asset is no longer owned but leased. Due to the high price of aircraft and engines, especially new, the cash from such a leaseback is used by airlines to improve their financial performance."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "University Islamic Financial\n\n\npurchase price represents your initial investment in the property. Your monthly payment is divided into two portions — acquisition and profit. As you make your monthly payments, the acquisition balance is reduced, thereby increasing your investment in the home. • Ijara financing is a redeemable lease contract based on the Islamic principle of Ijara wa Iqtina, (lease to own). The process is simple: You identify a property and an independent Trust acquires it on your behalf and leases it back to you. You make monthly payments to the Trust", "id": "623372" }, { "contents": "Car finance\n\n\n(say, three years). The lessee pays a fixed monthly payment for the privilege of driving the vehicle, and when the lease ends, the lessee returns the vehicle to the lessor. Lease rates are not just based on what the car is worth today because the lessee does not buy the whole car. Instead, the lessee pays only for the value of the vehicle for the term of the lease. Lenders calculate lease payments based on the vehicle’s residual value, or what they estimate the car will be worth", "id": "20625555" }, { "contents": "Free riding\n\n\nmaking such payment. The Securities and Exchange Commission states \"In a cash account, you must pay for the purchase of a stock before you can sell it. If you buy and sell a stock before paying for it, you are free riding, which violates the credit extension provisions of the Federal Reserve Board. If you free ride, your broker must freeze your account for 90 days.\" If someone is trading rapidly and using all the cash available in the account to buy and sell, that person will likely get", "id": "20145501" }, { "contents": "Al Stewart\n\n\n, why not make it content that is original. If it's already been written, why write it again? If it's already been said, why say it again? I mean there are some remarkable quotes that I love. But I didn't say them. And you don't want to pass them off as your own work. Napoleon said that \"Time spent in reconnaissance is never wasted\". And that, actually, has governed my life. You know what I mean? That's a quote you", "id": "5494776" }, { "contents": "Car dealerships in North America\n\n\ncompanies. The dealers are not held to the lending standards that most banks are, and also at times of bankruptcy are completely exempt in times of default leading the car dealership with the opportunity to repossesses at any time regardless of breach of contract. Some other pro-advocates say the monthly obligation on leases are cheaper because you do not have to pay any sales taxes on the vehicle as opposed to the amount a buyer may pay if they are making loan payments on a new or used car purchase. Car dealers also provide", "id": "17733121" }, { "contents": "Serving 190 Proof\n\n\nyou've enjoyed for years don't seem nearly as important, and you're at war with yourself as to what's happening. 'Why don't I like that anymore? Why do I like this now?' And finally, I think you actually go through a biological change, you just, you become another...Your body is getting ready to die and your mind doesn't agree.\" According to Daniel Cooper's essay for the 1994 career retrospective \"Down Every Road\", Haggard told music journalist Peter Guralnick", "id": "15230200" }, { "contents": "Debt\n\n\nto purchase houses, cars and other things too expensive to buy with cash on hand. People are more likely to spend more and get into debt when they use credit cards vs. cash for buying products and services. This is primarily because of the transparency effect and consumer's \"pain of paying.\" The transparency effect refers to the fact that the further you are from cash (as in a credit card or another form of payment), the less transparent it is and the less you remember how much you spent.", "id": "19386119" }, { "contents": "Person of Interest (song)\n\n\nwhen you're not in love yet but you really like a guy — which I'm really excited about because I don't think there are too many out like that. It's very much a dance type song. It will make you get up and dance and sing along in your car.\" The song opens with Black singing \"When I talk, you listen, I like that/When you listen, you smile and I like that/Why you lookin' lookin' at me just like that?\"", "id": "4465160" }, { "contents": "James Waring\n\n\ndo to make art. I never threw anything away. I remember distinctly Jimmy's saying, \"If you don't like it now, you can get to like it. If you can't get to like it, who says you have to like it?\" The point of it was to demystify art and free the artist from the limitations of his own taste. There was a great sense of liberation that stemmed from John Cage's championing of this philosophy, and Jimmy, among others, was establishing alternatives to", "id": "8246399" }, { "contents": "Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad\n\n\nowned cars to financial institutions and leasing them back. The lease charges became greater, and more cars needed to be sold to pay the lease payments. The railroad's fleet of cars was becoming older because more money was being spent on finance payments for the old cars rather than buying new ones. This contributed to car shortages that turned away business. The Milwaukee chose at this time to end its mainline electrification. Its electric locomotive fleet was reaching the end of its service life, and newer diesel locomotives such as the EMD", "id": "1286096" }, { "contents": "Peter McGregor\n\n\n& don't pay rent. In the purist spirit of Charles Fourier's - Some Advice Concerning the Next Social Metamorphosis: \"Never sacrifice a present good to a future good. Enjoy the moment; don't get into anything which doesn't satisfy your passions right away. Why should you work today for jam tomorrow, since you will be loaded down with it anyway, & in fact in the new order you will only have one problem, namely how to find enough time to get through all the pleasures in store for", "id": "930171" }, { "contents": "Family law in British Columbia\n\n\nget a divorce using the do-it-yourself desk order process, and they won't have to go in front of a judge ever. A family law agreement is a contract, like the contract you might have with your landlord or your employer, or the contract you might have if you leased a car. There are three kinds of agreement a couple can make in family law: \"Cohabitation agreements\" and \"marriage agreements\" are for couples who are just starting a relationship. These sorts of agreements can talk", "id": "3139995" }, { "contents": "Henry Raeburn Dobson\n\n\n, née McKechnie, in an ailing handwriting: \"My Dear Margaret, Do please forgive me for never having written to you to acknowledge receipt of your lovely letter with all the nice compliments for the portrait of Kersten. It was grand to know it was so well liked: and I thank you for your cheque for £52.50p. in payment thereof. I am beginning to find life is getting a bit too hectic for me at my age, and I shall have to pack-up soon. It is a tremendous", "id": "16681723" }, { "contents": "Estoppel\n\n\nstoring her car on Jack's land with no contract between them. Jack sends a registered letter to Jill's legal address, stating: \"I am no longer willing to allow your car to stay here for free. Please come get your car, or make arrangements to pay me rent for storing it. If you do not do so, within 30 days, I will consider the car abandoned and will claim ownership of it. If you need more time to make arrangements, please contact me within 30 days, and", "id": "4909625" }, { "contents": "Cindy Sheehan\n\n\nthat my son died for oil. You tell me that my son died to make your friends rich... You tell me that, you don't tell me my son died for freedom and democracy.\" She also vowed not to pay her federal income tax for 2004 because that was the year her son was killed. In 2012, Sheehan was sued by the federal government for failure to pay back taxes. \"I feel like I gave my son to this country in an illegal and immoral war. I'll never get", "id": "6585350" }, { "contents": "Sheila Carter\n\n\non both soaps, Brown said: \"You know, I came to L.A. to start a new life. And well they just didn't make it that easy for me, did they? So I might've shot a gun once or twice again, but it wasn't my fault. You know what, people get what they deserve, they really do. I might've poisoned someone by accident, but he never should've talked to me like that. You just don't do that. Anyway, people get", "id": "51117" }, { "contents": "Social security in Sweden\n\n\n, \"\"handikappersättning\"\". If you have a substantial and permanent disability where you need assistance with mealtimes, washing, clothing and communicating with others, you can receive an attendance allowance, \"\"assistansersättning\"\", to pay for an assistant. If you have great difficulties in getting about on your own, or in using public transport due to a permanent disability you can obtain an allowance to purchase a car, make alterations to a car, and to take a driving licence. If you have worked in Sweden", "id": "5258999" }, { "contents": "Prepayment for service\n\n\nattempts and even when you just call to check your balance, you only pay when you are actually connected. Many Local Telephone Companies don't show local usage so you may not see that you are paying for a local call every time you make an attempt. This is not true when you call a toll free number from a land line but with Cell phones you do use air time. With most local phone companies you can get call detail to support this. Once you are authenticated you are usually presented with your balance", "id": "5832786" }, { "contents": "Tom Nook\n\n\nher pocket, Nook will request that the player work in his shop for a bit to pay off some of the debt. The chores Nook assigns you to do are meant for the player to get used to the controls of the game. After planting flowers, writing letters, and talking to villagers the player is sent off to do whatever they want, but have to pay the remaining amount of their mortgage on their own. Each time a mortgage payment is completed Nook will upgrade or add on to the players house,", "id": "20574145" }, { "contents": "Hunter 28\n\n\nand there's altogether too much that you don't get for what you don't pay, for any serious sailor to take the Hunter 28 seriously. There's a good reason why first impressions should be taken seriously, too. What you don't pay for up front will surely be heavily loaded on the back end. Count on it ... If you wonder why people are leaving sailing like the plague just arrived, possibly this boat offers some reasons. There are too many just like it.\" Related development Similar sailboats", "id": "12990314" }, { "contents": "Against Me! Is Reinventing Axl Rose\n\n\nthe album's themes in 2008, Grace said: \"you get to an age where you get discouraged with dreams like [playing in a band] and you're told you're never going to be able to do anything like that, and you start to feel like there's a closed door, and when I started to feel that way, I went ahead and started doing my own thing. We made our own way and that was kind of just what the title of the album and a lot of the album", "id": "7104878" }, { "contents": "Discount points\n\n\nthe intention is to buy and sell the property or refinance in a rapid fashion, paying points is actually going to end up costing more than just paying the loan at the higher interest rate. Points may also be purchased to reduce the monthly payment for the purpose of qualifying for a loan. Loan qualification based on monthly income versus the monthly loan payment may sometimes only be achievable by reducing the monthly payment through the purchasing of points to buy down the interest rate, thereby reducing the monthly loan payment. Discount points may be", "id": "3616490" }, { "contents": "Lease purchase contract\n\n\nA Lease-Purchase Contract, also known as a Lease Purchase Agreement\",\" is the heart of rent-to-own properties. It combines elements of a traditional rental agreement with an exclusive right of first refusal option for later purchase on the home. It is a shortened name for Lease with Option to Purchase Contract. \"Monthly Payment\" - How much the tenant will be paying monthly. \"Rent Credit\" - How much of the tenant's monthly payment will go to the eventual down-payment of the", "id": "203767" }, { "contents": "Vivint Solar\n\n\na long-term contract—a PPA. With a loan or cash sale, customers own the panels after paying for the installation outright or securing financing. In the PPA structure, customers pay a fee per kilowatt hour based on the amount of electricity the solar energy system actually produces. In the lease structure, the customer's monthly payment is fixed based on a calculation that takes into account expected solar energy generation. The lease includes a production guarantee under which Vivint Solar agrees to make a payment to the customer if the", "id": "9351583" }, { "contents": "Handheld Torch\n\n\ndigital age you make your own records in the back garden and do a lease deal. It is a real drag but that's what you have to do. You have to come up with the money yourself to get Pro-Tools and the good speakers for your spare room. It is part of the DJ culture but a lot of kids who don't have money don't get money thrown at them anymore. It means the ones coming up the ranks are predominantly middle-class to upper-class kids.\"", "id": "12019651" }, { "contents": "Trilogy of Terror\n\n\nShe reveals that it was actually she who had manipulated Chad in an elaborate role play of her own design. \"Did you really think that dull, little mind of yours could possibly have conceived any of the rather dramatic experiences we've shared? Why do you think you suddenly had the overwhelming desire to see what I looked like under 'all those clothes?' Don't feel bad ... I always get bored after a while.\" Chad realizes that Julie has poisoned his drink, and then he dies. Julie drags", "id": "5320545" }, { "contents": "Laura (Billy Joel song)\n\n\nabout his own ex-wife, or about a girlfriend. He stated that it is about \"the guilt you get from someone in your family who knows just how to stick the knife in and wear you down.\" He went on to generalize the theme by stating that \"You'd be surprised how many people have a destructive relationship and don't know it. Nobody has a right to do that to you; it's against the law. Joel's drummer Liberty DeVitto eventually disclosed that \"Laura\" was actually", "id": "11832073" }, { "contents": "Civil War (album)\n\n\nweren't trying not to put out a record. It was just one thing after another and time flew by. When you don't do your band like a career like us, you've got other things to do than worry about getting records made. If you don't put a deadline on it, it may never get done. Like us, you turn around and it's been six years. The first year or two after the last record, we were still touring and not thinking about making an album.", "id": "9521616" }, { "contents": "The Raft (short story)\n\n\ntown of Orono, Maine, for removing traffic cones from the street after one of them had damaged his car. He was unable to pay the fine and was about to be jailed when the payment check for \"The Float\" arrived, an event King referred to as asking to \"have someone send you a real Get Out of Jail Free card.\" Despite receiving payment, King has never located a copy of the magazine with the published story in it. Reviewing \"Skeleton Crew\" for \"The New York Times", "id": "306624" }, { "contents": "Johan Cruyff\n\n\nwith your head, and your legs are there to help you. If you don't use your head, using your feet won't be sufficient. Why does a player have to chase the ball? Because he started running too late. You have to pay attention, use your brain and find the right position. If you get to the ball late, it means you chose the wrong position. Bergkamp was never late.\" For Cruyff, football (the so-called beautiful game) is much an artistic-", "id": "12011793" }, { "contents": "Dietrich Varez\n\n\nnever going to become a 'known artist.' I think that's nonsense. You either like the print or you don't, and that shouldn't have anything to do with the price. My goal is to make art -- at least my art -- available to common people. I don't give a damn about the art people; I want to get it into your mom's house and my mom's house.” Contrary to the usual practice among printmakers, he refuses to limit his editions, printing until", "id": "16649980" }, { "contents": "Trucker hat\n\n\nI was never into anything trendy. If I'm ever doing something that happens to be trendy, it's probably a coincidence and I don't even realize it's trendy. Just a note: I've been making and wearing trucker hats for years--since the '80s actually, when those were pretty much the only kind of hats you could get. I remember about 10 years ago, people used to make fun of me for wearing trucker style hats. And then when they became trendy a couple years ago,", "id": "17975975" }, { "contents": "Do Dooni Chaar\n\n\ncoaching centre’s owner, Santosh is at his wits’ end to pay the car’s down payment. In desperation, he buys a thousand packets of 555 Brand detergent, in the hope that he gets to win a car through a lucky coupon found in one of the packets. The family spends considerable time ripping open cartons, cutting through packets and fishing out coupons, but the grand prize eludes them. Then Santosh chances upon an answer-paper of one of his students’, wherein the student requests him to award", "id": "2343889" }, { "contents": "University Islamic Financial\n\n\ncomposed of a rent portion and an acquisition payment. At the end of the contract term, the Trust transfers the house ownership to your name. You now own the property free and clear. The minimum down payment for Ijara contracts is typically 30%. Your payment on-account represents your beneficial rights in the property. Your monthly payments include rent and further payments on-account, thereby increasing your beneficial rights. You can acquire full title to the property when the sum of your payments on-account equals the original", "id": "623373" }, { "contents": "Gabriel Barima\n\n\nYou sit somewhere and behave like you're talking to your co-equal. Am I your co-equal? If you're a hospital worker, who are you? Why do you have to behave in that manner? I've ended my speech. I'm not talking again. If you don't respect people ... I'm not talking again. Take your programme.\" People began making their own meanings to the phrase other than its original or traditional meaning. A typical example is the spelling of the word in", "id": "10058204" }, { "contents": "Safe in the Car\n\n\nand you're trying to get away from the nuclear winter and you have your dogs in the car and you're just trying to escape this horrible apocalypse that just happened. On his collaboration with Olsen Ament told \"NME\", \"when we were doing this song I kept hearing a woman’s voice on the chorus and I thought, ‘Man it would be great if I could get somebody to sing that’. I asked Angel if she would be up for doing it and she had a couple of days off", "id": "13389995" }, { "contents": "Infidels (Bob Dylan album)\n\n\ntoo much to build it at home you just build it cheaper someplace else.\"\" ... \"\"Democracy don't rule this world,/ You better get that through your head./ This world is ruled by violence/Though I guess that's better left unsaid.\"\"), the hypocrisy of Americans who complain about the lack of American jobs while not paying more for American-made products (\"\"Lots of people complainin' that there is no work./I say, 'Why you say that for? When nothin' you got", "id": "19062303" }, { "contents": "Your Choice Live Series 022\n\n\nyou that we didn't have a menaning for this tour, at least, not until we came back. Then, it was obvious: the meaning of this tour was that musicians, even hardcore musicians with a penchant for politics, do get old, do get desperate, just like everybody else. And sometimes they make decisions just because they want to do something they've never done. I don't take back a single thing. None of us do. Every bit of rage and anger in these songs is deserved", "id": "21522772" }, { "contents": "Early Wynn\n\n\nand for the frequency with which he threw at batters. He once stated, \"I'd knock down my own grandmother if she dug in on me.\" He also said to reporters: \"Why should I worry about hitters? Do they worry about me? Do you ever find a hitter crying because he's hit a line drive through the box? My job is getting hitters out. If I don't get them out I lose. I don't like losing a game any more than a salesman likes losing", "id": "10438069" }, { "contents": "Un-carrier\n\n\nand 10 GB respectively. Under the arrangement, customers pay a portion of their device's price up-front, and pay off the remainder through monthly payments for two years. The cost of that monthly payment depends on the device. The customer fully owns the phone and no longer makes any future payments once they have completed paying off their phone. A second line costs $30 extra, while any additional line beyond this costs $10 extra (before extra data). It is possible to create a family plan by", "id": "7046251" }, { "contents": "Every Sick, Disgusting Thought We've Got in Our Brain\n\n\nuses his memory as the only reference for the portrait, but can never get the color of her lips right. At one point, he tried to use his own blood as paint, and still can't get the color correct. (V: You Never Looked Like This). He continues trying to find God. Claiming it's for the greater good and will eventually pay off, he begins killing people and bringing them back to his lab to literally search their brains to find God, because the mind is infinite", "id": "10307436" }, { "contents": "Stephen Magnusson\n\n\nnever driven a sports car,’ he says, ‘but I can imagine getting in a Ferrari, and it just asks to be driven a certain way. I think the guitar’s the same. I’ve got 11 guitars in front of me, and I don’t play them all the same. The instruments sort of take me there. It’s just like playing music with friends: you play with different people and the music takes you in certain directions. You’re attracted to sound, and your response to", "id": "2480880" }, { "contents": "Parkwood Entertainment\n\n\ndecision to found Parkwood Entertainment in front of her fans and the press, saying: \"I started my own company when I decided to manage myself. It was important that I didn't go to some big management company, I felt like I wanted to follow the footsteps of Madonna and be a powerhouse and have my own empire, and show other women when you get to this point in your career you don't have to go sign with someone else and share your money and your success—you do it yourself.", "id": "13581967" }, { "contents": "Beijing Legation Quarter\n\n\npolitical instability in north China. The legation guards had the task of defending the Legation Quarter from a repetition of the Boxer Rebellion, and also securing the roads and railroad from Beijing to Tianjin, the line of escape from China for the foreigners if worse came to worse. A departing Marine in the late 1920s described the leisurely life of the legation guards. You \"get the afternoons off...You don't make your own bed; you don't shine your own shoes; you don't fill your own canteen; you", "id": "19693685" }, { "contents": "Black Arts Movement\n\n\nconcerns. Although Reed is neither a movement apologist nor advocate, he said: I think what Black Arts did was inspire a whole lot of Black people to write. Moreover, there would be no multiculturalism movement without Black Arts. Latinos, Asian Americans, and others all say they began writing as a result of the example of the 1960s. Blacks gave the example that you don't have to assimilate. You could do your own thing, get into your own background, your own history, your own tradition and your", "id": "13628278" }, { "contents": "2 Columbus Circle\n\n\nseems all wrong. Paul Goldberger praised the new building's \"functional, logical, and pleasant\" interior in a review in \"The New Yorker\", but wrote: Ultimately, Cloepfil has been trapped between paying homage to a legendary building and making something of his own. As a result, if you knew the old building, it is nearly impossible to get it out of your mind when you look at the new one. And, if you've never seen Columbus Circle before, you probably won't be satisfied", "id": "19830128" }, { "contents": "Saw (video game)\n\n\nbased on everything I always read online, that it would never get through, but it went through on the first pass.\" Williamson attempted to justify the release of the game by noting the intellectual elements of both the game and the film franchise. He pointed out: I think they reviewed the game based on everything that was in it, not just on a couple of minutes of it, just like the \"Saw\" movies themselves aren't really pure torture porn. If you pay attention, there's actually usually", "id": "15934391" }, { "contents": "Rodney Mullen\n\n\nin turn, do things like that [performs a trick]. When I saw him [Gelfand] do it on the wall, I'm immediately thinking of the mechanics of it; how do you get your board off the ground, how would you get your board off the ground like he did off the wall? 'Cause I'm stuck on flat ground, not weightless ... the first ones I did took about, I don't know, about five or ten minutes ... I realized that's just the same motion", "id": "16701642" }, { "contents": "Uriah the Hittite\n\n\nyour arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. \"And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in His eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. \"You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised Me and took the wife of", "id": "12955518" }, { "contents": "Oldboy (2013 film)\n\n\nCheap Trick Writing To Me. YO\". He also addressed this further on Instagram, \"Why Should I Pay Someone Who I Never Met Nor Had Any Contact With Ever? He Never Made Any Deal With Me. Why Don't You Pay Me For Your Stupid Text On Thanksgiving Day?\". The issue was eventually settled. Garcia replaced the letter on his website with a message saying \"A big Thank You to everyone who contacted me regarding the Oldboy posters. Spike Lee, Art Sims, and I have settled", "id": "5162954" }, { "contents": "Gravitas (Talib Kweli album)\n\n\nwith me. \"Gravitas\" is direct to fans. It's only available at I want your e-mail. You can expect that I'll have your e-mail and I'll be e-mailing you things. When you buy with all these different corporations, they have your e-mail [addresses], but the artist never gets it. [With] \"Prisoner of Conscious\", the focus was definitely to show people, musically, you like my music because I make great music", "id": "4400726" }, { "contents": "List of cassette releases by Mountain Goats\n\n\npoint for all that followed. While I can't and wouldn't disown Taboo VI, I'd like to offer this note of caution to those who like the later stuff and are trying to get their hands on my first efforts: you probably won't like it much, and if you pay an inflated price for it, you'll probably feel cheated. Having said that, if you still feel inclined to hunt it down, I do hope that you enjoy it on its own meager terms. It means well and", "id": "11914471" }, { "contents": "Stereotypes of African Americans\n\n\nIf you're gonna brag, make sure it's your money you flaunt/depend on no one else to give you what you want\". The singers claim their independence through their financial stability. Moody concluded female rappers often depicted sex as a tool for obtaining independence through controlling men and buying material goods. While male rappers viewed the independent woman as one who is educated, pays her own bills, and creates a good home life, never did they mention settling down and often noted that a woman should not weigh", "id": "15524226" }, { "contents": "Car condo\n\n\nLike a traditional condominium, a car condo is real estate where the owner owns or leases the unit where the car is stored. The common areas of the car condo building are jointly owned by all the tenants and the car condo owner pays a monthly maintenance fee for their use. Many Car Condos are allowing usage of the units for more than just storage, allowing a mixture of business, pleasure and car storage. Some customers customize their \"garage\" in order to give it a personal touch. Others are running their", "id": "17132086" }, { "contents": "Armando Galarraga's near-perfect game\n\n\none I had—they blew it. At least I had the satisfaction of getting the no-hitter. You don't. I feel for you. You pitched a tremendous game. At least you have the satisfaction of the umpire saying he was sorry. But that doesn't help your situation as far as a perfect game.\" Pappas' own bid for a perfect game on September 2, 1972, was spoiled when umpire Bruce Froemming called a borderline 3-and-2 pitch to 27th-batter Larry Stahl a ball, issuing", "id": "15545458" }, { "contents": "Rent-to-own\n\n\nagreements are based on a weekly or monthly rental term. In the structure of this type of transaction, the consumer (lessee) - at the end of each week or month - can choose either to renew the lease on a weekly or monthly basis by making renewal payments, or to terminate the agreement with no further obligation by returning the tangible property. Though not obligated to do so, the consumer can choose to continue making interval payments on the merchandise for a pre-specified period of time, at which point they", "id": "18983507" }, { "contents": "FHA-Secure\n\n\nproperty and what you owe. So long as you are current on your mortgage and have sufficient income to make the mortgage payment, you are eligible for an FHASecure refinance. If you are delinquent, the default must have been due to the payment shock of an interest rate reset or, in the case of an Option ARM, the \"recasting\" of the mortgage to fully amortizing. By refinancing into a FHA-insured mortgage, you can expect to pay lower monthly mortgage payments. FHASecure can improve the quality of life", "id": "3798733" }, { "contents": "Damso\n\n\nI did marketing and psychology, but racism took a toll on my life choices. I never really felt accepted because of that. I tried to find jobs, I had interviews, but it never worked out. Maybe it's because of my height, I'm intimidating, I don't know. It's also what pushed me into illegal activities; I wasn't trying to be sly, I just needed cash. All of this makes you angry, but it also makes you want to make your own choices.", "id": "5181210" }, { "contents": "Family law in British Columbia\n\n\nmarry again. Separated married people can date someone else, live with someone else, be in an unmarried relationship with someone else, have property in their own name, have bank accounts and credit cards in their own name, and so on. There are three reasons why a court will make a divorce order: To get a divorce order, you have to start a court proceeding. You don't have to ask the court for anything else except a divorce. When a couple agrees to get a divorce, they can", "id": "3139994" }, { "contents": "Living for the Weekend (Hard-Fi song)\n\n\n. Talking about the song, Archer said, \"It's a song about when you've been working all week, for me and my friends that would probably be in a job you don't like or enjoy doing, and it gets to Friday and all of that frustration you've been through all week is released. The money you've earned you spend it to get rid of all that stress, you let your hair down, your life's your own again, you're free. Everyone knows what that's", "id": "20695643" }, { "contents": "Comm South Companies\n\n\nnext month of service which is why the service was prepaid before you even used it to prevent people from running up high bills and not paying. The monthly service charges were anywhere from $65.00 to $100.00 per month depending on what features you wanted. They offered most of the features you could get from the normal local phone companies such as caller ID, call waiting, three way calling, speed dial, call blocker, and call waiting ID. Comm South did allow payment arrangements/extensions if you were unable to", "id": "8591733" }, { "contents": "AIG bonus payments controversy\n\n\nto get. If you violate their contract, if you don't give them their bonus, you have got a lawsuit on your hands and 80% of this company is now owned by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and [Nancy] Pelosi, and so they would be sued, the government would be sued by these people.\" AIG CEO Edward M. Liddy told Congress that he asked employees who received bonuses over $100,000 to give half back. David Shuster said \"That sounded half-assed to members of Congress who", "id": "2781099" }, { "contents": "Tim Winton\n\n\n. \"I never had a desire for a public life, never expected to be read by more than a couple of thousand people, and when you get the mass audience I seem to have stumbled upon, the public exposure is very disconcerting ... There's an uneasy encounter between art and commerce which I don't know personally how to resolve ... writing is ... something I do for myself and because I can ... magic moments \"when it's happening, when you finally get pen to paper, you exist only in that", "id": "19061123" }, { "contents": "Heaven I Need a Hug\n\n\ntry to create/ The more I try to move into the positive/ The more y'all don't want to let me live/ When will you realize that I don't owe you nothin?/ Need to get up off your butt and go make your own something\" Kelly has only occasionally performed the song at concerts. The song has been getting a good reaction in Chicago. WGCI reports that within 90 minutes of adding the song to the playlist Tuesday evening, \"Heaven, I Need a Hug\" became one of the station's most", "id": "12594238" }, { "contents": "Promise (1986 film)\n\n\nthat people are watching me. I know there really aren't any voices, but I feel that there are, and that I should listen to them or something will happen. … I can remember what I was like before. I was a class officer, I had friends. I was going to be an aeronautical engineer. Do you remember, Bobby? I've never had a job. I've never owned a car. I've never lived alone. I've never made love to a woman. And I", "id": "740974" }, { "contents": "MusicBee (crowdfunding)\n\n\n“It’s like you can just buy a belt from a shop, or some shops will host workshops where you can learn how to make a belt. I think that’s the difference. If you can take part in the project, then you’ll get more satisfaction out of it than just buying something. If you apply this to music, the buyers will be really invested in your work.” According to the official statistics of MusicBee, starting from 2015, there have been 63 launched projects, 2 of which", "id": "7630113" }, { "contents": "Scarecrow (John Mellencamp album)\n\n\n',\" Mellencamp explained to \"Creem\" magazine in late 1985, \"but I never did say what you should stand for – except your own truth. That song was supposed to be funny, too, and I hope people got that. But I think that's the key to the whole LP – suggesting that each person come to grips with their own individual truth – and try to like themselves a little bit more. Find out what you as a person are – and don't let the world drag you", "id": "14799037" }, { "contents": "I Can't Make You Love Me\n\n\n. The idea for the song came to Reid while reading an article about a man arrested for getting drunk and shooting at his girlfriend's car. The judge asked him if he had learned anything, to which he replied, \"I learned, Your Honor, that you can't make a woman love you if she don't.\" Raitt recorded the vocal in just one take in the studio, later saying that it was so sad a song that she could not recapture the emotion: \"We'd try to do", "id": "3559408" }, { "contents": "Gospel According to the Mark of Silver\n\n\n, and they said, \"Friend, you and your poverty can go to hell. Get thou behind me, Satan, because you do not smell of money. Amen, amen, I say to you, you shall not enter into the joy of your lord [the Pope] until you pay your last farthing.\" So the poor man went away and sold his coat and his shirt and everything he owned and gave it to the cardinals and doorkeepers and chamberlains. But they said, \"What is this among", "id": "3790347" }, { "contents": "David Gordon (choreographer)\n\n\nsimply because I'd thought of it. I thought of it and I kept it, and what came next was what I thought of next. I don't believe Jimmy meant to absolve me of all responsibility for my work, but I got the impression that wild intuitive guessing was all I had to do to make art. I never threw anything away. I remember distinctly Jimmy's saying, \"If you don't like it now, you can get to like it. If you can't get to like it", "id": "20782708" }, { "contents": "Michael Cimino\n\n\nJoann] actually talked me into it. I'd never really written anything ever before. I still don't regard myself as a writer. I've probably written thirteen to fourteen screenplays by [1978] and I still don't think of myself that way. Yet, that's how I make a living.\" Cimino added, \"I started writing screenplays principally because I didn't have the money to buy books or to option properties. At that time you only had a chance to direct if you owned a screenplay", "id": "2333605" }, { "contents": "Stellar Dawn\n\n\na space ship which you did research and built components to make parts for your vehicle. A lander would take you down to the planet in your vehicle and you would blow stuff up. When you got to a settlement you would get out of your vehicle and walk around the settlement much like in Old School. I enjoyed it. It's a shame we can't put it out for people to look at - but we don't think it actually works anymore.\" Much of the game, including its engine,", "id": "2812165" }, { "contents": "Lord Love a Duck\n\n\nHe was right. And if it's a comedy you don't get Actors Studio actors\". \"I'm not really sure why I'm making this picture,\" said Axelrod. \"Maybe I'm just trying to get revenge on my own teenagers. \"Lord Love a Duck\" will not be made specifically for the teenage market but teenagers will probably dig it. It puts everything down - society, vulgarity, adolescents. Teenagers like bring put down.\" Axeldord called the film \"pop porn or Dirty Disney", "id": "6937479" }, { "contents": "Get a Grip\n\n\ncomes time to pay your debt, and if you're not sharp enough to see that it's taking you down, then it really will get you.\" Many songs were written and recorded for the album that were either used as B-sides or never released. \"Don't Stop\" and \"Head First\" were released as B-sides, as well as \"Can't Stop Messin'\", which also appears on several special editions of the album as an addition in the track list. Other songs", "id": "2614911" }, { "contents": "Emmeline Pankhurst\n\n\nNow you must take your own way of doing so. I am sorry but you make your own difficulties by an incapacity to look at situations from other people's point of view as well as your own. Perhaps in time you will learn the lessons that we all have to learn in life.Adela, unemployed and unsure of her future, had become a worry for Pankhurst as well. She decided that Adela should move to Australia, and paid for her relocation. They never saw one another again. In November 1917", "id": "14995701" }, { "contents": "Income-based repayment\n\n\nplan with the lowest monthly payment amount. Most borrowers seeking an income-driven plan should choose Revised Pay As You Earn. The REPAYE plan provides benefits that the IBR, ICR, and PAYE plans do not, including a 50% interest subsidy if the required payment does not cover the accruing interest. However, there could be disadvantages to choosing the REPAYE plan which could result in higher amounts being paid over the life of the loan or very high monthly payments for borrowers with high incomes. On June 9, 2014,", "id": "16806310" }, { "contents": "E. L. Konigsburg\n\n\n\"spoiled young women who had it all [actually] \"had\" all the creature comforts of the world, but ... were just as uncomfortable inside as I was when I was growing up.\" Later she realized that her own children were middle-class suburban kids with comforts unlike her own. She has written about \"their kind of growing up, something that addressed the problems that come about even though you don't have to worry if you wear out your shoes whether your parents can buy you a new pair", "id": "11034514" }, { "contents": "Horace Signor Brannon\n\n\ndeath. No satisfaction whatever will you get out of this unjust war. You have never seen Germany. So you are fools if you allow people to make you hate us. Come over and see for yourself. Let those do the fighting who make the profit out of this war. Don't allow them to use you as cannon fodder. To carry a gun in this war is not an honor, but a shame. Throw it away and come over into the German lines. You will find friends who will help", "id": "185020" }, { "contents": "IKEA effect\n\n\nputting the IKEA effect to work for your customers. Whenever you can, let them customize the products and services you offer to fit their needs. Make them feel like their own creativity and effort went into getting what they need from you. They'll pay more for it.\" A \"Forbes\" 2012 article counseled marketers that \"if your customers put your product together, they'll like it more\" but added that \"an assembly process that is clear and free of frustration is essential.\" Computer app designers have", "id": "5867794" }, { "contents": "Lecrae\n\n\nall in love with Jesus and I had never seen that before.\" After hearing Pastor James White of Christ Our King Community Church speak on how Christians are bought with a price and the suffering that Jesus underwent in the Crucifixion, Lecrae says that he remembers articulating \"God get me out of this, don't kill me; do whatever you have to do to get me out of this, just don't kill me.\" Later, Lecrae was driving on a highway when he turned too quickly and his car went", "id": "8436622" }, { "contents": "Octahedron (album)\n\n\nRight from the exhilarating feeling you get when you put the ransom note down, the adrenaline rush when you realise a loved one has been taken from you, followed by that bleak, dismal area of not knowing what to do. Especially if you don't come from money. We had two friends that we knew from Texas who just randomly vanished. We've never known whether they just took off or if they met foul play. I found it an interesting subject matter to tackle. I wanted the lyrics to instil that", "id": "5000971" }, { "contents": "Comm South Companies\n\n\npay your bill by the due date but the payment extension was never allowed beyond only a week or two. If you were disconnected for non payment by Comm South, it was never reflected on your credit report because a) it was prepaid service and b) you didn't have to use your real name or social security number. Comm South Companies grew very quickly, so quickly in fact that their Customer Service department began to remain open 24 hours a day and had very long hold times. The old telephone number for", "id": "8591734" }, { "contents": "Mary Jemison\n\n\nyou; but, if you leave us, remember, my child, your own name, and the names of your father and mother. Be careful and not forget your English tongue. If you shall have an opportunity to get away from the Indians don't try to escape; for if you do they will find and destroy you. Don't forget, my little daughter, the prayers that I have learned you - say them often: be a good child, and God will bless you! May God bless you", "id": "20885476" }, { "contents": "Fix a Heart\n\n\n\". Regarding the line \"You never really can fix a heart\", the artist told \"Glamour\" that, \"I think every time you get your heart broken, there's a little piece of it that chips away, and I don't think you ever get that piece back. But I think you're able to bandage it with time and with new people and other things that make you happy\". Other publications, such as PopMatters, BlogCritics, and \"Entertainment Weekly\", suggested that the track", "id": "18362452" }, { "contents": "J. Cole\n\n\nknow why. \"But now I kinda get it,\" he says. \"We make different types of music, so people, like... People just like doing that shit.\" He continues, \"It wasn't even serious... I fuck with your shit. It's hard.\" During the composition of \"The Come Up\", Cole started his own record label in early 2007 with current label president Ibrahim Hamad. Cole sought for an avenue to release his own music, while Hamad yearned to start a", "id": "9541050" }, { "contents": "Battlefield (song)\n\n\nSparks sings: \"I never meant to start a war / You know, I never wanna hurt you / Don't even know what we're fighting for / Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield.\" Its bridge features the line: \"I guess you'd better go and get your armor\". Bill Lamb of awarded \"Battlefield\" four-and-a-half out of five stars, writing, Battlefield' is the kind of song that screams instant hit from", "id": "16994725" }, { "contents": "James Harding (journalist)\n\n\nof Israel' during the Gaza offensive, but we also reported on the use of white phosphorus, which was the Israelis breaking their own rules.\" He also said at this time that the BBC does not have \"a pro-Israel newsroom and it has taken management to get some balance in there\". Accordingly, Harding found this \"frustrating because, unlike \"The Times\" where you can just choose not to buy it, you have to pay for the BBC.\" During his oral submission at the Leveson", "id": "17472902" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nthat’s why I’m a housewife in the video.\" However, she explained that the video is \"an exaggerated, over-the-top version\" of what she was doing right then, just living her life, being a woman at home, relaxing and trying to enjoy her life other than performing and creating music. For instance, dusting off her Grammys and getting under the hood of a car while wearing six-inch heels are not regular occurrences for Knowles. \"Why Don't You Love Me\"", "id": "7602762" }, { "contents": "Portrait of Monsieur Bertin\n\n\nstudio, in company. Bertin recalled \"consoling him: 'my dear Ingres, don't bother about me; and above all don't torment yourself like that. You want to start my portrait over again? Take your own time for it. You will never tire me, and just as long as you want me to come, I am at your orders.'\" After agreeing to a breathing spell Ingres finally settled on a design. Early biographers provide differing anecdotes regarding the inspiration for the distinctive seated pose.", "id": "17301574" }, { "contents": "Mark McGowan (performance artist)\n\n\nn't do that'. I said 'well I'm part of the show', they said 'no you're not, you never have been'. I then said but 'my name's on your website'. I got picked up by the police; I got loads of people accusing me of keying their cars. It was actually borne out of, my dad bought his very first brand new car, he'd never had a brand new car before and it got keyed within six months. I felt", "id": "18500353" }, { "contents": "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade\n\n\nangry at the proverbial phrase: \"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your Damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to", "id": "22035477" }, { "contents": "Rental value\n\n\nhighest possible price you could list your rental for. Increasing the rental rate to the top of the market, can also increase the number of calls or issues a tenant may complain about during the term of the lease. e.g. If you’re paying top dollar for something, you expect an exceptional experience. If you pay a below market rent, you are likely to not complain about smaller issues since you’re paying less. Pricing your rental should be a strategy in order to maximize your net income. The longer you own", "id": "3715494" }, { "contents": "Construction loan\n\n\nonce completed and there can be no assurance that the owner would pay down the loan enough to make the monthly payments affordable once the project is completed. Beyond this guideline, the next most common rule is a minimum cash injection requirement. Even if, for example, a business might be able to afford a monthly payment of a loan high enough to pay for the entire construction project, many lenders would require them to instead use a certain minimum portion of their own cash to complete the project. The reason for this is", "id": "9981779" }, { "contents": "Tropical Hot Dog Night\n\n\nshe's skipped out with the dough, he's been framed, she's south of the border sipping Margaritas and the sap is wearing striped suits in the big house. Is that what you mean?\" Johnny: \"Er... why don't you just keep on browsing.\" Amanda: \"You know, people say, \"I gotta get some work done\" but you never hear them say, \"I gotta get some fun done.\"\" Recorded at Froggy Acres Studios, Fort Miller,", "id": "6812349" }, { "contents": "Antonio Ballard\n\n\nshoot. He said, \"It was rough basketball—kind of like prison ball, I guess. Fights would break out and you had to hold your own, but you couldn't take it too far or something bad would happen.\" In Jeffersonville, Indiana, there was an old basketball rim, where gangs such as the \"Money Hungry Gangsters\" would park their cars. Ballard said, \"I've taken the good parts of my past life—and one thing you do get from a gang is having", "id": "611320" }, { "contents": "Green Bushes\n\n\nyou my fair one, so long by the way? My true Love, my true Love, so sweetly sang she, Down by the Green Bushes he thinks to meet me. I'll buy you fine beavers and a fine silken gown, I will buy you fine petticoats with the flounce to the ground, If you will prove loyal and constant to me And forsake you own true Love, I'll be married to thee. I want none of your petticoats and your fine silken shows: I never was so poor", "id": "19445944" }, { "contents": "PyBookie\n\n\nyour checkbook register. You list all of your expenses here. Some examples of entries in this account may include: bills, eating out, and buying a new pair of shoes. Your Liability account is kind of a mirror of your Expenses account. When you make an entry in your Expenses account, you will more than likely be adding that entry (or editing an existing entry) to your Liability account in order to balance the accounting equation. Entries may include credit cards and car payments. The Income account is a", "id": "4989661" }, { "contents": "Danny Gabbidon\n\n\nof improper conduct over the tweet;- \"\"U know what, f*** the lot of you, u will never get another tweet from me again, you just don't get it do you. Bye bye\"\". Gabbidon was released by West Ham in June 2011. On 24 July 2011, Gabbidon signed a one-year contract with Queens Park Rangers (QPR) after impressing on trial with the club. He made his début on 13 August 2011, scoring an own goal in the 4–0 loss to", "id": "14791245" }, { "contents": "Paid time off\n\n\nCode. Vacation cannot be forfeited once earned, and unused balances must be paid out upon termination. There is no Pennsylvania labor law which requires an employer to pay an employee not to work. Benefits like sick leave, vacation pay, and severance pay are payments to an employee not to be at work. Therefore, an employer only has to pay these benefits if the employer has a policy to pay such benefits or a contract with you to pay these benefits. An employer must follow its own rules for these kinds", "id": "3055221" }, { "contents": "Psychological projection\n\n\n(500 AD) notes the human tendency toward projection and warns against it: \"Do not taunt your neighbour with the blemish you yourself have.\" In the New Testament, Jesus also warned against projection: \"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?", "id": "7260918" } ]
What are night terrors, and what causes them?
[{"answer": "I can't exactly explain the science behind night terrors, but I can recount the experience of having them as a very young child. The one that is most memorable happened when I was around 4 or 5 years old. My bed faced a window and it was often the source of strange shadows and lights that scared me before bed. When this particular night terror began I was first jolted awake with a very bright light shining through the window. My eyes opened wide and something like a \"ghost witch\" appeared to be flying towards me through the window. There was loud noises like thunder behind her. I turned away to flee and realized my arms and legs wouldn't move. The feeling you get when a limb falls asleep; that's how my entire body felt. The most intense sense of my limbs having fallen asleep. When I looked at my hands I noticed there were shackles pinning me to the bed. Except they were bright, like electricity. It was as if they were shocking me and that was the feeling in my limbs. I turned back to the window and the witch was now only feet away from me. She was staring right at me and was very bright. I felt like I was going to die. She opened her mouth and let out the most ear piercing screech I have ever heard in my life. I screamed in response and closed my eyes. Moments later my parents rushed in my room. There were other ones I remember. This was the worst and most memorable. It was over 30 years ago, but I remember it vividly. They are truly terrifying. I could not imagine living with them as an adult. Your entire body just goes into overdrive. Everything was bright, loud, painful and I felt like I was going to die the entire time. My understanding is that part of night terrors are accelerated heart beat, pupil dilation, sweating and fear. I don't know if that's what causes everything to be so bright and loud or if your mind is just perceiving these dreams as real and responds to them physically. Sadly, my daughter suffered from them as well. She had bad sleepwalking as well, which I understand to be a related disorder. edit: can't spell"}, {"answer": "My dad has them. His eyes will be open and sometimes it is hard to tell if he is awake or not. So one time he wakes up my mom and whispers \"don't move there is some one standing in the corner of our room.... do you see him?\" My mom said she was so scared she couldn't respond."}, {"answer": "My daughter is 6 and has has them for 3-4 years. I was hoping for a good answer. She walks around with her eyes open staring past me. Sometimes she cries and other times she cries/screams. She does it almost every night."}, {"answer": "Throwaway account. I can't provide an explanation, but experience night terrors often. I suggest upvotes be given to infaereld, as his explanation is the best I've seen yet. Infaereld is right though, sleep terrors are often caused when one stops breathing. Growing up, I would wake up gasping for air in a panic, and sometimes sleepwalk, wake up, and immediately panic. The worst night terror I ever had was when I was in college. I was stressed due to finals and my full time work schedule. I came home after work one night and went to bed. I fell to sleep, and around 2 am (roughly 2 hours after I went to bed), I woke up to hear my fianc\u00e9 at the time screaming at the top of her lungs. She was screaming \"PLEASE LET ME GO! PLEASE!\u201d. My immediate thought was that someone was in the room with us. I reached out trying to feel for an intruder. My arms stung and felt wet, so I thought someone was stabbing both my fianc\u00e9 and I with a knife or something. I began reaching out into the open, trying to feel for an intruder. She was trying so hard to get away from me, and I was screaming \"I GOT YOU!\". I \u201ccame to\u201d a bit more, got out of bed, flipped the light on, and discovered my fianc\u00e9 on the ground, in the corner, covered in blood. Her neck was bruised, lip busted, and sobbing. I tried helping her, but she wouldn't let me touch her. I grabbed the shotgun I keep next to my bed, and searched the house. After finding no one, I asked my fianc\u00e9 what happened. She said that I pulled my arm underneath her back, pulled her on top of me, with her stomach facing the ceiling. I then wrapped my arm around her neck, and began screaming \"SHUT THE FUCK UP\" in a very high pitch voice. After everything settled down, we were both a wreck. She was in a lot of pain, and I couldn\u2019t believe what was happening. It is one of the weirdest experiences I have ever had. I was able to piece together some of the dream after everything cooled down, but not all of it. Needless to say, night terrors are NO fun. I had two sleep studies performed after that incident, and I am now taking medication every night before bed for it. I will never forget the experience, and if my wife and I begin talking about it, even in passing, we both become emotional about it. If you experience night terrors of any kind, I highly suggest you see a specialist for it. Not only can they cause you harm, but also others :( Sorry for any misspellings/run-on sentences. Typed this in a hurry."}, {"answer": "I had night terrors when I was younger for a few years (8-11) also slept walked during this time. My parents were initially afraid and had me checked out by a psychologist. The psychologist thought that it was due to watching TV/reading just before sleep, leading to being mentally stimulated just before gong down. There is also a genetic per-disposition to having them (several of the men on my mom's side have had them when they were young. My parents didn't know about this until they found out while talking to my mother's siblings). For parents who don't know about Night Terrors they can be crippling. There is nothing they can do until the terror is over to comfort the child. My parents being in the room helped a bit, but the feeling of dread didn't go away until my mind calmed But from personal experience I can remember a few of the times vividly. Imagine having one of your worst nightmares but being completely conscious during it. You are completely inconsolable during the event and hallucinations seemed to happen a bit. I remember waking up and feeling intense dread each time, to the point where I wanted to scream but couldn't or did and woke everyone in the house. One time I woke and was absolutely convinced that my teeth were becoming trees and trying to plant themselves, breaking open my mouth. The muscles around my jaw clenched up and I couldn't talk or communicate with anyone. I tried to move all of my limbs to climb out of bed, but my muscles were taut and wouldn't let me move. My parents eventually checked on me and were able to help me sit up, but I was still scared out of my mind. The feeling that my teeth were going to kill me (as crazy as that sounds) was the forefront of my mind. Another time, I woke up sleep walking into the living area. I sat down on the couch with my parents (and aunt/uncle) and they wanted to know what was up. My parents initially just thought i was sleep walking, but I can clearly remember them realizing that I was in the middle of something. They had my aunt/uncle and one of my parents went into the other room while I stayed. During this particular event, I felt that the ground was giving way slowly pulling me into it. I remember hallucinating a flying green skull that was screaming just on my periphery. This caused me to emit one of those blood curdling scream. A part of my mind knew it was false, but I couldn't stop feeling completely helpless and about to die. There were a few times when I wanted to run out of the house and my parents had to restrain me, which just leads to a larger sense of dread on the sufferer but probably helped me stay safe. If you know someone who has them (or have a child), most grow out of them in adolescence when the body can process most stimuli. Be aware that this can make sleeping over at other people's place a nonstarter."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "426404", "title": "Night terror", "section": "Section::::Signs and symptoms.:Adults.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["There is some evidence of a link between night terrors and hypoglycemia. When a night terror happens, it is typical for a person to wake up screaming and kicking and to be able to recognize what he or she is saying. The person may even run out of the house (more common among adults) which can then lead to violent actions. It has been found that some adults who have been on a long-term intrathecal clonidine therapy show side effects of night terrors, such as feelings of terror early in the sleep cycle. This is due to the possible alteration of cervical/brain clonidine concentration. In adults, night terrors can be symptomatic of neurological disease and can be further investigated through an MRI procedure", "There is some evidence of a link between night terrors and hypoglycemia. When a night terror happens, it is typical for a person to wake up screaming and kicking and to be able to recognize what he or she is saying. The person may even run out of the house (more common among adults) which can then lead to violent actions.", "here is some evidence of a link between night terrors and hypoglycemia. When a night terror happens, it is typical for a person to wake up screaming and kicking and to be able to recognize what he or she is saying. The person may even run out of the house (more common among adults) which can then lead to violent actions."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Timeline of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations\n\n\nin the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction. What prevents this technology from developing and people from smuggling it? All of this, before the stories of smuggling, before that, in 1989. I told them, 'In the future, what would prevent that we see a booby-trapped car causing a nuclear explosion in Washington or a germ or a chemical one?' Well, what was found – and this has been the pretty consistent story all along with regard to intelligence coverage of that topic", "id": "19735452" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nterrors hinting at the comorbidity of the two. There is some evidence of a link between night terrors and hypoglycemia. When a night terror happens, it is typical for a person to wake up screaming and kicking and to be able to recognize what he or she is saying. The person may even run out of the house (more common among adults) which can then lead to violent actions. It has been found that some adults who have been on a long-term intrathecal clonidine therapy show side effects of night terrors", "id": "1678114" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nterrors occur less frequently. The prevalence of sleep terrors in general is unknown. Sleep terror episodes (not similar to sleep terror disorder which is recurrent and causes distress or impairment ) are estimated at 36.9% at 18 months of age and at 19.7% at 30 months of age. In adults the prevalence is lower, and rises up to 2.2%. Night terrors have been known since ancient times, although it was impossible to differentiate them from nightmares until rapid eye movement was discovered. The universal feature of night terrors is", "id": "1678105" }, { "contents": "Muslim Council of Britain\n\n\nof the Council to the 'glorification of terrorism' clause in the Terrorism Act 2006 and to British policy in Iraq has attracted both praise and criticism. Sunny Hundal wrote in an exchange with Sir Iqbal Sacranie: \"In order to defeat violent extremism, we must understand what motivates these people and what turns them into killers. What puts them in that frame of mind? The Iraq War alone is not enough.\" He also criticised what he saw as close links between the MCB and the Labour Party. Sacranie conceded that", "id": "16093659" }, { "contents": "Ann Radcliffe\n\n\nvillains and heroes, creating new roles for women in literature previously not available. It is assumed that this frustration is what caused Radcliffe to cease writing. After Radcliffe's death, her husband released her unfinished essay \"On the Supernatural in Poetry\", which details the difference between the sensation of \"terror\" her works aimed to achieve and the \"horror\" Lewis sought to evoke. Radcliffe stated that terror aims to stimulate readers through imagination and perceived evils while horror closes them off through fear and physical dangers. \"Terror", "id": "8977171" }, { "contents": "Sarojini Sahoo\n\n\nterrorism caused by an individual or by a group. Society rarely discusses terrorism caused by a state. What is a state? Is it a group of people that resides within political and geographical boundaries? Are a state's identity, mood and wishes separate from its ruler? Is the wish of George W. Bush not considered as the wish of America? Has it reflected the mood and wish of the people of America? So, every time, the state's arranged anarchism or terrorism is merely a reflection of a terrorism caused", "id": "6930230" }, { "contents": "State terrorism\n\n\nalready regulated under international law\". Annan added, \"...regardless of the differences between governments on the question of definition of terrorism, what is clear and what we can all agree on is any deliberate attack on innocent civilians [or non-combatants], regardless of one's cause, is unacceptable and fits into the definition of terrorism.\" Dr. Bruce Hoffman has argued that failing to differentiate between state and non-state violence ignores the fact that there is a \"fundamental qualitative difference between the two types of violence", "id": "10442911" }, { "contents": "Islamic terrorism\n\n\nfundamental values of the French republic being challenged and called them attacks against secular, enlightenment and democratic values along with \"what makes us who we are\". Although jihadists in the 2015-onward timeframe legitimized their attacks with a narrative of reprisal for France's participation in the international coalition fighting the Islamic State, Islamic terrorism in France has other, deeper and older causes. The three main reasons France is attacked are, in no particular order: Despite its proximity to the Middle East and North Africa, relatively porous borders, and a", "id": "11596122" }, { "contents": "Across the River and into the Trees\n\n\nsees more similarities with Hemingway's friend of many decades \"Chink\" Dorman-Smith, whose military career was undermined causing his demotion. Benson believes Hemingway used autobiographical details to work as framing devices to write about life in general—not only about his life. For example, Benson postulates that Hemingway used his experiences and drew them out further with \"what if\" scenarios: \"what if I were wounded in such a way that I could not sleep at night? What if I were wounded and made crazy, what", "id": "11993106" }, { "contents": "De Havilland Mosquito operational history\n\n\nto assembly points for German night fighters and attacked them there. B Mk IVs and PR Mk XVIs were used for Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) operations, aiming to detect German radar and radio transmissions. Some 258 Luftwaffe night fighters were claimed by the Group, for the loss of some 70 Mosquitos. The omnipresence of the potent night fighter threat led to what the Luftwaffe crews dubbed \"Moskitoschreck\" (Mosquito terror), since the German aircrews were never sure when or where they might come under attack. Indirectly this led to", "id": "1092999" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nweek. Among older children, peak frequency of night terrors is one or two episodes per month. The children will most likely have no recollection of the episode the next day. Pediatric evaluation may be sought to exclude the possibility that the night terrors are caused by seizure disorders or breathing problems. Most children will outgrow sleep terrors. Night terrors in adults have been reported in all age ranges. Though the symptoms of night terrors in adolescents and adults are similar, the cause, prognosis and treatment are qualitatively different. These night", "id": "1678112" }, { "contents": "Watatsumi\n\n\n, he had never sighed; but this night he heaved one deep sigh.' What may the cause be? Moreover what was the cause of thy coming here?\" Then [His Augustness Fire-Subside] told the Great Deity exactly how his elder brother had pressed him for the lost fish-hook. Thereupon the Sea-Deity summoned together all the fishes of the sea, great and small, and asked them, saying: \"Is there perchance any fish that has taken this fish-hook?\" So", "id": "6050626" }, { "contents": "Confrontation at Concordia\n\n\nallow a free market of ideas,\" which is precisely a microcosm of the problem that we have in these societies that spawn and produce terrorism. They rigidly control what their people hear and see so that they can control what they think and feel. And this is the essence of the problem. If the real solution to this fanaticism is ventilation, the aeration of various ideas, then you got a whiff of the underlying root cause of terrorism in Concordia. That is the unwillingness to have a free exchange of ideas.", "id": "14584024" }, { "contents": "Themes in Avatar\n\n\nmilitary campaigns. Commenting on the term \"shock and awe\" in the film, Cameron said: \"We know what it feels like to launch the missiles. We don't know what it feels like for them to land on our home soil, not in America.\" Christian Hamaker of \"\" noted that, \"in describing the military assault on Pandora, Cameron cribs terminology from the ongoing war on terrorism and puts it in the mouths of the film's villains ... as they 'fight terror with terror'", "id": "9704739" }, { "contents": "The Million Dollar Homepage\n\n\nignored it, but a week later received a second e-mail threat: \"Hello u website is under us atack to stop the DDoS send us 50000$.\" Again, he ignored the threat, and the website was flooded with extra traffic and e-mails, causing it to crash. \"I haven't replied to any of them as I don't want to give them the satisfaction and I certainly don't intend to pay them any money. What is happening to my website is like terrorism. If you pay", "id": "19339704" }, { "contents": "Coal and Iron Police\n\n\noften hired to fill these commissions and they served their own interests by causing the violence and terror that gave them office. The coal and iron police worked with the Pinkertons, particularly with a labor spy by the name of James McParland, to suppress the Molly Maguires. The end of the Coal and Iron Police began in 1902 during what became known as The Anthracite Coal Strike. It began May 15 and lasted until October 23. The strike led to violence throughout seven counties and caused a nationwide coal shortage, driving up the", "id": "16822986" }, { "contents": "Night Terrors (Doctor Who)\n\n\n\" and purposely inserted the line \"Maybe later\" into the script as it had been \"a bit of a catchphrase\" for the two on \"Funland\". However, Mays did not notice the reference. The episode was originally given the title of \"What Are Little Boys Made Of?\" To achieve a greater variety of stories in the first half of series 6 \"Night Terrors\" was moved to the second block of episodes, having been filmed as episode four and showing up in promos for the first half", "id": "18361466" }, { "contents": "The Valleys (series 1)\n\n\nto her, causing huge arguments between them. Liam confronts Chidgey saying he's only in Cardiff for himself and isn't bothered about Natalee's feelings, and then tells Carley what Chidgey really gets up to on a night out. The night of the big event arrives and Natalee turns up to gate crash the party. Carley quickly hints to Natalee that Chidgey's been up to no good and Natalee plans to get her own back. AK celebrates with Chidgey over their successful night but Natalee catches them together and assumes the worst", "id": "21201334" }, { "contents": "Tillie Pierce\n\n\nor cellar-kitchen of the house, we found many nurses making beef tea for the wounded. Seeing that we were crying they inquired as to the cause. We told them where we had been and what we had seen... They soon dispelled our terror and caused us to laugh so much that many times when we should have been sober minded we were not; the reaction having been too sudden for our overstrung nerves. A chaplain then advised, \"Little girl, do all you can for the poor soldiers and the", "id": "9584379" }, { "contents": "Does This Look Infected?\n\n\nof the things I do and I don't mind doing them, I just hate hearing about it. Being told every morning, \"Dude, what did you do last night?\" drives me nuts.\" \"Still Waiting\" was written after the September 11 attacks. Whibley explained the meaning of the song, saying, \"It's not directly about 9/11 or the war on terrorism. It's about the war on everything. It's about the world as we know it. It's no secret that the", "id": "13978065" }, { "contents": "Critical terrorism studies\n\n\nstate terrorism that are often overlooked and even justified in orthodox studies. CTS's new approach and perspective has been widely welcomed in the field of terrorism studies. Nevertheless, it has been subject to criticism for its desire to distinguish itself from what it deems \"traditional\" or \"orthodox\" terrorism studies, and for its claim of maintaining absolute political neutrality. However, scholars both from critical and traditional terrorism studies remain determined not to allow any distinction between the subfields to cause bifurcation and incompatibility within the field of research itself.", "id": "11673862" }, { "contents": "Ideograph (rhetoric)\n\n\nAnother important ideograph used specifically by U.S. presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks is «a href=\"terrorism\"terrorismWar on TerrorWar on Terrorrule of law, we must fight against «a href=\"terrorism\"terrorism/a». Obama used this term to his advantage and made «a href=\"terrorism\"terrorism/a» appear to be a common enemy and fighting back was the common cause. This use of the ideograph unified the country creating a sense of identity for American citizens, “defining what the nation stands for and against. The term divides those", "id": "20894777" }, { "contents": "Economics of terrorism\n\n\nexamined the relationship between economics and terrorism, but both scholars and policy makers have often struggled to reach a consensus on the role that economics plays in causing terrorism, and how exactly economic considerations could prove useful in understanding and combatting terrorism. The study of terrorism economics dates back to a 1978 study by William Landes, who conducted research into what acted as effective deterrents for airplane hijackings. Looking at aircraft hijacking trends in the US between 1961 and 1976, Landes found that the reduction in the number of hijackings after 1972 was associated", "id": "7415187" }, { "contents": "Dead Parrot sketch\n\n\nNot really.\" When Cleese eventually stopped laughing, he couldn't remember where they were in the sketch. He turned to the audience and asked them what the next line was, and people shouted it at him, causing him to wonder, \"What is the point of this?\" He also says that when he and Palin were asked to do the sketch for \"Saturday Night Live\" they sat down together to try to remember the lines, and when they got stuck they considered just going out and stopping somebody", "id": "19488967" }, { "contents": "Iopas\n\n\ntingere soles hiberni, uel quae tardis mora noctibus obstet/poem poemA student of Atlas, the maestro, Livens the air with his gilded harp. For the long-haired Iopas Sings of the unpredictable moon, of the sun and its labours, Origins human and animal, causes of fire and of moisture, Stars (Lesser, Greater Bear, rainy Hyades, also Arcturus), Why in the winter the sun so hurries to dive in the Ocean, What slows winter's lingering nights, what blocks and delays them.", "id": "2999581" }, { "contents": "Worldwide Incidents Tracking System\n\n\nhumans are good at categorizing and recognizing discrete objects and concepts, but often lack the ability to make effective aggregate judgments.\" Being able to use humans and computers allows analysts to separate data quickly and effectively to determine what is or is not an act of violence. Analysts can then code them into the database, and the WITS system then made a logical decision on whether the act meets the criteria for terrorism. Having the computer assist NCTC with what is or is not terrorism allowed an analyst to compare the computer’s answer", "id": "20845464" }, { "contents": "Criticism of the War on Terror\n\n\nfor information, they would have no idea what the president actually said. It was as if the press were reporting on a different speech.\" The study is essentially a \"comparative framing analysis.\" Overall, Kuypers examined themes about 9-11 and the War on Terror that President Bush used and compared them to themes that the press used when reporting on what he said. \"Framing is a process whereby communicators, consciously or unconsciously, act to construct a point of view that encourages the facts of a given situation", "id": "7272337" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nare more likely to receive a diagnosis of sleep disorders, including night terrors. Overall, though, adult night terrors are much less common and often respond best to treatments that rectify causes of poor quality or quantity of sleep. The DSM-V diagnostic criteria for sleep terror disorder requires: We have to distinguish night terrors from nightmares. In fact, in nightmares there are almost never vocalization or agitation, and if there are any, they are less strong in comparison to night terrors. In addition, nightmares appear ordinarily during", "id": "1678119" }, { "contents": "Naomi Uemura\n\n\nice and the floe cracked into pieces. He and his dogs were stranded on a tossing island of ice. After a night of terror, Uemura found a ice bridge and raced to safety. He persevered and became the first ever to reach the Pole solo. Describing his 57-day push, he wrote, \"What drove me to continue then was the thought of countless people who had helped and supported me and the knowledge that I could never face them if I gave up.\" In this trip, he cooperated with the", "id": "13692021" }, { "contents": "What Will Fat Cat Sit On?\n\n\nWhat Will Fat Cat Sit On? is a 2007 children's picture book by Jan Thomas. Fat Cat wonders what to sit on. The animals are relieved that the cat will not sit on them, but they wonder about what the cat will have for lunch. The animals run off in terror. A \"Publishers Weekly\" review says, \"Eschewing anything that smacks of a setting (except for the comfy chair to which Fat Cat is directed) she renders her barnyard characters in super-saturated colors and thick,", "id": "11519395" }, { "contents": "Laura Bush\n\n\nof these very difficult challenges are hard. They're hard decisions to make. And of course some people are unhappy about what some of those decisions are. But I think people know that he is doing what he thinks is right for the United States, that he's doing what he – especially in the war on terror, what he thinks he is obligated to do for the people in the United States, and that is to protect them ... When his polls were really high they weren't on the front page.", "id": "17642518" }, { "contents": "Pine Glenn Cove\n\n\ndetermine whether the stories are true, has caused many young people to enter the camp at night. On October 10, 1997, a group of 8 teenagers illegally entered the camp and were surprised by three armed watchmen. The watchmen herded them into the lodge, handcuffed them, and tied their necks together with ropes. The teenagers were released when police arrived. Later that night, however, a larger group of 30 teenagers, unaware of what had happened earlier, trespassed into the camp and were greeted by the same watchmen", "id": "11610138" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nterrors can occur each night if the sufferer does not eat a proper diet, get the appropriate amount or quality of sleep (e.g. sleep apnea), is enduring stressful events, or if he or she remains untreated. Adult night terrors are much less common, and often respond to treatments to rectify causes of poor quality or quantity of sleep. Night terrors are classified as a mental and behavioral disorder in the ICD. A study done about night terrors in adults showed that other psychiatric symptoms were prevalent in most patients experiencing night", "id": "1678113" }, { "contents": "Mungo Park (explorer)\n\n\nupon?\" A deeply-rooted idea that the whites purchase Negroes for the purpose of devouring them, or of selling them to others that they may be devoured hereafter, naturally makes the slaves contemplate a journey towards the Coast with great terror, insomuch that the Slatees are forced to keep them constantly in irons, and watch them very closely, to prevent their escape. His book \"Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa\" became a best-seller because it detailed what he observed, what he survived, and the", "id": "8260134" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nconfused with and reported as a night terror. Night terrors tend to happen during periods of arousal from delta sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep. Delta sleep occurs most often during the first half of a sleep cycle, which indicates that people with more delta sleep activity are more prone to night terrors. However, they can also occur during daytime naps. Night terrors can often be mistaken for confusional arousal. While nightmares (bad dreams that cause feelings of horror or fear) are relatively common during childhood, night", "id": "1678104" }, { "contents": "Battle of the Admin Box\n\n\nthe area. On the ground, the fighting for the Admin Box was severe and for the most part hand to hand. On the night of 7 February, some Japanese troops captured the divisional Main Dressing Station. In what was undoubtedly a war crime, thirty-five medical staff and patients were murdered. This may have increased the resolve of the defenders who were now aware what fate would befall them if they surrendered. Japanese fire caused heavy casualties in the crowded defences and twice set ammunition dumps on fire. All attempts", "id": "10588799" }, { "contents": "Happy Days (musical)\n\n\nat home wondering how Chachi is going to feel at prom (\"What I Dreamed Last Night\" [reprise]). Later, Marion finds Fonzie hiding under the stairs. She reminds him that true cool, like James Dean and Elvis Presley, means not caring what others think. She leaves him in thought, and Fonzie's two heroes appear, convincing Fonzie that guys like them change direction for a worthy cause and the higher road is the only road (\"Guys Like Us\"). At Pfister Park,", "id": "1568403" }, { "contents": "Mischief Night (2014 film)\n\n\n, who is far less intimidating without his mask on, doesn't know how to react. He eventually decides against killing her, and sets her free. The two start talking, and soon a strange, twisted romance blossoms between them. They head into the neighborhood to cause a little mischief themselves, and gradually, over the course of the night, begin to reveal to each other what makes them tick. Kaylie and the man make love, but when she asks him to stab her while they have sex, he", "id": "21624814" }, { "contents": "War Paint (1953 film)\n\n\ntroopers, who is to make his way overland to the Indian village while the rest of the men conserve their strength by travelling only at night. Wanima ambushes the trooper and kills him but is wounded herself and becomes unconscious. At night the patrol discovers what has happened, but Billings refuses to kill Wanima. This causes discontent among the patrol, who have lost other members through poisoned water and suicide. Wanima agrees to lead the patrol to water but leads them to an abandoned gold mine, setting them to killing each other", "id": "6627284" }, { "contents": "Lucian\n\n\nFalse Prophet\" as \"truly holy and prophetic\". Later, in the same dialogue, he praises a book written by Epicurus: What blessings that book creates for its readers and what peace, tranquillity, and freedom it engenders in them, liberating them as it does from terrors and apparitions and portents, from vain hopes and extravagant cravings, developing in them intelligence and truth, and truly purifying their understanding, not with torches and squills [i. e. sea onions] and that sort of foolery, but with straight thinking", "id": "4159366" }, { "contents": "Pixie Pop\n\n\nBitter that Mayu drank it instead of her, Pucho proceeds to terrorize Mayu, who thinks that she's merely dreaming and drinks some cold milk to wake herself up. In all actuality, it turns her into a giant. From that point on, anything Mayu drinks (with the exception of water, although it did turn her invisible one time) will cause her to transform. Many times, Mayu has no control over what she does or says during her transformations, and the only way to undo them is with the", "id": "11945189" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\n\"insult\" Storm had caused from killing Terror, doing it soon, at the place where Terror died and on the night of the new moon - they also say about how the spirit of Tufty also visited them. Eventually, Storm, Lucky, Bella and Arrow head out into the forest to seek out Breeze and Nibble, looking for the location where Terror was killed by Storm. Along the way, they make it across a road, nearly getting killed by loudcages and loud-beasts (motorcycles). Soon,", "id": "241200" }, { "contents": "This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse\n\n\n. When the woman named Marcia remains proudly unaffected while the others scream and beg to the terrors they are submitted into, Coffin Joe retains her as his chosen and imprisons the other five in a pit below his bedroom, where he releases poisonous snakes to kill them. Too shocked with what Coffin Joe had done, however, Marcia refuses to make love with him, and Coffin Joe lets her go stating he knows she won't report him to the authorities. After this incident, the village receives the visit of the local", "id": "6480077" }, { "contents": "Huang Chao\n\n\nobedient to him, so he allowed them to stay in the city. But that night, the Ganhua soldiers rioted over what they perceived to be the lack of supplies given to them. Xue met them and calmed them down, but this in turn caused the Zhongwu soldiers and the populace of Xu Prefecture to be angry at his lenient treatment of them. The Zhongwu officer Zhou Ji, himself then taking Zhongwu soldiers toward Yin River, thus turned his army around and attacked and slaughtered the Ganhua soldiers. His soldiers also killed", "id": "1938957" }, { "contents": "Alice James\n\n\nher mind: \"So, with the rest, you abandon the pit of your stomach, the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, and refuse to keep them sane when you find in turn one moral impression after another producing despair in the one, terror in the others, anxiety in the third and so on until life becomes one long flight from remote suggestion and complicated eluding of the multifold traps set for your undoing.\" James described two opposing views of what causes many ill-defined \"psychosomatic", "id": "13301428" }, { "contents": "Nawaz Sharif\n\n\n(CNS), with military representation in the political body. According to political scientist and civic-military relations expert Aqil Shah, Sharif finally did exactly what former chairman joint chiefs Jehangir Karamat had called for in 1998. In September 2013, Sharif announced that Pakistan would open unconditional talks with the Taliban, declaring them stakeholders rather than terrorists. The PML-N's conservative hardliners also chose to blame the US and NATO for causing terrorism in Pakistan. However, Pakistani Taliban's Supreme Council demanded a cease-fire, to", "id": "8332551" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nidentical and fraternal, and found that a significantly higher concordance rate of night terror was found in identical twins than in fraternal. Though the symptoms of night terrors in adolescents and adults are similar, their causes, prognoses, and treatments are qualitatively different. There is some evidence that suggests that night terrors can occur if the sufferer does not eat a proper diet, does not get the appropriate amount or quality of sleep (e.g., because of sleep apnea), or is enduring stressful events. Adults who have experienced sexual abuse", "id": "1678118" }, { "contents": "State terrorism\n\n\nState terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by a state, whether against foreign targets or against its own citizens. There is some disagreement about how to exactly define what is and what is not state terrorism, see \"Definition\" section below for details. There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the proper definition of the word \"terrorism\". Some scholars believe that the actions of governments can be labelled \"terrorism\". For example, using the term 'terrorism' to mean violent action used with", "id": "10442887" }, { "contents": "Indestructible (Disturbed album)\n\n\nmeaning, then what good is it?\" The first song completed musically was \"The Night\", and Draiman completed the melody line in three days. This caused Draiman to tentatively call the record \"The Night\". As Draiman recalled, \"The instrumentation was so cool and so dark and textural that I right away kind of jumped into it.\" When the first batch of songs were completed, the band sent them out to their record label, Reprise Records, and waited for their approval to continue writing more", "id": "1300744" }, { "contents": "Terror and Liberalism\n\n\n—and particularly its intellectual stakes—to levels beyond what they merit and to force them into a template of an earlier era, for which Berman has an evident and understandable nostalgia. Over the course of the book, the disjointedness between what the radical Islamist menace is and what Berman wants to make it ranges from merely apparent to downright painful, and ends up obscuring as much as it clarifies. And, unfortunately, the obscuring elements may be the more important ones. Given the role intellectuals are playing in this war,", "id": "13099021" }, { "contents": "Sarpa Satra\n\n\nhappy event, thanked Astika and asked him: \"O learned one, what good shall we do unto thee? We have been very much gratified, having been all saved by thee. What shall we accomplish for thee, O child!\" Astika told them that they should desist from causing harm to anyone during day or night. Any one narrating the story of Astika should have full immunity from snake bite and any snake disobeying this injunction shall have \"his hood divided a hundredfold like the fruit of Sinsa tree\".", "id": "4272718" }, { "contents": "Ohio Impromptu\n\n\nhas made “a terrible mistake. Familiar surroundings could have soothed and ‘sedated’ him through their long association with his loved one, but unfamiliar surroundings accentuate his total sense of deprivation. In his bereaved state, everything conspires to remind him of what he has lost.” For whatever reason he is unable to go back, to undo what he had done. He is plagued by night terrors, something he had suffered from in the past, so far back in fact it was “as if [they had]", "id": "4893584" }, { "contents": "Known Unknowns\n\n\nwhole medical conference). While arguing about this, House has an epiphany about Jordan's condition. It turns out that Jordan has vibrio vulnificus caused by the vibrio in the oysters Jordan had the previous night. She has hemochromatosis, which gave her a unique susceptibility to vibrio, which was what caused her swollen joints. However, this got attributed to bulimia so she got supplements that had iron in them. The iron stressed her liver, causing the bleeding. This led to more blood transfusions, giving her more blood,", "id": "20087219" }, { "contents": "Revolutionary terror\n\n\nthe interests of the Soviet power. The first thing you have to ask an arrested person is: To what class does he belong, where does he come from, what kind of education did he have, what is his occupation? These questions are to decide the fate of the accused. That is the quintessence of the Red Terror. Similarly, in his book \"Terrorism and Communism\" (1920), Trotsky emphasized that \"the historical tenacity of the bourgeoisie is colossal[.] [...] We are forced", "id": "15012820" }, { "contents": "Marlow Rugby Union Football Club\n\n\n, Bill Gittings were just some of the glittering array of talented players on display that night. The final score didn't matter (26pts - 8pts to the visitors by the way). What did matter was that players of this calibre were prepared to give up an evening, and for many of them a long night and early morning, to come and help a Club such as Marlow celebrate the addition of facilities that would help to advance the cause of Rugby A year later was the formation of a team that was to", "id": "21310887" }, { "contents": "The House Always Wins\n\n\ntheir rightful bodies. Back in L.A., the gang is glad to be home, although Angel questions what caused his jackpot. As they head inside the hotel, they freeze when they see Cordelia standing in the middle of the lobby; she does not recognize them. This episode was filmed on location in Las Vegas. \"We shot from six at night to six in the morning for five nights,\" recalls writer/producer David Fury. \"It was like a movie shoot, we were real stars.\" The", "id": "5225356" }, { "contents": "The Fountain\n\n\nabout a man and a woman in love, with the woman's life cut short. The director researched people who were dying young, and learned from doctors and caregivers that such patients find new ways of coping. Aronofsky observed that the patients often die more alone because their families cannot recognize what happens with them, calling it \"an incredible tragedy\": Instead of facing this tragedy in terror, she is coming to terms with what is happening to her... Many patients actually start opening up to the possibility of what", "id": "17053838" }, { "contents": "Genie (feral child)\n\n\nof a wolf sent Genie into a terror, after which the Riglers asked Genie's mother if she knew a possible cause for this reaction; she then informed them that her husband had acted like a dog to intimidate Genie, making the underlying reason for her fear apparent to the scientists for the first time. Throughout Genie's stay the scientists saw how frequently and effectively she used her nonverbal skills, and never determined what she did to elicit such strong reactions from other people. David Rigler vividly remembered an occasion when he and", "id": "1354228" }, { "contents": "Legion (Marvel Comics)\n\n\nchest, allowing Legion to see the future that he caused. In his last moments, David apologized for what he did. David's mother, Gabrielle Haller, described having a \"maternal loss\" afterward, implying she miscarried before giving birth to David. While David was considered deceased, some of his alternate personalities remained trapped between life and death, manifesting as spirits. When the spirits started terrorizing Israel, Excalibur was called to stop them. After learning that the spirits were refusing death, Meggan used her empathy to calm", "id": "8951405" }, { "contents": "We Are Displaced\n\n\nbook, Yousafzai stated of refugees: \"We never hear what they want to say, what their dreams are, their aspirations are\". As well as crises caused by war and terrorism, Yousafzai wished to highlight refugee stories from those affected by gangs, such as in Latin America. The book's first part, \"I Am Displaced\", details Yousafzai's experience being displaced. She details the rise of the Taliban in Mingora, Pakistan which led to forced displacement, with her family moving between relatives in the Shangla", "id": "1751455" }, { "contents": "Team America: World Police\n\n\nconservatives/social libertarians. Parker himself is a registered Libertarian. Before the film's release, it was criticized by Matt Drudge and conservative group Move America Forward for mocking the War on Terror. Before \"Team America\" was released, statements were released by a \"senior Bush administration official\" condemning the film. Upon receiving the news, the duo called and found it was instead a \"junior staffer,\" causing Stone to quip \"What is it – junior or senior? What are we talking about here? Who", "id": "20763937" }, { "contents": "Terrorism in Sweden\n\n\nDonald Trump cited a Swedish terrorist attack that appeared never to have happened during a campaign-style rally in Florida, saying \"We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible.\" The Swedish public and politicians responded with bafflement and ridicule, although the president later insisted he was right and his", "id": "11141329" }, { "contents": "The Supernaturalist\n\n\n, and Mona confront him, Ditto claims that Parasites don't take life force, only pain. Not knowing what to believe any more, Stefan orders Ditto to be out by the next day, but Myishi paralegals capture them all that night. While imprisoned, Faustino reveals to the Supernaturalists that the bomb didn't kill the Parasites, it merely stunned them, and that she captured them to use for her own purposes. She also tells Stefan that she caused the accident that killed his mother; it was part of an", "id": "20565101" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\n. There is a sense that the individuals are trying to protect themselves and/or escape from a possible threat of bodily injury. Although people may seem to be awake during a night terror, they will appear confused, be inconsolable and/or unresponsive to attempts to communicate with them, and may not recognize others familiar to them. Occasionally, when a person with a night terror is awakened, they will lash out at the one awakening them, which can be dangerous to that individual. Most people who experience this do not remember the incident", "id": "1678107" }, { "contents": "Charlie Hebdo shooting\n\n\nterrorism. Many cities had notable \"Je suis Charlie\" gatherings, including Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. In Calgary, there was a strong anti-terrorism sentiment. \"We're against terrorism and want to show them that they won't win the battle. It's horrible everything that happened, but they won't win,\" commented one demonstrator. \"It's not only against the French journalists or the French people, it's against freedom – everyone, all over the world, is concerned at what", "id": "17428709" }, { "contents": "2009 Aftonbladet Israel controversy\n\n\nand Nafes from Gaza, who had all disappeared for a number of days only to return at night, dead and – Why would they otherwise keep the bodies for up to five days before they let us bury them? What happened to the bodies during that time? Why are they performing an autopsy when the cause of death is obvious, and in all cases against our will? Why are the bodies returned at night? And why with a military escort? And why is the area closed off during the funeral?", "id": "7287763" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\ncultural difference between manifestations of night terrors, though it is thought that the significance and cause of night terrors differ within cultures. Evidence suggests that nightmares are more common among women than men. Also, older children and adults provide highly detailed and descriptive images associated with their sleep terrors compared to younger children, who either cannot recall or only vaguely remember. Sleep terrors in children are also more likely to occur in males than females; in adults, the ratio between sexes is equal. A longitudinal study examined twins, both", "id": "1678117" }, { "contents": "The Scions of Shannara\n\n\nHowever, what Par and Coll are doing is illegal under the law of the Federation because magic is supposedly the cause for various problems that are occurring in the Four Lands. On one night, Rimmer Dall, first Seeker for the Federation, bursts into the tavern, having found out about Par and Coll, and tries to arrest them. Par and Coll are rescued by a mysterious man, who claims to be a leader of the rebel group (or the Movement). The man does not give them his name,", "id": "8944424" }, { "contents": "Maria Labo\n\n\nAlone, her aswang persona begins to take control over her and one day she killed her children and cooked them. When Ermin found out what she did, Maria was shot repeatedly by her husband but escaped outside their home. Ermin then buries the remains of her children. Shortly, he witnessed a remorseful Maria crying nearby whose aswang persona then takes over once again. Maria receives a wound on her face after her husband hacked her face with a bolo knife and escapes once again. Then rumors of an aswang causing terror throughout", "id": "18342824" }, { "contents": "Charles W. Freeman Jr.\n\n\nThe Washington Post carried\" a front-page article detailing various Jewish organizations' lobbying efforts to derail Freeman's appointment. The Associated Press has characterized Freeman as \"outspoken\" on issues including Israel, Iraq, and the war on terror. Freeman commented at a Washington Institute for Near East Policy meeting in 2002 that, And what of America's lack of introspection about September 11? Instead of asking what might have caused the attack, or questioning the propriety of the national response to it, there is an ugly mood of", "id": "11462259" }, { "contents": "Crucible of Terror\n\n\nAfter medical personnel remove a covered body, John says that he doesn't understand what's happened. Bill says that everything was caused by 'Chi-San', the Japanese cultist whom Victor turned into his only bronze. He explains that the cultists believe that anyone who wears the kimono will be possessed and 'take revenge'. Bill says that Millie didn't realise what she was doing as she was 'completely under Chi-San's control' while committing the murders. John calls Millie's purchase of the kimono", "id": "19330900" }, { "contents": "History of As the World Turns\n\n\nrebound and angry about Caleb's shoddy treatment of Angel, Holden married Angel and they moved to Europe. When they returned a year or so later, Angel refused to give him a divorce even though everyone knew he was in love with Lily. What seemed to be selfishness was actually abject terror of what her father Henry Lange (James Rebhorn) would do to her if she were alone. Sure enough, one night Henry crawled into Angel's bed and forced himself on her, as he had been doing ever since she", "id": "9717765" }, { "contents": "The Ballad of Little Joe\n\n\nto keep doing what is right. Sheriff Bob seems to understand, before telling all three inmates that it's lights out because there's another day of quilting ahead, before he turns off the oil lamp after that. That night, the Baker and the Blacksmith are asleep, before they are suddenly plagued by troubling dreams that cause them to wake up screaming. Outside of Dodgeball City, the screams are so loud that they cause an avalanche of dodgeballs to rain down on top of an old hobo (played by Charlie Pincher", "id": "11127298" }, { "contents": "Christian terrorism\n\n\nof ethnic, economic and political causes, such as the one in Bosnia. In cases such as the Lord's Resistance Army or the Taiping Rebellion the beliefs of the founders differ significantly from what is recognizably Christian. In such cases the term Christian terrorism is problematic despite the claim that they are motivated by their religious beliefs. The term terrorist can also be applied for disingenuous reasons, to encourage public support for a groups vilification or allow the use of stricter laws in punishing a group or individual. The intimidation of minority communities", "id": "11720020" }, { "contents": "What We Become\n\n\nresidents are ordered to remain indoors. The military brings residents food and water, but does not inform them of the reality. At night, the military drags the infected from their houses and into trucks. Not knowing they are dangerous zombies, the older teenage son of the family mistakes this for arbitrary arrest. Out of a passion for social justice, he sneaks out of the house and frees the zombies from the trucks. His misguided actions cause the military to be overrun and forcing them to retreat from the neighbourhood. Seeing", "id": "13058675" }, { "contents": "Australian anti-terrorism legislation, 2004\n\n\nof legislation to bring them into conformity with the \"Anti-Terrorism Act\" described above. \"Under the new offence,\" Ruddock said, \"what must be proved is that the person communicates or meets directors, members or promoters of a listed terrorist organisation and in doing so provides support intended to assist the expansion or continued existence of the organisation.\" The Bill amended a number of Acts: The Bill passed Parliament and was assented to on 16 August 2004 as the \"Anti-terrorism Act (No. 2", "id": "18605753" }, { "contents": "International business\n\n\ngovernment will indiscriminately change the laws, regulations, or contracts governing an investment—or will fail to enforce them—in a way that reduces an investor's financial returns is what we call 'policy risk.'\" Terrorism is a voluntary act of violence towards a group(s) of people. In most cases, acts of terrorism is derived from hatred of religious, political and cultural beliefs. An example was the infamous 9/11 attacks, labeled as terrorism due to the massive damages inflicted on American society and the global economy stemming", "id": "4544056" }, { "contents": "The Orphanage (2007 film)\n\n\nis Simón's corpse, wearing Tomás's mask. Laura finally realizes what happened: while searching for Simón the night he disappeared, Laura moved pieces of construction scaffolding, blocking the entrance to the secret room. The crashes that night were caused by Simón trying to get out. He fell and broke his neck. Laura appears to take an overdose of sleeping pills. Then, apparently dying, she begs to be with Simón again and the children's spirits appear, with Simón among them. Simón tells Laura that his wish", "id": "19700897" }, { "contents": "Night Frost Crisis\n\n\nKekkonen made to Leningrad in January 1959, where he “accidentally” met Nikita Khrushchev and Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. During the lunch that followed the negotiations, Khrushchev declared that whilst Finland had the right to decide on its governments, the Soviet Union also had the right to decide what it thinks about them. It was President Kekkonen's considered opinion that the Night Frost Crisis was caused by the internal disputes within the Social Democratic Party. On February 3, 1959, diplomatic relations between the countries were restored when the Soviet Union", "id": "244834" }, { "contents": "Night Man\n\n\non the original Night Man in the Marvel Universe. However, Englehart's creative differences with Marvel caused Englehart to leave what was left of Malibu Comics. onlyinclude Night Man guest starred in the episode \"Night and the Night Man\" of \"Ultraforce\" animated series. The character's origin is the same, but instead of the face-stealing serial killer Deathmask being the cause of Johnny Domino's becoming Night Man, a completely new villain is. Chrysalis, a mutated insect who takes the form of whomever it captures in", "id": "19225660" }, { "contents": "Paul E. Vallely\n\n\nTerror. Some of his public statements have caused controversy, such as saying \"we are not going to permit\" a Shiite victory in an Iraqi election, and claiming that the war on terror is a war between Islam and Judeo–Christianity: \"That's what's going on. If you don't understand that, then you don't get it.\" General Vallely has recently lent his support to an organization called Veteran Defenders of America. In his letter of support he stated that \"[p]erhaps the greatest threat", "id": "21815586" }, { "contents": "Wahhabism\n\n\nKuan Yew, and has caused the Saudi interpretation (sometimes called \"petro-Islam\") to be perceived as the correct interpretation—or the \"gold standard\" of Islam—in many Muslims' minds. According to counter-terrorism scholar Thomas F. Lynch III, Sunni extremists perpetrated about 700 terror attacks killing roughly 7,000 people from 1981 to 2006. What connection, if any, there is between Wahhabism and the Jihadi Salafis such as Al-Qaeda who carried out these attacks, is disputed. Natana De Long-", "id": "727961" }, { "contents": "A Return to Normalcy\n\n\n. He then says that he experienced the same terror and happiness in spending time with Margaret and her children. Margaret decides that Nucky must be kind at heart, but asks him why he does what he does. Nucky responds that everyone must decide how much sin they can live with, and the two say farewell, with Margaret planning to leave Atlantic City after the election. Confronted by Angela about his disturbing night terrors, Jimmy talks to her about his life in the trenches, and the two agree to forgive each other", "id": "10192863" }, { "contents": "Deanna Kuhn\n\n\nsuch as, \"What causes prisoners to return to crime after they are released?\" \"What causes unemployment?\" or \"What causes children to fail in school?\" as a means of developing students' informal reasoning skills through debate. People have a tendency to exhibit confirmation bias: they readily identify evidence in support of their views, but fail to consider evidence that might falsify their views. Providing opportunities for students to debate ideas with peers may foster the development of critical thinking skills by encouraging them to consider multiple", "id": "13873423" }, { "contents": "New York City blackout of 1977\n\n\nofficers were injured in the mayhem, 4,500 looters were arrested. Mayor Abe Beame spoke during the blackout about what citizens were up against during the blackout and what the costs would be. We've seen our citizens subjected to violence, vandalism, theft, and discomfort. The Blackout has threatened our safety and has seriously impacted our economy. We've been needlessly subjected to a night of terror in many communities that have been wantonly looted and burned. The costs when finally tallied will be enormous. During New York's 2003 blackout", "id": "19660189" }, { "contents": "Sir Robert Munro, 5th Baronet\n\n\ntheir forces and spoiled MacKenzie, Earl of Seaforth's lands of Brahan. From Major Fraser's manuscript: \"The Earl of Sutherland that night, to be avenged on what was done to him at Alness, and the Munros, also to be revenged of what the MacKenzies and MacDonalds had plundered from them, did encamp near Lord Seaforth's house and there destroy what they could. Then a hundred Frasers and a hundred Munros were sent off to bring in provisions, there being 1500 men encamped that night, and every two", "id": "13229901" }, { "contents": "Heaven Knows What\n\n\nheroin. Eventually, Ilya and Mike get into a fight at a park with Harley watching, and Ilya injures Mike's hand. While he recovers from his wound, Harley admits to Mike that she still loves Ilya, which causes Mike to leave her in frustration. One night, Harley receives a phone call; Ilya is unconscious at a fast food restaurant from a drug overdose. Harley rushes there and revives Ilya, causing them to passionately reconcile. They then board a bus for Miami. While Harley is sleeping, Ilya", "id": "261295" }, { "contents": "Sociology of terrorism\n\n\nsymbolic interactionism to explain crime, and thus terrorism. Deviance, which terrorism falls under, can be explained by labeling theory. Labeling theory is “the belief that individuals subconsciously notice how others see or label them, and their reactions to those labels, over time, form the basis of their self-identity.\" Social groups create rules about what is acceptable behavior for people in society. When a rule is broken, society determines if the act was deviant. A person can only become deviant after a social reaction to", "id": "20856559" }, { "contents": "Euston Manifesto\n\n\n. The authors draw particular attention to what they describe as the recent resurgence of antisemitism, believing that some leftists have attempted to hide antisemitism under a cover of anti-Zionism. In strong language the authors condemn and reject all forms of terrorism (defined by them as the intentional targeting of civilians) and call it a violation of international law and the laws of war. In their view nothing can excuse terrorism. They single out Islamist terrorism as particularly heinous. They do however defend Muslims, saying that within that faith can", "id": "4662391" }, { "contents": "The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray\n\n\nof the certain types of Wych-kin that caused madness. On this instance however, Thaniel got the impression that Pyke had an ulterior motive and gave the doctor false information concerning the girl. That night the killer Stitch-Face strikes again, Ms. Marey Woolbury who is a prostitute. During Alaizabel's slow recovery it becomes apparent that she has no memory of her past life apart from her name. Unbeknownst to any of them \"The Wych-kin Fraternity\" is watching them and waiting for their chance to recapture what", "id": "7465033" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\nthat if an individual is already getting 8 hours of sleep, then another half hour won't make them lose weight; however, in cases where a person is used to getting 5 hours of sleep per night and they start getting 7–8 hours, it is common to see them start to shed pounds, especially in obese individuals. What causes this phenomenon? Two hormones, ghrelin and leptin, closely associated with appetite are key in the sleep and weight relationship. Ghrelin is the hormone that controls appetite and tells the body when", "id": "9128123" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nNight terror, also known as sleep terror, is a sleep disorder causing feelings of terror or dread typically occurring during the first hours of stage 3–4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and lasting for 1 to 10 minutes. They can last longer, especially in children. Sleep terrors are then classified in the category of NREM-related parasomnias in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders. There are two other categories: REM-related parasomnias and other parasomnias. Parasomnias are qualified as undesirable physical events or experience that occur", "id": "1678102" }, { "contents": "Death of Kelly Thomas\n\n\nclaiming the Slidebar had a policy to do \"anything necessary\" to keep loiterers out of the area and that his manager lied about Thomas breaking into cars when calling the police to get them to respond more quickly. He further claims that Thomas was only loitering in the area that night and not causing trouble. Soon after making statements to investigators about what he saw that night he claims his managers were \"furious at him for it\" and slowly started taking away his responsibilities, culminating with his firing two months later. Reeves", "id": "4488336" }, { "contents": "Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Kazakhstan\n\n\n\"the reality is that the threat of terrorism cannot be eradicated completely in the near future. It will continue to reproduce itself one way or the other. But nations can and should make every effort to limit the opportunities for this threat to realize itself, and this is what we are doing, and this is what we are going to discuss during our conference.\" He also said \"terrorism has deep roots in Central Asia.\" President Nazarbayev 's said in his opening statement, \"Kazakhstan's national security is", "id": "14810951" }, { "contents": "Nationalist terrorism\n\n\nwith the concept of terrorism itself, the term \"nationalist terrorism\" and its application are highly contentious issues. What constitutes an illegitimate regime and what types of violence and war are acceptable against such a state are subjects of debate. Groups described by some as \"nationalist terrorists\" tend to consider themselves \"freedom fighters,\" engaged in valid but asymmetric warfare. Other nationalistic terrorism can include violence against immigrants in a country. Nationalists in many countries see immigration as a threat to the prosperity of the local or native population of", "id": "9866692" }, { "contents": "Tsvi Misinai\n\n\nwith terrorism, as the root causes in escalating the conflict. He asserts that this is what prevents their liberation and preserves their enslavement within an occupation by a false Arab identity. Misinai claims that even though, many Palestinians are aware of their Jewish origins, they rarely speak about this, and their vast majority does nothing to change their status. Those living under a Palestinian terror regime are deterred from speaking on this subject openly, for fear of being harmed. Many Palestinian parents who aware of their Jewish origins usually don't", "id": "13867288" }, { "contents": "Patterns of Global Terrorism\n\n\n. The table at right summarizes the number of international terrorism acts reported each year since 1995. The numbers of those killed or wounded from those acts are also included in the table. The following list consists of the report excerpts from which the table is based. Note that some of the numbers are revised after initial publication of the report, which causes some of the numbers used in excerpted comparisons to differ from what was originally reported. The 2003 report was released twice, in April and June 2004. The release of the", "id": "16717333" }, { "contents": "Richard Tol\n\n\nwhether climate change would lead to conflict\". Citing a lack of suitable methods for evaluating hypothetical conflicts numerically, he examines what he calls plausible scenarios, such as drought and migration in the Horn of Africa or an upsurge in terrorism. Regarding terrorism, he says \"it may well be that a Maldivian terrorist will try and blow up the headquarters of ExxonAramco\". Regarding the Horn of Africa scenario, he acknowledges it might cause substantial human suffering but assesses the probability of this actually happening as unlikely. He concludes that \"", "id": "22147185" }, { "contents": "Metrojet Flight 9268\n\n\n\". On 29 January 2016 Reuters reported, from an unnamed source, that a mechanic had been detained and was suspected of planting a bomb, which he had been given by his cousin, who was a member of ISIS. Two policemen and a baggage-handler were suspected of helping the mechanic. On 24 February 2016, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi acknowledged that terrorism caused the crash, saying, \"Has terrorism ended? No... Whoever downed that plane, what did he want? Just to hit tourism", "id": "4812729" }, { "contents": "Night terror\n\n\nREM sleep in contrast to night terrors, which occur in NREM sleep. Finally, individuals with nightmares can wake up completely and easily and have clear and detailed memories of their dreams. A distinction between night terrors and epileptic seizure is required. Indeed, an epileptic seizure could happen during the night but also during the day. To make the difference between both of them, an EEG can be done and if there are some anomalies on it, it would rather be an epileptic seizure. The assessment of sleep terrors is similar", "id": "1678120" } ]
Why do we say "A United States Navy ship or A United States manufactured item" not "An United States Navy ship or An United States manufactured item."
[{"answer": "The choice between \"a\" and \"an\" is based on how the word sounds, not how it's spelled. If it starts with a vowel *sound*, then we use \"an\". We pronounce \"United\" like \"Yunited\", so it's \"a United States ship\", but it's \"an unsinkable ship\"."}, {"answer": "You used 'an' if the sound following is a vowel sound. United stated is pronounced sort of like yunited states. The 'yu' in this case is not a vowel sound, so 'a' gets used. Similarly, it is an MBA student, because the M is pronounced as 'em' making it a vowel sound, thus needing the an."}, {"answer": "Thanks, I asked my teacher this (Grade 8) and she said, \"I dunno.\" So, thanks."}, {"answer": "It's not the vowel, it's the consonent sound. United is pronounced \"yoo\" so we use A. Just like we say \"An\" honor despite honor not starting with a vowel. The vowel trick is an easy way to teach the grammatical difference between a and an when you're young, but it is not accurate all of the time."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21172177", "title": "Military taxonomy", "section": "Section::::Descriptive paradigm.:Hy\u016bga class helicopter destroyer.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 13, "end_paragraph_id": 13, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["this label is controversial. A taxonomic label of \"aircraft carrier\" is legally proscribed. Each ship in this class has attracted media and Diet attention because of its resemblance to an aircraft carrier. Until the 1970s, US Navy taxonomy categorized large-scale flattops as \"attack aircraft carriers\" and small flattops as \"antisubmarine aircraft carriers.\" In Japan, the constitutional prohibition against having \"attack\" aircraft carries has been construed to encompass small aircraft carriers but not helicopter carriers. A uniquely Japanese taxonomic template is applied to these", "this label is controversial. A taxonomic label of \"aircraft carrier\" is legally proscribed. Each ship in this class has attracted media and Diet attention because of its resemblance to an aircraft carrier. Until the 1970s, US Navy taxonomy categorized large-scale flattops as \"attack aircraft carriers\" and small flattops as \"antisubmarine aircraft carriers.\" In Japan, the constitutional prohibition against having \"attack\" aircraft carries has been construed to encompass small aircraft carriers but not helicopter carriers. A uniquely Japanese taxonomic template is applied to these\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "307054", "title": "United States Merchant Marine", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The United States Merchant Marine refers to either United States civilian mariners, or to U.S. civilian and federally owned merchant vessels. Both the civilian mariners and the merchant vessels are managed by a combination of the government and private sectors, and engage in commerce or transportation of goods and services in and out of the navigable waters of the United States. The Merchant Marine primarily transports cargo and passengers during peacetime; in times of war, the Merchant Marine can be an auxiliary to the United States Navy, and can be called upon to deliver military personnel and materiel for the military. Merchant Marine officers may also be commissioned as military officers by the Department of Defense. This is commonly achieved by commissioning unlimited tonnage Merchant Marine officers as Strategic Sealift Officers in the Naval Reserves.", "The United States Merchant Marine refers to either United States civilian mariners, or to U.S. civilian and federally owned merchant vessels. Both the civilian mariners and the merchant vessels are managed by a combination of the government and private sectors, and engage in commerce or transportation of goods and services in and out of the navigable waters of the United States. The Merchant Marine primarily transports cargo and passengers during peacetime; in times of war, the Merchant Marine can be an auxiliary to the United States Navy, and can be called upon to deliver military personnel and materiel for the military. Merchant Marine officers may also be commissioned as military officers by the Department of Defense. This is commonly achieved by commissioning unlimited tonnage Merchant Marine officers as Strategic Sealift Officers in the Naval Reserves."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "USS Arctic (AF-7)\n\n\nUSS \"Arctic\" (AF-7) was an \"Arctic\"-class stores ship acquired by the United States Navy shortly after World War I, which saw extensive service in World War II. She served in the dangerous Pacific Ocean, delivering food and household items to ships and bases. \"Yamhill\" — a steel-hulled, single-screw freighter built in 1919 at Oakland, California, by the Moore Shipbuilding Co. under a United States Shipping Board contract — was acquired by the navy from the Shipping Board on 4 November 1921 for", "id": "18875993" }, { "contents": "History of foreign relations of the People's Republic of China\n\n\ndelegations exchanged visits, and in 1986 United States Navy ships made their first Chinese port call since 1949. The United States approved certain items, such as aviation electronics, for sale to China, restricting transfers to items that would contribute only to China's defensive capability. As of the late 1980s, it appeared that American assistance in modernizing China's arms would also be limited by China's financial constraints and the underlying principle of self-reliance. Despite the issues that have divided them, relations between the United States and China", "id": "11737560" }, { "contents": "USS Regulus (AF-57)\n\n\nUSS \"Regulus\" (AF-57) was a \"Denebola\"-class stores ship acquired by the United States Navy. Her task was to carry stores, refrigerated items, and equipment to ships in the fleet, and to remote stations and staging areas. The second vessel to be named \"Regulus\" by the Navy, \"Regulus\" was built under United States Maritime Commission contract under the Emergency Shipbuilding program. She was laid down as SS \"Escanaba Victory\" (MCV hull 112) by the Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation, Portland, Oregon", "id": "3133766" }, { "contents": "Australian landing ship medium Harry Chauvel (AV 1353)\n\n\nThe Australian landing ship medium \"Harry Chauvel\" (AV 1353) was a United States Navy landing ship medium which was later sold to Australia and operated by the Australian Army. The ship was built by the Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Company in Chicago, Illinois and was commissioned into the United States Navy (USN) as USS \"LSM-319\" on 10 August 1944. She was assigned to the Pacific Theater of Operations and saw action during the liberation of the Philippines during 1944 and 1945. Following the war she was decommissioned", "id": "7425646" }, { "contents": "Australian landing ship medium Vernon Sturdee (AV 1355)\n\n\nThe Australian landing ship medium \"Vernon Sturdee\" (AV 1355) was a United States Navy landing ship medium which was later sold to Australia and operated by the Australian Army. The ship was built by the Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Company in Chicago, Illinois and was commissioned into the United States Navy (USN) as USS \"LSM-315\" on 13 July 1944. She was assigned to the Pacific Theater of Operations and saw action during the liberation of the Philippines during 1944 and 1945. Following the war she was decommissioned", "id": "779998" }, { "contents": "United States Navy ships\n\n\nThe names of commissioned ships of the United States Navy all start with USS, for \"United States Ship\". Non-commissioned, primarily civilian-manned vessels of the U.S. Navy under the Military Sealift Command have names that begin with USNS, standing for \"United States Naval Ship\". A letter-based hull classification symbol is used to designate a vessel's type. The names of ships are selected by the Secretary of the Navy. The names are those of states, cities, towns, important persons, important", "id": "15966997" }, { "contents": "USS Barricade\n\n\nUSS \"Barricade\" (ACM-3) was a in the United States Navy during World War II. The United States Army mine planter USAMP \"Colonel John Storey\" (MP8) was built in 1942 at Point Pleasant, West Virginia for the United States Army Coast Artillery Corps, by the Marietta Manufacturing Company. She was acquired by the U.S. Navy on 7 April 1944, renamed USS \"Barricade\" (ACM-3), and commissioned the same day, LT. Charles P. Haber, USN, Commanding. The ship was transferred", "id": "4116344" }, { "contents": "USNS Asterion (T-AF-63)\n\n\nThe SS \"Arcadia Victory\" was a Victory ship built during World War II for cargo shipping. She was launched by the California Shipbuilding Company on 1 July 1944 and completed on 22 September 1944. The ship’s United States Maritime Commission designation was VC2- S- AP3, hull number 41. In 1961 she was rebuilt as a refrigerated store ship and renamed the USNS Asterion (T-AF-63) was an \"Asterion\"-class stores ship acquired by the United States Navy in 1961. Her task was to carry stores, refrigerated items,", "id": "3499796" }, { "contents": "USNS Millinocket (T-EPF-3)\n\n\nship will be operated by the Military Sealift Command and not the United States Navy itself, it will carry the USNS designation and not USS. The ship is the second U.S. Navy vessel to be named \"Millinocket\" (after the town in Maine), the first being a freighter sunk by a U-boat in 1942. In 2016 \"Millinocket\" will transport items to test with \"Fort Worth\" the LCS expeditionary maintenance capability. The EPF can transport US Army and US Marine Corps company-sized units with their", "id": "3250642" }, { "contents": "United States Ship\n\n\n-commissioned Navy ships go by the prefix USNS, which stands for United States Naval Ship. From the early beginnings of the U.S. Navy there had been no standard method of referring to U.S. Navy ships until 1907 when President Theodore Roosevelt issued Executive Order 549 on 8 January stating that all US Navy ships were to be referred to as \"The name of such vessel, preceded by the words, United States Ship, or the letters U.S.S., and by no other words or letters\". Today's Navy Regulations define the classification", "id": "16756818" }, { "contents": "Otto Kranzbühler\n\n\nvessels were illegal, Kranzbühler brilliantly presented to Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, commander of the United States Pacific Fleet, an interrogatory in which he extracted various items of information about American naval practice. Nimitz answered questions describing the practice of the United States Navy concerning submarines and merchant ships, especially when a submarine crew had no way of knowing whether or not the ship was armed. The answers made it clear that the German practice of attacking merchant ships was indistinguishable from American practice. Kranzbühler used the interrogatory \"not to argue that", "id": "3445596" }, { "contents": "Naval heraldry\n\n\nin the United States Navy is known as the ship's seal or ship's crest, and is primarily found on crew uniform patches. An item of naval heraldry is seen as the identifying logo of the vessel, and is commonly reproduced on hats, stationery, trophies, souvenirs, and gifts related to the ship. In many navies, the ship's badge is also displayed on the tampions – the covers for the gun muzzles. The naval heraldric tradition follows the heraldic traditions of the country, with some distinctive variations.", "id": "17549467" }, { "contents": "USS Nassau (LHA-4)\n\n\nUSS \"Nassau\" (LHA-4) is a decommissioned . When active, she was capable of transporting more than 3,000 United States Navy and United States Marine Corps personnel. Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Mississippi, laid the ship's keel on 13 August 1973; she was commissioned on 28 July 1979. She was decommissioned on 31 March 2011. \"Nassau\" had 1,400 compartments, nine elevators and two horizontal conveyors. She also had two boilers – the largest ever manufactured for the United States Navy. They could generate 400 tons", "id": "18029585" }, { "contents": "United States Naval Ship\n\n\nUnited States Naval Ship (USNS) is the prefix designation given to non-commissioned ships that are property of the United States Navy (USN). United States Naval Ships are unarmed auxiliary support vessels owned by the U.S. Navy and operated in non-commissioned service by Military Sealift Command with a civilian crew. Some ships include a small military complement to carry out communication and special mission functions, or for force protection. In comparison, U.S. Navy ships commissioned into service have the designation \"USS\" and are armed, crewed", "id": "14002024" }, { "contents": "List of United States Navy ships\n\n\nList of United States Navy ships is a comprehensive listing of all ships that have been in service to the United States Navy during the history of that service. The US Navy maintains its official list of ships past and present at the Naval Vessel Register (NVR), although it does not include early vessels. The NVR \"US Navy Inactive Classification Symbols\" is a concise list of inactive definitions. The \"Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships\" includes much detail on historical ships, and was used as the basis for many", "id": "15452268" }, { "contents": "History of United States foreign policy\n\n\nscale trade continued in both directions with the United States, with the Americans shipping grain to Britain while Britain sent manufactured items and munitions. Immigration continued into the United States. British trade with the Confederacy was limited, with a trickle of cotton going to Britain and some munitions slipped in by numerous small blockade runners. The Confederate strategy for securing independence was largely based on the hope of military intervention by Britain and France, but Confederate diplomacy proved inept. With the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, it became a", "id": "19012854" }, { "contents": "Original six frigates of the United States Navy\n\n\nThe United States Congress authorized the original six frigates of the United States Navy with the Naval Act of 1794 on March 27, 1794, at a total cost of $688,888.82. These ships were built during the formative years of the United States Navy, on the recommendation of designer Joshua Humphreys for a fleet of frigates powerful enough to engage any frigates of the French or British navies yet fast enough to evade any ship of the line. After the Revolutionary War, a heavily indebted United States disbanded the Continental Navy, and in", "id": "1616407" }, { "contents": "Sneath Glass Company\n\n\nduring the 19th century and early 20th century. The elder Henry Crimmel was fined $11.95 in 1901 by the state of Indiana for employing children under the age of 14. The company used its experience with lighting and lenses to assist the United States government during World War I. Almost 10 percent of Sneath's production was devoted to a contract with the United States Navy to manufacture signal and masthead lights. Red, green, and white lights were produced for Navy ships. By 1918, the company's products (in addition to", "id": "4521868" }, { "contents": "Haze gray and underway\n\n\nHaze gray and underway is a United States Navy saying that refers to surface ships in arduous duty at sea, in contrast to submarines or naval units in ceremonial roles or in port. It is a term of tribal pride and identification, \"e.g.\" surface ship crew use it to distinguish themselves from submarine crew. The United States Navy saying \"haze gray and underway\" refers firstly to the color \"haze gray\". Haze gray is a paint color scheme used by USN warships to make the ships harder to see clearly", "id": "15382309" }, { "contents": "United States Navy\n\n\n\", designating \"United States Ship\". Non-commissioned, civilian-manned vessels of the navy have names that begin with \"USNS\", standing for \"United States Naval Ship\" The names of ships are officially selected by the secretary of the navy, often to honor important people or places. Additionally, each ship is given a letter-based hull classification symbol (for example, CVN or DDG) to indicate the vessel's type and number. All ships in the navy inventory are placed in the Naval", "id": "12415117" }, { "contents": "Naval heraldry\n\n\nUnited States Navy (USN) for ships, bases and other commands to receive an individually designed heraldic emblem. Due to heraldic traditions in the U.S., these emblems usually take the form of \"seals\" or \"crests\"; the terms are used often interchangeably, although the emblems are different. These items of naval heraldry are most commonly found on uniform patches for the ship's crew; unlike ships in Commonwealth navies, which display their symbols on plaques and battle honor boards fixed to the superstructure of the ship, USN", "id": "17549491" }, { "contents": "List of current ships of the United States Navy\n\n\noldest naval vessel afloat, and still retains its commission (and hence is listed here), as a special commemoration for that ship alone. Ready Reserve Force ships are maintained by the United States Maritime Administration and are part of the United States Navy ship inventory. If activated, these ships would be operated by Military Sealift Command. Note: Ships listed here may be referred to as \"pre-commissioning unit\" or \"PCU\" in various sources including US Navy webpages. While 'PCU' might be used informally as", "id": "3043030" }, { "contents": "Diplomacy of the American Civil War\n\n\n, while public opinion tended to favor the United States. Throughout the war, large scale trade with the United States continued in both directions. The Americans shipped grain to Britain while Britain sent manufactured items and munitions. Immigration continued into the United States as well. British trade with the Confederacy fell off 95%, with only a trickle of cotton going to Britain and some munitions slipping in by small blockade runners, most of them owned and operated by British interests. Prime Minister Lord Palmerston was sympathetic to the Confederacy. Although", "id": "15399275" }, { "contents": "Fast combat support ship\n\n\nThe fast combat support ship (US Navy hull classification symbol: AOE) is the United States Navy's largest combat logistics ship, designed as an oiler, ammunition and supply ship. All fast combat support ships currently in service are operated by Military Sealift Command. They can carry more than 177,000 barrels of oil, 2,150 tons of ammunition, 500 tons of dry stores and 250 tons of refrigerated stores. It receives petroleum products, ammunition and stores from various shuttle ships and redistributes these items when needed to ships in the carrier", "id": "11523445" }, { "contents": "USS Housatonic (SP-1697)\n\n\n1917. The Royal Navy, and in particular Admiral Beatty as Commander in Chief of the Grand Fleet; was skeptical about the value of the operation and did not feel it justified the large logistical and manufacturing commitment required. But the Unites States was altogether more enthusiastic about the operation as the loss of trans-Atlantic shipping was a major domestic concern and this plan allowed the United States to play an active part in tackling this while playing to their industrial strength and with minimal risk of American casualties. Assistant Secretary of the Navy", "id": "2288145" }, { "contents": "USS Glendale (PF-36)\n\n\n. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations with the Soviet Union for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Navy for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-6\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships was protracted, but on 16", "id": "9934264" }, { "contents": "Pearl and Hermes Atoll\n\n\nof oyster shells, valued for their shiny mother-of-pearl, were harvested in the process. They were primarily sold to button manufacturers on the United States mainland. In 1929, oyster harvesting in the atoll was made illegal by the government of the Territory of Hawaii. In 1930, the United States Bureau of Fisheries decided to conduct a thorough study of the atoll, led by Dr. Paul Galtsoff. The United States Navy loaned the minesweeper ship \"Whippoorwill\" for the five-week expedition, which covered the reef", "id": "15117626" }, { "contents": "T3 tanker\n\n\nhull designation AOG is used by the US Navy to denote that the ship is a T3 gasoline tanker. The AO designation denotes that the ship is a T3 fleet oiler, also referred to as a replenishment oiler (AOR). Most of the T3 ships were built for private companies and named by the manufacturer. Some T3 tankers were built for or sold to the US Navy, which were renamed after Native Americans, rivers and lakes. T3 tankers are operated by the US Navy, War Shipping Administration and United States Maritime", "id": "16153551" }, { "contents": "USS Arizona (BB-39)\n\n\nattack, but was being relined and was later mounted on the battleship . It is paired with a gun from the battleship to represent the start and end of the Pacific War for the United States. Other artifacts from the ship, such as items from the ship's silver service, are on permanent exhibit in the Arizona State Capitol Museum. Every two years the Navy awards \"The USS \"Arizona\" Memorial Trophy\" to the ship, determined by the Chief of Naval Operations, to have achieved the highest combat readiness in", "id": "16051048" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom and the American Civil War\n\n\nthe first 18 months, which the Confederacy wanted but the United States strongly rejected. The British elite tended to support the Confederacy, but ordinary people tended to support the United States, the Union or \"the North\". Large-scale trade continued between Britain and the US. The US shipped grain to Britain, and Britain sent manufactured items and munitions to the US. Immigration continued into the US, with many Britons volunteering for its army. British trade with the Confederacy fell over 90% from the prewar period,", "id": "19955979" }, { "contents": "USS United States (1797)\n\n\nnewly formed United States Navy protecting American merchant shipping during the Quasi-War with France. In 1861 \"United States\" was in port at Norfolk and was seized by the Virginia Navy and subsequently commissioned into the Confederate navy as CSS \"United States\", but was later scuttled by Confederate forces. Union forces raised the scuttled ship, and retained control of the ship until she was broken up in 1865. During the 1790s American merchant vessels began to fall prey to Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean, most notably from Algiers.", "id": "19043919" }, { "contents": "History of the United States Navy\n\n\nand all other maritime laws. Ten cutters were initially ordered. Between 1790 and 1797 when the Navy Department was created, the Revenue-Marine was the only armed maritime service for the United States. American merchant shipping had been protected by the British Navy, and as a consequence of the Treaty of Paris and the disarmament of the Continental Navy, the United States no longer had any protection for its ships from pirates. The fledgling nation did not have the funds to pay annual tribute to the Barbary states, so their ships", "id": "1102429" }, { "contents": "Hull classification symbol\n\n\nThe United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, and United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) use a hull classification symbol (sometimes called hull code or hull number) to identify their ships by type and by individual ship within a type. The system is analogous to the pennant number system that the Royal Navy and other European and Commonwealth navies use. The U.S. Navy began to assign unique Naval Registry Identification Numbers to its ships in the 1890s. The system was a simple one in which each ship received a", "id": "14305018" }, { "contents": "List of frigates of the United States Navy\n\n\nThis is a list of frigates of the United States Navy, sorted by hull number. It includes all of the hull classification symbols FF and FFG. Prior to the 1975 ship reclassification, ships that are now classified as FF or FFG were classified as DE or DEG (destroyer escort). The have been retired from active duty in the Navy, and are to be eventually replaced by the Littoral Combat Ship. For age-of-sail era frigates, see List of sailing frigates of the United States Navy. For", "id": "10525748" }, { "contents": "USS Buchanan (DDG-14)\n\n\nZealand ports, citing the dangers of nuclear weapons and continued nuclear testing in the South Pacific. Given that the United States Navy refused to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons aboard ships, these laws in effect refused access to New Zealand ports for all ships of the United States Navy. After consultations with Australia and after negotiations with New Zealand broke down, the United States announced that it was suspending its ANZUS treaty obligations to New Zealand until United States Navy ships were readmitted to New Zealand ports, citing that New Zealand", "id": "1674080" }, { "contents": "Attack on USNS Card\n\n\ntowed to the Philippines for repairs. USNS \"Card\" was a that had served in the United States Navy. In 1946 \"Card\" was decommissioned and was transferred to the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. On May 16, 1958, \"Card\" re-entered service with the Military Sea Transport Service, under the control of the United States Navy. The ship was manned by a civilian crew and was prefixed \"USNS\" (United States Naval Ship) instead of \"USS\" (United States Ship) as it was", "id": "4825201" }, { "contents": "USS Belfast\n\n\nEK-10\" (ex-\"Ogden\") – bound for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the Soviet Union. \"EK-3\" served as a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations with the Soviet Union for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Navy for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred", "id": "19925263" }, { "contents": "USS Coronado (PF-38)\n\n\n\" (ex-\"Ogden\") – bound for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the Soviet Union. \"EK-8\" served as a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations with the Soviet Union for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Navy for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to", "id": "8789792" }, { "contents": "USS Rampart (AM-282)\n\n\n1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home ships that had become worthless to it anyway. Many ex-American ships were merely administratively \"returned", "id": "5989873" }, { "contents": "United States Navy operations during World War I\n\n\nimmediately opened fire with her main guns, damaging the submarine. However, \"U-82\" managed to fire a torpedo. \"Mount Vernon\" tried to dodge the torpedo, but was unsuccessful. Thirty-six sailors were killed and thirteen wounded, but the ship was saved. , , and USS \"Nicholson\" all dropped depth charges, but the U-boat got safely away. With the encouragement of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States manufactured 100,000 naval mines for the North Sea Mine Barrage", "id": "11055464" }, { "contents": "Torpedo\n\n\nsimpler and cheaper. It was produced from 1885 to 1895, and it ran straight, leaving no wake. A Torpedo Test Station was set up on Rhode Island in 1870. The Howell torpedo was the only United States Navy model until Whitehead torpedoes produced by Bliss and Williams entered service in 1894. Five varieties were produced, all 18-inch diameter. The United States Navy started using the Whitehead torpedo in 1892 after an American company, E.W. Bliss, secured manufacturing rights. Ships of the line were superseded by ironclads, large steam", "id": "12804765" }, { "contents": "Surface effect ship\n\n\n-the-Lake to Youngstown, New York. The service managed by Can-Am Hover Express used two craft, Toryoung I and Toryoung II, but an accident with the latter craft led to the demise of the service. Over 110 HM.2's were manufactured in the United Kingdom and United States. Currently SESs are used, primarily as small ferries. The Soviet Navy built two 1050-ton Bora class surface effect corvettes. The ships were passed on to the Russian Navy and remain in active service with the Black Sea Fleet.", "id": "17584238" }, { "contents": "USS Gabrielle Giffords\n\n\nUSS \"Gabrielle Giffords\" (LCS-10) is an of the United States Navy. The ship is named after former United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot along with eighteen other people during a 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona. The ship's name was announced by then-Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus on 10 February 2012. \"Gabrielle Giffords\" will be the 16th U.S. naval ship to be named for a woman by the United States Navy, and the 13th U.S. naval ship since 1850 to be named after", "id": "1901748" }, { "contents": "USS Bayonne\n\n\nlate for World War II service with the Soviet Navy, \"EK-25\" served as a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned", "id": "19925119" }, { "contents": "USS Long Beach (PF-34)\n\n\nas a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations with the Soviet Union for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Navy for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-2\" among them. Negotiations for the return", "id": "9934178" }, { "contents": "List of current ships of the United States Navy\n\n\nThe United States Navy has approximately 490 ships in both active service and the reserve fleet, with approximately 90 more in either the planning and ordering stages or under construction, according to the Naval Vessel Register and published reports. This list includes ships that are owned and leased by the U.S. Navy; ships that are formally commissioned, by way of ceremony, and non-commissioned. Ships denoted with the prefix \"USS\" are commissioned ships. Prior to commissioning, ships may be described as a \"pre-commissioning unit\"", "id": "3043027" }, { "contents": "USS Admirable\n\n\nfor the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to", "id": "1996636" }, { "contents": "USS Augury\n\n\nWar II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home ships that had become worthless to it anyway. Many ex-", "id": "3186163" }, { "contents": "USS Sandusky (PF-54)\n\n\nof ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-7\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were protracted, but on 15 October 1949 the Soviet Union finally returned \"EK-7\" to the U.S. Navy at Yokosuka,", "id": "5665024" }, { "contents": "Commander (United States)\n\n\n-captain, under-captain, rector and master-commanding was also used for the same position. With the Master and Commander also serving as captain of smaller ships the British Navy subsumed as the third and lowest of three grades of captain given the various sizes of ships. The American [Continental Navy] had the tri-graded captain ranks. Captain 2nd Grade, or Master Commandant, became Commander in 1838. In the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps", "id": "6673428" }, { "contents": "USS Hoquiam (PF-5)\n\n\nEast. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-13\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were protracted, but on 1 November 1949 the", "id": "14288681" }, { "contents": "USS Poughkeepsie (PF-26)\n\n\nIn February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-27\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were protracted, but on 31 October 1949 the Soviet Union finally returned \"EK-27\" to", "id": "14446457" }, { "contents": "USS Newport (PF-27)\n\n\nvessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-28\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were protracted, but", "id": "3025799" }, { "contents": "USS Bath (PF-55)\n\n\nin the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-29\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were protracted, but on", "id": "5243238" }, { "contents": "USS Evansville (PF-70)\n\n\nEast. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-30\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were protracted, but in October or November 1949", "id": "8795247" }, { "contents": "USS Gallup (PF-47)\n\n\nas a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned, \"EK-22\" among them. Negotiations for the return of the ships were", "id": "9934346" }, { "contents": "Mid-Ocean Meeting Point\n\n\nbetween escort assignments. United States Marine Corps troops occupied Iceland in July 1941; and the United States Navy began escorting supply ships from the United States to the Iceland garrison. In September 1941 the United States Navy invited convoys bound to and from the British Isles to join their Iceland supply convoys and enjoy the protection of United States Navy destroyers between the WOMP and the MOMP. After the United States declared war the United States Navy suggested moving the convoy route south to shorten the distance between Newfoundland and the British Isles so one escort", "id": "6654641" }, { "contents": "List of United States Navy ships named after US states\n\n\nThe table below shows commissioned US Navy ships named after one of the fifty states of the United States of America. If a state has no in-commission ship named for it, the most recently decommissioned ship is noted. Thirty in-commission ships are named after US states. Fifteen states have ships that are under construction. The building program envisions a class size of over thirty ships. \"Virginia\"-class submarines are, with two exceptions ( and ), named after US states. As of June 2016, twenty-eight", "id": "5441033" }, { "contents": "Rescue and salvage ship\n\n\nStates Navy operated s (ARS) from October 1943 until March 1946. The United States Navy operated s (ARS) from August 1943 until the last example was decommissioned in June 1946. The \"Weight\"-class ships were originally intended for delivery to the Royal Navy under different names, as part of the Lend-Lease program. However, they were instead delivered to and operated by the United States Navy. s (ARS) were operated by the United States Navy from July 1944 until the last example was decommissioned in September 1994", "id": "22085143" }, { "contents": "USS Gloucester (PF-22)\n\n\ntoo late to see World War II combat with the Soviet Navy, \"EK-26\" served as a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II", "id": "19134737" }, { "contents": "Hull classification symbol\n\n\n\". If a U.S. Navy ship's hull classification symbol begins with \"T-\", it is part of the Military Sealift Command, has a primarily civilian crew, and is a United States Naval Ship (USNS) in non-commissioned service – as opposed to a commissioned United States Ship (USS) with an all-military crew. If a ship's hull classification symbol begins with \"W\", it is a ship of the United States Coast Guard. Until 1965, the Coast Guard used U.S. Navy hull", "id": "14305031" }, { "contents": "List of U.S. military vessels named after women\n\n\nMany vessels named after women have seen military service with the United States military. Most of these were named in civilian service and then subsequently commissioned into the United States Navy. Few ships have been named after women by the military. Ships often are named after people who served in the Navy or who served in the government. Women have only recently been in such prominent positions, and therefore few have been so honored by the Navy. See also, List of ships of the United States Navy. The schooner was commissioned in", "id": "16396450" }, { "contents": "Morse Diving\n\n\nthe famous United States Navy Mark V diving helmet; during World War II, other manufacturers of this helmet were Schrader, DESCO (Diving Equipment and Salvage Company), and Miller-Dunn. Morse also manufactured the next generation Mark 12 free flow diving helmet which was used by the US Navy for almost 20 years. Morse Diving was based in Rockland, Massachusetts as a prime supplier and distributor of commercial diving equipment, scuba gear, and other diving-related items to commercial and government users. DESCO also continues to use", "id": "15563462" }, { "contents": "MX designations\n\n\nMX designations were a series of designations used for experimental weapon system programs, including jet- and rocket-powered precision-guided munitions, designed and manufactured by U.S. defense contractors under contracts provided by the United States Army Air Force (1945–1947), the United States Air Force (1947–1954) and the United States Navy. Some of those missile projects, which were equally applicable for naval uses (e.g. air-to-surface anti-ship missiles and air-to-underwater anti-submarine missiles,) eventually have been transferred", "id": "823854" }, { "contents": "USS Bombard (AM-151)\n\n\nuse during World War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home ships that had become worthless to it anyway.", "id": "2939559" }, { "contents": "USS Caravan (AM-157)\n\n\nreturn of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home", "id": "3413926" }, { "contents": "USS Caution (AM-158)\n\n\nthe return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring", "id": "3414085" }, { "contents": "USS Disdain (AM-222)\n\n\nnegotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive", "id": "4199371" }, { "contents": "USS Palisade (AM-270)\n\n\nuse during World War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home ships that had become worthless to it anyway.", "id": "5871067" }, { "contents": "USS Peril (AM-272)\n\n\nWorld War II, and on 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home ships that had become worthless to it anyway. Many ex", "id": "5871331" }, { "contents": "USS West Corum (ID-3982)\n\n\nUSS \"West Corum\" (ID-3982) was a cargo ship for the United States Navy in 1919. The ship was built as SS \"West Corum and reverted to that name at the end of her Navy service. During World War II, the ship was United States Army transport ship USAT \"West Corum, later renamed to Will H. Point (sometimes listed as William H. Point). SS \"West Corum\" was a steam-powered ship built for the United States Shipping Board (USSB) as part of the", "id": "12359710" }, { "contents": "Rescue and salvage ship\n\n\nthis type were operated by the United States Navy as salvage ships from June 1941 until USS \"Viking\" was decommissioned and scrapped in 1953. The United States Navy operated s (ARS) from October 1943 until the last example was decommissioned in July 1979. Several ships of this class were converted to other uses, and USS \"Shackle\" remained in service as the 213' United States Coast Guard Cutter until March 2011. Several ships were converted and redesignated as salvage ships (ARS) during World War II. The United", "id": "22085142" }, { "contents": "Navis Logistics Network\n\n\n& Ship Center, based on its original franchise only operating in a warehouse and specializing in difficult-to-ship and valuable items. Many of these items were fragile, large, awkward or valuable in size. The company trademarked FLAV to represent serving these items. Navis franchises use well known shipping and freight services, such as United Parcel Service, FedEx and Yellow. In January, 2011, sold the Navis Pack & Ship brand to Annex Brands, Inc., headquartered in San Diego. Annex Brands also franchises other brands", "id": "5741036" }, { "contents": "New Zealand–United States relations\n\n\nup until 1987, it manufactured the 2,4,5T herbicide at a plant in New Plymouth which was then shipped to U.S. military bases in South East Asia. New Zealand has assisted the United States and Britain in many of their military activities in the Middle East. However New Zealand forces have fought only in Afghanistan; in other countries New Zealand support has been in the form of support and engineering. During the Iran–Iraq War two New Zealand frigates joined the British Royal Navy in monitoring merchant shipping in the Persian Gulf. and", "id": "19965202" }, { "contents": "Mahlon Dickerson\n\n\nChairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Library for the 15th United States Congress, Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Commerce and Manufactures for the 16th through the 18th United States Congresses and Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Manufactures for the 19th through the 22nd United States Congresses. Dickerson was Vice-President of the New Jersey Legislative Council in 1833. He declined appointment as Minister to Russia in 1834. He was appointed the 10th United States Secretary of the Navy by President Andrew Jackson. He was re", "id": "19640909" }, { "contents": "Operation United Shield\n\n\nOperation United Shield was the codename of a military operation, conducted 9 January to 3 March 1995, bringing a conclusion to the United Nations Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II). Commanded by the United States, two ships of the Pakistan Navy, two ships of the Italian Navy and six ships of the United States Navy formed a Combined Task Force (CTF) ensuring the safe evacuation of all UN Peacekeeping Forces from Somalia. The political situation in Somalia deteriorated throughout 1993 and 1994, until it was determined that UN peacekeeping", "id": "5832880" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Abraham Lincoln\n\n\nto favor the Confederacy, but public opinion tended to favor the United States. Large scale trade continued in both directions with the United States, with the Americans shipping grain to Britain while Britain exported manufactured items and munitions. British trade with the Confederacy was limited, with a trickle of cotton going to Britain and some munitions slipped in by numerous small blockade runners. The British textile industry depended on cotton from the South, but it had stocks to keep the mills operating for a year and in any case the industrialists and workers", "id": "9753203" }, { "contents": "United States Navy Armed Guard\n\n\nUnited States Navy Armed Guard units were established during World War II in an attempt to provide defensive firepower to merchant ships in convoy or merchant ships traveling alone. This was done because of the constant danger from enemy submarines, surface raiders, fighter aircraft and bombers, and because of the shortage of Allied escort vessels necessary to provide the merchant vessels with adequate protection. The United States Navy Armed Guard (USNAG) were U.S. Navy gun crews consisting of Gunner's Mates, Coxswains and Boatswains, Radiomen, Signalmen, an occasional Pharmacist", "id": "4521343" }, { "contents": "Smokeless powder\n\n\ntheir efforts. W.A. smokeless powder was the standard for United States military service rifles from 1897 until 1908. In 1897, United States Navy Lieutenant John Bernadou patented a nitrocellulose powder colloided with ether-alcohol. The Navy licensed or sold patents for this formulation to DuPont and the California Powder Works while retaining manufacturing rights for the Naval Powder Factory, Indian Head, Maryland constructed in 1900. The United States Army adopted the Navy single-base formulation in 1908 and began manufacture at Picatinny Arsenal. By that time Laflin & Rand had", "id": "13932082" }, { "contents": "USNS Lynch (T-AGOR-7)\n\n\nUSS \"Lynch\" (T-AGOR-7) was a \"Robert D. Conrad\"-class oceanographic research ship that served the United States Navy from 1965 to 1994. During that period she provided valuable ocean-bottom information and underwater test data to the U.S. Navy and other U.S. agencies. The second ship to be so named by the Navy, \"Lynch\" (AGOR 7), an oceanographic survey ship, was laid down 7 September 1962 by Marietta Manufacturing Co., Point Pleasant, West Virginia; launched 17 March 1964; sponsored by", "id": "1195237" }, { "contents": "Troopship\n\n\nwere built. The designation HMT (Hired Military Transport or Her/His Majesty's Transport) would normally replace RMS (Royal Mail Ship), MV (Motor Vessel) or SS (Steamship) for ships converted to troopship duty with the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. The United States used two designations: WSA for troopships operated by the War Shipping Administration using Merchant Marine crews, and USS (United States Ship) for vessels accepted into and operated by the United States Navy. Initially troopships adapted as attack transports were designated", "id": "6651152" }, { "contents": "United States Navy Nuclear Propulsion\n\n\nThe United States Navy Nuclear Propulsion community consists of Naval Officers and Enlisted members who are specially trained to run and maintain the nuclear reactors that power the submarines and aircraft carriers of the United States Navy. Operating more than 80 nuclear-powered ships, the United States Navy is currently the largest naval force in the world. The United States Navy first began research into the applications of nuclear power in 1946 at the Manhattan Project's nuclear power-focused laboratory to develop a nuclear power plant. Eight men were assigned to the project", "id": "16254051" }, { "contents": "Plankowner\n\n\nA plankowner (also referred to a plank owner and sometimes a plank holder) is an individual who was a member of the crew of a United States Navy ship or United States Coast Guard cutter when that ship was placed in commission. Originally, this term applied only to crew members that were present at the ship's first commissioning. Today, however, plankowner is often applied to members of newly commissioned units, new military bases and recommissioning crews as well. Plankowner is a term used by the United States Navy, and", "id": "848089" }, { "contents": "USS Barrier\n\n\nForrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred to the Soviet Union for World War II use returned. Deteriorating relations between the two countries as the Cold War broke out led to protracted negotiations over the ships, and by the mid-1950s the U.S. Navy found it too expensive to bring home ships that had become worthless to it anyway. Many ex-American ships were merely administratively \"returned\" to the United States and instead sold for scrap", "id": "2939459" }, { "contents": "History of the Russian Navy\n\n\nand lack of maintenance, and the United States supremacy in the Naval power. But again in 2010, 20 years later Russian Navy become much superior and the addition in fleets of ships balancing United States alone supremacy in naval power and made Russia along with the United States as a naval superpower. As of 2019, the Russian Navy is the second most powerful Navy in the world just behind the United States Navy. The founding day of the Russian Navy, October 30 is celebrated every year. Baltic Fleet was built during the", "id": "19105270" }, { "contents": "Xanthus-class repair ship\n\n\nThe \"Xanthus\"-class repair ships were a class of five auxiliary ships built for the United States Navy and Royal Navy. Ships of the class served in a diverse range of environments in varying capacities during both World War II and the Korean War. \"Xanthus\"-class ships were in commission between 1945–1955. On 26 February 1944, the United States CNO FADM Ernest J. King authorized the construction of five vessels in response to a British Royal Navy request for several Heavy Duty Fleet Repair Ships. These ships were to have been constructed in the United", "id": "17579725" }, { "contents": "Battle of the Atlantic\n\n\n\" (Navy) and aircraft of the \"Luftwaffe\" (Air Force) against the Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Navy, United States Navy, and Allied merchant shipping. Convoys, coming mainly from North America and predominantly going to the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, were protected for the most part by the British and Canadian navies and air forces. These forces were aided by ships and aircraft of the United States beginning September 13, 1941. The Germans were joined by submarines of the Italian Royal Navy (\"Regia", "id": "12570969" }, { "contents": "USS Callao (IX-205)\n\n\nUSS \"Callao\" (IX-205), an unclassified miscellaneous vessel, was the third ship of the United States Navy to be named for Callao, a seaport in Peru. She was built for the Kriegsmarine as the weather ship and icebreaker Externsteine. The ship was captured on 16 October 1944 by and was temporarily commissioned into the United States Coast Guard as USCGC \"East Breeze\" before being turned over to the United States Navy and commissioned as USS \"Callao\" in January 1945. The ship was sold out of service in", "id": "15217161" }, { "contents": "United States Navy ships\n\n\n, during naval exercises, from U.S. Navy flight decks. Following below is a list of all carriers (and their homeports) on active duty or under construction . For a list of all carriers see List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy and List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy. Amphibious assault ships, sub-types known as landing, helicopter dock or LHD and landing, helicopter assault or LHA. (also referred to as a commando carrier or an amphibious assault carrier), are a type", "id": "15967003" }, { "contents": "USS A. G. Prentiss\n\n\nboat operating on the Saco River in Maine. The United States Navy inspected her in the 3rd Naval District on 6 March 1918, and selected her for service. \"A. G. Prentiss\" was delivered to the Navy on 25 March 1918, under a charter approved three days later. Navy references do not indicate commissioning and thus the ship did not bear the United States Ship (U.S.S.) honorific. \"A. G. Prentiss\" apparently served in the 3rd Naval District for her entire career, as she is listed as having that", "id": "53128" }, { "contents": "Military history of Canada during World War II\n\n\noperated a network of naval control of shipping agents in the neutral United States from 1939 to 1941. These agents managed the shipping movements of British shipping in the United States, and also managed the growing United States Navy systems in regards to basic trade movements. Special publications on trade matters were supplied to the United States Navy from Ottawa in 1941, and by the time of Pearl Harbor American port directors were working with Ottawa as a team. Ottawa's job of studying trade movements and keeping track of intelligence was so effective and", "id": "16459091" }, { "contents": "Defensively equipped merchant ship\n\n\nWorld War II. These units provided detachments to protect Army-operated transports and chartered merchant ships from air or submarine attack. The Imperial Japanese Navy also formed air defence squads from April 1944 that were deployed on board ships. The Merchant Marine Act of 1936 identified mariners aboard United States flagged merchant ships as military personnel in time of war. Neutrality Acts prevented arming of United States flagged merchant ships until 17 November 1941, although American-owned ships under Panamanian registry had been armed earlier. Guns were manned by United States Navy", "id": "3357911" }, { "contents": "USS Indianapolis (CA-35)\n\n\na United States Congressional investigation. In October 2000, the United States Congress passed a resolution that Captain McVay's record should state that \"he is exonerated for the loss of \"Indianapolis\"\"; President Bill Clinton signed the resolution. The resolution noted that, although several hundred ships of the US Navy were lost in combat during World War II, McVay was the only captain to be court-martialed for the sinking of his ship. In July 2001, the United States Secretary of the Navy ordered McVay's official Navy", "id": "13357808" }, { "contents": "BRP Francisco Dagohoy (PF-10)\n\n\nThe BRP \"Francisco Dagohoy\" (PF-10) was an of the Philippine Navy that served from 1979 to 1985. She was one of six ex-United States Navy \"Barnegat\"-class small seaplane tenders and ex-United States Coast Guard \"Casco\"-class high endurance cutters received from the United States after the Vietnam War, two of which were cannibalized for spare parts without entering service. She and her other three sister ships were the largest Philippine Navy ships of their time. \"Francisco Dagohoy\" was built in the United States by Lake", "id": "6555621" }, { "contents": "USS Charlottesville (PF-25)\n\n\n\"), and \"EK-10\" (ex-) – bound for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the Soviet Union. \"EK-1\" served as a patrol vessel in the Soviet Far East. In February 1946, the United States began negotiations for the return of ships loaned to the Soviet Union for use during World War II. On 8 May 1947, United States Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal informed the United States Department of State that the United States Department of the Navy wanted 480 of the 585 combatant ships it had transferred", "id": "3025737" }, { "contents": "USS West Alsek (ID-3119)\n\n\nUSS \"West Alsek\" (ID-3119) was a cargo ship in the United States Navy during World War I. She had been built as SS \"West Alsek\" for the United States Shipping Board () as part of the \"West\" boats, cargo ships built on the West Coast of the United States. She sailed on two voyages for the U.S. Navy before she was decommissioned after the Armistice. \"West Alsek\" was selected for a test program by the addition of coal pulverizers—units that crushed coal and mixed", "id": "4476731" }, { "contents": "Flag\n\n\n. Another category of maritime flag flown by some United States Government ships is the distinguishing mark. Although the United States Coast Guard has its own service ensign, all other U.S. Government ships fly the national ensign their service ensign, following United States Navy practice. To distinguish themselves from ships of the Navy, such ships historically have flown their parent organisation's flag from a forward mast as a distinguishing mark. Today, for example, commissioned ships of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) fly the NOAA flag as a", "id": "11262841" }, { "contents": "Military Sealift Command\n\n\nof a core fleet of ships owned by the United States Navy and others under long-term-charter augmented by short-term or voyage-chartered ships. The Navy-owned ships carry blue and gold stack colors, are in service with the prefix USNS (United States Naval Ship), rather than in commission (with a USS prefix), have hull numbers as an equivalent commissioned ship would have with the prefix T- and are primarily civilian manned by either civil service mariners or contract crews (see United States Merchant", "id": "3455304" }, { "contents": "Tiny Tim (rocket)\n\n\nThe Tiny Tim was an American air-to-ground rocket used near the end of the Second World War. It was built in response to a United States Navy requirement for an anti-ship rocket capable of hitting ships outside of their anti-aircraft range, with a payload capable of sinking heavy shipping. The Tiny Tim was manufactured using 11.75-inch (298 mm) pipe, which was chosen because it was already being manufactured. Used oil field 11.75-inch pipe was acquired for the prototypes. Also, the 11.75-inch size was", "id": "5181230" }, { "contents": "List of United States Navy amphibious warfare ships\n\n\n\", currently assigned only to experimental high-speed catamaran designs, and high-speed catamarans chartered from private ferry companies\". The United States Navy built 932 Landing Craft Infantry ships in World War II. A list can be found here. The United States Navy built 11,144 landing craft Motorized, designated \"Landing Craft Mechanized\" or \"LCM\", in World War II. The following ships are converted escort carriers that were numbered along with the \"Iwo Jima\"-class, though they are not a part of that class.", "id": "169246" } ]
Why does my brain start randomly playing songs in my head that I haven't heard in years?
[{"answer": "It's actually less random than you perceive it to be. You have an incalculable amount of information floating around in your head, but obviously you don't need access to it for the overwhelming majority of your existence. It's just sitting there, waiting to be called upon or activated, which can happen quicker than a ray of light. One of the major ways we learn things is through association. If this, then that. Your brain forms tiny little connections between stimuli* and outcomes, which might seem \"random\" or even arbitrary. For example, whenever I hear my niece's dog Stacy suddenly get up from lying down on the couch, the bell on her collar rings and moments later her Mom walks through the door. I start to associate the bell with her mom coming home. This is a ELI5 version of classical conditioning, but I hope you take my meaning. The point is that it's not a conscious thing, and it can happen with stuff like \"I heard this song while I was jogging once, and I saw a person jogging which reminded me of the song.\" We don't always catch these things, because again, they can seem so disjointed and \"random\" to us when we consciously consider them. You might find yourself listening to a song on YouTube one day and suddenly something in the video reminds you of this comment. The mental assocation happens so fast, and in an mmmbop it's gone, but you find yourself at the end of the song wondering why you're thinking about Reddit comments. *EDIT: Said stigma. Meant stimuli. Thanks to /u/mdilty for knowing where all the cowboys have gone, who let the dogs out, and other valuable information as well."}, {"answer": "As a related question, why do I always wake up with a song in my head? Sometimes it's the last song I heard the day before, but other times it will be a song I haven't heard in years. Is it my brain making that associative link while I am sleeping, or could a dream trigger the association?"}, {"answer": "because you're eating a bagel and the last time you heard \"Who Let the Dogs Out\" you were in a bagel shop eating the same kind of bagel and subconsciously your mind tied those two things together. now i want a bagel."}, {"answer": "Welcome to the jungle! We've got fun and games! You just read this in my voice, and you just lost the game."}, {"answer": "Memories can be triggers from anything from a smell, to an object, to a place, to a person. Music can randomly play when you see something that reminds you of that song. For example if you see someone you haven't seen for 10 years, or think about them, the song may be subconsciously tied with that person. That is the most probably reason. All of this may happen subconsciously without you knowing, as well."}, {"answer": "Jekyll Jekyll Hyde, Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll, Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll HYYYYYYYYYYYDDDDEEE!!!!"}, {"answer": "Whenever you stomp your feet three times, you'll most likely remember Queen's We will rock you."}, {"answer": "Memory and music are very strongly linked. For instance I almost always listen to music via Albums, and I listen to that album for a solid month, without any other music. This pretty much means that any given month of my life has a soundtrack, and if I listen to that album in the future, I am instantly reminded of what I was doing. Which means whenever I listen to Metallica I want to play WoW, ahaha. But anyway, to answer your question you could have been doing something that you had listened to that song during before. Or, you know, you could have just subconsiously heard someone hum it."}, {"answer": "Simple answer is that it's not random. Your brain is making connections to memories from other memories. I know it's not random because my brain does it all the time but I can almost always tell you where the connection came from and how it got where it was going."}, {"answer": "It's doing a disk cleanup and asking if you want to save the files"}, {"answer": "Let's take it a step further.... Why is it, that when said song pops into my head, that I end up hearing that very song on the Radio sometime within that day?"}, {"answer": "I hope someone corrects me or elaborates on this, but I'm pretty sure our brains do a thing called priming. It has to do with our subconscious connecting unrelated words or symbols to memories. Like how dogs learn to go to the back door when they need to shit, it's all association. I'd bet that this is all related."}, {"answer": "One time, I opened a new pack of playing cards and suddenly recalled STAR WARS. I was like wth??? After some thought, I realized the smell of the new vinyl cards was the same as the vinyl of the STAR WARS album we had back in the day."}, {"answer": "Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel is always stuck in my head. For years I always thought Phil Collins did the song, and I hate Phil Collins. As it turns out I also hate Peter Gabriel. But the weird thing is I love Genesis. Where am I going with this?"}, {"answer": "Because the last time you heard it, you didn't get to the ending. It's your mind trying complete the song. Want a song stuck in your head. Play any song and cut it at the middle, if you've heard it before, it will be stuck."}, {"answer": "Bottom line: Listen to what the creative side of your brain is telling you. you are more creative than you realize Give that creative side something to do so it is less inclined to rummage through the archives."}, {"answer": "I had that happen a few weeks ago with the theme to the show \"Sister, Sister\". They say the best way to get an earworm gone is to sing it over and over. My wife was not amused."}, {"answer": "My alarm in the morning is the default alarm tone for my wife's iPhone 5. Without fail, by the time I hit the shower, I have [\"Flagpole Sitta\"]( URL_0 ) stuck in my head."}, {"answer": "Also, why do I subconsciously learn the words to sooo many songs, yet struggle to learn the things I consciously try to learn!"}, {"answer": "You probably see or experience something that you subconciously or unknowingly associate with the song."}, {"answer": "I'm more interested in knowing why I can't *stop* a song playing on my mind."}, {"answer": "This happens to me almost every morning as soon as I wake up"}, {"answer": "**Muah Muah Muah** I'm controling your mind with a FM transmitter."}, {"answer": "I frequently find myself walking to my car with a particular song looping at a particular moment, and when I turn on my car, that song has been unpaused in that exact location, thereby continuing where the song was looping in my head. I usually have to stop for a moment to realize what had happened, but it usually only happens around the time I grab my Keys."}, {"answer": "This happens to me a lot, but I also retain song lyrics after only hearing a song once or twice, it just seems weird how much people are amazed by it, if I'm listening to the radio for an hour & I will be able to sing along with probably 70-80% of the songs on there."}, {"answer": "I find there may be a short sequence of notes which are similar or identical to the song I originally heard. Pop songs are often quite simple songs that's part of what makes them so catchy. I think for that reason a lot of songs are similar, so if you hear one you think of another."}, {"answer": "Like when I'm in a job interview, and my scumbag brain hits me with a song I haven't so much as thought about since high school.. *It's the Thuggish Ruggish Bone It's the Thuggish Ruggish Booooonnne* Just quit it. damn!"}, {"answer": "Half the songs people are trying to get stuck in other peoples' heads in this thread, I've never heard. I'll take that as a good thing. Now I'll go be alone under my rock."}, {"answer": "I don't happens to me though. I'll be sitting in math class and just start singing Glamorous and everyone will just look at me. It's really annoying I feel you op."}, {"answer": "I'm glad someone asked this. I wake up and have these random songs in my head all the time. Also, happy cake day :)"}, {"answer": "Semi related question. How common is it not to experience this at all? I don't get any earworms at all, too."}, {"answer": "My brain started playing that breakfast at tiffanys song from the 90s immediately upon reading the question."}, {"answer": "*I can feel it comin' in the air tonight...*"}, {"answer": "Are you sure you took your headphones out?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "30930484", "title": "Levitin effect", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Levitin effect refers to the phenomenon, first documented by Dr. Daniel J. Levitin in 1994, that people even those without musical training tend to remember songs in the correct key. The finding stood in contrast to the large body of laboratory literature suggesting that such details of perceptual experience are lost during the process of memory encoding", "The Levitin effect refers to the phenomenon, first documented by Dr. Daniel J. Levitin in 1994, that people even those without musical training tend to remember songs in the correct key. The finding stood in contrast to the large body of laboratory literature suggesting that such details of perceptual experience are lost during the process of memory encoding. In other words, laboratory experiments supported the idea that most people are incapable of any sort of absolute pitch, and thus would remember melodies with relative pitch. Despite its status as a classic result in cognitive psychology,\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Why Haven't I Heard from You\n\n\n\"Why Haven't I Heard from You\" is a song written by Sandy Knox and T. W. Hale, and recorded by American country music artist Reba McEntire. It was released in April 1994 as the first single from her album \"Read My Mind\". The song reached number 5 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in July 1994. It debuted at number 60 on the Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of April 9, 1994. The music video was directed by Jon Small and", "id": "14605684" }, { "contents": "Get Here\n\n\nis still in my head that I haven't jotted down or recorded. So if it's still in my head overnight, I think that’s something extra special, it's like somebody trying to tell me something.\" Russell recorded the song as the title cut of her 1988 album from which it was issued as a single - the album's third - reaching #37 on the \"Billboard\" R&B charts. It was while Oleta Adams was visiting Stockholm that she heard Russell's song playing in a record store and", "id": "1397933" }, { "contents": "List of unreleased songs recorded by ABBA\n\n\ntop of the instrumental melody. In 1994, Agnetha had discussed the song: \"I haven't heard it in several years, but I remember it as a very good song and recording. It is one of my big favourites, and I hope it's going to be released one day\". In 1985, a new version of \"Just Like That\" (but which kept the original chorus) was recorded by Swedish duo Gemini, who performed the song live in the UK (with Benny playing the synthesizer)", "id": "10336206" }, { "contents": "Tinashe\n\n\nto \"Billboard\" the meaning behind the title: \"I always had it in the back of my head, but it started to become more and more relevant to my current state of my career. With all this traveling I've done this past year and everything I've gone through, it just really feels like an adventure, a journey, a ride\", and when asked why she feels she isn't being heard she stated, \"I feel like I've been working really hard this year at developing a", "id": "1896365" }, { "contents": "Read My Mind (album)\n\n\nRead My Mind is the twentieth studio album by American country singer/actress Reba McEntire, released on April 26, 1994. It was preceded by the first single, \"Why Haven't I Heard From You\" which peaked at No. 5 on the country chart. The album's second single, \"She Thinks His Name Was John\", was the first country song to address the topic of AIDS. Due to the subject matter, some radio stations shied away from putting it into heavy rotation. The third single", "id": "19693525" }, { "contents": "Un-Break My Heart\n\n\n\"Death to False Metal\". Diane Warren wrote \"Un-Break My Heart\" in 1995. When asked about her songwriting process, she said that songs usually come to her from a title, a chorus, or a drum beat. \"Un-Break My Heart\" was conceived from its title, and, according to Warren, \"it popped into my head, and I thought, 'I don't think I've heard that before, that's kind of interesting.' I started playing around on", "id": "19393633" }, { "contents": "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (song)\n\n\nwith Slash from Guns N' Roses stating to \"Guitar World\" in 2008, \"The outro to 'Sabbath Bloody Sabbath' is the heaviest shit I have ever heard in my life. To this day, I haven't heard anything as heavy that has as much soul.\" Brent Hinds of Mastodon agrees, telling Nick Bowcott in 2008, \"The 'dreams turn to nightmares, Heaven turns to Hell' riff at the end of that song is unbeatable.\" The song was rarely played live in the 1970s", "id": "19196322" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\n\"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" is a song by American electronica musician Moby. It was released on October 11, 1999 as the fourth single from his fifth studio album \"Play\". \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was originally written by Moby in 1992 in an iteration which Moby would describe as \"really bad techno... Just mediocre, generic techno.\" Years later, Moby revisited the song, reproducing it as a considerably slower and more \"mournful and romantic\" song,", "id": "1564560" }, { "contents": "Someone to Call My Lover\n\n\nme back to my childhood.\" In an interview, Jimmy said, \"And for 'Someone to Call My Lover,' she hadn't heard the 'Ventura Highway' sample before. She hadn't heard those songs. So it's kind of fun to come up with stuff like that and play it for her. And she hasn't heard of it, but she still really likes it. So you have something that's going to appeal to people that haven't heard it before, it's going to", "id": "10587433" }, { "contents": "After Midnight (J. J. Cale song)\n\n\nSan Diego Union-Tribune\" in his 1990 interview about Clapton's version: I thought: 'Well, that won't go anywhere'. [...] A year later, they started playing it on every radio station, including in my hometown. The first time I heard it on my car radio I just drove off to the side of the road. Because I'd never heard anything of my own on the radio before... All record companies want big-selling records, and my music is a little too", "id": "9583167" }, { "contents": "Oh My God (Guns N' Roses song)\n\n\n(didn't) have any real opinion about it\" and that it \"convinced me that my departure had been a wise decision and that Axl and I were definitely no longer on the same wavelength musically.\" In a review of the film, NYFilm had a negative opinion of the song, saying \"Oh My God. God Awful is more like it. Believe me, it's not worth waiting for. If you've heard it, you know what I mean. If you haven't, trust me on", "id": "11920968" }, { "contents": "Cady Groves\n\n\n. He introduced me to my favorite band and his- Our Lady Peace. When I was 9 he would let me in his room and he'd play shitty covers of our favorite Our Lady Peace song \"bring back the sun\" on his electric guitar and I would sing. Our lady peace was the song that played at his funeral. The other day I was driving in traffic in LA and all of a sudden my ipod randomly started playing Our Lady Peace \"bring back the sun\" and I completely lost it.", "id": "18691940" }, { "contents": "Ann Livermore\n\n\nwhen head of HP's software and services business, the company's top executives agreed to put themselves through a 360-degree evaluation. Livermore observed: \"I learned that I'm a very, very well-controlled executive, but that my employees like when I go off the handle every once in a while, you know, show my human side - It reinforced that leadership means touching people's hearts as well as their brains, so since then I haven't worried so much about keeping my lid on.\" Livermore has", "id": "13575892" }, { "contents": "Diva (Ivy Queen album)\n\n\nthat does not usually play Spanish music. She explained: \"I've worked very hard in my career, but I get surprised because I've never expected to get to these places.\" She added: \"When I read Sony's reports and they tell me my albums are being heard in London and my song is number one, I [got] surprised and look[ed] for explanations.\" The other five singles did not gain significant airplay in the United States, however, they were heard on Miami's WPOW", "id": "8822493" }, { "contents": "My Oh My (Slade song)\n\n\nI didn't like \"My Oh My\" when I first heard it, by the time I started playing on it and promoting it, I discovered a certain magic and hidden power in it.\" In 1985, a swing-style version of the song was recorded, which appeared as the B-side to the band's 1985 single \"Do You Believe in Miracles\". The version was recorded by the Monty Babson Big Band with Holder adding his vocals to it. In a 1986 fan club interview, Holder", "id": "6402133" }, { "contents": "Gillian Knight\n\n\n\"The Cunning Little Vixen\" (1992), and \"La traviata\" (1995). She also appears in a wide range of specialist recordings for the \"Reader's Digest\", notably the \"Timeless Favourites\" series of 3-CD sets produced by Jay Productions between 1995 and 2000. In a 2004 interview, Knight said, \"I don't think I've ever been satisfied with a recording. I haven't played all my recordings. Some of them I haven't heard. I haven't seen... the", "id": "8013388" }, { "contents": "Obaidullah (detainee)\n\n\nnight, I heard noises and the soldiers woke me up. I was very confused about what was going on, and why they were in my home, but I and my family cooperated with them. Even though I was not resisting, they tied my feet together and my hands together with plastic cuffs. Then they put a hood over my head and forced me to sit for hours against a wall. The plastic cut into my hands and it was painful to sit that way for so long. I was terrified about", "id": "13690713" }, { "contents": "Why Not (song)\n\n\n, in a July 2003 interview with \"Rolling Stone,\" that she felt it was, at the time, the worst song she had heard recently. \"One lyric stuck in my head: 'You always dress in yellow when you wanna dress in gold,'\" she said. \"I heard that and I was like, 'Oh, man, what is going on with music these days?' But, hey, whatever floats your boat.\" In November 2003, Branch apologized for her comments while", "id": "16560873" }, { "contents": "1-800-273-8255 (song)\n\n\nbus that started in Los Angeles, California and I ended in New York City and did a fan tour where I went to fans' houses and shared meals with them, hung out with them, played them my album before it came out. Them along with other people on tour, just fans that I met randomly, they've said things like, \"Your music has saved my life. You've saved my life.\" And I was always like, \"Aw so nice of you. Thanks.\" And", "id": "4034657" }, { "contents": "Make You Feel My Love\n\n\nthe song, because I hadn't heard it before,\" she told Premiere Networks. \"I was being quite defiant against it. I said, 'I don't want a cover on my album. It kind of implies that I'm incapable of writing enough of my own songs for my first record.' And then I heard it in New York when he played it for me, and it just really touched me. It's cheesy, but I think it's just a stunning song, and it really", "id": "11177772" }, { "contents": "Radiosurgery (song)\n\n\n’s not the Ramones, it’s New Found Glory. Or like, Dude, that totally reminds me of when I heard \"Dookie\" for the first time, but it’s totally not, it’s New Found Glory.\" As such, the band were meticulous in the writing process, discarding anything that was not in line with the album's vision or songs that felt \"safe\". The line \"it makes my brain hurt\" from the single, was taken from the Screeching Weasel song \"My Brain", "id": "6030013" }, { "contents": "Befour (song)\n\n\nbit more, and they’ll understand why I did what I did, and why I left the band, and why I had to write this shit down. Because for five—not even for five years, for ten years, this album has been in my brain, and it’s just been there, sat with me, needing to be out.\" Later, on 17 March 2016, \"Befour\" was released as the third promotional single from the album, being instantly available to fans who pre-order", "id": "3476576" }, { "contents": "My Own Worst Enemy (song)\n\n\nI think we can handle the stage, but we might need a few body doubles to roll some strikes\". \"My Own Worst Enemy\" is heard in the 2000 film \"Ready to Rumble\" and 2012 film \"American Reunion\", although the song does not appear on the original soundtracks of either movie. It was featured on \"Parks and Recreation\", with some of the show's characters playing the song on \"Rock Band 2\". \"My Own Worst Enemy\" was used in the 2016 action", "id": "5352609" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Bed-Ins for Peace\n\n\n9 December, which marked 30 years since his death. The event was referenced in the Oasis song \"Don't Look Back in Anger\", in which lead singer Noel Gallagher sings \"\"I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed / 'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head \"\". The latter lyric was supposedly said by Lennon during a taped conversation he had at his room at the Dakota Hotel. In the music video for the Marcy Playground song, \"It's Saturday\",", "id": "19692613" }, { "contents": "Hit the Lights (Jay Sean song)\n\n\ngonna get everyone movin! I'm looking forward to watching another one of my songs grow! That's the most fun part!” Of the collaboration he told \"MTV News\", \"It's inspirational, I learn off of people who have achieved greatness. There's something about them -- their work ethic, their mentality -- that resonates and strikes a chord. So when I watch him to see what he does, in my head I'm looking at it going, 'This is why he got to", "id": "6892158" }, { "contents": "You Don't Pull No Punches, but You Don't Push the River\n\n\nof Ireland.\" Morrison later revealed that he came up with the Veedon Fleece as a character for the song: \"I haven't a clue about what the title means. It's actually a person's name. I have a whole set of characters in my head that I'm trying to fit into things. \"Veedon Fleece\" is one of them and I just suddenly started singing it in one of these songs, It's like a stream of consciousness thing.\" A book entitled, \"Don't Push", "id": "4671191" }, { "contents": "Why (Sabrina Carpenter song)\n\n\nCity in the night time' – and from there, the song kind of wrote itself. It's basically [about] these differences that we all have, that keep us different from one another but at the same time glue us together... I like to say it's very conversational, which some of my other songs haven't been before.\" She said that she \"wanted this song to be able to take [fans] through the summer\".\"'Why' is a question we seem to pose daily, so", "id": "12850891" }, { "contents": "Just Dance (song)\n\n\nsaved my life. I was in such a dark space in New York. I was so depressed, always in a bar. I got on a plane to LA to do my music and was given one shot to write the song that would change my life and I did. I never went back. I left behind my boyfriend, my apartment. I still haven't been back. My mother went in and cleared it for me.\" In an interview with, Gaga explained that \"Just Dance\" is", "id": "927336" }, { "contents": "Davis Phinney\n\n\na little current now, and just like that, all these muscles that had been at war with each other suddenly were at peace. It was like Armistice Day. It was just like, 'Oh … my … god!' I looked at my wife and she was crying. She said, 'I haven't seen your smile in a year!' By 2012, the disease was setting in again. Doctors told him the brain pacemaker could turn the clock back on the progress of Parkinson's five years.", "id": "20536375" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nBird Cafe' and then acted like I wrote it. So in my mind, finally, I did write it. It was my song. Because I would go places, \"Hey John, play that 'Early Bird Cafe' song.' People just assumed I wrote it because, like you, they had never heard the record. So that song really became mine more than the guy that wrote it or Jerry Hahn Brotherhood, you know, 40 years ago. I've been playing it for 40 years,", "id": "12993505" }, { "contents": "I mine øjne\n\n\nDansk Melodi Grand Prix, as Seebach says the melody of the song co-written by him and others had affected him. \"It's a piece of the song I've actually written seven years ago and got stuck in my head ever since I heard it. There is not a week where I have not hummed it. The melody is almost magical to me. I've always wanted to own sing it, and suddenly made sense when I put my own words. I like really much of the song now\"", "id": "733612" }, { "contents": "Hollow (Alice in Chains song)\n\n\nwe were in Vegas and I was sick as hell - I was about a click above pneumonia. But I was warming up in my dressing room, and I started playing that riff. Right away, I knew it was a good one to store away for later, so I recorded it. Nick [Raskulinecz] happened to be at that show, and so were my managers. Everybody perked up when they heard me playing it. 'What's that? That's pretty good!' [Laughs] I was", "id": "19479102" }, { "contents": "Jane Siberry\n\n\nchoosing a new identity in terms of changing her writing approach – \"Moving into Issa, I didn't know if I'd be in the music business any more. I just started writing. I wanted to let go of any expectations and just try to get closer to what I heard in my head... I just tried to write as precisely as I could to what I heard in my head. I slowed everything down and took one note at a time, and just waited until I heard the next note.\"", "id": "5460497" }, { "contents": "Hiroki Uchida\n\n\nwhy the player could not return to Japan. \"During the five months of contract with Santaní, I haven't been able to receive my salaries and despite my requests of help from Mr. Sato, he only responds to me evasively, which is why I feel abandoned on my luck.\" – Uchida responded in relation to his circumstances at Deportivo Santaní. The main issue was that Uchida could not understand the language and explained that his agent, Sato, had included things in their contract which Uchida did not understand at the", "id": "21025253" }, { "contents": "Black Cat (song)\n\n\npanther. They're not afraid of anything, they're willing to take on anything–that's the way I feel about my work.\" Regarding its development, she said, \"I was getting dressed and ready to go to the studio. The television was on - some commercials and other stuff. I just started humming a melody. I don't know why and it kept sticking in my head. So I put it down on tape.\" She later recalled Jam & Lewis saying \"they thought it was", "id": "10587143" }, { "contents": "We Started Nothing\n\n\nThe way we write changes with each song. \"Keep Your Head\" started with Jules [De Martino] on the drums, \"We Walk\" started with me on piano, \"Shut Up and Let Me Go\" started with Jules on bass, \"That's Not My Name\" was me ranting about my frustrations with the record industry. \"Great DJ\" was me playing a D chord on the guitar for hours, because that's all I could play. And then I put my finger on the wrong", "id": "84219" }, { "contents": "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath\n\n\nheard in my life. To this day, I haven't heard anything as heavy that has as much soul.\" Brent Hinds of Mastodon agrees, telling Nick Bowcott in 2008, \"The 'dreams turn to nightmares, Heaven turns to Hell' riff at the end of that song is unbeatable.\" Kirk Hammett of Metallica cites \"Killing Yourself to Live\" as his favourite Black Sabbath song, revealing in the Holiday 2008 issue of \"Guitar World\" that \"A lot of people gravitate toward the album's title", "id": "2996764" }, { "contents": "Jon Brion\n\n\ncancel all of his upcoming Largo shows. As a temporary 'farewell', he played one show only using his left hand, even looping his songs as he normally does and playing the drums with one stick. He is now back to playing at Largo on a regular basis. Recalling his approach to the Largo shows with \"Chicago Tribune\" music editor Lou Carlozo, Brion said: \"I taught my hands to follow whatever was coming into my head—and wherever my consciousness would go, I had to push my", "id": "13076185" }, { "contents": "Rainbow (Kesha album)\n\n\nI was like, 'I respect all of that, but please let me have a keyboard or my brain's going to explode. My head has all these song ideas in it, and I just really need to play an instrument.'\" She completed work on several songs while in treatment, and following her release from rehab, she removed the dollar sign from her name, explaining it as a way of taking back her power. In her August 2014 \"Teen Vogue\" cover interview, Kesha revealed she had", "id": "2208815" }, { "contents": "Tinderbox (Siouxsie and the Banshees album)\n\n\nthat record is for me\". Jenny Lee Lindberg of Warpaint cited the band among her influences, as well as the song \"Umbrella\", initially included in the track listing of the 1986 CD version. She said: \"This is a song that my husband and I bonded over – we’d definitely heard it individually before, but one day we were just playing the album and that song stopped us in our tracks… played it on repeat for the whole night. I understand why some people can hear a little", "id": "2055640" }, { "contents": "Christmas (Francesca Battistelli album)\n\n\n' It's a more obscure classic, so a lot of people haven't heard it and I love to hear the reactions to such a fun Christmas song. My all-time favorite Christmas song is \"Breath of Heaven.\" It gives me chills every time.\" On marking Christmas tradition, Battistelli evoked how \"We will get to see all our loved ones this year and for that I'm so grateful! We are continuing the tradition of touring during the Christmas season and I'm going to try an advent", "id": "14322403" }, { "contents": "Name (song)\n\n\nhe explained: \"It was weird, I was just sitting on my couch randomly twisting the tuning pegs, and I couldn't figure out what notes the guitar was tuned to, so I had to grab my tuner to find out, and then I jotted them down on a post it. ... I just sat there and let my fingers play the fretboard openly, and that is what became the progression of 'Name'.\" In her book \"The Kennedy Chronicles\", former MTV VJ Kennedy claimed that the", "id": "20919627" }, { "contents": "The Big Dirty (album)\n\n\nYork winter could spawn, this new record will undoubtedly satisfy [long-time fans.] ... The Big Dirty is the CD you would compile if asked to make a mix of the BEST Every Time I Die songs you haven't heard yet. ... If this ain't your favorite heavy release of the year, I'll eat my damn hat.\" According to Buckley, the album's lyrical content revolve around \"coming to terms with the fact that [prior to the album] I needed to calm down in", "id": "3297209" }, { "contents": "1969 Sheffield City Council election\n\n\nGriffiths reacted \"I literally had tears in my eyes when I heard the results. I was more excited about these results than by my own election\". The Labour group's leader Ald Ron Ironmonger attributed this to their campaigning effort and the electorate voting on a local mindset \"[we've] struggled so hard for this. We took this really seriously - we haven't fought a campaign like this for years. I think the victory is due to the good sense of the Sheffield people, and I am proud of", "id": "12409816" }, { "contents": "Take Me Home Tonight (song)\n\n\nbrought Money the song \"Take Me Home Tonight\", and Money would recall: \"I didn't care for the demo [but] it did have a good catch line. When I heard [a snippet of] 'Be My Baby' in it I said: 'Why can't we get Ronnie Spector to sing it?' [and was told] 'That's impossible.'\" Money invited his friend Martha Davis, lead vocalist of the Motels, to sing the lines from \"Be My Baby", "id": "1962100" }, { "contents": "B. H. \"Johnny\" Rogers\n\n\nRogers constantly questioned the state of politics in Louisiana: For years I have discussed good government from all over. It's a strange thing. Everyone is in favor of it. And yet, we haven't had good government in Louisiana in my lifetime. I wondered about this. I wondered why we couldn't have good government if everyone wants it. ... I haven't found a governor yet who is ready to [back good government]. Kennon wasn't. Long wasn't. And Jimmie Davis isn't.", "id": "5194920" }, { "contents": "Crying Time\n\n\n. I'm crazy about Buck. But I heard something that fit my style. The key was keeping my style while watching my style work in different ways.\" Nancy Sinatra recorded a cover of the song for the 1966 album \"How Does That Grab You?\". Dean Martin recorded the song for his 1969 album \"I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am\" Ray Charles and Barbra Streisand memorably performed the song as a duet on her 1973 soundtrack album from her CBS television special \"Barbra Streisand...", "id": "12561489" }, { "contents": "Gordon Thomas (outsider musician)\n\n\nlooking after people's houses and such. I didn't start making my music again until the 1960s, but I haven't stopped since then.\" Thomas recorded independently for 40 years, often giving away the albums as gifts. Gradually, duplicate cassette tapes of his songs began to circulate widely among collectors of \"outsider music.\" Very little was known about the singer, however. When friends of filmmakers DeWolfe and Fraser played a tape for them in 2001, they decided to search for information about Thomas and to document", "id": "12093876" }, { "contents": "The Last Dance (EP)\n\n\ndeadly serious Butthole Surfers circa \"Locust Abortion Technician\"\" which \"still prompts one of my fondest memories of what were truly horrible times in my life, when a bewildered house mate stormed into my room yelling \"Why the fuck are you listening to three songs at once!\".\" Crause recalled that \"That sample does make you jump, doesn't it? I sometimes dreaded starting it off, especially when it was coming through a full PA. It's like waiting for a firework to go off-- you know", "id": "10202498" }, { "contents": "I May Hate Myself in the Morning\n\n\n's just honest.\" In an interview with \"The Mirror\" Womack said, \"I was kind of languishing, not really sure what I wanted to do or what I needed to do. But then I heard I May Hate Myself in the Morning, and that was my answer. To put it in visual terms, it was like I had a big question mark over my head, and then all of the sudden, I had a big light bulb over my head. That song made me want to get", "id": "1211768" }, { "contents": "Marie Daulne\n\n\n, here sister and Daulne started to sing African melodies. \"When I left home, I missed those songs, and in the school choir, I wondered why we didn't use African harmonising. So my sister and I started to sing African melodies, and Zap Mama was born. I wrote my first song at 15, and my artist friend Nina said that what we were doing was amazing. She helped me to find a gig, and from that day, it has been non-stop.\" But Daulne", "id": "12493056" }, { "contents": "Rumour Has It (Adele song)\n\n\nweek, the TV troupe bowed at No. 11 with its mash-up of the song and Adele's \"Someone Like You\". Adele added the song to the set list on her second worldwide tour Adele Live. She also performed the song during the 2011 iTunes Festival in London. American singer Jeremih covered the song during \"Billboard\"s Mashup Mondays. During an interview he said: \"I know you probably haven't heard this type of sound from my voice, so I just wanted to touch it. And see", "id": "4202283" }, { "contents": "Anti-Nowhere League\n\n\n10,000 punters who didn’t know me from Adam and sing a song that I couldn’t fucking remember; all that kept running through my head was RUN you silly old fucker!\". However, after the 25 October show, Mark joined that year on lead guitar, and 1993–1995 was spent playing gigs in the small venues the band had started out in. Michael Bettell died in September 2003, aged 41, from a brain tumour. In 1996, they signed up with Impact Records and recorded their next EP \"Pig", "id": "5477447" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nwhich he eventually included on his fifth studio album, \"Play\" after being encouraged to do so by his manager, Eric Härle. The song is an original composition by Moby, using samples from a 1963 recording of the Banks Brothers song \"He'll Roll Your Burdens Away\" and vocals by Diane Charlemagne of Urban Cookie Collective. \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was released on October 11, 1999 by Mute Records as the fourth single from \"Play\". The single peaked at number 16 on", "id": "1564561" }, { "contents": "Gus G\n\n\nEagles by his father's album collections. Gus G. was inspired to start playing guitar after listening to his father's copy of Peter Frampton's album \"Frampton Comes Alive\". Gus has stated, \"Frampton Comes Alive, specifically, was the reason why I picked up the guitar and started playing.\" He was drawn in particular by Frampton's use of the Talkbox. Gus stated, \"I was like 8 or 9 years old and my dad had the vinyl at home and was playing that song 'Do You", "id": "13654904" }, { "contents": "Someday (Nina Girado song)\n\n\nin 2010. \"We weren’t thinking of anything, not even about Nina, when we did my version. MCA just thought it’s a nice song and they liked how my version turned out. I did not push for it to become the album’s single [...] I actually wrote \"Someday\" for one of my albums before I gave it to her [Nina]. From the start, the song was really supposed to be mine. That's why there's wonderment how I could’ve written such", "id": "5461227" }, { "contents": "Our Version of Events\n\n\nShe said that after she and Professor Green had done so many shows together, she heard and saw how personal the song was for him. It started to make her think, \"what does the song mean to me, and what's my interpretation of it?\" which is why she wrote it. Sandé's debut album was released on 13 February 2012. She said that it is very hard to imagine that she is releasing an album with Virgin Records. She said that she was always going to \"definitely\"", "id": "6527156" }, { "contents": "Yes (LMFAO song)\n\n\n. While they are getting ready, Redfoo calls out a speech which ends with him speaking the chorus of the song (\"Every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream.\"). They then chant \"We eat 'em up, We swallow 'em down, We spit 'em out, No homo.\" After they leave the changing room, Redfoo sees Jamie Foxx sweeping the floor, and he then heads off to play. The song suddenly starts with several LMFAO", "id": "3270766" }, { "contents": "What Do I Know?\n\n\nhis previous release Xthat song was written trying to peacock in front of my label head. He'd come down to my house for the day, and I'd started writing that song, and in my head I was like \"I want to show him how fast I can write a song\". So that song came from just trying to write a song really quickly, to show him that I could write a song'. In an interview with Zane Lowe, Sheeran said that the song is a \"knee-", "id": "8873850" }, { "contents": "Take the Crown\n\n\na bit nefarious with her ways. Some songs take an age to write and some songs just fall out of your mouth completely formed, and you don't have to think about it. I don't know why that fell out of my mouth and out of my brain at that particular time – it just did.\" Williams has stated that he did not tour his last album as he wasn't \"into it that much\". Williams said \"I want to impress on people that I'm fully in with this", "id": "21513760" }, { "contents": "Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin\n\n\nhave been asked to be involved in this project, I would have just died… They basically said, 'Would we like to be involved?' I could choose which track I wanted… 'Rocket Man' was my favourite. And I hoped it hadn't gone, actually – I hoped no one else was going to do it… I actually haven't heard the original for a very long time. 'A long, long time' (laughs). It was just that I wanted to do it differently", "id": "7700940" }, { "contents": "Stranded in Babylon\n\n\nsubsequent brain damage: \"I crashed in a plane, I really damaged my brain/ And then I layed in my bed with all this music in my head./ The years have rolled by, I've watched the past die/ But feelings remained like mercy much strained./ Like a seed left unsown, like a leaf that was blown/Like a man who was blind, there was a lock on my mind\", but also his 1991 healing: \"Then a man came to me and he held out the key/ And the lock", "id": "21440631" }, { "contents": "Daddy (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nthat's why I want my unborn son to be like my daddy, I want my husband to be like my daddy, there is no one else like my daddy.\" According to Marc Anthony Neal of the PopMatters, Beyoncé also confidently embraces her womanhood in the song. In a way, Beyoncé pays tribute to her father through this song. Mark Edward Nero of stated that \"Daddy\" was probably written specifically for the soundtrack album of \"Daddy's Little Girls\" and that it may even \"play a", "id": "21568285" }, { "contents": "In My Mind (Maty Noyes song)\n\n\none has heard of), the track feels [instantly] familiar, like it’s already been on loop in your brain for days.\" Mike Wass, a writer for Idolator, wrote of the song, \"The 18-year-old returns today with “In My Mind” — a brooding mid-tempo pop song with intricate production and a deceptively catchy chorus. You’ll be hooked after the second listen!\" \"In My Mind\" has gained some traction in Europe, peaking at number 46 in the Czech", "id": "12346402" }, { "contents": "Down (Jay Sean song)\n\n\n? What?' He played the song. All of a sudden I heard Wayne's Auto-Tune stuff, and I'm like, 'OK. What's going on? Right! That's Lil Wayne on my song right now!' That day was brilliant.\" \"The news was on, everything was depressing and we were like 'look at this man – everything's so down in the dumps. Why don't we write a song to take everyone's mind away from being down?'\"", "id": "12319039" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\nlive performance of the song was during Muhammad Ali's \"Celebrity Fight Night\" charity event in March 2011. In 2009, Eric Hutchinson opened for Kelly Clarkson in selected dates in her All I Ever Wanted Tour, where he debuted a new song, \"Why Don't You Try\", originally intended for his fourth studio album. Clarkson recalled upon hearing the song: \"Eric Hutchinson was touring with me in Australia and I was in my dressing room and all of a sudden I heard this song. I was like", "id": "18407547" }, { "contents": "Myles Kennedy\n\n\nguitarist. He began learning how to play the guitar by listening to Led Zeppelin records and mimicking Jimmy Page's guitar parts. He said in an interview, \"I started off strictly as a lead guitar player. When I first started playing 25 years ago, that was all I’d do is sit in my room and learn solos.\" He also recalled being inspired by Eddie Van Halen: \"When I was in my early teens, I heard 'Eruption' one day and was like, 'That is the", "id": "20512675" }, { "contents": "Hole in My Soul\n\n\nlines with racier lyrics. On a live version of the song from the \"A Little South of Sanity\" album, Tyler sings \"I fuck with my boots on cause you fuck with my head\" instead of the studio version lyrics \"I sleep with my boots on, but you're still in my head.\" The band played the song heavily on their lengthy Nine Lives Tour from 1997–1999, but has almost never played it since. Directed by Andy Morahan, the video featured a nerdy high school student (played", "id": "11026791" }, { "contents": "Happy Flowers\n\n\nfew years after Happy Flowers started. Happy Flowers' first song, \"Mom, I Gave the Cat Some Acid\", was released during the summer of 1984 as a part of the compilation album called \"Brain of Stone\". This was followed the same year by the band's first two EPs. The band received a wider audience with the albums \"My Skin Covers My Body\" (1987) and \"I Crush Bozo\" (1988), both released by Homestead Records. The 1990 album \"Lasterday I", "id": "3004463" }, { "contents": "Reba McEntire\n\n\nat 5× Multi-Platinum by the RIAA in 1998. The album has gone to sell over 10 million copies worldwide, which makes it McEntire's best selling album to date. Her eighteenth studio release was 1994's \"Read My Mind.\" The album spawned five major hit singles onto the \"Billboard\" Country chart, including the No. 1 single \"The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter\". The further releases (\"Till You Love Me\", \"Why Haven't I Heard from You\", and \"", "id": "591113" }, { "contents": "I Changed My Mind\n\n\nHop Songs charts. There was a remix to the song that featured rapper Shyne, who was incarcerated. This version made its way to radio airplay format, while the video version does not have Shyne in it. Vocals from Solomon Burke's \"Get Out of My Life, Woman\" are used throughout, although \"I Changed My Mind\" actually samples \"The Chronic (Intro)\" by Dr. Dre, in which Burke's sample is already embedded (Dr. Dre can be heard over the top of the sample saying", "id": "8167182" }, { "contents": "2001 FA Cup Final\n\n\nfooted: \"It's nice to prove people wrong when they say you haven't got a left foot. I was supposed to be the worst header and the worst player with my left foot in the league, and how could an England player play when they haven't got a left foot. ... It does go to show that I have improved and I am improving.\" Wenger lamented Arsenal's inability to make possession count, saying: \"It has happened all season. We don't finish.\" He criticised", "id": "19879802" }, { "contents": "Jake Dreyer\n\n\nLike anyone else, my tastes broadened over the years. So once I started progressing in my playing, I looked for heavier bands like Megadeth and Testament. In high school, I discovered all of the Shrapnel Records guys, but Yngwie Malmsteen was the first guitarist I heard that really changed my life. There was something about his playing that just pulled me in,\" remembers Dreyer. Jake released four EPs and an album before graduating high school. During that time, he also studied under Chris Broderick (Megadeth, Jag", "id": "14965787" }, { "contents": "Desensitized (Drowning Pool album)\n\n\n, 'Look at this f---ing homeless guy,'\" \"It's a struggle, man, and a lot of my songs are about the struggle.\" Jason Jones on Cast Me Aside \"You get a rash of calls from people you haven't heard from in 10-12 years who are suddenly wanting to kick it again. I was like \"Where the f--- were you?\" You know... that whole shit of everyone loves you when you're on top kinda thing.\" Drowning Pool Production", "id": "7834790" }, { "contents": "Colby O\n\n\nthe writing process as \"writing my own songs is extremely important to me. I feel that I've gone through so much in my life and there's no better way of showing the real you than through music. It's a way for me and my fans to connect through the same struggles. There's so much more of me that I haven't revealed and music is my way of letting people know who I am.\" According to O'Donis, he and Akon had recorded around forty songs for the album and", "id": "19395742" }, { "contents": "Plain Spoken\n\n\nrespectful, keep your word. If I said I would meet you at 7:00 and I showed up at 7:15, that is not the courtesy of kings. Showing up at five 'til 7, waiting for the other person, is the courtesy of kings. So it's an old, old, old saying that I had heard as a child. It was in my head – I heard my grandfather say it once or twice... The song is about a woman who wanted to show the courtesy of kings, but", "id": "3113248" }, { "contents": "Fred Allen\n\n\nfolks! Tune in next week – Benny: Allen, this is a frame – (starts laughing himself) Where are my pants! Allen: Benny, for 15 years I've been waiting to catch you like this! Benny: Allen, you haven't seen the end of me! Allen: It won't be long now! Benny: I want my pants! Allen and Benny couldn't resist one more play on the feud on Allen's final show. Benny appeared as a skinflint bank manager and mortgage company", "id": "13279266" }, { "contents": "Black Gives Way to Blue (song)\n\n\nfelt I was puking up all this undigested grief in losing Layne.\" Once Cantrell started writing the song and the rest of the album, his mystery illness disappeared. Cantrell told \"Noisecreep\" that the night the track was recorded, the band was \"crying their eyes out\". But he thought writing the song was going to kill him. \"I sent it to Sean Kinney, and then immediately I started getting these f—ing migraine headaches where I felt like my brain was like unseated in my skull.", "id": "19162701" }, { "contents": "O Yeah (End of Fashion song)\n\n\nrace, in addition to various shots of the band's instruments. End of Fashion have been criticised for their uncredited copying of the guitar riff from the Pixies song \"Where Is My Mind?\" for their song \"O Yeah\". Rockus Online Magazine reviewer Jonathon Miller called the song \"disturbingly Pixies-ish\" and went on to write: \"End of Fashion are having no problem appealing to the 95% of people that haven't heard (and still remember) the Pixies' \"Where Is My Mind?", "id": "21336356" }, { "contents": "Annihilator (band)\n\n\nwith my influences and my musical loves as a fan. So you really heard a song that had a lot of the \"Master of Puppets\" era of music from Metallica, and you really heard a Megadeth-y song on there, and you really heard in my vocals some Hetfield and Mustaine-isms. And I think that was great, as a fan, to get it out, but I think I need to do more of my own thing on the next record.\" In February 2017, Jeff Waters", "id": "7056284" }, { "contents": "Brothers (Goldman novel)\n\n\n\"Brothers\": It was one of those funny things. It just ended. It came as a shock to me. I don't know what happened. My wife left me the next year and that certainly was a change... When I was a novelist - those thirty years - something comes along and hits you and you think, 'Oh my God, that might be interesting,' but I haven't had an idea for that for twenty years now. If I started writing a novel tomorrow it wouldn't", "id": "20240216" }, { "contents": "Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype\n\n\n. Griffith originally wanted Dick Van Dyke to play the lead, but since Van Dyke was touring in a play at the time and was unavailable, Golan hired Oliver Reed. Griffith said, \"I had to redo the entire picture in my head when he was cast, because it was a zany slapstick comedy and I got Oliver Reed – with that face and that voice! So I made it more lyrical.\" Sunny Johnson was cast the day before shooting started. She died a few years later of a brain hemorrhage", "id": "20947732" }, { "contents": "Josh Groban\n\n\nto playing some small theaters. I'm looking forward to writing more. I want to delve further into my acting career and explore some of the film and TV opportunities that I haven't had time for. My outlook is to expect the unexpected. And when the next step comes, I'm prepared to take it.\" Groban finished his fifth studio album, entitled \"Illuminations\", and the album was released on November 15, 2010. Most of the songs on the album are about \"specific situations that I", "id": "7781712" }, { "contents": "Today (The Smashing Pumpkins song)\n\n\nbut Corgan felt there needed to be an opening riff to the song. One day, \"out of the blue, I heard the opening lick note for note in my head\", Corgan said. \"When I added the opening riff, it completely changed the character of the song. Suddenly, I had a song that was starting out quiet and then got very loud.\" Soon afterwards, Virgin Records executives were sent to check up on the band after hearing about their problems, but were pleased with the demo", "id": "11115194" }, { "contents": "Ben Cousins\n\n\nand apologised to his family for the situation he had put them in: I'll always regret what I've put my family through. There's a lot of shame and regret. People wonder why I haven't broken down or shed a tear (in public). My tears are something that I hold close to me; they're for me and my family. ! scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 1996 ! scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center\" | 1997 ! scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:", "id": "13278048" }, { "contents": "Philipp Degen\n\n\nI haven't had the best of luck with injuries during my time with Liverpool and I know there is still more to come from me. I have only played at around 60 per cent of my potential and hope I can show much, much more.\". On 10 February 2010, Degen started the game against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium. On 19 April 2010, Degen played the last 13 minutes of the home 3–0 win versus West Ham United at Anfield. On 21 July 2010, Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson announced", "id": "20694611" }, { "contents": "I Don't Know Why\n\n\n\"I Don't Know Why\" (sometimes listed as \"Don't Know Why I Love You\") is a 1968 song by American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder, from the album \"For Once in My Life\" (1968). It also serves as the B-side for the 1969 hit \"My Cherie Amour\". The single peaked at No. 39 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was recorded when Wonder was 18 years old, and became a moderate hit single, together", "id": "8708186" }, { "contents": "Ron Boone\n\n\nthis is something special.” And then you start taking pride in it, the fact that I’ve never pulled a hamstring or a muscle or a groin. You start thinking, why? Why hasn’t something like that happened to me? I realized it went all the way back to my high school days. My high school coach talked about stretching, warming up and getting ready to play. From when I started playing in fourth grade. What a great story that is. That a guy can go his whole", "id": "19749813" }, { "contents": "Sempiternal (album)\n\n\nGod to get better, I was in a shitty place and I was asked to put my faith in God\". The lyrical structure is also seen as following a \"yin-and-yang\". Heard in songs like \"Can You Feel My Heart\", where the lyrics polarise with \"the higher I get, the lower I sink\". It is the only album to feature Sykes playing the rhythm guitar. The introductory song \"Can You Feel My Heart\" was a musical experiment which helped sculpt the", "id": "6984326" }, { "contents": "History of broadcasting in Australia\n\n\nI have had a great deal of trouble with three Postmaster-Generals,\" said he, \"and haven't got my license yet. They're still quibbling. We have all been treated in the same way, but no one has said or done anything until lately. Seventeen months of my time have been wasted since I was ready to erect my plant. Why should we have to pay three guineas for the use of the air, so far as experiments are concerned? The aerial navigation experimenters are charged nothing.", "id": "20970398" }, { "contents": "Collapse of Smile\n\n\nreleased after that time would have to be judged.\" Reportedly, his first exposure to the Beatles' February 1967 single \"Strawberry Fields Forever\" affected him. He heard the song while driving with Michael Vosse under the influence of barbiturates. Vosse said that as Wilson pulled over to listen, \"He just shook his head and said, 'They did it already—what I wanted to do with \"Smile\". Maybe it's too late.' I started laughing my head off, and he started laughing his", "id": "6060512" }, { "contents": "Neon Lights (Demi Lovato song)\n\n\nthe dance record, stating, \"That record, Neon Lights, we did intentionally because I wanted to. I heard it on [a friend's] demo-reel and the next day I woke up and the melody was in my head, and I couldn't get it out of my head for two days, that's when I knew.\" Tedder also went on to compliment Lovato's vocals, stating, \"She came in and just ripped it. She in pop music has one of the biggest ranges", "id": "4888703" }, { "contents": "Patrick Chan\n\n\nin a row in practice. I just couldn't grasp why I wasn't doing it in competition.\" Chan sought advice from Olympic champion Brian Boitano, \"I had to find another way to force my technique, force my mind to do it properly, even through the times where I didn't feel well. ... I still don't believe in a shrink. They haven't been in our situation, on the ice standing in front of thousands of people.\" At the Grand Prix Final, he placed second", "id": "16747171" }, { "contents": "Can't Get You Out of My Head\n\n\n47th Ivor Novello Awards for their composition of the song; they won the awards \"The Ivors Dance Award,\" \"Most Performed Work,\" and \"International Hit of the Year.\" At the inaugural Premios Oye! in 2002, the song received a nomination in the category of \"Song of the Year.\" In the 2007 episode of \"The Simpsons,\" \"Homerazzi\", the track is heard playing in a celebrity-packed nightclub into which Homer storms. The track is also heard in the films", "id": "6720605" }, { "contents": "Boris the Spider\n\n\nthe 1995 and 2009 reissues. \"My Size\", the opening track of Entwistle's 1971 solo album \"Smash Your Head Against the Wall\", is a sequel to \"Boris the Spider.\" The closing riff of the song is the same as the one heard throughout \"Boris the Spider.\" Regarding this, Entwistle stated: \"I wrote it as a sequel to Boris the Spider for our manager. Our manager wanted me to put Boris the Spider on my album. So I wrote My Size and I", "id": "10087114" }, { "contents": "The Wallflowers\n\n\nsongs the Wallflowers had released in the past. Dylan explained; \"I think all my songs are personal, but I just made them a little more dense before, made 'em real thick so that I didn't feel exposed. A lot of younger writers do that. Before, I haven't really wanted anybody buying my records looking for information about myself or my family, but at this point, the group has a lot of people buying the records who aren't interested in that, so it gives me more freedom", "id": "18147111" }, { "contents": "Marc Yu\n\n\nwith Jay Leno\", \"The Ellen DeGeneres Show\" (in which he received an accordion), as well as being the focus of a \"National Geographic\" television special titled \"My Brilliant Brain\" (USA title: \"Brain Child\"). While at a friend's party, Marc heard the children in attendance singing \"Mary Had a Little Lamb\", at which point the three-year-old went over to the nearby piano and played the song back. By his mother's persuasions he began", "id": "8915173" }, { "contents": "Meena (actress)\n\n\nthis film and the sister to the hero. The actress was approached by a Mollywood director to play Lal's wife with a woman-centric film with several actresses, including Rima Kallingal. \"It had an interesting subject, but I wanted something more for my character. There were a lot of women in the film and everybody's got a story. I was more interested in a story focussing on a single woman character and that's why I haven't signed up for the movie,\" she says. Meena who", "id": "7242368" }, { "contents": "Dinny and the Witches\n\n\n, and mud, and mind, an muddle: \"Drink the brew.\" Dinny's Song Page 12 \"Don't know why I came here, \"Just followed my nose: \"Couldn't say what I'm after, \"Can't wait till it shows: \"Can't give you its name here, \"Heard it lies in my way: \"Don't know what I'm here for, \"Thought you could say. \"Don't know what I want here, \"Can't think what", "id": "1237339" } ]
Why are there separate prices for different age groups?
[{"answer": "It's to get more of that demographic into your store. Movie theaters, for example, often give discounts for children to make it more affordable for families to attend. Same for senior citizens who are on a fixed income. Since they make their profit at the concession stand, it works out well for them."}, {"answer": "Those are generally the ages that don't have any disposable income (they make fuck all). Lowering the prices to cater those group gives them the incentive to spend on your product. The same reason that children usually enter certain places for free, because they garuantee an adult."}, {"answer": "In economics, its called third degree price discrimination. Basically, you're segmenting your market into groups, and charging each segment what they're willing to pay for whatever you're selling. This way, if you've properly segmented your market (by age, gender, whatever boundaries cannot easily be crossed) then you make more money overall. The people who are willing to pay less, pay that amount, instead of nothing."}, {"answer": "The reason behind it all is to make the most amount of money. Not necessarily the most money per item sold or the most items sold. The only goal is to make the most money. With different pricing you can give a greater incentive for different age groups to buy your product or service. They are attempting to attract more of that demographic to their business."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21127927", "title": "Age stratification", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Age stratification based on an ascribed status is a major source inequality, and thus may lead to ageism. Ageism is a social inequality resulting from age stratification. This is a sociological concept that comes with studying aging population. Age stratification within a population can have major implications, affecting things such as workforce trends, social norms, family structures, government policies, and even health outcomes.", "In sociology, age stratification refers to the hierarchical ranking of people into age groups within a society. Age stratification could also be defined as a system of inequalities linked to age. In Western societies, for example, both the old and the young are perceived and treated as relatively incompetent and excluded from much social life."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "156259", "title": "Price discrimination", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The term differential pricing is also used to describe the practice of charging different prices to different buyers for the same quality and quantity of a product, but it can also refer to a combination of price differentiation and product differentiation. Other terms used to refer to price discrimination include equity pricing, preferential pricing, dual pricing and tiered pricing. Within the broader domain of price differentiation, a commonly accepted classification dating to the 1920s is: In a theoretical market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no transaction costs or prohibition on", "The term differential pricing is also used to describe the practice of charging different prices to different buyers for the same quality and quantity of a product, but it can also refer to a combination of price differentiation and product differentiation. Other terms used to refer to price discrimination include equity pricing, preferential pricing, dual pricing and tiered pricing. Within the broader domain of price differentiation, a commonly accepted classification dating to the 1920s is: In a theoretical market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no transaction costs or prohibition on", "The term differential pricing is also used to describe the practice of charging different prices to different buyers for the same quality and quantity of a product, but it can also refer to a combination of price differentiation and product differentiation. Other terms used to refer to price discrimination include equity pricing, preferential pricing, dual pricing and tiered pricing. Within the broader domain of price differentiation, a commonly accepted classification dating to the 1920s is: In a theoretical market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no transaction costs or prohibition on\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Tu Nidito\n\n\nrange of programs that can adapt to each situation. There are a number of programs that are used as forms of bereavement interventions within Tu Nidito. All of Tu Nidito's services are centered around the needs of children and young adults and have expanded over time to include hundreds of children and different dimensions of support. Children at different developmental stages have varied understanding about death and grief. The way they communicate and feel about death varies from age group to age group. This is why it is important to have separate groups for", "id": "13814124" }, { "contents": "World Robot Olympiad\n\n\nRegular and Open and that further sub-divides to only two age groups, Primary and High School. WRO have the ambition of being relevant to students of different ages. That is why it is offer competitions on platforms that provide fun and challenging experiences. It is also why it have decided two of the categories into three age groups. In the Regular Category, each age group has a different mission. In the Open Category, the challenge is the same for all participants, but they are judged within their age group", "id": "10218627" }, { "contents": "Volkswagen Group\n\n\n, share ownership of Volkswagen AG is distributed as follows: Volkswagen AG shares are primarily traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and are listed under the 'VOW' and 'VOW3' stock ticker symbols. First listed in August 1961, the shares were issued at a price of DM 350 per DM 100 share, Volkswagen AG shares are now separated into two different types or classes: 'ordinary shares' and 'preference shares'. The ordinary shares are now traded under the WKN 766400 and ISIN DE0007664005 listings, and the", "id": "14313842" }, { "contents": "Monopoly\n\n\nprice discrimination\" or multi-market price discrimination the seller divides the consumers into different groups according to their willingness to pay as measured by their price elasticity of demand. Each group of consumers effectively becomes a separate market with its own demand curve and marginal revenue curve. The firm then attempts to maximize profits in each segment by equating MR and MC, Generally the company charges a higher price to the group with a more price inelastic demand and a relatively lesser price to the group with a more elastic demand. Examples of third", "id": "19193957" }, { "contents": "G.I. Jeff\n\n\nthat this cartoon reality is in his imagination. Jeff leaves to go to his office and realizes why he is unconscious – because he drank the bottle of Scotch whiskey and took anti-aging pills from Koreatown. He returns to the group and explains that he took them because he has been lying about his age. Fourth Wall informs him of the different layers of existence, where he is currently in the 1980s cartoon layer. He explains that Jeff sees visions of the next layer, the toy commercial plane, which separates him", "id": "14427631" }, { "contents": "Price discrimination\n\n\ndegree of differential pricing to different consumers, even in fully competitive retail or industrial markets. The effects of price discrimination on social efficiency are unclear. Output can be expanded when price discrimination is very efficient. Even if output remains constant, price discrimination can reduce efficiency by misallocating output among consumers. Price discrimination requires market segmentation and some means to discourage discount customers from becoming resellers and, by extension, competitors. This usually entails using one or more means of preventing any resale: keeping the different price groups separate, making price", "id": "21130000" }, { "contents": "Mutual Ownership Defense Housing Division\n\n\nsection of area occupations, and from different age groups, are selected. These demographics made the community less vulnerable to economic crisis, while the differing family sizes and space needs allowed for flexibility in housing requirements. Plans called for the final selling price of the Mutual Housing project to be set through negotiations between two separate appraisers—one representing the federal government and the other representing the Corporation—and title would be transferred at the 20% amortization point. Testifying before Congress in the summer of 1941, Colonel Westbrook outlined the following", "id": "2839926" }, { "contents": "Product lining\n\n\nmore than one product in a product line. It is a process that traders adopt to separate products in the same category into various price groups, to create different quality levels in the customers’ minds. For instance, vehicle manufacturers produce their vehicle in different models including economy models, environmental models, luxury models and more. Each of them has an individual cost or price to display the difference in levels. With that being said, in order for any pricing techniques to be effective, demand elasticity, the whole product mix", "id": "8628113" }, { "contents": "Unit price\n\n\nunits are also known as equivalent units. Average price per unit and prices per statistical unit are needed by marketers who sell the same product in different packages, sizes, forms, or configurations at a variety of different prices. As in analyses of different channels, these product and price variations must be reflected accurately in overall average prices. If they are not, marketers may lose sight of what is happening to prices and why. If the price of each product variant remained unchanged, for example, but there was a shift", "id": "21595156" }, { "contents": "Eyewitness memory (child testimony)\n\n\nwith age, there is a growing consensus that the presence of an interplay between individual characteristics and situational factors may affect suggestibility, in this case, of children. This explains why children of the same age may significantly vary in levels of suggestibility. There are several factors that contribute to a child's suggestibility. Age-related differences are often synonymous with developmental differences, though the latter, when not comparing two different age groups, has no effect on a child's suggestibility. Basically, individual differences between children of the same", "id": "7557525" }, { "contents": "Group insurance\n\n\npremium amount for the same coverage regardless of their age or other factors, even though the total group premium will be calculated by reference to the actual (or estimated) age distribution etc. of the group. In contrast, under private individual health or life insurance coverage in the U.S. and elsewhere, different insured persons will pay different premium amounts for the same coverage based on their age, location, pre-existing conditions, etc. Group policies may be attractive to consumers because the average price per policy is often lower.", "id": "18641241" }, { "contents": "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\n\n\n3 size between gay and straight men, but the difference was not quite statistically significant by the criteria Byne used. LeVay concludes that homosexuality is, \"part of a package of gender-atypical traits.\" For the second edition, LeVay added a new chapter dealing with aspects of sexuality and gender such as bisexuality, asexuality, attraction to different age groups, \"butch\" and \"femme\" behavior, preferences for different sexual roles or positions, and transsexualism. \"Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\" was", "id": "5329665" }, { "contents": "Law of value\n\n\n; they only express more or less money, and can only go up or down. For Marx, this idea was not only false, but totally absurd, since different kinds of prices can assume different valuation principles, contractual obligations, conditionalities, inclusions/exclusions as well as relationships between economic actors. Different kinds of prices express different kinds of trading relationships. Marx noted that the forms prices take are highly \"variegated\", and he drew a sharp distinction between real prices and ideal prices. That is why businessmen assumed", "id": "17338159" }, { "contents": "Fast Lane (Cedar Fair)\n\n\nor as a group, with group pricing offering a lower price per group member. Visitors then receive a wrist band which gives them the ability to cut to the front of the line on the park's most popular attractions. Originally, it could be used only from noon to 7:00 PM, but it was later expanded to all-day availability. Fast Lane differs from a \"virtual queue\" in that there is nothing virtual, only two physical queues (lines): one for regular patrons and a separate one for", "id": "613472" }, { "contents": "Tu Nidito\n\n\n. They may be in denial and pretend the death did not occur. Their inability to deal with death may cause an increased fear of death, (Webb, 2010). For children in the pre-pubertal stage (9-12), feelings of helplessness, guilt and anger may be experienced (Webb, 2010). Support groups specific for these different ages can address these different concerns. Tu Nidito separates their support groups based on ages around the ages where these differences in understanding occur. For these children,", "id": "13814127" }, { "contents": "Pressing (wine)\n\n\nwinemakers will keep free-run and pressed juice separated for most of the winemaking process including malolactic fermentation and barrel aging with the options to later blend between them to make the most complete, balanced wine, bottle separately under different labels and price tiers or to discard/sell off the pressed fractions to another producer. The main difference between free-run and pressed juice is that pressed juice often has lower acidity levels, higher potassium and pH level, more phenolic compounds such as tannins and more suspended solids such as natural gum", "id": "1788718" }, { "contents": "Amit Chakrabarti\n\n\ncarried out large-scale simulations of conformations of grafted chains that prompted several detailed experiments on this subject. He is a co-author of the first simulation work on how selective surface interactions influence spinodal decomposition in a mixture. This paper led to a flurry of experimental activities and confirmation of his groups' theoretical findings. His work on phase separation in fluids with long-chain molecules explained why different experiments carried out to different time regimes seem to produce contradictory results. His group's large-scale simulation on aggregation kinetics in", "id": "7419418" }, { "contents": "Ordnung\n\n\nand Englishers. Most Americans see the Amish as different because they drive buggies, use horse drawn farm implements, dress plainly, etc. These differences are not accidental. When asked today why they have rejected a specific thing, many members of the church will simply reply: “Because it’s not Amish.” Because each Amish district is a separate church, Ordnung rules will differ from locale to locale. There are diverse groups among the Amish, thereby creating distinctions within their Ordnung. The following is a general list and", "id": "8816403" }, { "contents": "Scout (Scouting)\n\n\nmix older and younger Scouts in the same patrols, so that the older Scouts can teach the younger ones more effectively, other troops group Scouts by age, so that the members of one patrol have more in common. In most countries a local organisation, a \"Scout Group\", combines different sections together into a single body. Scout Groups can consist of any number of sections of the different Age Groups in Scouting and Guiding. Scout Groups can be single sex or have boys and girls in separate and/or co-ed", "id": "7156265" }, { "contents": "Tony Pastor\n\n\nseparated some ethnic groups in his music, he also intended to unite the lower and middle classes. In songs like \"The Upper and Lower Ten Thousand\", he defended the common man of the Bowery: And with thousands of dollars of others make freeBR Should he get into court, why, without any doubt,BR The matter's hushed up and they'll let him step out.BR If a Lower-Ten Thousand chap happens to steal,BR For to keep him from starving, the price of a meal", "id": "1481693" }, { "contents": "Claire's\n\n\nis targeted at different age groups ranging from babies to teens. Customers can find earrings, necklaces, bracelets, purses, hair accessories,fashion accessories, stuffed animals, makeup and character merchandise. Stores are merchandised to accommodate different ages, and fashion trends are manipulated to appeal to all ages. Toys \"R\" Us also included a Claire's section for girls and teens. In North America, Claire's also operates under the Icing brand, stores targeted towards women aged 19–28. The merchandise has a higher price point and", "id": "18037718" }, { "contents": "Infection\n\n\nculture comes from an animal source serving as host than it is when derived from microbes derived from plate culture. Epidemiology, or the study and analysis of in who, why and where disease occurs, and what determines whether various populations have a disease, is another important tool used to understand infectious disease. Epidemiologists may determine differences among groups within a population, such as whether certain age groups have a greater or lesser rate of infection; whether groups living in different neighborhoods are more likely to be infected; and by other factors", "id": "16540613" }, { "contents": "Polygenism\n\n\nthat the supreme God of the pygmies, Khonvoum, created three different races of man separately out of three kinds of clay: one black, one white, and one red. In some cultures, polygenism in the creation narrative served as an etiological function. These narratives provided an explanation as to why other people groups exist who are not affiliated with their tribe. Moreover, distinctions made between the creation of foreign people groups and the tribe or ethnic group to which the creation myth pertains served to reinforce tribal or ethnic unity,", "id": "4663684" }, { "contents": "Hans Reist\n\n\nwas called to explain their differing beliefs. Hans Reist did not attend the meeting in spite of multiple requests, but explained in writing why he rejected the views of Jacob Amman. No resolution to the differences was found, and the Swiss Brethren separated into the Amish (who used hook-and-eye fasteners) and the followers of Reist (who used buttons). Reist succeeded in convincing a large portion of the region's Anabaptists of his views. They formed the basis of today's Swiss Mennonite Conference and numerous groups", "id": "16435738" }, { "contents": "Youth culture\n\n\n' more liberal attitudes. The authors suggested that the reason for this is that the students perceived their friends as more liberal than they really were. If adolescents' values are similar to their parents', this raises the question of why adults insist that adolescents inhabit a separate world with different values. One reason may be that the similarities between adolescent and adult values are relatively invisible compared to the differences between these two groups. The way young people dress, the music they listen to, and their language are often more apparent", "id": "18123935" }, { "contents": "Nancy Ruth\n\n\n. Leave it there. Don't make this an election issue.\" The next day the Conservative government cut funding to 11 women's groups, some of which support abortion as part of the G8 maternal health initiative. Nancy Ruth drew media attention again in 2015 when responding to reporters regarding the auditor general's questioning why she claimed separate breakfasts as public expenses when she could have eaten the airline breakfasts included in the price of her airline ticket, which she had also expensed. She is quoted as saying \"Well, those", "id": "5332186" }, { "contents": "Economic discrimination\n\n\n. The most common forms of such discrimination are price and service discrimination. Discrimination based on price is charging different prices for goods and services to different people based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or sex. It should not be confused with the separate economic concept of price discrimination. Discrimination based on price includes, but is not limited to: Most charges of discrimination based on price are difficult to verify, without significant documentation. Studies indicate that less than 10% of all discrimination based on price is actually reported to", "id": "19073725" }, { "contents": "Bio-Blend Fuels\n\n\nmay still wish to take advantage of the price difference. Bio-Blend Fuels are selling B100 at significantly below the national average cost of diesel. Other groups of users may wish to reach a different compromise with a different blend. For this reason, Bio-Blend Fuels have installed a patented blending system at the new facility. This is able to deliver a blend at the pump to the individual needs of the customer. Sales direct to the public are made through a separate company, \"American Fuel Blending Systems\" which", "id": "14620955" }, { "contents": "Multisensory integration\n\n\nbe established until age 12 and above. This particular study assessed the integration of disparity and texture cues to resolve surface slant. Though younger age groups showed a somewhat better performance when combining disparity and texture cues compared to using only disparity or texture cues, this difference was not statistically significant. In adults, the sensory integration can be mandatory, meaning that they no longer have access to the individual sensory sources. Acknowledging these variations, many hypotheses have been established to reflect why these observations are task-dependent. Given that different", "id": "2672027" }, { "contents": "Dee Why-class ferry\n\n\nof the fleet, \"Dee Why\", \"Curl Curl\" and \"South Steyne\"; were all converted to burn coal tar instead of oil. However, soon other users found that coal tar was useful, and to remain competitive, the North Shore gas Company upped its prices to an unmanageable rate, and so the three steamers were reconverted to oil. It was the price of oil that led to their demise. By the mid-1950s, these two ships were beginning to age. Though still in front line use", "id": "19711105" }, { "contents": "Real gross domestic product\n\n\nactually reflect the true growth in an economy. That is why the GDP must be divided by the inflation rate (raised to the power of units of time in which the rate is measured) to get the growth of the real GDP. Different organizations use different types of 'Real GDP' measures, for example the United Nations UNCTAD uses 2005 Constant prices and exchange rates while the FRED uses 2009 constant prices and exchange rates, and recently the World Bank switched from 2005 to 2010 constant prices and exchange rates. Real GDP", "id": "21290793" }, { "contents": "Decoupled debit card\n\n\nDurbin Amendment—National Payment Card Association (NPCA) did not and is still thriving today in 2013. Why one survived Durbin and the other did not is a function of their differences in business models and program structures. Tempo had a product model tied to Discover and accepted signature debit which resulted in a pricing model and risk profile that would no longer be attractive to retailers under Durbin. National Payment Card Association has a different pricing model – generally a fixed price per transaction of $.15 that retailers pay in processing fees,", "id": "4315850" }, { "contents": "Triathlon\n\n\nswim/bike change, then one for the bike/run change at a different location. Racers are generally categorized into separate professional and amateur categories. Amateurs, who make up the large majority of triathletes, are often referred to as \"age groupers\" since they are typically further classified by sex and age; which offers the opportunity to compete against others of one's own gender and age group. The age groups are defined in five- or ten-year intervals. There is typically a lower age limit; which can", "id": "12900986" }, { "contents": "Life expectancy\n\n\ndata that are believed to have different mortality rates (such as males and females, and perhaps smokers and non-smokers if data are available separately for those groups) and are then used to calculate a life table from which one can calculate the probability of surviving to each age. In actuarial notation, the probability of surviving from age formula_2 to age formula_4 is denoted formula_5 and the probability of dying during age formula_2 (between ages formula_2 and formula_8) is denoted formula_9. For example, if 10% of a group of", "id": "18901471" }, { "contents": "Pearl\n\n\nor mussels must be gathered and opened, and thus killed, to find even one wild pearl; for many centuries, this was the only way pearls were obtained, and why pearls fetched such extraordinary prices in the past. Cultured pearls are formed in pearl farms, using human intervention as well as natural processes. One family of nacreous pearl bivalves – the pearl oyster – lives in the sea, while the other – a very different group of bivalves – lives in freshwater; these are the river mussels such as the freshwater", "id": "4408805" }, { "contents": "Soccer in the Sand\n\n\nfifteen separate annual tournaments of soccer played in the sand starting in early June and running through November. Each tournament features different competitors of soccer players that are grouped into different divisions and teams based on age, and gender. When registering the oldest player of the team is how it is determined what age group the team should be in. Females may play in either the female or male division, but boys may only play in the boys division. To be able to play for more than one team, the player must be", "id": "19006665" }, { "contents": "Tithing\n\n\nby Jutes rather than Saxons, and retained elements of its historical identity as a separate and wealthy kingdom into the Middle Ages. While Wessex and Mercia eventually grouped their hundreds into Shires, Kent grouped hundreds into \"lathes\". Sussex, which had also been a separate kingdom, similarly grouped its hundreds into \"rapes\". The different choice of terminology continued to the level of the tithing; in Kent, parts of Surrey, and Sussex, the equivalent term was a borgh, borow, or borough (not to be", "id": "18430263" }, { "contents": "Mathematical finance\n\n\nMerton on option pricing theory. Today many universities offer degree and research programs in mathematical finance. There are two separate branches of finance that require advanced quantitative techniques: derivatives pricing, and risk and portfolio management. One of the main differences is that they use different probabilities, namely the risk-neutral probability (or arbitrage-pricing probability), denoted by \"Q\", and the actual (or actuarial) probability, denoted by \"P\". The goal of derivatives pricing is to determine the fair price of a", "id": "2738571" }, { "contents": "Why Is This Night Different?\n\n\na rating of 92% with an average score of 8.9 out of 10 on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, with the site's consensus stating \"'Why Is This Night Different?' finds various strands of \"Homeland\"s intriguing season five plot snapping into place amidst an intense, satisfying installment.\" Price Peterson of \"New York Magazine\" rated the episode 5 out of 5 stars, saying it \"surprised and delighted as much as any mid-season episode could\", and that Carrie and Quinn's relationship \"has", "id": "16006374" }, { "contents": "Price revolution\n\n\nreason historians, philosopher, and economist tried to formulate their own explanations to the price revolution. Regardless, Malestroit did put forth several valid claims about the price revolution that continue to hold up today, particularly his argument explaining the different price indexes and why the Spanish prices rose the least and the Brabantine the most. Spain, unlike most other European countries of this era, underwent no debasements of the gold and silver coinages during most of the period, but that all changed in 1599, when the new Spanish king Philip III", "id": "20234242" }, { "contents": "Duty-free shop\n\n\nbe bought when arriving into an EU Member State as there is often a high local Excise Duty on these goods as well as the local sales tax (VAT/IVA/TVA) which is included in the price. In some EU Territories the tax on tobaccos and liquors is lower than in other EU countries, which is why the prices still seem competitive and look like duty-free prices. A good example is the difference in tobacco prices between the UK and Ireland, compared to Spain or Portugal. It is a", "id": "11825032" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Iran\n\n\nreplied that \"the legal age in Iran is different from yours. It’s not eighteen ... it’s different in different countries.\" On 10 February 2012, Iran's parliament changed the controversial law of executing juveniles. In the new law, the age of 18 (solar year) would be for both genders considered and juvenile offenders will be sentenced on a separate law than of adults.\" In February 2019, a group of United Nations human rights experts condemned the execution of child offenders in Iran. These experts included", "id": "15311716" }, { "contents": "Pricing strategies\n\n\ndifferent segments to the market. For example, this can be for different classes, such as ages, or for different opening times. Price discrimination may improve consumer surplus. When a firm price discriminates, it will sell up to the point where marginal cost meets the demand curve. There are 3 conditions needed for a business to undertake price discrimination, these include: There are three different types of price discrimination which revolve around the same strategy and same goal – maximize profit by segmenting the market, and extracting additional consumer surplus", "id": "11676788" }, { "contents": "Coase conjecture\n\n\nThe Coase conjecture, developed first by Ronald Coase, is an argument in monopoly theory. The conjecture sets up a situation in which a monopolist sells a durable good to a market where resale is impossible and faces consumers who have different valuations. The conjecture proposes that a monopolist that does not know individuals' valuations will have to sell its product at a low price if the monopolist tries to separate consumers by offering different prices in different periods. This is because the monopoly is, in effect, in price competition with itself over", "id": "6471567" }, { "contents": "Moon (visual novel)\n\n\nwould often make special cream stew for her daughter, was a member of Fargo. Following this revelation, Ikumi joins Fargo to discover how and why her mother died while also slowly uncovering the group's disturbing nature of harnessing psychic abilities through torture. Ikumi ultimately wants to take out her revenge against Fargo for killing her mother. Ikumi had been one of a large group of young girls her age that gathered at a seminar for people of all ages, both male and female, who wanted to join Fargo for different reasons.", "id": "14811058" }, { "contents": "Value-added tax\n\n\nto set retail prices equal for both Ford and Opel. This way, prices are initially equal, but become different after all the additional value-added taxes and rebates described below. Such an approach does not take into account the simple fact that Opel prices in the table above always include VAT while Ford prices never include it. That's exactly why additional adjustments are made in value-added taxation. One may try to object that this simply means that Germany has generally higher taxes but, in fact, this is not", "id": "20561863" }, { "contents": "Ezekiel Emanuel\n\n\n. He criticized the idea of requiring individuals to buy health insurance. However, he supports Obama's plans for health care reform, even though they differ from his own. In the article \"Why Tie Health Insurance to a Job?\", Emanuel said that employer based health insurance should be replaced by state or regional insurance exchanges that pool individuals and small groups to pay the same lower prices charged to larger employers. Emanuel said that this would allow portable health insurance even to people that lose their jobs or change jobs,", "id": "5270913" }, { "contents": "Christmas tree production\n\n\nfrom the prices of Christmas trees in North Carolina during December 1997 and used a Hotelling-Faustmann model for its predictions. The results showed, in general, that the change in prices reflected a competitive equilibrium in the capital market, thus support the Hotelling rule. Among the study's results was that, \"prices across age cohorts increase at the rate higher than the interest rate.\" The results also explained the mystery of why Christmas tree merchants do not price trees by the foot. Each foot of an older tree is", "id": "4869890" }, { "contents": "Effect of caffeine on memory\n\n\nbaseline. Another study used a much larger subject pool and found that age-related differences were quite minimal for attentional memory, but that over the long term, regular caffeine consumption was fairly beneficial to younger subjects. As previously stated, the most pronounced effect of caffeine on memory appears to be on middle-aged subjects (26-64). None of the studies provide reasoning for why this group would be most affected, but one could hypothesize that because of cognitive decline due to age, caffeine has a powerful effect", "id": "8034123" }, { "contents": "Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Importeure eV and Commission v Bayer\n\n\nBundesverband der Arzneimittel-Importeure eV and Commission v Bayer (2004) C-2/01 is an EU competition law case, concerning the boundaries of unlawful collusion. Bayer AG, the parent of one of the largest European chemical and pharmaceutical groups, manufactured Adalat, used to treat cardio-vascular disease. It was sold by wholly owned subsidiaries in different member states. National health authorities fix prices for medicines, and the Spanish and French prices were fixed at a rate 40 per cent lower than UK prices. Wholesalers were buying Adalat in Spain", "id": "17138420" }, { "contents": "Formulary apportionment\n\n\nFormulary apportionment, also known as unitary taxation, is a method of allocating profit earned (or loss incurred) by a corporation or corporate group to a particular tax jurisdiction in which the corporation or group has a taxable presence. It is an alternative to separate entity accounting, under which a branch or subsidiary within the jurisdiction is accounted for as a separate entity, requiring prices for transactions with other parts of the corporation or group to be assigned according to the arm's length standard commonly used in transfer pricing. In contrast,", "id": "16251192" }, { "contents": "Health care prices in the United States\n\n\nHealth care prices in the United States describes market and non-market factors that determine pricing, along with possible causes as to why prices are higher than other countries. Compared to other OECD countries, U.S. healthcare costs are one-third higher or more relative to the size of the economy (GDP). According to the CDC, during 2015 health expenditures per-person were nearly $10,000 on average, with total expenditures of $3.2 trillion or 17.8% GDP. Proximate reasons for the differences with other countries include:", "id": "13865004" }, { "contents": "Twin paradox\n\n\nacceleration is used to explain why there is any difference at all, because \"any change of velocity, or any acceleration has an absolute meaning\". Max von Laue (1911, 1913) elaborated on Langevin's explanation. Using Hermann Minkowski's spacetime formalism, Laue went on to demonstrate that the world lines of the inertially moving bodies maximize the proper time elapsed between two events. He also wrote that the asymmetric aging is completely accounted for by the fact that the astronaut twin travels in two separate frames, while the Earth", "id": "12804920" }, { "contents": "Jack Horner (paleontologist)\n\n\nMary Higby Schweitzer was able to retrieve proteins in 2007. In 2009, the National Geographic released a documentary entitled \"Dinosaurs Decoded\", which reviews Horner's research into juvenile dinosaurs. He suggests that juvenile dinosaurs looked sufficiently different from adults, and that they have sometimes been mistaken for separate species. The program examines specific changes that occurred as dinosaurs aged and speculates on why the changes were necessary. Horner's research on the topic has gone as far as eliminating several \"sub-species\" of \"Triceratops\", \"", "id": "1687482" }, { "contents": "Otakiri School\n\n\nTeam and the Senior School is known as Gold Team. They are called these as the school colours are blue and gold. The two different 'teams' are separated for different activities such as going to the nearby pools in Kawerau, going on trips, sport days and occasionally they will both have separate assemblies. An unofficial 'green team', marking the age group in the middle of both the gold and blue team is also sometimes used for camps and school activities. Otakiri School host a School Show every 2 years", "id": "9319784" }, { "contents": "Shoe tossing\n\n\nof bolas. Shoe flinging occurs throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in rural as well as in urban areas. Usually, the shoes flung at the wires are sneakers; many different varieties of shoes, including leather shoes and boots, also are thrown. There are many cultural variations as well, with differences between socio-economic areas and even age groups. A number of criminal explanations have been proposed as to why this is done. The foremost is bullying in which a bully steals", "id": "17639468" }, { "contents": "Basketball (ball)\n\n\nis why an indoor/outdoor ball is recommended for recreational players. Outdoor balls are commonly made from rubber to cope with rougher conditions, and they need to be filled with more air to retain a suitable level of air pressure in colder weather. Different sizes are used for different age groups. The common standards are: Note that the ball used for all competitions (men's, women's, and mixed) in the formalized halfcourt game of 3x3 combines characteristics of the size 6 and size 7 balls. Its circumference is", "id": "471578" }, { "contents": "Show choir\n\n\nthat can accommodate larger crowds and provide better acoustic performance. Competitions can be as small as a showcase of a few groups from the immediate geographic area or they can feature many groups from multiple states. Because of the vast difference in sizes of the competitions, they can last a single afternoon or span an entire weekend. Competitions may separate competing choirs into different divisions. These divisions are often determined by age, skill level, size of the school or choir, and/or gender of the participants. The different divisions may take place", "id": "17002244" }, { "contents": "Pararhabdodon\n\n\ncan also increase with age as an individual grows. Three morphotypes (groupings of specimens with a distinct anatomy from the other groupings) were found in the sample, of which two (numbers two and three) were present in the BP bonebed. Growth trajectory analysis of the different morphotypes supported their separation. Sexual dimorphism being the reason for different anatomy was considered unlikely due to different results in regression analysis. Morphotype three was interpreted as belonging to dwarf, potentially relictual hadrosauroids; and morphotype two was considered to represent larger, lambeosaurine", "id": "4901175" }, { "contents": "Young offender\n\n\nA young offender is a young person who has been convicted or cautioned for a criminal offense. Criminal justice systems often deal with young offenders differently from adult offenders, but different countries apply the term 'young offender' to different age groups depending on the age of criminal responsibility in that country. The United Kingdom has three separate and distinct criminal justice systems: England & Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Young offenders are often dealt with by the Youth Offending Team. There is concern young adult offenders are not getting the", "id": "11782797" }, { "contents": "Ocellaris clownfish\n\n\nin competition to travel between the different levels of society, which is seen between various ages as well. Queues is the term for social groups of \"A. ocellaris\". This is because these fish form social hierarchies, or social rank, by “outliving” the more dominant members of the group. The dominant pair of each queue reproduces more compared to the subordinate fishes. This is the reason for why these individuals should adopt various tactics in which they increase their probability of attaining social dominance. There are two types of", "id": "916873" }, { "contents": "Ethnic minorities in China\n\n\nwere Chinese or a separate \"ethnic minority\", and the factors which lead to either classification. It tackled the question of why Muslims who were Chinese were considered a different race from other Chinese, and the separate question of whether all Muslims in China were united into one race. The first problem was posed with a comparison to Chinese Buddhists, who were not considered a separate race. It concluded that the reason Chinese Muslims were considered separate was because of different factors like religion, culture, military feudalism, and that considering", "id": "19386008" }, { "contents": "Tinder (app)\n\n\nof its paid service, Tinder Plus, a feature allowing unlimited matches, whereas the free Tinder app limits the number of right swipes in a 12-hour period. It has met with controversy over limiting the number of \"likes\" a free user can give in a certain amount of time, as well as charging prices for different age groups. The price of a Tinder Plus subscription was announced to be £14.99/$19.99 USD per month for users over 28, while the service for a user 28 and under will be £3.99/$9.99 USD", "id": "16290972" }, { "contents": "Colored pencil\n\n\nAlso, due to their significantly lower prices, student-grade colored pencils are ideal for elementary and middle school students. Colored pencil manufactures tailor their products — and prices — to different age and skill groups. Watercolor pencils, otherwise known as water-soluble pencils, are a versatile art medium. The pencils can be used dry—like normal colored pencils—or they can be applied wet to get the desired watercolor effect. In wet application, the artist first lays down the dry pigment and then follows up with a", "id": "481714" }, { "contents": "Why Democracy?\n\n\ngroup at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam. Through a democratic process, The Why Foundation working group chose the ten best proposals, from a selection of 700. The filmmakers and movies are diverse in background, representing different experiences of contemporary democracy. The goal is to stimulate a global conversation about democracy. Ten questions have been posed related to the ten documentaries, in order to encourage critical thinking and discussion. Online forums have been developed on a variety of different sites as well as on the \"Why Democracy?\" website", "id": "13987746" }, { "contents": "Sauropoda\n\n\nmixing juveniles and adults. However, a number of other fossil sites and trackways indicate that many sauropod species travelled in herds segregated by age, with juveniles forming herds separate from adults. Such segregated herding strategies have been found in species such as \"Alamosaurus\", \"Bellusaurus\" and some diplodocids. In a review of the evidence for various herd types, Myers and Fiorillo attempted to explain why sauropods appear to have often formed segregated herds. Studies of microscopic tooth wear show that juvenile sauropods had diets that differed from their adult", "id": "6364402" }, { "contents": "Price discrimination\n\n\nare not able to differentiate between different types of consumers. Thus, the suppliers will provide incentives for the consumers to differentiate themselves according to preference, which is done by quantity \"discounts\", or non-linear pricing. This allows the supplier to set different prices to the different groups and capture a larger portion of the total market surplus. In reality, different pricing may apply to differences in product quality as well as quantity. For example, airlines often offer multiple classes of seats on flights, such as first class", "id": "21130006" }, { "contents": "Soprano pipistrelle\n\n\nThe soprano pipistrelle (\"Pipistrellus pygmaeus\") is a small bat that in taxonomy was only formally separated from the common pipistrelle (\"Pipistrellus pipistrellus\") in 1999. It is possible that these two groups diverged from one another in the Mediterranean and that is why the \"Pipistrellus pygmaeus\" has the ability to thermal regulate at such high temperatures as 40 degrees C. The two species were first distinguished on the basis of their different-frequency echolocation calls. The common pipistrelle uses a call of 45 kHz, while the soprano", "id": "17285134" }, { "contents": "Cardus Education Survey Canada\n\n\nwho are seen as the control group. Based on the survey, The Cardus Report suggests a number of conclusions about the cultural, economic and social engagement of non-government school graduates. First, in terms of income, there is no significant difference between all the groups compared to government school graduates. For marital status, Separate Catholic graduates were more likely to have never been married, and more likely to marry at a later age than government school graduates. They were less likely to be divorced or separated, and they", "id": "5230941" }, { "contents": "A & G Price\n\n\nexcess of 520 people. Its head office was in Fanshawe Street, Auckland. Beach Road Thames was described as a branch. In 1988 corporate raider Brierley Investments obtained control of the group parent, Cable Price Downer, and broke the group back into its three separate businesses. A & G Price, Beach Road, Thames, was until liquidation part of the Tiri Group, based in Mount Wellington and controlled from Nelson by Tom Sturgess. A & G Price produced water turbines under the Pelton patent. Lester Allan Pelton invented and", "id": "16694161" }, { "contents": "OCBC Cycle Singapore\n\n\n/as: Three (3) different age group categories: 7) Tricycle Ride (for ages two to five) Participants can register as individuals and can be accompanied by an adult Distance: 100m & 150m The most inexpensive ride for students is the Community Ride (24 km) priced at $42.50 with the launch special discount. For adults, the early-bird fee is $89 for The Challenge (39 km) and $113 for The Super Challenge (59 km). Discounts of up to", "id": "4774636" }, { "contents": "Punt, Pass, and Kick\n\n\nPunt, pass and kick (PP&K) was a skills competition offered by the US National Football League for children aged 6 to 15. PP&K began in 1961 and at one time, event highlights were shown by CBS Sports as part of its NFL coverage. The contest received renewed attention in 1995 when Kendra Wecker, a 12-year-old girl from Kansas, made the finals in her age group and competed on an equal basis with male competitors. PP&K later had separate competitions for boys and girls in five different age groups.", "id": "17720761" }, { "contents": "Real prices and ideal prices\n\n\ndifference between the nominal prices and the inflation-adjusted price. The price of a stock or a debt security, expressed in a given currency, may be highly variable, and their variable yields may in turn revalue or devalue the prices of related assets. Thus, the \"price mechanism\" is often not simply a function of supply and demand for a tradable object, but of a \"structure\" of related and co-existing prices, where fluctuations in one group of prices impact on another group of prices, perhaps", "id": "18820913" }, { "contents": "Lily's Crossing\n\n\nare a huge part of her life. When her father is sent to fight the war, her life changes completely. She usually tells lies when she wants to get out of doing something. She lost her mother at a young age which may explain why she is always looking for a new friend. Albert was left as an orphan after being separated from his family because of the war. Another theme is when Lily and Albert become friends. Lily and Albert develop a friendship, even with their differences they manage to help", "id": "5564754" }, { "contents": "2015 New South Wales state election\n\n\ndirect-mail advertising, rested on three arguments: The party's claims on price increases were debunked by separate reports from Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Deloitte Access Economics and the Grattan Institute. Dr Tom Parry, formerly the head of NSW's Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal, told \"The Australian\" \"all the evidence\" was that privatised networks \"have much better cost controls ... I don't see why there's any basis to suggest that network charges will go up as a result of privatisation.\" Some of the most", "id": "3681366" }, { "contents": "Laser printing\n\n\nfor use by the raster image processor. In a color printer, each of the four CMYK toner layers is stored as a separate bitmap, and all four layers are typically preprocessed before printing begins, so a minimum of 4 megabytes is needed for a full-color letter-size page at 300 dpi. During the 1980s, memory chips were still very expensive, which is why entry-level laser printers in that era always came with four-digit suggested retail prices in US dollars. Memory prices later plunged, and", "id": "5613287" }, { "contents": "Prices of production\n\n\nand profit implications of different tasks and activities in production for the growth of capital, without full certainty of results. But in that case, the domains of product-\"values\" and product-\"prices\", and consequently the domains of value relations and price relations, were \"separate but co-existing and overlapping domains\" (unless one is willing to argue that goods have an economic value only at the point where they are being sold for a price). \"Price management\" was not really possible insofar as prices were determined by markets", "id": "18719349" }, { "contents": "Tin sources and trade in ancient times\n\n\nsignificant source of tin throughout the medieval period. A group of 52 bronze artifacts from the late Bronze Age Balkans has been shown to have tin of multiple origins, based on the correlation of tin isotope differences with the different find locations of the artifacts. While the locations of these separate tin sources are uncertain, the larger Serbian group of artifacts is inferred to be derived from tin sources in western Serbia (e.g. Mount Cer), while the smaller group, largely from western Romania, is inferred to have western Romanian origins .", "id": "4197006" }, { "contents": "SCALE-UP\n\n\nteam to help another, or asking why someone else got a different answer. There is no separate lab class and most of the \"lectures\" are actually class-wide discussions. The groups are carefully structured and give students many opportunities to interact. Three teams (labelled a, b, and c) sit at each round table and have white boards nearby. Each team has a laptop in case they need web access. The original design called for 11 round tables of nine students, but many schools have smaller classes", "id": "6362887" }, { "contents": "Wen-Ying Tsai\n\n\nkind. ... That is why an artist like Tsai is likely to be so valuable; not because he is an innovator (all his techniques taken separately have been used before) but because he has the kind of authority that establishes a stylistic tradition. Tsai's interactive sculpture marked a major step in the development of kinetic art: A major portion of luminist and kinetic art originated in Europe, beginning with the formation in 1960 of GRAV (Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel) by eleven artists of different nationalities, all resident in", "id": "6594783" }, { "contents": "Pseudospeciation\n\n\nPseudospeciation refers to the claim that cultural differences cause humans to separate into different social groups, with different language, dress, customs, etc. These cultural differences are analogous to the formation of different biological species (speciation). In the extreme, pseudospeciation leads to dehumanization of other cultural groups (out-groups). Pseudospeciation, according to the \"Oxford English Dictionary\", refers to the tendency of members of in-groups to consider members of out-groups to have evolved genetically into different, separate, and inferior", "id": "836060" }, { "contents": "Predatory pricing\n\n\nonly inhibit competition. This stance was taken by the US Supreme Court in the 1993 case \"Brooke Group v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco\", and the Federal Trade Commission has not successfully prosecuted any company for predatory pricing since. In addition, the predator's competitors know that it cannot keep its prices down forever, and thus need only to play chicken to remain in the market if they have the means to do so. Thomas Sowell explains one reason why predatory pricing is unlikely to work: Critics of laws against predatory", "id": "7296115" }, { "contents": "Inception of Darwin's theory\n\n\nin a purposeful way responding to changes in the environment. Not all would succeed: \"The father being climatized, climatizes the child. Whether every animal produces in course of ages ten thousand varieties (influenced itself perhaps by circumstances) & those alone preserved which are well adapted.\" In a large population, \"intermarriages\" (crossing) would even out these variations and explain why species appeared constant, but reproductive isolation of a small sub-group could lead to divergence and geographic speciation: \"animals on separate islands ought", "id": "3944906" }, { "contents": "Demographic targeting\n\n\nand needs of consumers change with age (Kotler et al., 2013). For example, advertisers might target a 40+ year old person shopping on a cosmetics websites with advertisements for anti-aging creams. In contrast, advertisers might target a teenager shopping on the same website with advertisements for anti-blemish creams. Advertisers will separate the market into different age group categories because consumers of similar ages will have the similar interests, wants and needs. Therefore, when advertisers divide up the market by age categories they will", "id": "4559049" }, { "contents": "Girl Guides of Canada\n\n\n(secteur français)\" became a separate, unaffiliated organization known as \"Guides francophones du Canada\". In 1995, they became officially affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada again, as \"Les Guides franco-canadiennes\". This affiliation ended in 2006. Girl Guides of Canada is the largest organization for women and girls in Canada. The membership is organized into different groups according to age. These are Sparks (ages 5 and 6), Brownies (ages 7 and 8), Guides (ages 9", "id": "12213979" }, { "contents": "Health care systems by country\n\n\ntreatment and hospitalization of the insured. The Swiss healthcare system is a combination of public, subsidized private and totally private healthcare providers, where the insured person has full freedom of choice among the providers in his region. Insurance companies independently set their price points for different age groups, but are forbidden from setting prices based on health risk. In 2000, Switzerland topped all European countries’ health care expenditure when calculated as per capita expenditure in US dollar purchasing parity terms. The Swiss health care system was the last for-profit", "id": "20284885" }, { "contents": "Causative alternation\n\n\nimpairments (SLI) tend to produce less mature responses (i.e., different verb and adjectival) and fewer mature responses (periphrastics and passives) compared to children of the same age comparison (AC). The children with SLI produced slightly fewer overgeneralizations, but in general, did not appear to differ in frequency or type of overgeneralizations when compared to the AC children. In English, children need to be able to organize verbs into three separate syntactic groups in order to properly use causative alternations. These syntactic groups include: While", "id": "956091" }, { "contents": "Cardus Education Survey Canada\n\n\nwere as likely as government school graduates to be living with a partner. Independent Catholic graduates were less likely to be living with a partner or to be divorced or separated, but as likely to be married and marry about the same age as government school graduates. Independent non-religious graduates differed from government school graduates only in being less likely to be divorced or separated. Christian school graduates marry younger and are more likely to be married than any other group. They are also less likely to be divorced or separated and less", "id": "5230942" }, { "contents": "Ethnic identity development\n\n\ncomparison to longitudinal design whose topic of investigation is developmental in nature. This is because cross-sectional studies collect data at or around the same time from multiple individuals of different ages of interest, instead of collecting data over multiple time points for each individual in the study, which would allow the researcher to compare change for individuals over time, as well as differences between individuals. Another research consideration in the field is why certain ethnic and racial groups are looking towards their own expanding community for mates instead of continuing interracial marriages.", "id": "999985" }, { "contents": "Hedonic regression\n\n\nhedonic regression equation treats these attributes (or bundles of attributes) separately, and estimates prices (in the case of an additive model) or elasticity (in the case of a log model) for each of them. This information can be used to construct a price index that can be used to compare the price of housing in different cities, or to do time series analysis. As with CPI calculations, hedonic pricing can be used to correct for quality changes in constructing a housing price index. It can also be used", "id": "4472310" }, { "contents": "Consumer price index\n\n\nand/or services they cover. In the case of such products like newspapers in some countries and postal services, which have nationally uniform prices. But where price movements do differ or might differ between regions or between outlet types, separate regional and/or outlet-type elementary aggregates are ideally required for each detailed category of goods and services, each with its own weight. An example might be an elementary aggregate for sliced bread sold in supermarkets in the Northern region. Most elementary aggregate indices are necessarily 'unweighted' averages for the sample of", "id": "3262352" }, { "contents": "Christmas tree production\n\n\nUnited States between 35 and 40 million trees are sold during the Christmas season. Artificial Christmas trees are mostly produced in the Pearl River delta area of China. Christmas tree prices were described using a Hotelling-Faustmann model in 2001, the study showed that Christmas tree prices declined with age and demonstrated why more farmers do not price their trees by the foot. In 1993, economists made the first known demand elasticity estimates for the natural Christmas tree market. Christmas tree farming is a relatively new agricultural pursuit in Australia with the industry", "id": "4869871" }, { "contents": "Catanduanes\n\n\nevery town. People from mainland Bicol also traveled to Catanduanes, specifically Caramoran which is directly across from Albay. The research of McFarland on the year 1974, the dialects of Bicol area, stated that until the advent of the twentieth century and the development brought about by modernization, Northern Catanduanes was quite isolated from mainland Bicol and Southern Catanduanes, resulting in less opportunity for contact between different groups. One probable reason why the Northern Catanduanes language variety is distinct from the Southern Catanduanes variety is that the mountainous terrain separating the north from", "id": "16020094" }, { "contents": "Synergy\n\n\nteacher and his boss at work to write an essay on how he could improve his work. A more visual example of this synergy is a drummer using four separate rhythms to create one drum beat. Synergy usually arises when two persons with different complementary skills cooperate. In business, cooperation of people with organizational and technical skills happens very often. In general, the most common reason why people cooperate is that it brings a synergy. On the other hand, people tend to specialize just to be able to form groups with high", "id": "7031090" }, { "contents": "List of World Book Day books\n\n\nThis is a list of books released for World Book Day in the UK and Ireland. In 1998 and 1999 a specially created WBD anthology priced at £1 (€1.50 in Ireland) was published. In 2000, instead of a single £1 special anthology, four separate £1 books were published, covering a wider age-range. Since then, each year has seen a new set of special £1 books published. From 2009 to 2011 flip books were published containing stories by two different authors one starting at", "id": "4038460" }, { "contents": "Aperture synthesis\n\n\na very demanding technology that became possible only in the 1990s. This is why imaging with aperture synthesis has been used successfully in radio astronomy since the 1950s and in optical/infrared astronomy only since the turn of the millennium. See astronomical interferometer for more information. In order to produce a high quality image, a large number of different separations between different telescopes is required (the projected separation between any two telescopes as seen from the radio source is called a baseline) – as many different baselines as possible are required in order", "id": "17566753" }, { "contents": "Why (board game)\n\n\nWhy is a board game from the late 1950s created by the Milton Bradley Company based on the television show Alfred Hitchcock Presents. The game is no longer produced. There are two different releases of the game: the original 1958 release and the 1967 release, differing only in the box art. \"Why\" can be played by two to four players aged 12 to adult. The four gamepiece characters are each humorous allusions to detectives of popular media fiction: Sergeant Monday (Sergeant Friday), Dick Crazy (Dick Tracy)", "id": "13888615" }, { "contents": "Price mechanism\n\n\ncents more). If the value of the stock goes down, a seller may be forced to reduce his asking price. Conversely, if the value of the stock goes up, a buyer may be forced to increase his bidding price. Most of the time, the bid and ask prices remain very close to the market value of the share, often separated by only a couple of cents. The difference between the bid and ask price is called the Bid/ask spread. In actual trading, the parties involved might", "id": "654160" }, { "contents": "Coupon\n\n\ntrial offer, launch offers, festival offers, and free giveaways. Similarly, there are different uses of coupons which include: to incentive a purchase, to reduce the price of a particular item or items, provide a free sample, or to help allow marketers better-understand the demographics of their customer. Coupons can be used to research the price sensitivity of different groups of buyers (by sending out coupons with different dollar values to different groups). In addition, it is generally assumed that buyers who take the effort", "id": "20472382" }, { "contents": "Adventure Ocean\n\n\nAdventure Ocean is the brand name for Royal Caribbean International's youth activity program on board their vessels. There are different programs tailored to fit seven age groups. Most Adventure Ocean activities are free. Some activities are sponsored by Fisher-Price and Crayola. The Adventure Ocean program includes Adventure Science, a science-based lab where children can do experiments at sea. “The Living Room,” “Fuel,” and “Optix” are the teen hangouts aboard Royal Caribbean ships. The program is divided up into 7 age", "id": "381565" } ]
How do doctors know that patient is about to die?
[{"answer": "Working in aged care, you get to know the signs. What doctors and nurses call \"work of breathing\" gets harder. The sounds of their breathing get either slower, or raspier, or shallower. Sometimes it sounds like they are snoring. Blood begins to not circulate as well, so the extremities (fingers and toes) get colder and turn faintly blue. Capillary refill is extremely sluggish - if you press the end of the finger or toe and release it, the finger or toe remains white for much longer. The heart tends to beat more slowly and with less force, the different sounds of which can be detected with a stethoscope. Consciousness may fade in and out. The brain starts to shut down, and hallucinations are quite common. The eyes may track objects we can't see, they may speak to people who are not present. Generally speaking, there's no deathbed confessions or last words, they usually slip into unconsciousness some hours before death and everything just slowly winds down. It's not uncommon for the kidneys to stop producing urine, although I do remember helping my mother in law to use a commode about an hour before she died. Usually we apply a continence pad, but it's almost always clean and dry due to digestive processes having stopped. Usually the appetite and thirst mechanisms have closed down up to several days before they die. We offer food and water in small amounts, but it's more for the comfort of the family than the patient - the digestive system stops working and they just don't want to eat. As I told one family who wanted to give their mother food so that she wouldn't die - they don't die because they are not eating, they don't eat because they are dying. There is no hunger, but the mouth can sometimes feel dry so we will often swab the mouth with glycerin swabs for comfort, and apply lip balm. They tell us hearing is the last sense to go, so even if the loved one appears unconscious, it doesn't hurt to say \"I love you\" one last time. It is a privilege to care for someone at the ultimate end of life, and I know I for one do not take it lightly. Our elders have sometimes been in our care for years or even decades, and can be like family to us. I have shed tears leaving someone's room for the last time. I have hugged their family and felt their loss as my own. I have worked in my current job for over 8 years, and there is now only one resident left who was there when I started, but over a hundred have gone in the meantime. I remember them all."}, {"answer": "Registered Nurse - Oncology (cancer treatment), end-of-life, and Hospice care within a hospital setting. It can vary greatly and is highly dependent on the person's physical and emotional state. Heart failure vs. kidney failure. At peace or waiting on children to fly in. However, there are signs that place you on an inevitable time line. Of the hundreds I've been a part of in a hospital setting, I can safely describe 90% of cases like this: It's a peaceful slip into a deep sleep. Your brain dies from top to bottom. You first lose more complex functions like being able to describe the situation or recalling one's own name, all the way down to less complex functions, like breathing, which is a comforting thought. To place someone on a timeline, you can evaluate the organ systems. Vitals tell you just about everything you need to know. You need a systolic blood pressure (the top number) of at least 80 to maintain kidney function. A person may be able to produce urine all the way to the end, but when it become less than 30 ml/hr, in this setting, it is safe to assume kidney failure. I would not give them more than 72 hours. To maintain your blood pressure. Your body will pull blood into vital organs causing arms and legs to feel cool to the touch and weak pulses. The heart rate will often increase 20 or more points to around 100/min but will quickly tire out. The heart will inevitably fail and fall to under 60 and/or be unable to pump adequately. Generally I'd given them less than 48 hrs but can go longer with good oxygenation through healthy lungs. As this domino effect of organ failure occurs, the brain is also dying (from top to bottom). Much like the heart, respiration may increase dramatically then decrease and change rhythm. This is also highly dependent on use of medications to treat pain and discomfort, which can suppress the brain's drive to breathe. The only timeline I can give here is in the presence of angonal breathing. It looks like slow gasping breaths, almost like hiccups. The higher brain is dead as is relying on the reflex action of the brain stem. They have less than 24 hrs. With all that said, it is important to consult with your doctor and nurse, as this is a very complex question and is highly dependent on a number of factors."}, {"answer": "For me, working in elder care in a nursing home, it was always when a previously super tired or or or or patient was suddenly alert, talking, laughing with us. Its like they get one last burst of energy before they pass. Families don't get why we're calling them because \"she is totally fine, she's getting better!\" and we have to explain that the crash will happen pretty soon."}, {"answer": "You are asking for the the signals showing the patient is no longer circling the drain to where they are going down the drain. Since most organs are very important then any sign that an organ has failed is a sign that death is coming. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy is another sign that Death Is Coming. That can be read in blood chemistries or noticing all the new bruising. If the heart fails that is noticed on the EKG monitor or if you were taking a pulse you notice no pulse. It is a little late to call the relatives. Blood chemistry results generally show liver failure. Kidney failure can be treated with dialysis so it is not really the reason for death unless it is accepted to be. Brain dead people can be kept alive with intubation. Then when the artificial respirations are stopped and the last brain cells die they can spasm, sit the dead person up, or at least squeeze a grasping hand. Spooky. Doctors do not have to know. They can see it will happen and send the patient to hospice."}, {"answer": "One thing to remember is that dying is a process, and you can be actively dying. Sometimes death spots appear on the legs - purplish splotches - and you know the end is very near."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11038534", "title": "End-of-life care", "section": "Section::::Care in the final days and hours of life.:Signs that death may be near.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 28, "start_character": 12, "end_paragraph_id": 28, "end_character": 64, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nasking for the patient's consent before giving treatment. Historically in many cultures there has been a shift from paternalism, the view that the \"doctor always knows best,\" to the idea that patients must have a choice in the provision of their care and be given the right to provide informed consent to medical procedures. There can be issues with how to handle informed consent in a doctor–patient relationship; for instance, with patients who do not want to know the truth about their condition. Furthermore, there are ethical", "id": "7007419" }, { "contents": "Migraine Disability Assessment Test\n\n\nhalf of more because of your headaches? (Do not include days you counted in question 3 where you did not do household work.) 45 5. On how many days in the last 3 months did you miss family, social or leisure activities because of your headaches? 10 The patient's score consists of the total of these five questions. Additionally, there is a section for patients to share with their doctors: What your Physician will need to know about your headache: A. On how many days in the last", "id": "12058912" }, { "contents": "Bad Pharma\n\n\nPemberton, a psychiatrist, wrote in the \"Daily Telegraph\" that \"this is a book to make you enraged ... because it's about how big business puts profits over patient welfare, allows people to die because they don't want to disclose damning research evidence, and the tricks they play to make sure doctors do not have all the evidence when it comes to appraising whether a drug really works or not.\" The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) replied in the \"New Statesman\" that Goldacre was", "id": "17108164" }, { "contents": "The Imaginary Invalid\n\n\nAngelique. Beralde wants to hear no more of this. He points out to Argan that he (Argan) is one of the healthiest people he (Beralde) knows and that Argan's infatuation with doctors and apothecaries is bad for him and everyone else. The doctors, he says, know nothing about the workings of the human body and therefore can do nothing to cure it. The doctors are only educated enough to give fancy Latin names to the things they do not comprehend. They will kill their patients with the best", "id": "19629294" }, { "contents": "Big Picture (magazine)\n\n\n, we consume vast amounts of untested complementary remedies. How has this situation come about? What part do pharmaceuticals play in modern life? And where might we go in the future? These are some of the questions tackled in the 'Big Picture on Drug Development'. One of the reasons that infections are so frightening is the speed with which they can kill. Doctors dealing with human cases of avian flu in the Far East have seen their patients worsen dramatically and die within a day. Add to that the fear of", "id": "4534048" }, { "contents": "Chantal Sébire\n\n\nFrench president, Nicolas Sarkozy, to allow her to die through euthanasia, stating that \"One would not allow an animal to go through what I have endured.\" On 17 March 2008, she lost her case in a French court, with the magistrate noting that while French law does allow for the removal of life-support equipment for terminally ill patients, it does not allow a doctor to take action to end a patient's life. After the decision, Sébire said \"I now know how to get my hands", "id": "11210644" }, { "contents": "Molokai: The Story of Father Damien\n\n\nto him that there is a Chinese medicine named Hoang Nan which might be of some help to the patients. The Father with the help of the doctor applies the medicine to some of the patients. During that the doctor comes to know through father about the pathetic conditions of the patients including the sad fate of those who await death in a settlement only to be replaced by others like them if they are to be found dead on the following day. Father also narrates to him how stealing and robbery and some of the immoral", "id": "19071283" }, { "contents": "Rubin causal model\n\n\n. Consider the use of the \"perfect doctor\" as an assignment mechanism. The perfect doctor knows how each subject will respond to the drug or the control and assigns each subject to the treatment that will most benefit her. The perfect doctor knows this information about a sample of patients: Based on this knowledge she would make the following treatment assignments: The perfect doctor distorts both averages by filtering out poor responses to both the treatment and control. The difference between means, which is the supposed average causal effect, is distorted", "id": "2259790" }, { "contents": "Infection (2004 film)\n\n\n. The head nurse then discovers that the patient that Akiba previously refused to admit has been left in the hallway and informs him. However, when Akiba goes to check, he discovers that Doctor Akai had taken the patient and decides to study his symptoms: though he is still alive, his body mass is liquefying into green goo. Not knowing how much Akai knows about the events in Room 3, Akiba and the others reluctantly agree to help with the examination but when they return to the patient's room, they find", "id": "5587242" }, { "contents": "Primary care ethics\n\n\nthat doctors make about how best to reconcile these conflicting demands by appointment arrangements, arrangements for emergency consultation etc. have a strong ethical as well as practical component. So too do decisions doctors make about the allocation of their time and resources between different problems and different patients. The three aspects of general practice are mentioned above but even within these doctors make choices that are ethical. One doctor may give priority to the care of patients with diabetes, another to women’s health, and a third to psychological problems and so on", "id": "15059825" }, { "contents": "Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science\n\n\npatients, but intuition as well due to the fact current science can’t clearly identify a disease. This theme is also resonated in \"The Pain Perplex\" which concerns itself with the problems of treating pain that is caused by the brain. Doctors are unsure of the causes of this pain and don’t exactly know how to treat it. This mystery surrounding medicine demonstrates its own imperfection that doctors and patients should both be aware of. By knowing the shortcomings of medicine, doctors and patients alike are able to improve the care", "id": "19622859" }, { "contents": "Plague doctor\n\n\ncare of people with the plague, was to record in public records the deaths due to the plague. In certain European cities like Florence and Perugia, plague doctors were requested to do autopsies to help determine the cause of death and how the plague played a role. Plague doctors became witnesses to numerous wills during times of plague epidemics. Plague doctors also gave advice to their patients about their conduct before death. This advice varied depending on the patient, and after the Middle Ages, the nature of the relationship between doctor and", "id": "10204561" }, { "contents": "Bad Pharma\n\n\ncompare two statins, atorvastatin and simvastatin, doctors would randomly assign patients to one or the other. The patients would be followed up by having data about their cholesterol levels, heart attacks, strokes and deaths taken from their computerized medical records. The trials would not be blind – patients would know which statin they had been prescribed – but Goldacre writes that they would be unlikely to hold such firm beliefs about which one is preferable to the extent that it could affect their health. In the final chapter, Goldacre looks at how", "id": "17108153" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nthe patient in the future treatment. It may be further beneficial for the doctor–patient relationship to have a form of shared care with patient empowerment to take a major degree of responsibility for her or his care. Those who go to a doctor typically do not know exact medical reasons of why they are there, which is why they go to a doctor in the first place. For a patient to not be able to understand what is going on with their body, because they can’t understand lab results or their doctor", "id": "7007425" }, { "contents": "David E. Kelley\n\n\nor when should a patient be allowed to die. However, there is a lack of discussion concerning the primary money issue: \"How do people pay for this?\" The show has been criticized for presenting a one-sided view of managed care, portraying HMOs as dramatically evil while glossing over the complexities. Doctors are too often shown as selfless patient advocates ready to battle whatever the financial cost. Kelley has incorporated religious subject matter from the beginning, including issues involving Protestantism, Judaism, Scientology and Catholicism among others.", "id": "18110181" }, { "contents": "Dr. Ben/Nick\n\n\nhaving such a body. He goes to the doctor's office, although he has not made an official appointment, and has only agreed to meet his old friend Dr. Ben at 2.00 PM. Dr. Ben finishes with his patient and jokingly pretends he does not know Louie. It becomes apparently clear that the doctor has a twisted sense of humor and often jokes about his patients. Louie is told to strip down to his underpants. Upon doing so, he is mocked by the doctor. He eventually removes all of his clothes", "id": "1098634" }, { "contents": "Paddy Chew\n\n\nas a singer, or a beautiful face, you know? Who wants to be famous for having AIDS? For goodness sake!...I have seen too many AIDS patients die. Most die alone. There is no warmth, no care for them. They are not ready to die- you can see it in their eyes. I told myself I had to do something worthwhile for myself and for the cause- to clear the path for future patients, so that they will not die like that.\" In 1998 he began working", "id": "5452463" }, { "contents": "Milton H. Erickson\n\n\nI need to consider when doing brief ERICKSON: You know, I had one patient this last July who had four or five years of psychoanalysis and got nowhere with it. And someone who knows her said, \"How much attention did you give to the past?\" I said, \"You know, I completely forgot about that.\" That patient is, I think, a reasonably cured person. It was a severe washing compulsion, as much as twenty hours a day. I didn't go in to", "id": "20202064" }, { "contents": "Kaali (2018 film)\n\n\ncharging bull. Bharath assumes the name Kaali and is able to piece together the reason for his dreams. When he asks about his father, nobody seems to know who he is. Kaali sets up a clinic in the village and tries to do a DNA match test of all the patients who come there. There is a sharp decline in the number of patients coming to a local Siddha doctor named Valli (Anjali). She plays pranks on Kaali, and they get to know each other. Kaali and Gopi have suspicions", "id": "5125700" }, { "contents": "Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science\n\n\nthat takes place in \"Complications\" relieves the pressure doctors may feel when they make human mistakes and it also calls for a new patient culture. By knowing the fallibility present in medicine, patients with more information may know how to ask the right questions at the right moments to challenge doctors that may reduce the possibility of errors while also knowing when to have faith in the system during emergency situations. A major theme Gawande touches on is the theme of mystery in medicine. The entire second section of the book, \"Mystery", "id": "19622857" }, { "contents": "Unnecessary health care\n\n\nfor treatment or nontreatment. In the US, the country which spends the most on healthcare per person globally, patients have fewer doctor visits and fewer days in hospitals than people in other countries do, but prices are high, there is more use of some procedures and new drugs than elsewhere, and doctor salaries are double the levels in other countries. \"The New York Times\" reported \"no one knows for sure\" how much unnecessary care exists in the United States. Overuse of medical care is no longer a large", "id": "20622410" }, { "contents": "Affective forecasting\n\n\npreferences about their own quality of life may conflict with public notions. Because a primary goal of healthcare is maximizing quality of life, knowledge about patients' forecasts can potentially inform policy on how resources are allocated. Some doctors suggest that research findings in affective forecasting errors merit medical paternalism. Others argue that although biases exist and should support changes in doctor-patient communication, they do not unilaterally diminish decision-making capacity and should not be used to endorse paternalistic policies. This debate captures the tension between medicine's emphasis on protecting", "id": "15214991" }, { "contents": "Over-the-counter data\n\n\nrequires over-the-counter medication to be accompanied by textual guidance proven to improve its use, deeming it negligent to do otherwise. With such guidance, patients may take over-the-counter medication with the goal of improving wellbeing while a doctor is not present to explain how to use the medication. No or poor medication labels have resulted in many errors and tragedy, as people are left with no way to know how to use the contents wisely. Labeling conventions can translate to improved understanding on non-medication products", "id": "9060551" }, { "contents": "Ken Murray (physician)\n\n\nKen Murray is a retired family medical doctor who had a private practice of general medicine in Studio City, California for about 25 years, until his retirement in 2006. He also held a Clinical Assistant Professorship in Family Medicine at the University of Southern California, until his retirement. Murray is most notable for the national attention created by the publication of his article on end-of-life issues, titled \"How Doctors Die\", which went viral on the internet. It generated a national conversation on issues related to patient", "id": "16434238" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nwant their providers to tell them it’s ok to ask questions. Third, patients want to see their lab results and for the doctor to explain what they mean. Fourth, patients simply do not want to feel judged by their providers. And fifth, patients want to be participants in medical decision-making; they want providers to ask them what they want. An example of how body language affects patient perception of care is that the time spent with the patient in the emergency department is perceived as longer if the doctor", "id": "7007440" }, { "contents": "Medical paternalism\n\n\npaternalism. One argument is that weak paternalism allows the physician to stay completely hands-off. If the patient is in a sound state of mind and the doctor can reasonably guess what they desire, so there is no need for further action. They do not need to keep the patient alive, nor do they need to allow the patient to die. In this sense, one could argue that weak medical paternalism has no contradictions with allowing a patient to undergo voluntary euthanasia. The relationship between strong medical paternalism and euthanasia is", "id": "6786419" }, { "contents": "Medical paternalism\n\n\npatient's wishes, the question arises as to whether malpractice occurred. There exists an expectation of doctors to provide as much information as is appropriate to their patients, as well as an expectation that they do not keep anything relevant secret. This creates a difficult legal situation in which a decision has to be made about what the correct amount of information is, and how best to present it. For example, a patient may read everything available to them and ultimately decide on undergoing a procedure with a 95% survival rate.", "id": "6786417" }, { "contents": "Jill Stein\n\n\nsubjecting kids' brains especially to that ... and we don't follow this issue in our country, but in Europe, where they do, you know, they have good precautions about wireless. Maybe not good enough, you know. It's very hard to study this stuff. You know, we make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then we discover how many die.\" According to the World Health Organization (WHO), \"no adverse health effects are expected from exposure to [Wi-Fi]\"", "id": "17613068" }, { "contents": "Albert Abrams\n\n\n\", by comparing their looks to typhoid and other germs, and by making fun of various abstruse therapies that at the time were considered \"scientific\" by the medical establishment. In a poem that he wrote on balloon therapy, for instance, the doctors take their patients up in the air but do not know how to bring the balloon down again. The poem ends with the lines: \"But they never came back. That's why we confess / Aëronautic therapy is not a success\". Abrams developed a medical", "id": "4226479" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\ncases, the physician needs strategies for presenting unfavorable treatment options or unwelcome information in a way that minimizes strain on the doctor–patient relationship while benefiting the patient's overall physical health and best interests. When the patient either can not or will not do what the physician knows is the correct course of treatment, the patient becomes non-adherent. Adherence management coaching becomes necessary to provide positive reinforcement of unpleasant options. For example, according to a Scottish study, patients want to be addressed by their first name more often than", "id": "7007430" }, { "contents": "Informed consent\n\n\npatients to give the patients the best care. The rationale is a beneficence model for care—the doctor knows better than the patient, and therefore should direct the patient's care, because the patient is not likely to have better ideas than the doctor. Henri de Mondeville, a French surgeon who in the 14th century, wrote about medical practice. He traced his ideas to the Hippocratic Oath. Among his recommendations were that doctors \"promise a cure to every patient\" in hopes that the good prognosis would inspire a good", "id": "5279514" }, { "contents": "Ends of the Earth (Marvel Comics)\n\n\non handling Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man is given no choice. Though Captain America tries to comfort the web-slinger by reminding him that Silver Sable knew the risks, Spider-Man instead reminisces about a past adventure with Silver Sable and how he got to know her better. He confronts Doctor Octopus and tells him that since his satellites will be destroyed, he will die without leaving any legacy. The Avengers depart with a final scene of an Octobot floating on the surface of the water. Octopus' story was continued", "id": "7170732" }, { "contents": "Jenny (Doctor Who)\n\n\n: \"a kind of manufactured soldier, with a kinda pre-programming towards aggression and war.\" Shortly after her creation within the episode, the character explains that she was born knowing just \"How to fight, and how to die.\" Learning from the Doctor, Jenny begins to adapt her ideology. Moffett explained that her character: \"begins to become much more like the Doctor, and much more like a Time[lord],\" describing the episode as \"a journey,\" over the course of which Jenny", "id": "6808082" }, { "contents": "William Burns Thomson\n\n\nmissionaries across the globe. On multiple occasions, in his autobiography and in his address at the Mildmay Park Conference in London in 1869, he mentions how his work as a doctor served as an asset to his religious mission. He describes how he would preach to his patients while also treating them and how these patients would then return to continue hearing about Thomson's god. He describes how being a doctor allowed him to reach people from different places that he otherwise may not have reached and how his title as a doctor allowed", "id": "4538464" }, { "contents": "The Resurrection Casket\n\n\nhe is forced to do what someone wishes because that person knows how to use an object that belonged to Glint. The Doctor says the next step is to find Glint's ship, and that he knows how to do it. They just need someone to fund it, and Drel McCavity is probably the person to ask. After some discussion and questions, McCavity agrees, but says that he is coming along. The Doctor says he needs some equipment that is 'locked up safely in a big blue box.' Rose", "id": "11767651" }, { "contents": "Minimal residual disease\n\n\n, the initial five-week induction treatment might rapidly clear disease for some patients. For others, the same treatment might leave significant amounts of disease. Measuring MRD level helps doctors decide which patients need what. In other words, it identifies patients' individual risks of relapse, and can theoretically allow them to receive just enough treatment to prevent it. Without MRD information, doctors can do nothing but give the same treatment to all patients. They know that this will be inadequate for some and excessive for others, but there", "id": "12371727" }, { "contents": "Medicine in ancient Rome\n\n\nHippocratic work called \"Regimen\" details much of the principles outlined by Galen: specifically the humors and examples of how they could be used to prescribe treatment. The theme of this method is knowing the patient. To know how to treat a person, the physician must become familiar with and interpret the important aspects of their lives: the climate, their food intake, how much they sleep, how much they drink, any injuries. They would then draw conclusions about the patient and what must be done to set them back", "id": "20443440" }, { "contents": "Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science\n\n\nand doctor-patient relationship since they are aware of what medicine can accomplish through science and its limitations. \"Complications\" goes over many of the ethical issues present in medicine today. In \"Education of a Knife,\" the morality of the learning process for future doctors is discussed. Future doctors learn how to perform a certain procedure by doing surgery on patients, meaning that some patients will have to be the first time for future physicians when learning a surgery, as is the case with Gawande when he learns to perform", "id": "19622860" }, { "contents": "Now You Know (Desperate Housewives)\n\n\nnotes, \"we established from very early on that she's suffering from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, so we never once let the audience think she's going to die. It's more about examining how your friends and family react to you when you're sick.\" \"We don't want to do some ridiculous she-might-die thing. That's not our point in dealing with the disease. It was mostly to see what being sick does to you and the people around you.\" From this", "id": "21988718" }, { "contents": "ASL interpreting\n\n\n. For example, a doctor may ask an interpreter to relay to the patient, \"There is nothing more we can do for you. We're going to make you as comfortable as we can.\" While the literal meaning of the expression is easily conveyed, the interpreter would be aware that the euphemistic nature of this phrase in English might be lost on the deaf patient. Thus, the interpreter would put in the position of bluntly telling the patient that they are going to die. In a situation such as this", "id": "20466889" }, { "contents": "Incredibles 2\n\n\nthem in 2004. There were no notions of, 'Well, we don't know how to do long hair, we don't know how to do humans, we don't know how to do muscles.' Everybody knows how to do it. It's just now about doing it quickly.\" Because Pixar no longer used the same systems from the first movie, all the characters had to be created from scratch on the computer again. The studio also used physically-based human eye models for the characters for", "id": "3704225" }, { "contents": "Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment\n\n\nterminally ill patient, whether or not treatment is provided. For this example, assume the patient retains medical decision-making capacity and wants to die naturally in a residential setting, not in the intensive-care unit of a hospital on a ventilator with a feeding tube. Using MOLST, with the informed consent of the patient, the patient's doctor could issue medical orders for life-sustaining treatment, including any or all of the following medical orders: provide comfort measures (palliative care) only; do not attempt resuscitation", "id": "13830904" }, { "contents": "Snaphealth\n\n\nreferral of business to any particular provider. The founders of SnapHealth see that one of the biggest problems in healthcare is that often neither of the two critical players in healthcare: doctor and patient—know what the tests, procedures or generally what the cost of care is. In efforts to lower health care costs, SnapHealth has created a web platform that allows real-time pricing information so patients are empowered to know what services cost and make decisions around what matters to them. Medical practices can offer patients value because they do", "id": "8295217" }, { "contents": "How Doctors Think\n\n\nposed the following question: There are primary care physicians in every hospital who speak with great sensitivity and concern, and their longtime patients love them, but clinically they are incompetent--how is a patient to know this? At the time of the presentation, Groopman was unable to provide a satisfactory response. Salem's question reminded Groopman of his experiences with physicians at the Phillips House of the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital, where he trained as a resident in the 1970s. Per his account: A few of [the", "id": "21437835" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nsits down during the encounter. The behavior of the patient affects the doctor–patient relationship. Rude or aggressive behavior from patients or their family members can also distract healthcare professionals and cause them to be less effective or to make mistakes during a medical procedure. When dealing with situations in any healthcare setting, there is stress on the medical staff to do their job effectively. Whilst many factors can affect how their job gets done, rude patients and unappealing attitudes can play a big role. Research carried out by Dr. Pete Hamburger", "id": "7007441" }, { "contents": "Do not resuscitate\n\n\npatients and 16 full code patients in Toronto in 2006-9 suggest that the decision to choose do-not-resuscitate status was based on personal factors including health and lifestyle; relational factors (to family or to society as a whole); and philosophical factors. Audio recordings of 19 discussions about DNR status between doctors and patients in 2 US hospitals (San Francisco and Durham) in 2008-9 found that patients \"mentioned risks, benefits, and outcomes of CPR,\" and doctors \"explored preferences for short- versus", "id": "5158373" }, { "contents": "Ezekiel Emanuel\n\n\nthat a different argument (an argument that intentional killing \"should not be used to achieve the legitimate ends of medicine\") would be required instead. Emanuel said there is often a need to balance different values: As Emanuel said, To know whether it is ethical to turn off the respirator for a quadriplegic patient requires conceptions of personal identity, a worthy human life, murder and suicide; to know how much information a doctor must provide a cancer patient to obtain proper informed consent for an experimental therapy requires conceptions of autonomy", "id": "5270924" }, { "contents": "Leana Wen\n\n\n, \"When Doctors Don't Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests\" with coauthor Joshua Kosowsky. It is about how patients can take control of their health to advocate for better care for themselves. Wen wrote a blog, The Doctor is Listening. She has been a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and Psychology Today on patient empowerment and healthcare reform. She has been an advisor to the newly established Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and an advisor to the Lown Institute and the Medical Education Futures Study.", "id": "984342" }, { "contents": "Comorbidity\n\n\nin deciding how aggressively to treat a condition. For example, a patient may have cancer with comorbid heart disease and diabetes. These comorbidities may be so severe that the costs and risks of cancer treatment would outweigh its short-term benefit. Since patients often do not know how severe their conditions are, nurses were originally supposed to review a patient's chart and determine whether a particular condition was present in order to calculate the index. Subsequent studies have adapted the comorbidity index into a questionnaire for patients. The Charlson index,", "id": "3429754" }, { "contents": "Gao Yaojie\n\n\ntransfusion?\" \"I don't want to die!\" Ba said. \"My husband and my child can't live without me.\" Ten days later, the patient died, at the age of 42. Fortunately, neither her husband nor her child was infected by HIV. It was Gao's first time to see an AIDS patient. Ba's painful expression and heartbreaking cry deeply hurt Gao's heart. As a doctor, she could do nothing but watch the disease take the life of her patient. For", "id": "15043975" }, { "contents": "Pirfenidone\n\n\nimpairment and in patients who are concomitantly taking a CYP1A2 inhibitor. The drug is contraindicated in patients who have severe hepatic impairment. Dizziness and fatigue have been reported in patients undergoing pirfenidone treatment. Dizziness typically resolves, although patients should know how they react to pirfenidone before undertaking activities that need mental alertness or coordination. If severe, dose adjustment or treatment discontinuation may be required. Weight loss has been reported in patients treated with pirfenidone. Doctors should monitor patients’ weight and encourage increased caloric intake if necessary. Most drug interactions are", "id": "16198839" }, { "contents": "Reason (argument)\n\n\nIn the most general terms, a reason is a consideration which justifies or explains an action, a belief, an attitude, or a fact. Reasons are what people appeal to when making arguments about what people should do or believe. (Those are reasons in the normative sense.) For example, that a doctor's patient is grimacing is a reason to believe the patient is in pain. That the patient is in pain is a reason for the doctor to do things to alleviate the pain. In another sense of", "id": "8045237" }, { "contents": "Terminal illness\n\n\nsetting, and especially so for terminal patients. There must be an inherent trust in the doctor to provide the best possible care for the patient. In the case of terminal illness, there is often ambiguity in communication with the patient about his/her condition. While terminal condition prognosis is often a grave matter, doctors do not wish to quash all hope, for it could unnecessarily harm the patient's mental state and have unintended consequences. However, being overly optimistic about outcomes can leave patients and families devastated when negative results", "id": "15803250" }, { "contents": "George Plimpton\n\n\n\"The New Yorker\" by Whitney Darrow Jr. shows a cleaning lady on her hands and knees scrubbing an office floor while saying to another one: \"I'd like to see George Plimpton do \"this\" sometime.\" In another cartoon in \"The New Yorker\", a patient looks up at the masked surgeon about to operate on him and asks, \"Wait a minute! How do I know you're not George Plimpton?\" A feature in \"Mad Magazine\" titled \"Some Really Dangerous Jobs for George", "id": "10954884" }, { "contents": "Dr. Chapatín\n\n\nplayed by Ramón Valdez: \"How do you do? 200 pesos please.\" He is always trying to perform surgery on patients, even if they don’t need it. Dr. Chapatín always has a paper bag—no one knows what is inside. When asked about it he answers \"\"queles\"\", meaning \"que les importa\", or \"none of your business\". When people dare suggest that he is \"old\", he sometimes hits them with this bag. He has a peculiar sense", "id": "4858693" }, { "contents": "June Medical Services, LLC v. Gee\n\n\nprocedure, the patient can be rushed and treated at a nearby hospital. These laws were ostensibly about the importance of patient safety, but several of those behind crafting the laws spoke to using them to block abortions in their states. To have admission privileges, the doctor must effectively be an approved practitioner at that hospital. This can be a difficult process for a doctor, since hospitals expect admitting doctors to provide them with patients to be fiscally viable, and abortion doctors do not regularly provide such patients. In the case of", "id": "2296255" }, { "contents": "Immortal (2015 film)\n\n\nwith emotion. It is partly about how to die, but mostly about how to live, and how to keep our dignity as human beings. It is a beautiful film.\" BIFF's Kim Ji-seok: \"...It is hard to find a film such as this one that is so thoroughly able to deliver to the audience the pain of a being human.\" FIPRESCI's Hiroaki Saito: \"Why do humans continue to live and why do humans die? Audiences from different cultures can universally identify their own", "id": "1087850" }, { "contents": "Rhetoric of health and medicine\n\n\nfacts and figures that support the speaker's claims or thesis. It is important to health and medicine communications because patients want to know which treatments work best, and they want the scientific data to prove it. Having an appeal to logic also enhances ethos because information makes the speaker look knowledgeable and prepared to his or her audience. However, the data can be confusing and thus confuse the audience. So, the doctor has to make sure to leverage the appeals to best persuade their patients. Doctors must decide how many facts", "id": "1595688" }, { "contents": "Danzig 4\n\n\nwe were trying to really play the whole song \"Let It Be Captured\" backwards. Therefore, a new song was created - \"Cantspeak\".” Glenn Danzig has stated that the song \"Going Down to Die\" was written about “knowing you're gonna die and dying...some people know they're going to die. They sense it, and they do die. I've known when other people are going to die, and they died.” He also revealed that at one point there were plans", "id": "12627932" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nis currently the case. In this study, most of the patients either liked (223) or did not mind (175) being called by their first names. Only 77 individuals disliked being called by their first name, most of whom were aged over 65. On the other hand, most patients do not want to call the doctor by his or her first name. Some familiarity with the doctor generally makes it easier for patients to talk about intimate issues such as sexual subjects, but for some patients, a very", "id": "7007431" }, { "contents": "Lie About Us\n\n\nthe world about their affair, as mentioned in the lines \"Please don’t say you wanna give up / How do I tell her that I'm fallin' in love / And I know you're waiting patiently for that day that we no longer have to lie about us.\" According to Quentin B. Huff of PopMatters noted that the mistress has doubts and isn’t going into this blindly. Quentin B. Huff of PopMatters described the song as \"other possible standout\" track, and praised Scherzinger's \"fine vocals\"", "id": "10851711" }, { "contents": "Luffaren och Rasmus\n\n\nnot testify. The doctor suspects that she may die. Only the maid Anna-Stina testifies. She pretends to be a victim of the robbery. However, she and two of her accomplices are responsible for the robbery. She also explains that a tramp robbed the old lady along with a little boy. Therefore, Oscar and Rasmus are suspected of having something to do with the robbery. Rasmus and Oskar don't know about the allegations and sing in front of the two accomplices of the maid. Rasmus immediately recognizes the", "id": "232284" }, { "contents": "Dead & Buried (House)\n\n\nto do a differential, but Park wants to know why Chase is embarrassed about having had a manicure when he's the type of guy who gets his hair cut frequently and obviously doesn't mind people knowing his grooming habits. Chase cuts Park short by suggesting they do more comprehensive drug tests and getting the patient's mother out of the room before they ask her about drugs again. Adams asks the patient, Iris, but she denies any drug use. Adams starts doing a medical history. However, Taub talks to the", "id": "20965705" }, { "contents": "The Last Dance (The Vampire Diaries)\n\n\nnot know how he looks like. Damon hears Bonnie and Jeremy talk and he finds out that Bonnie will die if she uses her power. Jeremy tells Stefan about it and Stefan tells Elena. Elena tries to talk to Bonnie to convince her not to do it and that they can find another way to kill Klaus but Bonnie is determined to do it herself. At the same time, Klaus compels three students to attack Jeremy as a distraction to get close to Elena. Alaric/Klaus takes Elena and Bonnie away and reveals", "id": "3322846" }, { "contents": "Herbert H. Clark\n\n\ntry to establish the mutual belief that all speakers understand the references to a criterion that is sufficient for the purpose of continuing the discourse. In a conversation between a physician and his patient, for example, the doctor may request, “Contract your deltoid,” making reference to a technical term that the patient may not know. If the patient doesn't know, he will ask, “My deltoid?” and the doctor will clarify, “Raise your right arm.” If the patient does know the reference,", "id": "14384109" }, { "contents": "Doctor Know-all\n\n\n\"Doctor Know-all\" () is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm, tale number 98 in \"Grimms' Fairy Tales\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 1641 about being in the right place at the right time. Another tale of this type is \"Almondseed and Almondella\". A peasant named Crabbe saw how well a doctor ate and asked him how to become one. The doctor told him to buy an ABC book with a rooster up front, sell his oxen and cart to buy", "id": "44417" }, { "contents": "The Howie Carr Show\n\n\nof\" the respective community. Stories about crime involving a vehicle or an unusual weapon elicit the line, \"How many more must die, Mr. Speaker? How many more?\"—a satire of legislators who stress the need to act before the next casualty. \"Do you know who I am?\" Often deployed with reference to members of the Kennedy family or other politically-connected individuals demanding favors or special treatment from law enforcement or other authorities after being caught committing an illegal or immoral act. Untimely deaths are treated with zeal with", "id": "19897949" }, { "contents": "Economic policy of the Nicolás Maduro administration\n\n\nDoctors at one hospital \"sent home 300 cancer patients ... when supply shortages and overtaxed equipment made it impossible for them to perform non-emergency surgeries.\" The government, which controlled \"the dollars needed to buy medical supplies,\" had \"simply not made enough\" dollars available for those supplies, the AP reported. As a result, \"many patients began dying from easily treatable illnesses when Venezuela's downward economic slide accelerated after Chavez's death.\" Doctors called it impossible \"to know how many have died,", "id": "6240817" }, { "contents": "Euthanasia in Canada\n\n\nfor their services relating to the request; or (c) do not know or believe that they are connected to the other practitioner or to the person making the request in any other way that would affect their objectivity. Due to the \"irrevocable nature of ending a life\", to receive medical assistance in dying, patients must sign and date a written statement confirming their request to die in the presence of two independent witnesses, 10 clear days before the day they will die. If death or a loss of a capacity", "id": "21266853" }, { "contents": "Valery Tarsis\n\n\nthat it is the doctors who are mad, whereas the patients are completely sane, although unsuited to a life of slavery. In ward No. 7 individuals are not cured, but persistently maimed; the hospital is a jail and the doctors are gaolers and police spies. Most doctors know nothing about psychiatry, but make diagnoses arbitrarily and give all patients the same medication — the anti-psychotic drug aminozin or an algogenic injection. Tarsis denounces Soviet psychiatry as pseudo-science and charlatanism. Among all the victims of Soviet psychiatry", "id": "9313293" }, { "contents": "Firearm Owners' Privacy Act\n\n\nThe Firearm Owners' Privacy Act (often abbreviated FOPA) is a law passed by the Florida Legislature in 2011 in response to concerns raised by Floridians whose physicians asked them about gun ownership. The law bans doctors in the state from asking their patients about guns, and from entering information about guns into patients' medical records. However, doctors are allowed to do both of these things under the law provided they believe it is relevant to the medical care or safety of their patients or the safety of others. The law also", "id": "15506085" }, { "contents": "Wie es geht\n\n\n\"Wie es geht\" (\"How to do it\", lit. \"How it goes\") is a punk song by Die Ärzte. It is the first track and the first single from their 2000 album \"Runter mit den Spendierhosen, Unsichtbarer!\". The singer addresses a woman, trying several times to tell her \"I love you\", but keeps on ending up saying \"(I just don't know) how to do it\"; at the end of the song he finally manages to", "id": "4864869" }, { "contents": "The Free Market Cure\n\n\nfor their Trabants, the movie implies, so too do Canadians like Shirley Healey wait for life-saving treatment. Ms. Healey suffered from mesenteric ischemia, and was unable to obtain prompt treatment, being told she'd have to wait about 2 months. Her doctor, Robert W. Ellett, M.D., having seen another patient with the same condition die after waiting 3 months, urged Ms. Healey to seek medical treatment in the U.S. Dr. Ellett explained that while there were a sufficient number of rooms in the local ICU near her in", "id": "10008190" }, { "contents": "Act 39\n\n\ndying,” said Kevin Díaz, national director of legal advocacy for Compassion & Choices. “But these doctors contend their personal beliefs should trump their patients’ rights when it comes to simply referring them to a healthcare professional to advise them about all their end-of-life care options. It should send shivers down the spine of every patient.” “This case is about a patient’s right to know what their options are at the end of life,” said Betsy Walkerman, President of Patient Choices Vermont.", "id": "1507380" }, { "contents": "End-of-life care\n\n\npaediatric populations - though only recently has research begun to formalise this process. Nurses also play an extremely important role in comfort care at the end of life. Nurses are able to explain in practical terms what is happening to the patient after the doctor has left. Nurses also work to advocate for the patients, as they spend a lot of time with them and typically know a great deal more about the patient's wishes, symptoms, and previous medical history. Nurses, doctors, and hospice workers are critical in helping both", "id": "14450556" }, { "contents": "Lorenzo Valla's Dialogue on Free Will\n\n\ncharacteristics, and that we are free to decide how we use those attributes. Lorenzo speaks about how the differences amongst our characteristics are things that God knows, and that we can not know about all of the things we don't have, and that we are best to just do all that we can to make the best of what we know we do have. The heart of Lorenzo's initial argument is that although God does know who we are and what we are going to do, we still have the ability to", "id": "15468966" }, { "contents": "Anne Brooks\n\n\nGeorgia, Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi. She said about this travel, \"there were a couple of things I wanted to know. One of them was how as a sister, with a vow of poverty, how do I run a practice?\" After seeing much rural poverty, she returned to Michigan and wrote letters to towns in Mississippi that might need a doctor. Tutwiler was the only town that answered Brooks. Brooks moved to Tutwiler and, in the summer of 1983, she opened the Tutwiler Medical Clinic", "id": "7769148" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Onie\n\n\n: ‘Every day, I see an asthmatic patient and prescribe controller medication, but I know she’s living in a mold-infested apartment. Or I see a kid with an ear infection and I prescribe antibiotics, but there’s no food at home. And I don’t ask about those issues because there is nothing I can do.’ It seemed it shouldn’t be so complicated to design a doctor’s visit around what people actually need to be healthy.” In 1996, during her sophomore year at Harvard", "id": "17466091" }, { "contents": "What Engineers Know and How They Know It\n\n\ngenerated by engineering may normally be categorized by phases such as design, production or operations. Another way to think about engineering knowledge categories is descriptive knowledge, prescriptive knowledge and tacit knowledge. He adds Gilbert Ryle's terms \"knowing that\" and \"knowing how\" to illustrate the aim of each knowledge category. \"Knowing what or that\" to do in engineering is a mixture of descriptive and prescriptive knowledge. \"Knowing how\" to do it is a mixture of prescriptive and tacit knowledge. Thus, these case studies show", "id": "4218726" }, { "contents": "John F. Chase\n\n\nup on a farm outside of Gettysburg and lain down beside a barn. The doctors there ignored him, thinking that he would die any minute, while they tended to other patients. After three days of lying on the ground, his wounds were bandaged and he was eventually moved into the farmhouse, where he stayed for a week. Sent to Seminary Hospital, his condition was still grim and about three weeks after arriving, he was again set outside to die. Despite the doctor's predictions, Chase survived his wounds.", "id": "15976346" }, { "contents": "Agnipoolu\n\n\nrushes to the hospital immediately along with Prithvi. In the meantime, Viren also comes to know of the accident as Raju had not attended the office. He also goes to see her at the hospital but there he finds Prithvi already present along with Neelaveni. Seeing Prithvi he gets irritated and could not control himself. Any how he meets Raju's mother and afterwards informs his father Swamidass about the accident and requests him to talk with the Doctors to take full care of the patient and put all their efforts for her speedy recovery", "id": "13232681" }, { "contents": "Suicide legislation\n\n\nCMA) reported that not all doctors would be willing to help a patient die. The belief in late 2015 was that no physician would be forced to do so. The CMA was already offering educational sessions to members as to the process that would be used after the legislation had been implemented. The Indian penal code 309 deals with punishment for attempted suicide. The Mental Health Care Act 2017 greatly limits the scope for the code to be implemented. The bill states, “Any person who attempts to [die by] suicide", "id": "20181823" }, { "contents": "Methodic school\n\n\nIt is not a matter of inference or observation, but of an immediate knowledge. To a Dogmatist, the symptoms a disease manifest is indicative of a hidden state that causes the disease. Only by knowing the hidden state can a doctor understand how to treat a patient. The symptoms manifested by a patient are indicative of the underlying state causing the disease, and the hidden state is indicative of the treatment that follows. Like the Empiricists, the Methodists refuse the notion of hidden states, claiming that there is no need to", "id": "12414689" }, { "contents": "The Upturned Glass\n\n\ngives Farrell a ride after learning that Farrell is rushing to see a critically ill patient, a young girl who has suffered a head injury. He reveals to Farrell that he is also a doctor and that he has emotional feelings about his patients, never liking to lose a patient but also wishing that, instead of having to impartially provide medical care, he could sit in judgment and decide which patients live and which die. By contrast, Farrell is a cynic who freely admits he loses many patients and doesn't care whether", "id": "5816470" }, { "contents": "Life support\n\n\nhave wanted to live their life. If the quality of life did not fall within what the patient valued as a meaningful life, then sanctity of life did not apply. The accuracy of a proxy's decision about how to treat a patient is influenced by what the patient would have wanted for themselves. However, just because the patient wanted to die did not mean the courts would allow physicians to assist and medically kill a patient. This part of the decision was influenced by the case Rodriguez (1993) in which a", "id": "17989225" }, { "contents": "Daddy (novel)\n\n\nfamily doctor who asks how Oliver feels about what she's doing and she admits he doesn't know she's pregnant. He insists she talk to Oliver before the procedure is performed and again he is thrilled about the baby and horrified that she would consider an abortion. They fight about it for several days but in the end she keeps the baby, and reassures him daily that she will not care about it. Oliver promises to love it for both of them, and baby Sam is born on Election Day. Several years", "id": "3777287" }, { "contents": "Lobectomy (lung)\n\n\nthe patient will remain in the intensive care unit of the hospital for a day. They will then remain in a regular hospital room for about 4 to 7 days. After the patient returns home they usually must remain in recovery for about four to six weeks, although some patients may be able to return to work/normal activities not long after returning home from the hospital. Pain is very common amongst patients for quite some time after a lobectomy. Patients can talk to their doctors about how to manage their pain while recovery", "id": "8507881" }, { "contents": "Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles\n\n\nthat the organization contends consumer lawyers do for society. In 1985, when a telephone hotline opened up to warn doctors about litigious patients, CAALA retaliated by creating a hotline that patients could call to see whether their doctor had been sued for malpractice during the prior 10 years. The Los Angeles County Medical Association called the CAALA hotline \"a sham and a shame, a miscarriage and a corruption of justice.\" CAALA claimed the hotline would increase business for doctors with good records by steering patients away from the small minority of doctors", "id": "4730587" }, { "contents": "26 Summer Street\n\n\ndie soon. Her mother is not home. While he examines the baby, he notices that the girl scratches her legs. He gives her advice on what to do to help with her legs and cure her acne. The doctor diapers the baby and gives her back to her sister. She asks if the baby is going to die. He says no and leaves with the excuse that he has to visit other patients in the neighborhood and instructs the girl to tell her mother that he will be back at 6 p.m. She", "id": "18704786" }, { "contents": "National Health Service (England)\n\n\nwere unfilled in London A&E departments. Doctors had to cover for senior colleagues who had not arrived or for junior colleagues who were absent. Patients could die due to lack of doctors. Doctors are overworked and face burnout, they feel they are failing patients. Doctors leave A&E work due to the pressure and frustration of the work. There are plans to discontinue waiting time targets in the coming year. Patients' groups fear patients will have to wait in pain for longer before getting treatment. Despite unprecedented demand for hospital beds and", "id": "21020593" }, { "contents": "Self-help groups for mental health\n\n\nvery high acceptance of self-help groups and 43.2% rated their acceptance of self-help groups as moderate. Only 6.8% of respondents rated their acceptance of self-help groups as low or very low. Surveys of self-help groups has shown very little evidence of antagonism towards mental health professionals. The maxim of self-help groups in the United States is \"Doctors know better than we do how a sickness can be treated. We know better than doctors how sick people can be treated as humans.\"", "id": "3073909" }, { "contents": "Death Comes to Time\n\n\nshoots Antimony in the leg, revealing circuits and servo-mechanisms. Having seen so many companions leave or die, the Doctor built a companion who would always stay with him. To the Doctor's dismay and helplessness, Tannis taunts him saying the Doctor could save Antimony by speaking Tannis out of existence, but that he won't do it. Finally, Tannis shoots Antimony in the head, and leaves the Doctor to watch him die. Back on Santine, Tannis reveals to the Pilot why he is concerned about the activities", "id": "12808041" }, { "contents": "Phobophobia\n\n\nmodification is another method that helps considerably to treat phobophobics. When treating the patients with the method, doctors correct some wrong information the patient might have about his disease, such as their catastrophic beliefs or imminent disaster by the feared phobia. Some doctors have even agreed that this is the most helpful component, since it has shown to be very effective especially if combined with other methods, like interoceptive exposure. The doctor seeks to convince patients that their symptoms do not signify danger or loss of control, for example, if combined", "id": "20185747" }, { "contents": "Bad Pharma\n\n\ncovers the influence of drug reps, how ghostwriters are employed by the drug companies to write papers for academics to publish, how independent the academic journals really are, how the drug companies finance doctors' continuing education, and how patients' groups are often funded by industry. In the afterword and throughout the book, Goldacre makes suggestions for action by doctors, medical students, patients, patient groups and the industry. He advises doctors, nurses and managers to stop seeing drug reps, to ban them from clinics, hospitals and", "id": "17108158" }, { "contents": "Nayirah testimony\n\n\nthe babies to die. Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a British NGO, which published several independent reports about the killings and testimony from evacuees. Following the liberation of Kuwait, reporters were given access to the country. An ABC report found that \"patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait's nurses and doctors ... fled\" but Iraqi troops \"almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.\" Amnesty International reacted by issuing a correction,", "id": "2763246" }, { "contents": "Die Another Day (song)\n\n\nthe film. The writing process was explained by Madonna: I hemmed and hawed about it for a while because just for that reason though. Everybody wants to do the theme song of a James Bond movie, and I never liked to do what everybody else likes to do. It's just some perverse thing in me, right? So, but then I thought about it and I said, you know what? James Bond needs to get – needs to get techno so... Used in the opening sequence, \"Die", "id": "20034375" }, { "contents": "Michael D. Lockshin\n\n\ndisease patients, gender and rheumatic disease, and neurological SLE. He has written three books for the general reading public. \"Guarded Prognosis: A Doctor and his Patients Talk about Chronic Disease and How to Cope With It\" (Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux) was published in 1998. \"Dancing at the River’s Edge: A Patient and Her Doctor Negotiate a Life With Chronic Illness\" (Schaffner Press, Inc. 2009) is a personal dual memoir, written in collaboration with long", "id": "16687559" }, { "contents": "Kitni Girhain Baaki Hain (season 2)\n\n\nher father and says that if she could get 500 more rupees, she could buy a new mobile. While, another woman's brother is unconscious because of drinking alcohol but he also survives! Bushra, angrily goes to her home, pushes a tap to get water and water comes hardly. She comes to home and shakes her \"bhandara\". She abuses to doctor to not let die patient. She says to kill doctor. She again prays that someone should die. But again that patient survives. Doctor sees her", "id": "19108823" }, { "contents": "Pat Tillman\n\n\nWhen you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don't believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing and now he is no more ... I do not know how an atheist thinks, I can only imagine that would be pretty tough.\" Kauzlarich conducted the second investigation into Tillman's death which lasted a week, from May", "id": "17924235" }, { "contents": "Lee Hays\n\n\nShall Overcome\". In its first year every issue of the People's Songs \"Bulletin\" featured a new song by Hays. One, written with Walter Lowenfels after a disastrous accident in a coal mine contained this verse: poem Do you know how the coalminers die To bring you coal from the earth? They die by the hundreds and they die by the thousands And that is what your coal is worth. /poem Bernard Asbell, a member of People's Songs, who in 1961 wrote the best-selling book,", "id": "4380747" } ]
The science behind accupuncture
[{"answer": "Acupuncture in it's \"pure\" form is complete bunk. Studies have been done and found that poking needles into \"chi points\" vs. random points gives the same effect. If the human body has \"chi points\", they aren't particularly responsive to being poked. Interestingly, however, the effect in both cases is not zero. The process does have a positive effect in some people. I haven't seen any studies which show whether this is pure placebo effect or if there is some other mechanism of action going on (or both)."}, {"answer": "There isn't really any, thus why it's called alternative medicine and not medicine. That said, people do find it helpful if they believe it will work, though odds are most or all of that is placebo effect."}, {"answer": "Dude with degree in neuroscience here. Read some, but not all of the studies. I cannot add anything but an anecdote that was a powerful enough experience to convince me that more than the placebo effect is at work with acupuncture in some cases. My first girlfriend many years ago had an older greyhound rescued from the track. One day it was on its last legs with arthritis getting bad in her neck and legs. She got to the point one morning where she could not get up and was just whimpering in pain. I told my girlfriend we couldn't let her remain in pain; we needed to put the pup down. My girlfriend had heard about a guy that did acupuncture on animals and wanted to try it, but agreed to take her dig to the vet to euthanize her if acupuncture didn't work. I carried the pupper in to the place and laid her on the mat he had on the floor; the dog was in so much pain she couldn't even pick up her head. The guy did his thing and poked her here and there. I had to step out to take a call but about 20 min later the pup came sprinting out of the room and centrifuged around the waiting room like a 9 month old border collie. She lived another 3 years and when she started to get bad again, which usually was around 3-4 months, my girlfriend would take her back to see the guy. The pup died comfortably in her sleep something around 3 years from that day. I find it hard to believe the dog was convinced of anything in such a way that could cause the placebo effect. I have tried acupuncture myself a few times and got no recognizable benefits. I am not convinced there is nothing to acupuncture. Perhaps we have not done enough rigorous science to find it. Perhaps there are many crappy acupuncturists like the are many crappy Western doctors. Perhaps we should give it a few more looks before writing it completely off."}, {"answer": "\"So far, evidence supports its efficacy for some medical problems \u2014 especially certain kinds of pain. Research into how acupuncture relieves pain is still in its early stages and has not yet definitely answered the question. The study of pain is complex, in part, because it must rely on people's reports of their subjective experience. Studies of acupuncture are further complicated by the difficulty of finding an appropriate placebo. Despite these challenges, ongoing scientific research is likely to shed further light on acupuncture therapy.\" TLDR: We don't know. The above excerpt is from [this article]( URL_0 ). Anecdote: I have Parkinson's Disease, and at least one scientific study (and my own personal experience) has shown that acupuncture is extremely effective at managing pain. I have no idea how it works, and it might be placebo, but I no longer rely on $800 in medications per month, and to be fair, we scientifically have no idea how those meds work, either. I'll take the qi voodoo bullshit if it helps."}, {"answer": "Every decent scientific study every done shows that acupuncture give the same output as a placebo. In short, there is no science behind accupunture."}, {"answer": "Dr Helene Langevin has done extensive research on the mechanism and effects of acupuncture since 2000. In one of her early studies, she found that traditional acupuncture points are often located at the intersection of muscles, where there are \"wells\" of connective tissue. Furthermore, inserting and manipulating an acupuncture needle into connective tissue results in the microscopic roughness of the needle to grab onto and pull the connective tissue (kind of like twirling a fork in spaghetti). When acupuncture is practiced, needles are generally placed, and then left in place for about 1/2 hour. Helene Langevin found some evidence that this long, slow stretch of the connective tissue had a significant effect on the structure of since of the connective tissue cells. When I studied this, she had yet to determine what, if any healing effect the change in connective tissue cells had on healing. If nothing else, acupuncture is able to produce a very specific connective tissue stretch. (Source: I read a bunch of her papers while a was a biomechanical engineering student at UVM, where she was conducting her research)."}, {"answer": "It is down to the placebo effect, basically the body releasing chemicals by itself to make it feel better in response to circumstances. For more on this - URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Take an acupuncture chart. Overlay it on a picture of a human body without its skin on. The meridian lines end up being directly over the thickest areas of fascial tissue in the body. Fascial tissue is mildly piezoelectric. When you warm or deform it, it creates an electrical discharge. That's at least some of the \"science\" behind it. Source; I've been a clinical massage therapist for 27 years and use acupressure daily. It doesn't matter if I tell the client what each spot will do. They still give me feedback saying \"whoa, my head just stopped aching\" or \"my reflux stopped burning!\" after I press those respective spots."}, {"answer": "I remember seeing a video / picture on it that explained it quite well, but I don't remember the link. From what I recall, it had something to do with the body being extremely slow to repair damage to it that it doesn't deem needs \"immediate attention\". But when you stick a needle in that area, your body considers the area damaged by needles in need of \"immediate attention\", and starts to repair the punctured area. And while the body is working on the area in need of \"immediate attention\", since it is alreasy working in the area, it eventually starts repairing the previous injury that you got the accupuncture for. Hope this helps."}, {"answer": "There doesn't seem to be much \"proper\" science behind acupuncture. According to [this article]( URL_0 ) > carefully controlled scientific studies consistently show that it does not matter where you stick the needles or even if you insert needles (as opposed to just poking the skin with dull needles, or retracting needles, or even tooth picks). To further support this conclusion, the perceived effectiveness of acupuncture does not depend on the degree of training or experience of the acupuncturist (so whatever they are learning has no effect), but only upon how warm and nice they are to the patient. In short, acupuncture is an elaborate placebo."}, {"answer": "Not quite the answer to your question, but I'm a very skeptical person when it comes to alternative therapies (I'm attending medical school), yet I still benefitted from acupuncture. I had trouble with constipation and, after 2-3 sessions of electroacupuncture (acupuncture with slight electrical stimulation on the needles), my constipation cleared for short periods of time, which was the most relief I'd gotten in many months. (Mild laxatives would help elimination but not the consistency of my stool, whereas acupuncture helped both.) Although the effects weren't permanent and I couldn't afford to keep going back for weekly sessions, there WERE noticeable benefits. I believe the needles both relaxed the muscles of my intestines and, simultaneously, stimulated them so peristalsis could continue normally."}, {"answer": "there is no western science behind it really. It's based on Chinese medicine which seeks to manipulate Qi. Qi is not measurable so western science ignores it or looks down it's nose at it. The one thing they get right though is that the elderly practice either Tai Chi or Qi Gong in the parks every day and although it's about as gentle an exercise as you can ever imagine, it gets them moving on their feet and just doing mild body weight resistance training. So whether it strengthens their chi or not it's better than in the west where we park out elderly in an an assisted living to die."}, {"answer": "There was a study on mice [Adenosine A1 receptors mediate local anti-nociceptive effects of acupuncture]( URL_1 ) which seems like a good start at explaining how acupuncture might work. Adenosine is released in response to the micro-injury caused by the needle, and it has anti-pain and [anti-inflammatory properties]( URL_0 ). So it's plausible that acupuncture helps more than placebo with pain and inflammation."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "42353", "title": "Acupressure", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through \"meridians\" in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians. Pressure may be applied by hand, by elbow, or with various devices.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through \"meridians\" in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Peripheral neuropathy\n\n\nor refute the use of acupuncture for neuropathic pain in general, or for any specific neuropathic pain condition when compared with sham acupuncture or other active therapies.\" Also, \"Most studies included a small sample size (fewer than 50 participants per treatment arm) and all studies were at high risk of bias for blinding of participants and personnel.\" Also, the authors state, \"we did not identify any study comparing acupuncture with treatment as usual.\" A 2018 Cochrane review on accupuncture and related interventions for the treatment of", "id": "20527888" }, { "contents": "Science Communication Observatory\n\n\nLife Sciences. • Benchmarking the Promotion of RTD culture and Public Understanding of Science to establish the current state of RTD culture in Member States, to provide a survey of the ongoing activities, and to recommend measures to be followed to improve the present situation. In order to clarify the meaning behind the vocabulary used in different Member States, our introduction also contains an analysis of the concepts behind “Public Understanding of Science”, “Public Understanding of Science and the Humanities (Wissenschaft)” and “Culture Scientifique”. The", "id": "19474894" }, { "contents": "Science of Stupid\n\n\nJuly 2014. In this show, science of action is described in several different daily routine activities like sports, stunts, adventures, and things that should not be done at home. \"Science of Stupid\" shows videos of people hurting themselves and explains the science behind them. The motto of the show is \"Learn the science behind the action and remain safe\". The videos are normally recorded by people themselves. The second season of the show started airing from 2 March 2015. Local versions of the show have basically", "id": "2727019" }, { "contents": "Left Behind: The Kids\n\n\nLeft Behind: The Kids (stylized as LEFT BEHIND THE KIDS<) is a series of young adult speculative fiction novellas based on the \"Left Behind\" series. Published by Tyndale House from 1998 to 2005. Written by Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye, with uncredited contributions from Chris Fabry. \"The Kids\" follows a group of young Christians as they experience the Rapture and Great Tribulation. The novellas contain elements of science fiction, science fantasy, utopian and dystopian fiction, mystery, and horror, woven within an", "id": "11724892" }, { "contents": "T.K.V. Rajan\n\n\nto introduce American Heritage History to Asian American children, some of the immigrant Indian families have started visiting archaeological and historical sites in USA. As the founder-Director of Indian Science Monitor, Rajan took interest in science behind the popular game cricket. He conceptualized a novel exhibition \" Great cricket controversies and science behind it \" at Russian Center for Science and Culture in 2011 in Chennai. It had attracted a huge cricket fans. The Time of India reviewed the exhibition and interviewed Rajan .\" There is not enough research in the", "id": "18721410" }, { "contents": "No Child Left Behind Act\n\n\n,\" which among other things, looks to improve the quantity and quality of physical education. Secondly, there is research, including a 2005 study by Dr. Charles H. Hillmam of The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that concludes that fitness is globally related to academic achievement. The opportunities, challenges, and risks that No Child Left Behind poses for science education in elementary and middle schools—worldwide competition insists on rapidly improving science education. Adding science assessments to the NCLB requirements may ultimately result in science being taught in more", "id": "363303" }, { "contents": "Mad Science\n\n\nLIVE!\", based on the top rated television series, \"Lights, Camera, Action & You!: The Science Behind the Movies\", which demonstrated the science behind movie making; and \"Newton's Revenge 2\", which demonstrated the role of physics in our everyday lives. Produced in collaboration with the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and NASA, \"Mad Mission to Mars\" was staged at its permanent home at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States, where it premiered in 2001", "id": "12045425" }, { "contents": "Laurie Winkless\n\n\nLaboratory for seven years, with a focus on thermoelectric energy harvesting. She researched the use of nanomaterials in the space industry for the European Space Agency. Winkless' first book, \"Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis\", explains the science behind aspects of urban living, including skyscrapers and subways. The book came about after a publisher saw her Twitter account and approached Winkless for book ideas. Winkless refers to \"Science and the City\" as her “scientific love-letter to the great cities of", "id": "18567810" }, { "contents": "Pathological science\n\n\nso.\" Bart Simon lists it among practices pretending to be science: \"categories ... such as ... pseudoscience, amateur science, deviant or fraudulent science, bad science, junk science, and popular science ... pathological science, cargo-cult science, and voodoo science.\" Examples of pathological science may include Martian canals, N-rays, polywater, and cold fusion. The theories and conclusions behind all of these examples are currently rejected or disregarded by the majority of scientists. Pathological science, as defined by Langmuir,", "id": "5129423" }, { "contents": "Science & Entertainment Exchange\n\n\nvideo (with more than 1,500,000 views as of April 29, 2009) explaining the science behind Dr. Manhattan's super powers to increase public awareness of the science behind the film. The TV series \"Fringe\" is using the Exchange to identify scientists able to address technical questions regarding scripts in development. A rapid-response team of specialists in neuroscience, epidemiology, and genetics—themes frequently featured in the series—has been gathered to assist the scriptwriters. Thor screenwriters connected through The Exchange with Kevin Hand from Caltech's Jet", "id": "16133191" }, { "contents": "The Beginnings of Western Science\n\n\nto Greek science, such as Mesopotamian and Egyptian science, and on Islamic science. \"Western science\" is defined as scientific enquiry done in Greek, Latin or Arabic according to reviewer William A. Wallace. \"The Beginnings of Western Science\" focuses on the theoretical dimension of classical and mediaeval science, giving less attention to technology and scientific craft. Lindberg defends a moderate view on the continuity thesis, accepting continuity between early modern science and mediaeval antecedents but also identifying a scientific revolution in the cosmology and metaphysics behind science. Vivian", "id": "320016" }, { "contents": "Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination\n\n\n\"Star Wars\": Where Science Meets Imagination is a traveling exhibition created by the Museum of Science, Boston, featuring props and costumes used in the \"Star Wars\" films, but focusing primarily on the science behind George Lucas' science fiction epic. \"Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination\" was developed by Boston's Museum of Science, in collaboration with Lucasfilm Ltd., with the support of the National Science Foundation, under Grant No. 0307875. This exhibit is presented nationally by Bose Corporation. The exhibit premiered", "id": "12730176" }, { "contents": "Michael Brooks (science writer)\n\n\nshow. His slot on the show, entitled \"Weird Science,\" features weird and wonderful stories from the world of science. Brooks currently co-presents the podcast Science(ish) with UK presenter Rick Edwards which explores the science behind the movies. The Science Party is a UK political party that was launched on 20 April 2010 by Brooks and Sumit Paul-Choudhury, an editor of \"New Scientist\". A key goal in the Science Party manifesto is ensuring \"that science, mathematics and engineering have sufficient funding, skills", "id": "14208766" }, { "contents": "Double Award Science\n\n\nIn the United Kingdom, Double Award Science is the study of GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics that results in \"two\" GCSEs. Those passing their GCSEs in Double Award Science can progress to A Levels in all of the three natural science subjects. On September 4 the course was introduced, whereby pupils can pursue either one GCSE in science or GCSEs in science and additional science. The new courses place more emphasis upon \"the thinking behind the doing\". Pupils taking Double Award Science in England study a total of two", "id": "19197655" }, { "contents": "List of Star Wars theme parks attractions\n\n\nStar Wars\" will have in the park onwards. On October 19, 2005, \"Star Wars\": Where Science Meets Imagination opened at the Museum of Science in Boston, Massachusetts. A traveling exhibition created by the Museum of Science, Boston, featuring props and costumes used in the \"Star Wars\" films, but focusing primarily on the science behind George Lucas' science fiction epic. \"Star Wars\": Where Science Meets Imagination was developed by Boston's Museum of Science, in collaboration with Lucasfilm Ltd., with", "id": "16022291" }, { "contents": "Science festival\n\n\nscience festival'. Reaction was mixed, with some organisations doubting whether science could be packaged in an arts format. Even so, the city put resources behind the idea, appointing a director and project team, and in April 1989 the first Edinburgh International Science Festival took place. Edinburgh's success led to the development of science festivals in many other parts of the world. The British Science Association restructured its annual meeting, originally established in 1831 as a discussion forum for scientists, to turn it into the British Science Festival of", "id": "4423860" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Hare\n\n\nto audiences of all ages as part of Sussex University's science outreach. During this time Jonathan set-up The Creative Science Centre, (see links below), a web site and range of science-based activities aimed to get more people making things within science. Jonathan Hare has worked behind the scenes on a number of television shows, as well as being one of the team of scientists on \"Rough Science\" and co-presenting \"Hollywood Science\" with Robert Llewellyn. He worked with the Vega Science Trust", "id": "5362751" }, { "contents": "Down to Earth (magazine)\n\n\nEarth demystified the science of storms and explained the causes behind the natural disaster. In a first-of-its-kind study in India, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) tested 65 food products available in the market for genetically modified (GM) ingredients. CSE found GM genes in 32% of the products; almost 80% of them imported. Read this report by DTE on CSE study The content of \"Down to Earth\" is for anyone interested in the environment and the politics behind it.", "id": "2170652" }, { "contents": "Molecular gastronomy\n\n\nand Gastronomy\") that brought together scientists and professional cooks for discussions about the science behind traditional cooking preparations. Eventually, the shortened term \"molecular gastronomy\" became the name of the approach, based on exploring the science behind traditional cooking methods. Kurti and This considered the creation of a formal discipline around the subjects discussed in the meetings. After Kurti's death in 1998, the name of the Erice workshops was changed by This to \"The International Workshop on Molecular Gastronomy 'N. Kurti'\". This remained the sole", "id": "9535405" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Science\n\n\n1953, is equivalent to the degree of Doctor of Science in the sense in which the D.Sc. is used in the Commonwealth. It is the highest academic qualification, different from both Ph.D. and PhDr. titles. In the Czech Republic, DrSc. is not awarded since 2001; instead, since 2006, a \"Doctor of Sciences\" degree (DSc. behind the name) is awarded not by universities but by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic mostly for research in the field of natural or formal science.", "id": "2778773" }, { "contents": "Dragonsdawn\n\n\n\"Dragonsdawn\"' establishes the science fiction nature of the series by defining the science behind McCaffrey's dragons. The planet Pern seemed a paradise to its new colonists—seeking to return to an agrarian-based simpler way of life, Admiral Paul Benden, Governor Emily Boll and the rest of the colonists had selected Pern as a place to leave their recent wars and troubles behind. Shortly after arriving on the planet, however, a new threat appeared – Thread. With time running out and the colony's destruction imminent,", "id": "16842464" }, { "contents": "Saurian (video game)\n\n\nThe concept art for the new reconstruction of \"Tyrannosaurus,\" painted by RJ Palmer, was then revealed on August 24, 2015 along with the science behind the reconstruction in a livestream hosted through Twitch. This was followed by the release of an infographic on August 25, 2015 through Facebook which explained the science behind the redesign and featured a fully rendered model of the new \"Tyrannosaurus\". In addition, a blog post was made on the official Saurian website on September 3, 2015, which featured said infographic and also", "id": "19822175" }, { "contents": "Chang Chun-yen (education scholar)\n\n\nChang's expertise includes science education, digital learning, interdisciplinary science learning, and science communication. There are six major research fields: instructional models and learning outcomes, problem-solving abilities and automated grading system, science learning environment, curriculum standards and the goal of science education, mechanism behind science learning, teacher education and technology-embedded teaching. Currently, Chang is the associate editor of the \"Journal of Research in Science Teaching\" and \"Journal of Geosciences Education\". He is also on the Editorial Board of three", "id": "14959340" }, { "contents": "Science, technology, society and environment education\n\n\na long history in science education reform, and embraces a wide range of theories about the intersection between science, technology and society (Solomon and Aikenhead, 1994; Pedretti 1997). Over the last twenty years, the work of Peter Fensham, the noted Australian science educator, is considered to have heavily contributed to reforms in science education. Fensham's efforts included giving greater prominence to STS in the school science curriculum (Aikenhead, 2003). The key aim behind these efforts was to ensure the development of a broad-", "id": "16407434" }, { "contents": "Friends of Science\n\n\nthat displayed Friends of Science's ad. In October 2005 Barry Cooper set up the Science Education Fund at the University of Calgary which was able to access funds from the Calgary Foundation. Critics remark that Cooper established the Science Education Fund to \"obscure the political and financial interests behind the donations, not only providing anonymity to donors but also a tax break for their contributions to science education.\" Friends of Science has been \"criticized for its close financial ties to the Alberta patch.\" In 2010, in the section on", "id": "2981775" }, { "contents": "George Brown Jr.\n\n\nmember of the House or Senate in the history of his home state of California. Democrat Joe Baca was elected to his seat in a special election. \"\"I was interested in science before I even knew what science was.\"\" Brown was known as a champion for science. He left behind a deep and expansive legacy that has shaped science and science policy in America. Among some of his many accomplishments during his service on the House Science Committee: Consistent with his long-held conviction that the nation needed a", "id": "7060571" }, { "contents": "Science Museum, London\n\n\nvisitors behind the scenes at CERN and explores the science and engineering behind the discovery of the Higgs Boson. The exhibition will tour until early 2017. Media Space exhibitions also go on tour, notably \"Only in England\" which displays works by the great photographers Tony Ray-Jones and Martin Parr. The museum is adjacent to the Natural History Museum and used to be connected to it by a public corridor, which is now closed. The closest London Underground station is South Kensington; a subway connects the museums to the station", "id": "19442732" }, { "contents": "Baldwin Wallace University\n\n\ndevelopment of the campus. The North Quad is also home to a diverse tree collection, a Greenhouse, a native Ohio plants garden and a commons area (located behind Lang Hall). In 2009, BW opened the Thomas Family Center for Science and Innovation. The project connected the Life & Earth Science building and Wilker Hall. On the south end of campus, BW has several green spaces such as Klein Field and Bonds Field. The campus is also situated next to Coe Lake (located behind the Townhouse Apartments).", "id": "3273084" }, { "contents": "Behind the Lines (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)\n\n\n\"Behind the Lines\" is the fourth episode of the of \"\", 128th episode in the science fiction show. The episode was written by Rene Echevarria and directed by actor-director LeVar Burton. It was broadcast on television on October 20, 1997. At this time the USS Defiant is operating from Federation Starbase 375. Deep Space Nine station is under the auspices of the Dominion-Cardassian alliance under a non-aggression pact with Bajor. This is part of the ongoing Dominion war saga on this science fiction television", "id": "4438333" }, { "contents": "Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus\n\n\nFundador would be attending. The school administration decided to add another building, the Science and Technology, for the laboratories as well as the mini-auditorium, which seats 90 people. The building's infrastructure was completed in 2011 and was launched in the same year. Construction for an oval track behind the outdoor courts, which in turn are located behind the gym, has been ongoing since mid-2012. Currently, the campus is composed of the following: the Administration Building, the Academic Building (where classes are held),", "id": "6102961" }, { "contents": "James B. Garvin\n\n\n's Mars Global Surveyor, Canada's Radarsat, and ESA's Envisat missions. Garvin was born in Poughkeepsie, New York and attended Brown University graduating with a bachelor of science degree in Computer Science in 1978. He earned his Masters of Science also in Computer Science from Stanford and returned to Brown where he earned his Masters of Science and PhD in planetary geological sciences 1984. He lives with his wife and two children in Columbia, Maryland. Garvin was twice awarded NASA Outstanding Leadership medals for his work on the science strategy behind", "id": "2827457" }, { "contents": "County Upper School\n\n\nBury St Edmunds area with the Westley and Horringer Court campuses of the All Through-Trust following close behind. County Upper has a specialism in science with an Able and Talented focus. An Ofsted subject inspection in May 2009 judged the overall effectiveness of science to be outstanding with no areas for improvement. It is the lead school in the Norfolk & Suffolk Science Learning Partnership promoting professional development amongst science education and learning professionals. County Upper runs a Science and Engineering outreach programme including visits to universities and other science centres as well as", "id": "18404704" }, { "contents": "Zbigniew Michalewicz\n\n\nthe Institute of Computer Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences as a researcher. While there, he obtained a PhD in Computer Science in 1981; and a Doctor of Science (Habilitation) degree in Computer Science in 1997. In 1982, Michalewicz left Poland and moved to New Zealand with his wife Ewa and son Matthew Michalewicz. He took a position with Victoria University in Wellington and left behind all of his possessions in Poland with the exception of a few personal items. In an interview, he stated that he left Poland", "id": "13798839" }, { "contents": "California Academy of Sciences\n\n\nemployees. Besides its function as source of public science education through its museum, the California Academy of Sciences also operates the \"Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability\" (IBSS) as its research arm, contributing some of the world's most important research in the fields of taxonomy, phylogenetics, and biodiversity studies. Although one aspect of the IBSS is available for view by museum patrons at the science \"project lab\" exhibit, most of the research happens in laboratories and facilities \"behind the scenes\" and not observable by", "id": "18788928" }, { "contents": "Soapbox Science\n\n\nSoapbox Science is a public outreach platform that promotes women working in science and the research that they do. The events turns public spaces into an area for learning and debate, in the spirit of Hyde Park's Speaker's Corner. Soapbox Science encourages scientists to explain their research to members of the public using non-traditional methods (for example, there is no use of a projector or slides). Speakers typically make props at home to explain the processes behind their research. Soapbox Science launched in London in 2011, led", "id": "2927302" }, { "contents": "Five Billion Years of Solitude\n\n\nFive Billion Years of Solitude: The Search for Life Among the Stars is a non-fiction work by the science author Lee Billings. The text was initially published on October 3, 2013 by Current. In this book, Billings explores the scientists and science behind the ever-expanding universe of exoplanets. Since the first detection of a planet orbiting another Sun-like star in 1995, scientists have discovered an increasing number of worlds beyond our solar system through detections by telescopes and spacecraft. Billings reveals the scientists behind these discoveries", "id": "13698567" }, { "contents": "British television science fiction\n\n\nrights issues for some years, many of those behind the new series were fans of the show when they were younger. \"Doctor Who\" returned to television screens on 26 March 2005, gaining a profile reminiscent of the earlier series at its peak. Perhaps the most high-profile of those behind the movement to return \"Doctor Who\" to the screens is writer Russell T Davies, who initially worked in the BBC children's department earlier in his career, and contributed to British TV science fiction there. Davies' first", "id": "1894981" }, { "contents": "Canyon del Oro High School\n\n\nIn 2012, CDO placed as State Runner-Up behind Mesa Mountain View, with the team scoring 44,962 points. In 2013, CDO placed as State Runner-Up behind Red Mountain. At the National Competition, the team placed 9th overall. CDO has an active Science Olympiad program, which has placed well in the state tournament in years past. This program is run by students and the AP Biology teacher, Dr. Zeiher. Other science teachers are becoming involved in the success of this program, notably Mrs. Christman of the", "id": "3318043" }, { "contents": "Mathematics\n\n\nCarl Friedrich Gauss referred to mathematics as \"the Queen of the Sciences\". More recently, Marcus du Sautoy has called mathematics \"the Queen of Science ... the main driving force behind scientific discovery\". In the original Latin \"Regina Scientiarum\", as well as in German \"Königin der Wissenschaften\", the word corresponding to \"science\" means a \"field of knowledge\", and this was the original meaning of \"science\" in English, also; mathematics is in this sense a field of knowledge. The", "id": "19048028" }, { "contents": "Byzantine science\n\n\nByzantine science played an important role in the transmission of classical knowledge to the Islamic world and to Renaissance Italy, and also in the transmission of Islamic science to Renaissance Italy. Its rich historiographical tradition preserved ancient knowledge upon which splendid art, architecture, literature and technological achievements were built. Byzantines stood behind several technological advancements. Byzantine science was essentially classical science. Therefore, Byzantine science was in every period closely connected with ancient-pagan philosophy, and metaphysics. Despite some opposition to pagan learning, many of the most distinguished classical", "id": "1904561" }, { "contents": "Science Picnic\n\n\nThe Science Picnic is Europe's largest outdoor science-popularization event organized jointly by Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre. It has been held every year since 1997 in Warsaw's New Town Square and Podzamcze area, between 2010 and 2012 in Marszałek Rydz-Śmigły Park, and since 2013 at the National Stadium. A wide range of research fields are represented at the Picnic, including the hard, natural, and social sciences together with the humanities. Research and teaching institutions from Poland and abroad reveal here behind-the-", "id": "10309095" }, { "contents": "Sylvan Heights Science Charter School\n\n\nreading, math and science. Pennsylvania System of School Assessments, commonly called PSSAs are No Child Left Behind Act related examinations which were administered beginning 2003 to all Pennsylvania public school students in grades 3rd-8th. The goal was for 100% of students to be on grade level or better in reading and mathematics, by the Spring of 2014. The tests focused on the state's Academic Standards for reading, writing, mathematics and science. The Science exam is given to 4th grades and includes content in science, technology, ecology and", "id": "13002067" }, { "contents": "Null Hypothesis: The Journal of Unlikely Science\n\n\nNull Hypothesis: The Journal of Unlikely Science is an online satirical science website, which casts a wry eye over the world of science and technology. Dubbed \"the \"Private Eye\" of science\" by the \"Daily Telegraph\", it was started in 2004 in Bristol University by three bored postgraduate students disillusioned by the grind of publishing papers in academia. The three behind the idea, David Hall, Andrew Impey and Mark Steer, all have biology backgrounds, although the website covers all topics from mathematics and chemistry to social", "id": "14071449" }, { "contents": "Narender K. Sehgal\n\n\n(NCSTC), and later of Vigyan Prasar. He was also Adviser to the Government of India in the Department of Science and Technology. He remained in this post until his retirement in November 2000. Narendar K. Sehgal was the main force behind several science programmes in India. He introduced science communication programmes such as \"Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha\" of 1987, the annually held National Children's Science Congress (since 1993), radio serials including \"Vigyan Vidhi\" (Methods of Science) and \"Manav Ka Vikas\"", "id": "16271958" }, { "contents": "Christian Science (book)\n\n\nChristian Science is a 1907 book by the American writer Mark Twain (1835–1910). The book is a collection of essays Twain wrote about Christian Science, beginning with an article that was published in \"Cosmopolitan\" in 1899. Although Twain was interested in mental healing and the ideas behind Christian Science, he was hostile towards its founder, Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910). Twain's first article about Christian Science was published in \"Cosmopolitan\" in 1899. A humorous work of fiction, it describes how he fell over a", "id": "17718448" }, { "contents": "I-CON\n\n\n, multiple movie showings, and medieval programming, as well as live performances. There was also a science track discussing recent developments in various branches of science and exploring the real science behind science fiction technologies. I-CON was jointly held by ICON Science Fiction, Inc., a tax-exempt educational foundation, and the I-CON Campus Chapter of Stony Brook. I-CON was preceded by SUNYcon (April 14, 1973), Mudcon (May 8, 1977), and Brookcon (October 28–30, 1977)", "id": "19134461" }, { "contents": "Mathematics and science partnerships\n\n\nMathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) is education policy from Title 2, Part B, Sections 2201-2203 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The purpose of MSP is to increase student achievement in science and mathematics by partnering IHE science, math, and engineering departments with elementary and secondary science and math teachers in high-need LEAs in order to develop teachers' content knowledge and instructional performance. SEAs may apply for competitive grants and then IHEs and LEAs may apply for a subgrant of the SEA. The", "id": "2738958" }, { "contents": "Mathematics and science partnerships\n\n\nclassroom teacher. In 2001, President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act with the goal of having all students proficient in reading and math by 2014. Mathematics and Science Partnerships fall in the Title 2 section of NCLB, \"Improving Teacher Quality Grant Program\". Since then, science and math education has continued to be an area of concern in education policy due to the continued fear the United States is not producing innovative leaders in science and technology. The Mathematics and Science Partnerships policy is implemented with the following framework:", "id": "2738961" }, { "contents": "Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford\n\n\nCollege. However the laboratory soon outgrew this space, and occupied space in 2 South Parks Road, until in 1993 the Wolfson Building opened behind the Victorian 8–11 Keble Road houses. The neighbouring houses at 5–7 Keble Road and a new \"e-Science building\" behind these provided additional space upon opening in 2007. However this space is not sufficient, and the department has additional space within the Thom Building and the Robert Hooke building. As of 2014, the department is hoping to obtain funding for a new building large enough", "id": "16522402" }, { "contents": "Common Core State Standards Initiative\n\n\nCore Standards by tying the grant of waivers from the No Child Left Behind Act to adoption of the Standards. However, the Every Student Succeeds Act not only replaced the No Child Left Behind Act, it also expressly prohibits the Department of Education from attempting to \"influence, incentivize, or coerce State adoption of the Common Core State Standards ... or any other academic standards common to a significant number of States.\" Though the Common Core State Standards do not cover science and social studies content standards, the Next Generation Science Standards", "id": "17314766" }, { "contents": "Behind the sofa\n\n\nthe BBC science-fiction television series \"Doctor Who\", particularly during the 1970s. The idea that young children would hide behind furniture when especially frightening scenes were being shown, as they were unwilling to miss the programme altogether, was also popularised in the media. The phrase is strongly associated with \"Doctor Who\" in the United Kingdom, so much so that in 1991 the Museum of the Moving Image in London named their exhibition celebrating the programme \"Behind the Sofa\". \"Everyone remembers hiding behind the sofa,", "id": "11556720" }, { "contents": "And Those We've Left Behind\n\n\n\"And Those We've Left Behind\" is the sixth episode of the fourth season of the Fox science-fiction drama television series \"Fringe\", and the series' 71st episode overall. The episode dealt with the Fringe team's investigation of a series of time loop fatalities. Robert Chiappetta and Glen Whitman co-wrote \"And Those We've Left Behind\", while Brad Anderson directed. Real-life husband and wife Stephen Root and Romy Rosemont guest starred as a married couple behind the time loop, one an", "id": "5551378" }, { "contents": "University of Iloilo\n\n\nScience in Psychology, which was offered in 1974, were included in the course offerings in the College of Arts and Sciences. The expansion of the College of Arts and Sciences led to the construction of the Science Building. In June 1989, a three-story building was constructed behind the mini-park, connecting the Don Eugenio Lopez Building to the Don Benito Lopez Building. In 1991, the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports acknowledged the University of Iloilo as an Excellent School for the College of Criminology, now", "id": "10429280" }, { "contents": "Positivism\n\n\naccording to which both physical and human events occur, while \"sociology\" was the overarching science that would synthesize all such knowledge for the betterment of society. \"Positivism is a way of understanding based on science\"; people don't rely on the faith of God but instead of the science behind humanity. \"Antipositivism\" formally dates back to the start of the twentieth century, and is based on the belief that natural and human sciences are ontologically and epistemologically distinct. Neither of these terms is used any longer in this", "id": "4818753" }, { "contents": "Engineering education research\n\n\nglobal thinking). \"P-12 Educational Standards:\" National policies such as No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top have influenced the recruitment and retention of future engineers. In April 2013, the Next Generation Science Standards were released as the science standards for K-12 science education in the United States to replace the National Science Education Standards. These include engineering-based standards embedded within the science standards. The National Assessment Governing Board has created a Technology and Literacy Framework for the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress. This will be", "id": "12740483" }, { "contents": "Signature in the Cell\n\n\nHe argues that definitions of science that would preclude intelligent design from being a science also preclude many other fields, already established as science, from being science. Meyer believes the designing mind is the God described by the Christian religion. He acknowledges that this may affect the motivations behind his theory. The book has been well received by some within the conservative, intelligent design and evangelical communities. It was not reviewed by scientific journals or popular science magazines. Philosopher Thomas Nagel submitted the book to the \"2009 Books of the Year", "id": "1625984" }, { "contents": "Vijnana Bharati\n\n\n-regional chapter of VIBHA since 1999.VVM is totally focused on school going children from class VI to XI for educating and popularizing science among them. It is a platform to inculcate and generate interest in pure science, foster excellence, mentor them for their career in science. The idea behind the Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is educating and popularizing science among school students of class VI to XI. VVM also endeavors to identify the bright minds among the student community, who are keen on subjects related to science. VVM has several", "id": "17794661" }, { "contents": "History of education in the Indian subcontinent\n\n\narts and humanities. Till 1899 only the University of Bombay offered a separate degree in sciences. In 1899 B.Sc and M.Sc. courses were also supported by the University of Calcutta. By the late 19th century India had lagged behind in Western science and technology and related education. However, the nobility and aristocracy in India largely continued to encourage the development of sciences and technical education, both traditional and western. While some science related subjects were not allowed in the government curriculum in the 1850s the private institutions could also not follow science", "id": "18868934" }, { "contents": "Science Week Ireland\n\n\nanother Speakathon. Forfás sought feedback on the running of Science Week and it was also externally evaluated. Science Week 2007 took place between 11–18 November and the theme was \"Surrounded by Science\". The programme of events set out to illustrate that behind the everyday objects in our lives is a great inventor, scientist or engineer. This included a series of lectures which featured Craig Johnston, inventor of the Adidas Predator; Joe F. Edwards, Jr., former NASA astronaut; and Dr. Sheila Willis, Director of the Forensic Science Laboratory", "id": "9312635" }, { "contents": "Royal College of Science\n\n\nremained behind at the Museum of Practical Geology until the 1890s). In recognition of its broadened scope the \"Metropolitan School of Science applied to Mining and the Arts\", as it was officially known, was re-established in 1881 as the \"Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines\", under Huxley as dean, the name being based on that of the École Normale in Paris. The Normal School of Science, responsible for subjects including physics, chemistry, mechanics, biology and agriculture, steadily established its", "id": "12374033" }, { "contents": "Bloomsburg Area School District\n\n\nChild Left Behind. Bloomsburg Area High School achieved AYP status each year from 2004 through 2009, while in 2003 it was in Warning AYP status due to lagging academic achievement. Pennsylvania System of School Assessments, commonly called PSSAs are No Child Left Behind Act related examinations which were administered from 2003 through 2012. The exams were administered in the Spring of each school year. The Science exam included content in science, technology, ecology and the environmental studies. The mathematics exam included: algebra I, algebra II, geometry and trigonometry", "id": "13350015" }, { "contents": "Theoretical psychology\n\n\nstrives to understand nature and structure of concepts, the laws in which these concepts occur, and the theories that combine the laws together. One of these specific branches of philosophy of science is theoretical psychology. Philosophy of science does not use the scientific method to empirically derive ideas about the physical world through conducting experiments and interpreting results. However, it is still about science with an emphasis on the logic and rationality behind science itself, bringing to light what cannot be explained by empirical measures. It is also metaphysically and epistemologically", "id": "10785397" }, { "contents": "Mahanoy Area School District\n\n\nBehind Law, the 3rd graders take the PSSAs in math and reading. The fourth grade is tested in reading, math and science. The goal was for 100% of students to be on grade level or better in reading and mathematics, by the Spring of 2014. The tests focused on the state's Academic Standards for reading, mathematics and science. The Science exam is given to 4th grades and includes content in science, technology, ecology and the environmental studies. The first cohort of children who attended Accountability Block Grant", "id": "11307227" }, { "contents": "Tsukuba, Ibaraki\n\n\nwas held. This was a landmark for the science city. The reasons behind the expo where to establish a positive national image of Tsukuba Science City and to gain international recognition that Tsukuba was a place of Science. The Expo attracted around 20 million Japanese and foreign visitors. Leo Esaki became the president of the University of Tsukuba in 1992. His presidency marked a new era of reform for the Tsukuba Science City. Leo Esaki is a Nobel prize winner and worked at IBM prior to becoming president of the University of Tsukuba.", "id": "1358780" }, { "contents": "Central Columbia High School\n\n\nThe higher an SPP, the more students in the district are on grade level for reading, mathematics, and science. The SPP data comes from the district's PSSA results. The Pennsylvania System of School Assessments, commonly called PSSAs, are No Child Left Behind Act-related examinations that are administered every spring. The PSSAs test the students on their proficiency of the state's Academic Standards for reading, writing, mathematics, and science. For example, the Science exam included content in science, technology, ecology and the", "id": "16623112" }, { "contents": "Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Malaysia)\n\n\nreformed in 1976 as the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE). Following the cabinet reshuffle of 2004, MOSTE evolved yet again to its current form. The objective behind the creation of the ministry is to improve competitiveness in the fields of science and technology through the generation of knowledge and sustainable development. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is responsible for administration of several key Acts: MOSTI controls and supervises a number of institutions that are responsible in providing technical services to the government and the public. Besides", "id": "16657586" }, { "contents": "AsapScience\n\n\nafter starting their channel, in response to homophobic comments and in order to be visible role models for young gay people interested in science. AsapScience videos are about science, with many episodes, such as \"How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?\", discussing functions of the human body. They sometimes make songs explaining science such as \"Science Love Song\" and \"Periodic Table Song\". Each video's scientific concepts are conveyed using colored drawings on a whiteboard and voice-over narration. As revealed in a behind", "id": "17088700" }, { "contents": "Science (1979–1986 magazine)\n\n\nAmerican\" of those days, which was a much more technical magazine than it became in the 1990s, but more in-depth and more artfully written than magazines like \"Popular Science\", which tends to cover technology more than the science behind it. This market proved to be too small for the large number of magazines that attempted to serve it, and many disappeared during the mid-1980s. \"Science\" was purchased in 1986 by Time Inc. and folded into \"Discover\", the last issue being July 1986. A", "id": "1742104" }, { "contents": "Science in the Age of Enlightenment\n\n\ncentury. Universities in France tended to serve a downplayed role in the development of science during the Enlightenment; that role was dominated by the scientific academies, such as the French Academy of Sciences. The contributions of universities in Britain were mixed. On the one hand, the University of Cambridge began teaching Newtonianism early in the Enlightenment, but failed to become a central force behind the advancement of science. On the other end of the spectrum were Scottish universities, which had strong medical faculties and became centres of scientific development. Under", "id": "20569544" }, { "contents": "The Science Academy of South Texas\n\n\nof South Texas. For one course, I conducted a pilot study of the experiences of teachers at the Science Academy. As I spent time in the Valley collecting those data, I became more interested in the story behind the school. As a result, I chose to write the history of the Science Academy for my dissertation research. My goal—to write a rich, detailed, multi-voiced account of the history of the Science Academy—is represented by this dissertation.\" Anna Rudolph Canter During the 2005-", "id": "21122481" }, { "contents": "Louisiana Science Education Act\n\n\nbeliefs, or promote discrimination for or against religion or nonreligion.\" Furthermore, advocates of the bill argue it is necessary for three reasons. First, the supplementation provided for by the LSEA is needed to keep the science textbooks updated, because Biology textbooks are often already falling behind modern research by the time they are written, edited, and published. Second, most science textbooks have several, if not dozens, of known errors that can be solved with supplementation. Third, many science books are faulty of focusing on only", "id": "9401783" }, { "contents": "Wayne Highlands School District\n\n\n–teacher ratio of 14:1. According to a report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 100% of its teachers were rated \"Highly Qualified\" under No Child Left Behind. In 2011 and 2012, Honesdale High School was in Warning AYP status due to lagging student achievement in reading and mathematics. 11th Grade Reading: 11th Grade Math: 11th Grade Science: Science in Motion Honesdale High School took advantage of a state program called Science in Motion which brought college professors and sophisticated science equipment to the school to raise science awareness", "id": "12629742" }, { "contents": "Science education\n\n\nway, students actively develop their understanding of science by combining scientific knowledge with reasoning and thinking skills.\" Concern about science education and science standards has often been driven by worries that American students lag behind their peers in international rankings. One notable example was the wave of education reforms implemented after the Soviet Union launched its Sputnik satellite in 1957. The first and most prominent of these reforms was led by the Physical Science Study Committee at MIT. In recent years, business leaders such as Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates have called for more", "id": "13586104" }, { "contents": "Caloocan City Science High School\n\n\nCaloocan City Science High School (CCSHS, CalSci, or Kalsay), is a public secondary science school in Caloocan, Metro Manila, Philippines. Caloocan City Science High School stands behind the Division Office along 10th Avenue corner P. Sevilla Street in Grace Park. The school came into existence through the efforts of Dr. Victoria Q. Fuentes, the Schools Division Superintendent then the benevolence of the City Mayor Reynaldo O. Malonzo and then Councilor Egay R. Erice, who saw the need for a Science High School that would cater to the poor but", "id": "19156364" }, { "contents": "Ubu Roi\n\n\nOne of his later works, a novel/essay on \"pataphysics\", is offered as an explanation behind the ideas that underpin \"Ubu Roi\". Pataphysics is, as Jarry explains, \"the science of the realm beyond metaphysics\". Pataphysics is a pseudo-science Jarry created to critique members of the academy. It studies the laws that \"govern exceptions and will explain the universe supplementary to this one\". It is the \"science of imaginary solutions\". The story is a parody of Shakespeare's \"", "id": "18515011" }, { "contents": "Spring Grove Area High School\n\n\nGrove Area High School declined to Warning Status due to lagging student achievement in mathematics. In 2010, the school achieved AYP status under No Child Left Behind. Science in Motion Spring Grove Area High School took advantage of a state program called Science in Motion which brought college professors and sophisticated science equipment to the school to raise science awareness and to provide inquiry-based experiences for the students. The Science in Motion program was funded by a state appropriation and cost the school nothing to participate. The Spring Grove Area School Board has", "id": "17347177" }, { "contents": "Jean-François Lyotard\n\n\nWorld War II. He argues against the possibility of justifying the narratives that bring together disciplines and social practices, such as science and culture; \"the narratives we tell to justify a single set of laws and stakes are inherently unjust.\" A loss of faith in metanarratives has an effect on how we view science, art, and literature. Little narratives have now become the appropriate way for explaining social transformations and political problems. Lyotard argues that this is the driving force behind postmodern science. As metanarratives fade, science suffers", "id": "10954331" }, { "contents": "Penn Cambria School District\n\n\nreading, math and science. PSSAs are No Child Left Behind Act related examinations which were administered beginning 2003 to all Pennsylvania public school students in grades 3rd-8th. The goal was for 100% of students to be on grade level or better in reading and mathematics, by the Spring of 2014. The tests focused on the state's Academic Standards for reading, writing, mathematics and science. The Science exam is given to 4th grades and includes content in science, technology, ecology and the environmental studies. 5th Grade Reading:", "id": "11283937" }, { "contents": "Hollywood Science\n\n\nHollywood Science is a general term given to the phenomenon of scientific principles being misinterpreted, ignored or abused by the Hollywood film industry. The term has given rise to a number of television programmes which endeavour to expose whether phenomena seen in films can be replicated. \"Hollywood Science\" was an Open University TV programme produced for the BBC, which attempted to determine whether or not scenes in various films were scientifically credible. In the show, presenter Robert Llewellyn, with the assistance of scientist Jonathan Hare, look at the science behind", "id": "13702826" }, { "contents": "Science and technology in Iran\n\n\n. Furthermore, Iran considers scientific backwardness, as one of the root causes of political and military bullying by developed countries over developing states. After the Iranian Revolution, there have been efforts by the religious scholars to assimilate Islam with modern science and this is seen by some as the reason behind the recent successes of Iran to augment its scientific output. Currently Iran aims for a national goal of self-sustainment in all scientific arenas. Many individual Iranian scientists, along with the Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences and Academy of Sciences of", "id": "19321909" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of social science\n\n\nof knowledge. One notable critique of social science is found in Peter Winch's Wittgensteinian text \"The Idea of Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy\" (1958). Michel Foucault provides a potent critique in his archaeology of the human sciences, though Habermas and Richard Rorty have both argued that Foucault merely replaces one such system of thought with another. One underlying problem for the social psychologist is whether studies can or should ultimately be understood in terms of the meaning and consciousness behind social action, as with folk psychology, or", "id": "21182333" }, { "contents": "Ernesto Morgado\n\n\nErnesto M. Morgado is Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon) since 1992. He was one of the people behind the creation of the Computer Science and Engineering degree of Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon), in 1988, and one of the founders of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the same institute in 1998. He was Lecturer of Computer Science in Millard Fillmore College (State University of New York at Buffalo) in 1980 and Canisius College (1981–1984", "id": "22161271" }, { "contents": "Edinburgh Science\n\n\nEdinburgh Mini Maker Faire event (also run in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), bringing together artists, craftspeople, programmers, engineers, and other makers is an offshoot of the Maker Faire initiative, organised by MAKE magazine and O'Reilly Publishing. In the summer of 2013, Edinburgh Science joined forces with National Museums Scotland to deliver a brand new project called \"Rock the Lab\". This involved a creation of science busking activities for the project to highlight the science behind hedonism. In 2015 and 2016 Edinburgh", "id": "22207906" }, { "contents": "Why Darwin Matters\n\n\nWhy Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design is a 2006 book by Michael Shermer, a historian of science. Shermer argues that intelligent design is bad science, that different fields of science converge in supporting evolution, and that religion and science are not in conflict. As a former young Earth creationist, Shermer explores the beliefs and critiques the claims behind it. Christopher Hitchens commented on the book, \"With his forensic and polemical skill, he could have left them for dead: instead he generously urges them to stop wasting", "id": "2850313" }, { "contents": "Science and technology in Tanzania\n\n\nturn, had a negative impact on the levels of participation of women scientists even within industries based on science and engineering. In 2014, Tanzania counted 15 publications per million inhabitants in internationally catalogued journals, according to Thomson Reuters' Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded). This placed Tanzania tenth out of the 15 SADC countries, well behind Namibia (59), Mauritius (71), Botswana (103) and, above all, South Africa (175). The average for sub-Saharan Africa was 20", "id": "4310010" }, { "contents": "Sian Proctor\n\n\n. She also appeared in the 2016 PBS series \"Genius By Stephen Hawking\". She's in Episode 2: Are We Alone. She is currently featured on the science show \"Strange Evidence\". Proctor appeared as the science demonstration expert on the Science Channel show \"Strange Evidence\". The show brings together a team of experts who analyze video footage that seems to defy explanation. Proctor describes the phenomena and uses mockups to explain the science behind what is being seen. Proctor appears in Episode 2: Are We Alone", "id": "7454641" }, { "contents": "Sense about Science\n\n\n, James Lind Initiative, \"PLOS\" and Sense About Science and is being led in the US by Sense About Science USA, Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice. As of January 2018, the AllTrials petition has been signed by 91,989 people and 737 organisations. Ask for Evidence was launched by Sense About Science in 2011. It is a campaign that helps people request for themselves the evidence behind news stories, marketing claims and policies. When challenged in this way, organisations", "id": "7832682" }, { "contents": "A Guide for the Perplexed\n\n\nsystems, and is therefore inappropriate. He uses the term scientism because he argues that many people, including some philosophers of science, have misunderstood the theory behind instructional science and believe that it produces truth. But the instructional sciences are based on induction; and as David Hume famously points out induction is not the same as truth. Furthermore, according to Schumacher, instructional sciences are primarily concerned only with the parts of truth that are useful for manipulation, i.e. they focus on those instructions which are necessary to reliably produce certain results", "id": "8271003" }, { "contents": "Sonoran Science Academy\n\n\nthe Daisy Education Corporation because of a shared belief that excelling in math and science would prepare America's youth to achieve success in college, the workplace, and the 21st century. The founding members recognized that students in the United States were lagging behind their peers from other countries and that schools offering a rigorous, skill-level curriculum that focused on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) would provide the foundations to graduate independent thinkers who are capable of innovation and prepared to take leadership roles. Sonoran Science Academy", "id": "8575311" }, { "contents": "Angeline Stoll Lillard\n\n\nLillard is a Fellow of both the Association for Psychological Science and the American Psychological Association, and was awarded both the latter's Boyd McCandless Young Scientist and Outstanding Dissertation Awards. Her research has been funded by federal and foundation sources. Dr. Lillard is author of Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, 3rd edition. Her scientific work has appeared in journals such as the Psychological Bulletin, Science, Pediatrics, and Psychological Science, and has been featured in outlets like Nightline, The Washington Post, Forbes, and Slate. As", "id": "9794545" }, { "contents": "Big Hero 6 (film)\n\n\nthe Galaxy\", \"Maleficent\", and \"\". In the U.S. and Canada, the film is the second-highest-grossing science-fiction animated film (behind 2008's \"WALL-E\"), the second-highest-grossing animated superhero comedy film (behind 2004's \"The Incredibles\"), and the second-highest-grossing Disney animated film (behind 2013's \"Frozen\"). The film earned $1.4 million from late Thursday night showings, which is higher than the previews", "id": "22083466" }, { "contents": "Science and technology in Spain\n\n\nowe to Spain?” it became a commonplace that unlike literature and the arts, science in Spain considerably lagged behind that in other European countries. Indeed, this became such a prevalent cliché as to provoke a “complaint about the complaint” among writers such as Cadalso or Larra (\"Cartas marruecas\", \"En este país\"). In reality the field of “science” was not clearly distinguished from that of “letters” or “the humanities” until the Enlightenment; and even much later the width of", "id": "17545805" }, { "contents": "Pixar\n\n\nand Zaragoza. \"Pixar: 25 Years of Animation\" includes all of the artwork from \"Pixar: 20 Years of Animation\", plus art from \"Ratatouille\", \"WALL-E\", \"Up\" and \"Toy Story 3\". \"The Science Behind Pixar\" is a travelling exhibition that first opened on June 28, 2015, at the Museum of Science in Boston, Massachusetts. It was developed by the Museum of Science in collaboration with Pixar. The exhibit features forty interactive elements that explain the", "id": "1926439" }, { "contents": "Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie\n\n\nrecently attracted the attention of scholars for its views on the study of magic, religion and natural science. Lévi sees magic in between science and religion and believes it serves a potential conciliatory or mediating function between the two views. Lévi rejects views, such as E. B. Taylor's, that magic or religion is inherently irrational and has been superseded by modern science. Instead he posits magic as an \"esoteric science\" and suggests that Hermeticism could be adapted to find the underlying truth behind all magical systems, calling for a \"", "id": "11541940" }, { "contents": "Isaac Asimov's Science Adventure\n\n\nIsaac Asimov's Science Adventure is an educational interactive CD-Rom. The game was later updated as Isaac Asimov's Science Adventure II. It is part of Knowledge Adventure's Adventure series. Asimov died in April 1992, and this collaboration between his works and the developers behind the program was one of the last before he passed. The game's articles were based on Isaac Asimov's Chronology of Science and Discovery. The game teaches topics ranging from roller coaster acceleration to planetary orbit to pulleys. The central hub of the program", "id": "11969940" }, { "contents": "Triptych (Frey novel)\n\n\nTriptych was also nominated for the CBC Bookie Award for Science Fiction, the Lambda Literary Award for Bisexual Fiction, and the Lambda Literary Award for Science Fiction. Triptych won best Science Fiction Book at the 2012 San Francisco Book Festival, and was given an honourable mention for Science Fiction Book at the 2012 London Book Festival. The book was the #2 ebook best seller on its debut weekend, behind George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones. Before The novel begins in a small Welsh town in 2013, where Basil Grey", "id": "14935846" }, { "contents": "Computational social science\n\n\nComputational Social Science (CSS). In literature, CSS is referred to the field of social science that uses the computational approaches in studying the social phenomena. On the other hand, SSC is the field in which computational methodologies are created to assist in explanations of social phenomena. Computational social science revolutionizes both fundamental legs of the scientific method: empirical research, especially through big data, by analyzing the digital footprint left behind through social online activities; and scientific theory, especially through computer simulation model building through social simulation. It", "id": "16290661" }, { "contents": "Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education\n\n\nnext to the School of Medical and Health Sciences. Marang means light, sunbeam and illumination in Setswana, one of the official languages of South Africa. The Marang Centre is organised into research and development thrusts as shown below. These thrusts are the driving forces behind Marang's innovative and unique pre-service and in-service mathematics and science teacher education and preparation programmes. In addition to South African undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate future science and mathematics teachers, would-be teachers and teacher educators come from Southern African Development Community", "id": "1849094" }, { "contents": "Patricia Olynyk\n\n\nPatricia Olynyk is a Canadian born American multimedia artist, scholar and educator whose work explores art, science and technology related themes and expands viewer awareness of the affect of visual phenomena. Her collaborations across science, medicine and artistic disciplines explore the mind-brain, interspecies communication, and the environment. Olynyk's collaborations on third culture projects uncover the deeper meaning behind the history and evolution of science and technology; how people, culture and institutions shape the understanding of science, history and the natural world. Her collaborations across disciplines often", "id": "18920227" }, { "contents": "Jessie Christiansen\n\n\nChristiansen appeared on the Discovery Science program NASA's Unexplained Files. She recorded a panel discussion at Caltech, talking about the science behind Syfy's The Expanse. In 2018 she will appear in Ali Alvarez's documentary Under The Same Stars, about American women astrophysicists. She also discusses exoplanets and the Kepler mission on popular science podcasts. Her writing has appeared on popular science websites, including the New Scientist, Smithsonian Magazine, and BBC News. In 2015 Christiansen joined 278 other scientists in a letter to the New York Times to", "id": "19702348" } ]
What happens in our body at the exact time when we fall asleep? Where is the border between consciousness and unconsciousness?
[{"answer": "There is no \"exact time\" when you fall asleep. Falling asleep is a gradual process where brain activity across many different areas of the brain slowly shift into sleep over many minutes."}, {"answer": "Your brain activity can be measured in waves, these waves are measured by an EEG. When we are awake and active, our brain produces beta waves. When we are deeply relaxed but still awake, we produced alpha waves. Theta waves define the first sleep stage. You could say that you could base the moment you fall asleep on the appearance of theta waves. Stage 1 and 2 have them, if you woke somebody up in these stages they may say they weren't even asleep yet, you've probably experienced that feeling before. Stages 3 and 4 become deeper sleeps and the brain produces delta waves. These are the longest waves and signals a deep dreamless sleep. After you move through stages 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, a person generally goes back through the stages backwards except instead of stage 1 they go into what's called REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement and that is what characterizes this sleep stage, you may have witnessed this in someone else. This is the stage where you will dream. This whole cycle takes about 90 min. You will continue cycling though the stages this way but REM stage will get longer and the time you spend in stage 3 and 4 will get shorter as the cycles go by. I apologize if this is messy, I'm exhausted and on my phone. Looking forward to cycling through these stages myself in a moment"}, {"answer": "It's called the Hypnagogic State Fun fact: It's where Salvador Dali claimed to get a lot of his inspiration from. He'd try and paint in this state. \"Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. Mental phenomena that occur during this \"threshold consciousness\" phase include lucid thought, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.\""}, {"answer": "I had this weird moment during my yoga class last week where I was laying in savasana and I was kind of awake w my eyes closed but also dreaming at the same time. It was surreal. I don't really know how else to describe it."}, {"answer": "You don't necessarily have to be asleep the be unaware of the world around you. Meditation, daydreaming, - technically you're awake but not consciously focused on your environment. [How Sleep Works]( URL_0 ) - copied this from my sleep cycle app because I'm drifting as I write this and don't feel like looking through my reading list for a reputable source."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25429544", "title": "Sleep onset", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Sleep onset is the transition from wakefulness into sleep. Sleep onset usually transmits into non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM sleep) but under certain circumstances (e.g. narcolepsy) it is possible to transit from wakefulness directly into rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep). During the 1920s an obscure disorder that caused encephalitis and attacked the part of the brain that regulates sleep influenced Europe and North America. Although the virus that caused this disorder was never identified, the psychiatrist and neurologist Constantin von Economo decided to study this disease and identified a key component in the sleep-wake regulation. He identified the pathways that regulated wakefulness and sleep onset by studying the parts of the brain that were affected by the disease and the consequences it had on the circadian rhythm. He stated that the pathways that regulated sleep onset are located between the brain stem and the basal forebrain. His discoveries were not appreciated until the last two decades of the 20th century when the pathways of sleep onset were found to reside in the exact place that Constantin von Economo stated.", "Sleep onset is the transition from wakefulness into sleep. Sleep onset usually transmits into non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM sleep) but under certain circumstances (e.g. narcolepsy) it is possible to transit from wakefulness directly into rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep). During the 1920s an obscure disorder that caused encephalitis and attacked the part of the brain that regulates sleep influenced Europe and North America. Although the virus that caused this disorder was never identified, the psychiatrist and neurologist Constantin von Economo decided to study this disease and identified a key component in the sleep-wake regulation. He identified the pathways that regulated wakefulness and sleep onset by studying the parts of the brain that were affected by the disease and the consequences it had on the circadian rhythm. He stated that the pathways that regulated sleep onset are located between the brain stem and the basal forebrain. His discoveries were not appreciated until the last two decades of the 20th century when the pathways of sleep onset were found to reside in the exact place that Constantin von Economo stated.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "33926436", "title": "Sleep and metabolism", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Sleep is important in regulating metabolism. Mammalian sleep can be sub-divided into two distinct phases - REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM (NREM) sleep. In humans and cats, NREM sleep has four stages, where the third and fourth stages are considered slow-wave sleep (SWS). SWS is considered deep sleep, when metabolism is least active.", "Sleep is important in regulating metabolism. Mammalian sleep can be sub-divided into two distinct phases - REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM (NREM) sleep. In humans and cats, NREM sleep has four stages, where the third and fourth stages are considered slow-wave sleep (SWS). SWS is considered deep sleep, when metabolism is least active.", "Sleep is important in regulating metabolism. Mammalian sleep can be sub-divided into two distinct phases - REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM (NREM) sleep. In humans and cats, NREM sleep has four stages, where the third and fourth stages are considered slow-wave sleep (SWS). SWS is considered deep sleep, when metabolism is least active."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Powers of Horror\n\n\nwhich a body becomes separated from another body in order to be\" (Powers 10). The abject marks what Kristeva terms a \"primal repression,\" one that precedes the establishment of the subject's relation to its objects of desire and of representation, before even the establishment of the opposition between consciousness and the unconscious. Kristeva refers, instead, to the moment in our psychosexual development when we established a border or separation between human and animal, between culture and that which preceded it. On the level of archaic memory", "id": "18892476" }, { "contents": "Analytical psychology\n\n\nand the bringing of its elements into consciousness. Humans experience the unconscious through symbols encountered in all aspects of life: in dreams, art, religion, and the symbolic dramas we enact in our relationships and life pursuits. Essential to this numinous encounter is the merging of the individual's consciousness with the collective consciousness through this symbolic language. By bringing conscious awareness to what is not conscious, unconscious elements can be integrated with consciousness when they \"surface\". \"Neurosis\" results from a disharmony between the individual's (un)consciousness", "id": "6794344" }, { "contents": "Developmental psychology\n\n\nthe theory of developmental psychology. Sigmund Freud, whose concepts were developmental, significantly affected public perceptions. Sigmund Freud believed that we all had a conscious, preconscious, and unconscious level. In the conscious, we are aware of our mental process. The preconscious involves information that, though not currently in our thoughts, can be brought into consciousness. Lastly, the unconscious includes mental processes we are unaware of. He believed there is tension between the conscious and unconscious because the conscious tries to hold back what the unconscious tries to", "id": "9095823" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\n, mental health and suicide. In an interview with Zane Lowe, Eilish explained that the album was largely inspired by lucid dreaming and night terrors, revealing that it \"is basically what happens when you fall asleep,\" hence its title, and stated at an earlier interview that it \"is basically supposed to be a bad dream, or a good dream\". \"i-D\" writer Jack Hall noted that in order to deal with the record's serious subject matter in a less portentous manner, Eilish writes with", "id": "1265699" }, { "contents": "Ditloid\n\n\nequations is that the answer hits him or her all at once rather than being solved in an incremental fashion. It is similar to what happens when we suddenly see an embedded figure pop into focus; the satisfaction is visceral rather than just intellectual. My experience was that people often had the answer to an item come to them when they were not consciously thinking about the puzzles, but relaxed, such as in the shower or about to fall asleep. Another factor is that with well-written items, success does not hinge", "id": "21746729" }, { "contents": "Ignacio Matte Blanco\n\n\npresent and permanently happening but also about to happen.\" He said that \"We are always, in a given mental product, confronted by a mixture of the logic of the unconscious with that of the preconscious and consciousness\". Matte Blanco gives this mixture of two logics the name bi-logic and points out that our thinking is usually bi-logical, expressing the both types of logic to differing extents. Matte Blanco saw in-depth analysis of the mind as falling into five broad strata: in which there is", "id": "593515" }, { "contents": "Postcognitivism\n\n\nof the situation, according to Dreyfus, is based on our goals, our bodies and our culture—all of our unconscious intuitions, attitudes and knowledge about the world. This \"context\" or \"background\" (related to Heidegger's Dasein) is a form of knowledge that is not stored in our brains symbolically, but intuitively in some way. It affects what we notice and what we do not, what we expect and what possibilities we do not consider: we discriminate between what is essential and inessential. The", "id": "15797134" }, { "contents": "Consciousness\n\n\n, sounds, sensations, emotions and feelings with our bodies' and responses at the center. These experiences, considered independently of any impact on behavior, are called qualia. A-consciousness, on the other hand, is the phenomenon whereby information in our minds is accessible for verbal report, reasoning, and the control of behavior. So, when we perceive, information about what we perceive is access conscious; when we introspect, information about our thoughts is access conscious; when we remember, information about the past is", "id": "5775819" }, { "contents": "Memphis Mafia\n\n\nwe would spend the night there in Lisa's room, or on tour in the hotel, and at the trailer on the property at Graceland. ... we were all three there talking for hours about everything in the world! Sometimes he would have a bad dream and come looking for me to talk to, and he would actually fall asleep in our bed with us. That happened a lot of times, and we thought nothing of it.\" When they rented the Rainbow Rollerdrome in Memphis, Elvis and the \"Memphis", "id": "18240659" }, { "contents": "Deweyism\n\n\nDeweyism is the philosophy of education expounded by John Dewey in his 1897 article \"\". It emphasized social interaction and group learning over individual education, and became, for a time, the dominant influence on American education. According to John Dewey's article \"\" (1897), education is only as individual as our society allows it to be. We (people) are unconsciously trained from birth. Our social consciousness, our cultural ways and what we value are a mock up of a collective social being, according to", "id": "3561535" }, { "contents": "Rebeca Mendoza\n\n\nrecognize our need and nourish it, we will reside in the world of our potential to grow without limits in our expansion of universal consciousness, where we are not longer one but a whole with the universe. Guide of simple and specific questions that help us establish a dialogue and channel our work - What colors do I want to paint with? – What tools do I feel like exploring or could I explore? – What happens if I explore the material without creating anything? – Can I paint with my fingers? And", "id": "13077733" }, { "contents": "Berit Brogaard\n\n\nnot at all and love is not always something we consciously feel. However, love—like other emotions, both conscious and unconscious—is subject to rational control, and falling in or out of it can be a deliberate choice. Brogaard and co-author Kristian Marlow argue that our brains constantly process a huge amount of information below our awareness, and what individuals with savant syndrome have in common is that through practice, injury, an innate brain disorder, or even more unusual circumstances, they have managed to gain a", "id": "134944" }, { "contents": "Implicit cognition\n\n\nonly involved how people view each other but also how they view themselves. This means that our own image is constructed from what others see of us rather than our own views. The way that we view ourselves is from what others see us as, or from the times that we compare ourselves to other people. The way that this plays a role in implicit cognition is because all of these actions people do unconsciously, or they are unaware that they are making these decision. Men do not consciously seek to be dominant over", "id": "18297774" }, { "contents": "Consciousness\n\n\n. While most people have a strong intuition for the existence of what they refer to as consciousness, skeptics argue that this intuition is false, either because the concept of consciousness is intrinsically incoherent, or because our intuitions about it are based in illusions. Gilbert Ryle, for example, argued that traditional understanding of consciousness depends on a Cartesian dualist outlook that improperly distinguishes between mind and body, or between mind and world. He proposed that we speak not of minds, bodies, and the world, but of individuals, or", "id": "5775816" }, { "contents": "Adaptive unconscious\n\n\nyour cognitive processes either implicit or explicit would tell your unconscious you are feeling joy without you realising this was occurring. This could then be translated into the conscious mind. Many used to think most of our behaviours, thoughts, feelings all came from our conscious brain. However, as our understanding has grown it is obvious our adaptive unconscious does much more than we originally thought. Once we thought the creation of goals and self-reflection occurred consciously but now we realise its all in our unconscious. Our unconscious and conscious minds", "id": "5535221" }, { "contents": "Personality type\n\n\nfollows: Jung theorized that the dominant function characterizes consciousness, while its opposite is repressed and characterizes unconscious behavior. Generally, we tend to favor our most developed \"dominant\" function, while we can broaden our personality by developing the others. Related to this, Jung noted that the unconscious often tends to reveal itself most easily through a person's least developed \"inferior\" function. The encounter with the unconscious and development of the underdeveloped functions thus tend to progress together. When the unconscious inferior functions fail to develop, imbalance", "id": "12746789" }, { "contents": "Multiple drafts model\n\n\n, because they share a common error in supposing that there is a special time and place where unconscious processing becomes consciously experienced, entering into what Dennett calls the \"Cartesian theatre\". Both theories require us to cleanly divide a sequence of perceptions and reactions into before and after the instant that they reach the seat of consciousness, but he denies that there is any such moment, as it would lead to infinite regress. Instead, he asserts that there is no privileged place in the brain where consciousness happens. Dennett states that", "id": "6255118" }, { "contents": "WALL-E\n\n\nof love to sort of discover them against how they were built ... I realized that that's a perfect metaphor for real life. We all fall into our habits, our routines and our ruts, consciously or unconsciously to avoid living. To avoid having to do the messy part. To avoid having relationships with other people or dealing with the person next to us. That's why we can all get on our cell phones and not have to deal with one another. I thought, 'That's a perfect amplification of", "id": "5656579" }, { "contents": "Broken escalator phenomenon\n\n\nlocomotor adaptation is inappropriately expressed when walking onto a broken escalator. Aware that the escalator will not move, we still modify our gait and posture as if to adapt to movement. This shows a separation between our declarative (or cognitive) system and our procedural (or motor) system – between what we know and what we do. In the brain, declarative memory processes memories we are consciously aware of, whereas procedural memory processes our movements. The fact that we walk inappropriately fast onto an escalator we know to be broken", "id": "9939007" }, { "contents": "User illusion\n\n\nPhilosopher Daniel Dennett has also embraced the view that human consciousness is a \"user-illusion.\" According to this picture, our experience of the world is not immediate, as all sensation requires processing time. It follows that our conscious experience is less a perfect reflection of what is occurring, and more a simulation produced unconsciously by the brain. Therefore, there may be phenomena that exist beyond our peripheries, beyond what consciousness could create to isolate or reduce them. Critics of the idea of consciousness being a device for justifying", "id": "15131507" }, { "contents": "Elisabeth of the Palatinate\n\n\nDescartes that our senses are evidence that the soul does move the body and the body moves the soul, but that this interaction does not teach us anything about how this happens. In Elisabeth's correspondence with Descartes, we can see that Elisabeth assumes that Descartes does have an account of how the soul and body interact and asks for clarification on how the soul does this. In fact, Descartes did not have an exact account of how this happens, but merely assumed the soul had this capability. This particular correspondence between Descartes", "id": "20823601" }, { "contents": "Jewish meditation\n\n\nElon University, some forms of Musar meditation are visualization techniques which \"seek to make impressions upon one’s character—often a matter of taking insights of which we are conscious and bringing them into our unconscious.\" Other forms of Musar meditation are introspective, \"considering one’s character and exploring its tendencies—often a matter of taking what is unconscious and bringing it to consciousness.\" A number of contemporary rabbis have advocated such practices, including \"taking time each day to sit in silence and simply noticing the way that", "id": "102356" }, { "contents": "Samael Aun Weor\n\n\nconsciousness that is subconscious, unconscious, or infraconscious, which are various levels of psychological sleep. Psychological sleep is a way to describe the lack of self-awareness, meaning that the common and ordinary person is not aware of 97% of what constitutes the ordinary state of being. A consciousness asleep is caused by what Aun Weor calls identification, fascination, or the incorrect transformation of impressions, which all imply a type of consciousness that is not aware of its own processes. It is said that to awaken consciousness one must", "id": "5296597" }, { "contents": "Ion Cojar\n\n\nphysiological changes, which are the results of those processes, must not be anticipated, because this way they would be anchored in preconceived ideas and would not be new and authentic, and also must not be consciously controlled, because we cannot observe our own processes as they are taking place without interrupting them. In everyday life we never know what is going to happen or how we are going to behave or what we are going to say when we interact with someone. We just try to change something in that person in", "id": "20822190" }, { "contents": "Die Seele: Ihr Verhältnis zum Bewusstsein und zum Leibe\n\n\nNatorp by stating that our knowledge of our consciousness (\"Bewusstsein\") implies that we are conscious of it. This paves the way for Geysers' metaphysics of mind. The chapter concludes that we know that the various processes in our consciousness (\"Bewusstseinsfeld\") exist in the subject that experiences them (\"Bewusstsein\"). After defining the terminology of the soul and consciousness several sub-chapter examine the organisation of our consciousness in greater detail. The unconscious nature of certain processes is discussed whereby several sub-chapters", "id": "19106121" }, { "contents": "The Shape of Time\n\n\nthe invention of the automobile.) The ways in which we think about change and respond to our environments, in Kubler's estimation, govern not only the rate at which inventions are made, but also whether we choose to retain them, and to what extent they remain in our consciousness after the fact. Fast and Slow Happening Time has a multitude of different \"categorical varieties\" (84). From the \"gravitational field[s] the cosmos\" to the \"different systems of intervals and periods\" of humans,", "id": "19320162" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\n\"subpar\". \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" debuted at number one on the US \"Billboard\" 200 with 313,000 album-equivalent units, of which 170,000 were pure album sales. The album also attained 137,000 SEA units, which translates into 194 million on-demand audio streams for the album's songs in its first week, thus representing the third-biggest streaming week of all-time for an album by a woman. In its second week on the chart the album fell", "id": "1265722" }, { "contents": "Preconscious\n\n\n, and thus easily becomes conscious, the 'preconscious', and retain the term 'unconscious' for the other\". As explained by David Stafford-Clark, \"If consciousness is then the sum total of everything of which we are aware, pre-consciousness is the reservoir of everything we can remember, all that is accessible to voluntary recall: the storehouse of memory. This leaves the unconscious area of mental life to contain all the more primitive drives and impulses influencing our actions without our necessarily ever becoming fully aware", "id": "19800321" }, { "contents": "Psychosynthesis\n\n\nmiddle or the lower unconscious is known as \"personal psychosynthesis\" '. Assagioli termed 'the sphere of aesthetic experience, creative inspiration, and higher states of consciousness...the \"higher unconscious\" '. The higher unconscious (or superconscious) denotes \"our higher potentialities which seek to express themselves, but which we often repel and repress\" (Assagioli). As with the lower unconscious, this area is by definition not available to consciousness, so its existence is inferred from moments in which contents from that level affect consciousness", "id": "11812909" }, { "contents": "Dolores Claiborne\n\n\nbut is not instantly killed. He calls out for help for some time before eventually falling unconscious. Dolores returns to the house and falls asleep, but has a nightmare and forces herself to go outside to check the well. She arrives to discover Joe has regained consciousness, and has managed to nearly climb out of the well, grabbing at Dolores and attempting to pull her in with him. She finally kills him by hitting him in the face with a rock, and he falls back into the well. Dolores reports Joe", "id": "16888864" }, { "contents": "Information processing theory\n\n\nof our life time. Our long term memory is what we tap into when we recall an event that happened when we were younger. Within this model, humans are routinely compared to computers. This comparison is used as a means of better understanding the way information is processed and stored in the human mind. Therefore, when analyzing what actually develops within this model, the more specific comparison is between the human brain and computers. Computers were introduced to the study of development and provided a new way of studying intelligence (Lachman", "id": "15943695" }, { "contents": "Keith & Donna\n\n\nand work on it.\" In a 2014 interview with \"Rolling Stone\", she said, \"I have issues with it, like our version of 'River Deep, Mountain High', but I still remember the spirit of it. I could almost day by day tell you what happened with that. Here's Garcia and Keith and I living in Stinson Beach and we recorded it in our living room when Zion was asleep at four months old. It was so special. And I can't repeat it.", "id": "19719384" }, { "contents": "Unconscious inference\n\n\nThe higher cortical centres responsible for conscious deliberation are not involved in the formation of visual impressions. However, as the process is spontaneous and automatic, we are unable to account for just how we arrived at our judgments. Through our eyes, we necessarily \"perceive things as real\", for the results of the unconscious conclusions are interpretations which \"are urged on our consciousness, so to speak, as if an external power had constrained us, over which our will has no control\". In recognizing these attitude-formation", "id": "10746155" }, { "contents": "Finn (Star Wars)\n\n\nFinn asks her why she stopped him, and she tells him that wars are won \"not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love;\" she then kisses him before falling unconscious. Finn brings her body back to the Rebel base and summons a medic for her. When Luke Skywalker presents himself on Crait, Finn's first instinct is to send forces to help him, but Poe realizes that Luke is stalling to give the Resistance time to escape from Crait. Finn and Poe lead the Resistance off the", "id": "12225749" }, { "contents": "George Lakoff\n\n\n\"Our brains take their input from the rest of our bodies. What our bodies are like and how they function in the world thus structures the very concepts we can use to think. We cannot think just anything — only what our embodied brains permit.\" Lakoff believes consciousness to be neurally embodied, however he explicitly states that the mechanism is not just neural computation alone. Using the concept of disembodiment, Lakoff supports the physicalist approach to the afterlife. If the soul can not have any of the properties of the", "id": "2195336" }, { "contents": "First inauguration of Richard Nixon\n\n\nneeds of our people at home. The American dream does not come to those who fall asleep. But we are approaching the limits of what government alone can do. Our greatest need now is to reach beyond government, and to enlist the legions of the concerned and the committed. What has to be done, has to be done by government and people together or it will not be done at all. The lesson of past agony is that without the people we can do nothing; with the people we can do everything", "id": "5327542" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep Tour\n\n\nThe When We All Fall Asleep World Tour is the third concert tour by American singer Billie Eilish, in support of her debut album \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" The tour began on April 13, 2019 in Indio, California at Empire Polo Club as part of Coachella. The tour was announced on February 4, 2019 through Eilish's official Instagram account. In the same post, Eilish announced Denzel Curry would support her as an opening act, while her brother Finneas O'Connell would join her", "id": "10913917" }, { "contents": "Robert Langs\n\n\nwithout warning. According to him, when the anxieties these patients unconsciously communicated were decoded, it appeared that existential death anxieties were at the root of the patients' reactions. These factors entailed a set of puzzles requiring some level of resolution, including why the mind would react against what it knows unconsciously to be healing? And why indeed is there such a discrepancy between consciousness and the unconscious, such that consciously one is fleeing therapy which unconsciously is perceived to be healing? Indeed, why is there any differentiation between conscious and", "id": "17262252" }, { "contents": "Rationalism\n\n\na solution to this paradox. By claiming that knowledge is already with us, either consciously or unconsciously, a rationalist claims we don't really \"learn\" things in the traditional usage of the word, but rather that we simply bring to light what we already know. Rationale: \"\"We have some of the concepts we employ in a particular subject area, S, as part of our rational nature.\"\" Similar to the Innate Knowledge thesis, the Innate Concept thesis suggests that some concepts are simply part of", "id": "16793912" }, { "contents": "The Maddening\n\n\nthen tells him that she will tell Georgina what he is doing and he leaves. Later, David regains consciousness and climbs out of the well, in which he noticed human remains. Meanwhile, a drugged Cassie escapes her room but in her unsteady state, tumbles down the last few steps and is knocked unconscious. She is found by Roy who carries her back to bed, rapes her and then chains her to the bed. Samantha escapes from her room after Jill falls asleep and talks to her mother Cassie. Cassie encourages", "id": "411352" }, { "contents": "Unconscious thought theory\n\n\nfrom them (see Payne, Waroquier and Srinivasan & Mukherjee), and to what extent logical, rule-based thought processes can occur outside of awareness. More fundamentally, it is still unknown what exactly happens neurologically when unconscious thought occurs, a more thorough understanding of which may inform those trying to prescribe unconscious or conscious thought. (Antonio Damasio's recent book on the neurology of reason, \"Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain\", while not a discussion of consciousness, argues for the existence", "id": "19019682" }, { "contents": "Temporoparietal junction\n\n\nduration, making OBEs hard to study. Here is an example of a patient describing what he or she experienced during an OBE: \"“I was in bed and about to fall asleep when I had the distinct impression that “I” was at the ceiling level looking down at my body in the bed. I was very startled and frightened; immediately [afterward] I felt that, I was consciously back in the bed again.”\" It is suggested that OBEs are caused by multi-sensory disintegration in the", "id": "6816356" }, { "contents": "Sadboy\n\n\nset about creating a live \"Wolf Alice\" version in our rehearsal space. The main body (or first half) was conceived fairly quickly but the later half had a few different incarnations from an instrumental version to a feature artist spot. It wasn't until some time later when we were in a preproduction studio in LA and we were banging our heads together trying to work out what happens in that particular section when Ellie said to give her playback of the track and a microphone and she would ad-lib something.", "id": "2509303" }, { "contents": "Justin L. Barrett\n\n\nmy wife loves me — should I then stop believing that she does?” In his book \"Why Would Anyone Believe in God?\" he suggests that \"belief in God is an almost inevitable consequence of the kind of minds we have. Most of what we believe comes from mental tools working below our conscious awareness. And what we believe consciously is in large part driven by these unconscious beliefs.\" and \"that beliefs in gods match up well with these automatic assumptions; beliefs in an all-knowing, all", "id": "8657882" }, { "contents": "Id, ego and super-ego\n\n\nmodel of the mind had divided the mind into the three elements of conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The conscious contains events that we are aware of, preconscious is events that are in the process of becoming conscious, and unconscious include events that we are not aware of. At its heart was \"the dialectic of unconscious traumatic memory versus consciousness...which soon became a conflict between System Ucs versus System Cs.\" With what Freud called the \"disagreeable discovery that on the one hand (super-)ego and conscious and on the", "id": "14132879" }, { "contents": "Narcolepsy\n\n\nPeople with narcolepsy may dream even when they only fall asleep for a few seconds. Along with vivid dreaming, people with narcolepsy are known to have audio or visual hallucinations prior to falling asleep. Narcoleptics can gain excess weight; children can gain 20 to 40 lb (9 to 18 kg) when they first develop narcolepsy; in adults the body-mass index is about 15% above average. The exact cause of narcolepsy is unknown, and it may be caused by several distinct factors. Part of the mechanism involves the", "id": "18905015" }, { "contents": "Assist (Scientology)\n\n\nit as they go along. The idea is to reach not only the person's subconscious mind, but the person's Thetan. The \"Handbook\" states: \"Don’t fall for the belief that “unconscious” people are unable to think or be aware in any way. A thetan is seldom unconscious regardless of what the body is doing or not doing\". It also notes: \"If you are handling a person in a coma, you may not get him back to consciousness in a single assist session.", "id": "5774505" }, { "contents": "Albino Lucatello\n\n\nact, our every move. These signs our part of our universal history and we carry them within us, and yet we tend to ignore them, to the point of forgetting them altogether. They appear to be beyond our reach and yet are close at hand. They are to be sought and found precisely in that which makes us what we are, in our human condition: in our nature, biology, body, soul, intelligence, feelings, unconscious, fears, confrontation, love Albino Lucatello, with his painting", "id": "20799818" }, { "contents": "Reversible destiny\n\n\nentrance room, the stairway, and the cylindrical room present an exercise in perception and physical experience. The balance between self-consciousness and perception of one's body is broken down, the \"axis\" shifts, consciousness leans out, is \"doubled,\" and \"something\" emerges. This \"something\" existed in the perceptions of the newborn child. We have forgotten it in growing up. Our roots are found in what might be described as \"insecurity,\" \"faith,\" or \"heart.\"", "id": "13276853" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\ntwo more singles, \"Wish You Were Gay\" and \"Bad Guy\". The singles \"Come Out and Play\" and \"When I Was Older\" were included as bonus tracks on the album's deluxe edition. Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas O'Connell began working on \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" in March 2016 with the track \"Listen Before I Go\". Eilish intended the album to contain material \"that's so fun to be in the moment at a show to", "id": "1265689" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nthe year. In July 2018, during an interview with BBC Radio 1, she announced that the album was expected to be out on March 29, 2019. By January 2019, Eilish was in the process of mastering the album. The cover artwork for \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" was photographed by Kenneth Cappello, with whom Eilish had previously collaborated with for the artwork of her 2017 EP \"Don't Smile at Me\". After working with the singer on pictures for \"her", "id": "1265692" }, { "contents": "The Transcendence of the Ego\n\n\nis in the world as we are conscious of things, but we are also conscious of ourselves being conscious of things, so, things and our own consciousness of the things evoke our own reflective consciousness. Unfortunately, there exists no easier or any less mundane sounding explanation of what is meant here. It remains to be pointed out that the consciousness of reflection is not able to be reflected on. \"When an external object is perceived, consciousness is also conscious of itself, even if consciousness is not its own object:", "id": "9595337" }, { "contents": "Process-oriented psychology\n\n\ndisturbing aspects of our experience. Totton explains that for process oriented psychology, 'dreaming' refers to any 'extra-conscious signals through which our process communicates itself'. The signals of a 'dreaming process' go beyond nighttime dreams and body symptoms to include 'daydreams, imagery and flickers of awareness that come and go'. For Process Work, 'dreaming' can be defined as 'the unconscious activity of the person, both when they are asleep and when they are awake'. Shafton comments that Mindell,", "id": "554315" }, { "contents": "Interdimensional being\n\n\ninfirmity of the flesh, which I will explain to you in a moment, we incline to overlook this fact. There are really four dimensions, three which we call the three planes of Space, and a fourth, Time. There is, however, a tendency to draw an unreal distinction between the former three dimensions and the latter, because it happens that our consciousness moves intermittently in one direction along the latter from the beginning to the end of our lives. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams describes", "id": "984254" }, { "contents": "Unconscious fraud\n\n\nUnconscious fraud is fraud committed by somebody who does not consciously realise that they are deceiving others. Examples could be a hypnotised person or perhaps a medium in a trance, neither of whom would consciously realise that they are engaging in acts which make others believe a falsehood - such as that a 'spirit' has moved an object. It is extremely essential to distinguish between conscious and unconscious fraud as one easily coheres with the other. Fraudulent money procured by the acts of automatism when the victim is in a state of trance falls", "id": "6732291" }, { "contents": "Spinoza: Practical Philosophy\n\n\njoy\" when a body encounters ours and enters into composition with it, and \"sadness\" when, on the contrary, a body or an idea threatens our own coherence.\" According to Deleuze, Spinoza sees consciousness as \"transitive\": \"Consciousness is the passage, or rather the awareness of the passage from these less potent totalities to the more potent ones, and vice versa.\" Consciousness \"is not a property of the has only an informational value, and what is more, the information", "id": "2219000" }, { "contents": "Ode: Intimations of Immortality\n\n\nperceive that he frustrates his own aim?\" He continued by explaining why he felt that Wordsworth's concept fell short of any useful purpose: \"For if we are of God's indivisible essence, and receive our separate consciousness from the wall of flesh which, at our birth, was raised between us and the Found of Being, we must, on the dissolution of the body... be again merged in the simple and uncompounded Godhead, lose our individual consciousness... in another sense, become as though we had never been", "id": "12806639" }, { "contents": "Opium Den (band)\n\n\nbass, acoustic guitar and flute. Farrington explained the genesis of the band's name: \"The name invokes a multilayered meaning the social context and the literal meaning of an opium den. I wanted to invoke the state of where I thought the social consciousness lay. As a nation we are asleep in an Opium Den, asleep to consciousness and clarity. The drug being, materialism, greed, lack of connection to spirit. But we also wanted to invoke the transformative nature of being in a state of altered consciousness.", "id": "22076574" }, { "contents": "Viktor Yanukovych\n\n\nhas pledged to help Russia build the South Stream natural gas pipeline. As of June 2010, both did not happen. Yanukovych rejected accusations that improvement of Ukrainian-Russian relations harmed relations with the European Union. \"Our policy is directed to protection of our national interests. We do not live in a fairy tale and understand that our partners also defend their interests\". In February 2012, Yanukovych stated, referring to relations with Russia, \"It is not wise to fall asleep next to a big bear\". During", "id": "13538488" }, { "contents": "James Hector\n\n\nalways accurate reminiscences about the Expedition\". The only member of the Expedition who outlived Hector and who could verify what actually happened was the Métis Peter Erasmus, and his account does not support Hector's. According to Erasmus: The doctor was knocked unconscious. We all leapt from our horses and rushed up to him, but all our attempts to help him recover his senses were of no avail. We then carried him to the shade of some big evergreens while we pitched camp. We were now in serious trouble, and", "id": "4360269" }, { "contents": "Rêve: the Dream Ouroboros\n\n\nDragon\" sometimes experience a \"gris-rêve\" (greydreaming): they suddenly realise that they are somewhere with companions, but only have limited memories of what happened the days before. But what happened can be the key of the current situation... When a character dies, his dragon wakes up and then falls asleep again; at the same time, the character wakes up in a new dream, a new life. This means that the character is recreated with the same abilities, but a different past, a different", "id": "14540372" }, { "contents": "Psyche (book)\n\n\nlong sleep, and the formative unconscious develops. (3) After birth, in which the formative unconscious continues to direct the individual's growth and the function of his organs. Consciousness arises gradually, but it always remains under the influence of the unconscious and the individual periodically returns to it in his sleep.\" Carus distinguishes between three layers of the unconscious: \"(1) The \"general absolute unconscious\", which is totally and permanently inaccessible to our consciousness. (2) The \"partial absolute unconscious\" to", "id": "15160474" }, { "contents": "Romanticism and Bacon\n\n\nthe data, such that their meaning is revealed when properly ordered - this order is not a matter of chance or random happenings out of the sense-data, but directed by the very nature of the idea being used, consciously or sub-consciously (as is most often the case in scientific genius). From our innate experience of a connection with that which we experience as also separate, arises the necessary corollary that there is a dynamic relationship (because polar) between ourselves and nature. Thus, the method of", "id": "20540022" }, { "contents": "Grover's algorithm\n\n\n\" from formula_25, reducing the probability of obtaining the correct answer. The exact probability of measuring the correct answer is where \"r\" is the (integer) number of Grover iterations. The earliest time that we get a near-optimal measurement is therefore formula_93. To complete the algebraic analysis, we need to find out what happens when we repeatedly apply formula_94. A natural way to do this is by eigenvalue analysis of a matrix. Notice that during the entire computation, the state of the algorithm is a linear combination", "id": "13248473" }, { "contents": "John Philip Newell\n\n\ntransformation: Like never before in the history of humanity, we are becoming aware of our inter-relatedness. We are beginning to comprehend that what we do to other species is what we do to ourselves. We are beginning to perceive that what we do to other nations and peoples is what we do to our own soul. The question is whether we will choose to translate this emerging consciousness into transformative action. And the further question is where we will find strength and vision for this work.\" Central to Newell's", "id": "5669171" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nJune 30, Eilish appeared on the \"Other Stage\" as a warm up for British rapper Dave, backed only by her brother on keyboards, a drummer and a plain, black stage. Her slot received widespread critical acclaim, with reviewers citing her engagement with the audience and versatile performance as reasons for their praise. \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" was met with critical acclaim, with praise being directed at its macabre subject matter, cohesion and Eilish and O’Connell's songwriting ability; aggregating", "id": "1265716" }, { "contents": "Back to Reality (Red Dwarf)\n\n\nthe Nurse. The episode was originally broadcast on the British television channel BBC2 on 26 March 1992 in the 9:00pm evening time slot, and is generally considered to be one of the best of the entire series' run. It has been described as a \"classic episode [that] questions our certainty about what is real. It has us believing that what we thought was real was only a simulation of dream, only to reveal later on that the waking up was actually a falling asleep.\" Another review said that it", "id": "2571830" }, { "contents": "Freud's psychoanalytic theories\n\n\nmind despite alternative views that all our behaviors were conscious. He felt that religion is an illusion based on human values that are created by the mind to overcome inner psychological conflict. He believed that notions of the unconsciousness and gaps in the consciousness can be explained by acts of which the consciousness affords no evidence. The unconscious mind positions itself in every aspect of life whether one is dormant or awake. Though one may be unaware of the impact of the unconscious mind, it influences the actions we engage in. Human behavior may", "id": "978365" }, { "contents": "Michel Ngue-Awane\n\n\nthey know that they are destined to succeed. Like our ancestors, each of us has a choice as to whether to brave challenges by forcing his way through the winding slopes of life or to give up and resign to fate. Despite having been given a blank cheque at birth, some people are not able to write it to themselves. This is common in parts of the world where poverty and hunger affect millions of people. Unconsciously, we are deciding on what we should be. Unconsciously, we are creating our condition", "id": "11445820" }, { "contents": "Sid Ryan\n\n\nOwen Sound, Brockville, Cobourg, Whitby, Toronto, and Peterborough. \"When we don’t care what happens to our water treatment plants, the same thing can happen with water as what happened to health care in the United States,\" said Ryan, in Midland. Since the tour, Ontario saw full or partial bans in a number of communities. Niagara Falls voted to stop selling bottled water at city facilities, despite last-minute lobbying efforts from Nestle Waters Canada. \"When a city with the international profile", "id": "9729744" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nWhen We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (stylized in all caps) is the debut studio album by American singer Billie Eilish. It was released on March 29, 2019, by Darkroom and Interscope Records. Eilish co-wrote most of the record alongside her brother Finneas O'Connell, who handled its production. Musically, the album has been characterized as a pop, avant-pop, art pop, and electropop record, though features several other genre influences including hip hop and industrial music. Upon its release", "id": "1265687" }, { "contents": "Being and Nothingness\n\n\nto the censor, establishing \"between the unconscious and consciousness an autonomous consciousness in bad faith\". Sartre thinks that the postulation of a censor within the psychic economy is therefore redundant: at the level of the censor, we still encounter the same problem of a consciousness that hides something from itself. For Sartre, what Freud identifies as repression is rather indicative of the larger structure of bad faith. Psychoanalysis thus does not yield any special insight, since hiding something from oneself occurs at the level of consciousness as a unified phenomenon", "id": "18008175" }, { "contents": "Robert Wilson (director)\n\n\ntwo different rhythms. It takes time to train yourself to keep tongue and body working against each other. But things happen with the body that have nothing to do with what we say. It's more interesting if the mind and the body are in two different places, occupying different zones of reality. These rhythms keep the mind on its toes, consciously and subconsciously taking in the meanings behind the movement and how it is matching up with the language. Similar to Wilson's use of the lack of language in his works", "id": "16093997" }, { "contents": "Passion (emotion)\n\n\nemotion much as we choose a course of action\" Recent studies, also traditional studies have placed emotions to be a physiological disturbance. William James takes this consciousness of emotion to be not a choose but a physical occurrence rather than a disturbance. It is an occurrence that happens outside of our control, and our bodies are just affected by these \"emotions.\" We produce these actions based on the instinctive state that these feelings lead us towards. This concept of emotion was derived from passion. Emotions were created as a category", "id": "14031538" }, { "contents": "Bury a Friend\n\n\nunder [Eilish's] bed\" and explores what \"this creature [is] doing or feeling.\" On January 29, 2019, Eilish formally announced her debut album titled \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" and also revealed that she would release a single the next day at 9 AM Pacific Time Zone. She further posted a 16-second teaser featuring her singing while being grabbed and pushed by gloved hands. It was released on the scheduled date, having premiered on Zane Lowe's Beats 1", "id": "1326573" }, { "contents": "Molly Dobbs\n\n\n. She is rushed to hospital where she has a scan whilst she is still unconscious and the doctors discover there is still a heartbeat from the baby. Tyrone is told, as long as Molly's life is in the balance, so is the baby's. Tyrone is horrified of the condition of his wife and the unborn child and turns to Kevin for support. When she regains consciousness Molly asks Pam, who is visiting her, what happened and she reveals that Kevin did not fix the brakes. Kevin feels guilty and", "id": "2129105" }, { "contents": "Consciousness raising\n\n\nsomething reflecting fear that something bad will happen to us or hope, desire, knowledge that something good will happen to us. ... In our groups, let's share our feelings and pool them. Let's let ourselves go and see where our feelings lead us. Our feelings will lead us to ideas and then to actions\". Ellen Willis wrote in 1984 that consciousness raising has often been \"misunderstood and disparaged as a form of therapy\", but that it was, in fact, in its time and context,", "id": "10059845" }, { "contents": "Kubla Khan\n\n\nto the statement of Mr. Coleridge, we would yet ask him whether this extraordinary fragment was not rather the effect of rapid and instant composition after he was awake, than of memory immediately recording that which he dreamt when asleep? By what process of consciousness could he distinguish between such composition and such reminiscence? Impressed as his mind was with his interesting dream, and habituated as he is ... to the momentary production of verse, will he venture to assert that he did not \"compose\", and that he did \"remember", "id": "17518717" }, { "contents": "Very Bad Deaths\n\n\nbelieved, and if they were, how long would Zandor stay out of the clutches of the intelligence agencies? Besides, Zandor only knows what the killer was thinking at the time, and how often do we happen to conveniently and consciously think of our full name and address? Finally able to convince a single member of the Vancouver Police Department, constable Nika Mandic, the three of them try to track down the mysterious \"Allen\", while wrestling with the practical and moral implications of what to \"do\" about him", "id": "13362182" }, { "contents": "Jambo\n\n\non 27 April 1972. In 31 August 1986, when five-year-old Levan Merritt fell into the gorilla enclosure and lost consciousness. Jambo stood guard over the boy when he was unconscious, placing himself between the boy and other gorillas in what ethologists analyze as a protective gesture. He later stroked the unconscious boy's back. When the boy regained consciousness and started to cry, Jambo and the other gorillas retreated in panic, and the silverback led them into the little house in the corner of their pen. A", "id": "1984457" }, { "contents": "2015 Goody's Headache Relief Shot 500\n\n\nof it all. Not at the end of the same week when we all wondered giddily aloud if that exact scenario might take place.\" Speaking to Mike Bagley and Pete Pistone on the Sirius XM NASCAR Radio program \"The Morning Drive,\" NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France said that Matt Kenseth went too far in taking out Joey Logano. He added that the sanctioning body doesn't \"want that to happen again. We don’t want any of our events to be altered in a way they shouldn’t be.", "id": "4230929" }, { "contents": "Bad faith (existentialism)\n\n\non this consciousness, i.e., the consciousness of \"ourselves being conscious of these surroundings\". The first kind of consciousness, before we think about, or reflect on, our previous consciousness, is called \"pre-reflective\". Reflecting on the pre-reflective consciousness is called \"reflective\" consciousness. But this cannot be called unconsciousness, as Freud used the term. Sartre gives the example of running after a bus: one does not become conscious of \"one's running after the bus\" until one has", "id": "6692941" }, { "contents": "Ivan Albright\n\n\nfinal film was from Henrique Medina. When changes to the Medina's painting were needed to show Gray's fall, Albright painted them. His painting of the corrupted Dorian Gray currently resides in the Art Institute of Chicago. This painting is a grotesque depiction of a woman who (based on the title) is named Ida. Within this painting there are several references to the idea that the human body is weak and that we are all trapped within our physical forms. There appears to be a conflict happening between the soul and", "id": "1815674" }, { "contents": "Shivarudra Balayogi\n\n\nnone of your worldly scholarship, wealth or possessions are going to come to your rescue.\" Seenu's mind became obsessed with thoughts of birth and death: \"What is the use of living if we are simply going to die?\", \"Do we come into being with our physical body, and do we die with this body?\", \"If one is truly the Immortal Soul, the Consciousness beyond birth and death, why is it that we are unaware of it?\", \"If happiness exists", "id": "7096924" }, { "contents": "Mind–body dualism\n\n\nthe other. In fact, Swinburne claims, even if one's mental capacities and memories are far more similar to the original person than the others' are, they still may not be him. From here, he deduces that even if we know what has happened to every single atom inside a person's brain, we still do not know what has happened to 'them' as an identity. From here it follows that a part of our mind, or our soul, is immaterial, and, as a consequence", "id": "9759945" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nquestions are as follows: What is the biological origin of consciousness, thought and intelligence? What is the relationship between emotions and instinct? How did the human psyche evolve from the brains of our animal relatives? What and where is the human mind? How is the human mind organized to produce different cognitive attributes and different personalities? Why do we need a God and where is the human soul? What conjures within us the experience of love or, alternatively, casts us into the oblivion of darkness? What are the origins", "id": "5083010" }, { "contents": "City of Echoes\n\n\nhow wrong it is to see the golden arches everywhere\". On a more literal level, Laurent Lebec states that \"I had no idea where we were going with the music when we started doing these songs [...] [t]he changes were pretty subconscious at first, then looking back we realized what was happening and we just went with it.\" He continues to add \"when we were touring for our last album, \"The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw\", even if we had a 75-minute", "id": "19156886" }, { "contents": "Fort King\n\n\n1846, it was dismantled for its lumber, and the courthouse moved into the new city of Ocala. Fort King is the link to our past and our future! Standing on the hilltop, Fort King puts us in the very footsteps of the Indians and soldiers that roamed our City and County before we arrived. It is how we got here, it is our story, and, in our very midst, it is the exact spot where it all happened. Fort King is Ocala. Archaeological investigations have revealed that the", "id": "16766042" }, { "contents": "Cognitive authority\n\n\nauthority to explain the kind of authority that influences thoughts that people would consciously recognize being proper. Cognitive authority differs from administrative authority or the authority vented in a hierarchical position.\" (Rieh, 2005). Wilson's dichotomy between first hand knowledge and second hand knowledge may be a trace left from empiricism. According to non-empiricist epistemologies such as hermeneutics and pragmatism even our first hand knowledge (our perception) is influenced by our culture and hence - mostly indirectly and unconsciously - by cognitive authorities: the way we learn", "id": "2508835" }, { "contents": "Conscience\n\n\nstated it is important for individual and collective moral growth that we recognise the illusion of our conscience being wholly located in our body; indeed both our conscience and wisdom expand when we act in an unselfish way and conversely \"repressed compassion results in an unconscious sense of guilt.\" The philosopher Peter Singer considers that usually when we describe an action as conscientious in the critical sense we do so in order to deny either that the relevant agent was motivated by selfish desires, like greed or ambition, or that he acted on whim", "id": "14970636" }, { "contents": "Mr. Nobody (film)\n\n\nor not we made the correct choice and what would happen if we could go back and change them. In the reveal Mr. Nobody age 118 states that it doesn't matter what we choose, because each choice, once made has just as much significance as any alternate choice. The film portrays a life where we are all subject to chance, to the dimensions by which we construct our reality (height, length, width and time), and to the imagination of our former selves. And once the boy Nemo knows", "id": "4140853" }, { "contents": "Halabja chemical attack\n\n\nIt started with a loud strange noise that sounded like bombs exploding, and a man came running into our house, shouting, 'Gas! Gas!' We hurried into our car and closed its windows. I think the car was rolling over the bodies of innocent people. I saw people lying on the ground, vomiting a green-colored liquid, while others became hysterical and began laughing loudly before falling motionless onto the ground. Later, I smelled an aroma that reminded me of apples and I lost consciousness. When", "id": "65304" }, { "contents": "Dramatistic pentad\n\n\nhappened? What is the action? What is going on? What action; what thoughts? Burke defines the act as that which “names what took place, in thought or deed.” Since an act is likely composed of many separate actions, Burke states that “any verb, no matter how specific or general, that has connotations of consciousness or purpose falls under this category.” Scene, which is associated with the setting of an act and answers the questions \"when?\" and \"where?\",", "id": "10708660" }, { "contents": "Pilot (Awake)\n\n\nthe dreaming process, adding: \"The concept of the way your dreams feel real, the way you seem to experience them as something that you don't blink at until something crazy happens that sort of bursts that balloon. I think I became interested in the question of what if nothing ever popped that balloon? What if you couldn't tell the difference between when you were awake and when you were asleep? And then I started looking for a way to marry those two ideas up, and a few months later we", "id": "3642943" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\n's assured nature and added that it \"captures one of those rare moments when an artist knows exactly how her audience feels because she feels the same way too.\" In her review for \"Pitchfork\", Stacey Anderson credited \"When We All Fall Asleep\"'s success to Eilish's \"creepy eccentricity\" which \"helps distance her from the music industry’s historically lewd maceration of teen idols.\" Christopher Thiessen of \"Consequence of Sound\" praised the album's \"impressive cohesiveness and emotional engagement\" and claimed that its", "id": "1265720" }, { "contents": "Mind Body & Soul\n\n\nby Avril Lavigne with her album \"Let Go\" (2002). However, the record was broken by Billie Eilish in April 2019, when her album \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" debuted at number one on the UK Albums Chart when she was 17 years and three months old. It also became the first number-one album for Relentless Records. The album spent one week atop the UK Albums Chart, and was certified triple platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) on", "id": "17391702" }, { "contents": "Terribly Happy\n\n\n. After six beers and five shots, the two end up at Robert's apartment, where Jørgen pulls out Robert's missing uniform button. He has an idea what happened, so Robert goes for the gun in his desk drawer and shoots Jørgen. He then takes Jørgen's body to the bog. He drives back to town and falls asleep in his police car. The next morning, the Tonder chief of police shows up and Robert is taken along to investigate a boot (Jørgen's boot) found in the bog", "id": "13450834" }, { "contents": "Collective unconscious\n\n\nhuman consciousness, and thus cannot possibly be encompassed by them. We cannot, therefore, make controlled experiments to prove the existence of the collective unconscious, for the psyche of man, holistically conceived, cannot be brought under laboratory conditions without doing violence to its nature. [...] In this respect, psychology may be compared to astronomy, the phenomena of which also cannot be enclosed within a controlled setting. The heavenly bodies must be observed where they exist in the natural universe, under their own conditions", "id": "14170822" }, { "contents": "The Violent Sleep of Reason\n\n\ndiscussing this with Keerych Luminokaya, who also did the artwork for our 25th anniversary box set along with the artwork for \"Koloss\", we just let him loose on that idea and how to portray that. \"What you're seeing on the artwork is basically a human being that's been in stasis for a long time. The vines were the original idea – they're growing into him. But it's a body that's been asleep for so long that it's been taken over by something else.\" In", "id": "7266438" }, { "contents": "Robert Kegan\n\n\nbeen cited favorably by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Ronald A. Heifetz, Ruthellen Josselson, and George Vaillant. Kegan's book \"In Over Our Heads\" (1994) extends the perspective on psychological development formulated in his earlier book \"The Evolving Self\". What Kegan earlier called \"evolutionary truces\" of increasing subject–object complexity are now called \"orders of consciousness.\" \"In Over Our Heads\" explores what happens, and how people feel, when new orders of consciousness emerge, or fail to emerge, in the domains", "id": "21107468" } ]
Why do infants lose their minds when they're tired instead of just falling asleep?
[{"answer": "Think how frustrated you feel when it's the middle of the night and you're nervous and can't get back to sleep. You're kind of tired, but you can't shut off the anxious thoughts. Focusing on going to sleep is a skill that has to be learned. You can *make* any baby go to sleep, but the trick is to have them \"choose\" to do it. If they aren't taught the skill of going to sleep, they won't know how to do it."}, {"answer": "They actually don't know HOW to go to sleep. When an adult is tired, they understand that they can lie down, close their eyes and likely drift into sleep. A baby in utero sleeps through constant motion and sound, which is why they may fall asleep easier in a car seat. So, if they don't have the right conditions for sleep they are just going to get increasingly stressed until they finally just crash."}, {"answer": "Could you imagine dreaming for the first time? I mean like crazy dreams because you're actually experiencing the real world. Everything blows your mind man!! Sounds scary to me..."}, {"answer": "They find it uncomfortable and annoying. Do anything to a child under 6 that's annoying or uncomfortable and they will most likely throw a fit. They aren't used to it like adults are. We are a bit more logical than toddlers, so we know that crying and throwing a tantrum won't work. But let me ask you this. Have you ever felt like crying due to you being so tired? I know I have. They just can't manage it as well."}, {"answer": "Would you be kind of passed and uncomfortable if you were super tired, but instead of being able to go lay down and nap you were belted to an uncomfortable upright chair?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "28445", "title": "Sleep apnea", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Sleep apnea, also spelled sleep apnoea, is a sleep disorder where a person has pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause can last for a few seconds to a few minutes and they happen many times a night. In the most common form, this follows loud snoring. There may be a choking or snorting sound as breathing resumes. As the disorder disrupts normal sleep, those affected may experience sleepiness or feel tired during the day. In children it may cause problems in school, or hyperactivity.", "Sleep apnea, also spelled sleep apnoea, is a sleep disorder where a person has pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause can last for a few seconds to a few minutes and they happen many times a night. In the most common form, this follows loud snoring. There may be a choking or snorting sound as breathing resumes. As the disorder disrupts normal sleep, those affected may experience sleepiness or feel tired during the day. In children it may cause problems in school, or hyperactivity."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Developmental psychology\n\n\npermanence before 18 months after observing infants' failure before this age to look for an object where it was last seen. Instead, infants continue to look for an object where it was first seen, committing the \"A-not-B error.\" Some researchers have suggested that before the age of eight to nine months, infants' inability to understand object permanence extends to people, which explains why infants at this age do not cry when their mothers are gone (\"Out of sight, out of mind\")", "id": "9095887" }, { "contents": "Their / They're / There\n\n\nThey're / There are \"definitely planning\" to release a full-length album, although the members have \"all been kind of busy with other things\", further elaborating that \"we want to do more with the band, it's just it's such a casual thing and I think if it became un-casual that it would lose its charm and why we kind of all enjoy doing it.\" Throughout 2014 and 2015, indications of continuing work on a Their / They're / There album were made", "id": "9973087" }, { "contents": "Surf's Up (film)\n\n\nand falls asleep. Z compliments Cody on his board, but when Cody is eager to start training, he instead has him do seemingly menial tasks unrelated to surfing. Losing his patience with Z, he places him on the board and pushes him into the water while he is asleep as a prank. Z asks him if he had fun, and when Cody says \"yes\", Z takes him to the water and begins teaching him how to surf the waves, both being joined by Lani. Afterwards, Cody asks", "id": "947537" }, { "contents": "Rip, Rig and Panic (album)\n\n\nRip Van Winkle (or Rest in Peace?); it's the way people, even musicians are. They're asleep. Rig means like rigor mortis. That's where a lot of peoples mind are. When they hear me doing things they didn't think I could do they panic in their minds\". Kirk made a lot of references to pioneers of jazz. \"No Tonic Pres\" is a reference to Lester Young; \"From Bechet, Byas, and Fats\" is a homage to Sidney Bechet,", "id": "2939857" }, { "contents": "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept\n\n\na better chance of survival if awake instead of asleep. Feeling that she does not have long to live, and wanting to confess her feelings for him, she pulls him in for a kiss and tells him she loves him, despite the fact that he is still dating Brooke. Meanwhile, Rachel (Danneel Harris), Mouth, Haley, and Skills attempt to reason with Jimmy who is fed up with being ignored and made fun of. Brooke realizes that she has been looking for the wrong things in life when a", "id": "15792602" }, { "contents": "Milk\n\n\nthis means \"to do or attempt something futile\") and \"Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free?\" (which means \"why pay for something that you can get for free otherwise\"). In Greek mythology, the Milky Way was formed after the trickster god Hermes suckled the infant Heracles at the breast of Hera, the queen of the gods, while she was asleep. When Hera awoke, she tore Heracles away from her breast and splattered her breast milk across the heavens. In", "id": "20160588" }, { "contents": "One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes\n\n\nTwo Eyes when she drove the goat to pasture to see if someone was giving her food and drink. Little Two Eyes suspected this was the reason Little One Eye was accompanying her and so sang Little One Eye a song to make her one eye fall asleep. Little Two Eyes then summoned the table and ate as before. On returning home Little One Eye told her mother that the fresh air made her so tired she fell asleep and that was why she did not see what Little Two Eyes had done, so the next", "id": "17003513" }, { "contents": "Helena Beat\n\n\nn't fall that way\"—are meant to express the nonchalant attitude that people had to their destructive tendencies. He said, \"They're the young, hot, up and coming, powerful people that are gonna run the world. But they're just going out and doing drugs every night. They're saying it with this big smile of their face like 'I'm great, everything's great,' 'but don't you see that you're completely out of your mind on drugs right now that you can't even", "id": "7222615" }, { "contents": "Tunes for Bears to Dance To\n\n\nno one of his situation, even his mother, to avoid stressing her out more and has to decide what to do on his own. Not knowing what he should do, he hides in the storage room at the art center and finds a mallet just in case he wants to destroy the village, as he is still unable to make up his mind. Henry falls asleep in the storage room and when he wakes up, he finds the art center deserted. Henry then finds the mallet and brings it above his head", "id": "16996948" }, { "contents": "Make Me (Cry)\n\n\ninto being about a toxic love and that's when I was like, 'Lab, there's no way I'm doing this without you.' It was so organic, and I think that shows in the video because it's very real. I think it's cool because they're asleep the whole time and you're trying to get into this person and they're just not listening to you. The video really explains the song.\" \"Teen Vogue\"s De Elizabeth dubbed it a \"gut-wrenching power-", "id": "1192013" }, { "contents": "Rock 'n' Roll Circus\n\n\nopen-minded. The songs which I've always made often share the same views and ideas as the listener, but this time, they're more like shouts and prayers from my individual innermost self. With this image, I've probably gotten closer to how I was like inside when I first debuted. What I do in America has always been liberal and open, so that's why I chose London this time instead ...\" \"Rock 'n' Roll Circus\" is a rock music album which includes numerous musical", "id": "14885400" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 17)\n\n\nTeam Dolvett wins and is thrilled with the prize - a relaxing day on a private yacht, reading letters from home. After the workout, Bob checks in with the players, asking them to be mindful of why they're at the ranch. Felicia reveals a heart-wrenching history of abuse from her stepfather. At the second weigh-in, Erin moves into the 100s. Team Jen loses with 2.04%, trailing Team Dolvett's 2.38% weight lost. Erin and Vicki fall below the yellow line, and Vicki", "id": "3620369" }, { "contents": "The Comfort of Strangers\n\n\nhas just learned. Later on, Caroline makes some tea and leads Mary into her and Robert's bedroom. Mary is surprised to find a wall covered with photographs of Colin. As she slowly begins to understand what Caroline and Robert have in mind with Colin, she starts to feel very tired and falls asleep. Shortly afterwards, Colin and Robert return from their walk and Colin notices that something is very wrong with Mary. It turns out that Caroline has laced the tea with a drug that paralyzes Mary but leaves her able", "id": "17582128" }, { "contents": "Freddy and the Bean Home News\n\n\non the edge of falling asleep. Underdunk's case is unconvincing: Garble falls soundly asleep, losing his chance to testify. The jury votes Freddy innocent. When Underdunk throws a gala party including a senator, the Bean animals cannot resist sneaking into the grounds to watch. When they are found, Freddy flees into the house just as a war blackout is called, and the house goes dark. Pretending to be the senator, Freddy announces that Underdunk is donating her prize lawn ornament to the Bean's scrap drive.", "id": "13686551" }, { "contents": "Mostly Martha (film)\n\n\nand games brings the three closer together. The renewed warmth between Martha and Lina is immediately tested when Martha is told by the school principal that Lina has not been attending school regularly, and that when she does come to school, she falls asleep. He also tells Martha that when he asked the girl why she was always so tired, she told him that she was forced to work in a kitchen for her room and board. Angered by Lina's behavior, and also having been warned by the restaurant owner, Martha", "id": "11926796" }, { "contents": "Satiricosissimo\n\n\nguests and the waiters are dressed to the ancient, and so do Franco and Ciccio, but they break a jar of wine and are hunted. The two fall asleep in a clearing, and wake up in the Rome of the Emperor Nero. Franco and Ciccio risk being killed, and so they're saved just by writer Petronius who hire them as servants. Petronius is the best adviser to Nero, who is scared because he believes that his mother Agrippina wants to kill him. Franco and Ciccio therefore must watch over the", "id": "21438761" }, { "contents": "Driftwood (Travis song)\n\n\ndriftwood - \"breaking into pieces... hollow and of no use, waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you\". Driftwood is a song for the person in your life who has so much potential and, yet, doesn't use it, because they're afraid of falling on their backside, you know, they're afraid of making a fool of themselves. But, yet, if they put their minds to it and just threw their plate out the window, they would actually do a lot with it", "id": "5094479" }, { "contents": "The Secret Lives of Fortunate Wives\n\n\nthe front page). She calls Boots to ask for a cooking tip, who lets it drop that John is over at Marti's house, and they're having an affair. Devastated, Claire falls asleep on the couch. When she wakes up, John is standing over her holding the newspaper. He angrily asks why her name is on an article about Karen Goss, and Claire accuses him of cheating. They fight, and John storms out. Claire later bumps into Marti, who tells her that although she had", "id": "15281265" }, { "contents": "Psychology of collecting\n\n\na Freudian perspective when describing why people collect. They highlight the controlling and impulsive dark side to collecting, the need for people to have \"an object of desire.\" This desire, and hence the innate propensity to collect, begins at birth. The infant first desires the emotional and physical comfort of the nourishing breast, then the familiar baby blanket the child clings to for comfort and security. Stuffed animals, favorite toys are taken to bed and provide the emotional security needed to fall asleep. A sense of ownership and", "id": "16280688" }, { "contents": "Infant cognitive development\n\n\ncompletely unable to comprehend object permanence. Psychologist Jean Piaget conducted experiments with infants which led him to conclude that this awareness was typically achieved at eight to nine months of age. Infants before this age are too young to understand object permanence, which explains why infants at this age do not cry when their mothers are gone – \"Out of sight, out of mind\". A lack of object permanence can lead to A-not-B errors, where children look for an object at the location where they first discovered it", "id": "15277197" }, { "contents": "Everyday Demons\n\n\na person's mind and why they should take their own life.\" \"Pride\" pertains to Neeson's time working in a bar in Ireland, where \"you'd see a lot of really beautiful young women coming into the bar and kinda drink themselves away all day and end up going home with some kind of fucking lowlife motherfucker, who was just hanging around the bars waiting to pick up women like that. I just remember thinking these girls don't need to do that. They're beautiful, intelligent and they", "id": "4779170" }, { "contents": "Rockford (album)\n\n\nsee - when they're with a girl, the girlfriend, they're all sissies just like we are. So you know, that emotion, I don't mind doing a song that sounds old-fashioned, because we're all kind of old-fashioned. When Robin came and did the chorus, and the song really just built up to what I had envisioned. We tried it through the years; it was never right and we finally got it. That was the only song that was kind of old [", "id": "6642763" }, { "contents": "Kwame R. Brown\n\n\n2008 and faced no opposition in the Democratic primary. When asked why no one was running against him, he stated, \"People run because they're tired of elected officials not doing anything.\" Brown, who lives in Hillcrest, continued, 'No one's running, because I've done what I said I was going to do.\" Brown co-introduced the School Modernization and Financing Act of 2005, which was to construct, renovate, and modernize public schools in the District. The Act also authorized the", "id": "10133709" }, { "contents": "Mel Gibson\n\n\na whole other world. Once you've been exposed to it, once or twice or however many times, if you know the facts and see how they're presented, it's mind-boggling. It's a very scary arena to be in, but I do vote. I go in there and pull the lever. It's kind of like pulling the lever and watching the trap door fall out from beneath you. Why should we trust any of these people? None of them ever deliver on anything. It", "id": "355039" }, { "contents": "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\n\n\ntea party along with the March Hare, the Hatter, and a very tired Dormouse who falls asleep frequently, only to be violently awakened moments later by the March Hare and the Hatter. The characters give Alice many riddles and stories, including the famous 'Why is a raven like a writing desk?'. The Hatter reveals that they have tea all day because Time has punished him by eternally standing still at 6 pm (tea time). Alice becomes insulted and tired of being bombarded with riddles and she leaves claiming", "id": "8001873" }, { "contents": "Gennadius Scholarius\n\n\nIt was to Gennadius that the angry people went after seeing the Uniate services in the great church of Hagia Sophia. It is said that he hid himself, but left a notice on the door of his cell: \"O unhappy Romans, why have you forsaken the truth? Why do you not trust in God, instead of in the Italians? In losing your faith you will lose your city.\" After the fall of Constantinople, Gennadius was taken prisoner by the Turks. In administering his new conquest, 21-year-", "id": "20952117" }, { "contents": "Jigglypuff\n\n\ntime and stayed awake due to its Soundproof ability, but on the second time it was tired and fell asleep. In \"The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis\", Jigglypuff sang to two gigantic Pokémon battling each other, but these two Pokémon did not fall asleep, and instead Jigglypuff was knocked away by the energy of their battle. In the Pokémon short \"Pikachu's Exploration Club\", Jigglypuff is parodied by a Marill, which, in the same fashion, puffs up angrily after putting its audience into sleep with its song", "id": "8019692" }, { "contents": "Sleep in non-human animals\n\n\nhemisphere to remain fully functional, while the other goes to sleep. The hemisphere that is asleep alternates, so that both hemispheres can be fully rested. Just like terrestrial mammals, pinnipeds that sleep on land fall into a deep sleep and both hemispheres of their brain shut down and are in full sleep mode. Aquatic mammal infants do not have REM sleep in infancy; REM sleep increases as they age. Among others, seals and whales belong to the aquatic mammals. Earless seals and eared seals have solved the problem of sleeping", "id": "4626532" }, { "contents": "Sleepless (comics)\n\n\nhe will be unable to protect Poppy if his wakefulness spell falters and he falls asleep, Cyrenic plans to murder Helder. Poppy voices her love for Cyrenic and begs him not to do something that will cause his death. He kisses her in return, but refuses to change his mind. With no other way to stop him, Poppy recites the incantation that releases Cyrenic from his vow. He immediately falls into a deep sleep. One year later, Cyrenic is still asleep. Court physicians do not know what to expect because", "id": "10680837" }, { "contents": "Borat\n\n\n, Borat visits an antique shop in Texas where he clumsily breaks $425 worth of Confederate heritage items, almost bankrupting the documentary. At a hotel, Borat, just out of the bath, catches Azamat masturbating over the \"Baywatch\" magazine. A furious Borat accidentally reveals that Pamela Anderson is the reason why they're travelling across the entire country instead of staying in New York, causing Azamat to realize that Borat lied to him. As a result, Azamat loses his temper, and a nude brawl escalates between the two", "id": "19504571" }, { "contents": "After Earth\n\n\n. The bird attacks the big cats, and Kitai, after himself defending the chicks against the cats, escapes. He reaches a river, and builds a raft to continue along the river. Tired, Kitai falls asleep on the raft. He dreams of his sister, Senshi, who reassures him that Cypher's bitterness is just his own anger for not saving her. Senshi urges Kitai to wake up and when he does, he is surprised by another thermal shift and nearly freezes to death. Kitai is rescued when the", "id": "19938279" }, { "contents": "The Misunderstanding\n\n\nwhen he becomes interested in her she rejects the shared moment and determines to kill him. She brings him a drugged cup of tea. Mother tries to retrieve the tea but is too late. Jan tries to express his feelings to her, but Mother replies impersonally. When Jan falls asleep, Martha takes his money and they prepare to throw him in the river. Act 3: The reception hall, morning In the morning, Martha is happy but Mother just feels tired. The Old Man finds Jan’s dropped passport and", "id": "302616" }, { "contents": "List of Neighbours characters (2007)\n\n\nJosh why he was being so nasty and he explains that he is tired of losing out. He tells her that Declan got the girl while he was just a nice guy in a wheelchair. Bridget then tells him that it had nothing to do with the wheelchair and that she just likes Declan more. Taylah Jordan, played by Danielle Horvat, made her first on-screen appearance on 30 October 2007. Taylah is Brad Jordan's daughter and a romantic interest for Zeke Kinski. The ongoing role of Taylah was Horvat's", "id": "20952923" }, { "contents": "Aspects of Love\n\n\nto outlive them all (\"George's Study at Pau\"). At a circus in Paris, George, Rose, Alex, and Jenny are celebrating Jenny's fifteenth birthday (\"Journey of a Lifetime\"). George becomes agitated as he watches Jenny talking with Alex (\"Falling\"). Later, Alex puts Jenny to bed. Jenny tries to convince him that she's really in love with him, but Alex insists that they're just cousins. Jenny falls asleep, and Alex reflects that he knows", "id": "11302214" }, { "contents": "The Cell\n\n\nManson. During a scene, Jennifer Lopez falls asleep watching a film; the film is \"Fantastic Planet\". In the scene where Catherine talks with Carl while he is \"cleaning\" his first victim, the scenery resembles the music video \"Losing My Religion\" by R.E.M.. The scene where Peter Novak first enters the mind of Carl Stargher, and is confronted by three women with open mouths to the sky is based on the painting \"Dawn\" by Norwegian painter Odd Nerdrum. The scene when Catherine Deane is chasing", "id": "8878369" }, { "contents": "Moto (restaurant)\n\n\nand said he was attempting to change preconceived notions of what food is. Moto customers are \"sick and tired of steak and eggs\", he said. \"They're tired of just going to a restaurant, having food placed on the table, having it cleared, and there's no more mental input into it other than the basic needs of a caveman, just eat and nourish ... there's so much more we can do.\" Another early Moto signature dish used a three-inch-square super-insulating", "id": "7309568" }, { "contents": "Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)\n\n\ndebate) down. They want people to avert their eyes when it comes to the ongoing crisis there to allow them to do what they have been doing.\" He further added that the CJC is \"playing a losing game. They're placing themselves on the wrong side of the issue of free speech. It can't be won. You don't win people's hearts and minds by telling them to shut up and go away.\" He also stated that it was \"outrageous\" that Bernie Farber, CEO of", "id": "12464732" }, { "contents": "Disappearance of Rebecca Coriam\n\n\nDisney may have been as much about protecting themselves from charges of negligence, since the pool is just below the ship's bridge and would thus be the portion of the ship where a fall would most likely be seen by someone in a position to start a rescue. \"If it was 6 a.m. and they were doing their job and watching the front, someone must have seen her go over,\" she told Ronson. \"Or if they didn't, they're covering up why they didn't.\" Disney told", "id": "9114914" }, { "contents": "The Ballad of Little Joe\n\n\na little different than his brothers, because aside from talking differently, God gave him great organizational abilities, to which Jude quips, \"You should see his sock drawer.\" Little Joe then asks his brothers what kind of work they're doing, Reuben answers that they must count their sheep, but everytime they do, they fall asleep, which some of the brothers do. Little Joe then suggests that they put the sheep in groups of five or ten, so that it wouldn't be so boring, so that", "id": "11127281" }, { "contents": "Alex Newell\n\n\nyou are doing something right.' He just showed the public and conservative viewers me. There are more people seeing me now... There are people like Wade and Unique, and [they're] being themselves. If kids want to go and do that, that is them expressing who they are.\" He later appeared in two more episodes and completed his story arc that season. Newell was accepted into the Berklee College of Music for fall 2012, but he decided instead to move to Los Angeles to be on \"", "id": "9338588" }, { "contents": "The Little Things You Do Together\n\n\nthe pizzeria. On her way out, Alma tries to escape from the attic Gloria locked her in. While Alma's on her roof, she tries to get Danielle's attention, but accidentally loses her balance and falls off the roof shortly after realizing that Orson didn't love her, and that she was going to move on with her life, much to the disapproval of Gloria. Danielle fails to notice Alma's fall and goes to the pizzeria. When Bree falls asleep, after being sedated by the spiked soup,", "id": "6648906" }, { "contents": "Billie Eilish\n\n\nsinger Khalid for the single \"Lovely\", which was released in April 2018 and added to the soundtrack for the second season of \"13 Reasons Why\". Her debut studio album, \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" (2019) debuted atop the \"Billboard\" 200 and reached number one in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. The album contains the US Billboard Hot 100 top 40 singles \"When the Party's Over\", \"Bury a Friend\" and \"Wish", "id": "2321784" }, { "contents": "Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour\n\n\nI'm never going to expect these games to have perfect controls because it's practically impossible given just a touchscreen to use. But for those that want to sit in Starbucks and pwn some noobs instead of doing it from their couch, well, that's why these games exist. And as the technology improves, they're more closely resembling their inspirations.\" Pocket Gamer's Harry Slater scored the game 7 out of 10, the same score the site had given to \"Fallen Nation\", and was critical of several", "id": "2245658" }, { "contents": "Mist: The Tale of a Sheepdog Puppy\n\n\nThis soon tires them out, and they slowly fall asleep side by side. Mist seems to like the idea of working the flock more than her brother and sister. Later that day, Sir Gregory talks with Gail about how well Mist is doing compared to Storm and Drift. Gail realises it is finally time to choose which of the puppies will stay on Borough Farm to be trained as a working sheepdog, and which have to leave. One day the puppies are playing in the yard when two different families come to take", "id": "11923653" }, { "contents": "The Refugees (short story collection)\n\n\nlast summer after the divorce. She encourages them to also take such vacations, but Thomas's father swears that such a visit would do him no good. Before leaving, Thomas asks who the father of the unborn child is, but Sam does not answer and tells him not to come back. Thomas's father slashes Sam's car's tires and hurls a boulder at the windshield before they slyly leave the neighborhood. When they return home, Thomas then helps his father into bed before falling asleep himself. A few days", "id": "7992483" }, { "contents": "Childhood amnesia\n\n\nChildren also show an ability to nonverbally recall events that occurred before they had the vocabulary to describe them, whereas adults do not. Findings such as these prompted research into when and why people lose these previously accessible memories. Some suggest that as children age, they lose the ability to recall preverbal memories. One explanation for this maintains that after developing linguistic skills, memories that were not encoded verbally get lost within the mind. This theory also explains why many individuals' early memories are fragmented – the nonverbal components were lost.", "id": "12912701" }, { "contents": "Ryōkan\n\n\nThe poems they exchanged are both lively and tender. Ryōkan died from his illness on the 6th day of the new year 1831. \"Teishin records that Ryōkan, seated in meditation posture, died 'just as if he were falling asleep'\". It is common practice for a monk to abstain from eating meat. Once a young monk sat to dinner with Ryōkan and watched him eat fish. When asked why, Ryōkan replied, “I eat fish when it's offered, but I also let the fleas and flies", "id": "893225" }, { "contents": "Bart's Friend Falls in Love\n\n\non the headphones in bed and falls asleep. When he wakes up, he is suddenly articulate, but ends up eating more food than ever. Once he found out he has gained weight, he realizes the tape has not helped him lose weight, Homer gets rid of it and his vocabulary quickly returns to normal. The episode was written by Jay Kogen and Wallace Wolodarsky, and directed by Jim Reardon. American actress Kimmy Robertson guest starred in the episode as Samantha. She recorded all of her lines separately, instead of", "id": "3914269" }, { "contents": "Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon\n\n\n\"Complex\", Kid Cudi spoke on the comparisons: \"I was like, 'Man, I’m tired of promoting and marketing an album. I just wanna give it. This project isn't something I was planning on doing. I just kinda did it, like, 'Let’s see what happens if I do it this way.'” Cudi noted he already had a release date in mind when Beyoncé released her album online without warning: \"I knew I was gonna do it around February—", "id": "3414910" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep Tour\n\n\nThe When We All Fall Asleep World Tour is the third concert tour by American singer Billie Eilish, in support of her debut album \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" The tour began on April 13, 2019 in Indio, California at Empire Polo Club as part of Coachella. The tour was announced on February 4, 2019 through Eilish's official Instagram account. In the same post, Eilish announced Denzel Curry would support her as an opening act, while her brother Finneas O'Connell would join her", "id": "10913917" }, { "contents": "Bella Mafia\n\n\ncruelly and quietly shoots Sophia's sons while they're asleep in bed, not knowing that they are his half-brothers. The women are struck with grief and mostly anger for what has happened and vow revenge. It won't be an easy road, as apparently they lose all their money (mostly through Carolla's interference). Mario Domino (Franco Nero) commits suicide. There are threats of Carolla's men. Luca visits his father in jail, proudly admitting that he killed Sophia's sons just to please him", "id": "6742818" }, { "contents": "Grand Prix motorcycle racing\n\n\nevacuated safely from the track, the race is red-flagged. Motorcycle crashes are usually one of two types: lowside, when the bike loses either front or rear tire grip and slides out on the \"low\" side, and the more dangerous highside, when the tires do not completely slide out, but instead grip the track surface, flipping the bike over to the \"high side\", usually catapulting the rider over the top. Increased use of traction control has made highsides much less frequent. (1)", "id": "9396197" }, { "contents": "Darkening Sky\n\n\nout of it, Eric cuts the conversation short and goes back inside, where his girlfriend (Lisa) announces that she is tired of his obsession with Alien Abduction—Eric is laboring on a thesis dismissing UFOs as a \"modern mythology\"—and she breaks up with him. This tips Eric into a removed state of mind; as he focuses on her lips moving, everything fades to silence. Next we encounter Eric returning from a late-night jog. He falls asleep on the sofa and has a nightmare of alien abduction,", "id": "15816983" }, { "contents": "Under Rug Swept\n\n\nunderbelly of some of my insecurities and why little tiny things that are innocuous and inconsequential are translated in my own mind as to be taken so personally ... as long as I have my own back, it's not as scary and it's not as horrifying.\" In \"Precious Illusions\" she discusses \"the difference between really being alive and really embracing the reason why I'm here on this earth versus my just being asleep and sleep walking and accepting the status quo and accepting somewhat of a suffering mentality to being here", "id": "4723788" }, { "contents": "Mind Body & Soul\n\n\nby Avril Lavigne with her album \"Let Go\" (2002). However, the record was broken by Billie Eilish in April 2019, when her album \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" debuted at number one on the UK Albums Chart when she was 17 years and three months old. It also became the first number-one album for Relentless Records. The album spent one week atop the UK Albums Chart, and was certified triple platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) on", "id": "17391702" }, { "contents": "Dora Annie Dickens\n\n\nto be very ill. Mind! I will not deceive you. I think her \"very\" ill. br br There is nothing in her appearance but perfect rest. You would suppose her quietly asleep. But I am sure she is very ill, and I cannot encourage myself with much hope of her recovery. I do not—and why should I say I do to you, my dear?—I do not think her recovery at all likely. br br I do like to leave home, I can do no", "id": "1962735" }, { "contents": "Das Haus Anubis\n\n\nso good: Magnus, who has since resurfaced, Mara just will not say why he has disappeared. Mara thinks that you are not familiar with Magnus and can rebuff him. When Victor finds out that Nina is back in the house Anubis, he locked her in her room and Delia must spend the night in room of Luzy and Charlotte. Luzy Delia and Nina want to watch and try not to fall asleep, lest Victor Nina can eavesdrop. But when sleep Luzy and Delia and Charlotte disturbs the creak of the door", "id": "5587986" }, { "contents": "Come Clean (Hilary Duff song)\n\n\n's just talking about how somebody thinks they're in the dark.\" \"She's tired of it and he's tired of it and they're coming clean, whether it means they're gonna be together or not. They're laying all the cards out on the table and coming out with everything that hasn't been said basically.\", she said. Duff cited the song as her favorite on \"Metamorphosis\", saying it is \"a little more mellow\" than her previous single, \"So Yesterday", "id": "17792110" }, { "contents": "Spencer Tracy\n\n\nprofession, for instance saying to Kanin, \"Why do actors think they're so God damn important? They're not. Acting is not an important job in the scheme of things. Plumbing is.\" Tracy was humble about his abilities, telling a journalist, \"it's just that I try no tricks. No profile. No 'great lover' act ... I just project myself as I am—plain, trying to be honest.\" He was known to have enjoyed the quip once made by Alfred Lunt", "id": "1833327" }, { "contents": "The Ninth Configuration\n\n\npatients. Kane pays special attention to Cutshaw, repeatedly asking him why he did not want to go to the moon. Cutshaw refuses to answer but instead gives him a St. Christopher medal. Later, Cutshaw talks with Reno about Kane. Reno suspects that Kane is crazy himself. He asserts that psychiatrists often go crazy and have the highest suicide rate of any profession. Kane falls asleep in his office and has a nightmare. When recounting it, he explains to Fell that they are the nightmares of his brother Vincent, a", "id": "15503767" }, { "contents": "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept\n\n\nscript, we were very upset about it. Um, we were like 'This hasn't happened in so long. Why would we bring this up? We don't want to encourage or give attention to that kind of behavior.' Then literally while we're having this conversation with our creator and our bosses, two incidents happened. It was heartbreaking to know that stuff was still going on, it just wasn't receiving media attention that it used to.\" Allison Scagliotti, who portrays Abby Brown in the episode", "id": "15792594" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\n\" and explores the idea that God and the Devil are both \"looking at human beings as this kind of meek group of people and just being like, \"What are they trying to do here?\"\" The seventh song on the album, \"When the Party's Over\", is a piano ballad with choral influences, and was written after O'Connell had left his date's house \"kind of for no reason.\" The eighth track, titled \"8\", is a ukulele-based lullaby which manipulates", "id": "1265704" }, { "contents": "The Country Captain\n\n\nis sleepwalking. The would-be lovers try for a second assignation: the Lady pretends to be pacing the floor with a toothache, and when her husband is asleep Dorothy slips into bed in her place and Lady Huntlove goes to Sir Francis. But the gentleman, tired of waiting, has fallen asleep. For their third attempt, Sir Francis intends to fake a riding accident while he and Sir Richard are going to London, and so return to the estate without the husband. He falls off his horse in reality,", "id": "13549696" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\ntwo more singles, \"Wish You Were Gay\" and \"Bad Guy\". The singles \"Come Out and Play\" and \"When I Was Older\" were included as bonus tracks on the album's deluxe edition. Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas O'Connell began working on \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" in March 2016 with the track \"Listen Before I Go\". Eilish intended the album to contain material \"that's so fun to be in the moment at a show to", "id": "1265689" }, { "contents": "Run to You (Whitney Houston song)\n\n\nsaid, \"We still love your song, but there's just one little detail. We love the song so much, we want to use it earlier in the movie when they fall in love, instead of when they're breaking up. So could you change the lyric to make it a love song instead of a break-up song?\" Davis who answered the phone from Rich and Friedman, said, \"I love the song the way it is; it's a hit. Of course, take a", "id": "16799726" }, { "contents": "Vocabulary development\n\n\nsuccessfully fast map when exposed to a novel fact, remembering both words and facts after a time delay. Domain-general views have been criticized for not fully explaining how children manage to avoid mapping errors when there are numerous possible referents to which objects, actions, or events might point. For instance, if biases are not present from birth, why do infants assume that labels refer to whole objects, instead of salient parts of these objects? However, domain-general perspectives do not dismiss the notion of biases. Rather", "id": "105936" }, { "contents": "Santana Lopez\n\n\nanswered, \"I think that Brittany is her soul mate. I think that they should end up together. They're in love.\" A month later, when interviewed by \"The Advocate\", she reiterated this point, saying, \"Maybe they’ll fall in love. I do think they're soul mates. Brittany just gets Santana, even though a lot of people don’t like her.\" On December 8, 2010, after a surge of fan disappointment over Twitter at the recent absence of Brittana,", "id": "8241413" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nthe year. In July 2018, during an interview with BBC Radio 1, she announced that the album was expected to be out on March 29, 2019. By January 2019, Eilish was in the process of mastering the album. The cover artwork for \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" was photographed by Kenneth Cappello, with whom Eilish had previously collaborated with for the artwork of her 2017 EP \"Don't Smile at Me\". After working with the singer on pictures for \"her", "id": "1265692" }, { "contents": "MIND MGMT\n\n\na CIA agent named Bill. They are attacked by two former MIND MGMT agents, but escape. Meru eventually locates Lyme, who tells her his story. Meru learns she was a child in Zanzibar during the massacre and was saved by Lyme. He erased her memory of the event and arranged a foster family for her. During her investigative career she has located Lyme several times, but he continuously causes her to forget. She leaves determined to expose the truth about MIND MGMT, but falls asleep instead. Waking in her", "id": "9955967" }, { "contents": "Women at Work\n\n\nof inspiration, he decides to join the construction field. After all, why not have the cake and eat it too. When working in the construction field, he obtains both money and women who flock to him. A little money is just an added benefit. However, Akiyoshi selected a very peculiar company to work for. His boss immediately wishes to see Akiyoshi's virility. After the interview, Akiyoshi sank into the couch, falling asleep easily, but the official assistant unexpectedly appeared and tripped over the couch onto Akiyoshi", "id": "1124895" }, { "contents": "Infant sleep training\n\n\n. Every child is different and each child's sleep becomes regular at different ages within a particular range. In the first few months of life, each time the baby is laid down for bed and each time he or she awakens is an opportunity for the infant to learn sleep self-initiation and to fall asleep without excessive external help from their caregiver. Experts say that the ideal bedtime for an infant falls between 6 pm and 8 pm, with the ideal wake-up time falling between 6 am and 7 am.", "id": "2283680" }, { "contents": "Jian Yong\n\n\nwalking past, and Jian said to his lord, \"They're planning to commit an indecent act. Why not arrest them?\" Liu Bei asked, \"How do you know?\" Jian Yong replied, \"They're equipped with the tools to do so, just as the owners of brewing utensils have the tools to brew alcoholic drinks.\" Liu Bei laughed and pardoned the families who owned brewing utensils. Such was Jian Yong's wit. Chen Shou, who wrote Jian Yong's biography in \"Records of", "id": "14870702" }, { "contents": "Great Night Out\n\n\nHe's just a miserable git really who's set in his ways and it drives Colleen crazy. They're like that couple that everyone knows - you can't understand why they're still together because one minute they're on, the next they're off and it's really passionate. Whether it's off or on they commit to whatever state they're in, so it's quite volatile. When we first meet them they're very much off.\" Quick and with a dry sense of humor, Colleen tend towards", "id": "3051949" }, { "contents": "David Clarke (sheriff)\n\n\n.\" His prominence as a right-wing firebrand has made him a controversial and polarizing figure. He has criticized Planned Parenthood, suggesting instead that it be renamed \"Planned Genocide.\" In 2015, Clarke received criticism for his statement on his podcast: \"Let me tell you why blacks sell drugs and involve themselves in criminal behavior instead of a more socially acceptable lifestyle: because they're uneducated, they're lazy and they're morally bankrupt. That's why.\" In 2017, Clarke attracted attention and criticism for", "id": "10433766" }, { "contents": "List of Ouran High School Host Club characters\n\n\ntrying to steal from their mansion and offer her a deal. She must guess who is who in exchange for the combination to the family safe. When she can't win the game, they hide the slip of paper with the combination in their piggy bank. The maid, however, breaks their trust along with the bank, taking the combination and the family jewels while they're asleep. They awaken to find her escaping down a rope ladder along the side of the house and when they ask her why she broke her", "id": "6220756" }, { "contents": "One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes\n\n\nday the mother sent Little Three Eyes to watch Little Two eyes when she went out with the goat. Little Two Eyes suspected that Little Three Eyes had been sent to watch her also, and so meant to sing her song to make her three eyes fall asleep but instead she sang a song to only make two of her eyes fall asleep. Little Three Eyes shut her third eye though it was still awake so when Little Two Eyes thought her sister was fast asleep she said the rhyme and ate and drank from the little", "id": "17003514" }, { "contents": "Octavian (romance)\n\n\nhe insists. Octavian announces that this shall be done at once! They all gather outside the walls of Rome where huge branches are blackening in the flames. Her father cannot bear to attend. But at the last moment the emperor relents and banishes his wife and her two children into exile, instead. Wandering alone in the forest, the empress (she is given no name in this romance) lies tired and exhausted at a spring one evening and falls asleep. In the morning, as the dawn chorus begins,", "id": "4570642" }, { "contents": "Negan\n\n\n.\" Dwight is hesitant to do so, but Negan demands to know why he's waiting and screams at him to shoot Rick. Dwight finally (and reluctantly) does so, hitting Rick in the side. After this, Negan declares that \"without him, they're nothing. Game fucking over.\" After Rick is hit with the arrow, Negan and Dwight retreat to the rest of The Savior horde, hoping to devise a plan of attack against the remaining survivors at Hilltop. When night completely falls on the", "id": "15727831" }, { "contents": "Infant sleep training\n\n\nas a behavior. This means that it can be altered and managed through practice and can be learned by the child. Healthy sleep habits can be established during the first four months to lay a foundation for healthy sleep. These habits typically include sleeping in a crib (instead of a car seat, stroller, or swing), being put down to sleep drowsy but awake, and avoiding negative sleep associations, such as nursing to sleep or using a pacifier to fall asleep, which may be hard to break in the future", "id": "2283679" }, { "contents": "Metamorphosis (Hilary Duff album)\n\n\ndays after the video's premiere on July 26, 2003. The video shows Duff playing a break-up prank on her aloof boyfriend. \"Come Clean\" was released as the second single from the album January 20, 2004. Duff described the song as being \"obviously about a boy and a girl's relationship and it's just talking about how somebody thinks they're in the dark.\" \"She's tired of it and he's tired of it and they're coming clean, whether it means they're", "id": "3327701" }, { "contents": "Sasando\n\n\nOne day, as he tended to savannah, he felt tired and fell asleep under a palmyra tree. Sangguana dreamt that he played beautiful music with a unique instrument whose sound and the melody was so enchanting. When he woke up, surprisingly, Sangguana could still remember the tones he played in the dream. Wanting to hear it one more time, he tried to fall asleep again. Again he dreamt of the same song and the same instrument. Sangguana was enjoying his dream, but eventually he had to wake up.", "id": "12852020" }, { "contents": "Swaddling\n\n\nSwaddling is an age-old practice of wrapping infants in blankets or similar cloths so that movement of the limbs is tightly restricted. Swaddling bands were often used to further restrict the infant. Swaddling fell out of favor in the 17th century. Some authors are of the opinion that swaddling is becoming popular again, although medical and psychological opinion on the effects of swaddling is divided. Some modern medical studies indicate that swaddling helps babies fall asleep and to remain asleep and helps to keep the baby in a supine position, which lowers", "id": "14885598" }, { "contents": "Martin Durkin (director)\n\n\nthe case. The ice core data shows that temperature change causes the level of atmospheric CO2 to change - not the other way round. Why have we not heard this in the hours and hours of shit programming on global warming shoved down our throats by the BBC?\", and concluded with, \"Never mind a bit of irresponsible film-making. Go and fuck yourself.\" Durkin later apologised for his language, saying that he had sent the e-mails when tired and had just finished making the programme,", "id": "10124291" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nadding additional musical features often makes a song sound \"way worse\". Due to Eilish's wide use of genres, Yasmin Cowan of \"Clash\" opined that \"to confine [her] to any specific brand of music would be doing her craft a disservice,\" although other reviewers have characterized \"When We All Fall Asleep\" as a pop, avant-pop, art pop and electropop record. Lyrically, the album deals with the hopes and fears of contemporary youth, exploring drug addiction, heartbreak, climate change", "id": "1265698" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nJune 30, Eilish appeared on the \"Other Stage\" as a warm up for British rapper Dave, backed only by her brother on keyboards, a drummer and a plain, black stage. Her slot received widespread critical acclaim, with reviewers citing her engagement with the audience and versatile performance as reasons for their praise. \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" was met with critical acclaim, with praise being directed at its macabre subject matter, cohesion and Eilish and O’Connell's songwriting ability; aggregating", "id": "1265716" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\n\"subpar\". \"When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\" debuted at number one on the US \"Billboard\" 200 with 313,000 album-equivalent units, of which 170,000 were pure album sales. The album also attained 137,000 SEA units, which translates into 194 million on-demand audio streams for the album's songs in its first week, thus representing the third-biggest streaming week of all-time for an album by a woman. In its second week on the chart the album fell", "id": "1265722" }, { "contents": "Criminally Insane (film)\n\n\n. While at a bar one night, Rosalie runs into John, her unfaithful and abusive ex-boyfriend, and pimp. John follows Rosalie home, and manages to get on her good side, despite at one point proclaiming, \"Rosalie, I'm gonna tell you the truth for once, okay? You need a good beating every once in a while. All women do. And you especially. Okay?\" When John and Rosalie fall asleep after having sex, Doctor Gerard visits, wanting to know why", "id": "9899596" }, { "contents": "Rainbow (rock band)\n\n\ndon't give too many reasons because we don't want to hinder their career. But if someone's not pulling their weight then I will not put up with someone who's second rate. I'm not going to jump onstage and say 'it's alright ladies and gentlemen, I know they're not very good but they are my friends' like most bands do. \"A couple of people in the band were taking quite a few drugs and consequently were falling asleep while they were playing because they'd been partying", "id": "5514420" }, { "contents": "Rumors (Lindsay Lohan song)\n\n\n, the song was written as a response to the paparazzi and media's backlash, both which are addressed in the chorus lines, where Lohan sings, \"I'm tired of rumors starting/ I'm sick of being followed/ I'm tired of people lying/ Saying what they want about me/ Why can't they back up off me?/ Why can't they let me live?/ I'm going to do it my way/ Take this for just what it is.\" Spence D. of IGN noted that Lohan's vocals are \"driven by snarls", "id": "15623604" }, { "contents": "The Last Waltz\n\n\n, Levon Helm was critical of the inclusion of Diamond, not discerning any musical connection to The Band. A persistent rumor claims that when Diamond came off stage he remarked to Dylan, \"Follow that,\" to which Dylan responded, \"What do I have to do, go on stage and fall asleep?\" However, Diamond claims that they were just joking around with each other before either of them performed, and Diamond never said anything like \"follow that!\" or \"top that!\" Van Morrison then", "id": "3344105" }, { "contents": "REM World\n\n\nis very tired of being overweight and being called \"Biscuit Butt\". The reason he is overweight is that his father died and he is very sad, even though he lives with his mom and grandma. So he orders the REM sleep device which will help him lose weight. After reading the first side of the instructions, he falls asleep and enters REM World. Feeling ripped off, he throws the device off, but after meeting his guide Morf, a small furry creature that can change form, he realizes that", "id": "19898422" }, { "contents": "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?\n\n\nWhen We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (stylized in all caps) is the debut studio album by American singer Billie Eilish. It was released on March 29, 2019, by Darkroom and Interscope Records. Eilish co-wrote most of the record alongside her brother Finneas O'Connell, who handled its production. Musically, the album has been characterized as a pop, avant-pop, art pop, and electropop record, though features several other genre influences including hip hop and industrial music. Upon its release", "id": "1265687" }, { "contents": "Fashionably Late (Falling in Reverse album)\n\n\nspiteful - so everyone is wondering what I'm gonna sing about next. And I'm just not quite ready to let people know. I'm sorry. When people hear the new stuff though I promise you they will lose their mind... We're demoing new songs right now, as we speak, and I'm telling you, people are seriously gonna lose their mind.\" During their performance at Dirt Fest 2012 in Birch Run, Michigan, Ronnie announced to the crowd that it would be their last show", "id": "22002700" }, { "contents": "Leon Mandrake\n\n\nwas known for driving a car while blindfolded, hypnotizing people to fall asleep in department store windows, making great escapes from boxes and doing mind reading on city streets. This kept him and the show on the road. When television rose in popularity in the 1950s, it became increasingly difficult to keep the live performances going as most people were inclined to stay home and watch TV. Live shows were getting canceled more and more frequently. In 1951, Mandrake bought the rights to former magician Alexander's material and reinvented his image", "id": "13778661" }, { "contents": "Ydessa Hendeles\n\n\nContemporary Art. “She has a great eye. When she buys something, we look at her and say, ‘Oh, why is she doing so?’” Her bold aesthetic vision led \"ARTNews\", a respected U.S. journal, to twice include her in its list of “the art world’s 50 most influential people” in 1993 and 1995—the only Canadian and one of just a handful of women. “Every museum curator who is not asleep knows about her,” says Robert Storr, a curator at", "id": "8437669" }, { "contents": "Brihannala\n\n\nbattle with the Kauravas. With the assistance of Uttara's chariot-riding, he was able to drive out the Kauravas and retrieve the cows of Matsya Kingdom. In this war he defeated all the warriors of Kauravas including Drona, Kripa, Karna, Ashwatthama. He invoked Sammohana astra which made all of them fall asleep. Uttara asked Arjuna why he couldn't have killed them instead of making them fall-sleep. Arjuna then told that clothes of dead people would become unholy. Arjuna asked Uttara to collect their clothes for", "id": "6390133" }, { "contents": "Good Boys... When They're Asleep\n\n\nGood Boys... When They're Asleep... was a 1999 compilation of British rock group Faces. Compiled primarily by keyboardist Ian McLagan, it served to supersede the 1976 effort \"Snakes And Ladders / The Best of Faces\", and to present a CD-length retrospective of the group, lasting nearly eighty minutes. Rod Stewart performs lead vocals on fifteen of nineteen tracks, the set presents three tracks sung by Ronnie Lane, and the singing debut of Ronnie Wood on \"Ooh La La.\" Included for the first time is", "id": "13277945" }, { "contents": "Popolocrois (TV series)\n\n\nPetrification Island and the Demon Channel, after the Ocean half is unsealed, marco cried for her Mum since he thought he may lose her forever. At this point, Gaude also cried because he is also doing what he has done to save his own mother. A sudden twist in his mind caused him to rescue Pinon and the gang from falling into the Demon Channel, which he fall into it instead. He laughed at himself ironically and met his end after he called her mother for the last time. Introduced in the", "id": "11692065" }, { "contents": "Losing-Trick Count\n\n\nin the NLTC, but they're valuable holdings, particularly when they're together in the same suit, and especially when they're together and they support higher honors in the suit. Similarly, players might prefer to consider a singleton King as being more valuable than a singleton 2. As with other methods of evaluation, players can upgrade or downgrade the value of a given holding based on the ensuing auction. As previously stated, NLTC uses a value of 25 (instead of 24 with LTC) in the formula for determining", "id": "19913357" }, { "contents": "Federico Chueca\n\n\nthat when Serafín arrives, she will put the sleeping tablet in his drink instead, to serve him right. When Serafín arrives and orders the drinks, Asia’s mother pretends to fall asleep, whereupon Serafín tries to win over Asia, who persuades him to give her the rent money they need. At this point, the mother wakes up and the women suggest going for a walk. Serafín gets up but, having already drunk the sleeping potion, falls down fast asleep. Asia is disgusted by his behaviour and vows to", "id": "519139" } ]
What is Sacred Geometry and why is it considered "wrong" by most mathemeticians?
[{"answer": "As I understand it, sacred geometry claims mystical or spiritual significance to shapes. Mathematicians think it's \"wrong\" because they believe that there is no evidence for these claims. As a consequence, they feel that sacred geometry has nothing to do with mathematics. Furthermore, you'll find many scientists, mathematicians and psychologists go further than simply considering a pseudo-scientific claim \"wrong\", but they will get actively perturbed by it. I find I'll do this as well. I think there's an analogy to free jazz or contemporary art. These fields are complex and nuanced, and you need to understand a good deal to appreciate them at all. To a layman free jazz might sound like indiscriminate tooting, and contemporary art may be reduced to a man nailing shoes to a wall and calling it art. Sacred geometry is akin to that layman getting on stage at a free jazz show and making noise with his saxamaphone or nailing his shoes to a wall at an art exhibit; he perceives no difference between what he does and what the artists do because he never actually understood what the artists do in the first place. You, as a professionally trained and dedicated free jazz musician or contemporary artist, have dedicated your life to this field and find the layman's performance a celebration of ignorance. To you it seems disrespectful that the layman has so little faith that there are deep levels of meaning to your artform, simply because he cannot perceive them. It feels like an effort to reduce your way of life to a gimmick. So, beyond not believing in sacred mathematics, you'll likely find mathematicians outwardly derisive and hostile to the idea because they perceive it to be not just incorrect, but a mockery of the great catalogue of understanding compiled by centuries of geniuses who dedicated their lives to it."}, {"answer": "Sacred geometry is a form of symbology that focuses on geometric forms found in nature, having roots in Jewish numerology and Hindu Agamas (rules for building temples). It tries to find deeper meaning in the natural geometry found in living things, using it as the foundation for a proof for the existence of a divine creator."}, {"answer": "Mathematicians don't give two shits about symbolism. Discussion of spiritual matters is not part of math."}, {"answer": "Humans are built to find patterns, even when they [don't exist]( URL_2 ). Mix that with congnitive biases of [Observer-expectancy effect]( URL_1 )/[Selective perception]( URL_0 )/[Belief bias]( URL_3 )/[Confirmation bias]( URL_4 ) you get Sacred Geometry."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "46754", "title": "Sacred geometry", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 189, "bleu_score": 0.9095930632220222}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sacred geometry\n\n\nSacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. It is associated with the belief that a god is the geometer of the world. The geometry used in the design and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, and tabernacles has sometimes been considered sacred. The concept applies also to sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens, and holy wells, and the creation of religious art. The belief that a god created the universe", "id": "2744856" }, { "contents": "Conflict resolution\n\n\npeople handle grievances—standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they consider to be wrong. Those ways include such diverse phenomena as gossip, ridicule, lynching, terrorism, warfare, feuding, genocide, law, mediation, and avoidance. Which forms of conflict management will be used in any given situation can be somewhat predicted and explained by the social structure—or social geometry—of the case. Conflict management is often considered to be distinct from conflict resolution. In order for actual conflict to occur", "id": "19594335" }, { "contents": "Sacred geometry\n\n\nat work therein. Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry; for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are sometimes interpreted in terms of sacred geometry and considered to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms. Geometric ratios, and geometric figures were often employed in the designs of ancient Egyptian, ancient Indian, Greek and", "id": "2744858" }, { "contents": "Wang Gui (Tang chancellor)\n\n\n. Why was he destroyed?\" The seniors responded, \"The lord of Guo knew what was right but could not do it. He also knew what was wrong but could not stop doing it. That was why he was destroyed.\"' Now, this woman is still by your side. I believe it is that Your Imperial Majesty in fact believes that this is right. If you believe that this is wrong, you are the one who knows what is wrong and could not stop doing it.\" Although", "id": "18707676" }, { "contents": "Beef\n\n\nrelatively recent development in India. The sacred white Cow is considered as the abode of crores of 33 type Hindu Deities. Products of Cow's milk like curd, butter, cheese, milk sweets are sold commercially and used in religious rituals. For religious reasons the ancient Egyptian priests also refrained from consuming beef. Buddhists and Sikhs are also against wrongful slaughtering of animals but they don't have a wrongful eating doctrine. In the Indigenous American tradition a white buffalo calf is considered sacred, they call it Pte Ska Win (White", "id": "16381493" }, { "contents": "Media freedom in Russia\n\n\n, pressuring it to keep in line and not to take what they consider wrong action, takes control of this or that media outlet, trying to stop it from saying what they consider the wrong thing, meddles in the electoral process, preventing the election of what they consider the wrong person, and puts pressure on the courts, stopping them from handing down what they consider the wrong verdict.\"The policies adopted in that address answered that criticism the following way:\"Ninth, parliamentary parties should have clear guarantees that their work will be covered", "id": "1223232" }, { "contents": "Applied aesthetics\n\n\nhis views on the indescribable beauty of mathematics when he said \"Why are numbers beautiful? It's like asking why is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony beautiful.\" Math appeals to the \"senses\" of logic, order, novelty, elegance, and discovery. Some concepts in math with specific aesthetic application include sacred ratios in geometry, the intuitiveness of axioms, the complexity and intrigue of fractals, the solidness and regularity of polyhedra, and the serendipity of relating theorems across disciplines. There is a developed aesthetic and theory of humor", "id": "17683571" }, { "contents": "Why Freud Was Wrong\n\n\naccept the view that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. He criticized Webster for failing to consider sources of Freudian theory such as Thomas Carlyle. He considered Webster's efforts to create a \"new psychology\", based on neo-Darwinism, unconvincing and wrote that Webster failed to explain what it would consist of. Decker wrote that Webster showed \"a commendable command of the secondary literature\", but described his book as \"a work of total nihilism\" and wrote that it contained \"many factual errors\" and was difficult to take seriously", "id": "18577480" }, { "contents": "Sacred Mountains of China\n\n\nindirectly aimed at preventing the destruction of nature. Respect for nature has been a key component of Taoism from the very outset and, in its own right, explains why the Five Great Mountains are considered sacred. In addition, Taoists consider mountains as a means of communication between heaven and earth and as the place where immortality can be found. The sanctity of the Five Great Mountains is the reason why even today these mountains still host an exceptional diversity of plants, trees and animal species. \"Tranquil Mountain\" () Shāndōng", "id": "6449489" }, { "contents": "What Darwin Got Wrong\n\n\nWhat Darwin Got Wrong is a 2010 book by philosopher Jerry Fodor and cognitive scientist Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, in which the authors criticize Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. It is an extension of an argument first presented as \"Why Pigs Don't Have Wings\" in the \"London Review of Books\". Fodor published an article, entitled \"Why Pigs Don't Have Wings\", in the \"London Review of Books\" in October 2007. It stated that \"In fact, an appreciable number of perfectly reasonable", "id": "12525350" }, { "contents": "Lillian B. Rubin\n\n\nmiddle-aged people have less interest in sex, and that women experience an \"empty nest syndrome\" when their children leave home. Rubin addressed couples in \"Intimate Strangers: What Goes Wrong in Relationships Today - And Why\" (1983) which found that men often considered their wives their best friends and needed them for emotional support. Rubin felt that it was important to examine not just the emotions and problems of women, but also to get into what men are thinking. She said, \"I'm trying to", "id": "17338861" }, { "contents": "How Sacred Harp music is sung\n\n\nhe asserts that the choice of pitches is part of the tradition and in context should be considered as correct. Cobb marshals the intuitive judgments of traditional singers in support of this view. For example, the pitch preferences of traditional singers \"may explain why the Sacred Harp singers have not responded favorably to recordings of their songs by trained choirs.\" Cobb quotes L. L. Welborn, a traditional singer: Marini (2003) embellishes Cobb's characterization, focusing on the alto part (which will most often contain the third scale degree", "id": "16604927" }, { "contents": "Criminal justice ethics\n\n\nbe defined as a system of moral values that distinguish rules for behavior based on an individual's or groups' ideas of what is good and bad. Police ethics are the rules for behavior that guide law enforcement officials based on what society deems as right and wrong. Ethics remain constant while definitions of right and wrong may change over time, yet what may be considered ethically right or wrong can be different than what is legally considered right and wrong. For police officials, ethical standards further include values such as integrity, courage", "id": "3919424" }, { "contents": "Dean Potter\n\n\nUtah license plates, did not have the stature of the sacred Arizona tower, he said: \"I didn't see a reason why it's wrong, why we shouldn’t mesh with nature.\" An account said: \"At first Potter's handler at Patagonia spread the word of his climb by calling the \"Salt Lake Tribune\". Public outrage was immediate, though, especially in Utah, where many see Delicate Arch as a symbol for the state's wild beauty.\" On May 16, 2015, Potter", "id": "8709623" }, { "contents": "Foundations of geometry\n\n\ngeometry that what we now consider \"flaws\" began to emerge. Mathematician and historian W. W. Rouse Ball put these criticisms in perspective, remarking that \"the fact that for two thousand years [the \"Elements\"] was the usual text-book on the subject raises a strong presumption that it is not unsuitable for that purpose.\" Some of the main issues with Euclid's presentation are: Euclid's list of axioms in the \"Elements\" was not exhaustive, but represented the principles that seemed the most important.", "id": "8226411" }, { "contents": "Topkapı Palace\n\n\nIt used to house offices of the Sultan. It houses what are considered to be \"the most sacred relics of the Muslim world\": the cloak of Muhammad, two swords, a bow, one tooth, a hair of his beard, his battle sabres, an autographed letter and other relics which are known as the Sacred Trusts. Several other sacred objects are on display, such as the swords of the first four Caliphs, The Staff of Moses, the turban of Joseph and a carpet of the daughter of Mohammed", "id": "14801434" }, { "contents": "Presumed Guilty: When Cops Get It Wrong and Courts Seal the Deal\n\n\nin 2005. The most recent case cited is the 2007 murder of Corryn Veronica Ann Rayney in 2007 where the victim’s husband Lloyd Rayney was charged and tried for her murder. In an exception to the other cases examined, Lloyd Rayney was found not guilty in 2012, and the verdict upheld on appeal in 2013. Part 2 is an examination of what went wrong and why with police investigations, the decisions to arrest and charge alleged perpetrators and the subsequent court hearings and jury verdicts. The author documents the historical, evidential", "id": "17130801" }, { "contents": "Puppy Linux\n\n\nis extensive but can be confusing. It's not always clear which docs pertain to which releases. Most users rely on the active, friendly forum for support.\" He also noted \"Those of us who enjoy computers sometimes forget that many view them with disdain. What's wrong with it now? Why do I have to buy a new one every four years? Why on earth do they change the interface in every release? Can't it just work? Puppy is a great solution for these folks. It's", "id": "18825859" }, { "contents": "Totem and Taboo\n\n\nof questionable accuracy and did little to provide a \"solution of the problem of totemism\", and that Freud failed to explain why the totem was represented as an animal. He also considered Freud wrong to consider exogamy one of the most important features of totemism. Though believing that Freud showed \"sharp wit\", he accused him of engaging in \"the free play of fantasy\" where \"logical argumentation\" was needed and of misunderstanding the work of Darwin. He wrote that Freud explained morality as the \"product of a", "id": "106140" }, { "contents": "Got Me Wrong\n\n\nI was dating in between one of the times I broke up with my true love. A lot of times you'll tell someone how you don't want to be in a relationship and why, and what kind of person you are, and they hear all that but think that they can change you. That's what the song's about, getting me wrong and the different ways that men and women see each other. \"Got Me Wrong\" was released as a single in 1994, after its appearance in \"", "id": "3829857" }, { "contents": "Self-awareness\n\n\nwho know the patient well are also asked to rate the patient on each of the same behavioral items. The difference between the relatives’ and patient's perceptions is considered an indirect measure of impaired self-awareness. The limitations of this experiment rest on the answers of the relatives. Results of their answers can lead to a bias. This limitation prompted a second method of testing a patient's self-awareness. Simply asking a patient why they are in the hospital or what is wrong with their body can give compelling answers", "id": "572454" }, { "contents": "Maria Wnęk\n\n\ntake us into the world of religious epiphanies, but also of images that express the author's fears and obsessions.(...) The wrongs grow in her imagination and it is difficult to discent what really happened and what is a product of fear, and obsession, persecution complex. Simulultaneosly she lives in the world of illusions, beatiful experiences, adding the sacred even to secular motifs. The back of pieces of carton paper are covered with frantic handriting: messages to the world, descripctions of wrongs suffered, legends and catastrophic", "id": "21296504" }, { "contents": "Dale Purves\n\n\nHarvard, 1988); \"Neural Activity and the Growth of the Brain\" (Cambridge, 1992); \"Why We See What We Do\" (with Beau Lotto; Sinauer, 2003); \"Perceiving Geometry\" (with Catherine Howe; Springer 2005); \"Why We See What We Do Redux\" (Sinauer, 2011) and \"Brains: How they Seem to Work\" (Financial Times Press, 2011). He is also lead author on the textbooks \"Neuroscience\", (5th edition,", "id": "15814240" }, { "contents": "Shiing-Shen Chern\n\n\nothers might have regarded as the right or the wrong way of dealing with it.\"It was at the IAS that his work culminated in his publication of the generalization of the famous Gauss–Bonnet theorem to higher dimensional manifolds, now known today as the Chern Theorem. It is widely considered to be his \"magnum opus\". His years at the IAS was a turning point in career, having a major impact on mathematics, while fundamentally altering the course of differential geometry and algebraic geometry. In a letter to the then", "id": "13049786" }, { "contents": "Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager\n\n\n.\" In a \"Complex\" interview for his cover shoot titled \"\"Mad Man on the Moon\"\", he talks about the album and stating \"It's explicit, but smart explicit. I'm not holding back. I have no regard for what people consider right or wrong. Some things I follow—like the law, from here on out. But other than that, I'm doing whatever the fuck I want to do. I'm not holding back. That's why I've been so", "id": "11978186" }, { "contents": "Drunvalo Melchizedek\n\n\nas by military satellites, and is claimed to have been used in various secret government programs. Boxing Pythagoras, a critical metaphysics blog, dismisses Drunvalo's notions of \"sacred geometry,\" pointing out that there is nothing geometrical about it, disregarding that it is a spiritual concept not mathematical: Boxing Pythagoras also calls out Melchizedek's use of math: \"For a book which is purported to be focused primarily on geometry, I found surprisingly little mathematical information.\" What mathematical and geometrical concepts are discussed, Boxing Pythagoras points", "id": "1070007" }, { "contents": "Indigenous education\n\n\nmere instruction. This form of pedagogy empowers Indigenous youth to take charge and responsibility to transform their own communities. Under critical indigenous pedagogy, schools are considered sacred landscapes since they offer a sacred place for growth and engagement. Western-style schooling is limited in engaging indigenous knowledge and languages but schools that embrace critical indigenous pedagogy recognize Indigenous knowledge and epistemologies which is why indigenous schools should be considered \"sacred landscape\". Land as pedagogy recognizes colonization as dispossession and thus aims to achieve decolonization through education practices that connect Indigenous people to", "id": "2896799" }, { "contents": "Murder of Seth Rich\n\n\nreally egregious. Please stop.\" Fox News was also criticized by conservative outlets, such as the \"Weekly Standard\", \"National Review\", and \"Red State\", and conservative columnists, such as Jennifer Rubin, Michael Gerson, and John Podhoretz. In September 2017, \"NPR\" noted that Fox News had yet to apologize for its false story or explain what went wrong; \"When a story of this scale crumbles, most news organizations feel obligated to explain what happened and why. Not so far", "id": "8352360" }, { "contents": "Why Freud Was Wrong\n\n\nwish fulfillments, but criticized him for not acknowledging that psychoanalysts have long abandoned the belief that they are. She considered Webster naive or ignorant to deny that \"emotions can produce bodily phenomena\", and criticized his discussion of Breuer's treatment of his patient Anna O. \"Why Freud Was Wrong\" was described as \"brilliant\" by the psychiatrist Anthony Storr and the biographer Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, and \"definitive\" by the philosopher Raymond Tallis, but was criticized for shortcomings of scholarship and argument by the critic Elaine Showalter.", "id": "18577482" }, { "contents": "Indigenous music of Canada\n\n\nand songs are the background for dances. Many traditional First Nations people consider song and dance to be sacred. For many years after Europeans came to Canada, First Nations people were forbidden to practice their ceremonies. That is one reason why little information about First Nations music and musical instruments is available. Traditionally Inuktitut did not have a word for what a European-influenced listener or ethnomusicologist's understanding of \"music\", \"and ethnographic investigation seems to suggest that the \"concept\" of music as such is also absent from", "id": "3960505" }, { "contents": "Icons of Evolution\n\n\ncan scarcely be considered a work of scholarly integrity.\" Gishlick wrote a more detailed critique for the National Center for Science Education in his article \"Icon of Evolution? Why much of what Jonathan Wells writes about evolution is wrong.\" Nick Matzke reviewed Wells' work in the article \"Icon of Obfuscation\", and Wells responded with \"A Response to Published Reviews\" (2002). The members of the scientific community who have reviewed \"Icons of Evolution\" have rejected his claims and conclusions. Scientists quoted in", "id": "1662967" }, { "contents": "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex\n\n\nWhen Darwin referred to \"civilised races\" he was almost always describing European cultures, and apparently drew no clear distinction between biological races and cultural races in humans. Few made that distinction at the time, an exception being Alfred Russel Wallace. In his book \"Why Freud Was Wrong\", Richard Webster argued that \"The Descent of Man\" was influenced by racist prejudice, and that in it Darwin looked forward to the extermination of what he considered to be savage races. Since the publication of \"Origin\", a", "id": "2232208" }, { "contents": "Libertarian perspectives on affirmative action\n\n\nthe majority population is no more inclined to change previously held perceptions of the minority population, eliciting little to no change. Another main reason why libertarians tend to oppose affirmative action is due to the macroeconomics issues the policy presents. Llewellyn Rockwell, a libertarian author and editor, references Steven Yates' book, \"Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action\" as an example as to why affirmative action is a policy that libertarians tend to not support. Additionally, Rockwell argues that anti-discrimination laws such as affirmative action", "id": "4397795" }, { "contents": "Sonnets for an Old Century\n\n\nto be about one evening gone terribly wrong for the Defarnecio family. One night the truck was filled with more than just Mama, Papa and herself, which is unusual. She explains how her Papa stopped for other people that night, not knowing why considering that \"\"he never does that.\"\" They were going north, meaning they could have been South enough to be traveling from the border of Mexico to somewhere in California. After her Papa picked up what were complete strangers to Doris, the police began to", "id": "13158285" }, { "contents": "Reactions of the Eastern Orthodox churches to the 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism\n\n\n, because the decision of only one Church will not serve any purpose, and what I am afraid of would happen. For myself, I could make a decision in favor of one side or the other, but I consider it wrong. That’s why I didn’t do it!\" On 22 October 2018, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and the Polish Orthodox Church issued a joint statement in which they \"call upon all those on whom it depends to eliminate church misunderstandings associated with the bestowal of autocephaly to the", "id": "20000278" }, { "contents": "Principles of Islamic jurisprudence\n\n\nlinguistically refers to knowledge, deep understanding or comprehension. In the context of Islamic law, it refers to traditional Islamic jurisprudence. Classical jurists held that human reason is a gift from God which should be exercised to its fullest capacity. However, they believed that use of reason alone is insufficient to distinguish right from wrong, and that rational argumentation must draw its content from the body of transcendental knowledge revealed in the Quran and through the sunnah of Muhammad. In Islam, the Quran is considered to be the most sacred source of", "id": "12492036" }, { "contents": "Geometry\n\n\nprovenance (for example, in fractal geometry and algebraic geometry). Analytic geometry applies methods of algebra to geometric questions, typically by relating geometric curves to algebraic equations. These ideas played a key role in the development of calculus in the 17th century and led to the discovery of many new properties of plane curves. Modern algebraic geometry considers similar questions on a vastly more abstract level. Leonhard Euler, in studying problems like the Seven Bridges of Königsberg, considered the most fundamental properties of geometric figures based solely on shape, independent", "id": "465703" }, { "contents": "Membrane gas separation\n\n\nfirst consider changes the cavity geometry, the larger the cavity, the larger the entropy of the absorbed molecules which thus makes the Henry coefficient larger. For diffusion, an increase in entropy will lead to a decrease in free energy which in turn leads to a decrease in the diffusion coefficient. Conversely, changing the window geometry will primarily effect the diffusion of the molecules and not the Henry coefficient. In summary, by using the above simplified analysis, it is possible to understand why the upper limit of the Robeson line does not", "id": "17767979" }, { "contents": "Why Freud Was Wrong\n\n\nmovement one of the most interesting sections of the book. However, he criticized him for not providing more discussion of the cultural influence of Freudian theories, for failing to address \"Freud's misogynistic teachings\" and their effects on the women's movement, and for providing insufficient information about Freud's use of cocaine. Lodge considered the book \"exceptionally searching, lucid, and well-argued\", as well as \"intellectually exciting\" and \"challenging\", and noted that it was \"linked to an ambitious project for", "id": "18577471" }, { "contents": "Oba's crown\n\n\nking is expected to manipulate that power for the good of all. This explains why the Ìyá Oba (Official Mother of the King) crowns a new monarch in some towns — to underscore the fact that he has the support of the women. Bird motifs are also present on other sacred or otherwise important objects such as Osanyin staffs. There are a variety of differing stories that speak to the history of the ade, or the Oba's crown. What most of these stories have in common is that they acknowledge the primacy", "id": "14135693" }, { "contents": "Affine geometry\n\n\nIn mathematics, affine geometry is what remains of Euclidean geometry when not using (mathematicians often say \"when forgetting\") the metric notions of distance and angle. As the notion of \"parallel lines\" is one of the main properties that is independent of any metric, affine geometry is often considered as the study of parallel lines. Therefore, Playfair's axiom (\"given a line L and a point P not on L, there is exactly one line parallel to L that passes through P\") is fundamental in", "id": "11756786" }, { "contents": "Frame of reference\n\n\nposition and velocity. This concept of time and simultaneity was later generalized by Einstein in his special theory of relativity (1905) where he developed transformations between inertial frames of reference based upon the universal nature of physical laws and their economy of expression (Lorentz transformations). The definition of inertial reference frame can also be extended beyond three-dimensional Euclidean space. Newton's assumed a Euclidean space, but general relativity uses a more general geometry. As an example of why this is important, consider the geometry of an ellipsoid.", "id": "21821669" }, { "contents": "John Michell (writer)\n\n\nas a site of spiritual redemption in the New Age\", bringing together \"popular ideas about sacred geometry, Druids, sacred landscapes, earth energies, Atlantis, and UFOs\". In 1972 Michell published a sequel to \"The View Over Atlantis\" as \"City of Revelation\". Shortly after publication he stated that he had written the work in \"almost two years of near total solitude and intense study in Bath.\" This work was more complex than its predecessor, including chapters on sacred geometry, numerology, gematria", "id": "6666913" }, { "contents": "Landmarks Foundation\n\n\nLandmarks Foundation, founded in 1997 by Samuel Adams Green and based in New York City, was a non-profit organization created to conserve sacred sites and landscapes around the world. The foundation motto was \"protecting sacred sites globally.\" The following defines what the Landmarks Foundation was founded to ward and why: Whether locations are in current use today or relics left by vanished ancestors, these sacred places are tangible and sometimes intangible focal points for the beliefs, rituals and religions that define human societies. These structures and integral natural", "id": "19350528" }, { "contents": "Incidence structure\n\n\nIn mathematics, an abstract system consisting of two types of objects and a single relationship between these types of objects is called an incidence structure. Consider the points and lines of the Euclidean plane as the two types of objects and ignore all the properties of this geometry except for the relation of which points are on which lines for all points and lines. What is left is the incidence structure of the Euclidean plane. Incidence structures are most often considered in the geometrical context where they are abstracted from, and hence generalize, planes", "id": "17118763" }, { "contents": "What Darwin Got Wrong\n\n\nDarwin Got Wrong\" \"strikes an outsider as an overdue and valuable onslaught on neo-Darwinist simplicities\". The journalist Oliver Burkeman wrote an article entitled \"Why everything you've been told about evolution is wrong\" in \"The Guardian\" but concludes \"It would be jawdroppingly surprising, to say the least, were Fodor to be right. A safer, if mealy-mouthed, conclusion to draw is that his work acts as an important warning to those of us who think we understand natural selection\". The book", "id": "12525359" }, { "contents": "Sacred geometry\n\n\nRoman architecture. Medieval European cathedrals also incorporated symbolic geometry. Indian and Himalayan spiritual communities often constructed temples and fortifications on design plans of mandala and yantra. Many of the sacred geometry principles of the human body and of ancient architecture were compiled into the Vitruvian Man drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. The latter drawing was itself based on the much older writings of the Roman architect Vitruvius. Islamic geometric patterns are well known too, which are used in the Qu'ran, Mosques and even in the calligraphies of personal names. The Agamas are", "id": "2744859" }, { "contents": "Lao grammar\n\n\nways to ask when something will occur, many of which are formed by adding ໃດ (dai ) \"which\" after a noun marking time, e.g., ເວລາໃດ (vela dai ), ຍາມໃດ (gnam dai ), and ປານໃດ (pan dai ). Why? ເປັນຈັ່ງໃດ (pen changdai )br The phrase by itself can also mean \"What's wrong?\", but can also ask why or for what reason a condition is occurring. How?br ແນວໃດ (nèw dai )br There are numerous ways to ask \"how", "id": "8857580" }, { "contents": "Quizz or Buzz\n\n\nthe host asks what are the 2 answers between which they are hesitating. Contestants will select, of course, the 2 answers that they consider the most plausible. One of those answers is wrong. Therefore, an incorrect, but plausible, answer is withdrawn (however, nothing guarantees that the other un-eliminated answer is the correct answer, because contestants may not have indicated the correct answer among the 2 answers that they consider most plausible). Therefore, there are still 3 answers to choose from and contestants have as", "id": "4490637" }, { "contents": "Riemannian geometry\n\n\nthe theory of general relativity. Other generalizations of Riemannian geometry include Finsler geometry. There exists a close analogy of differential geometry with the mathematical structure of defects in regular crystals. Dislocations and disclinations produce torsions and curvature. The following articles provide some useful introductory material: What follows is an incomplete list of the most classical theorems in Riemannian geometry. The choice is made depending on its importance and elegance of formulation. Most of the results can be found in the classic monograph by Jeff Cheeger and D. Ebin (see below).", "id": "18975220" }, { "contents": "No, They Can't\n\n\nNo, They Can't: Why Government Fails – But Individuals Succeed is a 2012 book by John Stossel, the American consumer reporter, investigative journalist, author and libertarian columnist. It was published on April 10, 2012, and focuses on what Stossel sees as the failures of government intervention. Stossel argues that \"he has dismantled society’s fat cows with unerring common sense. Now he debunks the most sacred of them all: our intuition and belief that government can solve our problems.\" The term \"no, they", "id": "17321604" }, { "contents": "Fitna (word)\n\n\naction as regards the camels and the two captives on account of the prohibited months . The Arab pagans exploited this opportunity to accuse the Muslims of violating what is divinely inviolable (fighting in the months considered sacred to the Arab pagans). This idle talk brought about a painful headache for Muhammad's Companions, until at last they were relieved when Muhammad revealed a verse regarding fighting in the sacred months According to Ibn Qayyim, he said \"most of the scholars have explained the word Fitnah here as meaning Shirk\" The Muslim Mufassir", "id": "2035533" }, { "contents": "Benedictine Hall (Shawnee, Oklahoma)\n\n\nBenedictine Hall, at the now-closed St. Gregory's University in Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA, (also known as St. Gregory's Abbey and College), was the central feature of the university, housing its administration, library and most of its classes. Designed by St. Louis architect Victor Klutho, the facility opened in the fall of 1915. St. Gregory's College grew from the Sacred Heart Mission in Sacred Heart, Oklahoma. Established in 1876 in what was then called Indian Territory, the mission school considered moving to", "id": "4721941" }, { "contents": "Foundations of geometry\n\n\nstatement that line segments can be extended indefinitely to the statement that lines are unbounded. Riemann's elliptic geometry emerges as the most natural geometry satisfying this axiom. It was Gauss who coined the term \"non-Euclidean geometry\". He was referring to his own, unpublished work, which today we call \"hyperbolic geometry\". Several authors still consider \"non-Euclidean geometry\" and \"hyperbolic geometry\" to be synonyms. In 1871, Felix Klein, by adapting a metric discussed by Arthur Cayley in 1852, was", "id": "8226453" }, { "contents": "Daniel Caesar\n\n\napologize for the way in which he gave his opinions, a manner in which no one could respond, but not for the comments themselves stating, \"I was talking down to you guys. I apologize for how I expressed my idea, [t]here was no one there to challenge my ideas. That’s also dangerous. That’s why it’s tyrannical... that is where I went wrong. I believe in what I said. A real man can admit when he’s wrong. I can admit when I’m wrong", "id": "3611334" }, { "contents": "Mark Lynas\n\n\na documentary film based on Lynas's book, entitled \"Six Degrees Could Change the World.\" In 2010, Lynas published an article in the \"New Statesman\" entitled \"Why We Greens Keep Getting It Wrong\" and the same year was the main contributor to a UK Channel 4 Television programme called \"What the Green Movement Got Wrong.\" In these he explained that he now felt that several of his previous strongly held beliefs were wrong. For example, he suggested that opposition by environmentalists, such as himself,", "id": "3740476" }, { "contents": "Muʿtazila\n\n\nand free will, of which they are the logical conclusion. Even though they are accepted by most Muslims, Muʿtazilites give them a specific interpretation in the sense that, even though God enjoins what is right and prohibits what is wrong, the use of reason allows a Muslim in most cases to identify for himself what is right and what is wrong, even without the help of revelation. Only for some acts is the revelation necessary to determine whether a certain act is right or wrong. This is discussed in further details below", "id": "7276869" }, { "contents": "The Bravest Man in the Universe\n\n\n, \"What’s wrong with his thumb? On the cover—why is [it] like that? Is it broken? ... things are grey. Never has artwork so aptly prefaced the album it accompanies.\" \"The Bravest Man in the Universe\" received positive reviews from most contemporary music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received an average score of 80 based on 34 reviews, equating to a tag of \"generally favorable reviews\".", "id": "11880534" }, { "contents": "Sandy Harbutt\n\n\nArm\". In the late 1970s Harbutt tried to get up a film adaptation of \"The Drums of Mer\" by Ion Idriess. In 2009 it was reported he was working on a bikie musical. Producer David Hannay who worked with Harbutt on \"Stone\" said the most \"negative experience\" he had as a filmmaker in a career of over three decades was not being able to get finance for Harbutt to make another film: Why have I failed? What is wrong with me? I have failed this person who", "id": "2605431" }, { "contents": "Andrew Kliman\n\n\ncomprehension of why Marx’s critics are wrong in their allegations. In my opinion, Kliman’s book constitutes the most important contribution to political economy of the last three decades and, as such, it is highly recommended for all those interested in Marx’s work.\" While positive reviews exist, the book was also met by criticism. Kliman has recently discussed what he calls the \"disintegration of the Marxian school\" of economics. In this paper he also proposes measures to halt and reverse this process: (1) \"", "id": "6429281" }, { "contents": "Threat model\n\n\n“What are the most relevant threats?”\", and \"“Is there an attack vector that might go unnoticed?”\". Conceptually, most people incorporate some form of threat modeling in their daily life and don’t even realize it. Commuters use threat modeling to consider what might go wrong during the morning drive to work and to take preemptive action to avoid possible accidents. Children engage in threat modeling when determining the best path toward an intended goal while avoiding the playground bully. In a more formal sense,", "id": "22048503" }, { "contents": "T. M. Scanlon\n\n\nabout the nature of the spatiotemporal world but rather practical claims about what we have reason to do. Further, they are a particularly important class of practical claims in that the judgement that an action is wrong is taken to provide reasons to not do that action which are most often considered to be decisive against competing reasons. Following this point, Scanlon takes questions about the reason-giving force of moral judgements to be prior to questions about the subject matter of the morality of right and wrong. More explicitly, he thinks that", "id": "7683834" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on religious pluralism\n\n\n. The dispute continues to this day. (Jacob Katz, \"Exclusiveness and Tolerance\", Oxford Univ. Press, 1961, Ch.10) Maimonides, one of Judaism's most important theologians and legal experts, explained in detail why Jesus was wrong to create Christianity and why Muhammad was wrong to create Islam; he laments the pains Jews have suffered in persecution from followers of these new faiths as they attempted to supplant Judaism (in the case of Christianity, called Supersessionism). However, Maimonides then goes on to say that", "id": "11931211" }, { "contents": "Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?\n\n\npublic opinion changes the religious institution. But Kant says that it is impossible to agree, “even for a single lifetime,” to a permanent religious constitution that doesn't allow public comment and criticism. If one were to renounce enlightenment for later generations, one would be trampling on the “sacred rights of mankind.” Neither an individual citizen nor a monarch has the right to constrict historical development. Kant further explains why he has been emphasizing the religious aspect, religious immaturity, \"is the most pernicious and dishonourable variety", "id": "7737345" }, { "contents": "John Bacchus Dykes\n\n\nsentimental, his critics never paused to explain why nineteenth century church services, which were replete with sentimental imagery, prose and choreography, should not be accompanied by music of a like kind. Nor did they explain why sentimentality \"per se\" is a bad thing, nor why music invariably improves in inverse proportion to its sentimental content. As one writer put it, in a wider consideration of the subject: “Something is wrong with sentimentality: the only question is, What is it?” As for Dykes's harmonies", "id": "13194886" }, { "contents": "Pascal Boyer\n\n\n's view, this new integrated social science can provide new answers, based on scientific evidence, to important questions about society. Each of the six chapters in the book focuses on one of these questions: (1) Why do humans favor their own group?, (2) Why do people communicate so much wrong information (rumors, superstition, etc.)?, (3) Why are there religions?, (4) What is the natural family?, (5) Ho can societies be just?", "id": "6118387" }, { "contents": "Why Freud Was Wrong\n\n\ntoo \"Anglo-centric\" in his approach, and criticized him for devoting only half a page to Freud's most intellectually formative years, and ignoring published letters by Freud written during that period. He considered Webster, following Frank Sulloway, correct to emphasize that the development of Freud's theories after 1896 was mainly inspired by assumptions drawn from contemporary biology. However, he maintained that Webster was \"oblivious to Freud's background in biology\" and wrongly concluded that it was Fliess, rather than Haeckel, who led Freud to", "id": "18577479" }, { "contents": "Wolfgang von Wersin\n\n\nfor the term Orthogon: A well-known Orthogon, the Auron (golden rectangle), has been employed to create a range of designs from posters and chapels (Mies van der Rohe), to chairs. and glassware The Auron is related to musical harmony, in that the golden ratio is among the most dissonant musical intervals, and is also included in discussions on sacred architecture and sacred geometry as well as information regarding dynamic symmetry and aesthetics. According to Von Wersin, \"The Orthogons are without exception root figures and", "id": "6068045" }, { "contents": "Line (geometry)\n\n\nof this type may be referred to, by some authors, as definitions in this informal style of presentation. These are not true definitions and could not be used in formal proofs of statements. The \"definition\" of line in Euclid's Elements falls into this category. Even in the case where a specific geometry is being considered (for example, Euclidean geometry), there is no generally accepted agreement among authors as to what an informal description of a line should be when the subject is not being treated formally. When", "id": "5512885" }, { "contents": "Marie Phillips\n\n\nhuman, and I suddenly thought, what if they were right? There is something arbitrary about belief; if you are a Christian, then you have to believe that the Hindus are wrong, and the other way round. You can back your beliefs up with archaeology or sacred texts, but ultimately it comes down to siding with one team or another. And I thought – what about the Greeks? No one sides with that team any more, but what if they were the ones who got it right? So here", "id": "9449118" }, { "contents": "Gourmet\n\n\ncan be paired with. To eat specific food items they must be Kosher (for Jews) and Halal (for Muslims). The most obvious example is that neither can eat pork because they consider pigs to be unclean. Another example is that many people of India generally do not consume beef because many devout Hindus believe the cow is a sacred animal. Buddhism encourage vegetarianism so that limits what Buddhist can eat. These practices and beliefs encourage what is not eaten and society but also what can be eaten. For instance,", "id": "3410138" }, { "contents": "MTV News: Unfiltered\n\n\ngroup of friends feel this is wrong, since cockfighting is the only thing to do around there. What do you think? Animal rights or excessive boredom? You be the judge. Striving To Drive Why is it that someone who is old enough to marry, drive a car, serve in the military, and drink legally can’t rent a car from most major car rental companies? That's a question Dave Werner of St. Louis sought the answer to on the eve of his 25th birthday. Though he was turned down", "id": "11799380" }, { "contents": "The Voice of the Philippines\n\n\n. It's not what most people grew up that you need to sing the highest notes. It's all about good music, how you give your own interpretation and it's the uniqueness actually.\" When asked about her coaching style, she said, \"Anything that I see that is lacking or wrong, I always say it straightforward. That the trouble me sometimes. I also said that I really don't know how to speak well so that is why I'm straightforward. \"If you have no emotions while", "id": "17817555" }, { "contents": "Telengits\n\n\nwrong because in the context of the census questions, many Telengits, 8,000 or 9,000 would consider themselves Altaians and not Telengits. In 2004, the NGO \"Development of the Telengit People\" was established. This group is an active part in the local political area in regard to issues of Telengit land rights. The Altaians and the Telengits feel a connection to the land that they live on. They are supposed to worship their special homeland that is considered sacred. The Telengits say that if an Altaian leaves the Altai, he", "id": "19829081" }, { "contents": "Anything Anything with Rich Russo\n\n\n2012 Top 36 Songs of 2012 Top 12 Cover Versions of 2012 Top 20 Albums of 2011 Rich's philosophies on bands and the music industry are covered on air and via his blog: Why The Strokes Are A Waste of Time What if the Presale Lays an Egg Why Bon Jovi is Wrong about Steve Jobs It's Really Bad Karma to Buy Music on Amazon Why Don Kirshner Mattered Why I Won't Ever Play 30 Seconds to Mars August 30, 2009 Brandon Flowers of The Killers calls in and gives the show an exclusive live", "id": "17676468" }, { "contents": "Critique of Pure Reason\n\n\nand geometry, which use concepts that are derived from \"a priori\" intuitions, such as symbolic equations and spatial figures. Kant's basic intention in this section of the text is to describe why reason should not go beyond its already well-established limits. In section I, the discipline of pure reason in the sphere of dogmatism, Kant clearly explains why philosophy cannot do what mathematics can do in spite of their similarities. Kant also explains that when reason goes beyond its own limits, it becomes dogmatic. For", "id": "888415" }, { "contents": "Enjoining good and forbidding wrong\n\n\nEnjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong () are two important Islamic requisites from the Quran, \"you enjoin what is right and forbid what is reprehensible\", and are considered positive roles in helping others to take the straight path and abstain from reprehensible acts. This expression is the base of the Islamic institution of \"hisbah\". It forms a central part of the Islamic doctrine for all Muslims. It is also explicitly referred to in two Ancillaries of the Faith in Shia Islam, commanding what is just and", "id": "5028094" }, { "contents": "Bara people\n\n\nWhile some Baras are Christians, most retain their traditional religious beliefs. Tamarind trees were traditionally considered sacred and are found planted near many Bara villages, where residents will leave offerings like woven mats, locks of hair, shells and other items when offering prayers or after their requests are fulfilled. The indigenous \"bontona\" tree was also considered sacred and villagers would tie charms to the branches when offering prayers. Each village also had a \"hazomanga\", a wooden pillar considered the most sacred site of worship, which served as", "id": "3063850" }, { "contents": "Milnor number\n\n\nIn mathematics, and particularly singularity theory, the Milnor number, named after John Milnor, is an invariant of a function germ. If \"f\" is a complex-valued holomorphic function germ then the Milnor number of \"f\", denoted \"μ\"(\"f\"), is either a nonnegative integer, or is infinite. It can be considered both a geometric invariant and an algebraic invariant. This is why it plays an important role in algebraic geometry and singularity theory. Consider a holomorphic complex function germ \"f\":", "id": "20170197" }, { "contents": "Wrong (album)\n\n\nWrong is the fourth full-length album by Canadian punk rock band Nomeansno. It was released in 1989 through Alternative Tentacles record label. \"Wrong\" was described by drummer John Wright as the band's \"most popular album by a country mile\". When asked to speculate as to the reasons why \"Wrong\" enjoyed such relative success, John Wright attributed it to the mainstream success of Nirvana and the rising popularity of alternative music: \"The Collector's Guide to Heavy Metal\" called it the band's best album", "id": "8896711" }, { "contents": "History of geometry\n\n\nGeometry (from the ; \"geo-\" \"earth\", \"-metron\" \"measurement\") arose as the field of knowledge dealing with spatial relationships. Geometry was one of the two fields of pre-modern mathematics, the other being the study of numbers (arithmetic). Classic geometry was focused in compass and straightedge constructions. Geometry was revolutionized by Euclid, who introduced mathematical rigor and the axiomatic method still in use today. His book, \"The Elements\" is widely considered the most influential textbook of all time", "id": "11578734" }, { "contents": "1%Club\n\n\nwhere the projects stand for, where the money, knowledge or time goes to and what the progress is. It can be monitored what went well and what went wrong. Ultimately it can be seen whether or not the project is completed. The people who run the projects are responsible for the outcome of the project and they have to demonstrate who they are, what they do and why they are doing it. All knowledge and information about the projects have to be available directly for everyone. A few of the conditions to", "id": "15641576" }, { "contents": "Horoscope\n\n\nof minor planetary bodies, fixed stars, [[asteroid]]s (for example, [[2060 Chiron|Chiron]]) and other mathematically calculated points and angles such as the [[vertex (geometry)|vertex]], equatorial ascendant, etc. Many astrologers also use what are commonly referred to as [[Arabic parts]] (or [[Greece|Greek]] Lots), the most common of which is the [[Part of Fortune]] (Pars Fortunae). To complete the horoscope the astrologer will consider the aspects", "id": "18488102" }, { "contents": "Wa Lone\n\n\nBritish ambassador Dan Chugg said that the United Kingdom and the European Union were \"extremely disappointed\" by the verdict and that the judge in the case \"ignored evidence and Myanmar law\". The State Counsellor of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, defended the court's ruling, saying, \"If we believe in the rule of law, they have every right to appeal the judgment and to point out why the judgment was wrong, if they consider it wrong.\" On 5 November 2018 an appeal was filed by the", "id": "17624197" }, { "contents": "Lindisfarne Association\n\n\n, Pythagoreanism, and ancient mystery religions. The group placed a special emphasis on sacred geometry, defined by Thompson as \"a vision of divine intelligence, the logos, revealing itself in all forms, from the logarithmic spiral of a seashell to the hexagonal patterns of cooling basalt, from the architecture of the molecule to the galaxy.\" Rachel Fletcher, Robert Lawlor, and Keith Critchlow lectured at Crestone on the application of sacred geometry, Platonism, and Pythagoreanism to architecture. The exemplar of these ideas is the Grail Chapel in", "id": "3823331" }, { "contents": "Limestone tombs of Kamhantik\n\n\nDue to this belief, it was only recently when the area was known to scientists. The townsfolk do not traverse the area much as they considered it too sacred, and they might disturb the anitos living within the forest and the ruins, the reason why the area was looted by white foreigners without the knowledge of the townsfolk. It was only discovered in 2011 that the area has been looted. All sarcophagi seals of the tombs were taken away, along with all sacred objects and almost all bone fragments inside the tombs.", "id": "21979146" }, { "contents": "Alibi Ike\n\n\nis based on a short story written by Ring Lardner and first published in the \"Saturday Evening Post\" on July 31, 1915. The story is about Frank X. Farrell, a baseball player who continually makes excuses for everything that goes wrong or right. For example, when asked what he batted last year, Farrell says that he had had malaria most of the season, which is why he hit only .356. Lardner is said to have patterned Alibi Ike after baseball player King Cole. In the film, several popular", "id": "17437182" }, { "contents": "Cultural views on the navel\n\n\nacknowledge that a lot of people watch women's sports more for the women than for the sports. Why else would Anna Kournikova, who has never won a singles title, be the most popular player in women's tennis? We have quite a few attractive women, and we should use our looks to our advantage. After all, what's so wrong with seeing an occasional belly button?\" Males often wear no shirt with lower rise shorts during practice. This was somewhat upheld during practice of American football, which was", "id": "3477597" }, { "contents": "2016 Qatar motorcycle Grand Prix\n\n\nwas something to be expected in the upcoming races, \"We must adapt and for me it doesn’t matter the colours of the fans, I think as long as everybody enjoyed the race, that’s what is most important for me.\" Rossi's supporters have frequently booed Lorenzo since he entered MotoGP in 2008. He admitted his confusion over why he received abuse from his teammate's fans, \"I don’t think we did anything wrong in the last months [of 2015]. We just concentrated on going very", "id": "5671192" }, { "contents": "Sacred months\n\n\nTa'i\" disobeyed, as they were waging war at that time. Islamic traditions magnify these months and forbid Muslims from violating them. These holy months are mentioned in the Quran: \"The number of months in God is twelve months in the Book of God on the day of the creation of the heavens and the earth, of which four are the Sacred that value religion, do not wrong yourselves\". Of the verse, \"Do not wrong yourselves\", Qatada said: \"The injustice in the sacred months is", "id": "14798716" }, { "contents": "Carl Ludwig Schleich\n\n\nprocesses with the action of an electrical apparatus of marvellous precision. But I have never denied that this is only one, and perhaps the most interesting mode of considering the most sacred miracle of the soul; and not an unveiling, by a theory of cognition, of its metaphysical home and its God-given function... What I most passionately desire is to turn men away from the barren desert of materialism, and compel them to recognize the governance of quite other powers than capital, politics, the struggle for existence, and", "id": "20569525" }, { "contents": "Political opportunism\n\n\ncommunity organizer Saul Alinsky for instance comments that in political organizations, quite often the right things are done for the wrong reasons, and conversely that the wrong things are done for perfectly \"correct\" reasons – presumably because of differentials in the existing understandings about \"why\" something is actually being done, and what the real \"effect\" of it will be. If power is wielded by means of special knowledge others don't have access to, such differentials are obviously likely to persist. This is likely to be the case", "id": "22002759" }, { "contents": "Sacred architecture\n\n\nancient times until the Baroque period, at least. Sacred geometry, iconography, and the use of sophisticated semiotics such as signs, symbols and religious motifs are endemic to sacred architecture. Sacred or religious architecture is sometimes called sacred space. Architect Norman L. Koonce has suggested that the goal of sacred architecture is to make \"transparent the boundary between matter and mind, flesh and the spirit.\" In discussing sacred architecture, Protestant minister Robert Schuller suggested that \"to be psychologically healthy, human beings need to experience their natural setting", "id": "10588369" }, { "contents": "Armenian architecture\n\n\ncolumns, and dimensions were created with a careful eye; Armenian pagans wanted to appease the gods and protect humanity from their wrath. This sacred geometry is evident in the entire temple. To the people who created it, it was the perfect embodiment of their communion with the universe. Note that although sacred geometry was mostly used in religious buildings, secular buildings adopted some aspects of it. Christianity's institution as Armenia's official religion in 301 allowed new developments in Armenian architecture, which nevertheless preserved older traditions. In fact it", "id": "18162290" }, { "contents": "Sacred geometry\n\n\naccording to a geometric plan has ancient origins. Plutarch attributed the belief to Plato, writing that \"Plato said God geometrizes continually\" (\"Convivialium disputationum\", liber 8,2). In modern times, the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying \"God arithmetizes\". As late as Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), a belief in the geometric underpinnings of the cosmos persisted among some scientists. According to Stephen Skinner, the study of sacred geometry has its roots in the study of nature, and the mathematical principles", "id": "2744857" }, { "contents": "Unifying theories in mathematics\n\n\nThere have been several attempts in history to reach a unified theory of mathematics. Some of the greatest mathematicians have expressed views that the whole subject should be fitted into one theory. The process of unification might be seen as helping to define what constitutes mathematics as a discipline. For example, mechanics and mathematical analysis were commonly combined into one subject during the 18th century, united by the differential equation concept; while algebra and geometry were considered largely distinct. Now we consider analysis, algebra, and geometry, but not mechanics,", "id": "14970035" }, { "contents": "Rasony District\n\n\nthe interpreter. A German. But people say: 'You're doing wrong ... mister interpreter.' 'Why,' he says, 'am I doing wrong?' 'My husband was called up in the first mobilization... What are you punishing us so for?...' Then the interpreter started to look how people were lying - who was alive. It was already rather late. And those polizeis... They sure had their fun with us!... First of all they took Lida Bychowcowa and dragged her along", "id": "5440345" }, { "contents": "Castalian Spring\n\n\nand that is why it was considered to be sacred. Two fountains, which were fed by the sacred spring, still survive. The archaic 6th century BCE fountain house has a marble-lined basin surrounded by benches. Water was brought here by means of a short and small aqueduct and was distributed by a system of water pipes ending in lion-headed spouts. The Roman fountain dates to the 1st century B.C. and is situated about 50 meters higher from the Archaic one. Niches carved on the rock were intended for the", "id": "2357123" }, { "contents": "Kristo Ivanov\n\n\nconflict between the individual and the collective. This early work was supposed to be completed with a comprehensive research program on \"the essence of computers\" seen as a capital-intensive industrial embodiment of the formal sciences of logic, mathematics, and geometry. The purpose was to grasp the why and the whither of the formalization of society which is hidden under an aestheticist mask of audiovisual and tactile graphical interfaces and smart human-computer interaction. One main question was whether you should care about what is presupposed and what happens when you", "id": "21891448" }, { "contents": "Storytelling\n\n\ncommunities, and can act as an alternative method for reprimanding children's bad behavior. In this way, stories are non-confrontational, which allows the child to discover for themselves what they did wrong and what they can do to adjust the behavior. Parents in the Arizona Tewa community, for example, teach morals to their children through traditional narratives. Lessons focus on several topics including historical or \"sacred\" stories or more domestic disputes. Through storytelling, the Tewa community emphasizes the traditional wisdom of the ancestors and the importance", "id": "3264851" } ]
Why are female orgasms so much more intense than male orgasms?
[{"answer": "Well for one no man has even been a woman and vice versa so it really is impossible for anyone to say the only factual thing thing we can say though is that woman can orgasm multiple times in one sex session while men can usually only do once sometimes twice, Imo men enjoy their orgasms just as much but they only get the one and when it happens the sex is usually over so it's a bittersweet moment. Females get to spend the whole time trying to orgasm as much as possible while males spend the whole time fighting the orgasm for as long as possible."}, {"answer": "I'd imagine answering the question would be a lot like asking why it hurts way more to get kicked in the balls than punched in the tit."}, {"answer": "They're not. URL_0 Scientific evidence shows that male and female orgasms are actually really similar. Maybe men and women express it differently for whatever reasons, but as the link above, which points to a few important studies, shows, the actual orgasmic process in men and women is very similar."}, {"answer": "Men sort of unhappy to cum?! Really? Maybe it's kinda rare, but I've experience orgasms ranging from cum dribbling out and the thought of \"ok, off to do something more fun now!\", to \"fucking hell, I came so hard that gave me a headache!\" and everything in between. For me, I actively delay the onset of orgasm because sex feels so good, though I time my release to that of my partner (she's a one and done kinda gal). One thing I learned years ago is that women have a ridiculous number of nerve endings in their clitoris. Something on the order of 8,000, whereas the penis has around half that. More nerve endings firing off in a fireworks show seems like the explosion could be bigger, much bigger."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "22546", "title": "Orgasm", "section": "Section::::Achieving orgasm.:Males.:Subsequent and multiple orgasms.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 19, "end_paragraph_id": 19, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Dunn and Trost defined male multiple orgasm as \"two or more orgasms with or without ejaculation and without, or with only very limited, detumescence [loss of erection] during one and the same sexual encounter\". Although, due to the refractory period, it is rare for men to achieve multiple orgasms, some men have reported having multiple, consecutive orgasms, particularly without ejaculation. Multiple orgasms are more commonly reported in very young men than in older men. In younger men, the refractory period may only last a few minutes, but last more than an hour in older men.", "There has been little scientific study of multiple orgasm in men. Dunn and Trost defined male multiple orgasm as \"two or more orgasms with or without ejaculation and without, or with only very limited, detumescence [loss of erection] during one and the same sexual encounter\". Although, due to the refractory period, it is rare for men to achieve multiple orgasms, some men have reported having multiple, consecutive orgasms, particularly without ejaculation. Multiple orgasms are more commonly reported in very young men than in older men. In younger men, the refractory period may only last a few minutes, but last more than an hour in older men. An increased infusion of the hormone oxytocin during ejaculation is believed to be chiefly responsible for the refractory period, and the amount by which oxytocin is increased may affect the length of each refractory period. A"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nsexual assault. Scientific literature focuses on the psychology of female orgasm significantly more than it does on the psychology of male orgasm, which \"appears to reflect the assumption that female orgasm is psychologically more complex than male orgasm,\" but \"the limited empirical evidence available suggests that male and female orgasm may bear more similarities than differences. In one controlled study by Vance and Wagner (1976), independent raters could not differentiate written descriptions of male versus female orgasm experiences\". In men, the most common way of achieving orgasm", "id": "2581974" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\n) phase and not to the orgasmic phase itself.\" Research has shown that as in women, the emotional centers of a man's brain also become deactivated during orgasm but to a lesser extent than in women. Brain scans of both sexes have shown that the pleasure centers of a man's brain show more intense activity than in women during orgasm. Human brain wave patterns show distinct changes during orgasm, which indicate the importance of the limbic system in the orgasmic response. Male and female brains demonstrate similar changes during orgasm,", "id": "2582029" }, { "contents": "Prostate massage\n\n\nto females' accounts of G-spot stimulation. Prostate stimulation can produce a stronger, more powerful, and \"deeper\" orgasm than solely penile stimulation, described by some men as more widespread, intense, and enduring, and allowing for greater feelings of ecstasy than orgasm elicited by penile stimulation only. However, though the experiences are different, male orgasms by penile stimulation are also centered in the prostate gland. Prostate massage may also be a sexual practice in couples' sexual lives, although not as common. The availability", "id": "9495311" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nand female orgasm. If males were motivated by, and taken to the point of, orgasm in the same way as females, those advantageous qualities would not be needed, since self-interest would be enough. There are theories that the female orgasm might increase fertility. For example, the 30% reduction in size of the vagina could help clench onto the penis (much like, or perhaps caused by, the pubococcygeus muscles), which would make it more stimulating for the male (thus ensuring faster or more voluminous", "id": "2582045" }, { "contents": "Elisabeth Lloyd\n\n\n, under which female orgasm is the result of orgasm developing as a species trait due to its critical role in males for procreation (akin to explanations for why nipples, which are required for nursing in females, are also present in males). The book received so much attention that it was lampooned on an episode of \"Saturday Night Live\" because its title sounds like a racy version of a Hardy Boys novel. Lloyd had been working on the subject for two years, when a discussion with Stephen Jay Gould in 1986", "id": "13797294" }, { "contents": "Anal sex\n\n\nThe prostate is located next to the rectum and is the larger, more developed male homologue (variation) to the female Skene's glands. It is also typical for a man to not reach orgasm as a receptive partner solely from anal sex. General statistics indicate that 70–80% of women require direct clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. The vaginal walls contain significantly fewer nerve endings than the clitoris (which has many nerve endings specifically intended for orgasm), and therefore intense sexual pleasure, including orgasm, from vaginal sexual stimulation is", "id": "2327490" }, { "contents": "Alcohol and sex\n\n\n. Studies have shown that increased BAC is associated with longer orgasmic latencies and decreased intensity of orgasm. Some women report a greater sexual arousal with increased alcohol consumption as well as increased sensations of pleasure during orgasm. Because ejaculatory response is visual and can more easily be measured in males, orgasmic response must be measured more intimately. In studies of the female orgasm under the influence of alcohol, orgasmic latencies were measured using a vaginal photoplethysmograph, which essentially measures vaginal blood volume. Psychologically, alcohol has also played a role in sexual", "id": "4600965" }, { "contents": "Human female sexuality\n\n\ncontractions in the pelvic region characterized by an intense sensation of pleasure. Women commonly find it difficult to experience orgasms during vaginal intercourse. Mayo Clinic states: \"Orgasms vary in intensity, and women vary in the frequency of their orgasms and the amount of stimulation necessary to trigger an orgasm.\" Additionally, some women may require more than one type of sexual stimulation in order to achieve orgasm. Clitoral stimulation in normal copulation happens when the thrusting of the penis moves the clitoral hood. Orgasm in women has typically been divided into", "id": "1721492" }, { "contents": "Vulva\n\n\nof the vagina, as well as the uterus and anus. Contractions become less intense and more randomly spaced as the orgasm continues. The number of contractions that accompany an orgasm vary depending on its intensity. An orgasm may be accompanied by female ejaculation, causing liquid from either the Skene's gland or bladder to be expelled through the urethra. The pooled blood begins to dissipate, although at a much slower rate if an orgasm has not occurred. The vagina and vaginal opening return to their normal relaxed state, and the rest", "id": "15053500" }, { "contents": "Fake orgasm\n\n\nfake orgasms may be more likely to engage in sexual intercourse with men other than their partner, although they recommended caution at interpreting their findings due to a small data set and a large number of variables being studied. In therapy or counseling, women are more likely to inaccurately portray their sexual behavior (such as by claiming to orgasm when they do not) to a male therapist than to a female one, although women may still withhold the same information from female therapists. From an evolutionary perspective, females might fake orgasms in", "id": "21353117" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\nthan women to seek sex.\" Bosley wrote that Symons argued that female orgasm is a byproduct of the existence of the male orgasm through an \"infamous and widely cited\" comparison of the female orgasm to male nipples. She questioned the idea that Symons's willingness to separate \"female orgasm from female reproductive fitness\" has feminist implications, writing that while Symons \"lent scientific support to some feminists' claims for a primordial similarity between male and female sexuality\", other feminists found his account of female orgasm \"socially and politically", "id": "18577798" }, { "contents": "Nocturnal emission\n\n\nwith/during orgasm. Studies have found that more males have more frequent spontaneous nocturnal sexual experiences than females. Female wet dreams may be more difficult to identify with certainty than male wet dreams because ejaculation is usually associated with male orgasm while vaginal lubrication may not indicate orgasm. Sexual activity is a commonly reported theme of lucid dreams. LaBerge, Greenleaf, and Kedzierski (1983) undertook a pilot study to determine the extent to which subjectively experienced sexual activity during REM lucid dreaming would be reflected in physiological responses: There are numerous", "id": "5646262" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\nactual female sexual functioning, such as the capacity for multiple orgasms in women.\" They considered the female orgasm more likely to be \"an extension of the pleasurable sensations associated with coitus in primate females generally\" than a by-product of the male orgasm, as proposed by Symons. They observed that while Lloyd endorsed Symons's view, her work has been \"severely criticized\" by the psychologist David P. Barash, and the relationship between female orgasm and reproduction remains a topic of ongoing debate. Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá", "id": "18577822" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nadded that Lloyd \"meticulously considers the theoretical and empirical bases for each account and ultimately concludes that there is little evidence to support an adaptionist account of female orgasm\" and that Lloyd instead \"views female orgasm as an ontogenetic leftover; women have orgasms because the urogenital neurophysiology for orgasm is so strongly selected for in males that this developmental blueprint gets expressed in females without affecting fitness, just as males have nipples that serve no fitness-related function\". A 2005 twin study found that one in three women reported never or seldom", "id": "2582055" }, { "contents": "Clitoris\n\n\nmale mate choice, but as a mechanism of female choice.\" While Miller stated that male scientists such as Stephen Jay Gould and Donald Symons \"have viewed the female clitoral orgasm as an evolutionary side-effect of the male capacity for penile orgasm\" and that they \"suggested that clitoral orgasm cannot be an adaptation because it is too hard to achieve\", Gould acknowledged that \"most female orgasms emanate from a clitoral, rather than vaginal (or some other), site\" and that his nonadaptive belief \"has", "id": "7037014" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nof men and 29% of women always have orgasms with their partner. Women are much more likely to be nearly always or always orgasmic when alone than with a partner. However, in a 1996 study by Davis et al., 62% of women in a partnered relationship said they were satisfied with the frequency/consistency of their orgasms. Additionally, some women express that their most satisfying sexual experiences entail being connected to someone, rather than solely basing satisfaction on orgasm. Kinsey's \"Sexual Behavior in the Human Female", "id": "2582036" }, { "contents": "Edging (sexual practice)\n\n\nEdging, peaking, or surfing, is an orgasm control sexual technique that may be practiced either alone or with a partner and involves the maintenance of a high level of sexual arousal for an extended period of time without reaching climax. When practiced by males, orgasm control allows the practitioner to enjoy direct sexual stimulation without waiting through the refractory period common after orgasm. When the decision is made to allow orgasm, the physical sensations may be much greater and more pleasurable than if the orgasm were experienced conventionally. Orgasm control is referenced", "id": "2562615" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\n, researchers have several hypotheses about the role, if any, of the female orgasm in the reproductive and therefore evolutionary process. The literature started with the argument that female orgasm is a byproduct of shared early male ontogeny, where male orgasm is an adaptation. Research has shifted to investigate and also support the sire-choice hypothesis, which proposes that female orgasm has been shaped by natural selection to function in the selection of high quality sires (male parents) for offspring. Therefore, orgasm increases the chances of conceiving with males", "id": "2582042" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nsexual intercourse by remaining for a long time in the pre-orgasmic and non-emission state. Advocates of this, such as Rajneesh, claim that it eventually causes orgasmic feelings to spread out to all of one's conscious experience. Advocates of tantric and neotantric sex who claim that Western culture focuses too much on the goal of climactic orgasm, which reduces the ability to have intense pleasure during other moments of the sexual experience, suggest that eliminating this enables a richer, fuller and more intense connection. Orgasm has been widely", "id": "2582065" }, { "contents": "Desire discrepancy\n\n\nAnother reason why women are more likely to have low sexual desire and less sexual activity compared to men may be because when enduring in copulation with a male, women's experience of achieving an orgasm is low. Therefore, a females gratification for sexual intercourse may be lower than a males, where a male is able to enjoy sex consistently compared to a female, signifying why males sexual desire is usually higher. Another reason for this difference may be due to differences in levels of testosterone between men and women. Males possess significantly", "id": "21418646" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\n\" showed that, over the previous five years of sexual activity, 78% of women had orgasms in 60% to 100% of sexual encounters with other women, compared with 55% for heterosexual sex. Kinsey attributed this difference to female partners knowing more about women's sexuality and how to optimize women's sexual satisfaction than male partners do. Like Kinsey, scholars such as Peplau, Fingerhut and Beals (2004) and Diamond (2006) found that lesbians have orgasms more often and more easily in sexual interactions than heterosexual", "id": "2582037" }, { "contents": "Sex reassignment surgery\n\n\nindividuals who have undergone SRS are more satisfied with their bodies and experienced less stress when participating in sexual activity. Most of the individuals have reported that they have experienced sexual excitement during sexual activity, including masturbation. The ability to obtain orgasms is positively associated with sexual satisfaction. Frequency and intensity of orgasms are substantially different among transsexual men and transsexual women. Almost all female-to-male individuals have revealed an increase in sexual excitement and are capable of achieving orgasms through sexual activity with a partner or via masturbation, whereas only", "id": "3727166" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\nsame explanation of the female orgasm as that later put forward by the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, according to which the female orgasm is possible because of the clitoris, which is a byproduct of the embryological connection with the male penis. He identified Symons's alternative argument as being contained in the sentence in which Symons wrote that, \"The female orgasm may be a byproduct of mammalian bisexual potential: orgasm may be possible for female mammals because it is adaptive for males.\" He interpreted Symons as maintaining that orgasm is a", "id": "18577801" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nof a high genetic quality. Research by Randy Thornhill et al. indicates that female orgasm is more frequent during intercourse with a male partner with low fluctuating asymmetry. Wallen K and Lloyd EA stated, \"In men, orgasms are under strong selective pressure as orgasms are coupled with ejaculation and thus contribute to male reproductive success. By contrast, women's orgasms in intercourse are highly variable and are under little selective pressure as they are not a reproductive necessity.\" Desmond Morris suggested in his 1967 popular-science book \"The", "id": "2582043" }, { "contents": "Anal sex\n\n\nrelax enough to accommodate an object as big as a fist being inserted into the anus. In a male receptive partner, being anally penetrated can produce a pleasurable sensation due to the inserted penis rubbing or brushing against the prostate through the anal wall. This can result in pleasurable sensations and can lead to an orgasm in some cases. Prostate stimulation can produce a deeper orgasm, sometimes described by men as more widespread and intense, longer-lasting, and allowing for greater feelings of ecstasy than orgasm elicited by penile stimulation only.", "id": "2327489" }, { "contents": "Clitoris\n\n\n\"Lloyd views female orgasm as an ontogenetic leftover; women have orgasms because the urogenital neurophysiology for orgasm is so strongly selected for in males that this developmental blueprint gets expressed in females without affecting fitness\" and this is similar to \"males hav[ing] nipples that serve no fitness-related function.\" At the 2002 conference for Canadian Society of Women in Philosophy, Nancy Tuana argued that the clitoris is unnecessary in reproduction; she stated that it has been ignored because of \"a fear of pleasure. It is pleasure separated from", "id": "7037017" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nstimulation (for example, via vaginal penetration) may also be sufficient. The Mayo Clinic stated, \"Orgasms vary in intensity, and women vary in the frequency of their orgasms and the amount of stimulation necessary to trigger an orgasm.\" Clitoral orgasms are easier to achieve because the glans of the clitoris, or clitoris as a whole, has more than 8,000 sensory nerve endings, which is as many (or more in some cases) nerve endings present in the human penis or glans penis. As the clitoris is homologous", "id": "2581981" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\nhave been designed by natural selection for efficiency in orgasm production.\" He criticizes Elizabeth Sherfey's view that the female orgasm is an adaptation, writing that her arguments are not supported by ethnographic or biological evidence. Symons proposes that male human ancestors lost the ability to detect ovulation in females by smell because females gained a reproductive advantage by concealing ovulation, and that estrus ceased to exist in humans at the same time. Observing that estrous female chimpanzees are more successful than nonestrous females in obtaining meat from males, Symons suggests that when", "id": "18577775" }, { "contents": "Edging (sexual practice)\n\n\nmultiple orgasms in the other. When practiced alone, orgasm control is beneficial for heightening sexual pleasure as well as a training tool which permits the practitioner to increase the duration of sex with a partner. For the female, because there is little or no post-orgasm refractory period, the practitioner can enjoy direct sexual stimulation for longer periods of time, as well as with increased frequency and intensity. For the male, the speed of the rubbing or stroking of the penis may vary to navigate right to the edge of ejaculation", "id": "2562620" }, { "contents": "G-spot\n\n\nof the male penis,\" said researcher Amichai Kilchevsky. Because female fetal development is the \"default\" direction of fetal development in the absence of substantial exposure to male hormones and therefore the penis is essentially a clitoris enlarged by such hormones, Kilchevsky believes that there is no evolutionary reason why females would have two separate structures capable of producing orgasms and blames the porn industry and \"G-spot promoters\" for \"encouraging the myth\" of a distinct G-spot. The general difficulty of achieving vaginal orgasms, which is", "id": "6628439" }, { "contents": "Human sexual response cycle\n\n\norgasm is usually associated with ejaculation. Each ejection is accompanied with continuous pulses of sexual pleasure, especially in the penis and loins. Other sensations may be felt strongly among the lower spine or lower back. The first and second convulsions are usually the most intense in sensation and produce the greatest quantity of semen. Thereafter, each contraction is associated with a diminishing volume of semen and a milder sensation of pleasure. Orgasms in females can vary widely from woman to woman. The overall sensation is similar to that of the male orgasm", "id": "14091651" }, { "contents": "Clitoris\n\n\nin the absence of substantial exposure to male hormones and therefore the penis is essentially a clitoris enlarged by such hormones, there is no evolutionary reason why females would have an entity in addition to the clitoris that can produce orgasms. The general difficulty of achieving orgasms vaginally, which is a predicament that is likely due to nature easing the process of child bearing by drastically reducing the number of vaginal nerve endings, challenge arguments that vaginal orgasms help encourage sexual intercourse in order to facilitate reproduction. Supporting a distinct G-spot, however", "id": "7037010" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\ndoubtful. A 1994 Learning Channel documentary on sex had fiber optic cameras inside the vagina of a woman while she had sexual intercourse. During her orgasm, her pelvic muscles contracted and her cervix repeatedly dipped into a pool of semen in the vaginal fornix, as if to ensure that sperm would proceed by the external orifice of the uterus, making conception more likely. Evolutionary psychologists Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá, in their discussion of the female orgasm, address how long it takes for females to achieve orgasm compared to males, and", "id": "2582048" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nindividual factors. A woman's orgasm may last slightly longer or much longer than a man's. Women's orgasms have been estimated to last, on average, approximately 20 seconds, and to consist of a series of muscular contractions in the pelvic area that includes the vagina, the uterus, and the anus. For some women, on some occasions, these contractions begin soon after the woman reports that the orgasm has started and continue at intervals of about one second with initially increasing, and then reducing, intensity. In", "id": "2582020" }, { "contents": "Nipple stimulation\n\n\nAdult women and men report that breast stimulation may be used to both initiate and enhance sexual arousal, and a few women report experiencing orgasm from nipple stimulation. Male and female breasts, nipples and areolas develop similarly in the fetus and during infancy. At puberty, the male's breasts remain rudimentary but the female's develop further, mainly due to the presence of estrogen and progesterone, and become much more sensitive than the male ones. Smaller female breasts, however, are more sensitive than larger ones. Breasts, and especially", "id": "5772737" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nwhich are primarily monogamous, do not exhibit obvious signs of female orgasm.\" The female promiscuity explanation of female sexuality was echoed at least 12 years earlier by other evolutionary biologists, and there is increasing scientific awareness of the female proceptive phase. Though Dixson classifies humans as mildly polygynous in his survey of primate sexuality, he appears to have doubts, when he writes, \"One might argue that ... the female's orgasm is rewarding, increases her willingness to copulate with a variety of males rather than one partner, and thus", "id": "2582050" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nfocus emphasizes women as subjects of pleasure reaching real orgasms. Women’s pornography audio that emphasizes what is being felt; the use of the female voice to display pleasure enhances the performance of orgasms. The camera shots, such as close-ups of the face, also emphasize pleasure and emotion. Other camera shots that are sometimes used include angles that display the faces of the male performers, rather than just their penises, in attempt to eroticize the male body more. Showing more of the male bodies negates the objectification of the", "id": "8644381" }, { "contents": "Edging (sexual practice)\n\n\n. With orgasm control, a male can experience a longer or more intense orgasm, as well as a larger volume of semen expelled during his ejaculation. Because solo masturbation allows for precise control over the feelings, the timing, and the speed of stimulation, many people practice orgasmic control by themselves. One technique, commonly referred to as 'edging', involves masturbating up until the moment before reaching the plateau phase just before orgasm occurs, and then stopping suddenly before experiencing a climax. Another technique, commonly referred to as", "id": "2562621" }, { "contents": "Missionary position\n\n\nof penile erection is lost immediately after ejaculation, making him more likely to inadvertently slip out of the vagina, especially during the strong pelvic contractions of female orgasm. In addition to the standard methods for treating premature ejaculation, Zachary Veilleux notes that this problem can be overcome by workarounds such as changing positions frequently (which studies have shown delays male orgasm by a factor of 2-3), using lubrication to reduce friction (friction stimulates the male but is not as important in female orgasm), or switching to cunnilingus for", "id": "5641684" }, { "contents": "Anorgasmia\n\n\nwhich indicates a person who has never had an orgasm). Or loss of the ability to reach orgasm of past intensity. The cause may be alcoholism, depression, grief, pelvic surgery (such as total hysterectomy) or injuries, certain medications, illness, estrogen deprivation associated with menopause, or rape. Secondary anorgasmia is close to 50% among males undergoing prostatectomy; 80% among radical prostatectomies. This is a serious adverse result because radical prostatectomies are usually given to younger males who are expected to live more than 10", "id": "5212852" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\ngradually tapers off. It is believed that the exact feeling of \"orgasm\" varies from one man to another. Normally, as a man ages, the amount of semen he ejaculates diminishes, and so does the duration of orgasms. This does not normally affect the intensity of pleasure, but merely shortens the duration. After ejaculation, a refractory period usually occurs, during which a man cannot achieve another orgasm. This can last anywhere from less than a minute to several hours or days, depending on age and other", "id": "2582019" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nthe bulbospongiosus muscles that begin in the anal sphincter and travel to the tip of the penis. They eventually increase in speed and intensity as the orgasm approaches, until a final \"plateau\" (the orgasmic) pleasure sustained for several seconds. The length of a man's orgasm has been estimated at 10–15 seconds on average, though it is possible for them to last up to 30 seconds. During orgasm, a human male experiences rapid, rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter, the prostate, and the muscles of the penis", "id": "2582017" }, { "contents": "Signs of the Flesh\n\n\n, and considers topics such as the female orgasm and homosexuality. He argues, in opposition to a case made by the anthropologist Donald Symons in \"The Evolution of Human Sexuality\" (1979), that evidence suggests that the female orgasm is adaptive, rather than simply being a byproduct of selection for the male orgasm. He attempts to explain the ways the human penis has been personified and used as a sign, arguing that \"the entities which humans personify are those which are most likely to be involved in the maximization of", "id": "1502686" }, { "contents": "Fake orgasm\n\n\nthere is a perceived risk of infidelity. While research has shown that 25% of males also display fake orgasms, there is limited research into this area with no current evidence suggesting that men fake an orgasm to retain a mate. The main reasons men gave for faking an orgasm is that they wanted the sex to end as achieving orgasm was unlikely but did not want to hurt the feelings of their partner. A study of orgasms in female humans suggested that most men are quite accurate in knowing whether their partners faked orgasm or", "id": "21353124" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nthe breast area during sexual intercourse or foreplay, or solely having the breasts fondled, can create mild to intense orgasms, sometimes referred to as a \"breast orgasm\" or \"nipple orgasm\". Few women report experiencing orgasm from nipple stimulation. Before Komisaruk et al.'s functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) research on nipple stimulation in 2011, reports of women achieving orgasm from nipple stimulation relied solely on anecdotal evidence. Komisaruk's study was the first to map the female genitals onto the sensory portion of the brain; it", "id": "2582012" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\n, have asserted that the clitoris is vestigial or nonadaptive, and that the female orgasm serves no particular evolutionary function. However, Gould acknowledged that \"most female orgasms emanate from a clitoral, rather than vaginal (or some other), site\" and stated that his nonadaptive belief \"has been widely misunderstood as a denial of either the adaptive value of female orgasm in general, or even as a claim that female orgasms lack significance in some broader sense\". He explained that although he accepts that \"clitoral orgasm plays a", "id": "2582052" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\norgasm Eros fulfills its mission and gives way to Thanatos. Other modern authors have chosen to represent the orgasm without metaphors. In the novel \"Lady Chatterley's Lover\" (1928), by D. H. Lawrence, we can find an explicit narrative of a sexual act between a couple: \"As he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm there awoke in her strange thrills rippling inside her...\" The mechanics of male orgasm are similar in most male mammals. Females of some mammal and some non-mammal species", "id": "2582072" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nto a week. Some doctors speculate that the frequency of POIS \"in the population may be greater than has been reported in the academic literature\", and that many POIS sufferers are undiagnosed. The inability to have orgasm, or regular difficulty reaching orgasm after ample sexual stimulation, is called anorgasmia or inorgasmia. If a male experiences erection and ejaculation but no orgasm, he is said to have sexual anhedonia (a condition in which an individual cannot feel pleasure from an orgasm) or ejaculatory anhedonia. Anorgasmia is significantly more", "id": "2582034" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nvibrator. Prostate stimulation can produce a deeper orgasm, described by some men as more widespread and intense, longer-lasting, and allowing for greater feelings of ecstasy than orgasm elicited by penile stimulation only. The practice of pegging (consisting of a woman penetrating a man's anus with a strap-on dildo) stimulates the prostate. It is also typical for a man to not reach orgasm as a receptive partner solely from anal sex. For women, penile-anal penetration may also indirectly stimulate the clitoris by the shared", "id": "2582009" }, { "contents": "Non-penetrative sex\n\n\ncreates orgasm experiences more intense and extensive than what can be described as, or included in the definition of, a regular orgasm. It includes a range of sensations that include orgasms that are full-bodied, and orgasms that last from a few minutes to many hours. However, this technique is not without risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, in particular HIV. A person using his or her finger, with a small wound, to stimulate a woman's genitals could be infected with HIV found in her vagina's fluids", "id": "2699964" }, { "contents": "Shenkui\n\n\nthe individual to become stuck in yang. Also this causes great exhaustion from the constant agony of the withdrawal symptoms of Orgasm in shenkui; burning brain fog and body chills. With medicine of yin energies rebound effect occurs until the patient is in balance and functioning in healthy normal circumstances with the individuals yin and yang. Before medicine it is much more difficult to abstain and remain abstinent for the burn is so intense that relief is sought desperately. Losing semen, or more specifically having orgasm, ends the body jumping to yang and", "id": "2503341" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nNaked Ape\" that the female orgasm evolved to encourage physical intimacy with a male partner and help reinforce the pair bond. Morris suggested that the relative difficulty in achieving female orgasm, in comparison to the male's, might be favorable in Darwinian evolution by leading the female to select mates who bear qualities like patience, care, imagination, intelligence, as opposed to qualities like size and aggression, which pertain to mate selection in other primates. Such advantageous qualities thereby become accentuated within the species, driven by the differences between male", "id": "2582044" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nstimulation accumulates. Discussions of female orgasm are complicated by orgasms in women typically being divided into two categories: clitoral orgasm and vaginal (or G-spot) orgasm. In 1973, Irving Singer theorized that there are three types of female orgasms; he categorized these as vulval, uterine, and blended, but because he was a philosopher, \"these categories were generated from descriptions of orgasm in literature rather than laboratory studies\". In 1982, Ladas, Whipple and Perry also proposed three categories: the tenting type (derived", "id": "2581986" }, { "contents": "Clitoris\n\n\nbeen widely misunderstood as a denial of either the adaptive value of female orgasm in general, or even as a claim that female orgasms lack significance in some broader sense\". He said that although he accepts that \"clitoral orgasm plays a pleasurable and central role in female sexuality and its joys,\" \"[a]ll these favorable attributes, however, emerge just as clearly and just as easily, whether the clitoral site of orgasm arose as a spandrel or an adaptation\". He added that the \"male biologists who fretted over", "id": "7037015" }, { "contents": "Sutter Cinema\n\n\nfilms that showed more than a penis going into a vagina. She felt that \"erotic film needed to be made of, by, and for men \"and\" women. Female orgasms need to be portrayed on the screen at an equal rate to male orgasms.\" \"In December 1970, the cinema with Leo Productions sponsored a five-day erotic film festival toward this end\" (\"to elevate pornographic film to a higher level of respectability.\" (To accommodate the crowd, the festival was held at the", "id": "4398015" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\ntypically male trait based on a mechanism in the brain that exists in individuals of both sexes: a woman who experiences an orgasm during heterosexual intercourse is exhibiting bisexual behavior because her mating response to a male is female behavior and her orgasm is a male behavior. He questioned whether Symons actually intended to make an analogy between the existence of the female orgasm and that of the male nipple, writing that Symons's comments on the issue had been taken out of context. Brian Easlea argued against Symons that desire for anonymous sex is actually", "id": "18577802" }, { "contents": "One-sex and two-sex theories\n\n\nwoman would reach an orgasm, the mouth of her womb would open and suck up the male ejaculate like a sponge. It was thought that both males and females experience an orgasm during intercourse and that both released some sort of fluid, which would mix together and the two emissions would result in conception. If women have organs that resemble those of men, and since men obviously experience an orgasm, the woman must too. Women needed to orgasm to produce fluids during intercourse that would stir with the male ejaculate to conceive a", "id": "20424288" }, { "contents": "Sex reassignment surgery\n\n\n85% of the male-to-female individuals are able to achieve orgasms after SRS. A study found that both trans men and trans women reported qualitative change in their experience of orgasm. The female-to-male transgender individuals reported that they had been experiencing intensified and stronger excitements while male-to-female individuals have been encountering longer and more gentle feelings. The rates of masturbation have also changed after sex reassignment surgery for both trans women and trans men. A study reported an overall increase of masturbation frequencies exhibited", "id": "3727167" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nability to ejaculate frequently and are subject to only very short refractory periods during the resolution phase\". Masters and Johnson equated male orgasm and ejaculation and maintained the necessity for a refractory period between orgasms. There has been little scientific study of multiple orgasm in men. Dunn and Trost defined male multiple orgasm as \"two or more orgasms with or without ejaculation and without, or with only very limited, detumescence [loss of erection] during one and the same sexual encounter\". Although, due to the refractory period, it", "id": "2581978" }, { "contents": "Fake orgasm\n\n\nsire their child. A true orgasm is known to increase the number of sperm carried to the uterus post-male orgasm (suggesting reproductive benefits) and has suggested pair-bonding benefits. Faking an orgasm with a low-genetic quality mate would lead that mate to believe that a) they could be the father of a child born to that mother and b) that the female is committed to them and them alone, because she appears satisfied. A fake orgasm could also be a mate retention technique, as research has", "id": "21353119" }, { "contents": "OneTaste\n\n\nand both focusing their attention on the sensation with the stated goal of developing connective resonance between them. Although the practitioners can be of either sex, the focus of orgasmic meditation seems to be on the female orgasm through subtle and deliberate stimulation of the clitoris. Both partners, however, are said to share in the sensation and fulfillment via a kind of \"pleasure by proxy.\" Proponents state that orgasmic meditation encompasses more than just orgasm and that it encourages greater emotional awareness, connected relationships, and sense of fulfillment. Others", "id": "12322672" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\nThe Evolution of Human Sexuality is a 1979 book about human sexuality by the anthropologist Donald Symons, in which the author discusses topics such as human sexual anatomy, ovulation, orgasm, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, and rape, attempting to show how evolutionary concepts can be applied to humans. Symons argues that the female orgasm is not an adaptive trait and that women have the capacity for it only because orgasm is adaptive for men, and that differences between the sexual behavior of male and female homosexuals help to show underlying differences between male", "id": "18577766" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\ndesire feeds arousal and orgasm, and is in turn fueled by the rest of the orgasmic cycle. Rather than orgasm being the peak of the sexual experience, she suggested that it is just one point in the circle and that people could feel sexually satisfied at any stage, reducing the focus on climax as an end-goal of all sexual activity. As a man nears orgasm during stimulation of the penis, he feels an intense and highly pleasurable pulsating sensation of neuromuscular euphoria. These pulses are a series of throbbing sensations of", "id": "2582016" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\none another. In addition to physical stimulation, orgasm can be achieved from psychological arousal alone, such as during dreaming (nocturnal emission for males or females) or by forced orgasm. Orgasm by psychological stimulation alone was first reported among people who had spinal cord injury. Although sexual function and sexuality after spinal cord injury is very often impacted, this injury does not deprive one of sexual feelings such as sexual arousal and erotic desires. A person may also experience an involuntary orgasm, such as in the case of rape or other", "id": "2581973" }, { "contents": "Fake orgasm\n\n\nA fake orgasm occurs when a person pretends to have an orgasm without actually experiencing one. It usually involves simulating or acting out behaviors typically associated with orgasm, such as body movements, vocal sounds, and sequences of intensification followed by apparent release. It can also include giving verbal indications that orgasm occurred. Women fake orgasms more frequently than men, with one survey finding that 26% of women fake an orgasm every time they have sex. This is more than the 25% of women who report consistently having an orgasm during", "id": "21353110" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nunnecessary in reproduction, but that this is why it has been \"historically ignored\", mainly because of \"a fear of pleasure. It is pleasure separated from reproduction. That's the fear\". She reasoned that this fear is the cause of the ignorance that veils female sexuality. Brody Costa et al. suggest that women's vaginal orgasm consistency is associated with being told in childhood or adolescence that the vagina is the important zone for inducing female orgasm. Other proposed factors include how well women focus mentally on vaginal sensations", "id": "2582059" }, { "contents": "Female copulatory vocalizations\n\n\nthat female sexual vocalizations, like those of other primates, serve as \"copulation calls\" noticeable to other men and exciting to them if overheard). One study, for instance, has noted that female sexual vocalizations tend to become more intense as she approaches orgasm. At orgasm her vocalizations are usually discrete and are not random, appearing related to observed contractions of the superficial perivaginal striated muscles; these in turn probably correlate with each wave of erotic pleasure. The vocalization tends to become very rapid, with a regular rhythm that", "id": "13810165" }, { "contents": "Erotic sexual denial\n\n\non can be used to prolong penetrative sex and thus sexually satisfy the female partner in case the male suffers from premature ejaculation. Erotic sexual denial, in various forms, is sometimes associated with creating a state of sexual need leading to a more pliable or agreeable outlook by the denied party. Orgasm denial practices can allow dominant lovers to exercise control and training over highly intimate and psychologically significant aspects of their submissive lovers' lives. This can extend to tolerance of increased stimulation and training both to hold back orgasm, or to orgasm", "id": "7602437" }, { "contents": "OneTaste\n\n\nResonance\" between two partners is essential to shared sensation. Orgasmic meditation is often practiced separately from sex, often somewhere than the bedroom. Orgasmic meditation is distinct from foreplay, \"designed to keep a woman on a plateau of sensation.\" A visiting UK columnist surmised that \"Orgasmic meditation recalibrates the body, preparing it for better, more intense sex.\" \"The New York Times\" portrays Daedone as leading a self-described \"slow sex movement, one that places a near-exclusive emphasis on women’s pleasure", "id": "12322676" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nof orgasms are all a part of the female body's unconscious strategy to collect and retain sperm from more evolutionarily fit men. An orgasm during intercourse functions as a bypass button to a woman's natural cervical filter against sperm and pathogens. An orgasm before functions to strengthen the filter. Desmond Morris proposed that orgasm might facilitate conception by exhausting the female and keeping her horizontal, thus preventing the sperm from leaking out. This possibility, sometimes called the \"Poleaxe Hypothesis\" or the \"Knockout Hypothesis\", is now considered highly", "id": "2582047" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nOrgasm (from Greek ὀργασμός \"orgasmos\" \"excitement, swelling\"; also sexual climax) is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by sexual pleasure. Experienced by males and females, orgasms are controlled by the involuntary or autonomic nervous system. They are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation and, frequently, body movements and vocalizations. The period after orgasm (", "id": "2581966" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nejaculation). The British biologists Baker and Bellis have suggested that the female orgasm may have a peristalsis or \"upsuck\" action (similar to the esophagus' ability to swallow when upside down), resulting in the retaining of favorable sperm and making conception more likely. They posited a role of female orgasm in sperm competition. The observation that women tend to reach orgasm more easily when they are ovulating also suggests that it is tied to increasing fertility. Evolutionary biologist Robin Baker argues in \"Sperm Wars\" that occurrence and timing", "id": "2582046" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\ndescribed in literature over the centuries. In antiquity, Latin literature addressed the subject as much as Greek literature: Book III of Ovid's \"Metamorphoses\" retells a discussion between Jove and Juno, in which the former states: \"The sense of pleasure in the male is far / More dull and dead, than what you females share.\" Juno rejects this thought; they agree to ask the opinion of Tiresias (\"who had known Venus/Love in both ways,\" having lived seven years as a female)", "id": "2582066" }, { "contents": "Masturbation\n\n\nhad intercourse with more than one male, such an orgasm can increase the likelihood of a pregnancy by one of them. Female masturbation can also provide protection against cervical infections by increasing the acidity of the cervical mucus and by moving debris out of the cervix. In males, masturbation flushes out old sperm with low motility from the male's genital tract. The next ejaculate then contains more fresh sperm, which have higher chances of achieving conception during intercourse. If more than one male has intercourse with a female, the sperm with", "id": "1149685" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nfrom clitoral stimulation), the A-frame type (derived from G-spot stimulation), and the blended type (derived from clitoral and G-spot stimulation). In 1999, Whipple and Komisaruk proposed cervix stimulation as being able to cause a fourth type of female orgasm. Female orgasms by means other than clitoral or vaginal/G-spot stimulation are less prevalent in scientific literature and most scientists contend that no distinction should be made between \"types\" of female orgasm. This distinction began with Sigmund Freud,", "id": "2581987" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nmay involve loss of hormones supporting sexuality and genital functionality. Vaginal and clitoral atrophy and dryness affects up to 50%–60% of postmenopausal women. Testosterone levels in men fall as they age. Sexual dysfunction overall becomes more likely with poor physical and emotional health. \"Negative experiences in sexual relationships and overall well-being\" are associated with sexual dysfunction. The function or functions of the human female orgasm have been debated among researchers. Because male orgasms that expel sperm from the body into the vagina during sexual intercourse may result in conception", "id": "2582041" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nthat the clitoris is more than just its glans and asserted in 1998 that there is more erectile tissue associated with the clitoris than is generally described in anatomical textbooks. They concluded that some females have more extensive clitoral tissues and nerves than others, especially having observed this in young cadavers as compared to elderly ones, and therefore whereas the majority of females can only achieve orgasm by direct stimulation of the external parts of the clitoris, the stimulation of the more generalized tissues of the clitoris via intercourse may be sufficient for others. French", "id": "2581996" }, { "contents": "Human female sexuality\n\n\ntwo categories: clitoral and vaginal (or G-spot) orgasms. 70-80% of women require direct clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm, though indirect clitoral stimulation may also be sufficient. Clitoral orgasms are easier to achieve because the glans of the clitoris, or clitoris as a whole, has more than 8,000 sensory nerve endings, which is as many (or more in some cases) nerve endings as are present in the human penis or glans penis. As the clitoris is homologous to the penis, it is the", "id": "1721493" }, { "contents": "Female copulatory vocalizations\n\n\nincludes equal note lengths and intervals between notes, which male vocalization typically lacks. This is especially frequent when her orgasm occurs during penile-vaginal intercourse. By exciting her partner with her vocalizations and bringing about his orgasm at that point, she helps ensure that the seminal pool is available for her cervix to dip into as her vagina relaxes after her orgasm. Copulatory vocalizations may also be a type of mate retention behaviour. One study found that women who perceived a high risk of infidelity in their relationship were more likely to utilize", "id": "13810166" }, { "contents": "The Evolution of Human Sexuality\n\n\ntypical only of sexist men and is not characteristic of men in general in \"Science and Sexual Oppression\" (1981). He rejected Symons's view that socializing men to \"want only the kinds of sexual interactions that women want...might well entail a cure worse than the disease\". The feminist Susan Griffin considered Symons's view that the female orgasm is only a byproduct of selection for the male orgasm an example of the ideology of the \"pornographic mind\", which conceives of female sexuality as \"an empty space", "id": "18577803" }, { "contents": "The Act of Marriage\n\n\nreduce pain when breaking the hymen. Emphasis is placed on the clitoris as the seat of the female orgasm. The differences between male and female orgasms are also outlined. This chapter outlines the basic steps taken during a lovemaking session. It includes preparations that should be taken, foreplay, the act itself, and the \"afterglow\" that follows completion of the act. They stress the importance of the husband waiting until his wife is fully aroused before entering her vagina and proceeding to orgasm. They recommend that a couple use their", "id": "20199739" }, { "contents": "Fake orgasm\n\n\nretention occur is directly related to the risk of infidelity; limited research indicates that once the risk of infidelity is controlled for, the prevalence of other mate retention behaviors are greatly reduced. Fake orgasm has also been shown to function as a mate-retention technique when the female, as opposed to the male, has a higher risk of infidelity. For example, it has been suggested that a main function of female orgasm is to retain the sperm of a favored partner, therefore it is advantageous for men to pay attention to", "id": "21353122" }, { "contents": "Cock and ball torture\n\n\nthe testicles away from the body. This can be particularly enjoyable for the wearer as it can make an orgasm more intense, as testicles are prevented from moving up. Intended to make one's testicles permanently hang much lower than before (if used regularly for extended periods of time), this sex toy can be potentially harmful to the male genitals as the circulation of blood can be easily cut off if over-tightened. While leather stretchers are most common, other models consist of an assortment of steel rings that fastens with", "id": "8134788" }, { "contents": "Clitoris\n\n\ntime of the second-wave feminist movement, which inspired feminists to reject the distinction made between clitoral and vaginal orgasms. Feminist Anne Koedt argued that because men \"have orgasms essentially by friction with the vagina\" and not the clitoral area, this is why women's biology had not been properly analyzed. \"Today, with extensive knowledge of anatomy, with [C. Lombard Kelly], Kinsey, and Masters and Johnson, to mention just a few sources, there is no ignorance on the subject [of the female orgasm", "id": "7037001" }, { "contents": "Forced orgasm\n\n\nA forced orgasm is a consensual BDSM sexual play whereby a person consents to be forced to orgasm despite their attempts to delay or not to orgasm. The person who is to be brought to involuntary orgasm would typically be put in physical restraints to increase the feeling of helplessness, and deprive him or her of the ability to control the onset and intensity of orgasm. This is a common element during BDSM play and is a form of orgasm control. With the consenting partner restrained and unable to stop being sexual stimulated, the active", "id": "12453981" }, { "contents": "Ejaculation\n\n\nintervals for the duration of the orgasm. Many men also experience additional irregular contractions at the conclusion of the orgasm. Ejaculation usually begins during the first or second contraction of orgasm. For most men, the first ejection of semen occurs during the second contraction, while the second is typically the largest expelling 40% or more of total semen discharge. After this peak, the magnitude of semen the penis emits diminishes as the contractions begin to lessen in intensity. The muscle contractions of the orgasm can continue after ejaculation with no additional", "id": "15113397" }, { "contents": "Missionary position\n\n\n.\" David Port states, \"Beginning early in the second trimester, doctors tend to discourage pregnant women from supine exercise. And the missionary position is exactly that kind of exercise, at least if the activity lasts more than a few fleeting moments.\" The deep penetration and large hip thrusts of the missionary position can cause the man to reach orgasm quickly compared to other positions, which can be problematic if the couple seeks to reach simultaneous orgasm. The male reaching orgasm first can be disruptive to sex, as 50%", "id": "5641683" }, { "contents": "Human sperm competition\n\n\n. Physiologically, some researchers have suggested that females may strategically time orgasms in order to selectively retain sperm from extra-pair partners, and this research was supported by evidence that women tend to have a greater number of copulatory orgasms with males of higher genetic quality, measured by lower fluctuating asymmetry of the partners. Psychologically, the female orgasm may be used as a mechanism to signal relationship satisfaction with a partner to reduce the likelihood of him having extra-pair copulations. Indeed, women who suspect infidelity of their partners have been", "id": "14775739" }, { "contents": "Urinary meatus\n\n\nfemales relates to the ease with which she may achieve orgasm through penetrative sex. Orgasm from penetration alone is observed to be more likely as CUMD decreases. Unlike most other mammals, female spotted hyenas have a urinary meatus that is located on the clitoral glans. Congenital disorders of the meatus, in the male, include epispadias – the misplacement to the upper aspect and hypospadias – the misplacement to the underside of the penis. A congenital misshaping can result in its narrowing (meatal stenosis) causing a partial or total urinary blockage,", "id": "4170754" }, { "contents": "Fake orgasm\n\n\nOvid in his famous book Ars Amatoria: People can also fake orgasms for reasons of display or presentation, such as during phone sex or in pornography. Feminists have asserted that women faking orgasms is a sign of male-centered sexuality; in a society that celebrates only male sexual pleasure, women may feel pressured to engage in acts that bring their male partners to orgasm but that do not provide them physical pleasure. Women in a discussion group in 1967 analyzed their motivations for faking orgasms and decided that faking was a response to", "id": "21353114" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nachieving orgasm during sexual intercourse, and only one in ten always orgasmed. This variation in ability to orgasm, generally thought to be psychosocial, was found to be 34% to 45% genetic. The study, examining 4000 women, was published in \"Biology Letters\", a Royal Society journal. Elisabeth Lloyd has cited this as evidence for the notion that female orgasm is not adaptive. Miller, Hrdy, Helen O'Connell and Natalie Angier have criticized the \"female orgasm is vestigial\" hypothesis as understating and devaluing the psychosocial", "id": "2582056" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nis by physical sexual stimulation of the penis. This is usually accompanied by ejaculation, but it is possible, though also rare, for men to orgasm without ejaculation (known as a \"dry orgasm\"). Prepubescent boys have dry orgasms. Dry orgasms can also occur as a result of retrograde ejaculation, or hypogonadism. Men may also ejaculate without reaching orgasm, which is known as anorgasmic ejaculation. They may also achieve orgasm by stimulation of the prostate (see below). The traditional view of male orgasm is that", "id": "2581975" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\nknown as the refractory period) is often a relaxing experience, attributed to the release of the neurohormones oxytocin and prolactin as well as endorphins (or \"endogenous morphine\"). Human orgasms usually result from physical sexual stimulation of the penis in males (typically accompanying ejaculation) and of the clitoris in females. Sexual stimulation can be by self-practice (masturbation) or with a sex partner (penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex, or other sexual activity). The health effects surrounding the human orgasm are diverse.", "id": "2581967" }, { "contents": "Anejaculation\n\n\nAnejaculation is the pathological inability to ejaculate in males, with (\"orgasmic\") or without (\"anorgasmic\") orgasm. It can depend on one or more of several causes, including: Anejaculation, especially the \"orgasmic\" variant, is usually indistinguishable from retrograde ejaculation. However, a negative urinalysis measuring no abnormal presence of spermatozoa in the urine will eliminate a retrograde ejaculation diagnosis. Thus, if the affected person has the sensations and involuntary muscle-contractions of an orgasm but no or very low-volume semen", "id": "8820658" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\noral (32%)\" and the \"[e]ncounters may also have included other practices. Men had an orgasm in 95% of encounters and women in 69%. Generally, the more practices engaged in, the higher a woman's chance of having an orgasm. Women were more likely to reach orgasm in encounters including cunnilingus\". Other studies suggest that women exposed to lower levels of prenatal androgens are more likely to experience orgasm during vaginal intercourse than other women. Kinsey, in his 1953 book \"Sexual Behavior in", "id": "2582005" }, { "contents": "Orgasm\n\n\n.'... ...Because women reach orgasm through intercourse less consistently than men, they are more likely than men to have faked an orgasm\". Sex counselor Ian Kerner stated, \"It's a myth that using the penis is the main way to pleasure a woman.\" He cites research concluding that women reach orgasm about 25% of the time with intercourse, compared with 81% of the time during oral sex (cunnilingus). In the first large-scale empirical study worldwide to link specific practices with orgasm,", "id": "2582003" }, { "contents": "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm\n\n\norgasm, female anatomy, and reasons the \"myth\" of vaginal orgasm is maintained. Koedt wrote this feminist response during the sexual revolution of the 1960s. The goal of this response is to address both the 'myth of the vaginal orgasm', create awareness and education for women and men about female sexual pleasure, and to counter previous thought about the female orgasm. Koedt reflects in her writing, \"It was Freud's feelings about women's secondary and inferior relationship to men that formed the basis for his theories on", "id": "18861616" }, { "contents": "Orgastic potency\n\n\nKinsey defined the male orgasm as \"all cases of ejaculation\" and the female orgasm as \"the sudden and abrupt release ... from sexual tension, [excluding] the satisfaction that may result from sexual experience.\" In other words, Kinsey focusses on the physiology, anatomy and technique involved in inducing a discharge of tension. Therefore, Kinsey's usage of the term orgasm covers behaviour that in the Reichian typology ranges from orgastic potency to orgastic impotence. Furthermore, examples of physiological distinctions Reich made but which were not pursued by", "id": "2817517" }, { "contents": "Sexual intercourse\n\n\n, when involving a male participant, often ends when the male has ejaculated, and thus the partner might not have time to reach orgasm. In addition, premature ejaculation (PE) is common, and women often require a substantially longer duration of stimulation with a sexual partner than men do before reaching an orgasm. Scholars, such as Weiten et al., state that \"many couples are locked into the idea that orgasms should be achieved only through intercourse [penile-vaginal sex],\" that \"the word \"", "id": "7767609" }, { "contents": "Erotic sexual denial\n\n\nlevel). Tie and tease activities are physically as well as psychologically intense, because the strong feelings of sexual frustration are escalated by the sensation of helplessness induced by bondage. Tease and denial is a situation where a person is stimulated until they are close to orgasm, then stimulation is stopped, keeping the person on the brink of orgasm. It is sometimes referred to as \"edging\", or \"edge play\". This is similar to orgasm control, but without the promise of orgasm at the end. If orgasm", "id": "7602433" } ]
Why don't Americans/English take off their shoes when entering a house, even their own house?
[{"answer": "Who says they don't? First thing I do as soon as I get home is take them off."}, {"answer": "It's easiest to explain this initially by looking at why people of many Asian cultures DO take their shoes off. I can't speak for all Asian cultures, but I've spent a good amount of time in Japan and over there, the floor plays a far more significant part in daily life than it does in the west, despite the increasing modern popularity of western furniture and beds. Traditionally, the Japanese sit directly on the floor, possibly with a cushion, around a low table. This is where you eat, socialise and work. When you sleep, the bedding material is rolled out directly onto the floor, and then put away again the next morning. On that basis, it's clear that having a clean and pleasant floor is *extremely* important, and as a guest it's culturally significant to take your shoes off as a mark of respect for your host and for their home. Compare that with the west, where we have historically always raised our living space upward. Chairs and dining tables for eating, matresses on bed frames for sleeping; in stark contrast to Asian attitudes it's culturally accepted that the floor is a dirty place, and that it's *okay* for it to be dirty. So it's not that we *don't* take our shoes off in the US/UK, it's merely that there is no specific culturally mandated rule that we must, and so people are free to make their own house rules based on their personal preference, upbringing, and living situation. Some people mix and match and have intentionally hard-wearing and easy to clean floors downstairs so that it's no problem to keep your shoes on, and then a \"no shoes upstairs\" rule where it's carpeted. I personally take my shoes off in my house as it has carpet throughout. As a guest, your behaviour is generally expected to conform to that of your host, and whether you may leave your shoes on or not when you visit someone is dependant on what they themselves are doing."}, {"answer": "I absolutely do remove my shoes before entering my home, and I ask that all visitors do the same. Grinding dirt/chemicals/ick into my carpets with shoes on? Yeah, no thanks."}, {"answer": "I'm fairly certain it's a regional thing in the US. I live in the northeast, and just about everyone I've ever met takes off their shoes as soon as they enter any house. You don't want to track mud or snow around, especially if you're a guest. I've got a couple of friends from northern Texas though, and they don't take their shoes off unless they're invited to or are friends of the property owner because otherwise it looks like they're being rude and making yourself at home without permission."}, {"answer": "because we dont have open sewers/animals and people shitting in our streets."}, {"answer": "I don't think there is a standard etiquette for this in the UK. Some people prefer that you take your shoes off in their home, others don't care. Maybe some would prefer that you keep them on. I normally just copy what everyone else does when in someone else's home. In my home I take my shoes off, but I don't particularly mind what other people do. Then again I very rarely have anyone other than my girlfriend or my family round."}, {"answer": "Many Americans have an initial room like a mud room or a small foyer where people normally take their shoes off."}, {"answer": "Cause some of us aren't *that* concerned about the bit of dirt on them from our regular daily lives. Most of us spend most of our time indoors throughout the day, so we don't get that dirty, so meh. We take them to our rooms so we can ready ourselves for the next day earlier."}, {"answer": "always lived in the uk here, everyone i know takes their shoes off when entering a house, be it their own or someone elses"}, {"answer": "It depends on the climate and weather conditions. I grew up partially in Southern California where it is warm and dry. Most people leave their shoes on. Here in Maine where it is cold and snowy most people take their shoes off."}, {"answer": "North East England here, everyone i know takes shoes off when they enter a house."}, {"answer": "American here, always take my shoes off, but only because I find shoes uncomfortable"}, {"answer": "English here and I don't know anyone who wears shoes in the house. I have just moved to a new house in the rural north. It has beautiful new light carpets everyone automatically takes their shoes off at the door as I do when I visit"}, {"answer": "Nearly everyone I know in England tends to take their shoes off when entering a house, it's pretty standard over here. Can't speak for America though."}, {"answer": "I don't like shoes on myself so in the house, and even for quick trips outside, I'm usually barefoot. I don't recommend that to everyone, it's just my thing. As far as other people go I don't request anyone remove their shoes...floors are for walking on. It's also where my animals hang out. If my floors get's dirty I can sweep, mop or vacuum, that's why the those things were invented."}, {"answer": "Because there is shit (literally) all over everything all the time, and providing my immune system with the nutrients it requires is far more significant than avoiding exposure to environmental toxins. I pick up after myself and keep things clean, mind. I believe in cleanliness, but sanitation? Nah. Germs are everywhere, like it or not you rely on your constitution to survive."}, {"answer": "It's just not a tradition of cultural norm. Lots of people take their shoes off once inside to keep debris from getting on the carpet or floor, but we generally don't have any rules about it other than what people have for their individual houses. We also usually store our shoes inside, even if we take them off."}, {"answer": "American here, yeah shoes come off. Unless my feet reek from pantyhose/tights/no sock flats at someone else's house and they keep theirs on too. I follow suit until I can (if I can) wash my feet in a sink, baby wipes, ect ect. Tights & dress shoes combo is terrrrrrrible."}, {"answer": "I do. It started while growing up on a farm. I'm not bringing my animal poo encrusted boots past the mud room. Everyone in my family removes their shoes, even the ones that don't live on the farm. It's rude to the person who keeps the home clean."}, {"answer": "An other, related question: do you have carpet in your living room and what country are you from? Asking this because I live in the Netherlands and I know NOBODY who has carpet in their living room... Edit: English"}, {"answer": "Depends on how clean the house is. Some people keep clean houses and like you to take of your shoes, others, well, that may not be a good idea."}, {"answer": "As an American from the east coast going to school in the midwest, I can say I've never gone into a house and left my shoes on."}, {"answer": "I almost always take my shoes off when I'm in my house, I also take them off in others houses unless they tell me it's ok"}, {"answer": "I live in Canada and we always, remove shoes. This was a big change for me, as a child, in Africa, we never did."}, {"answer": "This is a misconception. Americans don't do one or the other, it varies from house to house, for a multitude of reasons."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "54376427", "title": "Tradition of removing shoes in home", "section": "Section::::In the world.:Asia.:Thailand.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 29, "end_paragraph_id": 29, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Nearly all the houses or apartments in Thailand require removing shoes and place them in front of the main door to enter. You also need to remove your shoes to enter some buildings in Thai temples, especially in Ubosot. Kindergarten schools and some buildings in old elementary or high schools also require students to take off your shoes as well. However, in some houses or schools, slippers are allowed to use, but those are not allowed to use outside the buildings, as well in some restrooms there are provided sandals for changing before entering restrooms to keep it clean. In the United States, taking shoes off indoors is not", "slippers are allowed to use, but those are not allowed to use outside the buildings, as well in some restrooms there are provided sandals for changing before entering restrooms to keep it clean. In the United States, taking shoes off indoors is not"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21139", "title": "North America", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered by some to be a northern subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea.", "It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Tradition of removing shoes in home\n\n\nshoes off when entering the home. It may even be considered rude for guests to keep their shoes on inside the house. In Vietnam, it is a custom to remove shoes before entering any house or flat. It is also common to remove shoes in kindergarten schools and in some small private businesses. In the Arab world, no shoes are allowed indoors, as the shoes' soles are seen as dirty and unsanitary. Nearly all the houses or apartments in Thailand require removing shoes and place them in front of the main", "id": "11174449" }, { "contents": "Tradition of removing shoes in home\n\n\ntake them off at all times. In Ireland however it is very uncommon to take one's shoes off when entering a house, especially for visitors. In Italy (with the exception of the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia), France, Spain, and Portugal it is normal entering a home with shoes on. They can be removed only in rare cases, as for a wooden floor. In Eastern Europe, including all Slavic countries (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc.), Hungary, Romania, and", "id": "11174444" }, { "contents": "Tradition of removing shoes in home\n\n\ndoor to enter. You also need to remove your shoes to enter some buildings in Thai temples, especially in Ubosot. Kindergarten schools and some buildings in old elementary or high schools also require students to take off your shoes as well. However, in some houses or schools, slippers are allowed to use, but those are not allowed to use outside the buildings, as well in some restrooms there are provided sandals for changing before entering restrooms to keep it clean. In the United States, taking shoes off indoors is not", "id": "11174450" }, { "contents": "Babysan\n\n\nand accepting. Although naive and innocent the character of Babysan was able to teach Americans a little bit about customary practices such as taking off shoes before entering a house, the hibatchi, the kimono, food, and money. It also included common Japanese words and a rudimentary explanation of writing even though some arrogant American sailors already seemed to know it all. In addition to entertaining the troops, Babysan also provided a glimpse of what to expect and how they might be perceived in their new home. This semi-pornographic comic", "id": "7607810" }, { "contents": "Dead Woman's Shoes\n\n\nconfidence and knowledge she had when she first entered the house. When Kyle returns home, he finds Maddie sitting on his couch dressed in his dead wife’s clothes. Maddie, as Susan, retells the events of her death, revealing how Kyle killed her. She then picks up a gun and begins shooting at him. After a bit of a chase, Maddie’s feet begin to hurt. She takes off the shoes and returns to her usual personality. Panicking when she sees the gun in her hand, she suddenly", "id": "13122247" }, { "contents": "Middle of Nowhere (2012 film)\n\n\non East 91st Street doubled as Ruby's house in the film. DuVernay said \"When people think South-Central or Compton, it's all \"Boyz n the Hood\". It's never a house like this. It becomes an assumption that people who live in these communities don't care about their home, don't work as hard for them and don't own their homes. That's one of the reasons why I chose this area. It reminded me of the house I grew up in.\" Other", "id": "4849922" }, { "contents": "Dead Woman's Shoes\n\n\ndrops it and dumps the shoes in a garbage can, running off in her stocking feet. Afterwards, Kyle decides to close the house for the season, but not before telling the maid her services are no longer required. The maid, stunned by what has transpired, simply asks Kyle if he believes in ghosts. At a neighbor’s house near where Maddie ran off, their maid is taking out the trash, when she notices Susan’s shoes in the trash can and claims them for herself, and picks up the", "id": "13122248" }, { "contents": "Meet the Press\n\n\nwide and as weird a net as they could. I'm sure part of them was thinking, 'Why don't we just make it a variety show? On August 14, 2014, Turness announced that Chuck Todd, NBC's chief White House correspondent, would take over the role of moderator on September 7, 2014. On September 28, 2015, MSNBC premiered MTP Daily, a new weekday spin-off also hosted by Todd. It formally replaced \"The Ed Show\" as MSNBC's early-evening program", "id": "5012101" }, { "contents": "Tradition of removing shoes in home\n\n\nIn many cultures there is a tradition of removing one's shoes in the home and places like church, temples and schools. In Northern Europe and Austria, it is generally considered rude or unhygienic to keep one's shoes on when entering a house, in particular boots or outdoor walking shoes. There may be exceptions, especially when it is a short visit where it is not necessary to enter the interior rooms of the house or flat. Dress shoes or other shoes worn with formal wear are usually accepted, but those are", "id": "11174442" }, { "contents": "Keyhole (film)\n\n\n. After entering the house, Denny is able to stand under her own strength, and seems alive although injured and blind. She reveals that she can hear the thoughts of Ulysses as he wanders through the house, examining the objects that he had previously left behind. Calypso reveals that Hyacinth remains in Ulysses's former bedroom at the top of the house, where she has chained him (her father's ghost). Ulysses and Denny join the gang, who are confused about their plan (and don't understand why the", "id": "3570756" }, { "contents": "Mammy Two Shoes\n\n\nMammy Two Shoes (also referred to as Mrs. Two Shoes) is a fictional character in MGM's \"Tom and Jerry\" cartoons. She is a heavy-set middle-aged African American housemaid who takes care of the house in which Tom and Jerry reside. She is also Tom's owner, and wallops the cat with a broom when he misbehaves; Jerry often tries to sabotage a task Mammy has given Tom or destroy the house and/or its contents, in order to get Tom thrown out of the house. As", "id": "8630455" }, { "contents": "Bush shoeing incident\n\n\non the incident, President Bush said, \"I didn't have much time to reflect on anything, I was ducking and dodging. I'm not angry with the system. I believe that a free society is emerging, and a free society is necessary for our own security and peace.\" White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said: \"I don't think that you can take one guy throwing his shoe as representative of the people of Iraq.\" Al-Zaidi was initially held by the prime minister's guards", "id": "3040026" }, { "contents": "Silver Shoes\n\n\nThe Silver Shoes are the magical shoes that appear in L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\" as heroine Dorothy Gale's transport home. They are originally owned by the Wicked Witch of the East but passed to Dorothy when her house lands on the Witch. At the end of the story, Dorothy uses the shoes to transport her back to her home in Kansas, but when she arrives at her destination finds the shoes had fallen off en route. \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\" (1900", "id": "8172396" }, { "contents": "Dead Woman's Shoes\n\n\n. When the maid asks who she is she claims that she is Susan Montgomery, the wife of Kyle Montgomery, a wealthy big-city lawyer and the owner of the house. She then shares tales of the maid’s life which a stranger could never know. She tells the maid she is having a bath and runs up to change. When Maddie takes the shoes off, she turns back into a timid girl. The maid proceeds to run her off, but once the shoes return to her feet Maddie regains the", "id": "13122246" }, { "contents": "Don Aslett\n\n\ntaking one's shoes off at the door. Another way to manage cleanliness is to make each person responsible for cleaning up their own mess. He says that \"even if President Bush stayed at my house, he'd know where the vacuum is.\" He has acquired the nicknames of the Sultan of Shine, Don Juan of the John, and the Dean of Clean. In November 2011, Aslett opened the Museum of Clean in a six-story building in Pocatello, Idaho, in what had been a warehouse built", "id": "4084730" }, { "contents": "Born Free (Dexter)\n\n\nto convince her that Paul is telling the truth. In a final plea, Paul calls Rita and tells her to search their house for a shoe which he believes came off when Dexter knocked him out. Rita hangs up, but discovers the shoe while taking out the trash. After finding a clue at Rudy's house, Dexter arrives at the house of his biological mother, Laura Moser. Flashbacks reveal that Rudy, whose real name is Brian Moser, is in fact Dexter's brother. He also witnessed the murder of", "id": "19072970" }, { "contents": "Madea's Big Happy Family\n\n\nreveals that she dropped $900 on eyeshadow and shoes. Madea convinces Aunt Bam to chase after Rose. Kimberly (Támar Davis) arrives demanding to know why her sisters summoned her to the house, but they don't know themselves. When Donnie (Zuri Craig) comes, he tries to kiss Aunt Bam and Madea, who warns him that she got H1N1 from his last kiss. When Madea quizzes him, he says he's 17 and in the 6th grade, to which she responds that at least he's in", "id": "3721493" }, { "contents": "King of the Ants\n\n\nsetting him on fire, he returns to the house to deal with the wounded Carl and Beckett, begging him for medical assistance and asking why. Sean simply replies asking if there needs to be a reason for his revenge. Sean turns the stove on and leaves the house, he changes Ray's shoes to make it appear that the trio were working on the house when an accident occurs. Sean lights one of Ray's shoes on fire and throws it in the house, Beckett and Carl scream and cry as Sean walks", "id": "7025988" }, { "contents": "Tanauan, Leyte\n\n\nTacloban City and the Regional Airport but generally costs higher compared to the much cheaper Jeepneys. On the other hand, pedicabs and motor cabs are available when travelling within the local vicinity of Tanauan. Most locals take off their slippers, shoes, or flip flops before entering a house. During weddings, it is customary for the bride and groom to do the traditional folk dance called \"Kuracha\" and members of the families and guests alike are encouraged to pin money on their attire as a symbol of good luck and prosperity for", "id": "14682444" }, { "contents": "Magic Kid\n\n\nwith a bottle of Jack Daniels, even in his morning-coffee. Tony wants his money back and sends his nephew and two collectors to Bob. Bob is still in bed when the Mafia arrive, but Kevin sees the three thugs entering the house to take $15,000 off Uncle Bob. Tony is very pissed about it, so Bob takes his niece and nephew out of the house. Kevin offers to help his uncle against the bad guys. Megan gets in trouble when she goes to a club to meet her hero", "id": "11283328" }, { "contents": "Jennifer L. Lawless\n\n\n\". \"\"It Still Takes A Candidate: Why Women Don't Run for Office\"\" and \"\"Running from Office: Why Young Americans Are Turned Off to Politics\"\", She is also the author of \"\"Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the Decision to Run for Office\"\", and of multiple Brookings Institution reports, which Emerge America, the Women’s Campaign Forum, and other women’s organizations that recruit female political candidates frequently utilize for their own work. In 2006, Lawless ran", "id": "14692949" }, { "contents": "Blondie Has Servant Trouble\n\n\nThe house is the size of a palace, formerly owned by Batterson, a newly deceased magician. With the consent of his wife, Dagwood accepts the offer, and they prepare for take off to the country. They arrive at the empty house during a terrible thunderstorm, and find out from a local that the place definitely is haunted in some way. When they enter the house they realize that the house truly must be haunted, since it shows definite signs of a poltergeist living there with chairs starting to move around.", "id": "18115493" }, { "contents": "Toilets in Japan\n\n\nprefer to use a continuous flushing of the toilet instead of the recorded flush of the \"Otohime\". In Japanese culture, there is a tendency to separate areas into \"clean\" and \"unclean\", and the contact between these areas is minimized. For example, the inside of the house is considered a clean area, whereas the outside of the house is considered unclean. To keep the two areas separated, shoes are taken off before entering the house so that the \"unclean\" shoes do not touch the \"", "id": "21174630" }, { "contents": "Jarvis v Swans Tours Ltd\n\n\nexhilarating toboggan run ... Why did we choose the Hotel Krone ... mainly and most of all because of the 'Gemütlichkeit' and friendly welcome you will receive from Herr and Frau Weibel. ... The Hotel Krone has its own Alphütte Bar which will be open several evenings a week. ... No doubt you will be in for a great time, when you book this houseparty holiday ... Mr. Weibel, the charming owner, speaks English. In a special yellow box it said, Swans House Party in Mörlialp. All these House Party", "id": "13036702" }, { "contents": "Ghost in the Machine (artwork)\n\n\ndog shuffles by someone knocks at the door. Why don't you just sit down and think, think, think, think. A diagram of the artist's head is flashed with the word \"think\" repeated and pointing to various parts of the brain. There is a film of Nishio inside the house that she wears. She performs a monologue about the thinking process after which she takes off the house and throws across the stage. A meditation tape is played, and the artist lies down performing the soothing exercises instructed", "id": "13195408" }, { "contents": "Architecture of Palestine\n\n\nthe door, only 10-15 centimeters lower than the rest of the floor where visitors would take off their shoes before entering the house. In other cases, it would be a large area housing animals with an elevated gallery that allowed for use of the space below with the space above used for storage. They had a farm on their roof because vegetables were cheap and easy and they cooked outside to let the heat out. In Palestinian villages prior to 1948, there was at least one \"al-banna\" (", "id": "16398844" }, { "contents": "Umar\n\n\nnot told Umar. When Umar informed him that he had set out to kill Muhammad, Nua'im said, “By God, you have deceived yourself, O Umar! Do you think that Banu Abd Manaf would let you run around alive once you had killed their son Muhammad? Why don't you return to your own house and at least set it straight?\" Nuaimal Hakim told him to inquire about his own house where his sister and her husband had converted to Islam. Upon arriving at her house, Umar found his", "id": "2821279" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Hank Williams song)\n\n\n\"Why Don't You Love Me\" is a song by American singer and guitarist Hank Williams. The song reached number one on the U.S. Country & Western chart. It was released as a single in 1950 with the B-side \"A House Without Love\". Like his previous hits \"You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)\" and \"I Just Don't Like This Kind of Living,\" \"Why Don't You Love Me\" was likely inspired by Hank's turbulent relationship", "id": "17377522" }, { "contents": "Siobhan Magnus\n\n\n. Magnus, along with twelfth season finalist Angie Miller, are the only finalists on \"American Idol\" from Massachusetts. After her elimination, Magnus gave several media appearances and performed \"House of the Rising Sun\" on \"The Ellen DeGeneres Show\", and \"Paint It, Black\" on the \"Late Show with David Letterman\". Letterman would go on to say to Magnus \"I don't know why they voted you off, frankly I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, you should", "id": "11228034" }, { "contents": "Lanka (2011 film)\n\n\nby Sisodia's men. Her father tries to meet the cops but they don't want to entertain him. Also, we never know how Anju became Sisodia's mistress. The story takes a turn when Chhote (Arjan Bajwa) enters Sisodia's house. He is Sisodia's mentor's son and Sisodia loves him like his own brother. Chhote sees Anju and from the very moment gets attracted to her. He asks Sisodia who she is, but he gets no reply. Later, Sisodia tells him to take care of", "id": "15447454" }, { "contents": "Lucy Maud Montgomery\n\n\nwhich led her to switch publishers in 1917 when she finally discovered that Page was cheating her. When Montgomery left the firm of L.C. Page & company, Page demanded she sign over the American rights to \"Anne's House of Dreams\", and when she refused he cut off the royalties from the earlier \"Anne\" books. Even though he did not own the U.S. rights to \"Anne's House of Dreams\", Page sold those rights to the disreputable publishing house of Grosset & Dunlap, as a way of creating", "id": "15203815" }, { "contents": "The Red Shoes (fairy tale)\n\n\nshoes in church from now on. But next Sunday, Karen cannot resist the urge to put the red shoes on again. As she is about to enter the church, she meets a mysterious old soldier with a red beard. \"Oh, what beautiful shoes for dancing,\" the soldier says. \"Never come off when you dance,\" he tells the shoes, and he taps the sole of each with his hand. After church, Karen cannot resist taking a few dance steps, and off she", "id": "21262197" }, { "contents": "Muntadhar al-Zaidi\n\n\nthe incident, Bush said, \"I didn't have much time to reflect on anything, I was ducking and dodging. I'm not angry with the system. I believe that a free society is emerging, and a free society is necessary for our own security and peace,\" he added. \"I don't think that you can take one guy throwing his shoe as representative of the people of Iraq,\" said White House Press Secretary Dana Perino. Al-Zaidi was initially held by the prime minister's", "id": "16687539" }, { "contents": "Enemy in the House\n\n\nEnemy in the House is a murder mystery novel by Mignon G. Eberhart published by Random House in 1962. It was reprinted in 1976 by I. Henry (). The action takes place in South Carolina and Jamaica during the time of the American Revolution. Amity Mallam, the daughter of a plantation-owning family, enters a secret marriage in order to protect her inheritance. Her journey is set in motion when two of the ceremony's attendees, the priest and a lawyer, are murdered. Once in Jamaica, Amity,", "id": "4491648" }, { "contents": "English festivals\n\n\nlady of the house when they visit. In return the Orange Man gives the owner an orange. After the parade of the Tutti Men through the streets the Hocktide Lunch takes place for the Hocktide Council, commoners and guests, at which the traditional \"Plantagenet Punch\" is served. After the meal, an initiation ceremony, known as \"Shoeing the Colts\" is held, in which all first-time attendees are shod by the blacksmith. Their legs are held and a nail is driven into their shoe. They are", "id": "18757386" }, { "contents": "Get Smart\n\n\nto take off his shoe. Several variations on the shoe phone were used. In \"I Shot 86 Today\" (season four), his shoe phone is disguised as a golf shoe, complete with cleats, developed by the attractive armorer Dr. Simon. Smart's shoes sometimes contain other devices housed in the heels: an explosive pellet, a smoke bomb, compressed air capsules that propelled the wearer off the ground, and a suicide pill (which Max believes is for the enemy). Agent 99 (Barbara Feldon)", "id": "15305241" }, { "contents": "Chubbie Chumps\n\n\nthe Year, on Friday night at the Royal Albert Hall. Tim enters the contest, but Graeme forbids him to go to the pageant because he's not a housewife - not even a miss - but it's no use. Tim walks off to make himself pretty for the pageant because he won't listen to his friends. When Graeme telephones the radio station, the disc jockey says \"Hello Darling?\" Graeme answers back \"Don't you Darling me, Mate!\" and makes the disc jockey accidentally admit why", "id": "20439082" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\n, \"Live, she threw herself into the track, from tsk-tsk-tsk opening to impassioned ending; after that, the song's frenetic beat got transformed into an extended outro that showcased her band's prowess in such a convincing way, she took off her shoes to dance along with it.\" \"Why Don't You Love Me\" was included in the set list of Beyoncé's The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour (2013-2014). The song was performed during Beyoncé and Jay-Z's", "id": "7602782" }, { "contents": "Characters of Porridge (TV series)\n\n\nhis prestige due to the vicious nature of Mr. Wainwright, the (temporary) replacement of Mackay, they stage a riot, refusing to stop for even the harshest of threats, including Wainwright himself. But when, on Fletch's suggestion, Barrowclough is called into the hall, they fall silent as he nervously enters, and do not hesitate in obeying his rather timid requests, such as 'now, why don't you all put those things down...' and 'in the meantime, why don't we all file", "id": "14358532" }, { "contents": "Raid on Deerfield\n\n\n, motivations, and material objectives, the raiders did not achieve full surprise when they entered the palisaded village. The defenders of some fortified houses in the village successfully held off the raiders until arriving reinforcements prompted their retreat. However, the raid was a clear victory for the French coalition that aimed to take captives and unsettle English colonial frontier society. More than 100 captives were taken, and about 40 percent of the village houses were destroyed. Although predicted because of existing tensions during the war, the raid shocked New England colonists", "id": "5092148" }, { "contents": "France–United States relations\n\n\n, don't have friends. It's really [about] bilateral relationships on the basis of the balance of power and the defense of narrow American interest. And: ...we don't have interlocutors... ...[When] we have people to talk to, they are acting, so they don't have real authority or access. Basically, the consequence is that there is only one center of power: the White House. On France working with the US: ...We really don't want to enter into a childish", "id": "11917326" }, { "contents": "Take Me to Your World / I Don't Wanna Play House\n\n\nTake Me to Your World / I Don't Wanna Play House is the second studio album by American country music singer-songwriter Tammy Wynette. It was released on January 22, 1968, by Epic Records. The album peaked at No. 3 on the \"Billboard\" Country Albums chart. The album's two singles, \"I Don't Wanna Play House\" and \"Take Me to Your World\" were released on July 28 and December 8, 1967, respectively, and both reached No. 1 on the \"", "id": "5876524" }, { "contents": "Heibai Wuchang\n\n\nare you thinking of taking your own life? Why don't you pack your belongings and leave this place for good with your children? They need you to take care of them and raise them.\" She heeded the White Guard's advice. After they left, the house and the four shops suddenly caught fire and were burnt down. By the time the servant found out about the fire, all his inherited fortune had already been destroyed. The most common background story of the Heibai Wuchang says that Xie Bi'an and Fan", "id": "17428589" }, { "contents": "Jeepers Creepers (1939 animated film)\n\n\nAs Porky knocks on the door to enter the haunted house, the ghost does a lady voice \"Come in.\" Porky enters, already frightened. He enters again, the ghost places Frogs into a pair of shoes to look like a person walking, as Porky doesn't notice, the laces of the shoes get stuck to a coat hanger pole then rips off a curtain to make it look like a person with a cloak on. It immediately scares him and then the ghost scares him. Porky runs upstairs and lands", "id": "5655217" }, { "contents": "Cycling shoe\n\n\nobstacles while carrying the bike. More expensive shoes usually have less frontal flex. Cycling shoes come in numerous variants: road racing, track racing, winter, casual cycling, touring, off-road or mountain biking, and indoor cycling or spinning. Though many cycling shoe suppliers will have a conversion to American, English, French or even Japanese sizing, most cycling shoes are measured in European sizing. The available sizes range from European 35 to as large as 52. A few cycling shoe suppliers offer selected models wider than", "id": "12390380" }, { "contents": "Chloe Jasmine\n\n\nOn 27 August 2015, the two of them entered the \"Celebrity Big Brother\" House (as a single housemate) for its sixteenth series. In 2014, she auditioned for the X factor and advanced to the next round. For her arena audition, she performed \"Why Don't You Do Right?\". She progressed to bootcamp and was mentored by Cheryl Fernandez-Versini. She was one of the six girls chosen for judges' houses. After her performance at judges' houses, Chloe Jasmine was put through", "id": "1005351" }, { "contents": "White House Black Market\n\n\nWhite House Black Market is an American women's clothing retailer headquartered in Fort Myers, Florida. The multichannel brand, founded in 1985, specializes in upscale clothing for women ages 35 and older. White House Black Market owns and operates various clothing and accessories boutiques in the United States and Canada, where they sell their tops, dresses, skirts, pants, jackets, outerwear, shoes jewelry and accessories. Since 2003, White House Black Market has operated as a subsidiary of Chico's. The company began in 1985 when cofounders", "id": "18597692" }, { "contents": "You Don't Want to Know\n\n\nin Atlantic City. Flynn, the magician on stage (played by Steve Valentine), is replicating Harry Houdini's famous Chinese Water Torture Cell act, calling Cole up to the stage. Wrapped in chains, Flynn is dropped in the tank and loses consciousness as soon as he enters the water. Kutner suggests taking the case of the magician. He wants to run tests to find out why Flynn's heart stopped in the water, though House is sure the magician has lost consciousness because he screwed up the trick and drowned", "id": "1441987" }, { "contents": "Disappearance of Evelyn Hartley\n\n\nto take care of his 20-month old daughter. That evening, Evelyn's father Richard called the Rasmussen house several times after she failed to check in as planned at 8:30 PM; he received no answer. Concerned, he drove to the Rasmussen house. When Richard arrived, the doors were locked, the lights and radio were on, and items were scattered all over the house. The living room furniture had been moved around to different places, as were Evelyn's school books. Richard found her shoes in different rooms,", "id": "11309145" }, { "contents": "Angel (2007 film)\n\n\n, who works for the family that lives in the grand house called Paradise, don't understand her. She finishes writing her novel, \"Lady Irania\", and sends it off. Theo Gilbright (Sam Neill) offers to publish her novel, but he requires that she make some changes. Angel refuses and leaves in tears. Theo comes after her and offers to publish the novel as it is. That evening, they dine at Theo's house, where Theo's wife, Hermione (Charlotte Rampling), takes", "id": "4082727" }, { "contents": "Solitary confinement\n\n\nsafety is threatened by other inmates. Solitary confinement is colloquially referred to in American English as \"the hotbox\", \"the hole\", \"AdSeg\" (administrative segregation), the \"SHU\" (pronounced \"shoe\"), an acronym for \"Special Housing Unit\" or \"Security Housing Unit\"; in Australian English as \"the Slot\" or \"the Pound\"; in British English as \"the block\", \"The Segregation Unit\", or \"the cooler\". It has also been", "id": "19561734" }, { "contents": "Bamunka\n\n\n. This probably explains why even up to date, people are not allowed into the Fon's sitting room with shoes. You must remove your shoes as a sign of honor before entering the Fon's sitting room . When someone is enthroned Fon, he sits at the entrance to Kwifong's compound and for the last time in his life he greets commoners by the hand but draw away power from them which he stores in a bag hanging from writs. After the exercise he ceases to shake hands with commoners just so that they", "id": "2895602" }, { "contents": "List of Tenchi Muyo! characters\n\n\ndespite his saying overwise, Tenchi is the one who's sharing a house with a handful of beautiful girls, and they're not (\"Ryoko Resurrected\" and \"Visitor From Afar\")--they just won't believe that Tenchi's not sexually-involved with all these girls, because, in his place, they each would take advantage of such an opportunity (and this perverted nature is exactly why they don't have girlfriends of their-own in the first place). Meanwhile, Tenchi is intimidated and embarrassed by Ryoko and Ayeka", "id": "8126504" }, { "contents": "House System at the California Institute of Technology\n\n\n6 RAs and two faculty-in-residences. Caltech-owned housing that is not part of any of the eight Houses is known as \"off-campus\" housing, even if it is actually physically located on the Caltech campus (non-Caltech owned housing is called \"off-off-campus\" or \"off-squared\"). These housing units do not maintain memberships or have the community or traditions that the other Houses have. Off-campus housing besides Bechtel currently consists of Marks house and Braun", "id": "5175947" }, { "contents": "The Keepers of the House\n\n\nhim with a young daughter, Abigail, and an infant son, William, who died just a year after his mother. Abigail married an English professor who abandoned her with a child, also named Abigail, when he went off to fight in World War II. When she died, William Howland was left to take care of his granddaughter Abigail. He also brought Margaret, a new African American housekeeper to the house to live with him. Throughout the county, she was known as his mistress and the mother of his", "id": "2340900" }, { "contents": "Nico von Lahnstein\n\n\nNico is excited and can even convince Jana to come with them. Before they want to leave the country for good, Nico, Jana and Achim visit their old house in Hanover. There, Nico discovers an old letter from their dead mother Vera, in which she confesses to have had an affair, which is why Jana and Nico might not be Achim's daughters. After they take a paternity test it becomes clear that Jana and Nico are twins after all, but don't share the same father. Only Jana is", "id": "515254" }, { "contents": "Mating (novel)\n\n\nRush has created one of the wiser and wittier fictive meditations on the subject of mating. His novel illuminates why we yield when we don't have to. It seeks to illuminate the nature of true intimacy—how to define it, how to know when one has achieved it.\" Although \"[a] certain amount of rambling does take place. . . And important secondary characters in Tsau, even given the narrator's focus on Denoon and her own self-absorption, are sketchily drawn,\" Shepard nonetheless extols", "id": "17152993" }, { "contents": "Loose Shoes and Tight Pussy\n\n\nwho served as Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. The quote of Butz using the joke in reference to Black Americans, reported in Rolling Stone magazine in an article by White House counsel John Dean, caused a controversy which ultimately led to Butz's resignation from the Ford Administration. Butz was speaking privately to entertainers Sonny Bono and Pat Boone, and to Dean, and was asked by Boone why the Republican Party had trouble attracting African-American voters when it was the party of Abraham Lincoln. As Time", "id": "19217715" }, { "contents": "Etiquette in Japan\n\n\nis also acceptable in informal situations. Genkan are found in even small apartments, where they are correspondingly small, and feature a small step up. Socks, however, are not generally removed – bare feet are acceptable when visiting a close friend, but not otherwise. There are also separate slippers used when using a bathroom, for reasons of hygiene. Wooden \"geta\" are provided for short walks outside when entering the house. It is generally considered polite to wear shoes instead of sandals, but sandal wearers may carry a", "id": "15894621" }, { "contents": "Lenny and Carl\n\n\n's Tavern cry and, breaking the fourth wall, explains: \"See, this is why I don't talk much.\" He is offended when people stereotype him even though their stereotypes are usually correct. In \"The Great Wife Hope\", Homer asks Carl if he knows African-American boxer Dredrick Tatum; Carl takes offense, saying that just because he is African American, he doesn't know all the other African-American citizens in Springfield. However he then says that he indeed met Dredrick Tatum while he", "id": "14246937" }, { "contents": "A Pox on Our House\n\n\nis confounded as to why it appears that the girl does not have smallpox after all, but her father does. He concludes the father contracted the disease from the vaccine they gave him. Unbeknownst to them, the father's immune system has been compromised by the return of his kidney cancer (which had been in remission). House demands they administer the treatment for the smallpox variola. When the CDC officer refuses, House risks his own life by entering the containment room and administers the treatment to save the patient. But", "id": "2122812" }, { "contents": "Thoroughbreds Don't Cry\n\n\nThoroughbreds Don't Cry is a 1937 American musical comedy film directed by Alfred E. Green and starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in their first film together. Cricket West (Garland) is a hopeful actress with a pair of vocal cords that bring down the house. Her eccentric aunt runs a boarding house and they play host to the local jockeys, whose leader is the cocky but highly skilled Timmie Donovan (Rooney). When a young English gentleman, Roger Calverton, comes to town convincing Donovan to ride his horse in a", "id": "10604619" }, { "contents": "The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer\n\n\nThe Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer ( ) is an American sitcom that aired on UPN in 1998. Before it was even debuted, the series set off a storm of controversy because of a perceived light-hearted take on the issue of American slavery. A black English nobleman named Desmond Pfeiffer, chased out of England due to gambling debts, becomes President Abraham Lincoln's valet. In the show, he serves as the intelligent and erudite backbone of a Civil War-era White House populated by louts and drunkards. Before the", "id": "15261755" }, { "contents": "Maniac Magee (film)\n\n\nBack on Hector Street, a man collapses in front of Cobble's Corner. As Jeffrey tries to lift him up, the man scolds him to go back over to his own side. Mr. Cobble comes up to him and tells him to do the same. When he and Amanda return home, they find Martha scrubbing off profanity that was written on the house that says \"FISH BELLY GO HOME\". Jeffrey is horrified and doesn't understand why skin color should matter to anyone. He doesn't even want to be", "id": "1829444" }, { "contents": "Heather (The Secret Circle)\n\n\ndon't know why Amelia did it in the first place and because they also don't know how to do it. She stops them and Adam is leaving with her. Faye (Phoebe Tonkin) is getting there later, finding Cassie alone. When Cassie tells her what's going on and what she wants to do, Faye offers to help her. They go together back to Wade's house and they undo the spell, but nothing seems to happen. They leave the house but when Wade is back, Heather wakes", "id": "11916351" }, { "contents": "Howards End (film)\n\n\nlater, when the Wilcox family takes a flat across the street from the Schlegels in London, Margaret resumes her acquaintance with Ruth Wilcox, whom she had briefly met before. Ruth is descended from English yeoman stock, and it is through her family that the Wilcoxes have come to own Howards End, a house she loves dearly. Over the course of the next few months, the two women become very good friends, even as Mrs. Wilcox's health declines. Hearing that the lease on the Schlegels' house is due to", "id": "9078414" }, { "contents": "Deeyah Khan\n\n\nold where ... various people come to the house and say, 'We don't even let our sons do it, why would you let your daughter do this?'\". Despite the increased pressure and threats of violence Khan's family continued to support her. After being attacked on stage at her own concert and sustained intimidation she subsequently moved to London at the age of 17 to live and work. She continued to compose and produce music. She recorded her last CD (Ataraxis) as a vocalist in 2006 which", "id": "2975888" }, { "contents": "The Fellowship (Christian organization)\n\n\nis a historic landmark house and is situated adjacent to a commemorative recreational county park, once the homestead of writer C. F. Henry. Coe has described Cedars as a place \"committed to the care of the underprivileged, even though it looks very wealthy.\" He noted that people might say, \"Why don't you sell a chandelier and help poor people?\" Answering his own question, Coe said, \"The people who come here have tremendous influence over kids.\" Private documents indicate that Cedars was purchased so that", "id": "512087" }, { "contents": "Smuckers (song)\n\n\n\"Smuckers\" (stylized in all caps) is a song by American rapper Tyler, the Creator featuring Lil Wayne and Kanye West, from Tyler's third studio album \"Cherry Bomb\" (2015). It features background vocals from Samantha Nelson. The song was originally supposed to feature Kanye West and Jay-Z. West disses shoe company Nike with the lines: \"Why, why, why?/Why don't they like me?/Cause Nike gave lot of niggas checks/But I'm the only nigga ever to check Nike\".", "id": "21589548" }, { "contents": "Lenore Skenazy\n\n\nNow Skenazy lectures around the world, including speeches at Microsoft, DreamWorks, Audi, The Yale Child Study Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Wellesley, the Sydney Opera House and schools and conferences too numerous to count. At Let Grow, Skenazy's goal is to renormalize kids doing things on their own. She says this is easiest when whole groups \"Let go and Let Grow\" together, so the adults don't feel foolish or fearful taking their eyes off their kids. Let Grow's two school initiatives to increase", "id": "5677289" }, { "contents": "When Andrew Came Home\n\n\nthe first time, telling his mother that he doesn't know why he did it and that he thinks his mother is trying to trick him. One night before dinner, he's playing with a glass of milk and it accidentally falls off the table, almost injuring EJ on the floor. Andrew's behavior angers Eddie and he begins to fear for his own son. After Andrew accidentally sets the house on fire, Eddie takes the baby and they go to live with his mother for a few months. Gail begins to", "id": "15027744" }, { "contents": "Caroline Norton\n\n\ndetailed account of her own marriage, and described the difficulties faced by women as the result of existing laws. An English wife may not leave her husband's house. Not only can he sue her for restitution of \"conjugal rights,\" but he has a right to enter the house of any friend or relation with whom she may take refuge...and carry her away by force... If her husband take proceedings for a divorce, she is not, in the first instance, allowed to defend herself...She is not", "id": "18007201" }, { "contents": "Ruby slippers\n\n\nof Oz. The house falls on and kills the Wicked Witch of the East, freeing the Munchkins from her tyranny. Glinda the Good Witch of the North arrives via magic bubble and shows Dorothy the dead woman's two feet visibly sticking out from under the house wearing the ruby slippers. When the Wicked Witch of the West comes to claim her dead sister's shoes, Glinda magically transfers them to Dorothy's feet. Glinda tells Dorothy to keep tight inside of them and never take them off, as the slippers must be", "id": "20356479" }, { "contents": "A House Without Love\n\n\n\"A House Without Love\" is a song composed by Hank Williams. It was released as the B-side to \"Why Don't You Love Me\" in 1950 on MGM Records. By May 1950, Hank Williams was a country superstar, having scored eight Top 5 hits since January 1949, and \"Why Don't You Love Me\" became his second #1 country single in a row. However, the B-side \"A House Without Love,\" which contained lines like \"We slaved to gain", "id": "6208932" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Haul Off and Love Me\n\n\n\"Why Don't You Haul Off and Love Me\" is a song first recorded by Wayne Raney, written by Raney and his musical partner Lonnie Glosson. Wayne Raney had the most successful release of his career when his version of \"Why Don't You Haul Off and Love Me\" went to number one on the Country & Western charts. In 1949 there were three covers of the song: The song is mentioned by Edward Abbey in his novel, The Brave Cowboy (chapter 20), as \"a jolting music", "id": "5588563" }, { "contents": "Tere Ghar Ke Samne\n\n\nSeth Karam Chand has already decided on that one. Fed up with all the enmity, Rakesh eventually decides to make both houses the same. His love affair with Sulekha continues. When Sulekha goes off to Shimla, Rakesh follows behind her. Finally deciding that enough is enough, Rakesh decides to reveal the truth to Sulekha. She gets very angry with him, but thankfully, their parents don't come to know about it. He refuses to work for them, and when she demands to know why, he drops a", "id": "11209164" }, { "contents": "Bloodbath at the House of Death\n\n\nreveals that he was once a successful German surgeon named Ludwig Manheim, who was reduced to \"smart-arse paranormal research crap\" after a humiliation in the past. Coyle also encounters a poltergeist, and the two engage in sexual intercourse. Several satanic clones of Mandeville, Coyle and the other scientists enter the house, and begin killing off the originals and taking their place. When Coyle is about to be killed, she is rescued by the poltergeist and saved. The satanic monks then take off in a spaceship, revealing", "id": "20721989" }, { "contents": "The Scapegoat (novel)\n\n\nmeet at the house at the verrerie, but John is determined not to lose his new life and family; he retrieves a revolver and waits for Jean. However, the priest for Françoise's funeral discovers him and takes the gun, mistakenly believing he was planning suicide. When the priest leaves, Jean enters with his own gun, knowing that John planned to get rid of him. Amazed that John managed to keep up the deception for seven days, Jean mocks his attempts to take his mother off morphine and reconcile Renée", "id": "2093964" }, { "contents": "Housing in Japan\n\n\n. One characteristic of a Japanese home is the \"genkan\", or entryway. It includes a small area, at the same level as the outside, where arriving people remove their shoes. As they take off their shoes, people step up onto a raised floor. They point the tips of their shoes to the outside. The rest of the residence is at the raised level of this floor. Adjacent to the lower floor is a shelf or cabinet called a getabako (geta box) in which people will place their", "id": "2092128" }, { "contents": "Sniper (American band)\n\n\n'd been sitting in my house with my acoustic guitar, writing these songs like \"I Don't Care\", fucking up my guitar, and suddenly he's this guy on stage who you can't take your eyes off of\". Ramone continued playing with them until early 1974, when he was replaced by Alan Turner, formerly of 1960s Bronx rock band the Age of Reason. Sniper played regularly at Max's, Club 82 and CBGB as the punk scene developed. In 1975, they recorded their only demo,", "id": "7979129" }, { "contents": "Don't Go in the House\n\n\ntell him that they come to 'help' him. DVD Talk gave \"Don't Go in the house\" a three and a half out of five, writing that, \"Don't Go in the House\" \"is one of those rare films that works really well despite the fact that rips off better known movies\" and \"it's a bitter, ugly, and nasty little horror movie that doesn't pull any punches and is just as seedy today as it was when it was made. It's effective", "id": "10369855" }, { "contents": "Coal strike of 1902\n\n\nBy and large, social conditions in mine communities were found to be good, and miners were judged as only partly justified in their claim that annual earnings were not sufficient \"to maintain an American standard of living.\" Baer said in his closing arguments, \"These men don't suffer. Why, hell, half of them don't even speak English\". Darrow, for his part, summed up the pages of testimony of mistreatment he had obtained in the soaring rhetoric for which he was famous: \"We are", "id": "9524008" }, { "contents": "Christmas Island\n\n\nwell as smaller Indian and Eurasian communities too. The main languages of Christmas Island are English and Chinese. Dress is usually modest, and tourists should keep a wrap, such as a sarong or pareo, on hand to cover shorts, bathing suits, and tank tops. It is common to remove shoes when entering a house and to also avoid touching anyone's head. Religious beliefs are diverse, but people are very tolerant of each other's religions. The religions practised include Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, and", "id": "5322062" }, { "contents": "Elvis Presley\n\n\nBoss, why don't you just cancel this tour and take a year off ...?' I mentioned something once in a guarded moment. He patted me on the back and said, 'It'll be all right. Don't you worry about it. Presley continued to play to sellout crowds. As cultural critic Marjorie Garber describes, he was now widely seen as a garish pop crooner: \"In effect, he had become Liberace. Even his fans were now middle-aged matrons and blue-haired grandmothers.", "id": "9277142" }, { "contents": "Need for Speed Payback\n\n\nhe enters a race and wins it, despite Lina having rigged the race for profit. Lina tries to have him taken out, but fails. Weir proposes Tyler a way to take down The House and Lina along with it. Tyler is to enter and win \"The Outlaw's Rush\", a massive street racing event that has the nation's top racers participating, which The House plans to rig for their own ends. Tyler refuses at first, but when his house is blown up by Lina as a warning,", "id": "8148903" }, { "contents": "The Phoenix (play)\n\n\nCaptain, without his own knowledge or consent, and he wants to know if she is being treated well. Scene 2: A room in the Captain's house The Captain at home. He very much regrets his marriage, since he hates the thought of being tied down, especially as his new wife isn't rich. She enters and he verbally abuses her, telling her to be more respectful to him, and asking why she married him. She laments. Proditor enters and seems to take a fancy to the wife", "id": "14257362" }, { "contents": "The House on Mango Street\n\n\ndream” haunts another chapter in the book even more frighteningly. In the chapter titled “Bums in the Attic,” Cisneros writes about how embarrassing it is for Esperanza on Sundays (her father's only day off) when her family ventures into a bourgeois neighborhood on the hill and fantasize about one day owning a house like the houses there. Her mother even remarks about how one day when she wins the lottery, she'll make the dream come true. Esperanza is the only one awake and not lost in the dream", "id": "13465448" }, { "contents": "Gregory Corso\n\n\n) Don't serve time, let time serve you. 2) Don't take your shoes off because with a two to three you're walking right out of here. 3) When you're in the yard talking to three guys, see four. See yourself. Dig yourself.\" Corso was jailed in the very cell just months before vacated by Charles \"Lucky\" Luciano. While imprisoned, Luciano had donated an extensive library to the prison. (\"Poet's Work, Poet's Play: Essays on the", "id": "6547768" }, { "contents": "Gold (2018 film)\n\n\n. However, Tapan recalls his wife once telling him to take off his shoes and push a cart when it got stuck in the mud, so that his feet don't slip. Hence, Tapan instructs his team to play barefoot. The Indians are finally able to win. Finally, when the captain, Devang receives the Gold, the National Flag of India is hoisted and the anthem \"Jana Gana Mana\" is played. A proud Tapan concludes the narration as the Anthem ends and tears of happiness take place. The", "id": "12415697" }, { "contents": "Steven Soderbergh\n\n\nout in front of anything, which is why I don't take a possessory credit.\" On Monday, April 5, 2009, Soderbergh appeared before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, and \"cited the French initiative in asking lawmakers to deputize the American film industry to pursue copyright pirates,\" indicating he supports anti-piracy laws and Internet regulation. Soderbergh is married to television personality Jules Asner, whom he often credits for influencing his female characters. He has a daughter with his first wife, actress", "id": "7545745" }, { "contents": "CBGB\n\n\nVegas, Kristal explained, \"We're going to take the urinals. I'll take whatever I can. The movers said, 'You ought to take everything, and auction off what you don't want on eBay.' Why not? Somebody will.\" Many punk rock bands played at CBGB when they found it was going to close in hopes that their support could keep it from closing. Rocks Off, a promoter in New York, organized CBGB's final weeks of shows to book \"many of the artists", "id": "6002659" }, { "contents": "Contagion heuristic\n\n\nrealize the role that institutions (i.e., schools), parenting, time and culture can play into this. Cultural variation plays a large role into disgust as it affects what is seen as positive or negative and hence certain societies may react to different contaminants. For example, cultural traditions such as removing shoes upon entering a house is practiced by many Asian societies (due to negative contamination) however not by American societies. A study by Rozin and Nemeroff shows that religious groups have their own rules on what is seen as contaminated", "id": "21458602" }, { "contents": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)\n\n\nbook, \"The Marvelous Land of Oz\". Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are nearly finished building their new farm-house (after the former one was taken away by the cyclone) when Toto and Dorothy suddenly appear. Dorothy tells them of her adventures in Oz, but even though they find it hard to believe her, they are delighted that she has returned home. Dorothy searches for one of her magic shoes, which fell off on the journey home, but is unable to find it. Later, when the", "id": "12383142" }, { "contents": "Beijing Legation Quarter\n\n\npolitical instability in north China. The legation guards had the task of defending the Legation Quarter from a repetition of the Boxer Rebellion, and also securing the roads and railroad from Beijing to Tianjin, the line of escape from China for the foreigners if worse came to worse. A departing Marine in the late 1920s described the leisurely life of the legation guards. You \"get the afternoons off...You don't make your own bed; you don't shine your own shoes; you don't fill your own canteen; you", "id": "19693685" }, { "contents": "Craps\n\n\neven money, taking odds on a minimum pass line bet lessens the house advantage compared with betting the same total amount on the pass line only. A maximum odds bet on a minimum pass line bet often gives the lowest house edge available in any game in the casino. However, the odds bet cannot be made independently, so the house retains an edge on the pass line bet itself. If a player is playing don't pass instead of pass, they may also lay odds by placing chips behind the don't", "id": "6293564" }, { "contents": "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!\n\n\nSo we came up with our own little back story where Bikini Bottom is the last stop for Santa. He's tired, he wants to get home, take his shoes off ... We honed in on the old descriptions of Santa being a jolly old elf. We pictured him as humanoid, but not necessarily directly human.\" Nickelodeon and Random House released a book based on the episode called \"It's a SpongeBob Christmas!\". The book is illustrated by Heather Martinez and was released on September 10, 2013.", "id": "13435984" }, { "contents": "Genkan\n\n\nOnce inside, generally one will change into : slippers or shoes intended for indoor wear. Schools and have large with compartments for each person's outdoor shoes. In private residences, \"getabako\" may be absent, and shoes are usually turned to face the door so they can be slipped on easily when leaving. \"Genkan\" are also occasionally found in other buildings in Japan, especially in old-fashioned businesses. The custom of removing one's shoes before entering the house is believed to go back over one thousand years", "id": "14193064" }, { "contents": "Springport Mid-Michigan Speedway\n\n\noperation, Mr. Cowper challenged Densmore \"If you think you know so much about running a race track, why don't you go get your own\". Mr. Densmore purchased farm & farm house in the extreme North East corner of Calhoun County and build his dream short track and called it Michigan Ideal Speedway. One of the major contractors/builders was also a local racer named Jim \"Barney\" Barnhardt. Not only did Barney help build the track, he was the first ever driver to take a race car onto the", "id": "14929079" }, { "contents": "Come Back to Me (2014 film)\n\n\nruns from the house and vomits, but Dale re-enters the house and tells his mother that everything will be all right. Years later in Las Vegas, Dale moves across the street from married couple Sarah and Josh, who introduce themselves by taking over cookies. Although disappointed that the cookies are not homemade, Dale accepts them anyway. Josh explains that he is a croupier and Sarah a graduate student who is working on her dissertation on the effects of pornography. When Sarah questions Dale as to why he is staring at", "id": "1311176" }, { "contents": "List of American Horror Story: Roanoke characters\n\n\nto the underground bunker where Elias once lived. Shelby finds his account of the murders conducted by two nurses who previously owned the house. After her niece Flora goes missing, Shelby later encounters Elias in person when he fends off the Piggy Man. He explains that many people have gone missing from this house within the same five days every year. Meanwhile, her relationship with Matt is strained when she catches him sleeping with Scáthach. While he claims no memory of this, Shelby also takes issue with a deal he had made", "id": "15028752" } ]
How the online porn industry makes money
[{"answer": "Actually, it's very simple, two kinds of people pay for online porn: - People who simply do not know about the possibility of getting it for free on streaming sites. - People who want access to higher quality videos. I mean, have you looked at the video quality on (most) free streaming porn sites ? This alone is a huge factor. I'd add something about the wrongness of explaining the online porn industry to a 5 year old, but that'd be too easy :)"}, {"answer": "I had a friend who worked for a porn site for a while, and he said they made money from personal videos. It was amateur porn, and members would message the girls and pay for videos for their particular interest, like eating cake naked or dancing with shellfish. I know the site made good money, so assume there is a demand for that."}, {"answer": "Louis Theroux did a recent documentary about the porn industry URL_0 The industry itself is really suffering. A lot of the performers have turned to doing web cam shows, or even prostitution. The porn is basically advertising for them now, rather than the main income."}, {"answer": "Porn on the web makes money in one of three ways: 1. High quality porn, like Brazzers, RealityKings, MetArt. Even though you can find porn all over the place, some sites make such high quality material that people sign up anyway. 2. Specific kinks. Like diapers, femdom, shit like that. People with those kinks will become members of sites which a offer good quality library of such things. 3. Ads. Basically shitty porn sites or porn tubes make money off advertisements. That's it."}, {"answer": "Old people, they have the money and lack the know how/initiative to get the porn for free."}, {"answer": "there are also the live shows that the actresses do that net them quite a bit of money. The actresses get on in the evening, talk a bit about and then set up a \"private\" viewing where people can pay varying amounts of money (5-10$ is typical requested, i've seen up to 40$ if the person doesn't have a big audience) to be able to watch them actually perform the acts and chat with them while they do so. This \"private\" viewing is only just the people who pay, and each session generally has a cutoff somewhere in the 200-300$ range before it will start. I am assuming that the actresses give the websites a cut of that money for hosting the stream."}, {"answer": "I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet that the streaming sites are usually owned by companies that also own the pay for membership or DVD sites/companies. URL_0 - \"Manwin is the owner of many major pornographic web 2.0 websites including YouPorn, Pornhub, Tube8, XTube, ExtremeTube, JuicyBoys, Webcams, KeezMovies and SpankWire... Manwin also owns and operates a number of pornographic content brands such as Brazzers, Digital Playground, Mofos, MyDirtyHobby and Twistys.They also manage the websites of Wicked Pictures.\" So when you're going on the streaming sites they're getting paid via ads and you're still ultimately helping out in a way those pay to view sites. Also, you'll notice on sites like Tube8 it's hard to find entire videos from Brazzers or Mofos-you'll see few minute clips but not the whole thing whereas you can often see entire scenes from other non-affliated sites."}, {"answer": "I work in the industry, and have since 1996. I've worked for Playboy (yes, they used to own hardcore porn sites) and many other big names. We make our money from a variety of methods. Nowadays, that money is very much a shadow of its former self. It used to be very easy to monetize surfers, and we all got wealthy in a hurry. In the current industry climate, consolidation has been the key. Where once sites could stand on their own, now larger players buy the smaller players and group them into networks, creating economies of scale and synergies. One of the largest of these companies, Manwin, has been on an acquisition spree in recent years. Ancillary revenues are now important, where once they were ignored. The signup used to drive revenue. Now, it's much more diversified. We do cross-sales (selling a membership to more than one site when you sign up) to wring more money out of each customer. We also sell dating services (Adult Friend Finder, Fling, etc), and cam services. The signups are drying up due to all of the people giving it away for free, and it has put a lot of people out of business. Those who continue to survive are typically focus on niche or micro-niche content (which is harder to find for free), or have huddled together into the aforementioned larger networks. I hope this gives you some insight -- I'm typing on my phone, so it's hard to be too verbose."}, {"answer": "The actual explanation, and I can't find the article right now, is that porn as an industry is pretty much dead, because of youporn, xhamster and the like. The good days are over. Sure, maybe Vivid superstars and brazzers girls, who built an audiance when there was still money in the game will continue to make a buck, but it's not a good era for porn performers. What's left is cam girls. People will pay to see a \"real\" girl live, that you can chat with. I think they represent a good part of the ads out there. But I have adblocker so I'm not sure. And I mean, I don't watch porn either."}, {"answer": "Eventually all click-thru ads lead to a pay porn site. Yes, there are people who pay for online porn. Maybe your question should be \"who the hell actually pays for internet porn?\""}, {"answer": "I grossed over 3 million dollars between 2001 and 2011 with ONE website. The key was to get in while the going was good, and to have cheap production costs; I lived half the year in Thailand and all my models worked for a fraction of the cost that LA people would work for. We charged 29.95 a month for membership and at the peak we had over 1500 members; do the math, 30x1500 per month. By 2007 I had 7 people working with me, after just starting by myself with a crappy non-digital camera back in 2000, and we had well over 500 different models on the website, and were grossing over 1/2 million a year. ONE website, started with a shitty MS frontpage design, which just caught on and sold like hotcakes. That could never happen again.......too many free sites, and the affiliates don't make enough to make it worth their time anymore, and without affiliates you get no traffic. Don't care, I made my cash and got out, now I am semi-retired and actually working on a file-sharing site....if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?"}, {"answer": "Nearly everything online that makes money is advertisement based. In the adult industry, its usually relationship sites like adult friend finder, or live jasmine, or whatever where the real money is, not the porn. So, someone puts up porn to get eyeballs, and just puts the adds for these other services on their page. The site gets paid in advertising dollars and ultimately everyone is happy. Of course some sites think they can make money by selling \"premium content\", but those people are idiots all around. Video is bits, and I don't know of a single case of someone be prosecuted for pirating digital pornography that has ever been successfully prosecuted. Although sites like Met-Art and Suicide Girls *must* be making a significant amount of their revenue this way, this *must* be an ever decreasing revenue stream."}, {"answer": "Most people who aren't into generic boring porn end up having to pay. Kink, Fetish, and Alt porn all has a lot of users who pay to get access to sites."}, {"answer": "if it's free, you are the product... they are probably selling your info."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21469584", "title": "Internet pornography", "section": "Section::::History and methods of distribution.:Free vs. commercial.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 15, "start_character": 924, "end_paragraph_id": 15, "end_character": 1106, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "How to Make Money Like a Porn Star\n\n\nHow to Make Money Like a Porn Star is the first graphic novel published by ReganBooks/HarperCollins, written by New York Times bestselling author Neil Strauss and illustrated by artist Bernard Chang. Strauss and Chang have collaborated on two previous books, \"How to Make Love Like a Porn Star\" (the autobiography of porn queen Jenna Jameson), and \"\". The book also features magazine articles, faux ads, and an activity book, and includes additional art contributions from illustrators Sean Chen, John Paul Leon, Gregg Schigiel", "id": "13565199" }, { "contents": "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star\n\n\nhaving actress Scarlett Johansson play her in a feature film version of the book. A representative for Johansson, however, has stated that Johansson has no interest in such a role. Strauss has written a similarly titled and themed book, \"How to Make Money Like a Porn Star\", mainly in graphic novel format, and without Jameson's participation. Strauss wrote it from stories he learned of while researching Jameson's book. Like \"How to Make Love...\", \"How to Make Money...\" also features different", "id": "8170471" }, { "contents": "Prepaid porn\n\n\nPrepaid porn is a printed card with a scratch off password that gives the user access to online pornography without requiring any personal information. Most manufacturers/sales companies sell the cards to distributors who move the cards to retailers. Each company usually offers its own brand, but some sites offer a personalized/custom branding. Many companies advertise the business aspect of prepaid porn cards online as a money making opportunity. Prepaid porn distributors can be found worldwide excluding some countries such as China. The cards are very popular in countries such as", "id": "3975897" }, { "contents": "Seymore Butts\n\n\nmade reference to the court case, and used this as a springboard to mount a successful Internet-based telethon to raise money for freedom of speech causes. The series also focused on his life as a single father and his difficulty as a porn star in finding a meaningful relationship outside the industry. The series ran for four seasons. Glasser's \"Do-It-Yourself Porn\" (2008) is one of a number of how-to guides on shooting porn videos that have appeared in recent years. Glasser has", "id": "14729874" }, { "contents": "ATVOD\n\n\nis important. ATVOD subsequently organised a conference for representatives from the UK's adult entertainment industry and children's charities in conjunction with Queen Mary University of London. The conference, entitled \"For Adults Only? – Protecting Children From Online Porn\", met to discuss measures on how to stop young people accessing pornography online. Industry representatives the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection and the Free Speech Coalition called for a public education campaign instead of blanket censorship, such as ISP blocking, based on the findings of their own report \"", "id": "18812269" }, { "contents": "Pornography\n\n\nin line, ruefully noted of the X-rated industry. A former firefighter who claimed to have lost a bid for a job to affirmative action, Metro was already divining that porn might not be the ideal career choice for escaping the forces of what he called 'reverse discrimination.' Female performers can often dictate which male actors they will and will not work with. \"'They\" make more money than \"us\".' Porn – at least, porn produced for a heterosexual audience – is one of the", "id": "2547451" }, { "contents": "X Videos (film)\n\n\nthe risk of saving their personal videos on their mobiles. He wanted to reveal the mafia behind such crimes and how they made money in crores by doing so. Manoj a journalist sets on to find out an answer for the question \"Is there any use of Porn industry to the Country? Manoj tries to find out the opinion of the common people on Porn websites,he ends up in a big jolt and shock about his findings. In this research, he happens to see his friend Ankith wife’s naked video on", "id": "13693674" }, { "contents": "Ronnie Larsen\n\n\nRonnie Larsen is a playwright and film director specializing in writing plays about sex. His play \"Making Porn\" was about the gay porn industry in the 1980s, and the production was notable for casting gay porn actors. Productions have starred Blue Blake, Rex Chandler and Ryan Idol. In 1997 Larsen made a documentary about the gay porn industry entitled \"Shooting Porn\". It is not a filmed version of the play \"Making Porn\". The film featured figures from the gay pornography industry including Gino Colbert, Chi Chi", "id": "16946686" }, { "contents": "Belladonna (actress)\n\n\nto make \"anti-porn\" statements. In one interview, when she was asked if she were happy with how the interview came out, her reply was, \"I am not happy about \"Primetime\" but I would love to see the whole story air one day so everyone can see how much I had to say that was FOR the porn industry. If you know me you know that I loved shooting!\" ABC contacted her once to do a follow-up to the interview; she refused saying,", "id": "6808299" }, { "contents": "Crissy Moran\n\n\nresponses that led to her modeling in Miami and Los Angeles for \"Playboy\" and \"Hustler\". She found greater financial success through establishing her own online pornography site. After moving to California, she eventually performed in over 50 mainstream porn films. It was reported that Moran was making nearly $15,000 each month through her work in the porn business, along with receipts from her successful website. However, in October 2006, she became a Christian and announced that she was leaving the sex industry. Moran recounts her conversion", "id": "12003037" }, { "contents": "Queer pornography\n\n\nhorizontal access of control rather than a hierarchically vertical system. Queer porn similarly celebrates ejaculation but with some signification differences to conventional porn. Unlike in the mainstream industry, the performer does not have a financial bonus for providing such a \"money shot.\" Directors only encourage performers to perform an orgasm if/when the actors feel like it. Since the money shot in conventional porn relies of visibility for the camera, it necessarily centers on showing external ejaculation of the penis as the ultimate climax. This reflects attention back to the", "id": "9279247" }, { "contents": "Petra Joy\n\n\n\"How to Make Your Own Adult Video: The Couple’s Guide to Making Sensual Home Movies\" in 2006. She then shot \"Female Fantasies\" and \"Feeling it, not faking it!\". In 2009, Joy established the Petra Joy Award, an international erotic film competition for first-time female directors. She runs “how to make your own creative porn” workshops and speaks on the subject of women and pornography across Europe. Joy curates and produces a feminist porn series called \"Her Porn\" and", "id": "17740846" }, { "contents": "Sex industry\n\n\n, bikini baristas, telephone sex operators, cybersex operators, or amateur porn stars for online sex sessions and videos. In addition, like any other industry, there are people who work in or service the sex industry as managers, film crews, photographers, website developers and webmasters, sales personnel, book and magazine writers and editors, etc. Some create business models, negotiate trade, make press releases, draw up contracts with other owners, buy and sell content, offer technical support, run servers, billing services,", "id": "14855212" }, { "contents": "Once More, with Feeling (book)\n\n\nOnce More, with Feeling: How We Tried to Make the Greatest Porn Film Ever is a 2003 book by Victoria Coren and Charlie Skelton. The authors, whose only experience of the pornography industry were as journalists for the \"Erotic Review\" magazine, set out to make a pornographic film which would differ from the industry's standard output. \"Once More, with Feeling\" is their account of the time they spent researching and shooting the film. The film they made was entitled \"The Naughty Twins\" and was only", "id": "1857191" }, { "contents": "Informative Murder Porn\n\n\ndiscuss how their parents are now not only continuing to watch murder porn, but are ruining their online experiences in \"Minecraft\" as well, blaming Kyle and his app. The next day, the boys go to Corey's house, where they discover Corey teaching parents in the basement. They convince him about the negative effects \"Minecraft\" has had upon their parents and their use of it to keep their parents away from murder porn. Corey informs the boys that in order to protect their families, they will have to", "id": "3469135" }, { "contents": "Stephen Conroy\n\n\n-porn related; the remainder included sites dealing with legal porn, online gambling, euthanasia, Christianity and fringe religions; sites belonging to a tour operator, dentist and animal carers were also listed. Conroy described the leak and publication of the blacklist as \"grossly irresponsible\" and that it undermined efforts to improve \"cyber safety\". In June 2009 he was named \"Internet villain of the year\" at the 11th annual Internet industry awards in the UK, for \"individuals or organisations that have upset the Internet industry and", "id": "13376203" }, { "contents": "Cinema of Colombia\n\n\nMárquez and Enrique Grau attempted to restart the industry. In 1954 both artists, a writer and a painter respectively created a surrealistic short film \"La langosta azul\" (The Blue Lobster). Garcia Marquez continued in the industry as a scriptwriter while Grau continued painting. The 'Pornomiseria' (Misery porn) cinema surged during the 1970s to classify the films with a high content of poverty and human misery to make money and gain international recognition. The term was also used in neighboring countries such as Venezuela and Brasil and was", "id": "17767492" }, { "contents": "J. C. Adams\n\n\nthe next edition of its annual film guide. His work for AVN brought him to the attention of the gay adult film industry, and in 1995 he worked as a coordinator for the Gay Erotic Video Awards (GEVAs), an annual gay porn industry awards show sponsored by \"Gay Video Guide\". In 1997, he became judging and nominations coordinator for the GEVAs, and continued in that role until the final awards show in 1998. In 1998, Adams began reviewing gay porn films for RAD Video, a major online", "id": "6708377" }, { "contents": "Sunny Leone\n\n\'s Top 50 Coolest Desis of 2004, and one of the \"40 under 40\" ranking on \"AVN Online\" magazine. In 2010, she was named by \"Maxim\" as one of the 12 top female stars in porn. She was voted number 82 in the Top 99 Women for 2012 in's list. In 2013, she announced her retirement from the adult industry stating \"I am lucky that the audience is accepting me. I have come my way from there (porn industry). I", "id": "9354706" }, { "contents": "Middle Men (film)\n\n\nof the partnership. Jack expands the business by focusing on the online credit card billing services, soon needing their very own building to house it all. They create a billing company called \"24/7\", becoming the titular 'Middle Men' for other internet-based porn providers. The billing business is making hundreds of millions of dollars within a year, so much so that they struggle to keep track of all the cash. Jack becomes addicted to the money, sex and power of his new lifestyle and consequently spends", "id": "2169507" }, { "contents": "Bernard Chang\n\n\n-selling author, Neil Strauss, providing illustrations for most of his books: \"\"' (2005); \"The Rules of the Game\" (2007); \"\" (2009); Jenna Jameson's autobiography, \"\" (2004); \"\" (2011); and, most recently, \"\" (2015). Strauss and Chang also collaborated on ReganBooks/HarperCollins' first graphic novel \"How to Make Money Like a Porn Star\", which was released in 2006. Chang designed and", "id": "8721455" }, { "contents": "Shelley Lubben\n\n\noutreach to individuals seeking recovery from pornography addiction. Pink Cross attended pornography conventions to educate fans about how porn is not glamorous and also reaching out to porn stars and reminding them that they have options. The Pink Cross Foundation also lobbied against pornography and the adult entertainment industry. Lubben supported California legislator Charles Calderon in his effort to tax the pornographic industry by speaking to lawmakers about her experiences. Lubben indicated that the scenes on the set of a hardcore porn film often involve a woman and several men who are doing degrading acts to", "id": "2098755" }, { "contents": "Blue Money (film)\n\n\nBlue Money is a 1972 American soft core porn film written and directed by Alain Patrick as Alain-Patrick Chappuis and based upon a story by Nick Boretz. The film is distributed by Crown International Pictures. Yearning to make real films in early 1970s Hollywood, California, 25-year-old French-Canadian Jim DeSalle gets caught up in the adult film industry, trying to support himself and his wife Lisa (Barbara Caron), with their Baby. They seem to have the perfect life, but it all falls apart. Unbeknownst", "id": "9662332" }, { "contents": "List of Mega64 episodes\n\n\nin 7 days or else the project will be terminated. Poque sings about how he's dead if he doesn't make the money for FALZ, in the dungeon Rocko and Derek sing about their tedious life and how they hope to be rescued and in Horatio's room, he sings about helping out Dr Poque and goes online to find a way to make money fast. Back in Poque's room, Horatio tells Poque that there is a local talent show where the prize is $10,050, Poque bursts into song about how", "id": "7376654" }, { "contents": "Sex Station\n\n\n2013. \"Porn Star Diaries\" was a one-off 30-minute documentary made by \"Sex Station's\" producers in 2006, featuring interviews with three female porn stars including Nina Roberts and Bobbi Eden, who then did a lesbian softcore photoshoot together. The interviewees talked about their careers (how they began in porn) and the porn industry generally. This was broadcast in a 3-hour block at nights on You TV (channel 146, which became Sumo TV channel 879), alternating with \"Babestation's\" \"Meet the", "id": "1167178" }, { "contents": "Revenge porn\n\n\nthese laws are still deeply flawed. Representatives from the Department of Justice, California's Office of the Attorney General, 50 major technology companies, victim advocates, and legislative and law enforcement leaders joined together in 2015 to form a Cyber Exploitation Working Group, and have announced the creation of a working hub \"to combat so-called cyber exploitation – the practice of anonymously posting explicit photographs of others online, often to extort money from the victims.\" Several well-known revenge porn websites, including \"IsAnyoneUp\" and the", "id": "4888054" }, { "contents": "Matt McNamara\n\n\nmoney to pay for his and Kimber's spiraling addiction to crystal meth. Kimber tries to return to the porn industry, but is shot down by producer Ram Peters due to her habit. He does, however, want Matt in a gay porn movie after seeing the size of his penis in the homemade porn movie they made last year. Matt is willing to do the movie, until Kimber stops him. After quitting drugs through Scientology, Kimber agrees to dump Matt in return for surgery on her meth-ravaged face and", "id": "4193991" }, { "contents": "Stop Porn Culture\n\n\nPorn Culture mission statement reads: Gail Dines, founding member of Stop Porn Culture, wrote \"Pornland.\" In 2014 a documentary, with the same name, was released and promoted on the Stop Porn Culture website, and is described as \"an ideal introduction to the core arguments of the feminist anti-pornography movement.\" Stop Porn Culture works to create awareness on what it calls the current \"porn culture.\" Much of this work is done online through online lecture videos and social media work as well as through", "id": "18746899" }, { "contents": "Money Dashboard\n\n\nMoney Dashboard is a free online personal financial management service in the United Kingdom. It provides users with the ability to view all of their online financial accounts in one place and categorises and analyses all of their transactions so they can understand how they use money. The app aims to help consumers make better financial decisions and budget for the future. The app is powered by Yodlee, an account aggregation service used by many of the world’s leading banks and financial institutions. The service is regarded as the UK’s first significant personal", "id": "9890610" }, { "contents": "Ashvin Kumar\n\n\nIndia will not ordinarily agree to screen such films since it is very difficult to for them to make money in the circumstances. (This is not the case, however, with India's burgeoning soft-porn industry, which relies upon the \"A\" certificates to attracts its particular audience.) The explanation for awarding \"Inshallah, Football\" was that the film has \"characters talking about graphic details of physical and mental torture they had to undergo. The theme of the film is mature and some dialogues can be psychologically", "id": "19221721" }, { "contents": "Digital Playground\n\n\nDigital Playground Inc. is an American pornographic movie studio, headquartered in Burbank, California. It has been called one of the five biggest porn studios and, in 2006, was described by Reuters as one of the handful of studios that dominate the U.S. porn industry. Adult director Joone founded the company in 1993, originally making adult CD-ROM computer games. Commenting on the transition of the pornography industry from the underground economy to mainstream corporate acceptance, the company's founder said: \"I look at the porn business where Vegas", "id": "8393543" }, { "contents": "Cum shot\n\n\n’s not a real person\". McGrath argues that there is a \"power-aspect\" to depictions such as cum shots. He suggests that the \"...central theme [of pornography] is power...[,] implicitly violent...eroticized hatred.\" Gail Dines, writing in \"Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality\", describes the money shot of a man ejaculating on the face or body of a woman as \"one of the most degrading acts in porn\". To Dines, the ejaculate on", "id": "15923268" }, { "contents": "Neil Strauss\n\n\n\". An article in the \"Sunday Mirror\" suggested that Leveridge broke up with Strauss in February 2006 to date Robbie Williams. Strauss denied the Williams rumor, but confirmed his breakup with Leveridge on his mailing list a few months later. His follow-up book, the graphic novel \"How to Make Money Like a Porn Star\", was published on September 26, 2006. The same year, \"Shoot\", Strauss' short film about becoming a rock star, was released. He co-wrote,", "id": "11627412" }, { "contents": "Us and Them (film)\n\n\nwith financial issues as well as lack of time. Xiaoxiao lives with her boyfriend in Beijing, but she leaves him due to an issue with his mother. Xiaoxiao moves in with Jianqing who is living in a tiny room in a complex, and the two of them make money by selling computer software and Japanese porn. In the present tense a grown and successful Jianqing meets with Xiaoxiao in a hotel while he is on a trip. They sit and talked about life growing up in Beijing and about how they really felt for", "id": "128241" }, { "contents": "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star\n\n\nHow to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale is the autobiography of adult film star Jenna Jameson, published August 17, 2004. It was mainly written by co-writer Neil Strauss, later famous for writing \"\", and published by ReganBooks, a division of HarperCollins. It was an instant best-seller, spending six weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list. The autobiography also won the 2004 \"Mainstream's Adult Media Favorite\" XRCO award in a tie with Seymore Butts's \"Family", "id": "8170468" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nparticular attention to the actual story, the actors, music, locations, and aesthetics of the scenes. The directors main concern is making sure women enjoy the porn by making it realistic. The women's porn industry allows more women to have control and be in positions of power as directors. The directors encourage the performers to voice their creative input and hold more power than in pornography that is not women's pornography. Erika Lust is a feminist porn director, producer, and screenplay writer. She is also the founder of", "id": "8644368" }, { "contents": "Pornographic film actor\n\n\nshoot.\" Ron Jeremy has commented on the salaries of performers, stating in 2008 that \"A woman makes $100,000 to $250,000 at the end of the year.\" and in 2003 that \"Girls can easily make 100-250k per year, plus stuff on the side like strip shows and appearances. The average male makes $40,000 a year.\". Besides appearing in films, porn stars often make money from endorsements and appearance fees. For instance, in 2010, some night clubs were paying female porn", "id": "8496935" }, { "contents": "Aurora Snow\n\n\nOn March 19, 2015, Snow spoke at the University of South Carolina School of Law on \"Vice, Porn and American Culture.\" On September 30, 2013, Snow posted an article on \"The Daily Beast\" titled \"A Porn Star's Letter to Her Unborn Son\" in which she announced she was pregnant with her first child and stated how she would explain her choice to work in the porn industry to her son once he is older. The letter quickly went viral on the Internet. She gave birth", "id": "12783928" }, { "contents": "Shelley Lubben\n\n\nthe Pink Cross Foundation. The group concentrated on outreach to and evangelism of those in the porn industry, especially performers, and offers support to those wishing to leave the industry. The organization solicited donations online and offered an online support forum for individuals that are addicted to drugs, sex, and pornography. When Lubben identified interested individuals, she sent care packages filled with religious literature, bibles, Christian music, local grocery and department store gift cards, and other spiritual and practical supports. A secondary focus of Pink Cross was", "id": "2098754" }, { "contents": "Online shopping\n\n\nconsumers are trying to decide how to spend their money on which product or service. According to the research, reviews on electronics (57%) such as DVD players, cellphones, or PlayStations, and so on, reviews on cars (45%), and reviews on software (37%) play an important role in influencing consumers who tend to make purchases online. Furthermore, 40% of online shoppers indicate that they would not even buy electronics without consulting online reviews first. In addition to online reviews, peer", "id": "8322100" }, { "contents": "April Flores\n\n\ncontributed a chapter to \"The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure\". In her chapter, \"Being Fatty D: Size, Beauty, and Embodiment in the Adult Industry,\" Flores talks about how she came into the porn industry and her work to portray big women as sexual and desirable. Flores was married to Carlos Batts for 10 years until his death on October 22, 2013. After his death a fundraiser called \"Remembering Carlos\" was hosted for April on November 13, 2013. A silent", "id": "10664288" }, { "contents": "Facial (sex act)\n\n\nof her own, in turn because she’s not a real person\". McGrath argues that there is a \"power-aspect\" to depictions such as cum shots. He suggests that the \"…central theme [of pornography] is power…[,] implicitly violent… eroticized hatred.\" Gail Dines, writing in \"Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality\", describes the money shot of a man ejaculating on the face or body of a woman as \"one of the most degrading acts in porn", "id": "6565377" }, { "contents": "The Dirk Diggler Story\n\n\nthe amount of money he is making. He then stars in a TV show which is a failure, both critically and commercially. Having failed and with no work, Diggler returns to the porn industry, taking roles in low-budget homosexual films to help support his habit. On July 17, 1981, during a film shoot, Diggler dies of a drug overdose. The film ends with a quotation from Diggler: \"All I ever wanted was a cool '78 'Vette and a house in the country.\"", "id": "15545310" }, { "contents": "Outrage porn\n\n\nradio outlets have also been characterised as being engaged in outrage media. In 2014, Jonah Berger, a professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study on the spreadability of emotions via social media and concluded that \"Anger is a high-arousal emotion, which drives people to take action...It makes you feel fired up, which makes you more likely to pass things on\". Additionally, online audiences may be susceptible to outrage porn in part because of their feeling of powerlessness to managers", "id": "17657229" }, { "contents": "Vance and Pepe's Porn Start\n\n\nseries, find out their show has been cancelled. Desperate for work, they anxiously devise a plan to use their fame to find new careers in the porn industry. Sensing a train wreck is near, a documentary crew follow the 'famous' reality TV duo as they try to create a film based on 'Showgirls' and 'Twilight' but find out that making it big in porn is a long and hard process. The film's title has also been shortened to \"Vance and Pepe\" and \"Porn Start", "id": "20700067" }, { "contents": "Darren James\n\n\nJames, his diagnosis and the public disclosure thereof — which was how his family learned of his pornographic career — left him so distraught that he attempted suicide. After his recovery, he sued the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation for publicly disclosing his condition. The lawsuit was settled out of court, with terms remaining confidential. James went on to find employment as a security guard. In 2005, the porn industry shutdown was the subject of the first episode of \"The Dark Side of Porn\", a British documentary series", "id": "4171090" }, { "contents": "Queer pornography\n\n\nform of video. Some prominent queer producers include Shine Louise Houston, Chelsea Poe, and April Flores who attempt to challenge the filming methods within the porn industry. Typically within the Porn Industry, the producer and director have the majority of control over how each scene will be performed, who is showcased in each set, and creating a differential of performers’ salaries based on their popularity. Queer pornography counters these practices by actively engaging performers in the creations of scenes allowing them to form more organically as a collaboration with a more", "id": "9279246" }, { "contents": "Tricia Devereaux\n\n\nTricia Devereaux (born January 12, 1975) is the stage name of an American former pornographic actress, XRCO Hall of Fame inductee, and co-owner of Evil Angel studios. Devereaux was introduced to the adult industry when her then husband, Patrick, got a job working as a bouncer in a strip club and Devereaux would occasionally visit him there. The other dancers encouraged her to enter the club's amateur contest which she won; this led to her working there to make extra money. A number of established porn", "id": "12067760" }, { "contents": "The Onion Girl\n\n\naway with her best friend Pinky. To make money, they performed badger games and ended up killing a dirty cop. Pinky eventually became a porn star, while Raylene started working in a print shop. There she fell in love with one of her coworkers, who taught her how to use computers, but was killed by a robber. Pinky served several years in prison for assault, and during that time she and Raylene began sharing dreams in which they were wolves hunting unicorns. Raylene learned her sister's whereabouts from an", "id": "19224040" }, { "contents": "A-Q\n\n\n\"Things That We Do\", which got him an international online distribution deal. In 2006 A-Q put out a mixtape titled \"Maga Must Pay vol 1.\" A-Q took a break from music to finish his education in University of Lagos but still managed to release a single, \"Make Money\", and accompanying video in 2008 produced by Laylow and featuring Morachi and Xtrim off an online mixtape titled \"Love and Money.\" A-Q graduated in 2010 and returned to the entertainment industry,", "id": "21466196" }, { "contents": "MobiKwik\n\n\nthe years, MobiKwik extended their service to mobile apps. The company initially partnered with online merchants to make their wallet available as a payment option on e-commerce sites. MobiKwik launched an e-wallet system in 2012 that enabled users to deposit money online to use for bill payments and other features. They also introduced the feature of sending and receiving money via a mobile app. In September 2014, Express Computer reported how MobiKwik was partnering with GoDaddy and other international companies to help them comply with Indian payment regulations. In", "id": "5752297" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\nSTDs in the porn industry deals with the occupational safety and health issue in the sex industry of transmission of sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STIs/STDs), especially HIV/AIDS, which became a major cause of concern since the 1980s, especially for pornographic film actors. , 22 HIV cases in the U.S. pornography industry have been reported; roughly half were among men who work in gay films, and the other half were men and women working in heterosexual productions. Because pornographic film making involves unsimulated sex, usually without", "id": "15859402" }, { "contents": "Welding & Gases Today\n\n\nWelding & Gases Today is the official journal for members of the Gases and Welding Distributors Association in the United States. Published quarterly by Data Key Communications, the magazine provides information to help distributors and suppliers in the welding and industrial, medical and specialty gases industry make money and/or save money in their businesses. In both print and online \"Welding & Gases Today\" covers specific topics pertaining to the gases and welding industry, including safety equipment, maintenance, gas operations, OSHA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Food and Drug", "id": "22169110" }, { "contents": "Adult Industry Awards Database\n\n\nThe Adult Industry Awards Database (AIWARDS) is an online database of awards issued by the porn industry to honor pornographic films, actresses, actors, directors, industry professionals, studios, sites, sex toys and more. At the present time AIWARDS is targeted at tracking awards issued only by US sex industry. As of April 2018 AIWARDS tracks over 100 ceremonies of AVN, XRCO, XBIZ and NightMoves awards. Initially the project was launched on 11 July 2017 with over 4000 winners. According to the owner, it took around", "id": "10743824" }, { "contents": "Stop the City\n\n\n, there were other demonstrations across the UK, including Birmingham. In Leeds, on 9 August 1984, activists including members of Chumbawamba chained up the doors of a porn cinema, threw Monopoly money onto shoppers, gave out leaflets and ran a pirate radio station which blocked wavelengths used by BBC radio stations. Stop the City was criticised by the Anarchist Workers Group for creating an anarchist ghetto politics. Whilst seen as initially successful, the demonstrations also provoked questions for anarcho-punk activists about how to make alliances with other groups and", "id": "2188756" }, { "contents": "Luke Ford (blogger)\n\n\naway from the site saying that writing the site was too much work for the money earned. It was sold a second time, with the new owner being long-time industry observer Cindy Loftus. \"AVN\" Hall of Famer Bill Margold has said that \"Luke Ford is exactly what we deserve... Luke's not really a blogger as much as is an internet journalist\". Ford was also in the 2012 documentary \"After Porn Ends\", which is about life after being a porn actor. Ford maintains a blog", "id": "14349945" }, { "contents": "Fuck for Forest\n\n\nexplained: \"Porn makes really, really a lot of money, so why not use that money for good?\" In 2004, its first year of existence, the organisation's website netted over $100,000 for rain forest protection through the sale of paid memberships. Website subscribers pay $20 per month and the organization says that over 80 percent of the money goes to charities that work to preserve the world's rain forests. The organisation's unorthodox methods have made it difficult to distribute the money it makes. Both the", "id": "10482656" }, { "contents": "Pornography\n\n\nonline \"adult content\" industry estimating $750 million to $1 billion in annual revenue. As an unsourced aside, the Forrester study speculated on an industry-wide aggregate figure of $8–10 billion, which was repeated out of context in many news stories, after being published in Eric Schlosser's book on the American black market. Studies in 2001 put the total (including video, pay-per-view, Internet and magazines) between $2.6 billion and $3.9 billion. , the porn industry was believed to", "id": "2547431" }, { "contents": "Measure B\n\n\n. Supporters included porn performer Aurora Snow, Jenna Jameson, Pink Cross Foundation, and Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Weinstein claims that according to the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, \"thousands of performers have been infected with thousands of STDs over the last few years.\" The No On Government Waste Committee opposed Measure B claiming it would waste tax-payer money and drive the porn industry out of the state. It said that it was supported in its opposition by the Los Angeles County Federation of", "id": "5842625" }, { "contents": "Kyle Stone\n\n\nindustry as the reason for his lack of offers. In a 2008 interview with Adult Video News, he described the autobiography he was working on as \"It's basically about how the pill has changed the industry and basically how it cost me my career. I was one of the 25 guys in this industry who could naturally perform and once the pharmaceutical companies came out with the ED drugs, pretty much almost everybody could do my job.\" Stone also began appearing as a stand-up comedian and discussed his porn career", "id": "11741241" }, { "contents": "Pornography\n\n\ngear porn more towards women because they knew what women wanted, both for actresses and the audience. This is believed to be a good thing because for such a long time, the porn industry has been directed by men for men. This also sparked the arrival of making lesbian porn for lesbians instead of men. Furthermore, many feminists argue that the advent of VCR and consumer video allowed for the possibility of feminist pornography. Consumer video made it possible for the distribution and consumption of video pornography to locate women as legitimate consumers", "id": "2547449" }, { "contents": "Anarchism and issues related to love and sex\n\n\nwho work in the sex industry. The term can be found being used in \"XXX: A Womanʼs Right to Pornography\" by Wendy McElroy where porn actress, Veronica Hart, makes this comment upon hearing the word ‘feminist’: “I donʼt need Andrea Dworkin to tell me what to think or how to behave.” [...] “And I donʼt appreciate being called psychologically damaged! I have friends in the business who call themselves ‘Anarchists in High Heels.’ Theyʼd love to have a word with her", "id": "9305873" }, { "contents": "Film industry in Michigan\n\n\nwhether or not they get their money back. We are looking at how much are they going to spend on Michigan workers making that movie and how much are they going to spend in Michigan hotels and in the local areas while making that movie.\" An organization known as the Michigan Production Alliance was formed as a 501c6 trade group in order to assist film community members with information, education and legislation with regard to the production industry in Michigan. The organization sent representatives to each legislative and non political meeting as the initial film", "id": "16049322" }, { "contents": "Ken Sprague\n\n\nchampionships and won the Mr. Cincinnati bodybuilding title in 1967. After enrolling at the University of Cincinnati, Sprague was encouraged by a friend to try modeling, which led him to COLT male erotica studio in New York City. At first, he posed nude for several gay publications, but soon he was asked to travel to California where he starred in a handful of hardcore gay porn clips under the name Dakota. His instant popularity in the porn industry brought him enough money and contacts to establish his own independent film studio and purchase", "id": "11831061" }, { "contents": "Alina Plugaru\n\n\nEros Porto, The Eros & Amore Vienna and The Eros Show Sofia. In the last years she won the Best Romanian Porn Actress Awards at the Romanian Erotic Industry Awards (PIER 2008 & PIER 2009). Plugaru was recognized for her contributions to the advancement of the Romanian adult entertainment industry. In March 2009 she was voted The Ideal Romanian Woman and nearly a quarter (24.69%) of website visitors voted for her in an online poll. On 24 September 2009 Plugaru announced her retirement from the adult film industry. Plugaru", "id": "3661463" }, { "contents": "Shaka Ponk\n\n\nband has been active online creating videos and motion graphic work along their conceptual style, releasing videos on their online channel \"Monkey TV\". The band released their debut album \"Loco Con Da Frenchy Talkin\"' in 2006 and followed up in 2009 with \"Bad Porn Movie Trax\", under the French record label Tôt ou tard (Ben Howard, Patrick Watson). This album spawned the singles \"How We Kill Stars\" and \"Do\". Shaka Ponk performed in New York City for the first time in", "id": "3342083" }, { "contents": "Sexual revolution in 1960s United States\n\n\n, the gay community was launched into the sexual revolution and the porn industry. The biggest breakthrough for gay men was after the sexual revolution in 2003, when \"Lawrence v Texas\" made it legal in all 50 states to have anal sex. After this, the porn industry never had to make stag films nor did they have to censor their material in states that had anti-sodomy laws. Indeed, in an age of sexual revolution and urban chaos many spontaneous acts of defiance occurred as homosexuals found creative ways to resist", "id": "18063746" }, { "contents": "Transsexual pornography\n\n\nof porn among heterosexual males. Data from RedTube, a porn video hosting site, indicated that as of 2016 and based on frequency of online searches transsexual porn was most popular in Brazil, Italy, Argentina, Russia and Spain; the United States ranked at 12th place and within the US transsexual porn searches were most common in Wyoming. A spokesman for Evil Angel, a US porn production company, was quoted in 2015 as saying transsexual porn was the company's most profitable category, commanding premiums of about 20% more than", "id": "7419140" }, { "contents": "Clara Morgane\n\n\nClara Morgane ( is a French singer, media personality, TV host and former pornographic actress. Clara Morgane first became notable as a porn star : she started making movies with her boyfriend Greg Centauro and Pierre Piot in 2000 and, after a few amateur shoots, quickly became a professional actress. She stopped her porn career after only two years and seven movies, eventually ending her relationship with Centauro who did not wish to leave the porn industry. In 2001, she started hosting on Canal+ \"Le Journal du hard\",", "id": "18318619" }, { "contents": "Adrianna Luna\n\n\nIn October 2011 Luna was interviewed by a childhood friend who happened to work for the online magazine The Rumpus. Writer Zoe Ruiz asked Luna what the industry was like and about her impressions of working in porn. Luna commented that it was far more \"professional\" and organized than she had expected it to be. In June 2012, she was featured in the annual \"Fresh Faces\" issue of \"AVN\" magazine that highlights the industry's up and coming starlets. Luna is also the \"Penthouse\" Pet of the", "id": "13593998" }, { "contents": "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star\n\n\nas the biggest adult-film star in the world. Unfortunately, he has no idea how to become a porn star like his parents, and his penis is incredibly small. Through a series of misunderstandings, he gets a job as a porn actor with fading director Miles Deep (Don Johnson). He makes several films, and achieves a certain fame when his small penis makes women appreciate their partner's endowment. Along the way he meets and falls in love with Kathy (Christina Ricci), a kindhearted waitress.", "id": "7847720" }, { "contents": "Emma Holten\n\n\nDanish feminist debate. In response to the revenge porn, Holten contacted Danish photographer Cecilie Bødker to have new naked pictures taken of her, but this time with her consent. The project titled \"Consent\" was published in the Danish online magazine Friktion. Since then, Holten has done projects focusing on gender-based violence, cyber bullying, revenge porn, and feminism. Among her projects are the project - 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, the Tedx Talk \"Learning from revenge porn: Online rights", "id": "15372723" }, { "contents": "Food porn\n\n\nplatforms and could also be part of the category on newspaper and online blog. Moreover, food porn is experienced globally. Language barriers that exist culturally can be bypassed by the usage of #foodporn. Food porn is used collectively by the online users and does not exclude or privilege one food over another. Contemporary literature and cinema consistently connect food and sexuality. Scholars note historical links between eating and sex, such as male and female humans coming together throughout evolution around food and creating offspring—two essential needs for survival. Today", "id": "9084963" }, { "contents": "Internet fraud\n\n\n. Every online casino needs an operation license to conduct their business, and the operators may lose their license or even face imprisonment if they do not follow the regulations. Online casinos have become an extremely lucrative as well as competitive industry, with operators introducing new promotions on a daily basis. Promotional activities include attractive bonuses, prize money, jackpots and other offers aimed at making patrons' online casino experience as memorable as possible. Having a secure software like a 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption is important. As retailers", "id": "7601714" }, { "contents": "Me Too movement\n\n\nthe Military Justice Improvement Act, sponsored by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, which would move \"the decision over whether to prosecute serious [sex] crimes to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors, while leaving uniquely military crimes within the chain of command\". There have been discussions about how pornography is related to the emergence of the #MeToo movement, and what changes, if any, should be made to the porn industry in response. The deaths of five female porn actresses during the first three months of 2018 inspired demands that", "id": "6001340" }, { "contents": "Mac Cummings\n\n\nhad lagged behind Barack Obama's, began to improve soon after Cummings joined the campaign. Cummings helped turn things around by seeking out small donors - driving traffic to the Clinton campaign website, making urgent online pitches, and giving donors more control over how their money was spent. As a result, online fundraising started accounting for nearly 75% of her monthly totals, mainly in small contributions. In February, the campaign raised $30 million of its $35 million monthly total online, the single largest fundraising month for the", "id": "15308998" }, { "contents": "Feminist pornography\n\n\n, and what they bring to the production is appreciated. Feminist porn seeks to challenge ideas about desire, beauty, gratification, and power through unconventional representations, aesthetics, and film making styles. The overall aim of feminist porn is to empower the performers who produce it and the people who view it. The 2012 study, \"Why Become a Pornography Actress?\" analyzed female pornographic film actresses and their reasons for choosing the occupation, finding that the primary reasons were money and sex. This field of work gave women a", "id": "22089513" }, { "contents": "Talent manager\n\n\narticle titled, “Case study: Making money from music” by Martin Kupp, Jamie Anderson and Joerg Reckhenrich, the effects of technological advances on the music industry are recognized, analyzed, and utilized through an online marketing strategy that led to the incredible success of Lady Gaga. Troy Carter of Coalition Media signed Gaga with the intention of making her into a star with the help of some clever marketing. Recognizing that digitalization was the cause of the almost 33% decrease in the music industry’s total revenue between the years 2000", "id": "17069642" }, { "contents": "PorYes\n\n\nspecial stories, sound, or even a business prize for successful women in the porn industry.\" The festival initiators wanted to revolutionize mainstream porn industries. They have tried to set certain standards of artificial and representative integrity by promoting feminist porn movies. For the PorYes jury, it is especially important that female desire and pleasure is an essential part of the movie, whereas \"“in mainstream porn the women often look weary and worn out, as if they come from an area of conflict (…).”\" Porn", "id": "6529864" }, { "contents": "Music Industry Online\n\n\nset in place an entirely new phase for \"PC Music\", which then changed to \"Music Industry Online\" in 2005. This witnessed an influx of resources in the form of writers who updated the site with regular news and feature content, drawing audiences both South Africa and abroad. Forums and discussion boards were introduced and moderators elected to keep a watchful eye on the use of offensive behavior. The content also started undergoing subtle changes, from being information based purely on how to make electronic music, to incorporating other music", "id": "18259782" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nother performers fail to see the need for a specific type of porn just for women. As porn star James Deen put it, “Why is there porn explicitly only for women? By saying there needs to be porn for women, you’re basically isolating women as a gender, and saying, “This is how women should think. This is how their sexuality should be.” It's counterproductive (from what I understand) to the equality movement.” In a lot of typical pornography, women are mistreated,", "id": "8644379" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Silk\n\n\nAlexandra Silk (born September 19, 1963) is an American pornographic actress, pornographic director and adult model. A graduate of the State University of New York at Albany, Silk began her adult career as a stripper in Las Vegas. During this time she met porn star Jenna Jameson, who advised her on how to enter the pornographic industry. Silk made her way to Hollywood, where she met Ron Jeremy, who in turn introduced her to performers, directors and producers. During the course of her career she married porn", "id": "12128534" }, { "contents": "Céline Bara\n\n\nthat she could make more money in this line of work. In 2000, she was nominated for the Hot d'Or for Best New French Starlet. She performed for several French porn companies, but she and her husband eventually created their own studio, with Cyrille Bara directing the films. However, their small company was soon heavily in debt. In March 2001, Céline and Cyrille Bara assaulted one of their colleagues and competitors, porn actor-director HPG, whom Cyrille Bara wounded with a shotgun. Both spouses were arrested a", "id": "6224531" }, { "contents": "Alt porn\n\n\ngenerally used terms such as \"subcultural erotica\". Alt porn websites are often distinguished by their use of message boards, blogs, social networking, and other features of online community, encouraging participation by both models and viewers. While these features are not exclusive to alt porn sites, their inclusion stands in stark contrast to the standard operating procedures adopted by more typical porn sites, which tend to feature more or less anonymous models who are viewed by anonymous visitors. Alt porn-themed videos are also becoming a growing niche in", "id": "3489856" }, { "contents": "9 to 5: Days in Porn\n\n\n9 to 5: Days in Porn, also known as The Porn Diaries (UK), is a 2008 English-language German documentary film about the United States porn industry, written and directed by Jens Hoffmann. The documentary took five years to produce, with over three years filming. Through interviews with 77 persons, the film profiles 10 different members of the U.S.'s porn industry of the San Fernando Valley, where 80% of American pornography films are produced. With an emphasis on the actors themselves, the documentary includes", "id": "12608083" }, { "contents": "31st AVN Awards\n\n\n. Richard Abowitz, who covers the adult industry for The Daily Beast termed the show \"lackluster\", noting, \"Though long-billed as the Academy Awards for the adult industry, few take that label seriously anymore. The massive decline in the porn industry’s fortunes thanks to regulatory challenges and piracy and the infinity of sex offerings on the Internet have left the remains of the mainstream porn industry closer to the cheesy and sleazy parody of the other Hollywood that defined porn’s golden era of the '80s.\" ExpressMilwaukee", "id": "15947445" }, { "contents": "Cyber-security regulation\n\n\nrecommendations on how to create a stronger cybersecurity for the public and private sector. The second highlight of the plan is to change Government IT. The new Government IT will make it so that a more secure IT can be put in place. The third highlight of the plan is to give Americans knowledge on how they can secure their online accounts and avoid theft of their personal information through multi-factor authentication. The fourth highlight of the plan is to invest 35% more money that was invested in 2016 into cybersecurity. In", "id": "20653658" }, { "contents": "Pornography addiction\n\n\nother recovery tools. NoFap is an online community founded in 2011. It serves as a support group for those who wish to avoid the use of pornography, masturbation, and/or sexual intercourse. Recent peer-reviewed data highlighted considerable misogyny and poor understanding of sexual relationships in this online community. There is also a PornFree group which focuses on giving up porn rather than masturbation. Covenant Eyes is a Christian company founded in 2000 whose accountability software is designed to help users overcome porn addiction by monitoring their online activity and sending a report", "id": "12623594" }, { "contents": "Slaughter Studios\n\n\n. Madigan finds the hidden camera and confronts Steve with it, thinking that he had hidden it in the women's dressing room on purpose. It turns out the camera belongs to Olie, who was hoping to sell the footage to an online porn site for some extra money. Olie decides to leave the studio for fear of facing Madigan's wrath, but on his way out he runs into the security guard, who chases him back into the studio. Steve has Gary (Roseman), the cameraman, hook up Olie", "id": "19422610" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\ninterest and how they would prefer porn that considers female viewers and isn't as crude or rough as mainstream pornography. A number of women are dedicated to creating this alternative to mainstream porn. They care about making films that don't include horny schoolgirls, naughty nurses, or \"bad step-mom and daughter\" relationships. They also banish stereotypes about women's sexuality and expectations surrounding body shape and size. Jae Woong Shim, author of \"Analysis of Representation of Sexuality on Women’s and Men’s Pornographic Websites\",", "id": "8644371" }, { "contents": "Outrage porn\n\n\nOutrage porn (also called outrage media and outrage journalism) is any type of media that is designed to evoke outrage for the purpose generating increased web traffic or online attention. The term \"outrage porn\" was coined in 2009 by political cartoonist and essayist Tim Kreider of \"The New York Times\". The use of the term was first attributed to Tim Kreider in a \"New York Times\" article in July 2009, where Kreider said: \"It sometimes seems as if most of the news consists of outrage porn,", "id": "17657225" }, { "contents": "Outrage porn\n\n\nthe harder, messier work of understanding\". The term has also been frequently used by \"Observer\" media critic, Ryan Holiday. In his 2012 book \"Trust Me, I'm Lying\", Holiday described \"outrage porn\" as a \"better term\" for a \"manufactured online controversy\" to describe the fact that \"People like getting pissed off almost as much as they like actual porn\". In general use, outrage porn is a term used to explain media that is created not in order to generate", "id": "17657227" }, { "contents": "Cyber Civil Rights Initiative\n\n\nThe Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) is a non-profit organization that was started as the \"End Revenge Porn\" campaign in 2012 by Holly Jacobs, who herself was a victim of revenge porn. CCRI's mission is to raise awareness about online harassment and advocate for technological, social, and legal reform. CCRI prefers the term \"nonconsensual pornography\" to \"revenge porn\" and considers it a form of sexual abuse. In August 2012, after struggling for years as a victim of revenge porn, Holly Jacobs", "id": "3842477" }, { "contents": "Erika Lust\n\n\nmaintains a blog. She has written several books on eroticism and sexuality. Her book \"Good Porn\" was published in 2009 by Seal Press. In December 2014, Lust hosted a TED-talk at TEDxVienna. In the talk, entitled \"It's Time For Porn To Change\", Lust urges people to question the modern state of porn, its messages and role as a sexual educator. The TED talk launched the start of her campaign #changeporn, an online campaign intended to challenge and change the porn norm.", "id": "8496688" }, { "contents": "Food porn\n\n\nfood such as, foods that reflect cultures, calories, presentation, preparation, delicious taste, and anything else that adds to the authenticity of the meal. The term \"food porn\" refers to images of food across various social media platforms such as TV, cooking magazines, online blogs, mobile apps, websites and social media platforms. The reason why food porn is strongly connecting with popular culture is due to the fact that people are exposed to food in their everyday lives. Food porn is not specific to social media", "id": "9084962" }, { "contents": "Manafest\n\n\nMusic Business\". The channel contained videos regarding strategies, advice, tricks, and tips about the music industry and how to make it a career. In 2015, Manafest launched a full official online curriculum music course entitled Fanbase University which focuses on training independent aspiring music artists and giving them practical tools to make it in the music industry, with an emphasis on not signing yourself to a record label. Presently, Manafest still currently runs the music course and channel actively. In early 2018, Chris Greenwood announced the release of", "id": "7702008" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nOne day, where every person, regardless of age or income level, can collectively have a huge impact. Whether people give money, time, resources, or random acts of kindness, it all helps.\" GiveForward started an online and physical petition to support National Give Day. The purpose of this collection of signatures was to encourage the Mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, to make May 4, 2010 the first National Give Day., an American organization, has found a niche in the online fundraising industry", "id": "18203514" }, { "contents": "A Billion Lives\n\n\nof the film centers on the attempts the tobacco industry has made to stop e-cigarettes from encroaching on the money-making abilities of the large multinational corporations involved. Set as an exploration of the reasons many people are critical toward vaping, the third act of the film shows how money is integral to the tobacco industry's survival. Tackling issues such as the involvement of pharmaceutical corporations and even governments in dealings with tobacco companies, the documentary reaches out to find out why there is such a negative bias toward vaping. Culminating", "id": "7480876" }, { "contents": "James Deen\n\n\nhe was named the \"Male Performer of the Year\" by \"AVN\" at the age of 22, making him the youngest actor to have won this award. Deen has a fan-following among teenage girls, a demographic that is typically not associated with the pornographic industry. In February 2012, \"ABC Nightline\" aired the feature \"Porn's Boy Next Door\", which included interviews with both Deen and his fans. One fan described him as \"the Ryan Gosling of porn\". In September 2012,", "id": "3020933" }, { "contents": "Porn Time\n\n\nPorn Time is an online streaming application formed from Popcorn Time, for the purpose of viewing pornography content. It was released on June 6, 2015 and has since acquired a large user base. The desktop app was downloaded by 450,000 users in the first week after it launched, overloading the download servers. Torrentfreak quoted the development team saying: “We’re pretty shocked and find it a little hard to believe and amusing in a way. But Porn Time, the Popcorn Time for Porn, became an Internet phenomenon just one", "id": "4077754" } ]
Why are people starving while the rest of the world eats itself to death?
[{"answer": "MONEY. The physical transportation of food might be \"easy\" (to port cities at least), but it isn't free. Transportation has cost. And while you might assume that a big semi-truck can travel a mile a minute anywhere in the USA, it ain't going NOWHERE through the jungle. Where it CAN go, it still needs to fill up it's gas tank. Your grocery store has all sorts of food, even super-expensive \"organic\" food because you can pay for it, and the USA government subsidizes food. The farm bill is around the half a **tril**lion. Which is you paying for it via taxes. Potaytoe patawtoe. > So I'm curious as to what exactly is stopping the distribution of food to these countries? Business who do things for profit can't make any money shipping food there. So they don't. Yeah. Poverty. Buying the food, transporting it to a place of poverty and famine, and selling it for as much as you could would still be an act of charity. Which is something we do. Because in a general sense, the developed world feeds the hungry out of the kindness of our heart and/or thirst for global domination. We give places a ton of money to buy our food. [Foreign aid, specifically to Yemen is about half a billion this year.]( URL_0 ). Of course we're also selling planes and bombs to the Saudis, who I believe just got done bombing the hell out of them. War often leads to poverty. And corruption means a lot of that foreign aid doesn't quite get into the hands of the people who are hungry. Also, there's an ugly side to foreign aid. Imagine you've got a nation down on it's luck. Like.... they didn't get much rain and all their crops failed. Sucks to be them. Bunch of starving people. Uncle sam comes through and gives everyone food. Great right? (And it really is for a lot of people). BUT. That has some nasty side-effects. All those farmers who has a terrible year now have a crop again next year.... but people have a bunch of free food from uncle sam... Why would they pay for food? The free food program is a real kick in the pants to the farmers. The exact industry that would help fix the problem. If you give them cash, that's where corruption comes in. If you give them \"coupons\" to buy food, typically from our food suppliers, that's exactly the same as giving them food."}, {"answer": " > Physical transportation of food is easy No it isn't. Not through war zones, areas with no roads or infrastructure, or through areas the local government won't allow. > a quick glance around my local supermarket shows food from all over the world. This is a marvel of modern technology at society, achieved at great effort and cost. It is rather dismissive to look at something you find commonplace and assume it must be easy to achieve."}, {"answer": " > transportation of food is easy > local supermarket > Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and Nigeria Infrastructure. We, living in the more developed countries, are benefiting from a well built infrastructure that allows for things such as your local supermarket to exist and sell big quantities of food from all over the world on a daily basis. Add to that, of course, is that the countries mentioned have chronic issues with political/economic/social instability, which significantly hinders their ability to secure efficient functioning of the society, which inherently affects their infrastructure, domestic and foreign economic policies, etc."}, {"answer": "Corrupt governments in those countries taking the food for those they deem worthy, war physically stopping shipments of food from getting to where it needs to go due to risk of death of those shipping it, and infrastructure to keep food fresh not existing in those regions."}, {"answer": "Six children per woman is the average. If your offspring don't survive you produce more offspring look at any animal on earth. If we had a magic button to save them all today we would have treble the crisis in twenty years time as epigenetics/culture will take several lifetimes to change. It's life at its most basic but it is true. The average across wealthy secured western countries is 2 kids because it's pretty much guaranteed survival. Yes there are also issues with wealth distribution and poverty well covered by every other answer. Idk what the solution is. But throwing money at it is definitely not the correct response. For me removing corruption and supplying education would be the best option but easy for me to type and probably very hard to implement!"}, {"answer": "distribution of food to every poor village in middle of Africa ain't easy and would cost more than value of food, it's much easier to give them chicken which are pretty independent and easy to raise than trying to take care of those people like they are children URL_0 plus in the end what would be benefit for those rich people in West in letting poor population to grow even faster than it is by helping them not die? maybe if people in those poor areas had one child per family they would have something to eat instead of making babies like in factory line and then not having enough resources to feed them for examples see India vs China and their progress in recent decades"}, {"answer": "Aside from corruption. A very simple and ignored fact is that most women in these countries will have over five children and no means to feed them."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9440651", "title": "Famine food", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A famine food or poverty food is any inexpensive or readily available food used to nourish people in times of hunger and starvation, whether caused by extreme poverty such as during economic depression; by natural disasters, such as drought; or by war or genocide.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "A famine food or poverty food is any inexpensive or readily available food used to nourish people in times of hunger and starvation,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Reputable Family\n\n\nyard and opened a storehouse. He said, \"What’s the use of making a fortune, while people are starving to death out there? Boil rice porridge in the cauldron and let starving people eat it. Make clothes for those who were poorly dressed.\" From that day on, porridge was boiled in the cauldron every day, with starving people from near and far flocking to the Choi's house. Even in the years of poor harvest, when tens of thousands of people died of hunger per year, people", "id": "5077752" }, { "contents": "March Upcountry\n\n\nas his ancestors. Now the empire is led by his followers, religious eco-freaks who seek to impose their belief on how nature should be handled. As part of this belief system, the Saints \"reclaim\" certain worlds by forcing humans to remove all human influence and pollution (including their own waste - which is why they basically starve the people sent to reclaim these worlds to death). Raiden-Winterhowe - A revanchist empire that was once invaded and forced to defend itself and now continues to expand because it", "id": "9211228" }, { "contents": "March to the Sea (novel)\n\n\n. Now the empire is led by his followers, religious eco-freaks who seek to impose their belief on how nature should be handled. As part of this belief system, the Saints \"reclaim\" certain worlds by forcing humans to remove all human influence and pollution (including their own waste - which is why they basically starve the people sent to reclaim these worlds to death). Raiden-Winterhowe - A revanchist empire that was once invaded and forced to defend itself and now continues to expand because it simply can't", "id": "13432218" }, { "contents": "Mao's Great Famine\n\n\nstarving its own people to death.\" Mao was quoted as saying in Shanghai in 1959: \"When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.\" In their attempts to survive, Chinese people resorted to hiding, stealing, cheating, pilfering, foraging, smuggling, tricking, manipulating or otherwise outwitting the government. There were reports of armed assaults on granaries or trains. Overall, Dikötter estimates that there", "id": "10796267" }, { "contents": "Great Famine of Mount Lebanon\n\n\nof the Ottoman officials and correspondence from the Syrian Protestant College indicated that food shortages were to become a daily occurrence past November. Around 200,000 people starved to death at a time when the population of Mount Lebanon was estimated at 400,000 people. The Mount Lebanon famine caused the highest fatality rate by population of World War I. Bodies were piled in the streets and people were reported to be eating street animals. Some were said to have resorted to cannibalism. Soup kitchens were set up but had little effect in relieving the starving population.", "id": "17935244" }, { "contents": "Great Leap Forward\n\n\nto eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill. Benjamin Valentino writes that like in the USSR during the famine of 1932–33, peasants were confined to their starving villages by a system of household registration, and the worst effects of the famine were directed against enemies of the regime. Those labeled as \"black elements\" (religious leaders, rightists, rich peasants, etc.) in any previous campaign were given the lowest priority in the", "id": "20911768" }, { "contents": "A Tale of Two Cities\n\n\nstarving and begging the Marquis for food, his uncharitable response is to let the people eat grass; the people are left with nothing but onions to eat and are forced to starve while the nobles are living lavishly upon the people's backs. Every time the nobles refer to the life of the peasants it is only to destroy or humiliate the poor. Some have argued that in \"A Tale of Two Cities\" Dickens reflects on his recently begun affair with eighteen-year-old actress Ellen Ternan, which was possibly platonic", "id": "21409599" }, { "contents": "Groenedijk Monument\n\n\nwere, as a result of the water, trapped either in the water or on small hills which were surrounded by water. The Sea Beggars together with the rest of the Dutch rebel force were able to bring food to the starving population of Leiden, which by now has become a tradition. Every year the Relief of Leiden is celebrated in the Netherlands on the third of October. People come together and eat the traditional herring with white bread, the same food the Sea Beggars gave to the starved people in Leiden. Up", "id": "14020346" }, { "contents": "Democratic Socialists of America\n\n\nbecause the best liberalism leads toward socialism. [...] I want to be on the left wing of the possible. Harrington made it clear that even if the traditional Marxist vision of a marketless, stateless society was not possible, he did not understand why this needed to \"result in the social consequence of some people eating while others starve\". Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the DSA voiced opposition to that nation's bureaucratically managed economy and control over its satellite states. The DSA welcomed Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms", "id": "6143223" }, { "contents": "Mao Zedong\n\n\npeople to death. At a secret meeting in the Jinjiang Hotel in Shanghai dated March 25, 1959, Mao specifically ordered the party to procure up to one third of all the grain, much more than had ever been the case. At the meeting he announced that \"To distribute resources evenly will only ruin the Great Leap Forward. When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.\" Professor Emeritus", "id": "19775813" }, { "contents": "Let them eat cake\n\n\nattributed to two of Louis XV's daughters: Madame Sophie and Madame Victoire. In his novel \"Ange Pitou\" (1853), Alexandre Dumas attributes the quote to one of Marie Antoinette's favourites, the Duchess of Polignac. The \"Book of Jin\", a 7th-century chronicle of the Chinese Jin Dynasty, reports that when Emperor Hui (259–307) of Western Jin was told that his people were starving because there was no rice, he said, \"Why don't they eat (ground) meat?", "id": "21681471" }, { "contents": "Golden Age of Piracy\n\n\neat while out on the sea, and would end up sick, starving, and dying. That resulted in some sailors deserting the king and becoming pirates instead. This also allowed for pirates to better fight the navy. Unlike other seaman, pirates had strict rules for how they were to be treated on the ship. Unlike what many people think, captains did not have a dictatorship over the rest of the pirates on their ship. Captains had to be voted in, and there were strict rules for them to follow as", "id": "9139559" }, { "contents": "Churchill's Secret War\n\n\nprologue): \"No great portion of the world population was so effectively protected from the horrors and perils of the World War as were the peoples of Hindustan [India]. They were carried through the struggle on the shoulders of our small island.\" While Bengal starved, food rationing in Britain was unpopular: \"In the end,\" Mukerjee writes, \"it was not so much racism as the imbalance of power inherent in the social Darwinian pyramid that explains why famine could be tolerated in India while bread rationing was", "id": "9647829" }, { "contents": "March to the Stars\n\n\nlaw. The move had triggered a short civil war that Cavaza had won proving that he was just as ruthless as his ancestors. Now the empire is led by his followers, religious eco-freaks who seek to impose their belief on how nature should be handled. As part of this belief system, the Saints \"reclaim\" certain worlds by forcing humans to remove all human influence and pollution (including their own waste—which is why they basically starve to death the people sent to reclaim these worlds). Raiden-", "id": "13432324" }, { "contents": "Mass killings under communist regimes\n\n\nthe order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside, saying: \"When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill\". In light of additional evidence of Mao's culpability, Rummel added those killed by the Great Famine to his total for Mao's democide for a total of 77 million killed. Sinologists Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals estimate that between 750,000 and 1.5 million people were killed in the", "id": "22133787" }, { "contents": "Shmuel Dovid Ungar\n\n\nwhich he recorded his travails and prepared his spiritual will. Throughout that winter of hiding in the forest, Ungar scrupulously observed Jewish law even though he was starving to death. He refused to eat bread or milk obtained from gentiles, or to even eat bread if there was no water for ritual hand-washing. On one occasion he received some grapes, but would not eat them immediately; he insisted on saving them to eat on the Sabbath. While terror and fear were others' constant companions, he was concerned with", "id": "9529083" }, { "contents": "Starved\n\n\nStarved\" for renewal. Series star Eric Schaeffer created \"Starved\". Schaeffer, who is in recovery for alcohol and drug addiction and describes himself as having \"anorexic thinking,\" drew on his own experiences with eating disorders and the experiences of other people he knew in creating scenarios for the series. Other cast members also struggled with food issues. Benanti spent three years fighting anorexia while she danced on Broadway. Pentecost, who weighed 310 pounds at the time of filming, contributed stories from his own life to the series", "id": "15961777" }, { "contents": "Yang Guangyuan\n\n\n. (Why he sent Li Shouzhen was that Li Shouzhen and Yang previously had grudges with each other.) By the time of new year 945, the food supply in the city was exhausted, and many people have starved to death. This caused Yang to, while bowing toward the direction of Liao, lament, \"Emperor, Emperor, you have failed Guangyuan.\" His sons Yang Chengxun, Yang Chengzuo, and Yang Chengxin (楊承信) tried to persuade him to surrender, hoping that the clan could be saved", "id": "3240745" }, { "contents": "Gymnothorax polyuranodon\n\n\nyears by one account, most aquarists who have experience keeping this eel state that this species must have salt added to the water in order for the eel to have optimum health. Aquarists have noted that the lower the level of salt in the water, the less appetite the eel has. While specimens of this eel may eat heartily in medium or high-salinity brackish water, its appetite drops when in low brackish water, and it might stop eating altogether in freshwater and starve itself. Another trend noticed by aquarists is that", "id": "8520526" }, { "contents": "North Korean famine\n\n\npeople only eat meat on public holidays, namely Kim Il-sung's and Kim Jong-il's birthdays. One report by the \"Tokyo Shimbun\" in April 2012 claimed that since the death of Kim Jong-il in December 2011, around 20,000 people had starved to death in South Hwanghae Province. Another report by the Japanese Asia Press agency in January 2013 claimed that in North and South Hwanghae provinces more than 10,000 people had died of famine. Other international news agencies have begun circulating stories of cannibalism. On the", "id": "12334708" }, { "contents": "The Whisper\n\n\nThe Whisper is a post-apocalyptic novel for children by British author Emma Clayton. It was published in 2012 by Chicken House Publishing. It is a sequel to \"The Roar\". After discovering that the world was not covered by catastrophic plague or poisonous yellow dust, telepathic twins Mika and Ellie realized that the government lied to the population. The governing elite wanted the people to believe this so that the rich could live in luxury on the southern side of the Wall while the most of the rest of the people starved", "id": "8341118" }, { "contents": "Cyclone (1978 film)\n\n\nfew survivors find refuge on a small tour boat. Swept out to sea, these people slowly starve to death in the hot sun with barely any food or clean water. With no place to turn, the boat survivors resort to cannibalism to stay alive...that is, until the rescue planes come to pick them up and the man-eating sharks decide it's time to eat as well. The film was released in 1978, though the German and Italian releases were severely censored, toning down the cannibalism subplot. The", "id": "21395794" }, { "contents": "Jane Wardle\n\n\n1997 to tackle the rising problem of obesity; which won the Best New Charity Award in 2002, and is continuing to offer support and advice to individuals and the UK NHS. In 2009, Wardle appeared in BBC Horizon: Why Are Thin People Not Fat? (season 45, episode 8), a documentary which examined why some people manage to stay slim while the world is being affected by an obesity epidemic. In it, she explored whether eating habits are genetic or learned. In 1976 Wardle married Nicholas Stirling, with", "id": "14019717" }, { "contents": "The Terror (novel)\n\n\n, while Goodsir is taken hostage. The remainder of the crew decides to keep marching south. All three groups eventually meet with disaster. Hickey's group, despite resorting to cannibalism, is stopped short of its goal by a blizzard, and most of the men either starve or freeze to death, while the remainder are murdered by Hickey, who has begun to suffer delusions of godhood. Goodsir commits suicide by poisoning himself, ensuring that any of Hickey's crew who eats his body will die. The monster delivers a death", "id": "9871252" }, { "contents": "Let Them Eat Precaution\n\n\nlikely to suffer the effects of activists that falsely claim to speak for the world's poor.\" —Thomas DeGregori, professor of economics, University of Houston, and author of Origins of the Organic Agriculture Debate. \"A well-funded global antibiotech activist campaign, abetted by European Union regulators more interested in political pandering than good science, threatens to starve millions of the world's poorest people by denying them access to environmentally safer and higher yielding biotech crops. The distinguished experts assembled in Let Them Eat Precaution make it abundantly", "id": "16743247" }, { "contents": "Immoral Mathematics\n\n\nand helps her evade his brother's group. The next morning, The Swede tauntingly eats breakfast in front of Bohannon while describing his past experiences. He was a former bookkeeper, then an Army quartermaster, when taken by Confederates as a prisoner of war. Starving, and set upon by another starving POW who sought to cannibalize him, The Swede began using \"immoral mathematics\" to control people. Bohannon kicks The Swede's meal to the floor, and The Swede leaves without recovering his utensils. Bohannon uses the spoon to", "id": "7867381" }, { "contents": "Carnism\n\n\neating meat itself causes people to attribute diminished mental capacity to animals. For example, in one study people rated an unfamiliar exotic animal as less intelligent if they were told native people hunted it, and in another they regarded cows as less intelligent after eating beef jerky. Avoiding consideration of the provenance of animal products is another strategy. Joy argues that this is why meat is rarely served with the animal's head or other intact body parts. Joy introduced the idea of the \"Three Ns of Justification\", writing that meat", "id": "19866431" }, { "contents": "Plumpy'nut\n\n\ntreatment for emergency malnutrition cases. It supports rapid weight gain derived from broad nutrient intake which can alleviate a starving child from impending illness or death. The product is easy for children to eat because it dispenses readily from a durable, tear-open package. The fortified peanut butter-like paste contains fats, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins (as essential macronutrients), vitamins and minerals (as essential micronutrients). Peanut butter itself is a rich source of vitamin E (45% of the Daily Value, DV,", "id": "1562520" }, { "contents": "Macario (film)\n\n\nnone other than Death itself. Death is unsure why Macario has shared his turkey with him and not with the Devil and God. Macario responds, \"Whenever you appear, there is no time for anything else.\" Macario hoped to forestall what he assumed to be his imminent death by gaining the time it would take for him and Death to eat. Death is amused and as a compensation, names Macario his \"friend\" and gives him miraculous water that will heal any disease. If Death appears at the feet of", "id": "21669928" }, { "contents": "Song Kyung-dong\n\n\nand translates their experience into poetry. He questions why they must be subject to such oppression and alienation, and criticizes the capitalist brand of ethics that forbids starving people from stealing food. His work can be described as lyric resistance poetry in that it expresses not only rage at social injustices but also hope for a world where workers are liberated from exploitation. While Song uses aggressive language to communicate the pain and anger of the oppressed, he does not show open hostility or hatred toward the oppressor. Rather, the dominant sentiment in", "id": "2656745" }, { "contents": "List of Code Geass characters\n\n\nLi is arrested along with the rest of the U.F.N. representatives but is freed after Lelouch's death. The High Eunuchs are a group of eight men who use the Empress' power to control the Federation, leaving its people poor and starving while they live in opulence. All eight are executed for lèse majesté against the Empress by Li Xingke, though not all at the same time. The first Eunuch introduced is , a pale-skinned and young-looking man who is sent as the Federation's consul to Area 11.", "id": "6709495" }, { "contents": "The Wise Princess\n\n\nThe sky is so blue, and the fields are so green” and “plenty to eat, and a soft cushion to rest upon”. When the Princess arrived home, still distraught, she asked Doris, her favourite maid why she was so happy. Even the maid couldn’t help Princess Fernanda. Princess Fernanda continued on her walk and came upon a church where a wounded soldier smiled while laying in his coffin. The Princess also saw Death in the church and asked him to teach her to smile like the young", "id": "6488334" }, { "contents": "James Joseph Dresnok\n\n\nfull food ration by the government. \"Why? Why do they let their own people starve to death to feed an American?\", he asked. \"The Great Leader has given us a special solicitude. The government is going to take care of me until my dying day.\" In December 1959, Dresnok married Kathleen Ringwood, a 19-year-old from New York. In \"Crossing the Line\", Dresnok explains that after getting married at a young age, he was deployed in West Germany for two years", "id": "14343316" }, { "contents": "Pun\n\n\nthe entire statement. For example, a complex statement by Richard Whately includes four puns: \"Why can a man never starve in the Great Desert? Because he can eat the sand which is there. But what brought the sandwiches there? Why, Noah sent Ham, and his descendants mustered and bred.\" This pun uses \"sand which is there/sandwiches there\", \"Ham/ham\", \"mustered/mustard\", and \"bred/bread\". Similarly, the phrase \"piano is not", "id": "4572335" }, { "contents": "The Dog in the Manger\n\n\nown Carcase than he would suffer any Thing to be the better for't. THE MORAL. Envy pretends to no other Happiness than what it derives from the Misery of other People, and will rather eat nothing itself than not to starve those that would.' Samuel Croxall echoes L'Estrange's observation in \"Fables of Aesop and Others\" (1722). 'The stronger the passion is, the greater torment he endures; and subjects himself to a continual real pain, by only wishing ill to others.' It is with", "id": "16829889" }, { "contents": "Operation Barbarossa\n\n\nGerman 9th Army. At Kharkov, the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union, food was provided only to the small number of civilians who worked for the Germans, with the rest designated to slowly starve. Thousands of Soviets were deported to Germany to be used as slave labor beginning in 1942. The citizens of Leningrad were subjected to heavy bombardment and a siege that would last 872 days and starve more than a million people to death, of whom approximately 400,000 were children below the age of 14. The German-Finnish", "id": "2647706" }, { "contents": "Malawian food crisis\n\n\ncases and 981 deaths, a fatality rate of 3%. Yet, the number of people seeking aid at health facilities decreased by 25% in that same period. The study suggested that the health facilities were crippled by shortages of staff and drugs and poor communication and transportation systems. As people began to prioritize food security over all else, health and seeking treatment at poorly-maintained health facilities fell to the wayside. Starving people began to eat unsafe roots, maize cobs, sawdust, and boiled fruits and contracted food poisoning", "id": "3778357" }, { "contents": "Hadada ibis\n\n\n. It is known as Zililili in Chichewa, Chinawa in Chiyao, Chihaha or Mwanawawa in Tumbuka, and Mwalala in Khonde. Colonial hunters considered it as good bird for eating. The Bantu people of Uganda have an origin story where a man and wife starved themselves during a drought while letting their children eat whatever little they had. The man and his wife were then turned into ibises that go by the name of \"Mpabaana\". In Zululand the name \"ingqangqamathumba\" indicates that anyone who mocks the bird will break out", "id": "18087774" }, { "contents": "Capability approach\n\n\ncapability set outlined by this approach is not merely concerned with achievements; rather, freedom of choice, in and of itself, is of direct importance to a person's quality of life. For example, the difference between fasting and starving, on person's well-being, is whether the person is choosing not to eat. In this example, the functioning is starving but the capability to obtain an adequate amount of food is the key element in evaluating well-being between individuals in the two states. In sum,", "id": "14597497" }, { "contents": "Female infanticide in India\n\n\nthe Act to other regions at his discretion. Major famines occurred in India every five to eight years in the 19th- and early 20th-centuries, resulting in millions starving to death. As also happened in China, these events begat infanticide: desperate starving parents would either kill a suffering infant, sell a child to buy food for the rest of the family, or beg people to take them away for nothing and feed them. Gupta and Shuzhou state that massive famines and poverty-related historical events had influenced historical sex ratios", "id": "19358660" }, { "contents": "The Genius: Rule Breaker\n\n\nbut must eat in every round or else it starves to death. The Alligator ranks just below the Lion, and can starve for one round, but must also survive to win. The Eagle is next, and is the only predator that can live in the Sky, but it must also survive without going hungry more than once. The Hyena is the lowest-ranked predator, and can starve twice before dying, but its only condition for winning is that the Lion dies. The Snake is considered prey, but any", "id": "12226344" }, { "contents": "Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder\n\n\nAvoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), previously known as selective eating disorder (SED), is a type of eating disorder, where certain foods are limited based on appearance, smell, taste, texture, brand, presentation, or a past negative experience with the food, to a point that may damage their health. The person may forget to eat and may only eat when they are starving. ARFID is usually developed around 18 months and people with this eating disorder may have anxiety too. People with ARFID", "id": "11686508" }, { "contents": "Starvation\n\n\nbillion malnourished people in 2009. In 2007, 923 million people were reported as being undernourished, an increase of 80 million since 1990-92. It has also been recorded that the world already produces enough food to support the world's population. As the definitions of starving and malnourished people are different, the number of starving people is different from that of malnourished. Generally, far fewer people are starving, than are malnourished. The proportion of malnourished and of starving people in the world has been more or less continually decreasing", "id": "2855926" }, { "contents": "Paul R. Ehrlich\n\n\nbattle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate ...\" Ehrlich argued that the human population was too great, and that while the extent of disaster could be mitigated, humanity could not prevent severe famines, the spread of disease, social unrest, and other negative consequences of overpopulation. By the end of the 1970s, this prediction", "id": "4287895" }, { "contents": "Starved\n\n\nseries. \"Starved\" was shot in the spring of 2005 in New York City using a single-camera setup and without a laugh track. It and \"Sunny\" were the first shows that FX produced inhouse. \"Starved\" generated controversy even before its premiere. A number of specialists in the treatment of eating disorders expressed concern that the program would either make light of or glamorize eating disorders. Others, however, felt that \"Starved\" might focus attention on eating disorders as a serious medical condition. The National", "id": "15961780" }, { "contents": "Wake Island\n\n\n, 1945, the Japanese garrison surrendered to a detachment of United States Marines under the command of Brigadier General Lawson H. M. Sanderson. At that point the garrison had been almost cut off from supplies since the 1943 air raids, and was reduced to the point of starvation. While the islands' sooty tern colony had received some protection as a source of eggs, the Wake Island rail was hunted to extinction by the starving soldiers. Ultimately about three-quarters of the Japanese garrison perished, and the rest survived only by eating", "id": "14609877" }, { "contents": "Institute of Plant Industry\n\n\nThe Institute's seedbank survived the 28-month Siege of Leningrad in World War II, where several botanists starved to death rather than eat the collected seeds. In 2010 the plant collection at the Pavlovsk Experimental Station was to be destroyed to make way for luxury housing. This was averted by order of President Dmitri Medvedev. The Institute's extensive seed collection was an important target during the siege of Leningrad, Soviet officials took the time to evacuate the art from the city but neglected, or forgot to remove the world's largest seed collection", "id": "5549392" }, { "contents": "David \"Noodles\" Aaronson\n\n\nin the deaths of his childhood companions. In \"Cinema and Multiculturalism\", it is offered that while the story \"Once Upon a Time in America\" is ostensibly about the \"children of immigrants scraping the bottom of the American melting pot\" and about \"Jewish criminal kingpin David \"Noodles\" Aaronson, who dreams of greatness 'once upon a time', and spends the rest of his days wondering why his salad days wilted\", they offer that the film is more \"about time itself, and how Noodles", "id": "4292777" }, { "contents": "Nature and Art\n\n\nfor the man has had to wait for hours in the cold and rain. His uncle explains how in society the poor are born to serve the rich, if they decide not to serve, they will starve. Those that do serve will be rewarded in the world after death, where everyone is equal. Henry questions why this world cannot be as good, his uncle answered that 'god has made it so'. Henry also confuses words and their correct meaning, such as compliments for lies, reserve for pride", "id": "8897506" }, { "contents": "Cry for You (September song)\n\n\n\"Cry for You - The Album\". According to September, she stated the reason why she wanted to release it worldwide, by saying \"The song was so strong by itself. And I've been there and it feels like the fans are starved of dance music. But now dance music is coming back again, and the world is getting smaller and smaller because of the internet – that now sometimes you don't even have to do much promotion, although obviously it is still very important. But I think that", "id": "6351104" }, { "contents": "In the Grip of Winter\n\n\noff. While returning to the park Fox comes across the two dead foxes and realises that he has the chickens only because the two other foxes died. By having Tawny Owl, Kestrel, and Whistler bring waste food from the houses to the park the animals are no longer at risk from starving to death. One night while eating this food they hear the cry of a hare and find that the stoat badger met earlier has killed one of Hare's leverets. Though unhappy about this they accept that this is the law of", "id": "13617468" }, { "contents": "The Sickness Unto Death\n\n\nrelating itself to itself, and in willing to be itself, the self rests transparently in the power that established it.\" People commonly ascribe the name \"God\" to the \"power that created\" the self, but Anti-Climacus's text is more subtle than this orthodox viewpoint. Kierkegaard certainly was thinking of God, but what it means to have a personal relation with God, and how God is love are the real subjects of this book. While the book is, in many ways, a phenomenology of", "id": "10559118" }, { "contents": "Giovanni Di Stefano (fraudster)\n\n\nto starve himself to death. Later, in November 2008, when Brady was still being force-fed, Giovanni accused the state of legally starving Brady to death by not giving him enough food. Di Stefano stated that Brady was bound to die in three months unless he is made to eat more. In 2009–2010 Di Stefano made appeals to move him to a Scottish prison so he can die there, a move that the Scottish government strongly opposed. In September 2009, acting in the name of Manuel Noriega, Di Stefano", "id": "3383895" }, { "contents": "Food for Thought (song)\n\n\nhypocrisy of Christmas, the fact that there are starving people in Africa and here we are all sat around eating our Christmas dinner and praising the Lord\". Campbell regards the song as a Christmas song. \"Food for Thought\" was released as a double A-side along with \"King\", which was a song written about Martin Luther King, questioning the lost direction of the deceased leader's followers and the state of mourning of a nation after his death. \"Food for Thought\" was the first release of", "id": "1837013" }, { "contents": "2013 Huang Case in Qatar\n\n\n. While a child can go a few days without eating without risk of starvation, a child would not have the physical strength to walk one day before death due to starvation. As noted in the report by the Qatari medical examiner, Dr. Anis Mahmoud Khalifa, Gloria also lacked other physical hallmarks of a child who was starved to death or abused. There were also several other considerations regarding Gloria's medical history that were not addressed by the medical examiner. Gloria suffered from giardia when she was adopted, an infection which is", "id": "18790925" }, { "contents": "Hanina ben Dosa\n\n\nwould neither eat nor drink. As this continued for several days, the thieves concluded to free the animal, lest it starve to death and make their premises foul smelling. On its release it went straight home, none the worse for its long fast. Legend states that Hanina was greatly grieved at not being able, with other pious people, to present something to the Temple. In his sadness he walked out of town, and, seeing a huge rock, he vowed to carry it to Jerusalem as a gift to", "id": "15623823" }, { "contents": "Don't Starve\n\n\n, found it problematic in \"Don't Starve\" because, unlike other games such as \"The Binding of Isaac\" and \"Spelunky\", \"Don't Starve\" is much longer and so death felt like more of a loss. Meunier noted that the novelty and thrills of each new run wear off somewhat \"when you're stuck tackling the same menial tasks over and over again to regain lost ground.\" Sliva expressed disappointment at being given \"nearly no recognition from \"Don't Starve\" itself\" upon being", "id": "15050314" }, { "contents": "Neumania papillator\n\n\nratios in the laboratory. Possible explanations for the male-biased field sex ratio were differential predation (predators eating females more than males proportionally) or it could have been caused by susceptibility to starvation, however these were refuted experimentally: invertebrate predators preferred males to females, and starved males died on average 40 days before starved females. The sex ratio at 'emergence' (the transition from deutonymphs (juveniles) to tritonymph (preadult resting stage) was female-biased, hence the discord could not be explained by any bias", "id": "21529385" }, { "contents": "Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories\n\n\ndanger of starving to death if he does not find sustenance. Luckily for him, Zlateh is able to produce milk by eating the hay and Aaron survives by drinking it. This process continues for three days, while the snow continues to fall around them. While trapped, Aaron and Zlateh develop a special sort of bond, where Aaron begins to view Zlateh not as simply his pet, but more \"like a sister.\" Meanwhile, word reaches the family that Aaron has gone missing and sends search parties out to find", "id": "17802368" }, { "contents": "United States in the Korean War\n\n\nthe night over a third of Incheon was taken back. During the mid-1940s, Germany and Japan were both at a desperate state caused by World War II. Germany received a sort of benefit from the U.S. as a compensation of war and reconstruction. The Japanese on the other end were devastated by the aftermath. People were suffering, eating out of garbage, and many people starved. Meanwhile, the U.S. troops in the Korean War were in great demand of uniforms and other equipment. The American government turned to Japan for the", "id": "22022904" }, { "contents": "Katherine Stubbes\n\n\nworld, and England in particular, for its backsliding with his tract \"The Anatomy of Abuses\",\" but, because of her father’s death, she most likely had to be married off quickly for financial reasons. In \"A Chrystall Glasse\", Katherine's husband praises her as being very pious, courteous and obedient. She was not prone to indulge in eating or drinking, saying \"we should eate to live, & not live to eate.\" When asked why she had so little care for earthly", "id": "10776684" }, { "contents": "Droughts and famines in Russia and the Soviet Union\n\n\nthe government and is generally remembered as one of the greatest tragedies in the nation's history. The issue of Holodomor being an intentional act of genocide or not has often been a subject of dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukrainian government. The modern Russian government has generally attempted to disassociate and downplay any links between itself and the famine. During the Siege of Leningrad by Nazi Germany, as many as one million people died while many more went hungry or starved but survived. Germans tried to starve out Leningrad in order to break", "id": "9469475" }, { "contents": "Shamrock\n\n\nas a hermit, lists wood sorrel among the plants he feeds upon. The English Elizabethan poet Edmund Spenser, writing soon after in 1596, described his observations of war-torn Munster after the Desmond Rebellion in his work \"A View of the Present State of Ireland\". Here shamrock is described as a food eaten as a last resort by starving people desperate for any nourishment during a post-war famine: Anatomies of death, they spake like ghosts, crying out of theire graves; they did eat of the carrions", "id": "1290433" }, { "contents": "Crayon Shin-chan: The Hidden Treasure of the Buri Buri Kingdom\n\n\nsoon find out that they have been trapped by the people in the aeroplane. Shin-chan and his parents somehow reach the aeroplane door but that man put a transmitter on Shin-chan's bag so that they could know where they could be. Shin-chan and his parents take the parachute and they fall in a jungle, where there is nothing to eat and drink. Shin-chan's parents think that they would never ever be able to get out of the jungle and they would starve to death. In", "id": "14495336" }, { "contents": "Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi\n\n\nmaturity \"P. wahlbergi\" has a deimatic display in which it spreads its forewings, making itself appear larger and prominently displaying its eyespots to startle would-be predators. While at rest it is well camouflaged, and is a sufficiently good aggressive mimic of a flower that prey insects can attempt to pollinate it, at which moment the mantis seizes and eats them. They tend to eat flying insects and spiders but can eat almost any insect if hungry. The species is common in captivity and is easy to rear. In the", "id": "17203197" }, { "contents": "The Prehistory of The Far Side\n\n\npolar bears and penguins in the same habitat), typos in the caption, and the right caption set to the wrong cartoon (one time, a \"Dennis the Menace\" cartoon featuring the kids eating sandwiches was inadvertently—or maybe not so inadvertently—set to the \"Far Side\" caption, \"Oh brother!...Not hamsters again!\", while the \"Far Side\" cartoon got the \"Dennis\" caption—\"Lucky thing I learned to make peanut butter sandwiches or we woulda starved to death by now.\")", "id": "6568134" }, { "contents": "The International Resource Privilege\n\n\nPogge as saying “most of us do not merely let people starve, but also participate in starving them.” We elect officials that let the corporations buy the natural resources that should belong to the people is the argument for why we are involved. For example oil wealth and dictatorship go together as seen in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This international economic and political system perpetuates and reproduces poverty in such that western nations have a negative duty not to do harm to the people of these nations.", "id": "7134550" }, { "contents": "Bella Bond murder case\n\n\n\"America's Most Wanted,\" John Walsh about the case. Walsh stated, \"absolutely someone knows\" the identity of the Jane Doe and that in similar cases, often, the \"live-in boyfriend\" or the mother of the child had abused or neglected one of several children in a family, citing that the victim could have been \"accidentally killed or starved to death.\" When explaining a probable reason why the girl had remained unidentified, Walsh stated, \"people do not want to talk to cops", "id": "7549950" }, { "contents": "Dave Myers (presenter)\n\n\nstyle to the \"Bakeation\" series in 2012. In March 2015, they co-presented \"The Nation's Favourite Food\" on BBC Two alongside Lorraine Pascale. After having experienced their own success with balancing eating the food they love while also being conscious of their health and losing weight, they wanted to help others to do the same. In January 2014, they launched The Hairy Bikers Diet Club, which includes recipes and tips and tricks to help people to live a healthier and trimmer life, while not starving to", "id": "5837575" }, { "contents": "Qianjiang, Hubei\n\n\nmost Chinese towns and was swept by an extended famine that was grossly caused by the political destruction of the fundamental aspects of the economy (production, supply-chain, and ownership). Many in Qianjiang were starved to death. People from Qianjiang and surrounding areas, compared with people from the rest of the Hubei Province, have a reputation for being generous, gentle, and sincere. Prior to the modern days, Qianjiang demonstrated traditional, agriculture-based, Chinese ethos. E.g., if the farmers consider a water buffalo", "id": "5127286" }, { "contents": "The Third Kingdom\n\n\nworld of death are united. On the other side are a people devoid of souls called the half people, created by the Emperor Sulachan in an ancient war who seek to obtain souls by eating their enemies. To rescue Richard's party, he and Sammie travel to the north wall, fighting several mobs of half people on the way. While trying to find the half people holding Richard's friends they are separated, and Bishop Hannis Arc captures Richard. Meanwhile, Kahlan wakes, and while getting information from Ester she is", "id": "2631177" }, { "contents": "Common death adder\n\n\nof habitat and the spread of invasive Cane toads in Australia, are a concern. The toad eats young death adders and adult death adders that eat the toads are poisoned by the toxic glands on their skin, that is very deadly to Australian reptiles, and die. Common death adders eat small mammals and birds as a primary diet. Unlike other snakes, the common death adder lies in wait for its prey (often for many days) until a meal passes. It covers itself with leaves—making itself inconspicuous—and", "id": "2550368" }, { "contents": "Feminism in China\n\n\nin Neo-Confucianism which believed \"starving to death is a small matter, but losing chastity is a great matter,\" Lu Xun directly argues against the idea that losing female chastity is the cause of corruption of social morality, questioning the functioning of patriarchal ideology in blaming women for the decline of a nation. \"Why should women shoulder the whole responsibility for saving the world?\" writes Lu Xun, \"According to the old school, women belong to the yin, or negative element. Their place is in the", "id": "1789077" }, { "contents": "Kurt Gödel\n\n\nGödel suffered periods of mental instability and illness. He had an obsessive fear of being poisoned; he would eat only food that his wife, Adele, prepared for him. Late in 1977, she was hospitalized for six months and could no longer prepare her husband's food. In her absence, he refused to eat, eventually starving to death. He weighed when he died. His death certificate reported that he died of \"malnutrition and inanition caused by personality disturbance\" in Princeton Hospital on January 14, 1978. He", "id": "16825294" }, { "contents": "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad\n\n\nits death. Sinbad decides to hold on to the lamp until Parisa is returned to normal size. Sokurah leads Sinbad and his starving men to the nesting place of the giant Rocs. Out of hunger, Sinbad's men try to break open a Roc egg, causing it to hatch, but the newborn chick is killed by the men and fire-roasted for food. While the men are eating, Parisa enters the magic lamp and befriends the childlike Genie inside Barani, who tells her how to summon him in exchange for", "id": "6276442" }, { "contents": "Polly Toynbee\n\n\nblurred into one – which is why the word Islamophobia is a nonsense\". In 2003 upon the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's papacy, she wrote that he \"is a hate-figure and with good reason… No one can compute how many people have died of Aids as a result of Wojtyla's power, how many woman have died in childbirth needlessly, how many children starved in families too large and poor to feed them. But it is reasonable to suppose these silent, unseen, uncounted deaths at", "id": "2103631" }, { "contents": "Timeline of events associated with Anonymous\n\n\nall 15,000 user passwords as part of a cyberwar against the DPRK. A few days later, Anonymous claimed to have hacked into the Uriminzokkiri main website, and the Twitter and Flickr pages representing the website. Instead, a picture posted Thursday on the North's Flickr site shows Kim's face with a pig-like snout and a drawing of Mickey Mouse on his chest. Underneath, the text reads: \"Threatening world peace with ICBMs and Nuclear weapons/Wasting money while his people starve to death.\" On June 22", "id": "4516426" }, { "contents": "Louise Michel\n\n\nchildren and animals in her fictional works were too weak, sick and starved to resist or survive. When Emperor Napoleon III and his army were captured by the Prussians in 1870, the French Third Republic was proclaimed in Paris. But the provisional government continued the war against the Prussians and a four-month siege of Paris resulted in bleak hardship. Parisians starved and froze to death. Some managed to save themselves by eating cats, dogs and rats. The government surrendered, but Michel and other Parisians had taken up arms and", "id": "2672312" }, { "contents": "The Golden Touch (film)\n\n\nHe turns his cat and several things in his garden to gold, then talks to himself in his mirror about turning the Earth and then the Universe to gold. But then he finds out he can neither eat nor drink anymore; even his bite turns a roast chicken to gold. Deprived of his food and fearing starvation, he asks himself in his mirror \"Is the richest king in all the world to starve to death?\". He hallucinates himself as a golden skeleton form in his mirror which nods in reply to", "id": "21440254" }, { "contents": "French Indochina\n\n\n– possibly over one million – are believed to have starved to death in 1944–45. After the World War, France petitioned for the nullification of the 1938 Franco-Siamese Treaty and reasserted itself in the region, but came into conflict with the , a coalition of Communist and Vietnamese nationalists led by , founder of the Indochinese Communist Party. During World War II, the United States had supported the in resistance against the Japanese; the group had been in control of the countryside since the French gave way in March 1945. American", "id": "6877212" }, { "contents": "Sarus crane\n\n\nits surviving partner trumpeting for many days and it was traditionally believed that the other would starve to death. Even sport hunting guides discouraged shooting these birds. According to 19th-century British zoologist Thomas C. Jerdon, young birds were good to eat, while older ones were \"worthless for the table\". Eggs of the sarus crane are however used in folk remedies in some parts of India. Young birds were often captured and kept in menageries both in India and in Europe in former times. They were also successfully bred in", "id": "655589" }, { "contents": "Hiro-Kala\n\n\nand proudest of the ancient Shadow's worlds. Though he was warned of the potential for death at the hands of the secretive and exclusive Giausarian people, he was unafraid—telling them he would come to be known as their new god. Hiro soon subjugated the land of Fractas on Giausar and convinced most of the people there he was a deity. His use of the Old Power on the planet had caused massive destruction and made the planet itself unstable. While the world crumbled upon itself, the other lands of Giausar attacked", "id": "4127568" }, { "contents": "Emperor Wu of Liang\n\n\nand the people began to starve in large numbers. (In the siege, the vegetables that Emperor Wu was accustomed to eat ran out, and Emperor Wu became forced to eat eggs.) The provincial governors, led by Xiao Guan and Xiao Yi the Prince of Xiangdong, meanwhile, were beginning to put a relief force together, and Xiao Guan arrived around the new year 549, but was defeated by Hou and was unable to lift the siege. Meanwhile, Yang died, and the people inside the palace walls grew", "id": "9872429" }, { "contents": "Charles Townshend (British Army officer)\n\n\nwhile being deprived of water, food and medical care while constantly being whipped by the Kurdish and Arab tribesmen the Ottoman state had hired to guard them; those who faltered on the \"death march\" were shot on the spot. In the evening, the men on the death march were given biscuits to eat and water to drink. The only reason why the guards kept their charges alive was to rape them and during the course of the death march all of the POWs were repeatedly gang-raped. McKnight stated in an", "id": "17632939" }, { "contents": "Mu'izz al-Dawla\n\n\na blockade for the duration of the conflict. Nasir al-Dawla's forces prevented civilians on the western side from crossing to the eastern, while a number of allied Arab tribes surrounded western Baghdad and cut off the flow of supplies. The blockade was effective and soon shortages were rampant on the Buyid side; the price of bread soared to more than six times what it was selling for on the eastern side of the river, and was sometimes not available at all. Starving people were reduced to eating grass and carrion,", "id": "1017364" }, { "contents": "Jamestown, Virginia\n\n\ncarry the settlers and all of the food (salted pork) that was being sourced on the islands. While the Third Supply was stranded in Bermuda, the colony at Jamestown was in even worse shape. In the \"Starving Time\" of 1609–1610, the Jamestown settlers faced rampant starvation for want of additional provisions. During this time, lack of food drove people to eat snakes and even boil the leather from shoes for sustenance. Only 60 of the original 214 settlers at Jamestown survived. There is scientific evidence that the settlers", "id": "495821" }, { "contents": "Religion in the Mongol Empire\n\n\nwould use suppressed people as spies in cities such as Baghdad and then take the land, assimilating all those willing. In her book Day of Empire, Amy Chua claims that “the Mongols were more religiously open than any other power in the world.” After a failed assassination attempt on Genghis Khan, 100 of his men fled and nearly starved to death. While on the run these men swore allegiance to one another and remarkably these men included Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and animists who worshiped the Eternal Blue Sky and", "id": "12242122" }, { "contents": "Fall of Tenochtitlan\n\n\n, so they starved to death in their beds. By the time the danger was recognized, the plague was well established that nothing could halt it\". The smallpox epidemic caused not only infection to the Mexica peoples, but it weakened able bodied people who could no longer grow and harvest their crops, which in turn led to mass famine and death from malnutrition. While the population of Tenochtitlan was recovering, the disease continued to Chalco, a city on the southeast corner of Lake Texcoco that was formerly controlled by the Aztecs", "id": "8598397" }, { "contents": "Kilala Princess\n\n\neating that apple and the Seven Dwarfs appear. They are all able to attack the Queen, pushing her into a Cauldron which turns her into a vulture. Afterwards, Snow White gives Kilala a ruby, which attaches itself to the Tiara and changes her and Rei back to normal. The Gate reappears and the two leave Snow White's world, following the light back to their world, which leads them to Erika. Rei questions why they would leave her behind, but then realizes it must be because she is not the", "id": "17850327" }, { "contents": "Child beauty pageant\n\n\nare often in the public spotlight. It is their job to cooperate and look pretty, and they are taught that being past a certain weight isn't considered attractive. For this reason, many young people in the pageant world may develop eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. They purposely starve themselves in order to stay at the \"appropriate\" weight in order to win. Many times glam beauty pageants require young girls to wear tightly fitted dresses, so extra stress is put on young girls to stay thin. In a study", "id": "17402929" }, { "contents": "Native American civil rights\n\n\nthen you will starve for wronging your friends. Why are you jealous of us? We are unarmed, and willing to give you what you ask, if you come in a friendly manner, and not so simple as not to know that is it much better to eat good meat, sleep comfortably, live quietly with my wives and children, laugh and be merry with the English, and trade for their copper and hatchets, than to run away from them, and to lie cold in the wood, feed on acorns", "id": "10572899" }, { "contents": "Tower of London (The Goodies)\n\n\nas they refuse to eat anything else but Corned beef and are now only 3 feet tall. The Chief Beefeater asks the Goodies to find out who is stealing the beef and why. Back at their office, the Goodies attempt to solve the mystery by suggesting \"bulls or poultry farmers\" as the conspirators. However, Bill has a mental image (a strange effect from sucking on lemon sherbert) of a pictogram revealing that someone is starving the Beefeaters in order to steal the Crown Jewels. They are called back to the", "id": "4469389" }, { "contents": "The Wolf of Zhongshan\n\n\nno good\". The donkey, upon hearing this, bolts from the scene as fast as its four legs to carry it leaving Mr. Dongguo behind with the wolf. To Mr. Dongguo's surprise, the hungry wolf pounces on him and announces its intention to eat him. When Mr. Dongguo protests at the wolf's ingratitude, the wolf presents the argument: since the scholar saved his life once why not do it again? Now that it is starving, only by serving as the wolf's food will the scholar have fulfilled", "id": "80955" }, { "contents": "Death Takes a Holiday (musical)\n\n\nscale of killing and death, he confronts a girl who has been in a car accident and he cannot take her because her potency of life is so strong. He sends her back into the world and resolves that he finally needs to know why people hate him so. Why do they dread him, why are they afraid of him, why do they cling to life, why is that important? And so, with Death tantalized by taking a few days off, nobody will die on the earth because he's", "id": "17425817" }, { "contents": "Frédéric Fougea\n\n\nto the narration of the film. All these ingredients have permitted the genre of animal documentary to raise itself to a place rarely reached in prime time. Frédéric Fougea has developed a second opus for the documentary. In 2015, \"Why I Did (Not) Eat My Father\"\" will be released, which Fougea co-authored and co-directed with Jamel Debbouze, and co-produced with Pathé. It’s an animated, comedy adaption of Roy Lewis’ book \"Why I Did (not) Eat my", "id": "17142563" }, { "contents": "Tenpō\n\n\nstaple food of the Japanese, was a firm blow to both the economy and the people, who starved because of it. Some even resorted to \"eating leaves and weeds, or even straw raincoats\". The samurai also suffered the effects of the famine, dealing with lower wages from the Japanese domain governments in anticipation of fiscal shortfalls to come. To further the already dire conditions of the famine, illness eventually began to spread, and many who were starving could not resist pestilences such as smallpox, measles and influenza.", "id": "204372" }, { "contents": "Si King\n\n\ntarget weights. After having experienced their own success with balancing eating the food they love while also being conscious of their health and losing weight, they wanted to help others to do the same. In January 2014, the boys launched The Hairy Bikers Diet Club which includes recipes and tips and tricks to help people to live a healthier and trimmer life, not starving to be \"skinny minnies\". In February 2014, they launched a new series, \"The Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure\" for BBC Two which sees them", "id": "22085502" }, { "contents": "Battle of Baghdad (946)\n\n\nthe conflict. Nasir al-Dawla's forces prevented civilians on the western side from crossing to the eastern, while a number of allied Arab tribes surrounded western Baghdad and cut off the flow of supplies. The blockade was effective and soon shortages were rampant on the Buyid side; the price of bread soared to more than six times what it was selling for on the eastern side of the river, and was sometimes not available at all. Starving people were reduced to eating grass and carrion, and several women were executed for", "id": "3642843" }, { "contents": "Rebel (novel)\n\n\nas a threat, and attempts to have him killed during a hunting expedition. When this fails, Ngurumo realizes how dangerous it is for him to remain in the village, and together with his wife Seitu, he sneaks away at night and builds a new life for himself in the valley. To Mzee Matata, Mgurumo's disappearance and the possibility that he is living well while the rest of the people suffer is a serious challenge to his authority, especially as the people are starving. At a meeting of the entire village", "id": "18437740" }, { "contents": "Flora and fauna of the Discworld\n\n\na small, toothless mouth. Dromes have the unique ability to project and control dreams, trapping their victims within. If someone were to eat anything in the dream, they would be trapped forever until they starve to death. Once dead, the drome eats its victim (but not right away, as they have no teeth). Within a dream, dromes can shapeshift to blend in with their environment, but the one thing they cannot mimic is speech, which sounds like muffled gibberish. When several dromes gather together", "id": "15066610" } ]
how does youtube make enough money to pay every youtuber?
[{"answer": "First of all, very *very* few Youtubers make any significant amount of money, and the amount the top Youtubers make still pales in comparison to the top tier of other entertainment professions, such as music, TV. Youtube generates revenue by selling advertising space, mostly in the form of pre-roll, which are videos that you watch before a Youtube video plays. While this ad space is sold for a seemingly small amount *per view*, Youtube generates *four billion* views a day, and has over one billion users. A third of the internet users on Earth. Even at pennies per view, that's a tremendous amount of money and Youtube is able to pay all the Youtubers with the change they scrape from underneath their couch cushions."}, {"answer": "Youtube receives money from advertisers, and pays Youtubers a small percentage of that. They also have other sources of income, including monthly subscriptions."}, {"answer": "YouTube's bandwidth and actually running the site is probably far more expensive than any payments they are making to people posting videos on the site, but payments will be a significant issue too as the site grows even more. Youtube sells advertising on its site, and it sells a whole lot of ads. In 2015, the last time reliable info on it really came out, it was estimated they sold about $4B in ads per year. However, even at $4B per year in ad revenue, [YouTube isn't profitiable]( URL_0 ) There are some people predicting YouTube will be profitable in 2016, but we'll have to wait and see."}, {"answer": "The money that a YouTuber receives is directly proportional to the amount of viewers they have simple as that. If someone is receiving a large amount of money it's because they get a large amount of views it's not as if youtube is paying a flat rate to anyone who uploads a video. Also what they pay is a very small amount of the total money being made like peanuts in comparison."}, {"answer": "Youtubers get money from two sources - advertisements and views. Video advertisers pay YouTube money, and YouTube gives a part of that to the Youtubers. Banner advertisers do the same thing - they pay YouTube money each time their ad is seen, and YouTube pays the owner of the video on that page part of the profit. Basically, for every source of income for a Youtuber, there's a larger source of income for YouTube. That's how they can always afford to pay their clients."}, {"answer": "Does anyone know the exact figure a YouTuber makes? Like a 100 dollars per X views or what?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3524766", "title": "YouTube", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 142, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "YouTube API\n\n\nof this API's available for both platforms are below: Other YouTube API's (the traditional API's) include: Analytics API's Data API A great advantage of using YouTube's API's is that 3rd party companies are able to arrange pay per click coupled with advertising for your videos. This allows the video uploader to receive money for the work they have put into their videos. YouTube API's also allow a tighter integration of the video service into a 3rd party website. This essentially means that the user does not", "id": "14311196" }, { "contents": "Craig Benzine\n\n\nnot to come into work the next day because he doubted there would be enough customers. Benzine, as a result, was worried about how he was going to get money to pay his rent. On his day off, Benzine spent the entire day watching Ze Frank videos on YouTube, and was inspired to start his own vlogging channel. The name \"WheezyWaiter\" referred to his waiter job at the time and the asthma that he has had since birth. Originally, the vlogs were centred around Benzine's frustrations surrounding his", "id": "21631613" }, { "contents": "Internet celebrity\n\n\n, but most of them make money from endorsements. Online celebrities use their fame to promote products or experiences to their followers. Celebrities are believed to provide credibility to products. For example, YouTube celebrities can make money directly through their YouTube channel by using ads or by sponsoring products. YouTube has a program, called Adsense that allows YouTubers to gain revenue from ads and views. In order to generate income using Adsense, YouTubers must fulfil some requirements: they have more than 1,000 subscribers, live in an eligible country, and", "id": "17046070" }, { "contents": "CloudTV\n\n\nYouTube to customers’ existing set-top boxes, making the approach “not only cheaper, but also a whole lot faster than transitioning each and every customer to new devices.” The UPC Hungary launch was followed by news that HBO Europe would bring HBO GO to pay-TV STBs using CloudTV StreamCast. According to Arpad Jordan, then CTO of Central and Eastern Europe for Liberty Global, usage of the YouTube service has exceeded expectations. Within three months of availability, more than a million minutes per day of YouTube content", "id": "6812777" }, { "contents": "The Next Internet Millionaire\n\n\nfirst competitive Web reality show\". The show had 12 episodes, which were released every Wednesday on the show's website. It was based on \"The Apprentice\"; the producers referred to it as the \"online version\" of that program and as \"The Apprentice Meets YouTube\". The contestants were expected to finish 12 assignments including making a website, copywriting, and Internet marketing. They were coached by roughly a dozen \"Internet marketing experts\" who write books about how they make money. Executive Producer Joel Comm", "id": "21323609" }, { "contents": "Social media marketing\n\n\nadvertisers. Certain ads are presented with certain videos since the content is relevant. Promotional opportunities such as sponsoring a video is also possible on YouTube, \"for example, a user who searches for a YouTube video on dog training may be presented with a sponsored video from a dog toy company in results along with other videos.\" YouTube also enable publishers to earn money through its YouTube Partner Program. Companies can pay YouTube for a special \"channel\" which promotes the companies products or services. Websites such as Delicious, Digg", "id": "4918605" }, { "contents": "Cassey Ho\n\n\nchannel called \"Blogilates\". Ho told \"Forbes\" that she receives a significant portion of her income directly and indirectly from her YouTube channel. She is one of a number of YouTube partners who are making a significant amount of money using YouTube. Her Blogilates channel, on which she is a Pilates instructor, has an e-commerce feature that allows her to sell her line of Pilates clothes and accessories such as exercise tops and bottoms, mats, and bags. She also makes money from Google ads on her YouTube", "id": "19281433" }, { "contents": "Ally Law\n\n\nYouTube. It came after YouTube had fully demonetised Law's channel meaning he couldn't earn any money from the site. His YouTube channel also came under scrutiny which resulted in him not being able to upload any video to his channel without YouTube's permission. In retaliation to this Law, along with Nullstack Ltd., created a video platform website which is very similar to YouTube. Ally regularly posts videos on his website which also has a comment section and no YouTube censorship. The website does have a small fee which Law has", "id": "19163249" }, { "contents": "YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind\n\n\nexactly our goal this year.\" She added: \"Honest feedback can suck, but we are listening and we appreciate how much people care. Trying to capture the magic of YouTube in one single video is like trying to capture lightning in a bottle. We also learned that creating content can be really hard and this underscores our respect and admiration for YouTube creators doing it every day,\" adding in a tweet that \"we hear what you're saying, and we want to make next year better for all of you", "id": "17161340" }, { "contents": "YouTuber\n\n\nbecome-political satirist Bassem Youssef (through an Egyptian television network). In 2007 YouTube started its \"Partner Program\", an ad-revenue-sharing arrangement that allowed for YouTubers to make money off the videos they uploaded to YouTube. By October 2015, there were more than 17,000 YouTube channels with more than 100,000 subscribers, and nearly 1,500 with more than a million. These numbers have grown to 115,000 and 11,000 YouTube channels as of 2019 respectively. According to multiple studies, YouTubers have become an important source of information", "id": "12434438" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\nons for an extra fee, and can access YouTube Premium original content (YouTube TV does not include a YouTube Red subscription). During the 2017 World Series (in which it was the presenting sponsor), YouTube TV ads were placed behind the home plate. The trademarked red play button logo appeared at the center of the screen, mimicking YouTube's interface. YouTube Go is an Android app aimed at making YouTube easier to access on mobile devices in emerging markets. It is distinct from the company's main Android app and", "id": "5060476" }, { "contents": "KevJumba\n\n\nhow to make money, believing that YouTube is the key, an allusion to Wu's and Wang's real life success with YouTube videos. \"Funemployed\" eventually came to an end on July 27, 2010, with their last episode entitled, \"Gave it a Shot\". There were a total of eleven episodes and 30 sitcoms. On April 21, 2016, Wu resurfaced on social media after an almost three-year absence as he made a blog titled \"Monk.College\". Wu said on his blog", "id": "573826" }, { "contents": "Internet celebrity\n\n\ngameplay footage on YouTube, with around 98 million subscribers as of July 2019. This makes him the largest non-corporation YouTuber. 300 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute, with 5 billion videos watched every day. Individuals are creating videos, sketches and uploading them onto social media platforms, such as YouTube, in return for income. Variety published an article in August 2014 stating that YouTube stars are more popular than mainstream celebrities among U.S. teens. Advertisers, in an effort to reach teenagers and millennials who", "id": "17046060" }, { "contents": "Social impact of YouTube\n\n\ninto a partnership with YouTube, convincing them that YouTube could help them make more money by connecting them with growing Internet audiences. In April 2009, YouTube and Vivendi teamed to form the Vevo music video service. Though YouTube invested $875,000 in its 2011 NextUp tips and training program for promising pioneering YouTubers, the company spent $100 million on its \"originals\" strategy to get mainstream celebrities to curate channels—hoping to benefit from both the personal fan loyalty cultivated by its pioneering content creators and the expected higher ad rates of", "id": "21816784" }, { "contents": "Foil Arms and Hog\n\n\nFoil Arms and Hog is an Irish sketch comedy group comprising Sean Finegan, Sean Flanagan and Conor McKenna. They perform on TV, radio, the stage and online. The trio write, shoot and edit a new sketch every week in their office, releasing it for Facebook and YouTube. Foil Arms and Hog do not have a specific genre, and make sketches that are often observational and occasionally topical. Popular sketches released to YouTube include 'An Englishman Plays Risk', 'WTF is Brexit' and 'How to Speak", "id": "21474604" }, { "contents": "American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers\n\n\nmusic in public, when done without any commercial purpose, does not infringe copyright. (US v. ASCAP, US District Court, Southern District of New York). Further controversies arose involving ASCAP in 2009 and 2010. The organization requested that some websites pay licensing fees on embedded YouTube videos, even though YouTube already pays licensing fees, and demanded payment from and iTunes for 30-second streaming previews of music tracks, which traditionally does not require a license, being considered a promotional vehicle for song sales. In 2009, Mike", "id": "18013208" }, { "contents": "PewDiePie\n\n\n\" reported that Kjellberg's production company, PewDie Productions AB, reported earnings of 63.7 million SEK ($7.5 million) in 2014. \"The Guardian\" commented that the reason the media was so captivated by Kjellberg's earnings is that the topic \"offers a rare insight into the money being made at the top end of YouTube stardom\", adding \"it's very rare for any YouTube creator to talk about their earnings publicly, not least because YouTube itself does not encourage it\". In 2015, outlets described Kjellberg", "id": "4356777" }, { "contents": "Wengie\n\n\nWendy Ayche (), better known as Wengie, is a Chinese Australian YouTuber personality, vlogger, singer, and voice actress. As of 2018, her YouTube channel had over 13 million subscribers, making her the most popular YouTuber from Australia. Her channel was the 6th most subscribed \"how-to and style\" channel on YouTube, as of January 2018. In 2013, Wengie started the YouTube channel, \"Wengie\", inspired by her Chinese name, Wén Jié Ayche 黄文洁. Her videos focused on beauty, fashion", "id": "11322258" }, { "contents": "Marcus Butler\n\n\nin many episodes of \"Saturday Night Takeaway\" alongside Deyes. Also in 2016, Butler was a contestant on \"Celebrity MasterChef\", but got eliminated in the quarterfinals. In 2017, Butler appeared on \"Good Morning Britain\" alongside fellow YouTuber Louise Pentland, giving tips on how to become a successful YouTuber. Butler was part of a \"YouTube Boyband\", a group involving Jim Chapman, Alfie Deyes, Joe Sugg, and Caspar Lee that raised money and awareness for Comic Relief. On 22 January 2016, Butler", "id": "16237737" }, { "contents": "YouTube Kids\n\n\nwere not enough to determine whether a video is age-appropriate, and that the process required manual curation. He added that \"the YouTube model has created something, which is so vast, but there are 400 hours of content are uploaded every minute. It's simply too big. People have been raising these issues for years, just visit any parenting forum and they’ve been talking about the fake \"Peppa Pig\" videos.\" In November 2017, YouTube announced that it would take further steps to review and filter", "id": "4146910" }, { "contents": "Social impact of YouTube\n\n\n: a report from the courtroom\"—was viewed enough times to make the list of most popular videos on YouTube for two consecutive weeks. More than a third of the U.S. Senate introduced a bipartisan resolution condemning International Criminal Court indictee Joseph Kony 16 days after the Invisible Children, Inc.'s video \"Kony 2012\" was posted to YouTube. Resolution co-sponsor Senator Lindsey Graham said that \"this YouTube sensation ... will do more to lead to (Kony's) demise than all other action combined.\" \"Politico's\" Scott Wong", "id": "21816767" }, { "contents": "Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market\n\n\nuntil they pay a ransom (aiming to have the account taken down unless they pay), or doxxing by means of the requirement to include personal contact information when performing a counterclaim under this law. The CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, warned that the legislation \"poses a threat to both your livelihood and your ability to share your voice with the world\", and that under Article 13, the site may — even on content it does have a license to host — be required to clear every possible copyright associated with", "id": "16438098" }, { "contents": "YouTube Rewind\n\n\nwas uploaded to YouTube Spotlight. It was created and produced by YouTube and Seedwill. On December 11, 2013, \"YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?\", referencing \"The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)\", was uploaded to YouTube Spotlight. It was created and produced by YouTube and Portal A Interactive. This was the first year that the YouTube Rewind Button was used; otherwise, it was very similar in style to the 2012 video. DJ Earworm mashed up six popular songs from the", "id": "14972390" }, { "contents": "YouTuber\n\n\nA YouTuber, also known as a YouTube personality, YouTube celebrity, or YouTube content creator, is a type of internet celebrity and videographer who has gained popularity from their videos on the video-sharing website YouTube. Networks sometimes support YouTube celebrities. Some YouTube personalities have corporate sponsors who pay for product placement in their clips or production of online ads. The name \"YouTuber\" refers to person(s) whose main or only platform are YouTube channel(s), personalized subpages of the YouTube video sharing platform. The Internet domain name \"", "id": "12434435" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Joe Lieberman\n\n\nhundreds of videos produced by Islamist terrorist organizations or their supporters. YouTube reviewed the videos to determine whether they violated its guidelines, which prohibit hate speech and graphic or gratuitous violence. It took down 80 videos, but left others up. Mr. Lieberman said that was 'not enough,' and demanded that more come down.\" The \"New York Times\" reported that Lieberman was \"trying to pressure YouTube to pull down videos he does not like\" and wrote that \"[w]hile it is fortunate that Mr. Lieberman does", "id": "914332" }, { "contents": "Working with Lemons\n\n\ngives you lemons, make movies.\" Robbie Bagley directs the group, which produces music videos that have accrued millions of YouTube subscribers and views. After Working with Lemons uploaded its \"Frozen\" covers to YouTube, Robbie Bagley entered negotiations with The Walt Disney Company over granting the group the rights to create the Disney covers. YouTube videos make roughly $1 for every 1,000 views. Working with Lemons and Disney each get a percentage of the revenue generated by the videos. By November 2014, the group was making $7,000", "id": "3220897" }, { "contents": "Dangmattsmith\n\n\nDangmattsmith (stylized in all lowercase) is an American YouTube comedian and actor known for his reaction videos. He first created his YouTube channel on August 17, 2011. As of July 2019, his channel has over 8.8 million subscribers, making it the 566th most-subscribed channel on YouTube. He won the award for \"Best YouTube Comedian\" at the 10th Shorty Awards in 2018. Dangmattsmith currently does reaction videos to either pictures or videos, akin to that of his friends Reaction Time and Infinite, both of which Matt", "id": "7525076" }, { "contents": "YouTube Premium\n\n\nrevised and relaunched as YouTube Red on October 31, 2015, expanding its scope to offer advertisement-free access to all YouTube videos, as opposed to just music. YouTube announced the rebranding of the service as YouTube Premium on May 17, 2018, alongside the return of a separate, YouTube Music subscription service. However, in November 2018, a YouTube Representative told CNET, Variety. and many other sources that YouTube Premium would no longer keep YouTube Original shows behind a pay wall, and that during 2019, they would", "id": "7838541" }, { "contents": "YouTube Instant\n\n\nnothing's final yet. However, Chad and the engineers I spoke with were excited about the possibilities.\" MediaMemo however claimed that Aboukhadijeh \"can't go work for Chad Hurley, because he’s already working for Mark Zuckerberg. Aboukhadijeh disagreed with this claim, telling CNN that he didn't see how working at Facebook over summer would \"prohibit his taking a job at YouTube\". There was suddenly a rush to develop an ‘Instant’ version of every popular online brand. Shortly after the creation of YouTube Instant came", "id": "17947029" }, { "contents": "Crash Course (YouTube)\n\n\nis referenced. The series ended on February 6, 2014. As with \"World History\", \"Crash Course U.S. History\" is written by Raoul Meyer. As part of the partnership with PBS Digital Studios, Craig Benzine, known on YouTube as WheezyWaiter, was brought in to host the \"U.S. Government and Politics\" series. Benzine said that the course will provide an overview of how the government of the United States is supposed to function, and how it actually does function. He also said that the course will", "id": "10404706" }, { "contents": "Ryan ToysReview\n\n\nas the highest paid YouTuber bringing in $22m of revenue from his videos and his product line at Walmart. And as of July 11 he released his own toothbrushes and toothpaste. Ryan began making YouTube videos in March 2015 after watching other toy review channels like EvanTubeHD and asking his mother \"How come I’m not on YouTube when all the other kids are?\" Ryan's mother decided to quit her job as a high school chemistry teacher to work on the YouTube channel full-time. In 2017, Ryan's", "id": "19126834" }, { "contents": "Suzanne Ciani\n\n\nmusic center at Mills College in Oakland, paying $5 for each visit. During this time, she composed a 25-minute album of music for French poet Charles Baudelaire's \"Flowers of Evil\"(listenable on YouTube.) She took a summer course in acoustics, the psychology of acoustics, and computer music at Mills where she was taught by composer Max Mathews and worked at Stanford University in the Artificial Intelligence Lab. After graduating from Berkeley, Ciani took up work at the San Francisco Tape Music Center to earn enough money for a Buchla", "id": "15268496" }, { "contents": "Vlogbrothers\n\n\nproject \"How to Vote in Every State\" was launched. It encourages viewers to register to vote with links to quick, comprehensive videos on how to do so in for each state. In the beginning of 2017, the duo began celebrating their ten years on YouTube. In honor of this, they held a one-time convention, NerdCon: Nerdfighteria, that was held in Boston, Massachusetts from February 25-26, 2017. The convention celebrated the duo's YouTube career and the Nerdfighteria community. The Greens were", "id": "3183869" }, { "contents": "Charlie the Unicorn\n\n\nif enough money for the finale was raised, then Aubrey Plaza would be hired to voice all of the characters. , Plaza had not responded. The spinoff videos \"Charlie the Unicorn Hot Topic\", \"Charlie the Unicorn Live YouTube\", \"Charlie the Unicorn Live YouTube 2\", and \"Charlie the Unicorn at Playlist Live\" were also released. Steele also produced a parody series, titled \"Charlie teh Unicron\". \"Charlie teh Unicron\" is based around \"what the Charlie the Unicorn series would be", "id": "4928487" }, { "contents": "Google Play Music\n\n\nYouTube Red would be replaced by YouTube Premium along with YouTube Music. As a result, users subscribed to Google Play Music in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico are now given access to YouTube Premium—which includes YouTube Music Premium. Users outside of those four countries are still required to pay the regular YouTube Premium price to access Premium features, but are given free access to YouTube Music Premium. Google plans to transition Google Play Music subscribers to the YouTube Music service no earlier than 2019. Standard accounts on", "id": "10278157" }, { "contents": "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!\n\n\non about the video for \"Girls / Girls / Boys\", lead singer Brendon Urie said \"It's inspired by D'Angelo's 'Untitled (How Does It Feel)' video.\" The YouTube release of, \"Casual Affair\" samples the quote \"Looks innocent enough, doesn't it? But sometimes there are dangers involved that never meet the eye. No matter where you meet a stranger, be careful if they are too friendly\" taken from the 1961 public domain anti-gay film \"Boys Beware\"", "id": "14066916" }, { "contents": "Sorority recruitment\n\n\nall sorority members, and potentially their dates. Every sorority has a sisterhood planner in charge of organising all sisterhood activities. Each sorority is also required to pay some money to CPC, the head of sororities. Several sororities were criticized for their methods of recruitment. One notable incident was a recruitment video of Alpha Phi from the University of Alabama. The video was compared to Girls Gone Wild and was criticized by several for its lack of diversity and for its apparent sexism. The video was later removed from their YouTube channel.", "id": "9593293" }, { "contents": "Miniature food\n\n\nstarted shrinking the size of the models. Generally delicate and tiny stuffs are called “kawaii” in Japanese, miniature food are produced with the technique of making miniature arts in Japan in the recent decades. A trend of making miniature food was brought up by a Youtubers called Miniature Space and AAAjoken. They decided to cook the tiny items with edible ingredients. More and more videos of the makings of miniature food are uploaded on Youtube thereupon. People started paying attention to the tiny creations. In 2015, a report from a", "id": "8130860" }, { "contents": "Natalie Tran\n\n\non social dilemmas, such as how much money to spend on gifts for friends and appropriate telephone etiquette. Additional examples find Tran mocking the strange and cliched practices of advertisers, a practical joke by an ultrasound technician, and, more recently, the high prices in mini-bars. Occasionally, she will make parodies of other YouTube videos. Of these, her take on \"How to Fake a Six-pack\" is wildly popular and is the most viewed \"Communitychannel\" video to date. More serious responses range from", "id": "20983405" }, { "contents": "GEMA (German organization)\n\n\nof filters would compromise innovation and freedom of speech.\" In February 2014, GEMA won a lawsuit against YouTube at the District Court of Munich which ordered the website to remove blocking messages which claim GEMA is to blame for thousands of videos being unavailable in Germany on copyright grounds. In October 31, 2016, YouTube agreed to pay an undisclosed amount of money to GEMA for video views of GEMA-protected artists. As of November 5, 2012, the German parliament had already received 1863 petitions against GEMA. Since 2009,", "id": "1511471" }, { "contents": "I Don't Care (Fall Out Boy song)\n\n\nthis record unless the point was to point out superficiality.\" -- Patrick Stump on the song's message. Wentz referred to \"I Don't Care\" as a \"narcissist's anthem\", further commenting that \"To me, it's like a YouTube anthem for the YouTube generation, just about how our attention span is about seven seconds...[it asks,] 'Why can't we get people to pay attention for two minutes and 35 seconds?'\" The music video was released exclusively on iTunes on September", "id": "5503627" }, { "contents": "Internet celebrity\n\n\nhave more than 4,000 hours of content per year. YouTube can be a lucrative platform for YouTube celebrities like PewDiePie who made US$15.5 million in 2018. Youtubers can also expand their source of revenue by creating their own products or merchandise to sell. Similarly, fashion bloggers and Instagram celebrities can earn money by promoting brands on their platforms and by developing their own brands. Bloggers can feature sponsored posts in social media to make profits. For instance, fashion blogger turned businesswoman, Chiara Ferragni started off as an online blogger and then", "id": "17046071" }, { "contents": "YouTube Instant\n\n\nvisitors. There was news coverage by media outlets such as the \"New York Times\", \"Sydney Morning Herald\", and \"Washington Post\". Perhaps one of the puzzles of the buzz that YouTube Instant has created is how YouTube Instant went viral. \"I think after things cool down a bit, I should carefully consider how exactly YouTube Instant went viral and write up a blog post to share my thoughts about it all,\" Aboukhadijeh has said. Most notable was the job offer from YouTube CEO Chad Hurley", "id": "17947027" }, { "contents": "The Negative One\n\n\nreleased on the band's official website via a private YouTube link after a countdown on their official site timed out on August 5. The next day, the video was made publicly available. Directed by Shawn Crahan, the music video features two women performing various acts along with props paying homage to some of Slipknot's earlier work. It does not feature any of the band members. This was the band's first NSFW video on YouTube and must have an account with 18+ years of age to watch. The video was", "id": "13244635" }, { "contents": "Rikki Poynter\n\n\nPoynter launched the #NoMoreCraptions campaign to fight against poor Closed Captioning, including ones that are positioned incorrectly, that lack proper grammar and punctuation, and that include unnecessary comments and/or jokes. The video and campaign explained how to caption videos with Federal Communications Commission guidelines, called on viewers to contact YouTubers they watch to improve or include captions, and invited other YouTubers to make their own #NoMoreCraptions videos. Two days after the campaign began, there were 47 #NoMoreCraptions videos made by other YouTubers in support of the initiative. Rikki", "id": "17583741" }, { "contents": "Saturday Night (Natalia Kills song)\n\n\nKills' Vevo official account on 10 July 2013. Additional behind-the-scenes footage for the music video was released on 31 July 2013 onto YouTube. It primarily depicts the \"troubled\" relationship between the singer and her parents. The singer revealed to \"Life+Times\" how she translated the message of the song into a music video: \"I wanted to make a song and a video that showed how fucked up youth can be; having no control, money or guidance.\" Furthermore, she deemed the video \"", "id": "21840450" }, { "contents": "New media\n\n\nand chat rooms on most of their video games that allow gamer-to-gamer conversations around the world. They also allow people to connect to YouTube, so if they stream/record a gamer, it allows for easy uploading to YouTube for the world to see. Even the older video game consoles are becoming new media because YouTube can display the walkthroughs and let's plays of the game. YouTube gaming is evolving because some YouTubers are getting wealthy and earning money from their videos. The more people that become YouTube members", "id": "407890" }, { "contents": "Content & Company\n\n\nYouTube. It is cross-promoted by Subway, AwesomenessTV, YouTube and Cimorelli. Filmed on location throughout the Los Angeles area, \"Summer with Cimorelli\" is a five-episode comedy about how the Cimorelli sisters survive the summer with no parents and no money. The series is written by Douglas Lieblein, co-executive producer of \"Hannah Montana,\" directed by Melanie Mayron, director of ABC Family's \"Pretty Little Liars\" and executive produced by Peter Isacksen of Content & Co. Content & Co works with Subway", "id": "10127864" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\nad-free access to all content, including exclusive content commissioned from notable personalities. , there were more than 400 hours of content uploaded to YouTube each minute, and one billion hours of content being watched on YouTube every day. , the website is ranked as the second-most popular site in the world, according to Alexa Internet. , more than 500 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. YouTube has faced criticism over aspects of its operations, including its handling of copyrighted content contained within uploaded videos", "id": "5060421" }, { "contents": "YouTube API\n\n\n. There are also problems currently (October 2014) with the orientation on Android devices. Even by adding the fullscreen to the AndroidManifest, it still does not load properly in the correct full screen orientation. YouTube also does not allow videos to run whilst the Android device is sleeping. This can be seen as an annoyance for some users. Particularly if the user is trying to use YouTube as a replacement music player. Overall, the YouTube API's help the user with certain pieces of code. If the code snippet is", "id": "14311198" }, { "contents": "PewDiePie vs T-Series\n\n\nmusic and Indi-pop) as well as Bollywood film trailers, and uploads several videos every day, and has uploaded 13.3 thousand videos as of June 2019. T-Series became the most-viewed channel on YouTube in February 2017, having over 77 billion views as of July 2019. As of July 2019, T-Series' main channel has over 106 million subscribers and is the most subscribed channel on YouTube, making it the first YouTube channel to reach 100 million subscribers. Since 22 February 2019, the daily", "id": "19407108" }, { "contents": "Leib Tropper\n\n\nthat make sense?\" he asks. The scandal has rocked the Orthodox community from Rockland to Israel, and transcripts of the sex tapes are circulating on Jewish blogs, with the audio posted on YouTube. The rabbi talks about paying her money for a lawyer and a stipend of $1,300 for the month of November. He also mentions putting in writing an agreement between the two. \"Why would you want to document that kind of agreement on an e-mail?\" she asks. The woman, who identifies herself", "id": "9763438" }, { "contents": "History of YouTube\n\n\n. YouTube relaunched its design and layout on December 4, 2012 to be very similar to the mobile and tablet app version of the site. On December 21, 2012, Gangnam Style became the first YouTube video to surpass one billion views. In March 2013, the number of unique users visiting YouTube every month reached 1 billion. In the same year, YouTube continued to reach out to mainstream media, launching YouTube Comedy Week and the YouTube Music Awards. Both events were met with negative to mixed reception. In November 2013", "id": "7633933" }, { "contents": "Pay Money to My Pain\n\n\n\" was featured in episode 12 of the anime series \"Hajime no Ippo: Rising\". Their song \"Respect for the Dead Man\" was also used as the theme song for the \"Nobunagun\" anime which began airing on January 5, 2014. In December 29, 2014, a previously unreleased song named \"Room #103\", which has K on vocals, was uploaded to Pay money To my Pain's official YouTube channel. In December 29, 2015, another previously unreleased song named \"Relive\",", "id": "20907322" }, { "contents": "Skull mounts\n\n\n; it is inexpensive, can produce a finished product in a day or less, and can be done with few supplies that can be found in any grocery or general supplies store. The mount does not take up much room because of the lack of neck and hide. Using dermestidae beetles to eat away flesh is a modern method of cleaning the skulls for skull mounts and is increasing in popularity. YouTube (2012) \"How to do a European Skull Mount\" YouTube (2012) \"Flesh eating beetles at work\"", "id": "12676630" }, { "contents": "Viacom\n\n\nto the video-sharing site YouTube. Of the 100,000 notices, approximately 60–70 non-infringing videos were removed under the auspices of copyright infringement. On March 13, 2007, Viacom filed a US$1 billion legal claim (\"Viacom International Inc. v. YouTube, Inc.\") against Google and YouTube alleging massive copyright infringement, alleging that users frequently uploaded copyrighted material to YouTube—enough to cause a hit in revenue for Viacom and a gain in advertisement revenue for YouTube. The complaint contended that almost 160,000 unauthorized clips of Viacom", "id": "13910511" }, { "contents": "Rodolfo Valentin\n\n\nhe said. To accomplish this, in 2002 Valentin founded the Sofia's Hair 4 Health foundation which offers free hair pieces for those undergoing chemotherapy treatment. To qualify the person must earn fewer than thirty thousand dollars per year. \"Some ladies don't make enough money\", he said. \"If they make $20,000, they don't make enough money to pay for the prosthesis.\" Between one and three people are chosen every month by the organization. Nominations can originate from the person's own application, his", "id": "7918269" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\nhours of YouTube was watched every day. In October 2010, Hurley announced that he would be stepping down as chief executive officer of YouTube to take an advisory role, and that Salar Kamangar would take over as head of the company. In April 2011, James Zern, a YouTube software engineer, revealed that 30% of videos accounted for 99% of views on the site. In November 2011, the Google+ social networking site was integrated directly with YouTube and the Chrome web browser, allowing YouTube videos to be viewed from", "id": "5060433" }, { "contents": "Advertising revenue\n\n\nGoogle's advertising system provides significant revenue both for itself and for individuals and smaller companies who are actively participating as partners in Google's network. Another online advertising giant owned by Alphabet Inc. is video sharing website YouTube. In 2006, Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion. In 2015, Bloomberg estimated YouTube to be worth approximately $70 billion, with over 30 million average daily visitors. YouTube content creators who publish and share their own videos can monetize them. In certain cases, YouTube will pay creators a percentage of the", "id": "15556657" }, { "contents": "Tanya Burr\n\n\ntwo years later to focus on her YouTube channel. Her earliest videos showed viewers how to recreate celebrity makeup looks. She later began making videos about fashion, style, and baking. Over the years, Burr has collaborated on videos with other YouTubers, including Zoe Sugg, Louise Pentland, Alfie Deyes, Tyler Oakley, and Joe Sugg. As of January 2019, Burr has over 3.5 million subscribers to her YouTube channel and over 140 million video views. She has over 3 million followers on Twitter and over 3.1 million followers", "id": "10121712" }, { "contents": "Wayne Goss (make-up artist)\n\n\n-channel networks on YouTube, Kin Community, since 2013. His main channel was the most subscribed channel of a male makeup artist in 2015 and was ranked 33rd on the most subscribed how to & style YouTube channel category in 2015, and has been honoured with several awards, including Refinery29's Beauty Innovator Award for Must-Watch Beauty Vlogger. In 2012, Goss established his second YouTube channel, Gossmakeupchat, where he regularly posts product reviews and videos discussing other topics. The channel has over 400,000 subscribers as of September 2016", "id": "4399730" }, { "contents": "Viacom criticisms and controversies\n\n\n. Of the 100,000 notices, approximately 60–70 non-infringing videos were removed under the auspices of copyright infringement. On March 13, 2007, Viacom filed a US$1 billion legal claim (Viacom International Inc. v. YouTube, Inc.) against Google and YouTube alleging massive copyright infringement, alleging that users frequently uploaded copyrighted material to YouTube—enough to cause a hit in revenue for Viacom and a gain in advertisement revenue for YouTube. The complaint contended that almost 160,000 unauthorized clips of Viacom's programming were made available on YouTube and that", "id": "13590042" }, { "contents": "YouTube Premium\n\n\nrevamping of the Music Key concept to create YouTube Red; unlike Music Key, YouTube Red was designed to provide ad-free streaming to all videos, rather than just music content. This shift required YouTube to seek permission from its content creators and rights holders to allow their content to be part of the ad-free service; under the new contract terms, partners would receive a share of the total revenue from YouTube Red subscriptions, as determined by how much their content is viewed by subscribers. YouTube also sought to compete", "id": "7838545" }, { "contents": "Gran Torino\n\n\nFilm at the César Awards in France. Mark D. Lee and Cedric N. Lee, two Hmong filmmakers from Detroit, directed a documentary called \"Gran Torino: Next Door,\" about how Bee Vang and Ahney Her were chosen for their roles in the film and the Hmong actors' off-set activities. It was released on Blu-ray. Vang acted in a YouTube parody of one scene in \"Gran Torino\", titled \"Thao Does Walt: Lost Scenes from Gran Torino.\" The YouTube parody addresses a", "id": "1515330" }, { "contents": "Dave Thomas (skeptic)\n\n\nproved the attacks were an inside job.\" In 'It's a YouTube 9/11 Truth Debate!' in 2014 Thomas collects together YouTube videos of the debate between himself and Michael Fullerton \"It looks like logical fallacies will become key to this debate,\" says Thomas \"We'll see you on the internet!\" he continues. In '9-11 Truth Resources' he collects together articles discussing aspects of the twin-towers collapse and answering such questions as: How Does a Building Crush Itself? The Towers'", "id": "2091003" }, { "contents": "HowToBasic\n\n\nHowToBasic is an Australian YouTube comedy channel that is part of the Fullscreen network, with over 13 million subscribers. The creator of the videos does not speak or show his face, and purposely remains anonymous. The channel primarily features bizarre and destructive visual gags disguised as how-to tutorials. The channel first gained popularity in 2013. HowToBasic reached over 13 million subscribers , the highest of any Australian YouTube channel. The channel's estimated net worth is US$2 million . The channel was briefly suspended on two occasions: once in", "id": "6183969" }, { "contents": "Christina Grimmie\n\n\ntweeted, \"Today we lost an angel, sister, and a beloved friend.\" The family of the perpetrator of Grimmie's death left a handwritten note on their doorstep offering their condolences and apologies for their son's actions, with \"no other comments\". Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, paid tribute by saying the YouTube family was \"heartbroken\" and \"shocked\" to hear of Grimmie's murder, with YouTube officially paying tribute on their website. Many YouTubers made tribute videos for Grimmie, and on", "id": "12436053" }, { "contents": "IDubbbz\n\n\ntheir content as well as their owner's behavior on social media. Each episode of \"Content Cop\" has been dubbed as an \"event\" by fellow YouTube commentators, with every new episode sparking controversy. Fellow YouTube personality Philip DeFranco has stated that he is a fan of Carter and that \"no one does hit-pieces better than Ian\" referring to his thorough but also entertaining style of criticism. Usually, after a \"Content Cop\" video is released, the creator or creators under scrutiny lose a significant amount", "id": "12160994" }, { "contents": "Jack Douglass\n\n\nsongs but totally doesn't, but just goes with it\". On May 1, 2017, Douglass uploaded a video titled \"My Apology\" in which he makes fun of DaddyOFive. Douglass made fun of other YouTubers, including Leafyishere and Michael Stevens. On January 30, 2017, Douglass referred to \"The Emoji Movie\" for the first time in his video \"How do we fix YouTube? (YIAY #309)\". Douglass referenced \"The Emoji Movie\" frequently in 2017, making a parody of the", "id": "21241686" }, { "contents": "Social impact of YouTube\n\n\nAs the world's largest video hosting website, YouTube has had impact in many fields, with some individual YouTube videos having directly shaped world events. YouTube enables inexpensive creation and distribution of academic educational content, as well as \"how to\" videos created by individual YouTubers. Worldwide video access has spurred innovation by enabling geographically distributed individuals to build upon each other's work and to collaborate. While YouTube videos have spread of awareness of social issues (such as bullying, suicide and LGBT issues), they have also included potentially", "id": "21816723" }, { "contents": "Post-Apocalypto\n\n\nband's animatic YouTube series to support the album. In June 2012 when asked about a sequel to Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, Black stated that the band had \"\"found a loophole with the internet and animated shorts. That’s the world we’re looking to dive into, and not just for money, mainly for art.\"\" The band would mention later on in that year that they may make an Internet series \"\"exclusive to YouTube\"\" The project was a fantasy for Black and Gass", "id": "5088797" }, { "contents": "Champaign ILL\n\n\nChampaign ILL is an American comedy web television series, created by Jordan Cahan, David Caspe, Daniel Libman, and Matthew Libman, that premiered on December 12, 2018, on YouTube Premium. The series stars Adam Pally and Sam Richardson and is executive produced by Cahan, Caspe, the Libmans, and Jamie Tarses. On April 10, 2019, YouTube Premium canceled the series. \"Champaign ILL\" is described as examining how \"every rapper has a crew he can't live without...and vice versa\" and exploring", "id": "11969835" }, { "contents": "I Want It All (Karmin song)\n\n\nthe idea from the storyboard and they wanted to show off their drawings in the video. “Every time you make a music video they make a storyboard and I was like, these drawings are really great, why don’t we show that to the fans so they can see how it turned out on the 28th,” Amy added. The official music video was released on February 21, 2014 on YouTube and Vevo. It shows the couple singing, dancing, playing instruments while their backup dancers dance in roller skates.", "id": "16348530" }, { "contents": "Lauren Luke\n\n\nLauren Luke (born 8 December 1981) is an English YouTube personality who became known for creating make-up tutorials on Panacea81, one of the most popular channels during the early years of YouTube. Luke was born in South Shields in the North-East of England in 1981. She has one sister. Luke worked as a taxi dispatcher before she began to sell cosmetics from home via eBay, and provide accompanying make-up tutorials online. Luke's video tutorials showed viewers how to apply make-up to recreate various", "id": "8335210" }, { "contents": "The Cult of Sincerity\n\n\nThe Cult of Sincerity is an independent film about hipster culture and postmodernist irony set in Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York. It was released in its entirety on YouTube on April 8, 2008, making it the first time that YouTube had partnered with filmmakers for a film premiere. The film was later released as a digital download, with some of the proceeds going to the charity Fount of Mercy. The filmmakers collaborated with Amie Street, a digital music site for indie musicians, to help pay for the production. When his", "id": "18661551" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\n. Despite the guidelines, YouTube has faced criticism from news sources for content in violation of these guidelines. At the time of uploading a video, YouTube users are shown a message asking them not to violate copyright laws. Despite this advice, there are still many unauthorized clips of copyrighted material on YouTube. YouTube does not view videos before they are posted online, and it is left to copyright holders to issue a DMCA takedown notice pursuant to the terms of the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act. Any successful complaint about copyright", "id": "5060504" }, { "contents": "We Are the World 25 for Haiti (YouTube edition)\n\n\nAfrica. Lavie conceived, organized, performed in, and with fellow YouTube personality Iman Crosson, co-edited, the video for charity relief of victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake occurring the month before. Lavie said that she \"was in the car driving and the idea to do a YouTube version of We Are the World popped into (her) head.\" She determined how to assign portions of the song to respective YouTube singers, by \"going to each singer's (YouTube) channel and listen(ing) to their", "id": "18726604" }, { "contents": "Kevin Nalty\n\n\nauthor of \"Beyond Viral: How to Attract Customers, Promote Your Brand, and Make Money with Online Video (Wiley & Sons, 2010). Nalty speaks at marketing conferences and events, and spoke about \"viral video\" in Boston at the 2011 International Society for Humor Studies conference in Boston. He is listed in the \"Who's Who in the World of Video Marketing.\" Nalty was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and first gained notoriety for a video featured on YouTube's front page the first week", "id": "12405049" }, { "contents": "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)\n\n\n, commenting that \"Never mind how tired that tune's titular phrase is. For a laugh, look up the YouTube video in which some wag mashed together a medley of 30 different songs that already borrowed \"That which does not kill me makes me stronger\" as a lyrical hook.\" Kevin Ritchie from Now Magazine emphasized that the lyrics are \"about as clichéd as a mission statement can get, but it also makes for a solid pop song.\" Robert Copsey of \"Digital Spy\" gave the song four stars", "id": "15364880" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\n. The vast majority of videos on YouTube are free to view and supported by advertising. In May 2013, YouTube introduced a trial scheme of 53 subscription channels with prices ranging from $0.99 to $6.99 a month. The move was seen as an attempt to compete with other providers of online subscription services such as Netflix and Hulu. In 2017, viewers on average watch YouTube on mobile devices for more than an hour every day. YouTube entered into a marketing and advertising partnership with NBC in June 2006. In March 2007", "id": "5060496" }, { "contents": "Arima Nambi\n\n\nDev's henchmen and go on the run. Meanwhile, Rishi Dev arrives in Chennai, and after finding out that Arjun and Anamika attempted to upload the video on YouTube, blocks Internet access in Chennai. He also lodges a false complaint against them to the police commissioner Arulraj (Yog Japee), claiming that they killed Raghunath to get his money and also to fuel Anamika's \"drug-addiction\". This makes Arjun and Anamika fugitives, with every movement of them now being tracked by the police. Anamika, in", "id": "5552704" }, { "contents": "Kyle Thiermann\n\n\n18–25 Kyle created and hosted the YouTube series Surfing For Change. His channel has more than 2.5 million views. While traveling to the best waves around the world, Thiermann created gonzo-style mini-documentaries about current environmental issues happening in the regions. In the series, Thiermann focused on the power people have to create a better world through everyday decisions. His first YouTube video in the series details how money kept in multinational banks can be used to finance destructive projects all over the world. This video inspired people to move", "id": "15636929" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\nwere ruled in Smith's favor. In April 2012, a court in Hamburg ruled that YouTube could be held responsible for copyrighted material posted by its users. The performance rights organization GEMA argued that YouTube had not done enough to prevent the uploading of German copyrighted music. YouTube responded by stating: On November 1, 2016, the dispute with GEMA was resolved, with Google content ID being used to allow advertisements to be added to videos with content protected by GEMA. In April 2013, it was reported that Universal Music Group", "id": "5060509" }, { "contents": "George Jefferson\n\n\nhim that dry cleaning was expensive. This episode also showed how George had been involved in money-making schemes since childhood, with him working as a shoe-shine boy and paying a schoolmate to push people into mud puddles, forcing them to get their shoes shined. He started his opening his business in 1968 in Queens, earned enough money for three years to move into the suburbs of a working-class neighborhood of Queens in 1971. Over the two years George made enough money to start a chain of dry cleaning", "id": "8417394" }, { "contents": "It's Only Christmas\n\n\nrichness to his voice that conveys a sincerity often absent in his pop peers – doesn’t quite make the covers his own, the picks are much more interesting than most records of a similar pop-does-Santa slant. This, you feel, is not simply a seasonal money spinner. The variety of tracks is such that it could only have come together with Keating taking a very active, personal role in its compiling.\" A music video featuring Keating and Ceberano was uploaded to YouTube on 21 December 2009. The", "id": "10775812" }, { "contents": "Affiliate marketing\n\n\ninstance, YouTube allows video-makers to embed advertisements through Google's affiliate network. New developments have made it more difficult for unscrupulous affiliates to make money. Emerging black sheep are detected and made known to the affiliate marketing community with much greater speed and efficiency. Eighty percent of affiliate programs today use revenue sharing or pay per sale (PPS) as a compensation method, nineteen percent use cost per action (CPA), and the remaining programs use other methods such as cost per click (CPC) or cost per mille", "id": "14216316" }, { "contents": "Branden Miller\n\n\nto those who fetishized \"gay-for-pay\" men. Miller says that Joanne's creation was inspired by videos made by YouTube personality Chris Crocker, mainly his video \"Leave Britney Alone\". She was initially created as the character \"Miss Prada\", and had the role of a prostitute. Miller uploaded videos to YouTube of his character \"Miss Prada\", who would often proclaim her infatuation for singer Chris Brown and make sexual advances towards various men. The character was also inspired by the discovery of his", "id": "6870099" }, { "contents": "Digital Millennium Copyright Act\n\n\ngranted summary judgment in favor of YouTube. The court held that YouTube is protected by the safe harbor of the DMCA. Viacom appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. On April 5, 2012, the federal Second Circuit Court of Appeals vacated Judge Louis Stanton's ruling, and instead ruled that Viacom had presented enough evidence against YouTube to warrant a trial, and the case should not have been thrown out in summary judgment. The court did uphold the ruling that YouTube could not be held liable based on", "id": "15683837" }, { "contents": "Dave Days\n\n\nand video production equipment, and while attending Downingtown High School East became interested in YouTube. He created his YouTube channel on August 25, 2007, which debuted with the release of \"Chocolate Rain (Pop-Punk Parody)\", and followed with a series of other videos parodying popular YouTube videos and performers. As \"Dave Days\", he quickly attracted enough of an audience to become a YouTube partner (earning income from advertisements) and, after just over a year, had over 200,000 subscribers and over 50 million", "id": "8680393" }, { "contents": "Willyrex\n\n\nGuillermo Díaz Ibañez, better known by his YouTube name Willyrex, is a Spanish YouTube personality and author. He has two YouTube channels: Willyrex and TheWillyrex. , his YouTube channel TheWillyrex has over 12 million subscribers and 4.35 billion views, making it the 3rd most subscribed channel in Spain and the 75th most subscribed channel in the world. Guillermo Díaz, better known by his YouTube name Willyrex, is a Spanish YouTube personality and author. He has two YouTube channels: Willyrex and TheWillyrex. As of November 2017, his YoutTube", "id": "12025415" }, { "contents": "Nisha Madhulika\n\n\nat an early age. She lived in Delhi with her husband where she assisted in the husband's company. Nisha was struggling with empty nest syndrome.Nisha started a blog, writing on how to cook Indian vegetarian recipes in 2007 which led to her popularity. In 2011, she launched a food and recipe YouTube channel that now has over 18 million views every month. She has over 6.3 million subscribers on her youtube channel and 1,118,036,995 views as at 04 november 2018. By 2011, she had written over 100 cooking recipes", "id": "13662855" }, { "contents": "Jeffree Star\n\n\nchannel. In 2018, Star earned $18 million from his YouTube endeavours alone, according to Forbes. That was enough to make him the 5th highest-paid YouTube star as of December 2018. Star was born in Orange County, California. His father, Jeffrey L. Steininger, committed suicide when Star was six years old and he was subsequently raised solely by his mother, Marra Shubyann Lindstrom Steininger. As a child, Star alleges he began regularly experimenting with his mother's makeup and convinced her to let him wear it", "id": "12158261" }, { "contents": "Multi-channel network\n\n\nwork with MCNs can pay for services including overlay adverts, product placement and in show sponsorships, aiming to gain repeated exposure, endorsement by YouTube personalities, and increased audience engagement, especially compared with television advertisements which are often ignored or skipped. The benefits and drawbacks of partnering with a multi-channel network have been discussed by several high-profile YouTube creators, including Hank Green, Freddie Wong as well as YouTube itself. The possible benefits can include: There have been several controversies involving YouTube Networks... Machinima has been criticised", "id": "2051558" }, { "contents": "The Mechanical Universe\n\n\ngoing or how fast. And it doesn't make any difference at all if you say, \"All right, you don't \"know\" where it's going, but where is it \"really\" going?\" That is precisely the kind of question that is scientifically meaningless. That is the nature of the world we live in. That is the quantum mechanical universe.The series can be purchased from Caltech or streamed from online video sources, including Caltech's official YouTube channel. Caltech also posted on YouTube a", "id": "9848139" }, { "contents": "Muziic\n\n\naspects of the service. It also potentially conflicts with YouTube's relationship with the recording industry and the agreements that YouTube/Google has reached with a number of record companies. YouTube does allow videos hosted on the service to be streamed offsite, subject to certain conditions, and YouTube and Google are developing further aspects of their online video service, including experimentation with the insertion of commercial advertisements into videos and various ways of accessing and organizing content. It was not clear, however, what their reaction would be to third-party", "id": "1549671" }, { "contents": "Project Chanology\n\n\nnot representatives of the Church of Scientology. The Church of Scientology posted a YouTube video claiming that Anonymous are \"terrorists\" and alleging that Anonymous is perpetrating \"hate crimes\" against the church. The video does not provide any evidence supporting their claims, and the FBI has not named any suspects for several of the threats mentioned. Anonymous has denied involvement in the more severe accusations. The church also released a DVD containing the YouTube video. The DVD called Anonymous a \"dangerous\" group and accused them of making threats against", "id": "13197957" }, { "contents": "Stop Online Piracy Act\n\n\n\" An aide to Rep. Smith said, \"This bill does not make it a felony for a person to post a video on YouTube of their children singing to a copyrighted song. The bill specifically targets websites dedicated to illegal or infringing activity. Sites that host user content—like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter—have nothing to be concerned about under this legislation.\" A paper by the Center for Democracy and Technology claimed that the bill \"targets an entire website even if only a small portion hosts or links to", "id": "3410366" }, { "contents": "J. Cole\n\n\nG.O.O.D. Fridays, a weekly free music giveaway. Cole wrote \"Every Sunday til the album drops I'll be back with something. Maybe just 1 song, maybe a video, depending on how I'm feeling.\" For the 3rd installment of the series, Cole took to Ustream to update fans about the album and play a select few tracks that didn't make the final track list. On August 15, the music video for \"Work Out\" premiered on YouTube, Vevo, and 106 & Park. On August", "id": "9540995" }, { "contents": "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)\n\n\nand millions of YouTube views. During an interview with 4Music, in response to the many parodies inspired by their song, the Ylvisåker brothers themselves have reviewed some of the more popular ones. The song has also been featured substantially in \"YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?\", a homage paid by YouTube to the year's top videos. The song has been featured for multiple times on television. It was used in an advertisement for the Fox Network featuring clips of FOX programs and actors singing the song. On", "id": "22044045" }, { "contents": "List of most-disliked YouTube videos\n\n\nand 11 appear in the list of most-liked YouTube videos. The table does not indicate the actual popularity of videos, as some on the list may be extremely popular. For instance \"Despacito\", \"Shape of You\" and \"Gangnam Style\" all appear on this list, but appear in the list of most-liked YouTube videos as well. As of June 2019, Justin Bieber had the most videos in the top 50 with four videos, while YouTube’s own channels have three. On December 13", "id": "13993477" } ]
Why does popular software like Spotify, Firefox or Google Chrome have very small (less than 1 megabyte) installer files when all they do is download larger amounts of data immediately after starting?
[{"answer": "When you develop a popular software, you'll constently improve features and correct bugs (much more demand than for an obscure release). As mainly your software will be distributed through various hosting sites (good to reach a wider audiance), if you release often a full package, you'll have to updates many sites. Having a download that would not change (he only download a file), mean that when you release a new version on your home server, you don't have to upadte any site, as the downloader will take the source from only one location."}, {"answer": "The small installer can look at the current state of your machine and download just the parts that your machine needs and doesn't already have."}, {"answer": "Basically, that tiny installer gets to be somewhat smart about what to install and how: * It can call the right places to check what the latest version of the software is and download that at install time. With an offline installer, you download and install a potentially out-of-date version, then go and download and update the new version just as with the smaller installer. This is a waste of resources. * The installer can be validate each file it's downloading and re-download only that if it detects errors, instead of just detecting that the whole offline installer is damaged and asking you to download the whole thing again. * It can download things more efficiently (for some definition thereof). For example, several of these installers for games use BitTorrent or similar systems to download from many sources at once. Alternatively, it can choose an appropriate mirror to download from, as it's both cheaper and faster to download stuff from servers geographically close to you (though this is less of a problem now that CDNs are in wide use) (EDIT: fix typos and bullets)"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1779466", "title": "Executable compression", "section": "Section::::Advantages and disadvantages.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 12, "end_paragraph_id": 12, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Executable compression used to be more popular when computers were limited to the storage capacity of floppy disks, which were both slow and low capacity media, and small hard drives; it allowed the computer to store more software in the same amount of space, without the inconvenience of having to manually unpack an archive file every time the user wanted to use the software", "Executable compression used to be more popular when computers were limited to the storage capacity of floppy disks, which were both slow and low capacity media, and small hard drives; it allowed the computer to store more software in the same amount of space, without the inconvenience of having to manually unpack an archive file every time the user wanted to use the software. However, executable compression has become less popular because of increased storage capacity on computers. It has its use in the demoscene where demos have to stay within a size limit like 64 kilobytes to enter some competitions. Only very sophisticated compression formats, which add to load time, keep an executable small enough to enter these competitions."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\nupdates or those from third-party websites. They do not represent a user count, as one download may be installed on many machines, one person may download the software multiple times, or the software may be obtained from a third-party. In July 2010, IBM asked all employees (about 400,000) to use Firefox as their default browser. Firefox was the second-most used web browser until November 2011, when Google Chrome surpassed it. According to Mozilla, Firefox has more than 450 million users . ,", "id": "1273250" }, { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\nJetstream and Octane benchmarks. As of the adoption of Firefox 57 and Mozilla's Quantum project entering production browsers in November 2017, Firefox was tested to be faster than Chrome in independent JavaScript tests, and demonstrated to use less memory with many browser tabs opened. TechRadar rated it as the fastest web browser in a May 2019 report. Downloads have continued at an increasing rate since Firefox 1.0 was released on November 9, 2004, and Firefox had already been downloaded over one billion times. This number does not include downloads using software", "id": "1273249" }, { "contents": "Android application package\n\n\na PC. When a user downloads an Android application using an android device, from an official source (such as the Google Play Store), it is automatically installed. The APK files can also be downloaded from the Google Play Store without installation, using a non-android device either through a Chrome or Firefox extension or directly from unofficial sites Several Android apps can be used for the process of moving APK files between different devices is known also called APK sideloading). Such apps include android file manager apps, app orientation", "id": "18953572" }, { "contents": "Project Naptha\n\n\nProject Naptha is a browser extension software for Google Chrome that allows users to highlight, copy, edit and translate text from within images. It was created by developer Kevin Kwok, and released on April 2014 as a Chrome add-on. This software was first made available only on Google Chrome, downloadable from the Chrome Web Store. It was then made available on Mozilla Firefox, downloadable from the Mozilla Firefox add-ons repository but was soon removed. The reason behind the removal remains unknown. The web browser extension uses", "id": "12749382" }, { "contents": "Folx\n\n\nFolx is a download manager for Mac OS X. The software is developed by Eltima Software. It integrates with the Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome web browsers and with the FlashGot extension. Folx allows the user to download files in either the browser, or using the Folx application itself. Folx enables users to resume broken downloads, download multiple files simultaneously, split downloads into threads to make the download process go faster, prioritize download tasks and adjust the download speed. The initial version was released on 10 October 2011 with the", "id": "1358050" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\nhandling file formats supported by them. Some of these apps also work offline on Google Chrome and Chrome OS. All of the third-party apps are free to install. However, some have fees associated with continued usage or access to additional features. Saving data from a third-party app to Google Drive requires authorization the first time. The Google Drive software development kit (SDK) works together with the Google Drive user interface and the Chrome Web Store to create an ecosystem of apps that can be installed into Google Drive", "id": "19235285" }, { "contents": "Throbber\n\n\na different pointer to indicate \"working in background\", and they are no longer included in all web browsers. Furthermore, even web browsers that do use them depict images less elaborate than their predecessors. Many browsers — like Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome — place a small annular throbber in the tab while a page is loading and replace it with the favicon of the page when loading has completed. Often browsers shipped with ISP CDs, or those customized according to co-branding agreements, have a custom throbber.", "id": "17499865" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\nneeds. The normal downloaded Chrome installer puts the browser in the user's local app data directory and provides invisible background updates, but the MSI package will allow installation at the system level, providing system administrators control over the update process it was formerly possible only when Chrome was installed using Google Pack. Google also created group policy objects to fine tune the behavior of Chrome in the business environment, for example by setting automatic updates interval, disabling auto-updates, and configuring a home page. Until version 24 the software is", "id": "4654493" }, { "contents": "Ninite\n\n\nsoftware of own preference by activating checkboxes and continues with downloading the executable installer, which is preconfigured to the users custom selection. By executing the installer, the previously chosen software is unattended (without any requested user interaction) installed on the computer. Chrome, Opera, Firefox Discord, Skype, Pidgin, Thunderbird, Trillian iTunes, VLC, AIMP, foobar2000, Winamp, MusicBee, Audacity, K-Lite Codec Pack, GOM, Spotify, CCCP, MediaMonkey, HandBrake Java (AdoptOpenJDK) x64 Version 8 and 11,", "id": "14754575" }, { "contents": "Internet Download Accelerator\n\n\nInternet Download Accelerator, often called IDA, is a shareware download manager for Microsoft Windows, created by a Ukrainian software company, WestByte Software. The program's common name in the CIS region is Download Master (freeware). IDA integrates with Yandex.Browser, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and all web browsers that are built based on these, such as Maxthon. Once these browsers start a download, IDA takes over. It can also take over the download of streaming video from websites", "id": "14179116" }, { "contents": "Search engine privacy\n\n\naid it in personalization. Mozilla is known for its beliefs in protecting user privacy on Firefox. Mozilla Firefox users have the capability to delete the tracking cookie that Google places on their computer, making it much harder for Google to group data. Firefox also has a button called \"Clear Private Data\" which allows users to be more in control of their settings. Internet Explorer users have this option as well. When using a browser like Google Chrome or Safari, users also have the option to browse in \"incognito\" or", "id": "13213382" }, { "contents": "Evernote\n\n\nonly view sketches; and on the iPad only plain text could be edited prior to version 4.1.0 (August 2011). Web clipping support is installed by default on the Internet Explorer and Safari browsers when the Evernote software is installed under Windows or macOS. Evernote web-clipping plugins are also available for the Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Yandex Browsers, and need to be downloaded and installed separately from the respective browser. The Evernote email-clipper is automatically installed in Microsoft Office Outlook if the desktop version is installed", "id": "2929147" }, { "contents": "HTTP Live Streaming\n\n\nHTTP Live Streaming (also known as HLS) is an HTTP-based adaptive bitrate streaming communications protocol implemented by Apple Inc. as part of its QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS software. Client implementations are also available in Microsoft Edge, Firefox and some versions of Google Chrome. Support is widespread in streaming media servers. HLS resembles MPEG-DASH in that it works by breaking the overall stream into a sequence of small HTTP-based file downloads, each download loading one short chunk of an overall potentially unbounded transport", "id": "15994390" }, { "contents": "WiperSoft\n\n\nAccording to Wiper Software, the program can detect and remove threats like potentially unwanted programs, adware, browser hijackers, questionable toolbars and browser add-ons. Detected potential threats are not automatically deleted, and users have the option of keeping them installed. The program will also undo the changes made by detected threats, such as change of homepage or default search engine. The program is currently only available for Microsoft Windows users. All popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera are supported.", "id": "15890469" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\n, making it possible for G Suite customers on Windows and macOS computers to search their Drive folders and download specific files on-demand rather than downloading all files during installation, potentially preventing large amounts of data from \"gobbling up your hard drive\". Additionally, the feature will guess what files users need in the future and download those files as well. In July 2018, Google announced a new version, called Drive Enterprise, for businesses that don't want to buy the full G Suite. Drive Enterprise includes Google Docs", "id": "19235296" }, { "contents": "WebM\n\n\nMozilla Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome was announced at the 2010 Google I/O conference. Internet Explorer 9 requires third-party WebM software. Safari for macOS which relied on QuickTime to play web media until Safari 12, still does not have native support for WebM. QuickTime does not natively support WebM, but does with a suitable third-party plug-in. In 2011, the Google WebM Project Team released plugins for Internet Explorer and Safari to allow playback of WebM files through the standard HTML5 codice_1 tag. ,", "id": "12187150" }, { "contents": "Firefox 3.0\n\n\nwith built-in search and the ability to resume downloads. Also, a new plug-in manager is included in the add-ons window and extensions can be installed with a package manager. Microformats are supported for use by software that can understand their use in documents to store data in a machine-readable form. The password manager in Firefox 3 asks the user if they would like it to remember the password after the login attempt rather than before. By doing this users are able to avoid storing an incorrect password", "id": "14378992" }, { "contents": "Data cap\n\n\n-top streaming services. Although often referred to as a \"bandwidth cap\", it is not the actual bandwidth (bits per second) that is limited, but the amount of data downloaded per month. Generally, each user of a network is expected to use high speed transmission for a short time, for example to download a megabyte web page in less than a second. Continuous usage, such as when sharing files or streaming videos can seriously impair service for others. In DSL, where the core network is shared", "id": "67034" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\nin the world. , Chrome is the most used browser in virtually all countries, with most exceptions in Africa. In December 2010, Google announced that to make it easier for businesses to use Chrome they would provide an official Chrome MSI package. For business use it is helpful to have full-fledged MSI packages that can be customized via transform files (.mst) but the MSI provided with Chrome is only a very limited MSI wrapper fitted around the normal installer, and many businesses find that this arrangement does not meet their", "id": "4654492" }, { "contents": "Kiosk software\n\n\na file. Kiosk software is available for most all operating systems: Windows, Chrome OS, Android, iOS, Linux, etc. It also can be found to support various browsers, most commonly Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome. Kiosk software is also an option for projects that may not even be using kiosk hardware. PCs and Chrome Devices can be configured to run in “kiosk mode” which prevents users from accessing certain system functions. For Windows, this may not be appropriate for all uses,", "id": "21843861" }, { "contents": "Internet Explorer 9\n\n\nof malware downloads compared to 90% for Internet Explorer 8 that does not have SmartScreen Application Reputation feature. In early 2010, similar tests gave Internet Explorer 8 an 85% passing grade, the 5% improvement being attributed to \"continued investments in improved data intelligence\". By comparison, the same research showed that Chrome 6, Firefox 3.6 and Safari 5, which all rely on Google's Safe Browsing Service, scored 6%, 19% and 11%, respectively. Opera 10 scored 0%, failing to \"", "id": "9515751" }, { "contents": "Spectasia\n\n\na Web Link directly from your Browser Window and into Spectasia. This action is not supported in all Browsers, but this functionality has been tested successfully on Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Spectasia supports the importing of Browser Bookmarks from a number of common Browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc. Spectasia has many other features and we suggest that interested users download and try the software out for themselves. Cyral Roger from Softonic said of the Spectasia Beta \"The 3D board itself is an interesting alternative to the Finder ..", "id": "4457546" }, { "contents": "MHTML\n\n\nuser interface for page saving. Similarly to Google Chrome, the Chromium-based Vivaldi browser can save webpages as MHTML files since the 2.3 release. It supports both reading and writing MHTML files by toggling the \"vivaldi://flags/#save-page-as-mhtml\" option. Mozilla Firefox does not support MHTML. Until the advent of version 57 (\"Firefox Quantum\"), MHT files could be read and written by installing a browser extension, such as Mozilla Archive Format or UnMHT. From version 3.1.1 onwards, Apple Inc.'s Safari", "id": "2464013" }, { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\na study of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), based on data compiled from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), Firefox was listed as the fifth-most vulnerable desktop software, with Internet Explorer as the eighth, and Google Chrome as the first. InfoWorld has cited security experts saying that, as Firefox becomes more popular, more vulnerabilities will be found, a claim that Mitchell Baker, president of the Mozilla Foundation, has denied. \"There is this idea that market share alone will make you", "id": "1273201" }, { "contents": "GetSimple CMS\n\n\nsized websites. According to statistics from W3Tech, GetSimple CMS is used by less than 0.1% of all sites on the internet. A simple installation process (copying the files to the web server and start the installation routine) allows the immediate use of the software. Some web hosts offer the CMS already pre-installed. Once installed, the software can be expanded with numerous plug-ins and themes. GetSimple CMS has been downloaded over 120,000 times (as of March 2013). The magazine t3n assigns GetSimple as \"", "id": "16033578" }, { "contents": "Cốc Cốc\n\n\n, Cốc Cốc browser and Nhà Nhà mobile app. In October 2017, Cốc Cốc has reached to the new record of number of users with more than 22 million people and ranked as the second popular browser in Vietnam after Google Chrome . According to data published by comScore in September 2014 and StatCounter in November 2014, use of Cốc Cốc surpassed Firefox and with a share of 18.25% became the second most used browser in Vietnam after Google Chrome (also based on Chromium), at 49.59% (combined at 67.84%)", "id": "17041344" }, { "contents": "Mega (service)\n\n\nwill provide reference client libraries/SDKs for various programming languages. For now, their JavaScript site code is the only official sample code available, although some programmers have developed samples of the Mega API in Python and .NET, and some applications have started to appear, including features like online video and file synchronization. According to Mega, the site \"works with all major current browsers\", but there can be some inconveniences to using browsers other than Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. For example, with Internet Explorer 10, as", "id": "8069277" }, { "contents": "Dataveillance\n\n\nthe capabilities to block ads and remove cookie data and history. Private browsing, otherwise known as Incognito for Google Chrome users, allows users to browse the web with having their history or cookies saved. These tools, aid in curbing dataveillance, by disrupting the collection and analysis of users' data. While several other web browsers may not pre-enable these PETs within their software users can download the same tools, like adblocker, through their browser's web store such as the Google Chrome Web Store. Many of these extensions", "id": "18396355" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\nDrive website. Google also offers an extension for the Google Chrome web browser called \"Office editing for Docs, Sheets and Slides\" that enables users to view and edit Microsoft Office documents on Google Chrome, via the Docs, Sheets and Slides apps. The extension can be used for opening Office files stored on the computer using Chrome, as well as for opening Office files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed", "id": "19235302" }, { "contents": "Google Slides\n\n\nuse keyboard shortcuts. Google offers an extension for the Google Chrome web browser called \"Office editing for Docs, Sheets and Slides\" that enables users to view and edit PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office documents on Google Chrome, via the Sheets app. The extension can be used for opening Office files stored on the computer using Chrome, as well as for opening Office files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed on", "id": "8048924" }, { "contents": "C2Call GmbH\n\n\n, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and other browsers that support JavaScript. The widget adds VoIP functions to the web page. and is compatible with leading operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Unlike other VoIP-based telephony services, there is no software to download, install and configure. The browser-based Internet phone, FriendCaller WebPhone, lets the user experience next generation VoIP technology with Group Video Calling, without having the need for any pre-requisite software installation. C2Call is a venture-backed", "id": "18924586" }, { "contents": "VLC media player\n\n\n-like platforms, VLC provides an NPAPI plugin, which enables users to view QuickTime, Windows Media, MP3, and Ogg files embedded in websites without using additional software. It supports many web browsers including Firefox, Mozilla Application Suite, and other Netscape plug-in based browsers; Safari, Chrome, and other WebKit based browsers; and Opera. Google used this plugin to build the Google Video Player web browser plugin before switching to use Adobe Flash. Starting with version 0.8.2, VLC also provides an ActiveX plugin, which", "id": "16628198" }, { "contents": "HTML5 audio\n\n\nare guaranteed to be “non-free”. Google has so far provided support for all common formats. Most AAC files with finite length are wrapped in an MPEG-4 container (.mp4, .m4a), which is supported natively in Internet Explorer, Safari, and Chrome, and supported by the OS in Firefox and Opera. Most AAC live streams with infinite length are wrapped in an Audio Data Transport Stream container (.aac, .adts), which is supported by Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge. Many browsers also support", "id": "21486469" }, { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\nall versions of Internet Explorer as a whole. Usage then declined in competition with Google Chrome. , Firefox has 9.53% usage share as a \"desktop\" browser, according to StatCounter, making it the second-most popular browser against Google Chrome with 71.03%; usage share across all platforms is lower at 4.48% (third-most popular overall). According to Mozilla, in December 2014, there were half a billion Firefox users around the world. The project began as an experimental branch of the Mozilla project by", "id": "1273184" }, { "contents": "Skia Graphics Engine\n\n\nThe Skia Graphics Engine is an open-source graphics library written in C++. Skia Inc. originally developed the library; Google acquired it in 2005, and then released the software as open source licensed under the New BSD free software license. Now known as Skia, the library is used in Google Chrome, Chrome OS, Chromium OS, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Android (although partially superseded by HWUI starting with Android 3.0), Firefox OS, Flutter and Sublime Text 3. The Skia library is also present on the", "id": "15045804" }, { "contents": "List of CIA controversies\n\n\nwhy he surprised himself by resigning, after he perceived Trump using his visit to CIA HQ for partisan political posturing. In March 2017, WikiLeaks has published more than 8,000 documents on the CIA. The confidential documents, codenamed Vault 7, dated from 2013–2016, included details on the CIA's software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs, web browsers (including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Opera), and the operating systems of most smartphones (including Apple's iOS and Google's", "id": "18219859" }, { "contents": "Merkle tree\n\n\nsplit files up in very small data blocks so that only small blocks have to be re-downloaded if they get damaged. If the hashed file is very big, such a hash tree or hash list becomes fairly big. But if it is a tree, one small branch can be downloaded quickly, the integrity of the branch can be checked, and then the downloading of data blocks can start. The Merkle hash root does not indicate the tree depth, enabling a second-preimage attack in which an attacker creates a", "id": "19998251" }, { "contents": "Google Docs\n\n\nvia the Docs app. The extension can be used for opening Office files stored on the computer using Chrome, as well as for opening Office files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed on Chrome OS by default. Google Cloud Connect was a plug-in for Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 that could automatically store and synchronize any Word document to Google Docs (before the introduction of Drive) in Google", "id": "16164477" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\n% speed improvement over Chrome's V8 engine. Like most major web browsers, Chrome uses DNS prefetching to speed up website lookups, as do other browsers like Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (called DNS Pre-resolution), and in Opera as a UserScript (not built-in). Chrome formerly used their now deprecated SPDY protocol instead of only HTTP when communicating with servers that support it, such as Google services, Facebook, Twitter. SPDY support was removed in Chrome version 51. A multi-process architecture", "id": "4654446" }, { "contents": "Browser hijacking\n\n\na browser's homepage. It also adds itself to the computer's registry, creates strings in the memory, and changes Internet Explorer's icon to a magnifying glass. MyStart.Incredibar Search (Mystart Search IncrediBar, MyStart toolbar, MyStart Search, IncrediBar, IncrediBar Games-EN) is a very dangerous Internet browser hijacker, virus, and spyware that often comes embedded with many download applications and installers such as HyperCam. It is known to install itself into Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Google Chrome Symptoms range from", "id": "7205471" }, { "contents": "Acid3\n\n\non the test and rendered the test page correctly. At the time, no browser using the Presto or WebKit layout engines passed the performance aspect of the test. Google Chrome and Opera Mobiledisplayed a score of 100/100. Security concerns over downloadable fonts delayed Chrome from passing. Version 68 and later of Chrome gets a score of 97/100. At the time of Acid3's release, Mozilla Firefox developers had been preparing for the imminent release of Firefox 3, focusing more on stability than Acid3 success. Consequently, Firefox 3 had a score", "id": "8613556" }, { "contents": "Browser extension\n\n\nas the functional core of Chrome and many other browsers.) This remade Edge should have the same API as Chrome, which will enable users to install extensions directly from the Chrome Web Store. With its own market share in decline, Mozilla also decided to conform. In 2015, the organization announced that the long-standing XUL and XPCOM extension capabilities of Firefox would be replaced with a less-permissive API very similar to Chrome's. This change was enacted in 2017 with the release of Firefox 57. Firefox extensions are", "id": "1938301" }, { "contents": "XPInstall\n\n\n(install.js) with some directives for actions to take during an install, including adding files and directories, removing old or obsolete files and directories, executing command line tools, etc. In more recent Firefox and Thunderbird versions, the install script has been replaced by a chrome manifest and a RDF file (install.rdf). Since Firefox 1.0, XPIs from sites other than Mozilla Add-ons are blocked by default. This was an attempt to prevent malicious programs, like computer viruses, Trojans and spyware, from being installed by", "id": "19580902" }, { "contents": "Podcast\n\n\nand video codecs that have patent and/or licensing restrictions, such as the MP3 codec. Recording and distributing podcasts in the Ogg Vorbis audio format has advantages. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers both support playing Vorbis files directly in the browser without requiring plugins. Vorbis may produce better audio quality with a smaller file size than alternative codecs such as AAC or MP3. However, this has not been proven conclusively. Ogg Vorbis is not bound by patents and is considered \"free software\" in the sense that no corporate entity owns", "id": "19120551" }, { "contents": "FlashGet\n\n\nFlashGet (formerly JetCar, from the literal translation of the Chinese phrase ) was a freeware download manager for Microsoft Windows. It was originally available in either paid or ad-supported versions, the latter of which included an Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object (BHO). FlashGet can be integrated with web browsers such as Avant Browser, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Maxthon and SeaMonkey. It can download a sequence of files and it can download a file from multiple locations. It", "id": "17034389" }, { "contents": "Web page\n\n\ndelivered exactly as stored, as web content in the web server's file system. In contrast, a dynamic web page is generated by a web application, driven by server-side software, running on the client-side (on the web browser), or both. Dynamic web pages help the browser (the client) to enhance the web page through user input to the server. A web browser can have a graphical user interface, like Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari,", "id": "2489567" }, { "contents": "Temp File Cleaner\n\n\nTemp File Cleaner (TFC) is a utility program for Microsoft Windows designed to quickly remove temporary and unnecessary files which might otherwise prove difficult to find because of dynamic paths and multiple locations. TFC's minimilist design and single purpose allow it to have compact installation. As of version 3.1.1, a full installation occupies 3.7MB. It supports the removal of unnecessary and temporary files created by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers as well as those created in the course of normal system operation such as Windows", "id": "10421829" }, { "contents": "FriendCaller\n\n\n). FriendCaller supports all Java based Internet browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome etc. It is compatible with leading operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. WebPhone supports instant video calls straight from the browsers. Connecting with anyone does not require the other party to have FriendCaller installed on their operating systems. One can contact FriendCaller user via CallMe-Link. The Android App turns Android device into a real phone providing its users a platform for Free Video Chat. Users can download it", "id": "8818609" }, { "contents": "Clip art\n\n\nvector file formats. The most common vector file format is Adobe's EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file format. Microsoft has a much simpler, less sophisticated vector file format called WMF (Windows Metafile). The World Wide Web Consortium has developed a new, XML-based vector file format called SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and all major modern web browsers - including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari have at least some degree of support for SVG and can render the markup directly.", "id": "10575587" }, { "contents": "ReCAPTCHA\n\n\nDue to particular biases in how reCAPTCHA operates, specifically presenting more challenging tasks to users who use Firefox rather than Chrome, are not logged in with Google or use tracking prevention add-ons, the system has been criticized as yet another anti-competitive and vendor lock-in technique. The reCAPTCHA code is also heavily obfuscated and reverse-engineering attempts demonstrated that it collects enormous amounts of personal data, in line with Google user tracking and fingerprinting practices. Usage of reCAPTCHA, since acquisition of Google, is subject to Google", "id": "1903883" }, { "contents": "Trusteer\n\n\nbrowser extensions for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox, and supports Microsoft Internet Explorer. To use Trusteer Rapport, end-users simply install the Rapport browser extension for their web browser of choice. Trusteer Rapport is compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 and higher, and with multiple Mac OS X versions . End-users download Trusteer Rapport free of charge. Financial institutions offer the software free of charge to offer safer online banking for customers. Organizations can also acquire Trusteer Mobile SDK to extend protection to native mobile", "id": "7236529" }, { "contents": "OU Campus\n\n\npopular web development techniques including Responsive web design to adapt to all screen sizes and devices. OU Campus does not store page content in a database; rather, each page is stored as an XML file on the CMS server. It is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. OU Campus' push technology architecture requires a separate database for some applications that use interactive content such as forms and surveys. These applications can be handled through the Live Delivery Platform (LDP), which provides a server-", "id": "1127131" }, { "contents": "Spyware\n\n\nprocess, the other one respawns the killed program. Likewise, some spyware will detect attempts to remove registry keys and immediately add them again. Usually, booting the infected computer in safe mode allows an anti-spyware program a better chance of removing persistent spyware. Killing the process tree may also work. To detect spyware, computer users have found several practices useful in addition to installing anti-spyware programs. Many users have installed a web browser other than Internet Explorer, such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Though no", "id": "9316510" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\nonce installed, have access to the user's data. There are three levels of permissions that an app or extension may request. On September 9, 2009, Google enabled extensions by default on Chrome's developer channel, and provided several sample extensions for testing. In December, the Google Chrome Extensions Gallery beta began with approximately 300 extensions. It was launched on January 25, 2010 along with Google Chrome 4.0, containing approximately 1500 extensions. In 2014, Google started preventing some Windows users from installing extensions not hosted on the", "id": "4654459" }, { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\nindicated that Firefox 2 used less memory than Internet Explorer 7. Firefox 3 used less memory than Internet Explorer 7, Opera 9.50 Beta, Safari 3.1 Beta, and Firefox 2 in tests performed by Mozilla, CyberNet, and The Browser World. In mid-2009, BetaNews benchmarked Firefox 3.5 and declared that it performed \"nearly ten times better on XP than Microsoft Internet Explorer 7\". In January 2010, Lifehacker compared the performance of Firefox 3.5, Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome 4 (stable and Dev versions), Safari 4,", "id": "1273240" }, { "contents": "Falkon\n\n\npage, and an Opera-like \"\"Speed dial\"\" home page. It is reported to consume fewer system resources than the major general purpose browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome. Falkon uses the Qt cross-platform application framework and offers a built-in AdBlock. By default this adblocker whitelists the web page of Falkon's main search engine, DuckDuckGo. A \"portable\" (no installation) version for Windows platforms exists. Falkon is also distributed in the PortableApps format. The project was started as a research", "id": "4144247" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\n29, 2015. All Chrome channels are automatically distributed according to their respective release cycles. The mechanism differs by platform. On Windows, it uses Google Update, and auto-update can be controlled via Group Policy. Alternatively, users may download a standalone installer of a version of Chrome that does not auto-update. On OS X, it uses Google Update Service, and auto-update can be controlled via the OS X \"defaults\" system. On Linux, it lets the system's normal package management system", "id": "4654467" }, { "contents": "Browser hijacking\n\n\nOne particular one changes the browser settings of Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer to show the website \"\" as the homepage. It does so by changing registry settings and installing software which resets the settings if the user tries to change them. On June 1, 2015, SourceForge claimed that they stopped coupling \"third party offers\" with unmaintained SourceForge projects Taplika is a browser hijacker which contains Trojan Viruses which steals personal information from the user and sends it to third party. This can encrypt personal files & folders, as", "id": "7205486" }, { "contents": "Video DownloadHelper\n\n\nVideo DownloadHelper is an extension for the Firefox web browser and Chrome web browser. It allows the user to download videos from sites that stream videos through HTTP. The extension was developed by Michel Gutierrez. , Video DownloadHelper is the third most popular Firefox extension after Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin. The software is financed through ads on the developer's website, donations, and associated software sales, although newer versions of the companion app places a watermark that requires paying for removing it. In spring 2015, version 5 was developed.", "id": "10192907" }, { "contents": "CCleaner\n\n\nprograms, including Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Windows Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, McAfee, Adobe Flash Player, Sun Java, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and GIMP along with browsing history, cookies, recycle bin, memory dumps, file fragments, log files, system caches, application data, autocomplete form history, and various other data. The program includes a registry cleaner to locate and correct problems in the", "id": "21506605" }, { "contents": "Firefox for Android\n\n\nbrowser in version 14.0, adding Flash support, improving start-up speed, as well as other enhancements. This update dramatically improved Firefox for Android. , the average user rating of Firefox for Android on the Google Play Store is 4.4. Compared to stock Android browser and Chrome on Android, Firefox has a small market share; for the month of November 2015, Firefox for Android usage share of all mobile/tablet browsers was just 0.81%. Despite that, Firefox for Android enjoys a high Play Store rating, has", "id": "20753626" }, { "contents": "Turbo (software)\n\n\napplications that Turbo streams to end users. The app library is part of Turbo’s free basic account and lets anyone stream and use full desktop applications like Skype, Google Chrome, VLC media player, Sublime Text, Notepad++, and GIMP without installing them. Turbo virtual applications do not need to be accessed through a browser. Users with Turbo’s plugin can press [Alt+Win] to bring up the Spoon Console, which acts as an alternate Start menu that can launch both local and virtualized applications and files. Turbo claims that", "id": "15476403" }, { "contents": "Google Slides\n\n\nwas renamed Google Slides and a Chrome app was released, which provided shortcuts to Slides on Chrome's new tab page. Google Slides is available as a web application supported on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari web browsers. Users can access presentations, as well as other files, through the Google Drive website. In June 2014, Google rolled out a dedicated website homepage for Slides that contained only files created using the Drive suite. In 2014, Google launched a dedicated mobile app", "id": "8048916" }, { "contents": "Music piracy\n\n\nservice. Likewise, Limewire was a free peer-to-peer file sharing software similar to that of Napster. The software enabled unlimited file sharing between computers and ended being one of the most popular sharing networks around. Like Napster, Limewire struggled through multiple legal battles and inevitably wound up being shut down. Spotify and other on-demand streaming services are offering a way for consumers to still get their music for free while also contributing to the musician in a small way instead of simply illegally downloading the music, but it", "id": "16413333" }, { "contents": "Distributed file system for cloud\n\n\nfile system designed to hold very large amounts of data (terabytes or even petabytes). Its architecture is similar to GFS, i.e. a master/slave architecture. The HDFS is normally installed on a cluster of computers. The design concept of Hadoop is informed by Google's, with Google File System, Google MapReduce and Bigtable, being implemented by Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Hadoop MapReduce, and Hadoop Base (HBase) respectively. Like GFS, HDFS is suited for scenarios with write-once-read-", "id": "19138387" }, { "contents": "Web Slice\n\n\nthat lets you \"clip out\" parts of a website and watch them for changes. It lets you track specific parts of a website in a similar manner to web slices. Pageslices is a Firefox addon too. It allows you to not only store parts of websites but organize them by adding on custom pages. Web site of the project: Google Chrome, like Firefox, does not have built in support for web slices. However, the extension API new to Chrome 4 allows extensions to be created to give", "id": "667420" }, { "contents": "Parchive\n\n\nto be downloaded from Usenet to verify that the data files were all present and undamaged, or to determine how many parity volumes were required to repair any damage or reconstruct any missing files. They were most useful in version 1 where the parity volumes were much larger than the short index files. These larger parity volumes contain the actual recovery data along with a duplicate copy of the information in the index files (which allows them to be used on their own to verify the integrity of the data files if there is no small", "id": "3095350" }, { "contents": "Linear Flash\n\n\nvolatile and does not degrade over time. However, large-scale storage is impractical using Linear Flash because of small card sizes (typically under 40 megabytes) and prohibitive costs; megabyte-for-megabyte, Linear Flash cards are often dozens of times more expensive than ATA cards. Combined with file management software, such as Flash Translation Layer (FTL) or M-Systems TrueFFS Flash File System, the Linear Flash cards provide removable disk emulation. As PC Cards (was PCMCIA), Linear Flash cards should have a", "id": "19465541" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\nPrism and Fluid). This feature, according to Google, will be enhanced with the Chrome Web Store, a one-stop web-based web applications directory which opened in December 2010. Announced on December 7, 2010, the Chrome Web Store allows users to install web applications as extensions to the browser, although most of these extensions function simply as links to popular web pages and/or games, but some of the apps like Springpad do provide extra features like offline access. The themes and extensions have also been tightly integrated", "id": "4654457" }, { "contents": "Firefox for Android\n\n\n, Google stopped supporting that branch of Android with updates to its Chrome browser after Chrome 43, and move up to Android 4.1 as the oldest release supported by Google Chrome. The open-source nature of Firefox has made it possible to maintain its development for operating system versions that are past their product support lifecycle, and has resulted in Firefox having stronger security and better support for modern web standards. This in effect extends the useful lifetime of devices stuck on older major versions of Android. Similar to the desktop- Firefox: Version", "id": "20753630" }, { "contents": "Google Video\n\n\nthat could handle flash, for example VLC media player, Media Player Classic (with ffdshow installed), MPlayer or an FLV player. Google Video Player was another way to view Google videos; it ran on Windows and Mac OS X. The Google Video Player plays back files in Google's own Google Video File (.gvi) media format and supported playlists in \"Google Video Pointer\" (.gvp) format. When users downloaded to their computers, the resulting file used to be a small .gvp (pointer) file rather than", "id": "12238791" }, { "contents": "Google Sheets\n\n\nthe computer using Chrome, as well as for opening files encountered on the web (in the form of email attachments, web search results, etc.) without having to download them. The extension is installed on Chrome OS by default. Google Cloud Connect was a plug-in for Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 that could automatically store and synchronize any Excel document to Google Sheets (before the introduction of Drive). The online copy was automatically updated each time the Microsoft Excel document was saved. Microsoft Excel documents", "id": "3478511" }, { "contents": "Linux\n\n\nnew Linux users, but it is hardly needed in modern distributions and is not a method specific to Linux. Linux distributions have also become popular in the netbook market, with many devices such as the Asus Eee PC and Acer Aspire One shipping with customized Linux distributions installed. In 2009, Google announced its Chrome OS as a minimal Linux-based operating system, using the Chrome browser as the main user interface. Chrome OS does not run any non-web applications, except for the bundled file manager and media player (", "id": "21800305" }, { "contents": "Cốc Cốc\n\n\nfeatures found in Cốc Cốc, as well as its quality and stability, are similar to Google Chrome's. Significantly, Cốc Cốc also contains functionality that is useful to Vietnamese users: automatic typing aid, faster downloads, ability to bypass DNS blocking and to download audio and video from popular sites, and integrated English-Vietnamese dictionary and spell-checking. Another included feature, less common in popular browsers, is the support for the BitTorrent protocol via the download user interface. According to Vn Review, a software technical review", "id": "17041341" }, { "contents": "Lucidpress\n\n\nLucidpress is a web-based desktop publishing software application developed by Lucid Software. It is used to create brochures, flyers, newsletters, business cards, posters, magazines and presentations. Built on web standards such as HTML5 and JavaScript, Lucidpress is supported in modern web browsers including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 8+. Though it started as a platform for single users and small businesses, Lucidpress has found substantial user bases in both education and enterprise spaces. In October 2013, Lucid Software announced Lucidpress as", "id": "8085890" }, { "contents": "WebP\n\n\nthe whole image itself. Google has proposed using WebP for animated images as an alternative to the popular GIF format, citing the advantages of 24-bit color with transparency, combining frames with lossy and lossless compression in the same animation, and as well as support for seeking to specific frames. Google reports a 64% reduction in file size for images converted from animated GIFs to lossy WebP, and a 19% reduction when converted to lossless WebP. Amongst web browsers, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, GNOME Web, Midori, Falkon", "id": "21775013" }, { "contents": "Add-on (Mozilla)\n\n\nAdd-on is the Mozilla term for software modules that can be added to the Firefox web browser and related applications. There are three types: extensions, themes, and plug-ins. Mozilla hosts them on its official add-on website. In 2017, Mozilla enacted major changes to the application programming interface (API) for add-ons in Firefox. The long-standing XUL and XPCOM capabilities were replaced by an API modeled after Google Chrome's; Firefox extensions are now largely compatible with their Chrome counterparts.", "id": "10168270" }, { "contents": "World Wide Web\n\n\nthe program that the user runs to download, format and display a web page on the user's computer. In addition to allowing users to find, displaying and moving between web pages, a web browser will usually have features like keeping bookmarks, recording history, managing cookies (see below) and home pages and may have facilities for recording passwords for logging into web sites. The most popular browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge. A \"Web server\" is server software, or hardware", "id": "14607572" }, { "contents": "Mitto Password Manager\n\n\nMitto is a free online password management site that works on any standards-compliant web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. For website passwords, Mitto can automatically log users in through an online interface, through a special bookmarklet, or through one of its available browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer). The service has been designed to work with many of the most popular websites, but can be used to log into any website. Unlike other traditional password management software", "id": "549189" }, { "contents": "Vault 7\n\n\nVault 7 is a series of documents that WikiLeaks began to publish on 7 March 2017, that detail activities and capabilities of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency to perform electronic surveillance and cyber warfare. The files, dated from 2013–2016, include details on the agency's software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs, web browsers (including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera Software ASA), and the operating systems of most smartphones (including Apple's iOS and Google's Android", "id": "17583110" }, { "contents": "Gtk-gnutella\n\n\ntree hashes for uploads and downloads. Tiger tree hashing and other gtk-gnutella features make file transfers as efficient as BitTorrent. Specifically, gtk-gnutella supports partial file sharing, remote queueing and files larger than 4 GiB. Overlap checking was the only mechanism to guard against bad data prior to versions 0.96.4. Overlap checking does not guard against malicious corruption like Tiger tree hashing does. Version 0.96.6 introduced preliminary support for a Kademlia DHT, which was completed in version 0.96.7. The DHT is replacing search by SHA-1, when locating alternate", "id": "11757170" }, { "contents": "Google Chrome\n\n\nper-process cost up front, but results in less memory bloat over time as fragmentation is confined to each instance and no longer needs further memory allocations. This architecture was adopted in Safari and Firefox. Chrome includes a process management utility called \"Task Manager\" which lets users see what sites and plugins are using the most memory, downloading the most bytes and overusing the CPU and provides the ability to terminate them. Chrome Version 23 ensures its users an improved battery life for the systems supporting Chrome's GPU accelerated video decoding", "id": "4654448" }, { "contents": "Rombertik\n\n\nthe necessary permissions to overwrite the MBR, it instead encrypts each file in the victim's home directory. This directory encryption technique is similar to ransomware, but Rombertik does not attempt to extort money from its victims. Files encrypted with a strong key can be nearly impossible to recover. Promoted via spam and phishing emails, once Rombertik is installed, it injects code into running processes of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. The injected code intercepts web data before it is encrypted by the browser, and forwards it to a", "id": "20217379" }, { "contents": "OziExplorer\n\n\nOziExplorer is raster navigation and mapping software for Windows. It is very popular among off-road drivers and adventure travelers as it allows to use and create custom maps for remote locations that are not fully covered by major map providers like Tele Atlas. That is why the software is also widely used on Post-Soviet states territory. It supports editing, uploading and downloading of waypoints, routes and tracks to most Garmin, Magellan, Lowrance, Brunton and MLR GPS devices. OziExplorer provides support for Google Maps, Google Earth,", "id": "16147023" }, { "contents": "Firefox version history\n\n\nsecurity or verifying update downloads (desktop), and improvement of support for WebExtensions, and the end of support for Adobe Flash (Android). Starting with this version, Android support is exclusively for Android Jelly Bean and above. Firefox 57 was released on November 14, 2017 for desktop and Android with the name \"Firefox Quantum\". ZDNet dubbed it a \"comeback\" following years of falling market share against Google Chrome. The release included a new interface design, codenamed \"Photon\", and a new rendering engine", "id": "3324326" }, { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\nOpera, Firefox achieved the highest score on three of the seven tests. Four different Javascript performance tests gave conflicting results. Firefox bested the others on the Peacekeeper benchmark, but was behind the Microsoft products when tested with SunSpider. Measured with Mozilla's Kraken, it came second place to Chrome, while on Google's Octane challenge it took third behind Chrome and Opera. Firefox took the lead with WebXPRT, which runs several typical HTML5 and Javascript tasks. Firefox, Chrome, and Opera all achieved the highest possible score on the", "id": "1273247" }, { "contents": "Memory-mapped file\n\n\n-mapped file is handled internally in pages, linear file access (as seen, for example, in flat file data storage or configuration files) requires disk access only when a new page boundary is crossed, and can write larger sections of the file to disk in a single operation. A possible benefit of memory-mapped files is a \"lazy loading\", thus using small amounts of RAM even for a very large file. Trying to load the entire contents of a file that is significantly larger than the amount of", "id": "5328365" }, { "contents": "WebTorrent\n\n\nthe two networks of WebRTC-based WebTorrent and TCP/UDP-based BitTorrent simultaneously. The BitTorrent client Vuze (formerly Azureus) less gracefully but adequately functionally incorporated WebTorrent adding simultaneous network bridging to their software. The developers used Electron that makes desktop apps using JavaScript with access to all the APIs from Chrome and Node. Online video is the core focus as that is where WebTorrent is most useful. It is less suited for smaller files or data sets but is ideal for larger files. File availability, as with BitTorrents,", "id": "3442943" }, { "contents": "Adobe Flash\n\n\nStarting from Chrome 76 and Firefox 69, Flash is disabled by default and browsers do not even show a prompt to activate Flash content. Users who want to play Flash content need to manually set a browser to prompt for Flash content, and then during each browser session enable Flash plugin for every site individually. Furthermore, browsers show warnings about the removal of Flash entirely after December 2020. Microsoft Edge based on Chromium will follow the same plan as Google Chrome. Flash support will be removed entirely from Google Chrome 87 planned for", "id": "790550" }, { "contents": "SREC (file format)\n\n\n), then the maximum number of bytes of data is calculated by 255 minus (1 byte for checksum field) minus (number of bytes in the address field). S0/S1 records support up to 252 bytes of data. S2 record supports up to 251 bytes of data. S3 record supports up to 250 bytes of data. Comments - The SREC file format does not support comments. Some software ignores all text lines that do not start with \"S\" and ignores all text after the checksum field; that", "id": "422774" }, { "contents": "WOT Services\n\n\noption from the user Settings, for users who do not wish to share data with us but still want to have easy access to WOT.\" In February 2017, Mozilla reinstated the WOT browsing tool in the Firefox add-on store. WOT offers an add-on for web browsers including Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and Baidu. The extension rates websites based on their trustworthiness and provides the user with a red, yellow, or green indicator, with red meaning that the site has a poor reputation", "id": "7825417" }, { "contents": "Internet Explorer 11\n\n\nprotocol for secure connections and deprecates RC4 cipher suite. Internet Explorer 11 for Windows RT does not support Java and other add-ons. In a November 2013 review by SitePoint, IE11 scored better than Google Chrome 30 and Firefox 26 in WebKit's SunSpider test and Google's WebGL test. It tied with Chrome for fastest in Microsoft's fish aquarium benchmark for WebGL and came last in Google's V8 performance benchmark. As a result of the speed improvements, the reviewer said \"if you switched to Chrome for speed alone,", "id": "16544828" }, { "contents": "Stac Electronics\n\n\ndata compression chip in every disk drive, as they were planning to produce. This DOS driver was written in x86 assembly language under contract by Paul Houle. In 1990 the company released Stacker, a disk compression utility. The product was highly successful, due to the relatively small capacities (20 to 80 megabytes) and high prices of contemporary hard drives, at a time when larger software packages such as Microsoft's new Windows user interface were becoming popular. On average, Stacker doubled disk capacity, and usually increased disk performance", "id": "17080210" }, { "contents": "Softcatalà\n\n\nsoftware based programs (, Firefox, etc.) into Catalan. After that, they delivered some other projects, including the following ones: During this last years Softcatalà has collaborated with the terminology centre TERMCAT standardizing new Catalan terms related to new technologies. In 2001, they started collaborating with Google, and that permitted the translation of the interface and later, the participation in the adaptation of the search engine related to Catalan pages. They have also worked on the popularization of Linux, translating GNOME and some installation and configuration", "id": "6157379" }, { "contents": "Internet Explorer 11\n\n\nyou're now using the wrong browser.\" IE11 was also observed to use less memory with multiple tabs open than contemporary versions of Chrome and Firefox. In August 2015, SitePoint again benchmarked IE11 in its review for Microsoft Edge, where Edge 12, Chrome 44 and Firefox 39 were also present. IE11 came last in Apple's JetStream test (which replaced SunSpider) and Google's Octane test (which replaces V8) but it came second in Microsoft's fish aquarium test, after Edge. Though an internal build of IE11", "id": "16544829" }, { "contents": "Privacy concerns regarding Google\n\n\nbe made available to the court. In April 2011, Google was criticized for not signing onto the Do Not Track feature for Chrome that was being incorporated in most other modern web browsers, including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera. Critics pointed out that a new patent Google was granted in April 2011, for greatly enhanced user tracking through web advertising, will provide much more detailed information on user behavior and that \"do not track\" would hurt Google's ability to exploit this. Software reviewer Kurt Bakke of", "id": "9879694" }, { "contents": "History of the web browser\n\n\nin late 1998. At first, the Mozilla project struggled to attract developers, but by 2002, it had evolved into a relatively stable and powerful internet suite. Mozilla 1.0 was released to mark this milestone. Also in 2002, a spinoff project that would eventually become the popular Firefox was released. Firefox was always downloadable for free from the start, as was its predecessor, the Mozilla browser. Firefox's business model, unlike the business model of 1990s Netscape, primarily consists of doing deals with search engines such as Google", "id": "12865658" }, { "contents": "Roaming user profile\n\n\nprogrammers made an explicit decision to store cookies and favorites as tiny individual files less than a kilobyte each, rather than storing this data as a single large consolidated file. Microsoft also stores shortcut files in the \"Recent\" profile folder, linking to recently opened files and folders. File servers tend to only transfer large files several megabytes in size at the fastest possible network speed. Hundreds of very small files only a kilobyte per file can reduce network performance by 90%. As a profile ages and accumulates hundreds to thousands of", "id": "16222589" }, { "contents": "Raster Document Object\n\n\ndocument to print are present and correct. In RDO's favor, the multi-file approach allows a networked device to load the small RDO file and then request the larger bitmap files only when necessary: This allows a full job specification to be loaded and installed over a network almost immediately, with the larger bitmap files only having to be transferred as and when needed, allowing more flexibility for managing network traffic loading. The TIFF file format is highly portable, and Xerox's MakeReady software, supplied with its XDOD systems,", "id": "9333753" }, { "contents": "Firefox\n\n\nsimilar to the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extension systems. Firefox previously supported add-ons using the XUL and XPCOM APIs, which allowed them to directly access and manipulate much of the browser's internal functionality. As they are not compatible with its multi-process architecture, XUL add-ons are now deemed \"Legacy add-ons\" and are no longer supported on Firefox 57 and newer. Firefox can have themes added to it, which users can create or download from third parties to change the appearance of the browser", "id": "1273192" } ]
Why is it that a fully buffered YouTube video will buffer again from where you click on the progress bar when you skip a few seconds ahead?
[{"answer": "Since 2013, youtube doesn't preload the entire video anymore thanks to a feature called \"DASH playback\" (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP). It makes youtube less of a bandwidth hog by only preloading a small portion of video at a time. You might be able to disable DASH via a plugin: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I think OP is asking why if you click ahead in the progress bar to a spot that has already been buffered (eg 15seconds ahead in a 2min buffer) the buffering immediately starts again at the spot you clicked on, so that the other 1m45s of your buffer is gone and has to be redownloaded. And similarly if you click on a spot that's already been played (eg 15 seconds back), you lose the entire 2min buffer."}, {"answer": "They changed it because most of youtubes traffic came from videos which were never watched. I have a 100 mbits internet connection. If im browsing the videos on the right side clicking here and there i would have loaded every video i clicked while searching completly in seconds in the highest quality. Their 'new' system ensures that isnt happening. Bit its annoying espacially if im on my phone where i have limited data usage"}, {"answer": "As far as I can tell, when streaming a video it may start off at 480p. As the video plays, it starts to buffer a higher 720p. This process may have started 5 seconds into the video, but in an attempt to avoid interrupting your playback it starts loading the 720p video from the 20 second mark. If you happen to skip forward within that 20 second window of 480p video, it will attempt to load the video from that point in 720p, thus resetting the buffered video. This is a side effect of YouTube's adaptive streaming. Hope this answers your question!"}, {"answer": "YouTube does not actually pre-buffer the entire video anymore. With the advent of HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) and DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP), most on demand videos are actually played back in the same manner as livestreaming. The browser receives a manifest of all the chunks of video (usually 2-10 seconds in length each) along with different resolutions for each chunk. The player then loads the current chunk + a few more in advance but will not download the entire list. Previously it was one big video file and the browser would happily load the entire file. The only different between live and on demand is that the manifest file for live streaming is updated as more video becomes available, whereas the manifest for on demand stays the same."}, {"answer": "would love to know why too. HTML5 seems to fix some of the issues however. i just wish they didnt load scrubber thumbnails before the video. dont show me what i cant see, dammit."}, {"answer": "Disclaimer: I'm not a Youtube engineer and have no particular knowledge beyond what I have guessed and accidentally gotten right. Now then. There are a couple of reasons for this. As mentioned, Youtube no longer gathers a long buffer, as they determined that most people have enough bandwidth to stream their video instead. For the few people that don't have enough bandwidth, Youtube added an adaptive quality feature that automatically makes the video shit if your internet isn't as good as they think it should be. Because the video quality can keep changing for people with sub-par internet, and because the people with fast internet don't care, Youtube figured that storing the video for seeking purposes isn't worth the effort to program or the space that buffer takes up. If they allowed you to skip a few seconds forward, would they then have to allow you to skip one second back as well in case you overshoot? It's just easier to toss everything."}, {"answer": "A better question is, why do the ads always play through perfectly no matter what then the video you actually want has to buffer like you're on dial-up?"}, {"answer": "What I don't understand is that no matter where I am or what computer I am on or what connection my internet is a 720p or 1080p video will never play without stopping from start to finish."}, {"answer": "On the topic of YouTube, why is it that sometimes, a video will load horribly slow to the point of being unwatchable, but after refreshing the page, it suddenly loads super quickly? Or sometimes it just refuses to load in the first place, and refreshing seems to fix it."}, {"answer": "Also, earlier when the whole video used to load, it got stored in chrome/cache and was very easy to copy in its entirety. The dash system also took care of that."}, {"answer": "Compare it to having a book. You have the entire book in front of you (fully buffered), and if you read it front to back, you'll never run into a rebuffering issue. However, if you want to instantly skip to page 154, it takes you a few seconds to get there. You might guess about where it is and then refine it from there, but you most likely won't instantly open to that page."}, {"answer": "Cost saving measures, both in the form of DASH and bandwidth throttling policies in the player. This is why you can download the video for offline viewing 10x faster than waiting for it to buffer. Thus, their throttling isn't on the whole video network but just when accessed through the default flash/html players. tl;dr : less bandwidth used is less $$$ paid to ISPs for peering/caching."}, {"answer": "Well the same has been happening to me as well..and I can't really figure out why...I would rather let the entire video load..completely..before watching it rather than waiting for it to buffer everytime as I watch."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "33066456", "title": "Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 544, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Exploit (video game)\n\n\nRoot Node. The other elements are red \"Blocker Nodes\", purple \"Divider Nodes\", yellow \"Buffer Nodes\", blue \"Directory Nodes\", cyan \"Latch Nodes\", white \"Port Knock Keys\" and lines connecting Buffer Nodes to Blocker Nodes. In each chapter you can use one Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS). If a chapter is to difficult, the DDOS lets you skip this level. Apart from the story mode there is a tutorial, a challenge mode and an puzzle editor.", "id": "2627479" }, { "contents": "Block sort\n\n\n, the A blocks will be in order again and the first buffer will contain its original values in the original order. Using the second buffer as swap space when merging an A block with some B values causes the contents of that buffer to be rearranged. However, as the algorithm already ensured the buffer only contains unique values, sorting the contents of the buffer is sufficient to restore their original stable order. Block sort is an adaptive sort on two levels: first, it skips merging A and B subarrays that are already", "id": "12829154" }, { "contents": "Multiple buffering\n\n\n. Now consider how you would do it if you had two buckets. You would fill the first bucket and then swap the second in under the running tap. You then have the length of time it takes for the second bucket to fill in order to empty the first into the paddling pool. When you return you can simply swap the buckets so that the first is now filling again, during which time you can empty the second into the pool. This can be repeated until the pool is full. It is clear", "id": "766837" }, { "contents": "Buffer Festival\n\n\nBuffer Festival is an international digital video festival, held annually in Toronto, Ontario. The festival, founded in 2013 by Corey Vidal, Corrado Coia, and Samantha Fall of the ApprenticeA YouTube channel, showcases the talent of online video creators who have debuted their work on YouTube. Buffer Festival has been called \"The Digital version of the Toronto International Film Festival\" and \"The World's first festival dedicated to YouTube content\". The concept for the festival was conceived in 2011, and was inspired by the Toronto International Film", "id": "21432638" }, { "contents": "Neembuu Uploader\n\n\nNeembuu Uploader (also known as NU) is a highly portable free and open-source Java application that uploads files simultaneously to multiple filehosts. It is currently supporting 67 file hosting sites and lets you manage the download and delete URLs of the uploaded files. In 2014, the Neembuu team released a new product called Neembuu Now. This new application allows users to watch and download videos at the same time. When user forwards the video, the previous buffer is not deleted unlike in YouTube and other similar streaming websites. It", "id": "846656" }, { "contents": "Electronic skip protection\n\n\nElectronic skip protection is a data buffer system used in some portable compact disc (CD) players and all MiniDisc (MD) units so that audio would not skip while the disk could not be read due to movement. When the buffering circuitry is in operation, the compact disc is read at a fixed read speed or CAV and the content is buffered (with optional ADPCM compression) and fed to RAM within the player. The audio content is read from RAM, optionally decompressed, and then sent to the digital-to", "id": "14821382" }, { "contents": "Multiple buffering\n\n\nexample. It is a nice sunny day and you have decided to get the paddling pool out, only you can not find your garden hose. You'll have to fill the pool with buckets. So you fill one bucket (or buffer) from the tap, turn the tap off, walk over to the pool, pour the water in, walk back to the tap to repeat the exercise. This is analogous to single buffering. The tap has to be turned off while you \"process\" the bucket of water", "id": "766836" }, { "contents": "Color BASIC\n\n\nfrom scratch (or DEL it).. or you can EDIT it. When in EDIT mode, you get a reprint of the line, and a second copy that you SPACEbar across chars. You cannot use arrow keys. backspace takes you left, but does not actually erase it in the buffer. 'i' puts you in insert mode. pressing return gets you out of it. 'c' changes one char, 'd' deletes one char. 'x' takes you to end of line, allowing", "id": "10138529" }, { "contents": "Bufferbloat\n\n\nnot dropped, so TCP does not slow down once the uplink has been saturated, further filling the buffer. Newly arriving packets are dropped only when the buffer is fully saturated. Once this happens TCP may even decide that the path of the connection has changed, and again go into the more aggressive search for a new operating point. Packets are queued within a network buffer before being transmitted; in problematic situations, packets are dropped only if the buffer is full. On older routers, buffers were fairly small so they filled", "id": "436917" }, { "contents": "Electronic skip protection\n\n\nat the time. It reduced the size of the hitherto bulky players designed for use in moving cars, in particular. Small rubber shock absorbers are still used, but are less effective than the larger pre-1995 ones. When first introduced, 3 seconds was the maximum buffering time. In 2006, the time generally ranged from 10 seconds to \"skip-free\", where the player will rarely skip. Due to the nature of the ATRAC compression scheme, and to ensure uninterrupted playback in the presence of fragmentation, all MD", "id": "14821384" }, { "contents": "The Westerner (video game)\n\n\ngun. The gun is fired by a left-click of the mouse (if you cannot move) or a right-click of the mouse (if you can get around using a left-click of the mouse). The screen is divided into three sections: the main section, the top bar and the bottom bar. The main section shows the scenario that appears in widescreen. The top bar reveals the player's inventory from which various objects can be selected. The bottom bar is black and shows the", "id": "14665137" }, { "contents": "Bufferbloat\n\n\npackets of one TCP stream and other packets are then dropped. A bloated buffer has an effect only when this buffer is actually used. In other words, oversized buffers have a damaging effect only when the link they buffer becomes a bottleneck. The size of the buffer serving a bottleneck can be measured using the ping utility provided by most operating systems. First, the other host should be pinged continuously; then, a several-seconds-long download from it should be started and stopped a few times. By design,", "id": "436913" }, { "contents": "Michael Buffer\n\n\nfor all bouts in Donald Trump-owned casinos. Trump said of Buffer, \"He's great, he's the choice, he has a unique ability...I told my people, 'We got to have him.'\" Buffer's work was also admired by many boxing greats. Sugar Ray Leonard once told Buffer, \"When you introduce a fighter, it makes him want to fight.\" In 2018, Buffer signed with DAZN to serve as ring announcer for all of its boxing broadcasts, which include deals", "id": "16243999" }, { "contents": "Video optimization\n\n\nfast networks like LTE 4G, slow start times and re-buffering will occur during times of congestion or high network utilization. If the chosen bitrate is low, on the other hand, the video quality will be lower – thereby reducing the customer’s quality of experience. There are a number of ways of dealing with these challenges. One way is to take the YouTube approach. YouTube uses HTTP progressive download, and makes multiple versions of the video available at different resolutions and bitrates. Users themselves can then select the", "id": "9691154" }, { "contents": "Z-buffering\n\n\nconsequence of z-buffering, where the depth of each pixel candidate is compared to the depth of existing geometry behind which it might be hidden. When using a z-buffer, a pixel can be culled (discarded) as soon as its depth is known, which makes it possible to skip the entire process of lighting and texturing a pixel that would not be visible anyway. Also, time-consuming pixel shaders will generally not be executed for the culled pixels. This makes z-culling a good optimization candidate in", "id": "16079321" }, { "contents": "Webdriver Torso\n\n\nsee how much quality was lost. When YouTube was asked about Webdriver Torso, they replied: \"We're never gonna give you uploading that's slow or loses video quality, and we're never gonna let you down by playing YouTube in poor video quality. That's why we're always running tests like Webdriver Torso.\" This is a reference to Rick Astley's song \"Never Gonna Give You Up\". When \"Webdriver Torso\" is searched into Google, the Google logo will look like a", "id": "11425462" }, { "contents": "Michael Buffer\n\n\n!\" He was also the announcer for the YouTube Boxing match between KSI and Logan Paul on August 25, 2018. Buffer reproduced as an action figure in both Toy Biz's WCW line and Jakks Pacific's Rocky line. Buffer began using the phrase \"Let's get ready to rumble!\" in 1984. By 1992, he acquired a federal trademark for the phrase. Buffer uses his famous phrase in various licensing deals including the platinum selling album \"Jock Jams\" by Tommy Boy Records, the video games \"Ready", "id": "16244009" }, { "contents": "YouTube\n\n\nidentify the musicians whose videos it features. ISNI anticipate the number of ISNI IDs \"going up by perhaps 3-5 million over the next couple of years\" as a result. YouTube featured an April Fools prank on the site on April 1 of every year from 2008 to 2016. In 2008, all links to videos on the main page were redirected to Rick Astley's music video \"Never Gonna Give You Up\", a prank known as \"rickrolling\". The next year, when clicking on a video", "id": "5060479" }, { "contents": "Video buffering verifier\n\n\nThe Video Buffering Verifier (VBV) is a theoretical MPEG video buffer model, used to ensure that an encoded video stream can be correctly buffered, and played back at the decoder device. By definition, the VBV shall not overflow nor underflow when its input is a compliant stream, (except in the case of low_delay). It is therefore important when encoding such a stream that it comply with the VBV requirements. One way to think of the VBV is to consider both a maximum bitrate and a maximum buffer size.", "id": "7854541" }, { "contents": "List of The X Factor finalists (British series 5)\n\n\nrendition of the song. She received high praise from the judges, especially Simon Cowell, who said: \"... that was outstanding. You have something very, very special. This is why I still like doing this show, in this country, so that you can discover people like you. You have a fantastic future, potentially, ahead of you young lady.\" White progressed through to the next live show, Michael Jackson week, taking on \"You Are Not Alone\" with her powerhouse vocals, again distinguished", "id": "18230240" }, { "contents": "The Ballad of Purple St. James\n\n\nFollowing the release of the single, a sampler was released as a free download. On May 19, 2010, the music video for \"Why Dontcha Call Me No More\" was released. On September 15, 2010, Yahzarah released her second single \"Cry Over You\" and released the video to YouTube. In late 2010, Yahzarah began promoting her third single \"Starship\". In May 2011, Yahzarah confirmed on her Twitter account that a video for her single \"Love Come Save the Day\" was progress.", "id": "16049145" }, { "contents": "QEMM\n\n\n, and Stealth D*Space all require EMS to work by mapping ROM and data buffers into EMS, thus freeing more UMB's. QEMM's TechNote \"FRAME.TEC\" states: Note: If using VMware, then replace the qemm386.sys line with Hold ALT key during boot and qemm386.sys will not load but prompt to hit Esc to skip loading. Alternatively, hold F5 so DOS skips loading all of config.sys + autoexec.bat or hold F8 so DOS prompt Y/N to confirm each line in config.sys and autoexec.bat; allowing you to skip loading qemm386.sys", "id": "16827307" }, { "contents": "Desktop Window Manager\n\n\nthe job of the application to render itself. Without DWM, the rendering rasterizes the UI in a buffer in video memory, from where it is rendered to the screen. Under DWM, GDI calls are redirected to use the Canonical Display Driver (cdd.dll), a software renderer. A buffer equal to the size of the window is allocated in system memory and CDD.DLL outputs to this buffer rather than the video memory. Another buffer is allocated in the video memory to represent the DirectX surface, which is used as the texture", "id": "10049151" }, { "contents": "List of most-viewed YouTube videos\n\n\nof which exceed four billion views and one of which exceeds six billion views. \"See You Again\" became the second video to reach three billion views in August 2017, followed by \"Gangnam Style\" in November 2017. \"Shape of You\" became the second video to reach four billion views in January 2019, followed by \"See You Again\" in February 2019. , the fastest videos to reach the one billion view mark are \"Hello\" (87 days), \"Despacito\" (96 days),", "id": "12595007" }, { "contents": "Cut, copy, and paste\n\n\n\" destroy your copy buffer as with other UIs like Windows or the X Window System. Together with copy and paste this can be used for quick and easy replacement of repeated text: or in short: While this might sound a bit complicated at first, it is often \"much\" faster than using the find panel, especial when only a few occurrences shall be replaced or when only some of the occurrences shall be replaced. When a text shall not be replaced, simply hit again to skip to the next occurrence.", "id": "21454133" }, { "contents": "Multiple buffering\n\n\nto see that this technique will fill the pool far faster as there is much less time spent waiting, doing nothing, while buckets fill. This is analogous to double buffering. The tap can be on all the time and does not have to wait while the processing is done. If you employed another person to carry a bucket to the pool while one is being filled and another emptied, then this would be analogous to triple buffering. If this step took long enough you could employ even more buckets, so that the", "id": "766838" }, { "contents": "Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne song)\n\n\nMy Hot Hot Sex\" had reached that milestone a couple months before, it has been removed from the website under accusations that the views had been fraudulent). The YouTube video of the song was accused of having an exaggerated number of views due to the use of a web link posted by AvrilBandAids, a fansite devoted to Lavigne. Clicking on the link would automatically reload the YouTube video of Girlfriend every fifteen seconds. Fans of Lavigne were encouraged to: \"Keep this page open while you browse the internet, study for", "id": "4934027" }, { "contents": "Need You Now (Hot Chip song)\n\n\n\"Need You Now\" is a song recorded by English electronic music band Hot Chip. It is the second official single off their sixth studio album \"Why Make Sense?\". The song was released on 1 April 2015 along with a music video, which was uploaded on the band's YouTube channel. It also peaked at #70 on the Belgium Ultratop chart and at #184 on the French Singles Chart. The song samples vocals from the song \"I Need You Now\" by Sinnamon. The official music video", "id": "19476171" }, { "contents": "ANTIC\n\n\noutput from the buffered data beginning from the last (right most) color clock of the last buffered byte and progressing to the left. When HSCROL is 0 no color clocks are output from the buffer, so the first screen byte displayed is the first byte after the buffered data. As HSCROL increases more color clocks from the end (right side) of the buffered data are added to the left edge of the display causing the fine scroll shift to move the screen contents to the right. ANTIC Mode F (high-", "id": "15617571" }, { "contents": "Buffer Festival\n\n\nthey're not on board, we shouldn't even bother doing it,\" said Vidal. The festival was launched via an official announcement video on YouTube on September 4, 2013. The first Buffer Festival was held from November 8 to 10 2013 in Toronto's Entertainment District. The festival's screenings were spread across six different movie theatres, including TIFF Bell Lightbox, Scotiabank Theatre Toronto, Glenn Gould Studio, CN Tower Maple Leaf Theatre and Jane Mallett Theatre. Theatrical-length shows (averaging 90 minutes of YouTube footage and", "id": "21432641" }, { "contents": "Recording at the edge\n\n\nrecording. For added security centralized storage is frequently used to record alarm video for easy alarm verification and long-term secure storage. Pre-alarm recording is offered by introducing a buffer in the encoder so that the seconds or minutes of video before and after an alarm can be automatically transmitted to the centralized storage. Because of the huge edge storage capacities of some encoders, ranging from 256 MB to 800 GB, you can continuously record video at high frame rates and high resolutions, and still take advantage of pre-alarm", "id": "926104" }, { "contents": "VP9\n\n\nto 4×4 pixel blocks. Subunits are coded in raster scan order: left to right, top to bottom. Starting from each key frame, decoders keep 8 frames buffered to be used as reference frames or to be shown later. Transmitted frames signal which buffer to overwrite and can optionally be decoded into one of the buffers without being shown. The encoder can send a minimal frame that just triggers one of the buffers to be displayed (\"skip frame\"). Each inter frame can reference up to three of the buffered", "id": "18727767" }, { "contents": "Open Doors (album)\n\n\nStudios, Lagos. On 21 January 2013, Nosa released the album's lead single \"Always Pray For You\". The music video for the single was shot and directed in Lagos by AK One ; it was uploaded onto YouTube on February 7, 2013 and ran for 4 minutes and 5 seconds. On 15 August 2013, \"Why You Love Me\" was released by \"Why You Love Me\" as the album's third single. On 12 February 2014, \"Always on My Mind\" was released by \"", "id": "16883226" }, { "contents": "Buffer (rail transport)\n\n\nchain and keep the buffers pressed together. Such is known as a 'screw coupling'. Historically, coupling chains were no more than that, a short length of heavy chain (typically three links long) with no adjustment. These would result in a 'loose-coupled train' in which the buffers of adjacent vehicles would only touch when the coupling chain was fully slack, such as when being pushed or going down hill. Although the buffers in the very earliest days of railways were rigid (\"dumb buffers\"", "id": "648434" }, { "contents": "INT 13H\n\n\nbelow: Examples of translation: Addressing of Buffer should guarantee that the complete buffer is inside the given segment, i.e. codice_1. Otherwise the interrupt may fail with some BIOS or hardware versions. Assume you want to read 16 sectors (= 2000h bytes) and your buffer starts at memory address 4FF00h. Utilizing memory segmentation, there are different ways to calculate the register values, e.g.: Function 02h of interrupt 13h may only read sectors of the first 16,450,560 sectors of your hard drive, to read sectors beyond the 8 GB limit you", "id": "17379698" }, { "contents": "Blockade of the Gaza Strip\n\n\nEgyptian Rafah, where most tunnels were believed to be. Initially, the width of the buffer zone was 500 meter but on 18 November 2014, Egypt said it would expand it to 1 km. On 29 December 2014, the buffer zone was extended again to 5 km. Egyptian authorities began implementing phase two in the flattening of large swaths of Egyptian Rafah where over 2,000 families lived, and widened the buffer zone. According to Egyptian reports, the second phase involved destroying everything standing across an additional 500 meters from the border", "id": "6988663" }, { "contents": "GEICO advertising campaigns\n\n\nIt's what you do.\" Debuted in 2015, these ads employ a satire of the technique of frame freezing, by showing live actors attempting to mimic a freeze-frame, often in awkward positions and sometimes assisted by intentionally visible stunt tools, such as suspension cords when paused in mid-air. The premise is that when viewing ads on sites like YouTube, usually a viewer cannot skip the ad until 5 seconds in then the commercial announcer saying \"You can't skip this GEICO ad because it's already", "id": "9806743" }, { "contents": "Buffer underrun\n\n\nIn computing, buffer underrun or buffer underflow is a state occurring when a buffer used to communicate between two devices or processes is fed with data at a lower speed than the data is being read from it. (The term is distinct from buffer overflow, a condition where a portion of memory being used as a buffer has a fixed size but is filled with more than that amount of data.) This requires the program or device reading from the buffer to pause its processing while the buffer refills. This can cause undesired", "id": "1852889" }, { "contents": "First Korean Congress\n\n\nto give freedom to Korea. \"You will find that Korea will develop into a peaceful, democratic and industrial nation, which will be absolutely neutral in her foreign policies, will be a buffer between your country, China and Russia. The interest of your country requires a friendly buffer state in this region instead of a territory inhabited by sullen, resentful people in whose hearts hatred for you and your government will always exist as long as you try to govern them by force, cruelty and injustice.\" In the morning of", "id": "8215798" }, { "contents": "Buffer amplifier\n\n\nbuffer amplifier prevents the second circuit from loading the first circuit's current unacceptably and interfering with its desired operation. In the ideal current buffer in the diagram, the output impedance is infinite (an ideal current source) and the input impedance is zero (a short circuit). Again, other properties of the ideal buffer are: perfect linearity, regardless of signal amplitudes; and instant output response, regardless of the speed of the input signal. For a current buffer, if the current is transferred unchanged (the current gain", "id": "2448367" }, { "contents": "Theory of constraints\n\n\nof the system and should allow for normal variation of processing time and the occasional upset (Murphy) before and behind the constraint. Buffers can be a bank of physical objects before a work center, waiting to be processed by that work center. Buffers ultimately buy you time, as in the time before work reaches the constraint and are often verbalized as time buffers. There should always be enough (but not excessive) work in the time queue before the constraint and adequate offloading space behind the constraint. Buffers are \"not", "id": "21677376" }, { "contents": "Multiple buffering\n\n\naccomplished by modifying a hardware register in the video display controller -- the value of a pointer to the beginning of the display data in the video memory. The page-flip is much faster than copying the data and can guarantee that tearing will not be seen as long as the pages are switched over during the monitor's vertical blanking interval—the blank period when no video data is being drawn. The currently active and visible buffer is called the front buffer, while the background page is called the \"back buffer\".", "id": "766845" }, { "contents": "Ahmad Musa Jibril\n\n\nYouTube radicalizing Muslim viewers to kill innocent people, YouTube will leave you alone. But if you post a video on YouTube honoring innocent people murdered by barbaric jihadists, your video will get banned.\" and that \"The enlightened peace-and-love progressives of Silicon Valley don't just have egg on their faces. They have blood on their hands.\" Advertisers on YouTube have objected to having their ads alongside alleged hate videos, including Jibril. On 18 June 2017, responding to criticism, YouTube announced a new policy", "id": "8386026" }, { "contents": "Features new to Windows 7\n\n\nclutter on their screen by shaking (dragging back and forth) a window of their choice with the mouse. All other windows will minimize, while the window the user shook stays active on the screen. When the window is shaken again, they are all restored, similar to desktop preview. Use when you have many open windows on your desktop. This feature will minimize all windows except the one you shake. Click and hold on the title bar of the window you need open and shake the mouse. The window you", "id": "1196200" }, { "contents": "Framebuffer\n\n\nbuffer may also be called the video buffer, the regeneration buffer, or regen buffer for short. Screen buffers should be distinguished from video memory. To this end, the term off-screen buffer is also used. The information in the buffer typically consists of color values for every pixel to be shown on the display. Color values are commonly stored in 1-bit binary (monochrome), 4-bit palettized, 8-bit palettized, 16-bit high color and 24-bit true color formats. An additional alpha channel is sometimes used to retain information about", "id": "17644886" }, { "contents": "Michael Buffer\n\n\nLet's get ready to bundle!\" The phrase, \"Are you ready to rumble?\" is spoken in the 1957 television show \"Maverick\", titled \"Stage West\" (episode 6, season one). by the stage coach driver to the passengers as he prepares to leave in the stage coach. As of 2009, the catchphrase has generated $400 million in revenue from licensing the trademark. Buffer's fame has reunited him with long-lost family members. In 1989, Buffer was contacted by his", "id": "16244011" }, { "contents": "The Subs\n\n\nthe stage as well, with several cameras attached to their instruments. Later on, the footage was mixed into a new video for the song. In January 2010 The Subs launched a new concept on YouTube, which they called The Famous Videocast. During three short shows, hosted by The Subs themselves, the band members talk about the music videos they like. Each time they mention a video, you can click through to the video. After each video, you get directed back to the show. The artwork for their", "id": "6984810" }, { "contents": "Block sort\n\n\ndoesn't necessarily need to be tagged – the first, last, or any other element could be used instead. However, if the first value is tagged, the values will need to be read from the first internal buffer (where they were swapped) when deciding where to drop the minimum A block. Many sorting algorithms can be used to sort the contents of the second internal buffer, including unstable sorts like quicksort, since the contents of the buffer are guaranteed to unique. Insertion sort is still recommended, though,", "id": "12829145" }, { "contents": "Hdparm\n\n\nTest device read performance speed (-t for timing buffered disk reads) of the first hard drive: Enable energy saving spindown after inactivity (24*5=120 seconds): To retain hdparm settings after a software reset, run: Enable read-ahead: If the disk is constantly too noisy, you can change its acoustic management at the cost of read/write performance (Some drives, such as newer WD drives and all SSDs, ignore this setting.): If the disk synchronisation intervals are too short, then even", "id": "5235321" }, { "contents": "The Last Time (Taylor Swift song)\n\n\nhe called \"The Last Time\" the \"only pure skip-ahead moment\" on \"Red\". The music video for the song premiered on November 15, 2013, on Vevo and YouTube. The video is three minutes and 48 seconds in length. As of May 2018, the video has garnered over 35 million views on YouTube. Similarly to her music video for the album's title track \"Red\", \"The Last Time\" music video features concert footage from Swift's The Red Tour in Sacramento,", "id": "14382426" }, { "contents": "X Window selection\n\n\nSelections, cut buffers, and drag-and-drop are the mechanisms used in the X Window System to allow a user to transfer data from one window to another. Selections and cut buffer are typically used when a user selects text or some other data in a window and pastes in another one. Drag-and-drop is used when a user selects something in a window, then clicks on the selection and drags it into another window. Since the two windows may be handled by two different applications, these mechanisms", "id": "7367190" }, { "contents": "Let Me Love You (DJ Snake song)\n\n\nreleased on November 29, 2016 on YouTube. \"Let Me Love You\" is written in the key of C minor with a tempo of 100 beats per minute in common time. The song follows a chord progression of CmEE/GAE/GA, and Bieber's vocals span from C to C. The music video for \"Let Me Love You\" was released on November 29, 2016 on DJ Snake’s YouTube channel. \"Rolling Stone\" magazine referred to the video as \"Bonnie and Clyde with a twist\" as", "id": "3770779" }, { "contents": "Macarena (song)\n\n\n, which years later became a popular view on YouTube. Vice President Al Gore, having a reputation for stiffness, made a joke about doing the Macarena dance during his speech. He said, \"I would like to demonstrate for you the Al Gore version of the Macarena,\" then remained motionless for a few seconds, and eventually asked, \"Would you like to see it again?\" There are two different music videos. The most common one, based on the Bayside Boys Mix and directed by French director Vincent", "id": "2526835" }, { "contents": "Multiple buffering\n\n\nscreen, while there is a different \"back buffer\" for every window containing the non-composited image of the entire window contents. In the page-flip method, instead of copying the data, both buffers are capable of being displayed (both are in Video RAM). At any one time, one buffer is actively being displayed by the monitor, while the other, background buffer is being drawn. When the background buffer is complete, the roles of the two are switched. The page-flip is typically", "id": "766844" }, { "contents": "Kathleen Nichols\n\n\nlead to failure with Transmission Control Protocol congestion-avoidance algorithms. Bufferbloat causes problems such as high and variable latency, network bottlenecks, and dropped packets. As a buffer becomes full of packets for one TCP stream, packets from other network flows are dropped. The buffers then take some time to drain, before the TCP connection ramps back up to speed and then floods the buffers again. When the bufferbloat problem is present and the network is under load, even normal web page loads can take many seconds to complete, and", "id": "14862228" }, { "contents": "Interleaving (disk storage)\n\n\nregion of reusable memory referred to as a \"buffer\". When data needed to be written, it was moved into the buffer, and then written from the buffer to the disk. When data was read, the reverse took place, transferring first into the buffer and then moved to where it was needed. Most early computers were not fast enough to read a sector, move the data from the buffer to somewhere else, and be ready to read the next sector by the time that next sector was appearing under the", "id": "21516187" }, { "contents": "Pipeline (Unix)\n\n\nbuffering: for example a sending program may produce 5000 bytes per second, and a receiving program may only be able to accept 100 bytes per second, but no data is lost. Instead, the output of the sending program is held in the buffer. When the receiving program is ready to read data, then next program in the pipeline reads from the buffer. In Linux, the size of the buffer is 65,536 bytes (64KiB). An open source third-party filter called bfr is available to provide larger buffers", "id": "2931752" }, { "contents": "Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Silver Earring\n\n\n, Robert Schumann, and Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Silver Earring is a point-and-click (mouse controlled) third person adventure in which you play as both Holmes and Watson. Clicking in the general direction you wish to go will usually cause your character to move in that direction. When you see the footsteps icon, clicking will take the character to the next “authorized” spot. Double-clicking makes Holmes or Watson run. Right-clicking brings up the inventory bar. Throughout the game, Holmes’s tools of", "id": "978859" }, { "contents": "Heap overflow\n\n\nresulting pointer exchange to overwrite a program function pointer. A typical example on older versions of Linux is two buffers allocated next to each other on the heap, writing beyond the boundary of the first buffer allows overwriting meta data in the second buffer. By setting the in-use bit to zero of the second buffer and setting the length to a small negative value which allows null bytes to be copied, when the program calls free() on the first buffer it will attempt to merge these two buffers into a single buffer", "id": "4221580" }, { "contents": "Cold liquor tank\n\n\nextra power, reuses your water you would use from a CLT, and saves you the space of a whole tank. Cold liquor tanks are used for brewing process and CLT’s also called buffer tanks. Buffer tanks contain cold water used for the purpose of cooling the bitter wort temperature down to the fermentable level range after boiling. This process is done by wort cooler. The cold storage tank that been a single skin vessel and should be in a room which requires cold temperature. Cold liquid tanks connected with glycol chiller tanks", "id": "16023047" }, { "contents": "Marianas Trench (band)\n\n\n\" The music video for \"I Knew You When\" was released on YouTube on December 19, 2018. On January 31, 2019, their second single from \"Phantoms\", \"Only The Lonely Survive,\" was premiered on YouTube. On February 7, 2019, the third released single from \"Phantoms\", \"Echoes Of You (Feat. Roger Joseph Manning Jr.)\" was premiered on Youtube. \"Phantoms\" was released on March 1, 2019, and follows the theme of a \"being haunted", "id": "17284217" }, { "contents": "Buffering (horse)\n\n\nChampagne Classic, finishing third with future Group 1 winners Pressday and Spirit of Boom finishing ahead of him in first and second respectively. Buffering's first group class win came in the Group 2 Roman Consul Stakes at Randwick in his ninth start. Two starts later Buffering ran in his first Group 1 race, the Coolmore Stud Stakes at Flemington finishing fourth on Victoria Derby Day. Buffering continued to perform well despite running into an impressive selection of successful sprinters during the middle part of his career. After the Coolmore Stud Stakes as a", "id": "8528046" }, { "contents": "Buffer amplifier\n\n\nis infinite. At the output the dependent voltage source delivers voltage \"A V = V\" to the load, again without voltage division because the output resistance of the buffer is zero. A Thévenin equivalent circuit of the combined original Thévenin source \"and\" the buffer is an ideal voltage source \"V\" with zero Thévenin resistance. Typically a current buffer amplifier is used to transfer a current from a first circuit, having a low output impedance level, to a second circuit with a high input impedance level. The interposed", "id": "2448366" }, { "contents": "You Know You Like It\n\n\nmet with very positive reviews upon its release. \"Pitchfork\" awarded the song their \"Best New Music\" tag. A music video to accompany the release of \"You Know You Like It\" was first released onto YouTube on August 31, 2011 at a total length of three minutes and thirty seconds. The video is shot in black and white and features clips of Francis dancing. A second music video was released on June 13, 2013 on YouTube and Vevo. The video shows the duo partying at an empty pool", "id": "21894970" }, { "contents": "Promela\n\n\nsuch rendezvous ports are by definition synchronous, i.e. sender or receiver (the one that arrives \"first\" at the channel) will block for the contender that arrives \"second\" (receiver or sender). When a buffered channel has been filled to its capacity (sending is \"capacity\" number of outputs ahead of receiving inputs), the default behavior of the channel is to become synchronous, and the sender will block on the next sending. Observe that there is no common message buffer shared between channels. Increasing complexity", "id": "4987682" }, { "contents": "Registered memory\n\n\nregistered RAM will not fit in a slot for unregistered RAM, however it will with SDRAM. Fully Buffered DIMM (FB-DIMM) modules are used in some systems with large maximum memory capacities. In normal registered/buffered memory only the control lines are buffered, whereas in fully buffered memory the data lines are buffered as well with all transfers performed in a serial fashion; the additional logic present on each FB-DIMM module transforms serial input into parallel signals required to drive memory chips. Load Reduced DIMM (LR-", "id": "1479651" }, { "contents": "Candice Hutchings\n\n\n's first YouTube Space. She was also a featured creator at the 2016 Buffer Festival where she screened her video \"Fantastic Vegans and Where to Find Them\". She has worked as a mentor to other, newer YouTubers in Toronto. In 2017, Hutchings will be making her debut as a published author, in October releasing her first cookbook titled \"The Edgy Veg, Carnivore Approved Recipes\". She will be touring throughout North America. As of 2016, she has been a contributing chef/author for Chloe Coscarelli's", "id": "21328024" }, { "contents": "Video buffering verifier\n\n\nYou'll need to know how quickly the video data is coming into the buffer. Keep in mind that video data is always changing the bitrate so there is no constant number to note how fast the data is arriving. The larger question is how long before the buffer overflows. A larger buffer size simply means that the decoder will tolerate high bitrates for longer periods of time, but no buffer is infinite, so eventually even a large buffer will overflow. There are two operational modes of VBV: \"Constant Bit Rate\"", "id": "7854542" }, { "contents": "Cut, copy, and paste\n\n\nThe find buffer is system wide. That is, if you enter a text in the find panel (or with ) in one application and then switch to another application you can immediately start searching without having to enter the search text again. Copying data one by one from one application to another, such as from Excel to a web form, might involve a lot of manual work. Copy and paste can be automated with the help of a program that would iterate through the values list and paste them to the active application", "id": "21454134" }, { "contents": "High Efficiency Video Coding\n\n\nstored in the decoded picture buffer. Pictures stored in the decoded picture buffer can be used for the prediction of other pictures. HEVC was designed with the idea that progressive scan video would be used and no coding tools were added specifically for interlaced video. Interlace specific coding tools, such as MBAFF and PAFF, are not supported in HEVC. HEVC instead sends metadata that tells how the interlaced video was sent. Interlaced video may be sent either by coding each frame as a separate picture or by coding each field as a separate", "id": "5000817" }, { "contents": "Memory controller\n\n\nsolution), but due to wire count, line capacitance, and the need for parallel access lines to have identical lengths, more channels are very difficult to add. Fully buffered memory systems place a memory buffer device on every memory module (called an FB-DIMM when Fully Buffered RAM is used), which unlike traditional memory controller devices, use a serial data link to the memory controller instead of the parallel link used in previous RAM designs. This decreases the number of the wires necessary to place the memory devices on", "id": "7142781" }, { "contents": "Slider (computing)\n\n\nA slider or track bar is a graphical control element with which a user may set a value by moving an indicator, usually horizontally. In some cases user may also click on a point on the slider to change the setting. It is different from a scrollbar in that it is not continuous but used to adjust a value without changing the format of the display or the other information on the screen. Sliders are also combined with progress bars in the playback of streaming media over a network connection (e.g., YouTube videos)", "id": "20133062" }, { "contents": "Buffer (application)\n\n\nAdditionally, Buffer has partnerships with Wordpress, Twitter, Zapier, IFTTT, Feedly, Pocket, Reader, and Quuu. Buffer’s team uses multiple platforms for marketing, including blogs, emails and the social media websites Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Their marketing team works remotely from 6 time zones and includes their community team. In October 2013, Buffer’s system was hacked, allowing the hackers to get access to many users’ accounts. This resulted in the hackers posting spam posts through many of the user", "id": "18266705" }, { "contents": "Stencil buffer\n\n\nthat lies behind the plane of the mirror and is visible in the mirror. For the first constraint is added to a limiting plane ( Eng. Clip plane), and other limitations used stencil buffer content 9. Again locks color buffer, depth test is set so that it always passes, and the pixels mirrors are deleted from the stencil buffer so that it is again traced. After this, the stencil buffer again clean and ready for the next mirror. Instead polygons can be done on the surface. In this case", "id": "5511937" }, { "contents": "Stack buffer overflow\n\n\nIn software, a stack buffer overflow or stack buffer overrun occurs when a program writes to a memory address on the program's call stack outside of the intended data structure, which is usually a fixed-length buffer. Stack buffer overflow bugs are caused when a program writes more data to a buffer located on the stack than what is actually allocated for that buffer. This almost always results in corruption of adjacent data on the stack, and in cases where the overflow was triggered by mistake, will often cause the program to", "id": "19084993" }, { "contents": "Elsagate\n\n\ninjects Elsa with a brightly colored liquid. You half expect the scenarios to be porn setups.\" In most videos, the like and dislike options were disabled, making it impossible to know how many users were actually engaging with them. Many videos featured hundreds of comments in gibberish, some being written by similar channels in an apparent attempt to attract more clicks. In March, the BBC ran a piece titled \"The disturbing YouTube videos that are tricking children\". The article focused on a \"Peppa Pig\" imitation where", "id": "11638721" }, { "contents": "Buffer overflow\n\n\na register which points to the controlled buffer and thus the shellcode. For example, if register A contains a pointer to the start of a buffer then any jump or call taking that register as an operand can be used to gain control of the flow of execution. In practice a program may not intentionally contain instructions to jump to a particular register. The traditional solution is to find an unintentional instance of a suitable opcode at a fixed location somewhere within the program memory. In figure on the left you can see an example", "id": "4023014" }, { "contents": "I-Frame Delay\n\n\nbelongs to the next frame is about to enter the buffer. As can be seen, it is possible to interleave video packets with non-video packets (audio or system with priority numbers 2 and 0 respectively). When a packet belonging to next frame is about to be written to the IFD buffer and the buffer is full, the IFD scheduler will drop a frame based on the priority assigned earlier. When the network bandwidth is so low that also P-frames need to be dropped, then the GOP (Group", "id": "10322446" }, { "contents": "Hello (Adele song)\n\n\nof March 2019, the video is the 17th most viewed video on YouTube, having earned over 2.5 billion views. The video also became the third video on YouTube to reach 10 million likes on 29 May 2016, and has over 14 million likes as of March 2019, ranking it sixth on the list of most-liked YouTube videos. The five videos to have more likes are \"Gangnam Style\", \"See You Again\", \"Despacito\", \"Shape of You\" and \"Faded\". Adele performed", "id": "3436120" }, { "contents": "Michael Buffer\n\n\ndance. Buffer has also served as ringside announcer for the syndicated television game show \"The Grudge Match\", hosted by Steve Albert and Jesse Ventura. He has played himself in various films including \"Ready to Rumble\" and \"Rocky Balboa\", and in 2008 Buffer appeared as Walbridge, the main villain in the comedy \"You Don't Mess with the Zohan\". He also appeared in the 2019 remake of \"Dumbo\", portraying a ringmaster who delivers the line \"Let's get ready for Dumbo!\"", "id": "16244006" }, { "contents": "Ion chromatography\n\n\nyou are working with. Once equilibrated, the charged ions in the stationary phase will be attached to its opposite charged exchangeable ions. Exchangeable ions such as Cl- or Na+. Next, a buffer should be chosen in which the desired protein can bind to. After equilibration, the column needs to be washed. The washing phase will help elute out all impurities that does not bind to the matrix while the protein of interest remains bounded. This sample buffer needs to have the same pH as the buffer used for equilibration to help", "id": "21054338" }, { "contents": "Streaming media\n\n\nprotocol handlers detect the loss and retransmit the missing data. Clients can minimize this effect by buffering data for display. While delay due to buffering is acceptable in video on demand scenarios, users of interactive applications such as video conferencing will experience a loss of fidelity if the delay caused by buffering exceeds 200 ms. Unicast protocols send a separate copy of the media stream from the server to each recipient. Unicast is the norm for most Internet connections, but does not scale well when many users want to view the same television program", "id": "9201655" }, { "contents": "Lost Generation (song)\n\n\nTerry and fellow popstars who buy YouTube views. \"Why is everybody so PC?/ It's not my fault if you take offence,\" they conclude - and if we're honest, we couldn't agree more.\" . A music video to accompany the release of \"Lost Generation\" was first released onto YouTube on 24 July 2013 at a total length of four minutes and eighteen seconds. The music video was directed by Jamie Thraves and was produced with the help of 150 young people between the ages of 16 and 24", "id": "12592172" }, { "contents": "X-Video Motion Compensation\n\n\nX display server. XvMCSurfaces are buffers into which the motion compensation hardware can render. The data in the buffers themselves are not client accessible and may be stored in a hardware-specific format. Any number of buffers can be created for use with a particular context (resources permitting). XvMC provides video acceleration starting at one of two places in the video pipeline. Acceleration starting at the first point, which we shall call the \"Motion Compensation\" level, begins after the inverse quantization and IDCT at the place where motion", "id": "14139506" }, { "contents": "Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam\n\n\ntricks can now be held like grab tricks, reverts are eliminated, and the bert slide has been optimized for downhill racing. Additionally a combo buffer has been implemented. When a combo is broken, the player 3 seconds (a buffer) to start a trick again and save the combo. The player is allowed 20 buffers per combo, making the maximum score of 100 million points per combo still difficult to obtain. This version supports online multiplayer, but it is no longer available because the Nintendo Wi-Fi servers were", "id": "22182202" }, { "contents": "Squid (software)\n\n\nis to limit a request to the range of data in the resource being referenced. This feature is used extensively by video streaming websites such as YouTube, so that if a user clicks to the middle of the video progress bar, the server can begin to send data from the middle of the file, rather than sending the entire file from the beginning and the user waiting for the preceding data to finish loading. Partial downloads are also extensively used by Microsoft Windows Update so that extremely large update packages can download in the background", "id": "21914277" }, { "contents": "Sytrus\n\n\n, mainly depending on effect settings, number of oscillators, and their settings. The second version of Sytrus (introduced with FL Studio 6), comes with an array of presets covering many types of sounds. When clicking on the Sytrus logo in \"Show Info\", the Hint Bar at the top says \"Don't even think about it you fruit-clicking pervert!\". After several more clicks, it will say, \"Ok, fruit-clicking pays.\" At this stage, the modulator grid changes", "id": "19350210" }, { "contents": "Gangnam Style (music video)\n\n\nof the viral spread after analyzing data in Twitter and verifying the spreading pattern through Google Trends. The video has held five records in YouTube history - most viewed video (held for 1,689 days; surpassed on July 10, 2017 by Wiz Khalifa's \"See You Again\"), most rated video (surpassed on February 19, 2017 by \"See You Again\"), most discussed video (current), most liked video (held for 1,444 days; surpassed on August 27, 2016 by \"See You Again\"", "id": "16651562" }, { "contents": "Block sort\n\n\n) buffer. When using the \"external buffer\" variant of block sort, it can scale from using O(n) memory to progressively smaller buffers as needed, and will still work efficiently within those constraints. Block sort does not exploit sorted ranges of data on as fine a level as some other algorithms, such as Timsort. It only checks for these sorted ranges at the two predefined levels: the A and B subarrays, and the A and B blocks. It is also harder to implement and parallelize compared to a merge", "id": "12829156" }, { "contents": "Spin column-based nucleic acid purification\n\n\nsolution passes through. To wash, the flow-through is removed and a wash buffer is added to the column. The column is put in a centrifuge again, forcing the wash buffer through the membrane. This removes any remaining impurities from the membrane, leaving only the nucleic acid bound to the silica gel. To elute, the wash buffer is removed and an elution buffer (or simply water) is added to the column. The column is put in a centrifuge again, forcing the elution buffer through the membrane.", "id": "8433348" }, { "contents": "Producer–consumer problem\n\n\ntime. The problem is to make sure that the producer won't try to add data into the buffer if it's full and that the consumer won't try to remove data from an empty buffer. The solution for the producer is to either go to sleep or discard data if the buffer is full. The next time the consumer removes an item from the buffer, it notifies the producer, who starts to fill the buffer again. In the same way, the consumer can go to sleep if it finds the buffer", "id": "1381328" }, { "contents": "Framebuffer\n\n\nFramebuffers have varied widely in the methods used to access memory. Some of the most common are: The framebuffer organization may be packed pixel or planar. The framebuffer may be all points addressable or have restrictions on how it can be updated. Video cards always have a certain amount of RAM. This RAM is where the bitmap of image data is \"buffered\" for display. The term \"frame buffer\" is thus often used interchangeably when referring to this RAM. The CPU sends image updates to the video card. The", "id": "17644899" }, { "contents": "Phantoms (Marianas Trench album)\n\n\nthe lead single off their upcoming fifth album, \"I Knew You When\", which was later released on November 16. On December 3, 2018, the band announced the US Suspending Gravity Tour to promote their upcoming album \"Phantoms\". The music video for \"I Knew You When\" was released on YouTube on December 19, 2018. On January 31, 2019, their second single from \"Phantoms\", \"Only the Lonely Survive\", was premiered on YouTube. On February 7, 2019, the", "id": "5015420" }, { "contents": "See You Again\n\n\nKingdom also in a single week. The music video was the most viewed video on YouTube from July 10 to August 4, 2017. \"See You Again\" received three nominations at the 58th Annual Grammy Awards: Song of the Year, Best Pop Duo/Group Performance and Best Song Written for Visual Media. It was also shortlisted for the Song of the Year for the BBC Music Awards and was nominated for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards. \"See You Again\" was the best selling-song", "id": "13559622" }, { "contents": "Z-buffering\n\n\nof some duty. When viewing an image containing partially or fully overlapping opaque objects or surfaces, it is not possible to fully see those objects that are furthest away from the viewer and behind other objects (i.e., some surfaces are hidden behind others). The identification and removal of these surfaces is called the hidden-surface problem. To improve the rendering time, the hidden surfaces should be removed before a projected image of the surfaces is being passed to the z-buffer. To check for overlap, the z-", "id": "16079313" }, { "contents": "Buffer underrun\n\n\na hard disk or another CD/DVD, a heavy CPU or memory load from other concurrent tasks can easily exhaust the capacity of a small buffer. Therefore, a technique called buffer underrun protection was implemented by various individual CD/DVD writer vendors, under various trademarks, such as Plextor BurnProof, Nero UltraBuffer, Yamaha SafeBurn, JustLink, and Seamless Link. With this technique, the laser is indeed able to stop writing for any amount of time and resume when the buffer is full again. The gap between successive writes", "id": "1852894" }, { "contents": "JumpStart Advanced 2nd Grade\n\n\nthe headquarters which will only appear if the user has at least 4 gadget pieces. The other way is by clicking on a bookshelf (also at the headquarters). If you choose the star, you will use the gadget pieces you have earned from the games and the invention featured will be the one that Hopsalot is using to fix Dr. O's misdoings. Once Hopsalot's Laboratory is completed when accessed by the star, progress will be made in the game. However, if the bookshelf is clicked, gadget pieces will", "id": "19155879" }, { "contents": "Cut, copy, and paste\n\n\ndocument. The X Window System maintains an additional clipboard containing the most recently selected text; middle-clicking pastes the content of this \"selection\" clipboard into whatever the pointer is on at that time. Most terminal emulators and some other applications support the key combinations Ctrl-Insert to copy and Shift-Insert to paste. This is in accordance with the IBM Common User Access (CUA) standard. The NeXTStep operating system extended the concept of having a single copy buffer by adding a second system-wide Find buffer used", "id": "21454131" }, { "contents": "Conjugate acid\n\n\nacts as a buffer to maintain pH. The most important buffer in our bloodstream is the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer, which prevents drastic pH changes when is introduced. This functions as such: Furthermore, here is a table of common buffers. A second common application with an organic compound would be the production of a buffer with acetic acid. If acetic acid, a weak acid with the formula , was made into a buffer solution, it would need to be combined with its conjugate base in the form of a salt.", "id": "18598097" }, { "contents": "Justin Bieber\n\n\na different singer, Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive of So So Def Recordings, clicked on one of Bieber's 2007 YouTube videos by accident. Impressed, Braun tracked down the theatre that Bieber was performing in, located Bieber's school, and finally contacted Mallette, who was reluctant because of Braun's Judaism. She remembered praying, \"God, I gave him to you. You could send me a Christian man, a Christian label!\", and, \"God, you don't want this Jewish kid", "id": "19165542" } ]
How does criminal justice work for conjoined twins?
[{"answer": "When similar things have happened in the past, [both twins generally go free.]( URL_0 ). Conjoined criminals are so incredibly rare that this has been a workable solution so far."}, {"answer": "Am I the only one who lost their shit over the diagram?"}, {"answer": "Great question, and one that was voted the [question of the year in 2009]( URL_0 ) ... TL;DR Nobody knows. I like the bonus question too, \"Could an innocent conjoined twin be compelled to testify against her evil sibling?\""}, {"answer": "Arguments from both sides can be put forth. **Not Guilty:** It's morally and ethically wrong to imprison the other twin for the crimes of his brother, so for the sake of justice, you allow the guilty man to go free so that the innocent man isn't punished. **Guilty:** The uninvolved twin had both knowledge of the crime while it took place and the ability to prevent it from happening. While that's normally not enough to convict, in this case, the uninvolved twin was also partially in control of the rapist's body, thus the crime could only be committed by the uninvolved twin's consensual act. He'd probably be charged with aiding and abetting in that case."}, {"answer": "As a followup question-aren't both twins guilty because the other was present for the entire thing and partially involved? Shouldn't they both be put in jail?"}, {"answer": "It would make more sense, contextually if they both were gun owners, each open carrying. One decided to shoot someone at random, or rob a store they were visiting, being a spur of the moment thing that they hadn't vocalized. The good twin not being able to shoot the evil twin in time to stop the crime. Good twin could slap evil twin in the nuts to stop a rape, or call for help nearby or any other number of ways to stop a rape from happening. Spur of the moment murder/gun crime is impossible to stop without murdering the evil side, which has the likely possibility of killing both of them, deepening on what's conjoined."}, {"answer": "You can be charged for negligence of a crime depending on where you live. For instance, you could get in trouble if you knew someone was going to get murdered but didn't say anything. Love the diagram btw."}, {"answer": "This is a \"Tales from the Crypt\" episode called [My Brother's Keeper]( URL_0 )..."}, {"answer": "I don't think any judge in history would think anything else besides \"well, you're already imprisoned by biology. Not much else we can really do here.\""}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2827381", "title": "Connivance", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Connivance is the act of conniving or conspiring, especially with the knowledge of and active or passive consent to wrongdoing or a twist in truth, to make something appear as something that it is not.", "Connivance is the act of conniving or conspiring, especially with the knowledge of and active or passive consent to wrongdoing or a twist in truth, to make something appear as something that it is not."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "English criminal law\n\n\nA (Conjoined Twins)\", conjoined twins were born, one reliant on the other for her heart and lungs. Unless they were separated, both would die, but if separated, the reliant twin would die, the doctors therefore being liable to prosecution for murder. It was, however, held that in this special and incredibly sensitive situation, that the separation was necessary to save the first twin's life. There is a Sentencing Council. This power is now created by section 163 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003", "id": "19487514" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nare joined. The most common types of conjoined twins are: Other, less common types of conjoined twins include: There are two theories about the development of conjoined twins. The first is that a single fertilized egg does not fully split during the process of forming identical twins. The second theory is that a fusion of two fertilized eggs occurs earlier in development. Although conjoined twinning has not been linked to any environmental or genetic cause, they occur so rarely it has not been possible to draw firm conclusions. Surgery to separate", "id": "11264508" }, { "contents": "Craniopagus twins\n\n\nCraniopagus twins are conjoined twins that are fused at the cranium. This condition occurs in about 10–20 babies in every million births in the United States. Among this small group, cephalic conjoining, or craniopagus twinning, represents the rarest of congenital abnormalities, accounting for 2–6% of all conjoined twins. Additionally, conjoined twins are genetically identical and always share the same sex. The union in craniopagus twins may occur on any portion of the cranium, but does not include either the face or the foramen magnum. The thorax and abdomen", "id": "2246362" }, { "contents": "Parasitic twin\n\n\nA parasitic twin, also known as an asymmetrical or unequal conjoined twin, is the result of the processes that also produce vanishing twins and conjoined twins, and may represent a continuum between the two. Parasitic twins occur when a twin embryo begins developing in utero, but the pair does not fully separate, and one embryo maintains dominant development at the expense of its twin. Unlike conjoined twins, one ceases development during gestation and is vestigial to a mostly fully formed, otherwise healthy individual twin. The undeveloped twin is defined as", "id": "8970214" }, { "contents": "Alone (2015 Hindi film)\n\n\nBasu), and her husband, Kabir (Karan Singh Grover), argue about not being able to celebrate her birthday together. Sanjana gets a call about her mother's accident and they quickly fly to Kerala. In Kerala, Sanjana begins having visions that make her believe her dead conjoined twin's soul is after her. Her husband does not believe her and sends her to his former professor for spiritual healing. During the treatment period, she tells the professor about how her conjoined twin sister Anjana (Bipasha Basu) always", "id": "19189880" }, { "contents": "Child destruction\n\n\nMid-Downs Health Authority is not of universal application and that an example of a case where it was not applicable was , where a conjoined twin who never drew breath was considered to have been born alive. The period of 28 weeks' gestation was later reduced to 24 weeks. See the Criminal Law Act 1967. The reference to a sentence of penal servitude must be construed as a reference to a sentence of imprisonment: The Criminal Justice Act 1948, section 1(1). A registered medical practitioner who terminates a pregnancy in", "id": "6237863" }, { "contents": "CatDog\n\n\nthat the creators planned for the series to \"really play off of kids' sympathies\" by portraying the characters as experiencing \"the worst of both worlds\". Hannan said CatDog was inspired by watching neighborhood cats and dogs occasionally fight each other, and thought that it would be great to make conjoined twins Cat and Dog to see how both of the animals would fare against other things. The idea of them being conjoined twins came from Hannan watching several news stories on TV about conjoined twins living a normal life conjoined together.", "id": "9797799" }, { "contents": "Craniopagus twins\n\n\nbrain imaging, neuro-anesthesia and neurosurgical techniques have proven that a successful outcome is possible following separation of total craniopagus twins. There are two categories of craniopagus twins: The exact nature of how conjoined twins develop inutero remains unclear. Embryologists have traditionally attributed identical twinning as \"splitting or fission\" of either the inner cell mass of pleuripotential cells or early embryonic disc at 13–14 days of gestation just before the primitive streak. Some theorists suggested that conjoined twins develop as a result of the failed fusion of a single fertilized ovum.", "id": "2246365" }, { "contents": "History of science\n\n\nclassical mechanics. The works of John Philoponus inspired Galileo Galilei ten centuries later. The first record of separating conjoined twins took place in the Byzantine Empire in the 900s when the surgeons tried to separate a dead body of a pair of conjoined twins. The result was partly successful as the other twin managed to live for three days. The next recorded case of separating conjoined twins was several centuries later, in 1600s Germany. During the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, a number of Greek scholars flee to North Italy in which they", "id": "14644872" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\npartially. The other theory, no longer believed to be the basis of conjoined twinning, is fusion, in which a fertilized egg completely separates, but stem cells (which search for similar cells) find similar stem cells on the other twin and fuse the twins together. Conjoined twins share a single common chorion, placenta, and amniotic sac, although these characteristics are not exclusive to conjoined twins, as there are some monozygotic but non-conjoined twins who also share these structures \"in utero\". Chang and Eng Bunker", "id": "11264506" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nremain conjoined to be higher than is commonly supposed. Lori and George Schappell and Abby and Brittany Hensel are notable examples. The first record of separating conjoined twins took place in the Byzantine Empire in the 900s. One of the conjoined twins had already died, so surgeons attempted to separate the dead twin from the surviving twin. The result was partly successful as the remaining twin lived for three days after separation. The next case of separating conjoined twins was recorded in 1689 in Germany several centuries later. The first recorded successful separation", "id": "11264510" }, { "contents": "Re A (conjoined twins)\n\n\n. Lord Justice Alan Ward invoked the concept of self-defence suggesting that \"If [Gracie] could speak she would surely protest, \"Stop it, [Rosie], you're killing me.\"\" Lord Justice Brooke relied upon \"R v Dudley and Stephens\" and invoked necessity as a defence. Lord Justice Robert Walker focused upon the intention of the surgeons in concluding that surgery could go ahead. The 20-hour-long operation to separate the twins took place on 7 November 2000. As expected, Gracie survived", "id": "11049792" }, { "contents": "Re A (conjoined twins)\n\n\nRe A (conjoined twins) [2001] 2 WLR 480 is a Court of Appeal decision on the separation of conjoined twins. The case raised several legal, ethical and religious dilemmas including whether it would be permissible to kill one of the children to save the other, and whether it was permissible to act against the wishes of the twins' parents. Gracie and Rosie Attard, who were born on 8 August 2000, were conjoined twins who were joined at the abdomen. During legal proceedings, the twins were given the", "id": "11049789" }, { "contents": "Alan Ward (judge)\n\n\nin 1984. Ward was appointed a High Court judge on 5 October 1988. He was assigned to the Family Division and given the customary knighthood. On 13 February 1995, he was appointed a Lord Justice of Appeal. He reached mandatory retirement on 15 February 2013. In 2000, Ward, together with Lord Justice Brooke and Lord Justice Walker (now Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe) made the decision to separate conjoined twins Gracie and Rosie Attard, refusing their parents' appeal, despite the fact the weaker twin (Rosie) would", "id": "18619914" }, { "contents": "Twin\n\n\nthe chorionicity (the number of placentae) and amniocity (the number of sacs) of the pregnancy. Dichorionic twins either never divided (i.e.: were dizygotic) or they divided within the first 4 days. Monoamnionic twins divide after the first week. In very rare cases, twins become conjoined twins. Non-conjoined monozygotic twins form up to day 14 of embryonic development, but when twinning occurs after 14 days, the twins will likely be conjoined. Furthermore, there can be various degrees of shared environment of twins in", "id": "1989626" }, { "contents": "Ischiopagi\n\n\noccupy the same amnion which can lead to a conjoining of the twins as a result of the twins not separating properly during the twinning process. Separation occurring between the seventh and thirteenth days should result in a monochorionic, monoamniotic identical twins sharing a yolk sac. If separation of the twins occur in the later stages of development prior to the appearance of the primitive streak and axial orientation, then it can be predicted that conjoined twins will develop. The origin of exactly what goes wrong to produce ischiopagus or any conjoined twin is a", "id": "7763762" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nof conjoined twins was performed in 1689 by Johannes Fatio. In 1955, neurosurgeon Harold Voris (1902-1980) and his team at Mercy Hospital in Chicago performed the first successful operation to separate craniopagus twins (conjoined at the head), which resulted in long-term survival for both. The larger girl was reported in 1963 as developing normally, but the smaller was permanently impaired. In 1957, Bertram Katz and his surgical team made international medical history performing the world's first successful separation of conjoined twins sharing a vital", "id": "11264511" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\n(1811–1874), Thai brothers born in Siam, now Thailand, traveled widely for many years and were labeled as the Siamese twins. Chang and Eng were joined at the torso by a band of flesh, cartilage, and their fused livers. In modern times, they could have been easily separated. Due to the brothers' fame and the rarity of the condition, the term \"Siamese twins\" came to be used as a synonym for conjoined twins. Conjoined twins are typically classified by the point at which their bodies", "id": "11264507" }, { "contents": "Byzantine medicine\n\n\nrecord of separating conjoined twins took place in the Byzantine Empire in the 900s. One of the conjoined twins had already died, so surgeons attempted to separate the dead twin from the surviving twin. The result was partly successful as the remaining twin lived for three days after separation. The next case of separating conjoined twins was recorded in 1689 in Germany several centuries later. Christianity played a key role in the building and maintaining of hospitals. Many hospitals were built and maintained by bishops in their respective prefectures. Hospitals were usually built", "id": "20872836" }, { "contents": "Maria and Teresa Tapia\n\n\nMaria and Teresa Tapia (born April 8, 2010) are formerly conjoined twins born in the Dominican Republic. The twins were joined by their lower chest and abdomen and were therefore classified as omphalopagus sharing a liver, pancreas, and a small portion of their small intestine. On November 7, 2011, the twins underwent a successful separation surgery at the Children's Hospital of Richmond in Virginia. For every 200,000 live births, conjoined twins are born. Conjoined twins are identical and of the same sex one hundred percent of the", "id": "8720495" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nLegend says that their father, Abd Manaf ibn Qusai, separated his conjoined sons with a sword and that some priests believed that the blood that had flowed between them signified wars between their progeny (confrontations did occur between Banu al'Abbas and Banu Ummaya ibn 'Abd Shams in the year 750 AH). The Muslim polymath Abū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī described conjoined twins in his book \"Kitab-al-Saidana\". The English twin sisters Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst, who were conjoined at the back (pygopagus),", "id": "11264520" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nConjoined twins are identical twins joined \"in utero\". An extremely rare phenomenon, the occurrence is estimated to range from 1 in 49,000 births to 1 in 189,000 births, with a somewhat higher incidence in Southwest Asia and Africa. Approximately half are stillborn, and an additional one-third die within 24 hours. Most live births are female, with a ratio of 3:1. Two contradicting theories exist to explain the origins of conjoined twins. The more generally accepted theory is \"fission\", in which the fertilized egg splits", "id": "11264505" }, { "contents": "Alice Dreger\n\n\nsafety has not been sufficiently tested by pediatrician Maria New. However, the FDA found nothing worth pursuing on this topic. In 2004, Dreger published \"One of us: conjoined twins and the future of normal\", an examination of Conjoined twinning and of surgical practice. Described as \"a book filled with warmth, humour and unexpected insights\", it raises similar issues to her earlier work on intersex people: questioning the ways in which the surgical profession defines \"acceptable limits of the normal\" and enforces conformity to such", "id": "22057738" }, { "contents": "Metaclass\n\n\nclass codice_47. ALL metaclasses are subclasses of codice_38, therefore: Like conjoined twins, classes and metaclasses are born together. codice_43 has an instance variable codice_53, which points to its conjoined class. Note that the usual Smalltalk class browser does not show metaclasses as separate classes. Instead the class browser allows to edit the class together with its metaclass at the same time. The names of classes in the metaclass hierarchy are easily confused with the concepts of the same name. For instance: Four classes provide the facilities to describe new", "id": "9787555" }, { "contents": "Ischiopagi\n\n\nto the opposite twin. During embryonic development, twins can form from the splitting of a single embryo (monozygotic) which forms identical twins or the twins can arise from separate oocytes in the same menstrual cycle (dizygotic) which forms fraternal twins. Although the latter is more frequent, monozygotic is the reason conjoined twins can develop. In monozygotic twinning for conjoined twins such as ischiopagi, the twins form by the splitting of a bi-laminar embryonic disc after the formation of the inner cell masses. Thus, making the twins", "id": "7763761" }, { "contents": "Courtroom Workgroup\n\n\nIn The United States criminal justice system, a Courtroom Workgroup is an informal arrangement between a criminal prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and the judicial officer. This foundational concept in the academic discipline of criminal justice recharacterizes the seemingly adversarial courtroom participants as collaborators in \"doing justice.\" The courtroom workgroup was proposed by Eisenstein and Jacob in 1977 to explain their observations of the ways courts, especially lower level courts, actually come to decisions. Because the courtroom workgroup deviates from the public consensus of how justice works, it has developed", "id": "322522" }, { "contents": "Polycephaly\n\n\n-headed creatures seen in the real world, and form by the same process as conjoined twins from monozygotic twin embryos. In humans, there are two forms of twinning that can lead to two heads being supported by a single torso. In dicephalus parapagus dipus, the two heads are side by side. In craniopagus parasiticus, the two heads are joined directly to each other, but only one head has a functional torso. Survival to adulthood is rare, but does occur in some forms of dicephalus parapagus dipus. There are", "id": "12360739" }, { "contents": "Contralateral brain\n\n\nto the axial twist hypothesis, this represents an extreme case of Yakovlevian torque, and may occur when the cerebrum does not turn during early embryology. Cephalopagus or janiceps twins are conjoined twins which are born with two faces, one on either side of the head. These twins have two brains and two spinal chords, but these are located on the left and the right side of the body. According to the axial twist theory, the two nervous systems could not turn due to the complex configuration of the body and therefore remained", "id": "19804210" }, { "contents": "Kray twins\n\n\nwere not involved with his planned escape and disappearance. Read decided to proceed with the case and have a separate trial for Mitchell once the twins had been convicted. The twins' defence under their counsel John Platts-Mills, QC consisted of flat denials of all charges and discrediting witnesses by pointing out their criminal past. Justice Melford Stevenson said: \"In my view, society has earned a rest from your activities.\" It was the longest murder hearing in history of British criminal justice., during which Justice Melford Stevenson", "id": "1025296" }, { "contents": "Right on Crime\n\n\ndoes not work for every offender and may in fact be counterproductive by hardening low-risk offenders. The organization believes that safety is the government's core responsibility, but also describes the importance of upholding conservative values such as a constitutionally limited government. Other values include \"...transparency, individual liberty, personal responsibility, free enterprise, and the centrality of the family and community.\" The organization's principles describe how the criminal justice system should lower crime rates, collect victim restitution, and reduce taxpayer spending. It describes how", "id": "5517677" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nlived from 1100 to 1134 (or 1500 to 1534) and were perhaps the best-known early historical example of conjoined twins. Other early conjoined twins to attain notice were the \"Scottish brothers\", allegedly of the dicephalus type, essentially two heads sharing the same body (1460–1488, although the dates vary); the pygopagus Helen and Judith of Szőny, Hungary (1701–1723), who enjoyed a brief career in music before being sent to live in a convent; and Rita and Cristina of Parodi of Sardinia, born", "id": "11264521" }, { "contents": "Rowena Spencer\n\n\nbe very devoted to the babies whom she cared for, often sleeping at the hospital in order to monitor her patients' condition after surgery. In 1990 Spencer began to do research on conjoined twins, and became one of the world's leading authorities on the subject. She later published a book on the topic, entitled \"Conjoined Twins: Developmental Malformations and Clinical Implications\". She also aided in separating four sets of conjoined twins. In 1999, Spencer was honored by Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association with the Distinguished Alumnus Award", "id": "21574145" }, { "contents": "Ronnie and Donnie Galyon\n\n\nRonnie and Donnie Galyon (born October 28, 1951) are American conjoined twins. According to the 2009 \"Guinness World Records\", the Galyons are the oldest living set of conjoined twins in the world, and, as of 29 October 2014, possess the world record for the longest-lived conjoined twins in history when they surpassed prior record holders Giacomo and Giovanni Battista Tocci. They were born at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, on 28 October 1951, to Wesley and Eileen Galyon; Eileen was not expecting", "id": "6454828" }, { "contents": "Amber Dhara\n\n\nAmber Dhara is an Indian Hindi language television series that aired on Sony Entertainment Television from 24 September 2007 until 24 April 2008, based on the lives of conjoined twins, Amber and Dhara. The story revolves around the life of conjoined twins Amber and Dhara, who share their liver and are conjoined at the hip. 20% of the liver is part of Amber's body and the remaining 80% is part of Dhara's body which rules out the possibility of a surgery being carried out to separate the twins without any fatality", "id": "7956194" }, { "contents": "Ben Summerskill\n\n\nBen Jeffrey Peter Summerskill (born 6 October 1961 in Kent) is Chair of the The Silver Line and Director of the Criminal Justice Alliance, a consortium of 135 charities working across the GB criminal justice pathway. He was the Chief Executive of the UK-based lesbian, gay and bisexual equality organisation Stonewall, the largest gay equality body in Europe, from 2003 to 2014. He has a twin sister, Clare, who is a performer. He has also worked as a businessman and journalist. Ben Summerskill is an occasional", "id": "1601339" }, { "contents": "Luke Treadaway\n\n\nteacher Phil Gasson, the twins formed a band called \"Lizardsun\" with Matt Conyngham and Seth Campbell. They also both joined the National Youth Theatre, for whom Luke played Prince Ivan in \"The Firebird\". He was also in the ensemble for a production of \"Murder in the Cathedral\". While still at drama school, he and his twin brother recorded roles in their first feature film: \"Brothers of the Head\", in which they played conjoined twins. Luke played Barry Howe, the band's singer", "id": "5064660" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nconjoined twins may range from very easy to very difficult depending on the point of attachment and the internal parts that are shared. Most cases of separation are extremely risky and life-threatening. In many cases, the surgery results in the death of one or both of the twins, particularly if they are joined at the head or share a vital organ. This makes the ethics of surgical separation, where the twins can survive if not separated, contentious. Alice Dreger of Northwestern University found the quality of life of twins who", "id": "11264509" }, { "contents": "Twin\n\n\n. Conjoined twins (or the once-commonly used term \"siamese\") are monozygotic twins whose bodies are joined together during pregnancy. This occurs when the zygote starts to split after day 12 following fertilization and fails to separate completely. This condition occurs in about 1 in 50,000 human pregnancies. Most conjoined twins are now evaluated for surgery to attempt to separate them into separate functional bodies. The degree of difficulty rises if a vital organ or structure is shared between twins, such as the brain, heart or liver. A", "id": "1989637" }, { "contents": "The Thirteenth Tale\n\n\nWinter. The chapters of the book switch between the past and present day life of the two main characters (Margaret Lea, Vida Winter). At the novel's inception, Lea divulges her work in her father's antique book store, her one-time jaunt as an amateur biographer, and her chance discovery at age 12 that she was born a conjoined twin, her sister dying shortly after their separation. This discovery has caused her pain and provided a reason for longing she felt before that, as does her strained", "id": "1269825" }, { "contents": "Siamese twins (linguistics)\n\n\nSiamese twins (also irreversible binomials, binomials, binomial pairs, freezes, or nonreversible word pairs) in the context of the English language refer to a pair or group of words used together as an idiomatic expression or collocation, usually conjoined by the words \"and\" or \"or\". In the context of the English language, this word was first used and popularised by Henry Watson Fowler, a renowned lexicographer; the term \"Siamese twins\" originates with Chang and Eng Bunker, the conjoined twins from Siam. Many", "id": "19377420" }, { "contents": "Chang and Eng Bunker\n\n\nCynthia Wu in 2012, \"that Eng died of fright prevails not only in the medical record but also in the popular-cultural imagination.\" The Bunker brothers coined the term \"Siamese twins\", and their fame made it a synonym for conjoined twins in colloquial use, even referring to those before the Bunkers' lifetime, though modern researchers see the term as outmoded, preferring \"conjoined twins\". The phrase \"like the Siamese twins\" (or variations) had been used as early as October 1829 to describe", "id": "18576464" }, { "contents": "List of Revelation Space characters\n\n\nmember of the Closed Council and also the Inner Sanctum, both executive bodies within the Conjoiner Mother Nest. Supposedly, she also works for the ultra-secret Night Council, although in \"Redemption Ark\" it is hinted that the Night Council does not exist at all as a Conjoiner body, but is actually an avatar for the mental structure of the Mademoiselle that infiltrated Skade's mind during a top secret mission to Chasm City. Skade is expert at Conjoiner technology, being able to unleash neural attacks on other Conjoiners and peer", "id": "20636212" }, { "contents": "Conjoined Fetus Lady\n\n\npays tribute to the school nurse, who is living with conjoined twin myslexia. Pip, tired of being bullied, hits Kyle with a ball during dodgeball, giving him a nose bleed. Kyle is sent to Nurse Gollum, only to discover that she has a dead fetus attached to her head, due to a condition called conjoined twin myslexia. Kyle tells the others and they react in disgust, making fun of her. Kyle's mother, Sheila, attempts to educate the boys on Nurse Gollum's condition, but is", "id": "19828912" }, { "contents": "C. Everett Koop\n\n\ntoday are commonly used for infant surgery, and saved the lives of countless children who otherwise might have been allowed to die. He invented anesthetic and surgical techniques for small bodies and metabolisms and participated in the separation of several sets of conjoined twins whose condition other physicians at the time considered hopeless. He first gained international recognition in 1957 by the separation of two female pygopagus infants (conjoined at the pelvis) and then, again, in 1974 by the separation of two ischiopagus twins (conjoined at the spine) sharing a liver", "id": "4702586" }, { "contents": "Human trafficking in Saudi Arabia\n\n\nthe police before they are allowed access to shelters. The government offers no legal aid to foreign victims and does not otherwise assist them in using the Saudi criminal justice system to bring their exploiters to justice. If a victim chooses to file a complaint, he or she is not allowed to work. The Saudi Government does, however, provide food and shelter for female workers who file complaints or run away from their employers. Criminal cases are adjudicated under Sharia law, and there is no evidence trafficking victims are accorded legal assistance", "id": "18985041" }, { "contents": "South African criminal law\n\n\nto the contention that reformation \"does not actually work in practice–the criminal justice system is simply not good at 'reforming' people.\" Furthermore, \"there is also a theoretical/moral objection: if the focus is only on the individual offender that needs to be reformed, then there is no justice in terms of the victims or the broader society. That leaves the very real impression or perception that 'justice was not served.'\" Because \"the various theories of punishment all contain positive and negative aspects", "id": "2783787" }, { "contents": "Brothers of the Head\n\n\nBrothers of the Head is a 2005 mockumentary featuring the story of Tom and Barry Howe (Harry and Luke Treadaway respectively), conjoined twins living in the United Kingdom. It was based on the 1977 novel of the same name by science fiction writer Brian Aldiss. In the early 1970s, the twins are essentially purchased by sleazy talent manager with plans to turn them into rock stars. The brothers form a punk rock band called the Bang Bang. As the band's success grows, a music journalist, Laura (Tania Emery", "id": "3276426" }, { "contents": "Michael Weinrath\n\n\n, and he also does work in research methods, program evaluation, victimization and fear of crime, drug courts and drunk driving. He is working on a book manuscript on prison life and prison gangs in Canada in the 21st century. He has worked as a consultant to Alberta and Manitoba Corrections and the federal Correctional Service of Canada. Recently, he has written about the growth of Criminal Justice as a discipline in Canada, and the Canadian consensus that criminal justice is the logical disciplinary home for criminology. Weinrath was the architect", "id": "8494527" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\nin 1829. Rita and Cristina were dicephalus tetrabrachius (one body with four arms) twins and although they died at only eight months of age, they gained much attention as a curiosity when their parents exhibited them in Paris. Several sets of conjoined twins lived during the nineteenth century and made careers for themselves in the performing arts, though none achieved quite the same level of fame and fortune as Chang and Eng. Most notably, Millie and Christine McCoy (or McKoy), pygopagus twins, were born into slavery in North", "id": "11264522" }, { "contents": "Ladan and Laleh Bijani\n\n\nLadan and Laleh Bijani (Persian: ; January 17, 1974 – July 8, 2003) were Iranian conjoined twin sisters. They were joined at the head and died immediately after their complicated surgical separation. Coincidentally, the twins were born 100 years to the day of the deaths of Chang and Eng Bunker, also conjoined twins, famously known as the \"original\" Siamese twins. They were born in Firuzabad, a city in southwest Iran, to Dadollah Bijani and Maryam Safari, members of a farming family from the nearby", "id": "18516609" }, { "contents": "Ischiopagi\n\n\nIschiopagi comes from the Greek word \"ischio-\" meaning hip (ilium) and \"-pagus\" meaning fixed or united. It is the medical term used for conjoined twins (Class V) who are united at the pelvis. The twins are classically joined with the vertebral axis at 180°. However, the most frequent cases usually structures the ischiopagus twins with two separate spines forming a lateral angle smaller than 90°. The conjoined twins usually have four arms; two, three or four legs; and typically one external genitalia", "id": "7763758" }, { "contents": "Ischiopagi\n\n\navailable in the future to help increase the survival rate of ischiopagus twins as well as other conjoined twins. Ischiopagus is a rare anomaly occurring in about 1 in every 100,000 live births and occurring in 1 out of 10 conjoined twin births. Most Ischiopagus cases are common in the areas of India and Africa. Of the varieties of Ischiopagus twins, Ischiopagus Tetrapus is more prevalent, happening in 68.75% of all Ischiopagus cases. Ischiopagus Tripus occurs in 31.25% of cases while Ischiopagus Dipus occurs in only 6.25% of all Ischiopagus cases", "id": "7763768" }, { "contents": "Conjoined Fetus Lady\n\n\nconfronted by an irate Sharon Marsh. Sheila, in order to remedy the unawareness apparent in people of conjoined twin myslexia, decides to help the woman, and winds up causing a \"Conjoined Twin Myslexia Week\" declared in South Park for its sole sufferer. Meanwhile, the school dodgeball team becomes eligible for competitions, and goes on to fight the state competition in Denver. South Park ends up winning because Pip becomes filled with rage whenever others bully him, giving him the strength to take down the other team. In the", "id": "19828913" }, { "contents": "Kimberly Corban\n\n\n, high schools and colleges, justice professionals, and various government agencies internationally on sexual assaults, using her case to illustrate how she believes the criminal justice system should work. Corban graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a bachelor's degree in Psychology and master's degree in Criminal Justice. She worked as a victim advocate for her local police department and later at the District Attorney's office, creating and running the Adult Diversion Program. In January 2016, Kimberly Corban attended CNN's 'Guns in America' Townhall with", "id": "15288748" }, { "contents": "Abby and Brittany Hensel\n\n\nAbigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel (born March 7, 1990) are American conjoined twins, specifically dicephalic parapagus twins. They are highly symmetric for conjoined twins, giving the appearance of having a single body without marked variation from normal proportions. Each has a separate heart, stomach, spine, pair of lungs, and spinal cord. Each twin controls one arm and one leg. As infants, learning to crawl, walk and clap required them to cooperate. They can eat and write separately and simultaneously. Activities such", "id": "15126280" }, { "contents": "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story\n\n\n. Dr. Carson stays with her all night until the next morning when he does a rare procedure, a hemispherectomy, in which he removes half the brain of a four-year-old who convulses 100 times a day. The film then returns to where it began: the year 1987, when Dr. Carson is preparing for a risky operation to separate the twins conjoined at the head. With four months nearing an end, Dr. Carson is still unable to figure out a way to separate the twins. Then he receives an", "id": "10725799" }, { "contents": "Krista and Tatiana Hogan\n\n\nKrista and Tatiana Hogan (born October 25, 2006) are Canadians who are conjoined craniopagus twins. They are joined at the head (the top, back, and sides). They were born in Vancouver, British Columbia, and are the only unseparated conjoined twins of that type currently alive in Canada. They live with their mother, Felicia Simms, in Vernon, British Columbia, and often travel to Vancouver for care at BC Children's Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children. Based on statistics, the twins", "id": "8284828" }, { "contents": "Stuck on You (film)\n\n\na romantic relationship, though the twins' attempt to keep their conjoined nature a secret proves challenging, especially since Walt must accompany the new couple everywhere, sometimes using creative solutions like disguising himself as a giant teddy bear. Eventually however, when May discovers the twins in bed, she concludes that they are a homosexual couple rather than brothers. Although Bob shows May that they are indeed conjoined twins, May is nonetheless in even greater shock at the deception, and flees. Morty informs the twins that word has leaked about Walt", "id": "2188140" }, { "contents": "Shelley Jackson\n\n\nwere permitted to read the entire narrative. Jackson's first novel, \"Half Life\", was published by HarperCollins in 2006. The story of a disenchanted conjoined twin named Nora Olney who plots to have her other twin murdered, \"Half Life\" suggests an alternate history in which the atomic bomb resulted in a genetic preponderance of conjoined twins, who eventually become a minority subculture. The novel received mixed-to-positive reviews; \"Newsweek\" called it \"brilliant and funny,\" and \"The New York Times", "id": "17526070" }, { "contents": "David M. Kennedy (criminologist)\n\n\nheart of the preventive aspiration of criminal justice. Deterrence, whether through preventive patrol by police officers or stiff prison sentences for violent offenders, is the principal mechanism through which the central feature of criminal justice, the exercise of state authority, works -- it is hoped -- to diminish offending and enhance public safety. And however well we think deterrence works, it clearly often does not work nearly as well as we would like – and often at very great cost.\" Kennedy identifies that a small number of high rate offenders commit", "id": "3168712" }, { "contents": "Harry Treadaway\n\n\nbrother Luke attended Queen Elizabeth's Community College in Crediton, Devon, where they played in the twice Devon Cup winning Rugby Union team. Inspired by a love of Eddie Vedder and with support from their secondary school drama teacher, the twins formed a band called Lizardsun. They also both joined the National Youth Theatre. Treadaway's professional debut was \"Brothers of the Head\", a feature film about conjoined twin brothers in a punk rock band. He played Tom Howe, the band's rhythm guitarist and songwriter, and his", "id": "5064546" }, { "contents": "Necessity in English criminal law\n\n\nwas denied because it would be in conflict with the purpose and effect of the legislative scheme. In \"\" (2000) 4 AER 961 Jodie and Mary were ischiopagus conjoined twins (i.e. joined at the pelvis) and the Court of Appeal had to decide whether it was lawful to perform surgery to separate them, when the separation would kill Mary. If the operation did not take place there was evidence that both would die within six months. The court proceeded on the basis that the potential charge would be murder in that", "id": "13606863" }, { "contents": "Public service interpreters in the UK\n\n\nlanguage speakers and provide entitlement to interpreting and translation services. NRPSI has taken part in the LIT Search project funded by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Commission Directorate General Justice, which aims to link the European national registers to aid cross-border interpreting requirements. Due to the voluntary nature of the regulation by the National Register, many interpreters work in the UK without registration and appropriate qualifications. It is therefore not known how many interpreters are working regularly, nor how many assignments they are completing. The Ministry of Justice reported", "id": "19651752" }, { "contents": "Stories of the Law and How It's Broken\n\n\n. The author also addresses policy issues, and argues that \"a working criminal justice system, properly resourced and staffed by dedicated professionals ... serves to protect the innocent, protect the public and protect the integrity, decency and humanity of our society. This should be a societal baseline. Not a luxury\". The criminal justice system, the author argues, has suffered grievously in recent years from chronic underfunding. Its flaws are not those of the people who work within it, but are imposed from without: by the state", "id": "6735589" }, { "contents": "Center for Court Innovation\n\n\n. More than a dozen community courts have opened in South Africa, and staff from the Center have also worked with officials from Scotland, Japan, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and Canada on adapting the community court model. The Center has also sponsored roundtables, which have explored a wide range of topics, including ethical challenges facing lawyers in problem-solving courts, and how to improve communication between criminal justice researchers and practitioners. The Center has published dozens of how-to manuals and best practice guides for criminal justice officials", "id": "13238811" }, { "contents": "Beginning of human personhood\n\n\n-point to human life is the moment the body stops using oxygen, then it may follow that the corresponding starting-point is the moment the body starts using oxygen. Non-conjoined monozygotic twins form up to day 14 of embryonic development, but when twinning occurs after 14 days, the twins will likely be conjoined. Some argue that an early embryo cannot be a person because \"If every person is an individual, one cannot be divided from oneself.\" However, Fr. Norman Ford stated that \"", "id": "10252299" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\norgan. Omphalopagus twins John Nelson and James Edward Freeman (Johnny and Jimmy) were born in Youngstown, Ohio, on April 27, 1956. The boys shared a liver but had separate hearts and were successfully separated at North Side Hospital in Youngstown, Ohio, by Bertram Katz. The operation was funded by the Ohio Crippled Children's Service Society. Recent successful separations of conjoined twins include that of the separation of Ganga and Jamuna Shreshta in 2001, who were born in Kathmandu, Nepal, in 2000. The 197-hour surgery", "id": "11264512" }, { "contents": "Conjoined twins\n\n\non the pair of craniopagus twins was a landmark one which took place in Singapore; the team was led by neurosurgeons Chumpon Chan and Keith Goh. The surgery left Ganga with brain damage and Jamuna unable to walk. Seven years later, Ganga Shrestha died at the Model Hospital in Kathmandu in July 2009, at the age of eight, three days after being admitted for treatment of a severe chest infection. Infants Rose and Grace Attard, conjoined twins from Malta, were separated in Great Britain by court order \"\" over the", "id": "11264513" }, { "contents": "Half Life (Jackson novel)\n\n\nHalf Life is the 2006 debut novel of American writer and artist Shelley Jackson. The novel presupposes an alternate history in which the atomic bomb resulted in a genetic preponderance of conjoined twins, who eventually become a minority subculture. The book tells the story of a disenchanted conjoined twin named Nora Olney who plots to have her twin murdered. \"Half Life\" received mixed-to-positive reviews; \"Newsweek\" called it \"brilliant and funny,\" and \"The New York Times\", while praising Jackson's ambition as", "id": "13108372" }, { "contents": "Willis J. Potts\n\n\nrectovaginal fistula. In 1959, he attempted the separation of a set of conjoined twins who shared a heart. Both twins were weakening, but Potts hoped to save the stronger of the two; the child died within four hours of the procedure. He consulted on another case of conjoined twins the next year, but he declined to operate because the surgery was felt to have no chance of success. In 1955, Potts wrote an editorial in \"JAMA\" in which he criticized the overall quality of pediatric surgical care in the", "id": "13873138" }, { "contents": "Chang and Eng Bunker\n\n\nChang and Eng Bunker (May 11, 1811 – January 17, 1874) were Siamese-American conjoined twin brothers whose fame propelled the expression \"Siamese twins\" to become synonymous for conjoined twins in general. They were widely exhibited as curiosities and were \"two of the nineteenth century's most studied human beings\". The brothers were born in Siam (Modern day Thailand), with Chinese ancestry and were brought to the United States in 1829. Physicians inspected them as they became known to American and European audiences in \"", "id": "18576407" }, { "contents": "Byzantine science\n\n\na pair of conjoined twins from Armenia came eventually to Constantinople. Many years later one of them died, so the surgeons in Constantinople decided to remove the body of the dead one. The result was partly successful as the surviving twin lived in three days before dying. But the fact that the second person survived for few days after separating it, was so impressive that it was mentioned a century and half years later again by historians. The next case of separating conjoined twins will be recorded first about 700 years later in the", "id": "1904567" }, { "contents": "Byzantine Empire\n\n\nThe latter one invented the Aurea Alexandrina which was a kind of opiate or antidote. The first known example of separating conjoined twins happened in the Byzantine Empire in the 10th century when a pair of conjoined twins from Armenia came to Constantinople. Many years later one of them died, so the surgeons in Constantinople decided to remove the body of the dead one. The result was partly successful, as the surviving twin lived three days before dying, a result so impressive that it was mentioned a century and half later by historians.", "id": "474457" }, { "contents": "Ischiopagi\n\n\nresult by either incomplete fission or double overlapping inducing centers on the same germ disc. Various studies suggest that mechanical disturbances such as shaking of the blastomeres, exposure of the embryo to cold or insufficient oxygen during the early process of cleavage, grafting organizer onto gastrula or half a gastrula together, or constricting the blastula or early gastrula can cause the incomplete separation of monozygotic twins. However, studies have shown that these disturbances must happen at critical times in the pregnancy for the conjoined twins to develop. Conjoined twins are at high risk", "id": "7763763" }, { "contents": "Kendra and Maliyah Herrin\n\n\nrisk to Maliyah. Their family and doctors believed separation surgery would give both girls their best chance to live a normal life. The twins were born at the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Erin and Jake Herrin. They began their lives as conjoined twins of a form termed Ischiopagus (Type D) / Omphalopagus (Type B) conjoined twins, meaning that they were joined at the abdomen and the pelvis; they had between them an abdomen, pelvis, liver, kidney, large intestine", "id": "8203287" }, { "contents": "Design-focused evaluation\n\n\ntherefore it generates quantitative data. The approach relies heavily on the way items are written for the surveys used. There is a clear articulation of how items can be written for the DFE approach in Smith (2008). In short, each question is composed in two parts conjoined by a grammatical structure that does the work of '...helped me to learn...'. The first part of the question indexes the teaching and learning activity (e.g. 'the lab session on dissection...') and the second part indexes the", "id": "442903" }, { "contents": "Steven M. Martin\n\n\nSteven M. Martin (born October 24, 1954) is an actor and filmmaker, who wrote and directed \"\", which earned him a Filmmakers Trophy at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival. Martin has worked as an actor with his identical twin brother Douglas Brian Martin. They played the silent twin bodyguards Igg and Ook in \"Hudson Hawk\" and as conjoined twin Addams family members Dexter and Donald in \"The Addams Family\" and \"Addams Family Values\". They also played as the \"angry twins\" in \"Fast", "id": "16512292" }, { "contents": "Children in the Holocaust\n\n\n. His experiments on dwarfs and people with physical abnormalities included taking physical measurements, drawing blood, extracting healthy teeth, and treatment with unnecessary drugs and X-rays. Many of the victims were sent to the gas chambers after about two weeks, and their skeletons were sent to Berlin for further study. Mengele sought out pregnant women, on whom he would perform experiments before sending them to the gas chambers. Witness Vera Alexander described how he sewed two Gypsy twins together back to back in an attempt to create conjoined twins.", "id": "17590659" }, { "contents": "Biddenden Maids\n\n\nBaptista Colloredo (1617 – after 1646) had prompted great interest in conjoined twins, and conjoined sisters surviving to adulthood in south-east England would have been widely noted. In 1895, surgeon J. W. Ballantyne considered the case of the Biddenden Maids from a teratological perspective. He suggested that they had in fact been pygopagus (twins joined at the pelvis). Pygopagus twins are known to put their arms around each other's shoulders when walking, and Ballantyne suggested that this accounted for their apparently being joined at the shoulders in", "id": "21157471" }, { "contents": "Basket Case (film)\n\n\nBradley arrives in New York City with a locked wicker basket. After he gets a room at a cheap hotel, the contents of the basket are finally revealed: in it lives his deformed Conjoined twin brother, Belial. Although conjoined at birth, the twins were surgically separated at an early age against their will, and Belial deeply resents being cut off from his normal-looking brother. As the twins seek revenge against the doctors responsible for their separation, Duane befriends a nurse, Sharon. Jealous, Belial attacks and kills", "id": "2813203" }, { "contents": "Kendra and Maliyah Herrin\n\n\nKendra Deene Herrin and Maliyah Mae Herrin (born February 26, 2002) are former conjoined twins. They were separated in August 2006. They were the first set of conjoined twins to be separated to share a kidney. Kendra retained their shared kidney following the separation surgery, while Maliyah Herrin underwent dialysis until she was transplanted with a kidney donated by her mother in April 2007. Prior to the separation surgery, medical ethicists in the United States and in Europe discussed whether it was ethical to separate the twins because of the additional", "id": "8203286" }, { "contents": "Kashmira Irani\n\n\npursue her passion for acting. Prior to her acting debut, she assisted her cousin in fashion designing and worked as an assistant stylist. Irani made her debut on the television industry with the hit TV series \"Amber Dhara\", where she played the title role of Amber. The story was of conjoined twins, and required her to be conjoined with her co-actor for 8–9 months. She won the Best Debutant Award for this role at the Sansui Television Awards. In 2009, she appeared on a telefilm based on", "id": "14516780" }, { "contents": "City-County Building (Indianapolis)\n\n\nfifth floor of the building. An observation deck, open to the public, is accessible on the twenty-eighth floor of the building. In 2017, the city began the process to build a new criminal justice complex in the Twin Aire neighborhood that will open in 2021. As a result, there will be a large amount of empty space in the City-County Building. In 2018, the administration of Mayor Joe Hogsett began a process to determine how much office space the city-county government will require in the", "id": "17471869" }, { "contents": "Sklar Brothers\n\n\n, \"Providence\", \"The Oblongs\" (as conjoined twin brothers Biff and Chip Oblong), \"Entourage\", \"Grey's Anatomy\" (as conjoined twin brothers Peter and Jake Weitzman), \"Curb Your Enthusiasm\" (Jason only), and \"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia\" (as dance marathon DJs on the episode \"The Gang Dances Their Asses Off\"). They recently appeared on season 3 of \"Better Call Saul\" as the owners of a music shop called ABQ In Tune", "id": "15594994" }, { "contents": "Josef Mengele\n\n\nhis victims were dispatched to the gas chambers after about two weeks, and their skeletons sent to Berlin for further analysis. Mengele sought out pregnant women, on whom he would perform experiments before sending them to the gas chambers. Witness Vera Alexander described how he sewed two Romani twins together, back to back, in a crude attempt to create conjoined twins; both children died of gangrene after several days of suffering. Along with several other Auschwitz doctors, Mengele transferred to Gross-Rosen concentration camp in Lower Silesia on 17 January", "id": "4822500" }, { "contents": "Pyrrhic defeat theory\n\n\nPyrrhic defeat theory is the idea that those with the power to change a system, benefit from the way it currently works. In criminology, pyrrhic defeat theory is a way of looking at criminal justice policy. It suggests that the criminal justice system’s intentions are the very opposite of common expectations; it functions the way it does in order to create a specific image of crime: one in which it is actually a threat from the poor. However, to justify the truth of the idea there must be some substance to", "id": "3945259" }, { "contents": "Stephen K. Amos\n\n\nto London from Nigeria in the 1960s. On Fern Britton's \"The 5 O'Clock Show\" (Channel 4, 19 July 2010), he stated that his middle name is Kehinde, which is a Yoruba name for \"second of twins\". Amos had an older twin sister, who died in 2018. He studied criminal justice at the Polytechnic of Central London. He is gay and atheist. Amos is a celebrity supporter of the British Red Cross, where he is interested in their work with refugees. Amos is", "id": "17233925" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Rapping\n\n\nthrough his work with Gideon's Promise, has applied his ideas to build a movement of public defenders to drive criminal justice reform. He is a thought leader in articulating the critical role public defenders must play in any comprehensive criminal justice reform strategy. His work in this area earned him a 2014 MacArthur \"Genius\" grant. Rapping first applied organizational culture theory to indigent defense reform in his 2007 article, Directing the Winds of Change. In 2009, he laid out a vision for how to put this theory to practice in", "id": "19885724" }, { "contents": "Restorative practices\n\n\njustice, social work and organizational management. Individuals and organizations in many fields are developing models and methodology and performing empirical research that share the same implicit premise, but are often unaware of the commonality of each other's efforts. For example, in criminal justice, restorative circles and restorative conferences allow victims, offenders and their respective family members and friends to come together to explore how everyone has been affected by an offense and, when possible, to decide how to repair the harm and meet their own needs. In social work", "id": "20351707" }, { "contents": "Ouimet Committee\n\n\n-justice committees. The overarching theme of the committee's findings, as laid out in eight “main principles” laid out in Chapter 2, is a call for a move toward rehabilitation and away from punishment in Canada's criminal-justice system. A punitive approach does less to address the protection of all members of society, which is “the only justifiable purpose of the criminal process in contemporary Canada.”. In this way, it continued on the work began by the Archambault Commission 30 years earlier. McArton contributed", "id": "502213" }, { "contents": "Scandar Copti\n\n\nof the impossibility of justice by looking at how the criminal element becomes a role model for the young men of Jaffa as they defy the Jewish law. At the interview with Channel 2, Copti said \"The film does not represent Israel because ‘I cannot represent the State of Israel, I can not represent a country that does not represent me.\" Copti said, he concerns that the fact they brought more 200,000 people to cinema is the real achievement more than won the Oscar, due to he wanted to open", "id": "4639619" }, { "contents": "Carceral archipelago\n\n\nnearly 70% of criminals go back to the prison system, therefore ensuring that the criminal justice system is 'rational', invisible, transient, 'normal', 'familiar'. What this eventual unintended historical outcome does mean is that the prison system becomes a system designed to produce prisons for 'ever', making it impossible for the prison to be removed from society maximising the criminal justice system's survival, making sure of the objective that the criminals themselves 'police' and protect the whole criminal justice system.", "id": "3896918" }, { "contents": "Lori and George Schappell\n\n\nperforming. As conjoined twins, Lori and George have appeared in a number of television documentaries and talk shows. They have also acted in an episode of the television series \"Nip/Tuck\", in which they played conjoined twins Rose and Raven Rosenberg. On June 21, 2007, Lori and George took part in the grand opening of \"Ripley's Believe It Or Not ! Odditorium\" in Times Square in New York City. This is the first time they were billed as Lori and George Schappell. Born as Lori", "id": "17612419" }, { "contents": "Maattrraan\n\n\n\"Alone\"). There isn’t any connection between the two movies, except for the fact that the protagonists are conjoined twins.\" Later reports claimed that the film was inspired by another conjoined twins-themed American film \"Stuck on You\", with the posters of both films also being described as similar to each other. Lead actor Suriya however denied this and said, \"I have been seeing comments and links on social networking sites saying that \"Maattrraan\" is based on some world movie. Only after seeing", "id": "1774281" }, { "contents": "Viet and Duc Nguyen\n\n\nViet Nguyen (, February 25, 1981 – October 6, 2007) and Duc Nguyen (, born February 25, 1981) were a pair of conjoined twins born in Vietnam and surgically separated in 1988. Viet died in 2007 of natural causes. Viet and Duc were born on February 25, 1981, in Kon Tum Province, Tây Nguyên, Vietnam. Viet was the elder and Duc was the younger of the two brothers. Their relatives claim that \"the reason they became conjoined twins is the influence of Agent Orange", "id": "5661185" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Rapping\n\n\nalso a visiting associate professor of law at Harvard Law School. In 2009, Rapping was selected as one of Harvard Law School's Wasserstein Public Interest Fellows in recognition of his contribution to the public interest legal arena. In 2013, Rapping was the Public Interest Scholar in Residence at Touro Law School. Rapping has been a leading voice in discussing how culture shapes our criminal justice system. He has written and talked extensively about the culture of criminal justice, has theorized how criminal justice reform can be accomplished through cultural transformation, and", "id": "19885723" }, { "contents": "International Centre for the Prevention of Crime\n\n\nencourages countries, cities and institutions to invest in prevention rather than relying on more costly criminal justice responses to crime. It does this in three main ways: Since it was created ICPC has worked closely with UN-HABITAT and its Safer Cities Programme in particular, and with UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), both of which are members of the Centre. ICPC is also a member of the Programme Network Institutes affiliated with the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (UNODC), a network of", "id": "4906084" }, { "contents": "Texas Tough\n\n\ndoes not take into account historically higher sentences for blacks in the Northeast before and after the U.S. Civil War; he also stated that \"Perkinson does not satisfactorily explain how the judicially discredited Texas control model inspired the nation's prison construction boom\", and that it may be unfair to single out Texas if the book argued that \"the prison itself is more irredeemable than most of its inmates.\" R. D. McCrie of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York described it as a \"brilliant and", "id": "9468488" }, { "contents": "Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb\n\n\nin hopes of eventually settling beyond the reach of his powers. Meanwhile, Edie Keller's conjoined twin brother Bill, a sentient fetus within her body, has been yearning for an independent existence. Bill Keller is able to communicate telepathically with the dead, and they warn him how dangerous Hoppy is becoming. When Edie approaches Hoppy's house, Harrington uses his powers to draw Bill outside of her in hopes of causing him to perish. Little Bill has a near-lethal adventure inside of an owl before finally engineering a body", "id": "4819142" }, { "contents": "Re A (conjoined twins)\n\n\npublic pseudonyms \"Jodie\" and \"Mary\", respectively. The medical evidence indicated that Gracie was the stronger sibling who was sustaining the life of Rosie. Rosie had only survived birth due to a shared common artery that enabled her sister Gracie to oxygenate blood for both twins. If surgically separated, Gracie had a 94% survival rate, but Rosie was guaranteed to die. However, if they were left conjoined, then Gracie's health—which was already rapidly deteriorating—was predicted to fail before they were six months", "id": "11049790" } ]
Why is 0.9999... equal to 1?
[{"answer": "Because Math URL_0 ... Basically there are many proofs to show .9999... = 1 the simplest is : Let x = .999... 10*x = 9.9999... 10x-x = 9.9999... - .9999... 9x = 9 x = 1 QED There are a lot more complex and rigorous proofs on the wiki page if you have the mathematical background to understand them."}, {"answer": "So far the answers are about proving that 0.999... equals 1, but after you accept that you may still be left with the question, \"but why does it work that way?\". While math is completely universal, how we represent that math in numbers is completely man made. We use a base 10 system, mostly because we have 10 fingers (some cultures finger count differently and they tend to use a different base for their number systems). All base 10 means is that we represent the number 10 by place a 1 in a new column, and start our counting again at 0. Now for any given base some fractions are going to be easy to represent, and some are going to be hard to represent. In Base 10 the fraction 1/9th is hard to represent, which is why it ends up as the awkward 0.111... . This leads to what looks odd, and that is that 9/9 = .999... = 1. But there is nothing special about base 10 math. If we take one common way to show how .999... = 1: 1 / 9 = .111... 2 / 9 = .222... ... 8 / 9 = .888... 9 / 9 = 1 = .999... Now if we convert all these numbers to base 9 (remember that in base 9 the number 10 represents the base 10 number 9), you can see how all the confusion simply goes away: 1 / 10 = 0.1 2 / 10 = 0.2 ... 8 / 10 = 0.8 10 / 10 = 1 = 1.0 TL;DR It's only confusing because 1/9th looks weird in base 10."}, {"answer": "The simplest explanation I've found is this: Can you think of any number that is between 0.999... and 1? No, you can't, because there aren't any. And if there are no numbers between two given numbers, then those two numbers are the same. To go into a bit more detail, \"0.9999...\" and \"1\" are two different ways of writing the same number, just like \"0.333...\" and \"1/3\" are two different ways of writing the same number. Or just like \"0.25\" and \"1/4\" are two different ways of writing the same number. In fact, if you accept that \"0.333...\" and \"1/3\" are the same, then \"0.333... + 0.333... + 0.333...\" must equal \"1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3\", and thus \"0.999...\" must equal \"1\"."}, {"answer": "to sum up: infinity is a confusing concept"}, {"answer": "1/9 is .111..., right? If you don't believe me, think about it for a second. It's 1/10 + 1/100 + 1/1000 and so on, because there's always that pesky remainder. So, what's .111... times 9? .999..., naturally. What's 1/9 times 9? 1, naturally. Yay!"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1849799", "title": "0.999...", "section": "Section::::Proofs from the construction of the real numbers.:Infinite decimal representation.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 62, "end_paragraph_id": 62, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Commonly in secondary schools' mathematics education, the real numbers are constructed by defining a number using an integer followed by a radix point and an infinite sequence written out as a string to represent the fractional part of any given real number. In this construction, the set of any combination of an integer and digits after the decimal point (or radix point in non-base 10 systems) is the set of real numbers. This construction can be rigorously shown to satisfy all of the real axioms after defining an equivalence relation over the set that defines 1 = 0.999... as well as for any other nonzero decimals with only finitely many nonzero terms in the decimal string with its trailing 9s version. With this construction of the reals, all proofs of the statement \"1 = 0.999...\" can be viewed as implicitly assuming the equality when any operations are performed on the real numbers. The result that 0.999... = 1 generalizes readily in two ways. First", "Commonly in secondary schools' mathematics education, the real numbers are constructed by defining a number using an integer followed by a radix point and an infinite sequence written out as a string to represent the fractional part of any given real number. In this construction, the set of any combination of an integer and digits after the decimal point (or radix point in non-base 10 systems) is the set of real numbers. This construction can be rigorously shown to satisfy all of the real axioms after defining an equivalence relation over the set that defines 1 = 0.999... as well as for any other nonzero decimals with only finitely many nonzero terms in the decimal string with its trailing 9s version. With this construction of the reals, all proofs of the statement \"1 = 0.999...\" can be viewed as implicitly assuming the equality when any operations are performed on the real numbers. The result that 0.999... = 1 generalizes readily in two ways. First", "This construction can be rigorously shown to satisfy all of the real axioms after defining an equivalence relation over the set that defines 1 = 0.999... as well as for any other nonzero decimals with only finitely many nonzero terms in the decimal string with its trailing 9s version. With this construction of the reals, all proofs of the statement \"1 = 0.999...\" can be viewed as implicitly assuming the equality when any operations are performed on the real numbers."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Probit\n\n\nBliss proposed transforming the percentage killed into a \"probability unit\" (or \"probit\") which was linearly related to the modern definition (he defined it arbitrarily as equal to 0 for 0.0001 and 1 for 0.9999). He included a table to aid other researchers to convert their kill percentages to his probit, which they could then plot against the logarithm of the dose and thereby, it was hoped, obtain a more or less straight line. Such a so-called probit model is still important in toxicology, as", "id": "10962234" }, { "contents": "Royal Canadian Mint\n\n\n-grade examples of this coin fetch $1500 to $5000 at auction. Demand for the coin has been unprecedented, and it was the lowest mintage 0.9999 silver coin ever produced by the Royal Canadian Mint until the 2009 release of \"Surviving the Flood\", a 1 kilo 0.9999 silver coin which has a worldwide mintage of only 1500. On October 19, 2007, the Royal Canadian Mint issued ten new collector coins, including a 25¢ coin minted to commemorate the 60th wedding anniversary of Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada,", "id": "8059373" }, { "contents": "Infinite monkey theorem\n\n\nthe above, the chance of \"not\" typing \"banana\" in a given block of 6 letters is 1 − (1/50). Because each block is typed independently, the chance \"X\" of not typing \"banana\" in any of the first \"n\" blocks of 6 letters is As \"n\" grows, \"X\" gets smaller. For an \"n\" of a million, \"X\" is roughly 0.9999, but for an \"n\" of 10 billion \"X\" is roughly", "id": "20121254" }, { "contents": "Normal distribution\n\n\ncontinued fractions. Different approximations are used depending on the desired level of accuracy. Shore (1982) introduced simple approximations that may be incorporated in stochastic optimization models of engineering and operations research, like reliability engineering and inventory analysis. Denoting p=Φ(z), the simplest approximation for the quantile function is: This approximation delivers for \"z\" a maximum absolute error of 0.026 (for 0.5 ≤ \"p\" ≤ 0.9999, corresponding to 0 ≤ \"z\" ≤ 3.719). For \"p\"  1/2 replace \"p", "id": "1710986" }, { "contents": "Base rate fallacy\n\n\nrandomly selected inhabitant of the city being a terrorist is 0.0001, and the base rate probability of that same inhabitant being a non-terrorist is 0.9999. In an attempt to catch the terrorists, the city installs an alarm system with a surveillance camera and automatic facial recognition software. The software has two failure rates of 1%: Suppose now that an inhabitant triggers the alarm. What is the chance that the person is a terrorist? In other words, what is P(T | B), the probability that a terrorist has", "id": "19072313" }, { "contents": "Fermat number\n\n\n= 2×5+1 and 641 = 2 + 5. It follows from the first equality that 2×5 ≡ −1 (mod 641) and therefore (raising to the fourth power) that 2×5 ≡ 1 (mod 641). On the other hand, the second equality implies that 5 ≡ −2 (mod 641). These congruences imply that −2 ≡ 1 (mod 641). Fermat was probably aware of the form of the factors later proved by Euler, so it seems curious why he failed to follow through on the", "id": "8098834" }, { "contents": "Lattice (group)\n\n\nIf one thinks of a lattice as dividing the whole of formula_1 into equal polyhedra (copies of an \"n\"-dimensional parallelepiped, known as the \"fundamental region\" of the lattice), then d(Λ) is equal to the \"n\"-dimensional volume of this polyhedron. This is why d(Λ) is sometimes called the covolume of the lattice. If this equals 1, the lattice is called unimodular. Minkowski's theorem relates the number d(Λ) and the volume of a symmetric convex set \"S\" to the number of lattice points contained", "id": "12076840" }, { "contents": "2012 CR Vasco da Gama season\n\n\nand highly disputed. Ponte Preta went ahead: Baraka launched, and Roger opened the scoring in São Januário. Vasco da Gama equalized immediately: after pass of Felipe and Alecsandro kicked and scored 1-1. Ponte Preta once again be front: Renê Junior played for Roger scoring his second goal in the match. In the second half, Vasco da Gama proved why it is known as the \"time of the turn\". Éder Luís, after touch of Alecsandro, equalized. Missing 15 minutes to the end of the", "id": "9279350" }, { "contents": "The Spirit Level (book)\n\n\nThe Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better is a book by Richard G. Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, published in 2009 by Allen Lane. The book is published in the US by Bloomsbury Press (December, 2009) with the new sub-title: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger. It was then published in a paperback second edition (United Kingdom) in November 2010 by Penguin Books with the subtitle, Why Equality is Better for Everyone. The book argues that there are \"pernicious effects that inequality", "id": "15718817" }, { "contents": "Drude Dahlerup\n\n\n, requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Gender Equality, 2009, up-dated 2011 and 2013 (PE 408.309 and 493.011). In the article, “Quotas as a Fast Track to Equal Political Representation for Women: Why Scandinavia is No Longer the Model”, \"International Feminist Journal of Politics,\" 2005, 7 (1): 26-48.), Drude Dahlerup and Lenita Freidenvall introduced the concepts of the’ Fast Track Model’ versus the ‘Incremental Track Model’ to women's political", "id": "1916902" }, { "contents": "Mass–energy equivalence\n\n\nis the units. If length and time are measured in natural units, the speed of light is equal to 1, and even this difference disappears. Then mass and energy have the same units and are always equal, so it is redundant to speak about relativistic mass, because it is just another name for the energy. This is why physicists usually reserve the useful short word \"mass\" to mean rest mass, or invariant mass, and not relativistic mass. The relativistic mass of a moving object is larger than the", "id": "671201" }, { "contents": "Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll\n\n\n, having odd denominators, converted from Egyptian fractions: 2/3, 1/3 (twice), 1/5, 1/7, 1/9, 1/11, 1/13 and 1/15. The British Museum examiners found no introduction or description to how or why the equivalent unit fraction series were computed. Equivalent unit fraction series are associated with fractions 1/3, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16. There was a trivial error associated with the final 1/15 unit fraction series. The 1/15 series was listed as equal to 1/6. Another serious error was associated with 1/13, an issue", "id": "5830418" }, { "contents": "Horsengoggle\n\n\nabove table having an equal probability of occurring, we can compare the number of even entries to the number of odd entries. In this case they are both equal to 18 and thus Horsengoggle is fair with two players. This is consistent with the claim because m-1 = 5 (# of fingers), so m = 6, which is indeed a multiple of n, which is 2. To show why the claim is true, we must transfer our dice problem into a more general distribution of n m-sided dice", "id": "8932723" }, { "contents": "Are Women People?\n\n\nproper for a gentleman to do? This section of the collection mainly contains lists and short timelines relating to suffrage themes. Many of these lists are sarcastic and critical examinations of the anti-suffrage and anti-feminist perspectives. One such list, \"Why We Oppose Pockets for Women\", satirically examines the equal right of women to have pockets as a clear critique of those who pose similar arguments against women's suffrage: \"Why We Oppose Pockets for Women\" 1. Because pockets are not a natural right. 2", "id": "12050873" }, { "contents": "Minimal important difference\n\n\nand the Delphi method. There is no consensus regarding the optimal technique, but distribution-based methods have been criticized. For example, use of the standard error of the mean (SEM) is based on anecdotal observations that it is approximately equal to 1/2 SD when the reliability is 0.75. But Revicki et al. question why 1 SEM should \"have anything to do with the MID? The SEM is estimated by the product of the SD and the square root of 1-reliability of a measure. The SEM is used to", "id": "20133849" }, { "contents": "Gamma-ray burst progenitors\n\n\nIf the star is not surrounded by a thick, diffuse hydrogen envelope, the jets' material can pummel all the way to the stellar surface. The leading shock actually accelerates as the density of the stellar matter it travels through decreases, and by the time it reaches the surface of the star it may be traveling with a Lorentz factor of 100 or higher (that is, a velocity of 0.9999 times the speed of light). Once it reaches the surface, the shock wave breaks out into space, with much of", "id": "17030924" }, { "contents": "Gamma (eclipse)\n\n\na sphere, the limit for a central eclipse would be 1.0, but because of the oblateness of the Earth (which causes the distance between the Earth's north and south poles to be slightly shorter than if the Earth were perfectly spherical), it is 0.9972. The Solar eclipse of April 29, 2014, with a gamma of 0.9999, is an example of the special case of a non-central annular eclipse. The axis of the shadow cone barely missed Earth's south pole. Thus, no central line could", "id": "17838848" }, { "contents": "Sex ratio\n\n\nrather than sex ratio, sex allocation denoting the allocation of energy to either sex. Common research themes are the effects of local mate and resource competition (often abbreviated LMC and LRC, respectively). Fisher’s principle explains why for most species, the sex ratio is approximately 1:1. Bill Hamilton expounded Fisher’s argument in his 1967 paper on “Extraordinary sex ratios” as follows, given the assumption of equal parental expenditure on offspring of both sexes. In modern language, the 1:1 ratio is the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS", "id": "19963284" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Reza Pahlavi\n\n\n1975 explaining why he was lending Britain a sum equal to US$1 billion, Mohammad Reza declared in his usual grandiose style: \"I have known the most dark hours when our country was obliged to pass under the tutelage of foreign powers, amongst them England. Now I find that England has not only become our friend, our equal, but also the nation to which, should we be able, we will render assistance with pleasure,\" going on to say that since he \"belonged to this [European] world", "id": "2741549" }, { "contents": "Hermes (spacecraft)\n\n\nto mate the vehicle with the main cryogenic stage, the equipment bay of the launcher would also be absent while the space plane itself would perform all guidance and control functions. The development and configuration of the Ariane 5 was strongly influenced by the requirements of Hermes, such as the extra aerodynamic loads that it would have imposed along with the elevated reliability factor of 0.9999, while retaining minimal impact on the launcher's commercial competitiveness on non-Hermes missions. In comparison to the Space Shuttle, Hermes is a substantially smaller vehicle.", "id": "635012" }, { "contents": "I Care (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nprovides Beyoncé a song that \"can compete with the favorites of this generation's parents\", later wrote that \"1+1\" and \"I Care\" are \"equally competent, if safer, attempts at the same formula\". He added that the songs explain why she is \"head and shoulders above her Clear Channel competition in R&B\". However, he concluded that the two songs are misplaced on the tracklising of the album as \"I Care\" is \"a jilted lover track\" directly after \"a", "id": "10663705" }, { "contents": "Art and architecture integration policy\n\n\nArt and Architecture Integration Policy () is a policy of the Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications of reserving part of the budget for construction or expansion of a government building or public place to the commission or purchase of artwork for these places. The budget allocated to the commission of artworks is calculated for each construction project, depending on the cost. It usually equals approximately 1% of the construction cost (which is why the policy is sometimes called the 1% policy). The Ministry of Culture and Communications implements and coordinates", "id": "6303520" }, { "contents": "XeTeX\n\n\nfile: Starting from version 0.997, the default driver is xdvipdfmx on all platforms. As of version 0.9999, xdv2pdf is no longer supported and its development has been discontinued. XeTeX works well with both LaTeX and ConTeXt macro packages. Its LaTeX counterpart is invoked as codice_6. It is usually used with the codice_7 package, which provides a configurable interface for font selection, and allows complex font choices to be named and later reused. XeTeX is bundled with TeX Live, MacTeX, MiKTeX and Lyx (see the History below for", "id": "12933148" }, { "contents": "Vienna Philharmonic (coin)\n\n\nis based primarily on the metal content and the spot price of that metal on the commodities markets. The gold Philharmonic has a fineness of 999.9 (often written 0.9999, also known as 24 carat or 99.99% pure). In most countries in Europe, the gold Philharmonic is traded VAT-free while the Silver Philharmonic is partly subject to a reduced VAT rate. The coins are minted according to demand and production varies from year to year accordingly. The design on the coin remains the same each year; only the year", "id": "21051231" }, { "contents": "Crown gold\n\n\nin the traditional crown gold recipe of 22 kt gold, (remainder copper), because it was originally intended to circulate as currency. Most gold coinage nowadays is not designed for daily use and circulation, so the requirement for a hard alloy is much less - and such bullion coins are commonly of pure gold of 24 kt, 0.999, 0.9999, or even 0.99999 fine (see Canadian Maple Leaf). Regardless, some bullion coins have stayed with the traditional crown gold standard, including the British sovereign, the Krugerrand,", "id": "4681242" }, { "contents": "Rodney Croome\n\n\nraise the issue of same-sex marriage circa 2004, at a time when it wasn't a popular topic of discussion both within the LGBTI community and more broadly. Despite opposition to the idea of marriage equality, Croome would commit the next 13 years of his life fighting for marriage equality for all Australians. In 2010, Croome co-authored a book presenting the cases for and against marriage equality, entitled \"WHY vs WHY: Gay Marriage\" (Pantera Press). In 2012, Croome became the fifth National Director", "id": "6258559" }, { "contents": "Rg chromaticity\n\n\ncertain wavelengths. This is evidence of why the formula_35 color matching function appears to have negative tristimulus values. The figure to the side is a plotted rg chromaticity diagram. Noting the importance of the E which is defined as the white point where rg are equal and have a value of 1/3. Next notice the straight line from (0,1) to (1,0), follows the expression y = -x + 1. As the x (red) increases the y (green) decreases by the same amount. Any point on", "id": "13485069" }, { "contents": "Royal Canadian Mint\n\n\n. The coin features a Portuguese ship and a Chinese barque sharing coastal waters. The historic Ma Gao Temple (Pagoda de Barra) appears in the cameo. In 2009, the Mint produced coins and blanks for 18 countries, including the Decimo de balboa (10-cent coin) for Panama. In 2006, the Royal Canadian Mint issued the $50 Four Seasons 5 ounce 0.9999 silver coin. This was the first 5oz pure silver coin issued by the mint, and had a limited mintage of only 2,000 coins worldwide. High", "id": "8059372" }, { "contents": "Double eagle\n\n\nhowever, the mint actually reaffirmed just what doomed the first attempts in 1907. The coin's highly abradable 0.9999 fine gold composition and the multiple strikes required to bring up the design are not practical for business strikes. Because of their higher gold content, and greater striking pressure, the coins are 27 mm wide and 4 mm deep (the same diameter as a gold eagle), rather than the 34 mm x 2 mm that had been established for U.S. $20 gold coins. The initial selling price was $1239.", "id": "856767" }, { "contents": "Ian Thorpe\n\n\n– but are now banned by FINA rule changes – he competed wearing just the \"jammer\" (hip to thigh) racing shorts. He swam very well in the morning heats, cruising to 1:49.18, a time which placed him equal fifth fastest. However, in the semi-finals that evening he faded over the last 100 meters, finishing in 12th place at 1:49.91. Speaking to reporters immediately afterwards, Thorpe said, \"The last 100 was a struggle, I'm not sure why. This was slower than what", "id": "16470806" }, { "contents": "Extreme mass ratio inspiral\n\n\nunlikely. However, a space based gravitational wave observatory like LISA will be able to detect EMRI events up to cosmological distances, leading to an expected detection rate somewhere between a few and a few thousand per year. Extreme mass ratio inspirals created in this way tend to have very large eccentricities (\"e\"  0.9999). The initial, high eccentricity orbits may also be a source of gravitational waves, emitting a short burst as the compact object passes through periapsis. These gravitational wave signals are known as extreme mass ratio bursts", "id": "12763479" }, { "contents": "Ulam spiral\n\n\nthan 2 lie in alternate diagonals of the Ulam spiral. Some polynomials, such as formula_2, while producing only odd values, factorize over the integers formula_3 and are therefore never prime except possibly when one of the factors equals 1. Such examples correspond to diagonals that are devoid of primes or nearly so. To gain insight into why some of the remaining odd diagonals may have a higher concentration of primes than others, consider formula_4 and formula_5. Compute remainders upon division by 3 as \"n\" takes successive values 0, 1", "id": "18730214" }, { "contents": "Chess piece relative value\n\n\n, . Chess-variant theorist Betza identified the 'leveling effect', which causes reduction of the value of stronger pieces in the presence of opponent weaker pieces, due to the latter interdicting access to part of the board for the former in order to prevent the value difference from evaporating by 1-for-1 trading. This effect causes 3 queens to badly lose against 7 knights, even though the added piece values predict that the knights player is two knights short of equality. In a less exotic case it explains why trading rooks in the", "id": "20593007" }, { "contents": "Save the Males\n\n\nSave the Males: Why Men Matter. Why Women Should Care is a book written by Pulitzer Prize winner Kathleen Parker, and was published in 2008 by Random House. The book's main theme is based around the premise that modern feminism isn't what it used to be; in the past, this movement was fighting for the equality of the genders. Parker claims \"as feminism has reached most of the goals of equality... women have become hostile toward men and maleness in what seems to be a spirit of retributive justice", "id": "2048082" }, { "contents": "Women's Equality Party\n\n\nand discussed at two public meetings\". When Toksvig was asked why the party was named the Women's Equality Party, rather than just the Equality Party, she answered: \"Because there is a huge issue, women are certainly not equal... It's time that women, finally, after all these years, what is it, almost a hundred years since we finally got the vote, it's time we stepped up and took our equal place in society.\" She also stated the party's motto, \"Equality", "id": "19140646" }, { "contents": "Equality of outcome\n\n\nmore difficult to measure the intangible nature of opportunities. That is one reason why many proponents of equal opportunity use measures of equality of outcome to judge success. Analyst Anne Phillips argued that the proper way to assess the effectiveness of the hard-to-measure concept of equality of opportunity is by the extent of the equality of outcome. Nevertheless, she described a single criterion of equality of outcome as problematic—the measure of \"preference satisfaction\" was \"ideologically loaded\" while other measures such as income or wealth were inadequate", "id": "3119274" }, { "contents": "Kamal (navigation)\n\n\nin Chinese. By modern measure, this is about 1 degree, 36 minutes, and 25 seconds, or just over 1.5 degrees. It is equal to the arcsine of the ratio of the width of the finger to the length of the arm. Due to the limited width of the card, the kamal was only really useful for measuring Polaris in equatorial latitudes, where Polaris remains close to the horizon. This fact may explain why it was not common in Europe. For these higher-latitude needs somewhat more complex devices", "id": "5267115" }, { "contents": "Lepenski Vir\n\n\nequal to the length of the spit, calculating that this length is the radius of the circumscribed circle which is the base of the house. Based on the measurements in 51 houses, it was established that the average fire hole is long and wide, which gives the ratio 1:3.25. Average with is another reason why some of the archaeologists believe that this wasn't a proper fireplace, being too narrow and impractical. The depth of the hole varies from , but at least one quarter of those have a cascade bottoms. In", "id": "6713771" }, { "contents": "Möbius function\n\n\nof , and is the number of prime factors of , counted with multiplicity. The values of for the first 30 positive numbers are The first 50 values of the function are plotted below: The Möbius function is multiplicative (i.e. whenever and are coprime). The sum of the Möbius function over all positive divisors of (including itself and 1) is zero except when : The equality above leads to the important Möbius inversion formula and is the main reason why is of relevance in the theory of multiplicative and arithmetic functions. Other", "id": "790981" }, { "contents": "Maria W. Stewart\n\n\nsucceed. That is why she started a school for the children of runaway slaves. Stewart knew education and faith in God was the great equalizer. Maria Stewart delivered four public lectures that \"The Liberator\" published during her lifetime, addressing women's rights, moral and educational aspiration, occupational advancement, and the abolition of slavery. She delivered the lecture \"Why Sit Ye Here and Die?\" on September 21, 1832, at Franklin Hall, Boston, to the New England Anti-Slavery Society. She demanded equal", "id": "11390925" }, { "contents": "International security\n\n\nsuch countries will inevitably ensue, fostering greater security throughout the international realm. Along the same lines, Secretary of State John Kerry stated that \"no country can get ahead if it leaves half of its people behind. This is why the United States believes gender equality is critical to our shared goals of prosperity, stability, and peace, and why investing in women and girls worldwide is critical to advancing US foreign policy\". Elevating women to equal standing internationally will help achieve greater peace and security. This can be seen in", "id": "13923646" }, { "contents": "Czech koruna\n\n\n, but haléře have been withdrawn, and the smallest unit of physical currency is 1 Kč. In 1892, the Austro-Hungarian krone replaced the gulden, at the rate of one gulden equaling two kronen (which is also the reason why the 10-koruna coin is still nicknamed \"pětka\" or \"the five\" by the Czechs). The name \"\"krone\"\" was invented by the emperor, Franz Joseph I of Austria. After Austria-Hungary dissolved in 1918, the only successor state that kept the name", "id": "12063312" }, { "contents": "Virial theorem\n\n\nthe coefficient and the exponent are constants. In such cases, the virial is given by the equation where is the total potential energy of the system Thus, we have For gravitating systems the exponent equals −1, giving Lagrange's identity which was derived by Joseph-Louis Lagrange and extended by Carl Jacobi. The average of this derivative over a time, , is defined as from which we obtain the exact equation The virial theorem states that if , then There are many reasons why the average of the time derivative might vanish,", "id": "14314017" }, { "contents": "Facility location (competitive game)\n\n\n-cheapest producer. Step 1 - the facility-location step - is more challenging to analyze (this is why the game is named after this step). It is possible to prove that this is a potential game (The potential is the total social-welfare; when a new producer enters the game, the increase in social-welfare exactly equals the producer's profit). Therefore, this step has a pure Nash equilibrium, and the entire game has a pure subgame perfect equilibrium. Moreover, every maximum-", "id": "21960074" }, { "contents": "Wei Siqian\n\n\ncentral government affairs and one in charge of reviewing local government affairs—Wei was made the imperial censor in charge of reviewing local government affairs. Based on tradition, the imperial censors and their assistant censors would accept each other's greetings, as equals, but after Wei's commission, he stopped greeting his subordinates as equals, and when asked why, he stated, \"The imperial government has its proper structure, and I am their superior. Why should I follow tradition just because it is tradition?\" In 685,", "id": "19926435" }, { "contents": "HeForShe\n\n\nWatson galvanized a conversation about serious issues from unequal pay to why feminism should not be threatening to everyday issues including why it is okay for men to cry, chivalry and everything in between. The UN Women's HeForShe solidarity movement for gender equality gained new exposure in early March 2015 when campaign title sponsor and leading global financial services firm JPMorgan Chase & Co. encouraged support for the movement on the screens of Chase ATMs throughout New York City and Los Angeles. \"Gender equality is not just a women's issue; it's a", "id": "21582493" }, { "contents": "XG-1\n\n\nto shoot slightly to the right. The Y readings for the gun are more predictable, equal to half the number of the currently displayed scan line. The gun won't return reliable readings at all if the intensity of the display is too low. That's why the screens for Atari light gun games may be brighter than usual. The game screen will momentarily flash white whenever the trigger is pressed in either Bug Hunt or Barnyard Blaster. While the screen is all white, the software reads the gun position and provides the", "id": "1526591" }, { "contents": "Robert Lang (producer)\n\n\nand \"The Equalizer\", two one-hour documentaries, coproduced by Kensington Communications and Berlin Producers for broadcast on CBC’s The Nature of Things, SRC Explora and ZDF/Arte. in 2017, he was producer/director and writer of a point-of-view 1-hour documentary for TVOntario and Canal D, called \"Risk Factor\". In 2015, Lang produced a one-hour documentary for TVOntario and CPAC exploring young peoples’ relationship to voting called \"The Drop: Why Young People Don't Vote\"", "id": "5188974" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\natomic nuclei, or molecules. (More exactly, any composite particles that form by chance, almost immediately break up again due to the extreme energies) If supersymmetry is a property of our universe, then it must be broken at an energy that is no lower than 1 TeV, the electroweak scale. The masses of particles and their superpartners would then no longer be equal. This very high energy could explain why no superpartners of known particles have ever been observed. After cosmic inflation ends, the universe is filled with a", "id": "5612108" }, { "contents": "Carlisle Indian Industrial School\n\n\n1870s, Pratt introduced classes in the English language, art, guard duty, and craftsmanship to several dozen Native American prisoners selected from among those who had surrendered in the Indian Territory at the end of the Red River War. If all men are created equal, then why were blacks segregated in separate regiments and Indians segregated on separate tribal reservations? Why weren't all men given equal opportunities and allowed to assume their rightful place in society? Race became a meaningless abstraction in his mind. Pratt believed an industrial school model similar", "id": "21028662" }, { "contents": "Equal temperament\n\n\nparticular, 12-EDO is the smallest equal temperament that has the above properties. Additionally, it also makes the semitone exactly half a whole tone, the simplest possible relationship. These are some of the reasons why 12-EDO has become the most commonly used equal temperament. (Another reason is that 12-EDO is the smallest equal temperament to closely approximate 5-limit harmony, the next-smallest being 19-EDO.) Each choice of fraction \"q\" for the relationship results in exactly one equal temperament family, but the converse is not true: 47-EDO", "id": "10260506" }, { "contents": "National Football Federation of Guatemala\n\n\nfor one calendar year, reason why his appointment should be made in the last regular session made by the respective Executive Committee. In the General Assembly may participate with voice only and the delegate vote, failing that you can do with equal rights for the delegate. The League: The procedure to appoint or elect the delegates and alternates as holders of each league will be as follows: National Football League: will be entitled to appoint ten (10) delegates and their alternate delegates, one (1) for every Club affiliated", "id": "10802786" }, { "contents": "Karor Lal Esan\n\n\ncity is partially named after a saint, Hazrat Lal Esan who, it is believed, recited 10 million times the \"Surah AL-Muzammil\" (a chapter from the Quran) while standing inside the Indus River. In Urdu 10 million is equal to 1 karor, which is why the city is called Karor Lal Esan. Hazrat Lal Esan (original name: Sheikh Yousuf) was the grandfather of Bahudin Zakarya Multani. There are a few other tombs of saints in the city, e.g. Darbar Hazrat Rajan Shah, Darbar", "id": "20194051" }, { "contents": "Heel de wereld\n\n\nbut this does not diminish her joy. Peculiarly, she never explains why she is happy. Brokken also recorded the song in French, as \"Toi mon cœur, tu sais\" (translated \"You My Heart, You Know\"). The song was performed second on the night, following Italy's Domenico Modugno with \"Nel blu dipinto di blu\" and preceding France's André Claveau with \"Dors, mon amour\". At the close of voting, it had received 1 point, placing 9th (equal last", "id": "3890219" }, { "contents": "0.999...\n\n\nreal numbers, although some may be valid in other number systems, either invented for their general mathematical utility or as instructive counterexamples to better understand 0.999... Many of these explanations were found by David Tall, who has studied characteristics of teaching and cognition that lead to some of the misunderstandings he has encountered in his college students. Interviewing his students to determine why the vast majority initially rejected the equality, he found that \"students continued to conceive of 0.999... as a sequence of numbers getting closer and closer to 1 and not", "id": "4259299" }, { "contents": "Oleksandr Usyk\n\n\nall the champs to see who is the strongest and becomes the undisputed king of the division.\" The draw was to take place on July 8 in Monte Carlo. The winner of the tournament would receive a grand money prize and the Muhammad Ali trophy. At the Draft Gala, Usyk, who had first pick, chose to fight former WBO champion Marco Huck (40–4–1, 27 KOs). When asked why he chose Huck, Usyk said, \"Because of my fans.\" Huck, who was equally excited,", "id": "5117518" }, { "contents": "Business ownership within England and Wales\n\n\nnames of the partners available to the public; this may mean putting them on documents they must have the name and address at which documents may be served. Full partnerships have consist of between two and twenty persons but more commonly the amount is under six ordinary partners. They are governed by the Partnership Act of 1890 which ensures that every partner is equally liable for the business even if he or she owns just 1% of the organisation. This is why it is important to set out a \"Deed of Partnership\" (", "id": "7567954" }, { "contents": "Social issue\n\n\nthe poverty line is at 50 percent of the median standard of living or if it's 60 percent). Women suffer from economical and social problems in France. Indeed, they are paid, on average, 16.7 percent less than men, according to l'insee. Women in France also have to handle sexual harassment, inequalities in education, and other problems. That are some reasons why the Global Gender Gap report of 2016 has ranked France 17th with a score of 0.755, in which reaching 1 means gender equality. Other issues", "id": "7791121" }, { "contents": "Structured investment vehicle\n\n\nmarket for CP is far more volatile. There are no government guarantees for these products in case of default, and both sellers and lenders have equal power at setting the rate. This explains why the borrowing side of SIV consists of fixed term (30 to 270 days) rather than on-demand (1 day) deposits; however, in extreme circumstances like the 2007-8 credit crunch, the worried usual buyers of CP, facing liquidity worries, might buy more secure bonds such as government bonds or simply put money", "id": "9109091" }, { "contents": "Luka Chuppi\n\n\n. Guddu and Rashmi then accept that they are not married. Guddu explains to Vishnu that the reason why Vishnu keeps losing the elections is because majority of the voting group is the new generation who believe in modern methods such as live-in relationships and opposing their methods equals to lack of support from them. Thus, he convinces Vishnu to stop opposing live-in relationships. Everyone finally get Guddu and Rashmi married. Principal photography for the film began in Gwalior on 1 August 2018 and was completed in Mathura in September 2018", "id": "928685" }, { "contents": "Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Co.\n\n\nto how the reporter's note reflected a quotation that was absent from the opinion itself. Why did the chief justice issue his dictum? Why did he leave it up to Davis to include it in the headnotes? After Waite told him that the Court 'avoided' the issue of corporate personhood, why \"did\" Davis include it? Why, indeed, did he begin his headnote with it? The opinion made plain that the Court did not decide the corporate personality issue and the subsidiary equal protection issue. While the", "id": "6371490" }, { "contents": "Language of mathematics\n\n\n\"formula_4\", on the other hand, is commonly vocalized like \"dee-why-dee-eks\", with complete omission of the fraction bar, in other contexts often pronounced \"over\". The book title \"Why does ?\" is said aloud as \"Why does ee equal em see-squared?\". Characteristic for mathematical discourse – both formal and informal – is the use of the inclusive first person plural \"we\" to mean: \"the audience (or reader) together with the speaker", "id": "8207982" }, { "contents": "Cerebral circulation\n\n\nthe same direction of approximately 1–2 ml/100g/min, or 2–5% of the CBF value. This is why small alterations in respiration pattern can cause significant changes in global CBF, specially through PaCO2 variations. CBF is equal to the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) divided by the cerebrovascular resistance (CVR): Control of CBF is considered in terms of the factors affecting CPP and the factors affecting CVR. CVR is controlled by four major mechanisms: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) causes decreased blood perfusion of brain cells by mainly", "id": "10575058" }, { "contents": "Syntonic comma\n\n\nmajor thirds. Quarter-comma meantone uses justly tuned major thirds (5:4), but flattens each of the fifths by a quarter of a syntonic comma, relative to their just size (3:2). Other systems use different compromises. This is one of the reasons why 12-tone equal temperament is currently the preferred system for tuning most musical instruments. Mathematically, by Størmer's theorem, 81:80 is the closest superparticular ratio possible with regular numbers as numerator and denominator. A superparticular ratio is one whose numerator is 1 greater than its", "id": "13016647" }, { "contents": "Wolfgang Pauli\n\n\nIn that same year, he fell ill with pancreatic cancer. When his last assistant, Charles Enz, visited him at the Rotkreuz hospital in Zurich, Pauli asked him: \"Did you see the room number?\" It was number 137. Throughout his life, Pauli had been preoccupied with the question of why the fine structure constant, a dimensionless fundamental constant, has a value nearly equal to 1/137. Pauli died in that room on 15 December 1958. Pauli made many important contributions as a physicist, primarily in the", "id": "15104987" }, { "contents": "Rodrigo Lehtinen\n\n\nhis family's personal journey and acceptance, that all South Florida families should embrace their children, and the reason why all Americans should have the same opportunities regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Heng-Lehtinen was the public education director at Freedom For All Americans, the national campaign for LGBT nondiscrimination protections. Presently Heng-Lehtinen is Deputy Executive Director for Policy and Action effective July 1, 2019 at the National Center for Transgender Equality. Heng-Lehtinen is the older child of lawyer Dexter Lehtinen and congresswoman Ileana Ros-", "id": "18026933" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in the United States\n\n\nreligion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. That is why we are working to break down the barriers that exist and investing in efforts to recruit more qualified parents for children in foster care.\" He was the first president to explicitly say gender identity should not prevent anyone from adopting or becoming a foster parent. On October 29, 2015, President Barack Obama endorsed Proposition 1 in Houston, Texas. On November 10, 2015, Obama officially announced his support for the Equality Act of 2015. In June", "id": "4204151" }, { "contents": "Alpha Suffrage Club\n\n\nChicago. They were early supporters of equality for colored people on many levels. Ida B. Wells preached that the right to vote was not being properly used by men once equal suffrage was achieved. Now that suffrage was given to both men and women, their goal was to maximize the vote. They wanted equality and they wanted empowerment for colored women. Besides universal suffrage, the club also fought for racial equality in other areas. They questioned why brave soldiers had to be seen by race instead of by their deeds. Wells", "id": "10714708" }, { "contents": "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?\n\n\n, equality by examining the whole erroneous intellectual substructure upon which the question 'Why have there been no great women artists?' is based; by questioning the validity of the formulation of so-called problems in general and the 'problem' of women specifically; and then, by probing some of the limitations of the discipline of art history itself.\" First published in 1971 as \"Why Are There No Great Women Artists?\" in \"Woman in Sexist Society: Studies in Power and Powerlessness\", Nochlin's essay", "id": "2479910" }, { "contents": "Employee retention\n\n\nhelp to identify the breakdowns in trust that occur early on when employees decide that the job was not necessarily what they envisioned. \"Why employees stay\" – Understanding why employees stay with an organization is equally as important to understanding why employees choose to leave. Recent studies have suggested that as employees participate in their professional and community life, they develop a web of connections and relationships. These relationships prompt employees to become more embedded in their jobs and by leaving a job; this would sever or rearrange these social networks. The", "id": "11587996" }, { "contents": "Why Worry?\n\n\nassistance from the distribution company Associated Exhibitors. \"Why Worry?\" was popular with audiences in 1923 and received widespread praise from contemporary reviewers. \"Variety\", among the leading entertainment-industry publications of the period, complimented not only the film's level of humor but also noted the consistent quality of Lloyd's work: \"The Film Daily\", another notable trade publication in 1923, also praised \"Why Worry?\", although it did not think the production quite equaled Lloyd's comedy \"Safety Last!\"", "id": "18359648" }, { "contents": "Grandcamp-Maisy\n\n\nThe sheer size of the site poses many questions as to why it does not feature more prominently in allied records - or why it was so well camouflaged - equally why the site did not have more attention paid to it by the Allies. It was bombed, but not hit to any extent before D-Day. On the morning of the 6 June 1944, claimed to have put the guns out of action, but Maisy was hit with shells for a further three days by many navy ships. The three casemates on", "id": "2512705" }, { "contents": "Elsa the lioness\n\n\nBorn Free\". Elsa and her sisters were orphaned on 1 February 1956 after George Adamson was forced to kill their mother when she charged him, in defence of her three cubs. George only later realised why the lioness had acted so aggressively towards him. George and his wife Joy then adopted the lioness’s four-day-old cubs. While Elsa lived in many ways like a domesticated pet when she was small, Joy Adamson, whom Elsa trusted the most, considered her relationship with Elsa to be that of equals", "id": "11617628" }, { "contents": "Binary quadratic form\n\n\n. To see why, we note that formula_56 unless formula_57 or formula_58. Thus, formula_59 will exceed 3 unless formula_60 is one of the nine pairs with formula_40 and formula_41 each equal to formula_63 or 1. We can check these nine pairs directly to see that none of them satisfies formula_64, so the equation does not have integer solutions. A similar argument shows that for each formula_39, the equation formula_66 can have only a finite number of solutions since formula_59 will exceed formula_39 unless the absolute values formula_69 and formula_70 are both less than", "id": "6506157" }, { "contents": "Perjury in Nigeria\n\n\n, it is equally criminal in its own nature, and equally tends to abuse the administration of justice, and there does not seem to be any reason why it should not be equally punishable\". It is submitted that once a person has been lawfully sworn to tell the truth in any judicial proceeding, such a person is under a scared duty to say nothing, but the truth. If he tells a lie on oath, the question as to whether or not such a statement is immaterial to the main issue before the", "id": "2416149" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\n\"It's one of the best songs in her catalog, being as it is a four-minute summation of why she's one of pop's premier stylists right now; her vocals are equal parts pleading and snarling, the twitchy disco-funk beat gets hips shaking, and the declarations of confused self-love throughout can cause the listener to both root for her and realize that they've been in similar situations.\" On \"The Village Voice\" 2010 year-end Pazz & Jop singles list, \"Why", "id": "7602756" }, { "contents": "Unveiling a Parallel\n\n\nconstant debate between Severnius and the traveler. Whenever the traveler encounters something new on Mars, he gets confused and will ask lots of questions and explain why he thinks things work differently on Earth. Severnius then can explain why Martians do it differently so that anyone reading the story can see the argument that Jones and Merchant are trying to make about why equality between men and women would be possible in America. For example, Severnius tells the traveler that women are allowed to vote on Mars because they are a part of society.", "id": "12787831" }, { "contents": "Joseph Rainey\n\n\nhe said he was not seeking 'social equality' and was content to choose his own circle. He went on to say, But we do want a law enacted that we may be recognized like other men in the country. Why is it that colored members of Congress cannot enjoy the same immunities that are accorded to white members? Why cannot we stop at hotels here without meeting objection? Why cannot we go into restaurants without being insulted? We are here enacting laws for the country and casting votes upon", "id": "15066827" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom labour law\n\n\nfound for the issue of [[equal pay]] between men and women. Because the [[Equal Pay Act 1970]] preceded other legislation, and so did the [[TFEU]] article 157, there has always been a separate body of rules. It is not entirely clear why this should continue, particularly because in several respects it is harder to bring equal pay claims on grounds of gender than for other protected characteristics, meaning that the task of closing the [[gender pay gap]] is", "id": "15705439" }, { "contents": "Bahá'í Faith and gender equality\n\n\ncommunity is central to Bahá'í community life as is implemented at a practical level. The Bahá'í teachings state that women are not inferior to men, and should not be subordinate to men in aspects of social life. In fact, the education of daughters is held to be more important than, and therefore to take precedence over, that of sons. In the Bahá'í view, women have always been equal to men, and the reason why women have so far not achieved this equality is due to the lack of adequate educational and", "id": "7963061" }, { "contents": "Hering's law of equal innervation\n\n\nthis phenomenon and Ptolemy put forward a theory of why such a physiological law might be useful. It was clearly stated for the first time by Alhacen in his \"Book of Optics\" (1021). Hering's law of equal innervation is best understood with Müller's stimulus where an observer refoveates a point that moved in one eye only. The least-effort way to refoveate is to move the misaligned eye only. Instead Hering's law predicts that because both eyes must move by equal amounts, a combination of conjunctive and", "id": "13876215" }, { "contents": "Karcher v. Daggett\n\n\nthe Supreme Court. The \"equal representation\" standard of Article I, Section 2 requires districts to be apportioned to population equality to the closest possible degree. The population differences here could have been avoided with a good faith effort to achieve population equality. The Court found that the defendants did not meet their burden of proving that the deviations in their plan were necessary to achieve a consistent, nondiscriminatory redistricting. The State had to prove specifically how and why the specific deviations of its plan were for an objective to benefit the system", "id": "225004" }, { "contents": "Bahá'í Faith and gender equality\n\n\n-Bahá wrote that women, as mothers, would be a force in establishing peace as they would oppose sending their children to war. 'Abdu'l-Bahá wrote: Moojan Momen writes that the goal of achieving equality of women and men in the Bahá'í Faith does not amount to bringing women into power in masculine roles, but instead a more radical change to the very nature of society, to make feminine qualities more valued. In the Bahá'í view, women have always been equal to men, and the reason why women have", "id": "7963065" }, { "contents": "Venezuelan units of measurement\n\n\nequal to 0.835 m (32.874 in). Several units were used. Following of Granada: 1 libra = 1 kg 1 bag = 62.5 kg. According to a source libra was equal to 0.500 kg. Some other units are: 1 tonelada = 2000 libra 1 carga = 250 libra 1 Saco = 125 libra 1 Quintal = 100 libra 1 arroba = 25 libra 1 onza = 1/16 libra. According to another older source, one quintal was equal to 46.012 kg (101.438 1 lb). One arroba was equal to", "id": "944802" }, { "contents": "Log Cabin Republicans\n\n\nimportant part of the American family—taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation's greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for LGBT Americans is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP's core principles of smaller government and personal freedom.\" On social issues, LCR either dissents from socially conservative Republican views or is neutral. On matters relating to", "id": "10546020" }, { "contents": "Davina Kotulski\n\n\nThey honeymooned at the Marriage Equality Valentine's Day Rally, organized by Kotulski and McKay with other same-sex marriage leaders – the rally featured comedian Margaret Cho. They and several other newlyweds then planned a Northern California Marriage Equality Visibility and Educational Bus Tour. Kotulski's first book on marriage equality \"Why You Should Give a Damn About Gay Marriage\" was released in March 2004. In August 2004 the California Supreme Court invalidated their marriage, along with those of 4,000 other couples. Kotulski's response was to organize a Marriage", "id": "11836106" }, { "contents": "Occupational inequality\n\n\nor limiting an individual's work opportunities based on their age. Disability discrimination policies protect individuals covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Rehabilitation Act from unfair treatment. Policies require the employer to provide \"reasonable accommodation\" (example: wheelchair accessibility) for disabled individuals, unless the employer provides sufficient reasons for why changes would cause \"undue hardship\". \"Equal pay and compensation policie\"s state that employers must provide men and women in the same workplace equal pay (this includes all types of salary) for equal work.", "id": "15496813" }, { "contents": "Chinese Canadians\n\n\n1944-45 recalled that his service with the Army was the first time he had been treated as an equal, stating: \"They treated me just like an equal. You have your uniform, you're in it together; you eat together and you sleep together.\". Like other Chinese-Canadian veterans, Wong argued for equality of treatment, asking why he should be treated as a second-class citizen despite his war services. Wong stated his reasons for enlisting were: \"I decided maybe if I joined", "id": "17990024" }, { "contents": "Women in positions of power\n\n\n. The glass ceiling is continuing to effect women today, but with forced attention on gender equality, women will be able to break through this invisible ceiling and effect change in the corporate world. While companies are shifting toward greater gender diversity in the workplace, it is still necessary to identify and rectify why women are not gaining leadership positions, even though equal pay for equal work exists. Evidence shows that organizations who play an active management role in diversity in the workplace have positive results. Active management in diversity has led to", "id": "18128990" }, { "contents": "Public Prosecutor v Taw Cheng Kong\n\n\nWhilst he accepts that the considerations of international comity \"explain why the nationality criterion is sound\", he questions the under-inclusion of the permanent resident, an unexplained omission. While equality jurisprudence primarily centres around a pledge of the protection of equal laws, laws frequently classify individuals out of necessity. Needless to say, the very idea of classification is premised on, and engenders, inequality. Therein lies the paradox of equality jurisprudence. The necessity of differentiation is even more paramount in modern society with its increasingly complicated problems.", "id": "2522545" }, { "contents": "Vanessa Place\n\n\nman…” “Conceptualism,” she says, “like feminism, asks one equally to consider the ‘=.’ How does A become equivalent to B, why does it seem (or seem to be proven to be) B’s equal, and at what cost does this equivalency work to A, and for that matter, B?” In “A Poetics of Radical Evil,” an essay published in 2010, Place modifies Kant to argue: “There must be an art [...] that is", "id": "7112351" }, { "contents": "Libyan units of measurement\n\n\nSeveral units were used to measure liquid capacity. One barile was equal to 64.8 l as it was defined by metric equivalent (According to sources, one barile was equal to 62.4975 l.). One bozze was equal to 1/24 barile. One gorraf was equal to 1/5 barrile, and giarra was nearly equal to 50/71 barile. Following units were also used to measure liquid capacity by weight: 1 oka = 1282 g (defined by metric equivalent) 1 gorraf = 9.75 oka (of water) 1 giarra = 58.5 oka.", "id": "13156109" }, { "contents": "Seesaw mechanism\n\n\neigenvalues: The larger eigenvalue, \"λ\", is approximately equal to , while the smaller eigenvalue is approximately equal to Thus, |\"M\" | is the geometric mean of \"λ\" and , since the determinant . \"If one of the eigenvalues goes up, the other goes down, and vice versa.\" This is the point of the name \"seesaw\" of the mechanism. This mechanism serves to explain why the neutrino masses are so small. The matrix \"A\" is essentially the mass matrix for the", "id": "18851829" }, { "contents": "Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation\n\n\nA standard example of absurdity is found in dealing with arithmetic. Assume that 0 = 1, and proceed by mathematical induction: 0 = 0 by the axiom of equality. Now (induction hypothesis), if 0 were equal to a certain natural number \"n\", then 1 would be equal to \"n\"+1, (Peano axiom: Sm\" = Sn\" if and only if \"m\" = \"n\"), but since 0=1, therefore 0 would also be equal to \"n\" + 1.", "id": "11929704" }, { "contents": "Trace (linear algebra)\n\n\noperators on a vector space , defined over the field , with the space , where . We also have a canonical bilinear function that consists of applying an element of to an element of to get an element of : This induces a linear function on the tensor product (by its universal property) , which, as it turns out, when that tensor product is viewed as the space of operators, is equal to the trace. This also clarifies why and why , as composition of operators (multiplication of matrices) and trace", "id": "20683822" }, { "contents": "Carnot cycle\n\n\nT\" in Equation () by 〈\"T\"〉 and 〈\"T\"〉 respectively. For the Carnot cycle, or its equivalent, the average value 〈\"T\"〉 will equal the highest temperature available, namely \"T\", and 〈\"T\"〉 the lowest, namely \"T\". For other less efficient cycles, 〈\"T\"〉 will be lower than \"T\", and 〈\"T\"〉 will be higher than \"T\". This can help illustrate, for example, why a reheater or a regenerator can improve the thermal efficiency of steam power plants—and why the thermal", "id": "17132774" }, { "contents": "Gender neutrality in languages with grammatical gender\n\n\nbe made between biological sex and grammatical gender. The \"Welsh Academy English–Welsh Dictionary\" explains \"it must be reiterated, gender is a \"grammatical\" classification, not an indicator of sex; it is misleading and unfortunate that the labels \"masculine and feminine\" have to be used, according to tradition. (...) There is no reason why nouns ending in -wr, -ydd should not refer equally well to a woman as to a man.\" This is why the Welsh Government's Translation Service recommends translating", "id": "9427859" }, { "contents": "Law of thought\n\n\nto equals results in equals, (axiom 2): equals subtracted from equals results in equals. Nothing \"0\" and Universe \"1\": He observes that the only two numbers that satisfy xx = x are 0 and 1. He then observes that 0 represents \"Nothing\" while \"1\" represents the \"Universe\" (of discourse). The logical NOT: Boole defines the contrary (logical NOT) as follows (his Proposition III): The notion of a particular as opposed to a universal:", "id": "4867726" }, { "contents": "Operator norm\n\n\n\" (which in Euclidean Hilbert spaces with the standard inner product corresponds to the conjugate transpose of the matrix \"A\"). In general, the spectral radius of \"A\" is bounded above by the operator norm of \"A\": To see why equality may not always hold, consider the Jordan canonical form of a matrix in the finite-dimensional case. Because there are non-zero entries on the superdiagonal, equality may be violated. The quasinilpotent operators is one class of such examples. A nonzero quasinilpotent", "id": "12780342" }, { "contents": "Weak convergence (Hilbert space)\n\n\n0 in the formula_30 or formula_31 norms. This dissimilarity is one of the reasons why this type of convergence is considered to be \"weak.\" Consider a sequence formula_32 which was constructed to be orthonormal, that is, where formula_34 equals one if \"m\" = \"n\" and zero otherwise. We claim that if the sequence is infinite, then it converges weakly to zero. A simple proof is as follows. For \"x\" ∈ \"H\", we have where equality holds when {\"e\"", "id": "9314552" } ]
Why do airline passengers have to put their seats into a full upright position for takeoff? Why does it matter?
[{"answer": "You're most likely to have some sort of accident during takeoff and landing. This is also why your tray tables have to be up and you can't have laptops during these times: ease of evacuation. If your seat is back, and something happens and the plane needs to be evacuated quickly, you just made it harder for the person behind you to get out. Edit: I've gotten this message lots of times, and as has been beautifully explained, your window thing has to be up so, in the event of an emergency, emergency personnel can see into the plane/you can see a fire, should there be one."}, {"answer": "Most of the answers are in the right direction but ultimately incorrect here. All the seats are tested for a very specific set of conditions, including seat up and table in the upright position. The seats pass or fail based on how much bodily damage they do, so adding more things that increase bodily damage, such as being farther away from hitting the seat in front of you or having a tray table down or a bag in your lap, cause you to make the test conditions not applicable anymore and cause a dramatic decrease in the survivability of a crash situation. And yes, the test conditions are only applicable in the times of flight that are most likely to crash, taxi, takeoff, turbulence and landing. In those situations, you prepare for crash situations by removing all items blocking emergency exit, put your seat in the tested position and fasten your seatbelt. Source: I do this testing for a living."}, {"answer": "Aerospace Seat Engineer here...The reason passengers are asked to put their seats upright or in the TTOL (Taxi, Take Off and Landing) position is because the seat has been engineered, tested (dynamic and static) and certified in this position and only in this position. TTOL is the most structurally sound position the seat can offer in the advent of an emergency. A few degrees off of the TTOL position can greatly affect effectiveness of seat safety devices."}, {"answer": "Two main reasons. 1. When the seat is up, it is locked. When the seat is back, it's not locked. In the event of an emergency, an unlocked seat has more force during impact, and the thrusting forward of that seat can cause passenger injury 2. It gives passengers more space to clear the aisles (in case of emergency) which is required by FAA regulations."}, {"answer": "As a flight attendant, I can tell you that it's all about evacuation. In the event of an emergency, the goal is to evacuate an entire plane, regardless of size, within 90 seconds. Ensuring the seatbacks are upright, and the aisle paths at your feet are clear, gives the most room possible for people to make a quick escape. Not all seats recline the same amount, so the upright rule allows for consistency in procedure."}, {"answer": "If you have a mass fatality accident, it's usually during takeoff or landing, and the cause of death is fire sweeping through the cabin. The fuel tanks are designed to survive 5 minutes after impact, and the cabins are incredibly fire-resistant. That means you have 5 minutes to GTFO the plane in the event of a survivable crash. (Most crashes are survivable; on average, on planes that have fatal accidents i.e. one or more passengers die, 60% of passengers survive the accident). Anything that slows evacuation is a BAD THING when you have 5 minutes to get out and after that anyone that hasn't evacuated is dead. The other factor is that seats are tested to survive at least 9 g-forces (EASA - the European authority - approved seats) or 16 (FAA - the American authority requirements). But they are tested in an upright position, and their crash resistance is not tested in other positions."}, {"answer": "The reason is that you have to do crash tests on the seats and they are done with the seatbacks up. To qualify another position you would have to do another crash test. The tests are expensive and time consuming. The tray table is because you can whip forward and hit your head on the tray Source: designed passenger aircraft seats for several years"}, {"answer": "There are two main reasons why flight attendants pester people to keep those seats up\u2014to keep injuries to a minimum during a crash and to clear the maximum amount of space for a quick exit. Read more: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Your seats need to be upright so the people behind you have unimpeded access to exit their rows in the event of an emergency. I know it's not much space, but it can be if one seat sticks out further than the others. The tray table must be up for the same reason, and so it doesn't cut you in half in the event of a sudden stop. The windows are sometimes required to be up so the F/A can see if there's smoke. Visibility. Usually only regional carriers require this, and then only a few. Pro-tip: Unless you're sleeping on an overnight international flight, there's no need to recline your seat. Just don't."}, {"answer": "You know that crash position they show you on the safety card? It's harder to get into that position if the seat in front of you is reclined. It's also harder to get out, or rescuers to get in. Also, imagine your face smashing into the seat in front of you. Would you rather it were reclined?"}, {"answer": "Crash loads for airplanes are mostly down, unlike in a car where they are mostly forward. In a hard landing you don't want to be leaning back because the backrest could collapse under your weight and trap the person behind you."}, {"answer": "**Why do you need to put your seat in the upright position and stow that footrest? ** Because in cattleclass, a reclined seat infront of you is going to slow you down from evacuating, and seats are also tested in the upright position (which is why First Class Passengers have to do it too). A reclined seat also makes it difficult for the person behind to get into the brace position. Footrests? Well those things will take your ankle clean off during a crash. Bonus answers: **Why do you stow your personal belongings?** Because they become missiles if the plane crashes or hits extreme turbulence. **Why do they dim the lights when landing/taking-off at night?** Because if something goes wrong and you need to evacuate, your eyes do not have to re-adjust to the outside light. **Why do they open the windows before landing/taking-off?** Because the crew need to be able to ascertain quickly if there is a fire outside, and on which side, and also emergency crews need to be able to see inside. Source: I fly A320s."}, {"answer": "Safety reasons aside, it's also because they need all the seats upright for the next flight, which usually only has a 20 minute window for cleaning crews (like, one person) to work the plane. If they had to deal with all the reclined seats in addition to the slop trail you filthy beasts leave behind, why there would be a ten minute departure delay that could only be avoided with some stupid boarding algorithm that solves a problem you didn't actually have."}, {"answer": "The Economist wrote a truthful in-flight announcement back in 2006. As your interested in this stuff, here: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I'm an aircraft seat engineer. The seats are tested to keep you safe during a plane crash, which is more likely during taxi, take-off, and landing. When the seat is tested and approved by the FAA, the test dummy in the seat measures the impact on your head as it hits the seat in front of you (or anything else). Not keeping your seat upright or your tray table stowed could result in head injury to yourself and the passenger behind you higher than tested and approved by the FAA. In other words, you could very well die and kill the passenger behind you by not having your seat upright."}, {"answer": "At an airshow once years ago I boarded a plane, maybe a 737, I can't was a medical transport plane and all seats faced BACKWARD. That makes more sense than anything and is the safest possible scenario. All airplanes would come with backward facing seats if safety was indeed the top priority. Safety is a very high priority but not enough to inconvenient passengers and ask them to sit facing the rear."}, {"answer": "Related: ELI5 why it is so hard for people to listen to the stewards and put their bags into the overhead bin wheels first? Like, hey, fuckbag, if you put it in sideways you inconvenience everyone else that wants to use that bin. Ugh."}, {"answer": "Yes, that single inch throws off the planes steep climb inclinometer, multiplied by 200+ passengers, all leaning in the wrong direction, this inclinometer will inadvertently send the plane into a back flip just as its taking off at the end of the runway and the nose is up and catching head winds. So next time you think it's cool to bust out your sickest pimp lean, please remember, you're also about to do a dope ass back flip."}, {"answer": "It's so the person behind you, in case of an emergency, can put their heads between their knees with their hands over their heads easier. Also, evacuating is easier when the seats are upright and people have free movement."}, {"answer": "I am somewhat sceptical of airline regulations, but this one makes sense. Some others don't. Ie, no radio receivers as they might interfere with the plane electronics, absolutely impossible. Source, work in the radio field."}, {"answer": "One time my seat back could be moved forward more than the others, so when the flight attendant came around they thought that the other 2 people had their seat backs reclined. XD"}, {"answer": "Aside from what others have said, it's also so rescuers can see passengers in the windows (One of the reasons they also ask for all curtains to be drawn)"}, {"answer": "i'm 6'4\". that 1\" is a lot. keep your seats upright at all times, even during flight! i don't even know why they recline..."}, {"answer": "They wouldn't want people to be comfortable when the plane crashes upon takeoff/landing due to someone not putting their phone into airplane mode."}, {"answer": " > Is it the inch that matters, or is there something else going on? That's what she said."}, {"answer": "Why are passengers allowed to put their seats down during flight?"}, {"answer": "FAA regulations only require that aircraft and seat manufacturers analyze, test and certify their seats in the \"Taxi, Takeoff, and Landing\" (TTL) position. Therefore, occupant safety during an accident has been demonstrated by the manufacturer only ejected the seat is in the TTL position, which is most commonly fully upright with tray tables, headrests, video monitors and other equipment in the stowed position. To minimize cost, manufactures choose to use this TTL position most commonly. But it is possible to define a reclined position or even a bed mode ( in first class) as the takeoff position, but it requires that position be demonstrated to meet the occupant safety requirements."}, {"answer": "Essentially it will boil down to being the the best position for bracing yourself and having high accessibility from all seats to the corridor or the outside in the case of sudden interaction with the ground. But also this request also makes the aircraft look uniform and inconsistencies are easier to spot and makes the aircraft look better after cleaning too, just removes a tedious task for the hosties."}, {"answer": "Given that seats only recline about an inch, why do people get so amped when the person in front of them reclines? I fly rather frequently, and I don't particularly care if the person in front reclines, but it seems to be a rather common gripe if the internet is to be believed. Overhead bin hogs on the other hand..."}, {"answer": "Actually, the reason for this us pretty interesting. Sitting upright shifts the centre balance point if the plane slightly forward making it easier to take off and therefore saving fuel. Planes can take off with people reclined but it makes for a more uneven takeoff, increases drag and turbulence and wastes fuel. Source: airline pilot for 35 years"}, {"answer": "It's almost irrelevant anymore because reclining your seat back on a coach flight is the social equivalent of flex-farting in a church. It's punishable by being systematically beaten by everyone in the last 2 rows. And you know how pissed off those people are."}, {"answer": "I have been binge watching Air Disasters (Season 2, though Season One was equally terrifying). From now on, anything they tell me to do, I'm doing it. The amount of little shit that can go wrong and cost lives is overwhelming."}, {"answer": "It helps you survive a plane crash and explosion. It also helps if you have your lucky snorkel."}, {"answer": "Late to the party here, but the FAA has strict regulations (FAR's) that airlines must follow. FAR [121.577]( URL_1 ) and [FAR 121.311]( URL_0 ) outline the requirements for tray tables and seat positions. One of the many reasons for these regulations is safety. The airline is designed to be just as safe as it needs to be. Center of gravity shifts at points like takeoff and landing could kill everyone on board if the shift is extreme enough. These shifts could be caused by a collective tipping back of every chair on board. The tray table, I would imagine, is simply to prevent impact damage to a passenger during a sudden stop at takeoff or landing. Source:I'm an Aerospace Engineer"}, {"answer": "This is my job! I smash test dummies into seats for a living, to make sure they're safe. The regulations only require us to do this in the upright position, because it would drive more (expensive) testing and be much harder to desing seats if we had to qualify seats that were reclined as well. Whether or not the seat is reclined would have a huge effect on how the test dummy (or you) strike the seat forward of you."}, {"answer": "Lights dimmed, blinds open, seats up and trays stowed are normal for take off and landing. Lights so your eyes are adjusted ready to evacuate in a dark cabin. Blinds so emergency response can see in before cutting fuselage. Seats and trays have been covered already"}, {"answer": "It's an insurance liability. If they didn't tell you that they did not do \"everything within reason\" to ensure your safety. It might not matter 99.9% of the time but 0.1% will sue the living shit out of you."}, {"answer": "Google what happened in souix city Iowa in the 80's. The folks that lived where found scattered about the runway still strapped in to their seats. URL_0 Warning, some of that video maybe hard to watch."}, {"answer": "You should have your Tray Table Up, And Your Seatback In It's Full Upright Position to allow everyone best access out of the Isle in the event of an evacuation."}, {"answer": "After being on a plane that had to slam on its brakes going 200 mph on the runway, I get it."}, {"answer": "Follow up question: why do we need to pull up the window covers during lift off or landing?"}, {"answer": "So the person behind you doesn't smash their teeth in on your seat?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "33129250", "title": "Takeoff and landing", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Aircraft can have different ways to take off and land. Conventional airplanes accelerate along the ground until sufficient lift is generated for takeoff, and reverse the process to land. Some airplanes can take off at low speed, this being a short takeoff. Some aircraft such as helicopters and Harrier Jump Jets can take off and land vertically. Rockets also usually take off vertically, but some designs can land horizontally.", "Aircraft can have different ways to take off and land. Conventional airplanes accelerate along the ground until sufficient lift is generated for takeoff, and reverse the process to land. Some airplanes can take off at low speed, this being a short takeoff. Some aircraft such as helicopters and Harrier Jump Jets can take off and land vertically. Rockets also usually take off vertically, but some designs can land horizontally."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Boarding (transport)\n\n\nthe passenger is entitled to board, a positive message is sent back to the airline agent. Boarding in air travel is supervised by ground personnel. The pilot is responsible for the boarding as soon as the doors are closed because by law the aircraft is then \"in flight\". After boarding, the taxiing and takeoff will follow in most cases. Most North American airlines have assigned seating, but Southwest Airlines does not. Southwest boards passengers in A, B, and C groups depending on their ticket purchase date. Across", "id": "13615928" }, { "contents": "Flight attendant\n\n\nmust \"secure the cabin\" ensuring tray tables are stowed, seats are in their upright positions, armrests down and carry-ons stowed correctly and seat belts are fastened prior to takeoff. All the service between boarding and take-off is called \"Pre Take off Service\". Once up in the air, flight attendants will usually serve drinks and/or food to passengers using an airline service trolley. When not performing customer service duties, flight attendants must periodically conduct cabin checks and listen for any unusual noises or situations. Checks", "id": "8756666" }, { "contents": "El Al\n\n\nless discriminatory.\" The court left the door open for a renewed petition in the future if required. In September 2014 it was reported that there have been repeated incidents where some ultra-Orthodox male passengers refused to sit next to women passengers, sometimes delaying flights. As result, a petition was initiated with to pressure El Al to alter their policy of allowing ultra-Orthodox passengers on flights to negotiate switching seats. The petition reads: \"Why does El Al Airlines permit female passengers to be bullied, harassed,", "id": "13501141" }, { "contents": "Airline seat\n\n\nthe recline, or seats immediately in front of the emergency exit where a reclined seat might restrict access to the emergency exit, creating a potential safety hazard. Independent seat review sites such as SeatGuru often warn passengers against these seats. During take-off and landing the crew ask passengers to put their seats in an \"upright\" (unreclined) position and to lift and stow their tray tables. Seats may be equipped with power ports (either EmPower, AC, DC, or USB power-only sockets) for small", "id": "17638238" }, { "contents": "United Airlines Flight 2885\n\n\ndue to switching seats, the pilots failed to reset the trim setting while performing takeoff checklists. (It was reported the first officer made this mistake occasionally.) Taking off at night, with no visual references, the inexperienced flight engineer did not manage to correct the attitude in time, leading to engine surges, aircraft banking and eventually an upset and an unrecoverable stall. It was not known why the captain did not manage to correct the situation; one possibility was that the flight engineer froze on the controls as he put", "id": "12174010" }, { "contents": "Centrifugal force\n\n\nhe must resist by applying a rightward force to the car (for instance, a frictional force against the seat) in order to remain in a fixed position inside. Since he pushes the seat toward the right, Newton's third law says that the seat pushes him toward the left. The centrifugal force must be included in the passenger's reference frame (in which the passenger remains at rest): it counteracts the leftward force applied to the passenger by the seat, and explains why this otherwise unbalanced force does not cause", "id": "7955828" }, { "contents": "Airline seat\n\n\nfirst-class and a growing number of international business-class cabins feature seats which recline to a full-horizontal flat position, forming a bed. Some airlines are now introducing new \"slimline\" seats in economy class. These seats, in addition to weighing less, theoretically allow airlines to increase capacity without significantly affecting passenger comfort. Many passengers however, have expressed displeasure with these seats. Moreover, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has begun to explore the safety issues associated with increased aircraft capacity and reduced seat pitch", "id": "17638241" }, { "contents": "Indianapolis International Airport\n\n\nas domestic gates). Not all gate positions were used upon opening of the facility, to allow for future expansion by the airlines. The two gate concourse structures were built to allow for future expansion on their southwestern ends (which is why gates A1-A2 and B1-B2 do not yet exist). The new terminal allows international arrivals to go through customs in the main passenger terminal; these passengers used to disembark in a separate building. Passengers arriving at gates A4 and A5 go to the U.S. Customs and Federal Inspection Station on the", "id": "23221" }, { "contents": "Airline seat\n\n\nnormally contains a somewhat small flip-out, extendable tray (which must be locked into stowage during takeoff and landing), and, on newer aircraft, an LCD television screen directly above the tray. Directly above the seat (on the cabin ceiling) is a console for the passenger service unit. The controls on the PSU console include: At window seats there are window shields for protection from sunlight. They have to be slid up during landings and takeoffs by ICAO regulations and/or law. This rule is in place to", "id": "17638260" }, { "contents": "Air route authority between the United States and China\n\n\n. Liu Weimin, director of the Aviation Laws Research Centre with the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China, has said \"Under the current market situation, local carriers have a hard time competing against global giants such as Continental. That is why US airlines are enthusiastic to fly to China, while Chinese carriers are hesitating to open more flights. For local airlines, more flights may mean more losses if they cannot get enough passengers.\" There have been reports that the load factors (percentage of seats sold) in business", "id": "8388843" }, { "contents": "Arkady Leokum\n\n\nlife, such as: Why does Saturn have rings? What are the different types of clouds? How does an octopus swim? Why does a tiger have stripes? How do flowers grow? The first-known reference to the \"Tell My Why\" is a 96-page paperback by Arkady Leokum, published by Scholastic Book Services in 1958, of answers to the children's question \"TELL ME WHY?\" It was based on the newspaper column \"It's Amazing (Tell Me Why)\" syndicated by the George Matthew", "id": "3872656" }, { "contents": "Continental Airlines Flight 1404\n\n\nreported to the pilots as they prepared for takeoff, this was also much higher than the airline industry used in pilot training. The NTSB also received a report analyzing 250,327 departures involving 737-500s, and found that only 4 of those departures (less than 0.002%) had experienced a crosswind above , meaning that it was just short of impossible for a commercial pilot to have real-life experience with crosswinds anywhere near the velocity that hit Continental Airlines Flight 1404 that day. The NTSB believes that this is why the pilot", "id": "18881955" }, { "contents": "Principle of maximum work\n\n\n’ for chemical change? Why do chemical reactions occur, and why do they stop at certain points? Chemists called the ‘force’ that caused chemical reactions affinity, but it lacked a clear definition. During the entire 18th century, the dominant view in regard to heat and light was that put forward by Isaac Newton, called the “Newtonian hypothesis”, which stated that light and heat are forms of matter attracted or repelled by other forms of matter, with forces analogous to gravitation or to chemical affinity. In the", "id": "3103877" }, { "contents": "Airline seating sex discrimination controversy\n\n\nspokesman defended the policy as consistent with that of other airlines in Australia and around the globe. In 2012, it became public knowledge that Virgin Australia had also implemented this policy. Johnny McGirr, a 33-year-old firefighter from Sydney, was told to move seats by a Virgin flight attendant. When asked why, the flight attendant cited policy and told McGirr, \"You can't sit next to two unaccompanied minors.\" The attendant then asked a female passenger, \"Can you please sit in this seat because he is", "id": "13388984" }, { "contents": "Types of motorcycles\n\n\nand a relaxed, upright seating position. Passenger accommodation is excellent and expansive luggage space is the norm for this class. Such bikes can have wet weights of and top fully loaded with a rider, passenger and gear. Bagger, full dresser, full dress tourer, or dresser are various names for touring motorcycles, sometimes used disparagingly or jocularly, and originally referring to a Harley-Davidson or other cruisers with full sets of saddlebags. This can now refer to any touring motorcycle. Sport touring motorcycles combine attributes of sport bikes", "id": "4976519" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Why Does Love Do This To Me\n\n\n\"Why Does Love Do This to Me\" (alternatively spelt \"Why Does Love (Do This to Me)\") is a song by New Zealand pop band The Exponents. It was released in 1991 and is among The Exponents' most successful and best known songs. Having moved to London in 1987, the single was the band's first release upon returning to New Zealand and changing their name from the Dance Exponents to The Exponents. The song was written by Jordan Luck in London in 1989, with the group", "id": "15842217" }, { "contents": "Standby (air travel)\n\n\noperations or an equipment change. If a passenger clears for an upgrade, they may be given new boarding passes at the gate. Some airlines, such as American and United, have gateside monitors that show the upgrade (as well as general) standby list, and will also announce when First Class checks in full (i.e., no further upgrades will be given). In some cases, when a flight compartment is overbooked, an airline will designate all passengers who do not have a seat assignment as \"standby\" at", "id": "17250832" }, { "contents": "Penalty fare\n\n\nthe price of the all-year network ticket is very favourable, 3650 Kč (= 10 Kč per day). Czech Railways (České dráhy) as the main operator of railway passenger transport have the maximum penalty set to 1000 Kč, but it is reduced to 400 Kč if it is paid immediately. However, if the passenger preannounces to the conductor that he does not have a ticket, only 40 Kč handling surcharge applies. That's why the full penalty is very rarely applied. If the passenger has boarded at a", "id": "8108402" }, { "contents": "Relations between Eastern Orthodoxy and Judaism\n\n\nRecluse put the matter: \"You ask, will the heterodox be saved... Why do you worry about them? They have a Saviour Who desires the salvation of every human being. He will take care of them. You and I should not be burdened with such a concern. Study yourself and your own sins... I will tell you one thing, however: should you, being Orthodox and possessing the Truth in its fullness, betray Orthodoxy, and enter a different faith, you will lose your soul forever.\"", "id": "20309028" }, { "contents": "United Express Flight 3411 incident\n\n\n, 'I'm a doctor, what can I do? Yes, no problem, I can absolutely deliver that baby.' Hopefully it will be on United Airlines, in which case I will be immediately be subdued and dragged off the aircraft, which we all know will be recorded on someone's iPhone and put on YouTube.\" A passenger on a United Airlines flight who bought a full-price first-class ticket from Lihue to Los Angeles was told to get off the plane because \"they needed the seat", "id": "1610762" }, { "contents": "Alfred Lawson\n\n\nbuzz of positive press. The publicity allowed him to secure an additional $1 million to build the 26-passenger Midnight Liner. The aircraft crashed on takeoff on its maiden flight. In late 1920, he secured government contracts for three airmail routes and to deliver 10 war planes, but owing to the fall 1920 recession, he could not secure the necessary $100,000 in cash reserves called for in the contracts and had to decline them. In 1926 he started his last airliner, the 56-seat, two-tier Lawson super airliner.", "id": "1252795" }, { "contents": "Thermodynamic free energy\n\n\nconcept of force, chemists wanted a similar concept of ‘driving force’ for chemical change. Why do chemical reactions occur, and why do they stop at certain points? Chemists called the ‘force’ that caused chemical reactions affinity, but it lacked a clear definition.\" During the entire 18th century, the dominant view with regard to heat and light was that put forth by Isaac Newton, called the \"Newtonian hypothesis\", which states that light and heat are forms of matter attracted or repelled by other forms of", "id": "18051502" }, { "contents": "Ford Five Hundred\n\n\npositioned relatively high from the floor, providing an upright seating position and improved visibility, access, and egress. In addition, the rear seat was positioned higher than the front seats. The Ford Five Hundred was the first full-size Ford sedan to feature a folding rear seat to supplement the 21 cubic foot trunk (larger than the Lincoln Town Car). With the option of a folding front passenger seat, a Five Hundred was able to carry objects up to ten feet long inside the vehicle. While visibility was one", "id": "1832200" }, { "contents": "Fantasy of Flight\n\n\nfor Independence Day and a Pilgrim for Thanksgiving. The aircraft in this crashed position received a mixture of criticism and compliments. Some people claimed that the display made the aircraft look bad and set a bad example to airline passengers without an aviation background, while others found the position of the aircraft comical and many enjoyed guessing what the mannequin would be dressed as next. Currently, the aircraft is in an upright position with the mannequin seated in the opened cockpit hatch on the left hand side. Adjacent to the attraction's lobby is", "id": "3254163" }, { "contents": "Concorde\n\n\nbecame apparent during the grounding of Concorde that the airlines could make more profit carrying first-class passengers subsonically. A lack of commitment to Concorde from Director of Engineering Alan MacDonald was cited as having undermined BA's resolve to continue operating Concorde. Other reasons why the attempted revival of Concorde never happened relate to the fact that the narrow fuselage did not allow for \"luxury\" features of subsonic air travel such as moving space, reclining seats and overall comfort. In the words of \"The Guardian\"'s Dave Hall, \"", "id": "7415886" }, { "contents": "Karina Fabian\n\n\npart of fiction. She does profess little tolerance for books that put preaching above plot and character, no matter what the faith—or politics, or issue. \"A story can have a message, but the message cannot be the story.\" In 2010, Fabian was given the opportunity to write a small devotional. She recruited her father, Deacon Steven Lumbert, to write it with her. \"Why God Matters: How to Recognize Him in Daily Life\" contains short stories from their own faith lives,", "id": "1768904" }, { "contents": "Hard problem of consciousness\n\n\nask why these processes of availability should give rise to consciousness in the first place. As yet we cannot explain why they do so, and it may well be that full details about the processes of availability will still fail to answer this question. Certainly, nothing in the standard methodology I have outlined answers the question; that methodology assumes a relation between availability and consciousness, and therefore does nothing to explain it. [...] So the hard problem remains. But who knows: Somewhere along the line we may be", "id": "3092548" }, { "contents": "Northeast Airlines Flight 823\n\n\nNortheast Airlines Flight 823 was a scheduled flight from New York City's LaGuardia Airport to Miami International Airport, Florida, which crashed shortly after takeoff on February 1, 1957. The aircraft operating the service was a Douglas DC-6A four-engined propeller airliner, registration first placed into service in 1955. While originally scheduled to depart at 2:45pm, delays due to snowfall pushed departure back to 6:01pm. At takeoff, with a nearly full complement of 95 passengers and 6 crewmembers (3 flight crew and 3 stewardesses), the plane weighed", "id": "16284530" }, { "contents": "The Last Policeman\n\n\nmilitary facility her husband was held in was in fact the one where they believe the government is working on its plans for a lunar habitat, and then leaves. Winters describes \"The Last Policeman\" as an \"existential detective novel.\" In a \"Wired\" interview with Ethan Gilsdorf, he responded to a question about why he had written it with \"Why does anybody do anything? (Hey, what do you know? That's the theme of the book!)\" Publicity material for the book put the", "id": "6675099" }, { "contents": "Explanatory model\n\n\nAn explanatory model is a useful description of why and how a thing works or an explanation of why a phenomenon is the way it is. The explanatory model is used as a substitute for \"the full explanation\" of the thing in question: Explanatory models do not claim to be a complete description/explanation of the absolute about the thing/phenomenon, nor do they even claim to, necessarily, be fully accurate. The description/explanation does, however, need to fit well enough to a sufficient portion of all", "id": "8824753" }, { "contents": "Jump seat\n\n\nstations\"—can be located in cockpits or passenger cabins. In cockpits, jump seats are provided for individuals who are not operating the aircraft. These might include trainee pilots, off-duty crew members in transition to another airport (see deadheading), government officials (such as Federal Aviation Administration staff), or airline staff. The passenger cabin jump seats are used by the cabin crew, especially during takeoff and landing. These jump seats are normally located near emergency exits so that flight attendants can quickly open the exit door for an", "id": "13674591" }, { "contents": "Nitzavim\n\n\nand the walls leaned over as if to fall. But Rabbi Joshua rebuked the walls, telling them not to interfere with scholars engaged in a halachic dispute. In honor of Rabbi Joshua, the walls did not fall, but in honor of Rabbi Eliezer, the walls did not stand upright, either. Then Rabbi Eliezer told the Sages, \"If the halachah agrees with me, let Heaven prove it,\" and a Heavenly Voice cried out: \"Why do you dispute with Rabbi Eliezer, for in all matters the", "id": "21709262" }, { "contents": "Long Island Medium\n\n\n, who used to portray himself as a medium, gave his opinion that Caputo does not have supernatural powers and explained several common techniques she could be using to pretend to have such abilities. She responded in a statement: \"I respect and understand skeptics. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, that's not why I do what I do. I feel, and have been told by my clients, that my gift has really helped them, and that's all that matters to me.\" Ron Tebo", "id": "11385623" }, { "contents": "Standing passenger\n\n\nseating to ensure that all passengers can be seated. In aviation, safety measures require all passengers and crew to be seated during take-off and landing, so airlines do not allow passengers to travel without a seat. However, in 2010, Ryanair, a low-cost airline proposed a \"vertical seat\" design for use by standing passengers on its aircraft. The seated to standing ratio is the ratio between the number of passengers that can be seated and the number of standing passengers on a public transport vehicle. A", "id": "235821" }, { "contents": "Val Logsdon Fitch\n\n\nnot respect CP symmetry. K mesons that decayed into positrons did so faster than those that decayed into electrons. The importance of this result was not immediately appreciated; but as evidence of the Big Bang accumulated, Andrei Sakharov realized in 1967 that it explained why the universe is largely made of matter and not antimatter. Put simply, they had found \"the answer to the physicist's 'Why do we exist?'\" For this discovery, Fitch and Cronin received the 1980 Nobel Prize in Physics. In addition to the", "id": "14368742" }, { "contents": "Tina Armstrong\n\n\ngratuitous use of bouncing bosoms\", but the gameplay of \"Dead or Alive 3\" \"must have made all gamers, feminists included, realise that Tina, Kasumi \"et al\" are actually rather fit.\" However, Matthew O'Mara of \"National Post\" singled out Tina as embodying the \"casual sexism\" of the series: \"Why does Tina's animation make her breasts flop about while most of the other characters remain stationary? Why does she have more outfits than any other character? Why do video game", "id": "8939159" }, { "contents": "Candide\n\n\n) which he just bought with the last of his finances. One day, the protagonists seek out a dervish known as a great philosopher of the land. Candide asks him why Man is made to suffer so, and what they all ought to do. The dervish responds by asking rhetorically why Candide is concerned about the existence of evil and good. The dervish describes human beings as mice on a ship sent by a king to Egypt; their comfort does not matter to the king. The dervish then slams his door on", "id": "6660091" }, { "contents": "American Airlines Flight 587\n\n\ncoach-class seats. The aircraft was powered by two General Electric CF6-80C2A5 engines. On-board were two flight crew members, 42-year-old Captain Ed States and 34-year-old First Officer Sten Molin; seven cabin crew members; and 251 passengers. The aircraft taxied to Runway 31L behind a Japan Airlines Boeing 747-400 preparing for takeoff. The JAL flight was cleared for takeoff at 9:11:08. Around 9:11:36, the tower controller cautioned the Flight 587 pilots about potential wake turbulence from the 747 JAL flight.", "id": "15948827" }, { "contents": "Grandcamp-Maisy\n\n\nThe sheer size of the site poses many questions as to why it does not feature more prominently in allied records - or why it was so well camouflaged - equally why the site did not have more attention paid to it by the Allies. It was bombed, but not hit to any extent before D-Day. On the morning of the 6 June 1944, claimed to have put the guns out of action, but Maisy was hit with shells for a further three days by many navy ships. The three casemates on", "id": "2512705" }, { "contents": "US-Bangla Airlines Flight 211\n\n\nQ400, configured with a seating capacity of 76 passengers, and registered as aircraft S2-AGU. It was first delivered to Scandinavian Airlines in 2001, and flown by three airlines before being purchased by US-Bangla Airlines in 2014. It had already been involved in a minor incident in 2015, when it skidded off the runway in Saidpur resulting in minor damage to its right hand main wheels. At the time of the crash, the aircraft had flown a total of 28,649 takeoff cycles for a total of 21,419 hours and was current", "id": "4357662" }, { "contents": "SpiceJet\n\n\nonly seating. The airline offers premium services under the name \"SpiceMax\", whereby passengers can obtain additional benefits including pre-assigned seats with extra legroom; meals on board; priority check-in and boarding; and priority baggage handling; at a higher fare. Otherwise SpiceJet does not provide complimentary meals in any of its flights. It does sell full in-flight meals on some flights. SpiceJet does not operate any frequent-flyer programme and does not provide any in-flight entertainment options. SpiceJet has partnered with", "id": "12547324" }, { "contents": "1956 Grand Canyon mid-air collision\n\n\nas why the airlines permitted their pilots to execute maneuvers solely intended to improve the passengers' view of the canyon. It would not be until the late 1970s that human factors would be as thoroughly investigated as technical matters following aerial mishaps. During the investigation, Milford \"Mel\" Hunter, a scientific and technical illustrator with \"LIFE\" Magazine, was given early and unrestricted access to the CAB's data and preliminary findings, enabling him to produce an illustration of what likely occurred at the moment of the collision. Hunter's", "id": "19572871" }, { "contents": "Paul Aussaresses\n\n\nAlgerians, as well, were not interested in political problems. They only wanted to be able to go out on the streets and live in peace. I, who judge no one … often ask, considering what happens in a city today — with those blind attacks which decimate the innocent — why someone does not understand within a few weeks that the high authorities must utilize all means in order to put an end to the terror?...I am a patriot. I take full responsibility for my actions. I do not seek", "id": "15816095" }, { "contents": "When Björk Met Attenborough\n\n\nwhich the naturalist affirms: \"Music, to be most rewarding, [...] does require work, and does require concentration, does require thought, which is why your music is so challenging, because it does require thought. So much of what you do, is completely new, [and] hasn't been done by people before, and that's what's challenging about that. So, if you're very tired, I don't suggest that they put on your music. I put on your music when", "id": "13922962" }, { "contents": "Rain Man\n\n\na key scene to the entire movie,\" Levinson said in a telephone interview. \"That's why it's in there. It launches their entire odyssey across country – because they couldn't fly.\" While some of those airlines cited as justification avoiding having airplane passengers feel uncomfortable in sympathy with Raymond during the in-flight entertainment, the scene was shown intact on flights of Qantas, and commentators noted that Raymond mentions \"it\" as the only airline whose planes have \"never crashed\". The film is credited", "id": "6483947" }, { "contents": "Mike McCarley\n\n\nMcCarley has been recognized for creating a positive culture inside the company. “What really drives the bus at the Golf Channel is the creation of a healthy, positive working environment. McCarley has labored very hard over the past few years to make the network the kind of place where the nearly 700 employees can look forward to coming in each day. “Most people who work here would be able to tell you why the things that they do every day matter, and why they help the company succeed. You feel like you", "id": "11476396" }, { "contents": "Samsung Galaxy Note 7\n\n\nin the early morning of 4 October. The owner told a local television station that he had received a text message not meant for him from a Samsung customer service representative, which read \"Just now got this. I can try and slow him down if we think it will matter, or we just let him do what he keeps threatening to do and see if he does it\". On 5 October 2016, a flight preparing to depart from Louisville was evacuated prior to takeoff when a passenger's replacement Galaxy Note 7", "id": "9439559" }, { "contents": "Parables of Jesus\n\n\ndisciples came to him and asked, \"Why do you speak to the people in parables?\" He replied, brDD\"The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables: brDDThough seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.", "id": "12958730" }, { "contents": "Casson handle\n\n\nin general position do not intersect provided the dimension of the manifold containing them has dimension greater than formula_1. In particular, a disc (of dimension 2) in general position will have no self intersections inside a manifold of dimension greater than 2+2. If the manifold is 4 dimensional, this does not work: the problem is that a disc in general position may have double points where two points of the disc have the same image. This is the main reason why the usual proof of the h-cobordism theorem", "id": "11565884" }, { "contents": "Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. v. RDR Books\n\n\ndo not have the right to stop the publication of reference guides and companion books about literary works. As for the Lexicon, we are obviously disappointed with the result, and RDR Books is considering all of its options, including an appeal. On their website, the group clarified their position: In a thoughtful and meticulous decision spanning 68 pages, the Court recognized that as a general matter authors do not have the right to stop publication of reference guides and companion books about literary works, and issued an important explanation of why", "id": "1878902" }, { "contents": "Princess and I\n\n\nto escape. When Jao goes near them, they ask him why is he doing this to them. Mikay says, \"why Jao?\" While Gino say, \"why would you do this to your own brother?\" Jao screams out, \"you are not my brother, I am a full blood of the Eastern Kingdom.\" Mikay and Gino eventually escaped from the raging Jao and left to go back home to Yangdon. As King Anand, Mikay and Gino were having a conversation, Mikay happily tells King", "id": "17083906" }, { "contents": "Air rage\n\n\na variety of methods. Some airlines carry flexcuffs for this purpose. Others use seatbelts, adhesive tape, neckties, shoe laces, or whatever is available on the aircraft. While the United States does not allow passengers to actually be confined to the seat or any other part of the aircraft, and only allows their individual body parts to be restrained, other countries, such as Iceland, do allow tying an unruly passenger to the seat. Sometimes a flight must be diverted to allow an aircraft to dispose itself of the offender", "id": "19426753" }, { "contents": "Herringbone seating\n\n\n, Virgin Atlantic filed a lawsuit against the seat manufacturer, Contour Aerospace, and airlines that have purchased and installed herringbone seats in their aircraft. Virgin Atlantic claims that they own the patent to the seats and that the other airlines have violated it. Herringbone seating allows all passengers to have direct access to an aisle, and provides increased privacy. However passenger access to a window may be limited. To maintain cost economies airlines may compromise seat width for seat length, leading some passengers to feel as if their seats are narrow,", "id": "7450861" }, { "contents": "Hawker Siddeley HS 748\n\n\nto seat a smaller number of passengers, market research indicated that a seating capacity of around 40 passengers would be optimal for the type. As a means to differentiate the new airliner from competitors, it was designed to possess a high level of performance, including its short takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities and overall ruggedness. First flying on 24 June 1960, the series 1 HS 748 entered revenue service during the following year. Once in service, the HS 748 found itself a niche within the short-haul market.", "id": "3403622" }, { "contents": "Natalie Maines\n\n\nDixie Chicks continue to discuss the matter. In an interview with \"The Daily Telegraph\" on June 15, 2006, regarding the fallout from her comment, Maines again stirred up controversy by statingThe entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism; Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country ... I don't see why people care", "id": "13119251" }, { "contents": "Kevin Mitchell (musician)\n\n\n(pseudonym for Jade McRae), In terms of inspiration, Mitchell cryptically stated that the album was about his \"recent run ins with the universe, taking away and giving back.\" In March 2013, Mitchell stated, during an ABC Radio National interview, that his fellow Jebediah members \"kind of put up with him [Bob Evans]; they tolerate him. Ahh ... You know, I think they understand why he's around, and why he needs to do what he does ... but sometimes i think they", "id": "2010889" }, { "contents": "Familiar Stranger (Bob Evans album)\n\n\ndrums on the album and made the trip especially to Melbourne for the recording. Also in March, during an interview for \"Drive\" on ABC Radio National, Mitchell described how fellow Jebediah members \"kind of put up with him [Bob Evans]; they tolerate him. Ahh ... You know, I think they understand why he's around, and why he needs to do what he does ... but sometimes I think they look at him with a sort of sense of bemusement.\" In reference to Jebediah members'", "id": "5274550" }, { "contents": "Precession\n\n\ndoes not account for the effect of variation in the speed of the spinning object; it only illustrates how the spin axis behaves due to precession. More correctly, the object behaves according to the balance of all forces based on the magnitude of the applied force, mass and rotational speed of the object. Once it is visualized why the wheel remains upright and rotates, it can easily be seen why the axis of a spinning top slowly rotates while the top spins as shown in the illustration on this page. A top behaves", "id": "4968105" }, { "contents": "Crash test dummy\n\n\nresults indicated that children should be placed in the back seat and restrained. It also suggests that restraints have a bigger impact on safety than seating positions. A lap belt used on children will not provide as much safety as it would for an adult, due to the flexibility of children. An adult seatbelt could do more harm to a child than good, which is why children should properly be utilizing the Child Restraint System instead. This system includes a booster seat and a proper belt that fits the child's criteria including age", "id": "19869075" }, { "contents": "Exit row\n\n\nAn exit row is a row of seats on board a commercial airliner that is next to an emergency exit. Exit rows may be next to overwing exits or full-sized exit doors. Since passengers seated in an exit row must be able and willing to assist the crew during an evacuation of the aircraft, civil aviation boards and national governments set specific requirements for passengers seated in an exit row. While exact requirements vary by country and airline, frequently exit row passengers must: Some carriers require passengers with an exit row seat", "id": "19307540" }, { "contents": "Business class\n\n\nexperimented with a similar three-class concept in 1978, but abandoned it due to negative reactions from discount economy class travelers who felt that amenities were being taken away from them. United also cited the difficulty of tracking which passengers should be seated in which section of the economy cabin on connecting flights. American Airlines also began separating full-fare economy passengers from discounted economy passengers in 1978, and offered open middle seats for full-fare passengers. Around this time, there was speculation in the airline industry that supersonic aircraft would", "id": "1845973" }, { "contents": "Ski flying\n\n\n, why we're here and why they're doing it.\" Ski flying endured a static era beginning in 1987, when Piotr Fijas set a world record of in Planica. With height over the hills (athletes were reaching in Planica) and takeoff speeds (Pavel Ploc reached in Harrachov in 1983) at an all-time high, as well as distances approaching , the FIS took a stance against record-hunting for safety reasons. From Felder's world record in 1986 onwards, the FIS implemented a rule in which", "id": "18116889" }, { "contents": "Victory Motorcycles\n\n\nadd-ons. Example: The Vision 8-Ball does not come with the passenger backrest/trunk. The 8-Ball versions of the bikes are also lower or have a lower seat. In 2010 Victory marketing manager Josh Kurcinka announced a contest in which ten people won a lease on one of the two new Victory touring bikes: Cross Country or Cross Roads. The entrants had submitted a 90-second video explaining why they deserved a lease on a new bike and what they had planned for the summer. Contestants were asked to outline four different", "id": "6861984" }, { "contents": "Jump seat\n\n\nemergency evacuation. The passenger cabin jump seats usually fold out of the way when not in use to keep aisles, workspaces, and emergency exits clear. Some aircraft do not have jump seats in the cockpit, while others have one or two. In most airliners, the observers' seats have an audio selector panel so that the observer can monitor or participate in flight communications. An oxygen mask is provided for each station. There can be extra flight attendant jump seats in the main cabin, depending on how the airline has", "id": "13674592" }, { "contents": "Loganair Flight 670A\n\n\nwas powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67R engines. Its passenger seats had been removed for use as a freighter and its Certificate of Airworthiness was valid until 15 October 2001. The aircraft was loaded with 1,360 kg (3,000 lb) of fuel and carried of cargo with a total weight at takeoff of . Maximum certified takeoff weight of the Short 360 is 12,292 kg (27,100 lb). The crew consisted of a 58-year-old male holding a valid Airline Transport Pilot's licence and with 13,569 hours' flying experience,", "id": "19420430" }, { "contents": "Birth (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\ndoes and will always love her. When Emma asks Hook what he wants, he says that he wants to help her, and asks who Nimue is. She says that Nimue doesn't matter anymore, and that it will all be over tomorrow. Hook asks why she needs the sword. Emma walks away and Hook says he knows she has reasons for doing this, and Emma tells Hook that she does, and that she's doing all of this for him, before disappearing. Arthur is in a cell in the", "id": "22095248" }, { "contents": "Marshall Rosenberg\n\n\n. At an inner-city school Rosenberg discovered anti-Semitism and internalized it. \"Growing up as a kid, I couldn’t stand to see people torment other people.\" He developed a \"kind of awareness of suffering – why do people do this – and particularly, why does it have to happen to me?\" \"My family was very affectionate. I got heaps of love, and if it had not been for that, the effects of this self-hatred could have been much harder to deal", "id": "19233830" }, { "contents": "Priority seat\n\n\ndriver in the lower deck. Also, there is priority seating offered by the Cathay Pacific airline, for passengers with disabilities. But since other transportations such as taxi and ferry which usually do not allow standing, there are no specifically designated priority seats. There are two major controversies regarding priority seats. First of all, people think that only people in need can sit on the priority seats. Even if the train is full, priority seats are still left empty. This situation is common in Taiwan and Hong Kong. People", "id": "6253319" }, { "contents": "Émilie Charmy\n\n\nthe single figure standing or seated, prone or supine, or reclined laterally either toward or away from the viewer. Charmy often worked with studio models, and she also was interested in the subgenre of the nude portrait. Some of these images bear such a strong resemblance to the artist that they are considered self-depictions.\" There have been many speculations as to why Charmy chose such a controversial subject matter. One interpretation, is that \"in adopting a contradictory viewing position (i.e. that of a woman viewing the female", "id": "12158353" }, { "contents": "Astroparticle physics\n\n\nthe missing dark matter, but they are nowhere near sufficient to offer a full explanation. The finding of an accelerating universe suggests that a large part of the missing dark matter is stored as dark energy in a dynamical vacuum. Another question for astroparticle physicists is why is there so much more matter than antimatter in the universe today. Baryogenesis is the term for the hypothetical processes that produced the unequal numbers of baryons and anitbaryons in the early universe, which is why the universe is made of matter today, and not antimatter.", "id": "11864039" }, { "contents": "Marx's theory of human nature\n\n\nto work not to express their human nature but to find theirs means of subsistence. So in that case, why do the productive forces grow - does human nature have anything to do with it? The answer to this question is a difficult one, and a closer consideration of the arguments in the literature is necessary for a full answer than can be given in this article. However, it is worth bearing in mind that Cohen had previously been committed to the strict view that human nature (and other 'asocial premises'", "id": "8554556" }, { "contents": "Anatoliy Serdyukov\n\n\ndeadline for implementing the cuts was put back from 2012 to 2016. Army divisions were disbanded and replaced by brigades. The six military districts of Russia were replaced by 4 geographic commands. Addressing acute and long-standing issues such as the ineffectiveness of Russia’s defense industrial and procurement policies was also one of Serdyukov's chief aims. The questions addressed included: \"why, with so much spending on defense, do the Armed Forces possess so little new equipment? Why does the design and testing of many new types of armament", "id": "19930935" }, { "contents": "Samuel J. Briskin\n\n\n. However, he was also known for putting the quality of the product over saving money. Joseph Walker, the cinematographer for the 1931 film \"Dirigible\", directed by Frank Capra, explained why the film had not used stock footage of blimps, which would have been much less expensive: [Briskin], the studio's general manager, who personally supervised the making of the picture, and who is perhaps more keenly exacting in the matter of getting a full dollar's worth of production for every dollar spent than any", "id": "5772684" }, { "contents": "The Horn of Mortal Danger\n\n\nhis readers will not notice this (as the children do), he explains very concisely the why and how of this in a throwaway manner near the beginning. The technology of railways and canals is borrowed from observation of the Aboveground world, but the System is conservative and usually does not adopt new things very quickly. They have no electricity, though the Railway is reportedly looking into the matter. The children finally make their escape through an Observation Shaft, similar to the one they entered through, which leads into the Post", "id": "11987853" }, { "contents": "Diverted\n\n\nto nearby airports, completely clearing the skies. A total of 38 transatlantic flights at or near their \"point of no return\" (also known as the \"point of safe return\") are diverted to the nearest airport in Canada, Gander, Newfoundland. The anxious passengers leaving on business and vacation trips have no idea why their flights are being sent to a remote town in Canada. With wild rumours spreading, one British airliner's crew tells the passengers what is known, that a terrorist attack has taken place in", "id": "2022735" }, { "contents": "Price discrimination\n\n\non the same aircraft. This is one reason airlines use yield management technology to determine how many seats to allot for A-B passengers, B-C passengers, and A-B-C passengers, at their varying fares and with varying demands and no-show rates. With the rise of the Internet and the growth of low fare airlines, airfare pricing transparency has become far more pronounced. Passengers discovered it is quite easy to compare fares across different flights or different airlines. This helped put pressure on airlines to", "id": "21130022" }, { "contents": "Why Do You Love Me\n\n\nentire \"Bleed Like Me\" album with a short Australian tour that included a performance of \"Why Do You Love Me\" on \"Rove Live\". On the week of February 19, 2008, \"Why Do You Love Me\" was released as a downloadable master track for use in the video game \"Rock Band\". \"Why Do You Love Me\" received a mostly positive reception from contemporary music critics. In a review for \"Billboard\", Keith Caulfield wrote, \"Listeners will find themselves involuntarily bobbing", "id": "6112730" }, { "contents": "Mashal (allegory)\n\n\napt and skilful. What did the king do? He took this laborer from his work, and walked through the garden conversing with him. When the laborers came for their hire in the evening, the skilful laborer also appeared among them and received a full day's wages from the king. The other laborers were angry at this and said, 'We have toiled the whole day, while this man has worked but two hours; why does the king give him the full hire, even as to us?' The", "id": "12405251" }, { "contents": "Overselling\n\n\nincluding the UK and French systems, a contrast is offered between advance-purchase tickets, which do guarantee a (specific) seat and are therefore often non-refundable, and \"walk-on\" tickets purchased on the day of travel, which do not; these passengers may be forced to stand or take a tip-up seat in a vestibule. Rail networks face less pressure in this than airlines, which cannot allow passengers to stand. Rail networks accordingly often do not have a centralised booking system; as", "id": "15654584" }, { "contents": "The Front Page (1974 film)\n\n\nit is easy to see why he was attracted to this material . . . he just does not seem to have the energy here to do it justice. Matthau and Lemmon put in their usual faultless turns, but cannot lift a pervading air of pointlessness.\" \"TV Guide\" rated the film 2½ out of four stars and noted, \"This slick remake of the ebullient original falls short of being the film it could have been, despite the presence of master filmmaker Wilder and his engaging costars . . . Despite", "id": "12150662" }, { "contents": "Thuy Trang\n\n\nout-of-costume scenes and dubbed Trang's voice over the male actor's performance in the Japanese scenes. This is why the Yellow Ranger costume does not have a skirt like the Pink Ranger, who was female in both the Japanese and American versions of the show. The decision to put Trang, an Asian American actress, into the role of Yellow Ranger has received criticism and been the subject of jokes due to the connotation of yellow as an ethnic slur. Producers have said that race had nothing to do with", "id": "20727157" }, { "contents": "Why? (Geir Rönning song)\n\n\n-ten berth and final qualification by 8 places and forcing Finland to qualify from the semi-final at their next Contest appearance. The song is a ballad, inspired by the Beslan school hostage crisis, with Rönning asking why people do what they do, and \"why can't love be all that matters?\" While the song garnered considerable praise for Rönning's vocal performance, the general belief among fans was that it was too pessimistic a subject to prove successful at the Contest. It was succeeded as Finnish representative at", "id": "19467259" }, { "contents": "List of Suits characters\n\n\nto Donna that her relationship with Stephen does bother him but implies that it does not mean he wants her for himself. She tells him she knows and says, \"This is exactly why I had that policy.\" When he asks her why she changed it for Stephen, she replies, \"Because I have to live my life, Harvey.\" In season 4, Donna falls into significant legal jeopardy when she illegally acquires evidence from Mike and it forces Harvey and her to put the problem of defining their relationship under", "id": "8667368" }, { "contents": "Passenger\n\n\ncare. The number of passengers that a vehicle or vessel may legally carry is defined as its seating capacity. A revenue passenger is someone who has paid a transport operator for her or his trip. That excludes non-paying passengers such as airline employees flying on free or nearly-free passes, babies and children who do not have a seat of their own, etc. However, passengers who paid for their trip with a frequent-flyer program mileage award are usually included. This term is used in the transportation industry", "id": "20695218" }, { "contents": "Titus Andronicus\n\n\nworked by \"bringing into play our sense of reality in terms of detail and literal time structure.\" He argued that when presented realistically, the play simply doesn't work, as it raises too many practical question, such as why does Lavinia not bleed to death, why does Marcus not take her to the hospital immediately, why does Tamora not notice that the pie tastes unusual, exactly how do both Martius and Quintus manage to fall into a hole? Freedman argued that \"if one wants to create a fresh emotional", "id": "14228815" }, { "contents": "Bert and Ernie\n\n\nfact that he did not begin writing for \"Sesame Street\" until fifteen years after Bert's and Ernie's first appearance. Sesame Workshop responded by claiming that Bert and Ernie have no sexual orientations because they are both puppets. Frank Oz, who previously performed as Bert, stated Bert and Ernie were not gay, saying, \"They're not, of course, a gay couple. But why that question? Does it really matter? Why the need to define people as only gay? There's much more to a", "id": "3806852" }, { "contents": "Warwick General Cemetery\n\n\nissues explain why the memorial shelter shed was not put out to tender until 1926. Established Warwick architects Dornbusch and Connolly, who accepted the tender of Phil Thornton for £1,236 in February 1926, designed the William Mitchner Shelter-shed. This octangular brick and cement structure was designed with a bell tower and seating accommodation inside. It did not have the wing's detailed in Mitchner's will but the shelter-shed does include a vault with marble crosses at ether end and marble plaque giving his details but no iron railing.", "id": "21893408" }, { "contents": "Learner's permit\n\n\nwho is 21 or over. The supervisor has to be in view of the road, however the Road Safety Act 1988 states that the supervisor does not have to be in the passenger seat, although the passenger in the front seat does have to be over the age of 15. A full licence can be acquired as soon as the provisional licence is received, unlike many other countries where applicants must wait a minimum of 6–12 months before getting a full license. The provisional licence is available without taking a test, although to", "id": "13951081" }, { "contents": "Intact dilation and extraction\n\n\nlaw that defined health to include mental as well as physical health. The Court has never explicitly held, as a matter of constitutional law, that states have to allow abortions of post-viable fetuses if doing so is necessary for the woman's mental health, but many read \"Doe\" as implying as much. The concern that the health exception can be read so liberally partly explains why supporters of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act did not want to include one. In 2003, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban", "id": "4839161" }, { "contents": "Du Zhenglun\n\n\nin 627. In 628, Du was made imperial attendant and put in charge of recording Emperor Taizong's acts for imperial archives. On one occasion, Emperor Taizong stated, \"Everyday, as I sit in judgment of important matter and get ready to speak, I think carefully about whether what I have to say has any benefit or harm to the people. That is why I do not speak a lot.\" Du responded, \"Whatever an emperor says is recorded in history. As my responsibility is to record Your", "id": "9716501" }, { "contents": "Karmic Debts\n\n\nthat makes it seem, as if time does not flow in a linear way. In each story, the characters are looking for answers to questions about real love, and how or why does it come to our life? Why do you feel at times that you have known certain people for a lifetime before you even really meet? . The book was originally published as a series of short-stories in the Estonian biggest women's magazine \"Naised\", but it was never finished. The author wanted to add an", "id": "15781348" }, { "contents": "Vararuchi\n\n\nVararuchi, why have you shaved your head all of a sudden?\" Vararuchi replied: \"O king, is there anything that a woman does not demand and a man does not readily concede? He would do anything, shave his head or neigh like a horse.\" Raktamukha, the monkey, then told Karalamukha, the crocodile: \"You wicked crocodile, you are a slave of your wife like Nanda and Vararuchi. You tried to kill me but your chatter gave away your plans.\" That’s why the", "id": "2757112" }, { "contents": "Gate agent\n\n\nGate agents work at the boarding gates of airports where passengers board their flights and arriving planes drop off passengers. Shifts vary with the particular airline's flight schedule, and, like ticket agents, gate agents must wear uniforms and put on a pleasant face for the public. Agents have a variety of duties depending on the size of the airline, including making boarding announcements, assigning seats, handling standby passengers, monitoring jet way doors during boarding and disembarkation, and assisting in customer service duties. Gate agents are in a very", "id": "15829749" }, { "contents": "Trans East Airlines\n\n\noperator position at Bangor International Airport. At that point, they were renamed Trans East Air International. In one of his biggest promotional coups, Norman Kaye took out a full-page ad in The New York Times headlined: “Can Bangor, Maine, answer New York’s air congestion problem?” Not only did Kaye explain why that was the case, he also flew 100 major airline executives to Bangor International Airport to inspect the airport. The tactic garnered national attention and prompted a closer look through a Newsweek magazine article", "id": "13886734" }, { "contents": "Vertical seat\n\n\nThe vertical seat (standing seat, stand-up seat) is an airline seat configuration, created in 2003 by Airbus, canvassed to Asian carriers in 2006, and promoted by Ryanair as well as Spring Airlines in 2010s. The configuration involves standing passengers travelling while being braced in position. The configuration and all designs have not yet been approved by regulatory agencies. There is no bar to such a configuration in Federal Aviation Administration (US) regulations. However, according to Transport Canada (the agency responsible for aviation safety in", "id": "19077555" }, { "contents": "Midstate Airlines\n\n\n, the CWA, and Hayward. Shortly after takeoff from Milwaukee, the passengers were invited to open a cooler put on board in Milwaukee and prepared by Midstate's President's wife. Typically, in the cooler were a few soft drinks, beers, Wisconsin cheese, Pringle's Newfangled Potato Chips, plastic cups and . . . one or two bottles of champagne. Somehow, this ice-breaker generated an informality and good feeling for nearly everyone on board. In 1977 Midstate switched to 19-passenger Swearingen Metroliners. On January 15", "id": "15425787" }, { "contents": "Porter Moss\n\n\nSam Thomas, couldn’t fix the aging vehicle. With a double header scheduled the next day the team booked passage on a train at McEwen Tennessee to complete their trip to Memphis. The team was forced to sit in the over crowded “Jim Crow” car where passengers were standing do to a lack of seats. Johnny Easley, who was drunk, was arguing with passengers and especially pestering the females in the train car. Porter approached Easley and said, “Why don’t you sit down and leave the woman alone", "id": "15352994" }, { "contents": "Ghoonghat\n\n\nend of the epic, hearing the news of Ravana's death, his queens giving up to lamentations rush outside without their \"Avagunthana\", in which chief queen Mandodari surrounding his corpse says \"\"Why do you not get angry, beholding me, having put off my veil, walk out on foot by the city gate? Do you behold your wives who have thrown off their veils. Why are you not angry seeing them all come out of the city?\"\" Thus, it is notable that royal women avoided", "id": "606817" }, { "contents": "Space propaganda\n\n\nthe best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will", "id": "16587647" } ]
Why is it that muscle knots on your back/neck/shoulders are indicative of high levels of stress?
[{"answer": "This is 2 questions. You pretty much posted the answer to why knots can be associated with stress. That is, prolonged tension, overuse, and poor positioning can basically damage muscle fibers which is one of the several mechanisms which most professionals generally agree can lead to knots (myofascial trigger points). Stress can cause these because it puts the person persistently in a \"fight or flight\" mode. The brain may respond with a hormone release (norepinephrine & others) which has a cascading effect through the body that results in tense muscles and postures. Your brain is basically saying hey body, you need to be ready to react and move, so be a little tense. If it lasts a long time it is thought to cause possible damage to muscles. This damage may become evident as knotted areas in muscle fibers. This is of course an oversimplification, and knots can be a subject of debate when it comes to scientific evidence. I hope this helps when it comes to a possible theory."}, {"answer": "In addition to all those physiological explanations given by other commenters, the reason why the those areas listed are more affected is because your body under stress wants to protect itself to reduce vulnerability. It's why dogs/wolves raise their hackles when stressed and warning, or when birds fluff themselves up. It makes you look bigger and more intimidating and protects the neck. Chronic stress and modern lifestyles/posture just exacerbates the problem. Go outside, stretch and exercise more! :)"}, {"answer": "There are no good evidence based answers to this question. It is very controversial that trigger points Even exist. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "When stressed, your body releases neurotransmitters like cortisol, norep, and acetylcholine and more. Acetylcholine regulates muscle contractions and relaxations. Generally speaking, if you are stressed for a prolonged period of time the cholinesterase breakdown leads to muscle soreness and tightness. A more specific example would be using Adderall which increases the sympathetic nervous system which leads to everything I said above. A common side effect of dex-amp use is muscle tightness in and around the neck and back."}, {"answer": "A \"knot\" is commonly referred to a muscle that is \"tight\" or \"tough\" when you feel it. When we are stressed, we have a tendency to contract our muscles to \"brace\" or \"stabilize\", ourselves in preparation for the big event...what ever that my be. In our day and age it could be just about anything. From watching a murder mystery to hiding from a murder. Though, it is more commonly associated with poor posture and trying to meet deadlines. (stress at work)"}, {"answer": "Your body is responding to a mental stressor the same way it would respond to a physical one e.g. An attack. Your shoulder muscles are primed to raise your arms to fight/defend. Ever notice how people put their head in their hands when stressed? To \"protect\" themselves. Your shoulder muscles constantly working causes them to be overloaded and tighten/form muscle knots. There's some debate on why knots form but we know there's decreased blood flow to the affected area."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1019091", "title": "Combat stress reaction", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Combat stress reaction (CSR) is a term used within the military to describe acute behavioral disorganization seen by medical personnel as a direct result of the trauma of war. Also known as \"combat fatigue\" or \"battle neurosis\", it has some overlap with the diagnosis of acute stress reaction used in civilian psychiatry. It is historically linked to shell shock and can sometimes precurse post-traumatic stress disorder. Combat stress reaction is an acute reaction that includes a range of behaviors resulting from the stress of battle that decrease the", "Combat stress reaction (CSR) is a term used within the military to describe acute behavioral disorganization seen by medical personnel as a direct result of the trauma of war. Also known as \"combat fatigue\" or \"battle neurosis\", it has some overlap with the diagnosis of acute stress reaction used in civilian psychiatry. It is historically linked to shell shock and can sometimes precurse post-traumatic stress disorder. Combat stress reaction is an acute reaction that includes a range of behaviors resulting from the stress of battle that decrease the\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Javelin throw\n\n\nto contract, flexing the elbow. In order for the javelin to stay up high, the thrower's deltoid flexes. In the transition phase, the thrower's \"back muscles contract\" as \"the javelin is brought back in alignment with the shoulder with the thrower's palm up\". This, according to Voza, \"stretches your pectoral, or chest, muscles. From there, a stretch reflex, an involuntary contraction of your chest, helps bring your throwing arm forward with increased force\". During the final", "id": "16241597" }, { "contents": "Racial battle fatigue\n\n\nor images, avoidance, helplessness, and fear. Acceptance of racist attributions, or internalized racism, may also be a psychosocial response. Physiological symptoms such as high blood pressure, headaches, increased breathing and heart rate in anticipation of racial conflict, upset stomach, ulcers, fatigue, exhaustion, and muscle tension around the neck, shoulders, and head may be present due to the persistent nature of the stress experienced. Clark and colleagues proposed that these stress responses are also related to cardiovascular reactivity and higher rates of hypertension among", "id": "5505979" }, { "contents": "IHunch\n\n\npositions, with the surrounding collagen of the ligaments, joint capsules and fascia shortening to reinforce this hypomobility. (This is the dowager's hump of the elderly of earlier generations, now observable in modern (2016) late teenagers.) Symptoms include overuse muscle pain and fatigue along the back of the neck and reaching down to the mid-back, often starting with the upper trapezius muscle bellies between the shoulders and neck. Cervicogenic headache from the joints and muscle attachments at the top of the neck is common. The compressive", "id": "10294440" }, { "contents": "Muscular evolution in humans\n\n\nthought to have had more muscles connecting the skull, neck, and shoulders/back area (similar to apes) which caused their neck and skull regions to appear to sag, such as non-human primate species do. These diminished muscles allow the human head to be held in its current ‘upright’ position and lets the occipitofrontalis muscle, or the forehead, to function as an aid to expressions. Humans became taller as the years passed after becoming bipedal which lengthened back muscles at the base of the tail bone and", "id": "18683542" }, { "contents": "Targeted reinnervation\n\n\ncan increase the reinnervation of muscle fibers hence improving the recovery of paralyzed muscles. The hypothesis was tested on rat skeletal muscles and the result indicated that hyper-reinnervated muscles recovered more muscle mass and strength and more number of motor units were formed. The first surgical patient was a bilateral shoulder disarticulation amputee. Both arms were entirely amputated at the shoulder level, with only the shoulder blades remaining. The pectoral muscles were chosen targets because they were close to the shoulder, and they were also biologically non-functional due to detachment", "id": "13859313" }, { "contents": "Smith machine\n\n\nstraight-up-and-down \"bar path\" which can put shear stress on the knees or back (if squatting) or shoulders (if pressing). The constrained movement of the bar also reduces the role that stabilizing muscles play versus an exercise using free weights. This may allow heavier weights to be lifted, at the expense of engaging less muscle mass overall. It is also hard to keep an accurate training log because Smith machines manufacturers usually don’t indicate bar weights. As with other exercise machines, the", "id": "1683524" }, { "contents": "Stegoceras\n\n\nthe norm in dinosaurs), and that they would therefore not have been able to align their head, neck, and body horizontally straight, which would be needed to transmit stress. Their necks would have to be held below the level of the back, which would have risked damaging the spinal cord on impact. Modern bighorn sheep and bison overcome this problem by having strong ligaments from the neck to the tall neural spines over the shoulders (which absorb the force of impact), but such features are not known in pachycephalosaurs", "id": "1709571" }, { "contents": "Spanish Mustang\n\n\nthat indicate origin from horses of the Iberian peninsula. Spanish Mustang stands from in height, with horses over 15 hands not favored. They weigh between . They are smooth muscled with short backs, rounded rumps and low-set tails. The coupling is strong and horses are to be well balanced and smoothly built with an \"uphill\" build. The girth is deep, with a well laid back shoulder and fairly pronounced withers. They possess a straight or concave facial profile and wide foreheads. Necks are fairly well crested in", "id": "18627993" }, { "contents": "GALS screen\n\n\nleg.\" \"Bend your left ear down towards your left shoulder and then your right ear down towards your right shoulder\" to test for pain free cervical spine lateral flexion. Now test for stiffness or pain flexing or extending the cervical spine: \"bend your neck forwards to try to touch your chin against your chest.\" \"bend your neck back to lift your chin.\" \"open your jaw and move it from side to side\" to test for pain free normal temporo-mandibular joint movement. \"put", "id": "14133782" }, { "contents": "Bioarchaeology\n\n\nthe early age of onset provides evidence of labor that resulted in mechanical strain to the neck. One male skeleton shows stress lesions at 37 percent of 33 muscle or ligament attachments, showing he experienced significant musculoskeletal stress. Overall, the interred show signs of significant musculoskeletal stress and heavy workloads, although workload and activities varied among different individuals. Some individuals show high levels of stress, while others do not. This references the variety of types of labor (e.g., domestic vs. carrying heavy loads) labor that enslaved individuals were forced", "id": "11766326" }, { "contents": "Hydrostatic shock\n\n\n) The WDMET data includes a case of a lung contusion resulting from a hit to the shoulder. The caption to Figure 4-40 (p. 149) says, \"The pulmonary injury may be the result of a stress wave.\" They describe the possibility that a hit to a soldier's trapezius muscle caused temporary paralysis due to \"the stress wave passing through the soldier's neck indirectly [causing] cervical cord dysfunction.\" (p. 155) In addition to stress waves, Bellamy and Zajtchuck describe shear waves as", "id": "13700893" }, { "contents": "Core (anatomy)\n\n\nIn common parlance, the core of the body is broadly considered to be the torso. Functional movements are highly dependent on this part of the body, and lack of core muscular development can result in a predisposition to injury. The major muscles of the core reside in the area of the belly and the mid and lower back (not the shoulders), and peripherally include the hips, the shoulders and the neck. Major muscles included are the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus", "id": "18742590" }, { "contents": "Canadian horse\n\n\nforehead. The neck is arched and graceful, and the chest, back and loins broad and strongly muscled. The shoulders and croup are sloping, with a relatively high-set tail. Overall, the breed gives the impression of strength and agility. Their heavy and wavy mane and tail, arched necks and finely boned heads are all reminiscent of Andalusian and Barb ancestry. Their trot is described as flashy. They are hardy horses and easy keepers. Today, most Canadian horses are used as riding and driving horses, and", "id": "54029" }, { "contents": "Neckbreaker\n\n\nin a standard neckbreaker. There are also double team variations. In this variation of a muscle buster, which focuses more of the attack on the neck, a wrestler holds his or her opponent upside-down, with both legs hooked and with the back of the opponent's neck against the wrestler's shoulder and then drops to a kneeling or sitting position so that the opponent’s neck hits against the shoulder. It is usually performed against an opponent who is sitting on the top turnbuckle. A move in which the attacking", "id": "13776340" }, { "contents": "Golf stroke mechanics\n\n\ntoe, balanced, with the golf club resting on the back of the golfers neck. Importantly, all of the movements occur with precise timing, while the head remains completely still with eyes focused on the ball throughout the entire swing. A golf stroke uses muscles on core (especially erector spinae muscles and latissimus dorsi muscle when turning), hamstring, shoulder and wrist. Stronger muscles on wrist can prevent wrists from being twisted at swings, while stronger shoulders increase the turning force. Weak wrists can also deliver the impacts to", "id": "8327356" }, { "contents": "Frederiksborg horse\n\n\n\"ahead of its time\", so the horses express great quality and are quite uniform. The muzzle is wide and the straight lines of the head often border on convex. The neck is powerful and usually crested, and is set high on strong shoulders. The withers are not high, and the back, while long, has a strong loin. The hindquarters are broad and deep and the croup is level. The level topline and high-set neck of the Frederiksborger belie its showy trot. The legs are solid", "id": "7014059" }, { "contents": "Rotator cuff tear\n\n\nto maintain force while the muscle elongates. Chronic tears are indicative of extended use in conjunction with other factors such as poor biomechanics or muscular imbalance. Ultimately, most are the result of wear that occurs slowly over time as a natural part of aging. They are more common in the dominant arm, but a tear in one shoulder signals an increased risk of a tear in the opposing shoulder. Several factors contribute to degenerative, or chronic, rotator cuff tears of which repetitive stress is the most significant. This stress consists of", "id": "6406056" }, { "contents": "Relaxation (psychology)\n\n\nand decision making, and changes gene activities that are the opposite of those associated stress. The relaxation response is achieved through meditation. Benson's meditation technique involves these four steps: Autogenics was invented by Dr. Johannes Heinrich Schultz in the 1920s. The process of autogenics is by relaxing muscles deeply, and by doing so, the mind follows through and relaxes as well. There as six parts to autogenics training: Progressive muscle relaxation helps relax your muscles by tensing certain parts of the body (such as the neck), and", "id": "19215625" }, { "contents": "Good-morning\n\n\nand jerk or snatch. One starts with a barbell held on one's shoulders, behind the head. Similar to a back squat, there is some variation with the height on the back at which the bar is held. Holding the bar lower on the back decreases the distance to the pelvis and decreases the strain on the hip and spine extensors: a low bar position allows one to lift heavier weights while a high position allows one to stress the muscles harder with a lighter weight. Another possibility is to hold a barbell", "id": "20820565" }, { "contents": "Kabarda horse\n\n\nPartizan collective farm in the Stavropol territory. The Kabarda stands high, with a coat that is bay, black, or gray. They are a solid, cleanly built horse with a clean head, a well-muscled neck, medium-high withers, a deep chest, long, sloping shoulders, a short, solid back, and a muscular, slightly sloping croup. Their legs are correctly set, with clean, well-developed joints and hard hooves. The Kabardas' blood has a heightened oxidizing capacity, useful", "id": "1777601" }, { "contents": "High-heeled shoe\n\n\nand lower back. Thirteen women were recruited to walk down a walkway in three different testing conditions: barefoot, in 4 cm heels and in 10 cm heels. Surface electrodes were placed on the muscle mass of the women’s spines as well as their feet to measure the electrical activity of muscles at different points of movement. The results of the study indicated an increase in both cervical and lumbar muscle activation as heel height increased. The cervical spine, the neck, assists in maintaining head stability and postural control in the body", "id": "4109799" }, { "contents": "Withers\n\n\ndefined withers, as they are considered an important attachment point for the muscles of the torso. Withers of medium height are preferred, as high withers make it difficult to fit a saddle and are often associated with a narrow chest, and low withers (known as \"mutton withers\") do not provide a ridge to help keep the saddle in place. More importantly, the dorsal spinal processes provide an attachment for the muscles that support the shoulder and neck. Horses do not have a clavicle, so the shoulder can freely", "id": "14161801" }, { "contents": "Ben Hogan\n\n\nswing, prepared usage of the proper muscles, and the maximum strength and control over your swing. We align our body to the target only after we have aligned the club head to the target. A proper stance starts with your feet being aligned at the target, followed by your knees, hips and shoulders. Your feet should be shoulder width apart, your front foot should be slightly opened towards the target and your back foot should be perpendicular to the target. As you increase in club, your stance should widen for", "id": "18110905" }, { "contents": "Navasana\n\n\ndifferent variations and traditions, the arms, legs and torso may take different positions. In Paripurna Navasana, the legs and back are lifted high and arms extend forward and parallel to the ground. In Ardha Navasana, hands interlace behind the neck and both back and shoulders are closer to the ground. To come into the pose, begin seated on the floor. Bend your knees, bringing the soles of the feet to the ground, and bring the palms to the back of the thighs. Begin to lean back as you", "id": "1419731" }, { "contents": "Poor posture\n\n\nPoor posture is the posture that results from certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak which often occurs as a result of one's daily activities. There are different factors which can impact on posture and they include occupational activities and biomechanical factors such as force and repetition. Risk factors for poor posture also include psychosocial factors such as job stress and strain. Workers who have higher job stress are more likely to develop neck and shoulder symptoms. Poor posture can present in several ways: Poor posture is the result", "id": "10254250" }, { "contents": "Tennessee Walking Horse\n\n\n, criminal charges against a number of individuals, and the creation of several separate breed organizations. The modern Tennessee Walking Horse is described as \"refined and elegant, yet solidly built\". It is a tall horse with a long neck. The head is well-defined, with small, well-placed ears. The breed averages high and . The shoulders and hip are long and sloping, with a short back and strong coupling. The hindquarters are of \"moderate thickness and depth\", well-muscled, and", "id": "20457777" }, { "contents": "Brachylophosaurus\n\n\nbody and showing skin imprints. The best studied \"mummy\" has been \"Leonardo\", a specimen 90% of the cast surface of which is covered by imprints. Generally, the surface is close to the bones, which could be caused by desiccation before burial or the compressive action of the covering sediment. An exception is the region around the right shoulder, which shows the profile of about six centimetres thick muscles. \"Leonardo\" also indicates that the base of the neck was heavily muscled and that the soft tissue", "id": "1187052" }, { "contents": "Poor posture\n\n\nas rolling your shoulders back and down, making sure your ears are aligned with your shoulders, and strengthening your core muscles. Poor posture is affected by prolonged periods of repeated motions, or remaining fixed in one particular position. Backpacks and computer use are associated with spinal distortions. The Sept/Oct edition of \"American Fitness\" in their article \"Get in Straight: Simple Steps to Improve Your Posture\" quote Dr. Thielman who \"cautions against carrying backpacks that weigh more than 20 pounds, attempting to lift object that are", "id": "10254265" }, { "contents": "Sports bra\n\n\nsquare frame\", with all dimensions adjusted for each woman in a normal standing position, with arms to the sides. When a woman performs an activity which requires her to lift her arms above the shoulders, the frame is strained because it is anchored by the chest band, putting direct pressure on the shoulder trapezius muscles. This may result in neck and shoulder pain, numbness and tingling in the arm and headaches. To avoid such problems the bra's shoulder straps are usually crossed at the back, or the bra is", "id": "16576566" }, { "contents": "Malopolski\n\n\nat this time. Malopolski horses generally stand from high, and may be bay, black, chestnut, gray, or roan, although chestnut and bay are the most common colors. Their head is well proportioned with a straight profile, a neck of good length, withers prominent, the chest wide and deep, and the shoulder sloping and long. The back is long and the croup slightly sloping. The legs are well-muscled and long, with good joints and tough hooves. The breed has much in common with", "id": "18298110" }, { "contents": "Maremmano\n\n\n, although gray and roan are occasionally seen. It has a long, slightly heavy head, a muscular neck that is broad at the base, high, well-muscled withers, a full chest and sloping shoulders. The back is short, the croup sloping, and the legs solid and sturdy with good joints and strong hooves. The breed is known for its solidity and their ability to adapt to bad weather and rough terrain. The Maremmano is the traditional mount of the Maremma cattle men, known as \"butteri\"", "id": "4339990" }, { "contents": "Spinal adjustment\n\n\nclaim effects similar to other manual therapies, ranging from decreased muscle tension to reduced stress. Studies show that most patients go to chiropractors for musculoskeletal problems: 60% with low back pain, and the rest with head, neck and extremity symptoms. (p. 219) Also the article \"Chiropractic: A Profession at the Crossroads of Mainstream and Alternative Medicine\" states that, “chiropractic was to be a revolutionary system of healing based on the premise that neurologic dysfunction caused by ‘impinged’ nerves at the spinal level was the", "id": "1107416" }, { "contents": "Tilmàtli\n\n\nknotted over the right shoulder, while the middle class used a tilmàtli made of ayate fibre, a coarse fabric derived from the threads of the maguey agave. It was knotted over the left shoulder. The lower classes knotted the garment behind the neck, where it could serve for carrying. A very famous tilmàtli was that worn by Juan Diego in 1531; according to tradition, an image of the Virgin Mary appeared on it in the presence of the bishop of Mexico City. The image is preserved in the Basilica of Our", "id": "1204707" }, { "contents": "Lusitano\n\n\nbays are bred at the Alter Real stud. They usually stand high, although some stand over . Members of the breed have narrow, but well-proportioned, heads with profiles that are slightly convex. The necks are thick and arched, leading to well defined withers, shoulders that are muscular and sloping and a deep, broad chest. The horses have short, strong backs and rounded, sloped croups, leading to a low-set tail. The legs are sturdy and muscled. Lusitanos are known as powerful horses,", "id": "12491301" }, { "contents": "Herero people\n\n\n, but now make them in vivid colours and prints. Married and older Herero women wear the dresses, locally known as \"ohorokova\", every day, while younger and unmarried women wear them mainly for special occasions. Ohorokova dresses are high-necked and have voluminous skirts lavishly gathered from a high waist or below the bust, incorporating multiple petticoats and up to ten metres of fabric. The long sleeves display sculptural volume: puffed from the shoulders or frilled at the wrists. Coordinating neckerchiefs are knotted around the neck. For", "id": "10393222" }, { "contents": "Mir Mohtesham Ali Khan\n\n\nto reach this level. Mohtesham's daily diet includes 30 egg whites, 1 kg chicken breasts, 12 oranges, 200gm green salad, 1 cup of sweet corn, 150 gm oatmeal and 2 to 4 chapatis. The daily routine event is split into two sessions. The morning (5-10) session is for smaller muscles like biceps, triceps, neck, calf and abdomen while the evening (5 hr) session is for chest, shoulder, thigh and back. He was also the captain of the 14-member Indian", "id": "21095681" }, { "contents": "Balikun horse\n\n\nThe Balikun horse is a light horse breed from China, used for riding, light draft, and pack work. The Balikun breed stands at high or more, and is most commonly bay or chestnut. They have heavy heads with small ears; the neck is thick, short, and well muscled; withers may be somewhat low; the back is short, flat, and very strong; the croup is sloped with a low-set tail. The shoulder is somewhat straight but muscular. This breed has powerful quarters and", "id": "21587161" }, { "contents": "Juvenile dermatomyositis\n\n\nthe muscle shortens and causes joints to stay bent; exercise, occupational therapy, and physical therapy can prevent this. The muscles first affected tend to be proximal (i.e., neck, shoulders, back, and abdominal). About half of children with JDMS also have pain in their muscles. Other symptoms may include irritability, weight loss, and mouth ulcers. When a child becomes irritable, fatigued, reluctant to socialize, and the face becomes flushed easily, physicians refer to this constellation of symptoms as \"misery.\"", "id": "314672" }, { "contents": "Professional wrestling holds\n\n\nexecuted to an opponent on their back enabling a pinfall. Other variations include squeezing either the side of the neck or the muscle in the front of the armpit, with the four fingers dug into the armpit and the thumb pressing into the front of the shoulder. Just like the original clawhold, the attacker applies a painful nerve hold to the adversary's abdomen, forcing them to submit or pass out. This neck crank sees the wrestler wrap both hands around the opponent's face and pulls back, which applies pressure to the", "id": "13418896" }, { "contents": "Ben Hogan\n\n\nbefore the shoulders begin to turn.\" \"Just before your hands reach hip level, the shoulders, as they turn, automatically start pulling the hips around. As the hips begin to turn, they pull the left leg in to the right.\" \"When you have turned your shoulders all the way, your back should face squarely toward your target.\" \"When you finish your backswing, your chin should be hitting against the top of your left shoulder.\" \"As you begin the backswing, you must", "id": "18110910" }, { "contents": "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis\n\n\nPain is a symptom experienced by most people with ALS and can take the form of neuropathic pain (pain caused by nerve damage), spasticity, muscle cramps, and nociceptive pain caused by reduced mobility and muscle weakness; examples of nociceptive pain in ALS include contractures (permanent shortening of a muscle or joint), neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and pressure ulcers. Sensory nerves and the autonomic nervous system are generally unaffected, meaning the majority of people with ALS maintain hearing, sight, touch, smell,", "id": "10408525" }, { "contents": "Forehand (horse)\n\n\nbehind the jaw and ends below the point of the shoulder to the humerus. This muscle moves the head from side to side, pulls the scapula forward, raises it in collection, and swings the foreleg forward. It is well developed for good movement, and too strong a rein contact inhibits free forward movement. The \"Sternocephalic\" begins at the jowl and ends at the sternum. This muscle moves the head and neck. In ewe-necked or bull-necked horses, this muscle is overdeveloped, and is difficult", "id": "18425314" }, { "contents": "Megabat\n\n\n. The shoulder is overall of simple construction, though it does have some specialized features. The primitive insertion of the omohyoid muscle from the clavicle (collarbone) to the scapula is laterally displaced (more towards the side of the body)—a feature also seen in the Phyllostomidae. The shoulder also has a well-developed system of muscular slips (narrow bands of muscle that augment larger muscles) that anchor the tendon of the occipitopollicalis muscle (muscle in bats that runs from base of neck to the base of the thumb) to the", "id": "5268727" }, { "contents": "Guizhou pony\n\n\nup. In the riding type the neck tends to be sloped, while the pack type has a level neck. The withers are medium in height and length; the chest is of good width and depth; the rump is short and sloping but well muscled; the shoulder is short and tends to be straight. The forelegs have good posture while the hind legs are often sickled; the hoof is solid and tough and shoes are unnecessary even in the mountains. The skin is thin; mane and tail are think. Guizhou", "id": "8444912" }, { "contents": "Supraspinatus muscle\n\n\ncooperation with the deltoid muscle to perform abduction, including when the arm is in adducted position. Beyond 15 degrees the deltoid muscle becomes increasingly more effective at abducting the arm and becomes the main propagator of this action. Antero-posterior projectional radiography of the shoulder may demonstrate a high-riding humeral head, with an acromiohumeral distance of less than 7 mm. One study has indicated that arthroscopic surgery for full-thickness supraspinatus tears is effective for improving shoulder functionality. A comparative effectiveness review of nonoperative and operative treatments for rotator cuff", "id": "5221356" }, { "contents": "Effects of stress on memory\n\n\nhippocampus to both encode and recall memories. These stress hormones are also hindering the hippocampus from receiving enough energy by diverting glucose levels to surrounding muscles. Stress affects many memory functions and cognitive functioning of the brain. There are different levels of stress and the high levels can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic stress level is triggered by a cognitive challenge whereas extrinsic can be triggered by a condition not related to a cognitive task. Intrinsic stress can be acutely and chronically experienced by a person. The varying effects of stress on performance or", "id": "15392789" }, { "contents": "Erector spinae muscles\n\n\nlie on either side of the vertebral column spinous processes (the bony points up and down the middle of your back) and extend throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions (lower, middle, and upper back and the neck). The erector spinae is covered in the lumbar and thoracic regions (lower back and lower middle back) by the thoracolumbar fascia, and in the cervical region (neck) by the nuchal ligament. This large muscular and tendinous mass varies in size and structure at different parts of the", "id": "9023058" }, { "contents": "Golf\n\n\nrequire many more strokes to hole out. A golf stroke uses the muscles of the core (especially erector spinae muscles and latissimus dorsi muscle when turning), hamstring, shoulder, and wrist. Stronger muscles in the wrist can prevent them from being twisted during swings, whilst stronger shoulders increase the turning force. Weak wrists can also transmit the force to elbows and even neck and lead to injury. (When a muscle contracts, it pulls equally from both ends and, to have movement at only one end of the muscle", "id": "13562387" }, { "contents": "Stinger (medicine)\n\n\nas some muscles in the neck and shoulder. Damage to the brachial plexus can occur when the nerves are stretched too far from the head and neck; specifically the upper trunk of the plexus –nerve roots at the 5th and 6th cervical level –are primarily affected. The upper trunk provides part of the nerve to supply to the upper extremity via the Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Radial and Median nerves. It is for this reason that stingers do not affect both arms simultaneously, however it is possible for both arms to accrue injuries", "id": "4002827" }, { "contents": "Swimming injuries\n\n\nthe fact that the opposite shoulder to the breathing arm has to work harder to support balanced position and forward movement while the head is turned. Some training equipment such as paddles and kick boards can also put stress on the shoulder and surrounding muscles and cause fatigue and inflammation. The second cause of swimmer shoulder is the biomechanics of the stroke also known as stroke technique. Incorrect stroke technique for example the swimmers hand entering the water across the mid-line of the swimmers body then proceeding to stroke back or the swimmers hand entering", "id": "17484556" }, { "contents": "High-heeled shoe\n\n\nvelocity of the bodies increased which also modified the position of the knee joint. Muscles have to realign the entire body especially the hips along the line of gravity. As the weight of the body shifted forward, the hips were taken out of alignment and the knee joints experienced stress in order to adjust to the shift. In a 2016 study from the Sahmyook University in Korea, researchers wanted to investigate the effects of high heels on the activation of muscles in the cervical and lumbar portions of the spine which refers to the neck", "id": "4109798" }, { "contents": "Sauropod neck posture\n\n\nfound that the cartilage between the joints would have allowed for the neck to flex far past 90°. However, Taylor noted that while the neck could flex above the vertical, the osteological neutral pose would have been around horizontal, with the habitual pose having the head held upwards in an alert pose. Sauropod necks were probably highly muscled to suit their feeding level. \"Brachiosaurus brancai\" (now \"Giraffititan\") was probably a high browser, so it would have been more muscled along the neck than other sauropods like", "id": "2214443" }, { "contents": "Forehand (horse)\n\n\nand all the thoracic vertebrae. It lifts the shoulder and forehand, and if this muscle is well developed, the horse will work in a good outline. The \"Nuchal\" ligament begins at the poll and ends at the withers, and helps the muscles in the neck support the head. The \"deltoid\" begins at the scapula and ends at the humerus. The deltoid flexes the shoulder joint, and will load the shoulder if overdeveloped. The \"Supraspinatus\" begins below the \"trapezius\" and ends at the point", "id": "18425316" }, { "contents": "Poor posture\n\n\ncause pain as stated in the University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter; November 2000, \"Increase in neck and shoulder pain may be due to the postural problems in the upper body including rounded shoulders and jutting the head forward. Although the thoracic and lumbar spines are crucial factors in postural problem, they tend to overshadow the head or the cervical spine. An article in the February 2006 Consumer Reports on Health remarked that \"Research has found, for example that letting your head jut forward is associated with neck, back and", "id": "10254255" }, { "contents": "Accessory nerve\n\n\nhead and neck. Injury can cause wasting of the shoulder muscles, winging of the scapula, and weakness of shoulder abduction and external rotation. The accessory nerve is derived from the basal plate of the embryonic spinal segments C1–C6. The fibres of the spinal accessory nerve originate solely in neurons situated in the upper spinal cord, from where the spinal cord begins at the junction with the medulla oblongata, to the level of about C6. These fibres join together to form rootlets, roots, and finally the spinal accessory nerve itself.", "id": "11481872" }, { "contents": "Thorax\n\n\nhominids, the thorax is the chest region of the body between the neck and the abdomen, along with its internal organs and other contents. It is mostly protected and supported by the rib cage, spine, and shoulder girdle. The contents of the thorax include the heart and lungs (and the thymus gland); the (major and minor pectoral muscles, trapezius muscles, and neck muscle); and internal structures such as the diaphragm, the esophagus, the trachea, and a part of the sternum known as the", "id": "18213969" }, { "contents": "Windsor knot\n\n\nwinter months. A large knot can distract attention away from the wearer's face; therefore, a Windsor best complements a strong square or round face, or those sporting facial hair. To tie the Windsor, place the tie around your neck and cross the broad end of the tie in front of the narrow end. Then fold the broad end behind the narrow end and push it up through the inside of the loop around your neck. The left and right sides of the narrow end, and the inside of the loop", "id": "16755860" }, { "contents": "Trapezius\n\n\nof the shoulder above 90 degrees by rotating the glenoid upward. Injury to cranial nerve XI will cause weakness in abducting the shoulder above 90 degrees. When the scapulae are stable a co-contraction of both sides can extend the neck. It is mainly used in throwing, with the deltoid muscle and rotator cuff. Trapezius palsy is characterized by difficulty with arm adduction and abduction, and associated with a drooping shoulder, and shoulder and neck pain. Although rare, underdevelopment or absence of the trapezius has been reported to correlate to", "id": "1339253" }, { "contents": "Stage fright\n\n\nactivate its sympathetic nervous system. This process takes place when the body releases adrenaline into the blood stream causing a chain of reactions to occur. This bodily response is known as the \"fight or flight\" syndrome, a naturally occurring process in the body done to protect itself from harm. \"The neck muscles contract, bringing the head down and shoulders up, while the back muscles draw the spine into a concave curve. This, in turn, pushes the pelvis forward and pulls the genitals up, slumping the body into", "id": "18974577" }, { "contents": "Trigenics\n\n\nmuscles are treated to improve strength and short/tight muscles are treated to increase length. Trigenics reportedly combines three treatments into one, which the developers claim leads to an increase in neuro-summation. The treatment is theorized to work by stimulating reciprocal inhibition and the inverse myotatic reflex. Trigenics is used to for musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain, back pain, tendonitis, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other injuries. According to the \"Trigenics Manual\", contraindications to treatment include: nerve lesions, unexplained severe", "id": "2544568" }, { "contents": "Dales pony\n\n\n) The Dales pony is ideally . The head is straight, neat, and broad between the eyes, with a fine muzzle and incurving ears. The body is fairly short in the back, with a broad and deep rib cage, long, broad and well-muscled quarters, a well-muscled neck of a good length joining neatly into strong withers and strong sloping shoulders. The legs are very muscular, with hard, dense bone, clearly defined tendons, flexible pasterns, and large round hooves with open heels.", "id": "5307207" }, { "contents": "Cell adhesion\n\n\nresilient intermediate filaments, something that cannot occur with the rigid actin filaments. This makes desmosomes important in tissues that encounter high levels of mechanical stress, such as heart muscle and epithelia, and explains why it appears frequently in these types of tissues. Tight junctions are normally present in epithelial and endothelial tissues, where they seal gaps and regulate paracellular transport of solutes and extracellular fluids in these tissues that function as barriers. Tight junction is formed by transmembrane proteins, including claudins, occludins and tricellulins, that bind closely to each", "id": "3861750" }, { "contents": "United States Army Physical Fitness Test\n\n\nYour fingers must be interlocked behind your head and the backs of your hands must touch the ground. Your arms and elbows need not touch the ground. On the command 'go,' begin raising your upper body forward to, or beyond, the vertical position. The vertical position means that the base of your neck is above the base of your spine. After you have reached or surpassed the vertical position, lower your body until the bottom of your shoulder blades touch the ground. Your head, hands, arms,", "id": "12845889" }, { "contents": "The Story of Marie and Julien\n\n\nfantasy. Marie's tears and blood are a miracle overcoming her death, and may reflect a fantasy of turning back the menopause. The credits are accompanied by an upbeat jazz song performed by Blossom Dearie, \"Our Day Will Come\", that represents love as a pledge, the only music used in the film. There is an aesthetic focus on Béart's body, Julien telling Marie that \"I love your neck, your arms, your shoulders, your mouth, your stomach, your eyes - I love everything.", "id": "9274903" }, { "contents": "Mark Prior\n\n\nto be hazardous. Prior's injury problems may have been largely derived from his arm action. More specifically, they were due to Prior's Inverted W arm action, in which he lifted his elbows above and behind the level of his shoulders, with the forearm pointing down. Supposedly, this created a timing problem that placed an undue stress on the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder and elbow because the arm got up to the \"cocked position\" too late. Similarly, Dick Mills, a former major league pitcher and", "id": "6803157" }, { "contents": "MuSmate\n\n\nThe MuSmate is an invention that helps those afflicted with multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions to walk. It was invented by Anne and Ken Armitage in 2005, and released for the public in April 2006. The Musmate is a treatment for foot drop which uses an elastic cord to lift the foot. This is attached to a shoulder harness and allows the strong muscles in the leg, back, and shoulder to support the weaker muscles in the foot. The design allows for the height of the foot lift and the level of", "id": "15699883" }, { "contents": "Human sexual response cycle\n\n\n, then continues to the neck, face, forehead, back, and sometimes, shoulders and forearms. The sex flush typically disappears soon after orgasm occurs, but this may take up to two hours or so and, sometimes, intense sweating will occur simultaneously. The flush usually diminishes in reverse of the order in which it appeared. An increase in muscle tone (myotonia) of certain muscle groups, occurring voluntarily and involuntarily, begins during this phase among both sexes. Also, the external anal sphincter may contract randomly upon", "id": "14091645" }, { "contents": "Brachiosaurus\n\n\ncloser to the trunk, lightening the distal neck portions. \"Brachiosaurus\" and \"Giraffatitan\" probably had a small shoulder hump between the third and fifth dorsal (back) vertebra, where the sideward- and upward-directed vertebral processes were longer, providing additional surface for neck muscle attachment. The ribcage was deep compared to other sauropods. Though the humerus (upper arm bone) and femur (thigh bone) were roughly equal in length, the entire forelimb would have been longer than the hindlimb, as can be inferred from", "id": "14721535" }, { "contents": "Children of Llullaillaco\n\n\nsociety was intended to ensure health, rich harvests and favourable weather. Despite her young age, \"la doncella\" already had a few white hairs, potentially indicating high levels of stress. \"La niña del rayo\" was approximately six years old when she was sacrificed. Her face, one of her ears, and part of her shoulder were damaged by a lightning strike that occurred after her death. Her head was lifted high, and she was facing toward the south-west. She was wearing a traditional light brown", "id": "12036160" }, { "contents": "Duchenne muscular dystrophy\n\n\nExpression In Muscle,\" if a boy is affected with DMD, the condition can be observed clinically from the moment he takes his first steps. It becomes harder and harder for the boy to walk; his ability to walk usually completely disintegrates between the time the boy is 9 to 12 years of age. Most men affected with DMD become essentially “paralyzed from the neck down” by the age of 21. Muscle wasting begins in the legs and pelvis, then progresses to the muscles of the shoulders and neck, followed", "id": "9322020" }, { "contents": "Tracheotomy\n\n\nand increased patient breathing and comfort. The typical procedure done is the open surgical tracheotomy (OST) and is usually done in a sterile operating room. The optimal patient position involves a cushion under the shoulders to extend the neck. Commonly a transverse (horizontal) incision is made two fingerbreadths above the sternal notch. Alternatively, a vertical incision can be made in the midline of the neck from the thyroid cartilage to just above the suprasternal notch. Skin, subcutaneous tissue, and strap muscles (a specific group of neck muscles", "id": "3560693" }, { "contents": "Separated shoulder\n\n\nwhich focus on improving the strength and control of the rotator cuff muscles and the muscles around the shoulder blade. The exercises that the therapist gives the patient to be done at home should be done to be able to get a better recovery in the long run. Some physical therapy exercises that can be performed to help rehab the shoulder are: While standing and using a theraband you can perform Y, T, and I’s, Internal shoulder rotation, External shoulder rotation, Shoulder extensions, and Scapula squeezes While lying on your", "id": "11165982" }, { "contents": "Plesiosauria\n\n\nbeen compensated by the large muscles on the back, especially the \"Musculus latissimus dorsi\", which would have been well developed in view of the high spines on the backbone. Furthermore, the flat build of the shoulder and hip joints strongly indicated that the main movement was vertical, not horizontal. Like all tetrapods with limbs, plesiosaurs must have had a certain gait, a coordinated movement pattern of the, in this case, flippers. Of the infinite number of possibilities, in practice attention has been largely directed to the", "id": "21269944" }, { "contents": "Hydrogymnastics\n\n\nthat it too is performed shoulder level in warm water. To perform Ai Chi, the participant stands with his/her feet shoulder-width apart with their knees slightly bent (to prevent strain on their lower back). While they coordinate deep breaths and rhythmical inhaling and exhaling, they slowly move their body to stretch out muscles. By engaging their core/abdominal muscles to shift their body weight, the participant is able to lift their arms and legs to perform various stretches. The benefits of Ai Chi include; better", "id": "13903789" }, { "contents": "Applied kinesiology\n\n\nof various stresses and imbalances in the body. A weak muscle test is equated to dysfunction and chemical or structural imbalance or mental stress, indicative of suboptimal functioning. It may be suboptimal functioning of the tested target muscle, or a normally optimally functioning muscle can be used as an indicator muscle for other physiological testing. A commonly known and very basic test is the arm-pull-down test, or \"Delta test,\" where the patient resists as the practitioner exerts a downward force on an extended arm. Proper positioning", "id": "3004337" }, { "contents": "Martingale (tack)\n\n\nsource of relief in either direction. This combination is sometimes seen in polo, in some rodeo events, and occasionally in the lower levels of jumping. Overuse or misuse of a martingale or tiedown, particularly as a means to prevent a horse from head-tossing, can lead to the overdevelopment of the muscles on the underside of the neck, creating an undesirable \"upside down\" neck that makes it more difficult for the horse work properly under saddle. It may also lead to the horse tensing the back muscles and moving", "id": "4659567" }, { "contents": "Suspensory behavior\n\n\nalso longer, giving these animals a particular arm and shoulder shape. Combined, these morphologies allow for the infraspinatus muscle to be repositioned creating more resistance to trans articular tensile stress for suspending below a branch. These animals also have longer clavicles, creating a bigger projection of the shoulder which increases the ability to move when the forearm is raised above the head. To help with supporting their weight, the forelimbs are elongated. The humerus is longer as well and this helps with the movement of the deltoid muscles in the shoulder joint", "id": "7954856" }, { "contents": "Urethral bulking injections\n\n\nwish to avoid surgery or the use of mesh material. Another reason other treatments may not be chosen include the desire to maintain fertility. Woman who benefit most from this treatment are those who have a stable bladder neck and an inadequate muscle strength of the sphincter muscles that close the urethra. Urethral instability is identified by the angle of the urethra. This can be evaluated when the woman lays on her back and the angle of the urethral is greater than 30° during coughing. Tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis of stress", "id": "20364170" }, { "contents": "Active sitting\n\n\nplace the upper back and neck muscles into positions of strain that, when combined with stress factors, contribute to muscle tension and resulting pain. The field of ergonomics recognizes that only in recent history is a large proportion of the human population sitting for long periods with little movement. The rising number of office jobs, as well as driving, contributes to the increased amount of static sitting that occurs. Furthermore, many wheelchair users are positioned in wheelchairs or other adaptive seating devices that result in a static body posture. Because of", "id": "3016241" }, { "contents": "Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy\n\n\nHereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA) is a neuralgic disorder that is characterized by nerve damage and muscle atrophy, preceded by severe pain. In about half of the cases it is associated with a mutation of the \"SEPT9\" gene (17q25). While not much is known about this disorder, it has been characterized to be similar to Parsonage-Turner syndrome in prognosis. Symptoms of HNA may include pain in the back, neck, arms, or shoulders, nerve pulls in the arms or back, muscular atrophy, and", "id": "21041518" }, { "contents": "Lotus position\n\n\nmuscular effort. The torso is centered above the hips. To relax the head and neck, the jaw is allowed to fall towards the neck and the back of the neck to lengthen. The shoulders move backwards and the ribcage lifts. The tongue rests on the roof of the mouth. The eyes may be closed, the body relaxed, with awareness of the overall asana. Adjustments are made until balance and alignment are experienced. Alignment that creates relaxation is indicative of a suitable position for the asana. The asana should be", "id": "18408521" }, { "contents": "Romney sheep\n\n\nthe following standard in 1991, The Official Description of the typical Romney sheep is as follows: Head wide, level between ears, with no horns nor dark hair on the poll. Eyes should be large, bright and prominent and the mouth sound. Face in ewes full, and in rams broad and masculine in appearance. Nose and hooves should be black. Neck well set in at the shoulders, strong and not too long. Shoulders well put in and level with the back. Chest wide and deep. Back straight", "id": "13271126" }, { "contents": "Rajasaurus\n\n\nhead-butting with other \"Rajasaurus\" individuals. Head-butting, inferred from the lack of shock-absorbing cancellous bone in the skull, could have been both or either low-motion shoving matches like modern day marine iguanas (\"Amblyrhynchus cristatus\"), or focused on the neck and the flank like giraffes (\"Giraffa\" spp.). The neck muscles, though, in abelisaurids were adapted for withstanding high stress. The horn could have been used for defending territory or for mating matches. Abelisaurids may", "id": "291964" }, { "contents": "Adho mukha shvanasana\n\n\ncan be supported with a strap from a secure waist-level wall anchor around the hips; or with a bolster under the forehead, combined if need be with a rolled blanket or towel under the feet. The pose can be modified with the back horizontal and the hands on top of the back of a chair, putting less pressure on the shoulders; this is useful for people with an injury. Downward dog stretches the hamstring and calf muscles in the backs of the legs, and builds strength in the shoulders. The", "id": "8355768" }, { "contents": "Dog agility\n\n\nin any level to get the corresponding title, however, other clubs may require more or less. Surveys of handlers indicates that about 1 in 3 dogs incur injuries from agility related activities. The most common types of injuries were (in order) strains, sprains and contusions. Locations most commonly injured were shoulders, back, phalanges (forelimb/hindlimb) and neck. Injuries were most commonly perceived as being caused by interactions with bar jumps (contact), A-frames and dog walk obstacles (contact and/or fall)", "id": "16270663" }, { "contents": "Stegoceras\n\n\nwhile facing each other while dealing blows, or while charging each other with lowered heads (analogous to modern sheep and goats). He also noted that the rigidity of the back would have been useful when using the head for this purpose. In 1978, Sues agreed with Galton that the anatomy of pachycephalosaurs was consistent with transmitting dome-to-dome impact stress, based on tests with plexi-glass models. The impact would be absorbed through the neck and body, and neck ligaments and muscles would prevent injuries by glancing", "id": "1709569" }, { "contents": "Tollund Man\n\n\nhis neck. There was no mark, however, at the back of the neck where the knot of the noose would have been located. After a re-examination in 2002, forensic scientists found further evidence to support these initial findings. Although the cervical vertebrae were undamaged (these vertebrae are often damaged as a result of hanging), radiography showed that the tongue was distended—an indication of death by hanging. The stomach and intestines were examined and tests carried out on their contents. Scientists identified the man's last", "id": "11753154" }, { "contents": "Neck\n\n\nhalf an inch from the middle line of the neck. The clavicle or collar-bone forms the lower limit of the neck, and laterally the outward slope of the neck to the shoulder is caused by the trapezius muscle. The neck supports the weight of the head and protects the nerves that carry sensory and motor information from the brain down to the rest of the body. In addition, the neck is highly flexible and allows the head to turn and flex in all directions. Disorders of the neck are a common source", "id": "8625874" }, { "contents": "Dutch Harness Horse\n\n\n, long and quite dry, similar to the Saddlebred. The neck is set on quite high, and the shoulders are uniformly long and powerful. The carriage of the head and the level croup with high-set tail distinguish the harness horses from their riding-type relatives. The longer back, more open loin, and flatter croup enable the hindlegs and forelegs to work independently and with great action. By comparison, the harness horse appears to stand higher off the ground. Strict selection procedures mean that the Dutch Harness Horse", "id": "3970679" }, { "contents": "Angina\n\n\nbe experienced in the epigastrium (upper central abdomen), back, neck area, jaw, or shoulders. This is explained by the concept of referred pain, and is due to the fact that the spinal level that receives visceral sensation from the heart simultaneously receives cutaneous sensation from parts of the skin specified by that spinal nerve's dermatome, without an ability to discriminate the two. Typical locations for referred pain are arms (often inner left arm), shoulders, and neck into the jaw. Angina is typically precipitated by", "id": "17957285" }, { "contents": "Plesiosauria\n\n\nand way of life. Plesiosaurs had a broad flat body and a short tail. Their limbs had evolved into four long flippers, which were powered by strong muscles attached to wide bony plates formed by the shoulder girdle and the pelvis. The flippers made a flying movement through the water. Plesiosaurs breathed air, and bore live young; there are indications that they were warm-blooded. Plesiosaurs showed two main morphological types. Some species, with the \"plesiosauromorph\" build, had (sometimes extremely) long necks and small", "id": "21269873" }, { "contents": "Hoxton knot\n\n\nThe Hoxton knot, Chelsea knot, French loop, Parisian scarf knot or Snug Tug is a method of arranging a scarf about the neck. The scarf is doubled back and placed around the neck. The tails of the scarf are then pulled through the U-bend of the doubling to secure them, as with a cow hitch or lark's head. The knot is popular with stylish men like David Beckham who frequent fashionable districts of London such as Hoxton and Chelsea. The style is also commonly used by outside broadcasters from", "id": "16602099" }, { "contents": "Root-knot nematode\n\n\nknot nematode damage results in poor growth, a decline in quality and yield of the crop and reduced resistance to other stresses (e.g. drought, other diseases). A high level of damage can lead to total crop loss. Nematode-damaged roots do not use water and fertilisers as effectively, leading to additional losses for the grower. In cassava, it has been suggested that levels of \"Meloidogyne\" spp. that are sufficient to cause injury rarely occur naturally. However, with changing farming systems, in a disease complex", "id": "6752545" }, { "contents": "Morgan horse\n\n\nJustin Morgan Had a Horse\" was later made into a Disney movie. There is officially one breed standard for the Morgan type, regardless of the discipline or bloodline of the individual horse. Compact and refined in build, the Morgan has strong legs, an expressive head with a straight or slightly convex profile and broad forehead; large, prominent eyes; well-defined withers, laid back shoulders, and an upright, well arched neck. The back is short, and hindquarters are strongly muscled, with a long and well", "id": "5108218" }, { "contents": "Subscapularis muscle\n\n\nof the triceps brachii. The fibers pass laterally and coalesce into a tendon that is inserted into the lesser tubercle of the humerus and the anterior part of the shoulder-joint capsule. Tendinous fibers extend to the greater tubercle with insertions into the bicipital groove. The tendon of the muscle is separated from the neck of the scapula by a large bursa, which communicates with the cavity of the shoulder-joint through an aperture in the capsule. The subscapularis is separated from the serratus anterior by the subscapularis (supraserratus) bursa.", "id": "18272986" }, { "contents": "Ameri-Indian Alaskan Husky\n\n\ndown the nose. Tails do not curl up over the back like a \"Spitz\" dog or Siberian Husky, instead being sickle shaped. They are level across the back with a good straight hind leg (no slope) with cow hocks allowed as well as front legs that are easty-westy that contribute to sounder joints with high physical impact. Long through the neck (carrying more of their weight ahead of the shoulder) and good bone structure and width to handle physical exertion. These dogs do come with pedigree documentation", "id": "21726519" }, { "contents": "Chronic stress\n\n\nChronic stress is the response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period of time in which an individual perceives they have little or no control. It involves an endocrine system response in which corticosteroids are released. While the immediate effects of stress hormones are beneficial in a particular short-term situation, long-term exposure to stress creates a high level of these hormones. This may lead to high blood pressure (and subsequently heart disease), damage to muscle tissue, inhibition of growth, suppression of the immune system, and", "id": "10165501" }, { "contents": "Quadratus lumborum muscle\n\n\nboth of which place greater stress on the QLs by shifting body weight forward, forcing the erector spinae, QLs, multifidi, and especially the levator scapulae to work harder in both seated and standing positions to maintain an erect torso and neck. The experience of \"productive pain\" or pleasure by a patient upon palpation of the QL is indicative of such a condition. Hip abduction is performed primarily by the hip abductors (gluteus medius and minimus). When the gluteus medius/minimus are weak or inhibited, the TFL [", "id": "18272900" }, { "contents": "Hangman's knot\n\n\nformed by passing the other end through it. The classic hangman's knot was largely developed in the United States, the heavy mass of the knot intended to crush blood vessels in the neck and if tightened beneath the jaw, to lever the head to one side. Filmed hangings of war criminals in Europe after World War II, conducted under US jurisdiction, show such knots placed in various places, including at the back of the neck. Each additional coil adds friction to the knot, which makes the noose harder to pull", "id": "4760843" }, { "contents": "HANS device\n\n\ndevice is shaped like a \"U\", with the back of the \"U\" set behind the nape of the neck and the two arms lying flat along the top of the chest over the pectoral muscles. The device, in general, is supported by the shoulders. It is only attached to the helmet, and not to the belts, the driver's body, or the seat; the helmet is attached to the device with the help of an anchor on each side, much like the Hutchens device, but", "id": "2246504" } ]
How do we automatically know to say "black leather chair" rather than "leather black chair"? Is there a formal way to order adjectives?
[{"answer": "There is in fact a prescribed order. Determiners, Observation, Size and Shape, Age, Color, Origin, Material, Qualifier more detail at: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "[Tom Scott does a great video explaining how it works.]( URL_0 ) basically in English it tends to go: General Opinion > Specific Opinion > Size > Shape > Age > Colour > Origin > Construction Different languages have a different order, and as with all language there aren't any hard 'rules' as such."}, {"answer": "It is not automatic. You have learnt it through repetition."}, {"answer": "I think in that instance at least one way to look at is \"leather chair\" can be considered the noun, and black is the adjective."}, {"answer": "There is a formal order for adjectives. URL_1 That image pretty much covers it. According to that image \"black\" is before \"leather\" because color precedes material. How we know it is through repetition. It isn't something that is formally taught (at least, I never remember this coming up during grammar lessons), but rather something is learned via experience from speaking with other people. Here is another link that goes more in depth into this. URL_0 You'll see a table part of the way down that more or less mimics the first image. IIRC, it is not 100% fixed, but it more of a guideline that should be followed, otherwise you risk sounding strange."}, {"answer": "Some adjectives are cumulative, which means that we order them so that the most defining feature is nearest the noun. This rule is clearer when we say \"spotted Dalmatian puppy\" or \"green Christmas tree\" or \"fast police car\" because the adjectives police, Christmas, and Dalmatian are so closely tied to their respective nouns that people tend to (mistakenly) think the words \"police car\" count together to form one noun. In your example, leather is more closely tied to the chair because lots of things are black, but fewer are leather. So \"leather\" defines the noun most specifically. It should also be noted that cumulative adjectives stand in contrast to coordinate adjectives, which *can* be reordered without sounding strange. Example: \"The noisy, smelly cat ran away.\" sounds just as natural as \"The smelly, noisy cat ran away.\" The cat is equally smelly as it is noisy. Additional note: as in the examples above, cumulative adjectives are not separated by commas, but coordinate adjectives are."}, {"answer": "doesn't it come from the fact that such constructs are formed from smaller parts which must themselves be linguistically correct? for example, take an \"old black leather chair\". why not a \"leather old black chair\"? because \"old black leather\" by itself is a thing. within \"old black leather\" there is \"black leather\". there is no \"old black\"."}, {"answer": "if you cut a piece out of the chair, you would have a piece of black leather, not a piece of leather black."}, {"answer": "The chair is made of black leather. Leather blackness isn't a thing, but black leather is."}, {"answer": "In english, word order is the only way to distinguish what you are describing with an adjective. You are not calling the chair black, you are calling the leather black. Some languages, like Russian, change the endings of the word, making word order less imperative."}, {"answer": "To put it simply, black describes the leather so it goes before it. Leather describes the chair, so it goes before it"}, {"answer": "It will ALWAYS be a leather chair. One could paint it a different a color."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2329860", "title": "Agreement (linguistics)", "section": "Section::::By category.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "end_character": 319, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Russia leather\n\n\nalso a currier by trade, discovered the recipe and published it openly in the USA, rather than profiting personally by it. Upholstered chairs first began to become common in the 17th century, in the later period of the Age of Oak. These used expensive fabrics as a covering, costing far more than the wooden frame of the chair. Other, cheaper, chairs were extensively carved in wood – any sort of chair, rather than a stool, was an luxury item. Leather, and Russia leather, was also used", "id": "3880141" }, { "contents": "Park Dietz\n\n\nmind—planned for the temple,\" Dietz told the jury. \"And that diagram of the temple shows 10 skulls on a table, with incense burning on both ends, and two whole skeletons on either end of the black table…and a special globe lamp to impart an eerie sense of lighting. And he wanted a black leather chair so that he could sit in the leather chair and admire his collection. If he did this, and had it set up this way, he…could somehow get in touch", "id": "952763" }, { "contents": "Dave Simons\n\n\ndressed in leather. I mean, this was not an act, he'd come dressed in one of these black leather, zipper jackets. I don't know if he also wore leather pants. He might have worn them. But anyway, the point is, he knew how to ink leather, which was really important for \"Ghost Rider\". So when he left the book we never really were able to replace that look that he gave the book. The rest of the team was all somewhat saddened by his", "id": "6522641" }, { "contents": "Russia leather\n\n\nthe rails and nailed into place with large headed brass nails. Such undecorated chairs are a characteristic furniture style of the Interregnum period. Only Russia leather was flexible enough to be used in this way. Inferior leathers, when used, would crack across the edges of the frame. A better technique with such leathers was to support the leather from beneath with interwoven strips of canvas webbing. The odour of birch oil was recognised in the completed chairs and considered as a mark of quality. Russia leather chairs have been remarkably hard-", "id": "3880143" }, { "contents": "The Monster Ball Tour\n\n\nafter which she returned to the stage, dressed in black vinyl and nearly nude in a red patent leather bikini, to perform \"Boys Boys Boys\", backed by a squadron of skinny and shirtless leather boys. During \"Poker Face\", she wore a bondage inspired black leather dress with guns hanging from it and a hat made of muzzles, and pumped her hands in the air while performing the song. This was followed by Gaga sitting on a dentist's chair and spreading her legs during \"Paper Gangsta\".", "id": "8975014" }, { "contents": "Russia leather\n\n\nas an upholstery material. The use of Russia leather in particular was encouraged by the English Civil War and the Puritan styles it encouraged. Plain leather upholstery, even though an expensive item, was seen as less ostentatious and so more acceptable than either fabric or carving. Leather was applied to simple backstools, a chair with vertical rear posts and simple crosswise rails. These would be a commonplace chair today, but at the time it was more usual for chairs to have a solid wooden back. The leather was stretched across between", "id": "3880142" }, { "contents": "Arena Corinthians\n\n\na total of 35,000+ places. The distance between the first row of seating and the field is on all sides. General seating is provided by Bluecube³ using an exclusive design based on the Integra model. There are four different finishes, ranging from straight chairs without arms to stuffed chairs in leather. Most seats are white. Business level and box seats are finished in black leather and made by Poltrona Frau. The 600 seats have laser-engraved club crests. Werner Sobek designed the roof, which is held in place by", "id": "13850282" }, { "contents": "Butterfly chair\n\n\nThe butterfly chair, also known as a \"BKF chair\" or \"Hardoy chair\", is a style of chair featuring a tubular frame and a large sling hung from the frame's highest points, creating a suspended seat. The frame of the chair is generally painted black. The sling was originally leather, but can also be made from canvas or other materials. The design is popular for portable recreational seating. The Butterfly chair was designed in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1938 by the architects Antonio Bonet, Juan Kurchan", "id": "7086491" }, { "contents": "Eleanor Rosch\n\n\npsychological import that transcends cultural differences and shapes how such objects are mentally represented. She concluded that people in different cultures tend to categorize objects by using prototypes, although the prototypes of particular categories may vary. Rosch contributed to multiple scholarly works of taxonomic analysis of objects based on these prototype (\"chair\") and subordinate terms (\"tall black leather chair\"). She inferred that overuse of subordinate terms could be attributed to the attitude of snobbery and elitism. Her work has been often referenced by that of computer vision", "id": "20871063" }, { "contents": "Anna Maria Niemeyer\n\n\nbalance and create the structure of the chair. The main support allowed the chair to rock and provided balance, while the smaller elements braced the head and foot of the seat. The shaped plywood was stained with black lacquer and the cylindrical headrest affixed by two cords was made of black leather. Tensioned wicker of woven natural cane stretched over the frame to form the seat of the rocker. The chair did not go into production until 1978, when it was made in Brazil at the Tendo plant. Niemeyer left Brasília in 1973", "id": "17948537" }, { "contents": "Billy Kane\n\n\n, black jeans and black boots. In both \"Wild Ambition\" and \"\", Billy has an alternate costume similar to a formal suit with a necktie and gloves. In \"The King of Fighters XIV\", Billy wears an entirely new outfit consisting of a dark blue leather jacket with a red t-shirt saying \"Know Your Enemy\" underneath, alongside matching pants and black boots. His bandana has an inverted union jack design with his old white and red bandanna wrapping his right pant leg. He now wears", "id": "7501793" }, { "contents": "Mitsubishi GTO\n\n\ninto retractable hardtops, marketed as the Spyder VR4 for MY 1995-1996. In 1995 Mitsubishi's 3000GT Spyder was available in four color combinations: red with grey leather interior, black with ivory leather interior, white pearl with grey, and martinique yellow with ivory leather interior. In 1996 the 3000GT Spyder was available in red with tan interior, black pearl with tan leather, white pearl with tan leather interior, and green pearl with tan leather. SL Spyders were only available with an automatic transmission while the VR4 Spyder was", "id": "12298258" }, { "contents": "Morris chair\n\n\n\" or the \"Craftsman\" Morris chair. The best known examples are those were first produced by Gustav Stickley in 1904 and then widely copied afterwards. These are in the American Craftsman idiom, rather than English Arts & Crafts styles. Woodwork is lightly finished and largely undecorated oak in rectangular sections. Upholstery comprises unframed cushions in brown leather, or green or brown fabric. The Craftsman or Mission style of Morris chair is often thought of as a Stickley design named in homage to Morris, rather than an original Morris piece.", "id": "1394526" }, { "contents": "Ford Super Duty\n\n\nturbo diesel power. Based upon the Lariat trim, Harley's had a unique black leather interior, with the Bar and Shield logo adorning the front and rear captains chairs (SuperCab models had a rear bench). Heated seats, a leather-wrapped multifunction steering wheel, power adjustable pedals, and power-adjustable heated mirrors round out the standard equipment. Unique spun-metal gauge faceplates, embroidered carpeted floor mats, and a leather-wrapped console lid with individually serial numbered badging round out unique interior appointments. 2004 Harley", "id": "14998276" }, { "contents": "Shock (Beast song)\n\n\nscenes still changes alternatively from the members dancing and singing together in the room to individual shots. This time, the white lego chair seen in the Korean version during their individual shots is replaced by a red leather chair. At the end of the video, just like in the Korean version, a mysterious lady is shown sitting on the red leather chair with a caption saying \"Coming up next from Cube\". Later it was revealed the girl in the music video was A Pink's Chorong. Japanese Single: In Japan", "id": "9335194" }, { "contents": "Suzi Leather\n\n\nof this requirement, in 2009 Leather instigated an investigation into private schools in order to determine whether non-profit education providers should continue to be accorded charitable status automatically. She stated she could not \"see why charitable status was always merited\". Specifically, it was decided that, while providing education is a charitable purpose, doing so only in exchange for an economic fee does not meet the requirement that the purpose is carried on for public rather than private benefit. A fee-paying school could nonetheless deserve charitable status,", "id": "2594313" }, { "contents": "Mazda RX-8\n\n\ncame with exclusive lightweight red leather SPIRIT R bucket seats from Recaro, and lightweight, forged 19-inch BBS bronze aluminum alloy wheels. The automatic transmission model included 10-way adjustable power leather seats with lumbar support and 2-position memory in black with red stitching, and 18-inch lightweight BBS dark gunmetal alloy wheels wrapped in Bridgestone Potenza summer tires. Some models came with red leather seats with white stitching. A tyre upgrade was also available, swapping the Bridgestone's for higher performance Falken extreme summer tyres. The automatic models could be specified with the manual", "id": "16131954" }, { "contents": "Suzi Leather\n\n\nfor charities. I don't think I had a very well developed sense of what the Charities Bill was going to do, so I can't describe myself as a charities expert in any sense\", and therefore spent her early months in the post absorbing information about the sector. Leather was dubbed the \"quango queen\" in the popular press. In April 2013, she took the unpaid position of the independent Chair of the Plymouth Fairness Commission. As Chair of Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Leather was praised for her", "id": "2594308" }, { "contents": "Toyota Century\n\n\nto contact the latch, causing the door to pull itself completely closed electrically. The vehicles' interiors are usually ordered in wool cloth, rather than the leather seen in many luxury cars; leather is not as quiet as cloth when sat upon. The vehicle interior colors are limited to medium brown, light brown, burgundy, gray or royal blue inside, with a choice of five exterior colors including black. The Century is distinguished by different paint options than the rest of the Toyota line-up, and color choices have", "id": "3001797" }, { "contents": "HGTV Design Star (season 3)\n\n\n, but Martha was displeased with him choosing four bulky, black, leather chairs to cause imbalance in the space. Trish's space was well liked, as well, by the three designers, even though one of the judges stated that it was rather \"textbook\" design, causing the elimination to be unknown at the end of the viewing. The judging came down to Trish being eliminated, with the final two being Matt and Jennifer. The eighth episode of Design Star continued with the final two designers traveling to New Orleans", "id": "16981793" }, { "contents": "Egg (chair)\n\n\nlimited production of the Egg couch, besides the wish for exclusivity, is the difficulty involved in making it, plus a design flaw: the couch is too big to be covered by two entire cow-hides, which is only just possible with the Egg-chair. This leaves a very visible stitching down the middle of the couch. This problem can, however, be solved by making the upholstery in fabric rather than leather. According to an article in \"The New York Times\", the Egg chair has also", "id": "16352280" }, { "contents": "Black or White\n\n\non the door to fall off and its glass frame to smash), the boy retaliates by setting up large speaker cabinets (with levels of \"LOUD\", \"LOUDER\", and \"ARE YOU NUTS!?!\", respectively; with the dial turned up all the way to \"ARE YOU NUTS!?!\") behind his father's reclining chair, donning leather gloves and sunglasses, strapping on an Ernie Ball Music Man Eddie Van Halen signature model guitar and playing a power chord, and telling the", "id": "5687257" }, { "contents": "The Wars\n\n\nto open the gate, Captain Leather comes out of hiding and shoots Devlin dead. He then fires at Robert but misses. At that moment, three shells land. Soon everything is burning around Robert; even the horses are slowly burning alive. Robert finds Captain Leather and shoots him dead. Robert runs away, as he knows he will be court-martialed for disobeying orders. He finds a black horse with a black dog beside an abandoned train. Before riding the horse down the track, he realizes that there are", "id": "2054510" }, { "contents": "Ford Fairlane (Australia)\n\n\nreplacement of the woodgrain inserts with \"satin chrome\" inserts. This colour scheme was the same for all BF Fairlane variants. The BF Ghia and LTD came with black leather seats or China beige leather seats with eight-way adjustable drivers seat and six-way adjustable passenger seat. The G8 featured an eight-cylinder engine with improved exhaust system and an additional knock sensor, producing at 5,350 rpm and of torque at 3,500 rpm. It was equipped with a six-speed ZF sports automatic transmission and 2.53:1 (and not", "id": "2338247" }, { "contents": "Kilt pin\n\n\nthe cloth. This strengthens the cloth so that tearing is less likely. Placing a piece of leather behind the front apron and attaching the Kilt Pin through the cloth and the leather could also reduce the likelihood of tearing. After Queen Victoria introduced the rule that military kilts should have a way of fastening The Black Watch chose to use Ribbons rather than a pin. The green ribbons were positioned in the same place as a kilt pin would have been, however similar to soldiers who had kilt pins they did not actually fasten them", "id": "5312605" }, { "contents": "Bonded leather\n\n\nProducts that are commonly constructed with different varieties of bonded leather include book covers, cases and covers for personal electronics, shoe components, textile and accessory linings, portfolios and briefcases, handbags, belts, chairs, and sofas. A more fragile paper-backed bonded leather is typically used to cover books such as diaries and Bibles, and various types of desk accessories. These bonded leathers might contain a smaller proportion of leather than those used in the furniture industry, and have some leather exposed in the product's surface, producing", "id": "5886988" }, { "contents": "Tugendhat chair\n\n\nThe Tugendhat chair (model number MR70) is a modernist cantilever chair designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in collaboration with Lilly Reich 1929-1930 for the Tugendhat House in Brno, Czechoslovakia. In appearance, the Tugendhat chair is somewhat of a hybrid of van der Rohe and Reich's 1929 Barcelona chair and 1929-1930 Brno chair. Like the Barcelona chair, the Tugendhat chair has a large padded leather seat and back, supported by leather straps mounted on a steel frame and legs. However, like one variant of", "id": "6574705" }, { "contents": "Court uniform and dress in the United Kingdom\n\n\nsilver-hilted sword. On State occasions they wear lace and a collar of SS also. Black Rod is similarly dressed (with, on State occasions, his chain of office rather than the collar) but with black-hilted sword, black leather gloves and black shoe-buckles (rather than silver). Attendants or messengers in both Houses have, since the nineteenth century, worn a black evening dress suit, black waistcoat, white tie and a silver badge suspended from the neck. In the House of Commons,", "id": "19609484" }, { "contents": "Patent leather\n\n\nPatent shoes were available in red, white, blue, hot pink, orange, green, yellow, black, and white. Characterized by a glass-like finish that catches the light, patent leather comes in all colors just like regular leather. In addition to the mirror-like finish, patent leather is also virtually waterproof, while still retaining a very flexible texture. The visual aspects of patent leather have made it a sought-after material for formal accessories. Patent leather is sometimes confused with artificial leathers such as", "id": "9056279" }, { "contents": "Igor Tulipanov\n\n\na flat surface covered by a layer of paint. There are other reminders, too, of the thinness of the painted surface: for example, the way the leather of the chair in the foreground appears to be peeled back, revealing red floral upholstery underneath—just so, we imagine, the painted surface of Tulipanov's painting might be peeled away in order to reveal something else underneath. The Red Room is full of curious details: the flowers that appear to be sprouting from the floor, the tiny grotesque head with", "id": "20049707" }, { "contents": "Brian Epstein\n\n\nfew public ways that gay and bisexual men could meet at the time, especially if they were closeted. When Epstein first saw the Beatles perform he noticed their stage attire first, saying, \"They were rather scruffily dressed, in the nicest possible way, or I should say in the most attractive way—black leather jackets, jeans, long hair of course.\" McCartney said that when Epstein started to manage the Beatles they knew that he was homosexual but did not care, because he encouraged them professionally and offered them", "id": "6412378" }, { "contents": "Black tie\n\n\nwith a rounded plain toe. Brogueing or any other decorative patterns should never be seen on Black Tie footwear. Matte finish pumps are also seen. Shoes are almost invariably black and patent leather is considered more formal than matte finishes while pumps are considered more formal than lace-ups. Generally considered too informal for black tie are shoes with open lacing, such as the Derby shoe (\"bluchers\" in American English). Notable alternatives include the black button boot (primarily of historical interest only) and the monogrammed Albert slipper", "id": "17994065" }, { "contents": "Wassily Chair\n\n\nreplaced the fabric with black leather straps, though the fabric version was still made available. In 1968 Knoll bought the Gavina Group of Bologna. This brought all of Breuer's design into the Knoll catalog. This chair was revolutionary in the use of the materials (bent tubular steel and eisengarn) and methods of manufacturing. In 1925 Breuer purchased his first bicycle and he was impressed with the lightness of its tubular steel frame. This inspired him to experiment with using the material in furniture design. The design (and all subsequent", "id": "18018052" }, { "contents": "Combatant Status Review Tribunal\n\n\nthat captives were civilians, who should be released, and \"lawful combatants\", whom the Geneva Conventions protect from prosecution. The exact location of the current CSRT hearings is unknown, but prior CSRT hearings were held in trailers in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Images of the trailers, with the white, plastic chairs the detainees sat in shackled to the floor and the large, black leather chair behind a microphone where the President sat can be found on the DoD website. A dramatization of the conduct of CSRTs, based on", "id": "18902980" }, { "contents": "Streets of Fire\n\n\na fair fight in order to get a PG rating. Paré did not always work well with Walter Hill: I think Walter is a writer at heart. Writers aren't always that good at communicating in person. He's also a tough son-of-a-bitch. He's like a cowboy. His director's chair was made out of leather and on the back of it read \"Lone Wolf\". He used to frequent gun clubs and he wasn't a very delicate guy... We were doing a", "id": "18438978" }, { "contents": "Barber chair\n\n\nA barber chair is a chair for customers of a barber. The chairs usually have adjustable height (with a foot-operated jack or a hand-operated lever on the side). It can also rotate, or lean backwards (for hairwashing and shaving). They are normally made from metal and leather and are usually rather heavy. On the low end for cheaper barber chairs, the cost can be around $500, whereas higher-end barber chairs with more advanced features like adjustable headrests and leg rests, reclining", "id": "5118827" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey Dahmer\n\n\nbe placed at each end of the black table, above which Dahmer intended to place a large blue lamp with extending blue globe lights. The entire construction was to be placed before a window covered with a black, opaque shower curtain, in front of which Dahmer intended to sit in a black leather chair. When asked in a November 18, 1991 interview who the altar was dedicated to, Dahmer replied: \"Myself ... It was a place where I could feel at home.\" He further described his intended altar as", "id": "16432042" }, { "contents": "History of the chair\n\n\n, or in other settings with leather, plain or tooled. Plain cloth across the back hid the wooden framing. Stools with column legs complement the set, but aren't \"en suite\". In seventeenth century France the bergère chair became fashionable among the nobility and was often made of walnut. Leather was not infrequently used even for the costly and elaborate chairs of the faldstool form—occasionally sheathed in thin plates of silver—which Venice sent all over Europe. To this day, indeed, leather is one of the", "id": "11552559" }, { "contents": "Club chair\n\n\nCoir filling supplemented the suppleness of these springs. Industrial progress led to the replacement of this padding method with no-sag springs or elastic webbing, together with synthetic foam. Coverings have changed as industrial techniques have developed, and have included Mercerised cotton, velvet, calfskin and, most recently, bicast leather. However, sheep's leather is still considered the authentic material for the chairs. With a vegetable-tanned sheep's leather covering, the marks and defects in the skin are visible through the dye, making each chair", "id": "15231110" }, { "contents": "If We Ever Meet Again\n\n\n, charting at number one on many of the music channel video charts. The video, rather than focusing on a serious relationship, as mentioned above, focuses on the love story between a jewel thief (Julian Graham) and an art thief (Nadine Heimann), interspersed with Perry and Timbaland singing. In the original video Katy Perry appears in black girdle and black leather as in underwear, while Timbaland in the whole part of the clip was in a brown Jacket and with a flat cap on his head. The jewel", "id": "18386362" }, { "contents": "LAN gaming center\n\n\nfor private LAN parties. LAN centers are typically decorated in such a way as to enhance the already present gaming atmosphere, such as adding black-light lightbulbs and gaming paraphernalia and posters around the center. A standard LAN gaming center will have rows of computers next to each other with highback leather computer chairs. There are over 650 LAN centers in the US, while 90% of the LAN Centers in the world are in China, the largest having over 1777 seats. It is common for a LAN gaming centers to sell", "id": "10294910" }, { "contents": "Hyundai Genesis Coupe\n\n\nonly for 2010) adds black leather interior and light-up \"Genesis\" door sill plates. The 2.0T Premium and 3.8 Grand Touring add a touch screen infotainment system with navigation, keyless entry with push-button start, power adjustable driver seat, heated front seats, leather interior, 360 watt 10 speaker system, automatic headlights, sunroof/moonroof, and electrochromic dimming mirror with compass. The 3.8 Grand Touring is the only model with brown leather instead of black and ultrasonic rear parking sensors. The 3.8 Grand Touring", "id": "11906068" }, { "contents": "Adele Spitzeder\n\n\ncultivated an image of a resolute, pious woman concerned for the public welfare. She was often seen sitting on a leather chair in the middle of her banking office wearing a high-cut black dress and a cross around her neck, barking orders at underlings, which served to enhance her credibility. She made generous donations to the poor and opened the \"Münchner Volksküche\" (Munich peoples' kitchen) at the Platzl, a tavern serving beer and food at discounted prices to up to 4,000 patrons, strengthening her image as", "id": "20936394" }, { "contents": "Into the Millennium Tour\n\n\nmember would separately introduce themselves to the audience as the others changed into their next costume. Initially this change involved removing the padded vests and wearing dark trench coats over the checkerboard turtlenecks from the space costumes. Later in the tour, the group donned black V-neck undershirts with the trenchcoats. They performed \"As Long As You Love Me\" with the song's signature \"chair routine\". The backup dancers performed an extended chair routine and the band played an extended instrumental outro as the boys changed into leather outfits for", "id": "12244390" }, { "contents": "Empezar Desde Cero\n\n\nbenches and chairs. Anahí appears reclining on a wooden bench wearing a leather jacket over a green dress, holding a strand of her hair. Behind her, Christian is seen wearing a black sweater over a white T-shirt and khaki baggy pants. The singer is seen holding Maite's hand, who appears wearing a black dress and sitting behind Dulce María. The group's famous redhead is sitting in a wooden bench besides Anahí, also wearing a black dress, but under a grey sweater. Behind her is Alfonso,", "id": "15829505" }, { "contents": "Saab 900\n\n\nIn 1984, the first year of consumer production, the Aero/SPG was delivered in black and in silver (in markets other than USA). In Australia the 1985 silver models had a dark red interior, including full red leather. In the US the black cars were featured with tan leather interiors. In Canada and in the rest of the world, the cars were black with red leather interiors. In the US market the SPG was offered in; Black in 1985, Grey in 1986 - 1987, Grey,", "id": "14802675" }, { "contents": "Catsuits and bodysuits in popular media\n\n\nthe attributes that our society has projected onto cats and that the characters embody.\" In another post-modern thesis on sadomasochism in cinema Andrea Beckmann wrote, \"Cinematic SM is twisted into the non-consenting, violent realm of the unhinged that we know it is not. Fetishism is used as an excuse for a bit of titillatory semi-nudity, or to identify the villain – the man in black leather. Horror films, in particular, will happily throw in a leather catsuit or a gratuitous bondage scene to spice", "id": "8495981" }, { "contents": "Audi A7\n\n\noptional additional materials), headlining in black cloth (optional lunar silver or black Alcantara), RS sport seats with side bolsters and integrated head restraints and RS 7 logos upholstered in black Alcantara and leather with diamond quilting at center sections (optional honeycomb-quilted Valcona leather in either black or lunar silver), optional power-adjustable comfort seats with memory function, contoured rear seats, xenon plus headlights, a tire pressure monitoring system, the parking system plus, three-zone automatic air conditioning, cruise control, Audi sound", "id": "4344581" }, { "contents": "Wet (Nicole Scherzinger song)\n\n\nfor the first time in Stratford, London at Westfield Stratford City on September 13, 2011. The performance was included in a set of multiple songs off of \"Killer Love\", and was sung in order to celebrate the shopping centre's opening. Scherzinger began her performance with a fringed leather coat in red and black, the colours of the Westfield logo, a cutaway black bodycon dress and purple platform heels which she whipped off to reveal an even racier outfit underneath. She than wore a black leather number covered in tassels", "id": "1700890" }, { "contents": "Handcrafts and folk art in Michoacán\n\n\nthe design, contrasting with the darker base. Other crafts include leatherwork, wax items and papel picado. Major leather goods include huaraches (the most common item), saddles, embroidered belts, leather backed chairs, and cueras (a kind of long deerskin coat). The Tierra Caliente region of the state is known for the making of a unique kind of leather-backed chair/bench. The leather rests on a frame made of strips of bark combed with hardwood twigs and branches. The frame is made from stronger", "id": "17493600" }, { "contents": "Frock coat\n\n\n21st century. As with a formal shirt for white tie, cuffs were single (rather than double) cuffed and made to close with cufflinks. The waistcoat was usually double-breasted with peaked lapels. Formal gloves in light grey suede, chamois, or kid leather were also required. The solid black garment described above was widely used, but before the lounge suit became popular, there was a need for a more informal garment for smart casual wear. A version of the frock coat was used here too, with matching", "id": "1963913" }, { "contents": "Black tie\n\n\nand are connected by a chain or link of metal; this model conceals the mechanism by which the cuff is secured. The most common, and least decorative, are the swivel bar type; while these are acceptable, they leave the inner side of the cuffs and mechanism exposed which is incongruous with formal dress. The most formal and traditional shoes are patent leather opera pumps (court shoes) decorated with grosgrain bows. The more popular alternative currently is the black lace-up Oxford shoe, in patent leather or calfskin,", "id": "17994064" }, { "contents": "Toyota Vios\n\n\n2-tone brown & black leather seats. The facelifted TRD Sportivo comes with all-new front bumper with wider black accent and openings, while the interior has black leather seats with red stitching. The new facelifted Vios is based on the Yaris ATIV sedan and was launched on January 24, 2019. The GX and TRD Sportivo was discontinued, leaving only the J, E and G in the line up. All models have standard automatic CVT. Full body kits including front, side, and rear lower spoilers, as well as", "id": "20904899" }, { "contents": "Uniforms of the British Army\n\n\nthe doublet with the kilt and sporran while Lowland regiments wore trews, both in the individual regiment's tartan. In the full ceremonial order of No. 1 Dress, officers wear a waist sash of crimson silk and twisted cord epaulettes; while general officers wear a waist sash of gold and crimson stripes. Light cavalry regiments wear a lace crossbelt in place of the sash, while Rifle regiments wear a polished black leather crossbelt, as do the Special Air Service Regiment. Other ranks wear a white, buff or black leather belt", "id": "15827051" }, { "contents": "Light Division (United Kingdom)\n\n\nwas issued with a 21-inch sword bayonet. Riflemen wore dark green jackets rather than the bright red coats of the British line infantry regiments of that time; pantaloons, rather than breeches; black leather facings and belts rather than white and; a green plume on their \"stovepipe shakoes\". They were trained to work alone or in pairs, in open order and to think for themselves. Four months after its formation, the Rifle Corps was judged ready for its first operation. On 25 August 1800, three companies, under", "id": "7294186" }, { "contents": "Suzi Leather\n\n\nDame Susan Catherine Leather, DBE, DL (born 5 April 1956) was chair of the Charity Commission from 1 August 2006 to 31 July 2012. She was succeeded by William Shawcross. Previously she chaired the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. She was created a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in January 2006. She was educated at St Mary's, Calne, Tavistock School, and Exeter University where she received a BA degree with honours in Politics in 1977, followed by a BPhil degree in social work", "id": "2594305" }, { "contents": "Japanese lacquerware\n\n\nwhere lacquerware has traditionally been produced, the process is fundamentally quite basic. An object is formed from wood, sometimes leather, paper, or basketry. Lacquer is applied to seal and protect the object, and then decoration is added. Generally, three coats (undercoat, middle-coat, and final coat) are used, the final coat sometimes being clear rather than black lacquer, in order to allow decorations to show through. Alongside the red and black lacquers, it is common to see the use of inlay,", "id": "18506757" }, { "contents": "Chinese clothing\n\n\nsociety, each social class had a different sense of fashion in ancient China. Most Chinese men wore Chinese black cotton shoes, but wealthy higher class people would wear tough black leather shoes for formal occasions. Very rich and wealthy men would wear very bright, beautiful silk shoes sometimes having leather on the inside. Women would wear silk shoes, with certain wealthy women practicing bound feet wearing coated Lotus shoes as a status symbol until in the early 20th century. Men's shoes were usually less elaborate than women's. Chinese civil", "id": "2235977" }, { "contents": "Morgans Hotel\n\n\nrich camel and taupe in a bold three-dimensional cubist pattern; floors in three varied shades of imported Italian granite in different finishes; groupings of antique French leather club chairs, including a teak and caned plantation chair from the '40s, all culled from Paris' top flea markets; Putman-designed dark wood end tables. Spherical-shaped desk lamps in nickel-plated brass are created by Félix Aublet in 1925. Candles in the evening coupled with black-and-white checkerboard patterned wool throws loosely draped over the", "id": "3635418" }, { "contents": "A. H. Davenport and Company\n\n\n, replacing it with Colonial-Revival pieces made by Davenport & Co. Davenport & Co. executed McKim's furniture designs for the Executive Office and Cabinet Room. The pieces included the Theodore Roosevelt desk, the Cabinet Room's table and chairs, dark-green leather sofas with oversized brass tacks, and matching leather armchairs and sidechairs. President William Howard Taft moved the desk, sofas and chairs into the first , which was completed in 1909. The furniture remained there for more than twenty years and was used by five presidents, until", "id": "13708432" }, { "contents": "Shades of black\n\n\n\"jet\" as a color name in English was in 1450. \"Black leather jacket\" is the color called \"leather jacket\" by Crayola. The color \"black leather jacket\" is a representation of the color of a black leather jacket. This color was introduced by Crayola in 1994 as one of the colors in its specialty Crayola Magic Scent crayons. Raisin black is a color that is a representation of the color of black raisins. Source of color: ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955)--Color Sample of", "id": "4849490" }, { "contents": "Nero Wolfe supporting characters\n\n\nby Sergeant Purley Stebbins, and at times by Lt. George Rowcliff, Archie's personal nemesis. Wolfe and Archie collaborate with Cramer on his homicide cases, but the relationship is a contentious one. Wolfe regularly and deliberately withholds information from Cramer to ensure that Wolfe, rather than the police, will solve a case. In return, Cramer has enjoyed twitting Wolfe by rising from the red leather chair without using his arms for leverage – something that Wolfe cannot do. Nearly every novel that involves Cramer shows him calling on", "id": "16924936" }, { "contents": "Chevrolet Monte Carlo\n\n\nV6 engine. Production limited to 2,222 cars. Sports two-tone leather black and red. Exterior: Torch Red with Galaxy Silver ground effects. Production limited to 1,300 cars. Sports two-tone leather black and silver. Exterior: Black with Galaxy Silver ground effects. Production limited to 1,150 cars. Sports two-tone leather black and yellow. Exterior: Competition Yellow with Galaxy Silver ground effects. Production limited to 1,401 cars. Sports leather Ebony Black seats with ebony and gray leather-wrapped steering wheel. Exterior:", "id": "15602489" }, { "contents": "Mercedes-Benz C-Class (W204)\n\n\nin matte black and fine opal, AMG performance studio leather package (front seats upholstered in designo classic red leather with black stitching, embossed AMG emblem on the headrests, AMG performance steering wheel in designo classic red or two-tone designo black leather, Nappa leather on the dashboard and upper panel and front seat arm rest and shift selector upholstered in designo black leather with red stitching, handcrafted AMG floor mats made from designo classic red Nappa leather and AMG door handles), AMG performance media and the Harman Kardon 7-speaker audio system", "id": "13876646" }, { "contents": "Leather subculture\n\n\nThe leather subculture denotes practices and styles of dress organized around sexual activities that involve leather garments, such as leather jackets, vests, boots, chaps, harnesses, or other items. Wearing leather garments is one way that participants in this culture self-consciously distinguish themselves from mainstream sexual cultures. Many people associate leather culture with BDSM (Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/Submission, Sado/Masochism, also called \"SM\" or \"S&M\") practices and its many subcultures. But for others, wearing black leather clothing", "id": "10225142" }, { "contents": "Kia Soul\n\n\nSoul Plus with white body color, body kit with red accents, redesigned grille, front and rear fascias, and side skirts; custom 18-inch alloy wheels, 2.0-liter gasoline direct injected (GDI) four-cylinder engine, six-speed automatic transmission, black cloth seats with red stitching, leather steering wheel, black-leather dash hood with red stitching, black carpeted floor mats with red piping, sport pedals; shift knob ring, air vent ring, dash speakers and console tray trim in red. In 2013, Kia", "id": "4933015" }, { "contents": "Chevrolet Traverse\n\n\npower tilt-and-telescopic steering column, a heated leather-wrapped steering wheel, perforated leather-trimmed seating surfaces with heated and ventilated dual front bucket seats, heated second-row rear captain's chairs, and wireless charging for compatible devices. High Country: The High Country is the top-of-the-line Traverse trim level, and adds the following features to the Premier, such as: standard All Wheel Drive, a tow package, IntelliBeam automatic front high beam assist, forward collision warning and lane", "id": "3660416" }, { "contents": "Ford Super Duty\n\n\n, and 20\" wheels were made standard. Gone was the two-tone paint jobs, but optional was painted ghost flames. 2005 models could be had in two color options, Black or True Blue Metallic. The interior stayed largely the same, with luxurious black leather captains chairs in the front and rear and Harley Bar and Shield badging galore, but the truck saw the same interior updates as other '05 Super Dutys. To bridge the gap between the pickup line and the much larger medium-duty F-650/F-750", "id": "14998278" }, { "contents": "Chevrolet Traverse\n\n\n, seven-passenger seating with second-row rear captain's chairs, an eight-way, power-adjustable front driver's bucket seat with power lumbar support, a three-spoke, leather-wrapped steering wheel, and power windows with front driver's express up/down and front passenger's express up functionality. LT Leather: The LT Leather adds luxury features to the LT Cloth, such as: Surround Vision with Bird's-Eye View, side blind zone and rear cross-traffic alert, rear park assist", "id": "3660413" }, { "contents": "Black Leather Jesus\n\n\nBlack Leather Jesus is a harsh noise group originally from Houston, Texas. The group was founded by Richard Ramirez (musician) in 1989. The group's themes focus on S&M and the gay leather subculture. The band is fronted by couple Richard Ramirez and Sean E. Matzus with various musicians assisting. At one point, the band had 14 members at one time. Black Leather Jesus opened for Sonic Youth in Marfa, TX in 2007. The name came from the terrifying story of Colleen Stan. Black Leather Jesus has done", "id": "12055062" }, { "contents": "Black Skinhead\n\n\nWest portrays, in black, rugged gear. This reflects his awareness, expressed on his 2005 single \"Diamonds from Sierra Leone\", that money and possessions are often equated with self-worth by young black men. The old West is gone. \"Black Skinhead\" is \"now his theme music. This grimy, grungy tone that doesn't require just any jeans, but leather black jeans.\" The song's lyrics do not mention Malcolm X or the Civil Rights Movement. \"But when we make the connections", "id": "10582035" }, { "contents": "Men in Black (film series)\n\n\nsaid it would be \"easy to pick up where we left off. We know what we are doing, we know how to do it. It's just a hell of a lot of fun.\" In July 2012, Columbia chief executive Doug Belgrad said: \"We're very pleased with the financial performance of \"Men in Black 3\", and we believe it is an ongoing franchise. We're going to do [another one], but we don't have clarity yet on how it should be done", "id": "15558806" }, { "contents": "Kia Soul\n\n\nbumpers, sport rear spoiler, black 18-inch alloy wheels, black fender vents with side marker repeater, rear bumper applique, alloy fuel door, black leather seat trim, heated front seats, leather wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, push button start with smart key, illuminated sill plates, automatic climate control and front fog lights. Kia presented the Soul Flex at the 2010 São Paulo International Auto Show. The Soul Flex is the first Korean flexible-fuel vehicle capable of running on any blend from E20-E25 gasoline (mandatory Brazilian", "id": "4932991" }, { "contents": "Eleventh Doctor\n\n\n\"Pirates of the Caribbean\" movies\". However, Matt Smith was unhappy with the costume as he felt it reflected how someone else would dress the Doctor, rather than how the Doctor would dress himself. Smith also mentioned in a 2012 interview that his Doctor was going to have a \"very long black leather jacket, but it was too \"Matrix\"-style\". The eventual costume, in particular the bow-tie, was influenced by Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor, after Matt Smith fell in love with the Troughton story", "id": "19862502" }, { "contents": "The Final (concert)\n\n\nhuge white letters. It opened to reveal Michael - dressed in leather, black jeans, wearing sunglasses and danced in sync with two other dancers. Ridgeley, Shirley and Pepsi came to the stage. Ridgeley took off his black coat and strolled up the walkways and took off his black gloves. \"Club Tropicana\" followed. This is the best thing I've ever looked at\". Michael expressed, \"We've got four years of thank-yous to say this evening... and I know we're going to enjoy", "id": "7598018" }, { "contents": "Combinatorial modelling\n\n\nyour four-digit lock. You only know that you didn’t use any digit more than once. How many different ways do you have to try?\" We need to choose a sample of 4 digits out of the set of 10 digits (base 10), so formula_4 and formula_5. The digits must be ordered in a certain way to get the correct number, so we want to select an ordered sample. As the statement says, no digit was chosen more than once, so our sample will not have", "id": "17008761" }, { "contents": "Alfa Romeo Brera and Spider\n\n\nCarbonio Black version with a natural leather upholstery while the Alfa Red exterior paintwork is matched to a black leather interior. The Ghiaccio White colour scheme comes with a choice of either black or natural leather upholstery. Under the hood sits the familiar 185 hp 2.2 L JTS petrol engine, which sees the car accelerate from 0-62 mph in about 8.8 seconds and reach a top speed of more than . The new limited edition diesel was only on sale in UK from 2009, with prices starting at £29,500 ($54,000)", "id": "14018050" }, { "contents": "Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider\n\n\nexterior and 'tango' leather interior with blue electric hood. Grigio Chiaro Met. exterior and Black-Lys Grey Leather interior with black hood. Rosso Miro Pearl. exterior and Red-Black Leather interior with black hood. 2.0 TS only with Blue Lightning Met. available also with 3.0 V6 24V. Spider available only in Nero Met. and Motus-like interior with black carpets, black upholstery and perforated red leather seats, equipped with 2.0 TS or 3.0 V6 24V. Spider available only in Grigio Chiaro Met. with two-", "id": "6464447" }, { "contents": "Peugeot RCZ\n\n\n500 units) version of the RCZ. It includes 19-inch black and silver alloy wheels, black leather sport seats. The RCZ Brownstone is a limited edition available exclusively in Germany in metallic brown paint with silver racing strips. Inside, the special version is also in brown, with Cohiba leather and Alcantara trim. The RCZ Magnetic is available exclusively in Britain, with production limited to 170 units. Models are available in pearlescent black with Flame Red leather sports seats or white with black leather sports seats, with matte black roof arches", "id": "1147660" }, { "contents": "St Bonaventure's\n\n\nthe four Saints on the school badge. For most of the sixties and seventies, the houses existed in name only. The current houses are listed below; Kolbe was introduced in 2014. The students in Year 7 & 8 wear a brown blazer to retain the old link with the Franciscan order. Students wear a white, collared formal shirt with the school tie. The trousers are black and black leather shoes are worn. The schools coat is black with the school badge. A brown pullover V-necked jumper is also", "id": "21638604" }, { "contents": "Bill Keffer\n\n\n. Keffer questioned, \"How do we handle the state’s money? How do we handle the taxpayers' money? What do we have to show for it?\" In the Republican runoff, which coincided with the high-profile Ted Cruz-David Dewhurst contest to choose the party nominee to succeed Senator Hutchison, Villalba reversed the order of finish from the primary to defeat Keffer, 6,100 (51.8 percent) to 5,683 (48.2 percent). Villalba attributed his victor over Keffer to \"shoe leather and determination.\"", "id": "2867783" }, { "contents": "Jørgen Kastholm\n\n\nhome furniture leading to orders from ten large furniture concerns. Their minimalistic designs, both attractive and comfortable, were usually in steel and leather. The Tulip Chair FK 6725, the Grasshopper Chair FK 87 and the Scimitar Chair are among their most successful works. The Tulip Chair FK 6725 has become famous as Meryl Streep's office chair in the film \"The Devil Wears Prada\". The pieces of furniture they produced during their seven-year period of cooperation from 1961 to 1968 were so distinctive that many are still produced today", "id": "5980035" }, { "contents": "Handcrafts and folk art in Jalisco\n\n\nleather. This chair has become common in Mexican restaurants in Mexico and the United States, as well as popular for gardens and terraces. The main center for their production is Zocoalco de Torres, where numerous families make them. They were originally ceremonial chairs, reserved for priests and the upper classes. The wood is from a tree called the palo dulce, with sections sliced with a curved machete and arranged to form the based and supports. The seat and sometimes other parts of the chair are made or covered with leather.", "id": "2710023" }, { "contents": "Jeep Wrangler (JK)\n\n\nfirst time ever, automatic temperature controls were also added to the Wrangler as an option. The redesign was intended to provide a more refined interior as well as directly addressing interior comfort in noise and temperature. The 70th Anniversary Edition is a special package based on the Sahara model to commemorate the 70th model year of the Wrangler. This package is available for the 2011 model year on both Wrangler and Wrangler Unlimited models. Features include: Black/Dark Olive (or Black) leather seats with perforated leather inserts and Chestnut accent stitching", "id": "18810978" }, { "contents": "Toyota Supra\n\n\n2.0-liter engine and is equipped with 18-inch two tone wheels, eight-way powered seats, Alcantara/black leather upholstery, carbon fiber trim, 8.8-inch touchscreen multimedia system with 12-speaker JBL stereo sound system and a head-up display. The \"RZ\" model is powered by the 3.0-liter engine and is equipped with 19-inch two tone wheels. It also has the same interior equipments as the \"SZ-R\" model, with the difference being the use of Alcantara/red leather upholstery (black leather is available as an option", "id": "4227739" }, { "contents": "Jaguar XJ (X350)\n\n\nfiber-optic communication protocol for telematics, navigation, phone, voice activation, audio and multimedia systems; and safety systems protocol. At introduction, standard equipment included mirror-matched walnut burl wood grain trim throughout the interior, piano-black center console trim, leather seating, wood-trimmed steering wheel, leather-covered overhead assist handles, dual zone automatic climate control, glass electric tilt and slide moonroof with single-touch open/close, rain-sensing automatic wipers, automatic headlights, front fog lights, 24", "id": "17684891" }, { "contents": "ZC Girls\n\n\nred leather coat and white clown mask; Risa, along haired redhead ninja in a blue vinyl vest and glittering body suit; Rosanna, a blonde Biker in a black leather jacket and slacks; Kathy, a black-haired nerd in a black dress, stockings, black leather jacket and pink horn-rimmed glasses; Rebecca, a redhead cowgirl in bluejeans, chaps, a red leather coat, western boots and hat; Muriel, an auburn sniper in a beige uniform with a bullet-proof vest and knee pads;", "id": "15007761" }, { "contents": "Chair\n\n\nexamples are of ecclesiastical, seigneurial or feudal origin. Chairs were in existence since at least the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt (c. 3100 BC). They were covered with cloth or leather, were made of carved wood, and were much lower than today's chairs – chair seats were sometimes only high. In ancient Egypt chairs appear to have been of great richness and splendor. Fashioned of ebony and ivory, or of carved and gilded wood, they were covered with costly materials, magnificent patterns and supported upon representations of", "id": "18408292" }, { "contents": "Lexus GS (S190)\n\n\n. The drag coefficient on the third generation GS design reached 0.27 \"C\". The GS interior was available with ash leather and black Bird's eye maple wood trim, cashmere leather and brown bird's-eye maple trim, or black leather and walnut trim. Major standard features included a water repellent front door glass, an acoustic windshield, solar energy absorbing glass, electrochromic auto-dimming side mirrors with puddle lamps, electrochromic auto-dimming rearview mirror, 10-way driver and front passenger power and heated seats with three-position", "id": "4570013" }, { "contents": "Royal Lao Navy\n\n\nand French steel helmets throughout the war. Brown low laced leather shoes were prescribed to wear with the Laotian Navy khaki service/work uniform for all-ranks and white ones with the earlier ANL white cotton full dress for formal occasions, whilst black shoes were worn with the MRL Navy Blue overseas service uniforms. On the field, Laotian seamen initially wore brown leather US M-1943 Combat Service Boots, French M1953 brown leather \"Rangers\" (French: \"Rangers modéle 1953\") and French M1917 brown leather hobnailed ankle boots (", "id": "12319922" }, { "contents": "Black wildebeest\n\n\n. Now, they are economically important for human beings, as they are a major tourist attraction, as well as providing animal products such as leather and meat. The hide makes good quality leather and the flesh is coarse, dry and rather hard. Wildebeest meat is dried to make biltong, an important part of South African cuisine. The meat of females is more tender than that of males, and is at its best during the autumn season. The wildebeest can provide 10 times as much meat as Thomson's gazelle.", "id": "7834878" }, { "contents": "Leather\n\n\nthe garments themselves. Many rock groups (particularly heavy metal and punk groups in the 1980s) are well known for wearing leather clothing. Extreme metal bands (especially black metal bands) and Goth rock groups have extensive black leather clothing. Leather has become less common in the punk community over the last three decades, as there is opposition to the use of leather from punks who support animal rights. Many cars and trucks come with optional or standard leather or \"leather faced\" seating. In countries with significant populations of individuals", "id": "18303688" }, { "contents": "Black Tie Dinner\n\n\nfor the effort at his apartment the following evening (March 19, 1982). At the second meeting, the first \"Dallas Dinner Committee\" was formed, and it was agreed that John Thomas would serve as chair and that the group would commit itself to hosting a large (for that era) formal, black tie dinner, with the net proceeds to be donated to HRCF. One unique feature of this effort was that it would be entirely controlled through its local committee rather than by the national HRCF organization, and", "id": "16477317" }, { "contents": "Salleh Abas\n\n\nbegan making heated statements about it at this time. Mahathir declared, \"\"The judiciary says, 'Although you passed a law with a certain thing in mind, we think that your mind is wrong, and we want to give our interpretation.' If we disagree, the courts will say, 'We will interpret your disagreement.' ... We know exactly what we want to do, but once we do it, it is interpreted in a different way.\"\" Mahathir also lambasted \"black sheep ... who", "id": "17062116" }, { "contents": "Black Mirror: Bandersnatch\n\n\nproducer Russell McLean discussed whether there was deeper meaning in the Easter eggs. Slade was reluctant to include the \"Metl Hedd\" game, saying \"I didn't really see the need for it, but that's just me\". Slade commented that Tuckersoft could later have become TCKR, a company in \"San Junipero\" and thought that \"Metalhead\" was an event in the future rather than a simulation. McLean said that stories are developed in isolation, rather than by asking \"how do we fit the story into", "id": "19300803" }, { "contents": "Operation Grapple\n\n\n, and exploded high in the atmosphere, rather than being detonated on the ground, in order to reduce the production of nuclear fallout. British scientists were aware that the Americans had been able to reduce fallout by obtaining most of the bomb yield from fusion instead of fission, but they did not yet know how to do this. Amid growing public concern about the dangers of fallout, particularly from strontium-90 entering the food chain, a committee chaired by Sir Harold Himsworth was asked to look into the matter. Another, in the", "id": "5283798" }, { "contents": "Acura TL\n\n\nEdition badging, Keyless Access System with Keyless Access Remote, pushbutton start, choice of 4 body colors (Bellanova White Pearl, Crystal Black Pearl, Graphite Luster Metallic and Silver Moon Metallic) matched with an Ebony interior leather upholstery with contrast stitching, Sequential SportShift 6-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifter system, 10-way adjustable power driver's seat, an 8-way adjustable power front passenger's seat, power moonroof, 276-watt audio system with eight speakers, dual-zone dual-mode automatic climate control system with automatic humidity control. The vehicle", "id": "16404723" }, { "contents": "Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG\n\n\nblack designo leather upholstery, AMG sports seats with heating, a slot-in glass draught-stop, COMAND APS with DVD player, anti-theft alarm system with tow-away protection and interior monitoring, THERMOTRONIC luxury automatic climate control, KEYLESS-GO starting function, optional AIRSCARF ventilation at backrests of the AMG sports seats, leather-lined roll-over bars with integrated mesh in a \"Silver Shadow\" look with optional designo Exclusive leather, optional electrically folding exterior mirrors, optional Bang & Olufsen BeoSound AMG surround sound", "id": "19149855" }, { "contents": "Audi A5\n\n\nbumper, spoiler in the tailgate automatically extends at and retracts at , extensively clad underbody integrating air vents for the seven speed S tronic and the front brakes. In the cockpit, the model has electrically adjustable sports seats in leather/Alcantara combination upholstery with side sections and integrated head restraints (optional bucket seats with more prominent contours and folding backrests, ventilated and luxuriously upholstered climate controlled comfort seats; optional seat upholstery featuring special leathers and colors as well as silver headlining), steering wheel upholstered in perforated leather, black gauges with", "id": "4746828" }, { "contents": "Leather jacket\n\n\nHeads\" go with the Judas Priest look (black leather jacket, black leather pants, chains, and lots of metal studs). There is a substantial difference between leather jackets made for fashion purposes, and those worn for protection, such as motorcycle personal protective equipment. Leather jackets designed for protective use are safety equipment and are heavier, thicker, and sometimes even equipped with armor, thus they are a practical item of clothing regardless of the symbolism invested in them by popular culture. A leather jacket primarily designed for fashion", "id": "15897295" } ]
Why do people say "uncle" when they give up during a fight?
[{"answer": "The consensus seems to be that making your opponent call 'Uncle' was evokative of forcing him to call out for an authority figure for help, embossing his weakness, or from a Roman tradition where one's uncle was in the same social stratum of one's father, establishing a mocking level of personal power. Source- URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I have never heard this in my life. Examples? Huh: Must be an American thing."}, {"answer": "From the almighty [Wikipedia:]( URL_1 ) > Although it is often regarded as an Americanism, there are at least two differing theories as to the true origin of the phrase: ancient Rome and 19th-century England. > There are various opinions as to the reason that Roman bullies forced their victims to \"cry 'Uncle!\u200d '\u200b\". It may be that it was simply a way of making the victim call out for help from a grownup, thus proving his or her weakness. Alternatively, it may have started as a way of forcing the victim to grant the victor a title of respect \u2013 as in \"Call me Uncle!\" \u2014 for in Roman times, one's father's brother was accorded nearly the same power and status as one's father. The chosen form of the Latin word for \"uncle\" (\"patrue\") tends to support this theory, in that it specifically denotes the paternal uncle \u2013 as opposed to the brother of one's mother (\"avunculus\"), who occupied a somewhat lower rung in patrilineal Roman society. > The 19th-century England theory says it comes from an English joke about a bullied parrot being coaxed to address his owner's uncle. Upon further digging, here is the joke, which [appeared in various forms in American newspapers]( URL_0 ) between 1891-1907: > A gentleman was boasting that his parrot would repeat anything he told him. For example, he told him several times, before some friends, to say \u201cUncle,\u201d but the parrot would not repeat it. In anger he seized the bird, and half-twisting his neck, said: \u201cSay \u2018uncle,\u2019 you beggar!\u201d and threw him into the fowl pen, in which he had ten prize fowls. Shortly afterward, thinking he had killed the parrot, he went to the pen. To his surprise he found nine of the fowls dead on the floor with their necks wrung, and the parrot standing on the tenth twisting his neck and screaming: \u201cSay \u2018uncle,\u2019 you beggar! say uncle.\u2019\u201d It seems no one *really* knows for sure, but it sounds as if the expression began as a bully's taunt on Roman Empire-era playgrounds, survived long enough to form the basis of an English joke, which then crossed the Atlantic and became the idiom we use in our vernacular today."}, {"answer": "In which country so people say this? I've literally never heard anything like this before"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23007800", "title": "Say Uncle", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["\"Say 'uncle'!\" is a North American expression demanding that the opponent in a contest submit. The response \"Uncle!\" is equivalent to \"\"I give up\"\" and indicates submission.", "\"Say 'uncle'!\" is a North American expression demanding that the opponent in a contest submit. The response \"Uncle!\" is equivalent to \"\"I give up\"\" and indicates submission.", "\"Say 'uncle'!\" is a North American expression demanding that the opponent in a contest submit. The response \"Uncle!\" is equivalent to \"\"I give up\"\" and indicates submission."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Boxing career of Manny Pacquiao\n\n\nback to where Pacquiao was, and they were giving Mayweather a shot, which is prohibited under WADA/USADA law, to rehydrate him and he needed no rehydrating. People say that shot is used to hide the use of performance enhancing drugs. They then gave him, three weeks after the fight, a TUE [Therapeutic Use Exemption]. \"People say, why would USADA do such a thing? Well, we use an organization called VADA, which is approved by the Nevada Commission and they charge us. They", "id": "15958557" }, { "contents": "Nawal El Saadawi\n\n\nof the oppression of women lies in the global post-modern capitalist system, which is supported by religious fundamentalism\". When hundreds of people were killed in what has been called a \"stampede\" during the 2015 pilgrimage (Hajj) of Muslims to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, she said: \"They talk about changing the way [the hajj] is administered, about making people travel in smaller groups. What they don’t say is that the crush happened because these people were fighting to stone the devil. Why do", "id": "10578994" }, { "contents": "Divas in Distress\n\n\nuncle shop and tells Hei that vincent has gone to the airport, which makes Hei understand that Vincent done all these stuff to make her happy, so she doesn't have to give up her job as a construction worker. Then, Yi Long San took Hei to stop Vincent from going to the airport. Hei then ask Vincent why he always make his own decision and why she can't do something for him. Vincent tells Hei that saying she is stupid is right because she doesn't understand what make him love Hei", "id": "17109421" }, { "contents": "David Richardson (American journalist)\n\n\nfor a reporter, Richardson would often fight alongside his fellow soldiers. David Quaid, a photojournalist, remarked of him that \"The stuff he wrote was like what no one else was doing. ... When it got dicey, the only correspondent there was Dave Richardson.\" Richardson retired in 1982 and settled down in Washington, DC. Giving several speeches during his retirement years, he was quoted as saying that the reason why he was constantly at the forefront of combat and other dangers was \"for a good story.\"", "id": "20369125" }, { "contents": "Say Uncle\n\n\n\"Say 'uncle'!\" is a North American expression demanding that the opponent in a contest submit. The response \"Uncle!\" is equivalent to \"\"I give up\"\" and indicates submission. In the United States and Canada, the idiomatic expression \"\"Say 'uncle'!\"\" may be used as an imperative command to demand submission of one's opponent, such as during an informal wrestling match. Similarly, the exclamation \"\"Uncle!\"\" is an indication of submission – analogous", "id": "2021999" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous recovery\n\n\nthat you do not have because your family can't afford it when you were young, you could believe that \"things in life are hard to come by\". When you're an adult another situation could arise that is similar, and the recovery of that association and inner response can show up spontaneously as jealousy again. It is why a lot of people say to themselves, \"where does this feeling come from\" or, \"Why did I do that?\" A lot of human reactions are from spontaneous recovery", "id": "9114540" }, { "contents": "Johnson Family Vacation\n\n\nhe hasn’t been a very supportive husband, and after apologizing to Dorothy, Gloriana tells Nate it’s about time Nate realized what a good wife he had. Stanley still won’t let up, and after Nate threatens to fight Stanley, Gloriana says no, then turns around and punches Stanley herself. Nate and his family leave, with Nate telling everyone that his wife has some studying to do. Nate, Dorothy, and the kids show up at Uncle Earl’s auto shop, and when Uncle Earl reveals their truck", "id": "671056" }, { "contents": "Völkerpsychologie\n\n\nmany other theorists that associated thought with language. Many argued that silent thinking was a form of talking with oneself. Wundt did not agree with this idea. He came up with several situations in which a person’s thoughts do not fully do justice to what they are actually thinking. When having conversations, people may tend to say “That’s not what I had meant to say” or may wonder why they said something, when they realize that they are saying something which might not accurately depict what they are thinking internally", "id": "16844838" }, { "contents": "Freydís Eiríksdóttir\n\n\nbelieved to be catapults. Many of the Nordic invaders panicked, having never seen such weaponry. As men fled during the confusion, Freydís, who was eight-months pregnant, admonished them saying: \"Why run you away from such worthless creatures, stout men that ye are, when, as seems to me likely you might slaughter them like so many cattle? Give me a weapon! I know I could fight better than any of you.\" Ignored, Freydís then picks up the sword of the fallen Snorri Thorbrandsson", "id": "12418480" }, { "contents": "Stormé DeLarverie\n\n\nSomebody has to care. People say, 'Why do you still do that?' I said, 'It's very simple. If people didn't care about me when I was growing up, with my mother being black, raised in the south.' I said, 'I wouldn't be here.'\" For several decades, DeLarverie lived at New York's famous Hotel Chelsea, where she \"thrived on the atmosphere created by the many writers, musicians, artists, and actors.\" Cannistraci says", "id": "6795098" }, { "contents": "Derrick Wayne Frazier\n\n\nlove you; do you know I love you. You are my life. You are my wife - always stay strong. Stay strong everybody. I am innocent. I am being punished for a crime I did not commit. I have professed my innocence for nine years, and I continue to say I am innocent. Let my people know I love them. We must continue on. Do not give up the fight; do not give up hope for a better future. Because we can make it happen. I", "id": "15328678" }, { "contents": "The Mis-Education of the Negro\n\n\nrelations. \"We study the Negro along with other people.\" When Woodson questions him on his answer he then goes on to say  \"Why do you emphasize the special study of the Negro?\" \"Why is it necessary to give the race special attention in the press, on the rostrum, or in the schoolroom?” This is the mindset that most teachers he came across or looked over had towards black studies and how it should be taught to black children. In “The New Type of Professional Man Required", "id": "18869124" }, { "contents": "Jacob\n\n\n20 years of marriage, when Isaac was 60 years of age (, ). Rebekah was uncomfortable during her pregnancy and went to inquire of God why she was suffering. She received the prophecy that twins were fighting in her womb and would continue to fight all their lives, even after they became two separate nations. The prophecy also said that \"the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger;\" (Genesis 25:25 KJV) When the time came for Rebecca to give", "id": "16242208" }, { "contents": "Pavitra (2013 film)\n\n\n, saying there has to be another way. When her uncle tells her the only thing she can do is sell her body for money, she says she will do just that. Though there is hesitation from her uncle he gives in to her idea. Pavitra becomes a prostitute in order to save her mother from death, and make sure her uncle doesn't sell his kidney. Even though she had paid many lakhs to the hospital, her mother had still died. Even after her mother's death, she continued to", "id": "20043911" }, { "contents": "Immigration Man\n\n\nhim up interminably, and soon people started coming up to Nash for his autograph. When that happened, Nash was allowed to go through, but he remained angry with the treatment he received. \"I'm not against local colour,\" Nash explained in discussing the song, \"but why should you fight me just because you speak differently than I do?\" Nash also explained why he chose a picture of the earth from space for the cover of the sheet music for \"Immigration Man.\" \"When you look", "id": "17496132" }, { "contents": "Barry Karr\n\n\nCSICOP is not saying that life does not exist outside Earth, many people do believe that it does. \"The question is, are they visiting us?\" he goes on to say that he himself hopes \"alien life does visit earth. I would love to be there when they arrive\". \"There is not one artifact that proves the existence of life on other planets\". \"If they are coming, why do they show up and then disappear?\" One rumor that was investigated by CSI was about", "id": "8600726" }, { "contents": "Brothers (Ugly Betty)\n\n\ngirlfriend, who just showed up in New York by surprise. He also gives Betty the tickets, thinking that she is still seeing Walter. Back at home, Hilda is miffed when Santos gets involved after Justin is sent home from school for fighting. Hilda wonders why Justin would call Santos instead of her, but Santos says Justin has every right to call his dad. Hilda learns from a visiting mother that Justin hit her son during flag practice because the boy made a comment about Hilda being a \"slut mom\" (", "id": "17375042" }, { "contents": "Freaky Friday (2018 film)\n\n\nthe hunt which she asks why nobody cares about their grades but then says why the Hunt is a big deal which he says he wants to live up to his brother and wants to bring people together which Katherine thinks is very mature and goes off to class. When Katherine goes to class she tells Karl and Monica that she won’t be going to the hunt which surprises them. Ellie then goes to the Venue. When Ellie and Mike do their dance it goes awry and Ellie destroys the cake which upsets her helper Tori", "id": "6735876" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\ntroops should not go off and try to fight a war of independence for another nation. Only the Afghanis can win Afghanistan's independence from the Taliban. In 2012, when Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta outlined a plan to withdraw U.S. combat troops by 2013 if possible, Romney criticized the announcement, saying, \"Why in the world do you go to the people that you're fighting with and tell them the date you're pulling out your troops?\" Romney's 2012 presidential election campaign website similarly criticized the Obama Administration for", "id": "11527140" }, { "contents": "A Doctor's Visit\n\n\n; and in the same way it is awkward to ask very rich people what they want so much money for, why they make such a poor use of their wealth, why they don't give it up, even when they see in it their unhappiness; and if they begin a conversation about it themselves, it is usually embarrassing, awkward, and'How is one to say it?' Korolyov wondered. 'And is it necessary to speak?' \" The story was lauded by Ivan Gorbunov-Posadov (in", "id": "11012445" }, { "contents": "Sehra Main Safar\n\n\n? She bought a jacket for her father. She gives 27,000 to her mother as her salary. Aliya says that she will use this money good. Iqra says to Farooq that Do you do exercise. Farooq says that yes. Aasma comes and says that what she bought for her (Aasma). She says nothing but she will give 500 rupees. Aliya says that why she gone to shopping. She says that it was Shazia's wish. Aliya says that why she gave Aasma 500 rupees. Aasma, in laugh", "id": "11868454" }, { "contents": "AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme\n\n\nfewer people believe nowadays. It's possible that in a generation, there simply won’t be religion across Europe and large sections of North America, Australia, and Asia. That's not necessarily a problem. However, it is worth thinking about why people made up religion in the first place, and what we’re doing with the needs and longings that led them to do so. At one level, religions are about asking us to believe in something. When people say, they can’t believe, they tend to", "id": "7727687" }, { "contents": "G. E. M. Anscombe\n\n\nwith the concept of an intentional action. This soon connected with the second heading. She says that what is up with a human being is an intentional action if the question \"Why\", taken in a certain sense (and evidently conceived as addressed to him), has application. An agent can answer the \"why\" question by giving a reason or purpose for her action. \"To do Y\" or \"because I want to do Y\" would be typical answers to this sort of \"why?\"", "id": "17186395" }, { "contents": "Indigenous religious beliefs of the Tagalog people\n\n\ncharging them not to eat pork. [...] When[...]any of them are asked why they do not eat it, they say that they do not know why; and if one asks them who Mahoma was and what his law commands, they say that they do not know the commandment or anything about Mahoma, not even his name; nor do they know what his law is, nor whence it came. It is true that some of them who have been in Burney understand some of it, and are able", "id": "9962572" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Burke\n\n\nto Burke's scholarship throughout his career. He felt that through understanding \"what is involved when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it\", we could gain insight into the cognitive basis for our perception of the world. For Burke, the way in which we decide to narrate gives importance to specific qualities over others. He believed that this could tell us a great deal about how we see the world. Burke called the social and political rhetorical analysis \"dramatism\" and believed that such an approach", "id": "18770412" }, { "contents": "Live in Concert (EP)\n\n\nThat's why we went through the proper channels to do it that way, so people who do their due diligence will see what this project sampled and want to hear that whole album. Then you pick up more money. You pick up the money ’cause we paid you to clear it and then you pick up the money from the kids who go to get the original album.\" He also talked about when they originally recorded the EP, saying: \"We had already recorded this shit all the way back when my", "id": "19150829" }, { "contents": "1977 anti-Tamil pogrom\n\n\n, and when you say that you are not violent, but that violence may be used in time to come, what do you think the other people in Sri Lanka will do? How will they react? If you want to fight, let there be a fight; if it is peace, let there be peace; that is what they will say. It is not what I am saying. The people of Sri Lanka say that. Finally, on August 20, the government ordered curfews and deployed the military to", "id": "5273875" }, { "contents": "The Negro Soldier\n\n\nThe Negro Soldier is a 1944 documentary created by the United States Army during World War II. The film was produced by Frank Capra as a follow up to his successful film series \"Why We Fight\". The army used this film as propaganda to convince Black Americans to enlist in the army and fight in the war. Most people regarded the film very highly, some going as far as to say that \"The Negro Soldier\" was \"one of the finest things that ever happened to America\". Due to both", "id": "7701356" }, { "contents": "Leonela\n\n\nLeonela. Due to the rape, Otto dumps Leonela, her friends abandon her, and she is shunned by high society, but her misfortunes do not end there, as she finds herself pregnant as a result of the rape. Leonela's uncle Homero Ferrari sends thugs to beat up Pedro Luis, but one of them is killed during the fight, and Pedro Luis is sentenced to jail for 12 years. Leonela who despises her son from the moment she learns of her pregnancy, and she decides to give him up for", "id": "20635229" }, { "contents": "Tom Hanks\n\n\n, \"I must say that when I go to church—and I do go to church—I ponder the mystery. I meditate on the 'why?' of 'why people are as they are' and 'why bad things happen to good people,' and 'why good things happen to bad people' ... The mystery is what I think is, almost, the grand unifying theory of all mankind.\" On October 7, 2013, on the \"Late Show with David Letterman\", Hanks announced", "id": "20951279" }, { "contents": "K-Solo\n\n\ncould’ve respected it if Murray ran up on me and did his thing. But he didn’t. He thinks that the world is against him. If there was no Kevin Madison there wouldn’t be no Keith Murray, because no one would’ve respected him. Why fight someone that put you on? The only thing that I can think is that Reggie and Erick put him on to doing it. These cats are crazy, though. People were hurt when the Hit Squad broke up. I know people who can", "id": "9671572" }, { "contents": "Number the Stars\n\n\n, saying that she is taking a basket with a meal to her uncle. The soldiers do not believe her, and one of them grabs at the basket. However, the soldiers eventually let her go, and Annemarie makes it to her uncle's boat. She gives Uncle Henrik an envelope that contains a handkerchief. The handkerchief had traces of cocaine on it to numb the dog's sense of smell. When the Nazi dogs took onto the boat sniff the handkerchief, they can no longer smell Uncle Henrik's hidden \"", "id": "24459" }, { "contents": "Alaa Murabit\n\n\na leading role,\" Murabit told Lesley Stahl. \"Often when violence happens, people excuse it with religion,\" Murabit said. \"Young girls need to know that they can fight fire with fire and say, 'No, my religion is not why you are doing this.'\" She has maintained that peace is only achievable through communities, \"The only real solution, the only way to get that grenade or gun put down safely is by filling his hands and head with something else. A pencil,", "id": "98335" }, { "contents": "2010 Tonight Show conflict\n\n\nlifelong dream for me. And I just want to say to the kids out there watching: You can do anything you want in life. Yeah, yeah—unless Jay Leno wants to do it, too.\" Following the joke, Leno called Gaspin, asking, \"Why the fuck am I giving up a half hour for this guy?\" Conversations changed to focus on what O'Brien would require to resolve the matter, and parties began to discuss a settlement. Public reaction was overwhelmingly in favor of O'Brien during the", "id": "1826978" }, { "contents": "Sehra Main Safar\n\n\nrefused to do. Aasma had to buy 2 suits. Aliya refused but Aliya accepted. Iqra works in computer. Shehreyar says Iqra that if she can e-mail. Iqra refused. Shehreyar says that he has listened that Iqra will do. Iqra finally accepted. Nida says Iqra and says what Shehreyar said. She said it was work of e-mail. Nida said Shehreyar and gave him e-mail attachment and said to always say her to give attachment. Iqra comes home and says that why she broke up", "id": "11868463" }, { "contents": "Bangaru Bullodu\n\n\nvillager who fights against his maternal uncle Ramadasu (Rao Gopal Rao), an arrogant devotee of the Hindu god Rama who always says that Rama told him to do all his schemes. His daughter Rani (Ramya Krishna) is Balaiah's cousin who loves Balaiah so much and is willing to do anything for him. She beats up any young girl who even goes near Balaiah. This is when Balaiah meets Priya (Raveena Tandon), a teenage girl who is Balaiah's other cousin from the city along with Tulasamma (Srividya", "id": "915986" }, { "contents": "Enough (film)\n\n\nso he cannot call the police. She also places letters in his bedside drawer claiming they will discuss custody of Gracie, justifying her presence. When he arrives, Slim taunts him to fight her. When he says he cannot hit her, she asks him why he could do it before when she was defenseless. She provokes him, and says since self-defense is not murder she could kill him. In the ensuing fight, Slim uses her new skills, and beats Mitch into unconsciousness. Unable to inflict", "id": "7019432" }, { "contents": "RiceGum\n\n\nMysteryBrand\" months prior, saying \"No-one said anything, it wasn't a problem back then. Why did no-one bring it up, or even talk about these guys? This mystery box thing has been on the internet for 3 or 4 months even from other creators, but as soon as I do it, it's a problem?\". At the end of the video, he decided to give away Amazon gift card codes, saying \"There's nothing I can really do but say sorry", "id": "17889920" }, { "contents": "Pattaya Kelappu\n\n\nWhen Anandakrishnan's henchmen carry Dhanam in their van, Ananthakrishnan, with a Kerchief covering his face, stops their van and beats them up thus saving his lover Dhanam. Ananthakrishnan and Dhanam decide to get married in a hurry but Anandakrishnan intercepts them and Dhanam is forced to give her property. Later, Dhanam's uncle tries to stop the marriage but surprisingly, Anandakrishnan becomes a good person and decided to support the young lovers. During their fight, the police arrive on the scene and shoot dead Dhanam's uncle. Anandakrishnan then", "id": "6552025" }, { "contents": "Communication and Leadership During Change\n\n\n(1997) says there are five steps to help followers through this. Using these steps will help employees and followers understand what is happening and make them more apt to work through the changes instead of just giving up and not giving you their best work they are capable of. People get very comfortable with what they are used to and do not want to have to do something else that they are not comfortable with. People get in routines and like to stick with them if they are working out. There are a few", "id": "10992921" }, { "contents": "Hedda Hopper\n\n\naround and say \"Hedda, why don't you just shut the f*** up?\" In 1958, Hopper made racist remarks to African American actor Sidney Poitier. While interviewing him, she asked if he could sing, because \"so many of your people do\". When he replied that he could not, she said: You're the first one I've ever met who says he can't sing. I've never known any of your people who couldn't sing. In 1963, Hopper complained", "id": "6381996" }, { "contents": "Carol Peletier\n\n\nsurvivor Ben in the woods and gives him advice on how to sneak better. In \"\"New Best Friends\", she is found by Daryl, who had been staying at the Kingdom, and the two spend the evening catching up. When Daryl asks Carol why she left, she responds by saying that if she stayed and the Saviors hurt more people, she would have killed them and she didn't want that. When Carol asks about everyone back home, Daryl tells her that everyone is fine before giving a heartfelt", "id": "8157263" }, { "contents": "Marjory Stoneman Douglas\n\n\nvision of the way things ought to be, and she didn't give a lot of credibility to excuses about why they're not like that. She would give these wonderful, curmudgeonly speeches to which there was no response. You can't holler back to grandmotherly scolding. All you can do is shuffle your feet and say, 'Yes, Ma'am.'\" She was aware of it, once saying, \"People can't be rude to me, this poor little old woman. But I can be rude to", "id": "3944794" }, { "contents": "Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)\n\n\nproposal is, and that’s on us to agree or disagree,\" Downey said. \"When things are going great, there's a lot of agreement.\" He added, \"It's that thing of: Why give up the belt when it feels like you can barely get jabbed?\" In April 2016, Downey expressed openness to appearing in a potential fourth \"Iron Man\" film, saying \"I could do one more.\" Downey's Marvel contract expired following \"Avengers: Endgame\", where Stark", "id": "13760720" }, { "contents": "San Felipe Municipality, Yucatán\n\n\npeople come from various places such as Panabá and Sucilá, among others. Panabá people, attracted by the abundant fishing, proximity to their farms or for the simple novelty of the new town, was installed at the port. In some cases these people went Panabá. This explains why many people say Panabá have lived in San Felipe. We do not know when, but sometime Actam Chuleb changed its name to San Felipe, in honor of San Felipe de Jesus. Andalusia encouraged the people, the people grew up with immigrants", "id": "13252665" }, { "contents": "Violent Crimes (song)\n\n\nthe person held most responsible for writing the track, with him claiming in the tweet to have \"changed 2 lines\" but giving credit to Fontaine for writing \"the entire song\". The next month, Fontaine admitted to being \"pissed\" that West revealed this information when saying \"Nobody needed to know I hit him about that, like, 'That's not why I do that for'\" and Fontaine went on to explain that he only writes for people who have his respect, such as West because he", "id": "16013612" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\ntaking a break from her music career saying \"to live life, to be inspired by things again\". She was then inspired to shoot a music video for the bonus track. In an interview with \"People\" magazine in August 2010, Knowles explained: \"I came up with the concept for that video because lately I decided to take a break, and I’ve been home, being a wife. I figured it could be nice to give a little wink toward the things that I’ve been doing, so", "id": "7602761" }, { "contents": "The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor\n\n\nme for no reason that I can see.\" William asks someone to explain why they're giving Arabella such a hard time and Jenny says \"Well, William, Arabella kept money back for herself and spent it all on chocolates\" William consults Elizabeth about it, but she has to say she doesn't really know what Jenny is talking about. Arabella is made to give all her change to Elizabeth and will only have ten pence that week. When the meeting breaks up she says \"Why didn't someone tell me", "id": "20782446" }, { "contents": "Kingdom Come (2001 film)\n\n\ndoes she want. She thought that he want to know that his uncle Bud has died this morning. He seems to be compassionate, saying that he is sorry to hear that and asking how his aunt Raynelle was doing. She replies that his aunt is not doing well, as his uncle dropped dead at a breakfast table in the middle of her letter. He then pretends to be sympathetic about the cause of his uncle's death. She says that they are going to their house and giving them comfort and some Christian", "id": "1984453" }, { "contents": "Grandad (Only Fools and Horses)\n\n\narmy records, as seen in \"Thicker than Water\"; however, he must have been demobbed before the end of war as he temporarily separated from his wife and had an affair with Trigger's grandmother Alice, while her husband Arthur was still fighting. During the episode \"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Uncle\", Uncle Albert (Buster Merryfield) shows Del a photograph of Grandad during the war. When Del asks why Grandad is wearing a vest and plimsolls, Albert answers 'Well, he'd just", "id": "6193768" }, { "contents": "List of Jackie Chan Adventures characters\n\n\nof gravity gives the illusion of being the physically strongest demon, as seen when he tossed Po Kong like a feather (something no other Demon could do) and is beyond the strength of the Ox Talisman or the Shadowkhan summoned by the Fourth Mask. In Season 5, Drago came to a zoo searching for Tso Lan's Chi contained in an Immortal Lotus Pod. While fighting the Chans, the Moon Demon's Chi ends up in a panda who uses the ability of gravity to float into the air. Soon, Uncle", "id": "10907519" }, { "contents": "Saturday Night Grease\n\n\nWhen Graeme enters the room dressed up like a ballet dancer, saying: \"Bill, take it seriously,\" Tim is surprised and asks: \"Graeme, why are you dressed as a woman?\" to which Graeme replies: \"What! Three chaps going out dancing together? People would stare at us!\" When Tim confesses his inability to dance, Graeme teaches him to do the \"Disco heave\" – a dance that Tim believes is Graeme attempting to set him up (until he sees everyone in the", "id": "973222" }, { "contents": "More Specials\n\n\nnow let's do something else. And other people would say, hey we've got this great thing going on here, why are we doing something different? That was probably the beginning of the fracturing of the band.\" During recording, Dammers had a heated row with Bradbury, who wanted to do a \"2 Tone review, mixing ska, soul and reggae,\" which seemed like a good idea to him and Panter. Recording was also hindered by outside interference, most notably when a journalist entered the studio", "id": "18647499" }, { "contents": "Jason Hawke\n\n\nI was so fascinated by the whole lifestyle of those people that I said to myself, \"Let's just give it a try\". I was always the type of guy who lives his life a little faster than most people - I think that's the main reason why I'm doing what I'm doing. And I've got to say I love it!\" The portraits in the book were made into a modern art exhibition (under the curatorship of Demetrio Paparoni) in Milan, Italy, in late 2005", "id": "4027921" }, { "contents": "Rasony District\n\n\nthe interpreter. A German. But people say: 'You're doing wrong ... mister interpreter.' 'Why,' he says, 'am I doing wrong?' 'My husband was called up in the first mobilization... What are you punishing us so for?...' Then the interpreter started to look how people were lying - who was alive. It was already rather late. And those polizeis... They sure had their fun with us!... First of all they took Lida Bychowcowa and dragged her along", "id": "5440345" }, { "contents": "2013 New York City Comptroller election\n\n\n.\" He went on to say, \"I hurt a lot of people. When you dig yourself a hole, you can either lie in it the rest of your life, or do something positive. That's why I'm running... Everyone, no matter who you are, deserves a fair shot. I'm asking voters to give the same for me.\" News coverage about the election (and, more specifically, Spitzer's attempt at redemption) have been mixed. On July 18 CNN host Jake Tapper", "id": "12591588" }, { "contents": "Muslim supporters of Israel\n\n\nto the United Kingdom, is a Palestinian blogger, lecturer, publicist, and religious Muslim who supports Israel. He has accused Jordan of practicing Apartheid, and is a supporter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, saying that those who oppose it \"are just encouraging the terrorist groups indirectly. They're giving legitimacy to Hamas.\" When explaining why he voices his views, Zahran said, \"I don't do it because I choose to, but rather because most of the people think this way and only I have", "id": "5272271" }, { "contents": "Al-Muhajiroun\n\n\nMuhajiroun leader, Abu Ibrahim, as saying, When they speak about 11 September, when the two planes magnificently run through those buildings, OK and people turn around and say, 'hang on a second, that is barbaric. Why did you have to do that?' You know why? Because of ignorance. ... For us it's retaliation. Islam is not the starter of wars. If you start the war we won't turn the other cheek. ... According to you it can't be right. According", "id": "14161238" }, { "contents": "Perez Hilton\n\n\nMario Armando Lavandeira III, will likely be bullied as well. Hilton said, \"He will probably be bullied out and about because people might say things to me in front of him when we are in public... That is even one of the reasons why, even though his name is Mario, I call him Perez Jr. I want him to have an alter ego as well so when people do say things that are hurtful about his dad or hurtful about him hopefully it will not hurt as much because they do not really", "id": "1383000" }, { "contents": "Paolo Roberto\n\n\nagainst Roy Dehara he came back to the ring to be stopped in the second round against John Duckworth. His coach said in a post fight interview that Paolo refused to give up and that's probably why the referee stopped the fight. When asked about the incident Paolo simply said if he would give up in a street fight he would die. After his first loss he won fifteen straight fights before taking on the WBC light middleweight champion Javier Castillejo to whom he lost in the fifth round by referee stoppage. Roberto was behind", "id": "14482843" }, { "contents": "Ghoonghat\n\n\nend of the epic, hearing the news of Ravana's death, his queens giving up to lamentations rush outside without their \"Avagunthana\", in which chief queen Mandodari surrounding his corpse says \"\"Why do you not get angry, beholding me, having put off my veil, walk out on foot by the city gate? Do you behold your wives who have thrown off their veils. Why are you not angry seeing them all come out of the city?\"\" Thus, it is notable that royal women avoided", "id": "606817" }, { "contents": "Canon of the Mass\n\n\nmystic meaning. Why do we say \"rogamus ac petimus\" in the \"Te igitur\"? \"Rogamus\" shows humility, \"petimus\" confidence. Why do we distinguish \"hæc dona\" and \"hæc munera\"? \"Dona\" because God gives them to us, \"munera\" because we offer them back to Him. Why is there no Amen after the \"Nobis quoque peccatoribus\"? Because the angels say it at that place. \"Per ipsum et cum ipso et in ipso est tibi... omnis", "id": "18752500" }, { "contents": "Antonio Dawson\n\n\nout for him. Voight says she was on a mission and there was nothing he could have said that could have stopped her. The only thing that kept her going was that hate; he reminds Antonio that he did what he had to do. Antonio looks at her picture and throws it in the garbage saying he did what she wanted him to do. In \"Allegiance\", he almost gets into a fight with Voight when he confronts him about why Olinsky was in prison. In \"Homecoming\", his loyalty", "id": "15080838" }, { "contents": "The Valiant (1929 film)\n\n\nspotting a wall calendar (showing May 1928) with a large ad for \"Dyke & Co., Inc.\", says \"Dyke... James Dyke\". To \"Why are you giving yourself up?\", he answers \"It was the only thing to do\". The subsequent title card states: \"Civilization demands its toll.\" In court, the killer is only willing to explain that \"I never struck anybody in anger in all my life, but when I knew what he had done, I had", "id": "16670852" }, { "contents": "Everything's Fine (Jean Grae and Quelle Chris album)\n\n\nWhen asked why they chose to work together on the album Chris told Uproxx, \"We're together all the time anyway, so it's not like you have to set times to link up or anything. It's like, 'Oh, let's just make an album!'\" Explaining the title Grae says, \"As you get older, it tends to be a response that you give more and more without realizing that you're even doing it. You're like, 'Everything's fine,' but", "id": "7826456" }, { "contents": "The Plague\n\n\nand says it is a test of a Christian's faith since it requires him either to deny everything or believe everything. He urges the congregation not to give up the struggle but to do everything possible to fight the plague. A few days after the sermon, Paneloux is taken ill. His symptoms do not conform to those of the plague, but the disease still proves fatal. Tarrou and Rambert visit one of the isolation camps, where they meet Othon. When Othon's period of quarantine ends, he chooses to stay", "id": "440739" }, { "contents": "Scandal Takes a Holiday\n\n\nis sent to nurse her - only to end up with a black eye when the woman, Pullia, wakes up. When asked why he told them, Zeno replies to Petro' that his uncle Lygon told Zeno that \"the vigiles would want to know\" if Pullia wouldn't wake up. Infamia's colleagues Mutatus and Holconius say that Diocles is gifted but dissolute, and believe that he is playing truant, but Falco suspects otherwise. Continuing on the Infamia case, Falco calls on Diocles' landlady, who admits that", "id": "190608" }, { "contents": "J. Cole\n\n\nknow why. \"But now I kinda get it,\" he says. \"We make different types of music, so people, like... People just like doing that shit.\" He continues, \"It wasn't even serious... I fuck with your shit. It's hard.\" During the composition of \"The Come Up\", Cole started his own record label in early 2007 with current label president Ibrahim Hamad. Cole sought for an avenue to release his own music, while Hamad yearned to start a", "id": "9541050" }, { "contents": "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal\n\n\nradicals for capitalism\"; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism did not have and without which it was doomed to perish.\" Rand says that most people do not know what capitalism is, which is why it is \"the unknown ideal.\" As understood by Rand, capitalism is the system that emerges among a group of free individuals, each applying time and reason to sustain his or her own life, each the owner of the means to do so, freely trading among themselves. Rand regarded a mixed", "id": "18928325" }, { "contents": "Caroline, or Change\n\n\n) Mr. Stopnick is impressed with Emmie's bravado, but Caroline tells her she cannot talk that way to white people; Emmie retorts that slavery is over. (\"Kitchen Fight\") Mr. Stopnick's Chanukah present to Noah is a $20 bill, intended as a life lesson about money and its value. (\"A Twenty Dollar Bill and Why\") At the bus stop, Emmie says she wants a car and a big house when she grows up. (\"I Hate the Bus\") Back", "id": "14384335" }, { "contents": "Kevin Malone\n\n\nunderstand why some people would not like the idea. Later, in a talking-head interview, Kevin reveals (and gives a shout out to his mom) that he is a part of Deangelo's inner circle, but soon says it doesn't exist to cover it up. Kevin is also amazed when Deangelo does his mime juggling act and by the fact that Deangelo didn't drop a single (imaginary) ball. When Jim tells Deangelo that the women think he's sexist, the men automatically think it was Pam", "id": "20274081" }, { "contents": "Rabia of Basra\n\n\n, Rābiʻa was renowned for her extreme virtue and piety. A devoted ascetic, when asked why she performed a thousand ritual prostrations both during the day and at night, she answered:\"I desire no reward for it; I do it so that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and give him peace, will delight in it on the day of Resurrection and say to the prophets, 'Take note of what a woman of my community has accomplished'\". She was intense in her self-denial and devotion to", "id": "22207156" }, { "contents": "Francis Sargent\n\n\n, but also, in fairness to Sargent how often do you see a public official who gets up and says, \"I was wrong\"? I mean it was an incredibly courageous thing for Frank Sargent to do, and I'm a Democrat. I don't say many good things about republicans. But he was a great man. I mean he had worked for this program. He always had an environmentalist bent to him. [A] lot of people do political analysis as to why he did this or that", "id": "20787422" }, { "contents": "ZeroZone\n\n\ntalking / interacting with other people. Some 1st person shooting action comes around every now and then, but this is more to further the plot than true fighting. The ZeroZone virtual world is quite large, with many places to visit. Also you can communicate with almost all people you find, often they reveal clues or give you hints on what to do next. When the game was released, it was criticised for having low quality graphics. Yet some say the plot and music created the right setting for enjoyment. Another", "id": "12856314" }, { "contents": "Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur\n\n\nother people from being harmed. He tells about the time when he had to fight Eryx the boxer to stop him from killing anymore people. He asks the boys if they understand, and they say they do. Later that evening, Hercules is working in the stable, Zeus appears and they chat. Hercules tells Zeus that there have been no monsters for a while, which is good as he has now settled down with Deianeira to raise the children. Zeus gives him a scale from a sea serpent and Hercules remembers the", "id": "8269074" }, { "contents": "Jay Fielden\n\n\n. “Why did \"Esquire\" do this in February, which is Black History Month?” (It's the March cover subject). But March is Women's History Month! Although my favorite complaint is when people say, “Who thought this was a good idea?” Why isn't \"someone\" an acceptable answer? Journalist Kate Rosman posted a tweet, saying, “It's a story that matters to a lot of parents of kind, empathetic boys who feel confused by society's assumptions that they", "id": "19104200" }, { "contents": "Mark Rathbun\n\n\non the involvement of celebrities in Scientology, saying that \"Scientology works for these people, and they just want to give to others what works for them. We don't give them a badge and send them out. They do it on their own.\" When discussing reluctance among some established churches to collaborate with Scientology under the umbrella of an interfaith organization, he was also quoted as saying that \"Bigotry is born out of ignorance.\" In May 2010, Rathbun asserted that during his tenure as Inspector General of the", "id": "7438070" }, { "contents": "Coach Carter\n\n\nCarter what he has to do to get back on to the team. Carter agrees but on one condition: he needs to do 2,500 push-ups and 1,000 suicides before Friday. During a practice, Carter tells Cruz to give up because it is impossible to complete all of the push ups and suicides by Friday. When the day arrives, Cruz is still short by 500 push-ups and 80 suicides. Other players, however, volunteer to do push-ups and suicides for him, saying they are a team", "id": "19347384" }, { "contents": "Joan Carr-Wiggin\n\n\nthe barriers women face in the industry:So many young men on set—sometimes I fear it’s 100% of them—are convinced they can be the next Orson Welles. Yet when I ask smart, capable young women working on set, “Hey, why don’t you think about directing?” most of them immediately reply, “Oh I could never do that.” Why do they think that? They think that because too many people are saying women can’t do the job. Or can only", "id": "16864958" }, { "contents": "Lineage (Angel)\n\n\nactually be a cyborg. Later that night, Wesley and Angel discuss the cyborgs and wonder why they were after Angel. Wesley says that they must have crossed someone when they took over Wolfram & Hart. Angel says that others see them as weak, but Wesley corrects him, noting that they see Wesley as weak, which is why they targeted him. Angel says Wesley isn't weak - he does what he has to protect people and do what he knows is right. “You’re the guy who makes all the", "id": "13207091" }, { "contents": "Civil Disobedience (Thoreau)\n\n\npeople not to just wait passively for an opportunity to \"vote\" for justice, because voting for justice is as ineffective as \"wishing\" for justice; what you need to do is to actually \"be just\". This is not to say that you have an obligation to devote your life to fighting for justice, but you \"do\" have an obligation not to commit injustice and not to give injustice your practical support. Paying taxes is one way in which otherwise well-meaning people collaborate in injustice. People", "id": "15815354" }, { "contents": "Russo-Japanese War\n\n\nEuropeans used the \"backwardness\" of African and Asian nations as a reason for why they had to conquer them, for the Japanese elite the \"backwardness\" of China and Korea was proof of the inferiority of those nations, thus giving the Japanese the \"right\" to conquer them. Inouye Kaoru, the Foreign Minister, gave a speech in 1887 saying \"What we must do is to transform our empire and our people, make the empire like the countries of Europe and our people like the peoples of Europe\",", "id": "1002995" }, { "contents": "Manzarek–Krieger\n\n\nthey can do that, we can use David. And he's been great. That's not to say the other guys (the Cult's Ian Astbury, Fuel's Brett Scallions) didn't do a good job, but I think when people come to see Ray and I, they want to see us do the Doors music as it should be done, so why not use a guy who really is an expert? He knows the songs better than we do, really.\" Krieger says he and Manzarek also", "id": "75640" }, { "contents": "Viva Cuba\n\n\npeople in Cuba have no say in what the future of Cuba holds for them. For the children it is hard when a parent tells them they are going to leave their home, but for some people in Cuba during this time they felt like they had to leave to stay safe. For Malú she had just lost her grandmother and now her mother was telling her that she was going to have to leave all of her friends too. The children do not exactly understand why they cannot change her mother's mind so", "id": "4316828" }, { "contents": "Brian Zembic\n\n\n.'\" But David Higgins the producer attached to the film says, \"I'm not insisting that he keep his implants in; it's completely up to him,\" he says. \"It would be great for marketing, of course, but we can always find another way.\" In 2000 Zembic fathered a daughter, Mika with his then-wife. When asked about her father's strange mammaries Mika said, \"I know why you have boobs: Uncle Mike paid you money to put them in.", "id": "7217995" }, { "contents": "Red Skull\n\n\n-tortures Magneto and gives him visions of those closest to him suffering while being unable to do anything to stop it. After being freed by Scarlet Witch, Rogue, and Havok, he bites down on a vial beneath his skin of Mutant Growth Hormone, giving himself enough power to fight. When Scarlet Witch, Rogue, and Havok want to leave the island and alert the rest of the Avengers and X-Men of what Red Skull is doing, Magneto says he is going to stay and fight. Before they can", "id": "12191208" }, { "contents": "Naskh (tafsir)\n\n\nAhmed Parwez states that this is simply God's doing, something that humans should not question, \"The Ahl-ul-Kitab (People of the Book) also question the need for a new revelation (Qur’an) when previous revelations from Allah exist. They further ask why the Qur’an contains injunctions contrary to the earlier Revelation (the Torah) if it is from Allah? (...) Say to them that no one can question why Allah has adopted such a system of revelation. Do they not know that Allah,", "id": "2301382" }, { "contents": "List of The World God Only Knows characters\n\n\nhe counters by saying her zeal is what caused her basketball team to disband. The next day, Jun tries to have her students participate in a marathon, but explodes in anger again when they do not care, and she runs away. In her old locker room, she is surprised again by Keima, who confronts her about forcing ideals on people. Just as she is about to give up, he comforts her and tells her not to give up so easily, even when faced with opposition, after all she is", "id": "19263822" }, { "contents": "Low Dog\n\n\nwhite man, or do as he should tell me. When it began to be plain that we would have to yield or fight, we had a great many councils. I said, why should I be kept as an humble man, when I am a brave warrior and on my own lands? The game is mine, and the hills, and the valleys, and the white man has no right to say where I shall go or what I shall do. If any white man tries to destroy my property,", "id": "17318084" }, { "contents": "List of To Kill a Mockingbird characters\n\n\nschool. Scout almost gets into a fight with Cecil over the trial of Tom Robinson. Scout beats up Cecil Jacobs because he says Atticus is a \"Nigger Lover.\" He gives a current event presentation on Adolf Hitler and later frightens Scout and Jem on their way to the Halloween pageant. He and Scout then pair up at the carnival. He hints that black people are not as good as white people while talking about Hitler during current events. Tim Johnson is a dog belonging to Harry Johnson (a character in the", "id": "8302004" }, { "contents": "Kingdom of Igara\n\n\nPrince Ntambiko decided to go to war with his Uncle Mafundo, word around Igara spread that Prince Ntambiko wanted to go to war, when his Uncle Mafundo got to know that his nephew had powerful weapons to fight him and that he (Mafundo) wouldn't win the war against his nepwhew; Mafundo then sent a message to Ntambiko telling him that they should both give up on fighting and avoid bloodshed and unite as a family. Mafundo surrendered and gave his nephew Prince Ntambiko his rights as the Omukama. Mafundo later met with", "id": "18530551" }, { "contents": "Laxman Kumara\n\n\ncomes to know about and is annoyed. Abhimanyu asks his maternal uncle- Balarama's brother and Arjuna's ally, Krishna to intervene. Krishna says he cannot do so but he should ask help from his first cousin Ghatotkacha - the half demon son of Arjuna's brother Bheema who lives in Varnavat. Abhimanyu sets out to Varnavat and meets his cousin brother and tells him why he seeks his help. Ghatotkacha is furious at Balarama because he wants to keep an alliance with the very people who were the cause of the Pandavas'", "id": "19455932" }, { "contents": "Daniel Caesar\n\n\nvulture' for her use of Black culture and subsequent disregard for African Americans, especially black women. Goddard was specifically called out for her recent (January 2019) freestyle in which she infers black people take and do not give back and murder other black people. Crime across all groups is inherently predominantly intraracial, that is, within the same ethnic group. Caesar came to her defense asking why black people were \"being so mean to white people,\" specifically Goddard, saying it was not \"a quality.\" His", "id": "3611331" }, { "contents": "Pekudei\n\n\ncertain Israelites scoffing behind his back, for says, \"And they (the Israelites) looked after Moses.\" The Midrash asked what the people would say about Moses. Rabbi Johanan taught that the people blessed his mother, for she never saw him, as he was always speaking with God and always wholly given over to his service. But Rabbi Hama said that they used to remark how fat and prosperous Moses looked. When Moses heard this, he vowed to give an account of everything. And this is why says", "id": "20166848" }, { "contents": "Ryan Leaf\n\n\nI wanted to do was say, 'Hey, look, I've grown up, I'm calm about it, I would like to understand why you would say that about me.'\" He was placed on injured reserve but made headlines in early November when he got into a shouting match with GM Bobby Beathard and one of the coaches, resulting in a fine, a suspension without pay and an apology by Leaf (four weeks later). During his suspension, he was caught on video playing flag football at", "id": "12933831" }, { "contents": "Vanessa Williams and Miss America\n\n\nyou think you rule the world, and you can control things. And a lot of times, you don't. After learning that \"Penthouse\" would be publishing these photos, the Miss America Organization responded by giving Williams 72 hours to resign. Williams later stated that \"the heightened spectacle and circus of it all was kind of crazy. I had people saying 'Fight for the crown! Fight for the crown!' and people chanting 'Don't give it up! Don't secede!' \" Williams also", "id": "7046571" }, { "contents": "Flight of Fury\n\n\nand get up in the air in a F16. After a brief dogfight, Sands manages to shoot Ratcher down and returns home. It is set and was filmed in Bucharest, Romania across 60 days between March 1 and April 30, 2006. When asked about the film later Seagal said \"Sometimes you get in with people who say they have $30m to make a movie and they steal $25m and give you $5m to make the movie. And that's why you see movies that are just", "id": "13477238" }, { "contents": "Thom Yorke\n\n\nof \"Hail to the Thief\" (2003),\" \"Yorke told \"Time\": \"I like the people at our record company, but the time is at hand when you have to ask why anyone needs one. And, yes, it probably would give us some perverse pleasure to say 'Fuck you' to this decaying business model.\" In 2006, he called major record labels \"stupid little boys' games \"–\" especially really high up\". Radiohead independently released their 2007 album \"", "id": "769946" }, { "contents": "Ibrahim Hananu\n\n\nFrench military criminal court on charges of criminal acts, and the first sessions was on 15 March 1922 . One of the best lawyers at that time, Fathallah Saqqal defended Hananu, advocated for Hananu's innocence, and argued that Hananu was a political opponent not a criminal. When the head of the military council asked Hananu, \"the Syrian people didn't ask you for a revolution, why you are doing that?\" Saadallah al-Jabiri stood up and said \"We asked him to fight you, and we will", "id": "21960901" } ]
why are we using rockets instead of space shuttles now as it seems like a step backwards?
[{"answer": "Actually, it was the space shuttles that were the step backwards. They can't make it any higher than low Earth orbit. You want to explore other planets, you have to go pure rocket."}, {"answer": "The space shuttle was an important step forward in our understanding of space travel, but it was much more expensive and inefficient than just using rockets alone, because we are very good at making efficient rockets. The shuttle program was an attempt to find a way to make a reusable space craft, but the shuttle turned out not to be a good way to do that. It was a valuable experiment, but not a successful one. But some people took the lessons learned from the shuttle program and have been trying to find better ideas off of it. Until they succeed, though, plain rockets are much cheaper and more efficient than shuttles."}, {"answer": "Because we should have been using rockets all along - the mistake was the Space Shuttle. It may *seem* like a reusable vehicle would save money, but that's only true if you're building the Enterprise. Outside of science fiction, you have to deal with the limitations of real world materials and the very real problem of having them survive multiple re-entries. You also have to deal with the truth that technology is not frozen in place, so when you're creating projects intended to last decades they'll spend the bulk of their operational life being obsolete. In the world of engineering, building something that can last for a long time is not better than building something that can only be used once. The point of engineering is to make the inevitable failure predictable. A bridge that is guaranteed to collapse after a year of use is not a bad bridge - it's just a bridge you need to rebuild in a year's time. If it's cheaper to replace your one-year bridge every year than it is to replace your 50-year bridge every 50 years, you build one-year bridges."}, {"answer": "The Shuttle was rocket powered anyway. They just decided to cut out the middle man and go Spacey Shooty with a Rocket instead of a rocket AND a shuttle"}, {"answer": "The Space Shuttle concept was a good idea. Totally reusable rockets are probably the way of the future. SpaceX is trying hard to recycle their first stage by flying it back and landing it. There are two key gains: 1) obviously you get your hardware back and can use it again, probably after some inspection and refurbishment; and 2) perhaps more importantly, the rocket you're flying has been flown before so it's been tested. Ever flown on an aircraft that's brand new and never left the ground before? The cost of rockets is stupidly high partly because they have to be perfect the first time without ever undergoing a whole-system test. The problem with the Space Shuttle program was the terrible execution. The government kept reducing NASA's budget so they had to skimp on the whole concept but, as a government project, they dared not call it a failure and cancel. For example, the boosters were originally supposed to be liquid fuelled and totally reusable but they ended up solid rockets that were really no cheaper to reuse, not to mention being more dangerous."}, {"answer": "The shuttle was created to show private industry a semi truck to space was possible and you can buy an experiment on the ISS, that's what it's for. NASA has always been interested in far space research and disappointed in private industry not taking a role. They knew near earth orbit needs to be main stream for progression to occur. Growth in knowledge is predictable. Our furthermost crafts where launched over 30 years ago and New Horizons reaches Pluto NOW. We've never seen our own solar system completely yet. After a 9 year flight we are on Tuesday. [Pluto]( URL_0 ) for the first time in human history. We are sending humans to retrieve an asteroid and put into orbit around the moon to mine. Again to show private industry it can be done. Install an asteroid defense system and put an ISS around Mars. Then place people there. Thats what NASA is really doing."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "28238", "title": "Space Shuttle Discovery", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["103) is one of the orbiters from NASA's Space Shuttle program and the third of five fully operational orbiters to be built. Its first mission, STS-41-D, flew from August 30 to September 5, 1984. Over 27 years of service it launched and landed 39 times, gathering more spaceflights than any other spacecraft to date. The shuttle has three main components: the orbiter, a central fuel tank, and two rocket boosters. Nearly 25,000 heat resistant tiles cover the orbiter to protect it from high temperatures on re-entry.", "Space Shuttle \"Discovery\" (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-103) is one of the orbiters from NASA's Space Shuttle program and the third of five fully operational orbiters to be built. Its first mission, STS-41-D, flew from August 30 to September 5, 1984. Over 27 years of service it launched and landed 39 times, gathering more spaceflights than any other spacecraft to date. The shuttle has three main components: the orbiter, a central fuel tank, and two rocket boosters. Nearly 25,000 heat resistant tiles cover the orbiter to protect it from high temperatures on re-entry."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Space Shuttle program\n\n\nwere to be under development, although these programs have since been canceled. in the 2010s, two major programs for human spaceflight were Commercial Crew Development and the Space Launch System with the Orion capsule. Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 was, for example, used to launch a Falcon Heavy rocket. The Space Shuttle program has been criticized for failing to achieve its promised cost and utility goals, as well as design, cost, management, and safety issues. Others have argued that the Shuttle program was a step backwards from", "id": "17628767" }, { "contents": "Ares V\n\n\nuse a pair of solid-fuel first-stage rocket boosters that burn simultaneously with the liquid-fueled core stage. The solid rocket booster on Ares V was first envisioned as an improved version of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster, but with five or five and a half segments instead of the four segments used with the Space Shuttle. The liquid-fueled core stage was to be derived from the Space Shuttle external tank and was to use either five or six RS-68B engines attached to the bottom of a new 10 m", "id": "16872936" }, { "contents": "Finite difference method\n\n\nthe boundary conditions, in this example they are both 0. This explicit method is known to be numerically stable and convergent whenever formula_36. The numerical errors are proportional to the time step and the square of the space step: If we use the backward difference at time formula_38 and a second-order central difference for the space derivative at position formula_29 (The Backward Time, Centered Space Method \"BTCS\") we get the recurrence equation: This is an implicit method for solving the one-dimensional heat equation. We can", "id": "20138425" }, { "contents": "Great Observatories program\n\n\nOrigins Spectrograph. Spitzer was the only one of the Great Observatories not launched by the Space Shuttle. It was originally intended to be so launched, but after the Challenger disaster, the Centaur LH2/LOX upper stage that would have been required to push it into a heliocentric orbit was banned from Shuttle use. Titan and Atlas rockets were canceled for cost reasons. After redesign and lightening, it was launched by a Delta II rocket instead. The history of the Hubble Space Telescope can be traced back to 1946, when the", "id": "17273161" }, { "contents": "Fractional Orbital Bombardment System\n\n\nBy the early 1960s, the Soviet Union felt that pursuing a system like the FOBS would be a natural next step given their belief that the US was already planning to use space to mount nuclear attacks The success of the Soviet Vostok program which saw a rocket send a human into orbit and then land at a predesignated location made this kind of weapon seem more feasible. Soviet rocket engineer Sergei Korolev seems to have been responsible for the first FOBS-type missile design. His offering was the GR-1; it was also known as", "id": "19550150" }, { "contents": "DIRECT\n\n\nfunds available to NASA for building any new vehicles while the Space Shuttle program continued. The idea was shelved and NASA concentrated on fixing and operating the Space Shuttle instead. DIRECT's approach had a resemblance to that of the 1991 National Launch System effort. Proposed jointly by NASA and the Department of Defense as an alternative to the Titan IV, the design was based on the same solid rocket boosters and modified external tank, but instead of the reusable Space Shuttle main engine, specified four of the proposed disposable, less expensive Space", "id": "9119983" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\nThe Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) were the first solid-propellant rocket to be used for primary propulsion on a vehicle used for human spaceflight and provided the majority of the Space Shuttle's thrust during the first two minutes of flight. After burnout, they were jettisoned and parachuted into the Atlantic Ocean where they were recovered, examined, refurbished, and reused. The SRBs were the most powerful solid rocket motors ever flown. Each provided a maximum thrust, roughly double the most powerful single-combustion chamber liquid-", "id": "7962085" }, { "contents": "Magnum (rocket)\n\n\nThe Magnum was a large super-heavy-lift rocket designed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center during the mid-1990s. The Magnum, which never made it past the preliminary design phase, would have been a booster some 96 meters (315 feet) tall, on the scale of the Saturn V and was originally designed to carry a human expedition to Mars. It was to have used two strap-on side boosters, similar to the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs), but using liquid fuel instead. Some", "id": "14660897" }, { "contents": "Rocket\n\n\nof propellant would need to be carried for the same journey. This is why rockets are rarely if ever used for general aviation. Since the energy ultimately comes from fuel, these considerations mean that rockets are mainly useful when a very high speed is required, such as ICBMs or orbital launch. For example, NASA's space shuttle fires its engines for around 8.5 minutes, consuming 1,000 tonnes of solid propellant (containing 16% aluminium) and an additional 2,000,000 litres of liquid propellant (106,261 kg of liquid hydrogen fuel) to", "id": "6722052" }, { "contents": "Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle\n\n\nUS Space Shuttle program under the Vision for Space Exploration. NASA has been given the name \"Project Constellation\" for the Crew Launch Vehicle project. The Ares I, to be used for crew launch, was to use as its first stage a solid rocket derived from the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster (SRB). Whereas the Shuttle SRBs used four segments of solid propellant, the Ares I first stage would have used five. The shape of the central bore of each propellant segment was going to be modified to produce a", "id": "12494845" }, { "contents": "Solid rocket booster\n\n\nsolid propellant motors used to provide thrust in spacecraft launches from initial launch through the first ascent stage. Many launch vehicles, including the Ariane 5, Atlas V, and the NASA Space Shuttle, have used SRBs to give launch vehicles much of the thrust required to place the vehicle into orbit. The NASA Space Shuttle used two Space Shuttle SRBs, which were the largest solid propellant motors ever built and the first designed for recovery and reuse. The propellant for each solid rocket motor on the Space Shuttle weighed approximately 500,000 kilograms.", "id": "12520459" }, { "contents": "Pluto Kuiper Express\n\n\nwith the Russian space agency and including Zond probes to study the Plutonian atmosphere. This plan was later abandoned. The Pluto Express was predicted to be launched in 2001, but it was not ready until late 2004. The spacecraft was to have been launched via either a Delta rocket or the Space Shuttle, most likely in December 2004. Had that happened, the only option would have been to use a Delta rocket, as the Shuttle fleet was grounded after the \"Columbia\" disaster. The course would have been initially via", "id": "12843031" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle\n\n\nmain engines, a pair of recoverable solid rocket boosters (SRBs), and the expendable external tank (ET) containing liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The Space Shuttle was launched vertically, like a conventional rocket, with the two SRBs operating in parallel with the OV's three main engines, which were fueled from the ET. The SRBs were jettisoned before the vehicle reached orbit, and the ET was jettisoned just before orbit insertion, which used the orbiter's two Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) engines. At the conclusion", "id": "8490254" }, { "contents": "Jupiter (rocket family)\n\n\nShuttle systems. Each Jupiter launch vehicle would use a \"common core stage\" consisting of a tank structure based closely on the existing Space Shuttle External Tank with a pair of standard four-segment Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) mounted at the sides as on the Space Shuttle. Up to four Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) from the Space Shuttle Orbiter would be attached to the bottom of the tank and would be expended along with the tank. For heavier payloads a proposed Jupiter Upper Stage (JUS) would be added", "id": "328127" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle\n\n\nthe Space Shuttle's thrust. They were the largest solid rocket motors ever flown, and the first solid rocket motors used on a crewed spacecraft. Each SRBs was tall and wide, weighed , and had a steel exterior approximately thick. The SRB contained four sections that comprised the solid rocket motor, a nose cone, and the rocket nozzle. The four sections of the rocket motor were filled with a total 1.25 million pounds of solid rocket propellant, and joined together at the Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Center.", "id": "8490309" }, { "contents": "Jarvis (rocket)\n\n\nrequirements, and the Jarvis rocket was never built. Jointly proposed by Hughes and Boeing as a heavy-lift rocket, using propulsion systems and equipment built for the Saturn V rocket and placed in storage at the end of the Apollo program, as well as Space Shuttle components, Jarvis was intended to be capable of launching multiple GPS satellites, major components of the planned Space Station Freedom and commercial satellites. The rocket was named after Hughes employee and NASA mission specialist Gregory Jarvis, who died in the Space Shuttle \"Challenger\"", "id": "15822980" }, { "contents": "Interval contractor\n\n\nHC4-revise). The principle is to evaluate \"f\"(\"x\") using [[interval arithmetic]] (this is the forward step). The resulting [[Interval (mathematics)|interval]] is [[Intersection (set theory)|intersected]] with [\"y\"]. A backward evaluation of \"f\"(\"x\") is then performed in order to contract the intervals for the \"x\" (this is the backward step). We now illustrate the principle on a simple example. Consider the constraint formula_12 We can evaluate the", "id": "21755414" }, { "contents": "The Natural Step\n\n\nvision of success. One begins with an end in mind, moves backwards from the vision to the \"present\", and moves step-by-step towards the vision. It is essentially placing ourselves in the future, imagining that we have achieved success and looking back to ask the question: “What do we need to do today to reach that successful outcome?”. Instead of picturing how success could look like, backcasting is advocated from a principled vision of success in which specific conditions are met creates a shared", "id": "11573469" }, { "contents": "Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine\n\n\nsometimes referred to as a hydrazine. As a fuel, it is described in specification MIL-PRF-25604 in the United States. UDMH is stable and can be kept loaded in rocket fuel systems for long periods, which makes it appealing for use in many liquid rocket engines, despite its cost. In some applications, such as the OMS in the Space Shuttle or maneuvering engines, monomethylhydrazine is used instead due to its slightly higher specific impulse. In some kerosene-fueled rockets, UDMH functions as a starter fuel to start combustion", "id": "9607106" }, { "contents": "Payload Assist Module\n\n\nThe Payload Assist Module (PAM) is a modular upper stage designed and built by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing), using Thiokol Star-series solid propellant rocket motors. The PAM was used with the Space Shuttle, Delta, and Titan launchers and carried satellites from low Earth orbit to a geostationary transfer orbit or an interplanetary course. The payload was spin stabilized by being mounted on a rotating plate. Originally developed for the Space Shuttle, different versions of the PAM were developed: The PAM-D module, used as", "id": "9848142" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\nLaunch System (SLS) was designated to use five-segment boosters. The first test of a SRB for SLS was completed in early 2015, a second test was performed in mid 2016 at Orbital ATK's Promontory, Utah facility. Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters are on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex in Florida, the Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi, the United States Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and at Orbital ATK's facility near Promontory, Utah. A partial filament-", "id": "7962149" }, { "contents": "Booster (rocketry)\n\n\nsometimes used to augment the payload or range capability of military jet aircraft. NASA's Space Shuttle was the first manned vehicle to use solid-fueled boosters as strap-ons. The solid boosters consisted of stacked segments, and were recovered and reused multiple times. The booster casings for the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster were recovered and refurbished for reuse from 1981–2011 as part of the Space Shuttle program. In a new development program initiated in 2011, SpaceX developed reusable first stages of their Falcon 9 rocket. After launching the second", "id": "8268564" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle retirement\n\n\nrocket was launched from 39B. The pad was then permanently deactivated and has since been dismantled and is being modified for the Space Launch System program, and possibly other launch vehicles. Like the Apollo structures before them, the shuttle structures were scrapped. 39A was deactivated in July 2011 after STS-135 was launched. On January 16, 2013, it was erroneously reported that NASA planned to abandon the pad, but the actual plan is to, like pad B, convert it for other rockets without dismantling it. If NASA did plan to", "id": "12559939" }, { "contents": "Shuttle-C\n\n\nThe Shuttle-C was a NASA proposal to turn the Space Shuttle launch stack into a dedicated uncrewed cargo launcher. The Space Shuttle external tank and Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) would be combined with a cargo module that take the place of the shuttle orbiter and include the Space Shuttle Main Engines. Various Shuttle-C concepts were investigated between 1984 and 1995. The Shuttle-C concept would theoretically cut development costs for a heavy launch vehicle by re-using technology developed for the shuttle program. End-of", "id": "3106183" }, { "contents": "Bristol Spaceplanes\n\n\nits LOX/LH2 rocket. It would be capable of delivering up to 750 kg to low earth orbit, and also transporting supplies and crew to the International Space Station, an increasingly important capability following the retirement of the Space Shuttle. Spacecab can be thought of as the intermediate next step in development between Ascender and Spacebus, and like Ascender it does not require any new technology or materials and has been the subject of a 1994 feasibility study confirming this claim. The Spacebus spaceplane concept is the largest, most ambitious, costly", "id": "19489520" }, { "contents": "Rocketdyne J-2\n\n\nthe Saturn IB and Saturn V. Proposals also existed to use various numbers of J-2 engines in the upper stages of an even larger rocket, the planned Nova. The J-2 was America's largest production LH2-fuelled rocket engine before the RS-25 Space Shuttle Main Engine. A modernized version of the engine, the J-2X, was considered for use on the Earth Departure Stage of NASA's Space Shuttle replacement, the Space Launch System. Unlike most liquid-fueled rocket engines in service at the time, the J-2 was designed to be restarted once", "id": "15857104" }, { "contents": "U.S. Space & Rocket Center\n\n\nvisitors to U.S. rocketry efforts from its predecessor at Peenemünde with the German V-1 flying bomb, through a progression of U.S. military rockets up to the Saturn rocket family civilian rockets, and on to the Space Shuttle. The Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle, the only Saturn V of the three on display to have been brought together outside a museum, is displayed overhead in a new building designed specifically for the rocket. The Space Shuttle \"Pathfinder\" was the first Space Shuttle — a mockup made of steel and wood to test facilities", "id": "12083687" }, { "contents": "Mars Direct\n\n\nvehicle. The Mars Direct proposal includes a component for a Launch Vehicle \"Ares\", an Earth Return Vehicle (ERV) and a Mars Habitat Unit (MHU). The plan involves several launches making use of heavy-lift boosters of similar size to the Saturn V used for the Apollo missions, which would potentially be derived from Space Shuttle components. This proposed rocket is dubbed \"Ares\", which would use space shuttle Advanced Solid Rocket Boosters, a modified shuttle external tank, and a new Lox/LH2 third", "id": "20423344" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\nuses a pair of classic 4-segment SRBs with the SSMEs used on the Shuttle. In 2008 PlanetSpace proposed the Athena III launch vehicle for ISS resupply flights under the COTS program – it would have featured 2 1/2 segments from the original SRB design. The first versions (Blocks 1 and 1B) of the Space Launch System (SLS) are planned to use a pair of five-segment Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs), which were developed from the four-segment SRBs used for the Shuttle. Modifications for the SLS included the", "id": "7962156" }, { "contents": "Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle\n\n\nPresident George H. W. Bush to outline alternatives to the Space Shuttle for access to Earth Orbit. The largest of three proposed vehicles was designated NLS-1 and used for its core stage a modified Space Shuttle External Tank with four Space Transportation Main Engines (STMEs) attached to the bottom of the tank. A payload or second stage would fit atop the core stage, and two detachable Solid Rocket Boosters would be mounted on the sides of the core stage. Larger rockets than NLS-1 were contemplated using multiples of the NLS-1 core stage. A", "id": "12494838" }, { "contents": "Pratt & Whitney\n\n\nof the non-motor elements of the Space Shuttle's solid rocket boosters at the USBI Co. Division (NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida). Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion provided advanced technology solutions to commercial, government and military customers for more than four decades. Products included the RL10, the upper stage rocket engine used on the Boeing Delta and Lockheed Martin Atlas rockets, high-pressure turbopumps for the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME) and the RD-180 booster engine, offered by RD Amross, a partnership between Pratt &", "id": "6484629" }, { "contents": "Solid rocket booster\n\n\nSolid-fuel rocket boosters (SRBs) are large solid propellant motors used to provide thrust in spacecraft launches from initial launch through the first ascent stage. Many launch vehicles, including the Ariane 5, GSLV MK3, Atlas V, and the NASA Space Shuttle, have used SRBs to give launch vehicles much of the thrust required to ascend from the launch pad. The Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters were the largest solid propellant motors ever built and designed for recovery and reuse. Solid-fuel rocket boosters (SRBs) are large", "id": "12520458" }, { "contents": "Skylab\n\n\nusing it for a second station in May 1973 or later, to be called Skylab B (S-IVB 515), but decided against it. Launching another Skylab with another Saturn V rocket would have been very costly, and it was decided to spend this money on the development of the Space Shuttle instead. The backup is on display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. A full-size training mock-up once used for astronaut training is located at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center visitor's", "id": "10329622" }, { "contents": "European contribution to the International Space Station\n\n\ncould carry up to 7.6 metric tons with a suitable launcher. ESA's Ariane 5 acts as one of the launchers for the ISS components. Guiana Space Centre provides a launch pad for Ariane and Russian Soyuz rockets. All ATV crafts are launched from Ariane rockets at Guiana. For manned spaceflight ESA crewmembers have been transported on either the Space Shuttle or various versions of the Russian manned launcher. The Russian launcher is designated as an ISS lifeboat, so crews needed to train on if they stayed for along periods. This is why", "id": "4750900" }, { "contents": "VentureStar\n\n\nheavy components (a large external tank, plus two solid rocket boosters), VentureStar was to be simply inspected in a hangar like an airplane. Also unlike the Space Shuttle, VentureStar would not have relied upon solid rocket boosters, which had to be hauled out of the ocean and then refurbished after each launch. Furthermore, design specifications called for the use of linear aerospike engines that maintain thrust efficiency at all altitudes, whereas the Shuttle relied upon conventional nozzle engines which achieve maximum efficiency at only a certain altitude. VentureStar would", "id": "3172974" }, { "contents": "Taepodong-1\n\n\nNorth Korea. We believe instead that the vehicle was a test bed for multi-stage missile technologies.\" In 2009 the US National Air and Space Intelligence Center assessed that the Taepodong-1 was a technology demonstrator, a development step toward longer-range missile development. The Taepodong-2, or Unha-2, was the successor to the Taepodong-1 technology demonstrator, with a first (unsuccessful) test launch in 2006. The rocket's first stage is a Rodong-1 MRBM, and the second stage uses a single engine from the Rodong-1. In a", "id": "6154224" }, { "contents": "History of rockets\n\n\noperated as a blunt body by entering the atmosphere at an extremely high angle of attack of 40° with the underside facing the direction of flight, creating a large shock wave that would deflect most of the heat around the vehicle instead of into it. The Space Shuttle uses a combination of a \"ballistic entry\" (blunt body theory); and then at an altitude of about , the atmosphere becomes dense enough for the aerodynamic re-entry phase to begin. Throughout re-entry, the Shuttle rolls to change lift", "id": "21557734" }, { "contents": "Ares I\n\n\nATSS report describes several possible vehicles much like the Ares I design, with liquid rocket second stages stacked above segmented solid rocket booster (SRB) first stages. The variants that were considered included both the J-2S engines and Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) for the second stage. The variants also assumed use of the Advanced Solid Rocket Motor (ASRM) as a first stage, but the ASRM was cancelled in 1993 due to significant cost overruns. President George W. Bush had announced the Vision for Space Exploration in January 2004,", "id": "16872948" }, { "contents": "Omega (rocket)\n\n\nby NASA, demonstrated the technology for a composite motor case for Shuttle-derived boosters to replace the metal motor cases used during the Space Shuttle program. In May 2016, Orbital ATK revealed their plans for the Next Generation Launcher, including the configuration and the intended business case. In addition to relying on Shuttle-derived boosters, the Next Generation Launcher intends to make use of existing launch infrastructure at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), including the Vehicle Assembly Building used by the Space Shuttle, with the possibility of polar orbit", "id": "5336707" }, { "contents": "Sharing Space\n\n\nthe term, said “Living and hanging around some of the awesome people we befriended in Weed, instead of saying ‘see you later’ or ‘good to see you’, the phrase they would use instead was ‘it’s been great sharing space with you.’ To me, those simple words made the experience seem a lot more important, and I took it back to the band and said ‘let’s call one of the song’s Sharing Space. The boys liked it so much they said how bout", "id": "7086183" }, { "contents": "National Launch System\n\n\nSSME). The NLS-1 was the largest of three proposed vehicles and would have used a modified Space Shuttle external tank for its core stage. The tank would have fed liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen to four STMEs attached to the bottom of the tank. A payload or second stage would have fit atop the core stage, and two detachable Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters would have been mounted on the sides of the core stage as on the Shuttle. Period illustrations suggest that much larger rockets than NLS-1 were contemplated, using multiples of", "id": "11086742" }, { "contents": "Mobile Launcher Platform\n\n\nas electrical hookups and flares that were used to burn off any ambient hydrogen vapors at the launch site immediately prior to Main Engine start. The Space Shuttle main engines (SSMEs) vented their exhaust through the original opening used for the Saturn rocket exhaust. Two additional exhaust ports were added to vent exhaust from the solid rocket boosters that flanked the external fuel tank. The Space Shuttle assembly was held to the MLP at eight holddown points using large studs, four on the aft skirt of each Solid Rocket Booster. Immediately before SRB", "id": "14418383" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle\n\n\nMarshall Space Flight Center on March 13, 1978. \"Enterprise\" underwent shake tests in the Mated Vertical Ground Vibration Test, where it was attached to an external tank and solid rocket boosters, and underwent vibrations to simulate the stresses of launch. In April 1979, \"Enterprise\" was taken to the Kennedy Space Center, where it was attached to an external tank and solid rocket boosters, and moved to LC-39. Once installed at the launch pad, the Space Shuttle was used to verify the proper positioning of launch complex", "id": "8490273" }, { "contents": "Spacecraft naming\n\n\nfrom the winning essay by Clara Ma, then a sixth-grader from Kansas. The working name of \"space shuttle\" was used throughout the program and spacecraft's development and construction. However, Peter Flanigan, Assistant to the President and Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs to then President Nixon, expressed concern that the word \"shuttle\" brought to mind 2nd class travel and suggested instead words like \"Space Clipper\", \"Pegasus\", and \"Starlighter.\" Shortly after Nixon cemented the \"space shuttle", "id": "11041405" }, { "contents": "Christopher E. Gerty\n\n\nfor Metropolitan Life. Gerty has one younger sister. Gerty's interest in spaceflight and NASA began at Gatelot Elementary in Lake Ronkonkoma, New York. His fifth-grade teacher led his class through the investigation of the \"Challenger\" accident in 1986. Gerty's class learned not only about the causes of the accident, but what the space shuttle did and why humans traveled in space. To the ten-year-old Gerty, spaceflight seemed like a necessary and noble thing for humans to do, even if there were", "id": "6527757" }, { "contents": "Saturn-Shuttle\n\n\n, where technicians would then refurbish the booster (by replacing only the five F-1 engines and reusing the tanks and other hardware for later flights). The Shuttle would handle space station logistics, while Saturn V would launch components. This would have allowed a space station, using a Skylab or Mir configuration with docking ports, to have been lifted with just a handful of launches. The Saturn-Shuttle concept also would have eliminated the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters that ultimately precipitated the Space Shuttle \"Challenger\" accident in 1986.", "id": "10431658" }, { "contents": "Office of Commercial Space Transportation\n\n\nare by and for the government are exempted from this regulation. NASA's shuttle and military rockets, for example, do not require a license to launch. (They are required to meet NASA and Air Force regulations instead.) A \"Commercial Launch License\" must be obtained from FAA/AST before any rocket in this category may be launched from any US territory or if launch is conducted by a U.S citizen. Launch sites, in addition to the launch vehicles that operate there, must also receive authorization from AST.", "id": "21994330" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle program\n\n\n. The stated goals of \"transforming the space frontier...into familiar territory, easily accessible for human endeavor\" was to be achieved by launching as many as 50 missions per year, with hopes of driving down per-mission costs. The prime contractor for the program was North American Rockwell (later Rockwell International, now Boeing), the same company responsible for building the Apollo Command/Service Module. The contractor for the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters was Morton Thiokol (now part of Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems), for", "id": "17628728" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\n\"Atlantis\", and \"Endeavour\" were retired in 2011 after the completion of the International Space Station. One five-segment engineering test motor, ETM-03, was fired on October 23, 2003. As part of the Constellation Program, the first stage of the Ares I rocket was planned to use five-segment SRBs – in September 2009 a five-segment Space Shuttle SRB was static fired on the ground in ATK's desert testing area in Utah. After the Constellation Program was cancelled in 2011, the new Space", "id": "7962148" }, { "contents": "Booster separation motor\n\n\nThe booster separation motors on the Space Shuttle were relatively small rocket motors that separated the reusable solid rocket boosters (SRB) from the orbiter after SRB burnout. Eight booster separation motors were attached to each of the shuttle's two reusable solid rocket boosters, four on the forward skirt and four on the aft skirt. About two minutes into a space shuttle flight, all 16 of these motors were fired simultaneously for 1.2 seconds, providing the precise thrust required to safely separate the spent boosters from the space shuttle's external tank and", "id": "5739524" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle external tank\n\n\nused the spray-on insulation foam currently used on the current ET. Originally configured like that of the Ares V and the Shuttle ET, NASA, upon completing its design review in 2006, decided, in order to save weight and costs, to reconfigure the internal structure of the second stage by using a combined LH/LOX tank with the propellants separated by a common bulkhead, a configuration successfully used on the S-II and S-IVB stages of the Saturn V rocket. Unlike the Ares V, which would", "id": "10919451" }, { "contents": "Revell\n\n\n, jet engines, and in the late 1950s, rockets and spacecraft (Bussie 2007). This included models of Redstone and other military test missiles and Vanguard, Jupiter and Atlas rockets. Other issues, like the Helios \"Nuclear\"-powered ship, \"Moon Ship\", a \"Passenger Rocket\", a \"Space Taxi\", and a not-so-incredible \"Space Shuttle\" were kits more in the science-fiction realm. One site describes the one-time 1959 issue of an envisioned space station as the", "id": "11851502" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle design process\n\n\na large expendable external tank which held liquid propellant for these engines, and two reusable solid rocket boosters. In the spring of 1972 Lockheed Aircraft, McDonnell Douglas, Grumman, and North American Rockwell submitted proposals to build the shuttle. The NASA selection group thought that Lockheed's shuttle was too complex and too expensive, and the company had no experience with building manned spacecraft. McDonnell Douglas's was too expensive and had technical issues. Grumman had an excellent design which also seemed too expensive. North American's shuttle had the lowest", "id": "13383066" }, { "contents": "Inertial Upper Stage\n\n\nThe Inertial Upper Stage (IUS), originally designated the Interim Upper Stage, was a two-stage solid-fueled rocket upper stage developed by Boeing for the United States Air Force beginning in 1976 for raising payloads from low Earth orbit to higher orbits or interplanetary trajectories following launch aboard a Titan 34D or Titan IV rocket, or from the payload bay of the Space Shuttle. During the development of the Space Shuttle, NASA, with support from the Air Force, wanted an upper stage that could be used on the Shuttle", "id": "15419002" }, { "contents": "Be Here Now (album)\n\n\n\"in retrospect, we went in the studio too quickly. The smart move would have been to take the rest of the year off. But at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. If you're a band and you've got a dozen songs you think are great, why not go and do it.\" In 2006, Noel agreed that the band should have separated for a year or two instead of going into the studio.\" However, Morris later wrote: \"It was a mistake", "id": "12297531" }, { "contents": "RS-25\n\n\nThe Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25, otherwise known as the Space Shuttle main engine (SSME), is a liquid-fuel cryogenic rocket engine that was used on NASA's Space Shuttle. NASA is planning to continue using the RS-25 on the Space Shuttle's successor, the Space Launch System (SLS). Designed and manufactured in the United States by Rocketdyne (later known as Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Aerojet Rocketdyne), the RS-25 burns cryogenic liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants, with each engine producing of thrust at liftoff. Although", "id": "10919621" }, { "contents": "Apparent retrograde motion\n\n\nfrom the Latin word – \"backward-step\", the affix meaning \"backwards\" and \"step\". \"Retrograde\" is most commonly an adjective used to describe the path of a planet as it travels through the night sky, with respect to the zodiac, stars, and other bodies of the celestial canopy. In this context, the term refers to planets, as they appear from Earth, to stop briefly and reverse direction at certain times though in reality, of course, we now understand that they perpetually", "id": "4346626" }, { "contents": "Wage reform in China, 1949–1976\n\n\nfor the socialist period. As early as 1958, in the Beidaihe Conference, Mao mentioned that he preferred the provisioning system. He argued that compared to the provisioning system, the wage system was a step backward. He said :“[We] should consider the question of eliminating the wage system [and] restoring the supply system…Restoring the supply system seems like ‘retrogression,’ [but] ‘retrogression’ means progress, because we've retrogressed since we came into the cities.” In Mao’s opinion", "id": "14653049" }, { "contents": "Radioisotope rocket\n\n\ngenerator is removed, and the working fluid is instead used to produce thrust directly. Temperatures of about 1500 to 2000 °C are possible in this system, allowing for specific impulses of about 700 to 800 seconds (7 to 8 kN·s/kg), about double that of the best chemical engines such as the LH2-LOX Space Shuttle Main Engine. However the amount of power generated by such systems is typically fairly low. Whereas the full \"active\" reactor system in a nuclear thermal rocket can be expected to generate over a", "id": "168346" }, { "contents": "Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations\n\n\nforward Euler method\", in contrast with the \"backward Euler method\", to be described below). The method is named after Leonhard Euler who described it in 1768. The Euler method is an example of an \"explicit\" method. This means that the new value \"y\" is defined in terms of things that are already known, like \"y\". If, instead of (2), we use the approximation we get the \"backward Euler method\": The backward Euler method is an \"", "id": "634586" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle external tank\n\n\n-used. They broke up before impact in the Indian Ocean (or Pacific Ocean in the case of direct-insertion launch trajectories), away from shipping lanes and were not recovered. The ET was the largest element of the space shuttle, and when loaded, it was also the heaviest. It consisted of three major components: The ET was the \"backbone\" of the shuttle during launch, providing structural support for attachment with the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) and orbiter. The tank was connected to", "id": "10919414" }, { "contents": "Hypergol Maintenance Facility\n\n\nHypergol Maintenance Facility (HMF) is a rocket fuel and engine center located in an isolated location in the Kennedy Space Center industrial area. It was constructed in 1964 to support the Apollo program and upgraded in 1985 to support the Space Shuttle program. The facility was used for storage and processing of the hypergolic propellants used in the Space Shuttle's reaction control system, Orbital Maneuvering System, and auxiliary power units which were used to provide hydraulic power to the shuttle's control surfaces, main engines and brakes. The facility was previously", "id": "15811563" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle program\n\n\nwould be used by NASA, the Department of Defense, and other commercial and scientific users. During early shuttle development there was great debate about the optimal shuttle design that best balanced capability, development cost and operating cost. Ultimately chosen was a design using a reusable winged orbiter, reusable solid rocket boosters, and an expendable external fuel tank for the orbiter's main engines. The shuttle program was formally launched on January 5, 1972, when President Nixon announced that NASA would proceed with the development of a reusable space shuttle system", "id": "17628727" }, { "contents": "White Sands Space Harbor\n\n\nWhite Sands Space Harbor (WSSH) was a Space Shuttle runway, a test site for rocket research, and the primary training area used by NASA for Space Shuttle pilots practicing approaches and landings in the Shuttle Training Aircraft and T-38 Talon aircraft. With its runways, navigational aids, runway lighting, and control facilities, it also served as a backup Shuttle landing site. WSSH is a part of the White Sands Test Facility, and is located approximately 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of Alamogordo, New Mexico, within the", "id": "14748626" }, { "contents": "Vehicle Assembly Building\n\n\nand referred to as the \"Vertical Assembly Building\". In anticipation of post-Saturn projects such as the Space Shuttle program, it was renamed the Vehicle Assembly Building in 1965, and was used for the shuttle's external fuel tanks and flight hardware, and to mate the Space Shuttle orbiters to their solid rocket boosters and external fuel tanks. Once assembled, the complete Space Shuttle was moved on the Mobile Launcher Platform and Crawler-Transporter to LC-39 Pad A or B. In 1963, NASA contracted the Morrison-Knudsen company", "id": "20663862" }, { "contents": "Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System\n\n\nand 1990s with the Space Shuttle and made use of the Inertial Upper Stage, a two-stage solid rocket booster developed for the shuttle. Other TDRS were launched by Atlas IIa and Atlas V rockets. The most recent generation of satellites provides ground reception rates of 6 Mbit/s in the S-band and 800 Mbit/s in the Ku- and Ka-bands. This is mainly used by the United States military. To satisfy the requirement for long-duration, highly-available space-to-ground communications", "id": "2980174" }, { "contents": "Exploration Systems Architecture Study\n\n\nbe launched in the CEV atop a five-segment derivative of the Shuttle's Solid Rocket Booster and a new liquid-propellant upper stage based on the Shuttle's External Tank. Originally to be powered by a single, throw-away version of the Space Shuttle Main Engine, it was later changed (as noted on a article dated on January 20, 2006) to a modernized and uprated version of the J-2 rocket engine (known as the J-2X) used on the S-IVB upper stages used on the Saturn", "id": "15772657" }, { "contents": "Normalman\n\n\nthe origin of Superman, the junior CPA built a rocket ship to launch his infant son into deep space. No sooner had he done so, however, than he discovered that Arnold was not going to explode after all, leading his enraged wife to murder him. Twenty years later, the rocket carrying the now-grown baby ended up crashing into an Earth-like planet called Levram (\"Marvel\" spelled backwards), populated entirely by super powered people. Because he had no superpowers of any kind, the locals", "id": "13397226" }, { "contents": "English knitting\n\n\nthe knitter), it should first be moved between the needles to the front. We will make one purl stitch---which looks like the back of a knit stitch---into the first loop on the left needle. The right needle is inserted into the right side of that loop. Again, to see what is happening, we can use the needles to hold the loop open. Instead of pulling the new loop forward, the right needle is now situated to pull the new loop \"backward\" through the old loop", "id": "194790" }, { "contents": "Space Launch System\n\n\nRS-25D engines left over from the Space Shuttle program. Later flights will switch to a cheaper version of the engine not intended for reuse. The core stage will be fabricated at the Michoud Assembly Facility and is common across all currently planned evolutions of the SLS to avoid the need for substantial redesigns to meet various payload mandates. Blocks 1 and 1B of the SLS will use two five-segment Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) based on the four-segment Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters. Modifications to the five-segment boosters included", "id": "1461410" }, { "contents": "Titan IV\n\n\ntest conducted to simulate the effects of the SRMU on the main space shuttle vehicle. In the early 1980s, General Dynamics developed a plan to assembly a lunar landing spacecraft on-orbit. A Space Shuttle would lift a Lunar Module into orbit and then a Titan IV rocket would lanch with an Apollo-type Service Module to rendezvous and dock. The plan required upgrading the Space Shuttle and Titan IV to use lighter aluminium-lithium alloy propellant tanks. The plan never came to fruition, but in the 1990s the Shuttle was", "id": "10917493" }, { "contents": "Ares V\n\n\nSpace Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and a second stage powered by an RL-10 engine. One notable difference in the Zubrin \"et al.\" design is that the SSMEs were on a small side-mounted flyback craft. This design was meant to allow the Ares to fly using existing Space Shuttle infrastructure. Ares V was to be the cargo launch component of the Constellation program. Unlike the Saturn V and Space Shuttle, where the crew and cargo were launched together on the same rocket, Project Constellation planned to use two", "id": "16872928" }, { "contents": "Solid-propellant rocket\n\n\nfinds widespread use in space rockets, military rockets, hobby and amateur rockets, whereas cheaper and less efficient ANCP finds use in amateur rocketry and gas generators. Ammonium dinitramide, NHN(NO), is being considered as a 1-to-1 chlorine-free substitute for ammonium perchlorate in composite propellants. Unlike ammonium nitrate, ADN can be substituted for AP without a loss in motor performance. Polyurethane-bound aluminium-APCP solid fuel was used in the submarine launched Polaris missiles. APCP used in the space shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters consisted of ammonium perchlorate", "id": "17109505" }, { "contents": "Liquid rocket booster\n\n\n, the basic Ariane 40 model without boosters could launch around 2,175 kilograms into Geostationary transfer orbit, while the 44L configuration could launch 4,790 kg to the same orbit with four liquid boosters added. Various LRBs were considered early in the Space shuttle development program and after the Challenger accident, but the Shuttle continued flying its Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster until retirement. After the Space Shuttle retired, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Dynetics entered the \"advanced booster competition\" for NASA's next human rated vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS", "id": "21211290" }, { "contents": "Frangible nut\n\n\nThe frangible nut is a component used in many industries, but most commonly by NASA, to sever mechanical connections. It is, by definition, an explosively-splittable nut. The bolt remains intact while the nut itself is split into two or more parts. Frangible nuts secured the solid rocket boosters (SRB) of the space shuttle, which were bolted to the mobile launcher platform (MLP) until liftoff. On the shuttle, they were separated using a NASA standard detonator or NSD. The space shuttle used two NSDs", "id": "17374485" }, { "contents": "Dinitrogen tetroxide\n\n\nin combination with a hydrazine-based rocket fuel. One of the earliest uses of this combination was on the Titan family of rockets used originally as ICBMs and then as launch vehicles for many spacecraft. Used on the U.S. Gemini and Apollo spacecraft and also on the Space Shuttle, it continues to be used as station-keeping propellant on most geo-stationary satellites, and many deep-space probes. It is also the primary oxidizer for Russia's Proton rocket. When used as a propellant, dinitrogen tetroxide is usually referred", "id": "15106623" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle retirement\n\n\nU.S. astronauts have continued to access the ISS aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft. The Soyuz was chosen as the ISS lifeboat during the development of the International Space Station. The first NASA astronaut to launch on a Soyuz rocket was Norman Thagard, as part of the Shuttle-Mir program. Launching on March 14, 1995 on Soyuz TM-21, he visited the Mir Space Station however he returned to Earth on the Space Shuttle mission STS-71. The start of regular use of the Soyuz began as part of the international space station program,", "id": "12559955" }, { "contents": "29th Ranger Battalion (United States)\n\n\nhighest British mountain at 4,406 feet, was a favorite climb. We once climbed two gut-wrenching mountains in one day. Some slopes were so steep one had to worry about sliding off backwards. Our instructors prodded us along and didn't allow pauses. He cautioned that once you stop, you won't be able to restart. Mountain climbing is like crossing a desert and imagining mirages. The next step poses great difficulty but the crest seems mercifully in sight. As one finally nears what appears the elusive top, another", "id": "16474648" }, { "contents": "Russo-Japanese War\n\n\nEuropeans used the \"backwardness\" of African and Asian nations as a reason for why they had to conquer them, for the Japanese elite the \"backwardness\" of China and Korea was proof of the inferiority of those nations, thus giving the Japanese the \"right\" to conquer them. Inouye Kaoru, the Foreign Minister, gave a speech in 1887 saying \"What we must do is to transform our empire and our people, make the empire like the countries of Europe and our people like the peoples of Europe\",", "id": "1002995" }, { "contents": "Criticism of the Space Shuttle program\n\n\na survivable abort scenario if a Solid Rocket Booster were to fail; and the fragility of the Shuttle's thermal protection system. In order to get the Shuttle approved, NASA over-promised its economies and utility. To justify its very large fixed operational program cost, NASA initially forced all domestic, internal, and Department of Defense payloads to the shuttle. When that proved impossible (after the \"Challenger\" disaster), NASA used the International Space Station (ISS) as a justification for the shuttle. Some speculate that", "id": "11608323" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Pathfinder\n\n\nthe more delicate and expensive \"Enterprise\". After sitting in storage for many years, the America-Japan Society, Inc. obtained the wood and steel mockup at a cost of US$1 million and hired Teledyne Brown Engineering to refurbish it to more closely resemble an actual Space Shuttle. It was named \"Pathfinder\" and displayed at the Great Space Shuttle Exposition in Tokyo from June 1983 to August 1984. After the exhibit, \"Pathfinder\" returned to the United States. The U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama", "id": "12893407" }, { "contents": "Craig Rundle\n\n\nthink about that game. You know, just wondering what if we'd done a few things differently.\" Despite the impressive 1993 season, Rundle's team was not invited to play in the Division III playoffs. Rundle told a reporter, \"It seems like they might be looking for reasons why we don't belong in the playoffs, instead of why we do. I've called a couple of people on the committee, just trying to enlighten them about our situation. But I'm not sure it's had any", "id": "15544963" }, { "contents": "United States Space Camp\n\n\nspace program as the basis to promote math and science to children. The idea for the camp came about as a result of a discussion between Wernher von Braun and Edward O. Buckbee. Von Braun was touring the U.S. Space & Rocket Center with Buckbee in 1977 when he noticed children studying rockets and making notes. According to Buckbee, von Braun commented, \"You know, we have all these camps for youngsters in this country - band camps and cheerleader camps and football camps. Why don't we have a science camp?", "id": "12338527" }, { "contents": "Saturn-Shuttle\n\n\nThe Saturn-Shuttle was a preliminary concept of launching the Space Shuttle orbiter using the Saturn V rocket. It was studied and considered in 1971-1972. An interstage would be fitted on top of the S-IC stage to support the external tank in the space occupied by the S-II stage in the Saturn V. It was an alternative to the SRBs. The addition of wings (and some form of landing gear) on the S-IC stage would allow the booster to fly back to the Kennedy Space Center", "id": "10431657" }, { "contents": "Liquid rocket booster\n\n\nSoviet Energia rocket of the 1980s used four Zenit liquid fueled boosters to loft both the Shuttle Buran and the experimental Polyus space battlestation in two separate launches. Two versions of the Japanese H-IIA space rocket would have used one or two LRBs to be able to carry extra cargo to higher geostationary orbits, but it was replaced by the H-IIB. The Ariane 4 space launch vehicle could use two or four LRBs, the 42L, 44L, and 44LP configurations. As an example of the payload increase that boosters provide", "id": "21211289" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\nKennedy Space Center. The loss of Space Shuttle \"Challenger\" originated with a system failure of one of its SRBs. The cause of the accident was found by the Rogers Commission to be \"a faulty design unacceptably sensitive to a number of factors\" of the SRB joints compounded by unusually cold weather the morning of the flight. The commission found that the large rubber \"O-rings\" in SRB joints were not effective at low temperatures like those of the January 1986 morning of the accident (). A cold-", "id": "7962137" }, { "contents": "Skylark (rocket)\n\n\nby three more, launched on 22 February, 13 March 1979, and 24 August 1987. Skylarks were built in some numbers into the 1970s, until the UK government decided to end the programme in 1977, thinking that future \"low weight\" research would be carried out on the Space Shuttle instead. The programme was handed to British Aerospace, who later sold it to Matra Marconi Space, who in 1999 in turn sold it to a small private company, Sounding Rocket Services, based in Bristol. The basic Skylark is", "id": "1074869" }, { "contents": "Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle\n\n\nspacecraft. A proposal put forth by ATK and Astrium was to use a five-segment version of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster as a first stage and a liquid-core first stage of an Ariane 5 as the second stage of a proposed rocket named Liberty. Such a design would cut costs and development time by using already-proven technologies. Liberty would have been 90 meters in length with a projected capability of carrying 20 metric tonnes to low earth orbit. It was projected that this rocket would be flight-capable", "id": "12494851" }, { "contents": "Jupiter (rocket family)\n\n\nThe Jupiter family of super heavy-lift launch vehicles was part of the proposed DIRECT Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle architecture. It was intended to be the alternative to the Ares I and Ares V rockets which were under development for the US Project Constellation. Major benefits were projected from re-using as much hardware and facilities from the Space Shuttle program as possible, including cost savings, experience with existing hardware, and preserving the workforce. Jupiter was designed to be a high-commonality family of rockets, adapted closely from existing", "id": "328126" }, { "contents": "Saturn V\n\n\nhomage to the Saturn V, was in height and featured a core stage based on the Space Shuttle External Tank, with a diameter of . It was to be powered by five Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and two five-segment Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs). As the design evolved, the SSMEs were replaced with five RS-68 engines, the same engines used on the Delta IV. The switch from the SSME to the RS-68 was intended to reduce cost, the RS-68 being cheaper, simpler to manufacture", "id": "14285211" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle\n\n\nheat shields, the reusability of the orbiter required a multi-use heat shield. The main function of the Space Shuttle external tank was to supply the liquid oxygen and hydrogen fuel to the main engines. It was also the backbone of the launch vehicle, providing attachment points for the two solid rocket boosters and the orbiter. The external tank was the only part of the Shuttle system that was not reused. Although the external tanks were always discarded, it would have been possible to take them into orbit and re-use", "id": "8490306" }, { "contents": "Spaceplane\n\n\npowered aircraft have been launched horizontally into sub-orbital spaceflight from an airborne carrier aircraft before rocketing beyond the Kármán line: the X-15, SpaceShipOne, and SpaceShipTwo. Spaceplanes must operate in space, like traditional spacecraft, but also must be capable of atmospheric flight, like an aircraft. These requirements drive up the complexity, risk, dry mass, and cost of spaceplane designs. The following sections will draw heavily on the US Space Shuttle as the biggest, deadliest, most complex, most expensive, most flown, and only", "id": "8192008" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\n, Utah. United Space Boosters Inc. (USBI), a division of Pratt and Whitney, under United Technologies, was the original SRB prime contractor for SRB assembly, checkout and refurbishment for all non-solid-rocket-motor components and for SRB integration. They were the longest running prime contractor for the Space Shuttle that was part of the original launch team. USBI was absorbed by United Space Alliance as the Solid Rocket Booster Element division in 1998 and the USBI division was disbanded at Pratt & Whitney the following year.", "id": "7962142" }, { "contents": "Hubble Space Telescope\n\n\n2021. NASA's original plan for safely de-orbiting Hubble was to retrieve it using a space shuttle. Hubble would then have most likely been displayed in the Smithsonian Institution. This is no longer possible since the space shuttle fleet has been retired, and would have been unlikely in any case due to the cost of the mission and risk to the crew. Instead, NASA considered adding an external propulsion module to allow controlled re-entry. Ultimately, in 2009, as part of Servicing Mission 4, the last servicing", "id": "18598866" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle external tank\n\n\nstages on the Saturn V rocket. It would have utilized the same internal ET configuration (separate LH and LOX tanks separated with an intertank structure), but would have been configured to directly accept LH and LOX fill and drain, along with LOX venting on a retractable arm like that used on the Shuttle for LH (as the \"beanie cap\" would have been useless due to the in-line design of the three-stage vehicle). The Ares I second stage, on the other hand, would have only", "id": "10919450" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster\n\n\nmodified to incorporate the current three O-ring seals and joint heaters, were later incorporated into the present-day field joints on the current SRBs. Prior to the destruction of the Space Shuttle \"Columbia\" in 2003, NASA investigated the replacement of the current 4-segment SRBs with either a 5-segment SRB design or replacing them altogether with liquid \"flyback\" boosters using either Atlas V or Delta IV EELV technologies. The 5-segment SRB, which would have required little change to the current shuttle infrastructure, would have allowed the space shuttle", "id": "7962146" }, { "contents": "Space propaganda\n\n\nworker to get the job done. After tragedy struck again in 2003 with the destruction of the Columbia Shuttle, the Bush Administration tried to reinvigorate NASA with the Constellation Program. The program was designed to build a heavy lifting capability rocket similar to the Saturn 5, establish a moon base from which further missions to Mars and beyond would follow. President Bush stated, “Today I announce a new plan to explore space and extend a human presence across our solar system. We will begin the effort quickly, using existing programs and", "id": "16587649" }, { "contents": "North American DC-3\n\n\n, forcing them to select either the space base \"or\" the shuttle. Discussing the problem, NASA engineers concluded that the development of a shuttle would lower the cost of launching portions of the space station, so it seemed that proceeding with the shuttle might make the future development of the station more likely. However, NASA's estimates of the shuttle development costs were met with great skepticism by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Studies by RAND in 1970 showed that there was no benefit to developing a reusable", "id": "21815227" }, { "contents": "Space Shuttle external tank\n\n\nused a modified, standard diameter, external tank with three SSMEs, with two standard SRBM, as a Crew Launch Vehicle. The same vehicle, with one extra SSME, and an EDS upper stage, would have served as the Cargo Launch Vehicle. It was planned to save $16 billion, eliminate NASA job losses, and reduce the post-shuttle, manned spaceflight gap from five plus years to two or less. MPTA-ET is on display with the Space Shuttle Pathfinder at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in", "id": "10919455" }, { "contents": "STS-51-L Mission timeline\n\n\nSTS-51-L Mission timeline is a detailed timeline of events from the ignition of \"Challenger's\" main engines to the remote destruction of the two solid rocket boosters, and includes a transcript of crew conversations from the cockpit voice recorder on board the orbiter. STS-51-L was the twenty-fifth flight in the American Space Shuttle program, and marked the first time a civilian had flown aboard the Space Shuttle. The mission used Space Shuttle \"Challenger\", which lifted off from launch pad 39B on January 28, 1986, from Kennedy Space", "id": "8784328" } ]
How game shows (Price Is Right, Jeopardy, Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, etc) can afford to keep giving away money and prizes every show?
[{"answer": "Shows get money from advertising and product placement. In a regular produced show you have lots of actors. For a gameshow you really just have the host making them a lot cheaper to produce. Shows that give away large prizes like a million bucks use insurance. They know that only a few people a year are going to win the $1 million. Things like cars and TVs are off-set because the show is also used as an ad. The Price is Right always spends a few seconds telling you about the FABULOUS NEW FUSION FROM FORD! Ford provides the car for free or cheap because they get an ad out of it."}, {"answer": "I'm pretty sure you're talking about USA shows, but for comparison, I've found the [prices which ITV charge to advertise in the UK]( URL_0 ) (click on the \"ITV Spots cost file\" link at the bottom of the page). A 30-second ad on national TV during peak hours is around \u00a360,000. Assuming 3 ad breaks of 4 minutes each, that's 24 individual ads, bringing in a total of \u00a31.44million ($2.19million) per show. I'd guess that would pretty much cover the cost of the prizes, when you consider that the contestants don't win the jackpot every time. And that doesn't include sponsorship - the ads for the same company that they show at the start and end of every ad break. And it doesn't include income from ads in any re-runs (not even the +1 channels which run an hour behind the regular channels). (Of course there are more costs than just prize money - but this at least gives you an idea of the money they receive.) Plus, my experience of American TV is that there are far more ads than in the UK. And, being a bigger country with a bigger population, I'd expect the cost of advertising to be bigger too."}, {"answer": "* A lot of game shows, particularly *TPIR*, are basically hour long ads for various product, which the advertisers provide for free. * Game shows are really, really cheap to actors, no writers, 1 host, 1 set, 1 hour, 1 take...they can often do a week's worth of shows in a day. Compare that to say, *Two and a Half Men*, where the \"men\" make a combined $1.6 million dollars...per episode."}, {"answer": "because they dont pay for the prizes, the prizes are part of the advertising budget for which ever company provides the prize"}, {"answer": "People like watching game shows and seeing people win money/prizes. Because of this, companies spend millions of dollars to buy advertisement time slots/commercials to air on tv. That money is owned by the network company which the show is run on (Price is Right is on CBS, so CBS owns that money.) The money is provided to the winners of the prizes by the network (CBS/ABC/NBC)"}, {"answer": "In the US games shows winnings(prizes, not money) quite often go unclaimed due to the taxes. Which i suspect are then re-used or returned to the company that supplied them. Additionally discounts are given on prizes to the game show and are usually at just the cost of manufacturing the item."}, {"answer": "the prizes just don't cost that much, relative to the amount of revenue the show earns."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7741076", "title": "American game show winnings records", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In the United States, a game show is a type of radio, television, or internet program in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering trivia questions and/or solving puzzles, usually for money and/or prizes. Game shows are usually distinguishable from reality television competition shows, in which the competition consumes an entire season of episodes; in a game show, prizes can typically be won in a single match (in some cases, particularly in the ones that offer record-setting prizes, contestants can play multiple matches and accumulate a larger total). Beginning with the first five-figure and six-figure game show jackpots in the mid-1950s, a succession of contestants on various quiz shows of the era each set records. Terry Nadler of \"The $64,000 Challenge\", the highest-scoring contestant of the 1950s era, was not surpassed until 1980, when Thom McKee won $312,700 on \"Tic-Tac-Dough.\" Between 1999 and 2001, during a brief boom in high-stakes game shows, the record was broken six times. Both the 19551958 and 19992001 eras of rapidly set and broken records were driven primarily by one-upmanship between the networks each trying to secure bragging rights and ratings by inflating their prize offerings, rather than the merits of the contestants themselves. , Brad Rutter is the highest-earning American game show contestant of all time, having accumulated a total of $4,888,436. He succeeded Ken Jennings as the highest-earning contestant (a record he had held since 2004) by virtue of his victory on May 16, 2014 in the \"Jeopardy!\" Battle of the Decades tournament. American daytime television has historically had smaller prize budgets for game shows that air in that daypart.", "In the United States, a game show is a type of radio, television, or internet program in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering trivia questions and/or solving puzzles, usually for money and/or prizes. Game shows are usually distinguishable from reality television competition shows, in which the competition consumes an entire season of episodes; in a game show, prizes can typically be won in a single match (in some cases, particularly in the ones that offer record-setting prizes, contestants can play multiple matches and accumulate a larger total). Beginning with the first five-figure and six-figure game show jackpots in the mid-1950s, a succession of contestants on various quiz shows of the era each set records. Terry Nadler of \"The $64,000 Challenge\", the highest-scoring contestant of the 1950s era, was not surpassed until 1980, when Thom McKee won $312,700 on \"Tic-Tac-Dough.\" Between 1999 and 2001, during a brief boom in high-stakes game shows, the record was broken six times. Both the 19551958 and 19992001 eras of rapidly set and broken records were driven primarily by one-upmanship between the networks each trying to secure bragging rights and ratings by inflating their prize offerings, rather than the merits of the contestants themselves. , Brad Rutter is the highest-earning American game show contestant of all time, having accumulated a total of $4,888,436. He succeeded Ken Jennings as the highest-earning contestant (a record he had held since 2004) by virtue of his victory on May 16, 2014 in the \"Jeopardy!\" Battle of the Decades tournament. American daytime television has historically had smaller prize budgets for game shows that air in that daypart."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3729941", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)", "section": "Section::::Broadcast history.:American Broadcasting Company (ABC).\n", "start_paragraph_id": 88, "end_paragraph_id": 88, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The U.S. version of \"Millionaire\" was launched by ABC as a half-hour primetime program on August 16, 1999. When it premiered, it became the first U.S. network game show to offer a million-dollar top prize to contestants. After airing thirteen episodes and reaching an audience of 15 million viewers by the end of the show's first week on the air, the program expanded to an hour-long format when it returned in November. The series, of which episodes were originally shown only a day after their initial taping, was promoted to regular status on January 18, 2000 and, at the height of its popularity, was airing on ABC five nights a week. The show was so popular during its original primetime run that rival networks created or re-incarnated game shows of their own (e.g., \"Greed\", \"Twenty One\", etc.), as well as importing various game shows of British and Australian origin to America (such as \"Winning Lines\", \"Weakest Link\", and \"It's Your Chance of a Lifetime\"). The nighttime version initially drew in up to 30 million viewers a day three times", "The U.S. version of \"Millionaire\" was launched by ABC as a half-hour primetime program on August 16, 1999. When it premiered, it became the first U.S. network game show to offer a million-dollar top prize to contestants. After airing thirteen episodes and reaching an audience of 15 million viewers by the end of the show's first week on the air, the program expanded to an hour-long format when it returned in November. The series, of which episodes were originally shown only a day after their initial taping, was promoted to regular status on January 18, 2000 and, at the height of its popularity, was airing on ABC five nights a week. The show was so popular during its original primetime run that rival networks created or re-incarnated game shows of their own (e.g., \"Greed\", \"Twenty One\", etc.), as well as importing various game shows of British and Australian origin to America (such as \"Winning Lines\", \"Weakest Link\", and \"It's Your Chance of a Lifetime\"). The nighttime version initially drew in up to 30 million viewers a day three times"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Effect of the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike on television\n\n\nnetwork since April 2005 until a contract was agreed to on January 9, 2008. Similarly, some game shows, such as \"Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?\" and \"The Price Is Right\", were not affected because they are unscripted, other than the questions and the prize descriptions (and in Price's case, Showcase skits); by contrast, Sony Pictures' \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Wheel of Fortune\", and Disney's \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\" had their quiz", "id": "9459618" }, { "contents": "Michael George Dupée\n\n\nsuccess on \"Jeopardy!\", Dupée wrote about his experience and provided practice questions in his book \"How to Get on Jeopardy! and Win!\", which was praised by 74-time \"Jeopardy!\" winner Ken Jennings as the best preparation for competing on \"Jeopardy!\" In 2000, Dupée wrote \"How to Be a TV Quiz Show Millionaire\" detailing how contestant wannabes could try out for various U.S. TV game shows, including \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Who Wants to be a Millionaire\". Born in", "id": "2893217" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Hot Seat (Indonesian game show)\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire Hot Seat was an Indonesian game show based on the original British format of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". It was broadcast by RCTI from Monday, September 13, 2010 at 17.30 (UTC+7). The host was Ferdi Hasan. Despite its name, the top prize was a quarter of billion Indonesian rupiah, however since September 19, the top prize was increased to half a billion rupiahs, and the money tree was changed. It can be earned by answering 15 multiple", "id": "15963551" }, { "contents": "List of international game shows\n\n\nsubject to income tax on game show winnings). There are very few Canadian adaptations of American, British, and Dutch-originated quiz shows in the English language. Most, like versions of \"The Price Is Right\", \"Wheel of Fortune\", \"Jeopardy!\", and \"Family Feud\", are in French. Some English-language versions of these shows include \"Supermarket Sweep\", \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\", \"Deal or No Deal\", \"Are You Smarter", "id": "10038557" }, { "contents": "American game show winnings records\n\n\nduring actual play ($326,346 during the game, plus the $2,000,000 grand prize) but was awarded $2,600,000 solely so the show could lay claim to the record. Factoring overall winnings, which includes a $50,500 win on \"Wheel of Fortune\" and two consolation prizes for losing on \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\", Kravis's total sits in third as of 2019. A month after the \"Jeopardy!\" All-Star Games came to an end, James Holzhauer became", "id": "11635018" }, { "contents": "Broadcast Standards and Practices\n\n\n, as was prescribed in the Big Money Week rules. Contestants on other game shows, such as \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\", have been brought back on later episodes after a judging error or an error related to question material had been discovered. Other contestants have had prize money awarded despite not seeing their episodes air due to circumstances beyond theirs or the show's control. In an episode of \"Press Your Luck\", the three players were asked a question regarding which cartoon", "id": "12442730" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\na player would need four shots to win a game, with six games in a set, answered twenty-four, and was told the answer was correct. However, the right answer was actually twelve and viewers quickly phoned up the show to complain. One such viewer, Robert Steadman, explained to \"The Irish Times\": The production staff acknowledged the mistake and apologised for it, but allowed Kennedy to keep his prize money (an eventual £125,000). When Judith Keppel's victory as the first UK jackpot", "id": "17927151" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire? is a British television quiz show, created and produced by David Briggs, and made for the ITV network. The show's format, devised by Briggs, sees contestants taking on multiple-choice questions, based upon general knowledge, winning a cash prize for each question they answer correctly, with the amount offered increasing as they take on more difficult questions. To assist each contestant who takes part, they are given lifelines to use, may walk away with the money they already have won", "id": "17927118" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\na new question is asked, while if two or more contestants give the correct answer in the same time, there is a tiebreaker question to determine who proceeds to the main game. This round is primarily used to determine the new contestant for the main game, and can often be used more than once in an episode. After completing the preliminary round, the contestant now begins the main game, tackling a series of increasingly difficult questions, which offer progressively higher sums of money, up to the top prize of £1", "id": "17927144" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nan all-time low, and with the exception of \"The Price Is Right\", the genre was absent from networks' daytime lineups at that point. Having earlier created \"Debt\" for Lifetime Television and participated with Al Burton and Donnie Brainard in the creation of \"Win Ben Stein's Money\" for Comedy Central, Davies decided to create a primetime game show that would save the network from collapse and revive interest in game shows. Davies originally considered reviving CBS's long-lost quiz show \"The $64,000", "id": "17927198" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right (Australian game show)\n\n\nRomeo cars were used for the Showcase. Holden replaced Citroen in 2005. The show was replaced for a period of one week with a daily version of \"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?\". The Showcase at this time also added a prize of a $499,000 condominium on the Sunshine Coast in addition to eight other prizes, making the showcase worth between $500,000 and $600,000, and making it known as the \"Mega Showcase\". Three people won the \"Mega Showcase\": Marisa Tamboro (15 September", "id": "7026145" }, { "contents": "Power of 10 (American game show)\n\n\nearn the right to play for money on the game show, and won $1,000,000 (to be paid as a ten-year annuity). This made him the youngest person to ever win $1 million on a quiz show or game show (the second youngest was David Goodman on \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\"). Sadler accomplished this distinction by giving a range of 23% to 33% for the question, \"What percentage of women consider themselves feminists?\" Though given the chance to win the", "id": "20272491" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Australian game show)\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire? is an Australian television game show which would offer a maximum cash prize of $1,000,000 for answering 15 successive multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty as a team. The show was based on and follows the same general format of the original version of the show from the United Kingdom, and is part of the international \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" franchise. \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" Debuted in Australia on 18 April 1999 on the Nine Network and was", "id": "21934003" }, { "contents": "102 JAMZ SuperJam\n\n\nbiggest opportunity we have each year to give back to our listeners. Concert ticket prices keep getting higher and higher... often $100 and more for the good shows. With SuperJam, it's all about more acts for less money. The goal is always to be sure every listener can afford a ticket and every show is one they'll remember.\" From 1999 to 2011, each SuperJam concert was preceded by a 102 JAMZ Block Party, hosted by the station's afternoon personality (originally Boogie D, later Big Tap", "id": "16594780" }, { "contents": "Loong Kin Sang\n\n\nwhole. This organic way, to hunt/harvest for the meal instead of \"frozen\" or \"canned\", was the only way acceptable to Yam and therefore set Loong apart from classmates or performers of a generation from early on. That makes it worthwhile for those who pay for their tickets to be back every day for every show. Yuen talked about how the practice, by those who could afford would keep going by giving away tickets as a habit, damaged the business environment of the Cantonese opera community for good", "id": "4186640" }, { "contents": "The Big Adventure\n\n\nchests, one of which contained the prize money. The show premiered on Sunday, 19 October, at 6:30pm, and then filled the timeslots vacated by the recently concluded season of \"The X Factor Australia\" for two weeks before disappointing ratings saw the show revert to airing once a week, taking effect on 9 November 2014. The prize money offered was equal to the highest single prize ever given away on Australian television (having been twice awarded on the Nine Network's \"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?\",", "id": "3702190" }, { "contents": "Game Show Network\n\n\nBarris, \"Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?\", a \"Top Ten\" countdown of game show hosts, memorable game show moments, women who have featured prominently on game shows, celebrities and how they impacted game shows, and an insider's guide to winning on a game show. One particularly interesting subject was the installments of \"Press Your Luck\" in which Michael Larson won more than $100,000 in cash and prizes by memorizing the sequences of the board then used, which was the subject of \"Big", "id": "270418" }, { "contents": "Chris Tarrant\n\n\nshow \"Capital Breakfast\". The show was highly popular, increasing Capital Radio's audience share in London. Tarrant hosted the ITV game show \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" from 1998 to 2014, while also providing some audio recordings for some console games, and a tabletop game made by Tiger Electronics based on the show. In total he recorded a total of 592 episodes, where five contestants walked away with the cash prize of £1 million. Since \"Millionaire\", Tarrant found successful presenting parts harder", "id": "15175780" }, { "contents": "Deal or No Deal (Australian game show)\n\n\nled to Nine Network game show rivals \"The Price Is Right\", \"Million Dollar Wheel of Fortune\" and the half-hour version of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" being cancelled. However, the ratings of \"Deal or No Deal\" later dropped due to the popularity of the rival Nine Network show \"Millionaire Hot Seat\". Rival Nine Network for many years had produced various game shows for the 5:30 pm timeslot, notable game shows include \"Burgo's Catch Phrase\" hosted by John Burgess", "id": "14189121" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Israeli game show)\n\n\nWho Wants To Be A Millionaire? (, translit. \"Mi Rotze Lihyot Milyoner?\"), also often referred to as just Millionaire, was an Israeli game show based on the original British format of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". Having started broadcasting in 1999 on Channel 2, the show was hosted by Yoram Arbel, and shown on Channel 10. One contestant, Izhar Nevo, has won the top prize, on 7 August 2000. Nevo used his final lifeline, 50/50, on the", "id": "16991934" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\n\n\nBanchha Crorepati (Who Wants to be a Millionaire; also simply known as KBC Nepal, Nepali: को बन्छ करोडपति) is a Nepali television game show based on the British program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The show first premiered on 2 February 2019 on AP1 Television and will run for 52 episodes. It is hosted by Rajesh Hamal and produced by SRBN Media Pvt. Ltd. Contestants can win a huge cash prize up to 1 crore (10 million) Nepali rupees. Other notable versions created in other countries,", "id": "17422275" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\nif they wish not to risk answering a question, and are provided with a safety net that gives them a guaranteed cash prize if they give an incorrect answer, provided they reach a specific milestone in the quiz. The original series aired for 30 series and a total of 592 episodes, from 4 September 1998 to 11 February 2014, and was presented by Chris Tarrant. Over the course of its run, the original series had five contestants walk away with the cash prize of £1 million. The original format of the", "id": "17927119" }, { "contents": "Sale of the Century\n\n\nA total of six individual prizes were offered, which changed every five shows, and were arranged in ascending order of both retail value and sale price. A new champion was always allowed to buy the least expensive prize for either its sale price or his/her entire winning score, whichever was lower. After a win, the champion could either buy the most expensive prize he/she could afford and retire from the show, or return to play another match in the hopes of winning enough money to afford a higher-", "id": "10450060" }, { "contents": "History Bites\n\n\nGame and reality shows were parodied as well, including a depiction of the Donner Party as participants in an 1846 version of \"Survivor\", and almost every episode featured segments that parodied \"Jeopardy!\", \"Who Wants to be a Millionaire\" and/or \"The Weakest Link\", in which contestants answered trivia questions about the common beliefs of the featured era. Anachronisms were frequent and deliberate, adding to the show's distinctive humour. For example, in one episode set in AD 100 and focusing on gladiatorial combat,", "id": "11479099" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\norder (ascending, chronological, etc.) in the fastest time. The competitor who entered it correctly in the fastest time would play. If nobody got the correct order, the round was played again, and when a tie breaker occurs, the remaining participants answered a Fastest Finger question. This round was removed when the syndicated version began in 2002, though it returned in 2004 for Super Millionaire and in 2009 for the 10th Anniversary shows. The format remained unchanged, except for changes to the money staircase and the addition", "id": "17927176" }, { "contents": "KERO-TV\n\n\nthe use of PSIP, digital television receivers display the station's virtual channel as its former UHF analog channel 23. Syndicated programming on KERO includes \"Live with Kelly and Ryan\", \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\", \"The Ellen DeGeneres Show\", and \"Extra\", as well as the Scripps-produced \"Right This Minute\". On September 8, 2014, the station dropped the Sony game shows \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Wheel of Fortune\" due to Scripps' chain-wide effort", "id": "3357997" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Australian game show)\n\n\nhosted by Eddie McGuire. Beginning with an eleven-question format starting at $1,000, this was later changed to 15 and offered a top prize of $1 million. In the 2007 revision of the show, the new maximum prize money on offer is $5 million; however, in the 2009 revision the top prize reverted to $1 million. The show ran in the Monday 8:30 pm time slot between 1999 and 2006 except for a brief two-week period in 2004 where a shortened half-hour edition was", "id": "21934004" }, { "contents": "Michael C. Fina\n\n\nNew York Times, Modern Bride and Architectural Digest. Michael C. Fina also partnered with numerous television game shows that gave away prizes in the early television era, including \"Beat the Clock\", \"Wheel of Fortune\", \"Jeopardy!\", \"Let’s Make a Deal\" and \"Treasure Hunt\". A partnership with \"The Price Is Right\" has lasted since the show began in 1956. Michael C. Fina was one of the first companies in New York City to enter the bridal registry business. At", "id": "93292" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nthe amounts are cumulative in the first round, but not in the second. If at any time the contestant gives a wrong answer, the game is over and the contestant's winnings are reduced (or increased, in the first two questions) to $1,000 for tier-one questions, $5,000 for tier-two questions, and $50,000 for tier-three questions. However, the contestant may choose to stop playing after being presented with a question, allowing them to keep all the money they have won to", "id": "17927173" }, { "contents": "The Neighbors (game show)\n\n\nthe second question was worth $100, $150 for the third, $200 for the fourth, and $300 for the fifth question. After the fifth question, the player with the most money won a bonus prize. The tapes of \"Neighbors\" episodes are believed to have been destroyed, though a clip surfaced on a 2000 \"E! True Hollywood Story\" profile of big money game shows (including \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\", which Regis Philbin hosted at the time). At", "id": "11518013" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\n\" rule; the contestant's responses are automatically locked in. Answering a question correctly earns a contestant the value of that question, multiplied by the number of people who responded incorrectly. Contestants are allowed to use two of their Facebook friends as Jump the Question lifelines in round one, and to use the Ask the Audience lifeline in round two to invite up to 50 such friends of theirs to answer a question for a portion of the prize money of the current question. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: The Album (", "id": "17927258" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nthe \"Tournament of Ten\". Contestants were seeded based on how much money they had won, with the biggest winner ranked first and the lowest ranked tenth. Ties were broken based on how much time a contestant had banked when they had walked away from the game. The tournament began on the episode aired November 9, 2009, and playing in order from the lowest to the highest seed, tournament contestants played one at a time at the end of that episode and the next nine. The rules were exactly the same", "id": "17927246" }, { "contents": "Ken Jennings\n\n\nhis 38th win on \"Jeopardy!\", during the summer break between tapings, Jennings made a guest appearance on \"Live with Regis and Kelly\". There Jennings revealed that he had failed to qualify for \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\", once hosted by Regis Philbin. During that guest appearance, Jennings said, \"\"Jeopardy!\" is a man's game... it's not like \"Millionaire\".\" Jennings appeared on the \"Late Show with David Letterman\" to present Letterman's \"Top", "id": "450752" }, { "contents": "James Holzhauer\n\n\nround 17 of the tournament, with his most notable prize win being a $600 profit for finishing 92nd out of 1,867 on a game. On September 8, 2012, Holzhauer married Melissa Sassin, a tutor from Seattle, Washington. Sassin has also been a game show contestant, appearing on \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\" in 2014 and winning $28,800. Their daughter, Natasha, was born on November 9, 2014. Holzhauer frequently made inside references to important dates in his life with his \"Jeopardy!", "id": "11215821" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Irish game show)\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire? is the Irish version of the British quiz show \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" which aired on RTÉ One from 2000 to 2002. It was presented by Gay Byrne. The format was the same as on the British show, and the 15 incremental prize amounts had the same numeric values, from 100 up to 1,000,000. These values were denominated in Irish pound in 2000 and 2001, and in euro in 2002, after the euro changeover. The Irish version was made by", "id": "3812968" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nprize. Since its introduction to the United States, GSN credited \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\" with not only single-handedly reviving the game show genre, but also breaking new ground for it. The series revolutionized the look and feel of game shows with its unique lighting system, dramatic music cues, and futuristic set. The show also became one of the highest-rated and most popular game shows in U.S. television history, and has been credited with paving the way for the rise of the primetime reality TV", "id": "17927251" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right (American game show)\n\n\nepisode during \"Big Money Week\". The prize was offered during the 3 Strikes pricing game. Prior to this, the most expensive prize was a Tesla Roadster (2008) (valued at $112,845), featured on the April 22, 2010, episode in the pricing game Golden Road. Since the show's debut, automobiles have been a signature prize on \"The Price Is Right\". Most hour-long episodes have two pricing games that are each played for an automobile and in most episodes (although not", "id": "16382548" }, { "contents": "Ludia\n\n\noriginal and branded properties such as Fremantle, DreamWorks Animation, Universal, Sony, CBS, BBC Worldwide, MGM Television, Disney and creates video games based on brands such as The Price Is Right, Family Feud/Family Fortunes, Press Your Luck, Pyramid, Hollywood Squares, Hole In The Wall, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?, The Weakest Link and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. In addition to game show properties, Ludia creates games based on brands such as Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, How", "id": "15885037" }, { "contents": "The $1,000,000 Chance of a Lifetime (Australian game show)\n\n\nan Australian version of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\", which promised the largest cash prize on Australian quiz show history. \"Chance of a Lifetime\" was produced in house by Seven. It was a knowledge based quiz. The million dollar prize was never won; only smaller amounts of money were awarded to contestants. Frank Warrick first hosted the show in 1999. For the second and last season, Seven personality and sportscaster Sandy Roberts was Warrick's replacement. \"The $1,000,000 Chance of a Lifetime\"", "id": "11562823" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right models\n\n\nThe American television game show \"The Price Is Right\" has, since its 1972 relaunch, employed a number of models to showcase the prizes and items that are given away on the show. From 1972 to 2007, the group was referred to as \"Barker's Beauties\", in reference to Bob Barker, who hosted the show during that period. The original \"Price Is Right\" also employed models. Usually, two models appeared per episode to model the prizes, much in the same tradition as the later incarnations", "id": "589112" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire (often informally called Millionaire) is an American television game show based on the same-titled British program and developed for the United States by Michael Davies. The show features a quiz competition in which contestants attempt to win a top prize of $1,000,000 by answering a series of multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty (although, for a time, most of the questions were of random difficulty). The program endured as one of the longest-running and most successful international variants in the", "id": "17927169" }, { "contents": "Game show\n\n\nnadir in the mid-1990s United States (at which point \"The Price Is Right\" was the only game show still on daytime network television and numerous game shows designed for cable television were canceled), the British game show \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" began distribution around the globe. Upon the show's American debut in 1999, it was a hit and became a regular part of ABC's primetime lineup until 2002; that show would eventually air in syndication for seventeen years afterward. Several shorter-lived high", "id": "12827373" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\ncontestant reached higher cash prize amounts. His overall conception would eventually prove to be a success, becoming one of the most reproduced scenic designs in television history. The music provided for the show was composed by father-and-son duo Keith and Matthew Strachan. The Strachans' composition for the game show helped with Briggs' tense game design, by providing the necessary drama and tension. Unlike other game show musical scores, the music provided for \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" was designed to be played throughout", "id": "17927127" }, { "contents": "Ko Banchha Crorepati\n\n\nKo Banchha Crorepati (Who Wants to be a Millionaire; also simply known as KBC Nepal, Nepali\":\" \"को बन्छ करोडपति) \"is a Nepali television game show based on the British program \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". The show premiered on 2 February 2019 on AP1 Television and will run for 52 episodes. It is hosted by Rajesh Hamal and produced by SRBN Media Pvt. Ltd. Contestants can win a huge cash prize up to 1 crore (10 ) Nepali rupees. Rajesh Hamal,", "id": "5246202" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\npromotional games for Chris Tarrant's morning show on Capital FM radio. The basic premise for the show was a twist on the conventional game-show genre of the time, with a focus towards the setup used in radio quizzes, in that the programme would have one contestant taking on the game and answering questions, but with the ability to pull out at any time, to have certain points in the quiz where once passed, they could have a set prize given to them if they should give a wrong answer, and", "id": "17927123" }, { "contents": "The $64,000 Question\n\n\nfor ABC, before abandoning that project in favor of producing an American version of the British game show \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". \"Millionaire\" has a very similar format to \"The $64,000 Question\" – 15 questions (now 14) in which the contestant's money roughly doubles with each correct question until reaching the top prize. However, the questions in \"Millionaire\" are of a broader variety than \"Question\"'s one-category line of questioning and have a different category for each", "id": "19942416" }, { "contents": "Studio audience\n\n\nstudio audience can also provide volunteers, a visual backdrop and discussion participants. On some game shows, contestants are taken from the studio audience, such as with \"The Price Is Right\". In some cases, a studio audience can be called upon to vote, to help a contestant(s) (such as with \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\") or pass judgment on a politician (such as with \"Question Time\"). In the United States, tickets to be a part of a studio audience", "id": "2901876" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Irish game show)\n\n\nTyrone Productions under license from Celador, the British originators. The stage, music, and format were identical to the original British format. The quizmaster was Gay Byrne, who was famous as the longtime host of \"The Late Late Show\", and was making one of several returns from retirement. The top prize fell from IR£1m (€1,269,738) to €1m after the euro changeover at the beginning of 2002. The prize money was funded by a combination of a premium-rate telephone number which candidates had", "id": "3812969" }, { "contents": "Temptation (Australian game show)\n\n\n. Quizmaster aired from 27 March to 3 April 2006, featuring nine of the most successful contestants from \"Temptation\", \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" and \"Temptation's\" predecessor, \"Sale of the Century\", competing to win more money for themselves (the format is similar to the \"Jeopardy!\" Tournament of Champions). 2005 grand champion Rob O'Neill defeated 2006 grand champion Yolanda Stopar in the head-to-head final by the score of $110–$80, winning $815,840 in cash", "id": "14766767" }, { "contents": "Jeopardy! Ultimate Tournament of Champions\n\n\n!\" champion Ken Jennings, who had won the most money in \"Jeopardy!\" regular play history and who (entering the tournament) had set a new all-time television game show winnings record with US $2,522,700. Those three contestants would then play in a three-game final for the largest cash prize the show has ever offered: an unprecedented grand prize of U.S. $2,000,000. After four rounds, the tournament's field of 144 past champions was winnowed to two: Brad Rutter and Jerome Vered. Rutter", "id": "15075066" }, { "contents": "Maryeve Dufault\n\n\nmain participation reason was winning prizes including a motorcycle and Jet Ski, as well as prize money to keep racing. She was invited to the United Service Organizations \"USO\" tour, Operation in Kosovo, Bosnia and Macedonia. She has appeared on a number of television shows and movies like \"Driven\", \"Entourage\", \"Relative Strangers\", \"The Bold and the Beautiful\", Jay Leno's opening show and including the American game show \"The Price Is Right\" during the Bob Barker era. She", "id": "8103807" }, { "contents": "Daytime television in the United States\n\n\nJeopardy!\" and \"Wheel of Fortune\" (the latter two of which usually airs during the pre-prime time hour, but are also occasionally scheduled in the daytime, especially in the Central Time Zone and in markets where \"Jeopardy!\" airs two episodes a day) have all transitioned from network daytime shows to syndication, while \"Millionaire\" is a daytime spinoff of a network prime time program. Both current CBS Daytime game shows began as 30-minute game shows that transitioned into one-hour formats (\"Price", "id": "6153882" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nthat point. With the exception of the shuffle format, upon correctly answering questions five and ten, contestants are guaranteed at least the amount of prize money associated with that level. If the contestant gives an incorrect answer, their winnings drop down to the last milestone achieved. Since 2015, if the contestant answers a question incorrectly before reaching question five, he or she leaves with $1,000, even on the first question that is worth only $500. For celebrities, the minimum guarantee for their nominated charities is $10,000", "id": "17927174" }, { "contents": "Tokyo Friend Park 2\n\n\n, comedians, models (idols), actors, etc. The contestants are organized in one team and compete in several games throughout the show. For each mini game they clear, the team is awarded a gold coin that can be used to win prizes at the end. Any team that successfully clears all of the games wins the Grand Slam Prize, usually a trip to Disneyland. The mini game format is very similar to that of \"The Price Is Right\". Each show features a few mini games that are", "id": "1552399" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Nigerian game show)\n\n\na contestant called Aroma Ufodike became the first person to win the ₦10 million, and currently, he is the only one who won the top prize of this game show. One of the questions related to celebrated Nigerian football referee Linus Mbah. Just like in Slumdog Millionaire Mr. Ufodike was able to answer the question from his personal experience. Mr. Mbah lived in the apartment above him or, as Mr. Ufodike put it - \"He lives on top of me!\" The Nigerian variation of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire has", "id": "4244016" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nDollar Password\" (which aired on CBS from June 2008 to June 2009). The syndicated version was directed by Matthew Cohen from 2002 to 2010, by Rob George from 2010 to 2013, and by Brian McAloon in the 2013–14 season. Former \"The Price Is Right\" director Rich DiPirro (who later directed \"Mental Samurai\") became \"Millionaire\"s director in 2014, and was later replaced by Ron de Moraes after the 2016–17 season, who remained as director until the show's cancellation. The U.S. version of \"", "id": "17927194" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right (1956 American game show)\n\n\nshow, the civilian contestant who had the most winnings was considered the champion; it is unknown what would have happened in the event of a shut-out with the celebrity winning. As Don Pardo was still under contract at NBC, he was replaced by Johnny Gilbert, who currently serves as the announcer for \"Jeopardy!\". Coincidently, Pardo announced on the original \"Jeopardy!\" for 11 years. When the show moved to ABC, several CBS affiliates took up ABC secondary affiliation to show \"The Price Is", "id": "11146984" }, { "contents": "American game show winnings records\n\n\neach episode it was not won. Kevin Olmstead claimed the top prize on April 10, 2001, winning a jackpot of $2,180,000. Olmstead became the first contestant to top $2,000,000 in total winnings on a game show and supplanted Legler as the all-time leader. In 2004, ABC launched an ultra high-stakes version of \"Millionaire\" entitled \"Who Wants to Be a Super Millionaire\" with a $10,000,000 top prize. Two separate \"Super Millionaire\" series aired, one in February and a second in", "id": "11635006" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Philippine game show)\n\n\nThe show aired its season finale on October 7, 2012 to give way to another game show hosted by Sotto, \"The Million Peso Money Drop\" (the Philippine version of \"The Million Pound Drop Live\" created by Endemol). However, the show returned on air September 15, 2013 for a new season together with \"Pinoy Explorer\" and \"Wow Mali! Pa Rin\" in exchange to the now defunct talent show \"Talentadong Pinoy\". This incarnation ended on January 11, 2015 in preparation for the", "id": "4778636" }, { "contents": "Celebrity Jeopardy! (Saturday Night Live)\n\n\n16, 2015, a contestant who did not know the actual answer jokingly guessed \"The Love Ballad of Turd Ferguson\" during Final Jeopardy! The October 1999 \"Celebrity Jeopardy!\" sketch featuring Sean Connery, Burt Reynolds, and French Stewart was featured in the \"SNL\" Game Show Parodies compilation special from February 2000 and its later home video release. The special was co-hosted by Will Ferrell in character as Alex Trebek alongside Darrell Hammond as then-\"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire\" host Regis Philbin, who was briefly", "id": "18292540" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire? (abbreviated WWTBAM and informally known as simply Millionaire) is an international television game show franchise of British origin, created by David Briggs, Mike Whitehill and Steven Knight. In its format, currently owned and licensed by Sony Pictures Television, contestants tackle a series of multiple-choice questions to win large cash prizes in a format that twists on many game show genre conventions – only one contestant plays at a time, similar to radio quizzes; contestants are given the question before attempting an answer", "id": "17422234" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Australian game show)\n\n\nshow \"The People Versus\". The most notable change to the format is the addition of a bonus 16th question, which is worth $5 million. After answering question 15 correctly, they have the option of going for the bonus question. If the contestant gives the correct answer, he or she will win $5 million (the largest top prize in the history of Australian TV game shows). However, if an incorrect answer is given, then his or her winnings will plummet down to only $32,000;", "id": "21934014" }, { "contents": "Crorepati\n\n\nA crorepati or kotipoti (; , , ) is a word similar to a millionaire. A crorepati is a person who resides in a household whose net worth or wealth exceeds ten million rupees, or units of another currency. The term crorepati is derived from the unit crore from the Indian numbering system which is equivalent to 10 million. The Indian game show \"Kaun Banega Crorepati\", based on \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\", first aired in 2005 on the STAR network throughout India and offered prize money of", "id": "3470230" }, { "contents": "1950s quiz show scandals\n\n\nbowlers competed for prizes on these shows and the shows were typically considered sporting programs rather than game shows. Those shows continued to air into the early 1960s. \"The Price Is Right\" and CBS's slate of low-budget panel games were largely unaffected by the collapse; those shows would continue to air on network television into the mid-1960s, with \"The Price Is Right\" still offering lavish prizes throughout its prime time run. A quiz for big money would not return until ABC premiered \"100 Grand\" in 1963", "id": "8259059" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nwho began hosting on September 14, 2015. On May 17, 2019, it was reported that the syndicated show has been canceled, with the final original episode airing on May 31, 2019 and reruns continuing through the summer. As the first U.S. network game show to offer a million-dollar top prize, the show made television history by becoming one of the highest-rated game shows in the history of American television. The U.S. \"Millionaire\" has won seven Daytime Emmy Awards, and \"TV Guide\" ranked", "id": "17927171" }, { "contents": "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?\n\n\nFederalist). However, his winnings of $500,000 were enough to regain the all-time game show winnings record from Brad Rutter, who had defeated him in the Jeopardy! Ultimate Tournament of Champions to claim it (but Brad Rutter since reclaimed the title by winning in the Jeopardy! Battle of the Decades, where Rutter won the tournament, prize money of one million dollars, and the record as the highest money-winner ever on American game shows, which Jennings had held since 2008). Seven other contestants have", "id": "5801196" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Philippine game show)\n\n\nWhen his last lifeline, Phone-A-Friend, was used during the final question, he was given one of the wrong answers. Also, the first fourteen were asked in the previous episode aired a week before. The translation of the ₱2 million question that Aguilar answered correctly can be seen at the right. The Philippine version show produced its third top-prize winner in the person of IT auditor Eduardo \"Gaeilo\" Pajinag, Jr. on October 20, 2013. According to him, he auditioned seven times before", "id": "4778647" }, { "contents": "¿Quién quiere ser millonario? (Venezuelan game show)\n\n\n¿Quién Quiere ser Millonario? (English translation: \"Who Wants to be a Millionaire?\") is a Venezuelan game show based on the British format of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". The show offers large cash prizes for correctly answering a series of randomised multiple-choice questions of varying difficulties. Currently host by Eladio Lárez, It aired Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) from August 23, 2000 to May 23, 2007, 4 days before the station lost its broadcast license on May 27.", "id": "1075939" }, { "contents": "Game show\n\n\n, \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Family Feud\" have continued in syndication. To keep pace with the prime-time quiz shows, \"Jeopardy!\" lifted its winnings limit in 2003, which one year later allowed Ken Jennings to become the show's first multi-million dollar winner; it has also increased the stakes of its tournaments and put a larger focus on contestants with strong personalities. The show has since produced two more millionaires, tournament winner Brad Rutter and recent champion James Holzhauer. \"Family Feud\" revived", "id": "12827377" }, { "contents": "Make Me a Millionaire\n\n\nshow had four random-play games, and did not retain the Big Wheel or Dream Machine from the show's predecessor. The games are described here in the order of their appearance in the show. Some other merchandise was also given away in addition to the stated prizes. The following games were mostly based on the second format of the Florida Lottery's \"Flamingo Fortune\". Lucky Penny gives to each of three players a prize of either $2,000 in cash or a car. Each player begins with ten \"penny", "id": "3813080" }, { "contents": "¿Quién quiere ser millonario? (Salvadoran game show)\n\n\nTelevision Corporation's Channel 4. This program brings the highest award of all the versions produced in Central America that are, Costa Rica and Panama, as well as versions of Colombia and Ecuador, and it is US$200,000. During the first season lasted from 3 March to 24 November 2010, after nearly 10 months: The second season of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? El Salvador began on March 2, 2011 and ended on November 23 of that year giving away US$104,867.00 in prizes to more than 100 participants.", "id": "5095805" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (British game show)\n\n\nOver the course of his time presenting the game show, Tarrant developed a number of notable catchphrases, including \"Is that your final answer?\", \"But we don't want to give you that\" and \"All Vote Now!\" with the latter often used to emphasise his wish to see contestants continue on and win more money and audience allowed to vote the answers in the lifeline used. Since its launch, several individuals made claims over the origins of the format or elements of it, with each accusing Celador", "id": "17927131" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Thai game show)\n\n\nof two members of the audience who believe that they know the correct answer) and Switch The Question (contestant can change the question). Earlier the lifelines were: Fifty Fifty, Phone-A-Friend and Ask The Audience. These are the prizes of the new version of the game: These are the prizes of the old version of the game: Siksaka Bunluerith is the first and only Thai contestant to legitimately win a top prize by answering all 16 questions in first format correctly on October 2000. In 2002,", "id": "8884415" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right (1956 American game show)\n\n\nRight\" (especially if its market lacked full ABC affiliation), in part because of the still-high ratings the show enjoyed in daytime. Goodson-Todman wanted \"The Price Is Right\" to be ABC's first non-cartoon color show, but the network could not afford to convert to color. This meant that the nighttime version reverted to black-and-white. After the success of \"The Price Is Right\", \"To Tell the Truth\", and \"Password\", producer Stewart left", "id": "11146985" }, { "contents": "KATU\n\n\nvirtual channel as its former VHF analog channel 2. During the last segment of the station's 11 p.m. newscast, anchor Steve Dunn reported from KATU's master control facility giving last-minute information on the digital television transition before the switch occurred. Syndicated programming includes \"Live with Kelly and Ryan\", \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\", and Sony game shows \"Jeopardy!\" and \"Wheel of Fortune\" (since 1992; previously, they had aired on KOIN-TV). KATU presently broadcasts 33½", "id": "20221226" }, { "contents": "Raise the Roof (game show)\n\n\n's \"Casualty\". \"Raise the Roof\" has since been described as the last example of the era when it was seen as \"vulgar\" to give away large sums of money and more appropriate to give away prizes of the same value instead. Another criticism was that the questions were too easy to generate real suspense, and the pacing was too slow to keep viewers interested. Early editions of the show had both a sponsorship deal with Express Newspapers and a viewer competition where gamecards could be collected freely from all major", "id": "4777601" }, { "contents": "The Price Is Right (American game show)\n\n\n28, 2016 episode, which aired during Big Money Week, Freeman won $210,000 in cash during a playing of Cliff Hangers. During the episode, game rules were modified to offer a top prize of $250,000, which was reduced by $10,000 for every step the mountain climber took. In addition to her One Bid prize and an additional $1,000 won during the Showcase Showdown, Freeman's grand total was $212,879. The record for winnings on the primetime show is currently held by Adam Rose. On February 22", "id": "16382553" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Philippine game show)\n\n\nDip and Fifty-Fifty). The \"People Speak\" lifeline from the preceding version was removed and it was replaced by the returning Phone A Friend. On January 9, 2010, Sharon Cuneta once again played on the show and won ₱2,000,000, making her the first top prize winner in the Philippine franchise's history, three days after her birthday. References to her first appearance, especially the 14th question asked, were made during her game. All of the money she won was played for charity and was donated to", "id": "4778645" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Thai game show)\n\n\nLertlak Panchanawaporn, 44-year-old street vendor won the grand prize on the show. The show's producers were impressed with her, since she had only a fourth-grade education. Finally, the truth came to light... a computer error led the player to being fed all the right answers. The cable feeding the player the answers on the computer screen was supposed to be hooked up the presenter's computer. She had noticed that the right answers were constantly highlighted on her computer screen and won the million by this way", "id": "8884416" }, { "contents": "Who is the Millionaire (Vietnamese game show)\n\n\nWho is the Millionaire (Vietnamese: Ai là triệu phú) is a Vietnamese game show based on the original British format of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" The show is hosted by Phan Đăng. Lại Văn Sâm hosted the show until 2017. The main goal of the game is to win up to 150,000,000₫ (about US$7,200) by answering 15 multiple-choice questions correctly. There are four \"lifelines\" - 50:50, Phone a Friend, Ask the Audience and Ask Three of the Audience (can", "id": "8801952" }, { "contents": "KTRK-TV\n\n\nBrady, Tony Danza and Katie Couric as well as the syndicated edition of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\", itself a former ABC network program. It would not carry \"Live!\" (which is produced by sister station WABC-TV in New York) until 2002 when KTRK gained the Houston rights to the show from WB affiliate KHWB (channel 39, now CW affiliate KIAH). As of 2019, outside of \"Jeopardy!\", \"Millionaire\" and \"Live with Kelly and Ryan\" (", "id": "16797789" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nfinal answer\" was incorrect, the contestant could \"not\" walk away. If the \"second final answer\" was also wrong, the contestant left with $100,000. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of \"Millionaire\"s U.S. debut, the show returned to ABC primetime for an eleven-night event hosted by Philbin, which aired from August 9 to 23, 2009. The Academy Award-winning movie \"Slumdog Millionaire\" and the 2008 economic crisis helped boost interest of renewal of the game show. The episodes featured game play", "id": "17927240" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\nMillionaire\"s production, and the first move that he made was planning to attach a celebrity host to the show. Along with Philbin, a number of other popular television personalities were considered for hosting positions on the U.S. \"Millionaire\" during its development, including Peter Jennings, Bob Costas, Phil Donahue, and Montel Williams, but among those considered, it was Philbin who wanted the job the most, and when he saw an episode of the British \"Millionaire\" and was blown away by his content, Davies and his team", "id": "17927201" }, { "contents": "Chris Tarrant\n\n\nRuss Kane and news reader Howard Hughes. At 09:00, on Friday 2 April 2004, after hosting 4,425 shows over 17 years on Capital Radio and giving away prizes to the value of £3.5 million, Tarrant said his farewell to the station. Tarrant began to host the popular television quiz show \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" in 1998. The format was sold to over 100 other countries, and in 2002, the UK version merged with the Irish version. Tarrant has coined catchphrases such as \"But we", "id": "15175785" }, { "contents": "The Millionaire (TV series)\n\n\nhe is practically broke. He now can only afford to give away $50 at a time, much to the embarrassment of Anthony (played by John Candy). \"Mad Magazine\" included \"The Millionaire\" in a parody article during the run of the show. Miller's character approaches a subject and says, \"My name is Michael Anthony, and I have been authorized to give you one million dollars!\" The man tears up the check, saying, \"My name is Mike Todd, and \"I", "id": "20674728" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Philippine game show)\n\n\nthe Hospicio de San Jose. Coincidentally, the 13th question in her game was about the orphanage's exact location. A translation of the 15th question can be seen on the right. On September 18, 2011, the Philippine version gained its second top prize winner in the person of IT specialist Karl Jonathan Aguilar. The final question involved the name of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum with the other options being made-up but similarly-sounding names. Of note, he did not use his lifelines up to the ₱600,000 question.", "id": "4778646" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Chinese game show)\n\n\nfor the fact that it doesn't feature civil contestants taking home the money won during the game, but celebrities playing for money which is given to charity. This is because the Chinese Government issued a decree that television programmes need to be uplifting and inspiring. The name of the show cannot be translated literally. It consists of two parts: (read Bǎi Wàn) which means million(s) or millionaire and (Zhì Duō Xīng) which refers to \"someone who is especially clever and unbeatable, and usually very energetic\"", "id": "5595009" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Thai game show)\n\n\nเกมเศรษฐี (English translation: \"Millionaire Game\", transliteration: \"Kemṣ̄ers̄ʹṭ̄hī\") was a Thai game show based on the original British format of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". The main goal of the game was to win 1 million Thai baht by answering 15 multiple-choice questions correctly (earlier 16 or 12 questions). There were three \"lifelines\", all other than in the original version - Double Dip (contestant can choose the answer two times), Help of Audience Members (help", "id": "8884414" }, { "contents": "List of Jeopardy! contestants\n\n\nhas competed on other game shows. In 2000, he participated in a million-dollar winning team on \"Greed\", winning $200,000 for himself. He was also a successful $250,000 phone-a-friend answer for a contestant on \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire\". American novelist Arthur Phillips (born April 23, 1969) appeared on \"Jeopardy!\" in 1997. According to his biography, Phillips was a 5-time undefeated champion, winning $63,003 in the process. The following year, Phillips", "id": "4034087" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\ncues written by Jeff Lippencott and Mark T. Williams, co-founders of the Los Angeles-based company Ah2 Music. The U.S. \"Millionaire\"'s basic set is a direct adaptation of the British version's set design, which was conceived by Andy Walmsley. Paul Smith's original licensing agreement for the U.S. \"Millionaire\" required that the show's set design, along with all other elements of the show's on-air presentation (musical score, lighting system, host's wardrobe, etc.), adhere faithfully", "id": "17927212" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\n\n\nof people who responded incorrectly. Contestants were allowed to use two of their Facebook friends as Jump the Question lifelines in round one, and to use the Ask the Audience lifeline in round two to invite up to 50 such friends of theirs to answer a question for a portion of the prize money of the current question. A theme park attraction based on the show, known as \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire – Play It!\", appeared at Disney's Hollywood Studios (when it was known as \"Disney-", "id": "17422300" }, { "contents": "The Ray D'Arcy Show\n\n\nby saying: \"I can't relate to it. He's a sleazy host with an earring. The game show is the cornerstone to my life and I just can't relate to the movie.\" Tarrant then attempted to promote his new show \"The Colour of Money\". D'Arcy asked him to explain the format of the show, saying: \"The key to a good format is you can explain it in one or two sentences. Like \"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?\" is, in effect", "id": "6378083" }, { "contents": "List of Jeopardy! tournaments and events\n\n\nand concluded on May 25, 2005, covering 76 shows in total. The tournament, whose contestants had all been either winners of past tournaments or former five-time champions, was designed to produce two contestants who would face off in a three-game, cumulative-score final against Ken Jennings, who had won the most money in \"Jeopardy!\" regular play history at the time; the three finalists would then play in a three-game final for a grand prize of $2,000,000, the largest prize the", "id": "5145209" }, { "contents": "Wheel of Fortune (British game show)\n\n\nround. There was a reason for this; between 1960 and 1992, the Independent Broadcasting Authority and for the last two years its successor the Independent Television Commission imposed caps on the top prize game shows could give away per week, and standardising the prize on offer per episode ensured the program did not breach the set limits and be forced off the air for that reason like \"The Price Is Right\" had been in 1984. Points earned from all players carried on to proceeding rounds, and only scores for the current round", "id": "2818850" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (American game show)\n\n\n(but with only 14 questions). Had the show not been renewed, SPE would have placed the show on extended hiatus for three years, reclaimed full rights to the show (without the innovations and format added in the syndicated run, to which DADT owns intellectual property rights), and shopped the revived show to another network or syndicator. On January 17, 2017, it was announced that \"Millionaire\" has been renewed through 2018. Millionaire was subsequently renewed through the 2018–19 season on January 17, 2018. On", "id": "17927231" }, { "contents": "American game show winnings records\n\n\nfilling the third position. Needing a win to reclaim his record, Rutter took the top prize in the tournament after Jennings, who needed to answer the second day's Final Jeopardy clue correctly to win (after making a sufficient wager), failed to do so. Rutter won the top prize of $1,000,000 while Jennings won the $100,000 second prize. Jennings appeared on \"Millionaire\" in November 2014. Winning the top prize was the only way he could reclaim the record from Rutter; however, he finished with only", "id": "11635015" }, { "contents": "American game show winnings records\n\n\nthe biggest winner in American game show history at the time. Shutterly had previously won $49,200 as a four-day champion on \"Jeopardy!\" in 1988, making his career winnings total $549,200. On November 19, during the second season of \"Millionaire\" in the United States, the show crowned its first million-dollar winner when John Carpenter won the show's top prize without using any lifelines, save for a phone call on the final question, when he told tell his father he was going to", "id": "11635000" }, { "contents": "John Carpenter (game show contestant)\n\n\nthe first top prize winner among all international versions of the \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" series. On the November 19, 1999 episode of \"Millionaire\", Carpenter proceeded to advance to the million-dollar question without using any lifelines. He then used his Phone-A-Friend to call his father not for help, but rather to tell him he was going to win the game. Carpenter answered the question correctly and became the show's first millionaire. His win gave him national recognition and led", "id": "16428804" }, { "contents": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Ugandan game show)\n\n\nWho Wants to Be a Millionaire? is a Ugandan game show based on the original British format of \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\". The show is hosted by Alan Kasujja. The main goal of the game is to win 25 million Ugandan shillings (Which was around $10,000 at the time, but as of 2016 is closer to US$7,000) by answering 15 multiple-choice questions correctly. The show is broadcast from January 31, 2011 to 2012. It was shown on the private TV station NTV", "id": "8380326" }, { "contents": "Jeopardy! (British game show)\n\n\nmoney) added or subtracted for responses (or lack of) to questions selected, a concession made because of severe restrictions on game show prizes in the UK at the time. The original point values were 5 to 25 in the Jeopardy! Round and 10 to 50 in Double Jeopardy! There were three Daily Doubles in each round. In the Hobson, Donat, and Jones runs, the contestants only saw their own scores, although, at the end of each round, they were told their relative positions, i.e.,", "id": "13289516" } ]
A lot of comedians jokingly impersonate Millennials and always hit on a few common themes. Are Millennials really so different than the past generations or does every group have it's idiosyncrasies and these are ours?
[{"answer": "I think every generation confuses and appalls previous generations. They called Elvis the devils music, but is now beloved by grandmothers. And now that my friends have teenage kids, seeing the thing they do shocks me. But then i realized that i was doing the same stuff at that age. Maybe the perception of the younger generations is just a reaction to how old they make them feel."}, {"answer": "Honestly. Millennials, Boom Babies, Generation X, Gerneration Z, 'the Greatest Generation' - are all titles someone made up to \"help\" companies and news media \"differ\" from one generation to the next. To help market their products to these generations. The Millennials are the \"tech\" savvy, always on their phone, don't care about politics or the world around them, to lazy to work, want everything free generation. But so was almost every other generation at one point somehow. Every older person of every generation views the younger people of that generation as - working less harder, having a easier life.. so on and usually just like in the case of millennials technologies get stronger/faster. Doing things that may take an hour take a few minutes compared to the last generation and that's why there's always a negative view on the current generation. Personally I'm 22, and I'm already looking at the generation under me and seeing how 5-10 year old's have smart phones and thinking, \"wow when I was at that age I did...\" Read and Watch These: URL_2 URL_1 URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Every generation has its idiosyncrasies that cause older generations to think they are strange or bizarre. Millennials, however, are probably more distinct because with the advances in technology, namely internet and cell phones, the way millennials interact with each other and with others is different, as is the way their brains are wired. 80s kids wore different clothes, listened to different music, and had different hair styles than 90s kids. But millennials interact with each other differently, have their brains wired differently, and as a result that disconnect is larger."}, {"answer": "I'm right on the border between Gen X and Millenial. I was born in 1981, and depending on the source, I'm either. So maybe it's because of being on that border I feel this way. I think that Gen Xers should break the trend in dissing the next generation and sort of take them under their wing. The Baby Boomers treated Gen X like crap, and they were a disenfranchised generation. And now they are inheriting this world from the boomers. Gen Xers are going to be in charge soon. Let's not treat the Millenials like that. They grew up in a far more technologically advanced world, do you blame them for taking advantage of it? I say work with them so when it's their turn to be in charge in 25-30 years, it's a smoother transition. Accept their differences. Except their music. Gen X music was way better."}, {"answer": "There's no real difference. I was born in 1950 and have gone through all these \"generations\" and kids through all of them are remarkably similar to the people I grew up with. I never had kids of my own so maybe I can be a bit more objective. You can't say the same for the people before us. They lived through two world wars and the Depression. My dad, with a chemistry degree from U Chicago, lost his job in the 30's, and had to figure out how to shoplift food in order to get enough to eat. I don't think that's anything we'll ever have to go through. I hope. There was a real generation gap back then. Everything since then has just been marketing."}, {"answer": "I think its more likely a result of a difference in expectations across a generation that are explained by 'outsider' groups through their respective perceptual lenses. Older generations like to think they 'earned' their status through hardship. The corollary to this is that younger generations don't, and explanations are sought out, chosen, and repeated ad nausem to like-minded audiences. Sounds like your comedian was picking up on vibes from popular media, regurgitating them for as easy laugh to the right people."}, {"answer": "[Even the Greeks]( URL_0 ) complained about the next gen."}, {"answer": "I personally feel like the word \"Millenials\" is too broad to be just one generation. How can you group people born from 1980 - 2000 into one generation? That's at least 2 generations to me. Kids in the 1980s had completely different music, pop culture, TV shows, presidents, and history in general compared to those born in the 1990's. Why is \"millenials\" so broad ??"}, {"answer": "I'd say every generation has its own idiosyncrasies, but that those of the 'bolus' generations get noticed more due to their size and consequent impact on broader society. For instance, Gen X has plenty of its own idiomatic behaviors, but no one pays that much attention because they got lost in shuffle (broadly speaking). However, I'd say the factors that made the Boomers unique have been, and continue to be, widely and consistently noted. And I'm sure the comedians of the day would have made ample fun of the boomers... pretending, of course, that the greatest generation had much of a sense of humor."}, {"answer": "Individuals are different, generations are not. In fact, the census bureau defines the beginning and the end of the Baby Boom generation, everything else is just made up by whoever is trying to push an agenda. Usually the media, but advertising as well. There are no defined boundaries between them. Even if there were, putting a birth year of 1983 in genx and 1984-1995 in millennial (or whatever dates people use) doesn't make sense. Clearly the 1983/1984 people are going to have more in common that the 1984/1995."}, {"answer": "Relevant link to long but solid and entertaining video of Adam Conover of \"Adam Ruins Everything\" giving one of the best explanations (not to mention well cited) of generational division that I've ever seen. My short answer is \"No.\" Sweeping generalizations about any demographic isn't a good idea. That's the sort of thing that old people do. /s URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Honestly, I see millennials make more generalizations about themselves than I've ever heard anyone else ever say in real life. They seem to talk about how different they are compared to everyone else, but they're really not that special."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19017269", "title": "World population", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.7 billion people . It took over 200,000 years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion; and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion.", "In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.7 billion people . It took over 200,000 years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion; and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5796", "title": "Celebrity", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Celebrity is the fame and public attention accorded by the mass media to individuals or groups or, occasionally, animals, but is usually applied to the persons or groups of people (celebrity couples, families, etc.) themselves who receive such a status of fame and attention. Celebrity status is often associated with wealth (commonly referred to as \"fame and fortune\"), while fame often provides opportunities to earn revenue.", "Celebrity is the fame and public attention accorded by the mass media to individuals or groups or, occasionally, animals, but is usually applied to the persons or groups of people (celebrity couples, families, etc.) themselves who receive such a status of fame and attention. Celebrity status is often associated with wealth (commonly referred to as \"fame and fortune\"), while fame often provides opportunities to earn revenue."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Millennial whoop\n\n\n\"Ah, It's a Love Song\" and its use of the Millennial whoop. Jepsen settled out of court, but Owl City won. One notable use of the millennial whoop is in the 1987 theme song by Mark Mueller for the American animated television series \"DuckTales\" which ran for a total of 100 episodes. It does not occur in some other language versions of the 1987 theme. It does, however, occur in the 2017 remake of the theme, though not as prominent. Songs where the millennial whoop", "id": "11967841" }, { "contents": "Generation\n\n\nthrough historical, quantitative, and qualitative analysis. While all generations have similarities, there are differences among them as well. A 2007 Pew Research Center report called \"Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change\" noted the challenge of studying generations: \"Generational analysis has a long and distinguished place in social science, and we cast our lot with those scholars who believe it is not only possible, but often highly illuminating, to search for the unique and distinctive characteristics of any given age group of Americans. But we", "id": "10494203" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\ntrends indicating millennials will overtake the Baby boomer generation in this regard, making millennials the heaviest generation since current records began. Cancer Research UK reports that more than 70% of millennials will be overweight or obese by ages 35–45, in comparison to 50% of Baby boomers who were overweight or obese at the same ages. The majority of research concludes millennials differ from their generational cohort predecessors, and can be characterized by a preference for a flat corporate culture, an emphasis on work-life balance and social consciousness. According to", "id": "17115815" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\n, uses 1980–1999. In 2014, U.S PIRG described millennials as those born between 1983 and 2000. The United States Census Bureau used the birth years 1982 to 2000 in a 2015 news release to describe millennials, but they have stated that \"there is no official start and end date for when millennials were born\" and they do not define millennials. Australia's McCrindle Research uses 1980–1994 as Generation Y birth years. In his 2008 book \"The Lucky Few: Between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boom\", author Elwood", "id": "17115764" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nUK, millennials have brought changes to higher education via drawing attention to microaggressions and advocating for implementation of safe spaces and trigger warnings in the university setting. Critics of such changes have raised concerns regarding their impact on free speech, asserting these changes can promote censorship, while proponents have described these changes as promoting inclusiveness. Millennials that have, or are, serving in the military may have drastically different views and opinions than their non-veteran counterparts. Because of this, some don't identify with their generation; this coincides with", "id": "17115807" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\ngeneration to self-identify as liberals and are also more supportive of progressive domestic social agenda than older generations. Finally, millennials are less overtly religious than the older generations. About one in four millennials are unaffiliated with any religion, a considerably higher ratio than that of older generations when they were the ages of millennials. Millennial population size varies, depending on the definition used. William Strauss and Neil Howe projected in their 1991 book \"Generations\" that the U.S. millennial population would be 76 million. In 2014, using dates", "id": "17115782" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nin high caloric activities while approximately one quarter were sedentary. The 2018 report from the Physical Activity Council found millennials were more active than Baby Boomers in 2017. Thirty-five percent of both millennials and Generation X were reported to be \"active to a healthy level\", with Millennial's activity level reported as higher overall than that of Generation X in 2017. According to a 2018 report from Cancer Research UK, millennials in the United Kingdom are on track to have the highest rates of overweight and obesity, with current data", "id": "17115814" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nthe chaotic nature of the job market following the Great Recession. Societal change has been accelerated by the use of social media, smartphones, mobile computing, and other new technologies. Those in \"Generation Flux\" have birth-years in the ranges of both Generation X and millennials. \"Generation Sell\" was used by author William Deresiewicz to describe millennials' interest in small businesses. Millennials are expected to make up approximately half of the U.S. workforce by 2020. Millennials are the most highly educated and culturally diverse group of all", "id": "17115793" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nmanager, and suggested that organizations will need to adapt to accommodate and make the best use of millennials. In an example of a company trying to do just this, Goldman Sachs conducted training programs that used actors to portray millennials who assertively sought more feedback, responsibility, and involvement in decision making. After the performance, employees discussed and debated the generational differences they saw played out. Millennials have benefited the least from the economic recovery following the Great Recession, as average incomes for this generation have fallen at twice the general adult", "id": "17115795" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nmillennials in abundance have asserted the ideal that all their heritages should be respected, counted, and acknowledged. Millennials are the children of Baby Boomers or Generation X, while some older members may have parents from the Silent Generation. A 2013 poll in the United Kingdom found that Generation Y was more \"open-minded than their parents on controversial topics\". Of those surveyed, nearly 75% supported same-sex marriage. In 2015, the Pew Research Center conducted research regarding generational identity. It was discovered that millennials are", "id": "17115778" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nmost millennials having a lack of exposure and knowledge of the military, yet trust its leadership. Yet, the view of some senior leadership of serving millennials are not always positive. In the U.S., millennials are the least likely to be religious when compared to older generations. There is a trend towards irreligion that has been increasing since the 1940s. 29 percent of Americans born between 1983 and 1994 are irreligious, as opposed to 21 percent born between 1963 and 1981, 15 percent born between 1948 and 1962 and only 7 percent", "id": "17115808" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nremain open to date recalibration. Many major media outlets have cited Pew's definition for the date range of millennials, including \"Time\" magazine, \"The Washington Post\", and \"Reuters\". Jonathan Rauch, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote for \"The Economist\" in 2018 that \"generations are squishy concepts\", but the 1981 to 1996 birth cohort is a \"widely accepted\" definition for millennials. The American Psychological Association describes millennials as those born between the years 1981 and 1996, as does", "id": "17115762" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nfamilies in developed countries continued. In his book \"The Lucky Few: Between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boom\", author Elwood Carlson called this cohort the \"New Boomers\". Psychologist Jean Twenge described millennials as \"Generation Me\" in her 2006 book \"Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled – and More Miserable Than Ever Before\", which was updated in 2014. In 2013, \"Time\" magazine ran a cover story titled \"Millennials: The Me Me Me", "id": "17115751" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\n: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069\" (1991) and \"millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation\" (2000). In August 1993, an \"Advertising Age\" editorial coined the phrase \"Generation Y\" to describe those who were aged 11 or younger as well as the teenagers of the upcoming ten years who were defined as different from Generation X. According to journalist Bruce Horovitz, in 2012, \"Ad Age\" \"threw in the towel by conceding that millennials is a better name than", "id": "17115749" }, { "contents": "Ultimate Software\n\n\nThe research looked at work expectations across different generations, with a focus on millennials. The study explored how millennials differ from prior generations in the way they feel about applying for a job, interviewing, receiving feedback, and leaving a job. In 2016, the Center for Generational Kinetics continued their partnership to examine the drivers and motivators behind the people in our workforce. The study focused on how organizations can understand and improve the employee experience. In 2017, FORTUNE Magazine ranked Ultimate Software the #7 Best Place to Work For", "id": "1784037" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nSome employers are concerned that millennials have too great expectations from the workplace. Some studies predict they will switch jobs frequently, holding many more jobs than Gen Xers due to their great expectations. Psychologist Jean Twenge reports data suggests there are differences between older and younger millennials regarding workplace expectations, with younger millennials being \"more practical\" and \"more attracted to industries with steady work and are more likely to say they are willing to work overtime\" which Twenge attributes to younger millennials coming of age following the financial crisis of 2007–2008.", "id": "17115823" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nin the United States supported government restriction of public speech offensive to minority groups. Support for restricting offensive speech was lower among older generations, with 27% of Gen Xers, 24% of Baby Boomers, and only 12% of the Silent Generation supporting such restrictions. Pew Research noted similar age related trends in the United Kingdom, but not in Germany and Spain, where millennials were less supportive of restricting offensive speech than older generations. In France, Italy and Poland no significant age differences were observed. In the U.S. and", "id": "17115806" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nWe will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied.\" \"The Washington Post\" phrased this as \"we let you steal our future\", reporting high voter turnout among those over 55 years of age and low voter turnout among those under 34 years of age. Neil Howe believes that a defining trait of millennials is that they are more likely to support political correctness than members of older generations. In 2015, a Pew Research study found 40% of millennials", "id": "17115805" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nwas the most popular candidate among millennial voters in the primary phase, having garnered more votes from people under 30 in 21 states than the major parties' candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, did combined. In April 2016, \"The Washington Post\" viewed him as changing the way millennials viewed politics, saying, \"He's not moving a party to the left. He's moving a generation to the left.\" Bernie Sanders referred to millennials as \"the least prejudiced generation in the history of the United States", "id": "17115803" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\n% for millennials. The willingness to be involved in an environmental cleanup program dropped from 33% for Baby Boomers to 21% for millennials. Millennials show a willingness to vote more than previous generations. With voter rates being just below 50% for the last four presidential cycles, they have already surpassed Gen Xers of the same age who were at just 36%. A 2013 Pew Research Poll found that 84% of millennials, born since 1980, who were at that time between the ages of 18 and 32, favored", "id": "17115770" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\n24 were enrolled in college, which was an American record. Along with being educated, millennials also tend be upbeat, with about 9 out of 10 millennials feeling as though they have enough money or that they will reach their long-term financial goals, even during the tough economic times, and they are more optimistic about the future of the U.S. Additionally, millennials are also more open to change than older generations. According to the Pew Research Center that did a survey in 2008, millennials are the most likely of any", "id": "17115781" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nKelly, Occupy is not a youth movement and has participants that vary from the very young to very old. A variety of names have emerged in various European countries hard hit following the financial crisis of 2007–2008 to designate young people with limited employment and career prospects. These groups can be considered to be more or less synonymous with millennials, or at least major sub-groups in those countries. \"The Generation of €700\" is a term popularized by the Greek mass media and refers to educated Greek twixters of urban centers", "id": "17115789" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nthese generational images as \"stereotypes\". Strauss and Howe's research has been influential, but it also has critics. Psychologist Jean Twenge says Strauss and Howe's assertions are overly-deterministic, non-falsifiable, and unsupported by rigorous evidence. Strauss & Howe's book titled \"millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation\" describes the millennial generation as \"civic-minded\", rejecting the attitudes of the Baby Boomers and Generation X. Since the 2000 U.S. Census, which allowed people to select more than one racial group,", "id": "17115777" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nMe\". Twenge attributes millennials with the traits of confidence and tolerance, but also describes a sense of entitlement and narcissism, based on \"Narcissistic Personality Inventory\" surveys showing increased narcissism among millennials compared to preceding generations when they were teens and in their twenties. Psychologist Jeffrey Arnett of Clark University, Worcester has criticized Twenge's research on narcissism among millennials, stating \"I think she is vastly misinterpreting or over-interpreting the data, and I think it’s destructive\". He doubts that the Narcissistic Personality Inventory really measures", "id": "17115767" }, { "contents": "Generation gap\n\n\nfind better opportunities. They have an unrealistic timeline for these promotions, however, which frustrates older generations. They also have a low tolerance for unchallenging work; when work is not stimulating, they often perform poorly out of boredom. As a result, managers must constantly provide millennials with greater responsibility so that they feel more involved and needed in the organization. Because group projects and presentations were commonplace during the schooling of millennials, this generation enjoys collaborating and even developing close friendships with colleagues. While working as part of a team", "id": "17116270" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nto serve the needs of the first generation of kids to grow up with the Internet. Some millennials enjoy having hundreds of channels from cable TV. However, some other millennials do not even have a TV, so they watch media over the Internet using smartphones and tablets. One of the most popular forms of media use by millennials is social networking. In 2010, research was published in the Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research which claimed that students who used social media and decided to quit showed the same withdrawal symptoms of a drug", "id": "17115830" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nMillennials, also known as Generation Y (or Gen Y?), are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. Millennials are sometimes referred to as \"echo boomers\" due to a major surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s, and because millennials are often the children of the baby boomers. The characteristics of millennials vary by region and by individual, and the group experiences a", "id": "17115747" }, { "contents": "Entrepreneurship\n\n\nmillennial success, there have been recent studies that have proven this to not be the case. The comparison between millennials who are self-employed and those who are not self-employed shows that the latter is higher. The reason for this is because they have grown up in a different generation and attitude than their elders. Some of the barriers to entry for entrepreneurs are the economy, debt from schooling and the challenges of regulatory compliance. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator—a designer of new ideas and business", "id": "21743430" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nare commonly called the 1980s and 1990s generations. At a 2015 conference in Shanghai organized by University of Southern California's US-China Institute, millennials in China were examined and contrasted with American millennials. Findings included millennials' marriage, childbearing, and child raising preferences, life and career ambitions, and attitudes towards volunteerism and activism. American sociologist Kathleen Shaputis labeled millennials as the \"Boomerang Generation\" or \"Peter Pan generation\" because of the members' perceived tendency for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood for longer periods than", "id": "17115753" }, { "contents": "Christian eschatology\n\n\ntheir differences with premillennialism rather than their beliefs about the millennium. \"Amillennial\" was actually coined in a pejorative way by those who hold premillennial views. Some proponents also prefer alternate terms such as \"nunc-millennialism\" (that is, now-millennialism) or \"realized millennialism\", although these other names have achieved only limited acceptance and usage. There were different schools of thought on the afterlife in Judea during the first century AD. The Sadducees, who recognized only the Torah (first five books of the Old", "id": "6128301" }, { "contents": "Millennial Activists United\n\n\nthe type of people - younger people, that were utilizing the tools that we were utilizing so effectively to get the word out and really become our own media.\" Before naming themselves MAU, the group were providing food for other protesters, and providing medical aid to those affected by tear gas used on them by the police. The members of MAU have a collective agreement to support each other whether their decisions and/or actions are right or wrong. Ferrell and Templeton, who are life partners, said in 2015 that MAU was", "id": "19288099" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nthat millennials chose most often to define themselves with more negative terms such as self-absorbed, wasteful or greedy. In this 2015 report, Pew defined millennials with birth years ranging from 1981 onwards. Millennials came of age in a time where the entertainment industry began to be affected by the Internet. In addition to millennials being the most ethnically and racially diverse compared to the generations older than they are, they are also on pace to be the most formally educated. , 39.6% of millennials between the ages of 18 and", "id": "17115780" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nThere is also a contention that the major differences are found solely between millennials and Generation X. Researchers from the University of Missouri and The University of Tennessee conducted a study based on measurement equivalence to determine if such a difference does in fact exist. The study looked at 1,860 participants who had completed the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP), a survey aimed at measuring identification with work-ethic characteristics, across a 12-year period spanning from 1996 to 2008. The results of the findings suggest the main difference in work ethic sentiments arose", "id": "17115824" }, { "contents": "List of awards and nominations received by Blackpink\n\n\nThis is a list of awards and nominations received by South Korean girl group Blackpink, who debuted under YG Entertainment in August 2016. The BreakTudo Awards is a Brazilian award show held annually by BreakTudo, a news and entertainment website. The MTV Millennial Awards (MIAW) is an annual Latin American music awards show presented by MTV (Latin America) to honor the best of Latin music and the digital world of the millennial generation. Blackpink have received 1 nomination. Millennial Awards Brazil are the Brazilian version of the MTV Millennial Awards", "id": "1510492" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nstudy comparing millennials to Generation X conducted at Wharton School of Business, more than half of millennial undergraduates surveyed do not plan to have children. The researchers compared surveys of the Wharton graduating class of 1992 and 2012. In 1992, 78% of women planned to eventually have children dropping to 42% in 2012. The results were similar for male students. The research revealed among both genders the proportion of undergraduates who reported they eventually planned to have children had dropped in half over the course of a generation. Oxford Living Dictionaries", "id": "17115760" }, { "contents": "Strauss–Howe generational theory\n\n\nof the year 2000. In this 2000 book, Strauss and Howe asserted that Millennial teens and young adults were recasting the image of youth from \"downbeat and alienated to upbeat and engaged\". They credited increased parental attention and protection for these positive changes. They asserted Millennials are held to higher standards than adults apply to themselves and that they're a lot less vulgar and violent than the teen culture older people produce for them. They described them as less sexually charged and as ushering in a new sexual modesty, with increasing", "id": "20953435" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nand 67% lived in a metropolitan area. According to the Brookings Institute, millennials are the “demographic bridge between the largely white older generations (pre-millennials) and much more racially diverse younger generations (post-millennials).” Economic prospects for some millennials have declined largely due to the Great Recession in the late 2000s. Several governments have instituted major youth employment schemes out of fear of social unrest due to the dramatically increased rates of youth unemployment. In Europe, youth unemployment levels were very high (56%", "id": "17115786" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nand Major League Soccer has increased more among millennials than for any other generation, and as of 2018 was the second most popular sport among those aged 18 to 34. The other popular activities included outdoor jogging or running. The Physical Activity Council's 2018 Participation Report found that in the U.S., millennials were more likely than other generations to participate in water sports such as stand up paddling, board-sailing and surfing. According to the survey of 30,999 Americans, which was conducted in 2017, approximately half of U.S. millennials participated", "id": "17115813" }, { "contents": "Xennials\n\n\nto 1981, essentially Jimmy Carter's presidency. The name is a reference to the character Jordan Catalano from the 1990s teen drama \"My So-Called Life\". Many people who were born during the cusp years of Generation X and the Millennial Generation do not fit the mold of those generations but rather share the characteristics of both. The Generation X and Millenial demographic cohorts have been studied concerning generational differences in the workplace. Researchers out of Eindhoven University of Technology found that not every person that belongs to a major generation will", "id": "449780" }, { "contents": "Generation gap\n\n\nwithstand these challenges, leading to high divorce rates and broken families. Millennials do not want to be put in the same position as their parents, so they have made their personal lives a main priority. In fact, fifty-nine percent of Millennials say the Great Recession negatively impacted their career plans, while only 35% of mature workers feel the same way. For these reasons, millennials are more likely to negotiate the terms of their work. Though some boomers view this as lazy behavior, others have actually been able", "id": "17116267" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nlegalizing the use of marijuana. In 2015, the Pew Research Center also conducted research regarding generational identity that said a majority did not like the \"Millennial\" label. In March 2014, the Pew Research Center issued a report about how \"millennials in adulthood\" are \"detached from institutions and networked with friends.\" The report said millennials are somewhat more upbeat than older adults about America's future, with 49% of millennials saying the country's best years are ahead, though they're the first in the modern era", "id": "17115771" }, { "contents": "Generation gap\n\n\nenhances innovation, enhances productivity, and lowers personnel costs, downsides still exist. Supervisors find that millennials avoid risk and independent responsibility by relying on team members when making decisions, which prevents them from showcasing their own abilities. Perhaps the most commonly cited difference between older and younger generations is technological proficiency. Studies have shown that their reliance on technology has made millennials less comfortable with face-to-face interaction and deciphering verbal cues. However, technological proficiency also has its benefits; millennials are far more effective in multitasking, responding", "id": "17116271" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\naddict who quit their stimulant. Marc Prensky coined the term \"digital native\" to describe \"K through college\" students in 2001, explaining they \"represent the first generations to grow up with this new technology.\" Millennials are identified as \"digital natives\" by the Pew Research Center which conducted a survey titled \"Millennials in Adulthood\"\".\" Millennials use social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to create a different sense of belonging, make acquaintances, and to remain connected with friends. In the", "id": "17115831" }, { "contents": "Millennial (blog)\n\n\nMillennial is an online journal and blog written by Millennial Catholics offering \"world-class Catholic opinion and analysis on the most pressing issues of our times in politics, religion, and culture.\" The authors, described as \"quite an impressive group of commentators,\" are said to \"perfectly weave together current events and the Catholic intellectual tradition\" and are adept at \"finding real-world practicality to Catholic theology.\" Called \"an online home to Catholic writers in their 20s and 30s,\" the site seeks to", "id": "6193555" }, { "contents": "Reasons and Persons\n\n\ntheory. Ultimately, Parfit does reject \"common sense morality\" on similar grounds. In this section, Parfit does not explicitly endorse a particular view; rather, he shows what the problems of different theories are. His only positive endorsement is of \"impersonal ethics\" – impersonality being the common denominator of the different parts of the book. Part 2 focuses on the relationship between rationality and time, dealing with questions such as: \"should we take into account our past desires?\", \"should I do something I", "id": "12189737" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\n.\" A 2014 poll for the libertarian \"Reason\" magazine suggested that American millennials were social liberals and fiscal centrists, more often than their global peers. Most millennials voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. election, although more than a third supported Donald Trump. In the United Kingdom, the majority of millennials opposed the British withdrawal from the European Union. Blaming baby boomers, who largely supported the referendum, one commenter said: \"The younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries.", "id": "17115804" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nless likely to strongly identify with the generational term when compared to Generation X or the Baby Boomers, with only 40% of those born between 1981 and 1997 identifying as part of the Millennial Generation. Among older millennials, those born 1981–1988, Pew Research found 43% personally identified as members of the older demographic cohort, Generation X, while only 35% identified as millennials. Among younger millennials (born 1989–1997), generational identity was not much stronger, with only 45% personally identifying as millennials. It was also found", "id": "17115779" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nadults working in low-wage industries rising from 23% to 33% between 2000 and 2014. In 2016, research from the Resolution Foundation found millennials in the UK earned £8,000 less in their 20s than Generation X, describing millennials as \"on course to become the first generation to earn less than the one before\". \"Generation Flux\" is a neologism and psychographic (not demographic) designation coined by \"Fast Company\" for American employees who need to make several changes in career throughout their working lives due to", "id": "17115792" }, { "contents": "Nguyễn Phương Khánh\n\n\nHotel, Miss Robig Builders and Miss Ruj Beauty Care & Spa. As well as gold medals for National Costume competition (Asia and Oceania) and Evening Gown competition (Water Group) and a silver medal for Swimsuit competition (Water Group). In the final question and answer round, the top four contestants were asked the same question: \"Being a millennial, what do you think is the most pressing issue of your generation?\" She answered:\"Good evening, everyone. My answer is our ignoring. We have so many", "id": "12395255" }, { "contents": "2015 Quicken Loans Race for Heroes 500\n\n\nathlete getting the keys to the city. It (the idea) took off from there. Starting with the quirky layout of our track, it seems like Phoenix always does things a little different. We're the next-to-last race so a lot of good ideas will already have been implemented at other venues. We thought, 'We better step up our game' and do something really cool, that the fans can be a part of, that what we do for Jeff is remembered.\" The following", "id": "6252237" }, { "contents": "White People (film)\n\n\nAmy Zimmerman interviews Ronnie Cho, the head of MTV Public Affairs, who acknowledges \"young people as the engine behind social change and awareness\", but also notes that millennials (with some overlap with Generation Z) form \"a generation that maybe were raised with noble aspirations to be color blind\". Ronnie Cho then asserts these aspirations \"may not be very helpful if we ignore difference. The color of our skin does matter, and impacts how the world interacts with us.\" Later in the review, the writer", "id": "9217486" }, { "contents": "Classic hits\n\n\nthat share songs with classic hits libraries. The classic hits format has become extremely popular in the last few years with stations like KRTH, WCBS-FM in New York, and WLS-FM in Chicago having successful ratings with this model. Classic hits was named \"format of the summer of 2018\" by Nielsen Audio's research team emphasizing the huge popularity of the format. In addition, the Millennial generation is listening to this format in record numbers, according to a Nielsen report. The term \"classic hits\" is", "id": "14077467" }, { "contents": "Strauss–Howe generational theory\n\n\nand when they become widespread standard expectations of employees change accordingly. One criticism of Strauss and Howe's theory, and generational studies is that conclusions are overly broad and do not reflect the reality of every person in each generation regardless of their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or genetic information. For example, Hoover cited the case of Millennials by writing that \"commentators have tended to slap the Millennial label on white, affluent teenagers who accomplish great things as they grow up in the", "id": "20953490" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\ngreater spiritual power\". The poll also found 41% thought religion was \"the cause of evil\" in the world more often than good. The British Social Attitudes Survey found that 71% of British 18–24 year-olds were not religious, with just 3% affiliated to the once-dominant Church of England. Fewer American millennials follow sports than their Generation X predecessors, with a McKinsey survey finding that 38 percent of millennials in contrast to 45 percent of Generation X are committed sports fans. However, the trend is", "id": "17115811" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nsocial liberal views, as well as higher overall support for classically liberal economic policies than preceding generations. They are more likely to support same-sex marriage and the legalization of drugs. They are also more likely to oppose animal testing for medical purposes than older generations. \"The Economist\" parallels this with millennials in the United States, whose attitudes are more supportive of social liberal policies and same-sex marriage relative to other demographics. However, a 2018 poll conducted by Harris on behalf of the U.S.-based LGBT advocacy group GLAAD", "id": "17115800" }, { "contents": "Sarah's Scribbles\n\n\npublished in March 2018. \"Sarah's Scribbles\" focuses on adulthood and the maturity of the Millennial generation. Andersen herself described Millennials as \"liking to laugh at themselves,\" making common use of self-deprecating humour. \"The Independent\" described \"Sarah's Scribbles\" as a series of \"relatable comics capturing the dilemmas of a bug-eyed millennial who feels ill-equipped for grown-up life.\" The webcomic is semi-autobiographical, following Andersen's experiences as well as those of her friends and", "id": "3855530" }, { "contents": "Our Time (nonprofit)\n\n\nOur Time has testified to Congress on the importance of voting reforms. They also released a report in November of 2013 with the Advancement Project on the obstacles faced by millennials and young voters of color at the polls. They use social media such as shareable petitions and videos to raise awareness about this issue among young voters. Our Time frequently reaches out to millennials on social media on the issue of money in politics as well, using petitions, memes, and news summaries. They were one of the many groups that signed the", "id": "6382891" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nPBS Frontline episode \"Generation Like\" there is discussion about millennials, their dependence on technology, and the ways the social media sphere is commoditized. Demographer and futurist Mark McCrindle suggested the name \"Generation Alpha\" (or Generation formula_1) for the people born after Generation Z, the offspring of millennials, noting that scientific disciplines often move to the Greek alphabet after exhausting the Roman alphabet. McCrindle predicts that modern electronic communication technologies will be more integrated into their lives than ever before. As of 2016, there were some 11", "id": "17115832" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nthe middle class; this class identity is the lowest polling of any generation. Research by the Urban Institute conducted in 2014, projected that if current trends continue, millennials will have a lower marriage rate compared to previous generations, predicting that by age 40, 31% of millennial women will remain single, approximately twice the share of their single Gen X counterparts. The data showed similar trends for males. A 2016 study from Pew Research showed millennials delay some activities considered rites of passage of adulthood with data showing young adults aged", "id": "17115757" }, { "contents": "Generation Z\n\n\n. They also found that 57% of boys claimed to make friends through video gaming, while this was only true for 13% of girls. Another Pew Research Center survey conducted in April 2015, reported that women are more likely to use Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram than men. In counterpoint, men were more likely to utilize online forums, e-chat groups, and Reddit than women. Cyberbullying is more common now than among Millennials, the previous generation. It's more common among girls, 22% compared", "id": "10177245" }, { "contents": "Internet celebrity\n\n\nwere not watching regular television and movies, started contacting Internet celebrities. YouTube now has 1.5 billion monthly active users, and many YouTubers have millions of subscribers. YouTube stars appear to have a greater influence on millennials than traditional celebrities of the past. One of the main reasons behind this is that the majority of millennials do not watch TV. They prefer to use platforms they can access from their mobile devices. 70% of subscribers say that YouTube personalities change and shape the pop culture and 60% of them say they would", "id": "17046061" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nPsychology,\" contributors Myers and Sadaghiani find millennials \"expect close relationships and frequent feedback from supervisors\" to be a main point of differentiation. Multiple studies observe millennials’ associating job satisfaction with free flow of information, strong connectivity to supervisors, and more immediate feedback. Hershatter and Epstein, researchers from Emory University, argue a lot of these traits can be linked to millennials entering the educational system on the cusp of academic reform, which created a much more structured educational system. Some argue in the wake of these reforms,", "id": "17115818" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nwere entering an increasingly multi-generational workplace. Even though research has shown that millennials are joining the workforce during a tough economic time, they still have remained optimistic, as shown when about nine out of ten millennials surveyed by the Pew Research Center said that they currently have enough money or that they will eventually reach their long-term financial goals. A February 2018 survey of 1,350 individuals found that 66% of the American millennials (and 41% of all U.S. adults) surveyed did not know what Auschwitz was, while", "id": "17115797" }, { "contents": "Strauss–Howe generational theory\n\n\nsuch gap between Millennials and their elders. In 2000, they published \"Millennials Rising\". A 2000 \"New York Times\" book review for this book titled: \"What's the Matter With Kids Today? Not a Thing\", described the message of \"Millennials Rising\" as “we boomers are raising a cohort of kids who are smarter, more industrious and better behaved than any generation before”, saying the book complimented the Baby Boomer cohort by complimenting their parenting skills. In the mid-1990s, the authors began", "id": "20953426" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nWar and its aftermath.\" Some of these veterans, are combat veterans, having fought in Afghanistan and/or Iraq. , millennials are the majority of the total veteran population. According to the Pentagon in 2016, 19% of Millenials are interested in serving in the military, and 15% have a parent with a history of military service. In 2017, fewer than 56% Millennial were non-Hispanic whites, compared with more than 84% of Americans in their 70s and 80s, 57% had never been married,", "id": "17115785" }, { "contents": "Generation Z\n\n\nborn 2001 and onwards, are more conservative than Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers with respect to marijuana legalization, transgender issues and same sex marriage. Goldman Sachs analysts Robert Boroujerdi and Christopher Wolf describe Generation Z as \"more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial and pragmatic about money compared with Millennials\". A study done by the Pew Research Center found that Generation Z in the U.S. has broadly similar views to Millennials on key political and social issues. For example, a majority believes that the government should do", "id": "10177255" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\ngenerations, and have been regarded as hard to please when it comes to employers. To address these new challenges, many large firms are currently studying the social and behavioral patterns of millennials and are trying to devise programs that decrease intergenerational estrangement, and increase relationships of reciprocal understanding between older employees and millennials. The UK's Institute of Leadership & Management researched the gap in understanding between millennial recruits and their managers in collaboration with Ashridge Business School. The findings included high expectations for advancement, salary and for a coaching relationship with their", "id": "17115794" }, { "contents": "Fuck the Millennium\n\n\npast, present or future name attached to our activities.\" Drummond and Cauty's subsequent art project, the K Foundation, disposed of \"The KLF\"'s earnings, including by burning one million pounds of it, money which was originally provisionally earmarked by the duo for millennial celebrations. Bill Drummond: \"Originally we were going to invest the whole lot in some capital growth fund and spend it all on one big event, maybe at the millennium\". In the four years following \"The KLF\"'s retirement,", "id": "2865301" }, { "contents": "Cusper\n\n\nGeneration X/Millennial cuspers are most commonly referred to as Xennials, although other names include The Oregon Trail Generation, Generation Catalano and The Lucky Ones. Researchers point out that these cuspers have both the healthy skepticism of Generation X and the optimism of Millennials. They are likely to challenge authority, but also are more career-focused than Generation X. While not all of these cuspers are digital natives, they are very comfortable with technology. 1993-1998 as identified by Smit Smit refers to these cuspers as MinionZ. Those born in", "id": "7414119" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nsuch as the No Child Left Behind Act, millennials have increasingly sought the aid of mentors and advisers, leading to 66% of millennials seeking a flat work environment. Hershatter and Epstein also stress a growing importance on work-life balance. Studies show nearly one-third of students' top priority is to \"balance personal and professional life\". The Brain Drain Study shows nearly 9 out of 10 millennials place an importance on work-life balance, with additional surveys demonstrating the generation to favor familial over corporate values.", "id": "17115819" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\ncomes of age\". Due to birth-year overlap between definitions of Generation X and millennials, some individuals born in the late 1970s and early 1980s see themselves as being \"between\" the two generations. Names given to those born in the Generation X and millennial cusp years include Xennials, Generation Catalano, and the Oregon Trail Generation. Psychologist Jean Twenge, the author of the 2006 book \"Generation Me\", considers millennials, along with younger members of Generation X, to be part of what she calls \"Generation", "id": "17115766" }, { "contents": "Generation Z\n\n\nResearch in statistics published in 2016 showing the relative sizes and dates of the generations. The same sources showed that , the Millennial generation surpassed the population of Baby Boomers in the USA (77 million \"vs\". 76 million in 2015 data), however, the Post-Millennials were ahead of the Millennials in another Health and Human Services survey (69 million \"vs\". 66 million). \"iGeneration\" (or \"iGen\") is a name that several persons claim to have coined. Rapper MC Lars", "id": "10177213" }, { "contents": "Generation Z\n\n\nGeneration Z (or Gen Z) is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. Demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to early-2000s as starting birth years. There is little consensus regarding ending birth years. Most of Generation Z have used the Internet since a young age and are comfortable with technology and social media. William Strauss and Neil Howe wrote several books on the subject of generations and are widely credited with coining the term \"Millennials\". Howe has said \"No one knows who will name the next generation after the Millennials", "id": "10177210" }, { "contents": "Strauss–Howe generational theory\n\n\nbut conceded that it \"over-generalizes\". Gomez argued that it is “hard to resist its hopeful vision for our children and future.\" \"Millennials Rising\" ascribes seven \"core traits\" to Millennials: special, sheltered, confident, team-oriented, conventional, pressured, and achieving. A 2009, \"Chronicle of Higher Education\" report commented Howe and Strauss based these core traits on a \"hodgepodge of anecdotes, statistics, and pop-culture references\" and on surveys of approximately 600 high-", "id": "20953479" }, { "contents": "Unarius Academy of Science\n\n\nUnderstanding’ these vibrational energies allows contact with all things: higher intelligence, the ‘advanced teaching centers’ and our ‘past lives’. By being ‘in tune with spiritual frequencies’ we can heal ourselves of mental and physical illness. Saliba summarises Unarian belief under four basic themes: [1] intelligent life on other planets/galaxies; [2] an infinite creative intelligence (God); [3] that human beings are developing into an advanced state of consciousness; [4] the millennial hope of the", "id": "15100246" }, { "contents": "Quarter-life crisis\n\n\nrather than characteristics intrinsic to millennials (e.g., higher levels of student loan debt in the US among millennials when compared to earlier generations can make it more difficult for young adults to achieve traditional markers of independence such as marriage, home ownership or investing). The notion of the quarter-life crisis is explored by the 1967 film \"The Graduate\", one of the first film depictions of this issue. Other notable films that also do so are \"Bright Lights, Big City\"; \"The Paper Chase\";", "id": "3293961" }, { "contents": "Paul T. Conway\n\n\nthat more young people voted in 2012 than in 2008. In 2008, 66% of the 22 million Millennials who made it to the polls translated to 14.53 million votes. This year, 60% of 23 million Millennials voted for Obama, a total of 13.8 million. \"\"By 2020, 38% of the electorate will be Millennials ... The drop in enthusiasm among young voters…is important.\"\" Due – at least in part – to Generation Opportunity’s hard work, President Obama \"\"lost six points", "id": "15739201" }, { "contents": "Deer Tick (band)\n\n\nto hate it, but McCauley stated that \"first and foremost, it’s music and the record I wanted to make. Our live shows are really different than our records. So we wanted to get in a room and hit record, just go there\". Commenting on the production, McCauley revealed that he actually liked \"listening to it. I haven’t really gotten there with any previous recordings. It’s a lot more accurate as to what we enjoy listening to\". The album was named after a \"", "id": "15364016" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nto have higher levels of student loan debt and unemployment. Fred Bonner, a Samuel DeWitt Proctor Chair in Education at Rutgers University and author of \"Diverse Millennial Students in College: Implications for Faculty and Student Affairs\", believes that much of the commentary on the Millennial Generation may be partially correct, but overly general and that many of the traits they describe apply primarily to \"white, affluent teenagers who accomplish great things as they grow up in the suburbs, who confront anxiety when applying to super-selective colleges, and", "id": "17115772" }, { "contents": "Twixters (TV series)\n\n\nTwixters is an International Multiplatform Comedy Series inspired by the TIME Magazine. The series was created in 2007 by satirist/filmmaker Dan Speerin of the sketch comedy group Cynically Tested to satirize life as a Millennial and to mock the false perceptions of Generation Y. The series was co-produced by fellow Cynically Tested members Alan So and Aravinth Vince Kesavamoorthy. Twixters aired on Bite TV in Canada and Propeller TV in UK. The series also aired on Triangle Stratos in New Zealand. Twixters' success and the stance of its creator on Millennial", "id": "19950541" }, { "contents": "Lindy West\n\n\nWest won the Women's Media Center Social Media Award, which was presented by Jane Fonda in New York City. Accepting the award, West said, \"I hear a lot these days about the lazy, aimless 'millennials' – about how all we want to do is sit around twerking our iPods and Tweedling our Kardashians – and I also hear people asking, 'Where is the next generation of the social justice movement? Where are all the young feminists and womanists and activists?' Dude, they're on the", "id": "10636678" }, { "contents": "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints\n\n\nto an acknowledgement that it is imperfect), the divinity of Jesus, and his atonement and resurrection. LDS theology also includes belief in the doctrine of salvation through Jesus alone, restorationism, millennialism, continuationism, penal substitution, and a form of apostolic succession. The practices of baptism by immersion and the eucharist (referred to as \"the sacrament\") are also held in common. However, the Catholic Church considers doctrinal differences between the two groups to be so great that it will not accept a prior LDS baptism as", "id": "6128056" }, { "contents": "Generation gap\n\n\nfeedback from supervisors. Today, managers find themselves assessing their subordinates’ productivity quite frequently, despite the fact that they often find it burdensome. Additionally, millennials’ salaries and Employee benefits give this generation an idea of how well they are performing. Millennials crave success, and good paying jobs have been proven to make them feel more successful. Additionally, studies show that promotions are very important to millennials, and when they do not see opportunities for rapid advancement at one organization, they are quick to quit in an effort to", "id": "17116269" }, { "contents": "Today (33Miles album)\n\n\ndown to our everyday reality,” Jason says. “So it came down to, ‘What are we doing to live for Christ today, to make a difference?’ A lot of people live for the future, and a lot of people live in the past, but very few people tend to look at their lives and think about what life can be like right now.” That message had been immanent for the Dove-nominated group over the past few months, as one of their original members, keyboardist", "id": "14086111" }, { "contents": "Millennial Anniversary of Hanoi\n\n\ngenerations of Vietnamese in the past who contributed to the defence and development of the country, and passing this tradition on to the future generations. Exactly 1,000 days before the official ceremony, a count-down clock of 17 m high and 8m wide was inaugurated at the Bà Kiệu Temple, in front of the Hoan Kiem Lake, on 13 January 2008. 2010 Millennial Anniversary of Hanoi Football Championship was held from 20 September to 24 September. Commemorative events are not only organized in Hanoi but also in other provinces of Vietnam", "id": "7734341" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\n\"mileurista\" (for €1,000 per month), in France \"The Precarious Generation,\" and as in Spain, Italy also has the \"milleurista\"; generation of 1,000 euros (per month). In 2015, millennials in New York City were reported as earning 20% less than the generation before them, as a result of entering the workforce during the great recession. Despite higher college attendance rates than Generation X, many were stuck in low-paid jobs, with the percentage of degree-educated young", "id": "17115791" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nGeneration\". \"Newsweek\" used the term \"Generation 9/11\" to refer to young people who were between the ages of 10 and 20 during the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001. The first reference to \"Generation 9/11\" was made in the cover story of the 12 November 2001 issue of \"Newsweek\". Alternative names for this group proposed include \"Generation We\", \"Global Generation\", \"Generation Next,\" \"The\" \"Net Generation\" and \"The Burnout Generation\". Chinese millennials", "id": "17115752" }, { "contents": "Mic (media company)\n\n\n. In December 2013, the White House worked with Mic on what was called an \"Open Mic\" competition to \"make health care work for our generation\". Mic generates revenue through advertising known as \"branded content\". reported in November 2014 that \"brands like Microsoft, Cole Haan, Cadillac and most recently GE have all tapped Mic in the last few months in the hopes of using its millennial expertise to reach the site's audience of educated 20-somethings\". \"The New York Observer\" positively reacted to", "id": "20892149" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nranging from 1982 to 2004, Neil Howe revised the number to over 95 million people (in the U.S.). In a 2012 \"Time\" magazine article, it was estimated that there were approximately 80 million U.S. millennials. The United States Census Bureau, using birth dates ranging from 1982 to 2000, stated the estimated number of U.S. millennials in 2015 was 83.1 million people. The Millennial generation continues to grow as young immigrants expand its ranks. The Pew Research Center has projected that by 2019 millennials will surpass Baby Boomers to", "id": "17115783" }, { "contents": "Chapter Seven (album)\n\n\n” he said “This is the first time I have really done it from start to end, every aspect of it. It has been brilliant, there has been lots to learn and a lot of hits and misses along the way. I think that’s why I’m especially proud of this one.” Leith said: “In the album I cover a lot of different themes, love, loss and everything in between. But I’ve tried to approach them from a positive outlook. It’s true to the", "id": "9591300" }, { "contents": "List of awards and nominations received by BTS\n\n\nLatin American music awards show presented by MTV (Latin America) to honor the best of Latin music and the digital world of the millennial generation. BTS have received 3 awards from 4 nominations. Millennial Awards Brazil are the Brazilian version of the MTV Millennial Awards, established by MTV (Brazil). BTS have received 4 awards from 4 nominations. MTV Video Music Award (commonly abbreviated as a VMA) is an award presented by the cable channel MTV to honor the best in the music video medium. BTS have received 4", "id": "9074170" }, { "contents": "Xennials\n\n\nof Gen X grunge cynicism, and a dash of the unbridled optimism of Millennials\", and discusses their relationship with both analog and digital technology. has described individuals born in the late 1970s and early 1980s as sharing traits with both Generation X and Millennials. Anna Garvey characterized U.S members of this group as having had an \"AOL adolescence\" and as being from \"the last gasp of a time before sexting, Facebook shaming, and constant communication\". Dustin Monke of \"The Dickinson Press\" described those born in", "id": "449783" }, { "contents": "April Masini\n\n\n), among others. Masini has been consulted on maintaining work-life balance during the holidays and on off-limits comments to women in the workplace. She advises Millennials in the workplace to rely on their \"unique voices,\" but to use words such as \"awesome\" in moderation: \"Be youthful, but have a range of words that express excitement or pleasure.\" Masini has commented widely on the Millennial generation and its preference for cyberspace and casual outings, rather than old-fashioned venues and dinner dates", "id": "9854653" }, { "contents": "Generation Z\n\n\nin the late 1990s and early 2000s. The Pew Research Center defines \"Post-Millennials\" as born from 1997 onward, choosing this date for \"key political, economic and social factors\", including September 11th terrorist attacks. This date makes Post-Millennials four years of age or younger at the time of the attacks, so having little or no memory of the event. Pew indicated they would use 1997–2012 for future publications but would remain open to date recalibration. Bloomberg News describes \"Gen Z\" as \"the", "id": "10177220" }, { "contents": "John Crist (comedian)\n\n\nJohn Crist (born March 20, 1984) is an American Christian comedian from Lilburn, Georgia. Crist is best known for his YouTube sketches \"Millennial International\", \"7 Signs You Grew Up Christian\", and \"Road Rage in the Church Parking Lot.\" Crist's comedy often focuses on Christian subculture. He occasionally uses his comedy to critique problems he sees in the Christian church. Crist has said of his comedic inspiration: \"Shoot, I grew up in Georgia. My dad is a pastor, and", "id": "13969434" }, { "contents": "Code Switch\n\n\nthe time. We're hop-scotching between different cultural and linguistic spaces and different parts of our own identities—sometimes within a single interaction.\" Harvard's Neiman Lab described the Code Switch project as a \"forward-thinking effort given the rapidly changing demographics in the U.S.[;] Code Switch has grown into a place where reporters tries to consider issues around race with nuance, whether that’s the myth of the colorblind millennial, or going deep on the hit Broadway musical \"Hamilton\".\" The outlet has", "id": "7481178" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\ndata depicting 64% of millennials would take a 60% pay cut to pursue a career path aligned with their passions, and financial institutions have fallen out of favor with banks comprising 40% of the generation's least liked brands. In 2008, author Ron Alsop called the millennials \"Trophy Kids,\" a term that reflects a trend in competitive sports, as well as many other aspects of life, where mere participation is frequently enough for a reward. It has been reported that this is an issue in corporate environments.", "id": "17115822" }, { "contents": "Strauss–Howe generational theory\n\n\n. Or who commit crimes. Or who suffer from too little parental support. Or who drop out of college. Aren't they Millennials too?\" In their 2000 book \"Millennials Rising\" they brought attention to the Millennial children of immigrants in the United States, \"who face daunting challenges.\" They wrote \"one-third have no health insurance, live below the poverty line and live in overcrowded housing\". In a February 2017 article from \"Quartz\" two journalists commented on the theory saying: \"it", "id": "20953492" }, { "contents": "Night World\n\n\nthe series follows a different protagonist (always a teenage girl) who must face various challenges involving love, the \"soulmate principle\" and the Night World's strict code. In the first six novels, the plot focuses on the protagonist discovering her soulmate and the danger which ensues. In the seventh book of the series, the concept of an impending millennial apocalypse is introduced. Although the theme of the \"soulmate principle\" continues to be present, the later books' plots focus on the search for four \"Wild Powers", "id": "3055231" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nbetween the two most recent generational cohorts, Generation X and millennials, with relatively small variances between the two generations and their predecessor, the Baby Boomers. A meta study conducted by researchers from The George Washington University and The U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences questions the validity of workplace differences across any generational cohort. According to the researchers, disagreement in which events to include when assigning generational cohorts, as well as varied opinions on which age ranges to include in each generational category are the main drivers behind their", "id": "17115825" } ]
when attempting to sneeze, why does looking at the sun/a light source trigger it?
[{"answer": "Imagine your nerves controlling sight as a sidewalk in a neighborhood. Normally, there's a normal supply of people walking on it and everyone stays on the path. Sometimes, there's a huge burst of people (looking at something bright). The sidewalk is so crowded that some people end up stepping on the lawn of the neighboring houses. Mr. Sneeze, living in one of the houses, sees this and gets out of his house to yell at the people to get off his lawn. The process is known as photic sneeze reflex and it affects 18-35% of the population. The mechanics behind it are not fully understood but it may be due to nerve signals being confused when there is a rapid burst from seeing bright light."}, {"answer": "It doesn't for everyone. About 18-35% of people are affected by this; it's called [photic sneeze reflex]( URL_0 )."}, {"answer": "I shit you not, there is another name for this condition that is way better than photic sneezing. It's Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome. Or ACHOO for short :) [Proof]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "The optic nerve takes all the light information from the eyes to the brain. The maxillary nerve causes the sneeze reflex. These two nerves run next to each other for part of their course. When there is lots of electrical activity going down the optic nerve, then because they are next to each other, this activity can \"leak\" onto the maxillary nerve and push it over the limit, causing a sneeze."}, {"answer": "No one really knows. Some scientists say it's caused by confusion in the nervous system. Since all senses are linked, the pupil dilation response to light is translated to a nasal irritation and causes a sneeze. Other scientists suggest it's evolutionary, a trait that helped our ancestors survive in primitive life. (Clear the nose of smoke/other smells after leaving a cave to help smell threats/food sources)."}, {"answer": "As someone who does this, I've noticed that squinting your eyes moves the sinus cavity. I imagine this affects the process as well"}, {"answer": "I was told that looking at the sun/light normally involved looking up, which opened your airways. And that was why it helps you sneeze. No idea how true that is, though I've noticed it has the same effect in a dark room as when I'm outside."}, {"answer": "I actually have the same thing. Strangely enough it can apparently it can be passed down. At least my mom has it and apparently my grandmother did as well. It's kinda annoying but only because the sneezes come on so quick that I can't see what I'm going and have to pause."}, {"answer": "This is known as [photic sneeze reflex]( URL_0 ) caused by a genetic mutation that results in some sensory inputs to become \"crossed\" for example sudden bright light can be interpreted by the brain as nasal irritation."}, {"answer": "I have this condition. Also, if i am clogged in the nose my wife plucks my eyebrows. It has the same effect and quickly clears up my nose. Lots of sneezes ensured. Often when we come out after being in a dark building my wife says \"Wait for it..\""}, {"answer": "I read somewhere that the nerve that controls your pupil dilation is in close proximity to the nerve that triggers a sneeze. When you look at a bright light your eye contracts and causes the nerve to fire. This can activate the nearby sneeze nerve."}, {"answer": "It's actually called the \"ACHOO\" syndrome or some such nonsense... URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4176408", "title": "Photic sneeze reflex", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 34, "end_paragraph_id": 34, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The photic sneeze effect has been documented for many centuries. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to contemplate this strange phenomenon in 350 BCE, exploring why looking at the sun causes a person to sneeze in The Book of Problems: \"Why does the heat of the sun provoke sneezing?\" He hypothesized that the suns heat caused sweating inside the nose, which triggered a sneeze in order to remove the moisture. In the 17th century, English philosopher Francis Bacon disproved Aristotles theory by facing the sun with his eyes closed, which did not elicit the ordinary sneeze response. Bacon therefore guessed that the eyes played a vital part in triggering photic sneezing. He assumed that looking at the sun's light made the eyes water, and then that moisture proceeded to seep into the nose and irritate it, causing a sneeze. Although plausible, scientists later determined this theory to also be incorrect because sun-induced sneezing occurs too quickly after sunlight exposure; watering of the eyes is a slower process, so it could not play a vital part in triggering the reflex. Today, scientific attention has mainly focused on a hypothesis proposed in 1964 by Henry Everett, who was the first to call light-induced sneezing The Photic Sneeze", "The photic sneeze effect has been documented for many centuries. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to contemplate this strange phenomenon in 350 BCE, exploring why looking at the sun causes a person to sneeze in The Book of Problems: \"Why does the heat of the sun provoke sneezing?\" He hypothesized that the suns heat caused sweating inside the nose, which triggered a sneeze in order to remove the moisture. In the 17th century, English philosopher Francis Bacon disproved Aristotles theory by facing the sun with his eyes closed, which did not elicit the ordinary sneeze response. Bacon therefore guessed that the eyes played a vital part in triggering photic sneezing. He assumed that looking at the sun's light made the eyes water, and then that moisture proceeded to seep into the nose and irritate it, causing a sneeze. Although plausible, scientists later determined this theory to also be incorrect because sun-induced sneezing occurs too quickly after sunlight exposure; watering of the eyes is a slower process, so it could not play a vital part in triggering the reflex. Today, scientific attention has mainly focused on a hypothesis proposed in 1964 by Henry Everett, who was the first to call light-induced sneezing The Photic Sneeze"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\nperson to sneeze in The Book of Problems: \"Why does the heat of the sun provoke sneezing?\" He hypothesized that the sun’s heat caused sweating inside the nose, which triggered a sneeze in order to remove the moisture. In the 17th century, English philosopher Francis Bacon disproved Aristotle’s theory by facing the sun with his eyes closed, which did not elicit the ordinary sneeze response. Bacon therefore guessed that the eyes played a vital part in triggering photic sneezing. He assumed that looking at the sun's light", "id": "18723679" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\ndue to naso-ocular reflex), when suddenly exposed to bright light. This condition tends to occur more severely after one has emerged into the light after spending time in a dark environment. Although the syndrome is thought to affect about 18-35% of the human population, it is relatively harmless and not widely studied. The photic sneeze effect has been documented for many centuries. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to contemplate this strange phenomenon in 350 BCE, exploring why looking at the sun causes a", "id": "18723678" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\nmade the eyes water, and then that moisture proceeded to seep into the nose and irritate it, causing a sneeze. Although plausible, scientists later determined this theory to also be incorrect because sun-induced sneezing occurs too quickly after sunlight exposure; watering of the eyes is a slower process, so it could not play a vital part in triggering the reflex. Today, scientific attention has mainly focused on a hypothesis proposed in 1964 by Henry Everett, who was the first to call light-induced sneezing “The Photic Sneeze", "id": "18723680" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\nThe photic sneeze reflex (also backronymed as Autosomal Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) syndrome and colloquially sun sneezing) is a reflex condition that causes sneezing in response to numerous stimuli, such as looking at bright lights or periocular (surrounding the eyeball) injection. The condition affects 18–35% of the world's population, but its exact mechanism of action is not well understood. The photic sneeze reflex manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable sneezing in response to a stimulus which would not produce a sneeze in people without the", "id": "18723663" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\na photic sneeze which is why we find it easier to sneeze while looking at a bright light. Uncontrollable sneezing during a periocular injection while sedated by propofol is likely caused by the drug. Propofol has been shown to temporarily suppress inhibitory neurons in the brainstem, which is also where the trigeminal nucleus – the \"sneeze center\" of the brain – lies. This chain of events leads to increased sensitivity to stimulation and reduced threshold for involuntary responses. this hypersensitive state, the periocular injection stimulates the ophthalmic and/or maxillary branch of the", "id": "18723676" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\nthe eyelids. The common suggestion that it is impossible to sneeze with one's eyes open is, however, inaccurate. Other than irritating foreign particles, allergies or possible illness, another stimulus is sudden exposure to bright light – a condition known as photic sneeze reflex (PSR). Walking out of a dark building into sunshine may trigger PSR, or the ACHOO (autosomal dominant compulsive helio-ophthalmic outbursts of sneezing) syndrome as it's also called. The tendency to sneeze upon exposure to bright light is an autosomal dominant", "id": "8198033" }, { "contents": "Hawken rifle\n\n\noutside and made of soft iron, which reduced fouling. The walnut or maple stocks have a curved cheek piece, often looking like a beaver's tail and called that. They tend to have double triggers; the rear trigger is a \"set\" trigger. When the rear trigger is pulled, the hammer does not fall but rather the action \"sets\" the front trigger, the front trigger becoming a \"hair trigger,\" tripped with a light touch. In many examples, when the front trigger is used without", "id": "4792514" }, { "contents": "Solar thermal collector\n\n\neliminate the cost of moving a large mirror to track the sun as with parabolic dish systems. A fixed parabolic mirror creates a variously shaped image of the sun as it moves across the sky. Only when the mirror is pointed directly at the sun does the light focus on one point. That is why parabolic dish systems track the sun. A fixed spherical mirror focuses the light in the same place independent of the sun's position. The light, however, is not directed to one point but is distributed on a line", "id": "3475993" }, { "contents": "Charlotte's Web\n\n\nfailure to save a sick pig (bought for butchering), \"Charlotte's Web\" can be seen as White's attempt \"to save his pig in retrospect\". White's overall motivation for the book has not been revealed and he has written: \"I haven't told why I wrote the book, but I haven't told you why I sneeze, either. A book is a sneeze\". When White met the spider who originally inspired Charlotte, he called her Charlotte Epeira (after \"Epeira sclopetaria\"", "id": "8455558" }, { "contents": "Discoid lupus erythematosus\n\n\nsquamous cell carcinoma. Sun exposure triggers lesions in people with discoid lupus erythematous. Evidence does not clearly demonstrate a genetic component to DLE; however, genetics may predispose certain people to disease. Most experts consider DLE an autoimmune disease since pathologists see antibodies when they biopsy the lesions and look at the tissue under the microscope. However, scientists do not understand the connection between these antibodies and the lesions seen in discoid lupus. Possibly, UV light damages skin cells, which then release material from their nuclei. This material diffuses to", "id": "1587109" }, { "contents": "Atmosphere of Earth\n\n\nto look directly at the Sun. \"Indirect radiation\" is light that has been scattered in the atmosphere. For example, on an overcast day when you cannot see your shadow there is no direct radiation reaching you, it has all been scattered. As another example, due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, shorter (blue) wavelengths scatter more easily than longer (red) wavelengths. This is why the sky looks blue; you are seeing scattered blue light. This is also why sunsets are red. Because", "id": "21257685" }, { "contents": "Photographic lighting\n\n\nof light increase by a factor four, the square ^2 of the distance. Because the same number of photons are spread over four times the area when distance is doubled the intensity at any point will be 1/ distance ^2 or 1/4 the strength. Photographic light sources are not point light sources so the law does not strictly apply but it explains why distance of artificial sources affects the character of lighting and lighting strategies in ways not seen in nature. According to the inverse-square law if the distance of a light source is", "id": "9294153" }, { "contents": "The Shadow in the Glass\n\n\n's life by a thousand years. Also missing is the ocular celluprime, a vital component of the navigational system, which allows the Vvormak to perceive the immediate future and navigate accordingly. But the Doctor is puzzled; why is there nothing else missing? If the ship has been here for 55 years, why hasn't it been stripped bare—why does it look instead as though it's been repaired? The Doctor and the Brigadier trigger a gas trap while investigating, but escape when a patrol arrives to arrest them;", "id": "8554716" }, { "contents": "Sunstone (medieval)\n\n\nwhen you look at it from below, two dots appear, because the light is “depolarised” and fractured along different axes. The crystal can then be rotated until the two points have the same luminosity. The angle of the top face now gives the direction of the sun. Attempts to replicate this work in both Scotland and off the coast of Turkey by science journalist Matt Kaplan and mineralogists at the British Geological Survey in 2014 failed. Kaplan communicated extensively with Ropars and neither could understand why the samples of Iceland spar that", "id": "18128078" }, { "contents": "Laser safety\n\n\naddition, some 18% to 35% of the population possess the autosomal dominant genetic trait, photic sneeze, that causes the affected individual to experience an involuntary sneezing fit when exposed to a sudden flash of light. The \"maximum permissible exposure\" (MPE) is the highest power or energy density (in W/cm or J/cm) of a light source that is considered safe, i.e. that has a negligible probability for creating damage. It is usually about 10% of the dose that has a 50%", "id": "6468949" }, { "contents": "Tara (Devi)\n\n\nof Tara and Mahadev had taken the form of Lord Akshobhya. He and Goddess Tara were the reasons they had brought the sun into existence. Without the eternal sun, the Earth was just a mere orb covered in ice on which life could not have survived. That is why Devi Tara had appeared from whom the sun had to arise and supply light and energy to Earth. Tara has the capability to produce light, energy and heat. When the power met with the power of Akshobhya, their combined power became the source", "id": "3087447" }, { "contents": "Lens hood\n\n\noccurs when stray light strikes the front element of a lens and then bounces around within the lens. This stray light often comes from very bright light sources, such as the Sun, bright studio lights, or a bright white background. If a light source is in the lens' angle of view, a lens hood will hardly have any effect, but the light does not have to cause lens flare. It is sufficient that stray light from a bright light source enters the lens. Multi-layer coatings in newer lenses", "id": "11489247" }, { "contents": "Lens flare\n\n\nlens surfaces. Flare is particularly caused by very bright light sources. Most commonly, this occurs when shooting into the sun (when the sun is in frame or the lens is pointed in the direction of the sun), and is reduced by using a lens hood or other shade. For good-quality optical systems, and for most images (which do not have a bright light shining into the lens), flare is a secondary effect that is widely distributed across the image and thus not visible, although it does", "id": "8697422" }, { "contents": "Platonic epistemology\n\n\nsense organs in that it needs a medium, namely light, in order to operate. The strongest and best source of light is the sun; with it, we can discern objects clearly. Analogously for intelligible objects \"The Form of the Good\" is necessary in order to understand any particular thing. Thus, if we attempt to understand why things are as they are, and what general categories can be used to understand various particulars around us, without reference to any forms (universals) we will fail completely. By", "id": "17912703" }, { "contents": "Energy\n\n\nlight may be triggered suddenly by a spark, in a forest fire, or it may be made available more slowly for animal or human metabolism, when these molecules are ingested, and catabolism is triggered by enzyme action. Any living organism relies on an external source of energy – radiant energy from the Sun in the case of green plants, chemical energy in some form in the case of animals – to be able to grow and reproduce. The daily 1500–2000 Calories (6–8 MJ) recommended for a human adult are taken as", "id": "9631956" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\nand extent of the expulsion of the air through the nose varies. Sneezing cannot occur during sleep due to REM atonia – a bodily state where motor neurons are not stimulated and reflex signals are not relayed to the brain. Sufficient external stimulants, however, may cause a person to wake from sleep to sneeze, but any sneezing occurring afterwards would take place with a partially awake status at minimum. Sneezing typically occurs when foreign particles or sufficient external stimulants pass through the nasal hairs to reach the nasal mucosa. This triggers the", "id": "8198030" }, { "contents": "Shen Kuo\n\n\nthe shapes of the Sun and Moon were round like balls or flat like fans, Shen Kuo explained that celestial bodies were spherical because of knowledge of waxing and waning of the Moon. Much like what Zhang Heng had said, Shen Kuo likened the Moon to a ball of silver, which does not produce light, but simply reflects light if provided from another source (the Sun). He explained that when the Sun's light is slanting, the Moon appears full. He then explained if one were to cover any sort", "id": "6469165" }, { "contents": "Light pollution\n\n\nartificial night lighting. Massive insect declines have been suggested as being at least partially mediated by artificial lights at night. A 2009 study also suggests deleterious impacts on animals and ecosystems because of perturbation of polarized light or artificial polarization of light (even during the day, because direction of natural polarization of sun light and its reflection is a source of information for a lot of animals). This form of pollution is named polarized light pollution (PLP). Unnatural polarized light sources can trigger maladaptive behaviors in polarization-sensitive taxa and", "id": "18665117" }, { "contents": "Diffraction\n\n\nlooking at a disc. This principle can be extended to engineer a grating with a structure such that it will produce any diffraction pattern desired; the hologram on a credit card is an example. Diffraction in the atmosphere by small particles can cause a bright ring to be visible around a bright light source like the sun or the moon. A shadow of a solid object, using light from a compact source, shows small fringes near its edges. The speckle pattern which is observed when laser light falls on an optically rough surface", "id": "8715974" }, { "contents": "Chinese astronomy\n\n\nbut is like a ball of silver; the light is the light of the sun (reflected). When the brightness is first seen, the sun (-light passes almost) alongside, so the side only is illuminated and looks like a crescent. When the sun gradually gets further away, the light shines slanting, and the moon is full, round like a bullet. If half of a sphere is covered with (white) powder and looked at from the side, the covered part will look like a crescent;", "id": "12662905" }, { "contents": "Traffic light\n\n\nwhile bicycles may not even be constructed with metal. This situation most often occurs at the times of day when other traffic is sparse as well as when the small vehicle is coming from a direction that does not have a high volume of traffic. Most sensor traffic lights are capable of detecting these vehicles, but are not properly adjusted or calibrated initially, after road construction such as re-surfacing, or set too high in an attempt to avoid false triggers. A light that fails to cycle may not meet the legal definition", "id": "2848060" }, { "contents": "High-CRI LED lighting\n\n\nor a 1700K candlelight are more easily reproduced than more neutral white lights, such as 4800K direct sunlight, and thus usually have higher CRI ratings in alternative light sources such as CFL and LED bulbs; \"warmer\" light (redder) naturally renders colors less accurately. Think of how the world looks at sunset (2000K) compared to high noon (5600K). Problems have been encountered attempting to use LED lighting on film and video sets. The color spectra of LED lighting primary colors does not match", "id": "11925563" }, { "contents": "Jewellery\n\n\nthe cool moon. Both are the quintessential metals of Indian jewellery. Pure gold does not oxidise or corrode with time, which is why Hindu tradition associates gold with immortality. Gold imagery occurs frequently in ancient Indian literature. In the Vedic Hindu belief of cosmological creation, the source of physical and spiritual human life originated in and evolved from a golden womb (hiranyagarbha) or egg (hiranyanda), a metaphor of the sun, whose light rises from the primordial waters. Jewellery had great status with India's royalty; it", "id": "15696973" }, { "contents": "Hard and soft light\n\n\na good deal of \"throw\" and do not lose much intensity as distance increases. These light sources tend to be more effective at large distances than soft light sources. At large distances, an effective soft light source would have to be very large. The (mostly) parallel rays of such instruments tends to cast hard shadows, unlike soft light sources. Most light sources have a non-negligible size and therefore exhibit the properties of a soft light to some degree. Even the sun does not cast perfectly hard shadows", "id": "12852935" }, { "contents": "Talia al Ghul\n\n\nembraces and kisses her mid-battle, not knowing that her lips were covered with poison, and he apologizes for not being able to love her the way she wants and admits defeat. Talia asks Batman to beg for the antidote but he does not respond. Jason Todd arrives at the Batcave and offers Talia the Oroboro trigger, a device that would trigger the destruction of seven cities and that she claims would provide a new source of energy for the world. When she attempts to activate the device, Jason reveals that he", "id": "14187176" }, { "contents": "Polymorphous light eruption\n\n\nUV light sources from tanning units and phototherapy treatment units can also trigger PLE. About three-quarters of sufferers acquire PLE after UV-A exposure only, one-tenth after UV-B exposure only, and the rest after a combination of UV-A and UV-B exposure. People vary in the amount of sun exposure needed to trigger the rash. Oxidative stress and the modification of the redox status of the skin has been implicated in the expression of PLE. It has been suggested that an indefinable endogenous or", "id": "1567317" }, { "contents": "Melasma\n\n\ncheek, nose, lips, upper lip, and forehead. These patches often develop gradually over time. Melasma does not cause any other symptoms beyond the cosmetic discoloration. Melasma is thought to be the stimulation of melanocytes (cells in the dermal layer which transfer a pigment called melanin to the keratinocytes of skin) when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun. Small amounts of sun exposure can make melasma return to the skin after it has faded, which is why people with melasma often get it again and again", "id": "21178545" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\n, which causes your body to feel good”. Endorphins induce the brain’s reward system, and because sneezes occur in a quick burst, so does the pleasure. Sneezing while menstruating may result in a sudden vaginal menses emission. Sneezing is not confined to humans or even mammals. Many animals including cats, dogs, chickens and iguanas sneeze. African wild dogs use sneezing as a form of communication, especially when considering a consensus in a pack on whether or not to hunt. Some breeds of dog are predisposed to reverse", "id": "8198051" }, { "contents": "Occupational hazards of human nail dust\n\n\nsymptoms. Biological dust from the hand and foot care procedures may deposit in the conjunctiva, nose, and throughout the respiratory tract. The local irritation of these areas can lead to conjunctivitis, itching, tearing, rhinitis, sneezing, asthmatic attacks, bronchitis, and coughing. The literature suggests that nail dust can be a respiratory sensitizer, which is defined as a substance that when breathed in can trigger an irreversible allergic reaction in the respiratory system. Sensitization does not usually take place immediately, but rather after months or years of", "id": "2469689" }, { "contents": "Bond albedo\n\n\nbetween the source of the radiation (usually the Sun) and the observing direction, and varies from zero for light scattered back towards the source, to 180° for observations looking towards the source. For example, during opposition or looking at the full moon, α is very small, while backlit objects or the new moon have α close to 180°. The Bond albedo is a value strictly between 0 and 1, as it includes all possible scattered light (but not radiation from the body itself). This is", "id": "5796581" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh sky model\n\n\nscattered light is polarized to some extent, light is highly polarized at a scattering angle of 90° from the light source. In most cases the light source is the sun, but the moon creates the same pattern as well. The degree of polarization first increases with increasing distance from the sun, and then decreases away from the sun. Thus, the maximum degree of polarization occurs in a circular band 90° from the sun. In this band, degrees of polarization near 80% are typically reached. When the sun", "id": "10097761" }, { "contents": "Far Away from the Sun\n\n\n. Karlén later purchased the original painting from Wåhlin, and is therefore one of only three he has ever agreed to sell, along with Tiamat's albums \"Wildhoney\" and \"Clouds\". According to guitarist Anders Brolycke,\"Nisse had this vision about this special place out there for him, as he felt he didn't belong to this world and Kristian perfectly reproduced it for him.\" This will explain then, why, when you look closely, you realise there are no lights emanating from this ominous looking castle, hidden in", "id": "19263483" }, { "contents": "Rising Sun (comics)\n\n\npoint of angering her. Rising Sun works with Doctor Light to were attempting to protect the people of Tokyo from various natural disasters. They encounter one of the Flashes, bearing news about Superboy Rising Sun has appeared on a television screen as part of a retrospective look back at Big Science Action, the news documentary looked back at the Japanese JLA's final battle with Fushikuraje, an ancient kaiju who had demolished much of Tokyo in an attempt to reach the monster graveyard below Mount Fuji. On the program Rising Sun derided the new", "id": "11751703" }, { "contents": "Ocular straylight\n\n\nOcular straylight is a phenomenon where parts of the eye scatter light, creating glare. It is analogous to stray light in other optical systems; scattered light reaches the retina but does not contribute to forming a correct image. One can observe the effect of straylight by looking at a distant bright light source against a dark background. If the source is small, it would look like a small bright spot if the eye imaged it perfectly. Scattering in the eye makes the source appear spread out, surrounded by glare. The disability", "id": "4721597" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\n. Sneezing is also triggered by sinus nerve stimulation caused by nasal congestion and allergies. The neural regions involved in the sneeze reflex are located in the brainstem along the ventromedial part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and the adjacent pontine-medullary lateral reticular formation. This region appears to control the epipharyngeal, intrinsic laryngeal and respiratory muscles, and the combined activity of these muscles serve as the basis for the generation of a sneeze. The sneeze reflex involves contraction of a number of different muscles and muscle groups throughout the body, typically including", "id": "8198032" }, { "contents": "Database trigger\n\n\nuse of this trigger is creating an audit history of who has made inserts into the database, keeping track of the changes made. When using these options you need to keep a few things in mind. The BEFORE option does not allow you to modify tables, that is why input validation is a practical use. Using AFTER triggers allows you to modify tables such as inserting into an audit history table. When creating a trigger to determine if it is statement or row level simply include the FOR EACH ROW clause for a row", "id": "19841156" }, { "contents": "Quantum coin flipping\n\n\n-orthogonal quantum states. When a third party attempts to read or gain information on the transmission, they alter the photon's polarization in a random way that is likely detected by the two players because it does not match the pattern exchanged between the two legitimate users. As mentioned in the history section, scientists at the LTCI in Paris have experimentally carried out a quantum coin flipping protocol. Previous protocols called for a single photon source or an entangled source to be secure. However, these sources are why it is difficult for", "id": "20498107" }, { "contents": "Zodiacal light\n\n\necliptic. The light scattered from extremely small dust particles is strongly forward scattering, although the zodiacal light actually extends all the way around the sky, hence it is brightest when observing at a small angle with the Sun. This is why it is most clearly visible near sunrise or sunset, when the sun is blocked, but the dust particles nearest the line of sight to the sun are not. The dust band that causes the zodiacal light is uniform across the whole ecliptic. The dust further from the ecliptic is almost undetectable", "id": "15840854" }, { "contents": "Plant cognition\n\n\nthat this may have something to do with mechanoreceptors integrating with photoreceptors within the plants. This explains why a non-light source would trigger a growth response in the trained pea plant that is commonly reserved for photoreceptors. In 2003, Anthony Trewavas led a study to see how the roots interact with one another and study their signal transduction methods. He was able to draw similarities between water stress signals in plants affecting developmental changes and signal transductions in neural networks causing responses in muscle. Particularly, when plants are under water stress,", "id": "9537780" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\ntrait. The sneezes generally occur in bursts of 1 to 10 sneezes, followed by a refractory period that can be as long as 24 hours. A photic sneeze results from exposure to a bright light and is the most common manifestation of the photic sneeze reflex. This reflex seems to be caused by a change in light intensity rather than by a specific wavelength of light. A study conducted by the School of Optometry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that females represent 67% of photic sneezers, and Caucasians represent 94", "id": "18723664" }, { "contents": "Rise of the Planet of the Apes\n\n\nand becomes ill. Attempting to warn Will at his home, he sneezes blood onto Hunsiker and is later discovered dead. Will attempts to reclaim Caesar, but the chimp refuses to go home with him so he could look after the other apes. Instead, he escapes from the facility and returns to Will's house, where he takes canisters of the ALZ-113. Upon returning, Caesar releases the gas and allows it to enhance the intelligence of the other apes. When Dodge attempts to get him back into his cage, Caesar", "id": "8995197" }, { "contents": "Dream Pool Essays\n\n\nthe sun(-light passes almost) alongside, so the side only is illuminated and looks like a crescent. When the sun gradually gets further away, the light shines slanting, and the moon is full, round like a bullet. If half of a sphere is covered with (white) powder and looked at from the side, the covered part will look like a crescent; if looked at from the front, it will appear round. Thus we know that the celestial bodies are spherical. When the director of the astronomical observatory", "id": "10591810" }, { "contents": "Atmospheric sounding\n\n\ninfrared. A limb sounder looks at the edge of the atmosphere where it is visible above the Earth. It does this in one of two ways: either it tracks the sun, moon, a star, or another transmitting satellite through the limb as the source gets occultated behind the Earth, or it looks towards empty space, collecting radiation that is scattered from one of these sources. In contrast, a nadir-looking atmospheric sounder looks down through the atmosphere at the surface. The SCIAMACHY instrument operates in all three of", "id": "210846" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\n, states that, when the controversial monarch was on his deathbed, his medical attendants administered a concoction of cowslips and extract of ammonia to promote sneezing. However, it is not known if this promotion of sneezing was done to hasten his death (as \"coup de grâce\") or as an ultimate attempt at treatment. In certain parts of Eastern Asia, particularly in Chinese culture, Korean culture, Japanese culture and Vietnamese culture, a sneeze without an obvious cause was generally perceived as a sign that someone was talking about", "id": "8198042" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\ncould travel to the neurons in the cortex that interpret such signals, but neighboring neurons which are involved in sneezing are also activated, due to the generalization. This could lead to a sneeze in response to a stimulus other than nasal irritation. When the trigeminal nerve is directly stimulated, there is the possibility that increased light sensitivity in the ocular nerve could result. An example of directly stimulating would be plucking an eyebrow or pulling hair. In many people who show the photic sneeze reflex, even this direct stimulation can lead to", "id": "18723675" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\ndue to the frequent presence of bright sunlight and the precise reactions needed to successfully control the aircraft. For the pilot of a fighter aircraft, if an uncontrollable fit of sneezing were to occur during aerial combat, the pilot could be incapacitated when his or her situational awareness needs to be greatest. A plane landing on an aircraft carrier or shoreline also requires precise movements and quick reflexes. The reflection of the sun from surrounding water has a high probability of producing at least one photic sneeze for pilots who have the reflex. Any", "id": "18723670" }, { "contents": "Fill light\n\n\nno spill fill created by artificial sources which is why cap style speedlight modifiers perform differently outdoors and large indoor spaces which reflect very little spill fill. Skylight outdoors is \"spill fill\" in the sense it reflects the light of the sun in a way the photographer can't control unless a reflector or flash is used to modify the three f/stop difference in brightness that typically occurs between direct sun and shade. A systematic approach for visualizing the cause and effect is to start from a baseline set-up with the testing", "id": "13295126" }, { "contents": "Hit the Lights (Jay Sean song)\n\n\ngonna get everyone movin! I'm looking forward to watching another one of my songs grow! That's the most fun part!” Of the collaboration he told \"MTV News\", \"It's inspirational, I learn off of people who have achieved greatness. There's something about them -- their work ethic, their mentality -- that resonates and strikes a chord. So when I watch him to see what he does, in my head I'm looking at it going, 'This is why he got to", "id": "6892158" }, { "contents": "Small-angle X-ray scattering\n\n\nof the sample. The major problem that must be overcome in SAXS instrumentation is the separation of the weak scattered intensity from the strong main beam. The smaller the desired angle, the more difficult this becomes. The problem is comparable to one encountered when trying to observe a weakly radiant object close to the sun, like the sun's corona. Only if the moon blocks out the main light source does the corona become visible. Likewise, in SAXS the non-scattered beam that merely travels through the sample must be blocked", "id": "1943272" }, { "contents": "It's Hummer Time\n\n\nThinker\", resulting of a replica of the statue of the same name but with the cat in place of the actual man. Next, The hummingbird attempts to trick the cat into thinking that the dog ate it. In response, the cat applies sneezing powder against the dog's nose to open his mouth, and after taking a flashlight to look inside, the dog sneezes and subjects the cat to his final punishment: The Works, which starts out with the fence and takes him towards a long trail leading into the", "id": "2110029" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\n\".\" In English-speaking countries, one common verbal response to another person's sneeze is, \"[May God] bless you\". Another common verbal response to another's sneeze is, \"Gesundheit\"; Gesundheit being a German word that means, appropriately, \"good health\". Several hypotheses exist for why the custom arose of saying \"bless you\" or \"God bless you\" in the context of sneezing: Other cultures have similar traditions: Some people may sneeze during the initial phases of sexual", "id": "8198048" }, { "contents": "Rainbow\n\n\nHaytham (Alhazen; 965–1039), attempted to provide a scientific explanation for the rainbow phenomenon. In his \"Maqala fi al-Hala wa Qaws Quzah\" (\"On the Rainbow and Halo\"), al-Haytham \"explained the formation of rainbow as an image, which forms at a concave mirror. If the rays of light coming from a farther light source reflect to any point on axis of the concave mirror, they form concentric circles in that point. When it is supposed that the sun as a farther", "id": "3521750" }, { "contents": "Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann\n\n\nhighest concentration of oxygen. He concluded that the most photosynthetically active regions will have the highest concentrations of bacteria. The bacteria accumulated in the regions of red and violet light, showing that these wavelengths of light generated the most photosynthetic activity. However, his experiment was somewhat flawed because he used the sun as his light source. He failed to account for the fact that the sun does not emit all visible wavelengths of light at the same intensity. However, further analysis of plant pigments proved that his results were valid. A", "id": "10984125" }, { "contents": "AC motor\n\n\nsimilar to a transformer, where the primary's electrical load is related to the secondary's electrical load. This is why a squirrel-cage blower motor may cause household lights to dim upon starting, but does not dim the lights on startup when its fan belt (and therefore mechanical load) is removed. Furthermore, a stalled squirrel-cage motor (overloaded or with a jammed shaft) will consume current limited only by circuit resistance as it attempts to start. Unless something else limits the current (or cuts it off", "id": "19631824" }, { "contents": "Security alarm\n\n\nIt contains a light source in a light-sensitive electric sensor, which is positioned at a 90-degree angles to the sensor. Normally, light from the light source shoots straight across and misses the sensor. When smoke enters the chamber, it scatters the light, which then hits the sensor and triggers the alarm. Photoelectric smoke detectors typically respond faster to a fire in its early, smoldering stage – before the source of the fire bursts into flames. Motion sensors are devices that use various forms of technology to detect movement.", "id": "10242390" }, { "contents": "Honeymoon rhinitis\n\n\nHoneymoon rhinitis is a condition in which the sufferer experiences nasal congestion during sexual intercourse. The condition appears to be genetically determined, and caused by the presence in the nose of erectile tissue which may become engorged during sexual arousal as a side effect of the signals from the autonomic nervous system that trigger changes in the genitals of both men and women. A related condition called sexually induced sneezing also exists, where people sneeze, sometimes uncontrollably, when engaging in or even thinking about sexual activity. A phenomenon presumably related to 'honeymoon", "id": "18692958" }, { "contents": "Neutral-density filter\n\n\nintensity of all wavelengths equally. This can sometimes create color casts in recorded images, particularly with inexpensive filters. More significantly, most ND filters are only specified over the visible region of the spectrum and do not proportionally block all wavelengths of ultraviolet or infrared radiation. This can be dangerous if using ND filters to view sources (such as the Sun or white-hot metal or glass), which emit intense invisible radiation, since the eye may be damaged even though the source does not look bright when viewed through the filter", "id": "5170775" }, { "contents": "In hoc signo vinces\n\n\ndoes not specify the actual location of the event, but it is clearly not in the camp at Rome), when he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words \"(ἐν) τούτῳ νίκα\" (\"In this, conquer\"), a phrase often rendered into Latin as \"in hoc signo vinces\" (\"in this sign, you will conquer\"). At first, Constantine did not know the meaning of the apparition, but on", "id": "14392207" }, { "contents": "Molluscum contagiosum virus\n\n\nthe place where mature virions are assembled for future infection. Mature virions are released via cell lysis and aid in host to host transmission of the virus. Extracellular virions are made when the MV acquires a second membrane via the Golgi apparatus and then buds out of the cell. Extracellular virions aid in spreading the virus within the epithelial tissue. \"Molluscum contagiosum virus\" only infects human epidermal cells. It is not spread throughout the body, which explains why the virus cannot be transmitted through coughing or sneezing. People have attempted", "id": "16960744" }, { "contents": "Fortune Smiles\n\n\nher. They also often examine and discuss lottery tickets, especially the high-quality Fortune Smiles tickets. Both have to attend mandatory meetings so that the government can access their assimilation. For DJ, he encounters Mina, a defector who plays North Korean songs with her accordion in public, at a Christian-sponsored meeting in Gwanak; she says she does this because she is looking for her husband. When DJ introduces her to Sun-ho, they talk and eventually reveal why they had to leave: a friend warned", "id": "9622739" }, { "contents": "For Scent-imental Reasons\n\n\nThe cat falls into a barrel of water under a rain-spout off-screen, while Pepé lands in a can of blue paint. The water washes the white stripe off the cat, and also gives her a cold. When Pepé climbs out, he is blue. He sees the ragged-looking, sneezing wet cat but does not recognize her. He wanders off to find the \"beautiful young lady skunk.\" The soaked black cat watches his blue form walking away and she falls for him. When Pepé", "id": "6226129" }, { "contents": "Zhang Heng\n\n\nrecognized the Moon as a ball too. Those parts of the Moon which the Sun illuminates look bright, those parts which it does not, remain dark. The theory posited by Zhang and Jing was supported by later pre-modern scientists such as Shen Kuo (1031–1095), who expanded on the reasoning of why the Sun and Moon were spherical. The theory of the celestial sphere surrounding a flat, square Earth was later criticized by the Jin-dynasty scholar-official Yu Xi (fl. 307-345).", "id": "15841116" }, { "contents": "Sneeze\n\n\ntrait and affects 18-35% of the human population. A rarer trigger, observed in some individuals, is the fullness of the stomach immediately after a large meal. This is known as snatiation and is regarded as a medical disorder passed along genetically as an autosomal dominant trait. While generally harmless in healthy individuals, sneezes spread disease through the infectious aerosol droplets, commonly ranging from 0.5 to 5 µm. A sneeze can produce 40,000 droplets. To reduce the possibility of thus spreading disease (such as the flu),", "id": "8198034" }, { "contents": "The Good Samaritan (Seinfeld)\n\n\n. George and Elaine go out to dinner with a married couple, Robin and Michael. Elaine makes up an elaborate story that she once dated a matador from Spain named Eduardo Corrochio. When Robin (Ann Talman) sneezes, Michael (Joseph Malone) does not say anything, and after several seconds George says \"God bless you\". When George makes light of Michael's rudeness, he gets mad. Robin falls for George due to the incident, and they have an affair. As George and Robin are in bed", "id": "21416610" }, { "contents": "Longship\n\n\ningenious navigation method is detailed in \"Viking Navigation Using the Sunstone, Polarized Light and the Horizon Board\" by Leif K. Karlsen. To derive a course to steer relative to the sun direction, he uses a sun-stone (solarsteinn) made of Iceland spar (optical calcite or silfurberg), and a \"horizon-board.\" The author constructed the latter from an Icelandic saga source, and describes an experiment performed to determine its accuracy. Karlsen also discusses why on North Atlantic trips the Vikings might have preferred to", "id": "18233978" }, { "contents": "Sun-Hwa Kwon\n\n\nlearn of Michael's sudden departure to look for Walt, Sun refuses to allow Jin to help, reminding him that she is his wife. She later tells Jin that she doesn't like being undermined by him, and the two vow to prevent it from occurring in the future. One day, while working in her garden, Sun is bagged and tied from behind; Sun manages to escape, but does not see who attempted to kidnap her. Sun passes out, and reawakens at the camp, remembering little of the", "id": "19628673" }, { "contents": "Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)\n\n\nWhy Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas) is an EP by alternative rock band They Might Be Giants, released in 1993. The EP is notable for being their first release with a full-band lineup, rather than only the two original members (John Flansburgh and John Linnell) performing. It was also released as a single on 7\" vinyl. All of the songs on the EP are cover versions, except for one. The title song is a cover of a song", "id": "5178579" }, { "contents": "Sexually induced sneezing\n\n\nconcerns the existence of erectile tissue in the nose, which may become engorged during sexual arousal, triggering a sneeze. Nasal decongestants may prevent sexually induced sneezing. The phenomenon was noted as early as 1897 in 's remarks before the \"British Medical Association\" at a meeting in Montreal. It was later commented upon in print in 1901 in Gould and Pyle's \"Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine\": In 2008, Mahmood F. Bhutta and Harold Maxwell performed the first full-scale investigation of the phenomenon. Before their research,", "id": "17980125" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\n, undergo uncontrollable fits of 3–15 sneezes immediately after eating large meals that completely fill the stomach, regardless of the type of food eaten. Snatiation is not believed to be an allergic reaction of any kind. Even less well understood than photic sneezing and sneezing in response to periocular injection, the trait appears to be inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Sneezing generally does not present any particular risks to the individual, and is usually more an annoyance than a risk of injury. The fits of sneezing brought about by the photic sneeze", "id": "18723667" }, { "contents": "Days of Heaven\n\n\n: \"\"a euphemism, because it's not an hour but around 25 minutes at the most. It is the moment when the sun sets, and after the sun sets and before it is night. The sky has light, but there is no actual sun. The light is very soft, and there is something magic about it. It limited us to around twenty minutes a day, but it did pay on the screen. It gave some kind of magic look, a beauty and romanticism.\"\" Lighting", "id": "5634269" }, { "contents": "Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)\n\n\nby Hy Zaret from Tom Glazer's 1959 album, \"Space Songs\". The lyrics for the refrain appear verbatim in the 1951 Golden Guide \"Stars\". They Might Be Giants re-arranged the song in an uptempo version for their 1998 live album, \"Severe Tire Damage\", and their 2009 children's album, \"Here Comes Science\", on which they added the self-penned \"Why Does The Sun Really Shine? (The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma)\", which corrects several", "id": "5178580" }, { "contents": "Solar irradiance\n\n\nTherefore, the angled sunbeam spreads the light over twice the area. Consequently, half as much light falls on each square mile. This 'projection effect' is the main reason why Earth's polar regions are much colder than equatorial regions. On an annual average the poles receive less insolation than does the equator, because the poles are always angled more away from the sun than the tropics, and moreover receive no insolation at all for the six months of their respective winters. At a lower angle the light must also travel", "id": "17693602" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\nof sneezing. This is similar to the mechanism by which photophobia develops by persistent light exposure relaying signals through the optic nerve and trigeminal nerve to produce increased sensitivity in the ophthalmic branch. If this increased sensitivity occurred in the maxillary branch instead of the ophthalmic branch, a sneeze could result instead of photophobia. The parasympathetic nervous system has many neighboring fibers that respond to different stimuli. When one stimulus activates multiple nerve fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic generalization is occurring. There is a possibility that sensory input from the eyes", "id": "18723674" }, { "contents": "Associative sequence learning\n\n\ntogether in time) but also to contingency (the extent to which activation of one representation is predictive of the other). This is a crucial feature of the ASL model as it explains why actors do not acquire spurious sensorimotor associations. Consider the example of two interactants, one of whom is scratching his ear when his colleague sneezes. Learning-based models which do not stipulate a sensitivity to contingency predict that the motor plan for ear-scratching ought to become associated with the visual representation of sneezing! However, ASL predicts", "id": "11213158" }, { "contents": "Why Not Sneeze, Rose Sélavy?\n\n\nWhy not Sneeze, Rose Sélavy? is a 1921 \"readymade\" sculpture by Marcel Duchamp. Specifically, Duchamp considered this to be an \"assisted Readymade\", this being because the original object has been altered by the artist. The meaning of this is that the birdcage has been \"assisted\" by the addition of the other objects. They consist of 152 white cubes (made of marble, but resembling sugar cubes), a mercury thermometer, a piece of cuttlebone, and a tiny porcelain dish. The birdcage is", "id": "12289348" }, { "contents": "Profilometer\n\n\nunit provides excitation signal to the MEMS and provides trigger signal to light source and camera. The advantage of time-resolved profilometers is that they are robust against vibrations. Unlike scanning methods, time-resolved profilometer acquisition time is in the milliseconds range. There is no need of vertical calibration: vertical measurement does not depend on a scanning mechanism, digital holographic microscopy vertical measurement has an intrasinc vertical calibration based on laser source wavelength. Samples are not static and there is response of the specimen topography to external stimulus. With on", "id": "16788002" }, { "contents": "Space Songs\n\n\npopular online vlog Rocketboom as its theme song. On September 27, 2005 episode of Rocketboom featured the songs \"Why Do Stars Twinkle?\" and \"Beep,Beep\". The band They Might Be Giants has recorded cover versions of two Space Songs, \"Why Does The Sun Shine?\", and \"What Is A Shooting Star? (A Shooting Star Is Not A Star)\", as well as a reply to the former called \"Why Does the Sun Really Shine?\" which corrects scientific errors in", "id": "3305776" }, { "contents": "Peter von Bagh\n\n\nMidnight Sun Film Festival was founded in 1986 on the initiative of Anssi Mänttäri. In addition to Mänttäri, the Festival policy and guidelines were created by Kaurismäki brothers, Mika and Aki Kaurismäki and Peter von Bagh. The key elements of this festival of the midnight sun are the magical light of the North, and the film screenings. Contrary to the glittering award forums, the Midnight Sun Film Festival does not look for glamour. Instead, the main role is given to the films. The programming includes both classics and forward-", "id": "4535116" }, { "contents": "Closed-eye hallucination\n\n\nwith closed-eye hallucinations. Visual burn-in from bright lights is visible for a few minutes after closing the eyes, or by blinking repeatedly, but the burn-in effect slowly fades away as the retina recovers, whereas the waking-consciousness CEV noise will not disappear if observed continuously over a period of time. CEV does not involve the liquid and air bubbles on the surface of the cornea, which can also be seen by extremely nearsighted people when looking at bright point-light sources with glasses/contacts removed", "id": "237671" }, { "contents": "Reckless (von Ziegesar novel)\n\n\nas to why he is still so attracted to Callie. Jenny, in the meanwhile, gets pulled into Kara's room after the rumors of a teacher in Dumbarton reach her. Kara and Jenny become fast friends and begin to chat when they are interrupted by Heath Ferro, who is looking for a place to hide as well. Heath is immediately attracted to Kara and does not recognize her as 'The Whale', the nickname he gave her freshman year and attempts to pick her up. Kara, however, is unimpressed", "id": "15575407" }, { "contents": "Acrophobia\n\n\na spinning sensation that occurs when one is not actually spinning. It can be triggered by looking down from a high place, by looking straight up at a high place or tall object, or even by watching something (i.e. a car or a bird) go past at high speed, but this alone does not describe vertigo. True vertigo can be triggered by almost any type of movement (e.g. standing up, sitting down, walking) or change in visual perspective (e.g. squatting down, walking up or down stairs,", "id": "8442141" }, { "contents": "Riviera: The Promised Land\n\n\nnext chapter. Unlike most RPGs, when not in battle, the player does not have full control over Ein's movement. Instead of being able to freely move with directional buttons, the player controls Ein through triggers, in two modes. Each stage is made up of several screens, each screen having triggers to explore and potentially battles to engage in. In Look Mode, the player may press directional buttons corresponding to triggers shown on the screen. Some triggers will not appear until certain events have taken place, and some", "id": "18159592" }, { "contents": "Light pillar\n\n\nA light pillar is an atmospheric optical phenomenon in which a vertical beam of light appears to extend above and/or below a light source. The effect is created by the reflection of light from tiny ice crystals that are suspended in the atmosphere or that comprise high-altitude clouds (e.g. cirrostratus or cirrus clouds). If the light comes from the Sun (usually when it is near or even below the horizon), the phenomenon is called a sun pillar or solar pillar. Light pillars can also be caused by the Moon or", "id": "1095438" }, { "contents": "Chinese astronomy\n\n\nlight of) the sun being obstructed (pi). The side which faces the sun is fully lit, and the side which is away from it is dark. The planets (as well as the moon) have the nature of water and reflect light. The light pouring forth from the sun (tang jih chih chhung kuang) does not always reach the moon owing to the obstruction (pi) of the earth itself—this is called 'an-hsü', a lunar eclipse. When (a similar effect", "id": "12662902" }, { "contents": "...And Found\n\n\nin an orange dress. Looking back wistfully, he shakes his head in amusement, and turns around. He collides directly with Sun, thus meeting his future wife for the first time. At the beach, Sun has discovered that she has lost her wedding ring. Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) offers to help Sun look for the ring, which Sun declines. Later, when Sun is angrily tearing apart her garden, John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) arrives. Sun states that she does not remember ever seeing him angry", "id": "8454197" }, { "contents": "Mars Diaries\n\n\nsupply ship from Earth isn't due for days. Tyce holds the key to the mystery. But will he discover it in time to save those who live under the dome? A high-level tekkie is found unconscious in the plant lab. Worse, it looks like teeth and claws have ripped his space suit! It's clear someone-or something- chased him. But who or what? And why? Tyce does not believe aliens exist, but his discoveries may force him to rethink this view. A quake triggers", "id": "21205040" }, { "contents": "Solar eclipse\n\n\nSun covered, it is easier and more tempting to stare at it. Looking at the Sun during an eclipse is as dangerous as looking at it outside an eclipse, except during the brief period of totality, when the Sun's disk is completely covered (totality occurs only during a total eclipse and only very briefly; it does not occur during a partial or annular eclipse). Viewing the Sun's disk through any kind of optical aid (binoculars, a telescope, or even an optical camera viewfinder) is extremely hazardous", "id": "18874226" }, { "contents": "Ceramaster patagonicus\n\n\nvastus \") and the chocolate puffball sponge (\"Latrunculia austini\"). The Morning sun star (\"Solaster dawsoni\") is a predatory starfish that feeds on other starfish. If approached by a morning sun star, a cookie star does not attempt to flee, although this would be a pointless strategy as the cookie star is a very slow crawler. The morning sun star climbs on top in its usual attacking position but soon gives up and looks very sick, apparently repelled by a toxic chemical substance. In an experiment", "id": "21294426" }, { "contents": "Opposition surge\n\n\npredicted by simple Lambertian reflectance when at astronomical opposition. Two physical mechanisms have been proposed for this observational phenomenon: shadow hiding and coherent backscatter. The phase angle is defined as the angle between the observer, the observed object and the source of light. In the case of the solar system, the light source is the Sun, and the observer is generally on Earth. At zero phase angle, the Sun is directly behind the observer and the object is directly ahead, fully illuminated. As the phase angle of an object", "id": "21783497" }, { "contents": "Daytime\n\n\nthe horizon, to sunset, when the continuing rotation of the Earth causes the Sun's disc to disappear below the horizon to the west. Because the Sun is a luminous disc as seen from the Earth, rather than a point source of light, sunrise and sunset are not instantaneous and the exact definition of both can vary with context. Additionally, the Earth's atmosphere further bends and diffuses light from the Sun and lengthens the period of sunrise and sunset. For a certain period after sunset and before sunrise, indirect light", "id": "18919938" }, { "contents": "Ultraviolet\n\n\nan excimer laser. This technique does not require a synchrotron, yet can produce UV at the edge of the X-ray spectrum. Synchrotron light sources can also produce all wavelengths of UV, including those at the boundary of the UV and X-ray spectra at 10 nm. The impact of ultraviolet radiation on human health has implications for the risks and benefits of sun exposure and is also implicated in issues such as fluorescent lamps and health. Getting too much sun exposure can be harmful, but in moderation, sun exposure", "id": "13358515" }, { "contents": "Photic sneeze reflex\n\n\namount of sneezing while attempting to land could cause the pilot to lose control, potentially resulting in disaster. Uncontrollable fits of sneezing are common in patients under propofol sedation who undergo periocular or retrobulbar injection. A sneeze by a sedated patient often occurs upon insertion of a needle into or around their eye. The violent and uncontrollable movement of the head during a reflexive sneeze has potential to cause damage within the patient's eye if the needle is not removed before the sneeze occurs. There is much debate about the true cause and mechanism", "id": "18723671" }, { "contents": "Deng Zhi\n\n\ninto the hall, smiling at the heavily armed guards who glare at him. After entering the hall, he does not kneel when he pays respect to Sun Quan, who shouts at him: \"Why are you not kneeling?\" Deng Zhi confidently replies: \"An emissary of a great kingdom does not bow to the lord of a lesser state.\" An enraged Sun Quan says: \"You don't know your place. Are you trying to use that tongue of yours to convince me in the same way Li", "id": "17926114" }, { "contents": "Automatic soap dispenser\n\n\nthe infrared pulse, will simply switch the pump on. This mechanism is composed of two parts, a source of focused light (usually a laser beam) and a light sensor. When the user’s hands are placed in line of the beam of light, the pump mechanism is activated by the disruption that is sensed by the light sensor. Infrared sensors detect infrared energy that is emitted by one’s body heat. When hands are placed in the proximity of the sensor, the infrared energy quickly fluctuates. This fluctuation triggers", "id": "14553454" }, { "contents": "Twilight\n\n\nsun is 12° below the horizon in the evening and ends (astronomical dusk) when the geometric center of the sun is 18° below the horizon in the evening. In some places (away from urban light pollution, moonlight, auroras, and other sources of light), where the sky is dark enough for nearly all astronomical observations, astronomers can easily make observations of point sources such as stars both during and after astronomical twilight in the evening and both before and during astronomical twilight in the morning. However, some", "id": "3094697" } ]
Why are criminal cases in the military processed in military courts instead of public courts despite the military being funded by taxes?
[{"answer": "It's ultimately because the military has many laws that are specific to the military; sedition, mutiny, and failure to obey a lawful order being just a few of them. These aren't civilian crimes, so the military needs legal authority to prosecute these charges. In the event that a servicemember commits a typical crime, let's say getting drunk and assaulting someone, the civilian legal system will get together with the military legal system and determine in which court to prosecute (typically it will end up in the civilian court if the crime was not committed on a military installation). When the crime is committed off-base, the city/county has jurisdiction. They can then choose to hand over jurisdiction to the military, or they can maintain jurisdiction and prosecute normally."}, {"answer": "I'm not sure what your purpose is in pointing out that the military is being funded by taxes. All courts (military and civilian) are funded by taxes, too. Why would the military being tax-funded mean that they should be tried in one type of court over another?"}, {"answer": "The military is subject to a separate set of rules. The military does not follow the constitution or bill of rights pertaining to military members, but rather the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). It\u2019s a comparative document to the BoR, but it somewhat limits freedoms compared to the BoR. Example: 1st Amendment of the Constitution says you can belong to a hate group (KKK) without recourse. The UCMJ says the same thing, but, it also says you cannot be a active member or attend protests, esp in uniform. Also, it covers rules and regulations during times of war and conduct of members while fighting. The UCMJ also covers what is called Rules of Engagement (ROEs) and Law Of Armed Conflict (LOAC) during times of war. They govern your conduct, who you can and cannot engage, standard procedures during war, and the basic wartime rules (example- It\u2019s unlawful to use a .50 Cal machine gun on personal. They are anti-vehicle and material weapons, and using same against personal could make you subject to Courts Marshal action) The UCMJ also covers conduct in regards to behavior and following lawful orders of NCO\u2019s and Officers, behavior on and off duty, order and discipline, and also allows for what is called Non-Judicial Punishments (NJP) or Article 15 action. Basically instead of going to jail or getting kicked out, you loose rank, get fined, and get extra duty (at the discretion of your Commander) Also, the military does not have trials, but rather Courts Marshals. Military courts marshals are completely different in terms of prosecution and defense as the UCMJ is more in depth than the BoR. Lastly, a Courts Marshal is composed entirely of other military members. The Judge, Jury, prosecution, defense and all other officials are Active Duty or Reserve. Civilians would be completely lost as far as rules and regulations of Active Duty, as well as everyday life of active duty."}, {"answer": "Because A) the military has jurisdiction over the individual and their workspaces and B) there are a whole raft of things that are trial-worthy crimes in the military that don't merit being called a 'crime' in civilian life. A comes up a lot because military personnel can get sent all over the place, including places outside what would otherwise be the jurisdiction of the nation's civilian courts. Say for instance someone is getting deployed and commits a crime during transit in international waters. A civilian government's jurisdiction doesn't cover that, but the military has them dead to rights. B is especially important; between internal codes of procedure and international treaties, military law is effectively a field of study all on it's own. For instance, say a civilian does a no-call/no-show at their place of work, they just fail to show up one day. They're in trouble when they get back. Most likely going to be disciplined. Possibly fired. If he had a contract, there might be financial penalties. An American soldier says 'fuck it' and skives off with no warning? He's 'Absent Without Leave' and in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He's committed a crime worthy of a trial, and could be looking down the barrel of a felony conviction and a multi-year jail sentence."}, {"answer": "It all comes down to one simple fact: for the general public, killing people is a crime. For the military, it's part of the job. There's a whole lot of consequences to this, including the idea that desertion isn't just quitting your job, it could get your coworkers killed, and that refusing orders isn't just going to get you fired, it could lead to the extermination of your country... The point is that most governments have decided that the high-stakes, life-and-death nature of military service means that many of the rights and legal privileges ordinary citizens are entitled to don't work the same way in the military, so special courts are required."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "752863", "title": "United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The military justice system under the Articles of War and Articles for the Government of the Navy received significant attention during World War II and its immediate aftermath. During the war, in which over 16 million persons served in the American armed forces, the military services held over 1.7 million courts-martial. Many of these proceedings were conducted without lawyers acting as presiding officers or counsel. Studies conducted by the military departments and the civilian bar identified a variety of problems in the administration of military justice during the war, including the potential for improper command influence. By enacting the Uniform Code of Military Justice in 1948, Congress enacted significant reforms to the Articles of War, including creation of a Judicial Council of three general officers to consider cases involving", "During the war, in which over 16 million persons served in the American armed forces, the military services held over 1.7 million courts-martial. Many of these proceedings were conducted without lawyers acting as presiding officers or counsel. Studies conducted by the military departments and the civilian bar identified a variety of problems in the administration of military justice during the war, including the potential for improper command influence"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Judiciary of Israel\n\n\na criminal investigation is transferred to the Military Advocate General's Corps, which is composed of legal officers who review the evidence and decide whether to file an indictment, transfer the case to disciplinary jurisdiction, or close the case. Every defendant facing criminal charges in military court except those appearing for traffic offenses is entitled to legal representation. The Military Defense Council Division provides legal representation to soldiers facing criminal indictment. A soldier facing criminal charges in military court may choose to be represented by a private lawyer instead, but the private lawyer", "id": "7979273" }, { "contents": "Judiciary of Portugal\n\n\ninstance. The military ordinary courts would be composed of the military judges that usually serve in the criminal sections of the common Judicial courts. The extraordinary military courts are non-permanent courts created, near military forces or installations outside the national territory or national waters, only to judge specific processes, being dissolved as soon as these are decided. Each of these courts would be composed by members of the military with a higher rank than the defendants and by a person with a degree in Law (preferable a judge, if available", "id": "22083588" }, { "contents": "Military Courts of Kyrgyzstan\n\n\nThe Military Courts of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz: Кыргызстандын Аскердик соттор; Russian: Военные суды Кыргызстана) are courts that deal with criminal cases concerning military personnel. Most courts are located in military garrisons all over the country and have jurisdiction over all criminal cases about crimes committed by servicemen. There is no mention of military courts in the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan and organizations such as Crisis Group Asia argue that there has been some discussion of abolishing these courts and transferring their duties to local courts. In December 2016, President Almazbek Atambayev signed a", "id": "14966502" }, { "contents": "Politics of Northern Cyprus\n\n\nclaims. Criminal courts can impose sentences of up to 5 years imprisonment Traffic Courts. They handle all violations of traffic rules. The highest penalty they can impose are fines and community service. Administrative District Courts They handle all administrative cases including tax, probate, immigration, and citizenship issues. Family Courts. Handle all cases involving family law Labor Courts. Handle all cases involving labor law. Criminal District Courts. They handle all cases of first instance in major criminal cases, major civil cases, and juvenile. Military District Courts", "id": "13437394" }, { "contents": "Judiciary of Israel\n\n\nthe Military Advocate General, and has a system of military courts to try soldiers for criminal offenses and deal with criminal and security cases in the Israeli-occupied territories. All three of Israel's military districts, the ground, air, and maritime branches of the military, the Home Front Command, and the General Staff have military courts. There is also a special military tribunal, and field tribunals can be set up in times of war. The Military Court of Appeals is the supreme military court of Israel. It handles", "id": "7979264" }, { "contents": "Judiciary of Niger\n\n\nof Justice (HCJ) deals with cases involving senior government officials. The justice system also includes civil criminal courts, customary courts, traditional mediation, and a military court. The military court provides the same rights as civil criminal courts; however, customary courts do not. The military court cannot try civilians. Niger's independent judicial system is composed of four higher courts — the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court, the High Court of Justice and the Court of State Security — as well as lower criminal, civil", "id": "16694714" }, { "contents": "La Cantuta massacre\n\n\nbetween the military and civilian courts. The controversy was placed before the Supreme Court which, on 3 February 1994, ruled that it was unable to reach agreement on which venue should apply. Consequently, on the night of 7 February, Congress enacted a new law whereby the Supreme Court could decide such matters with a simple majority, instead of a unanimous vote. By a three-to-two vote of the Supreme Court's criminal division, the case was placed under military jurisdiction. On 21 February 1994, the Supreme", "id": "16176890" }, { "contents": "Military courts of Thailand\n\n\nThe military courts of Thailand (; ) are judicial bodies with criminal jurisdiction over members of the Royal Thai Armed Forces and sometimes also over civilians as may be assigned by law, as was the case from 25 May 2014 until 12 September 2016 following the 2014 Thai coup d'état. Unlike other courts in the judicial system of Thailand, military courts are subject to the Ministry of Defence and are operated by the military's Judge Advocate General's Department. The current procedural law governing the military courts is the \"Military Court Organisation Act 1955", "id": "20583327" }, { "contents": "Military Advocate General\n\n\nMilitary Courts. Officers in the Military Prosecution handle cases that concern offences that have occurred within the military context or have a military service nexus. In addition, they also handle cases concerning crimes that are unique to the military legal system, such as absenteeism. Responsible for defending soldiers and officers before the military tribunals, during appeals to the Military Court of Appeals, and providing representation and legal advise to members of the military while they undergo an investigation. The Military Defense specializes in the defense of soldiers in military-criminal law", "id": "3285447" }, { "contents": "Judicial system of Turkey\n\n\nwould take over. Since the entering into law of a new Criminal Procedure Code on 1 June 2005, the official name for these courts has been \"Heavy Penal Courts (competent to examine crimes under article 250 of the Criminal Procedure Code)\". Most of the cases heard in these courts concern cases of political prisoners. The Constitutional Court, the Court of Cassation, the Council of State, the Military Court of Cassation, the Supreme Military Administrative Court and the Court of Jurisdictional Conflicts are the supreme courts mentioned in the", "id": "11751968" }, { "contents": "United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals\n\n\nIn the United States military, the Army Court of Criminal Appeals (ACCA) is an appellate court that reviews certain court martial convictions of Army personnel. In the United States, Courts-martial are conducted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. §§ 801–946, and the Manual for Courts-Martial. If the trial results in a conviction, the case is reviewed by the convening authority – the person who referred the case for trial by court-martial. The convening authority has discretion to", "id": "5438910" }, { "contents": "Law of Taiwan\n\n\nJudicial Yuan. The High Courts and High Court branches exercise jurisdiction over the following cases: 1. Appeals from judgments of the District Courts or their branches as courts of the first instance in ordinary proceedings of civil and criminal cases; 2. Interlocutory appeals from rulings of the District Courts or their branches in ordinary proceedings; 3. First instance criminal cases relating to rebellion, treason, and offenses against friendly relations with foreign states; 4. Military appellate cases whose judgments are imprisonment for a definite period rendered by the High Military", "id": "4168946" }, { "contents": "Judiciary of Indonesia\n\n\nestablished in 1986 as a consequence of a law intended to ensure that people would not be treated arbitrarily by government officials or organisations. They rule in disputes involving the state officials or bodies, both at the centre and in the regions. There is one specialised court created within the system of the administrative courts - the Tax Court. These deal with cases involving members of the Armed Forces. First-instance military courts (Dilmil) consider cases regarding military personnel whose ranks are not higher than a captain. High military courts (", "id": "11121397" }, { "contents": "Joint criminal enterprise\n\n\nConcentration Camp case, decided by a United States court, and the Belsen case, decided by a British military court, both sitting in Germany. In these cases, the accused held position of authority within the hierarchy of the Nazi concentration camps and based on that were found guilty of the charges that they had acted in pursuance of a common plan to kill or mistreat prisoners. The Essen lynching case, conducted before a British military court, demonstrates the closest link to the joint criminal enterprise doctrine. In that case three British", "id": "5337932" }, { "contents": "Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals\n\n\nThe Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals (CGCCA) is the intermediate appellate court for criminal convictions in the U.S. Coast Guard. It is located in Washington, DC. The Court was established under Article 66, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), by the Judge Advocate General of the Coast Guard. The Court is normally composed of five appellate military judges, organized in panels of three for consideration of referred cases. All but the Chief Judge have other primary duties, so that their service on the Court constitutes a", "id": "2251755" }, { "contents": "Courts of England and Wales\n\n\nJudicial Committee of the Privy Council. Military courts of the United Kingdom include There are two kinds of criminal trial: 'summary' and 'on indictment'. For an adult, summary trials take place in a magistrates' court, while trials on indictment take place in the Crown Court. Despite the possibility of two venues for trial, almost all criminal cases, however serious, commence in a magistrates' courts. It is possible to start a trial for an indictable offence by a voluntary bill of indictment, and go", "id": "10476040" }, { "contents": "German military law\n\n\nNazi courts martial were not abolished by the Allied Control Council until 20 August 1946. In 2002 and 2009 the German Bundestag parliament has finally passed bills to suspend the verdicts against Wehrmacht for desertion and homosexual activity as well as against \"war traitors\". Since 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany has no special military courts. Criminal acts committed by soldiers are tried in ordinary criminal courts by civilian judges. Article 96 paragraph 2 of German Basic Law (\"Grundgesetz\") allows the government to create specialised military courts in case", "id": "15057641" }, { "contents": "Courts-martial of the United States\n\n\nfull protection of the rights of individuals subject to the UCMJ without unduly interfering with either military discipline or the exercise of military functions. This would mean a \"complete repudiation of a system of military justice conceived of only as an instrument of command,\" but would also negate \"a system designed to be administered as the criminal law is administered in a civilian criminal court.\" The result was the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)—a code that afforded a measure of due process to service members, while retaining command control over", "id": "6970549" }, { "contents": "Niger\n\n\n1999. It is based on the Code Napoleon \"\"Inquisitorial system\"\", established in Niger during French colonial rule and the 1960 Constitution of Niger. The Court of Appeals reviews questions of fact and law, while the Supreme Court reviews application of the law and constitutional questions. The High Court of Justice (HCJ) deals with cases involving senior government officials. The justice system also includes civil criminal courts, customary courts, traditional mediation, and a military court. The military court provides the same rights as civil criminal", "id": "1645519" }, { "contents": "Hamdan v. Rumsfeld\n\n\nacting pursuant to his authority as Commander-in-Chief. In a seven page dissent, Alito sided with Thomas and Scalia's explanation of why they believe the courts had no jurisdiction for this case. He explained why he believed the military commission in this case was legal. Alito disagreed with the holding of the Court which found that military commissions did not meet the definition of \"a regularly constituted court\" as required in Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. Alito argued that Common Article 3 was satisfied in \"Hamdan", "id": "1643002" }, { "contents": "Law of the People's Republic of China\n\n\nto sum up judicial experience and to discuss important or difficult cases and other issues relating to the judicial works. Other special courts include military courts, maritime courts and railway courts. The military court, established within the People's Liberation Army, is the relatively closed adjudication institution in charge of hearing criminal cases involving servicemen. The maritime courts are located at the major sea and river port cities. They have jurisdiction over maritime cases and maritime trade cases of first instance. It ranks equivalent to an intermediate court in the judiciary hierarchy", "id": "3905592" }, { "contents": "Sexual orientation and gender identity in the South Korean military\n\n\nfor constitutional review. While the case was under constitutional judgment, a revision was made to a corresponding clause in which the maximum imprisonment for homosexual acts was changed from a year to two years. In 2011, the Constitutional Court of Korea eventually ruled that Article 92-6 is constitutional. The court upheld its previous rulings in 2002 and 2008 and stated that the punishment was to maintain order in the military and that criminal law and military criminal law are to be differentiated where the latter's purpose was for military discipline and national", "id": "15751079" }, { "contents": "Law of Azerbaijan\n\n\nAzerbaijan and ensured its independence from other branches of power. At present, there are district (city) courts acts as the first degree of jurisdictional courts, military courts and local administrative-economic courts as territorial jurisdictional courts, also Court of Azerbaijan Republic on Felonies and Court of Azerbaijan on Grave Military Crimes. The Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic is cassation degree of jurisdiction and consists of 4 chambers - Civil Chamber, Criminal Chamber, Military Chamber and Administrative-Economic Chamber. Court hearings are public, and defendants are free to", "id": "3244615" }, { "contents": "Judge Advocate General's Corps (United States)\n\n\n. Each military service and the Coast Guard has a Court of Criminal Appeals, which is composed of panels of three appellate military judges: These courts review all cases in which the approved sentence includes death, a punitive discharge, or confinement for at least a year, and all cases referred to it by the service Judge Advocate General. The court of criminal appeals \"may affirm only such findings of guilty and the sentence or such part of the sentence, as it finds correct in law and fact and determines, on the", "id": "5338794" }, { "contents": "Criminal law in the Taney Court\n\n\n. In \"Ex parte Vallandigham\" (1863), the Court held that it had no original habeas jurisdiction to review the judgements of military commissions; because the military courts were not one of the courts authorized to consider habeas petitions by § 14 of the Judiciary Act of 1789, any such jurisdiction would be constitutionally original rather than appellate, and thus unconstitutional. The Marshall Court heard thirty-one criminal cases under the certificate of division procedure authorized by § 6 of the Judiciary Act of 1802. However, the Court had", "id": "1141932" }, { "contents": "Courts-martial of Canada\n\n\nCourts-martial in Canada are trials conducted by the Canadian Armed Forces. The Chief Military Judge is Colonel Mario Dutil. Such courts martial are authorized under the National Defence Act. Civilians with a military unit also become subject to the courts-martial system. Most commonly, courts-martial are convened to try members of the Canadian military for criminal violations of the Code of Service Discipline, which is the Canadian military's criminal code. The constitutionality of military courts-martial was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada in R", "id": "18548800" }, { "contents": "Equal Justice for United States Military Personnel legislation\n\n\n. On October 6, 2008, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a report entitled \"Supreme Court Appellate Jurisdiction Over Military Court Cases.\" The CRS report noted that under existing law the CAAF \"functions as a gatekeeper for military appellants' access to Supreme Court review.\" The report further noted that \"if the CAAF denies an appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court will typically lack the authority to review the decision. In contrast, criminal appellants in Article III courts have an automatic right of appeal to federal courts", "id": "9014995" }, { "contents": "Military tribunals in the United States\n\n\nin military custody, and are accused of a violation of the laws of war. In contrast, courts-martial generally take jurisdiction over only members of their own military. A military tribunal or commission may still use the rules and procedures of a court-martial, although that is not generally the case. Military tribunals also, generally speaking, do not assert jurisdiction over people who are acknowledged to be civilians who are alleged to have broken civil or criminal laws. However, military tribunals are sometimes used to try individuals not", "id": "16026790" }, { "contents": "Judicial system of Finland\n\n\none of its previous verdicts. The service-related criminal cases against military persons serving in the Finnish Defence Forces or the Finnish Border Guard are handled by the civilian courts with some modifications to the usual procedure. The usual forum for the proceedings is the local district court, with a civilian District Judge as a chairperson and two military persons as other members. One of the military members is a commissioned officer and the other belongs to some other personnel group of the military. Both are appointed on a permanent basis by the court", "id": "15845007" }, { "contents": "Military discharge\n\n\nmilitary appellate court for each respective branch. These are the Army Court of Criminal Appeals (ACCA), Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals (AFCCA), Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals (NMCCCA), and the Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals (CGCCA). These courts are staffed by appellate military judges and function as an intermediate appellate court and have the power to review de novo both any questions of legal error and the factual basis of the conviction. If either the government or the accused is dissatisfied", "id": "15691989" }, { "contents": "Courts-martial of the United States\n\n\nCourts-martial of the United States are trials conducted by the U.S. military or by state militaries. Most commonly, courts-martial are convened to try members of the U.S. military for criminal violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the U.S. military's criminal code. However, they can also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the enforcement of martial law in an occupied territory. Federal courts-martial are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence laid out in the Manual", "id": "6970539" }, { "contents": "Judiciary of Portugal\n\n\nthis order of courts was the Supreme Military Court (\"Supremo Tribunal Militar\") in Lisbon. As lower instance courts of military justice, several territorial military courts and the Naval Military Court also existed. With the approval of the new Portuguese Code of Military Justice on 15 November 2003, the permanent military courts were disbanded, ceasing to exist during the time of peace. In time of peace, the military crimes or the crimes committed by military personnel are now judged in the criminal sections of the common Judicial courts. For", "id": "22083586" }, { "contents": "Court-martial\n\n\nwill have an officer member with at least a major's rank. The Supreme Court of Finland has, in military cases, two general officers as members. Courts-martial proper are instituted only during a war, by the decree of the government. Such courts-martial have jurisdiction over all crimes committed by military persons. In addition, they may handle criminal cases against civilians in areas where ordinary courts have ceased operation, if the matter is urgent. Such courts-martial have a learned judge as a president and two", "id": "13520881" }, { "contents": "Blasphemy law in Egypt\n\n\n\". The card is necessary for most services including banking, schooling, and medical treatment. Egypt has three levels of ordinary criminal courts: the primary, the appeals court, and the Court of Cassation. Besides the ordinary criminal court, Egypt has an Emergency State Security Court to hear cases about national security, and military tribunals to conduct hearings about terrorism and national security as well as military matters. Since 1981, Egypt has had an Emergency Law, which is renewable every two years. In May 2010, the Egyptian", "id": "18600755" }, { "contents": "National Diet\n\n\nMinister of Japan at that time was General Yamagata Aritomo, who entered into a confrontation with the legislative body over military funding. During this time, there were many critics of the army who derided the Meiji slogan of \"rich country, strong military\" as in effect producing a poor county (albeit with a strong military). They advocated for infrastructure projects and lower taxes instead and felt their interests were not being served by high levels of military spending. As a result of these early conflicts, public opinion of politicians was", "id": "3009373" }, { "contents": "Ellen Marx (human rights activist)\n\n\nwho promised to help. Helmut Kohl, who had taken over as chancellor in 1982, expressed solidarity. Ellen Marx was keen to press criminal charges against the Argentine military. The civil rights lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck, who took on the case in the German courts, launched a case in 1999 on behalf of German-born victims of the military dictatorship in the Berlin district court, and later at the Nuremberg district high court. In the case of Nora Marx, however, the court decided it had no competence to hear the", "id": "17369948" }, { "contents": "Argentine law\n\n\nthe lower courts are appointed by the president. Provincial courts include supreme courts, appellate courts, courts of first instance, and minor courts of justices of the peace (alcaldes) and of market judges. Members of provincial courts are appointed by the provincial governors. Trial by jury was authorized by the 1853 constitution for criminal cases, but its establishment was left to the discretion of congress, resulting in sporadic use. A 1991 law provides a fund for compensating prisoners who were illegally detained during the 1976–83 military dictatorship. In 1992", "id": "9713387" }, { "contents": "Military justice\n\n\nOn the other hand, handing out unofficial punishments is discouraged in the extreme. The number of military crimes is yearly somewhat above 4,000. An absolute majority of these are handled by summary measures, i.e. by a punishments given by the military superiors. Only some 250 military crimes in a year end up for handling in district courts. The number of appeals is vanishingly small. In year 2014, courts of appeals handled only a total of 5 military criminal cases. Members of any branch of the Bundeswehr, the German armed forces", "id": "18283359" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Argentina\n\n\nfor infractions of military rules. Trials are public, and defendants have the right to legal counsel and to call defense witnesses in the federal and some provincial courts that have an accusatory system of criminal justice. If needed, a public defender is provided at public expense when defendants face serious criminal charges. During the investigative stage, defendants can submit questions in writing to the investigating judge. A panel of judges decides guilt or innocence. Federal and provincial courts continued the transition to trials with oral arguments in criminal cases, replacing the", "id": "8530529" }, { "contents": "Judicial system of Turkey\n\n\nLaw 353 on the Foundation and Criminal Procedures at Military Courts of October 1963 (revised in October 2006). The military court system consists of Military Courts have jurisdiction to try military personnel for military offenses, for offenses committed by them against other military personnel or crimes committed in military places, or for offenses connected with military service and duties. Under martial law military courts are competent to try all offences that led to the announcement of martial law. Article 14 of Law 353 describes the offences to be tried at military courts in", "id": "11751976" }, { "contents": "United States Coast Guard Legal Division\n\n\n, procurement law, internal organizational law, regulations and administrative law, legislative support and legal assistance. The Coast Guard is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Coast Guard judge advocates serve as defense counsel and prosecutors for military courts-martial and as military judges at the trial and appellate level. Judge advocates assigned as appellate counsel (both for the government and defense) brief and argue cases before the Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals, the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, and the Supreme Court", "id": "20694102" }, { "contents": "Bolivia–United States relations\n\n\nIn 1998, the Joint Task Force (JTF), a combined unit of police and military, stationed members in the Chapare region. In 2001, the paramilitary Expeditionary Task Force (ETF) was created with funding from the US embassy. Although ETF troops were civilians, the commanding officers were Bolivian military officials. The use of security forces and the failure of government to negotiate and/or keep agreements with coca growers resulted in human rights abuses. Instead of being tried in civilian court under Bolivian constitutional law, human rights abuse cases", "id": "3953539" }, { "contents": "Judge Advocate General's Corps\n\n\napplies to the panel of military officers selected to serve as the finders of fact or \"jury\". In other words, they fulfil the role of a civilian jury in trying criminal cases. The Uniform Code of Military Justice outlines three distinct types of courts-martial. The Uniform Code of Military Justice provides for several tiers of appeal. All cases are reviewed by the commander convening the court (the convening authority) who, as a matter of command prerogative, may approve, disapprove, or modify the findings and/or sentence", "id": "13332518" }, { "contents": "United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces\n\n\nits courthouse in Washington, D.C. On occasion, as part of the court's judicial outreach program, the Court will hold arguments at law schools, military bases, and other public facilities. This practice, known as Project Outreach, was developed principally by Chief Judge Robinson O. Everett as part of a public awareness program to demonstrate the operation of a federal court of appeals and the military criminal justice system. Everett presided over an expansion of the Court's public-facing role during his association with the Court, including taking live", "id": "288896" }, { "contents": "Judicial system of Turkey\n\n\nthe US State Department on March 6, 2007) it was stated: The judicial system is composed of general law courts; specialized heavy penal courts; military courts; the Constitutional Court, the nation's highest court; and three other high courts. The Court of Cassation hears appeals for criminal cases, the council of state hears appeals of administrative cases or cases between government entities, and the audit court audits state institutions. Most cases were prosecuted in the general law courts, which include civil, administrative, and criminal courts", "id": "11751961" }, { "contents": "Public Prosecutor's Office (Brazil)\n\n\nThe Prosecutor General (Procurador Geral da República) heads the federal body and brings cases before the Supreme Federal Court, which handles final judicial reviews and criminal offenses committed by federal legislators, members of the cabinet, and the President of Brazil. At the state level, the body usually has three divisions: deputy state prosecutors ('); state prosecutors before the lower courts ('); and appellate state prosecutors ('). There are also military prosecutors (Promotores Militares) whose duties are related to State Military Police", "id": "2174351" }, { "contents": "Bosnian genocide\n\n\nmeant that they had funded, equipped and assisted in the coordination and the planning of military operations. Had the International Court of Justice accepted this finding of the Tribunal, Serbia would have been found guilty of complicity in the Srebrenica genocide. Instead it concluded that the Appeals Chamber in the Tadic case \"did not attempt to determine the responsibility of a state but individual criminal responsibility\". Paradoxical as it may be, the outcome of this legal suit filed back in March 1993 arrived too early for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Radovan Karadžić", "id": "7161690" }, { "contents": "Supreme Court of Spain\n\n\nissues related to the public administrations (administrative law). In 1870 the number of magistrates grow again to 33 distributed in four chambers; one for civil cases, two for criminal cases and one for administrative cases. Between 1875 and 1904 the administrative jurisdiction was transferred to the Council of State. In 1931, the Republic divided the Court in six chambers: First Chamber for Civil Law, Second Chamber of Criminal Law, Third and Fourth Chambers for Administrative Law, Fifth Chamber for Laboral Law and Sixth Chamber for Military Law,", "id": "7626493" }, { "contents": "British Supreme Court for China\n\n\nhave criminal jurisdiction over persons subject to military law in the British and Indian military forces, while on active service, except if the commander of the forces consented to the court having jurisdiction. The court tried cases of all descriptions, all the time applying English law in China, Japan and Korea, including murder trials before juries, divorce cases, commercial disputes, trademark and passing off claims, habeas corpus applications and cases of petty theft. Some of its cases have been posted online by Macquarie University. Official case reports can", "id": "17124835" }, { "contents": "Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals\n\n\nThe Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals (NMCCA) is the intermediate appellate court for criminal convictions in the United States Navy and the Marine Corps. Courts-martial are conducted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (Title 10 of the United States Code §§ 801-946), and the Manual for Courts-Martial. If the trial results in a conviction, the case is reviewed by the convening authority (the person who referred the case for trial by court-martial). The convening authority has", "id": "5378079" }, { "contents": "Civil–military relations during the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan government\n\n\nPublic Financial Management and Control in 2003. Though there are still difficulties in implementing these amendments, the change established a new base for full parliamentary oversight of defense expenditures. In addition, it was under the government of the AK Party that the military’s budget became smaller than the education budget. In 2006, an amendment made to the Military Criminal Code prevented military courts from trying civilians in peacetime unless military personnel and civilians commit a crime together. That was followed by legislation in 2009 that allowed civilian courts to try military personnel", "id": "13471155" }, { "contents": "United States Court of Military Commission Review\n\n\nHamdan, like 570 other Guantanamo captives had merely been confirmed to be \"enemy combatants\". The Court of Military Commission Review ruled that Presiding Officers were, themselves, authorized to rule whether suspects were \"illegal enemy combatant\". To be eligible for a seat on the Court of Military Commissions Review, candidates must currently be serving as a judge on either the Army Court of Criminal Appeals, the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals, the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals, or be nominated by the President of", "id": "22184780" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Israel\n\n\nrequirements are generally respected. The system is adversarial and cases are decided by professional judges. Indigent defendants receive mandatory representation. Some areas of the country fall under the separate judicial jurisdiction of military courts. These courts are believed to be in alignment with Israel's other criminal courts on matters pertaining to civilians. Convictions in these courts cannot be based on confession alone. US Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan said, in 1987, that despite the difficulties in safeguarding civil liberties during times of security crises, \"it may well", "id": "20773770" }, { "contents": "Judge Advocate General's Corps (United States)\n\n\nWhen a violation of a federal or state law occurs, the matter may be handled by local state or federal authorities. The forum through which criminal cases are tried in the United States' armed forces is the court-martial. This term also applies to the panel of military officers selected to serve as the finders of fact or \"jury\". (In other words, they fulfil the role of a civilian jury in trying criminal cases.) The Uniform Code of Military Justice outlines three distinct types of courts martial.", "id": "5338792" }, { "contents": "Uniform Code of Military Justice\n\n\nauthority, includes death, a bad conduct discharge, a dishonorable discharge, dismissal of an officer, or confinement for one year or more, the case is reviewed by an intermediate court. There are four such courts – the Army Court of Criminal Appeals, the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals, the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals, and the Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals. After review by any of these intermediate courts, the next level of appeal is the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed", "id": "15955673" }, { "contents": "Religious Freedom Restoration Act\n\n\nruled that she was not exempt. The Court stated that \"while petitioner's religious beliefs are substantially burdened by payment of taxes that fund military expenditures, the Supreme Court has established that uniform, mandatory participation in the Federal income tax system, irrespective of religious belief, is a compelling governmental interest.\" In the case of \"Miller v. Commissioner\", the taxpayers objected to the use of social security numbers, arguing that such numbers related to the \"mark of the beast\" from the Bible. In its decision,", "id": "19079182" }, { "contents": "Royal Bhutan Police\n\n\nto be a prison or reformative training centre. Prisoners themselves are categorized as \"civil prisoners,\" criminal prisoners, prisoners charged under the National Security Act, and military personnel convicted in military court. Detainees are classed as those under criminal investigation, detainees under trial, and other detainees \"as directed by court for civil cases.\" Populations of civil, criminal, and political prisoners are to be separated from each other while inside. Prisoners may wear their own clothing, subject to a dress code, and may even raise", "id": "10222630" }, { "contents": "Judiciary of Azerbaijan\n\n\neconomic disputes, criminal cases and administrative violations. Court of Appeal consists of the Plenary Board, civil panel, administrative-economic panel, criminal panel and military panel. Panels of judges are created at the Boards of the Court of Appeal to deal with the cases. Court of Appeal consists of the President of the court, vice-President, Presidents of the Boards and judges of the chambers. Number of judges of the Court of Appeal is determined by the Judicial-Legal Council. Plenary Board of the Court of Appeal", "id": "1514068" }, { "contents": "Hawaii Prosecuting Attorney Office, Criminal Investigations Unit\n\n\ninvestigations of the most complex, confidential, and diverse criminal cases being considered and/or readied for court action and prosecution; obtains additional information, evidence, and facts to clarify or substantiate findings of law enforcement agencies; secures, interviews, and interrogates witnesses complainants, and suspects; conducts highly confidential investigations for the Attorney General's Office; special career criminal suppression investigations; arrest subjects, processes and serves legal papers; conduct warrant investigations and extraditions; coordinates investigations and works closely with the Hawai‘i Police Department, military, and federal law", "id": "14206223" }, { "contents": "Dreyfus affair\n\n\naware of the arrest after being called urgently to Paris. He became the architect of the arduous fight for the liberation of his brother. Without hesitation, he began looking for a lawyer, and retained the distinguished criminal lawyer Edgar Demange. On 3 November 1894 General Saussier, the Military governor of Paris, reluctantly gave the order for an enquiry. He had the power to stop the process but did not, perhaps because of an exaggerated confidence in military justice. Major Besson d'Ormescheville, the recorder for the Military Court, wrote", "id": "18071967" }, { "contents": "Robert H. Scales\n\n\ncase, describing Scales' words as a call to the U.S. political and military leadership and the American citizens to \"conduct military operations on the Ukrainian territory and to kill Russian citizens, as well as Russian-speaking people\". The case was launched under the article of Russia's Criminal Code that prohibits \"public calls to unleash an aggressive warfare, made with the use of media outlets\". If arrested and convicted by a Russian court, Scales could theoretically be faced up to five years in prison. Scales is the", "id": "19207849" }, { "contents": "Judge Advocate General's Corps (United States)\n\n\nmilitary services in which the court of criminal appeals has affirmed a death sentence, cases the Judge Advocates General order sent to the court, and cases appealed from the court of criminal appeals by the accused in which the CAAF finds good cause to grant the petition for review. Unlike the service courts of criminal appeals, the CAAF \"shall take action only with respect to matters of law.\" Article 67(c), UCMJ. Decisions of the CAAF are \"subject to review by the Supreme Court by writ of certiorari.\"", "id": "5338796" }, { "contents": "United States and the International Criminal Court\n\n\nMarch 2006, Condoleezza Rice said that blocking military aid to those seeking to fight terrorism is \"sort of the same as shooting ourselves in the foot\". Mali, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Kenya publicly rejected signing BIAs in 2003, and subsequently saw their development aid funding cut by more than 89 million dollars. According to the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, as of 2006, 52 countries had \"rejected U.S. efforts to sign bilateral immunity agreements (BIAs), despite unrelenting U.S. pressure and the threat", "id": "19799412" }, { "contents": "United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals\n\n\nadverse trial rulings by the military judge. Congress also expanded the authority of The Judge Advocate General under UCMJ Article 69(a) to refer to the court records of trial other than those automatically reviewed by that Court under Article 66. In 1994, the U.S. Army Court of Military Review was renamed the U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals. This coincided with the renaming of the U.S. Court of Military Appeals to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF). More recently, The Judge Advocate General, by regulation,", "id": "5438915" }, { "contents": "Law enforcement in Turkey\n\n\n. The \"Askeri İnzibat\" military police is a small force that is under military command that handles cases directly relevant to military security and military crimes. Their area of jurisdiction is generally limited to military bases. But they also track down military criminals (draft dodgers and deserters). Some of the other duties they perform are, protection and VIP detail provided to important bases or commanders, control of traffic inside the bases and providing security in military courts. They can be identified using the very obvious “AS. İZ.", "id": "12363908" }, { "contents": "Duke Kahanamoku\n\n\n, Kahanamoku was the \"pro forma\" defendant in the landmark Supreme Court case \"Duncan v. Kahanamoku\". While Kahanamoku was a military police officer during World War II, he arrested Duncan, a civilian shipfitter, for public intoxication. At the time, Hawaii, not yet a state, was being administered under the Hawaiian Organic Act which effectively instituted martial law on the island. Duncan was therefore tried by a military tribunal and appealed to the Supreme Court. In a \"post hoc\" ruling, the court ruled that", "id": "9097203" }, { "contents": "Ibrahim Hananu\n\n\nFrench military criminal court on charges of criminal acts, and the first sessions was on 15 March 1922 . One of the best lawyers at that time, Fathallah Saqqal defended Hananu, advocated for Hananu's innocence, and argued that Hananu was a political opponent not a criminal. When the head of the military council asked Hananu, \"the Syrian people didn't ask you for a revolution, why you are doing that?\" Saadallah al-Jabiri stood up and said \"We asked him to fight you, and we will", "id": "21960901" }, { "contents": "Judicial system of Turkey\n\n\nMilitary High Court of Administration or the Supreme Military Administrative Court (\"Askeri Yüksek İdare Mahkemesi\") has jurisdiction over military personnel in administrative cases or active military service. Its organization is similar to that of the Military Court of Cassation. Note that military courts and civilian courts do not act as subordinates to each other. They are independent from each other and should be immune to political influence. Also note that military courts are exceptional and are only available in military restricted areas. The Court of Jurisdictional Conflicts (\"uyuşmazlık mahkemesi", "id": "11751979" }, { "contents": "Mian Saqib Nisar\n\n\nCourt by then-President Rafiq Tarrar. As a judge in Lahore High Court, he heard and passed judgements on many important cases involving the resolution of disputes on the civil matters, commercial banking disputes, and tax evasions/avoidances. In 2000, Nisar was among one of those judges at the Lahore High Court, who when given chance to either resign or accept military provisional constitutional order enacted by Military Dictator General Musharraf, took the oath under the new provisional constitutional order and was continue to allow hearing cases at the Lahore", "id": "11216775" }, { "contents": "Courts of South Africa\n\n\nAfrican Revenue Service over tax assessments. Members of the South African National Defence Force are subject to the Military Discipline Code and the jurisdiction of the military courts. Minor military offences are dealt with in a disciplinary hearing by the commanding officer, who may impose penalties like fines, confinement to barracks, or extra duty. For serious offences, SANDF members are tried in a Court of a Military Judge or a Court of a Senior Military Judge. These courts consist of a legally trained officer as judge and two officers or warrant officers", "id": "3452925" }, { "contents": "Walter T. Cox III\n\n\nMilitary Justice to review the courts-martial system. It recommended requiring at least 12 people on a military jury in a case where the death sentence was a possibility and that in capital cases judges give an anti-discrimination instruction to the jury. It also recommended an examination of the military's rape and sodomy codes. In 2009, he chaired a second commission, a group of eight that made seven recommendations largely addressing the courts-martial and appeals process, as well as advocating the repeal of Article 125 of the Uniform", "id": "3947015" }, { "contents": "Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada\n\n\nThe Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada (CMAC) () hears appeals from Courts-martial of Canada (\"courts martial\"). In Canada, courts martial are presided over by independent military judges from the office of the Chief Military Judge. They have the jurisdiction to try military personnel, and those civilian personnel that accompany military personnel abroad, for crimes that contravene the Code of Service Discipline and the National Defence Act; which incorporates many of the offences under the Criminal Code and related statutes. The CMAC was established", "id": "6192670" }, { "contents": "Guillermo de Vega\n\n\nmurder on June 30, 1976 following trial by a military commission. Arceo was imprisoned and given the death penalty. After former President Marcos was replaced by former President Corazon C. Aquino in 1986, the Supreme Court invalidated all decisions rendered by military tribunals against civilians, and the criminal case was retried by the civil courts. The murder case against Arceo was filed before the Regional Trial Court of Manila, which ruled in 1990 that Arceo was guilty of the lesser crime of homicide. He was ordered released from jail since he had", "id": "878862" }, { "contents": "Human trafficking in Myanmar\n\n\n, the military of Myanmar reported that it dismissed a captain from the military via court martial and sentenced him to one year of imprisonment in a civilian jail for child soldier recruitment – the first ever criminal conviction of a military official involved in child soldier recruitment. In the same case, an additional two privates were sentenced to three months' and one-month military imprisonment, respectively. Myanmar law enforcement officials generally were not able to investigate or prosecute cases of military-perpetrated forced labor or child soldier recruitment absent assent from high", "id": "4489153" }, { "contents": "Constitution of Italy\n\n\nare always allowed against sentences affecting personal freedoms pronounced by ordinary and special courts, except possibly in cases of sentences by military tribunals in time of war. Appeals to the Court of Cassation against decisions of the Council of State and the Court of Accounts are permitted only for reasons of jurisdiction. The public prosecutor has the obligation to institute criminal proceedings. The judicial safeguarding of rights and legitimate interests before the bodies of ordinary or administrative justice is always permitted against acts of the public administration. Such judicial protection cannot be excluded or", "id": "1845818" }, { "contents": "Military justice\n\n\nunsuitable for state employment. If the military person is no longer in service, the summary disciplinary procedure cannot be used and the military has no longer any law enforcement power over the issue. In such cases, the former service member is investigated by the civilian police but the case is handled by a court with military members. In sentencing, disciplinary punishments cannot be used. Instead if a disciplinary punishment, an ordinary day-fine is sentenced. Typically, this is the case when a reservist is absent from an", "id": "18283354" }, { "contents": "Operation Zarb-e-Azb\n\n\nkilled, 2,193 arrested. IBOs continue. 488 officers and men of Pakistan Army, Frontier Corps KPK, Baluchistan, Rangers Sindh were killed and 1,914 injured in Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Total 11 military courts. 142 cases referred to military courts. 55 cases decided, 87 cases in process. 31 terrorists convicted. In July, the Pakistan Army Chief, General Raheel Sharif visited the military's forward-most positions near the Afghan border in North Waziristan He was briefed about the progress and future plans for Operation Zarb", "id": "5695286" }, { "contents": "Judge Advocate General's Corps\n\n\nThe Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) consists of five civilian judges appointed by the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, to 15-year terms. The CAAF must review cases from all of the military services in which the court of criminal appeals has affirmed a death sentence, cases the Judge Advocates General order sent to the court, and cases appealed from the court of criminal appeals by the accused in which the CAAF finds good cause to grant the petition for review.", "id": "13332521" }, { "contents": "Law of Cyprus\n\n\nhaving jurisdiction over claims that extend beyond five hundred thousand euros. In the Criminal Division, the District Courts may only hear cases in which the offence carries a maximum penalty of five years of imprisonment. Nevertheless, the Attorney General, as the Prosecutor of the Republic, has the discretion to file any type of criminal case either before the District Court or the Assize Court. Should the Attorney General choose to file the case at the District Court instead of the Assize Court, despite it being for an offence which normally carries a", "id": "19131984" }, { "contents": "Bailiwick of Guernsey\n\n\nGuernsey is the Lieutenant Governor of the Bailiwick of Guernsey and, being the personal representative of the British monarch, has usually had a distinguished military service. Originally the local courts in Guernsey were \"\"fiefs\"\" with the lord of the manor presiding. Before 1066, a superior court was introduced above the \"fiefs\" and below the \"Eschequier\" Court in Rouen and comprised the Bailiff and four Knights; the court heard appeals and tried criminal cases. Otton de Grandson, then the Governor of the Islands, delegated", "id": "9199369" }, { "contents": "Nawaz Sharif\n\n\n\". In a speedy trial, the military court convicted Sharif and gave him a life sentence. Reports surfaced that Sharif had nearly been sentenced to execution. His leading defence lawyer, Iqbal Raad, was gunned down in Karachi in mid-March. Sharif's defence team blamed the military for providing inadequate protection. The military court proceedings were widely accused of being a show trial. Sharif was also tried for tax evasion on the purchase of a helicopter worth US$1 million. The Lahore High Court agreed to acquit him if", "id": "8332507" }, { "contents": "Conscientious objection to military taxation\n\n\nobjectors to pay their taxes to UNICEF instead of to the U.S. Treasury. In the United States, legislation establishing a \"Peace Tax Fund\" has been proposed in Congress since 1972. , the current proposal is called the \"Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act\". Similar legislation is being considered in many other countries, and an international campaign to encourage such laws began in 1975, but no country recognizes a legal right for a taxpayer to direct his or her taxes for only non-military purposes. A legislative bill was", "id": "5128073" }, { "contents": "Lithuanian Military Police\n\n\nprocedures, rights and responsibilities of military policemen and relationship with other law enforcement institutions. Functions of Military Police include: Keeping with procedures outlined in legislation Military Police carries out search of soldiers suspected or accused in crimes and violations of other legal acts, deserted or missing soldiers as well as pretrial investigations in cases that are in the competence of Military Police under the legislation on penal process, in cases stipulated in legislation, carries out the orders of interrogators, prosecutors, judges and courts. Military Police maintains military discipline and order by", "id": "20180222" }, { "contents": "International Federation for Human Rights\n\n\nin the world'. A complaint—with FIDH and 3 other NGOs as civil parties—was lodged against the French and Spanish military for failing to 'assist people in danger'. FIDH seeks to strengthen independent judicial systems and supports transitional justice processes that respect victims’ rights. When recourse to national remedies is ineffective or impossible, FIDH helps victims to either access courts in other countries through extraterritorial jurisdiction, or to bring their cases to the International Criminal Court (ICC) or regional human rights courts. FIDH participates in", "id": "6102759" }, { "contents": "Szlachta\n\n\nnobility, in exchange for their agreement that in the absence of Casimir's having male heirs, the throne would pass to his nephew, Louis I of Hungary. He further decreed that the nobility would no longer be subject to 'extraordinary' taxes, or use their own funds for military expeditions abroad. He also promised that when the royal court was on tour, the king and the court would cover all expenses, instead of using the facilities provided by the local nobility. In 1374 King Louis of Hungary approved the Privilege", "id": "9508596" }, { "contents": "Law enforcement in Syria\n\n\nthen tried in court, where a judge renders a verdict. Although the prison code provides for prompt access to family members, human rights organizations and families reported inconsistent application of the code, with some families waiting as long as a year to see relatives. Civil and criminal defendants had the right to bail hearings and possible release from detention on their own recognizance. Military courts have authority over cases involving soldiers or members of other military or police branches. If the charge against a soldier or member of the military or police branch", "id": "19058739" }, { "contents": "Israeli Military Order\n\n\nthe local population (in Jerusalem), and therefore should help meet the local demand for electricity for the Palestinians and Jewish settlers, specifically in the settlement of Kiryat Arba alike. However, the Supreme Court also validated the military’s prohibition of the “Al-Talia,” an Arab-centric weekly newspaper. More significantly, the Supreme Court ruled that the military commander had the right to impose a “value tax” needed to obtain resources in order to fulfill the ‘public order and safety’ clause of Article 43", "id": "15938790" }, { "contents": "Law of Taiwan\n\n\nthe minimum punishment is not less than three years of imprisonment or the accused is financially unable to retain a lawyer, the court offers public defenders to protect the rights and interests of the accused. Criminal proceedings may not be initiated and punishment may not be imposed other than in conformity with the procedure specified in this Code or in other laws. Crimes committed by military personnel in active service, except those military offenses subject to court-martial, shall be prosecuted and punished in accordance with this Code. Where the criminal proceedings of", "id": "4169002" }, { "contents": "Judicial system of Iran\n\n\nIslamic law. The Revolutionary Courts became a part of this court system, ruling in matters of \"national security\" such as drug trafficking and political and \"anti-revolutionary\" crimes, and were considered the \"judicial arm of the regime\". In 1982, in response to military coup threats, a separate \"Military Revolutionary Court\" was formed, handling military cases. The Retribution Law (\"Qisas\") of 1982 replaced sections of the Public Punishment Law (1924). The 1979 Constitution of the Islamic Republic", "id": "20748729" }, { "contents": "Habeas Corpus Suspension Act (1863)\n\n\na suit against a civilian or military official in any state court, or if state prosecutors went after them, the official could request that the trial instead take place in the (friendlier) federal court system. Moreover, if the official won the case, they could collect double in damages from the plaintiff. Any case could be appealed to the United States Supreme Court on a writ of error. Any suits to be brought against civilian or military officials had to be brought within two years of the arrest or the passage of", "id": "19000750" }, { "contents": "State Security Court\n\n\nThe State Security Court is a judicial institution in Jordan. It deals with cases regarding state security, but also with drug offences and other types of cases. The defendants in the court can be both military personnel as well as civilians. The Court has faced criticism for lack of independence from the executive, unfair trials, and civilians being defendants in a militarized court. The State Security Court was derived from earlier military courts from the time when Jordan was under martial law. In September 2011 King Abdullah II of Jordan limited the", "id": "15202117" }, { "contents": "Mass atrocity crimes\n\n\nthe Rome Statute, as this puts a country within the jurisdiction of the Court. However, if the perpetrator is tried at a National level court, the ICC does not handle the case. Prior to the publication of the Rome Statute and the formation of the International Criminal Court, violators of the different Atrocity Crimes would be brought to justice through international tribunal, Nuremberg was the first such example of these tribunals. Held as an International Military Tribunal (IMT) for the Nazis, Nuremberg became the first ever trial in which", "id": "19929203" }, { "contents": "Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010\n\n\nthis debt and has closed the case against Yulia Tymoshenko: \"The new criminal case – it's cheating\". The trial for the in July 2011 opened criminal investigation into alleged misappropriating public funds of United Energy Systems of Ukraine started on 19 April 2012 in Kharkiv. Tymoshenko refused to attend the trial, citing problems with her health. Kyivsky District Court of Kharkiv closed the criminal case on 28 February 2014. A 2001 criminal case on state funds embezzlement and tax evasion charges against Tymoshenko was reopened in Ukraine on 24 October 2011", "id": "2107157" }, { "contents": "Courts of the Republic of Ireland\n\n\njury. The District Court deals only with minor matters that may be tried summarily. The Constitution provides for only two institutions in which a serious crime may be tried in the absence of a jury: a military tribunal, and a special court established by law to try serious offences whenever this is considered to be in the interests of justice or public order. Such a court has been established in the form of the Special Criminal Court, which has been used to try those accused of being members of paramilitary organisations such as the", "id": "9496928" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Egypt under the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces\n\n\nMuslim Brotherhood, Khairat el-Shater; cases in which the defendants had been arrested in a military zone such as the Sinai; or civilians who had criticized the military. According to Human Rights Watch, proceedings in Egypt's military courts, lack \"basic due process rights and do not satisfy the requirements of independence and impartiality of courts of law\". Defendants \"usually do not have access to counsel of their own choosing and judges do not respect the rights of defense. Judges in the military justice system \"do not", "id": "14015141" }, { "contents": "Military tribunals in the United States\n\n\nMilitary tribunals in the United States are military courts designed to try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings. The judges are military officers and fulfill the role of jurors. Military tribunals are distinct from courts-martial. A military tribunal is an inquisitorial system based on charges brought by military authorities, prosecuted by a military authority, judged by military officers, and sentenced by military officers against a member of an enemy army. The United States has made use of military tribunals or", "id": "16026788" }, { "contents": "Court-martial\n\n\nincluding the Judge Advocate, and decisions on sentence by a majority of the court, this time including the Judge Advocate. Most commonly, courts-martial in the United States are convened to try members of the U.S. military for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the U.S. military's criminal code. However, they can also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the enforcement of martial law in an occupied territory. Courts-martial are governed by the rules of procedure and", "id": "13520889" }, { "contents": "Judge Advocate General's Corps\n\n\n. The commander may not approve a finding of guilty for an offense of which the accused was acquitted nor increase the sentence adjudged. A convicted service member may submit a request for leniency to the convening authority prior to the convening authority's approval of the court-martial sentence. Each military service has a Court of Criminal Appeals, which is composed of panels of three appellate military judges: These courts review all cases in which the approved sentence includes death, a punitive discharge, or confinement for at least a year, and", "id": "13332519" }, { "contents": "Special Courts\n\n\nan auxiliary unit of the Gestapo and Kripo, yet they had no means of executing law and order in the occupied country. At the same time, the German police forces and courts were more interested in persecution of Jews and members of the Polish intelligentsia and underground rather than common criminals. First underground, ad hoc courts were created alongside some of the first Polish resistance organizations as early as in 1939. At first, they were purely military, concerned only with the cases that would fall under military law (such as treason", "id": "7938885" }, { "contents": "Military tribunals in the United States\n\n\nand Benjamin Gwinn Harris. All were convicted, and Harris was expelled from the Congress as a result. All of these tribunals were concluded prior to the Supreme Court's decision in \"Milligan\". The use of military tribunals in cases of civilians was often controversial, as tribunals represented a form of justice alien to the common law, which governs criminal justice in the United States, and provides for trial by jury, the presumption of innocence, forbids secret evidence, and provides for public proceedings. Critics of the Civil War", "id": "16026793" } ]