2 values
The body, in a white shroud, is carried on a bier of bamboo to the river's edge, where a few drops of Ganga water are poured into the lips of the dead.
Water is poured onto dead people's lips after being brought to the river's edge.
Mwili huo, uliofunikwa kwa kitambaa cheupe, hubebwa kwenye mtungi wa mianzi hadi ukingoni mwa mto, ambapo matone machache ya maji ya Ganga hutiririka kwenye midomo ya wafu.
Maji hutiririka kwenye midomo ya wafu baada ya kuelezwa kwenye ukingo wa mto.
If the couple would have otherwise spent the $4,000.
The couple would have spent $4000
Ikiwa hivyo, wenzi hao wa ndoa wangetumia dola 4,000 za Marekani.
Wenzi hao wa ndoa walitumia dola 4,000
They fought again.
They battled again.
Walipigana tena.
Walipigana tena.
Flytrap also bears some responsibility for Washington's paralysis.
Washington's paralysis is partly due to Flytrap.
Flytrap pia ina jukumu fulani kwa ajili ya kupooza kwa Washington.
Ulemavu wa Washington ni sehemu kutokana na Flytrap.
I was in the town of Orr, and a festival was being held; a little county fair with epic designs.
There was a county fair in Orr.
Nilikuwa katika mji wa Orr, na tamasha lilikuwa likifanywa; maonyesho madogo ya kaunti yenye michoro ya ajabu.
Kulikuwa na maonyesho ya kaunti katika Orr.
back during the Vietnam conflict that no one will will have the guts enough to call a real war uh
It took a lot for people to call the Vietnam conflict a war.
Wakati wa vita vya Vietnam, hakuna mtu aliyekuwa na ujasiri wa kuanzisha vita halisi.
Ilichukua muda mrefu kwa watu kuiita vita ya Vietnam vita.
Typically, companies and their advisors try to minimize the visibility of such techniques in order to avoid public criticism.
Visibility of such techniques are minimized to decrease criticism.
Kwa kawaida, makampuni na washauri wao hujaribu kupunguza mwonekano wa mbinu hizo ili kuepuka ukosoaji wa umma.
Uwezo wa kuona mbinu hizo hupunguzwa ili kupunguza uchambuzi.
Now we have more strychnine, handled by one of the household.
One of the household has handled strychnine.
Sasa tuna strychnine zaidi, inayoshughulikiwa na mmoja wa watu wa nyumbani.
Mmoja wa watu wa nyumbani ameshughulikia strychnine.
To make this less of an issue, I have taken to cooking dinner for us at my place or drumming up occasions for dinner to be my treat.
I often cook dinner for us at my place or make up excuses to take them out to dinner in order to not make a big deal of this.
Ili kuepuka tatizo hili, nimeanza kutupikia chakula cha jioni nyumbani kwangu au kuandaa karamu za chakula cha jioni.
Mara nyingi mimi hutupikia chakula cha jioni nyumbani kwangu au hutengeneza visingizio vya kuwapeleka nje kula chakula cha jioni ili nisifanye jambo kubwa kuhusu jambo hili.
Ah, but he had no opportunity.
He did not have the chance to do anything.
Ah, lakini hakuwa na nafasi.
Hakuwa na nafasi ya kufanya chochote.
FGD retrofits are positioned downstream, typically at the back end of the facility, and are not intrusive to the boiler.
FGD retrofits are typically positioned behind a majority of the rest of the facility
FGD retrofits ni nafasi chini ya mto, kwa kawaida katika mwisho wa nyuma ya kituo, na si intrusive kwa boiler.
FGD retrofits ni kawaida nafasi nyuma ya wengi wa mapumziko ya kituo
'I said go ahead,' Lincoln repeated.
Go forward with that he said.
'Nimesema endelea,' Lincoln akarudia.
Endelea na yale aliyosema.
These people are the real wild-horse experts, Kirby.
Kirby, these people are experts in wild horses.
Watu hawa ni wataalamu wa kweli wa farasi wa porini, Kirby.
Kirby, watu hawa ni wataalamu katika farasi wa mwituni.
The tip of her skull-hilted broadsword burst from the chest of a huge Stick holding a warmaul.
The sword went through someone.
Ncha ya upanga wake mkubwa uliokuwa na kichwa cha kichwa ilitoka kwenye kifua cha Fimbo kubwa iliyokuwa ikishikilia warmaul.
Upanga huo ulipitia mtu fulani.
We can begin tomorrow, he said and then returned to Susan.
A man spoke to someone before rejoining a woman.
Tunaweza kuanza kesho, alisema na kisha akarudi kwa Susan.
Mwanamume alizungumza na mtu fulani kabla ya kuungana tena na mwanamke.
But, as in Washington, on snowy days like this, you take what you can get.
It sometimes snows in the Washington area.
Lakini, kama katika Washington, katika siku za theluji kama hii, unachukua kile unachoweza kupata.
Nyakati nyingine theluji hutokea katika eneo la Washington.
Why do you know so positively?
Why do you know?
Kwa nini unajua kwa uhakika hivyo?
Kwa nini unajua?
At the Equal Justice Conference (EJC) held in March 2001 in San Diego, LSC and the Project for the Future of Equal Justice held the second Case Management Software pre-conference.
The EJC was held in March 2001.
Katika Mkutano wa Haki ya Usawa uliofanyika Machi 2001 huko San Diego, LSC na Mradi wa Baadaye ya Haki ya Usawa ulifanya mkutano wa pili wa kabla ya Programu ya Usimamizi wa Kesi.
Mkutano huo ulifanyika mwezi Machi mwaka 2001.
In these early uses of the case study method, evaluators wrote their reports to stand alone.
Stand alone reports were standard for case studies.
Katika matumizi haya ya mapema ya mbinu ya utafiti wa kesi, watathmini waliandika ripoti zao kusimama peke yao.
Ripoti za kujitegemea zilikuwa za kawaida kwa ajili ya masomo ya kesi.
After two weeks, Peter of Tschekan realized that the cell phone was more valuable to him than a painting by de Bonnet-Majak - the number one artist on his list.
Peter realized his phone was very important to him.
Baada ya majuma mawili, Peter wa Tschekan alitambua kwamba simu hiyo ilikuwa na thamani zaidi kwake kuliko mchoro wa de Bonnet-Majak - msanii wa kwanza kwenye orodha yake.
Peter alitambua kwamba simu yake ilikuwa muhimu sana kwake.
The government, through the powerful Finance Ministry and Ministry of International Trade and Industry, generously supported favored private first shipping, then cars, then electronics firms basked in the warmth of the government's loving attentions.
The government supported private first shipping, cars, and electronics firms.
Serikali, kupitia Wizara ya Fedha yenye nguvu na Wizara ya Biashara ya Kimataifa na Viwanda, kwa ukarimu iliunga mkono usafirishaji wa kibinafsi wa kwanza, kisha magari, kisha makampuni ya elektroniki, na kufurahia joto la uangalifu wa upendo wa serikali.
Serikali iliunga mkono kampuni za kibinafsi za kwanza za usafirishaji, magari, na vifaa vya elektroniki.
To correct for the potential extrapolation error for ages beyond 70, the adjustment factor is selected as the ratio of a 70 year old individual's WTP to a 40 year old individual's WTP, which is 0.63, based on the Jones-Lee (1989) results and 0.92 based on the Jones-Lee (1993) results.
There might be error for old people.
Kwa sababu ya uwezekano wa kosa la extrapolation kwa umri zaidi ya 70, sababu ya marekebisho imechaguliwa kama uwiano wa WTP ya mtu wa miaka 70 na WTP ya mtu wa miaka 40, ambayo ni 0.63 kulingana na matokeo ya Jones-Lee na 0.92 kulingana na matokeo ya Jones-Lee.
Huenda kukawa na makosa kwa watu wazee.
Before the conference, he and Daniel Pollock drafted recommendations for the steering committee to consider.
Pollock helped draft recommendations for the committee.
Kabla ya mkutano huo, yeye na Daniel Pollock waliandika mapendekezo ambayo halmashauri ya kuongoza ingeweza kuyafikiria.
Pollock alisaidia kutunga mapendekezo kwa ajili ya halmashauri hiyo.
Remember what dear old Conrad said WITH YOUR OWN PASSWORD, wasn't it?
What dear old Conrad said WITH YOUR OWN PASSWORD, remember?
Kumbuka nini mpenzi mzee Conrad alisema na password yako mwenyewe, si hivyo?
Nini mpenzi mzee Conrad alisema na password yako mwenyewe, kukumbuka?
well the injector nozzle and stuff in you know the big diesel farm tractors you know what are about the size of your thumb and the yeah you can get to them and the ones in in the diesel cars were little tiny things and just almost impossible to do anything with
The injector nozzles in diesel cars are much smaller than the nozzles in farm tractors.
Injection nozzle ni sehemu ya mashine ya kuingiza mafuta ya dizeli, ambayo ni sawa na ukubwa wa kidole gumba, lakini kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa, ni rahisi sana kuingiza mafuta ya dizeli.
Vipuli vya sindano katika magari ya dizeli ni vidogo sana kuliko vipuli vya trekta za kilimo.
yeah nice talking with you are you calling from Texas by the way
It was great to speak with you. By the way, are you from Texas?
Ni furaha kuzungumza na wewe, kwa njia, wewe ni wito kutoka Texas.
Ni furaha sana kuzungumza na wewe, kwa njia, wewe ni kutoka Texas.
I thought that lawyer chap had quit! 161 Chapter 19 Jane Finn "MY train got in half an hour ago," explained Julius, as he led the way out of the station.
My train arrived about a half an hour ago.
"Julius alimwambia, ""Mimi nilidhani kwamba mwanasheria huyo alikuwa ameondoka!"" 16 ""Msafara wangu ulifika nusu saa iliyopita,"" akaeleza Julius, huku akiongoza gari-moshi kutoka kwenye kituo cha gari-moshi."
Treni yangu ilifika karibu nusu saa iliyopita.
Festa de San Pedoa (29 June): Boisterous Christian tribute to Peter, the patron saint of fishermen, in Melaka, where the Portuguese community has its fishing boats blessed.
It's a tribute to Peter.
Festa de San Pedro (Juni 29) ni sherehe ya Kikristo ya kuadhimisha siku ya kuzaliwa kwa Mtakatifu Petro, mlinzi wa wavuvi, huko Melaka, ambapo jamii ya Ureno imebariki mashua zake za uvuvi.
Ni heshima kwa Peter.
Many are still standing, and some are registered as National Treasures.
There are many that is still intact, while some of them are considered National Treasures.
Mengi bado yapo, na mengine yameorodheshwa kuwa Hazina za Kitaifa.
Kuna mengi ambayo bado hayajaharibiwa, huku mengine yakionwa kuwa Hazina za Kitaifa.
The rights to that name have been claimed by another Web site.
The rights to that name have been taken by another Web site.
Haki za jina hilo zimedaiwa na tovuti nyingine.
Haki za jina hilo zimechukuliwa na tovuti nyingine.
Yes, that's possible, admitted John.
John agreed that what I thought was possible.
Ndiyo, hilo linawezekana, alikiri John.
John alikubali kwamba kile nilichokuwa nikifikiri kingewezekana.
The curious thing is that they certainly did not know anything about you when they first held you prisoner.
Nothing was known about them when they were first imprisoned.
Jambo la kushangaza ni kwamba kwa hakika hawakujua chochote juu yako walipokuweka kifungoni kwa mara ya kwanza.
Hakuna chochote kilichojulikana juu yao walipokuwa gerezani kwa mara ya kwanza.
The Getty Conservation Institute in California recently sponsored a virtual-reality recreation of Queen Nefertari's tomb in Egypt, which purports to let cyberexplorers look at the 3200-year-old wall paintings ...
The Getty Conservation Institute is in California.
Taasisi ya Uhifadhi ya Getty huko California hivi karibuni ilifadhili uundaji wa kweli wa virtual wa kaburi la Malkia Nefertari huko Misri, ambayo inadai kuruhusu watafiti wa mtandao kutazama michoro ya ukuta ya miaka 3,200.
Taasisi ya Uhifadhi ya Getty iko California.
did um-hum um did you have another a big tent like uh um for like a looks like a sitting area type you know like a two room type tent
Do you have a two room type tent that's big and has a seating area?
"Hii ni ""tenda kubwa"" ambayo inaonekana kama sehemu ya kukaa, kama hema la vyumba viwili."
Je, una hema la aina ya vyumba viwili ambalo ni kubwa na lina eneo la kuketi?
Plano actually they went out and they had the where where i live they had the they had the classes on the SAT i've never heard anything so preposterous in my life
They had those SAT classes where I lived and I thought that was completely ridiculous.
"Plano, kwa kweli, waliondoka na walikuwa na ""Where I live"" walikuwa na ""SAT"" darasa, ""Sina kamwe kusikia kitu chochote hivyo absurd katika maisha yangu."
Walikuwa na madarasa ya SAT ambapo niliishi na nilifikiri hiyo ilikuwa ya kipumbavu kabisa.
They crossed swords in a blaze of shining steel.
The blades of shining steel blazed as the swords crossed.
Waliunganisha panga zao katika moto wa chuma chenye kung'aa.
Mikono ya chuma chenye kung'aa ilichomeka upanga ulipokuwa ukivuka.
For Ullswater, travel to Glenridding in the south or Pooley Bridge in the north in either place you'll find businesses that rent canoes and other water-sports equipment.
Glenridding is situated to the south of Ullswater.
Ukienda Ullswater, nenda Glenridding kusini au Pooley Bridge kaskazini, mahali popote utapata biashara zinazokodisha mashua na vifaa vingine vya michezo ya majini.
Glenridding iko kusini mwa Ullswater.
The Pacers are veterans.
Pacers are considered to be veterans.
Pacers ni maveterani.
Wachezaji wa kasi huonwa kuwa maveterani.
Later in the piece, Brill writes that Schmidt and another reporter declined all comment on their sources.
Brill wrote a piece about Schmidt.
Baadaye katika kipande hicho, Brill anaandika kwamba Schmidt na mwandishi mwingine walikataa maoni yote juu ya vyanzo vyao.
Brill aliandika makala kuhusu Schmidt.
i would think i don't know might be a little bit different because the city interferes with the weather patterns to a certain extent because of the heating of the of the concrete and asphalt
The heat from the city's concrete interferes with weather patterns.
"Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kutambua kwamba ""mji"" ni tofauti na hali ya hewa, kwa sababu ni sehemu ya hali ya hewa ya kawaida, ambayo huathiri hali ya hewa ya kawaida, na kwa sababu ya joto la saruji na lami."
Joto linalotokana na saruji ya jiji hilo huathiri hali ya hewa.
The man looked tired.
The man appeared to not have had sleep.
Mwanamume huyo alionekana kuwa amechoka.
Ilionekana kwamba mwanamume huyo hakuwa amelala.
Parris Glendening's supporters are so unenthused that they'll stay home if it merely drizzles.
Parris Glendening has supporters.
Wafuasi wa Parris Glendening hawapendezwi sana hivi kwamba watakaa nyumbani ikiwa tu kutakuwa na mvua kubwa.
Parris Glendening ana wafuasi.
Most of the rest melts away into higher real-estate prices.
Towards higher prices of real estate does the rest go increase into.
Sehemu kubwa ya pesa zilizobaki huyeyuka na kuwa bei ya juu zaidi ya mali isiyohamishika.
Kwa kuongezeka kwa bei ya mali isiyohamishika, gharama za nyumba zinaongezeka.
Swell clothes, but no class.
Beautiful clothes, but no class.
Mavazi mazuri, lakini hakuna darasa.
Mavazi mazuri, lakini hakuna darasa.
For example, interest income on state and local government bonds, which are used primarily for infrastructure purposes, are exempt from federal taxes.
Interest income on states of local government bonds are exempt from federal taxes.
Kwa mfano, mapato ya riba juu ya dhamana ya serikali ya serikali na serikali za mitaa, ambayo hutumiwa hasa kwa madhumuni ya miundombinu, ni huru kutoka kwa kodi za shirikisho.
Mapato ya riba juu ya majimbo ya dhamana za serikali za mitaa ni huru kutoka kodi ya shirikisho.
But if things go badly, it is the president's fault for making the commitment.
The blame will be on the president if things were to go poorly.
Lakini mambo yakitokea vibaya, ni kosa la rais kwa kufanya ahadi hiyo.
Kosa litakuwa la rais ikiwa mambo yatakwenda vibaya.
I adopted a dumbfounded expression.
I made a confused expression.
Nilitumia usemi wa mshangao.
Nilikuwa na sura ya kuchanganyikiwa.
The ground floor originally had an open loggia at the corner for the family banking business.
The family's banking business was located on the ground floor.
Ghorofa ya chini awali alikuwa na loggia wazi katika kona kwa ajili ya biashara ya benki ya familia.
Biashara ya benki ya familia ilikuwa kwenye ghorofa ya chini.
2For a description of prototyping and the spiral model, see Roger S. Pressman, Software A Practitioner's Approach, 3rd ed.
For a description of prototyping and the spiral model, see Roger S. Pressman, Software A Practitioner's Approach, 3rd ed.
"Kwa maelezo ya prototyping na mfano wa mviringo, angalia Roger S. Pressman, ""Software: Mkakati wa Mtaalamu,"" toleo la tatu."
Kwa maelezo ya prototyping na mfano spiral, angalia Roger S. Pressman, Programu Mtaalamu's Approach, 3rd ed.
they'll very good idea yeah yeah
They are good ideas.
Ni wazo zuri sana. - Ndio.
Ni mawazo mazuri.