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<p>The current political alliance between President Trump and Roy Moore isn&#8217;t new &#8211; their collusion goes back at least to 2011.</p> <p>It was then that the two teamed up to promote the &#8220;Birther Lie&#8221; that President Obama was not born in the USA. They served as active and vocal leaders of this racist cause over the five-year period from 2011 to 2016.</p> <p>President Obama&#8217;s short form and long form birth certificates were released by the Dept. of Health of the State of Hawaii, in June 2008 and April 2011 respectively. The birth records show that Barack Hussein Obama II was born at 7:24 pm on August 4, 1961, in the Kapiolani Maternity &amp;amp; Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and Barack Hussein Obama.</p> <p>In the face of this documentary evidence, many early &#8220;Birthers&#8221; gave up the cause. But not Trump and Moore. They relentlessly promoted the lie, claiming in public speeches and interviews that they were privy to inside information that these birth certificates were forgeries.</p> <p>Moore, who began his involvement in the cause in 2008, declared to World Net Daily in 2010 that there was &#8220;substantial evidence that Obama was not born in our country.&#8221; Trump, who didn&#8217;t publicly join the cause until 2011, tweeted on August 6, 2012 that &#8220;an &#8216;extremely credible source&#8217; has called my office and told me that Barack Obama&#8217;s birth certificate is a fraud.&#8221;</p> <p>Moore&#8217;s &#8220;substantial evidence&#8221; and Trump&#8217;s &#8220;extremely credible source&#8221; never, of course, materialized.</p> <p>Moore combined his birther claims with the Islamophobic lie that Obama was secretly a Muslim, while Trump cleverly used the lie in his Presidential campaigns of 2012 and 2016 to solidify the nationalist, racist, anti-Obama core of his base.</p> <p>The political effectiveness of the Birther Lie can be seen in the results of the NBC poll of September 2016. In the responses by registered Republicans only 28% agreed with the statement that &#8220;Barack Obama was born in the United States.&#8221; Another 41% disagreed, and 31% stated that they didn&#8217;t know one way or the other. The Birther Lie appears to have sowed doubt about the President being born in the U.S., and thus the legitimacy of his Presidency, among nearly three-quarters of registered Republicans.</p> <p>Trump officially gave up the &#8220;Birther Lie&#8221; on Sept. 16, 2016, with Moore doing so 3 months later. When Trump gave up the lie, however, he replaced it with another one &#8211; naming his opponent Hillary Clinton as the originator of the whole birther idea, again of course without any evidence. And now, in late 2017, Trump has apparently decided to revive the lie, letting people around him know that he still believes it.</p> <p>The &#8220;Birther Lie&#8221; shows us that Trump and Moore are inveterate liars. So why should we believe them when they completely deny the credible testimonies of the more than 21 women who accuse one or the other of these men of sexual molesting them? Once again, these &#8220;birther buddies&#8221; would like us to ignore credible evidence and believe more of their big fat lies.</p> <p>Guest author Tony Nugent is a symbologist, an expert in ancient symbols. He taught at Seattle University for fifteen years in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and is an ordained Presbyterian minister.</p>
Trump and Moore: Birther buddies reunite to promote more lies
<p>A Fox News host and panelist alleged that it was Hillary Clinton that <a type="internal">colluded with Russia</a> and thus should be taken to jail &#8212; not President Donald Trump.</p> <p>While Russian bots <a type="internal">sowed division</a> among Democratic voters, <a type="internal">attacked people of color</a>, <a type="internal">attacked Hillary Clinton</a>, worked to suppress voters of color <a type="internal">then spread fake voter fraud claims</a>, Fox News thinks this was a campaign in favor of Clinton&#8217;s 2016 bid.</p> <p>&#8220;Well, if it&#8217;s really a big threat and we want to stop them from meddling in our elections, why is it that during a three-year time span the Obama administration really didn&#8217;t do much to stop this from happening,&#8221; asked Town Hall editor Katie Pavlich.</p> <p>She referred to the 2012 election debate in which Mitt Romney cautioned that Russia was the greatest American foe over radical ISIS or Taliban extremists. However, 2016 was the first election Russia is known to have infiltrated.</p> <p>Pavlich and the host then turned to wonder why 300 elected officials didn&#8217;t show up for the classified briefing held at the FBI involving the &#8220;Gang of 8.&#8221; The 300 members likely didn&#8217;t have a high enough clearance level to view the classified documents. The &#8220;Gang of 8&#8221; all have the proper security clearance level to have viewed the documents.</p> <p>The Fox host asked former Clinton staffer Adrienne Elrod if the entire Russia scandal could have been avoided if former President Barack Obama had stopped Russia before they even started. Elrod explained that there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Given the security level, it&#8217;s likely much of the information available at the time could not be made public.</p> <p>She noted she wished Obama had acted prior to the election but asked what Trump is doing today to stop Russia from acting in the 2018 election.</p> <p>The Fox host along with Pavlich went on to claim that Clinton was colluding with Russia because her campaign partially paid the law firm that bought the opposition research dossier from Christopher Steele. Another portion of the dossier was paid for by Republicans hoping to discredit Trump prior to the general election. For that reason, Fox News believes Clinton colluded with Russia more than Trump did.</p> <p><a type="internal">Fox News hosts have also alleged</a> that Clinton is behind the meeting with the Russian lawyer at Trump Tower.</p> <p>Watch the full conversation below:</p> <p>00:00</p>
Fox News pundits debate whether Hillary Clinton should go to jail for Trump’s Russia scandal
<p>Only seven months into his puzzling presidency, Donald Trump has accomplished an odd achievement: He&#8217;s made Sigmund Freud relevant again. Although the father of psychoanalysis is no longer fashionable, the Freudian concept of psychological projection is alive and well.</p> <p>&#8220;I think he&#8217;s crazy,&#8221; <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/07/25/senators-on-hot-mic-trump-is-crazy-im-worried/?utm_term=.e88bd21728c8" type="external">said</a> Sen. Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, speaking into an open microphone about Trump. J. Brien Comey, father of fired FBI director Jim Comey, <a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/james-comey-father-defends-son-blasts-nutjob-trump-article-1.3181724" type="external">thinks</a> Trump belongs &#8220;in an institution.&#8221; Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin <a href="http://thehill.com/homenews/media/336336-washington-post-writer-serious-concerns-about-this-presidents-mental-stability" type="external">has questioned</a> the president&#8217;s &#8220;mental stability.&#8221;</p> <p>These aren&#8217;t isolated examples. Many prominent liberals, conservatives, moderates, and libertarians have concluded that the president is off his rocker. The tangible evidence for that proposition is thin, and Trump seems to be enjoying himself more and more. Maybe we&#8217;re all just projecting.</p> <p>&#8220;Trump Derangement Syndrome&#8221; is the phrase used by those sympathetic to the president to explain liberals&#8217; hair-on-fire response to anything Trump says or does. TDS is also an occupational hazard of being a member of the Republican establishment or a movement conservative who cares about such trite concepts as political principles.</p> <p>This became clear again last week in the hysteria over Trump&#8217;s approach to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In response to the administration&#8217;s original announcement rescinding DACA, liberals came unglued. Not content to call the decision dumb and racist, which they did, they played the sanity card. &#8220;It is lunacy,&#8221; opined Minnesota&#8217;s Democratic governor, Mark Dayton. The president, added HBO comedic pundit John Oliver, is out of his mind. &#8220;Utter insanity,&#8221; <a href="http://www.sentinelsource.com/news/local/locals-voice-strong-opposition-to-trump-s-daca-stance/article_16ebcf40-6ac1-5c41-8b21-17c41cfc280c.html" type="external">proclaimed</a> Susan Hay, a co-founder of a Florida-based pro-immigrant and refugee nonprofit.</p> <p>That was then. A few days later, after dining on Chinese food (you can&#8217;t make this stuff up) at the White House with Democratic congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Trump reversed field on DACA. In the real world, such a development is called processing new information. In modern U.S. politics, it&#8217;s considered treason -- or insanity. This time, it was conservatives who melted down. Ann Coulter <a type="internal">pronounced it</a> the death of the GOP brand; Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, an immigration hardliner, claimed it would &#8220;crack&#8221; Trump&#8217;s core base of support; various commenters on conservative news sites theorized that Trump had been taken over by aliens. Not the illegal kind, the kind from outer space.</p> <p>Since before Trump&#8217;s inauguration, Democratic attorneys in the nation&#8217;s capital have contemplated replacing Trump under the 25th Amendment&#8217;s requirement that the president is able to &#8220;discharge the powers and duties of his office,&#8221; i.e. impeaching him on grounds he&#8217;s intellectually incapacitated.</p> <p>Although this idea itself is bonkers, Coulter alluded to it&#8212;not unfavorably&#8212;Friday. &#8220;At this point,&#8221; she tweeted, &#8220;who DOESN&#8217;T want Trump impeached?&#8221; Fellow conservative pundit Laura Ingraham, more measured in her criticism, noted that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough had spent most of the year speculating that Trump is &#8220;mentally unstable [but] is praising him today.&#8221;</p> <p>Ordinary civilians are getting into the psychology racket, too. &#8220;Jody,&#8221; an Arizona conservative who dialed in to Ingraham&#8217;s radio show, said she was suffering from a new strain of the disease: &#8220;Pelosi Trump Schumer Disorder,&#8221; <a href="http://www.npr.org/2017/09/14/551053707/conservatives-fume-over-daca-deal-as-trump-tries-to-mollify-his-base" type="external">she called it</a>. &#8220;I am done if they don&#8217;t build the wall.&#8221;</p> <p>Jody was kidding, or at least half-kidding, but stressing out to this degree over politics is becoming a national obsession. It can&#8217;t be healthy. And as for labeling as cuckoo those with whom we disagree, well, that&#8217;s an old KGB tactic. We can&#8217;t let Vladimir Putin do that to us. Unfortunately, the psychology racket is full of those with no sense of history.</p> <p>A new book arrived, unsolicited, in the mail recently with a long title: &#8220;The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.&#8221; The cover gives the game away, but the publisher also included a foreword from 91-year-old psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, who offers the melodramatic view that clinicians who don&#8217;t warn the world about Donald Trump&#8217;s shortcomings are akin to Nazi doctors who worked at Auschwitz. At the risk of practicing medicine without a license, I&#8217;d suggest that this historical comparison is de facto evidence of TDS -- and paranoid grandiosity.</p> <p>A better title would have been &#8220;27 Angry Democrats With Advanced Degrees Who Voted Against Trump and Say He&#8217;s Crazy Although They&#8217;ve Never Met Him.&#8221; Lifton and others associated with this project are part of something called the &#8220;Duty to Warn&#8221; project. The word &#8220;duty&#8221; is a term of art, given that since 1973, the American Psychiatric Association had cautioned its members against diagnosing patients they&#8217;ve not personally evaluated. Although this seems like common sense, it&#8217;s more than that: It&#8217;s a hard-earned lesson. It&#8217;s called the &#8220;Goldwater Rule,&#8221; and it comes from the 1964 presidential campaign.</p> <p>In October of that year, when educated elites were just as unhinged over the idea of a Republican populist in the White House as they are today, provocative left-wing pamphleteer Ralph Ginzburg published an article in his &#8220;Fact&#8221; magazine with an <a href="http://the60sat50.blogspot.com/2014/09/september-october-1964-barry-goldwater.html" type="external">incendiary headline</a>: &#8220;1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater Is Psychologically Unfit to Be President!&#8221;</p> <p>For those too young to remember, Barry Goldwater was a conservative Arizona senator and the Republican Party&#8217;s 1964 presidential nominee. Key in the creation of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Goldwater was also a decorated World War II pilot, a fiscal conservative, a fierce anti-communist, and friends in the Senate with John F. Kennedy.</p> <p>As Donald Trump would do 52 years later, Goldwater wrested the GOP nomination away from the Establishment, creating a fissure in Republican politics that exists to this day. Unlike Trump, Goldwater did not become president. He lost to Lyndon Johnson in a historic landslide. I&#8217;ve never heard any political observer blame the Fact magazine article for that defeat, but it was so nasty and gratuitous that when the campaign was over Goldwater filed a libel suit in federal court.</p> <p>Of the 12,356 psychiatrists queried by Ginzburg, 2,417 responded &#8211; and only 657 pronounced Goldwater psychologically fit to be president. Some 1,189 of these quacks diagnosed the senator -- on the record, with their names attached &#8211; as unfit, offering such dubious diagnoses as &#8220;megalomania,&#8221; &#8220;paranoid personality, &#8220;emotionally unstable,&#8221; &#8220;immature,&#8221; &#8220;grossly psychotic,&#8221; &#8220;mass murderer,&#8221; &#8220;immoral,&#8221; &#8220;chronic schizophrenic,&#8221; &#8220;dangerous lunatic&#8221; and &#8211; stupidest of all -- &#8220;cowardly.&#8221;</p> <p>Goldwater won his case, despite the high bar public officials face in such matters. When he testified in federal court, he came across as rational, composed, normal, and emotionally healthy. His critics were the ones who were unhinged. Is that happening again?</p> <p>Donald Trump seemed almost happy last week. Sure, he wants good coverage in the New York Times. Doesn&#8217;t everyone? And, yes, he&#8217;d rather spend time with Chuck Schumer than Mitch McConnell. Who wouldn&#8217;t? He wants to build a wall to prevent future waves of illegal immigration, but has a soft spot for &#8220;Dreamers.&#8221; He was in his element comforting hurricane victims. These traits make him crazy? He could be the sanest politician in Washington right now.</p> Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)
Trump vs. Psychiatrists: Who's Crazier?
<p>The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS.</p> <p>The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy.</p> <p>@realDonaldTrump :</p> <p>- HAPPY EASTER! [0827 EDT]</p> <p>- Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch &amp;amp; Release. Getting more dangerous. "Caravans" coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL! [0956 EDT]</p> <p>- Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL! [1025 EDT]</p> <p>- These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act! [1028 EDT]</p> <p>-- Source link: (http://bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (http://bit.ly/2jpEXYR)</p> <p>(Compiled by Bengaluru bureau)</p>
Trump on Twitter (April 1): DACA, NAFTA
<p>CNN's Don Lemon called President Trump a liar, petty, and devoid of the facts after he held a rally Tuesday night in Phoenix. Lemon also questioned Trump's fitness for office and if he is "stable."</p> <p>"He's unhinged, it's embarrassing and I don't mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country," Lemon said.</p> <p>"His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there," Lemon said.</p> <q> DON LEMON, CNN: Well, what do you say to that? I'm just going to speak from the heart here. What we have witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts. Someone who came out on stage and lied directly the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville. He's unhinged, it's embarrassing and I don't mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country. This is who we elected president of the United States. A man who is so petty that he has to go after people who he deems to be his enemy, like an imaginary friend of a 6-year-old. His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there. He was like a child blaming a sibling on something else. He did it, I didn't do it. He certainly opened up the race wound from Charlottesville. A man clearly wounded by the rational people who are abandoning him in droves, meaning those business people and the people in Washington now who are questioning his fitness for office and whether he is stable. A man backed into a corner it seems by circumstances beyond his control and beyond his understanding. That's the truth. If you watch that speech as an American, you had to be thinking what in the world is going on? This is the person we elected as president of the United States? This petty, this small, a person who is supposed to pull the country together? Certainly didn't happen there. </q>
Don Lemon: Trump Unhinged, Embarrassing, Petty, "Opened Race Wound From Charlottesville"
<p>Hillary Clinton continued her book publicity tour Tuesday night on CBS&#8217; The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.</p> <p>"I don't take it personally," Clinton said. "I see it as I was doing my job. I was honored to speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy."</p> <p>Transcript:</p> <q> STEPHEN COLBERT: Folks, I am terribly excited, because she was first a First Lady, then a Senator, then Secretary of State, and I would have bet anything the next President of the United States. Please welcome Hillary Rodham Clinton! [audience cheers and applause as Hillary Clinton walks out; she shakes Stephen Colbert's hand as they greet each other warmly; a large part of the audience gives her a standing ovation; she takes her seat on stage to extended cheers and applause] COLBERT: Thank you so much for being here. CLINTON: Oh, Stephen, it's good to see you. COLBERT: It's good to see you. It's an honor to have you here. CLINTON: Thanks! COLBERT: You have a new book. It's called "What Happened." And I don't know how else to start this interview, other than saying: What happened?! [audience laughter; Clinton laughs] What happened? CLINTON: Well, that's the question I try to answer. COLBERT: Okay. CLINTON: Yeah, because it was the question I asked myself starting on election night. COLBERT: Mm-hmm. CLINTON: And I started&#8212; COLBERT: What time on election night? [audience laughter] CLINTON: Ugh! Well, as I write in the book: Midnight. [shrugs] Midnight. COLBERT: Yeah, I remember. CLINTON: The dark time of the soul. Midnight. [audience laughter] COLBERT: Yeah, I'm waiting for it to not be midnight soon. [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah, right. And so I &#8212; I was asking it like you just said: What happened?! You know? And I figured, maybe I'd better try to find out, to figure it out. So that's why I dove into this book. It was, ah, very painful and difficult, but, at the end, I really feel like I've done my very best to lay out what happened so that it doesn't happen again. I mean, that's my primary goal here is so that it doesn't happen again. [lengthy audience cheers and applause] COLBERT: Well, a lot of people have said, "Oh, I, boy, I wish Hillary Clinton would just go away." CLINTON: Yeah. COLBERT: "Just go away." CLINTON: Well, you know, if they take up a collection and send me somewhere really nice&#8212; [audience laughter] COLBERT: Really? [chuckles] CLINTON: I might consider it! COLBERT: Really? Yeah! CLINTON: But it, you know&#8212; COLBERT: Obama's on David Geffen's yacht a lot. You could go with him. [audience laughter] CLINTON: [shrugs] Well, you know, I &#8212; I am not going anywhere. [massive audience applause] COLBERT: Well, I'm glad you're not! CLINTON: So. [extended audience cheers and applause; Clinton smiles and chuckles] COLBERT: I agree. At first I could understand some of those calls &#8212; people saying like, "The Republicans are tearing themselves apart; don't give them, you know, someone to rally around in opposition to," because you are a convenient figure for them to unite against. CLINTON: Right. COLBERT: But I actually do not think that's how what's happening to our government is going to be stopped. I think it's people who are willing to be civically engaged and believe in the promises and the progress of the last fifty years that will save this country. CLINTON: I agree completely&#8212; COLBERT: So thank you so much for not going away. CLINTON: &#8212;absolutely completely! COLBERT: But wait a second: It must not have been easy. CLINTON: No. COLBERT: It must not have been easy to write this book. CLINTON: It &#8212; it wasn't easy! I mean, it was painful. It was horrible reliving it, and, you know, being as candid, open as I could be about the mistakes I made and talking about those. But also trying to come to grips, as I write in the book, about everything from, you know, sexism and misogyny, to voter suppression, to the unusual behavior of the former director of the FBI, and the Russians. And the Russians! &#8212; and you have been sounding the alarm about this &#8212; because I believe so strongly that they think they succeeded in messing with our democracy, and I just can't abide that, so&#8212; COLBERT: Do you think they succeeded in messing with our democracy? CLINTON: Yes I do. I do. I do. Because&#8212; COLBERT: To what degree? Like, influencing the vote? Or influencing opinion? CLINTON: Influencing voters, and therefore influencing opinion, I think is becoming clearer and clearer. I don't know what the Congressional investigations and I don't know what the Special Counsel investigation are going to find; I'm gonna wait for that. But I don't think anybody can with a straight face say that the Russians did not set out to influence our election, and they did so. This latest revelation about the way they bought ads on Facebook and targeted them &#8212; we're gonna find out a lot more, Stephen. And I am saying as clearly as I can &#8212; I feel like I'm a bit of a, you know, a Paula Revere; I'm trying to sound the alarm about this [audience laughter and applause] &#8212; is that the&#8212; You know, you've gotta understand what Putin's strategy is. He really doesn't like democracy. He thinks it's an inconvenient, messy process. And he doesn't like us, and he wants to destabilize our country; sow doubt about our democracy. I mean, these latest revelations, where you had Russians pretending to be Americans &#8212; so you had fake Americans, with fake news, and fake stories, and fake demonstrations &#8212; that wasn't just because he's bored and has nothing to do. He wants to undermine how we see each other, how we respect each other, how we support our institutions and our society. So, I think that they believe they had a good outing in twenty-sixteen, and I think that they will be back in twenty-eighteen and twenty-twenty, unless we stop them. [audience applause] COLBERT: Now, you mentioned that he &#8212; that Putin doesn't like democracy and he doesn't like America; part of the speculation is that he specifically doesn't like you. Do you think this was personal on a certain level? CLINTON: I think it was mostly about the role I played as Secretary of State, which he did morph into a grudge against me, because I would say things like, you know, "The Russian people deserve free and fair elections. They deserve to have a democracy." COLBERT: Questioning the legitimacy of his election in two-thousand eleven. CLINTON: The parliamentary elections, that's right. And, so, our intelligence community and others have said that he did have a personal grudge against me&#8212; You know, I don't take it personally. I think it's part of his worldview, which is all tied up with his anger, his disappointment in the collapse of the Soviet Union, and his feeling that we're his number one rival &#8212; he wants to really undermine the European-American alliance. And so I see it as: I was doing my job &#8212; I was honored to do my job, to stand up and speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy &#8212; and, partly because I'm a woman, which does seem to get him a bit agitated&#8212; [audience cheers and applause] And he actually has said that, um, some things about that&#8212; COLBERT: Has he &#8212; did he ever say anything to you personally that demonstrated his misogyny? CLINTON: Well, he demonstrated&#8212; As I write in the book, you know, there's an expression, we certainly know it in New York, called manspreading. [audience laughter] COLBERT: [chuckling] Yes. CLINTON: And every time I met with him, it would be&#8212; [spreads her arms and flops back in her chair, taking up lots of space] Okay? [audience laughter] The whole deal! And, so, I'd go to meetings with him&#8212; One in particular, we were in his dacha outside of Moscow, and the press comes in, and he just berates America about one of the many things that annoys him about us, and then the press leaves, and I've got four or five things we're trying to deal with him and Russia on &#8212; and I always came to my meetings with him trying to find something that I could actually engage him about. So, we went through the economy and human rights and all these other things that are critically important, and he was, you know&#8212; [mimes staring off into space] Like, as President Obama once said, like the bored guy in the back of the room. He couldn't care less. Then I said: "You know, I am really pleased to hear that you care about wildlife conservation, and that you are trying to save species in Russia, like Siberian tigers and polar bears." Then he came alive! And then we had an interesting conversation, so&#8212; COLBERT: [mimicking Putin] "I wrestle polar bears!" [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah! "I wrestle po&#8212;" No, he said to me, so he said: "Come with me!" He takes me down the stairs, down this corridor, into the door &#8212; all of his security guys are jumping up, because we weren't expected &#8212; into this inner sanctum with this huge desk and the biggest map of Russia I think exists, and he started telling me he's "going here to tag polar bears." And then he says to me: "Would your husband like to come?" [audience gasps and laughter; Clinton grins broadly] And I said, "Well, you know, I'll ask him, but, if he's busy, I'll go!" [she grins as the audience cheers] COLBERT: We're gonna take a little break, and when we come back, Secretary Clinton and I just might break out the chardonnay. </q>
Hillary Clinton to Colbert: Putin "Had A Personal Grudge Against Me," "Partly Because I'm A Woman"
<p>There is apparently nothing wrong with America that can&#8217;t be blamed on Donald Trump. He is single-handedly destroying the Republican Party, trashing presidential debates and spoiling the reputation of locker-room talk.</p> <p>And &#8212; breaking news alert! &#8212; Trump is even changing journalism. His habit of saying things that nobody ever said before is forcing reporters to unleash their partisan views instead of just giving the facts.</p> <p>Some of these charges may be true, but the one about Trump changing journalism is demonstrably false. All the more so because it comes from the editor of the New York Times, who happens to be the actual guilty party.</p> <p>Dean Baquet, the Gray Lady&#8217;s boss for two years, recently claimed that Trump&#8217;s campaign had forced the paper into a new way of covering politics.</p> <p>&#8220;I think that he&#8217;s challenged our language,&#8221; Baquet <a href="http://www.niemanlab.org/2016/10/the-new-york-times-dean-baquet-on-calling-out-lies-embracing-video-and-building-a-more-digital-newsroom/" type="external">told an interviewer</a>. &#8220;He will have changed journalism, he really will have.&#8221;</p> <p>The claim is presented as one of those chin-stroking insights about a new paradigm that liberals spot around every corner. In fact, it is just another example of the Times getting it all wrong.</p> <p>Trump didn&#8217;t change the Times &#8212; Baquet did. He&#8217;s the one who authorized reporters to abandon the paper&#8217;s standards when covering Trump and express their personal political opinions.</p> <p>Or, as Baquet said in the <a href="http://www.niemanlab.org/2016/10/the-new-york-times-dean-baquet-on-calling-out-lies-embracing-video-and-building-a-more-digital-newsroom/" type="external">interview with Nieman Lab&#8217;s Ken Doctor</a>, the struggle for fairness is over. &#8220;I think that Trump has ended that struggle,&#8221; Baquet boasted. &#8220;I think we now say stuff. We fact-check him. We write it more powerfully that it&#8217;s false.&#8221;</p> <p>Fact-checking, of course, is often in the eye of the beholder, and quickly morphs into opinion when there is no restraint or neutral standard. The result is the paper&#8217;s relentless, daily assault on Trump, to the advantage of Hillary Clinton.</p> <p>Opinions, all uniformly anti-Trump, now ooze from the paper&#8217;s every pore, with headlines on front-page &#8220;news&#8221; articles indistinguishable from daily denunciations on the editorial and op-ed pages.</p> <p>This is not a mere continuation of the old liberal bias that infected the Times, the Washington Post and the broadcast networks for years. This is a malignant strain of conformity that strips away any pretense of fairness in favor of strident partisanship.</p> <p>The signal that the Times abandoned its traditional church-state separation of news and opinion came in an article by the paper&#8217;s media reporter two months ago. In <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/business/balance-fairness-and-a-proudly-provocative-presidential-candidate.html" type="external">his August piece</a>, Jim Rutenberg declared that most reporters saw Trump &#8220;as an abnormal and potentially dangerous candidate,&#8221; and concluded they had a duty to be &#8220;true to the facts, in a way that will stand up to history&#8217;s judgment.&#8221;</p> <p>Baquet, in the interview, cited the Rutenberg piece, saying it &#8220;nailed&#8221; his thinking. He also said he started &#8220;down this track&#8221; years ago, during the dispute over weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and made it clear he believed then-President George W. Bush and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell lied to take America to war. The Trump treatment, he said, was a logical extension:</p> <p>&#8220;I think he gave us courage, if you will. I think he made us &#8212; forced us, because he does it so often, to get comfortable with saying something is false.&#8221;</p> <q> <p>This is not a mere continuation of the old liberal bias that infected the Times, the Washington Post and the broadcast networks for years. This is a malignant strain of conformity that strips away any pretense of fairness in favor of strident partisanship.</p> </q> <p>Baquet offered another example that got him to this point. He accused Republicans of lying in their &#8220;swift-boat&#8221; charges against Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 campaign.</p> <p>It is not incidental that his examples all involve allegedly dishonest Republicans, and none involves dishonest Democrats. Nothing better explains why the Times fails to give Clinton the same scrutiny it gives Trump. More than 60 percent of voters regard her as fundamentally dishonest, but Baquet sees only Republicans as liars.</p> <p>Simply put, his political bias precludes fair journalism. And once standards are gone, they are gone forever, meaning anyone wanting to work at the Times will face a political litmus test.</p> <p>Baquet&#8217;s defense of slanted coverage is reflected in the trove of emails WikiLeaks released from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.</p> <p>Times reporters and columnists repeatedly show up in partisan ways. Washington correspondent John Harwood sends Podesta his private approval of Hillary Clinton appearances, as if he&#8217;s on the team. Columnist Nicholas Kristof, in advance of an interview with Bill Clinton, emails his questions, which Podesta&#8217;s team passes around to staffers to shape Clinton&#8217;s answers.</p> <p>A Washington reporter gives Hillary Clinton veto power over quotations he can use from an interview. Another reporter is praised as someone who has &#8220;never disappointed&#8221; in delivering stories the campaign wants &#8220;teed up&#8221; for public consumption.</p> <p>As the editor, Baquet should be outraged that his staff secretly compromised the paper&#8217;s integrity.</p> <p>But as the editor who eliminated the Times&#8217; standards, he&#8217;s getting the biased paper he wanted.</p> Questions for de Blasio <p>Mayor Bill de Blasio <a type="internal">won&#8217;t take questions</a> from The Post these days, so here are questions all City Hall reporters should insist he answer.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>No. 1: Has the mayor or his lawyer been informed that de Blasio is a target of federal and state investigations?</p> <p>No. 2: Has the mayor been ordered to testify before a grand jury? Has he voluntarily offered to do so?</p> <p>No. 3: Did the mayor ask teachers union president Michael Mulgrew for the $350,000 contribution the union gave to de Blasio&#8217;s political slush fund, the Campaign for One New York, a month before the union got a $9 billion contract?</p> <p>No. 4: Did de Blasio or his wife, Chirlane McCray, personally receive any money, gifts or other things of significant value from the consultants paid millions of dollars by the Campaign for One New York?</p> <p>No. 5: Who is paying the legal fees of de Blasio and City Hall aides? How much, if any, taxpayer money has been spent representing them?</p> <p>The public has a right to know what the mayor knows about the investigations, including the possibility he will face criminal charges.</p> <p>The reporters in Room 9, the legendary home of the City Hall press corps, should ask these questions every day until they get answers.</p> Hill corruption is e-asy to see <p>Reading the <a type="internal">emails hacked from John Podesta&#8217;s account</a>, I felt squeamish. But two facts settled my stomach.</p> <p>First, the emails reveal the greed and backstabbing among the Clinton clan. There is no honor among those thieves.</p> <p>Second, the claim that the messages are forged or a Russian plot illustrate how the family fudges facts it can&#8217;t deny. That means the emails offer the unvarnished truth, making them unique in Clinton land.</p> <a type="internal" /> Dem&#8217;s truth on voter fraud <p>Alan Schulkin will never eat lunch in New York again.</p> <p>The Manhattan Democratic representative on the city&#8217;s Board of Elections was <a type="internal">caught telling an inconvenient truth</a>, saying, &#8220;I think there is a lot of voter fraud.&#8221;</p> <p>Schulkin was being secretly taped by an undercover journalist, so maybe his party will forgive him for saying what everybody knows to be true.</p> <p>Otherwise, he&#8217;s going to be a very hungry man.</p>
The New York Times abandoned its integrity just to bash Donald Trump
<p><a type="internal">Opinion</a></p> <p><a type="internal">Modal Trigger</a></p> Rex/Shutterstock <p>Voters&#8217; top concerns are the stagnant economy and the threat of terrorism, but you wouldn&#8217;t know it from Hillary Clinton&#8217;s TV ads or campaign speeches. She&#8217;s trying to twist the presidential race into a referendum on political correctness.</p> <p>Too embarrassed to run on her party&#8217;s economic record or her failed stint as secretary of state, she&#8217;s positioning herself as top cop of the speech police.</p> <p>For example, Hillary is running an ad depicting pre-teen girls looking self-consciously in the mirror, agonizing over their bodies. Sometimes such young girls&#8217; worries turn into deadly eating disorders, ultimately killing 10 percent of those affected. Clinton cynically exploits the pain and fear felt by thousands of families. Her ad uses a voiceover of Trump saying things like &#8220;she ate like a pig&#8221; and &#8220;does she have a fat ass?&#8221;</p> <p>Parents struggling with their child&#8217;s eating disorder run to one doctor after another frantically seeking answers. The causes are complex and still not entirely known &#8212; but no one believes the cause is Donald Trump.</p> <p>Some experts blame Hollywood&#8217;s glorification of skinny women for at least contributing to the rash of eating disorders and young girls&#8217; body-image struggles. Instead of trying to muzzle Trump and other men, why isn&#8217;t Hillary calling out her big supporters in the entertainment industry?</p> <p>The same question applies to Hillary&#8217;s double standard in bashing Trump for lewdness but celebrating it in popular music. Clinton&#8217;s latest super PAC ads condemn Trump&#8217;s bawdy 2005 remarks on a bus with show-biz journalist Billy Bush. Trump bragged to his buddy, &#8220;I moved on her like a bitch.&#8221; Clinton claims to have been outraged when she heard it, calling it &#8220;horrific.&#8221;</p> <p>Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald chuckles at Clinton&#8217;s hypocritical &#8220;sudden onset of Victorian vapors.&#8221;</p> <p>After all, Clinton has no problem with the salacious lyrics of her pal and supporter Beyonc&#233;. Even when Beyonc&#233; sings: &#8220;I came to slay bitch . . . when he f&#8211;k me good I take his ass to Red Lobster.&#8221; Clinton says, &#8220;I want to be as good a president as Beyonc&#233; is a performer.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump can&#8217;t catch a break with Clinton, even when he&#8217;s trying to do the right thing. Another Clinton ad attacks Trump reaching out to inner-city African-Americans with promises of more jobs and school choice.</p> <p>Reminding minority voters that Democratic politicians have failed to improve their economic opportunities, Trump asks for their vote, saying: &#8220;What the hell do you have to lose?&#8221; Clinton&#8217;s ad says: &#8220;Everything.&#8221;</p> <p>It follows her ad featuring Ku Klux Klan members praising Trump. It&#8217;s McCarthyite guilt by association. Trump has no connection to the group. What&#8217;s Trump actually guilty of? Poaching on Hillary&#8217;s turf.</p> <p>Worse than tarring Trump, she&#8217;s labeling cops, teachers and millions of other Americans racists. Whenever she talks to black audiences, she stokes racial resentment.</p> <p>She told the NAACP that whites &#8220;need to recognize our privilege and practice humility.&#8221; All whites, she claims, have &#8220;implicit bias,&#8221; and she wants bias training for police and other professions. Implicit bias &#8212; you&#8217;re told you have it even if you don&#8217;t realize it, no matter how colorblind you try to be, and denying your bias just proves it.</p> <p>Implicit bias is PC drivel. There&#8217;s no solid data to support it, cautions social scientists Philip Tetlock of UPenn and Gregory Mitchell of the University of Virginia and experts from New York University and the University of Connecticut. But if Clinton becomes president, we&#8217;ll all be undergoing re-education at school or work to cure our &#8220;implicit bias.&#8221;</p> <p>To see what President Hillary&#8217;s America would be like, look at most college campuses today. Few on campus dare to question Black Lives Matter, militant multiculturalism and &#8220;safe spaces&#8221; to spare students from challenging ideas.</p> <p>Hillary&#8217;s dictating how Americans talk about race, sex, even body shapes. Trump calls it like he sees it.</p> <p>He doesn&#8217;t stick to the well-rehearsed rhetoric of a career politician. But his supporters are sick and tired of political correctness.</p> <p>He&#8217;s not running for saint. He&#8217;s running to get the job done, something Hillary Clinton has already proven she can&#8217;t do.</p> <p>Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.</p>
Hillary’s trying to make the election a referendum on political correctness
<p>Hillary Clinton was boring and exceptionally well-prepared. Donald Trump was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined. He began with his strongest argument &#8212; that the political class represented by her has failed us and it&#8217;s time to look to a successful dealmaker for leadership &#8212; and kept to it pretty well for the first 20 minutes.</p> <p>Then due to the vanity and laziness that led him to think he could wing <a href="https://thenypost.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/donald-trump-and-hillary-clinton-get-vicious-in-first-debate/" type="external">the most important 95 minutes of his life</a>, he lost the thread of his argument, he lost control of his temper and he lost the perspective necessary to correct these mistakes as he went.</p> <p>Methodically and carefully, Hillary Clinton took over. Her purpose was to show she was rational and policy-driven, the kind of person who could be trusted to handle a careful and delicate job with prudence and sobriety &#8212; and that he was none of these things.</p> <p>And she succeeded. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O&#8217;Donnell and about how he hasn&#8217;t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking.</p> <p>Most important, he set ticking time bombs for himself over the next six weeks.</p> <p>As she hammered him on his tax returns, he handed her an inestimable gift by basically saying he pays no federal taxes despite his billions &#8212; and moreover, that if he had done so, it would have been &#8220;squandered&#8221; anyway.</p> <q> <p>By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O&#8217;Donnell and about how he hasn&#8217;t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking.</p> </q> <p>That&#8217;s not going to go away, nor is her suggestion that his refusal to release his returns is the result of his either not being as rich as he says or not being as charitable as he claims.</p> <p>Clinton quoted him saying in 2006 that he hoped for a housing meltdown because it would provide buying opportunities and thereby goaded him into saying &#8220;that&#8217;s called business, by the way.&#8221; To which she quickly replied that 9 million people lost their jobs and 5 million lost their homes in the housing meltdown he was so excited about. Blammo.</p> <p>His reply to Hillary&#8217;s recitation of the fact he&#8217;d begun his career settling a Justice Department lawsuit about racial discrimination in Trump housing was that there was &#8220;no admission of guilt,&#8221; which is the sort of thing the villain said at the end of &#8220;LA Law&#8221; and sounded no better in real life.</p> <p>Even when he could have taken her down, he was so incompetent he didn&#8217;t go for it. A question about cybersecurity was the perfect opportunity to hammer Clinton on her outrageous mishandling of classified information.</p> <p>Instead, he went into a bizarre digression in which he alternately wondered whether his son Barron might grow up to become a hacker and defended Vladimir Putin from the accusation Russia had tapped into the Democratic National Committee&#8217;s emails (which the FBI says almost certainly happened). That has to count as the biggest choke of his political life.</p> <p>By the time the last 15 minutes rolled around, he was reduced to yammering about Rosie O&#8217;Donnell being mean to him and Hillary running mean commercials about him and praising himself because there are some really terrible things he could have said about Hillary but hasn&#8217;t. By this point, even his smart closing zinger &#8212; &#8220;she has experience but it&#8217;s bad experience&#8221; &#8212; was buried inside a weird word salad that reduced its effectiveness to almost nil.</p> <p>His supporters should be furious with him, and so should the public in general. By performing this incompetently, by refusing to prepare properly for this exchange, by not learning enough to put meat on the bones of his populist case against Clinton, he displayed nothing but contempt for the people who have brought him this far &#8212; and for the American people who are going to make this momentous decision on Nov. 8.</p>
Trump’s debate incompetence a slap in the face to his supporters
<p><a type="internal">Opinion</a></p> <p><a type="internal">Modal Trigger</a></p> Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives to speak on Sept. 12, 2012, on the killing of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three staff members at the US Consulate building in Benghazi, Libya, from the Treaty Room of the State Department. <p>Hillary Clinton boasts that her experience traveling to 112 countries as secretary of state qualifies her to be president. Don&#8217;t believe it.</p> <p>Evidence shows she left the State Department in shambles and our nation weaker. Her record at Foggy Bottom disqualifies her to be president.</p> <p>Her failures go beyond leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the ridiculous Russian &#8220;reset&#8221; and the carnage in Syria that she and President Obama idly watched unfold &#8212; and that gets more horrific daily.</p> <p>A string of investigative reports from the Obama administration shows that she botched key management jobs as secretary of state, threatening American lives and our diplomatic secrets.</p> <p>Clinton&#8217;s State Department repeatedly rebuffed requests for additional security for the vulnerable compound at Benghazi, Libya. The result? Heavily armed terrorists were able to storm the compound and kill Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.</p> <p>But Benghazi wasn&#8217;t an isolated case. Clinton failed to secure diplomatic posts in Pakistan, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and other global hot spots. Internal State Department reports show the posts lacked emergency plans in case of attack. Guards assigned to them had no training in chemical or biological threats and, amazingly, some hadn&#8217;t undergone background checks.</p> <p>Clinton tried to weasel out of taking the blame for Benghazi, testifying to Congress that she wasn&#8217;t personally involved in embassy security. But emails later revealed that was false.</p> <p>Investigators also point to Clinton&#8217;s total neglect of cybersecurity. The Bush administration &#8212; reeling from the attack on the World Trade Center &#8212; had made it a top priority to protect information flow among embassies, the CIA and the FBI.</p> <p>But Clinton dropped the ball, creating what the department&#8217;s inspector general called &#8220;undue risk in the management of information.&#8221;</p> <p>In November 2013, the IG issued an alert to the State Department&#8217;s top executives about the urgent &#8220;recurring weaknesses&#8221; in cybersecurity that had been red-flagged in six previous reports between 2011 and 2013, almost all on Clinton&#8217;s watch. The &#8220;recurring weaknesses&#8221; had still not been addressed, including vulnerabilities to hackers.</p> <p>One of those previous reports &#8212; from July 2013 (shortly after Clinton&#8217;s departure) &#8212; described how much of the cybersecurity work was actually being done by contractors rather than department staff, contrary to government policy.</p> <p>John Bentel, in charge of State&#8217;s cybersecurity during Clinton&#8217;s tenure, is one of the five State Department staffers who demanded immunity before talking to FBI investigators about Clinton&#8217;s private-server scheme.</p> <p>He apparently took his duties regarding Clinton&#8217;s secret server more seriously than his duties to safeguard national cybersecurity. According to an IG report, Bentel &#8220;instructed his subordinates not to discuss the secretary&#8217;s email.&#8221;</p> <p>Rudy Giuliani said on Saturday Clinton&#8217;s use of a private email service for official business was like taking &#8220;all our top-secret material and throwing it out on Fifth Avenue.&#8221;</p> <p>Outrageous, but still a lesser offense than Clinton&#8217;s neglect of the entire department&#8217;s digital security &#8212; exposing communications between thousands of agents and diplomats across the globe. Even after WikiLeaks released 250,000 confidential State Department documents in 2010, Clinton didn&#8217;t plug the obvious holes in State&#8217;s cyber setup.</p> <p>Yet during Monday&#8217;s debate, Clinton had the nerve to claim that she takes threats to the nation&#8217;s cybersecurity very seriously. That&#8217;s a laugh.</p> <p>Hillary&#8217;s management of finances at State was also slipshod, according to inspector general reports that point to a whopping $6 billion unaccounted for during her tenure. Clinton&#8217;s chaotic mismanagement created &#8220;conditions conducive to fraud,&#8221; the IG warned, and made it harder &#8220;to punish and deter criminal behavior.&#8221; She must have felt right at home.</p> <p>True to Clinton&#8217;s instinct to cover up problems rather than fix them, she thwarted several investigations of sexual misconduct and prostitution at State. Investigators complained of &#8220;an appearance of undue influence and favoritism.&#8221;</p> <p>So what are the odds Hillary would run the federal government with integrity, keep the nation safe and get taxpayers more for their money? Zero.</p> <p>Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.</p>
Hillary failed as secretary of state — why would president be any different?
<p>Last Sunday, a frightfully organized lone gunman opened fire on a crowd of 22,000 people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. In his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, he had 23 guns, some of which were outfitted with bump stocks (devices which allow semi-automatic weapons the capability to mimic the gunfire of automatic weapons). He killed 58 people and injured 527 before being discovered, killing himself before police could apprehend him. In the wake of the worst mass shooting in modern United States history, the <a href="http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/05/nra-wayne-lapierre-regulating-guns-mass-shootings-243523" type="external">NRA CEO's response to the Las Vegas shooting</a> was defiant, belligerent, and utterly tone deaf.</p> <p>Romper has reached out to the NRA and is awaiting a reply.</p> <p>NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, normally a man who keeps a low profile, offered a rare interview with Fox News on Thursday. While he did call the Las Vegas shooting an "unimaginable tragedy" during his interview, LaPierre insisted that <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2017/10/05/wayne-lapierre-reacts-to-las-vegas-tragedy-bump-stock-issue-vegas-survivor-insists-on-standing-to-meet-president-trump.html" type="external">stricter gun laws</a> would not change mass shootings:</p> <q> If legislation worked, Boston massacre wouldn&#8217;t have worked, San Bernardino where California has every gun law on the books, that wouldn&#8217;t have happened. </q> <p>LaPierre went on to quickly accuse the "other side" of the tragedy; notably Democrats and celebrities who have been vehemently calling for gun control legislation. The NRA CEO lashed out and accused them of trying to politicize a tragedy, and attempting &#8220;to piggyback their whole agenda to ban guns, restrict law abiding people for the last 20 years, this circus, on the back of this tragedy.&#8221;</p> <p>The CEO became especially agitated when discussing what he believes to be the double standard coming out of Hollywood:</p> <q> We spend millions of dollars every year, teaching people safety and responsibility, and this Hollywood crowd makes billions teaching gun irresponsibility to the American public. The hypocrisy is beyond belief. </q> <p>Of course, LaPierre doesn't have actual facts to back up those claims, and it's important to remember that he is talking about fictional depictions in action movies. When <a href="https://www.salon.com/2017/10/06/nras-wayne-lapierre-blames-hollywood-for-mass-shootings/" type="external">LaPierre accused those unnamed</a> "Hollywood elites" of "protecting themselves with guns," while supposedly wanting to get rid of guns, he has clearly forgotten that few people who have weighed in on stricter gun control have not called for an outright ban of firearms, according to Salon. His interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity was terribly off the mark, focused on Hollywood, rather than the "unimaginable tragedy" he referenced at first and then appeared to quickly forget. Movies in Hollywood do depict deaths, but not actual deaths caused by real guns.</p> <p>Here are a few real-life statistics about gun use in America:</p> According to Vox, the United States fares poorly when compared to gun violence in countries of similar socio-economic success. There are six times as many homicides by <a href="https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/2/16399418/us-gun-violence-statistics-maps-charts" type="external">firearms in the United States</a>compared to neighboring Canada, and 16 times as many as Germany. Americans own nearly half of the <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/03/americas/us-gun-statistics/index.html" type="external">civilian-owned firearms</a>in the world, according to CNN, 310 million of the 650 million civilian-owned firearms worldwide. <a href="http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/06/22/americas-complex-relationship-with-guns/" type="external">Americans own more guns</a> per capita than any other country on the planet, according to a PEW Center study. There are more public mass shootings in the United States than any other country in the world, according to the same study by the PEW Center. <p>However badly LaPierre would like to shift the focus from the Las Vegas shooting victims to his personal vendetta against Hollywood action films, it can't happen. The reality is, the families of those victims need a real, informed, empathetic response to the mass shooting. Not a distraction.</p> <p>Because they are real people who lost real loved ones at the hands of a man with real guns.</p> <p>This isn't a movie. It's real life.</p>
The NRA CEO's Response To Las Vegas Shooting Was Incredibly Tone-Deaf
<p>Nation Media Group reporter Walter Menya's arrested has brought to the fore the conversation on press freedom and passed cases of harassment of journalists in this country. We thought we'd take a look at a few cases in the recent past.</p> Latest News <a type="internal" /> DCJ Philomena Mwilu charged over abuse of office for personal interest and failure to pay taxes <a type="internal" /> President Uhuru Kenyatta signs multi-billion shilling deal with U.S companies <a type="internal" /> Kiambere residents demonstrate against water shortage and lack of electricity. <a type="internal" /> 5 people escape death in a truck accident along Nairobi - Nakuru highway <a type="internal" /> A suspected thief in Kitengela falls in a manhole <a type="internal" /> County officials in Kajiado sign performance contract to monitor service <a type="internal" /> Governors meet in Makueni to take stock of Devolution <a type="internal" /> NLC Chair, Muhammad Swazuri granted office access by the anti-graft court <a type="internal" /> Garissa Governor Ali Korane arrested over attack on ex-finance minister <a type="internal" /> My Job: Graduate from kenyatta University selling water in Eastleigh <a type="internal" /> Uhuru market traders accuse police, administrators handing market to outsiders <a type="internal" /> Three killed, four injured in Riat accident <a type="internal" /> Two former commissioners denied access to IEBC <a type="internal" /> Dandora residents accuse police of extra-judicial killings <a type="internal" /> Sports PS given 7 days to explain ministry's irregular expenditure <a type="internal" /> Supreme court judge in the soup for engaging in graft <a type="internal" /> Ipsos: We stand by our corruption survey report <a type="internal" /> Governors meet in Makueni to take stock of devolution <a type="internal" /> EAPCC planning to sell part of Athi River land to plug financial holes <a type="internal" /> Matatu operators call off Wednesday boycott after talks with Treasury <a type="internal" /> PS Kaberia given 14 days to furnish PAC committee with details on 1.7B spending <a type="internal" /> West Pokot Government to back eradication of retrogressive practices <a type="internal" /> 3 Dead, 4 injured as passenger van overturned in Kisumu
The harassment trail - In 2015, Nation journalist John Ngirachu was arrested
<p>Linda Gibbs died on 31 August aged 70. She was told her cancer diagnosis was terminal on 14 July.</p> <p>Hours after receiving the news, she was called by someone claiming to be from her telephone provider who told her a direct debit payment had failed.</p> <p>She gave them her bank details and PIN number and was told someone would come and collect her card to sort the payment out.</p> <p>A woman arrived at her home in Nuneaton and collected the card, which was then used to buy thousands of pounds worth of jewellery.</p> Warwickshire Police called the criminals 'heartless' <p>Warwickshire Police have released photographs of a woman they want to interview in connection with the investigation, who, they say, may have been wearing a wig at the time the pictures were taken.</p> <p>Mrs Gibbs' daughter, Anita Foxley, said: "My mum was very vulnerable after being told she had terminal cancer and to be targeted by these people is unforgivable. The extra stress this put on her life in her last days was unbearable.</p> <p>"When they targeted her... she must have been at the lowest point that she's ever been at... I imagine that they preyed on that. Obviously they must have been very convincing, and mum must have trusted them," she added.</p> <p>"I would really like to see justice served on the woman who came to my mum's door that day."</p> <p>Kevin Knight, of Warwickshire Police, said: "These types of heartless criminals regularly prey on the most vulnerable members of the community and in this case they have targeted someone who had just received the most awful news.</p> <p>"You can only imagine the impact this had on the final weeks of Mrs Gibbs' life and the anger it continues to cause her family. We believe the woman in these photos has information that will be vital to our enquiries. Please bear in mind that she might be wearing a wig," he added.</p>
"Heartless" fraudsters conned an elderly woman out of thousands of pounds hours after she was told she was going to die of cancer.
<p>Martin Truex Jr. stands during the national anthem before opening race of the NASCAR Cup Series.</p> <p>More than 100 NFL players <a type="internal">took a knee during "The Star Spangled Banner</a>" on Sunday in response to President Trump's fiery comments slamming players who kneeled during the National Anthem.</p> <p>But during Sunday's NASCAR Cup Series opener in Loudon, New Hampshire, seemingly all drivers, crew and team members stood with their hands on their hearts before the race after multiple team owners threatened to fire drivers who refused to do so.</p> <p><a href="https://apnews.com/dc7ba43160d049eca3a0460d093ad8e1/The-Latest:-NASCAR-owners-discourage-anthem-protests" type="external">AP</a> has further details:</p> <q> <p>Several team owners and executives had said they wouldn&#8217;t want anyone in their organizations to protest.Richard Childress, who was Dale Earnhardt&#8217;s longtime team owner, said of protesting, &#8220;It&#8217;ll get you a ride on a Greyhound bus.&#8221; Childress says he told his team that &#8220;anybody that works for me should respect the country we live in." "So many people gave their lives for it. This is America.&#8221;</p> </q> <p><a href="https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nascar/2017/09/25/dale-earnhardt-jr-quotes-jfk-says-americans-have-right-peaceful-protests/699171001/" type="external">Dale Earnhardt Jr</a>.&#8212;who's set to retire <a type="internal">with a staggering 26 wins</a> at the end of this season&#8212;disagreed with his late father's former colleague.</p> <p>The racing legend came out in support of Americans' "granted rights" to conduct "peaceful protests" and quoted President Kennedy in a tweet.</p> <p>Seven-time NASCAR champion and team owner Richard Petty took the strongest stance on the issue. The 72-year-old Hall of Fame driver said that anybody who takes a knee should be thrown "out of the country. Period"</p> <q> <p>Richard Petty&#8217;s sentiments took it a step further, saying: &#8220;Anybody that don&#8217;t stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country. Period.""What got &#8217;em where they&#8217;re at? The United States.&#8221;When asked if a protester at Richard Petty Motorsports would be fired, he said, &#8220;You&#8217;re right.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>NASCAR'S organization-wide refusal to protest garnered praise from President Trump, who tweeted that he was "proud" of supporters and fans who "won't put up with disrespecting" the flag.</p> <p>As the final game of NFL Week 3 commences Monday night, many are wondering if the Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones&#8212;who <a href="http://www.newsweek.com/jerry-jones-dallas-cowboys-monday-night-football-nfl-670358" type="external">contributed $1 million to Trump's inauguration fund</a>&#8212;will protest alongside his players before taking on the Arizona Cardinals in Phoenix.</p> <p>What do you think?</p>
NASCAR Team Owners Vow to Fire Drivers Who Protest During National Anthem
<p>RUSH: I used to read The Economist. It's a British magazine that focuses on economic matters. It's also a journal of opinion disguised, and my memory is that The Economist -- and I'm talking 20 years ago, now, 25 years. I haven't read it in a long, long time. It used to be approved reading by the intellectual right. My memory was that it was valuable here and there. It had some decent insight. But they're gone. Look at this: <a href="https://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21725814-gang-members-often-want-join-one-most-fearsome-reputation-federal" type="external">The Economist explains how Donald Trump may be making life easier for MS-13</a>, the street gang. This is very long, typically long. The Economist's argument, the point is Trump's tough talk is encouraging and emboldening the street gang MS-13. That's right! Tough talk at the North Korean lunatic dictator? That's just making him bigger! That's just making him tougher. That's just steeling his resolve.</p> <p>Now Trump is doing the same thing -- he's talking tough on MS-13 -- and what's happening? He's making them bigger! Let me ask you a question: What is the status of illegal immigration in the country today versus when Trump was inaugurated? In fact, let's just measure it year over year. Illegal immigration is way down, is it not? I mean, it's down by a factor of millions, is it not? It is, folks. Don't doubt me. Have we had any significant changes in the law? Has there been any comprehensive or otherwise immigration reform or new legislation? The answer is, no. There hasn't been any substantive change whatsoever. How has Donald Trump been approaching the issue? Well, since the middle of 2015, he's been talkin' tough on it, and he's been tellin' people we're going to build a wall -- and he's been telling people that if they come in illegally, we're going to track them down and we're going to deport them. He's been telling people if they're here illegally and we find them we're going to deport them. The point is Donald Trump has been talking tough on illegal immigration, and what has happened? It's way down. The number of people trying to get into the country illegally is way, way down. Now if you listen to the left, Donald Trump's tough talk on illegal immigration should have them pouring over the border. Donald Trump's tough talk on illegal immigration should be making these illegal immigrants and their coyotes and their supporters twice or three times as committed to get in here. But it's not working out that way. Just the enforcement of existing law -- the promise to enforce existing law, the threat to enforce existing law, the commitment to build the wall, the tough talk, the committed talk on the policy -- is actually working. It is causing there to be a massive, major reduction in the numbers of people attempting to get into the country illegally. There's documented evidence that tough talk is working. Honest, tough talk is working. Yet, tough talk with Kim Jong-un? "Oh, no! It's going to lead to nuclear war! Oh my God, we're going to die!" Same thing with MS-13, according to The Economist. Donald Trump is making life for these gang members easier and easier. He's talking tough and he's just helping them recruit more members. Now you can't have it both ways.</p>
The Economist: Trump’s Creating More MS-13 Gangmembers
<p>The readers of my column are well aware I&#8217;m not a fan of MGM CEO Jim Murren. I&#8217;ve called him &#8220;the worst CEO in America&#8221; because he entangled his company in radical leftist politics &#8212; including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization tied to terror and called by many experts a front group for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.</p> <p>I actually felt bad for MGM when this tragedy first happened.</p> <p>But could it have happened to any Vegas resort? Or were there factors at play that led to this property being chosen for this terrible mass murder?</p> <p>Murren was appointed by Barack Obama to the Homeland Security Council. From that perch, Murren had insider access to the detailed threats aimed at Vegas. What did he do to prepare and adequately safeguard his guests?</p> <p>Several MGM security guards and ex-security guards have called my radio show in recent days. They described MGM&#8217;s security as &#8220;woefully undertrained and understaffed.&#8221; One ex-MGM security guard called to say Murren&#8217;s first act in taking over Luxor and Mandalay Bay was to disarm most of the guards and declare MGM hotels &#8220;gun-free&#8221; zones. Maybe that&#8217;s why the shooter chose Mandalay Bay.</p> <p>Why has the timeline involving Mandalay Bay guard Jesus Campos changed so many times? Did he approach the shooter&#8217;s room before or after the mass murder started? If it was before, why weren&#8217;t the police called?</p> <p>Did the shooter choose a MGM property because VIP high roller clients were free to use service elevators, thereby avoiding scrutiny?</p> <p>Finally, was the CEO of MGM focused on his properties? Was the security of his customers a main priority? Or was he distracted?</p> <p>SEC records for September reveal more than $200 million in stock selloffs from MGM officers and directors. From July 31 to early September, Murren sold more than 80 percent of his MGM stock.</p> <p>This certainly paints the picture of a CEO with a lack of faith in his own company. Or did Murren have one foot out the door? Was he distracted and uninterested, perhaps making plans to leave? Why else would a CEO sell off a large majority of the shares he owns in his own company? Was Murren focused on MGM security as a major terror attack was being planned at his property? Or was he too busy selling off his shares, at the right price, into the open market, without Wall Street noticing?</p> <p>MGM&#8217;s top executives and key board members also sold huge amounts of stock in September.</p> <p>How about this eye-popping number? In the past three months, according to SEC Form 4, MGM insiders sold off 6,387,163 shares. Guess how many those same insiders bought? Zero.</p> <p>Also in September, while MGM&#8217;s CEO and insiders were selling off huge amounts of their own company stock, MGM announced a billion-dollar stock buyback program. In other words, they used &#8220;other people&#8217;s money&#8221; to buy back MGM stock on the open market to prop up the price.</p> <p>Talk about the world&#8217;s worst conflict of interest. Shareholders were forced to spend $1 billion to buy &#8220;undervalued MGM stock&#8221; at the same time the CEO and his team couldn&#8217;t wait to get out.</p> <p>Question: What if MGM had used that same $1 billion to upgrade security or hire twice as many security staff instead of to prop up its stock price while the CEO was selling?</p> <p>Lastly, did Murren sign for a special &#8220;terrorism rider&#8221; on MGM&#8217;s liability insurance policy? Will a designation of &#8220;terrorism&#8221; vs. criminal mass murder affect the payout from the insurance policy? Could declaring this a terror act change MGM&#8217;s bottom line by billions of dollars? Inquiring minds want to know.</p> <p>Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated &#8220;WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show&#8221; from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.</p>
COMMENTARY: More questions surrounding the Las Vegas Strip shooting
<p>While officially the White House is condemning the ISIS suicide attacks in Tehran today, in keeping with their policy of being against ISIS, President Trump&#8217;s own statement on the matter appeared less than wholly sympathetic, attributing the attacks to Iran &#8220; <a href="http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/336796-trump-administration-iran-risks-falling-victim-to-evil-they-promote" type="external">falling victim to the evil they promote</a>.&#8221;</p> <p>President Trump has made clear since the campaign that he does not like Iran, and spent much of his recent trip to the Middle East pushing hostility toward Iran, as well as portraying Iran as being to blame for most of the terrorism in the region.</p> <p>That ISIS is the world&#8217;s biggest terrorist organization, and that Iran has been heavily supporting both Iraq and Syria in fighting ISIS, doesn&#8217;t fit into Trump&#8217;s narrative, and the fact that ISIS just launched terrorist attacks in Tehran is particularly unwelcome to the US agenda of trying to spin everything wrong in the Middle East as being Iran&#8217;s fault.</p> <p>President Trump&#8217;s answer to this, then, is to remind everyone that Iran is a &#8220;state sponsor of terrorism,&#8221; an official designation by the US government which means effectively nothing, and only currently applies to three countries that the US doesn&#8217;t like, none of whom has anything to do with ISIS, al-Qaeda, or other major international terrorist groups.</p> Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
Trump Attributes Iran Terror Attack to ‘The Evil They Promote’
<p>Pentagon officials are used to looking for ISIS everywhere they can nowadays, and have found a security threat from them in the Caribbean, where ISIS obviously isn&#8217;t a huge thing, but where growing numbers of people trying to join ISIS are seen as a concerning trend.</p> <p>Marine General John Kelly, set to retire later this month, <a href="https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016/01/08/top-general-isis-presence-in-caribbean-on-the-rise" type="external">says that these small numbers of ISIS supporters are a particular risk, because in small nations like Trinidad and Tobago, they don&#8217;t have anything comparable to the US military</a> or the TSA to combat ISIS.</p> <p>Gen. Kelly declared that &#8220;just a few of these nuts can cause an awful lot of trouble down in the Caribbean,&#8221; complaining many of the islands don&#8217;t even have proper militaries, let alone something like the US military, a leviathan that intervenes globally and rivals the scope off any in human history.</p> <p>ISIS issued a video for Trinidadian recruitment way back in 2015, showing a <a href="http://www.caribbean360.com/news/shock-over-isis-recruitment-video-featuring-children-from-trinidad" type="external">recruit from the island and his three young children</a> calling on the island&#8217;s Muslim population to join the fight. About 5% of the island&#8217;s population is Muslim, or about 60,000 people. The indications are that Caribbean-wide ISIS recruitment was around 150 people, up from 100 the prior year.</p> <p>In reality, the &#8220;threat&#8221; here is much less about Trinidad not having a globe-hopping military, than that ISIS isn&#8217;t making such a big deal about recruits coming to Syria anymore, and is instead pressing them to launch attacks at home. This is particularly problematic for the US because many Caribbean islands are popular tourist destinations, and American tourists are a likely target.</p> Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
US General Warns Growing ISIS Presence a Major Security Problem in Caribbean
<p>When the constitution was being forged, there was much discussion about what exactly the nation was to be. Some wanted only the loosest of connections between the states, with states being more like individual nations and the Federal Government being little more than a common union, agreeing to join together to protect from outside forces that would attempt to harm any state. When the northern states decided that slavery was to be illegal, southern states were concerned about how they would continue to run their plantations. The issue of "states rights" was one of the largest concerns during the time before the civil war broke out. Southern states wanted to decide for themselves if slavery was to be legal, not letting northern states make such decisions for them. People from the north found the practice to be so reprehensible that they wanted to force the south to stop the practice. While slavery was a significant reason for the civil war, States Rights divided the nation and the defeat of states rights was a significant blow to the efforts of the original founders of the constitution.</p> <p>19 people found this useful</p>
What issues divide the nation during the civil war?
<p>Officials familiar with the situation say that NATO has agreed to join the US-led anti-ISIS coalition on an alliance level, with indications that Germany and France were the last nations to agree to the formal move, <a href="http://www.dw.com/en/nato-will-formally-join-anti-islamic-state-coalition/a-38585836" type="external">which will be announced during the Brussels summit</a>.</p> <p>All NATO members are already individually members of the anti-ISIS coalition, and diplomats say that the move will have no actual consequence, and seemingly is being done just for the sake of a &#8220;purely symbolic&#8221; gesture during President Trump&#8217;s visit.</p> <p>President Trump has always been keen to bring NATO deeper into the ISIS war, of course, and has made a big deal about NATO&#8217;s obsolescence because it wasn&#8217;t formed specifically to deal with terrorism, claiming in April that &#8220; <a type="internal">back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.</a>&#8221;</p> <p>While shortly after his election most NATO officials were just attacking Trump for being too &#8220;pro-Russia,&#8221; recently they seem to be eager to please him, so long as it only requires symbolic actions that won&#8217;t amount to anything.</p> Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
NATO Agrees to Formally Joint Anti-ISIS Coalition
<p>CNN's Don Lemon discusses a potential "whitelash" created by President Trump with network contributor Van Jones and his panel. From Friday's broadcast of CNN Tonight:</p> <q> DON LEMON, CNN: So we're back now with my panel. I want to bring them back in. Scott Jennings, Van Jones and David Swerdlick. Scott, I read those numbers differently than you read them. Because it shows that -- I think that most people think that the players have the right to do it. They have the right, that they're doing the right thing or that they had the right to do it, not that they're doing the right thing. But I think that I read that differently, that poll differently than you did. Van, I'm not sure if that is what you wanted to comment on. VAN JONES, CNN: Well, what I want to say is what's surprising -- it's not surprising that the majority of Americans look down on this protest. If you look at the 1960s, 1963, 67, 70 percent of white Americans said, hey, stop this black protesting. This freedom rights, you're hurting your cause, the sit-in movement, you're hurting your cause. Cut it out, it's bad. Huge numbers of people in the '60s with Dr. King said stop these black protests. When you look at these numbers, these are some of the most popular black protests in American history. If you look at contextually, what they're doing are some of the most popular protests in American history with white folks, because in general the white public has not liked to see black folks protesting. So I see it differently. </q> <q> LEMON: I see it differently because everyone, listen, when taking a knee, that is in reverence. But even the player I had on Michael Thomas of the Miami Dolphins said to me the other night, he said, everybody would like to stand. I think most people would like to stand. What the issue is that -- in that poll, 60 percent of Americans think that President Trump did the wrong thing by criticizing the athletes. This doesn't necessarily that they agree with what they did, but they think he should not have inserted himself. If you ask someone should you stand up for the flag? Of course they say you should stand up for the flag. But did he do the right thing in calling them sons of bitches and saying they should be fired, the majority of people saying, no, he shouldn't have done that. Van, I was talking to you, because I interrupted you. JONES: I mean Donald Trump never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Here's an issue where his concern is this line with public opinion, but the way he deals with it is actually, you know, puts him in a super minority in terms of people who are able to somehow bring himself to support his language and demeanor. I want to say this as clearly as I can say it. In this country, African- Americans, no matter what we do -- when we sit in, when we freedom ride, when we kneel in, whatever it is, the initial response from the public tends to be overwhelmingly negative, because basically we're kind of raining on folks' parades, I don't want to hear this stuff. As time goes on, the Muhammad Ali's and all the people that raised those issues, they then become heroes later. They're never heroes in the moment. They're heroes later on when people reflect on the courage they showed and the issues that they raised. And that is really where we are. Colin Kaepernick, as the years go on, will be a more and more revered figure and frankly, Donald Trump is in danger of being a more and more reviled figure as the years go on. LEMON: Another message, David, from the President seems to be that he gets to define what patriotism is and who is patriotic. SWERDLICK: That is right, Don. And I think he is made the mistake here kind of along the lines of what Van is saying by casting his view in the way that he did. There was a point just a week ago where the owners and management in the NFL were a lot closer to the position of the President by castigating the players in this way, he has driven the owners closer to the players because they -- I think been able to see that, ok, now when you have the players versus the President of the United States, you can see more clearly what the players are trying to do. The players have said Colin Kaepernick has said, his former teammate Eric Reed said in "The New York Times" this week that they chose kneeling specifically, because they wanted to do a protest in the most respectful way possible. They didn't stay in the locker room. They didn't turn their backs on the flag. They came out for the anthem, but knelt to underscore what is the underlying issue here, which is police violence and the tension between communities of color and police. But, no, no, go ahead. LEMON: Not to rush you guys along but I want to get to two things. Why do we play the national anthem at a ball game anyway? Why is that such a big deal? JENNINGS: We play it at a lot of events. I view it as one of the rituals that we all go through together that reminds us that we're all in this together. We're all Americans and we're all in this experience together. But there's an important set of rituals we go through that sort of give us that every now and then reminder that, hey, we're all Americans and what does it mean to be an American? It means we're all in this country together and we're all fighting for the same thing, the same freedom, and the same liberty. I think when people see what they perceive as disrespect of those rituals, they have a visceral reaction. Trump has a visceral reaction, a lot of his supporters do. According to a CNN poll 90 percent of his supporters had the same reaction that he did. There's a population that don't like to see people disrespecting the rituals that reminds us, hey, we're all in this together. LEMON: That is been my whole point. Is that this President has had the chance to elevate and educate people to realize that just by draping yourself in the flag is not necessarily patriotism. That is just a ritual and rituals can be hollow. Van, when you step back and think about all the President has said about the NFL players, and I know that -- is this a white lash against the players and the supporters that is what's resulted here? JONES: If you take a big step back, there's something happening throughout the west that this politics of resentment, this politics of kind of finding these dog whistle issues is becoming a playbook for a certain set of politicians. You saw that happening in Germany, very far right people who made it to parliament in Germany. Playing us against each other. And I think the President of the United States is all too often guilty of those same kinds of tactics. I think that we have forgotten -- we've got of lost the plot here. Those NFL players, the African-American ones, they say well, they're rich. They should just be grateful. They shouldn't complain. Rich celebrities shouldn't complain. Donald Trump is a rich celebrity -- LEMON: All the time. JONES: -- and he is been complaining all the time. Apparently it's ok to be a rich celebrity and complain. Ask the President. That is how he got where he is. They say they shouldn't raise these issues, a lot of these guys are two or three years out of the hood. Their families still live there. They're getting text messages from cousins. They go home to thanksgiving to neighborhoods where if it was mine or yours or Donald Trump's neighborhood, they would be screaming and yelling something is going terribly wrong. The street violence and the police violence. Too much violence, too many funerals. They're doing a good thing for American racist issues. </q>
CNN's Don Lemon: Has Trump Sparked a "Whitelash" Against NFL Players And Supporters
<p>(WEYI/WSMH) -- The Michigan State Police out of Detroit took to Twitter reporting the claims of a viral video about human trafficking in a Metro Detroit suburb are not accurate.</p> <p>"It was investigated by law enforcement and not a case of human trafficking. He was right about being vigilant but that&#8217;s about it," said the State Police on Twitter.</p> <p>This is the Facebook post where Nick Ahmad claims human trafficking almost happened to his wife and others.</p> <p>The video has been viewed over 650,000 times and shared close to 30,000 times.</p> <p>After an investigation the Michigan State Police took to twitter saying the viral Facebook video is not accurate.</p>
Michigan State Police say viral Facebook human trafficking video is not accurate
<p>Defense Secretary James Mattis warned Monday that the US Army <a href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mattis-tells-army-to-be-ready-on-north-korea-military-options/" type="external">needs to &#8220;stand ready&#8221; for put into action its various options</a> for attacking North Korea, saying &#8220;neither you nor I can say&#8221; what the future holds, and that it&#8217;s purely up to President Trump.</p> <p>Mattis presented the preparations to attack North Korea as necessary because of &#8220;continued provocations&#8221; by Pyongyang, despite North Korea not having said much of anything in recent weeks, <a type="internal">other than being concerned that Trump has declared war</a> during the many, many times he&#8217;s talked about destroying North Korea.</p> <p>While Trump has largely been driving the North Korea war hysteria for months on end, he&#8217;s been virtually the sole instigator of such talks lately, condemning diplomacy on a near-daily basis,and insisting that &#8220; <a type="internal">only one thing will work</a>&#8221; against them, ominously threatening to show us all what that is &#8220;pretty soon.&#8221;</p> <p>Repeated threats to &#8220;totally destroy&#8221; North Korea have been among his most favored talking points on any subject since the UN General Assembly. Mattis&#8217; talk of keeping the Army ready to carry out that threat only adds to concern that the US could start a massive war at any moment.</p> Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
Mattis: US Army Must Be Ready to ‘Confront’ North Korea
<p>YORK, PA &#8212;</p> <p>A video circulating on Facebook has some residents in York city crying foul, while the York City Police Department is encouraging residents to not jump to conclusions.</p> <p>CBS21 News' Brandi Proctor spoke with York City Police Chief Wes Kahley who explained the video showed only a small portion of what happened and that his officer was defending himself.</p> <p>Watch the video here:</p> <p>Chief Kahley stated he does believe the 10-second video is disturbing, but added that it's the events leading up to the video that caused the officer to react.</p> <p>The video showing 23-year-old Melissa Penn, being punched by an unidentified police officer surfaced on social media early Monday morning.</p> <p>Police allege Penn caused a disturbance inside the popular bar on the 400 block of East Market Street in York before attacking the office and kneeing him several times. -- All of this happened before the cameras started rolling.</p> <p>Residents CBS21 News spoke with say seeing a woman being punched is hard to watch, regardless of the circumstance.</p> <p>"One thing we want to make sure of, is that our officers are doing their jobs correctly. We want to make sure they are treating people with respect. Again, I don't expect any officers to be punching bags," Chief Kahley said.</p> <p>Police say there is more video that may be released in the future. In the meantime, they are asking the public to not draw any conclusions.</p> <p>Police said the woman depicted in the video has been arrested, but did not release the charges pending against her.</p>
Video of officer punching woman has some crying foul in York city
<q> <p>A new undercover video shows New York Times audience strategy editor Nick Dudich bragging about his anti-Trump bias and his history as a former antifa member.</p> <p>Conservative activist group Project Veritas released the video on Tuesday, showing Dudich joking about being objective, before saying: &#8220;No, I&#8217;m not. That&#8217;s why I&#8217;m here.&#8221; Dudich emphasized his influence within the Times newsroom, saying that his &#8220;imprint is on every video we do.&#8221;</p> <p>The editor also claimed to be a former antifa member who frequently assaulted alleged neo-Nazis. &#8220;Yeah, I used to be an antifa punk once upon a time,&#8221; Dudich says, referring to the militant far-left movement that has repeatedly attacked conservatives and Trump supporters.</p> <p><a href="http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/10/nyt-editor-claims-to-be-former-antifa-member-brags-about-anti-trump-bias/" type="external">Keep reading&#8230;</a></p> </q>
NYT Editor Claims To Be Former Antifa Member, Brags About Anti-Trump Bias
<p>At least 58 people are dead and 518 more wounded after a gunman opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas Sunday night.</p> <p>The assailant opened fire with a fully automatic weapon just as Jason Aldean was beginning his show at the Route 91 Harvest Festival.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Videos posted on social media show Aldean, one of the biggest names in the genre, singing as very rapid gunfire begins in the background.</p> <p>He can be seen running from stage as he, and the thousands in the crowd who came to see him, realized the horror of what was happening.</p> <p>No matter how often these tragedies occur (and it is far too often), one never goes into an event thinking it will happen then or there.</p> <p>The terror is unimaginable.</p> <p>In this case, it was also protracted. A <a href="http://people.com/crime/active-shooter-reported-near-las-vegas-casino-hotel-during-country-music-festival/" type="external">gunman continued to rain bullets</a> on the audience for up to two terrifying hours, reports indicate.</p> <p>Victims ran to safety, according to NBC News, during momentary breaks in the violence, at which point the shooter presumably reloaded.</p> <a type="internal" /> Many were trapped in the venue for what must have felt like an eternity, but police SWAT officers eventually found and killed the shooter. <p>He was found on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, and shot dead.</p> <p>&#8220;Right now we believe it&#8217;s a solo act, a lone wolf attacker,&#8221; Lombardo told reporters. &#8220;We are pretty confident there is no longer a threat.&#8221;</p> <p>The gunman has not yet been identified.</p> <p>Aldean said he was safe in an Instagram post early Monday, sharing an image of the city and asking for prayers for the victims:</p> <p>&#8220;Tonight has been beyond horrific. I still dont know what to say but wanted to let everyone know that Me and my Crew are safe."</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>"My Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved tonight,&#8221; he wrote, clearly as stunned and traumatized as anyone else.</p> <p>&#8220;It hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night.&#8221;</p> <p>Aldean&#8217;s wife Brittany Kerr posted her own message on Instagram, saying, &#8220;We are safe&#8230; our angels were definitely watching over us tonight."</p> <p>"No words for what happened," she added.</p> <p>"Just horrific. Praying for everyone.&#8221;</p> <p>Witness accounts are what you would expect - unable to fully do justice to what happened as you read this, but terrifying nonetheless.</p> <p>Country star Jake Owen was one of the witnesses, having just finished his set and was still on stage when the shooting started.</p> <a type="internal" /> &#8220;I was crouched down behind a cop car," he said. <p>"There was blood on people and you could see a couple of people in the streets that looked like they had been shot,&#8221; Owen added.</p> <p>Ivetta Saldana told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, &#8220;It was was a horror show. People were standing around, then they hit the floor.&#8221;</p> <p>Robyn Webb, who was at the concert along with her husband last night, told the newspaper, &#8220;It just kept coming. It was relentless.&#8221;</p> <p>Authorities, meanwhile, are searching for a 62-year-old woman named Marylou Danley, whom they believe is the gunman&#8217;s roommate.</p> <p>Police have searched a home in Mesquite, Nevada, 85 miles from Las Vegas, where it is believed the gunman lived with Danley.</p> <p>She is considered a person of interest in the case.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>UPDATE: Police have identified the assailant as Stephen Paddock, 64. He is shown above with his companion, Danley.</p> <p>Paddock is believed to have begun his attack around 10:00 pm local time and to have continued shooting for two hours.</p> <p>Police were reportedly able to locate Paddock quickly due to the smoke from his weapon setting off hotel fire detectors.</p> <p>Paddock's motives for the shooting remain unclear. Early reports indicate that he was not a member of any militant group.</p> <p>He was not known to hold extremist political or religious beliefs, though the investigation into the matter is just hours old.</p> <p>Danley was apprehended for questioning at 3:40 a.m.</p> <a type="internal" /> It is not currently known if she's being treated as an accomplice in the attack, or whether law enforcement simply wants to learn more. <p>In any case, reports indicate that several guns, including at least eight rifles, were found in the room rented by Paddock and Danley.</p> <p>&#8220;We have no idea what his belief system was,&#8221; Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said during his press briefing early this morning.</p> <p>More details to follow as this shocking story develops ...</p> <p>UPDATE: The death toll is now 58 and climbing, according to an ABC News report, with more than 518 people wounded.</p> <p>Expect that to tragically rise as the day progresses.</p>
Las Vegas Shooting: 50 Dead, 200 Wounded at Jason Aldean Concert
<p>There are TWO genders: male and female. It&#8217;s for liberals to get that under their skin because it&#8217;s a biological FACT. It&#8217;s ridiculous for Liberals advocate for mentally ill people to have sex change surgeries. They need help, not to be maimed. Our country has failed these people under Obama&#8230;but now President Trump is ENDING the politically correct BS. It&#8217;s time to do the right thing!!</p> <p>According to <a href="http://www.usapoliticstoday.com/obamas-transgender-bathrooms/" type="external">usa politics today:</a></p> <p>Had state-funded schools, colleges and universities not complied with the directive, it could put public institutions at risk of losing federal funding.</p> <p>As a result, U.S. District Judge Reed O&#8217;Connor temporarily blocked the Obama directive nationwide in August. In his ruling, O&#8217;Connor said Title IX &#8220;is not ambiguous&#8221; about sex being defined as &#8220;the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump is going to bring back family values and Christian values to America again! It&#8217;s time this country to become conservative and normal again!</p> <p>We should stop with the promotion of liberal sick values, all that sick attitude, we have to be normal and sane and good people again!</p> <p>No more transgender, gay, abortions, drugs, crimes, illegals etc&#8230; We have to have law and order, strong police, strong border, strong military, strong churches, more freedom, less socialism, less communism, less utopia, lower taxes, less regulation!</p> <p>That is the Trump rule, that is the Trump philosophy, and we voted for that! And if he do that, America will be great again!</p> <p>So, GO TRUMP GO! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PRESIDENT TRUMP!</p> <p>(h/t) <a href="http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/13/trump-administration-takes-big-step-back-from-obamas-transgender-bathroom-rules/" type="external">The Blaze</a></p>
GOD IS GOOD!! Trump Just GAVE THE ORDER: No More Obama’s Transgender Bathrooms!
<p>Councilor Mike Gaffney Quotes Voltaire About Free Speech, Failed Reporter Buttmunch Billy Shaner Says He Was Quoting A White Supremacist</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information.</p> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/benniesworc/photos/?ref=page_internal" type="external" /> <p>Yesterday Worcester City Councilor Michael Gaffney wrote a letter to Turtleboy about his disgust towards Worcester Magazine Editor Walter Bird for the way Bird <a type="internal">sexually harasses and tries to hook up with women</a> who he has business dealings with.</p> <p>But why did Councilor Gaffney wait until now to release this damning information? Well, he was probably mad that Buttmunch Billy Shaner, his newest minimum wage reporter, insinuated in the recent copy of their free newspaper that <a href="https://worcestermag.com/2017/08/17/worcesteria-sa-square-off-sweet-turns-korean-goat-snapper/53202" type="external">Councilor Gaffney subscribed to white nationalist ideology</a>:</p> <p>YIKES: Quoting a white supremacist is not the best look, especially after one of them rammed a car into a group of people, killing one and injuring 19. With that in mind, I bring you <a href="http://worcesterindependentleader.com/worcester-s-democratic-party---you-sir-are-no-jfk.html" type="external">a recent article in the Worcester Independent Leader</a> by City Councilor At-Large Mike Gaffney blasting city leadership for policies that favor big business and development. While I felt the article did a fine job portraying his perspective, a friend pointed out something worrying toward the bottom. Just before the last sentence, there&#8217;s a quote overlaying an image attributed to Voltaire. The quote reads: &#8220;To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.&#8221; It is often attributed to Voltaire, although it has been <a href="http://nationalvanguard.org/2017/01/voltaire-didnt-say-it/" type="external">disputed</a> <a href="https://www.mediaite.com/online/to-learn-who-rules-over-you-viral-voltaire-quote-probably-originated-with-white-supremacist/" type="external">as to whether he, in fact, said it</a>. A prominent and supremely controversial white supremacist named <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom" type="external">Kevin Alfred Strom</a> did, however.. Among other things, Strom has denied the Holocaust, advocated for a Neo-Nazi party and pleaded guilty to child pornography possession charge. The quote kind of takes a different meaning in proper context, I think.</p> <p>So let me get this straight. Gaffney gives a completely applicable quote about the dangers of censoring free speech, which he and most other people attribute to Voltaire &#8211; the philosopher whose writings most historians agree was a driving force in the American Revolution. And what does Billy do? He goes out of his way to turn this into Gaffney quoting a white supremacist. For the record, even the far left attributes this quote to Voltaire:</p> So did people in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo murders: <q> <p>Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise" <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/JeSuisCharlie?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">#JeSuisCharlie</a> <a href="http://t.co/uAK8KF3C6i" type="external">pic.twitter.com/uAK8KF3C6i</a></p> <p>&#8212; Sam Sussex (@SamSussex) <a href="https://twitter.com/SamSussex/status/553126053968093185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 8, 2015</a></p> </q> <p>So do Palestinians who want to criticize Israel:</p> <q> <p>To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.-Voltaire <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GazaUnderAttack?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">#GazaUnderAttack</a> <a href="http://t.co/k3yt6jzHNH" type="external">pic.twitter.com/k3yt6jzHNH</a></p> <p>&#8212; Persia (&#1585;) (@persiatx) <a href="https://twitter.com/persiatx/status/499677778963206145?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">August 13, 2014</a></p> </q> <p>So did Trump&#8217;s lucky sperm:</p> <q> <p>To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.Voltaire</p> <p>&#8212; Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) <a href="https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/327411826465832961?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">April 25, 2013</a></p> </q> <p>This is what you get when you Google image that quote:</p> <p>In other words, everyone thinks Voltaire said this. No one knows for sure if he did or didn&#8217;t. All we do know is that a random white supremacist from West Virginia also wrote it <a href="https://www.amfirstbooks.com/IntroPages/ToolBarTopics/Articles/Featured_Authors/strom,_kevin/kevin_strom_works/Kevin_Strom_1991-1994/Kevin_A._Strom_19930814-ADV_All_America_Must_Know_the_Terror_That_Is_Upon_Us.html" type="external">here</a> 25 years ago. So obviously Councilor Gaffney has been brushing up on his 25 year old West Virginia white supremacist literature. Either that or he, just like many progressives and conservatives before him, believe this is a Voltaire quote.</p> <p>Anyone with a brain could see what Buttmunch Billy was trying to do here. He doesn&#8217;t like Gaffney because he&#8217;s a social justice warrior. He tries to play if off like he&#8217;s just &#8220;reporting the news&#8221; but he doesn&#8217;t do a very good job hiding it.</p> <p>Keep in mind that the Turtlegram and Gazette <a type="internal">called Gaffney a &#8220;slave master&#8221;</a> two years ago for investigating a fraudulent non-profit that just so happened to be run by a black woman. They act like it&#8217;s harmless to throw these labels out there. It&#8217;s not. And what I love about Gaffney is that he&#8217;s not afraid to fire back at these frauds, which is exactly what he did on his Facebook page last night:</p> <p>Juicy!!! Walter Bird didn&#8217;t write the blurb, but his newest employee did. I&#8217;m sure Walter appreciates Buttmunch Billy dragging him into a world of shit that is Turtleboy blowback. But what choice did Gaffney have? We&#8217;re the only media outlet in town that tells the truth. The rest are clearly against him, so why should he place nice with them any longer? Either way, Walter is the editor. He approved of this. He allowed his newest employee to insinuate that the Vice Chairman of the City Council quotes white supremacists.</p> <p>Buttmunch Billy quickly objected on Gaffney&#8217;s Facebook page:</p> <p>Yea Mike. He didn&#8217;t actually call you a racist. He just insinuated that you are inspired by white supremacist literature and freely quote them in order to push your agenda in Worcester. What&#8217;s the harm? YIKES!!</p> <p>Instead of just apologizing and admitting he fucked up, Buttmunch Billy doubled down and said that he was NOT insinuating any racism on his part:</p> <p>Yea dude, no one believes you. You&#8217;re not good at lying. You don&#8217;t go out of your way to research a meme&#8217;s origins, and then attribute it solely to a white supremacist, unless you&#8217;re trying to tie Gaffney to that particular white supremacist. We&#8217;re not as stupid as you are.</p> <p>Plus, who cares?</p> <p>Yea, there&#8217;s no consequences to being tied to a controversial white supremacist just a couple days after one of them murdered a woman with his car. It&#8217;s not like Joe Petty and his mindless followers will use that against him. Oh wait&#8230;..</p> <p>&#8220;Councilor Gaffney quotes white supremacist.&#8221;</p> <p>That&#8217;s the story now. That&#8217;s how it will be told from this point forward. Buttmunch Billy knew this, which is why he wrote it in the first place. But it&#8217;s not his fault:</p> <p>&#8220;It&#8217;s not on me the way partisans choose to use my reporting.&#8221;</p> <p>See? He was just reporting the facts by going out of his way to suggest that Gaffney quoted a Nazi. Not his fault how people react to that. Kind of like how people like Billy don&#8217;t blame Trump when his supporters do fucked up shit.</p> <p>Many accused him of racebaiting, but Buttmunch Billy once again disagreed:</p> <p>Yea, totally not race-baiting. White supremacy has nothing do with race.</p> <p>Then things got even juicier:</p> <p>Busted!!! Apparently Billy was texting Gaffney wanting to know why a post from one of his trolls named Eric Malouin was deleted:</p> <p>Notice the face he forgot to crop out after he screenshotted:</p> That would be fellow Worcester Magazine minimum wage employee <p>Oh I see now &#8211; it was a group effort from Worcester Magazine. No wonder Gaffney wanted to spill the bins on their boss &#8211; they conspire to make him look bad and they got caught in the act. Nice going Billy. So that means Lyford was watching this all go down, started screenshotting his boy Eric&#8217;s troll comments, and then cried about it to Buttmunch Billy when Gaffney blocked him. Because Josh was too much of a pussy to confront Gaffney himself. Sad.</p> <p>It looks as if the local African-American community was not impressed with their race baiting:</p> <p>Boom. Roasted.</p> <p>Once Gaffney threatened to spill the bins on Walter&#8217;s sexting scandal, Billy realized he fucked up. He&#8217;s only been on the job a couple months and his childish vendetta was about to lead to the public humiliation of his boss. So he was all like, &#8220;Why not focus on my behavior?&#8221;</p> <p>Because Walter allowed this to happen. What you write reflects upon him. When South Shore Turtlegirl offends large groups of people they go after the brand, not the blogger. We all own it together.</p> <p>It&#8217;s OK though, because &#8220;Worcesteria&#8221; is &#8220;irreverent.&#8221;</p> <p>Yea, it&#8217;s just a joke Mike!! So I called you a white supremacist. Big deal snowflake!! His &#8220;friend&#8221; thought it was funny:</p> <p>At least he understands that without doing stuff like this no one would actually read his columns:</p> <p>I hate to even give Buttmunch Billy attention he so dearly craves.</p> <p>He writes about us EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Or so I&#8217;m told, I don&#8217;t read it myself. My grandmother calls me about it on her landline. He&#8217;s baiting for us to write about him because he&#8217;s smart enough to realize that becoming a Turtleboy villain will at least make him somewhat relevant. But now he&#8217;s finally got our attention. Unfortunately for him he was completely exposed for being the fraud that he is, and his boss might lose his job.</p> <p>We urge you to support the following local businesses.</p> <a href="http://mariasfinejewelry.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://purejuz.net/" type="external" /> <a type="internal" />
Councilor Mike Gaffney Quotes Voltaire About Free Speech, Failed Reporter Buttmunch Billy Shaner Says He Was Quoting A White Supremacist
<p>Gutterpube Who Says &#8220;F All Them Crackas&#8221; Who Got Shot In Vegas, Is A Deadbeat Dad Coke Dealer Who Claims He Donated Drug Proceeds To PR Relief</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at <a type="internal">[email protected]</a> for more information.</p> <a href="http://salernolawoffices.com" type="external" /> Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 10.29.56 AM <p>Obviously the big story of the day is the massacre that occurred in Las Vegas last night at a Country Music concert, where at least 50 people were killed by a man from a 32nd floor hotel room at Mandalay Bay casino. Naturally this has already been politicized, with people arguing about immigration, gun control, and all things Trump. Oh and Hillary said this:</p> <q> <p>The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.</p> <p>Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.</p> <p>&#8212; Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) <a href="https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/914853465926639618?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">October 2, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>But yea, Trump is the only one who tweets dumb things. Good thing the democrats gave us a viable alternative in 2016 that we could really get behind. Those machine gun silencers are a real killer.</p> <p>Anyway, we have no interest in going all political about this. Maybe Jay Dub will. Just not my cup of tea. What we do is always find the worst people on the Internet and see what they have to say about this tragedy. Today&#8217;s winner is an illiterate drug dealer from Hartford named Allen Lozada, AKA AP El Titere. Here&#8217;s his initial reaction to the mass shooting:</p> <p>He might not have finished his GED, but he basically sees the world the same exact way 99% of employees at CNN do &#8211; everything is Trump&#8217;s fault. And those crackas who were peacefully watching a concert in Vegas? They deserved it. The whole thing was a big setup to draw attention away from hurricane relief in Puerto Rico.</p> <p>He was just getting started though:</p> <p>But he&#8217;s one of the good guys because he admits to donating his profits from drug transactions towards disaster relief:</p> <p>Oh yea, he&#8217;s a winner. And you&#8217;ll never guess who his favorite bouncing ball team is&#8230;..</p> <p>There&#8217;s gonna be a lot of talk in the days and weeks ahead about banning whatever guns were used in Las Vegas. But I think we can all agree that what REALLY needs to be banned are flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hats and anyone who is inclined to wear them. There are plenty of responsible, law abiding gun owners out there. But there has never, ever, ever been a decent, law-abiding person who has chosen to wear that thing on their head. If you know anyone that owns that hat, disassociate with them immediately. They will only bring you down.</p> <p>He even rocks the Chicago Bulls winter hat when he&#8217;s pouring out some Henny for the homeys in the January:</p> <p>Easy on the Henny Allen &#8211; it&#8217;s not good for your bowels:</p> <p>I know when I die I want people to come to my headstone and drink copious amounts of Red Bull and Henny, the nectar of the hoodrats.</p> <p>He really misses his boy, who I&#8217;m sure lived a noble and worthwhile life, because now that Sito isn&#8217;t around, he doesn&#8217;t have anyone to come scoop him up to he can &#8220;turn up on these fuck n words&#8221;:</p> <p>You can also find Allen Lozada on <a href="http://deadbeatdirectory.com/allen-lozada/" type="external">Deadbeatdirectory.com</a>, with his own profile:</p> <p>Oh good, he&#8217;s a cokehead deadbeat &#8220;dad,&#8221; who allegedly threatened to choke his baby until she turned blue. Shocking. Especially considering his overall philosophy on women:</p> <p>When he eventually gets killed by a cop and SJWs pretend like his death is an actual loss to the community, he wants you to commemorate him by burning Hartford to the ground:</p> <p>He&#8217;s very familiar with the inside of a courthouse:</p> <p>He lives the good life by cashing in his SSI check for stays at the Marriott:</p> <p>Last year things were beginning to look up for Allen. He was trying to stay out of the police logs, and gave himself one Internet cookie for going a full month without stabbing, shooting, or running over someone with a car:</p> <p>He gets another Internet cookie for going four days sober:</p> <p>And he&#8217;s going legit because the &#8220;feds out here snatching everybody&#8221;:</p> <p>Also this:</p> <p>I have no idea what that means, but it sounds important. VERY important.</p> <p>Anyway, it is gonna be interesting to see what the killer&#8217;s motivation was in Las Vegas. He shot at a country music festival. A place that more than likely was filled with people who voted for Donald Trump. Not saying that&#8217;s his motive, but he could&#8217;ve shot up any large group of people and he chose this one. Just sayin.</p> <p>Either way, Allen Lozada is a useless sack of gutterpubes, and the 50+ who died in Las Vegas are much, much bigger losses to society than he could ever be.</p> <p>We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!</p> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/benniesworc/photos/?ref=page_internal" type="external" /> Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 10.14.48 AM <a href="http://mariasfinejewelry.com/" type="external" /> Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 2.17.19 PM <a href="http://www.attorneygaffney.com/" type="external" /> <a type="internal" /> Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 8.48.23 PM
Gutterpube Who Says “F All Them Crackas” Who Got Shot In Vegas, Is A Deadbeat Dad Coke Dealer Who Claims He Donated Drug Proceeds To PR Relief
<p>Junkbunny Who Tried Buying Xanax Off Turtleboy Tried Suing EMT After She Came After Him On An Ambulance Ride And Has Declared War On Turtle Riders</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information.</p> <a href="http://www.attorneygaffney.com/" type="external" /> <p>For the first time ever today two junkboxes messaged the Turtleboy business page to <a type="internal">ask if we had Xanax for sale.</a>One of them was Jessica Kane, who according to her Facebook page lives in Pawtucket, but she insists she lives in Smithfield, RI. Odds are she knows her way around the Bucket though, and could probably tell you which corners yield the highest dividends. Just sayin. Anyway, she reached out to us looking for zannies:</p> <p>But Jessica Kane was just warming up. Because it wasn&#8217;t enough to message a blog that frequently shames junkboxes and ratchets, looking for drugs, she had to take on turtle riders too&#8230;&#8230;.</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;ll beat ur ass corn.&#8221;</p> <p>That&#8217;s a new one.</p> <p>As you can see she is alleging that we are the ones who solicited her to see if she wanted to buy drugs off us. Ya got that? This is what Turtleboys do every day. We scour the Internet looking for junkboxes to sell our excess zannies to.</p> <p>Definitely.</p> <p>Anyway, turns out she doesn&#8217;t have a drug problem, her &#8220;job&#8221; just doesn&#8217;t offer health insurance. Naturally then her only recourse was to message Turtleboy and see what he was charging.</p> <p>She can&#8217;t afford health insurance, but cash money sure ain&#8217;t a problem:</p> <p>That right there is a lot of mushroom tip participation trophies!!</p> <p>As you can see, she&#8217;s sticking to her story that we messaged her first, which obviously makes TONS of sense.</p> <p>She kept posting a screenshot showing what appears to be us contacting her first, asking if she was looking for zannies. She just forgot that in the very blog she was commenting on anyone could clearly see that she was the one who initiated contact:</p> <p>Oops!!</p> <p>After that it was time to bust out the CAPS LOCK!!</p> <p>Thirteen years is a long time to be prescribed Xanax. And by &#8220;prescribed&#8221; she means, &#8220;treated Diego to a basket lunch in exchange for illegal narcotics.&#8221;</p> <p>Up next was the &#8220;I&#8217;ll fuck everyone up&#8221; portion of the Gospel of Ratchet:</p> <p>Yea guys, she&#8217;s totally not a junkie. She just so happens to message random community Facebook pages looking to score drugs. And occasionally she gets <a href="https://patch.com/rhode-island/newport/traffic-stop-leads-to-two-drug-arrests" type="external">busted with crack cocaine</a>:</p> <p>Besides that she&#8217;s totally NOT a junkie. But it&#8217;s all good in the hood because she got that shit dismissed!!</p> <p>Therefore she never got caught with crack cocaine. (P.S. turtle riders are savage)</p> <p>Next up in the ratchet script was the threat to call the cops:</p> <p>So if you&#8217;re keeping score at home, this woman approached us about buying drugs, admitted to the cops that she did so, and the cops responded by turning their focus on cyberbullying. Because NOTHING IS MORE SERIOUS THAN CYBERBULLYING, EVEN ADDICTION!!</p> <p>You can&#8217;t make this stuff up. Only on Turtleboy. This is why we are the greatest blog that&#8217;s ever existed. Good luck finding this sort of entertainment at Barstool.</p> <p>But her story checks out because her uncle is the chief of police:</p> <p>We just don&#8217;t know what town he&#8217;s the chief of police in. Wherever he is, I&#8217;m sure her imaginary uncle would be thrilled to find his junkie niece name dropping him on Turtleboy.</p> <p>But wait, it gets better.</p> <p>Last year she made headlines when she was getting her biweekly free ambulance ride to the ER when she claimed she was abused by one of the first responders. And in one of the greatest MSM fails of all time, NCB &#8220;Investigative&#8221; Team <a href="http://turnto10.com/i-team/nbc-10-i-team-exclusive-alleged-ambulance-assault-caught-on-camera" type="external">fell for her act hook, line, and sinker</a>:</p> <p>That interview was amazing. She literally puts on a blazer and some non-prescription glasses and the schmucks on this &#8220;I-Team&#8221; just assume she&#8217;s a law-abiding non-ratchet member of society.</p> <p>A local woman turned to the NBC 10 I-Team for answers after she captured a confrontation inside a North Providence ambulance on cell phone video. The video shows an EMT lashing out at her, appearing to slap her in the face and swearing at her several times.</p> <p>&#8220;He then smacked me across my face,&#8221; Jessica Kane said of the July 30 incident.</p> <p>North Providence officers were responding to a domestic disturbance call when they came into contact with Kane, who is epileptic. A police report obtained by NBC 10 shows the officers saw her have a seizure and lose consciousness. They called the North Providence Fire Department for medical aid, and an ambulance arrived a short time later.</p> <p>&#8220;As soon as I was put into the rescue, I was called a drug addict, which I am not,&#8221; she said. &#8220;I was just belittled so much. It made me feel like the people here to treat me were there to just accuse me.&#8221;</p> <p>Oh yea, she&#8217;s TOTALLY not a drug addict. She&#8217;s just been arrested for crack cocaine and messages random Facebook pages with 99,000 followers to see if they can sell her Xanax. Oh, and her raspy &#8220;life kicked the shit out of me and I&#8217;m only 26&#8221; voice wasn&#8217;t a dead giveaway or anything like that.</p> <p>The video shows the EMT appear to slap Kane in the face, causing her to drop her phone.</p> <p>&#8220;That&#8217;s assault!&#8221; she screams on the tape.</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;ll give you assault!&#8221; the man responds.</p> <p>Watch the video if you haven&#8217;t already. She&#8217;s all fucked up and aggressive and is taping the guy who probably knows her middle name, date of birth, and blood type because he deals with her so often. She won&#8217;t shut the fuck up and approaches him while taping. She gets too close. He pushes her away from him.</p> <p>Assault.</p> <p>That&#8217;s how stupid the NBC 10 &#8220;I-Team&#8221; is.</p> <p>The unidentified EMT can also be heard telling Kane to &#8220;shut the (expletive) up.&#8221; She said the verbal abuse continued once she arrived at the hospital, moments not captured in the video. &#8220;He said, &#8216;If you don&#8217;t get the F up off this stretcher, I&#8217;m going to rip you by your hair,&#8217;&#8221; Kane told NBC 10.</p> <p>Funny that none of that is on the tape. Guess we&#8217;ll just have to take this crackbunny&#8217;s word for it.</p> <p>NBC 10 also reviewed the police report from officers who arrived that day. They noted that Kane was difficult to deal with, writing that, &#8220;Jessica was yelling and screaming in the middle of the road&#8221; and was &#8220;extremely belligerent.&#8221; The police report continues, saying that Kane &#8220;became hostile, trying to unbuckle herself and get off the stretcher.&#8221;</p> <p>Boom. Mystery solved.</p> <p>Kane was released after spending about five hours at Fatima Hospital, and her cell phone was returned. That&#8217;s when she said she found the video she recorded in the ambulance in her iPhone&#8217;s &#8220;Recently Deleted&#8221; folder. She believes someone tried to erase it while the phone was out of her control. &#8220;I actually received my phone back and I saw that they tried to delete the video,&#8221; she said.</p> <p>Oh yea, I&#8217;m sure that&#8217;s what happened. Why would she lie? She&#8217;s wearing a blazer and glasses!!</p> <p>Kane hired an attorney and said she plans to file an assault complaint with Rhode Island State Police. As of Wednesday, state police said they had not yet received the complaint or been contacted by Kane about the incident.</p> <p>Translation &#8211; she called up Dick N. Vulva, never paid him, got high, and never followed through with her massive lawsuit.</p> <p>Anyway, we were still confused how the hell Jessica Kane got the impression that we were zanny salesmen. Turns out there was a whole background story:</p> <p>You can&#8217;t make this shit up. In August we blogged about this Lawrence ghettopoon <a type="internal">selling Xanax on Facebook</a>:</p> <p>Evidently Jessica Kane read the headline of this blog, assumed that we were the ones selling zannies, waited until she got her check on the first of the month, and then hit us up for the hookup.</p> <p>Just another day at Turtleboy. Shit like this never gets old. I love my job way too much. One guy suggested that it was a slow week:</p> <p>Dude, not one, but two junkbunnies messaged us assuming we sell Xanax from our Facebook page. If you don&#8217;t think that&#8217;s getting blogged about then you don&#8217;t know Turtleboy.</p> <p>Exactly!! Someone gets it!</p> <p>From now on I think this is what you people should start doing:</p> <p>Brilliant. This could be a weekly segment.</p> <p>We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!</p> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/PepesItalianPizza/" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/benniesworc/photos/?ref=page_internal" type="external" /> <a href="http://mariasfinejewelry.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://purejuz.net/" type="external" /> <a href="https://leominstercu.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://blackandwhitegrille.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://mexicaligrillrestaurant.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://railershc.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://juliosliquors.com/online/" type="external" /> <a type="internal" />
Junkbunny Who Tried Buying Xanax Off Turtleboy Tried Suing EMT After She Came After Him On An Ambulance Ride And Has Declared War On Turtle Riders
<p>Shoutout To This Father-Son Duo Who Avenged Their Daughter/Sister&#8217;s Death By Kidnapping And Kicking The Shit Out Of Her Heroin Hookup Until He Named Names</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information.</p> <a href="http://www.attorneygaffney.com/" type="external" /> <p><a href="http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2017/09/after_woman_fatally_overdoses.html#incart_river_mobileshort_index" type="external">Trashlive</a>: Hours after a 32-year-old woman from Western Massachusetts fatally overdosed in Rhode Island on Monday, her father and brother were arrested in what police are calling a kidnapping and attack on her suspected heroin hookup. Police arrived on Baldwin Hill Road in the small Berkshire County town of Egremont around 4:15 p.m. to find the late woman&#8217;s father allegedly choking and striking a struggling man while his son helped hold down his arms. Both father and son were &#8220;screaming different versions of &#8216;you killed my [expletive] daughter&#8217; and &#8216;you killed my [expletive] sister,'&#8221; according to a report by Egremont Police Officer Hans Carlson, obtained Friday by MassLive.</p> <p>The man was able to escape the slow-moving van on Baldwin Hill Road, whereupon both Lombardis allegedly followed him out and continued the attack, which residents of the street observed and reported to police, who intervened in a quick response.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t normally condone vigilantism, but at the same time, we&#8217;re living in a state filled to the brim with Deval Patrick judges that let scumbags out onto the street time and time again. Some times you just gotta do what you gotta do. Nah mean? Big shoutout to this father and son duo who realized that this was the only way they were going to receive any sort of satisfaction.</p> <p>There&#8217;s no way the idiot they kidnapped ever saw it coming either. There&#8217;s a reason it was just the son that was supposed to show up. The Dad looks like he done killed 4-5 people before.</p> <p>Plus his name is Ralph. I don&#8217;t fuck with guys named Ralph who wear shirts like that. That&#8217;s just common sense.</p> <p>Meanwhile the son appears to be your average Berkshire hippie jock who is no stranger to craft beer festivals:</p> <p>Never in a million years did the &#8220;victim&#8221; think that guy right there was gonna kidnap him in a van and waterboard him to kingdom come until he named names.</p> <p>I&#8217;ve said it before and I&#8217;ll say it again &#8211; there is no one more gutless than a heroin dealer. Pot dealers are great, and coke dealers I don&#8217;t have strong opinions on. Know why? Because they do their own product. Heroin dealers don&#8217;t. Because they&#8217;d be dead pretty quickly. If you can&#8217;t stand by your product then you&#8217;re a piece of shit. People who sell heroin are choad monkeys because they KNOW they&#8217;re profiting off of the self-destruction of another person. There has never, ever, ever been a positive affect of heroin. Ever. You are selling poison to stupid and vulnerable people who don&#8217;t know any better. You are the lowest of the low.</p> <p>Granted the guy they kicked the shit out of wasn&#8217;t the actual dealer. But he knew who the dealer was and it was time to name names. This is the only way to get that information. Big props for doing it mafia style too by using a van, and telling the idiot they picked up that they were gonna magically fix his debt problems.</p> <p>The only surprising part about this story is that they got caught in Egremont. Egremont is easily top 5 places to dump a body in Massachusetts. Ever been there before? It&#8217;s a real trip. Nestled next to Alford, Mount Washington (there&#8217;s a town called Mount Washington), New York state, and the metropolis of Great Barrington, there&#8217;s no reason for anyone to ever go to Egremont. Ever. The fact that this nudnik jumped out of the van and people were actually there to see it is nothing less than a statistical miracle.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t wanna say that father and son are heroes, but they kind of just revolutionized the opiate epidemic. If you sell heroin, you no longer get a free pass from some SJW judge. You get old school punishment from the family. At least that might present a detriment for potential dealers down the road.</p> <p>We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!</p> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/PepesItalianPizza/" type="external" /> <a href="http://salernolawoffices.com" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/benniesworc/photos/?ref=page_internal" type="external" /> <a href="http://mariasfinejewelry.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://purejuz.net/" type="external" /> <a href="http://cariglia.com" type="external" /> <a href="https://thegunparlor.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://leominstercu.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://blackandwhitegrille.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://mexicaligrillrestaurant.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://www.shrewsburymarbleandgranite.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://railershc.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://juliosliquors.com/online/" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.fanduel.com/" type="external" /> <a type="internal" />
Shoutout To This Father-Son Duo Who Avenged Their Daughter/Sister’s Death By Kidnapping And Kicking The Shit Out Of Her Heroin Hookup Until He Named Names
<p>Stinkin&#8217; Dinkadoodles! Gupta Patel Slams New Bill Passed To Teach Your Kids Anal Sex In Public School And He&#8217;s Fired Up Like A Samosa Fresh Out The Pan!</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at <a type="internal">[email protected]</a> for more information.</p> <p>Everyone knows and loves Gupta Patel &#8211; Turtleboy&#8217;s crazy Indian Tech Guy and proud convenience store proprietor. He&#8217;s never blogged for us before but something caught his eye in the news that sent him reeling. Let&#8217;s give him a warm welcome as he has a meltdown about the statehouse deciding to teach kids as young as 12 how to safely take it in the back door!</p> <p>Your uncle Gupta read this one news article last night and choke on his Vodka Slushee! Last Thursday, the Massachusetts Senate passed new sex education package by a 31-6 vote in favor. Look like the usual <a href="http://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Gujarati" type="external">chutiyas</a> in the statehouse been drinking the same strange flavor KoolAid again.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Take a look at this nutty-ass booshit:</p> <p><a href="http://newbostonpost.com/2017/07/20/anal-sex-ed-bill-passes-massachusetts-senate/" type="external">From New Boston Post</a>&#8212; As it did in 2015, the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill nearly</p> <p>entirely along party lines on Thursday dictating how school districts teach sex education; and just like two years ago, the biggest sticking point for the bill&#8217;s opponents was the lack of an opt-in stipulation for parents and guardians.</p> <p>Unlike in 2015, however, it is likely this version of the bill will reach the House floor for a vote, but it remains to be seen if lawmakers on the other side of the State House attach the failed parental opt-in amendment touted Thursday by House Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester).</p> <p>Following the 31-6 vote in favor that saw the only Democratic opposition come from state Senator Michael Rush of West Roxbury, Tarr praised the &#8220;robust and healthy debate&#8221; that transpired Thursday afternoon but expressed &#8220;hope that as it makes its way through the legislative process&#8221; that lawmakers outside the Senate will wind up adopting proposals like a parental consent stipulation.</p> <p>The bill&#8217;s lead sponsor, state Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) took issue with Tarr&#8217;s opt-in proposal.</p> <p>&#8220;This amendment would gut the bill,&#8221; DiDomenico claimed, noting that the legislation already features an opt-out amendment for both parents and school districts. &#8220;This amendment would effectively take all the work we put together and throw it out the window.</p> <p>&#8220;We do not have opt-in for science, math, English &#8212; we don&#8217;t have any opt-in initiative for any other subjects in our schools &#8212; this subject in particular could save lives.&#8221;</p> <p>Other Democrats who spoke out in opposition to Tarr&#8217;s amendment included state Senator John Keenan of Quincy, Worcester&#8217;s Harriet Chandler, and Boston&#8217;s Sonia Chang-Diaz. Keenan and Chang-Diaz added that a parental consent requirement would add an unnecessary level of bureaucracy, with Keenan claiming that it &#8220;would require school districts to chase down the parents of every single student&#8221; while Chang-Diaz noting that &#8220;many of my colleagues in the chamber in the minority are avid proponents of small streamlined government.&#8221;</p> <p>Chandler claimed that an opt-in provision would result in a &#8220;very limited number of people who would be taking advantage of it.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;The alternative of what we&#8217;re talking about is our children learning about these behaviors from what they hear on the school bus or read on the Internet,&#8221; she added.</p> <p>State Senator Vinny deMacedo (R-Plymouth), responding to Keenan&#8217;s point, used student field trips as an example of opt-in protocol.</p> <p>&#8220;I don&#8217;t think that&#8217;s an impossible hurdle to overcome,&#8221; he said. &#8220;The reality is that asking parents if they&#8217;re comfortable with this or not is not a stretch by any means.&#8221;</p> <p>Tarr appeared to take issue with the claim linking parental approval to an added layer of bureaucracy.</p> <p>&#8220;Well well well, it is interesting that some of these folks have stood at this microphone and suggested somehow that obtaining parental consent is so burdensome that we shouldn&#8217;t follow through with this,&#8221; Tarr quipped. &#8220;Suggesting that the role of a parent should be subordinate to the role of bureaucracy, now that&#8217;s a deeply concerning thought.&#8221;</p> <p>Tarr also challenged DiDomenico&#8217;s claim that an opt-in provision would &#8220;gut the bill.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;That somehow this bill is jeopardized by the fact that we might want to involve parents in the decision making &#8212; what does that suggest about the priorities of the bill?&#8221; Tarr questioned. &#8220;It suggests that somehow we ought to subordinate the role of the parent to the role of the state.</p> <p>&#8220;It&#8217;s also been suggested that we don&#8217;t have opt-in provisions for math, science, and other things, well that is true, but we also don&#8217;t have opt-out provisions for those things, because they don&#8217;t fit the same matter as the subject matter that we&#8217;re discussing here.&#8221;</p> <p>Conservative organizations, including the Massachusetts Family Institute, are vehemently opposed to the bill over the proposed curriculum&#8217;s subject matter, which suggests that instruction regarding sexual aspects such as <a href="http://newbostonpost.com/2017/07/18/should-your-12-year-old-be-forced-to-learn-anal-sex/" type="external">anal intercourse is age-appropriate for children as young as 12.</a>Some of the instructional material approved by state education officials was created by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.</p> <p>&#8220;If you have to have an affirmative act from a parent in order to go on a school trip, should you not have to have the affirmative act of a parent to be involved in education that involves morality, subjective judgment, and important health matters?&#8221; Tarr said. &#8220;I think the matter speaks for itself.&#8221;</p> <p>DiDomenico responded to Tarr&#8217;s argument by noting he is not looking to subvert the role of parents and countered that he &#8220;would put this in the same category as English, math, and science.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;In some respects I&#8217;d put it ahead of those subjects,&#8221; DiDomenico added. &#8220;There are life-ending, life-long consequences, and a critical mistake can change their lives forever.&#8221;</p> <p>State Senator Barbara L&#8217;Italien (D-Andover) also spoke, mentioning an incident in which her older sister became pregnant during high school.</p> <p>&#8220;Getting married at age 17 locked her into a life of virtual poverty,&#8221; L&#8217;Italien said. &#8220;I wish there had been accurate health information when she was a student back in the &#8217;70s, I think her life might have changed dramatically.</p> <p>&#8220;There are times when government needs to be proactive, and protective, and this is one of those situations.&#8221;</p> <p>Sweet Baby Vishnu! The anal sex education is age appropriate for 12 year old? What fucking version of goddamn Kama Sutra they been reading? The Paul Georgio translation? This Hindu had the very very bad nightmares after reading this news! In my dream, my daughter, Gupta Jr, was back in the grade school. I was watching my favorite American movie &#8220;Mansion of Blood&#8221; and Mindy Robinson was just about to show all the peoples her hot hot Samosas when my daughter come running through the door, She say &#8220;Papa! Papa! I have the question about the sex!&#8221; And I say &#8220;Yes my little one, I have been preparing for this conversation long time. Ask your papa your questions&#8221;. She say &#8220;Papa, when will it stop hurting my ass so much?&#8221; Your old Uncle Gupta almost had the bad heart attacks!</p> <p>&#8220;As it did in 2015, the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill nearly entirely along party lines on Thursday dictating how school districts teach sex education; and just like two years ago, the biggest sticking point for the bill&#8217;s opponents was the lack of an opt-in stipulation for parents and guardians.&#8221;</p> <p>Really? Uncle Gupta think the biggest sticking point probably gonna be the anal sex. Seriously though. You can opt out of goddamn Pledge of Allegiance in school in Massachusetts without facing the punishments, but you can&#8217;t opt out of learning how to send your pork soldier to the battle in Brownsville?</p> <p>&#8220;The bill&#8217;s lead sponsor, state Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) took issue with Tarr&#8217;s opt-in proposal.</p> <p>&#8220;This amendment would gut the bill,&#8221; DiDomenico claimed, noting that the legislation already features an opt-out amendment for both parents and school districts. &#8220;This amendment would effectively take all the work we put together and throw it out the window.</p> <p>&#8220;We do not have opt-in for science, math, English &#8212; we don&#8217;t have any opt-in initiative for any other subjects in our schools &#8212; this subject in particular could save lives.&#8221;</p> <p>Ganesha, please take me now, These <a href="http://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Gujarati" type="external">chutiyas</a> gonna drive this humble Hindu to carnivorism. &#8220;Johnny, study the maths and the science good so you can be great physicist someday!&#8221; &#8220;Susie! finish your English homeworks so you can be excellent writer someday.&#8221; Mary! Make sure you don&#8217;t miss any of the Massachusetts mandated sex education class so you can be great wide receiver some day!&#8221; In the name of heavenly teacher Guru Deva please reincarnate these people as pimples on Kim Kardashian&#8217;s face at bukake session after Black Lives Matter rally.</p> <p>State Senator Barbara L&#8217;Italien (D-Andover) also spoke, mentioning an incident in which her older sister became pregnant during high school.</p> <p>&#8220;Getting married at age 17 locked her into a life of virtual poverty,&#8221; L&#8217;Italien said. &#8220;I wish there had been accurate health information when she was a student back in the &#8217;70s, I think her life might have changed dramatically.</p> <p>Ms. Barbarabhen! Did you really just say &#8220;Damn, my sister&#8217;s life would be so much better now if only she had taken the rusty trombone in her swamp starfish that one time instead of in her hoo-ha.&#8221;?? It Take one real classy lady to say she wishes her niece or nephew had taken a wrong turn down Willy Wonka&#8217;s garbage chute. Uncle Gupta don&#8217;t think it&#8217;s too strange that Barbara L&#8217;Italien advocating for taking it from the behind. Nobody gonna want to be looking at this in the face during the hot nookie-nookie session..</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Holy mother of Kali! Blowjob from this one probably count as anal anyways.</p> <p>No surprise here really <a type="internal">. Both L&#8217;Italien and Chandler recently vote to give themselves fat pay hike</a>, so they have lot of experience stuffing the pepperonis in the peoples hot pockets. This one Hindu here don&#8217;t know about you, but when I see Hariette Chandler&#8217;s face, the first thing that come to mind not going to be anal sex:</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Sweet baby Hannuman! Her ass probably look like dying Yoda&#8217;s forehead. Going to work up her Lincoln Log Factory probably sound like punching a fist into the open jar of Miracle Whip! (Miracle Whip! Two jars for five dollar at my Main South Happy Hindu Mart Convenience Store in Worcester. Next five minute only.) She so old her dunghole probably look like the hopper on a meat grinder after Porketta night.</p> <p>This one Sonia Chang-Diaz though?</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Would. This Hindu just saying.</p> <p>&#8220;There are times when government needs to be proactive, and protective, and this is one of those situations.&#8221;</p> <p>I agreeing that government should be protective and proactive. <a type="internal">Maybe if they had voted to give the Police the Kevlar Vests instead of giving their fat samosa asses big raise</a> it would have been good start. Educating the 12 years old child about anal sex? Not so much. You know what going to happen in the class full of 12 years old kids when teacher start talking about the anal and oral sex? Gonna be like comedy scene in bad Hindi movie. Maybe not during class, but afterwards they gonna make the fun. &#8220;Rectum? Damn near killed him!&#8221; joke gonna get old real quick in the cafeteria.</p> <p>State Legislators are calling this bill the &#8220;Healthy Youth Act&#8221;. That really nice way of putting it. As usual with these &#8220;Dheela Lund Ni Olaad&#8221; (That my Gujarati language for &#8220;Sons of the broken penis&#8221;), the devil is in the details&#8230;and Uncle Gupta all about the details! One of the textbooks approved in the bill is called &#8220;Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works,&#8221; put out by the Planned Parenthood. Book is only available in bundles of 50, and this thrifty Indian man not buying if he can&#8217;t find the coupon or get the good deal. I ferret couple passages out on the internets for you. You&#8217;re welcome.</p> <p>One lesson teaches the childrens that A dental dam is &#8220;placed over the vulva or anus during oral sex&#8221;. Then it goes on to say the people can also use the &#8220;Non-Microwaveable Saran Wrap&#8221;.</p> <p>Papa Gupta spend most of his daughter&#8217;s pre-teen years yelling at her to do the healthy things. &#8220;Don&#8217;t touch that! Do not step in the dog mess! Don&#8217;t put the statue of Baby Krishna in your mouth! Wash Your hands before eating! Use the Purell after shaking Senator McGovern&#8217;s hand!&#8221;. Now, she would have to go to school next day and learn how to toss the big salad?? It&#8217;s ok though&#8230;. Happy Hindu Mart sell plenty of non-microwaveable Saran Wrap. This handsome Indian TurtleBoy don&#8217;t think Saran Wrap company be too happy knowing sex education class teaching the children to use their product to cover the chocolate cannoli.</p> <p>Another lesson talk about using the &#8220; internal condom that is inserted into the anus.&#8221; They say it acts as a barrier but warns that &#8220;it may slip out of place during vaginal or anal intercourse and may be difficult to insert.&#8221;</p> <p>Wait&#8230;what you say? I had to call my cousin the Gastroenterologist about this one. Dr. Dharmendra Tubupyeresh. I say &#8220;Hey, Dharmendra, you ever hear of such thing?&#8221; He say to me &#8220;Gupta, you been lighting up the porn hub again? Yes there is such the thing.&#8221; He send me over this picture.</p> <p>&#8220;Insert two fingers inside the condom and gently push it into the anal cavity. The inner ring can be removed after inserted if desired.&#8221;</p> <p>Lovely. 12 year old gonna learn how to shove the ziplock bag up the friend&#8217;s wazoo before doing the zoom-zoom in the boom-boom.</p> <p>When Uncle Gupta first read this news, he knew something smell funny&#8230;and not just the anal sex! Then this bald prick rears his ugly head and everything make sense&#8230;</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Senator Jamie Eldridge. You might remember him from <a type="internal">such blogs as these.</a> This bhenchod one real professional turtle poking man! In my former country he would not have been problem because we would have already kill him already. Notice how he don&#8217;t tweet about the content of the bill&#8230;only that the Mass Senate GOP (all six of them) oppose it. Let me tell you something, Senator Jamie&#8230;nobody going to oppose young adults learning the safe ways to make the sweet nookie-nookie, but not letting parents opt them out? What kind of glass dinka-doodle you been smoking from?</p> <p>This Hindu gets it. Too many kids having the sex at young age&#8230; Definitely should be options available to teach healthy sexual practices to children, but if any citizen ever texted the contents of some of these lessons to a child, they would go to the prison. And we all know what happen in prison. Dunghole come out looking like Saarlac sand monster from the Return of the Jedi.</p> <p>Anyway, this Hindu try hard to reach these senators on Twitter but they not responding. Wonder why.</p> <a type="internal" /> <a type="internal" /> <a type="internal" /> <p>Namaste TurtleBoy Nations! May the supple trunk of Ganesha goose your buttocks!</p>
Stinkin’ Dinkadoodles! Gupta Patel Slams New Bill Passed To Teach Your Kids Anal Sex In Public School And He’s Fired Up Like A Samosa Fresh Out The Pan!
<p>Turns Out The Uxbridge Fresh Prince Of Bad Hair Is 19, Still In High School, And Put Uxbridge High On Lockdown After A Gun Incident On Snapchat</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information.</p> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/benniesworc/photos/?ref=page_internal" type="external" /> <p>Earlier today we blogged about the <a type="internal">Uxbridge Fresh Prince of Bad Hair</a>, who thought it would be wise to shoot a cop car with a BB gun, and then shoot an autistic man the next day.</p> <p>We couldn&#8217;t find his Facebook page, but within an hour we had a million people pointing us to his Uxbridge street name &#8211; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/tre.patterson.18" type="external">Tre Patterson</a>:</p> <p>As you can see, we&#8217;re dealing with a real winner here.</p> <p>Turns out this 19 year old is STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!! I shit you not. That&#8217;s why the two others he was with aren&#8217;t having their names released &#8211; because they&#8217;re his minor friends from high school. He tells kids in his peer group what things were like &#8220;back in my day.&#8221;</p> <p>This year Tre, who recently moved here from &#8220;down south,&#8221; and claims to have enrolled at Uxbridge High School because the coach at UConn told him it would help him get recruited, was suspended multiple times. One of the incidents happened when he got the school put on lock down because he had beef with kids from another school on snapchat, and he claimed he had a gun on snapchat, DURING SCHOOL HOURS, and the other kids were coming to UHS with more guns. After being uncooperative with the principals AND the cops about it, he was escorted off the premises and suspended. Not expelled- just suspended. Because I&#8217;m sure when he came back he had a newfound thirst for knowledge and a desire to follow school rules.</p> <p>He also was on the basketball and football teams, but hardly ever played because his grades weren&#8217;t good enough. It&#8217;s hard passing college prep math when you&#8217;re only 19 years old. So much for UConn.</p> <p>Here he is all dolled up for the first of many junior proms to come for Tre-Tre:</p> <p>Of course he&#8217;s the cool kid because he can legally buy booze in Canada and no one else can:</p> <p>Don&#8217;t worry though, the fam is holding it down on Facebook and has gone full free my boi!</p> <p>Apparently his response to the cops after he shot the autistic man was that he &#8220;didn&#8217;t know he had autism.&#8221; Because it&#8217;s OK to shoot people with BB guns in public as long as they&#8217;re not autistic. Oh, and autistic people all have tattoos on their forehead that let them know they&#8217;re autistic. That&#8217;s literally the though process of this nudnik.</p> <p>Anyway, this is yet another example of the failed educational policies from our state and federal government. This is what happens when administrators value their graduation rates more than the well-being of the entire school &#8211; they keep shitheads like this in school instead of expelling them. Because it looks better on a chart if they have less dropouts. Oh, and don&#8217;t forget that schools all have mandates from the federal government, due to Arne Duncan&#8217;s reign of terror, to reduce suspension rates, particularly for students of color. So now schools like Uxbridge are forced to keep morons like this, who obviously have no intention of learning, enrolled in schools. They make it impossible for teachers to do their job and they poison the rest of the student body with their bullshit. Uxbridge High School lost an entire day of learning because of him. If somehow he graduates this year he&#8217;ll be 20 when he does so. And it will only be the result of social promotion, fueled by a desire for better charts.</p> <p>We urge you to support the following local businesses.</p> <a href="http://salernolawoffices.com" type="external" /> <a href="http://mariasfinejewelry.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://purejuz.net/" type="external" /> <a href="http://www.attorneygaffney.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/PepesItalianPizza/" type="external" /> <a href="https://thegunparlor.com/" type="external" /> <a type="internal" />
Turns Out The Uxbridge Fresh Prince Of Bad Hair Is 19, Still In High School, And Put Uxbridge High On Lockdown After A Gun Incident On Snapchat
<p>Why Did Mayor Petty Hire Well Known Communist Dan Margolis To Run His Campaign Smear Team And Serve On The Library Board?</p> <p>Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information.</p> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/PepesItalianPizza/" type="external" /> <p>Beautiful day outside. Perfect weather for Worcester&#8217;s Mayor Moron, Joe Petty, to do a standout with his communist friend Red Danny Margolis:</p> <p>Ya got that? The mayor of the second largest city in Worcester is working hand in hand with a guy who <a type="internal">admittedly is trying to foment communist revolution</a>, and targeted black churches because he believed they were vulnerable. This ain&#8217;t McCarthyism hyperbole either. Red Danny freely admits it all. Check out his <a href="http://keywiki.org/Dan_Margolis" type="external">Wiki page</a>:</p> <p>&#8220;Dan Margolis was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1976. In 2006 he was chair of the New York State <a href="http://keywiki.org/Communist_Party_USA" type="external">Communist Party USA</a>. In addition he writes for the <a href="http://keywiki.org/People%27s_World" type="external">People&#8217;s World</a>, covering local New York City and state issues, as well as events at the United Nations. He joined the <a href="http://keywiki.org/Communist_Party_USA" type="external">Communist Party USA</a> in 2001.&#8221;</p> <p>He has his <a href="http://www.cpusa.org/authors/dan-margolis-3/" type="external">own page on the American Communist Party&#8217;s website</a>. According to his bio on there, his plan is to support people like Mayor Petty, because this is generally what communists do:</p> <p>&#8220;The Communist Party can exercise a leadership role by helping to show the importance of electing or defending Democrats as part of an overall strategy on the road towards socialism.&#8221;</p> <p>Communism only appeals to people in impoverished areas where they have given up and believe capitalism has failed them. Thus why Mayor Petty seems inclined on making Worcester&#8217;s people trapped in cycles of poverty. It&#8217;s why he wants to make Worcester a sanctuary city &#8211; so we can lose $59 million in federal funding.</p> <p>Red Danny was pumped when Obama won, and as the chairman of the Communist Party of New York, he gave the following statement, claiming that this was the &#8220;biggest continuation of that revolutionary spirit&#8221;:</p> <p>Where he expressed how bad he thinks the collapse of communism has been for the Russian people:</p> <p>Soviet Union obviously had problems, but now there are drugs, poverty, and unemployment. Life has gotten worse for the Russian people. Gangsters are running the streets. Actually, now Communist Parties are voted back to power by the people in such places like Moldova, Belarus, and Chech Republic. People didn&#8217;t like the shock therapy that Yeltsin had introduced.</p> <p>Boris Yeltsin once stood on a tank and protected the legitimate government from armed communists trying to stage a coups.</p> <p>Naturally Dan is not a fan of Boris Yeltsin.</p> <p>All of this information is public. Just a Google away for any responsible leader. Joe knows exactly who Red Danny is but he employs him on his campaign team anyway because he&#8217;s a useful idiot. One of his &#8220;morons.&#8221;</p> <p>He knows that Red Danny has his own blog where he makes up lies about Turtleboy Sports raping girls and blah, blah, blah. He also knows that Red Danny is OBSESSED with Councilor Michael Gaffney. And together Turtleboy and Gaffney are a HUGE threat to Petty&#8217;s grip on the taxpayer&#8217;s money. He ain&#8217;t giving that up without a fight, and he has no problem using communist revolutionaries. There&#8217;s a good chance he actually HIRED Dan to write his silly little blogs. Don&#8217;t worry though &#8211; within a couple days he&#8217;ll write another blog denying that Petty hired him. He a good soldier like that. But a picture doesn&#8217;t lie:</p> <p>Oh, and did we mention that Dan Margolis is also running the failed Turtleboycott campaign that harasses local businesses? The same businesses that Mayor Moron claims he wants to attract and keep in the city.</p> <p>Here&#8217;s the best part &#8211; he <a href="http://www.telegram.com/news/20170531/city-hall-notebook-worcester-councilor-king-wants-middle-school-sports-re-established" type="external">voted for his buddy Red Danny to be appointed to the Library Board</a> on May 31 when he thought no one was looking:</p> <p>The City Council Tuesday night elected Daniel M. Margolis of 15 Rugby St. to the Worcester Public Library Board of Directors. Mr. Margolis was one of three candidates who sought to fill a vacancy on the library for for a term that expires on Dec. 31, 2019. Mr. Margolis received six votes, followed by Edward R. Carr who received four votes and Paul DePalo who received one vote.</p> <p>The two people who Red Danny beat? <a href="https://www2.clarku.edu/faculty/facultybio.cfm?id=1037" type="external">Edward R. Carr has a PhD</a> and is a professor at Clark. <a href="http://www.lawyers.com/worcester/massachusetts/paul-m-depalo-4587402-a/" type="external">Paul DePalo is a lawyer with 12 years of experience</a>. Both of them are much, much more qualified than Red Danny, and unlike him they didn&#8217;t just move here last year after failing to foment revolution in New York City. Yet Mayor Puddy voted for his unqualified boy. Because this is how they gain legitimacy in our government. The rats get in this way. They sneak in the backdoor when no one is looking, and Petty orchestrates the whole thing.</p> <p>Not just him either &#8211; Councilors Khrystian King, Kate Toomey, George Russell, Tony Economou, and Candy Carlson all voted for him as well. Every single one of them has the power to Google, and they all read Turtleboy. They knew EXACTLY who they were voting for.</p> <p>And yes, you read that right &#8211; Sarai &#8220;Titi Ho&#8221; Rivera did not vote to put Danny in. Even though he&#8217;s got her back till the cows come home:</p> <p>This is the state of the city right now. People like Red Danny are allowed to serve in our government &#8211; an admitted, openly communist revolutionary. People like Etel Haxhiaj get appointed to the CAC under Petty&#8217;s watch, and deny ANYONE who &#8220;supports&#8221; Turtleboy Sports a job they are overly qualified for on city boards.</p> <p>Make no doubt about it &#8211; Petty is the mastermind here. Red Danny, Etel, Mosaic &#8211; these are just his goons. Because Petty does a great job of convincing everyone he&#8217;s this &#8220;nice guy&#8221; because he doesn&#8217;t get his hands dirty. Some people thinks Gaffney is a dick because he fights his own battles. Not Petty though. He just outsources to labor to nudniks with nothing to lose like Red Danny. But make no doubt about it &#8211; Dan Magolis is his right hand man and by far his biggest asset.</p> <p>This is what a vote for Mayor Moron is a vote for in November.</p> <p>Vote the Turtleboy Ticket:</p> <p>Mayor &#8211; Mike Gaffney</p> <p>Councilors at Large: Gaffney, Konnie Lukes</p> <p>D3: Davis Assare</p> <p>D4: Coreen Gaffney</p> <p>D5: Paul Franco</p> <p>School Committee: Everyone except Dante Comparetto.</p> <p>We urge you to support the following local businesses.</p> <a href="http://salernolawoffices.com" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/benniesworc/photos/?ref=page_internal" type="external" /> <a href="http://mariasfinejewelry.com/" type="external" /> <a href="http://purejuz.net/" type="external" /> <a href="http://www.attorneygaffney.com/" type="external" /> <a href="https://thegunparlor.com/" type="external" /> <a type="internal" />
Why Did Mayor Petty Hire Well Known Communist Dan Margolis To Run His Campaign Smear Team And Serve On The Library Board?
<p>There was a break-in at Stephen Paddock&#8217;s Reno home on Sunday. Local police say they were called to the home by a neighbor who says they saw the lights on.</p> <p><a href="https://www.rt.com/usa/406310-paddock-house-reno-break-in/" type="external">RT</a> reported:</p> <q> FBI agents returned to search a house in Reno owned by Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock after local police told them that someone had broken into the home over the weekend. </q> <q> <p>Reno police officer Tim Broadway told <a href="https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/oct/10/break-in-reported-at-las-vegas-shooters-home-in-re/" type="external">The Associated Press</a>, &#8220;Nobody really saw anything, just a light was on with nobody in the residence.&#8221;</p> <p>Broadway said officers discovered that &#8220;someone had broken into the house&#8221; and he immediately contacted the FBI.</p> <p>He added that the suspects broke into the home through the front door over the weekend, but said he was not sure exactly how they gained entry. Police are not aware of any damages or anything that was stolen.</p> <p>There are no suspects at this time or any descriptions of a suspect.</p> </q> <p>According to <a href="http://www.kolotv.com/content/news/RPD-not-involved-in-investigation-into-Vegas-shooting-suspect-449079193.html" type="external">KOLOtv</a> investigators searched Paddock&#8217;s Reno home on October 3rd and found firearms.</p> <q> <p>At a news conference Tuesday afternoon, Investigators said they found five handguns, two shotguns and a &#8220;plethora of ammunition&#8221; and electronics. The house is being treated as a potential crime scene.</p> <p>At least some of the guns found on Paddock&#8217;s properties had been bought at the Cabela&#8217;s store in Verdi.</p> </q> <p>We can&#8217;t even trust the FBI at this point so who knows what really happened with this &#8216;break-in&#8217;.</p> <p>The current Head of the FBI in Las Vegas was appointed by former FBI Head and now admitted leaker James Comey. Is this why the investigation is such a mess?</p> <p>The investigation into the events and the motive behind the Las Vegas shooting last Sunday night is in flux. To date no motive is provided by the FBI and local police.</p> <p>Last week a press conference was held jointly by the FBI and the local Sheriff in Las Vegas concerning the recent murder of at least 59 people in that city. The Sheriff appeared transparent in the information he supplied. But the major question that everyone wanted to know was &#8211; why did the killer do it? What was his motive?</p> <p>Monday we found out that the <a type="internal">killer shot the security guard</a>before he fired on the crowd of people. This directly contradicts with the earlier report that the security guard found the room of the killer and stopped him from shooting on the crowd. As a result many more questions are raised like &#8211; Why the change in story? Why did the killer ever stop shooting on the crowd if the security guard did not stop him?</p> <p>The FBI&#8217;s lack of transparency along with the corrupt and criminal acts by former FBI Directors lead all of America to begin forming conspiracy theories and to further lose trust in the FBI.</p> <p>In a significant timeline change, Sheriff Lombardo reveals Mandalay Bay security guard, Jesus Campos, was shot BEFORE the Las Vegas attack started.</p> <p>&#8220;Las Vegas sheriff says Mandalay Bay security guard was shot 6 minutes before first shots were fired at crowd.,&#8221; reports ABC News.</p> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/ABC/status/917516195342905344?ref_src=twsrc" type="external">https://twitter.com/ABC/status/917516195342905344?ref_src=twsrc%</a> 5Etfw&amp;amp;ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% <a type="internal">2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com</a>% 2F2017% 2F10% 2Fsignificant-timeline-change-sheriff-reveals-mandalay-bay-security-guard-shot-vegas-attack% 2F</p> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/917513534342172672?ref_src=twsrc" type="external">https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/917513534342172672?ref_src=twsrc%</a> 5Etfw&amp;amp;ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% <a type="internal">2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com</a>% 2F2017% 2F10% 2Fsignificant-timeline-change-sheriff-reveals-mandalay-bay-security-guard-shot-vegas-attack% 2F</p> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/917513740995649537?ref_src=twsrc" type="external">https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/917513740995649537?ref_src=twsrc%</a> 5Etfw&amp;amp;ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% <a type="internal">2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com</a>% 2F2017% 2F10% 2Fsignificant-timeline-change-sheriff-reveals-mandalay-bay-security-guard-shot-vegas-attack% 2F</p> <p>Jesus Campos, the security guard has been &#8220;hailed as a hero after risking his life seeking out Stephen Paddock&#8217;s sniper&#8217;s nest,&#8221; according to Newsmax.</p> <p><a href="https://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/jesus-campos-bloody-paddock-standoff/2017/10/05/id/817906/" type="external">Newsmax</a> reports:</p> <q> <p>Paddock shot the unarmed Campos in the leg as he was moving toward the room outside in the hallway, <a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/unarmed-security-guard-jesus-campos-took-on-las-vegas-killer-stephen-paddock" type="external">The Daily Beast reported</a> being told by Dave Hickey, president of the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America.</p> [&#8230;] <p>Campos had taken an elevator to the 32nd floor of the hotel because the stairway door had been blocked, The Daily Beast said, and when Campos got to the door where he suspected Paddock was barricaded, he was met with gunfire through the door.</p> <p>The wounded Campos then radioed casino dispatch informing them of his and Paddock&#8217;s location in the hotel. Police said the suspect fired some 200 rounds at them as they approached the room, The Daily Beast noted.</p> </q> <p>In another wild turn, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino worker says he dodged bullets before Paddock shot at the Las Vegas concert crowd.</p> <q> <p>A hotel engineer at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino says he radioed for help as soon as gunman Stephen Paddock started shooting at him and a security guard.</p> <p>&#8220;I could feel them (bullets) pass right behind my head,&#8221; engineer Stephen Schuck told NBC News&#8217; &#8220;Today&#8221; on Wednesday. &#8220;Something hit me in the back.&#8221;</p> <p>Schuck was on a higher level of the Las Vegas hotel on Oct. 1 when he got a call to look at a fire exit door that wouldn&#8217;t open on the 32nd floor.</p> <p>That&#8217;s the same floor where Paddock would fire on a concert 1,200 feet below, killing at least 58 people.</p> </q> <p>Why is the information only coming out now? How has this hotel employee only spoke at now?</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Stranger By The Day=> Hotel Maintenance Worker Dodged Stephen Paddock’s Bullets BEFORE Shooting Vegas Crowd
<p>After constant attacks from the political and media elites, Steve Bannon has some of the thickest skin in America. Washed up rapper Eminem ripped Bannon during his now infamous BET Hip Hop Awards freestyle. When asked what he thought of the diss, the Breitbart boss offered a classic response.</p> <q> <p>Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon does not &#8220;give a shit&#8221; about Eminem&#8217;s freestyle roast in which he name-checks Bannon in his attempted takedown of President Donald Trump.</p> <p>&#8220;On the record: Honey badger don&#8217;t give a shit,&#8221; Bannon reportedly told Joshua Green, the Bloomberg reporter and author of the best-selling <a href="http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/07/18/breitbart-the-honey-badger-and-america-first-book-provides-clues-into-how-bannon-propelled-trump-into-oval-office/" type="external">Devil&#8217;s Bargain</a> book, on Wednesday evening.</p> <p>At the BET Hip Hop Awards on Tuesday, Eminem appeared in a video in which he attacked Trump and referenced Bannon.</p> </q> <p>As TGP previously reported, Eminen went on a four minute freestyle rap against President Donald Trump.</p> <p>This was very poor poetry. Hip Hop is really hurting these days.</p> <p>Complete with references to Steve Bannon and the KKK. Of course, there is no truth to anything Eminem was rapping about. But what the hell.</p> <p>Meanwhile inner cities across the US continue to suffer and wither away with their drugs, gangs and Democrat politicians. (Warning on Language)</p> <p>Eminem obviously wants to be invited back next year.</p> <p>What a disgrace.</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Steve Bannon Gives Classic “Honey Badger” Response To Eminem Freestyle Diss
<p>President Trump issued a stern warning to John McCain after the Senator bashed the Commander-in-Chief&#8217;s unabashed nationalism.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;People have to careful, because at some point I fight back,&#8221; Trump told <a href="http://www.wmal.com/2017/10/17/president-trump-speaks-with-chris-plante-on-wmal/" type="external">WMAL radio host Chris Plante</a>. &#8220;I&#8217;m being very nice. I&#8217;m being very, very nice. But at some point I fight back, and it won&#8217;t be pretty.&#8221;</p> <p>McCain responded to Trump&#8217;s comments moments later, saying that he has &#8220;faced far greater challenges than this,&#8221; according to CNN.</p> <q> <p>Speaking at an award ceremony in Philadelphia Monday night, McCain warned against &#8220; <a href="http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/355759-mccain-blasts-half-baked-spurious-nationalism-in-emotional-speech" type="external">spurious nationalism</a>&#8221; and the dangers of the U.S. abdicating its global leadership responsibilities.</p> </q> </q> <p>&#8220;To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain &#8216;the last best hope of Earth&#8217; for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,&#8221; John McCain said at the National Constitution Center.</p> <p>Senator Bob Corker is relishing his lame-duck status, using it as an opportunity to bash President Trump without fear of political retribution. After last night&#8217;s speech by Senator McCain, where the Senior lawmaker ripped President Trump&#8217;s nationalistic agenda, Corker says he loved the speech &#8212; so much so that he gave the ailing military veteran a &#8216;big hug,&#8217; on the Senate floor.</p> <q> <p>Sen. <a href="http://thehill.com/people/bob-corker" type="external">Bob Corker</a> (R-Tenn.) on Tuesday praised the speech Sen. <a href="http://thehill.com/people/john-mccain" type="external">John McCain</a> (R-Ariz.) gave a day earlier, in which the Arizona Republican blasted &#8220;half-baked, spurious nationalism.&#8221;</p> &#8220;The pieces that I saw, I loved, and I gave him a big hug on the [Senate] floor,&#8221; Corker told reporters when asked about the speech, <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/17/politics/bob-corker-john-mccain-speech/index.html" type="external">according to CNN</a>. McCain delivered the emotional speech Monday evening after receiving the National Constitution Center&#8217;s Liberty Medal. During the address, he said that &#8220;we live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil&#8221; and called Americans &#8220;the custodians of those ideals at home, and their champion abroad.&#8221; </q> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
RINO Corker Wades Into Bitter Trump-McCain Feud With ‘Big Hug’
<p>In a bizarre turn of events, NBC News reports Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to the Philippines one week before Sunday&#8217;s mass murder.</p> <q> <p>Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in his live-in girlfriend&#8217;s home country of the Philippines in the week before he unleashed the <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/las-vegas-shooting/las-vegas-shooting-deadliest-modern-u-s-history-n806486" type="external">worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history</a>, according to multiple senior law enforcement officials.</p> <p>But while officials have confirmed that Marilou Danley was in the Philippines on Sunday when Paddock opened fire on a crowd attending a country music festival on the Vegas Strip, it was not known whether the money was for her, her family, or another purpose.</p> <p>Danley, 62, who had traveled to Hong Kong on Sept. 25, could fill in some of the blanks when she returns to the U.S. on Wednesday, the officials said. Her arrival airport was not known.</p> </q> <p>As Americans begin to pick up the pieces from Sunday&#8217;s mass shooting in Las Vegas, new details are emerging in connection to Stephen Paddock&#8217;s financial activities. A new report by ABC News says over 200 reports of suspicious activities were made to authorities.</p> <p><a href="http://abcnews.go.com/US/vegas-shooter-200-reports-suspicious-activities-large-financial/story?id=50258986" type="external">ABC News</a> reports:</p> <q> <p>As authorities pick apart the life of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, they have come across one major thread of suspicious behavior: how he handled his money.</p> <p>Paddock&#8217;s recent financial transactions have become a key focus for investigators looking to learn more about the Nevada man and why he launched the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.</p> [&#8230;] <p>In the last three years alone, more than 200 reports about Paddock&#8217;s activities, particularly large transactions at casinos, have been filed with law enforcement authorities, ABC News was told.</p> </q> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Revealed: Las Vegas Shooter Wired $100,000 To Philippines Last Week
<p>The mainstream media is floating rumors that Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was removed from Air Force One this week and may be resigning.</p> <p>Kelly has been assigned Trump duties the past few months.</p> <p>According to conversations with Steve Bannon John Kelly is not allowing President Trump to receive his news from conservative news outlets.</p> <p><a href="https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/10/04/report-general-kelly-pulled-off-air-force-one-flight-to-las-vegas-may-resign-this-week/" type="external">Pajamas Media</a> reported:</p> <q> <p>Bloomberg White House correspondent Jennifer Jacobs reports on Twitter that Trump&#8217;s chief of staff, General John Kelly, was originally going to be on the Air Force One flight to Las Vegas but was &#8220;pulled off flight&#8221; at the last moment.</p> <q> <p>Gen. Kelly was originally going to be on AF1 to Vegas with Trump today but was pulled off flight, I'm told.WH not answering Qs about it.</p> <p>&#8212; Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) <a href="https://twitter.com/JenniferJJacobs/status/915608227508817920?ref_src=twsrc%205Etfw" type="external">October 4, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Although the White House initially refused to answer her questions about this rather akward move, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders eventually said that there&#8217;s &#8220;nothing to read into here,&#8221; explaining:</p> <p>He is basically always on the manifest. Sometimes he travels, and sometimes he doesn&#8217;t. An important caveat, of course, but Huckabee&#8217;s explanation did not prevent Scott Dworkin from tweeting that not one, not two, but three people have told him that this may very well be General Kelly&#8217;s last week as Trump&#8217;s chief of staff.</p> <q> <p>I&#8217;ve heard from three people from different circles on the Hill that this may be John Kelly&#8217;s last week as Trump&#8217;s Chief of Staff. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AMJoy?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%205Etfw" type="external">#AMJoy</a> <a href="https://t.co/T9AGHeGR9y" type="external">https://t.co/T9AGHeGR9y</a></p> <p>&#8212; Scott Dworkin (@funder) <a href="https://twitter.com/funder/status/915644510025211905?ref_src=twsrc%205Etfw" type="external">October 4, 2017</a></p> </q> </q> <p>Sponsored</p>
Reporter: General Kelly Pulled Off Air Force One – May Resign by End of Week
<p>It was <a type="internal">one year ago</a> today. During the second presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri, candidate Trump told Hillary Clinton, &#8220;You&#8217;d be in jail!&#8221; when he enters the White House.</p> <p>IT WAS THE BEST DEBATE LINE EVER!!!! TRUMP to Hillary:</p> <p>BOOM!</p> <p>It&#8217;s now been one year and Trump supporters are still waiting to see Crooked Hillary behind bars. Trump supporters weren&#8217;t kidding when they chanted, &#8220;Lock her up!&#8221; at Trump rally after Trump rally.</p> <p>In 2015 former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani famously said Hillary Clinton should be investigated for breaking 15 federal laws.</p> <q> <p>Rudy Giuliani: General Petraeus was got prosecuted for doing approximately one-tenth of what she&#8217;s alleged to have done&#8230; There are specific federal crimes, I could give you a list of fifteen of them if you&#8217;d like, that she should be investigated for, for which there needs to be an answer. According to the public record, the answer to many of those is there is probable cause to believe she committed a crime. I qualify that by saying the public record.</p> </q> <p>It&#8217;s been a year since President Trump told Hillary Clinton to her face that he would lock her up. Americans are tired of a two-tiered judicial system &#8212; one for the elites and one for the common man.</p> Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to get on it. <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
One Year Ago Today: Trump Tells Hillary “You’d Be in Jail!”… It’s Time to Fulfill That Promise, Mr. President
<p>Medical science is constantly making cancer breakthroughs, however there&#8217;s an extensive process to bring treatments to the public. After making a discovery in the lab and performing tests, there are human clinical trials that require oversight by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before approval.</p> <p>That being said, there are some promising new treatments (with some currently still in the investigational stages) targeting cancer, and they could prove valuable to millions of patients in the U.S. and beyond in the future. Here are six experimental cancer treatments that are catching attention from the medical world&#8230;</p> 1. Hyperthermia Therapy <p>BestMedicalDegrees.com outlines this experimental use of heat to target tumors. This technique can zero in on specific areas or heat the whole body, which will break down protein cells within a tumor and cause them to die, notes the source.</p> <p>While the treatment can potentially blast away existing cells, it could also help prevent new ones from forming. &#8220;Hyperthermia Therapy is very exciting because, if it turns out to be a viable treatment, this will destroy the cancerous tumors from the inside out and hinder its ability to infect more healthy cells,&#8221; adds the source.</p> <a type="internal" /> 2. Cellular Adoptive Immunotherapy <p>Also called adoptive cell transfer, the experimental technique aims to improve the ability of a patient&#8217;s natural T-cells (lymphocytes for immunity) to fight cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. Doctors can take the best and most active T-cells that have invaded a tumor and extract them to multiply in a lab &#8211; the patient&#8217;s immune cells are then wiped out and the lab-grown cells are re-infused back to them, it adds.</p> <p>There are variations of this treatment, and the first use of it targeted metastatic melanoma, which can spread quickly through the body. Modified T-cells are also being looked at to treat other solid tumors as well as hematologic cancers (cancers of the blood), it adds.</p> <a type="internal" /> 3. Molecularly Targeted Therapy <p>ABC News says in an article that this therapy consists of drugs that are aimed at destroying only specific cancer cells, without negatively affecting healthy cells as many existing treatments do. &#8220;Thus, people taking the drugs too often suffer horrible side effects on top of whatever havoc the cancer itself is already wreaking,&#8221; notes the source.</p> <p>ABC says the leading drug in this new therapy is called Glivec (or STI571). It is designed to treat a specific form a leukemia called chronic myeloid leukemia, which has about 7,000 new cases per year in the U.S., adds the source. &#8220;Doctors are extremely hopeful that the drug could provide a model for similar drugs to treat cancers affecting many thousands more people,&#8221; it notes.</p> <a type="internal" /> 4. TNFR2-targeting Antibodies <p>The National Cancer Institute detailed a potential new cancer therapy in early 2017, which looks to target ovarian cancer cells. The basics are that tumor cells &#8220;express&#8221; a protein called TNFR2, which can prevent a patient&#8217;s natural immune system from attacking a tumor.</p> <p>Researchers have developed new antibodies that target TNFR2, as well as having the ability to kill ovarian cancer cells, thus &#8220;killing two birds with one stone,&#8221; notes the source. The team found that ovarian cancer cells express an abnormal level of TNFR2 that can promote tumor growth &#8211; and the source points out other types of cancers, such as colon and kidney cancer, also show unusual TNFR2 production.</p> <a type="internal" /> 5. Tumor Treating Fields <p>This therapy, which the American Brain Tumor Association said was recently approved by the FDA for glioblastoma (an aggressive brain cancer), usually follows surgery and radiation therapy, adds the source. It involves ceramic discs called transducer arrays to deliver electromagnetic energy to the scalp.</p> <p>&#8220;These electrical fields exert selective toxicity in proliferating cells thereby halting cell division and destroying the cancer cells,&#8221; notes the source. While the treatment is used in conjunction with oral chemotherapy drugs for glioblastoma (GBM), it can be used on its own to target recurrent (returning) GBM when other options have been exhausted, according to the source.</p> <a type="internal" /> 6. Virus Therapy <p>Usually, having a virus is a bad thing. However, this therapy essentially involves introducing a virus to cancer cells that leave healthy cells alone, notes StandUp2Cancer.org. The virus only seeks out cancer cells due to their genetic mutation that normal cells don&#8217;t have, it explains.</p> <p>One treatment in particular is called Reolysin, developed by a Canadian biotechnology company, notes the source. The site notes that almost 300-patients &#8220;with various forms of cancer&#8221; in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. have been treated with this therapy, which infects cancer cells and causes them to explode. Apparently, side effects (such as a low-grade fever) are a lot milder than those associated with chemotherapy and radiation, it adds.</p> <a type="internal" />
6 Promising New Medical Treatments for Cancer
<p>A <a href="http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2014/09/23/the-africanization-of-france-medical-data-suggests-one-third-french-births-are-non-white/" type="external">2014 study in France</a> found that one-third of French births were non-white.</p> <p>The was before the mass migrant invasion of Europe supported by French, German, EU and Vatican leaders.</p> Today the numbers have risen dramatically. <p>73% of children born in Paris are African.</p> <p>The national rate in France of African births is 39%</p> <p>African births will outnumber French births in France in 3 to 5 years.</p> <p>This will not end well.</p> <q> <p>By 2022, African births will outnumber French births in France.This type of multiculturalism will kill the entire country and culture. <a href="https://t.co/57IydjhZP7" type="external">pic.twitter.com/57IydjhZP7</a></p> <p>&#8212; /pol/ News Infinity (@polNewsInfinity) <a href="https://twitter.com/polNewsInfinity/status/919306961509912577?ref_src=twsrc%205Etfw" type="external">October 14, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
STUNNING: African Births Will Outnumber French Births in France in 5 Years
<p>Chappelle-Nadal then deleted it in a panic.</p> <p>Maria Chappelle-Nadal was <a type="internal">removed from her committee assignments</a> the next week. But she was not removed from public office.</p> <p>On Thursday Chappelle-Nadal <a href="https://twitter.com/MariaChappelleN/status/918514363559968768" type="external">compared</a> Trump to Hitler.</p> <p>Because&#8230;. Republicans are Nazis.</p> Democrat Maria Chappelle Nadal defended her decision to compare President Trump to Hitler in an interview on Thursday afternoon&#8230; AND she played the race card. <p><a href="http://fox2now.com/2017/10/12/chappelle-nadal-tweets-meme-of-trump-transforming-into-hitler-after-puerto-rico-comment/" type="external">FOX 2</a> reported:</p> <p><a href="http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/missouri-pol-apologized-for-hoping-for-trump-assassination-now-she/article_722b1ca7-8bfb-57cc-bb33-43c9320a81cf.html#tncms-source=home-top-story-1" type="external">The St. Louis Post-Dispatch</a> interviewed Chappelle-Nadal about the tweet. She tells the newspaper that, &#8220;I have a First Amendment right to share my opinion, and if a meme is offensive to people, they should look at the First Amendment again,&#8221; she said. &#8220;Then ask yourself why you have different qualifications for a black woman of Puerto Rican descent than other people putting up a meme with no words. It&#8217;s Twitter.&#8221;</p> Maria is the future of the Democrat Party &#8212; constant insults and pure insanity. <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
MO Democrat Chappelle-Nadal Compares Trump to Hitler and Hopes for His Assassination …Then Plays Race Card
<a href="https://churchleaders-eszuskq0bptlfh8awbb.stackpathdns.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/10.11.CC.HOME_.AThreatToChristians.jpg" type="external" /> <p>I was listening to a Christian radio show awhile back before I was scheduled to go on, and one of the guests before me was talking about the organization he formed to fight back against powerful liberals in the United States and the ideologies they are spending billions of dollars to advance.</p> <p>This man kept talking about how liberalism is a &#8220;threat&#8221; to Christianity, and how any number of liberal political ideologies are going to somehow damage the faith, though he wasn&#8217;t very specific as to how.</p> <p>Similarly, I was watching a video the other day in which the Christian missionary called Islam &#8220;the greatest threat to Christianity today.&#8221; Really? A threat to what? Make Christianity untrue?</p> What Are We So Afraid Of? <p>So many American Christians, evangelicals in particular, are paralyzed by <a type="internal">fear</a>.</p> <p>We talk about how political liberalism or Islam are &#8220;threats&#8221; to Christianity and make compelling cases for why our brothers and sisters in Christ should devote time, money and other resources to protect Christianity against these threats.</p> <p>Christianity is not threatened by modern political liberalism, any strand of Islam (violent or non-violent) or any other worldview on the entire planet.</p> <p>I tweeted last week: &#8220;If you view other religions or worldviews as &#8216;threats&#8217; to Christianity, I kind of wonder if you know how the story ends.&#8221;</p> <p>The idea that something could be a &#8220;threat&#8221; to Christianity implies that, somehow, Christianity could be put on a sort of &#8220;endangered religions&#8221; list, or that Christians could become extinct altogether.</p> <p>This is a lie fueled by hearts that have made an idol of power and influence.</p> <p>Christianity, defined by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the implications of that gospel, offers the world what other worldviews cannot. So, Christians who want the best for their communities and the world are right to work for Christianity&#8217;s spread around the world.</p> <p>But, particularly among conservative evangelicals in 21st-century America, there seems to be a feeling that Christianity is at risk of extinction.</p> <p>This is not the case.</p> Christianity&#8217;s Dominance Is Threatened <p>Is Christianity at risk of losing its powerful influence over America? Yes it is (most say it already has).</p> <p>Is Christianity at risk of becoming less and less socially acceptable in America and bordering on being considered &#8220;hate&#8221;? Yes it is.</p> <p>For some, these two truths are terrifying and are indicative of the impending demise of Christianity.</p> <p>Do not believe this lie.</p> <p>It is right to be concerned for the millions of Christians around the world who are being threatened. This is a reality about which we should be praying regularly. But &#8220;threatened Christians&#8221; do not make a &#8220;threatened Christianity.&#8221;</p> <p>Christianity&#8217;s existence and well-being is not dependent on how widespread it is accepted in America or the world.</p> <p>Christianity is dependent on the finished work of Christ. Period.</p> <p>This means nothing is a &#8220;threat&#8221; to Christianity. Plenty of forces&#8212;worldviews, political ideologies and more&#8212;threaten Christianity&#8217;s dominance in America.</p> <p>For some, Christianity&#8217;s dominance in America and the Western world is what legitimizes it. It is these people who believe Christianity is threatened. Because it&#8217;s true&#8212;Christian dominance in America and the West is being overshadowed by other worldviews.</p> <p>Praise God that the Christian faith is not dependent on its 21st-century cultural dominance, but by the dominion of its eternal, glorious God.</p> <p>When you claim that ISIS or the Democrats or whomever else is threatening Christianity, you spit in the face of the God who conquered sin and death because you&#8217;re afraid he can&#8217;t conquer competing worldviews.</p> <p>Christianity doesn&#8217;t have to be the most popular worldview in America to be the right one.</p> <p>Sometimes I think American evangelicals push for the widespread acceptance of Christianity because they want to be &#8220;right&#8221; more than they want the world to flourish in the grace of God.</p> <p>No terrorist attack, peaceful mosque or Supreme Court justice can knock down the house whose cornerstone is Christ. But it will demolish the house whose cornerstone is cultural favor.</p> <p>Romans 8:35 says, &#8220;Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?&#8221; Or liberals, or ISIS, or Supreme Court Justices, or car bombs?</p> <p>The foundation of our faith is seated on the throne because his work is finished.</p> <p>He&#8217;s not concerned. Why should we be?</p> <p>This article originally appeared <a href="http://www.millennialevangelical.com/neither-islam-liberalism-threat-christianity/" type="external">here</a>.</p>
Neither Islam Nor Liberalism Nor Anything Else Is a “Threat” to Christianity
<a type="internal" /> <p>&#8220;In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue&#8230;.</p> <p>Today, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a mythical hero by some &#8211; complete with songs, poems, and fictional tales about his great adventure across the Atlantic to explore the majestic land that would eventually be known as the Americas. There are fifty four communities named after the explorer in the United States, including the District of Columbia. <a type="internal">&#8220;Hail, Columbia&#8221; was the United States&#8217; unofficial national anthem until 1931</a>. A federal holiday, &#8220;Columbus Day,&#8221; is celebrated every second Monday in October.</p> <p>Despite all of this, historians have begun to tear down the Columbus myth: <a type="internal">That he discovered America.</a> That he proved the world wasn&#8217;t flat. ( <a type="internal">That had been well-known for more than a millennium in Columbus&#8217; time.</a> In fact, scholars had a pretty good idea of what the circumference of the Earth was, which was part of the dissent against Columbus making his trip- Columbus thought Asia was bigger than it is and the world much smaller, leading one of the scholars commissioned by the monarchy to investigate the plausibility of Columbus&#8217; journey succeeding to say, it was &#8220;impossible to any educated person&#8221;). That he came to America in the name of exploration. And, finally, that he came in peace.</p> <p>Quite simply, most of these &#8220;facts&#8221; are unequivocally false or half-truths. Columbus sailed the ocean blue to look for wealth and, officially, in the name of Christianity. What he mostly did, though, was enslave and rape the natives he met, sold girls (as young as nine by his own account) into prostitution, and committed numerous acts so heinous that he was forcibly removed from power and sent back to Spain in chains. Christopher Columbus was brutal, even by the standards of his age, leading <a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;field-author=Bartolome%20de%20Las%20Casas&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;search-alias=books&amp;sort=relevancerank&amp;tag=vicastingcom-20&amp;text=Bartolome%20de%20Las%20Casas&amp;linkId=XKBNSFYXMQBJ4XUO" type="external">Bartolome de las Casa</a>, who accompanied Columbus on one of his voyages, to write in his The History of the Indies, &#8220;Such inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel&#8230; My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.&#8221;</p> <p>In August 1492, Columbus departed Spain with three ships &#8211; the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Santa Clara (nicknamed &#8220;the Nina&#8221;). After two months on the high seas, land was spotted. Now, before they had left, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had promised to whoever spotted land first a reward of a silken jacket and an annuity of ten thousand maravedis. The lookout on the Pinta was Rodrigo de Triana and he was the first to spot land. He shouted to the rest of the crew down below, and the Pinta&#8217;s captain announced the discovery with cannon fire. When it came time to receive the reward though, <a href="http://www.ems.kcl.ac.uk/content/etext/e019.html#d0e393" type="external">Columbus claimed</a> he actually saw a light in the distance several hours prior to Triana&#8217;s shout, &#8220;but it was so indistinct that I did not dare to affirm it was land.&#8221; The reward reportedly went to Columbus.</p> <p>Upon landing on the island, which he would call San Salvador (present-day Bahamas), Columbus immediately went to work finding gold and enslaving the native populations. Specifically, Columbus, upon seeing the Arawaks (the peoples of the region) come out of the forests frightened of the men with swords, but bearing gifts, wrote in his journal,</p> <q> <p>They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They would make fine servants . . . with fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.</p> </q> <p>As other European visitors would observe, the Arawaks were legendary for their hospitality and their desire to share. Again saying Columbus about the Arawaks, &#8220;are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone.&#8221;</p> <p>Columbus quickly took advantage of this. Seeing that they wore gold studs in their ears, he rounded up of a number of Arawaks and had them lead him to where gold was. The journey took them to present day Cuba and Haiti (but Columbus thought it was Asia), where they found specks of gold in the river, but not the enormous &#8220;fields&#8221; Columbus was expecting. Nonetheless, he wrote back to Spain saying that, &#8220;There are many spices, and great mines of gold and other metals.&#8221; This report earned him financing for a second voyage, this time with 13 ships and twelve hundred men. While he never ended up filling up these ships with gold, he filled them with another &#8220;currency&#8221; and one that would have a horrendous effect on the world going forward &#8211; slaves.</p> <p>In 1495, Columbus arrived back in the New World and immediately took 1500 Arawaks as prisoners. Of those 1500, he picked 500 to be shipped back to Spain as slaves (about two hundred died on the journey back), starting the transatlantic slave trade. The rest were forced to find what little gold existed in the region. According to noted historian Howard Zinn, anyone over 14 had to meet a gold quota. If they didn&#8217;t find enough gold, they would have their hands cut off.</p> <p>Eventually, when it was realized there wasn&#8217;t much gold in the region, Columbus and his men just took the rest as slaves and put them to work on their newly established estates in the region. Many natives died and their numbers dwindled. In the 15th century, modern historians believe there were about 300,000 Arawaks. By 1515, there were only 50,000 left. By 1531, 600 and by 1650, there were no longer any full-blooded Arawaks left on the islands.</p> <p>The way Columbus and his men treated the women and children of these populations was even worse. Columbus routinely used the raping of women as a &#8220;reward&#8221; for his lieutenants. For example, here&#8217;s an account from one of Columbus&#8217; friends and compatriots, Michele de Cuneo, who accompanied Columbus on his second journey to the New World, on what Michele did to a native &#8220;Carb woman.&#8221; Michele wrote that,</p> <q> <p>While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral [Columbus] gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of whores&#8230;</p> </q> <p>Going further, Columbus wrote in a letter from 1500,</p> <q> <p>A hundred castellanos are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand.</p> </q> <p>As illustrated in a recently discovered 48 page report found in the Spanish archives written by Francisco De Bobadilla (charged with investigating Columbus&#8217; rule at the behest of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, who were troubled by allegations of some of Columbus&#8217; acts), a woman who verbally insulted Columbus&#8217; family was stripped naked and made to ride around the colony on a mule. After the trip was done, her tongue was cut out by the order of Columbus&#8217; brother, Bartolom&#233;, who Columbus then congratulated for successfully defending the family&#8217;s honor. Needless to say, these and numerous other such acts ultimately resulted in De Bobadilla having Columbus removed from power and sent back to Spain in chains.</p> <p>After Columbus came, and was forced out, the Spaniards continued his policy of enslavement and violence. In 1552, the Spanish historian and friar Bartolome de las Casas published multiple volumes under the title The History of Indies. In it, he described the collapse of the non-European population. Casas writes that when the men were captured and forced to work in mines looking for gold, rarely if ever returning home, it significantly impacted the birth rate. If a woman did give birth, she would be so overworked herself and malnourished, that she often could not produce enough milk for the baby. He even reported that some of the women &#8220;drowned their babies from sheer desperation.&#8221;</p> <p>There are lot more examples, writings, and research that points to one fact &#8211; Christopher Columbus was a lamentable individual. Nobody&#8217;s perfect- if we restricted celebrated individuals to those who didn&#8217;t have any major flaws, we&#8217;d have few humans to celebrate- and it&#8217;s extremely important to view things in the context of the time individuals lived in. But even in his age, many of his acts were considered deplorable by his peers, which is in no small part why Columbus was arrested for his conduct in the New World. Combined with his truly historic and widespread impact being incidental to what he was actually trying to do (so a little hard to celebrate him for even that side of his life), maybe it is time that we let go of the myths we learned about Christopher Columbus in elementary school and stop celebrating Columbus, the man.</p> <p>If you liked this article, you might also enjoy our new popular podcast, The BrainFood Show ( <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-brainfoodshow/id1350586459" type="external">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/36xpXQMPVXhWJzMoCHPJKd" type="external">Spotify</a>, <a href="https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&amp;isi=691797987&amp;ius=googleplaymusic&amp;apn=com.google.android.music&amp;link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Insimdi4g6puyyr4qbt6tup5b6m?t%3DThe_BrainFood_Show%26pcampaignid%3DMKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16" type="external">Google Play Music</a>, <a type="internal">Feed</a>), as well as:</p> <p>Bonus Fact:</p> Not surprisingly, due to these many sexual encounters with the natives, STDs ran rampant in the region in Columbus&#8217; time. Further, while it is still somewhat up for debate if Columbus and his crew brought syphilis to the New World or if they brought it from the New World to Europe (the latter generally being the favored theory), what isn&#8217;t argued is that Columbus inadvertently quickened and widen the spread of these dangerous diseases on both sides of the Atlantic. Syphilis became a huge problem, historians nicknaming it the &#8220;scourge of the Renaissance,&#8221; throughout the Americas and Europe. For more on this, see: <a type="internal">Why Native Americans Didn&#8217;t Wipe Out Europeans With Diseases</a> <p>Expand for References</p>
The Truth About Christopher Columbus
<p>A big pro-Trump rally called &#8220;The Mother of All Rallies&#8221; (or MOAR for short) is taking place today in Washington, D.C. These are photos from the event, to give you an idea of what is happening today.</p> <p>The MOAR rally began its opening ceremonies at the north end of the Mall, near the Washington monument, at 11 a.m. Eastern, <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.motherofallrallies.com%2F&amp;h=ATNX2heIh_eZVmfGv-485dw4BvmI2xHjem6NXHSKyrq0zg2wbawosEC3wKtTfb51jqqou_VcsFT9QcZSJgMza6oJmWZiVCQyZsU63rPJ6eGE8pGIA3lQnS_diSA61GPvxhkpZIWo3n6jpM8KdCv_W9RNtyc8_tF7CqumMMO1S4bgS6mv7GFUFyMaG7sSjvpys4EFpKPOjKfF63CWASItRX_ANuFVLSTPYmP_VWn9OhpypwNBbpNULHoot_ihNuJEqOYOfAJzUwhiWR22FG6BTUQwEfY5VgZx-OwzpFjuswoBJNVkBe7PXpZwIpr0sxc" type="external">according to their website</a>.</p> <p>&#8220;Keynote speakers will include author Hamody Jasim, Marco Gutierrez founder of Latinos for Trump, and congressional candidate for California Omar Navarro. The band Madison Rising is the featured performer. Panel discussions on a number of hot topics are also planned and much will be happening throughout the day and evening.&#8221;</p> <p>Peter Boykin, president of Gays for Trump and a speaker at the rally, <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2017/09/15/weekend-of-juggalos-trump-supporters-counterprotesters-and-weddings-is-here-get-ready-for-street-closures-and-police-presence/?utm_term=.a4fef0b222f2" type="external">told the Washington Post</a> that some topics discussed at the event will be more controversial, including transgender men and women in the military, Sharia law, and the dreamers immigration program.</p> <p><a href="https://www.motherofallrallies.com/" type="external">According to the event&#8217;s website</a>, the rally is focused on freedom, putting America first, and uniting everyone under the American flag:</p> <q> <p>&#8230;No confederate flags, communist flags, or foreign flags allowed. This is not a Democrat or Republican rally. It&#8217;s not a left or right rally. We condemn racists of all colors and supremacy of all colors. Our patriots are of all colors and we are uniting under our constitutional rights. We are Americans and our color shouldn&#8217;t matter.&#8221;</p> </q> <p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/448560615479171/?acontext=%7B%22action_history%22%3A%22%5B%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22page%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22page_upcoming_events_card%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5D%22%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D" type="external">The event&#8217;s Facebook page</a> mentions that the event is &#8220;in support of American values, American culture, American traditions, and of course President Donald Trump.&#8221;</p> <p>About <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/448560615479171/?acontext=%7B%22action_history%22%3A%22%5B%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22page%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22page_upcoming_events_card%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5D%22%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D" type="external">2,000 people RSVP&#8217;d for the event on Facebook</a>, and an additional 6,200 indicated that they were interested in the event. The organizers originally wanted one million people at the event.</p> <p>But both Jason Webber, an organizer of the Juggalo rally, and Peter Boykin, a speaker at the MOAR rally, <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2017/09/15/weekend-of-juggalos-trump-supporters-counterprotesters-and-weddings-is-here-get-ready-for-street-closures-and-police-presence/?utm_term=.a4fef0b222f2" type="external">told The Washington Post</a> that their events don&#8217;t plan to interact with each other and they don&#8217;t expect any brawls.</p> <p>Supporters have also been posting on Twitter and other social media sites about the event.</p> <p>Some counter protesters showed up too:</p> <p>The website for the event took pains to set itself up as different from the Charlottesville rally, saying that they wanted American flags and Confederate flags would not be allowed.</p> <p>The event was also heavily pro-Trump.</p>
‘Mother of All Rallies’ MOAR Rally Photos: Pictures from the Pro-Trump Event
<p>The final full day of campaigning is over, and on Tuesday, Americans will determine which candidate will be the next president of the United States. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton appeared in Michigan on Monday, while Republican candidate Donald Trump made his way to Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Although Trump has provided America with some colorful statements on the subjects of race, wealth, women, and politics, Clinton has also made some contentious remarks that have divided the public. Read on for a list of Clinton's top 10 best quotes of all time. (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> Hillary Clinton Addresses Nat'l Education Association Representative Assembly <p>"I call it 'Trumped Up, Trickle Down' because that's exactly what it would be." - First presidential debate (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> Hillary Clinton And President Obama Speak At The Congressional Black Caucus' Annual Phoenix Awards <p>"Don&#8217;t let anybody tell you that it&#8217;s corporations and businesses that create jobs.&#8221; - Rally for Martha Coakley in Boston (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> Hillary Clinton Campaigns On Labor Day In Ohio And Iowa <p>&#8220;I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.&#8221; - Speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008 (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> Final Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Held In Las Vegas Hillary Clinton <p>Hillary served as the 67th Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, and was a junior Senator for New York between 2001 and 2009. As the wife of former President Bill Clinton, Hillary served as First Lady from 1993 to 2001. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947, and her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, managed a small textile business. Clinton's mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, was a homemaker. The former first lady has two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony. (Getty)</p> Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Philadelphia <p>&#8220;I hope the fact checkers are turning up the volume and really working hard.&#8221; - First presidential debate (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Face Off In First Presidential Debate At Hofstra University <p>"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life." - March 26, 1992, Interview with Ted Koppel (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> Hillary Clinton Holds Primary Night Event In Brooklyn, New York <p>"The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president." - NBC's Today Show (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> Hillary Clinton Holds Early Voting Rallies In Iowa <p>"If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle." &#8211; 1995 (Getty)</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Charlotte, North Carolina <p>"We need a new politics of meaning ... we are part of something bigger than ourselves." - 1993, speaking at University of Texas (Getty)</p> <p>3 Comments</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p> <p>ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = =</p> <p>H D</p>
Top 10 Best Hillary Clinton Quotes of All Time
<p>The early voting period in Florida has come to an end, and the final results are now in.</p> <p>Early voting in Florida began on October 24th, and it concluded on November 6th. <a href="https://countyballotfiles.elections.myflorida.com/FVRSCountyBallotReports/AbsenteeEarlyVotingReports/PublicStats" type="external">According to data released by the Florida Department of State&#8217;s Division of Elections</a>, 6.4 million Floridians voted early this year. In the end, the Democrats were able to come away from early voting with the advantage. A total of 2,558,000 votes were cast by registered Democrats, and 2,471,000 votes were cast by registered Republicans. This translates into 39.85 percent of the vote going to the Democrats, and 38.49 percent of it going to the Republicans.</p> <p>In total, 49.7 percent of the state&#8217;s entire population of registered voters have already voted. This turnout of 6.4 million voters is a significant increase compared to four years ago, <a href="http://blogs.tallahassee.com/florida-early-voting-absentee-ballots-down-from-2008/" type="external">when only 4.4 million votes were cast early</a>.</p> <p>The Democrats hold a lead going into Election Day, but their lead is significantly smaller than it was four years ago. In 2012, Democrats scored 43 percent of the early vote in Florida, and Republicans scored 40 percent. In the end, Barack Obama won Florida, but it was a tight race, with the president defeating Mitt Romney by a margin of just 0.88 percentage points. Democratic turnout tends to be high in early voting, and Republican turnout tends to be high on Election Day. So the fact that the Democrats don&#8217;t have as large a lead as they did four years ago may spell trouble for Hillary Clinton.</p> <p>This year, about 1.2 million of the ballots cast came from those not affiliated with any of the two major parties. This translates into 19.2 percent of the early vote. It&#8217;s unclear who these voters selected, but many polls have suggested that they tend to gravitate towards Donald Trump. In a <a href="https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/mwbtap4dgs/FL_Prelim_20161106.pdf" type="external">recent CBS News poll</a>, independent voters favored Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, 47 percent to 34 percent, and another <a href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2016/Remington_Research_Florida_October_31_2016.pdf" type="external">Remington Research survey</a> showed Trump winning among unaffiliated voters 49 percent to 36 percent.</p> <p>Although the number of votes cast by Democrats is down, good news for Hillary Clinton is the fact that Hispanic turnout in Florida is up this year. <a href="http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-barnstorm-for-florida-prize-1478468075" type="external">According to The Wall Street Journal</a>, about twice as many Florida Hispanics have voted early compared to 2012. However, African American turnout was down 11 percent this year, <a href="http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article112943618.html" type="external">according to McClatchy DC</a>.</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p>
2016 Florida Early Voting Final Results
<p>Heading into Election Day 2016, the Donald Trump campaign has a very specific path to 270 Electoral College votes. In order to win the election, Trump must win nearly every single battleground state and retain every state that Mitt Romney won in 2012 as well. Plus, there are a few states that Trump is hoping to flip from blue to red. So what exactly are the states that Trump needs to win if he hopes to become president?</p> <p>First, there are 21 states that Donald Trump will win essentially by default. These are the states that traditionally always vote for the Republican candidate, and they add up to 163 Electoral College votes. If Hillary Clinton were to somewhat win in just one of these states, it would be a complete shock. The states are:</p> Alabama Alaska Arkansas Idaho Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska North Dakota Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah West Virginia Wyoming <p>Then there are two states that usually vote for the Republican candidate but where Hillary Clinton has actually been somewhat close in the polls. Still, it seems likely that these states will stay red as they have been for a long time, but it&#8217;s necessary for Trump to defend himself here if he wants to win the election. Those states are:</p> Arizona Georgia <p>If we add these two states to Donald Trump&#8217;s column, plus all the traditionally red states, the Republican nominee is now at 190 Electoral College votes. He needs 80 more votes to become president.</p> <p>What remains are six battleground states that could realistically be won by either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Those battlegrounds are:</p> Florida Iowa Maine&#8217;s 2nd Congressional District Nevada New Hampshire North Carolina Ohio <p>All of these states add up to 80 Electoral College votes, meaning that if Trump wins all of the states we have mentioned so far, he hits 270 electors exactly, and he becomes the next president of the United States.</p> <p>The state that Donald Trump absolutely must win in order to be elected president is Florida. Technically Trump can win without it, but the path would become so narrow as a result that it&#8217;s almost impossible to imagine Hillary Clinton not winning if she turns Florida blue. If Florida is called for Hillary Clinton on the evening of November 8th, you can essentially consider this the announcement that Hillary Clinton has won the presidency. Florida is worth 29 Electoral College votes.</p> <p>Really, though, Trump does not have much wiggle room, and so basically all of the six battleground states &#8211; plus one battleground district &#8211; are must wins for him.</p> <p>Because the aforementioned path is so narrow, the Trump campaign is also looking at a fourth category, states that are leaning towards Hillary Clinton and that traditionally vote blue but that Trump hopes he can turn red. Winning any one of these would dramatically increase his odds of victory, as they would give him some room to lose another battleground state but still win the election. Winning any of them would also start eating into Hillary Clinton&#8217;s path rather than simply forging Donald Trump&#8217;s. Those blue states, accompanied by the lead Hillary Clinton currently has in the polls according to Real Clear Politics, are:</p> Colorado (Clinton +3) Michigan (Clinton +5) Minnesota (Clinton +6.4) Pennsylvania (Clinton +2.8) Virginia (Clinton +4.3) Wisconsin (Clinton +6.5) <p>To summarize, with each of the battlegrounds (Florida, Iowa, Maine&#8217;s 2nd Congressional District, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Ohio) losing one means Trump must make up for it by winning a combination of blue states (Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin) . If Trump loses a single battleground but does not compensate for it with a victory in a blue state, Hillary Clinton wins the election. And if Trump loses two battleground states, that will be almost impossible to recover from.</p> <p>With that in mind, here are a few scenarios, albeit somewhat unlikely scenarios, where Trump could recover from the loss in a battleground state.</p> If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for New Hampshire Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Colorado, bringing him to 275 Trump wins Michigan, bringing him to 282 Trump wins Minnesota, bringing him to 276 Trump wins Pennsylvania, bringing him to 286 Trump wins Virginia, bringing him to 279 Trump wins Wisconsin, bringing him to 276 If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for Nevada Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Colorado, bringing him to 273 Trump wins Michigan, bringing him to 280 Trump wins Minnesota, bringing him to 274 Trump wins Pennsylvania, bringing him to 284 Trump wins Wisconsin, bringing him to 274 Trump wins Virginia, bringing him to 277 If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for North Carolina&#8230; Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Pennsylvania, bringing him to 275 Trump wins Minnesota and Colorado, bringing him to 274 Trump wins Michigan, bringing him to 271 Trump wins Virginia and Colorado, bringing him to 277 Trump wins Virginia and Wisconsin, bringing him to 278 Trump wins Wisconsin and Colorado, bringing him to 274 If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for Ohio&#8230; Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Michigan and Colorado, bringing him to 277 Trump wins Minnesota and Colorado, bringing him to 271 Trump wins Pennsylvania, bring him to 272 Trump wins Virginia and Colorado, bringing him to 274 Trump wins Wisconsin and Michigan, bringing him to 278 If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for Florida&#8230; Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Colorado, Minnesota and Wisconsin, bringing him to 270 Trump wins Colorado, Michigan and Wisconsin, bringing him to 276 Trump wins Pennsylvania and Virginia, bringing him to 274 If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for Iowa&#8230; Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Colorado, bringing him to 273 Trump wins Michigan, bringing him to 280 Trump wins Minnesota, bringing him to 274 Trump wins Pennsylvania, bringing him to 284 Trump wins Virginia, bringing him to 277 Trump wins Wisconsin, bringing him to 274 If Trump wins all the battlegrounds except for Maine&#8217;s 2nd Congressional District&#8230; Trump loses, or&#8230; Trump wins Colorado, bringing him to 278 Trump wins Michigan, bringing him to 285 Trump wins Minnesota, bringing him to 279 Trump wins Pennsylvania, bringing him to 289 Trump wins Virginia, bringing him to 282 Trump wins Wisconsin, bringing him to 279 <p>Read more about Donald Trump and Melania in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p>
States That Donald Trump Needs to Win in Order to Win the Election
<p>Hillary Clinton is beginning to increase her odds of winning Florida in many election forecasts, while other models say that Donald Trump is now likely to capture the state.</p> <p>On November 6th, FiveThirtyEight was forecasting a Donald Trump victory in Florida, giving him a 52.5 percent chance of winning. The state has flipped from red to blue in the past 24 hours; as of November 7th, <a href="http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/florida/" type="external">the FiveThirtyEight model</a> now gives Donald Trump a 48.5 percent chance of winning Florida, with Hillary Clinton having the better odds of 51.6 percent. On their forecast, we can see a clear dip that occurs in the immediate aftermath of the news that the FBI would be looking into new emails relevant to the Hillary Clinton investigation, but now her lead is beginning to rise again.</p> <p>FiveThirtyEight is also forecasting that Hillary Clinton will win 48.2 percent of the popular vote in Florida, while Donald Trump will receive 48.0 percent of it.</p> <p>But <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fupshot&amp;action=click&amp;contentCollection=upshot&amp;region=rank&amp;module=package&amp;version=highlights&amp;contentPlacement=2&amp;pgtype=sectionfront&amp;_r=0" type="external">in The New York Times&#8217; The Upshot</a>, Florida is actually beginning to move in Donald Trump&#8217;s direction. On November 6th, the Times&#8217; model gave Hillary Clinton a 70 percent chance of winning the state, but now, this number has gone down to 66 percent. And two weeks ago, before the FBI news was released, Hillary Clinton had an 80 percent chance of winning Florida on The Upshot. The model currently gives Clinton an 84 percent chance of becoming the next president. Clearly, Clinton does not absolutely need Florida to win, while Donald Trump almost certainly can&#8217;t reach 270 Electoral College votes without it.</p> <p>On <a href="http://predictwise.com/politics" type="external">PredictWise</a>, Hillary Clinton now has better odds of winning Florida than she did yesterday. On November 6th, Clinton was given a 73 percent chance of winning Florida by PredictWise, but now that has gone up two points to 75 percent. Surprisingly, PredictWise is actually giving Clinton better odds of winning Florida today than she had prior to the FBI announcement on October 28th. Hours before that news dropped, Clinton&#8217;s odds of winning Florida were at 72 percent. In the aftermath of that bombshell, her odds fell all the way down to 58 percent, but she has now more than recovered from it. Nationally, PredictWise gives Clinton an 89 percent chance of winning the election, up two points since yesterday.</p> <p>Meanwhile, a dramatic shift has taken place on <a href="http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2016/forecast/president" type="external">The Huffington Post&#8217;s forecast</a>. On Sunday, this model gave Clinton a 93 percent chance of winning Florida, and the state was placed in the &#8220;probable Clinton&#8221; column. Twenty-four hours later, Florida has been moved into the &#8220;battleground&#8221; column, and her odds of winning the state have dropped down to 89 percent. The Huffington Post has also moved North Carolina from &#8220;probable Clinton&#8221; into &#8220;battleground.&#8221; One day ago, Clinton&#8217;s projected minimum number of Electoral College votes was 317, but now that has dropped down to 273.</p> <p>Clinton has seen a very slight bump in <a href="http://elections.dailykos.com/app/elections/2016" type="external">DailyKos</a>&#8216; election forecast, though. On November 6th, they gave her a 74 percent chance of winning Florida, but that has now gone up one point to 75 percent. This bump also came as DailyKos released its final election prediction. They expect Hillary Clinton to win 323 Electoral College votes &#8211; including that of North Carolina and Florida &#8211; and Donald Trump to win 215 votes.</p> <p>It&#8217;s easy to see why all these shifts have taken place, as several key Florida polls were released on Monday that show the race to be much tighter than it was just one day ago. Yesterday, Hillary Clinton was ahead in Real Clear Politics&#8217; Florida polling average by 0.9 percentage points, but today, <a href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/fl/florida_trump_vs_clinton-5635.html" type="external">Trump leads by 0.3 percent.</a> No polls have yet been released that reflect the FBI&#8217;s recent announcement that they would still not be recommending charges against Hillary Clinton after reviewing the new set of e-mails, so it remains to be seen if Clinton will be able to recover even more of her lead in the aftermath of that news.</p> <p>6 Comments</p>
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton’s Odds of Winning Florida Nov. 7th
<p>Plastic is plaguing the environment left and right and one of the single biggest contributors is the use of <a type="internal">single-use plastic bottles.</a> This includes water bottles and those used for other beverages, like sodas and sugary sports drinks, and the demand for them is only increasing despite global efforts to stem plastic usage in the bud.</p> <p>Plastic bags and bottles ravage the Earth from production to disposal, and yet humans buy approximately one million bottles per minute, according to <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/28/a-million-a-minute-worlds-plastic-bottle-binge-as-dangerous-as-climate-change" type="external">Euromonitor</a>, a market research group. Those numbers are expected to increase by another 20% by 2021, which will devastate climate, beaches, oceans, and all of the animals that reside in these areas.</p> <p>According to figures from <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/28/a-million-a-minute-worlds-plastic-bottle-binge-as-dangerous-as-climate-change" type="external">Euromonitor</a>, humans bought 480 billion plastic bottles in the year 2016, which is 300 billion more than the numbers from a decade ago. To make matters worse, less than half of those bottles was collected for <a type="internal">recycling</a> and only about 7% of those collected were turned into new bottles. Manufacturers complain that using recycled plastic ruins the appeal of the bottles and that it costs more to use these materials, which will fall on the consumer.</p> <p>Experts speculate that this demand for 20,000 bottles per second has been exacerbated by the on-the-go, <a type="internal">urban culture</a> that has taken over in cities in China and the Asia Pacific region. With an increased population comes a rise in the demand for PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, which is why Chinese citizens bought 73.8 billion bottles last year, up more than 5 billion since the year before it.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;[China] is a critical country to understand when examining global sales of plastic PET bottles, and China&#8217;s requirement for plastic bottles continues to expand,&#8221; said Euromonitor&#8217;s head of packaging, <a href="https://www.fastcompany.com/40436286/good-lord-the-world-is-using-almost-500-billion-plastic-water-bottles-a-year?utm_source=feedly&amp;utm_medium=webfeeds" type="external">Rosemary Downey</a>.</p> </q> <p>It&#8217;s not enough that reusable water bottles are trending right now because that doesn&#8217;t help the nations who can&#8217;t trust the cleanliness of their tap water. This surge in <a type="internal">buying plastic bottles</a> is also largely driven by developing countries, where disposability is more important than sustainability and being eco-friendly.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;This increase is being driven by increased urbanization,&#8221; <a href="https://www.fastcompany.com/40436286/good-lord-the-world-is-using-almost-500-billion-plastic-water-bottles-a-year" type="external">Downey said</a>. &#8220;There is a desire for healthy living and there are ongoing concerns about groundwater contamination and the quality of tap water, which all contribute to the increase in bottle water use.&#8221;</p> </q> Credit: Bottle Ban <p>If municipalities would clean up their water or work to provide safe drinking water to certain regions for the first time, it&#8217;s likely that plastic pollution, especially when it comes to bottles, would decline dramatically and slow the <a type="internal">environmental health crisis</a>that is building every day.</p> <p>Sadly, it&#8217;s estimated that approximately 5 to 13 million tons of plastic leak into the ocean every single year, ultimately to be worn down into fragments that float in the water column and can sometimes become a part of one of the many garbage patches. Fish, sea birds, and other marine life will eat the specks of plastic or even consume larger pieces, which can eventually kill them. Since humans consume a variety of fish from the ocean, these plastics can also make their way onto our dinner plates.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;The plastic pollution crisis rivals the threat of climate change as it pollutes every natural system and an increasing number of organisms on planet Earth,&#8221; <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/28/a-million-a-minute-worlds-plastic-bottle-binge-as-dangerous-as-climate-change" type="external">said Hugo Tagholm</a>, the CEO of Surfers Against Sewage. &#8220;Current science shows that plastics cannot be usefully assimilated into the food chain. Where they are ingested they carry toxins that work their way on to our dinner plates.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>There are several solutions that groups and experts have suggested to reduce the number of plastic bottle usage, ranging from cutting bottles out cold turkey to encouraging a payment system to use plastic bottles. While some places, like San Francisco, <a type="internal">banned the sale of plastic bottles</a>, other groups advocate for what&#8217;s called a circular economy. In the circular economy, plastic bottles would be used, recycled, refilled, and reused, effectively reducing waste. Surfers Against Sewage is currently campaigning for a <a href="https://medium.com/surfers-against-sewage/what-is-a-deposit-return-system-99d05ef34be2" type="external">deposit return system</a> to be implemented in the UK, which the equivalent of CRV that is collected in the U.S. that can be returned to people that recycle their bottles or cans.</p> <p>If you aren&#8217;t compelled by these reasons to stop using plastic bottles, consider what your beaches will look like once plastic dominates the world even more. Remote islands with little to no beach clean-ups have shown evidence of extreme pollution along their coast and upwards of 18 tons on their beaches, revealing what the future of even the nicest beaches will be. Consider purchasing a reusable water bottle today and making a huge difference for the environment.</p>
Latest Figures Reveal That The World Uses 500 Billion Plastic Bottles Annually
<p>Donald Trump will address the nation from New York City this evening as the president elect of the United States.</p> <p>The Trump campaign has been holding its election night party all night at the New York Hilton Midtown, with the festivities beginning at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Trump&#8217;s supporters have become more and more energized as the hours have ticked on, and Trump will take the stage to address them soon. The speech can be viewed live in the embedded YouTube player via Right Side Broadcasting. It&#8217;s not currently known when Trump will take the stage, as we&#8217;re still awaiting for many more results to come in. But at about 1:00 a.m., <a href="https://twitter.com/DecisionDeskHQ/status/796230347763646464" type="external">Decision Desk HQ officially made their call</a> that Donald Trump has been elected president, and it looks incredibly unlikely that the election will end any other way at this point.</p> <p>It&#8217;s difficult to overstate how monumental of an event this is in the history of American politics. Donald Trump went into this election night being seen as having no real shot at the White House, with many Democrats not even expecting the race to be remotely close. Trump has pulled off what will likely go down as the most shocking political upset in history, and the election result proved nearly every single poll and electoral projection wrong.</p> <p>In fact, it seemed for a while that even Donald Trump himself wasn&#8217;t sure that he was going to win the election. After all, when he was asked during the presidential debate whether he would concede to Hillary Clinton if he loses, <a type="internal">Trump refused to commit to doing so</a>, saying, &#8220;I&#8217;ll keep you in suspense&#8221; seemingly because part of him doubted he could pull this thing off. Obviously, conceding to Hillary Clinton is no longer an issue.</p> <p>So what will Trump say in his speech tonight? Both supporters and detractors alike are hoping for the new president to start to heal the divide after an incredibly heated and contentious election cycle. It&#8217;s also unknown how Donald Trump may address Hillary Clinton, his opponent who he has repeatedly said should be in jail.</p> <p>Hillary Clinton is also expected to speak from the Javits Center in New York City, although many of her supporters have already left the arena in tears.</p> <p>Read more about Donald Trump and Melania in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p>
LIVE STREAM: Donald Trump Victory Speech
<p>The Islamic State has released an official statement via its Amaq News agency regarding the July 14, Bastille Day terrorist attack in Nice, France, carried out by <a type="internal">Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.</a> Police have identified Bouhlel as responsible for <a href="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/bastille-day-crash-live-updates-8424850" type="external">murdering up to 84 people</a> by ramming into them with a truck and shooting at them at a Bastille Day celebration.</p> <p>The 31-year-old French-Tunisian attacker told police he was delivering ice cream in order to get on the promenade, which was closed to traffic for the celebration, <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3691629/I-delivering-ice-cream-Nice-terrorist-told-police-stopped-truck-hours-promenade-massacred-84.html" type="external">The Daily Mail reports.</a></p> <p>ISIS released a statement about the attack this morning citing an &#8220;insider source.&#8221; Read it below:</p> <p>The attack followed the orders of a previous video purportedly released by the Islamic State, in which it told its jihadists in France who could not make it to Iraq or Syria to use cars or trucks as weapons.</p> <p>Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy &#8211; Delivered right to your inbox.</p>
READ: Official ISIS Statement on Nice, France Terrorist Attack
<p>U2 has cancelled its September 16 concert in St. Louis, Missouri after a night of unrest over a police officer&#8217;s acquittal that saw rocks thrown at officers, injuries, and arrests. The mayor&#8217;s house was damaged, and a public library&#8217;s windows smashed, among the other developments.</p> <p>In the midst of all of this, U2 wrote on Saturday morning on Twitter: &#8220;Tonight&#8217;s St. Louis Show Cancelled &#8216;We cannot risk fans&#8217; safety.&#8221;</p> <p>The iconic band <a href="http://www.u2.com/news/title/st-louis-show-cancelled" type="external">released a lengthy statement</a>explaining the decision to no longer play at The Dome America Center. It was posted to U2&#8217;s website and reads:</p> <q> <p>Live Nation and U2 regrettably announce their St. Louis show scheduled for tonight, September 16, 2017 has been cancelled.</p> <p>&#8220;We have been informed by the St. Louis Police Department that they are not in a position to provide the standard protection for our audience as would be expected for an event of this size.</p> <p>We have also been informed that local crowd security personnel would not be at full capacity.</p> <p>In light of this information, we cannot in good conscience risk our fans&#8217; safety by proceeding with tonight&#8217;s concert. As much as we regret having to cancel, we feel it is the only acceptable course of action in the current environment.&#8221; &#8211; Live Nation and U2</p> <p>Fans who purchased tickets online will receive a refund on the credit card tickets were ordered on. Refunds for non-internet purchases will be available starting Monday at 10am at point of purchase.</p> </q> <p>Here&#8217;s the band&#8217;s tweet on the cancellation:</p> <p>Here&#8217;s some of the reaction on Twitter. Some people expressed sadness, others said they were angry (at those causing the unrest, at U2), and others wanted the band to make a social statement.</p> <p>The concert being cancelled upset fans on social media, but it was just one of multiple closings in St. Louis because of riots and protests over <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/15/us/jason-stockley-officer-shooting-verdict/index.html" type="external">a judge&#8217;s acquittal</a>of a white police officer in the shooting death of an African-American man, Anthony Lamar Smith. Prosecutors had argued that the former police officer, Jason Stockley, planted a gun after the shooting, something he denied.</p>
U2’s St. Louis Concert Cancelled; Fans Offered Refunds
<p>Illustration by Shakeil Greeley for GQ / Getty Images</p> <p>Laugh to stop yourself from crying.</p> <p>There are only seven days left in the 2016 presidential. Seven more days and, barring <a type="internal">a last-minute constitutional crisis</a>, this non-stop misery ride will finally be over. How long has it been? Eight? Twelve? Thirteen years? No one really knows any more. All we know is that the 2016 election has done to American democracy what cocaine did to Gary Busey's career, and, much like being stuck in an elevator with Gary Busey, it's hard not to pray for the sweet release of death.</p> <p>A presidential candidate <a type="internal">bragging about sexual assault</a>, a presidential candidate threatening to put is political opponent <a type="internal">in jail</a>, dog-whistle racism, <a type="internal">actual straight-up racism</a>; it's fair to say we're at a historic low-point in the story of American democracy. If only President Obama could wipe the Internet clean before he leaves office, so we never have to be reminded of this god-awful mess ever again.</p> <p>All that said, there was one bright light during these dark times: Twitter.com. Previously home to die-hard One Direction fans and a few hundred-thousand accounts pretending to be Will Ferrell, Twitter was undoubtedly responsible for some of this election cycle's <a href="http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/welcome-to-nazi-twitter-ill-be-your-guide/486233/" type="external">most vile rhetoric</a>&#8212;I mean, just look at Trump's tweets. But there's no denying it also came into its own during the 2016 election. It wasn't fun watching Donald Trump routinely debase our country's political system, but I'm not going to pretend the well-crafted tweets that sparked into existence as a result weren't also a welcome catharsis.</p> <p>To commemorate this bizarre time in our nation's history, we've compiled a chronological list of the 100 funniest* tweets of this genuinely terrible, and mostly unfunny, election. Hopefully, if there's anything left in the smoldering rubble that will be America after November 8th, they can be a reminder that there was at least some good in the parade of garbage. Now let's all agree to never ever do this ever again.</p> <p>*According to us. Please don't @ me.</p> 1. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/robdelaney/status/595313535489581056" type="external">https://twitter.com/robdelaney/status/595313535489581056</a></p> </q> 2. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/mulaney/status/634155794724814848" type="external">https://twitter.com/mulaney/status/634155794724814848</a></p> </q> 3. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/IamEnidColeslaw/status/634517124124381188" type="external">https://twitter.com/IamEnidColeslaw/status/634517124124381188</a></p> </q> 4. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/ruinedpicnic/status/637482075638075392" type="external">https://twitter.com/ruinedpicnic/status/637482075638075392</a></p> </q> 5. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/SirEviscerate/status/638537356342075392" type="external">https://twitter.com/SirEviscerate/status/638537356342075392</a></p> </q> 6. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/harikondabolu/status/666764215949074432" type="external">https://twitter.com/harikondabolu/status/666764215949074432</a></p> </q> 7. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/sageboggs/status/667828163557232644" type="external">https://twitter.com/sageboggs/status/667828163557232644</a></p> </q> 8. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/pattymo/status/672896890237775872" type="external">https://twitter.com/pattymo/status/672896890237775872</a></p> </q> 9. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/iamchrisscott/status/673952110761807875" type="external">https://twitter.com/iamchrisscott/status/673952110761807875</a></p> </q> 10. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/TheDweck/status/687844188881293312" type="external">https://twitter.com/TheDweck/status/687844188881293312</a></p> </q> 11. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/bazecraze/status/691284564170375170" type="external">https://twitter.com/bazecraze/status/691284564170375170</a></p> </q> 12. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/recordsANDradio/status/703051814669852673" type="external">https://twitter.com/recordsANDradio/status/703051814669852673</a></p> </q> 13. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/kibblesmith/status/718541379966738433" type="external">https://twitter.com/kibblesmith/status/718541379966738433</a></p> </q> 14. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/TheNardvark/status/694968109040586754" type="external">https://twitter.com/TheNardvark/status/694968109040586754</a></p> </q> 15. TRENDING THIS VERY SECOND <a type="internal" /> travel-and-eats <a type="internal">Where to Eat and Drink in Houston, the New Capital of Southern Cool</a> <a type="internal" /> culture <a type="internal">Serena Williams' Catsuit Is Banned from All Future French Opens</a> <a type="internal" /> news-and-politics <a type="internal">No One Knows Why This QAnon Conspiracy Theorist Was in the Oval Office with Trump</a> <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/behindyourback/status/695438054887026688" type="external">https://twitter.com/behindyourback/status/695438054887026688</a></p> </q> 16. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/status/701237173291524096" type="external">https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/status/701237173291524096</a></p> </q> 17. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/danguterman/status/708229794299645952" type="external">https://twitter.com/danguterman/status/708229794299645952</a></p> </q> 18. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/Ethan_Booker/status/713479005387767808" type="external">https://twitter.com/Ethan_Booker/status/713479005387767808</a></p> </q> 19. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/HumanPog/status/713741562761584640" type="external">https://twitter.com/HumanPog/status/713741562761584640</a></p> </q> 20. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/InternetHippo/status/716365904901083136" type="external">https://twitter.com/InternetHippo/status/716365904901083136</a></p> </q> 21. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/clmazin/status/720259227067920385" type="external">https://twitter.com/clmazin/status/720259227067920385</a></p> </q> 22. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/sbstryker/status/727658556233670657" type="external">https://twitter.com/sbstryker/status/727658556233670657</a></p> </q> 23. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/DanMentos/status/728320591598526464" type="external">https://twitter.com/DanMentos/status/728320591598526464</a></p> </q> 24. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/morninggloria/status/728299373176737792" 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type="external">https://twitter.com/RadioFreeTom/status/742041665251205121</a></p> </q> 31. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/meiamanthony/status/743160996320129024" type="external">https://twitter.com/meiamanthony/status/743160996320129024</a></p> </q> 32. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/MattOswaltVA/status/751267557311586304" type="external">https://twitter.com/MattOswaltVA/status/751267557311586304</a></p> </q> 33. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/FullFrontalSamB/status/754005058786910208" type="external">https://twitter.com/FullFrontalSamB/status/754005058786910208</a></p> </q> 34. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/PaulBegala/status/754343099157979137" type="external">https://twitter.com/PaulBegala/status/754343099157979137</a></p> </q> 35. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/KidFury/status/755279481917566976" type="external">https://twitter.com/KidFury/status/755279481917566976</a></p> </q> 36. <q> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/amfmpm/status/755449902931607557" 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The 100 Funniest Tweets From the Unending Nightmare That's Been the 2016 Election
<p>Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock: The Abominable Bride</p> <p>Televizyonun Oscar'lar&#305; sahiplerini buldu. Muhte&#351;em t&#246;renin kazananlar&#305; burada.</p> Mini Dizi veya Televizyon Filmi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Erkek Oyuncu <p>Bryan Cranston, All The Way</p> Mini Dizi veya Televizyon Filmi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Erkek Oyuncu <p>Courtney B. Vance, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (KAZANAN)</p> Mini Dizi veya Televizyon Filmi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Erkek Oyuncu <p>Cuba Gooding Jr., The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story</p> Mini Dizi veya Televizyon Filmi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Erkek Oyuncu Mini Dizi veya Televizyon Filmi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Erkek Oyuncu <p>Tom Hiddleston, The Night Manager</p> Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu <p>Andre Braugher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine</p> Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu <p>Keegan-Michael Key, Key &amp;amp; Peele</p> Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu <p>Louie Anderson, Baskets (KAZANAN)</p> Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Erkek Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Kad&#305;n Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Kad&#305;n Oyuncu Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Yard&#305;mc&#305; Kad&#305;n Oyuncu <p>The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (KAZANAN)</p> Komedi Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Kad&#305;n Oyuncu <p>Will Forte, The Last Man on Earth</p> Drama Dal&#305;nda En &#304;yi Kad&#305;n Oyuncu <p>Viola Davis, How to Get Away With Murder</p> <p>Black-ish</p> <p>Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt</p> <p>Veep (KAZANAN)</p> <p>Kerry Washington, Confirmation</p> <p>Sarah Paulson, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (KAZANAN)</p> <p>Rami Malek, Mr. Robot (KAZANAN)</p>
68. Emmy Ödül Töreni Adayları ve Kazananları
<p>By: Jon Rappoport / <a href="http://www.activistpost.com/" type="external">Activist Post</a> I was shocked, but not surprised, by the relatively small number of independent news sites that came to Mike&#8217;s defense. Has the 1st Amendment become a faded memory?</p> <p>For six days, Google shut down all listings for Natural News.</p> <p>Google gave no rational explanation. Then, again with no comprehensible reason, Google restored Natural News.</p> <p>To say this behavior was deranged would be a vast understatement.</p> <p>It&#8217;s possible that the outpouring of protests after the takedown threw Google back on their heels, and they gave in.</p> <p>But the game is not over. Google could go off on another witch hunt. They&#8217;ve proved they&#8217;re quite capable of it.</p> <p>The Natural News debacle stems, in part, from the absurd war against &#8220;fake news.&#8221; Major media, the prime-cut purveyors of fake news, launched the war after they were left with egg on their faces in the wake of the presidential election. They had to find scapegoats. They had to explain their failure to predict the winner. They had to explain why they overtly supported Hillary Clinton throughout the campaign. They had to do something, anything, in order to deflect blame and derision.</p> <p>So the Russia-Trump-WikiLeaks-fake news narrative was launched out of the crypts of the Washington Post, New York Times, and other big-time echo chambers.</p> <p>Natural News was placed in the crosshairs and assailed as a pro-Trump fake news site.</p> <p>We shouldn&#8217;t overlook the fact, as well, that Mike has carried out a highly successful and devastating attack on the medical cartel for years. So-called &#8220;science blogs&#8221; have been after him, hammer and tongs.</p> <p>Mike writes: &#8220;After six days of being blacklisted by Google, the NaturalNews.com website has been restored to Google&#8217;s search results. The action by Google follows the largest and most vocal backlash against Google&#8217;s de-listing of any website in the history of the company [Google], and it has sparked many new discussions and debates about search engines, censorship and free speech.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;For the record, there was never any allegation or evidence that Natural News had intentionally violated Google&#8217;s webmaster guidelines. While Google said we were being flagged for a so-called &#8220;sneaky mobile redirect&#8221; on a very small number of pages in a subdomain (blogs.naturalnews.com) which were created by outside bloggers, Google went to the extraordinary step of banning the entire NaturalNews.com root domain and all its subdomains &#8212; a step that would never have been applied to CNN, Huffington Post or other popular news websites. In fact, a Natural News investigation showed that violations identified involving websites like HuffPo, Forbes and CNN did not result in the same kind of blacklisting that was applied to Natural News.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Furthermore, while Google did make an effort to provide us with one URL that they said flagged this mobile redirect, to date there hasn&#8217;t been a single SEO expert or engineer who could reproduce the supposed redirect issue.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Even more disturbingly, when we went to the Google product webmaster forum to ask for help identifying this issue, we were insulted, mocked and accused of lying by Google&#8217;s supporters who behaved like a pack of jackals rather than search engine professionals.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Through this entire process, Natural News was constantly being called a liar for failing to remove something that Google flatly refused to identify. In essence, we were charged with a &#8216;crime&#8217; by Google, yet Google refused to provide any details of the crime, nor any evidence of the crime, nor any tool whereby we could reproduce Google&#8217;s claimed &#8216;redirect&#8217;.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;To call this process extremely frustrating for webmasters is an understatement. I continue to believe that Natural News was targeted by Google due to the content of our speech which supports President Trump&#8230; and that the &#8216;sneaky mobile redirects&#8217; issue was merely the justification used by Google to de-list the entire NaturalNews.com website. Google no doubt disagrees with this assessment and says it was just a technical issue, yet we are not aware of any other situation in which a minor technical issue on a subdomain resulted in Google blacklisting the entire ROOT domain of a major publisher, with 140,000+ pages of quality content. Natural News appears to be the only website of its size that has ever been subjected to this extreme censorship for such a minor technical issue on pages posted years ago by bloggers on a subdomain.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;&#8230;No one denies, for example, that Google&#8217;s top executives such as Eric Schmidt were working directly with the Hillary Clinton campaign which Natural News opposed. This has all been fully documented by Wikileaks.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Had Natural News been a pro-Clinton, &#8216;progressive&#8217; website, I believe a minor technical glitch on some subdomain blog pages from years ago would have been given a pass. After all, the final decision to blacklist Google was a human decision &#8212; called a &#8216;Manual Action&#8217; by Google &#8212; which means someone at Google decided to penalize Natural News for something that was not flagged by any Google algorithm.&#8221;</p> <p>My comments:</p> <p>In a world where education has become an exercise in injecting values into students&#8217; heads, people have lost the mental capacity to distinguish between disagreement and censorship. Now, it&#8217;s &#8220;I disagree with you so I want to shut you up by any means.&#8221;</p> <p>Many independent news sites decided to ignore Google&#8217;s censorship of Mike and Natural News. They, too, failed to establish a firm defense of free speech.</p> <p>Some of these independent sites, knowing what Natural News has done to attack conventional medicine and the medical cartel, decided to stand back and remain silent, because they consider medical information a holy of holies. They will attack major media on many issues, but The Medical isn&#8217;t one of them. They&#8217;re afraid to explore this area, discover shocking truths, publish those truths, and then open themselves to heavy criticism. Then, of course, there is the simple fear that Google will censor them, too. Google, the all-powerful Ministry of Truth. Big Brother.</p> <p>Get this straight. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are go-to allies for major media. The biggest news operations look to these allies for help in censoring information they want to bury. It&#8217;s a joint operation.</p> <p>To the casual observer, it seems that pro-Trump messages are what the Ministry wants to crush. And that&#8217;s true. But it&#8217;s only the beginning. There are vast oceans of information Big Brother wants to hide.</p> <p>Oceans, however, don&#8217;t disappear.</p> <p>Water runs deep. And it gets in everywhere.</p> <p>What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!</p> <p>This article ( <a type="internal">Google Restores Mike Adams&#8217; Natural News After Massive Takedown</a>) by Jon Rappoport is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" type="external">Creative Commons</a> license with attribution to the author and <a type="internal">True Activist</a>.</p>
Google Restores Mike Adams’ Natural News After Massive Takedown
<p>Tuesday January 17, 2017: Eric hopes for a breakthrough, Thomas and Steffy chat about their lives, and Bill counsels Liam to have patience.</p> <p>In San Francisco, Ridge pours a drink and Quinn accepts another as well. She asks him to leave, but he&#8217;s not going anywhere. Quinn warns Ridge that if he thinks she&#8217;d betray Eric, he doesn&#8217;t know a damn thing about her. Ridge invites her to make him understand. Quinn opens up about feeling disrespected and used repeatedly. She recalls how Bill tossed her aside, and all the men who came after him were the same. Ridge notes he&#8217;s nothing like Bill Spencer. Incredulous, Quinn points out what Ridge was planning to do to her &#8211; he&#8217;s exactly like him! She says Eric is the first man to respect her and she&#8217;s not giving that up&#8230;ever. Ridge explains it&#8217;s his job to protect his dad from people like her. Quinn counters if she was a golddigger she would have gone after Bill&#8217;s millions. She becomes emotional describing what it was like to raise Wyatt while poor and trying to start a business. Ridge sees why she built a wall around herself, but says she went too far, with Liam for example. Quinn screams that she hates who she was then, but finally she has a life worth living because of love. &#8220;I am not letting you take that away from me!&#8221; Ridge reiterates that he wants to protect his father since Quinn goes through the world pushing people away. Quinn protests that she had to, to survive, but Eric saw through that and took a chance on her. She sobs that after years of being alone anymore, she&#8217;s not now, and she doesn&#8217;t ever want to be alone again. Ridge softens, and assures her she&#8217;s not alone. He can see why his father fell for her &#8211; he sees the beautiful woman she hides from the world. &#8220;It&#8217;s going to be fine.&#8221; Ridge warns she has to stop spinning webs and building walls. &#8220;You&#8217;re amazing. Trust that.&#8221; They embrace&#8230;and then kiss. Both look stunned.</p> <p>At the Forrester mansion, Katie is concerned about being alone with Eric while Quinn&#8217;s out of town. He reassures his neighbor that Quinn trusts him as much as he trusts her. They joke about Ridge and Quinn being in San Francisco. Eric is hoping for some sort of breakthrough.</p> <p>In Malibu, Bill and Liam discuss Spencer Publications business, but Liam is distracted.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>He wants Steffy to come home. Bill opens up about his frustrations with Brooke. He counsels that sometimes you just have to know that things will work out even if it takes time. Bill predicts Steffy will move back in with Liam and Brooke&#8217;s marriage to Ridge won&#8217;t happen. Bill is certain Ridge will mess up; he always does.</p> <p>Just in: <a type="internal">B&amp;amp;B&#8217;s Linsey Godfrey reveals photos of herself as a zombie for Living With the Dead role</a></p> <p>At the loft, Thomas tells Steffy he doesn&#8217;t know when Caroline is coming back. He hints that when she and Douglas do arrive, it would be nice not to have a roommate. Steffy explains that she&#8217;s waiting to move back into Liam&#8217;s out of fairness to Wyatt. Talk turns to Quinn. Steffy will never trust her. Thomas wonders why she hasn&#8217;t had a meltdown yet. Steffy just hopes Eric&#8217;s not too badly hurt when she does.</p> <p><a type="internal">Next on The Bold and the Beautiful:</a></p> <p>Ridge and Quinn are surprised by their changing feelings toward one another.</p> <p>Photo credit: Howard Wise/JPI</p> <p>- Candace Young</p>
B&B Recap: Quinn unleashes her inner pain on a stunned Ridge
<p>Mining is one of the most destructive forces currently on the face of the planet. Mines, since the Industrial Era, have poisoned the environment and its workers alike. Gold mining is particularly destructive as its waste carries <a href="http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/environmental-disaster-gold-industry-180949762/" type="external">mercury and cyanide</a>, which are typically used to extract gold from rock. These potent neurotoxins persist in the environment, poisoning the soil, and contaminate water supplies permanently. Gold mining also releases hundreds of tons of elemental mercury into the air annually. In addition, this type of mining is considered particularly destructive because of its wastefulness &#8211; over <a href="http://nodirtygold.earthworksaction.org/impacts#.Uv0z9rTYN-E" type="external">20 tons of rock and soil</a> must be &#8220;treated&#8221; and then dislodged to produce enough gold for a single ring. Recently, in the US, the toxic consequences of gold mining were on full display when the Environmental Protection Agency&#8217;s incompetence in cleaning out an abandoned gold mine <a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2015/08/09/us/colorado-epa-mine-river-spill/index.html" type="external">turned the Animas river orange</a> after heavy metal-laden mining waste drained into the river. Before this tragic accident, the EPA had reported that <a href="http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/lawsguidance/cwa/economics/liquidassets/dirtywater.cfm" type="external">40% of Western US watersheds</a> had been permanently contaminated by mining.</p> The camouflaged drones Credit &#8211; Rick Stevens <p>Now that gold mining is not as common as it once was in the US, many other countries have been exploited by gold mining firms in its absence. One of these countries is Australia. Mining in Australia is a major industry with gold mining in Western Australia alone <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_mining_in_Western_Australia" type="external">generating over $10 billion</a> every year. However, some of the gold mines there have been experiencing a costly and unexpected problem as nature has apparently decided to fight back against its incursions. Drones that are used to survey the territory around gold mines are being destroyed by native wedge-tailed eagles. Rick Steven, a mine surveyor in the region, <a href="http://www.9news.com.au/national/2016/11/19/12/41/eagles-destroy-nine-wa-mining-drones-and-cost-company-more-than-100000" type="external">said that he had lost nine</a> of his Trimble UX5 drones to eagles, which he labeled &#8220;the natural enemy&#8221; of drones. After the attacks began, Steven camouflaged his drones as baby eagles. However, the ruse only worked temporarily as 50 flights later the eagles realized the disguised drones were not what they seemed. Each of these drones costs an impressive $20,000, meaning that gold mining companies are losing money fast thanks to the eagles&#8217; intervention. One of these companies, <a href="https://careers.goldfields.com.au/" type="external">Gold Fields</a>, has already lost over $100,000.</p> <p>This isn&#8217;t the first case of animals fighting back against the degradation of the environment in recent months. Less than a month ago, a herd of wild buffalo <a type="internal">appeared out of nowhere</a> in a seeming show of support to the Native Americans and their allies protesting the Dakota Access pipeline. The buffalo, who are considered sacred by the Sioux tribe, appeared by the thousands in a stampede that interrupted a confrontation between protestors and police. After the event, many speculated that the buffalo had appeared to show their solidarity with the protestors and indicated that nature was fighting back against exploitative corporate practices. Hopefully, these acts of defiance from the natural world will inspire people to follow their lead in taking a stand against the corporations destroying the planet.</p> <p>What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!</p> <p>This article ( <a type="internal">Eagles Destroy Corporate Drones, Cost Mining Company More Than $100,000</a>) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" type="external">Creative Commons</a> license with attribution to the author and <a type="internal">TrueActivist.com</a></p>
Eagles Destroy Corporate Drones, Cost Mining Company More Than $100,000
<p>Recently, Erin Elizabeth from <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/recap-on-my-unintended-series-the-holistic-doctor-deaths/" type="external">HealthNutNews</a> wrote up an expose about the past year&#8217;s findings concerning the many <a type="internal">disappearances of holistic doctors</a>.</p> <p>In case you&#8217;re not aware, the confusing conundrum first began when Dr. Bradstreet was found dead exactly one year ago &#8211; yes, on Father&#8217;s Day &#8211; in the U.S. The noted autism doctor, researcher, and parent was found in a river with a gunshot wound to the chest. While authorities at first thought his death was a result of suicide, it has since been confirmed that Dr. Bradstreet was murdered and that the wound was not self-inflicted. His family, like the families of many other missing and dead naturopathic practitioners and MD doctors, believe that he was murdered for using and promoting controversial therapies, such as GCMaF.</p> <p>According to Elizabeth, nearly 50 doctors have now died or gone missing under mysterious circumstances. This riveting finding has resulted in some exposure on the topic &#8211; including articles by the New York Times, The Independent UK, and network affiliates such as ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, but the whole story &#8211; or the many threads connecting the various <a type="internal">murders</a>&#8211; is not being told.</p> <p>For this reason, the activist took to the internet today, on the one-year-anniversary of the first of the mysterious deaths, to express how serious of a concern these events are.</p> <p>Right now in the United States, consumers are being told that <a type="internal">they are not enough</a> and that they must purchase more items on credit, eat high-fat, high-sugar foods, take prescription pills they cannot afford, and buy into the fear-mongering propaganda. In effect, America &#8211; perceived to be one of the most &#8220;developed&#8221; nations in the world &#8211; spends more on &#8216;health care&#8217; than any other affluent nation, yet still has the worst state of health as a collective.</p> <p>Many suspect this is because a small elite controls the <a type="internal">majority of corporations and media</a>and, in effect, the government. Unhealthy ideals are being pushed on the public for the sake of profit. In fact, according to one Berkeley doctor, conventional treatments for concerns such as cancer are <a type="internal">less effective than forgoing treatment in the first place.</a></p> <p>Of course, if the public knew that eating healthier, getting exercise, thinking positive thoughts, simplifying their life, and letting go of toxic people and situations would dramatically transform their health, the world would be a much different place. It seems that health practitioners that promote the idea that every individual can be their own doctor by taking responsibility for their own health rather than waiting for emergency medicine are being targeted, as they are going against a system which is corrupt and toxic.</p> <p>Click KEEP READING to read the full story.</p> <p>Or, at least, that&#8217;s what <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/recap-on-my-unintended-series-the-holistic-doctor-deaths/" type="external">Elizabeth&#8217;s findings have concluded</a>.</p> <p>The activist&#8217;s attention on this topic may have earned her &#8211; and her colleagues &#8211; death threats, but the efforts have paid off. A documentary is actually being made to shed more light on the mysterious deaths, and more information on that up-and-coming film will soon be shared.</p> <p>Below is a detailed timeline of 34 doctors&#8217; deaths within the last year. We&#8217;ll let you be the judge on whether or not the untimely demise of many of these practitioners is fate or suspect. What matters most is that if these doctors were killed because they&#8217;re <a type="internal">practicing true medicine,</a> the injustice is uncovered and the parties responsible pay for their crimes.</p> 1) June 19th, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/famous-florida-autism-researcher-and-doctor-jeff-bradstreet-died-of-alleged-self-inflicted-gunshot-wound-and-found-in-a-river/" type="external">Dr. Bradstreet formerly of Florida, and now practicing in Georgia, was found with a gunshot wound to his chest in a river.</a> The small town locals ruled the death almost immediately as a suicide, but many have their doubts. This same day in Mexico, June 19th, 2015, three doctors were traveling to the State Capital to deliver some papers and were reported missing. This is the only case outside of the U.S. Authorities said they found the bodies, but the families say those bodies look nothing like their family members and they are demanding more proof and more testing. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/where-are-mexicos-dead-doctors-families-fear-a-cover-up-like-iguala/" type="external">A sad but riveting article was written about those details here.</a> <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/video-dr-jeffrey-bradstreets-family-breaks-silence-for-the-first-time-since-his-tragic-death/" type="external">I also did an exclusive interview with the Bradstreet family</a> as they publicly said I was the only journalist they trusted to talk about the horrific incident.</p> 2) June 21st, 2015 <p>Father&#8217;s Day, Florida East Coast: Two chiropractors are found dead. Their names are Dr. Baron Holt and Dr. Bruce Hendendal, both fathers. Dr. Hedendal also held a PhD in nutrition from Harvard. Both were presumably healthy and described as very fit. There is still no cause of death listed, for either doctor in any articles we find. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/3rd-alternative-prominent-doctor-from-florida-found-dead-in-2-weeks-authorities-say-md-was-murdered/" type="external">A few people have contacted me about Dr. Hedendal, 67, but admit that they were surprised by his death and still find it shocking.</a> (Update: Family and loved ones of Dr. Hedendal have spoken to the media that they are suspicious of his death and want answers. Interestingly, Dr. Holt (33), lived in North Carolina which is the state where Dr. Bradstreet&#8217;s body (the first doctor to be found) was discovered two days prior. Dr. Holt was visiting Jacksonville, Florida, though, when he died there. Dr. Bradstreet (see story #1) was living in Georgia at the time of his death and before that he lived in the neighboring state of Florida. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/fifth-holistic-alternative-doctor-33-found-dead-in-florida-making-5-dead-and-5-more-missing-doctors/" type="external">A few mutual friends of Dr. Holt have contacted me. They are doctors and have shared with me a cause of death</a> that I find rather shocking and cannot confirm, therefore, out of respect for the family, I will not list that here. Both were well loved by their patients, community, friends and family.)</p> 3) June 29th, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/3rd-alternative-prominent-doctor-from-florida-found-dead-in-2-weeks-authorities-say-md-was-murdered/" type="external">The beloved holistic Theresa Sievers, MD was found murdered</a> in her home. Her co-worker says she was known as the &#8220;Mother Teresa of South Florida.&#8221; Her husband and children were in Connecticut at a family reunion when she was murdered. The authorities have been investigating for two weeks &#8220;around the clock,&#8221; and now say that she was targeted. Her murder was not random nor was it a home invasion and when the facts come out, &#8220;books and movies will be written about it.&#8221; It&#8217;s that big of a story. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/2-more-doctors-d-o-m-d-go-missing-after-3-found-dead-in-2-weeks/" type="external">On the very same day, June 29th, Jeffrey Whiteside, MD, a pulmonologist, went missing- vanishing when he simply &#8220;walked away&#8221;.</a> Dr. Whiteside, known for his successful treatment of lung cancer, disappeared in Door County, Wisconsin while vacationing with family. He was on foot and numerous reports have called it &#8220;mysterious,&#8221; saying he vanished without a trace. They&#8217;ve been searching now for three weeks and even colleagues have joined in (along with bloodhounds, drones search parties, and helicopters) but not one shred of evidence has surfaced. (UPDATE: Two <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/breaking-missouri-man-jimmy-rodgers-aka-hammer-being-charged-with-the-murder-of-holistic-md-teresa-sievers/" type="external">arrests were made in the death of Teresa Sievers and one of the assailants called himself the &#8220;Hammer&#8221;</a> on Facebook (Dr. Sievers was allegedly killed with a hammer). The other was one of her husband&#8217;s childhood friends who was just recently extradited to Florida. His attorney says there is evidence to show he had no involvement whatsoever with the crime. Her husband, Mark Sievers, has not been arrested at this time.)</p> 4) July 3, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/2-more-doctors-d-o-m-d-go-missing-after-3-found-dead-in-2-weeks/" type="external">Patrick Fitzpatrick, MD goes missing.</a> He was traveling from North Dakota to neighboring Montana (which he did often as his son lives there) and his truck and trailer were found on the side of the road. The search has expanded but authorities say it&#8217;s as if he vanished without a trace. He&#8217;s 6&#8242; tall and described as Irish-looking with a goatee (details can be found in the links).</p> 5) July 10th, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/breaking-4th-doctor-an-md-found-dead-gunshot-wound-to-head/" type="external">Lisa Riley, 34 years old, DO (Doctor of Osteopathic medicine) is found in her home with a gunshot wound to her head.</a> Her husband who found her and called 911, has a prior record. He was previously charged with the attempted murder of his ex, Ms. King, before charges were eventually dropped. Evidence showed that there was gun residue found on Ms. King&#8217;s hand and not Mr. Riley&#8217;s. Riley&#8217;s story corroborated this, but King&#8217;s allegedly didn&#8217;t, and her story kept changing (click link in this paragraph for their story with details on all of this). Mr. Riley has since been charged with the death of his wife, Lisa Riley. We&#8217;ll see what happens in court.</p> <p><a type="internal">Prev</a> <a type="internal">Next</a></p> 6) July 19, 2015 <p>A month to the day after the first doctor (Jeff Bradstreet, MD) was found dead with a gunshot wound to his chest, <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/md-found-murdered-inside-florida-home-today-this-makes-6-in-30-days-5-still-missing/" type="external">Dr. Ron Schwartz was found murdered in his E. Coast Florida home.</a>Sadly, he was shot to death. We don&#8217;t know if he was holistic, but he was licensed and lived between Florida and Georgia. He was a gynecologist who lived in an unincorporated part of Jupiter, Florida on a few acres of land and there are reports he ran an organic lawn service on the side.</p> 7) July 21, 2015 <p>Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a holistic MD, dies suddenly. The same day another holistic doctor is also found dead (see below). They both allegedly died of heart attacks, though their own friends and family say publicly it doesn&#8217;t add up. I had met Dr Gonzalez and his amazing wife, and my better half has interviewed him several times. His official website says that while they initially thought it was a heart attack, his autopsy does not support that belief and shows no heart attack. They are awaiting further tests. &#8220;Dr Gonzalez was in excellent health otherwise so his passing is quite unexpected.&#8221; It is reported that he was alone at the time of his death. Countless people every week (including close friends) write me questioning the fact that he died &#8220;naturally&#8221;. He also said in several interviews (including the last one before he died) that <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-md-nick-gonzalez-who-died-suddenly-said-hed-heard-big-pharma-hopes-he-gets-hit-by-a-bus/" type="external">he thought big pharma wanted him to get hit by a bus or that he might die suddenly</a>. Frightening metaphors and a mystery we hope to get to the bottom of soon.</p> 8) July 21st, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-fit-dentist-41-dies-suddenly-of-massive-heart-attack-while-jogging/" type="external">Dr Abdul Karim, an outspoken and loved holistic (biological) dentist, 41 years of age, is found dead alongside the road by a passerby</a>. He had been preparing for a half marathon and was allegedly out training that night. His old fraternity brother (lifelong friends), friends of many years, and patients said it didn&#8217;t add up. He was in perfect shape and ate an extremely healthy diet. Mainstream news said he had a &#8220;massive heart attack&#8221; but many who knew him have written to me with their sincere doubts.</p> 9) July 23, 2015 <p>Authorities announce they have found the body of Dr Jeffrey Whiteside who <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/2-more-doctors-d-o-m-d-go-missing-after-3-found-dead-in-2-weeks/" type="external">has been missing for over 3 weeks.</a> Chief Deputy Pat McCarty said at the news conference on Thursday that a .22 caliber gun was recovered at the scene. Investigators believe the body was there for &#8220;some time&#8221;.</p> 10) August 12, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/10th-doctor-osteopath-found-slain-in-her-home/" type="external">Osteopath Mary Bovier is found slain to death in her home</a> in Pennsylvania. Her significant other, who we are told is also an osteopath, was questioned and released. At this time there have been no arrests and there are no suspects.</p> 11) August 18, 2015 <p>I report that <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/doctors-death-just-ruled-as-suicide-local-news-calls-investigation-a-mess/" type="external">Jeffrey Whiteside&#8217;s death is officially ruled as a suicide</a> but the local press calls the investigation a &#8220;mess&#8221; (described here in detail). Many are shocked at how long it took for details to emerge and countless people write me with their doubts. Even local authorities were asked by the local press if they&#8217;d heard of my stories. They admitted they had, but hadn&#8217;t been contacted by the feds on the case.</p> 12) September 7, 2015 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/us-news-some-30-holistic-practitioners-suffer-amphetamine-poisoning-at-conference-say-they-knowingly-took-nothing/" type="external">I broke the news to the health community of 29 holistic doctors (also referred to in the German press as homeopaths/ND&#8217;s/psychiatrists) who were found poisoned</a> by an overdose of a hallucinogenic drug. I&#8217;ve done several updates of the articles, using a German translator, but the whole story of what really happened has still not been revealed. One thing most can agree on; it was a large overdose and mainstream German news reports that some were in &#8220;life threatening situations&#8221; when dozens of ambulances and a helicopter arrived to the chaotic scene. The good news? All lived and have allegedly made a full recovery (though some had to be restrained for their safety for some time).</p> 13) September 16, 2015 <p>I reported that our colleague, <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/famous-nyc-holistic-doctor-mitchell-gaynor-md-found-dead/" type="external">best selling author and holistic MD, Mitch Gaynor, is found dead outside his country home; an hour or so from Manhattan where he practiced.</a> We knew Dr Gaynor and had just finished an advanced copy of his book that he had sent to us. It was quickly called a suicide by the local sheriff. The NY Times wrote me asking for details and we had a nice exchange. Even though I have gently broken the news on this and many other stories, the NY Times fails to source me (I didn&#8217;t expect them to source HealthNutNews, though the Guardian UK and other mainstream sources have for some time). UPDATE: Mitch Gaynor, MD had been on RT not long before he died. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/founder-of-rt-news-discovered-dead-in-washington-dc-hotel-room/" type="external">We wanted to contact them for comment, but soon after Mitch was found dead? the founder of RT was found dead in his Washington DC hotel room.</a></p> 14) Sunday October 11th <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/12th-holistic-doctor-found-dead-alleged-suicide/" type="external">We announce that Dr Marie Paas is found dead of an alleged suicide</a>. She was well known for her animal advocacy. People on her Facebook page seemed shocked and in disbelief about her death. Unlike the 3 others by this date who were alleged suicides (one who has been officially confirmed) we don&#8217;t know the location where Dr Paas was found, nor the details of her alleged suicide. Many seem concerned for her pets, who they say she loved very much.</p> <p><a type="internal">Prev</a> <a type="internal">Next</a></p> 15) October 29th 2015 <p>Jerome E. Block, M.D, jumped to his death from Central Park West residence. Authorities say Block jumped from the 20th floor of his residence around 9:30 a.m. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/thirteenth-holistic-doctor-md-phd-found-dead-allegedly-jumped-out-20th-floor-window/" type="external">Details and video can be found here.</a></p> 16) 2015 dozen plus accidental deaths and freak accidents, mostly holistic doctors <p>;besides the 13 doctors covered thus far who died in non accidental deaths, we have <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/5-chiropractors-die-in-car-accidents-3-in-june-3-single-car-accidents/" type="external">5 chiropractor deaths</a>that were accidents. We also have more deaths of doctors here: <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/fit-vegan-cardiologist-dies-in-freak-accident-florida-md-dies-while-jogging-saturday-more/" type="external">some described as freak accidents.</a> Again, we didn&#8217;t include them in the official unintended series. We have the <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/31-yo-holistic-md-best-selling-author-found-dead-in-hawaii/" type="external">famous holistic ABC News doctor, Jamie Zimmerman, who allegedly slipped and fell</a> and hit her head in Hawaii while on vacation, and who was carried out to sea. We also have <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-new-york-md-hit-killed-by-drunk-driver-in-long-island/" type="external">more accidental deaths of holistic doctors here in NY (accidental)</a>, and yet <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-md-just-killed-in-what-truly-appears-to-be-a-tragic-accident-rip/" type="external">another here</a> of a famous holistic MD! We literally couldn&#8217;t keep up at times there were so many.</p> 17) Late December 2015 <p>January 2016 I didn&#8217;t include PhD&#8217;s in the series (unless they were also an MD, DO or DC) but then just this past few weeks we saw 2 Canadian PhD&#8217;s/researchers killed. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/2-doctors-walking-home-found-dead-one-stabbed-to-death-in-safe-neighborhood/" type="external">One was stabbed in what his friends called a safe neighborhood</a>. Another, <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/dr-linnea-lora-veinotte-killed-while-on-vacation-and-found-in-makeshift-grave/" type="external">a Phd (who was a wife and mother of two) was hit while jogging near the beach and then buried in a shallow grave</a> on the tourist island of Grenada. Then days later a holistic doctor is also attacked there with his wife (physician&#8217;s assistant) on this same tiny island of Grenada (see #18). This is where we suddenly start seeing a spate of cancer researchers killed which hadn&#8217;t happened previously and then suddenly we have a one every few days.</p> 18) January 23, 2016 <p>A top MD, John Marshall, 49, who was a former 4th generation Marine, had served in Afghanistan, and had survival training, was found dead in the Spokane river and they pulled his body out that day. He was said to be in great shape and was doing his usual run in Spokane, near the river. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/world-famous-missing-md-cancer-researchers-body-found-spokane-river/" type="external">Authorities say he somehow must have fallen into the river and drowned and almost immediately said it was death by drowning</a>. (UPDATE: Dr Marshall&#8217;s wife (also a doctor and surgeon) has hired her own investigator and is questioning the quick call by Seattle PD. Again, more families are questioning these deaths and what some find absurd rulings by authorities.)</p> 19) January 25th, 2016 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/our-local-holistic-friend-doctor-found-dead-we-are-shocked-saddened-rip/" type="external">Our own friend of ten long years, holistic doctor Rod Floyd, was found dead at his home here in Florida. He just miles from us and I&#8217;d been to their home and they&#8217;d been to mine.</a> It was definitely not suicide in any way and his wife of 37 years says he was &#8220;hearty and healthy&#8221; and calls it an accident. That&#8217;s all I&#8217;ll elaborate on right now, as even I don&#8217;t know all the details. Dr Floyd did buy a sauna from me (but that wasn&#8217;t involved in his death which I was told initially). Besides being a chiropractor, Dr Floyd was also a clinical professor at Palmer Chiropractor College near where we live. He and his wife have also run the Natural Awakenings magazine for some time. Our whole community is shocked and saddened by his death.</p> 20) January 26, 2016 <p>Believe it or not <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/another-doctor-killed-in-grenada-in-less-than-a-month/" type="external">just a few short weeks later, a holistic MD and his wife (a physician&#8217;s assistant) were attacked, while on a relaxing beach stroll, by a sword wielding man in the same place- the tiny island of Grenada</a>. The holistic MD survived. Sadly his wife was murdered and raped by the machete wielding attacker. Both perps in each attack of the doctors in Grenada in a couple of weeks are reported to have been recently released from prison and in both crimes (allegedly unrelated) the men just nonchalantly turned themselves in after the crime. Some experts have their theories on this. I won&#8217;t elaborate at this time. Grenada locals are shocked and say they&#8217;ve never seen anything like this- let alone twice in a row.</p> 21) January 28th, 2016 <p>The new spate of cancer researcher/doctors who are killed or found dead doesn&#8217;t slow down and this might be the strangest of them all: <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/top-leading-cancer-scientist-found-dead-in-found-dead-in-woods-in-rubber-fetish-suit/" type="external">Yet another cancer researcher, Professor Alan Clarke, 52, was found dead in the wood in hanging from a tree in a rubber body suit on December 28th, 2015 and they ruled it accidental.</a></p> 22) February 1, 2016 <p>Just a week later, to the day, after losing <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/our-local-holistic-friend-doctor-found-dead-we-are-shocked-saddened-rip/" type="external">our local friend and holistic doctor; Rod Floyd</a> we lost another local friend also right here in our same local holistic community. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/dr-bradstreets-close-colleague-my-friendneighbor-found-dead-here-in-florida/" type="external">The wonderful young Paige Adams FNP, B-C, also lived just up the road here locally in Florida was found dead at her home.</a> She had worked closely for many years with her good friend and colleague Dr Bradstreet. The problem is Dr Bradstreet started off this whole holistic series when he was found dead in a river. Now we have his close friend (and our friend!) and his colleague of many years found dead. She was so young so this is particularly heartbreaking. Paige Adams had asked to stop by the house to see us days before she died. I feel awful for not taking her up on that, and my heart goes out to her family and patients. She is the only one in this entire series I&#8217;ve ever written about who is not a doctor of some sort (DC, MD, DO, and even a PhD at the end) But she was a board certified Nurse Practitioner whose patients rave about her endlessly. She also stated publicly (which you&#8217;ll see in the link) that if anything happened to her don&#8217;t assume it was an accident.</p> 23) February 14, Valentine&#8217;s Day <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/chemist-at-cancer-research-lab-found-dead-in-woods/" type="external">Cancer HIV Researcher in Seattle- Cheryl Deboer is found dead in a culvert with a plastic bag over her head.</a> Investigators quickly state they can&#8217;t see any evidence that it&#8217;s a homicide, but her mother and other relatives state publicly there is no way she crawled 1.5 miles through brambles and water and mud to put a plastic bag over her head in a culvert. They stated that if she would have wanted to take her life (and listed plenty of reasons why she wouldn&#8217;t with a happy family and job at the famous cancer research lab) she could have done it much more easily. The general public tends to agree with the family. Families are now starting to question these ridiculous statements called so quickly by local authorities. Some are hiring their own investigators and doubting local authorities. Many are wondering if the local authorities are to be trusted.</p> <p><a type="internal">Prev</a> <a type="internal">Next</a></p> 24) March 10, 2016 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/34-year-old-doctor-cancer-researcher-found-dead-in-field/" type="external">Yet another cancer researcher found dead in a field. He was only 34,</a> and found in a safe quaint area in the countryside and people are astounded. Nearly immediately authorities announce his death is &#8216;not suspicious&#8217;, but there is a public outcry of how that could be so. We still have zero answers as to his cause of death.</p> 25) March 23, 2016 <p>Wednesday, Triple homicide: <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/abc-holistic-doctor-wife-child-killed-in-horrific-triple-murder/" type="external">Prominent Holistic doctor Henry Han, was found murdered on his 7 acre Santa Barbara estate, along with his wife and daughter, only 5 years of age. All were shot and wrapped in plastic.</a> An arrest is quickly made of a young man who has no priors and lived with his father oceanside in Santa Barbara. His father was EX CIA. We will update as details emerge.</p> 26) April 6, 2015 <p>Dr Harsch, 59, a self described holistic medicine MD was killed while riding his bicycle with a group of friends. He was the only one hit and none of the others were injured whatsoever. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/another-holistic-doctor-killed/" type="external">See details here.</a>(Editor&#8217;s note: We had another holistic doctor earlier in the series also killed on a bicycle ride last year and many of her friends and loved ones contacted me about their concerns and questions on her death).</p> 27) Last seen on February 12, 2016 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/the-only/" type="external">Dr Rose Polge, 25</a> apparently walked off her job where she worked at Torbay Hospital in Devon, and was missing for almost two months. She allegedly wrote a letter to the Health Secretary about her feelings on a political situation there with the doctors. <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/the-only/" type="external">Police later recovered her body from the sea more than 50 miles</a> away from where a hoodie (believed to belong to her) was found. There is now an inquest into her death after post-mortem results proved inconclusive.</p> 28) May 6th, 2016 <p>A holistic doctor and well known professor, Dr Rasmussen, 76, in the Boston area, was found dead. She taught classes at a local University and discussed natural health, nutrition and biology, was <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-doctorprofessor-found-stabbed-to-death-in-home/" type="external">found stabbed to death in her home. She was stabbed over 30 times</a> and no arrests have been made at this time. Not to be confused with the case of Pennsylvania Osteopath Mary Bovier, <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/10th-doctor-osteopath-found-slain-in-her-home/" type="external">also found stabbed to death in her home.</a> No arrests have been made in either murder.</p> 29) March 14th, 2016 <p>One of the strangest cases yet is <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/holistic-doctor-found-dead-after-missing-for-weeks-2/" type="external">holistic MD and acupuncturist Dr Clogston, 68, who was missing 3 weeks and eventually found dead</a> in his car which was allegedly found off the route some say he took to work for 30 years. The peculiar part is Dr Clogston went missing on March 14, was reported missing on March 15, but then seen by someone who &#8220;knew him well&#8221; according to local authorities (they say this on video on the news). So how then- was he found dead weeks later in his car? Many would like to know. This is one of the strangest to me out of around 40 mysterious deaths.</p> 30) May 6, 2016 <p>Dr Suutari, an outspoken holistic doctor in the Los Angeles area, who had a beautiful family and new child, <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/breaking-outspoken-holistic-doctor-allegedly-commits-suicide-mothers-day/" type="external">allegedly took his own life on Mother&#8217;s day in the garage.</a>Here are what details we know on this sad death.</p> 31) May 19, 2016 <p>Prominent investigator hired by Dr Marshall&#8217;s wife (She&#8217;s also an MD and a surgeon) and investigator <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/world-famous-missing-md-cancer-researchers-body-found-spokane-river/" type="external">says on CBS news that the &#8220;accidental death&#8221; of Dr Marshall (that I reported on first in January) is most likely a professionally staged murder by someone in military or police. A must watch&#8230;</a></p> 32) June 13th 2016 <p>An arrest was made in the death of holistic doctor Mary Louise Yoder. The curious part is that <a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/nbc-ny-holistic-doctor-thought-died-naturally-poisoned/" type="external">Dr. Yoder actually died in or around July 22nd 2015 (last year &#8211; a very busy week for holistic doctor deaths)</a> and authorities almost immediately said she died of natural causes despite being fit, uber healthy and just 60 years old. I did not include her in the series originally since the authorities mistakenly said it was natural. So oftentimes we have authorities making these quick calls only to find out later they were completely false (why the rush officers?) So for months, Yoder&#8217;s death was considered &#8220;natural&#8221; until reports say a family member demanded an investigation. Now, this June, her employee (who was listed as her daughter on her obituary &#8211; they were so close) was arrested and it&#8217;s said she poisoned her. The employee is only 23 years old and had said Yoder meant the world to her. Keep updated on this story as new details may emerge.</p> 33) June 16, 2016 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/murder-suicide-gunmen-kills-holistic-doctor/" type="external">A man stormed into a holistic doctor&#8217;s office and gunned the man down and then turned the gun on himself &#8211; taking both their lives.</a> A client walked in and saw them on the ground with a woman who worked there screaming. The very next day &#8211; see #34) another man went into another holistic doctor&#8217;s office and killed him. These could be total coincidence, but we report all mysterious murders/suicides/unexplained sudden deaths of holistic doctors so are including them on this recap.</p> 34) June 17, 2016 <p><a href="http://www.healthnutnews.com/another-holistic-doctor-murdered-clinic-2-doctors-2-days/" type="external">Another man stormed into a holistic doctor&#8217;s office (just a day later) and murdered the alternative MD in cold blood with a knife.</a> The victim was Dr. Tiejun Huang Ph.D./MD R.Ac, RMT, DTCM. Dr Huang was a sports medicine specialist at the Beijing Olympic Games, a professor in sports medicine and rehabilitation and performs acupuncture and Chinese &#8220;Tuina&#8221; massage. You can read all the details here. Dr Huang allegedly knew his assailant (authorities said immediately) but we had a holistic doctor gunned down by a man the day before in his office (see #33) who they say knew his assailant too. 2 holistic doctors in under 2 days murdered in their offices does raise eyebrows.</p> <p>What are your thoughts? Please share this news and comment below!</p> <p>This article ( <a type="internal">50 Holistic Doctors Have Mysteriously Died In The Last Year, But What&#8217;s Being Done About It?</a>) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" type="external">Creative Commons</a> license with attribution to the author and <a type="internal">TrueActivist.com</a></p> <p><a type="internal">Prev</a> <a type="internal">Next</a></p>
50 Holistic Doctors Have Mysteriously Died In The Last Year, But What’s Being Done About It?
<p>(Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you)</p> <p>[Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you</p> <p>[Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you!</p> <p>[Drop 1: Bruno Balanta] Don't let them run you</p> <p>[Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you!</p> <p>[Drop 2]</p> <p>[Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you</p> <p>[Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you!</p> <p>[Drop 3: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] You! You! You! Don't let 'em run you! Don't let 'em run you</p> <p>[Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you!</p> <p>[Drop 4]</p> <p>[Outro: Bruno Balanta] Don't let 'em run you</p>
Run You
<p>It has to be admitted that Donald Trump is doing exactly what he was elected to do.</p> <p>He was not elected to be a legislative president. He never showed any real interest in policy during the campaign. He was elected to be a cultural president. He was elected to shred the dominant American culture and to give voice to those who felt voiceless in that culture. He&#8217;s doing that every day.</p> <p>What&#8217;s troubling to me is that those who are the targets of his assaults seem to have no clue about what is going on. When they feel the most righteous, like this past weekend, they are actually losing and in the most peril.</p> <p>Let me try to explain what I think is happening:</p> <p>After World War II the Protestant establishment dominated the high ground of American culture and politics. That establishment eventually failed. It tolerated segregation and sexism, led the nation into war in Vietnam and became stultifying.</p> <p>So in the late 1960s along came a group of provocateurs like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and the rest of the counterculture to upend the Protestant establishment. People like Hoffman were buffoons, but also masters of political theater.</p> <p>They never attracted majority support for their antics, but they didn&#8217;t have to. All they had to do was provoke, offend the crew-cut crowd, generate outrage and set off a cycle that ripped apart the cultural consensus.</p> <p>The late 1960s were a time of intense cultural conflict, which left a lot of wreckage in its wake. But eventually a new establishment came into being, which we will call the meritocratic establishment.</p> <p>These were the tame heirs to Hoffman and Rubin. They were well educated. They cut their moral teeth on the civil rights and feminist movements. They embraced economic, social and moral individualism. They came to dominate the institutions of American society on both left and right.</p> <p>Hillary Clinton is part of this more educated cohort. So are parts of the conservative establishment. If you&#8217;re reading this newspaper, you probably are, too, as am I.</p> <p>This establishment, too, has had its failures. It created an economy that benefits itself and leaves everybody else out. It led America into war in Iraq and sent the working class off to fight it. It has developed its own brand of cultural snobbery. Its media, film and music industries make members of the working class feel invisible and disrespected.</p> <p>So in 2016, members of the outraged working class elected their own Abbie Hoffman as president. Trump is not good at much, but he is wickedly good at sticking his thumb in the eye of the educated elites. He doesn&#8217;t have to build a new culture, or even attract a majority. He just has to tear down the old one.</p> <p>That&#8217;s exactly what he&#8217;s doing. Donald Trump came into a segmenting culture and he is further tearing apart every fissure. He has a nose for every wound in the body politic and day after day he sticks a red-hot poker in one wound or another and rips it open.</p> <p>Day by day Trump is turning us into a nation of different planets. Each planet feels more righteous about itself and is more isolated from and offended by the other planets.</p> <p>The members of the educated class saw this past weekend&#8217;s NFL fracas as a fight over racism. They felt mobilized and unified in that fight and full of righteous energy. Members of the working class saw the fracas as a fight about American identity. They saw Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin try to dissuade Alejandro Villanueva, a three-time combat veteran, from celebrating the flag he risked his life for. Members of this class also felt mobilized, unified and full of righteous energy.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t know which planet is bigger, or which would win an election, but that frankly doesn&#8217;t matter. All that matters is that Trump is shredding the culture and ending the dominance of the meritocratic establishment.</p> <p>He continually goes after racial matters in part because he&#8217;s a bigot but also in part because multiculturalism is the theology of the educated class and it&#8217;s the leverage point he can most effectively use to isolate the educated class from everyone else.</p> <p>He is so destructive because his enemies help him. He ramps up the aggression. His enemies ramp it up more, to preserve their own dignity. But the ensuing cultural violence only serves Trump&#8217;s long-term destructive purpose. America is seeing nearly as much cultural conflict as it did in the late 1960s. It&#8217;s quite possible that after four years of this Trump will have effectively destroyed the prevailing culture. The reign of the meritocratic establishment will be just as over as the reign of the Protestant establishment now is.</p> <p>Of course Donald Trump is a buffoon. Buffoonery is his most effective weapon. Because of him, a new culture will have to be built, new values promulgated and a new social fabric will have to be woven, one that brings the different planets back into relation with one another.</p> <p>That&#8217;s the work of the next 20 years.</p>
David Brooks: The Abbie Hoffman of the Right: Donald Trump
<p>The slaughter that happened last <a type="internal">Sunday evening in Las Vegas</a>, when an American man shot randomly into a crowd of around 22,000 at a music festival, was the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. It also continued a pattern of terrorist attacks: all terrorists who have carried out lethal attacks in the U.S. since 9/11 have been citizens or permanent residents.</p> <p>In Trump&#8217;s <a href="https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/02/28/remarks-president-trump-joint-address-congress" type="external">first speech to Congress</a>, he claimed &#8220;the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism and terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country.&#8221; That is a flat-out lie that earned Trump &#8220; <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/08/15/president-trumps-claim-that-foreigners-comprise-the-vast-majority-of-terrorism-convictions-since-911/?utm_term=.85b923c1bb37" type="external">four Pinocchios</a>&#8221; &#8212; the most dishonest rating given by fact checkers at Washington Post.</p> <p>Here&#8217;s the truth: 154 people have been murdered by terrorists on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001; according to the <a href="https://www.newamerica.org/in-depth/terrorism-in-america/who-are-terrorists/" type="external">New America Foundation</a>, all of these murderers were U.S. citizens or legal residents.</p> <p>This means of course that none of these terrorists came from the countries listed in <a type="internal">Trump&#8217;s travel ban</a>, even though the United States is supposedly a safer place thanks to the travel ban. In fact, as <a href="https://www.newamerica.org/in-depth/terrorism-in-america/who-are-terrorists/" type="external">New America points out</a>: &#8220;None of the deadly attackers since 9/11 emigrated or came from a family that emigrated from one of these countries nor were any of the 9/11 attackers from the listed countries. Eight of the lethal attackers were born American citizens.&#8221;</p> <p>This is not to deny that there have been deadly attacks since 9/11 that have been inspired by jihadism and foreign terror groups. The deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history prior to the Las Vegas killings took place in June 2016, when <a href="https://www.vox.com/world/2017/10/2/16396612/las-vegas-mass-shooting-terrorism-islam" type="external">Omar Mateen, an ISIS-inspired terrorist who was an American-born citizen of Afghan descent</a>, opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, murdering 49 people and injuring another 53.</p> <p>Nor can we ignore the vicious attacks carried out by ISIS militants that have killed or injured hundreds of people in England, France and Canada. Just this week <a href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/knife-attack-france-marseille-train-station-suspect-released-from-custody/" type="external">two women were killed in a stabbing attack</a> in Marseille, France, by a man allegedly promoting Islamic extremism.</p> <p>In the U.S. however, <a href="http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/analysis-deadly-threat-far-right-extremists-overshadowed-fear-islamic-terrorism/" type="external">more terrorist attacks</a> have been carried out by white American men than jihadists. Here are a few of those attacks, as <a href="https://www.vox.com/world/2017/10/2/16396612/las-vegas-mass-shooting-terrorism-islam" type="external">highlighted by Vox</a>:</p> Last Sunday night, October 1, a 64-year-old white man from Mesquite, Nevada, <a type="internal">opened rapid fire on a concert audience</a>of over 22,000 music lovers in Las Vegas. So far 59 people are known to have died and over 500 were wounded. In August, a 20-year-old white supremacist from Ohio plowed his car into a crowd of people protesting the &#8220;Unite the Right&#8221; rally, <a type="internal">killing Heather Heyer</a> and injuring at least 19 others. In May, a 35-year-old white man, Jeremy Joseph Christian from Oregon, screamed anti-Muslim threats at two Muslim teenagers on a train in Portland. When two men stepped in to protect the young women, <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/27/us/portland-train-attack-muslim-rant.html?_r=0" type="external">he stabbed them both to death</a> and wounded a third man. In March, a 28-year-old white man traveled from Baltimore to New York City with the goal of murdering black men. New York authorities charged him with terrorism after <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/28/white-supremacist-slew-man-manhattan-president-silent" type="external">he stabbed 66-year-old Timothy Caughman to death</a>. <p>Reaching back further in time, remember <a type="internal">Charleston, South Carolina</a> and <a type="internal">Sandy Hook, Connecticut</a>? White American males are the primary terrorist threat in the U.S.</p> <p>While Trump is busy &#8220;keeping American citizens safe&#8221; by denying innocent Muslims the right to enter the U.S., he is also increasing the number of people the U.S. is guilty of killing worldwide.</p> <p>In the years since 9/11, the U.S. has been responsible for thousands of deaths, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/a-national-global-war-on-terrorism-memorial_us_59b66d12e4b0c50640cd68f9" type="external">including 7,000 of its own soldiers</a>, in the &#8220;War on Terror.&#8221;</p> <p>Americans troops are still fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq. With the Taliban going strong, Trump recently <a href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trumps-troop-boost-in-afghanistan-to-cost-extra-1-billion/" type="external">announced his decision to send more troops to Afghanistan</a>.</p> <p>The invasion of Iraq by the U.S. helped destabilize the entire region and lead to the creation of ISIS, which has been waging its brutal war in the Middle East since then.</p> <p>And let&#8217;s not forget the American complicity in the destruction of Yemen. The U.S. has sold billions of dollars worth of deadly weapons to Saudi Arabia, which has used them to attack Yemeni civilians, <a href="http://time.com/4635909/yemen-death-toll-10000-war/" type="external">resulting in the deaths of over 10,000 people</a>. Far from facing this hypocrisy, Trump is now talking about revising export regulations <a href="http://www.newsweek.com/trump-will-fuel-war-across-world-increasing-us-global-arms-sales-674586" type="external">to make it even easier for American arms manufacturers</a> to sell to international buyers.</p> <p>Meanwhile Trump has put in place a travel ban on visitors from mainly Muslim-majority countries, who are fleeing from this deadly chaos.</p> <p>If you agree the Muslim ban is cruel and misguided, <a href="https://www.thepetitionsite.com/534/215/981/trump-dont-ban-immigration-from-muslim-majority-countries/?TAP=1007&amp;cid=causes_petition_postinfo" type="external">please sign this Care2 petition</a>, telling Trump to stand up for American values and abolish the immigration ban.</p> <p>Photo Credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/themachinestops/88181088/in/photolist-8MXaA-qDymy-fr4jJ-fjdvh-f6frS-f6fq2-7Tx3yN-4Ld9z-MSjZ5w-akvJrY-aksVst-dapwX2-7ffwH3-6rj8Zh-3AxJD-qs7g31-a6BM2e-YBcz6-oSXEQi-6vdmeV-hnh2m-fjdoz-8AaaCf-e5yam-hUpm5-hUh81-f6fjN-oTAA5a-2VVhAa-rDanVv-8pgk4a-2HRudm-eiRW1E-4MM2j7-wMLXn-d9NgXZ-hnh8K-qnJKT-5xvqt8-Xm2K2d-6X5XUQ-3585SX-35d4Vv-daptaH-da9ACk-5iGPB-4Mgozh-d9Ui8x-6X5X8C-5u1nze" type="external">Robert</a></p>
No Foreigner Has Carried Out a Lethal Attack in the U.S. Since 9/11
<p>UPDATE: 09/12/17</p> <p>This morning Walt Disney World opened its gates to all four theme parks to guests. Even though the parks looked immaculate, several attractions were closed today (or delayed) due to debris caused by Hurricane Irma. We walked around Magic Kingdom to see if we could identify the causes behind these delays.</p> <p>Walt Disney World Railroad has trees down across the tracks.</p> <p>Tom Sawyer Island is also currently closed due to Hurricane Irma&#8217;s after effects.</p> <p>Jungle Cruise has also been reported as needing at least a week to remove the debris before it can be operational.</p> <p>*********************************************************</p> <p>Hurricane Irma passed over Walt Disney World last night and has since turned into a Tropical Storm. Florida curfew remains in effect until 6pm today for Osceola and Orange counties. Approximately 300,000 are without power in Orange Country alone. Luckily we have not heard of any of the Walt Disney World Resorts losing power overnight.</p> <p>WFTV 9 ABC News reported earlier this morning seeing a &#8220;load&#8221; of tour buses pass them by. It appears they were carrying linemen to EPCOT to help get the power back on.</p> <q> <p>Lights remain on at Walt Disney World and damage appears minimal <a href="https://t.co/qpSXVU9KVo" type="external">https://t.co/qpSXVU9KVo</a> <a href="https://t.co/7bSh2epOuP" type="external">pic.twitter.com/7bSh2epOuP</a></p> <p>&#8212; WDWMAGIC.COM (@wdwmagic) <a href="https://twitter.com/wdwmagic/status/907224161516388352" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Overall it seems that Walt Disney World had relatively minimal damage and the lights remain on.</p> <p>Disney World is still advising their resort guests to remain in their room/building and will notify everyone once the curfew is lifted.</p> <p>Let&#8217;s take a look at photos from the different resorts this morning post-Hurricane Irma. Please be patient as some pictures take a bit to load.</p> <q> <p>Tree down <a href="https://twitter.com/WaltDisneyWorld" type="external">@WaltDisneyWorld</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/caribbeanbeachresort?src=hash" type="external">#caribbeanbeachresort</a> . Just one of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/IrmaWDW?src=hash" type="external">#IrmaWDW</a> damages. <a href="https://t.co/pPOr6It8ud" type="external">pic.twitter.com/pPOr6It8ud</a></p> <p>&#8212; mike feltner (@MikeyzDead) <a href="https://twitter.com/MikeyzDead/status/907213370394279936" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>&#8212; mike feltner (@MikeyzDead) <a href="https://twitter.com/MikeyzDead/status/907230422215614465" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Caribbean Beach has some tree damage</p> <q> <p>The aftermath of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HurricaneIrma?src=hash" type="external">#HurricaneIrma</a>, here at Disney&#8217;s Port Orleans French Quarter. Quite a few trees down. &#127795; <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LiveFromWDW?src=hash" type="external">#LiveFromWDW</a> <a href="https://t.co/PztJf5mKj9" type="external">pic.twitter.com/PztJf5mKj9</a></p> <p>&#8212; CafeFantasia &#128171; (@CafeFantasia) <a href="https://twitter.com/CafeFantasia/status/907214318059626496" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Disney&#8217;s Port Orleans Resort &#8211; French Quarter has quite a few trees down.</p> <q> <p>&#8212; Stuart, Becky &amp;amp; Leo (@StuartBeckyLeo1) <a href="https://twitter.com/StuartBeckyLeo1/status/907216608300617728" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Here's a look behind Disney's Contemporary Resort this morning: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HurricaneIrma?src=hash" type="external">#HurricaneIrma</a> <a href="https://t.co/Dc3P0xveLG" type="external">pic.twitter.com/Dc3P0xveLG</a></p> <p>&#8212; Attractions Magazine (@Attractions) <a href="https://twitter.com/Attractions/status/907215051366572032" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Very minor damage this side of the Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah, already seen park rangers out surveying damage too <a href="https://t.co/9yxSkBww1V" type="external">pic.twitter.com/9yxSkBww1V</a></p> <p>&#8212; shook in wdw &#127752; (@carackobama) <a href="https://twitter.com/carackobama/status/907216957518303232" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Contemporary Resort and Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah both look like they fared pretty well through the storm.</p> <q> <p>From tiki man's pageOasis pool at the Polynesian <a href="https://t.co/1s6EMOxtdb" type="external">pic.twitter.com/1s6EMOxtdb</a></p> <p>&#8212; Ed @ Baylakes edge (@DisneyMoose) <a href="https://twitter.com/DisneyMoose/status/907069117135556608" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Watching this tree fall last night at our hotel at Disney. FInally seeing itthis morning, lucky it went the other way! <a href="https://twitter.com/WFTV" type="external">@WFTV</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/BShieldsWFTV" type="external">@BShieldsWFTV</a> <a href="https://t.co/wMLYD7wAgD" type="external">pic.twitter.com/wMLYD7wAgD</a></p> <p>&#8212; Katie Herron (@Nsgirlkt) <a href="https://twitter.com/Nsgirlkt/status/907200240410877952" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Polynesian seems to have been hit worst. Trees are down but it doesn&#8217;t sound like any hit the buildings.</p> <q> <p>&#8212; Theme Parks &amp;amp; Beyond (@ParksandBeyond) <a href="https://twitter.com/ParksandBeyond/status/907219685803950081" type="external">September 11, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>All-Star Music Resort has seen its share of tree debris as well.</p> <p>We will continue to update this page as we receive additional information on the state of the Walt Disney World Resort this morning. Stay Tuned!</p> <p>Are you ready to start planning your amazing Disney vacation? Our friends at MickeyTravels (designated with Platinum Earmarked status by Disney) can help! <a type="internal">Click Here for your FREE No Obligation Quote</a> from one of their Authorized Disney Vacation Planners.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Ready to experience Disney for yourself? There are still fantastic 2017 Summer and Fall packages to be had. <a type="internal">Click here</a> or send an <a href="mailto:mickeytravelssarah@gmail.com" type="external">email</a> for a FREE, no obligation quote with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner.</p> <p>Want more help planning your next Disney vacation? As an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, my goal is to help you plan the Magic your way. I create customized itineraries, book advanced dining and FastPass+ reservations, monitor for discounts for your vacation, and much much more! And did I mention that my services are FREE? Get in touch toll-free at 1-800-454-4501, via email at <a href="mailto:mickeytravelssarah@gmail.com" type="external">mickeytravelssarah@gmail.com</a> or follow along on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/MickeyTravelsSarahPhillips/" type="external">Facebook</a>.</p> <p>Thank you for visiting Chip and Co - Your home for the best in Disney News!</p>
PHOTOS: Aftermath of Hurricane Irma at Walt Disney World
<p>All in all, the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards was a pretty good Emmys. Stephen Colbert didn't make a single racially insensitive joke, Lena Waithe gave an incredibly inspiring acceptance speech, the gay episode of Black Mirror won twice, and there was not a Modern Family win in sight. But there was one dark cloud over the evening: the surprise, supposedly comedic appearance by disgraced former press secretary Sean Spicer. Judging by the <a type="internal">Sean Spicer Emmy reactions</a> on Twitter, viewers were not pleased to see this angry little man joking around with his pal Stephen Colbert on their television screen.</p> <p>Maybe it's a good thing the 2017 Emmys got this questionable political stunt out of the way early. The Former White House Press Secretary to President Trump was brought out on stage by host Stephen Colbert at the end of his opening monologue. The real Spicer rolled out on a mobile podium, famously used by Melissa McCarthy in her impressions of him on Saturday Night Live. The real Spicer got a few jokes in. He referenced his famously inaccurate judgment of the inauguration crowd size by saying,</p> <q> This is the largest audience to witness the Emmys, period. Both in person and around the world. </q> <p>Ha ha. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Get it? It's totally fine that he spewed blatant lies to the American public, because now we can all laugh about it together!</p> <p>The audience laughed and cheered for this former face of the Donald Trump presidency, and then later in the night gave all the Emmys to The Handmaid's Tale, you know, that show about how a dystopian, oppressive government is a bad thing. Yay, cognitive dissonance!</p> <p>Anyways, I'm not the only one who found this particular political stunt to be in fairly bad taste. The reaction on Twitter to Sean Spicer's Emmy appearance was overwhelmingly negative &#8212; from both regular viewers and celebrity viewers. Former SNL player and actress Jenny Slate tweeted that she was "so grossed out" by the decision. She said,</p> <q> Truly so grossed out by A GROUP of people ever even considering the idea of real life Spicer at the Emmys. What is wrong with you? Wake up. </q> <p>Similarly, actor Zach Braff tweeted,</p> <q> I'm not ready to laugh "with" Sean Spicer. I think he is an evil, opportunistic liar that hurt our country. </q> <p>Filmmaker and actor Rob Reiner, known for his role as Max Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street, tweeted,</p> <q> DT is a sick liar. If we reward Sean Spicer for enabling his sickness, we are saying we accept a mentally ill POTUS. </q> <p>And of course, though she didn't share her opinion on Twitter, <a type="internal">Melissa McCarthy's reaction</a> when the camera cut to her during the real Spicer's bit said a thousand words: She did not approve.</p> <p>Many non-celebrities also shared their disapproval on Twitter, some viewer lamenting the double standard for 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and this small angry liar.</p> <p>Others critiqued the Television Academy for its hypocrisy. Again, though the night was filled anti-Trump sentiment, inspiring speeches about political activism, and supposedly subversive post-Trump television, Spicer was still invited onto that very same stage where that all took place.</p> <p>And according to journalist Chris Gardner of The Hollywood Reporter, who attended the show, Spicer had no lack of fans and attention after the Emmys. Gardner tweeted,</p> <q> What pariah? Sean Spicer getting mobbed in #Emmys lobby. Posing for pics, drinking beer, soaking up all attention after onstage appearance. </q> <p>Don't you just love it when lying politicians &#8212; who are so terrible at their job even Donald Trump has to fire them &#8212; become beloved, whacky celebrities? Thanks for that one, Academy of Television Arts &amp;amp; Sciences.</p>
Twitter Was Not Here For Sean Spicer's Emmy Appearance
<p>Well, this is odd. Former President Obama has chosen not to host hard-copy versions of his manuscripts and letters in his presidential library. Is the former Commander-in-Chief hiding something? The move has &#8220;historians scratching their heads.&#8221;</p> <p>Fox News report:</p> <q> <p>The Obama Foundation is taking an unconventional approach to the presidential center and library being planned in Chicago. It&#8217;s opting to host a digital archive of President Barack Obama&#8217;s records, but not keep his hard-copy manuscripts and letters and other documents onsite.</p> <p>That means no thumbing through the ex-president&#8217;s correspondence on the health care fight or first drafts of his State of the Union addresses.</p> <p>The decision has historians scratching their heads.</p> <p>&#8220;All archivists are waiting to see how this will work, because we are all struggling with how to make things available digitally,&#8221; Peggy Glowacki, a manuscripts librarian at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told the Chicago Tribune.</p> </q> <p>An interesting piece of information to note is evidence surrounding Susan Rice&#8217;s role in the &#8216;unmasking&#8217; probe have been moved to the future library.</p> <p>The documents were moved to the Obama Library and under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.</p> <p>President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton said Wednesday on Fox &amp;amp; Friends that President Trump can obtain these records from the Obama Presidential Library because they are federal records.</p> <p>Fox &amp;amp; Friends host Steve Doocy said that the President himself could obtain the records if he were to ask for them.</p> <p>Tom Fitton: &#8220;Yes, they are still federal records. They are under the control of the national archives and he can get &#8217;em. If he needs them, then the President can conduct his official duties he can get them, Subpoenas issued by Congress can get them. Special Counsel Mueller, if he decides to actually investigate real crimes like the unmasking, the illicit surveillance, the leaking&#8211;he could get them if he issued subpoenas.</p> <p>There are options to get these records and they need to be taken because there could be elements of the records in the other agencies, but these are key White House records about what the White House was up to and that to me is as important as anything else.&#8221;</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Hiding Something? Obama Refuses To Host Hard-Copy Docs In Presidential Library
<p>You knew this was coming.</p> Barack Obama increased the US national debt by nearly $10 trillion dollars and the liberal media SAID NOTHING! <p>But now that President Trump is in office the liberal media had suddenly developed a new found interest in government spending.</p> <p>On Sunday Vice President Mike Pence attended the Indianapolis Colts game against the San Francisco 49ers. The VP had planned to attend the game for weeks.</p> <p>But after the NFL millionaires disrespected the US flag and military by kneeling during the national anthem, <a type="internal">Vice President Pence and his wife walked out</a> of the game.</p> <p>The liberal media is attacking the vice president for defending the flag and military. Several liberal hacks lashed out at the vice president after he left the game.</p> Now this&#8230; CNN actually tabulated the cost of Mike Pence&#8217;s trip to the game. As if they give a damn about government spending! <p>This is <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/08/politics/pence-indianapolis-flights-cost/" type="external">CNN</a>:</p> <q> <p>How much did Vice President Mike Pence&#8217;s trip to Indianapolis to watch &#8212; and then abruptly leave &#8212; a football game Sunday between the Indianapolis Colts and San Francisco 49ers cost?</p> <p>Here is an estimate of just the air costs (which does not include costs of advance personnel, Secret Service or support on the ground):</p> <p>According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence&#8217;s flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000</p> <p>Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500. The grand total: about $242,500.</p> </q> What a joke the media has become. <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
#FakeNews CNN Trashes Vice President – Estimates Price Tag of Pence Defending US Flag and Walking Out of Colts Game
<p>Steve Bannon is on the warpath, continuing his mission to drain the swamp. This is hardly a new revelation. Long before President Trump was a glint in the Tea Party&#8217;s eye, the Breitbart News chairman was hard at work laying the foundation to what would be a dominating force in Republican politics at the intersection of Conservatism, Libertarianism and Populism &#8211; promoting the likes of Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to national prominence.</p> <p>The former Chief White House Strategist is <a href="http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/09/26/live-updates-judge-roy-moores-grassroots-muscle-vs-luther-stranges-corporate-money-alabama-gop-senate-runoff/" type="external">fresh off stumping</a> for firebrand jurist Roy Moore, who claimed a decisive victory against Sen. Luther Strange &#8211; a swamp varmint appointed under dubious circumstances to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions&#8217; vacated Alabama Senate seat.</p> <p>Bannon&#8217;s influence in the Alabama blowout has many wondering what&#8217;s next for the populist rabble-rouser. CNN&#8217;s Dana Bash reports the political tactician is setting his sights on the 2018 midterms, crisscrossing the country in search of populist candidates to remake the Republican Party, and blackballing swamp creatures who refuse to be drained.</p> <p>From <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/28/politics/steve-bannon-retribution-recruiting/index.html" type="external">CNN</a>:</p> <q> <p>&#8220;The populist movement is going to do a house cleaning of all those individuals that made a living off the conservative grassroots while stabbing them in the back,&#8221; a source familiar with Bannon&#8217;s thinking tells CNN.</p> <p>Bannon is beginning that effort by trying to blackball GOP campaign strategist Jeff Roe, who worked for Sen. Luther Strange, who lost Tuesday&#8217;s primary to Roy Moore. Bannon is spreading the word that he believes Roe is responsible for dirty tactics against Moore, and alleging that Roe worked with President Donald Trump&#8217;s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner to mislead Trump about the state of the race in Alabama in and around Trump&#8217;s endorsement of Strange.</p> [&#8230;] <p>Following his speech at Moore&#8217;s victory rally Tuesday night where Bannon credited &#8220;the people&#8221; with the victory, he vowed to help the populist wing of the GOP win other Senate battles in 2018.</p> <p>To that end, he flew from Alabama to Colorado to begin recruiting western candidates to run against Republican incumbents&#8230;. Bannon also plans to head back down south to have meetings with those who may want to run in Tennessee for the seat Sen. Bob Corker announced he will vacate, and in Mississippi, to challenge sitting Republican Sen. Roger Wicker.</p> </q> <p>Bannon&#8217;s rage against crony capitalism has already electrified the base, striking fear in the hearts of the ivory tower establishment who have enriched themselves on the backs of average Americans. As a former Goldman Sachs banker who grew disillusioned with their strong-arm tactics, Bannon witnessed the decimation of the working middle class, as Wall St. firms facilitated the largest betrayal of Americans in history while creating a looming debt bubble which could still lead to systemic collapse.</p> <p>Bannon&#8217;s unique purview of high-level greed is potent, and his disgust towards establishment is fueled in large part by the incestuous revolving door between DC and Wall Street. Bannon <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/graphics/2015-steve-bannon/" type="external">witnessed first hand</a> how Goldman Sachs, once a monastery to the ambitious investment banker, became The Black House.</p> <p>As President Trump and Steve Bannon, two of the Right&#8217;s most influential figures today continue to remake the Republican Party, an important question arises; In whose image will the future of the Conservative movement be cast?</p> <p>At first glance, Trumpism and Bannonism bear many similarities. Rooted in right-wing populism and traditionalism alike, both ideologies seek to shift the center of power from Corporate America back to the American worker. Both men believe the elite have benefited disproportionately from globalization, while hallowing out a once prosperous middle class in the process. And both Trump and Bannon have furiously railed against a swamp that has profited handsomely from endless spillage of blood and treasure abroad, while cities at home suffer from racial and economic tensions stoked by the Obama administration.</p> <p>In short, both Trump and Bannon see that the world is suffering from systemic division orchestrated at the highest levels, and Western cultures are actively being destroyed under the false pretense of humanitarianism and open-border politics. Finally, in order to preserve America&#8217;s borders, language and culture, both men believe an impenetrable wall must be built to prevent illegal aliens from breaching the nation&#8217;s geography. That&#8217;s where the similarities between Trumpism and Bannonism end.</p> <p>A key difference, if not the difference between Trump and his former chief strategist, is the President&#8217;s penchant for compromise and dealmaking, while Bannon is far less malleable in his beliefs. Where Trumpism fails the ideological purity test &#8211; which risks alienating his base, Bannonism is brimming with the very civic nationalism that led to Trump&#8217;s win. Herein lies the rub for Trump voters &#8211; the commander-in-chief has demonstrated a very &#8216;swamp-like&#8217; flexibility on matters ranging from healthcare to immigration, leaving Trump&#8217;s most oft-repeated campaign promises on the cutting room floor. In September, for example, President Trump shocked Washington by announcing a tentative framework to work with Democratic leadership on DACA and the looming budget crisis.</p> <p><a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/6/donald-trump-agrees-debt-limit-deal/" type="external">Washington Times</a> reports:</p> <q> <p>President <a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/" type="external">Trump</a> and Democratic leaders on Wednesday did what <a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/washington/" type="external">Washington</a> does best: striking a bipartisan deal to boost borrowing and spending, keeping the government running into the next fiscal year and speeding disaster relief to Texas and Florida.</p> <p><a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/" type="external">Mr. Trump</a> accepted the deal offered by <a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/house-minority/" type="external">House Minority</a> Leader Nancy Pelosi and <a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/senate/" type="external">Senate</a> Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer at a <a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/white-house/" type="external">White House</a> meeting, seeing it as a chance to get ahead of a series of pressing fiscal problems that needed to be fixed this month.</p> <p>But the agreement blindsided Republican leaders, including House Speaker <a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/paul-d-ryan/" type="external">Paul D. Ryan</a>, who just hours earlier called Democrats&#8217; proposal &#8220;ridiculous and disgraceful.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>For some reason, however, Trump&#8217;s most vocal opponents on the right didn&#8217;t seem to be caught off guard by his &#8220;deal,&#8221; with a smirking Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, as &#8216;Never-Trumpers&#8217; have long warned that the President was nothing more than a chameleon who couldn&#8217;t be trusted to prosecute the Republican agenda. According to Schumer, President Trump even suggested against building the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico &#8211; a move which would be seen by Trump&#8217;s loyal base as the ultimate betrayal.</p> <p><a href="http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/09/29/chuck-schumer-negotiations-trump-said-ok-wont-wall/" type="external">Breitbart News</a> reports:</p> <q> <p>This week on the &#8220;Pod Save America&#8221; podcast, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) detailed the debt ceiling and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy negotiations he had with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and President Donald Trump earlier in the month.</p> <p>Schumer said, &#8220;On DREAMers, he said, you know, that he understood that they didn&#8217;t come in through any fault of their own, that they&#8217;re good Americans, good kids. And then he said he wants the wall in return. And we said &#8216;No. No wall, Mr. President.&#8217; And he tried that for about 15 minutes, but he&#8217;s not going to push me around verbally or any other way.&#8221;</p> <p>He added, &#8220;And he finally said, &#8220;OK, we won&#8217;t do the wall. We&#8217;ll do some other kind of border security.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>Was such an offer ever made by Trump? One may never know, and thus exists the problem. Under Bannon&#8217;s more hard-line economic nationalism, claims of Trump wavering would have been branded as nothing more than propaganda from the left. Instead, an increasingly malleable Trump is disappointing even his most ardent supporters.</p> <p>Bannon&#8217;s endgame</p> <p>Steve Bannon&#8217;s refusal to bend the knee to deep-state establishmentarians would betray his mission; elect enough Populist Conservatives to Congress to successfully implement the MAGA agenda in earnest &#8211; reshaping the country to such a degree that even if a Democrat manages to win the presidency, Populism and Economic Nationalism continue to dominate the political spectrum &#8211; restoring faith in government among the abandoned middle class.</p> <p>Bannonism, by its very nature, views compromise with the establishment as a last resort. This approach appeals to Trump&#8217;s base, who went to the polling booths to actively resist threats to National Security, the economy, and the American way of life. Alas, it&#8217;s clear that the desires of American conservatives have fallen on tone-deaf ears. One need look no further than the Alabama Senate race &#8211; which saw Trump flagrantly abandon his base by supporting deep-state candidate Luther Strange over Bannon-supported economic nationalist Roy Moore.</p> <p>And instead of rallying behind the MAGA candidate, traditionally pro-establishment conservative outlets were more concerned with optics than substance. National Review&#8217;s Reihan Salam, for example, <a href="http://www.nationalreview.com/media/need-know/need-know-men-white-coats-0" type="external">seemed to be disproportionately concerned</a> that Moore would provide CNN with endless soundbytes and fodder.</p> <p>&#8220;When I look at Roy Moore, I see someone who is clearly apocalyptic, and I don&#8217;t see anything else to him, and I think that it&#8217;s bad news for the GOP. It&#8217;s great, great news for CNN, the Washington Post and every big mainstream news media outlet that will cover every single one of his utterances,&#8221; complained Salam in the latest edition of The Editors, a podcast led by National Review&#8217;s Charles C.W. Cooke and Rich Lowry.</p> <p>The concern is embryonic of the neurosis plaguing the establishment (and like it or not, a powerful subset of the Conservative movement). They actually care what the talking heads on CNN think. Meanwhile, every-day American conservatives have stopped trusting the Very Fake News network. Perhaps it&#8217;s high time Republican elites follow suit.</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
CAPLAN: Will Bannonism—Not Trumpism—Shape The Republican Party’s Future?
<p>The killer left a cryptic note on a table in his room the night of the attack.</p> <p>There are now reports that the cryptic note was full of random numbers. <a href="http://metro.co.uk/2017/10/06/cryptic-note-full-of-numbers-found-in-las-vegas-shooters-hotel-room-6981741/" type="external">The Metro</a> reported:</p> <q> <p>A cryptic note full of random numbers has been found in the Las Vegas shooter&#8217;s hotel room, police say.</p> <p>Authorities are still trying to find out what drove Stephen Paddock to launching the worst mass shooting in US history.</p> <p>The mystery piece of paper was found near his dead body and Sheriff Lombardo said it&#8217;s been sent off for analysis. It is not believed to be a suicide note.</p> <p>The 64-year-old to killed 58 and injured 489 when he opened fire on people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival off the Las Vegas strip on Sunday night. Investigators are looking into whether Paddock also planned a car bombing.</p> </q> <p>Investigative journalist Laura Loomer noticed something interesting. The killer targeted the Harvest 91 festival on October 1 or 10-1.</p> The numbers come out to: 91 10-1 or 9-11-01. Coincidence? <q> <p>I was thinking about the numerology surrounding the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LasVegasShooting?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%205Etfw" type="external">#LasVegasShooting</a> at Harvest 91 on October 1.</p> <p>91 10-1</p> <p>That would be 9/11/01. Eerie. <a href="https://t.co/NExJJHQi8S" type="external">pic.twitter.com/NExJJHQi8S</a></p> <p>&#8212; Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) <a href="https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/916683233865162752?ref_src=twsrc%205Etfw" type="external">October 7, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
BREAKING: Note Found in Stephen Paddock’s Room Contains Cryptic List of Numbers – Attack May Point to 9-11?
<p>Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/6QsQcXT" type="external">floridali</a></p> <p>There's a sweet sense of justice when people get exactly what they had coming to them. It's like even the universe is rooting against jerks, along with all of us. All of these people are going to think twice next time they try something that turns us into the eye roll emoji.</p> 1. The girl who thought she was being so clever with bunny ears. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/41lwv2/bunny_ears/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">Eeli100</a> <p>And yet she had no idea that her own hand was betraying her! In the end, she just gave herself bunny ears.</p> 2. The person who hit this car and took off. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2s7fg1/karma_friends_car_after_a_hit_and_run/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">Nugkill</a> <p>But left their license plate on the car that they hit! What justice is this? Pretty sure they will never hit and run again.</p> 3. The couple that dined and dashed. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/6vwfkc/couple_dines_and_dashes_but_leaves_behind/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">indasheets247</a> <p>But left their really expensive sunglasses at the table. Also, dining and dashing on a $25 bill? Really? What kind of sick people do such things!</p> 4. The person who hit this car... Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/6tpl0g/instant_karma_for_hit_and_run_driver_runs_after/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">Roxchic</a> <p>" <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/6tpl0g/instant_karma_for_hit_and_run_driver_runs_after/" type="external">Runs</a> after hitting my car in parking lot. Workers get info and call the police. She gets caught because she ran out of GAS. Received two tickets as she only had a permit."</p> 5. The person who tried to steal this bike. Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/LGGCZPM" type="external">33sphinx33</a> <p>Little did they know they were stealing from a genius. This girl had truly the perfect plan to get her bike back. Look at her proud smile!</p> 6. The brother who totally tried to prank his brother. Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/6QsQcXT" type="external">floridali</a> <p>But ended up pranking himself even more. The fact that it's a donkey only makes it more hilarious. He just can't win.</p> 7. This person, who is regretting everything right now. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1osz79/well_someone_at_my_work_is_gonna_have_a_shit_time/" type="external">xyzs</a> <p>"Lava butt" is seared into my brain and I will never be able to get it out. What a rude awakening this person is in for.</p> 8. The parking enforcer who get a parking ticket. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/JusticePorn/comments/14mxwp/having_to_deal_with_las_ridiculous_parking/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">elvijar007</a> <p>If you live in a city where parking enforcers are basically walking panic attack-inducing humans, then this is truly a welcome sight.</p> 9. The person who thought to put a sign pointing to where the rock slides happen. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/35mbnn/this_cliff_is_an_asshole_and_that_sign_is_a_snitch/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">poolguy4208</a> <p>And the sign then being crushed by said rock slides. Whoops. It's almost a better warning though.</p> 10. The person who decided to obstruct the garbage truck. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/pzuie/revenge_of_the_garbage_men/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">h0pfenbrei</a> <p>Don't ever mess with garbage men! They definitely showed this person up and I'm here for it. Good luck getting out of that.</p> 11. The person who decided to give their cat a bit of its own medicine. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/xer8r/payback_laptop_on_a_cat/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">hurricanekarina</a> <p>Can't help but laugh over this photo. Cats always walk across our keyboards, maybe it's time they know what it feels like!</p> 12. The woman who most certainly regrets her attitude. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/s5pn6/real_world_karma_fb/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">akpenguin</a> <p>This has to be the worst feeling in the entire world for this woman, but also the best feeling for the dude. Karma, baby!</p> 13. The jerk who thought he was above it all. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/xqa8z/karma_the_nonreddit_kind/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">GhostalMedia</a> <p>Joke's on him! Even driving a fancy car doesn't matter when it comes to cement. And trying to cut people off, to boot.</p> 14. The person who thought they could park in a restricted area of the beach. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/55in3l/theres_a_reason_you_arent_allowed_to_park_on_this/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">killermonkey87</a> <p>It's restricted for a reason! Let's all hope that this car floats because they're going to have a hard time, that's for sure.</p> 15. The guys who tried to knock someone off of their kayak with their boat. <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1ti3sv/these_idiots_tried_to_knock_me_off_my_kayak_and/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">Reddit</a> <p>And then this happened to them. Yup, I'd say that got exactly what they had coming.</p> 16. The guy who t-boned this car but left something important behind. Facebook | <a href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4455597555394&amp;set=a.1530883199363.2068956.1453249190&amp;type=3&amp;theater" type="external">Rex Borova</a> <p>You know, like the one thing that could easily identify who he is. This is why you don't ever hit and run, people!</p> 17. The guy in the truck who parked like this. Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/2PpXvTA" type="external">MahoRhino</a> <p>And the person driving the Smart car was not going to deal with that today. Smart car person is doing the work of the people.</p> 18. Just in case you couldn't read the sign. Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/phi8t" type="external">hiddenvalley</a> <p>It's also a good way to get your motorcycle run over. Worth it?</p> 19. The wife who thought she could stop her husband from eating her candy. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6xaiia/sometimes_i_eat_my_wifes_candy_today_she_hid_it/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">rpboutdoors2</a> <p>But she just put the candy in the cabinet with the plates. She deserves him eating her candy if she can't find a better hiding spot.</p> 20. The person who did this terrible parking job. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/6dgcbn/nice_park_m8/" type="external">reedburg</a> <p>And then got that on their tire. Oh man. When you park like that though, you absolutely deserve the boot. There's no way around it.</p> Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/JLKxBiz/comment/427260186" type="external">hilonate</a> <p>I hope that kid learned his lesson. Being a decent human being includes not shaming or making fun of somebody trying to better themselves. This mom is awesome.</p> 22. This is why you shouldn't try to kick people when they are (sitting) down. Imgur | <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/9jIvCQk" type="external">reasonpolice</a> 23. Look who's having the last laugh. Twitter | <a href="http://twitter.com/elsatanico/status/567372151670726658?lang=en" type="external">@ElSatanico</a> 24. This meal was NOT on the house. <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/JU1aY14/comment/251130298" type="external">Imgur</a> <p>Don't be this guy. Does anyone else want to know what restaurant manager had the guts to post something like this?</p> 25. Was it really worth it? Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/tm0hz/yep_karma_is_a_bitch_especially_that_instant_kind/" type="external">caraeeezy</a> 26. This taxi driver plays for keeps. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/250grf/saw_karma_in_action_on_my_facebook_today/" type="external">KittensRawk</a> <p>Note: don't be a terrible human and leave your taxi driver without paying. It's stealing and you deserve whatever you have coming to you.</p> 27. This is not the kind of bottle service you want. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/4tu0ir/stay_away_from_the_coffee_creamer_at_work/" type="external">Phantom0591</a> 28. To the roommate who used more than his fair share of toilet paper, you know who you are. <a href="http://imgur.com/Dok9T" type="external">Imgur</a> 29. This was (re)bound to happen. <p>Don't worry, I'm sure she just shook it off.</p> 30. The person who parked their bike in a parking spot. Reddit | <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6ljnfi/be_careful_where_you_park_your_bike/?ref=share&amp;ref_source=link" type="external">throatfrog</a> <p>And then said bike was promptly thrown into the bushes. Really, though. How are you going to park your bike in a full spot?</p> 31. This is the kind of petty I aspire to be. <p>Not that I ever want to find myself in this situation but...you know.</p> 32. Whoever thought harassing people through text messages was an okay thing to do, sure had it coming. <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/FeXZC" type="external">Imgur</a> 33. If Karla didn't know that Pinky shouldn't have been driving, she sure does now. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/VvHZj" type="external">Imgur</a> 34. This person stole from Walmart and is paying the price. <a href="http://consumerist.com/2007/05/08/judge-orders-shoplifters-to-wear-signs-reading-i-am-a-thief-i-stole-from-walmart/" type="external">Consumerist</a> 35. Or this kind of petty. It doesn't really matter to me. <a href="http://www.dailyhaha.com/_pics/her-cheating-husband.htm" type="external">dailyhaha</a> 36. I think it's safe to say that this person will not be parking in front of any more fire hydrants from now on. <a href="http://thechive.com/2014/03/11/i-had-no-idea-such-evil-existed-36-photos/" type="external">theCHIVE</a> Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement
36 People Who Got What They Had Coming
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://www.opslens.com/2017/08/16/espn-analyst-says-former-san-fran-quarterback-colin-kaepernick-is-the-victim/" type="external">share</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/share?url=https://www.opslens.com/2017/08/16/espn-analyst-says-former-san-fran-quarterback-colin-kaepernick-is-the-victim/&amp;text=ESPN Analyst Says Former San Fran Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Is the Victim&amp;via=OpsLens" type="external">tweet</a> <a href="https://www.reddit.com/submit?url=https://www.opslens.com/2017/08/16/espn-analyst-says-former-san-fran-quarterback-colin-kaepernick-is-the-victim/" type="external">tweet</a> &#8220;They are so blinded by their victim narrative that they don&#8217;t recognize that his very protest was actually an insult to the flag.&#8221; <p>Colin Kaepernick continues to be in the news, though recently it is largely for what he isn&#8217;t doing. He was released from the San Francisco 49ers earlier this year, and he has yet to find work despite several tantalizing openings due to roster upheaval and injuries on other teams. This is because many NFL owners and fans did not like how he kneeled for the national anthem. They viewed it as a self-indulgent and disrespectful act that politicized what should have been a nonpolitical event.</p> <p>But, showing their continued march towards irrelevancy, left leaning commentators like Ryan Clark on ESPN&#8217;s Mike and Mike show are now <a href="http://www.espn.com/espnradio/play?id=20339841" type="external">saying Kaepernick is a victim</a>. Without a hint of irony, Clark said that Kaepernick was the &#8220;flag bearer&#8221; for blacks in America and the NFL. But in order to use that analogy, a person would have to actually respect the flag, and this in turn undermines the narrative that liberals and activists are peddling.</p> <p>The narrative from activists, race hucksters, and many politicians is that blacks are disproportionately targeted by cops and the judicial system. That they are victims of systemic poverty that leads to crime, and that the root causes and issues that are important to them are not being addressed. This narrative isn&#8217;t wholly disconnected from reality, but it&#8217;s twisted into an overtly political narrative that often undermines meaningful reform.</p> <p>Flag bearers are important in history because they often represent the focal point of command and control. The flag was usually close to the commander, and the flag moving forward on the battlefield could communicate an attack when it was too loud for words. It was an honorable tradition to carry the flag, and the enemy often aimed for the flag bearer, which made it the most dangerous spot on the battlefield.</p> <p>Raising the flag on Iwo Jima became one of America&#8217;s most cherished memorials, and seeing the flag through a nightly bombardment supplied our national anthem.</p> <p>No compatible source was found for this video.</p> <p>The importance of the flag doesn&#8217;t seem lost on Ryan Clarke and other analysts when they compare Kaepernick to a flag bearer. This makes their use of that analogy all the more tone deaf. They are so blinded by their victim narrative that they don&#8217;t recognize that his very protest was actually an insult to the flag.</p> <p>It&#8217;s tougher to find people more removed from the poor and supposedly discriminated members of inner cities than professional athletes. Acting macho and street tough is part of their persona, but it&#8217;s just as authentic as professional wrestling. These athletes are part of the one percent, who make more money than most Americans and play in taxpayer subsidized stadiums while getting special treatment. I can&#8217;t think of an individual more unsuited to lead the supposed civil rights crusade for blacks than a pampered 1% athlete.</p> <p>But with a black President, Secretary of State, and Supreme Court Justice, it&#8217;s tough to argue that racism is worse now than in the past when athletes stood and honored the flag. If Ryan Clarke and other liberal sports analysts want to praise the act of kneeling for the anthem, they should avoid using analogies that underscore the importance of the flag.</p>
ESPN Analyst Says Former San Fran Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Is the Victim
<p>There has been no shortage of talk recently about taking action to remove President Donald Trump from office, with Trump&#8217;s Charlottesville response proving to be a breaking point for many Republicans who had previously supported him.</p> <p>However, journalist Joan Walsh cautioned Americans to take a long, hard look at Trump&#8217;s would-be successor Mike Pence before we get excited about Pence being behind the Resolute desk in place of Trump.</p> <p>Wrote Walsh in an <a href="https://www.thenation.com/article/why-mike-pence-is-worse-than-donald-trump/" type="external">article</a> bluntly titled &#8220;Why Mike Pence is Worse than Donald Trump&#8221; in The Nation, &#8220;You probably have these debates with your friends, too: Do we want Donald Trump to resign, or be impeached, which would leave us with Vice President Mike Pence in charge?&#8230;Would the low-charisma Pence, who looks like a B-movie producer&#8217;s idea of a president, be easier to defeat, especially given the GOP fratricide that would commence with Trump&#8217;s departure, however it came about?&#8221; She continued, &#8220;I try never to care about the political implications of whether Trump should stay or go. He should go, because he&#8217;s a racist authoritarian who got help from a foreign adversary to become president. He should go, because he&#8217;s more likely to stumble into war than Pence is. But I never let that obscure the truth, either: Pence is a far worse person, because of his creepy Handmaid&#8217;s Tale patriarchal approach to women&#8217;s equality. But also because he usually knows he&#8217;s lying about Trump, and their administration&#8217;s agenda, and he lies anyway.&#8221;</p> <p>Walsh then brought up disturbing comments the vice president made this past week during an appearance on the Today show. Said Pence, protesting the removal of Confederate monuments, &#8220;When I walked, back in 2010, across the Edmund Pettus Bridge with John Lewis, arm in arm, and we remembered Bloody Sunday, and the extraordinary progress of the civil rights movement, I can&#8217;t help but think that rather than pulling down monuments, as some are wont to do, rather than tearing down monuments that have graced our cities all across this country for years, we ought to be building more monuments.&#8221;Commented Joan about Pence, &#8220;I don&#8217;t think he gives a damn about the folks who protest these shameful statues. What was most galling about Pence&#8217;s comment, though, was that he used his bond with Lewis to clean up Trump&#8217;s despicable equation of Nazis and white supremacists with their opponents, who are the modern-day incarnation of John Lewis.&#8221; Do you think she is correct about Pence?</p>
“Nation” Writer Claims Pence Is “Far Worse” Than Trump
<p>With a tumultuous and long-standing feud between <a href="http://realitytea.com/tag/reza-farahan/" type="external">Reza Farahan</a> and <a type="internal">Golnesa &#8220;GG&#8221; Gharachedaghi</a> finally resolved, the <a type="internal">Shahs of Sunset</a> can get back to more important things, like peace in the Middle East. Just how does a Shah go about tackling the task that has eluded generations of people worldwide? By throwing a politically incorrect party, of course!</p> <p>Reza and <a href="http://realitytea.com/tag/mike-shouhed/" type="external">Mike Shouhed</a> nurse their hangovers at lunch, while they recover from <a type="internal">Shervin Rpoohparvar</a>&#8217;s Malibu party the night before. Mike never went to bed and when <a type="internal">Mercedes &#8220;MJ&#8221; Javid</a> shows up, it looks like she hasn&#8217;t either&#8230;.for days. Talk turns from being hungover to how much Mike&#8217;s family means to him and that includes family in Israel that he hasn&#8217;t seen in over ten years. Hey, wouldn&#8217;t it be &#8220;the dope-est&#8221; if all of the Shahs went to Israel too? Apparently so, according to Reza. He is looking to connect with the Jewish side of his life via a posh vacation with his friends. When they try and get MJ on board, she initially balks, saying she doesn&#8217;t want to leave her father while he is sick. But she quickly realizes that she needs a break from her stressful life and I guess another cast trip with this bunch of hooligans is something she might find relaxing. She thrives in chaos after all!</p> shahs-of-sunset-recap (3) <p>A very pregnant <a type="internal">Asa Soltan Rahmati</a> takes a break from talking about her pregnancy to go kaftan boutique hunting with her family. Just kidding, she is still talking about it, saying that her family business is even more important now that there is another family member on the way. And everyone knows you can only sell kaftans out of a non-working refrigerator for so long before you have to upgrade to a ramshackled store front, which is exactly what Asa is doing. The landlord (and old friend of Asa&#8217;s) shows up in his landlord-y best, which includes a sundress, pink tights, rainbow wig, and nipple eyelashes, that he immediately shows off to everyone. Is this included in the rent? Never mind that, Asa has some sage to burn and twirls of happiness to make around the space so that it is cleansed and ready to sell kaftans.</p> <p>GG and thousands of her hair extensions are putting good things out in the universe and you know what that means &#8211; good things are coming back. Things like walking in a tacky sequined romper down a runway for some designer no one has ever heard of, I guess? Clearly, she must be friends with this designer and clearly, there is a shortage of eligible models for fashion week in L.A. because why else would someone risk having their clothes ripped off incredible hulk style, mid-catwalk if something doesn&#8217;t go Lochnessa&#8217;s way? I guess only time (and one fashion show) will tell.</p> <p>Reza is shopping for his &#8220;Gaza Strip, Israeli, Palestine, Peace in the Middle East&#8221; party and guys, I cannot stress for the life of me the importance of quotations in this recap. These are Reza&#8217;s words, not mine. With that disclaimer out of the way, back to culturally insensitive shopping, y&#8217;all!</p> <p>Destiney, who is off the People&#8217;s Couch and a supporting cast member now, shows up to help with the decorations. If this is anything like Mike&#8217;s party, Reza should know this isn&#8217;t a good idea but then again, Reza isn&#8217;t known for being classy when it comes to d&#233;cor. He also isn&#8217;t known for being culturally sensitive but he explains that being a refugee from a war-torn country, where you can be hung for being gay, leaves him with a desire to poke fun at it as a way of coping with his feelings. He invites Destiney to the Israel trip since husband Adam Neely can&#8217;t come due to better judgment work. Destiney also likes &#8220;dope&#8221; things and taking a trip to Israel is one of them, so she happily accepts.</p> shahs-of-sunset-recap (5) <p>MJ, despite not being married, has some marital advice for all of us: you must date your husband until the day you die. I have some marital advice for MJ: you must marry a man for him to qualify as your husband. But my advice aside, MJ saying date nights are about romance and making sure your man knows that you still want to have sex. And how does one send up a smoke signal that you want to have a baby with said man? If you&#8217;re MJ, you simply tell him &#8220;eff it, I want to get ovulation strip and get pregnant.&#8221; If you&#8217;re fianc&#233; <a type="internal">Tommy Feight</a>, your response is something along the lines of surprise, then a brief mention of being more responsible adults before bringing a child into this world, then saying let&#8217;s go for it. MJ reasons that Salma Hayek and Halle Berry did it, so why can&#8217;t she? I don&#8217;t have the answer to that but my guess would be that neither Salma nor Halle lived in a dirty, one bedroom apartment with no running water. That certainly wouldn&#8217;t preclude you from having a baby but it might make child rearing a little easier, don&#8217;t you think? With a big bite into a Korean BBQ rib, Tommy says he&#8217;s in and vows to stop and get ovulation test strips on the way home.</p> <p>At L.A. Fashion Week, GG (not to be confused with Gigi, an actual supermodel), has arrived to the show and is already swigging champagne and ordering around hair and makeup like she&#8217;s been a horrible person all her life. Oh, wait&#8230;she has! Shervin comes to support her but can&#8217;t manage to even have a conversation, thanks to all the naked models in the room. Within minutes of arriving, GG&#8217;s mood gets darker than her raccoon eye makeup after seeing Janice Dickinson, one of the world&#8217;s first supermodels, wearing the tacky sequined romper SHE was supposed to be wearing! GG is about to throw some murderous vibes into the universe and snaps at the designer to get &#8220;that old a** b**ch another outfit&#8221;. Reza and Adam arrive just in time to see this and obviously, can&#8217;t get enough. Shervin is oblivious because, boobs. Finally, GG takes a deep breath and says &#8220;fine&#8221; to another equally ugly sequined outfit and the team puts the finishing touches to her glamorous roadkill look.</p> shahs-of-sunset-recap (6) <p>With Lochnessa contained, Reza decides to invite Shervin on their trip to Israel and Shervin takes a pass, saying it would negatively affect some of his business relationships. Reza is confused and doesn&#8217;t understand why everyone just can&#8217;t join him in feeling &#8220;Jew-y,&#8221; while GG can&#8217;t understand why she would want to go somewhere where they want to bomb Palestinians. Reza waives off her statement and a symbolic champagne bottle pops loudly in the background, startling them all. Reza is still trying to get everyone on board and thinks exclaiming &#8220;eff Iran&#8221; out of frustration will do it. GG is offended but doesn&#8217;t really have time to discuss it further since she has a catwalk to go trip down.</p> <p>MJ has escalated pretty quickly on the baby fever scale and is already making Tommy pinky swear he won&#8217;t masturbate anymore. Her plan is to get knocked up and then have a legal wedding ceremony so her babies won&#8217;t be &#8220;bastards.&#8221; Oh MJ, if only anyone could take your idiotic morals to heart, but it&#8217;s so hard when you can&#8217;t even figure out how an ovulation test works. I know, it&#8217;s hard to read directions and pee on something without your fianc&#233; standing over you to help, but I promise, it&#8217;s not nearly as hard as taking care of a baby, married or not. Maybe Salma and Halle are just better at reading directions.</p> <p>Despite almost clawing Janice Dickinson&#8217;s face off at the fashion show, GG is transitioning to a calmer, happier person and that means clearing the toxic energy out of her life. Or, what normal people would call, moving. Shervin and Annalise come over to help and thankfully, there are no naked models in the room so Shervin can remain focused. They quickly find out that GG isn&#8217;t just harboring toxic energy in her apartment but boxes of old blow up donuts she used to sit on after her butt implant surgery.</p> <p>Mike arrives and it turns out, his moving company is in charge of moving all the furniture and butt donut boxes. Yes, Mike opened a moving company and he says it&#8217;s not sexy but it&#8217;s a solid investment in a business because you can&#8217;t replace movers with robots. I didn&#8217;t know you could replace shoes with robots either so not sure why that business got tossed aside but whatever. Mike doesn&#8217;t even bother to wear his own shoe line to help move and is quickly complaining about scuffing up his new Adidas.</p> Shahs of Sunset Recap <p>The night of Reza&#8217;s big party and everyone is going all out in costume. MJ gets ready eating fried rice in her bathroom while getting her makeup done. At the party house, Reza and Adam arrive, dressed in full Orthodox Rabbi costumes. Reza muses that since he is more in tune with the Jewish side of his religion, he hopes he can wear the outfit without being disrespectful. In his next breath, he is showing off his &#8220;sexy burqa bitches,&#8221; who are there to entertain and serve the party goers in headscarves and sequined bikinis.</p> <p>Mike arrives as Moses, Asa arrives as&#8230;pregnant, but claims she is world peace, simply because she draped a white scarf that&#8217;s painted with a peace sign around her stomach. MJ is in a skin tight skeleton costume with side boob and Shervin comes in an orange suit, saying he&#8217;s an immigrant from the seventies. GG arrives in a full burqa and dark sunglasses, all which make it impossible for her to get drunk quickly.</p> <p>GG still isn&#8217;t sold on going to Israel and when Reza asks, Shervin also expresses concerns about being welcomed. Mike promises that Israel is very accepting, but GG pushes back again, saying they are not of Muslims. It starts to get a little heated but GG&#8217;s real issue is Reza&#8217;s comment to &#8220;eff Iran.&#8221; In a surprising twist, Reza immediately apologizes, explaining that he loves everything about Iran but the government. Asa tries to bring resolution to the conversation by reminding everyone how important it is that they respect each other&#8217;s journey. That&#8217;s enough for GG to fully get on board and agree to go to Israel so she celebrates by grinding on Mike, proving that all you need is love and a little dry humping to make the world a better place.</p> <p>TELL US &#8211; WERE YOU OFFENDED BY REZA&#8217;S COMMENTS?</p> <p>Photo Credit: <a href="http://www.bravotv.com/shahs-of-sunset" type="external">Bravo</a></p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Shahs of Sunset Recap: Keeping The Peace
<p>Rio Arriba County Fire Marshal Carlos Esquibel (center) watches an ambulance, Dec. 22, after a man in a red Ford Edge was reported to be overdosing off Riverside Drive. The man was transported to the Espa&#241;ola Hospital and his car was towed.</p> (SUNfoto by Wheeler Cowperthwaite) <p>The police blotter is published to give readers an abridged look at criminal activity in their community and neighborhoods. It is simply an illustration of what local law enforcement, funded by taxpayers, must deal with daily throughout the Espa&#241;ola Valley.</p> <p>Espa&#241;ola Police officers, Ohkay Owingeh Tribal Police, Rio Arriba County Sheriff&#8217;s deputies or State Police responded to the following calls:</p> <p>Daughter is in no danger</p> <p>Dec. 19</p> <p>7:35 a.m. A State Road 76 caller said someone shattered a store window.</p> <p>8:55 a.m. A Fairview Lane caller said her nephew broke into her house.</p> <p>2:38 p.m. A Saiz Lane caller said a man wearing a beanie was next door, taking copper from a house.</p> <p>4:14 p.m. A Chama Middle School caller said her mother&#8217;s car window was broken.</p> <p>4:24 p.m. A Private Drive in Hernandez caller said her boyfriend was threatening to hurt her and her daughter and he also damaged her car, as well as her mother&#8217;s car.</p> <p>6:10 p.m. A County Road 48 caller said her daughter was in danger because the daughter&#8217;s boyfriend kidnapped her, had a wire, may choke her and threatened to kill her if she called the police. She said he is also armed with a knife. She refused to give dispatchers her name. The daughter then called dispatchers and said she had an argument with her mother and the mother falsely claimed she had been kidnapped.</p> <p>Mail theft is a federal crime</p> <p>Dec. 20</p> <p>11:17 a.m. A County Road 40 caller said she lent her car to her brother, but he has not returned it and she wanted to report it as stolen. She said he borrowed it at 9:40 a.m. and said he would be back within five minutes.</p> <p>11:37 a.m. A West Jonathan Drive caller said she works in the soup kitchen and two women were fighting outside. She said they left once they heard someone was going to call the police.</p> <p>1:22 p.m. A County Road 41 caller said he was driving in Alcalde when someone shot at his white Cadillac.</p> <p>2:08 p.m. A Ghost Ranch caller said he had a box in the mail, and it was stolen from the mailbox. He said this is the second or third time it&#8217;s happened.</p> <p>4:14 p.m. A Spruce Street caller said she is receiving text messages from her ex-boyfriend, who wrote that he is going to damage her and her aunt&#8217;s cars.</p> <p>7:52 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said two girls and three guys were beating up a man on the ground.</p> <p>10:08 p.m. A Subway on Riverside Drive caller said an older man was sitting at a table, refusing to leave and he was intoxicated. The employees told the man they needed to close the restaurant, but he still refused to leave and told them to go ahead and call the police. He was taken to the Espa&#241;ola Hospital, per his request.</p> <p>10:44 p.m. A Giant gas station caller said two women were hitting each other at one of the gas pumps.</p> <p>Do him a favor and leave</p> <p>Dec. 21</p> <p>12:45 p.m. A Rio Chama Chevron gas station caller said there was a couple by one of the pumps and the male was refusing to hand a baby to the female The woman then yelled for him to give the baby back to her or else the police would come and take the baby.</p> <p>4:15 p.m. A man walked into the Espa&#241;ola Police Department to report a case of identity theft.</p> <p>4:45 p.m. A Calle de Pajarito caller said a man came by in the morning, accused her of stealing from him, and said he would kill her and her family for it.</p> <p>5:05 p.m. A Wal-Mart caller said a woman was inside one of the bathrooms, refusing to come out, and there was a lot of drug paraphernalia in there. It was an employee.</p> <p>5:54 p.m. A State Road 215 caller said her son was riding his dirt bike home from his grandpa&#8217;s house when a truck tried to run over him.</p> <p>6:25 p.m. A Paseo de Paulina caller said a woman came by to do him a favor, but now she won&#8217;t leave. An Espa&#241;ola police officer told her to leave.</p> <p>Too much vodka</p> <p>Dec. 22</p> <p>6:35 a.m. A County Road 158 caller said she tried to start her car and found that it would not start and her radio and other things were missing.</p> <p>9:45 a.m. A Valley Drive caller said someone took their manger scene from their front porch during the night. She said they took everything, but left the baby Jesus.</p> <p>Noon An Espa&#241;ola Elementary School caller said a fifth grade student broke a window.</p> <p>1:23 p.m. A Ca&#241;ada Court caller said someone broke into a house and stole all the appliances. She then found them next door after she learned the former tenant had given them to the neighbor.</p> <p>1:30 p.m. A Private Drive caller said it appeared a man was overdosing on alcohol and there were empty vodka bottles around him.</p> <p>8:43 p.m. A Private Drive caller said an 18-year-old man appeared to be overdosing, he was unconscious and snoring. Sheriff&#8217;s deputies administered the overdose-reversing drug Narcan.</p> <p>11:08 p.m. A Camino Cielo Grande caller said her neighbors were yelling and breaking things and they had a 15-year-old child in the house. Officers found no evidence of a fight.</p> <p>Laying it down</p> <p>Dec. 23</p> <p>12:11 a.m. A Rio Chama Chevron gas station caller said someone broke the windows and doors to his business but nothing was missing. He said it appeared rocks had been thrown through the windows.</p> <p>1:01 a.m. A Private Drive in Chimay&#243; caller said someone broke into her truck and stole a drill. The truck was left unlocked.</p> <p>1:58 a.m. A Calle Ramon Espinosa caller said she could hear someone knocking and ringing her door bell. She said she did not know who it was and did not want to check and see.</p> <a href="http://riograndesun.com/tncms/tracking/bannerad/clicks/?i=ros/fixed-big-ad-middle-asset1/fae6939e-38a3-11e6-bba1-10604b9f0f84&amp;r=http://www.riograndesun.com/image/SMDP.pdf" type="external" /> 301x250 image ad <p>12:14 p.m. A Wal-Mart caller said a customer punched him in the back. He did not want to file a police report.</p> <p>12:16 p.m. A Private Drive caller said a man who lives down the road got into her garage and tried stealing a chainsaw, but he was caught in the act by her father-in-law.</p> <p>4:06 p.m. A Private Drive in Alcalde caller said his neighbor came to his house and broke his kitchen window.</p> <p>6:38 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said a man was passed out on the cement in front of a business. He was breathing, but unresponsive. The man was transported by ambulance to the emergency room.</p> <p>8:48 p.m. A South Riverside Drive caller said a drunk man walked into the business and he told him to leave. Instead of leaving, the man laid down on the ground and complained he could not walk due to severe leg pain. He was transported to the Espa&#241;ola Hospital.</p> <p>9:08 p.m. A Calle Cristobal caller said his ex-wife came to his house and smashed things that they both own.</p> <p>Holiday cheer overcomes fight</p> <p>Dec. 24</p> <p>3:29 a.m. A U.S. Highway 285 caller said some people were at her house, trying to steal a truck, driving all over her property and hitting trees with the truck.</p> <p>3:38 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said a bald man was beating a woman.</p> <p>6:35 p.m. A Silver Lane in Ohkay Owingeh caller said her drunk 43-year-old daughter was causing a disturbance.</p> <p>8:08 p.m. An Allsup&#8217;s caller said a blonde, dark-complected woman appeared to be prostituting herself, along with a couple other women, outside of the gas station.</p> <p>9:04 p.m. A U.S. Highway 84 caller said her 46-year-old father was not conscious, but breathing, after he took all of his medications at once. She said she just got home and found him like this, but she had received a text message from him at 8:40 p.m., saying goodbye. The man was transported to the Espa&#241;ola Hospital, alive. He left a suicide note.</p> <p>11:14 p.m. A Calle del Sol caller said she was talking to her cousin, when she got into it with a woman driving an Escalade, and the woman pulled a knife on her. An Espa&#241;ola police officer was down the street when the incident occurred and he told dispatchers neither side wanted to press charges and instead, continue with the holiday. The Escalade was towed.</p> <p>Watch your step</p> <p>Dec. 25</p> <p>5:13 a.m. A South Monterey Lane caller said a man in a gray hoodie was yelling things and he wanted him checked out.</p> <p>4:06 p.m. A North McCurdy Road caller said an intoxicated man was walking around in the area and he wanted him checked out.</p> <p>4:25 p.m. A Santa Claran Hotel Casino caller said a drunk man wanted an ambulance because he thought his ribs were broken.</p> <p>6:37 p.m. A State Road 399 caller said he needed an ambulance because he fell in a hole while playing with his dog.</p> <p>7:07 p.m. A Camino Santa Cruz caller said three boys were throwing rocks at cars as they drove by.</p> <p>8:08 p.m. A Fairview Lane caller said a woman threw him out of the house and stole his money, as well as his shoes and hat. He did not want to press charges against her.</p> <a href="http://riograndesun.com/tncms/tracking/bannerad/clicks/?i=ros/fixed-big-ad-bottom-asset1/fe606946-38a3-11e6-bbc7-10604b9f0f84&amp;r=http://www.raalp.org" type="external" /> 301x250 image ad
Nativity Thieves Take Everything But Baby Jesus
<p>As we are writing this, Donald Trump is clothed in his war regalia as he prepares for a battle with the judiciary, the press, the CIA and probably innocent Americans. The good news is that we have a powerful and high-ranking military officer is not going to let Trump oppress the world.</p> <p>Air Force Chief of Staff Dave Goldfein may not have called Trump out directly, but his words are pointed at the president. In his interview with the press, Goldfein didn&#8217;t spare words of wisdom that Trump should better listen to.</p> <p>Earlier this week, President Trump aka &#8216;Orange Tyrant&#8217; was at the MacDill Air Force Base to give his ridiculous and meaningless speeches. Imagine what he told the military officers who left what they should be doing to listen to him if they don&#8217;t like him, he is not going to like them.</p> <p>Barely a day after the president made this comment; Goldfein apparently seemed to implicitly attack what the president said. He said that &#8220;This is a great opportunity to step back and remind ourselves and the American people of the oath we take as members of the military.&#8221;</p> <p>Goldfein said that the oath they too and they always retake every time they were promoted was to defend and support the American Constitution against any enemy both in the domestic and foreign arena. By design, these military officers do not pledge to defend or support any leader or party because they are apolitical. The military is not too friendly with the president according to Goldfein, one day; the military may be protecting the people from Trump.</p> <p>Goldfein indirectly criticized the disastrous raid in Yemen authorized by Trump, the assurance of Trump that the SEAL was going to have a field only pointed out that he was a local fish without the experience of swimming in the international waters.</p> <p>One of the things that Goldfein is proud of is the fact that the military cannot lose sight that they go to war with their values. People who are critical of the efforts that the military undertakes each day to stop causalities are not aware of who the military are. Indeed, Goldfein is a true patriot who defends the real values of American. We are happy with the service that he is offering passionately to our country to ensure that our ideals are maintained.</p> <p>It doesn&#8217;t look like the upper class of the military really like Trump. They have rejected the requested Trump made for the military to go for the fascist-style military parade for his Inauguration Day. Americans need patriots like Goldfein. It is time for each one of us to stand up.</p>
Air Force Chief Staff ‘Classifies’ TRUMP as Enemy of America
<p>&#8220;They&#8217;ve forgotten about us.&#8221;</p> <p>I don&#8217;t remember where I heard this, perhaps somewhere in the small town of Blacksburg, Virginia, but the context was definitely political. The IRS is always out to get our money &#8211; of course the government hasn&#8217;t forgotten about us, right?</p> <p>But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the meaning behind that statement. Since the founding days of the United States, a problem has always been the power balance between small states and big states. Presently, this has evolved into the local balance between rural areas and urban areas. I remember hearing in government class how just a dozen or so of the largest cities in the United States could swing the popular vote to one political party and realizing just how valuable the electoral college is to modern politics.</p> <p>There&#8217;s no simple alternative to balancing out protecting the interests of the rural minority and forwarding those of the urban majority. From <a href="https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2016/cb16-210.html" type="external">the U.S. Census</a>: &#8220;Rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation&#8217;s land area but contain 19.3 percent of the population.&#8221; This is a huge disparity; how can state governments look out for rural counties when urban counties dominate the political sphere? For many in southwestern Virginia, it seems that politicians are always subverting rural interests in favor of the dense, northern urban areas.</p> <p>Even the President and many other conservatives use this idea of rural areas being left out to win votes. From his always-rambunctious Twitter account, Trump proclaimed: &#8220;The Democrats in the Southwest part of Virginia have been abandoned by their Party. Republican Ed Gillespie will never let you down!&#8221; In a time of great change and technology around the globe, sometimes it can feel as if rural areas are being left behind.</p> <p>Given this context, I&#8217;d like to quickly transition to a discussion about the political frustrations surrounding the Confederate flag. The Civil War was definitely fought over slavery, but does that make the Confederate flag racist? Probably. But I&#8217;d also like to consider what the Confederate flag symbolizes to many in the South. Growing up, Confederate flags were never really made out to be a big deal.</p> <p>I remember thinking nothing of the raised Confederate flags on the way to swim meets and camps. I remember the public outcry throughout the region when the school sent out an announcement banning Confederate attire. Even recently, right before I came to Stanford, I was driving home one night and pulled up next to a beat-up pickup truck flying two large Confederate flags at a traffic light. It felt pretty normal, albeit a little strange especially because of the <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/02/politics/confederate-flag-poll-racism-southern-pride/index.html" type="external">earlier South Carolina flag controversy</a> and <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/14/us/charlottesville-rally-timeline-tick-tock/index.html" type="external">the happenings in Charlottesville</a>. This was the norm. The problem is just how commonplace these provocative items are in the region.</p> <p>These rural Southerners, a legislative minority, are painted as villains, outcasts for not seeing these items as strange in such an apparently &#8220;progressive&#8221; society. This is an issue because first off, no one likes being called a villain, and secondly, to many of these people &#8211; who have seen crumbling infrastructure, a stagnating economy and skyrocketing health care premiums (one of my older teachers always complained about his wife&#8217;s new insurance bill under Obamacare) &#8211; are we really that progressive? And how high should working out our flag issues be on our priorities list? Should we be arguing over a flag when there are places with exactly zero professional medical attention? I remember watching the local news and finding out that in nearby Wise County, Virginia, the only time people can receive medical attention is once a year, when a mobile clinic known as the <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/23/us/healthcare-uninsured-rural-poor-affordable-care-act-republicans.html" type="external">Remove Area Medical</a> arrives. General health is deteriorating every year as lung cancer and obesity set in.</p> <p>Things really aren&#8217;t looking up for the people here. The fact that a colored piece of cloth is generating the most media coverage instead of a terrible healthcare crisis here is a sort of a slap in the face to the coal miner with permanent nerve damage or the diabetic who can&#8217;t access insulin. We tend to separate the world into &#8220;us&#8221; and the &#8220;other,&#8221; but we fail to realize that the &#8220;other&#8221; may also be struggling to come to grips with the world too. There are definitely two sides to the argument, and I&#8217;m not advocating for any position.</p> <p>There are many parts of the country that need work. Racism is a huge problem that we need to solve as soon as possible. Denigrating an important bloc of people for the sake of making a point will only divide the nation even more. If we are to move forward and be &#8220;progressive,&#8221; we need to set aside distractions, unify in our actions and put our attention to the big picture.</p> <p>Contact Tiger Sun at tgsun &#8216;at&#8217; stanford.edu.</p>
Confederate controversy
<a type="internal" /> <p>Will this outrage stand? Today&#8217;s breaking story of the DOJ surveilling the communications of POTUS Trump&#8217;s longtime personal attorney is just now filtering through news watchers across the country. Remember, the Cohen surveillance was referred to by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, (and signed off by the DOJ&#8217;s #2 Rod Rosenstein who was the one who originally pushed for President Trump to fire then FBI Director James Comey) meaning it was effectively Mueller&#8217;s operation. And what THAT means is Robert Mueller was wiretapping the Trump White House.</p> <p>THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ALLOWED BEFORE.</p> <p>Early reports indicate at least one direct phone call between President Trump and Cohen was surveilled/recorded. In a normal world, as soon as the President of the United States was on the line, the DOJ would have initiated an all stop on surveillance. That has been long-standing (albeit unofficial) protocol for decades.</p> <p>That didn&#8217;t happen which would indicate capturing the President&#8217;s communications to Cohen was the primary purpose of the Mueller-originating surveillance all along.</p> <p>Consider this that the Department of Justice is charged with upholding the powers of the Constitution but in this case (and likely many-many others) it has shredded those same Constitutional protections in order to bring down a duly-elected President of the United States.</p> <p>When will enough Americans finally stand up and say ENOUGH? This is no longer merely about President Trump. It isn&#8217;t about Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. This is about America, our personal liberties, and the now-fractured foundation that was the Constitution. For if the government can go after a sitting president via such questionable/illegal means it can come after any of us at any time.</p> <p>Hear that knock at your door?</p> <p>It&#8217;s for you.</p>
Robert Mueller Wiretapped The Trump White House
<p>Acting head of crime intelligence Major-General Pat Mokushane has been axed from his position.</p> <p>This comes after reports that he has a criminal record and that he is being investigated for running his business from work.</p> <p>News24 reports that Mokushane&#8217;s termination was signed by acting national commissioner Lesetja Mothiba on August 17.</p> <p>&#8220;This letter serves to inform you that the acting appointment of Major-General PM Mokushane as the Divisional Commissioner: Crime Intelligence has been terminated with immediate effect,&#8221; the letter reads.</p> <p>Earlier this month, City Press reported that Mokushane has a criminal record and that he had an affair with another officer&#8217;s wife.</p> <p>The report stated he was arrested in 1993 for possession of suspected stolen property. He has denied the allegations.</p> <p>News24 further reported the police portfolio committee was told Mokushane had suspended a police officer who revealed that Mothiba was misled about Mokushane&#8217;s clearance.</p>
Acting head of crime intelligence fired
<p>We have over 74,000 city photos not found anywhere else, graphs of the latest real estate prices and sales trends, recent home sales, a home value estimator, hundreds of thousands of maps, satellite photos, demographic data (race, income, ancestries, education, employment), geographic data, state profiles, crime data, registered sex offenders, cost of living, housing, religions, businesses, local news links based on our exclusive technology, birthplaces of famous people, political contributions, city government finances, employment, weather, natural disasters, hospitals, schools and libraries.</p> <p>In addition to our huge collection of data, we have also created our <a type="internal">Top 100 City Lists</a> and <a type="internal">Top 101 City Lists</a>. These lists rank cities in hundreds of categories, including income, crime, most gay couples, most cars, shortest commute, biggest houses, best educated residents and many more. We also have thousands of <a type="internal">random city pictures</a> submitted by our users.</p> <a type="internal">Should I try to be a good Editor &amp;amp; Director?: Long Beach: transfer to, movies - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Would I have my place in L.A.?: Los Angeles, Long Beach: apartment, insurance - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Where do i live?: Orange, Burbank: affordable apartments, how much, to live - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Pasadena for families?: West Hollywood, South Pasadena: apartments, for rent, neighborhoods - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">moving to CA on $63K can I make it? HELP!!!: Long Beach: sales, sublets - Los Angeles, California</a> <a type="internal">Thinking of Interning in LA for a few months....advice?: Los Angeles: home, school - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Need Information About West Palmdale..have Not Seen Anything Good Thus Far..help!: apartment complex - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">A few questions from a college student!: Torrance, Burbank: apartments, rent - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Looking for summer housing in Westwood Village area: sublets, dorms - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Best Places to Live Around This Street/Area in LA?: Albany: neighborhoods, law school - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Problems with apartment management in LA: for sale, real estate, apartments - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Glendale- transportation concern: Pasadena, Burbank: apartments, to rent, safe area - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Commute to Calabasas (i.e. should I move...?): Santa Monica, Woodland: apartment, rentals - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Bringing my Horse to LA: Burbank, Moorpark: dorms, school, college - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">i have a about commuting from pacific palisades to sherman oaks.: Los Angeles: home - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Help! My girlfriend and I are moving to hollywood area from Boston.: Los Angeles: apartment, rentals - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Carpet damage? Landlord or tenant responsibility?: apartment, renter, house - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">I am a cult survivor in L.A. Can other survivors share their experiences?: Pasadena: homes, high school - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 2: <a type="internal">Glendale: home, school I am a cult survivor in - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Just Bought My First Home: Los Angeles, Garden Grove: house, buying, private schools - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">What did L.A. used to be like????: San Diego, Santa Ana: apartment, house - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 2: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Diego: middle-class, homes What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 3: <a type="internal">Glendale, Pasadena: insurance, houses What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 4: <a type="internal">Sacramento, Orange: amusement park, credit What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 5: <a type="internal">Glendale, Orange: real estate, home What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 6: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Santa Monica: crime rate, neighborhood What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 7: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Highland: apartments, crime What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 8: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Highland: loft, motel What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 9: <a type="internal">rent, live What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 10: <a type="internal">San Francisco, Ducor: pharmacy, gangs What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 11: <a type="internal">San Francisco, Santa Monica: fit in, neighborhoods What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 12: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Santa Monica: bankrupt, movie theater What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 13: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Oakland: for sale, renters What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 14: <a type="internal">Oakland: sale, how much What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 15: <a type="internal">Inglewood, Compton: place to live, moving What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> Page 16: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: appliances, to buy What did L.A. used to be - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Why do so many races hate African Americans? I feel the hate.: Los Angeles: rent, crime - California (CA)</a> Page 2: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: crimes, how much Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 3: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: lawyers, neighborhoods Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 4: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: sex offenders, neighborhood Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 5: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: house, cinema Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 6: <a type="internal">Orange: live in, gangs Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 7: <a type="internal">Pittsburg: mover, hotels Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 8: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: middle-class, daycare Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 9: <a type="internal">London: crime rates, school Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 11: <a type="internal">home, college Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 12: <a type="internal">Jackson: upper-class, live Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 15: <a type="internal">Nice: price, bill Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 16: <a type="internal">university, living in Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 17: <a type="internal">high crime, living Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 18: <a type="internal">buy, vs. Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> Page 19: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: movies, agricultural Why do so many races hate - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Can LA survive for another 30 years?: Los Angeles, Malibu: real estate, to rent, condo - California (CA)</a> Page 2: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Francisco: city hall, crime, school district Can LA survive for another 30 - California (CA)</a> Page 3: <a type="internal">Los Angeles: rent, homes, neighborhood Can LA survive for another 30 - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Can I make it in L.A.?: Los Angeles, Pasadena: real estate, apartments - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk?: Los Angeles, San Francisco: houses, neighborhoods, purchase - California (CA)</a> Page 2: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Francisco: apartments, vacation home, dorms Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 3: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Francisco: apartment, house, tornado Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 4: <a type="internal">San Diego, San Francisco: insurance, lofts, condos Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 5: <a type="internal">San Diego, San Francisco: power lines, home, transfer Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 6: <a type="internal">San Francisco, Oakland: fit in, live in, move Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 7: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Whittier: refrigerator, water heater, cabinet Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 8: <a type="internal">Santa Ana, Moorpark: credit, movies, elementary school Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 9: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Ontario: live, move to, title Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 10: <a type="internal">Ontario: moving to, food, trees Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 11: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Francisco: college, deal, area Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 12: <a type="internal">buy, to move, vacations Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 13: <a type="internal">Big Bear Lake: vacation, land, location Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 14: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, Moorpark: apartment complex, mattress, homes Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 15: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Francisco: tornadoes, living, codes Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 16: <a type="internal">San Francisco: distance, roach, winter Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 17: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Bernardino: living in, moving, beach Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 18: <a type="internal">gas, buildings, studios Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 19: <a type="internal">Brea: what does, pics, today Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 20: <a type="internal">Brea: shop, rated, weather Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 21: <a type="internal">Los Angeles, San Francisco: condo, mortgage, place to live Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 23: <a type="internal">market, snow, Colombia Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 24: <a type="internal">to live, farmers, Wal-mart Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> Page 25: <a type="internal">vs, safety, homeless Ever worry about LA Earthquake risk? - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Demagraphics of L.A.,L.A. County,and surrounding counties: Los Angeles: Hispanic, African American - California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">Is this part of Cahuenga Blvd residential?: Camarillo: neighborhood, area - Los Angeles, California (CA)</a> <a type="internal">a school in Huntington Beach: Los Angeles, Glendale: bus, internships, train - California (CA)</a>
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<p>Another day, another uncomfortably shady revelation about Donald Trump's presidential campaign and possible connections to Russia. This time, it's the news that <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/18/politics/paul-manafort-government-wiretapped-fisa-russians/index.html?adkey=bn" type="external">FBI investigators wiretapped Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort</a> not once, but two times before and after the presidential election, per a CNN report. The news source reported on Sept. 18 that the surveillance continued into the early part of 2017, when Manafort had long since left the Trump team but was still in communications with the President.</p> <p>Several sources told CNN that the intelligence which the investigation collected included communications that &#8220;sparked concerns&#8230; that Manafort had encouraged the Russians to help with the campaign,&#8221; though at least two sources specifically added that the evidence wasn't conclusive. Manafort was surveilled under a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, which must be backed with information showing suspicion that the subject could be acting as an agent of a foreign power. The warrant must be approved by top officials in the FBI and the Department of Justice.</p> <p>Notably, there's a big piece of the puzzle missing. CNN reports that the FBI was not surveilling Manafort during the now-infamous <a type="internal">meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer</a> with Kremlin connections in June 2016, which then-campaign manager Manafort and Trump's son-in-law and current White House adviser Jared Kushner also attended. But even with the missing pieces, the fact that government investigators were able to get the warrant, with such a high bar for approval, means that things are getting real for the investigation into Trump campaign leaders' dealings with Russia.</p> <p>Manafort was originally investigated for his alleged shady dealings with former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who was at the head of a pro-Russian party which was driven out in 2014 by civil unrest and street protests. Manafort's firm was <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-05-22/paul-manafort-s-lucrative-ukraine-years-are-central-to-the-russia-probe" type="external">accused of lobbying for Yanukovych</a>'s interests while failing to register with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for a foreign power. In fact, that accusation is <a href="http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/paul-manafort-resigns-from-trump-campaign-227197" type="external">why Manafort left the Trump campaign</a> back in August of 2016, after reports of the connections surfaced.</p> But if the first warrant was based on his dealings with sketchy oligarchs, the second one is reportedly the more damning. <p>CNN's sources said that the second warrant, the start date of which is unknown, was based on efforts to investigate possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Russian agents. So basically, for the first warrant there needed to be suspicion that Manafort was dealing with the Ukrainians (which, <a href="http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/06/manafort-firm-made-usd17-million-for-ukraine-lobbying.html" type="external">yeah, he was</a>). For the second, investigators needed suspicion he was talking to Russian operatives &#8212; which is way more specific, and given Manafort's role in the Trump campaign, could be incredibly damning.</p> <p>On the other hand, the report also gives some near-credibility to Trump's old claim that former President Barack Obama was wiretapping him (and by "credibility," I mean you have to tilt your head and squint to "see" it).</p> <p>Back in March, Trump tweeted an accusation that Obama had wiretapped him at his residence at his eponymous Trump Tower shortly before the 2016 election, calling the former president "sick." Representatives of both Obama and the Department of Justice said that <a href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/no-evidence-trump-claim-obama-wiretapped-trump-tower-doj/" type="external">the claims were baseless</a>.</p> <p>While Manafort keeps a residence at Trump Tower, there is still no evidence Trump himself was under surveillance.</p> <p>Which, however, doesn't mean he wasn't picked up by the surveillance on Manafort. CNN notes that Trump and Manafort continued to communicate for months after Manafort left the campaign, even after the FBI investigation into the former campaign manager became public knowledge. The conversations reportedly continued until lawyers for both men "insisted they stop."</p> But this isn't even the worst news for Manafort that came out today. <p>Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation into Russian interference in the election, reportedly told Manafort in July that the <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/us/politics/mueller-russia-investigation.html?_r=0" type="external">investigation planned to indict him</a>, according to The New York Times. Agents reportedly showed up at Manafort's house with a search warrant, combing through his Virginia home and taking away binders of documents, computer files, and even photos of his wardrobe.</p> <p>A physical search warrant is unusual for someone whose lawyer has already been in touch with the Justice Department, as Manafort's has been &#8212; and is an indicator that prosecutors had probable cause to believe that the home contained evidence of a crime, and were concerned about destruction of evidence. As former federal prosecutor Jimmy Gurul&#233; told the Times, &#8220;clearly they didn't trust him.&#8221;</p> <p>So, it's not looking good for old Paul, here. To say the least.</p>
The FBI Reportedly Wiretapped Trump's Campaign Chair, And It's A Big Deal
<p>SEATTLE - Three brothers in their 70s and 80s have been arrested in Seattle for allegedly possessing images of child-sex abuse with police still investigating them, according to Seattle Police Department.</p> <p><a type="internal">&amp;gt;&amp;gt; Read about the latest in the investigation here</a></p> <q> Key developments: 82-year-old Charles Emery, 80-year-old Thomas Emery and 79-year-old Edwin Emery were charged Monday with two counts of possession of depictions of minors engaged in sexual conduct. Police say a family member was cleaning the men's Green Lake home and discovered what she believed to be materials depicting the sexual abuse of a child. Charging papers say authorities including members of the FBI's internet Crimes Against Children Task Force searched the home, finding evidence prosecutors say that each of the men spent the majority of their lives sexually abusing children and exploiting children depicted in child pornography. Detectives say it was Charles' "manifestos" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder. </q> What the investigation first found <p>On Aug. 19, Seattle child sex crime detectives say they acted on a tip from a relative who arrived to clean out the garage of the brothers.</p> <p>The relative called 911. At the home, detectives collected a staggering amount of child porn.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>They also found evidence of the sexual exploitation of young girls as well as children's worn clothing and underwear, children&#8217;s shoes, toys and movies.</p> <p>Homeland Security's Internet Child Exploitation team assisted in the search, which involved digging for potential buried evidence under locked sheds and garages.</p> About the brothers <p>Neighbors in the quiet Green Lake neighborhood along Northeast 59th St.Street say they always wondered about the dilapidated house and the three guarded, mysterious Emery brothers who lived there since 1962.</p> <p>"I've never seen a girlfriend, a wife, a woman of any type visit that house," said Don Smith, who lives next door.</p> <p>Seattle police say the brothers, ranging in age from 78 to 82, began molesting their own sister and eventually molested other young relatives for decades.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>None of them had ever married, none had their own children or many relationships outside their own siblings.</p> <p>Police arrested 82-year-old Charles Lee Emery in a Queen Anne nursing home. Eighty-year-old Thomas Edwin Emery and 78-year-old Edwin Harold Emery were arrested at their home.</p> <p>Scroll down to read about the manifesto.</p> <q> RELATED COVERAGE: </q> <p>Detectives say Charles, Thomas and Edwin sexually molested young relatives for years, and collected pictures and even children's shoes.</p> <p>But detectives say it was Charles' "manifestos" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder.</p> <p>Detectives say one of Charles' writings was found buried and partially burned -- along with a child's hat.</p> <p>"Their writings express desires to kill children," said Capt. Mike Edwards, who leads SPD's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force.</p> <p>The search extended from the home in the Green Lake neighborhood to another home the brothers owned 90 miles away in Shelton.</p> <p>"It's very clear that these three individuals have an obsession with young female children, they've had this obsession for most if not all of their lives, and they acted on it," said Edwards.</p> <p>Charging documents indicate SPD detectives questioned Edwin Emery and his relatives about child porn found on his computer in 2013, but no charges were ever filed.</p> <p>Now detectives are hoping to identify the children in the photos and they hope to find victims who may have been molested decades ago and never came forward.</p> <a type="internal" /> Neighbors react to brothers&#8217; charges <p>Neighbors have been wondering exactly what happened in this home since investigators swarmed the home over the weekend. The new details Seattle police and court documents revealed leave them stunned.</p> <p>For decades, neighbors didn't think much about the three brothers who've lived there for 55 years.</p> <p>&#8220;I just thought they were harmless weird old guys,&#8221; said Julie Vandenberg, who lives directly across the street.</p> <p>Neighbors saw the investigators in hazardous materials suits and police bring out box after box of evidence on Friday and Saturday.</p> <p>Watch coverage from our report over the weekend below, scroll down to keep reading.</p> <p>&#8220;It was shocking. I didn&#8217;t know what to think,&#8221; said Smith, who watched investigators work late into the night Friday from his home next door.</p> <p>&#8220;It&#8217;s way worse than I thought. It is sickening, it's really sickening,&#8221; Vandenberg said. &#8220;Something happened to little children here - it sounds like little girls, and that's horrific.&#8221;</p> <p>Neighbors say many young children live on the block.</p> <p>The neighbors say they wish they would've noticed some sign earlier, about what was going on in the house but they're just glad the three brothers aren't there to victimize kids any longer.</p> <p>Neighbor Don Smith said he was surprised the allegations were kept quiet for so long.</p> <p>"I mean, to be next door to these guys for all these years, if. If they're going out every day and doing something like that, I was like, wow. This is too much"</p> <p>&#169; 2018 Cox Media Group.</p>
Police: 3 Seattle brothers arrested spent majority of lives sexually abusing children
<p>Postpartum depression has become more visible as celebrity moms including <a href="http://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/brooke-shields/down-came-the-rain/9781401308469/" type="external">Brooke Shields</a>, <a href="http://celebritybabies.people.com/2015/10/21/drew-barrymore-postpartum-depression-people-cover/" type="external">Drew Barrymore</a> and <a href="https://www.glamour.com/story/chrissy-teigen-postpartum-depression" type="external">Chrissy Teigen</a> have publicly shared their struggles with feeling sad and hopeless after birth. But when a father &#8211; Adam Busby, from reality TV show &#8220;OutDaughtered&#8221; &#8211; recently opened up about <a href="http://people.com/tv/outdaughtered-quintuplets-dad-adam-busby-suffering-postpartum-depression/" type="external">his own postpartum depression</a>, he <a href="http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/adam-busby-depression-137710" type="external">received instant backlash</a>, including comments telling him to &#8220;man up.&#8221;</p> <p>Despite the skepticism, postpartum depression in fathers is very real, with estimates that <a href="https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2010.605" type="external">around 10 percent of men report symptoms</a> of depression following the birth of a child, about double the typical rate of depression in males. Postpartum depression <a href="https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-101414-020426" type="external">in women has been linked with hormonal shifts</a>, but the role of hormones in men&#8217;s postpartum depression has been unknown.</p> <p>In an attempt to solve this mystery, my colleagues and I recently tested whether men&#8217;s <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28757312" type="external">levels of the hormone testosterone are related to their postpartum depression risk</a> during early parenthood. We found that men&#8217;s testosterone levels might predict not only their own postpartum depression risk, but their partner&#8217;s depression risk as well.</p> <p>Testosterone levels in flux through life changes</p> <p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testosterone" type="external">Testosterone is an androgen hormone</a>, responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. It promotes muscle mass and body hair growth, and motivates sexual arousal and competitive behavior.</p> <p>Many studies have found that testosterone dips in new fathers across the animal kingdom. Among animals that engage in the biparental care of offspring &#8211; Mongolian gerbils, Djungarian hamsters, California mice and cotton-top tamarins &#8211; males show <a href="https://doi.org/10.1111/jne.12176" type="external">lower testosterone levels following the birth of pups</a>.</p> <p>Human males also often show declines in testosterone around the birth of their infants. In one of the <a href="https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1105403108" type="external">largest studies of testosterone and fatherhood</a>, <a href="http://anthropology.nd.edu/faculty-and-staff/faculty-by-alpha/lee-gettler/" type="external">anthropologist Lee Gettler</a> and his colleagues followed over 600 single men in the Philippines for about five years. If men became partnered fathers during that time, their testosterone levels decreased more than the men who stayed single. Gettler also found that fathers who spent more time with their children showed lower testosterone, suggesting that testosterone may be suppressed by paternal caregiving.</p> <p>Along similar lines, <a href="http://edelsteinlab.psych.lsa.umich.edu/" type="external">psychologist Robin Edelstein</a> and I found that men assessed repeatedly over their partner&#8217;s pregnancy showed <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.07.005" type="external">declining testosterone levels from early to late pregnancy</a>. Men whose testosterone dropped more dramatically were more likely to report postpartum commitment and investment in their romantic relationships with their partners.</p> <p>Researchers still haven&#8217;t identified exactly what causes men&#8217;s testosterone to change over the transition to parenthood. Possible suspects include proximity to the partner or infant, increased stress or disrupted sleep and exercise routines.</p> <p>Lower testosterone, higher depression</p> <p>Previous research has <a href="https://doi.org/10.1210/jcem.84.2.5495" type="external">linked testosterone with men&#8217;s depression levels</a> in general. Low testosterone may contribute to the feelings of lethargy and disinterest in normally pleasurable activities that characterize depression. In fact, some psychiatrists have even suggested prescribing <a href="https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.160.1.105" type="external">testosterone supplements to treat depression in men</a>. However, no studies had specifically looked at the potential role of testosterone in fathers&#8217; postpartum depression.</p> <p>My colleagues and I analyzed data from the <a href="https://www.nichd.nih.gov/research/supported/Pages/cchn.aspx" type="external">Community Child Health Research Network</a>, a National Institutes of Health-funded study of new parents&#8217; health and well-being. The study recruited moms after the birth of an infant and followed them for several years, along with their partners. At one of the study sites, in Lake County, Illinois, men also provided saliva samples for testosterone analysis when their infants were around nine months old. Both moms and dads reported on their symptoms of depression several times across the first few years of parenthood.</p> <p>We found that dads with lower testosterone reported feeling more depressed. This fits with other research into how testosterone and depression work together. But ours is the first study to observe this relationship specifically in fathers of infants. Given that many men show drops in testosterone over the transition to parenthood, this finding may help explain why the postpartum period is such a high-risk time for depression in men.</p> <p>An unexpected side effect &#8211; for the moms</p> <p>We were surprised when we examined links between men&#8217;s testosterone and their partners&#8217; depression. Yes, low testosterone seemed to put men at higher risk for depressive symptoms. But men&#8217;s levels had the opposite effect for their partners: Women with lower-testosterone partners actually reported fewer symptoms of depression. Why would that be?</p> <p>We tested one possible explanation by looking at how women rated their relationships. It turned out that moms paired with low-testosterone men reported higher relationship satisfaction, and their higher relationship satisfaction predicted lower rates of depressive symptoms.</p> <p>In other words, having a low-testosterone mate might make for a better-quality relationship, in turn reducing the likelihood that women will become depressed. We know <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.65.6.1243" type="external">social support from a partner</a> can protect women against developing postpartum depression, so our finding fits with that research. Lower-testosterone men may be <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.07.005" type="external">more dedicated to their relationships</a> or <a href="https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1105403108" type="external">spend more time with children</a>, helping to relieve some of the pressure on moms.</p> <p>At around 15 months postpartum, we also checked moms&#8217; ratings of whether their partners hurt, threatened, yelled at or insulted them. If men had higher testosterone, moms reported higher levels of intimate partner aggression about six months later. Testosterone is associated with <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2004.12.007" type="external">more aggressive and competitive behavior</a>. Our finding shows a potential dark side to high testosterone in the postpartum period.</p> <p>Dads also told us about their parenting stress at 15 months postpartum, reporting on emotions such as feeling trapped by parenting responsibilities, believing their children made too many demands on them and lacking warm feelings toward their children. At first, we didn&#8217;t find a link between men&#8217;s testosterone levels and their parenting stress. But after we statistically controlled for the relationship between low testosterone and depression, we saw that higher testosterone put men at greater risk of experiencing problems in the parenting relationship. This result suggests that, once you adjust for their potentially lower risk of depression, high-testosterone men may find parenting to be more stressful.</p> <p>A happy medium for testosterone?</p> <p><a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28757312" type="external">Our results suggest</a> that fathers of infants might be at risk at both sides of the postpartum testosterone spectrum. At low levels, they might be more vulnerable to depression. But at high levels, they might have less satisfying and more aggressive relationships, less happy partners and more parenting stress. In terms of resilience to depression and stress, men with average levels of postpartum testosterone seemed to fare best.</p> <p>Our findings reveal that men&#8217;s postpartum testosterone has a complex relationship with family health. From an evolutionary perspective, lower testosterone during the transition to parenthood may help motivate men to invest in their family. In the animal kingdom, lower-testosterone males <a href="https://doi.org/10.1111/jne.12176" type="external">spend more time with infant pups</a> and show less aggression toward them. So it makes sense that human males would show shifts in testosterone as they adapt to parenthood.</p> <p>But these shifts may make men more vulnerable to mood disorder symptoms. Perhaps this is because lower-testosterone men are taking a more hands-on role in the family and helping more with infant care. Their contributions are great news from the family&#8217;s perspective, but may put men at heightened risk of some of the same depressive symptoms that <a href="http://www.salon.com/2013/02/25/is_motherhood_causing_my_depression/" type="external">many new mothers face</a>.</p> <p>After all, caring for infants is hard, draining work. In modern industrialized societies like the United States, many new parents lack the extended family support networks that can help lighten the burden of childcare. And in the U.S., <a href="http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2017/06/15/most_major_u_s_employers_fail_on_paid_paternity_leave_the_aclu_says_that.html" type="external">paternity leave is a rarity</a>, and many dads struggle with family-unfriendly work arrangements that drain time and energy. Just as new moms can feel overwhelmed and isolated after spending long hours tending to their babies, so too can dads.</p> <p>If new dads (or moms) are experiencing depressed moods after the birth of their infants, they can take some comfort in the fact that these feelings are normal &#8211; and may even be rooted in our evolutionary biology. There&#8217;s <a href="http://postpartummen.com" type="external">no shame in seeking help</a>, whether it&#8217;s talking to a friend, prioritizing sleep and exercise, or visiting a therapist. <a href="http://www.parents.com/parenting/dads/sad-dads/" type="external">Postpartum depression affects the whole family</a> and should be taken seriously.</p> <p><a href="https://theconversation.com/profiles/darby-saxbe-346015" type="external">Darby Saxbe</a>, Assistant Professor of Psychology, <a href="http://theconversation.com/institutions/university-of-southern-california-dornsife-college-of-letters-arts-and-sciences-2669" type="external">University of Southern California &#8211; Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences</a></p> <p>This article was originally published on <a href="http://theconversation.com" type="external">The Conversation</a>. Read the <a href="https://theconversation.com/postpartum-depression-can-affect-dads-and-their-hormones-may-be-to-blame-81310" type="external">original article</a>.</p>
Postpartum depression can affect dads – and testosterone may be to blame
<p>Rumors that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are allegedly on the verge of divorce have been circulating as early as a few weeks into their marriage.</p> <p>New reports claimed that there is a new woman involved in Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's alleged rocky relationship and it's none other than Jen's close friend, Chelsea Handler.</p> <p>Is the former "Friends" star jealous because her new husband and her pal are getting too close? Quite the opposite. A source claimed that Justin allegedly can't stand Chelsea and her antics.</p> <p>"Recently, Justin came home to find Chelsea cooking breakfast in their kitchen ... completely naked," <a href="http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2015/jennifer-aniston-justin-theroux-fight-over-chelsea-handler-justin-sick-of-jens-friend-running-around-their-house-butt-naked/" type="external">Celeb Dirty Laundry</a> reported. "Chelsea hates wearing clothes, and she documents her naked adventures on social media all the time."</p> <p>"But Justin Theroux has forbidden her from having any more naked romps in his house while he is out of town," the report continued.</p> <p>According to an insider, Chelsea Handler was allegedly just trying to be funny. Unfortunately, Justin Theroux wasn't laughing. Apparently, Theroux confronted Aniston about her friend and how she irritates him.</p> <p>"Chelsea thought it was hilarious, but Justin was really annoyed. Apparently Jen got in the habit of inviting Chelsea over for boozy girls' nights whenever he was away filming," <a href="http://www.okmagazine.com" type="external">OK! Magazine</a> reported, as quoted by CDL.</p> <p>"It bugged him to come home and find Chelsea there and the house a mess, but he bit his tongue. But now that he and Jen are married, he is establishing some ground rules, chief among them is that Chelsea is no longer welcome in their guest room," the report said.</p> <p>It has been previously reported that the newly weds are allegedly having problems over Jennifer Aniston being jealous because of Justin's purported closeness with his "The Leftovers" co-star, Margaret Qualley.</p> <p>The newlyweds' friends are hoping that the couple work out their differences especially since the couple is allegedly in the process of adopting a baby.</p>
Jennifer Aniston And Justin Theroux's Marriage In Trouble Because Of Chelsea Handler?
<a href="https://images.complex.com/complex/images/c_limit,w_680/fl_lossy,pg_1,q_auto/bs0629rftdi0awfb8tj2/south-park-cast" type="external" /> Image via Getty/Handout <p>South Park is one of television's longest-running shows, a 20-seasons-and-counting award-winning cultural behemoth that has spawned movies, imitations, and countless time-wasting memes.</p> <p>But could the show be, at least in part, responsible for one of the scariest political movements of the present moment? Lindsey Weedston thinks so.</p> <p>Weedston, a 29-year-old writer from Bothell, Washington, penned an article for The Establishment recently which argued that the show helped lead to the rise of the alt-right. The piece, " <a href="https://theestablishment.co/how-south-park-helped-empower-the-alt-right-a65abcc88c9b" type="external">How 'South Park' Helped Empower the Alt-Right</a>," grabbed my attention enough that I decided to call her up and see why exactly she thought Kyle, Cartman, and crew led us to Richard Spencer, 4Chan, and Charlottesville. Our conversation, edited lightly for length and clarity, is below.</p> <p>To start off, how does South Park treat what some people might think of as "PC culture"? I read <a href="https://imgur.com/908Ue1X" type="external">a post</a> that explained this really well&#8212;South Park&#8217;s highest moral goal is to not care. It treats PC culture as [if] the opposite of PC culture is not to care about anything.</p> <p>So caring about an issue is basically stupid, and pretty much every episode goes back to: it doesn&#8217;t matter, being PC is uncool, and not giving a fuck about anything is the way you should feel.</p> <p>In your article you trace a history of that attitude, starting with the misinterpretation of a character in an Oliver Stone movie. Can you take me through that? That was interesting. So [the 1987 movie] Wall Street, I didn&#8217;t know before I researched for the article that Oliver Stone actually meant it the opposite of how so many people took it. Wall Street was supposed to be an indictment of Wall Street and the type of person that thinks greed is good.</p> <p>It was very interesting to find that so many people actually went with the mantra "greed is good," and it seems like that has shaped a lot of our culture. Now we have <a href="http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/topics/p/prosperity-gospel/" type="external">prosperity Christianity</a>&#8212;actually telling people that God wants them to collect as much wealth as possible.</p> <p>It&#8217;s not just Wall Street. For a long time, our capitalist society has led up to this idea that the ultimate goal is to collect as much wealth as possible. That movie accelerated the idea of collecting all the wealth and power you can.</p> <p>And then you talk about shock jock&#8217;s of the &#8217;80s and &#8217;90s, the Howard Sterns of the world. What does that have to do with the South Park-popularized attitude of caring being uncool? The original title of this article I pitched was actually "The History of Celebrated Assholes." My first draft of the piece, I ended up researching early forms of shock and asshole comedy. I found out the person considered the first shock jock was actually a black man, <a href="http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/adjustyourcolor/film.html" type="external">Petey Greene</a>. Howard Stern was influenced by him.</p> <p>It&#8217;s really interesting to learn the kind of things he talked about. He was appealing because he was very down to Earth, and he spoke to the black community in a very straightforward way that no white disk jockey had ever before. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, he went on air and started speaking to the community, and <a href="https://blogs.weta.org/boundarystones/2014/05/15/petey-greene-talks-down-riots-1968" type="external">is credited with calming the situation down</a>.</p> <p>You can go on YouTube and find some of the shows and listen to the way he speaks. It&#8217;s very colloquial. He just acts like a normal person. I think white people at the time looked at that as being shocking, and that&#8217;s why he was labeled as a shock jock.</p> <p>He was really active in the community. He promoted education and feeding the hungry. He wasn&#8217;t an asshole, but history is very interesting. In my original draft, I wrote about how he influenced Howard Stern. Howard Stern was actually invited onto his show. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCFN3RrfaUk" type="external">Stern went on in black face and used the n word</a>, and Greene thought it was funny.</p> <p>Greene died fairly young, so then you move onto Howard Stern&#8217;s career. Howard Stern, I&#8217;m sure, has done some good stuff in his life. But he is very much associated with the shock jock label, and a lot of what he does is just to rile people up. I think it&#8217;s interesting how you have that transition from somebody who was just being real and communicating to his people in a way that made sense to him; and then you have Howard Stern, who makes a lot of money&#8212;and in fact an entire career&#8212;from pissing people off.</p> <p>How do you get to the alt-right from that? How does South Park's overall attitude connect to the alt-right? I believe that South Park's anti-PC messages paved the way for white supremacist groups to recruit much of the largely white male fanbase into what is now referred to as the alt-right, or other groups that are identical in all but name. Matt and Trey promoted this idea that you should be able to say or animate anything you want in the name of satire and humor, and any harm that it caused either didn't exist or didn't matter.</p> <p>When they experienced backlash for their intensifying mockery of already-vulnerable groups and their attitude of, "Repeating horrible things said by bigots up to and including Nazis is funny because it upsets people," they reacted by depicting their critics as free-speech-oppressing caricatures like the " <a href="http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pc-bro" type="external">PC bro</a>." They promoted the idea that marginalized people&#8212;trans people, people of color, Jewish people, etc.&#8212;speaking out against harm caused by South Park's brand of "humor" and [the show's] "I do what I want" attitude are the real oppressors.</p> <p>White supremacist groups and their better-at-PR counterpart the "alt-right" use this message constantly to recruit young white men and boys. They tell these kids that they're the ones being oppressed by those telling them that they have privilege, and therefore need to make some effort to at least not use certain words and maybe examine prejudiced attitudes they might have picked up from a culture that is prejudiced in many ways. The alt-right promotes the idea of white male victimization, drawing in youth that has been told by South Park that the plight of marginalized groups doesn't matter and that "political correctness" is oppressing them. Once those groups have their loyalty, they can then indoctrinate these young guys into straight up white supremacist ideas under the guise that "the PC police don't want you to think about this."</p> <p>I don't think Matt and Trey meant to create an army for the alt-right, but they seem to be leaning into it rather than admitting that they might have messed up.</p> <p>Cartman plays a big part in your article. He&#8217;s often not the hero in the storylines of the individual episodes, but he is a fan favorite. Can you break down why that&#8217;s a problem? Cartman is a perfect representation of satire gone wrong. Just like with Wall Street, the people who view your content take the literal meaning of something instead of taking it as the indictment that it is. It&#8217;s pretty clear, especially in the earlier episodes, that you&#8217;re not supposed to like Cartman. You aren&#8217;t supposed to identify with him. You&#8217;re supposed to hate him, or at least understand he is the opposite of the ideal of a human being. That is supposed to be represented in his bigotry, his ignorance, and his appearance as well, with him being fat.</p> <p>And yet he is a fan favorite, and people do identify with him. I think it was Matt Stone who said he identifies with Cartman more than any of the other characters. I think their original intention was to say, okay, don&#8217;t be like Cartman. But instead, you have the opposite reaction of people idealizing his attitude and his selfishness and his desire to make people suffer and his bigotry. He has become a representation of how the fans feel that you should be.</p> <p>Can you talk about " <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Park_Republican" type="external">South Park Republicans</a>"&#8212;South Park <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;keywords=9781621571124" type="external">being adopted by</a> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;keywords=9781621571124" type="external">right wingers</a>? That plays into what I think is the logical conclusion of the anti-PC movement. Like I said in the article, there has been a rebellion against this idea of being PC.</p> <p>Political correctness has evolved into a derogatory term meaning, you are being sensitive to someone. It has become this big boogeyman. There is an idea that there is this social justice warrior, PC police entity who will come and yell at you and punish you if you say what you are actually thinking. So there has been a rebellion against this strawman. It has come down to, if you care about anyone at all, if you want to be sensitive to anyone&#8217;s needs, then you&#8217;re this politically correct nerd or you&#8217;re a nun with a ruler or an authority figure telling people what to do. You are therefore uncool and the enemy.</p> <p>It&#8217;s very reactionary. But it&#8217;s so popular and so widespread on the right now, and you actually have people coming out with articles and people in the White House using that rhetoric to help further their political careers.</p> <p>So it&#8217;s really not surprising to me that there articles out there saying South Park is right on actual political issues.</p> <p>What has followed South Park&#8217;s wake? The first example that comes to mind is a lot of the cultural treatment of trans people. South Park has had some really transphobic content. Even before <a href="http://auburnpub.com/blogs/citizen_pop/why-south-park-s-depiction-of-caitlyn-jenner-was-one/article_a93cbdfe-6543-11e5-97f2-1b8a8f4d44ec.html" type="external">the Caitlyn Jenner episode</a>, there was the whole treatment of Mr. Garrison and his sex change. I remember the episode where they included footage of an actual gender affirmation surgery, just saying, "look how gross this is." They had a caption like, "This is footage of the actual surgery," as though it&#8217;s supposed to be horrible and sad because it&#8217;s gross. But any surgery looks gross and disgusting. Their definite goal was to be like, this is gross and this is wrong.</p> <p>You see a huge amount of transphobia from a lot of alt-right groups. You have these bathroom bills that are trying to keep trans people out of public restrooms, which is basically keeping them out of public life. It&#8217;s trying to keep them from having access to any kind of normal life.</p> <p>The sudden emergence of the bathroom bills surprised me, but maybe it shouldn&#8217;t have. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but then you look at the timing and it does kind of follow Caitlyn Jenner&#8217;s coming out to the public as a woman. That in itself probably would have gotten some backlash, but then you look at how popular South Park is, and there&#8217;s no way it didn&#8217;t play a role in people reacting the way they did: reacting like, oh that&#8217;s just so gross&#8212;their existence is gross and wrong.</p> <p>You end your essay with a call for what you call radical kindness. What does that mean? Radical kindness comes from being around young people, specifically in communities that are more social justice-oriented. In my community, I&#8217;m seeing a shift towards memes being positive and used to uplift people. I think people are just tired of beating on each other and attacking each other, and the younger generations especially are starting to rebel against that.</p> <p>I feel like a lot of what my generation, millennials, has put out there has been negative. We&#8217;re kind of a depressed generation, so I think younger people are reacting to that and deciding, let&#8217;s be nice to each other. In a society where being mean to each other is the norm, kindness is punk. That&#8217;s rebelling. That&#8217;s what&#8217;s cool.</p>
South Park Provoked the Rise of White Supremacists—Here's How
<p>Ever since Kimmel became a DNC talking head, he&#8217;s become America&#8217;s &#8220;moral conscience.&#8221; &#8212; But now the host isn&#8217;t so sure! He claims he isn&#8217;t &#8212; and therefore need not crack jokes about Harvey Weinstein. That&#8217;s rich!</p> <q> <p>&#8220;First of all, the Harvey Weinstein thing, people like this false equivalence of that&#8217;s somehow equivalent to what happened in Las Vegas,&#8221; Kimmel added, arguing that the alleged assault of dozens of women does not deserve the same reaction as the killing of nearly 60 people. He said that Weinstein is &#8220;not a friend of mine,&#8221; adding, &#8220;I&#8217;m not in the movie business.&#8221; As a <a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/jimmy-kimmel-trolls-trump-with-meryl-streep-standing-o-at-the-oscars" type="external">once and future Oscar host</a> who is friends with <a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-glaring-hypocrisy-of-matt-damon-and-ben-afflecks-harvey-weinstein-statements" type="external">many of the movie stars in Weinstein&#8217;s orbit</a>, that claim is a hard one to buy.</p> <p>On GMA, Kimmel went on to accuse &#8220;gun nuts&#8221; of &#8220;trying take any comedy bit I did out of context and use it as some kind of proof&#8221; that he is not an ally for women, including <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/10/12/jimmy-kimmel-was-vulgar-comic-long-before-was-americas-conscience.html" type="external">some pretty gross moments from</a> <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/10/12/jimmy-kimmel-was-vulgar-comic-long-before-was-americas-conscience.html" type="external">The Man Show</a>.</p> [&#8230;]&#8220;They&#8217;re saying that I&#8217;m calling myself the moral conscience of America, which I most certainly never did and most certainly never would,&#8221; he declared. </q> <p>Kimmel doesn&#8217;t seem at all bothered that conservatives want nothing to do with him and his show now.</p> <p><a href="http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/jimmy-kimmel-on-losing-republican-viewers-of-his-late-night-comedy-show-not-good-riddance-but-riddance/article/2637587" type="external">Washington Examiner</a> reports:</p> <q> <p>Critics like conservative commentator Ben Shapiro have slammed Kimmel for parading as a &#8220;moral arbiter.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;m not. I mean, I agree with him. I&#8217;m nobody&#8217;s moral arbiter,&#8221; Kimmel told CBS. &#8220;You don&#8217;t have to watch the show. You don&#8217;t have to listen to what I say.&#8221;</p> <p>A defiant Kimmel added that he doesn&#8217;t say &#8220;I don&#8217;t mind&#8221; because he preferred &#8220;everyone with a television to watch the show.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;But if they&#8217;re so turned off by my opinion on healthcare and gun violence then, I don&#8217;t know, I probably wouldn&#8217;t want to have a conversation with them anyway,&#8221; he continued. &#8220;Not good riddance, but riddance.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>The last place you want to be is on the receiving end of Ben Shapiro&#8217;s laser sharp tongue. The Daily Wire founder obliterated late night host Jimmy Kimmel&#8217;s &#8220;abhorrent,&#8221; and &#8220;nasty&#8221; gun control views.</p> <q> <p>Almost two weeks after <a href="https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2017/09/21/ben-shapiro-eviscerates-jimmy-kimmels-health-care-tirades-egregious" type="external">demolishing</a> Jimmy Kimmel over his asinine health-care tirades, conservative star and podcast host Ben Shapiro obliterating the ABC late-night host on Tuesday for an &#8220;abhorrent, &#8220;gross,&#8221; and &#8220;nasty&#8221; <a href="https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2017/10/03/kimmel-gop-should-pray-god-forgive-them-helped-cause-shooting" type="external">gun control rant</a> touting confiscation and mauling those against his views as monstrous.</p> <p>&#8220;Jimmy Kimmel should not cheered for what he did last night. Jimmy Kimmel should be asked to provide the evidence for his suppositions rather than the evidence for his emotions. Again, I believe he&#8217;s sincere. Sincerity does not make what you&#8217;re saying smart,&#8221; Shapiro argued at the end of his podcast, which featured over 20 minutes on Kimmel&#8217;s post-Las Vegas shooting rant.</p> Shapiro noted at the onset that &#8220;Kimmel did something last night that I find truly abhorrent&#8221; which was discard any and all facts as part of his effort to &#8220;become the social justice king of late-night television&#8221; and &#8220;all-heart representation of all leftist causes.&#8221; </q> <p>Key highlights below:</p> <p>Shapiro on leftists dividing America:</p> <p>&#8220;Last night, he did a long shitck about gun control that was entirely based on emotion and it was really nasty. It was really nasty. I don&#8217;t think it was nasty because he doesn&#8217;t care. He cares. It&#8217;s really nasty because he&#8217;s suggesting that you and I don&#8217;t care. It doesn&#8217;t matter that you lost sleep last night and I lost sleep because of what happened. It doesn&#8217;t matter that we&#8217;re all heartbroken over what happened. We don&#8217;t agree with Jimmy Kimmel&#8217;s evidence-less suggestions about gun control. That means that we don&#8217;t care. We are bad people. You want to know why the country is not unified? It&#8217;s because of stuff like this. It&#8217;s not because we disagree on policy. We&#8217;ve been disagreeing about policy forever. It&#8217;s because there are certain people in the American public discourse who feel it necessary to impute bad motives to people who disagree and that&#8217;s what Kimmel&#8217;s doing here.&#8221;</p> <p>Shapiro on Kimmel&#8217;s take about AR-15s:</p> <p>&#8220;So, number one, the Founders would have wanted us to have AR-15s because the fact is, back in the day, all the weapons that people had were military grade weapons, right? A musket was a military-grade weapon. Now, AR-15s aren&#8217;t military grade&#8230;Civilian guns are very different from military-issued guns. For him to say the Second Amendment doesn&#8217;t cover things like AR-15s &#8212; a semi-automatic rifle, is akin to me saying the First Amendment doesn&#8217;t cover TV because the Founders hadn&#8217;t seen a TV, would never know what it&#8217;d look like, and don&#8217;t understand how it works. It&#8217;s a silly argument. As far as the idea that ARs aren&#8217;t used for home defense, again, asinine. I have a bunch of friends who use ARs for home defense.&#8221;</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Jimmy Kimmel Doubles Down on Gun Control Plea, Tells Conservatives Who Disagree to Drop Dead
<p>Much of the ugliness we see on the Left today is embodied in groups like <a type="internal">Black Lives Matter</a> and <a type="internal">ANTIFA</a>. Both groups think they are oppressed, both are obsessed with identity politics, and both are steeped in Marxist ideologies. You&#8217;d think that they would get along just fine but that&#8217;s not the case. People who have their identities wrapped up in victimhood are narcissistic by nature. They want the spotlight at all times, and can&#8217;t stand to see someone else hog it. So it was probably just a matter of time before these two groups clashed.</p> Odd Trick To "Fix" Sagging Skin In Seconds (Try This Tonight)
When The Left Eats Its Own: Watch ANTIFA Thug Punch BLM Member
<p>Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ********************************************************************************</p> <p>While North Korea dominated much of the news of late and the recent events in Charlottesville, VA have been the talk of the internet over the last couple of days, the recent revelation of the &#8220;Memo that rocked Washington,&#8221; which exposes the deep state subversion against President Trump and explaining the tactics being utilized, is being spun as &#8220;crazy&#8221; with the writer of the memo being labeled a &#8220;nutcase&#8221; by the MSM, who has converged on a narrative in a weak attempt at damage control.</p> <p><a type="internal">The memo</a> is embedded in full below, so readers can read the seven-page memorandum produced in May by the former director of strategic planning at the National Security Council, Rich Higgins.</p> <p>Before we detail some of the highlights from the memo, then offer the document in full, lets take a <a href="http://freebeacon.com/national-security/fired-nsc-aide-reveals-political-warfare-operation-targeting-trump/" type="external">look at Higgins credentials</a>, the man that the media is doing their best to discredit with labels like nutcase (MediaIte) with outlets like Washington Post calling the memo itself &#8220;crazy.&#8221;</p> <p>Not only was Higgins the the former director of strategic planning for the NSC, before being fired by Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for writing the memorandum, but perhaps more impressive, the Army veteran was also a former Pentagon official who specialized in irregular warfare.</p> <p><a href="http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/concepts/joint_concepts/joc_iw_v1.pdf" type="external">Department of Defense defines Irregular Warfare in a 100 page document from 2007</a>, in the following manner:</p> <q> <p>Irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and nonstate actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary&#8217;s power, influence, and will. It is inherently a protracted struggle that will test the resolve of our Nation and our strategic partners.</p> <p>Our adversaries will pursue IW strategies, employing a hybrid of irregular, disruptive, traditional, and catastrophiccapabilities to undermine and erode the influence and will of the United States and our strategic partners. Meeting these challenges and combating this approach will require the concerted efforts of all available instruments of US national power.</p> <p>Influencing foreign governments and populations is a complex and inherently political activity. This Joint Operating Concept (JOC) describes the military role in protracted IW campaigns; however, these campaigns will fail if waged by military means alone. The nature of IW requires the US Government (USG) to achieve the level of unified action necessary to integrate all available instruments of national power to address irregular threats. The USG will have to develop &#8220;Whole of Government&#8221; approaches to waging IW at the political, strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Other government agencies must build their capacity to operate in unstable or hostile environments.</p> Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit &amp;amp; Feel Samples <p>Irregular warfare is about people, not platforms. IW depends not just on our military prowess, but also our understanding of such social dynamics as tribal politics, social networks, religious influences, and cultural mores. People, not platforms and advanced technology, will be the key to IW success. The joint force will need patient, persistent, and culturally savvy people to build the local relationships and partnerships essential to executing IW.</p> </q> <p>So a man that specialized in irregular warfare tactics for the Pentagon, writes a seven-page memo which details a plot to overthrow the President of the United States, by globalist members of the deep state, with the intentional help of propaganda being fed to the media in order to influence the public, using tactics he was responsible for observing while at the Pentagon in order to save American militarylives, and the media starts screaming &#8220;nutcase,&#8221; and &#8220;crazy,&#8221; and &#8220;conspiracy theory!&#8221;</p> <p>Something doesn&#8217;t smell right here.</p> <p>MEMO THAT ROCKED THE NSC &amp;amp; SENT THE MSM INTO DAMAGE CONTROL MODE</p> <p>The memo is titled &#8220;POTUS &amp;amp; Political Warfare,&#8221; and starts off detail some background on the &#8220;information campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the President,&#8221; calling it &#8220;political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle.&#8221;</p> <p>While naming the actors, such as the media, Democrats, establishment Republicans, and explaining what each gains in their political warfare campaign against the president, it is on Page 5 of the document embedded below, where Higgins detailed the &#8220;Adversary Campaign Plan,&#8221; in the following manner:</p> <q> <p>Adversary Campaign Plan.</p> <p>Political Warfare has been described as &#8220;propaganda in battledress.&#8221; The effort directed at President Trump is executed along one overt, as well as two covert, lines of effort:</p> <p>&#8226; The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a picture in the audience&#8217;s mind designed to garner support. It is facts without context and information the adversary wants the audience to possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs.</p> <p>&#8226; There are two covert lines of effort: PROPOGANDA and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION.</p> <p>o Propaganda is the deliberate direction, even manipulation, of information to secure a definite outcome. It is an attempt to direct the thinking of the recipient, without his conscious collaboration, into predetermined channels that are established in the Publicity line of effort. It is the unwitting conditioning of the recipient by devious methods with an ulterior motive that seeks to move them incrementally over time into greater belief and acceptance of message transmitted in the Publicity line of effort.</p> <p>o Infiltration and subversion operate internal to the targeted organization in order to inform, target, coordinate, and amplifythe effects of the publicity and propaganda. Both operate to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate courses of action, provide inside information, and leak sensitive information that undermines the leadership and suppresses the morale of friendly elements.</p> <p>o Infiltration of political and social groups within a target state is done for the purpose of extending counter-state influence and control. The endgame is concealed and may involve illicit activities.</p> <p>o Subversion undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As thcounter-state forms, a counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the new regime.</p> </q> <p>On page #6 we see &#8220;Political Warfare Executive &#8211; The Meaning, Techniques and Methods of Political Warfare,&#8221; which accurately captures what we at <a href="http://allnewspipeline.com/Read_NSC_Memo_That_Exposes_Globalist_Plot.php" type="external">ANP</a> have been documenting and reporting on for years, including how the media is being used to deliberately push &#8220;pseudo-realities,&#8221; in a campaign to &#8220;delegitimize President Trump,&#8221; with preferred narratives including the &#8220;Russia hacked the election&#8221;, &#8220;Obstruction of Justice&#8221;, &#8220;Hiding Collusion&#8221;, and &#8220;Putin Puppet.&#8221;</p> <p>As is explained, each of these &#8220;pseudo-realities,&#8221; is geared toward a specific propaganda point, the first an attempt to push the &#8220;illegitimate&#8221; narrative, the second to push the &#8220;corrupt&#8221; narrative,&#8221; the third to push the &#8220;dishonest&#8221; narrative and the last to push the idea of &#8220;treason.&#8221;</p> <q> <p>Supporting Narratives. Meta-narratives are supported by an ongoing series of supporting-narratives that can be swapped out as circumstances warrant. It is important to recognize that these stories do not have to be true, valid or accurate to serve their purpose. Over time, deserved or not, the cumulative effect of these supporting narratives will result in a Trump fatigue. From a political warfare perspective, President Trump&#8217;s inability to meet this challenge will cast him as a weak failed leader.</p> </q> <p>The entire memo is embedded below, read it and decide for yourself. Below the memo we analyze why a man that specialized in irregular warfare for the Pentagon, was fired by McMasters for detailing what many in the Independent Media have been documenting since Trump won the election.</p> <p>WHY WAS HIGGINS FIRED?</p> <p>We have largely refrained from weighing in on H.R. McMasters, despite the fact that his stances on Iran, Islamic Terrorism, the Paris Accord, were more in line with Obama policy than President Trump&#8217;s policy, where in each case McMasters lost his argument and the President aligned himself with the promises made, keeping them rather than allowing McMasters to influence his decisions, but <a href="http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/08/12/mcmaster-detonated-over-memo-that-warned-of-political-warfare-effort-against-trump/" type="external">according to recent reports</a>, the second McMasters saw this internal memo, he &#8220;detonated,&#8221; and then proceeded to fire the man that wrote it.</p> <q> <p>The memo was written in May, but after McMaster discovered it, Higgins was called into the White House counsel&#8217;s office on July 18 and questioned about it. On July 21, he was fired by McMaster&#8217;s deputy, but not explicitly given a reason why.</p> </q> <p>As to McMasters stances on a variety of issues that do not align with the president&#8217;s base, that can be chalked up to &#8220;politics&#8221; as Trump the businessman was well known for hiring people with opposing views as to look at all angles before making his decisions, it was not surprising in the least that he brought McMasters on.</p> <p>The firing of the director of strategic planning for the NSC on the other hand, for utilizing his experience in known irregular warfare methods for and tactics for the Pentagon, to warn of a campaign against a sitting president by multiple factions, including globalists, deep state members within the intelligence community, and the media, forces us to ask the question of whether McMasters is part of the &#8220;political warfare&#8221; campaign against President Trump?</p> <p>That is a question President Trump should be asking.</p> <p>BOTTOM LINE</p> <p>The fact that the media was called out directly in the memo, highlighting the part they play in pushing &#8220;pseudo-realities,&#8221; in order to generate a narrative to influence the general public, explains clearly why they are in all-out damage control mode trying to discredit the writer of the NSC memo that rocked Washington, because he just publicly exposed them all.</p> <p>The fact that the media, Trump haters, neverTrumpers, establishment Republicans, and Democrats are all supporting McMasters, also begs the question: Is he one of the enemy within?</p> <p>The fact that he fired a man trying to protect the president from other enemies within, might be the answer to that question.</p> <p>A couple other articles detailing other Trump loyalists fired by McMasters and the campaign to #FireMcMasters, discussed below:</p> <p>Help Keep Independent Media Alive, Become A Patron for All News PipeLine at <a href="https://www.patreon.com/AllNewsPipeLine" type="external">https://www.patreon.com/AllNewsPipeLine</a></p> <p>h/t <a href="http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/read-the-memo-that-rocked-washington-and-exposed-the-deep-state-plot-against-president-trump_08222017" type="external">SHTFplan.com</a></p>
Read The Memo That Rocked Washington And Exposed The Deep State Plot Against President Trump
<p>Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ********************************************************************************</p> Peace through violence? <p>A self-proclaimed Alt-Left &#8220;leader&#8221; has vowed to use a baseball bat embedded with nails to &#8220;crush skulls&#8221; during a &#8220;Patriot Prayer&#8221; peace rally set to take place in San Francisco this weekend.</p> <p>The Twitter user, who goes by the handle @ibPrinceJordan, tweeted, &#8220;The Patriot Prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event. I&#8217;ll be their to crush some nazi skulls.&#8221;</p> <p>He repeated the threat in a series of other tweets that have now been deleted.</p> <p>&#8220;Can&#8217;t wait! Going to bring this nailed bat for some nazi pounding,&#8221; read <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DH9ulaFUwAEXzZ8.jpg:large" type="external">one</a>.</p> <p>The user is located in San Francisco, which is where the event will take place at Crissy Field on Saturday, suggesting he does indeed plan to attend the march.</p> <p>His Twitter bio reads, &#8220;Alt-Left resistance leader. iraq war survivor. cute communist &amp;amp; catholic.&#8221;</p> Many Americans In The Dark About These BIG "Federal Rent Checks" <p>Despite numerous other prominent Twitter users drawing attention to the violent threat, the account has not been suspended.</p> <p>What makes the threat even more absurd is that organizers of the Patriot Prayer rally have specifically said its aim is to &#8220;promote peace, love and unity,&#8221; and that racists are not welcome.</p> <p>The leader of the &#8220;Patriot Prayer&#8221; rally, Joey Gibson, has vehemently denounced neo-nazis, yelling &#8220;F*** white supremacists!&#8221; at a recent rally.</p> <p>Even the SPLC, which routinely tars conservatives with a broad brush, does not consider Patriot Prayer to be a hate group, <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/08/23/san-fran-park-braces-for-patriot-prayer-rally-amid-fears-challenges-from-all-sides.html" type="external">reports Fox News</a>.</p> <p>To the alt-left, that doesn&#8217;t matter. Anyone to the right of Michael Moore is fair game for violent assault.</p> <p>Remember, in the aftermath of Charlottesville, the mainstream media relentlessly attacked Trump for saying both sides were responsible for violence, tacitly endorsing the violent alt-left.</p> <p>CNN even <a href="http://freebeacon.com/culture/cnn-changes-headline-after-claiming-antifa-uses-violence/" type="external">changed a headline at the request of Antifa</a> to disguise the fact that the group routinely engages in violence.</p> <p>Given that the mainstream media has emboldened unhinged thugs by exalting them as &#8220;anti-fascists,&#8221; any violence that occurs at the &#8220;Patriot Prayer&#8221; rally will be their responsibility.</p> <p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71" type="external">https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71</a></p> <p>*********************</p> <p>Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of <a href="http://infowars.com/" type="external">Infowars.com</a> and <a href="http://prisonplanet.com/" type="external">Prison Planet.com</a>.</p>
Alt-Left Leader Vows to “Crush Skulls” With Baseball Bat During ‘Patriot Prayer’ Rally
<p>Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ********************************************************************************</p> <p>Earlier this week, CNN published a story titled &#8220; <a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/18/us/ordinary-white-supremacists/index.html" type="external">White supremacists by default&#8217;: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible</a>,&#8221; which basically said that every single person that voted for Donald Trump to be president was a White Supremacist by Default.</p> <p>John Blake, CNN Enterprise writer/producer, is the article&#8217;s author.</p> <p>Blake blamed Trump voters for helping to advance white supremacy.</p> <p>How, you may ask?</p> <p>Because even the ordinary, non-racist Trump supporter was giving space for white supremacists to operate and are ultimately the reason for what took place in Charlottesville, Virginia.</p> <p>&#8220;It&#8217;s easy to focus on the angry white men in paramilitary gear who looked like they were mobilizing for a race war in the Virginia college town,&#8221; Blake wrote. &#8220;But it&#8217;s the ordinary people &#8212; the voters who elected a reality TV star with a record of making racially insensitive comments, the people who move out of the neighborhood when people of color move in, the family members who ignore a relative&#8217;s anti-Semitism &#8212; who give these type of men room to operate.&#8221;</p> <p>Now, Blake is a Black man. Given the fact he is writing at CNN, would it be safe to assume he supported Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah?</p> <p>If so, would it also, given the fact of his warped logic here, be fair to use his logic against him and say that he is responsible for the violence of the knockout game, Black Lives Matter and the advancement of Black Power movements like the New Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan&#8217;s Nation of Islam?</p> Bathroom Issues? Do This Once A Day <p>Yeah, it makes a point, but it wouldn&#8217;t be fair to say, would it?</p> <p>Blake was not alone in putting this piece together. He cited Mark Naison, a political activist and history professor at Fordham University in New York City, who compared Trump supporters to the &#8220;nice people&#8221; in Nazi Germany and Rwanda.</p> <p>&#8220;That was the twisted formula that made the Holocaust and Rwanda possible and allowed Jim Crow segregation to survive: Nice people looked the other way while those with an appetite for violence did the dirty work,&#8221; Naison said. &#8220;You have to have millions of people who are willing to be bystanders, who push aside evidence of racism, Islamophobia or sexism. You can&#8217;t have one without the other.&#8221;</p> <p>Blake then went on to say that there are four groups of people who play a part in racial divisions in the country, based on Ms. Naison and others.</p> <p>&#8220;Many of the white racists who marched in Charlottesville were condemned because they openly said they don&#8217;t believe in integration or racial equality,&#8221; Blake wrote about Trump supporters. &#8220;But millions of ordinary white Americans have been sending that message to black and brown people for at least a half a century. They send it with their actions: They don&#8217;t want to live next to or send their children to school with black or brown people, historians say.&#8221;</p> <p>Then there are those who thought Trump&#8217;s comments about both sides having issues when it comes to racial hatred.</p> <p>&#8220;Trump&#8217;s &#8216;many sides&#8217; response, though, wasn&#8217;t that abnormal in the context of US history,&#8221; wrote Blake. &#8220;It used to be the norm for white political leaders to draw a moral equivalence between racists and those who suffered from their acts of brutality, historians say. It&#8217;s the &#8220;yes, but&#8221; rhetorical maneuver &#8212; condemn racism but add a qualifier to diminish the sincerity of what you just said.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump&#8217;s comments were spot on for anyone paying attention. Obama had stirred up racial tensions in America to the point that even Black people were saying he was doing it.</p> <p>Then Blake decided to list a third group. This group is those who &#8220;choose chaos.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Many voters knew Trump would bring something else to the Oval Office &#8212; chaos,&#8221; Blake wrote. &#8220;That&#8217;s why they chose him. He&#8217;s their first reality TV president, one writer says.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Many voted for Trump because they liked the persona he cultivated as the star of &#8216;The Apprentice,'&#8221; he continued. &#8220;Reality TV rewards characters who say rude and reprehensible things, characters are often cast as racial stereotypes, and those who provoke the most chaos get the most attention, says Joy Lanzendorfer, author of the Vice article, <a href="https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/avak5a/how-reality-tv-made-donald-trump-president" type="external">&#8216;How Reality TV Made Donald Trump President.'&#8221;</a></p> <p>Again, he never mentions the chaos we saw across the country that was sparked by the Black Lives Matter crowds. To do that would demonstrate the hypocrisy of his article.</p> <p>Finally, there are those that Blake says &#8220;look the other way.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;If you want to know why those white racists now feel so emboldened, it may help to look at all the ordinary people around you, your neighbors, your family members, your leaders,&#8221; Blake wrote. &#8220;But first, start by looking at yourself.&#8221;</p> <p>Well, turn about is fair play. Perhaps, Mr. Blake should look in the mirror and then take a look at the lying, manipulative and deceitful propaganda outlet he is working for, then maybe, he might get a clue at just how badly he has been indoctrinated before he points the finger at people who have light skin and labels them all racist because of some delusional logic that he possesses.</p> <p>Mr. Blake might also wonder how he is emboldening the racism of those in his own community.</p> <p>Courtesy of <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/cnn-everyone-voted-trump-white-supremacist-default/" type="external">Freedom Outpost</a></p> <p>Tim Brown is an author and Editor at <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/" type="external">FreedomOutpost.com</a>, <a href="http://sonsoflibertymedia.com" type="external">SonsOfLibertyMedia.com</a>, <a href="http://gunsinthenews.com" type="external">GunsInTheNews.com</a> and <a href="http://thewashingtonstandard.com" type="external">TheWashingtonStandard.com</a>. He is husband to his &#8220;more precious than rubies&#8221; wife, father of 10 &#8220;mighty arrows&#8221;, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the <a type="internal">Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle</a>. Follow Tim on <a href="https://twitter.com/FPPTim" type="external">Twitter</a>.</p>
CNN: Everyone that Voted for Trump is a “White Supremacist by Default”
<p>Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ********************************************************************************</p> <p>( <a href="https://www.naturalnews.com/" type="external">Natural News</a>) A stunning new science paper authored by climate change alarmists and published in the science journal Nature Geoscience has just broken the back of the <a href="http://climatealarmism.news/" type="external">climate change hoax</a>. The paper, authored by Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been deceptively biased toward &#8220;worst case&#8221; warming predictions that now turn out to be paranoid scare mongering.</p> <p>The paper, entitled, &#8220; <a href="http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo3031.html?foxtrotcallback=true" type="external">Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 &#176;C</a>,&#8221; concludes that the global warming long feared and hyped by everyone from Al Gore to CNN talking heads was based on faulty software models that don&#8217;t stand up to actual measured temperatures in the real world. In technical jargon, the paper explains, &#8220;We show that limiting cumulative post-2015 CO2 emissions to about 200 GtC would limit post-2015 warming to less than 0.6 &#176;C in 66% of Earth system model members.&#8221;</p> <p>In effect, the current global warming software models used by the IPCC and cited by the media wildly over-estimate the warming effects of CO2 emissions. How much do they over-estimate warming? By about 50%. Where the software models predicted a 1.3 C rise in average global temperatures, only a rise of about 0.9 C has actually been recorded (and many data points in that average have, of course, been fabricated by climate change scientists to push a political narrative). In other words, <a href="http://carbondioxide.news/" type="external">carbon dioxide emissions</a> don&#8217;t produce the warming effects that have been blindly claimed by climate change alarmists.</p> <p>&#8220;Climate change poses less of an immediate threat to the planet than previously thought because scientists got their modelling wrong,&#8221; <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/09/18/immediacy-threat-climate-change-exaggerated-faulty-models/" type="external">reports the UK Telegraph</a>. &#8220;New research by British scientists reveals the world is being polluted and warming up less quickly than 10-year-old forecasts predicted, giving countries more time to get a grip on their carbon output.&#8221;</p> <p>In other words, the climate change threat has been wildly overstated. The fear mongering of Al Gore and the government-funded science community can truly only be described as a &#8220;junk science hoax.&#8221;</p> Climate alarmists suddenly find themselves admitting they were wrong all along <p>&#8220;The paper &#8230; concedes that it is now almost impossible that the doomsday predictions made in the last IPCC Assessment Report of 1.5 degrees C warming above pre-industrial levels by 2022 will come true,&#8221; writes <a href="http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/09/19/delingpole-climate-alarmists-finally-admit-we-were-wrong-about-global-warming/" type="external">James Delingpole</a>. He goes on to say:</p> <p>One researcher &#8211; from the alarmist side of the argument, not the skeptical one &#8211; has described the paper&#8217;s conclusion as <a href="http://www.cicero.uio.no/no/posts/nyheter/commentary-did-15c-suddenly-get-easier" type="external">&#8220;breathtaking&#8221;</a> in its implications.</p> <p>He&#8217;s right. The scientists who&#8217;ve written this paper aren&#8217;t climate skeptics. They&#8217;re longstanding warmists, implacable foes of climate skeptics, and they&#8217;re also actually the people responsible for producing the IPCC&#8217;s carbon budget.</p> Why Doctors In The Know No Longer Prescribe Blood Pressure Meds <p>In other words, this represents the most massive climbdown from the alarmist camp.</p> <p>Are we about to see climate change alarmists owning up to the fact that real-world data show their software models to be rooted in junk science? The unraveling has begun, but there is so much political capital already invested in the false climate change narrative that it will take years to fully expose the depth of scientific fraud and political dishonesty underpinning the global warming hoax.</p> Climate change software models were deliberately tweaked to paint an exaggerated doomsday picture in order to scare the world into compliance panic <p>What&#8217;s clear from all this is that IPCC software models were deliberately biased in favor of the worst-case &#8220;doomsday&#8221; predictions in order to terrorize the world with a fake climate change hoax. But now the <a href="http://fakescience.news/" type="external">fake science</a> is catching up to them, and they&#8217;re getting caught in their own lies.</p> <p>The software models, by the way, were fraudulently programmed with dishonest model &#8220;weights&#8221; to produce alarming warming predictions no matter what temperature data points were entered into the system.</p> <p>This is best explained <a href="https://www.naturalnews.com/2017-06-04-global-warming-hockey-stick-data-founded-fraud-computer-models-hacked-to-produce-warming-trend-from-any-data-set.html" type="external">in this Natural News article</a> which goes into great detail, covering the IPCC global warming software modeling hoax:</p> Hacking the IPCC global warming data <p>The same left-wing media outlets that fabricated the &#8220;Russian hacking&#8221; conspiracy, curiously, have remained totally silent about a real, legitimate hacking that took place almost two decades earlier. The IPCC &#8220;global warming&#8221; software models, we now know, were &#8220;hacked&#8221; from the very beginning, programmed to falsely produce &#8220;hockey stick&#8221; visuals from almost any data set&#8230; include &#8220;random noise&#8221; data.</p> <p>What follows are selected paragraphs from a fascinating book that investigated this vast political and scientific fraud: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Real-Global-Warming-Disaster-Scientific/dp/1441110526/" type="external">The Real Global Warming Disaster by Christopher Booker</a>(Continuum, 2009). This book is also available as an audio book from Audible.com, so if you enjoy audio books, download a copy there.</p> <p>Here&#8217;s what Booker found when he investigated the &#8220;hacking&#8221; of the temperature data computer models:</p> <p>From &#8220;The Real Global Warming Disaster&#8221; by Christopher Booker: (bold emphasis added)</p> <p>Nothing alerted us more to the curious nature of the global warming scare than the peculiar tactics used by the IPCC to promote its orthodoxy, brooking no dissent. More than once in its series of mammoth reports, the IPCC had been caught out in very serious attempts to rewrite the scientific evidence. The most notorious instance of this was the extraordinary prominence it gave in 2001 to the so-called &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; graph, mysteriously produced by a relatively unknown young US scientist, which completely redrew the accepted historical record by purporting to show temperatures in the late twentieth century having shot upwards to a level far higher than had ever been known before. Although the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; was instantly made the central icon of the IPCC&#8217;s cause, it was within a few years to become one of the most comprehensively discredited artefacts in the history of science.</p> <p>Similarly called into serious doubt was the reliability of some of the other temperature figures on which the IPCC based its case. Most notably these included those provided by NASA&#8217;s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, A1 Gore&#8217;s closest scientific ally, which were one of the four official sources of temperature data on which the IPCC relied. These were shown to have been repeatedly &#8216;adjusted&#8217;, to suggest that temperatures had risen further and more steeply than was indicated by any of the other three main data-sources.</p> <p>&#8230;Out of the blue in 1998 Britain&#8217;s leading science journal Nature, long supportive of the warming orthodoxy, published a new paper on global temperature changes over the previous 600 years, back to 1400. Its chief author was Michael Mann, a young physicist-turned-climate scientist at the University of Massachusetts, who had only completed his PhD two years before. In 1999 he and his colleagues published a further paper, based only on North America but extending their original findings over 1000 years.</p> <p>Their computer model had enabled them to produce a new temperature graph quite unlike anything seen before. Instead of the previously familiar rises and falls, this showed the trend of average temperatures having gently declined through nine centuries, but then suddenly shooting up in the twentieth century to a level that was quite unprecedented.</p> <p>In Mann&#8217;s graph such familiar features as the Mediaeval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age had simply vanished. All those awkward anomalies were shown as having been illusory. The only real anomaly which emerged from their studies was that sudden exponential rise appearing in the twentieth century, culminating in the &#8216;warmest year of the millennium&#8217;, 1998.</p> <p>As would eventually emerge, there were several very odd features about Mann&#8217;s new graph, soon to be known as the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; because its shape, a long flattish line curving up sharply at the end, was reminiscent of the stick used in ice hockey. But initially none might have seemed odder than the speed with which this obscure study by a comparatively unknown young scientist came to be taken up as the new &#8216;orthodoxy&#8217;.</p> <p>So radically did the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; rewrite all the accepted versions of climate history that initially it carried all before it, leaving knowledgeable experts stunned. It was not yet clear quite how Mann had arrived at his remarkable conclusions, precisely what data he had used or what methods the IPCC had used to verify his findings. The sensational new graph which the IPCC made the centrepiece of its report had been sprung on the world out of left field.</p> <p>&#8230;Yet when, over the years that followed, a number of experts from different fields began to subject Mann&#8217;s two papers to careful analysis, some rather serious questions came to be asked about the basis for his study.</p> <p>For a start, although Mann and his colleagues had cited other evidence for their computer modelling of historical temperatures, it became apparent that they had leaned particularly heavily on &#8216;proxy data&#8217; provided by a study five years earlier of tree-rings in ancient bristlecone pine trees growing on the slopes of California&#8217;s Sierra Nevada mountains. &#8216;Proxies&#8217; used to calculate temperature consist of data other than direct measurement, such as tree rings, stalactites, ice cores or lake sediments.</p> <p>According to the 1993 paper used by Mann, these bristlecone pines had shown significantly accelerated growth in the years after 1900. But the purpose of this original study had not been to research into past temperatures. As was made clear by its title &#8211; &#8216;Detecting the aerial fertilisation effect of atmospheric C02 enrichment in tree-ring chronologies&#8217; &#8211; it had been to measure the effect on the trees&#8217; growth rate of the twentieth-century increase in C02 levels.</p> <p>Tree rings are a notoriously unreliable reflector of temperature changes, because they are chiefly formed during only one short period of the year, and cannot therefore give a full picture. This 1993 study of one group of trees in one untypical corner of the US seemed a remarkably flimsy basis on which to base an estimate of global temperatures going back 1000 years.</p> <p>Then it transpired that, in order to show the twentieth-century section of the graph, the terrifying upward flick of temperatures at the end of the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217;, spliced in with the tree-ring data had been a set of twentieth-century temperature readings, as recorded by more than 2,000 weather stations across the earth&#8217;s surface. It was these which more than anything helped to confirm the most dramatic conclusion of the study, that temperatures in the closing decades of the twentieth century had been shooting up to levels unprecedented in the history of the last 1,000 years, culminating in the &#8216;warmest year of the millennium&#8217;, 1998.</p> <p>Not only was it far from clear that, for this all-important part of the graph, two quite different sets of data had been used. Also accepted without qualification was the accuracy of these twentieth-century surface temperature readings. But the picture given by these was already being questioned by many expert scientists who pointed to evidence that readings from surface weather stations could become seriously distorted by what was known as the &#8216;urban heat island effect&#8217;. The majority of the thermometers in such stations were in the proximity of large and increasingly built-up population centres. It was well-established that these heated up the atmosphere around them to a significantly higher level than in more isolated locations.</p> <p>Nowhere was this better illustrated than by contrasting the temperature readings taken on the earth&#8217;s surface with those which, since 1979, had been taken by NASA satellites and weather balloons, using a method developed by Dr Roy Spencer, responsible for climate studies at NASA&#8217;s Marshall Space Centre, and Dr John Christie of the University of Alabama, Huntsville.</p> <p>Surprisingly, these atmospheric measurements showed that, far from warming in the last two decades of the twentieth century, global temperatures had in fact slightly cooled. As Spencer was at pains to point out, these avoided the distortions created in surface readings by the urban heat island effect. The reluctance of the IPCC to take proper account of this, he observed, confirmed the suspicion of &#8216;many scientists involved in the process&#8217; that the IPCC&#8217;s stance on global warming was &#8216;guided more by policymakers and politicians than by scientists&#8217;.</p> <p>What was also remarkable about the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217;, as was again widely observed, was how it contradicted all that mass of evidence which supported the generally accepted picture of temperature fluctuations in past centuries. As was pointed out, tree-rings are not the most reliable guide to assessing past temperatures. Scores of more direct sources of proxy evidence had been studied over the years, from Africa, South America, Australia, Pakistan, Antarctica, every continent and ocean of the world.</p> <p>Whether evidence was taken from lake sediments or ice cores, glaciers in the Andes or boreholes in every continent (Huang et ai, 1997), the results had been remarkably consistent in confirming that the familiar view was right. There had been a Little Ice Age, across the world. There had similarly been a Mediaeval Warm Period. Furthermore, a mass of data confirmed that the world had been even warmer in the Middle Ages than it was in 1998.</p> <p>The first comprehensive study to review this point was published in January 2003 by Dr Willie Soon and his colleague Dr Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. They had examined 140 expert studies of the climate history of the past 1,000 years, based on every kind of data. Some had given their findings only in a local or regional context, others had attempted to give a worldwide picture. But between them these studies had covered every continent. The question the two researchers had asked of every study was whether or not it showed a &#8216;discernible climate anomaly&#8217; at the time of (1) the Little Ice Age and (2) the Mediaeval Warm Period; and (3) whether it had shown the twentieth century to be the warmest time in the Millennium.</p> <p>Their conclusion was unequivocal. Only two of the studies they looked at had not found evidence for the Little Ice Age. Only seven of the 140 studies had denied the existence of a Mediaeval Warm Period, while 116 had confirmed it.</p> <p>On the crucial question of whether or not the twentieth century had been the warmest of the past thousand years, only 15 studies, including that of Mann himself, had unambiguously agreed that it was. The vast majority accepted that earlier centuries had been warmer. The conclusion of Soon and Baliunas was that &#8216;Across the world, many records reveal that the twentieth century is probably not the warmest nor a uniquely extreme climatic period of the last millennium.&#8217;</p> <p>But if Mann and his colleagues had got the picture as wrong as this survey of the literature suggested, nothing did more to expose just how this might have come about than a remarkable feat of analysis carried out later in the same year by two Canadians and published in October 2003. (S. McIntyre and R. McKitrick, 2003, &#8216;Corrections to the Mann et al. (1998) proxy databse and northern hemispheric average temperature series&#8217;, Energy and Environment, 14, 752-771. In the analysis of McIntyre and McKitrick&#8217;s work which follows, reference will also be made to their later paper, McIntyre and McKitrick, 2005b, &#8216;The M &amp;amp; M critique of the MBH98 Northern Hemisphere climate index, Update and applications&#8217;, Energy and Environment, 16, 69-99, and also to McKitrick (2005), &#8216;What is the &#8220;Hockey Stick&#8221; debate about?&#8217;, op. cit.)</p> <p>Stephen McIntyre, who began their study, was a financial consultant and statistical analyst specialising in the minerals industry, and was later joined by Ross McKitrick, a professor of economics at Guelph University. Neither made any pretensions to being a climate scientist, but where they did have considerable expertise was in knowing how computers could be used to play around with statistics. They were also wearily familiar with people using hockey sticklike curves, showing an exaggerated upward rise at the end, to sell a business prospect or to &#8216;prove&#8217; some tendentious point.</p> <p>Intrigued by the shape of the IPCC&#8217;s now famous &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; graph, in the spring of 2003 McIntyre approached Mann and his colleagues to ask for a look at their original data set. &#8216;After some delay&#8217;, Mann &#8216;arranged provision of a file which was represented as the one used&#8217; for his paper. But it turned out not to include &#8216;most of the computer code used to produce their results&#8217;. This suggested to McIntyre, who was joined later that summer by McKitrick, that no one else had previously asked to examine it, as should have been required both by peer-reviewers for the paper published in Nature and, above all, by the IPCC itself. (This account of the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; saga is based on several sources, in particular Ross McKitrick&#8217;s paper already cited , &#8216;What is the &#8220;hockey stick&#8221; debate about?&#8217; (2005), and his evidence to the House of Lords Committee on Economic Affairs, &#8216;The Economics of Climate Change&#8217;, Vol. II, Evidence, 2005. See also David Holland, &#8216;Bias and concealment in the IPCC Process: the &#8220;Hockey Stick&#8221; affair and its implications&#8217; (2007), op. cit.)</p> <p>When McIntyre fed the data into his own computer, he found that it did not produce the claimed results. At the heart of the problem was what is known as &#8216;principal component analysis&#8217;, a technique used by computer analysts to handle a large mass of data by averaging out its components, weighting them by their relative significance.</p> <p>One of the first things McIntyre had discovered was that the &#8216;principal component analysis&#8217; used by Mann could not be replicated. &#8216;In the process of looking up all the data sources and rebuilding Mann&#8217;s data set from scratch&#8217;, he discovered &#8216;quite a few errors concerning location labels, use of obsolete editions, unexplained truncations of various series etc.&#8217; (for instance, data reported to be from Boston, Mass., turned out to be from Paris, France, Central England temperature data had been truncated to leave out its coldest period, and so forth).</p> <p>But the real problem lay with the &#8216;principal component analysis&#8217; itself. It turned out that an algorithm had been programmed into Mann&#8217;s computer model which &#8216;mined&#8217; for hockey stick shapes whatever data was fed into it. As McKitrick was later to explain, &#8216;had the IPCC actually done the kind of rigorous review that they boast of they would have discovered that there was an error in a routine calculation step (principal component analysis) that falsely identified a hockey stick shape as the dominant pattern in the data. The flawed computer program can even pull out spurious hockey stick shapes from lists of trendless random numbers. &#8217; (McKitrick, House of Lords evidence, op. cit.)</p> <p>Using Mann&#8217;s algorithm, the two men fed a pile of random and meaningless data (&#8216;red noise&#8217;) into the computer 10,000 times. More than 99 per cent of the time the graph which emerged bore a &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; shape. They found that their replication of Mann&#8217;s method failed &#8216;all basic tests of statistical significance&#8217;.</p> <p>When they ran the programme again properly, however, keeping the rest of Mann&#8217;s data but removing the bristlecone pine figures on which he had so heavily relied, they found that the Mediaeval Warming once again unmistakably emerged. Indeed their &#8216;major finding&#8217;, according to McKitrick, was that Mann&#8217;s own data confirmed that the warming in the fifteenth century exceeded anything in the twentieth century.44</p> <p>One example of how this worked they later quoted was based on comparing two sets of data used by Mann for his second 1999 paper, confined to proxy data from North America. One was drawn from bristlecone pines in western North America, the other from a tree ring chronology in Arkansas. In their raw state, the Californian series showed a &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; shape; the other, typical of most North American tree ring series, showed an irregular but basically flat line with no final upward spurt. When these were put together, however, the algorithm emphasised the twentieth-century rise by giving &#8216;390 times as much weight&#8217; to the bristlecone pines as to the trees from Arkansas.45</p> <p>In other words, although Mann had used hundreds of tree ring proxies from all over North America, most showing a flattish line like that from Arkansas, the PCAs used to determine their relative significance had given enormously greater weight to those Californian bristlecones with their anomalous &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; pattern.</p> <p>Furthermore, McIntyre and McKitrick found that Mann had been well aware that by removing the bristlecone pine data the &#8216;hockey stick&#8217; shape of his graph would vanish, because he had tried it himself. One of the files they obtained from him showed the results of his own attempt to do this. The file was marked &#8216;Censored&#8217; and its findings were nowhere mentioned in the published study.</p> <p>What, however, concerned McIntyre and McKitrick as much as anything else about this extraordinary affair was what it revealed about the methods of the IPCC itself. Why had it not subjected Mann&#8217;s study to the kind of basic professional checks which they themselves had been able to carry out, with such devastating results?</p> <p>Furthermore, having failed to exercise any proper quality control, why had those at the top of the IPCC then gone out of their way to give such extraordinary prominence to &#8216;the hockey stick data as the canonical representation of the earth&#8217;s climate history. Due to a combination of mathematical error and a dysfunctional review process, they ended up promoting the exact wrong conclusion. How did they make such a blunder?&#8217;</p> <p>Continue reading <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Real-Global-Warming-Disaster-Scientific/dp/1441110526/" type="external">The Real Global Warming Disaster by Christopher Booker</a> (Continuum, 2009), available at BN.com, Amazon.com and Audible.com.</p> Conclusion: The global warming &#8220;hockey stick&#8221; is SCIENCE FRAUD <p>What all this reveals, of course, is that the global warming &#8220;hockey stick&#8221; is <a href="http://fakescience.news/" type="external">fake science</a>. As Booker documents in his book, data were truncated (cut off) and software algorithms were altered to produce a hockey stick trend out of almost any data set, including random noise data. To call climate change &#8220;science&#8221; is to admit your own gullibility to science fraud.</p> <p>The IPCC, it turns out, used science fraud to promote global warming and &#8220;climate change&#8221; narratives, hoping no one would notice that the entire software model was essentially HACKED from the very beginning, deliberately engineered to produce the alarming temperature trend the world&#8217;s bureaucrats wanted so they could terrorize the world into compliance with <a href="http://climatesciencenews.com/" type="external">climate change narratives</a>.</p> <p>The Russians didn&#8217;t hack the 2016 election, in case you were wondering. But dishonest scientists really did hack the global warming modeling software to deceive the entire world and launch a whole new brand of climate change fascism that has now infected the minds of hundreds of millions of people across the planet. Everything they&#8217;ve been told about climate change, it turns, out, was all based on a software hack.</p> <p>Courtesy of <a href="https://www.naturalnews.com/2017-09-19-climate-change-science-implodes-as-ipcc-climate-models-found-to-be-totally-wrong-temperatures-arent-rising-as-predicted-hoax-unraveling.html" type="external">Natural News</a></p>
Climate change science implodes as IPCC climate models found to be “totally wrong” … temperatures aren’t rising as predicted … hoax unraveling
<p>Imagine spending your life not only in a cage but in a dark recess of someone&#8217;s basement. This was a reality for a poodle named B.B., who was rescued from a North Carolina <a type="internal">puppy mill</a> by animal workers with the <a href="http://www.humanesociety.org/?referrer=https://www.google.com/" type="external">Humane Society of the United States</a>. When she was found last September, B.B. was tiny and had clearly been impregnated over and over again.</p> <p>&#8220;She was very tiny, and she looked like this helpless creature,&#8221; said Jessica Lauginiger, animal crimes manager at HSUS.</p> <p>Upon being rescued, B.B. was transported to Cabarrus Animal Hospital along with the animals. However, she captured the attention of Brenda Tortoreo, the establishment&#8217;s receptionist. Tortoreo <a href="https://www.thedodo.com/close-to-home/puppy-mill-mother-rescued" type="external">told</a> The Dodo:</p> <q> <p>&#8220;B.B. was in a corner. She looked pitiful. She was scared to death&#8230; And I said, &#8216;That&#8217;s the one I&#8217;m going to take home.&#8217;&#8221;</p> </q> <p>Because B.B. spent her entire life in a tiny cage, she didn&#8217;t know what to make sense of <a type="internal">freedom</a> at first.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;I put B.B. down on the floor, and she kept going in circles &#8212; not running, but walking,&#8221; Tortoreo said. &#8220;I guess that&#8217;s all she knew to do. I put her in the living room, and to go into the hallway, she would not cross that border [between rooms]. I have two granddaughters who live with me, so I would put her in one of my granddaughters&#8217; rooms, and she was terrified of rugs. She just wanted off the rug.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>The puppy had never seen the sun, so that was new, as well.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;She never knew what sun was,&#8221; Tortoreo explained. &#8220;She didn&#8217;t know what grass was, and she was terrified of it.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>However, space, plenty of cuddles, and an excess of love have resulted in B.B. slowly understanding that her life before was anything but normal.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;She runs around the house,&#8221; said Tortoreo. &#8220;She&#8217;s eating like crazy &#8212; she was originally about 3 and a half pounds, but I think she&#8217;s maybe about 10 pounds now. She loves the grass now, and she loves playing with the other dogs in the backyard.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;About three weeks ago she started licking me &#8212; she&#8217;d never done that before,&#8221; Tortoreo added. &#8220;She&#8217;s really come out of her shell. She&#8217;s my little princess.&#8221;</p> </q> She had spent her entire life in a tiny cage, being impregnated repeatedly. &#8220;She was very tiny, and she looked like this helpless creature.&#8221; After being taken to Cabarrus Animal Hospital, B.B. was adopted by a receptionist named Brenda Tortoreo. &#8220;B.B. was in a corner&#8230; She looked pitiful. She was scared to death&#8230;&#8221; &#8220;And I said, &#8216;That&#8217;s the one I&#8217;m going to take home.&#8217;&#8221; However, because she spent her entire life in the dark and in a tiny cage, B.B. was confused. &#8220;I put B.B. down on the floor, and she kept going in circles &#8212; not running, but walking.&#8221; &#8220;I guess that&#8217;s all she knew to do.&#8221; &#8220;She never knew what sun was&#8230; She didn&#8217;t know what grass was, and she was terrified of it.&#8221; After receiving plenty of love and freedom, B.B. now runs around the house. &#8220;She&#8217;s really come out of her shell. She&#8217;s my little princess.&#8221; <p>What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!</p>
This Dog Spent Her Entire Life Locked In A Basement. Now, She’s Finally Free
<p>Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ********************************************************************************</p> <p>If you recall, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was one that was always talking about money in politics while hypocritically soliciting donations from some of the world&#8217;s most corrupt people and organizations.</p> <p>Now, it&#8217;s come to light that Clinton apparently funneled over $800,000 from her campaign money to her new political PAC, Onward Together, which is backing several groups of resistance against the current administration, including <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/antifa-just-who-are-they/" type="external">ANTIFA</a>.</p> <p><a href="http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/17/hillarys-new-political-group-has-little-to-show-for-in-first-four-months-besides-taking-money/" type="external">The Daily Caller</a> reports:</p> <q> <p>As a presidential candidate, Clinton <a href="http://dailycaller.com/2017/05/15/hillarys-new-dark-money-group-allowed-to-hide-donors-from-the-public/" type="external">railed against</a> &#8220;dark money&#8221; groups like Onward Together.</p> <p>Clinton <a href="http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/14/hillary-using-800k-in-campaign-funds-for-new-political-group/" type="external">transferred</a>$800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward Together shortly before announcing the group&#8217;s launch in May, documents the campaign filed with the FEC reveal.</p> </q> <p>Clinton doesn&#8217;t even deny that she is supporting such groups.</p> <p>In an email signed by her that went out last week asking for money, Clinton wrote, &#8220;You may not have heard much about the work we&#8217;re doing at Onward Together,&#8221; Clinton wrote. &#8220;That&#8217;s because we&#8217;re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we&#8217;re supporting. We&#8217;re not the story: they are.&#8221;</p> Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit &amp;amp; Feel Samples <p>Each of five political groups that were mentioned were contacted by The Daily Caller and asked if they were being funded and supported by Onward Together.</p> <p>Out of those five, only one group, the Soros-backed Indivisible, responded.</p> <p>&#8220;Onward Together has not given any financial support to us,&#8221; Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, wrote in an email.</p> <p>Kalla added that Clinton&#8217;s group has &#8220;been amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks,&#8221; which she explained has consisted of &#8220;retweeting [Indivisible], and they&#8217;ve highlighted our work via their emails to their list too.&#8221;</p> <p>Onward Together is not required to reveal donors&#8217; identity as a 501(c)4 &#8220;social welfare&#8221; organization.</p> <p>The group also will not be revealing those identities, something that is only occurring to protect the guilty.</p> <p>Meanwhile, because the Trump administration did not keep its promise to investigate and seek prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, she is <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/hillary-clinton-trump-clear-present-danger/" type="external">freely promoting her blame book</a>, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/What-Happened-Hillary-Rodham-Clinton/dp/1501175564/ref=as_li_bk_tl/?tag=freedomoutpos-20&amp;linkId=e34a3efd5f0b7640a9e10be912cb7b8e&amp;linkCode=ktl" type="external">What Happened</a>, and now she is funding the <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/90-blm-antifa-rioters-paid-crowds-demand-via-craigs-list-google-ads/" type="external">little Communists known as ANTIFA</a>, which are working against the administration and against the very heart and soul of American culture and history.</p> <p>But we can&#8217;t do anything about the Clintons because they are really good people, right Mr. President?</p> <p>Courtesy of <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/hillary-clinton-funnels-800000-political-group-funds-antifa/" type="external">Freedom Outpost</a></p> <p>Tim Brown is an author and Editor at <a href="http://freedomoutpost.com/" type="external">FreedomOutpost.com</a>, <a href="http://sonsoflibertymedia.com" type="external">SonsOfLibertyMedia.com</a>, <a href="http://gunsinthenews.com" type="external">GunsInTheNews.com</a> and <a href="http://thewashingtonstandard.com" type="external">TheWashingtonStandard.com</a>. He is husband to his &#8220;more precious than rubies&#8221; wife, father of 10 &#8220;mighty arrows&#8221;, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the <a type="internal">Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle</a>. Follow Tim on <a href="https://twitter.com/FPPTim" type="external">Twitter</a>.</p>
Hillary Clinton Funnels $800,000 to Her Political Group That Funds ANTIFA
<p>Disney&#8217;s Hollywood Studios is quite often looked at as a &#8216;half-day park.&#8217; People believe that it doesn&#8217;t have much to offer in the form of attractions and entertainment, and so they only spend a few hours in the park dedicated to celebrating film and stage classics. While Hollywood Studios is undergoing a significant amount of changes as they begin to construct both Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land, this doesn&#8217;t mean that the park doesn&#8217;t have much to offer. Here are four reasons why we keep going back to Disney&#8217;s Hollywood Studios:</p> <p>4. Excellent restaurants</p> <p>One of the things I love most about Disney&#8217;s Hollywood Studios is the table service restaurants because they are so wonderfully themed. From elegant and classy to old-fashioned and heart-warming, these restaurants do a great job of serving you high quality food with high quality service. I love the old Hollywood vibe and decadent menu at the Hollywood Brown Derby, especially for a special night out. I also love the <a type="internal">Sci-Fi Dine In Theater</a>, with its unique theming and restaurant setup and classic American menu. The 50&#8217;s Prime Time Caf&#233; is another great option if you want a fun dining experience, and you&#8217;re even allowed to watch TV during dinner.</p> <p>3. Star Wars</p> <p>If you&#8217;re a fan of the classic franchise, then you are definitely going to keep going to Hollywood Studios. Though Star Wars Land isn&#8217;t set to open for another few years, there is still an abundance of Star Wars to go around in the meantime. Guests can ride Star Tours: The Adventure Continues and come face to face with some of the most beloved, and feared, characters of the franchise. They have even updated the ride to include characters from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Fans of Star Wars can also head to the Star Wars Launch Bay located in the animation courtyard. Inside, they will have the chance to browse through Star Wars merchandise and meet Chewbacca and Kylo Ren.</p> <p>2. Entertainment</p> <p>Disney&#8217;s Hollywood Studios does have quite a fun mix of entertainment, though many people choose to skip right over most of it. One of the park&#8217;s most spectacular forms of entertainment is Beauty and the Beast&#8212;Live On Stage. If you are a fan of the movie and a fan of musicals, this Broadway style show will have you singing and bopping along to the movie&#8217;s most inspiring songs. Another big attraction in the park that I, personally, would consider a form of entertainment is the Frozen sing-a-long in the theatre that once housed the American Idol Experience. Two Arendelle historians, who bring the house down every time I see it, bring this fun and enchanting retelling of the story to life. Plus, who doesn&#8217;t love to belt out &#8216;Let It Go&#8217;? And we can&#8217;t forget about the nighttime show, Fantasmic! Step inside Mickey Mouse&#8217;s imagination and see just how powerful your dreams can be, complete with plenty of appearances from your favorite Disney characters. The park has also recently introduced a new holiday nighttime spectacular titled Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! With plenty of special effects, projections and fireworks, it&#8217;s sure to become a family favorite.</p> <p>1. Rides</p> <p>For a park so small, Hollywood Studios has a killer lineup of attractions that is only going to get better as it continues to get expanded. People come from all over the world just to experience the <a type="internal">Tower of Terror</a>, which is a classic ride that has been helping guests &#8216;drop in&#8217; since 1994. Hollywood Studios is also home to one of the few classic roller coasters Disney has&#8212;Rock &#8216;N&#8217; Roller Coaster. With high speeds, twists, turns and funky music, this attraction is a must-do during your time in the park. One of the more recent additions to the park, and my personal favorite, is Toy Story Midway Mania, which lets you battle your friends and family in five carnival-inspired games inspired by different Toy Story characters. And, of course, we can&#8217;t forget about The Great Movie Ride, which is a must-do for any film fans visiting the park. You get to step inside some of the most iconic movie scenes in film history, and you even get to be part of the show as well. These are only a few of the attractions available to you, but it proves that there are many things that will keep you coming back.</p> <p>Though many people will try to argue that Disney&#8217;s Hollywood Studios isn&#8217;t a park worth spending an entire day at, there are many reasons why they&#8217;re wrong. With a variety of restaurants, entertainment and attractions, there are plenty of things to do that will keep you and your family entertained all day long. Be sure to check out all that Hollywood Studios has to offer during your next trip.</p> <p>BONUS TIP: Consider planning and booking your next Disney trip with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner you can trust like <a href="https://disneytravelquote.com/" type="external">MickeyTravels</a>. They&#8217;ll help you get the best Walt Disney World deal, share expert advice and their services are totally FREE! It&#8217;s genius!</p>
4 Reasons Why We Keep Going Back to Disney’s Hollywood Studios
<p>Guest post by Joe Hoft</p> Former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller have done much to discredit the name and reputation of the FBI. Now the FBI won&#8217;t release information in regards to their investigation of 59 people killed in Las Vegas. This further tarnishes this respected organization&#8217;s good name. <p>James Comey hurt the FBI&#8217;s name immensely by the actions he took surrounding Hillary Clinton in last year&#8217;s campaign. Liberals believe Comey gave the election to President Trump because her name was tarnished from Comey&#8217;s actions but they totally disregard her criminal actions that led her to be in that place. Conservatives felt like Comey gave Hillary a pass for her obvious criminal actions.</p> <p>On June 27th Bill Clinton met with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch in her plane in Arizona for a half an hour. Within a week Lynch&#8217;s Department of <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3898754/Attorney-General-SUED-come-clean-secret-meeting-Bill-Clinton-days-decide-charging-wife-server-scandal.html" type="external">Justice dropped the investigation</a> into Hillary&#8217;s emails and FBI&#8217;s Comey made the announcement. Comey&#8217;s statements were later compared to Hillary&#8217;s prior statements &#8211;</p> <p>After FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend criminal charges be filed against Hillary, he was grilled in Congress by US Representative Trey Gowdy &#8211;</p> <p>Comey then announced in late October, shortly before the election that the <a type="internal">FBI was reopening its investigation</a> into Hillary&#8217;s emails. Apparently emails recovered in the pervert <a type="internal">Anthony Wiener</a> case ended up being related to the Hillary investigation. Wiener was the husband of Clinton confidant Huma Abedin and reportedly Clinton emails were found on Huma&#8217;s computer after Huma stated under oath that all her emails were turned over. A week or so later, again Comey let Hillary off again. This was in spite of the fact that an email released from WikiLeaks showed that Hillary&#8217;s longtime assistant Cheryl <a type="internal">Mills ordered Hillary&#8217;s email server to be bleached</a> clean. There was and is more than enough information in the public arena to have Hillary brought to court for her actions.</p> <p>After President Trump was elected President he fired Comey as Head of the FBI. After this Comey appeared at a Congressional Hearing and after berating President Trump stated under oath that he had leaked classified information to the press (a clear crime).</p> <p>Former Director Mueller was even worse. He was Comey&#8217;s mentor.</p> <p>There are many major scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not meaningfully investigate when he was FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences related to Obama and the Clintons:</p> <q> <p><a href="http://cnn.worldnews.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?expire=&amp;title=White+House%203A+Millions+of+e-mails+may+be+missing+-+CNN.com&amp;urlID=21942102&amp;action=cpt&amp;partnerID=2006&amp;fb=Y&amp;url=http%203A%202F%202Fwww.cnn.com%202F2007%202FPOLITICS%202F04%202F13%202Fwhite.house.email%202Findex.html%203Feref%203Drss_topstories" type="external">Emailgate</a> (2007): discovery that several top Bush administration officials violated the Presidential Records Act by using an RNC server for email communications while conducting official business, followed by the deletion of millions of the same emails</p> <p><a href="http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/04/10/documents-confirm-that-obama-irs-improperly-targeted-conservatives/" type="external">IRS Targeting</a> (2010-2013): the IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2015/04/01/lois-lerner-escapes-criminal-contempt-charges-no-waiver-of-fifth-amendment/#1c9111ad5cf4" type="external">IRS agent Lois Lerner</a> invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination</p> <p><a href="https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/04/fast-and-furious-gunwalking-white-house/477612/" type="external">Fast and Furious</a> (2010): this ATF program, which seems to have served no rational purpose, allowed over 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside the United States and then &#8220;walked&#8221; into Mexico for use by criminals, one of which was later used in the 2010 murder of Border Agent Brian Terry by <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/us/arrest-border-patrol-agent-killing/index.html" type="external">the member of a Mexican cartel</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/now-its-3-major-scandals-strangling-obama/" type="external">Associated Press Spying</a> (2012): the Department of Justice illegally seized the communications of AP reporters made during April and May 2012, allowing the DOJ to unmask journalists&#8217; confidential sources</p> <p><a href="https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/24/clintons-top-10-pay-play-allegations/" type="external">Clinton Foundation Pay-for-Play</a> (2009-2013): during the period in which Hillary Clinton held the office of Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/07/18/hillary-clinton-sided-with-russia-on-sanctions-as-bill-made-500g-on-moscow-speech.html" type="external">paid speaking fees</a> and a <a href="https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-foundation-idUSKBN12Z2SL" type="external">million dollar &#8220;gift&#8221;</a>from countries involved in matters with the State Department, <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign-charity.html" type="external">many of which had ties to terrorism</a> and human rights abuses; some of these funds were apparently diverted from charitable causes to personal expenses, such as <a href="http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/emails-foundation-resources-used-for-chelsea-clintons-wedding/article/2606615" type="external">Chelsea Clinton&#8217;s 2010 wedding</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html" type="external">Russian Uranium Deal</a> (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton&#8217;s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by <a href="http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/check-it-out-the-new-york-times-just-exposed-the-hillary-clinton-russia-nexus/" type="external">millions of dollars in donations</a> to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction</p> <p><a href="https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/" type="external">Clinton Private Email Server</a> (2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information that was Top Secret over an unsecured system&#8212;an &#8220;extremely reckless&#8221; (and obviously illegal) act.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>Mueller, by not upholding the law in these cases above, created a two-tiered system of law in the US &#8211; Laws for the political liberal elite and laws for everyone else.</p> <p>Mueller is a bad cop for other reasons. Although he has many conflicts of interest he went ahead and accepted the position to investigate the fake Trump colluded with Russia story. Even liberal publications like the <a href="https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/06/19/we-need-robert-mueller-resignation-or-second-special-counsel-glenn-reynolds-column/102990890/" type="external">USA Today</a>reported in June that Mueller should step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest with the investigation he is carrying on.</p> <p>Another reason and more justification for Mueller being a bad cop is related to the personnel he has hired to assist in the Russia investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller&#8217;s fifteen attorneys are a <a type="internal">Who&#8217;s Who of Liberal Activism</a>. He is not performing an investigation, he is on a liberal witch hunt.</p> <p>This leads us to today. Last night a press conference was held jointly by the FBI and the local Sheriff in Las Vegas concerning the recent killing of at least 59 people in that city a few days ago. The Sheriff was very transparent in the information he supplied. But the major question that everyone wants to know is &#8211; why did the killer do it? What was his motive?</p> <p>At this point, the FBI Investigator took the microphone. Instead of providing any information relevant to the mass murder &#8211; suicide, he berated everyone there and the millions watching on TV. The Special Agent In Charge for the Las Vegas Division of the FBI said:</p> <q> <p>Our resolve is firm. We will get to the bottom of this no matter how long it takes&#8230;we must focus on facts. We cannot give into conjecture. We cannot respond to every little Twitter feed that may indicate a theory. We need to be focused on the facts. You need us to be right. You expect us to be right and we want to be right&#8230;.</p> </q> <p>After interviewing the killer&#8217;s girlfriend and God knows what else the FBI has uncovered, they provide nothing.</p> <p>The FBI&#8217;s lack of transparency along with the corrupt and criminal acts by former FBI Directors lead all of America to begin forming conspiracy theories and to further lose trust in the FBI.</p> <p>It&#8217;s time that the FBI cleans shop and restores it name and reputation.</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Can Deep State Be Trusted? Why Won’t the FBI Release Any Information on Las Vegas Shooting?
<p>Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last week asking if there is a possibility that the contents of the dossier were &#8220;surreptitiously funneled&#8221; from foreign intelligence agencies to U.S. intelligence agencies essentially creating &#8220;an echo&#8221; of reporting information from the dossier.</p> <p>Grassley pointed out that Christopher Steele, the British spy who compiled the garbage dossier acknowledged in a London court that he indeed shared the 35-page document with British intelligence agencies.</p> <p>Per the <a href="https://dailycaller.com/2017/10/09/senate-committee-raises-new-questions-about-the-trump-dossier/?utm_source=site-share" type="external">Daily Caller</a>:</p> <q> <p>&#8220;It is possible that this political dossier&#8217;s collusion allegations&#8230;may have also been surreptitiously funneled into U.S. intelligence streams through foreign intelligence sharing,&#8221; Grassley wrote in his letter to Wray.</p> <p>&#8220;If so, that foreign information would likely have ended up within the FBI&#8217;s investigation of allegations of collusion between Trump associates and Russia.&#8221;</p> <p>According to some reports, foreign intelligence agencies have shared information with U.S. investigators that matches some of the allegations about collusion laid out in the dossier. But Trump and members of his campaign named in the dossier have denied the allegations.</p> </q> <p>Grassley also said, &#8220;it may not have been clear to the FBI that the foreign reporting was actually based on the work of Mr. Steele and Fusion GPS. If this in fact happened, it would be alarming.&#8221;</p> <p>As previously <a type="internal">reported</a>, a third deadline passed for the FBI and Justice Department to hand over subpoenaed documents to the House Intelligence Committee relating to the debunked Russian dossier on September 22nd.</p> <p>The big question is, did the FBI actually use this garbage dossier to obtain a FISA warrant like reports suggest?</p> <p>The Obama FBI used a secret court order to wiretap Manafort. We the people deserve to know if the debunked dossier was used to obtain this FISA warrant in order to spy on Trump&#8217;s camp.</p> <p>What we do know is that Comey cited this dossier in some of his briefings:</p> <q> <p>FBI Director James Comey has cited the dossier in some of his briefings with lawmakers in recent weeks as one of the information sources used by his bureau to bolster its probe, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation told CNN.</p> </q> <p>We also know that Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned the dossier is a Democrat oppo research firm. Via Paul Sperry of the <a href="https://nypost.com/2017/06/24/inside-the-shadowy-intelligence-firm-behind-the-trump-dossier/" type="external">New York Post:</a></p> <q> <p>A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the <a href="https://nypost.com/2017/01/10/intel-chiefs-told-trump-that-russia-has-dirt-on-him-report/" type="external">dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump</a> is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party.</p> <p>Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired a long-retired British spy to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democrat ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group.</p> </q> <p>One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama.</p> <p>And the liberal media and Secret Service and John McCain believed this nonsense?</p> <p>Now we learn Rep. Nunes has issued subpoenas to the firm behind the discredit dossier.</p> <p><a href="http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-11/house-intelligence-committee-subpoenas-firm-behind-trump-dossier" type="external">Zerohedge</a> reports:</p> <q> <p><a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/10/politics/fusion-gps-subpoenas-devin-nunes/index.html" type="external">CNN</a> reports that Nunes earlier this month issued subpoenas to the founders of Fusion GPS, the Washington opposition research firm that originally helped procure the dossier, demanding that they participate in public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee, and turn over all pertinent documents.</p> <p>Earlier this year, Nunes announced that he was stepping aside from directing the committee&#8217;s Russia inquiry when he became the subject of an ethics investigation into his handling of classified information after he informed the White House about the possibility that members of the Trump campaign were legally surveilled during the race before informing his own committee.</p> [&#8230;] <p>Nunes&#8217; Democratic colleagues have repeatedly accused Nunes of deliberately trying to undermine the FBI&#8217;s investigation by forcing the agency to reveal sensitive details about the dossier that the intelligence community previously decided to withhold from the January report on the intelligence community&#8217;s finding that Russia had interfered with the election.</p> </q> <p>Here is more background on the now-discredited Trump Dossier.</p> <p>With just ten days to go before he was sworn in as America&#8217;s forty-fifth president, the political establishment <a type="internal">went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump</a> with a double-barreled blast of &#8220;leaked&#8221; &#8220;intelligence&#8221; reports by <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/donald-trump-intelligence-report-russia/index.html" type="external">CNN</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/818985763446501376" type="external">BuzzFeed</a>.</p> <p>The documents contained explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleged intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump.</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas Firm Behind Discredited “Trump Dossier”
<p>The story is told that one evening, President Lincoln greeted a Congressional delegation, ushered them into his private study and asked their business.</p> <p>&#8220;We present you with a petition,&#8221; said the group leader, &#8220;demanding that you dismiss General Grant.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;And why should I do that?&#8221; asked Lincoln.</p> <p>&#8220;Grant is a drinker,&#8221; replied the leader. &#8220;He is known to have been drunk in his tent.&#8221;</p> <p>The president replied, &#8220;Gentlemen, I wish all my generals drank what Grant drinks; he wins!&#8221;</p> <p>This is how we should regard President Trump&#8217;s tweeting and his unbecoming, personal attacks on members of the media. We may cringe at Mika&#8217;s still-bleeding face, as we would in the tent of a drunken general. But Trump wins! In office barely five months, he has moved sure-footedly to correct the derelictions of the feckless fool who preceded him. His cabinet, the best since Lincoln, the Keystone pipeline, the impeccable Supreme Court nominee, the gathering of what amounted to the formative meeting of a Middle East NATO to defeat ISIS, the facing up to North Korea and Iran and Russia and China, the withdrawal from the rigged, insufferable Paris Climate Accord, sealing our borders to prohibit illegal entry, especially entry by dreadful thugs and terrorists, and moving aggressively to rid the country of those thugs and illegals like MS-13 and the monster who killed Kate Steinle, whom Obama welcomed, either directly or through insolent benign neglect. And on and on.</p> <p>We are awestruck at the vision, purpose and energy Trump has brought to the leadership of his country. But he is yet hampered by a war at home. The Democrats, the Progressives (or do I repeat myself), the Radicals, The Anarchists, the Communists, the university intelligentsia, Black Lives Matter, all amalgamated into a huge mass of vicious, unhinged hatred for Donald Trump. He alone stands between A Great America and the Sorosification of America.</p> <p>And so we see a level of disgusting personal attack on Mr. Trump such as has never been seen before, including faux-beheadings, calls for his impeachment, calls for his assassination, magazine covers depicting the president&#8217;s head with the cross hairs of a rifle at his temple, queries about his sanity, &#8220;professional&#8221; assertions of his imbalance, bastardized Shakespearean plays, allegations that he is a modern Hitler, utterly invented stories of misconduct by Trump or his team, based on unidentified &#8220;sources.&#8221; Ad nauseam.</p> <p>I propose you did a disservice to your community and your country when you admonished Rep. McSally to come out and vigorously oppose President Trump and school him in proper conduct (&#8220;Time for McSally to take a stand,&#8221; July 5, Page A6). And I propose you were in error when you promised that if she did not follow your advice, she would be punished in 2018 by the voters. You have it exactly backward. She owes her president her complete loyalty. She doesn&#8217;t need your advice. She is already wobbly enough. And, if she is punished at the 2018 election, it will be for failure to support and defend her president, and the punishment will be at the hands of We The People, who elected Mr. Trump.</p>
IN MY VIEW: In this civil war, Trump wins
<p>Total shock, no concession speech prepared, Clinton reveals, in European interview.</p> <p>In a television interview broadcast on Ireland&#8217;s &#8216;&#8217;Late Late Show&#8217;&#8217;, former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, opened up on the unfolding of events on election night 2016.</p> <p>Promoting her campaign memoir, &#8216;What Happened&#8217;, Clinton described the night and its aftermath as &#8216;&#8217;painful&#8217;&#8217; and &#8216;&#8217;so terrible&#8217;&#8217;.</p> <p>&#8216;&#8217;I would have to go lie down because it was so excruciating&#8217;&#8217;, she joked to interviewer Ryan Tubridy in a candid conversation, filmed near her home in Chappaqua, New York.</p> <p>&#8220;I was in a state of shock. I had not prepared a concession speech,&#8221; the former presidential candidate revealed, explaining that whilst expecting a close result, her campaign remained confident of victory up until early election night returns began to suggest otherwise.</p> <p>Following a final rally in Philadelphia, appearing with then president, Barack Obama, husband Bill Clinton and celebrities including Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi, Clinton recalled that on the eve of polling day &#8216;&#8217;everyone was so confident.&#8217;&#8217;</p> <p>[Donald Trump, meanwhile, was predicting a &#8216;&#8217;great victory&#8217;&#8217; as he campaigned in Scranton, PA on the same day.</p> <p>&#8216;&#8217;We are just one day away from the change you&#8217;ve been waiting for, for your entire life&#8217;&#8217;, he told supporters on his final day of campaigning].</p> <p>Whilst discussing the inauguration of President Trump, asked if she wanted to scream, Clinton told RT&#201;, &#8220;Oh, I did. But that was a common occurrence in those days. You know, scream into the pillow when I saw what was happening.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I would have been disappointed and really unhappy if I had lost to a normal Republican. But to lose to someone who I believed profoundly was not ready for the job, was temperamentally unqualified for the job &#8211; was such a burden.</p> <p>&#8216;&#8217;I just thought, &#8216;I&#8217;ve let everybody down, I&#8217;ve let my country down, I&#8217;ve let the world down. How did this happen?&#8221; Clinton recalled.</p> <p>Acknowledging the role of the email scandal and various shortcomings in her campaign, Clinton also blamed Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the propagation of &#8216;&#8217;fake news&#8217;&#8217; as factors in the election of President Trump.</p> <p>&#8220;I knew there were these other forces at work that needed to be unpacked and analyzed. It&#8217;s not only about what happened, it&#8217;s about preventing it from happening again,&#8221; she added.</p> <p>With links to Ireland since her involvement in the Northern Ireland peace process of the 1990s, Clinton, who <a href="http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/television/tv-reviews/review-hillary-clintons-late-late-show-interview-it-wasnt-flawless-but-rte-made-the-right-decision-sending-tubs-36183755.html" type="external">&#8216;&#8217;segued from imposing political figure to slightly wacky grandma&#8217;&#8217;</a> according to one reviewer, told Ireland&#8217;s RT&#201; Television that she was not going to let the experience turn her &#8216;&#8217;bitter and cynical&#8217;&#8217; and that she would use her platform to fight against what she saw as &#8216;&#8217;politically damaging&#8217;&#8217; trends emerging in the US.</p> <p>Clinton will later this month appear on British television as her book tour continues.</p> <p>Photo Credits: RT&#201; TV</p> <p>Sponsored</p> <p>Sponsored</p>
Hillary Tells of Screaming Into Pillow, Election Night Shock in Irish TV Interview.
<p>ILOSM family the situation between Usher and his STD accuser, Quantasia Sharpton, has just gotten even more real. For Ms. Sharpton, it&#8217;s bad, but for Usher, it&#8217;s great. As we previously informed you all, Quantasia claimed that she&#8217;d met Usher at his concert and then had a one night stand with him later that night, without him telling her that he allegedly has herpes&#8230;</p> Fans Called Accuser&#8217;s Bluff <p>It was her details ( <a type="internal">and the prior lies she was accused of telling about other celebs</a>) that caused many Usher fans to call her bluff though. Sharpton claimed that after Usher&#8217;s concert, she went back to her Days Inn hotel room and Usher called her, then went to Days Inn to sex her up like Color Me Badd (okay she didn&#8217;t say the Color Me Badd part, but if the shoe fits&#8230;). Anywho, after fans heard her &#8216;Days Inn&#8217; claim, they were like &#8216;Chile please&#8230;Usher ain&#8217;t rollin&#8217; up to a cheap Days Inn hotel room to have sex with you.&#8217;</p> Attorney Lisa Bloom with her client/Usher accuser, Quantasia Days Inn Employee&#8217;s Claims <p>Days later, an alleged Days Inn worker then claimed she saw Usher walk into the hotel to go see Quantasia. The worker also said the only reason she revealed that is because she didn&#8217;t like that Usher reportedly said to the press that Quantasia isn&#8217;t &#8220;his type.&#8221; Many Usher fans didn&#8217;t buy the employee&#8217;s story either.</p> Usher&#8217;s Team Provides Their Proof <p>Fast forward to today and Usher has spoken, through his team, to provide 3 facts that shoot down Quantasia&#8217;s claims, according to TMZ. Check out what was reported by Usher&#8217;s people below&#8230;</p> <p>1. WIFE/MANAGER:</p> Usher and wife/manager, Grace Miguel <q> <p>Sources close to the singer tell TMZ &#8230; he says there was never a hotel hookup with Quantasia Sharpton, telling friends, in November 2014 he was on the verge of getting engaged to Grace Miguel. Usher tells them at the time of his alleged encounter, Grace was his manager and they spent ALL their free time together. His people say when the two weren&#8217;t enjoying free time, it was all business, and they were inseparable. The couple got engaged less than 2 months after the alleged Days Inn tryst.-via TMZ</p> </q> <p>2. ACCUSER&#8217;S TIMELINE CONFLICT:</p> <q> <p>Usher&#8217;s people also say on the night in question his show ran late, which pushed the meet-and-greet well after midnight &#8230; and that flies in the face with Quantasia&#8217;s timeline in which she claims she hooked up with the singer around 12. -via TMZ</p> </q> <p>3. TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONFLICT:</p> <q> <p>We&#8217;re told his travel schedule was super tight too &#8230; making it even more unlikely he even had time to step out for a secret trip to the Days Inn. -via TMZ</p> </q> <p>Sometimes it&#8217;s best to make moves in silence&#8230;I wonder if Quantasia Sharpton and her attorney, Lisa Bloom, are now wishing that she did, because this is turning out to be a mess.</p> Join us on Facebook for the most engaging discussions from the Old School! Old School News With A New Point Of View!
Laawd..See Usher’s Reported Proof That Demolishes STD Accuser’s ‘Days Inn’ Story
<p>Former Dawson&#8217;s Creek star James Van Der Beek is joining Terry Crews in admitting he has experienced sexual harassment as a man in Hollywood.</p> <p>Van Der Beek added his voice to the chorus of men and women condemning disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, in the wake of numerous sexual misconduct allegations. &#8220;What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he&#8217;s admitted to is unacceptable &#8212; in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out,&#8221; Van Der Beek wrote on Twitter before revealing his own experience with sexual harassment.</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I&#8217;ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger,&#8221; he wrote. &#8220;I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness &amp;amp; inability to blow the whistle. There&#8217;s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.&#8221;</p> <p>See his tweets below.</p> <p>This week, in the wake of the Weinstein scandal, <a type="internal">Crews also revealed via Twitter</a> that he was groped in the past by an unnamed Hollywood executive. &#8220;This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD,&#8221; Crews wrote before explaining he was targeted last year by a &#8220;high-level Hollywood executive&#8221; who &#8220;groped my privates.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator,&#8221; Crews wrote. &#8220;Hollywood is not the only business [where] this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior &#8212; you are not alone. Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless.&#8221;</p> <p>Weinstein has been accused of sexual misconduct by numerous women, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Rosanna Arquette, Cara Delevingne, and more. <a href="https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/from-aggressive-overtures-to-sexual-assault-harvey-weinsteins-accusers-tell-their-stories" type="external">In a statement to The New Yorker</a>, which detailed numerous allegations &#8212; including claims made by actress and filmmaker Asia Argento that Weinstein raped her by forcibly performing oral sex on her &#8212; the producer &#8220;unequivocally denied&#8221; allegations of non-consensual sex. The statement, released by his representative, continued, &#8220;Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances. Mr. Weinstein obviously can&#8217;t speak to anonymous allegations, but with respect to any women who have made allegations on the record, Mr. Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual. Mr. Weinstein has begun counseling, has listened to the community and is pursuing a better path. Mr. Weinstein is hoping that, if he makes enough progress, he will be given a second chance.&#8221;</p>
James Van Der Beek reveals sexual harassment: 'I've had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men'
<p>Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ********************************************************************************</p> <p>Nine years ago, Christopher Mirasolo, 27, raped a woman. She got pregnant as a result of the alleged crime. Now, Mirasolo&#8212;a convicted rapist&#8212;has been <a href="http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/10/06/rape-victim-attacker-joint-child-custody/106374256/" type="external">awarded joint legal custody of the child</a> by Detroit Judge Gregory S. Ross following a DNA paternity test which showed him to be the child&#8217;s father.</p> <p>Yes, you read that correctly. The man who made a child through rape, was convicted of rape, and served time for rape, will now be granted joint custody of the child born from rape.</p> <p>The victim&#8217;s attorney, Rebecca Kiessling, is now asking for special protection afforded to her client under the federal <a href="https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2015/0604/With-new-US-law-more-funding-to-protect-women-who-have-children-after-rape" type="external">Rape Survivor Child Custody Act</a>. The Act, which President Obama signed the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act into law on May 29, 2015, terminates the parental rights of any parent who raped the opposite sex. The decision to terminate the parental rights must be based on clear and convincing evidence that the resulting child was conceived through rape.</p> <p>Kiessling filed objections last Friday against Ross&#8217; decision to award custody to the parent who&#8217;s believed to have raped the lady whose identity must be kept confidential because of the nature of the crime. Kiessling remarked:</p> <q> <p>This is insane&#8230;Nothing has been right about this since it was originally investigated. He was never properly charged and should still be sitting behind bars somewhere, but the system is victimizing my client, who was a child herself when this all happened.</p> </q> <p>So apparently angered by Ross&#8217; decision, the rape victim&#8217;s attorney continued by accusing the court of implementing deception to make the ruling.</p> <q> <p>An assistant prosecutor on this, Eric Scott, told me she had granted her consent, which was a lie &#8212; she has never been asked to do this and certainly never signed anything</p> </q> <p>In granting parental rights to Mirasolo, Ross has prevented the woman from fleeing the presence of her alleged attacker. In other words, the rape victim now has to be within driving distance of her rapist at all times. And in a bizarre and some would say ironic turn of events, the rape victim may, in fact, go to jail if she does not comply with the court&#8217;s demands.</p> <p>Kiessling remarked that her client is, &#8220;not allowed to move 100 miles from where she had been living when the case was filed, without court consent.&#8221; If she does not comply with the order, she can be locked up. &#8220;So the prosecutor told her she had to come home immediately or she would be held in contempt of court,&#8221; the rape victim&#8217;s lawyer said.</p> <p>For anyone who may be wondering about the details of the alleged rape, the lawyer provided a glimpse into the kind of horrific and violent torture the rape victim allegedly endured. She said Mirasolo raped her client when her client was just 12 and the man was 18. She described the incident in detail.</p> <q> <p>She, her 13-year-old sister and a friend all slipped out of their house one night to meet a boy and the boy&#8217;s older friend, Mirasolo, showed up and asked if they wanted to go for a ride&#8230;They thought they were going to McDonald&#8217;s or somewhere&#8230;Instead, he tossed their cellphones away, drove to Detroit where he stole gas from a station and then drove back to Sanilac County, where he kept them captive for two days in a vacant house near a relative, finally releasing the older sister in a park. He threatened to kill them if they told anyone what happened.</p> </q> <p>Instead of prosecuting Mirasolo to the fullest extent of the law, he was offered a plea deal for being a first-time offender and was back on the streets after less than 7 months in jail. He went on to commit another rape on a young teenager in 2010 and served only four years for the second rape. Now, Judge Ross has given him parental rights to his first victim.</p> <p>Barbara Yockey, Mirasolo&#8217;s attorney did not indicate her client had any intention of being a parent to the child who happens to be the product of a reportedly brutal rape. Yockey said the paternity test and subsequent custody proceedings were initiated after the other parent applied for state services.</p> <q> <p>Chris was notified of the paternity matter and an order of filiation was issued last month by the court saying he had joint legal custody and reasonable visitation privileges&#8230;He never initiated this. It was something routinely done by the prosecutor&#8217;s office when a party makes application for state assistance.</p> </q> <p>The Detroit News also spoke with the mother. She, too, was unaware of the court&#8217;s proceedings. She said;</p> <q> <p>I think this is all crazy&#8230;They (officials) never explained anything to me. I was receiving about $260 a month in food stamps for me and my son and health insurance for him. I guess they were trying to see how to get some of the money back.</p> </q> <p>Following the horrific rape, the victim dropped out of school and moved in with relatives in Florida. She went to a government office to change her address and was notified she had a court order demanding her return to Detroit.</p> <q> <p>Part of me didn&#8217;t want to come back home because I was scared&#8230;I would&#8217;ve got contempt of court if I hadn&#8217;t shown. I would&#8217;ve been thrown in jail.</p> </q> <p>With respect to the rape itself, she said:</p> <q> <p>I didn&#8217;t talk about it, I tried to put it behind me, but that&#8217;s never possible. You never forget what happens.</p> </q> <p>Tiffany, the name she gave to the hosts, which is not her real name, gave her opinion about Ross&#8217; decision to put her rapist&#8217;s name on her son&#8217;s birth certificate.</p> <q> <p>(I&#8217;d been told), he&#8217;d have to fight for any kind of rights&#8230;Then this judge just hands him these rights, like he deserves them.</p> </q> <p>She&#8217;s not alone in her belief that Mirasolo should be denied parental rights. <a href="http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/10/09/rapist-child-custody-second-victim-similarities/106482954/" type="external">The convicted rapist&#8217;s second victim</a> shares her sentiments. She told reporters:</p> <q> <p>When I read <a href="http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/10/06/rape-victim-attacker-joint-child-custody/106374256/" type="external">the (Detroit News) article</a>, I was disgusted&#8230;I guess there is no way they can do anything to him, because he has already served sentences in both cases. But there is no way he should have custody&#8230;And I don&#8217;t think he should even be allowed around any children without supervision.</p> </q> <p>Yes, America, this is the judicial state of affairs in which many of our residents currently endure. A convicted rapist is given parental rights he didn&#8217;t want, to a woman who didn&#8217;t want him to have any association with her or her child, and who&#8217;d even relocated out of state.</p> <p>The woman was ordered to return to the state where she was raped and forced to live within two hours drive of the perpetrator (100 miles). Worse still, she may actually be forced to confront her attacker when and if he ever wants to spend time with his biological child.</p> <p>Jack Burns is an educator, journalist, investigative reporter, and advocate of natural medicine.</p>
Michigan Court Grants Parental Rights to Pedophile Who Impregnated 12yo Girl During a Violent Rape