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<p>Money ( <a href="https://farm8.static.flickr.com/7020/6551534889_9c8ae52997.jpg" type="external">Image</a> by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/people/68751915@N05/" type="external">401(K) 2013</a>) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> No Pill Can Stop Tinnitus, But This 1 Weird Trick Can <p>The walls are closing in on Congress.</p> <p>Terrifying walls of water from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which, when the damage is totaled, could rise to a half trillion dollars. The Walls of War: The multi-trillion dollar ongoing cost of Afghanistan, Iraq and other interventions. The crumbling walls of the U.S. infrastructure, which need at least $3 trillion to be repaired or replaced. A wall of 11 million undocumented immigrants, whose deportation could easily cost $200 billion. The planned wall at the Mexican border, which some estimates place at $67 billion. Then there is the Wall of All, the $20 trillion national debt. The walls of debt are closing in.</p> <p>At moments of crisis in our nation, in addition to invoking the assistance of Higher powers, we can call upon the Constitution for guidance.</p> <p>Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution contains a long-forgotten provision, "the coinage clause," which empowered Congress "to coin (create) Money." The ability to create money to meet the needs of the nation is a sovereign power, which enables a nation to have control of its own destiny.</p> <p>The same article indicates the Founders anticipated having to borrow money on the full faith and credit of the United States. Enter the Funding Act of 1790, which assumed and paid off the debt of the colonies and retired the financial obligations of the newly created states now united. This was a powerful, object lesson in debt retirement, relevant today.</p> <p>It is abundantly clear from a plain reading of the coinage clause that the Founders never intended that the only way the government was to be funded was to borrow money.</p> <p>The needs of the nation were to come from a system of not borrowing wherein money was a neutral value of exchange connecting resources, people and needs, without debt attached.</p> <p>In 1913, the passage of the Federal Reserve Act ceded the constitutional power to create money (and control of our national destiny), to the Federal Reserve, a quasi-private central bank. At this fateful point, the only way money could be brought into being was to borrow it, whereby money became equated with debt. The money system transited from public control to private control, and there it has remained.</p> <p>Instead of following the path set forth by the Founders to create money directly, our government became obliged to borrow from private banks, which assumed the sovereign power to create money from nothing and then loan it to the government, turning on its head the intention of the Founders.</p> <p>As a member of Congress, I came to the conclusion that while the debate over taxation was interesting, it was wholly insufficient. One must first study how money is created, before one can sensibly have a discussion of how it is to be taxed.</p> <p>With the help of staff, I spent a full five years working with legislative counsel to come up with a way to realign with the founding principles, to reclaim and to re-establish for our nation the sovereign power to create money.</p> <p>The vehicle was H.R. 2990, the National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED Act), which articulates why the current debate over the debt ceiling should lead directly to a debate about monetary policy, and the origins of the debt-based economic system.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger No More Tinnitus (Ear Ringing) If You Do This Immediately <p>In our work on the NEED Act, we propound that the present monetary system has led to a concentration of wealth, expansion of national debt, excessive reliance on taxation, devaluation of the currency, increases in the cost of public infrastructure, unemployment and underemployment and the erosion of the ability of Congress to meet the needs of the American people.</p> <p>This system has been a source of financial instability where the banks' ability to create money out of nothing has become a financial liability for the American taxpayers. When banks engaged in speculative lending, turning the financial system into a casino, they were bailed out while millions of Americans lost their homes. No surprise that today we are told there is not enough money for creating jobs, rebuilding America, health care, education and retirement security. But there is always money to bail out the banks.</p> <p>Let us take the opportunity afforded in the debate over the debt ceiling to regain control of our sovereignty and our national destiny. We can have a future of abundance instead of poverty, but we must first take down the wall which separates us from our true sovereignty, the power to coin and create money.</p> <p>Let us return to first principles, and reclaim the constitutional power to coin and create United States money and spend it into circulation to meet the needs of the nation and reduce taxes.</p> <p>Two hundred and thirty years ago this month, delegates from 13 states gathered in a constitutional convention, which set the stage for ratification. Let us summon that same revolutionary spirit and its wisdom to guide us in the days ahead.</p> Seniors Can't Get Enough of This Sweet Treat That Has Shown to Turn Back the Clock on Alzheimer's From flickr.com: Money {MID-161793} <p>Money ( <a href="https://farm8.static.flickr.com/7020/6551534889_9c8ae52997.jpg" type="external">Image</a> by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/people/68751915@N05/" type="external">401(K) 2013</a>) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>The walls are closing in on Congress.</p> <p>Terrifying walls of water from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which, when the damage is totaled, could rise to a half trillion dollars. The Walls of War: The multi-trillion dollar ongoing cost of Afghanistan, Iraq and other interventions. The crumbling walls of the U.S. infrastructure, which need at least $3 trillion to be repaired or replaced. A wall of 11 million undocumented immigrants, whose deportation could easily cost $200 billion. The planned wall at the Mexican border, which some estimates place at $67 billion. Then there is the Wall of All, the $20 trillion national debt. The walls of debt are closing in.</p> <p>At moments of crisis in our nation, in addition to invoking the assistance of Higher powers, we can call upon the Constitution for guidance.</p> <p>Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution contains a long-forgotten provision, "the coinage clause," which empowered Congress "to coin (create) Money." The ability to create money to meet the needs of the nation is a sovereign power, which enables a nation to have control of its own destiny.</p> <p>The same article indicates the Founders anticipated having to borrow money on the full faith and credit of the United States. Enter the Funding Act of 1790, which assumed and paid off the debt of the colonies and retired the financial obligations of the newly created states now united. This was a powerful, object lesson in debt retirement, relevant today.</p> <p>It is abundantly clear from a plain reading of the coinage clause that the Founders never intended that the only way the government was to be funded was to borrow money.</p> <p>The needs of the nation were to come from a system of not borrowing wherein money was a neutral value of exchange connecting resources, people and needs, without debt attached.</p> <p>In 1913, the passage of the Federal Reserve Act ceded the constitutional power to create money (and control of our national destiny), to the Federal Reserve, a quasi-private central bank. At this fateful point, the only way money could be brought into being was to borrow it, whereby money became equated with debt. The money system transited from public control to private control, and there it has remained.</p> <p>Instead of following the path set forth by the Founders to create money directly, our government became obliged to borrow from private banks, which assumed the sovereign power to create money from nothing and then loan it to the government, turning on its head the intention of the Founders.</p> <p>As a member of Congress, I came to the conclusion that while the debate over taxation was interesting, it was wholly insufficient. One must first study how money is created, before one can sensibly have a discussion of how it is to be taxed.</p> <p>With the help of staff, I spent a full five years working with legislative counsel to come up with a way to realign with the founding principles, to reclaim and to re-establish for our nation the sovereign power to create money.</p> <p>The vehicle was H.R. 2990, the National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED Act), which articulates why the current debate over the debt ceiling should lead directly to a debate about monetary policy, and the origins of the debt-based economic system.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by November 8, 2018?
Kucinich: Reclaiming the money power
<p>Donald Trump ran on many braggadocios and largely unrealistic campaign promises. One of <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/16/politics/trump-infrastructure/index.html" type="external">those promises</a> was to be the best, the hugest, the most competent infrastructure president the United States has ever seen. Trump was going to fix every infrastructure problem in the country and Make America Great Again in the process.</p> <p>That is, unless you&#8217;re a brown American. In that case, you&#8217;re on your own, even after a massive natural disaster like Hurricane Maria.</p> <p>Puerto Rico&#8217;s debt, which the Puerto Rican citizens not in government would have no responsibility for, has nothing to do with using federal emergency disaster funds to save the lives of American citizens there. The infrastructure is certainly a mess at this point after a Category 5 hurricane ripped through the island, and <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/US/16-percent-puerto-rico-power-weeks-hurricane-maria/story?id=50417366" type="external">84 percent</a> of Puerto Rican people are currently without electricity.</p> <p>Emergency efforts after Hurricanes Irma and Harvey reportedly went very well and Trump praised himself as well and even saw his disastrous approval ratings tick up slightly as a result. However, the insufficient response in Puerto Rico has nothing to do with Trump, in his mind, and can only be blamed on the people there who do not live in a red state and have no electoral college votes to offer the new president for 2020.</p> <p>They&#8217;re on their own.</p> <p>Twitter responded with sheer incredulity at Trump&#8217;s vicious attack on an already suffering people.</p> Featured image screengrab via <p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4pMxaH5oxs&amp;t=57s" type="external">YouTube</a></p>
Trump Just Woke Up & Viciously Attacked Puerto Ricans On Twitter Like A Cruel Old Man
<p>In response to Joyce Newman&#8217;s recent letter about a conversation about guns: According to the National Right to Life Organization, approximately 600,000 babies are murdered every year by Planned Parenthood with more than 52 million murdered since Roe v. Wade. This makes Planned Parenthood the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world. Is she willing to have a serious conversation about that? Where is her outrage over that?</p> <p>More people die every year from overdoses or auto accidents then from guns. More people die every year from obesity then from guns. Where is her outrage over those issues?</p> <p>The left&#8217;s obsession with gun &#8220;control&#8221; is just that, control. It has always been about Democrats wanting to control every aspect of your life. They support Planned Parenthood but go ballistic when a gun is used to kill someone. It&#8217;s the old game of &#8220;don&#8217;t pay any attention to what&#8217;s going on over there, but look what&#8217;s happening here.&#8221;</p>
Liberals wailing about gun control, but what about abortion?
<p>After Colin Kaepernick rightly chose to kneel during the national anthem before NFL games, many racists and idiots came out with critical response to what was a peaceful, important statement against police brutality and systemic American racism. That&#8217;s what Kap&#8217;s protest is about. Brutality and racism. Violence against people of color, unimpugned state violence at that.</p> <p>Kap&#8217;s protest is strictly against racism, which is what this country was built on. On the backs of African slaves shipped here catch-style to do white people&#8217;s work.</p> <p>Kap&#8217;s protest is decidedly not against the American flag. Anyone &#8212; including our moron President &#8212; that tries to argue otherwise is themselves a moron. &#8220;But the troops!&#8221; you might scream. The troops are a manifold and variegated thing. <a href="https://twitter.com/UncleChaps/status/911927134351970309" type="external">Here&#8217;s a former Marine saying</a>that Kap&#8217;s protest is nececcesary. Chaps is good. Many of them fight for Kaepernick&#8217;s right to stand down during the national anthem. You want to shit on those troops too?</p> <p>Here&#8217;s a picture of <a href="http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/players/207989/laremy-tunsil" type="external">Laremy Tunsil</a>, a wonderful and beautiful left tackle, kneeling out of solidarity with fellow Americans before Sunday&#8217;s game against the <a href="http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/teams/new-york-jets" type="external">New York Jets</a>, which the <a href="http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/teams/miami-dolphins" type="external">Dolphins</a> lost, 20-6. That doesn&#8217;t matter at all, though.</p> <p>He kneels at left.</p> <p>Hat off to Tunsil for this action. &#8220;Respecting the flag&#8221; and &#8220;respecting the anthem&#8221; before football games are perhaps the dumbest notions floated among sports fans. Sporting events are not flag-worthy at all. Nobody else in the world does this. Further, THESE ATHLETES ARE HUMAN PEOPLE. <a href="http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/players/270408/laremy-tunsil" type="external">Laremy Tunsil</a> is a real person with real political beliefs, and his political beliefs include &#8220;black people shouldn&#8217;t be killed by the police with impunity.&#8221; That&#8217;s a pertinent thing to assert.</p> <p>Tunsil&#8217;s politicism is important.</p>
Laremy Tunsil joins NFL players in kneeling during national anthem
<p>Almost a half-century ago, in 1968, the United States seemed to be falling apart.</p> <p>The Vietnam War, a bitter and close presidential election, antiwar protests, racial riots, political assassinations, terrorism and a recession looming on the horizon left the country divided between a loud radical minority and a silent conservative majority.</p> <p>The United States avoided a civil war. But America suffered a collective psychological depression, civil unrest, defeat in Vietnam and assorted disasters for the next decade -- until the election of a once-polarizing Ronald Reagan ushered in five consecutive presidential terms of relative bipartisan calm and prosperity from 1981 to 2001.</p> <p>It appears as if 2017 might be another 1968. Recent traumatic hurricanes seem to reflect the country's human turmoil.</p> <p>After the polarizing Obama presidency and the contested election of Donald Trump, the country is once again split in two.</p> <p>But this time the divide is far deeper, both ideologically and geographically -- and more 50/50, with the two liberal coasts pitted against red-state America in between.</p> <p>Century-old mute stone statues are torn down in the dead of night, apparently on the theory that by attacking the Confederate dead, the lives of the living might improve.</p> <p>All the old standbys of American life seem to be eroding. The National Football League is imploding as it devolves into a political circus. Multimillionaire players refuse to stand for the national anthem, turning off millions of fans whose former loyalties paid their salaries.</p> <p>Politics -- or rather a progressive hatred of the provocative Donald Trump -- permeates almost every nook and cranny of popular culture.</p> <p>The new allegiance of the media, late-night television, stand-up comedy, Hollywood, professional sports and universities is committed to liberal sermonizing. Politically correct obscenity and vulgarity among celebrities and entertainers is a substitute for talent, even as Hollywood is wracked by sexual harassment scandals and other perversities.</p> <p>The smears "racist," "fascist," "white privilege" and "Nazi" -- like "commie" of the 1950s -- are so overused as to become meaningless. There is now less free speech on campus than during the McCarthy era of the early 1950s.</p> <p>As was the case in 1968, the world abroad is also falling apart.</p> <p>The European Union, model of the future, is unraveling. The EU has been paralyzed by the exit of Great Britain, the divide between Spain and Catalonia, the bankruptcy of Mediterranean nation members, insidious terrorist attacks in major European cities and the onslaught of millions of immigrants -- mostly young, male and Muslim -- from the war-torn Middle East. Germany is once again becoming imperious, but this time insidiously by means other than arms.</p> <p>The failed state of North Korea claims that it has nuclear-tipped missiles capable of reaching America's West Coast -- and apparently wants some sort of bribe not to launch them.</p> <p>Iran is likely to follow the North Korea nuclear trajectory. In the meantime, its new Shiite hegemony in the Middle East is feeding on the carcasses of Syria and Iraq.</p> <p>Is the chaos of 2017 a catharsis -- a necessary and long overdue purge of dangerous and neglected pathologies? Will the bedlam within the United States descend into more nihilism, or offer a remedy to the status quo that had divided and nearly bankrupted the country?</p> <p>Is the problem too much democracy, as the volatile and fickle mob runs roughshod over establishment experts and experienced bureaucrats? Or is the crisis too little democracy, as populists strive to dethrone a scandal-plagued, anti-democratic, incompetent and overrated entrenched elite?</p> <p>Neither traditional political party has any answers.</p> <p>Democrats are being overwhelmed by the identity politics and socialism of progressives. Republicans are torn asunder between upstart populist nationalists and the calcified establishment status quo.</p> <p>Yet for all the social instability and media hysteria, life in the United States quietly seems to be getting better.</p> <p>The economy is growing. Unemployment and inflation remain low. The stock market and middle-class incomes are up.</p> <p>Business and consumer confidence are high. Corporate profits are up. Energy production has expanded. The border with Mexico is being enforced.</p> <p>Is the instability less a symptom that America is falling apart and more a sign that the loud conventional wisdom of the past -- about the benefits of a globalized economy, the insignificance of national borders and the importance of identity politics -- is drawing to a close, along with the careers of those who profited from it?</p> <p>In the past, any crisis that did not destroy the United States ended up making it stronger. But for now, the fight grows over which is more toxic -- the chronic statist malady that was eating away the country, or the new populist medicine deemed necessary to cure it.</p> <p>(C) 2017 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.</p> <p>Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. His latest book is <a href="http://www.nationalreview.com/redirect/amazon.p?j=%20160819163X" type="external">The Savior Generals</a> from BloomsburyBooks. You can reach him by e-mailing author@victorhanson.com.</p> Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop
It's 1968 All Over Again
<p>Briefly: In our opinion, full (150% of the regular full position) speculative short positions in gold, silver and mining stocks are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment of publishing this alert.</p> <p>Gold moved back and forth on Friday and the accompanying volume was high, but that&#8217;s not the only important thing that we can discuss today. The week is over and we have weekly changes and weekly volume levels to analyze and we saw major moves in the important ratios. Additionally, we discovered a self-similar pattern in gold that has critical and volatile implications going forward.</p> <p>Let&#8217;s start with Friday&#8217;s session and the changes in the gold market (chart courtesy of <a href="http://stockcharts.com/" type="external">http://stockcharts.com</a>).</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/1_BNTrL7o.png" type="external" /> <p>Gold moved sharply back and forth as both positive and negative data was released and ultimately it ended the session a few dollars higher (based on kitco&#8217;s prices, the closing price was $1,279.60). Why was the reaction so significant? The reason could be technical &#8211; the apex of the triangle was likely to be accompanied by a turnaround and since we just saw a more visible top a couple of days ago and apparently gold doesn&#8217;t want to form a bottom here, then the only remaining outcome is a local daily top that doesn&#8217;t change much &#8211; which is what we saw.</p> <p>Why do we think that gold doesn&#8217;t want to bottom here? Because if it did, it would have ended Friday&#8217;s session much higher.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/2_I8jpobb.png" type="external" /> The USD Index moved lower, so gold had a good reason to close the session visibly higher, especially that it moved quite high on an intraday basis. Yet, it declined before the session was over and closed only insignificantly higher. <p>If gold doesn&#8217;t want to move higher, then silver must really hate that &#8220;thought&#8221;.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/3_jgYU95t.png" type="external" /> <p>The white metal declined once again and even though gold closed a bit higher, it managed to close lower. The move lower by itself is already bearish as it took place on visible volume, but it&#8217;s very bearish once we take into account Thursday&#8217;s breakdown. We previously commented on it in the following way:</p> <p>Silver declined and it reversed before the end of the session, which appears to be a reversal. But does this reversal really have bullish implications? It doesn&#8217;t seem to be the case. The volume wasn&#8217;t huge enough to confirm the reversal and it was not low enough to invalidate the bearish implications of the decline either.</p> <p>The key thing to the proper analysis of the silver price swing is the awareness of what the USD and S&amp;amp;P 500 did. The former declined a bit, while stocks truly soared, which created perfect circumstances for a silver rally. Yet, instead of a rally, we saw a decline and a move below the rising support line based on the August and October lows. Consequently, silver&#8217;s action was very bearish as it showed great weakness in this market.</p> <p>Moreover, the mentioned support line could be viewed as a neck level of a head and shoulders pattern (with a rather long right shoulder, similar to the one that we saw in the euro), which serves as an additional bearish indication (it&#8217;s only a small addition to the bearish implications of the breakdown as such, as its implications are bearish regardless of the H&amp;amp;S formation being in place or not).</p> <p>On Friday, the general stock market declined significantly but almost the entire decline was reversed before the end of the session. If we consider Thursday and Friday together, the S&amp;amp;P 500 index still rallied considerably, but silver declined and was unable to invalidate its breakdown. The implications are strongly bearish.</p> <p>Let&#8217;s move back to gold for a few minutes.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/4_eIzPfWr.png" type="external" /> In Friday&#8217;s alert, we wrote the following regarding the above chart featuring gold priced in the euro: <p>In terms of the euro, the bearish signals are much more profound. Gold has just broken below the rising, medium-term support line and the most recent local top was formed approximately at the apex of the triangle pattern (in terms of time). The latter makes it considerably more likely that an important top was just formed and thus that the breakdown that we just saw will be confirmed.</p> <p>As far as the apex of the triangle is concerned, it&#8217;s actually a combination of two such patterns &#8211; they are based on the same tops and bottoms, but in one case (red lines) they are based on the intraday extremes and in the other case (black lines) they are based on the daily closing prices. The most recent top took place right between the apexes created based on both patterns.</p> <p>The mentioned breakdown is almost confirmed. Almost, because we would prefer to see three consecutive closing prices below the support line to see it as strong resistance, but we have already seen two of them, a weekly close and also a failed attempt to move back above the line. The breakdown is very close to being fully confirmed and the bearishness of the implications increased significantly based on Friday&#8217;s session.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/5_YvNSaHt.png" type="external" /> <p>Speaking of breakdowns, we saw one in the gold to S&amp;amp;P 500 ratio, which&#8230; is nothing new, but still quite exciting and important. Why? Because due to several failed attempts to break below this level, we had to be skeptical toward the breakdown this time. The question was: &#8221;Would this time be any different?&#8221; It turned out that this time was different as the ratio moved back to the previously broken level, verified it as support and then continued to move lower on huge volume (precisely, the ratio itself doesn&#8217;t have volume, so what we mean is the ratio of volumes).</p> <p>Why would the above be a big deal? Because this ratio moves in tune with gold when it comes to major price moves and &#8211; more importantly &#8211; there was only one similar case in the past 15 years when we saw a similar breakdown and it was in the early stages of the 2012 &#8211; 2013 decline. Back then, it was a warning sign that practically nobody noticed. You&#8217;ll probably not see it anywhere (except for this publication) this time either.</p> <p>Naturally, the implications are strongly bearish as the breakdown now appears believable.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/6_ASZRCIr.png" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/7.png" type="external" /> Mining stocks, just like gold moved back and forth and ended the session higher, however, the move was too tiny in terms of daily closing prices to be viewed as bullish. It&#8217;s more of a big-volume reversal and the implications thereof are bearish. <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/8.png" type="external" /> <p>From the weekly point of view, we see that mining stocks declined and broke below the rising support lines based on the 2016 and 2017 lows and that the breakdown took place on big volume. All that happened after two weeks of low-volume upswings that we commented on in <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/end-of-usd-rally/" type="external">last Monday&#8217;s alert</a>:</p> <p>Finally, the weekly volume levels in the GDX ETF paint a very bearish picture for the following weeks. The GDX ETF is after 2 small, weekly rallies that were accompanied by very low volume when compared with the previous weeks. The last week had less trading days, but that doesn&#8217;t explain the previous week&#8217;s low volume reading. Moreover, we didn&#8217;t see similarly low volume readings in the past Novembers, which suggests that we are correct to view the low volume levels as something important and meaningful.</p> <p>The only comparable situation from the recent past took place in mid-2014 (marked with a black arrow). In the following weeks, the GDX price was cut by a third.</p> <p>The bearish implications of the above just became more bearish as back in 2014, the first big-volume weekly decline meant that the big slide had just begun.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/9.png" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/10.png" type="external" /> <p>The breakdown can also be seen in the case of the HUI to S&amp;amp;P 500 index ratio. In other words, by looking at <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/investment-tools/best-gold-stocks/" type="external">gold stocks</a>&#8217; performance relative to <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/stock-trading/" type="external">other stocks</a>. The breakdown is clear and confirmed by both weekly and monthly closing prices. The implications are bearish.</p> <p>All in all, the medium-term outlook is clearly bearish based on the above and based on the factors that we discussed previously and it seems that we&#8217;ve been correct to be holding the short positions in metals and miners (especially in silver and miners). Still, it seems that the vast majority of the potential that these positions have is still to be realized.</p> <p>This is particularly the case given the similarities between what we&#8217;re seeing now and what we saw before the previous slides. We already discussed some of those similarities above, but there&#8217;s also something else that is likely in play right now.</p> <p>In early October, we described the analogy in performance between 2008 and the current period (at the moment) in gold stocks. It was almost two months ago, so even if you read it at that time, it might be worth <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same/" type="external">reading it once again today</a> (by the way, we are making that alert available publicly, so if you know someone who&#8217;s interested in precious metals, but has doubts about using technical analysis to analyze it, please send them the link to that alert &#8211; they might change their minds - <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same/" type="external">https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same/</a>) &#8211; it&#8217;s truly amazing how the similarity continued almost to the letter even though the two cases are almost a decade apart. Even the initial retracement of the HUI Index (38.2%) was identical.</p> <p>However, today we are not going to repeat the October analysis &#8211; we are going to discuss something alike&#8230; in gold.</p> <p>That&#8217;s right, the gold market features similarities to its performance back in 2008.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/11.png" type="external" /> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/12.png" type="external" /> <p>Before moving to details, let&#8217;s state that the analogy is far from perfect. That&#8217;s probably why we didn&#8217;t discover it earlier. However, it&#8217;s not the point to be picky about a technique, but rather to see if there is anything that it can give us and make us particularly aware of things that could come. With regard to the latter goal in mind, it seems that we have something very valuable.</p> <p>In both cases, we have a sharp rally that preceded a top, then we saw some kind of consolidation and another attempt to move higher, which failed (mid-2008 and second half of 2012) and started a decline. The decline was more or less twice the size of the decline from the key (March 2008 and late 2011) top. In 2008, we saw a corrective upswing that was followed by a move to almost the final bottom and from mid-2013 to early 2015 we saw several such corrective upswings. After the initial bottom (September 2008 and the final part of 2015) gold soared sharply. The sizes of the upswings differ on a relative basis, but it&#8217;s understandable as back in 2008 the moves took place in a very short time, so the levels of emotionality among market participants were much higher.</p> <p>After the sharp rally, gold consolidated a bit (late September 2008 and mid-2016), then declined and moved close to the previous highs once again (October 2008 and September 2017).</p> <p>The decline that started thereafter in 2008 was the biggest and sharpest decline in many years. Naturally, this does not bode well for the near-term gold outlook. Conversely, it seems that we can expect the most important part of the decline to be just around the corner.</p> <p>The above implication is not the only interesting thing about the analogy, though. The detail that could be important going forward is the moment when the decline took a breather. At this time, the moves take more time, so the pauses could be longer and more visible as well and if we get enough bullish confirmations once gold moves to certain price levels, we might even adjust the trading position temporarily.</p> <p>In 2008, the first interim pause was at the most recent important low and the second pause was approximately the level from which the sharpest part of the previous huge rally started, which was strengthened by another support level (the previous low).</p> <p>We don&#8217;t have price levels that would be 100% analogous, but we can see which levels are most similar. In our view, the most recent important lows would be close to the $1,200 level (March, May, and July 2017 bottoms) and the next strong support will be provided by the $1,120 - $1,130 area. That&#8217;s approximately from where gold soared most sharply in early 2016 and this level is strengthened by the December 2016 low.</p> <p>These levels are most likely to generate support strong enough to trigger at least corrective rallies based on the analogy to what we saw in 2008 and based on their own strength as support. Naturally, that&#8217;s what appears likely based on the data that we have today and the likely scenario could change as new developments unfold.</p> <p>There&#8217;s one more thing that we left for the analytical dessert. Namely, back in 2008 the previous key low (September 2008 low, which is analogous to the late 2015 bottom) didn&#8217;t trigger even a small rally. Consequently, even though a bottom or at least a correction will be widely expected once gold moves below $1,100, gold may continue to move lower and slide through $1,050 like a hot knife through butter.</p> <p>Finally, there&#8217;s one more thing that makes the current situation in gold similar to 2008 &#8211; the overall increase in the volume levels. We already discussed, why <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/just-a-blip/" type="external">the yearly volume levels at record highs should not be viewed as bullish</a> (final part of the November 14 alert that we&#8217;re linking to) and today we would like to add the observation that back in 2008 the volume levels also broke to new highs and stayed there for a long time.</p> <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/media/cms_page_media/2017/12/4/13.png" type="external" /> <p>Yes, the volume has been growing almost constantly, but the 2008 and 2017 buildups in volume still stand out. The growth is much sharper than in other years and no other period is comparable to those years. Since the 2008 volume buildup was followed by a sharp decline in the precious metals sector, it seems that we might see something similar also this and/or the next year.</p> <p>Summing up, there are multiple bearish signals in the gold market and in the rest of the precious metals sector and the analogies to previous major declines further support the bearish outlook. The big decline in PMs appears to be underway as the previously discussed long-term signals remain in place: <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/extreme-monthly-volume-in-gold/" type="external">gold&#8217;s huge monthly volume</a>, the <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same/" type="external">analogy in the HUI Index</a>, the <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/rate-hikes-usd-gold/" type="external">analogy between the two most recent series of interest rate hikes</a>, and the <a href="https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/miners-screaming-signal/" type="external">RSI signal from gold priced in the Japanese yen</a>.</p> <p>To summarize:</p> <p>Trading capital (supplementary part of the <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/key-insights/gold-portfolio/" type="external">portfolio</a>; our opinion): Short positions (150% of the full position) in gold, silver and mining stocks are justified from the risk/reward perspective with the following stop-loss orders and exit price levels / profit-take orders:</p> Gold: exit price: $1,218; stop-loss: $1,366; exit price for the DGLD ETN: $51.98; stop-loss for the DGLD ETN $38.74 Silver: exit price: $15.82; stop-loss: $19.22; exit price for the DSLV ETN: $28.88; stop-loss for the DSLV ETN $17.93 Mining stocks (price levels for the GDX ETF): exit price: $21.23; stop-loss: $26.34; exit price for the DUST ETF: $29.97; stop-loss for the DUST ETF $21.37 <p>In case one wants to bet on junior mining stocks' prices (we do not suggest doing so &#8211; we think senior mining stocks are more predictable in the case of short-term trades &#8211; if one wants to do it anyway, we provide the details), here are the stop-loss details and exit prices:</p> GDXJ ETF: exit price: $30.28; stop-loss: $45.31 JDST ETF: exit price: $66.27; stop-loss: $43.12 <p>Long-term capital (core part of the <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/key-insights/gold-portfolio/" type="external">portfolio</a>; our opinion): No positions (in other words: cash)</p> <p>Insurance capital (core part of the <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/key-insights/gold-portfolio/" type="external">portfolio</a>; our opinion): Full position</p> Important Details for New Subscribers <p>Whether you already subscribed or not, we encourage you to find out <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading-beginners-guide/" type="external">how to make the most of our alerts</a> and read our replies to the most common alert-and-gold-trading-related-questions.</p> <p>Please note that the in the trading section we describe the situation for the day that the alert is posted. In other words, it we are writing about a speculative position, it means that it is up-to-date on the day it was posted. We are also featuring the initial target prices, so that you can decide whether keeping a position on a given day is something that is in tune with your approach (some moves are too small for medium-term traders and some might appear too big for day-traders).</p> <p>Plus, you might want to read <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/help/faq/#127" type="external">why our stop-loss orders are usually relatively far from the current price</a>.</p> <p>Please note that a full position doesn&#8217;t mean using all of the capital for a given trade. You will find details on our thoughts on <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/key-insights/portfolio/" type="external">gold portfolio structuring</a> in the <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/key-insights/" type="external">Key Insights</a> section on our website.</p> <p>As a reminder &#8211; &#8220;initial target price&#8221; means exactly that &#8211; an &#8220;initial&#8221; one, it&#8217;s not a price level at which we suggest closing positions. If this becomes the case (like it did in the previous trade) we will refer to these levels as levels of exit orders (exactly as we&#8217;ve done previously). Stop-loss levels, however, are naturally not &#8220;initial&#8221;, but something that, in our opinion, might be entered as an order.</p> <p>Since it is impossible to synchronize target prices and stop-loss levels for all the ETFs and ETNs with the main markets that we provide these levels for (gold, silver and mining stocks &#8211; the GDX ETF), the stop-loss levels and target prices for other ETNs and ETF (among other: UGLD, DGLD, USLV, DSLV, NUGT, DUST, JNUG, JDST) are provided as supplementary, and not as &#8220;final&#8221;. This means that if a stop-loss or a target level is reached for any of the &#8220;additional instruments&#8221; (DGLD for instance), but not for the &#8220;main instrument&#8221; (gold in this case), we will view positions in both gold and DGLD as still open and the stop-loss for DGLD would have to be moved lower. On the other hand, if gold moves to a stop-loss level but DGLD doesn&#8217;t, then we will view both positions (in gold and DGLD) as closed. In other words, since it&#8217;s not possible to be 100% certain that each related instrument moves to a given level when the underlying instrument does, we can&#8217;t provide levels that would be binding. The levels that we do provide are our best estimate of the levels that will correspond to the levels in the underlying assets, but it will be the underlying assets that one will need to focus on regarding the signs pointing to closing a given position or keeping it open. We might adjust the levels in the &#8220;additional instruments&#8221; without adjusting the levels in the &#8220;main instruments&#8221;, which will simply mean that we have improved our estimation of these levels, not that we changed our outlook on the markets. We are already working on a tool that would update these levels on a daily basis for the most popular ETFs, ETNs and individual mining stocks.</p> <p>Our preferred ways to invest in and to trade gold along with the reasoning can be found in the <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/how-to-buy/" type="external">how to buy gold</a> section. Additionally, our preferred ETFs and ETNs can be found in our <a href="http://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/etf/" type="external">Gold &amp;amp; Silver ETF Ranking</a>.</p> <p>As a reminder, Gold &amp;amp; Silver Trading Alerts are posted before or on each trading day (we usually post them before the opening bell, but we don't promise doing that each day). If there's anything urgent, we will send you an additional small alert before posting the main one.</p> <p>=====</p> <p>Latest Free Trading Alerts:</p> <p>On Wednesday, Trump nominated Goodfriend to the Fed&#8217;s Board of Governors. What does it mean for the gold market?</p> <p>S&amp;amp;P 500 index lost 0.2% on Friday, following volatile trading session and a bounce off support level at 2,600 mark. Is this a topping pattern or just another consolidation within medium-term uptrend?</p> <p>=====</p> <p>Hand-picked precious-metals-related links:</p> <p>=====</p> <p>In other news:</p> <p>=====</p> <p>Thank you.</p>
Gold Price in December 2017 - Myriads of Signals and Analogies
<p>When the Graham-Cassidy bill failed to reach the Senate floor last week, the media wanted to put a stake in the heart of the administration&#8217;s agenda, declaring all Obamacare repeal efforts to be dead. For the millions of Americans struggling under the Affordable Care Act regime, however, the fight to make lemonade out of lemons must continue this fall.</p> <p>Luckily, conservatives in Congress who want to see the end of Obamacare and understand the perils of inaction are not giving up.</p> <p>Earlier this week, America Rising Squared, a conservative policy organization which I lead, issued a <a href="https://www.scribd.com/document/360054557/Five-Proactive-Steps-That-Congress-Can-Take-ToCurtail-The-Obamacare-Disaster-in-2017" type="external">path forward</a>. We outline five popular conservative actions Congress and the president can take by the end of the year to protect taxpayers and those disproportionately harmed by the ACA while the larger repeal effort remains delayed until next year.</p> <p>The first step is to protect them from new Obamacare taxes coming in January.</p> <p>Americans should be encouraged to know that conservatives in the Senate have <a href="https://www.gardner.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/gardner-authors-proposal-to-delay-costly-health-insurance-tax" type="external">introduced legislation</a> to stop the health insurance tax and the medical device tax. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and 10 fellow conservative senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced legislation last week to stop the insurance tax. In the House, a bipartisan effort is underway to do the same, led by Republican Rep. Kristi Noem of South Dakota and Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.</p> <p>These members of Congress understand that Obamacare taxes will harm Americans of all walks of life, and will disproportionately harm seniors and small businesses. In all, if Congress fails to act, the health insurance tax would amount to a new annual <a href="http://www.stopthehit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Oliver-Wyman-2018-HIT-Analysis%E2%80%8E-August-8-2017.pdf" type="external">$14.3 billion tax increase</a>. Republicans don&#8217;t want to see a tax hike go into effect on their watch, and Democrats don&#8217;t want to put more of a burden on vulnerable Americans, so action is required now.</p> <p>Second, there should be no bailouts for Obamacare. While bipartisanship is a key to success in getting legislation passed, the president and conservatives in Congress ought to fight back against all efforts to bail out this law. When House Republicans sued President Obama in 2014 over the health-care act's cost-sharing subsidies, a federal judge sided with the plaintiffs, deeming these bailouts unconstitutional. The Obama administration appealed, so today President Trump can easily drop that appeal and end unconstitutional Obamacare cronyism. Liberals in the Senate want new bailouts, but conservatives such as Cruz have <a href="http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/353086-cruz-warns-against-obamacare-bailout" type="external">warned</a> colleagues that they must oppose any such efforts.</p> <p>The third step needed to cripple the health care law and protect Americans is for President Trump to direct the IRS to weaken the individual mandate and expand the hardship exemptions. The individual mandate has forced many Americans to purchase coverage they do not want and cannot afford, and even candidate Obama <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/23/AR2008022302026.html" type="external">admitted</a> in 2008 that under Massachusetts' plan, &#8220;there are people who are paying &#64257;nes and still can&#8217;t afford [health insurance], so now they&#8217;re worse off than they were.&#8221; He was right, and President Trump can give these Americans relief from fines easily by directing the IRS to ease the mandate.</p> <p>The two final steps the president and Republicans in Congress can take before the end of the year is to fully implement 90 percent cuts to Obamacare marketing, which would save the federal government some $90 million, and fully protect American seniors from new taxes on Medicare plans. Among the taxes going into effect next year, those enrolled in Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D will see taxes increased nearly $3,000 each over the next decade if Congress fails to act.</p> <p>Time is running out, and President Trump and Republicans in Congress must act now to stop new Obamacare taxes, end the cronyism of bailouts, free Americans from burdensome federal mandates, cut wasteful ACA marketing, and protect America&#8217;s seniors.</p> <p>President Trump and conservatives have it within their power today to stop the most harmful aspects of the health care law, but time is short; the time to act is now.</p> Want to protect your brain and revitalize your memory? You NEED this Super Coffee!
Conservatives & Trump Can Still Stop the Worst of Obamacare
<p>In recent months, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has taken to scaremongering his audience with well-worn Democratic Party talking points regarding health care insurance policy. Between yuks, he occasionally accuses Republicans of being would-be baby killers, which is treated as an important political development because, well, Jimmy Kimmel is famous.</p> <p>This week, the comedian was back to explain why the new Graham-Cassidy Republican "repeal" bill is bad news. There were only two things wrong with his monologue: Almost everything he said was either completely untrue or highly misleading, and his simplistic emotional appeal was completely disconnected from the real world.</p> <p>The comedian's interest in policy was sparked by the harrowing experience of having a newborn son who suffered from a rare health condition. Thankfully, his boy is OK. "If your baby is going to die and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make," said an emotional Kimmel in May. "I think that's something that, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?"</p> <p>Yes, everyone agrees. As far as I know, there isn't a single politician in America who has ever supported allowing babies to die because they are born with birth defects, even if the parents can't pay. Not pre-Obamacare, and not post-Obamacare.</p> <p>In any event, after Kimmel's May rant, Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy showed up on his show to explain his position. These types of culture encounters shouldn't be dismissed, because the fact is most viewers are unaware of specific policies and have a notional understanding that's prejudiced by the establishment media's coverage. Cassidy came up with something he called the "Jimmy Kimmel Test," a test that no "family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can't afford it."</p> <p>Kimmel claims that the new bill doesn't meet this threshold. "This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face," the talk-show host said on Tuesday night during an extended political rant. He went on to say, "And by the way, before you post a nasty Facebook message saying I'm politicizing my son's health problems, I want you to know: I am politicizing my son's health problems." OK.</p> <p>He explained: "Coverage for all? No. Fact, it will kick about 30 million Americans off insurance."</p> <p>Not a single person would be "kicked off" his or her insurance. Rather, the Congressional Budget Office review of the AHCA found that of the 24 million Americans who would no longer have health insurance after an Obamacare repeal, 14 million would choose not to buy insurance in 2018 in the absence of a penalty. And if Obamacare were not repealed, the CBO projects another 6 million people would voluntarily leave the Obamacare markets. Now, if you don't believe Americans should be afforded the choice to leave or not buy insurance, just say that. No one is being kicked off.</p> <p>Moreover, if Kimmel supports the individual mandate, Graham-Cassidy allows California to institute it -- as I am sure it would.</p> <p>Kimmel says: "Pre-existing conditions? Nope. If the bill passes, individual states can let insurance companies charge more if you have a pre-existing condition."</p> <p>States would be allowed to apply for waivers to change what qualifies as an essential health benefit as long as they still preserve "adequate and affordable health insurance coverage" for people with pre-existing conditions. You may prefer price fixing to allowing states flexibility to try and fix these problems, but Graham-Cassidy does not break the "Jimmy Kimmel Test." Kimmel might not be aware that there is no plan in place that has government cutting checks after every surgery.</p> <p>Kimmel then implored his audience to call Cassidy to stop the imaginary bill he had just described. It's a shame that Kimmel didn't provide a number to call for the tens of millions of Americans who have seen their premiums and out-of-pocket costs skyrocket under Obamacare's strictures. Is there no number available for those who are sick of being in exchanges that coerce them to buy plans they don't need that are sold by companies they don't like in fabricated, noncompetitive "markets" with dwindling choices?</p> <p>Anyway, so went a monologue that could have been written by any liberal activist. Which is to say it was all about cheap zero-sum emotionalism. Kimmel doesn't believe Americans deserve the chance to reduce the cost of health care with market-based reforms on the state level, or in giving states any flexibility in catering their plans to their own citizens. Kimmel believes California and New York should spend more per capita and smaller states should suffer. Kimmel doesn't believe that individuals and families should be allowed to contribute to health savings accounts or use them to help pay ever-growing insurance premiums. Kimmel wants average Americans to suffer.</p> <p>You see? Anyone can play this game.</p> <p>COPYRIGHT 2017 CREATORS.COM</p> Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop
Don't Fall for Jimmy Kimmel's Cheap Zero-Sum Emotionalism
<p>Days after Steven Bannon&#8217;s blustery, accusatory interview on &#8220;60 Minutes,&#8221; in which he warned the apostates blocking President Trump&#8217;s agenda that he&#8217;s coming after them, Trump confirmed it -- there is no such thing as Trumpism. In recent weeks he&#8217;s assured Democrats he backs legalizing the Dreamers, affirmed a commitment to foreign aid in front of the United Nations, and said he&#8217;s adding troops in Afghanistan. Will Trump now accept &#8220;better&#8221; terms he wants in the Paris climate accord?</p> <p>Too bad for Bannon, because none of this is remotely the fault of his favorite punching bags, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, just Trump himself.</p> <p>Bannon&#8217;s new self-described role as &#8220;wingman&#8221; growling from outside instead of inside the White House -- where as chief strategist he fought openly against the &#8220;globalist&#8221; forces he believed included Trump&#8217;s family members -- isn&#8217;t going very well. Trump keeps screwing things up for the Breitbart News commander. After getting fired last month he lamented to the Weekly Standard that &#8220;the Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over.&#8221; But upon reflection, Bannon realized that lame duck talk diminishes his own power, so he&#8217;s in overdrive fighting for scraps of a policy vision the president embraces spasmodically.</p> <p>Bannon says he&#8217;s enjoying having &#8220;my hands back on my weapons,&#8221; but he&#8217;s outside looking in at a West Wing filled with elites from Goldman Sachs -- the very definition of &#8220;the swamp&#8221; that Bannon is always frothing about. There, a president is spending political donations on legal fees while his staffers go deep in debt with mounting lawyer bills, visitor logs are kept secret so voters have no idea who is permitted into the Oval Office to influence the president, and a kleptocracy thrives where Trump and his children continue to be enriched by business connected to foreign governments, including the Chinese. Cabinet secretaries are using government planes for private use and private planes for government work -- violations that would have sparked endless Breitbart bonfires under President Obama.</p> <p>In reality, however, there was little left of Trumpism to trumpet even before Bannon was fired. He&#8217;s got the travel ban (or at least a modified version of it), and maybe the promised withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement; Bannon will claim credit if Trump pulls out of the Iran nuclear deal -- but that&#8217;s about it. On trade and immigration, the president has retreated from Bannon&#8217;s barricade-crashing proposals and has not withdrawn from NAFTA, not imposed tariffs on Chinese steel imports, has three times backed off threats over funding for a border wall and now come out in favor of what Bannon calls &#8220;amnesty.&#8221;</p> <p>Yet Bannon has declared war, promising to take out incumbent Republican senators who aren&#8217;t sufficiently loyal to the president. Targets are guilty of insufficient fealty to Trump himself, not to an agenda once thought of as Trumpism. With the backing of loyal mega-donor Robert Mercer, the Bannon forces are targeting Sen. Jeff Flake, and potentially Sens. Bob Corker and Roger Wicker as well. GOP leaders are incensed over the millions more they will spend protecting those lawmakers, money that could be spent trying to knock off Democrats. Currently Bannon is working to elect Roy Moore to replace sitting Sen. Luther Strange in the Alabama Senate race. Trump has endorsed Strange, also backed by McConnell. Bannon is backing the more Trumpian candidate and, well, Trump is not.</p> <p>Bannon, ironically, purports to be interested in protecting GOP majorities in Congress. Before he could imagine Trump giving away the store on DACA to Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Bannon declared in his &#8220;60 Minutes&#8221; interview that preserving President Obama&#8217;s executive order would cause a GOP civil war. He expects Dreamers to run out their permits and &#8220;self-deport,&#8221; because &#8220;amnesty is non-negotiable.&#8221; He also said, &#8220;I&#8217;m worried about losing the House now because of this,&#8221; adding that his fear is &#8220;in February and March it will be a civil war inside the Republican Party.&#8221;</p> <p>But if civil war in the GOP isn&#8217;t Bannon&#8217;s aim, it's hard to know what is. He blames everything on Ryan and McConnell. &#8220;They do not want Donald Trump&#8217;s populist economic agenda to be implemented. It&#8217;s very obvious. It&#8217;s obvious as night follows day,&#8221; he told Charlie Rose.</p> <p>In the name of Trumpism, Bannon swallows heavy doses of denial. After all, when Trump threatened to withdraw from NAFTA, the president&#8217;s kids and other aides made calls to the Canadian government and arranged for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to call Trump and talk him off the ledge. It wasn&#8217;t Ryan or McConnell. Trump&#8217;s approval ratings remain low, Bannon said, &#8220;because he hasn&#8217;t -- we haven&#8217;t gotten the wall built.&#8221; Earth to Steve: Trump has signaled to Congress the wall is a joke.</p> <p>In the wake of the DACA debacle, Breitbart called the president &#8220;Amnesty Don,&#8221; yet Bannon himself has stayed sheepishly silent. Ann Coulter, author of &#8220;In Trump We Trust,&#8221; tweeted: &#8220;Looks like Bannon got it wrong. That shadowy force trying to nullify the 2016 election ... is <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump" type="external">@realDonaldTrump</a>.&#8221; Rep. Steve King told the Associated Press the president was destroying his support by betraying his campaign promise, and that his base is &#8220;irreparable, disillusioned beyond repair.&#8221; King added, &#8220;No promise is credible.&#8221;</p> <p>Sam Nunberg, a close Bannonite, conceded: &#8220;The reality is sinking in that the Trump administration is on the precipice of turning into an establishment presidency.&#8221;</p> <p>But Bannon isn&#8217;t just breaking plates at Breitbart, he&#8217;s building his own brand. Last week, like any other dime-a-dozen elitist, Bannon attended an investor conference in Hong Kong. He told the exclusive gathering he speaks to Trump every two-to-three days, despite White House denials that the president has spoken more than once with Bannon since he left. Before Trump disappointed him on DACA, Nunberg had hailed Bannon&#8217;s increased influence with Trump. &#8220;I think Steve leaves and a week later he [Trump] pardons Arpaio and they suspend DACA. I don&#8217;t think there was any coincidence there,&#8221; Nunberg told BuzzFeed.</p> <p>Bannon remains fixated on the threat China poses to the United States, has grimly predicted we will be at war with that nation within five-to-10 years over its buildup of military installations in the South China Sea, and said we&#8217;re already &#8220;at economic war&#8221; with China. Yet his domestic bark in this regard doesn&#8217;t seem to be the same as his overseas-investor-conference bite. Once there, the New York Times described Bannon as &#8220;more subdued about the purported Chinese threat.&#8221; The Wall Street Journal reported he described Trump&#8217;s great respect for President Xi and prospects for trade, but that &#8220;the U.S. needs to play a stronger role in changing the system in China, an attendee recalled.&#8221; It&#8217;s a far cry from a trade war on steel.</p> <p>Perhaps over time, Bannonism will go the way of Trumpism.</p> <p>A.B. Stoddard is associate editor of RealClearPolitics and a columnist. She is also host of "No Labels Radio" on Sirius XM's POTUS Channel.</p> Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)
Tell Us, Mr. Bannon -- Just What Is Trumpism?
<p>During the campaign, Donald J. Trump made lots of promises -- he'd be the greatest jobs president God ever created, he'd cut taxes, he'd balance the budget, he'd give all Americans fantastic health care, he'd renegotiate NAFTA, he'd scotch the Iran deal and so on.</p> <p>But there was one central promise without which he wouldn't have been elected: He said he'd build a wall.</p> <p>Either Trump understood the urgency of our border crisis, as his every campaign speech suggested, or it was just meaningless boilerplate to get himself elected. If it was the latter, then our search continues for one politician who won't lie to us.</p> <p>It was precisely the Nietzschean Eternal Recurrence of politicians promising to get tough on immigration, but never, ever doing it, that caused voters to cling to Trump like a life vest in a tidal wave.</p> <p>If Trump actually believed what he claimed to believe, he would treat the building of a wall as a far more urgent priority than sending FEMA after a hurricane.</p> <p>Taking nothing away from the fine people who lost their lives in the recent hurricanes, since the 2005 hurricane season, about 200 Americans have died in hurricanes, plus 82 in Hurricane Harvey and 50 in Hurricane Irma.</p> <p>That's 332 deaths from hurricanes in the past 12 years.</p> <p>Even a federal government determined not to tell Americans how many illegal immigrants are committing crimes admits that -- at a minimum -- there are <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1621572676/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1621572676&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=anncoulter-20&amp;linkId=8d8735d5d2478f80fae5907946273bc7" type="external">350,000 illegal immigrants</a> incarcerated in state prisons and jails, and 3,500 are in for murder.</p> <p>Considering that the average time served for murder in America is six years, that means that, in the last 12 years, hurricanes have killed 332 Americans, and illegal immigrants have killed 7,000 Americans.</p> <p>Throw in the more than 30,000 Americans who die every year from heroin and fentanyl brought in by Mexicans, and illegal immigration is a problem at least 100 times more urgent than Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and every other hurricane since 2005, combined.</p> <p>(If we're including U.S. territories and Hurricane Maria ends up killing another 100 people -- current estimates are zero dead -- illegal immigration is still 80 times worse than the last 12 years of deadly hurricanes. Of course, if we're including territories, then we also must note that illegal immigration is especially disastrous for Puerto Ricans living in the U.S., in terms of crime and diminishing job prospects.)</p> <p>There is no question but that illegal immigration dwarfs any other issue, not only in dead Americans, but also in welfare expenditures, taxes, lost jobs, police and prison expenditures, declining neighborhoods, ruined schools, overwhelmed hospitals, facial reconstruction surgeries and rape counseling services, to name a few costs.</p> <p>We thought Trump understood this. We were counting on him to fight for us on the border -- not with rallies, not with hats, not with tweets, but by building a wall.</p> <p>And yet, as of Wednesday this week, Trump will have been in office 243 days without having begun the wall. Imagine if Hurricanes Harvey and Irma had hit 243 days ago and all we'd gotten from the president were assurances that FEMA would be coming any day now -- just as soon as he got the go-ahead from Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan! (Or worse, from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.)</p> <p>The more accurate analogy would be if Trump responded to the recent hurricanes not only by sending zero federal aid, but also by demanding that we dismantle FEMA and the National Hurricane Center. That's exactly what he's doing by proposing we respond to the crisis of 40 million illegal aliens in our country with an amnesty that will lure another 40 million across the border.</p> <p>We hoped we wouldn't have to spell it out. We thought Trump understood that this was an emergency. We believed he was capable of getting the job done.</p> <p>If he did understand, then 243 days ago, he would have sent the Navy Seabees and Army Corps of Engineers to start building the wall.</p> <p>For most of the nation's history, the primary job of the military -- of which President Trump is the commander in chief -- was building walls and fortresses on our borders. That's why we have an Army Corps of Engineers. It may not seem like it from recent history, but the job of our military is to protect America's borders -- not Ukraine's borders, not Jordan's borders.</p> <p>This is our one and only chance to get this done, and we're losing the fight. While Trump dallies, last week California became a sanctuary state. Sixteen-year-old girls are taking lessons to learn to be safe drivers, but when they're smashed into by drunk-driving illegal aliens, the state won't tell ICE, and taxpayers will spend $40 million to pay for their defense.</p> <p>The wall has to get built, and nothing else matters.</p> <p>Trump will not be able to tweet his way out of not building the wall. He will not be able to change the subject by attacking the media or Crooked Hillary. He will not be able to get away with blaming Republicans in Congress.</p> <p>Obviously, it suits the rest of the traitorous GOP -- which ferociously opposed him -- to pretend that Trump's election had nothing to do with immigration.</p> <p>I don't know about a lot of things. I don't know which part of their bodies women will let you grab if you're a rich celebrity. I don't know how to play a wind instrument. But when everyone else said Trump was a joke, I said, nope, he's going to be our next president. If anyone is telling Trump that a "virtual wall," drones, a conga line or a "Don't Cross!" sign are as good as a wall, he can get his stock tips from them, but not his political advice.</p> <p>If Trump doesn't get that wall built, and fast, his base will be done with him and feed him to Robert Mueller.</p> <p>COPYRIGHT 2017 ANN COULTER DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION</p>
<p>During the 1950s &#8220;Red Scare,&#8221; innocent Americans were smeared and sometimes blacklisted for being supposed Communists. Real subversives existed, including Alger Hiss, a traitor and Soviet spy whom liberals &#8211; to their misfortune &#8211; made into a poster boy of McCarthyism. But the actual number of Communists was tiny and utterly not commensurate with the fervent public witch hunt led by right-wingers.</p> <p>Today&#8217;s group hysteria comes from the left, as a fanatic political mob sees racists behind every door. Their paranoia is not harmless, as they use the racist bogeyman to intimidate political adversaries &#8211; and sometimes erstwhile friends &#8211; while seeking to silence political dialogue. As with the Red Scare, there&#8217;s some reason for vigilance regarding actual racists, as Charlottesville reminded us. But as with the hunt for Communists under every bed, the scare tactics far outweigh the actual problem.</p> <p>The New McCarthyism revealed its full absurdity this week via the ACLU&#8217;s Twitter stream, which had the temerity to post a picture of an adorable young toddler holding an American flag and a doll with the tag line &#8220;This is the future that ACLU members want.&#8221; Because the girl (TRIGGER WARNING: I assume it&#8217;s a girl, given the doll) happens to be blonde and Caucasian, the ACLU was promptly attacked &#8211; the ACLU!</p> <p>Immediately the politically correct rage mob commenced a digital protest led by credentialed injustice professionals such as Professor Nyasha Junior of Temple University who posted, &#8220;A white kid with a flag?!&#8221; Yes, Professor. In much of America outside of your faculty lounge, young American children waving Old Glory warms the heart and makes us smile rather than prompt thoughts of white supremacy lurking under the sheets.</p> <p>Did the ACLU, a group once known for taking brave and unpopular stands, hold its ground or, better yet, simply ignore the online rabble? Sadly, no. The organization shortly responded with a Kermit the Frog image saying &#8220;That&#8217;s a very good point&#8221; and the post &#8220;When your followers keep you in check and remind you that white supremacy is everywhere.&#8221;</p> <p>Come again? This lovely young kid holding a flag equals &#8220;white supremacy&#8221;? Who even thinks of such things? Answer: the diversity hustlers. Shame on the ACLU, which apparently should have posted a picture of a gender-fluid dark-skinned child, holding a rainbow flag, perhaps with a COEXIST sticker on [gender-neutral pronoun] wheelchair.</p> <p>This is not merely social-media silliness. It&#8217;s not even lunacy, although it certainly seems insane. This is a weapon used cynically and viciously -- little girls are apparently acceptable collateral damage -- by the left to isolate and demonize opponents, and particularly President Trump and his supporters. As MSNBC&#8217;s Donny Deutsch said of Trump: &#8220;He is a racist -- can we just say it once and for all?&#8221; Such accusations are not rare. If I had a dollar for every time the mainstream media accused Trump and his voters of racism, I&#8217;d be about as rich as the recent Powerball winner.</p> <p>As a Hispanic, I believe that people of color, for far too long, have been taken for granted by the Democratic Party. I also believe that the Trump movement represents real policy solutions for the woes of poverty and violence that burden too many African-American and Latino citizens. But the digital rage mob holds people like me in particular contempt, as I saw during the 2016 campaign in the form of a constant stream of online slurs. Yes, today&#8217;s liberals are quick to use racism&#8217;s terms when it suits their purposes, calling me a &#8220;coconut&#8221; (brown on the outside, white on the inside) and &#8220;Tio Tomas&#8221; (Uncle Tom in Spanish).</p> <p>One of the main reasons America has succeeded as a country lies is our rejection of the tribalism that afflicts and paralyzes so much of the world. America is an idea, and one open to all who embrace it, regardless of skin color, heritage, or religion. To be sure, America must own the racist sins of our history. Thankfully, such systemic racism is just that, history &#8211; as evidenced by electing twice to our highest office an African-American man with a decidedly un-European name.</p> <p>Instead of allowing a new scourge, this Racist Scare, to corrode our discourse, we must embrace our common American identity, rooted in our best traditions and elucidated in our founding documents. We should be difficult to offend and slow to accuse others of the disease of prejudice. As the incumbent president of the United States explained in his inaugural address seven months ago: &#8220;When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for bigotry.&#8221;</p> <p>Amen.</p> <p>Steve Cortes, a contributor to RealClearPolitics and Fox News, is the national spokesman for the Hispanic 100, an organization that promotes Latino leadership by advancing free enterprise principles. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.</p> Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)
Racist Scare: The New McCarthyism
<p>The <a type="internal">infamous Access Hollywood tape</a> in which <a type="internal">Donald Trump</a> brags about his ability to &#8220;grab&#8221; women with impunity because he&#8217;s famous is real, Access Hollywood&#8216;s hosts asserted on Monday&#8212;just in case the president had any doubts.</p> <p>In response to a <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/25/us/politics/trump-roy-moore-mcconnell-alabama-senate.html?_r=0" type="external">report</a> that Trump was questioning the authenticity of the 2005 hot-mic recording, which captured the former reality TV star saying he could &#8220;grab [women] by the pussy,&#8221; Access Hollywood host Natalie Morales said on Monday&#8217;s show that the tap is, in fact, &#8220;very real.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;We wanted to clear something up that has been reported across the media landscape. Let us make this perfectly clear: The tape is very real,&#8221; Morales said. &#8220;Remember his excuse at the time was &#8216;locker room talk.&#8217; He said every one of those words.&#8221;</p> <q> <p>TRUMP: The "Access Hollywood" tape might be fake</p> </q> <p>After the <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-recorded-having-extremely-lewd-conversation-about-women-in-2005/2016/10/07/3b9ce776-8cb4-11e6-bf8a-3d26847eeed4_story.html?postshare=3561475870579757&amp;tid=ss_tw" type="external">Washington Post</a> revealed the tape ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Trump apologized and at no time stated that the tape was faked. When CNN&#8217;s Anderson Cooper pressed Trump on whether he &#8220;understood&#8221; that what he said was an admission of sexual assault, Trump pushed back, dismissing his comments as &#8220;locker room talk.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I don&#8217;t think you understand what was said,&#8221; Trump <a type="internal">responded to Cooper during an October 2016 presidential debate</a>. &#8220;This was locker room talk. I&#8217;m not proud of it. I apologized to my family, I apologized to the American people. Certainly, I&#8217;m not proud of it, but this was locker room talk.&#8221;</p> <p>Following publication of the tape, at least 16 women came forward to <a type="internal">say Trump sexually harassed or assaulted them</a>.</p> <p>test</p> <p>test</p> <p>News that Trump reportedly questioned the tape&#8217;s veracity&#8212;once to a senator and, more recently, once to an adviser, according to the <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/25/us/politics/trump-roy-moore-mcconnell-alabama-senate.html?_r=0" type="external">New York Times</a>&#8212;brought the tape back to the surface amid an outpouring of allegations against high-profile men across entertainment, politics, and media.</p> <p>During Monday&#8217;s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to address Trump&#8217;s reported skepticism of the tape&#8217;s legitimacy and characterized the tape as unimportant because Trump won the election.</p> <p>&#8220;The president addressed this, this was litigated and certainly answered during the election by the overwhelming support for the president and the fact he&#8217;s sitting here in the Oval Office today,&#8221; she <a href="http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/362007-wh-dodges-on-whether-trump-questions-the-legitimacy-of-access" type="external">said</a>.</p>
‘Access Hollywood’ to Trump: The tape is ‘very real’
<p>On Monday ESPN suspended <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2017/10/09/jemele-hill-suspended-by-espn-over-jerry-jones-tweets/" type="external">Jemele Hill</a>for 2 weeks in response to her tweets encouraging NFL fans to boycott anyone who sponsors Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones.</p> <p>Hill's tweet was in response to Jones comments that any player who disrespected the flag would be cut from his team.</p> <p>In a statement ESPN said,</p> <p>"Jemele Hill has been suspended for two weeks for a second violation of our social media guidelines. She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet. In the aftermath, all employees were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN and that such actions would have consequences. Hence this decision."</p> <p>ESPN says that it has accepted the apology of Jemele Hill for tweeting that President Trump and his followers are "white supremacists."</p> <p>Earlier this week, the co-host of ESPN's &#8220;SC6 with Michael and Jemele" fired off a series of tweets calling the President a "bigot" and "white supremacist."</p> <p>Hill apologized for her tweets on Wednesday.</p> <p>"My comments on Twitter expressed my personal beliefs." She wrote on Twitter. "My regret is that my comments and the public way I made them painted ESPN in an unfair light."</p> <p>The network issued a followup statement after her apology and said that Hill has a right to her personal beliefs, but said that they are not reflective of the company's opinions or beliefs.</p> <p>"She has acknowledged that her tweets crossed that line and has apologized for doing so. We accept her apology," they wrote.</p> <p>ESPN has been under intense scrutiny after they pulled their broadcaster Robert Lee off air &#8220;as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding" in August.</p> <p>The Associated Press contributed to this report.</p> <p>White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling for the termination of an ESPN anchor after she called President Donald Trump a white supremacist on Twitter.</p> <p>&#8220;That is one of the more outrageous comments that anybody could make and certainly is something that is a fireable offense by ESPN,&#8221; Sanders said on Wednesday.</p> <p>This comes after Jemele Hill, who co-hosts a ESPN show called &#8220;SC6 with Michael and Jemele," fired off a series of Tweets denouncing Trump and calling his supporters white supremacists.</p> <p>EPSN soon issued a statement in response to Smith's remarks.</p> <p>&#8220;The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,&#8221; the network said. &#8220;We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.&#8221;</p> <p>ESPN on Tuesday distanced itself from anchor Jemele Hill&#8217;s tweets calling President Trump &#8220;a bigot&#8221; and &#8220;a white supremacist.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,&#8221; the network tweeted from its public relation&#8217;s department&#8217;s account.</p> <p>&#8220;We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate,&#8221; ESPN added of Hill, a co-host on the 6 p.m. broadcast of the network&#8217;s &#8220;SportsCenter&#8221; program.</p> <p>Hill on Monday had a series of Twitter exchanges with other users that involved her harshly criticizing Trump.</p> <p>&#8220;Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/other white supremacists,&#8221; she said in one tweet.</p> <p>&#8220;Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime,&#8221; Hill added in another post. &#8220;His rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period.&#8221;</p> <p>Hill added in a third tweet that &#8220;Donald Trump is a bigot&#8221; before going on to deride the president&#8217;s supporters.</p> <p>&#8220;The height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it&#8217;s of no threat to you,&#8221; she said. &#8220;Well, it&#8217;s a threat to me.&#8221;</p> <p>Some Twitter users on Wednesday praised Hill for singling out Trump, while others lambasted her decision instead.</p> <p>ESPN is owned by Disney, and neither company elaborated on a possible punishment for Hill, who was on Tuesday night&#8217;s broadcast of &#8220;SportsCenter&#8221; like normal.</p> <p>Former National Football League (NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick, meanwhile, on Tuesday voiced support for Hill on Twitter.</p> <p>Kaepernick remains unsigned after playing with the San Francisco 49ers from 2011 to 2016 in a situation that remains controversial in the football world.</p> <p>The professional athlete began kneeling during the National Anthem last year to protest police brutality and racial injustice.</p> <p>Supporters say Kaepernick is making a legitimate stand for social justice, while critics charge he is acting unpatriotic instead.</p> <p>These celebrities ended up deleting their Twitter accounts.</p> <p>Let's get started!</p>
ESPN accepted 'SportsCenter' anchor Jemele Hill's apology for her anti-Trump tweets
<p>Trump just decertified the Iran deal, and, oh well, it was nice thinking about peace while we had the chance. True, Trump hasn&#8217;t actually repealed the deal. He announced new sanctions, <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-takes-hard-line-iran-obama-deal-place/story?id=50442196" type="external">according</a> to ABC News, &#8220;but didn&#8217;t do anything that would alter the Obama-era deal that he has denounced since his presidential campaign.&#8221; Decertification is Trump to a T: you don&#8217;t accomplish anything, but you manage to create the shittiest possible situation regardless. It&#8217;s a real gift.</p> <p>The deal, Trump said, is no longer in the national security interest of the United States. This decision, which has been referred as &#8220;decertification,&#8221; is a shift in official position. It is a significant declaration that leaves the nuclear agreement in place, but puts Congress in charge of whether or not to follow up with action &#8212; triggering a 60-day window for lawmakers to re-impose sanctions against Iran that were suspended in 2015 as part of the agreement.</p> <p>Trump decertified the Iran deal just &#8216;cause, why not, since you&#8217;re gutting Obamacare and deciding to let Puerto Rico dehydrate; Trump decided to decertify the Iran deal because you&#8217;re well on your way to becoming the Worst President of Every Timeline, yeah baby, and why not light another <a type="internal">Roman candle</a> on the fast roller coaster down to geohell? Maybe Congress will rescue the deal, maybe not. The important thing is that this takes the best hope we have with Iran and wades back into David Frum&#8217;s &#8220;Let&#8217;s Invent, and then Invade, the Axis of Evil,&#8221; which gave us the tragedy of Iraq. That worked so well, why not repeat it again?</p> <p>The President said:</p> <p>&#8220;As I have said many times, the Iran Deal was one of the worst and one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into&#8221;</p> <p>What does he think we can get instead? The President thinks that Iran has sponsored terrorism (and the Saudis haven&#8217;t) and that the Iranian regime &#8220;has committed multiple violations of the agreement&#8221; (there are mechanisms to deal with these). Trump called on the intelligence community to look at Iran&#8217;s help to the North Korean nuclear program.</p> <p>Oh! I can help with that one! There&#8217;s a base right south of Camp Fantasy, in the northernmost region of the Your Brain is No Longer Functioning Mountain Region. The President says Iran loves the chants &#8220;Death to America&#8221; and &#8220;Death to Israel,&#8221; because the President and his team of wannabe-Iranian bombers don&#8217;t see Iran or its eighty million people&#8212;they see whatever Islamophobic, racist-ass caricatures get cooked up on Fox News, where Khomeini is still somehow alive in the year 2017. Trump decertified the deal, because nothing, not even human life or world peace, is more important than repudiating every bit of Obama&#8217;s legacy.</p> <p>The major powers and American struck a deal with Iran in July 2015. It eased sanctions and got real monitoring of Iran&#8217;s nuclear program. Trump&#8217;s own Defense Secretary said Iran has complied. The agreement got everything we needed from the regime, and now Trump wants out, because the movie in his head tells him being the leading asshole of the world is definitely, assuredly the best way to go.</p> <p>Trump decertified the Iran deal because he thinks he can get a better one, this man who can&#8217;t pass a single piece of legislation and can&#8217;t manage to avoid staring at an eclipse. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he doesn&#8217;t care. Trump decertified the Iran deal because it doesn&#8217;t matter who the Commander-in-Chief is; there is a National Security blob in Washington that no single President can ever fight, and it consumes money and spits out drones and missiles.</p> <p>Trump is incompetent in a million unusual ways, but he&#8217;s particularly, peculiarly incompetent in resisting the mechanisms of institutional influence. In other words, Trump will believe whatever the good people of the military-industrial concept whisper in his ear. That community kicked it around, and decided it was best that we threaten Iran again. After all, the NatSec blob has never forgotten or forgiven Iran for rejecting Western hegemony&#8212;and anyway, none of their own sons or daughters got shot in Iraq, so yes, why not set the stage for an eventual war with Iran? Trump decertified the deal, and the people of the world were not surprised at all. The man is barely part of reality. What did we expect?</p>
Trump Decertified the Iranian Deal, Just 'Cause
<p>President Donald Trump once left his son, Donald Trump Jr., stranded on a tarmac after he was five minutes late for a flight, the president's first wife Ivana Trump wrote in her new book "Raising Trump."</p> <p>Ivana referenced the anecdote when describing a key feature of Donald and the rest of the Trump family that she learned when she and the future president first began dating.</p> <p>"The entire Trump clan arrived exactly on time," she wrote. "I learned early on that they were punctual to an extreme. For them, 'on time' meant five minutes early."</p> <p>"When Donald arrived in a boardroom, or took his seat on an airplane and the door closed, that was that," she continued. "If you weren't on the inside, the meeting or the flight would start without you. Donald once left Don Jr. standing on the tarmac for being five minutes late to the airport."</p> <p><a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/ivana-trump-donald-jr-airplane-tarmac-flight-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals#comments" type="external">Join the conversation about this story &#187;</a></p> <p>NOW WATCH: <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/roger-stone-donald-trump-richard-nixon-2017-2?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">Roger Stone explains what Trump has in common with Richard Nixon</a></p> <p>See Also:</p> <p>SEE ALSO: <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/mcconnell-blue-slips-trump-judicial-nominees-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">McConnell gives strongest hint yet that GOP should gut the biggest weapon Democrats have to halt Trump's judicial nominees</a></p>
Ivana Trump said Donald once abandoned Donald Jr. on a tarmac because he was 5 minutes late for a flight
<p>President Trump holds a joint press conference with Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah of Kuwait.</p> Trump holds joint press conference with Kuwait's leader, Amir ... <p>Trump on Thursday also seemingly touted his administration's success against ISIS compared with his predecessor, former President Obama.</p> <p>"What we do is kill ISIS," Trump said of America's involvement in Syria. "We have done better in eight months in my presidency that was accomplished during the last eight years. ISIS is disappearing rapidly."</p> <p>President Trump on Thursday said it would be a "very sad day" for North Korea if the U.S. military needed to use force against it.</p> <p>"Military action would certainly be an option," he said during a press conference. "Nothing is inevitable. I would prefer not going the route of the military, but it could certainly happen."</p> <p>"Our military is stronger now," Trump added. "Each day new and beautiful equipment is delivered, by far the best in the world. Hopefully we don't use it on North Korea. But if we do use it on North Korea, it will be a very sad day for North Korea. I will tell you that North Korea is behaving very badly and it's gotta stop."</p> <p>President Trump on Thursday praised Kuwait for its contributions to defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other terrorist groups.</p> <p>"The United States is proud to have contributed to the liberation of Kuwait and the friendship we have built together in the years since," he said, referencing the First Gulf War from 1990 to 1991.</p> <p>"We also thank Kuwait for its humanitarian leadership and its partnership in the fight to destroy ISIS," Trump added in a joint press conference with Kuwaiti leader Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah.</p> <p>President Trump and Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, the leader of Kuwait, on Thursday are appearing together in a joint press conference after meeting in Washington, D.C.</p> <p>Thursday's meeting comes as Kuwait tries mediating an ongoing diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Arab neighbors in the Middle East.</p> <p>Trump initially seemed to side with Saudi Arabia on the disagreement, but he then instructed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to back the Kuwaiti mediation initiative.</p> <p>Tillerson and other U.S. diplomats have since traveled through the region to boost Kuwait's efforts, but the dispute has dragged on despite their efforts.</p> <p>Trump was also expected to discuss global efforts to isolate North Korea by halting employment of its guest workers during his talks with Al Sabah.</p> <p>Kuwait has about 6,000 North Korean guest works within its borders as worldwide tensions rise over the Asian nation's pursuit of nuclear weapons.</p> <p><a href="https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-09-07/qatar-north-korea-on-agenda-for-trumps-kuwait-meeting" type="external">The Associated Press</a> contributed to this report.</p>
Trump said it would be a 'very sad day' for North Korea if the US had to use force
<p>The State Department argued at a federal hearing Thursday that its ability to process the 100,000 Hillary Clinton emails ordered released under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has been hindered by a lack of manpower due to a "hiring freeze" and that the urgency to release the documents has been diminished by the public's lack of interest in the subject, according to the watchdog group that won the lawsuit for the document's release.</p> <p>But Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group that sued the State Department in May 2015 for the thousands of emails and documents, isn't buying it.</p> <p>Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton is accusing the State Department of slow-rolling the emails being sent from the FBI to the State Department, a large number of which Clinton "failed to disclose" to the government when she served as secretary of state, he said.</p> <p>On July 15, the FBI allegedly turned over to the State Department a new disk of emails belonging to former Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The emails were apparently discovered on a laptop owned by Abedin's estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. Weiner pleaded guilty in May to sending a number of text messages and sexually explicit pictures last year to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina.</p> <p>There apparently are 7,000 emails from Abedin on Weiner's laptop, said Fitton, who added that State Department and Justice Department lawyers are "claiming they have to appraise them, whether they are personal or government, and then sift through what can be shared publicly."</p> <p>State Department spokeswoman Pooja Jhunjhunwala told Circa "&#8206;the Department takes its records management responsibilities seriously and is working diligently to process FOIA requests and to balance the demands of the many requests we have received." "We are devoting significant resources to meeting our litigation obligations," she added.</p> <p>The State Department was ordered in November to process documents at the rate of 500 pages per month, but "at that rate it would take until 2020 for the bulk to made public," Fitton said. So far, the State Department has produced 17 batches of documents, Fitton said.</p> <p>"President Trump needs to direct his agencies to follow the the law but right now they are making a mockery of it by saying they won't finish releasing it until 2020," said Fitton, whose group will be heading back to court three months from now to assess the progress. "I can understand the president's frustration because he wanted these made public. However, his Justice and State departments are making excuses of why they have to slow-roll it this way."</p> <p>Trump has made numerous assertions about Clinton and her email server. In June, he tweeted that Clinton destroyed her phones and "bleached" her emails.</p> <p>But the president's own Justice Department civil attorneys argued Thursday that there was "diminished public interest" in the emails.</p> <p>A U.S. official familiar with the case and the agencies told Circa on the condition that they not be named that "there are still holdovers within the departments that don't want to see these emails released, so slow-rolling these requests makes perfect sense. If the president wants these emails released then he will have to demand that the agencies abide."</p> <p>Last week, Judicial Watch released <a href="http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/tag/huma-production-18/" type="external">448 pages</a> of documents the State Department did turn over from Abedin, describing what it said was preferential treatment "to major donors to the Clinton Foundation and political campaigns," according to the group.</p> <p>"The documents included <a href="http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/jw-v-state-huma-production-18-unpublished-00684/" type="external">six</a> Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to at least <a href="http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-releases-new-hillary-clinton-email-admitting-blackberry-use-advice-security-hawks/" type="external">439</a> emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department, and further contradicting a statement by Clinton that, ' <a href="http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-hillary-clinton-submits-email-information-to-court-under-penalty-of-perjury/" type="external">as far as she knew</a>,' all of her government emails had been turned over to the State Department," the watchdog group stated in a July 14 press release.</p>
The State Department said there's less urgency to release Clinton's emails due to low interest
<p>A total of 16 women joined together Monday to address their stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment at the hands of President Donald Trump.</p> <p>While many of these women came forward during the 2016 election, the Trump campaign attacked them, their lives and many right-wing activists invented information designed to discredit them.</p> <p><a type="internal">The three women that spoke earlier to Megyn Kelly</a> sat at a table with documentarian Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. He commended the reporters who have investigated the many accounts across all industries about sexual harassment.</p> <p>&#8220;There was one man that wasn&#8217;t being held accountable &#8212; who&#8217;s not being called out,&#8221; Greenwald said. That&#8217;s why he decided to create the documentary with the women.</p> <p>&#8220;It really had an impact on your heart, your soul, your emotions,&#8221; Greenwald said. He noted that so many women came forward to warn Americans, but &#8220;attention was not paid.&#8221;</p> <p>Today, Greenwald said &#8220;we know better. We know a lot better,&#8221; when it comes to predators. He demanded those in politics to act against anyone of either party not to give anyone &#8220;a pass.&#8221;</p> <p>Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey and Rachel Crooks each introduced themselves, telling story after story of their horrifying encounters with Trump.</p> <p>&#8220;I have a new dream now that this man will be held accountable for his actions and that future women will not be treated as less than just because they are a woman,&#8221; Holvey said.</p> <p>Crooks noted that given Trump owned the building in which she worked, she didn&#8217;t have any power to do anything.</p> <p>&#8220;Given this hostile work environment, my only solution at the time was to simply avoid additional encounters with him,&#8221; Crooks said. &#8220;I do realize that in the grand scheme of things there are far worse cases of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault. But make no mistake, there is no acceptable level of this behavior. That some men think they can use their power, position or notoriety to demean attack women speaks to their character and not ours. Which, believe me, is a tough lesson learned.&#8221;</p> <p>She went on to say that it was only through other remarkably similar accounts that she felt empowered to come forward.</p> <p>&#8220;Instead, this was serial misconduct and perversion on the part of Mr. Trump,&#8221; Crooks continued. &#8220;Unfortunately, this behavior isn&#8217;t rare in our society. Many women of any background can be victims. The only reason I am here today is because this offender is the president of our country.&#8221;</p> <p>She went on to note that Trump had dismissed his &#8220;Access Hollywood&#8221; tape as &#8220;locker room talk,&#8221; but &#8220;having been the victim of such actions, I knew better.&#8221;</p> <p>She asked that some things should transcend politics and that all people, regardless of position or power be held accountable for their actions, including Trump.</p> <p><a type="internal">Leeds walked through her disgusting story and further encounter</a>, saying that she never once anticipated being on the front page of a newspaper. She was &#8220;absolutely destroyed&#8221; by Trump&#8217;s election.</p> <p>&#8220;The United States is a big strong country,&#8221; Leeds said that she thought at the time. &#8220;We can survive this person.&#8221;</p> <p>But women kept coming up to her in public and told Leeds their own story. She said that she had hoped things were better for women in business, but &#8220;apparently I was wrong.&#8221; When the Harvey Weinstein story hit and woman after woman began to come forward, people were finally being held accountable.</p> <p>&#8220;Except for our president,&#8221; Leeds said. She quoted Trump&#8217;s White House, who has said that the women are all &#8220;liars.&#8221; She noted that some are holding men accountable for bad behavior, however, &#8220;our president is not being held accountable for what he is and who he is.&#8221;</p> <p>Leeds said that this is part of the problem that is happening in Alabama. Crooks agreed, saying that Trump endorsed Roy Moore because he denied the allegations and it &#8220;worked for him.&#8221;</p> <p>Lisa Boyne spoke via phone to the press conference, telling her own story of being invited to a dinner party with Trump in the West Village. She said that he wanted the women to rate other women on a 1 to 10 scale. While at dinner, the men used the table as a &#8220;casting couch.&#8221; The women were brought to the table one by one and he told them to walk across the table. Boyne said that Trump looked up their skirts as they walked by.</p> <p>She said that John Casablancas ordered her to drink more but she refused and he was bothered by her refusal. She ultimately excused herself to the ladies room and from the restaurant. She explained that over the years her story was met with shame and questions of why she was there. She tried to pitch it to reporters, but no one wanted to hear it.</p> <p>&#8220;As a parent I was so deeply deeply offended&#8230; because he had a son around the age of my son and what sort of values are we teaching our children when we say that something like rape is &#8216;locker room talk,'&#8221; she shouted. &#8220;And that her husband talking about that is &#8216;boy talk.&#8217; Everybody is normalizing as something that boys and men say in the locker room. That is the talk of horrible people and Trump keeps staying it to the press pool. And you&#8217;re all taking it in like it&#8217;s normal. It is not a normal way for people to talk. Why aren&#8217;t people calling him out on that. Something that is so horrific &#8212; I&#8217;m so fed up of listening to people. We take it in like it&#8217;s nothing. We shouldn&#8217;t teach our boys to talk like this.&#8221;</p> <p>She went on to say it was &#8220;one thousand times worse that what Al Franken has done.&#8221;</p> <p>Watch the full event below:</p> <p>You can watch the clip of the Brave New Films documentary below:</p>
‘Serial misconduct and perversion’: Trump accusers describe incidents ‘a thousand times worse than what Franken has done’
<p>As the GOP divides at the rate of human cells, and a self-destructive President Trump causes his own supporters to question how he can succeed, Democrats have refused to fill the leadership void with a better vision of governance. Instead, they are partnering with the flailing Republicans and their president in failure. Democrats are leaning indulgently on the politics of race and gratuitous opposition to Trump, and they appear content to be the party of sanctuary cities, safe spaces and single-payer health care.</p> <p>Weeks ago they released an &#8220;agenda&#8221; designed to offer voters &#8220;A Better Deal,&#8221; but who would know what&#8217;s in it since all they talk about is Trump? Meanwhile, if Trump&#8217;s trajectory doesn&#8217;t improve, the party may face the weakest, most unpopular president in modern times in 2020 -- but with who? Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are running, or think they are. Why are they being encouraged?</p> <p>Sounding like a garden-variety conservative, liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow asked last week on Twitter: &#8220;Serious question: What is the Dem party now in addition to anti-Trump? What does it stand for now? Also, who&#8217;s leading? #GhostParty.&#8221;</p> <p>The last two weeks have been Trump&#8217;s worst in office, yet it seems the lower he sinks, Democratic leaders do likewise. The president&#8217;s pathetic and irresponsible response to a white supremacist demonstration in Charlottesville -- where a protester was mowed down by a driver and killed -- has prompted not only fellow Republicans to criticize Trump but now his own National Economic Council director, <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/25/us/politics/gary-cohn-trump-charlottesville.html?mcubz=0&amp;_r=0" type="external">Gary Cohn</a>, as well. Still, Democrats went overboard.</p> <p>House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling on Congress to censure the president for the &#8220;repulsiveness of his words and actions,&#8221; adding that &#8220;every day, the president gives us further evidence of why such a censure is necessary.&#8221; Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election and any potential ties the president and his campaign had to those activities, responded Friday, saying in a <a href="https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff/status/901108564495933440?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet" type="external">Twitter post</a> that he will co-sponsor a censure resolution because Trump &#8220;expresses views inimical to our values.&#8221; Rep. Jackie Speier, another member of the committee, has called for Trump&#8217;s removal under the 25th Amendment. Speier tweeted that &#8220;POTUS is showing signs of erratic behavior and mental instability that place the country in grave danger.&#8221;</p> <p>Rep. Keith Ellison, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said on CNN Monday that POTUS has &#8220;sympathy&#8221; for white supremacists. He&#8217;s not just a congressman anymore but a party official -- no wonder the DNC&#8217;s fundraising is at a record low.</p> <p>Rep. Maxine Waters, whose late-in-life internet fame recently landed her on &#8220;The View,&#8221; tweeted the day after Charlottesville that &#8220;Trump has made it clear - w/Bannon &amp;amp; Gorka in the WH, &amp;amp; the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists House. #Charlottesville.&#8221; Should Democrats win back the House next year, Waters would be chairman of the Financial Services Committee, an influential voice at the leadership table.</p> <p>Former Vermont Gov. and DNC Chairman Howard &#8220;The Scream&#8221; Dean said last week, &#8220;If you want to vote for a racist in the White House, then you better vote for Republicans.&#8221; The party elder recently declared he would stop contributing to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee because it will consider recruiting pro-life candidates.</p> <p>After all these years, eight of them during President Obama&#8217;s two terms, Pelosi is now calling on the House Speaker Paul Ryan to remove Confederate statues -- which &#8220;have always been reprehensible&#8221; -- immediately from the halls of Congress &#8220;if Republicans are serious about rejecting white supremacy.&#8221; Polling after the events in Charlottesville show that while a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump&#8217;s response, 62 percent said monuments to Confederate leaders should remain. Yet these monuments are suddenly a pressing federal issue to national Democrats.</p> <p>Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who enjoys great respect across aisle, has gone a step further than his party&#8217;s left, saying the statue removal is &#8220;not a matter of political correctness,&#8221; but &#8220;of public safety and homeland security.&#8221; This from the man who never made the issue a priority as head of DHS.</p> <p>While countering Trump is essential -- after all, Republicans are doing the same -- the focus should remain on even more fundamental matters: guarding the Constitution and the separation of powers; stressing facts over falsehoods; preventing a government shutdown that Trump&#8217;s lobbying for; defending the right to a free press to hold him accountable; urging him to pay cost-sharing reduction payments under the Affordable Care Act to provide more certainty to the fragile exchanges; and pushing for any bipartisan cooperation possible on health care, tax reform and infrastructure projects. Democrats must leave the fight to stop him and his family from running a kleptocracy, an issue the GOP remains silent on, to outsiders who have filed lawsuits. Leave the statue debate to the states. Leave the questions of his stability to Republicans like Sen. Bob Corker. Leave the Russia investigation to special counsel Robert Mueller. Let the media report on West Wing dysfunction or how much Trump television watches. Democrats should leave all that alone.</p> <p>Democrats must also decide whether they want President Obama back in the spotlight. Rudderless and leaderless, some party operators long for him swoop in and right the ship, yet they still blame him for sinking it with epic election losses from 2009 to 2016. As they attempt to plot a path forward and regain seats in state legislatures, governorships, the U.S. House and Senate -- and someday the White House -- Democrats need new faces and leaders and can&#8217;t lean too heavily on the 44th president. Yet some are calling for him to be a loud voice: &#8220;None of the potential Democratic presidential candidates have the visibility or credibility to be effective,&#8221; party strategist Brad Bannon told The Hill.</p> <p>Finally, as Democrats like Reps. Brad Sherman, Al Green and Gwen Moore continue to push for impeachment, party leaders must avoid what Obama&#8217;s onetime senior adviser David Axelrod warned would likely be a costly mistake. &#8220;Remember: A third of the country supports this president," he said on CNN. "That's a very dangerous road to go down. And if you ever did go down that road, you&#8217;re opening a Pandora&#8217;s box that will never end."</p> <p>What&#8217;s already in that box is widespread voter disgust. People are turning away from both parties and the pool of gettable voters is shrinking, which means base politics will be less and less effective in the years to come. Democrats must convince voters they take governing more seriously than partisan politics and will focus on economic growth instead of statues, tweets and Russia.</p> <p>Or they can stay in the minority a lot longer.</p> <p>A.B. Stoddard is associate editor of RealClearPolitics and a columnist. She is also host of "No Labels Radio" on Sirius XM's POTUS Channel.</p> Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)
Democrats Are Working Hard to Destroy Their Party
<p>The world Is watching and so is oil as the death toll rises in the streets of Iran, where the people revolt against a terrible economy and the lack of any real freedoms and rights. At least 19 people were reported killed in street protests in Iran, while President Hassan Rouhani on one hand defended their right to protest but on the other hand warned he would show &#8220;no tolerance&#8221; for those who incite unrest. Many arrests have been made and the government of Iran says it may seek the death penalty, for what they say are crimes against God, in demonstrations that have gone on for over 5 days in a row.</p> <p>President Trump tweeted that &#8221;Iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the Obama Administration. The great Iranian people have been repressed for many years. They are hungry for food &amp;amp; for freedom. Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted. TIME FOR CHANGE!&#8221;</p> <p>The uprising in IRAN is just another risk factor in a global oil market that is tightening. Strong global demand and shale oil production that is falling far short of what the Energy Information keeps telling us it is. Reports from the Texas Railroad Commission is telling us that Texas shale oil production has been stagnant and not rising as the production decline rate year over year is taking its toll. Total oil stocks are down a whopping 135M barrels just since April even as U.S. oil production is supposedly at a record high. Bad data is becoming a bigger risk as underinvestment has led to the least amount of oil discoveries in 70 years and the global oil replenishment rate ratio fell to 11 percent this year, down from more than 50 percent in 2012 according to a new report. That is a dangerous situation, especially because of the over estimates of shale oil output.</p> <p>ETF reports that this has led to the lowest ever volumes of oil discoveries in 2017, Rystad Energy said last week. While the low-level of discoveries is not an immediate threat to global oil supply, it could become a threat ten years down the road, according to Rystad Energy.</p> <p>In ten years&#8217; time, U.S. shale production may peak, at least according to OPEC that sees shale peaking after 2025, although the cartel has conceded that U.S. tight oil has defied previous forecasts and has increased production more than initially expected and will continue to do so in the short-term.</p> <p>This year has seen less than 7 billion barrels of oil equivalent discovered globally, a volume as low as last seen in the 1940s, Rystad Energy has estimated. What worries analysts the most is the fact that this year the reserve replacement ratio&#8211;the amount of discovered resources relative to the amount of production&#8211;was a mere 11 percent, compared to 50 percent in 2012, Sonia Mlad&#225; Passos, Senior Analyst at Rystad Energy, said.</p> <p>The other ongoing risk is Venezuela. An explosion over the weekend that hit Venezuela&#8217;s largest refinery was an accident waiting to happen. Deferred maintenance and bad management as the Venezuelan government stole money and failed to do even the most basic maintenance for the facility according to sources.</p> <p>Reuters reported that a former oil minister excoriated Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in a newspaper column on Sunday, accusing the leftist leader of behaving like biblical King Herod and plunging the oil-rich nation into economic devastation. Rafael Ramirez, who was the all-powerful head of the oil ministry and state energy company PDVSA for a decade, has long been a rival of Maduro. In recent months, Ramirez has grown increasingly critical of Maduro&#8217;s handling of a fourth straight year of recession that has triggered malnutrition, widespread food and medicine shortages, the world&#8217;s steepest inflation, and a surge in emigration. A furious Maduro ordered Ramirez to resign as the nation&#8217;s United Nations ambassador in New York last month after an article entitled the &#8220;The Storm&#8221; was perceived as an attack on his government.</p> <p>We haven&#8217;t even got to the cold. Wicked winter weather is causing a surge in oil and natural gas and coal demand. Demand for coal burns hit three-year high causing to temporarily put it above natural gas as the top s U.S. power sources. There are reports that they were shortages of natural gas in Northern Alberta county under state of emergency due to natural gas disruption. The report said that large parts of northern Alberta was under a state of emergency over the weekend due to low natural gas pressure and system outages.</p> <p>The Energy Report has kept our bullish outlook and we still believe that the double bottom at $26 a barrel was a generational low. Despite all the bearish hype that the market had last year and bad info this year oil looks poised for a big move. Make sure you are hedged! I am hearing from many folks still that were underhedged last year and are now paying the price. Thanks, Phil Flynn Questions? Ask Phil Flynn today at 312-264-4364</p> <p>A Subsidiary of Price Holdings, Inc. &#8211; an Employee Owned Diversified Financial Services Firm. Member NIBA, NFA</p> <p>Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Investing in futures can involve substantial risk of loss &amp;amp; is not suitable for everyone. Trading foreign exchange also involves a high degree of risk. The leverage created by trading on margin can work against you as well as for you, and losses can exceed your entire investment. Before opening an account and trading, you should seek advice from your advisors as appropriate to ensure that you understand the risks and can withstand the losses.</p> <p>The information and data in this report were obtained from sources considered reliable. Their accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed and the giving of the same is not to be deemed as an offer or solicitation on our part with respect to the sale or purchase of any securities or futures. The Price Futures Group, its officers, directors, employees, and brokers may in the normal course of business have positions, which may or may not agree with the opinions expressed in this report. Any decision to purchase or sell as a result of the opinions expressed in this report will be the full responsibility of the person authorizing such transaction. Reproduction and/or distribution of any portion of this report are strictly prohibited without the written permission of the author. Trading in futures contracts, options on futures contracts, and forward contracts is not suitable for all investors and involves substantial risks. &#169;2017</p> <p>Tune into the Fox Business Network (FBN) is the best in business! Make it your New Year TV Home! The MoneyShow Orlando is coming in February. Get out of the cold! Go to the Money Show! Sign up for my class talking about a historic bottom in oil and what it means for your future. Time Is running out Go to Flynn.OrlandoMoneyShow.com.</p>
TIME FOR A CHANGE. The Energy Report 01/02/18
<p>The rise of right wing nationalism comes with a massive side dose of bad faith arguments. So argues Sasha Polakow-Suransky, the author of &#8220; <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Back-Where-You-Came-Immigration/dp/1568585926" type="external">Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration and the Fate of Western Democracy</a>," which examines the explosion of far-right anti-immigration politics in both Europe and the United States.</p> <p>People like Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are reactionaries, Polakow-Suransky told me on "Salon Talks," but they like to hide behind liberal values like equality and secularism when launching attacks on Muslim immigrants.</p> <p>&#8220;What these parties are doing, especially in France and Holland, is they&#8217;re telling gays, they&#8217;re telling feminists, and they&#8217;re telling Jews even, &#8216;We are the only ones who will protect you,&#8221; he said. &#8220;The threat all of you face is from Islam and Muslims and we&#8217;re the only party that can stand up to that.&#8217;&#8221;</p> <p>These politicians want voters to believe they&#8217;re not neo-Nazis and skinheads, he continued, but in reality, they&#8217;re &#8220;weaponizing secularism to target a specific group.&#8221;</p> <p>Polakow-Suransky, who is an Open Society Foundations fellow and has held previous positions as an op-ed editor at the New York Times and as a senior editor at Foreign Affairs, says he sees similarity in how &#8220;our president reacts to a horrible terrorist attack,&#8221; such as the murders in New York City on Halloween, and other crimes.</p> <p>&#8220;You see a real gulf between the reactions to any crime perpetrated by an Islamic extremist and crimes committed by white nationalists or other groups,&#8221; Polakow-Suransky said. &#8220;I think that shows they&#8217;re targeting a specific group rather than talking about universal values that we all share.&#8221;</p> <p>Watch <a href="https://www.facebook.com/salon/videos/10155452605286519/" type="external">our full "Salon Talks" conversation</a> on Facebook.</p> <p>Tune into Salon's live shows, "Salon Talks" and "Salon Stage," daily at noon ET / 9 a.m. PT and 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, streaming live on <a type="internal">Salon</a> and on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/salon" type="external">Facebook</a>.</p>
Far-right leaders have double standards for immigrants
<p>It is a rich if tragic irony that the same progressives denouncing Richard Spencer and demanding that municipal statues be torn down for their alleged white supremacist qualities are themselves closely aligned with a white supremacist-tied group. I am speaking, of course, of Planned Parenthood, which is to the abortion-loving Left what Adolf Hitler&#8217;s bunker would have become to fascists had Germany not demolished it in the late 1980s: a sort of holy shrine upon which adulation and adoration can be fixated.</p> <p><a href="http://thefederalist.com/2017/08/15/tearing-white-supremacy-start-planned-parenthood/" type="external">Read Full Article &#187;</a></p>
Tear Down White Supremacy, Start w/Planned Parenthood
<p>Are you sick of Republicans? Or just right-wingers in general? Do you want to send a message to Washington that you aren't going to buy into their <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-gops-addiction-to-racism_us_59a550e0e4b0d6cf7f405024" type="external">racist</a>, <a href="http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/national-party-news/318512-warren-silenced-a-sexist-gop-tells-a-woman-to-shut-up" type="external">sexist</a>, <a type="internal">xenophobic</a>, <a href="http://gawker.com/a-brief-and-ugly-history-of-the-gops-anti-lgbt-platform-1783934258" type="external">homophobic</a> and <a type="internal">classist</a> nonsense for one second longer?</p> <p>Then do the very thing that Donald Trump unintentionally encouraged in a recent tweet: Encourage Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2020!</p> <q> <p>Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst (and biggest) loser of all time. She just can&#8217;t stop, which is so good for the Republican Party. Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years!</p> <p>&#8212; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/931877599034388480?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">November 18, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>I'm sure this is the part where the Clinton-haters &#8212; be they Trumpers, Bernie Bros or anything in between &#8212; will say something to the effect of, "Of course he wants her to run again. That's the only way he'll get re-elected!"</p> <p>Slow your roll there. Clinton's poll numbers aren't too good right now (OK, they're <a href="http://www.pollingreport.com/2020.htm" type="external">downright</a> <a href="http://www.pollingreport.com/hrc.htm" type="external">atrocious</a>), but there are still four great reasons to consider choosing her as the Democratic nominee in 2020. Even better, all but one of them has to do with an emotion that has no place in this season (which is why I absolutely had to write this article for Thanksgiving weekend): Spite. Delicious, nutritious spite.</p> <p>1. Hillary Clinton is the Winston Churchill to Vladimir Putin's Adolf Hitler.</p> <p>I agree with the basic principle of Godwin's Law: The first person to invoke Hitler in a political debate should normally lose. The exception, of course, has to be when someone has genuine Hitler-like qualities. A foreign despot who has <a href="http://www.newsweek.com/putin-preparing-all-out-invasion-ukraine-538615" type="external">invaded neighboring countries</a> and has a <a href="http://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-fascist-325534" type="external">right-wing nationalist agenda</a> is about as Nazi-like as you can get.</p> <p>This is where Clinton offers a quality that no politician in America can beat. While Republicans are trying to tar her with a <a href="https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/31/16581234/sessions-special-counsel-clinton-uranium-one-russia" type="external">bogus scandal</a> connecting her to Russia (and anyone who believes Clinton did something wrong in the Uranium One deal lacks credibility on all matters political), the reality is that no candidate can be better described as Russia's nemesis than Clinton. Putin has always hated Clinton because of his <a type="internal">innate sexism</a>, which has manifested in his <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/11/06/putins-russia-promotes-women-and-misogyny-in-politics-wait-what/?utm_term=.7b0df1a32abe" type="external">policies</a>, and she certainly didn't endear herself to him by <a href="https://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/clinton-putin-226153" type="external">publicly criticizing Russian corruption</a> in 2011. As the <a type="internal">ample connections</a> between the Trump campaign and Russia or its <a href="https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/the-secret-correspondence-between-donald-trump-jr-and-wikileaks/545738/" type="external">water-carriers</a> like WikiLeaks clearly demonstrate, the one person we know we can trust more than anyone is the candidate who Putin very obviously did not want to see as America's president.</p> <p>2. Hillary Clinton being elected president (at last) would monumentally piss off misogynistic trolls, and what's not to like about that?</p> <p>I can't think of a single political figure in recent American history who has been hated as deeply, or for as long, as Hillary Clinton. From the moment she emerged on the national stage in 1992 as a distinctly feminist prospective first lady, she has been the target of right-wing wrath woefully out of proportion to anything she has ever said or done.</p> <p>The reason for this is sexism. It's not the chic thing to say right now, but no other explanation really makes sense. Yes, Hillary Clinton is more centrist than either party likes these days, but why is she singled out for opprobrium here when her husband &#8212; who actually served as president &#8212; remains <a href="http://www.pollingreport.com/clinton1.htm" type="external">popular</a> despite holding the exact same views? The same point can be made about the claim that she is corrupt or too establishment. To the extent that these accusations are valid, they are no more true of Clinton than of the vast majority of politicians from both parties (especially Trump).</p> <p>At the very least, the next Democratic presidential candidate needs to be a woman &#8212; perhaps not Clinton specifically, but certainly a woman, to offset the symbolic gut-punch of the first female candidate getting <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/politics/donald-trump-sexism-tracker-every-offensive-comment-in-one-place/" type="external">cheated</a> by an overt misogynist. And speaking of cheating ...</p> <p>3. By winning the popular vote convincingly in 2016, Hillary Clinton has earned the right to be considered the presumptive nominee in 2020.</p> <p>As I <a type="internal">wrote</a> in September, Clinton is the first defeated presidential candidate to win the popular vote without being automatically considered a frontrunner in the next election. Two of the previous four popular vote-winning also-rans were actually elected in the subsequent cycle (Andrew Jackson in 1828 and Grover Cleveland in 1892), while two others were widely regarded as frontrunners before dropping out for personal reasons (Samuel Tilden and Al Gore).</p> <p>Let us not forget that, for all of the smack talk about how poorly Clinton ran her campaign, she bested Trump by nearly 3 million votes. This was no razor-thin margin of victory, but a decisive expression of the American public's preference. In terms of percentage points, her margin of victory was roughly comparable to that by which Jimmy Carter beat Gerald Ford in <a href="https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/" type="external">1976</a> or George W. Bush beat John Kerry in <a href="https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/" type="external">2004</a>. She also held Trump to a lower percentage of the popular vote than that garnered by Mitt Romney in <a href="https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/" type="external">2012</a>.</p> <p>4. We can expect her to be a good president.</p> <p>Frankly, the worst thing that can be said about a potential 2020 Clinton candidacy, especially in America's current cultural and political climate, is that her husband still hasn't answered for the <a href="https://www.dailydot.com/via/bill-clinton-rape-allegations-still-matter/" type="external">numerous sexual abuse accusations</a> against him. While it may seem unfair for Hillary to be held accountable for Bill's alleged predations, it can plausibly be argued that she played a role in helping him cover them up. If that is ever proved beyond a reasonable doubt, she should be given the heave-ho.</p> <p>Then again, Bill Clinton is also widely associated with the economic, social and foreign policy conditions of the <a type="internal">beloved 1990s</a>, and is greatly missed for that reason. And since few dispute that Hillary was her husband's co-president during that halcyon decade, that association can still remain a giant advantage.</p> <p>Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Clinton demonstrated through the <a href="https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12281022/the-democratic-party-platform" type="external">2016 Democratic National Committee platform</a> that she would work with progressives on pursuing a policy agenda very close to their own goals. On issues ranging from raising the minimum wage and fighting global warming to scaling back the war on drugs, she would stand exactly where the majority of grassroots activists in the party want her to be. Plus &#8212; while this has been noted countless times before, it deserves repetition &#8212; she has ample experience as a U.S. senator and secretary of state in actually getting things done.</p> <p>That ability to get things done, by the way, is why Clinton had high approval ratings as secretary of state (usually in the <a href="http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/22/hillary-clinton/hillary-clintons-approval-rating-secretary-state-w/" type="external">60s</a>), even proving more popular than President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in 2011 and 2012. Her stock may be low now, but it's been low in the past (such as when she "ran" to be first lady in 1992), and it has always recovered. Arguably the big political question facing a potential Hillary 2020 campaign will be whether that bounce occurs at a fortuitous moment for her. It very well could, and wouldn't that be a giant helping of the dish <a href="https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Revenge%20is%20a%20dish%20best%20served%20cold" type="external">best served cold</a>?</p> Did You Know? For 20 days, Hillary Clinton was both senator and first lady; she was sworn in as a senator on Jan. 1, 2001, and Bill's last day in the White House was Jan. 20th. Did You Know? Hillary Clinton is the first First Lady in American history to be elected into national office, serving as both a Senator and as Secretary of State under Obama.
Here’s your leftover turkey: The case for Hillary Clinton 2020
<p>The NFL national anthem story isn&#8217;t going away anytime soon. During many debate shows that air on cable sports networks, it was topic one. This was especially true during true during FS1&#8217;s Undisputed with Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe.</p> <p>As the FS1 Dynamic Duo began discussing the topic, Sharpe went on an incredible eight-minute rant on how NFL owners suddenly got an awakening about President Trump&#8217;s comments at an Alabama rally about players who kneel during the national anthem.</p> <p>Sharpe first said he was &#8220;disappointed and &#8230; unimpressed,&#8221; about the whole thing. And then he expressed why he was disappointed and unimpressed:</p> <q> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;m disappointed, Skip and Joy, because this is the tipping point. Of the 7,537 things that President Trump has said in the last 50 years, him calling an NFL player a &#8216;SOB&#8217; is what brought the NFL, the owners and players together. And while some might be moved by the conscience of these NFL owners, it wasn&#8217;t their conscience that moved them. It was the cash.</p> <p>Because see Skip, what we know about people with money, they don&#8217;t like to be told what to do&#8230;they don&#8217;t like being bullied. You see, President Trump has bullied a lot of people &#8230;&#8221;</p> </q> <p>Sharpe then mentioned Trump&#8217;s comments on Mexico, attacking a Gold Star family after last year&#8217;s Democratic National Convention, and his statements to former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about women saying, &#8220;that did not shock the conscience of NFL owners.&#8221;</p> <p>And he also pointed out a number of owners, including Jerry Jones, Daniel Snyder, Shad Khan, and Robert Kraft, who contributed to Trump&#8217;s inauguration.</p> <q> <p>&#8220;Now I&#8217;m unimpressed because this wasn&#8217;t a protest. This was unity. So what are we showing solidarity against, Skip? We&#8217;re showing solidarity because President Trump .. he challenged the very men &#8230; wealthy, wealthy men &#8230; billionaires and he told them what you should do if someone protests, you should fire them. They don&#8217;t like being told what to do, Skip.</p> <p>&#8220;And then, Skip, he called players that protested the anthem &#8230; he called them &#8216;SOB&#8217;s.&#8217; Think about that now, he called them &#8216;SOB&#8217;s.&#8217; That&#8217;s what got the owners, that&#8217;s what got the players to unite.</p> <p>&#8220;Is that the worst that he&#8217;s ever said? Absolutely not. Never called Vladimir Putin an &#8216;SOB,&#8217; Never called (Erdogan) of Turkey an &#8216;SOB,&#8217; even those men that walked down the streets in Charlottesville, Virginia &#8230; he never said &#8216;SOB&#8217; &#8230;&#8221;</p> </q> <p>This was an impassioned Sharpe. He also pointed out Colin Kaepernick, who started the kneeling during the national anthem, was forgotten and the NFL owners were uniting against Donald Trump. &#8220;It wasn&#8217;t until he came for the NFL that their conscience was shocked!&#8221;</p> <p>Sharpe said of all the teams that issued statements this weekend, only the Seattle Seahawks got the reason why they were denouncing the President&#8217;s statements.</p> <p>And he also set his sights on fellow FS1 analyst Ray Lewis for previously criticizing Kaepernick and <a href="http://thecomeback.com/nfl/ray-lewis-switched-sides-to-kneel-for-the-anthem-in-london-and-people-werent-thrilled-about-it.html" type="external">then kneeling on the sideline with the Baltimore Ravens</a> in London on Sunday. Sharpe said he was &#8220;very disappointed&#8221; in him, saying Lewis &#8220;sat in that chair right there saying that he could never kneel, never not stand for the national anthem&#8221; citing those who died fighting for the flag and then he went down on both knees. &#8220;What are you kneeling for?&#8221;</p> <p>It was one of the more emotional segments on Undisputed in its brief history.</p>
Shannon Sharpe goes after NFL owners’ hypocrisy over “unity”
<p>(Newser) &#8211; President Trump defended Michael Flynn on Monday by invoking Hillary Clinton. While speaking to reporters, the president said he felt "very badly for Flynn" and declared that the FBI treated the former national security adviser much more harshly than it did Clinton. "Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI," said Trump, per <a href="https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/04/trump-responds-michael-flynn-guilty-plea-277774" type="external">Politico</a>. "Nothing happened to her. Flynn lied, and they destroyed his life. I think it's a shame." He specifically referenced Clinton's grilling by the FBI over her email server in July 2015.</p> <p>"It was the most incredible thing anyone's ever seen," said Trump. "She lied many times, nothing happened to her. Flynn lied and it's like they ruined his life. It's very unfair.&#8221; As <a href="https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/12/04/president-trump-defends-michael-flynn-lying-fbi-claiming-hillary-clinton-did-same-thing/918623001/" type="external">USA Today</a> points out, former FBI chief James Comey testified to the contrary before Congress. "We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey said in July 2016, when he still ran the agency. There's no such gray area on Flynn: He <a href="http://www.newser.com/story/252332/flynn-to-plead-guilty-to-lying-to-the-fbi.html" type="external">admitted lying</a> to the FBI in his plea agreement. (Controversy over a <a href="http://www.newser.com/story/252415/trump-attorney-sorry-but-president-cant-obstruct-justice.html" type="external">presidential tweet</a> on the subject continues.)</p>
Trump: FBI Ruined Flynn, Let Clinton Go Free
<p>For some criminals, the notoriety that comes with getting caught for murder, rape, and other horrific crimes is exactly what they want. The newspaper articles, biographies, and constant attention that are often attached to the world&#8217;s most evil crimes give certain criminals a sense of purpose, as if they are celebrities who will have their names remembered long after they&#8217;re dead. Unfortunately, being a notorious criminal also has plenty of downsides, especially when you&#8217;re heading to a prison filled with other hardened criminals. For a few famous criminals, fame is what leads to their untimely death within the walls of prison.</p> <p>If you&#8217;ve been wondering &#8220;Who are the most famous criminals to be murdered in prison?&#8221; this list holds the answers. The men on this list have proved that maintaining a low profile in prison beats having a famous name, since being well known for their heinous crimes is what got many of these criminals a death sentence not ordered by the legal system.</p> <p>From cannibalistic serial killers to pedophiles who ruined the lives of hundreds of children, the men on this list were murdered in prison by fellow inmates, whether it was due to their notoriety or personal issues.</p> Photo: Police Mugshot <p>Albert DeSalvo was better known as the confessed "Boston Strangler," who killed 13 women. While DeSalvo never ended up in jail for those crimes, he served a prison sentence for being a serial rapist. DeSalvo attempted to escape from prison, but the escape was shortlived. In 1973, Robert Wilson was suspected of stabbing DeSalvo to death but he was never convicted for the crime.</p> <p>Age: Died at 42 (1931-1973)</p> <p>Birthplace: Chelsea, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America</p> <p><a href="https://www.ranker.com/list/best-new-horror-tv-shows/ranker-tv?ref=lzyrltdlstszerg_rr&amp;pos=1&amp;a=42&amp;ltype=l&amp;l=1207446&amp;g=1&amp;li_source=LI&amp;li_medium=desktop-popular-lists" type="external">32 people have voted onThe Best Horror TV Shows Since 2015</a></p> Photo: <a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/522276888010751912/" type="external">Pinterest</a> Photo: Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department Photo: Police Mugshot
9 Famous Criminals Who Were Murdered in Prison
<p>A Grain of Saul is a weekly column that digs into some of the biggest issues we face as a nation and as an international community in search of reliable data, realistic solutions, and &#8212; most importantly &#8212; hope.</p> <p>More and more women are reporting that <a type="internal">Harvey Weinstein</a> harassed or sexually assaulted them.</p> <p>After an <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/05/us/harvey-weinstein-harassment-allegations.html" type="external">explosive piece in The New York Times</a>, which cited several women's firsthand accounts of Weinstein's alleged "sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact," it appears the dam has broken. Yesterday, <a href="https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/from-aggressive-overtures-to-sexual-assault-harvey-weinsteins-accusers-tell-their-stories?mbid=social_twitter" type="external">a piece in The New Yorker quoted nearly a dozen on the record firsthand accounts of Weinstein's harassment and sexual assault</a> and included never-before-heard audio recordings from a New York Police Department sting operation in which Weinstein appears to admit to groping model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez.</p> <p>Although <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/05/us/statement-from-harvey-weinstein.html" type="external">Weinstein apologized in a statement for at least some of the behavior</a> referenced in the New York Times article, he denied the sexual assault allegations following the New Yorker piece's release.</p> <p>That piece, a gut-punch for anyone holding out hope the worst wasn't true, was notably written by journalist Ronan Farrow. <a type="internal">Farrow is the estranged son of Woody Allen</a>, another Hollywood magnate accused of sexual assault. Those allegations (which Allen denies) <a href="https://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/01/an-open-letter-from-dylan-farrow/" type="external">were made by his own daughter, Ronan's sister Dylan</a>.</p> <p>With so many accusers against Weinstein now on the record, including household names like Gwyneth Paltrow, Cara Delevingne and Angelina Jolie, all corners of the country are offering their hot takes in the discussion. Perhaps one of the most unfortunate reactions has been to politicize the story, as some conservative pundits have grasped onto Weinstein &#8212; a major Democratic donor Michelle Obama once publicly praised as a "wonderful human being" &#8212; as illustrative of rotten liberal America.</p> <p>But this isn't a uniquely Democratic problem. Fox News, a notoriously right-wing news outlet, has had to dismiss a <a type="internal">slew of on-air talent because of sexual assault allegations</a>. Our Republican president appeared to admit on tape to sexually assaulting women (and has <a href="https://twitter.com/Ike_Saul/status/916326817031696384" type="external">also been photographed chumming it up with Weinstein</a>).</p> <p>The point being: this isn't a partisan or even a political issue. This is &#8212; largely &#8212; an issue with men, specifically men who yield any kind of power. The allegations leveled against Weinstein, Allen, Bill Cosby, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Anthony Weiner and President Trump are not unique to Hollywood or a certain political party. It's not always famous and powerful men, either: it's the Catholic Church, Penn State football, orthodox Jews, professional athletes, universities, and your local retail store. The list goes on.</p> <p>In many of the cases that have made national headlines, though, wealthy men in positions of significant power have leveraged their status to pressure or force women into sexual encounters. Those women are then shamed, threatened with lawsuits and silenced if they speak out.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>Perhaps most unsettling about these stories is that there is almost always someone who could have stepped up and stopped the harassment or assault. In Farrow's story, he wrote that 16 former and current employees of Weinstein's companies had witnessed or had knowledge of unwanted sexual advances Weinstein made in work-related settings.</p> <p>Sixteen! And that's just the number of current or former employees who happened to speak to Farrow. What about all the ones who didn't? What about the ones who were too scared to speak to a reporter?</p> <p>Weinstein's case, again, isn't unique. In President Trump's infamous Hollywood Access tape, <a type="internal">television host Billy Bush laughs off</a>the notion that Trump could simply "grab women by the pussy" because he was a star. His supporters and advisers dismissed it as "locker room talk." Former Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly and former CEO Roger Ailes were <a type="internal">repeatedly reported to human resources at Fox News</a>and, reportedly, no action was taken. Football coach Joe Paterno was let go from Penn State because of what he may or may not have known about convicted rapist Jerry Sandusky. An entire film was made about the Catholic Church spending years trying to fend off reporters who wanted to get the truth out about rampant sexual abuse by priests. In many cases, campus rape stories include bystanders who don't intervene when a clearly intoxicated woman is taken home by a less intoxicated man.</p> <p>People &#8212; especially men who are in positions of power &#8212; have the ability to step in and stop these stories from happening.</p> <p>And we cannot forget that there are male survivors of sexual assault, and they are every bit as worth protecting. Terry Crews came out on Twitter to share a story about being assaulted by another man who allegedly grabbed his penis while Crews was standing next to his wife at a Hollywood function.</p> <p>Crews said he decided not to retaliate with allegations against the man because he didn't want to be ostracized, noting that "the predator has power and influence." Instead, he let it go, like many women do, because he couldn't stop asking himself if anyone believe him and if the repercussions for speaking out would be life-changing.</p> <p>If Terry Crews, a wealthy, well-known man is wary of reporting his assault, imagine the obstacles that face many other sexual assault survivors.</p> <p>It's time for men to police our own communities, our own friends and our own family members. It's time for men to stop being passive observers of the kinds of harassment and overt sexism that are all too common in the spaces we dominate. It's time for men to stand up for the victims we see in our day-to-day lives, and to create spaces, environments, communities, teams, companies and homes where everyone feels safe and supported enough to speak truth to power.</p> <p>The issue of sexual assault cannot simply be a "women's issue." It cannot be a political talking point. It cannot be a Democrat or Republican or religious or campus issue. Sexual assault is a men's issue. It is my issue. It is your issue. And it's about time we did something about it.</p>
A Grain Of Saul: Stopping Sexual Assault Is Not A Partisan Issue Or A Women's Issue. It's Up To All Of Us.
<p>made in china ( <a href="https://farm9.static.flickr.com/8036/8068018110_d7396a2f3b.jpg" type="external">Image</a> by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/people/30713600@N00/" type="external">twicepix</a>) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>Article originally published in LaborPress</p> <p>By Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky</p> <p>After deferring to China for Korea and seeing no results, President Trump's return to disciplining China over trade crimes is the right position. On Aug. 14, President Trump authorized a probe on China's trade practices, with a focus on intellectual property theft as well as theft of American technologies. Add to the mix: devalued currency, refusal to sell fair quantities of American-made products, unbelievably low worker wages, lead and other poisons in dog food and baby food, plagiarized health and cancer research, deficient tires. Trump has now come back around to the correct view.</p> <p>The President slipped off the wagon for a while. He pressed on the point that the U.S. needed China to help deter a nuclear North Korea. However, dozens of missile tests later, with Kim Jong Un even closer to a long-range nuclear weapon, Trump now realizes that China only used the North Korea bait to give themselves more trade freedom against us. It is time to call the Chinese government out.</p> <p>The U.S. economy is weakened by Chinese intellectual property theft, counterfeit goods, and deficient products competing with American brands. China was unwilling to help make North Korea release Otto Warmbier early enough to get him medical help. In an interview on CNN Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the Senate Democratic Leader, told Trump how to handle China: "You say, 'you can't push America around anymore,' which they've been able to do for administration after administration. Stop doing that. The President should say, 'You're not dealing with North Korea the way you should be.'"</p> <p>On June 20, Trump tweeted about Warmbier, "While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi &amp;amp; China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"</p> <p>Instead, China is giving us a victory here and there-- they will now import beef from us. That's nice of them. Apparently we can sell cows to China, but not cars.</p> <p>Schumer criticized Trump for at first reversing course. In an April 12 press conference right after his meetings with China's leader, Trump said, "They're not currency manipulators," which he had called them at least fifteen times on the campaign trail. Schumer said of Trump and his team, "Now they say they (China) aren't manipulating their currency. They are. I think China just does what it wants "They gain trillions of dollars by stealing intellectual property, by dumping excess steel and aluminum. The way to get China to help with North Korea is be tougher with them on trade."</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by August 1, 2018? <p>President Trump said that when he met with President Xi at the White House, "After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it's not so easy. I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power [over] North Korea." Of course China has leverage over North Korea. North Korea depends on China as a trading partner. In 10 minutes, Trump's view on China for thirty years apparently changed with a persuasive short argument from the president of a country that continually walks all over the U.S. This was Trump listening to the "last man in the room" at its worst.</p> <p>Trump said he told President Xi, "The way you're going to make a good trade deal is to help us with North Korea; otherwise we're just going to go it alone." The last part of that sentence is what the U.S., along with its allies, should do. China will help regardless because it's in China's own interest to do so.</p> <p>Not allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. has been a Democratic issue for over forty years, from Dick Gephardt to Bernie Sanders, and it became a key one for Trump too-- a rare area of campaign agreement. The president's promise to stand up to China was one of the major reasons he won the election.</p> <p>China should not get a free ride because we want their help with North Korea. In 2015, the FBI released a survey of 165 anonymous companies, half of which reported they had been victims of economic espionage. Of that half, 95 percent blame China.</p> <p>The counterfeit goods market in China costs companies $20 billion a year. Are they buying us by Americans enjoying a $30 "Rolex" from a Times Square vendor? Simply put, China's illegal actions are costing American jobs.</p> <p>To prevent a nuclear North Korea, the recent U.S. deployment of the "mother of all bombs" was as much a warning to other countries, including North Korea, as it was about destroying ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan. The U.S. has military might and is willing to use it. North Korea knows that. It is not worth caving to China, who costs the U.S. billions of dollars a year, and allowing them to keep manipulating currency and committing economic espionage.</p> <p>Otto Warmbier's coma and death, and Korea's missile tests and H-bomb, are just more proof Schumer is right--Instead of making nice with China, President Trump must hold them accountable, as he promised.</p> <p>Robert Weiner is a former Clinton White House spokesman and spokesman for the House Government Operations Committee. He was senior staff for Congressmen Ed Koch, Charles Rangel, Claude Pepper, and John Conyers, Jr. Ben Lasky is senior policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates and Solutions for Change.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Watch This Breakthrough Tech Soar This Year! How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by November 8, 2018? <p><a href="https://www.worldlifestyle.com/arts-entertainment/best-kept-secrets-caddyshack?utm_mediabuyer=SDJJ&amp;utm_source=taboola&amp;utm_medium=insticator-opednews&amp;slides=1&amp;utm_campaign=TBLA_WL_JJ_CADDYSHACK0823V6_US_DT&amp;utm_content=https%3A%2F%2Fconsole.brax-cdn.com%2Fcreatives%2F5b171414-d144-458f-afd6-c527e902ea40%2FCADDYSHACK-05_1000x600_8c9cb66d8ca3499cb51da2d15ad3d08d.png&amp;utm_taboola_id=1347435&amp;utm_content=120228983" type="external">Iconic &#8216;Caddyshack&#8217; Scene Has One Huge Flaw No One Noticed</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.worldlifestyle.com/arts-entertainment/best-kept-secrets-caddyshack?utm_mediabuyer=SDJJ&amp;utm_source=taboola&amp;utm_medium=insticator-opednews&amp;slides=1&amp;utm_campaign=TBLA_WL_JJ_CADDYSHACK0823V6_US_DT&amp;utm_content=https%3A%2F%2Fconsole.brax-cdn.com%2Fcreatives%2F5b171414-d144-458f-afd6-c527e902ea40%2FCADDYSHACK-05_1000x600_8c9cb66d8ca3499cb51da2d15ad3d08d.png&amp;utm_taboola_id=1347435&amp;utm_content=120228983" type="external">Iconic &#8216;Caddyshack&#8217; Scene Has One Huge Flaw No One Noticed</a></p> <p>Top Content in the Last 2 Days (by Page Views)</p> <p><a type="internal">Trump Colors The Flag Wrong, Reveals His True Stripes</a> by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Even now, John McCain finds a way to put Trump in his place</a> Posted by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Not Enough to Impeach Trump -- Entire Presidency Should Be Annulled</a> by Robert B. 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There's nothing suspicious about Jen Moore's death. There's nothing</a> Posted by Josh Mitteldorf (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">What Did Pope Francis Know About Cardinal McCarrick -- And When Did He Know It?</a> by Thomas Farrell (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">This is Our Time</a> by Timothy Gatto (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">News from Humptydumptytribe--that eclipses anything else you read these days</a> by Daniel Geery (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Weather Disasters, Climate Change, Human Options</a> by Arshad M Khan (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">2018 Peace Prize Awarded to David Swanson</a> by David Swanson (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Dead 'Yemeni Kids? Murdering Children By the Millions For Money and Power Is An American Way of Life</a> by Jay Janson (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Internet Censorship: Today, Alex Jones&#8211; tomorrow, YOU</a> by Josh Mitteldorf (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Time for Dems to Kick the Corporate Money Addiction</a> by Larry Butler (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Have an Active Kellogg-Briand Day</a> by David Swanson (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">There Is No Limit To Presstitute Hypocrisy</a> by Paul Craig Roberts (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>) <a type="internal">Senator John McCain served his country with honor; Trump said, "nope, not me!"</a> by Michael Payne (With membership, you can <a type="internal">see # of pageviews</a>)</p> <p><a type="internal">Go To Top 50 Most Popular</a></p> From flickr.com: made in china {MID-167067} <p>made in china ( <a href="https://farm9.static.flickr.com/8036/8068018110_d7396a2f3b.jpg" type="external">Image</a> by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/people/30713600@N00/" type="external">twicepix</a>) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>Article originally published in LaborPress</p> <p>By Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky</p> <p>After deferring to China for Korea and seeing no results, President Trump's return to disciplining China over trade crimes is the right position. On Aug. 14, President Trump authorized a probe on China's trade practices, with a focus on intellectual property theft as well as theft of American technologies. Add to the mix: devalued currency, refusal to sell fair quantities of American-made products, unbelievably low worker wages, lead and other poisons in dog food and baby food, plagiarized health and cancer research, deficient tires. Trump has now come back around to the correct view.</p> <p>The President slipped off the wagon for a while. He pressed on the point that the U.S. needed China to help deter a nuclear North Korea. However, dozens of missile tests later, with Kim Jong Un even closer to a long-range nuclear weapon, Trump now realizes that China only used the North Korea bait to give themselves more trade freedom against us. It is time to call the Chinese government out.</p> <p>The U.S. economy is weakened by Chinese intellectual property theft, counterfeit goods, and deficient products competing with American brands. China was unwilling to help make North Korea release Otto Warmbier early enough to get him medical help. In an interview on CNN Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the Senate Democratic Leader, told Trump how to handle China: "You say, 'you can't push America around anymore,' which they've been able to do for administration after administration. Stop doing that. The President should say, 'You're not dealing with North Korea the way you should be.'"</p> <p>On June 20, Trump tweeted about Warmbier, "While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi &amp;amp; China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"</p> <p>Instead, China is giving us a victory here and there-- they will now import beef from us. That's nice of them. Apparently we can sell cows to China, but not cars.</p> <p>Schumer criticized Trump for at first reversing course. In an April 12 press conference right after his meetings with China's leader, Trump said, "They're not currency manipulators," which he had called them at least fifteen times on the campaign trail. Schumer said of Trump and his team, "Now they say they (China) aren't manipulating their currency. They are. I think China just does what it wants "They gain trillions of dollars by stealing intellectual property, by dumping excess steel and aluminum. The way to get China to help with North Korea is be tougher with them on trade."</p> How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home
Trump Right On China The First Time
<p><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> The Man Who Predicted The Top Stock On The S&amp;amp;P 500 Makes NEW Shocking Prediction <p>US President Trump's threats this week to shut down critical news media is an ominous sign of how fragile American democratic rights have become.</p> <p>For Donald Trump to impugn media freedom -- albeit in his usual whimsical, boorish fashion -- nevertheless shows how far democracy has been eroded in the "land of the free."</p> <p>The latest furore followed a <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/trump-wanted-dramatic-increase-nuclear-arsenal-meeting-military-leaders-n809701?wpisrc=nl_todayworld&amp;wpmm=1" type="external">report</a> this week by NBC in which Trump purportedly harangued his top Pentagon advisers for a 10-fold increase in the US nuclear weapons arsenal.</p> <p>Trump's outlandish demand was reportedly made during a high-level national security meeting back in July. It was the same meeting during which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is said to have scoffed at Trump's antics and called him a "moron."</p> <p>Trump has reacted angrily to the reports, dismissing them with his characteristic jargon as "fake news."</p> <p>But, adding to the furore, the president also went on to question whether the broadcasting license of NBC and other networks should be cancelled because of what Trump views as "fake news." That is, the president is speculating on shutting down media outlets.</p> <p>Such a move by a president would be legally unviable, according to US laws. But it shows the kind of slippery slope that US media and democratic rights are on.</p> <p>Trump's latest musing about shutting down NBC and other channels drew predictable outcry from US media, who rightly to a degree, deplored his attack on democratic rights.</p> <p>The irony is, however, that the attack on American democratic rights has already been underway before Trump entered the White House, and without much protest from the same media outlets who are now railing against Trump over this rant. We can point to the increasing surveillance powers of federal intelligence agencies which have steadily encroached since the September 2001 terror incidents in New York and Washington DC.</p> <p>Media freedom in the US has been under assault for a long time.</p> <p>Trump's latest outburst is not a one-off anomaly. In recent weeks, the US government has moved to severely restrict the freedom of Russia-based news media operating in the country. A move that has so far not been reciprocated by Moscow on US media operating in Russia.</p> <p>Russian state-owned news channel RT has been forced to register as a "foreign agent" which will curtail how it carries out normal journalistic functions. Sputnik, another Russian state-owned channel, is also under investigation by US authorities over allegations of destabilizing American politics with "fake news."</p> <p>The crimping of Russian news media is part of a wider campaign to suppress all alternative media outlets, including US-based websites, which are being labelled as agents of "foreign interests" because of merely posting articles sourced from RT and Sputnik.</p> <p>The willing participation of US internet companies, Google, Twitter and Facebook, in blocking news sources that are designated "fake" or "interfering in US politics" is another troubling sign of how citizens' access to information is being curtailed. These gatekeepers of information are openly moving to restrict access to "authoritative," "respectable" media outlets. Many of these "respectable" news outlets, such as the New York Times and Washington Post, have in the past been guilty of purveying outrageously fake news, like the "weapons of mass destruction" claims which led to the 2003 US war in Iraq that killed over a million people and unleashed on the world the ongoing scourge of jihadist terrorism.</p> The Mysterious &#8220;Secret Stock&#8221; &#8211; It Could Fund Your Retirement <p>There is absolutely no credible evidence that Russian news media or alternative US-based sites are systematically engaged in an "influence campaign" to destabilize American democracy.</p> <p>Sure, there is plenty of false information on the internet available through platforms like Facebook, which most Americans now rely on for their news feed. But to lay the blame for this on Russian media is preposterous scapegoating. What really is the issue here is that US authorities and established media companies simply can't abide rival outlets that are providing an alternative, critical perspective.</p> <p>For example, Russia's RT and Sputnik have given much critical coverage on the war in Syria, as well as conflicts in Ukraine, Yemen and elsewhere. Both channels have reported, with documentary evidence, on how the US government and its NATO and regional allies have been complicit in an illegal, covert war for regime change in Syria involving support for extremist militant groups.</p> <p>This is a critical perspective with grave legal and political implications for Washington and its allies. Just because the US government does not like this kind of unflattering coverage does not legitimize its opprobrium of "fake news." The latter charge is brazenly being used as a pretext to censor discomfiting information.</p> <p>There are many other international issues where Russian media are giving a valid, alternative viewpoint. And because official US interests are offended by this critical perspective, the authorities are moving to ostracize Russian media with the spurious allegation of "foreign agents" and "undermining American democracy."</p> <p>But the paramount issue here is that this is an audacious attack on American democratic rights of free media and freedom of speech, as supposedly enshrined in the US Constitution's First Amendment.</p> <p>All of the US established news media have propagated the bogus narrative of "Russian influence" and "Russian fake news." This narrative plays well for political opponents of President Trump, primarily in the Democrat party. On this issue, Trump is right when he denounces as "fake news" the campaign to pillory Russia and to allege that the Kremlin directed state-owned media to influence the November presidential election in Trump's favor.</p> <p>There is simply no evidence that Russian news media were or are engaged in anything nefarious to destabilize US democracy. Russian media have and do give critical news coverage. If that "destabilizes" Washington's illicit activities in overseas' wars then that's what responsible journalism should be doing. To curb this journalism because it offends geopolitical interests is, frankly, censorship and the actions of a tyrant.</p> <p>Trump's latest threats to shut down the American news channel NBC over alleged "fake news" are indeed menacing. The NBC report on Trump's nuclear weapons ranting appear to be credible in any case.</p> <p>But the outcry from US media over Trump's boorish threats are hypocritical. Their concern seems to be based on a superficial contempt for Trump as a loathsome individual -- as opposed to a principled defense of democratic rights, and media freedom in particular.</p> <p>The US media outlets that are piously railing against Trump over his "assault on the Fourth Estate" are the same outlets which have piled on the pressure to suppress alternative media outlets like Russia's RT and Sputnik, as well as other US-based independent information sources that are being demonized in McCarthyite fashion as "foreign agents."</p> <p>And, again, much of this hostility towards alternative media is motivated by the fact that these alternative media have admirably exposed the hypocrisy and criminality of US authorities. Also exposed is the aiding and abetting by the servile establishment media who have long covered up for the US authorities and their illicit activities in overseas' wars and against citizens at home.</p> <p>American democratic rights are indeed on thin ice. But that was the case long before the elephantine Trump arrived on the scene. His clumsy lurching is merely serving to illustrate how treacherously thin the ice has become upon which US democracy now stands.</p> How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by November 8, 2018? Donald Trump - Caricature (Image by DonkeyHotey) <p><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>US President Trump's threats this week to shut down critical news media is an ominous sign of how fragile American democratic rights have become.</p> <p>For Donald Trump to impugn media freedom -- albeit in his usual whimsical, boorish fashion -- nevertheless shows how far democracy has been eroded in the "land of the free."</p> <p>The latest furore followed a <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/trump-wanted-dramatic-increase-nuclear-arsenal-meeting-military-leaders-n809701?wpisrc=nl_todayworld&amp;wpmm=1" type="external">report</a> this week by NBC in which Trump purportedly harangued his top Pentagon advisers for a 10-fold increase in the US nuclear weapons arsenal.</p> <p>Trump's outlandish demand was reportedly made during a high-level national security meeting back in July. It was the same meeting during which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is said to have scoffed at Trump's antics and called him a "moron."</p> <p>Trump has reacted angrily to the reports, dismissing them with his characteristic jargon as "fake news."</p> <p>But, adding to the furore, the president also went on to question whether the broadcasting license of NBC and other networks should be cancelled because of what Trump views as "fake news." That is, the president is speculating on shutting down media outlets.</p> <p>Such a move by a president would be legally unviable, according to US laws. But it shows the kind of slippery slope that US media and democratic rights are on.</p> <p>Trump's latest musing about shutting down NBC and other channels drew predictable outcry from US media, who rightly to a degree, deplored his attack on democratic rights.</p> <p>The irony is, however, that the attack on American democratic rights has already been underway before Trump entered the White House, and without much protest from the same media outlets who are now railing against Trump over this rant. We can point to the increasing surveillance powers of federal intelligence agencies which have steadily encroached since the September 2001 terror incidents in New York and Washington DC.</p> <p>Media freedom in the US has been under assault for a long time.</p> <p>Trump's latest outburst is not a one-off anomaly. In recent weeks, the US government has moved to severely restrict the freedom of Russia-based news media operating in the country. A move that has so far not been reciprocated by Moscow on US media operating in Russia.</p> <p>Russian state-owned news channel RT has been forced to register as a "foreign agent" which will curtail how it carries out normal journalistic functions. Sputnik, another Russian state-owned channel, is also under investigation by US authorities over allegations of destabilizing American politics with "fake news."</p> <p>The crimping of Russian news media is part of a wider campaign to suppress all alternative media outlets, including US-based websites, which are being labelled as agents of "foreign interests" because of merely posting articles sourced from RT and Sputnik.</p> <p>The willing participation of US internet companies, Google, Twitter and Facebook, in blocking news sources that are designated "fake" or "interfering in US politics" is another troubling sign of how citizens' access to information is being curtailed. These gatekeepers of information are openly moving to restrict access to "authoritative," "respectable" media outlets. Many of these "respectable" news outlets, such as the New York Times and Washington Post, have in the past been guilty of purveying outrageously fake news, like the "weapons of mass destruction" claims which led to the 2003 US war in Iraq that killed over a million people and unleashed on the world the ongoing scourge of jihadist terrorism.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger
Trump's Media Furore... US Democracy On Thin Ice
<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>Donald Trump continued his campaign of incendiary statements over the weekend, threatening to launch a war with North Korea that could unleash a nuclear catastrophe.</p> <p>On Saturday afternoon, the US president tweeted that past administrations "have been talking to North Korea for 25 years." This "hasn't worked," he wrote, adding: "Sorry, but only one thing will work!" Asked later to elaborate on what he meant, Trump replied, "You'll figure that out pretty soon."</p> <p>These threats came three weeks after Trump's tirade at the United Nations General Assembly September 19, when he declared that the US was "ready, willing, and able" to "totally destroy" North Korea, a country of 25 million people. Four days later, Trump threatened to assassinate the North Korean leader. If the North Korean foreign minister's speech at the UN "echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man [Kim Jong-Un]," Trump wrote, "they won't be around much longer!"</p> <p>On Thursday, Trump organized a White House dinner with US military leaders, which had all the hallmarks of a meeting of a war cabinet. During a photo op before the dinner, Trump, surrounded by generals in military uniform, likened the moment to "the calm before the storm." Asked what storm he was talking about, Trump would only say, "You'll find out soon."</p> <p>To the extent that Trump's words are interpreted as a genuine expression of the policy and plans of the United States government, the inescapable conclusion is that the world stands on the brink of the most devastating military conflict since the outbreak of World War II. Were language and reality in correct political alignment, the present situation would be described officially as an "Imminent danger of war."</p> <p>Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, embroiled in a political conflict with Trump, warned that the president's reckless threats were leading the United States "on the path to World War III." But despite Corker's statement on Sunday, there is, within the ruling elite and its media, a staggering disconnect between consciousness and reality. The public declarations emanating from the White House are being reported by the media as if they will have no consequences. The thinking seems to be that Trump doesn't mean what he says. The consequences of a war would prove to be so catastrophic that Trump is simply bluffing.</p> <p>But what if he isn't? What if the North Korean government takes the threats of the American president, as it must, seriously? With Trump having publicly declared that he will destroy North Korea and that the doomsday hour is fast approaching, how will the Pyongyang government interpret American military actions near the borders of its country? With only minutes to make a decision, will the regime view the approach of a US bomber toward North Korean airspace as the beginning of a full-scale attack? Will it conclude that it has no choice but to assume the worst and initiate a military strike against South Korea? Will it fire missiles, as it has threatened, in the direction of Japan, Guam, Australia, or even the United States?</p> <p>From a purely legal standpoint, North Korea can claim, in light of Trump's threats, that such action on its part would be an act of self-defense, a legitimate response to an imminent military threat.</p> <p>Aside from the calculations of Pyongyang, one must assume that the regimes in Beijing and Moscow are also looking at the unfolding developments with increasing alarm. While the American media, as is its wont, responds complacently and thoughtlessly to Trump's threats, the Chinese regime cannot avoid viewing them with deadly seriousness. Trump is, after all, the commander in chief of the American military. He has the power -- which Congress has shown no interest in challenging -- to order military actions.</p> <p>A US attack on North Korea would pose an overwhelming threat to China. As in 1950, a war against North Korea would -- even if it did not rapidly escalate into a nuclear exchange -- lead inexorably to an American incursion across the 38th Parallel. The last time the US military crossed the border into North Korea, the Chinese responded with a massive military counterattack. There is no reason to believe that the present-day regime in Beijing would remain passive in the face of a new US invasion of North Korea. It would view an American invasion as an unacceptable violation of a geopolitical arrangement on the Korean peninsula that has been in existence for nearly 65 years.</p> <p>Beijing's reaction would be influenced by the already tense conditions that exist in the Asia-Pacific region. For years, the US has been systematically building up its military forces in the South China Sea under the "Pivot to Asia" initiated by the Obama administration. The purpose has been to militarily encircle China, which dominant sections of the ruling class consider the major competitor to US interests. Over the weekend, China's main regional competitor, Japan, declared that it fully backed Trump's threats against North Korea.</p> <p>Thus, the outbreak of war between North Korea and the United States would inevitably involve China, which, in turn, would draw all of Asia, as well as Australia, into the bloody maelstrom. Nor would it be possible for Europe and Latin America, which have their own interests in Asia, to stand aside.</p> <p>Little has appeared in the American media about the consequences of war with North Korea. An article in Newsweek in April concluded that a war would leave one million people dead, assuming that it did not involve the use of nuclear weapons or any other outside powers. In a comment in the Los Angeles Times last month, retired Air Force Brigadier General Rob Givens calculated that 20,000 South Koreans would die every day in a war on the peninsula, even without the use of nuclear weapons.</p> <p>If the war were to develop into a nuclear exchange -- as the Trump administration has threatened -- the consequences would be catastrophic. In addition to the millions or tens of millions killed outright, climate experts warned in August that even a regional nuclear war would cool the planet by up to 10 degrees Celsius, potentially sparking a global nuclear winter that would wipe out agricultural production.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger <p>Despite all the evidence that war could break out at any time, the American media persists in its refusal to take the events seriously.</p> <p>The New York Times epitomized this media effort at chloroforming the population in its October 6 article on Trump's remarks before the generals, which stated that Trump has a "penchant for provocative statements" and takes "an obvious delight in keeping people guessing." Writing as if what was involved was merely a matter of White House gossip and intrigue, the Times stated that the "timing" of the "calm before the storm" statement was "particularly tantalizing."</p> <p>"But it is equally plausible," the article concluded, "that Mr. Trump was merely being theatrical, using the backdrop of military officers to stir up some drama."</p> <p>The efforts of the media to downplay the danger are contradicted by signs of serious divisions within the Trump administration. There are rumors that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be forced out or could resign, following statements from Trump last month directly undermining Tillerson's moves to resume negotiations with the North Korean government. Thursday's meeting of top advisers in the White House, decked out in their uniforms, may have been an effort by Trump to ensure that he has the military on his side in advance of war.</p> <p>These divisions, however, are tactical in character. In the final analysis, Trump speaks not simply for himself, but for the US ruling class. The dominant factions of the ruling oligarchy are united on the basic strategy of using its military force to maintain its hegemonic position abroad.</p> <p>Trump uses exceptionally crude and brutal language to justify American foreign policy. But he is not the author of Washington's hegemonic strategy. The United States has been at war almost continuously for more than 25 years. This weekend marked the sixteenth anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. The Pentagon is conducting military actions all over the world, usually without the American people being informed of the deployment of military personnel. The death in combat this past week of four American soldiers in the African country of Niger came as a total surprise to the public.</p> <p>A war with Korea could break out at any time. This is the reality of the situation. Rather than speculating idly over whether Trump is merely bluffing, the critical task is the building of a powerful movement, based on the working class, against the drive to war. The very fact that the American president smirks and laughs as he threatens millions with annihilation is itself sufficient proof that the US political system is terminally sick and capable of any crime.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Donald Trump (Image by YouTube, Channel: holmesclips) <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>Donald Trump continued his campaign of incendiary statements over the weekend, threatening to launch a war with North Korea that could unleash a nuclear catastrophe.</p> <p>On Saturday afternoon, the US president tweeted that past administrations "have been talking to North Korea for 25 years." This "hasn't worked," he wrote, adding: "Sorry, but only one thing will work!" Asked later to elaborate on what he meant, Trump replied, "You'll figure that out pretty soon."</p> <p>These threats came three weeks after Trump's tirade at the United Nations General Assembly September 19, when he declared that the US was "ready, willing, and able" to "totally destroy" North Korea, a country of 25 million people. Four days later, Trump threatened to assassinate the North Korean leader. If the North Korean foreign minister's speech at the UN "echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man [Kim Jong-Un]," Trump wrote, "they won't be around much longer!"</p> <p>On Thursday, Trump organized a White House dinner with US military leaders, which had all the hallmarks of a meeting of a war cabinet. During a photo op before the dinner, Trump, surrounded by generals in military uniform, likened the moment to "the calm before the storm." Asked what storm he was talking about, Trump would only say, "You'll find out soon."</p> <p>To the extent that Trump's words are interpreted as a genuine expression of the policy and plans of the United States government, the inescapable conclusion is that the world stands on the brink of the most devastating military conflict since the outbreak of World War II. Were language and reality in correct political alignment, the present situation would be described officially as an "Imminent danger of war."</p> <p>Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, embroiled in a political conflict with Trump, warned that the president's reckless threats were leading the United States "on the path to World War III." But despite Corker's statement on Sunday, there is, within the ruling elite and its media, a staggering disconnect between consciousness and reality. The public declarations emanating from the White House are being reported by the media as if they will have no consequences. The thinking seems to be that Trump doesn't mean what he says. The consequences of a war would prove to be so catastrophic that Trump is simply bluffing.</p> <p>But what if he isn't? What if the North Korean government takes the threats of the American president, as it must, seriously? With Trump having publicly declared that he will destroy North Korea and that the doomsday hour is fast approaching, how will the Pyongyang government interpret American military actions near the borders of its country? With only minutes to make a decision, will the regime view the approach of a US bomber toward North Korean airspace as the beginning of a full-scale attack? Will it conclude that it has no choice but to assume the worst and initiate a military strike against South Korea? Will it fire missiles, as it has threatened, in the direction of Japan, Guam, Australia, or even the United States?</p> <p>From a purely legal standpoint, North Korea can claim, in light of Trump's threats, that such action on its part would be an act of self-defense, a legitimate response to an imminent military threat.</p> <p>Aside from the calculations of Pyongyang, one must assume that the regimes in Beijing and Moscow are also looking at the unfolding developments with increasing alarm. While the American media, as is its wont, responds complacently and thoughtlessly to Trump's threats, the Chinese regime cannot avoid viewing them with deadly seriousness. Trump is, after all, the commander in chief of the American military. He has the power -- which Congress has shown no interest in challenging -- to order military actions.</p> <p>A US attack on North Korea would pose an overwhelming threat to China. As in 1950, a war against North Korea would -- even if it did not rapidly escalate into a nuclear exchange -- lead inexorably to an American incursion across the 38th Parallel. The last time the US military crossed the border into North Korea, the Chinese responded with a massive military counterattack. There is no reason to believe that the present-day regime in Beijing would remain passive in the face of a new US invasion of North Korea. It would view an American invasion as an unacceptable violation of a geopolitical arrangement on the Korean peninsula that has been in existence for nearly 65 years.</p> <p>Beijing's reaction would be influenced by the already tense conditions that exist in the Asia-Pacific region. For years, the US has been systematically building up its military forces in the South China Sea under the "Pivot to Asia" initiated by the Obama administration. The purpose has been to militarily encircle China, which dominant sections of the ruling class consider the major competitor to US interests. Over the weekend, China's main regional competitor, Japan, declared that it fully backed Trump's threats against North Korea.</p> <p>Thus, the outbreak of war between North Korea and the United States would inevitably involve China, which, in turn, would draw all of Asia, as well as Australia, into the bloody maelstrom. Nor would it be possible for Europe and Latin America, which have their own interests in Asia, to stand aside.</p> <p>Little has appeared in the American media about the consequences of war with North Korea. An article in Newsweek in April concluded that a war would leave one million people dead, assuming that it did not involve the use of nuclear weapons or any other outside powers. In a comment in the Los Angeles Times last month, retired Air Force Brigadier General Rob Givens calculated that 20,000 South Koreans would die every day in a war on the peninsula, even without the use of nuclear weapons.</p> <p>If the war were to develop into a nuclear exchange -- as the Trump administration has threatened -- the consequences would be catastrophic. In addition to the millions or tens of millions killed outright, climate experts warned in August that even a regional nuclear war would cool the planet by up to 10 degrees Celsius, potentially sparking a global nuclear winter that would wipe out agricultural production.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Americans In The Dark On Trump's Plan To End The U.S. Dollar
Trump's threats against North Korea signify real danger of war
<p><a href="http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers.</p> <p>Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless.</p> <p>Trump's budget calls for <a href="http://www.ishn.com/articles/106515-trump-budget-preview-osha-gets-cut-niosh-gets-disemboweled" type="external">deep cuts</a> in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love.</p> <p>Trump is <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/business/nlrb-trump-labor.html?action=click&amp;contentCollection=Economy&amp;module=RelatedCoverage%C2%AEion=EndOfArticle&amp;pgtype=article&amp;_r=0" type="external">systematically reversing</a> any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations.</p> <p>Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees.</p> <p>The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy</p> <p>This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central "pillar," as Grover Norquist <a href="http://www.ozy.com/politics-and-power/why-republicans-and-trump-may-still-win-big-in-2020-despite-everything/78775?utm_source=dd&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=05282017&amp;variable=7bb46ebcefcbbebe20f55e60e27fe39c" type="external">described it</a>, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack.</p> <p>And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about <a href="https://www.theglobalist.com/union-concentration-in-the-united-states/" type="external">7 percent</a> of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership.</p> <p>True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic "mediating institution," a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship.</p> <p>The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target.</p> <p>While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful.</p> <p>The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen.</p> <p>Unions Under Siege</p> <p>Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small "d" democracy can be robust, or a large "D" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority.</p> <p>The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them.</p> <p>Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership.</p> How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger <p>Republican elites understand the doom loop. Big business, small business, and Tea Party alike have pushed hard against unions. As the parties have polarized, Republicans have taken the gloves off, risking the votes of the 40 percent of union members who back Republicans in order to crush a pillar of the Democratic coalition. Even President <a href="http://thehill.com/people/bernie-sanders" type="external">Bernie Sanders</a> would have real trouble rebuilding unions in the face of a Republican Congress and a federal judiciary eager to swat down pro-labor executive action.</p> <p>Even without Republican politicians digging their graves, labor unions face deep challenges. In the private sector, unions must sign contracts workplace by workplace. Gawker writers here and home-care workers there will continue to organize their workplaces, but the barriers remain dauntingly high. In the public sector, unions have stood steady.</p> <p>But cops and teachers alike face blowback for putting their own prerogatives above the public interest. And if the Supreme Court bans the collection of agency fees in the public sector (thus imposing "right to work"), public-sector union membership could halve in a decade.</p> Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit &amp;amp; Feel Samples First U.S. Labor Day Parade, September 5, 1882 in New York (Image by wikimedia) <p><a href="http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers.</p> <p>Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless.</p> <p>Trump's budget calls for <a href="http://www.ishn.com/articles/106515-trump-budget-preview-osha-gets-cut-niosh-gets-disemboweled" type="external">deep cuts</a> in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love.</p> <p>Trump is <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/business/nlrb-trump-labor.html?action=click&amp;contentCollection=Economy&amp;module=RelatedCoverage%C2%AEion=EndOfArticle&amp;pgtype=article&amp;_r=0" type="external">systematically reversing</a> any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations.</p> <p>Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees.</p> <p>The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy</p> <p>This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central "pillar," as Grover Norquist <a href="http://www.ozy.com/politics-and-power/why-republicans-and-trump-may-still-win-big-in-2020-despite-everything/78775?utm_source=dd&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=05282017&amp;variable=7bb46ebcefcbbebe20f55e60e27fe39c" type="external">described it</a>, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack.</p> <p>And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about <a href="https://www.theglobalist.com/union-concentration-in-the-united-states/" type="external">7 percent</a> of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership.</p> <p>True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic "mediating institution," a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship.</p> <p>The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target.</p> <p>While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful.</p> <p>The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen.</p> <p>Unions Under Siege</p> <p>Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small "d" democracy can be robust, or a large "D" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority.</p> <p>The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them.</p> <p>Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger The Mysterious &#8220;Secret Stock&#8221; &#8211; It Could Fund Your Retirement
When the Parades Are Over, Who Stands With Unions?
<p>CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. -- Hillary Clinton will be telling her side of the story.</p> <p>Clinton, a Chappaqua resident, is set to write "What Happened," her recounting of her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The book will be published on Sept. 12 by Simon and Schuster.</p> <p>&#8220;In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I&#8217;ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I&#8217;m letting my guard down," Clinton, who previously served as Senator and Secretary of State, said.</p> <p>The book will discuss what it was like to face Trump, Russian interference and the experience Clinton had of being the first woman nominated for president by a major party.</p> <p>Simon and Schuster is calling it "her most personal memoir yet." Clinton had previously written the memoirs "Living History," and "Hard Choices."</p> <p><a href="https://chappaqua.dailyvoice.com/events/chappaquas-hillary-clinton-will-speak-at-business-council-annual-dinner/717595/" type="external">In November, Clinton is set to speak at the Business Council of Westchester's annual dinne</a> r, where she will receive the Westchester Global Leadership Laureate Award</p> <p><a href="" type="external">Click here</a> to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts.</p>
Chappaqua's Hillary Clinton Lets 'Guard Down,' Will Reveal 'What Happened'
<p>NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sent a letter on Tuesday to the owner of each team regarding the protests that have taken place recently during the national anthem.</p> <p>In the letter, Goodell said the "current dispute over the National Anthem is threatening to erode the unifying power of our game, and is now dividing us, and our players, from many fans across the country."</p> <p>Goodell, who added that he's proud of the players and owners who have worked over the last year to "attempt to address the underlying issues within their communities," said the NFL believes everyone should stand for the anthem.</p> <p>"Like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the National Anthem," he wrote. "It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us. We also care deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues. The controversy over the Anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and making real progress on the underlying issues. We need to move past this controversy, and we want to do that together with our players."</p> <p>The kneeling/protesting intensified in late-September after comments from President Donald Trump in response to Colin Kaepernick's protest of police brutality and inequality.</p> <p>During a campaign rally in Alabama, Trump said, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired. He's fired."</p> <p>Trump's comments quickly spawned protests in the NFL where many players did not stand for the singing of the national anthem.</p> <p>Earlier this week, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said he would bench any player who refused to stand for the anthem.</p> Saquon Barkley (26) Mandatory Credit: Vincent Carchietta-USA TODAY Sports (Vincent Carchietta)
Goodell sends letter to NFL owners regarding kneeling during anthem
<p>Colin Kaepernick is one of the most divisive players to have ever played in the NFL, on the back of his stance against police brutality last year, and his refusal to stand during pre-game national anthems as a result.</p> <p>Criticism rained down on the former San Francisco 49ers Quarterback for his actions, but he also won support aplenty from fellow athletes and onlookers for his social justice stance.</p> <p>The 29-year-old is currently unemployed because of his actions, however, and NFL clubs are reluctant to touch him because of the publicity that his protests attract.</p> <p>Speak out and you're damned, so it goes.</p> <p>Kaepernick is one of the most courageous sports stars in the world, and should be lauded for not accepting what others know is wrong, but keep their mouths shut anyway.</p> <p>Instead, despite being one of the best quarterbacks in the game, he doesn't have a club.</p> <a href="https://m0.sportsjoe.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/21050931/460735382.jpg" type="external" /> <p>US president Donald Trump was speaking at a rally in Alabama on Friday night when he took declining NFL TV ratings to task, going on to claim that the lack of physicality in the game was a reason for this.</p> <p>Then he turned his attention to the Milwaukee man's tendency to kneel during national anthems, and without mentioning by name, referred to him as a "son of a bitch."</p> <q> <p>&#8220;Wouldn&#8217;t you love to see one of these NFL Owners, when someone disrespects our flag to say, &#8216;get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he&#8217;s fired, he&#8217;s fired,&#8221; Trump said to the crowd.</p> </q> <q> <p>... trump taking a veiled shot at colin kaepernick, says owner should say: "get that sonofabitch off the field right now... he's fired!!" <a href="https://t.co/ttbOd0VrPG" type="external">pic.twitter.com/ttbOd0VrPG</a></p> <p>&#8212; fake nick ramsey (@nick_ramsey) <a href="https://twitter.com/nick_ramsey/status/911391835888726017?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">September 23, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>&#8220;You know, some owner is going to do that. He&#8217;s gonna say, &#8216;that guy disrespects our flag, he&#8217;s fired.&#8217; And that owner, they don&#8217;t know it. They don&#8217;t know it. They&#8217;re friends of mine, many of them. They don&#8217;t know it. They&#8217;ll be the most popular person for a week. They&#8217;ll be the most popular person in the country.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>It really is amazing just how brainwashed Trump's following is, and many of them were celebrating these comments like they were gospel, just like his own son was.</p> <q> <p>Love this: <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@realDonaldTrump</a> on NFL players disrespecting our flag/anthem: "get that son of a bitch off the field right now - YOU'RE FIRED!"</p> <p>&#8212; Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) <a href="https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/911403926120914944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">September 23, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>There are still sane people out there, and Kaepernick's mother Teresa spoke of her pride at her son's actions, as did many more.</p> <q> <p>A nation is people, not a symbol. A protest for the eradication of racism that violates millions of those people is not disrespect. <a href="https://t.co/yeeRG4hAEz" type="external">https://t.co/yeeRG4hAEz</a></p> <p>&#8212; Be A King (@BerniceKing) <a href="https://twitter.com/BerniceKing/status/911404814931828738?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">September 23, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Smh &amp;amp; all because <a href="https://twitter.com/Kaepernick7?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@Kaepernick7</a> is exercising his right as an American citizen to protest.</p> <p>&#8212; Bishop Sankey (@BishopSankey) <a href="https://twitter.com/BishopSankey/status/911412085292183552?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">September 23, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Guess that makes me a proud bitch!</p> <p>&#8212; Teresa Kaepernick (@B4IleaveU) <a href="https://twitter.com/B4IleaveU/status/911436659907948544?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">September 23, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>The war goes on.</p>
Donald Trump labels NFL player "son of a bitch"
<p>Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is one of the Democratic Party's most prolific donors.</p> <p>Since the 2000 election cycle, Weinstein has donated nearly $1 million in his own name in addition to collecting and providing roughly $1.5 million as a part of "bundled" donations, which the <a href="https://www.opensecrets.org/pres16/bundlers" type="external">Center for Responsive Politics</a> defines as contributions provided by "people with friends in high places who, after bumping against personal contribution limits, turn to those friends, associates, and, well, anyone who's willing to give, and deliver the checks to the candidate."</p> <p>Top Democrats including former President Barack Obama, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand have all received contributions from Weinstein, the Hollywood mega-executive who co-founded Miramax Films and The Weinstein Company.</p> <p>On Thursday, <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/harvey-weinstein-to-sue-new-york-times-sexual-harassment-expose-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">The New York Times reported</a> on <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/harvey-weinstein-speaks-on-sexual-harassment-claims-suing-new-york-times-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">Weinstein's decades</a> of <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/rose-mcgowan-harvey-weinstein-settlement-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">alleged sexual misconduct</a>. The Times reported that Weinstein <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/ashley-judd-accuses-harvey-weinstein-sexual-harassment-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">pressured younger women</a> into giving him massages and asked them to watch him bathe, among other harassment. <a href="https://twitter.com/AP/status/916434020640149504" type="external">By Friday</a>, Weinstein was suspended from his company, the Associated Press reported.</p> <p>Almost immediately, Democrats began facing pressure to return their donations from Weinstein. So far, a number of prominent Democrats already have.</p> <p><a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/democrats-donating-harvey-weinstein-campaign-contributions?utm_term=.hnppnQqwm#.jbGPBjWnK" type="external">BuzzFeed reported</a> that, as of Friday afternoon, 10 Democratic senators have donated campaign contributions from Weinstein to charity. They include Sens. Chuck Schumer, Martin Heinrich, Patrick Leahy, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Booker, Warren, Gillibrand, and Franken. Many of the charities were either national or local nonprofits focused on combating sexual violence.</p> <p>The Democratic National Committee, which received more than $300,000 from Weinstein since 2000, <a href="https://twitter.com/jeremymbarr/status/916385166226010114" type="external">decided to donate more</a> than $30,000 to left-leaning political groups that support Democratic female candidates.</p> <p>Editor's Note: The donations included are all of Weinstein's contributions to candidates in federal elections and national political organizations since 2000.</p> <p><a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/harvey-weinstein-political-donations-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals#comments" type="external">Join the conversation about this story &#187;</a></p> <p>NOW WATCH: <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/firings-trump-administration-anthony-scaramucci-fired-resignation-steve-bannon-2017-8?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">Tom Price resigns after controversy over private flights &#8212; here are the casualties of the Trump administration so far</a></p> <p>See Also:</p> <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/lisa-bloom-harvey-weinstein-sexual-harassment-hollywood-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">Attorney Lisa Bloom says of working with Harvey Weinstein: I've always wanted to 'get on the other side and smack that guy around a little bit, verbally'</a> <p>SEE ALSO: <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-winks-calm-before-the-storm-2017-10?utm_source=hearst&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=allverticals" type="external">Trump winks when asked again about his mysterious 'calm before the storm' comment</a></p>
Harvey Weinstein became a major player in Democratic politics — here's the wide net of people he has given money to
<a href="" type="external">View 3 more images</a> In this undated photo provided on Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017, by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects a local tire factory in Chagang Province, North Korea. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP) <p>(Newser) &#8211; Over two days, two sets of strong words about North Korea. During a Saturday speech in California, White House national security adviser HR McMaster said the possibility of war with the Hermit Kingdom is "increasing every day, which means that we are in a race, really, we are in a race to be able to solve this problem." And as far as problems go, he believes there are none bigger for the US, and there's "not much time left," per <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/02/politics/mcmaster-potential-war-north-korea/index.html" type="external">CNN</a>. He called on China to step up to the plate and choke the flow of oil into North Korea, noting, "you can't shoot a missile without fuel." He specified that he and President Trump agree a total oil embargo would "be appropriate at this point." He reiterated the call for China to step up while appearing on <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/03/mcmaster-speaks-to-trumps-tweets-north-korea-and-middle-east-peace.html" type="external">Fox News Sunday</a>, but added, "If necessary, the president and the United States will have to take care of it."</p> <p>Sen. Lindsey Graham set his sights on North Korea, too, while appearing on CBS' Face the Nation Sunday, conveying his belief that it's time to pull the families of the 28,500 US troops stationed in South Korea out of the country, reports the <a href="http://www.newser.com/article/24ae7bbb14ce45c1aa543c1ab3ecbbaa/senator-its-time-for-us-military-families-to-leave-skorea.html" type="external">AP</a>. Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, also noted he would press the Pentagon to refrain from sending dependents to South Korea going forward. "It's crazy to send spouses and children to South Korea, given the provocation of North Korea. South Korea should be an unaccompanied tour." Graham also expressed confidence in the Trump administration, saying the president has "the best national security team of anybody I have seen since I have been in Washington"; Graham has been in Congress since 1995.</p>
McMaster: Potential for War With North Korea Grows Daily
<p>In a <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/04/politics/kfile-roy-moore-facebook/index.html" type="external">report titled</a> &#8216;Roy Moore&#8217;s Facebook page shared inflammatory memes, article praising Russia&#8217;s anti-gay laws,&#8217; CNN (Cable News Network), one of most rabid left-wing, anti-conservative channels in the United States, sternly criticized the conservative contents of the Facebook page belonging to Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for US Senate in Alabama.</p> <p>Among Moore&#8217;s Facebook posts hated by CNN the most highlighted was the BarbWire article &#8220; <a type="internal">Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook&#8217;s Homosexual Propaganda</a>,&#8221; written by me.</p> <p>CNN said,</p> <p>Moore&#8217;s Facebook page also shared an article from the religious conservative website BarbWire.com in July 2015 with the headline, &#8220;Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook&#8217;s Homosexual Propaganda.&#8221; The article highlighted efforts by some Russians to counter a feature on Facebook that allowed users to overlay a rainbow over their profile picture.</p> <p>Trending: <a type="internal">English Professor Assigns Trump-Bashing Books</a></p> <p>&#8220;The strongest reaction came from conservative Russians who overlaid an image of the colors of their country&#8217;s flag &#8212; white, blue and red &#8212; over their profile picture,&#8221; the article read, adding that users also &#8220;countered the homosexual #LoveWins hashtag with #pridetobestraight and #pridetoberussian.&#8221;</p> <p>The article also described Russia&#8217;s efforts to crack down on the LGBT community, including the country&#8217;s so-called &#8220;gay propaganda law,&#8221; as a &#8220;strong stance in defense of traditional family values.&#8221;</p> <p>CNN added,</p> <p>Moore shared an article in July 2015 that praised Russia&#8217;s anti-gay laws and Russians who opposed Facebook&#8217;s feature that allowed users to change their profile pictures to celebrate same-sex marriage:</p> <p>I considered it a privilege to have a my conservative BarbWire article shared by Judge Roy Moore.</p> <p>I considered it an even greater privilege to have my name <a href="https://lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com/2017/09/conservative-christians-endorse-roy.html" type="external">connected with fine conservative leaders</a> such as James Dobson and Chuck Norris, in the official list of endorsements of Moore.</p> <p>As a conservative evangelical Christian, I am not surprised that CNN attacked Moore just because he shared one of my BarbWire articles.</p> <p>After all, what expect from the Communist News Network?</p> <p>Portuguese <a href="https://juliosevero.blogspot.com/2017/10/cnn-ataca-roy-moore-so-porque-ele.html" type="external">version of this article</a>: CNN ataca Roy Moore s&#243; porque ele compartilhou meu artigo no portal conservador BarbWire</p> <p>The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Barb Wire.</p> The Secret Plan To Destroy Trump's Administration
CNN Attacks Roy Moore Just Because He Shared My BarbWire Piece
<p>I am writing this article for an audience consisting of all the good people who, like myself, sincerely want a more equal and democratic society and who (unlike myself), to achieve this goal, look for leadership from the prominent individuals and organizations that seem to share this goal. Most of these leaders are commonly identified either as "of the Left" or "progressive" or "liberal" or "Marxist." In this article I will refer to all of these prominent leaders as "the Left."</p> <p>According to the standard wisdom, the Left is providing good leadership to achieve a more equal and democratic society and the problem is that not enough people follow this leadership, and so the enemies of the Left (led by what I call the ruling class) remain in power. The problem, in this mistaken view, is that the Left is weak. What I will show is that, on the contrary, the problem (for those who want a more equal and democratic society, that is) is that the Left is wrong. What do I mean?</p> <p>The Left is wrong in its fundamental view of ordinary people, and because of this wrong view the ruling class is able to use the Left to divide and rule good people. So let's start by seeing what's wrong with the Left's view of ordinary people.</p> <p>The Left's Wrong View of Ordinary People</p> <p>Before discussing the Left's wrong view it helps to say what the truth is about ordinary people. The truth is that the vast majority of ordinary people (in the world, and in the United States as well) want society to be based on the positive values of concern for one another (as opposed to dog-eat-dog competition), mutual aid (as opposed to some people taking unfair advantage of others) and equality (in the sense of having no rich and no poor and in the sense of ordinary people rather than a privileged and self-serving elite having the real say in social decisions.) This is why ordinary people are the solution, not the problem, today.</p> <p>The Left disagrees. The Left views the majority of ordinary people as the problem, not the solution, because their supposed values are the problem: selfishness and greed, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and the list grows all the time. The Left believes that certain subsets of ordinary people (people of color, non-heterosexuals, transgender people, etc.) are oppressed by the ordinary people who are different. The solution, in this Leftist view, is to persuade the oppressive ordinary people to change their ugly ways and values.</p> <p>The Marxist Left (which I have written about <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/revolution/socialism.html" type="external">here</a>) sometimes adds to the above an emphasis, more than the liberal/progressive leftists, on the issue of class: the material oppression of the working class by the capitalist class. The Marxist Left thus, sharing the liberal/progressive left's negative view of the deplorable values of ordinary people, points out that despite their terrible values working class people nonetheless have a class interest in opposing the ruling class. The solution according to the Marxist Left is, again, to persuade ordinary people to change their ugly ways and values (or, as the Marxists would say, to "become class conscious.")</p> <p>The idea that the values of the vast majority of ordinary people are the solution, not the problem--that they are the values that ought to shape society and are the opposite of the terrible values of the ruling class--is the truthful idea that will enable good people to succeed in building a huge popular movement to make society genuinely equal and democratic. (A wonderful entire book about this is online <a href="http://www.newdemocracyworld.org/old/Revolution/We%20Can%20Change%20the%20World%20book.pdf" type="external">here</a>.) But hardly anybody knows how true this idea is, thanks to the ruling class propaganda against it and also thanks to the Left's rejection of it.</p> <p>Perhaps you, dear reader, think this idea is false. If so, please read ( <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/right.html" type="external">here</a>) about my experience at a pro-Trump rally asking random people there if they thought it was a good idea or a bad idea to "remove the rich from power to have real, not fake, democracy with no rich and no poor." 86% of them (43 out of the 50 I asked) thought it was a good (or great!) idea and those 43 people all gladly took my button with that message and many pinned it onto themselves right on the spot.</p> <p>Consider this please. If ordinary people were as selfish and vile as the Left claims, then our world would be infinitely more horrible than it actually is, with everybody stabbing each other in the back and nobody giving a damn about anybody else. This is the kind of world that it would be--a veritable hellish nightmare of a world--if the disgusting selfish competitive values of the ruling class were also those of everybody else. The fact that our world is not this hellish nightmare, but one in which most people cooperate and help each other and respect one another as equals in countless ways that we take so much for granted that we don't think about them or even notice them, this fact has huge significance: it shows that most ordinary people are the positive force in the world, a force that challenges capitalist values and that ought to shape all of society.</p> <p>How the Ruling Class USES the Left to Divide and Rule Us</p> <p>I have written a whole <a href="https://www.amazon.com/NO-RICH-POOR-Book/dp/B073D876VD/ref%3Dsr_1_5?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1507566486&amp;sr=1-5&amp;keywords=spritzler" type="external">book</a>(Divide and Rule) about how the ruling class uses the Left to divide and rule us. What follows is a brief summary with some links to some of my online articles treating particular issues in more detail.</p> <p>Here's how the ruling class uses the Left for divide-and-rule. The ruling class takes (or invents) a "hot button" (i.e., potentially very divisive social issue) and, with its control of the mainstream (and alternative!) media, it imposes a very particular framework on the public debate about the issue. The framework is designed to be maximally divisive. The framework is made maximally divisive by defining two opposing views (I call them "camps") in a way that ensures that the people in each camp--when they hear about the opposing camp--will view the members of the opposing camp with utter contempt and possibly fear. The ruling class does this by a) providing each camp's position with arguments designed to be maximally offensive to the other camp, and b) censoring facts that, if known, would cause people in the opposing camps to see that they had far more agreement with each other than they otherwise would realize, and that the concerns of the opposing camp were quite reasonable (instead of deplorable) even if they still disagreed.</p> <p>Here are some examples of how the ruling class uses the Left to make this work.</p> How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home <p>Race</p> <p>The truth is that a) the ruling class for centuries has systematically discriminated against people not of European descent ("whites") and b) the ruling class did this in order to more effectively dominate, control and oppress working class people of ALL races.</p> <p>The early British big property owners in the Virginia Colony instituted slavery based on race because they feared that otherwise there would be more rebellions of the working class (laborers in the tobacco plantations of both African and European descent) united regardless of race, as happened in Bacon's Rebellion in 1676--a rebellion that almost overthrew the British ruling elite. (Read more about this <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/race.html" type="external">here</a>.)</p> <p>The truth is that when the ruling class singles out some working class people for harsher treatment than others, it is for the purpose of creating mutual mistrust, resentment and fear between those singled out for special discrimination and the others. Thus the racist Jim Crow laws in the South not only harmed blacks; they also harmed the poor whites, whose wages were lower than white wages in the North because Jim Crow prevented them from having strong (i.e., integrated) unions and diverted their anger at blacks instead of the wealthy whites who oppressed them.</p> <p>The truth is that, among working class people, AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL.</p> <p>But the Left disagrees. The Left asserts exactly what the ruling class also asserts: that racial discrimination against non-whites benefits white working class people. The ruling class asserted that slavery and Jim Crow benefited poor whites and the Left chimes right in by asserting that white working class people enjoy "white privilege" (the word "privilege" means, by definition, a benefit). The Left never says that racial discrimination against non-whites also HARMS white working class people.</p> <p>The ruling class promotes (with its foundations) the use of "white privilege" rhetoric (as I show in great detail <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/white.html" type="external">here</a>) and counts on the Left not explaining (as I do <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/privilege.html" type="external">here</a>) that "white privilege" is a phrase designed to hide the truth that AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL. On the contrary, the Left is largely responsible for the sad fact that young people today use the horribly misleading phrase "white privilege" to refer to what the Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Movement referred to with the very good phrase "racial discrimination." The result is that working class people are being effectively divided and ruled along race lines, as I discuss <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/recruit2.html" type="external">here</a>.</p> <p>Earlier, the ruling class promoted Affirmative Action to divide and rule us along race lines, as I discuss in more detail <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/affirmative.html" type="external">here</a>. (Please read this short linked article if you believe that Affirmative Action was truly about helping non-white minority people. It was not!) Affirmative Action was the flip side of the coin of the New Jim Crow of racist prison incarceration; both were launched in the 1970s by the same ruling class. The New Jim Crow of racist prison incarceration was designed to make whites fear blacks and Hispanics as "a criminal race"; Affirmative Action was designed to make white working class people fear blacks and Hispanics as job-stealers, by making sure that whites applying for a job or school admission would be told essentially, "We're sorry, we couldn't give you the position you applied for because we had to give it to a less qualified minority person." Did the Left expose Affirmative Action for the divisive strategy it was? Did the Left fight for the kind of reforms that would truly remedy the harm of past racial discrimination and also gain large white working class support (as my above linked article discusses)? No! the Left accused white working class people who very understandably objected to the new government-mandated racial discrimination of being racists. The ruling class thus used the Left to ensure that its divide and rule strategy would be maximally effective.</p> <p>Feminism</p> <p>In the 1970s the ruling class hijacked the traditional feminist movement (that strove for equality of men and women under the law and in the workplace) and replaced its leadership with a new breed of radical feminists who asserted that our society was one in which men--all men, by virtue of being male--were the oppressor class oppressing all women; that men, in other words, were the enemy--the patriarchy. The ruling class defined "being a progressive feminist" as subscribing to this "men are the enemy" belief. It was pure divide-and-rule. I discuss this at some length in my article <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/misandry.html" type="external">here</a>. The Left completely agreed with the ruling class's "men are the enemy" theme and accused those who disagreed of being sexist. Just as with racial discrimination, there is real discrimination against women, but it harms working class men as well because, as discussed above, AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL. The Left, however, never explained this and in fact rejected it. The result, thanks in large part to the Left, is that ordinary people feel that their only choice here is either to a) agree that all men are the enemy or else b) dismiss any effort to end discrimination against women as an attack on men.</p> <p>Same-sex Marriage</p> <p>Believe it or not, there is a position on same-sex marriage that would be agreeable to most people in the pro- same-sex marriage camp and ALSO to most people in the anti-same-sex marriage camp. I write about this position <a href="https://www.pdrboston.org/conception-of-children-1" type="external">here</a>; it's a position that addresses the actual concerns of both camps. You've most likely never heard of this position because the ruling class didn't want it to be known; the ruling class wanted each camp on this issue to view the other as despicable. The Left went right along with the ruling class in this regard, leading in the campaign to demonize anybody opposed to same-sex marriage as a despicable bigot or idiotic Bible fundamentalist. The divisiveness on this issue is so thorough that many people cannot even imagine joining with people in the opposing camp to fight together for anything, such as making our society more equal and democratic. Thanks largely to the Left.</p> <p>Abortion</p> <p>As I discuss in some detail <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/abortion.html" type="external">here</a>, the ruling class has cleverly, and dishonestly, framed the abortion issue as one in which one side is against murder and wants women to suffer, and the other side doesn't want women to suffer and has no problem with murder whatsoever. Again, as with same-sex marriage, there is a position on abortion (discussed in my linked article above) that would gain the respect of most people in both the pro- and anti-abortion camps. But the ruling class censors this position, and the Left helps to censor it. The Left simply accuses people opposed to abortion of being deplorable. This is exactly what the ruling class counts on to make its divide-and-rule strategy work.</p> <p>Muslim Refugees</p> <p>Key Fact: The ruling class, as I discuss in detail <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/muslim-refugees.html" type="external">here</a>, makes sure that there are domestic acts (or almost acts) of "Muslim" terrorism so that many Americans will be terrified of Muslims. The ruling class then promotes a great debate about whether to allow or not allow Muslim refugees to enter the country. The camp in favor of not allowing them in accuses the opposing camp of being, at best, suicidal idiots. The camp in favor of allowing the refugees in (which the Left is a prominent part of) accuses the opposing camp of being inhumane racists. The Left is silent about the Key Fact. This makes the divide-and-rule work perfectly.</p> <p>Immigration</p> <p>Key Fact: The ruling class for a long time has been forcing large numbers ordinary people in Mexico and Central America to migrate to the United States illegally, as I discuss <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/work/realistic_solution_immigration.html" type="external">here</a> and <a href="https://www.pdrboston.org/illegal-immigration" type="external">here</a>. Because most people do not understand this key fact, the ruling class is able to orchestrate a big and extremely divisive debate about whether the illegal immigrants should be allowed to remain or not (not about whether the ruling class that forced them to come to the U.S. illegally should be removed from power, mind you, a position that would unite most of the people in both camps, not to mention the illegal migrants themselves!) Does the Left tell people about the Key Fact? No. It just accuses the people who want to deport the illegal aliens of being deplorable racists.</p> <p>While the ruling class and its right-wing radio talk show hosts exaggerate the harm to American citizens caused by the massive illegal immigration, there are in fact ways that this massive influx of people either directly causes--or is used as a pretext by the ruling class to cause--harm to working class American citizens. The Left ignores this fact (also discussed in my linked article above) and simply accuses anybody who supports deporting illegal immigrants of being motivated by racism or selfishness. This is exactly what the ruling class needs to make its divide-and-rule strategy work.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger Trump to End the Dollar as We Know It by August 1, 2018? <p>Transgender Bathrooms</p> <p>Key Fact: In most states (including North Carolina with its infamous HB2 law), a person can have the gender on their birth certificate changed simply by providing documentation that they had sex-change surgery. As I discuss in some detail <a href="https://www.pdrboston.org/bathroom-policy-re-transgender" type="external">here</a>, the transgender bathroom issue is phony from the git-go. The status quo (prior to this becoming a big issue) regarding bathroom use was not oppressive to, or even viewed as oppressive by, transgender people. The supposedly bigoted North Carolina HB2 law is not oppressive to transgender people because of the Key Fact. But NPR (etc.) censored the Key Fact so that its liberal audience, hearing about the HB2 law and being told that it was oppressive, would believe this lie, and view those who opposed the new liberal bathroom legislation (which truly IS oppressive) as bigots. The Left, as to be expected, eagerly accuses people of being transphobic bigots if they think that a woman in a public access shower room should be able to tell a person entering that room who has male genitalia to leave. (The new liberal laws are based on exactly this absurd notion!) What more could the ruling class ask from the Left than to accuse perfectly good and decent people with a perfectly common-sense opinion of being bigots?</p> <p>Israel</p> <p>The ruling class-imposed framework for debating U.S. support for Israel is this: "One camp is not anti-Semitic and therefore supports Israel, and the opposing camp is anti-Semitic and therefore does not support Israel." I have written in detail <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/old/War/Lobby2.htm" type="external">here</a>(including the "must read" article it links to under the title) about why this framework is absolutely false. Some people in the Left support Israel and falsely accuse the other camp of being anti-Semitic, and some other people in the Left do not support Israel (they may support the BDS campaign). Many of the people in the Left who do not support Israel use an argument that many people perceive as an anti-Semitic argument; this only helps the ruling class maintain its false framework for divide and rule.</p> <p>The argument that many on the Left use and which is perceived to be anti-Semitic is this: "The Israel lobby controls the American ruling class so effectively that it forces America's rulers, against their will, to go against their own (our own) national interest and support Israel." This theory is often known as "tail wags dog" (the Israeli tail wags the United States dog) and its proponents use phrases such as "Congress is Israeli-occupied territory." As I discuss in my article linked to above, the "tail wags dog" theory is factually wrong, and is able to derive credibility (with difficulty since people know that tails don't wag dogs) only from the anti-Semitic canard that Jews have some mysterious power to control non-Jews (an idea famously espoused by the fraudulent and infamous document named "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion").</p> <p>The result of the Left's role in the debate about Israel is that the false framework (that it's anti-Semites versus non-anti-Semites) remains reinforced by the Left, much to the delight of the ruling class.</p> <p>What Will It Take to Win?</p> <p>In order for good people to win a genuinely equal and genuinely democratic society we must build a movement of the great majority of Americans that explicitly aims for an egalitarian revolutionary goal: to remove the ruling plutocracy from power to have no rich and no poor, with real democracy--not the fake democracy that will always be the case as long as our society is one in which money is power and the billionaires have virtually all of it. To create this movement it is necessary that its leaders know and assert that the great majority of Americans share this positive goal, despite secondary disagreements that the ruling class tries to maximize. And it is necessary that its leaders explicitly advocate the egalitarian revolutionary goal, because otherwise it will never be adequately fought for and the ruling class will co-opt the movement with gimmicks (such as campaign finance reform) that leave it in power.</p> <p>The problem is that our current leaders in the Left do not believe that the great majority of Americans share the positive values that ought to shape society. They believe that about half of Americans are actually oppressors, and that ordinary Americans in general have quite negative values that first need to be changed before it would even be a good idea for them to have the real power in a genuine democracy.</p> <p>The Left consequently does not even try to build the kind of movement that it takes to make a genuinely equal and democratic society, and it actually helps (intentionally or not, it doesn't matter) the ruling class to divide-and-rule us.</p> <p>I have written in my book, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/NO-RICH-POOR-Book/dp/B073D876VD/ref%3Dsr_1_5?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1507566486&amp;sr=1-5&amp;keywords=spritzler" type="external">NO RICH AND NO POOR</a>, and on my website ( <a href="http://www.pdrboston.org/" type="external">www.PDRBoston.org</a>) about building a movement--an egalitarian revolutionary movement--that can win what most people want. Part of what is required is that we dump the Left. The Left includes politicians such as President <a type="internal">Obama</a> and other <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/revolution/sanders.html" type="external">leaders</a> of the <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/revolution/warren4.html" type="external">Democratic</a> Party, pundits such as <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/revolution/reich.html" type="external">Robert Reich</a>, and virtually all of the Marxist organizations and individuals. (The links in the previous sentence are to my articles explaining what is wrong with these people.)</p> <p>The Marxists demonstrated their (to be kind) worthlessness in the way they responded to one of the most divisive actions of the Left. In 2015 a couple dozen Leftists blocked mainly white suburban <a href="http://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2015/01/boston_area_highway_blocked_by_protesters" type="external">commuters</a> on <a href="http://www.wbur.org/2015/01/15/photos-boston-protests-93-traffic" type="external">I-93</a> in Massachusetts to deliberately piss them off, all in the name of "anti-racism." The message was that white working class people are the enemy of the anti-racist movement, the beneficiaries of "white privilege." This is exactly the divide-and-rule message that the ruling class promotes, and has been promoting since the days of slavery. The leaders we need would have sharply denounced this action as a disgusting attack on working class people and an act that sent the ruling class's Big Lie message. Practically all-ordinary people (except for hard core Leftists) understood it to be a disgusting attack on innocent people, and they were pissed.</p> <p>Many Left writers and organizations (see <a href="http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/01/15/declaring-black-lives-matter-protesters-stage-direct-action-blocking-boston-highway" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://www.openmediaboston.org/content/one-lesson-boston-highway-blockades-progressives-must-organize-suburbs-3073" type="external">here</a> and <a href="https://www.popularresistance.org/how-boston-activists-shut-down-i-93/" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://www.workers.org/articles/2015/02/02/despite-historic-blizzard-bus-drivers-pack-court-for-union-militant/" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/to-the-people-complaining-about-the-inconvenience-of-the-highway-shutdowns-hesaid/" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/2smrqh/i93_demonstrators_issue_statement/" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://www.occupyboston.org/2015/01/15/i93-shutdown/" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://socialistworker.org/2015/02/04/blacklivesmatter-looks-ahead" type="external">here</a> for example), however, praised (either explicitly or by reporting it uncritically as an "anti-racist" action) the I-93 blockade action, and those that did not explicitly praise it refused to say it was a bad thing to do (see <a href="http://www.cc-ds.org/2015/01/a-report-and-a-reflection-on-a-weekend-of-anti-racist-action-boston-martin-luther-king-day-protest-january-2015/" type="external">here</a> and <a href="http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Massachusetts-Labor-Solidarity-Newsletter.html?soid=1117731406688&amp;aid=6N-X-Iq-ZBM" type="external">here</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=442176882582632&amp;story_fbid=613376482129337" type="external">here</a> for example). No Left writers or organizations that I am aware of have said it was a bad thing to do. The Left is perfectly fine with attacking white working class people in the name of black working class people. This is how the Left, wittingly or not, foments race war in the U.S.A.</p> <p>The reason good people are losing the fight against the ruling class is because we are following leaders who are actually our foes.</p> <p>The Ruling Class and the Bolsheviks Were Allied from the Beginning</p> <p>The notion that the Marxist Left is working to end the inequality and fake democracy so loved by the capitalist ruling class has been wrong for a very long time. As an example of how long this notion has been wrong, here's an interesting fact reported in Antony Sutton's book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, published in 1974 (and online <a href="https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf" type="external">here</a>), from which one excerpt about a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Boyce_Thompson" type="external">William Boyce Thompson</a> is given below. Thompson was at the very top of the American capitalist class when the Bolsheviks were in the process of taking power in Russia. Thompson was <a href="https://www.raabcollection.com/warren-harding-autograph/harding-sends-former-pres-federal-reserve-bank-diplomatic-mission" type="external">President</a> of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (the most important bank in the Federal Reserve system) from <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Boyce_Thompson" type="external">1914 to 1919</a>, the years about which Sutton writes. Thompson was a very wealthy mining magnate and he was prominent in the Republican party, as one can read about in the first linked article about him above. Here's what Sutton reports:</p> Alzheimer's-Blocking "Super Coffee" May Be The "Memory Saving Discovery" Of The Century The Mysterious &#8220;Secret Stock&#8221; &#8211; It Could Fund Your Retirement How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home <p>"Thompson's contribution to the Bolshevik cause was recorded in the contemporary American press. The Washington Post of February 2*, 1918, carried the following paragraphs:</p> <p>GIVES BOLSHEVIKI A MILLION</p> <p>W. B. Thompson, Red Cross Donor, Believes Party Misrepresented. New York, Feb. 2 (1918). William B. Thompson, who was in Petrograd from July until November last, has made a personal contribution of $1,000,000 to the Bolsheviki for the purpose of spreading their doctrine in Germany and Austria. Mr. Thompson had an opportunity to study Russian conditions as head of the American Red Cross Mission, expenses of which also were largely defrayed by his personal contributions. He believes that the Bolsheviki constitute the greatest power against Pro-Germanism in Russia and that their propaganda has been undermining the militarist regimes of the General Empires.</p> <p>Mr. Thompson deprecates American criticism of the Bolsheviki. He believes they have been misrepresented and has made the financial contribution to the cause in the belief that it will be money well spent for the future of Russia as well as for the Allied cause." [Kindle location 1412.]</p> <p>Note that Thompson was in Petrograd before, during and after the Bolshevik October Revolution. Sutton documents that Thompson's support for the Bolsheviks was far from exceptional among his class of top level capitalists, and that these capitalists had backing from the Executive branch of the Federal government. [Read the book for all the gory details!] One explanation for this apparently paradoxical alliance of capitalists and Lenin's Bolsheviks is given by Sutton. He argues that these capitalists were monopolists who made their fortunes by using the U.S. government--the biggest monopoly of all, in their eyes--as an instrument for personal enrichment, and that they saw that the highly centralized government that the Bolsheviks were creating could be equally useful to them as a government that would force the people of Russia to pay very high prices for American products.</p> <p>----------------------</p> <p>* I confirmed that this article truly does exist by asking the reference person at Harvard University's Widener Library to check it; she found the article, but it was in the January 31, 1918 edition, not the February 2, 1918 edition. I'm not sure why Sutton gives the latter date; maybe there were more than one edition with the article in it. If you doubt the veracity of this article, please call the library and find out for yourself what they tell you.</p> <p>(Article changed on October 10, 2017 at 20:53)</p> The Mysterious &#8220;Secret Stock&#8221; &#8211; It Could Fund Your Retirement <p>I am writing this article for an audience consisting of all the good people who, like myself, sincerely want a more equal and democratic society and who (unlike myself), to achieve this goal, look for leadership from the prominent individuals and organizations that seem to share this goal. Most of these leaders are commonly identified either as "of the Left" or "progressive" or "liberal" or "Marxist." In this article I will refer to all of these prominent leaders as "the Left."</p> <p>According to the standard wisdom, the Left is providing good leadership to achieve a more equal and democratic society and the problem is that not enough people follow this leadership, and so the enemies of the Left (led by what I call the ruling class) remain in power. The problem, in this mistaken view, is that the Left is weak. What I will show is that, on the contrary, the problem (for those who want a more equal and democratic society, that is) is that the Left is wrong. What do I mean?</p> <p>The Left is wrong in its fundamental view of ordinary people, and because of this wrong view the ruling class is able to use the Left to divide and rule good people. So let's start by seeing what's wrong with the Left's view of ordinary people.</p> <p>The Left's Wrong View of Ordinary People</p> <p>Before discussing the Left's wrong view it helps to say what the truth is about ordinary people. The truth is that the vast majority of ordinary people (in the world, and in the United States as well) want society to be based on the positive values of concern for one another (as opposed to dog-eat-dog competition), mutual aid (as opposed to some people taking unfair advantage of others) and equality (in the sense of having no rich and no poor and in the sense of ordinary people rather than a privileged and self-serving elite having the real say in social decisions.) This is why ordinary people are the solution, not the problem, today.</p> <p>The Left disagrees. The Left views the majority of ordinary people as the problem, not the solution, because their supposed values are the problem: selfishness and greed, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and the list grows all the time. The Left believes that certain subsets of ordinary people (people of color, non-heterosexuals, transgender people, etc.) are oppressed by the ordinary people who are different. The solution, in this Leftist view, is to persuade the oppressive ordinary people to change their ugly ways and values.</p> <p>The Marxist Left (which I have written about <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/revolution/socialism.html" type="external">here</a>) sometimes adds to the above an emphasis, more than the liberal/progressive leftists, on the issue of class: the material oppression of the working class by the capitalist class. The Marxist Left thus, sharing the liberal/progressive left's negative view of the deplorable values of ordinary people, points out that despite their terrible values working class people nonetheless have a class interest in opposing the ruling class. The solution according to the Marxist Left is, again, to persuade ordinary people to change their ugly ways and values (or, as the Marxists would say, to "become class conscious.")</p> <p>The idea that the values of the vast majority of ordinary people are the solution, not the problem--that they are the values that ought to shape society and are the opposite of the terrible values of the ruling class--is the truthful idea that will enable good people to succeed in building a huge popular movement to make society genuinely equal and democratic. (A wonderful entire book about this is online <a href="http://www.newdemocracyworld.org/old/Revolution/We%20Can%20Change%20the%20World%20book.pdf" type="external">here</a>.) But hardly anybody knows how true this idea is, thanks to the ruling class propaganda against it and also thanks to the Left's rejection of it.</p> <p>Perhaps you, dear reader, think this idea is false. If so, please read ( <a href="http://newdemocracyworld.org/culture/right.html" type="external">here</a>) about my experience at a pro-Trump rally asking random people there if they thought it was a good idea or a bad idea to "remove the rich from power to have real, not fake, democracy with no rich and no poor." 86% of them (43 out of the 50 I asked) thought it was a good (or great!) idea and those 43 people all gladly took my button with that message and many pinned it onto themselves right on the spot.</p> <p>Consider this please. If ordinary people were as selfish and vile as the Left claims, then our world would be infinitely more horrible than it actually is, with everybody stabbing each other in the back and nobody giving a damn about anybody else. This is the kind of world that it would be--a veritable hellish nightmare of a world--if the disgusting selfish competitive values of the ruling class were also those of everybody else. The fact that our world is not this hellish nightmare, but one in which most people cooperate and help each other and respect one another as equals in countless ways that we take so much for granted that we don't think about them or even notice them, this fact has huge significance: it shows that most ordinary people are the positive force in the world, a force that challenges capitalist values and that ought to shape all of society.</p> <p>How the Ruling Class USES the Left to Divide and Rule Us</p> <p>I have written a whole <a href="https://www.amazon.com/NO-RICH-POOR-Book/dp/B073D876VD/ref%3Dsr_1_5?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1507566486&amp;sr=1-5&amp;keywords=spritzler" type="external">book</a>(Divide and Rule) about how the ruling class uses the Left to divide and rule us. What follows is a brief summary with some links to some of my online articles treating particular issues in more detail.</p> <p>Here's how the ruling class uses the Left for divide-and-rule. The ruling class takes (or invents) a "hot button" (i.e., potentially very divisive social issue) and, with its control of the mainstream (and alternative!) media, it imposes a very particular framework on the public debate about the issue. The framework is designed to be maximally divisive. The framework is made maximally divisive by defining two opposing views (I call them "camps") in a way that ensures that the people in each camp--when they hear about the opposing camp--will view the members of the opposing camp with utter contempt and possibly fear. The ruling class does this by a) providing each camp's position with arguments designed to be maximally offensive to the other camp, and b) censoring facts that, if known, would cause people in the opposing camps to see that they had far more agreement with each other than they otherwise would realize, and that the concerns of the opposing camp were quite reasonable (instead of deplorable) even if they still disagreed.</p> <p>Here are some examples of how the ruling class uses the Left to make this work.</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger
Here's How the Ruling Class USES the Left
<p>Channel 4 have been accused of &#8220;brownfacing&#8221; in a row over a documentary showing a white woman disguised as a Muslim complete with darkened skin.</p> <p>Katie Freeman, 44, was given a prosthetic nose, fake teeth and darkened skin as she filmed My Week As A Muslim.</p> <p>The show documents Ms Freeman's experiences in <a type="internal">Manchester</a> in the week after a terror attack at the city's arena that killed 22 people.</p> <p>Described as an attempt to challenge stereotypes, the show aimed to give the the 44-year-old a "chance to meaningfully walk in the shoes of someone from a different background."</p> Katie Freeman starred in the documentary (Channel 4) <p>However, when a trailer for the show aired on Tuesday, viewers took to social media to slam the nature of Ms Freeman's disguise.</p> <p>One wrote: "What the f*** is this? Channel 4 has totally missed the mark here. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to put prosthetics on somebody to make them a caricature of people of a different race (as if being white and Muslim are exclusive anyway)? On primetime TV in 2017? Madness."</p> <p>Another bemused commenter simply wrote: "Did they...brownface her?"</p> <p>On Twitter, viewer Alice Beggs said: "Just saw Channel 4 have a show called 'My Week As A Muslim' where this white woman has brownface and prosthetics so she can learn about racism etc. Because god forbid we just listen to Muslims when they tell us what abuse they get."</p> <p>Another criticised Channel 4 for not "actually following a Muslim poc (person of colour) and documenting their life, instead of doing this".</p> <p>Before Ms Freeman underwent the transformation, she admitted she would avoid sitting next to a Muslim on public transport because "you see them and think they're going to blow something up", <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4991044/Channel-4-slammed-blacking-woman-new-show.html" type="external">the Daily Mail</a> reported.</p> <p>She later said she was shocked by the level of abuse she suffered in the course of the programme.</p> <p>During one incident in which someone shouted "f****** Muslims, in this town?" as she walked past her local pub.</p> <p>Ms Freeman lived with Saima Alvi, a Muslim woman, during filming for the show.</p> <p>The 49-year-old told of the abuse she suffers regularly. She said: "It's very humiliating that I am pigeon-holed or put in the same box as a terrorist.</p> <p>"What I have learnt is that there are genuinely nice people who are unfortunately misled about Islam."</p> <p>Speaking to the <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4991044/Channel-4-slammed-blacking-woman-new-show.html" type="external">Daily Mail</a>, Fiyaz Mughal, founder of community cohesion group Faith Matters, said: "This is trying to drive ratings by racial stereotyping. Channel 4 needs to apologise.</p> <p>"If you are trying to bridge divides, what message does it send to Muslim communities that people think of you in a certain way? That certain crude facial characteristics are what defines you as Asian?"</p> <p>The show's executive producer, Fozia Khan, defended the programme, told the Daily Mail: "The programme allowed Katie to meaningfully walk in the shoes of someone from a different background and to experience what it is like to be a part of the British Pakistani Muslim community rather than just observe as an outsider."</p> <p>My Week As A Muslim is due to be broadcast by Channel 4 on Monday at 9pm.</p>
Channel 4 documentary My Week As A Muslim sparks row over 'brownfacing'
<a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megamanfanon/images/7/7e/Metal_Man_%28Pop%27n_Music_Form%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120128123938" type="external" /> <p>Metal Man is the <a type="internal">easiest</a> <a type="internal">second easiest</a> third easiest Robot Master from <a type="internal">Mega Man 2</a>, AKA the Best Mega Man game ever.</p> <p><a type="internal">Dr. Wily</a> made Metal Man for combat purposes. But since Wily is stupid enough to model Metal Man after Cut Man, Metal Man is weak to the Mega Buster.</p> <p>But he never really died. He is now figuring out his revenge alongside Quick Man against Mega Man (And Air Man).</p> <p>You'll figure it out.</p> <p>Metal Man's real name was Harper Jose, a Hispanic dentist.</p> Metal Man, although the coolest ever <a type="internal">Robot Master</a>, literally can't beat <a type="internal">Air Man</a>, due to Air Man being immune to uber weapons. Interestingly, Metal Man and <a type="internal">Shadow Man</a> are very similar, as they are the coolest Robot Masters in their respective games (although Metal Man is arguable, given the majority of RMs in 2 are awesome), weak to their own weapons, which are cutter weapons made of metal, and neither of their weapons can touch Air Man and are strong against Bubble Man.
Metal Man
<a type="internal" /> <p>Google banned my channel with 80,000 people on it so join my <a type="internal">Newsletter</a> so they can&#8217;t stop us!</p> <p>A young man named Gio Rios just proved the FBI is lying scum about the Las Vegas shooting! Everything we&#8217;ve been told by the FBI and Fake News on TV is now officially a fraud! Listen to his riveting testimony as he talks about the multiple shooters he saw and the lies the FBI told about it all! Tell Trump to start firing people until the truth comes out! This is outrageous! We are worse than a banana Republic! The FBI must be investigated for fraud and coverup!</p> <p>We cannot allow the FBI and the Fake News to get away with this any longer. Spread this patriot&#8217;s testimony to every person you know. Tell them the FBI are liars and our news is fake! Tweet to Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump and tell him God told us in his Word to tell the truth! Tell him we all know the FBI is lying over Las Vegas! Tell him to do a press conference and stop the lies! Send him this video! We are not going to take the lies anymore!</p> <p>&#8220;And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free&#8221;</p> <p>John 8:32</p> How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria &#8212; Without Lifting A Finger
Vegas Survivor Proves FBI Lying Scum! Wow!
<p>Joe Arpaio, the 85-year-old disgraced former Arizona sheriff who recently <a type="internal">announced</a> his candidacy for a Senate seat in the same state, spewed the false and racist assertion on CNN that former President Barack Obama's birth certificate is fabricated and that he wasn't born in the United States.</p> <p>"No doubt about it. No doubt about it," Arpaio told CNN's Chris Cuomo after being asked if the birth certificate was a phony. "We have the evidence. I&#8217;m not going to go into all the detail, but yes, it&#8217;s a phony document."</p> <p>Of course, President Donald Trump <a href="https://twitter.com/search?l=&amp;q=birth%20certificate%20from%3Arealdonaldtrump&amp;src=typd&amp;lang=en" type="external">endlessly</a> promulgated the debunked conspiracy for years, even accrediting Arpaio, and only recently <a type="internal">said</a> in 2016 that he believed Obama was truly born in Hawaii and not Kenya.</p> <q> <p>An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that <a href="https://twitter.com/BarackObama?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@BarackObama</a>'s birth certificate is a fraud.</p> <p>&#8212; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/232572505238433794?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">August 6, 2012</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Congratulations to <a href="https://twitter.com/RealSheriffJoe?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@RealSheriffJoe</a> on his successful Cold Case Posse investigation which claims <a href="https://twitter.com/BarackObama?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@BarackObama</a>'s 'birth certificate' is fake</p> <p>&#8212; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/225620165138726912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">July 18, 2012</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Always remember, I was the one who got Obama to release his birth certificate, or whatever that was! Hilary couldn't, McCain couldn't.</p> <p>&#8212; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/483319727343665152?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">June 29, 2014</a></p> </q> <p>The president <a type="internal">pardoned</a> Arpaio on Aug. 25 &#8212; a Friday night, when most of the nation's attention had been focused on the arrival of Hurricane Harvey. In his pardon, Trump praised Arpaio as a lifelong public servant who enforced the rule of law.</p> <p>"Arpaio&#8217;s life and career, which began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in the military after the outbreak of the Korean War, exemplify selfless public service," the statement <a href="https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-trump-pardons-sheriff-joe-arpaio/" type="external">said</a>. "Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life&#8217;s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now 85 years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon."</p> <p>The former Maricopa County sheriff was convicted of criminal contempt of court in July, after a judge found that Arpaio had violated court orders to stop detaining undocumented immigrants, as Salon has previously <a type="internal">reported</a>. Arpaio has a long and <a type="internal">well documented</a> history of abusive and racist law enforcement tactics and violated a court order "to temporarily cease making immigration-related arrests after he was sued for racial profiling."</p> <q> <p>We&#8217;ve sued Joe Arpaio for denying women prisoners access to abortion, for victimizing people with disabilities, and for racially profiling Latinos. We&#8217;ve won every time. <a href="https://t.co/ZqFWblFiwx" type="external">https://t.co/ZqFWblFiwx</a></p> <p>&#8212; ACLU (@ACLU) <a href="https://twitter.com/ACLU/status/950825879285960704?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 9, 2018</a></p> </q> <p>Coincidentally, Trump has repeatedly praised himself as the law and order candidate, while often <a type="internal">demonstrating</a> the opposite.</p> <p>Arpaio announced a bid for Sen. Jeff Flake's Arizona Senate seat and is the perfect fit for the president's hardline immigration agenda and widespread federal <a type="internal">crackdowns</a>.</p>
Thanks Trump: Birther Joe Arpaio is back
<p>A note to Steve Bannon: No matter what your beliefs are, the most dangerous thing you can do is cross Donald Trump.</p> <p>The <a type="internal">fallout against</a> the former White House political strategist and Trump confidant is continuing this week, in the wake of his comments appearing in Michael Wolff's tell-all book, "Fire and Fury," and as his political foes are <a href="https://twitter.com/Team_Mitch/status/948627440913604609" type="external">celebrating</a> his perceived demise and his political friends are starting to distance themselves from him.</p> <p>One of Bannon's strongest allies &#8212; the Mercer family, which is funding Breitbart &#8212; issued a stinging rebuke on Thursday, but limited the scope of their attack to what Bannon said about the president.</p> <p>"I support President Trump and the platform upon which he was elected," Rebekah Mercer <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2018/01/04/mercer-issues-rare-public-rebuke-of-former-ally-bannon/?utm_term=.6ba426985788" type="external">told the Washington Post</a>. "My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months and have provided no financial support to his political agenda, nor do we support his recent actions and statements."</p> <p>And CBS reported Friday that Mercer "cut all ties" with Bannon because that's what Trump wanted her to do.</p> <q> <p>. <a href="https://twitter.com/CBSNews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@CBSNews</a> confirms Steve Bannon's longtime benefactor Rebekah Mercer cut *all ties* with him at the request of White House officials in the aftermath of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FireAndFury?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">#FireAndFury</a>. <a href="https://t.co/8eICjpp6Qw" type="external">pic.twitter.com/8eICjpp6Qw</a></p> <p>&#8212; ryan kadro (@RyanKadro) <a href="https://twitter.com/RyanKadro/status/949256699487096832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 5, 2018</a></p> </q> <p>But Mercer is continuing to finance Breitbart, which has not only been Bannon's political agenda, it's been his political essence. Bannon made Roy Moore his candidate in the Alabama special election. When Moore's major flaws were exposed, Bannon <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/11/09/roy-moore-used-breitbart-to-try-to-get-in-front-of-allegations-that-he-pursued-teenage-girls/?utm_term=.1a77322eefd6" type="external">dispatched</a> Breitbart's staffers to <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2017/12/13/when-breitbart-isnt-enough/?utm_term=.141892b49842" type="external">attack the women</a> who accused Moore of trying to date them when they were teenagers. After the election, Breitbart's editor admitted that they were <a type="internal">acting as political operatives</a> in their decision to cover the election.</p> <p>So while Breitbart's funders are wondering whether or not to <a href="https://www.wsj.com/articles/breitbart-owners-debate-ousting-bannon-amid-trump-feud-1515100110?mg=prod/accounts-wsj" type="external">cut ties</a> with Steve Bannon, it's important to realize that Bannon's legacy will certainly live on. It will just be more Trump-friendly.</p>
Steve Bannon’s big problem isn’t Breitbart. It’s Trump
<p>There's been a lot of talk this week about President Trump's mental state. <a href="https://www.metro.us/president-trump/dr-lance-dodes-donald-trump-psychosis-dementia" type="external">Psychiatrists have weighed in</a> calling him a "very sick man." Former associates <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tony-schwartz-donald-trump-mental-health_us_5a1f694ce4b0a8581e67e599" type="external">report</a> that people close to him are "deeply concerned about his mental health.&#8221; It's been reported that he's telling people that the person on the "Access Hollywood" tape wasn't really him, and claiming (again) that he actually won the popular vote. But the most vivid and obvious evidence that Trump is becoming even more unbalanced even than before (which is saying something) comes from his Twitter feed, which has been a daily dumpster fire ever since word came down that Michael Flynn had apparently made a deal with Robert Mueller.</p> <p><a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor" type="external">Trump's Twitter</a> is a window into his mind, and right now it isn't offering an attractive view. He's madly tweeted lies about his tax plan, applauded himself for single-handedly causing the stock market to rise, insulted the media, slandered old friends and condemned some of the famous men who have been fired for sexual harassment. Apparently he is more assured of his omnipotence than ever, since he was rewarded with the presidency while all those other guys have been brought low. He's put on quite a show and all of it has further degraded the presidency and embarrassed the nation before the world.</p> <p>But there was one series of tweets that stood out and it's so bad that it may have actually caused a diplomatic break with our closest ally. On Thursday morning, for some inexplicable reason, the president of the United States retweeted three videos claiming to be Muslim extremists perpetrating violence. One purported to show a group of Muslims pushing a boy off a roof, another claimed to show a Muslim destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary and a third supposedly showed a Muslim immigrant hitting a Dutch boy on crutches. The Dutch embassy clarified that the third video actually of two native-born dutch boys fighting, and did not involve Muslim immigrants at all.</p> <p>The tweets were from a vile British neofascist named Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of a tiny far-right, anti-immigrant group called Britain First. You may recall that prior to the Brexit vote last year a Labour Party member of Parliament named Jo Cox was assassinated by a man who shouted the words "Britain First" before he killed her. <a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/fascist-evil-racist-uk-parliament-unloads-on-trumps-twitter-outburst" type="external">According to the Daily Beast:</a></p> <q> <p>The group had previously struggled to garner mainstream-media coverage of their video stunts, which include mosque &#8220;invasions&#8221; and &#8220;Christian patrols&#8221; during which uniformed thugs carrying white crosses attempt to intimidate minority citizens. On Wednesday, Trump catapulted Fransen and the group&#8217;s leader Paul Golding, who is also a convicted criminal, into the global conversation.</p> </q> <p>Trump sent those videos out to his millions of followers; hundreds of millions more may have seen them through other social media and mainstream news by now. These anti-Muslim videos are the worst kind of hate propaganda, the kind of thing one expects to find deep in the bowels of the extremist right-wing internet. Needless to say, Fransen was delighted and <a href="https://twitter.com/JaydaBF/status/935842051991711745" type="external">thanked Trump</a>for "sharing the videos with his "44 MILLION FOLLOWERS! GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA!"</p> <p>The reaction was swift. Prime Minister Theresa May's office <a href="https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-twitter-may/trump-was-wrong-to-retweet-uk-far-right-group-british-pm-mays-spokesman-idUSKBN1DT2IS" type="external">rebuked the president</a> in a statement which said that Britain First "divides communities in their use of hateful narratives which pedal lies and stoke tensions. This causes anxieties to law-abiding people. The British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents; decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."</p> <p>Trump himself was not contrite, of course. He responded this way:</p> <q> <p>. <a href="https://twitter.com/theresa_may?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@Theresa_May</a>, don&#8217;t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!</p> <p>&#8212; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/936037588372283392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">November 30, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>The British Parliament did not take this well. In speech after speech members demanded that Trump's invitation for a state visit (already controversial) be rescinded. Labor M.P. Stephen Doughty declared that by sharing those tweets, Trump had shown himself to be "either a racist, incompetent or unthinking &#8212; or all three. I love America, it is a country and people of extraordinary generosity, courage, kindness and humanity &#8212; but this president represents none of those things.&#8221;</p> <p>London Mayor Sadiq Khan <a href="https://www.thedailybeast.com/fascist-evil-racist-uk-parliament-unloads-on-trumps-twitter-outburst" type="external">said</a> May should use "any influence she and her government claim to have with the president&#8221; to ask that he &#8220;delete these tweets and to apologize to the British people.&#8221; None of that is going to happen, of course. <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-tells-confidants-that-a-government-shutdown-might-be-good-for-him/2017/11/30/e5328328-d5f5-11e7-a986-d0a9770d9a3e_story.html?utm_term=.84accadad838" type="external">Trump's state of mind</a> at the moment is that following his racist instincts are what got him to the most powerful office on earth and following those instincts is the winning formula going forward.</p> <p>We are all well aware of Trump's bond with the old-fashioned American far right. David Duke is a big fan and <a href="https://twitter.com/DrDavidDuke/status/935898511756886016" type="external">applauded him</a> for retweeting the videos. Trump thinks that one can be a "very fine person" and still carry a torch and march with Nazis shouting "Jews will not replace us" in American cities. His xenophobic rhetoric toward Mexicans and Muslims, and his barely concealed racism, have been obvious for years and were major selling points during his campaign. Trump has also shown an affinity for the neofascist right in Europe, perhaps under the influence of Steve Bannon, who has developed alliances with such groups for some time through his <a href="https://www.economist.com/news/business-and-finance/21711265-readership-surging-stephen-bannons-alt-right-news-outfit-about-launch-french-and" type="external">Breitbart International media venture</a>.</p> <p>White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said later that Trump did not know who Jayda Fransen was before he retweeted her, and claimed he was trying to <a href="https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/936332380100587521" type="external">"elevate the issue"</a> of extremist violence in Europe. That's not enough. <a href="http://fortune.com/donald-trump-white-supremacist-genocide/" type="external">He has been retweeting white supremacists and neofascists for a long time</a>. Quite likely he doesn't know who they all are either, but he obviously likes what they have to say and he's happy to use his platform of tens of millions of followers and the prestige of the White House to spread their message far and wide.</p> <p>May did not rescind the invitation to the state visit. But the British don't seem to be in any hurry to set a date either. Plans for a "working visit" from Trump in January <a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-working-visit-uk-january-2018-cancelled-report-2017-11?op=1" type="external">have been dropped</a>, which seems wise. Our president seems to have done something that nobody else has been able to do in Britain lately: He brought left and right together -- in mutual loathing for him.</p> <p>Over the Thanksgiving holiday Trump made <a href="https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/933720334070673408" type="external">a weird, cryptic comment</a> to Coast Guard troops, saying, "You never know about an ally, an ally can turn, you're going to find that out." Maybe he was talking about himself.</p>
Trump’s anti-Muslim tweets: Pathological racism or severe mental decline?
<p>President Donald Trump's nominee for federal judge in Alabama was just approved by every Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee &#8212; even though he was unanimously rated "not qualified" by the American Bar Association.</p> <p>Brett J. Talley is 36 years old, has only practiced law for three years and made a series of partisan comments on his blog in 2016 that would normally be considered unbecoming of a judge, like referring to the Democratic presidential candidate as "Hillary Rotten Clinton," <a href="http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-judge-20171110-story.html" type="external">according to the Los Angeles Times</a>. Although Talley does have degrees from the University of Alabama and Harvard Law School and clerked for two federal judges, he has never argued a motion, making it nearly unprecedented for him to be considered as a candidate for a lifetime appointment.</p> <p>One of Talley's most controversial statements was a blog post in which he claimed that President Barack Obama was "about to launch the greatest attack on our constitutional freedoms in our lifetime."</p> <p>He added, "The object of that war is to make guns illegal, in all forms." After a commenter wrote that Americans would "resort to arms when our other rights &#8212; of speech, press, assembly, representative government &#8212; fail to yield the desired results," Talley said he agreed with him.</p> <p>When asked about these statements by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Talley said he was merely "trying to generate discussion. I wanted people to be able to use my blog to discuss issues, to come together and find common ground."</p> <p>The president has directly praised Talley as being an "untold story" that "nobody wants to talk about."</p> <p>"When you think of it, Mitch [McConnell] and I were saying, that has consequences 40 years out, depending on the age of the judge," Trump said in October. "But 40 years out."</p> <p>One other factor that may have contributed to Talley's nomination: He was mentored by Sen. Luther Strange of Alabama and worked in the Justice Department office that chooses judicial nominees.</p> <p>Talley isn't the only Trump judicial nominee who has been the subject of <a href="https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/17/trump-judges-nominees-court-picks-243834" type="external">raised questions</a>. Charles Goodwin, who was nominated to the federal bench in Oklahoma, was the first judicial nominee since 2006 to receive a "not qualified" label from the American Bar Association. Jeff Mateer, who was nominated to the federal bench in Texas, aroused controversy by referring to transgender children as proof of "Satan&#8217;s plan" and denounced the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage as "disgusting." John Bush, who was confirmed to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, wrote a blog post arguing that slavery and abortion were the "two greatest tragedies in our country."</p>
Republicans approve 36-year-old judicial nominee who has never tried a case
<p>A Republican student association at San Diego State University is facing backlash for sending a letter demanding Muslim students condemn last week&#8217;s terror attacks in Barcelona.</p> <p>The Republican Club at San Diego State University wrote to the Muslim Student Association, claiming that the campus community could not move forward creating &#8216;an inclusive environment for all students&#8217; until radical terrorism was &#8220;disavowed&#8221;.</p> <p>The letter said if no condemnation was forthcoming, the leaders of the student group should be forced to resign.</p> <q> <p>The letter, signed by SDSU College Republicans Chairman Brandon Jones, stated in part that &#8220;until radical Islamic terrorism is disavowed by the Muslim Student Organization at SDSU, we cannot move forward in creating an inclusive environment for all students on campus.&#8221; It added the Muslim Student Association&#8217;s leadership should resign if they do not disavow Islamic terrorism.</p> <p>The national Muslim Student Association expressed support for the San Diego State chapter for &#8220;their solidarity, strength and perseverance in the face of ignorance and hate.&#8221;</p> <p>The Young Democratic Socialists of SDSU responded by declaring: &#8220;We condemn the San Diego State College Republicans&#8217; disgraceful statement towards the SDSU Muslim Student Association and the SDSU Muslim community. Retract and apologize now.&#8221;</p> <p>The Transfronterizo Alliance Student Organization, which describes itself as working to create an &#8220;inclusive campus environment for SDSU students who live a transborder lifestyle,&#8221; joined the chorus.</p> </q>
Republican Student Group At SDSU Demands Muslim Student Association Condemn Barcelona Attacks
<p>Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free.</p> <p>(America never was America to me.)</p> <p>Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed-- Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.</p> <p>(It never was America to me.)</p> <p>O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe.</p> <p>(There's never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")</p> <p>Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?</p> <p>I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars. I am the red man driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek-- And finding only the same old stupid plan Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.</p> <p>I am the young man, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need! Of work the men! Of take the pay! Of owning everything for one's own greed!</p> <p>I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil. I am the worker sold to the machine. I am the Negro, servant to you all. I am the people, humble, hungry, mean-- Hungry yet today despite the dream. Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers! I am the man who never got ahead, The poorest worker bartered through the years.</p> <p>Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream In the Old World while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true, That even yet its mighty daring sings In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned That's made America the land it has become. O, I'm the man who sailed those early seas In search of what I meant to be my home-- For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore, And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea, And torn from Black Africa's strand I came To build a "homeland of the free."</p> <p>The free?</p> <p>Who said the free? Not me? Surely not me? The millions on relief today? The millions shot down when we strike? The millions who have nothing for our pay? For all the dreams we've dreamed And all the songs we've sung And all the hopes we've held And all the flags we've hung, The millions who have nothing for our pay-- Except the dream that's almost dead today.</p> <p>O, let America be America again-- The land that never has been yet-- And yet must be--the land where every man is free. The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME-- Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again.</p> <p>Sure, call me any ugly name you choose-- The steel of freedom does not stain. From those who live like leeches on the people's lives, We must take back our land again, America!</p> <p>O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath-- America will be!</p> <p>Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death, The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies, We, the people, must redeem The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain-- All, all the stretch of these great green states-- And make America again!</p>
Let America Be America Again - Poem by Langston Hughes
<p>Alex Jones delivered one of his all-time wildest rants against MSNBC&#8217;s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, whom he compared to demons, parasites and disease.</p> <p>The InfoWars host attacked the &#8220;Morning Joe&#8221; co-hosts Tuesday in a crazed tirade that included a bug-eyed, tongue-lolling impersonation of a demonic Brzezinski, <a href="https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/alex-jones-compares-morning-joe-hosts-to-demons-impersonates-a-demonic-mika-brzezinski/" type="external">reported Right Wing Watch</a>.</p> <p>&#8220;They&#8217;re both like horrible foot-long tapeworms, man, I&#8217;m telling you,&#8221; Jones said. &#8220;Tapeworms that we vomited out and crapped out and they&#8217;re just trying to force-feed themselves back into our lives. They&#8217;re like gonorrhea or syphilis, I mean they are just &#8212; they&#8217;re like HIV, they&#8217;re like cancer. They are just &#8212; I mean, you have to understand, folks, they literally want to destroy you. God, they&#8217;re evil. Do you realize how evil these people are?&#8221;</p> <p>He promised the friends-turned-critics of President Donald Trump would be &#8220;removed&#8221; once Jones and his followers triumphed over their enemies, and then launched into a frenzied spasm of unholy gibberish.</p> <p>&#8220;They&#8217;re like from upside-down world, folks,&#8221; Jones said, making a reference to the Netflix series &#8220;Stranger Things.&#8221; &#8220;You have to understand. They&#8217;ve broken into this dimension. They want to destroy us.&#8221;</p>
WATCH: Alex Jones convulses in demonic rant against ‘evil’ Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski
<p><a type="internal">Modal Trigger</a></p> Tom Arnold <p>Comedian Tom Arnold is claiming Hillary Clinton begged him to release footage of President Trump using racial slurs just days before the November election.</p> <p>The 57-year-old alleged last year <a type="internal">he had video of Trump</a> repeatedly saying &#8220;n&#8212;&#8211;&#8221; and &#8220;every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever,&#8221; but is now saying Clinton called him just two days before Americans went to the polls to plead for its release, <a href="http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/television/arnold-reveals-clintons-camp-asked-him-to-release-a-damning-video-of-trump/news-story/b7f196ac79a2a6b37d3d248938f3f904" type="external">the Telegraph reported.</a></p> <p>&#8220;I had all the outtakes from Trump saying the N-word on &#8216;The Apprentice,&#8217;&#8221; said Arnold, who was just voted off Australia&#8217;s &#8220;I&#8217;m A Celebrity &#8230; Get Me Out Of Here!&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;[Clinton] called me two days before the election and said, &#8216;Please release that,'&#8221; Arnold claimed, alleging that the Democratic nominee said, &#8220;The weight of the free world is on your shoulders.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;d love to be a hero, but I can&#8217;t hurt these families,&#8221; he claimed to have responded.</p> <p>Arnold says he might still release the reel with &#8220;their permission,&#8221; thought it remains unclear if he was referring to the targets of Trump&#8217;s vitriol or &#8220;The Apprentice&#8221; producers.</p> <p>In an interview before going on the British sitcom, Arnold told a radio host he didn&#8217;t want to release the hate speech out of respect for those involved.</p> <p>&#8220;Well, now, these people &#8212; two editors and an associate producer &#8212; are scared to death. They&#8217;re scared of his people, they&#8217;re scared they&#8217;ll never work again,&#8221; he said on Dori Monson&#8217;s radio show.</p> <p>The American actor and comic, who starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 film classic &#8220;True Lies,&#8221; also said he didn&#8217;t think releasing the racist rant &#8220;would work.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I don&#8217;t think people would care,&#8221; he said.</p> <p>Trump still managed to cinch the electoral vote despite national outrage surrounding the October release of the notorious &#8220;grab them by the p&#8212;-&#8221; video.</p>
Tom Arnold: Clinton begged me to release tape of Trump’s racist rant
<p><a type="internal">Nelly</a> has been arrested for allegedly raping a woman, <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2017/10/07/nelly-arrested-rape-washington/" type="external">TMZ reports</a>. According to Law enforcement sources, a woman has accused the rapper of raping her on his tour bus in Washington. The alleged rape is reported to have occurred at approximately 3:45 AM Saturday, with Nelly being arrested on second degree rape charges around 7:00 AM.</p> <p>Nelly is currently on tour with country act Florida Georgia Line. He was set to take the stage in Ridgefield, Washington Saturday night. Friday night's show took place at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, WA.</p> <p>Q13 FOX correspondent and anchor Brandi Kruse reports that Nelly met the alleged victim in Seattle after the show.</p> <p>There has been no official word from Nelly's representatives at this time. Further coverage to come as information arrives.</p> <p>UPDATE: Nelly's attorney has released a statement to <a href="http://pagesix.com/2017/10/07/nelly-reportedly-arrested-for-rape/" type="external">Page Six</a>, among other publications. Read it below.</p> <p>Nelly is the victim of a completely fabricated allegation. Our initial investigation, clearly establishes, this allegation is devoid of credibility and is motivated by greed and vindictiveness. I am confident, once this scurrilous accusation is thoroughly investigated, there will be no charges. Nelly is prepared to address and pursue all legal avenues to redress any damage caused by this clearly false allegation.</p> <p>Nelly's last tweet was at 3:23 AM EST or 12:23 AM PDT (local Washington time) Saturday. It reads, "Anytime you feel like the whole world is against you you need to scratch that shit its really you against the whole world because the whole world don't know you exist."</p> <p>TMZ has posted a video of the rapper that was reportedly filmed earlier in the night. Watch it below.</p>
Nelly Arrested On Rape Charges: Report
<p>Male voters must break their sexist inclinations so the country can &#8220;get over the hump&#8221; and elect its first female president, President Obama said Tuesday.</p> <p>In a message directed &#8220;to the guys out there&#8221; at a campaign rally at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, Obama said, &#8220;[T]here&#8217;s a reason why we haven&#8217;t had a woman president before&#8230;&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;And we have to ask ourselves, as men &#8212; because I hope my daughters are going to be able to achieve anything they want to achieve &#8212; and I know that my wife is not just my equal but my superior,&#8221; he continued.</p> <p>&#8220;I want every man out there who&#8217;s voting to kind of look inside yourself and ask yourself, if you&#8217;re having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that we&#8217;re just not used to it. So that, like, when a guy is ambitious and out in the public arena and working hard, well, that&#8217;s okay; but when a woman suddenly does it, suddenly you&#8217;re all like, well, why is she doing that?&#8221; he added.</p> <p>Obama&#8217;s closing argument for his possible successor comes as GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has a slight edge over Hillary Clinton in the Buckeye State.</p> <p><a href="http://The RealClearPolitics average of Ohio polls" type="external">The RealClearPolitics average of Ohio polls</a>shows the mogul with a 2.5-percentage-point lead, with Trump getting 46.8 percent of the vote and Clinton 44.3 percent.</p>
Obama: Men need to get over their sexism and elect Clinton
<p>A remarkable thing happened recently. You might have missed it, because while it happened in plain sight, it also happened in increments. You had to put the pieces together to appreciate the magnitude of it.</p> <p>You see, America repudiated its president.</p> <p>This, of course, was in response to that pathetic performance in the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville, Va., when he suggested moral equivalence between white supremacists and those who protest them. In response, America &#8212; a pretty broad swath of it, at least &#8212; has condemned him.</p> <p>The reference is not to the shellacking he took from pundits or the reprovals of GOP leaders Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. These things were to be expected.</p> <p>But you did not expect the Chairman and CEO of Merck to quit the president&#8217;s American Manufacturing Council. And Ken Frazier&#8217;s departure, which he framed as &#8220;a matter of personal conscience,&#8221; was just the opening salvo. He was followed through the door by members of that panel and others. By week&#8217;s end, two presidential business advisory groups had ceased to exist and plans for a third had been scrapped. Members of the President&#8217;s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities also resigned en masse.</p> <p>Meantime, Mar-a-Lago, Trump&#8217;s club and de facto presidential getaway in Florida, saw a rash of charities canceling their fundraising events. The Washington Post listed the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, Susan G. Komen and the American Cancer Society among those who have chosen to hold their galas elsewhere.</p> <p>And there is yet more. Bob Corker, a respected Republican senator who has heretofore sought to engage with the president, raised sharp questions not just about Trump&#8217;s competence, but also his &#8220;stability,&#8221; and called for &#8220;radical changes&#8221; in the White House. Five military chiefs also spoke out against the bigotry in Charlottesville, in a striking reproach of their commander.</p> <p>Graduates of Liberty University called on fellow alumni to return their diplomas to protest LU president Jerry Falwell Jr.&#8217;s support for Trump. And it was announced that the president would not be attending the Kennedy Center Honors in December, nor host the traditional White House reception for the five honorees after three of them had spoken of boycotting the event.</p> <p>And really: How toxic are you when Lionel Richie doesn&#8217;t want to shake your hand?</p> <p>It seems that a great many Americans reached a moment of decision and reacted as you would have hoped. Trump and his apologists and enablers should take note, because this does not bode well for them.</p> <p>For all its powers of law making, war making, budget drafting, and diplomacy, the presidency also embodies the power of moral suasion. A president uses what Theodore Roosevelt called &#8220;the bully pulpit&#8221; &#8212; the honor and prestige of his office &#8212; to stand for what is right and remind us to do likewise.</p> <p>Problematically, that office is occupied now by a man with no moral compass, a man whose only true North is self. So what happened was sadly predictable.</p> <p>What was not predictable was this chorus of castigation from such a wide spectrum of American life. The stunning rebuke offers heartening evidence that we have not yet completely abandoned who and what we are supposed to be.</p> <p>Again, this is a moment of decision. Those who chose to separate themselves from Trump declared their values &#8212; and character.</p> <p>Those who supported him did, too.</p>
Pitts: President finally gets what he deserves
<p>Hillary Clinton&#8217;s niece is turning her back on her &#8220;selfish&#8221; aunt &#8212; to endorse Donald Trump for president.</p> <p>&#8220;I support Donald Trump 100 percent,&#8221; Macy Smit, the daughter of Bill Clinton&#8217;s half-brother Roger Clinton, <a href="http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-election-betrayed-family-endorses-billionaire/" type="external">declared to RadarOnline.</a></p> <p>&#8220;I have been a Democrat my entire life, but Trump is what we need right now &#8212; somebody who is going to stand up for us. I think at this point Hillary just wants it for the history books &#8212; to be the first woman president for selfish reasons,&#8221; the Tampa hairstylist continued.</p> <p>Smit, 25, admitted she&#8217;s never met Hillary Clinton, and said that side of the family doesn&#8217;t think much of her.</p> <p>&#8220;Something tells me the Clinton side looks at me and my mother as not good enough, but we&#8217;re hard-working,&#8221; Smit told the gossip site.</p> <p>Roger Clinton was a deadbeat dad who dumped Smit&#8217;s mom, Martha Spivey, shortly after she became pregnant with his child, according to RadarOnline.</p> <p>&#8220;The Clintons are all talk!&#8221; Spivey, 50, told the site. &#8220;Hillary says she&#8217;s all about family, but she&#8217;s got a niece she&#8217;s never met and never acknowledged. The Clintons have never helped us out.&#8221;</p> <p>Hillary&#8217;s lost the trust of even more voters with her inconsistencies:</p>
Hillary Clinton’s niece is voting for Donald Trump
<p>The media&#8217;s reporting has now become one of the most central issues being covered by the media.</p> <p>Trump&#8217;s fitness to serve is simply a piece of fake news that his enemies are using to relentlessly attack him.</p> <a href="https://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/pcs/click?xai=AKAOjssuZz67Y23_ct6V_5v88v_JGT2uwr1InJv_Fp0rWCVrxBTM8hOnnTN0ahN794g-g1oI-b2BeqFBQjQj7h2ELa_fFKrunX5fbuG7SHDM7Pf3dOe_Xtl2xRMovT_vK4_RTNj-yc2Ulczgx73XzrowiQD5wV4-0vd5hDshCqOaIusH2pmys7s_6lpHoHXrVMo5GOI6mD78ceuOCWoCV8JXYWeQsQ4f88ViK_HH4buIqCIySiz27mG1cnTIRgRIftwpy-ptjHwlvY_SiFV6K_iUYu5QoKGKvSELDRyi1hA1HyEcwZn5XEMcCJH2XSsLaTEMXYZW2S-G9m7ciQq488t-dZcrhc2DMQvd3SWjQEz9YW1mSGddS5a1NavGyYv1KGqD1Obzy3gBTT9in-FTIHNN6i8SCXFAxalOt_rJ8IlQIwTI2zOGk0QIVfIT2ZoJQPOjNOFPgt2bI78jh7qXoKcgYvjUpWPgeEAoe3uNYIIV5FvGTK-9rVyW-Skc4cJoCV6QvrhxVP7xDaSwLGdiTosno4TLLOYYyRVrw_lGzUktYW4af0Bw4NEBFEO8GYSHJZsrytdvZwnEY9oCOud4IOuxZ5CN70uB0rremsipWL8qZjKwSoiPOEv2Wg8wfuoE3hKhjTLYUfEiAxI90p-H7Z3rgN4RsncBrYD9q5b19wpVxJpdzcC4kNoXzDN1myhbtccPekUDCLUjCtwOGSaKj8zw3OmQxsEUC01NBeAFgpQq2LxgLi0bHoWbnLp2zXhy3DRBOTNKP7Je8oiqlLYsSsE8MF0RbsnEZzDTWGeRGyAviere9BsbUJKYlLtHBdp-ypQqVfAymErNmev03lTEFDyHUQ0w5rsDqMLXws54VmaqLwP8BhVxSBki7odKR1G4P9jPQrH-xXuXI3zDUhG6ZSCUXFh2g2L8XkK6I8SZoukhY5bQ7WN8&amp;sai=AMfl-YTxvuTG0t1sxarW7CWZsoxcO2IFfMXQf9G3B2lBO-_zx1FsegKwpoHv_mRABvc8A90b8257YuSf8bBHSdT56q6oolHZOl7BTpqt2ihMwpWsPWKKPRuI2kQxiCytOO5YB_DmWrhjq5sFRtXTX9nGvGPpwEovx_V_YLVS89dx&amp;sig=Cg0ArKJSzILCwGjMg012&amp;urlfix=1&amp;adurl=http://track.asiacharm.com/d2fed404-c9c4-4743-9155-7e72dbb2cb94%3Fsite_id%3D37353386575%26auction_id%3DABAjH0ifmxDpXpLgj2ZkDeX6X4Pq%26exchange_id%3D1%26segments_id%3D%26publisher_id%3D1%26creative%3D140129875%26source_url%3Dhttps://www.israelvideonetwork.com/if-you-dont-believe-the-media-has-lost-their-minds-watch-this-and-think-again/_https://www.israelvideonetwork.com/if-you-dont-believe-the-media-has-lost-their-minds-watch-this-and-think-again/%26campaign%3D4475241%26group%3D16004139%26banner_type%3D56" type="external" /> <p>The issues are not the central matters that concern Trump&#8217;s opponents &#8211; they just seem focused on one thing &#8211; bringing President Trump down &#8211; with no red lines as to how to achieve that goal.</p> <p>Let&#8217;s hope political discourse takes a step upwards and we can return to discussing the main issues.</p> <p>Some corners of the media seem to have totally lost focus on what their jobs are supposed to be.</p> <p>The State of Israel is very used to this entire idea of fact inventing and fact-bending.</p> <p>Just like Donald Trump has been saying, the New York times has been using headlines such as:</p> <p>&#8220;Ten die in PLO Fighting&#8221; as far back as the 80&#8217;s.</p> <p>Instead of reporting that warring Arab factions in Lebanon had killed other Arab factions in Lebanon, the clear implication was that the Israeli Army killed 10 more Arabs.</p> <p>This was noted by US Ambassador to the UN, Jeane Kikpatrick.</p> <p>The key aspect was not whether or not the news was fake or not, but whether or not the implication that the publications were hoping to get across would stick.</p> <p>In the case of the New York Times, it was a clear anti-Israel bias that spread across ABS, NBC, and CBS during their War in Lebanon.</p> <p>The bias against Israel has continued to this day and has been augmented by CNN&#8217;s slanted reporting.</p> <p>Fox News is occasionally a breath of fresh air on Israel, but not always;.</p> <p>So, when Donald Trump takes on the biased media with terms like fake news, it is a pleasure to see and watch the pompous anti-right wing media cringe.</p> <p>Indeed, most of the mass media has completely lost it.</p> <p><a type="internal">Add to favorites</a>. To view your favorites <a type="internal">click here</a> This video has 2 votes</p>
If you don’t believe the media has lost their minds, watch this and think again…
<p>Brazil&#8217;s new Migration Law relaxes criminal penalties for migrants. At a recent protest against this law in S&#227;o Paulo, Muslim migrants demonstrated their distaste for dissent. Jihad Watch reader Natan sends in this video and writes:</p> <q> <p>Terrorist Attempt at Anti-Migration Law Protest in Brazil.</p> <p>Syrian immigrants throw homemade bombs at peaceful people protesting at Av. Paulista in S&#227;o Paulo, Brazil.</p> <p>The attack took place on May 2, when the group of protesters was walking.</p> <p>The attack was recorded by one of the protesters.</p> <p>In the video it is possible to see when the Muslims ignited the artifact and launched against the civilians.</p> <p>Police arrested the attackers, the crime was registered at a local police station.</p> </q>
Video from Brazil: Muslim migrants throw homemade bomb at anti-Migration Law protesters
<p>An attorney for the former University of Virginia dean suing Rolling Stone for defamation alleged during closing arguments that the magazine&#8217;s campus rape story was reported with a &#8220;reckless disregard for the truth.&#8221;</p> <p>Attorney Tom Clare charged that Rolling Stone &#8220;needed a villain&#8221; for the Nov. 2014 feature piece &#8212; and the story&#8217;s author, Sabrina Erdely, decided former associate dean of students Nicole Eramo fit the bill.</p> <p>&#8220;Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator &#8230; Ms. Erdely and Rolling Stone were intent on imposing that on this story,&#8221; Clare said.</p> <p>&#8220;It had all of the elements of a perfect story, but when something sounds too perfect to be true, it probably is.&#8221;</p> <p>Eramo, who is seeking $7.5 million, claims the since-discredited story portrayed her as turning a blind eye to gang rape claims made by a former student identified as &#8220;Jackie.&#8221;</p> <p>Clare argued that the defamation case is not about rape, but about journalistic failure.</p> <p>The lawyer said Erdely left out important details in her piece on purpose, like the fact that Eramo took Jackie to the police on two separate occasions.</p> <q> <p>&#8216;Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator&#8230;&#8217;</p> </q> <p>&#8220;They made a decision to remove [from the article] every reference to the police and that&#8217;s actual malice,&#8221; he said.</p> <p>Clare also blasted Erdely for ignoring red flags, such as Jackie&#8217;s refusal to put her in touch with sources who could corroborate her alleged gang rape account.</p> <p>&#8220;Jackie&#8217;s refusal to put Ms. Erdely in touch with people who could confirm or deny her story was a giant, waving red flag,&#8221; he insisted.</p> <p>&#8220;Once they decided what the article was going to be, it didn&#8217;t matter what the facts were,&#8221; Clare added.</p> <p>Rolling Stone&#8217;s attorney Scott Sexton countered that Erdely put a &#8220;tremendous amount of work&#8221; into the article, but was ultimately fooled by Jackie.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>&#8220;Sabrina was acting in good faith when she wrote the article with the information she had,&#8221; he insisted. &#8220;Our world would shut down if we walked out that court room door and expected everyone to lie to us.&#8221;</p> <p>Sexton also said that because Eramo is a public figure, Erdely had every right to criticize her.</p> <p>&#8220;She is a highly compensated public servant&#8230; we are entitled as citizens to criticize a public figure,&#8221; he explained.</p> <p>Sexton argued that Eramo&#8217;s attorneys are intent on proving that the story was republished in Dec. 2014 &#8212; when the magazine added an editor&#8217;s note to the piece after Jackie&#8217;s rape account had been called into question &#8212; because they, &#8220;have no case for actual malice&#8221; before then.</p> <p>One of the questions jurors will be asked is whether they believe that Rolling Stone &#8220;affirmatively reiterated the content of any false and defamatory statements.&#8221;</p>
Ex-UVA dean’s lawyer blasts Rolling Stone editor’s ‘reckless’ rape story
<p>Police in Georgia say officers have responded to reports of shots fired at a high school and a teacher who may have been barricaded in a classroom is in custody.</p> <p>Police in Dalton tweeted that no children were hurt or were in danger. Police spokesman Bruce Frazier tells The Associated Press that the scene is secure. Police are not immediately saying what happened inside the school.</p> <p>Police say the school has been evacuated and students have been taken to the Northwest Georgia Center. Police are advising parents to go there to pick them up.</p> <q> <p>Repeat: no children hurt, no children in danger.</p> - Dalton Police (@DaltonPD) <a href="https://twitter.com/DaltonPD/status/968898127968329728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">February 28, 2018</a> </q> <p>Dalton is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Atlanta.</p> <p>The identity of the teacher has not been released.</p> <p>The high school's website says it has 2,000 students.</p> <p><a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=+971545860953&amp;text=Hi! I would like to receive KT news alerts on WhatsApp." type="external">Click/tap here to subscribe to Khaleej Times news alerts on WhatsApp.</a> Make sure you add our number +971545860953 under Contacts on your phone for uninterrupted service.</p>
Georgia teacher in custody after report of shots at school
<p><a type="internal">Opinion</a></p> <p><a type="internal">Modal Trigger</a></p> Hillary Clinton <p>As the presidential campaigns sink to the challenge of demonstrating that there is no such thing as rock bottom, remember this: When the Clintons decamped from Washington in January 2001, they took some White House furnishings that were public property.</p> <p>They also finished accepting more than $190,000 in gifts, including two coffee tables and two chairs, a $7,375 gratuity from Denise Rich, whose fugitive former husband had been pardoned in President Clinton&#8217;s final hours. A Washington Post editorial (&#8220;Count the Spoons&#8221;) identified &#8220;the Clintons&#8217; defining characteristic: They have no capacity for embarrassment. Words like shabby and tawdry come to mind. They don&#8217;t begin to do it justice.&#8221;</p> <p>Today, Hillary Clinton strives to live again among some White House furnishings that she and her helpmeet were compelled to disgorge, her campaign flounders because as secretary of state some of the nation&#8217;s business might have been melded with the contents of a computer that is pertinent to an FBI investigation of a former Democratic congressman&#8217;s alleged sexual texting with a female minor. Ransack the English language for words to do this justice.</p> <p>During the recent welter of reports about the Clintons&#8217; self-dealing through their charity that has been very charitable to them, The New Yorker, reporting her plans to uplift the downtrodden, quoted her aspiration: &#8220;I want to really marry the public and the private sector.&#8221; This would solve the Clintons&#8217; problem of discerning the line between public business and private aggrandizement: Erase the line.</p> <p>So, herewith America&#8217;s choice. Restore the House of Clinton. Or confer executive powers &#8212; powers that President Obama by his audacity, and Congress by its lethargy, have proven to be essentially unlimited &#8212; on another competitor in the sleaze sweepstakes, Donald Trump, who shares his opponent&#8217;s disinclination to disentangle the personal and the political.</p> <p>Into this political maelstrom, FBI Director James Comey injected an announcement that intensified the chaos without providing a scintilla of news that voters can use: An unknown number of emails of unknown provenance and unknown content might be &#8220;pertinent&#8221; to an investigation that already has established, beyond peradventure, that Secretary Clinton was &#8220;extremely careless&#8221; with sensitive material.</p> <p>Add the FBI, and the Justice Department to which it belongs, to the carnage of institutions that is a byproduct of bad judgments by the political class that have voters asking Casey Stengel&#8217;s question. In 1962, Stengel, manager of the New York Mets, an expansion team en route to a record of 120 losses, looked down his dugout at his woebegone players and wondered aloud, &#8220;Can&#8217;t anybody here play this game?&#8221;</p> <p>It is grimly hilarious to hear it said that the Justice Department, by not holding Comey to established protocols concerning discussions of ongoing investigations, and concerning pronouncements close to elections, has tainted itself. ObamaCare would not have passed if Justice Department lawyers had not conducted what a federal judge declared a corrupt prosecution of Alaska&#8217;s Republican senator Ted Stevens, costing him re-election. The department has enabled, by not seriously investigating, the IRS&#8217; suppression of political advocacy by conservative groups. Or of the IRS&#8217; subsequent destruction of subpoenaed emails pertinent to this.</p> <p>So, unsurprisingly, the most intrusive and potentially punitive federal agency continues to punish conservative groups for being conservative, according to Cleta Mitchell, a lawyer for political groups who confirms there are indeed conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS and have still not received their tax-exempt status.</p> <p>In 2013, Barack Obama professed himself &#8220;angry&#8221; about &#8220;inexcusable&#8221; IRS behavior, before he decided there was not a &#8220;smidgen&#8221; of IRS corruption. He claimed to have learned about the IRS behavior from the media. Now he claims that he learned from the media about Clinton&#8217;s email abuses, although they had exchanged emails using her private server. Perhaps.</p> <p>The defining scandal of the Obama era has been the media&#8217;s lackadaisical consensus that Obama&#8217;s administration has had no serious scandal. This, although with the Justice Department protecting the IRS, the administration has (in the words of Richard Nixon&#8217;s White House counsel John Dean) used &#8220;the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.&#8221;</p> <p>Clinton, the ultimate author of her current agony, resembles no one so much as Nixon in her paranoia and joyless pursuit of joy. Her government career began with the House committee preparing Nixon&#8217;s impeachment.</p> <p>Twenty-two years earlier, he had saved his career by addressing a supposed scandal with his nationally broadcast &#8220;Checkers speech,&#8221; which was mawkish, abasing and effective. How fitting it would be for a Clinton &#8220;Checkers speech&#8221; to end our long national nightmare that this campaign has been.</p>
A Nixonian end to the 2016 sleaze sweepstakes?
<p>Only hours after President Donald Trump's aide, Kellyanne Conway, had a fiery exchange with CNN's Chris Cuomo over whether or not the White House was obsessed about Hillary Clinton, the president completely undercut her argument.</p> <p>On Thursday morning, the president, spending his " <a type="internal">Executive Time</a>" <a type="internal">watching</a> "Fox &amp;amp; Friends," angrily tweeted about his Democratic opponent in 2016, while slamming the infamous dossier in an attempt to distract from the ongoing probe by special counsel Robert Mueller into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to the Kremlin.</p> <q> <p>Disproven and paid for by Democrats &#8220;Dossier used to spy on Trump Campaign. Did FBI use Intel tool to influence the Election?&#8221; <a href="https://twitter.com/foxandfriends?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@foxandfriends</a> Did Dems or Clinton also pay Russians? Where are hidden and smashed DNC servers? Where are Crooked Hillary Emails? What a mess!</p> <p>&#8212; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/951416674808467461?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 11, 2018</a></p> </q> <p>But just the night before, Conway vociferously defended Trump and insisted no one in the White House cared about Clinton.</p> <p>"We don't care about her. Nobody here talks about her," Conway said. "Nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton, I promise you."</p> <q> <p>"We don't care about her. Nobody here talks about her." Kellyanne Conway claimed that while many cannot get over the 2016 presidential election, the White House does not talk about Hillary Clinton. <a href="https://t.co/VvVVbeeLyK" type="external">https://t.co/VvVVbeeLyK</a> <a href="https://t.co/W73q9nZnF5" type="external">pic.twitter.com/W73q9nZnF5</a></p> <p>&#8212; CNN (@CNN) <a href="https://twitter.com/CNN/status/951324066350288896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 11, 2018</a></p> </q> <p>Conway also asserted that the public still had not gotten over the election and that most haven't moved on. Trump, however, was <a type="internal">handing out electoral maps last year</a> touting his victory.</p> <p>"So many people can&#8217;t get over the election results," Conway said.</p> <p>Cuomo fired back, "Says my friend who can&#8217;t keep Hillary Clinton&#8217;s name out of her mouth."</p> <p>"I'll make you a deal," Conway said. "I'll never talk about her [Clinton] again, but then you can't talk about the 2016 election."</p> <p>"I'm not, I haven't mentioned the election once," Cuomo replied.</p> <p>In recent months, Conway has tweeted about Clinton on numerous occasions herself.</p> <q> <p>It took Hillary abt 5 minutes to blame NRA for madman's rampage, but 5 days to sorta-kinda blame Harvey Weinstein 4 his sexually assaults.</p> <p>&#8212; Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/917865369964023808?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">October 10, 2017</a></p> </q> <q> <p>So, Hillary blames Bernie 4 Trump's "Crooked Hillary", blames Obama 4 "lay off Bernie", blames Bernie Bros 4 sexism. <a href="https://t.co/6MjMmc3q8m" type="external">https://t.co/6MjMmc3q8m</a></p> <p>&#8212; Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/905082552674856962?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">September 5, 2017</a></p> </q> <p>The two continued to talk over each other, and Cuomo brought up the alleged Russian election meddling, as well as the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting in which top Trump campaign officials met with a Russian lawyer with potential ties to the Kremlin in order to receive dirt on Clinton.</p> <p>"The idea that we would have to look any further than Hillary Clinton to beat Hillary Clinton is a fantasy," Conway said.</p> <p>The CNN host added, "Is we inconclusive of Don Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, who went to a meeting with a Russian lawyer who was promising dirt on Hillary Clinton?"</p> <p>"And what came of that meeting? Absolutely nothing," Conway responded.</p> <p>"That's not the point," Cuomo emphasized. "The point is why you went."</p> <p>In essence, Conway's behavior was a larger metaphor of the Trump presidency. Either Conway &#8212; who delivered to America the phrase "alternative facts" &#8212; was deliberately lying about Trump's personal obsession with deflecting and pointing the finger at Clinton, or she has proven yet again that the right hand still has truly no idea what the left is doing.</p> <p>The exchange didn't end on television, though, continuing on Twitter Thursday morning.</p> <q> <p>So fun to see the predictable heads exploding, but I should've finished that sentence <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CuomoPrimeTime?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">#CuomoPrimeTime</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/CNN?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@CNN</a>. "Nobody in the White House talks about Hillary Clinton" when noting whose presidential leadership = historic tax cuts &amp;amp; economic boom, reg reform, put ISIS in retreat.</p> <p>&#8212; Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/951425045481615360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 11, 2018</a></p> </q> <q> <p>hey kellyanne - good thing no one talks about hrc in the white house. is "nobody" new potus code name? <a href="https://t.co/3r9q0VWKOK" type="external">https://t.co/3r9q0VWKOK</a></p> <p>&#8212; Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) <a href="https://twitter.com/ChrisCuomo/status/951417606543638530?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 11, 2018</a></p> </q> <q> <p>Hey <a href="https://twitter.com/ChrisCuomo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@ChrisCuomo</a> - when we are forced to think/talk about hrc it's because you and your colleagues can't let go of an election she/you lost. Sad!Proven further by after a 30-minute interview about policy and accomplishments, HRC is all you and others can say... <a href="https://t.co/SuL5EspkRE" type="external">https://t.co/SuL5EspkRE</a></p> <p>&#8212; Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/951434457520726016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 11, 2018</a></p> </q> <p>And the coda of this story comes from Kellyanne Conway, who went on "Fox &amp;amp; Friends," where she talked about Hillary Clinton.</p> <q> <p>"We only have to talk about her because people won't let go of an election she lost miserably." -- <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@KellyannePolls</a> on Hillary to <a href="https://twitter.com/foxandfriends?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@foxandfriends</a> this morning.Yes, really.</p> <p>&#8212; Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) <a href="https://twitter.com/CillizzaCNN/status/951448109552406528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">January 11, 2018</a></p> </q>
Kellyanne Conway says White House “doesn’t care” about Clinton, but Trump certainly does
<p><a type="internal">Opinion</a></p> <p><a type="internal">editorial</a></p> <p><a type="internal">Modal Trigger</a></p> James Comey <p>As soon as FBI Director James Comey announced the revival of the investigation into Hillary Clinton&#8217;s private e-mail server, Democrats went on the attack &#8212; against Comey.</p> <p>The lowest is the party&#8217;s top smear-meister: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.</p> <p>The same Harry Reid who flat-out lied in 2012 in claiming a &#8220;confidential source&#8221; told him Mitt Romney had paid no income taxes for a decade. (In fact, Romney paid millions.)</p> <p>The same Harry Reid who still calls that lie &#8220;one of the best things I&#8217;ve ever done&#8221; &#8212; simply because &#8220;Romney didn&#8217;t win.&#8221;</p> <p>Now he&#8217;s wildly accusing Comey of suppressing evidence about Donald Trump&#8217;s &#8220;close ties and coordination&#8221; with Vladimir Putin&#8217;s government.</p> <p>And he&#8217;s not alone: Democrats and their media allies have unleashed an unbridled attack on Comey, accusing him of violating federal law with his Friday letter to Congress. He&#8217;s endangering democracy, they say, and deliberately sabotaging Clinton.</p> <p>What a load of hypocritical hooey.</p> <p>In June, Democrats praised Comey to the skies after he gave Hillary a free pass on her private server. Never mind that, as former Attorney General Michael Mukasey argued, her actions appear to have violated several statutes, and others have been prosecuted for far less.</p> <p>Now that Comey wants to check the e-mails from Anthony Weiner&#8217;s devices, he&#8217;s become an agent of the &#8220;vast right-wing conspiracy&#8221; that Clinton says has been hounding her for 25 years.</p> <p>Sorry: After clearing Clinton four months ago, Comey had no choice but to announce the discovery of potential fresh evidence in the case &#8212; evidence that should&#8217;ve been handed over long ago. If he&#8217;d tried to keep a lid on it, the political impact would be far bigger when the news inevitably leaked.</p> <p>We&#8217;re glad to see the White House playing it cool, announcing that President Obama doesn&#8217;t believe Comey is trying to influence the election outcome.</p> <p>The fault here is not with the FBI but with the Democrats&#8217; own candidate, Hillary Clinton, who plainly believes the law doesn&#8217;t matter if it conflicts with her desire for secrecy.</p> <p>Just as Harry Reid believes the truth doesn&#8217;t matter &#8212; as long as the Democrats win.</p>
Don’t buy Harry Reid’s smear of FBI boss James Comey
<p>Before Democrats burn James Comey in effigy, they should think about how the FBI director came to have an outsized influence in the election in the first place.</p> <p>It&#8217;s not something Comey sought or welcomed. A law enforcement official who prizes his reputation, he didn&#8217;t relish becoming a hate figure for half the country or more. No, the only reason that Comey figures in the election at all is that Democrats knowingly nominated someone under FBI investigation.</p> <p>Once upon a time &#8212; namely any presidential election prior to this one &#8212; this enormous political and legal vulnerability would have disqualified a candidate. Not this year, and not in the case of Hillary Clinton.</p> <p>The country has clearly lowered its standards in this election, and Donald Trump&#8217;s madcap candidacy provides evidence of that almost every day. But Hillary&#8217;s nomination was itself an offense against American political norms and an incredibly reckless act.</p> <p>And the Democrats were supposed to be the party acting rationally.</p> <p>Clinton effectively locked up the nomination in June and wasn&#8217;t cleared of criminal wrongdoing by the FBI until July. What if she had been indicted? Would Democrats have run her anyway? Would they have substituted in a 74-year-old socialist who had lost the nomination battle, or someone else who hadn&#8217;t even run? Any of these circumstances would have been unprecedented, but Democrats risked it.</p> <p>They did it, in part, because they could never bring themselves to fully acknowledge the seriousness of the email scandal and, relatedly, the ethical miasma around the Clinton Foundation. They considered it all another desperate trick of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.</p> <p>Clinton henchman David Brock demanded that the New York Times retract its initial report of Clinton&#8217;s exclusive use of a private email account in March 2015. A parade of Democratic operatives pooh-poohed the whole thing, from Clinton spokesman Karen Finney (&#8220;a politically motivated series of attacks&#8221;) to James Carville (&#8220;not going to amount to a hill of beans&#8221;) to Howard Dean (&#8220;hooey&#8221;).</p> <p>When they first got on a debate stage together last October, Bernie Sanders, the only man who had a chance to stop Clinton, pleased the crowd with a ringing denunciation of interest in her emails.</p> <p>Democrats bought the just-so stories offered up by the Clinton campaign. The FBI investigation was just a &#8220;security review.&#8221; The FBI wasn&#8217;t investigating Hillary, but only her server. Anything to deflect from the seriousness of the matter.</p> <p>While Democrats willfully looked the other way, they put Comey in an impossible position. An indictment would change the course of American history. That was all on him. He ultimately blinked. But he also put on the record the recklessness of Clinton&#8217;s practices as secretary of state in an attempt to create public accountability.</p> <p>Comey&#8217;s conduct is open to criticism, but there&#8217;s no way to please everyone when handling a case with such high political stakes.</p> <p>His notification to Congress last weekend is another case in point. All that can be said is that if Democrats didn&#8217;t want the FBI to have any part in the election, they could&#8217;ve considered that before nominating Clinton.</p> <p>Trump may be a deeply flawed candidate, but he caught a wave of popular fervor; Hillary, with her astonishing vulnerabilities, is a production of the Democratic elites who did everything to get her over the finish line.</p> <p>Just how vulnerable is she? If it weren&#8217;t for the new trove of Huma Abedin emails, the blockbuster news this week would come via a Wall Street Journal report that the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation &#8212; although Fox News reported the same thing at the beginning of the year, and Hillary, of course, dismissed it as an &#8220;unsourced and irresponsible claim that has no basis.&#8221;</p> <p>The email scandal and Clinton Foundation will dog Hillary until Election Day and, should she win, into her presidency. For this, she has no one to blame but herself &#8212; and her irresponsible enablers.</p>
Dems should blame Hillary, not Comey, for the ‘October surprise’
<p>CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. &#8212; Rolling Stone&#8217;s deputy managing editor admitted on the stand Thursday that mistakes were made with the magazine&#8217;s since-discredited campus rape story, testifying that it &#8220;broke a lot of us.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Everyone was yelling at us and rightfully so,&#8221; Sean Woods said of the reaction to the story after gang rape claims made by a University of Virginia student, identified only as Jackie, were called into question.</p> <p>&#8220;We needed people to know that we were addressing it as our story was falling apart.&#8221;</p> <p>The editor testified at the defamation trial against Rolling Stone, which is being sued for $7.85 million by former UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo, who claims the magazine&#8217;s &#8220;A Rape on Campus&#8221; story painted her as being indifferent to Jackie&#8217;s allegations that she was gang raped at a fraternity.</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;m sorry if I hurt you,&#8221; Woods told Eramo in court.</p> <p>&#8220;If? Did you hurt her or not? &#8230;Do you think Ms. Eramo was hurt by this story?!&#8221; the former dean&#8217;s lawyer, Libby Locke, asked him angrily.</p> <p>&#8220;I do. I think she is a public figure and subject to criticism,&#8221; Woods explained.</p> <p>Earlier, he&#8217;d said that none of the journalists involved with the piece ever fully &#8220;recovered.&#8221;</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>&#8220;You pick up the pieces and you move on,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I think all of our reputations were trashed. It was a terrible blow.&#8221;</p> <p>Woods said he offered to resign after they decided to retract the story in Dec. 2014, but Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner wouldn&#8217;t let him.</p> <p>He testified that he was in denial when he left a voicemail for Jackie after the story was retracted saying, &#8220;We are standing behind the story. We want to stand by the story.&#8217;&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;It&#8217;s like the stages of grief,&#8221; he told jurors.</p>
Rolling Stone editor admits rape story was botched
<p>The editor-in-chief of the ultra-conservative, Steve Bannon-run news outlet Breitbart admitted <a href="https://www.mediamatters.org/video/2017/12/15/breitbart-editor-chief-we-had-defend-roy-moore-child-molestation-accusations-protect-trump-his/218868" type="external">during a radio broadcast Friday</a> morning that his team's defense of defeated Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore was a bid to protect President Donald Trump from the potential fallout from the various accusations of sexual misconduct against him.</p> <p>During Friday morning's broadcast of the SiriusXM Patriot station's "Breitbart News Daily" program, host and editor-in-chief Alex Marlow stated in no uncertain terms that Moore was a "horrible," "terrible" candidate, though the media property's allegiance to Trump left him with "no option" but to defend his positions and his alleged behavior.</p> <p>Multiple women have alleged that both the president and Moore either harassed or assaulted them in their years before taking elected office.</p> <p>"There was no option to throw Judge [Roy] Moore under the bus," said Marlow. "If you set the standard that Roy Moore, who was accused of abusing five women . . . If you make that the standard, the left is going to use it to take out President Trump."</p> <p>Marlow continued to cast doubt on the credibility of Moore's accusers, but reinforced the notion that, at the end of the day, his publication's support of the Alabama candidate was not about the contender himself.</p> <p>"There was never any reason to cave unless you have a . . . unless you would like President Trump to get removed from office," he continued. "And if not even removed from office, at least have massive distractions from his agenda so that we never accomplish anything for the remainder of the president's term."</p> <p>Marlow added that "much of the Republican Party" would like to see the president's leadership derailed on those terms. "Much of the Republican Party does not see that as a negative," he said.</p> <p>He continued his critique of Moore. "When you've got a race when you've got a horrible candidate. Let's not &#8212; you guys are being too polite about Roy Moore &#8212; he was a terrible candidate," he said. "His message did not resonate, he had all the baggage, he had the scandal. When he'd run for statewide office he'd only won in very tight races or relatively tight, considering he's the Republican. Roy Moore was not a good candidate at all."</p> <p>Throughout the contentious 2017 Alabama special election to replace Jeff Sessions, whom Trump nominated for Attorney General shortly after he won the presidency, Breitbart was one of Moore's more active, vociferous defenders. Working hard to deny the many claims of sexual misconduct against him, forward the candidate's bizarre, often unconstitutional positions and cast aspersions on his opponents &#8212; first GOP primary candidate Luther Strange and then Democratic contender and eventual victor Doug Jones &#8212; Breitbart became a sort of mouthpiece for the Moore campaign, even when the campaign could barely speak on its own behalf.</p> <p>Indeed, Breitbart leader and former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon directly campaigned for Moore, framing the candidate as a Trumpian, anti-establishment vanguard of a new ultra-conservative takeover of Congress (even though the president backed Strange in the primaries). It seems now that even Bannon's underlings knew Moore was a poor choice for Bannon's planned conservative insurrection, an effort that now appears dead in the water.</p> <p>As if it needs to be said, the cynicism of a news outlet backing a candidate it knows to be a poor politician &#8212; and perhaps an even worse person &#8212; for the benefit of another potentially equally compromised figure is titanic. But then again, there has never been anything idealistic or pure about Breitbart's support of the president or, indeed, the president's support of the hard-right racial, political and cultural agenda that publication and its followers espouse. They are all "useful idiots" for each other.</p> <p>With that as the power exchange active in both conservative politics and conservative media, it only stands to reason that a "terrible," "horrible" candidate such as Moore would go so far and create so much noise standing on their shoulders.</p> <p>Listen to the whole segment below.</p>
Breitbart editor: We defended Roy Moore to protect Donald Trump
<a type="internal" /> Jerry Drake Varnell was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City after the FBI reports he planned to detonate a bomb outside an downtown bank. (Courtesy of the Oklahoma DOC) <p>OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) &#8212;</p> <p>An Oklahoma man has been arrested after attempting to detonate a vehicle bomb parked outside a downtown Oklahoma City bank.</p> <p>Jerry Drake Varnell, of Sayre, was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City. Court documents show that at 1 a.m. 23-year-old Varnell attempted to detonate what he believed was a van loaded with explosives parked in an alley next to BancFirst, 101 N. Broadway.</p> <p>Court documents show that the FBI learned of Varnell's plot in December 2016 after being notified by a confidential informant of his plot to "bomb the Federal Reserve Building in Washington D.C. in a manner similar to the Oklahoma City Bombing." The informant later told Varnell that they had access to anhydrous ammonia and ammonium nitrate. The two then began collecting items to develop an explosive device. In May 2017, Varnell allegedly told the informant he wanted to target BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City instead because "I don't wanna kill a bunch of people".</p> <p>Court records show that Varnell admitted to "holding 3 percent ideology" during a meeting with the informant.</p> <p>"Varnell expressed a desire to start the new revolution. His targets included institutions with affiliation to the U.S. Government in Washington D.C." FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda said.</p> <p>The DOJ reports that Varnell continued to advance his plans to build a device and had a statement ready to be posted to social media following the explosion. On August 11, Varnell met with an undercover FBI employee that was posing as the supplier of the anhydrous ammonia. The two then drove to a mini-storage unit in El Reno and began constructing the device. All of the items used to construct the bomb were inert and provided by the undercover employee. Varnell then allegedly drove the van with the device to an alley by BancFirst and left on foot. The undercover employee picked up Varnell and the two drove a short distance away. Court records show that Varnell used a "burner" cell phone to dial a number to detonate the bomb several times. He was then arrested by FBI agents.</p> <p>The FBI reports that that monitored Varnell closely during the months-long plot. He has been charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce. Varnell was arraigned in federal court Monday afternoon. The U.S. Attorney's Office plans to seek indictment from the grand jury within 30 days. If convicted, he faces up to 30 years in prison. United States Attorney Mark Yancey and FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda spoke to the media Monday to discuss the arrest.</p> <p>Major Bill Weaver with the Oklahoma City Police Department says Varnell's plan was derailed thanks to a concerned citized and a committed group of law enforcement.</p> <p>"This goes to show what happens when someone that sees something says something and then law enforcement works forward to interdict that threat," Weaver said.</p> <p>BancFirst has released the following statement on the incident:</p> <p>BancFirst has been working cooperatively with the FBI. At no time were employees, customers or the general public ever in any danger. We believe our BancFirst downtown Oklahoma City building was a random and convenient selection by the suspect. There is no further threat or reason for concern. We take comfort and our company embraces a deep appreciation and admiration for the men and women of the FBI for their diligent and dedicated work in protecting our nation.</p> <a href="https://www.adplugg.com/track/click/A48212425/23793/click?hn=okcfox.com&amp;bu=%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Ffbi-man-arrested-after-attempting-to-detonate-vehicle-bomb-outside-downtown-okc-bank&amp;rf=&amp;zn=7972&amp;pm=3395" type="external" />
FBI: Man arrested after attempting to detonate vehicle bomb outside downtown OKC bank
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By Woman</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_04_11_ace-o-spades_archive.html#108188384183629698" type="external">Wonkette Announces "Morning Zoo" Format</a> <a type="internal">John Kerry's "Plan" Causes Surrender of Moqtada al-Sadr's Militia</a> <a type="internal">World Muslim Leaders Apologize for Nick Berg's Beheading</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_04_18_ace-o-spades_archive.html#108264362649366527" type="external">Michael Moore Goes on Lunchtime Manhattan Death-Spree</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_03_28_ace-o-spades_archive.html#108062907339630183" type="external">Milestone: Oliver Willis Posts 400th "Fake News Article" Referencing Britney Spears</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_04_18_ace-o-spades_archive.html#108278549449918148" type="external">Liberal Economists Rue a "New Decade of Greed"</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_04_11_ace-o-spades_archive.html#108205461275113571" type="external">Artificial Insouciance: Maureen Dowd's Word Processor Revolts Against Her Numbing Imbecility</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_04_25_ace-o-spades_archive.html#108308901601487518" type="external">Intelligence Officials Eye Blogs for Tips</a> <a type="internal">They Done Found Us Out, Cletus: Intrepid Internet Detective Figures Out Our Master Plan</a> <a type="internal">Shock: Josh Marshall Almost Mentions Sarin Discovery in Iraq</a> <a type="internal">Leather-Clad Biker Freaks Terrorize Australian Town</a> <a type="internal">When Clinton Was President, Torture Was Cool</a> <a type="internal">What Wonkette Means When She Explains What Tina Brown Means</a> <a type="internal">Wonkette's Stand-Up Act</a> <a type="internal">Wankette HQ Gay-Rumors Du Jour</a> <a type="internal">Here's What's Bugging Me: Goose and Slider</a> <a type="internal">My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_02_22_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107768164708205745" type="external">Outraged "Conservatives" React to the FMA</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_02_15_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107735686012014673" type="external">An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_01_11_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107420855870880010" type="external">The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report!</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_02_01_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107591932075061155" type="external">Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_01_04_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107350089551905634" type="external">The House of Love: Paul Krugman</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_01_25_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107527363930471115" type="external">A Michael Moore Mystery (TM)</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_01_04_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107359573834872287" type="external">The Dowd-O-Matic!</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_02_15_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107722289490470693" type="external">Liberal Consistency and Other Myths</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_02_08_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107670463572390768" type="external">Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias</a> <a href="http://ace-o-spades.blogspot.com/2004_02_08_ace-o-spades_archive.html#107645884940985369" type="external">John Kerry-- The Splunge! 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<p>(WEYI/WSMH) -- The Michigan State Police out of Detroit took to Twitter reporting the claims of a viral video about human trafficking in a Metro Detroit suburb are not accurate.</p> <p>"It was investigated by law enforcement and not a case of human trafficking. He was right about being vigilant but that&#8217;s about it," said the State Police on Twitter.</p> <p>This is the Facebook post where Nick Ahmad claims human trafficking almost happened to his wife and others.</p> <p>The video has been viewed over 650,000 times and shared close to 30,000 times.</p> <p>After an investigation the Michigan State Police took to twitter saying the viral Facebook video is not accurate.</p>
Michigan State Police say viral Facebook human trafficking video is not accurate
<p>The Aspiring Ashanti Regional Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Alhaji Mohammed Sani has called on the founder of Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG) Kofi Akpaloo to publicly apologise to Northerners in Ghana for saying they can never be Presidents.</p> <p>Mr Akpaloo in a recent interview with Abusua Nkommo hosted by Kwame Adinkra said &#8216;no Ghanaian will vote for a Northerner to be a President of Ghana&#8217; after the abysmal performance by the former President John Dramani Mahama in the 2016 elections.</p> <p>According to Akpaloo, Northerners who were given the nod to lead the country failed Ghanaians and that Ghanaians will not vote for Northerners in 2020 elections.</p> <p>But speaking on Abusua Nkommo with Kwame Adinkra, Alhaji Sani described as &#8216;misguided missile&#8217; the tribal comment by Mr Akpaloo that Northerners cannot be in the helm of affairs of the country.</p> <p>He advised the founder of Liberal Party of Ghana to retract his statement warning to retaliate in equal measure if he fails to do so.</p> <p>&#8216;&#8230;This is a misguided missile by Akpaloo, his comment is an insult to Northerners, what research has he conducted to come out with such comment?. If he has personal issues with John Mahama, he shouldn&#8217;t rope in all Northerners in his hatred. What kind of language is that, he should stop insulting a group of people, is he important than other people?.</p> <p>&#8216;He should withdraw and apologise, I am highly offended by his comment, if he refuses, I will be forced to wage war words against him,&#8217; he stated.</p> <p>Alhaji Sani entreated Ghanaians to stop tagging people on tribal lines and judge them according to their performances.</p>
Withdraw your ethnocentric comment against Northerners – Alhaji Sani to Akpaloo
<p>Sebastian Gorka, who served seven months as deputy assistant to President Trump, alongside former chief strategist Steve Bannon, sat down with Circa to talk about his time in the White House, the "deep state," the future of Trump's Make America Great Again agenda and the Washington, D.C. "bureaucratic swamp."</p> <p>Question and Answer with Sebastian Gorka:</p> <q> "That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the President." </q> <p>Sara Carter: There's a lot of supporters who are concerned now that with the departure of both you and Mr. Steve Bannon, that the MAGA (Make America Great Again) agenda is gone. Is that true?</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: No, not at all. I know a lot of people are worried, a lot of people that, from the base felt that November the 8th was politically a revolutionary moment. The fact that Steve left and then a week later I resigned, I always tell people "relax." Count to 10. Take a deep breath. Whether or not the president's agenda succeeds isn't a function of where I sit or where Steve has an office. The president's supporters aren't just individuals who have to be inside the White House. They can be on the outside. And what, what a lot of Steve's critics didn't understand, who celebrated his resignation, Steve today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from "Star Wars" when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader. I will be more powerful than you can ever imagine. Steve Bannon is now the most powerful man outside of the Oval Office in America. I'm not joking, he is, because there are things you can do, legal things -- OK, relax Huffington Post -- there are legal things that you can do as a private citizen that you cannot do as a government employee.</p> <q> "Steve [Bannon] today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from Star Wars when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader." </q> <p>Sara Carter: But then access to the president, that's also very important?</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: Yes.</p> <p>Sara Carter: So when you're not in the White House, you're outside the White House, how does that affect access?</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: OK. I'm not gonna give away any inside baseball, but let me give you an example. When I was deputy assistant to the president, I'd walk in and out of the Oval Office and I'd regularly see people like Corey Lewandowski, I'd see Dave Bossie in the Oval [Office] with the President. Now, neither of those individuals had a government ID card, neither of them worked for the White House, but they were in there with the president and I can assure you they weren't talking about the weather. So, one thing to know about the president, he is very loyal to those who have been loyal to him. And the idea that you can isolate Donald J. Trump from people he trusts who don't happen to be inside the building is, of course, absurd. So, the President talks to lots of different people and several of them do not work for the White House. So relax.</p> <p>View the slideshow</p> <p>Sara Carter: This brings me to your resignation letter.</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: Yes.</p> <p>Sara Carter: In your resignation letter you state that there are people ascendant within the White House that do not support the President's MAGA agenda? Explain that, and who are these people?</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: OK, so first things first, I'd like to try and explain what was special about November the 8th. And if you remember, there was a film, a great John Milius film called "Red Dawn" in the 80s about the Soviet Cuban invasion of America and the resistance that American patriots put up to it. The president of the United States won against the whole establishment on November the 8th. He was just accidentally the GOP's candidate. He had nothing to do with the swamp, nothing to do with the GOP, nobody took him seriously when he announced and what did he do? He proceeded to wipe the floor with 16 establishment GOP candidates and then defeat a woman who'd officially spent $700 million on a position she thought was owed to her.</p> <q> "So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp." </q> <p>This is the rank outsider. So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp. As a result, when we moved into the White House, Steve, myself, the president, it was the most leveraged, hostile takeover in political history in the modern age. Because it was a small group of people that came in to run the largest government in the run. Sorry, if you add the armed forces, millions of employees. So, what happened is a natural event. In the intervening months, the establishment figures reacted to the antibodies that represent the MAGA agenda and boxed us out, tried to cut us out of the policy agenda. Fired a lot of the more junior people in the NSC. That's the point at which Steve and then later I realized look, uh, this is about eight years of President Trump and then eight years of President Pence. We have to think about the long game.</p> <p>And if right now we're being undermined internally, what we do is we go on the outside and we support the agenda from the outside. That's why I became the chief strategist for the Make America Great Again Coalition. That's why Steve is doing all kinds of things right now. That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the president. It's important to know, apart from [Robert] Mueller -- he's a holdover, ignore him -- every single, high-ranking or, or less than high-ranking firing in the last eight months was not driven by the president. OK? All those people fired from the NSC, [Anthony] Scaramucci, these were people who were fired by people other than the president. I think the president already realizes he's being given bad advice on key issues. The Alabama race tells you everything you need to know. And now he's going to get rid of some people who aren't on message and have nothing to do with the original agenda.</p> <p>Take the quiz!</p> <p>Sara Carter: Would one of those people happen to be Secretary of State [Rex] Tillerson?</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: The President reached out to me the day after I resigned. He thanked me for my service. He said he is gonna stick to the agenda and he'd like me to support him from the outside. That's exactly what I'm doing. One of the things I promised myself I wouldn't do is attack individual members of the cabinet who aren't part of the agenda. So, I'm not gonna talk about individuals just yet, but I'll talk about principles and the fact is, um, Tucker Carlson had a segment after Steve left the White House that I think is crucial to understanding the reality of what's going on in the West Wing.</p> <p>I don't think Tucker Carlson is a big fan of Steve Bannon or Breitbart, I may be wrong, but he said one very trenchant thing. He said, "Whatever you think about Steve Bannon, there's one thing that's certain. He would not be at home in a White House under Hillary Clinton." There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House. So that's the current problem, but again, relax. It's a temporary state of affairs.</p> <q> "There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House." </q> <p>Sara Carter: So the president is surrounded, in your opinion, by some people that would have been comfortable in a Hillary Clinton White House and may be pushing those agendas?</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: The president has this sense, and I guarantee you right now, he knows who around him is now consistently giving him bad advice and sooner or later he will make decisions to remove those people from around him.</p> <p>Sara Carter: Explain the "deep state."</p> <p>Sebastian Gorka: I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the phrase "deep state." I love conspiracy theories but only as entertainment. There's a reason they're called theories. Conspiracy theories kill critical thought. I prefer the phrase "the deep state." The deep state isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a real thing. Let me give you an example. So, I didn't work in the NSC, I worked for Steve. I was a strategist in the office, or the chief strategist to the president. But because of my national security portfolio, I attended regular classified meetings with the NSC on whatever issue it was. The Qatar crisis, the ISIS plan, you name it.</p> <p>And a pattern developed in these meetings which is really disturbing and explains the permanent state. You're sitting in, a White House meeting that is the pinnacle of policy making in the most powerful nation in the world. The NSC makes national security policy. There's nothing above it apart from, you know, the President and his National Security Advisor. You sit there for an hour, an hour-and-a-half, with key members of the NSC, invited guests from the CIA, DIA, outstations from the Pentagon, you name it. And for 90 minutes on a key issue, you didn't hear the name of the president. You didn't hear mention of the president's strategic objectives, and you didn't hear mention of what he said yesterday in Warsaw or Riyadh.</p> <q> "The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the President elected by the people of America to run this country." </q> <p>And it would be up to me, the guy with the funny accent, after 90 minutes to say, "Uh, hey guys. Did you hear what the President said yesterday in Riyadh about ISIS? Did you hear what the President said about NATO in Warsaw?" This is what the president wants to achieve and we're all gonna be on message, right? So what I saw is that the swamp isn't Capitol Hill. A lot of people think the swamp is the political professional class of congressmen and women. The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the president elected by the people of America to run this country. A GS14, a GS15 who's been at State Department or CIA for 20 years and thinks, "Oh, I, I've been doing this for so long. I don't care what the president says about Qatar, we need to do this. I don't care what the President says about X, Y, Z, we need to do this." That undermines American democracy and that's the permanent state, and that's what we have to push back on if democracy is to thrive in America.</p> <p>Related Stories: <a type="internal">Former WH strategist, Sebastian Gorka, hit back at the 'fake news industrial complex'</a> <a type="internal">Sebastian Gorka resigned from his position in the White House</a></p> <p>View the slideshow</p>
Sebastian Gorka expects a White House shake-up before Christmas. Here's our Q&A.
<p>(CNSNews.com) - Continuing a series of tweets on lax border security Wednesday, President Donald Trump promised quick action: "We will be taking strong action today," he promised, without getting specific.</p> <p>His full tweet, coming shortly after 7 a.m., read: "Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico &amp;amp; Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW! The Democrats stand in our way - they want people to pour into our country unchecked....CRIME! We will be taking strong action today."</p> <p>On Tuesday, <a type="internal">Trump said he plans to send the U.S. military</a> to guard the border with Mexico:</p> <p>&#8220;We have very bad laws for our border, and we are going to be doing some things &#8212; I&#8217;ve been speaking with General Mattis &#8212; we&#8217;re going to be doing things militarily,&#8221; said Trump at a White House meeting with leaders of the Baltic nations.</p> <p>&#8220;Until we can have a wall and proper security, we&#8217;re going to be guarding our border with the military," he said. "That&#8217;s a big step. We really haven&#8217;t done that before, or certainly not very much before.&#8221;</p> <p>Since Easter Sunday, when Fox News and The Drudge Report featured news about a caravan of Central Americans making their way to the United States through Mexico, Trump has issued a dozen tweets on border security.</p> <p>On April 3, he tweeted:</p> <p>The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our &#8220;Weak Laws&#8221; Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!</p> <p>WE WILL PROTECT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!</p> <p>On April 2:</p> <p>As ridiculous as it sounds, the laws of our country do not easily allow us to send those crossing our Southern Border back where they came from. A whole big wasted procedure must take place. Mexico &amp;amp; Canada have tough immigration laws, whereas ours are an Obama joke. ACT CONGRESS</p> <p>Honduras, Mexico and many other countries that the U.S. is very generous to, sends many of their people to our country through our WEAK IMMIGRATION POLICIES. Caravans are heading here. Must pass tough laws and build the WALL. Democrats allow open borders, drugs and crime!</p> <p>DACA is dead because the Democrats didn&#8217;t care or act, and now everyone wants to get onto the DACA bandwagon... No longer works. Must build Wall and secure our borders with proper Border legislation. Democrats want No Borders, hence drugs and crime!</p> <p>Mexico is making a fortune on NAFTA...They have very strong border laws - ours are pathetic. With all of the money they make from the U.S., hopefully they will stop people from coming through their country and into ours, at least until Congress changes our immigration laws!</p> <p>Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large &#8220;Caravans&#8221; of people enter their country. They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border laws.</p> <p>Congress must immediately pass Border Legislation, use Nuclear Option if necessary, to stop the massive inflow of Drugs and People. Border Patrol Agents (and ICE) are GREAT, but the weak Dem laws don&#8217;t allow them to do their job. Act now Congress, our country is being stolen!</p> <p>On April 1:</p> <p>Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch &amp;amp; Release. Getting more dangerous. &#8220;Caravans&#8221; coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!</p> <p>Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!</p> <p>These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act!</p> <p><a type="internal">Read More</a></p> <p>Please support CNSNews today! (a 501c3 non-profit production of the Media Research Center)</p> <p><a type="internal">DONATE</a></p>
Trump Tweets: 'We Will Be Taking Strong Action Today' on SW Border
<p><a type="internal">Donald Trump</a> has responded to the <a type="internal">emotional speech</a> given by the father of a fallen Muslim U.S. Army soldier at the Democratic National Convention this week.</p> <p>In an interview with <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-father-fallen-soldier-ive-made-lot/story?id=41015051" type="external">ABC News</a>&#8216; George Stephanopoulos on Saturday, Trump fired back at Khizr Khan&#8217;s statement that he has &#8220;sacrificed nothing&#8221; for his country.</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;ve made a lot of sacrifices,&#8221; Trump said. &#8220;I work very, very hard. I&#8217;ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I&#8217;ve had tremendous success. I think I&#8217;ve done a lot.&#8221;</p> <p>Khan addressed Trump directly in his <a type="internal">Thursday speech at the DNC</a>, challenging the Republican presidential nominee&#8217;s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants to the U.S.</p> <p>&#8220;Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities,&#8221; Khan said. &#8220;You have sacrificed nothing and no one.&#8221;</p> Does Donald Trump Rattle You? <p>In his interview with Stephanopoulos, Trump also took a jab at Khan&#8217;s wife Ghazala, who stood silently next to her husband at the DNC as he spoke about their son <a type="internal">Capt. Humayun Khan</a>, who was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004 and posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his heroism.</p> <p>&#8220;If you look at his wife, she was standing there,&#8221; Trump said. &#8220;She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn&#8217;t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump echoed this sentiment in an interview Friday with the <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/30/opinion/trumps-thunderbolts.html?_r=1" type="external">New York Times</a>&#8216; Maureen Dowd.</p> <p>When Dowd asked him about Khan&#8217;s heartfelt speech, Trump&#8217;s only response was, &#8220;I&#8217;d like to hear his wife say something.&#8221;</p> <p>Ghazala told <a href="http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word" type="external">MSNBC</a> in an <a type="internal">interview on Friday</a> that she was too emotional to speak about her son at the DNC, but opened up to MSNBC&#8217;s Lawrence O&#8217;Donnell about her son&#8217;s bravery.</p>
Donald Hits Back at Father of Fallen Muslim Soldier After His Impassioned DNC Speech Against Trump
<a href="https://commdiginews-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/yom_kippur-doa-1.jpg" type="external" /> <p>LOS ANGELES, September 29, 2017 &#8212; Since everything in America from the National Football League to Dr. Seuss has now been politicized, why let Yom Kippur be free of politics? The Jewish day of atonement is supposed to be about looking inward and admitting wrongs committed. Yom Kippur involves asking for forgiveness and vowing to do right by those we have wronged. It should be about personal growth, not politics.</p> <p>Forget it. Politically liberal Jews have spent decades issuing scorching indictments of all things Republican. If it is a Republican, attack it. If it is a conservative, despise it. If it is President Donald Trump, vow to drive it from the face of the earth. Why bother engaging in the Yom Kippur ritual if the prayers are hollow and insincere? Why bother vowing to be kinder only to return to vicious ideological bigotry the next day?</p> <p>Not all liberal Jews are ideological bigots. Some of them are the kindest people walking the planet. That rings as hollow to many people as saying that not all NFL players are desecrating the American flag. When you belong to a group, you get the benefits and drawbacks of that group. Politically liberal Jews have gone from being an oppressed people to being the very bullies they used to fear. Liberal synagogues are frequently nothing but extensions of Democrat Party headquarters.</p> <p>Since Yom Kippur is supposed to challenge Jews, a real challenge for liberal Jews is in order. They can apologize for every single intolerant word they ever sad about Republicans conservatives and President Trump. They can apologize for refusing to accept that Republicans have a right to win elections, and then govern in a conservative manner. Acknowledge that Republicans are human beings. Admit that Trump is not Adolf Hitler, and all comparisons of any American to Nazis, fascists, and brownshirts are statements to be disavowed. Admit that the father of Orthodox Jew Ivanka Trump is not an anti-Semite.</p> <p>Saying this is tough enough. Meaning a single word of it is even tougher.</p> <p>Yom Kippur should be based on Torah, the Old Testament. The Torah is non-partisan. Not one word of Torah justifies a politically liberal position on climate change, abortion, gay marriage, or any other hot button social issue. If it did, many Orthodox Jews who vote Republican and spend their entire lives reading Torah would be heretics. Liberal Jews may believe this, but they would be as wrong as they are about most things driven by emotion rather than data.</p> <p>Far too many liberal Jews spend 364 days every year demonizing Republicans for existing and breathing air. They declare America a racist nation led by bigoted white nationalists just because the 2016 electorate rejected Hillary Clinton. Then these same liberal Jews show up to synagogue one day per year, offer half-hearted apologies, and then return to bashing conservatives the moment the first post-holiday bagel is shoved down their throats.</p> <p>Liberalism is not Judaism, and conservatism is not anti-Jewish. Yom Kippur being free of politics would be a pleasant development for Jews everywhere.</p> <p>That is an unrealistic goal in a nation where the left politicizes anything and everything. The National Anthem and The Cat in the Hat are now political. Expecting liberal Jews to stop politicizing everything is too much to ask. Asking them to just skip Yom Kippur and stay home is also too much to hope for. So since they have to inject politics into everything, at least let them admit it, acknowledge the error of their ways, sincerely apologize for this, and most importantly, stop doing it.</p> Americans In The Dark On Trump's Plan To End The U.S. Dollar <p>As for me, I will not be spending my Yom Kippur promoting the domestic terrorism known as social justice. I did not riot or try to silence anyone just for speaking words I disagree with. I am far from perfect, but at least I know that someone in a synagogue can disagree with me and still be a fellow Jew. I can even be friends with Jews who supported the anti-USA, anti-Israel Iran deal.</p> <p>I have plenty to atone for, but ideological bigotry is not on that list. My thoughts in synagogue will be focused on God, not earth Goddess Gaea. The only climate I will be trying to change is my own behavioral climate.</p> <p>As for liberal Jews, let us see how long they can go after breaking the fast before they return to hating Republicans and rendering their entire Yom Kippur prayers meaningless.</p> <a href="http://www.whatfinger.com" type="external" /> <a href="http://www.whatfinger.com" type="external" /> August 2018 M T W T F S S <a type="internal">&#171; Jul</a> <a type="internal">1</a> <a type="internal">2</a> <a type="internal">3</a> <a type="internal">4</a> <a type="internal">5</a> <a type="internal">6</a> <a type="internal">7</a> <a type="internal">8</a> <a type="internal">9</a> <a type="internal">10</a> <a type="internal">11</a> <a type="internal">12</a> <a type="internal">13</a> <a type="internal">14</a> <a type="internal">15</a> <a type="internal">16</a> <a type="internal">17</a> <a type="internal">18</a> <a type="internal">19</a> <a type="internal">20</a> <a type="internal">21</a> <a type="internal">22</a> <a type="internal">23</a> <a type="internal">24</a> <a type="internal">25</a> <a type="internal">26</a> <a type="internal">27</a> 28 29 30 31
A Yom Kippur challenge for liberal Jews
<p>brightcove.createExperiences(); <a type="internal">Donald Trump</a> is one step closer to securing the Republican nomination for president.</p> <p>Following Tuesday night&#8217;s primary in Indiana, the GOP front-runner was named the presumptive nominee after Texas Senator <a type="internal">Ted Cruz</a> announced that he was <a type="internal">suspending his campaign</a>.</p> <p>&#8220;Donald Trump will be presumptive GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton,&#8221; Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus tweeted.</p> <p>Although, Trump and Cruz were <a type="internal">far from cordial opponents</a> throughout the race, the billionaire businessman said what Cruz did was a &#8220;brave thing to do because we want to bring unity.&#8221;</p> <p>While Cruz revealed he was leaving the race as there no longer seemed to be a &#8220;viable&#8221; path to the White House, Ohio Governor <a type="internal">John Kasich</a> has not announced the end of his campaign. However, even with Kasich still in the race, Trump sits in a comfortable position to officially take the nomination if he secures the required 1,237 delegates needed to win his party.</p> <p>&#8220;Tonight&#8217;s results are not going to alter Gov. Kasich&#8217;s campaign plans,&#8221; Kasich&#8217;s chief strategist John Weaver said, according to <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/03/politics/indiana-primary-highlights/" type="external">CNN</a>. &#8220;Our strategy has been and continues to be one that involves winning the nomination at an open convention.&#8221;</p> <p>While Kasich&#8217;s camp continues to be optimistic, Democratic nominee <a type="internal">Hillary Clinton</a>&#8216;s campaign &#8211; which also took a blow to her campaign when <a type="internal">Senator Bernie Sanders won Indiana</a> &#8211; released a statement, condemning the announcement that Trump is the Republican party&#8217;s presumptive nominee.</p> <p>&#8220;Fundamentally, our next president will need to do two things: keep our nation safe in a dangerous world and help working families get ahead here at home,&#8221; the statement, obtained by PEOPLE, read. &#8220;Donald Trump is not prepared to do either. Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he&#8217;s too divisive and lacks the temperament to lead our nation and the free world.</p> <p>&#8220;With so much as stake, Donald Trump is simply too big of a risk. Hillary Clinton has proven that she has the strength to keep us safe in an uncertain world and a lifelong record of fighting to break down the barriers &#8211; economic and social &#8211; that hold working families back. While Donald Trump seeks to bully and divide Americans, Hillary Clinton will unite us to create an economy that works for everyone.&#8221;</p> <p>While Trump ignored any criticism, saying during his victory speech at Trump tower, &#8220;We&#8217;re going to win in November&#8221;, he faced backlash from another opponent in the form anti-Trump adds that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee has released in an accelerated campaign against Trump.</p> <p>According to a press release from the PCCC, the ads will highlight Trump&#8217;s &#8220;hate-mongering, his disrespect for women, and his belief that American wages are &#8216;too high&#8217;.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;We have already begun running ads across the nation hitting Donald Trump &#8211; defining him early and moving the debate to our turf. This is key to winning.&#8221;</p> WATCH: Voters React to Ted Cruz Dropping Out of the Presidential Race <p>Other opponents of the real estate mogul quickly vocalized their opinions, including former adviser to <a type="internal">Jeb Bush</a> Tim Miller who currently serves as the spokesman for an anti-Trump super-PAC, Our Principles PAC.</p> <p>&#8220;Never ever, ever Trump. Simple as that,&#8221; Miller tweeted</p> <p>Despite lots of criticism, the presidential hopeful did find support in Sarah Palin, who has endorsed the former reality star before, but also took to <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sarahpalin/?fref=nf" type="external">Facebook</a> sharing a video in which she calls for unity &#8220;on the road to making America great again.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump also spoke about unity on Tuesday night, adding in his speech that his focus is on bringing the Republican Party together after &#8220;and amazing evening.&#8221;</p>
Donald Trump Named Presumptive GOP Nominee As Ted Cruz Drops Out of Presidential Race
<p>According to the latest <a href="https://www.nytimes.coam/2018/01/04/opinion/fire-fury-wolff-trump-book.html?_r=1" type="external">damning snippet</a> from <a type="internal">Michael Wolff&#8217;s Fire and Fury</a>, President <a type="internal">Donald Trump</a> tried to &#8220;rationalize&#8221; why people would join the KKK.</p> <p>From the New York Times <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/opinion/fire-fury-wolff-trump-book.html?_r=1" type="external">review</a>:</p> <q> <p>There are lots of arresting details in the book. We learn that the administration holds special animus for what it calls &#8220;D.O.J. women,&#8221; or women who work in the Justice Department. Wolff writes that after the white supremacist mayhem in Charlottesville, Va., Trump privately rationalized &#8220;why someone would be a member of the K.K.K.&#8221;</p> </q> <p>Many believe the anecdotes and quotes from Wolff&#8217;s book should be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism, but this one is not implausible. Trump went on the record in the wake of the Charlottesville white supremacy march that left Heather Heyer dead, saying he believed there were &#8220; <a type="internal">good people</a>&#8221; on both sides of the protest, one side of which was rife with Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.</p> <p>Trump was widely criticized for the response, which many considered a tacit endorsement of white supremacy.</p> <p>During his presidential campaign, an old New York Times story was unearthed that reported Trump&#8217;s father, Fred, back in 1927, was arrested at a rally in 1927 where KKK members were present. It was never proven whether he was participating in the rally or a member of the group.</p> <p>David Covucci is the Layer 8 editor at the Daily Dot, covering the intersection of politics and the web. His work has appeared in Vice, the Huffington Post, Jezebel, Gothamist, and other publications. He is particularly interested in hearing any tips you have. Reach out at dcovucci@thedailydot.com.</p>
Trump reportedly tried to privately ‘rationalize’ KKK membership in wake of Charlottesville
<p><a type="internal">Hillary Clinton</a> has made it official.</p> <p>The former secretary of state announced that she will be seeking the nomination for President of the United States on Sunday with a campaign video on <a href="https://www.hillaryclinton.com/" type="external">her official website</a>.</p> <p>The spot opens with various people talking about their hopes for 2015, ending with Clinton saying, &#8220;I&#8217;m getting ready to do something too. I&#8217;m running for President.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,&#8221; she continues. &#8220;Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion. So you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead and stay ahead.&#8221;</p> <p>Clinton&#8217;s run for the presidency will hardly come as a surprise. The politician has <a type="internal">long been hyped</a> as the Democratic front-runner for the 2016 election.</p> <p>This marks Clinton&#8217;s second time vying for the presidency. She first ran during the 2008 election, but lost the Democratic ticket to then-junior senator <a type="internal">Barack Obama</a>. Clinton later served on Obama&#8217;s cabinet, working as the secretary of state from the start of his presidency in 2009 through Feb. 1, 2013.</p> <p>When Clinton, 67, left her position in 2013, political watchers took it as a sign that the former first lady was preparing for her own campaign in 2016.</p> <p>Her announcement makes her the first major candidate to seek out the Democratic nomination. On the Republican side, <a type="internal">Senator Ted Cruz</a>, from Texas, and <a type="internal">Senator Rand Paul</a>, from Kentucky, have already thrown their hats into the ring.</p> <p>Given Clinton&#8217;s high profile (and the fact that her candidacy has been speculated about for years), she has become a major target for both other Democratic hopeful nominees and Republicans.</p> <p>The past few months haven&#8217;t been without scandal. In March, she admitted to <a type="internal">using a private email address</a> while working as the secretary of state because it was &#8220;convenient.&#8221; While the politician said that she was &#8220;allowed&#8221; to use her personal email, critics took issue with the fact that it caused an issue for journalists requesting records through the Freedom of Information Act and Benghazi investigators who have subpoenaed Clinton.</p> Watch These Children Freak Out as Bees Upstage President Obama <p>More on Hillary Clinton:</p> <p>&#8226; <a type="internal">Hillary Clinton Officially Joins the 2016 Presidential Race</a> &#8226; <a type="internal">Inside Hillary Clinton&#8217;s Decision to Run: &#8216;We Need to Break Down the Highest, Hardest Glass Ceiling&#8217;</a> &#8226; <a type="internal">Barack Obama Offers Advice to Hillary Clinton for Her 2016 Run</a> &#8226; <a type="internal">What Should We Call Bill If Hillary Wins? He Has Some Ideas</a></p>
Hillary Clinton Officially Joins the 2016 Presidential Race
<p>A former Secret Service officer <a href="https://pagesix.com/2016/06/05/tell-all-book-reveals-hillarys-erratic-uncontrollable-ways-in-the-white-house/?_ga=1.132003400.677000422.1459809067" type="external">who published an explosive tell-all from his days guarding the Bill and Hillary Clinton White House</a> is planning to file a defamation lawsuit against his detractors, The Post has learned.</p> <p>A lawyer for Gary Byrne, whose book &#8220; <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Crisis-Character-Discloses-Firsthand-Experience/dp/1455568872?tag=nypost-20" type="external">Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate</a>,&#8221; has sent notices to Media Matters for America and David Brock informing them that he intends to file suit.</p> <p>&#8220;Officer Byrne will bring legal action against you, in your personal capacity, and against Media Matters,&#8221; a lawyer for the former Secret Service officer wrote to Brock, a loyal Clinton ally and the founder of the liberal advocacy group Media Matters.</p> <p>The letter requests Brock and Media Matters to &#8220;hold&#8221; all records and communications associated with their communications regarding Byrne &#8212; including &#8220;Any communication(s) between David Brock and The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton&#8221; regarding the former Secret Service officer, suggesting there might be collusion between the campaign and her defenders.</p> <p>It also demands Brock &#8220;immediately and publicly retract any statement or inference by yourself and/or Media Matters to the effect that Officer Byrne was not fully truthful in recounting within &#8216;Crisis of Character&#8217; details from any previous testimony.&#8221;</p> <p>Additionally, Byrne&#8217;s attorney demanded a retraction for &#8220;the utterly false statement(s) that Officer Byrne was not in close proximity to President William Jefferson Clinton.&#8221;</p> <p>His lawyer states that &#8220;some of our best witnesses to such immediacy are George Stephanopoulos, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Bruce Lindsey, Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton himself &#8212; who appear to have already confirmed &#8230; under oath &#8230; the regular proximity of Officer Byrne to the President for many years.&#8221;</p> <p>Byrne claims the liberal advocacy group tried to hurt his credibility to defend the Clintons.</p> <p>Lawyers for Brock and Media Matters, Marc Elias and Ezra Reese, acknowledged receiving the letter from Byrne&#8217;s lawyer.</p> <p>Elias is also a lawyer for Hillary Clinton&#8217;s presidential election campaign.</p> <p>Byrne, who <a type="internal">has been a surrogate for Donald Trump&#8217;s presidential campaign,</a> told The Post, &#8220;We&#8217;re moving forward with the suit regardless&#8221; of whether retractions are issued. My goal here is to get the message out &#8211; that everything in my book is true.&#8221;</p> <p>Byrne has sent a similar letter &#8212; and has threatened similar legal action &#8212; to Jan Gilhooly, president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service, who also questioned the claims made in &#8220;Crisis of Character.&#8221;</p> <p>Byrne expects the legal filings to come after the November presidential election.</p>
Ex-Secret Service officer behind Clinton tell-all planning defamation suit
<p><a type="internal">Donald Trump</a> has, finally, all but united the Republican Party &#8211; in denunciation of his <a type="internal">continued</a>, race-based attacks on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over the civil lawsuits against the candidate&#8217;s <a type="internal">Trump University</a>.</p> <p>&#8220;I disavow these comments. I regret those comments that [Trump] made,&#8221; said House Speaker Paul Ryan during a <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/07/politics/paul-ryan-donald-trump-racist-comment/index.html" type="external">press conference Tuesday</a>. &#8220;Claiming a person can&#8217;t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment &#8230; it&#8217;s absolutely unacceptable.&#8221;</p> <p>And <a type="internal">Sen. Mark Kirk</a>, a Republican from Illinois facing a tough reelection battle this year, flat out withdrew his support for his party&#8217;s nominee, saying &#8220;Donald Trump&#8217;s belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American.&#8221;</p> <p>Last week, Trump charged that his plan to build a wall between the U.S.-Mexican border was &#8220;an absolute conflict&#8221; of interest, charging to the <a href="http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-keeps-up-attacks-on-judge-gonzalo-curiel-1464911442" type="external">Wall Street Journal</a> that Curiel could not preside fairly over the Trump University case because he is &#8220;of Mexican heritage.&#8221; (Curiel was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants.)</p> <p>Speaking again to CNN&#8217;s Jake Tapper last Friday, Trump <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-tapper-lead/index.html" type="external">maintained his position</a>: &#8220;He&#8217;s a Mexican. We&#8217;re building a wall between here and Mexico.&#8221; When Tapper asked if, by saying that Curiel could not due his job because of his race, &#8220;is that not the definition of racism?&#8221; Trump responded, &#8220;No, I don&#8217;t think so at all.&#8221;</p> <p>Amid the fierce backlash from his own party, Trump put together a damage-control statement late Tuesday promising not to say anything more about Curiel or the lawsuit &#8211; after this: &#8220;It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage. I am friends with and employ thousands of people of Mexican and Hispanic descent. &#8230; While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in November. I do not intend to comment on this matter any further.&#8221;</p> <p>Just one day earlier, Trump encouraged supporters on a private conference call on Monday to join his chorus by publicly questioning the judge&#8217;s credibility, two participants on the call told <a href="http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-06-06/trump-orders-surrogates-to-intensify-criticism-of-judge-and-journalists" type="external">Bloomberg Politics</a>. Several Republican politicians, including former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown, were involved in the call, during which Trump overturned a Sunday email from his staff that ordered his most prominent supporters &#8211; those surrogates who speak for him on cable news talk shows and at campaign appearances &#8211; to cease all talk of the lawsuit and Curiel. &#8220;Take that order and throw it the hell out,&#8221; Trump said on the call, according to Bloomberg Politics.</p> Is Hillary Clinton Intimidated by Donald Trump? <p>Numerous other prominent Republicans have joined Ryan in disavowing Trump&#8217;s sentiments, including South Carolina&#8217;s junior senator Tim Scott &#8211; the Senate&#8217;s only black Republican &#8211; who <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/06/politics/republicans-donald-trump-judge-racism/" type="external">told CNN</a> the commentary is &#8220;racially toxic.&#8221;</p> <p>Added <a type="internal">Arnold Schwarzenegger</a> on Twitter, &#8220;Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov.&#8221;</p> <p>Freshly-minted presumptive <a type="internal">Democratic nominee</a> <a type="internal">Hillary Clinton</a> also issued a warning on Monday that Trump may next focus his attacks on &#8220;women judges &#8230; or maybe a judge with a disability, or perhaps one who was a former POW, or African-American.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;He&#8217;s trying to demean and defame a federal judge who was a very accomplished federal prosecutor,&#8221; she continued <a href="http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/clinton-trump-judge-smear-dangerous-nonsense-700286531849" type="external">on MSNBC</a>.</p> <p>&#8220;This is dangerous nonsense that undermines the rule of law, that makes him appear to be someone who has no respect for fellow Americans,&#8221; Clinton said. &#8220;And I think it is yet more evidence why this man is dangerous and divisive and disqualified from being president.&#8221;</p>
Textbook' Racism: Donald Trump's Attacks on Federal Judge Unite GOP from Ryan to Schwarzenegger; Clinton Warns Women Judges Could Be Next
<p>QUANTICO, Va. &#8212; President Donald Trump laced into FBI leadership Friday, while proclaiming his loyalty and support for law enforcement in an address at the agency's training academy.</p> <p>"It's a shame what's happened" with the FBI, the president said as he left the White House for a speech at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia. He called the agency's handling of Hillary Clinton's email investigation "really disgraceful" and told reporters "we're going to rebuild the FBI."</p> <p>Shortly afterward, Trump lavished praise on graduates of a weeks-long FBI National Academy program and their families, touting their accomplishments and pledging his unwavering support. Trump told law enforcement leaders he is "more loyal than anyone else could be" to police.</p> <p>"Anti-police sentiment is wrong and it's dangerous," he added. "Anyone who kills a police officer should get the death penalty."</p> <p>Trump used the speech to promote his administration's tough-on-crime policies, delivering a stern warning to members of the international gang MS-13 that his administration will root them out and arrest them.</p> <p>He also celebrated his decision to make it easier for local police forces to purchase surplus military equipment, and questioned rising violence in Chicago.</p> <p>"What the hell is going on in Chicago? What the hell is happening there," he asked.</p> <p>Hours before, White House Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley told Fox News Channel that edits to former FBI Director James Comey's statement on Clinton's private email server and anti-Trump texts from a top agent are "deeply troubling."</p> <p>"There is extreme bias against this president with high-up members of the team there at the FBI who were investigating Hillary Clinton at the time," Gidley charged, as special counsel Robert Mueller pushes on with a probe of possible Trump campaign ties to Russia. Gidley says Trump maintains confidence in the FBI's rank-and-file.</p> <p>Edits to the Comey draft appeared to soften the gravity of the bureau's finding in its 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state.</p> <p>"It is very sad when you look at those documents, how they've done that is really, really disgraceful, and you have a lot of really angry people who are seeing it," Trump said of the document.</p> <p>Gidley said the disclosure of politically charged text messages sent by one of the agents on the Clinton case, Peter Strzok, were "eye-opening." Strzok, who was in the room as Clinton was interviewed, was later assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller's team to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. He was re-assigned after the messages were uncovered this summer.</p> <p>About 200 leaders in law enforcement from around the country attended the weeks-long FBI National Academy program aimed at raising law enforcement standards and cooperation. Coursework included intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science.</p>
Trump blasts FBI leadership but says he's loyal to police
<p>Susan Rice has a unique gift to make the news every time she speaks. Instead of looking in the mirror and considering her ill-advised statements about the cause of terrorism and a deserter&#8217;s supposedly meritorious record, this time she blames the backlash on the intersection of race and gender. In short, she claims she is being attacked <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/06/28/susan-rice-suggests-race-gender-bias-linked-to-unmasking-backlash.html" type="external">because she is a black woman</a>. In reality, she is being attacked because she is a ridiculous partisan hack, whose disconnect from basic facts and ability to repeat the most ridiculous spin and talking points from the Obama administration is as ridiculous as it is stunning.</p> <p>If we measured political ability by a person&#8217;s capacity to say laughable talking points with a straight face, Susan Rice has to be the politician of the century. She first made the news when she commented on the 2012 attacks in Libya that killed the US ambassador and 3 other Americans. Hillary Clinton&#8217;s State Department emails (the ones that weren&#8217;t illegally deleted of course), revealed that she told multiple people almost immediately that the events in Libya were terrorist attacks. But in public, Susan Rice went on five Sunday talk shows to claim they attacked in <a href="https://youtu.be/Cetu6SMiZsY" type="external">response to a video</a> even though it was plainly obvious to anybody watching that there was more to the attack than a video.</p> <p>The next time she resurfaced she tried to defend Bowe Bergdahl, an army soldier captured by the Taliban. When the Obama administration secured his release Susan Rice again went on morning talk shows. This time she said he served with &#8220; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdGe0uP7W-c" type="external">honor and distinction</a>.&#8221; But this was completely outrageous because most of his comrades said he defected to the enemy and the army court martialed him for desertion. The trade also sparked a significant debate over the wisdom in trading one (subpar) soldier for five terrorists.</p> <p>Now she has resurfaced again. Her name has entered the conversation in regards to the so-called Russian hacking of the election. Among all of the arguing, Susan Rice admitted to being one of the individuals that unmasked figures in the Trump campaign. Unlike the hysteria over little more than innuendo linking the Trump campaign with Russia, unmasking can be a serious crime. As a result she has been the subject of intense disagreement and scrutiny.</p> <p>Despite regularly sticking her foot in her mouth and repeating talking points that have tenuous connections to reality, she now blames much of the backlash on racism and sexism. An independent prosecutor will investigate the matter and all related issues. Until then, I&#8217;m marveling at the utter ineptness of Susan Rice. She supplies so many howling and guffaw inducing talking points but does it with such sincerity and a straight face that I almost wish she would be in the news every day. To have a partisan hack that is willing to spy on their political enemies and fall on their sword must be important for Obama and Clinton. But she also supplies her own daggers every time she speaks.</p>
Susan Rice is a Gaffe Machine, but Blames the Hate on Racist and Sexist Republicans
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<p>Eminem ignited a social media firestorm at the BET awards Tuesday with the release of a blistering rap on President Donald Trump.</p> <p>The recorded video shows the rapper in a parking garage freestyling on political controversies like the NFL's national anthem protests, Trump's proposed border wall and his international diplomacy.</p> <p>Warning: Explicit language in video below</p> <p>In one verse he rapped: "This is his form of distraction/Plus, he gets an enormous reaction/When he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that/Instead of talking about Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada/All of these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather cause a Twitter storm with the Packers."</p> <p>In another: "But we better give Obama props/Because what we got in the office now's a kamikaze that'll probably cause a nuclear holocaust."</p> <p>Soon after "The Storm" was released, the video became a top trending topic on Twitter, racked up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and sparked reactions from multiple celebrities.</p> <p>LeBron James quoted his lyrics in a tweet: "Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh @Eminem."</p> <q> <p>Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh <a href="https://twitter.com/Eminem?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">@Eminem</a>!! &#128293;&#128293;&#9994;&#127998;&#128293;&#128293; <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/United?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">#United</a> <a href="https://t.co/wcL28BCWpy" type="external">pic.twitter.com/wcL28BCWpy</a></p>&#8212; LeBron James (@KingJames) <a href="https://twitter.com/KingJames/status/917961576350699520?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" type="external">October 11, 2017</a> </q> <p>In the video, Eminem also raised a fist in support of NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, whose decision to kneel during the anthem sparked the current controversy.</p> <p>In response, Kaepernick tweeted: "I appreciate you @Eminem."</p> <p>Ellen DeGeneres also tweeted her praise: "I (heart) @Eminem."</p> <p>There was no immediate reaction Tuesday from Trump or the White House press office.</p>
Eminem lashes out at President Trump in furious rap
<p><a type="internal">North Korea</a> must denuclearise the peninsula amid <a type="internal">World War 3</a> scares, Counsellor to the President, Kellyanne Conway has warned.</p> <p>Speaking to <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/" type="external">Fox News</a>, Donald Trump&#8217;s top aide said: &#8220;Well the President&#8217;s position, our position on North Korea has never changed.</p> <p>&#8220;He continues to apply maximum pressure.&#8221;</p> <p>Ms Conway added that the <a type="internal">United States</a> is &#8220;very happy&#8221; to see a more unified effort against <a type="internal">Kim Jong-un</a>&#8217;s regime.</p> North Korea news: Trump will continue to apply <p>She said: &#8220;North Korea must denuclearise the peninsula region and we&#8217;re very happy that there seems to be a more unified international effort in this regard, in that pursuit.</p> <p>&#8220;You see the United Nations resolution on December 22, very recently, you see the previous resolutions unanimously in support of the United States position with respect to North Korea."</p> <p>Mr Trump&#8217;s aide added that North Korea is a threat to the entire world, not just the US.</p> <p>She said: &#8220;This is key because this President has made clear from the beginning and constantly throughout the first year of his presidency that a nuclearised North Korea is not just a danger and a threat to America, and to any freedom and democracy loving people, but to the entire world and the world is responding.&#8221;</p> <p>It comes after President Trump threatened North Korea with his "much bigger and more powerful" nuclear button following menacing undertones in Kim Jong-un's speech on New Year's Day.</p> <p>Mr Trump wrote on Twitter: "North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the 'Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.'</p> <p>"Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger &amp;amp; more powerful one than his, and my Button works!"</p> <p>North Korea has been fanning fears of <a type="internal">World War 3</a> by refusing to heed calls for denuclearisation &#8211; with leader Kim engaging President Trump in an escalating war of words.</p> <p>But Kim appeared to offer an olive branch to neighbouring South Korea &#8211; a close US ally &#8211; by suggesting North Korea could use the 2018 Winter Olympics to organise diplomatic talks with Seoul to defuse tensions with the international community.</p>
North Korea THREAT: Trump will continue to apply MAXIMUM PRESSURE on Kim Jong-un
<p>Oct 19, 2017 at 3:09 PM</p> <p>From Washington, D.C. to the NFL and Hollywood, America&#8217;s idols are tumbling down. This is not a bad thing. For too long, we have wasted precious time and money worshipping these so-called &#8220;social justice&#8221; warrior hypocrites who continue to disappoint.</p> <p>Here&#8217;s to hoping all this disappointment will lead us back to what really matters, but don&#8217;t count on it.</p> <p>Huge swaths of Americans still bow at the altar of social justice. They believe government-forced &#8220;charity&#8221; will advance us to an utopian paradise where everyone enjoys the same outcome, despite personal effort, upbringing, unique abilities and education.</p> <p>Truth is, though, social justice is an oxymoron based on the false premise that the cure for injustice is leveling the playing field and redistributing wealth. As former Vice President Joe Biden once said, &#8220;You may call it redistribution of wealth &#226;&#8364;&#8217; I just call it being fair.&#8221;</p> <p>Karl Marx would be so proud.</p> <p>Marx hated religion, private property and Judeo-Christian values as much as leftists do today. That&#8217;s why you should bolt out of any place of worship that combines Jesus, social justice and the government in the same sentence.</p> <p>In his book, &#8220;The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism,&#8221; economist Friedrich Hayek nails what&#8217;s really at stake: &#8220;The aim of socialism is no less than to affect a complete redesigning of our traditional morals, law and language &#226;&#8364;&#8217; and on this basis to stamp out the old order and the supposedly inexorable, unjustifiable conditions that prevent the institution of reason, fulfillment, true freedom and justice.&#8221;</p> <p>Yesteryears&#8217; creepy social justice warriors are now out of the closet and no longer hide their agenda. Instead, they give it a pink boa and parade their intentions to destroy capitalism, silence free speech and scrub Judeo-Christian values from the public square.</p> <p>They harp about injustice and claim only they can fix it, which is one of the most arrogant, egotistical piles of hogwash you&#8217;ll ever hear.</p> <p>All that, while they divide us into two groups, normal folks and them. They believe normal folks are about as smart as slugs, therefore incapable of coherent reasoning and self-care. To them, everyday Americans aren&#8217;t diamonds in the rough, they are pliable, moldable objects used to reshape America into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela.</p> <p>As I&#8217;ve said before, Democrats&#8217; sacrosanct belief that the government was created to control how fairness is spread around is nothing more than a modern-day effort to reinvent Robin Hood, without all the chivalry and green tights.</p> <p>Those who romantically embrace the concept of social justice believe the misnomer that stealing from some and passing it on to those who should have had it in the first place will result in some sort of righteous leveling.</p> <p>Leftists don&#8217;t own the market on charity. Normal folks leave government out of the mix and combine their compassion with common sense. They bring food in one hand and a rifle in the other, knowing if they teach someone how to hunt, they&#8217;ll eat for a lifetime.</p> <p>In comparison, leftists bring Trader Joe&#8217;s bagels in one hand and a voter&#8217;s registration card in the other. Seizing the opportunity to convert their victims into non-thinking entitlement aficionados, they stop at nothing to meet an immediate need, then lead them by their noses to leftist-run metropolises where crime and government handouts abound.</p> <p>I know, the devil is always in the details, but I&#8217;ll go ahead and say it anyhow. Forced &#8220;charity&#8221; doesn&#8217;t bring about justice. Instead, it creates injustice when it stirs up animosity between the less fortunate and those being penalized, taxed, for their hard work under penalty of prosecution.</p> <p>In sharp contrast, there is a power in authentic generosity that no amount of government social-engineering could or will ever match. The social justice crowd should dust off the knees they protest with and try it sometime.</p> <p>^</p> <p>Susan Stamper Brown lives in Alaska and writes on culture, politics and current events.</p>
Brown: The oxymoron called social justice
<p>And the <a type="internal">Trump chronicles</a> continue.</p> <p>Presidential hopeful <a type="internal">Donald Trump</a> said he supports creating a mandatory database to track Muslims in the United States.</p> <p>&#8220;I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,&#8221; Trump, 69, told <a href="http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-says-he-would-certainly-implement-muslim-database-n466716" type="external">NBC News</a> between campaign events on Thursday in Newton, Iowa.</p> <p>&#8220;There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases. We should have a lot of systems.&#8221;</p> <p>When asked by the reporter whether Muslims would be legally obligated to register in the database, the business mogul responded: &#8220;They have to be. They have to be. &#8221;</p> <p>He said that the country&#8217;s Muslims would register for the database at &#8220;different places,&#8221; adding, &#8220;It&#8217;s all about management.&#8221;</p> <p>The comments come less than a week after terrorists <a type="internal">wreaked havoc on the French capital</a>, taking the lives of at least 129 people and injuring more than 300 others in a <a type="internal">series of coordinated attacks</a>. The attacks have prompted calls for new restrictions on <a type="internal">accepting Syrian refugees.</a></p> <p>On Thursday, the House passed a bill to drastically tighten screening procedures on Syrian refugees, requiring key national security agencies to determine whether each Iraqi and Syrian refugee poses a threat, <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/19/politics/house-democrats-refugee-hearings-obama/" type="external">CNN</a> reports. The White House vowed that <a type="internal">President Barack Obama</a> would veto the bill.</p> <p>Trump&#8217;s recent comments stem from an earlier interview with <a href="https://www.yahoo.com/politics/donald-trump-has-big-plans-1303117537878070.html" type="external">Yahoo News</a> on Thursday in which he did not reject the idea of requiring Muslims in the U.S. to register into a database or present a special ID that noted their religion.</p> <p>&#8220;We&#8217;re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,&#8221; the 69-year-old said. &#8220;We&#8217;re going to have to look at the mosques.&#8221;</p> <p>The Council on American-Islamic Relations criticized the candidate for the comments in a <a href="http://www.cair.com/press-center/press-releases.html" type="external">statement</a> on Thursday, and a council spokesman told NBC, &#8220;We&#8217;re kind of at a loss for words,&#8221; adding that the database plan is comparable to that of prewar Nazi Germany.</p> <p>However, when a reporter asked Trump about the difference between Muslim databases and requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany, Trump replied, &#8220;You tell me.&#8221; He did not answer when asked what consequences would be implemented for Muslims who refused to register. He later denied responding to questions regarding a potential Muslim database at all, adding that he didn&#8217;t &#8220;know where you heard that.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump isn&#8217;t the only Republican to come under fire regarding comments made after the Paris attacks.</p> <p><a type="internal">Ben Carson</a> is <a type="internal">facing criticism</a> for comparing blocking Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. to protecting a child from a &#8220;rabid dog.&#8221;</p> <p>Meanwhile, GOP hopeful <a type="internal">Ted Cruz</a> has said that <a type="internal">Obama</a> is endangering the safety of Americans by allowing Syrian Muslim refugees to enter the U.S.</p> <p>However, he says, America should provide a &#8220;safe haven&#8221; for Christian refugees. He added that the U.S. would need to &#8220;vet anyone coming in,&#8221; a practice the White House called a &#8220;religious test,&#8221; <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/17/politics/ted-cruz-refugees-syria/" type="external">CNN</a> reports.</p>
Donald Trump Says He Supports a Database and ID Cards to Track Muslims in the U.S.: 'We're Going to Have to Look at the Mosques'
<p>If you don&#8217;t succeed at first, fail and fail again. Democratic congressional leaders who seem to be pursuing that strategy trotted out a series of failed solutions Monday to problems that only worsened under the Obama administration. They mislabeled their absurd plan &#8220;A Better Deal.&#8221; If truth-in-labeling laws applied to political slogans, the Democrats would have to rename their new game plan &#8220;An Awful Deal.&#8221;</p> <p><a href="http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/07/25/liz-peek-schumers-better-deal-recycling-obamas-failed-economic-policies-wont-boost-democrats.html" type="external">Read Full Article &#187;</a></p> <p>Sponsored</p> <a type="internal" /> RCP Average 7/23 - 8/25 -- -- 26.0 18.8 14.5 12.0 6.3 Graham +7.2
Recycling Obama's Failed Policies Won't Boost Democrats
<p>An hour and 18 minutes into Wednesday night&#8217;s debate, Donald Trump effectively acknowledged his coming defeat.</p> <p>&#8220;Lotsa luck, Hillary,&#8221; he said, after a peroration on the humanitarian disaster in Syria and how it is going to consume much of the next president&#8217;s time over the next four years.</p> <p>What will she need luck for if she&#8217;s not going to be president?</p> <p>Ten minutes earlier, Trump told moderator Chris Wallace he will let us all know on election night <a type="internal">whether he is going to accept the results of the Nov. 8 balloting.</a> It was a shocking and cravenly irresponsible thing to say, the sort of thing that threatens to rend our national fabric, and for that alone, Trump has earned his place in the history of American ignominy.</p> <p>But who needs to wait? Consciously or not, the guy ceded the race. Live. On television. On Oct. 19. Lotsa luck indeed.</p> <p>Hillary sure did luck out having him as her rival. She can basically take the next three weeks off. But why would she? She can just spend the time taking the most luxurious pre-victory lap in American history.</p> <p>Trump will make that phone call on Nov. 8 or he won&#8217;t, and he will or won&#8217;t make that speech in which he tells his supporters, &#8220;I just congratulated Hillary on becoming the next president and we must all come together.&#8221; There&#8217;s no telling.</p> <p>This is a test of character, but Trump has a different understanding of such tests of character &#8212; and he might believe he will only pass such a test by doing what he can to continue to be the expression of the American id&#8217;s rage and disappointment.</p> <p>His refusal to do so would be the mark of a tragic decline in our polity, as would the refusal of some significant numbers of his supporters to accept the results as well. But this is the story of 2016.</p> <p>He refused to do other things as well &#8212; like concede the fact that the Russian government is attempting to interfere with the election. Hillary Clinton said three times that 17 different US military and intelligence agencies have determined that this is so.</p> <p>Due to his truly bizarre unwillingness to say anything really negative about Russia&#8217;s dictator, Trump just said no to that &#8212; and handed Hillary her sound bite of the night: &#8220;He&#8217;d rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and intelligence people who are sworn to protect us.&#8221;</p> <p>How was the debate? Well, it was reasonably substantive, largely due to Chris Wallace&#8217;s absolutely perfect work as the moderator. And if you went moment by moment and point by point, you would probably score it reasonably closely.</p> <p>Trump zinged her on several patent dishonesties, and as usual, she handled the zinging badly. On the other hand, every time she needed a way out of a corner, she baited him with something &#8212; women he&#8217;d said bad things about, or the money he&#8217;d borrowed from his father &#8212; and he&#8217;d fall for it every time.</p> <p>But let&#8217;s face it: Do you really want me to tell you who I think won the exchange on entitlements? I mean, who cares? Does it bother me that Hillary Clinton said she was going to apply a strict left-liberal litmus test to her Supreme Court appointments?</p> <p>Yes, it does, but I knew that already, and if you follow the issue, so did you.</p> <p>Very few people are voting in this election on matters of conventional governmental policy. A great many will vote for the team they&#8217;ve long been signed up with, while everybody else will be voting against one of these two extremely unattractive and unpopular candidates.</p> <p>Trump just told us he knows she has more people voting in her favor and he has more people voting against him. He just told Hillary to measure the drapes.</p> <p>He can spend the rest of his life never conceding, and she&#8217;s still going to be the 45th president of the United States.</p>
Donald Trump just ceded the presidency to Hillary Clinton
<p><a type="internal">News</a></p> <p><a type="internal">Modal Trigger</a></p> Getty Images <p>Alex Jones and his <a href="http://www.infowars.com/expose-rapist-bill-clinton-win-5k/" type="external">conspiracy-obsessed website InfoWars</a> prompted a series of disruptions at pro-Clinton rallies this week by offering $5,000 to anyone who can be heard shouting &#8220;Bill Clinton is a rapist.&#8221;</p> <p>During an event in Greensboro, NC, on Tuesday night, President Obama was bombarded by protesters who donned shirts with slogans accusing the ex-president of rape.</p> <p>&#8220;Those folks are auditioning for a reality show,&#8221; Obama joked at the hecklers.</p> <p>&#8220;Get your own rally!&#8221; POTUS repeatedly barked. &#8220;If you can&#8217;t get your own rally, don&#8217;t come mess up somebody else&#8217;s rally.&#8221;</p> <p>Jones, an avid Donald Trump supporter, has been offering up the bounty to Bill-bashers for about a week now.</p> <p>His supporters have since been spotted at Hillary events in Miami and Wisconsin, where the former president was targeted during an appearance in Milwaukee Saturday.</p> <p>The typically-jovial Arkansan looked visibly rattled when a protester shouted &#8220;rapist&#8221; at him during a discussion about the billionaire candidate&#8217;s position on global warming.</p> <p>&#8220;No one can dispute the fact,&#8221; Clinton said about climate change, after which the person in the audience added: &#8220;That you&#8217;re a rapist!&#8221;</p> <p>After several uncomfortable seconds, the former commander-in-chief began laughing and smiling.</p> <p>&#8220;You gotta feel sorry for them. They had a bad day yesterday,&#8221; he said, in reference to Friday&#8217;s video leak in which Trump was caught speaking crudely about women. It was not clear if Jones has actually made good on his $5,000 offer.</p> <p>An InfoWars spokesman told The Post on Wednesday night that at least 13 &#8220;successful participants&#8221; had so far come forward to claim their $5,000 prize. However, many people who participated had still not contacted the site for their payouts as of 9:30 p.m.</p> <p>The spokesman added that none of the protesters had been paid yet and that checks were set to be mailed at the end of the week.</p> <p>According to the website, the &#8220;Bill Clinton Rape&#8221; offer will be running through the election, or until $100,000 in prizes have been given out.</p>
Site pays $5K to anyone who calls Bill Clinton a ‘rapist’ at rallies
<p>You can see where this is headed, the once bright and shiny democracy going down the drain before the holidays are out. The Russians, the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his agents, desperate men flipped and singing to save their souls &#8212; all may soon be gone, by President Trump&#8217;s design.</p> <p>If there&#8217;s any outrage left in the tank, use it now, because Trump has signaled exactly what he&#8217;s going to do. First, he had to set some brush fires, impugning the legitimacy of the rule of law &#8212; an old dictator&#8217;s trick. Trump is no Hitler, but when the German Reichstag burned in 1933, it was all the Nazis needed to gut civil liberties.</p> <p>So, before Trump can fire the prosecutor who is hot on the corruption trail of those in the president&#8217;s inner circle, he needs a pretext. He could just work his way down the line at the Justice Department, until he found a quisling willing to remove the special counsel. But before he gets to that, he has to delegitimize the whole investigation.</p> <p>Thus, he&#8217;s now attacking the F.B.I., saying the agency is in &#8220;Tatters&#8221; and its standing &#8220;the worst in History.&#8221; Bashing cops &#8212; wasn&#8217;t that what those Black Lives Matter people did to disrespect Blue Lives?</p> <p>Thank God we have Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a moral clarion in a crisis. &#8220;When you&#8217;re attacking F.B.I. agents because you&#8217;re under criminal investigation, you&#8217;re losing,&#8221; she tweeted. Sorry &#8212; that was Sarah Huckabee Sanders of a year ago, before she was paid to defend the liar in chief.</p> <p>Trump&#8217;s lawyer, John Dowd, has been busy clearing out more brush, making the preposterous claim that the president cannot obstruct justice because he&#8217;s the nation&#8217;s chief law enforcement officer. If Trump shot somebody on Fifth Avenue &#8212; his own suggested redline &#8212; he could, as the nation&#8217;s chief law enforcement officer, tell the cops to quash the investigation.</p> <p>See, when the president does it, it&#8217;s not a crime. This defense was floated during the two impeachment episodes of the 20th century. The third time will not be a charm. But Trump&#8217;s team already has gone from there is no collusion or obstruction to, so what? If it happened, it&#8217;s no biggie.</p> <p>They don&#8217;t appear to be the least bit troubled by a stunning report from a whistle-blower. As Trump was pledging to put America first during his Inaugural Address, his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/06/us/politics/michael-flynn-russia-sanctions-ripped-up-whistleblower.html?hp&amp;action=click&amp;pgtype=Homepage&amp;clickSource=story-" type="external">texting a former business associate</a> serving foreign clients. With Trump in, the sanctions against Russia would be &#8220;ripped up,&#8221; clearing the way for big money to be made on the inside, according to the report made public Wednesday.</p> <p>Ignoring that story, Trump&#8217;s media wing is doing its job. Sean Hannity, at state-run television, went on a vein-popping rant Tuesday against law enforcement, complete with conspiracy charts. He called the federal authorities &#8220;a team of so-called investigators.&#8221; As for their boss, he said that &#8220;Mueller is frankly a disgrace to the American justice system and has put the country on the brink of becoming a banana republic.&#8221; He&#8217;s certainly learned the art of projection from his master.</p> <p>The Wall Street Journal, channeling its owner and Trump whisperer Rupert Murdoch, has been making much of the same case, albeit without the spittle.</p> <p>Don&#8217;t forget, this is the same Robert Mueller who won wide bipartisan praise when he was appointed special counsel: a career prosecutor, the longest-serving director of the F.B.I. since J. Edgar Hoover, awarded the Bronze Star for his service as a Marine in Vietnam. Republicans love him. Or they did until he started closing in on Trump&#8217;s closest associates.</p> <p>Mueller should be fired, the Russian enablers now claim, because one of his agents said some bad things about Trump. This agent, Peter Strzok, was reassigned over the summer, as soon as his comments came to light. Wow, a G-man has opinions. The cops I know, a couple of longstanding friends, have more opinions than I.</p> <p>The facts are what matter. And the facts are pointing in a very bad direction for the gang that can&#8217;t collude straight. Trump has got to be sweating it; he was said to be &#8220;seething&#8221; when two of his campaign aides were indicted and a third pleaded guilty in October. He looked punch-drunk at recent public events.</p> <p>Now that he&#8217;s a felon from a guilty plea last week, Flynn is cooperating with Mueller. He knows plenty. Trump could pardon him and try to bring him back into the fold. The outrage would be minimal among the Banana Republicans. Sure, they got their tax-relief-for-the-rich bill passed, so they may no longer need Trump after he signs it. But now they&#8217;re dreaming of more &#8212; cutting Medicare and health care for children, so they have a reason to keep him around.</p> <p>If Trump fires Mueller, he can start the new year clean. His base will stick with him. Though voters believe, by a nearly 2-1 margin, that Russians interfered with the United States election, <a href="https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2504" type="external">Republicans do not</a>. Party before country &#8212; in the face of a dangerous turn toward authoritarianism, that&#8217;s all that matters.</p>
Trumpocalypse: The End Game
<p>President Donald Trump on Sunday strongly condemned what he described in tweets as a "mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria" that allegedly left <a type="internal">women and children dead</a>.</p> <p>He laid the blame squarely at the feet of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia and Iran for backing resident Bashar al-Assad, who he called an "animal." Trump also warned, "Big price to pay."</p> <p>"Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!" <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/982967389028569088" type="external">the president wrote</a>.</p> <p>In the third of a series of tweets, he faulted former President Barack Obama for not intervening in Syria during his time in office. In April of last year, Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile <a type="internal">strike against a Syrian airbase for a similar chemical attack</a>.</p> <p>Sunday's posts left many wondering if Trump would potentially retaliate against the Syrian government, which is backed by Russia. The criticism of Putin is arguably his strongest critique of Russia since he took office 442 days ago.</p> <p>Syrian aid groups and activists allege that dozens of people died in a <a type="internal">suspected chemical weapons attack on the city of Douma</a>, the last rebel stronghold in eastern Ghouta where Assad has pursued an intensive bombing campaign.</p> <p>The Syrian American Medical Society said that more than 500 cases, mostly women and children, suffered symptoms &#8220;indicative of exposure to a chemical agent&#8221; and 42 were reported dead.</p> <p>Both Syria and Russia deny involvement in Sunday&#8217;s alleged chemical attack.</p> <p>Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert said on ABC&#8217;s &#8220;This Week&#8221; on Sunday that the White House is considering how to respond. He added that the national security team had been speaking to the president &#8220;all throughout the evening and the morning.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I wouldn&#8217;t take anything off the table,&#8221; he said.</p> <p>The State Department, meanwhile, provided a full-throated critique of Russia in a statement on Saturday night that claimed that the nation had &#8220;breached its commitments to the United Nations&#8221; and called &#8220;into question [Russia&#8217;s] commitment to resolve the overall crisis and to larger non-proliferation priorities.&#8221;</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>&#8220;Russia, with its unwavering support for the [Assad] regime, ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks, targeting of countless civilians, and the suffocation of Syria&#8217;s most vulnerable communities with chemical weapons,&#8221; State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said.</p> <p>Last week, <a type="internal">Trump reluctantly agreed to keep U.S. troops in Syria</a>, though he stressed to his national security team his desire to end U.S. involvement in the conflict as soon as possible.</p> Politicians call for action after Syria's alleged chemical attack <p>Republican and Democrat leaders decried the alleged chemical attack on Sunday, calling for the U.S. to hold the Assad government accountable.</p> <p>Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who serves on the Armed Services Committee called on the White House to act.</p> <p>&#8220;If [the president] doesn&#8217;t follow through and live up to that tweet, he&#8217;s going to look weak in the eyes of Russia and Iran,&#8221; Graham said on ABC&#8217;s &#8220;This Week&#8221; on Sunday. &#8220;This is a defining moment.&#8221;</p> <p>Others from the president's own party piled on.</p> <p>Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said on CNN's "State of the Union" that Trump should rethink his plans for an early withdrawal from Syria and consider another targeted attack on Syria's military facilities, such as the <a type="internal">one he ordered a year ago</a>.</p> <p>"That may be an option that we should consider now," she said. "But it is further reason why it is so important that the president ramp up the pressure and the sanctions on the Russian government, because, without the support of Russia, I do not believe that Assad would still be in office."</p> <p>Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also blasted the president, as he said Trump signaling last week that the U.S. would withdraw from Syria only served to embolden Assad, Russia and Iran to conduct the attack.</p> <p>While McCain said it was good that Trump criticized all three parties on Twitter, he said social media posts meant little in this situation.</p> <p>"The question now is whether he will do anything about it," he said. "The President responded decisively when Assad used chemical weapons last year. He should do so again, and demonstrate that Assad will pay a price for his war crimes."</p> <p>In the House, Republicans were also riled up and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said that the United States should continue to lead in holding Assad and Russia accountable.</p> <p>Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who serves as chair of the House Homeland Security Committee voiced his agreement on Fox News and called for military action.</p> <p>&#8220;We&#8217;re not going to occupy countries anymore, but this cannot stand in the civilized world,&#8221; McCaul said. &#8220;This needs to be responded to in a very firm and strong way. I think we need to deal also with Russia and Iran&#8217;s involvement in this. I think they are complicit.&#8221;</p> <p>Democrats also called for the White House to act and coordinate an international response.</p> <p>Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said on CBS's "Face the Nation" that "President Assad needs to be held accountable for his war crimes."</p> <p>"We need to make sure that there is a proceeding started by the international community to hold him accountable," said Cardin, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "This is not the first use of chemical weapons."</p> <p>House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that Putin needed to be held accountable for the alleged attack as he had enabled "these war crimes." But how to do that rests with the White House, she added.</p> <p>&#8220;Members of Congress expect a comprehensive intelligence briefing on this attack as soon as possible," she said in a statement. "The Trump Administration must finally provide a smart, strong and consistent strategy in Syria.&#8221;</p> <p>Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said it could affect Mike Pompeo, who Trump nominated to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, as he enters Senate confirmation hearings this week.</p> <p>&#8220;The United States must not waiver in our utter rejection of the use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world, by anyone, for any reason," Menedez said in a statement. "During his upcoming hearing, I expect Secretary of State-nominee Pompeo to articulate an actual policy for Syria.&#8221;</p>
Trump uncharacteristically criticizes Putin after reports of chemical attack in Syria
<p>Fulfilling his role as the titular head of &#8220;The Resistance,&#8221; Barack Obama took to Facebook Tuesday to snipe at the Trump administration&#8217;s announcement that it was rescinding the 44th president&#8217;s 2012 executive action called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.</p> <p>&#8220;We shouldn&#8217;t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own,&#8221; Obama said. His post was florid and self-serving. But five words in his lengthy screed &#8212;&#8220;through no fault of their own&#8221; -- are undeniably true.</p> <p>It&#8217;s not the fault of the &#8220;dreamers&#8221; that their parents brought them here, without papers, as minors. On that we can agree. But whose fault is it that they are still in limbo? For that answer, Obama needn&#8217;t take to social media. He can simply look in the mirror.</p> <p>Ten years ago, a narrow consensus was forged in Washington, if only briefly. Its architects were Edward Kennedy and John McCain. Their carefully crafted legislation created a new temporary work visa, established an electronic data base for employers to check employees&#8217; work status, and earmarked money for border enforcement. It also provided a path to citizenship for an estimated 11.6 million illegal immigrants, provided they paid a fine and back taxes, met English and civics requirements, and stayed on the right side of the law.</p> <p>President George W. Bush signaled his support. But the vote was going to be close, which Kennedy and McCain knew. Conservatives <a href="http://www.heritage.org/report/the-mccain-kennedy-immigration-reform-bill-falls-short" type="external">dismissed</a> the path-to-citizenship as a fig leaf for amnesty. Organized labor hated the guest-worker program, known as Y-1. McCain and Kennedy could have overcome that opposition, albeit narrowly, except for one last little group of senators. Call it the Senate Presidential Wannabe Caucus. Its membership included Illinois freshman Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. That&#8217;s only two votes, but it was enough.</p> <p>On June 6, 2007, Sen. Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, introduced an innocuous-sounding rider to the McCain-Kennedy bill. Its official description was &#8220;an amendment to sunset the Y-1 non-immigrant visa program after a 5-year period.&#8221; As everyone in the Senate understood, this was a &#8220;poison pill&#8221; designed not to shore up the bill, but sink it. Dorgan got his way, too. <a href="https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&amp;session=1&amp;vote=00201" type="external">The amendment passed 49-48</a>, essentially killing comprehensive immigration reform.</p> <p><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/13/AR2007061301966.html" type="external">Kennedy was incensed</a>. He&#8217;d implored Dorgan and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid not to do it. McCain felt particularly sandbagged by Obama, who&#8217;d inserted himself into the legislative negotiations uninvited, wrangled a concession he wanted, then voted with Dorgan. McCain assumed Obama didn&#8217;t want George W. Bush or himself -- the man Obama expected to face in 2008 -- to get credit for immigration reform. Ted Kennedy, who ended up endorsing Obama over Clinton anyway, believed this, too.</p> <p>Kennedy died in 2009 before he could convince Obama to revisit this issue. It wouldn&#8217;t have mattered. The GOP was becoming more nativist, the Democrats more cynical. The chance for a legislative solution had come and gone.</p> <p>But what about a non-legislative solution? This turned out to be President Obama&#8217;s specialty, the niceties of constitutional democracy be damned. In June 2012, with shifting public opinion polls now in his favor, Obama issued DACA, which he called &#8220;a temporary, stopgap measure&#8221; to curb the practice of deporting undocumented Americans brought to this country before their 16th birthday.</p> <p>Was this constitutional? It might have been, had the president announced that because his Justice Department lacked the personnel to adequately adjudicate 11 million cases, it was necessary to prioritize law enforcement&#8217;s areas of emphasis and that, henceforth, no federal government resources would be spent on deporting the &#8220;Dreamers.&#8221; Wink. Wink.</p> <p>But that&#8217;s not what Obama did. He announced a formal new government program granting work permits to those without papers. This &#8220;temporary, stopgap&#8221; measure superseded existing federal immigration law and, two years later, Obama sought to expand DACA, prompting a legal challenge from several states. Was the president on shaky constitutional ground? One assumes so, if for no other reason than Obama repeatedly said so himself &#8211; and he did it in precise and colorful language.</p> <p>On Cinco de Mayo in 2010, he said, &#8220;Anybody who tells you &#8230; that I can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn't been paying attention to how this town works.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I am president, I am not king,&#8221; he said that October. &#8220;I can't do these things just by myself.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;I know some here wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that&#8217;s not how democracy works,&#8221; he said in April 2011.</p> <p>&#8220;I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books,&#8221; he added in July 2011. &#8220;&#8230; Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting &#8230; but that's not how our system works. That's not how our Constitution is written.&#8221;</p> <p>Later, he had the temerity to claim he hadn&#8217;t changed his stance, a howler that blew the minds of media <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2014/11/18/obamas-flip-flop-on-using-executive-action-on-illegal-immigration/?utm_term=.7f10c3da2f9e" type="external">fact-checkers</a>.</p> <p>So that&#8217;s the backstory to Attorney General Jeff Sessions&#8217; Tuesday announcement that the administration will rescind DACA because it&#8217;s unconstitutional. Trump has not spoken against DACA itself; moreover, he sent out a tweet reassuring &#8220;Dreamers&#8221; that they have nothing to worry about for six months. This gambit suggests that Trump wants DACA codified into law, apparently as part of a comprehensive package.</p> <p>Instead of responding to this overture in a spirit of compromise, Democrats chose vitriol and name-calling, their default position in the Trump era. Luis Guti&#233;rrez, an Illinois congressman, called White House Chief of Staff <a href="http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/politics-government/john-f.-kelly-PEGPF00211-topic.html" type="external">John Kelly</a> a &#8220;disgrace to the uniform he used to wear&#8221; over DACA. Remember last summer when every Democrat and most of the media went medieval on Trump for picking a fight with a Gold Star family? Well, John Kelly is a Gold Star dad, too. Luis Guti&#233;rrez never wore the uniform.</p> <p>For sheer demagoguery, it was hard to top Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton&#8217;s erstwhile rival had this to say: &#8220;Trump&#8217;s decision on DACA is the ugliest and most cruel decision ever made by a president of the U.S. in the modern history of this country.&#8221;</p> <p>When one considers Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal workforce or FDR interning 110,000 Japanese-Americans who committed no crime, the thought occurs that this is possibly the most ignorant utterance by a U.S. senator in the modern history of this country.</p> <p>But historic amnesia was the Democrats&#8217; de facto strategy and, in the interest of efficiency, they used the same talking points. &#8220;Trump is clueless &amp;amp; cruel,&#8221; tweeted former California Sen. Barbara Boxer. &#8220;Above all he is a coward.&#8221;</p> <p>Nancy Pelosi described it as &#8220;cowardice&#8221; and &#8220;cruelty.&#8221; Chuck Schumer called it &#8220;heartless.&#8221;</p> <p>And so it went. One wonders if this was DNC-circulated messaging, drawn up by some 24-year-old staffer. Someone apparently too callow to know that today&#8217;s Democrats are a historic anomaly. Normally Congress likes it when a president respects their prerogative to make law.</p> <p>Or perhaps these talking points weren&#8217;t written by a millennial. Perhaps they were written by a certain ex-president trying to help us forget that when he and Hillary Clinton -- along with Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders -- had the chance to grant 11 million immigrants access to the American Dream, they instead chose, for partisan purposes, to keep them in the shadows.</p> Alzheimer's-Blocking "Super Coffee" May Be The "Memory Saving Discovery" Of The Century
Democrats' DACA Dishonesty
<a type="internal" /> image: wikicommons <p>Here&#8217;s some good advice. Please don&#8217;t place valuables likes money and passports in a planes overhead compartment!</p> <p>A couple was flying from Chicago back to Munich last week when they forgot some very precious and valuable cargo onboard. The couple left a bag containing $166,000 in the planes overhead compartment!</p> <p>Lucky for them, the story has a happy ending&#8230;</p> <p>The couple was able to go through customs using ID cards, not realizing that the bag they left behind contained their passports and &#8220;American cashier&#8217;s checks &#8211; worth a total of $166,000,&#8221; according to <a href="http://www.travelandleisure.com/airlines-airports/couple-leaves-inheritance-on-plane?" type="external">T+L</a>. The man had just inherited the large sum of money from his mother.</p> <p>A cleaner saw the bag on the plane and turned it over to the airline. The airline then gave it to the local police who found the cashier&#8217;s checks inside.</p> <p>When the police figured out who the owners of the bag were, they had already left the airport. According to T+L the &#8220;police tracked them down to their home about two hours away&#8220;.</p> <p>Once the man was told what he had left on the plane he headed right back to the airport to claim the valuable bag!</p> <p>Lucky for them this story ended well!</p>
$166,000 Left in Plane’s Overheard Compartment, Returned To Owners
<p>Governor Cuomo of New York is threatening to sue the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to stop its ongoing raids to detain illegal immigrants wanted for serious crimes like assault and rape. A staggering 80% of those apprehended in recent ICE raids in New York were either convicted criminals or charged with crimes. But Mr. Cuomo is siding with criminals over their victims.</p> <a type="internal" /> <p>He&#8217;s playing politics. Faced with a challenge on his left flank from Cynthia Nixon, he&#8217;s desperate to prove his liberal bona fides. Public safety be damned.</p> <p>The governor is parroting Democrats across the nation who claim ICE should be abolished because it&#8217;s breaking apart families and peaceful communities. The facts prove otherwise. Eighty-eight percent of the illegal immigrants arrested in recent Los Angeles ICE raids and 81% arrested throughout California, according to the latest ICE data, had criminal convictions.</p> <p>These are bad guys. So when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi claims that &#8220;unjust and cruel&#8221; ICE raids &#8220;terrorize innocent immigrant families,&#8221; don&#8217;t buy it.</p> <p>Mr. Cuomo is making the same bogus claim. Last Thursday, the governor <a href="https://nypost.com/2018/04/25/cuomo-threatens-to-sue-ice-over-immigration-raids/" type="external">denounced an ICE raid</a> on an Upstate farm looking for Marcial DeLeon-Aguilar, a three-time deportee convicted for felony aggravated assault. Mr. Cuomo complained that Aguilar&#8217;s children had to watch their father being pinned by officers to block his escape.</p> <p>What about families victimized by violent illegals?</p> <p>Since January 2016, at least 25 Long Island youths have been executed by the MS-13 gang of Central American illegals. Some of the victims were left so mutilated they could hardly be identified. MS-13 beats the youngsters with baseball bats, puts plastic bags over their heads to suffocate them and then slices off their noses, ears and lips with machetes. No one reads these victims their constitutional rights.</p> <p>ICE&#8217;s Operation Matador targets MS-13 gang members. Yet Mr. Cuomo seems angrier at the ICE agents than at the MS-13 butchers.</p> <p>Laughably, Mr. Cuomo issued a &#8220;cease and desist&#8221; letter to ICE last week, ordering federal agents to touch base with local police before taking enforcement action. Mr. Cuomo doesn&#8217;t have a leg on which to stand. Check the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution: Uncle Sam doesn&#8217;t need Andrew Cuomo&#8217;s permission to enforce federal laws.</p> <p>Why the surge in visible, violent sweeps? ICE is forced to conduct sweeps out in residential communities because New York&#8217;s sanctuary laws are preventing the agency from taking custody of criminal aliens before they&#8217;re released from jail, like the agency used to do. As ICE&#8217;s Deputy Director Thomas Homan points out, these sanctuary policies are needlessly exposing New Yorkers to violence.</p> <p>Mr. Cuomo is mimicking California Democrats, who are in open rebellion against federal law enforcement. In February, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf issued a public alert about a planned ICE raid in her city before it took place, tipping off hundreds of wanted criminals to scatter. Attorney General Sessions said to Ms. Shaaf, &#8220;How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of law enforcement just to promote your radical open borders agenda?&#8221;</p> <p>Political pandering is driving this agenda. An amazing 27% of California&#8217;s population are immigrants. Immigrants disproportionately favor big government. California hasn&#8217;t elected a statewide Republican since 2006. New York is moving in the same direction, with 23% of its population foreign-born and Democrats gaining increasing control of state government.</p> <p>Mr. Cuomo and other Democrats have been resisting the federal crackdown on immigrant-related crime and calling for increased spending on after-school music and sports programs to provide an &#8220;alternative&#8221; to gang activity in immigrant communities. That&#8217;s nonsense. Brutes willing to torture and mutilate a human being with a machete will not be dissuaded by learning to play the flute.</p> <p>President Trump calls them &#8220;animals&#8221; who have turned peaceful neighborhoods &#8220;into bloodstained killing fields.&#8221; He&#8217;s got the right plan: &#8220;We will find you. We will arrest you. We will jail you. And we will deport you.&#8221;</p> <p>Ms. McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.</p> <p>receive the latest by email: subscribe to the new york sun's free <a type="internal">mailing list</a></p>
Cuomo Threatens Suit Against the Feds On Immigration Battle
<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/" type="external">Permission</a> <a type="internal">Details</a> <a type="internal">DMCA</a></p> <p>As I predicted, the erasing of American history will not be limited to Confederate monuments. Last week a member of the board of trustees of the Dallas, Texas, school district <a href="http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/09/schools_named_after_jefferson_madison_and_franklin_targeted_for_renaming_in_dallas.html" type="external">recommended changing the name</a> of James Madison High School. James Madison was the father of the US Constitution, considered by Identity Politics, the political ideology of the Democratic Party and the American liberal/progressive/left, to be a "racist document."</p> <p>From a British reader comes the news that the various segments of Western society divided into victim groups by Identity Politics have divided very finely and have turned on one another. On September 13, the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) and their bitter enemies, Trans Activists, <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4891484/Fists-fly-politically-correct-rally.html" type="external">clashed in a fist fight</a> in London's Hyde Park. 60-year-old Maria MacLachlan, who describes herself as a "gender critical feminist," was knocked to the ground.</p> <p>The presstitutes at the New York Times even use the crossword puzzle to spread their lies and disinformation. This morning one of the clues was "like the peninsula seized by Russia in 2014." The NYT is referring to Crimea, for 300 years a Russian province with a Russian population that voted by a 97% majority to rejoin Russia when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in a coup. The NYT presstitutes treat this exercise in democracy as "Russian aggression." As the "newspaper of record," clearly the record is falsified.</p> <p>My northern acquaintances believe that the South, by definition, is racist even though the cities that were the heart of the Confederacy are ruled by black mayors. The mayor of Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy, Levar Stoney, is black.</p> <p>The mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, is black.</p> <p>The Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina, Stephen Benjamin, is black.</p> <p>Because of Identity Politics, these black mayors cannot prevent southern history from being cast down the Memory Hole. Any black mayor who stood up for historical truth would be branded an "Uncle Tom."</p> <p>There is no greater absurdity than moving history off its factual basis and substituting a fictional basis as dictated by Identity Politics.</p> <p>In the United States -- indeed, in the entirely of the Western world -- history has become a construction that serves not the truth but special interests. This is the reason that the Western World is doomed. Peoples whose history is destroyed are defenceless. They have no idea who they are.</p> How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home
The Absurdities Mount
<p>He thinks children these days have too much freedom.</p> <p>She has the freedom to do as she likes.</p> <p>a political prisoner struggling to win his freedom</p> Recent Examples of freedom from the Web <p>These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'freedom.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. <a type="internal">Send us feedback</a>.</p>
Definition of freedom
<p>Hurricane Harvey reveals an America that many in the media seem not to know exists: a multi-ethnic, multiracial country where people, for the most part, get along. For those who claim that President Donald Trump "coarsened" our politics and "set back race relations," Hurricane Harvey was pretty bad optics.</p> <p>Only weeks ago, some Democrats were counting the days toward Trump's impeachment and an early departure from the presidency. But last week they saw Trump, in Texas, looking quite presidential in his role as comforter in chief. They saw photos of a president soothing and embracing survivors, no matter their race or gender or sexual orientation. If he is a germaphobe, his fear must be in remission, as he hugged adult survivors and held kids in his arms. Texans, including black ones, appeared pleased by Trump's visit even as Democrats like Maxine Waters have denounced him as "racist," calling for his impeachment as Harvey was bearing down on Texas.</p> <p>Imagine this: neighbors helping neighbors, irrespective of race. But really, this is an old American story. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to this fascinating new country called the United States of America in the 1830s. He wrote about what he considered an astonishing number of "mutual aid societies," or charitable organizations and clubs set up to help a community's needy. Tocqueville wrote: "Americans group together to hold fetes, found seminaries, build inns, construct churches, distribute books, dispatch missionaries to the antipodes. They establish hospitals, prisons, schools by the same method. Finally, if they wish to highlight a truth or develop an opinion by the encouragement of a great example, they form an association. ...</p> <p>"The love and respect of your neighbors must be gained by a long series of small services, hidden deeds of goodness, a persistent habit of kindness, and an established reputation of selflessness. ... I have seen Americans making great and sincere sacrifices for the key common good and a hundred times I have noticed that, when needs be, they almost always gave each other faithful support."</p> <p>Tocqueville considered Americans' remarkable spirit of charitable giving a matter of enlightened self-interest: "American moralists do not claim that one must sacrifice oneself for one's fellows because it is a fine thing to do but they are bold enough to say that such sacrifices are as necessary to the man who makes them as to those gaining from them. ... They do not, therefore, deny that every man can pursue his own self-interest but they turn themselves inside out to prove that it is in each man's interest to be virtuous. ... Enlightened self-love continually leads them to help one another and inclines them to devote freely a part of their time and wealth to the welfare of the state."</p> <p>America just elected and re-elected a black president. Still, President Barack Obama famously said racism is "still part of (America's) DNA." Well, America's DNA clearly changed, and dramatically so. In 1958, when Gallup asked whether Americans would vote for a black person for president, 54 percent said, "No." A 2006 Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found just 3 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats said they would not vote for a black presidential candidate. In fact, more Americans (14 percent) said they would not vote for a Mormon or a 72-year-old than the number who refused to vote for a black president.</p> <p>In the 1950s, interracial black-white marriages were extremely rare. Today, intermarriage of all races and ethnicities accounts for 17 percent of all marriages. This is why sane observers of O.J. Simpson's 1995 murder trial considered its defense a joke: that LAPD officers, including an Asian-American criminalist, seething at Simpson for having married a blue-eyed blonde, leaped at their opportunity to frame him. In liberal Los Angeles, where intermarriage is common? In the 1950s over 90 percent of Americans disapproved of black-white marriages, while recent polls say about 90 percent approve.</p> <p>If America were as racist as many in the media think, why do blacks excel in two of the most competitive fields -- sports and entertainment? On Forbes' list of highest-earning celebrities, blacks occupy seven of the top 25 slots, including Sean Combs, who clocks in at $130 million annually; Beyonce at $105 million; and Drake at $94 million.</p> <p>On Forbes' list of highest-earning athletes, blacks occupy 13 of the top 25 spots, including LeBron James at $86 million; Kevin Durant at $60 million; and Stephen Curry at $47 million.</p> <p>Watch out, Trump-hating media. As more blacks recognize that Republicans are not out to get them, and they look at cities like Detroit under Democratic leadership, Trump can potentially tip the black vote in his party's direction more than any Republican since Abraham Lincoln.</p> <p>COPYRIGHT 2017 LAURENCE A. ELDER DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM</p> Secret Message from God Found in Human DNA (See What It Says)
Harvey Shows America's Colorblind Spirit -- Bad News for Race Hustlers
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Conjugaison anglaise du verbe TO RESERVE
<p>President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that his administration &#8220;will be taking strong action today&#8221; to address what he complained are especially weak border security protections that must be addressed by Congress and the construction of a border wall.</p> <p>&#8220;Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico &amp;amp; Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW!&#8221; Trump wrote on Twitter. &#8220;The Democrats stand in our way - they want people to pour into our country unchecked....CRIME! We will be taking strong action today.&#8221;</p> <p>Trump&#8217;s online post, which did not come with further details as to what steps his administration would take, came one day after he announced that he would deploy U.S. troops to guard the southern border with Mexico until his promised border wall is completed.</p> <p>White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said later Tuesday that Trump&#8217;s plan would mobilize the National Guard, which his two immediate predecessors had also done along the U.S.-Mexico border, and also press Congress to take steps to close &#8220;loopholes&#8221; in the nation&#8217;s immigration laws. Sanders did not say when or how many troops Trump would mobilize or where they would be deployed.</p> <p>The president has been especially preoccupied with border security this week, seemingly agitated by a group of migrants, mostly from Honduras, that was making its way north through Mexico, past immigration checkpoints and military bases, en route to the U.S. Trump said Tuesday that that group had been broken up by Mexican authorities, who he said did so only after he demanded they act.</p> <p>More broadly, Trump has struggled to get traction in Congress for his border security priorities, namely that the border wall he promised during the 2016 campaign would be paid for by Mexico. Democrats have thus far been largely unwilling to go along with plans for the president&#8217;s wall. Trump has complained loudly about what he has called their obstructionism and has urged the Senate GOP leadership to do away with the chamber&#8217;s legislative filibuster, something Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed never to do.</p>
Trump teases impending 'strong action' on border security
<p>Trump is so far off the reservation that he is claiming that Republican Special Counsel Robert Mueller is a Democrat who worked for Obama for eight years. Neither of these statements is true.</p> <p>Video:</p> <p>Trump said, &#8220;But you have a group of investigators that are all Democrats. In some cases, they went to the Hillary Clinton celebration that turned out to be a funeral. So you have all these investigators that are Democrats. In all fairness, Bob Mueller worked for Obama for eight years.&#8221;</p> <p>The Special Counsel is not a Democrat. He is a Republican. Robert Mueller did not work for Obama for eight years. He was replaced as FBI Director by James Comey in 2013. In 2011, Obama asked Mueller to say on beyond his initial ten-year term, and the Senate approved his request. <a type="internal">Trump is in complete meltdown mode</a>, and he is inventing reasons out of thin air for why he can&#8217;t sit down for an interview with the Special Counsel. The investigation is not a biased witch hunt against him. The Russia investigation is being run by members of Trump&#8217;s own party.</p> <p>Facts matter. The fact is that Trump is lying and running away from doing an interview with Mueller.</p> <p>For more discussion about this story join our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/1944900445770755/" type="external">Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group.</a></p>
Trump Falsely Claims Republican Robert Mueller Is A Democrat
<p>Nigerian Police personnel of the Kaduna State Police Command are presently carrying out a peaceful protest against the non-payment of their August and September salaries.</p> <p>Eight Police commands namely: Kaduna, Kebbi Gombe, Nasarawa, Ekiti ,Bayelsa, Imo and Ogun are reportedly owing August and September salaries, PREMIUM TIMES learnt.</p> <p>The protest, which cuts across the rank and file of the command, has over 2000 protesters who are gathered in front of the Salaries Office inside the command headquarters.</p> <p>Cyril Abeh, the state commissioner of police, who said the delay in payment was from the finance ministry&#8217;s IPPS office and not the fault of the police, appealed for restraint.</p> <p>&#8220;They are police officers operating under the law, if they misbehave, we will deal with them according to the law. This is mutiny. I am in the field attending to a very important security matter, but will be on my way back to headquarters to address them now,&#8221; he said.</p> <p>Some of the protesting officers accused the minister of finance, Kemi Adeosun of refusing to allow President Muhammadu Buhari to know the &#8221;exact situation regarding the non payment of the police salaries.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;She already lied to Mr President that all is well. How can you fight corruption and you don&#8217;t pay police their two months salaries,&#8221; an officer said.</p>
Nigeria police personnel protest non-payment of salaries
<p>Former George W. Bush communications director Nicolle Wallace reported Tuesday multiple senior Republican officials have told her that to expect that special counsel Robert Mueller is pursuing an obstruction of justice case against President Donald Trump.</p> <p>&#8220;Three Republicans with close ties to the Trump White House, all veterans from previous Republican administrations, tell me that it&#8217;s clear from their conversations and contacts with the president&#8217;s inner circle that Bob Mueller is trying to build an obstruction of justice case,&#8221; MSNBC host of &#8220;Deadline: White House&#8221; reported Tuesday.</p> <p>&#8220;One of them going even farther and saying that the White House is now flying blind and doesn&#8217;t know who else might already be cooperating with Mueller&#8217;s team,&#8221; Wallace explained.</p> <p>That was not the only major news Wallace broke in the first minutes of her show.</p> <p>Wallace also introduced former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, who worked on the staff of both Robert Mueller and James Comey of the FBI.</p> <p>&#8220;Would you surmise that Donald Trump&#8217;s taxes are something that Bob Mueller either has or will seek to obtain?&#8221; Wallace asked.</p> <p>&#8220;I would, Nicolle, and here&#8217;s why. I was a federal prosecutor for a long time and a white collar prosecutor, at the beginning of any case what you need are leads, how do you get those? The first thing you do, you get credit reports and you get tax returns,&#8221; Rosenberg explained.</p> <p>&#8220;I don&#8217;t know that they have the tax returns, but I know what white collar tax attorneys do, they get tax returns,&#8221; Rosenberg noted.</p>
Nicolle Wallace: Ex-White House officials admit Trump’s inner circle is ‘flying blind’ where Mueller investigation is going