graspnet-h5 /
hushell's picture
init from mihai generated h5 files
""" GraspNet dataset processing.
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import as ma
import as scio
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from PIL import Image
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
import cv2
import torch
from collections import abc as container_abcs
from import Dataset
from tqdm import tqdm
from import DataLoader
from time import time
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
from .data_utils import CameraInfo, transform_point_cloud, create_point_cloud_from_depth_image, \
get_workspace_mask, remove_invisible_grasp_points
import h5py
class GraspNetDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, root, valid_obj_idxs, camera='kinect', split='train', remove_invisible=True,
augment=False, limited_data=False, overfitting=False, k_grasps=1, ground_truth_type="topk", caching=True):
self.root = root
self.split = split
self.remove_invisible = remove_invisible
self.valid_obj_idxs = valid_obj_idxs = camera
self.augment = augment
self.k_grasps = k_grasps
self.ground_truth_type = ground_truth_type
self.overfitting = overfitting
self.caching = caching
if overfitting:
limited_data = True
self.limited_data = limited_data
if split == 'train':
self.sceneIds = list(range(100))
elif split == 'test':
self.sceneIds = list(range(100, 190))
elif split == 'test_seen':
self.sceneIds = list(range(100, 130))
elif split == 'test_similar':
self.sceneIds = list(range(130, 160))
elif split == 'test_novel':
self.sceneIds = list(range(160, 190))
if limited_data:
self.sceneIds = self.sceneIds[:10]
self.sceneIds = ['scene_{}'.format(str(x).zfill(4)) for x in self.sceneIds]
filename = f"dataset/{split}_labels"
if limited_data and not overfitting:
filename += "_limited"
if overfitting:
filename += "_overfitting"
filename += ".hdf5"
self.h5_filename = filename
self.h5_file = None
self.grasp_labels_filename = "dataset/grasp_labels.hdf5"
self.grasp_labels_file = None
with h5py.File(self.h5_filename, 'r') as f:
self.len = f['depthpath'].shape[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.len
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self.h5_file is None:
self.h5_file = h5py.File(self.h5_filename, 'r')
ann_id = int(str(self.h5_file['metapath'][index], 'utf-8').split("meta")[1][1:-4])
color = np.array(['colorpath'][index]), dtype=np.float32) / 255.0
depth = np.array(['depthpath'][index]))
# fixing depth image where value is 0
p99 = np.percentile(depth[depth != 0], 99)
# p1 = abs(np.percentile(depth[depth != 0], 1))
depth[depth > p99] = p99
depth[depth == 0] = p99
seg = np.array(['labelpath'][index]))
meta = scio.loadmat(self.h5_file['metapath'][index])
scene = self.h5_file['scenename'][index]
main_path = str(self.h5_file['metapath'][index], 'utf-8').split("meta")[0]
cam_extrinsics = np.load(os.path.join(str(self.h5_file['metapath'][index], 'utf-8').split("meta")[0],
cam_wrt_table = np.load(os.path.join(str(self.h5_file['metapath'][index], 'utf-8').split("meta")[0],
cam_extrinsics =
obj_idxs = meta['cls_indexes'].flatten().astype(np.int32)
poses = meta['poses']
intrinsic = meta['intrinsic_matrix']
factor_depth = meta['factor_depth']
except Exception as e:
# h_ratio = 800 / 720
# w_ratio = 1333 / 1280
camera = CameraInfo(1280.0, 720.0, intrinsic[0][0], intrinsic[1][1], intrinsic[0][2], intrinsic[1][2], factor_depth)
## generate cloud required to remove invisible grasp points
#cloud = create_point_cloud_from_depth_image(depth, camera, organized=True)
obj_bounding_boxes = []
for i, obj_idx in enumerate(obj_idxs):
if obj_idx not in self.valid_obj_idxs:
if (seg == obj_idx).sum() < 50:
seg_cpy = seg.copy()
seg_cpy[seg != obj_idx] = 0
seg_cpy[seg == obj_idx] = 1
seg_labels = label(seg_cpy)
regions = regionprops(seg_labels)
# b has start_height, start_width, end_height, end_width = (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
b = regions[0].bbox
# saved bbox has xyxy
H, W = seg.shape[0], seg.shape[1]
obj_bounding_boxes.append(np.array([b[1] / W, b[0] / H, b[3] / W, b[2] / H])[None].repeat(self.k_grasps, 0))
obj_bounding_boxes = np.concatenate(obj_bounding_boxes, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
ret_dict = {}
#ret_dict['point_cloud'] = cloud.transpose((2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['color'] = color.transpose((2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['depth'] = (depth / camera.scale).astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['objectness_label'] = seg.astype(np.int32)
ret_dict['obj_bounding_boxes'] = obj_bounding_boxes
ret_dict['camera_intrinsics'] = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate([intrinsic.reshape(-1), factor_depth[0]]), -1).astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['camera_extrinsics'] = cam_extrinsics.astype(np.float32)
#ret_dict['transformed_points'] = transformed_points.astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['obj_idxs'] = obj_idxs
return ret_dict
def load_valid_obj_idxs():
obj_names = list(range(88))
valid_obj_idxs = []
for i, obj_name in enumerate(obj_names):
if i == 18: continue
valid_obj_idxs.append(i + 1) # here align with label png
return valid_obj_idxs
def my_worker_init_fn(worker_id):
np.random.seed(np.random.get_state()[1][0] + worker_id)