{ "en": "The arts gallery in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Trsat features a reliquary of Barbara Frankopan from the 15th century, a silver statue of Our Lady from the 16th century (a gift of ban Tomo Bakač-Erdödy), a silver crown for the votive statue (1615), a gift of the faithful, and other items of interest. The collection from the Cathedral of St. Vitus features Jesuitical mass vestments, chasubles and dalmatics, a pluviale from the period between the 17th century and the second half of the 18th century, liturgical items and sculptures in silver and gilding like statues, chalices, monstrances and reliquaries.", "hr": "Riznica i galerija umjetnina svetišta Majke Božje Trsatske čuva relikvijar Barbare Frankopan (15. st.), kip Majke Božje (srebro, 16. st.), dar bana Tome Bakača-Erdödyja, krune za zavjetni kip (srebro, 1615.), dar vjernika i dr. U zbirci katedrale sv. Vida ističu se isusovačko misno ruho, kazule i dalmatike, pulvijal iz razdoblja 17. do druge polovine 18. st., liturgijski predmeti i skulpture u srebru i pozlati, poput kipova, kaleža, monstranca i relikvijara." }
{ "en": "The oldest item in the collection is a gilded copper brass processional cross, made in the 15th century, before the Jesuits.", "hr": "Najstariji je predmet zbirke procesijski križ od pozlaćenoga bakrenoga lima iz 15. st., prije isusovaca." }
{ "en": "The Museum of Sacred Arts in Osor on the island of Cres is located in the former bishop’s court, and the City Museum (the former Town Hall from the 15th century) looks after a valuable archaeological collection.", "hr": "Muzej sakralne umjetnosti Osora smješten je u bivšem biskupskom dvoru, dok je u Gradskome muzeju (nekadašnjoj gradskoj vjećnici iz 15. stoljeća) vrijedna arheološka zbirka." }
{ "en": "In Dobrinj on the island of Krk there is a museum of sacred artefacts and ethnography from 1996 with a collection of silverware, woodenware, paintings and books.", "hr": "U Dobrinju na otoku Krku sakralni je i etnografski muzej iz 1996., sa zbirkom srebrnine, drvenine, platna i knjiga." }
{ "en": "The Mozaico collection of sacred artefacts is exhibited in the church of St. Quirinus (crkva sv. Kvirina) in Krk.", "hr": "Izložbena zbirka sakralne umjetnosti »Mozaico« u crkvi je sv. Kvirina u Krku." }
{ "en": "The monastery on the small island of Košljun has been carefully protecting valuable heritage for almost half a millennium.", "hr": "Samostan na Košljunu čuva vrijednu baštinu već pola tisućljeća." }
{ "en": "In the Franciscan church of the Annunciation (1523), the main altar features a polyptych by Girolamo da Santacroce from 1535, and the lateral altar a depiction of St. Francis by an unknown Venetian artist from the 16th century. The triumphal arch has a large composition, The Last Judgment by E. Ughetto from 1653.", "hr": "U franjevačkoj crkvi Navještenja (1523.), na glavnom oltaru je poliptih Girolama da Santacrocea iz 1535., a na bočnom slika Sv. Franjo, rad nepoznatog mletačkog majstora iz 16. st., dok je na trijumfalnom luku velika kompozicija Posljednji sud E. Ughetta iz 1653. g." }
{ "en": "The monastery’s museum also displays a collection of artistic craftsmanship as well as icons and paintings, among them the works by Krk’s master Fran Jurić (Krk, 1693 – 1755), a priest and self-taught painter.", "hr": "U samostanskom muzeju je i zbirka predmeta umjetničkoga obrta te ikone i slike, među kojima su i radovi krčkog majstora Frana Jurića (Krk, 1693. – 1755.), svećenika i samoukog slikara." }
{ "en": "His most valuable work is Virgin and Saints (1724) on the main altar of the parish church in Baška.", "hr": "Najvrjednije mu je djelo Majka Božja sa svecima (1724.) na glavnom oltaru župne crkve u Baški." }
{ "en": "The Franciscan monastery on Košljun displays his signed painting Blessed Virgin Mary and Child and St. John the Baptist(1725) and a series of paintings from 1728 in the church choir.", "hr": "U franjevačkom samostanu na Košljunu njegova je potpisana slika Blažena Djevica Marija s Isusom i sv. Ivanom Krstiteljem (1725.) i niz slika iz 1728. s pjevališta crkve." }
{ "en": "In 1731 he depicted the ceiling in the chapel of St. Anthony in Vrbnik.", "hr": "U Vrbniku je 1731. oslikao tabulat u kapeli sv. Ante." }
{ "en": "Franjo and his brother Ante had the only painter’s workshop registered so far on the island of Krk.", "hr": "Franjo i njegov brat Ante imali su do sada jedinu zabilježenu slikarsku radionicu na otoku Krku." }
{ "en": "Sacred painting of the 17th century in Rijeka was in its heyday in the third decade of the century when the whole region experienced a general progress after the foundation of the Jesuit Gymnasium in Rijeka.", "hr": "Sakralno slikarstvo 17. stoljeća u Rijeci bilježi značajnije rezultate u trećem desetljeću stoljeća, kada je došlo do općeg napretka u regiji, nakon osnutka Isusovačke gimnazije u Rijeci." }
{ "en": "This period was marked by the work of three exceptional artists on Kvarner.", "hr": "Tada su na području Kvarnera djelovala tri istaknuta slikara." }
{ "en": "The first of them is Ivan Franjo Gladić (Rijeka, ca. 1605 – ca. 1680), whose pala (a kind of altar frontal, antependium) Handing the keys to St. Peter from 1640 is located in the church of Our Lady of the Assumption.", "hr": "Prvi je Ivan Franjo Gladić (Rijeka, oko 1605. – oko 1680.), čija se oltarna pala Predaja ključeva sv. Petru (1640.) nalazi u zbornoj crkvi Uznesenja Marijina." }
{ "en": "The second important painter is Ivan Krstitelj Cosmini (Kozmina) from Rijeka whose pala The Three Magi (1687) is located in the chapel of the Immaculate Conception in the Augustine monastery in Rijeka.", "hr": "Drugi je Ivan Krstitelj Cosmini (Kozmina), Riječanin čija je pala Sveta tri Maga (1687.) u kapeli Bezgrešnog začeća Augustinskoga samostana u Rijeci." }
{ "en": "The third and most significant author is father Serafin Schön (Menzingen/Switzerland, (?) – Trsat, 1642) who came to Trsat monastery in 1630 where he left seven oil paintings and one wall painting.", "hr": "Treći i najznačajniji je fra Serafin Schön (Menzingen / Švicarska (?) – Trsat, 1642.), koji je došao u samostan na Trsatu 1630. i tu ostavio sedam slika u ulju i jednu zidnu sliku." }
{ "en": "His oldest works are the three altar palas from 1631 in Trsat’s church – St. Michael, St. Nicholas with intercessors and St. Catherine with martyrs.", "hr": "Njegova najstarija djela su tri oltarne pale iz 1631. u trsatskoj crkvi – Sv. Mihovil, Sv. Nikola sa zagovornicima i Sv. Katarina s mučenicima." }
{ "en": "He is also claimed to have made the compositions from Mary’s life in the new cloister’s lunettes.", "hr": "Pripisuje mu se i kompozicija iz Marijina života u lunetama novog klaustra." }
{ "en": "The painting Our Lady of Loretto from 1632 is kept in the Franciscan monastery on Trsat that also hosts the large composition Mystical Supper (1640), Schön’s most important work.", "hr": "Slika Majka Božja Loretska iz 1632. čuva se u franjevačkom samostanu na Trsatu gdje je, u samostanskoj blagovaonici, i velika kompozicija Mistična večera (1640.), ujedno najznačajnije Schönovo djelo." }
{ "en": "Valentin Metzinger (St. Avold / France, 1699 – Ljubljana 1759) was an educated 18th century artist who worked in the Kvarner area.", "hr": "Valentin Metzinger (St. Avold / Francuska, 1699. – Ljubljana 1759.) školovani je umjetnik iz 18. stoljeća, koji djeluje na kvarnerskom području." }
{ "en": "Six of his paintings depicting St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Ladislav the King, St. Bonaventura, St. Paškval and St. John of Capistrano are displayed in a corridor of the Franciscan monastery on Trsat; the church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Rijeka contains his altar palas depicting St. Anthony the Abbot and St. Philip Neri.", "hr": "U hodniku franjevačkoga samostana na Trsatu nalazi se šest njegovih slika na kojima su prikazani sv. Franjo Asiški, sv. Ante Padovanski, sv. Ladislav Kralj, sv. Bonaventura, sv. Paškval i sv. Ivan Kapistan; u zbornoj crkvi Uznesenja Marijina u Rijeci nalaze se njegove oltarne pale s prikazima sv. Ante opata i sv. Filipa Nerrija." }
{ "en": "One of his most valuable works from 1757 is a representative altarpiece (pala) depicting St. Margaret, Helena and Agnes on the lateral altar in the church of St. Margaret (built in 1668) in Bakar. (On the location of the medieval church a new parish church was built in 1830 which includes the altar painting by Girolamo da Santacroce The Holy Trinity from the 16th century).", "hr": "Jedno od njegovih najvrjednijih djela iz 1757.g., reprezentativna je pala s prikazima sv. Margerete, Jelene i Agneze na bočnom oltaru crkve sv. Margarete (iz 1668.g.) u Bakru. (Na mjestu srednjovjekovne sagrađena je nova župna crkva (1830.g.), u kojoj se nalazi i oltarna slika Girolama da Santacrocea (, Sv. Trojstvo)." }
{ "en": "The most valuable work by Valentin Metzinger in Gorski kotar is the altarpiece (pala) in the baroque church of St. Anthony of Padua in Čabar.", "hr": "Na području Gorskoga kotara najvrjednijim se djelom Valentina Metzingera smatra oltarna pala u baroknoj crkvi sv. Antuna Padovanskoga u Čabru." }
{ "en": "Unknown artists used to work across the wider area of Opatija.", "hr": "Nepoznati majstori djelovali su u više mjesta opatijskoga primorja." }
{ "en": "In Kastav they created the painting of All Saints / Mary’s Coronation in the parish church of St. Helene (crkva Sv. Jelene) and the painting of Madonna with St. George and St. Stephen in the church of St. Sebastian.", "hr": "U Kastvu su izradili sliku Svi sveti / Krunjenje Marijino u župnoj crkvi sv. Jelene te Bogorodicu sa svetim Jurjem i sv. Stjepanom u crkvi sv. Sebastijana." }
{ "en": "The Lovran parish church of St. George (crkva sv. Jurja) displays a painting of St. Anthony of Padua, and the parish church of St. Andrew (crkva sv. Andrije) in Mošćenice features a painting of St. Andrew and St. Cezarej.", "hr": "U lovranskoj župnoj crkvi sv. Jurja iza njih je ostala slika Sv. Ante Padovanski, a u župnoj crkvi sv. Andrije u Mošćenicama nalazimo sliku Sv. Andrija i Sv. Cezarej." }
{ "en": "The works by unknown artists from the 17th century in Bakar include the paintings of Christ on the Cross in the parish church of St. Andrew (crkva sv. Andrije), Madonna of sadness in the church of St. Margaret, St. Aurelius in the parish church of St. George (crkva sv. Jurja) and the Lamentation of Christ in the parish church of St. Nicholas (crkva sv. Nikole).", "hr": "Među djelima nepoznatih slikara iz 17. st. u Bakru su slike Krist na križu u župnoj crkvi sv. Andrije, Bogorodica od Žalosti u crkvi sv. Margarete i Sv. Aurelije u župnoj crkvi sv. Jurja te Oplakivanje Krista u župnoj crkvi sv. Nikole." }
{ "en": "The painting Veronica’s scarf by an unknown artist from that period is located in the parish office in Kraljevica.", "hr": "Slika Veronikin rubac, nepoznatog majstora iz toga razdoblja, nalazi se u župnom uredu u Kraljevici." }
{ "en": "The Churches in Veli Lošinj mostly feature works of art imported by Lošinj’s naval captains who bought them at auctions of Venetian churches.", "hr": "U crkvama Velog Lošinja importirani je inventar u kojem prevladavaju umjetnine što su ih lošinjski kapetani kupovali na dražbama ukinutih mletačkih crkava." }
{ "en": "The church of St. Anthony (crkva sv. Antuna) from the 15th century displays the paintings Virgin and Child with Saints by Bartolomeo Vivarini (1440–1499), St. Francis by Bernard Strozzi (1581−1644), St. John the Baptist by Lattanzio Querena (1768 – 1853), Adoration of the Kings by Francesco Hayez (1791−1882), St. Gregory by Francesco del Cossa (1435−1477) and Souls in the Purgatory by F. Potenza.", "hr": "U crkvi sv. Antuna iz 15. st. nalaze se Bogorodica s djetetom i svecima Bartolomea Vivarinija (1440. – 1499.), Sv. Franjo Bernarda Strozzija (1581. – 1644.) , Sv. Ivan Krstitelj Lattanzia Querene (1768. – 1853.), Poklonstvo kraljeva Francesca Hayeza (1791. – 1882.), Sv. Grgur Francesca del Cosse (1435. – 1477.) i Duše u čistilištu F. Potenze." }
{ "en": "The church of Our Lady of the Assumption (crkva Marijina uzašašća) from 1510 houses the paintings of St. Hildebrand and St. Francis of Assisi by Francesco Fontebass (1709 – 1769), as well as several anonymous works from the period between the 16th and 18th centuries.", "hr": "U crkvi Marijina uzašašća iz 1510. nalaze se slike Sv. Hildebrand i Sv. Franjo Asiški Francesca Fontebassa (1709. – 1769.), uz više anonimnih radova iz razdoblja od 16. - 18. st." }
{ "en": "Lošinj’s maritime character is also reflected in votive paintings by sailors from the 18th century in the church of St. Nicholas (crkva sv. Nikole) in Veli Lošinj and those from the 19th century in the church of Our Lady of the Annunciation (crkva Marijina Navještenja) in Čikat in Mali Lošinj.", "hr": "Pomorski karakter Lošinja prate i zavjetne slike pomoraca iz 18. st. u crkvi sv. Nikole u Velom Lošinju i one iz 19. st. u crkvici Navještenja na Čikatu u Malom Lošinju." }
{ "en": "Sacred painting on the island of Rab includes many valuable pieces of art.", "hr": "Sakralno slikarstvo otoka Raba bilježi vrijedne umjetničke domete." }
{ "en": "Today’s parish church (until 1828 the Cathedral of St. Mary the Great - katedrala sv. Marije Velike) hosts an altarpiece (pala) depicting Virgin and Child from the 14th century, supposedly by Guariento d’Arpo from Paolo Veneziano’s circle.", "hr": "U današnjoj nadžupnoj crkvi (do 1828. katedrala sv. Marije Velike) nalazi se oltarna pala Bogorodice s Djetetom iz 14. st., pripisana mletačkom slikaru Guarientu d'Arpu iz slikarskoga kruga Paola Venezijana." }
{ "en": "This church also displays a work of late Venetian baroque (between 1746 and 1756), The Assumption.", "hr": "U istoj crkvi je i djelo kasnomletačkoga baroka, (između 1746. i 1756.), Uznesenje Bogorodice." }
{ "en": "The church of St. Anthony the Abbot (crkva sv. Antuna Opata) includes an altarpiece (pala) depicting St. Joachim and Anthony, a work by Mateo Ponzoni from the 17th century.", "hr": "U crkvi sv. Antuna Opata oltarna je pala s prikazom sv. Joakima i Ante, rad Matea Ponzonija iz 17. st." }
{ "en": "Beside the Benedictine monastery of St. Andrew is a monastery church built in the mid-11th century.", "hr": "Uz samostan benediktinki sv. Andrije samostanska je crkva izgrađena sredinom 11. st." }
{ "en": "In the northern apse of the church is a renaissance crucifix with a depiction of Lamentation.", "hr": "U sjevernoj apsidi crkve renesansno je raspelo sa slikanim prikazom Oplakivanja." }
{ "en": "The main altar in the church of St. Andrew contains an altarpiece (pala) by the Venetian painter A. Novelli from 1765.", "hr": "Na glavnom oltaru crkve sv. Andrije oltarna je pala rad mletačkog slikara A. Novellija iz 1765." }
{ "en": "There is also the valuable Cretan-Byzantine painting of the Virgin Mary with Christ in her arms from the 16th century, whose silver-golden icon frame was made by a Venetian goldsmith in the 18th century.", "hr": "Tamo je i vrijedna kretsko-bizantska slika Bogorodica s Kristom u naručju iz 16. st., kojoj je srebrno-zlatni okvir ikone izradio mletački zlatar iz 18. st." }
{ "en": "Inside the monastery is a Cretan-Venetian painting Lamentation of Christ from the 16th century.", "hr": "U samostanu je slika Oplakivanje Krista, kretsko-mletački rad iz 16. st." }
{ "en": "The church of St. Justine from 1574 is home to an altarpiece (pala) with a depiction of St. Justine and characters from the Battle of Lepanto from the 17th century by a Flemish painter, Baldasare d’Ana.", "hr": "U crkvi sv. Justine, iz 1574., nalazi se oltarna pala, prikaz Sv. Justine i likova vezanih uz bitku kod Lepanta, iz 17. st., flamanskog slikara Baldasare d'Ane." }
{ "en": "The altarpiece in the same church with the depiction of Death of St. Joseph is a work by the Venetian painters’ workshop from the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.", "hr": "Oltarna pala u istoj crkvi s prikazom Smrt sv. Josipa, rad je mletačke slikarske radionice na prijelazu 16. u 17. st." }
{ "en": "A polyptych from the ruins of the church of St. John the Evangelist, with the central composition of the Crucifixion and figures of the saints (from the 14th century), is credited to the best painter of the Venetian trecento, Paolo Veneziano.", "hr": "Poliptih koji potječe iz porušene crkve sv. Ivana Evanđelista, sa središnjom kompozicijom Raspeća i likovima svetaca (iz 14. st.) pripisan je najboljem slikaru mletačkog trecenta Paolu Venezijanu." }
{ "en": "Virgin with Christ in her arms and the angels is a work by a Spanish painter Zuano Buschet from the 16th century.", "hr": "Bogorodica s Kristom u krilu i anđelima djelo je španjolskoga slikara Zuana Buscheta iz 16. st." }
{ "en": "The lower part of the altarpiece in the church of the Holy Cross (crkva sv. Križa) includes a depiction of Virgin with Christ in her arms and the angels.", "hr": "U crkvi sv. Križa na donjem dijelu oltarne pale prikaz je Bogorodice s Kristom u krilu među svecima." }
{ "en": "The painting was credited to several master painters of the Venetian settecento, most recently to Giovani Scajara.", "hr": "Slika je bila pripisivana različitim vrhunskim slikarima mletačkoga settecenta, u posljednje vrijeme Giovaniju Scajari." }
{ "en": "The church of St. Anthony of Padua hosts an altarpiece (pala) with the depiction of Virgin with Christ in her arms and the angels by a Venetian baroque painter from the 17th century.", "hr": "U crkvi sv. Ante Padovanskoga oltarna je pala s prikazom Bogorodice s Kristom u krilu i sa svecima, rad mletačkoga baroknog slikara iz 17. st." }
{ "en": "The central building of the Franciscan monastery of St. Euphemia, the church of St. Bernardine houses a late Gothic sanctuary and a depicted baroque ceiling of the naos.", "hr": "U središnjoj građevini franjevačkoga samostana sv. Eufemije, u crkvi sv. Bernardina, kasnogotičko je svetište i barokni oslikani tabulat na stropu naosa." }
{ "en": "The polyptych in the sanctuary with a depiction of the Virgin with Christ in her arms and the angels is a work by Venetian painters, the brothers Antonio and Bartolomeo Vivarini (from 1458). Its golden frame was made by the wood-carver Franciscus.", "hr": "Poliptih svetišta s prikazom Bogorodice s Kristom i grupom svetaca rad je mletačkih slikara, braće Antonija i Bartolomea Vivarinija (iz 1458.g.), a zlatni mu okvir rad drvorezbara Franciscusa." }
{ "en": "Sacred painting on the island of Krk has left us many works of art.", "hr": "Sakralno slikarstvo otoka Krka ostavilo nam je bogat niz ostvarenja." }
{ "en": "Paintings in the cathedral in the town of Krk include: the polyptych St. Lucy by Paolo Veneziano (after 1333) from the Benedictine abbey in Jurandvor near Baška, in the diocese as a part of the collection of works by Italian masters from the 15th and the 16th centuries; The Entombment by Giovanni Antonio Pordenone (Pordenone, 1483 – Ferrara, 1539); four religious paintings: Manna from Heaven, Abraham’s Sacrifice, Multiplication of Bread and The Last Supper by Christophor Tasca (Bergamo, 1667 – Venice, 1737) from 1706; three paintings of the Annunciation St. Francis of Paola, St. Anthony the Abbot and St. John of Nepomuk with the Holy Bishop by Nicola Grassi (1682 – 1748) from the period between 1712 and 1721; and finally the large painting of Our Lady of Carmel by Francesco Zugna (probably from the same period).", "hr": "Iz slikarske baštine grada Krka, u katedrali su: poliptih Sv. Lucija Paola Venezijana (nakon 1333.), iz benediktinske opatije u Jurandvoru kraj Baške, u biskupiji je sa zbirkom talijanskih majstora 15. i 16. st.; Polaganje u grob, Giovanija Antonija Pordenonea (Pordenone, 1483. – Ferrara, 1539.), četiri sakralne slike: Kiša mane, Abrahamova žrtva, Umnožavanje kruha i Posljednja večera (1706.g.) Christophora Tasce (Bergamo, 1667. – Venecija, 1737.) iz 1706. g.; tri slike Blagovijesti Sv. Franjo Paolski, Sv. Ante Opat i Sv. Ivan Nepomuk sa sv. biskupom, Nicole Grassija (1682. – 1748.) iz razdoblja od 1712. do 1721. i velika slika Gospe od Karmela Francesca Zugne (pretpostavlja se iz istog razdoblja)." }
{ "en": "The altar painting of Madonna with saints by Bernardino Licinio (Bergamo, around 1489 – after 1561) is located in the single-aisled Franciscan church from the 12th century (not far from the church of Our Lady of Health - crkva Gospe od Zdravlja).", "hr": "Oltarna slika Madona sa svetcima Bernardina Licinija (Bergamo, oko 1489. – poslije 1561.) smještena je u jednobrodnoj franjevačkoj crkvi iz 12. st. (nedaleko Gospe od Zdravlja)." }
{ "en": "The three-aisled parish church of Holy Trinity (crkva Sv. Trojstva) in Baška (from 1722) displays altar paintings of Our Lady with saints from the end of the 15th century by Marco Marziala (1492 – 1507) and The Last Supper by Jacopo Palma the Younger (1544 – 1628).", "hr": "U trobrodnoj župnoj crkvi sv. Trojstva u Baški ( iz 1722.g.) sačuvane su oltarne slike Majka Božja sa svecima s kraja 15. st." }
{ "en": "The Third Order Franciscan monastery from the 15th century near the church from the 16th century is located in Glavotok on the west coast of the island of Krk.", "hr": "Marca Marziale (1492. – 1507.) i Posljednja večera Jacopa Palme Mlađega (1544. – 1628.) Glavotok, samostan iz 15. st. uz crkvu iz 16. st., franjevaca trećoredaca glagoljaša, nalazi se na zapadnoj obali otoka Krka." }
{ "en": "The main altar of the church features the paintings Blessed Virgin Mary and Child, St. Francis and St. Jerome, presumably by Matteo da Verona (1576 – 1618).", "hr": "Na glavnom oltaru crkve slike su Blažena Djevica Marija s Djetetom, Sv. Franjo i Sv. Jeronim, koje se pripisuju Matteu da Verona (1576. – 1618.)." }
{ "en": "The monastery houses paintings and liturgical items from the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as several Glagolitic inscriptions.", "hr": "U samostanu se nalaze slike i liturgijski predmeti iz 17. i 18. st. uz veći broj glagoljaških natpisa." }
{ "en": "The main altar of the parish church of the Holy Trinity (crkva sv. Trojstva) from 1777 (reconstructed in 1934) includes carvings and sculptures from the 18th century and the altarpiece (pala) St. john preaching in the desert by Domeniko Fedeli called Maggiotto (1713 – 1793).", "hr": "U župnoj crkvi sv. Trojstva iz 1777. (pregrađenoj 1934.) na glavnom oltaru s rezbarijama i skulpturama iz 18. st. oltarna je pala Domenika Fedelija, zvanog Maggiotto (1713. – 1793.), Propovijed sv. Ivana u pustinji." }
{ "en": "The chapel of the church of St. Mary in Vrbnik displays the polyptych of St. Ana, a work by a local painter from the 15th century, and the main altar features the painting The Last Supper by Marino Cvitković from Kotor (1599).", "hr": "U kapeli vrbničke crkve sv. Marije nalazi se poliptih Sv. Ana, domaći rad iz 15. st., a na glavnom oltaru Posljednja večera, Kotoranina Marina Cvitkovića, iz 1599." }
{ "en": "The Dinko Vitezić library in Vrbnik contains a triptych of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saints from the 16th century.", "hr": "U sklopu knjižnice Vrbničanina Dinka Vitezića u vrbničkom Zadružnom domu triptih je Blažena Djevica Marija sa svecima, iz 16. st." }
{ "en": "A Third Order Franciscan monastery was formed in Dubašnica next to the small church of St. Mary Magdalene near the village of Porat around 1480.", "hr": "U Dubašnici se uz malu crkvu sv. Marije Magdalene kraj sela Porat formirao oko 1480. samostan franjevaca trećoredaca (glagoljaša)." }
{ "en": "The church features a polyptych by Girolamo and Francesco de Santacroce (before 1556), and the monastery includes a cultural history museum, library and archive with Glagolitic manuscripts.", "hr": "U crkvi je poliptih Girolama i Francesca da Santacrocea (prije 1556.g), a u samostanu kulturno-povijesni muzej, biblioteka i arhiv s glagoljskim rukopisima." }
{ "en": "The church of St. Maria in Gorica includes paintings by Celestin Medović, (academic Franciscan painter, born in Kuna on the peninsula of Pelješac in 1857, died in Sarajevo in 1920), a renowned artist from the first generation of Croatian modernism.", "hr": "U crkvi sv. Marije na Gorici nalaze se slike Celestina Medovića (akademski slikar franjevac, rođen je u Kuni na Pelješcu 1857, umro u Sarajevu 1920.), istaknutog likovnog umjetnika prvog naraštaja slikara hrvatske moderne." }
{ "en": "Public monuments in Rijeka from the 16th until the 19th century include a series of valuable works that chronologically begin in 1508 with a stendarac, an old town flagpole that is today located in front the former Municipium palace.", "hr": "Javni spomenici Rijeke od 16. do 19. st. čine niz značajnih djela koja kronološki započinju stendaracom, starim gradskim stupom za zastavu iz 1508. Stup se danas nalazi ispred zgrade bivšeg Municipija." }
{ "en": "A famous monument to road building, the Pyramid, is a milestone from the beginning of the 19th century erected on its present location of the part of the town of the same name when the road that connects Rijeka to the cove of Martinšćica was constructed in 1833. Of the monumental Emperor Franz Joseph fountain from 1857, today only the figure of the Emperor remains. it is kept in the Rijeka State Archive.", "hr": "Poznati spomenik cestogradnji, Piramida, miljokaz je s početka 19. st., postavljen na postojećem mjestu istoimenoga gradskog kvarta kada se izgradila cesta koja povezuje grad s uvalom Martinšćicom (1833.) Od monumentalne fontane caru Franji Josipu, što je u Rijeci podignuta 1857., ostala je samo figura cara, danas u prostoru Državnoga arhiva Rijeke." }
{ "en": "Adamićevi svjedoci (Adamić’s witnesses), a work by the stone-carver from Rijeka Giuseppe Capovilla, is now exhibited in the lapidarium of the History and Maritime Museum in Rijeka.", "hr": "Djelo riječkog kamenoresca Giuseppea Capoville Adamićevi svjedoci u lapidariju je Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Hrvatskoga primorja." }
{ "en": "Simone Adamich, a tobacco wholesaler from Rijeka, had them made as a warning against perjury at the end of the 18th century.", "hr": "Simone Adamich, riječki veletrgovac duhanom, dao ih je oblikovati na opomenu krivokletstvu krajem 18. st." }
{ "en": "The Basilisk in Trsat Castle, also known as the Trast Dragon, is a zoomorphic mythological creature and a heraldic adornment on the coat of arms of the Nugent family from the end of the 19th century.", "hr": "Bazilisk na Trsatskoj gradini, ili Trsatski zmaj, zoomorfno je mitsko biće i heraldički ukras grba obitelji Nugent s kraja 19. st." }
{ "en": "Two such sculptures were made by the Viennese sculptor Anton Dominik von Fernkorn (1813 – 1878).", "hr": "Dvije takve skulpture izradio je bečki kipar Anton Dominik von Fernkorn (1813. – 1878.)." }
{ "en": "Public monuments in Rijeka from the second half of the 20th century include many valuable works of art.", "hr": "Javni spomenici Rijeke iz druge polovine 20 st. vrijedna su riznica ostvarenja." }
{ "en": "A monument to health, a fountain with the sculpture of Hygia by the sculptor Zvonko Car has been located in the park of the Rijeka hospital since 1956.", "hr": "Spomenik zdravlju, fontana sa skulpturom Hygia, djelo kipara Zvonka Cara, u parku je riječke bolnice od 1956." }
{ "en": "The stone bust of Frano Supilo in front of the building of the local newspaper Novi list is a work by Julije Csikos Sessija (Zagreb, 1898 – 1978).", "hr": "Kameno poprsje Frana Supila nalazi se ispred zgrade Novoga lista, a oblikovao ga je Julije Csikos Sessija (Zagreb, 1898. – 1978.)." }
{ "en": "The fountain in Kobler square from the 1970s was set up on the 150th anniversary of the paper factory; its creator was the architect from Rijeka Igor Emili (Sušak, 1927 – Rijeka, 1987).", "hr": "Fontana na Koblerovom trgu iz 70-ih godina 20. st. postavljena je u povodu obilježavanja 150. obljetnice Tvornice papira. Autor je riječki arhitekt Igor Emili (Sušak, 1927. – Rijeka,1987.)." }
{ "en": "The academic sculptor from Rijeka Vinko Matković (Sušak, 1911 – Rijeka, 1973) created the grand Monument to the Liberation in the part of the town called Delta (1955), whose pedestal contains reliefs by the sculptor Raoul Goldoni (Split, 1919 – Zagreb, 1983).", "hr": "Riječki akademski kipar Vinko Matković (Sušak, 1911. – Rijeka, 1973.) oblikovao je monumentalni Spomenik oslobođenju na Delti (1955.g.), na čijem postamentu su reljefi kipara Raoula Goldonija (Split,1919. – Zagreb,1983.)." }
{ "en": "Ljubo de Karina is the creator of the monument to the Fallen People from Trsat in World War II (1977), and the Altar - Cross in Trsat cemetery in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Croatian Homeland War (1998).", "hr": "Autor spomenika poginulim Trsaćanima u NOR-u, (1977.) je Ljubo de Karina, a na Trsatskom groblju je i njegov rad iz 1998., Oltar – križ, spomen - obilježje poginulim borcima Domovinskoga rata." }
{ "en": "Works by the sculptor Belizar Bahorić (Sušačka Draga near Rijeka, 1920 – Zagreb, 2002) are exhibited in several locations: a bust of the composer and musician Ivan pl.", "hr": "Spomenici kipara Belizara Bahorića (Sušačka Draga kod Rijeke, 1920. – Zagreb, 2002.) postavljeni na različitim lokacijama u gradu su bista Ivan pl." }
{ "en": "Zajc was placed in the park in front of Rijeka Theatre in the 1980s; the sculpture of the milkmaid Mlikarica dates from the 1990s; the Monument to the Sportsman is located at the sports ground of the Orijent football club, and the sculpture Val (The Wave) on the square in front of the Town Library (2004).", "hr": "Zajca, kompozitora i glazbenika (podignuta 80-ih godina) u parku pred Kazalištem; skulptura Mlikarica (1990-ih), Spomenik sportašu na igralištu NK Orijent i Val na trgu ispred Gradske knjižnice (2004.)." }
{ "en": "The monument to Rijeka’s poet and writer Janko Polić Kamov (Sušak, 1890 – Barcelona, 1910) is a work of the academic sculptor Zvonimir Kamenar from 2000 and is located along the fence of the old Sušak bridge near the Hotel Kontinental.", "hr": "Spomenik (iz 2000.g.) riječkom pjesniku i piscu Janku Poliću Kamovu (Sušak,1890. – Barcelona, 1910.) rad je akademskog kipara Zvonimira Kamenara. Postavljen je uz ogradu starog sušačkog mosta kod Hotela Kontinental." }
{ "en": "Kamenar’s works also include the sculpture in memory of the Fallen soldiers of Kostrena in World War II (1976) and the stone monument to the victims of the Homeland War in Croatia at the 3. maj shipyard in Rijeka.", "hr": "Kamenarove su spomen-skulpture, palim borcima Kostrene u NOB-u (iz 1976.) i kameni spomenik poginulima u Domovinskom ratu za „3. maj” u Rijeci." }
{ "en": "At the eastern entrance to the town (the so-called Plumbum) is a lantern – a monument to friendship – a gift from the town of Kawasaki to Rijeka in 1986.", "hr": "Na istočnom ulazu u grad (Plumbum) je lanterna – spomenik prijateljstva – što ju je japanski grad Kawasaki darovao Rijeci 1986." }
{ "en": "Jelačić square contains Kawasaki, a fountain by the architect Abel Šlosar (Opatija, 1939 – Volosko, 2005) and Maša Uravić from the 1980s, with a sculpture that was donated by the town of Kawasaki.", "hr": "Na Jelačićevu trgu u nalazi se fontana Kawasaki, rad arhitekata Abela Šlosara (Opatija, 1939. – Volosko, 2005.) i Maše Uravić iz 80-ih godina 20. st.. sa skulpturom koju je darovao grad Kawasaki." }
{ "en": "The sculpture Majčinstvo (Motherhood, from 1979) by the academic sculptress Jasna Bogdanović from 1979 is located at the entrance to the Institute for Public Health (Zavod za javno zdravstvo).", "hr": "Skulptura Majčinstvo, akademske kiparice Jasne Bogdanović, iz 1979., pred zgradom je Zavoda za javno zdravstvo." }
{ "en": "The monument to Pope John Paul II called The Trsat Pilgrim (Trsatski hodočasnik) from 2005 by Ante Jurkić, an academic sculptor from Zagreb, is located in Mary’s gardens (Marijin perivoj) of Trsat church.", "hr": "Spomenik papi Ivanu Pavlu II., Trsatski hodočasnik (2005.), rad akademskog kipara iz Zagreba Ante Jurkića, nalazi se u Marijinu perivoju trsatske crkve." }
{ "en": "Public monuments on the Opatija Riviera are often typified by the sculpture Girl with the Seagull, one of the visual symbols of Opatija, created in 1956 by Zvonko Car.", "hr": "Javni spomenici opatijskoga primorja nerijetko se poistovjećuju s kamenom skulpturom Djevojke s galebom na rtu uz nekadašnje groblje, koja je jedan je od vizualnih simbola grada Opatije." }
{ "en": "It is located on the same rock above the sea near the former cemetery on which previously stood the sculpture Madonna del Mare by Hans Rathausky from Graz, who was also creator of the Helios and Selene fountain from 1889 in the park between the church of St. James (crkva sv. Jakova) and the Hotel Imperial.", "hr": "Rad je Zvonka Cara, na sadašnjem mjestu od 1956., gdje je do tada bio kip Madonne del Mare, autora Hansa Rathauskoga iz Graza (njegova je i fontana Helios i Selena iz 1889., u parku između crkve sv. Jakova i Hotela Imperial)." }
{ "en": "A gilded replica of the Madonna now stands in front of the church of St. James.", "hr": "Pozlaćena inačica Madonne pred crkvom je sv. Jakova." }
{ "en": "A series of sculptures by Tatjana Kostanjević (born in 1963 in Rijeka) points to some of Opatija’s more famous visitors, like the ballet dancer Isadora Duncan (2002) and the writer A.P. Chekhov (2003) in Angiolina Park, and the composer Gustav Mahler (2004) in front of the Villa Jeanette.", "hr": "U Opatiji je i niz spomen - skulptura akademske kiparice Tatjane Kostanjević (1963., Rijeka), slavnih posjetitelja Opatije, kao Isidore Duncan (2002.) i A.P. Čehova (2003.) u parku Vile Angioline te Gustava Mahlera (2004.) u Vili Jeanette." }
{ "en": "A relief portrait of Dr. Čedomil Plavšić (1902 – 1987, founder and for many years director of the Thalassotherapia, is exhibited in the Thalassotherapia building (2005).", "hr": "Reljefni portret dr. Čedomila Plavšića (1902. – 1987., osnivač i dugogodišnji direktor Thalassotherapije) postavljen je u Thalassotherapiji (2005.)." }
{ "en": "The creator of the vertical wooden sculpture from the 1990s, Without Title, located in front of Opatija Town Hall, is Mirko Zrinšćak (born 1953 in Volosko).", "hr": "Pred zgradom Grada Opatije skulptura je Bez naziva, drvena vertikala iz 90-ih., kipara Mirka Zrinšćaka (rođenog 1953. godine u Voloskom)." }
{ "en": "He was the first artist from Liburnia to represent Croatia at the Biennale in Venice, in 1995.", "hr": "Zrinšćak je 1995. bio prvi liburnijski umjetnik koji je predstavio Republiku Hrvatsku na venecijanskom Biennalu." }
{ "en": "The façade of the Town Hall (2002) features a bronze bust of the Croatian patriot and politician Dr. Andrija Štanger (Volosko, 1853 – 1934) who was head of the Volosko – Opatija Municipality from 1895 until 1918.", "hr": "Na pročelju zgrade Grada Opatije (2002.) brončana je bista dr. Andrije Štangera (Volosko, 1853. – 1934.), hrvatskog domoljuba i političara, načelnika općine Volosko – Opatija od 1895. do 1918. godine." }
{ "en": "The bust was created by the sculptor Ivan Rendić (Imotski, 1849 – Split, 1932), and the pedestal was made by Ljubo de Karina.", "hr": "Bista je rad kipara Ivana Rendića (Imotski, 1849. – Split, 1932), dok je postolje izradio Ljubo de Karina." }
{ "en": "In front of the Zora Cultural Society (Kulturni dom Zora) in Opatija is the sculpture Nordkapp by Siniša Majkus (born in Rijeka in 1962).", "hr": "U Matuljima je (1998.g.) skulptura Linné, rad akademskog kipara Siniše Majkusa (Rijeka, 1962)." }
{ "en": "His work Linné from 1998 is exhibited in Matulji.", "hr": "Pred Kulturnim domom Zora u Opatiji (1998.) njegova je suvremena skulptura Nordkapp." }
{ "en": "Public monuments in the Vinodol region include various works by Zvonko Car in Crikvenica.", "hr": "Javni spomenici vinodolskoga primorja brojni su." }
{ "en": "The park of the Hotel Kaštel features a monument to the writer Vladimir Nazor by Zdenko Kolacio (architect and town planner, Sušak, 1914 – Zagreb, 1987) and the stone sculpture of St. John the Nepomuk from 1735, restored in 1980 by the sculptor Zvonimir Kamenar.", "hr": "U Crikvenici su, uz djela Zvonka Cara, spomenik Vladimiru Nazoru, u parku kod Hotela Kaštel, autora Zdenka Kolacija (arhitekt i urbanist, Sušak,1914. – Zagreb,1987.), a kameni kip sv. Ivana Nepomuka, pred istim hotelom, iz 1735., restaurirao je 1980. kipar Zvonimir Kamenar." }
{ "en": "Monuments to Julije Klović, a great artist from our region, are exhibited in Drivenik and Grižane.", "hr": "Spomenici velikom umjetniku našega kraja Juliju Kloviću nalaze se u Driveniku i Grižanama." }
{ "en": "The monument in Drivenik is a work of Zvonko Car and is located in front of the old primary school, while the monument in Grižane is a medallion with the figure of the painter, a work by Ivan Belobrajić (Tribalj, 1933).", "hr": "U Driveniku se nalazi ispred stare osnovne škole i rad je kipara Zvonka Cara, a u Grižanama kipara Ivana Belobrajića (Tribalj, 1933.), sa slikarevim likom u medaljonu." }
{ "en": "The same village hosts a monument to fallen soldiers by Vinko Matković and the sculpture Woman with a Wooden Basket by Zvonko Car. The bust of Mihovil Kombol in Bribir is a work by Drago Čarapina.", "hr": "Na istom području su spomenici Palim borcima, Vinka Matkovića i Žena s brentom, Zvonka Cara, u Grižanama, te kamena bista Mihovila Kombol, rad Drage Čarapine, u Bribiru." }