Human: Girlfriends mom used her as a cosigner without asking While at work my girlfriend's mom called her and asked her could she use her as a "reference" specifically so she agreed, thinking it was about a job because she knew she was looking. She calls zback later to ask what job it was for and her mom says it was for a loan and that she had done it before even calling her she first time. Her mom is notoriously bad with money, having had several cars repo'ed and evicted from houses in the past. So if she does it again my girlfriend will be on the hook for it. Is there anything she can do short of pressing charges? If it matters at all, they live in two different states Tennessee (mom) & Alabama (gf) Assistant: You don't ever say that your GF actually signed any loan documents. If that's the case, she is not a cosigner, guarantor or co-borrower — period. If mother forged her signature, report to police and notify credit-grantor that they have a fraudulent transaction.
Human: Girlfriends mom used her as a cosigner without asking While at work my girlfriend's mom called her and asked her could she use her as a "reference" specifically so she agreed, thinking it was about a job because she knew she was looking. She calls zback later to ask what job it was for and her mom says it was for a loan and that she had done it before even calling her she first time. Her mom is notoriously bad with money, having had several cars repo'ed and evicted from houses in the past. So if she does it again my girlfriend will be on the hook for it. Is there anything she can do short of pressing charges? If it matters at all, they live in two different states Tennessee (mom) & Alabama (gf) Assistant: What kind of loan?
Human: My girlfriend's (18) parents cosigned a lease for her apartment, and will not let me move in. For context, I live in Arizona and I finally got a really good job nearby where my girlfriend lives. Unfortunately, however, both the apartment and the job are about 3 hours away from where I normally live. They called my girlfriend's landlord yesterday and told her that they don't want me to be added onto the lease, and said that because they cosigned then they own the rights to hold that power over us. They claim they like me, but without getting too much into it, they are incredibly controlling over my girlfriend and are basically just clinging onto the last bit of power they have over her. But anyways, is this true? My girlfriend pays all the bills for the apartment, works 2 jobs for it, and is about to start college. Do they have the legal right to make sure I can't live in her room? What should I do from here? Assistant: Why do you want to be added to the lease? Is there any parts of the lease that state how many consecutive days that you can be there? Not to be rude, putting you on the lease means a bit more of a problem in the event you break up. If you stayed there enough, essentially becoming a tenant, they’d still have to evict you to get you to leave, but at least the rest of the paperwork for the lease is easier.
Human: My girlfriend's (18) parents cosigned a lease for her apartment, and will not let me move in. For context, I live in Arizona and I finally got a really good job nearby where my girlfriend lives. Unfortunately, however, both the apartment and the job are about 3 hours away from where I normally live. They called my girlfriend's landlord yesterday and told her that they don't want me to be added onto the lease, and said that because they cosigned then they own the rights to hold that power over us. They claim they like me, but without getting too much into it, they are incredibly controlling over my girlfriend and are basically just clinging onto the last bit of power they have over her. But anyways, is this true? My girlfriend pays all the bills for the apartment, works 2 jobs for it, and is about to start college. Do they have the legal right to make sure I can't live in her room? What should I do from here? Assistant: She needs to figure out how to add a tenant in compliance with the lease if that's possible. They might be trying to say they asked the landlord to include a clause that forbids additional tenants.
Human: High profile Health Insurance company disclosing the identities of employees of high-cost to their employer for "targetted removal" - Is this not a HIPAA violation? I recently was in a meeting where they casually discussed disclosing employees who have high-cost drugs for treating cancer etc., to the employer. The account specialists stated that they recommended removing(terminating) these employees to the employer. For the life of me, I can't see how this isn't a HIPAA violation. Assistant: I'd also give your state's Insurance Commissioner a heads up as well, as they may want to slap said insurer around a bit as well.
Human: High profile Health Insurance company disclosing the identities of employees of high-cost to their employer for "targetted removal" - Is this not a HIPAA violation? I recently was in a meeting where they casually discussed disclosing employees who have high-cost drugs for treating cancer etc., to the employer. The account specialists stated that they recommended removing(terminating) these employees to the employer. For the life of me, I can't see how this isn't a HIPAA violation. Assistant: HIPAA so United States. The employer terminating the employee based on this information almost certainly would violate the Americans With Disabilities Act. The EEOC pursues these violations and for a large employer the costs would include past and future lost wages and benefits, court costs, attorney fees, and a punitive award of $300,000. OP, please report this immediately to your state Attorney General's office.
Human: If people who work at a restaurant purposely give a customer food they are allergic to could they get arrested? This wasn’t me but I'm asking because something like this happened at the restaurant where I work. A customer told my co worker she was allergic to something and apparently also showed him her medical alert bracelet. The waiter told her they were extra careful with her food but she had an allergic reaction to it anyway and an ambulance had to come for her. We thought it was just an accident but another waiter went to the cops and said he heard the waiter who served her and the cook complaining about people making up allergies and saying they were going to give her the stuff anyway. The cops came and interviewed the people who were working that night today and got the manager to give them stuff from the security cameras. If the cops do get evidence that the cook and the waiter purposely gave her food she was allergic to could they get arrested? If yes then what would they be charged and sent to jail? Just wondering because we were debating it and none of us know the answer. Oh, and the restaurant is in Florida. Assistant: Had this happened to me exactly. Without putting too much personal information: the waiter was sent to jail and the restaurant paid a settlement.
Human: If people who work at a restaurant purposely give a customer food they are allergic to could they get arrested? This wasn’t me but I'm asking because something like this happened at the restaurant where I work. A customer told my co worker she was allergic to something and apparently also showed him her medical alert bracelet. The waiter told her they were extra careful with her food but she had an allergic reaction to it anyway and an ambulance had to come for her. We thought it was just an accident but another waiter went to the cops and said he heard the waiter who served her and the cook complaining about people making up allergies and saying they were going to give her the stuff anyway. The cops came and interviewed the people who were working that night today and got the manager to give them stuff from the security cameras. If the cops do get evidence that the cook and the waiter purposely gave her food she was allergic to could they get arrested? If yes then what would they be charged and sent to jail? Just wondering because we were debating it and none of us know the answer. Oh, and the restaurant is in Florida. Assistant: >If the cops do get evidence that the cook and the waiter purposely gave her food she was allergic to could they get arrested? Yes if they can prove that the cook and waiter conspired to force someone with allergies the item they are allergic to, they could be looking at some serious charges to include murder charges if the victim dies.
Human: (FL) My neighbors are convinced that I have to take care of them after a hurricane. Are there any laws I'm missing? I live next to two siblings. They aren't bright people. Matthew is churning away and might be headed for us, at this point I'd say it's a 50/50 chance but it's been 11 years and people are getting squirrelly. I prefer to be prepared. We're on a backroad, it's one lane and the only way in and out, it also floods during thunderstorms and stays flooded for at least a day. A hurricane would leave it flooded for a week or two. Add in the river,cypress swamp and miles of nothing but forest you have no chance of anyone being able to help you for a while. These two geniuses are very vocal about how they only bought beer and cigarettes for the storm, they have no stock of food or other supplies. This morning I was in my front yard clearing some brush and tree limbs when they came over to speak to me. They wanted to know of the storm would hit us or not. I told them what I wrote here that right now it's 50/50 but they should still stock up on food and supplies. The woman rolled her eyes and said that they don't have to since legally all the neighbors have to help them when they run out of food and water. She even demanded that I let them use my generator after the storm, when I told her no she threatened to call her lawyer and have him force me to. They then toddled off to their cesspool of a house. I'm 99% sure there's no such law and her lawyer can't do shit. But invade I've missed something, is there anyway I'd be legally obligated to help them? Assistant: How about instead of spending money on a lawyer, they buy some food and bottled water? It seems like a much better use of resources to me. In any case it sounds like you have it well in hand. Notify the local law that these idiots will surely need rescue and keep your 12 gauge handy. Good luck to you!
Human: (FL) My neighbors are convinced that I have to take care of them after a hurricane. Are there any laws I'm missing? I live next to two siblings. They aren't bright people. Matthew is churning away and might be headed for us, at this point I'd say it's a 50/50 chance but it's been 11 years and people are getting squirrelly. I prefer to be prepared. We're on a backroad, it's one lane and the only way in and out, it also floods during thunderstorms and stays flooded for at least a day. A hurricane would leave it flooded for a week or two. Add in the river,cypress swamp and miles of nothing but forest you have no chance of anyone being able to help you for a while. These two geniuses are very vocal about how they only bought beer and cigarettes for the storm, they have no stock of food or other supplies. This morning I was in my front yard clearing some brush and tree limbs when they came over to speak to me. They wanted to know of the storm would hit us or not. I told them what I wrote here that right now it's 50/50 but they should still stock up on food and supplies. The woman rolled her eyes and said that they don't have to since legally all the neighbors have to help them when they run out of food and water. She even demanded that I let them use my generator after the storm, when I told her no she threatened to call her lawyer and have him force me to. They then toddled off to their cesspool of a house. I'm 99% sure there's no such law and her lawyer can't do shit. But invade I've missed something, is there anyway I'd be legally obligated to help them? Assistant: Have some of this Emergency Food Ration Biscuits on hand to offer them. If you live near a port, you can get cases of it free off a cruise ship that are out of date(still good another 20 years).
Human: My former employer tried to pin a crime on me months ago, a detective just called me and asked me to speak with him at the police station, do I go? Throwaway and I am trying to keep this vague as to not give away any personal information. Back around September my boss attempted to pin an embezzlement charge on me. I did not do it, and left my place of employment. I got a lawyer and a case wasnt opened for a couple of months and he just told me not to worry about it, and it would just go away. I got a call about 20 min ago from a local detective saying he needed to speak with me. I let him know that I was working until late in the evening and work all day tomorrow, and he suggested Monday. I said I could tentatively plan on that, and see what my schedule is. He set a tentative time, and then dropped the bomb that he wants to speak with me at the police station. Do I go? Do I have my attorney present? I'm shaking in my boots a little. TLDR: A detective asked to meet with me at the police station, do I go? Assistant: Absolutely do not go. Call the attorney you were talking to before immediately.
Human: My former employer tried to pin a crime on me months ago, a detective just called me and asked me to speak with him at the police station, do I go? Throwaway and I am trying to keep this vague as to not give away any personal information. Back around September my boss attempted to pin an embezzlement charge on me. I did not do it, and left my place of employment. I got a lawyer and a case wasnt opened for a couple of months and he just told me not to worry about it, and it would just go away. I got a call about 20 min ago from a local detective saying he needed to speak with me. I let him know that I was working until late in the evening and work all day tomorrow, and he suggested Monday. I said I could tentatively plan on that, and see what my schedule is. He set a tentative time, and then dropped the bomb that he wants to speak with me at the police station. Do I go? Do I have my attorney present? I'm shaking in my boots a little. TLDR: A detective asked to meet with me at the police station, do I go? Assistant: I've seen lots of other posts where OP asks if they should go down to the police station because they were asked to, and everyone always answers no. The reason behind this is because they will use every tactic that they can to try and make you trip up and say something that they can use against you, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is. Just tell them to talk to your lawyer, and do not talk to them about this issue without your lawyer present if you are brought in for questioning.
Human: Tried to file a police report when a guy stole $700 from me. Police chief told me they can't do anything because the guy won't answer his calls. um, what? I'm in a one cop town in Illinois. I have very little experience with dealing with the police. This is the first time I've ever had to file a police report. A guy was pretending to be a "licensed and insured" concrete contractor online. We ended up deciding to hire him for a concrete patio. We paid $700 as a deposit. He wrote this up in a contract saying work would begin on a certain day. That day came and went and he never showed up to do the work. He dodged all online communications and all phone calls from my girlfriend's phone number that day, yet answered the phone when I called him from my phone, which he did not know the number of. I told him to come over and give our money back. Surprisingly, he came over, but he didn't have our money. He wrote ANOTHER contract, saying he'd give us our money by 5pm in 3 days. That day also came and went and I never saw or heard from him again. He blocked my phone number. This was over a week ago. We immediately went to the police when he missed the 5 oclock deadline to return our money. I didn't have his date of birth or license plate number at this time. The officer basically said he couldn't do anything without knowing for sure who he was looking for. He said a license plate number would help. We went home and I started digging. He and his girlfriend (his girlfriend claims to be the co-owner of this business) both have their DOB online. Through public record I found their address, confirmed both DOBs, they have an ongoing court case over felony possession of meth, their company name doesn't seem to be registered or insured, and both of their license plate numbers. We filled out a lengthy police report with all of this information, and both of our contracts, screen shots of their ads online. I sent this to the officer and waited a week. I just called and he told me it's a civil matter. (I get that getting my money back is a civil matter, but I also believe these people are hiding behind calling themselves a "contractor" to protect themselves from criminal pursuit while committing fraud, knowing cops will just say "it's a civil matter". The officer told me "He isn't answering my phone calls either. If he won't answer the phone and agree to a line up, there's really nothing I can do." I didn't expect the police to be a whole lot of help, but this seems absurd to me. I know $700 isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, (though it is substantial to me right now). I realize i'll never see that money again and am chocking it up as a lesson learned. But there's really nothing to be done to keep this guy from scamming others? All you have to do to get away with a crime is put your phone on silent and/or switch numbers? Do I have any options? Assistant: Make a report with the state contractor licensing agency as well. They may have a fund to compensate you.
Human: Tried to file a police report when a guy stole $700 from me. Police chief told me they can't do anything because the guy won't answer his calls. um, what? I'm in a one cop town in Illinois. I have very little experience with dealing with the police. This is the first time I've ever had to file a police report. A guy was pretending to be a "licensed and insured" concrete contractor online. We ended up deciding to hire him for a concrete patio. We paid $700 as a deposit. He wrote this up in a contract saying work would begin on a certain day. That day came and went and he never showed up to do the work. He dodged all online communications and all phone calls from my girlfriend's phone number that day, yet answered the phone when I called him from my phone, which he did not know the number of. I told him to come over and give our money back. Surprisingly, he came over, but he didn't have our money. He wrote ANOTHER contract, saying he'd give us our money by 5pm in 3 days. That day also came and went and I never saw or heard from him again. He blocked my phone number. This was over a week ago. We immediately went to the police when he missed the 5 oclock deadline to return our money. I didn't have his date of birth or license plate number at this time. The officer basically said he couldn't do anything without knowing for sure who he was looking for. He said a license plate number would help. We went home and I started digging. He and his girlfriend (his girlfriend claims to be the co-owner of this business) both have their DOB online. Through public record I found their address, confirmed both DOBs, they have an ongoing court case over felony possession of meth, their company name doesn't seem to be registered or insured, and both of their license plate numbers. We filled out a lengthy police report with all of this information, and both of our contracts, screen shots of their ads online. I sent this to the officer and waited a week. I just called and he told me it's a civil matter. (I get that getting my money back is a civil matter, but I also believe these people are hiding behind calling themselves a "contractor" to protect themselves from criminal pursuit while committing fraud, knowing cops will just say "it's a civil matter". The officer told me "He isn't answering my phone calls either. If he won't answer the phone and agree to a line up, there's really nothing I can do." I didn't expect the police to be a whole lot of help, but this seems absurd to me. I know $700 isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, (though it is substantial to me right now). I realize i'll never see that money again and am chocking it up as a lesson learned. But there's really nothing to be done to keep this guy from scamming others? All you have to do to get away with a crime is put your phone on silent and/or switch numbers? Do I have any options? Assistant: Unfortunately since there is a contract involved it is a civil matter. The police won't be able to do much because i doubt a judge would even issue an arrest warrant for this.
Human: my employer fired me and threatened my life. He had to be held back So, I work in the restaurant industry. I went into work. My boss/an owner told me not to clock in. He pulled everyone up front. Told them I got upset after asking for a raise the day before. Said I was lucky he was a good Christian/in AA and in the same breath said "I'll kill you motherfucker". Multiple employees had to pull him away from me. I do not know how to move forward. My main question is if I should file a police report for assault. Now that I am no longer working there I am also interested in looking at unpaid overtime. I was a salaried employee but don't believe I ever qualified exempt according to the flsa. I'm in florida so I know workers don't have a lot of rights but there has to be something I can do. Any advice? Assistant: He threatened you. That’s criminal. Call the police and give them the names of every person there who witnessed it. Then file unemployment and contact an employment law attorney
Human: my employer fired me and threatened my life. He had to be held back So, I work in the restaurant industry. I went into work. My boss/an owner told me not to clock in. He pulled everyone up front. Told them I got upset after asking for a raise the day before. Said I was lucky he was a good Christian/in AA and in the same breath said "I'll kill you motherfucker". Multiple employees had to pull him away from me. I do not know how to move forward. My main question is if I should file a police report for assault. Now that I am no longer working there I am also interested in looking at unpaid overtime. I was a salaried employee but don't believe I ever qualified exempt according to the flsa. I'm in florida so I know workers don't have a lot of rights but there has to be something I can do. Any advice? Assistant: Never delay on a police report. They'll wonder why you waited to file it.
Human: My cousin (an unmarried adult, 27) passed away and my drug addict aunt wants to bury evidence related to his death. Can I or his sister request the police to run a toxicology report? Hey all. We’re from California. My cousin died in Santa Clarita a few hours ago. My cousins and I strongly believe he passed from a drug overdose. But my aunt is the one that found him. My aunt is addicted to meth and so is my cousin. She is usually his supplier. My other cousins (his sisters) all had to run away from home to get away from their abusive mother and brother. My cousins and I want a toxicology report done. Are we within our rights to ask the police to do one or at least get the results? My aunt will try to bury it and is already telling everyone it is a heart issue. My cousins think this is bullshit because I’m the only one in our entire family with heart problems and not one of them had an issue. We all strongly believe he overdosed. Are toxicology on a 27 year old male common? If not can we request one? My aunt left the scene to supposedly “call for help” we’re pretty confident it was to get rid of the drugs and she came back and reported “found her son” to the police 2 hours from their home. My cousin and aunt had a terrible addiction. But I take my aunts sayings with a grain of salt. However if there is a chance there is an underlying condition I and his sisters feel like we have the right to know. My aunt is talking about an quick cremation. Assistant: You can inform police of what you know. They decide what to do with that info. State law determines when autopsies are done. The legal next of kin can pay for a private autopsy if the state doesn’t perform one. That would probably be parents if he wasn’t married. Sorry to hear about your cousin.
Human: My cousin (an unmarried adult, 27) passed away and my drug addict aunt wants to bury evidence related to his death. Can I or his sister request the police to run a toxicology report? Hey all. We’re from California. My cousin died in Santa Clarita a few hours ago. My cousins and I strongly believe he passed from a drug overdose. But my aunt is the one that found him. My aunt is addicted to meth and so is my cousin. She is usually his supplier. My other cousins (his sisters) all had to run away from home to get away from their abusive mother and brother. My cousins and I want a toxicology report done. Are we within our rights to ask the police to do one or at least get the results? My aunt will try to bury it and is already telling everyone it is a heart issue. My cousins think this is bullshit because I’m the only one in our entire family with heart problems and not one of them had an issue. We all strongly believe he overdosed. Are toxicology on a 27 year old male common? If not can we request one? My aunt left the scene to supposedly “call for help” we’re pretty confident it was to get rid of the drugs and she came back and reported “found her son” to the police 2 hours from their home. My cousin and aunt had a terrible addiction. But I take my aunts sayings with a grain of salt. However if there is a chance there is an underlying condition I and his sisters feel like we have the right to know. My aunt is talking about an quick cremation. Assistant: If there is an autopsy there will be a tox report. Ultimately, does it matter?
Human: Ex-husband is giving child support to 12 year old in cash/bank account he has access to. Refusing to pay me. My ex-husband is in arrears and after reading some thing on the internet has decided to ignore a court order to pay me ( he is an independent contractor so there is no employer to garnish. He gets paid by multiple people, not a single company). Our children are 5, 7 and 12. I work but he barely sees the children and definitely doesn't pay their insurance or schooling so I asked and was granted child support when we divorced 6 years ago. I have sole custody as he had some issues with a thing that really isn't relevant and I won't mention but it lead to me feeling the need to petition for sole custody and I was awarded it. He has visitation. He has this brilliant idea because the thought of paying me directly is appalling to him that he started a bank account and gave access to the 12 year old. He gave the kid a card which he is not allowed to show me at all. My 12 year old is excited, of course, because he has been told he can spend all that money on anything he wants for him and his siblings. My ex-husband will also give my 12 year old cash and have him sign a receipt saying he was given the money. Ok. Here is my issue: 1) That is ridiculous. It is stupid to give a 12 year old access to $400 a month and expect them to spend it on anything related to their upbringing. He buys stuff, basically. Not shoes or clothes or pays for aftercare cost for after school. He buys games, and food, hobby related items. 2) My ex isn't really understanding the concept of child support here. I am already paying for the daycare, the after school programs, the house payment, the medical insurance, the vaccinations, the food, the clothes, BEFORE he even hands over any money. So that money is meant to help reimburse me for a portion of those items. I really, really want to avoid going to court again. He constantly calls my 12 year old to speak for him and I know, he of all the children, remembers when daddy was around and things were better, and it kills me inside to have him even remotely feel like he has to defend anyone or pick a side. I don't want to drag him or anyone through that again. My ex-husband is claiming that because it is known that child support is for the child then it is perfectly and legally acceptable for him to pay a 12 year old. I know I need to contact a lawyer. I plan on it but while I make the call and wait for an appointment, I thought someone might know if this is really the loophole he thinks it is? He also has an idea about starting an "escrow" account where we can only make approved purchase that have been approved by both parents, starting a trust with all the child support that is payable to them on their 18th birthday and he just provides me with proof of deposit a month, etc. Basically, anything to get out of writing me a check at the end of every month. Are any of these legitimate alternatives to traditional child support that would generally be accepted by the court? Edit: Also, because he has mentioned it. Can a minor waive child support for the custodial parent? I am going to say no but honestly I've been wrong a lot in my life so I am not going to make an ass out of myself by assuming. Assistant: 1- ok, your kid is 12. He cannot do anything without you. He cannot go to the bank or store to buy things. Take the card and only let him buy things you approve of. If he comes home with money, take it and put it in a savings account. You are the adult and have full control here. 2- contact child support enforcement and let them handle it or take him back to court
Human: Ex-husband is giving child support to 12 year old in cash/bank account he has access to. Refusing to pay me. My ex-husband is in arrears and after reading some thing on the internet has decided to ignore a court order to pay me ( he is an independent contractor so there is no employer to garnish. He gets paid by multiple people, not a single company). Our children are 5, 7 and 12. I work but he barely sees the children and definitely doesn't pay their insurance or schooling so I asked and was granted child support when we divorced 6 years ago. I have sole custody as he had some issues with a thing that really isn't relevant and I won't mention but it lead to me feeling the need to petition for sole custody and I was awarded it. He has visitation. He has this brilliant idea because the thought of paying me directly is appalling to him that he started a bank account and gave access to the 12 year old. He gave the kid a card which he is not allowed to show me at all. My 12 year old is excited, of course, because he has been told he can spend all that money on anything he wants for him and his siblings. My ex-husband will also give my 12 year old cash and have him sign a receipt saying he was given the money. Ok. Here is my issue: 1) That is ridiculous. It is stupid to give a 12 year old access to $400 a month and expect them to spend it on anything related to their upbringing. He buys stuff, basically. Not shoes or clothes or pays for aftercare cost for after school. He buys games, and food, hobby related items. 2) My ex isn't really understanding the concept of child support here. I am already paying for the daycare, the after school programs, the house payment, the medical insurance, the vaccinations, the food, the clothes, BEFORE he even hands over any money. So that money is meant to help reimburse me for a portion of those items. I really, really want to avoid going to court again. He constantly calls my 12 year old to speak for him and I know, he of all the children, remembers when daddy was around and things were better, and it kills me inside to have him even remotely feel like he has to defend anyone or pick a side. I don't want to drag him or anyone through that again. My ex-husband is claiming that because it is known that child support is for the child then it is perfectly and legally acceptable for him to pay a 12 year old. I know I need to contact a lawyer. I plan on it but while I make the call and wait for an appointment, I thought someone might know if this is really the loophole he thinks it is? He also has an idea about starting an "escrow" account where we can only make approved purchase that have been approved by both parents, starting a trust with all the child support that is payable to them on their 18th birthday and he just provides me with proof of deposit a month, etc. Basically, anything to get out of writing me a check at the end of every month. Are any of these legitimate alternatives to traditional child support that would generally be accepted by the court? Edit: Also, because he has mentioned it. Can a minor waive child support for the custodial parent? I am going to say no but honestly I've been wrong a lot in my life so I am not going to make an ass out of myself by assuming. Assistant: I'm sorry you're going to have to back to court for this. Plus side, it may be amusing...I can only imagine the look on the judge's face.
Human: (FL) Bank employee refusing to allow me access to my own account and the bank manager doesn't care. I am the primary account holder. But an employee of the bank I use refuses to allow me to make any changes without my husbands permission, my husband is the secondary account holder. This employee is the only "personal banker" so certain changes can only be made with him. I spoke to the bank manager and he said that its ok for him to only allow my husband to make changes even though I'm the primary because "he's old fashioned and has always done it this way". Is there any legal action I can take as this man is preventing me from accessing my own account? Assistant: Ask the manager who is the proper person at the branch for you to serve a lawsuit to. If this doesn't make him cave, then have an attorney send that person a strongly worded letter. Or, escalate to the national office.
Human: (FL) Bank employee refusing to allow me access to my own account and the bank manager doesn't care. I am the primary account holder. But an employee of the bank I use refuses to allow me to make any changes without my husbands permission, my husband is the secondary account holder. This employee is the only "personal banker" so certain changes can only be made with him. I spoke to the bank manager and he said that its ok for him to only allow my husband to make changes even though I'm the primary because "he's old fashioned and has always done it this way". Is there any legal action I can take as this man is preventing me from accessing my own account? Assistant: > I spoke to the bank manager and he said that its ok for him to only allow my husband to make changes even though I'm the primary because "he's old fashioned and has always done it this way". No, it's not OK. Tell the manager that either his employ moves with the times, or your lawyer will do the asking.
Human: My dad had his guns taken, now he wants me to buy guns under my name but he would use them, I wonder if that's legal? We're in Tennessee. My dad had his guns taken at the end of last year because he drew a gun and shot at a wall at a party and someone complained (well I think that's the reason, possibly it's something else). He's not happy with this at all though because he likes having guns. He wants me to go to a gun shop and buy a handgun and if possible also a rifle under my name as if they were for me, but I know he would be the one using them. He would give me the money beforehand. I live with him (I'm 17 and in high school) so clearly he would have access to the guns at all time. I'm worried about doing this. He's kind of irresponsible with guns, he shot my dog while drunk and he likes to play with his guns when he drinks. I'm not comfortable with having guns under my name when there's a risk someone could be injured. Tbh I was relieved when he had to surrender his guns. I wonder if it's legal for me to buy guns that he would use? If I can convince him that it's a problem I might not have to do it. Thanks for your help. Assistant: Oh! Even I know this one! No.
Human: My dad had his guns taken, now he wants me to buy guns under my name but he would use them, I wonder if that's legal? We're in Tennessee. My dad had his guns taken at the end of last year because he drew a gun and shot at a wall at a party and someone complained (well I think that's the reason, possibly it's something else). He's not happy with this at all though because he likes having guns. He wants me to go to a gun shop and buy a handgun and if possible also a rifle under my name as if they were for me, but I know he would be the one using them. He would give me the money beforehand. I live with him (I'm 17 and in high school) so clearly he would have access to the guns at all time. I'm worried about doing this. He's kind of irresponsible with guns, he shot my dog while drunk and he likes to play with his guns when he drinks. I'm not comfortable with having guns under my name when there's a risk someone could be injured. Tbh I was relieved when he had to surrender his guns. I wonder if it's legal for me to buy guns that he would use? If I can convince him that it's a problem I might not have to do it. Thanks for your help. Assistant: No, it's not legal, and you're not old enough to buy a firearm, anyway, so the point is moot. You have to be 18 years of age to buy a long gun (rifle or shotgun) and 21 years of age for all other firearms.
Human: Money was accidentally deposited into my bank account, the intended receiver now demands it back in cash. South Carolina. Due to corona, all college students at my college got refund checks as direct deposits; reimbursing us for our second semester housing costs. My suite mates refund was deposited into my account along with my own due to a school error. I never noticed it until his father called me demanding the money back in cash. I know the money is not mine and I have no right to keep it and have no intention of keeping it. The problem is he lives far away, far enough where I don’t want to go there to give him cash. I have explained to him I am willing to either transfer the money through our banks or some other way without having personal contact with him but he just isn’t having it. He has threatened to take me to court when I have been as helpful as I can to him. Should I record a call between us of him declining the money via transfer or any other way to prove to somebody that I am not refusing to pay him? What steps should I take. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Assistant: Whoah . . . Don't do any of that. You have your bank undo the erroneous electronic transfer. Your bank sends the money back to the college, then the college will send it to where it belongs. Do not give cash, do not give a personal check, do not give a money order, do not create a brand new transfer. Good Luck.
Human: Money was accidentally deposited into my bank account, the intended receiver now demands it back in cash. South Carolina. Due to corona, all college students at my college got refund checks as direct deposits; reimbursing us for our second semester housing costs. My suite mates refund was deposited into my account along with my own due to a school error. I never noticed it until his father called me demanding the money back in cash. I know the money is not mine and I have no right to keep it and have no intention of keeping it. The problem is he lives far away, far enough where I don’t want to go there to give him cash. I have explained to him I am willing to either transfer the money through our banks or some other way without having personal contact with him but he just isn’t having it. He has threatened to take me to court when I have been as helpful as I can to him. Should I record a call between us of him declining the money via transfer or any other way to prove to somebody that I am not refusing to pay him? What steps should I take. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Assistant: Call your school since it was their fault, see if you can wire the money back to them and they can issue the refund to the right person. Inform the dad and if he wants his money he'll have to talk to the school.
Human: [Phoenix, AZ] Neighbor dumped their trailer on my driveway and then sent mail demanding compensation for emotional abuse by us Throwaway for privacy. My neighbor from across the street dumped his Forest River trailer on our driveway; we found it when we came back from doing shopping, and he'd also left us mail in our house, a note which read: > You will be hearing from my attorney in 90 days. Suing you for emotional distress and making my sons unhappy. I know you have links to the people involved in The Great Reset theory. You're gonna fucking go to hell for making my gay son's life a misery. What are you, a Columbine fan/supporter? You're hearing from my attorney. and also: > You're the people who know the guy involved in Columbine. Get over your need for fame, losers. His two sons are 14 and 15, but we've only interacted a handful of times with them, as a couple. We have a 28-year-old daughter. I'm worried about this guy's threats, can we get him committed under the Baker Act? Need advice now. Assistant: People are really missing the point in these comments. I’d get a wellness check and mention that there are minor children in the house. That note is bizarre, but probably not enough for involuntary commitment if he is even semi coherent. File a police report about the note and the illegal dumping, just to have a record because this could escalate. I’m a lawyer but not your lawyer.
Human: [Phoenix, AZ] Neighbor dumped their trailer on my driveway and then sent mail demanding compensation for emotional abuse by us Throwaway for privacy. My neighbor from across the street dumped his Forest River trailer on our driveway; we found it when we came back from doing shopping, and he'd also left us mail in our house, a note which read: > You will be hearing from my attorney in 90 days. Suing you for emotional distress and making my sons unhappy. I know you have links to the people involved in The Great Reset theory. You're gonna fucking go to hell for making my gay son's life a misery. What are you, a Columbine fan/supporter? You're hearing from my attorney. and also: > You're the people who know the guy involved in Columbine. Get over your need for fame, losers. His two sons are 14 and 15, but we've only interacted a handful of times with them, as a couple. We have a 28-year-old daughter. I'm worried about this guy's threats, can we get him committed under the Baker Act? Need advice now. Assistant: I’ve seen people do bonkers shit before; but this story makes me skeptical. It reads like it’s missing important information.
Human: "Neighbor" left a note at our door stating their findmygoogle pinged a lost phone to our address. Hey all, I have a weird situation. About two days ago, my roommate answered the door to someone with a letter stating that the application findmyphone has pinged their phone to our address. The letter said they would be contacting the police if we do not hand the phone over, but the thing is, we are all confused as to how the phone ended up in our house, supposedly. I say supposedly because this situation does not make sense. We only live next to two other houses. There's a main road that leads from the exit down past our house. We live off of a side road, and our house is the last house on the back of this road. I hope that makes sense, I don't really know how else to explain it. So, anyway, we contacted the people who left the note and they said they were going to the gas station that's near our house and it fell off the hood of their car. But they gave us their address and they live on the other side of town, no where near our house. Our house isn't even in the path to go to said gas station from where they live. I guess my question is, can police get a warrant sorely based off an app pinging the phone to our location? do they need more proof that the phone is at our house? We've looked everywhere near and in the house for the phone and we cannot find it. Location is Missouri. Assistant: I've seen a few posts like this lately, seems like a nice new scam to gain entry to your property for theft or casing the home or I dtimidation
Human: "Neighbor" left a note at our door stating their findmygoogle pinged a lost phone to our address. Hey all, I have a weird situation. About two days ago, my roommate answered the door to someone with a letter stating that the application findmyphone has pinged their phone to our address. The letter said they would be contacting the police if we do not hand the phone over, but the thing is, we are all confused as to how the phone ended up in our house, supposedly. I say supposedly because this situation does not make sense. We only live next to two other houses. There's a main road that leads from the exit down past our house. We live off of a side road, and our house is the last house on the back of this road. I hope that makes sense, I don't really know how else to explain it. So, anyway, we contacted the people who left the note and they said they were going to the gas station that's near our house and it fell off the hood of their car. But they gave us their address and they live on the other side of town, no where near our house. Our house isn't even in the path to go to said gas station from where they live. I guess my question is, can police get a warrant sorely based off an app pinging the phone to our location? do they need more proof that the phone is at our house? We've looked everywhere near and in the house for the phone and we cannot find it. Location is Missouri. Assistant: Sounds like a scam. I bet they want a reason to get into your house, check it out, etc.
Human: [Oklahoma] Neighbor's dog poops in my front yard. What should I do? We live in a single family home in OKC. Our neighborhood has no HOA. My neighbor allows his mini poodle to go outside in his own front yard, off leash, to go to the bathroom. Of course, the dog does not stay in his own front yard and enjoys to use my own front yard as his personal commode. What should I do? I want the dog to stop pooping in my yard. I am not afraid of hurting feelings. As a pet owner I also take issue with how irresponsible this is. Maybe a strongly worded letter citing ordinances? Should I call animal control? Any advice is helpful. Thanks. Assistant: Gather the poop and return it to your neighbor in a pretty box. Report the dog to animal control.
Human: [Oklahoma] Neighbor's dog poops in my front yard. What should I do? We live in a single family home in OKC. Our neighborhood has no HOA. My neighbor allows his mini poodle to go outside in his own front yard, off leash, to go to the bathroom. Of course, the dog does not stay in his own front yard and enjoys to use my own front yard as his personal commode. What should I do? I want the dog to stop pooping in my yard. I am not afraid of hurting feelings. As a pet owner I also take issue with how irresponsible this is. Maybe a strongly worded letter citing ordinances? Should I call animal control? Any advice is helpful. Thanks. Assistant: Have you talked to your neighbor?
Human: I was carrying Costco groceries, a neighbor's dog that was unleashed came and bit me, I punted the shit out of the dog...California Sorry for the terrible username. I was carrying Costco and my neighbor who was smoking a cig and on the cell phone, had their ~10lb dog out. Dog was not leashed. It came up to me as I was walking on the apartment pathway and bit me. As a natural reaction, I punted the shit out of the dog, kicking it many feet out of the way. Now my neighbor mailed me a letter for vet fees. Am I liable to pay these fees? Assistant: Do you have homeowners or renters insurance? Report this to them. The claim adjuster will be able to give to decent guidance. Depending on your carrier, if they have house counsel, you might even get a lawyer to tell you the answer.
Human: I was carrying Costco groceries, a neighbor's dog that was unleashed came and bit me, I punted the shit out of the dog...California Sorry for the terrible username. I was carrying Costco and my neighbor who was smoking a cig and on the cell phone, had their ~10lb dog out. Dog was not leashed. It came up to me as I was walking on the apartment pathway and bit me. As a natural reaction, I punted the shit out of the dog, kicking it many feet out of the way. Now my neighbor mailed me a letter for vet fees. Am I liable to pay these fees? Assistant: What are the leash laws in your area?
Human: TN - Unhelpful neighbors let dog roam, dog is nearly run over on our busy street constantly. No animal control or animal shelter; non-aggressive roaming dogs aren't a police issue in this rural area. No concrete evidence of actual neglect or abuse. How to save dog? Small Tennessee town. My next door neighbors aren’t very good animal owners. Our street is short and residential but busy because it’s a “short cut” road through town. They have a chihuahua that roams pretty freely. It roams into our fenced in driveway/yard and chases squirrels and birds. It’s not destructive, just annoying, but it’s not my biggest concern. That poor sweet dumbass escapes death by moving car at least 5 times per day. At least 3 or 4 times per week, I’m sprinting outside toward the street, arms waving, looking *insane* to get the attention of a driver who can’t see that 50 feet ahead over the small hill, there’s an idiot dog the same color as the road laying in their lane, eating butterflies or doing some other unhelpful deathwish shit. I see cars swerve dangerously close to mailboxes and the sidewalks, and slam brakes when they see the dog in their paths. I’ve gone to my neighbors about it specifically 4 times in the last 8 months, not counting the times I’ve knocked on their door to physically return the animal to them after finding it napping in the road or similarly not ideal place. The first 2 times, they acted surprised but willing to work on it. The last 2 times, the last one being 4 days ago, they switched up to saying that they don’t keep him fenced in because “he just barks and gets the other dog goin’” and that he’d be fine if I just left him alone; he’s only been hit once! They were really irritated that I had bothered them and questioned their actions. They *have* a fenced in back yard **where they keep another dog**! It’s just insanity. The solution is obviously animal control, or finding some legal variation of “Oh look at this lost dog I found and have never seen before, better take him to the animal shelter…?” but neither our city or county have an animal control unit for strays or an animal shelter. The next largest county over has both, but animal control won’t travel out of county and the animal shelter only accepts surrenders/drop offs if you live in the county. It’s not something I want to ‘take to the police’ necessarily, mostly because this area of the state is generally super rural, meaning roaming animals are normal, and the police definitely already know about this dog (from having to navigate their cars around it or hit their siren/horn to get it to move). What can I do to save this dog? Assistant: Not your problem. Unless there is a law that requires dogs to be fenced or leashed then the owners are completely within their rights to let the dog roam free. Not everything stupid is illegal.
Human: TN - Unhelpful neighbors let dog roam, dog is nearly run over on our busy street constantly. No animal control or animal shelter; non-aggressive roaming dogs aren't a police issue in this rural area. No concrete evidence of actual neglect or abuse. How to save dog? Small Tennessee town. My next door neighbors aren’t very good animal owners. Our street is short and residential but busy because it’s a “short cut” road through town. They have a chihuahua that roams pretty freely. It roams into our fenced in driveway/yard and chases squirrels and birds. It’s not destructive, just annoying, but it’s not my biggest concern. That poor sweet dumbass escapes death by moving car at least 5 times per day. At least 3 or 4 times per week, I’m sprinting outside toward the street, arms waving, looking *insane* to get the attention of a driver who can’t see that 50 feet ahead over the small hill, there’s an idiot dog the same color as the road laying in their lane, eating butterflies or doing some other unhelpful deathwish shit. I see cars swerve dangerously close to mailboxes and the sidewalks, and slam brakes when they see the dog in their paths. I’ve gone to my neighbors about it specifically 4 times in the last 8 months, not counting the times I’ve knocked on their door to physically return the animal to them after finding it napping in the road or similarly not ideal place. The first 2 times, they acted surprised but willing to work on it. The last 2 times, the last one being 4 days ago, they switched up to saying that they don’t keep him fenced in because “he just barks and gets the other dog goin’” and that he’d be fine if I just left him alone; he’s only been hit once! They were really irritated that I had bothered them and questioned their actions. They *have* a fenced in back yard **where they keep another dog**! It’s just insanity. The solution is obviously animal control, or finding some legal variation of “Oh look at this lost dog I found and have never seen before, better take him to the animal shelter…?” but neither our city or county have an animal control unit for strays or an animal shelter. The next largest county over has both, but animal control won’t travel out of county and the animal shelter only accepts surrenders/drop offs if you live in the county. It’s not something I want to ‘take to the police’ necessarily, mostly because this area of the state is generally super rural, meaning roaming animals are normal, and the police definitely already know about this dog (from having to navigate their cars around it or hit their siren/horn to get it to move). What can I do to save this dog? Assistant: Have you considered making the owner of the dog an offer of purchase?
Human: Neighbors built a fence in the middle of our driveway and are blocking access to our garage. One of our cars is trapped in garage and we can not get it out. This is in CA. Our most recent neighbors have been living next door for about three years. The driveway is shared and sits between both of the houses. The gap between the houses is rather small so the driveway is narrow and long. Because of this, if a car was parked on the driveway, then we would not be able to get our vehicles out. Our garage sits at the end of the driveway. The neighbors began to park their vehicles on the driveway and would block our access. Their guests would also block our driveway. The neighbor is a tow ruck driver and he would park his tow truck on the street blocking the entrance of the driveway and would park it in the driveway as well. At some point we asked them to please stop blocking the driveway. The situation escalated to them building a fence in the middle of the driveway. We now do not have access to use our driveway and one of our vehicles is trapped in the garage. Assistant: It sounds like you have a right of access via an easement. I agree with the previous comment about getting a land survey but those are ridiculously expensive and likely (hopefully) someone did it already. First, research your property on a parcel map. It should be recorded with the county. This should reveal whether an easement exists. This is usually illustrated with a dotted line. If it already does then you are within your rights to tear the fence down. If it doesn’t, it sounds like you can create one.
Human: Neighbors built a fence in the middle of our driveway and are blocking access to our garage. One of our cars is trapped in garage and we can not get it out. This is in CA. Our most recent neighbors have been living next door for about three years. The driveway is shared and sits between both of the houses. The gap between the houses is rather small so the driveway is narrow and long. Because of this, if a car was parked on the driveway, then we would not be able to get our vehicles out. Our garage sits at the end of the driveway. The neighbors began to park their vehicles on the driveway and would block our access. Their guests would also block our driveway. The neighbor is a tow ruck driver and he would park his tow truck on the street blocking the entrance of the driveway and would park it in the driveway as well. At some point we asked them to please stop blocking the driveway. The situation escalated to them building a fence in the middle of the driveway. We now do not have access to use our driveway and one of our vehicles is trapped in the garage. Assistant: I suggest having a land survey done as soon as possible. Find out exactly where the property line is. Would widening the driveway on your side make your garage accessible?
Human: I paid off my car 6 months ago, have full title but my car was "repossessed"/stolen last week. I apologize for the wrong flair probably, no idea what to put. So 4 years ago I bought a new car, originally financed through Ford Financial Services. I came into some cash 6 months ago and decided to use it to pay off the car and a few other debts I had to lower my monthly money out. I received the title, all was good until last week. Woke up to my car being gone, first I called my father who has a spare key to the car to see if for some reason he took the car without telling me and he didn't. I called the cops who came out and they informed me they were notified of a repossession on the car and told me which tow/recovery company called in the car. I called them up and they tell me sorry, not their problem they have all the paperwork from the finance company (Different bank, not even Ford Financial). So I start calling the bank who was never involved with my car or the loan and they tell me I'm outstanding by over 5 months non-payment. I send them a copy of the title and tell them I paid the car off 6 months ago. They dont care. The police won't let me file a stolen vehicle report because the tow company sent them all the repossession paperwork (paperwork that they won't provide to me). I called Ford and they tell me they closed out the loan upon receiving my payment and sent me the title. I asked them to send me some sort of paperwork to show I paid off the loan and they said they can mail it to me. This helps me possibly but a couple days ago I received a 10 day letter notice that my car is going to auction and where to retrieve property that was left in the car. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone because some random bank never associated with my loan has effectively stolen my car legally and is going to auction it. What do I do here? I can't file a stolen vehicle report because of the repossession paperwork, can I just show up to the auction with the title and take my car with the keys I have since its effectively my car because I have the title or will that cause an issue? I live in Texas, the auto auction yard is literally like 2 miles from me and I've gone and seen my car sitting out back. If I go take it is it going to cause me potential legal issues? I don't see how because it's my car Assistant: Is it possible someone forged the title and refinanced the car and took the money? Anything look off on your credit report? I’d assume the bank made a clerical error on the vin and did a vin search and got ahold of your info/ tag number etc. Humans make errors, I once got a toll violation because they mistyped my tag number and the vehicle in the photo was a VW and not a Mercedes. Your title is clear proof there’s no lien. The lien holder is listed on the title (at least in MD).
Human: I paid off my car 6 months ago, have full title but my car was "repossessed"/stolen last week. I apologize for the wrong flair probably, no idea what to put. So 4 years ago I bought a new car, originally financed through Ford Financial Services. I came into some cash 6 months ago and decided to use it to pay off the car and a few other debts I had to lower my monthly money out. I received the title, all was good until last week. Woke up to my car being gone, first I called my father who has a spare key to the car to see if for some reason he took the car without telling me and he didn't. I called the cops who came out and they informed me they were notified of a repossession on the car and told me which tow/recovery company called in the car. I called them up and they tell me sorry, not their problem they have all the paperwork from the finance company (Different bank, not even Ford Financial). So I start calling the bank who was never involved with my car or the loan and they tell me I'm outstanding by over 5 months non-payment. I send them a copy of the title and tell them I paid the car off 6 months ago. They dont care. The police won't let me file a stolen vehicle report because the tow company sent them all the repossession paperwork (paperwork that they won't provide to me). I called Ford and they tell me they closed out the loan upon receiving my payment and sent me the title. I asked them to send me some sort of paperwork to show I paid off the loan and they said they can mail it to me. This helps me possibly but a couple days ago I received a 10 day letter notice that my car is going to auction and where to retrieve property that was left in the car. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone because some random bank never associated with my loan has effectively stolen my car legally and is going to auction it. What do I do here? I can't file a stolen vehicle report because of the repossession paperwork, can I just show up to the auction with the title and take my car with the keys I have since its effectively my car because I have the title or will that cause an issue? I live in Texas, the auto auction yard is literally like 2 miles from me and I've gone and seen my car sitting out back. If I go take it is it going to cause me potential legal issues? I don't see how because it's my car Assistant: > some random bank never associated with my loan has effectively stolen my car **legally** Are you sure about that? They should have proof of buying the loan, did they provide anything to you?
Human: A drunk guy rammed into my car and caused a 4 car pile-up So the title says it all. I was the first car he hit and he destroyed a car I loved. I came out with just a bloody nose, the guy crashed into me at 60 mph... I was lucky I guess but he caused a 4 car pile-up, my car was pushed into a truck with KIDS in the back seat, and the car in front of that was a grandma that acknowledged this dude drunk drove and was caught multiple times. ​ So the police never sent me a package I requested to charge this guy, they said the city was doing enough. I hired an attorney that stopped replying after a month. ​ Sure this dude is a native american but he was driving a company truck and hit me at 60mph and he has admitted to driving drunk and didnt see an obvious red light because he was texting. This was in flagstaff so not native land. ​ I am over 10,000 in debt and my attorney bailed on me, the police never sent the files to charge this guy for almost killing me. ​ Please help! Assistant: So you don’t have insurance?
Human: A drunk guy rammed into my car and caused a 4 car pile-up So the title says it all. I was the first car he hit and he destroyed a car I loved. I came out with just a bloody nose, the guy crashed into me at 60 mph... I was lucky I guess but he caused a 4 car pile-up, my car was pushed into a truck with KIDS in the back seat, and the car in front of that was a grandma that acknowledged this dude drunk drove and was caught multiple times. ​ So the police never sent me a package I requested to charge this guy, they said the city was doing enough. I hired an attorney that stopped replying after a month. ​ Sure this dude is a native american but he was driving a company truck and hit me at 60mph and he has admitted to driving drunk and didnt see an obvious red light because he was texting. This was in flagstaff so not native land. ​ I am over 10,000 in debt and my attorney bailed on me, the police never sent the files to charge this guy for almost killing me. ​ Please help! Assistant: > So the police never sent me a package I requested to charge this guy You can't charge people, only the State of Arizona can. Or the federal government, but that's not applicable here. > I am over 10,000 in debt and my attorney bailed on me, the police never sent the files to charge this guy for almost killing me. You go through your insurance, you don't charge people. If you don't have insurance, you try to go through his. If he doesn't have insurance either, then you sue him in small claims court.
Human: Car hit me at a crosswalk and drove off without providing any information. Took a pic of the plate and cops found her, said she was “on her way to the police station” 45 min after the fact. Is this a hit and run? It was a green light, walk sign on, and a car was waiting to turn left. As I was crossing, the car turned (accelerated more than normal for a left turn) and hit me. I rolled onto the hood and fell onto the street. Visible injuries were just scrapes. I took a picture of her plate. She told me to get onto the sidewalk. She pulled over and told me her name and wanted to hug me. I declined. Other witnesses called the cops for me. The lady who hit me said she was gonna park up the street and come back. She never did. Cops came and I gave them her plate info. That’s how they tracked her down 45 min later. I was already on the way to the hospital when they got a hold of her. She told the cop she was on her way to the police station anyhow to turn herself in. Cop lets it slide and issues her a citation. Isn’t this a hit and run? The ambulance also took me to an out of network hospital and I’m expecting a hefty bill. Thanks for the help Edit: this is in California Assistant: Definitely consult a reputable personal injury attorney ASAP. Don't do anything else regarding the situation (aside from tending to your own health) until you've found an attorney.
Human: Car hit me at a crosswalk and drove off without providing any information. Took a pic of the plate and cops found her, said she was “on her way to the police station” 45 min after the fact. Is this a hit and run? It was a green light, walk sign on, and a car was waiting to turn left. As I was crossing, the car turned (accelerated more than normal for a left turn) and hit me. I rolled onto the hood and fell onto the street. Visible injuries were just scrapes. I took a picture of her plate. She told me to get onto the sidewalk. She pulled over and told me her name and wanted to hug me. I declined. Other witnesses called the cops for me. The lady who hit me said she was gonna park up the street and come back. She never did. Cops came and I gave them her plate info. That’s how they tracked her down 45 min later. I was already on the way to the hospital when they got a hold of her. She told the cop she was on her way to the police station anyhow to turn herself in. Cop lets it slide and issues her a citation. Isn’t this a hit and run? The ambulance also took me to an out of network hospital and I’m expecting a hefty bill. Thanks for the help Edit: this is in California Assistant: Yes it is a hit and run. Cops should make the arrest and the prosecutor should do their job. Running from the scene and turning yourself in later does not get you out of the punishment.
Human: I was in an accident and given a careless driving ticket Hey, I’m in New Jersey and a 17 year old driver. Last month I was involved in an accident just after I bought my first car. But here’s why I am posting. Let me explain the story like I would explain it to the judge. I pulled my car on the lot after getting it insurance, I was on my way to Walmart to get a few things for my car. While I was driving it started to downpour. My wipers were on high, however the wipers did need to be replaced and I knew that when buying the car. I was in a 35 going 30 because of the severe weather. I wanted to pull over but had no where to go. After driving in the storm for a few minutes the car in front of my turns on their right signal and starts breaking, I started to break as soon as I saw their lights come on. I gradually pressed harder on the break pedal like normal but I did not slow down or stop. I pressed harder and expected to have a hard stop but again, I did not stop and next thing I know my airbags deployed and I was involved in an accident. When the officer calmed me down and asked me what happened I explained and he said “it honestly sounds like you hydroplaned, keep in mind the roads are the most slippery shortly after it starts to rain”. Should I consider getting a lawyer for this? I was told the judge in this township is super forgiving for first time offenders. One last question, is this something where I can plead guilty or not guilty and be free of charges? Thank you so much in helping work through this stressful situation. Assistant: Your explanation is fully an admission of guilt to careless driving, by the way. The speed limit is always contingent upon road conditions. You should have been driving even slower than that, apparently, given how hard it was raining, and your excess speed caused you to hydroplane and lose control of your vehicle. Especially if you had reduced visibility due to a poorly maintained vehicle
Human: I was in an accident and given a careless driving ticket Hey, I’m in New Jersey and a 17 year old driver. Last month I was involved in an accident just after I bought my first car. But here’s why I am posting. Let me explain the story like I would explain it to the judge. I pulled my car on the lot after getting it insurance, I was on my way to Walmart to get a few things for my car. While I was driving it started to downpour. My wipers were on high, however the wipers did need to be replaced and I knew that when buying the car. I was in a 35 going 30 because of the severe weather. I wanted to pull over but had no where to go. After driving in the storm for a few minutes the car in front of my turns on their right signal and starts breaking, I started to break as soon as I saw their lights come on. I gradually pressed harder on the break pedal like normal but I did not slow down or stop. I pressed harder and expected to have a hard stop but again, I did not stop and next thing I know my airbags deployed and I was involved in an accident. When the officer calmed me down and asked me what happened I explained and he said “it honestly sounds like you hydroplaned, keep in mind the roads are the most slippery shortly after it starts to rain”. Should I consider getting a lawyer for this? I was told the judge in this township is super forgiving for first time offenders. One last question, is this something where I can plead guilty or not guilty and be free of charges? Thank you so much in helping work through this stressful situation. Assistant: Maintaining control of your vehicle, in any and all weather conditions, is the responsibility of driver. Your insurance company will consider this at fault. The same applies for car maintenance issues like poor wipers.
Human: [TX] Do we as regular citizens have a duty to use NARCAN on someone ODing? I am posting this for a friend; I’m just adjacently involved by way of being there. We had a Christmas party yesterday, attended by several friends, family, and their significant others. A distant cousin came by with her boyfriend we had met before briefly but know nothing about. Turns out he is some sort of high functioning druggie. I think y’all see where this is going. Halfway through the party, this dude starts showing obvious symptoms of an overdose. We were all shocked because nobody in our family or friend group uses drugs, even marijuana. The cousin immediately knew what was going on by her reaction. She was also adamant that we do NOT call 911. A few minutes passed but then someone rightfully called 911. The ambulance arrived in about 15-20 mins, alongside police. They were shuttled to the hospital and the party was basically over. Today the cousin is frantically texting and emailing the host of the party claiming she is responsible for the condition her boyfriend is in because she didn’t use NARCAN on him. This host’s husband is a police officer and carries NARCAN. He was NOT present but the host (my friend) had access to his work gear and my cousin somehow knows about it or perhaps is fishing. The druggie is apparently in critical condition, unclear if he’ll make it. My friend was rightfully upset and told the cousin to get f**ked for bringing a druggie into her house and ruining the party. I already told her to stop communicating with this cousin; she has. Cousin is saying that the host had time (20mins) to grab the NARCAN but chose not to. What’s the play here? Does the cousin have any grounds to sue my friend for inaction or wrongful death if he dies? Sorry if this isn’t the right lingo. Thank you. Assistant: You always call 911 even if you administer NARCAN. It’s effects are temporary (30 - 60 min +/-)
Human: [TX] Do we as regular citizens have a duty to use NARCAN on someone ODing? I am posting this for a friend; I’m just adjacently involved by way of being there. We had a Christmas party yesterday, attended by several friends, family, and their significant others. A distant cousin came by with her boyfriend we had met before briefly but know nothing about. Turns out he is some sort of high functioning druggie. I think y’all see where this is going. Halfway through the party, this dude starts showing obvious symptoms of an overdose. We were all shocked because nobody in our family or friend group uses drugs, even marijuana. The cousin immediately knew what was going on by her reaction. She was also adamant that we do NOT call 911. A few minutes passed but then someone rightfully called 911. The ambulance arrived in about 15-20 mins, alongside police. They were shuttled to the hospital and the party was basically over. Today the cousin is frantically texting and emailing the host of the party claiming she is responsible for the condition her boyfriend is in because she didn’t use NARCAN on him. This host’s husband is a police officer and carries NARCAN. He was NOT present but the host (my friend) had access to his work gear and my cousin somehow knows about it or perhaps is fishing. The druggie is apparently in critical condition, unclear if he’ll make it. My friend was rightfully upset and told the cousin to get f**ked for bringing a druggie into her house and ruining the party. I already told her to stop communicating with this cousin; she has. Cousin is saying that the host had time (20mins) to grab the NARCAN but chose not to. What’s the play here? Does the cousin have any grounds to sue my friend for inaction or wrongful death if he dies? Sorry if this isn’t the right lingo. Thank you. Assistant: The hostess is not responsible for using narcan on anyone. 911 should have been immediately so at least someone didn’t listen to the cousin.
Human: Neighbor's kid got hurt jumping over my fence. My fence is in good order and so is the grass beneath it, the jump itself is what hurt him. Father is irate. Need specifics on what to do. I woke up at 5AM this morning to screaming. My neighbor's son, who is 13, tried to get over my 8 foot privacy fence. He used a ladder on the outside of the fence and then jumped the 8 feet down. He landed badly and broke his leg. His leg was visibly broken so I called an ambulance. I asked him to tell me his parents' phone number so I could call them but he refused to give it and I didn't want to leave him alone in my yard with a broken leg so I waited until they arrived. A police car showed up first and they did not want me to leave so one officer went to get his parents and the other stayed with us. The parents got over just as he was being put in the ambulance out front and the first officer was writing down what happened with me out back. His parents went in the ambulance with him and the police told me they would contact me if they needed anymore information. So I never spoke directly with the parents. The receptionist at my workplace said that he showed up looking for me this morning just after 8. She said he was visibly angry, swearing and implying that she was "hiding" me from him (I was just not there). He identified himself by name and told her to send me the message that I should man up and find him before he finds me. They said he also specifically brought up that he went to my house and I have locked my gate, so he can't get in to see where his son fell. They will be calling the police if he comes back. I am hoping for answers about the following questions that I have. 1. Based on the account from work, the father seemed extremely angry, even for the circumstances, and even a vague threat is still worrisome. I was planning to talk to the police this afternoon and inform them of what happened at my workplace. Unless there is any reason I should not do that? 2. I am intending to contact my homeowners insurance this afternoon and alert them to the situation. Also want to confirm that's the right move. 3. As I said he specifically brought up the fact that when I left my house after all this, I locked the gate. There was not a special reason for this, I just keep it locked all the time and saw no reason not to, the police had not mentioned anything about coming back for any reason. If the child's father does want to look inside my yard at the area where he fell, should I let him, or should I not? And on that note, should I talk to him in general or should I be going straight to have everything go through a lawyer? Thank you for any input you might have. I think there's a firm grip on this, I just want to make sure my plan is right and I'm not setting myself up for anything here. Edit: Florida Assistant: If I were you I’d call the police and tell that this man showed up to your work visibly angry and looking to fight with you. Then he went on your private property and attempted to access your yard without your permission. Lastly, if you can afford it, get a lawyer and discuss the possibility of a restraining order. You seem like a level headed person and I think you might be downplaying the seriousness of what this man is doing. Normal people don’t act like that.
Human: Neighbor's kid got hurt jumping over my fence. My fence is in good order and so is the grass beneath it, the jump itself is what hurt him. Father is irate. Need specifics on what to do. I woke up at 5AM this morning to screaming. My neighbor's son, who is 13, tried to get over my 8 foot privacy fence. He used a ladder on the outside of the fence and then jumped the 8 feet down. He landed badly and broke his leg. His leg was visibly broken so I called an ambulance. I asked him to tell me his parents' phone number so I could call them but he refused to give it and I didn't want to leave him alone in my yard with a broken leg so I waited until they arrived. A police car showed up first and they did not want me to leave so one officer went to get his parents and the other stayed with us. The parents got over just as he was being put in the ambulance out front and the first officer was writing down what happened with me out back. His parents went in the ambulance with him and the police told me they would contact me if they needed anymore information. So I never spoke directly with the parents. The receptionist at my workplace said that he showed up looking for me this morning just after 8. She said he was visibly angry, swearing and implying that she was "hiding" me from him (I was just not there). He identified himself by name and told her to send me the message that I should man up and find him before he finds me. They said he also specifically brought up that he went to my house and I have locked my gate, so he can't get in to see where his son fell. They will be calling the police if he comes back. I am hoping for answers about the following questions that I have. 1. Based on the account from work, the father seemed extremely angry, even for the circumstances, and even a vague threat is still worrisome. I was planning to talk to the police this afternoon and inform them of what happened at my workplace. Unless there is any reason I should not do that? 2. I am intending to contact my homeowners insurance this afternoon and alert them to the situation. Also want to confirm that's the right move. 3. As I said he specifically brought up the fact that when I left my house after all this, I locked the gate. There was not a special reason for this, I just keep it locked all the time and saw no reason not to, the police had not mentioned anything about coming back for any reason. If the child's father does want to look inside my yard at the area where he fell, should I let him, or should I not? And on that note, should I talk to him in general or should I be going straight to have everything go through a lawyer? Thank you for any input you might have. I think there's a firm grip on this, I just want to make sure my plan is right and I'm not setting myself up for anything here. Edit: Florida Assistant: I'd call the police again. His son broke his leg while trying to trespass and he is now showing up to your work and acting hostile with the receptionist.
Human: A neighbor's kid jumped over our fence and climbed a tree in my backyard. He fell from tree and broke his arm. Now parents are demanding that I should pay for medical expenses. Is it my fault that their child trespassed in my backyard and fell from tree? They're demanding $100,000 for injuries, my Homeowner's Insurance would only cover $50,000 for 3rd party injuries. I'm not sure If I should pay rest of $50,000 out of my pocket. Edit: Location, West Virginia. Assistant: Call the police and file a report for the trespass. Then call you homeowner's insurance.
Human: A neighbor's kid jumped over our fence and climbed a tree in my backyard. He fell from tree and broke his arm. Now parents are demanding that I should pay for medical expenses. Is it my fault that their child trespassed in my backyard and fell from tree? They're demanding $100,000 for injuries, my Homeowner's Insurance would only cover $50,000 for 3rd party injuries. I'm not sure If I should pay rest of $50,000 out of my pocket. Edit: Location, West Virginia. Assistant: The number they're quoting is absurd. Unless he required surgery, his medical bills should be a couple thousand dollars, not even tens of thousands, and certainly nowhere close to $100K. Even if he did need surgery, we'd be talking lowish tens (Source). Call your insurer, and let them handle this.
Human: As I'm writing this, my neighbors' workers are building a fence on our own property. [Wisconsin] I'm a college student on summer break, and I'm living with my parents near Lake Winnebago for the time being. They have surveyed on multiple occasions the area of land that the neighbor is currently building a fence on (he started building about 3-4 hours ago, in the morning), and the surveyor seemed to confirm that this was part of our property. My dad believes we must give up, believes we can't afford a lawyer to fight it and so on. It probably doesn't matter, but our property is on the lake, and that little land could be rather valuable if we ever sell the house and land. I'm just hoping to help my parents. Assistant: Tell the workers that if they don't get off your property you will call the cops. If they don't get off, call the cops. If your neighbor thinks they have the right to build there, they have to produce the survey saying so. Absent that, tell them any step onto the property will result in trespassing charges
Human: As I'm writing this, my neighbors' workers are building a fence on our own property. [Wisconsin] I'm a college student on summer break, and I'm living with my parents near Lake Winnebago for the time being. They have surveyed on multiple occasions the area of land that the neighbor is currently building a fence on (he started building about 3-4 hours ago, in the morning), and the surveyor seemed to confirm that this was part of our property. My dad believes we must give up, believes we can't afford a lawyer to fight it and so on. It probably doesn't matter, but our property is on the lake, and that little land could be rather valuable if we ever sell the house and land. I'm just hoping to help my parents. Assistant: go to tell the workers to get off your property
Human: Neighbors have wall-shaking screaming fights, which wake up my kids, nearly every single night. Remedies? In Pennsylvania. My SO and I live in an apartment building. We have two small children. One is a little over two years old. The other is almost three months old. Our next-door neighbors have loud, screaming fights almost every night—typically between the hours of 10 PM - 2 AM (i.e., during the building quiet hours stipulated to in their lease, I expect). The fights are so loud that I can make out what they are about. A few times, I have heard the female tenant screaming and yelling for the male tenant to stop touching her. Furniture also sounds like it is being thrown around the apartment. I have a reasonable suspicion that domestic abuse is occurring—although, obviously, not being in the room, I can’t be positive. The building management has been completely apathetic to our and other tenants’ complaints about these people. I think management has warned them a few times, but to no avail. So management stopped trying to do anything. I guess they pay their rent. The issue is that their fighting wakes up my kids night after night. It’s that loud. They’re so trashy, I’m skeptical that telling them to stop having screaming fights at all hours will do anything. Given how they act, I worry that they might just become belligerent towards me and my family for having the temerity to ask. So I don’t plan on speaking to them. I’m considering whether, the next time I hear them screaming and what sounds like a physical altercation (e.g., furniture being thrown and words to the effect of “Don’t touch me”), calling 911 and reporting a domestic assault. My concern is that, while all this stuff is horrible, none of it rises to the level of a breach of my lease by management (not sure if the implied warranty of habitability is breached here—everything else about our living situation is fine). And I’m not party to their lease, so I can’t enforce their lease terms the way management should be doing. Is there any potential civil or criminal liability to me if I report my neighbors to the cops on the good-faith but mistaken belief that a violent crime is being committed by them in their domicile in that moment? In all candor, if they weren’t waking up my kids every night, I wouldn’t care. But I don’t know any other way to get it to stop. Assistant: Call the police every time it happens. Write down the nonemergency police number and hand it to your other neighbors to complain too. Be persistent with reporting to both police and land lord. Also, maybe stop being rude to people giving you advice you asked to receive?
Human: Neighbors have wall-shaking screaming fights, which wake up my kids, nearly every single night. Remedies? In Pennsylvania. My SO and I live in an apartment building. We have two small children. One is a little over two years old. The other is almost three months old. Our next-door neighbors have loud, screaming fights almost every night—typically between the hours of 10 PM - 2 AM (i.e., during the building quiet hours stipulated to in their lease, I expect). The fights are so loud that I can make out what they are about. A few times, I have heard the female tenant screaming and yelling for the male tenant to stop touching her. Furniture also sounds like it is being thrown around the apartment. I have a reasonable suspicion that domestic abuse is occurring—although, obviously, not being in the room, I can’t be positive. The building management has been completely apathetic to our and other tenants’ complaints about these people. I think management has warned them a few times, but to no avail. So management stopped trying to do anything. I guess they pay their rent. The issue is that their fighting wakes up my kids night after night. It’s that loud. They’re so trashy, I’m skeptical that telling them to stop having screaming fights at all hours will do anything. Given how they act, I worry that they might just become belligerent towards me and my family for having the temerity to ask. So I don’t plan on speaking to them. I’m considering whether, the next time I hear them screaming and what sounds like a physical altercation (e.g., furniture being thrown and words to the effect of “Don’t touch me”), calling 911 and reporting a domestic assault. My concern is that, while all this stuff is horrible, none of it rises to the level of a breach of my lease by management (not sure if the implied warranty of habitability is breached here—everything else about our living situation is fine). And I’m not party to their lease, so I can’t enforce their lease terms the way management should be doing. Is there any potential civil or criminal liability to me if I report my neighbors to the cops on the good-faith but mistaken belief that a violent crime is being committed by them in their domicile in that moment? In all candor, if they weren’t waking up my kids every night, I wouldn’t care. But I don’t know any other way to get it to stop. Assistant: Call the police every time they have a fight and report it to the apartment complex the next morning. If you are in communication with other neighbors that are also being annoyed by this, encourage them to do the same. The apartment complex will eventually get tired of it and address the situation more firmly. You are entitled to quiet enjoyment of your living space. The complex would rather evict one problem couple then risk 3-4 other renters moving out due to noise.
Human: Neighbour's security alarm keeps going off non-stop. They are currently away and won't be back till end of June. Police say they cannot do anything, is there anything i can do to make it stop? Hi we own a town home in Toronto, Ontario it is attached to our neighbors unit. We aren't really close to our neighbors as they rarely seem to be around. Yesterday evening we had a power outage where the power went out for around 6 hours. When power was restored, our neighbors security system keeps randomly going off, and playing an extremely loud alarm for around \~30 seconds every \~15 minutes. We can hear it throughout our entire unit and the unit next to his (not attached) also has told us that it is driving them crazy. The problem is that our neighbors are gone until the end of June, and the contact information i have for them seems to be out of date (phone says number is not in service). We called bylaw this morning, who in turn basically told us to call the police because aside from writing him a ticket for noise he cannot do anything. We called the police and a police officer came to the house and did a perimeter check but said everything was fine. He suggested we contact the owner, when we explained he said there isn't anything he can do, but suggested we call his security alarm company. We called the security alarm company and explained our situation and they basically told us they cannot help us, and we need to get the owner to contact them. I cannot put up with this for 45+ days. How do i make this stop. Assistant: Call the alarm company. Tell them you haven't seen your neighbor in awhile and the alarm is going off. You think something happened to them. Not sure how privacy laws work in CA but Google them, search all social media (Facebook, IG to start) and neighbourhood groups. Google should show you a list of who lives there- try to Facebook each person. How do you know they'll be out of town till June?
Human: Neighbour's security alarm keeps going off non-stop. They are currently away and won't be back till end of June. Police say they cannot do anything, is there anything i can do to make it stop? Hi we own a town home in Toronto, Ontario it is attached to our neighbors unit. We aren't really close to our neighbors as they rarely seem to be around. Yesterday evening we had a power outage where the power went out for around 6 hours. When power was restored, our neighbors security system keeps randomly going off, and playing an extremely loud alarm for around \~30 seconds every \~15 minutes. We can hear it throughout our entire unit and the unit next to his (not attached) also has told us that it is driving them crazy. The problem is that our neighbors are gone until the end of June, and the contact information i have for them seems to be out of date (phone says number is not in service). We called bylaw this morning, who in turn basically told us to call the police because aside from writing him a ticket for noise he cannot do anything. We called the police and a police officer came to the house and did a perimeter check but said everything was fine. He suggested we contact the owner, when we explained he said there isn't anything he can do, but suggested we call his security alarm company. We called the security alarm company and explained our situation and they basically told us they cannot help us, and we need to get the owner to contact them. I cannot put up with this for 45+ days. How do i make this stop. Assistant: This would be a nice fine to pay reporting g many noice complaints and getting multiple tickets.. coming back in June with a months supply of fines
Human: [Texas] HOA wants to fine us for having a dog, but we don't have a dog! The HOA allows dogs but for some reason thinks we are hiding a quote "secret dog" from them. My husband and I don't own a dog or any pets for that matter but they still try to fine us. We even let them in the house to show them that there isn't a dog. They claimed the fact that there was a tennis ball in the kids room means we have a dog. The kids play tennis and they know this. My husband even had his friend from animal control call and tell them that we don't own a dog. They won't listen! Assistant: Tell them to prove it or pound sand. Contest any fines in writing. From now on you should discuss the issue in writing only (email is fine). Getting everything in writing is essential if they decide to go to court either for the fines they think you owe or to foreclose.
Human: [Texas] HOA wants to fine us for having a dog, but we don't have a dog! The HOA allows dogs but for some reason thinks we are hiding a quote "secret dog" from them. My husband and I don't own a dog or any pets for that matter but they still try to fine us. We even let them in the house to show them that there isn't a dog. They claimed the fact that there was a tennis ball in the kids room means we have a dog. The kids play tennis and they know this. My husband even had his friend from animal control call and tell them that we don't own a dog. They won't listen! Assistant: Why do they think this?
Human: found a stash of illegal stuff on my deceased dad's hard drive, what now? Going through my dad's stuff from storage, found a box with three external hard drives. Was not expecting them to work as they'd been in a non-climate-controlled garage several years but they work. I knew I'd find porn and I did, but it's definitely of the illegal variety. The files are dated 1999 and my dad has been dead close to ten years. What do I do? Assistant: PLEASE DO NOT DESTROY THOSE HARD DRIVES. Speak to a criminal defense attorney and find a way to cover yourself before turning them in. If children have been victimized you may very well hold the only known evidence capable of bringing their abusers to justice. You don't just have something potentially incriminating, you have 3 hard drives full of potential to bring abusers to justice before they hurt anyone else. Please get these to the appropriate authorities.
Human: found a stash of illegal stuff on my deceased dad's hard drive, what now? Going through my dad's stuff from storage, found a box with three external hard drives. Was not expecting them to work as they'd been in a non-climate-controlled garage several years but they work. I knew I'd find porn and I did, but it's definitely of the illegal variety. The files are dated 1999 and my dad has been dead close to ten years. What do I do? Assistant: Not a lawyer. Before you do anything, you should absolutely talk to a lawyer versed in the laws concerning the illegal material. Destroying it and being found out later that it was in your possession could backfire terribly. You'd be destroying evidence after all.
Human: I've just been informed my ex wife is moving across the country. We have joint physical 50/50 company of my 16 year old son in California. How does this work? Just like the title says, my ex wife just informed me via email that they're moving to Idaho, from California, with our 16 year old son. She says he picked to go with them and wants to avoid a legal battle, as she has to be at work on Oct 25, 2021. I'm aware that when he turned 14 or 15 he was allowed to choose which parent to live with. I'm a stay at home dad with my new wife and kids, I do not have a job, that is my job, to take care of the kids. How does any of this work? I can't afford a lawyer, she says she wants to do mediation. Will I have to pay child support now? Do I agree to anything? This is all very sudden and came out of nowhere and we're scrambling to figure out what to do now Assistant: Do you have a court ordered custody set up?
Human: I've just been informed my ex wife is moving across the country. We have joint physical 50/50 company of my 16 year old son in California. How does this work? Just like the title says, my ex wife just informed me via email that they're moving to Idaho, from California, with our 16 year old son. She says he picked to go with them and wants to avoid a legal battle, as she has to be at work on Oct 25, 2021. I'm aware that when he turned 14 or 15 he was allowed to choose which parent to live with. I'm a stay at home dad with my new wife and kids, I do not have a job, that is my job, to take care of the kids. How does any of this work? I can't afford a lawyer, she says she wants to do mediation. Will I have to pay child support now? Do I agree to anything? This is all very sudden and came out of nowhere and we're scrambling to figure out what to do now Assistant: Don't agree to anything you don't want, you're going to have to figure out how to afford a lawyer and look into what local resources you may have available, Look at your divorce paper work to see what it says about this kind of stuff. That's pretty shitty of her to do this to you. Good luck.
Human: I tried to sell my car and now the buyer is refusing to pay me, what can I do? I live in WI, and was on a road trip to Yellowstone a month ago (June 16). Unfortunately I only made it to South Dakota before my car started having issues. I had to stop and get it checked out by a mechanic in a small town because it was the only place my car could make it to. It turned out that my car would be more expensive to fix then it was worth. The mechanic said he would buy it from me instead and I agreed. I had to leave SD to make it back to work on time (my trip was during my vacation week). So I left my car behind and said I would send the title once he sent me money. Well he hasn’t sent me any money. And I have contacted him many times about it. He claims the first check he sent must’ve gotten lost so he’d send another. And yet it’s been over a week and I still have not received a check. I don’t know what I can do to get my car back. Do I report it stolen? Should I contact the police in the town the mechanic is in and explain the situation to them? Would small claims be the move? I’m not sure how it works since we live in different states. It’s been a month since I left the car in SD and I don’t want the mechanic to claim I abandoned the car. I’d rather the cops auction off my car for themselves than the mechanic get my car. Any help is greatly appreciated. Assistant: The car is yours legally. None of us know for sure if you’re getting scammed, but “the check is in the mail” sure sounds like it. Why didn’t he pay you up front instead of you getting a check by mail? Anyways you still own the car, just have it towed and get a second opinion from a different mechanic.
Human: I tried to sell my car and now the buyer is refusing to pay me, what can I do? I live in WI, and was on a road trip to Yellowstone a month ago (June 16). Unfortunately I only made it to South Dakota before my car started having issues. I had to stop and get it checked out by a mechanic in a small town because it was the only place my car could make it to. It turned out that my car would be more expensive to fix then it was worth. The mechanic said he would buy it from me instead and I agreed. I had to leave SD to make it back to work on time (my trip was during my vacation week). So I left my car behind and said I would send the title once he sent me money. Well he hasn’t sent me any money. And I have contacted him many times about it. He claims the first check he sent must’ve gotten lost so he’d send another. And yet it’s been over a week and I still have not received a check. I don’t know what I can do to get my car back. Do I report it stolen? Should I contact the police in the town the mechanic is in and explain the situation to them? Would small claims be the move? I’m not sure how it works since we live in different states. It’s been a month since I left the car in SD and I don’t want the mechanic to claim I abandoned the car. I’d rather the cops auction off my car for themselves than the mechanic get my car. Any help is greatly appreciated. Assistant: You still own the car. Have it towed /scrapped to somone who will pay.
Human: Person I don't know sent money to my PayPal account and wants me to send it back. I am located in IL, they are located in AZ. They sent $500 to my PayPal account and then called me saying they had mistakenly sent me money and I needed to send it back. I immediately thought it was a scam, because that sounds like a scam. I made sarcastic comments and hung up on them. They called back and I said to stop trying to scam me. I rarely use PayPal (once in the last 5 years, I think). I looked up my password and accessed my account and there was $502 and change ($2 and change from some old transaction). They sent me two texts which made me think even more that it was a scam: "May you plx send that money back. It was imprtant (sic)." and "That money was imortant (sic). Plx send it back." The next day someone identifying themselves as a Phoenix (IIRC) police officer called me. He said he had someone there that was saying I was refusing to send them money. I said I got a phone call from someone claiming to have mistakenly sent me money, but that people use schemes like this all the time to get money out of people. He basically said I was stealing it. I said that I wouldn't talk to him any further without a lawyer. He laughed at me and called me an idiot. I told him how would I even know who he was. He said he told me who he was. He then said he would put me down as a suspect. I said ok. He said ok they would proceed with filing theft charges. I said thank you for your help and I hung up. I am trying to get in touch with PayPal now about it, but don't know exactly what I should do. Here are my concerns: If this is a real person who accidentally sent me money, I want them to have it back. It's not mine and I don't want to be enriched by someone else's misfortune, even if they did do it themselves. Could this be a money laundering scheme? What issues might arise from the phone call with the "cop"? Let me know what other information would be helpful. Assistant: Don’t withdraw it. Contact PayPal. Tell them you had a $500 credit to your account that shouldn’t be there. Either it’s a scam and not your problem, or it’s not a scam (but come on it’s a scam) and the clawback should go back through PayPal. Do not withdraw the money. You’ll just have to pay it back. Like many scams, this one preys on the dishonest mark loooking to pick up some free money.
Human: Person I don't know sent money to my PayPal account and wants me to send it back. I am located in IL, they are located in AZ. They sent $500 to my PayPal account and then called me saying they had mistakenly sent me money and I needed to send it back. I immediately thought it was a scam, because that sounds like a scam. I made sarcastic comments and hung up on them. They called back and I said to stop trying to scam me. I rarely use PayPal (once in the last 5 years, I think). I looked up my password and accessed my account and there was $502 and change ($2 and change from some old transaction). They sent me two texts which made me think even more that it was a scam: "May you plx send that money back. It was imprtant (sic)." and "That money was imortant (sic). Plx send it back." The next day someone identifying themselves as a Phoenix (IIRC) police officer called me. He said he had someone there that was saying I was refusing to send them money. I said I got a phone call from someone claiming to have mistakenly sent me money, but that people use schemes like this all the time to get money out of people. He basically said I was stealing it. I said that I wouldn't talk to him any further without a lawyer. He laughed at me and called me an idiot. I told him how would I even know who he was. He said he told me who he was. He then said he would put me down as a suspect. I said ok. He said ok they would proceed with filing theft charges. I said thank you for your help and I hung up. I am trying to get in touch with PayPal now about it, but don't know exactly what I should do. Here are my concerns: If this is a real person who accidentally sent me money, I want them to have it back. It's not mine and I don't want to be enriched by someone else's misfortune, even if they did do it themselves. Could this be a money laundering scheme? What issues might arise from the phone call with the "cop"? Let me know what other information would be helpful. Assistant: Not a lawyer but it does sound like a scam... I did a quick Google search and the first article that showed up said that apparently it's a thing... "Scammers are laundering stolen cash through money transfer apps, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) reported." (
Human: Landlord is kicking me out, what should I do? Hello y'all, This is for a friend who is being evicted because her landlord is having a "Divorce" and husband is moving into the guest house were my friend is living at the moment. She lives in a gust house in California in the San Fernando Valley moved in early March. She is always paying her side of the rent and is never late as well. She's had problems with the landlords wife because she always has her son over helping as she trying to make her new place feel like home. As of today she got a text saying her(Landlord) husband and her are getting a divorce. The husband will be moving in the guest house, so she will need to move asap. I know there are laws that protect someone who has been living more than a month in a place, but im not entirely sure. ​ Hope someone could help out my friend, she is a very lovely older lady and is trying her best to live at peace. Assistant: On a month-to-month lease that has been going on for less than a year, there is no protection from lease non-renewal. She cannot be made to leave right away, but if the landlord gives an actual notice of non-renewal of the lease she will need to leave in thirty days.
Human: Landlord is kicking me out, what should I do? Hello y'all, This is for a friend who is being evicted because her landlord is having a "Divorce" and husband is moving into the guest house were my friend is living at the moment. She lives in a gust house in California in the San Fernando Valley moved in early March. She is always paying her side of the rent and is never late as well. She's had problems with the landlords wife because she always has her son over helping as she trying to make her new place feel like home. As of today she got a text saying her(Landlord) husband and her are getting a divorce. The husband will be moving in the guest house, so she will need to move asap. I know there are laws that protect someone who has been living more than a month in a place, but im not entirely sure. ​ Hope someone could help out my friend, she is a very lovely older lady and is trying her best to live at peace. Assistant: Does your friend have a lease?
Human: My company has added a coworkers income into my draw because "most of the work she does benefits me". My wife and I work for the same company. She is salaried and I work on commission, paid a draw abd then my commissions are to be paid out monthly. I put in my notice two weeks ago because I haven't seen commission since February. With my notice I noted that the state law around termination of employment for a commissioned sales person is that they pay me 100% up to date within 30 days of my last day. Today I received my commission statement and when they figured my draw against my commission, for the first time in five years, the deducted my wifes salary in full from my commissions. So effectively, I paid her for the last 5 months instead of the company. My CEO says we discussed this but we definitely never did. What does my recourse look like here if he does not correct this? I'm in Missouri and he is in California if that matters. Assistant: Your wife’s salary is nothing to do with your salary. That sounds extremely dodgy. Get a lawyer.
Human: My company has added a coworkers income into my draw because "most of the work she does benefits me". My wife and I work for the same company. She is salaried and I work on commission, paid a draw abd then my commissions are to be paid out monthly. I put in my notice two weeks ago because I haven't seen commission since February. With my notice I noted that the state law around termination of employment for a commissioned sales person is that they pay me 100% up to date within 30 days of my last day. Today I received my commission statement and when they figured my draw against my commission, for the first time in five years, the deducted my wifes salary in full from my commissions. So effectively, I paid her for the last 5 months instead of the company. My CEO says we discussed this but we definitely never did. What does my recourse look like here if he does not correct this? I'm in Missouri and he is in California if that matters. Assistant: So if the company is based in California I’m sure they’ll frown heavily on what he’s doing. You can try reaching out to someone in Missouri but you’re better off contacting the California Labor dept. You can try a lawyer as well but again go with someone in Cali. who knows the laws better. I’m in Massachusetts and the labor commission sues the company for you and the state.
Human: my estranged sibling has accused my mother of stalking and abuse. my mother was served with a court summons saying the court denies the accusations, but my mom still has to appear in court. what do we do? My mom is not abusive nor is she stalking my sibling. She has tried contacting them a few times over the past year, but nothing beyond texts/emails. They never had the best relationship, but my mom's never hit any of her children. The court denied the claim but for some reason are still requiring that my mom appear in court. My mom wants me to try and speak with them and get them to drop the accusations as we cannot afford to get a lawyer but don't qualify for a public defender, but I feel it isn't a good idea to contact them without speaking with a lawyer first. Is there anything else we can do? My parents are being faced with the choice to either pay the monthly mortgage fee or pay a lawyer. Assistant: Are you sure it's not just a hearing for your sibling to get a restraining order?
Human: my estranged sibling has accused my mother of stalking and abuse. my mother was served with a court summons saying the court denies the accusations, but my mom still has to appear in court. what do we do? My mom is not abusive nor is she stalking my sibling. She has tried contacting them a few times over the past year, but nothing beyond texts/emails. They never had the best relationship, but my mom's never hit any of her children. The court denied the claim but for some reason are still requiring that my mom appear in court. My mom wants me to try and speak with them and get them to drop the accusations as we cannot afford to get a lawyer but don't qualify for a public defender, but I feel it isn't a good idea to contact them without speaking with a lawyer first. Is there anything else we can do? My parents are being faced with the choice to either pay the monthly mortgage fee or pay a lawyer. Assistant: I'm confused as to what is going on here. Your sibling is claiming that your mother has been harrassing, abusive and stalking. Your sibling is _threatening_ your mother to... do what exactly? Take her to court for .. damages from the stalking? unless your mother agrees to pay your siblings mortgage?
Human: I pointed a gun at a child (approx. 8-10) after he fired a rifle nearly hitting me in the process The title sounds bad, but I am currently under investigation by the Canadian Government for pointing a firearm at a child after the child in question fired a rifle (an SKS), nearly hitting me in the process. What happened was I was at the shooting range, having a nice time firing my weapons, when family (mom, dad, two sisters, and a brother) comes to the range. I notice the boy, around 8-10 not being exactly safe with the firearm (pointing the weapon in the concrete ground, leaving firearms unattended while loaded, etc.), so I remind him to always keep the gun pointed down range, and he nods. Keep in mind, the dad went to the other range with the two daughters, so the it was just me, the boy, and his mother. His mother is not shooting any weapon, just browsing facebook or playing candy crush. I am getting annoyed that this kid is not following gun safety rules very well, so I remind him again, and he says "Mhm" and at this point, I realize, this kid is obviously not able to be trusted with a gun. I dont say anything, since I do not want a mother and father yelling at me (I am very timid as a person). And not even thirty seconds later, it happens. I am reloading my pistol, when I hear the rifle fire, and a bullet wizz right past my face. Like, if I was firing my weapon, at the time, I would be dead. I am pissed at this, and tell him to get the fuck down on the ground, and he does. The mother starts screaming at me, asking what the fuck I was doing, and telling me to put my weapon down, so I do, while she takes the rifle away from the child, who is crying his eyes out. I ask her why the fuck she cant control her kid, and she yells at me, and the dad comes back and yells at me, for pointing a gun at their little angel. The daughters, on the other hand, actually seem to have a brain, and start yelling at their parents, and then a police officer comes by, and detains everyone, since he saw everything on a range camera. He asks us all questions, then he releases us, telling us to leave the range. This happened two months ago, and the parents are suing me for child endangerment, resulting in the government investigating me, suspending my PAL (Canadian firearms license), and seizing my weapons in the process. I have no idea what the outcome might be, since I was legally defending myself, but at the same time, it was a young child who pointed a gun at me. I dont want to be a felon, but at the same time, I was legally defending myself. What can I do? Sorry for the really bad grammar, I have terrible writing skills. Assistant: Consider posting on r/legaladvicecanada as laws in Canada related to firearms, gun ranges and "self-defence" are quite different to what most contributors are knowledgable in. But considering you are already subject to legal proceedings and investigations hiring a legal representative is absolutly they path to take
Human: I pointed a gun at a child (approx. 8-10) after he fired a rifle nearly hitting me in the process The title sounds bad, but I am currently under investigation by the Canadian Government for pointing a firearm at a child after the child in question fired a rifle (an SKS), nearly hitting me in the process. What happened was I was at the shooting range, having a nice time firing my weapons, when family (mom, dad, two sisters, and a brother) comes to the range. I notice the boy, around 8-10 not being exactly safe with the firearm (pointing the weapon in the concrete ground, leaving firearms unattended while loaded, etc.), so I remind him to always keep the gun pointed down range, and he nods. Keep in mind, the dad went to the other range with the two daughters, so the it was just me, the boy, and his mother. His mother is not shooting any weapon, just browsing facebook or playing candy crush. I am getting annoyed that this kid is not following gun safety rules very well, so I remind him again, and he says "Mhm" and at this point, I realize, this kid is obviously not able to be trusted with a gun. I dont say anything, since I do not want a mother and father yelling at me (I am very timid as a person). And not even thirty seconds later, it happens. I am reloading my pistol, when I hear the rifle fire, and a bullet wizz right past my face. Like, if I was firing my weapon, at the time, I would be dead. I am pissed at this, and tell him to get the fuck down on the ground, and he does. The mother starts screaming at me, asking what the fuck I was doing, and telling me to put my weapon down, so I do, while she takes the rifle away from the child, who is crying his eyes out. I ask her why the fuck she cant control her kid, and she yells at me, and the dad comes back and yells at me, for pointing a gun at their little angel. The daughters, on the other hand, actually seem to have a brain, and start yelling at their parents, and then a police officer comes by, and detains everyone, since he saw everything on a range camera. He asks us all questions, then he releases us, telling us to leave the range. This happened two months ago, and the parents are suing me for child endangerment, resulting in the government investigating me, suspending my PAL (Canadian firearms license), and seizing my weapons in the process. I have no idea what the outcome might be, since I was legally defending myself, but at the same time, it was a young child who pointed a gun at me. I dont want to be a felon, but at the same time, I was legally defending myself. What can I do? Sorry for the really bad grammar, I have terrible writing skills. Assistant: This is get a lawyer territory. In Canada, firearm offences are taken seriously and usually result in a ban from owning/using them. Why didn’t you contact the ranger? You ignored a dangerous situation then escalated to the max.
Human: My daughter (15) is refusing to see her father, and he is threatening to take me to court. In late December 2021 my daughter claims she was assaulted by her father and her stepmother while on holiday visitation with them. She said that an argument ensued which led to a physical altercation when my daughter attempted to leave the room. The police were called on my daughter by her stepmother who was requesting her to be placed in a 51/50 psychiatric hold. The police interviewed my daughter, found no intent on her part to harm herself or others, and left my ex's home. I believe my daughter. Since that time she has outright refused to visit her father and will only communicate with him through text or email. She says this is because she doesn't want him to twist her words. This isn't the first time this has happened, there have been two instances before where she has refused to see her father on the grounds of verbal abuse. This was the first time he was physical with her. Each time she wrote her father a letter explaining why she doesn't want to see him, she did the same this time as well. I've saved copies of all these letters. My daughter also came home with a few mild bruises on her arms, back, and butt. I've taken pictures of those too. My daughter told her mental health counselor what happened and CPS was called. Her injuries were documented but nothing came of it. It's been a little under 3 months now and my daughter is still scared to visit with her father and won't see him. My ex is now threatening to file a motion to contempt against me since I'm allowing my daughter to stay with me during "his time". I can't in good conscience force my child to see someone who scares her and poses a risk to her. I have no money to afford a lawyer, and I'm not sure what to do if he does go through with his threats. I live in Georgia. Can anyone help? Assistant: Let him file his motion. You can't physically force a 15 year old to go to visits, and judges generally know this. Just make sure you have proof that you are both facilitating and encouraging her to visit. You should absolutely have a lawyer represent you in court. Dealing with teenagers is one of the hardest things for a family court.
Human: My daughter (15) is refusing to see her father, and he is threatening to take me to court. In late December 2021 my daughter claims she was assaulted by her father and her stepmother while on holiday visitation with them. She said that an argument ensued which led to a physical altercation when my daughter attempted to leave the room. The police were called on my daughter by her stepmother who was requesting her to be placed in a 51/50 psychiatric hold. The police interviewed my daughter, found no intent on her part to harm herself or others, and left my ex's home. I believe my daughter. Since that time she has outright refused to visit her father and will only communicate with him through text or email. She says this is because she doesn't want him to twist her words. This isn't the first time this has happened, there have been two instances before where she has refused to see her father on the grounds of verbal abuse. This was the first time he was physical with her. Each time she wrote her father a letter explaining why she doesn't want to see him, she did the same this time as well. I've saved copies of all these letters. My daughter also came home with a few mild bruises on her arms, back, and butt. I've taken pictures of those too. My daughter told her mental health counselor what happened and CPS was called. Her injuries were documented but nothing came of it. It's been a little under 3 months now and my daughter is still scared to visit with her father and won't see him. My ex is now threatening to file a motion to contempt against me since I'm allowing my daughter to stay with me during "his time". I can't in good conscience force my child to see someone who scares her and poses a risk to her. I have no money to afford a lawyer, and I'm not sure what to do if he does go through with his threats. I live in Georgia. Can anyone help? Assistant: You don't have to have a lawyer in order to file a Motion for an Emergency Hearing. I always say get a lawyer if you can but don't let it hold you back from doing what you need to do. Go to or call the clerk of courts that your custody arrangement is filed in. Be prepared with a 20 second explanation and don't leave until you are taken seriously. Usually, when it is something of this nature the staff will be really helpful in guiding you what type of motion to file. Wishing you strength mama. ❤️
Human: Landlord says we’re not allowed in after pipe burst two weeks ago, still being charged rent Florida, USA Writing this for my non-Reddit user friend. A pipe burst in her apartment building two weeks ago, flooding the units and forcing the inhabitants to vacate. She has since received continuous emails saying not to enter her unit as it is still flooded/not suitable for habitation. Of course, her landlord (corporation) is not refunding rent despite her not being allowed in most of this month, only offering a $50 credit. Is this legal? Thanks Assistant: Is the landlord providing alternate accommodation?
Human: Landlord says we’re not allowed in after pipe burst two weeks ago, still being charged rent Florida, USA Writing this for my non-Reddit user friend. A pipe burst in her apartment building two weeks ago, flooding the units and forcing the inhabitants to vacate. She has since received continuous emails saying not to enter her unit as it is still flooded/not suitable for habitation. Of course, her landlord (corporation) is not refunding rent despite her not being allowed in most of this month, only offering a $50 credit. Is this legal? Thanks Assistant: Nope. Not legal. She has effectively been “constructively evicted” and she can withhold rent until it is inhabitable again or she can effectively break the lease without repercussions.
Human: Oregon. My sister was married to a woman. They split up. Before the divorce was finalized she got pregnant with her now boyfriend's baby. Her ex and her took awhile to get divorced and in the meantime my sister met a guy, they started dating, and she got pregnant. She recently had the baby and her boyfriend was filling out paperwork at the hospital and put down that my sister had been married when the baby had been conceived. The hospital wouldn't let my sister put her boyfriend down on the birth certificate because Oregon law says that if the wife becomes pregnant while still married the "husband" must be disestablished as the father before the actual father can be put on the birth certificate. She said she emailed someone in vital records about it and they sent her a link citing the law about adding or removing a father and that she has to hire an attorney to draft papers to petition the court. But this all seems ridiculous because her ex can't be the father of her baby as she's a women. Is she getting accurate information. Assistant: Sounds like the boyfriend tried to sign an acknowledgment of paternity. In the case the woman is married, there is an accompanying document sometimes called the “Husband’s denial of paternity” or maybe “spouses’s denial,” etc. These forms would be provided to Vital Records.
Human: Oregon. My sister was married to a woman. They split up. Before the divorce was finalized she got pregnant with her now boyfriend's baby. Her ex and her took awhile to get divorced and in the meantime my sister met a guy, they started dating, and she got pregnant. She recently had the baby and her boyfriend was filling out paperwork at the hospital and put down that my sister had been married when the baby had been conceived. The hospital wouldn't let my sister put her boyfriend down on the birth certificate because Oregon law says that if the wife becomes pregnant while still married the "husband" must be disestablished as the father before the actual father can be put on the birth certificate. She said she emailed someone in vital records about it and they sent her a link citing the law about adding or removing a father and that she has to hire an attorney to draft papers to petition the court. But this all seems ridiculous because her ex can't be the father of her baby as she's a women. Is she getting accurate information. Assistant: The reason behind this is to ensure a child's parents are fulfilling their obligation to care for the child. The gender is irrelevant because it's based on the premise of a two-person household to support and provide for a child (even if the origin was on a mother-father household). It's called the presumption of paternity. It can be challenged. She just needs to take the appropriate steps to do so. It's not ridiculous when you consider it's simply an approach based on efficiency and sound public policy.
Human: CT (US) Landlord sent me to debt collections for a bill I literally cannot owe to them, What do I do? My wife and I bought a home in July of 2021. We moved out of our apartment in September, paid our last month's rent, moved our utilities over to the new address, the whole 9 yards. We received our deposit back with no issues around the beginning of October. Nearly a year later, in September of 2022, we started receiving Debt Collection phone calls. My wife initially thought it might be a scam, but i called the landlord to be sure, and they confirmed that, despite never having reached out by phone or letter within the previous year, they had sent a debt to collections for "Utilities." My wife and I spoke to the Utility in our part of the state, and they confirmed that they could not see any record of a missed payment or debt in our name, and we were, in fact, model customers. Further, they stated that any owed amount would be owed between us and them (the utility), and we would never owe money to a landlord for Utility bill that had not been paid. We requested a statement from our Utility showing that there were no missed bills up to the date of our move-out from the apartment complex, and forwarded that on to the manager of the complex. The Manager sent an email back stating that the date of our official change of utility was 3 days before our actual end of lease date, and so they considered the entirety of the bill they received the next month from the Utility (presumably for our now empty apartment) to be our debt. Again, we talked to the Utility, who were baffled that the Apartment Complex would do this, and ran a quick calculation for us, finding that even if we accepted that those 3 days would have made a real-word difference to the Utility bill, it would have been a matter of less than $4, rather than the $80+ they are now pursuing us for. They were nice enough to bill us for those 3 days separately, and we paid that amount just to be sure. Unfortunately, as I probably should have predicted, our former landlords are not accepting this as a resolution, and are still claiming we owe $80. I'm really not sure where to go from here. It feels like it cant be legal for a Debt Collection agency to be pursuing us for a debt that a private company has completely made up, with no actual bill in my name showing that debt anywhere, but the collection agency was predictably unhelpful, simply stating that "What the utility has to say about the matter is irrelevant, our client is the Apartment Complex and they say you owe the debt. What is my next step here? How do I proceed? Assistant: Don't waste time dealing with the debt collector. Send them a letter saying you are exercising your right to discontinue all further contact under FDCPA. They may contact you only to acknowledge the request or let you know that they plan to take legal action. If they do, you have your lease saying that utilities are paid directly to the company and proof that you paid them.
Human: CT (US) Landlord sent me to debt collections for a bill I literally cannot owe to them, What do I do? My wife and I bought a home in July of 2021. We moved out of our apartment in September, paid our last month's rent, moved our utilities over to the new address, the whole 9 yards. We received our deposit back with no issues around the beginning of October. Nearly a year later, in September of 2022, we started receiving Debt Collection phone calls. My wife initially thought it might be a scam, but i called the landlord to be sure, and they confirmed that, despite never having reached out by phone or letter within the previous year, they had sent a debt to collections for "Utilities." My wife and I spoke to the Utility in our part of the state, and they confirmed that they could not see any record of a missed payment or debt in our name, and we were, in fact, model customers. Further, they stated that any owed amount would be owed between us and them (the utility), and we would never owe money to a landlord for Utility bill that had not been paid. We requested a statement from our Utility showing that there were no missed bills up to the date of our move-out from the apartment complex, and forwarded that on to the manager of the complex. The Manager sent an email back stating that the date of our official change of utility was 3 days before our actual end of lease date, and so they considered the entirety of the bill they received the next month from the Utility (presumably for our now empty apartment) to be our debt. Again, we talked to the Utility, who were baffled that the Apartment Complex would do this, and ran a quick calculation for us, finding that even if we accepted that those 3 days would have made a real-word difference to the Utility bill, it would have been a matter of less than $4, rather than the $80+ they are now pursuing us for. They were nice enough to bill us for those 3 days separately, and we paid that amount just to be sure. Unfortunately, as I probably should have predicted, our former landlords are not accepting this as a resolution, and are still claiming we owe $80. I'm really not sure where to go from here. It feels like it cant be legal for a Debt Collection agency to be pursuing us for a debt that a private company has completely made up, with no actual bill in my name showing that debt anywhere, but the collection agency was predictably unhelpful, simply stating that "What the utility has to say about the matter is irrelevant, our client is the Apartment Complex and they say you owe the debt. What is my next step here? How do I proceed? Assistant: If you dispute the debt and they continue to pursue it without proper debt validation you can sue them for $1000 in small claims court. Make sure you properly dispute the debt and if they continue trying to collect reach out to them letting them know you will file in court for failing to comply with debt collection laws. 99% of the time they will cease all contact with you permanently and stop reporting the debt.
Human: [FL] Neighbor's dog injured himself while attempting to attack my dog - am I liable? I've got a little Boston Terrier that's heavy on the terrier - she loves to bark at other dogs but really it's just her way of playing. The neighbors behind my place have this big dog that generally is kept in a crate out the back (but that's a whole other story). I've spoken to neighbor a sum total of one time in three years, and he was an asshole. Long story short their dog was loose one day, my little dog was doing her usual barking behind our house (100 or so feet from their house), so their dog jumps the three foot chain link fence and goes for her. I grabbed her and ran inside, neighbor calls his dog who eventually jumps back over the fence. I go around the block to let him know how much of an asshole he is, and his truck is pealing out of the driveway. He shows up at my door the next day with a $458 bill from the vet. Apparently his dog gouged itself along it's stomach pretty good on one of the twist ties at the top of the fence, and because "your little yappy piece of shit dog provoked my dog" he expects me to pay. I told him to shove the bill and his dog up his ass before I do, and he said he'd see me in court. Do I need to call a lawyer or what? Assistant: Ignore him unless you get served with papers. Don't ignore that.
Human: [FL] Neighbor's dog injured himself while attempting to attack my dog - am I liable? I've got a little Boston Terrier that's heavy on the terrier - she loves to bark at other dogs but really it's just her way of playing. The neighbors behind my place have this big dog that generally is kept in a crate out the back (but that's a whole other story). I've spoken to neighbor a sum total of one time in three years, and he was an asshole. Long story short their dog was loose one day, my little dog was doing her usual barking behind our house (100 or so feet from their house), so their dog jumps the three foot chain link fence and goes for her. I grabbed her and ran inside, neighbor calls his dog who eventually jumps back over the fence. I go around the block to let him know how much of an asshole he is, and his truck is pealing out of the driveway. He shows up at my door the next day with a $458 bill from the vet. Apparently his dog gouged itself along it's stomach pretty good on one of the twist ties at the top of the fence, and because "your little yappy piece of shit dog provoked my dog" he expects me to pay. I told him to shove the bill and his dog up his ass before I do, and he said he'd see me in court. Do I need to call a lawyer or what? Assistant: No legal advice, but keep your dog safe. I'd hate to think that your asshole neighbor would retaliate by taking it out on your pup.
Human: (AB, Canada). Neighbors built a fence before we bought our house. Now they want 50 percent. We live in Alberta, Canada. We took possession of our new house in August 2016. The fence separating our yard with the neighbors behind us had already been built sometime before we moved in. This summer we started working on our yard and our neighbors behind us have started harassing us for money for the fence they built before we moved in. Basically every time we go into the yard they ask us if we have a cheque for them. We've discussed the issue with them. They have no bill or receipt for the fence, so they've verbally given us a $ amount of what they say they paid (33/linear foot) and told us to measure the back fence and pay 50 percent of 33/linear foot. They confirmed the fence was completed months before we took possession, but don't feel that matters. It's a decent amount of $ (about 1000) and they're quite rude... They've never even introduced themselves or spoken to us other than rudely demanding money. Ethically speaking I know we should probably just pay them the cost (this all started a month ago so we haven't done anything yet... We haven't even finished building the fence on the sides of the house in conjunction with our other neighbors yet because the one house is still being built and the other guy just moved in so we want him to have time to get settled). But they're being really, really rude (the wife yelled at me today with my 18 month old son and I playing in the yard). When they first approached us (literally didn't even say hi, just asked us when we would be paying for the fence as we owe them 33/linear foot, and I actually just learned their names today because they are so short with us) I told them my husband and I needed a few weeks to discuss as this is a lot of money and we weren't expecting it. And that we'd follow up with them in a few weeks as we had company over at the time. Since then they've made comments every time we step into the yard. I'm getting frustrated and don't just want to blindly write a cheque simply to have them leave us alone as I think that's the tactic they're hoping for. Legally speaking, what is my obligation given they have no receipts and did the fence months before we bought the property? Do we just write then a cheque based off their word? Assistant: They can go after the previous owner. See the Alberta Line Fence Act. I don't think they can go after you. They would have two years from the time the fence was built to sue the previous owner. Relations with neighbours are always difficult and if they had asked nicely I might consider paying them. But jerks aren't likely to be less jerky; might make them more jerky if you pay them.
Human: (AB, Canada). Neighbors built a fence before we bought our house. Now they want 50 percent. We live in Alberta, Canada. We took possession of our new house in August 2016. The fence separating our yard with the neighbors behind us had already been built sometime before we moved in. This summer we started working on our yard and our neighbors behind us have started harassing us for money for the fence they built before we moved in. Basically every time we go into the yard they ask us if we have a cheque for them. We've discussed the issue with them. They have no bill or receipt for the fence, so they've verbally given us a $ amount of what they say they paid (33/linear foot) and told us to measure the back fence and pay 50 percent of 33/linear foot. They confirmed the fence was completed months before we took possession, but don't feel that matters. It's a decent amount of $ (about 1000) and they're quite rude... They've never even introduced themselves or spoken to us other than rudely demanding money. Ethically speaking I know we should probably just pay them the cost (this all started a month ago so we haven't done anything yet... We haven't even finished building the fence on the sides of the house in conjunction with our other neighbors yet because the one house is still being built and the other guy just moved in so we want him to have time to get settled). But they're being really, really rude (the wife yelled at me today with my 18 month old son and I playing in the yard). When they first approached us (literally didn't even say hi, just asked us when we would be paying for the fence as we owe them 33/linear foot, and I actually just learned their names today because they are so short with us) I told them my husband and I needed a few weeks to discuss as this is a lot of money and we weren't expecting it. And that we'd follow up with them in a few weeks as we had company over at the time. Since then they've made comments every time we step into the yard. I'm getting frustrated and don't just want to blindly write a cheque simply to have them leave us alone as I think that's the tactic they're hoping for. Legally speaking, what is my obligation given they have no receipts and did the fence months before we bought the property? Do we just write then a cheque based off their word? Assistant: Ethically and legally, I would tell them to pound sand.
Human: [Georgia] Neighbor firing gun off his porch to intimidate us because he’s upset every time my dog barks - it’s definitely threatening toward us Is this legal? If it is illegal what’s the law he’s breaking? My dog really doesn’t bark unless somebody is coming into the yard it’s weird he’s taking this so extremely, we’re way out in the country, people have dogs out here. Assistant: Georgia LEO here depending on jurisdiction could be county ordinance violations. Depending on how he is firing the weapon, ie. In the air, state law reckless conduct Olga 16-5-60. Unless his intent is to intimidate you, pointing weapon at you or has made statements of wanting to harm you, your feelings don’t matter. Call local law enforcement. Most counties and cities have ordinances of firing within a certain distance of another residence.
Human: [Georgia] Neighbor firing gun off his porch to intimidate us because he’s upset every time my dog barks - it’s definitely threatening toward us Is this legal? If it is illegal what’s the law he’s breaking? My dog really doesn’t bark unless somebody is coming into the yard it’s weird he’s taking this so extremely, we’re way out in the country, people have dogs out here. Assistant: Is he within 50 yards of a road when he does that?
Human: (MA) my cat got out last night and the neighbors took him in. When he attacked their dog today they had my cat put down. (posting on behalf of a friend). The cat got out last night and the neighbors claim they thought he was their cat. He doesn't get along with dogs and never had. He attacked their dog so they just assumed he was rabid and the vet didn't check the micro chip until AFTER killing the cat. Assistant: * Sue neighbor for the value of the cat * Report veterinarian to the licensing board.
Human: (MA) my cat got out last night and the neighbors took him in. When he attacked their dog today they had my cat put down. (posting on behalf of a friend). The cat got out last night and the neighbors claim they thought he was their cat. He doesn't get along with dogs and never had. He attacked their dog so they just assumed he was rabid and the vet didn't check the micro chip until AFTER killing the cat. Assistant: They are lying. No vet puts down a healthy cat, and rabies is highly contagious so they would want to ensure their dog wasn't infected by a rabid cat. Find the vet and get the real story.
Human: Neighbor's cows keep escaping/damaging property NC A little backstory - In 2019, my wife and I decided to capitalize on the housing market and sell our house to move out of the suburbs, and build our dream home out in the country. We purchased a 6 acre lot, built our home, and started living a peaceful and private life out in the country. Based on the slope of the landscape, and where the septic system perc'd, we had to build along the border of our property, which was very close to the adjoining property. We didn't see this as an issue though, because that land had been condemned and had no suitable place to install a septic system, so we knew nobody would ever be able to live over there. There are 2 old pole barns located on the property that housed some farm equipment owned by the owner of the land. It was a charming addition to the landscape, so we never had any problem with their look, or their age. The owner of the land had asked us if we wanted to purchase that land to add it to our 6 acre parcel, but at the time we couldn't afford it after building the house. Additionally, he was asking for fair market value, which was about 15k per acre. We told him we would think about it, and maybe we would make him an offer in a year or so, once we could secure the funds. We were not in a hurry to make the offer though, because we figured nobody would buy a condemned piece of land, and that it only had value to one party - us. Well fast forward, and wouldn't you know he found some suckers who didn't do any due diligence to find that the land was condemned and they ended up paying fair market value for it. (it also never went on the market, so we had no idea the owner was shopping it around after we told him we needed some time to secure the funds to purchase it ourselves). No big deal. The new owners were going to turn it into a small farm with cows, chickens, and goats. Cool. We both grew up on farms, so it added to the charm of living out in the country. They can't live there, so we knew we would only really see them when they would come tend to the animals. Well shortly after we noticed goats were getting out pretty regularly and eating up our lawn and some flowers we had. There wasn't much in the way of landscaping since we had just moved in and hadn't gotten far enough to put in anything substantial yet, so not a big deal at that point. We have tried speaking with them, but they don't speak english and seem to have no interest in being friendly neighbors. As time has gone on, they have really junked up the barns to the point now where we would not be able to sell our home (at least not at fair market value) because nobody would live next to such a junked up landscape. They closed in one of the barns to house junked cars to work on, which they do at all hours creating a lot of noise, and an eyesore to boot. It is zoned Rural Agricultural, so unfortunately the county doesn't have any ordinances that enforce "no ugly". The county did issue a couple violations for the junk cars on the property, but he told us that the fines were minimal and there was really no penalty for not paying them. Well fast forward again and now the cows get out regularly. This past weekend, the entire herd escaped in the middle of the night during a big rain storm, so the ground was very soft and their hooves left damage all over our property. I'm talking 4-6 inch holes punched into the ground, enough to really twist your ankle if you stepped in one that you didn't see. Not to mention all of the wonderful "meadow muffins" the cows left all across the lawn. We got 2 separate quotes to see how much it would cost to repair everything, averaging out to about 5k in damages. Home owners insurance does not cover damage done by animals, so we hired an attorney to go after them for the repair costs. Additionally, we're requesting them to put in proper fencing to prevent this from continuing to happen. **Questions: are we going about this the right way?** **Also, is there any angle we can go after regarding the diminished value of our property, or inability to enjoy our property as we intended when we made this move?** **The new owners are paying for the land through seller financing, and the seller requires them to have insurance, but they do not. Is the lien holder also liable in this situation?** Any help or insight is greatly appreciated! We just want to live a peaceful life out here without having to worry about cows or bulls getting out and hurting our children when they're outside playing. Assistant: NCGS 68-17 allows you to impound the trespassing livestock until you've been fairly compensated for the damage caused (plus the cost of maintaining the livestock).
Human: Neighbor's cows keep escaping/damaging property NC A little backstory - In 2019, my wife and I decided to capitalize on the housing market and sell our house to move out of the suburbs, and build our dream home out in the country. We purchased a 6 acre lot, built our home, and started living a peaceful and private life out in the country. Based on the slope of the landscape, and where the septic system perc'd, we had to build along the border of our property, which was very close to the adjoining property. We didn't see this as an issue though, because that land had been condemned and had no suitable place to install a septic system, so we knew nobody would ever be able to live over there. There are 2 old pole barns located on the property that housed some farm equipment owned by the owner of the land. It was a charming addition to the landscape, so we never had any problem with their look, or their age. The owner of the land had asked us if we wanted to purchase that land to add it to our 6 acre parcel, but at the time we couldn't afford it after building the house. Additionally, he was asking for fair market value, which was about 15k per acre. We told him we would think about it, and maybe we would make him an offer in a year or so, once we could secure the funds. We were not in a hurry to make the offer though, because we figured nobody would buy a condemned piece of land, and that it only had value to one party - us. Well fast forward, and wouldn't you know he found some suckers who didn't do any due diligence to find that the land was condemned and they ended up paying fair market value for it. (it also never went on the market, so we had no idea the owner was shopping it around after we told him we needed some time to secure the funds to purchase it ourselves). No big deal. The new owners were going to turn it into a small farm with cows, chickens, and goats. Cool. We both grew up on farms, so it added to the charm of living out in the country. They can't live there, so we knew we would only really see them when they would come tend to the animals. Well shortly after we noticed goats were getting out pretty regularly and eating up our lawn and some flowers we had. There wasn't much in the way of landscaping since we had just moved in and hadn't gotten far enough to put in anything substantial yet, so not a big deal at that point. We have tried speaking with them, but they don't speak english and seem to have no interest in being friendly neighbors. As time has gone on, they have really junked up the barns to the point now where we would not be able to sell our home (at least not at fair market value) because nobody would live next to such a junked up landscape. They closed in one of the barns to house junked cars to work on, which they do at all hours creating a lot of noise, and an eyesore to boot. It is zoned Rural Agricultural, so unfortunately the county doesn't have any ordinances that enforce "no ugly". The county did issue a couple violations for the junk cars on the property, but he told us that the fines were minimal and there was really no penalty for not paying them. Well fast forward again and now the cows get out regularly. This past weekend, the entire herd escaped in the middle of the night during a big rain storm, so the ground was very soft and their hooves left damage all over our property. I'm talking 4-6 inch holes punched into the ground, enough to really twist your ankle if you stepped in one that you didn't see. Not to mention all of the wonderful "meadow muffins" the cows left all across the lawn. We got 2 separate quotes to see how much it would cost to repair everything, averaging out to about 5k in damages. Home owners insurance does not cover damage done by animals, so we hired an attorney to go after them for the repair costs. Additionally, we're requesting them to put in proper fencing to prevent this from continuing to happen. **Questions: are we going about this the right way?** **Also, is there any angle we can go after regarding the diminished value of our property, or inability to enjoy our property as we intended when we made this move?** **The new owners are paying for the land through seller financing, and the seller requires them to have insurance, but they do not. Is the lien holder also liable in this situation?** Any help or insight is greatly appreciated! We just want to live a peaceful life out here without having to worry about cows or bulls getting out and hurting our children when they're outside playing. Assistant: Contact the lien holder and say something like "i know you are have sold the land but if there's an opportunity for me to buy it in the future, we are ready to purchase. And by the way, the buyers are awful." If the land purchase was seller-financed then maybe you will get lucky down the road.
Human: UPDATE:(Tx) The secretary at my kids school keeps calling CPS on us claiming that we're starving them/not letting them wear sunscreen. The investigator just left. She was beyond rude to me. She questioned why our son(6 months old) was born by c-section. And started asking invasive questions about my weight and if I'm anorexic and trying to force the kids to lose weight and asking why their biological mother isn't raising them. (Their biological mom didn't want to be a mother anymore so she divorced my husband and moved a few hours away, she sees them one weekend a month) Assistant: CPS can fuck your life up. I'd lawyer up yesterday.
Human: UPDATE:(Tx) The secretary at my kids school keeps calling CPS on us claiming that we're starving them/not letting them wear sunscreen. The investigator just left. She was beyond rude to me. She questioned why our son(6 months old) was born by c-section. And started asking invasive questions about my weight and if I'm anorexic and trying to force the kids to lose weight and asking why their biological mother isn't raising them. (Their biological mom didn't want to be a mother anymore so she divorced my husband and moved a few hours away, she sees them one weekend a month) Assistant: I think this is weird. You have written about how you see this situation (on the internet) and 100% of the people who have read your posts agree with you, and I would count myself in that group. But apparently 100% of people who have SEEN the situation seem to think continued investigations are warranted. I gotta' ask - has anybody else besides the CPS worker ever asked you if you're anorexic? Ever? Because I've never been asked that by anybody.
Human: Charged with a DUI while completely sober, & not given a field sobriety test or breathalyzer This happened close to where I live in Atlanta GA (Fulton County City of ATL). I was driving down an extremely narrow street, & another car was coming down that street in the opposite direction. I steered over to avoid them. I misjudged the distance & very lightly bumped a parked car. I stopped, parked, & the owner of the car was in it so I proposed we call the police. Right then an officer drove by & we flagged him down. I have insurance, was sober, & extremely amicable about the accident. The officers wrote me 2 citations, 1 of which was for a DUI. For background, I had recently been in the ICU at the hospital for several days because I had a bleeding ulcer. However, none of the medications I was on indicated I shouldn’t drive, & I was not under the influence of anything. It was just a simple mistake. I requested that I be given both a field sobriety test & breathalyzer, both of which were denied. My car was impounded, & I have a court date. I don’t mind have my insurance rates raised for causing a small accident, but don’t want a DUI on my record. What should I do? How can I be charged with a DUI when no tests were performed? One officer mentioned several times that he would take me to Grady (local jail) if it wasn’t for Covid, & I even said please take me & let me have tests performed. What should I do? Do I need a lawyer? Thanks in advance for any advice. Assistant: Do not ask for internet advice on a DUI. You need an attorney. This is a very, very, very serious criminal charge that can lead to serious complications in your life. There typically isn't much jail time involved so people just blow it off, but a DUI conviction can destroy your professional life, lock you out of certain careers, cause immediate professional license suspensions and ban you from travel to certain countries (Canada for example).
Human: Charged with a DUI while completely sober, & not given a field sobriety test or breathalyzer This happened close to where I live in Atlanta GA (Fulton County City of ATL). I was driving down an extremely narrow street, & another car was coming down that street in the opposite direction. I steered over to avoid them. I misjudged the distance & very lightly bumped a parked car. I stopped, parked, & the owner of the car was in it so I proposed we call the police. Right then an officer drove by & we flagged him down. I have insurance, was sober, & extremely amicable about the accident. The officers wrote me 2 citations, 1 of which was for a DUI. For background, I had recently been in the ICU at the hospital for several days because I had a bleeding ulcer. However, none of the medications I was on indicated I shouldn’t drive, & I was not under the influence of anything. It was just a simple mistake. I requested that I be given both a field sobriety test & breathalyzer, both of which were denied. My car was impounded, & I have a court date. I don’t mind have my insurance rates raised for causing a small accident, but don’t want a DUI on my record. What should I do? How can I be charged with a DUI when no tests were performed? One officer mentioned several times that he would take me to Grady (local jail) if it wasn’t for Covid, & I even said please take me & let me have tests performed. What should I do? Do I need a lawyer? Thanks in advance for any advice. Assistant: I think more attention should be paid to which medication you were taking. Not a lawyer but pretty sure “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to drive on this medication” isn’t a valid legal defense.
Human: Just started a new job. First couple paychecks hit the bank account. Turns out they are paying me about 10% higher than the agreed upon salary. What am I required to do? Can they take action against me for not reporting the error and seek damages of any kind? Should I tell then I'm being overpayed or just ignore it and take advantage while it lasts? For added context this is a small company, 30 employees or so. Assistant: Imagine if the situation was reversed and you were underpaid. You’d contact them for the money and expect a check right? They can figure it out and do the same. Depends where this is how they can recover it (straight from check/consent/ how much) and how long they have to figure this out. But many places this is measured in years. It’s not criminal, but assuming us you’re most likely at will and they can decide to fire you
Human: Just started a new job. First couple paychecks hit the bank account. Turns out they are paying me about 10% higher than the agreed upon salary. What am I required to do? Can they take action against me for not reporting the error and seek damages of any kind? Should I tell then I'm being overpayed or just ignore it and take advantage while it lasts? For added context this is a small company, 30 employees or so. Assistant: If you have property that rightfully belongs to them, which is the 10% extra, then yes they can require you to give them their property back.
Human: Bank Accounts Totally Wiped Due to Child Support Garnishment. Not My Kid. (FL) My partner and I are saving for a house, so I run my checking account just above the minimum and everything else goes either into short term savings or the high interest online account I opened to save for the down payment. On Friday, my paycheck was supposed to hit my account so I logged in, only to find that my balance was $0. Even if my direct deposit didn't go through, there is always $250 in the account. I checked the activity and my paycheck had gone in and was removed already! My short term savings was at $0 as well. I looked at the transactions and saw the same line item which contained CRT GRNSH. I called my bank and was told that they were served with a court order for back child support and turned over all assets. My long term savings account is the same deal. All in all, it's about $30,000. So, I have no children, I have been with my partner for six years and I have been openly gay since I was 14. I have never had sex with a woman, never served as a guardian, and certainly don't have any unknown surprises out there. The order came out of Michigan, a state I have never set foot in. After a few days back and forth, I finally got someone on the phone who admitted that the order was not against me. If I'm John Smith born 04/21/1994, the order was meant for Jon Smithe born 04/19/1984. I asked how soon I could get my money returned and was told that they don't deal with reversals and the money is likely gone as it has been distributed to the "wronged party". I feel like I'm the wronged party in this scenario. I don't even know where to begin. I spoke with an attorney who told me that the case isn't worth it for him to take up. Who do I even go after here? Someone who I spoke to at the courts in Michigan suggested my case is against Jon Smithe, and I can't believe that they expect me to track this guy down and sue him for money he almost certainly doesn't have. I'm sorry if this is a mess, I'm sick to my stomach, crying, I can't pay my bills, and I don't know what to do. My partner's accounts weren't touched and he's assured me he'll take care of the bills, but I feel like such a piece of garbage putting it on him. I feel like nobody cares that I was robbed and they keep saying it's my problem. My banks say he used my name as an alias so they're washing their hands of responsibility. The courts say that they don't deal with it and all they did was issue a legitimate order. The child support office doesn't want to hear it and has said it's not their problem. What do I do? Assistant: The levy should have paperwork for you that includes how to request a review. Ask your bank for any copies and then follow whatever instructions are on it. Alternatively these are the people that oversee Child Support in Michigan. They may be able to get you in touch with someone who could help resolve this as opposed to going through the main phone numbers.,5885,7-339-73970_93787_94477---,00.html
Human: Bank Accounts Totally Wiped Due to Child Support Garnishment. Not My Kid. (FL) My partner and I are saving for a house, so I run my checking account just above the minimum and everything else goes either into short term savings or the high interest online account I opened to save for the down payment. On Friday, my paycheck was supposed to hit my account so I logged in, only to find that my balance was $0. Even if my direct deposit didn't go through, there is always $250 in the account. I checked the activity and my paycheck had gone in and was removed already! My short term savings was at $0 as well. I looked at the transactions and saw the same line item which contained CRT GRNSH. I called my bank and was told that they were served with a court order for back child support and turned over all assets. My long term savings account is the same deal. All in all, it's about $30,000. So, I have no children, I have been with my partner for six years and I have been openly gay since I was 14. I have never had sex with a woman, never served as a guardian, and certainly don't have any unknown surprises out there. The order came out of Michigan, a state I have never set foot in. After a few days back and forth, I finally got someone on the phone who admitted that the order was not against me. If I'm John Smith born 04/21/1994, the order was meant for Jon Smithe born 04/19/1984. I asked how soon I could get my money returned and was told that they don't deal with reversals and the money is likely gone as it has been distributed to the "wronged party". I feel like I'm the wronged party in this scenario. I don't even know where to begin. I spoke with an attorney who told me that the case isn't worth it for him to take up. Who do I even go after here? Someone who I spoke to at the courts in Michigan suggested my case is against Jon Smithe, and I can't believe that they expect me to track this guy down and sue him for money he almost certainly doesn't have. I'm sorry if this is a mess, I'm sick to my stomach, crying, I can't pay my bills, and I don't know what to do. My partner's accounts weren't touched and he's assured me he'll take care of the bills, but I feel like such a piece of garbage putting it on him. I feel like nobody cares that I was robbed and they keep saying it's my problem. My banks say he used my name as an alias so they're washing their hands of responsibility. The courts say that they don't deal with it and all they did was issue a legitimate order. The child support office doesn't want to hear it and has said it's not their problem. What do I do? Assistant: Did you confirm whether it was the state of Michigan’s fault or did your bank confuse you with another customer of theirs?
Human: My dad sexually abused me from when I was 4-12/13 and is planning on having another child. How do I get him arrested? My father is a psychopath and a pedophile and I have proof. I haven't spoken to his side of the family because they know about him and they are protecting him. I'm afraid to speak publicly about it because he has a lot of money and connections. I'm in Massachusetts. I need as much advice as possible. What are my options? Assistant: Unless you're talking Epstein levels of connections, connections won't save him from child sex offences. Also most people who think they have "connections" don't have anywhere near the power they claim. It's a scare tactic probably aimed at you. Also the police are who you speak to. What is your proof?
Human: My dad sexually abused me from when I was 4-12/13 and is planning on having another child. How do I get him arrested? My father is a psychopath and a pedophile and I have proof. I haven't spoken to his side of the family because they know about him and they are protecting him. I'm afraid to speak publicly about it because he has a lot of money and connections. I'm in Massachusetts. I need as much advice as possible. What are my options? Assistant: Call the police
Human: {IN} hey, uh, tough question to talk about. I was sexually abused by my older sister when she was 12 and I was 8. I asked her to pay for counseling but she refused. Although just do have her confessions in text format. I need help, I feel awful that she hates me but I can't pay for it... Assistant: She was 12, she will in no way be responsible for your therapy or to be liable to pay you any damages. You're going to have to accept that she was also a very young minor during this that made a mistake.
Human: {IN} hey, uh, tough question to talk about. I was sexually abused by my older sister when she was 12 and I was 8. I asked her to pay for counseling but she refused. Although just do have her confessions in text format. I need help, I feel awful that she hates me but I can't pay for it... Assistant: There are therapists that have 'sliding scale' fees, so you can get help for less money.
Human: Being threatened with small claims over $1,200 car we sold Hello all, and thanks for any advice you are able to provide. Location: Louisville, KY area Story: We had an older midsize SUV that we sold last month (April 8th), privately. The KBB value for the vehicle in FAIR condition is $1,444-$3293; the vehicle had 190k miles on it, needed a battery, and was making a grinding sound in the rear when driving. The vehicle did start when jumped however, and was test-driven down our small cul-de-sac. We never took it to a mechanic, and I wasn't sure to be honest what was causing it. Additionally, it had sat for approximately a year to a year and a half, only being driven up and down our cul-de-sac one to two times in that timeframe. We just didn't need the vehicle anymore. We placed the vehicle for sale on LetGo. We were fully up-front about the condition of the vehicle, stating that it was as-is, we had not taken it to a mechanic, and that it needed a battery as well as having sat for a while. We eventually sold it to the buyer for an initial agreed-upon price of $1,200; after looking at the vehicle in person, he waved away the issues, stating he "had a friend who had a shop and did that kind of work." The day of the sale, they showed up with only $1,100, and claimed they didn't have the money to pay the full amount that day, due to needing to get the vehicle insured. They signed a hand-written document which I had notarized with them present that stated they would pay the remaining $100 by the following week. We still signed the title over to them and had it switched into their name at the DMV that day. Since then they have claimed the vehicle had more problems than we stated, such as "mud in the radiator fluid", and that the fuel lines are spraying fuel into the engine bay. They have been harassing my wife and I with phone texts, and messages on LetGo. I told them in text that due to their additional issues I would be willing to waive that $100, to which I got a "Gee Thanks." They are now threatening me with small claims court over the vehicle. Do I have anything to fear, here? We have screenshots of our ad in LetGo, and have not deleted any conversations in text/IM with them. I also still have the notarized payment agreement of which they never fulfilled their end of. Assistant: Vehicle sales aren't like home sales. They are a "buyer beware" situation. The seller is under no obligation to disclose even known issues. As long as you didn't ACTIVELY HIDE issues and purposefully misrepresent the car, you'll be fine. It is the buyer's responsibility to do their due diligence before buying. Presumably now they are refusing to pay you the last $100, right? IF they sue, counter sue for that amount...
Human: Being threatened with small claims over $1,200 car we sold Hello all, and thanks for any advice you are able to provide. Location: Louisville, KY area Story: We had an older midsize SUV that we sold last month (April 8th), privately. The KBB value for the vehicle in FAIR condition is $1,444-$3293; the vehicle had 190k miles on it, needed a battery, and was making a grinding sound in the rear when driving. The vehicle did start when jumped however, and was test-driven down our small cul-de-sac. We never took it to a mechanic, and I wasn't sure to be honest what was causing it. Additionally, it had sat for approximately a year to a year and a half, only being driven up and down our cul-de-sac one to two times in that timeframe. We just didn't need the vehicle anymore. We placed the vehicle for sale on LetGo. We were fully up-front about the condition of the vehicle, stating that it was as-is, we had not taken it to a mechanic, and that it needed a battery as well as having sat for a while. We eventually sold it to the buyer for an initial agreed-upon price of $1,200; after looking at the vehicle in person, he waved away the issues, stating he "had a friend who had a shop and did that kind of work." The day of the sale, they showed up with only $1,100, and claimed they didn't have the money to pay the full amount that day, due to needing to get the vehicle insured. They signed a hand-written document which I had notarized with them present that stated they would pay the remaining $100 by the following week. We still signed the title over to them and had it switched into their name at the DMV that day. Since then they have claimed the vehicle had more problems than we stated, such as "mud in the radiator fluid", and that the fuel lines are spraying fuel into the engine bay. They have been harassing my wife and I with phone texts, and messages on LetGo. I told them in text that due to their additional issues I would be willing to waive that $100, to which I got a "Gee Thanks." They are now threatening me with small claims court over the vehicle. Do I have anything to fear, here? We have screenshots of our ad in LetGo, and have not deleted any conversations in text/IM with them. I also still have the notarized payment agreement of which they never fulfilled their end of. Assistant: This happens. They buy the car then claim some latent fault and demand money back. They are just trying to get the car for cheaper. It's a scam.
Human: Oakland CA, my Neighbors pit bull attacked me. Next steps? Holding my dog and two year old, my leashed dog was attacked when a neighbor opened her door and let out a small dog and a Pitbull. They began attacking my dog and I moved my toddler behind us- shielding him and screaming. My husband was trying to pull one, and then both of the dogs off of us. A friend (after I screamed SOMEONE TAKE MY SON 5x) took my son to safety. My legs are bleeding from scratch marks and my upper left arm is bleeding from the Pitbull biting me. I have sent the Dr photos and am going on antibiotics. The neighbors confirmed via text that the dogs are up to date on rabies and they apologized. I wrote back- that dog could have killed my son. What should I do? I am in shock. Assistant: Nothing scarier than an aggressive dog coming your way when you have your child. I agree with everyone else regarding the police and animal control.
Human: Oakland CA, my Neighbors pit bull attacked me. Next steps? Holding my dog and two year old, my leashed dog was attacked when a neighbor opened her door and let out a small dog and a Pitbull. They began attacking my dog and I moved my toddler behind us- shielding him and screaming. My husband was trying to pull one, and then both of the dogs off of us. A friend (after I screamed SOMEONE TAKE MY SON 5x) took my son to safety. My legs are bleeding from scratch marks and my upper left arm is bleeding from the Pitbull biting me. I have sent the Dr photos and am going on antibiotics. The neighbors confirmed via text that the dogs are up to date on rabies and they apologized. I wrote back- that dog could have killed my son. What should I do? I am in shock. Assistant: Check to see if any of your other neighbors have security cameras that may have captured the incident.
Human: Mom's neighbor is intentionally being a nuisance to keep her house from selling (so he can buy it cheaper) IA My listed her home for sale two months ago. At that time one of her neighbors offered to buy it for $20k (her asking is 75). He says he plans to tear down the house itself to give him a large yard. When she said no for a month he upped his offer to 25 and then 30k. She is not interested in selling it so low (it was appraised for 82). They got into an argument with him declaring that she's an idiot if she thinks her house will ever sell, she's lucky he's offering her as much as he is, etc. However now he is being an intentional nuisance to keep it from selling. The problem is, as far as I can see most of what he is doing is legal, like intentionally being extremely loud when he sees the realtor show up to show the house (but not breaking noise ordinance for that time of day, so legal). But now he is being intentionally creepy and lying. He has been making a point to go over and introduce himself as soon as he sees the realtor showing the house, and the realtor reports he is blatantly hitting on women and men in disgusting ways, offering them the number for his security company because they'll definitely want something set up since there have been 4 break-ins on this block in the last month (police outright said that's not true to their knowledge). He asked one lady if he could borrow money and very obviously hinted it was for drugs. Mom has spoken with the police who say he's a crappy guy but not technically doing anything illegal and they don't believe she's a candidate for a restraining order. I'm wondering if anyone here has any thoughts - if there's an option other than a restraining order or ANYTHING we can do. Thank you. Assistant: Ask one of your friends to pose as interested buyers and have them record any interaction with the neighbor (assuming legal in your state). Useful evidence and you could even repeat this with other friends to really paint a picture for the court.
Human: Mom's neighbor is intentionally being a nuisance to keep her house from selling (so he can buy it cheaper) IA My listed her home for sale two months ago. At that time one of her neighbors offered to buy it for $20k (her asking is 75). He says he plans to tear down the house itself to give him a large yard. When she said no for a month he upped his offer to 25 and then 30k. She is not interested in selling it so low (it was appraised for 82). They got into an argument with him declaring that she's an idiot if she thinks her house will ever sell, she's lucky he's offering her as much as he is, etc. However now he is being an intentional nuisance to keep it from selling. The problem is, as far as I can see most of what he is doing is legal, like intentionally being extremely loud when he sees the realtor show up to show the house (but not breaking noise ordinance for that time of day, so legal). But now he is being intentionally creepy and lying. He has been making a point to go over and introduce himself as soon as he sees the realtor showing the house, and the realtor reports he is blatantly hitting on women and men in disgusting ways, offering them the number for his security company because they'll definitely want something set up since there have been 4 break-ins on this block in the last month (police outright said that's not true to their knowledge). He asked one lady if he could borrow money and very obviously hinted it was for drugs. Mom has spoken with the police who say he's a crappy guy but not technically doing anything illegal and they don't believe she's a candidate for a restraining order. I'm wondering if anyone here has any thoughts - if there's an option other than a restraining order or ANYTHING we can do. Thank you. Assistant: isnt the realtor suppose to deal with it extremely easily? Hell jus saying - "*and here comes the neighbor who offered $20k for the house and is bit disappointing about being turned so he is trying to be nuisance*" right in front of him as he arrives and not letting him speak and get inside the house... I mean these guys are payed by commission no? So shouldnt they be pretty motivated to reduce his interference preventing them from getting the pay day?
Human: Two loose dogs forced their way into my house and attacked my dog. My wife was home but unharmed. I'm in Saratoga County, New York. My wife was getting the mail and two loose pit-bill mix dogs came up to her as she approached our front door. They wouldn't move away so she tried to squeeze past them through our screen door into the house. As soon as she cracked the door, the two dogs forced their way past her into our house and attacked our 10-lb. chihuahua. My wife wrestled our dog free from one of the dogs' jaws and was then chased into a backroom where she locked the door. After a while she heard the dogs leave and rushed our chihuahua to the vet. His jaw was broken on both sides and we had to drive him 3 hours to Cornell Animal Hospital for surgery. The bill, so far, is about $5000. My wife was not injured in the incident, but obviously suffered great emotional trauma and is having panic attacks two weeks later. Our dog is making a slow recovery, and it is has been just awful having to see him suffer like this. Yesterday, the dog warden finally located the owners of the loose dogs. I called a personal injury lawyer but they said they would only take the case if the loose dogs had hurt a person. What are my legal options to make sure we are fairly compensated? Assistant: You can file in small claims for the vet bills.
Human: Two loose dogs forced their way into my house and attacked my dog. My wife was home but unharmed. I'm in Saratoga County, New York. My wife was getting the mail and two loose pit-bill mix dogs came up to her as she approached our front door. They wouldn't move away so she tried to squeeze past them through our screen door into the house. As soon as she cracked the door, the two dogs forced their way past her into our house and attacked our 10-lb. chihuahua. My wife wrestled our dog free from one of the dogs' jaws and was then chased into a backroom where she locked the door. After a while she heard the dogs leave and rushed our chihuahua to the vet. His jaw was broken on both sides and we had to drive him 3 hours to Cornell Animal Hospital for surgery. The bill, so far, is about $5000. My wife was not injured in the incident, but obviously suffered great emotional trauma and is having panic attacks two weeks later. Our dog is making a slow recovery, and it is has been just awful having to see him suffer like this. Yesterday, the dog warden finally located the owners of the loose dogs. I called a personal injury lawyer but they said they would only take the case if the loose dogs had hurt a person. What are my legal options to make sure we are fairly compensated? Assistant: Aren't dogs considered property? Couldn't you sue for "damages of property" and also report the owners to the police?
Human: My ex boyfriend filed a fictitious police report about me to hide his affair with his current wife Yesterday an office came to my home and served me a restraining order from my ex boyfriend whom I haven't seen in 2 years. The report claims several lies like that I was stalking them and that he sees me as a threat to him and his wife. My only guess is he got caught doing something he shouldn't be doing and made up an elaborate story to cover his ass with his current wife and I am the scape goat. I don't have any monetary damages, but this is so messed up and not fair. Is there anything I could or should do? Assistant: >I don't have any monetary damages, You do have monetary damages if you hire a lawyer to oppose this and the emotional distress you are experiencing from being served with a false petition calling you a stalker is also compensable. Talk to an attorney about suing him for malicious prosecution/abuse of process or whatever the correct tort is under your state's law.
Human: My ex boyfriend filed a fictitious police report about me to hide his affair with his current wife Yesterday an office came to my home and served me a restraining order from my ex boyfriend whom I haven't seen in 2 years. The report claims several lies like that I was stalking them and that he sees me as a threat to him and his wife. My only guess is he got caught doing something he shouldn't be doing and made up an elaborate story to cover his ass with his current wife and I am the scape goat. I don't have any monetary damages, but this is so messed up and not fair. Is there anything I could or should do? Assistant: Get a lawyer. Best advice on this subreddit is always get a lawyer. And show up on time I guess.
Human: Ex boyfriend wont let me get my things from his home So its kind of self explanatory however I (27F) need some advice on how to proceed. My ex (26M) has routinely threatened to shoot my friends if they help me get my things from his home because “in texas he can shoot trespassers especially if theyve been forewarned.” We’ve been broken up for two months and its been a battle of getting him to let me get my things. I live in Texas. How do i appropriately get my things safely? We had an agreement that I was to collect my things tomorrow( a saturday) hes now since revoked this agreement because I wont get back together with him and says “seeing me is too hard so no.” Its not a ton of things but I already dont own much and i really would just like to get my things like originally planned. Can I utilize an officer to help me get my things? How do i do this? This is the most toxic thing ive ever gone through. Assistant: You can contact your local police department and ask them what the process is for getting a civil standby. Different departments may have different policies in place. They may require a court order first.
Human: Ex boyfriend wont let me get my things from his home So its kind of self explanatory however I (27F) need some advice on how to proceed. My ex (26M) has routinely threatened to shoot my friends if they help me get my things from his home because “in texas he can shoot trespassers especially if theyve been forewarned.” We’ve been broken up for two months and its been a battle of getting him to let me get my things. I live in Texas. How do i appropriately get my things safely? We had an agreement that I was to collect my things tomorrow( a saturday) hes now since revoked this agreement because I wont get back together with him and says “seeing me is too hard so no.” Its not a ton of things but I already dont own much and i really would just like to get my things like originally planned. Can I utilize an officer to help me get my things? How do i do this? This is the most toxic thing ive ever gone through. Assistant: Call the police
Human: (MN) My now ex boyfriend broke into my house, beat me up (a legally disabled person 25F), threw my dogs into a wall, and damaged the property as well as interfering with emergency communications. I've decided to press charges, can I bring up past abuse? Hes been hitting me for almost 2 years I have lupus, legally 80% disabled. my now ex boyfriend has a severe drinking problem, and I was finally able to call the police the last time he went on a rampage. he always took my phone away and locked me inside the house after he threw me around. it's been once a month for almost 2 years. I have decided to press charges along with the state (MN), mostly because this time he hurt my dog. I am curious if i can bring up past abuse, or if I am restricted to just the time when I was able to call the police. I have dated videos and pictures from past assaults. I am talking to an attorney this week, but I'm just curious. Assistant: Yes, Minn. Stat. 634.20 allows his prior behavior to be brought up during trial to a certain extent as "relationship evidence." The prosecutor will have to provide notice before trial, and the judge will probably put some limits on how much you can talk about. The prosecutor will discuss this with you if it goes to trial.
Human: (MN) My now ex boyfriend broke into my house, beat me up (a legally disabled person 25F), threw my dogs into a wall, and damaged the property as well as interfering with emergency communications. I've decided to press charges, can I bring up past abuse? Hes been hitting me for almost 2 years I have lupus, legally 80% disabled. my now ex boyfriend has a severe drinking problem, and I was finally able to call the police the last time he went on a rampage. he always took my phone away and locked me inside the house after he threw me around. it's been once a month for almost 2 years. I have decided to press charges along with the state (MN), mostly because this time he hurt my dog. I am curious if i can bring up past abuse, or if I am restricted to just the time when I was able to call the police. I have dated videos and pictures from past assaults. I am talking to an attorney this week, but I'm just curious. Assistant: You may want to talk to a domestic violence organization, where counselors and legal people can give you more specifics--and non-legal help as well.
Human: [New Jersey] My mother-in-law wants to sue for custody of my children. My MIL and I have not gotten along since day one. She is incredibly toxic and abusive, both to me and my husband. Although we've cut her out of our lives, she still shows up to stir up trouble. She even got me fired from my job, claiming to my boss that I stole out of the cash register. I have 3 month old twins. I received an email from a supposed attorney, claiming they are going to seek custody of my children for my mother-in-law. I called her, and she says she has noticed that they are malnutrioned and have had bruises. These are lies and she has not seen the children since the day after they were born. It's obvious she is just trying to kick up drama but should I worry about this? Do I consult an attorney? I fear CPS might come to our door, and I don't want to be unprepared. Assistant: You may want to consider going on offense. Get a restraining order.
Human: [New Jersey] My mother-in-law wants to sue for custody of my children. My MIL and I have not gotten along since day one. She is incredibly toxic and abusive, both to me and my husband. Although we've cut her out of our lives, she still shows up to stir up trouble. She even got me fired from my job, claiming to my boss that I stole out of the cash register. I have 3 month old twins. I received an email from a supposed attorney, claiming they are going to seek custody of my children for my mother-in-law. I called her, and she says she has noticed that they are malnutrioned and have had bruises. These are lies and she has not seen the children since the day after they were born. It's obvious she is just trying to kick up drama but should I worry about this? Do I consult an attorney? I fear CPS might come to our door, and I don't want to be unprepared. Assistant: Head on over to r/justnomil you'll see that threats like this are actually not uncommon. I have yet to actually hear of a case where the mil was successful. Cps won't just swoop in and take the kids away because there's a crumb on the floor either. Relax. Have an attorney on speed dial just in case. But you should be fine.
Human: AZ - If someone sells my family member a tea that they claim cures cancer and he stops chemo and dies, can I report her to anyone? My family member is at the end stages of cancer. He had a great 5 year outlook with only 3 chemo treatments needed. This lady in his congregation convinced him that chemo was poison and has been selling him Essiac tea. Then his tumor fungated. Now he only has 2-6 months left and there is no treatment that can save him. Can I report her for his inevitable death? Though I'm petty positive we can't sue, some family members want to sue her, so I'll ask about that too. Assistant: Was she representing herself as a medical professional such as a physician or pharmacist? If so, you could report her to the state licensing board. Consult an attorney about suing her, but it’s not illegal to have stupid beliefs, and your family member probably bears most of the blame for listening to her.
Human: AZ - If someone sells my family member a tea that they claim cures cancer and he stops chemo and dies, can I report her to anyone? My family member is at the end stages of cancer. He had a great 5 year outlook with only 3 chemo treatments needed. This lady in his congregation convinced him that chemo was poison and has been selling him Essiac tea. Then his tumor fungated. Now he only has 2-6 months left and there is no treatment that can save him. Can I report her for his inevitable death? Though I'm petty positive we can't sue, some family members want to sue her, so I'll ask about that too. Assistant: Report her to the FDA. She claimed something cured cancer: she held it out to be a drug (drug in the medication sense of the word). Then she sold it without the drug being licensed
Human: Ex boyfriend is threatening to sue me for breaking up. He keeps throwing around "ESTOPPEL". He also works in a law office. This is in San Diego. I know you can practically sue anyone for any reason, but what can this actually turn into, am I going to be dragged into court for ending a bad relationship? Assistant: As a side note: if he sends you ANYTHING from the law office, especially on the lawyer's letterhead, be sure to contact the lawyer and let them know he is using their letterhead. If it's legit, they will be aware of it. If he is throwing his weight around, he probably will be unemployed shortly after.
Human: Ex boyfriend is threatening to sue me for breaking up. He keeps throwing around "ESTOPPEL". He also works in a law office. This is in San Diego. I know you can practically sue anyone for any reason, but what can this actually turn into, am I going to be dragged into court for ending a bad relationship? Assistant: Can't be successfully sued for just breaking up. Make sure you show up/respond though if he tries If there's some financial obligation involved (rent, car lease, etc), that's potentially a different story
Human: My mom is threatening to have my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. Please help me I’m begging My boyfriend and I will have been together for 3 years this year. We started dating when we were 14 and 15. We’re about to graduate and we’re going to attend the same college. He’s a great person and he’s so freaking smart. He has a solid 4.0 GPA and he wants to be a scientist. My mom can be great. We all usually get along but my mom was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and she goes from being happy to evil overnight. She swears she loves him like a son and she knows he’ll be turning 18 next month( February 18) but I won’t turn 17 until May 24 and she’s been using that to her advantage recently. I don’t live with my mom bc she decided to move an hour away to be closer to her secret boyfriend so I live with my aunt. So now that I’ve given you the backstory, I’ll bring you to today. My grandpa let me use his car after I got my license bc he can’t drive. Today, he told my mom he needed to be at his doctor which is two hours from where I live but only one hour from where she lives. She was blowing up my phone today saying I needed to come get him bc his appointments are my responsibility not hers and that i needed to get him tonight and have him stay at my aunts house . I never said I wasn’t going to get him, I just wasn’t going to get him to stay the night because there is no where for him to sleep. She completely spazzed and called my aunt, she told my aunt that if I didn’t do everything she wants until I turn 18, she’ll make sure I have a terrible life. She threatened to take me out of sports and band so that I couldn’t get a college scholarship and she threatened to get my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. We have so much ahead of us. We want a life together. We’re about to graduate. We didn’t even have sex until I turned 16 which is the legal age of consent in South Carolina (where I live). I just want to know, can he actually be arrested for statutory rape and what can I do to make sure she doesn’t legally hurt him? Assistant: SC cop. This is not a crime.
Human: My mom is threatening to have my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. Please help me I’m begging My boyfriend and I will have been together for 3 years this year. We started dating when we were 14 and 15. We’re about to graduate and we’re going to attend the same college. He’s a great person and he’s so freaking smart. He has a solid 4.0 GPA and he wants to be a scientist. My mom can be great. We all usually get along but my mom was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and she goes from being happy to evil overnight. She swears she loves him like a son and she knows he’ll be turning 18 next month( February 18) but I won’t turn 17 until May 24 and she’s been using that to her advantage recently. I don’t live with my mom bc she decided to move an hour away to be closer to her secret boyfriend so I live with my aunt. So now that I’ve given you the backstory, I’ll bring you to today. My grandpa let me use his car after I got my license bc he can’t drive. Today, he told my mom he needed to be at his doctor which is two hours from where I live but only one hour from where she lives. She was blowing up my phone today saying I needed to come get him bc his appointments are my responsibility not hers and that i needed to get him tonight and have him stay at my aunts house . I never said I wasn’t going to get him, I just wasn’t going to get him to stay the night because there is no where for him to sleep. She completely spazzed and called my aunt, she told my aunt that if I didn’t do everything she wants until I turn 18, she’ll make sure I have a terrible life. She threatened to take me out of sports and band so that I couldn’t get a college scholarship and she threatened to get my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. We have so much ahead of us. We want a life together. We’re about to graduate. We didn’t even have sex until I turned 16 which is the legal age of consent in South Carolina (where I live). I just want to know, can he actually be arrested for statutory rape and what can I do to make sure she doesn’t legally hurt him? Assistant: 16 is the legal age of consent. You didn't have sex until then, there are no charges to be brought. It's not as if this is an adult man preying on a that case I'd see things very differently! This is two teenagers with a small age gap, totally normal and fine.
Human: Virginia - I purchased a house with a home security system, and the company that installed it will not tell me where a malfunctioning loudspeaker was installed. Fairfax, Virginia I purchased a home 5 years ago. Home came installed with a nationally known company's wireless home security system. I did not, nor do I ever want a home security system. At the time of purcahse the home security system was well over 15 years old according to the previous homeowner. After the home purchase was complete, that week, I removed all door and window sensors, as well as (what I think was) the main control panel, its little power supply, and the telephone back up connection. There is no where else in the house that even begins to resemble anything related to a home security system. Well apparently, somewhere in this 4,000 square foot house, there are two hidden loudspeakers that are hard wired to the house's power as well as having small, "long lasting" back up batteries. From what I can tell, at least one of the speakers is malfunctioning and making a seemingly random alarm noise for a few seconds, a few times per week. Apparently it has to do with a dying battery. I called the home security company, and after numerous conversations, they have confirmed that they likely know (based off some installer notes in the previous homeowners account) where the two loudspeakers are located, but they are refusing to tell me where they are located. The conversation typically turns to them trying to sell me a more modern system. They also said that they could send out an installer technician for a few hundred bucks to "discretely and safely remove the loudspeakers," but again, refuse to just read back the installer notes. I just want to know where these loudspeakers are. What are my options here to forcefully compel these assholes to tell me what the notes on the home's account say? Assistant: Used to be an alarm technician. Check in your cold air returns; we used to put them in there sometimes. Can't say I've ever dealt with a self-powered siren. It could be in your soffits. Edit: Ha! Cold air return it was!
Human: Virginia - I purchased a house with a home security system, and the company that installed it will not tell me where a malfunctioning loudspeaker was installed. Fairfax, Virginia I purchased a home 5 years ago. Home came installed with a nationally known company's wireless home security system. I did not, nor do I ever want a home security system. At the time of purcahse the home security system was well over 15 years old according to the previous homeowner. After the home purchase was complete, that week, I removed all door and window sensors, as well as (what I think was) the main control panel, its little power supply, and the telephone back up connection. There is no where else in the house that even begins to resemble anything related to a home security system. Well apparently, somewhere in this 4,000 square foot house, there are two hidden loudspeakers that are hard wired to the house's power as well as having small, "long lasting" back up batteries. From what I can tell, at least one of the speakers is malfunctioning and making a seemingly random alarm noise for a few seconds, a few times per week. Apparently it has to do with a dying battery. I called the home security company, and after numerous conversations, they have confirmed that they likely know (based off some installer notes in the previous homeowners account) where the two loudspeakers are located, but they are refusing to tell me where they are located. The conversation typically turns to them trying to sell me a more modern system. They also said that they could send out an installer technician for a few hundred bucks to "discretely and safely remove the loudspeakers," but again, refuse to just read back the installer notes. I just want to know where these loudspeakers are. What are my options here to forcefully compel these assholes to tell me what the notes on the home's account say? Assistant: >What are my options here to forcefully compel these assholes to tell me what the notes on the home's account say? None whatsoever. You are not, nor were you ever one of their customer, so they have no obligation towards you.
Human: [NC] Grandmother passed away 6 years ago and I just found out I was in her will My aunt, we'll call her A, informed me less than a month ago that I am entitled to 1/6th of my grandmother's single wide trailer in a retirement community. She said I can either sign the paperwork or have my share bought out. In the conversation she says it's only fair that I sign it away because my other aunt, B, has been living there for the past 6 years and has been paying the taxes. She also stressed multiple times that the home is maybe only worth about $6,000 because it's only the trailer, no land. I told her I needed to think about it because this was very sudden and not a decision I was going to take lightly. I have some emotional debt with this family as my father passed away 10 years ago and they did some shady things to make sure all of his belongings went to them as I was under 18 and my parents were divorced. Due to this, I'm not willing to just sign away my share. My grandmother wouldn't have wanted them to pressure me into it either. I advised A that I would like to see the appraisal (during the phone call, she insinuated they were already getting one, my guess is because A also owns a share in the home.) She then tells me that I owe 6 years of taxes as well as I need to pay my share of the roof that was installed since B moved in. I am also responsible for the cost of the appraisal. What rights do I have? Is there a law that says I am or am not responsible for the taxes and roof even though I wasn't aware I had inherited anything until last month? Any advice is appreciated. If it helps, the home is located in Henderson county, North Carolina. Thanks! Assistant: Get a lawyer. If you owe 6 years of taxes B also owes you 6 years of rent...
Human: [NC] Grandmother passed away 6 years ago and I just found out I was in her will My aunt, we'll call her A, informed me less than a month ago that I am entitled to 1/6th of my grandmother's single wide trailer in a retirement community. She said I can either sign the paperwork or have my share bought out. In the conversation she says it's only fair that I sign it away because my other aunt, B, has been living there for the past 6 years and has been paying the taxes. She also stressed multiple times that the home is maybe only worth about $6,000 because it's only the trailer, no land. I told her I needed to think about it because this was very sudden and not a decision I was going to take lightly. I have some emotional debt with this family as my father passed away 10 years ago and they did some shady things to make sure all of his belongings went to them as I was under 18 and my parents were divorced. Due to this, I'm not willing to just sign away my share. My grandmother wouldn't have wanted them to pressure me into it either. I advised A that I would like to see the appraisal (during the phone call, she insinuated they were already getting one, my guess is because A also owns a share in the home.) She then tells me that I owe 6 years of taxes as well as I need to pay my share of the roof that was installed since B moved in. I am also responsible for the cost of the appraisal. What rights do I have? Is there a law that says I am or am not responsible for the taxes and roof even though I wasn't aware I had inherited anything until last month? Any advice is appreciated. If it helps, the home is located in Henderson county, North Carolina. Thanks! Assistant: I wonder about 1/6 the rent owed to you the past six years? Has something happened recently that they are now actually feeling the obligation to let you know about your inheritance? Are they thinking of selling?
Human: I'm (20F) planning on "running away" from my family and cutting them off forever. What should I know/do before leaving so I don't get in trouble with the law? I am a college student living in America, but my parents are from Pakistan. They are extremely strict and very controlling. They are the stereotypical immigrant parent. They are mostly using me to get a well paying job so they can live off of my money till they die. I was not allowed to hang out with other people. I get in trouble for even texting other people. I was made to believe life is only about going to school, getting A's, being married off, and getting a well paying job. I do not own ANYTHING. Literally my parents own everything I have. My car is in their name, I have a bank account that's in their name, my phone contract is in their name, I do not have ANY personal documents. I'm also not allowed to get a job. This is so embarrassing and ridiculous that I seem to be the only 20 year old going through this. I feel so pathetic and stupid. I absolutely cannot tell my parents I want to leave and never contact them again because they might do something extreme.... how can I leave ? Assistant: Start getting your documents together, then leave. If you are an immigrant you need your passport and residency documents, at a minimum. If you are a citizen you need a certified copy of your birth certificate, and presumably you have your driver's license. Leaving won't be easy. You will need financial aid, a job, and to find somewhere new to live, but it can be done.
Human: I'm (20F) planning on "running away" from my family and cutting them off forever. What should I know/do before leaving so I don't get in trouble with the law? I am a college student living in America, but my parents are from Pakistan. They are extremely strict and very controlling. They are the stereotypical immigrant parent. They are mostly using me to get a well paying job so they can live off of my money till they die. I was not allowed to hang out with other people. I get in trouble for even texting other people. I was made to believe life is only about going to school, getting A's, being married off, and getting a well paying job. I do not own ANYTHING. Literally my parents own everything I have. My car is in their name, I have a bank account that's in their name, my phone contract is in their name, I do not have ANY personal documents. I'm also not allowed to get a job. This is so embarrassing and ridiculous that I seem to be the only 20 year old going through this. I feel so pathetic and stupid. I absolutely cannot tell my parents I want to leave and never contact them again because they might do something extreme.... how can I leave ? Assistant: You can open a bank account of your own, and if you are currently enrolled in college you can step back to part time and get a job. A local shelter can help you gather resources as well. Your parents cannot just call the police and have you returned if you leave.
Human: Neighbor claiming squatters rights to a fence on our property I'm in Colorado in an urban area. We are in the process of replacing a fence in the back and the front of our house. Our neighbor agreed that the fence in back needed to be replaced but couldn't pay for it, that's fine we were willing to pay for it all because it was about to fall down and it was full of holes. In the front we have no fence enclosing the property. However there is a 4 ft wrought iron fence that extends from our front stoop to the sidewalk, it does not connect to anything else and is well within our property by about 18" (we have a property survey that is on file with the city and show the fence inside of our lines). Our plan is to remove this old fence and enclose our property with a new 4 ft fence that is a different style. The city didn't even require a permit to remove it because it doesn't enclose anything. We informed our neighbor that we were doing this and she told us that the fence has been there for 40 years (since before she moved in about 30 years ago) and she doesn't want us to remove it. We showed her the property line survey which shows it on our land and claimed she has squatters rights to it since it's been there so long. She demands that if we take it out we have to pay to replace it next to our new fence. We are already paying for the back fence, we can't afford to move this old fence over 4" (still on our property). She has said she'll take us to court, not sure if she'll follow through, but also from what I can research her case seems pretty flimsy. Can we just remove it and wait to see what she does? Assistant: If she can't afford to pay for her part of the fence, how is she going to pay a lawyer to take you to court?
Human: Neighbor claiming squatters rights to a fence on our property I'm in Colorado in an urban area. We are in the process of replacing a fence in the back and the front of our house. Our neighbor agreed that the fence in back needed to be replaced but couldn't pay for it, that's fine we were willing to pay for it all because it was about to fall down and it was full of holes. In the front we have no fence enclosing the property. However there is a 4 ft wrought iron fence that extends from our front stoop to the sidewalk, it does not connect to anything else and is well within our property by about 18" (we have a property survey that is on file with the city and show the fence inside of our lines). Our plan is to remove this old fence and enclose our property with a new 4 ft fence that is a different style. The city didn't even require a permit to remove it because it doesn't enclose anything. We informed our neighbor that we were doing this and she told us that the fence has been there for 40 years (since before she moved in about 30 years ago) and she doesn't want us to remove it. We showed her the property line survey which shows it on our land and claimed she has squatters rights to it since it's been there so long. She demands that if we take it out we have to pay to replace it next to our new fence. We are already paying for the back fence, we can't afford to move this old fence over 4" (still on our property). She has said she'll take us to court, not sure if she'll follow through, but also from what I can research her case seems pretty flimsy. Can we just remove it and wait to see what she does? Assistant: You can remove your fence with no problem, and from what you've said it seems like you'd easily win a court case regarding the property line. However, you should see whether you can force her to pay for the fence (or for half of it) since she doesn't want to, she can just say she doesn't want a fence there in the first place in which case you'd have to choose between being fenceless or keeping the fence that's inside your property. I'm not a lawyer btw, but this might be the decision you would have to make
Human: My Ex Has Ignored us for 10 years, now She wants to give me money, what do? My ex has given me no child support for 10 years. I moved my daughter and myself to a different state 4 years ago and have not gone after her for money in any way to avoid putting us through legal hell across states. She recently contacted my daughter again and the two have been talking on and off. That's fine with me it's relatively harmless and my kid is pretty smart she won't fall for any bullshit her mother tells her. Today her mom texts me out of the blue and says she wants to send me money. "I can't repay you for everything but I want to try." If I accept this money, what are the legal ramifications? Does it count as child support? If I tell her I don't want her money (what I want to do) does that count as legally exonerating her of child support obligation? Can't find anything on this specific situation I doubt it happens much. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Assistant: People who can answer this question: family law attorneys in your state. People who cannot: anyone else. Source: I am a family law attorney and it is a very fact-specific field and the law changes drastically by state. Yes, even compared to many other areas of law.
Human: My Ex Has Ignored us for 10 years, now She wants to give me money, what do? My ex has given me no child support for 10 years. I moved my daughter and myself to a different state 4 years ago and have not gone after her for money in any way to avoid putting us through legal hell across states. She recently contacted my daughter again and the two have been talking on and off. That's fine with me it's relatively harmless and my kid is pretty smart she won't fall for any bullshit her mother tells her. Today her mom texts me out of the blue and says she wants to send me money. "I can't repay you for everything but I want to try." If I accept this money, what are the legal ramifications? Does it count as child support? If I tell her I don't want her money (what I want to do) does that count as legally exonerating her of child support obligation? Can't find anything on this specific situation I doubt it happens much. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Assistant: You do not have the legal ability to relieve her of her child support obligations.
Human: [Update] My girlfriend cheated on me but is now refusing to leave my apartment. A number of people told me to give an update, so here it is. I gave her written notice last night like everyone suggested and then left her alone. I talked to her mother and told her what happened. She called me this morning and said she was coming over. She walked in and started packing her stuff pretty much straight away. The whole time my ex was literally just crying and stomping around like a child. I have never seen her look that defeated before. After everything that's happened I thought it would be satisfying to see her like that but it was actually really sad. After grabbing some of her stuff, her mom dragged her out the door and that was it. Ten minutes, in and out. Fairly anticlimactic really. I assume that she will come by another time to get the rest of her stuff. I've always really liked her mom. She's a no-nonsense type of woman. Her mom apologized on her behalf, but I still haven't received any sort of heartfelt apology from her unfortunately. I am glad that she's gone, but it's pretty sad that I'm going to have to spend Christmas alone. I think the eviction notice was the main reason her mother came over, so Thanks /r/legaladvice! Assistant: Glad her mother is an adult. If you're alone for christmas you might want to consider calling around to some soup kitchens/shelters or hospitals to see if they need volunteers or visitors. Before you go out and get hammered of course.
Human: [Update] My girlfriend cheated on me but is now refusing to leave my apartment. A number of people told me to give an update, so here it is. I gave her written notice last night like everyone suggested and then left her alone. I talked to her mother and told her what happened. She called me this morning and said she was coming over. She walked in and started packing her stuff pretty much straight away. The whole time my ex was literally just crying and stomping around like a child. I have never seen her look that defeated before. After everything that's happened I thought it would be satisfying to see her like that but it was actually really sad. After grabbing some of her stuff, her mom dragged her out the door and that was it. Ten minutes, in and out. Fairly anticlimactic really. I assume that she will come by another time to get the rest of her stuff. I've always really liked her mom. She's a no-nonsense type of woman. Her mom apologized on her behalf, but I still haven't received any sort of heartfelt apology from her unfortunately. I am glad that she's gone, but it's pretty sad that I'm going to have to spend Christmas alone. I think the eviction notice was the main reason her mother came over, so Thanks /r/legaladvice! Assistant: Link to first post:
Human: My girlfriend cheated on me but is now refusing to leave my apartment. I found out that she cheated on me yesterday. She was my first kiss, sex and relationship so it's crushing. I asked her to leave but she refused and eventually I just locked myself in my study and went to sleep. She lives with me and is dependent upon me. I just got home from work and she's still here. She's convinced that we can work it out. I want absolutely nothing to do with her. I don't want to put my hands on her in any way because I don't want to be accused of assault or anything like that. She only moved in two weeks ago from her parents place. I don't know what to do. Can the police legally remove her? MA Assistant: Do you have her parents phone number? Maybe call them and explain what she did and that you're going to have to involve the police unless she moves out? They may help persuade her to leave?
Human: My girlfriend cheated on me but is now refusing to leave my apartment. I found out that she cheated on me yesterday. She was my first kiss, sex and relationship so it's crushing. I asked her to leave but she refused and eventually I just locked myself in my study and went to sleep. She lives with me and is dependent upon me. I just got home from work and she's still here. She's convinced that we can work it out. I want absolutely nothing to do with her. I don't want to put my hands on her in any way because I don't want to be accused of assault or anything like that. She only moved in two weeks ago from her parents place. I don't know what to do. Can the police legally remove her? MA Assistant: Does she have a lease? She just moved in with you two weeks ago? You can try calling the non-emergency line and asking if the police will remove her, but I think there's a good chance they won't since she moved in with you and it will be a "civil" matter. You will have to follow the normal procedures in your state to evict someone. Absolutely under no circumstances should you remove her with force. If things become heated, leave, and call the police right away.
Human: How do I (25 M) evict my girlfriend (24 F)? I moved into a house about a year ago, I own it and only my name is on the mortgage and I pay for all utilities and home related costs outside of some food and decorations/furniture. My girlfriend moved in with me immediately and has stayed since outside of an instance where she assaulted me and had a protection order placed for almost a month where she stayed at her own place until I took her back. Things have not gotten better as my girlfriend has been violent with me multiple times, twice the last two days even where she has struck me multiple times and has emotionally abused me by calling me an “autistic freak” when I do actually have autism. I have tried to let her know I do not want to be in a relationship with her anymore and she should leave but she doesn’t listen and refuses to leave saying I will have to shoot her to her to leave. She also says she has nowhere to go as her family won’t let her stay with them most likely due to how psychotic she is and she doesn’t have a job to pay rent. TL;DR: How can I evict my girlfriend who doesn’t pay any expenses outside of food and her own personal items from my house that I only own? Additional info: I live in Iowa We do not have any children, just 3 cats Assistant: call the police immediately after she hits you. get another protection order, and then start the eviction process immediately after the PO goes into effect
Human: How do I (25 M) evict my girlfriend (24 F)? I moved into a house about a year ago, I own it and only my name is on the mortgage and I pay for all utilities and home related costs outside of some food and decorations/furniture. My girlfriend moved in with me immediately and has stayed since outside of an instance where she assaulted me and had a protection order placed for almost a month where she stayed at her own place until I took her back. Things have not gotten better as my girlfriend has been violent with me multiple times, twice the last two days even where she has struck me multiple times and has emotionally abused me by calling me an “autistic freak” when I do actually have autism. I have tried to let her know I do not want to be in a relationship with her anymore and she should leave but she doesn’t listen and refuses to leave saying I will have to shoot her to her to leave. She also says she has nowhere to go as her family won’t let her stay with them most likely due to how psychotic she is and she doesn’t have a job to pay rent. TL;DR: How can I evict my girlfriend who doesn’t pay any expenses outside of food and her own personal items from my house that I only own? Additional info: I live in Iowa We do not have any children, just 3 cats Assistant: Please record on video all interactions with her for your protection.
Human: is it child abuse to choke your kid? even if they are 15 or 16? and would it be disrespectful to fight back if your parent is trying to do that to you? Assistant: Choking a child is child abuse. What is the context here? Does the parent intend to be joking around and the kid doesn’t like it or is the parent intending to hurt the kid?
Human: is it child abuse to choke your kid? even if they are 15 or 16? and would it be disrespectful to fight back if your parent is trying to do that to you? Assistant: If you're thinking about responding physically to this situation, you need to think long and hard about your safety. An adult choking you at 15 can *easily kill* you. It would be a much better decision to find some place safe, don't go back to the house, file a police report as soon as you can.
Human: 14-year-old son touched inappropriately at brazilian jiu jitsu class; not sure if it's a grey area. Please help. Tonight my 14-year-old son came back to the car shaken up. He had just finished his fifth session at a new BJJ gym where he's taking a foundations course. An instructor had used him for an arm-bar demonstration, and he held my son's arm against his erect penis for an extended period of time. My son said it felt intentional. I am angry. I'm not sure what the norms are surrounding erections in BJJ. Is the culture to just accept them as an embarrassing reality and move on with life? My instinct is to take some kind of legal action, but I don't think we'd have a solid case. I don't know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Assistant: In a contact sport, I would assume the instructor was wearing a protective cup, before I thought erection. And as others have said, what was the position of the belt knot? Be 100% sure of your facts, before you go ruining this guys life.
Human: 14-year-old son touched inappropriately at brazilian jiu jitsu class; not sure if it's a grey area. Please help. Tonight my 14-year-old son came back to the car shaken up. He had just finished his fifth session at a new BJJ gym where he's taking a foundations course. An instructor had used him for an arm-bar demonstration, and he held my son's arm against his erect penis for an extended period of time. My son said it felt intentional. I am angry. I'm not sure what the norms are surrounding erections in BJJ. Is the culture to just accept them as an embarrassing reality and move on with life? My instinct is to take some kind of legal action, but I don't think we'd have a solid case. I don't know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Assistant: An armbar is an incredibly standard maneuver in which an arm may be pressed against a groin. Doing it for a prolonged period is standard in a demonstration. A belt knot, a protective groin guard can both feel like an erection. Happening to have an erection during a martial arts class is not a crime. You have very little case.
Human: [Serious] My child told me she is being touched inappropriately by my ex wife's new boyfriend Hello, I am going through a separation. I moved out of our house in April and I found out that my wife (or ex wife) has started dating somebody in the beginning of June. Since the middle of June, I know that she already introduced her new boyfriend to our two kids - 7 and 3 years old. In my opinion that fact was already way out of place. But she does not care. Her needs seem to be more important than her children's needs. Anyway - first weekend of July, my 3 year old was with me for the weekend - the older one was traveling with my ex wife. While I was talking with my 3 year old girl, she told me that her boyfriend was being mean to her. She mentioned something like that a 2 weeks before already but I did not take that too serious because it could mean anything. But now she continued to tell me that he touched her chest - she had open heart surgery and has a scar on her chest. She indicated the area where she was touched and she said he pushed really hard. I immediately called my ex wife to tell her about this accusation. My ex wife picked up the phone, I told her what was said by her daughter. She told me to fuck off and not ruin her trip and hung up on me. As it was a weekend, I could not get a hold of my lawyer to ask him what to do... so I decided to record anything she would tell me on video. The next morning I recorded her on video, while we were playing, asking her if she could repeat what she told me the day before about my ex's boyfriend. She again indicated the area she was touched and also said he did it. On Sunday, while we were on the playground, during a break, my daughter started to hold her private parts... I asked what was wrong and she said he touched her here and poked her, while she was holding her private parts. On Monday, my ex wife stopped by at work and I told her about the accusations, and I showed her the video I made on Saturday. I also told her about what my daughter told me on Sunday at the playground. She had no reaction to it, just told me, she had to think about this. I told her that I do not want him around my child at any time. (He has basically moved into our house as per now - his car is in front of our house every day since July 6th) I told her that I would go to my lawyer to talk about this. Shortly after I received text messages from her boyfriend, threatening me with legal consequences (slander) if I would pursue this any further. He would sue me for everything i have basically. I live in Canada by the way. I don't know what to do... I told my ex wife that I believe my daughter - With 3 years of age she is too young to make things like that up... Since he is in the picture, my daughter's behaviour has changed as well... Got shy, she is wetting herself 3 out of 4 nights and is extremely moody. She was so well balanced before this all happened. I am feeling sick to my stomach that I had to give my daughter back into my ex's care for the last week and he was around all the time. My lawyer told me, that if I would go to Child protection services, it is not guaranteed that the child would go automatically into my care either. She could wind up in foster care. When I picked her up from day care last Friday, the first thing my daughter said was that: "Daddy, I stayed away from him (she said his name). I asked my daughter about her week and if she was happy and my daughter told me that she was NOT happy at mommy's house - when I asked why she said: because HE is there. As our daycare is right next to our matrimonial home, I called my ex wife so she could hear what her daughter has to say about this herself. When my ex was there and I asked the same questions, my daughter's expression changed from sad/upset to sad/upset and scared. But she gave the same answers to the questions. In the end, my ex asked my daughter: "Do you love mommy?" And my daughter said: "No i don't" right in her face. Honestly, after hearing this, I am actually becoming friendly with the thought of the chance of my daughter being in foster care rather than being with my ex wife and her boyfriend... Don't get me wrong, I want her to be with me but if foster care would be the only option - so be it... What should I do... Assistant: I'm gonna make this real clear to you, so hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say , "CALL THE FUCKING POLICE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Do not spend one more second not looking for your phone to get in contact with them.
Human: [Serious] My child told me she is being touched inappropriately by my ex wife's new boyfriend Hello, I am going through a separation. I moved out of our house in April and I found out that my wife (or ex wife) has started dating somebody in the beginning of June. Since the middle of June, I know that she already introduced her new boyfriend to our two kids - 7 and 3 years old. In my opinion that fact was already way out of place. But she does not care. Her needs seem to be more important than her children's needs. Anyway - first weekend of July, my 3 year old was with me for the weekend - the older one was traveling with my ex wife. While I was talking with my 3 year old girl, she told me that her boyfriend was being mean to her. She mentioned something like that a 2 weeks before already but I did not take that too serious because it could mean anything. But now she continued to tell me that he touched her chest - she had open heart surgery and has a scar on her chest. She indicated the area where she was touched and she said he pushed really hard. I immediately called my ex wife to tell her about this accusation. My ex wife picked up the phone, I told her what was said by her daughter. She told me to fuck off and not ruin her trip and hung up on me. As it was a weekend, I could not get a hold of my lawyer to ask him what to do... so I decided to record anything she would tell me on video. The next morning I recorded her on video, while we were playing, asking her if she could repeat what she told me the day before about my ex's boyfriend. She again indicated the area she was touched and also said he did it. On Sunday, while we were on the playground, during a break, my daughter started to hold her private parts... I asked what was wrong and she said he touched her here and poked her, while she was holding her private parts. On Monday, my ex wife stopped by at work and I told her about the accusations, and I showed her the video I made on Saturday. I also told her about what my daughter told me on Sunday at the playground. She had no reaction to it, just told me, she had to think about this. I told her that I do not want him around my child at any time. (He has basically moved into our house as per now - his car is in front of our house every day since July 6th) I told her that I would go to my lawyer to talk about this. Shortly after I received text messages from her boyfriend, threatening me with legal consequences (slander) if I would pursue this any further. He would sue me for everything i have basically. I live in Canada by the way. I don't know what to do... I told my ex wife that I believe my daughter - With 3 years of age she is too young to make things like that up... Since he is in the picture, my daughter's behaviour has changed as well... Got shy, she is wetting herself 3 out of 4 nights and is extremely moody. She was so well balanced before this all happened. I am feeling sick to my stomach that I had to give my daughter back into my ex's care for the last week and he was around all the time. My lawyer told me, that if I would go to Child protection services, it is not guaranteed that the child would go automatically into my care either. She could wind up in foster care. When I picked her up from day care last Friday, the first thing my daughter said was that: "Daddy, I stayed away from him (she said his name). I asked my daughter about her week and if she was happy and my daughter told me that she was NOT happy at mommy's house - when I asked why she said: because HE is there. As our daycare is right next to our matrimonial home, I called my ex wife so she could hear what her daughter has to say about this herself. When my ex was there and I asked the same questions, my daughter's expression changed from sad/upset to sad/upset and scared. But she gave the same answers to the questions. In the end, my ex asked my daughter: "Do you love mommy?" And my daughter said: "No i don't" right in her face. Honestly, after hearing this, I am actually becoming friendly with the thought of the chance of my daughter being in foster care rather than being with my ex wife and her boyfriend... Don't get me wrong, I want her to be with me but if foster care would be the only option - so be it... What should I do... Assistant: You should have gone to your doctor or to cps. You could be perceived as coaching your daughter.
Human: My husband cheated on me with a 16 year old I originally posted this in a different place but was told I should come here I've been with my husband, who is 45, for 17 years now. We've got 2 children who are 7 and 11. Recently our relationship has been struggling, bit deep down I thought we both loved each other and my husband had never spoken about or showed any signs of wanting it to end. However, last weekend I took the kids away with me while my husband stayed at home. We got back home and everything seemed normal, until my husband's phone went off while he was in the bathroom. When I looked at it, it was a message from a girl saying 'I hope I didn't leave it at yours'. This immediately made me suspicious and I confronted my husband, who eventually admitted he had met with a girl who was just 16 and said they had kissed, but nothing more. But I later found 2 condoms, one in the house and one in the car, that I knew had not been used with me as they were flavoured and we had never used flavoured ones. So I'm pretty sure my husband had sex with a 16 year old. But even worse, he loves her and wants to end it with me to be with her. I just don't really understand it, she's 16 and I've searched her up on Facebook. She's a model and gets hundreds of likes on her pics and loads of comments from boys. My husband is not rich or anything like that, so what could she possibly want from a 45 year old man? But they both swear they love each other and he wants her to start looking after our kids. I just don't know what went wrong or what to do anymore I'm from the UK, so the sex wasn't illegal I DO NOT want her or him to be allowed to look after my kids. Is there any way I could stop that? Assistant: As deplorable as I find his actions, he still has every right to be a father to his children.
Human: My husband cheated on me with a 16 year old I originally posted this in a different place but was told I should come here I've been with my husband, who is 45, for 17 years now. We've got 2 children who are 7 and 11. Recently our relationship has been struggling, bit deep down I thought we both loved each other and my husband had never spoken about or showed any signs of wanting it to end. However, last weekend I took the kids away with me while my husband stayed at home. We got back home and everything seemed normal, until my husband's phone went off while he was in the bathroom. When I looked at it, it was a message from a girl saying 'I hope I didn't leave it at yours'. This immediately made me suspicious and I confronted my husband, who eventually admitted he had met with a girl who was just 16 and said they had kissed, but nothing more. But I later found 2 condoms, one in the house and one in the car, that I knew had not been used with me as they were flavoured and we had never used flavoured ones. So I'm pretty sure my husband had sex with a 16 year old. But even worse, he loves her and wants to end it with me to be with her. I just don't really understand it, she's 16 and I've searched her up on Facebook. She's a model and gets hundreds of likes on her pics and loads of comments from boys. My husband is not rich or anything like that, so what could she possibly want from a 45 year old man? But they both swear they love each other and he wants her to start looking after our kids. I just don't know what went wrong or what to do anymore I'm from the UK, so the sex wasn't illegal I DO NOT want her or him to be allowed to look after my kids. Is there any way I could stop that? Assistant: He's having sex with someone 5 years older than his oldest child. This girl is 16. He's 29 years older than she is. That's not love. If I were you, I'd be checking his browser history and looking for other things...
Human: Ex spouse just filed interrogatories for 100’s of pages of personal documents…7 years after divorce. California. Placer County. Married 25 years, final divorce MSA completed about 5 years ago. I pay my ex monthly support, have never missed or been late. I have been compliant with every aspect of the MSA since it was signed. My ex does not work even though MSA says they are supposed to. I am late 50's, she is late 60's. Two days ago I got a packet in the mail with four forms (a Case, FL-145, DISC-001, DISC-020) requesting hundreds of pages of information about me, some going back 30 years. Every tax filing, every paystub, every checking account transaction since 2016, every gift I’ve ever given anyone, any loan application I’ve ever filed, bills that I have paid, health, insurance, people sharing my residence, the list just goes on and on. I’m supposed to turn these over in 30 days according to the documents, it is so much information even if I were to try to pull it all together I could not in that amount of time. I’m already seeking out an attorney to help, but I’m so worried about it, I have two main questions: 1. Is this legal? Can my ex just demand every piece of personal information in my life 5 years after we divorced and signed an MSA... and I have to provide it? 2. If I do have to supply all of this, will I be able to get an extension? How do I formally request an extension? I doubt they would willingly grant it. Anything you could provide would help put my worried mind to rest, and I appreciate your thoughts. Assistant: Wait hold on. Is there a pending motion? If not, then discovery is not reopened.
Human: Ex spouse just filed interrogatories for 100’s of pages of personal documents…7 years after divorce. California. Placer County. Married 25 years, final divorce MSA completed about 5 years ago. I pay my ex monthly support, have never missed or been late. I have been compliant with every aspect of the MSA since it was signed. My ex does not work even though MSA says they are supposed to. I am late 50's, she is late 60's. Two days ago I got a packet in the mail with four forms (a Case, FL-145, DISC-001, DISC-020) requesting hundreds of pages of information about me, some going back 30 years. Every tax filing, every paystub, every checking account transaction since 2016, every gift I’ve ever given anyone, any loan application I’ve ever filed, bills that I have paid, health, insurance, people sharing my residence, the list just goes on and on. I’m supposed to turn these over in 30 days according to the documents, it is so much information even if I were to try to pull it all together I could not in that amount of time. I’m already seeking out an attorney to help, but I’m so worried about it, I have two main questions: 1. Is this legal? Can my ex just demand every piece of personal information in my life 5 years after we divorced and signed an MSA... and I have to provide it? 2. If I do have to supply all of this, will I be able to get an extension? How do I formally request an extension? I doubt they would willingly grant it. Anything you could provide would help put my worried mind to rest, and I appreciate your thoughts. Assistant: Do you have minor children with your ex? How much longer does the spousal support obligation run?
Human: My husband gave me 30 days notice. I'm a stay at home mom not from this state. Please advise. NO CA. My husband and I have been married for a year but we together for 7. We have a 1.5 year old child. We haven't been getting along the best and have been in couples therapy for a few months. Yesterday he gave me 30 days notice to leave and will be serving me with divorce papers shortly. I have no idea what to do. I am a stay at home mom and haven't worked in 2+ years. This was a mutual decision. He doesn't make very much money but pays for all of our bills. I stayed home taking care of our child. The baby spends 99.99% of the time with me. I'm still nursing. I have no idea who is going to care for the baby since I'm being kicked out. I have no where to go. I don't know anyone here. My family lives in Florida. I have no money to my name. I have my own checking/savings account, as does he. I have a credit card on his account (with my name) that he took from me. I can't afford a lawyer. I literally have $10 in my banking account because I just spent the money I did have (which was only $100) on Christmas presents, as he asked me to do. For him/family/our child. Please advise. Assistant: Whatever you do, do NOT leave your child. If you leave, take your child with you!
Human: My husband gave me 30 days notice. I'm a stay at home mom not from this state. Please advise. NO CA. My husband and I have been married for a year but we together for 7. We have a 1.5 year old child. We haven't been getting along the best and have been in couples therapy for a few months. Yesterday he gave me 30 days notice to leave and will be serving me with divorce papers shortly. I have no idea what to do. I am a stay at home mom and haven't worked in 2+ years. This was a mutual decision. He doesn't make very much money but pays for all of our bills. I stayed home taking care of our child. The baby spends 99.99% of the time with me. I'm still nursing. I have no idea who is going to care for the baby since I'm being kicked out. I have no where to go. I don't know anyone here. My family lives in Florida. I have no money to my name. I have my own checking/savings account, as does he. I have a credit card on his account (with my name) that he took from me. I can't afford a lawyer. I literally have $10 in my banking account because I just spent the money I did have (which was only $100) on Christmas presents, as he asked me to do. For him/family/our child. Please advise. Assistant: Not a lawyer, but I have to believe that as you are a stay at home mom, and taking care of his child, he will come out of the divorce having to pay both child support for his child and an alimony for you, at least for some time. Provided you get a lawyer and make sure you protect your interests.
Human: Please help me, I'm a stay at home dad and my spouse is about to leave me. I don't even know what's going on. I thought we had one of the most understanding marriages in the world. Fights, sure, but nothing serious and we always kiss and made up. Open account passwords and everything. Yesterday I could sense something was wrong and, to put a long story short, she not only stopped texting me, changed all her social media and email passwords, but suddenly didn't want to come home but take our young child. Wouldn't even talk to me unless I agreed to let the child go. More than that, she threatened to call the police to remove him against my wishes. None of this makes any sense, I don't know where any of this came from. She agreed to let me keep him for the night and talk to me the next day but I'm so lost. I don't know what to do. I'm a stay at home dad with no income of my own, only like $400 on me, poor health, our lease is almost up, and am completely dependent upon my spouse's job to even have a roof over our head. We share one joint bank account. I guess some specific questions I can think of are: If she chooses to leave the place can I legally stop her from taking the kid? I don't even know where she is right now and she does have rich family out of state. What recourse do I have when it comes to money and housing? I don't have friends to couch surf on, no family left to stay with. I'm all alone in this world except her and my kid. I don't even know if I could work my health is so bad; I've been too afraid of doctors to really see them much lately. I'm assuming if I can't work then I'm not a fit parent? I don't know how that works. Arkansas is my location. There are no mens shelters, nothing. I'm so scared and confused. Please help me. Assistant: Without a court order you don’t have to let her take the child. But it is in the child’s interest to spend time with mom. You should review with your attorney how to proceed on visitation. You’re entitled to your share of the marital assets. And can review with your attorney whether there’s any possibility for spousal support. But obviously you’ll need a way to support yourself as well.
Human: Please help me, I'm a stay at home dad and my spouse is about to leave me. I don't even know what's going on. I thought we had one of the most understanding marriages in the world. Fights, sure, but nothing serious and we always kiss and made up. Open account passwords and everything. Yesterday I could sense something was wrong and, to put a long story short, she not only stopped texting me, changed all her social media and email passwords, but suddenly didn't want to come home but take our young child. Wouldn't even talk to me unless I agreed to let the child go. More than that, she threatened to call the police to remove him against my wishes. None of this makes any sense, I don't know where any of this came from. She agreed to let me keep him for the night and talk to me the next day but I'm so lost. I don't know what to do. I'm a stay at home dad with no income of my own, only like $400 on me, poor health, our lease is almost up, and am completely dependent upon my spouse's job to even have a roof over our head. We share one joint bank account. I guess some specific questions I can think of are: If she chooses to leave the place can I legally stop her from taking the kid? I don't even know where she is right now and she does have rich family out of state. What recourse do I have when it comes to money and housing? I don't have friends to couch surf on, no family left to stay with. I'm all alone in this world except her and my kid. I don't even know if I could work my health is so bad; I've been too afraid of doctors to really see them much lately. I'm assuming if I can't work then I'm not a fit parent? I don't know how that works. Arkansas is my location. There are no mens shelters, nothing. I'm so scared and confused. Please help me. Assistant: I am not a lawyer Please, please, please, call a lawyer and do not hand over that child. See what your rights are, she can't take your child away from you.
Human: NH: My wife posted a sex video of me online right before she filed for divorce but the cops won't do anything about it State is NH. 6 months ago I did something stupid and made a mistake. I hooked up with a woman I had met on a FA/BBW website. I'm married and my wife is not big. I regretted doing it and I deleted her number after that and stopped visiting that site or any other. I never told my wife and tried to be better to her. We have been married for 6 years and together for 9 and we were trying for a baby. The video from the hook up was posted on my Facebook page. It also was linked to the website. I had completely forgotten about it. Both were taken down quickly but my wife left the next day and filed for divorce a week later. I went to the cops because I didn't post the video so I figured my wife must have because no one else has access to my Facebook or my phone. The cops interviewed me and my wife and they examined my phone. They say that my wife didn't post it because it was posted from my phone through our ISP and my phone was only pinging a tower by our house on the night it was posted. My wife was out with friends that night and there are pictures and witnesses to prove it while I told them I was home alone all night. I know there is no way I posted it. I had been drinking that night but I wasn't blackout drunk. Also my wife came home from the bar because she forgot something. I remember her playing with my phone before she left again. I also saw that on my tablet she had researched divorce lawyers and divorce after adultery before the video post. I think she already knew and posted the video as revenge. She told the cops she never left the bar and they say her phone was pinging a tower by the bar and that combined with the pictures means she didn't and they closed the case. But they also told me that if the woman in the video comes forward I could be in trouble for revenge porn. My wife is denying that she posted it or that she did those searches on my tablet. She also said she filed for fault divorce and she told me she took a copy of the video off Facebook and has screenshots of my visits to the FA/BBW website and the searches about fault divorce and adultery from my tablet. She told me she will be subpoenaing my phone records too. I need advice because I don't know what the fuck I should do or how I can get the cops to believe that she posted it. It's embarrassing because my family and friends saw it before Facebook took it down. Also how bad will the video be for the divorce if my wife was the main breadwinner and had paid for 100% of our home and all our bills and mortgage? Assistant: No sympathy. I hope your wife gets a great deal.
Human: NH: My wife posted a sex video of me online right before she filed for divorce but the cops won't do anything about it State is NH. 6 months ago I did something stupid and made a mistake. I hooked up with a woman I had met on a FA/BBW website. I'm married and my wife is not big. I regretted doing it and I deleted her number after that and stopped visiting that site or any other. I never told my wife and tried to be better to her. We have been married for 6 years and together for 9 and we were trying for a baby. The video from the hook up was posted on my Facebook page. It also was linked to the website. I had completely forgotten about it. Both were taken down quickly but my wife left the next day and filed for divorce a week later. I went to the cops because I didn't post the video so I figured my wife must have because no one else has access to my Facebook or my phone. The cops interviewed me and my wife and they examined my phone. They say that my wife didn't post it because it was posted from my phone through our ISP and my phone was only pinging a tower by our house on the night it was posted. My wife was out with friends that night and there are pictures and witnesses to prove it while I told them I was home alone all night. I know there is no way I posted it. I had been drinking that night but I wasn't blackout drunk. Also my wife came home from the bar because she forgot something. I remember her playing with my phone before she left again. I also saw that on my tablet she had researched divorce lawyers and divorce after adultery before the video post. I think she already knew and posted the video as revenge. She told the cops she never left the bar and they say her phone was pinging a tower by the bar and that combined with the pictures means she didn't and they closed the case. But they also told me that if the woman in the video comes forward I could be in trouble for revenge porn. My wife is denying that she posted it or that she did those searches on my tablet. She also said she filed for fault divorce and she told me she took a copy of the video off Facebook and has screenshots of my visits to the FA/BBW website and the searches about fault divorce and adultery from my tablet. She told me she will be subpoenaing my phone records too. I need advice because I don't know what the fuck I should do or how I can get the cops to believe that she posted it. It's embarrassing because my family and friends saw it before Facebook took it down. Also how bad will the video be for the divorce if my wife was the main breadwinner and had paid for 100% of our home and all our bills and mortgage? Assistant: Forget about getting your wife arrested. Dont think even if it worked if that would impact the divorce case much. You need a divorce lawyer. Others are saying you are trying to frame her but I dont have an opinion on that. If she did do this she was smart about it. Established an alibi before going back to your house without her phone. I doubt even if the police believed you they could get the da to charge her. Lawyer up buddy you are going to need it.
Human: I am a mother of 4, married and living in Tennessee. Husband is filing for divorce, he locked me out of accounts and I have no control of finances, can't afford a lawyer. What should I do? Here's the tl;dr: We are married and living in tenn. I've never had the best foresight planning for events like this, thought we'd stay together forever and money wasn't an issue. When we got married, he wanted to pay for everything and provide so I didn't work much (I used to have a great job, but his line of work made us move all over the country.. about 8 different countries so it wasn't easy for me to just find work wherever he got a job). We never merged bank accounts and he never gave me access to his, just an AmEx. Which was fine, then... Cut to, we unexpectedly got pregnant and had 4 kids. Neither of us was prepared and since then, I've been a full time mom, all day and all night. We grew apart (ill leave it at that) and now he wants a divorce. His lawyer told me essentially, how about the kids move in with his parents (mine are out of the picture), they'll hire someone to take care of them, and I can basically "never be seen again." I'm not good at this and I can't afford an attorney because I have no access to the accounts and he froze my AmEx. I have some money but not enough to afford an attorney that won't leave me broke, unable to see my kids and nowhere to go... I do not know what laws are like in Tenn but I know when I lived in CA that married couples are entitled to joint bank accounts? Unless I'm wrong? Are there laws in Tenn that demand a wife have access to a bank account? I know laws in Tenn are nothing like they are in CA but I really need some advice and anything constructive will help! Thank you so much everyone, and please don't look at me like I'm trying to get his money, all I want is to be able to afford an attorney to help me get through this without having it ruin my life. Thank you reddit ♥ Assistant: Step 1 - Look at the TN Justice for All page. It has links to legal aid, and self help resources. Step 2 - Here is the TN Court Self Help page. When filing, you can note that your husband is denying you access to marital assets to hire a lawyer. Courts take this very seriously. Step 3 - Sign up for a credit card in your name - that may get you access to the funds you need to get a referral paid.
Human: I am a mother of 4, married and living in Tennessee. Husband is filing for divorce, he locked me out of accounts and I have no control of finances, can't afford a lawyer. What should I do? Here's the tl;dr: We are married and living in tenn. I've never had the best foresight planning for events like this, thought we'd stay together forever and money wasn't an issue. When we got married, he wanted to pay for everything and provide so I didn't work much (I used to have a great job, but his line of work made us move all over the country.. about 8 different countries so it wasn't easy for me to just find work wherever he got a job). We never merged bank accounts and he never gave me access to his, just an AmEx. Which was fine, then... Cut to, we unexpectedly got pregnant and had 4 kids. Neither of us was prepared and since then, I've been a full time mom, all day and all night. We grew apart (ill leave it at that) and now he wants a divorce. His lawyer told me essentially, how about the kids move in with his parents (mine are out of the picture), they'll hire someone to take care of them, and I can basically "never be seen again." I'm not good at this and I can't afford an attorney because I have no access to the accounts and he froze my AmEx. I have some money but not enough to afford an attorney that won't leave me broke, unable to see my kids and nowhere to go... I do not know what laws are like in Tenn but I know when I lived in CA that married couples are entitled to joint bank accounts? Unless I'm wrong? Are there laws in Tenn that demand a wife have access to a bank account? I know laws in Tenn are nothing like they are in CA but I really need some advice and anything constructive will help! Thank you so much everyone, and please don't look at me like I'm trying to get his money, all I want is to be able to afford an attorney to help me get through this without having it ruin my life. Thank you reddit ♥ Assistant: I am not a lawyer Do not leave the marital home or your children. If he does something like change the locks on you, call the police.
Human: Husband left the day after our daughter was born. No contact since without lawyers. She's almost one and our divorce is almost final. He's demanding a maternity test (paternity test showed he's the father). Is this normal? I'll ask my lawyer Monday but just wondering - Wyoming Assistant: So how many children of a similar age does this man think he has (since the only way this would work would be if you were using a child he had with another woman). Yes, I know he saw you give birth but he hasn't thought through the lies.
Human: Husband left the day after our daughter was born. No contact since without lawyers. She's almost one and our divorce is almost final. He's demanding a maternity test (paternity test showed he's the father). Is this normal? I'll ask my lawyer Monday but just wondering - Wyoming Assistant: I don't think your (ex) *husband* is normal. Do you have any idea what he's trying to achieve here, and why is his lawyer not telling him to STFU and sit down???
Human: My neighbors use my mailing address for packages and we are not on good terms. What are my legal obligations when I receive one? My neighbors have on multiple occasions sent packages to my address. I know this is likely on purpose because their address doesn't come up properly when you google it, but ours does. Given that delivery services like Amazon or Walmart probably use google maps, it seems intentional that they are using our address to get their packages sent to our house, and then have us begrudgingly drop it off at their door. Once they sent one of their kids over to ask for their package when we didn't bring it fast enough. I feel that this is attempt to annoy us because they could send the packages to the neighbor on the other side of their house - it's just as close and AFAIK they aren't on bad terms with them. My question is do I have a legal right to withhold their package if it is addressed to my house? My intention is to return the package to the sender. Obviously, I will not open or tamper with their package in any way. What if they have someone knock on my door and request the package? Am I legally required to give it to them when it has my address on it? Assistant: If USPS, just return it to the USPS marked not at this address. If private delivery, like UPS, FedEx, etc, call their number to come pick it back up. If Google Maps is not correct, you can open a ticket to correct it online.
Human: My neighbors use my mailing address for packages and we are not on good terms. What are my legal obligations when I receive one? My neighbors have on multiple occasions sent packages to my address. I know this is likely on purpose because their address doesn't come up properly when you google it, but ours does. Given that delivery services like Amazon or Walmart probably use google maps, it seems intentional that they are using our address to get their packages sent to our house, and then have us begrudgingly drop it off at their door. Once they sent one of their kids over to ask for their package when we didn't bring it fast enough. I feel that this is attempt to annoy us because they could send the packages to the neighbor on the other side of their house - it's just as close and AFAIK they aren't on bad terms with them. My question is do I have a legal right to withhold their package if it is addressed to my house? My intention is to return the package to the sender. Obviously, I will not open or tamper with their package in any way. What if they have someone knock on my door and request the package? Am I legally required to give it to them when it has my address on it? Assistant: [For USPS-delivered mail items or packages] In addition to writing "Not At This Address, Return To Sender" on the mail, take a Sharpie® marker and black out the printed barcode. Otherwise, the mail item might be automagically re-delivered to you. Also, keep in mind that pre-sort items (things sent bulk rate) generally won't be returned to the sender. The post office will just throw them away if they're not planning on returning to the sender.
Human: ON, CAN] Not so Neighborly Neighbor, Tree Law, Lame Paint Diagram. Hoped I would never have to make my own post on this sub, but here we are. So, we own an oddly shaped 5 acre corner lot in rural Ontario. There are three properties next to ours that are all serviced by a public access/right of way road. The lot that shares a border with ours has zero road frontage, and is only accessible by this public access road. It was recently purchased by an out-of-town real estate agent. She is only there occasionally, and has been fixing up the previously unfinished buildings. We are far enough apart, and there is some heavy forest between us, so we cannot see her property from our house. Every so often, we do a "walk about" on our heavily treed land, mostly just for fun. Yesterday while hiking around, we noticed a few troubling things happening. First, we noticed a large swath of land completely and recently excavated for what appears to be a buried Hydro line, which is buried and coiled by the pole awaiting connection. Speaking with another neighbor who is on the next property over, he said that Hydro One wouldn't excavate the land, as she did not own it, so she had an outside company come in and do it. There is currently an overhead wire crossing this area of land (blue line on my fancy diagram). There is absolutely NO easement on this part of the land, according to our survey. I understand we may not own the airspace, and the overhead wire is fine. I would even be fine with her keeping the trees trimmed and out of the way of her line, but she has cleared a ~30' wide path right across our land to do this. All tree stumps have been removed, the area is a torn up mess. Then further down the way, we see a few cut stumps, clearly on our property. These stumps are 18" to 22" in diameter, but I cannot tell the species. We have an arborist coming this week to help us there, and hopefully provide a quote. Just beyond that, there is a huge cleared area, completely on our property, absolutely excavated, leveled, and covered in sand. Adjacent to this, about 15' onto her property is a brand new septic bed. Not sure if our property was cleared for this purpose, but there we go. On this cleared area, there is a bunch of giant logs, presumably what was once our trees, a bunch of piles of bricks/debris/random stuff covered in big blue tarps. There is also an old tarped trailer half on our property as well, but not pictured because I suck and scale. Further, we noticed she must have had her own survey done recently, because there are nice fresh new poles near all the previously existing markers. So, I am somewhat convinced this wasn't an "oops, my bad" situation. There were old markers there before her arrival, as well as the buried iron markers, right along side the shiny new red and white poles. The big cleared area with all the junk is right beside one of these markers (but on our side of the line). Also also, she has put several "No Trespassing" signs a good 25' onto our property, facing the road. I think she is basically just trying to take over all the land between hers and the road. Anyway, here's what I have done so far - got her contact info from nice-old-guy-salt-of-the-earth-neighbor on the next property over. He did let us know she is "quite a force to be reckoned with, like a tornado comin' through here, oh boy." I have not contacted her at all. (I've never even met her). We got some of that orange survey tape, and tied it between all the markers between our property line and hers, to make it even more obvious where the property lines are, so the pictures I took would clearly show just how much junk is on our property, where the land is cleared, the trees cut, and the no trespassing signs are. I emailed Hydro One (haven't heard back) to insist that the work stop immediately, as neighbor did not have permission to do this, and there was no easement that I was aware of to allow for this. I also apologized in advance if I was somehow mistaken, because Canadian, and I don't want to piss off my power company. A friend who previously was a line-man for Hydro said that the over head cables are fine, they don't need an easement for that if it is the only way to service a lot, but they won't go around clearing private land for buried lines without express permission. However, not sure how accurate that is. I also sent a very very brief email to the local bylaw saying that my neighbor had cut trees on my property, and asking them to contact me with the next steps. Weekend, so obviously haven't heard back from them either. My questions: What are the tree laws in Ontario like? I have read many a thread here about U.S. tree laws, but can't find much for Ontario. Google hasn't been overly fruitful either. On a civil level, is there any sense in pursing this matter beyond what I have already done? If it may be worth-while to pursue civilly, what happens when not even stumps exist anymore? The entire surrounding area is all mature trees/forested, so would it have to be restored to match the surrounding area? Once I do all my information gathering, should I draft a letter myself to her about removing junk, restoring cut trees, or would it be more advisable to have the lawyer that helped with the purchase of my home draft one for me? I know standard advice here is contact a lawyer, but with a civil matter, I'm wondering if I am careful and clever if I might be able to handle it myself without creating a total disaster. My reason for considering the DIY approach is the stories we have heard of her in the last day, I feel like a firm but polite letter from me might *might* prevent the all-out-war that I can assume will come my way if the letter is on my lawyer's letterhead. Thanks for reading, as promised, [lame paint diagram Assistant: I don't think her contractor for the yard work is done. You should camp out waiting for them to arrive and inform them they have been working on the wrong property. If they refuse to leave call the police.
Human: ON, CAN] Not so Neighborly Neighbor, Tree Law, Lame Paint Diagram. Hoped I would never have to make my own post on this sub, but here we are. So, we own an oddly shaped 5 acre corner lot in rural Ontario. There are three properties next to ours that are all serviced by a public access/right of way road. The lot that shares a border with ours has zero road frontage, and is only accessible by this public access road. It was recently purchased by an out-of-town real estate agent. She is only there occasionally, and has been fixing up the previously unfinished buildings. We are far enough apart, and there is some heavy forest between us, so we cannot see her property from our house. Every so often, we do a "walk about" on our heavily treed land, mostly just for fun. Yesterday while hiking around, we noticed a few troubling things happening. First, we noticed a large swath of land completely and recently excavated for what appears to be a buried Hydro line, which is buried and coiled by the pole awaiting connection. Speaking with another neighbor who is on the next property over, he said that Hydro One wouldn't excavate the land, as she did not own it, so she had an outside company come in and do it. There is currently an overhead wire crossing this area of land (blue line on my fancy diagram). There is absolutely NO easement on this part of the land, according to our survey. I understand we may not own the airspace, and the overhead wire is fine. I would even be fine with her keeping the trees trimmed and out of the way of her line, but she has cleared a ~30' wide path right across our land to do this. All tree stumps have been removed, the area is a torn up mess. Then further down the way, we see a few cut stumps, clearly on our property. These stumps are 18" to 22" in diameter, but I cannot tell the species. We have an arborist coming this week to help us there, and hopefully provide a quote. Just beyond that, there is a huge cleared area, completely on our property, absolutely excavated, leveled, and covered in sand. Adjacent to this, about 15' onto her property is a brand new septic bed. Not sure if our property was cleared for this purpose, but there we go. On this cleared area, there is a bunch of giant logs, presumably what was once our trees, a bunch of piles of bricks/debris/random stuff covered in big blue tarps. There is also an old tarped trailer half on our property as well, but not pictured because I suck and scale. Further, we noticed she must have had her own survey done recently, because there are nice fresh new poles near all the previously existing markers. So, I am somewhat convinced this wasn't an "oops, my bad" situation. There were old markers there before her arrival, as well as the buried iron markers, right along side the shiny new red and white poles. The big cleared area with all the junk is right beside one of these markers (but on our side of the line). Also also, she has put several "No Trespassing" signs a good 25' onto our property, facing the road. I think she is basically just trying to take over all the land between hers and the road. Anyway, here's what I have done so far - got her contact info from nice-old-guy-salt-of-the-earth-neighbor on the next property over. He did let us know she is "quite a force to be reckoned with, like a tornado comin' through here, oh boy." I have not contacted her at all. (I've never even met her). We got some of that orange survey tape, and tied it between all the markers between our property line and hers, to make it even more obvious where the property lines are, so the pictures I took would clearly show just how much junk is on our property, where the land is cleared, the trees cut, and the no trespassing signs are. I emailed Hydro One (haven't heard back) to insist that the work stop immediately, as neighbor did not have permission to do this, and there was no easement that I was aware of to allow for this. I also apologized in advance if I was somehow mistaken, because Canadian, and I don't want to piss off my power company. A friend who previously was a line-man for Hydro said that the over head cables are fine, they don't need an easement for that if it is the only way to service a lot, but they won't go around clearing private land for buried lines without express permission. However, not sure how accurate that is. I also sent a very very brief email to the local bylaw saying that my neighbor had cut trees on my property, and asking them to contact me with the next steps. Weekend, so obviously haven't heard back from them either. My questions: What are the tree laws in Ontario like? I have read many a thread here about U.S. tree laws, but can't find much for Ontario. Google hasn't been overly fruitful either. On a civil level, is there any sense in pursing this matter beyond what I have already done? If it may be worth-while to pursue civilly, what happens when not even stumps exist anymore? The entire surrounding area is all mature trees/forested, so would it have to be restored to match the surrounding area? Once I do all my information gathering, should I draft a letter myself to her about removing junk, restoring cut trees, or would it be more advisable to have the lawyer that helped with the purchase of my home draft one for me? I know standard advice here is contact a lawyer, but with a civil matter, I'm wondering if I am careful and clever if I might be able to handle it myself without creating a total disaster. My reason for considering the DIY approach is the stories we have heard of her in the last day, I feel like a firm but polite letter from me might *might* prevent the all-out-war that I can assume will come my way if the letter is on my lawyer's letterhead. Thanks for reading, as promised, [lame paint diagram Assistant: If you still need an assist on tree law, ask a local architect. They have to stay current on zoning and tree laws. Local arborist, also. Good luck with this, and make the new neighbor cry.
Human: (CA) Neighbor keeps inviting people to park in my gated drive-way. What happens if I lock the gate and refuse to let neighbor's guests access their cars? I have a gated drive way I leave open during the day for a multitude of reasons. My neighbor keeps telling people they can park in my driveway even though there is ample street parking and he has his own driveway with extra spaces. I have asked him many times to not have his guests park on my property but he just tells me I have lots of space so he doesn't see what the problem is. The next time this happens, if I just lock my gate with his guest's cars in there and go on vacation for a few days, or just flat out tell them they're not welcome onto my property, what would happen? Could I get in any legal trouble? Yes, I'm aware calling to get the cars towed is an option, but I'm feeling really petty right now and want to make them wait a few hours or days to get their cars. Assistant: Why not just post a sign that says "private property no parking all violators will be towed." And then have them towed?
Human: (CA) Neighbor keeps inviting people to park in my gated drive-way. What happens if I lock the gate and refuse to let neighbor's guests access their cars? I have a gated drive way I leave open during the day for a multitude of reasons. My neighbor keeps telling people they can park in my driveway even though there is ample street parking and he has his own driveway with extra spaces. I have asked him many times to not have his guests park on my property but he just tells me I have lots of space so he doesn't see what the problem is. The next time this happens, if I just lock my gate with his guest's cars in there and go on vacation for a few days, or just flat out tell them they're not welcome onto my property, what would happen? Could I get in any legal trouble? Yes, I'm aware calling to get the cars towed is an option, but I'm feeling really petty right now and want to make them wait a few hours or days to get their cars. Assistant: If your neighbor is telling his guests to park in your driveway, they probably think you're okay with that. Put up an "absolutely no parking" sign so at least the guests have some clue that the neighbor is being an asshole.
Human: downstairs neighbor goes absolutely ballistic every time I make even the slightest sound...building management says walking/bathing/dressing/getting in and out of bed are within my rights, landlady is ambivalent, conflicted about calling the police due to fear of escalation—please help It happens at all hours of the day: 4am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am, 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 4pm, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, and now 10pm….usually just from the sound of my footsteps (which have turned into tiptoes) but also from opening drawers, quietly talking on the phone at reasonable hours, turning on the shower. When I come home and set my things down it’s often met with screams from downstairs like “fuck you, fuck your schedule, every fucking day!” and when I am getting ready to leave it’s like “fuck you, fuck your cats, walk fucking normally!” I have two cats who get seriously spooked when he pounds on the ceiling and slams doors and he will often go ballistic if they are playing. I work several shifts that require me to wake up at 4am and had already created systems to ensure that I do not disturb anyone: I have two white noise machines running, often wake up a few minutes before my alarm, and set out all my clothes and breakfast the night before so I make as little noise as possible. Once when I was getting ready at this hour he pounded on the ceiling at least 40 times while following my footsteps and shouting “fuck your schedule, fuck your cats, I’m gonna fucking kill your cats” out the window before slamming the windows and a bunch of doors, knocking shit over, etc. It happens so much that I had briefly been questioning my sanity until the landlady said there have been complaints from other tenants about him before...downstairs neighbor is a deadbeat in his late 30s who seemingly never leaves his apartment, smokes mids all day, is not employed to the extent that his income comes from online gambling (I often hear him screaming on the phone with his parents asking for money) I am not sure if his apartment is leased in his name or his dad’s but when I’ve spoken to the landlady about his repeated outbursts she’s said that his dad is the one who fills out the renewal application and corresponds with the landlord if there’s any maintenance issue. The most recent time I’ve brought this up to her she told me I should just call the police; I told her I felt conflicted in the event that a visit from the police might escalate things and jeopardize my safety even more (to which she responded by essentially suggesting I stay somewhere else and bring my cats while she waits to hear back from his dad…honestly I feel like dad probably isn’t the best person for her to contact) Don’t comment if you’re just going to say oh it sounds like he is not well—no shit he’s not—I am not a doctor and thus don’t see any reason to encourage the clinicalization of a 40 year old virgin’s bad behavior as a means of somehow rendering it excusable or somehow less harmful. This shit sucks, it’s my finals week at school and the holiday season at work and I’m upset that just like… being alive is prompting what I would consider harassment from this lame ass dude. What am I supposed to do to make this stop while remaining safe? I don’t really feel like knocking on the door of someone who acts like this and trying to be confrontational with him about it is a good idea cos he seems so unstable (or, his stability includes aggression that does not merit any kind of contact, much less face-to-face) Is there any way I can call the police and ask that they only come if he is taken to a hospital, an addiction center, or the station rather than just being checked up on? I am seriously afraid and just want this shit to stop Assistant: I'm trying to figure out why your landlady doesn't grow a spine and take care of it. This kind of seems like something *she* can take care of, is it not? You're probably going to have to call the police, though, especially if he's making threats. One thing I'd recommend is to talk to other neighbors. You said other people have complained. Maybe see if you can get them to say something, too. Sorry you're dealing with this. Hope it gets better for you.
Human: downstairs neighbor goes absolutely ballistic every time I make even the slightest sound...building management says walking/bathing/dressing/getting in and out of bed are within my rights, landlady is ambivalent, conflicted about calling the police due to fear of escalation—please help It happens at all hours of the day: 4am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am, 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 4pm, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, and now 10pm….usually just from the sound of my footsteps (which have turned into tiptoes) but also from opening drawers, quietly talking on the phone at reasonable hours, turning on the shower. When I come home and set my things down it’s often met with screams from downstairs like “fuck you, fuck your schedule, every fucking day!” and when I am getting ready to leave it’s like “fuck you, fuck your cats, walk fucking normally!” I have two cats who get seriously spooked when he pounds on the ceiling and slams doors and he will often go ballistic if they are playing. I work several shifts that require me to wake up at 4am and had already created systems to ensure that I do not disturb anyone: I have two white noise machines running, often wake up a few minutes before my alarm, and set out all my clothes and breakfast the night before so I make as little noise as possible. Once when I was getting ready at this hour he pounded on the ceiling at least 40 times while following my footsteps and shouting “fuck your schedule, fuck your cats, I’m gonna fucking kill your cats” out the window before slamming the windows and a bunch of doors, knocking shit over, etc. It happens so much that I had briefly been questioning my sanity until the landlady said there have been complaints from other tenants about him before...downstairs neighbor is a deadbeat in his late 30s who seemingly never leaves his apartment, smokes mids all day, is not employed to the extent that his income comes from online gambling (I often hear him screaming on the phone with his parents asking for money) I am not sure if his apartment is leased in his name or his dad’s but when I’ve spoken to the landlady about his repeated outbursts she’s said that his dad is the one who fills out the renewal application and corresponds with the landlord if there’s any maintenance issue. The most recent time I’ve brought this up to her she told me I should just call the police; I told her I felt conflicted in the event that a visit from the police might escalate things and jeopardize my safety even more (to which she responded by essentially suggesting I stay somewhere else and bring my cats while she waits to hear back from his dad…honestly I feel like dad probably isn’t the best person for her to contact) Don’t comment if you’re just going to say oh it sounds like he is not well—no shit he’s not—I am not a doctor and thus don’t see any reason to encourage the clinicalization of a 40 year old virgin’s bad behavior as a means of somehow rendering it excusable or somehow less harmful. This shit sucks, it’s my finals week at school and the holiday season at work and I’m upset that just like… being alive is prompting what I would consider harassment from this lame ass dude. What am I supposed to do to make this stop while remaining safe? I don’t really feel like knocking on the door of someone who acts like this and trying to be confrontational with him about it is a good idea cos he seems so unstable (or, his stability includes aggression that does not merit any kind of contact, much less face-to-face) Is there any way I can call the police and ask that they only come if he is taken to a hospital, an addiction center, or the station rather than just being checked up on? I am seriously afraid and just want this shit to stop Assistant: >I’m gonna fucking kill your cats When he was just abusively profane, you could have tried to handle it, but he has made specific violent threats against you, you need to call the police every single time he does this.
Human: AT&T told me they needed to run a new line for my internet. They sent out a 3rd party company to install the new line and the company cut an underground wire going to my detached garage. No longer have power. AT&T refuses to take fault. 3rd party company out of business? I’ll start by saying this happened a couple years ago, but I’m still without power. I wanted faster internet so I called at&t. They said they will need to run a new line. I agreed. They sold a “call before you dig” company to come and survey before they dig. 3rd party company hired by at&t come out and they install the line, but they cut the line going to my detached garage and no we have no power. We didn’t notice till the following morning. We call at&t and they literally kept hanging up in our faces after telling us we need to call the 3rd party company. 3rd party company NEVER answers their phone. Left multiple messages. Hired a lawyer who sent multiple letters over the course of 6 months. He says taking it to court is a waste of time and money and the company is too small to afford to pay. I got 2 quotes to repair the wire at around $4,000. Is there anything I can do? Assistant: When you agreed to the new line with AT&T, did you sign any kind of contract? You will want to view your contract and look for something like "This agreement may not be assigned" meaning AT&T can't just pass the buck to a 3rd party company in cases like these. I'd assume tho any contract given to you by AT&T is cooked 100% in their favor so you might be screwed. Depending on your contract, you may have agreed to indemnify AT&T in the case of a 3rd party screw-up.
Human: AT&T told me they needed to run a new line for my internet. They sent out a 3rd party company to install the new line and the company cut an underground wire going to my detached garage. No longer have power. AT&T refuses to take fault. 3rd party company out of business? I’ll start by saying this happened a couple years ago, but I’m still without power. I wanted faster internet so I called at&t. They said they will need to run a new line. I agreed. They sold a “call before you dig” company to come and survey before they dig. 3rd party company hired by at&t come out and they install the line, but they cut the line going to my detached garage and no we have no power. We didn’t notice till the following morning. We call at&t and they literally kept hanging up in our faces after telling us we need to call the 3rd party company. 3rd party company NEVER answers their phone. Left multiple messages. Hired a lawyer who sent multiple letters over the course of 6 months. He says taking it to court is a waste of time and money and the company is too small to afford to pay. I got 2 quotes to repair the wire at around $4,000. Is there anything I can do? Assistant: Why the hell did you wait "a couple of years" to address this?
Human: [New York] My state university’s dining hall refuses to label food and I have allergies. Can I take legal action? I have been living on campus at my state university for 2 years and I am therefore required to purchase the $4000 dining plan. I have a condition called esophageal hypersensitivity. If I consume a number of “trigger foods” my esophagus swells and becomes very painful and I cannot swallow. The number one trigger food for me is peppers: bell peppers, jalapeños, hot sauce etc. I have had meetings with our on campus dietician as well as the managers of the dining halls in the past where I expressed my concern that nothing is labeled in the dining halls, menus aren’t made available for students, and most importantly the ingredient lists are not available online either. This is very concerning because I believe this is the only state university in NY that doesn’t provide ingredient lists online for students to easily see. The managers that I have spoken with claimed that they “do not have the resources” to be labeling food in the dining hall. I have had numerous (at least 2 a week) reactions after eating food that wasn’t labeled or after being told by an employee that it didn’t contain said allergen. I feel like this is a huge liability and I am concerned about other students dining here with anaphylactic allergies. My main question here is, would it be worth it to seek out a lawyer and take some sort of legal action that would force the institution to label foods and provide ingredient lists for students? Are they breaking any laws by doing this? Any help would be great, thanks in advance! Assistant: > The managers that I have spoken with claimed that they “do not have the resources” to be labeling food in the dining hall. Horse. Shit. Go to your dean of students and explain this problem to them. There's no goddamn reason a school in 2018 can't do this and you're absolutely correct on the liability issues. Especially if you're having reactions after being told by staff something doesn't contain an allergen.
Human: [New York] My state university’s dining hall refuses to label food and I have allergies. Can I take legal action? I have been living on campus at my state university for 2 years and I am therefore required to purchase the $4000 dining plan. I have a condition called esophageal hypersensitivity. If I consume a number of “trigger foods” my esophagus swells and becomes very painful and I cannot swallow. The number one trigger food for me is peppers: bell peppers, jalapeños, hot sauce etc. I have had meetings with our on campus dietician as well as the managers of the dining halls in the past where I expressed my concern that nothing is labeled in the dining halls, menus aren’t made available for students, and most importantly the ingredient lists are not available online either. This is very concerning because I believe this is the only state university in NY that doesn’t provide ingredient lists online for students to easily see. The managers that I have spoken with claimed that they “do not have the resources” to be labeling food in the dining hall. I have had numerous (at least 2 a week) reactions after eating food that wasn’t labeled or after being told by an employee that it didn’t contain said allergen. I feel like this is a huge liability and I am concerned about other students dining here with anaphylactic allergies. My main question here is, would it be worth it to seek out a lawyer and take some sort of legal action that would force the institution to label foods and provide ingredient lists for students? Are they breaking any laws by doing this? Any help would be great, thanks in advance! Assistant: My advice would be to follow the food chain (no pun intended). First, find some labels from other SUNY campuses. Then make an appointment to see VP, Food Service or Dean of student Life, etc. Show them the examples from other campuses and explain your situation.
Human: I'm a parent of a 11 year old son. My son returns from school at 4 PM. I reach home around 5 PM. He's alone at home during this gap. Usually watching TV strictly inside home. Is it reasonable to allow him 1 hour unsupervised or shall I must hire a babysitter ? Would it remotely be child negligent? P.S. I am from Arizona, US. Assistant: Az doesn't appear to have an age. So it depends on your child's developmental age. Is he able to do the following: * dial 911 when Appropriate * go to a neighbor for help * call you for help Does he know the following: * don't play with oven, fire, microwave, knives * doesn't answer the door for strangers/anyone * no unsafe guns or easily accessible alcohol * he has no medical it mental health diagnosis So if you think he can be safe home alone, go for it. Have a safety talk with him frequently.
Human: I'm a parent of a 11 year old son. My son returns from school at 4 PM. I reach home around 5 PM. He's alone at home during this gap. Usually watching TV strictly inside home. Is it reasonable to allow him 1 hour unsupervised or shall I must hire a babysitter ? Would it remotely be child negligent? P.S. I am from Arizona, US. Assistant: I don't think it's an issue. This is assuming there are no inherent dangers (chemicals, loaded firearms, incendiaries, wild animals, etc.) immediately available. But that won't stop a concerned citizen from calling CPS if they feel it's negligent, or a CPS agent from investigating.
Human: Fell on a kid at the rock gym and broke his arm. Parents want me to pay his medical expenses. Am I liable? [TX] For context: I like to go to a bouldering gym. There are no harnesses, but there are squishy mats to land on if you fall. The highest wall is thirty feet. I fell from this one. It's highly advised to stay back from walls that people are climbing on because anyone could fall at any time. Most people do this. Toddlers are very bad at doing this. Toddlers aren't supposed to be in the main climbing area, but this one was. I lost my grip and fell. I had no idea there was a kid under me, and even if I did, I couldn't really do anything about it other than yell on my way down. When I landed on him, I broke his arm. He was rushed to the hospital and all that. I'm fine, other than some bruises. I felt really bad about it, so I gave the parents my contact details with the intention of "I'll get the kid some balloons." They are now telling me they're going to sue me for his medical expenses. The gym has everyone sign a waiver absolving the gym of responsibility before they're allowed to climb, and I assume the parents must have signed a similar waiver. Does that help me at all? Am I actually liable? There was seriously nothing I could have done differently. Thank you for your help! Assistant: Might be a good idea to contact the gym and ask them about any security camera footage that may exist. If it shows them not watching their kid you'll have a much better case if they actually sue you.
Human: Fell on a kid at the rock gym and broke his arm. Parents want me to pay his medical expenses. Am I liable? [TX] For context: I like to go to a bouldering gym. There are no harnesses, but there are squishy mats to land on if you fall. The highest wall is thirty feet. I fell from this one. It's highly advised to stay back from walls that people are climbing on because anyone could fall at any time. Most people do this. Toddlers are very bad at doing this. Toddlers aren't supposed to be in the main climbing area, but this one was. I lost my grip and fell. I had no idea there was a kid under me, and even if I did, I couldn't really do anything about it other than yell on my way down. When I landed on him, I broke his arm. He was rushed to the hospital and all that. I'm fine, other than some bruises. I felt really bad about it, so I gave the parents my contact details with the intention of "I'll get the kid some balloons." They are now telling me they're going to sue me for his medical expenses. The gym has everyone sign a waiver absolving the gym of responsibility before they're allowed to climb, and I assume the parents must have signed a similar waiver. Does that help me at all? Am I actually liable? There was seriously nothing I could have done differently. Thank you for your help! Assistant: >They are now telling me they're going to sue me for his medical expenses. If they contact you again, then tell them to stop contacting you. They are morons (at best they are mistakenly misdirecting their own guilt for not monitoring the whereabouts and safety of their child onto you).
Human: My new employer has a tip jar, but claims since he pays the minimum wage, all tips go back to the business. Is this legal? *Illinois* I just started a job at a restaurant. I'm not a full server per se. I take orders at the counter, but also run food and drink to customers in the dining room and also bus tables, answer phones, and pack up to-go orders. They have a tip jar on the counter that usually gets pretty full every night. My employer says, however, that all tips go back into the business since he pays me my state minimum wage (IL). This seems misleading for the customers at the very least. I know when I leave something in a tip jar, its with the assumption that the money will go to the workers. One man tried to hand me 2 dollars as a tip, but my manager took the money and just put it under the register. I've tried to do a little looking and my confusion is mostly this. Am I considered a tipped worker? From what I understood from the law, businesses are required to pay a minimum of 60% of the minimum wage, but doesn't that imply that they are able to pay more if they want to while still allowing workers to receive tips? From what my employer is saying, it sounds like I'm not a tipped worker because he pays the minimum wage. Is this legal or should I consider making a report to the state? Assistant: This is actually fraud on his part. I’m not being dramatic. Fraud is deception and any reasonable customer would assume that the tips would be going to the employees. I guarantee if the tip jar was labeled “all tips go to owner”, then that jar would be collecting dust.
Human: My new employer has a tip jar, but claims since he pays the minimum wage, all tips go back to the business. Is this legal? *Illinois* I just started a job at a restaurant. I'm not a full server per se. I take orders at the counter, but also run food and drink to customers in the dining room and also bus tables, answer phones, and pack up to-go orders. They have a tip jar on the counter that usually gets pretty full every night. My employer says, however, that all tips go back into the business since he pays me my state minimum wage (IL). This seems misleading for the customers at the very least. I know when I leave something in a tip jar, its with the assumption that the money will go to the workers. One man tried to hand me 2 dollars as a tip, but my manager took the money and just put it under the register. I've tried to do a little looking and my confusion is mostly this. Am I considered a tipped worker? From what I understood from the law, businesses are required to pay a minimum of 60% of the minimum wage, but doesn't that imply that they are able to pay more if they want to while still allowing workers to receive tips? From what my employer is saying, it sounds like I'm not a tipped worker because he pays the minimum wage. Is this legal or should I consider making a report to the state? Assistant: Not legal. But he can lower your wages below minimum wage as long as those tips bring you back to minimum.
Human: My little sister signed a lease with only a virtual tour, she showed up to an apartment with mold, cigarette burns/smell, and stains. The landlord told her that virtual was the only option due to “covid restrictions”. It’s her first college apartment and they definitely took advantage of the fact she didn’t know better. However I had her take screenshots of the “virtual tour” pictures and they don’t match the actual apartment in the slightest. The landlord has since said any cleaners/mold exterminators will have to be paid out of pocket by my sister as it’s not required. Is this something that we have ground to to sue for her first and last months rent back/break the lease? Assistant: She might want to go to the school legal aid office. It's very likely she's paying a small fee for it anyway within her tuition. At my school, they were super helpful with dealing with bad landlords
Human: My little sister signed a lease with only a virtual tour, she showed up to an apartment with mold, cigarette burns/smell, and stains. The landlord told her that virtual was the only option due to “covid restrictions”. It’s her first college apartment and they definitely took advantage of the fact she didn’t know better. However I had her take screenshots of the “virtual tour” pictures and they don’t match the actual apartment in the slightest. The landlord has since said any cleaners/mold exterminators will have to be paid out of pocket by my sister as it’s not required. Is this something that we have ground to to sue for her first and last months rent back/break the lease? Assistant: This is less legal advice and more just advice. Even if the landlord fixes things after you take legal actions, I would still look to move out as he's obviously a scummy person. The scumminess is unlikely to go away just because you put him through trial.
Human: (IN) Can my landlord force residents to use a specific internet provider? So my lease is up soon and I've been informed that if I renew residents will be charged $60/month for community Internet. We don't have a choice and there's no opt-out option. This really sucks because I already have fiber internet through a different provider and I absolutely don't want to change. Some people have told me that they can't legally force me to use their community Internet but these people don't have any solid info beyond a generic FCC post from February of this year. So I'm here to ask: is what my landlord doing illegal? Can they really force their residents to pay for and use a specific internet provider (claiming it's an "amenity") when other companies are available in the area? If not, what steps would I take to force their hand to stop this nonsense? Assistant: In a new lease they can add mandatory services. The fcc thing was more about providing access to alternatives and stifling competition vs preventing a mandatory service.
Human: (IN) Can my landlord force residents to use a specific internet provider? So my lease is up soon and I've been informed that if I renew residents will be charged $60/month for community Internet. We don't have a choice and there's no opt-out option. This really sucks because I already have fiber internet through a different provider and I absolutely don't want to change. Some people have told me that they can't legally force me to use their community Internet but these people don't have any solid info beyond a generic FCC post from February of this year. So I'm here to ask: is what my landlord doing illegal? Can they really force their residents to pay for and use a specific internet provider (claiming it's an "amenity") when other companies are available in the area? If not, what steps would I take to force their hand to stop this nonsense? Assistant: Yes, they can legally ask you to pay for this service under their new lease. Since this is a case of renewal of the contract, they can add it in as part of the new contract. You can request to not pay and not use HOWEVER, they have no obligation to do that for you and theyll likely not make that exception. You dont need to use their internet though you can continue to use your own however you will still be charged.
Human: [California, USA] Tenants stole two of my routers, and are using my internet, while I have no access to it. They also called my service provider and shut off my parents service at their house..(our accounts are connected). I'm a landlord, I have four tenants living in my home. Two of which are a couple, and the ones I suspect are the culprits. I have no proof, but I just don't see the other two doing it. I cut the couple off from using it to begin with, because I want them to move out, and they are making it extremely difficult. I just want to know, what legal steps can I pursue in this situation? I've been in contact with Comcast (my service provider) and they record calls, and said I could be provided with the audio.. Is them calling and messing with my wifi account illegal (i.e. turning off my parents wifi)? I think they used a mutual friend of ours phone to make the calls, I don't really have 100% proof of it to show, but I know it's them. This is so infuriating. My parents nag me about why they are even still here after messing with our accounts. I left them a note in the bathroom saying they needed to be gone today, or I was going to press charges. But what charges can I press with no hard proof? Assistant: Have you provided the tenants with written notice to vacate (with proper advanced notice)? Are the tenants on a lease? If so, when does it end?
Human: [California, USA] Tenants stole two of my routers, and are using my internet, while I have no access to it. They also called my service provider and shut off my parents service at their house..(our accounts are connected). I'm a landlord, I have four tenants living in my home. Two of which are a couple, and the ones I suspect are the culprits. I have no proof, but I just don't see the other two doing it. I cut the couple off from using it to begin with, because I want them to move out, and they are making it extremely difficult. I just want to know, what legal steps can I pursue in this situation? I've been in contact with Comcast (my service provider) and they record calls, and said I could be provided with the audio.. Is them calling and messing with my wifi account illegal (i.e. turning off my parents wifi)? I think they used a mutual friend of ours phone to make the calls, I don't really have 100% proof of it to show, but I know it's them. This is so infuriating. My parents nag me about why they are even still here after messing with our accounts. I left them a note in the bathroom saying they needed to be gone today, or I was going to press charges. But what charges can I press with no hard proof? Assistant: It sounds as though you may not be helping your situation much. If you do things "because you want them to move out" and fail to follow proper landlord tenant laws and eviction procedures, you could very easily find yourself in all kinds of hot water. Take a step back, breathe, review the laws and regulations of your locale and talk to a real-estate attorney if needed. Then move forward with the proper steps to get rid of the problem tenants and pursue the internet/theft issues.
Human: Neighbor cut down 6 of my trees and is stacking dirt oon my land without permission [NC] I own a vacant lot. It's about an acre. The house next door was bought by some flipping house company. I found out yesterday that they cut down several of my trees, stacked up an 8 foot pile of dirt, dumped trash and debris, and in general made it a mess by driving backhoes and other equipment over it. Property is worth $25k or so. I was preparing to sell it but now I feel like I can't. Don't have too much money to put into suing them. What can I do? I'm contemplating confronting them tomorrow? Assistant: Take pictures and don't confront them. Do talk to a lawyer. This is going to be a great thread
Human: Neighbor cut down 6 of my trees and is stacking dirt oon my land without permission [NC] I own a vacant lot. It's about an acre. The house next door was bought by some flipping house company. I found out yesterday that they cut down several of my trees, stacked up an 8 foot pile of dirt, dumped trash and debris, and in general made it a mess by driving backhoes and other equipment over it. Property is worth $25k or so. I was preparing to sell it but now I feel like I can't. Don't have too much money to put into suing them. What can I do? I'm contemplating confronting them tomorrow? Assistant: I'd start by reviewing your property boundaries and/or getting/reviewing a survey to ensure the trees were absolutely on your property. If you're confident that was the case, you may see if you can find an attorney to work on contingency (i.e. they take a portion of your winnings/settlement).
Human: My sister has harassed our family since the passing of our mother, insisting that she is owed the portion of our living father's pension that was being paid to my mother while she was alive. My mother passed away 15 years ago. It was traumatic for my whole family, but especially for my sister who has suffered from untreated (she is treatment adverse) mental and emotional illness. One of the symptoms of my sister's illness is an obsession with money, often believing she is owed it from people in her life (boyfriend, aunts and uncles, my father). My mother and father divorced about 6 years before my mother passed away and my father retired 2 or 3 years after that. In the divorce agreement, my mother got some meaningful portion of my father's pension. The story goes that my mother tried to put a clause in the divorce contract stating that if anything were to happen to her, that benefit would pass along to her children. My father and his lawyer challenged this and the clause was removed. So, my mother was receiving a portion of my father's pension payments until she passed. After she passed, my father received the entirety of his pension payments. My sisters and I did not receive anything. My sister has verbally and emotionally abused my father and our entire immediate and extended family about this. She has tried to build alliances against my father, played others off each other, been extremely manipulative, demanded agreement that she is right, and demanded mediation (despite no legal challenge to mediate). It has been terrible, especially for her, as she has wasted years being angry and enraged that she has not received what she is "owed." Her obsession with this has come at the cost of her health, education, career, and life as well as the health and happiness of our family. At this point she is estranged from most everyone in the family, and those she is not estranged from seem to either absorb her diatribes and verbal assaults as an act of love and familial duty, or pay her the ransom of the moment (rent, medical bill, new computer, etc.) Today, she is not only demanding the portion of my father's pension moving forward, but also back payments for the last 15 years since my mothers death. These demands come of family members, but never once through the courts. It doesn't make any sense to me that children of divorce and subsequent death of a parent would receive a portion of their living parent's pension. Am I off base here? Does she have a case to be made? If that divorce contract clause would have stayed, would it have even been legitimate? I would appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you! Assistant: Do what my grandmother did, if anyone contest the will after fathers said death, they get $1. My aunt did this with my mother and siblings, and she got a $1. Still trying to contest it, but nope.
Human: My sister has harassed our family since the passing of our mother, insisting that she is owed the portion of our living father's pension that was being paid to my mother while she was alive. My mother passed away 15 years ago. It was traumatic for my whole family, but especially for my sister who has suffered from untreated (she is treatment adverse) mental and emotional illness. One of the symptoms of my sister's illness is an obsession with money, often believing she is owed it from people in her life (boyfriend, aunts and uncles, my father). My mother and father divorced about 6 years before my mother passed away and my father retired 2 or 3 years after that. In the divorce agreement, my mother got some meaningful portion of my father's pension. The story goes that my mother tried to put a clause in the divorce contract stating that if anything were to happen to her, that benefit would pass along to her children. My father and his lawyer challenged this and the clause was removed. So, my mother was receiving a portion of my father's pension payments until she passed. After she passed, my father received the entirety of his pension payments. My sisters and I did not receive anything. My sister has verbally and emotionally abused my father and our entire immediate and extended family about this. She has tried to build alliances against my father, played others off each other, been extremely manipulative, demanded agreement that she is right, and demanded mediation (despite no legal challenge to mediate). It has been terrible, especially for her, as she has wasted years being angry and enraged that she has not received what she is "owed." Her obsession with this has come at the cost of her health, education, career, and life as well as the health and happiness of our family. At this point she is estranged from most everyone in the family, and those she is not estranged from seem to either absorb her diatribes and verbal assaults as an act of love and familial duty, or pay her the ransom of the moment (rent, medical bill, new computer, etc.) Today, she is not only demanding the portion of my father's pension moving forward, but also back payments for the last 15 years since my mothers death. These demands come of family members, but never once through the courts. It doesn't make any sense to me that children of divorce and subsequent death of a parent would receive a portion of their living parent's pension. Am I off base here? Does she have a case to be made? If that divorce contract clause would have stayed, would it have even been legitimate? I would appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you! Assistant: Your sister is not legally entitled to anything. A judge would not even hear this case as it has zero legal basis. Since a parent does not have any legal responsibility to a child once the child is an adult, this is the same thing as an absolute stranger demanding money.
Human: Apartment Complex charging me for cleaning my apt and moving out furniture. I gave my 60-day notice only 11 days ago! I live in Texas. I recently got married and moved in with my wife. I procrastinated on moving out of my old apartment. I moved out 75% of my stuff in early August. I basically just had to clean (a lot) and left a table, TV stand, entertainment center/bookshelf and just a bunch of random stuff. I finally got it worked out with management and turned in my 60-day notice on August, 25th. I then sent an email asking if there was a way to adjust the 60-day notice so I didn't have to pay an extra month's month rent. They very clearly declined to say my 60-day notice would start that day (august 25th). A 60-day notice was policy when canceling a lease early. My plan was then to eventually, within the 60 days, finish cleaning/moving out and turn in my keys. Today, September 5th, I get an email titled "final account statement". They billed me ~2,800 dollars. Charged me for things like "4 keys not returned and lock change" for 150. "trash out bags(16) and furniture out (5 pieces)" for 650. And a notice fee of 850. I don't even know what that is. Lots of other random charges adding up. So they threw away all my stuff and charged me a lot for doing it? Didn't I have 60 days? I can't contact them today because it's Labor Day but I plan on calling them tomorrow. I've never been involved in anything legal at all, but it seems to me that I have some grounds here? What should I do? Assistant: Did you pay September rent? The only way I'd imagine this was ok for management to do was if you told them you abandoned the unit and they followed procedure to declare it as such.
Human: Apartment Complex charging me for cleaning my apt and moving out furniture. I gave my 60-day notice only 11 days ago! I live in Texas. I recently got married and moved in with my wife. I procrastinated on moving out of my old apartment. I moved out 75% of my stuff in early August. I basically just had to clean (a lot) and left a table, TV stand, entertainment center/bookshelf and just a bunch of random stuff. I finally got it worked out with management and turned in my 60-day notice on August, 25th. I then sent an email asking if there was a way to adjust the 60-day notice so I didn't have to pay an extra month's month rent. They very clearly declined to say my 60-day notice would start that day (august 25th). A 60-day notice was policy when canceling a lease early. My plan was then to eventually, within the 60 days, finish cleaning/moving out and turn in my keys. Today, September 5th, I get an email titled "final account statement". They billed me ~2,800 dollars. Charged me for things like "4 keys not returned and lock change" for 150. "trash out bags(16) and furniture out (5 pieces)" for 650. And a notice fee of 850. I don't even know what that is. Lots of other random charges adding up. So they threw away all my stuff and charged me a lot for doing it? Didn't I have 60 days? I can't contact them today because it's Labor Day but I plan on calling them tomorrow. I've never been involved in anything legal at all, but it seems to me that I have some grounds here? What should I do? Assistant: When was the end of your lease term? were you a month to month tenant? That's the important question here, because if the end of your lease term was at the end of the 60 days after August 25th then you were illegally evicted. If your lease ended Sept. 1st, for example, then they did nothing wrong.
Human: USPS delivering my packages to a pay-to-access parcel locker at my apartment complex rather than use my mailbox or deliver to my door I’m assuming this has to be illegal. I’m interested if anyone has a citation for me especially, but I’d be happy for confirmation about whether this is legal or not. My apartment complex had a parcel locker installed a few months ago, where packages can be delivered and you get them at your convenience, and the packages are safe from porch pirates in the meantime. I tried to sign up, but it isn’t a free service, so I opted out. Since then, all my packages were delivered to my door or mailbox, but last week the postal service delivered two of my packages to the parcel locker. The apartment complex won’t help and told me to just sign up for an account to get my packages, and do it quick because the longer they sit in the locker, the more the parcel locker will charge me. I’ve asked Usps to look into it, but after 3 business days I’ve gotten no response. I can’t access several of my packages delivered by USPS now, and two more packages are being delivered by them this week. If it is illegal, is my apartment complex, the parcel locker, or USPS the one violating the law? If it matters, the state is North Carolina. Any help is much appreciated. Assistant: I'd tell the company they are in possession of your property and you want to give them a chance to return it before you involve the police and the shipping company. If they refuse, just tell USPS that you didn't receive the package and you want to start a claim. Suggest that the company is holding your packages hostage and you have no contract with them. They might send a legal letter encouraging them to provide your property.
Human: USPS delivering my packages to a pay-to-access parcel locker at my apartment complex rather than use my mailbox or deliver to my door I’m assuming this has to be illegal. I’m interested if anyone has a citation for me especially, but I’d be happy for confirmation about whether this is legal or not. My apartment complex had a parcel locker installed a few months ago, where packages can be delivered and you get them at your convenience, and the packages are safe from porch pirates in the meantime. I tried to sign up, but it isn’t a free service, so I opted out. Since then, all my packages were delivered to my door or mailbox, but last week the postal service delivered two of my packages to the parcel locker. The apartment complex won’t help and told me to just sign up for an account to get my packages, and do it quick because the longer they sit in the locker, the more the parcel locker will charge me. I’ve asked Usps to look into it, but after 3 business days I’ve gotten no response. I can’t access several of my packages delivered by USPS now, and two more packages are being delivered by them this week. If it is illegal, is my apartment complex, the parcel locker, or USPS the one violating the law? If it matters, the state is North Carolina. Any help is much appreciated. Assistant: Just looking at the USPS manual, it looks like the building management is responsible for providing a delivery point for the USPS, which they have done with the parcel locker. This means that you have a beef with the landlord, not the USPS. Since they are charging for the locker, it is essentially a rent increase.
Human: Tow truck driver told me I had 3 seconds to step back or he'd put a gun to my head. This morning at around 3 am, my friend noticed a tow truck lifting my car. I went running outside and he followed behind. When I got up to the truck, he wss sitting inside with the window rolled down ready to back out and was telling me to step back, and I stood my ground and told him to drop my car. Once again he told me to step back and I asked why I was being towed. He then told me I had about 3 seconds to back up or he was going to put a gun to my head. I replied something like "Did you for real just tell me you're gonna put a gun to my head?". He then stepped out and was telling my friend and I were about to get hurt, while holding his hand behind his back. My other friends then came outside to see what was up and he got back in the truck and began threatening them too. Once they backed off and he cooled down, he got out and told me the reason why I was being towed was because I didn't have a permit to park where I was and it would be 62.50 to drop the truck. There was no gates, signs, or labeling anywhere on the spots that said I need a permit to park in the lot. Apparently you needed one anyways. If I was parked illegally, I get it and I'll pay the fine. I just want to know if I can legally do anything about the threats he made with a gun. Thanks Assistant: Where were you parked? Did he have any reason to feel threatened? Imagine if four or five angry guys ran out of an apartment and started screaming at him, for example.
Human: Tow truck driver told me I had 3 seconds to step back or he'd put a gun to my head. This morning at around 3 am, my friend noticed a tow truck lifting my car. I went running outside and he followed behind. When I got up to the truck, he wss sitting inside with the window rolled down ready to back out and was telling me to step back, and I stood my ground and told him to drop my car. Once again he told me to step back and I asked why I was being towed. He then told me I had about 3 seconds to back up or he was going to put a gun to my head. I replied something like "Did you for real just tell me you're gonna put a gun to my head?". He then stepped out and was telling my friend and I were about to get hurt, while holding his hand behind his back. My other friends then came outside to see what was up and he got back in the truck and began threatening them too. Once they backed off and he cooled down, he got out and told me the reason why I was being towed was because I didn't have a permit to park where I was and it would be 62.50 to drop the truck. There was no gates, signs, or labeling anywhere on the spots that said I need a permit to park in the lot. Apparently you needed one anyways. If I was parked illegally, I get it and I'll pay the fine. I just want to know if I can legally do anything about the threats he made with a gun. Thanks Assistant: Call the tow company too.
Human: NYC hotel charged me for an additional full stay after my early checkout. First time posting on here and I don't travel often so I'm not sure if I screwed up bigtime and I have to pay or if I'm being taken advantage of and there's something I can do to fix this. Back in the beginning of summer I was in NYC for some time on behalf of my company. I made my hotel reservation through a third-party site using my corporate card. I received an email with my itinerary and it very clearly stated that I'd be staying for 21 nights, from 5/24-6/13 and even listed out the room rates for each night (to be paid to the hotel directly, not to the third-party site). Halfway through my stay I was told it was time to head home so with a couple days' notice I requested an early checkout and was told it would be no problem. So I checked out on 6/2 and received a receipt showing my departure date as June 2nd, along with the rates I paid each and every night. I then got on a plane and flew home. A couple weeks later while submitting expense reports I saw a charge from June 14 from the hotel, for over $3k. When I contacted the hotel they told me it was for my stay from June 6 through June 14. When I explained I wasn't even in the state I was given the number and email of a manager, but after reaching out to him and leaving messages I didn't get any response so I disputed the charge with the CC company. I sent them my itinerary from the 3rd-party site and the receipt showing my "departure date" of June 2nd. They eventually issued a chargeback and I thought that was the end of it. Now yesterday I got an email from the CC company saying that the merchant has provided documents showing the charge is valid and that the chargeback has been reversed. In the "supporting documents" the hotel has a receipt showing me checking out on the 2nd and not being charged for the following several nights, but then checking BACK IN on the 6th and staying through the 14th. They even charged me for valet parking on a few days even though when I was in NYC I never even got behind the wheel of a car. After looking at the documentation they sent as "proof" it looks like the hotel split my initial reservation into two for some reason, and even though I successfully checked out of the first one early they still charged me for the entirety of the second. I have no idea why they would split up the reservation but it wasn't my doing and it wasn't done with my consent. I've responded to the CC company saying I'd like to keep the dispute open but they're requesting a cancellation confirmation. I thought my receipt with the departure date as June 1st WAS the cancellation confirmation. I didn't even know I had a second reservation until after I'd been charged. Some additional information I've come across during the situation: Right in my itinerary email from the third-party site it says that no-shows will be responsible for one night's fee plus any applicable taxes and such. So even if I did make the two reservations, shouldn't I have only been on the hook for that instead of the entire stay? How was I charged for a full reservation when I wasn't even there to check in? So am I just going to be stuck paying over $3k for a hotel room when I wasn't even in the same state? Or is there something else I can do? Any advice would be appreciated. Assistant: Sorry your stay in our fair city has left you with some problems. This is precisely the type of matter that should be handled by your company's general or outside counsel, if you have one. If not, consider making a complaint to the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs using this form. They may respond asking for more information. Good luck!
Human: NYC hotel charged me for an additional full stay after my early checkout. First time posting on here and I don't travel often so I'm not sure if I screwed up bigtime and I have to pay or if I'm being taken advantage of and there's something I can do to fix this. Back in the beginning of summer I was in NYC for some time on behalf of my company. I made my hotel reservation through a third-party site using my corporate card. I received an email with my itinerary and it very clearly stated that I'd be staying for 21 nights, from 5/24-6/13 and even listed out the room rates for each night (to be paid to the hotel directly, not to the third-party site). Halfway through my stay I was told it was time to head home so with a couple days' notice I requested an early checkout and was told it would be no problem. So I checked out on 6/2 and received a receipt showing my departure date as June 2nd, along with the rates I paid each and every night. I then got on a plane and flew home. A couple weeks later while submitting expense reports I saw a charge from June 14 from the hotel, for over $3k. When I contacted the hotel they told me it was for my stay from June 6 through June 14. When I explained I wasn't even in the state I was given the number and email of a manager, but after reaching out to him and leaving messages I didn't get any response so I disputed the charge with the CC company. I sent them my itinerary from the 3rd-party site and the receipt showing my "departure date" of June 2nd. They eventually issued a chargeback and I thought that was the end of it. Now yesterday I got an email from the CC company saying that the merchant has provided documents showing the charge is valid and that the chargeback has been reversed. In the "supporting documents" the hotel has a receipt showing me checking out on the 2nd and not being charged for the following several nights, but then checking BACK IN on the 6th and staying through the 14th. They even charged me for valet parking on a few days even though when I was in NYC I never even got behind the wheel of a car. After looking at the documentation they sent as "proof" it looks like the hotel split my initial reservation into two for some reason, and even though I successfully checked out of the first one early they still charged me for the entirety of the second. I have no idea why they would split up the reservation but it wasn't my doing and it wasn't done with my consent. I've responded to the CC company saying I'd like to keep the dispute open but they're requesting a cancellation confirmation. I thought my receipt with the departure date as June 1st WAS the cancellation confirmation. I didn't even know I had a second reservation until after I'd been charged. Some additional information I've come across during the situation: Right in my itinerary email from the third-party site it says that no-shows will be responsible for one night's fee plus any applicable taxes and such. So even if I did make the two reservations, shouldn't I have only been on the hook for that instead of the entire stay? How was I charged for a full reservation when I wasn't even there to check in? So am I just going to be stuck paying over $3k for a hotel room when I wasn't even in the same state? Or is there something else I can do? Any advice would be appreciated. Assistant: Does the room number appear on either bill? Ask them to show that the key card for that room was active from June 6 through June 14.