[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Prenatal lead exposure is a public health concern. Geophagy, the practice of soil eating, is documented for pregnant women of sub-Saharan Africa to treat pregnancy-related malaise. The soils however can contain substantial amounts of lead. In an exploratory study on 48 mother-child pairs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we found striking site-specific differences in prenatal lead exposure, i.e., higher lead levels at Kisangani than at Isiro. Kisangani women consumed 1/ more often soil during the first trimester of pregnancy as well as 2/ a different type of soil compared to Isiro women (P<0.05).\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "We conclude geophagy may be a potential source of prenatal lead exposure." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Prenatal lead exposure is a public health concern. Geophagy, the practice of soil eating, is documented for pregnant women of sub-Saharan Africa to treat pregnancy-related malaise. The soils however can contain substantial amounts of lead. In an exploratory study on 48 mother-child pairs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we found striking site-specific differences in prenatal lead exposure, i.e., higher lead levels at Kisangani than at Isiro. Kisangani women consumed 1/ more often soil during the first trimester of pregnancy as well as 2/ a different type of soil compared to Isiro women (P<0.05). Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:The treatment of epistaxis is well codified, ligation of the ethmoidal arteries being the last resort. We report the case of a 25-year-old pregnant patient, who has had a ligation of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries after a persistent epistaxis. Postoperatively, she presented a complete ptosis and an impaired eye elevation without any visual acuity disorders, evoking a lesion of the upper branch of the common oculomotor nerve (third cranial nerve). The patient totally recovered after 3 months. Anatomical study shows that the upper branch of the third cranial nerve is lying very close to the optic nerve and cannot be affected by surgery without any associated damage of the optic nerve. Thus, a vascular etiology seems to be the best explanation of the complication experienced by our patient.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Ligation of the posterior ethmoidal artery should be done with caution." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:The treatment of epistaxis is well codified, ligation of the ethmoidal arteries being the last resort. We report the case of a 25-year-old pregnant patient, who has had a ligation of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries after a persistent epistaxis. Postoperatively, she presented a complete ptosis and an impaired eye elevation without any visual acuity disorders, evoking a lesion of the upper branch of the common oculomotor nerve (third cranial nerve). The patient totally recovered after 3 months. Anatomical study shows that the upper branch of the third cranial nerve is lying very close to the optic nerve and cannot be affected by surgery without any associated damage of the optic nerve. Thus, a vascular etiology seems to be the best explanation of the complication experienced by our patient. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "[This retracts the article DOI: 10.3892/etm.2016.2977.]." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Bisphenol A (BPA), a typical endocrine disruptor, has been found in global aquatic environments, causing great concern. The capabilities of five common submerged macrophytes to remove BPA from water and the contributions of epiphytic microorganisms were investigated. Macrophytes removed 62%-100% of total BPA (5 mg/L) over 12 days; much higher rates than that observed in the control (2%, F = 261.511, p = 0.000). Ceratophyllum demersum was the most efficient species. C. demersum samples from lakes with different water qualities showed no significant differences in BPA removal rates. Moreover, removal, inhibition or re-colonization of epiphytic microorganisms did not significantly change the BPA removal rates of C. demersum. Therefore, the contributions of epiphytic microorganisms to the BPA removal process were negligible. The rate of BPA accumulation in C. demersum was 0.1%, indicating that BPA was mainly biodegraded by the macrophyte.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Hence, submerged macrophytes, rather than epiphytic microorganisms, substantially contribute to the biodegradation of BPA in water." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Bisphenol A (BPA), a typical endocrine disruptor, has been found in global aquatic environments, causing great concern. The capabilities of five common submerged macrophytes to remove BPA from water and the contributions of epiphytic microorganisms were investigated. Macrophytes removed 62%-100% of total BPA (5 mg/L) over 12 days; much higher rates than that observed in the control (2%, F = 261.511, p = 0.000). Ceratophyllum demersum was the most efficient species. C. demersum samples from lakes with different water qualities showed no significant differences in BPA removal rates. Moreover, removal, inhibition or re-colonization of epiphytic microorganisms did not significantly change the BPA removal rates of C. demersum. Therefore, the contributions of epiphytic microorganisms to the BPA removal process were negligible. The rate of BPA accumulation in C. demersum was 0.1%, indicating that BPA was mainly biodegraded by the macrophyte. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Our concept of nucleic acid biology has advanced dramatically over the past two decades, with a growing appreciation that cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragments are present in all body fluids including plasma. In no other field has plasma DNA been as rapidly translated into clinical practice as in noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal chromosome abnormalities. NIPT is a screening test that requires confirmation with diagnostic testing, but other applications of cfDNA provide diagnostic information and do not require invasive testing. These applications are referred to as noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) and include determination of fetal sex, blood group and some single gene disorders. As technology advances, noninvasive tests based on cell-free nucleic acids will continue to expand.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This review will outline the technical and clinical aspects of NIPT and NIPD relevant to the daily practice of maternity carers." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Our concept of nucleic acid biology has advanced dramatically over the past two decades, with a growing appreciation that cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragments are present in all body fluids including plasma. In no other field has plasma DNA been as rapidly translated into clinical practice as in noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal chromosome abnormalities. NIPT is a screening test that requires confirmation with diagnostic testing, but other applications of cfDNA provide diagnostic information and do not require invasive testing. These applications are referred to as noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) and include determination of fetal sex, blood group and some single gene disorders. As technology advances, noninvasive tests based on cell-free nucleic acids will continue to expand. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "DCs play a maladaptive role in hemodynamic overload-induced cardiac inflammation, hypertrophy and fibrosis through the presentation of cardiac self-antigens to T cells." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Decreased binding capacity of SERT in the prefrontal cortex has been observed in both suicide victims and suicide attempters. Moreover, some studies have shown that SERT has a seasonal variation with lower binding capacity in the spring and summer, which coincides with a seasonal peak of suicides. Our aim was to explore whether the season of treatment initiation with antidepressants is associated with suicide or suicide attempt and compare it with the underlying suicide seasonality in the general population. Using Swedish registers, patients who initiated treatment with an antidepressant were followed up to three months for suicidal behavior. Cox regression analyses were used. Results were compared with the underlying seasonal pattern by calculating standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) for suicides and standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for suicide attempts. Patients aged ≥65 years had higher risk for suicide when initiating antidepressant treatment in the summer, and also a higher risk for suicide attempt when initiating treatment in the spring and summer. Young patients (0-24 years) presented a higher risk for suicide attempt when initiating treatment in the autumn. Patients with previous suicide attempt had a seasonal pattern, with a higher risk to carry out a suicide attempt in the summer and autumn. Results from the SMR and SIR calculations numerically support these findings. We used information of filling an antidepressant prescription as a proxy of actual antidepressant treatment. Patients with combination, augmentation therapy or those switching antidepressant during follow-up were excluded. Thus, our results refer to less complicated psychopathology.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Our results indicate an interaction between biological and health care-related factors for the observed seasonal pattern of suicidal behavior in the elderly, whereas psychological and societal factors may be more important for the seasonality observed in the younger patients." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Decreased binding capacity of SERT in the prefrontal cortex has been observed in both suicide victims and suicide attempters. Moreover, some studies have shown that SERT has a seasonal variation with lower binding capacity in the spring and summer, which coincides with a seasonal peak of suicides. Our aim was to explore whether the season of treatment initiation with antidepressants is associated with suicide or suicide attempt and compare it with the underlying suicide seasonality in the general population. Using Swedish registers, patients who initiated treatment with an antidepressant were followed up to three months for suicidal behavior. Cox regression analyses were used. Results were compared with the underlying seasonal pattern by calculating standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) for suicides and standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for suicide attempts. Patients aged ≥65 years had higher risk for suicide when initiating antidepressant treatment in the summer, and also a higher risk for suicide attempt when initiating treatment in the spring and summer. Young patients (0-24 years) presented a higher risk for suicide attempt when initiating treatment in the autumn. Patients with previous suicide attempt had a seasonal pattern, with a higher risk to carry out a suicide attempt in the summer and autumn. Results from the SMR and SIR calculations numerically support these findings. We used information of filling an antidepressant prescription as a proxy of actual antidepressant treatment. Patients with combination, augmentation therapy or those switching antidepressant during follow-up were excluded. Thus, our results refer to less complicated psychopathology. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:During growth on fermentable substrates, such as glucose, pyruvate, which is the end-product of glycolysis, can be used to generate acetyl-CoA in the cytosol via acetaldehyde and acetate, or in mitochondria by direct oxidative decarboxylation. In the latter case, the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) is responsible for pyruvate transport into mitochondrial matrix space. During chronological aging, yeast cells which lack the major structural subunit Mpc1 display a reduced lifespan accompanied by an age-dependent loss of autophagy. Here, we show that the impairment of pyruvate import into mitochondria linked to Mpc1 loss is compensated by a flux redirection of TCA cycle intermediates through the malic enzyme-dependent alternative route. In such a way, the TCA cycle operates in a \"branched\" fashion to generate pyruvate and is depleted of intermediates. Mutant cells cope with this depletion by increasing the activity of glyoxylate cycle and of the pathway which provides the nucleocytosolic acetyl-CoA. Moreover, cellular respiration decreases and ROS accumulate in the mitochondria which, in turn, undergo severe damage. These acquired traits in concert with the reduced autophagy restrict cell survival of the mpc1∆ mutant during chronological aging.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Conversely, the activation of the carnitine shuttle by supplying acetyl-CoA to the mitochondria is sufficient to abrogate the short-lived phenotype of the mutant." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:During growth on fermentable substrates, such as glucose, pyruvate, which is the end-product of glycolysis, can be used to generate acetyl-CoA in the cytosol via acetaldehyde and acetate, or in mitochondria by direct oxidative decarboxylation. In the latter case, the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) is responsible for pyruvate transport into mitochondrial matrix space. During chronological aging, yeast cells which lack the major structural subunit Mpc1 display a reduced lifespan accompanied by an age-dependent loss of autophagy. Here, we show that the impairment of pyruvate import into mitochondria linked to Mpc1 loss is compensated by a flux redirection of TCA cycle intermediates through the malic enzyme-dependent alternative route. In such a way, the TCA cycle operates in a "branched" fashion to generate pyruvate and is depleted of intermediates. Mutant cells cope with this depletion by increasing the activity of glyoxylate cycle and of the pathway which provides the nucleocytosolic acetyl-CoA. Moreover, cellular respiration decreases and ROS accumulate in the mitochondria which, in turn, undergo severe damage. These acquired traits in concert with the reduced autophagy restrict cell survival of the mpc1∆ mutant during chronological aging. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:This paper presents a method that uses fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors to distinguish the temporal gait patterns in gait cycles. Unlike most conventional methods that focus on electronic sensors to collect those physical quantities (i.e., strains, forces, pressure, displacements, velocity, and accelerations), the proposed method utilizes the backreflected peak wavelength from FBG sensors to describe the motion characteristics in human walking. Specifically, the FBG sensors are sensitive to external strain with the result that their backreflected peak wavelength will be shifted according to the extent of the influence of external strain. Therefore, when subjects walk in different gait patterns, the strains on FBG sensors will be different such that the magnitude of the backreflected peak wavelength varies. To test the reliability of the FBG sensor platform for gait pattern detection, the gold standard method using force-sensitive resistors (FSRs) for defining gait patterns is introduced as a reference platform. The reliability of the FBG sensor platform is determined by comparing the detection results between the FBG sensors and FSRs platforms.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The experimental results show that the FBG sensor platform is reliable in gait pattern detection and gains high reliability when compared with the reference platform." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:This paper presents a method that uses fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors to distinguish the temporal gait patterns in gait cycles. Unlike most conventional methods that focus on electronic sensors to collect those physical quantities (i.e., strains, forces, pressure, displacements, velocity, and accelerations), the proposed method utilizes the backreflected peak wavelength from FBG sensors to describe the motion characteristics in human walking. Specifically, the FBG sensors are sensitive to external strain with the result that their backreflected peak wavelength will be shifted according to the extent of the influence of external strain. Therefore, when subjects walk in different gait patterns, the strains on FBG sensors will be different such that the magnitude of the backreflected peak wavelength varies. To test the reliability of the FBG sensor platform for gait pattern detection, the gold standard method using force-sensitive resistors (FSRs) for defining gait patterns is introduced as a reference platform. The reliability of the FBG sensor platform is determined by comparing the detection results between the FBG sensors and FSRs platforms. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Vascular dysfunction is highly prevalent if not ubiquitous in patients with hypertension. We compared two different measures of vascular function obtained from digital volume waveforms with measures of ventricular-vascular load derived from 24-hour blood pressure (BP) recordings in patients with hypertension. Digital pulsatile volume waveforms were captured via plethysmography (peripheral arterial tone, PAT) and used to derive augmentation index (a measure of ventricular-vascular coupling) and the pulse wave amplitude-reactive hyperemia index (a measure of microvascular reactivity). Ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) and the BP variability ratio (BPVR) were derived from 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings. There was a positive association between PAT-AIx and AASI (r = 0.52, P < 0.05). There was also a positive association between PAT-AIx and BPVR (r = 0.37, P < 0.05). PAT-AIx was not associated with PWA-RHI (r = -0.14, P > 0.05). PWA-RHI was not associated with AASI or BPVR (P > 0.05).\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "PAT-AIx is associated with ambulatory measures of vascular function and may offer clinical insight into vascular burden and cardiovascular disease risk in patients with hypertension independent of information obtained from PWA-RHI." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Vascular dysfunction is highly prevalent if not ubiquitous in patients with hypertension. We compared two different measures of vascular function obtained from digital volume waveforms with measures of ventricular-vascular load derived from 24-hour blood pressure (BP) recordings in patients with hypertension. Digital pulsatile volume waveforms were captured via plethysmography (peripheral arterial tone, PAT) and used to derive augmentation index (a measure of ventricular-vascular coupling) and the pulse wave amplitude-reactive hyperemia index (a measure of microvascular reactivity). Ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) and the BP variability ratio (BPVR) were derived from 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings. There was a positive association between PAT-AIx and AASI (r = 0.52, P < 0.05). There was also a positive association between PAT-AIx and BPVR (r = 0.37, P < 0.05). PAT-AIx was not associated with PWA-RHI (r = -0.14, P > 0.05). PWA-RHI was not associated with AASI or BPVR (P > 0.05). Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Slaughterhouse industry produces large volumes of polluted wastewater, which cause negative impacts on the environment. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of electron-beam irradiation on the ecotoxicity of slaughterhouse effluents with absorbed doses up to 35 kGy. Two acute toxicity assays were applied to evaluate the efficiency of irradiation onto toxicity of wastewater. The exposed living-organisms were a luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri, and a freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia similis. Also, the total organic carbon was analysed in order to determine any possible organic carbon removal after irradiation. The ecotoxicological results evidenced that both living-organisms were suitable for the measurements. Therefore, the results demonstrated the toxicity of the effluent and its similarity for both organisms as well as the potential of radiation to reduce these effects. The 35 kGy dose was very effective for reducing toxic effects of slaughterhouse wastewater for daphnids suggesting that ionizing radiation could be used as a tool for removing toxic charge of such effluents.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The type of contamination presented by the effluent justify the needs for alternatives of treatment." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Slaughterhouse industry produces large volumes of polluted wastewater, which cause negative impacts on the environment. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of electron-beam irradiation on the ecotoxicity of slaughterhouse effluents with absorbed doses up to 35 kGy. Two acute toxicity assays were applied to evaluate the efficiency of irradiation onto toxicity of wastewater. The exposed living-organisms were a luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri, and a freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia similis. Also, the total organic carbon was analysed in order to determine any possible organic carbon removal after irradiation. The ecotoxicological results evidenced that both living-organisms were suitable for the measurements. Therefore, the results demonstrated the toxicity of the effluent and its similarity for both organisms as well as the potential of radiation to reduce these effects. The 35 kGy dose was very effective for reducing toxic effects of slaughterhouse wastewater for daphnids suggesting that ionizing radiation could be used as a tool for removing toxic charge of such effluents. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "on hepatocytes." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:In this article, we present the case of a 57-year-old man with cervical and mediastinal tumor mass, normal blood count as well as virusological status. Cervical tumor tissue biopsy revealed cells positive for CD34, CD13, LCA, CD33, and CD163 but negative for T-cell and B-cell markers, NK-cell markers, plasmacytic markers and anaplastic large cell lymphoma markers. These features were consistent with myeloid sarcoma of the neck with involvement of the mediastinum.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "We discussed differential diagnosis and therapy of isolated myeloid sarcoma and suggest that clinical presentation, cell morphology, complete immunophenotype, and specific genotypic lesions in some cases, must be evaluated." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:In this article, we present the case of a 57-year-old man with cervical and mediastinal tumor mass, normal blood count as well as virusological status. Cervical tumor tissue biopsy revealed cells positive for CD34, CD13, LCA, CD33, and CD163 but negative for T-cell and B-cell markers, NK-cell markers, plasmacytic markers and anaplastic large cell lymphoma markers. These features were consistent with myeloid sarcoma of the neck with involvement of the mediastinum. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Stress fractures of the foot and ankle are a commonly encountered problem among athletes and individuals participating in a wide range of activities. This illustrated review, the second of two parts, discusses site-specific etiological factors, imaging appearances, treatment options, and differential considerations of stress fractures of the foot and ankle. The imaging and clinical management of stress fractures of the foot and ankle are highly dependent on the specific location of the fracture, mechanical forces acting upon the injured site, vascular supply of the injured bone, and the proportion of trabecular to cortical bone at the site of injury. The most common stress fractures of the foot and ankle are low risk and include the posteromedial tibia, the calcaneus, and the second and third metatarsals. The distal fibula is a less common location, and stress fractures of the cuboid and cuneiforms are very rare, but are also considered low risk. In contrast, high-risk stress fractures are more prone to delayed union or nonunion and include the anterior tibial cortex, medial malleolus, navicular, base of the second metatarsal, proximal fifth metatarsal, hallux sesamoids, and the talus. Of these high-risk types, stress fractures of the anterior tibial cortex, the navicular, and the proximal tibial cortex may be predisposed to poor healing because of the watershed blood supply in these locations.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The radiographic differential diagnosis of stress fracture includes osteoid osteoma, malignancy, and chronic osteomyelitis." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Stress fractures of the foot and ankle are a commonly encountered problem among athletes and individuals participating in a wide range of activities. This illustrated review, the second of two parts, discusses site-specific etiological factors, imaging appearances, treatment options, and differential considerations of stress fractures of the foot and ankle. The imaging and clinical management of stress fractures of the foot and ankle are highly dependent on the specific location of the fracture, mechanical forces acting upon the injured site, vascular supply of the injured bone, and the proportion of trabecular to cortical bone at the site of injury. The most common stress fractures of the foot and ankle are low risk and include the posteromedial tibia, the calcaneus, and the second and third metatarsals. The distal fibula is a less common location, and stress fractures of the cuboid and cuneiforms are very rare, but are also considered low risk. In contrast, high-risk stress fractures are more prone to delayed union or nonunion and include the anterior tibial cortex, medial malleolus, navicular, base of the second metatarsal, proximal fifth metatarsal, hallux sesamoids, and the talus. Of these high-risk types, stress fractures of the anterior tibial cortex, the navicular, and the proximal tibial cortex may be predisposed to poor healing because of the watershed blood supply in these locations. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Improved understanding of antigenic components and their interaction with the immune system, as supported by computational tools, permits a sophisticated approach to modern vaccine design. Vaccine platforms provide an effective tool by which strategically designed peptide and protein antigens are modularized to enhance their immunogenicity. These modular vaccine platforms can overcome issues faced by traditional vaccine manufacturing and have the potential to generate safe vaccines, rapidly and at a low cost.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This review introduces two promising platforms based on virus-like particle and liposome, and discusses the methodologies and challenges." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Improved understanding of antigenic components and their interaction with the immune system, as supported by computational tools, permits a sophisticated approach to modern vaccine design. Vaccine platforms provide an effective tool by which strategically designed peptide and protein antigens are modularized to enhance their immunogenicity. These modular vaccine platforms can overcome issues faced by traditional vaccine manufacturing and have the potential to generate safe vaccines, rapidly and at a low cost. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) are the first innate receptors in recognizing pathogen-associated molecular patterns. In fish, upregulation of toll-like receptors during infection has been largely demonstrated while the effects of abiotic stressors on their expression remain poorly investigated. In this study, striped catfish were submitted during 20 days to three salinity profiles (freshwater, low saline water, saline water), followed by injection of a bacterial strain of Edwardsiella ictaluri. The expression of TLRs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 19, 21, and 22 was measured in kidney at different time points in non infected and infected striped catfish. Infection induced overexpression of TLRs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 21 and 22. With elevated salinity, the expression of all TLRs, except TLR5, was severely decreased, particularly after bacterial infection.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The TLRs responsiveness of striped catfish facing bacterial disease and salinity stress and possible consequences on striped catfish immune response's efficiency are discussed." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) are the first innate receptors in recognizing pathogen-associated molecular patterns. In fish, upregulation of toll-like receptors during infection has been largely demonstrated while the effects of abiotic stressors on their expression remain poorly investigated. In this study, striped catfish were submitted during 20 days to three salinity profiles (freshwater, low saline water, saline water), followed by injection of a bacterial strain of Edwardsiella ictaluri. The expression of TLRs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 19, 21, and 22 was measured in kidney at different time points in non infected and infected striped catfish. Infection induced overexpression of TLRs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 21 and 22. With elevated salinity, the expression of all TLRs, except TLR5, was severely decreased, particularly after bacterial infection. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Degeneration of IVD is a progressive and irreversible process and can be evaluated with immunohistochemical examination or radiological grading. MMPs are a family of proteolytic enzymes and involved in the degradation of the matrix components of the IVD. We aimed to compare MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9 expressions with demographic features, visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and radiological (MRI) grades. The study involved 60 participants. We recorded data about age, complaint, radiological imaging, expression levels of MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9, ODI and VAS for back pain retrospectively. Intervertebral disc degeneration was graded on a 0-5 scale according to the Pfirrmann classification. As a result of the study, the median age was 52.09±12.74years. There were statistical significances between age and MMP-1, and MMP-2. There was a close correlation between grade and MMP-9. We found correlation between the VAS and the MMP-9 expression. In addition, there was relationship between expression of MMP-2 and MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9. In conclusion, the expressions of MMP-1 and -2 are increased with aging. There was no relationship between radiological evaluation of IVDD and aging. Increased expression of MMPs affected IVDD positively. The relationship with MMPs is not explained.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This study adds to our understanding of the interaction between MMPs and IVDD." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Degeneration of IVD is a progressive and irreversible process and can be evaluated with immunohistochemical examination or radiological grading. MMPs are a family of proteolytic enzymes and involved in the degradation of the matrix components of the IVD. We aimed to compare MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9 expressions with demographic features, visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and radiological (MRI) grades. The study involved 60 participants. We recorded data about age, complaint, radiological imaging, expression levels of MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9, ODI and VAS for back pain retrospectively. Intervertebral disc degeneration was graded on a 0-5 scale according to the Pfirrmann classification. As a result of the study, the median age was 52.09±12.74years. There were statistical significances between age and MMP-1, and MMP-2. There was a close correlation between grade and MMP-9. We found correlation between the VAS and the MMP-9 expression. In addition, there was relationship between expression of MMP-2 and MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9. In conclusion, the expressions of MMP-1 and -2 are increased with aging. There was no relationship between radiological evaluation of IVDD and aging. Increased expression of MMPs affected IVDD positively. The relationship with MMPs is not explained. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:as a green oxidant.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Notable features of the methods developed herein include simple substrates, high efficiency and excellent atom-economy, mild reaction conditions, and broad substrate scope." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:as a green oxidant. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:P27Kip1 is the one of the negative regulators of the cell cycle that plays an important role in regulating cell cycle and inhibiting cell proliferation by restraining cell in G1 phase. P27Kip1 downregulation maybe related to the occurrence of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). It was found that miR-155 significantly upregulated in OSCC tissue. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that miR-155 may bind with the 3'-UTR of p27Kip1. This study investigated the role of miR-155 in regulating p27Kip1 and affecting Tca8113 cell proliferation, cycle, and apoptosis. A total of 46 cases of OSCC patients received treatment in our hospital were enrolled to obtain tumor tissue. Another 25 normal oral mucosa samples were selected as control to detect the relationship between miR-155 and p27Kip1 expressions. Dual luciferase assay was adopted to confirm the targeted relationship between miR-155 and p27Kip1. Flow cytometry was applied to test cell apoptosis and cell cycle. CCK-8 assay was used to evaluate cell proliferation. Caspase-3 activity was detected by spectrophotometry. MiR-155 upregulated, while p27Kip1 declined in OSCC tissue compared with normal oral mucosa. Their expressions were related to TNM stage. MiR-155 targeted suppressed p27Kip1 expression. MiR-155 mimic and/or pEGFP-p27Kip1 transfection obviously declined p27Kip1 expression, blocked cell cycle in G1 phase, reduced cell proliferation, enhanced Caspase-3 activity, and increased cell apoptosis in Tca8113 cells. MiR-155 increased, while p27Kip1 reduced in OSCC tissue.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Inhibition of miR-155 upregulated p27Kip1 expression, blocked cell cycle in G1 phase, weakened cell proliferation, and induced cell apoptosis." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:P27Kip1 is the one of the negative regulators of the cell cycle that plays an important role in regulating cell cycle and inhibiting cell proliferation by restraining cell in G1 phase. P27Kip1 downregulation maybe related to the occurrence of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). It was found that miR-155 significantly upregulated in OSCC tissue. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that miR-155 may bind with the 3'-UTR of p27Kip1. This study investigated the role of miR-155 in regulating p27Kip1 and affecting Tca8113 cell proliferation, cycle, and apoptosis. A total of 46 cases of OSCC patients received treatment in our hospital were enrolled to obtain tumor tissue. Another 25 normal oral mucosa samples were selected as control to detect the relationship between miR-155 and p27Kip1 expressions. Dual luciferase assay was adopted to confirm the targeted relationship between miR-155 and p27Kip1. Flow cytometry was applied to test cell apoptosis and cell cycle. CCK-8 assay was used to evaluate cell proliferation. Caspase-3 activity was detected by spectrophotometry. MiR-155 upregulated, while p27Kip1 declined in OSCC tissue compared with normal oral mucosa. Their expressions were related to TNM stage. MiR-155 targeted suppressed p27Kip1 expression. MiR-155 mimic and/or pEGFP-p27Kip1 transfection obviously declined p27Kip1 expression, blocked cell cycle in G1 phase, reduced cell proliferation, enhanced Caspase-3 activity, and increased cell apoptosis in Tca8113 cells. MiR-155 increased, while p27Kip1 reduced in OSCC tissue. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Preclinical data strongly suggest that all agents used for general anesthesia (GA) have detrimental effects on the developing brain. However, clinical data are unclear. The purpose of this study was to use a cohort of infants who underwent GA and understand their neurodevelopmental outcomes. A cohort of infants who underwent GA was selected between 2010 and 2011, and a control group was created. Data regarding GA, procedures, and outcomes were collected in 2015. The cohort was divided into controls, GA without surgery, GA and surgery once, and multiple general anesthetics. Both univariate and multivariate analysis were performed, and a p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. 457 patients, 121 controls, and 336 cases were included. Median follow-up was 5.1years. While developmental delay and the need for speech therapy were higher with GA, this did not correlate with the duration of GA. Patients having GA for MRI had the poorest outcomes. Multivariate analysis using combined binary outcome measures for psychiatric and neurologic outcomes did not show any significant difference for duration of anesthesia, age at anesthesia, or induction and maintenance agents. These data suggest that GA during the first year of life may have few significant neurodevelopmental effects compared to controls. Additionally, the duration of GA did not correlate with neurodevelopmental outcomes. Retrospective Case Control Cohort Study.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "3 b (according to Oxford Center for EBM Levels of Evidence, March 2009," } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Preclinical data strongly suggest that all agents used for general anesthesia (GA) have detrimental effects on the developing brain. However, clinical data are unclear. The purpose of this study was to use a cohort of infants who underwent GA and understand their neurodevelopmental outcomes. A cohort of infants who underwent GA was selected between 2010 and 2011, and a control group was created. Data regarding GA, procedures, and outcomes were collected in 2015. The cohort was divided into controls, GA without surgery, GA and surgery once, and multiple general anesthetics. Both univariate and multivariate analysis were performed, and a p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. 457 patients, 121 controls, and 336 cases were included. Median follow-up was 5.1years. While developmental delay and the need for speech therapy were higher with GA, this did not correlate with the duration of GA. Patients having GA for MRI had the poorest outcomes. Multivariate analysis using combined binary outcome measures for psychiatric and neurologic outcomes did not show any significant difference for duration of anesthesia, age at anesthesia, or induction and maintenance agents. These data suggest that GA during the first year of life may have few significant neurodevelopmental effects compared to controls. Additionally, the duration of GA did not correlate with neurodevelopmental outcomes. Retrospective Case Control Cohort Study. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Rn in a gas phase.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "We infer that degassing during decompression of water-saturated magmas either causes these magmas to crystallize and stall in reservoirs where they reside under conditions of near stasis, or to quickly rise towards the surface and erupt." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Rn in a gas phase. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Effects of quercetin on uterine fluid volume and aquaporin (AQP) expression in the uterus were investigated. Estradiol (E) or estradiol followed by progesterone (E+P) were given to ovariectomised rats with or without quercetin (10, 50 or 100mg/kg/day) treatment. Uteri were harvested and its inner/outer circumference ratio was determined. AQP-1, 2, 5 and 7 mRNA and protein levels in uterus were quantified by Real-time PCR and Western blotting respectively. Protein distribution was observed by immunohistochemistry. Administration of quercetin in E-treated rats decreased the uterine fluid volume and uterine AQP-2 expression. In E+P-treated rats, administration of 100mg/kg/day quercetin increased uterine fluid volume, AQP-1 and 2 expression but decreased AQP-7 expression in uterus. AQP-1 was distributed in stromal blood vessels while AQP-2, 5 and 7 were distributed in uterine epithelium.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Quercetin-induced changes in uterine fluid volume and AQP subunits expression in uterus could affect the uterine reproductive functions under different sex-steroid influence." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Effects of quercetin on uterine fluid volume and aquaporin (AQP) expression in the uterus were investigated. Estradiol (E) or estradiol followed by progesterone (E+P) were given to ovariectomised rats with or without quercetin (10, 50 or 100mg/kg/day) treatment. Uteri were harvested and its inner/outer circumference ratio was determined. AQP-1, 2, 5 and 7 mRNA and protein levels in uterus were quantified by Real-time PCR and Western blotting respectively. Protein distribution was observed by immunohistochemistry. Administration of quercetin in E-treated rats decreased the uterine fluid volume and uterine AQP-2 expression. In E+P-treated rats, administration of 100mg/kg/day quercetin increased uterine fluid volume, AQP-1 and 2 expression but decreased AQP-7 expression in uterus. AQP-1 was distributed in stromal blood vessels while AQP-2, 5 and 7 were distributed in uterine epithelium. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:To address to what extent hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to liver mass restoration after major tissue loss. The ability of the liver to regenerate is remarkable on both clinical and biological grounds. Basic mechanisms underlying this process have been intensively investigated. However, it is still debated to what extent hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to liver mass restoration after major tissue loss. We addressed this issue using a genetically tagged system. We were able to follow the fate of single transplanted hepatocytes during the regenerative response elicited by 2/3 partial surgical hepatectomy (PH) in rats. Clusters of transplanted cells were 3D reconstructed and their size distribution was evaluated over time after PH. = 0.11). A sizeable fraction of the remnant hepatocyte population does not participate actively in tissue mass restoration.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Hyperplasia stands as the major mechanism contributing to liver mass restoration after PH, with hypertrophy playing a transient role in the process." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:To address to what extent hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to liver mass restoration after major tissue loss. The ability of the liver to regenerate is remarkable on both clinical and biological grounds. Basic mechanisms underlying this process have been intensively investigated. However, it is still debated to what extent hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to liver mass restoration after major tissue loss. We addressed this issue using a genetically tagged system. We were able to follow the fate of single transplanted hepatocytes during the regenerative response elicited by 2/3 partial surgical hepatectomy (PH) in rats. Clusters of transplanted cells were 3D reconstructed and their size distribution was evaluated over time after PH. = 0.11). A sizeable fraction of the remnant hepatocyte population does not participate actively in tissue mass restoration. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Chinese rural elderly are at higher risk of committing suicide. However, little is known about the suicidal ideation (SI) of institutional elderly residents in rural China. 250 participants aged 60 or above living in Chinese rural nursing homes were recruited. Data were collected on subjects' SI, social-demographic characters, physical illness and psychological factors. Univariate comparisons and path analysis were conducted then. 19.5% (40/205) of the participants reported a current SI. Hopelessness and depression had significant direct impacts on SI, and self-esteem and loneliness can impact SI through the mediating of depression and hopelessness. Visiting frequency of children, number of physical illnesses and social activities can also affect SI through the mediating of loneliness or self-esteem. As the first study on path analysis of SI of rural institutional elderly, the findings are significant.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "All these factors in our model should be considered when interventions are being conducted." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Chinese rural elderly are at higher risk of committing suicide. However, little is known about the suicidal ideation (SI) of institutional elderly residents in rural China. 250 participants aged 60 or above living in Chinese rural nursing homes were recruited. Data were collected on subjects' SI, social-demographic characters, physical illness and psychological factors. Univariate comparisons and path analysis were conducted then. 19.5% (40/205) of the participants reported a current SI. Hopelessness and depression had significant direct impacts on SI, and self-esteem and loneliness can impact SI through the mediating of depression and hopelessness. Visiting frequency of children, number of physical illnesses and social activities can also affect SI through the mediating of loneliness or self-esteem. As the first study on path analysis of SI of rural institutional elderly, the findings are significant. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:In this review, we summarize current knowledge regarding the epigenetics of age-related diseases, focusing on those studies that have described DNA methylation landscape in cardio-vascular diseases, musculoskeletal function and frailty. We stress the importance of adopting the conceptual framework of \"geroscience\", which starts from the observation that advanced age is the major risk factor for several of these pathologies and aims at identifying the mechanistic links between aging and age-related diseases. DNA methylation undergoes a profound remodeling during aging, which includes global hypomethylation of the genome, hypermethylation at specific loci and an increase in inter-individual variation and in stochastic changes of DNA methylation values. These epigenetic modifications can be an important contributor to the development of age-related diseases, but our understanding on the complex relationship between the epigenetic signatures of aging and age-related disease is still poor. The most relevant results in this field come from the use of the so called \"epigenetics clocks\" in cohorts of subjects affected by age-related diseases.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "We report these studies in final section of this review." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:In this review, we summarize current knowledge regarding the epigenetics of age-related diseases, focusing on those studies that have described DNA methylation landscape in cardio-vascular diseases, musculoskeletal function and frailty. We stress the importance of adopting the conceptual framework of "geroscience", which starts from the observation that advanced age is the major risk factor for several of these pathologies and aims at identifying the mechanistic links between aging and age-related diseases. DNA methylation undergoes a profound remodeling during aging, which includes global hypomethylation of the genome, hypermethylation at specific loci and an increase in inter-individual variation and in stochastic changes of DNA methylation values. These epigenetic modifications can be an important contributor to the development of age-related diseases, but our understanding on the complex relationship between the epigenetic signatures of aging and age-related disease is still poor. The most relevant results in this field come from the use of the so called "epigenetics clocks" in cohorts of subjects affected by age-related diseases. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS), corresponds with a heterogeneous group of mature T-cell lymphomas. Recent gene expression profiling studies have identified at least two molecular subgroups (GATA3 and TBX2). Standard treatment and outcomes remain poor. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation is incorporated into primary therapy for young fit patients but remains ineffective for most and has not been tested in a randomized study. Several novel agents have been approved for use in relapsed/refractory PTCLs, and although response rates are modest for most, durable remissions have been reported.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Selecting rationale combinations and incorporating predictive biomarkers will be important moving forward to improve outcomes in patients with PTCL." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS), corresponds with a heterogeneous group of mature T-cell lymphomas. Recent gene expression profiling studies have identified at least two molecular subgroups (GATA3 and TBX2). Standard treatment and outcomes remain poor. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation is incorporated into primary therapy for young fit patients but remains ineffective for most and has not been tested in a randomized study. Several novel agents have been approved for use in relapsed/refractory PTCLs, and although response rates are modest for most, durable remissions have been reported. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:While evidence highlights the detrimental health consequences of adverse working conditions, effect sizes vary by the stressor examined. In this study, we aimed to explore the differential effects various constellations of job demands have on prevalent symptom clusters. = 16,466), based on a cross-sectional design. By means of latent class analysis, a set of items was used to assess the burden from several job demands as well as the frequency of occurrence of mental and physical symptoms in order to identify stress profiles and symptom clusters, respectively. Analysis revealed four subgroups that each demonstrated a typological response pattern regarding job demands and health symptoms, respectively. The revealed stress profiles were found to be strongly related to the symptom clusters, while the effects differed considerably depending on the types of demands experienced. The current study presents an alternative method of examining the stress-health link by using a combined person- and variable-centred approach.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The findings suggest a hierarchy in stress exposure with the most pronounced health consequences found for a synchronous burden from physical, psychosocial and organizational demands." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:While evidence highlights the detrimental health consequences of adverse working conditions, effect sizes vary by the stressor examined. In this study, we aimed to explore the differential effects various constellations of job demands have on prevalent symptom clusters. = 16,466), based on a cross-sectional design. By means of latent class analysis, a set of items was used to assess the burden from several job demands as well as the frequency of occurrence of mental and physical symptoms in order to identify stress profiles and symptom clusters, respectively. Analysis revealed four subgroups that each demonstrated a typological response pattern regarding job demands and health symptoms, respectively. The revealed stress profiles were found to be strongly related to the symptom clusters, while the effects differed considerably depending on the types of demands experienced. The current study presents an alternative method of examining the stress-health link by using a combined person- and variable-centred approach. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:) but not between gender or dentition groups. We propose a novel classification built upon the quartiles of sinus depth, dividing the sinuses into three classes.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Our classification is the first one that represents the anatomy of the patient independent of gender and dentition." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:) but not between gender or dentition groups. We propose a novel classification built upon the quartiles of sinus depth, dividing the sinuses into three classes. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "oligomerization in mammals and could be developed as a therapeutic treatment for AD." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:There is increasing evidence that the plasma concentration of vitamin D, carotenoids, zinc and selenium are associated with the magnitude of the systemic inflammatory response. In order to examine whether other vitamins may be affected and whether red cell concentrations are less affected by systemic inflammation the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of the systemic inflammatory response on red cell measurements of vitamins B1, B2 and B6, and plasma concentration of vitamin C and E in a large cohort of patients referred for a nutritional screen. Patients referred for nutritional assessment of B1 (n = 551), B2 (n = 251), B6 (n = 313), ascorbic acid (n = 494) and α-tocopherol (n = 395) concentrations. These vitamins were measured using routine laboratory methods. The median concentrations of vitamin B1 grouped according to C-reactive protein concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 543, 664 and 766 ng/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 41% higher). The median concentration of vitamin B1 grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 547, 664 and 701 ng/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 28% higher). The median concentrations of red cell vitamin B2 grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 nmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 9% higher). The median red cell concentrations of vitamin B2 grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 2.1, 2.4 and 2.3 nmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 14% higher). The median concentrations of red cell vitamin B6 grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 534, 548 and 767 pmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 44% higher). The median red cell concentrations of vitamin B6 grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 462, 644 and 840 pmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 82% higher). In contrast, the median plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 25.0, 15.0 and 6.0 μmol/l respectively (78% lower, p < 0.001). The median plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 32.0, 13.0 and 5.0 μmol/l respectively (84% lower, p < 0.001). The median α-tocopherol/cholesterol grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 5.9, 4.6 and 2.1 μmol/l respectively (64% lower, p < 0.001). The median α-tocopherol/cholesterol grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 6.0, 5.5 and 2.1 μmol/l respectively (65% lower, p < 0.001). Red cell concentrations of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 were not lower with an increasing systemic inflammatory response. In contrast, plasma concentrations of vitamin C and E were lower.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Therefore, compared with plasma concentration, red cell concentrations of B1, B2 and B6 are likely to be more reliable measures of status in the presence of a systemic inflammatory response." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:There is increasing evidence that the plasma concentration of vitamin D, carotenoids, zinc and selenium are associated with the magnitude of the systemic inflammatory response. In order to examine whether other vitamins may be affected and whether red cell concentrations are less affected by systemic inflammation the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of the systemic inflammatory response on red cell measurements of vitamins B1, B2 and B6, and plasma concentration of vitamin C and E in a large cohort of patients referred for a nutritional screen. Patients referred for nutritional assessment of B1 (n = 551), B2 (n = 251), B6 (n = 313), ascorbic acid (n = 494) and α-tocopherol (n = 395) concentrations. These vitamins were measured using routine laboratory methods. The median concentrations of vitamin B1 grouped according to C-reactive protein concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 543, 664 and 766 ng/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 41% higher). The median concentration of vitamin B1 grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 547, 664 and 701 ng/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 28% higher). The median concentrations of red cell vitamin B2 grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 nmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 9% higher). The median red cell concentrations of vitamin B2 grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 2.1, 2.4 and 2.3 nmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 14% higher). The median concentrations of red cell vitamin B6 grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 534, 548 and 767 pmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 44% higher). The median red cell concentrations of vitamin B6 grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 462, 644 and 840 pmol/g Hb respectively (p < 0.001, 82% higher). In contrast, the median plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 25.0, 15.0 and 6.0 μmol/l respectively (78% lower, p < 0.001). The median plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 32.0, 13.0 and 5.0 μmol/l respectively (84% lower, p < 0.001). The median α-tocopherol/cholesterol grouped according to CRP concentrations ≤10, 11-80 and >80 mg/L were 5.9, 4.6 and 2.1 μmol/l respectively (64% lower, p < 0.001). The median α-tocopherol/cholesterol grouped according to albumin concentrations ≥35, 25-34 and <25 g/l were 6.0, 5.5 and 2.1 μmol/l respectively (65% lower, p < 0.001). Red cell concentrations of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 were not lower with an increasing systemic inflammatory response. In contrast, plasma concentrations of vitamin C and E were lower. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:The relentless emergence and spread of strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that are resistant to many antimicrobial agents has led to frequent changes in treatment guidelines, with a consequent risk that prescribers may not be aware of current guidelines. To determine the proportion of patients with gonorrhoea who were treated with a regimen consistent with the New Zealand Sexual Health Society (NZSHS) guidelines. We audited the treatment given to adult patients with laboratory-proven gonorrhoea in Auckland, New Zealand, during the first 6 months of 2015. Treatment compliant with the current NZSHS guidelines was administered in only 65% (458/706) episodes overall. Guideline-compliant treatment was much more likely to be prescribed for patients who presented to a sexual health clinic (89%) than for patients who presented to either a general practice or other community clinic (52%) or to a hospital (56%) (P < 0.0001). Overall, 52 of 706 (7%) episodes were not treated with any antimicrobial regimen by the service that diagnosed the patients' gonorrhoea, 13 of 62 (21%) episodes in patients who presented to a hospital, 34 of 403 (8%) episodes in patients who presented to a general practice or other community clinic and 5 of 241 (2%) episodes in patients who presented to a sexual health clinic (P < 0.0001). Low levels of compliance with treatment guidelines increase the risk that antibiotic-resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae will spread within the Auckland region.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Improved compliance with treatment guidelines, particularly in patients who present either to general practice or to hospitals, is necessary to maintain the efficacy of current treatment regimens." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:The relentless emergence and spread of strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that are resistant to many antimicrobial agents has led to frequent changes in treatment guidelines, with a consequent risk that prescribers may not be aware of current guidelines. To determine the proportion of patients with gonorrhoea who were treated with a regimen consistent with the New Zealand Sexual Health Society (NZSHS) guidelines. We audited the treatment given to adult patients with laboratory-proven gonorrhoea in Auckland, New Zealand, during the first 6 months of 2015. Treatment compliant with the current NZSHS guidelines was administered in only 65% (458/706) episodes overall. Guideline-compliant treatment was much more likely to be prescribed for patients who presented to a sexual health clinic (89%) than for patients who presented to either a general practice or other community clinic (52%) or to a hospital (56%) (P < 0.0001). Overall, 52 of 706 (7%) episodes were not treated with any antimicrobial regimen by the service that diagnosed the patients' gonorrhoea, 13 of 62 (21%) episodes in patients who presented to a hospital, 34 of 403 (8%) episodes in patients who presented to a general practice or other community clinic and 5 of 241 (2%) episodes in patients who presented to a sexual health clinic (P < 0.0001). Low levels of compliance with treatment guidelines increase the risk that antibiotic-resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae will spread within the Auckland region. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:1. Small pieces of ectoderm were excised from gastrulae, neurulae, and tailbud embryos ofXenopus laevis andTriturus alpestris, preserved inLEHMANN's fixatives, sectioned at 0.025-0.75μ, and photographed with a Trüb-Täuber electron microscope. 2. The following features characterize the early gastrular ectoderm: endoplasmic reticulum coarse, vesicular, and predominantly loose; mitochondria mostly globular and irregular; lipoid droplets and yolk-platelets with investing plasma membranes; pigment granules ofTriturns, but not ofXenopus, composed of subunits; nuclei polymorphic, especially inTriturus, with deep infoldings of nuclear membrane; cells frequently connected only by cytoplasmic bridges which may be anastomosed, cells otherwise separated by spaces or canals. 3. Presumptive medullary plate from the very early neurula shows certain differences from the above features: endoplasmic and nuclear reticula considerably more dense; cytoplasmic vesicles, fibers, and granules more delicate; mitochondria smooth and rod-like with increased number of cristae; intercellular spaces less prominent, except between presumptive neural plate and chordamesoderm, the cytoplasmic processes of which may anastomose. 4. Presumptive epidermis of the very early neurula shows a wide meshed fibrous reticulum and distally situated mitochondria, foreshadowing the development of highly differentiated outer zones in the epidermal cells of the tailbud embryo. 5. Mitochondria of neural cells of the late tailbud embryo are predominantly perinuclear, quite elongate, relatively narrow, and possess many thin longitudinally or diagonally placed cristae. 6. Mitochondria of the tailbud epidermis are shorter and thicker than those of the neural tube cells, exhibit pores and swollen tubules, and occur in large numbers below a distal zone of dense cytoplasmic reticulum and secretory vesicles, which seem to form in waves and to discharge periodically their secretion to the surface of the skin. 7.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The concept of mitochondrial \"differentiation\" is further developed and the function of epidermal mitochondria and the importance of intercellular contacts, especially in relation to neural induction, are discussed." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:1. Small pieces of ectoderm were excised from gastrulae, neurulae, and tailbud embryos ofXenopus laevis andTriturus alpestris, preserved inLEHMANN's fixatives, sectioned at 0.025-0.75μ, and photographed with a Trüb-Täuber electron microscope. 2. The following features characterize the early gastrular ectoderm: endoplasmic reticulum coarse, vesicular, and predominantly loose; mitochondria mostly globular and irregular; lipoid droplets and yolk-platelets with investing plasma membranes; pigment granules ofTriturns, but not ofXenopus, composed of subunits; nuclei polymorphic, especially inTriturus, with deep infoldings of nuclear membrane; cells frequently connected only by cytoplasmic bridges which may be anastomosed, cells otherwise separated by spaces or canals. 3. Presumptive medullary plate from the very early neurula shows certain differences from the above features: endoplasmic and nuclear reticula considerably more dense; cytoplasmic vesicles, fibers, and granules more delicate; mitochondria smooth and rod-like with increased number of cristae; intercellular spaces less prominent, except between presumptive neural plate and chordamesoderm, the cytoplasmic processes of which may anastomose. 4. Presumptive epidermis of the very early neurula shows a wide meshed fibrous reticulum and distally situated mitochondria, foreshadowing the development of highly differentiated outer zones in the epidermal cells of the tailbud embryo. 5. Mitochondria of neural cells of the late tailbud embryo are predominantly perinuclear, quite elongate, relatively narrow, and possess many thin longitudinally or diagonally placed cristae. 6. Mitochondria of the tailbud epidermis are shorter and thicker than those of the neural tube cells, exhibit pores and swollen tubules, and occur in large numbers below a distal zone of dense cytoplasmic reticulum and secretory vesicles, which seem to form in waves and to discharge periodically their secretion to the surface of the skin. 7. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Monitoring of the quality of bathing water in line with the European Commission bathing water directive (Directive 2006/7/EC) is a significant economic expense for those countries with great lengths of coastline. In this study a numerical model based on finite elements is generated whose objective is partially substituting the microbiological analysis of the quality of coastal bathing waters. According to a study of the concentration of Escherichia coli in 299 Spanish Mediterranean beaches, it was established that the most important variables that influence the concentration are: monthly sunshine hours, mean monthly precipitation, number of goat cattle heads, population density, presence of Posidonia oceanica, UV, urbanization level, type of sediment, wastewater treatment ratio, salinity, distance to the nearest discharge, and wave height perpendicular to the coast. Using these variables, a model with an absolute error of 10.6±1.5CFU/100ml is achieved. With this model, if there are no significant changes in the beach environment and the variables remain more or less stable, the concentration of E.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "coli in bathing water can be determined, performing only specific microbiological analyses to verify the water quality." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Monitoring of the quality of bathing water in line with the European Commission bathing water directive (Directive 2006/7/EC) is a significant economic expense for those countries with great lengths of coastline. In this study a numerical model based on finite elements is generated whose objective is partially substituting the microbiological analysis of the quality of coastal bathing waters. According to a study of the concentration of Escherichia coli in 299 Spanish Mediterranean beaches, it was established that the most important variables that influence the concentration are: monthly sunshine hours, mean monthly precipitation, number of goat cattle heads, population density, presence of Posidonia oceanica, UV, urbanization level, type of sediment, wastewater treatment ratio, salinity, distance to the nearest discharge, and wave height perpendicular to the coast. Using these variables, a model with an absolute error of 10.6±1.5CFU/100ml is achieved. With this model, if there are no significant changes in the beach environment and the variables remain more or less stable, the concentration of E. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Time-to-event analyses are frequently used in nephrology research, for instance, when recording time to death or time to peritonitis in dialysis patients. Many papers have pointed out the important issue of competing events (or competing risks) in such analyses. For example, when studying one particular cause of death it can be noted that patients also die from other causes. Such competing events preclude the event of interest from occurring and thereby complicate the statistical analysis. The Kaplan-Meier approach to calculating the cumulative probability of the event of interest yields invalid results in the presence of competing risks, thus the alternative cumulative incidence competing risk (CICR) approach has become the standard. However, when kidney transplant is the competing event that prevents observing the outcome of interest, CICR may not always be the matter of interest. We discuss situations where both the Kaplan-Meier and the CICR approach are not suitable for the purpose and point out alternative analysis methods for such situations. We also look at the suitability and interpretation of different estimators for relative risks.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "In the presence of transplant as a competing risk, one should very clearly state the research question and use an analysis method that targets this question." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Time-to-event analyses are frequently used in nephrology research, for instance, when recording time to death or time to peritonitis in dialysis patients. Many papers have pointed out the important issue of competing events (or competing risks) in such analyses. For example, when studying one particular cause of death it can be noted that patients also die from other causes. Such competing events preclude the event of interest from occurring and thereby complicate the statistical analysis. The Kaplan-Meier approach to calculating the cumulative probability of the event of interest yields invalid results in the presence of competing risks, thus the alternative cumulative incidence competing risk (CICR) approach has become the standard. However, when kidney transplant is the competing event that prevents observing the outcome of interest, CICR may not always be the matter of interest. We discuss situations where both the Kaplan-Meier and the CICR approach are not suitable for the purpose and point out alternative analysis methods for such situations. We also look at the suitability and interpretation of different estimators for relative risks. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is present in approximately one in 500 to 700 live births, representing the most common congenital craniofacial anomaly. Previously, the authors developed a unique murine model with compound Pbx deficiency that exhibits fully penetrant cleft lip with or without cleft palate. To investigate the possibility of tissue repair at an early gestational stage, the authors designed a minimally invasive surgical approach suitable for intrauterine repair using Wnt9b-soaked collagen microspheres to restore craniofacial developmental programs for cleft correction. Collagen microspheres with diameters ranging from 20 to 50 μm were fabricated to serve as a delivery vehicle for Wnt9b. At gestational day 11.5, wild-type and Pbx-deficient murine embryos were isolated. Microspheres soaked in murine purified Wnt9b protein were microsurgically implanted at the midface lambdoidal junction. Embryos were cultured in a 37°C modified whole-embryo culture system. Targeted release of Wnt9b resulted in augmented Wnt expression at the lambdoidal junction. Microsurgical implantation of Wnt9b-soaked microspheres resulted in cleft correction in 27.1 percent of the Pbx-deficient embryos. The difference in the ratio of the areas of clefting between implanted and nonimplanted embryos was significant (p < 0.05). Ex utero correction of cleft lip with or without cleft palate in the authors' murine model by means of microsurgical intervention and targeted delivery of Wnt proteins is an innovative and promising strategy.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Although further refinement and optimization of this technique will be required to improve efficacy, the authors believe that this approach will open new avenues toward unconventional prenatal interventions for patients with cleft lip with or without cleft palate, and provide future approaches for prenatal repair of other congenital head and neck disorders." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is present in approximately one in 500 to 700 live births, representing the most common congenital craniofacial anomaly. Previously, the authors developed a unique murine model with compound Pbx deficiency that exhibits fully penetrant cleft lip with or without cleft palate. To investigate the possibility of tissue repair at an early gestational stage, the authors designed a minimally invasive surgical approach suitable for intrauterine repair using Wnt9b-soaked collagen microspheres to restore craniofacial developmental programs for cleft correction. Collagen microspheres with diameters ranging from 20 to 50 μm were fabricated to serve as a delivery vehicle for Wnt9b. At gestational day 11.5, wild-type and Pbx-deficient murine embryos were isolated. Microspheres soaked in murine purified Wnt9b protein were microsurgically implanted at the midface lambdoidal junction. Embryos were cultured in a 37°C modified whole-embryo culture system. Targeted release of Wnt9b resulted in augmented Wnt expression at the lambdoidal junction. Microsurgical implantation of Wnt9b-soaked microspheres resulted in cleft correction in 27.1 percent of the Pbx-deficient embryos. The difference in the ratio of the areas of clefting between implanted and nonimplanted embryos was significant (p < 0.05). Ex utero correction of cleft lip with or without cleft palate in the authors' murine model by means of microsurgical intervention and targeted delivery of Wnt proteins is an innovative and promising strategy. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Asthma is a chronic disorder of the airways. Oxidative stress is an important part of asthma pathogenesis. It plays a crucial role in exacerbating the disease, as well as an important consequence of airways inflammation. The present study was undertaken to investigate the lipid peroxidation and catalase activity in serum and antioxidant level in plasma of asthmatic patients and their association with lifestyle and severity of the disease. test and Pearson coefficient of correlation. The serum MDA was found to be significantly higher in the asthmatics as compared to healthy individuals (p<0.01) while catalase activity in serum and antioxidant level of the plasma were markedly lower in the asthmatics as compared to healthy individuals (p<0.01). A significant difference was observed in serum MDA, catalase activity and plasma antioxidant level among the patients in relation to the severity of disease. There was a marked increase in the serum MDA in the patients with longer duration of the disease (p<0.05).\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The oxidant-antioxidant imbalance occurs in asthma leading to oxidative stress and is an important part of the asthma pathogenesis." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Asthma is a chronic disorder of the airways. Oxidative stress is an important part of asthma pathogenesis. It plays a crucial role in exacerbating the disease, as well as an important consequence of airways inflammation. The present study was undertaken to investigate the lipid peroxidation and catalase activity in serum and antioxidant level in plasma of asthmatic patients and their association with lifestyle and severity of the disease. test and Pearson coefficient of correlation. The serum MDA was found to be significantly higher in the asthmatics as compared to healthy individuals (p<0.01) while catalase activity in serum and antioxidant level of the plasma were markedly lower in the asthmatics as compared to healthy individuals (p<0.01). A significant difference was observed in serum MDA, catalase activity and plasma antioxidant level among the patients in relation to the severity of disease. There was a marked increase in the serum MDA in the patients with longer duration of the disease (p<0.05). Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:A third of the world rabies burden is in India. The Sikkim Anti-Rabies and Animal Health (SARAH) program is the first state-wide rabies program in India and demonstrates a successful One Health model of dog-mediated rabies elimination. The SARAH program was created in 2006 as a collaboration between the Government of Sikkim and international non-government organizations-Vets Beyond Borders and Fondation Brigitte Bardot. Activities are directed to canine rabies vaccination, humane dog population control, community education, and treatment of sick and injured animals. In 2005, there were 0.74 human rabies deaths per 100,000 (4 deaths) within Sikkim, and from 2006 to 2015, there were no human rabies deaths. In 2016, two human rabies deaths were reported near the West Bengal border region. From 2005 to 2010, the incidence of animal rabies is unknown; from 2010 to 2016, eight cases of animal rabies were reported. Major challenges for the program are continued commitment to rabies control in the face of 0 to low human rabies incidence and the risk of rabies incursions. Effective intersectoral communication between Health, Veterinary, Forestry, and Police officers is essential to enable rapid response to animal bite incidents and possible rabies incursions. An integrated One Health approach needs to be maintained with enhanced active rabies surveillance.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Other states must establish similar programs if India is ever to achieve a goal of eliminating dog-mediated human rabies." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:A third of the world rabies burden is in India. The Sikkim Anti-Rabies and Animal Health (SARAH) program is the first state-wide rabies program in India and demonstrates a successful One Health model of dog-mediated rabies elimination. The SARAH program was created in 2006 as a collaboration between the Government of Sikkim and international non-government organizations-Vets Beyond Borders and Fondation Brigitte Bardot. Activities are directed to canine rabies vaccination, humane dog population control, community education, and treatment of sick and injured animals. In 2005, there were 0.74 human rabies deaths per 100,000 (4 deaths) within Sikkim, and from 2006 to 2015, there were no human rabies deaths. In 2016, two human rabies deaths were reported near the West Bengal border region. From 2005 to 2010, the incidence of animal rabies is unknown; from 2010 to 2016, eight cases of animal rabies were reported. Major challenges for the program are continued commitment to rabies control in the face of 0 to low human rabies incidence and the risk of rabies incursions. Effective intersectoral communication between Health, Veterinary, Forestry, and Police officers is essential to enable rapid response to animal bite incidents and possible rabies incursions. An integrated One Health approach needs to be maintained with enhanced active rabies surveillance. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:grades students. The prevalence of smoking was 5.9% in the total sample. The results showed significant associations between smoking behavior of young people and their family background (e.g.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "education of parents, smoking bans at home)." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:grades students. The prevalence of smoking was 5.9% in the total sample. The results showed significant associations between smoking behavior of young people and their family background (e.g. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Shoulder hemiarthroplasty is a particularly attractive treatment option in young active patients, where revision surgery is an issue and a glenoid replacement might be necessary in the long run. These patients often ask about the possibility of returning to sport and work after surgery. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze whether patients undergoing shoulder hemiarthroplasty (HSA) are able to successfully return to sports activities and work after surgery. This study included 42 patients treated with HSA. Two subgroups were built: patients who had participated in sports less than 5 years prior to surgery (group A: n = 29, 69%) and those who had not done so (group B: n = 13, 31%). Evaluation was based on a questionnaire asking about types of sports, frequency of sports activity, and the time taken to return to sports and work, as well as about limitations in occupational life. Patients' mean age at the time of surgery was 56.3 ± 12.7 years in group A and 66.9 ± 13.8 years in group B. Mean follow-up was 5.5 years (range 2.5-12 years). In group A, 18 patients (62%) had participated in sports up to the time of surgery and 12 (41%) had returned to the same level of sports activity at final follow-up. The rate of return to preoperative sports activity was 67%. Swimming was one of the most favorable sports (92%). Of the cohort patients, 2 (5%) had to change their profession due to surgery. Most patients were retired at follow-up. Patients who were sportingly active prior to HSA were able to return to sports after surgery in 67% of cases.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This study confirms that patients treated by hemiarthroplasty of the shoulder joint can return to sports and work, even at medium-term follow-up." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Shoulder hemiarthroplasty is a particularly attractive treatment option in young active patients, where revision surgery is an issue and a glenoid replacement might be necessary in the long run. These patients often ask about the possibility of returning to sport and work after surgery. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze whether patients undergoing shoulder hemiarthroplasty (HSA) are able to successfully return to sports activities and work after surgery. This study included 42 patients treated with HSA. Two subgroups were built: patients who had participated in sports less than 5 years prior to surgery (group A: n = 29, 69%) and those who had not done so (group B: n = 13, 31%). Evaluation was based on a questionnaire asking about types of sports, frequency of sports activity, and the time taken to return to sports and work, as well as about limitations in occupational life. Patients' mean age at the time of surgery was 56.3 ± 12.7 years in group A and 66.9 ± 13.8 years in group B. Mean follow-up was 5.5 years (range 2.5-12 years). In group A, 18 patients (62%) had participated in sports up to the time of surgery and 12 (41%) had returned to the same level of sports activity at final follow-up. The rate of return to preoperative sports activity was 67%. Swimming was one of the most favorable sports (92%). Of the cohort patients, 2 (5%) had to change their profession due to surgery. Most patients were retired at follow-up. Patients who were sportingly active prior to HSA were able to return to sports after surgery in 67% of cases. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of test trial and processing level on immediate and delayed retention. A 2 × 2 × 2 mixed ANOVAs was used with two between-subject factors of test trial (single test, repeated test) and processing level (shallow, deep), and one within-subject factor of final recall (immediate, delayed). Seventy-six college students were randomly assigned first to the single test (studied the stimulus words three times and took one free-recall test) and the repeated test trials (studied the stimulus words once and took three consecutive free-recall tests), and then to the shallow processing level (asked whether each stimulus word was presented in capital letter or in small letter) and the deep processing level (whether each stimulus word belonged to a particular category) to study forty stimulus words. The immediate test was administered five minutes after the trials, whereas the delayed test was administered one week later. Results showed that single test trial recalled more words than repeated test trial in immediate final free-recall test, participants in deep processing performed better than those in shallow processing in both immediate and delayed retention. However, the dominance of single test trial and deep processing did not happen in delayed retention.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Additional study trials did not further enhance the delayed retention of words encoded in deep processing, but did enhance the delayed retention of words encoded in shallow processing." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of test trial and processing level on immediate and delayed retention. A 2 × 2 × 2 mixed ANOVAs was used with two between-subject factors of test trial (single test, repeated test) and processing level (shallow, deep), and one within-subject factor of final recall (immediate, delayed). Seventy-six college students were randomly assigned first to the single test (studied the stimulus words three times and took one free-recall test) and the repeated test trials (studied the stimulus words once and took three consecutive free-recall tests), and then to the shallow processing level (asked whether each stimulus word was presented in capital letter or in small letter) and the deep processing level (whether each stimulus word belonged to a particular category) to study forty stimulus words. The immediate test was administered five minutes after the trials, whereas the delayed test was administered one week later. Results showed that single test trial recalled more words than repeated test trial in immediate final free-recall test, participants in deep processing performed better than those in shallow processing in both immediate and delayed retention. However, the dominance of single test trial and deep processing did not happen in delayed retention. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:in different contexts. A collaborating site can do more than submit papers. It can develop its own domain on the LJPC website, contribute to the development of LJPC policy, and stimulate discussions with other collaborating sites. At any time a collaborating site can opt out.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "In addition to securing papers for publication, a site might nurture a network of supporters, teach people to use multiple research and quality improvement methods, develop a system of governance for locally led inquiries, develop case studies of community-oriented integrated care and health promotion and facilitate within-site and between-site learning and change." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:in different contexts. A collaborating site can do more than submit papers. It can develop its own domain on the LJPC website, contribute to the development of LJPC policy, and stimulate discussions with other collaborating sites. At any time a collaborating site can opt out. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Recombinant antibody libraries can provide a source of renewable and high-performing binders tailored for use in affinity proteomics. In this context, the process of generating site-specific 1:1 tagging/functionalization and/or orientated surface immobilization of antibodies has, however, proved to be challenging. Hence, novel ways of generating such engineered antibodies for use in affinity proteomics could have a major impact on array performance. In this study, we have further tailored the design of human recombinant scFv antibodies for site-specific photocoupling through the use of an unnatural amino acid (UAA) and the Dock'n'Flash technology. In more detail, we have generated the 2nd generation of scFvs carrying the photoreactive UAA p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (pBpa). Based on key properties, such as expression levels, activity, and affinity, a preferred choice of site for pBpa, located in the beginning of the C-terminal affinity-tag, was for the first time pin-pointed. Further, the results showed that pBpa mutated antibody could be site-specifically photocoupled to free and surface immobilized β-cyclodextrin (an affinity ligand to pBpa).\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This paves the way for use of scFv antibodies, engineered for site-specific photochemical-based tagging, functionalization, and orientated surface immobilization, in affinity proteomics." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Recombinant antibody libraries can provide a source of renewable and high-performing binders tailored for use in affinity proteomics. In this context, the process of generating site-specific 1:1 tagging/functionalization and/or orientated surface immobilization of antibodies has, however, proved to be challenging. Hence, novel ways of generating such engineered antibodies for use in affinity proteomics could have a major impact on array performance. In this study, we have further tailored the design of human recombinant scFv antibodies for site-specific photocoupling through the use of an unnatural amino acid (UAA) and the Dock'n'Flash technology. In more detail, we have generated the 2nd generation of scFvs carrying the photoreactive UAA p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (pBpa). Based on key properties, such as expression levels, activity, and affinity, a preferred choice of site for pBpa, located in the beginning of the C-terminal affinity-tag, was for the first time pin-pointed. Further, the results showed that pBpa mutated antibody could be site-specifically photocoupled to free and surface immobilized β-cyclodextrin (an affinity ligand to pBpa). Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) is an evolving technique used in the treatment of cervical disc disease. To remain up to date on studies regarding its efficacy, we sought to answer three questions: What do biomechanical studies demonstrate in regard to the kinematics of CDA? How does CDA affect cervical motion? What are the postoperative activity levels of patients after cervical disc arthroplasty? 1) In regard to biomechanics, recent data suggests that CDA maintains motion while possibly altering facet biomechanics. 2) Radiographic data indicates a reliable maintenance of motion in the short and medium term. 3) Postoperative activity levels are assessed with clinical outcome data which demonstrate reliable improvement in pain and function. The data reviewed here establishes CDA as an efficacious treatment in the relief of symptoms from CDD.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "It is important to note however that an evaluation of CDA would benefit from more robust data, specifically in regards to long-term clinical outcomes." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) is an evolving technique used in the treatment of cervical disc disease. To remain up to date on studies regarding its efficacy, we sought to answer three questions: What do biomechanical studies demonstrate in regard to the kinematics of CDA? How does CDA affect cervical motion? What are the postoperative activity levels of patients after cervical disc arthroplasty? 1) In regard to biomechanics, recent data suggests that CDA maintains motion while possibly altering facet biomechanics. 2) Radiographic data indicates a reliable maintenance of motion in the short and medium term. 3) Postoperative activity levels are assessed with clinical outcome data which demonstrate reliable improvement in pain and function. The data reviewed here establishes CDA as an efficacious treatment in the relief of symptoms from CDD. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Dramatic increases in the migration of human resources for health (HRH) from developing countries like the Philippines can have consequences on the sustainability of health systems. In this paper, we trace the outflows of HRH from the Philippines, map out its key causes and consequences, and identify relevant policy responses. This mixed method study employed a decentered, comparative approach that involved three phases: (a) a scoping review on health workers' migration of relevant policy documents and academic literature on health workers' migration from the Philippines; and primary data collection with (b) 37 key stakeholders and (c) household surveys with seven doctors, 329 nurses, 66 midwives, and 18 physical therapists. Filipino health worker migration is best understood within the context of macro-, meso-, and micro-level factors that are situated within the political, economic, and historical/colonial legacy of the country. Underfunding of the health system and un- or underemployment were push factors for migration, as were concerns for security in the Philippines, the ability to practice to full scope or to have opportunities for career advancement. The migration of health workers has both negative and positive consequences for the Philippine health system and its health workers. Stakeholders focused on issues such as on brain drain, gain, and circulation, and on opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer. Concomitantly, migration has resulted in the loss of investment in human capital. The gap in the supply of health workers has affected the quality of care delivered, especially in rural areas. The opening of overseas opportunities has commercialized health education, compromised its quality, and stripped the country of skilled learning facilitators. The social cost of migration has affected émigrés and their families. At the household level, migration has engendered increased consumerism and materialism and fostered dependency on overseas remittances. Addressing these gaps requires time and resources. At the same time, migration is, however, seen by some as an opportunity for professional growth and enhancement, and as a window for drafting more effective national and inter-country policy responses to HRH mobility. Unless socioeconomic conditions are improved and health professionals are provided with better incentives, staying in the Philippines will not be a viable option. The massive expansion in education and training designed specifically for outmigration creates a domestic supply of health workers who cannot be absorbed by a system that is underfunded. This results in a paradox of underservice, especially in rural and remote areas, at the same time as underemployment and outmigration.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Policy responses to this paradox have not yet been appropriately aligned to capture the multilayered and complex nature of these intersecting phenomena." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Dramatic increases in the migration of human resources for health (HRH) from developing countries like the Philippines can have consequences on the sustainability of health systems. In this paper, we trace the outflows of HRH from the Philippines, map out its key causes and consequences, and identify relevant policy responses. This mixed method study employed a decentered, comparative approach that involved three phases: (a) a scoping review on health workers' migration of relevant policy documents and academic literature on health workers' migration from the Philippines; and primary data collection with (b) 37 key stakeholders and (c) household surveys with seven doctors, 329 nurses, 66 midwives, and 18 physical therapists. Filipino health worker migration is best understood within the context of macro-, meso-, and micro-level factors that are situated within the political, economic, and historical/colonial legacy of the country. Underfunding of the health system and un- or underemployment were push factors for migration, as were concerns for security in the Philippines, the ability to practice to full scope or to have opportunities for career advancement. The migration of health workers has both negative and positive consequences for the Philippine health system and its health workers. Stakeholders focused on issues such as on brain drain, gain, and circulation, and on opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer. Concomitantly, migration has resulted in the loss of investment in human capital. The gap in the supply of health workers has affected the quality of care delivered, especially in rural areas. The opening of overseas opportunities has commercialized health education, compromised its quality, and stripped the country of skilled learning facilitators. The social cost of migration has affected émigrés and their families. At the household level, migration has engendered increased consumerism and materialism and fostered dependency on overseas remittances. Addressing these gaps requires time and resources. At the same time, migration is, however, seen by some as an opportunity for professional growth and enhancement, and as a window for drafting more effective national and inter-country policy responses to HRH mobility. Unless socioeconomic conditions are improved and health professionals are provided with better incentives, staying in the Philippines will not be a viable option. The massive expansion in education and training designed specifically for outmigration creates a domestic supply of health workers who cannot be absorbed by a system that is underfunded. This results in a paradox of underservice, especially in rural and remote areas, at the same time as underemployment and outmigration. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Prolonged operative time (OT) is considered a reflection of procedural complexity and may be associated with poor outcomes. Our purpose was to explore the association between prolonged OT and complications in children's surgery. 182,857 cases from the 2012-2014 NSQIP-Pediatric were organized into 33 groups. OT for each group was analyzed by quartile, and regression models were used to determine the relationship between prolonged OT and complications. Variations in OT existed for both short and long procedures. Cases in the longest quartile had twice the odds of postoperative complications after adjusting for age, sex and BMI (OR 1.85; 95% CI 1.78-1.91). Procedure-specific prolonged OT was associated with postoperative complications for the majority (85%) of procedural groupings. Prolonged OT was associated with minor complications in gynecologic (OR 4.17; 95% CI 2.19-7.96), urologic (OR 2.88; 95% CI 2.40-3.44), and appendix procedures (OR 2.88; 95% CI 2.49-3.34). There were increased odds of major complications in foregut (OR 6.56; 95% CI 4.99-8.64), gynecologic (OR 3.07; 95% CI 1.84-5.13), and spine procedures (OR 2.99; 95% CI 2.57-3.28). Prolonged OT is associated with increased odds of postoperative complications across a spectrum of children's surgical procedures. Factors contributing to prolonged OT merit further investigation and may serve as a target for future quality improvement.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Level III." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Prolonged operative time (OT) is considered a reflection of procedural complexity and may be associated with poor outcomes. Our purpose was to explore the association between prolonged OT and complications in children's surgery. 182,857 cases from the 2012-2014 NSQIP-Pediatric were organized into 33 groups. OT for each group was analyzed by quartile, and regression models were used to determine the relationship between prolonged OT and complications. Variations in OT existed for both short and long procedures. Cases in the longest quartile had twice the odds of postoperative complications after adjusting for age, sex and BMI (OR 1.85; 95% CI 1.78-1.91). Procedure-specific prolonged OT was associated with postoperative complications for the majority (85%) of procedural groupings. Prolonged OT was associated with minor complications in gynecologic (OR 4.17; 95% CI 2.19-7.96), urologic (OR 2.88; 95% CI 2.40-3.44), and appendix procedures (OR 2.88; 95% CI 2.49-3.34). There were increased odds of major complications in foregut (OR 6.56; 95% CI 4.99-8.64), gynecologic (OR 3.07; 95% CI 1.84-5.13), and spine procedures (OR 2.99; 95% CI 2.57-3.28). Prolonged OT is associated with increased odds of postoperative complications across a spectrum of children's surgical procedures. Factors contributing to prolonged OT merit further investigation and may serve as a target for future quality improvement. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Fountain streaming is a typical microfluidic pattern in plant cells, especially for cells with a high aspect ratio such as pollen tubes. Although it has been found that fountain streaming plays crucial roles in the transport of nutrients and metabolites, the positioning of organelles and the mixing of cytoplasms, its implications for the fast tip growth of pollen tubes remain a mystery. To address this, based on the observations of asiatic lily Lilium Casablanca, we developed physical models for reverse fountain streaming in pollen tubes and solved the hydrodynamics and advection-diffusion dynamics of viscous Stokes flow in the shank and apical region of pollen tubes. Theoretical and numerical results demonstrated that the gradients of turgor pressure and concentration of wall materials along the length of pollen tubes provide undamped driving force and high-efficiency materials supply, which are supposed to contribute to the fast tip-growth of pollen tubes.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The sample experimental results show that the tip-growth will be abnormal when the gradients of turgor pressure change under osmotic stress induced by different concentrations of PEG-6000 (a dehydrant)." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Fountain streaming is a typical microfluidic pattern in plant cells, especially for cells with a high aspect ratio such as pollen tubes. Although it has been found that fountain streaming plays crucial roles in the transport of nutrients and metabolites, the positioning of organelles and the mixing of cytoplasms, its implications for the fast tip growth of pollen tubes remain a mystery. To address this, based on the observations of asiatic lily Lilium Casablanca, we developed physical models for reverse fountain streaming in pollen tubes and solved the hydrodynamics and advection-diffusion dynamics of viscous Stokes flow in the shank and apical region of pollen tubes. Theoretical and numerical results demonstrated that the gradients of turgor pressure and concentration of wall materials along the length of pollen tubes provide undamped driving force and high-efficiency materials supply, which are supposed to contribute to the fast tip-growth of pollen tubes. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Si overlap. The two, threefold-degenerated orbitals become a unique, sixfold-degenerated orbital.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "It is demonstrated that such degeneracy implies an increase of the Seebeck coefficient, of the electrical conductivity, of the power factor, and in fine of the figure of merit." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Si overlap. The two, threefold-degenerated orbitals become a unique, sixfold-degenerated orbital. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae delivers diverse type III effectors into host cells to interfere with their immune responses. One of the effectors, AvrB, targets a host guardee protein RIN4 and induces RIN4 phosphorylation in Arabidopsis. Phosphorylated RIN4 activates the immune receptor RPM1 to mount defense. AvrB-induced RIN4 phosphorylation depends on RIPK, a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase (RLCK). In this study, we found several other RLCKs that were also able to phosphorylate RIN4. We demonstrated that these RLCKs formed a complex with RIPK and were functionally redundant to RIPK. We also found that unphosphorylated RIN4 was epistatic to phosphorylated RIN4 in terms of RPM1 activation. AvrB-induced RLCK gene expression and phosphorylated RIN4-triggered RPM1 activation required RAR1, a central regulator in plant innate immunity.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Our results unravel a mechanism in which plants employ multiple kinases to hyperphosphorylate the guardee protein RIN4 to ensure immune activation during pathogen invasion." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae delivers diverse type III effectors into host cells to interfere with their immune responses. One of the effectors, AvrB, targets a host guardee protein RIN4 and induces RIN4 phosphorylation in Arabidopsis. Phosphorylated RIN4 activates the immune receptor RPM1 to mount defense. AvrB-induced RIN4 phosphorylation depends on RIPK, a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase (RLCK). In this study, we found several other RLCKs that were also able to phosphorylate RIN4. We demonstrated that these RLCKs formed a complex with RIPK and were functionally redundant to RIPK. We also found that unphosphorylated RIN4 was epistatic to phosphorylated RIN4 in terms of RPM1 activation. AvrB-induced RLCK gene expression and phosphorylated RIN4-triggered RPM1 activation required RAR1, a central regulator in plant innate immunity. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Glycine is most important and simple, nonessential amino acid in humans, animals, and many mammals. Generally, glycine is synthesized from choline, serine, hydroxyproline, and threonine through interorgan metabolism in which kidneys and liver are the primarily involved. Generally in common feeding conditions, glycine is not sufficiently synthesized in humans, animals, and birds. Glycine acts as precursor for several key metabolites of low molecular weight such as creatine, glutathione, haem, purines, and porphyrins. Glycine is very effective in improving the health and supports the growth and well-being of humans and animals. There are overwhelming reports supporting the role of supplementary glycine in prevention of many diseases and disorders including cancer. Dietary supplementation of proper dose of glycine is effectual in treating metabolic disorders in patients with cardiovascular diseases, several inflammatory diseases, obesity, cancers, and diabetes. Glycine also has the property to enhance the quality of sleep and neurological functions.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "In this review we will focus on the metabolism of glycine in humans and animals and the recent findings and advances about the beneficial effects and protection of glycine in different disease states." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Glycine is most important and simple, nonessential amino acid in humans, animals, and many mammals. Generally, glycine is synthesized from choline, serine, hydroxyproline, and threonine through interorgan metabolism in which kidneys and liver are the primarily involved. Generally in common feeding conditions, glycine is not sufficiently synthesized in humans, animals, and birds. Glycine acts as precursor for several key metabolites of low molecular weight such as creatine, glutathione, haem, purines, and porphyrins. Glycine is very effective in improving the health and supports the growth and well-being of humans and animals. There are overwhelming reports supporting the role of supplementary glycine in prevention of many diseases and disorders including cancer. Dietary supplementation of proper dose of glycine is effectual in treating metabolic disorders in patients with cardiovascular diseases, several inflammatory diseases, obesity, cancers, and diabetes. Glycine also has the property to enhance the quality of sleep and neurological functions. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Recent books (Immunity. How Elie Metchnikoff changed the course of modern medicine and Expectations of Life) reviewed the important contribution of Metchnikoff to the emergence of gerontology as a new branch of biomedical sciences. Here, we insist on Metchnikoff's contribution and pivotal role in the emergence of nutrition as a science and its importance for health and longevity. The discovery of phagocytosis by Metchnikoff and of its evolutionary ancestry are at the origin of the emergence of cellular immunity as an independent science besides humoral immunity. The longevity of Metchnikoff (71years) at a time when average life expectancy of men did hardly pass 50years certainly contributed to the acceptance of his teachings.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The recent increase of the senior population in most advanced countries is a good opportunity to review the contributions of nutrition to longevity." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Recent books (Immunity. How Elie Metchnikoff changed the course of modern medicine and Expectations of Life) reviewed the important contribution of Metchnikoff to the emergence of gerontology as a new branch of biomedical sciences. Here, we insist on Metchnikoff's contribution and pivotal role in the emergence of nutrition as a science and its importance for health and longevity. The discovery of phagocytosis by Metchnikoff and of its evolutionary ancestry are at the origin of the emergence of cellular immunity as an independent science besides humoral immunity. The longevity of Metchnikoff (71years) at a time when average life expectancy of men did hardly pass 50years certainly contributed to the acceptance of his teachings. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Anesthetic management of patients during renal transplantation is vitally important for ensuring proper functioning of kidneys that have undergone ischemia-reperfusion damage. The goal of this prospective study was to compare the effects of 2 different inhalation agents (sevoflurane and desflurane) on grafted kidney function in renal transplantation surgery. Sixty-five patients who were scheduled for living donor renal transplantation were enrolled in the study. General anesthesia was performed on all patients. Thirty-five pairs of recipients and donors were anesthetized with sevoflurane (group S) and 30 pairs of recipients and donors were anesthetized with desflurane (group D). Each patient's demographic characteristics, immunologic and clinical data, and hemodynamic parameters were recorded. The estimated glomerular filtration rate was calculated in the preoperative period and on postoperative days 1 and 7. The blood samples were collected before the operation and on postoperative days 1 and 7 for measurement of serum creatinine, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, and interleukin 18. There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics or immunologic data between group D and group S. Intraoperative heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were the same between groups. Creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, and interleukin 18 values did not differ between groups (P > .05) in the preoperative period and postoperative days 1 and 7.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Sevoflurane and desflurane had no adverse effects on grafted kidney functions according to short-term graft outcomes in patients undergoing living donor renal transplantation." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Anesthetic management of patients during renal transplantation is vitally important for ensuring proper functioning of kidneys that have undergone ischemia-reperfusion damage. The goal of this prospective study was to compare the effects of 2 different inhalation agents (sevoflurane and desflurane) on grafted kidney function in renal transplantation surgery. Sixty-five patients who were scheduled for living donor renal transplantation were enrolled in the study. General anesthesia was performed on all patients. Thirty-five pairs of recipients and donors were anesthetized with sevoflurane (group S) and 30 pairs of recipients and donors were anesthetized with desflurane (group D). Each patient's demographic characteristics, immunologic and clinical data, and hemodynamic parameters were recorded. The estimated glomerular filtration rate was calculated in the preoperative period and on postoperative days 1 and 7. The blood samples were collected before the operation and on postoperative days 1 and 7 for measurement of serum creatinine, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, and interleukin 18. There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics or immunologic data between group D and group S. Intraoperative heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were the same between groups. Creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, and interleukin 18 values did not differ between groups (P > .05) in the preoperative period and postoperative days 1 and 7. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:To assess the technical feasibility and safety of combined fusion imaging and needle tracking under ultrasound guidance to target bone lesions without cortical disruption. Between January 2016 and March 2016, seven patients underwent US-guided biopsy of bone lesions without cortical disruption. Targeted bone lesions were measuring more than 1.5 cm with a thin cortex, a trans-osseous pathway not exceeding 2 cm and without any adjacent vulnerable structures. First three procedures were performed in the CT suite to aid the needle tracking where necessary (group 1), the remaining four procedures were performed in the US suite (group 2). In group 1, deviation from the real position of the bone trocar (estimated on CT) was compared to the virtual position (estimated on the fusion CT-US images). In both group, procedure data and histopathological results were collected, and compared to the suspected diagnosis and follow-up. Mean procedure duration was 44 min. Total number of synchronisation points for combined fusion imaging were 3.3 on average. In group 1, mean deviation between the virtual and real CT coordinates was 5.3 mm on average. All biopsies yielded adequate quality analysable bone sample. Histopathological analysis revealed malignancy in three cases, non-specific inflammation in two cases, and normal bone in two cases. The four benign results were confirmed as true negative results. There were no immediate or post-procedural complications.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The use of combined fusion imaging and needle tracking ultrasound guidance to target bone lesions without cortical disruption seems technically feasible, provided the patient and lesion selection is appropriate." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:To assess the technical feasibility and safety of combined fusion imaging and needle tracking under ultrasound guidance to target bone lesions without cortical disruption. Between January 2016 and March 2016, seven patients underwent US-guided biopsy of bone lesions without cortical disruption. Targeted bone lesions were measuring more than 1.5 cm with a thin cortex, a trans-osseous pathway not exceeding 2 cm and without any adjacent vulnerable structures. First three procedures were performed in the CT suite to aid the needle tracking where necessary (group 1), the remaining four procedures were performed in the US suite (group 2). In group 1, deviation from the real position of the bone trocar (estimated on CT) was compared to the virtual position (estimated on the fusion CT-US images). In both group, procedure data and histopathological results were collected, and compared to the suspected diagnosis and follow-up. Mean procedure duration was 44 min. Total number of synchronisation points for combined fusion imaging were 3.3 on average. In group 1, mean deviation between the virtual and real CT coordinates was 5.3 mm on average. All biopsies yielded adequate quality analysable bone sample. Histopathological analysis revealed malignancy in three cases, non-specific inflammation in two cases, and normal bone in two cases. The four benign results were confirmed as true negative results. There were no immediate or post-procedural complications. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "in contrast likely falls under control of the 3'RR." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in elder men. This disease has limited therapeutic options and poor prognosis as the underlying molecular mechanisms are not clearly understood. LncRNA UCA1 functions as an oncogene in many types of cancers. However, the role of UCA1 in PCa remains unclear. In the present study, we showed that UCA1 was significantly up-regulated in PCa cell lines and tissue samples. High UCA1 expression was positively associated with high gleason score, advanced TNM stage and shorter overall survival of PCa patients. Inhibition of UCA1 suppressed PCa cells proliferation, migration and invasion in vitro. Moreover, UCA1 depletion inhibited the growth of PCa cells in vivo. In addition, we found that ATF2 was a direct target gene of UCA1. UCA1 regulated ATF2 expression through functioning as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA). UCA1 directly interacted with miR-204 and decreased the binding of miR-204 to ATF2 3'UTR, which suppressed the degradation of ATF2 mRNA by miR-204. In summary, we unveil a branch of the UCA1-miR-204-ATF2 pathway that regulates the progression of PCa.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The inhibition of UCA1 expression may be a promising strategy for PCa therapy." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in elder men. This disease has limited therapeutic options and poor prognosis as the underlying molecular mechanisms are not clearly understood. LncRNA UCA1 functions as an oncogene in many types of cancers. However, the role of UCA1 in PCa remains unclear. In the present study, we showed that UCA1 was significantly up-regulated in PCa cell lines and tissue samples. High UCA1 expression was positively associated with high gleason score, advanced TNM stage and shorter overall survival of PCa patients. Inhibition of UCA1 suppressed PCa cells proliferation, migration and invasion in vitro. Moreover, UCA1 depletion inhibited the growth of PCa cells in vivo. In addition, we found that ATF2 was a direct target gene of UCA1. UCA1 regulated ATF2 expression through functioning as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA). UCA1 directly interacted with miR-204 and decreased the binding of miR-204 to ATF2 3'UTR, which suppressed the degradation of ATF2 mRNA by miR-204. In summary, we unveil a branch of the UCA1-miR-204-ATF2 pathway that regulates the progression of PCa. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Comorbid depression in schizophrenia is associated with poor outcome, increased risk of relapse and a high rate of suicide. Identification of depressive symptoms and their appropriate treatment is crucial for depressed schizophrenic patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the rates of antidepressant prescription and their outcomes. The records of the schizophrenic outpatients, who were consulted at Psychosis Unit of Psychiatry Department between January 2007 and September 2012, were evaluated retrospectively. Enrolled schizophrenic patients' antidepressant medications were at their minimal effective doses and effective duration. The present study demonstrates that 39 of the 101 patients during their follow-ups were prescribed antidepressants. The mean follow-up period was 6.3 (±4.2) years; the mean age at onset was 22 (±6.5) years; the mean duration of illness was 14.7 (±7.3) years and the mean number of psychotic exacerbation was 5 (±3.7). The most prescribed antidepressants were; sertraline (36.9%), venlefaxine (23.8%) and essitalopram (20.2%). SSRI's were prescribed 57 (73.1%), where as SNRI's 21 times (26.9%). There was no significant difference between SSRI (78.6%) and SNRI (21.4%) treatments in terms of psychotic exacerbation under antidepressant medication. Full remission of depressive symptoms was achieved in 21 patients (53.8%). Remission rates were significantly higher (p<0.01) in SNRI treated depressed schizophrenic patients (85.7%) compared to SSRI treated patients (50.9%). In 8 of the 39 patients (20.5%) antidepressant treatment was terminated due to side effects. This study demonstrates that SSRI's were more often prescribed compared to other classes of antidepressants in emerging depressive symptoms in schizophrenic patients despite full remission with SNRI's is more common.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "There was no significant difference between SSRI and SNRI treatment in terms of psychotic exacerbation." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Comorbid depression in schizophrenia is associated with poor outcome, increased risk of relapse and a high rate of suicide. Identification of depressive symptoms and their appropriate treatment is crucial for depressed schizophrenic patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the rates of antidepressant prescription and their outcomes. The records of the schizophrenic outpatients, who were consulted at Psychosis Unit of Psychiatry Department between January 2007 and September 2012, were evaluated retrospectively. Enrolled schizophrenic patients' antidepressant medications were at their minimal effective doses and effective duration. The present study demonstrates that 39 of the 101 patients during their follow-ups were prescribed antidepressants. The mean follow-up period was 6.3 (±4.2) years; the mean age at onset was 22 (±6.5) years; the mean duration of illness was 14.7 (±7.3) years and the mean number of psychotic exacerbation was 5 (±3.7). The most prescribed antidepressants were; sertraline (36.9%), venlefaxine (23.8%) and essitalopram (20.2%). SSRI's were prescribed 57 (73.1%), where as SNRI's 21 times (26.9%). There was no significant difference between SSRI (78.6%) and SNRI (21.4%) treatments in terms of psychotic exacerbation under antidepressant medication. Full remission of depressive symptoms was achieved in 21 patients (53.8%). Remission rates were significantly higher (p<0.01) in SNRI treated depressed schizophrenic patients (85.7%) compared to SSRI treated patients (50.9%). In 8 of the 39 patients (20.5%) antidepressant treatment was terminated due to side effects. This study demonstrates that SSRI's were more often prescribed compared to other classes of antidepressants in emerging depressive symptoms in schizophrenic patients despite full remission with SNRI's is more common. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:To compare the short and mid-term results of intraarticular triamcinolone hexacetonide and hyaluronic acid (HA) in knee osteoarthritis. A prospective randomized study including 40 patients in steroid and 42 patients in HA group. The outcome was evaluated with Knee Society Score (KSS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS).  > 0.05) after that score of steroid group deteriorated rapidly. At six months HA was significantly better than a steroid.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The HA seems to be better for pain relief and functionality in the short and mid-term periods." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:To compare the short and mid-term results of intraarticular triamcinolone hexacetonide and hyaluronic acid (HA) in knee osteoarthritis. A prospective randomized study including 40 patients in steroid and 42 patients in HA group. The outcome was evaluated with Knee Society Score (KSS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS).  > 0.05) after that score of steroid group deteriorated rapidly. At six months HA was significantly better than a steroid. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carriers import adenine nucleotides into the mitochondrial matrix and export phosphate to the cytosol. They are calcium-regulated to control the size of the matrix adenine nucleotide pool in response to cellular energetic demands. They consist of three domains: an N-terminal regulatory domain containing four calcium-binding EF-hands, a linker loop domain with an amphipathic α-helix and a C-terminal mitochondrial carrier domain for the transport of substrates. Here, we use thermostability assays to demonstrate that the carrier is regulated by calcium via a locking pin mechanism involving the amphipathic α-helix. When calcium levels in the intermembrane space are high, the N-terminus of the amphipathic α-helix is bound to a cleft in the regulatory domain, leading to substrate transport by the carrier domain.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "When calcium levels drop, the cleft closes, and the amphipathic α-helix is released to bind to the carrier domain via its C-terminus, locking the carrier in an inhibited state." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carriers import adenine nucleotides into the mitochondrial matrix and export phosphate to the cytosol. They are calcium-regulated to control the size of the matrix adenine nucleotide pool in response to cellular energetic demands. They consist of three domains: an N-terminal regulatory domain containing four calcium-binding EF-hands, a linker loop domain with an amphipathic α-helix and a C-terminal mitochondrial carrier domain for the transport of substrates. Here, we use thermostability assays to demonstrate that the carrier is regulated by calcium via a locking pin mechanism involving the amphipathic α-helix. When calcium levels in the intermembrane space are high, the N-terminus of the amphipathic α-helix is bound to a cleft in the regulatory domain, leading to substrate transport by the carrier domain. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process allows the trans-differentiation of a cell with epithelial features into a cell with mesenchymal characteristics. This process has been reported to be a key priming event for tumor development and therefore EMT activation is now considered an established trait of malignancy. The transcriptional and epigenetic reprogramming that governs EMT has been extensively characterized and reviewed in the last decade. However, increasing evidence demonstrates a correlation between metabolic reprogramming and EMT execution. The aim of the current review is to gather the recent findings that illustrate this correlation to help deciphering whether metabolic changes are causative or just a bystander effect of EMT activation. The review is divided accordingly to the catabolic and anabolic pathways that characterize carbohydrate, aminoacid, and lipid metabolism.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Moreover, at the end of each part, we have discussed a series of potential metabolic targets involved in EMT promotion and execution for which drugs are either available or that could be further investigated for therapeutic intervention." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process allows the trans-differentiation of a cell with epithelial features into a cell with mesenchymal characteristics. This process has been reported to be a key priming event for tumor development and therefore EMT activation is now considered an established trait of malignancy. The transcriptional and epigenetic reprogramming that governs EMT has been extensively characterized and reviewed in the last decade. However, increasing evidence demonstrates a correlation between metabolic reprogramming and EMT execution. The aim of the current review is to gather the recent findings that illustrate this correlation to help deciphering whether metabolic changes are causative or just a bystander effect of EMT activation. The review is divided accordingly to the catabolic and anabolic pathways that characterize carbohydrate, aminoacid, and lipid metabolism. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "with desirable cell stability, which is much higher than those previously reported." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:We provide empirical examples to conceptually clarify some items on Firestone & Scholl's (F&S's) checklist, and to explain perceptual effects from an attentional and memory perspective.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "We also note that action and embodied cognition studies seem to be most susceptible to misattributing attentional and memory effects as perceptual, and identify four characteristics unique to action studies and possibly responsible for misattributions." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:We provide empirical examples to conceptually clarify some items on Firestone & Scholl's (F&S's) checklist, and to explain perceptual effects from an attentional and memory perspective. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Many essential oils have been reported as natural sources of insect repellents; however, due to high volatility, they present low repellent effect. Formulation technique by using microencapsulation enables to control the volatility of essential oil and thereby extends the duration of repellency. In this study, the effectiveness of microencapsulated essential oils of Alpinia galanga, Citrus grandis and C. aurantifolia in the lotion formulations were evaluated against mosquito bites. Essential oils and N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) were encapsulated by using interfacial pre- cipitation techniques before incorporation into lotion base to form microencapsulated (ME) formulation. The pure essential oil and DEET were also prepared into lotion base to produce non-encapsulated (NE) formulation. All the prepared formulations were assessed for their repellent activity against Culex quinquefasciatus under laboratory condition. Field evaluations also were conducted in three different study sites in Peninsular Malaysia. In addi- tion, Citriodiol® (Mosiquard®) and citronella-based repellents (KAPS®, MozAway® and BioZ Natural®) were also included for comparison. In laboratory conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils showed no significant difference with regard to the duration of repellent effect compared to the microencapsulated DEET used at the highest con- centration (20%). It exhibited >98% repellent effect for duration of 4 h (p = 0.06). In the field conditions, these formulations demonstrated comparable repellent effect (100% for a duration of 3 h) to Citriodiol® based repellent (Mosiguard®) (p = 0.07). In both test conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils presented longer duration of 100% repellent effect (between 1 and 2 h) compared to NE formulations.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The findings of the study demonstrate that the application of the microencapsulation technique during the preparation of the formulations significantly increases the duration of the repellent effect of the essential oils, suggesting that the ME formulation of essential oils have potential to be commercialized as an alternative plant-based repellent in the market against the mosquitoes." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Many essential oils have been reported as natural sources of insect repellents; however, due to high volatility, they present low repellent effect. Formulation technique by using microencapsulation enables to control the volatility of essential oil and thereby extends the duration of repellency. In this study, the effectiveness of microencapsulated essential oils of Alpinia galanga, Citrus grandis and C. aurantifolia in the lotion formulations were evaluated against mosquito bites. Essential oils and N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) were encapsulated by using interfacial pre- cipitation techniques before incorporation into lotion base to form microencapsulated (ME) formulation. The pure essential oil and DEET were also prepared into lotion base to produce non-encapsulated (NE) formulation. All the prepared formulations were assessed for their repellent activity against Culex quinquefasciatus under laboratory condition. Field evaluations also were conducted in three different study sites in Peninsular Malaysia. In addi- tion, Citriodiol® (Mosiquard®) and citronella-based repellents (KAPS®, MozAway® and BioZ Natural®) were also included for comparison. In laboratory conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils showed no significant difference with regard to the duration of repellent effect compared to the microencapsulated DEET used at the highest con- centration (20%). It exhibited >98% repellent effect for duration of 4 h (p = 0.06). In the field conditions, these formulations demonstrated comparable repellent effect (100% for a duration of 3 h) to Citriodiol® based repellent (Mosiguard®) (p = 0.07). In both test conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils presented longer duration of 100% repellent effect (between 1 and 2 h) compared to NE formulations. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Cryopreservation and storage of culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is essential for a biobank to maintain a collection of cell lines for research and clinical use. Optimization of cryopreservation protocols and methods to minimize damage to cells during freezing and thawing is critical to ensure reliable availability of viable cells. Controlling the freezing rate and the use of appropriate cryoprotectant, as well as stable storage temperature, can minimize the negative effects on cell viability.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "In this chapter, protocols for cryopreserving MSCs are described." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Cryopreservation and storage of culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is essential for a biobank to maintain a collection of cell lines for research and clinical use. Optimization of cryopreservation protocols and methods to minimize damage to cells during freezing and thawing is critical to ensure reliable availability of viable cells. Controlling the freezing rate and the use of appropriate cryoprotectant, as well as stable storage temperature, can minimize the negative effects on cell viability. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) kills tumor cells through the synergistic effects of ultrasound (US) and a sonosensitizer agent. 5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) has been used as a sonodynamic sensitizer for cancer treatment. However, studies have shown that 5-ALA-based SDT has limited efficacy against malignant tumors. In this study, we examined whether artesunate (ART) could enhance the cytotoxicity of 5-ALA-based SDT against mouse mammary tumor (EMT-6) cells in vitro. In the ART, ART + US, ART + 5-ALA, and ART + 5-ALA + US groups, the cell survival rate correlated with ART concentration, and decreased with increasing concentrations of ART. Morphologically, many apoptotic and necrotic cells were observed in the ART + 5-ALA + US group. The percentage of reactive oxygen species-positive cells in the ART + 5-ALA + US group was also significantly higher than that in the 5-ALA group (p = 0.0228), and the cell death induced by ART + 5-ALA + US could be inhibited by the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. These results show that ART offers great potential in enhancing the efficacy of 5-ALA-based SDT for the treatment of cancer.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "However, these results are only based on in vitro studies, and further in vivo studies are required." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) kills tumor cells through the synergistic effects of ultrasound (US) and a sonosensitizer agent. 5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) has been used as a sonodynamic sensitizer for cancer treatment. However, studies have shown that 5-ALA-based SDT has limited efficacy against malignant tumors. In this study, we examined whether artesunate (ART) could enhance the cytotoxicity of 5-ALA-based SDT against mouse mammary tumor (EMT-6) cells in vitro. In the ART, ART + US, ART + 5-ALA, and ART + 5-ALA + US groups, the cell survival rate correlated with ART concentration, and decreased with increasing concentrations of ART. Morphologically, many apoptotic and necrotic cells were observed in the ART + 5-ALA + US group. The percentage of reactive oxygen species-positive cells in the ART + 5-ALA + US group was also significantly higher than that in the 5-ALA group (p = 0.0228), and the cell death induced by ART + 5-ALA + US could be inhibited by the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. These results show that ART offers great potential in enhancing the efficacy of 5-ALA-based SDT for the treatment of cancer. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:H-NMR and/or mass spectrometry to analyze plasma, serum, and/or urine in a targeted or untargeted fashion. Three are diagnostic studies, and one investigates prognostic biomarkers of stroke recurrence following transient ischemic attack. Two studies focus on metabolic distinguishers of depression or cognitive impairment following stroke. Identified biomarkers from blood and urine predominantly relate to homocysteine and folate, branched chain amino acid, and lipid metabolism.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Statistical models are well fitted and reproducible, with excellent validation outcomes, demonstrating the feasibility of metabolic profiling to study a complex disorder with multicausal pathology, such as stroke." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:H-NMR and/or mass spectrometry to analyze plasma, serum, and/or urine in a targeted or untargeted fashion. Three are diagnostic studies, and one investigates prognostic biomarkers of stroke recurrence following transient ischemic attack. Two studies focus on metabolic distinguishers of depression or cognitive impairment following stroke. Identified biomarkers from blood and urine predominantly relate to homocysteine and folate, branched chain amino acid, and lipid metabolism. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) represents a significant risk factor for dementia but there are only a few Italian population studies on its prevalence and its rate of conversion to dementia. Aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of MCI, its subtypes, and rates of conversion to dementia 1 year later in an elderly Italian population. The data are based on an Italian multicenter population-based cohort study with both cross-sectional and longitudinal components. Two thousand three hundred thirty-seven individuals over 65 underwent screening, clinical confirmation and 1-year follow-up. The prevalence of MCI was 21.6% and the amnestic multiple domain was the most frequent subtype (63.2%). The conversion rate to dementia was 4.1% and was found only in the amnestic multiple domain and in the unclassifiable subjects, persons with cognitive deficit but neither demented nor with MCI. The prevalence of MCI in this population sample was similar to that found in other population studies using Petersen's modified MCI criteria as well as his original criteria. With regard to conversion to dementia, our results emphasize the importance to better classify the unclassifiable subjects at high risk of progression to dementia and also at risk of being undiagnosed and untreated. MCI is characterized by extreme variability and instability.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Data on the prevalence and the rate of conversion from MCI to dementia are difficult to compare given the important differences from study to study especially with regard to the diagnostic criteria utilized and their operationalization." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) represents a significant risk factor for dementia but there are only a few Italian population studies on its prevalence and its rate of conversion to dementia. Aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of MCI, its subtypes, and rates of conversion to dementia 1 year later in an elderly Italian population. The data are based on an Italian multicenter population-based cohort study with both cross-sectional and longitudinal components. Two thousand three hundred thirty-seven individuals over 65 underwent screening, clinical confirmation and 1-year follow-up. The prevalence of MCI was 21.6% and the amnestic multiple domain was the most frequent subtype (63.2%). The conversion rate to dementia was 4.1% and was found only in the amnestic multiple domain and in the unclassifiable subjects, persons with cognitive deficit but neither demented nor with MCI. The prevalence of MCI in this population sample was similar to that found in other population studies using Petersen's modified MCI criteria as well as his original criteria. With regard to conversion to dementia, our results emphasize the importance to better classify the unclassifiable subjects at high risk of progression to dementia and also at risk of being undiagnosed and untreated. MCI is characterized by extreme variability and instability. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Previous research has indicated that raw meats are frequently contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus , but data regarding the pooled prevalence rates of S. aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) contamination in different types of raw meat products (beef, chicken, and pork) and across different periods, regions, and purchase locations remain inconsistent. We systematically searched the PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid, Web of Science, and HighWire databases to identify studies published up to June 2016. The STROBE guidelines were used to assess the quality of the 39 studies included in this meta-analysis. We observed no significant differences in the pooled prevalence rates of S. aureus and MRSA contamination identified in various raw meat products, with overall pooled prevalence rates of 29.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.8 to 35.9%) and 3.2% (95% CI, 1.8 to 4.9%) identified for the two contaminants, respectively. In the subgroup analyses, the prevalence of S. aureus contamination in chicken products was highest in Asian studies and significantly decreased over time worldwide. In European studies, the prevalence rates of S. aureus contamination in chicken and pork products were lower than those reported on other continents. The pooled prevalence rates of S. aureus contamination in chicken and pork products and MRSA contamination in beef and pork products were significantly higher in samples collected from retail sources than in samples collected from slaughterhouses and processing plants. These results highlight the need for good hygiene during transportation to and manipulation at retail outlets to reduce the risk of transmission of S.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "aureus and MRSA from meat products to humans." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Previous research has indicated that raw meats are frequently contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus , but data regarding the pooled prevalence rates of S. aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) contamination in different types of raw meat products (beef, chicken, and pork) and across different periods, regions, and purchase locations remain inconsistent. We systematically searched the PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid, Web of Science, and HighWire databases to identify studies published up to June 2016. The STROBE guidelines were used to assess the quality of the 39 studies included in this meta-analysis. We observed no significant differences in the pooled prevalence rates of S. aureus and MRSA contamination identified in various raw meat products, with overall pooled prevalence rates of 29.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.8 to 35.9%) and 3.2% (95% CI, 1.8 to 4.9%) identified for the two contaminants, respectively. In the subgroup analyses, the prevalence of S. aureus contamination in chicken products was highest in Asian studies and significantly decreased over time worldwide. In European studies, the prevalence rates of S. aureus contamination in chicken and pork products were lower than those reported on other continents. The pooled prevalence rates of S. aureus contamination in chicken and pork products and MRSA contamination in beef and pork products were significantly higher in samples collected from retail sources than in samples collected from slaughterhouses and processing plants. These results highlight the need for good hygiene during transportation to and manipulation at retail outlets to reduce the risk of transmission of S. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput: = 65%; P < 0.0001). The oncological results of SILS for colorectal cancer were satisfactory, as demonstrated by similar average lymph node retrieval (P = 0.72) and adequate resection margins (negative in all cases) compared to those obtained with LCS. Nevertheless, there are currently no available long-term follow-up data comparing the survival rates and local recurrence between both approaches. Insufficient data were available for evaluating long-term incisional hernia rates, and other potential benefits associated with colorectal SILS (cosmesis, postoperative pain) remain to be objectively proved.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "To date there is insufficient evidence to recommend widespread use of SILS instead of LCS for colorectal surgery." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: = 65%; P < 0.0001). The oncological results of SILS for colorectal cancer were satisfactory, as demonstrated by similar average lymph node retrieval (P = 0.72) and adequate resection margins (negative in all cases) compared to those obtained with LCS. Nevertheless, there are currently no available long-term follow-up data comparing the survival rates and local recurrence between both approaches. Insufficient data were available for evaluating long-term incisional hernia rates, and other potential benefits associated with colorectal SILS (cosmesis, postoperative pain) remain to be objectively proved. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are clonal stem cell disorders marked by bone marrow failure with varying degrees of cytopenias. MDS are characterized by the accumulation of complex genetic alterations that influence disease pathogenesis and outcomes. Given the heterogeneity of MDS patients, multiple prognostic scoring systems have been developed to predict patient outcomes. Most focus primarily on untreated patients in whom outcomes are predicted accurately only at diagnosis; their application dynamically, during the disease course and especially after hypomethylating agent (HMA) failure, may not be accurate.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "In this focused review, we discuss the utility of established MDS prognostic models and a novel tool at the time of HMA failure, along with the strengths and limitations of each." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are clonal stem cell disorders marked by bone marrow failure with varying degrees of cytopenias. MDS are characterized by the accumulation of complex genetic alterations that influence disease pathogenesis and outcomes. Given the heterogeneity of MDS patients, multiple prognostic scoring systems have been developed to predict patient outcomes. Most focus primarily on untreated patients in whom outcomes are predicted accurately only at diagnosis; their application dynamically, during the disease course and especially after hypomethylating agent (HMA) failure, may not be accurate. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Gastric cancer is one of the most common human malignant neoplasms, especially in China, its regulatory mechanism is important to develop new therapy approaches. miRNAs have been demonstrated to regulate gastric cancer progression. We found miR-532 was overexpressed in gastric cancer tissues and cells. Wound healing and transwell assay revealed that its overexpression promoted gastric cancer cell migration and invasion, its knockdown inhibited gastric cancer cell migration and invasion. Wnt/β-catenin antagonist naked cuticle homolog 1 (NKD1) was the target of miR-532, miR-532 inhibited NKD1 expression. TOP/FOP luciferase activity analysis suggested miR-532 also increased Wnt/β-catenin pathway activity. Overexpression miR-532 and NKD1 inhibited gastric cancer cell migration and invasion, consistent with miR-532 knockdown. These findings revealed miR-532 promoted gastric cancer cell migration and invasion through inhibiting NKD1 and activated Wnt/β-catenin pathway.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "We provide a potential target for gastric cancer therapy." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Gastric cancer is one of the most common human malignant neoplasms, especially in China, its regulatory mechanism is important to develop new therapy approaches. miRNAs have been demonstrated to regulate gastric cancer progression. We found miR-532 was overexpressed in gastric cancer tissues and cells. Wound healing and transwell assay revealed that its overexpression promoted gastric cancer cell migration and invasion, its knockdown inhibited gastric cancer cell migration and invasion. Wnt/β-catenin antagonist naked cuticle homolog 1 (NKD1) was the target of miR-532, miR-532 inhibited NKD1 expression. TOP/FOP luciferase activity analysis suggested miR-532 also increased Wnt/β-catenin pathway activity. Overexpression miR-532 and NKD1 inhibited gastric cancer cell migration and invasion, consistent with miR-532 knockdown. These findings revealed miR-532 promoted gastric cancer cell migration and invasion through inhibiting NKD1 and activated Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:To evaluate the effect of catheter ablation vs. direct current synchronized cardioversion (DCC) in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) and left ventricular systolic dysfunction, and to define baseline features of patients that will get more benefit from ablation. From July 2013 to October 2014, 97 consecutive single-center patients with persistent AF and symptomatic heart failure (left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <50%) underwent DCC followed by amiodarone (n = 40) or circumferential pulmonary vein isolation (PVI; n = 57) according to patient's preference were recruited in the study. Post-ablation recurrence was treated with atrial roof and mitral isthmus lines ablation with or without PVI based on restoration or not of pulmonary vein (PV) potential conduction. Study outcomes were 12-month rate of sustained sinus rhythm (SR) and cardiac function. Baseline characteristics were compared between patients with and without cardiac function improvement post ablation. With similarly distributed characteristics at baseline, ablation (mean 1.8 procedures) relative to DCC yielded significantly higher level of 12-month SR maintenance rate (68.42% vs. 35%, P = 0.001); and better LVEF and New York Heart Association class. with significant effect for DCC only in maintained SR cases. Post ablation LVEF increased (>20% or to over 55%) in 31 (54.39%) patients with worse baseline cardiac function and ventricular rate control. Catheter ablation relative to cardioversion of persistent AF with symptomatic heart failure yielded better 12-month SR maintenance and cardiac function.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Compared with non-responders, patients with improved LVEF post-ablation had poorer ventricular rate control and cardiac function at baseline, suggesting a significant component of tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy in this group." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:To evaluate the effect of catheter ablation vs. direct current synchronized cardioversion (DCC) in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) and left ventricular systolic dysfunction, and to define baseline features of patients that will get more benefit from ablation. From July 2013 to October 2014, 97 consecutive single-center patients with persistent AF and symptomatic heart failure (left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <50%) underwent DCC followed by amiodarone (n = 40) or circumferential pulmonary vein isolation (PVI; n = 57) according to patient's preference were recruited in the study. Post-ablation recurrence was treated with atrial roof and mitral isthmus lines ablation with or without PVI based on restoration or not of pulmonary vein (PV) potential conduction. Study outcomes were 12-month rate of sustained sinus rhythm (SR) and cardiac function. Baseline characteristics were compared between patients with and without cardiac function improvement post ablation. With similarly distributed characteristics at baseline, ablation (mean 1.8 procedures) relative to DCC yielded significantly higher level of 12-month SR maintenance rate (68.42% vs. 35%, P = 0.001); and better LVEF and New York Heart Association class. with significant effect for DCC only in maintained SR cases. Post ablation LVEF increased (>20% or to over 55%) in 31 (54.39%) patients with worse baseline cardiac function and ventricular rate control. Catheter ablation relative to cardioversion of persistent AF with symptomatic heart failure yielded better 12-month SR maintenance and cardiac function. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Substance use treatment is often performed inside locked wards. We investigate the effects of adopting a policy of open-door treatment for a substance use treatment and dual diagnosis ward. This is a prospective open-label study investigating 3-month study periods before opening (P1), immediately after (P2), and 1 year after the first period (P3). Data on committed patients, coercion (seclusion, forced medication, absconding events with subsequent police search), violence, and substance use was collected daily. We applied generalised estimating equation models. The mean daily number of patients with ongoing commitment changed from 2.64 (P1) to 2.12 (P2) to 0.96 (P3), corresponding to a reduction of relative risk (RR) for having an ongoing commitment by 20% in P2 (RR 0.80; 95% CI 0.66-0.98) and 67% in P3 (RR 0.33; 95% CI 0.25-0.42). The mean daily number of coercive events was 0.29, 0.13, and 0.05, corresponding to a risk for undergoing coercive measures reduced by 56% (RR 0.44; 95% CI 0.22-0.90) and 85% (RR 0.15; 95% CI 0.05-0.45). Substance use, violence or ward atmosphere did not differ significantly. Our results support findings from general psychiatric wards of reduced coercion after adopting a primarily open-door policy. However, coercive events were rare during all periods.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The widespread practice of restricting the freedom of inpatients with substance use disorders by locking ward doors is highly questionable." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Substance use treatment is often performed inside locked wards. We investigate the effects of adopting a policy of open-door treatment for a substance use treatment and dual diagnosis ward. This is a prospective open-label study investigating 3-month study periods before opening (P1), immediately after (P2), and 1 year after the first period (P3). Data on committed patients, coercion (seclusion, forced medication, absconding events with subsequent police search), violence, and substance use was collected daily. We applied generalised estimating equation models. The mean daily number of patients with ongoing commitment changed from 2.64 (P1) to 2.12 (P2) to 0.96 (P3), corresponding to a reduction of relative risk (RR) for having an ongoing commitment by 20% in P2 (RR 0.80; 95% CI 0.66-0.98) and 67% in P3 (RR 0.33; 95% CI 0.25-0.42). The mean daily number of coercive events was 0.29, 0.13, and 0.05, corresponding to a risk for undergoing coercive measures reduced by 56% (RR 0.44; 95% CI 0.22-0.90) and 85% (RR 0.15; 95% CI 0.05-0.45). Substance use, violence or ward atmosphere did not differ significantly. Our results support findings from general psychiatric wards of reduced coercion after adopting a primarily open-door policy. However, coercive events were rare during all periods. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:While combinational diagnostic and treatment strategies over the past decades have significantly improved the overall survival of cancer patients, metastatic cancer remains a leading cause of death in developed countries. The lack of successful treatment strategies for the disease is in large part due to the complexity of the metastatic transformation, which embodies extensive cellular and extracellular alterations, enabling metastatic cancer cells to reach and colonize other organs. The mode of action for the majority of anti-cancer drugs used in clinics today is primarily tumor growth inhibition. While they are effective in destroying cancer cells, they fall short in blocking metastasis.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Here we discuss the evolution of past and current anti-cancer drug development, the limits of current strategies, and possible alternative approaches for future drug development against metastatic cancers." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:While combinational diagnostic and treatment strategies over the past decades have significantly improved the overall survival of cancer patients, metastatic cancer remains a leading cause of death in developed countries. The lack of successful treatment strategies for the disease is in large part due to the complexity of the metastatic transformation, which embodies extensive cellular and extracellular alterations, enabling metastatic cancer cells to reach and colonize other organs. The mode of action for the majority of anti-cancer drugs used in clinics today is primarily tumor growth inhibition. While they are effective in destroying cancer cells, they fall short in blocking metastasis. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:To evaluate the differences between endoscopic nipple sparing mastectomy (ENSM) with immediate implant-based reconstruction and breast conserving surgery(BCS) applied to early-stage breast cancer in postoperative outcomes, function, and cosmesis. we made a prospective, non-randomized study reviewed a total of 346 cases of breast cancer from January 2007 to December 2011, including 189 cases of BCS and 157 cases of ENSM. All the patients were followed up to April 2016, with a median follow-up time of 74 months. The operative time, blood loss and drainage, postoperative complications, postoperative cosmesis, local recurrence rate, disease-free survival rate and overall survival rate of the two groups were compared. we found out that the operative time of ENSM was longer than that of BCS. There was no difference in blood loss and drainage, the postoperative complications, the disease-free survival rate and overall survival rate between the two groups. In regarding to cosmesis, patients in the ENSM group were more likely to get a satisfactory postoperative breast appearance. we reached a conclusion that ENSM is a safe and effective operative method retainingadvantages of TSSM to further improve the postoperative cosmetic effect, without increasing other risks.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The surgery provides a new choice for patients with early-stage breast cancer." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:To evaluate the differences between endoscopic nipple sparing mastectomy (ENSM) with immediate implant-based reconstruction and breast conserving surgery(BCS) applied to early-stage breast cancer in postoperative outcomes, function, and cosmesis. we made a prospective, non-randomized study reviewed a total of 346 cases of breast cancer from January 2007 to December 2011, including 189 cases of BCS and 157 cases of ENSM. All the patients were followed up to April 2016, with a median follow-up time of 74 months. The operative time, blood loss and drainage, postoperative complications, postoperative cosmesis, local recurrence rate, disease-free survival rate and overall survival rate of the two groups were compared. we found out that the operative time of ENSM was longer than that of BCS. There was no difference in blood loss and drainage, the postoperative complications, the disease-free survival rate and overall survival rate between the two groups. In regarding to cosmesis, patients in the ENSM group were more likely to get a satisfactory postoperative breast appearance. we reached a conclusion that ENSM is a safe and effective operative method retainingadvantages of TSSM to further improve the postoperative cosmetic effect, without increasing other risks. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:It is well established that somatic genomic changes can influence phenotypes in cancer, but the role of adaptive changes in developmental disorders is less well understood. Here we have used next-generation sequencing approaches to identify de novo heterozygous mutations in sterile α motif domain-containing protein 9 (SAMD9, located on chromosome 7q21.2) in 8 children with a multisystem disorder termed MIRAGE syndrome that is characterized by intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with gonadal, adrenal, and bone marrow failure, predisposition to infections, and high mortality. These mutations result in gain of function of the growth repressor product SAMD9. Progressive loss of mutated SAMD9 through the development of monosomy 7 (-7), deletions of 7q (7q-), and secondary somatic loss-of-function (nonsense and frameshift) mutations in SAMD9 rescued the growth-restricting effects of mutant SAMD9 proteins in bone marrow and was associated with increased length of survival. However, 2 patients with -7 and 7q- developed myelodysplastic syndrome, most likely due to haploinsufficiency of related 7q21.2 genes. Taken together, these findings provide strong evidence that progressive somatic changes can occur in specific tissues and can subsequently modify disease phenotype and influence survival.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Such tissue-specific adaptability may be a more common mechanism modifying the expression of human genetic conditions than is currently recognized." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:It is well established that somatic genomic changes can influence phenotypes in cancer, but the role of adaptive changes in developmental disorders is less well understood. Here we have used next-generation sequencing approaches to identify de novo heterozygous mutations in sterile α motif domain-containing protein 9 (SAMD9, located on chromosome 7q21.2) in 8 children with a multisystem disorder termed MIRAGE syndrome that is characterized by intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with gonadal, adrenal, and bone marrow failure, predisposition to infections, and high mortality. These mutations result in gain of function of the growth repressor product SAMD9. Progressive loss of mutated SAMD9 through the development of monosomy 7 (-7), deletions of 7q (7q-), and secondary somatic loss-of-function (nonsense and frameshift) mutations in SAMD9 rescued the growth-restricting effects of mutant SAMD9 proteins in bone marrow and was associated with increased length of survival. However, 2 patients with -7 and 7q- developed myelodysplastic syndrome, most likely due to haploinsufficiency of related 7q21.2 genes. Taken together, these findings provide strong evidence that progressive somatic changes can occur in specific tissues and can subsequently modify disease phenotype and influence survival. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "P(A-a)O(2, )ALB, LDH, N and CD4(+) T lymphocyte count are independent risk factors to predict short-term prognosis in these patients.The short-term prognostic model based on independent risk factors is useful in guiding clinical treatment." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Myeloperoxidase (MPO) plays important roles in various diseases through its unique chlorinating activity to catalyze excess hypochlorous acid (HOCl) formation. Epidemiological studies indicate an inverse correlation between plant polyphenol consumption and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Here we showed that (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main flavonoid present in green tea, dose-dependently inhibited MPO-mediated HOCl formation in vitro (chlorinating activities of MPO: 50.2 ± 5.7% for 20 μM EGCG versus 100 ± 5.6% for control, P < 0.01). UV-vis spectral and docking studies indicated that EGCG bound to the active site (heme) of MPO and resulted in the accumulation of compound II, which was unable to produce HOCl. This flavonoid also effectively inhibited HOCl generation in activated neutrophils (HOCl formation: 65.0 ± 5.6% for 20 μM EGCG versus 100 ± 6.2% for control, P < 0.01) without influencing MPO and Nox2 release and superoxide formation, suggesting that EGCG specifically inhibited MPO but not NADPH oxidase activity in activated neutrophils. Moreover, EGCG inhibited MPO (or neutrophil)-mediated HOCl formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) culture and accordingly protected HUVEC from MPO (or neutrophil)-induced injury (P < 0.05, all cases), although it did not induce cytotoxicity to HUVEC (P > 0.05, all cases).\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Our results indicate that dietary EGCG is an effective and specific inhibitor of MPO activity and may participate in the regulation of immune responses at inflammatory sites." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Myeloperoxidase (MPO) plays important roles in various diseases through its unique chlorinating activity to catalyze excess hypochlorous acid (HOCl) formation. Epidemiological studies indicate an inverse correlation between plant polyphenol consumption and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Here we showed that (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main flavonoid present in green tea, dose-dependently inhibited MPO-mediated HOCl formation in vitro (chlorinating activities of MPO: 50.2 ± 5.7% for 20 μM EGCG versus 100 ± 5.6% for control, P < 0.01). UV-vis spectral and docking studies indicated that EGCG bound to the active site (heme) of MPO and resulted in the accumulation of compound II, which was unable to produce HOCl. This flavonoid also effectively inhibited HOCl generation in activated neutrophils (HOCl formation: 65.0 ± 5.6% for 20 μM EGCG versus 100 ± 6.2% for control, P < 0.01) without influencing MPO and Nox2 release and superoxide formation, suggesting that EGCG specifically inhibited MPO but not NADPH oxidase activity in activated neutrophils. Moreover, EGCG inhibited MPO (or neutrophil)-mediated HOCl formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) culture and accordingly protected HUVEC from MPO (or neutrophil)-induced injury (P < 0.05, all cases), although it did not induce cytotoxicity to HUVEC (P > 0.05, all cases). Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Theories of psychosocial working conditions assume an interaction of different work environment characteristics. Most studies detail various aspects of such interactions, while fewer investigate the comprehensive patterns of interrelated variables. This exploratory study distinguishes patterns of psychosocial working conditions, describes their characteristics, and investigates their change over 6 years. The working conditions of 1,744 high-skilled workers in Sweden, of a representative sample of the working population, were empirically classified into 4 distinct patterns: (a) the Supporting pattern with a very low workload, very low time pressure, medium learning opportunities, high creativity requirements, and very high autonomy; (b) the Constraining pattern with a very low workload, very low time pressure, low learning opportunities, medium creativity requirements, and very low autonomy; (c) the Demanding pattern with a high workload, high time pressure, medium learning opportunities, high creativity requirements, and very low autonomy; and (d) the Challenging pattern with a high workload, high time pressure, very high learning opportunities, very high creativity requirements, and very high autonomy. Importantly, these patterns were associated with significant differences in worker well-being. From an individual perspective, working conditions most often changed from patterns with a high workload and time pressure to patterns with lower levels of these demands. Over time, the prevalence of the Constraining pattern increased while that of the Challenging pattern decreased. To conclude, a person-centered approach broadens the understanding of the complex interplay between psychosocial working conditions and their longitudinal change, which can improve the tailoring of occupational health interventions.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "(PsycINFO Database Record" } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Theories of psychosocial working conditions assume an interaction of different work environment characteristics. Most studies detail various aspects of such interactions, while fewer investigate the comprehensive patterns of interrelated variables. This exploratory study distinguishes patterns of psychosocial working conditions, describes their characteristics, and investigates their change over 6 years. The working conditions of 1,744 high-skilled workers in Sweden, of a representative sample of the working population, were empirically classified into 4 distinct patterns: (a) the Supporting pattern with a very low workload, very low time pressure, medium learning opportunities, high creativity requirements, and very high autonomy; (b) the Constraining pattern with a very low workload, very low time pressure, low learning opportunities, medium creativity requirements, and very low autonomy; (c) the Demanding pattern with a high workload, high time pressure, medium learning opportunities, high creativity requirements, and very low autonomy; and (d) the Challenging pattern with a high workload, high time pressure, very high learning opportunities, very high creativity requirements, and very high autonomy. Importantly, these patterns were associated with significant differences in worker well-being. From an individual perspective, working conditions most often changed from patterns with a high workload and time pressure to patterns with lower levels of these demands. Over time, the prevalence of the Constraining pattern increased while that of the Challenging pattern decreased. To conclude, a person-centered approach broadens the understanding of the complex interplay between psychosocial working conditions and their longitudinal change, which can improve the tailoring of occupational health interventions. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Patients with diabetic nephropathy and unprotected left main (LM) coronary artery disease suffer from high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Although surgical revascularization is currently recommended in this special patient population, the optimal revascularization method for this distinct patient group has remained unclear. . The baseline characteristics, angiographic results and long-term clinical outcomes were retrospectively analyzed. The baseline characteristic of all patients were similar except for smokers, low density lipoprotein (LDL) level and extension of coronary artery disease involvement. The median follow-up period was 3.8 years. There were 73 patients (74%) considered as high risk with additive European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) ≥ 6. During follow-up period, the long term rate of all-cause death (PCI vs. CABG: 45.7% vs. 58.5%, p = 0.20) and all-cause death/myocardial infarction (MI)/stroke (PCI vs. CABG: 52.2% vs. 60.4%, p = 0.41) were comparable between the PCI and CABG group, whereas the repeat revascularization rate was significantly higher in the PCI group (PCI vs. CABG: 32.6% vs. 9.4%, p < 0.01). eGFR remained an independent predictor for all-cause death [hazard ratio: 0.97, 95% confidence interval: 0.96 to 0.99; p = 0.002] in multivariate logistic regression. In the real-world practice of high-risk patients with unprotected LM disease and diabetic nephropathy, we found that PCI was a comparable alternative to CABG in terms of long-term risks of all-cause death/MI/stroke, with significantly higher repeat revascularization rate.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Given the small patient number and retrospective nature, our findings should be validated by larger-scale randomized studies." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Patients with diabetic nephropathy and unprotected left main (LM) coronary artery disease suffer from high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Although surgical revascularization is currently recommended in this special patient population, the optimal revascularization method for this distinct patient group has remained unclear. . The baseline characteristics, angiographic results and long-term clinical outcomes were retrospectively analyzed. The baseline characteristic of all patients were similar except for smokers, low density lipoprotein (LDL) level and extension of coronary artery disease involvement. The median follow-up period was 3.8 years. There were 73 patients (74%) considered as high risk with additive European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) ≥ 6. During follow-up period, the long term rate of all-cause death (PCI vs. CABG: 45.7% vs. 58.5%, p = 0.20) and all-cause death/myocardial infarction (MI)/stroke (PCI vs. CABG: 52.2% vs. 60.4%, p = 0.41) were comparable between the PCI and CABG group, whereas the repeat revascularization rate was significantly higher in the PCI group (PCI vs. CABG: 32.6% vs. 9.4%, p < 0.01). eGFR remained an independent predictor for all-cause death [hazard ratio: 0.97, 95% confidence interval: 0.96 to 0.99; p = 0.002] in multivariate logistic regression. In the real-world practice of high-risk patients with unprotected LM disease and diabetic nephropathy, we found that PCI was a comparable alternative to CABG in terms of long-term risks of all-cause death/MI/stroke, with significantly higher repeat revascularization rate. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Abiraterone acetate combined with prednisone improves survival in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients. This oral anticancer agent may result in drug-drug interactions (DDI). We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of DDI with abiraterone and the possible determinants for the occurrence of these DDI. We performed a single centre retrospective review from electronic medical records of mCRPC patients treated with abiraterone from 2011 to 2015. Potential DDI with abiraterone were identified using Micromedex and were categorized by a 4-point scale severity. Seventy-two out of ninety-five mCRPC pts (median age: 77 years [68-82]) had comorbidities. The median number of drugs used per patient was 7 [5-9]. 66 potential DDI with abiraterone were detected in 49 patients (52%): 39 and 61% were classified as major and moderate DDI, respectively. In the univariate analysis, pain (p < 0.0001), hypo-albuminemia (p = 0.032), and higher ECOG performance status (PS) (p = 0.013) were significantly associated with a higher risk of DDI with abiraterone. Pain (p < 0.0001) and PS (p = 0.018) remained significant in the multivariate analysis. Polypharmacy is an issue among mCRPC patients. In our study, half of the patients have potential DDI with abiraterone. Patients with pain and poor PS are at higher risk of DDI with abiraterone.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "A medication review by a pharmacist is of crucial importance to prevent DDI with abiraterone." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Abiraterone acetate combined with prednisone improves survival in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients. This oral anticancer agent may result in drug-drug interactions (DDI). We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of DDI with abiraterone and the possible determinants for the occurrence of these DDI. We performed a single centre retrospective review from electronic medical records of mCRPC patients treated with abiraterone from 2011 to 2015. Potential DDI with abiraterone were identified using Micromedex and were categorized by a 4-point scale severity. Seventy-two out of ninety-five mCRPC pts (median age: 77 years [68-82]) had comorbidities. The median number of drugs used per patient was 7 [5-9]. 66 potential DDI with abiraterone were detected in 49 patients (52%): 39 and 61% were classified as major and moderate DDI, respectively. In the univariate analysis, pain (p < 0.0001), hypo-albuminemia (p = 0.032), and higher ECOG performance status (PS) (p = 0.013) were significantly associated with a higher risk of DDI with abiraterone. Pain (p < 0.0001) and PS (p = 0.018) remained significant in the multivariate analysis. Polypharmacy is an issue among mCRPC patients. In our study, half of the patients have potential DDI with abiraterone. Patients with pain and poor PS are at higher risk of DDI with abiraterone. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) injury and apoptosis are prominent pathological features of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). There is evidence of AEC plasticity in lung injury repair response and in IPF. In this report, we explore the role of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signaling in determining the fate of lung epithelial cells in response to transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). Rat type II alveolar epithelial cells (RLE-6TN) were treated with or without TGF-β1, and the expressions of mesenchymal markers, phenotype, and function were analyzed. Pharmacological protein kinase inhibitors were utilized to screen for SMAD-dependent and -independent pathways. SMAD and FAK signaling was analyzed using siRNA knockdown, inhibitors, and expression of a mutant construct of FAK. Apoptosis was measured using cleaved caspase-3 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. TGF-β1 induced the acquisition of mesenchymal markers, including α-smooth muscle actin, in RLE-6TN cells and enhanced the contraction of three-dimensional collagen gels. This phenotypical transition or plasticity, epithelial-myofibroblast plasticity (EMP), is dependent on SMAD3 and FAK signaling. FAK activation was found to be dependent on ALK5/SMAD3 signaling. We observed that TGF-β1 induces both EMP and apoptosis in the same cell culture system but not in the same cell. While blockade of SMAD signaling inhibited EMP, it had a minimal effect on apoptosis; in contrast, inhibition of FAK signaling markedly shifted to an apoptotic fate. The data support that FAK activation determines whether AECs undergo EMP vs. apoptosis in response to TGF-β1 stimulation.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "TGF-β1-induced EMP is FAK- dependent, whereas TGF-β1-induced apoptosis is favored when FAK signaling is inhibited." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) injury and apoptosis are prominent pathological features of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). There is evidence of AEC plasticity in lung injury repair response and in IPF. In this report, we explore the role of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signaling in determining the fate of lung epithelial cells in response to transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). Rat type II alveolar epithelial cells (RLE-6TN) were treated with or without TGF-β1, and the expressions of mesenchymal markers, phenotype, and function were analyzed. Pharmacological protein kinase inhibitors were utilized to screen for SMAD-dependent and -independent pathways. SMAD and FAK signaling was analyzed using siRNA knockdown, inhibitors, and expression of a mutant construct of FAK. Apoptosis was measured using cleaved caspase-3 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. TGF-β1 induced the acquisition of mesenchymal markers, including α-smooth muscle actin, in RLE-6TN cells and enhanced the contraction of three-dimensional collagen gels. This phenotypical transition or plasticity, epithelial-myofibroblast plasticity (EMP), is dependent on SMAD3 and FAK signaling. FAK activation was found to be dependent on ALK5/SMAD3 signaling. We observed that TGF-β1 induces both EMP and apoptosis in the same cell culture system but not in the same cell. While blockade of SMAD signaling inhibited EMP, it had a minimal effect on apoptosis; in contrast, inhibition of FAK signaling markedly shifted to an apoptotic fate. The data support that FAK activation determines whether AECs undergo EMP vs. apoptosis in response to TGF-β1 stimulation. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Studies in freshwater ecosystems are seeking to improve understanding of carbon flow in food webs and stable isotopes have been influential in this work. However, variation in isotopic values of basal production sources could either be an asset or a hindrance depending on study objectives. We assessed the potential for basin geology and local limnological conditions to predict stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of six carbon sources at multiple locations in four Neotropical floodplain ecosystems (Paraná, Pantanal, Araguaia, and Amazon). Limnological conditions exhibited greater variation within than among systems. δ15N differed among basins for most carbon sources, but δ13C did not (though high within-basin variability for periphyton, phytoplankton and particulate organic carbon was observed). Although δ13C and δ15N values exhibited significant correlations with some limnological factors within and among basins, those relationships differed among carbon sources. Regression trees for both carbon and nitrogen isotopes for all sources depicted complex and in some cases nested relationships, and only very limited similarity was observed among trees for different carbon sources. Although limnological conditions predicted variation in isotope values of carbon sources, we suggest the resulting models were too complex to enable mathematical corrections of source isotope values among sites based on these parameters.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The importance of local conditions in determining variation in source isotope values suggest that isotopes may be useful for examining habitat use, dispersal and patch dynamics within heterogeneous floodplain ecosystems, but spatial variability in isotope values needs to be explicitly considered when testing ecosystem models of carbon flow in these systems." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Studies in freshwater ecosystems are seeking to improve understanding of carbon flow in food webs and stable isotopes have been influential in this work. However, variation in isotopic values of basal production sources could either be an asset or a hindrance depending on study objectives. We assessed the potential for basin geology and local limnological conditions to predict stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of six carbon sources at multiple locations in four Neotropical floodplain ecosystems (Paraná, Pantanal, Araguaia, and Amazon). Limnological conditions exhibited greater variation within than among systems. δ15N differed among basins for most carbon sources, but δ13C did not (though high within-basin variability for periphyton, phytoplankton and particulate organic carbon was observed). Although δ13C and δ15N values exhibited significant correlations with some limnological factors within and among basins, those relationships differed among carbon sources. Regression trees for both carbon and nitrogen isotopes for all sources depicted complex and in some cases nested relationships, and only very limited similarity was observed among trees for different carbon sources. Although limnological conditions predicted variation in isotope values of carbon sources, we suggest the resulting models were too complex to enable mathematical corrections of source isotope values among sites based on these parameters. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Limb amputation in the newt induces myofibers to dedifferentiate and re-enter the cell cycle to generate proliferative myogenic precursors in the regeneration blastema. Here we show that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and mature BMPs that have been further cleaved by serum proteases induce cell cycle entry by dedifferentiating newt muscle cells. Protease-activated BMP4/7 heterodimers that are present in serum strongly induced myotube cell cycle re-entry with protease cleavage yielding a 30-fold potency increase of BMP4/7 compared with canonical BMP4/7. Inhibition of BMP signaling via muscle-specific dominant-negative receptor expression reduced cell cycle entry in vitro and in vivo. In vivo inhibition of serine protease activity depressed cell cycle re-entry, which in turn was rescued by cleaved-mimic BMP.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This work identifies a mechanism of BMP activation that generates blastema cells from differentiated muscle." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Limb amputation in the newt induces myofibers to dedifferentiate and re-enter the cell cycle to generate proliferative myogenic precursors in the regeneration blastema. Here we show that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and mature BMPs that have been further cleaved by serum proteases induce cell cycle entry by dedifferentiating newt muscle cells. Protease-activated BMP4/7 heterodimers that are present in serum strongly induced myotube cell cycle re-entry with protease cleavage yielding a 30-fold potency increase of BMP4/7 compared with canonical BMP4/7. Inhibition of BMP signaling via muscle-specific dominant-negative receptor expression reduced cell cycle entry in vitro and in vivo. In vivo inhibition of serine protease activity depressed cell cycle re-entry, which in turn was rescued by cleaved-mimic BMP. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Direct-to-implant breast reconstruction is a predictable, reliable, and cost-effective reconstruction. Most units performing direct-to-implant reconstructions recommend the use of an acellular dermal matrix or a mesh to reinforce the lower pole of the breast reconstruction. Two hundred seventy-two consecutive patients with 488 immediate direct-to-implant breast reconstructions performed in a 34-month period are included in this group. Mean follow-up of this group is 35 months. Four hundred eight reconstructions were performed through a lazy-S mastectomy, and 80 were performed through a Wise pattern mastectomy. Two local recurrences occurred. Minor complications accounted for 5.5 percent (n = 27): seromas, 3.4 percent (n = 17); wound healing problems, 0.6 percent (n = 3); and grade 2 capsular contracture, 1.4 percent (n = 7). Major complications accounted for 4.3 percent (n = 21): infection, 0.8 percent (n = 4); prosthetic loss, 0.4 percent (n = 2); hematoma, 0.4 percent (n = 2); and wounds requiring débridement, 2 percent (n = 10). The additional cost of acellular dermal matrix is dependent on manufacturer and size, but increases the cost of the procedure by 35.5 to 47.7 percent. This reconstruction method compares very favorably with published data from other units as far as early and late complications and cosmetic outcome are concerned. It has a complication rate similar to that of reconstructions using an acellular dermal matrix and is more cost effective.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Therapeutic, IV." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Direct-to-implant breast reconstruction is a predictable, reliable, and cost-effective reconstruction. Most units performing direct-to-implant reconstructions recommend the use of an acellular dermal matrix or a mesh to reinforce the lower pole of the breast reconstruction. Two hundred seventy-two consecutive patients with 488 immediate direct-to-implant breast reconstructions performed in a 34-month period are included in this group. Mean follow-up of this group is 35 months. Four hundred eight reconstructions were performed through a lazy-S mastectomy, and 80 were performed through a Wise pattern mastectomy. Two local recurrences occurred. Minor complications accounted for 5.5 percent (n = 27): seromas, 3.4 percent (n = 17); wound healing problems, 0.6 percent (n = 3); and grade 2 capsular contracture, 1.4 percent (n = 7). Major complications accounted for 4.3 percent (n = 21): infection, 0.8 percent (n = 4); prosthetic loss, 0.4 percent (n = 2); hematoma, 0.4 percent (n = 2); and wounds requiring débridement, 2 percent (n = 10). The additional cost of acellular dermal matrix is dependent on manufacturer and size, but increases the cost of the procedure by 35.5 to 47.7 percent. This reconstruction method compares very favorably with published data from other units as far as early and late complications and cosmetic outcome are concerned. It has a complication rate similar to that of reconstructions using an acellular dermal matrix and is more cost effective. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Photoluminescence (PL) is investigated as a function of the excitation intensity and temperature for lattice-matched InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well (QW) structures with well thicknesses of 7 and 15 nm, respectively. At low temperature, interface fluctuations result in the 7-nm QW PL exhibiting a blueshift of 15 meV, a narrowing of the linewidth (full width at half maximum, FWHM) from 20.3 to 10 meV, and a clear transition of the spectral profile with the laser excitation intensity increasing four orders in magnitude. The 7-nm QW PL also has a larger blueshift and FWHM variation than the 15-nm QW as the temperature increases from 10 to ~50 K. Finally, simulations of this system which correlate with the experimental observations indicate that a thin QW must be more affected by interface fluctuations and their resulting potential fluctuations than a thick QW.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "This work provides useful information on guiding the growth to achieve optimized InGaAs/InAlAs QWs for applications with different QW thicknesses." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Photoluminescence (PL) is investigated as a function of the excitation intensity and temperature for lattice-matched InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well (QW) structures with well thicknesses of 7 and 15 nm, respectively. At low temperature, interface fluctuations result in the 7-nm QW PL exhibiting a blueshift of 15 meV, a narrowing of the linewidth (full width at half maximum, FWHM) from 20.3 to 10 meV, and a clear transition of the spectral profile with the laser excitation intensity increasing four orders in magnitude. The 7-nm QW PL also has a larger blueshift and FWHM variation than the 15-nm QW as the temperature increases from 10 to ~50 K. Finally, simulations of this system which correlate with the experimental observations indicate that a thin QW must be more affected by interface fluctuations and their resulting potential fluctuations than a thick QW. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Despite our knowledge of the causes of cancer, millions of workers are involuntarily exposed to a wide range of known and suspected carcinogens in the workplace. To address this issue from a policy perspective, we developed a policy framework based on a prospective health policy analysis. Use of the framework was demonstrated for developing policies to prevent cancers associated with diesel engine exhaust (DEE), asbestos, and shift work, three occupational carcinogens with global reach and large cancer impact. An environmental scan of existing prospective health policy analyses was conducted to select and describe our framework parameters. These parameters were augmented by considerations unique to occupational cancer. Policy-related resources, predominantly from Canada, were used to demonstrate how the framework can be applied to cancers associated with DEE, asbestos, and shift work. The parameters of the framework were: problem statement, context, jurisdictional evidence, primary prevention policy options, and key policy players and their attributes. Applying the framework to the three selected carcinogens illustrated multiple avenues for primary prevention, including establishing an occupational exposure limit for DEE, banning asbestos, and improving shift schedules. The framework emphasized the need for leadership by employers and government. To our knowledge, this is the first proposal for a comprehensive policy framework dedicated to the primary prevention of occupational cancer.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The framework can be adapted and applied by key policy players in Canada and other countries as a guide of what parameters to consider when developing policies to protect workers' health." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Despite our knowledge of the causes of cancer, millions of workers are involuntarily exposed to a wide range of known and suspected carcinogens in the workplace. To address this issue from a policy perspective, we developed a policy framework based on a prospective health policy analysis. Use of the framework was demonstrated for developing policies to prevent cancers associated with diesel engine exhaust (DEE), asbestos, and shift work, three occupational carcinogens with global reach and large cancer impact. An environmental scan of existing prospective health policy analyses was conducted to select and describe our framework parameters. These parameters were augmented by considerations unique to occupational cancer. Policy-related resources, predominantly from Canada, were used to demonstrate how the framework can be applied to cancers associated with DEE, asbestos, and shift work. The parameters of the framework were: problem statement, context, jurisdictional evidence, primary prevention policy options, and key policy players and their attributes. Applying the framework to the three selected carcinogens illustrated multiple avenues for primary prevention, including establishing an occupational exposure limit for DEE, banning asbestos, and improving shift schedules. The framework emphasized the need for leadership by employers and government. To our knowledge, this is the first proposal for a comprehensive policy framework dedicated to the primary prevention of occupational cancer. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:The Chiefs' Service (CS), a structured approach to inpatient teaching rounds, focuses on resident education and patient-centered care without disrupting patient census sizes or admitting cycles. It has five key elements: morning huddles; bedside rounds; diagnostic \"time-outs\"; day-of-discharge rounds; and postdischarge follow-up rounds. The authors hypothesized the CS model would be well received by residents and considered more effective than more-traditional rounds. The CS was implemented on Penn Presbyterian Medical Center's general medicine inpatient service using a quasi-experimental design. Its first year (January 2013-January 2014) was evaluated with a mixed-methods approach. Residents completed end-of-rotation evaluation questionnaires; 20 CS and 10 traditional service (TS) residents were interviewed. Measures of resident agreement on questionnaire items were compared across groups using independent sample t testing. A modified grounded theory approach was used to assess CS residents' perspectives on the CS elements and identify emergent themes. The questionnaires were completed by 183/188 residents (response rate 97%). Compared with TS residents, CS residents reported significantly greater satisfaction in the domains of resident education and patient care, and they rated the overall value of the rotation significantly higher. The majority of CS residents found the CS elements to be effective. CS residents described the CS as focused on resident education, patient-centered care, and collaboration with an interdisciplinary team.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "The CS approach to inpatient rounding is seen by residents as valuable and is associated with positive outcomes in terms of residents' perceptions of learning, interdisciplinary communication, and patient care." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:The Chiefs' Service (CS), a structured approach to inpatient teaching rounds, focuses on resident education and patient-centered care without disrupting patient census sizes or admitting cycles. It has five key elements: morning huddles; bedside rounds; diagnostic "time-outs"; day-of-discharge rounds; and postdischarge follow-up rounds. The authors hypothesized the CS model would be well received by residents and considered more effective than more-traditional rounds. The CS was implemented on Penn Presbyterian Medical Center's general medicine inpatient service using a quasi-experimental design. Its first year (January 2013-January 2014) was evaluated with a mixed-methods approach. Residents completed end-of-rotation evaluation questionnaires; 20 CS and 10 traditional service (TS) residents were interviewed. Measures of resident agreement on questionnaire items were compared across groups using independent sample t testing. A modified grounded theory approach was used to assess CS residents' perspectives on the CS elements and identify emergent themes. The questionnaires were completed by 183/188 residents (response rate 97%). Compared with TS residents, CS residents reported significantly greater satisfaction in the domains of resident education and patient care, and they rated the overall value of the rotation significantly higher. The majority of CS residents found the CS elements to be effective. CS residents described the CS as focused on resident education, patient-centered care, and collaboration with an interdisciplinary team. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Randomized clinical study. Supervised physical therapy (PT) and home exercise programs (HEPs) are frequently used in the rehabilitation of patients with distal radius fracture (DRF). However, there is no consensus as to whether unsupervised HEP provides comparable benefits to those achieved by supervised PT. To compare the improvements in pain and functional status between a supervised PT program and unsupervised HEP in DRF patients older than 60 years. A total of 74 patients were randomized into 2 groups. One group received 12 sessions of supervised PT (n = 37), and the other group followed an exercise program at home (n = 37). Three evaluations were performed, before the initiation of treatment, at 6-week, and 6-month follow-up. The study conducted a statistical power analysis to detect an intergroup difference score of 15 points on the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE). The t-test or Mann-Whitney test was used, and it was set with a significance level of .05. The supervised PT group showed clinically significant differences in the total PRWE score at 6 weeks (17.67 points, P = .000) in the PRWE function score (15.2 points, P = .000) and in the PRWE pain score (5.6 points, P = .039). There was also a significant difference in the total PRWE score at 6-month follow-up (17.05 points, P = .000) in the PRWE function score (14.5 points, P = .000) and in the PRWE pain score (2.5 points, P = .35). A supervised PT program is more effective for improving function in the short- and medium-term when compared with HEP in patients older than 60 years with DRF extraarticular without immediate complications.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "1b." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Randomized clinical study. Supervised physical therapy (PT) and home exercise programs (HEPs) are frequently used in the rehabilitation of patients with distal radius fracture (DRF). However, there is no consensus as to whether unsupervised HEP provides comparable benefits to those achieved by supervised PT. To compare the improvements in pain and functional status between a supervised PT program and unsupervised HEP in DRF patients older than 60 years. A total of 74 patients were randomized into 2 groups. One group received 12 sessions of supervised PT (n = 37), and the other group followed an exercise program at home (n = 37). Three evaluations were performed, before the initiation of treatment, at 6-week, and 6-month follow-up. The study conducted a statistical power analysis to detect an intergroup difference score of 15 points on the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE). The t-test or Mann-Whitney test was used, and it was set with a significance level of .05. The supervised PT group showed clinically significant differences in the total PRWE score at 6 weeks (17.67 points, P = .000) in the PRWE function score (15.2 points, P = .000) and in the PRWE pain score (5.6 points, P = .039). There was also a significant difference in the total PRWE score at 6-month follow-up (17.05 points, P = .000) in the PRWE function score (14.5 points, P = .000) and in the PRWE pain score (2.5 points, P = .35). A supervised PT program is more effective for improving function in the short- and medium-term when compared with HEP in patients older than 60 years with DRF extraarticular without immediate complications. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Health impact assessment (HIA) is a systematic process that can be used by public health professionals to examine the potential health effects of a policy, plan, program, or project that originates outside of the health sector. This article presents a case study of how an interdisciplinary team utilized an HIA to analyze the potential health impact of full-day kindergarten (FDK) on communities in Nevada. Case study. With stakeholder and community engagement, we conducted a multistage HIA that included qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, a review of existing literature, and projections. The team considered several pathways through which FDK could impact health in Nevada: (1) school performance; (2) physical development (physical activity and nutrition education); and (3) access to school-based meals and health screenings. Findings indicated that access to FDK could enhance opportunities for Nevada's children to harness school-based services, increase physical activity, and promote nutrition education. In addition, based on existing research that suggests relationships between (1) FDK attendance and 3rd and 5th grade math and reading standardized test scores and (2) 3rd and 5th grade test scores and high school graduation, as well as available state and national data, we estimated that access to FDK could increase high school graduation in Nevada by 499-820 students per year. This HIA demonstrated that access to FDK could impact both student and adult health in Nevada.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Our engagement of public health professionals along with stakeholders and the community in the HIA process demonstrated that HIAs can be an important tool for public health professionals to examine the effects on community health of policies, programs, plans or projects that arise outside of the health sector." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Health impact assessment (HIA) is a systematic process that can be used by public health professionals to examine the potential health effects of a policy, plan, program, or project that originates outside of the health sector. This article presents a case study of how an interdisciplinary team utilized an HIA to analyze the potential health impact of full-day kindergarten (FDK) on communities in Nevada. Case study. With stakeholder and community engagement, we conducted a multistage HIA that included qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, a review of existing literature, and projections. The team considered several pathways through which FDK could impact health in Nevada: (1) school performance; (2) physical development (physical activity and nutrition education); and (3) access to school-based meals and health screenings. Findings indicated that access to FDK could enhance opportunities for Nevada's children to harness school-based services, increase physical activity, and promote nutrition education. In addition, based on existing research that suggests relationships between (1) FDK attendance and 3rd and 5th grade math and reading standardized test scores and (2) 3rd and 5th grade test scores and high school graduation, as well as available state and national data, we estimated that access to FDK could increase high school graduation in Nevada by 499-820 students per year. This HIA demonstrated that access to FDK could impact both student and adult health in Nevada. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:We herein report the design and synthesis of a group of fused phenanthro-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine derivatives as a new class of luminescent materials through a Pd(ii) catalyzed intramolecular CDC (cross dehydrogenative coupling) reaction. This method thus unlocked a convenient & expedient way for the synthesis of a new molecular framework containing π-extended fused heteropolycycles. The heteropolycycles showed very good fluorescence properties both in solid and solution phases which were further utilized in live cell imaging.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "These kinds of molecules have potential to be used as therapeutic probes and also their solid state luminescence properties can be further utilized for making optoelectronic devices." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:We herein report the design and synthesis of a group of fused phenanthro-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine derivatives as a new class of luminescent materials through a Pd(ii) catalyzed intramolecular CDC (cross dehydrogenative coupling) reaction. This method thus unlocked a convenient & expedient way for the synthesis of a new molecular framework containing π-extended fused heteropolycycles. The heteropolycycles showed very good fluorescence properties both in solid and solution phases which were further utilized in live cell imaging. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:A significant interest in combining plasmonics and magnetism at the nanoscale gains momentum in both photonics and magnetism sectors that are concerned with the resonant enhancement of light-magnetic-matter interaction in nanostructures. These efforts result in a considerable amount of literature, which is difficult to collect and digest in limited time. Furthermore, there is insufficient exchange of results between the two research sectors. Consequently, the goal of this review paper is to bridge this gap by presenting an overview of recent progress in the field of magneto-plasmonics from two different points of view: magneto-plasmonics, and magnonics and magnetisation dynamics. It is expected that this presentation style will make this review paper of particular interest to both general physical audience and specialists conducting research on photonics, plasmonics, Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of magnetic nanostructures and magneto-optical Kerr effect magnetometry, as well as ultrafast all-optical and THz-wave excitation of spin waves.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Moreover, readers interested in a new, rapidly emerging field of all-dielectric nanophotonics will find a section about all-magneto-dielectric nanostructures." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:A significant interest in combining plasmonics and magnetism at the nanoscale gains momentum in both photonics and magnetism sectors that are concerned with the resonant enhancement of light-magnetic-matter interaction in nanostructures. These efforts result in a considerable amount of literature, which is difficult to collect and digest in limited time. Furthermore, there is insufficient exchange of results between the two research sectors. Consequently, the goal of this review paper is to bridge this gap by presenting an overview of recent progress in the field of magneto-plasmonics from two different points of view: magneto-plasmonics, and magnonics and magnetisation dynamics. It is expected that this presentation style will make this review paper of particular interest to both general physical audience and specialists conducting research on photonics, plasmonics, Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of magnetic nanostructures and magneto-optical Kerr effect magnetometry, as well as ultrafast all-optical and THz-wave excitation of spin waves. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "ectopic heterotopic pancreas, jejunum, mesentery." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:This study aims to determine the association between cognitive impairment and functional verbal reasoning in adults with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), at six months post-injury. 38 participants with severe TBI were assessed using the four tasks on the Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies (FAVRES) [1] and a battery of neuropsychological tests at 6 months post injury in a cross-sectional observational study. Overall performance on the FAVRES [1] was strongly associated with overall performance on the neuropsychological battery (rho = 0.60). FAVRES Task 2 and FAVRES Task 4 had the most significant positive associations with the cognitive indices of Attention and speed of processing, Memory and Executive functions. There was one weak significant association between the Task 1 Accuracy score and the Total Cognitive index (rho = 0.46). Performance on the FAVRES [1] is positively associated with cognitive processes. Participants with stronger verbal reasoning skills which may be required for activities in work, home and social contexts also had higher scores on tests of cognitive functioning.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "These findings may inform clinical practices for speech pathologists and other health professionals, in the assessment and treatment of cognitive communication disorders during early stages of recovery in people with severe TBI." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:This study aims to determine the association between cognitive impairment and functional verbal reasoning in adults with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), at six months post-injury. 38 participants with severe TBI were assessed using the four tasks on the Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies (FAVRES) [1] and a battery of neuropsychological tests at 6 months post injury in a cross-sectional observational study. Overall performance on the FAVRES [1] was strongly associated with overall performance on the neuropsychological battery (rho = 0.60). FAVRES Task 2 and FAVRES Task 4 had the most significant positive associations with the cognitive indices of Attention and speed of processing, Memory and Executive functions. There was one weak significant association between the Task 1 Accuracy score and the Total Cognitive index (rho = 0.46). Performance on the FAVRES [1] is positively associated with cognitive processes. Participants with stronger verbal reasoning skills which may be required for activities in work, home and social contexts also had higher scores on tests of cognitive functioning. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:To examine bone mass in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Risperidone-treated 5 to 17 year-old males underwent anthropometric and bone measurements, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and peripheral quantitative computed tomography. Multivariable linear regression analysis models examined whether skeletal outcomes differed among participants with (n = 30) versus without ASD (n = 156). After adjusting for potential covariates, having ASD was associated with significantly lower trabecular bone mineral density and bone strength at the radius, and with marginally lower total body less head bone mineral content (p < 0.09). No differences at the lumbar spine were observed. ASD are associated with lower bone mass.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Future studies should investigate interventions to optimize skeletal health in ASD." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:To examine bone mass in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Risperidone-treated 5 to 17 year-old males underwent anthropometric and bone measurements, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and peripheral quantitative computed tomography. Multivariable linear regression analysis models examined whether skeletal outcomes differed among participants with (n = 30) versus without ASD (n = 156). After adjusting for potential covariates, having ASD was associated with significantly lower trabecular bone mineral density and bone strength at the radius, and with marginally lower total body less head bone mineral content (p < 0.09). No differences at the lumbar spine were observed. ASD are associated with lower bone mass. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:The haemodynamic behaviour of blood inside a coronary artery after stenting is greatly affected by individual stent features as well as complex geometrical properties of the artery including tortuosity and curvature. Regions at higher risk of restenosis, as measured by low wall shear stress (WSS < 0.5 Pa), have not yet been studied in detail in curved stented arteries. In this study, three-dimensional computational modelling and computational fluid dynamics methodologies were used to analyse the haemodynamic characteristics in curved stented arteries using several common stent models. Results in this study showed that stent strut thickness was one major factor influencing the distribution of WSS in curved arteries. Regions of low WSS were found behind struts, particularly those oriented at a large angle relative to the streamwise flow direction. These findings were similar to those obtained in studies of straight arteries. An uneven distribution of WSS at the inner and outer bends of curved arteries was observed where the WSS was lower at the inner bend.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "In this study, it was also shown that stents with a helical configuration generated an extra swirling component of the flow based on the helical direction; however, this extra swirl in the flow field did not cause significant changes on the distribution of WSS under the current setup." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:The haemodynamic behaviour of blood inside a coronary artery after stenting is greatly affected by individual stent features as well as complex geometrical properties of the artery including tortuosity and curvature. Regions at higher risk of restenosis, as measured by low wall shear stress (WSS < 0.5 Pa), have not yet been studied in detail in curved stented arteries. In this study, three-dimensional computational modelling and computational fluid dynamics methodologies were used to analyse the haemodynamic characteristics in curved stented arteries using several common stent models. Results in this study showed that stent strut thickness was one major factor influencing the distribution of WSS in curved arteries. Regions of low WSS were found behind struts, particularly those oriented at a large angle relative to the streamwise flow direction. These findings were similar to those obtained in studies of straight arteries. An uneven distribution of WSS at the inner and outer bends of curved arteries was observed where the WSS was lower at the inner bend. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Objective Diabetic complications and lipid peroxidation are known to have a close association. Lipid peroxidation commonly occurs at sites exposed to ischaemia, but distant organs and tissues also get damaged during ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R). Some of these targets are vital organs, such as the lung, liver, and kidney; the lung is the most frequently affected. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine on I/R damage in lung tissue and on the oxidant/anti-oxidant system in diabetic rats. Material and methods Diabetes was induced with streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) in 18 Wistar Albino rats, which were then randomly divided into three groups (diabetes control (DC), diabetes plus ischaemia-reperfusion (DIR), and diabetes plus dexmedetomidine-ischaemia/reperfusion (DIRD)) after the effects of diabetes were clearly evident. The rats underwent a left thoracotomy and then ischaemia was produced in the myocardium muscle by a left anterior descending artery ligation for 30 min in the DIR and DIRD groups. I/R was performed for 120 min. The DIRD group received a single intraperitoneal dose of dexmedetomidine (100 µg/kg); the DIR group received no dexmedetomidine. Group DC was evaluated as the diabetic control group and also included six rats (C group) in which diabetes was not induced. These mice underwent only left thoracotomy and were closed without undergoing myocardial ischaemia. Histopathological changes, activities of catalase (CAT) and glutathione-S-transferase anti-oxidant enzymes, and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were evaluated in the lung tissues of all rats. Results Neutrophil infiltration/aggregation was higher in the DIR group than in the C, DC, and DIRD groups (p=0.001, p=0.013, and p=0.042, respectively). The lung injury score was significantly higher in the DIR group than in the C and DC groups (p<0.0001 and p=0.024, respectively). The levels of MDA were significantly higher in the DIR group than in the C and DIRD groups. CAT activity was significantly higher in the DIR group than in the DIRD and C groups. Conclusion Our results confirm that dexmedetomidine has protective effects against the lung damage resulting from I/R in diabetic rats.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "Future studies conducted to evaluate the effects of the use of dexmedetomidine on damage to various organs following different I/R durations may help understanding possible protective effects of dexmedetomidine and underlying mechanisms in tissue damage related to I/R injury." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Objective Diabetic complications and lipid peroxidation are known to have a close association. Lipid peroxidation commonly occurs at sites exposed to ischaemia, but distant organs and tissues also get damaged during ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R). Some of these targets are vital organs, such as the lung, liver, and kidney; the lung is the most frequently affected. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine on I/R damage in lung tissue and on the oxidant/anti-oxidant system in diabetic rats. Material and methods Diabetes was induced with streptozotocin (55 mg/kg) in 18 Wistar Albino rats, which were then randomly divided into three groups (diabetes control (DC), diabetes plus ischaemia-reperfusion (DIR), and diabetes plus dexmedetomidine-ischaemia/reperfusion (DIRD)) after the effects of diabetes were clearly evident. The rats underwent a left thoracotomy and then ischaemia was produced in the myocardium muscle by a left anterior descending artery ligation for 30 min in the DIR and DIRD groups. I/R was performed for 120 min. The DIRD group received a single intraperitoneal dose of dexmedetomidine (100 µg/kg); the DIR group received no dexmedetomidine. Group DC was evaluated as the diabetic control group and also included six rats (C group) in which diabetes was not induced. These mice underwent only left thoracotomy and were closed without undergoing myocardial ischaemia. Histopathological changes, activities of catalase (CAT) and glutathione-S-transferase anti-oxidant enzymes, and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were evaluated in the lung tissues of all rats. Results Neutrophil infiltration/aggregation was higher in the DIR group than in the C, DC, and DIRD groups (p=0.001, p=0.013, and p=0.042, respectively). The lung injury score was significantly higher in the DIR group than in the C and DC groups (p<0.0001 and p=0.024, respectively). The levels of MDA were significantly higher in the DIR group than in the C and DIRD groups. CAT activity was significantly higher in the DIR group than in the DIRD and C groups. Conclusion Our results confirm that dexmedetomidine has protective effects against the lung damage resulting from I/R in diabetic rats. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:[This corrects the article on p. 3970 in vol.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "8, PMID: 27725877.]." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:[This corrects the article on p. 3970 in vol. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": " While potentially not important diagnostically, massive proteinuria is associated with more severe clinical manifestations of PE prompting earlier delivery." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input: Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Safer conception care encompasses HIV care, treatment and prevention for persons living with HIV and their partners who desire children. In 2012, South Africa endorsed a progressive safer conception policy supporting HIV-affected persons to safely meet reproductive goals. However, aside from select research-supported clinics, widespread implementation has not occurred. Using South Africa as a case study, we identify key obstacles to policy implementation and offer recommendations to catalyse expansion of these services throughout South Africa and further afield. Four key implementation barriers were identified by combining authors' safer conception service delivery experiences with available literature. First, strategic implementation frameworks stipulating where, and by whom, safer conception services should be provided are needed. Integrating safer conception services into universal test-and-treat (UTT) and elimination-of-mother-to-child-transmission (eMTCT) priority programmes would support HIV testing, ART initiation and management, viral suppression and early antenatal/eMTCT care engagement goals, reducing horizontal and vertical transmissions. Embedding measurable safer conception targets into these priority programmes would ensure accountability for implementation progress. Second, facing an organizational clinic culture that often undermines clients' reproductive rights, healthcare providers' (HCP) positive experiences with eMTCT and enthusiasm for UTT provide opportunities to shift facility-level and individual attitudes in favour of safer conception provision. Third, safer conception guidelines have not been incorporated into HCP training. Combining safer conception with \"test-and-treat\" training would efficiently ensure that providers are better equipped to discuss clients' reproductive goals and support safer conception practices. Lastly, HIV-affected couples remain largely unaware of safer conception strategies. HIV-affected populations need to be mobilized to engage with safer conception options alongside other HIV-related healthcare services. Key barriers to widespread safer conception service provision in South Africa include poor translation of policy into practical and measurable implementation plans, inadequate training and limited community engagement. South Africa should leverage the momentum and accountability associated with high priority UTT and eMTCT programmes to reinvigorate implementation efforts by incorporating safer conception into implementation and monitoring frameworks and associated HCP training and community engagement activities.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "South Africa's experiences should be used to inform policy development and implementation processes in other HIV high-burden countries." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Safer conception care encompasses HIV care, treatment and prevention for persons living with HIV and their partners who desire children. In 2012, South Africa endorsed a progressive safer conception policy supporting HIV-affected persons to safely meet reproductive goals. However, aside from select research-supported clinics, widespread implementation has not occurred. Using South Africa as a case study, we identify key obstacles to policy implementation and offer recommendations to catalyse expansion of these services throughout South Africa and further afield. Four key implementation barriers were identified by combining authors' safer conception service delivery experiences with available literature. First, strategic implementation frameworks stipulating where, and by whom, safer conception services should be provided are needed. Integrating safer conception services into universal test-and-treat (UTT) and elimination-of-mother-to-child-transmission (eMTCT) priority programmes would support HIV testing, ART initiation and management, viral suppression and early antenatal/eMTCT care engagement goals, reducing horizontal and vertical transmissions. Embedding measurable safer conception targets into these priority programmes would ensure accountability for implementation progress. Second, facing an organizational clinic culture that often undermines clients' reproductive rights, healthcare providers' (HCP) positive experiences with eMTCT and enthusiasm for UTT provide opportunities to shift facility-level and individual attitudes in favour of safer conception provision. Third, safer conception guidelines have not been incorporated into HCP training. Combining safer conception with "test-and-treat" training would efficiently ensure that providers are better equipped to discuss clients' reproductive goals and support safer conception practices. Lastly, HIV-affected couples remain largely unaware of safer conception strategies. HIV-affected populations need to be mobilized to engage with safer conception options alongside other HIV-related healthcare services. Key barriers to widespread safer conception service provision in South Africa include poor translation of policy into practical and measurable implementation plans, inadequate training and limited community engagement. South Africa should leverage the momentum and accountability associated with high priority UTT and eMTCT programmes to reinvigorate implementation efforts by incorporating safer conception into implementation and monitoring frameworks and associated HCP training and community engagement activities. Output:
[ { "from": "human", "value": "The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content.\n###\nInput:Intracranial hypotension syndrome (IHS) is generally caused by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Complications include bilateral subdural hygroma or haematoma and herniation of the cerebellar tonsils. Epidural blood patch (EBP) therapy is indicated if conservative treatment is ineffective. We reported the case of a 46-year-old man with a history of postural headache and dizziness. The patient was treated with bed rest and daily hydration with 2000 mL of fluid for 2 weeks. However, dizziness and headache did not resolve, and he became drowsy and disoriented with incomprehensible speech. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated diffuse dural enhancement on the postcontrast study, sagging of the midbrain, and CSF leakage over right lateral posterior thecal sac at C2 level. We performed EBP at the level of T10-T11. We injected 14 mL of autologous blood slowly in the Trendelenburg position. Within 30 minutes, he became alert and oriented to people, place, and time. We chose thoracic EBP as first line treatment in consideration of the risk of cervical EBP such as spinal cord and nerve root compression or puncture, chemical meningitis. Also we put our patient in Trendelenburg position to make blood travel towards the site of the leak. Untreated IHS may delay the course of resolution and affect the patient's consciousness. Delivery of EBP via an epidural catheter inserted from the thoracic spine is familiar with most of anesthesiologists.\nOutput:\n" }, { "from": "agent", "value": "It can be a safe and effective treatment for patients with IHS caused by CSF leak even at C2.Key words: Anaesthetic techniques, regional, thoracic; cerebrospinal fluid leakage; epidural blood patch; heavily T2-weighted magnetic resonance myelography; intracranial hypotension syndrome; Trendelenburg position." } ]
The task is to generate the subsequent sentence in a piece of biomedical literature based on the existing content. ### Input:Intracranial hypotension syndrome (IHS) is generally caused by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Complications include bilateral subdural hygroma or haematoma and herniation of the cerebellar tonsils. Epidural blood patch (EBP) therapy is indicated if conservative treatment is ineffective. We reported the case of a 46-year-old man with a history of postural headache and dizziness. The patient was treated with bed rest and daily hydration with 2000 mL of fluid for 2 weeks. However, dizziness and headache did not resolve, and he became drowsy and disoriented with incomprehensible speech. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated diffuse dural enhancement on the postcontrast study, sagging of the midbrain, and CSF leakage over right lateral posterior thecal sac at C2 level. We performed EBP at the level of T10-T11. We injected 14 mL of autologous blood slowly in the Trendelenburg position. Within 30 minutes, he became alert and oriented to people, place, and time. We chose thoracic EBP as first line treatment in consideration of the risk of cervical EBP such as spinal cord and nerve root compression or puncture, chemical meningitis. Also we put our patient in Trendelenburg position to make blood travel towards the site of the leak. Untreated IHS may delay the course of resolution and affect the patient's consciousness. Delivery of EBP via an epidural catheter inserted from the thoracic spine is familiar with most of anesthesiologists. Output: