She must have changed the text right before we sent it. That's why the cancellation mails aren't working.
Who's writing that report?
You, of course. This is your operation.
You have quite the appetite, I see. A side-effect of the resurrection, perhaps? If you're that hungry, I guess I could give you a banana or two!
No thanks.
So you're here to see me, is that it?
Yes. You claimed to have seen me die. I came to see if that was the truth, or just a pathetic excuse to grope me. I came for the answer.
Insert water and turn the power on, and in mere seconds, it generates a thick cloud of steam.
So it's junk. I thought so.
Assuming he answers his phone.
If he doesn't, the transfer fails. Fortunately, we lose nothing but that copy of the memory data.
Hm? What do you mean, again?
Doctor Nakabachi held a time machine presentation at Radio Kaikan that day.
That presentation was canceled because of the satellite crash.
Daru is my Favorite Right Arm.
I thought he was your super hacka.
Suzuha said so... and then there's Reading Steiner.
In other words, an unknown time traveler and your unexplainable super power.
But I can travel to any time I had a cell phone, can't I!?
No. It's still theoretical, but I believe that one leap with our machine has a maximum range of 48 hours.
I believe it was you, Christina, who called the LHC the world's largest microwave.
Yes. Exactly. My hunch was right.
You're going back to America.
I was supposed to go back at the beginning of the month. But then I ran into a certain mad scientist, and ended up staying longer than planned.
Give me details.
Did you know that the microwave oven was invented as a byproduct of radar research?
This is where I met Kurisu.
What were you trying to tell me earlier?
Shut up. Don't talk to me.
Try anything and people are sure to notice. What will your superiors say then?
What are you talking about?
I was trying to imagine tranquil scenery, and the first state to come to mind was Arkansas. Second was Oregon.
Not Utah? I mean, relatively speaking, isn't Utah more suitable?
Kurisu, come with me a second.
What is it? You don't normally say my name normally.
It's not wrong. It just seems like you planned for this.
So you're saying I brought it with me because I somehow knew your coat was going to get ripped. Uh-huh.
So you know everything, then?
Do you realize how much time I鈥檝e spent watching you?
But that's not all, right? There's a reason you're willing to suggest murder as an option. How did you reach that conclusion?
No, wait. This can't be right. This title sounds like, um, <FONT incolor=
I'm a neuroscientist. Got a problem?
You die on July 28th.
Mass might not be the issue here. Data doesn't have mass.
In any case, since the singularity isn't naked, the object is forced to pass through the event horizon.
Dammit, assistant! How dare you give me orders!?
Don't even think about running off somewhere.
Give me your report, Christina. If you don't, I'll call you an '@channeler'--
Didn't you hear me the first time!?
Don't listen to this fool, Christina. Continue.
Why do you say that?
Why do you remember that the past changed?
N-nonsense, Celeb Sev!
Don't call me Celeb Sev!
When the sun sets upon the battlefield, the foul System that rules the world will crumble! And from the flames, a new age will rise! An age of glorious, unfettered Chaos!
Argh! Shut up!
Get to the point.
The Kerr black hole's ring singularity. Since it's spinning, it has angular momentum.
I'll save you. Not just Mayuri, but--
Don't make promises you can't keep!
...Christina, I seem to be in a spot of trouble. If I fail, I'm leaving the rest to you.
It's me. I've been caught by an Organization agent. ...Yes, it's Makise Kurisu. She's a dangerous one. ...No, it's fine. I'll find a way to--
No progress. We've tried repeating the experiment, but at present, we haven't been able to reproduce the discharge phenomenon or send another email to the past.
I see...
What did you say just now?
Now you're talking like SERN.
It's completely different.
I'll be right there.
I abandoned you, Mayuri.
Okabe. It's been three days. Will you at least eat something?
I will become the undisputed lord of time. With that power, I will shatter the System and Chaos will rule the--
Hey, Celeb Sev, did I win 3rd place?
Don't call me Celeb Sev! And 3rd place of what?
I can't plan effectively without knowing the deadline.
I don't want to see Mayuri die either, you know.
Apologize. Apologize to Urushibara-san right now.
What's wrong?
I figured it out.
What are you talking about?
About fifteen minutes ago. Before the conference started.
A secret? What do you mean?
What's going on?
Excellent. We'll make great drinking buddies.
I'm a minor.
If you have something to say, say it.
Don't tell anyone else about this.
That鈥檚 right.
But just so you know, you鈥檙e only allowed to remember our meeting right now.
It鈥檚 the same...
What do you mean?
...Sorry, I'm busy.
How does it look?
Huh? Oh... uh...
But before, didn't you say something like the world would disappear?
All I said was that that was one theory.
How should I know? Did you do something to make her angry?
I've never seen her before in my life. How rude.
You... you...!
Is there something wrong?
As for the lifter, we already know it exists. We just need to figure out what it is.
I don't think we're going to find it. The PhoneWave's not exactly big, you know, and we've been poking at it for days without turning up a clue.
Hey, where are Daru and Mayuri?
Are you really okay? Did something happen to you?
This isn't a game! I'm not joking here.
No. There's more. Moeka and Lukako each sent a D-Mail.
Oh, right. That's what you claim, but Hashida, Mayuri-san, and I don't remember either of those.
And it could also be... your death sentence.
She'll forget after the worldline changes, won't she? In that case, I think it's a valid option.
Why close my--
Just shut up and close them!
What do you mean?
The problem is when the causal event occurred.
How so?
I only experiment on you.
Sigh... You still haven't made up your mind?
You... Kurisu... you鈥檝e been coming here?
Sometimes. They鈥檇 be sad, otherwise.
So, Christina.
I'm not going to ComiMa.
Wha... wha...
I-it's not like I did it... because I wanted to or anything.
Wh-wh-wha-what are you saying!?
It's true, isn't it?
Same here. I bet you're glad it's dark, huh?
What do you mean?
Take my coat.
But it's wet.
This is impossible.
I understand. Nobody will blame you if you don't use it. Of course, since the three of us stayed up all night, we're all pretty smelly. Heh heh heh.
That's why I'm going back to my hotel once I finish eating.
Ah. So Christina really does have a birthmark on her bu--
You're right. If you had time leaped, you would've brought a towel, not a sewing kit.
What's that, sarcasm? All you do is complain.
We'll do that another day.
So, tell me about your father.
It's Hououin Kyouma. Don't hang up.
Alright, lab mems! Battle stations!
He's at it again...
If their tendrils have gotten this far, then I've made a grave mistake.
Stop fooling around and come with me.
What are you doing!?
Huh? Your phone's off.
So what does it say, Christina?
Umm... can you give me some time to read it?
That doesn鈥檛 rhyme at all.
Shut up.
Oh... it鈥檚 a joke?
Yeah. Just a joke.
Ostensibly, yes.
...What are you trying to do? Depending on the situation, I could turn you over to the police, you know?
If you're that interested in my underwear, then just say so.
What is the meaning of this!? What is your purpose here?
I'm here to see you, Okabe Rintaro-san. Or is it Hououin Kyouma-san?
But when I canceled Faris's D-Mail, there was a 0.05% change.
0.05% is pretty big.
You look like a kid forced to eat crappy oatmeal. What happened?
If there's something troubling you, I'll do everything in my power to help.
Wait, you saw that!?
You told me to watch, didn't you?
No matter what I do, Mayuri dies.
And that's why you keep time leaping...
Have no fear, Christina. Or should I call you... @channeler Chris!
Don't call me that!
Before the discharge phenomenon, everything succeeded. After the discharge phenomenon, everything failed.
Is the microwave storing electricity?
It's like a shortcut through space... right?
Yes, that's correct.
That's what we need to find out.
In the first place, the emails we're sending to the past are digital data, not physical objects. That's a definite difference from SERN's time machine.