If there's nobody you like, then there's no reason not to, is there?
Where's Shining Finger? Where'd she go?
Shining what?
I don't ever want to forget... so let's make doubly sure.
Th-then I guess there's no choice...
About the IBN 5100.
I don't know what you're talking about.
They've already sent more than 100 people to the past. Surely a few paradoxes have happened by now.
So you want to stoop to the same level as the guys that did those inhumane experiments?
And what about you!? Your experience must be vast indeed if you think you can lecture me about it!
It’s really you, isn’t it?
What the heck kind of way to start off the New Year is that? Are you okay? Did you eat something bad?
I'm being completely serious.
Zombies never stop coming. They're persistent.
Cut the jokes. I'm serious here.
Then why don't you try carrying it? Then you'll understand.
Maybe all I ever wanted was friends.
I can't make any guarantees. That would require perfect 24-hour surveillance inside my brain.
You have a comeback for everything, don't you.
Let me go!
You can't! They'll kill you!
Christina. We need to talk.
Again? Abrupt as usual.
Of course you can. You're my assistant.
I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I can't! I'm asking you to go sideways! No, I'm telling you to go sideways! Sideways! I'm going to fall!
The IBN 5100 was at the lab, and then it suddenly disappeared.
You threw a fit about that earlier. I remember thinking, 'Oh god, Okabe's finally lost his ability to distinguish fantasy from reality.'
...Y-you're really mad at me, aren't you?
Don't make fun...
Really. But first, Christina.
Um, do I know you?
You're actually itching to try it out, aren't you?
'You'll never reach the truth that way!'
Let's put it down!
Where's Daru?
He hasn't come back yet. It's already dark, so maybe he went straight home?
Or maybe this fateful encounter between you and that lab coat was decided by destiny long ago. Daru not wearing it was just another inevitability. This is the choice of Steins--
Shut up so we can start the experiment.
I’m sorry... But let me stay like this just a little bit longer...
Are you... crying?
Let's just hope it's not pink...
In other words, the no-shaking promise only applied yesterday, so since today is yesterday's tomorrow, we can shake it all we want!
That doesn't settle anything. Why you're so confident is a mystery to me.
The first time?
Before you started time leaping. You helped me build the machine, didn't you?
What did you just call me?
I called you O-Okabe.
I assume it was your father on the phone the other day?
Y-you're with the Organization!?
Then answer me, Christina! Why did you freak out back then!?
...No reason. I simply didn't want to believe. Fringe science should stay in the realm of fiction.
El... Psy... Kongroo!
For the final adjustments, we need to use the PhoneWave.
I can make instant coffee, if you want.
We’re out of coffee.
Naturally, as a mad scientist, I have no interest in this thing mortals call love. My incredible brain is devoted to the destruction of the System that controls the world, and the birth of a new age of chaos!
You're obviously a virgin, thank you ver--
Back? Where?
The lab, of course. I need to dry my clothes. I wanna take a shower, too.
Shut up, virgin.
So it wasn't your first...
...Hmph, she thinks she knows me.
Okabe. You're grinning.
Why are you laughing!?
You couldn't hold a normal conversation if your life depended on it.
Run, Kurisu!
This is crazy, Papa! Please stop!
Before, you said that such a black hole's existence would be impossible to prove. What did you mean?
A black hole has what's called an <FONT incolor=
You want to reconcile with your father. Correct?
I don't know...
It's too late!
Anyway, now that we've found the lifter, the time leap machine is 99% complete.
Wait... did you already send the D-Mail? Did you already change worldlines?
How do you plan to convert humans into data?
You know that my thesis got published, right?
What does that mean? How is it different from what you see in sci-fi novels?
Time leaping in sci-fi usually sends everything -- consciousness, personality, and memory.
I’ve done nothing but regret that I couldn’t save you.
But Mayuri’s happy at least, isn’t she?
Time leaping presents a host of problems. I want to consider them all carefully.
H-huh. That's... an unusually respectable opinion, coming from you.
So, how do you feel about your father now?
I don't know...
I understand.
If we go public, we won't be able to do cool stuff with D-Mails anymore!
Why you...
Ahh, I get it. Living in an English-only environment made you hungry for Japanese. But did you have to resort to @channel?
Sure, it's not the friendliest place, but I couldn't find anywhere that felt more 'Japanese'.
And that applies to the universe? You're claiming the existence of parallel worlds?
...I like to use my imagination too, sometimes.
I know... but I'm still going to try!
When did cellphones become widespread in Japan!?
It could be dangerous.
Thanks for coming in on a Saturday. Your devotion to science makes me proud.
Do you, uh... How do you feel about me?
Y-you want to know?
Ah... ah...
You'll remember the future.
Christina, what are you doing when you should be working?
Hey, stay back!
Oh? We agree for once, assistant.
I-I'm not agreeingâ‘° with you, exactly. If we don't collect data, then we'll never figure out how the PhoneWave works.
Where's this satellite from, anyway?
They still don't know. Rumors say it's from the former Soviet Union, but Russia denies it. So it looks like they can't remove it yet.
So it worked, right?
First I've heard of it.
I'm going back!
No! I should be the one to--
You said you wanted to report him, so I'm giving you the opportunity.
I agree that Hashida could be a little less lazy, but you're going way too far, Okabe.
Christina. I'm going to give this plan of yours a shot.
Oh. G-great.
...July 31st, 11 AM.
SERN, and the system that rules the world.
If that's what makes you happy...
Changing the past.
Now hold on! It's too dangerous! Are you trying to play god!?
We're not experimenting.
Don't talk with your mouth full.
So... you're not a couple. Oh. Well, of course! No one would willingly date Okabe, after all.
Titor said that the many-worlds interpretation holds true.
And that makes it okay to change the past? You're going to believe that self-proclaimed time traveler's delusions?
I came from three hours in the future.
What happened?
...I'm going to save you.
Nothing... changed?
And you? How did you treat your father?
I was daddy's little girl growing up. You practically had to drag me away from him.
...Does anyone else smell that?
Smell what?
That's not a saying. Don't look so proud of yourself.
...You're right. This is a dumb argument.
I thought you didn't believe what Titor had to say.
I'm talking hypothetically. Titor doesn't matter right now.
There's nothing to be ashamed of! Just boldly write 'Hobbies: Browsing @channel' on your resume!
Not a chance, you idiot!
What's wrong?
N-nothing! Really, nothing, okay? Say another word and I hit you!
The universe itself is censoring me, correcting any changes I try to make.
If that's true, then time leaping can't save Mayuri. Nothing you do will change the result.
Shut it, Celeb Seventeen!
S-se...? Serendipity?
Wh-why are you all staring at me? Don't look at me!
She is an enemy, but we're cooperating in order to uncover the truth.
Isn't she the one who... killed Mayuri?
Mayuri dies in two days. I don't have time for that touchy-feely stuff.
...Only consider this as a last resort.
Yeah, of course.
That, and I think you'll make a good test subject.
It's just... occasionally, my right arm aches... and when it does, dark destructive impulses overcome my soul--
Shut up, or I'll tear the peripheral nerves out of that arm.
That was just something I hallucinated.
Why would you dream about me?
Tennouji's wife might be FB.
Come, don't be shy. This is an offering. Take it!
As if. Who would eat some perv's banana?
You didn't tell her anything, did you?
Super Hacker Mister Daru, has hacked into SERN.
Is that okay? Won't they catch you?
If the hole is too tight, then just inject more electrons.
I don't think it's that simple. I mean, I'm sure SERN's tried that already. And yet they haven't gotten any results after nine years of experiments.