MatSynth / scripts /
gvecchio's picture
Add dataset building scripts
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import argparse
import math
import threading
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
def rotate_normal_map(normal_map, angle_deg):
angle_rad = angle_deg * (torch.pi / 180.0)
normal_map = normal_map * 2.0 - 1.0 # Convert to [-1, 1]
normal_map = normal_map.unsqueeze(0) # Add batch dimension
# Rotate the Vectors
rotation_matrix = torch.tensor([[math.cos(angle_rad), -math.sin(angle_rad), 0],
[math.sin(angle_rad), math.cos(angle_rad), 0],
[0, 0, 1]], device=normal_map.device)
# Reshape for batch matrix multiplication
reshaped_normal_map = normal_map.view(1, 3, -1) # Reshape to [1, 3, H*W]
rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix.view(1, 3, 3) # Add batch dimension
# Rotate the vectors
rotated_vectors = torch.bmm(rotation_matrix, reshaped_normal_map)
rotated_vectors = rotated_vectors.view(1, 3, normal_map.size(2), normal_map.size(3))
rotated_vectors = rotated_vectors / 2.0 + 0.5 # Convert back to [0, 1]
return rotated_vectors[0]
def process_map(map, mat_dest):
map_name = map.stem
img =
img = TF.to_tensor(img).cuda()
img = TF.resize(img, (4096, 4096), antialias=True)
img = img.repeat(1, 3, 3)
img = TF.center_crop(img, (5793, 5793))
for rot_angle in range(0, 360, 45):
crop_i = 0
if "normal" in map_name:
rot_img = rotate_normal_map(img, axis='z', angle_deg=rot_angle)
rot_img = TF.rotate(rot_img, rot_angle)
rot_img = TF.rotate(img, rot_angle)
rot_img = TF.center_crop(rot_img, (4096, 4096))
for crop_res in [4096, 2048, 1024]:
# split into crops
crops = rot_img.unfold(1, crop_res, crop_res).unfold(2, crop_res, crop_res)
crops = crops.permute(1, 2, 0, 3, 4)
crops = crops.reshape(-1, crops.size(2), crop_res, crop_res)
for crop in crops:
crop_dir = mat_dest / f"rot_{rot_angle:03d}_crop_{crop_i:03d}"
crop_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
crop = TF.resize(crop, (1024, 1024), antialias=True)
if map_name in ["height", "displacement"]:
crop = crop.permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()
crop = crop.astype(np.uint16)
crop = Image.fromarray(crop[..., 0]) / f"{map_name}.png")
TF.to_pil_image(crop).save(crop_dir / f"{map_name}.png")
crop_i += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Make dataset crops.")
parser.add_argument("--source_dir", required=True, help="Directory where the original 4K maps are stored.")
parser.add_argument("--dest_dir", required=True , help="Destination directory to store the 1K crops.")
args = parser.parse_args()
source_dir = Path(args.source_dir)
dest_dir = Path(args.dest_dir)
# Find all materials in the source directory
for file in tqdm([x for x in source_dir.glob("**/basecolor.png")]):
mat_dir = file.parent
name = mat_dir.stem
category = mat_dir.parent.stem
split = mat_dir.parent.parent.stem
mat_dest = dest_dir / split / category / name
mat_dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
thread = []
for map in mat_dir.glob("*.png"):
t = threading.Thread(target=process_map, args=(map, mat_dest))
for t in thread: