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@@ -1,3 +1,1235 @@
1 |
2 |
license: apache-2.0
3 |
1 |
2 |
license: apache-2.0
3 |
4 |
5 |
- name: code
6 |
dtype: string
7 |
- name: label
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
'0': Ascending primes
12 |
'1': Array concatenation
13 |
'2': ASCII art diagram converter
14 |
'3': Array length
15 |
'4': Arithmetic/Integer
16 |
'5': Arithmetic numbers
17 |
'6': Arithmetic-geometric mean/Calculate Pi
18 |
'7': Arena storage pool
19 |
'8': Arithmetic/Rational
20 |
'9': Arithmetic/Complex
21 |
'10': Arithmetic-geometric mean
22 |
'11': Arithmetic evaluation
23 |
'12': Archimedean spiral
24 |
'13': Arrays
25 |
'14': Zero to the zero power
26 |
'15': Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm
27 |
'16': Zeckendorf number representation
28 |
'17': Zeckendorf arithmetic
29 |
'18': Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
30 |
'19': Zumkeller numbers
31 |
'20': Yellowstone sequence
32 |
'21': 100 doors
33 |
'22': Yahoo! search interface
34 |
'23': XML/XPath
35 |
'24': Zebra puzzle
36 |
'25': Y combinator
37 |
'26': Yin and yang
38 |
'27': Zig-zag matrix
39 |
'28': Write to Windows event log
40 |
'29': Write entire file
41 |
'30': Write float arrays to a text file
42 |
'31': XML/DOM serialization
43 |
'32': World Cup group stage
44 |
'33': Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm
45 |
'34': XML/Output
46 |
'35': XML/Input
47 |
'36': Wordiff
48 |
'37': Write language name in 3D ASCII
49 |
'38': Word wheel
50 |
'39': Word ladder
51 |
'40': Window management
52 |
'41': Word search
53 |
'42': Window creation/X11
54 |
'43': Wilson primes of order n
55 |
'44': Word wrap
56 |
'45': Wieferich primes
57 |
'46': Window creation
58 |
'47': Weird numbers
59 |
'48': Wireworld
60 |
'49': Web scraping
61 |
'50': Word frequency
62 |
'51': War card game
63 |
'52': Vogel's approximation method
64 |
'53': Walk a directory/Non-recursively
65 |
'54': Voronoi diagram
66 |
'55': Vigenère cipher/Cryptanalysis
67 |
'56': Water collected between towers
68 |
'57': Visualize a tree
69 |
'58': Walk a directory/Recursively
70 |
'59': Verify distribution uniformity/Naive
71 |
'60': Verhoeff algorithm
72 |
'61': Vigenère cipher
73 |
'62': Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test
74 |
'63': Video display modes
75 |
'64': Variable-length quantity
76 |
'65': Variable size/Set
77 |
'66': Vector
78 |
'67': Variadic function
79 |
'68': Variable size/Get
80 |
'69': Variable declaration reset
81 |
'70': Vampire number
82 |
'71': Validate International Securities Identification Number
83 |
'72': Vector products
84 |
'73': Van der Corput sequence
85 |
'74': Van Eck sequence
86 |
'75': Use another language to call a function
87 |
'76': Variables
88 |
'77': URL parser
89 |
'78': URL encoding
90 |
'79': UTF-8 encode and decode
91 |
'80': URL decoding
92 |
'81': Update a configuration file
93 |
'82': User input/Graphical
94 |
'83': User input/Text
95 |
'84': UPC
96 |
'85': Undefined values
97 |
'86': Unix/ls
98 |
'87': Unicode variable names
99 |
'88': Unprimeable numbers
100 |
'89': Ultra useful primes
101 |
'90': Unbias a random generator
102 |
'91': Untouchable numbers
103 |
'92': Unicode strings
104 |
'93': Ukkonen’s suffix tree construction
105 |
'94': Two bullet roulette
106 |
'95': Twin primes
107 |
'96': Truncate a file
108 |
'97': Ulam spiral (for primes)
109 |
'98': Truth table
110 |
'99': Tree datastructures
111 |
'100': Twelve statements
112 |
'101': Tree from nesting levels
113 |
'102': Truncatable primes
114 |
'103': Universal Turing machine
115 |
'104': Topswops
116 |
'105': Topic variable
117 |
'106': Trabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm
118 |
'107': Total circles area
119 |
'108': Totient function
120 |
'109': Tonelli-Shanks algorithm
121 |
'110': Topological sort
122 |
'111': Trigonometric functions
123 |
'112': Tokenize a string with escaping
124 |
'113': Tree traversal
125 |
'114': Thue-Morse
126 |
'115': Top rank per group
127 |
'116': Tokenize a string
128 |
'117': Tic-tac-toe
129 |
'118': Time a function
130 |
'119': Towers of Hanoi
131 |
'120': The sieve of Sundaram
132 |
'121': Thiele's interpolation formula
133 |
'122': The Name Game
134 |
'123': Textonyms
135 |
'124': Text processing/2
136 |
'125': Text processing/Max licenses in use
137 |
'126': Terminal control/Unicode output
138 |
'127': Terminal control/Ringing the terminal bell
139 |
'128': The ISAAC Cipher
140 |
'129': Test integerness
141 |
'130': Test a function
142 |
'131': Terminal control/Preserve screen
143 |
'132': Terminal control/Positional read
144 |
'133': Terminal control/Hiding the cursor
145 |
'134': Terminal control/Inverse video
146 |
'135': Terminal control/Display an extended character
147 |
'136': Text processing/1
148 |
'137': Terminal control/Dimensions
149 |
'138': Ternary logic
150 |
'139': The Twelve Days of Christmas
151 |
'140': Terminal control/Cursor positioning
152 |
'141': Terminal control/Cursor movement
153 |
'142': Terminal control/Coloured text
154 |
'143': Teacup rim text
155 |
'144': Taxicab numbers
156 |
'145': Tau number
157 |
'146': Tarjan
158 |
'147': Tau function
159 |
'148': Table creation/Postal addresses
160 |
'149': Synchronous concurrency
161 |
'150': Take notes on the command line
162 |
'151': Terminal control/Clear the screen
163 |
'152': Superpermutation minimisation
164 |
'153': Super-d numbers
165 |
'154': Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping
166 |
'155': Sylvester's sequence
167 |
'156': Superellipse
168 |
'157': Temperature conversion
169 |
'158': Summarize primes
170 |
'159': Symmetric difference
171 |
'160': Summarize and say sequence
172 |
'161': System time
173 |
'162': Sum of elements below main diagonal of matrix
174 |
'163': Sum and product puzzle
175 |
'164': Suffixation of decimal numbers
176 |
'165': Sum to 100
177 |
'166': Sum of squares
178 |
'167': Sum multiples of 3 and 5
179 |
'168': Substitution cipher
180 |
'169': Sum digits of an integer
181 |
'170': Sum and product of an array
182 |
'171': Sum of a series
183 |
'172': Subtractive generator
184 |
'173': Successive prime differences
185 |
'174': Strong and weak primes
186 |
'175': Substring/Top and tail
187 |
'176': Sudoku
188 |
'177': Strip block comments
189 |
'178': Subleq
190 |
'179': String prepend
191 |
'180': Strip control codes and extended characters from a string
192 |
'181': Strip whitespace from a string/Top and tail
193 |
'182': Strip comments from a string
194 |
'183': Substring
195 |
'184': Strip a set of characters from a string
196 |
'185': String concatenation
197 |
'186': String interpolation (included)
198 |
'187': String comparison
199 |
'188': String matching
200 |
'189': String case
201 |
'190': String length
202 |
'191': Stirling numbers of the second kind
203 |
'192': Strassen's algorithm
204 |
'193': String append
205 |
'194': Straddling checkerboard
206 |
'195': Stirling numbers of the first kind
207 |
'196': Stream merge
208 |
'197': Statistics/Normal distribution
209 |
'198': Stem-and-leaf plot
210 |
'199': State name puzzle
211 |
'200': Start from a main routine
212 |
'201': Stern-Brocot sequence
213 |
'202': Stack traces
214 |
'203': Stair-climbing puzzle
215 |
'204': Square form factorization
216 |
'205': Square-free integers
217 |
'206': Statistics/Basic
218 |
'207': SQL-based authentication
219 |
'208': Square but not cube
220 |
'209': Speech synthesis
221 |
'210': Split a character string based on change of character
222 |
'211': Spinning rod animation/Text
223 |
'212': Stack
224 |
'213': Spelling of ordinal numbers
225 |
'214': Stable marriage problem
226 |
'215': Special variables
227 |
'216': Sorting algorithms/Strand sort
228 |
'217': Sparkline in unicode
229 |
'218': Spiral matrix
230 |
'219': Special characters
231 |
'220': Sorting algorithms/Sleep sort
232 |
'221': Sorting algorithms/Stooge sort
233 |
'222': Sorting algorithms/Permutation sort
234 |
'223': Sorting algorithms/Shell sort
235 |
'224': Soundex
236 |
'225': Sorting algorithms/Radix sort
237 |
'226': Sorting algorithms/Selection sort
238 |
'227': Sorting algorithms/Patience sort
239 |
'228': Sorting algorithms/Pancake sort
240 |
'229': Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort
241 |
'230': Sorting algorithms/Quicksort
242 |
'231': Sorting algorithms/Heapsort
243 |
'232': Sorting algorithms/Merge sort
244 |
'233': Sorting algorithms/Cocktail sort with shifting bounds
245 |
'234': Sorting Algorithms/Circle Sort
246 |
'235': Sorting algorithms/Comb sort
247 |
'236': Sorting algorithms/Bogosort
248 |
'237': Sorting algorithms/Counting sort
249 |
'238': Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort
250 |
'239': Sorting algorithms/Bead sort
251 |
'240': Sorting algorithms/Cocktail sort
252 |
'241': Sort an outline at every level
253 |
'242': Sort three variables
254 |
'243': Sort using a custom comparator
255 |
'244': Sort numbers lexicographically
256 |
'245': Sort stability
257 |
'246': Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort
258 |
'247': Sort disjoint sublist
259 |
'248': Sort a list of object identifiers
260 |
'249': Solve a Numbrix puzzle
261 |
'250': Solve a Hopido puzzle
262 |
'251': Solve the no connection puzzle
263 |
'252': Sort an integer array
264 |
'253': SOAP
265 |
'254': Smallest number k such that k+2^m is composite for all m less than
266 |
267 |
'255': Sort an array of composite structures
268 |
'256': Solve a Holy Knight's tour
269 |
'257': Sokoban
270 |
'258': Sockets
271 |
'259': Smarandache prime-digital sequence
272 |
'260': Sleeping Beauty problem
273 |
'261': Solve a Hidato puzzle
274 |
'262': Snake
275 |
'263': Smith numbers
276 |
'264': Singleton
277 |
'265': Simulate input/Mouse
278 |
'266': Simulate input/Keyboard
279 |
'267': Simple turtle graphics
280 |
'268': Singly-linked list/Element definition
281 |
'269': Singly-linked list/Traversal
282 |
'270': Singly-linked list/Element insertion
283 |
'271': Sleep
284 |
'272': Simple windowed application
285 |
'273': Sierpinski square curve
286 |
'274': Sierpinski arrowhead curve
287 |
'275': Sierpinski triangle/Graphical
288 |
'276': Sierpinski pentagon
289 |
'277': Show the epoch
290 |
'278': Sierpinski triangle
291 |
'279': Simple database
292 |
'280': Shortest common supersequence
293 |
'281': Shoelace formula for polygonal area
294 |
'282': Shell one-liner
295 |
'283': Sierpinski carpet
296 |
'284': Short-circuit evaluation
297 |
'285': SHA-256 Merkle tree
298 |
'286': Sexy primes
299 |
'287': Set right-adjacent bits
300 |
'288': Show ASCII table
301 |
'289': SHA-1
302 |
'290': SHA-256
303 |
'291': Set puzzle
304 |
'292': Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice
305 |
'293': 'Sequence: smallest number greater than previous term with exactly
306 |
n divisors'
307 |
'294': 'Sequence: nth number with exactly n divisors'
308 |
'295': Set consolidation
309 |
'296': 'Sequence: smallest number with exactly n divisors'
310 |
'297': Sequence of primorial primes
311 |
'298': Set of real numbers
312 |
'299': Send an unknown method call
313 |
'300': Send email
314 |
'301': Selectively replace multiple instances of a character within a string
315 |
'302': Self numbers
316 |
'303': Sequence of primes by trial division
317 |
'304': Semiprime
318 |
'305': Semordnilap
319 |
'306': Sequence of non-squares
320 |
'307': Set
321 |
'308': Self-describing numbers
322 |
'309': Sieve of Eratosthenes
323 |
'310': SEDOLs
324 |
'311': Search in paragraph's text
325 |
'312': Secure temporary file
326 |
'313': Scope modifiers
327 |
'314': Scope/Function names and labels
328 |
'315': Sailors, coconuts and a monkey problem
329 |
'316': Same fringe
330 |
'317': Search a list of records
331 |
'318': Safe addition
332 |
'319': Safe primes and unsafe primes
333 |
'320': Ruth-Aaron numbers
334 |
'321': Runtime evaluation
335 |
'322': Runtime evaluation/In an environment
336 |
'323': Search a list
337 |
'324': RSA code
338 |
'325': Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users
339 |
'326': Runge-Kutta method
340 |
'327': S-expressions
341 |
'328': RPG attributes generator
342 |
'329': Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity
343 |
'330': Rosetta Code/Fix code tags
344 |
'331': Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks
345 |
'332': Rosetta Code/Count examples
346 |
'333': Roots of unity
347 |
'334': Roots of a quadratic function
348 |
'335': Rosetta Code/Find bare lang tags
349 |
'336': Run-length encoding
350 |
'337': Roots of a function
351 |
'338': Rot-13
352 |
'339': Rock-paper-scissors
353 |
'340': Roman numerals/Decode
354 |
'341': Roman numerals/Encode
355 |
'342': Rhonda numbers
356 |
'343': Retrieve and search chat history
357 |
'344': RIPEMD-160
358 |
'345': Repunit primes
359 |
'346': Respond to an unknown method call
360 |
'347': Resistor mesh
361 |
'348': Return multiple values
362 |
'349': Reverse words in a string
363 |
'350': Rendezvous
364 |
'351': Reflection/Get source
365 |
'352': Repeat
366 |
'353': Rename a file
367 |
'354': Reflection/List properties
368 |
'355': Reflection/List methods
369 |
'356': Regular expressions
370 |
'357': Record sound
371 |
'358': Rep-string
372 |
'359': Repeat a string
373 |
'360': Remove lines from a file
374 |
'361': Recaman's sequence
375 |
'362': Remove duplicate elements
376 |
'363': Read entire file
377 |
'364': Reduced row echelon form
378 |
'365': Real constants and functions
379 |
'366': Reverse a string
380 |
'367': Read a file character by character/UTF8
381 |
'368': Rate counter
382 |
'369': Read a specific line from a file
383 |
'370': Ray-casting algorithm
384 |
'371': Ranking methods
385 |
'372': Range consolidation
386 |
'373': Random sentence from book
387 |
'374': Read a configuration file
388 |
'375': Rare numbers
389 |
'376': Random number generator (device)
390 |
'377': Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification
391 |
'378': Ramanujan primes/twins
392 |
'379': Random numbers
393 |
'380': Ramanujan's constant
394 |
'381': Random number generator (included)
395 |
'382': Random Latin squares
396 |
'383': Read a file line by line
397 |
'384': Quoting constructs
398 |
'385': Range expansion
399 |
'386': Range extraction
400 |
'387': Quickselect algorithm
401 |
'388': Queue/Usage
402 |
'389': Quine
403 |
'390': Quaternion type
404 |
'391': Queue/Definition
405 |
'392': Pseudo-random numbers/Xorshift star
406 |
'393': Pseudo-random numbers/PCG32
407 |
'394': Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method
408 |
'395': Pythagorean quadruples
409 |
'396': Pythagoras tree
410 |
'397': Pseudo-random numbers/Splitmix64
411 |
'398': Pseudo-random numbers/Combined recursive generator MRG32k3a
412 |
'399': Pythagorean triples
413 |
'400': QR decomposition
414 |
'401': Program name
415 |
'402': Primorial numbers
416 |
'403': Program termination
417 |
'404': Prime triangle
418 |
'405': Problem of Apollonius
419 |
'406': Primes - allocate descendants to their ancestors
420 |
'407': Prime conspiracy
421 |
'408': Priority queue
422 |
'409': Pragmatic directives
423 |
'410': Probabilistic choice
424 |
'411': Proper divisors
425 |
'412': Primality by Wilson's theorem
426 |
'413': Polyspiral
427 |
'414': Polymorphic copy
428 |
'415': Price fraction
429 |
'416': Polynomial long division
430 |
'417': Polynomial regression
431 |
'418': Prime decomposition
432 |
'419': Poker hand analyser
433 |
'420': Polymorphism
434 |
'421': Power set
435 |
'422': Plot coordinate pairs
436 |
'423': Pointers and references
437 |
'424': Population count
438 |
'425': Primality by trial division
439 |
'426': Pinstripe/Printer
440 |
'427': Play recorded sounds
441 |
'428': Pisano period
442 |
'429': Pinstripe/Display
443 |
'430': Plasma effect
444 |
'431': Playfair cipher
445 |
'432': Pig the dice game/Player
446 |
'433': Pierpont primes
447 |
'434': Pig the dice game
448 |
'435': Permutations/Rank of a permutation
449 |
'436': Pick random element
450 |
'437': Phrase reversals
451 |
'438': Playing cards
452 |
'439': Peripheral drift illusion
453 |
'440': Permutation test
454 |
'441': Pernicious numbers
455 |
'442': Permutations by swapping
456 |
'443': Pi
457 |
'444': Permutations/Derangements
458 |
'445': Perlin noise
459 |
'446': Periodic table
460 |
'447': Percolation/Mean run density
461 |
'448': Percolation/Site percolation
462 |
'449': Percolation/Mean cluster density
463 |
'450': Perfect totient numbers
464 |
'451': Percolation/Bond percolation
465 |
'452': Perfect shuffle
466 |
'453': Percentage difference between images
467 |
'454': Pentomino tiling
468 |
'455': Perfect numbers
469 |
'456': Permutations
470 |
'457': Pentagram
471 |
'458': Pell's equation
472 |
'459': Peano curve
473 |
'460': Penney's game
474 |
'461': Pathological floating point problems
475 |
'462': Peaceful chess queen armies
476 |
'463': Password generator
477 |
'464': Particle fountain
478 |
'465': Partition function P
479 |
'466': Pascal's triangle/Puzzle
480 |
'467': Partition an integer x into n primes
481 |
'468': Partial function application
482 |
'469': Parse an IP Address
483 |
'470': Parametric polymorphism
484 |
'471': Parsing/Shunting-yard algorithm
485 |
'472': Parsing/RPN to infix conversion
486 |
'473': Parallel calculations
487 |
'474': Pascal matrix generation
488 |
'475': Parameterized SQL statement
489 |
'476': Parallel brute force
490 |
'477': Pancake numbers
491 |
'478': Paraffins
492 |
'479': Parsing/RPN calculator algorithm
493 |
'480': Palindromic gapful numbers
494 |
'481': Pascal's triangle
495 |
'482': Pangram checker
496 |
'483': Palindrome detection
497 |
'484': P-Adic square roots
498 |
'485': P-Adic numbers, basic
499 |
'486': Padovan n-step number sequences
500 |
'487': Ordered partitions
501 |
'488': Palindrome dates
502 |
'489': Padovan sequence
503 |
'490': Order by pair comparisons
504 |
'491': Ordered words
505 |
'492': P-value correction
506 |
'493': Operator precedence
507 |
'494': Optional parameters
508 |
'495': OpenWebNet password
509 |
'496': OLE automation
510 |
'497': One-time pad
511 |
'498': Order disjoint list items
512 |
'499': OpenGL
513 |
'500': Order two numerical lists
514 |
'501': Old Russian measure of length
515 |
'502': One of n lines in a file
516 |
'503': Numerical and alphabetical suffixes
517 |
'504': Odd word problem
518 |
'505': Numerical integration/Gauss-Legendre Quadrature
519 |
'506': Numbers which are not the sum of distinct squares
520 |
'507': Numeric error propagation
521 |
'508': Object serialization
522 |
'509': Old lady swallowed a fly
523 |
'510': Numbers with equal rises and falls
524 |
'511': Numerical integration
525 |
'512': One-dimensional cellular automata
526 |
'513': Null object
527 |
'514': Number reversal game
528 |
'515': Number names
529 |
'516': Nonoblock
530 |
'517': Non-transitive dice
531 |
'518': Non-decimal radices/Input
532 |
'519': Non-decimal radices/Output
533 |
'520': Non-continuous subsequences
534 |
'521': Nonogram solver
535 |
'522': Nested templated data
536 |
'523': Next highest int from digits
537 |
'524': Nim game
538 |
'525': Nested function
539 |
'526': Nautical bell
540 |
'527': Negative base numbers
541 |
'528': Non-decimal radices/Convert
542 |
'529': Narcissist
543 |
'530': Natural sorting
544 |
'531': Nth root
545 |
'532': Naming conventions
546 |
'533': Möbius function
547 |
'534': N-smooth numbers
548 |
'535': Named parameters
549 |
'536': Narcissistic decimal number
550 |
'537': Musical scale
551 |
'538': Munching squares
552 |
'539': Multisplit
553 |
'540': N'th
554 |
'541': Munchausen numbers
555 |
'542': Mutual recursion
556 |
'543': N-queens problem
557 |
'544': Multiplicative order
558 |
'545': Multiple distinct objects
559 |
'546': Multi-base primes
560 |
'547': Multi-dimensional array
561 |
'548': Multiple regression
562 |
'549': Motzkin numbers
563 |
'550': Move-to-front algorithm
564 |
'551': Mouse position
565 |
'552': Multifactorial
566 |
'553': Monads/List monad
567 |
'554': Monads/Writer monad
568 |
'555': Monads/Maybe monad
569 |
'556': Modular inverse
570 |
'557': Monte Carlo methods
571 |
'558': Morse code
572 |
'559': Monty Hall problem
573 |
'560': Multiplication tables
574 |
'561': Minkowski question-mark function
575 |
'562': Minimum multiple of m where digital sum equals m
576 |
'563': Modified random distribution
577 |
'564': Modular arithmetic
578 |
'565': Minimal steps down to 1
579 |
'566': Modular exponentiation
580 |
'567': Minimum positive multiple in base 10 using only 0 and 1
581 |
'568': Minesweeper game
582 |
'569': Mind boggling card trick
583 |
'570': Metered concurrency
584 |
'571': Mian-Chowla sequence
585 |
'572': Metaprogramming
586 |
'573': Metronome
587 |
'574': Metallic ratios
588 |
'575': Median filter
589 |
'576': Miller–Rabin primality test
590 |
'577': Memory layout of a data structure
591 |
'578': Merge and aggregate datasets
592 |
'579': Memory allocation
593 |
'580': Mertens function
594 |
'581': Middle three digits
595 |
'582': Menu
596 |
'583': MD5/Implementation
597 |
'584': Mayan calendar
598 |
'585': McNuggets problem
599 |
'586': MD4
600 |
'587': Maze solving
601 |
'588': Maximum triangle path sum
602 |
'589': Mayan numerals
603 |
'590': MD5
604 |
'591': Matrix-exponentiation operator
605 |
'592': Matrix chain multiplication
606 |
'593': Matrix digital rain
607 |
'594': Mastermind
608 |
'595': Make directory path
609 |
'596': Main step of GOST 28147-89
610 |
'597': Maze generation
611 |
'598': Magnanimous numbers
612 |
'599': Man or boy test
613 |
'600': Magic squares of singly even order
614 |
'601': Magic constant
615 |
'602': Map range
616 |
'603': Magic squares of doubly even order
617 |
'604': Matrix multiplication
618 |
'605': Matrix transposition
619 |
'606': Magic squares of odd order
620 |
'607': Mandelbrot set
621 |
'608': MAC Vendor Lookup
622 |
'609': Machine code
623 |
'610': Magic 8-ball
624 |
'611': Ludic numbers
625 |
'612': Lychrel numbers
626 |
'613': Mad Libs
627 |
'614': Lucky and even lucky numbers
628 |
'615': LU decomposition
629 |
'616': LZW compression
630 |
'617': Loops/Wrong ranges
631 |
'618': Lucas-Lehmer test
632 |
'619': Loops/With multiple ranges
633 |
'620': Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
634 |
'621': Luhn test of credit card numbers
635 |
'622': Loops/Foreach
636 |
'623': Loops/Nested
637 |
'624': Loops/N plus one half
638 |
'625': Loops/While
639 |
'626': Loops/Infinite
640 |
'627': Loops/Downward for
641 |
'628': Loops/For with a specified step
642 |
'629': Loops/Do-while
643 |
'630': Loops/For
644 |
'631': Longest increasing subsequence
645 |
'632': Longest string challenge
646 |
'633': Longest common substring
647 |
'634': Loops/Continue
648 |
'635': Long primes
649 |
'636': Long year
650 |
'637': Longest common subsequence
651 |
'638': List rooted trees
652 |
'639': Literals/Floating point
653 |
'640': Loops/Break
654 |
'641': Long literals, with continuations
655 |
'642': Look-and-say sequence
656 |
'643': Literals/String
657 |
'644': Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously
658 |
'645': Literals/Integer
659 |
'646': Long multiplication
660 |
'647': Logical operations
661 |
'648': Levenshtein distance/Alignment
662 |
'649': Legendre prime counting function
663 |
'650': List comprehensions
664 |
'651': Leonardo numbers
665 |
'652': Left factorials
666 |
'653': Linear congruential generator
667 |
'654': Latin Squares in reduced form/Randomizing using Jacobson and Matthews’
668 |
669 |
'655': Law of cosines - triples
670 |
'656': Levenshtein distance
671 |
'657': Leap year
672 |
'658': Latin Squares in reduced form
673 |
'659': Last letter-first letter
674 |
'660': Largest proper divisor of n
675 |
'661': Largest number divisible by its digits
676 |
'662': Letter frequency
677 |
'663': Kolakoski sequence
678 |
'664': Lah numbers
679 |
'665': Kosaraju
680 |
'666': Largest int from concatenated ints
681 |
'667': Least common multiple
682 |
'668': Kronecker product based fractals
683 |
'669': Knuth's algorithm S
684 |
'670': Knuth's power tree
685 |
'671': Last Friday of each month
686 |
'672': Koch curve
687 |
'673': Kronecker product
688 |
'674': Langton's ant
689 |
'675': Keyboard macros
690 |
'676': Keyboard input/Obtain a Y or N response
691 |
'677': Knapsack problem/Continuous
692 |
'678': Knapsack problem/Bounded
693 |
'679': Knapsack problem/Unbounded
694 |
'680': Keyboard input/Keypress check
695 |
'681': Keyboard input/Flush the keyboard buffer
696 |
'682': Kernighans large earthquake problem
697 |
'683': K-d tree
698 |
'684': Jump anywhere
699 |
'685': K-means++ clustering
700 |
'686': Knuth shuffle
701 |
'687': Juggler sequence
702 |
'688': Julia set
703 |
'689': Joystick position
704 |
'690': Knight's tour
705 |
'691': JSON
706 |
'692': Knapsack problem/0-1
707 |
'693': Kaprekar numbers
708 |
'694': JortSort
709 |
'695': Jensen's Device
710 |
'696': Jewels and stones
711 |
'697': Jacobi symbol
712 |
'698': Jaro-Winkler distance
713 |
'699': Jacobsthal numbers
714 |
'700': Inverted syntax
715 |
'701': Jaro similarity
716 |
'702': Josephus problem
717 |
'703': Iterated digits squaring
718 |
'704': ISBN13 check digit
719 |
'705': Isqrt (integer square root) of X
720 |
'706': Intersecting number wheels
721 |
'707': Interactive programming (repl)
722 |
'708': Inverted index
723 |
'709': Introspection
724 |
'710': Integer overflow
725 |
'711': Inheritance/Multiple
726 |
'712': Inheritance/Single
727 |
'713': Input loop
728 |
'714': Integer sequence
729 |
'715': Increasing gaps between consecutive Niven numbers
730 |
'716': Infinity
731 |
'717': Idiomatically determine all the characters that can be used for symbols
732 |
'718': Index finite lists of positive integers
733 |
'719': Idiomatically determine all the lowercase and uppercase letters
734 |
'720': Imaginary base numbers
735 |
'721': Image convolution
736 |
'722': Image noise
737 |
'723': Include a file
738 |
'724': Hunt the Wumpus
739 |
'725': Integer comparison
740 |
'726': Humble numbers
741 |
'727': Increment a numerical string
742 |
'728': I before E except after C
743 |
'729': IBAN
744 |
'730': Identity matrix
745 |
'731': HTTPS/Client-authenticated
746 |
'732': HTTPS/Authenticated
747 |
'733': HTTPS
748 |
'734': Hough transform
749 |
'735': Host introspection
750 |
'736': Huffman coding
751 |
'737': Hostname
752 |
'738': Home primes
753 |
'739': Horizontal sundial calculations
754 |
'740': Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation
755 |
'741': HTTP
756 |
'742': Honeycombs
757 |
'743': Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 sequence
758 |
'744': History variables
759 |
'745': Holidays related to Easter
760 |
'746': Hickerson series of almost integers
761 |
'747': Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences
762 |
'748': Hilbert curve
763 |
'749': Hofstadter Q sequence
764 |
'750': Hello world/Web server
765 |
'751': Here document
766 |
'752': Heronian triangles
767 |
'753': Hello world/Standard error
768 |
'754': Higher-order functions
769 |
'755': Hello world/Text
770 |
'756': Hello world/Line printer
771 |
'757': Hash join
772 |
'758': Hello world/Newbie
773 |
'759': Hash from two arrays
774 |
'760': Harmonic series
775 |
'761': Hello world/Newline omission
776 |
'762': Harshad or Niven series
777 |
'763': Handle a signal
778 |
'764': Halt and catch fire
779 |
'765': GUI/Maximum window dimensions
780 |
'766': Haversine formula
781 |
'767': Hello world/Graphical
782 |
'768': GUI enabling/disabling of controls
783 |
'769': Guess the number/With feedback (player)
784 |
'770': GUI component interaction
785 |
'771': Happy numbers
786 |
'772': Greyscale bars/Display
787 |
'773': Guess the number
788 |
'774': Greatest subsequential sum
789 |
'775': Grayscale image
790 |
'776': Guess the number/With feedback
791 |
'777': Graph colouring
792 |
'778': Go Fish
793 |
'779': Goldbach's comet
794 |
'780': Hamming numbers
795 |
'781': Globally replace text in several files
796 |
'782': Get system command output
797 |
'783': Gray code
798 |
'784': Greatest element of a list
799 |
'785': Hailstone sequence
800 |
'786': Generic swap
801 |
'787': Greatest common divisor
802 |
'788': Generator/Exponential
803 |
'789': Generate random chess position
804 |
'790': Generate Chess960 starting position
805 |
'791': General FizzBuzz
806 |
'792': Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion
807 |
'793': Gapful numbers
808 |
'794': Gaussian elimination
809 |
'795': Function prototype
810 |
'796': Generate lower case ASCII alphabet
811 |
'797': Functional coverage tree
812 |
'798': Galton box animation
813 |
'799': Function frequency
814 |
'800': FTP
815 |
'801': French Republican calendar
816 |
'802': Gamma function
817 |
'803': Fusc sequence
818 |
'804': Fractal tree
819 |
'805': Fractran
820 |
'806': Function composition
821 |
'807': Fraction reduction
822 |
'808': Function definition
823 |
'809': Fortunate numbers
824 |
'810': Fork
825 |
'811': Four is the number of letters in the ...
826 |
'812': Formal power series
827 |
'813': Formatted numeric output
828 |
'814': Four bit adder
829 |
'815': Forward difference
830 |
'816': Four is magic
831 |
'817': Floyd-Warshall algorithm
832 |
'818': Fixed length records
833 |
'819': Flow-control structures
834 |
'820': Flipping bits game
835 |
'821': Forest fire
836 |
'822': First power of 2 that has leading decimal digits of 12
837 |
'823': First-class functions/Use numbers analogously
838 |
'824': Floyd's triangle
839 |
'825': Fivenum
840 |
'826': First class environments
841 |
'827': Flatten a list
842 |
'828': First perfect square in base n with n unique digits
843 |
'829': First-class functions
844 |
'830': Five weekends
845 |
'831': Find the intersection of two lines
846 |
'832': Find the intersection of a line with a plane
847 |
'833': Find the last Sunday of each month
848 |
'834': Find the missing permutation
849 |
'835': FizzBuzz
850 |
'836': Find duplicate files
851 |
'837': Find Chess960 starting position identifier
852 |
'838': Find largest left truncatable prime in a given base
853 |
'839': Find if a point is within a triangle
854 |
'840': Find palindromic numbers in both binary and ternary bases
855 |
'841': Find limit of recursion
856 |
'842': File size distribution
857 |
'843': Find common directory path
858 |
'844': File modification time
859 |
'845': File size
860 |
'846': Fibonacci word/fractal
861 |
'847': File extension is in extensions list
862 |
'848': Feigenbaum constant calculation
863 |
'849': Fermat numbers
864 |
'850': File input/output
865 |
'851': Fibonacci word
866 |
'852': Faulhaber's formula
867 |
'853': Filter
868 |
'854': FASTA format
869 |
'855': Faulhaber's triangle
870 |
'856': Fairshare between two and more
871 |
'857': Farey sequence
872 |
'858': Fast Fourier transform
873 |
'859': Fibonacci n-step number sequences
874 |
'860': Factors of a Mersenne number
875 |
'861': Factors of an integer
876 |
'862': Fibonacci sequence
877 |
'863': Faces from a mesh
878 |
'864': Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base
879 |
'865': Extreme floating point values
880 |
'866': Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection
881 |
'867': Factorions
882 |
'868': Extend your language
883 |
'869': Extensible prime generator
884 |
'870': Exponentiation order
885 |
'871': Execute Computer/Zero
886 |
'872': Execute SNUSP
887 |
'873': Execute HQ9+
888 |
'874': Exponentiation operator
889 |
'875': Executable library
890 |
'876': Exceptions/Catch an exception thrown in a nested call
891 |
'877': Execute a Markov algorithm
892 |
'878': Exceptions
893 |
'879': Execute a system command
894 |
'880': Evolutionary algorithm
895 |
'881': Execute Brain****
896 |
'882': Factorial
897 |
'883': Euler's constant 0.5772...
898 |
'884': Euler's identity
899 |
'885': Erdös-Selfridge categorization of primes
900 |
'886': Euler method
901 |
'887': Esthetic numbers
902 |
'888': Equal prime and composite sums
903 |
'889': Evaluate binomial coefficients
904 |
'890': Entropy/Narcissist
905 |
'891': Environment variables
906 |
'892': Euler's sum of powers conjecture
907 |
'893': Equilibrium index
908 |
'894': Enumerations
909 |
'895': Enforced immutability
910 |
'896': Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
911 |
'897': Elliptic curve arithmetic
912 |
'898': Elementary cellular automaton/Random Number Generator
913 |
'899': Empty directory
914 |
'900': Entropy
915 |
'901': Ethiopian multiplication
916 |
'902': Even or odd
917 |
'903': Emirp primes
918 |
'904': Empty string
919 |
'905': Empty program
920 |
'906': EKG sequence convergence
921 |
'907': Echo server
922 |
'908': Elementary cellular automaton/Infinite length
923 |
'909': Eertree
924 |
'910': Elementary cellular automaton
925 |
'911': Earliest difference between prime gaps
926 |
'912': Element-wise operations
927 |
'913': Egyptian fractions
928 |
'914': Egyptian division
929 |
'915': Duffinian numbers
930 |
'916': Eban numbers
931 |
'917': Dynamic variable names
932 |
'918': Draw a pixel
933 |
'919': Draw a rotating cube
934 |
'920': Doubly-linked list/Element insertion
935 |
'921': Doubly-linked list/Traversal
936 |
'922': Dutch national flag problem
937 |
'923': Doubly-linked list/Element definition
938 |
'924': Draw a cuboid
939 |
'925': Draw a sphere
940 |
'926': Draw a clock
941 |
'927': Dragon curve
942 |
'928': Display a linear combination
943 |
'929': Documentation
944 |
'930': Diversity prediction theorem
945 |
'931': Distributed programming
946 |
'932': DNS query
947 |
'933': Display an outline as a nested table
948 |
'934': Doubly-linked list/Definition
949 |
'935': Disarium numbers
950 |
'936': Digital root/Multiplicative digital root
951 |
'937': Determine sentence type
952 |
'938': Dot product
953 |
'939': Dinesman's multiple-dwelling problem
954 |
'940': Dice game probabilities
955 |
'941': Dining philosophers
956 |
'942': Dijkstra's algorithm
957 |
'943': Determine if only one instance is running
958 |
'944': Discordian date
959 |
'945': Digital root
960 |
'946': Determine if a string is squeezable
961 |
'947': Determinant and permanent
962 |
'948': Determine if a string is collapsible
963 |
'949': Determine if a string has all the same characters
964 |
'950': Determine if two triangles overlap
965 |
'951': Descending primes
966 |
'952': Determine if a string has all unique characters
967 |
'953': Detect division by zero
968 |
'954': Deming's Funnel
969 |
'955': Delegates
970 |
'956': Determine if a string is numeric
971 |
'957': Delete a file
972 |
'958': Department numbers
973 |
'959': Deceptive numbers
974 |
'960': Deepcopy
975 |
'961': Deconvolution/1D
976 |
'962': Define a primitive data type
977 |
'963': Death Star
978 |
'964': Deal cards for FreeCell
979 |
'965': Deconvolution/2D+
980 |
'966': de Bruijn sequences
981 |
'967': Cyclops numbers
982 |
'968': Cut a rectangle
983 |
'969': Curzon numbers
984 |
'970': Date manipulation
985 |
'971': Day of the week
986 |
'972': Cyclotomic polynomial
987 |
'973': CUSIP
988 |
'974': Damm algorithm
989 |
'975': Currying
990 |
'976': Cullen and Woodall numbers
991 |
'977': Date format
992 |
'978': Currency
993 |
'979': Create an object at a given address
994 |
'980': Create a file on magnetic tape
995 |
'981': Cuban primes
996 |
'982': Cumulative standard deviation
997 |
'983': CSV data manipulation
998 |
'984': CRC-32
999 |
'985': Cramer's rule
1000 |
'986': Create a two-dimensional array at runtime
1001 |
'987': CSV to HTML translation
1002 |
'988': Create a file
1003 |
'989': Count the coins
1004 |
'990': Create an HTML table
1005 |
'991': Count in factors
1006 |
'992': Count occurrences of a substring
1007 |
'993': Count in octal
1008 |
'994': Copy stdin to stdout
1009 |
'995': Continued fraction/Arithmetic/Construct from rational number
1010 |
'996': Convert decimal number to rational
1011 |
'997': Copy a string
1012 |
'998': Convert seconds to compound duration
1013 |
'999': Constrained genericity
1014 |
'1000': Consecutive primes with ascending or descending differences
1015 |
'1001': Continued fraction
1016 |
'1002': Convex hull
1017 |
'1003': Constrained random points on a circle
1018 |
'1004': Composite numbers k with no single digit factors whose factors are
1019 |
all substrings of k
1020 |
'1005': Conjugate transpose
1021 |
'1006': Concurrent computing
1022 |
'1007': Compound data type
1023 |
'1008': Compile-time calculation
1024 |
'1009': Compiler/AST interpreter
1025 |
'1010': Compiler/syntax analyzer
1026 |
'1011': Compiler/virtual machine interpreter
1027 |
'1012': Compare sorting algorithms' performance
1028 |
'1013': Compare length of two strings
1029 |
'1014': Conway's Game of Life
1030 |
'1015': Compiler/code generator
1031 |
'1016': Commatizing numbers
1032 |
'1017': Compare a list of strings
1033 |
'1018': Combinations and permutations
1034 |
'1019': Compiler/lexical analyzer
1035 |
'1020': Command-line arguments
1036 |
'1021': Combinations with repetitions
1037 |
'1022': Comma quibbling
1038 |
'1023': Conditional structures
1039 |
'1024': Comments
1040 |
'1025': Colorful numbers
1041 |
'1026': Colour pinstripe/Printer
1042 |
'1027': Color of a screen pixel
1043 |
'1028': Color wheel
1044 |
'1029': Colour pinstripe/Display
1045 |
'1030': Color quantization
1046 |
'1031': Combinations
1047 |
'1032': Colour bars/Display
1048 |
'1033': Closures/Value capture
1049 |
'1034': Circular primes
1050 |
'1035': Cistercian numerals
1051 |
'1036': Closest-pair problem
1052 |
'1037': Collections
1053 |
'1038': Classes
1054 |
'1039': Church numerals
1055 |
'1040': Chernick's Carmichael numbers
1056 |
'1041': Chowla numbers
1057 |
'1042': Cholesky decomposition
1058 |
'1043': Checkpoint synchronization
1059 |
'1044': Check output device is a terminal
1060 |
'1045': Check input device is a terminal
1061 |
'1046': Circles of given radius through two points
1062 |
'1047': Chinese remainder theorem
1063 |
'1048': Chinese zodiac
1064 |
'1049': Cheryl's birthday
1065 |
'1050': Check Machin-like formulas
1066 |
'1051': Chat server
1067 |
'1052': Chaos game
1068 |
'1053': Check that file exists
1069 |
'1054': Character codes
1070 |
'1055': Chaocipher
1071 |
'1056': Catalan numbers/Pascal's triangle
1072 |
'1057': Case-sensitivity of identifiers
1073 |
'1058': Cartesian product of two or more lists
1074 |
'1059': Catmull–Clark subdivision surface
1075 |
'1060': Casting out nines
1076 |
'1061': Catamorphism
1077 |
'1062': Canny edge detector
1078 |
'1063': Canonicalize CIDR
1079 |
'1064': Carmichael 3 strong pseudoprimes
1080 |
'1065': Call an object method
1081 |
'1066': Call a function in a shared library
1082 |
'1067': Cantor set
1083 |
'1068': Catalan numbers
1084 |
'1069': Calkin-Wilf sequence
1085 |
'1070': Call a foreign-language function
1086 |
'1071': Burrows–Wheeler transform
1087 |
'1072': Calculating the value of e
1088 |
'1073': Bulls and cows/Player
1089 |
'1074': Calendar - for "REAL" programmers
1090 |
'1075': Brilliant numbers
1091 |
'1076': Break OO privacy
1092 |
'1077': Call a function
1093 |
'1078': Brace expansion
1094 |
'1079': Brownian tree
1095 |
'1080': Brazilian numbers
1096 |
'1081': Calendar
1097 |
'1082': Bulls and cows
1098 |
'1083': Caesar cipher
1099 |
'1084': Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe
1100 |
'1085': Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe
1101 |
'1086': Bitmap/Read a PPM file
1102 |
'1087': Bitmap/Write a PPM file
1103 |
'1088': Bitwise IO
1104 |
'1089': Bitmap/Histogram
1105 |
'1090': Boolean values
1106 |
'1091': Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic
1107 |
'1092': Bitmap/Midpoint circle algorithm
1108 |
'1093': Bitcoin/public point to address
1109 |
'1094': Bitmap/Flood fill
1110 |
'1095': Bitmap/Bézier curves/Cubic
1111 |
'1096': Box the compass
1112 |
'1097': Bitcoin/address validation
1113 |
'1098': Biorhythms
1114 |
'1099': Bioinformatics/Sequence mutation
1115 |
'1100': Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm
1116 |
'1101': Bioinformatics/base count
1117 |
'1102': Bitmap
1118 |
'1103': Bitwise operations
1119 |
'1104': Bin given limits
1120 |
'1105': Binary strings
1121 |
'1106': Bell numbers
1122 |
'1107': Benford's law
1123 |
'1108': Bernoulli numbers
1124 |
'1109': Best shuffle
1125 |
'1110': Binary search
1126 |
'1111': Binary digits
1127 |
'1112': Base64 decode data
1128 |
'1113': Averages/Root mean square
1129 |
'1114': Barnsley fern
1130 |
'1115': Averages/Simple moving average
1131 |
'1116': Babbage problem
1132 |
'1117': Averages/Pythagorean means
1133 |
'1118': Averages/Mode
1134 |
'1119': Balanced ternary
1135 |
'1120': Averages/Mean time of day
1136 |
'1121': AVL tree
1137 |
'1122': Averages/Mean angle
1138 |
'1123': Average loop length
1139 |
'1124': Attractive numbers
1140 |
'1125': Averages/Median
1141 |
'1126': Atomic updates
1142 |
'1127': Associative array/Merging
1143 |
'1128': Approximate equality
1144 |
'1129': Balanced brackets
1145 |
'1130': Assertions
1146 |
'1131': Apply a digital filter (direct form II transposed)
1147 |
'1132': Append a record to the end of a text file
1148 |
'1133': Averages/Arithmetic mean
1149 |
'1134': Associative array/Iteration
1150 |
'1135': Anti-primes
1151 |
'1136': Apply a callback to an array
1152 |
'1137': Associative array/Creation
1153 |
'1138': Anonymous recursion
1154 |
'1139': Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
1155 |
'1140': Animation
1156 |
'1141': Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
1157 |
'1142': Angle difference between two bearings
1158 |
'1143': Animate a pendulum
1159 |
'1144': Amicable pairs
1160 |
'1145': Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
1161 |
'1146': Algebraic data types
1162 |
'1147': Almost prime
1163 |
'1148': Amb
1164 |
'1149': Active Directory/Search for a user
1165 |
'1150': Active Directory/Connect
1166 |
'1151': Aliquot sequence classifications
1167 |
'1152': Anagrams
1168 |
'1153': AKS test for primes
1169 |
'1154': Additive primes
1170 |
'1155': Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
1171 |
'1156': Address of a variable
1172 |
'1157': Active object
1173 |
'1158': Achilles numbers
1174 |
'1159': Accumulator factory
1175 |
'1160': Align columns
1176 |
'1161': Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
1177 |
'1162': Ackermann function
1178 |
'1163': Abelian sandpile model
1179 |
'1164': Abbreviations, simple
1180 |
'1165': Abbreviations, easy
1181 |
'1166': Abstract type
1182 |
'1167': Abelian sandpile model/Identity
1183 |
'1168': Abbreviations, automatic
1184 |
'1169': Abundant odd numbers
1185 |
'1170': 9 billion names of God the integer
1186 |
'1171': 4-rings or 4-squares puzzle
1187 |
'1172': 21 game
1188 |
'1173': ABC problem
1189 |
'1174': 24 game/Solve
1190 |
'1175': 24 game
1191 |
'1176': 100 prisoners
1192 |
'1177': 15 puzzle solver
1193 |
'1178': A+B
1194 |
'1179': '2048'
1195 |
'1180': 15 puzzle game
1196 |
'1181': 99 bottles of beer
1197 |
- name: domain_label
1198 |
1199 |
1200 |
1201 |
'0': go
1202 |
'1': lua
1203 |
'2': perl
1204 |
'3': python
1205 |
'4': bash
1206 |
'5': c
1207 |
'6': clojure
1208 |
'7': groovy
1209 |
'8': haskell
1210 |
'9': java
1211 |
'10': javascript
1212 |
'11': kotlin
1213 |
'12': php
1214 |
'13': r
1215 |
'14': ruby
1216 |
'15': rust
1217 |
'16': scala
1218 |
'17': swift
1219 |
'18': dart
1220 |
'19': sql
1221 |
'20': typescript
1222 |
- name: index
1223 |
dtype: string
1224 |
1225 |
- name: train
1226 |
num_bytes: 9971189
1227 |
num_examples: 14581
1228 |
download_size: 4898404
1229 |
dataset_size: 9971189
1230 |
1231 |
- config_name: default
1232 |
1233 |
- split: train
1234 |
path: data/train-*
1235 |