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[House Hearing, 114 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
[H.A.S.C. No. 114-117] |
ON |
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MARCH 22, 2016 |
20-077 WASHINGTON : 2017 |
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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing |
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Washington, DC 20402-0001 |
JOE WILSON, South Carolina, Chairman |
JOHN KLINE, Minnesota JAMES R. LANGEVIN, Rhode Island |
BILL SHUSTER, Pennsylvania JIM COOPER, Tennessee |
DUNCAN HUNTER, California JOHN GARAMENDI, California |
RYAN K. ZINKE, Montana MARC A. VEASEY, Texas |
TRENT FRANKS, Arizona, Vice Chair DONALD NORCROSS, New Jersey |
MO BROOKS, Alabama PETE AGUILAR, California |
Kevin Gates, Professional Staff Member |
Lindsay Kavanaugh, Professional Staff Member |
Neve Schadler, Clerk |
C O N T E N T S |
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Page |
Langevin, Hon. James R., a Representative from Rhode Island, |
Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and |
Capabilities................................................... 2 |
Wilson, Hon. Joe, a Representative from South Carolina, Chairman, |
Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.............. 1 |
Halvorsen, Hon. Terry, Chief Information Officer, Department of |
Defense........................................................ 3 |
Levine, Hon. Peter, Deputy Chief Management Officer, Department |
of Defense..................................................... 3 |
Prepared Statements: |
Halvorsen, Hon. Terry........................................ 26 |
Levine, Hon. Peter........................................... 35 |
Wilson, Hon. Joe............................................. 25 |
Documents Submitted for the Record: |
[There were no Documents submitted.] |
Witness Responses to Questions Asked During the Hearing: |
Mr. Ashford.................................................. 44 |
Mr. Lamborn.................................................. 44 |
Mr. Langevin................................................. 43 |
Ms. Stefanik................................................. 44 |
Questions Submitted by Members Post Hearing: |
Mr. Kline.................................................... 52 |
Mr. Lamborn.................................................. 53 |
Mr. Langevin................................................. 51 |
Mr. Wilson................................................... 49 |
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House of Representatives, |
Committee on Armed Services, |
Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, |
Washington, DC, Tuesday, March 22, 2016. |
The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 3:43 p.m., in |
room 2118, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Joe Wilson |
(chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. |
Mr. Wilson. I call this hearing of the Emerging Threats and |
Capabilities Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee |
to order. I am pleased to welcome everyone here today for this |
hearing on the fiscal year 2017 budget request for information |
technology [IT] and cyber programs. |
Lately the Secretary has been highlighting the need for |
increased innovation in the Department of Defense [DOD] through |
public-private partnerships--and I was grateful that Secretary |
Ashton Carter was here yesterday on this issue, so it is right |
on point--as well as the importance of generating new |
capabilities to offset growing advantages of future potential |
adversaries. |
I believe that information technology and cyber will both |
serve as key enablers and, at the same time, present key |
challenges for the Department as it tries to realize its |
vision. |
In this time of fiscal constraint, I also believe it is |
equally important to enforce management rigor to make sure that |
we are squeezing the most out of every defense dollar where it |
makes sense. We need to learn from industry and use the kinds |
of business analytics and business intelligence methods that |
work so well in the commercial sphere. That also means using |
commercial tools to the maximum extent, especially in areas |
like business systems and cloud computing. |
We need to find better ways to foster and maintain our own |
human capital to support the acquisition and management of |
information technology and cyber systems. In looking through |
this most recent budget request, I want to make sure the |
Department is emphasizing these two complementary tracks-- |
increased innovation, as well as increased management |
discipline. |
I would like to welcome my distinguished panel of witnesses |
and appreciate their perspectives on all of these issues. This |
panel includes the Honorable Terry Halvorsen, Chief Information |
Officer [CIO], Department of Defense, the Honorable Peter |
Levine, the Deputy Chief Management Officer [DCMO], Department |
of Defense. |
I would like now to turn to my friend and ranking member, |
Mr. Jim Langevin from Rhode Island, for any comments he would |
like to make. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Wilson can be found in the |
Appendix on page 25.] |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for |
convening this hearing. And I want to thank you to our |
witnesses for testifying today on the President's fiscal year |
2017 budget request for information technology and cyber |
programs. |
Last week, we heard about the cyber mission force build and |
operations from Admiral Rogers, and today we will hear about |
the infrastructure our warfighters operate within and defend |
for the enterprise. Cyber Command [CYBERCOM] has advocated for |
the ability to see the network in order to provide better |
defense. The joint information environment, or JIE, is the |
guiding effort for achieving this capability. And today I hope |
to hear about the progress made under the JIE umbrella, |
governance for this effort, and service contributions. |
Another major undertaking I would like to discuss today is |
implementing the Department's cloud strategy. The DOD's |
migration to the cloud has slowed due to laborious |
certification requirements and an acquisition system unable to |
keep up with cloud services procurement. This also seems to |
hinder any efficiency or cost savings that could otherwise be |
achieved. |
Finally, the DOD has been tasked with building and |
maintaining the IT system for OPM's [Office of Personnel |
Management's] new National Background Investigation Bureau. |
While it makes sense the Department provide expertise on |
building a secure system, I am concerned the DOD is assuming |
all the risk by providing resources and assuming responsibility |
for decisions made outside the Department. |
As a long-term advocate for cybersecurity within this |
subcommittee, I am glad we have taken the time to not only |
discuss the build and operations, but also the infrastructure |
our cyber warriors operate within every day over the last few |
weeks. |
Again, thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I want to thank our |
witnesses for being here today to discuss this important topic. |
And I yield back the balance of my time. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Langevin. And now welcome again |
to our witnesses. Your written statements will be submitted for |
the record, so we ask that you summarize your comments in 5 |
minutes or less, and then after that, each of the persons on |
the subcommittee will go through a 5-minutes process and Kevin |
Gates will make sure it is done correctly. |
So we now begin with Mr. Halvorsen. |
Mr. Halvorsen. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Ranking |
Member, and distinguished members of the subcommittee. Thank |
you for this opportunity to testify before the subcommittee |
today on the Department's information technology budget |
request. |
As the Department's CIO, I am the principal adviser to the |
Secretary of Defense for information management, IT, |
cybersecurity, communications, positioning, navigation, and |
timing, spectrum management, senior leadership, nuclear command |
control, and communications matters. Those latter |
responsibilities are clearly unique to the DOD. |
My imperative at the CIO in managing this broad and diverse |
set of functions is to ensure that the Department has the |
information and communications technology capabilities needed |
to support the broad set of Department missions. This includes |
supporting our deployed forces and cyber mission forces, as |
well as business and warfighting support functions. |
As Secretary Carter has stated, DOD must address strategic |
challenges across all domains, not just air, land, and sea, but |
increasingly in cyberspace. The Department's budget includes |
funding to address these challenges, including IT and cyber |
investments that are critical to the Department's warfighting, |
intelligence, and business missions. |
As the CIO, I am driving cultural, business, technical |
improvements, and innovation into DOD's IT and cyber to better |
support defense missions and operations. My written testimony |
provides more detailed information on the Department's IT and |
cyberspace budget and priorities. |
I want to emphasize that these efforts require teamwork and |
partnership within DOD, which includes DISA [Defense |
Information Systems Agency], USD [Under Secretary of Defense] |
AT&L [Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics] and Policy, U.S. |
CYBERCOM, DCMO, and other partners. |
External partnerships to DOD will also be critical, to |
include Congress, industry, and our allies. I strongly believe |
an expanded partnership with industry will be essential to |
expanding and maintaining technology advantages, while |
improving our fiscal accountability. |
I thank you for your interest and support, and I look |
forward to your questions. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Halvorsen can be found in |
the Appendix on page 26.] |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Halvorsen. We now proceed to Mr. |
Levine. |
Mr. Levine. Thank you, Chairman Wilson, Ranking Member |
Langevin, and members of the subcommittee. |
I am Peter Levine, and I am the Deputy Chief Management |
Officer of the Department of Defense. Two years ago, this |
committee enacted legislation which will merge the offices of |
the DCMO and CIO. However, that legislation does not take |
effect until the beginning of the next administration, so until |
that time, the CIO, Mr. Halvorsen, will remain the responsible |
official within OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense] for |
IT, cybersecurity, and many of the other issues addressed in |
your letter of invitation. |
The DCMO's role, until such time as this merger takes |
place, is limited to reviewing and approving of investments in |
IT business systems. We do thank you in that regard for last |
year's NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act], in which you |
substantially streamlined and gave us more flexibility in the |
way we do this. We intend to use this flexibility in several |
ways. |
First, we intend to change our focus from the discrete |
review of each individual small investment and focus more on |
portfolios, so we can be more forward-looking in our management |
of business systems. Second, we plan to focus much more on |
return on investment, so that we can ensure that when we invest |
in business systems, we actually realize the benefits that we |
should be able to get out of them, that we actually turn off |
the legacy systems and reduce manning, where we can develop |
more efficient and less manpower-intensive processes. |
And finally, we are going to work to develop a streamlined |
process for business systems where we can align our business |
systems investment process, our CIO process, and our |
acquisition process into a single process so that we don't have |
to sequentially go through one after the other and put the |
program manager through recurring hoops as we go forward. |
We are firmly committed to working with you as we try to |
make the business systems process more efficient and to improve |
the Department's investment process and look forward to your |
questions. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Levine can be found in the |
Appendix on page 35.] |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you very much. And we will now proceed |
with a 5-minute round. I want to commend Lindsay Kavanaugh and |
Jim Langevin for achieving an extraordinary turnout today. So, |
congratulations. You did good. |
And I will begin with myself. And this is for both of you. |
What do you see as the major budgetary challenges in this |
year's President's budget request? Where are we accepting risk |
based on current budget constraints? |
Mr. Levine. I will give the gentle answer, which is not |
enough money. And I will defer to Mr. Halvorsen as to the IT |
budget specifically. |
Mr. Halvorsen. I certainly echo Peter's first comment about |
not enough money. I think in the IT area, we are taking some |
risk in modernization. Some of it will slow. We are trying to |
balance that and make sure that we don't take that risk in the |
security side. |
The other I think challenge that we are going to have in IT |
may not be exactly in the budget, and it is going to be the |
retention of the IT workforce. And frankly, that is going to |
come down to an economic decision. I happened to be in the |
valley [Silicon Valley] last week, and, you know, Google |
announced they are raising the pay for cybersecurity by another |
20 percent. That is going to keep impacting our ability to |
attract talent. |
If you ask me about the budget, what keeps me up more at |
night, that is probably the answer, sir. |
Mr. Wilson. And thank you very much. And, Mr. Halvorsen, |
Chairman Mac Thornberry's most recent defense reform proposal |
emphasizes prototyping experimentation. Can you tell us what |
the Department is doing with regard to information technology |
and cyber programs that highlight these approaches? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Yes, thank you. I think a couple things that |
we want to think about when we answer this question, much of |
the innovation today being driven in the cyber and IT business |
is coming from the commercial sector. We want to be closer tied |
to the commercial sector, so thanks to some legislation last |
year, I am able to now put people from DOD inside of business-- |
and we are doing that today--and also have business people on |
my staff, which we are also doing today. |
I think that partnership that we continue to strengthen is |
a key to us getting the right innovation and getting it on |
time. |
Within the DOD, I want to focus our S&T [science and |
technology] dollars around the areas the industry isn't going |
to focus on, and that is going to be on the weapons systems and |
top-level security systems, where there is not yet much play in |
the commercial sector, and I think our budget reflects that |
that is where our emphasis is and also reflects where we are |
taking risk is around innovation dollars that we would have |
that were inside the budget for commercial areas that we have |
taken some risk and are not spending that much. |
Mr. Wilson. And, again, I am impressed with the efforts by |
Secretary Carter to work for public-private cooperation. |
Additionally, Mr. Halvorsen, in the fiscal year 2017 budget |
request, the Defense Information Systems Agency, the primary IT |
provider for the Department, eliminated the S&T funding it had |
to pursue innovation and technology demonstration. Please |
explain the rationale for that decision and how this aligns |
with the Secretary's emphasis on drawing in innovation from the |
commercial sector. |
Mr. Halvorsen. Yes, we certainly reduced DISA's S&T |
funding. They still have some R&D [research and development] |
money. But in the area we reduced it is aligned exactly--I |
think what we have said before--today, where we are going to |
get our information, and particularly true for most of DISA's |
activities, which are supporting our business functions, is |
from industry and commercial. |
So in a constrained budget, in my opinion, that was where |
we chose to take some risk, because I think I can get that same |
innovation affect by strengthening our relationships with |
commercial industry. |
Mr. Wilson. Additionally, Mr. Halvorsen, section 901 of the |
fiscal year 2015 NDAA mandated that the chief information |
officer begin to exercise authority, direction, and control |
over the Information Assurances Directorate of the National |
Security Agency. |
Recently, this subcommittee was made aware of a DOD |
proposal to place that authority, direction, and control back |
with the Under Secretary for Intelligence. Do you support the |
Department's proposal? What are the pros and cons of keeping |
that authority with the chief information officer? |
Mr. Halvorsen. I don't know that the Department has made a |
formal proposal yet. I know that it is being discussed. |
Candidly, I would have some concerns about moving it away from |
the DOD CIO, but more importantly what we are doing is working |
with the intel side of the Department to form a governance |
structure that will allow both CIO and intel equities in the IA |
[information assurances] money to be addressed. |
Mr. Wilson. Well, with your background, we would all |
appreciate any input at any time as we consider these issues. |
I now yield to Mr. Langevin. |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Again, I want to |
thank both of our witnesses for being here and what you are |
doing in the IT and cyber sphere. |
So one of the questions I had--and, Terry, you talked about |
it just a minute ago in terms of, well, the private sector |
increasing what they are paying their cybersecurity folks, and |
it is going to be particularly challenging now for us to |
compete to get that top-end talent. |
I know in the NDAA last year, we gave more flexibility to |
the Department to try to take advantage of that IT talent. You |
know, for example, allowing potentially--as I envision it--to |
see private sector to be able to detail for maybe a year or two |
these high-end individuals that, you know, it would be |
challenging for us to both afford, attract, and keep for a long |
period of time. |
But, you know, companies have an interest in patriotic duty |
and want to help secure the Nation in cyberspace. So we made |
some progress in that with the NDAA, giving some flexibility to |
the Department. Can you tell me, do you need additional |
authorities to further take advantage of that talent so that we |
have the cyber workforce that is as robust as possible and our |
networks are as secure and as robust as possible? |
Mr. Halvorsen. First, I would thank you for the NDAA last |
year. That is helping some of the work we are able to do, the |
excepted workforce in cyber, being able to bring the people in |
from industry like we are doing now. I do think we will need |
some legislation that probably changes slightly the rule sets |
about what we are allowed to do with the industry people. |
I think exactly what you stated. We really want to be able |
to bring them in and have them sit in a position for a year, |
being able to execute some decisions within the Department, and |
then go back to industry, just like I think there is a market |
space today for us to have some of our civilian employees go to |
industry, and industry would like to have them--and I think we |
will need to tweak some of the legislation so that could happen |
more often. |
I think we share the vision. In the end, we want more of an |
in and out, back and forth. And you could really see the career |
path in cyber IT changing so that it is not an all-civilian or |
all-government career path, but a much more combined career |
path. And I think that would serve the Nation well. |
Mr. Langevin. Good. I mean, that is exactly where I hope |
that we are going to be and that is what we want to get to. |
Please, I hope you will work with us and tell us how we can be |
of help in terms of additional legislation and language that |
you need to get to that point. |
So as I mentioned in my opening statement, I find it |
appropriate the Department of Defense is involved in building a |
new IT system for OPM's new National Background Investigation |
Bureau [NBIB] that will house sensitive personnel information. |
However, I am concerned that the DOD has been given |
guidance and deadlines that are not realistic and is assuming |
all responsibility for performance, when the decision-making |
authority may be shared. |
So my questions are, can you describe the Department of |
Defense's role in building and maintaining a new IT system? |
Specifically, what is the amount requested for fiscal year |
2017, as well as in the out years? Was additional money added |
to the top line for DISA's role in this effort? Or is it coming |
out of hide? |
What are the resources that are being provided for this |
effort? Is the current workforce sufficient to meet the demand |
or will additional personnel be billeted? Will the Department |
have sole decision-making authority in building and maintaining |
the system? Or is it shared with OPM and other communities? And |
what timelines have been established for delivering the system? |
And, Mr. Levine, if I could--Levine, I am sorry--what role |
will you have in doing business process re-engineering to |
change the way NBIB does business so it fits the IT system, not |
the other way around? And if you need me to repeat any part of |
that, I will be glad to. Sorry it is such a long list. |
Mr. Halvorsen. So, sir, what I would like to do, because I |
do think that question deserves a lot of matter, is I will make |
some comments on it, but I will also like to take that for the |
record and get back to you with some of the specific answers. |
[The information referred to can be found in the Appendix |
on page 43.] |
Mr. Langevin. Fair enough. |
Mr. Halvorsen. For 2017, it is $95 million. There was a |
top-line increase to DOD for doing some of this. We will get |
you the exact numbers across the FYDP [Future Years Defense |
Program]. And then I would be foolish if I said there is not |
some concern on DOD's part about how this is going to work, and |
what I would assure you is from a standpoint of the build, we |
are going to get the requirements from the group that is |
looking at how we are going to redo the whole investigation |
process. |
When I have those requirements--and that group starts next |
week, and we have members on it--we will build a system that |
supports those requirements that also ensures security. If at |
any time I think that that is not happening, I will be the |
first to let you know. |
I am comfortable right now that we have worked out a |
governance process with OPM and OMB [Office of Management and |
Budget] that makes DOD the decision maker for all of the |
technical decisions and the security decisions, but I am still |
concerned and we will have to see how that goes forward. And I |
will get you more detail on the rest of the question. |
Mr. Langevin. I would appreciate it, whatever additional |
detail you could provide. And I would just assure we stand |
ready to support you in this effort as you make the transition. |
And Mr. Levine? |
Mr. Levine. With regard to the business process re- |
engineering, we definitely have less of a role in that than we |
would have if the entire mission had been transferred to the |
Department of Defense. However, it was never going to be |
entirely the Department of Defense in any case because as you |
know the DNI [Director of National Intelligence] establishes |
security clearance policy, so we are always going to have to |
work with outside agencies and reconcile differences with |
outside agencies. |
We are undertaking with the Under Secretary of Defense for |
Intelligence to re-engineer the DOD part of the process. We are |
looking at continuous evaluation. We are looking at other |
measures to streamline our organization and streamline our part |
of the process. And we do still have a piece--significant |
pieces of the process. It is the investigation piece that OPM |
has, but not the entirety of the process. |
As we do that, we will see places where we are going to |
want help, we are going to want changes in the OPM piece of the |
process, and we will have to work that through the interagency, |
because we don't control it, but we will work it through the |
interagency process. |
Mr. Langevin. Very good. Thank you. I yield back. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Langevin. We now proceed to |
Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado. |
Mr. Lamborn. Thank you. And I will get to the budget |
implications of this in just a minute, but how active are we in |
working with allies, NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] |
allies, Israel, et cetera, in combating cyber threats and cyber |
attacks? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Extremely active. A couple of the things |
that we have done that I can talk about in this forum with the |
Five Eye community,<dagger> we actually established last year a |
CIO Five Eye group that meets physically every 6 months, |
virtually every quarter. Our next meeting is in London, where |
cybersecurity is certainly one of the big topics. We have had |
visits to Israel, exchanging data. That continues. |
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<dagger> ``Five Eyes'' is an intelligence alliance involving |
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United |
States. |
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I just came back from Korea and Japan, where that was a |
major topic. I can tell you that the NATO partners, Korea, |
Japan, Germany, have all adopted the DOD cybersecurity |
scorecard as the basis for measuring how effective we are doing |
cybersecurity basics across the board, which I think is a big |
breakthrough. |
So we can probably give you some more detail, and we will |
take that for the record, but they are the major things that we |
are doing to improve our information-sharing. |
[The information referred to can be found in the Appendix |
on page 44.] |
Mr. Lamborn. Well, that is good to hear. And do you have |
any recommendations in the budget on maybe making that even |
stronger? Or, I mean, I know you have a good budget that you |
are defending right now, but do you see any room for |
improvement in that area in particular? |
Mr. Halvorsen. You know, I do see room for improvement, but |
I don't think right now that is a money issue for improvement. |
I think it is more of getting all of us aligned to the right |
principles and basics. |
Today we have made good progress within NATO--and as I |
said, Japan and Korea and Germany--there is some other work we |
need to do with other partners. |
I will be in Estonia in June working some of those issues. |
And what I would like to do is when I come back from that, I |
will have a better site picture, is maybe give you some more |
answers on what I think we might need to do to go beyond some |
of our traditional allies. |
Mr. Lamborn. Okay. I appreciate that. I would like to |
follow up on this conversation at another time. Thank you, Mr. |
Chairman. |
I yield back. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Lamborn. We now proceed to |
Congressman Jim Cooper of Tennessee. |
Mr. Cooper. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First, the Santa Claus |
question. Both of you mentioned that you would like to have |
more money. How much? And for what? |
Mr. Levine. I would say that as the DCMO, my responsibility |
is finding efficiencies. I am not actually looking for more |
money. The Department is looking for more money. I am trying to |
identify efficiencies within the Department where I can free up |
money so that we can invest more in the long-range science and |
technology programs and force structure and things that we need |
to keep our force ready to go today and ready to go in the |
future. That is where I need more money. |
I would defer to Mr. Halvorsen as to specific IT |
investments. |
Mr. Halvorsen. I think to upgrade some of our legacy |
systems. And I can get back to you with a number on that. And |
to tie back with Peter, I think some investment in the legacy |
systems--and particularly some of the larger both HR [human |
resources] personnel and pay systems--those investments would |
do two things for us. |
One, we would certainly improve security. There are some |
issues we need to fix there. Secondly, I think we could improve |
efficiency, and after we made those investments, I actually |
think the return on investment would be pretty good. But I will |
come back to you with a number, sir. |
[The information referred to was not available at the time |
of printing.] |
Mr. Cooper. Thank you. Now the Scrooge question. Pentagon |
is the least auditable of all government agencies. It has been |
a risk factor for the GAO [Government Accountability Office] |
for 20 years, the number one risk factor. Will your IT work |
help the Pentagon get audited faster? |
Mr. Levine. The answer is yes. Improved business systems, |
improved financial management systems definitely make an |
impact. We are much closer today to being auditable than we |
were 10 years ago. A significant part of that is because of the |
ERP [Enterprise Resource Planning] investment. But there are |
many, many hurdles we have to get over that are not IT, and IT |
can't solve it by itself. |
We have policy issues that we have been kicking down the |
road 10 years that now that we are facing a 2017 deadline, we |
are finally getting people to be serious about and say, hey, |
yeah, we actually have to make those decisions, we have to |
figure out how we are going to go about that. |
So the DCMO co-chairs the governance board, the FIAR |
[Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness] governance board, |
which is responsible for trying to drive the Department toward |
audit with the Comptroller, with Mike McCord. And since I |
arrived at the Department about 10 months ago, we have been |
trying--we have set the Department on a program of identifying |
what our key interim milestones are that we need to hit in |
order to become auditable. |
We have identified a lot of things that should have been |
addressed 5 years ago or 10 years ago, but we are trying to |
chip away at them one at a time, and we think that the deadline |
is extremely constructive in pushing us toward that objective. |
The Department seems to have an infinite ability to kick |
things down the stream and facing a deadline that is 2 years |
away really helps focus the attention. |
Mr. Cooper. Well, some people would say 2017 is next year, |
not 2 years away. |
Mr. Levine. It is October 1, 2017. I guess we can--a year |
and a half is what that is, yes, sir. |
Mr. Cooper. Doesn't sound like you are very optimistic |
about meeting the deadline. |
Mr. Levine. When I came before the Senate Armed Services |
Committee for my nomination hearing about almost exactly a year |
ago, I testified that I had never been confident the Department |
was going to meet the deadline, and I couldn't change my |
position just because I was testifying for confirmation. |
So I can't change my story now. I am skeptical that we will |
have done everything we need to do. But I am going to push as |
hard as I possibly can to get us there. |
Mr. Cooper. Okay, now the long-awaited question of the |
ghost of Christmas past. The Joint Chiefs hack, there was |
apparently somebody who signed on to an e-mail, like the |
equivalent from the Nigerian prince or something. Has that |
person been identified who opened that foolish e-mail? And |
would it help if they were identified, if they not been |
identified previously? |
Mr. Levine. I will say that the people that opened the e- |
mail have been identified, and we have looked at the reasons |
why, and in some cases, we did some remediation. In other |
cases, they had followed the right procedures, up to a point, |
and we needed to do some more training. That has been put in |
place to do that, but I would also say that was also one that |
was caught very quickly. |
We had very limited exposure--still would like to do |
better--but the system and when you look at the volume of e- |
mail traffic that comes into DOD, how many we get, and the |
number of people that click, great improvement. We are |
certainly holding people accountable to a higher standard now. |
We have signed out the cyber accountability culture |
document that was signed by DEPSECDEF [Deputy Secretary of |
Defense]. Myself, Frank Kendall, and Mike Rogers have signed |
out the accountability procedures document to make it down to |
the individual and command level, so I think we have made |
progress in that area. |
I don't think identifying any more individuals at any more |
level would be helpful right now. |
Mr. Cooper. I see my time has expired, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Cooper. We now proceed to |
Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, of New York. |
Ms. Stefanik. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to the |
panelists for being here today. I have two questions. The first |
one will be quite broad. The second one will be quite specific. |
As you are well aware, the threats to the United States have |
evolved dramatically in the last 10 years. State and non-state |
adversaries have adapted to a new digital environment quite |
well. And it is important that the United States invests in the |
time, training, and infrastructure to counter the whole |
spectrum of cyber threats. |
So as we see in the news, cyber provocation against the DOD |
infrastructure continues to increase, what is your assessment |
of the DOD's ability to counter such intrusions today? And what |
can I tell soldiers that I represent at Fort Drum in my |
district what we are doing to ensure that they are protected? |
And what have we learned about the enemy? And how has that |
changed our approach? That is the first broad question. |
Mr. Halvorsen. Again, I will make some comments on it, but |
we will take that for the record, because I think it is a good |
question and we owe you some better details on that. |
[The information referred to can be found in the Appendix |
on page 44.] |
Mr. Halvorsen. We certainly have improved training across |
the board in the cyber spectrum. The cybersecurity culture |
issue is one that is on top of the Secretary's desk. We meet |
every month on the cybersecurity scorecard, and a part of that |
gets to what is the training of the individuals. The networks |
themselves are much better today. They are not exactly where we |
want them. We have got three major efforts to improve that. |
The first one is, you are probably aware that the Secretary |
has directed that this year we move as much of DOD as |
possible--the ones that are on Windows operating systems--to a |
Windows 10 baseline. I cannot stress the criticality of us |
getting that done. |
Right now, when you try to look at the visibility of the |
networks, while we are making improvements, you are doing that |
across multiple operational systems, multiple baselines. It is |
impossible to do, do well. |
Getting to a single baseline for Windows--and that is about |
80 percent to 85 percent of the DOD--will give us the ability |
to have better visibility. Windows 10 is the first operating |
system that really thought about security right from the |
beginning and has in-built features that we will take advantage |
of. |
It will also allow us to go to the next step, which is how |
do you then start taking and really using cloud computing |
technology to improve your security? So we are positioned to do |
that. We have got things we have to get done, and the first one |
is to get the Windows 10 done. |
The other big initiative is to complete the joint regional |
security stacks. In its simplest forms, what that does is lower |
our footprint. Today, we have got 1,000 points that you can |
come in. When the joint regional security stacks are done, we |
will have less than 100 points. That is a lot easier to defend, |
and we can focus more on it. |
It also stops us from doing our own self-denial attacks, |
which are also--happen when you are trying to keep aligned over |
1,000 different firewalls. We will reduce the firewalls, have |
better overall security and visibility into the networks. That |
is what we are doing at the big end. |
Ms. Stefanik. Okay, so the specific questions are actual |
follow-ups to your answer. When you reference the cybersecurity |
scorecard process, what is the scorecard exactly? Can you get |
into more specifics? Can this information and will this |
information be shared with Congress? Are there plans to expand |
scorecards beyond cybersecurity? And how does a negative |
scorecard rating of a DOD component, what is the consequence of |
that? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Again, we will give you some more details in |
writing, but here is what I can tell you. The scorecard is |
looking at what we have defined right now as basic areas that |
we should be measuring. One of them is, is everybody using a |
secure token to access DOD systems. |
The advantage of that is, is immediate. If you are using |
the token, A, we know exactly who logged in, when they logged |
in, where they are at, and it is a lot harder to fake that |
access. So it is an immediate improvement. |
Ms. Stefanik. Can that information be shared with Congress? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Actually, I am happy to give it to you. We |
have actually shared it with other committees, and I am happy |
to send one over when I get back, the current scorecard. |
Ms. Stefanik. And the results of the scorecards that are |
shared? |
Mr. Halvorsen. The results is right on it. It will show you |
where we are at. We are not where we want to be in all of the |
areas. We are measuring ourselves to extremely high standards. |
One of the things that I just want to say upfront, when you |
look at cyber, you could hit 80 percent and a lot of people |
would think that would be good. In cyber, that is not good |
enough. |
So when you see that we are in yellow and, in some cases, |
red, it is because we are trying to get above in almost every |
category 95 percent to be green. |
Ms. Stefanik. And the last question is, you talked about |
the Department's plans to move to the Windows 10 operating |
system with a mandate to so by a certain date. What is the cost |
of that transition? |
Mr. Halvorsen. I don't know the exact cost yet. We will get |
that to you. But what I could tell you, the cost not to do that |
would be in the billions. |
[The information referred to can be found in the Appendix |
on page 45.] |
Ms. Stefanik. Great, I would look forward to getting more |
of that in writing afterwards. I yield back. |
Mr. Wilson. And thank you, Congresswoman Stefanik. We now |
proceed to Congressman Pete Aguilar of California. |
Mr. Aguilar. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Halvorsen, can |
you talk to me broadly about in your testimony you talk about |
cloud computing. Where will cloud computing be in 5 years and |
in 10 years? |
Mr. Halvorsen. In 5 years, I am hopeful that we will be in |
an almost complete virtual cloud environment, and cloud defined |
this way. We will have private clouds, which are completely |
private within segments of DOD. We will have private clouds |
that are just DOD, you know, inside it. And we will have |
private clouds that are DOD and other parts of the Federal |
Government. And then we will have hybrid public clouds. |
Because of the size of DOD and the Federal Government, we |
ought to be able to move into where we would have government |
hybrid clouds hosted in commercial centers as opposed to some |
of the things I talked about earlier, would be on premise, that |
would give us the best combination of mission security and |
value. |
Mr. Aguilar. Is that what you mean when you talk about in |
page 3 of your testimony mission partner environment, when you |
are talking about commercially accessible, reconfigurable, and |
secured data that can be shared with commanders? |
Mr. Halvorsen. A little broader than that. The mission |
partner environment would certainly use cloud technology, but |
in that part of the testimony what I am really talking about is |
how we would be able to support our COCOM [combatant command] |
commanders as they partner with both traditional and non- |
traditional allies to support whatever mission it is, to be |
able to stand up virtual networks on the fly, to be able to do |
that both at a secure level, at a speed level that we need, and |
then to keep it fiscally responsible. |
Mr. Aguilar. Can you talk a little bit about how you |
envision that working and what our stakeholders and coalition |
partners, what their role in that would be? |
Mr. Halvorsen. So as we can move to cloud technology, one |
of the things that we have got to recognize, we have got to |
get--our MPE [mission partner environment] is going to have to |
be commercial-based. We are not going to be able to do this at, |
say, a U.S.-only based system. A, other pieces of our allies |
couldn't afford that, and it is not what they are going to |
agree to do. |
So basing this on a commercial set of technology that also |
uses commercial classified technology, would allow us to, in |
the cloud, put together a virtual network that--let's say we |
had a--this is a really good example, and I think it is in the |
testimony--and we have done this--let's say we had a natural |
disaster that had allies now--like the Chinese, the Cubans, us, |
they are not traditional allies. We could actually stand up a |
network, once we get some of the technologies in place, that |
would allow data to be shared. |
And let's say we want to share data with China, we want to |
share data with Cuba, but not exactly the same data. We could |
do that on a network with the right protections to protect the |
data that we need using almost commercially available |
technology today. There is a few pieces that have to be done, |
but I am--no doubt they will be done by the end of this year. |
Mr. Aguilar. Well, look forward to seeing that development |
and our discussion about that moving forward. Thank you so |
much. |
I yield back, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Congressman Aguilar. We now proceed |
to Congressman Brad Ashford, all the way from Nebraska. |
Mr. Ashford. It is a long trip every morning. Thank you, |
Mr. Chairman, being able to get here. |
Congressman Langevin raised the issue that I am trying to |
understand further. And your answers were good. I want to |
further understand it, though, a little bit, because we talk a |
lot about employee exchanges with the private sector and the |
need for additional authorities to do that. |
It seems to me it is a critical part of the plan going |
forward and with the talent out there and the demands on the |
budget and being able to bring people in. And you have, |
Congressman Langevin, hit it 100 percent, and you did, as well, |
in your answers. |
What do we have to do in order to--I mean, it seems to me |
that is something we should be able to move on. And what sort |
of authorities would we need in order to do that? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Again, I would like to come back on record-- |
here is what I would tell you I think the first area. Today |
there are some statutes that actually prohibit us from giving |
decision authority to those type of positions. While we |
certainly want to protect them and make sure that the |
government is in the end responsible for the decision, if I |
have got somebody industry--so let's take cloud. |
The best cloud engineers today are not in the government. |
They are not. We have some really good ones, but the best ones |
today are in industry. We ought to be able to get some of those |
in. I ought to be able to assign one of them, say, okay, you |
are the lead cloud engineer for this year that you are doing |
this work with us, and give them the authority to make |
decisions, and with some oversight, expend dollars. |
Today, under the current authorities, that is hard to do. I |
need to do some work to figure out what that should look like, |
and I will come back to you by the summer, if that is good, |
with some recommendations. |
[The information referred to can be found in the Appendix |
on page 44.] |
Mr. Ashford. That is really all I have. That is extremely |
helpful. It seems to me that there are areas where, as you |
suggest, the private sector or the nongovernmental sector have |
those expertise. So thank you, Mr. Chairman. That is all I |
have. |
Mr. Wilson. And thank you, Congressman Ashford. And due to |
how important these issues are, we will proceed with a second |
round. |
And, Mr. Levine, DOD doesn't have a stellar track record in |
deploying business IT systems. What recommendations would you |
have to make to improve our abilities to deploy business |
systems? And, secondly, how can we improve or shape the |
workforce to better configure, deploy, and manage these |
business systems? |
Mr. Levine. First, we don't just not have a stellar record. |
We have a horrendous record of deploying business systems. I |
think that of all the things that we do badly, that is one of |
the ones we do the worst. |
So there are a number of things that we need to do on our |
side of the river to do better. One of the things that we need |
to do is to recognize the business systems themselves are not |
going to solve our problems, that what we need to look at is |
the processes that we are automating, so that if you try to |
automate an old process without looking at it and figuring out |
how it works, you are doomed to failure. |
We have tried many times to buy an off-the-shelf system and |
then said to the users of the system--well, have the users of |
the system come in and tell us, well, that is not exactly the |
data we want. We want this other data, because that is what we |
have actually used, and we start tearing apart the guts of an |
off-the-shelf system. And before you know it, we have spent |
five times as much to re-engineer the system and to rebuild the |
system as the cost of the system itself. |
We have to control our own appetite, and that is something |
that we are working on within the Department. In terms of what |
you could do to help us--so one thing that I would say that you |
could do to help us, that I hope you will think about, is as we |
look at the process that we have to go through for business |
systems, right now, as I said, we are going to try to work with |
the acquisition community to re-engineer that, because we have |
a system where we go through an investment review process, we |
identify a potential solution, and it may be like a $20 million |
fix to a problem where you do a tinker with an existing system. |
We then have to throw it over the threshold, over the |
transom to the acquisition community that may set up a program |
office that in itself would cost $20 million, and they will |
come to us with a solution which is, let's build a whole new |
system from scratch. Well, that is crazy. |
So we are going to try to re-engineer that within the |
Department. There may be places where we come to you for |
assistance in doing that re-engineering. And there is one place |
in particular I would point to, which is right now for what I |
presume are historic reasons, we have one set of thresholds for |
what are called major defense acquisition programs [MDAPs]. |
We have another set of thresholds for what are called major |
automated information systems [MAIS] programs. MDAPs and |
MAIS's. The MAIS thresholds are way, way lower, an order of--I |
don't know, a couple of orders of magnitude lower than the |
thresholds for MDAPs, but we treat them as the same thing. |
What that means is, that when we have an IT--a business |
system investment, we trigger a process on the acquisition side |
which is as big and as clumsy as the process we have on the |
acquisition side when we are buying an aircraft carrier or a |
fighter aircraft or something like that. And if you are buying |
a business system, I am not sure that makes sense. |
And so I think if you would look at where you treat MAIS |
systems and MDAPs the same and whether you need to treat them |
in the same way in legislation, I think that is something |
constructive that could help us in streamlining our own |
internal processes. |
Mr. Wilson. Well, thank you for being so candid. And |
additionally, too, hey, technology changes overnight, and so I |
know it is an extraordinary challenge, but we appreciate both |
of you on what you are doing. Also, I am grateful--Mr. |
Halvorsen, I notice your association with Rotary International, |
your service as a Paul Harris fellow. I am happy to be with |
you. |
So a question, Mr. Halvorsen. Spectrum is a vital resource |
for the Department. However, it is also one that we are in |
increasing competition with the commercial sector. What |
challenges do you see over the next 10 years when it comes to |
the DOD's use of spectrum? What recommendations would you make |
to improve the responsiveness of the regulatory process to |
including national security concerns and economic priorities? |
Mr. Halvorsen. So I think today we are in a good spot, hard |
work with spectrum. We did well with the last auction. And the |
money is there to change where DOD can move and share spectrum. |
What I worry about right now is that the private demand for |
spectrum is going to exceed our ability to keep pace. And we |
could, if we are not careful, put some national systems at |
risk. |
Some of this takes time. And in this business, I get that |
time is really valuable and it is money, but there is a |
physical limitation to how fast we can move the DOD systems |
either into the ability to share spectrum or out of some |
spectrum. And I worry--maybe because we are victims of our own |
success--we have done very well, and the legislation that has |
been written and the sharing has all worked to date. |
But what I hear from industry right now is, well, we want |
to go faster. And I don't know that we can go much faster today |
on how we look at spectrum, make the decisions where we can get |
out, and how we would share. |
I would also tell you that while I think industry is |
starting to look at making their own investments in helping us |
share, they are just starting that. |
And I think one of the things we need to look at is, I am |
happy to be measured on how DOD is making investments to |
share--and we ought to think about some measurements that we |
would give industry to say, how are you doing in making the |
investments to--your contributions to helping us get to that |
state? |
Mr. Wilson. Well, thank you very much. And now Ranking |
Member Jim Langevin. |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Again, thanks to our |
witnesses for being here. |
So yesterday I had the opportunity to have a sit-down with |
Deputy National Security Adviser Avril Haines and the Homeland |
Security Adviser, Lisa Monaco, to discuss the Comprehensive |
National Cybersecurity Initiative [CNCI]. And I have certainly |
been an advocate for many of the proposals under the CNCI for |
some time, and specifically the appointment of an individual at |
the executive level to oversee Federal cybersecurity |
enterprise. |
And it is one of the problems that I think previously on |
the .gov side they really don't have anybody in charge with |
both policy and budgetary authority that can reach across |
government and compel departments and agencies to do what they |
need to do in cyber. Hence, you have things like the OPM breach |
that happened. |
And I think DOD, by the way, is doing a much better job in |
terms of defending the .mil network. And all of that, as |
difficult and challenging as it is, it is important. And they |
are doing good work. But can you describe how DOD fits into the |
overall CNAP [Cybersecurity National Action Plan], as it is |
called? And more specifically, how DOD will interact with the |
new individual, the Federal Chief Information Security Officer |
who will be appointed to coordinate cybersecurity policies and |
activities? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Today, and even before the legislation, we |
partner extensively with the Federal CIO, Tony Scott. I mean, |
Tony when he came in brought some new ideas to the Federal |
side. We are certainly supportive of that, and we will continue |
to do so. |
As the areas that the Federal Government is looking at are |
applicable to DOD, we will play, and we will play hard, and we |
will support those. We will continue to advise Tony and the new |
individual that is appointed on where we think there are things |
that DOD is doing that should be applied to the rest of the |
Federal Government, and we will take those things that are |
really working and apply them within DOD. |
I think the establishment of an individual to do that is |
key to success inside the rest of the Federal Government. And I |
think there are some opportunities for us to really set that |
tone. |
One of them is, as we rebuild the NBIB and we look at the |
lessons learned, I know Tony and I have agreed today that we |
ought to take those lessons learned and apply them across the |
Federal Government at any place that we see that that is |
applicable, we will do that. |
Mr. Langevin. Okay. What progress has DOD made on cloud |
computing, specifically integration of capabilities provided by |
essential service providers, and are there enough certified to |
create a competitive field? And how are security concerns being |
addressed? |
Mr. Halvorsen. As for the progress, two things I think I |
would like to point. We say a lot of times that DOD is behind |
in cloud. So I wanted to really know if that was true. So I |
have asked my staff and some outside to take a look at, how |
does DOD compare in the use of cloud with other Fortune 50 or |
peer competitors? |
We are actually slightly ahead of most of the Fortune 50 in |
the use of cloud. We are now embarking on doing more, but I |
don't think DOD is behind. If you look particularly at the |
financial industry, which has some very strong security |
similarities to us, they have done exactly what we have done. |
They take some of their public-facing stuff and they put it |
into cloud. We have done that with good success. |
The next two things that we are doing--and we have now |
gotten certifications, enough of them, to start being |
competitive--is to look at how we bring industry into on- |
premise cloud offerings. We do that right now very limitedly |
through the NGEN [Next Generation Enterprise Network] contract |
that the Navy put in place, where actually HP [Hewlett-Packard] |
is running Navy data centers, to include Navy data centers at |
the secure level, on-prem [premises], for the Navy. |
We are using that model, and we are going to expand that |
across the rest of DOD. |
I will have a couple RFIs [requests for information] out |
here in the next month. We have a couple contracts that we are |
going to let that will allow four commercial entities to come |
in at the Level 4 level in certification, which is right below |
the classified data. And we have some work being done to allow |
more companies to partake in the classified space, too. So I |
actually think we are making good progress. We have got to stay |
on top of that. |
I hope this summer, if the Windows 10 thing goes well, the |
next announcement that we will make will be that DOD has |
decided to go to a more complete cloud environment, similar |
to--and I just used this as an example--this is not a |
decision--but similar to what a Windows 365 cloud environment |
would do. You have to get to that next phase to really take |
full advantage of the cloud across the board. |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you. I just--I know my time is expired, |
but I will say, I hope along with all of this we are paying |
maximum attention to the security of the cloud. It does still |
concern me that, you know, we have the crown jewels in some |
ways all in one place. And my colleague, Jim Cooper, likes to |
refer to the cloud as the acronym for Chinese Love Our Uploaded |
Data. And so security can't be tight enough, as far as I am |
concerned. |
Mr. Halvorsen. So, Mr. Chairman, can I take one more |
minute? We agree. And one of the reasons that we are where we |
are with cloud, it is the same reason the financial industry is |
where it is with cloud. |
We do have some things we have to make sure, and security |
is right. And one of them is, how do you achieve virtual |
separation so that you don't get the effect of everything being |
loaded in one spot and it can be exfiltrated? And if it does |
get penetrated, how do you quickly shut that off and isolate |
it? And we are spending a lot of time working with the industry |
experts in how to do that. |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Langevin, and thank you for your |
expertise in acronyms. We now proceed to Congresswoman Elise |
Stefanik, of New York. |
Ms. Stefanik. Thanks, Mr. Chairman. My final question |
relates to the personnel side of this issue. So one of the |
challenges that I think we clearly face is ensuring that our |
cyber, technical, and workforce capabilities can scale |
economically. And a significant issue for the industry is the |
clearance process. |
Is there any thought being given to an approach for fast- |
tracking clearance processing for critical skills position, |
such as computer network operations programmers, to better |
enable effective support as your mission requirements expand? |
Mr. Levine. We have a problem with security clearances |
across the Department of Defense and across the industry. And |
the problem with prioritizing is how many competing priorities |
we have. So, yes, that would be a priority, but I can't look |
across the Department of Defense and say we don't have a dozen |
other priorities that are at least equal to that. I mean, the |
number of priorities we have is extraordinary. |
The security clearance problem is a problem not only for IT |
professionals, but also for contractors who are working on |
weapons systems. It is a problem for the hiring process within |
the Department of Defense. |
That is why we are working to re-engineer our internal |
processes and why we hope that we will be allowed to help re- |
engineer some of the OPM processes, as well, as we go forward |
with this. One of the things that we are very hopeful for is |
continuous evaluation as a tool that will help speed things up |
and lower the burdens. |
But I have got to say, right now we are runnning continuous |
evaluation as a pilot program, which means we are running it in |
addition to all the other requirements. And we are hoping that |
we can prove it out so it can be a substitute for some of the |
requirements that we are going to expedite. We are not there |
yet. |
But it is a hard question, not just for this area, and I |
don't think the Department can afford to solve it by carving |
off one universe and treating them better, because the other |
universes of people we need to get through the security |
clearance process are also vital to our national security. |
Ms. Stefanik. Mr. Halvorsen, do you have anything to add? |
Mr. Halvorsen. No, I think Peter summed that up very well. |
Ms. Stefanik. Okay, thank you very much. I yield back. |
Mr. Wilson. And thank you, Congresswoman Stefanik, for your |
insight, too. There being no further, we are adjourned. |
[Whereupon, at 4:38 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.] |
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A P P E N D I X |
March 22, 2016 |
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March 22, 2016 |
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March 22, 2016 |
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Mr. Halvorsen. The funds for NBIB in DISA's FY17 budget and out |
year plans were a top line add. The FY17 President's Budget submission |
requested $20M of O&M and $75M of RDT&E. The initial out year funding |
profile is presented in the following table: |
No additional funds from outside of this line are expected to |
be spent on DOD's effort to support the new IT system. In FY16, OPM |
will reimburse DOD for initial pre-acquisition prototyping efforts and |
legacy system support. Funding for these efforts is in the range of |
$5M. |
Forty additional FTEs were added to DISA for the Background |
Investigations Information Technology (IT) System based on an analogous |
estimate of the number of FTEs required to architect, design, acquire, |
implement and sustain a new start IT system. The estimate was generated |
using a review and analysis of historical programs with the closest |
scopes and scales of capabilities, adjusted for the high level of |
concurrency necessary for the rapid delivery of operational capability. |
The organization structure, specific job descriptions/role, and |
position grades have not yet been determined and will be confirmed by |
July as we perform the pre-acquisition planning for the IT system. |
The timeline for delivery of the IT system is in the planning |
phase. A schedule will be developed as part of the pre-Acquisition |
planning that is currently underway with an expectation to be approved |
as part of an overall Acquisition Strategy in October 2017. |
The DOD CIO is solely responsible for building and maintaining the |
IT system based on NBIB requirements. The CIO is advised by the |
Director of OPM and the Federal CIO as part of the NBIB IT Governance |
Council. [See page 7.] |
______ |
Mr. Halvorsen. The Department believes the NDAA FY17 House & Senate |
provisions related to private industry exchanges and ITEP provide the |
Department the flexibilities needed. We appreciate the support of |
Congress on this matter. [See page 14.] |
______ |
Mr. Halvorsen. The DOD CIO International engagement efforts have |
grown exponentially in the last several years as cyber has emerged as a |
domain. These objectives align with regional cooperation, information |
sharing, and interoperability initiatives. Working closely with |
Regional Combatant Commands, and the interagency, DOD CIO has |
established enduring and lasting relationships focused on increased |
information sharing, promoting foreign disclosure and release, and |
enhancing communication and collaboration with our allies and partners. |
DOD CIO led efforts to continue key relationships with the Five Eye |
(FVEY) partners through the establishment of coordination groups such |
as the Defense CIO Forum, sharing information and developing |
mitigations on key cyber issues such as access control, identity |
management, supply chain security, and secure mobility. Successes in |
other FVEY fora include information sharing at the classified and |
unclassified level through the use of U.S. issued FVEY PKI |
certificates, and exercising incident response information sharing. DOD |
CIO continues the critical work of fostering objectives of regional |
cooperation, information sharing, and interoperability across North |
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Allies, and Partners. Additional |
key focus areas include: |
<bullet> Cybersecurity Posture of NATO: Align security initiatives |
with NATO mission objectives; ensure that NATO information assets, |
technologies and data are adequately protected and that NATO's CS |
workforce is highly skilled and capable. |
<bullet> Secure Interoperability in Coalition Operations: Ensure |
the secure interoperability of shared systems between and among the |
U.S. DOD and coalition partners; identify shared systems and apply the |
NIST RMF, including developing baselines. Continue development of the |
Mission Partner Environment (MPE) and continue exercising federated |
environments with partners. |
<bullet> Cyberspace Workforce Development: Engage in security |
cooperation activities that assist coalition partners in developing |
strategies and policies to build skilled and capable CS workforces. For |
example recently extended training and exercise participation to |
partners. |
<bullet> Cybersecurity Posture of Critical Infrastructure owned by |
Partner Nations: Engage in activities that assist collation partners in |
developing strong CS postures of their national critical infrastructure |
on which DOD missions may depend, including identifying critical |
systems and applying the security policies. |
<bullet> Asia Pacific Engagements: Longstanding regular senior |
allied and partner nation consultations with DOD CIO counterparts in |
Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore to promote a wide range of |
information exchange, sharing of best practices, and technical |
discussions on improving interoperability. [See page 8.] |
______ |
Q1. What is your assessment of the DOD's ability to counter cyber |
threats? |
Mr. Halvorsen. The DOD continues to improve its ability to secure |
its information systems and networks from adversarial activity. In |
addition to initiating the Cybersecurity Scorecard, transitioning to |
Windows 10, and implementing the Joint Regional Security Stacks, the |
Department is also engaged in protecting our Internet-facing systems, |
identifying key terrain, and integrating cybersecurity into our |
evaluation of readiness. In order to ensure the protection of our |
service members, civilians, contractors, and other DOD personnel, the |
Department is also engaged in an effort to secure all of its systems |
that store personally identifiable information. In combination with |
other ongoing orders and directives, the Department will continue to |
assess and engage in any areas where we can improve our cybersecurity. |
[See page 11.] |
Q2. What can she tell Fort Drum Soldiers what the Department is |
doing to ensure that are protected? |
Mr. Halvorsen. As noted above, the Department of Defense is engaged |
in multiple enterprise-wide efforts to counter cyberspace adversaries. |
The interconnected nature of DOD systems means that we aim to enhance |
the cybersecurity of the Department as a whole. We recognize that the |
security of information systems at one DOD component may rely on the |
security of information systems at another. Cybersecurity orders, |
directives, and policies apply across the Department, including the |
information systems at Fort Drum. The Department will continue to |
ensure the protection of their information, as well as the information |
of all our other personnel. [See page 11.] |
Q3. What have we learned about the enemy? |
Mr. Halvorsen. The DOD faces a number of cyberspace adversaries |
ranging from malicious individuals, terrorist organizations, and |
nation-states with a wide variety of skill levels, capabilities, and |
resources. These adversaries aim to penetrate our information systems |
and networks for a number of reasons, including to steal sensitive data |
or to affect our ability to operate. We have learned that many of these |
same actors also target a range of other organizations, including the |
Federal Government, the Defense Industrial Base, and private sector |
businesses. [See page 11.] |
Q4. How has that changed our approach? |
Mr. Halvorsen. The Department actively understands the types of |
cyber actors that target the DOD. The DOD Cyber Strategy released in |
April 2015 is driving how the Department is adapting its cyber forces |
to respond to ever-evolving threats. The strategy guides multiple |
cybersecurity lines of effort across the Department, including the |
development of 133 cyber mission force teams by 2018 to strengthen our |
cyber defense and deterrence postures. The DOD also recognizes the |
critical need to maintain and improve its proactive, progressive, and |
coordinated approach for detecting and responding to cyber events and |
incidents. The DOD's Cyber Incident Handling Program ensures an |
integrated capability to continually improve the DOD's ability to |
rapidly identify and respond to cyber incidents that adversely affect |
the DOD Information Network. It does so in a way that is consistent, |
repeatable, quality driven, measureable, and understood across DOD |
organizations. Lastly, to protect the interests of national security, |
cyber incidents must be coordinated among and across DOD organizations |
and sources outside the Department, including law enforcement, the |
intelligence community, and critical infrastructure partners. For |
example, the DOD interfaces with the Department of Homeland Security on |
major cyber vulnerabilities via the Cyber Collaboration, Assessment, |
and Response inter-agency sessions led by the National Cybersecurity |
and Communications Integration Center. The Department also works |
closely with the Defense Industrial Base to enhance their cybersecurity |
capabilities by sharing unclassified and classified information on |
cyber threats. [See page 11.] |
Mr. Halvorsen. DOD Components maintain ``software assurance'' (SA) |
on licenses for the Microsoft Windows operating system. In addition to |
the product support and client access licenses that SA provides, SA |
also includes the right to upgrade to the latest software versions at |
no additional cost. Therefore, it is expected that DOD Components will |
be able to upgrade to the Windows 10 operating system with little or no |
additional expenditures for the operating system software. [See page |
12.] |
? |
======================================================================= |
March 22, 2016 |
======================================================================= |
Mr. Wilson. What is the Defense Department strategy for increasing |
use of mobility tools, as well as increasing mobile security? What does |
the DOD intend to do with regard to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and |
BYOD policy? |
Mr. Halvorsen. DOD is already integrating mobility tools in several |
areas including developing Geospatial Intelligence logistics, and |
targeting applications. In addition, DOD is establishing Wi-Fi networks |
to improve coverage and performance. These investments enable improved |
mobility capabilities for deployment across DOD's enterprise. |
DOD is increasing mobile security by migrating to Secure Hash |
Algorithm 2 (SHA-2), developing a mobile credentialing solution that |
derives certificates from a DOD user's Common Access Card (CAC), and |
streamlining the security approval process for devices and software. |
Following nationally recognized practices enhances security, commercial |
mobile products must be validated in accordance with National |
Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Protection Profiles (PP) for |
all parts of the mobile ecosystem (e.g., mobile devices, mobile device |
management (MDM), mobile apps, wireless infrastructure). Commercial |
mobile products that process classified information must be approved by |
the NSA's Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program. |
DOD is continuing to evaluate different private sector proposals to |
determine if they satisfy Federal security and legal requirements. |
Initially, a low risk approach of a BYOD implementation would make the |
most sense for low threat unclassified environments where there would |
be minimal impact if a data compromise did occur, such as training and |
student environments. The Department of Navy is currently piloting |
BYOD. DOD will evaluate lessons learned to determine adoption across |
the Department. |
Mr. Wilson. What activities does the Department have underway to |
improve the agility of its spectrum-dependent systems? Do you see |
commensurate activity in the commercial sector? |
Mr. Halvorsen. The complex spectrum environment and evolving |
threats that warfighters face compel DOD to constantly evaluate a broad |
array of technology advancements to meet mission requirements. The |
Department continues to foster efforts, throughout the Military |
Departments, DARPA, and OSD, that improve agility for DOD's spectrum- |
dependent systems, which also help military users share better with |
other spectrum users. |
The Department's continued investment in its Electromagnetic |
Spectrum Strategy is geared toward addressing these needs. The |
Department's leadership in other efforts such as the National Advanced |
Spectrum and Communications Test Network, under the auspices of the |
Commerce Department, its own new Spectrum Access Research and |
Development Program, as well as the collaborative effort via the |
National Spectrum Consortium are enabling complementary initiatives to |
identify and foster development of innovative technologies and |
techniques for greater agility and flexibility of DOD capabilities, but |
also improve spectrum sharing and access. |
With regard to commensurate activity in the commercial sector, DOD |
believes that industry is starting to look at making investments to |
help in their own ability to share with DOD, but they are just at the |
beginning of that process. As expected of DOD, industry would also need |
to be held accountable for their own investments in spectrum sharing |
technologies and how they are contributing toward improved spectrum |
access. The Department is hopeful that with balanced investment and |
commitment by agencies and the commercial sector, these efforts will |
bear lasting results in enabling flexible access to all users in all |
spectrum bands. |
Mr. Wilson. What suggestions do you have to improve coordination |
and deconfliction for sharing spectrum bands with commercial entities? |
Mr. Halvorsen. It is important to recognize the existing spectrum |
management and governance mechanisms through the national regulators, |
i.e., NTIA and the FCC regulatory processes, continue to effectively |
facilitate shared use of spectrum among Federal users as well as |
sharing between Federal and non-Federal users (i.e., including |
commercial entities). Streamlined coordination and deconfliction |
processes are critical for successful sharing once a national policy |
decision is made to implement sharing in a band, noting that sharing |
requirements differ depending on the band and use scenarios. |
Technology, sound engineering, balanced policy and regulation, and |
enforcement are keys tenets that enable successful sharing. Automated |
coordination and deconfliction capabilities play a critical role, among |
other necessary tools (e.g., direct human coordination for continued or |
iterative risk and tradeoff evaluation) for sharing spectrum bands with |
commercial entities. Continued investment and improvements to |
automation capabilities would contribute to improved coordination and |
deconfliction. |
Mr. Wilson. You stated in your testimony that DOD shares the same |
concerns with security in a commercial cloud environment as the |
financial industry and that the challenge with off-premise commercial |
cloud is ``how do you achieve virtual separation in the cloud so that |
you don't get the effect of everything loaded in the one spot where it |
can be removed, and if it does get infiltrated, how do we immediately |
shut that off and isolate it?'' How have you worked with the leading |
commercial cloud providers to better understand the security mechanisms |
they use to achieve virtual isolation or physical separation in their |
commercial offerings? |
Mr. Halvorsen. DOD CIO continues to collaborate with industry |
through the on-going updates to the DOD Cloud Computing Security |
Requirements Guide and cybersecurity assessments in support of DOD and |
FedRAMP provisional authorizations. |
Identifying and understanding the threats in a multi-tenant cloud |
environment remain an on-going challenge. Virtual separations rely on |
the vendor's software to protect one customer from both malicious |
attacks and unintentional impacts from other customers. While some |
vendors have been willing to share information on their mechanism |
supporting virtual separation, other vendors have been reluctant to |
share detailed information as it represents the vendor's sensitive |
intellectual property. Even when the details are shared, fully |
evaluating these solutions is a significant challenge as each vendor |
implements their own, proprietary solutions. |
In addition to the software itself, weaknesses in the software's |
configuration and on-going management can also create vulnerabilities. |
When evaluating multi-tenant cloud services, the Department closely |
evaluates the vendor's processes for configuration and operations |
management. All of these factors are taken into account when issuing a |
provisional authorization at a particular impact-level. Through the |
Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide, the Department has |
implemented a risk management approach that allows Components to match |
the security and cost of specific cloud services to their specific |
cybersecurity needs. |
Mr. Wilson. We understand that the Marine Corps has implemented a |
successful ``Comply-to-Connect'' program that has helped it increase |
its compliance during network inspection reviews. a. How are those |
lessons being applied throughout the Department? b. Are requirements |
for this Marine Corps system reflected in enterprise requirements for |
network security? c. Are those requirements being integrated into |
existing programs, like the Host Based Security System, or planned |
future network defense tools? |
Mr. Halvorsen. Comply-to-Connect (C2C) is a framework addressing |
several key functions: network access control, deliberate and secure |
orchestration with other cybersecurity tools (such as vulnerability |
scanners, software patching tools, and trouble-ticket generation tools) |
and continuous reporting for the purpose of managing risk. C2C |
satisfies the asset management/asset detection problem and increases |
the efficiency by which technical personnel are able to make decisions |
as to whether an asset has `complied' with the local enclave/network's |
security policy to initially connect and remained connect to the |
network. C2C closes the asset management/asset detection gap in the |
Department's Information Security Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) Program. |
The US Marine Corps has successfully implemented C2C as part of a |
three-year regional effort covering 3,000 end-points at Camp Lejeune |
NC. During that period, the effort enabled USMC to meet the objectives |
of DOD Command Cyber Readiness Inspections (CCRI) with a 90% compliance |
rate when Marine Corps White Teams conducted a `no notice' pre-CCRI |
inspection; and, 93% compliance rate during regularly scheduled |
inspections executed by DISA. The Marine Corps has successfully enabled |
the orchestration features of the C2C tools to automate the on-boarding |
process of new assets ``out of the box,'' to scan and remediate |
vulnerabilities upon discovery, harden the asset through integration |
with the Host Based Security System, and register systems into the |
network security information and event management tool (SIEM). These |
major muscle movements, in most cases, were executed with minimal touch |
labor. |
The Marine Corps has recently formally validated C2C as a Service- |
wide requirement and will implement a wider-pilot across Marine Corps |
assets in the National Capitol Region in FY16. Eventually, the Marine |
Corps will implement C2C globally on all Service assets. Comply-to- |
Connect is endorsed by the Enterprise Cybersecurity Computer Network |
Defense Senior Steering Group (ESSG). The ESSG is tracking C2C |
implementation across several Combatant Command, Service and Agency |
components. The ESSG has directed the development of a Comply-to- |
Connect concept of operations with a guideline to standardize |
implementation across component C2C implementations. Department |
discussions consider C2C as an enhancement to overall cybersecurity |
across DOD enclaves and networks. The full scope of C2C capabilities |
have not yet been decomposed into an operational set of requirements. |
C2C requirements will be considered as part of the Next Generation End |
Point security strategy and future network defense tools as the |
Department moves toward assisted automation. |
Mr. Wilson. What do you see as the major challenges to improving |
the management of the Department of Defense? Do you have the business |
intelligence and business analytics capabilities to provide the same |
type of support to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary that any CEO in |
the private sector would have access to? |
Mr. Levine. The major challenges to improving management of the |
Department of Defense are threefold. First, the Department is working |
toward getting the employees at all levels from senior management to |
worker to understand that there remain ample opportunities for shared, |
standard processes and procedures that cut across component boundaries. |
This is particularly true for support activities within the Department. |
Second, the Department must continue to work with external stakeholders |
such as veteran support organizations; unions; the White House; and |
Congress to allow new approaches to these support activities, even if |
it means changing the structures and processes those stakeholders |
currently understand and are comfortable with. Finally, in order to |
provide a basis for both the internal and external engagements, the |
Department must have a reasonable set of performance measures that show |
both how the job is being performed today, but also shows at what cost |
the job is accomplished. |
The assessment above leads directly to the answer to the second |
question. The Department has a robust set of performance information |
that it can draw upon to make decisions. The DCMO is working with the |
staff to make this information more readily visible to the senior |
leadership. For example, the DCMO just provided a detailed progress |
report on the various efficiency initiatives that Secretary Carter |
approved in our plans for FY17-20. The DCMO also supported a detailed, |
performance-based report on how the Department is doing on making |
progress toward audit readiness. Both these reviews were done with |
military department Under Secretaries; service vice chiefs of staff; |
the OSD Under Secretaries; commanders of combatant commands; and the |
Deputy Secretary of Defense and Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. |
Comparing to what a CEO in private sector has accesss to, the |
Department needs to improve these measures by providing a better means |
to measure how much it costs the Department to achieve the performance |
outcomes. The Department is working to that end. In fact, achieving an |
auditable condition will help us move in the direction of measures that |
show outcomes per dollar spent or per person involved. |
Mr. Wilson. What are you doing to improve the quality of data |
senior leaders have and use for management of the Department? |
Mr. Levine. The DCMO has been working with the Joint Staff and OSD |
components to identify performance measures that better describe the |
major initiatives the Secretary and Deputy Secretary have set for the |
Department. The DCMO will then use the Deputy's Management Advisory |
Group (DMAG) to present focused progress reports based on those |
measures to the military department Under Secretaries and Vice Chiefs; |
the OSD Under Secretaries; and the Deputy Secretary of Defense and Vice |
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The DCMO and CIO just presented |
detailed progress status on the various efficiency initiatives approved |
by Secretary Carter for the FY17-20 period, including measured updates |
on major headquarters efficiencies; services contracts efficiencies; |
defense retail; and information technology efficiencies. Working with |
the OSD Comptroller, we also provided data on Departmental progress |
toward achieving audit readiness. DCMO is still working with Joint |
Staff to ensure that progress on readiness is presented and reviewed |
regularly to the same group. |
______ |
Mr. Langevin. Mr. Halverson, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency is |
conducting research & development and prototyping for a Countering |
Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Situational Awareness Information |
System utilizing a cloud-based architecture called Constellation. |
Constellation is intended to provide an information sharing platform |
for the Department of Defense, interagency and international users to |
be deployed on NIPRNET, SIPRNET, SUN NET and JWICS networks using |
cross-domain solutions to transfer data across security domains. |
What is the role of the Chief Information Officer and Defense |
Information Systems Agency in Constellation research, development and |
prototyping? Specifically, what was the role in establishing a security |
plan to achieve an accredited cross-domain solution, including security |
milestones and review of proposed security architecture? Has this |
effort been reviewed in order to determine if architecture elements and |
applications could be met with existing capabilities, to include |
computing tools and architectures, or those already being developed? If |
so, please describe the review and unique capability gaps identified. |
Mr. Halvorsen. The Constellation program is presently in the |
formative stages of development and prototyping activities needed to |
identify and mature information technology capabilities to meet CWMD |
Situational Awareness requirements |
DISA and the DTRA Constellation program office are collaborating |
via the TCRI (Tactical Cloud Reference Implementation) community since |
the core of Constellation's architecture is DISA's Big Data Platform |
(BDP), a component of the TCRI. |
The Constellation program will eventually require the capability to |
move data across multiple security domains and DTRA intends to use |
existing, accredited cross-domain solutions to meet this requirements. |
DTRA will not develop a new cross-domain solution. The DTRA program |
office is collaborating with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) |
Enterprise Cross Domain Services (ECDS) to meet DOD Instruction 8540.01 |
``Cross Domain (CD) Policy'' requirements. Using an ECDS provider |
allows Constellation to rely upon existing and proven computing tools |
and architectures, while reducing initial cost and deployment time. The |
program expects DIA's ECDS to meet Constellation's requirements to pass |
information between NIPRNet, SIPRNet, and JWICS. Regarding the cross- |
domain requirement between the public network (SUNet) and our NIPR DOD |
network, DTRA expects to use Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) products |
to perform deep-content filtering and sanitization of public data prior |
to ingestion into Constellation on the DOD networks. |
Mr. Langevin. Can you provide an update on DOD's process for |
completing the instruction manual for DOD Directive 8140 and when this |
process might be completed? How is it being accepted by the services? |
Mr. Halvorsen. DOD Directive 8140.01 will be supplemented by an |
Instruction and at least one Manual. The Instruction will establish |
policy and procedures and assign responsibilities for the DOD |
Components to identify, code, track, and report on their respective |
cyber workforces. A draft of the Instruction completed a first round of |
informal coordination with DOD Components in December 2015. In the |
interim, the Department will publish policy guidance to implement the |
identification and coding requirements of the Cybersecurity Workforce |
Assessment Act of 2015. The Instruction is scheduled to be completed in |
2017 and will incorporate the interim policy guidance. |
The Manual(s) will establish procedures, standards, and |
requirements for qualifications of the DOD cyber workforce, as required |
by DOD Directive 8140. In 2015, the Department commissioned a study to |
identify the standards for qualification criteria across cyber work |
roles. The study, completed in March 2016, provides an analysis of |
current government, academia, and industry best practices in |
recruiting, developing, professionalizing, and retaining cyber |
personnel. In May 2016, the DOD CIO will convene subject matter expert |
panels to develop specific qualification criteria for each respective |
information technology and cybersecurity work role. The Manual(s) are |
scheduled to be completed in 2018. |
The Services and Defense Agencies have been involved in the |
Department's transition to a holistic view of cyber from the onset and |
continue to play an important role in shaping the policies and DOD |
Cyber Workforce Framework that will govern and shape the Department's |
cyber forces into the future. |
______ |
Mr. Kline. What is your assessment of the impact of one service |
acquiring commercial satellite communications on behalf of the |
Department of Defense as required under section 1610 of the FY16 NDAA? |
Mr. Halvorsen. In the past two years, the Department has realized |
successes in the commercial satellite communications (COMSATCOM) domain |
as a result of improved COMSATCOM planning, acquisition and management |
reforms discussed in the responses to Senate Report 113-44, page 167, |
accompanying S. 1197 of the NDAA for FY 2014 and Sections 1603 and 1605 |
of the FY 15 NDAA. Specifically, the cost of COMSATCOM services has |
been declining, DISA's operational responsiveness has improved, and |
DISA's SATCOM pathfinders are yielding efficiencies in the use of the |
acquired services. Likewise, the Air Force pathfinders are providing |
valuable lessons related to investments in COMSATCOM solutions that |
will further drive acquisition and utilization efficiencies as part of |
our Wideband SATCOM Plan. To the extent they can, these lessons learned |
will be folded into the Wideband SATCOM Analysis of Alternatives |
directed by Section 1611 of the FY 16 NDAA. |
With that in mind, the Department is concerned that restructuring |
this approach by assigning a single agent for acquisition of COMSATCOM |
services and investment in COMSATCOM capability may ultimately result |
in increased cost and decreased operational responsiveness for DOD |
customers with no noticeable improvement in DOD's overall SATCOM |
``planning, acquisition, and management'' processes and governance. To |
that end and in response to Section 1610 of the FY 16 NDAA, my office |
has tasked the Air Force to evaluate, and provide the cost estimates to |
implement, alternative courses of action to satisfy the intent of |
Section 1610. These plans and cost estimates will be evaluated and |
coordinated with the Services and Combatant Commands with their inputs |
incorporated in the DOD response to Section 1610. |
Mr. Kline. Section 1610 of the FY16 NDAA requires the Department of |
Defense to designate a single acquisition agent to acquire commercial |
satellite communications. Have the major users (services and combatant |
commanders) of commercial satellite communications provided input to |
the Chief Information Officer regarding changes to commercial satellite |
acquisition and management required in the FY16 NDAA? |
Mr. Halvorsen. In response to Section 1610 of the FY 16 NDAA, DOD |
CIO has tasked Air Force to evaluate, and provide the cost estimates to |
implement, alternative courses of action to satisfy the intent of |
Section 1610. These plans and cost estimates will be evaluated and |
coordinated with the Services and COCOMs with their inputs incorporated |
in the DOD response to Section 1610. |
______ |
Mr. Lamborn. What is the status of the DOD Commercial Partnership |
Data Distribution Center you mentioned in last year's testimony, and |
when will you have a secure commercial cloud capability operating from |
within a DOD data center facility? |
Mr. Halvorsen. IBM's Cloud Managed Services for Government (IBM- |
CMSG) is an Infrastructure as a Service cloud provided from the Navy's |
Allegany Ballistics Laboratory (ABL) in West Virginia. It was granted a |
DOD provisional authorization at level 5 (Unclassified-FOUO) for use by |
the Defense Logistics Agency and Naval Sea Systems Command in February |
2016. |
Two additional acquisitions of a secure, on-premise clouds are |
currently underway in the Army and the Defense Information Systems |
Agency: |
The Army's effort will assess the feasibility and value of an on- |
premises, commercially owned/commercially operated cloud service |
offering at Redstone Army Arsenal. The Army is taking a ``statement of |
objectives'' approach to obtaining this capability in order to fully |
partner with industry, learn from its experts and implement commercial |
best practices for cloud migration and security. The intent of the |
pilot is to produce a secure, commercial cloud capability by fiscal |
year 2017 that meets all requirements for hosting sensitive National |
Security Systems at information security impact levels 5 (FOUO) and 6 |
(Secret). The Army released a request for information in November 2015 |
and held an industry day on 21 January 2016 with interested parties. |
DISA is also exploring the use of commercial infrastructure |
services residing in DOD facilities to implement an ``on-premises |
private'' infrastructure service for the DOD community and mission |
partners. The initial phase of this effort is referred to as milCloud |
2.0 Phase 1 (M2P1). DISA released an RFI (PL83220028) on February 12, |
2016, to assess the marketplace's interest in providing on-premises |
infrastructure services from within DOD data center facilities and to |
get advice on refining the businesses model process. DISA is currently |
reviewing RFI responses and refining their approach for a planned award |
in first quarter FY17. |
Mr. Lamborn. The DOD has access to a vast amount of data generated |
by its own IT devices, networks, and equipment. How is the Department |
leveraging this data to reduce costs, improve operations, and |
strengthen cybersecurity? |
Mr. Halvorsen. DOD leverages data from a wide array of DOD IT |
devices, networks, and equipment to guide it in reducing costs, |
improving operations and strengthening cybersecurity (CS) across the |
department in support of warfighting and business mission areas. DOD is |
committed to constant improvement in its data collection and analytic |
efforts to ensure the best possible mission outcomes for our |
warfighters and the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars. |
DOD CIO led the development of the SECDEF Cybersecurity Scorecard |
populated with internal DOD data against 11 key cyber measures. The |
measures were informed by our understanding of how we are vulnerable to |
adversary attacks as described in the 2015 DOD Cybersecurity Discipline |
Implementation Plan. This management tool therefore allows the |
Secretary to assess progress against goals which will tangibly reduce |
vulnerability. Further, it focuses each of the Department's 46 |
component organizations and the Department as a whole on assessing and |
addressing vulnerabilities. Most of the Scorecard data is pulled from |
automated cybersecurity tools currently deployed across the Department |
and we are actively working to build on this momentum to improve how |
data is automatically collected, integrated, analyzed and reported |
across the Department. |
The SECDEF Cybersecurity Scorecard is one very visible element of |
the Department's overall effort to use data to reduce costs, improve |
operations, and strengthen cybersecurity. The Defense Information |
Systems Agency (DISA), working with the Military Departments and |
USCYBERCOM, is leading the effort to build a joint interoperable |
(common) platform to collect and visualize vast amounts of data. This |
capability is called the Big Data Platform (BDP). |
The BDP's value is three-fold: |
First, it is a computing information system infrastructure |
(software) that can be easily shared. Sharing this infrastructure |
enables the ability to create common visualization analytics that can |
then be distributed across operational centers, ultimately reducing |
work efforts, re-work and overall costs. Moreover, it leads to a common |
way of operating, strengthening Tactics, Techniques and Procedures |
(TTPs) to aid in the cybersecurity mission. |
Second, the BDP is data agnostic. The platform can collect vast |
amounts of data in any mission area (cyber, business, personnel, etc.). |
The concept is that the data can be collected and queried (correlating |
analytics) to answer an infinite amount of operational questions (use |
cases/scenarios). Data drives situational awareness and an operational |
use case drives what data should be collected and visualized. The BDP |
inherently drives the DOD toward the development and implementation of |
data standards. An example would be the Structured Threat Information |
eXpression and Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information |
(STIX)/TAXII) efforts. |
Third, the BDP is a critical part of an information ecosystem that |
includes cybersecurity sensors, information sharing systems and |
security and incident management (SIEM) capabilities. As the DOD |
collectively consolidates security architectures and TTP's, the BDP is |
being architected to support this consolidation. An example is the |
design and implementation of the Joint Regional Security Stack (JRSS) |
within Joint Information Environment (JIE) Framework. |
Mr. Lamborn. Recently, the Secretary of the Air Force stated that |
over time, the AF wants to transition more and more of network |
operations and maintenance to the private sector. You also spoke of |
leveraging the private sector as well, specifically as it relates the |
use of cloud computing capabilities. Currently these potentially |
outsourced functions are performed by military personnel as well as DOD |
civilians. What happens to the thousands of civilians when this occurs? |
Will they all get re-rolled to defensive operations? Do current legal |
authorities permit the use of title 5 civilian personnel in title 10 |
defensive cyber activities? If not, what authorities would the Congress |
need to change or add within the U.S. Code? |
Mr. Halvorsen. The Air Force, like all DOD Components, is |
responsible for deploying capabilities and aligning their workforce to |
meet mission needs. Any military personnel or DOD Civilian efficiencies |
realized as a result of transitioning network operations and |
maintenance functions to the private sector will be available for the |
Services and Agencies to repurpose. At the Department-level, DOD |
Directive 8140.01 unites the management of all cyber skill areas under |
a single governance construct. This construct is bolstered through the |
use of the DOD Cyber Workforce Framework, which will be used to develop |
qualification criteria for all cyber work roles. These qualification |
criteria will provide the Components with the training requirements for |
military and civilian personnel who will remain in cyber work roles. |
DOD civilians currently serve across the Cyber Mission Forces (CMF) and |
can, consistent with law and policy, participate in the CMF's Title 10 |
activities. |
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