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[House Hearing, 115 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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FEBRUARY 14, 2017 |
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Serial No. 115-3 |
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Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs |
Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.foreignaffairs.house.gov/ |
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EDWARD R. ROYCE, California, Chairman |
JOE WILSON, South Carolina GERALD E. CONNOLLY, Virginia |
TED POE, Texas KAREN BASS, California |
DARRELL E. ISSA, California WILLIAM R. KEATING, Massachusetts |
TOM MARINO, Pennsylvania DAVID N. CICILLINE, Rhode Island |
JEFF DUNCAN, South Carolina AMI BERA, California |
MO BROOKS, Alabama LOIS FRANKEL, Florida |
PAUL COOK, California TULSI GABBARD, Hawaii |
RON DeSANTIS, Florida ROBIN L. KELLY, Illinois |
MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina BRENDAN F. BOYLE, Pennsylvania |
TED S. YOHO, Florida DINA TITUS, Nevada |
ADAM KINZINGER, Illinois NORMA J. TORRES, California |
Wisconsin TED LIEU, California |
ANN WAGNER, Missouri |
BRIAN J. MAST, Florida |
BRIAN K. FITZPATRICK, Pennsylvania |
THOMAS A. GARRETT, Jr., Virginia |
Amy Porter, Chief of Staff Thomas Sheehy, Staff Director |
Jason Steinbaum, Democratic Staff Director |
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Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade |
TED POE, Texas, Chairman |
JOE WILSON, South Carolina WILLIAM R. KEATING, Massachusetts |
DARRELL E. ISSA, California LOIS FRANKEL, Florida |
PAUL COOK, California BRENDAN F. BOYLE, Pennsylvania |
SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania DINA TITUS, Nevada |
LEE M. ZELDIN, New York NORMA J. TORRES, California |
THOMAS A. GARRETT, Jr., Virginia |
C O N T E N T S |
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Page |
Mr. Hassan Hassan, senior fellow, The Tahrir Institute for Middle |
East Policy.................................................... 6 |
The Honorable Frederic C. Hof, director, Rafik Hariri Center for |
the Middle East, Atlantic Council.............................. 13 |
Ms. Melissa Dalton, senior fellow, Center for Strategic and |
International Studies.......................................... 19 |
Mr. Hassan Hassan: Prepared statement............................ 9 |
The Honorable Frederic C. Hof: Prepared statement................ 15 |
Ms. Melissa Dalton: Prepared statement........................... 21 |
Hearing notice................................................... 46 |
Hearing minutes.................................................. 47 |
The Honorable Ted Poe, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Texas, and chairman, Subcommittee on Terrorism, |
Nonproliferation, and Trade: Material submitted for the record. 48 |
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House of Representatives, |
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, |
Committee on Foreign Affairs, |
Washington, DC. |
The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:01 p.m., in |
room 2172, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Ted Poe |
(chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. |
Mr. Poe. The subcommittee will come to order. |
Without objection, all members may have 5 days to submit |
statements, questions, extraneous materials for the record, |
subject to the length limitation in the rules. |
I will make my opening statement at this time. |
The Syrian war has raged for nearly 6 years. Syria is in |
chaos. Terrorists, foreign fighters, rebels, foreign |
governments, all are engaged in battle for territory and |
control of different aspects of Syria. |
On the screen--let's go back to the previous screen--you |
will see different areas of Syria. And the different areas that |
are controlled by ISIS is in the dark section. |
Let's flip to the next screen quickly. I don't know if you |
can read that or not. There should be--for at least the panel |
in front of you, you should have the different actors, the |
state actors on one side and then the nonstate actors on the |
other. |
The state actors are divided into pro-Assad and actors that |
are opposed to Assad, with the Middle Eastern countries at the |
top of each list, and then you have non-Middle Eastern |
countries at the bottom of each list. And you can see that |
there are numerous countries aligned on both sides. |
And then there are nonstate actors that are involved, and |
those are a multitude of groups. They call themselves different |
things at different times. Some are terrorist groups. Some |
claim not to be terrorist groups that are terrorist groups. |
One of the biggest things that I think we should know is |
that we have terrorist groups on both sides. We have Hezbollah |
on one side, which is obviously a terrorist group fighting for |
Assad; and we have ISIS on the other side that is a terrorist |
group. Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group, and they are also |
somewhat aligned with the anti-Assad group. |
You have a multitude of actors all seeking their own self- |
interest in Syria. And this hearing is about really what do we |
see happening not only now but, hopefully, what is the end game |
after 6 years of war. |
The losers in this have been the Syrian people, and I think |
they will continue to be the losers because, as the war rages, |
the war affects them more than anyone else. Half a million |
Syrian people have died, at least, in this war. And I don't |
call it a conflict; I call it a war. When you start dropping |
bombs on people, that is not a conflict, that is a war. Fifty |
thousand of those people, by all estimates, have been children. |
Five million Syrians have become refugees; 6 million are |
internally displaced. So that has been about 11 percent of the |
Syrian population killed or injured since the start of the |
violence. |
The perpetrator of all of this sits directly at the regime |
of Bashar Assad and his backers in Moscow and Tehran. Assad has |
pursued a policy of murdering anybody that expresses criticism |
of his power. He uses barrel bombs, and it doesn't make any |
difference who those barrel bombs fall on as long as he thinks |
they are opposed to his regime. |
Russia intervened in Syria in September 2015 and began air |
strikes against what it called terrorist targets. The Russians |
apparently are not very good in their targeting because it |
seems as though they have killed thousands of people in Syria |
and they haven't all been terrorists. The Syrian Network for |
Human Rights suggested last year that Russian strikes killed |
more Syrians than ISIS members. |
Iran's terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, has also bloodied its |
hands in Syria. Since 2013, Hezbollah has operated openly in |
Syria, killing on behalf of the Assad regime. It has also |
created in Syria a perfect environment for out-of-towners, as I |
call them, who show up with their own self-interest, including |
terrorist groups. ISIS is there, and while ISIS no longer |
controls as much territory as they did in 2014, they still |
control major aspects of the Syrian population centers. |
I have furnished each of our panelists a map, and there is |
also a map on the wall. Due to time constraints, I can't go |
into all of the details. But the thin black line in the middle |
of Syria and in the southern part of Syria is what is |
controlled by ISIS. The Kurds control the northern purple area. |
The yellow area is controlled by al-Qaeda and so-called Syrian |
dissidents and rebel groups. And then Assad controls the pink |
area to the west. |
The questions to be asked today are: What is going to |
happen in the end game? What is the end game? And, also, I |
would like to know from our panelists, what is the national |
security interest of the United States? Should we ratchet it |
up? Should we do what we are doing now, which is kind of the |
Vietnam syndrome? Or should we leave it to the Middle East to |
resolve this conflict themselves? I would like the opinion of |
all three panelists to those three questions. |
And I will turn it over to the gentleman from |
Massachusetts, who has fled to Washington to get out of the |
snow, for his opening statement. |
Mr. Keating. Thank you, Chairman Poe. And thank you for |
holding this hearing today. |
The situation we have watched unfold in Syria the last 6 |
years has been wrought with complexities and, the chairman and |
I agree, with chaos and atrocities under the Assad government. |
Today, the war and the resulting humanitarian crisis is nothing |
short of a global tragedy. |
So I am grateful for the attendance of our witnesses--Mr. |
Hassan, Ambassador Hof, Ms. Dalton--for their valuable insight |
into the ongoing political strife and challenges that the |
international community as well as the new administration faces |
in the months and years ahead. |
If we are going to be smart about terrorism and |
specifically the rising role of ISIL, then we must first come |
to terms with the reality that their model of terrorism is |
built on a foundation of radicalization. To continue fighting |
ISIL in the battlefield requires that we recognize this pattern |
of recruitment and evolution in fighting tactics. |
As we make progress in diminishing their territory, we must |
be mindful of their shifts in strategy to prioritize covert |
radicalization rather than maintain geographic strongholds. It |
becomes essential that we engage in this war of ideas by |
providing potential recruits with a choice of narratives. Those |
choices should include a path forward other than terrorism. |
But, even more importantly, we must recognize that |
strengthening the resiliency and stability of communities is |
necessary for eradicating terrorism. And when families live in |
fear and when no one is accountable for keeping them safe and |
protecting their freedom, we will never be able to eliminate |
the conditions that produce these terrorists. |
Countering ISIL in Syria, however, cannot be viewed as a |
one-dimensional prospect. Preventing attacks and limiting |
ISIL's capacity to operate within its network caliphates are |
also crucial to eliminating the terrorist threat there. |
The U.S. cannot do this alone, nor should we. But we should |
also be wary of the compromises we are being asked to make, |
allegedly in the name of securing peace and combating |
terrorism. |
I have grave concerns about the role of Russia and Iran and |
what they intend to play in countering ISIL and preventing |
future terrorists. Left without proper oversight or debate, |
this same Congress may 5, 10, or 15 years from now preside over |
a hearing of the same subject, examining how a Russian- and |
Iranian-led resolution to this crisis allowed ISIL to survive |
and become embedded in the region, like other terrorist groups |
which continue to pose a threat to the U.S. today. |
For the time being, I believe we still have strong allies |
in Europe and the Middle East whose interests align with ours |
and who can make valuable contributions, along with our own, to |
tackle this threat. Our existing partnerships on intelligence- |
sharing, security, military strategy are robust, and we are |
united with our allies along a common goal for a peaceful |
resolution to this gruesome conflict and a stable political |
outcome for the people of Syria. |
Even with close partnerships, there is still room for even |
stronger, more effective cooperation to close some of the gaps |
and inconsistencies that ISIL continues to exploit. With all |
the progress in the past decades to cement effective security |
partnerships among the U.S. and our allies, there is now a |
sound foundation to build upon that, together, we can isolate |
and destroy these terrorist threats. Neglecting these |
partnerships and incredible assets in the fight against |
terrorism would be a costly mistake. |
Countering terrorism in Syria is a complex, multifaceted |
issue. If we fail to craft a comprehensive plan to address it, |
aspects of our national security will be compromised. |
I look forward to the witnesses' testimony today and |
hearing from you on how to balance these diverse and sometimes |
seemingly divergent considerations when attempting to combat |
ISIL in Syria. |
I yield back. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman from Massachusetts. |
The Chair will recognize members for 1-minute opening |
statements, and the Chair will follow the 60-minute--60-second |
rule, not 60 minutes. |
The gentleman from South Carolina is recognized for 1 |
minute. |
Mr. Wilson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Judge Poe. |
And he and I worked together very closely on the 60-second |
rule, I can assure you. |
But I want to thank the chairman for having such |
distinguished witnesses. And, already, this has been a helpful |
hearing to me, the map showing the level of control, how narrow |
it is, Damascus, west and north, but also to see the success of |
the Kurdish regional efforts from Iraq. |
It is very important to me that we support the people of |
the Kurdish region, with the understanding that they are |
working to maintain and build a stable Iraq, and by doing that, |
by not indicating--expanding beyond the borders. But they are |
very successful. And that was very instructive to me, so I am |
very, very hopeful. |
Additionally, I look forward to hearing of your efforts |
regarding counterpropaganda. |
Thank you. And I, within the 60 seconds, hereby yield the |
balance of my time. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. |
Schneider. |
Mr. Schneider. Thank you, Chairman Poe, Ranking Member |
Keating, for convening this important hearing. |
And thank you to the witnesses for providing your expertise |
to inform this incredibly important discussion. |
I hope that we all came here today with the recognition |
that Syria must be a priority for the new administration. With |
5 million refugees and 6 million internally displaced people |
and more than 500,000 mostly civilians killed, the 6-year civil |
war is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the new century. |
Syria borders key American allies, namely Israel, Jordan, |
and Turkey. The civil war is putting extreme pressure on the |
bordering states as well as the European nations. For 6 years, |
the situation has only gotten worse. |
I hope our witnesses can shed light on how to neutralize |
and defeat the terrorist groups ISIS and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, |
while at the same time working toward a political solution for |
the country that does not include Bashar al-Assad or cede |
control of Syria to Iran and its proxy Hezbollah nor lead to |
further instability and the consequent return of terrorist |
groups. |
As you have all shared in your testimony, there are no easy |
solutions or even mostly good choices, but walking away is |
clearly not an option. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
The Chair recognizes the gentleman from California, Mr. |
Cook. |
Mr. Cook. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I think this |
is a great hearing. |
The problem that I have always with this is that every 6 |
months, a year, the players, the situation changes. And for us |
to get a grasp on this, it is almost impossible. We just had a |
similar hearing in the House Armed Services Committee, a |
different approach. |
And I did want to thank Ambassador Hof for his service in |
Vietnam, where you were awarded the Purple Heart. I understand |
that you were involved in the 1983 investigation of the bombing |
of the Marine barracks, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines. That was |
my--I was not with them. That was my former battalion. And what |
happened then still lingers, and I hope we can go back to some |
of the causes as they relate to today. |
I yield back. Thank you. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
Mr. Rohrabacher from California. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. |
When we talk about \1/2\ million people who are dead and |
have been killed in this, let's just admit this isn't just |
Assad. We keep saying Assad killed all these people. The fact |
is, if you look at our allies, whether it be Turkey, Saudi |
Arabia, Qatar, even the UAE, and certainly Iran, who is not an |
ally but in that region, any of those countries, any of those |
governments that faced an insurgency that kept on being |
financed over and over again would kill that many people. Assad |
is no different than the other dictators, yet we have insisted |
that he has to go. And, thus, the conflict goes on, and more |
and more people are made refugees and killed. |
Who is at fault? I think we should stick our nose out of |
this and let them have, yes, Assad and their dictators in all |
the rest of these countries, and the United States shouldn't |
keep these conflicts going on and on and on. |
Thank you. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
Anybody else wish to make an opening statement? |
The Chair recognizes Ms. Titus. |
Ms. Titus. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, Ranking |
Member. |
You know, throughout the campaign, we heard from candidate |
Trump that he knew more than the generals and he had a secret |
plan for fighting ISIS. Now, apparently, he has gone to the |
Pentagon to ask for some assistance. |
As we go through this hearing, I would be curious to know |
what you all think about his willingness or ability to stick |
with a plan if we come up with it or if our policy is just |
going to jump from tweet to tweet. |
Thank you. |
Mr. Poe. The Chair will now introduce all three witnesses |
and then---- |
Mr. Garrett. Mr. Chairman? |
Mr. Poe. Yes. |
Mr. Garrett. If I might? I had not originally not intended |
to make introductory remarks. |
Mr. Poe. The Chair recognizes for 1 minute. |
Mr. Garrett. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member. |
The comments by the gentleman from California sort of stir |
where I am on this. I think that this Nation would be well- |
advised never to arm any entity without having an easily |
articulable plan for an end state that is preferable to the |
current status quo. |
And while Assad certainly has blood on his hands, I can't |
find, nor could former Secretary of State John Kerry, the Free |
Syrian Army. I couldn't tell you who leads it, which leaves us |
with two alternative solutions to the Assad problem, that being |
Jabhat al-Nusra or Jabhat Fateh al-Sham or ISIS, neither of |
which, I think, are a preferable option to a dictator in Assad, |
who has provided some level of stability, created a |
circumstance wherein 51 percent of college graduates in Syria |
are women and a safe zone for individuals of ethnic and |
religious minorities. |
I would yield back the balance of my time. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
The Chair will now introduce the witnesses. |
Mr. Hassan is a senior fellow at the Tahrir Institute for |
Middle East Policy. He is co-author of ``ISIS: Inside the Army |
of Terror,'' a New York Times bestseller. |
Ambassador Frederic Hof is the director of the Rafik Hariri |
Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council. Previously, |
Ambassador Hof served as Special Coordinator for the State |
Department's Office of the Special Envoy for Middle East Peace. |
Ms. Melissa Dalton is a senior fellow and the deputy |
director of the International Security Program at CSIS. Her |
research focuses on U.S. defense policy in the Middle East, |
global U.S. defense strategy, and security cooperation with |
U.S. allies. |
Mr. Hassan, we will start with you. |
Each of you have 5 minutes. When you see the red light, |
stop talking. |
Mr. Hassan. |
Mr. Hassan. Thank you very much, Chairman Poe and members |
of the subcommittee. It is a privilege to present today here my |
views on Syria and terrorism. |
I want to basically give, like, an optimistic view first. |
Despite the grim situation inside Syria, I think the U.S. |
Government has an opportunity to stem the challenges presented |
by the two international terrorist organizations operating in |
Syria, the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. |
In fact, I would argue that the United States has more |
options or options it didn't necessarily have 2 years ago, |
including a way to prevent not only the Islamic State and al- |
Qaeda from operating in Syria or weakening both of them but |
also other radical groups from operating in at least 50 to 60 |
percent of Syria. The territory I am talking about includes |
areas that the Islamic State controls or once controlled since |
2014. |
You know, the way ISIS does things is, when they take an |
area, they act as a washing powder, I would say, which is |
basically to eradicate any Islamist and jihadist cells |
operating in the areas where they operate, because they want to |
prevent any support system for their rivals. |
So they have done that in 50 to 60 percent of Syria--or 50 |
percent of Syria, to be more precise. So for al-Qaeda now to go |
back and fill the vacuum left by ISIS, it has to revive dormant |
cells or rebuild influence almost from scratch. So there is an |
opportunity there to shape the communities in which ISIS |
operates today. |
So the expulsion of the Islamic State offers a rare |
opportunity, I would say, to implement a strategy to build an |
alternative to jihadist organizations, more so than you were |
able in 2014 when dozens of different armed groups operated in |
these areas. |
So the liberation of these areas by the U.S.-led coalition |
creates a de facto American sphere of influence, which both |
Russia and the regime have accepted for now, at least. This |
counterterrorism strategy involves a more foresighted or |
farsighted policy of establishing de facto safe zones in part |
of Syria where inhabitants can be protected from jihadists and |
from the regime and where the international community can also |
ensure that al-Qaeda, which now operates in only 1 to 2 percent |
of Syria, at least in a dominant manner, from rolling back into |
areas from which the Islamic State is expelled or is being |
expelled. |
Those safe zones can be established in the areas where the |
U.S. and allies have fought ISIS, as I said. The strategy I am |
proposing is basically a baseline, meaning it requires minimal |
American commitment. It builds on what the Americans are |
already doing inside Syria against the Islamic State and |
without which any fight against jihadism is doomed to fail. So |
this is the baseline. |
The war against the Islamic State has reached the point, in |
my opinion, where the Americans cannot--or the U.S. forces or |
the U.S.-led coalition cannot just pull out from Syria, because |
of, obviously, the ongoing fight against ISIS. It can choose, |
though--the U.S. can choose to continue with the current |
strategy, which I consider disastrous, and allow various forces |
to fill the ensuing vacuum after ISIS is defeated in some |
areas. |
Instead, I would propose that the U.S. must use its pre- |
existing leverage to build a sound policy, a sound strategy |
that breaks away from the current strategy, which overlooks the |
political environment that enabled the rise of ISIS and other |
jihadists in the first place. |
What is lacking in the current policy is a real kind of |
strategy that utilizes this leverage to ensure the removal of |
jihadists, to prevent their return, to protect local |
communities from indiscriminate bombardments by the Assad |
regime, and minimize the conflict that is emerging among the |
various allies in northern Syria, namely the Kurds on one hand |
and the rebels and Turkey on the other hand. |
This strategy, obviously, is not an invitation for an |
American occupation of Syria or long-term nation-building that |
President Donald Trump has explicitly criticized. Instead, it |
is both realistic, essential, and expands on battlefield |
victories already scored over the past 2\1/2\ years in |
Operation Inherent Resolve against the Islamic State in |
northern Syria. |
The strategy, again, in my opinion, I think should |
acknowledge the fractured nature of the Syrian conflict today. |
To get a sense of this fracture, you have to look at kind of |
the map that Chairman Poe just presented, which basically |
divides Syria into four quadrants. |
One is the caliphate terrain, which extends from eastern |
Aleppo all the way to Iraq, Iraqi border, all the way to |
Palmyra in central Syria. |
And then you have the second one, the second quadrant, |
which is rebel-held areas in the north and the south. This is |
where the Americans and their allies--the Israelis, the |
Jordanians, and others--have actually done very well in |
ensuring that jihadists don't have dominance in that area and |
that there is, like, a relatively reliable moderate rebel |
coalition there and where al-Qaeda and Islamic State have some |
presence but they don't dominate. |
And the problem there, though, is that the rebel presence |
there is fragile and requires a policy to ensure that they |
would withstand the pressure from jihadists. And, actually, |
today is a good example of that, because Jabhat al-Nusra/al- |
Qaeda has started to challenge that dynamic in southern Syria. |
The third quadrant, very quickly, is the more fragmented |
northwest---- |
Mr. Poe. The gentleman's time has expired. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Hassan follows:] |
---------- |
Mr. Poe. And the subcommittee will be in recess for votes. |
We will start 5 minutes after the last vote has ended. The |
subcommittee is in recess. |
[Recess.] |
Mr. Poe. The subcommittee will come to order. |
Ambassador Hof, we will hear your testimony. |
Ambassador Hof. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Keating, members of the |
committee, I would summarize the key points of my testimony for |
the record as follows: First, both the Obama and the Trump |
administrations have defined defeating terror in Syria largely |
in terms of neutralizing two rival descendants of al-Qaeda in |
Iraq, namely the so-called Islamic State, ISIL, and the Jabhat |
Fatah al-Sham, JFS, formerly known as the Nusrah Front. |
ISIL has had mainly a live and let live arrangement with |
the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad. JFS has fought the regime |
while at the same time trying to dominate nationalist Syria |
First armed rebel units. |
Second, terminating the military capabilities of both of |
these organizations is critically important. But if our goal in |
Syria is to kill terror and keep it dead, ultimately, a |
political system reflecting legitimacy has to take hold. Absent |
a political system that virtually all Syrians see as |
satisfactory with no superior alternative, absent that, |
extremists will seek to rise again to fill the vacuum created |
by gross corruption, incompetence, and brutality. |
Third, the main obstacle to political legitimacy in Syria |
is the survival of a regime headed by Bashar al-Assad and |
supported by Iran and Russia. The collective punishment and |
mass homicide survival strategy of this regime has been the |
main factor behind a humanitarian abomination and a political |
catastrophe. |
Yesterday, the Atlantic Council released a report entitled, |
``Breaking Aleppo.'' This report details and documents the |
campaign of terror inflicted by the Assad regime and Russia on |
the civilians of Aleppo. It adds to the enormous body of |
evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in |
Syria over the past 6 years, the overwhelming majority of which |
have been committed by the regime and its allies. These crimes |
have helped ISIL and JFS enormously in their recruiting. |
Fourth, even if the diplomatic pursuit of political |
legitimacy in Syria is a long-term project, neutralizing ISIL |
and JFS militarily are urgent priorities. Two successive |
Presidents have defined both organizations as threats to |
American national security. ISIL in Syria, which has planned |
and executed major atrocities in Europe, is currently under |
attack by a U.S.-led air coalition and a U.S.-advise ground |
force, largely Kurdish in composition. |
I understand the administration is reviewing this military |
approach in light of Turkish objections to the Kurdish role and |
the objective desirability of liberating densely populated |
areas with highly skilled military professionals. |
JFS is under attack by U.S. and Russian air assets |
independently with Syrian nationalist rebel forces seeking ways |
and means to defeat it. These nationalists will need a tight |
Russian leash on Assad and on Iranian-led foreign militias in |
order to move effectively against JFS. It is not yet clear that |
they will get Russian cooperation. |
Fifth and finally, thanks to Russian and Iranian military |
intervention, Assad seems secure in at least part of Syria. |
Iran, in particular, needs Assad to bind Syria to Lebanon's |
Hezbollah, another important Islamist terrorist group. But |
Assad's political well-being means the indefinite continuation |
of state terror in Syria. |
As the United States and its partners move ideally with |
dispatch against ISIL and JFS, any temptation to make common |
cause with or improve the political prospects of Syria's |
premier practitioner of terror, Bashar al-Assad, must be |
resisted. Reports of Russian disaffection with Assad and with |
Iranian-led militias should be explored. |
Killing terror in Syria and keeping it dead will, I am |
afraid, be a long-term endeavor for the United States and its |
partners, one extending far beyond the defeats of ISIL and JFS. |
[The prepared statement of Ambassador Hof follows:] |
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Mr. Poe. Thank you, Ambassador Hof. |
Ms. Dalton. |
Ms. Dalton. Chairman Poe, Ranking Member Keating, and |
distinguished members of the subcommittee, it is an honor to |
testify before you today with my excellent colleagues |
Ambassador Frederic Hof and Hassan Hassan. |
Syria stands today at the epicenter of a regional conflict |
with global consequences for U.S. interests. Countering |
terrorism is one aspect of a deeper problem set. The Trump |
administration and the Congress have the opportunity to change |
the course of U.S. policy toward Syria by nesting short-term |
operations into a strategy. |
Americans have no interest in perennial military |
interventions in the Middle East. We have demands for resources |
at home and competing geostrategic objectives in Europe and |
Asia. However, the United States has compelling reasons to |
counter terrorism and to address the broader factors that have |
enabled the rise of the so-called Islamic State and al-Qaeda's |
affiliate in Syria, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham. The growth of Iranian |
proxy groups and a battle-hardened Lebanese Hezbollah in Syria |
also pose counterterrorism challenges. |
Additionally, the United States has to contend with |
intertwined realities that could challenge its ability to |
influence outcomes to its advantage. Among these reasons are: |
Countering terrorists and the roots of terrorism, which |
threaten the U.S. homeland and our allies and partners; |
preventing military confrontation with Russia and Iran while |
limiting the long-term subversive influence they could have in |
the region; and stemming conflict emanating from Syria from |
further destabilizing neighboring states in Europe. |
Achieving U.S. objectives in Syria will require inherent |
tradeoffs in the policy choices the Trump administration could |
pursue. Complicating matters, 6 years of war have torn Syria |
apart. It no longer exists a unitary whole, requiring different |
approaches in the north, south, east, and west. Woven |
throughout the options in Syria are geopolitical choices with |
which the United States will have to grapple, including how to |
manage tensions with Russia in a way that secures U.S. |
interests and contests Russian aggression globally while |
cooperating where it is advantageous and feasible; how to |
calibrate pressure on Iran's destabilizing activities without |
provoking blowback to U.S. Forces operating in the area and |
while attaining an enduring political outcome in Syria; and how |
to manage deeply fraught relations with NATO ally Turkey while |
leveraging the highly capable YPG to fight ISIS in northern |
Syria. |
The Trump administration and Congress should work together |
to forge a coordinated U.S. strategy for Syria with allies and |
partners. The goals of this strategy should be to degrade ISIS |
and JFS, achieve a nationwide cessation of hostilities and a |
negotiated transition of power in Damascus, and consolidate |
counterterrorism gains by knitting together local security and |
governance in the four segments of Syria. |
Such an approach will require leveraging multiple tools of |
U.S. statecraft, including: Registering strong concerns with |
Russia and Iran about their support for Assad's brutal tactics |
and their long-term ambitions in Syria and being prepared to |
back up those concerns with sanctions and coercion; rebuilding |
communication and trust with Turkey. While pressing on human |
rights concerns, we should emphasize the criticality of working |
through differences as NATO allies. Bolstering support to Iraqi |
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his efforts to restore |
security and stability in Iraq. If Iraq falters, ISIS and other |
terrorist groups will regrow in western Iraq and push back into |
Syria. Working with the U.N. to leverage and integrate the |
Astana process into a U.N.-mediated negotiations, calibrating |
sanctions pressure on Putin to convince Assad to accede to the |
negotiating table, requiring Russian action before alleviating |
sanctions. Ukraine should not be a quid pro quo for Syria. |
Synchronizing operations for Raqqa and Mosul to squeeze ISIS, |
and aligning covert and noncovert approaches versus ISIS and |
JFS. |
Letting operational conditions on the ground inform |
strategic adjustments and withdrawal timelines. Countering ISIS |
and JFS will be a multiyear effort. Increasing both special |
operations forces and conventional ground forces in Syria and |
Iraq, based on commanders' assessed requirements, conducting |
training and combat operations with local partners. |
Consolidating gains from operations, knitting connections among |
local security forces and governance structures so that |
terrorist groups cannot grow back. Being strategic about |
deploying the local partner forces that will be the most |
credible, accounting for ethno-sectarian differences, even if |
it requires a slower pace for operations. |
If the United States commits resources to establishing a |
safe zone, I recommend constructing one in southern Syria where |
operational dynamics are clearer than in the north and to |
ensure that it ties to political negotiations to end the civil |
war so as to avoid an open-ended commitment. |
We should also enhance intelligence sharing and improved |
coordination among military intelligence and law enforcement |
entities and continue to provide humanitarian assistance to |
besieged civilian areas with clear and immediate repercussions |
in the case of outside interference. |
Finally, we should seek a new authorization for the use of |
force for the U.S. intervention in Syria and Iraq providing for |
operational flexibility to U.S. commanders. The presence of |
ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria demands our immediate attention. |
However, the United States must anchor its counterterrorism |
approach in a broader strategy if it is to prevail. |
Thank you. I look forward to your questions. |
[The prepared statement of Ms. Dalton follows:] |
---------- |
Mr. Poe. I thank all of you all for your testimony. I will |
recognize myself for 5 minutes. |
First of all, I gave each of you a list of the participants |
as I know them as of today. Ambassador Hof, I will just ask you |
quickly, is this a fair statement of the lineup of the players? |
Ambassador Hof. I think, broadly speaking, Mr. Chairman, it |
is a fair lineup. The only--the only thing off the top of my |
head I might take issue with here is listing ISIS under the |
roster of anti-Assad forces. There has been, for the past 3 |
years, a live and let live relationship between the regime and |
ISIS. The regime's military effort, the military effort of |
Russia has been directed at elements other than ISIS with rare |
exception. |
Mr. Poe. Okay. Thank you. And it is a fair statement that |
there is an ebb and flow of the anti-Assad forces as to who |
they are today, whether they are anti-Assad or whether they are |
just working for their own self-interest in particular areas of |
the country. Is that a fair statement? |
Ambassador Hof. Yes, it is, Mr. Chairman. There is probably |
an example of just about everything in Syria today. |
Mr. Poe. You have the bona fide rebel forces who want to |
overthrow Assad; you have out-of-towners who are criminals that |
are looking to loot, pillage the area; you have people coming |
in to take over territory. You just have everybody there in the |
anti-Assad group. Is that a fair statement? |
Ambassador Hof. You have got local elements that, for |
criminal purposes, have taken full advantage of local |
situations. You also--you also have an ebb and flow of people |
depending on resource availability. |
One of the great successes of the al-Qaeda elements in |
Syria is that they have been pretty well resourced and have |
been able to pull away young Syrian men who are anti-Assad, |
originally lined up with the Free Syrian Army and so forth, but |
who have gone to work for an organization where they know-- |
where breakfast is going to come from, they know they have got |
a serviceable weapon, they know they have got plenty of |
ammunition, so that has been a factor as well. |
Mr. Poe. Are any of the Middle Eastern countries, Saudi |
Arabia, Qatar, UAE, are they funding any of these groups like |
al-Qaeda, quasi-terrorist groups? |
Ambassador Hof. I think, Mr. Chairman, the bulk of the |
evidence suggests that at an official level, no. These |
governments are not funding al-Qaeda or ISIS or any of those. |
Mr. Poe. But it would be a fair statement that money is |
coming from those countries? |
Ambassador Hof. You bet, you bet. It would be a totally |
fair statement. There is money coming, I think in recent |
reports, Qatar and Kuwait have earned honorable or dishonorable |
mentions in this regard. |
Mr. Poe. Dishonorable mentions. So you have at least three |
terrorist groups. You have ISIS, you have al-Qaeda, and you |
have Hezbollah, three terrorist groups, questionable whose side |
they are on on any given day. |
Let me ask you this. The U.S.--let's talk about the United |
States' role. In the past, we decided we would fund 5,000 so- |
called moderate rebels. That turned out to be a disaster. It |
cost us $\1/2\ billion. Armed 60 of them and they surrendered |
after the first day. I say that to say it is difficult to know |
who we are dealing with as a country when we turn over American |
equipment and American money. |
What should the United States do? Should we just stay the |
course, give a little money, a little weapon here and there? |
Should we go all in with the, you know, with the B-52s? So I |
say that, not facetiously, but all in all should we just say |
this is not our battle? Which of those three options, and I am |
going to ask each of you to give me which option the United |
States should take from this point on. |
Mr. Hassan, which position should the U.S. take? |
Mr. Hassan. I think what the U.S. should be doing and what |
should---- |
Mr. Poe. Which of those three options? |
Mr. Hassan. I think they have to be more--they have to go |
all--politically all in, and I think that is where the U.S. has |
been lagging behind. They haven't pegged a political track to |
the military track as necessary. |
Mr. Poe. All right. Ambassador Hof. |
Ambassador Hof. I would say all in using a whole-of- |
government approach to this. It is not entirely a military |
issue. Against ISIL it is, for sure, but there are--you know, |
the security of Americans is what is at stake and what is---- |
Mr. Poe. Sure, political solution. |
Ambassador Hof [continuing]. Bubbling up out of Syria. |
Mr. Poe. And Ms. Dalton. |
Ms. Dalton. I think we have to go in with a multifaceted |
approach that pushes hard politically, that creates leverage |
with Russia and Iran to pressure Assad to come to the |
negotiating table, and to change the military balance on the |
ground by continuing to support the groups that we have been |
working with. |
Mr. Poe. I thank all three of you. |
And I recognize the gentleman from Massachusetts, ranking |
member, Mr. Keating. |
Mr. Keating. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Ms. Dalton, you mentioned in your opening remarks, |
``Ukraine should not be a quid pro quo for Syria.'' What |
prompted those statements from you? |
Ms. Dalton. Thank you, Ranking Member Keating. There have |
been reports of late that as the new administration is |
examining the policy options before it, which are, of course, |
global in scale given where the United States sits in the |
world, that they might take a different approach to Russia and |
that perhaps there is some transactional trade space to be had |
in areas where Russia and the United States are conflicting or |
have been conflicting. And there is a notion that perhaps an |
agreement could be reached with the Russians such that the |
United States would turn a blind eye to Russia's activities in |
Ukraine in Crimea in exchange for Russian cooperation against |
ISIS in Syria and working with Assad. |
The reality is that that would be strategically foolhardy |
for the United States, in my opinion, to go down that pathway. |
Russia responds to strength, and rewarding Russia for bad |
behavior by encouraging more bad behavior doesn't seem to be a |
recipe for success. |
Mr. Keating. Let me follow that up, if I could. |
Ms. Dalton. Yeah. |
Mr. Keating. The Trump administration has repeatedly |
embraced the idea that the U.S. should cooperate with Russia on |
counter-ISIS or ISIL operations in Syria. How possible is that |
engagement in security in cooperating with Russia without |
working with Iran and its affiliates? Any of you. |
Ms. Dalton. Yes. I think--before turning to the Iran bit of |
that question, I think it is important to note that the vast |
majority, up to 80 percent of Russia's air strikes in Syria |
have not been on ISIS targets. They have been on other Syrian |
opposition groups, some of which have been supported by the |
United States and our partners, and against civilian targets in |
Syria. So the idea--in a very sort of objective way of looking |
at this, our objectives are not aligned with Russia in terms |
of---- |
Mr. Keating. Professor Hof, same question. |
Ambassador Hof. Yes, sir. I would certainly not begrudge |
the administration the ability to conduct its due diligence |
about the possibility of some kind of diplomatic and even, |
eventually, military cooperation with Russia. I have--I have my |
doubts as to whether there is any there there, but doing the |
diplomatic due diligence, look, there is no doubt whatsoever |
that the leadership in Russia has no affection, much less |
respect for Bashar al-Assad. Bashar al-Assad has served a |
political purpose, to date, for President Putin. For our |
Government to explore whether there is a possibility of Russia |
using some leverage to push Assad into meaningful negotiations, |
I think it is worth a try. |
Mr. Keating. Yeah. Mr. Hassan, how--could you--Mr. Hassan, |
I mean, could you follow up, but also talk about the ability of |
the U.S. and Russia sharing information, vital information in |
that quest. |
Mr. Hassan. Absolutely. I think it is possible to cleave |
away Russia from Iran but only under one condition, which is |
that the U.S. pursues the right policy inside Syria, regardless |
of how Russia perceives that, which is basically a change in |
Syria that has seen legitimate--like as a legitimate change |
inside Syria, and the defeat--and focus on the political |
environment inside Syria as much as the military challenge that |
ISIS and al-Qaeda pose. |
Only then would Russia start to maybe work with Americans |
in the right way against the interest of Iran. We know that the |
priorities of the two countries are different. They are long- |
term priorities at least. |
Mr. Keating. Perhaps, if I could interrupt just to put this |
on the table, we are running out of time, but I think other |
people will follow up. I haven't heard you talk about safe |
zones. If you could comment on some of the drawbacks of safe-- |
and dangers of safe zones, what we should be looking out for, |
what is possible. |
Ambassador Hof. I think the main--the main thing to try to |
understand about safe zones is that it requires very strong |
protection not only from 30,000 feet, not just a no-fly zone, |
it requires decisive military power on the ground. This is what |
distinguishes a safe zone from a killing zone where people are |
inadvertently drawn in to a situation where they are not |
protected on the ground and as a result, slaughter takes place. |
Mr. Keating. Yeah. And infiltration from terrorists. |
I yield back. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
The Chair recognizes the gentleman from California, Mr. |
Cook. |
Mr. Cook. Thank you very much. |
One of the countries that is not listed right on this list |
or your list is Israel, and a lot of the foreign policy that we |
have in the United States is very sensitive to Israel's |
position. |
Do you have any comments in regards to how Israel views |
this situation? I know the relations with Russia isn't bad, but |
their position against Hezbollah and Iran, I think, is well |
known, and they consider them a, you know, a major threat to |
the country. Anyone? |
Ms. Dalton. Thank you, Congressman. I believe that, from a |
security perspective, Israel is very concerned about the growth |
and development of IRGC-backed groups, not just Lebanese |
Hezbollah but the up to 115,000 Iranian-backed groups that are |
present in Syria and bolstering the Assad regime, and what that |
portends for the long-term presence of those groups in Syria |
and how that could potentially serve as a beachhead for IRGC |
activities that could threaten Israel and its interest. |
On top of that, the fact that Lebanese Hezbollah has |
acquired further operational refinement and capability |
development through its activities in Syria that could then be |
taken back to Lebanon and threaten Israel, I think is also |
something that the Israelis are very concerned about from a |
security perspective. |
Mr. Cook. I noticed Hamas was not listed on there. Do you |
have any comments about Hamas? Anybody? No? They are a |
nonplayer? |
Ambassador Hof. I think, Congressman, Hamas has been |
essentially a nonplayer in Syria for--there used to be an |
office in Damascus. It left, and I believe it has been a |
nonplayer for awhile in the Syrian context. |
Mr. Cook. Okay. Going back to Assad. I still--being a |
history major, and the history of Hezbollah and in Iran and |
their conduct there, it is very hard for me to accept the |
Russian position in Syria and some of the other countries |
there. The pro-Assad forces, I think they are very accurate |
there. Pro-Assad, obviously Iran, North Korea, China, and |
Hezbollah. And so I am still very, very nervous about any |
Russian affiliation with Assad and because of his conduct, both |
the present ruler and his father, which has been going on for |
years, and the number of people that have been killed in that |
country. |
I yield back. Thank you. |
Mr. Poe. The Chair recognizes the gentlelady from Nevada, |
Ms. Titus. |
Ms. Titus. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
I would just like to ask you about the perception of the |
United States in the region within Syria. You know, with the |
travel ban, with our unwillingness to do our part to help |
refugees, the recent announcement, perhaps, that they are going |
to continue to go down this path, what kind of perception will |
we have to overcome to be successful in the area? And is this |
working in the hands of some of the terrorist groups to use as |
propaganda against us in making the situation worse? Anybody, |
or all of you? |
Mr. Hassan. Sure. I think many people, especially people |
who are in charge of the campaign against ISIS and al-Qaeda, |
recognize that the framing of the fight against these |
organizations is as important as the military challenge. So if |
your--if you have like 60 countries fighting ISIS and ISIS is |
telling everyone that these are crusaders, these are not |
fighting us because we are terrorists but fighting the Sunnis, |
look at the devastation in Mosul but also look at the |
devastation at Aleppo. These are two separate powers doing work |
in two countries against Sunnis. |
So I think the framing of the fight against ISIS is as |
crucial as the military challenge. The ban itself is not as |
much discussed in the region as here, obviously, but I think |
there is a--perception matters a lot in Syria and Iraq. And |
that is why there is a danger in working with the Russians |
without really working out the political formula in the two |
countries. |
Ms. Titus. Ms. Dalton, or Ambassador? |
Ambassador Hof. I would say, Congresswoman, there is--the |
United States does have a--definitely an image and a perception |
problem in Syria. It was not born with the executive order. |
Okay? It goes back. It goes back a few years. Expectations that |
the Obama administration, for example, would do something short |
of invading and occupying the country to protect Syrian |
civilians from mass murder. The fact that that never happened, |
unintended consequence for sure, but it does bear on our |
reputation in the country. |
My organization, the Atlantic Council, recently published |
what I consider to be a very, very important nonpartisan |
bipartisan effort. Steve Hadley and former secretary Madeleine |
Albright have published a Middle East Strategy Task Force |
report. And what comes through clearly in this report is the |
absolute need we and our transatlantic partners have for |
partnerships within the region. |
Ultimately, if terror is going to be killed and kept dead |
in the Middle East, it is going to be Muslims in the lead. All |
right? And again, nobody begrudges the President of the United |
States, his authorities, his views about the national security |
of the United States, but when we do these things, I think--I |
think we have to keep in mind the imperative of partnership in |
the region, who our partners need to be. And I suspect the |
administration will be doing a better job in that respect. |
Ms. Titus. Thank you. Ms. Dalton. |
Ms. Dalton. I would completely align myself with Ambassador |
Hof's remarks in terms of the necessity of reaching out, not |
only to our traditional partners, but also civil society |
organizations on the ground. The best messenger of countering |
violent extremism is local actors, local religious leaders, |
community activists. They are credible in the eyes of the |
people that we are trying to reach. And I think bolstering |
resourcings for those efforts through third-party means is |
exceptionally important. And really creating a coalition of not |
just government to government but also public-private |
partnerships also must be part of the equation. |
Ms. Titus. Thank you. |
I yield back. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentlelady. |
The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. |
Perry. |
Mr. Perry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Ambassador Hof, thanks for your service. In 2015, ICE, |
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, reported through their |
intelligence sources that ISIS had been able to co-opt or to |
obtain passport information data, biometric data, facilities, |
equipment, et cetera, in Syria, and they were able to falsify |
or manufacture passports in that regard with that information. |
I am just wondering, since that time, this is the end of |
2015, as I understand it and as I recall it, did we ever verify |
that? And does ISIS or al-Qaeda, for that matter, currently |
maintain access to Syrian Government facilities, equipment, |
biometric data, passport information, et cetera, that would |
allow either one of those groups to forge passports and/or |
falsify identities? Anybody? |
Mr. Hassan. Sure. Just quickly. I think the only place |
that, you know, people inside Syria talked about with little |
evidence was Aleppo, but ISIS did not go to Aleppo. So if there |
was another--if there was one group that took the--you know, |
seized these ones, it wouldn't be ISIS. It would be Free Syrian |
Army groups. |
Mr. Perry. But involved in the Free Syrian Army--I mean, we |
have a hard time, I think, distinguishing who's who, and it |
changes, in some respects, seems to be month to month or if you |
want to say year to year. Could those--that information have |
fallen into the hands of al-Qaeda or al-Qaeda operatives, even |
if they weren't particularly ISIS operatives? |
Mr. Hassan. I can't say, to be honest. |
Mr. Perry. Based on that, I mean, and maybe in conjunction |
with that, I mean, what confidence should the United States |
Government have in the Government of Syria and the actors in |
Syria to accurately confirm the identities of immigrants or |
refugees from Syria? |
Ambassador Hof. Congressman, my sense, and I am certainly |
not an expert in consular affairs, my sense is that there is a |
very intensive and very long vetting process for Syrian |
refugees to come to the United States. My suspicion is that the |
administration will probably find some tweaks, if you will, to |
improve that on the margins, but my--again, not being a |
consular specialist, you know, my sense from people who are in |
this business is that Syrian refugees considered to come to the |
United States get a pretty thorough scrubbing. |
Mr. Perry. I am not doubting at all the capabilities, the |
diligence, et cetera, of the people in the United States doing |
the vetting. What I am questioning or trying to determine is |
the validity of the information that they compare against, who |
is giving it to them, what their interests may be, those who |
are giving the information, and the validity and the competence |
in the validity of that information coming from--does all that |
information come from the Assad Government or is there anybody |
else providing information? If you don't know, you don't know, |
but I am just--you know, looking at the map, I mean, obviously |
there is a lot of different players, right? |
So when a refugee comes from here, are they getting the |
information from Damascus, they being the United States, to vet |
this person, or is somebody in this region or any of these |
other regions providing some form of governance or tyranny or |
whatever you want to call it--where is that information coming |
from? Do we know? Do you know? |
Ambassador Hof. Congressman, speaking for myself, I don't |
know. Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, elsewhere in |
Europe who apply to come to the United States have, in most |
cases, documentation from the Syrian Government: Passport, |
I.D., and so forth. That, I think, is where the investigation |
starts. |
There are numerous, numerous agencies of the United States |
Government involved in this, numerous international |
organizations as well. And I, although I don't know, I strongly |
suspect that the kinds of questions that you are putting your |
finger on as to the validity of basic identity documents |
probably rates high in these investigations. |
Mr. Perry. Thank you, Ambassador. |
Mr. Chairman, I yield. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
Ms. Dalton, I understand that you need to leave. There may |
be questions that members of the committee have not been able |
to ask you and they may turn those in in writing, which will be |
forwarded to you, and we would expect you to answer those |
questions within a week of when you received them. With that |
understanding, then you can leave. |
Ms. Dalton. Thank you so much, Chairman. And I beg the |
subcommittee's forgiveness. I have a flight to catch today, but |
thank you so much for the opportunity to testify, and I would |
be glad to answer any followup questions. Thank you. |
Mr. Poe. Thank you, Ms. Dalton. |
Mrs. Torres, you probably had all your questions for Ms. |
Dalton, but you are recognized. |
Mrs. Torres. Absolutely, but that is okay. Thank you so |
much, Mr. Chairman. |
Terrorism, in many ways, is fueled by poverty and poor |
governance. In the long run, if Syria doesn't see better |
governance and prosperity, then even if ISIS is defeated, |
something else will take its place. |
Getting back, Ambassador Hof, to, you know, what you were |
trying to get at earlier when you said, you know, who should |
our partners in the region be, who should we be working with |
there, I wonder if you can sort of look at your crystal ball, 5 |
years from now, down the road, you know, what are the prospects |
for the Syrian economy and Government? Will the Syrian economy |
and Government be better off if Russia and Iran are in the main |
outside powers shaping events in Syria, or should--what would |
that look like if the U.S. and Europe are the main outside |
powers shaping events in Syria? |
Ambassador Hof. Thank you for your--thank you for your |
question, Congresswoman. I would say off the top of my head |
that if Iran, in particular, is playing a decisive role 5 years |
from now in Syria, Syria will be basically a smoking pit, and |
it will be hemorrhaging human beings in all directions. |
Iran--Iran needs Bashar al-Assad for one thing and one |
thing only. He is--he and his entourage are the only people in |
a very nationalistic country willing to subordinate Syria 100 |
percent to Iran on the issue of Hezbollah. Iran knows there is |
nobody else in the country willing to go that far. So from |
Iran's point of view, it is Bashar or nothing. |
Now, there are estimates out there that the rebuilding of |
Syria is going to take something on the order of $350 billion |
worth of investment, in some cases aid, grants. We are not even |
talking about humanitarian assistance here. Reconstruction. |
Okay? And there is a practical problem here, and I think the |
Russians get this, okay, because the Russians know the Assad |
regime probably better than any of us. |
Mrs. Torres. But do they understand the rule of law? |
Ambassador Hof. I don't think that is a--I don't think that |
is a high priority. I think--I think what the Russians do |
understand is it is going to be very difficult for |
international financial institutions, for the United States, |
for Japan, for Western Europe to make the kinds of investment, |
make the kinds of grants and loans if you have got Bashar al- |
Assad and his entourage sitting there with their hands cupped |
ready to take a piece of this. |
Now, you know, as an American, like everybody else here, I |
am--I guess I am basically an optimist. Yes, 5 years from now I |
do see Syria in a much better place, but that--that is going to |
require very, very, very strong efforts for all of us. There is |
a formula out there for moving toward a national unity |
governing scheme. It was agreed in June 2012 by Russia, China, |
the United States, Great Britain, and France. Our diplomatic |
challenge right now, I think, is to try to convince the |
Russians to get that back on track. |
Mrs. Torres. But meanwhile, you know, we have thousands of |
people that are--continue to be slaughtered in the region and |
with very little control. You, yourself, stated that there is |
very little protection in some of these camps for folks. What |
more can be done to get our regional partners involved, if not |
Russia? |
Ambassador Hof. I think--I think for all of our regional |
partners there is a--there is an obligation that needs to be |
met in terms of providing sufficient funds for the humanitarian |
assistance that needs to take place. Thanks to you ladies and |
gentlemen and your colleagues in the appropriations process, |
the American taxpayer has been very generous in this respect. |
Mrs. Torres. Thank you. |
And I yield back. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentlelady. |
The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Virginia, Mr. |
Garrett. |
Mr. Garrett. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Hassan, I want to clear up the record based on some |
questions asked by my colleague from Pennsylvania, Mr. Perry. |
He queried you whether or not there might have been access to |
equipment in Aleppo that might allow individuals to forge |
Syrian passports, official documents, and your response, as I |
recall, was that ISIS was not in Aleppo, that that was the Free |
Syrian Army. Is it not also true, however, that a significant |
faction in Aleppo was Jabhat al-Nusrah or Jabhat Fatah al-Sham? |
Mr. Hassan. Inside Aleppo, Jabhat al-Nusrah Arpar was never |
dominant. That was true until it was expelled--until the |
Russians and the regime expelled the rebels from Aleppo. |
Mr. Garrett. Okay. But there were factions of Jabhat al- |
Nusrah and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham in Aleppo, correct? |
Mr. Hassan. Absolutely. |
Mr. Garrett. And Aleppo was, prior to this upheaval, the |
largest city in the nation and a seat for a significant amount |
of government activity, correct? |
Mr. Hassan. Yes. Remember, this was in 2012, and the |
jihadists were not yet there in that sense. |
Mr. Garrett. Well, Mr. Hassan, the people who I have spoken |
with who were there on the ground indicated that when the Arab |
Spring occurred, the uprising was of individuals who had |
dissatisfaction with the regime but not necessarily an intent |
to overthrow. Ultimately, that leadership was co-opted or even |
killed and replaced by elements affiliated with al-Qaeda, |
originally known as al-Nusrah, right, and then an evolution of |
names. |
I guess what I am driving at is, the answer to Mr. Perry's |
question was, if they controlled the proper parts of Aleppo, |
al-Qaeda-affiliated elements may have had access to equipment |
that could be used to forge government documents. And they were |
in Aleppo, were they not? |
Mr. Hassan. In all honesty, I can't tell, because I have |
no--I have not--I have no evidence to that or the contrary. But |
it is all possible. The regime still had presence inside |
Aleppo, so the equipment would have been taken very quickly to |
the west side of Aleppo where the regime was there. There was |
rumors that--there were rumors that some biometrics machines |
were still there. |
Mr. Garrett. And we know that there were elements of what |
was originally al-Nusrah, which is morphed into an al-Qaeda |
affiliate, that were in control of portions of Aleppo over |
periods of time. |
Mr. Hassan. Yes, lately. |
Mr. Garrett. Okay. I wished that Ms. Dalton didn't have to |
leave. We have talked a lot, and her comment was, ``our |
objectives are not aligned with those of Russia.'' What would |
either of you gentlemen or both articulate as our objectives? |
Ambassador Hof. I would say, Congressman, our principal |
objective is to defeat terror in Syria and keep it dead. This |
is--this is a national security objective, okay. Part of that |
involves going after ISIL directly militarily as quickly as |
possible. This organization has been sitting in its Syrian |
capital of Raqqa for a few years now. It has planned and |
executed some major atrocities in Europe. I mean, I have been |
asking myself, you know, for quite some time now how lucky do |
we think we are, okay. But killing that organization is one |
thing. Ultimately, there has to be something resembling decent, |
responsive, legitimate governance in Syria to keep it dead, and |
this is going to be the work of several years. |
Mr. Garrett. So I don't want to be disrespectful, and I |
appreciate your time, but I have limited time. So our objective |
is decent, responsible government in Syria that will protect |
Syrians. Okay. And right now, there--you can see that the vast |
bulk of, quote, anti-Assad military power on the ground is |
Kurdish in nature if you extract ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated |
elements. Combat power on the ground, we both served, that |
aside from ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated elements, the most |
powerful player that is <greek-l>quote, deg.``anti-Assad is |
the Kurds.'' |
Ambassador Hof. I would say, Congressman, the Kurdish |
military power on the ground in Syria, the YPG, this is |
predominantly our ground combat component against ISIL. They |
are not--they are not fighting--they are not fighting the |
regime. |
Mr. Garrett. I agree, and that is why I used quotes when I |
said anti-Assad, because they are included on this form as |
anti-Assad. They are really pro-protecting themselves. And we |
have had wonderful success working with Kurdish minorities, but |
one thing we have learned is the Kurdish minorities protect |
Kurdish regions and then say why are we going this direction, |
right. And so the question becomes, and I know I am almost out |
of time, who is the viable entity to replace the Assad regime, |
because it is not ISIS or al-Qaeda? So who is there that can do |
it? |
Ambassador Hof. Congressman, there is--there is--there is a |
process, again, that was agreed to by the permanent five |
members of the Security Council on June 30, 2012. I was there |
as part of the American delegation when this agreement was |
reached. |
If we can somehow get back to that process in forming a |
national unity entity that will include, inevitably, members of |
the Syrian Government, you know, who are not--who are not |
covered in blood over the past few years, if we can get that |
way, that is--that is the beginning of the end for terrorism in |
Syria. |
Mr. Garrett. Mr. Chairman, I respect that my time is up. |
Mr. Poe. All right. The gentleman's time is expired. |
The Chair recognizes the gentlelady from Florida, Ms. |
Frankel. |
Ms. Frankel. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will be quick. I |
have to go to another meeting. |
Thank you both for your testimony, and I just wanted to |
make two points. I think it was Ms. Dalton, but maybe somebody |
else, that talking about the necessity, perhaps, of making some |
type of deal or cooperative arrangement or using sanctions |
against Russia in order to influence Assad. And I think this |
paper we were given just shows there is such a complicated web |
of players, andunraveling it is a phenomenal exercise. |
But I want to say that if we are going to have any hope of |
working with Russia, then I want to respectfully suggest that |
this Congress needs to know the relationship of Russia to the |
folks currently in the White House. And the resignation today |
of General Flynn, I think, calls in serious question as to what |
exactly who knew what, what did they know, when did they know |
it, and what is the real relationship between the White House |
and Russia. That is number one. |
Number two, I think it was the Ambassador that said--called |
what was going on in Syria a humanitarian abomination. And was |
that you, sir? Yes. I agree with you. I think everybody here |
agrees with you. I think our chairman laid out initially in his |
remarks the horrors of what is going on. And I can just say |
this, I heard the sadness in your heart of what is going on. |
What is it, \1/2\ million people probably killed, 50,000 |
children, the President bombing his own people. |
And so I wanted to say what I think is another abomination, |
and that is the position of the United States of America that |
we do not want to take any of these Syrian refugees into this |
country. I think that is an abomination. And I yield back. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentlelady. |
And the Chair recognizes the gentleman from California, Mr. |
Rohrabacher. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. |
Let me get to the nitty-gritty. First of all, this is a |
hearing that is represented by think tanks. One of the think |
tanks, she had to leave, but let me ask this: Do either of your |
think tanks receive contributions from Gulf State countries? |
Ambassador Hof. Sir, the case of the Hariri Center for the |
Middle East, we receive no government funding at all. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Or from private sector people from the |
Middle East? |
Ambassador Hof. Our principal donor is of Lebanese |
citizenship residing in Europe. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. A Lebanese citizen? |
Ambassador Hof. Yes. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. And what about from your think tank? |
Mr. Hassan. No government money. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. No Arab money comes from---- |
Mr. Hassan. Not that I am aware of, no. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Okay. And where does your money come from? |
Mr. Hassan. Oh, Arab, sorry, and Egypt, yes. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. But Arab money, yes. |
Mr. Hassan. Egyptian businessman, the principal---- |
Mr. Rohrabacher. And what Arab money goes into your---- |
Mr. Hassan. Just Egypt. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Who? |
Mr. Hassan. Egypt. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Oh, Egypt. I didn't know Egypt had enough |
money to send over here. We just got back from there. |
Mr. Hassan. Not the government. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Not the government. All right. |
Well, thank you. Let me just note that I have just got some |
specific questions for you. If Assad--if we are going to |
compare Assad, this brutal horrible man, to the other countries |
in the Gulf, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, even UAE, or now we are |
finding maybe Erdogan in Turkey. We know the Iranians are very |
brutal. But if, let's say, with Qatar, let's use that as an |
example, if there was an uprising against the royal family in |
Qatar and it was financed by people from the outside trying to |
overthrow, basically, an insurgency to overthrow the royal |
family and replace it with, of course, let's say you have all |
of those nine out of ten people in Qatar are guest workers, |
let's say they are declaring themselves for ISIL, and they get |
some support from the outside like that, basically, do you |
think that the Government of Qatar or these other governments |
would be less bloody than Assad when Assad was faced with an |
insurgency movement in his country? Either one of you. These |
are more benevolent than Assad? |
Ambassador Hof. I would say--I would say, Congressman, that |
I would find it very, very hard to imagine anyone else in the |
region adopting a political survival strategy that focuses |
almost exclusively on civilians---- |
Mr. Rohrabacher. On what? |
Ambassador Hof. On civilians and on civilian terror. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. Uh-huh. |
Ambassador Hof. Okay. I think, you know, whether we look at |
the Independent International Commission of Inquiry and its |
work, if we--if we--if we look at the work of major American |
NGOs---- |
Mr. Rohrabacher. I cut what you--reclaiming my time. |
Ambassador Hof [continuing]. I think the record is clear. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. I have got 5 minutes. How about you? Do |
you think these other countries are more benevolent than Assad? |
Mr. Hassan. To be honest, I don't think they would do the |
same. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. They wouldn't do the same. |
Mr. Hassan. What happened in Syria never happened. |
Mr. Rohrabacher. I am sorry, but I have got a limited |
number of time. You both think that these powerful forces that |
have--that are armed to the teeth would permit an insurrection |
to succeed in their countries and not utilize their weapons to |
destroy and obliterate anyone who is supporting the insurgency. |
I think you are wrong. We will leave that to whoever is |
listening to this and reading the transcript. |
We have \1/2\ million people who have been dead. Many of |
them are refugees, there is no doubt about that. There are, of |
course, a lot of people who are dead who became refugees and |
survived who are leaving and fleeing ISIL, wasn't it? I mean, |
didn't we have the ISIL people at the same time murdering |
Christians by lining them up, and in the grossest fashion, |
cutting off their heads and engaged in--yes, bombing people |
from the air is brutal and kills children, et cetera. Cutting |
people's heads off is a way to frighten large numbers of people |
and turn them into refugees. We know that happened. |
I don't have to tell you, I do not see--I do not believe |
that this regime and Assad's regime is any different than the |
rest of the regimes that I have seen for the last 28 years. And |
there is no reason why--you stated when we asked what our |
objective is. Our objective is to eliminate these terrorists? |
No, terrorism and the terrorist forces there. What we have done |
is our major focus is getting rid of Assad when, in fact, it |
should be eliminating the ability of the terrorist forces in |
that region to commit acts that threaten our security, and we |
have not done that. |
Instead, by focusing instead on one dictatorial regime as |
compared to all the rest of those authoritarian and brutal |
regimes that exist in that area of the woods, one regime has to |
go, and our focus is on getting rid of that regime. That makes |
no sense to me. It is not in our interest any more than it |
would be in our interest if another regime was under attack by |
an insurgency from its own people. |
And in this case, let us not forget this insurgency has |
gone on and on and on. The amount of death that has happened |
has happened because we and others have given the Assad-- |
insurgents against Assad the idea that we are going to give |
them the means to succeed. And I will have to say that you are |
repeating. We have to go back to agreement made by outsiders, |
outside powers way back in 2012. I am sure that gives all of |
those people who are fighting Assad a reason to keep on going |
rather than ending this struggle. And if it ends with Assad |
still in power, I don't think it is going to be any different |
than having the royal family in Qatar or UAE or Iran or Saudi |
Arabia or now even Erdogan in Turkey remain in power. |
So with that said, thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Poe. I thank the gentleman. |
And the subcommittee is adjourned. I thank the witnesses |
for being here. |
[Whereupon, at 4:07 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.] |
A P P E N D I X |
---------- |
Material Submitted for the Record |
Material submitted for the record by the Honorable Ted Poe, a |
Representative in Congress from the State of Texas, and chairman, |
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade |
[all] |
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