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[House Hearing, 108 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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DECEMBER 14, 2004 |
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Printed for the use of the Committee on Financial Services |
Serial No. 108-117 |
20-952 WASHINGTON : 2005 |
_____________________________________________________________________________ |
For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office |
Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; (202) 512�091800 |
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MICHAEL G. OXLEY, Ohio, Chairman |
JAMES A. LEACH, Iowa BARNEY FRANK, Massachusetts |
RICHARD H. BAKER, Louisiana PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania |
FRANK D. LUCAS, Oklahoma MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina |
SUE W. KELLY, New York, Vice Chair DARLENE HOOLEY, Oregon |
DONALD A. MANZULLO, Illinois JAY INSLEE, Washington |
Carolina MICHAEL E. CAPUANO, Massachusetts |
DOUG OSE, California HAROLD E. FORD, Jr., Tennessee |
MARK GREEN, Wisconsin KEN LUCAS, Kentucky |
CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri |
MELISSA A. HART, Pennsylvania JOE BACA, California |
MARK R. KENNEDY, Minnesota BRAD MILLER, North Carolina |
TOM FEENEY, Florida RAHM EMANUEL, Illinois |
TIM MURPHY, Pennsylvania CHRIS BELL, Texas |
RICK RENZI, Arizona |
JIM GERLACH, Pennsylvania |
Robert U. Foster, III, Staff Director |
C O N T E N T S |
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Page |
Hearing held on: |
December 14, 2004............................................ 1 |
Appendix: |
December 14, 2004............................................ 75 |
Tuesday, December 14, 2004 |
Antonakes, Hon. Steven L., Commissioner of Banks, Commonwealth of |
Massachusetts.................................................. 62 |
Baldwin, Irene, Executive Director, Association for Neighborhood |
and Housing Development........................................ 11 |
Campanelli, Joseph P., President and Chief Operating Officer, |
Sovereign Bank New England Division and Vice Chairman of |
Sovereign Bankcorp, Inc........................................ 37 |
Cofield, Juan, President, New England Area Conference of NAACP... 8 |
Finucane, Anne, President, Northeast Bank of America Corporation. 34 |
Flynn, Maureen, Deputy Director, Massachusetts Association of |
Community Development Corporations, Inc........................ 4 |
Hagins, Florence, Assistant Director, Massachusetts Affordable |
Housing Alliance............................................... 6 |
Nuciforo, Hon. Andrea F. Jr., Senator, Massachusetts State House. 60 |
Quinn, Hon. John F., Representative, Massachusetts State House... 57 |
Thall, Mathew, Senior Program Director, Local Initiatives Support |
Corporation.................................................... 13 |
Prepared statements: |
Bachus, Hon. Spencer......................................... 76 |
Lynch, Hon. Stephen F........................................ 79 |
Murphy, Hon. Tim............................................. 81 |
Antonakes, Hon. Steven L..................................... 82 |
Baldwin, Irene............................................... 91 |
Campanelli, Joseph P......................................... 110 |
Cofield, Juan................................................ 270 |
Finucane, Anne............................................... 277 |
Flynn, Maureen............................................... 288 |
Hagins, Florence............................................. 307 |
Nuciforo, Hon. Andrea F. Jr.................................. 311 |
Quinn, Hon. John F........................................... 321 |
Thall, Mathew................................................ 328 |
Additional Material Submitted for the Record |
Frank, Hon. Barney: |
Written questions submitted for December 14, 2004 Boston |
Field Hearing.............................................. 333 |
Responses to questions from Hon. Barney Frank................ 335 |
Watt, Hon. Melvin L.: |
``Lending wisdom,'' The Boston Globe, January 20, 2004....... 339 |
``Bank of America to add 300 jobs,'' The Boston Globe, |
December 11, 2004.......................................... 340 |
``Bill Tightens Bank Merger Rules in State,'' The Boston |
Globe, December 4, 2004.................................... 342 |
``Mergers Pinching Smaller Nonprofits,'' The Boston Globe, |
November 21, 2004.......................................... 344 |
``Bank of America to Cut More Jobs; Firm: Most Trims Will |
Come From Outside The State,'' The Boston Globe, October 8, |
2004....................................................... 347 |
``Hold Bank Accountable,'' The Boston Globe, September 1, |
2004....................................................... 349 |
``Bye-Bye Big Bank, A Look At San Francisco Without Bank of |
America's Headquarters Suggest Boston's Future Without |
Fleetboston Isn't Easy to Predict,'' The Boston Globe, |
February 1, 2004........................................... 351 |
Nuciforo, Hon. Andrea F. Jr.: |
Southcoast Workforce Development Update, prepared statement.. 354 |
Inner City Press/Community on the Move & Fair Finance Watch, |
prepared statement............................................. 371 |
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004 |
U.S. House of Representatives, |
Committee on Financial Services |
Washington, D.C. |
The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:12 a.m., at the |
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, |
Massachusetts, Hon. Spencer Bachus [presiding.] |
Present: Representatives Bachus, Murphy, Frank, Watt, |
Meeks, Lee, Capuano, Lynch. Also present was Representative |
Tierney. |
Chairman Bachus. Good morning. The Committee on Financial |
Services will come to order. |
Today is a full Committee hearing requested by Mr. Barney |
Frank, Senior Ranking Member of the Committee, to examine the |
economic impact of large bank mergers, with particular focus on |
the two mergers we've had here in the Northeast. Gramm-Leach- |
Bliley have other factors contributed to me a large number of |
bank mergers we have seen recently. |
Since the mid-'40s, there's been a decline of about 40 |
percent in the number of banking organizations; and the ten |
largest U.S. banking organizations, they've increased their |
deposit share or bank asset share from 20 percent to 46 percent |
by the end of last year. So there has been a tremendous |
consolidation in the industry. |
In fact, three of our banks, Bank of America, who will have |
a witness testify today, along with JPMorgan Chase and |
Citibank, are actually bumping up against the 10 percent |
deposit limit of Riegle-Neal. |
We're going to shorten our time for opening statements |
because we have three panels. Our first panel will be consumer |
advocates and public-interest advocates; our second panel will |
be representatives of the banks involved. We will have |
representatives from Bank of America and also from Sovereign |
Bank; and our third panel will have a state senator, state |
representative and a banking commissioner from the State of |
Massachusetts. |
Because we do want to get right to our witnesses, we're |
going to constrict our opening statements. I'll submit my |
entire opening statement for the record. |
I would note that Bank of America and Fleet Boston did |
announce that they were stepping up their CRA commitments over |
a ten-year period as a result of the merger, and I'm sure there |
will be testimony on that and how that's going. |
[The following information can be found on page 333 in the |
appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. With that, Mr. Frank? |
Mr. Frank. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to express my |
very deep personal appreciation. We often say that, but on |
occasion we really mean it; and this is one of them. |
To the chairman of the full Committee, Mike Oxley, and to |
my colleague, Spencer Bachus, it is a refutation of the notion |
that partisanship has totally seized control of Congress that |
the Republicans, who are in the majority, agreed to this |
important hearing. |
I am deeply appreciative to Chairman Oxley and his staff |
for this, to my two colleagues, Spencer Bachus and Tim Murphy, |
who at some inconvenience to themselves, at a time when frankly |
our workload is not supposed to be the highest, agreed to come |
here. |
I want to express my appreciation also to other of my |
colleagues who joined us from elsewhere: Congressman Watt from |
North Carolina, Congresswoman Lee from California, Congressman |
Meeks from New York, as well as my Massachusetts colleagues who |
have joined us. |
This is a very important issue, both specifically and |
generally. Obviously the impact of the Bank of America purchase |
of Fleet is of great significance to Massachusetts, and indeed |
to the rest of New England; but this is also symptomatic of a |
national set of issues. And this is not a hearing only about |
Bank of America; we will be hearing from one witness who has |
had dealings with JPMorgan Chase, which was mentioned by the |
chairman. These are not personal issues; there are very |
significant public policy issues here. |
I just want to add one thing. One of the concerns that I'm |
sometimes asked to address is, well, what business is it of you |
and other elected officials to dictate or put pressure on a |
private institution? How do you come to feel that you can tell |
a bank, well, you've hired too few people or you haven't done |
enough in this lending area. |
The answer is, in part, that banks are a very important |
part of our free market system, and they perform an essential |
role. I think virtually every one of us on this panel has |
cooperated with the banks in things like allowing them to |
truncate checks, and we've tried to reform deposit insurance. |
We are very much interested in a better functioning of the |
banking system in the interest of the economy as a whole, but |
let's also be clear: Banks have deposit insurance guaranteed by |
the federal government. They have access to the discount window |
in the Federal Reserve system. Banks are protected against |
competition by the restrictions on entry. In other words, banks |
are a very important part of our system, and they receive a |
great deal of protection and assistance from the government. |
In return, Congress passed and the President signed the |
Community Reinvestment Act which imposes certain reciprocal |
restrictions; so when we discuss these things, it's in that |
context. It does not mean that we don't recognize that banks |
are essential to the functioning of our free market economy. It |
is that we recognize also that, given the advantages that we |
give banks so that they can perform that function, it is |
important that there be something in return. |
I appreciate that, Mr. Chairman, and I thank you for |
holding this important hearing. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Frank. |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Watt? |
Mr. Watt. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
We actually agreed not to make opening statements in the |
interest of time to get some witnesses who have some time |
problems to not just sit here and listen to all of us, but I |
asked them to give me one minute to make two disclosures, just |
in the interest of full disclosure. |
First of all, one of the institutions that's represented |
here is based in my Congressional district, and that's Bank of |
America. So I wanted to welcome them, although I don't have the |
right to be welcoming anybody to Boston; but at least so that |
everybody would know that the home base of Bank of America is |
actually physically located in my Congressional district. |
The second disclosure is that Juan Cofield, one of the |
witnesses on the first panel, who's over the NAACP branches |
here in this area, and I were classmates at the University of |
North Carolina. We in fact, between me, Juan, and James, his |
brother, represented one-fourth of the African-Americans in a |
class of over two thousand students when we started |
undergraduate school; and when we finished, we probably |
represented about one-half of the people in that class, because |
through attrition, some of them had gone and done other things. |
So we go back a long way, and I want to welcome him and |
thank him for being here personally. Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Watt. |
Chairman Bachus. I'd also note for the record that |
Charlotte also is about the second largest bank in my home |
town. |
Mr. Frank. Mr. Chairman, one last thing while we're |
acknowledging home towns. I think we should note that we are in |
the district of my colleague, Mr. Lynch; so our home |
Congressman is also here. |
Chairman Bachus. You might want to introduce the other |
Members of the Massachusetts delegation. |
Mr. Frank. Yes. We're joined by our Congressman John |
Tierney, from north of here, who is not a Member of the |
Committee, and we particularly appreciate his taking the time |
to be here; Congressman Lynch, who is a Member of the |
Committee; and Congressman Capuano, whose district is about a |
block away. |
Mr. Capuano. Across the street. |
Mr. Frank. Across the street. I'm delighted to have my |
colleagues here. |
We have Congressman Meeks from New York; Congresswoman Lee |
from California, who also has a claim of former host, because |
the Bank of America name came from the Bank of America which |
was originally in the Bay Area. So Congresswoman Lee from |
Oakland has a piece of that claim. |
Chairman Bachus. We also have Mr. Murphy, who's from |
Pennsylvania; and Sovereign Bank is in your district. |
Mr. Murphy. Mellon. |
Chairman Bachus. Now that we've had those exciting opening |
statements, we'll turn to our first panelist, Ms. Maureen |
Flynn, deputy director of the Massachusetts Association of |
Community Development Corporations; Ms. Florence Hagins, |
director of Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance; Mr. |
Cofield, who has already been introduced. Juan Cofield? |
Mr. Cofield. Right. |
Chairman Bachus. New England Area Conference of NAACP; Ms. |
Irene Baldwin, executive director of the Association for |
Neighborhood and Housing Development; and Mr. Mathew Thall, |
senior program director of Local Initiative Support |
Corporation. |
So we welcome you all, and at this time we will start with |
Ms. Flynn and hear your opening statement. Then we will go to |
Ms. Hagins and down the line. |
Ms. Flynn. Thank you, Chairman Bachus, Congressman Frank |
and Members of the Committee, especially the Massachusetts |
delegation, for being here today. We appreciate your holding a |
field hearing in Massachusetts on the recent mergers. |
Before I start, I wanted to make clear that my testimony |
today includes the comments and the input of two other members |
of our statewide coalition on CRA issues, which is the Fair |
Housing Center of Greater Boston and the Lawyers' Committee for |
Civil Rights. They cannot testify today, but my comments |
include their comments. |
I will address my comments in the order of the questions |
that were asked to us as a panel, and I have submitted written |
testimony; so this is a summary of what I've said in my written |
testimony. |
First, regarding job loss: As a group that represents low- |
and moderate-income communities across Massachusetts, we are |
most disturbed by the job losses sustained by southeastern |
Massachusetts because of the most recent Sovereign acquisition |
of Seacoast Bank. The merger resulted in the elimination of 350 |
jobs in southeastern Massachusetts. |
The recent Bank of America acquisition of Fleet Bank |
resulted in the loss of key bank positions and employees who |
were able to make a positive connection between Fleet Bank and |
the communities that they serve. In addition, Bank of America |
has effectively reduced its CRA staff, so that there is just |
one CRA officer now for two states, Massachusetts and Rhode |
Island. |
Secondly, regarding the extent to which acquiring banks |
have entered into commitments during the merger process: On |
December 1, 2004, Sovereign Bank signed a new five-year |
community investment agreement. The details of that agreement |
are included in my written testimony. |
The agreement, in essence, contains all of the provisions |
which the community coalition that worked with them on the |
agreement requested, most importantly, commitments to |
affordable housing, small business lending, a Massachusetts |
advisory council and goals on diversity in hiring and awarding |
contracts. |
Could Sovereign do more to mitigate the effects of its |
acquisition of Seacoast Bank, especially for southeastern |
Massachusetts? Absolutely. Does the agreement contain a plan |
for mitigating the effects of job loss? No. |
Our work is not finished on the merger, and neither is |
theirs. We intend to work with them through the framework of |
this agreement and through the advisory council so that |
Sovereign Bank becomes a true partner and leader in |
southeastern Massachusetts. The fact that we have an agreement |
with them and an advisory council makes that continuing work |
possible. |
As for Bank of America, in November of 2003, just after |
Fleet Bank announced that they were accepting an acquisition |
proposal by Bank of America, our community coalition proposed a |
Massachusetts-specific community investment plan to the bank |
based on what we understood are the community credit needs of |
our state. This proposal contained almost identical categories |
as those contained in previous Sovereign agreements and |
Citizens Bank agreements. |
In February, after several meetings and intense discussions |
with Fleet Bank and Bank of America officials, the bank agreed, |
in writing, to a written Massachusetts plan. In the first few |
months of this year, Bank of America agreed to make several |
commitments on areas contained in our proposal, which I have |
again outlined in my written testimony. |
We very much appreciate Bank of America's commitments to |
date and think the commitments are a good first step in |
partnering with Massachusetts communities. However, more than |
one year after Bank of America announced their plan to acquire |
Fleet, there are four extremely important outstanding issues on |
which Bank of America has not yet agreed to make commitments or |
set goals: Small business lending goals by loan type and area, |
goals for diversity in hiring, goals for diversity in awarding |
contracts, and the establishment of a formal Massachusetts |
community bank advisory council. |
Without these goals set, Bank of America's promise to us |
hasn't been met. Without these goals set, there can be no |
written community investment agreement or plan with Bank of |
America that adequately attempts to serve the credit needs of |
the citizens of Massachusetts. |
The information that Bank of America released to us this |
past Friday regarding their Massachusetts business strategy is |
not a plan for addressing the credit needs of low- and |
moderate-income individuals in Massachusetts; and in fact, the |
words ``low- and moderate-income'' only appear once, in the |
last sentence of the last paragraph of the last page of the |
document. |
The information gives us a general idea about how the bank |
will conduct its business. What we want to know is how they |
plan to meet the credit needs of low- and moderate- income |
individuals and communities based on the categories set out in |
the CRA regulations. It's that simple. |
As we mentioned, we appreciate the commitments that the |
bank has made to Massachusetts so far. However, Sovereign Bank |
and Citizens have been able to meet the standard established by |
our state in terms of being parties to solid community |
investment agreements. We only ask that Bank of America meet |
that standard as well, or even, as their advertising campaign |
suggests, that they try to achieve a higher standard reflective |
of their preeminent ranking in the financial services industry. |
Lastly, regarding whether current laws provide sufficient |
criteria for the review of the impact of bank mergers on |
communities, we feel that they do not, and they are inadequate |
to ensure communities' interests post-merger. |
First, CRA regulations should include an assessment of how |
well banks have met the credit needs of communities of color. |
Second, there are two inadequacies in the Bank Holding |
Company Act which require that in determining whether to |
approve an acquisition application, bank regulators must assess |
whether the merging banks have complied with the CRA law in |
meeting the credit needs of a community. |
The assessment under the law requires that the regulators |
only look to the past record of the two merging banks on CRA |
issues, not how they are going to meet CRA in the future after |
they have merged. |
Secondly, there is no requirement that the regulators |
compare the performance after the banks have merged on whether |
they have met the requirements under the law under CRA and the |
Bank Holding Company Act; and therefore, there's no incentive |
for banks to take into account any diminishing of services, |
investment or lending post-merger. |
So again, we thank the Committee very much for allowing us |
to submit testimony on these very important issues and for your |
coming to Massachusetts to hear us on these issues. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Maureen Flynn can be found on |
page 288 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. Ms. Hagins? |
Ms. Hagins. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today, |
Chairman Bachus, Congressman Frank, and other Members of the |
Committee. We appreciate the willingness of the Committee to |
come to Boston for this field hearing. We particularly thank |
Congressman Frank for his strong support for the CRA and his |
successful efforts to encourage banks to make specific |
commitments to the community they serve. |
My name is Florence Hagins, and I am the assistant director |
of the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance. MAHA is a |
non-profit organization that works to increase public and |
private sector investment in affordable housing and to break |
down the barriers facing first-time home buyers. |
We have signed multi-year CRA agreements with most major |
banks in the state detailing commitments to the SoftSecond |
program, which is the state's most affordable mortgage project, |
and has helped over 7,700 low- and moderate-income home buyers |
buy their first home. As the leading anti-redlining program in |
Massachusetts, we have also worked closely with groups such as |
the Mass. Association of CDCs, Fair Housing Center of Greater |
Boston, and Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights. |
On January 13, 2004, Bank of America signed an agreement |
with MAHA for 3,000 SoftSecond loans in Massachusetts over the |
next ten years. In addition, Bank of America made public |
commitments to other housing programs. They agreed to remain a |
member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston. They agreed to |
remain fully invested in the Massachusetts Housing Investment |
Corporation. |
Bank of America agreed to convert a portion of its loan |
commitment to the Massachusetts Housing Partnership to an $18 |
million grant; and Bank of America agreed to participate in the |
Massachusetts Basic Banking program by offering low-cost |
checking and savings accounts. |
On housing, Bank of America has made the right commitments. |
Bank of America has a chance, as they enter this market, to be |
the lender of choice for low- and moderate-income residents in |
Massachusetts, but it will take an aggressive commitment to |
better serve these markets. |
Bank of America needs to hire more loan originators from |
diverse backgrounds; increase its marketing in low- and |
moderate-income neighborhoods; and provide good and timely |
customer service throughout the mortgage process. |
We have had discussions with Anne Finucane of Bank of |
America, and we are in agreement that staffing levels for loan |
originators need to be significantly increased in the Boston |
market. We appreciate the commitment that Bank of America has |
made to increase its staffing levels in the mortgage area. |
Chairman Bachus. Ms. Hagins, we're told that people in the |
back of the room can't hear; so I'm going to ask the panelists |
to pull the mike a little closer to you. |
Mr. Frank. Put it right in front of your mouth. |
Ms. Hagins.In addition, Bank of America senior management |
will need to emphasize the importance of increased production |
in the SoftSecond program. |
In the first eleven months, we have seen mixed results |
under the Bank of America SoftSecond agreement. Bank of America |
has exceeded its commitment of 150 loans outside of the city of |
Boston by closing 165 mortgages, making them the number one |
lender in the program statewide. |
In Boston, however, the numbers tell a far different story. |
Bank of America has closed 52 loans in the city of Boston |
against the commitment of 100 loans, making them only the third |
largest SoftSecond lender in the city of Boston. |
MAHA has also reached agreement with Sovereign Bank prior |
to its merger with Seacoast for commitments to the SoftSecond |
loan program. Sovereign has committed to a total of 575 |
SoftSecond loans during the next three years. |
In 2004, Sovereign's commitment is for 75 loans in Boston |
and 100 outside of Boston. Through November 2004, they have |
closed 144 loans throughout the state, which makes them the |
second largest SoftSecond lender in Massachusetts. During the |
merger process, Sovereign officials were also willing to make |
specific commitments to New Bedford and the south coast region |
of Massachusetts. |
We offer the following comments on the adequacy of the CRA. |
One weakness of CRA, or at least as it is enforced by |
federal regulators, is that banks are not compelled to enter |
into signed written agreements with community groups. Many |
choose instead to make public commitments which do not include |
much in the way of detail. |
Any other serious relationship between a bank and its |
customers, partners and vendors is typically in the form of a |
written agreement. CRA commitments should be no different. |
CRA is a law that needs to be expanded to cover mortgage |
companies as well as banks. In Boston in 1990, banks controlled |
by CRA controlled 78 percent of the mortgage lending market. |
Last year, the bank market share percentage had slipped to 23 |
percent. Yet banks covered by CRA lend to lower-income and |
minority borrowers at a rate more than double that of largely |
non-CRA-covered mortgage companies. |
We oppose the move by the Office of Thrift Supervision and |
the FDIC to raise the small-bank threshold from $250 million to |
$1 billion, allowing many banks to eliminate the investment and |
service components of the three-pronged CRA test. |
We support expanding CRA to include disclosure of race |
information on small business loan data and to specifically |
include areas such as diversity in employment and procurement |
for minority- and women-owned business enterprises. |
We thank you for the opportunity to testify today and we |
would be happy to answer any questions. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Florence Hagins can be found on |
page 307 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Cofield? |
Mr. Cofield. Good morning. I'm Juan Cofield, president of |
the New England Area Conference of the NAACP. The acronym for |
the New England Area Conference is NEAC and you will hear me |
referring to NEAC. |
NEAC is the coordinating and governing body for the |
branches of the NAACP in the states of Rhode Island, |
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. I want to |
express my sincere appreciation to Chairman Bachus, Ranking |
Minority Member Congressman Frank, and the other Committee |
Members for conducting this hearing here in Boston today. This |
hearing, in and of itself, has already had an impact on the |
delivery of banking services in this community. |
NEAC is part of a loose coalition of non-profit |
organizations called the Community Advisory Committee, the |
acronym being CAC, formed to advocate for people of color and |
low- and moderate-income people in pursuit of improved banking |
services. |
In general, my testimony is supported by the CAC. More |
specifically, I wish to indicate that the general thrust of my |
testimony has the support of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil |
Rights Under Law of the Boston Bar Association and the Fair |
Housing Center of Greater Boston. |
To put my testimony in context, I would like to provide for |
you the vision and mission of the NAACP. The vision of the |
NAACP is to ensure a society in which all individuals have |
equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial |
discrimination. The mission of the NAACP is to ensure the |
political, educational, social and economic equality of all |
persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial |
discrimination. |
NEAC and the CAC requested two commitments from Bank of |
America which relate to the bank's employment at all levels of |
people of color and women and the procurement of goods and |
services from businesses owned by people of color and women. |
Statistical data will clearly show that the percentage of |
people of color and women employed by Bank of America at all |
levels, nationally and in Massachusetts, is not matched by |
these categories of citizens' percentage of the population. An |
even worse disparity is reflected regarding the percentage of |
goods and services purchased from people of color and women. |
NEAC and the coalition have requested that Bank of America |
set a goal and develop a plan such that the bank's employment |
at all levels again of people of color reflect the percentage |
of people of color in the general population in the |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A similar request has been made |
regarding the bank's procurement of goods and services. |
These disparities are certainly not unique to Massachusetts |
and Bank of America alone did not create the disparity in |
Massachusetts or in our great nation. It is a problem of our |
American society and economy. |
However, Bank of America must be part of the solution. The |
lack of employment and business opportunities has contributed |
to economic destabilization in communities with a dominant |
population of people of color. |
The Community Reinvestment Act begins by reciting |
Congress's three findings in passing the law. First, banks are |
required to serve the convenience and needs of the communities |
in which they are chartered to serve. Economic stabilization is |
a dire need in many communities of color. Adequate employment |
and business opportunities will greatly contribute to |
stabilizing these communities. |
Since Bank of America in its normal course of business |
provides employment opportunities and opportunities for |
businesses to sell the bank goods and services, NEAC and the |
CAC maintain that the bank has an affirmative obligation under |
the CRA to provide these same opportunities on an equal basis |
to communities with dominant populations of people of color. |
I aver that further evidence of Bank of America's |
affirmative obligation to provide employment and business |
opportunities is found in the investment test of the CRA |
regulations for large banks. The investment test evaluates the |
bank's community development investments. Of the four measures |
of a bank's investment, two are directly relevant: the bank's |
responsiveness to community development needs and the degree to |
which investments are not provided by other private investors. |
Bank of America can present no reasonable argument that |
providing equal access to jobs and business opportunities in |
destabilized communities with a dominant population of people |
of color is not addressing a community need. Further, these |
investments are not being sufficiently provided by other |
private investors. NEAC and the coalition have sought a |
reasonable investment plan of employment and business |
opportunities from the bank to address these stark community |
needs. |
To this point, Bank of America has not presented NEAC and |
the coalition with such a plan. Up to Thursday morning, |
December 9, discussions with the bank had been quite |
disappointing, to say the least. But on Thursday morning, I had |
a lengthy discussion with two senior bank officials: Doug |
Woodruff, president of CD Banking, Bank of America, and William |
Fenton, senior vice-president of Bank of America here in |
Boston. I am more hopeful today, as a result of that |
conversation, than I was prior to last Thursday, December 9. |
The bank's attitude has been that it is developing a |
national plan and that Massachusetts will fit within that plan. |
It is a one-size-fits-all approach. However, this approach, in |
my humble and lay opinion, is not what the CRA intended to |
require. |
CRA is the acronym for Community Reinvestment Act and not |
the Country Reinvestment Act. Any plan developed by the bank |
should be specific and tailored to the needs of the communities |
which each of you, our most honorable Congressmen, represent if |
the bank is providing banking services in your district. |
By contrast, I would like to point out what Bank of |
America's two largest competitors in Massachusetts are doing. |
Sovereign Bank of New England and Citizens Bank |
Massachusetts have made a commitment and are developing plans |
for their respective banks' employment at all levels and |
procurement programs of goods and services, which reflect the |
diversity of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. |
These banks did not simply say, ``Come in and let us show |
you what we plan to do.'' These commitments were the result of |
an openness of attitude, a willingness to provide the best |
service to the communities which they serve, and an extended |
period of negotiations. |
I know that each of these banks is proud of their |
commitments. They feel that implementation of the commitments |
will enhance their ability to serve the community. |
Additionally, they believe that implementation of these |
commitments will grow their revenue and profits. |
In particular, and because you are reviewing Sovereign |
Bank's acquisition of Seacoast Banks, I want to take this |
opportunity to publicly state, on behalf of the New England |
Area Conference of the NAACP and the other organizations whose |
views are reflected in this testimony, that Sovereign Bank New |
England has distinguished itself in developing a relationship |
with the Community Advisory Committee. |
The bank recently signed a comprehensive agreement with the |
CAC which includes definitive language on workforce and |
procurement diversity to reflect the ethnic and gender |
diversity of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The bank, I |
believe, is a prime example of a bank attempting to serve the |
totality of needs of the community. The leadership of the bank, |
of the Sovereign Bank of New England gets it. |
I do urge you, the Financial Services Committee of the |
House of Representatives, to move forward to strengthen the CRA |
in three important aspects. |
One aspect is to ensure that major nationwide banks develop |
and implement plans that truly serve the totality of needs of |
the communities they serve. The communities that you represent |
will be the beneficiaries of such legislation. |
Secondly, I would ask that you take action to provide |
specific language in the CRA to address the issue of ethnic and |
gender diversity. The issue of race continues as a serious |
problem in our nation. It is not too much to ask that a bank, |
in its normal course of business, be a part of the solution and |
not a part of the problem. The interest of our nation will |
certainly be enhanced. |
Exactly eleven months ago today, I addressed the Federal |
Reserve Bank of Boston at its public hearing regarding the |
acquisition of Fleet Boston by Bank of America. At that |
hearing, I urged the Federal Reserve to defer a decision on the |
Bank of America's application for approval of the acquisition |
until such time that a definitive plan was presented addressing |
the full range of community needs. I continue to believe that |
such action would have been the proper course and the proper |
decision of the Federal Reserve Bank. |
So third, I request that you strengthen the language of the |
CRA to provide for such a plan prospectively. |
In closing, I am honored and, again, I do appreciate the |
opportunity to address the Committee on this important affect |
of your work. Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Juan Cofield can be found on |
page 270 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. Ms. Baldwin. |
Ms. Baldwin. Good morning, Chairman Bachus, Congressman |
Frank, and other Members of Congress. I'm the executive |
director of the Association For Neighborhood and Housing |
Development. |
We're based in New York City and we're a coalition of 93 |
non-profit neighborhood housing groups. Our member |
organizations work in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods |
around the city, and they work extensively with almost all the |
area banks on a range of community development initiatives. |
My testimony today will focus on the JPMorgan Chase merger, |
the community development commitments the bank made at the time |
of that merger, and how they've been implemented over time. |
At the time of its purchase of JPMorgan in 2000, Chase was |
considered a leader in community development in New York City. |
They were probably the dominant bank in New York City in |
community development lending and investment. JPMorgan was also |
very prominent in community development, and both banks were |
very well respected by our member organizations. |
We were very concerned about the JPMorgan Chase merger. We |
couldn't afford to lose the activities or programs of either |
bank, and we thought there was a very good chance that might |
happen out of the merger, particularly in the case of JPMorgan, |
which was the bank that was being picked up by Chase. |
So we met with leadership of Chase during the time of that |
merger, we met with a vice-chairman for the retail bank, two |
executive vice-presidents, several other Chase staff, and about |
a dozen community group representatives. |
At that meeting, the bank made a number of commitments. |
These are discussed in some detail in my written statement, but |
essentially the bank promised to keep doing what it had been |
doing in the two separate banks. We weren't asking for an |
expanded commitment; we were just asking that they not roll |
back or pull back from what they were already doing. |
The main promises they had made to us were that all of the |
banks' community development programs would be coordinated and |
delivered through Chase's centralized community development |
group. We felt the community development group was very strong, |
and we wanted to make sure it survived the merger. |
They also promised that the staff and programs of Morgan's |
CDC would be preserved; and further, they promised again that |
the separate levels of lending and investment of the two banks |
would be maintained after the merger. Again, we weren't asking |
them to do more; we were just asking them to promise not to do |
less. |
We left that meeting very satisfied with the promises the |
bank made to us. We were confident that both Chase and Morgan's |
programs would continue intact. |
After the merger was approved, however, the bank honored |
none of the commitments it had made to us. They almost |
immediately eliminated important community development |
programs, they cut their community development budget and |
staffing levels, and they began to break up the community |
development group. |
So in this past year, when Chase then applied to purchase |
Bank One, we again submitted written comments to the |
regulators. These detail our experiences with the previous |
merger and also discuss how, as a result of the bank cutting |
back on programs, it was now less able to deliver services on a |
neighborhood level than it once had been. |
Neither the bank nor the regulators responded to our |
written comments, including the issue we raised that Chase had |
not honored previous commitments. |
So based on these experiences, it is our belief that |
current laws do not protect community interests after a merger. |
My written statement cites a number of areas where current law |
can be reformed. They're on Page 6 of my statement. Two of them |
echo what other witnesses have already said today. Currently |
regulators do not enforce CRA commitments, even those made in |
the course of a merger. We would urge the banks be held |
accountable for the CRA commitments they make. |
Second, the application review process looks at past CRA |
performance, but does not require that banks provide forward- |
looking CRA plans. We would urge that banks develop detailed |
specific CRA plans for each of their local markets as part of |
their merger application. Again, additional recommendations are |
in my statement. |
With a continuing trend towards mega-bank mergers, what we |
saw play out with JPMorgan Chase, we expect to see in other |
banks, too. It's very timely that Congress consider this issue |
and find ways to strengthen the CRA to better protect our |
communities. |
Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Ms. Baldwin. |
[The prepared statement of Irene Baldwin can be found on |
page 91 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Thall? |
Mr. Thall. Members of the Committee, thank you for the |
invitation and opportunity to testify. My name is Mathew Thall; |
I'm the senior program director of the Boston Program of the |
Local Initiative Support Corporation, or LISC. I've been in |
that position for 13 years and previously was the executive |
director of a CDC in Boston for a decade. |
LISC is the largest non-profit community development |
support organization in the United States. Since 1980, we have |
invested approximately $5 billion in 2,400 community |
development corporations working in and for low-income |
neighborhoods. This investment has entailed 147,000 affordable |
homes and over 22 million square feet of neighborhood |
commercial retail and community facilities space. In Boston, |
we've invested about $87 million over the past 24 years, |
leveraging about $725 million of other public and private |
investment, and helping to support over 6,000 affordable homes. |
LISC does a good deal more than just finance community |
development. We invest in building the capacity of CDCs and |
non-profits. We often serve as a catalyst to change the local |
system and attract new investments in community development. I |
have included in my statement a few interesting examples of |
this type of work in Boston, in Chicago, in Los Angeles and in |
Winston-Salem. |
I think I can say unequivocally that LISC would not have |
been able to accomplish everything it has accomplished without |
the Community Reinvestment Act. The CRA made it possible for us |
to develop strong relationships with banks, in Boston and |
nationwide. As the banking industry evolves, it becomes |
increasingly important to maintain a strong CRA in order to |
maintain those relationships and to continue the capital flow. |
CRA has worked remarkably over the past 25 years fostering |
and building public-private partnerships around community |
development. It has helped to weave a network of federal |
programs into private investment, including HOME, the low- |
income housing tax credit, new market tax credit. It has been a |
very, very powerful tool for building low-income communities. |
Now that partnership is in jeopardy. LISC is deeply |
concerned that a series of proposals from the FDIC and the |
Office of Thrift Supervision would begin to dismantle CRA and |
the public-private partnership CRA has represented. |
OTS has already reduced the oversight of mid-sized thrifts |
with assets between $250 million and $1 billion. The FDIC has |
proposed to do the same for the banks it supervises as well as |
to grant CRA credit for rural community development activities |
that do not serve low-income people or places. Now the OTS is |
considering letting institutions ignore investments and |
services under CRA. |
It is especially disturbing that OTS and the FDIC have |
acted on their own, without coordination with the Federal |
Reserve Board and the Comptroller of the Currency, discarding |
over 25 years of joint policymaking on CRA. Fragmented |
regulatory policies are not just confusing; they also invite a |
race to the bottom as banks switch charters to the most lenient |
regulation and the regulators compete to offer it. We fear that |
other destructive proposals may follow until CRA loses all |
significance. Struggling communities would suffer in many ways. |
I have attached to my testimony a copy of an op-ed article |
by LISC's chairman, Robert Rubin, the former Secretary of the |
Treasury, and our president, Michael Rubinger, which appeared |
in the New York Times on December 4, 2004. The article lays out |
a compelling case for keeping CRA strong, and I request that it |
be included in today's hearing record. |
The Committee has invited me to comment on Bank of |
America's performance to date on commitments that it made in |
connection with the merger with Fleet Boston. |
First, I should say that Boston LISC's experience with Bank |
of America per se is still young. Bank of America has been a |
very strong supporter of LISC prior to the merger. I refer the |
Committee to the testimony of Michael Rubinger before the |
Federal Reserve earlier this year. |
Bank of America has been a major and generous supporter of |
other LISC sites. Its staff have served on our local advisory |
committees, which are the local boards. Finally, Bank of |
America has directly financed and invested in CDC projects that |
have been ``seasoned'' by LISC's investments. |
While Boston LISC is still building a direct experience |
with Bank of America, we have had many strong and positive |
experiences with its legacy institutions: Fleet Boston, |
BankBoston, Shawmut Bank, and BayBank, to name a few. |
Several of Fleet's staff served on the Boston LISC advisory |
committee board and committees. LISC has done a tremendous |
amount of lending side by side with Fleet Boston in recent |
years. We have not only provided predevelopment loans to CDCs |
needed to get their projects ready to access financing provided |
by Fleet Boston, we have remained in a number of projects as a |
permanent lender with Fleet. |
LISC would not stay in a deal as a lender subordinate to a |
bank that it did not trust and hold in high regard. |
Bank of America has honored and in some ways strengthened |
the relationship we had with Fleet since the merger has |
occurred. We are partnering with the bank and the city of |
Boston on an initiative to address comprehensive community |
development needs in the Bowdoin/Geneva section of Dorchester, |
a neighborhood in Boston, a neighborhood that has often been |
overwhelmed by problems of poverty and crime. This was an |
initiative that the bank proposed, not LISC or the city. |
Boston LISC is about to enter the final year of a $33 |
million campaign to raise and invest funds in the |
neighborhoods, towns and cities in greater Boston. Bank of |
America has honored Fleet's commitment to that campaign and has |
reaffirmed its commitment to leadership of that campaign. We |
are delighted that Anne Finucane will be taking the reins of |
chairing that campaign in the next year. |
In terms of concrete, measurable commitments, I believe |
that the merger of Bank of America and Fleet has definitely |
made substantially more resources available locally for |
community development. As part of the merger discussions, Bank |
of America agreed to convert a portion of a statutorily |
mandated loan to the Massachusetts Housing Partnership into an |
$18 million grant. There is no statutory or regulatory basis |
for securing this type of grant from an acquiring bank under |
Massachusetts law. |
Certainly, our very talented and sophisticated advocates |
deserve much of the credit for this commitment. However, Bank |
of America was under no legal obligation to make such a |
commitment. And as far as I know, an $18 million grant by a |
bank to a state agency for community development and housing is |
unprecedented in this country. |
$18 million for project financing, project and |
organizational support and technical assistance to non-profits |
will make a tremendous difference for a long time to come in |
supporting our collective efforts to develop more affordable |
housing and stronger communities. |
I congratulate the Bank of America for this financial |
pledge, and I hope the bank will be recognized for this |
commitment and consulted on how these funds can be most |
effectively deployed throughout the Commonwealth. |
Thank you again for the opportunity to testify. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Mathew Thall can be found on |
page 328 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. At this time, we will entertain questions |
for our panel, and I'll pose the first question. |
We've heard testimony about commitments and pledges made by |
Bank of America. My first question would be, are you satisfied |
with the commitments and pledges? Not that they haven't been |
honored yet. We won't know whether they're honored until two, |
three, four years from now. But are you satisfied with the |
level of commitments and pledges? |
And I'll start with you, Ms. Flynn. |
Ms. Flynn. We're very satisfied with the commitments that |
have been made to date. The commitment, as Matt mentioned, to |
MHP is a great resource for non-profits to build affordable |
housing in Massachusetts. Their commitment to become a member |
of the Federal Home Loan Bank and other commitments that |
they've made to the SoftSecond program, they're wonderful. |
But the commitments aren't complete, and so we have |
outstanding requests that we've made to the bank that they have |
not agreed to yet, and I've outlined them. Those are basically |
four---- |
Chairman Bachus. It does seem to me that the level of |
commitments and pledges has been--I think there's even |
agreement on this panel, that if they honor the pledges and |
commitments they've made, that would be very significant. |
Ms. Flynn. In the areas of mostly affordable housing and |
investment in housing, but there's still outstanding |
commitments that they need to make. |
Chairman Bachus. A lot of that is that this merger was |
already approved, so there's no obligation for them to do so. |
Ms. Flynn. Well, under the CRA regulations, part of the |
lending test asks how they've met credit needs for small |
business lending. |
Chairman Bachus. Right, the service and investment. |
Ms. Flynn. And those goals haven't been established yet by |
the bank. |
Chairman Bachus. But in some ways, I think I've heard |
testimony that maybe their commitments will go even beyond |
maybe what Fleet Boston was doing. Is that correct? |
Ms. Flynn. We don't know, because they haven't outlined, in |
terms of small business lending, what those commitments are. |
Chairman Bachus. My second question is, Ms. Baldwin talked |
about Chase and the fact that JPMorgan Chase made certain |
commitments, and I guess these are conversations with the bank |
officials. Were those reduced to writing, the ones that you say |
were not honored? |
Ms. Baldwin. In the case of JPMorgan Chase, it was just a |
meeting. I summarized the commitments in writing, but they |
didn't put it in writing. I did, and sent it to them, and sent |
it to the regulators. |
Chairman Bachus. You know, when you don't have it in |
writing, you learn in life that---- |
Ms. Baldwin. Yes. |
Chairman Bachus. Have they denied that there were such |
conversations? |
Ms. Baldwin. No, they never denied. I should have pointed |
that out. And usually we do get them in writing. Usually the |
bank--we tend to be a little informal, because even if we had |
it in writing, we're not in any place to enforce it; so we tend |
to rely on the word and the good faith of the bank leadership. |
And this was the first experience I had where the bank just |
sort of blatantly didn't do what it said it would do. |
Chairman Bachus. But it's my understanding that some of |
this they submitted to the Federal Reserve, saying this is what |
we intend to do, which may not be a commitment. Is that true? |
Ms. Baldwin. At the hearing on the most recent merger, they |
made a very broad-based commitment for $800 billion over ten |
years; and, I mean, I'd speak a little bit about how |
satisfactory those commitments are. |
We have a one-page--all I know about that commitment is |
what I've seen at the Chase website. It's one page, and I don't |
know the details of it, so I don't know what they're going to |
be doing in New York City, which is how I define my community. |
Chairman Bachus. So the Federal Reserve, in reviewing |
these, is not asking for any specificity in the commitments or |
pledges or asking for any---- |
Ms. Baldwin. I don't believe they even asked for |
commitments going forward, no. |
Chairman Bachus. Just review and see what they have done? |
Ms. Baldwin. I think so. |
Chairman Bachus. Let me close with this. One thing that |
Bank of America has done that we had at Wachovia Trust--which |
is the second largest bank in the state of Alabama, and they |
actually made no commitments to preserve employment levels. |
They actually said, you're going to lose over a thousand |
employees, which is obviously a discomfort. But we see that |
going both ways, businesses where one buys another. |
You've got a commitment here, at least a representation |
that's been made to the public through the press by the Bank of |
America, I believe, that the employment rate, or the employment |
totals in the State of Massachusetts by 2006 will be at |
premerger levels, which is a pretty substantial pledge or |
commitment. Do you wish to comment on that? |
And I know, Mr. Cofield, you've asked that, as they do, |
that they try to either preserve or be fair to both gender and |
race in doing that. But any comments there? |
I mean, that to me is a substantial at least representation |
that it is their intention that jobs won't be lost. Now, there |
may be some higher-paid jobs that are lost and lower-paid jobs |
that are replaced. Any comment on that? |
Mr. Cofield. I can't comment on the pledge of the overall |
job creation. That, I think, more than anything else, was a |
release in the papers and not necessarily a pledge to the |
community advisory group. |
Chairman Bachus. Of course, from a public relations |
standpoint, if it is released to the press and told by the |
press and it's out there, it's acknowledged by them, at least |
they're subject to---- |
Mr. Cofield. Sure, and I understand that, and I appreciate |
that. |
The concern that I expressed about employment and |
procurement being reflective of the community is an important |
one; and I contrast Bank of America, who has not to date been |
willing to make any commitments or have any serious |
discussions, I would argue, about these two issues, I contrast |
that attitude with their two largest competitors here in |
Massachusetts. Those two largest competitors have had serious |
discussions with us, negotiations that resulted in commitments |
in those two areas that are reflective of the diversity of |
Massachusetts. |
That's important, and I have to say that I think that's a |
function in part--I certainly appreciate the leadership of the |
banks, and I think there is a lot of credit that is due the |
leadership of these two banks, and in particular Sovereign Bank |
of New England. |
But I also think it's a function of a bank that doesn't |
have to answer day in and day out to a community. If a bank is |
nationwide, it might be a little less receptive to responding |
to community needs in this manner; and I would hope that you, |
the Committee, would give that serious concern, because again, |
as I said, the CRA stands for Community Reinvestment Act and |
not a country-wide reinvestment act. |
Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. And there certainly is a perception, I |
think, and a tendency, I think, for us to believe that a bank |
that is not locally owned or controlled may have a tendency not |
to be responsive. |
At this time I'll recognize Mr. Frank, Congressman Frank, |
whose efforts, I think, in regard to these mergers have already |
lessened the impact, the negative impact on the community; of |
him and the Massachusetts delegation as well. |
Mr. Frank. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I guess lessening the |
negative impact is my goal for the next few years---- |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank.----so it's good to have had that experience. |
Chairman Bachus. Or enhancing the positive. |
Mr. Frank. You do what you can in life. |
Let me say, first, I have a couple specific questions for |
Mr. Thall. I very much appreciate your thoughtful warnings |
about what will happen to CRA. |
I've been a big CRA supporter; in fact, I put that article |
by Mr. Rubinger, into the Congressional Record. I was |
particularly struck by Ms. Hagins' comment that lending to low- |
income in general, and minority low-income mortgage groups, in |
mortgages, is twice as great for people covered by CRA as for |
people who aren't. This is very relevant data for us. |
And as you point out, because of changes in the financial |
sector, more and more mortgages are being granted by people who |
are not banks, and the banks who are under CRA are competing |
with them. I do think that's something we should be addressing, |
that there ought to be an extending of that CRA requirement, |
because I think it has had virtually no negative effect and |
some positive effect. |
So I will tell you that I did have a conversation with Mr. |
Powell from the FDIC, and he indicated to me that he accepted |
the fact that deciding that all rural activity was |
automatically CRA was not a good policy; and I think we may be |
able to at least re-establish that test, that low-/moderate- |
income test as a prerequisite in the rural area, but I |
appreciate that. |
Let me just say one of the things about Sovereign which I |
appreciated, and that is, Ms. Flynn mentioned one of the |
important things for us is the affordable housing program of |
the Home Loan Bank system, which is a program created by this |
Committee under the really superb leadership of the late Henry |
Gonzalez, who was then Chairman. We created this program where |
a certain percentage of the profits of the regional Home Loan |
Banks have to be put into an affordable housing program. |
With regard to Bank of America, the problem with the |
mergers goes to where the bank is headquartered, because when |
this program was set up, people weren't thinking that--I guess |
this used to be called the Banking Committee, and then it was |
changed to Financial Services. |
Somebody said, are we ever going to change the name back? I |
said, yeah; but by that time, we may change it to the Committee |
on the Bank. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank. What you have with the mergers is that there's |
now a disconnect between economic activity generated by a bank |
in a particular region and the Federal Home Loan Bank that gets |
the credit for that, because it goes to the headquarters of the |
bank. |
Now, one of the things that B of A did, and Maureen Flynn |
correctly gave them credit for that, was voluntarily to agree |
to take out an additional charter in the Boston area so that |
the money generated by B of A will go to the affordable housing |
program. Sovereign, to its credit, was willing to do that, |
because as a unitary thrift, as I understand it, they can't do |
it as easily. They've been working with us, and I'm very |
appreciative of Sovereign's working with us to try and enhance |
that. |
But now on Bank of America, let me say, I guess you get the |
question: Is the glass half empty or half full? And the answer |
is yes. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank. As Maureen Flynn pointed out, with regard to |
housing, I am very pleased that Bank of America has been very |
responsive. I said to others, housing is probably the greatest |
thing we need here in our area because of the extraordinary |
housing prices; but we do need economic activity to go along |
with it. |
Part of this may be a question of cultural difference. I |
understand for Bank of America to come into New England, |
sometimes things are done a little differently here. During the |
Democratic Convention, when some journalists were asking me why |
things seemed to be so hard-edged, people dealing with each |
other, I said, well, at some point we tend to do everything |
like we drive, in which you cut no one else any slack, but you |
get highly indignant if people don't cut you some. |
On the other hand, we have some real concerns here, and the |
economic one is real; and I must say, it has not seemed to me |
that what you were asking for was unreasonable. |
Let me ask both Mr. Cofield and Ms. Flynn: It seems to me |
that, in part, the issue is not so much the quantity of what's |
being requested, it hasn't been that people have said that's |
unreasonable; it's kind of a cultural objection to having it be |
specific. Am I correct? Does that seem to be part of our |
problem? |
Ms. Flynn. Yes, that's correct. We're not arguing about the |
amounts of commitment, especially on the small business lending |
piece; but we want to know, where is the small business lending |
going to be made? |
So, are there going to be loans in low- and moderate-income |
areas as the CRA calls for? Are there going to be loans of less |
than $100,000, again which is something that banks have to |
report on under the CRA regulations? And are there going to be |
loans--and this is perhaps the most important aspect to us--to |
companies with less than $1 million in revenue? |
As CDCs, we have small business technical assistance |
programs for many of our CDCs that help very small businesses |
start and grow, and often those small businesses have a hard |
time getting credit. That's what we're looking for, is to meet |
the credit needs. |
Mr. Frank. Let me say, I understand there's a tendency, |
always has been, to withdraw in a little bit of anger when |
people question our bona fides. I guess I would urge the banks |
that, you're dealing with people who have no particular reason |
to know you; maybe their life experience with large financial |
institutions hasn't been among their seven favorite memories. |
I would hope that the banks and Bank of America, would |
distinguish between--if you're being asked to do something |
unreasonable, let us know. And I would say to Mr. Cofield, |
obviously when we ask for a commitment in terms of percentages |
in diversity in both hiring and procurement, obviously we also |
have an obligation to make sure that we can show that it's |
reasonable, and be available to help achieve those goals. We |
understand naming the goal doesn't mean that you're |
automatically going to be able to achieve it. You have to work |
together towards it. |
But I would hope that people would not stand on the kind of |
ceremony and be offended at being asked to prove the bona |
fides. These are not personal relationships; this is not proof |
you love me. This is what has been an arm's-length situation, |
and there have also been these kinds of series of mergers, as |
Mr. Thall read off the list of entities that are now under the |
Bank of America roof. That's where we are. |
Let me just ask a question of Ms. Baldwin, because you've |
been talking about the negative effects of the JPMorgan Chase |
merger on community reinvestment. What about, now, the addition |
of Bank One? Because this very big bank has just gotten bigger. |
What's the experience been? I know Bank One hasn't been |
operating in your area, but I know in the Midwest, it's |
particularly in that area, where the Chairman of our Committee |
is. What have you heard about the addition, or has that caused |
further problems; do you know? |
Ms. Baldwin. It's a little early. Actually, technically |
Chase is buying Bank One, although it's playing out as if Bank |
One had bought Chase. |
One of our concerns is that the retail headquarters is |
going to move to Chicago, and the difficulties we have now |
working with Chase on a neighborhood level we're just concerned |
might be more difficult if everybody we speak to is coming out |
of Illinois. |
Mr. Frank. Let me just comment on that. I would hope all |
the banks would understand that it's a natural human tendency |
to feel more comfortable with people who are nearby, with |
people whom you know, who you think know you. |
When these mergers happen and headquarters get moved |
further and further away, I hope the banks will understand that |
it is important to reassure people. They tell us there isn't |
going to be any real difference, et cetera. Well, then you |
shouldn't be reluctant to let people know, because the degree |
of unease that is cascading here is very significant. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Frank. |
At this time, Mr. Murphy? |
Mr. Murphy. Thank you, Mr. Chairman; and thank you, |
panelists, first of all for the people that you represent, the |
thousands, perhaps millions that you represent, and your care |
and concern about them. |
I'm pleased you bring these issues before this panel, |
because although this is the Committee on Banking and Financial |
Services, ultimately our concerns reach down to individuals |
like you represent to make sure that people have opportunities |
always to live under an equality of law and have opportunities |
to climb upwards. |
I'd like to start out by asking if any of you were |
individually involved in some of the discussions referred to |
before, with Sovereign Bank and Citizens Bank. |
Ms. Flynn. Yes. Actually, our three organizations were all |
involved in all of those negotiations. |
Mr. Murphy. Let me ask about this: How long did that |
process take from the time that the merger actually was |
finalized at the board until you achieved some results and |
agreements on this? |
Ms. Flynn. Well, the Sovereign negotiation wasn't pursuant |
to a merger; it was an extension of a previous commitment that |
they made. That agreement was almost complete a year after it |
began, but then it took a little longer than that, because |
there were some---- |
Mr. Murphy. A couple years? |
Ms. Flynn. Almost two, I think. |
And the Citizens one, I believe it was a lot shorter than |
that, but I'm not sure. |
Mr. Murphy. How much shorter, would you say? |
Mr. Cofield. Six months to a year. In a general sense, that |
was a general commitment made pretty quickly in both cases, and |
getting down to the specifics took longer in both cases. |
One of, I think, the important distinctions is an attitude |
about working with the community groups. We saw it with |
Sovereign and Citizens Bank pretty quickly, if not immediately. |
There was an openness and an attitude that we were trying to |
get to a goal, and it was just a series of negotiations. |
I have not seen that with Bank of America until this past |
Thursday, December 9; and as I said in my opening remarks, you, |
by coming here and having this hearing, has had an impact in |
and of itself. |
Mr. Murphy. I have a feeling that's why we're here. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Murphy. I want to ask, try and lay this out: This |
merger really didn't begin until March of this year, so it's |
about eight months--excuse me; it wasn't really finalized until |
March of this year, so really it was eight months away. |
Ms. Flynn. But we submitted our proposal in November right |
after the acquisition was announced. |
Mr. Murphy. And during that time, between when the intent |
of the acquisition was announced and when it was finalized, |
were there any discussions that took place at all. |
Ms. Flynn. Yes. |
Mr. Murphy. So they didn't shut you out. I just wanted to |
make sure of that. |
Ms. Flynn. But the discussions were around whether they |
were going to do a plan. The discussions with Citizens and |
Sovereign were about an agreement, a partnership, between the |
bank and the community. |
Mr. Murphy. Was there somebody even assigned to talk with |
you in these negotiations? |
Ms. Flynn. With Sovereign and Citizens? Yes. |
Mr. Murphy. But also with Bank of America? |
Ms. Flynn. Yes. |
Mr. Murphy. I just want to make sure I'm understanding, |
because what you're describing is very, very important. In |
part, I want to make sure we're not--like we're in the third |
inning; we're not judging what's going to happen in the ninth |
inning. |
But the other issue is, what you're describing is an |
important--I don't know if ``attitude'' is the right word, but |
an attitude of openness that you would like to see more of, at |
least as things have begun to happen. |
Yes, Ms. Hagins? |
Ms. Hagins. To be fair, when they came and met with us in |
November--this is Bank of America--we talked to them about the |
SoftSecond mortgage program, which Fleet had already been doing |
for a number of years since they came into Massachusetts. We |
had an agreement almost within a couple of weeks in November |
with the SoftSecond mortgage program. |
Mr. Murphy. That's good to hear. |
Ms. Hagins. Because it's a mortgage product that works |
well. |
Mr. Murphy. So in some areas, they did move rather quickly; |
in other areas, you want to see their continued progress moving |
some of these, particularly the hiring practices and the |
availability of mortgage--I know in Pittsburgh, we went through |
some of this when Mellon Bank sold off all their branches to |
Citizens Bank. |
It was locally of concern to them, the very same thing: |
What would happen to the local commitment? Who would be hired, |
and what jobs would be lost? |
We found that, over time, growth was taking place. We also |
worried about the impact on all the other banks headquartered |
in the Pittsburgh region, some fairly sizable banks; wondered |
what would happen with those. Over time, I've seen a number of |
these things work out, and to a large extent because folks like |
yourselves remain vigilant to that. |
I see my time is up. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
And, Mr. Watt, before you ask your questions, what we've |
done on this thing, normally what we would do is go by the |
Committee Members and those off the Committee; but the |
Committee felt like the Members from Massachusetts, whether |
they're on or off the Committee, we would go by seniority of |
all the Members here. |
So the order will be Mr. Watt, Mr. Capuano, Mr. Meeks, Mr. |
Tierney, Ms. Lee--Capuano, Meeks, Tierney, Lee and Lynch. So |
that will be the order. |
Later, as Members outside the state like Ms. Lee may have |
to catch a plane, we will allow them to go before other |
Members. |
So at this time, Mr. Watt? |
Mr. Watt. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You've just reminded me |
how old I'm getting, if you start looking at it in those terms. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Watt. I've made five points that I want to try to make, |
not necessarily around questions. |
First of all, I want to applaud Barney's role, |
Representative Frank's role, in this whole process. |
Many of you probably don't know that the first news I got |
of the Bank of America/Fleet merger was from Barney. I had been |
in Detroit at a Democratic presidential debate, and I had been |
traveling all weekend, and then I was going from Detroit to |
Chicago for a meeting at the Board of Trade. The first person I |
ran into when I got to Chicago that morning was Barney Frank, |
with this white look about him, saying, your bank has taken |
over my bank. |
Fortunately, the first time I had heard that, I heard it |
from folks in Florida when Bank of America went to Florida; I |
had heard it from folks in Texas when they went to Texas; I had |
heard it from folks in California when they went to California; |
and I had heard it in other contexts when First Union and |
Wachovia had gone to other places. So it's kind of a unique |
experience. |
Chairman Bachus. We were also getting tired of it, you |
know. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Watt. But Barney's role in this, from that moment, we |
worked together to try to make sure that the commitments that |
were being made were genuine and that Bank of America lived up |
to the commitments that it made; and I want to applaud Barney's |
role in making sure that these hearings and the specifics of |
these commitments get lived up to. |
Second, I want to applaud the panel this morning because |
you didn't come in talking about generalities; you recognized |
that specific commitments are talked about in communities where |
banks and people live; so every one of you, as you went down |
the roll, talked about the specifics of the communities that |
you represent. |
I think that's an important challenge to make to Bank of |
America, because the comment about CRA not standing for Country |
Reinvestment Act but Community Reinvestment Act is an important |
one. |
Third, I want to say that we have, in a sense, taken a lot |
of these kinds of things for granted in our Charlotte |
community, in our North Carolina community, from Bank of |
Charlotte to North Carolina National Bank to NCNB to Nations |
Bank to Bank of America. |
There have been a certain set of expectations that we |
haven't even tried to document in our communities, because we |
have seen the dramatic impact that a financial institution, |
with good intentions and with lots of resources--in fact, three |
financial institutions--Bank of America, Wachovia and First |
Union, and now the combination of those two after the merger-- |
can have on a community. |
Bank of America and First Union and Wachovia have had |
transformative impacts on the skyline and the community fabric |
and the employment fabric and the procurement fabric of our |
communities in ways that--I mean, I could go on and on, |
including the neighborhood in which I live, when I was on the |
NCNB Community Development Corporation board, stabilizing that |
community. |
But it's all been an assumed part of what would happen |
rather than a contractual part. And when Barney was talking |
about the specific written commitments, I could understand the |
difference, because it hadn't always been about signing an |
agreement; it's been about seeing the results of those |
commitments without even having the benefit of an agreement. |
But Bank of America needs to understand that as it expands |
to other parts of the world where they don't have the benefit |
of that good will, there needs to be a different dynamic; and |
the same kind of commitments that have been made or the same |
kind of performance that has been reflected in our communities |
that we have taken for granted will be now expected to be |
reduced to writing and delivered upon in different locations in |
a different kind of framework. That's the cost of becoming a |
national bank: the lack of community confidence that it will |
just happen. |
So my final point--and I'll follow this up with questions |
to the Bank of America representatives when they come--is that |
the commitment to CRA, the lending commitment to serve the |
credit needs of a community, the commitment to employment, the |
commitment to procurement, it seems to me has to be as basic a |
part of a merger and results evaluation of a financial |
institution as serving the wealthy investment people--I notice |
we're moving 300 jobs here to serve the wealthier people--or it |
has to be as basic a part of the commitment as, what happens at |
the bottom line? |
Because that's what we expect banks to do in this country; |
and while it's not mandated except in the CRA from the lending |
perspective, there is an expectation that banks and every |
institution in our society will do their part to eradicate the |
disparities that exist in employment opportunities and business |
opportunities and small business opportunities and procurement |
opportunities because those disparities continue to exist. |
So I didn't ask a question; I made a series of comments. |
But I hope this helps put in context that national statistics |
don't always tell the story of community reinvestment. |
Community reinvestment is evaluated in communities in which |
institutions live and work, and those specific kind of |
expectations have to be a part of achieving the global CRA and |
community expectations that we all want to have, do have, |
sometimes in not so supportive political climates or economic |
climates, but the expectations and aspirations are still there. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Watt. |
Mr. Capuano, you're recognized for any comments or |
questions you might have. |
Mr. Capuano. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
First of all, I want to welcome you all here to Boston. We |
tried to do the best we could with weather, but hopefully it |
won't snow before you leave. |
I want to thank all the panelists for being here, and I |
also want to make a brief commentary first. |
We're going to talk a lot about the future, but there's |
also one segment of the people impacted by this merger that are |
not directly represented here, and that's the employees of the |
former Fleet and the new soon-to-be, or actually now, Bank of |
America. And I will have some questions for the people who |
represent the bank later on. |
But I actually think it's too bad that we don't have |
somebody that we could talk to about employees, and that's a |
function of the fact that the financial services industry is |
not very well unionized. Therefore, they don't have spokesmen. |
And I take this opportunity to encourage those people that work |
for various large institutions like that to get together so |
that people like me can have a representative to ask questions |
that you're not really qualified to answer. |
I also want to make a point--and I know that people on the |
panel know, but I want everybody to make sure that we are very |
clear--though we've said some good things about other banks, |
Citizens is run out of Scotland; Sovereign is run out of |
Pennsylvania. They are not local banks. |
I actually find it refreshing that although they are not |
technically local banks, we treat them as if they are. I think |
that's a function of leadership, and more importantly, the |
authority that the local leadership has been given by their |
various corporate boards to actually run it as a local bank, |
and I think the question is still there relative to the Bank of |
America. |
They have appointed some people that are local and that, as |
far as I'm concerned, are very good people that we can work |
with. I think, for me, the question is, do they have the |
authority to really act as a local bank? I think that just |
takes a matter of time to make that determination. |
The questions I have really revolve around a document that |
I just got Sunday at 10:30 at night that I guess some of you--I |
assume all of you have seen it as of Friday, or most of you |
have seen it--something called the Community Development |
Strategic Business Plan from the Bank of America. |
As the Chairman said earlier, I mean, some of the numbers |
here are pretty good. We've seen most of these numbers before, |
and it's great that affordable housing is going to get four |
billion one hundred eighty-five million dollars over the next |
several years. That's a wonderful number. Without having looked |
at the statistics as to whether that really is a wonderful |
number, I will accept it as such, because it's a huge number, |
and that's great. |
Can any of you tell me where that money is going? |
Ms. Flynn. Any of us panelists? |
Mr. Capuano. Yes. |
Ms. Flynn. No. We asked the question, what was included in |
that; and there was a little confusion around what was included |
within that category. So it seems to be affordable lending, |
some mortgage products, and some investment in rental and real |
estate projects; but we're not sure what---- |
Mr. Capuano. Have we defined the terms ``low'' and |
``moderate income''? Have they accepted them as certain |
definitions, or are they generic definitions? |
Ms. Flynn. No, we don't know what the term ``affordable'' |
means under this. |
Mr. Capuano. So we don't know what towns they're going to? |
Ms. Flynn. No. |
Mr. Capuano. We don't know what category of people? |
Ms. Flynn. No. |
Mr. Capuano. Do we know whether these are homeownership or |
rental? |
Ms. Flynn. No. |
Mr. Capuano. So we just know a number. |
Ms. Flynn. Right. |
Mr. Capuano. What about small business? One billion three |
hundred fifty million. |
Ms. Flynn. The same. We don't know any information; we |
don't know how many small businesses, how many loans, if it's |
going to cover the entire state, whether outside of Boston will |
be the beneficiary of any small business loans, whether smaller |
small business loans will be able to access this kind of |
credit. |
Mr. Capuano. So we know a number, and that's about it? |
Ms. Flynn. Right. |
Mr. Capuano. I assume no one here is holding back |
information on this. |
Ms. Hagins. Well, we have a commitment for ten years for |
3,000 mortgages, but it doesn't have a dollar figure. |
Mr. Capuano. Mortgages to whom? |
Ms. Hagins. To the SoftSecond mortgage program. |
Mr. Capuano. To the program that already exists? |
Ms. Hagins. Right. |
Mr. Capuano. That's good. So that's a program we know is |
going to qualify, and we know how it's going to work. Good. |
Again, I read the document; I've read it several times now, |
and it's a pretty good document. I like the numbers, I like the |
generic, broad-bush thing; but I'm kind of left a little empty. |
I mean, promote affordable housing production through a |
continuation of partnerships with the Mass. Housing Investment |
Corp. Great organization; they do wonderful work. Mass. Housing |
Partnership; again, great. Mass. Development, Mass. Housing, |
CDAC--do we know how much each of those organizations are going |
to get? |
Ms. Flynn. We know just how much Mass. Housing Partnership |
has received, but that's a requirement under state law, for |
them to receive a certain amount of loan obligation. Bank of |
America did convert some of that loan obligation to grant, so |
we know how much that is. |
Mr. Capuano. The thing I like is, the bank will convene a |
national advisory council made up of prominent public and |
private sector leaders throughout the Bank of America |
franchise. Could you tell me who the national advisory council |
would include? Any of you? |
Ms. Flynn. We don't know. |
Mr. Capuano. Any of your organizations? |
Ms. Flynn. We don't know. |
Mr. Capuano. I guess for me, it's a great document; there's |
really nothing I can criticize in this document; but, okay, now |
what? Have you had any idea of when we're going to get a little |
bit more meat on these bones? |
Ms. Flynn. No. |
Mr. Cofield. No. |
Mr. Capuano. Just out of curiosity, when you did Citizens |
and Sovereign, which obviously I was involved in, did you get |
this level of detail or this lack of detail? |
Ms. Flynn. We had an agreement with both of those banks, |
and they were probably six or ten pages each. I have copies of |
them here. They outline each of the areas that they are going |
to be lending in; the number of loans going to LMI areas, et |
cetera; the amounts of commitments to MHIC; the amounts of tax |
credits they're going to purchase. |
Mr. Capuano. My final question, because my time is running |
out: Have you had any indication of when there might be meat |
added to these bones? I mean, are you meeting tomorrow to put |
some meat on this, or next week, or next month, or next year, |
or in my lifetime? |
Ms. Flynn. We understand that this is the plan they |
promised us from Massachusetts. |
Mr. Capuano. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Capuano. You probably |
should have been a lawyer. |
Mr. Capuano. Would have made more money. |
[Laughter.] |
Chairman Bachus. At this time, Mr. Meeks? |
Mr. Meeks. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
And I, too, want to first thank all of you for your |
testimony today; but furthermore, I want to thank you for what |
you do every day, because what you do every day is looking out |
for those who may be less fortunate than most, and what you do |
every day is try to make sure people indeed have an opportunity |
to share in what folks call the American dream: that is home |
ownership, that is to have a job, a roof over their head, and |
that is to have a better life, to afford them the opportunity |
to give their children a better life than they had themselves |
when they were growing up. |
So you should be commended for what you do every day. Most |
of your jobs I'm sure don't make you rich. You don't get the |
huge bonuses that others may get for what they do, but your |
commitment is what makes this country great, and I want to |
thank you for it. |
Financial institutions and financial services, of course, |
coming from New York, it's the backbone of New York. I've heard |
my colleague Mel Watt talk about Charlotte. I know we're here |
in Boston, et cetera; but without financial services in New |
York, this city, and indeed this nation, could be greatly |
affected. |
I can recall, about twenty years ago in New York we had six |
major national banks. Today, they're down to three. I mean, |
it's like we had, I think it was Citibank, Chase Manhattan, |
Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, NatWest, and |
eventually Fleet Bank, and of course JPMorgan was there doing |
all of the high-end privileged services. |
Then we had Citibank; Citibank is still Citibank. Manny |
Hanny was swallowed by Chemical. Chemical then melded with |
Chase. Chase then merged with JPMorgan, which now has merged |
with Bank One. |
The thing that concerns me at some times is that maybe ten |
years from now we'll have one bank, one insurance company, one |
securities company, and all will be affiliated through Gramm- |
Leach-Bliley, which can have an effect on competition, and |
therefore on services that may be in the community. |
Now, I understand that financial institutions have to make |
some money, and I'm not opposed to them doing that. In fact, I |
want to encourage and help them to do that. |
But I have some concerns with reference to making sure that |
we continue in the climate of the negotiations that go on once |
we have these mergers. What I'm hearing from the panelists here |
is, it seemed to have been a different climate when you had the |
negotiations with Sovereign as opposed to negotiations that are |
currently going on. |
So I guess, before I make that assumption, is that correct? |
Is there a different climate in the negotiating rooms that |
you've had with both? |
Mr. Cofield. Certainly, on the two aspects that I spoke |
about, a very different climate. That's what I was making |
reference to when I referred to an attitude of openness. It's |
just quite different. |
Ms. Flynn. I agree. The negotiations weren't pretty with |
Sovereign or Citizens. The bank pushed us; we pushed the bank. |
But in the end, what we got out of it was an agreement, a |
partnership, about how to meet low- and moderate-income credit |
needs in the Commonwealth. |
So in the end, there was an agreement, a partnership. |
Mr. Meeks. Now, let me jump to--and I know Mr. Cofield |
mentioned this, but I'll open it up. |
In regards to either with Sovereign and now dealing with |
Bank of America, is there any specificity with reference to any |
goals in regards to procurement, in regards to employment of |
African-Americans and minorities and women? |
Mr. Cofield. Yes, there is. And Maureen is absolutely |
right; that took some time and negotiation. |
People of color represent roughly 20 percent of the |
population of Massachusetts--it's a hair under 20 percent--and |
people of color meaning blacks, Latinos, Pacific, Asian-Pacific |
and Native Americans. That represents roughly 20 percent, close |
to 20 percent, a hair less than 20 percent of the population of |
Massachusetts. |
Our approach was, that diversity in Massachusetts ought to |
be reflected in the employment levels of the bank and in the |
way the bank does business; and we think that's reasonable, |
that the bank's business reflect the population. |
We did achieve that aim with those two banks. With |
Sovereign, we first had a five-year agreement right after their |
merger; and because Sovereign was new here and we didn't know |
how they were going to work out, and they probably weren't so |
sure, the agreement called for a renegotiation of the five-year |
deal three years into the deal. So we had an agreement |
initially. That agreement was renegotiated over the past few |
months and signed a few days ago. |
And let me say, to Sovereign's credit, what they've agreed |
to do is to sign a totally new five-year deal; so they have |
added on three more years beyond what was initially required in |
the five-year agreement. |
Mr. Meeks. Are you anywhere currently with Bank of America |
in regards to goals? |
Mr. Cofield. No, we are not; and that's what I referred to |
as disappointing. |
I had at least a refreshing conversation with the two bank |
officials on Thursday morning, and it was an extended |
conversation. But there has not been a definitive discussion |
about the two issues that I've raised at all, and what they |
have referred to is their national plan. |
That's why I refer to the CRA being a community-based plan |
and not a country-wide-based plan. I hope we would get there; |
there was no indication that we would get to the community- |
specific level in the discussion on Thursday. I did see a |
change of attitude in that discussion, and I'm hoping that it |
would get to the level of specificity that we have with |
Sovereign and Citizens. |
They are well aware that their two largest competitors in |
Massachusetts have provided the specificity, and that's what |
we're looking for, and we think it's most reasonable. To have |
any other plan would suggest that you're going to continue to |
have an employment level that shows disparity, and a |
procurement level that shows disparity. |
Mr. Meeks. My last question--I see my time is up--this is |
to anybody, because I haven't heard anyone speak of it, but I |
know particularly in communities where there are poor people, |
as far as education is concerned, one of the biggest |
disparities is the lack of understanding, in public schools in |
particular, where there's no financial literacy being taught. |
So my question to anyone is, is there a discussion ongoing, |
whether it was with Sovereign or with Bank of America or with |
anyone, about a part of CRA being investments within |
particularly public schools in regard to teaching young people |
about financial--or making them become financially literate, so |
therefore they can take care of their money and understand |
better how to operate and deal on a personal level when they're |
banking with whatever the financial institution may be? |
Mr. Cofield. Certainly some of the organizations that are a |
part of the Community Advisory Committee provide programs |
dealing with financial literacy. And I agree; I too think that |
that's very important. |
To the extent that these institutions are supporting, by |
grant and in other manners, those organizations that are |
providing that program, I would answer yes. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Meeks. |
Mr. Tierney? |
Mr. Tierney. Thank you. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank you for working |
with Congressman Frank to bring this hearing to Boston and the |
Massachusetts area, and I want to thank you also for allowing |
me to join the Committee, and all of the other Members for |
their courtesies in terms of letting me be here, as well as the |
order of speaking; and I appreciate that a great deal. I thank |
all the witnesses for their testimony and for what you |
contribute to our life around here. |
I seem to hear over and over again that this is a situation |
where we need a good negotiation to be conducted on the |
important matters, and that where you've had that negotiation, |
everybody has benefitted. It's been good for the banks, good |
for the groups for which you advocate, and good for the |
community. |
Somebody described--I don't know if it was Ms. Baldwin or |
who it was that said it--there was a push and shove, push with |
Sovereign, Sovereign pushed back, and the same with Citizens. |
It appears to me here that in the past, Bank of America |
doesn't like being pushed, either because they think they're |
too big for it or because they haven't yet focused on the local |
idea in how allowing this to go on is really going to be |
important for this region and for the local aspect of this. So |
hopefully we can ask some questions about what the attitude |
situation is at the bank when we have those witnesses here. |
I would like to ask just two questions. |
One, Mr. Cofield, when you talked about race, which I think |
is important, how would you propose that the current law be |
changed in order for us to address the continuing concerns |
regarding that issue? |
Mr. Cofield. It is my firm belief that we should be working |
towards a goal in which race is no longer an important issue in |
our nation and in our communities. |
I would like to, at some day, see that there's no more of a |
need for an NAACP, that we as a nation have gotten beyond the |
issue of race. |
I truly believe that if we're going to get anywhere near |
there, we need to work towards a solution that ends disparity |
and not supports disparity; and that's what I'm trying to |
convey and is the thrust of my presentation. We need a program |
that doesn't continue to support disparity. |
That's the distinction that I've seen today between our |
dealings with Sovereign and Citizens. I think both of them get |
it, and I do give a lot of credit to the leadership of both. We |
just haven't seen it today. |
Mr. Tierney. Can I interrupt you? Only because I'm limited |
in time, and I want to do this as respectfully as I can; but |
how specifically are we to change the law? I think your goal is |
exactly on point. But is it the law that we need to change, or |
is it the enforcement aspect? |
Mr. Cofield. It's probably both; but certainly as it |
relates to the law, in my opinion, there ought to be specific |
language in the CRA that requires an institution, when it goes |
or is already in a community, that it set up programs to |
reflect the racial and gender disparity in both of those areas, |
in employment and in procurement. |
And I think that's rather easy. There is available census |
data that shows the diversity of a community, and in my opinion |
there ought to be specific language in the CRA regulations, in |
the CRA statute, that requires that a bank, in operating in a |
community, reflect the diversity in that community. |
Mr. Tierney. Thank you. And then I suspect that that |
wouldn't do much good unless we had some enforcement mechanism |
on that after the merger on that. |
Mr. Cofield. Absolutely. |
Mr. Tierney. Ms. Flynn, let me ask you the same question, |
but this time with regard to the small business lending. What |
changes in the statute do you think are necessary to allow us |
to address the concerns that some institutions may not be |
focusing on how they're going to distribute small business |
lending? |
Ms. Flynn. I think the statute, as written, is pretty |
broad. It says that banks should affirmatively try to meet the |
credit needs of the communities in which they serve. |
So even issues around race and how they are going to serve |
communities of color could be met under the current law. It's |
how the law is interpreted under regulation. |
Right now, there is an emphasis in the regulation on |
serving the needs of low- and moderate-income communities, and |
that's great; but it doesn't exclude the need to look at how |
communities of color have been served. |
So if the regulations were tweaked to be more specific |
about the communities and individuals within the community that |
should be served by the banks, that would be an improvement. |
Secondly, on the small business aspect, again, the banks |
must report under CRA how they've done on those three |
categories of small business lending. So it's there, but |
perhaps a greater emphasis on that part of the test in awarding |
grades on CRA would be beneficial. |
Mr. Tierney. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Chairman, thank you again. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
Mr. Lynch? |
Mr. Lynch. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
I have a statement I'll enter into the record, in the |
interest of time; but I do want to say, if I could go back to |
Mr. Frank's opening statement, he talked about the rhetorical |
question about what Congress's rightful role here is in |
requiring a private entity or private entities to make such |
sizable contributions to the public good and in some cases of a |
charitable nature. |
I just want to emphasize or re-emphasize his conclusion |
that government has played a significant role in creating banks |
of this size. We have enhanced and protected the position of |
Bank of America. We have seen them acquire a number of banks, |
and now they have become so large and so overpowering and so |
overwhelming to the average citizen, and now even the average |
community, that I think it is entirely reasonable for citizens |
and their representatives to come to Congress to ask Congress, |
that created these conditions of powerlessness in many |
communities, to be their champion and to speak on their behalf. |
I just want to thank the panel for measuring the unmet need |
in their communities and coming forward and articulating so |
well on behalf of all of our communities, of color and of need, |
and helping us to close the loop, if you will, with the Bank of |
America and Sovereign as well in terms of addressing that |
inequity in power between our local communities and this bank; |
and also somehow keeping that close connection between our |
banks and those local communities so that that community |
connection is not lost when these banks, as Bank of America has |
become a bank with over a trillion dollars in assets, and a |
far-flung empire from California to Boston and everywhere in |
between. It's very difficult for local communities to get |
response and to remain a viable priority in the eyes of such a |
huge organization. |
So I want to thank the Chairman, and I want to thank my |
colleagues in the Congress for honoring us, really, and giving |
this wonderful courtesy to come to Boston, to my district. |
I also want in particular to thank Ms. Hagins for her work. |
I grew up in the Old Colony housing projects not too far from |
here, and I know how important that SoftSecond mortgage program |
is for a lot of my constituents who are still struggling to buy |
their first home. |
That first homebuyer program is a great program, and we |
need to see more of that continue; and if it were not for the |
work that is being done by Ms. Hagins and others who are here |
today representing our CDCs and affordable housing advocates, |
this need would be lost. It would be lost in the shuffle, and |
the problem would grow worse, not only in the city of Boston |
that I represent, but also in the city of Brockton that I |
represent that is about 40 minutes from here, and all the towns |
in between. |
So I appreciate the good work being done by this panel and |
the spirit of cooperation we've seen from Bank of America and |
Sovereign thus far. |
Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
Ms. Lee? |
Ms. Lee. Let me first thank our Chairman and also |
Representative Frank for calling this hearing and for our |
panelists, for your very succinct testimony. |
Of course, I have much history with Bank of America, going |
way back to before its leaving San Francisco and Oakland. |
During the late '80s, mid to late '80s, in low-income/moderate- |
income communities in my area, B of A unfortunately began to |
leave; it wasn't profitable enough. We saw then the rise of |
predatory and payday lenders, and there was a big void in the |
Bay Area as a result of that. |
Then of course, unfortunately, with the move to Mr. Watt's |
district, we still haven't recovered from the negative economic |
impacts in terms of employment and really a turnaround in terms |
of what we had hoped to take place with regard to economic |
investment and compliance with CRA. |
A couple of things I'd like to just ask panelists. |
First of all, in any financial transaction between a |
consumer and a financial institution or a credit card lender or |
any organization, the consumer is required to live up to their |
commitments as they engage in these negotiations and these |
agreements. There's a penalty if they don't live up to their |
commitments. |
With regard to CRA--and I've heard this over and over and |
over again--commitments are made during the merger process; |
they may or may not be specific; but after the merger takes |
place, it's like you would never believe there were any |
commitments made. |
We heard during this last election the notion of values, |
that ethics was very important; and I'm just wondering--and a |
consumer would be considered--you know, that behavior is |
considered unethical. |
I'd like to just ask the panelists how you viewed not |
living up to a commitment in order to get a deal done, and |
then--and I'll ask the banks this, also--then say either we |
didn't make the commitment, we did make it, it wasn't what you |
thought it was, we need to go back to the drawing board. |
What are the ethical kinds of dimensions of that that we |
really need to look at, aside from the legal aspects? Which I |
think there should be penalties, quite frankly; if in fact |
organizations and financial institutions say they're going to |
do something, then they should do it. But beyond that, how do |
we look at the correctness of that just in terms of American |
values? |
Ms. Hagins. I know we have written agreements with all of |
the banks that do the SoftSecond mortgage multi-year |
commitments. No, we can't go to court and use them, but we hope |
that they would live up to those commitments. We meet with the |
banks every year to make sure that they are on tune to do the |
number that they've agreed to do. |
We will hold a community meeting, as we did--the last one |
was two years ago with 1,500 people in the room--and they have |
to be accountable to those people. So we try to make them |
accountable in that way, because we don't have any legal |
recourse other than that. |
Mr. Frank. That does include the Bank of America in this |
case, correct? They have a written agreement. |
Ms. Hagins. Right, they have a written agreement for ten |
years for 3,000 loans for the State of Massachusetts. |
Mr. Cofield. Congressman Lee, I do see it as a moral |
commitment. And the role of the Community Advisory Committee |
and the organizations that compose that loose-knit coalition is |
to stay in place; one, first to negotiate what we believe is a |
reasonable agreement with the institutions, and then to work |
with the institutions to help them achieve the goal. |
And generally that's the way it has been working here; |
sometimes better than others, but that's the way it has worked |
here, as we have reached these agreements, and the CAC stays in |
place and sees it as its role; and the banks that we have dealt |
with generally have seen that as a positive thing, so it has |
worked well. |
But clearly, we believe that it's certainly a moral |
commitment, if not a legal commitment. |
Ms. Lee. Ms. Baldwin, can you comment? |
Ms. Baldwin. Yes. I personally have had a lot of |
frustration with our experiences with JPMorgan Chase. I'm not |
naive, but I was sort of shocked that a reputable institution |
just wouldn't do what it said it would do. |
Usually the discussion is around, well, gee, maybe we |
misinterpreted our various commitments, where the bank is |
saying they would do A and they thought they were honoring it, |
and we had a different idea in mind. |
Most often we do get letters in writing, saying they'll do |
certain things. I have no idea if those are legally enforceable |
or not. And banks generally--where I run into difficulty is |
monitoring. I've had some banks tell me, yes, we're doing what |
we said we would do; but we won't give you the line-item detail |
on what these community development loans were. You just need |
to trust us that we're doing it. |
The other issue I have is that although these commitments |
aren't required to get the merger approved, they announced them |
in the course of the merger. So I do think, since that was the |
context they played out, the regulators really should look at |
it and hold them accountable to honor what they were doing. |
Ms. Lee. Should past compliance with any type of CRA |
progress be part of the criteria for a merger, or is it only |
prospective? Or should it be just prospective? |
Ms. Baldwin. Well, it's actually overweighted on past |
performance; and my sense, from when I read the approval |
orders, they rely very heavily on CRA performance evaluations. |
Those CRA performance evaluations I don't think look |
specifically at how banks have honored existing CRA |
commitments. I'm not sure. |
But there's no requirement that going forward, that any of |
these banks do a specific CRA plan. |
Ms. Flynn. I think one way to deal with this issue is, on |
the next exam after a bank, two banks have merged, on their |
next CRA exam, to bring this up as an exam question, if you |
will, that the banks should be graded on immediately after they |
merge so that they are held accountable to the promises and the |
commitments that they made before they merged. |
Ms. Lee. Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you very much; and Mr. Frank, as he |
said, your testimony was very helpful. We appreciate your |
attendance here today. |
At this time we'll call our second panel. |
Our second panel is Ms. Anne Finucane--is that correct? |
Ms. Finucane. That's right. |
Chairman Bachus. You were formerly with Fleet Boston, and |
are now the president of Northeast Bank of America. |
Ms. Finucane. That's right. |
Chairman Bachus. And Mr. Joseph P. Campanelli. |
Mr. Campanelli. Yes, sir. |
Chairman Bachus. Chief operating officer of Sovereign Bank, |
New England Division, and Vice Chairman of Sovereign BankCorp. |
Mr. Campanelli. Yes. |
Chairman Bachus. So we welcome both of you. |
As you probably heard the first panel, and I think they |
both referred to some of their discussions with you all, and I |
think were very favorable of some of your activities. So you're |
welcome to this hearing. |
Ms. Finucane, we'll start with you. |
Ms. Finucane. Good morning, and thank you. Thank you, |
Chairman Bachus, Ranking Member Frank and the Members of the |
Committee. |
Can you hear me? |
Chairman Bachus. Bring it a little closer. It won't sound |
natural, but it is. |
He keeps saying I don't sound natural. |
[Laughter.] |
Chairman Bachus. It doesn't do anything about accents. |
Ms. Finucane. Good morning, Chairman Bachus, Ranking Member |
Frank, and Members of the Committee on Financial Services. My |
name is Anne Finucane, and I serve as the president of the |
Northeast region for the Bank of America. Ken Lewis, our |
president and CEO, has asked me to convey his regrets. Since he |
is attending our company's previously scheduled board meeting, |
he was unable to be with us here today. He has asked me to |
testify on his and our company's behalf. |
As a brief preamble, I'd like to state that as a result of |
the merger between Bank of America and Fleet Boston Financial, |
Massachusetts and the rest of the Northeast now serve as a key |
operational base for one of the country's premier financial |
services companies by almost any measure: number of customers, |
number of people employed, distribution, products and services, |
earnings and philanthropy. |
Going into this transaction, we understood the important |
role that Fleet had played in fueling the local economy and |
enhancing the vibrancy of our communities as an employer, a |
lender, an investor, a philanthropic donor, a sponsor, and a |
community partner. As Bank of America, we are committed to |
continuing this important leadership position. |
In negotiating this merger, both Chad Gifford and Ken Lewis |
agreed upon unprecedented initiatives in the area of employment |
and community development as well as philanthropy for this |
region's benefit. Each of these initiatives far exceeds what |
Fleet could have delivered if it had continued on its own |
separate path. |
Now I would like to address the three primary questions |
posed to the Bank of America by the Committee. |
On the question regarding jobs and employment levels, we |
take very seriously our commitment to maintain the premerger |
employment level of 17,900 full-time employees in New England. |
We believe that this, too, is an unprecedented commitment. |
As of October 31 of this year, there were 15,000 full-time |
equivalent employees in New England, representing a loss or |
reduction of 2,900 associates, which essentially covers the |
merger-related lay-offs. |
We recently announced plans to add 400 employees in our |
wealth and investment management headquarters in Boston, and |
another 700 more in Rhode Island, for a total of 1,100 |
additional full-time equivalent positions in New England, all |
announced in a four-month period. That puts our New England |
employee total at 16,100 to date, or a net reduction of 1,800 |
since the time of the merger. |
We will meet our commitments to the 17,900 employment |
number by 2006 relying on the same approach we have used to |
bring the 1,100 positions I just mentioned back to this region, |
which we announced in the last four months. |
As for our Bank of America associates in the Northeast, we |
offer job opportunities, a comprehensive work life benefits |
program and new employment benefits previously unavailable to |
our Fleet associates. We are on our way to returning to |
premerger levels of employment. |
On Question No. 2 regarding our commitments: Bank of |
America may be new to the Northeast, but like Fleet, the bank |
has a long tradition of growth through mergers. And at the |
heart of our experience is this philosophy: A strong business |
depends on a strong local community and a strong local business |
climate. We believe that we have an outstanding track record of |
putting this belief into action; and just by way of example, we |
are demonstrating our commitment to the Northeast by targeting |
$100 billion of the new $750 billion community development goal |
to this region. |
During the course of developing these goals, we met with |
more than 100 community groups; and much of their input is |
reflected in the development of these goals. A great deal of |
progress has been made; and just to use Massachusetts as an |
example, we have committed to $406 million in loan financing, |
$18 million in grants for the Mass. Housing Partnership, $200 |
million in community development loans to the city of Boston. |
We agreed to continue membership in the Federal Home Loan |
Bank of Boston to originate 3,000 mortgages over the next ten |
years with MAHA and to maintain a $20 million plus loan pool |
with the Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation. And we |
have outlined our community development Massachusetts goals by |
category with an overall 24 percent lift over what we did at |
Fleet in the same time period. |
In addition to our commitments to employment levels and to |
community development, we have committed not just to maintain |
but to increase our charitable giving in support of building |
healthy and vibrant neighborhoods. In 2004, Bank of America |
will have invested more than $9 million in philanthropy and |
community sponsorship funding for Massachusetts alone, which is |
more than we had done in 2003 as Fleet alone, focusing both on |
giving to large and small organizations, including a $1 million |
gift to Children's Hospital, a $1 million gift to City Year, |
$60,000 to the mayor's Main Streets program, and $200,000 each |
to Stride and the Lawrence Community Works program through our |
Signature Neighborhood Excellence Initiative. |
And if there are still concerns, consider this: that each |
bank on its own, Fleet and Bank of America, earned outstanding |
CRA ratings and exceeded our community commitment goals as |
individual banks. Bank of America is the number-one SBA lender |
in the country and the number-one SBA lender to minorities. We |
are the number-one mortgage lender to minorities as well. |
In 2003, Bank of America spent more than $620 million with |
diverse suppliers, and we expect to exceed that goal in 2004. |
Just last week we were named the top corporation for |
multicultural business opportunities of 2004 by more than |
350,000 diverse business owners. |
Finally, on Question No. 3, the adequacy of current laws, |
let me turn to the merger approval process in connection with |
the Fleet/Bank of America merger. |
We filed applications or notices with four federal |
agencies, more than 30 state agencies, several self-regulatory |
organizations, and more than two dozen foreign countries. We |
participated in four public hearings in three different states |
involving more than 200 witnesses, and we responded to nearly |
400 comment letters. |
The approval process spanned more than five months, with |
the last approval received the day before our scheduled merger |
date. Certainly an exhaustive process, but one we can |
appreciate. |
In our opinion, there are adequate measures in place to |
ensure that a bank honors its public pledges. Further, we |
recognize that the more favorably customers view their bank, |
including its role in the community, the more likely we are to |
retain and grow their business. This is a premise underlying |
the way Bank of America has operated across the country. |
In conclusion, I'd like to emphasize one key fact: that the |
new combined bank, the new combined company, enables us to do |
more for the New England region, more for Massachusetts, than |
Fleet Boston Financial could have done as a stand-alone |
company. |
Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Anne Finucane can be found on |
page 277 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Campanelli. |
Mr. Campanelli. Chairman Bachus, Ranking Member Frank, |
Congressmen Capuano, Tierney, Lynch, and Members of the |
Committee, on behalf of Sovereign Bank New England and |
Sovereign Bancorp, I'd like to thank you for this opportunity |
to speak before you this morning. Along with my written |
remarks, I have provided written testimony for the record. |
During the next few minutes, I'd like to address the |
questions you have posed concerning the acquisition of Seacoast |
Financial Services Corp. with regards to jobs, benefits of the |
acquisition, and commitment to our community. |
Since Sovereign entered the New England marketplace almost |
five years ago, due to the merger of Fleet and BankBoston, we |
have grown organically and through two acquisitions in the |
region: Seacoast Financial and First Essex Corp. Our |
acquisition strategy has been to gain a presence in key markets |
and to better serve our existing customers and prospects. |
Sovereign recognizes the critical importance of job |
creation to the continued development of our communities. |
Putting aside the impact of our acquisitions, Sovereign |
employment levels have grown in Massachusetts by approximately |
4 percent per year. We are proud of the fact that we continue |
to grow our core job base here and anticipate continuing to do |
that in the future. |
Prior to the Seacoast acquisition, we projected that |
approximately 74 percent of the employees would be retained. |
All branch staff and other personnel working with customers |
would be included in those retained. |
We realize the potential hardship the loss of a job can |
have on an individual and their family. Sovereign promised that |
we would consider former Seacoast employees first in filling |
any open positions throughout our company. Following the |
acquisition, we retained 74 percent of Seacoast's positions. |
Those not offered positions received a severance package, |
which includes severance payments, continued health, dental and |
life insurance benefits for up to one year, job training, and |
outplacement services. |
To date, we have placed 20 impacted employees in jobs at |
Sovereign, and we will continue to give former Seacoast |
employees priority in all future hiring. |
There are benefits as a result of the acquisition for the |
former customers and communities. Our customers receive a wide |
array of products and services previously not available to |
them. They have access to additional branches and ATMs; they |
have customer-friendly products, including totally free |
checking for both retail and small business customers; and they |
have additional conveniences of enhanced online banking |
products. |
Businesses also benefit by having access to our extensive |
cash management products, trade finance, payroll and merchant |
services, saving them time and money. |
I'd like to now address the community commitments that |
Sovereign has made. |
Sovereign is proud of our track record of meeting or |
exceeding our commitments. I will also note that Sovereign |
received an outstanding ranking in our most recent CRA |
examination. In all of our acquisitions, we have not exited any |
communities, and we have experienced growth in every market we |
serve. |
Recently we reorganized our management team to get closer |
to communities we serve, with local decision-making and local |
accountability. Every decision that relates to communities in |
Massachusetts is made in Massachusetts. |
Here is a situation where one and one equals more than two. |
Prior to the acquisition, Sovereign and Compass Bank had made |
local commitments totaling $450,000 in charitable giving. After |
the acquisition, Sovereign has committed a total of $600,000 |
per year over the next five years, well over the previous |
commitments of the combined banks. |
In addition, Sovereign has made an equity investment of $1 |
million in the Southeastern Economic Development Corporation in |
Taunton, exceeding previous bank commitments by 30 percent. |
We had made commitments to Mass. Affordable Housing |
Alliance to originate SoftSecond mortgages to first-time home |
buyers. We have improved our ability to serve those customers |
by locating mortgage originators and agents in offices in |
Roxbury, Massachusetts. |
In an effort to serve more low-income homeowners, we are |
committed to work with the Federal Home Loan Bank and Members |
of Congress to get direct access to affordable housing programs |
through the Boston Federal Home Loan Bank. |
Sovereign has established community advisory boards in all |
the regions we serve. Through them we work collaboratively with |
our communities. We are planning on expanding our boards from |
two to five over the next year. We truly believe that a bank |
needs to listen to the concerns of the community, and must have |
a mechanism in place, such as advisory boards, to address those |
concerns. |
Sovereign is proud of its record of being in and of the |
communities where we live and work. We look forward to |
continuing to provide exemplary products, programs and services |
which will strengthen our customers, our community, in turn |
strengthen Sovereign Bank. |
Once again, thank you for inviting me to speak before you. |
I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Joseph P. Campanelli can be |
found on page 110 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. Ms. Finucane, what new benefits have come |
to consumers of Fleet Boston? What have they gained as a result |
of the merger with Bank of America? And what has the consumer |
response been to the new bank? I know Mr. Campanelli said that |
deposits in the accounts have increased. |
Ms. Finucane. Well, through research, we have discovered |
that more than 20 percent of our customers, the former Fleet |
customers, see the new bank more favorably. |
Chairman Bachus. And pull that mike up, if you would. |
Ms. Finucane. I'm sorry. |
So our customers see our bank more favorably since we |
announced the merger and since they've started to interact with |
us as Bank of America. |
We have increased net new checkings by more than 100,000, |
new checking accounts; same on savings accounts. So I think |
both the economics and the syndicated research would indicate |
that that was favorable. |
Specifically, why do they see it more favorably? I think |
because there is a national network of ATMs and branches that |
they can go to across the country at no surcharge. We have free |
checking, free online bill pay, a better suite of products in |
terms of mortgages, and frankly we can put more money into the |
communities in which we work and live. |
Chairman Bachus. Those are new benefits. And you did |
mention putting money into the community, the $1 million to |
Children's Hospital and others, philanthropic. Has that |
increased, your philanthropic giving? |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. We will increase our philanthropic |
giving. We just made a commitment for the next ten years that |
we will put $1.5 billion into charitable giving. |
So on a combined basis, what we're talking about is, the |
charitable giving Bank of America did, the charitable giving |
that Fleet did, combined, will over time be 40 percent improved |
on that combined basis; and immediately we just saw about a 10 |
percent improvement in the last year. |
Chairman Bachus. I see. |
What new benefits have former Fleet Boston employees been |
provided as a result of joining Bank of America, those that |
have retained their jobs? |
Ms. Finucane. First of all, they have greater job |
opportunities, stronger training programs. |
But just to give you two ideas of two specifics, we have a |
home ownership program for our associates that allows--it's |
basically a forgiven-loan program. We give $5,000 to an |
employee toward the purchase of their home, and if they stay |
with the company for five years, we forgive that loan entirely. |
During the course of that five years, they're just paying on |
the interest, anyway. We also have some fee waivers that go |
with that. Tree hundred and nineteen of our former Fleet |
employees have taken advantage of that just since May of this |
year. |
In 2005, we will introduce to the Bank of America program, |
to our Fleet associates, now Bank of America associates, a |
child-care program for lower-paid employees. Individuals that |
make $34,000 or less or have a household income of $60,000 or |
less will get $175 per child per month credit toward child |
care. |
Chairman Bachus. Okay. You know, you're talking about a |
large financial services corporation like Bank of America. How |
are you working to uphold the CRA requirements to deliver |
products and services to the LMI communities on the local |
level? |
Ms. Finucane. Well, thank you for asking the question, |
Chairman Bachus, because I know this is sort of the gist of |
many of the comments made by the community groups. |
First of all, I think we appreciate the fact that Bank of |
America is new to the region; and to Congressman Frank's point |
earlier, sometimes, if it's unfamiliar, organizations can cause |
some trepidation. |
I'd point again to the fact that both banks previous to |
this merger had outstanding CRA ratings. I would point out that |
both banks previous to this merger made commitments and then |
exceeded them in terms of the total goals. |
I would say that--and the community groups are aware of |
this--we have taken $750 billion. We've broken that out in |
terms of the Northeast. For instance, Massachusetts knows that |
the number is $8.4 billion for the next three years. We've |
broken it by category. We've talked to many community groups. |
I really think the gist of the problem that they see is |
they would like a lot of--we will report out on every item that |
they would like to know at the conclusion of a year. First of |
all, we will report out, not only by the state, but by |
metropolitan statistical analysis by each of the categories. It |
will include the LMI information, minority information to the |
degree it's disclosable. |
You also have HUMDA data, you have our CRA filings each |
year, and you have our filings with the SBA. That in total is |
very specific, but it isn't--so we set the goals, and the |
reporting happens at the conclusion of the year. At the |
conclusion of the year, if there are any problems, we get |
together with our community groups and work to solve them. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
And I think you've targeted $100 billion for the Northeast? |
Ms. Finucane. $100 billion for the Northeast over a ten- |
year period, but that's such a large number. We're trying to |
deal with it now in three-year increments, because I think it's |
much more tangible; and for the State of Massachusetts, it will |
be $8.4 billion, which is a 24 percent lift over what Fleet |
did. |
Chairman Bachus. What is that about the market president |
network working with--what was that? I had read that. |
Ms. Finucane. We have market presidents in each of our |
states, and in fact, using Massachusetts again as an example, |
we have a Massachusetts state president, and then we have |
regional presidents in Springfield, Worcester, Boston and Cape |
Cod. Each of those works with our people in CRA and in |
community development to look over the goals and to make sure |
they're met on a business level. |
It's more than just commitment. You have to make these |
goals with the businesses. You have to reach out to the retail |
group and the middle market group and the real estate loans to |
make sure each of these happen, and they oversee that process |
on a local basis. |
Chairman Bachus. Are you making strong local community |
alliances? |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. As I've said, we've met with more than |
100 community groups. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
Mr. Lynch? |
Mr. Lynch. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Anne and Joe, I want to |
thank you both for participating in this hearing. I just have |
one brief question for each of you. |
Anne, I know you've gone over generally some of the |
employment numbers, but could you take me through that again? |
Just where are we now with employment? It seems to be, you take |
one step forward, one back, but I know that's going to |
fluctuate for a little bit. |
And more importantly, what are our projections for, say, |
the next two years going forward with employment? |
Ms. Finucane. Thank you, Congressman Lynch. |
We, premerger, announced--by the way, I use this word |
``FTE,'' full-time equivalent. That sort of eliminates the |
issue of part-time/full-time. About 80 percent of our employees |
are full-time, 20 percent part-time. Full-time equivalent |
means, if there were two part-time employees, they are one |
full-time equivalent. |
So we had 17,900 full-time equivalents, premerger. |
The impact of the layoff in New England was 2,900 full-time |
equivalents. We have already hired back or have announced the |
hiring back of 1,100 of those, so that gets us down to, we |
still have a gap of 1,800. But we've done 1,100 in four months; |
I think it's reasonable to think we can do the next 1,800 in |
two years. |
The way we've done it is, we will look at many things, but |
two primary ways we've gotten back just the 1,100 is by moving |
the wealth and investment management group to Boston. That is |
one of the four major divisions of the company. It has six |
business units that report up to it, but it's one of the big |
divisions of the company. There are four big divisions. |
We've headquartered that in Boston, so we can expect that |
we will continue to grow the population of an employee base |
there, which are very well-paying jobs. We put 700 people, |
actually 700 full-time equivalents, 900 people that we will |
hire in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts in a center |
that we've put down there, a processing call center in Rhode |
Island. So I think it's the combination of those kinds of |
initiatives: growing business and then bringing business here. |
Mr. Lynch. Just one follow-up. |
I know that Maureen Flynn had mentioned in her testimony |
that we had one CRA specialist from Bank of America to handle |
both Massachusetts and Rhode Island. |
Ms. Finucane. Right. |
Mr. Lynch. Is there any chance that we might be able to get |
another person hired to take care of Massachusetts, one person |
handling Rhode Island? |
Ms. Finucane. Well, she's talking about a relationship |
manager. We actually have about ten people that handle the |
territory in the areas of tax credit or lending or mortgage |
origination. So she was talking about a relationship manager. |
I think what's reasonable is that we look at those ten |
people and see if there's a better distribution in terms of |
relationships. |
There was also an issue, I know, that Florence raised with |
lenders in Boston for the SoftSecond program. We agree with |
that, and we're in the midst of hiring. |
Mr. Lynch. Terrific. Thank you very much. |
Joseph, if I could ask you, could you elaborate a little |
bit on the plans of Sovereign Bank post-merger to meet or |
expand its CRA commitments in struggling communities? I've got |
a few of those. And also if there are any job-enhancement |
possibilities specifically for people living in those |
communities. |
Mr. Campanelli. Yes; thank you, Congressman. |
Many of the discussions we had in our community advisory |
group is how we can do a better job. One of the things that |
came out of those discussions is a need for us to better |
deliver our bank products to all of our communities. |
The catalyst behind our reorganization was to put senior |
executives in those communities that can make decisions and are |
held accountable for the entire bank product distribution, |
whether it's CRA, consumer, small business, or general |
corporate banking. |
That has really allowed us to find opportunities, such as |
Roxbury Technology, where they had a struggling company; had a |
great opportunity to provide products to Staples. We partnered |
with Staples, provided a working-capital line. Ten new jobs are |
added in Roxbury, and we believe that's only the beginning. |
It's a model that we're looking to expand throughout all our |
footprint. |
We're so supportive of it, we've actually moved our entire |
purchasing relationship from a current provider to Staples, |
because we feel Staples gets it. They want to look at ways you |
can do a better job of creating jobs in the city tied to |
affordable housing. |
It really is an integrated approach on how we work with the |
community groups that are out there, the development agencies, |
some of the state and local programs, and with our own team |
members in those markets, making a difference. |
Mr. Lynch. Thank you, Joe; thank you, Anne. |
Mr. Chairman, I thank the Committee for your courtesy to |
me. I do know that Senator Nuciforo and also Representative |
Quinn are going to testify on the next panel. Unfortunately I |
have to be somewhere else, but I will follow up on both of |
those legislators after the hearing, after their testimony; so |
we'll touch base then. Again, thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
At this time, I recognize the Ranking Member. |
Mr. Frank? |
Mr. Frank. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
I want to say, as I said before, there has been unusually |
good testimony from all of the witnesses, and I appreciate it. |
I want to comment particularly on the choice of one |
witness. There was one report that somehow the fact that Ms. |
Finucane was testifying instead of Mr. Lewis was a problem for |
the Committee. Quite the opposite is the case. It would be very |
odd if we were simultaneously to complain that there was not |
enough local input, and an objection when we got it. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank. The fact is that Ms. Finucane has been, I think, |
a very important player in understanding. And she's in the |
middle; she's conveying messages both ways. There was no |
problem at all, it seems to me; in fact, I think it is |
preferable. |
We've had a chance to talk to Mr.Lewis; people seem to have |
forgotten, those who commented on that, that Mr.Lewis made a |
special trip up here in September when we were particularly |
distressed about employment. He visited Representative Quinn, |
Senator Nuciforo, Representative Capuano, myself and |
representatives from the offices of my colleagues; so we regard |
this as an entirely legitimate and useful approach. |
Let me say, here is the situation with Bank of America. We |
have a major national economic entity entering this region. |
They come in, and they buy up what had been a major regional |
entity. |
That's a fact that inevitably gets people nervous. It |
doesn't mean anybody's a bad guy or a bad woman; it's just |
that's the kind of thing that happens. |
It also, though, is very important. Clearly, we're going to |
have to learn to live with each other. I think we ought to be |
ready to do that. People have said, well, you know, if it was |
up to us, Bank of America wouldn't be coming in here. |
Well, if it was up to some people at the Bank of America, |
maybe I wouldn't be in office. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank. I mean, we didn't pick each other. But in the |
interest of the people we serve, some of us in the electoral |
process, and others through the economic process, we're going |
to work together. There will be some bumps and grinds, but I |
think we are moving forward, let me say; and I think it's |
important to both give credit where it's due, but then complain |
where you haven't been satisfied. |
With regard to housing, Bank of America has been extremely |
responsive. We've already noted that with the Massachusetts |
Housing Partnership cashing out, there was a state obligation |
that they find some money, but they turned that into a cash |
grant at our request, and that was helpful. |
Same thing with the affordable housing program, they took |
strides to do that; working with the Mass.Affordable Housing |
Alliance. Ms. Finucane just acknowledged that they need to do |
better in Boston, and we look forward to that. |
On the other hand, there have been some unsatisfactory |
conversations elsewhere, and I must say--maybe it's a cultural |
difference--why there is resistance to appointing a state |
advisory board, I do not understand. |
I must tell you, give you a little free political |
consulting advice. If I could make some people who were unhappy |
happy by appointing an advisory board, you'd have that board |
appointed in about a minute and a half. I never heard of |
anybody that ever died from having an advisory board. |
And the fact is that I would hope people would understand, |
you're talking about constructive people. These are not barn |
burners; these are people who are thoughtful, who understand |
economics, and I think it is important to note that in all the |
differences, neither side has accused the other, it seems to |
me, of being economically unrealistic. So I would hope we could |
work within that framework. |
I then want to turn to the jobs question. Now, that's been |
important for both banks, and that was one of the issues that |
we talked about. |
Housing, I think everything is good. In some of the other |
areas, we still have some concerns and some further work to be |
done; and I think the request for specificity, I would say to |
the Bank of America, is a perfectly reasonable one. |
But let me just touch on race. This is one of the |
advantages of Ms. Finucane. Anybody who has lived in Boston for |
the last twenty years or more knows we've had this terrible |
situation with regard to race. That is significantly improving, |
and a lot of us have worked to improve it. |
But there's a residual tension, and anybody who approaches |
the race situation in Boston shouldn't be surprised when there |
is a show-me attitude, a demand for specificity, because it's |
part of the heritage that we're all working to overcome. |
Then the other area is employment. I was disappointed, and |
said so in September, when I thought that job losses were |
coming that had not been anticipated. I agree that since |
September, with the three announcements, first moving wealth |
management here, then opening the call center in Rhode Island, |
which is near my district, in southeastern Massachusetts, as is |
my colleague Representative Quinn from there. The city of Fall |
River, for example, is in the Providence SMSA. So when you put |
good jobs like that in East Providence right next to |
Massachusetts, you're doing a good thing for southeastern Mass. |
as well. I appreciate that. |
I think we also ought to be clear, there was no legal |
requirement that Bank of America pledge to keep its employment |
commitment. That was something that they did and we were |
pleased to see. Some of us would have been more critical. I |
cannot say that the landlords here in this institution, the |
Federal Reserve, would have paid a lot of attention to us. I |
mean, if we had been disappointed in the job thing, I must tell |
you that it is not my approach to say, well, these guys don't |
like it; that's the end of that merger. But we do have that. It |
is important. |
So I appreciate the steps that have been taken to begin to |
move jobs back, and I guess I want to say, at this point I am |
confident that Bank of America means what it says. Obviously-- |
and I think it's a year from now we're talking about, January |
of 2006, is that the date that we said by which there would be |
the equivalency? |
Ms. Finucane. Well, 2006 in---- |
Mr. Frank. Not necessarily January? Sometime in 2006? |
Ms. Finucane. It's reasonable to expect that we would, |
before the middle of 2006---- |
Mr. Frank. Obviously, that's going to be critical to the |
relationship. I must say, if we can get back then, then there |
will be some--I think that will be, as I said, very helpful to |
the relationship. |
We did have, with regard to Sovereign, an inevitable job |
loss because of Seacoast. With Sovereign, there was much more |
overlap. I guess one of the reasons we were concerned, we were |
surprised to some extent, there was no Bank of America/Fleet |
overlap; Sovereign and Seacoast had a considerable overlap. But |
I do appreciate Sovereign's reaching out on the Community |
Investment Act; and as I said, they have been working with us |
in housing. |
Let me just close with one other kind of general comment, |
that I hope my friends in the banking community will listen to. |
I'm not going to talk about your bonuses this time; I did that |
last week in New York. |
But the question we have is this: Clearly, the merger, |
Sovereign buying up Seacoast, Bank of America buying up Fleet, |
those are in the interests of the overall economic efficiency |
of the country; and I believe that they are. |
Productivity goes up. Technology and globalization, all |
those things, argue for these kinds of mergers. But we have |
this problem in this country. Alan Greenspan said in April of |
2004 that the good news was that productivity was going up, but |
he noted--this is to the Joint Economic Committee--that all of |
the gains from the increased productivity were inuring to the |
owners of capital, and none were going to compensation paid in |
the form of wages. I don't think that is sustainable in terms |
of equity, and I don't think it's sustainable economically. |
We're now looking at retail job figures for this holiday |
season, and what do we see? The luxury goods are going off the |
charts in the upper direction, and the bottom is falling out of |
some of the low-end. |
Now, I must say, I tell my colleagues, the fact that Wal- |
Mart isn't doing well doesn't cause me any great heartburn, for |
reasons of their antisocial approach in so many ways. But |
economically, here's the problem: The inequality in America is, |
I think, beginning to have not just negative social effects, |
but negative macroeconomic effects, because you cannot sustain |
an economy where a large number of people don't have that kind |
of money to do things. |
So that's the context in which corporate responsibility has |
to be explained. |
Yes, I understand that this merger, that this purchase by |
Bank of America of Fleet, the purchase of Seacoast by |
Sovereign, these are in the overall macroeconomic interests of |
the country; but we cannot continue to ignore the distributive |
effects, because that's neither socially acceptable nor, I |
think, economically useful. |
So that's why we say to Bank of America, please try to |
maintain this economic situation, the job situation, because |
it's not simply what it does to the bottom line or to the gross |
domestic product that counts; we need to have some concern |
about equity. |
As I said, I just hope that it will be understood in this |
context. Nobody up here disagrees with the important role that |
banks play in our free market system, but we hope that we would |
get a significant understanding that increasing productivity |
and enhancing the profitability of stockholders by itself is |
not enough; and if that's all that happens, you're going to see |
a movement in the country towards a kind of economic disparity |
that, as I said, I disagree with in terms of values, but I |
think has some economic negatives. |
Mr. Chairman, I've overused my time. I appreciate the |
indulgence. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. I would like to confirm that |
when you're disappointed, you do say so. I think that's partly |
a Massachusetts thing. |
[Laughter.] |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Capuano? |
Mr. Capuano. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I wasn't disappointed |
in the baseball scores this year, so that's about it. |
Mr. Chairman, I have a few questions. Before I do, I want |
to echo what Barney said about Ms. Finucane. She has a great |
reputation. We're looking forward to her running this bank. |
And I'm hoping that things smooth out because of your |
knowledge of the region and the different culture that we may |
or may not have. I have no proof whether we do, but I know our |
culture, you know our culture; if it is different, I'm hoping |
that they listen to you. |
I'd also like to thank Mr. Campanelli. Again, as I said |
earlier, I think Sovereign is one of the banks that has |
understood that. They're not a local bank, and I think that his |
predecessor, Mr. Hamill, and Mr. Campanelli both have brought a |
knowledge of the region that their bank has heard. As I said |
earlier, I think with the Bank of America, the test is still |
out. |
I just want to say for myself, the things I've been most |
concerned with this merger are the lack of details that people |
can look at and say, okay, this is what we can expect. If we |
don't like it, fine; I can see a reason people will disagree, |
and some people will never be satisfied. I may even be one of |
them. But without detail, there is nothing but questions and |
distrust; and for me, that's been the biggest issue. |
Part of that lack of detail has also been the suspect |
timing of some of the announcements that may or may not have |
happened otherwise. The fact that it just so happens you |
announced 300 jobs here in Massachusetts last week when we're |
having a hearing, it's nice, but it does raise questions. And I |
wonder, do we need to have a hearing every week to get good |
news? |
And the fact that we just get a three-page strategic |
business plan this week, again, it's a nice plan, it's a good |
beginning; but do I have to have a hearing next week to get the |
details? |
So for me, it's not so much that I'm capable--I think |
anyone here is capable of questioning the substance or the |
motivation, as much as we're not sure; and it just seems to |
have taken a long time to make progress on that issue. |
And I guess most notably, and I know that you've heard my |
questions in the past, when it comes to the employees, I |
understand that when mergers happen--I think we all do--in the |
real world, that people lose their jobs. We know that. We |
understand that. We understand the result of it. |
But what I'd like to ask now, as I've asked in the past, |
without getting down to every single individual job, can you |
tell us right now, are the bulk, the major, the 99 percent of |
the merger-related layoffs, are they done, or do we have more |
to come? |
Ms. Finucane. They're done. |
Mr. Capuano. Thank you. I think that's important for the |
employees to know, especially in this season, for them now to |
go to Christmas. Understanding that individuals can continue to |
be laid off, and that five people, ten people are not the bulk, |
I really appreciate that statement; and I think had it been |
made earlier by others, that it would be done when we had X |
number, I think that would have made a lot of employees in the |
region a lot more comfortable. |
Relative to the plan that was released last week, I saw |
last Sunday, again, it is a fine first step. The numbers I'm |
not questioning; the intent I'm not questioning. But are there |
plans by the bank to work out more detail, or is that it? |
Ms. Finucane. There are more--should I answer that now? |
Mr. Capuano. Please. |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. |
First of all, in order to meet the goals that we've set, |
you've got to meet with community groups, and you've got to |
work through with them. The production itself, often what |
happens--in the case of MAHA, they helped us with true |
production on the SoftSecond program. In some other community |
development groups, they can help us with true production. |
In many cases, we have to deliver it through our banking |
centers, our real estate, ourselves; and we're looking for |
partnership in terms of identifying those opportunities. That |
goes on, not just when there's a hearing; it goes on every day, |
in every part of our country, including throughout |
Massachusetts. |
I think the real issue is--and we will report on that in as |
thorough a manner as I think anyone could want at the |
conclusion of a year, and that's been the Bank of America |
practice for the last few years. It's worked very well in terms |
of they exceeded their goals; they got an outstanding CRA |
rating. We will do the same here, so that I think the |
specificity will all be there. It isn't prospective; it is |
reported on an annualized basis. |
But that doesn't mean that we're not meeting with every |
community group that we need to meet with in order to create |
that production. |
Mr. Capuano. But does that mean that the three-page |
document that we have, will I see a ten-page document or a 20- |
page document in the next month, six months, some period or do |
I have to wait until we're now working backwards to see whether |
you met those numbers? |
For instance, the questions I asked the last panel, who's |
going to get the money? Where is it going to go? What's your |
definition of affordable housing? How much is going to be |
leased? How much is going to owned? |
All those questions that are really too detailed to deal |
with now, do we expect to see that, or are we going to have to |
wait for various reports? |
And I understand all the reports that banks have to do, and |
that's why they're there. Do we have to wait for all those |
reports to come in, and look retrospectively to say, oh, you |
met them? Or can all the organizations, and more importantly, |
the constituents I represent, who are looking for these things, |
will they be able to say, okay, we know what the bank plans on |
doing this. Are we going to work with the bank to help them |
reach their goals? |
Ms. Finucane. I think it will be clear how to work with us. |
I think that what you're hearing from--and let me use MACDC as |
an example--the specificity in which they would like us to lay |
out by category, by microcategory, prospectively we will not be |
doing. |
What we will be doing, though, is, remember that--and I |
don't mean to sound like a broken record here. Both companies |
had outstanding CRA ratings. Both companies report out by |
category, by LMI, by minority, by region, by MSA, on an |
annualized basis; and then we of course report with HUMDA and |
SBA, which we're the number one SBA lender. |
We're also at 27 percent, I think it is, of LMI mortgage |
lending in Massachusetts. This stuff is going on constantly, |
and we will be working with the community groups to make sure |
that we can meet those goals. |
Our job is to maintain stronger relationships with even the |
people that were here on this panel on a go-forward basis in |
order to create production. |
Mr. Capuano. I appreciate that. |
Mr. Campanelli, my last question. I presume you sat in on |
some of the negotiations relative to Sovereign, both the |
original ones and the renegotiations? |
Mr. Campanelli. The vast majority. |
Mr. Capuano. Did those negotiations hurt you either |
financially or socially or competitiveness? |
Mr. Campanelli. No; and it depends on how you characterize |
negotiations. We viewed them more as conversations, looking at |
where we can do better, what was available within the |
community, and how best to accomplish the objective and the |
goal. |
Mr. Capuano. Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Watt? |
Mr. Watt. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
I was tempted to pick up on Mr. Capuano's statement and |
suggest that we might have a hearing in Charlotte if we can get |
three or four hundred jobs created there; but I won't go there. |
[Laughter.] |
And Barbara says she wants one in California. |
Mr. Meeks. You can't bypass New York. |
Mr. Watt. Well, you already said New York is the center of |
the universe for banking, so it's not a big thing. |
Mr. Campanelli, I'm going to ignore you for a little bit, |
but it's not because I don't like you. |
Mr. Campanelli. That's quite all right. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Watt. It's because you don't have any operations in my |
area, so I'm going to Ms. Finucane here. |
Process: The testimony of the witnesses on the first panel, |
you've made some written commitments. There are some areas |
where you have not made written commitments. |
First of all, where there is no history of an apparent |
transformative effect, as I have the benefit of having in my |
community, do you view it as something that's important to have |
written commitments on other things, and will there be ongoing |
efforts to get to written agreements, commitments, or is it |
just inconsistent with your philosophy, you'll wait until the |
end of the year, you'll report, you'll exceed maybe, probably, |
all of what you might have agreed to do in a written commitment |
if you had agreed to do it in a written commitment; but is |
there a philosophical objection to getting to written |
agreements of some kind? |
Ms. Finucane. First, let me address the issue of the panel. |
We're familiar with the panel and have worked with each of |
the members of the panel in the past, and we will continue to |
work with the members of the panel. We respect their point of |
view. We respect their issues. We think that we can meet the |
need and continue a relationship without a written agreement. |
In the past Fleet has had written agreements. I will tell |
you honestly, in some cases, while we exceeded our overall goal |
of, in our case it was $14.6 billion, in some cases there was a |
written agreement of certain production in a certain geography |
in a certain category that probably over a two-year period we |
should have adjusted, but one gets locked into these written |
agreements, and there's very little flexibility. |
Secondly, Bank of America has had a very good track record, |
without the written agreements, of delivering on everything |
they had laid out. This isn't just rhetoric; it's a matter of |
the record. And it isn't just our record; it's record by |
regulatory bodies and by law. |
So I think that for all of those reasons, we feel pretty |
comfortable. |
I appreciate the fact that Bank of America is new to the |
region, but many of us in this room and that are working with |
the community groups are not new. I think if we were good for |
our word before, we are good for our word now. Also, our record |
shows it. |
Mr. Watt. I'm probably the last person on this panel that |
ought to be trying to pin you down on this, but I'd have to say |
you did a good dance for me there. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Watt. Do I take that to mean that there will not be |
additional written commitments? I mean, it sounds like you've |
made a commitment on the second mortgage fund. You've made |
public pronouncements on the lending front. |
Ms. Finucane. Right. |
Mr. Watt. For CRA purposes, where apparently there has not |
been a written commitment of any kind, small business lending, |
employment composition, racial composition, procurement, a |
critically important area; do I understand the bottom line to |
be, there's not going to be a commitment? It's a ``Trust me''? |
Ms. Finucane. No, it's not a ``Trust me.'' |
First of all, we have made some commitments. The Bank of |
America has made a commitment to, over the next few years--and |
I'll give you a report card on this year--of reaching a 15 |
percent goal of minority procurement. |
This year we were--or 2003, which was the last full year we |
could report on, it's 9 percent. That's 620---- |
Mr. Watt. That's a global commitment? |
Ms. Finucane. Nationally. But I'll get to---- |
Mr. Watt. That's a national commitment, and what I'm |
hearing from the local folks here is, we can't do this |
globally; we've got to do it community by community. Is there a |
problem with that? |
Ms. Finucane. Well, no; but if I could, in the Northeast |
alone, just by way of example, Fleet had, in 2003, spent $50 |
million on procurement with minority vendors. In the Northeast, |
Bank of America did $100 million. |
So I think it's reasonable to expect that we will do better |
as a combined bank than we did as Fleet alone, and that is in |
the Northeast itself. |
In terms of statistical numbers, which I hesitate to refer |
to--and I do have them on a national basis; I don't have them |
for Massachusetts, although we have had conversations with Juan |
at the local NAACP on numerous occasions--our numbers, and this |
is the September filing, our total work force was 68 percent |
women, 42 percent people of color. And to use that, sort of |
another outlook at that, for the vice-president level and |
above, 46 percent were women, and 22 percent were minority. |
So from a global perspective, those numbers are very good. |
I don't have them for Massachusetts in any kind of recent form. |
I need to state that we deeply appreciate the need for |
opportunity for all our employees, and we seek to have a |
diverse work force that reflects the communities in which we |
work and live. That's good for business. |
We have a diversity council; we have a hiring practice that |
seeks a diverse candidate base for almost any job that we have. |
Fifty percent of our people that we've hired in our branches in |
the last two years, 50 percent of them are bilingual. I cannot |
tell you what an effort we try to make in terms of diversity, |
not only in terms of our employment base, but reaching out to |
the community. |
Mr. Watt. I think the concern is, you're talking about |
performance, and other people are asking you about commitments; |
and those people are people who don't have the history, |
necessarily of--I mean, I hope that you will consider, at least |
in the procurement area, and you said there's somewhere written |
down, a 15 percent commitment. |
Ms. Finucane. There is a commitment to 15 percent. |
Mr. Watt. In this area, or globally? |
Ms. Finucane. Globally. But I want to give by example, just |
to use the Northeast, which was in the last few weeks the most |
narrow we could break it down, Bank of America spent |
$100million on the diverse supplier list, where Fleet had done |
$50 million. |
So frankly, it's clearly an improvement and one that I |
think will bode well for the future. We're going to do it for |
Mass. Will we do it for each state? I don't think so. Will we |
do it by region? We will try to do that, to give some |
specificity. |
In terms of agreement, just a final thing. Sometimes this |
is an issue of language. Each of the people that we deal with |
in terms of community groups, in essence, there's a form of an |
agreement with many of these groups because the community |
groups help us deliver on our promises. But it's a focus on |
production rather than a prospective ideology. |
Mr. Watt. Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Mr. Meeks? |
Mr. Meeks. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'll be brief, and I |
think I'm learning from some of the Massachusetts people here. |
All politics is local, and I don't know whether you're equipped |
to answer these questions. Just a couple questions real quick |
now, but they're going to pertain to New York. |
Ms. Finucane. Okay. |
Mr. Meeks. I understand that Bank of America is in the |
process of building a large tower in Manhattan very shortly. |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. |
Mr. Meeks. So my question is, do you know whether or not |
Bank of America has, or will have, a minority business |
component to go along with the construction of that building, |
where there will be minorities that will be involved on the |
construction phase of the building? |
Chairman Bachus. I thought he was going to ask for two more |
stories on the building. |
[Laughter.] |
Ms. Finucane. Well, we are not responsible for the actual |
construction of the building. That is--I forget the name of the |
firm. I'm sorry; I don't recall the national developer's name, |
but we are not handling the construction of the building. |
Mr. Meeks. But they're contracted by you? It's been my |
experience in New York, any time we've had a major corporation, |
for example, with American Express, after 9/11 they were |
redoing their building, and there was another contractor, but |
they told their contractor they wanted to make sure that there |
was a minority business component of the construction of the |
building. Because again, it reflects upon them. |
Ms. Finucane. Right. |
Mr. Meeks. So I'm wondering if there's a similar type of at |
least a direction in which the Bank of America is moving with |
reference to this construction of this large tower. |
Ms. Finucane. Well, we certainly support opportunity, and |
given that we're neither doing the construction nor are we the |
developer of it, we're a few sort of businesses removed; but I |
will look into that. I'm sorry; I just can't---- |
Mr. Meeks. I understand. Please look into it, because I can |
tell you that a number of us, we'll be reaching out to you, but |
we'll also be reaching out to the contractor. |
Secondly, the local concern that I have, Fleet had a large |
presence in my district, and was doing a number of things |
there, had a number of individuals that were employed there. I |
think totally, though, Bank of America at the time only had |
about 40 to 43 people that were employed in the district. |
I was wondering whether or not, with the merger, whether or |
not Fleet will be looking to do additional business in a |
district like mine--I'm in southeastern Queens, which is |
basically really kind of a middle-class community. So I was |
wondering whether or not there's any plans to expand in |
communities like mine since this merger, but particularly since |
Fleet had such a large presence within the district. |
Ms. Finucane. Well, Bank of America has not only the |
capacity but the desire to build out in New York City in a more |
aggressive way than Fleet would have been able to do. So we |
have already opened six new banking centers in the Manhattan |
area; we're looking at other opportunities throughout New York |
City. |
I can't speak with specificity about your district, because |
I don't know whether we have a banking center planned; but I |
can tell you that we are looking to expand our presence in New |
York. Unlike New England, we do not have a number-one presence |
in terms of market share in New York, and we're eager to get |
there. |
So I think that we would be most anxious to continue a |
dialogue with you. |
I know that you can expect that in terms of employment |
levels, philanthropy and community development, those will all |
improve in the next months and years to come. |
Mr. Meeks. Very good. I definitely would like to have that |
discussion, because unfortunately what has happened--and Fleet |
was the one that was really kind of taking up some of the |
slack--there was not the kind of presence given the economic |
impact that the community had, particularly on a commercial |
level with commercial development in the community. So I would |
love to be able to follow up with you to have a conversation |
with regards particularly to southeastern Massachusetts and |
Queens. |
Ms. Finucane. Thank you. |
And Congressman, I would like to address a comment you made |
earlier in your questioning of the community groups about |
financial literacy. Just as an example, we've put more than $6 |
million into the issue of financial literacy. I think that most |
financial institutions, I'm sure Sovereign agrees, all of us |
feel that we need to do more in the area of financial literacy. |
Mr. Meeks. Thank you for that, and I'll be looking for you |
to come and help out some of our schools in southeastern |
Queens. Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Ms. Lee? |
Ms. Lee. Thank you very much. Thank you, Ms. Finucane, for |
your testimony. |
I'm glad to hear of the $100 billion commitment here as it |
relates to CRA. I'm trying to reconcile what I heard from Mr. |
Cofield in terms of, it seems like there's some disconnect |
here. He indicated that he only heard and had some refreshing |
discussion very recently, last week, with regard to what is |
taking place and what the plans and commitments are. |
So again, going back to associating itself to Mr. Capuano's |
remarks, what is it going to take? The NAACP is a very |
important organization, and if they have only had recent |
discussions, what can we do to make sure that those discussions |
are real and continue? That's the first part of my question. |
The second is, you mentioned that Bank of America is the |
number-one mortgage lending institution to minorities. Could |
you verify that for California for me, please? Because from |
what I remember, the last report that I saw was very dismal in |
terms of B of A and its lending to minorities; but I may be |
wrong. I'd like to verify that. |
And thirdly, with regard to minority and women-owned |
businesses--I was a former small business owner; I was in |
business eleven years prior to coming to Congress--and just |
listening to Mel Watt and talking about written agreements, I |
had to have written agreements for everything I did; |
everything. There was no way I could function without a written |
agreement. Not just contractual, but every move I made had to |
have a written agreement. But I guess the rules are a little |
different for the small businesses. |
But I'm looking at the breakdown that you provided |
subsequent to Congressman Frank's request with regard to |
minority and women owned businesses, and I want to ask you, is |
this a national chart that you provided? You had 511 African- |
American suppliers, 59 Asian-Indian---- |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. |
Ms. Lee. That's national. |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. |
Ms. Lee. And 519 Hispanic. Last year is 9 percent? |
Ms. Finucane. 2003. |
Ms. Lee. 2003 is 9 percent, and you're hoping to get to 15 |
percent next year? |
Ms. Finucane. Actually, no; I think it's in 2009. |
Actually, in 2004, my guess is that our number, our |
percentage, will look lower, because the denominator will be |
higher, because we'll have the combination of Fleet and Bank of |
America. So the actual dollars spent with minority suppliers |
will go up; but because the denominator is bigger, the |
percentage will look slightly lower. |
Ms. Lee. It just looks like a very small number of |
suppliers that you have nationwide, so I'll be very interested |
to see the dollar amount. Maybe the dollar amount doesn't |
support an additional pool of minorities. |
Ms. Finucane. It is 625 for 2003. |
Ms. Lee. 625---- |
Ms. Finucane. Million. |
Ms. Lee.----million? Out of what, in terms of total |
suppliers. |
Ms. Finucane. Out of the base, I'm sorry; I don't know. We |
could provide that to you. |
Ms. Lee. Could you provide that for us, please? |
Ms. Finucane. I can provide to you in terms of where we |
stood in terms of mortgage lending in California. In |
California, we're number three. |
Ms. Lee. You're number three in California? |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. |
Ms. Lee. Do you have the breakdown in terms of the |
percentages. |
Ms. Finucane. I don't here today. |
Ms. Lee. Would you get that? |
Ms. Finucane. Sure. |
Ms. Lee. Because I just want to verify this, because the |
general--and again, it's based on the report we saw several, |
about a year or two ago, the numbers had seemed to be, for |
African-Americans 2 to 3 percent. |
Ms. Finucane. Okay; we'll look into that. |
Ms. Lee. It was very low. |
Ms. Finucane. I do want to speak to Mr. Cofield's remarks |
insomuch as I'm sorry you only found them productive in the |
last week or so, but we have had conversations for the past |
year through the local NAACP and then an association, a |
coalition that's associated with it. So the dialogue continues. |
Ms. Lee. I think his point was, though, it was not a |
definitive dialogue; it was finally beginning to become a |
dialogue. |
Ms. Finucane. Right. Well, I appreciate that. |
Ms. Lee. Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
Mr. Tierney, it's your time to wrap up and summarize. |
Mr. Tierney. Thank you. I feel a little bad for Mr. |
Campanelli here, but I don't think he feels too bad about it. |
[Laughter.] |
Chairman Bachus. I haven't heard him complain. |
Mr. Tierney. I haven't heard him complain, either; and I'm |
not going to break the pattern here. |
It's safe to say that the folks that Sovereign has working |
up in the northeastern part of the state certainly are doing a |
great job, and we appreciate that, both with the local and |
small business community and the community at large; so thank |
you on that. |
Ms. Finucane, I just want to nail down some aspects. It |
looks to me, or sounds to me, as if the concern that Bank of |
America has about specificity is that there will be some |
resulting litigation, or if not litigation, confrontation about |
not having met specific exact details down there; that you feel |
you can meet general firm things, but geographically there |
might be a little difference in the way things result or things |
like that. Is that part of the hesitation? |
Ms. Finucane. No. Really, the hesitation is that I would |
say we would like some flexibility, because what happens--I |
don't think it will be litigation, by the way. It's a matter |
of, you seek some flexibility so that as you see opportunity, |
you can take it. And I don't mean just---- |
Mr. Tierney. I hear you, but can't you--how is it that |
Citizens can do it and Sovereign can do it, and the Bank of |
America can't come up with some sort of a written agreement |
setting forth specific goals with some flexibility in it? I |
think you've got smart lawyers and negotiators. |
Ms. Finucane. I think we have it. Our written agreement is |
that we will do $750 billion; $100 billion a year and $8.4 |
billion in the next three years in Massachusetts---- |
Mr. Tierney. I think you know what I'm saying. It's not |
specific in terms of what the advocacy groups are looking for, |
nor even reasonably in that direction. Apparently Mr. Cofield |
felt that you didn't get to the national global figures until |
last week; so while you may have had a lot of conversations |
over the period of time, you're just getting to the global |
figures. There's some frustration that I sense on that, that |
you couldn't have gotten there sooner and down to a more |
specific level locally here at a quicker pace. |
Ms. Finucane. I appreciate what you're saying, Congressman. |
We did provide these global numbers before. I think he was |
speaking about more specificity in terms of a relationship |
going forward, and an advisory role that he feels that the |
local NAACP could play. So I think he was speaking more |
specifically. The numbers have not been unclear. |
Just to repeat, I'm not being--this isn't rhetoric. We have |
broken it by state, by category within the state, and the |
difference between what our previous commitment was and our |
current commitment, and what improvement that would be. I think |
we have a game plan for how we will get there. |
What we haven't done is given, by category, a prospective |
by category, by geography, some of the categories that some of |
the community groups would like; and they're not all in |
agreement on what they would like. |
Mr. Tierney. I understand. Is there any other aspect of |
your business that you don't look prospectively forward and set |
out some written goals with a certain degree of specificity? |
Ms. Finucane. We have written out prospective goals with |
specificity. I think the disconnect is the kinds of commitments |
and the kinds of reporting they would like us to do. We want to |
report it at the end of the year---- |
Mr. Tierney. Well, that wouldn't be very prospective. |
Ms. Finucane. But the prospective is that we've laid out |
the categories, the increase in the categories, and the |
fundamental ways that we will get there. |
Mr. Tierney. And they want? |
Ms. Finucane. They want greater specificity. They basically |
want--I think to be fair, using retrospectively what we've seen |
other banks do or that we've done ourselves, it's very |
cumbersome. If you're doing it--the amount of money we will |
spend in these categories far outweighs what any other bank in |
the region will spend in these categories. |
Mr. Tierney. Have you seen the models that the witnesses |
have talked about in terms of what Sovereign has done in |
reaching an agreement with them? |
Ms. Finucane. No. |
Mr. Tierney. Maybe it would be instructive to take a look |
at that and see if there's some objection that Bank of America |
has that you couldn't get close to that model. It seems to me, |
if other banks can do it, then--and not having looked at it for |
Sovereign Bank, Bank of America objecting to something they're |
not even clear on what it is that they might accomplish and |
might get to some point of agreement with. |
Ms. Finucane. I think we'd be happy to look at those. We |
certainly have in the past with Fleet, and so has Bank of |
America. |
I just would repeat, it isn't as if we're talking about two |
banks that haven't done well at this. |
Mr. Tierney. No; and please, I don't mean to interrupt. |
You've said that over and over again, and I think everyone in |
the room gets the point. |
Ms. Finucane. I hope so. |
Mr. Tierney. I hope so, too. But I don't know if Bank of |
America is getting the point---- |
Ms. Finucane. I think we are getting the point. |
Mr. Tierney.----that it is quite possible to do a |
prospective agreement with more specificity than it has. |
And now, to get back to the original point, is it attitude, |
or what is it that makes the bank so stubborn in saying it |
doesn't want to get to that point? |
Ms. Finucane. It's not attitude. It's a matter of, in terms |
of good business--I think the thing is, in terms of the |
agreements, there are many organizations we will do very |
specific agreements with in order to produce the results that |
we need. |
These are coalitions of community groups that want various |
steps to be taken, various iterations on the reporting. You |
spend a lot of time doing that and maybe less time doing the |
production, and when you produce much more than any other |
company can do, I think there's a value to that, too. |
Mr. Tierney. Did you have those kinds of agreements with |
Fleet and these organizations? |
Ms. Finucane. Yes. |
Mr. Tierney. So it's not impossible to do it; you've done |
it before? |
Ms. Finucane. Right. |
Mr. Tierney. Can you explain for me the reasons, what went |
wrong with those agreements that would encourage you not to |
want to enter into them as Bank of America? |
Ms. Finucane. I don't think it's a matter of what went |
wrong. This is a different business model. |
Mr. Tierney. In what way? |
Ms. Finucane. The different business model is that we will |
lay out our goals, we will---- |
Mr. Tierney. Without specificity? |
Ms. Finucane. No, I think there is specificity. I think |
that we do have more specificity than you're appreciating here |
in this room. |
Mr. Tierney. Do you have more specificity, in Bank of |
America's view, than you did when you had Fleet? |
Ms. Finucane. No. |
Mr. Tierney. And you say that your new business model |
prohibits you from getting the kind of specificity you had in |
the Fleet agreements. |
Ms. Finucane. No, I don't think it's a matter of |
prohibiting. I think it's a matter of, we feel we can deliver |
on this. We think that in working with the community groups, we |
will meet and exceed our goals; and we will have a track record |
from both companies to have done that. |
Mr. Tierney. Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. I appreciate it, folks, your |
testimony. |
Mr. Campanelli, is there anything you'd like to add? |
Mr. Campanelli. No; I appreciate the opportunity to speak |
before the Committee, and it's really the results of all our |
team members that allows us to accomplish what we've done. We |
look forward to continue being a responsible corporate citizen. |
Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. I appreciate both your |
testimonies. Very instructive. |
Ms. Finucane. Thank you. |
[Pause.] |
Chairman Bachus. At this time we will reconvene with our |
third panel, which is made up of elected and state officials. |
This time, Mr. Frank is going to introduce the third panel. |
Mr. Frank. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'll do it in the order |
that they're seated. |
First is Representative John Quinn, who is someone I work |
very closely with, both on banking issues, and also he is in my |
district and is a great expert on fishing law. So John Quinn |
has been a great representative of the fishing industry, and |
I'm glad to have him here. |
Next to him is Senator Andrea Nuciforo. People should know, |
in Massachusetts, the legislative committees are joint |
committees; and they are co-chairs of the Committee on Banks |
and Banking, is it still called, in Massachusetts. Senator |
Nuciforo represents western Massachusetts, and between them |
they have a very distinguished record, including the passage in |
Massachusetts of, I think, a very good predatory lending law |
that I hope we will take a look at. It's close to the law of |
South Carolina, and I think serves as a good national model. |
Finally, Commissioner Steven Antonakes, who is a bank |
commissioner. We have a very strong commission in Massachusetts |
of bank commissioners who have been both fully appreciative of |
the importance of the banking industry and respectful of the |
rights of consumers. I understand how they go together, and |
Commissioner Antonakes has continued in that tradition, so I |
very much appreciate them. |
We have, of course, Massachusetts laws that are applicable. |
One, in fact, that has been alluded to--and people should be |
clear it's a Massachusetts law--when there have been various |
references to the $18 million that Bank of America put into |
this entity known as the Massachusetts Housing Partnership, |
that's pursuant to a Massachusetts law which says that if you |
are going to have this change of ownership, a certain |
percentage of the assets have to be made available for |
affordable housing. It's been a very useful law and has |
produced a good deal of money. Sovereign obviously complied as |
well. |
So I am very grateful to these three gentlemen for joining |
us. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
Having been a Member of the State Senate of Alabama, I am |
aware that being a State Legislator is a demanding and |
difficult job. In many respects, it's more difficult than being |
a Member of Congress, so I commend you with the job you're |
doing. |
At this time, we will start with Mr. Quinn. |
Mr. Quinn. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and the other |
Members. |
I first want to thank you as well as my Congressman, |
Congressman Frank, for being at this hearing here and the fine |
work you do. Particularly, as Congressman Frank said about my |
fishing connections, not only does Congressman Frank do a lot |
of work on the banking and financial services; he does a |
tremendous job on behalf of our area of the state. |
Obviously, it's been a long and busy day, and a long and |
busy year in Massachusetts and the country regarding mergers |
and acquisitions; and unfortunately, I think there's really no |
end in sight. In Massachusetts there's over 300, or 200 banks |
here and certainly the bigger-is-better strategy of banks. I |
think the issues we're discussing today are not just |
appropriate for today, but for five years and ten years and |
twenty years from now. It's great and very important that we're |
here. |
I think it's important to distinguish between really two |
types of mergers. We're fortunate, or unfortunate, to have had |
both those types in Massachusetts. |
One, the mega-merger, where I would put the B of A/ Fleet, |
in which it's got statewide implications. They've got branches |
all across the state; and if there's going to be some negative |
impacts, they're balanced and spread out across the entire |
State. |
The second is one such as the Sovereign/Seacoast, which |
occurred in my district and Congressman Frank's district, which |
is a high concentration of impacts. And I must say that in the |
Sovereign issue, over 300 jobs were taken out of the center of |
our major city of New Bedford, as well as the closing of 12 |
branches. |
Through that process and through participation in those two |
hearings in Massachusetts, I think I've learned, I think, that |
there's two or three holes in the approval process in the |
state, which is actually quite similar to the federal approval |
process. So the remarks I'm going to make are going to be |
applicable to both the state and federal approval process. |
Number one--and we've heard it time and time again--not |
enough information provided at the approval hearing with not |
enough specifics. And I want to compare and contrast the |
Sovereign versus Bank of America mergers. |
The Sovereign merger, I'm amazed I'm actually going to |
compliment them for laying off 300 people in my district; but |
the issue of process, days before the merger, hearings |
occurred. They had a plan to lay off 300 people, they had a |
plan to close twelve branches; but they also had a plan to |
retrain people and put them into other jobs in the system. They |
came actually to downtown New Bedford in the shadow of the |
headquarters that they were going to close down, and said to |
the people of southeastern Mass., this is what we're going to |
do. |
Did we like it? No. But they were up front, told us what |
was going to happen, and we could plan for that impact. |
Compare that, I think, with the Bank of America hearings, |
in which we've gone around and around and what was said and by |
whom and whatever else. |
I appreciate the statements today, and I appreciate what's |
happened over the course of the last couple of weeks of three |
major announcements of bringing new jobs here, but there was no |
suggestion that there was going to be a several-thousand- |
dollars dip in employment levels in New England that would rise |
again in the first quarter of 2006. I think we all understood |
that that may occur, but I wish it was up front that we were |
told, and we could have planned for it. |
The definitions of what a headquarters means, and what |
customer facing positions mean, those were all talked about |
after the hearing. Sovereign told us about it before; Bank of |
America after. |
And like I say, I want to commend the steps that Bank of |
America has taken over the course of the last couple weeks; but |
I think two things caused that to happen: one, this hearing, |
and the second was the meeting which Congressman Frank and |
Congressman Capuano called for on a summer day in September, in |
the Newton Town Hall, in a hot stuffy room in which the entire |
Congressional delegation was there, and the two of you guys |
said, this is not what you said you were going to do. And lo |
and behold, a couple weeks later, they moved the wealth and |
investment management division to Boston. |
It's unfortunate that had to occur. We're here where we |
are, and hopefully prospectively things can occur and we can |
have a positive relationship. |
But comparing those two approaches, I think it's so |
important up front to get the specificity and the commitments. |
And the second, the two combination issues that I want to |
talk about in closing, there's no mandatory mitigation plan |
required at the state or federal level, and there's really no |
enforcement mechanism for third-party agreements. |
I've written down all the statements that have been made |
here today by Members and by people in the audience: binding |
obligation, non-binding obligation, unenforceable contract, |
local pledges, moral commitment, oral commitment, public |
commitment, written contract, and my favorite one, it's a |
floor, not a ceiling, when they talk about employment levels. |
What's so wrong with writing something down and sticking to |
it, at all levels of this? Is it that bad to write something |
down? You're going to go over to an advocacy group and say, if |
you testify favorably, this is what we're going to do? Is it so |
wrong to write something down instead of using nuances and |
semantics of what a word means? I think not. |
We've heard a lot today about this wonderful program, the |
Mass. Housing Partnership program. As Congressman Frank said, |
it's a state statute in Massachusetts, which I would strongly |
urge you look at the federal level. |
I know the industry says, oh, it's a taking or it's a tax. |
This passed in 1990 in Massachusetts. There have been 33 bank |
mergers in Massachusetts since 1990 with almost a billion |
dollars--one billion dollars--of loans made available through |
this program. It certainly didn't hinder or deter any mergers. |
What I proposed, and Senator Nuciforo and I have filed some |
state legislation, and I would hope you would consider it at |
the federal level, is, have what's good for housing or good for |
economic development, and backfill in the jobs that are lost. |
So there also should be a commitment, not a grant, but act as |
loan money, small business money. So we proposed an entity |
called the Mass. Development Financing Agency, having a similar |
commitment made to them. |
So it's in statute. It's not a nuance or semantic words; |
it's in statute that that money will be available. |
So again, I want to thank you for having this hearing here; |
and in closing, I think it's important that these mergers have |
unique impacts on our communities. |
The distinctive character of banking requires that a |
potential loss due to mergers be given careful consideration as |
to those aspects I talked about. I hope we'll work hard on the |
state level to try and impact those, and I urge you to consider |
in particular that Mass. Housing Partnership, 1 percent or |
whatever it is. $1 billion in Massachusetts ought to be good |
for economic development as well. |
Thank you. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you, Representative. |
[The prepared statement of Hon. John F. Quinn can be found |
on page 321 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. And Senator Nuciforo. |
Mr. Nuciforo. Nuciforo. That's how they say it in Rome. |
Mr. Frank. Tell me how they say it in Rome, Georgia. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Nuciforo. I don't think I could master the accent, Mr. |
Chairman. |
Chairman Bachus. I'll tell you what: I won't try to master |
yours if you don't try to master mine. |
Mr. Nuciforo. Thank you. |
For the record, my name is Andrea Francesco Nuciforo, Jr., |
and I hail from the western part of Massachusetts. I serve in |
the state Senate here in Massachusetts, and have served in the |
Senate since 1997. |
For the last five years or so, I have also served as the |
co-chair on the Committee of Banks and Banking. I serve along |
with John Quinn, who just testified. We both serve, and have |
for a number of years now served, as Chairmen of that |
Committee. |
I'd like to thank you personally for being here, and |
certainly to Congressman Frank, who's the Ranking Member, and |
other Members of the Committee. It's wonderful to have the |
hearing here. It gives Members access and the public access to |
this kind of proceeding that we wouldn't normally have. |
I have already submitted written testimony, so I'm not |
going to read that. What I will do is summarize some of that |
briefly and address some of the points that have been raised by |
members of the panel previously and by some of the Congressmen |
that are here. |
We have a pretty good idea about what is concerning |
communities, and the issue is employment. There are other |
issues that we've heard about, housing and CRA and the like, |
but the issue we're here really to talk about is the issue of |
employment. |
We've had now a perspective of going through the '90s and |
now the last four or five years; and we know that when you have |
big bank mergers, you see some pretty big losses in employment. |
We can have lots of discussions about what brings that about, |
but there is some pretty strong evidence that these losses in |
employment are direct results of these mergers. |
I have here in my hand a report. It's an excellent report |
that was done by the Center for Policy Analysis down at UMass |
Dartmouth in southeastern Massachusetts, and it was prepared by |
a professor there named Clyde Barrow. I have a number of copies |
of this available if Members of the Committee would like to see |
it. But this is excellent, and I would like to just quote some |
of the things from the executive summary here. |
This report has to do with the southeastern part of |
Massachusetts, where John Quinn hails from, and this is the New |
Bedford and Fall River area that Congressman Frank represents. |
Between 1993 and 2003, total southeastern Massachusetts |
employment in the banking industry dropped by 31 percent. 31 |
percent; those are numbers like what has happened in fishing |
over 20 or 30 years. |
Most job losses in the banking sector are directly |
attributable to mergers and acquisitions over the last ten |
years, and we know what these numbers are in that particular |
area. |
In 1995, when Fleet came together with Shawmut, there were |
179 employees who lost their jobs. |
In 1997, two years later, when Bank of Boston got together |
with BayBank, there were 100 employees who lost their jobs |
then. |
Then two years after that, in 1999, Fleet and BankBoston |
got together, and that year Citizens and U.S. Trust got |
together; and those two mergers combined to cost 500 employees |
their jobs. |
So in four years alone, in that distinct part of |
Massachusetts, some 800 people lost their job; and that's going |
up to 2003. |
2004 came along, and in 2004, Sovereign and Seacoast |
Financial, 350 employees. Fleet Boston with Bank of America, |
we're thinking 500 or so employees. Now, those numbers have |
changed, and I'll talk about that in a minute. And we also know |
that Webster Financial got together with First Fed America down |
in Swansea, and there was a 20 percent job loss there. |
So we know the facts, and the facts are that when these big |
mergers take place in our communities, there are big job losses |
that result. |
Now, while that has been a constant, there's another very |
substantial constant that we know about bank mergers; and this |
is something Congressman Frank talked about not long ago. We |
know there are spectacular executive compensation packages that |
come along with these deals. |
Now, the eye-popping numbers back in '95, when the Shawmut |
deal happened, were $2 million. Those numbers have gone up |
substantially. They're $12 million or $15 million or $17 |
million or $20 million executive payouts. Those are good |
numbers; they're big numbers. |
And this, I think, touches on the point that Congressman |
Frank made a moment ago. We know that there are incredible |
efficiencies that are created by these mergers. We know that by |
using automation and using technology, there are big |
efficiencies and the shareholders are rewarded. But we have not |
seen those rewards go to people that are down below, and that |
is my concern. |
It's not surprising, or we shouldn't be surprised to know, |
that when the Federal Reserve Board allowed the approvable of |
this most recent deal between Bank of America and Fleet, there |
was only one passing reference, in a 58-page opinion, to |
employment. |
We shouldn't be surprised, because the Bank Holding |
Companies Act doesn't require that you look at employment. It |
should. Because we've seen these kinds of substantial impacts |
on employment in our communities, I do believe that this |
Committee should act and that Congress should act and that we |
should have an amendment to the Bank Holding Company Act; and |
that amendment should require that, as part of the approval |
process, we should add another factor for the Federal Reserve |
Board to consider, and that factor would be the employment |
impact, short-term and long-term impact on employment in the |
affected communities. |
I'm not going to go on at any greater length, other than to |
say that I'm really pleased that you're here, and that you're |
here to hear from us on the state side, because we have |
watched, as a matter of state law, some smaller mergers; but |
these mega-mergers have had dramatic impacts on our |
communities, and I hope you take into consideration some of the |
comments we've made. |
Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Hon. Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. can |
be found on page 311 in the appendix.] |
Mr. Frank. Mr. Chairman, before we proceed, could I ask the |
others to consent to put that very good report from Clyde |
Barrow into the record. |
Chairman Bachus. Yes, hearing no objection. |
Commissioner? |
Mr. Antonakes. Thank you. |
Good afternoon, Chairman Bachus, Congressman Frank, Members |
of the Committee and staff. My name is Steven Antonakes, and I |
serve as the Commissioner of Banks for the Commonwealth of |
Massachusetts. Thank you for the invitation to testify today. I |
have submitted written testimony which I'll be summarizing this |
afternoon. |
Massachusetts has a longer history than most in |
experiencing interstate transactions, having passed the first |
regional interstate banking act in 1982, and a nationwide |
interstate holding company law in 1990. |
Four years later, Congress passed Riegle-Neal, providing |
for nationwide banking. Massachusetts adjusted its law |
accordingly in 1996. Accordingly, the rules for nationwide |
holding company acquisitions have essentially been well-settled |
since 1990. |
The Massachusetts state bank holding company act requires |
bank holding company transactions to be approved by the |
Commonwealth's Board of Bank Incorporation. I chair this three- |
member board, which also includes the Commissioner of Revenue |
and the State Treasurer. |
The law applies to all acquisitions of Massachusetts |
holding companies as well as banks, regardless of whether the |
bank is state or nationally chartered. This provides a |
significant benefit of local review of certain transactions |
that would otherwise only require federal approval. |
Massachusetts statutory approval requires the Board to |
determine that competition is not adversely affected and |
whether or not public convenience and advantage will be |
promoted. This includes a determination of net new benefits, |
such as initial capital investments, job-creation plans, |
consumer and business services, and commitments to maintain and |
open branch offices. |
Other factors considered by the Board include the CRA |
rating of each bank or its subsidiary. In addition, as has been |
referenced several times today, the law requires the bank |
holding company pledge .9 percent of the assets located in the |
Commonwealth to be made available for low-cost loans through |
the Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund. |
Not unlike the rest of the country, Massachusetts has seen |
substantial consolidation within the banking market during the |
past 20 years. Nevertheless, the number of jobs tied to the |
Massachusetts banking industry has increased during this |
period. |
Consolidation has allowed banks to grow stronger, thereby |
allowing banks to be more competitive, add branch offices, and |
add additional lines of business. This, in turn, has allowed |
banks to increase their employment bases over time despite |
cases of initial layoffs following mergers. |
As a result of nearly 20 years of consolidation, however, a |
bifurcated system has emerged, both locally and nationally, |
which generally includes a small number of very large banks |
operating on a nationwide basis, and a large number of small |
community banks. The existence of very large banks has been |
authorized by federal and state law as legislators and |
regulators recognize that there could be benefits if, like |
other financial service entities, the banking system operated |
on a nationwide basis. |
I appreciate and recognize the Committee's decision to take |
time and understand the impact of these laws, regulatory |
approvals, and consummated mergers on all interested parties. I |
also encourage the Committee to consider what needs to be done |
at the federal and state level to foster a banking system that |
remains receptive to both large nationwide and smaller |
community banks. |
Certainly, a significant benefit exists in maintaining the |
current level of banking choice. Allow me to briefly share with |
you some of my thoughts on how to best position our community |
banks to be able to effectively compete against larger |
nationwide banks to ensure that consumers continue to enjoy the |
advantage of multiple banking options. |
First, regulators and state legislators need to ensure a |
competitive environment exists for our state-chartered banks. |
This can be accomplished by ensuring that the state banking |
code is regularly updated and does not place state-chartered |
banks at a competitive disadvantage. |
In addition, state banking departments need to increase |
efficiency and ensure that they complete their supervisory |
duties while minimizing examination-related regulatory burden. |
Second, regulators, state legislators and Congress need to |
recognize the overwhelming and growing compliance burden on the |
banking industry and its disproportionate effect on smaller |
institutions. For community banks, the costs to comply with the |
litany of federal and state laws and regulations threaten not |
only their ability to compete with their larger counterparts |
and serve customer and community needs, but also threaten their |
own viability. |
Third, thought should be given to requiring that community |
banks receive preference in the process to purchase or lease |
branches closed or divested as a result of a bank merger. This |
will allow community banks to expand their branch networks, |
maximize banking choice, and perhaps provide continuing |
employment opportunities to existing branch personnel. |
And finally, Congress needs to continue to be vigilant |
relative to the efforts of federal bank regulatory agencies to |
preempt state consumer protection law. We should question what |
public policy goals such actions further. If federal preemption |
efforts continue, not only will consumer protection efforts be |
weakened, but federally chartered banks will gain an even |
greater advantage over smaller state banks, resulting most |
likely in the end of the community banking system as well as |
the nation's century-old dual banking system. |
Thank you very much. |
Chairman Bachus. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Hon. Steven L. Antonakes can be |
found on page 82 in the appendix.] |
Chairman Bachus. At this time, I'm going to yield to the |
Ranking Member. I'm also going to surrender the chair to him, |
which is permitted by our rules. You don't often see it, but |
you will today. |
Mr. Frank. Again, I thank you. The Chairman of the hearing |
came from Alabama yesterday, and is going back today, and I |
very much appreciate his making this possible. If the majority |
had not cooperated, we couldn't have had this hearing. Thank |
you. |
Chairman Bachus. And it is something that affects all of |
us; and from a business standpoint, we do--efficiency of scale |
is just something that businesses do, so it's something you |
almost expect them to do, to make these combinations when they |
create efficiencies. |
It is hard on the communities, and it's hard on us, to see |
our local institutions in many cases be absorbed by |
institutions which are not locally owned. And it is something |
that is an issue; it's a growing issue across the country as we |
have more bigger banks. We have three that have almost 10 |
percent of the deposits now. And while we are creating many |
smaller banks as a result--and that's what often happens, is |
people want a local bank. |
But it's something that we'll be dealing with for years |
ahead. We appreciate your input and your continued input, and |
look forward to working in a bipartisan way to see that the |
consumers and the communities benefit from whatever the path |
that banking and financial services goes now. |
Mr. Frank. Thank you. |
I thank the Chairman as he leaves, and you can be sure that |
the hearing is not going to go on too much longer because I |
have to return this to Tom DeLay by 5:00. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank. [Presiding.] I want to begin with a couple of |
points of strong agreement with Commissioner Antonakes. |
The last point he raised is really the subject for another |
set of ears. There is a pending action actually already taken |
by the Comptroller of the Currency preempting a wide range of |
state laws. |
The problem is that the Comptroller of the Currency is not |
equipped to do a lot of the consumer enforcement. Indeed, we've |
got a very interesting issue of that sort that I'll be |
addressing later; but our Attorney General, Tom Reilly, is now |
engaged in trying to enforce good consumer protection against |
gift cards. |
People go into stores and get gift cards, and what we've |
found is, people sometimes buy the gift cards, and they've got |
an expiration date that people aren't clear about, and there |
are other restrictions on them; and Attorney General Reilly |
wanted to enforce our Massachusetts consumer laws. The retail |
stores that have these cards are saying, oh, no, you can't do |
that, because we're banks. We're in effect the agents of banks |
here and the Comptroller of the Currency has preempted this. |
Now, the Comptroller of the Currency, if that preemption |
were to go forward, has no way to make those consumer |
protections; and the Controller has stayed out of it for now, |
but this is an example of the kind of overreach that the |
Commissioner is talking about. |
Frankly, I don't think it's an accident that it's at the |
state level that consumer protection is really best done. |
At the federal level, with all due respect to the |
regulators, they're concerned with large systemic issues. |
Individual consumer cases aren't going to have as much impact |
there as they will have on the state and local levels, so |
that's a very important point. |
The second point where I very much agreed with the |
Commissioner--I want to look at this--has to do with giving |
some preference when there has to be the sale of branches to |
community banks. |
We had an example here. When Fleet and BankBoston merged, |
there was of course considerable overlap in branches. I forget |
how many branches had to be divested, but it was a very large |
number. |
The Attorneys General at that time of both the U.S. And the |
State of Massachusetts said, well, antitrust being what it is, |
we want to take all of those branches that have to be divested |
and put them in one big package and sell them to one big |
outside bank, so that outside bank can come in and provide |
competition to Fleet. |
And what many of us in our delegation heard was, no, don't |
do that; we don't want to have to choose between two very big |
banks. This came from our local Chambers of Commerce, local |
retailers, from people who were in the locally oriented |
businesses; they said, we would find that very difficult. And |
in fact, all of us in the Massachusetts Congressional |
delegation signed a letter urging that some of the branches be |
sold to the community banks. |
We got some criticism from some journalists who said we |
were shilling for Fleet in doing that. And it did not come from |
banks, but from borrowers. |
I think about 10 percent of the branches were then sold to |
community banks. We wish it had been more. |
A year later, I was struck that the Boston Globe, which had |
been somewhat critical of Congress, wrote an article saying, |
well, that consumer satisfaction was at a much higher level in |
the smaller banks, in the smaller areas. So that notion of |
preference to community banks is very important. |
Of course, the two come together, because one of the things |
we have is, the Comptroller of the Currency sent out a CD in |
which he tells you that if you change your charter, if you |
leave your state charter and become a national bank, he won't |
regulate you very much. It was kind of a recruitment to come be |
a national bank to the Comptroller of the Currency. |
So I just want to express complete agreement with the |
Commissioner on those points. |
As far as regulation is concerned, I think it is possible |
to kind of help CRA be not a burden, but I do not favor the |
cutbacks in CRA reach which we have heard about. |
Now, to Senator Nuciforo, I just want to focus |
particularly, because he recalled us to one of the purposes of |
this hearing, and that is the job impact. |
As I read the law, the regulators, if they choose to do it, |
have at least some leverage over the community reinvestment |
piece; but they have no leverage over the job piece. |
And I guess we say to them, yes, well, obviously we expect |
there to be some job loss. If in fact it turned out that the |
purchase of a particular in-state bank by some out-of-state |
bank was going to totally reduce employment in a very |
substantial way, that that's something we're going to be able |
to take into account and object to. |
Mr. Nuciforo. I think it is something that we ought to be |
able to consider. |
I think we also have to take a look, not just at what has |
happened in the recent past, but at what is likely to happen in |
the future. Toronto Dominion recently announced its intentions |
to acquire Bank North group; and Toronto Dominion is, of |
course, based in Toronto, and has indicated on several |
occasions in the newspaper that it not only wants to have a |
very significant franchise here in the Northeast, which is |
currently Bank North, but they intend to acquire three or four |
or five other banking properties along the East Coast and |
central part of the country: Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, |
these kinds of places. |
So we have an opportunity now to amend the law and make |
sure that, going forward, when you have other large mergers |
that are happening, we can consider employment during that |
time. |
Mr. Frank. I'd like to be very explicit. |
People will say efficiency is the thing. Efficiency is very |
important; it ought to be a major goal. But I think it is a |
grave error to make efficiency the only criterion. |
We are consumers in this country; we are also producers. |
And a society in which the ability of people to earn is totally |
neglected, again, it's got an economic problem. |
As I said, Henry Ford paid the workers at the time five |
dollars a day, and people said, what, are you nuts? In fact, in |
some areas, he was; he was this crazy conspiratorial anti- |
Semite, so he was nuts about some things, but he was a genius |
about industrial production. |
Eventually he said, look, if I don't pay these guys a |
decent amount of money, who's going to buy the cars? And I |
think we are in danger in this country of reaching the level of |
income inequality which will produce macroeconomic problems, |
because you will have a consuming public unable to buy enough |
to sustain production. I think that's what we're seeing with |
this great disparity now, where the luxury retailers are doing |
wonderfully and the lower-end and middle- end retailers are |
doing very poorly. |
So I do think it is a mistake to say increased efficiency |
will be the only guideline of public policy, and that we won't |
take into account both regional and even macroeconomic impacts. |
I have over gone my time. I do want to express my |
appreciation to my legislative colleagues. I think we will be |
working together, and I did want to say particularly to John |
Quinn, we've been wrestling at the federal level with the |
question of how to fund the Housing Trust Fund. Some people |
want to take it out of the FHA, and I think that has serious |
problems. |
I must say the analogy to the affordable housing program |
here in our Massachusetts statute here, it's a very good idea; |
so I am going to pursue that further, and we'll be in touch on |
that. Thank you. |
Mr. Watt? |
Mr. Watt. Very briefly, Mr. Chairman. I've been looking |
forward to calling you ``Mr. Chairman'' for a good while, so I |
can't resist calling you ``Mr. Chairman'' while I have that |
opportunity. |
Mr. Quinn, there were a couple of suggestions that you made |
for federal legislation. Any of those things currently in the |
state legislative, state laws? |
Mr. Quinn. Yes. As the Chairman just said, in 1990 we |
passed the state statute that requires nine-tenths of 1 percent |
of the assets within the Commonwealth that are being taken over |
to be made available for call by the Mass. Housing Partnership. |
So it's funded over $900 million of housing programs, and I |
know that the Bank of America, on top of the $18 million grant, |
I think it's $406 million that they'll be making available over |
the next ten years. |
Mr. Watt. Does the state have any employment criteria such |
as what was being suggested by Mr. Nuciforo? |
Mr. Quinn. No, there is not. As part of this bill that we |
file for next session, we would require, premerger--and it's |
critical that it be premerger--to have job projections of one, |
three, and five years out by the petitioner, so that the board |
that's making the call of whether to approve it or not has in |
front of them the facts or the projections of what's going to |
happen over the next five years. So there's no requirement of a |
particular rating of employment, but at least a knowledge of |
what it may be so that a full disclosure is made premerger. |
Mr. Watt. Do you contemplate having some sanction if the |
projections are not lived up to? Or do you suggest disapproval |
of the merger that might result? |
Ms. Flynn. One of my suggestions, it might be scary to the |
industry, but why can't you have a conditional approval ora |
subject-to approval? If you're going to make these commitments |
up front, the approval is subject to, you're committing or |
keeping your word on what was said at the hearing. |
Mr. Watt. What's your position on that, Mr. Nuciforo? |
Mr. Nuciforo. I think we do this with respect to CRA. We |
give people scores. We figure out a way to determine what their |
commitment should be to CRA, and then each and every year there |
is a measurement. So we're able to say, Mr. Antonakes said a |
moment ago, that an institution is outstanding or an |
institution is not outstanding. There's got to be a way to |
similarly measure a bank's compliance with the promises it |
makes with respect to employment. |
And keep in mind, I don't think this should be the sole |
factor; but there are seven or eight factors set forth in the |
bank holding company statute. Why not add another one that has |
to do with employment, particularly when we're seeing numbers, |
employment impacts like the kinds we're seeing right now. |
Mr. Watt. I think I'll yield back, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Frank. Thank you. |
Mr. Capuano? |
Mr. Capuano. Mr. Chairman, I just want to thank the |
representative of the Senate and the Commission for coming |
today. I feel as thought we're on the same page, fighting the |
same battles with the same people, and I want to thank you. I |
wish Representative Bachus were still here, because I would |
remind him, as far as I'm concerned, you both speak with |
accents. I struggled to follow each and every word you said. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Capuano. I really don't have any questions, because I |
agree with everything you said. I really have just a commentary |
to remind you of the struggles we face. |
I know that you know the numbers in Congress, and I know |
you know that the current Administration is less than friendly |
to even the concept of regulation. Regulation is a swear word |
within the current Administration, and they look the other way |
on all kinds of things. |
That's why, though a CRA rating of outstanding is okay, |
it's fine by me, it's better than not outstanding, it's not |
unusual; it's good, it's as good as you can get. But it's |
really not a stratified rating all that much. I actually think |
it should be rated in a more stratified way so we can really |
know who is doing more than that was necessary. |
As far as I'm concerned, in the banking world, I've been |
doing banking law since, I don't know, 1978 with Kevin Kiley |
pretty much the whole time. I was around during the beginning |
battles of the whole debate about interstate banking that has |
now come to show that mergers aren't necessarily bad or evil in |
themselves if it works out; it actually makes room in many ways |
for smaller banks. |
And this merger is no different. It may or may not; in the |
final analysis, it will probably be an okay thing. It's not a |
bad thing, having mega-banks around for the people who need |
mega-banks. |
The question is, what does it mean in the long run, and |
what can we do to solve it? I know from the legislative |
perspective, I have no doubt that you feel like you have a |
tiger by the tail. What real clout do you have? |
I won't speak for the rest of my colleagues, but I don't |
feel like I have a tiger by the tail as much as we don't have a |
tiger. We have an Administration that doesn't want to regulate, |
doesn't want to look at it; and we have a Congress right now |
that's really not all that interested even in looking at some |
of the things that you suggested. |
Mr. Frank, obviously, is the leader of this group, and |
where he leads, we'll probably follow; and that's all well and |
good. But it's important that you know, because we know, that |
the likelihood of success in the short term is really not that |
great. |
No matter how little it might seem, I think there's very |
little hope that we'll be able to get anything passed through |
Congress that will even approach some of the things |
Massachusetts has done or the things you've outlined. |
I do think we should work on them, and I'm sure we will; |
but I think, like with many things, the leadership really has |
to come from the Commonwealth. You've done a great job thus |
far, you've done what you can do within the limits of the mega- |
merger world, and I encourage you to do more, and as we go |
forward, my hope is that little by little, first of all, the |
people who are doing the mergers don't see us as the enemy. |
Sometimes they will, and that's inevitable. But I don't think |
I've heard anything here today that has been extraordinary. All |
we're asking for is plans. As you said, Representative, what |
are the plans? What are you going to do? How can we deal with |
it? How do we move on? |
We all know that yesterday's ways of doing business, not |
just in the banking world, but everywhere. Manufacturing, we've |
been through manufacturing. Even the fishing industry is |
changing daily. And our job is to try to figure out, okay, how |
do we help the people that are left behind? How do we then |
catch them up? |
Again, I just want to thank you for coming today. Thank you |
for your leadership on these issues and others, and to pledge |
to you our support of your efforts and our cooperation as we |
move forward. |
Mr. Frank. Just a brief comment on what my colleague said. |
It's true with regard to any major legislative changes in the |
direction we'd like to see, they're highly unlikely. |
There is one possible exception. That is, as Commission |
Antonakes noted as the Bank Commissioner, on a bipartisan |
basis, every state bank commissioner and every state Attorney |
General has expressed serious concern about the reach of the |
preemption by OCC, and I think there may be a chance for us to |
work together on that. |
The only thing I would say is this: It is true that we are |
unlikely to be able to get passed some of the legislation we |
want to get passed. On the other hand, our friends in the |
banking industry have some legislation in some cases that they |
would like to see passed. |
And the important principle to remember legislatively is |
that the ankle bone is connected to the shoulder bone, so there |
may be some basis for negotiation there. |
Ms. Lee? |
Ms. Lee. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I too want to |
thank our panelists, coming from the state legislature to |
Congress. I understand, first of all, the power of state |
legislators at this point, and so I appreciate all of your |
progressive moves here in the State of Massachusetts, and want |
to comment on Commissioner Antonakes' comment with regard to |
caution as it relates to federal preemption. |
You know, oftentimes many of us find ourselves on the other |
side of the states' rights argument when it comes to federal |
preemption of laws relating to the government and the financial |
services industry. |
Case in point: I just want to ask your thoughts on this. |
When we passed, of course, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, many |
of you know that California has much stronger consumer |
protection requirements than many states, and of course we had |
a battle around that. |
Some of the discussion, and I have an amendment--well, |
several amendments, but one was to make the federal standard no |
less than the strongest state standard. Of course, that got |
shot down. |
Another one was to allow California and other states which |
had stronger consumer protection requirements, allow those |
states to be grandfathered in. Well, that got shot down. But |
I'm pleased that our Chairman was able to help us mitigate |
against some of the negative preemptive aspects of that as the |
bill went through the House. |
And then the other option could be that the standard, the |
federal standard, should be the floor rather than the ceiling. |
But now we're faced with, again, looking at predatory |
lending, which will be coming up. We've had many discussions |
about this, and I'd like to get your take with regard to what |
the options are for us at the federal level to ensure that, |
again, states' rights provisions prevail where the consumer is |
better protected. |
Mr. Antonakes. Thank you very much. |
First, I should acknowledge really the leadership role that |
Chairman Frank has taken on matters regarding federal |
preemption. |
I think it's a delicate issue in many respects, in that you |
want to recognize that we do have a dual banking system. You |
don't want to unnaturally impinge on the ability of national |
banks to compete nationally and globally, and do their business |
without undue interference from the crazy quilt of state laws |
that exists. |
But I think specifically in areas relative to consumer |
protection, that state laws should be recognized; and if a |
decision is made to roll back state laws, the appropriate place |
for that to come from is Congress and not from a federal agency |
without public debate. |
Mr. Nuciforo. If I could say something about that, it was, |
I think, 1999 or 2000 when the issue of ATM surcharging came |
up, and I know this was debated widely across the country. And |
here in Massachusetts, several of us, including me, filed bills |
that would limit the ability of banks to surcharge. |
That kind of bill was stalled in the state legislature for |
a variety of reasons, one of which was that there was a case |
proceeding in the federal courts in Connecticut that was |
addressing the same issue. The case there was whether the OCC |
and its rules could preempt any state consumer protections in |
that area, ATM surcharging. The federal opinion went against |
us, as I recall. |
So we have seen from the federal side preemptions of a |
whole host and a whole variety of consumer protections that are |
enacted in state law. Predatory lending, I suspect, will be the |
next one. |
But I do think that to the extent you've got any ability as |
a Committee or as a Congress sitting as a whole to specifically |
limit the ability of the federal regulators, OTS, OCC, the |
others, to preempt us, it would make a difference. |
Ms. Lee. How would you suggest that the grandfathering in |
states would have stronger consumer protections? I mean, what |
would be your specific suggestion? |
Mr. Nuciforo. Well, I think states generally get the kinds |
of consumer protections that they deserve and that they want. |
What's good for consumers in Massachusetts might not be the |
kinds of protections that they would choose in Alabama or in |
California or elsewhere. |
So I do think that there should be some effort to seek the |
level of consumer protection required by people on the state |
level. |
Now, how you do that, how you craft that kind of provision |
in Congress, you're the experts on that; I'm not. But that's |
the goal I think we should be moving towards. |
Mr. Quinn. I'll just add quickly, you ought to have the |
federal law be a floor, not a ceiling, and to allow the |
grandfathering of existing laws. Predatory lending is a perfect |
example, for the 25 states that have passed predatory lending |
laws. National banks say, A, we don't do predatory loans; but |
B, your laws aren't going to apply to us anyway. So it puts us |
in a tough situation. |
Then there's always the implicit threat that if it gets too |
tough in Massachusetts, we'll just flip to a federal charter, |
and we'll see you later. So it's a delicate balance, but I |
support the grandfathering and making the federal law no less. |
Ms. Lee. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Frank. I just wanted to say to Commissioner Antonakes, |
illustrating part of the principle, which is there are some |
things that are core banking functions, and I don't think--we |
passed a law about check truncation; I wouldn't let the states |
interfere with that. Deposit insurance. |
What we need to do is distinguish. On the other hand, you |
have a claim that there's a preemption if a state tries to |
regulate gift cards which are issued by a retailer, because |
ultimately the retailer is financed by a bank. I think that's |
one of the things we have to determine, is what is or isn't in |
the core banking function. |
Now, some traditions ought to be maintained, so the last |
word will go to a New Yorker. |
Mr. Meeks? |
Mr. Meeks. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I really don't have |
many questions. I'll be real brief, also. |
I want to thank all of you for being here and for |
participating in this hearing. I want to thank the Chairman, |
because I think you were right when you urged us to come here, |
that this indeed affects your state in Massachusetts, but it |
has some broader ramifications for all of us, whether you come |
from California, New York or North Carolina. So I want to thank |
you for putting this together and thank everybody that |
participated. |
I mentioned to the Chairman earlier--and I do like that |
word, Chairman Barney Frank is sitting there, so I'll use it as |
often as I can, also--I mentioned to the Chairman a few minutes |
ago that I was tremendously impressed, particularly when we had |
the not-for-profit organizations that were before us and the |
way that they seemed organized as well as the way they seemed |
empowered to negotiate with the banks, et cetera. |
I guess my only question would be, the fact that the way |
that Massachusetts law is written, that all the bank mergers |
have to go through the Massachusetts bank board, do you think |
that has an effect to empower community organizations so that |
they are able to negotiate and try to work together to follow |
through to make sure that the communities' needs and |
requirements are being taken care of? |
Mr. Antonakes. Congressman, I think it certainly does. I |
think the aspect of local review is very important; the fact |
that we have a public hearing here in Massachusetts, often try |
to have it in the community that's most impacted by a merger. |
We had, as was referenced, and Representative Quinn had |
requested, we had our hearing on the Sovereign-Seacoast |
application in New Bedford. We had the Fleet/Shawmut hearing |
back several years ago in Worcester, where that was the city |
that was most impacted by the merger as well. And I think local |
review and the approval process does to some degree empower |
local community groups and further fosters a good dialogue |
between banks and those organizations. |
Mr. Nuciforo. I would agree with everything the |
Commissioner just said. |
We have here in Massachusetts something called the Board of |
Bank Incorporators, and the Board of Bank Incorporators is the |
Commissioner of Banks and the Commissioner of DOR and the State |
Treasurer. Those three sit as a board to decide, upon |
application from merging banks, whether there are net new |
benefits resulting from this merger. Part of that is actually |
the jobs issue, but there are many other factors. |
My good friend John Quinn here has filed a bill, and I |
think it's a terrific bill, that would beef up the net new |
benefits criteria so that we could take a look at specifically |
employment and the impacts on the local economic condition as a |
result of these things. |
Mr. Meeks. Thank you. |
Mr. Frank. Thank you. |
The representative from California. |
Ms. Lee. Thank you. |
Before I leave, I just would like to thank the Chairman for |
bringing us all together today for this hearing, and I wanted |
to say that what I have heard here today really gives me a lot |
of hope in terms of the B of A/Fleet Boston merger. I wish, |
when B of A departed the Bay Area, that we would have had these |
types of constructive discussions ahead of the curve. |
I think that the negative impact in terms of employment, in |
terms of economic impacts and in terms of all of the issues |
that we are still dealing with in the Bay Area as a result, we |
may have been able to--we would have been in better shape. So I |
want to commend you, Chairman Frank, and commend all of you for |
being here today. |
Mr. Frank. Thank you, and I hope the Massachusetts groups, |
while obviously they're not fully satisfied, will reflect on |
that, which is that yes, this process has been helpful; and I |
think we have come out of this, or are going to be coming out |
of it, better than we might have. |
I just, in closing, again want to thank--the gentleman from |
North Carolina? |
Mr. Watt. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent that I be |
allowed to submit for the record a series of newspaper |
articles. |
I do this because, on the way here, I was going through, |
and there was an identification of so many different local |
impacts that mergers are having, not only in connection to |
community jobs, but the kinds of contributions that are being |
made to non-profits, to charitable institutions. Sometimes the |
larger the merged institution and the further away it is, it |
changes the quality of the charitable contributions. |
Some of those things are reflected in these newspaper |
articles, which I also would encourage the banking interests to |
take a look at. It's a whole myriad of things that are kind of |
set into motion as a result of a merger. |
Mr. Frank. Without objection, they'll be put in the record. |
I just want to close by thanking people. First of all, the |
witnesses really set a good example here. I wish we had |
witnesses--let me just say, these kind of field hearings are |
sometimes, frankly, road shows, dog-and-pony shows, where we |
look good. |
This has been one of the more substantive hearings that I |
have been in as a Member of the Committee, and I want to thank |
my colleagues. I hope everyone in the area appreciates that |
getting nine Members of Congress a couple weeks before |
Christmas isn't easy. Five of our colleagues are from out of |
town. Four of them are from Massachusetts. The witnesses were |
all very good in their testimony. They were on point. They |
responded to questions. |
Finally, when we have hearings in Washington, it's pretty |
routine; but to bring nine Members of Congress and all these |
witnesses and everything else 400 miles away is a lot harder |
than it may look. |
So to both the Republican and Democratic staffs, my deepest |
appreciation. This has been a very well-run hearing, and we've |
had good substance. We haven't lost a Member yet. We have a |
couple more to get to the airport, but I think we'll be okay; |
but I really am appreciative of the staff. |
As I said, it's hard to kind of export this, and I think |
this has been done very smoothly from the recordation to the |
presentation of the witnesses. |
So I just want to thank everybody, and also note that if I |
hear no objection, the record will remain open for 30 days; and |
I should tell the witnesses, what that means is that Members of |
the Committee will have the option, including some who weren't |
here, of submitting questions to us, which we will transmit. |
If any Member of the Committee has a question that they |
would like put to a witness, we will submit that, and the |
witness will have a chance to answer. And we will keep the |
record open, which means, one, if the Members think about |
something, they can do it; and, two, if any witness feels he or |
she wasn't asked something he or she wanted to be asked and has |
a point they want to make, it's not hard to find a Member to |
ask you. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Frank. And the responses will be placed in the record. |
Hearing no objection to that, it is so ordered; and the |
hearing is adjourned. |
[Whereupon, at 2:12 p.m., the committee was adjourned.] |
A P P E N D I X |
December 14, 2004 |
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