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<title> - SYNTHETIC DRUGS, REAL DANGER</title> |
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[House Hearing, 114 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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MAY 17, 2016 |
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Serial No. 114-66 |
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Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary |
Available via the World Wide Web: http://judiciary.house.gov |
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20-165 PDF WASHINGTON : 2016 |
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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing |
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Washington, DC 20402-0001 |
BOB GOODLATTE, Virginia, Chairman |
Wisconsin JERROLD NADLER, New York |
LAMAR S. SMITH, Texas ZOE LOFGREN, California |
DARRELL E. ISSA, California STEVE COHEN, Tennessee |
STEVE KING, Iowa Georgia |
LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas JUDY CHU, California |
TED POE, Texas LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois |
TOM MARINO, Pennsylvania CEDRIC RICHMOND, Louisiana |
TREY GOWDY, South Carolina SUZAN DelBENE, Washington |
DOUG COLLINS, Georgia SCOTT PETERS, California |
RON DeSANTIS, Florida |
MIMI WALTERS, California |
KEN BUCK, Colorado |
DAVE TROTT, Michigan |
MIKE BISHOP, Michigan |
Shelley Husband, Chief of Staff & General Counsel |
Perry Apelbaum, Minority Staff Director & Chief Counsel |
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Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations |
F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Jr., Wisconsin, Chairman |
LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas, Vice-Chairman |
TED POE, Texas JUDY CHU, California |
TREY GOWDY, South Carolina KAREN BASS, California |
KEN BUCK, Colorado |
MIKE BISHOP, Michigan |
Caroline Lynch, Chief Counsel |
Joe Graupensperger, Minority Counsel |
C O N T E N T S |
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MAY 17, 2016 |
Page |
The Honorable Ken Buck a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Colorado, and Member, Subcommittee on Crime, |
Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations............... 1 |
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., a Representative in Congress |
from the State of Michigan, and Ranking Member, Committee on |
the Judiciary.................................................. 2 |
The Honorable Bob Goodlatte, a Representative in Congress from |
the State of Virginia, and Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary 3 |
Louis J. Milione, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of |
Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration |
Oral Testimony................................................. 5 |
Prepared Statement............................................. 8 |
William Smith, Jr., Fraternal Order of Police |
Oral Testimony................................................. 18 |
Prepared Statement............................................. 20 |
Devin Eckhardt, Founder of the Connor Project Foundation |
Oral Testimony................................................. 28 |
Prepared Statement............................................. 30 |
David Earl Nichols, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Chemical Biology |
and Medicinal Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at |
Chapel Hill |
Oral Testimony................................................. 35 |
Prepared Statement............................................. 37 |
Prepared statement of the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, a |
Representative in Congress from the State of Texas, and Ranking |
Member, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, |
and Investigations........................................54 |
Unprinted Material Submitted for the Hearing Record |
Material submitted by the Honorable Judy Chu, a Representative in |
Congress from the State of California, and Member, Committee on the |
Judiciary. This material is available at the Subcommittee and can |
also be accessed at: |
http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ |
ByEvent.aspx?EventID=104923 |
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TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 |
House of Representatives |
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, |
Homeland Security, and Investigations |
Committee on the Judiciary |
Washington, DC. |
The Subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10 a.m., in room |
2141, Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable Ken Buck, |
(acting Chairman of the Subcommittee) presiding. |
Present: Representatives Buck, Goodlatte, Gohmert, Bishop, |
Labrador, Conyers, Jackson Lee, and Chu. |
Staff Present: (Majority) Robert Parmiter, Counsel; Scott |
Johnson, Clerk; Zachary Somers, Parliamentarian & General |
Counsel; (Minority) Joe Graupensperger, Minority Counsel; and |
Veronica Eligan, Professional Staff Member. |
Mr. Buck. The Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and |
Investigations Subcommittee will come to order. Without |
objection, the Chair is authorized to declare recesses of the |
Subcommittee at any time. We welcome everyone to this morning's |
hearing on synthetic drugs, and I will begin by recognizing |
myself for an opening statement. |
Last week, the House took significant steps forward in |
combating the opioid epidemic in America. Today, this |
Subcommittee will examine a related but equally important |
issue: the scourge of synthetic drugs in the United States. |
Simply put, synthetic drugs are a prime example of how |
criminals can stay one step ahead of law enforcement. |
Today, parents have to worry not only about a child's |
exposure to illegal drugs, but about synthetic drugs, many of |
which are produced and marketed directly at children and young |
adults. Synthetic cannabinoids, with names like Spice, K2, or |
Scooby Snax, come in brightly-colored packaging, often |
containing cartoon characters or other decorations to make them |
attractive to teenagers. |
Additionally, they are being marketed and sold as legal |
alternatives to marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Thus young |
people believe them to be safe, legal alternatives. However, |
they are addictive and deadly. That is because these drugs |
while designed to mimic the effects of certain illegal drugs, |
often contain a panoply of additional chemicals which can cause |
increased heart rate, psychosis, and death. |
The professor who is widely credited with first |
synthesizing cannabinoids for research purposes, Dr. John |
Huffman of Clemson University, has said, ``These things are |
dangerous. Anybody who uses them is playing Russian roulette. |
They have profound psychological effects. We never intended |
them for human consumption.'' |
Indeed, they are often labeled as not for human |
consumption. But everyone, the manufacturer, seller, and the |
user, knows they are intended to be consumed. Many States have |
banned these substances by adding them to their controlled |
substance schedules which has resulted in a patchwork of State |
laws. Congress has also legislatively scheduled some of these |
substances, most recently in 2012. |
However, the problem is that as soon as the substance is |
scheduled, or the process begins to schedule a substance, the |
manufacturers of these illicit drugs simply change a single |
atom, and the substance is different, and no longer a scheduled |
substance. Its chemical makeup has been altered slightly, and |
though it may have the same effect on the body, it is no longer |
the same chemically. The process has been short circuited. |
However, the need for a Federal response remains clear, since |
most synthetic drugs are manufactured and imported overseas, |
especially from China. |
In just a month, in 2014, synthetic marijuana poisoned more |
than 200 people in my home State of Colorado and killed at |
least one. The Arapahoe County District Attorney George |
Brauchler described people trying to cut their own heads off |
and set themselves on fire after using synthetic drugs. In my |
State, these drugs have been marketed as synthetic marijuana, |
and sold at tobacco shops and convenience stores often for a |
profit of 300 percent or more. It is big business and these |
manufacturers are profiting off of our misery. |
I thank the witnesses for appearing before the Subcommittee |
today and look forward to their participation. I now recognize |
the Ranking Member of the full Committee, Mr. Conyers from |
Michigan, for his opening statement. |
Mr. Conyers. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I welcome the |
witnesses. I look forward to an important discussion. We are |
going to talk about synthetic drugs, a problem that is |
primarily affecting adolescents and young adults, and I wish to |
welcome our witnesses and express my gratitude to them for |
taking time to come here, offer their personal experiences and |
insight. |
The abuse of synthetic drugs, or designer drugs, has been |
recognized as far back as the 1980's. Producers of these drugs |
work continuously to create legal alternatives to controlled |
substances like marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, and opioids |
that produce similar kinds of highs. Sometimes packaged in |
small, shiny packets with images of cartoon characters printed |
on them, and names like K2, Spice, Vanilla Sky, and Scooby |
Snax, these products are marketed as a harmless good time. |
Unsuspecting teenagers and young adults, who are the primary |
consumers of these products, can purchase so-called synthetic |
marijuana or bath salts at gas stations, convenience stores, |
novelty shops, and over the Internet for further reinforcing |
the erroneous belief that these products are safe. |
However, in many cases, they are more potent and more |
hazardous than the controlled substances that they are meant to |
imitate. The chemical used to create synthetic drugs can be |
toxic to the human body, producing extreme paranoia, violent |
behavior, aggression, hallucinations, seizures, and even death. |
Synthetic drug use has even been linked to heart attacks, |
psychosis, and suicides. Instead of attending their child's |
football game or graduation or helping them complete college |
applications, parents find themselves in hospital rooms praying |
their teenager wakes from a coma or in emergency rooms hoping |
their child will regain their sanity and return to college. |
There are mechanisms in current law to allow for these |
drugs to be evaluated and controlled on a case-by-case basis. |
For instance, the DEA has the ability to temporarily place |
substances on Schedule I, when it is necessary to avoid an |
imminent hazard to public safety. |
However, the DEA is finding it difficult to keep pace with |
the development and production of new substances that are not |
currently illegal. Prosecutors have an additional tool, the |
Analog Enforcement Act of 1986, to prosecute those who produce |
synthetic drugs. This legislation serves as a method of |
criminalizing synthetic drugs without having to ban them |
individually. We in Congress need to learn more about these |
drugs and that is why this hearing is important, and consider |
if legislation is needed. And we must be careful to craft an |
appropriate response that does not over-criminalize or over- |
penalize. I thank our witnesses for their time and the benefit |
of their expertise. |
I look forward to a discussion of this troubling issue. I |
thank the Chairman, and yield back. |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, Mr. Conyers. I would now like to |
recognize the full Committee Chairman, Mr. Goodlatte of |
Virginia, for his opening statement. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am pleased to be |
here today as the Judiciary Committee continues its efforts to |
protect the American people from the real and growing danger of |
drug abuse. Last week, this Committee moved five bills through |
the House that will help law enforcement and the treatment |
community address the opioid epidemic, so this hearing is very |
timely. I want to focus my remarks today on the threat of |
synthetic opioids which present a critical threat to the |
American people. |
As we all know, the principle driver of the opioid epidemic |
in this Nation has been the overabundance of prescription pain |
pills in the hands of consumers, especially opioids like |
oxycodone and hydrocodone. America's addiction to opioids has, |
of course, been noticed in the criminal underworld, and |
malefactors have taken big steps to profit off America's pain. |
One way they have done this is through the production of |
synthetic opioids, including counterfeit prescription |
medications laced with fentanyl and fentanyl derivatives. For |
those who have been paying attention to this Committee's work, |
fentanyl is an opioid pain medication which can be 100 times |
more powerful than morphine. |
To put that into perspective, Heroin is typically three |
times as powerful as morphine. Fentanyl is intended to be used |
to treat extreme pain associated with late stage cancer and |
other significant health problems. It is not intended to be |
used recreationally, yet it is, and with the rise of synthetic |
opioids, it is increasingly being used unknowingly. |
Often drug traffickers will cut heroin with fentanyl to |
produce a more potent high. That has led to a rash of deaths |
across the country because of fentanyl's potency. In recent |
legislation, this Committee included language to provide for a |
sentencing enhancement for any offender who traffics in heroin |
cut with fentanyl. |
With respect to synthetic opioids, fentanyl is also widely |
used. The profit margin is shocking. Less than a milligram of |
fentanyl can be lethal. That means a kilogram of fentanyl can |
generate enormous profits for the illicit trafficker, sometimes |
upward of a million dollars, so we have a problem. Between 2013 |
and 2014, the rate of drug overdose deaths involving synthetic |
opioids nearly doubled. According to the Centers for Disease |
Control and Prevention, a substantial portion of this increase |
appears to be related to the availability of illicit fentanyl. |
According to the DEA's 2015 National Drug Threat |
Assessment, Mexico is the primary source country for illicitly |
produced fentanyl in the United States. However, pharmaceutical |
fentanyl has also been diverted from the legitimate supply |
chain and into the illicit market. Some derivatives and analogs |
of fentanyl are manufactured in China and shipped to the United |
States. Drug traffickers and associated profiteers are |
continuously developing new ways to exploit the American |
market. Evidence of new opioid drugs, some more powerful than |
fentanyl, are turning up on the American street corners. |
For example, W18, a synthetic opioid potentially 100 times |
more powerful than fentanyl, which law enforcement has called |
the next deadly synthetic street drug. We are under siege. It |
is time for Congress to act, and this hearing represents a good |
first step. I thank the witnesses for their testimony, and look |
forward to the responses to our questions. |
Mr. Buck. I thank the Chair. Without objection, other |
Member's opening statements can be made part of the record. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that very much. |
Mr. Buck. We have a very distinguished panel today. I will |
begin by swearing in our witnesses before introducing them. If |
you would all please rise. Raise your right hand. |
Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is |
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help |
you God? Thank you, you may be seated. |
Let the record reflect that all of the witnesses responded |
in the affirmative. Mr. Louis Milione, is that correct? |
Mr. Milione. Yes. |
Mr. Buck. Special Agent Louis Milione is a deputy assistant |
administrator for the United States Drug Enforcement |
Administration's Office of Diversion Control, where he has |
served since October 2015. Mr. Milione acts as the principle |
advisor to the DEA administrator on matters pertaining to the |
regulation of programs relating to the diversion of legally |
produced controlled substances and listed chemicals. Mr. |
Milione began his career with the Drug Enforcement |
Administration in 1997, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree |
from Villanova University, and a law degree from Rutgers |
University School of Law. |
Officer William Smith, Jr., is an officer with the |
Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. He has over 20 |
years of law enforcement experience, much of which has focused |
on narcotics. |
Mr. Devin Eckhardt is the father of Connor Eckhardt, who |
died tragically after smoking synthetic marijuana. Mr. Eckhardt |
is the founder of the Connor Project, and has addressed the |
United Nations to raise awareness globally about the dangers of |
synthetic drug use. He joins us today along with his wife, |
Veronica, in continuation of that effort. |
Mr. David Nichols currently serves as an adjunct professor |
of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry at the University |
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been recognized as a |
distinguished professor emeritus at Perdue University, and as |
an adjunct professor emeritus of pharmacology and toxicology at |
Indiana University. |
Dr. Nichols holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry |
from the University of Cincinnati, a PhD in medicinal chemistry |
from the University of Iowa, and was a post-doctoral fellow in |
pharmacology at the University of Iowa. |
We will now proceed. I will now recognize each of the |
witnesses for their opening statement, which will be limited to |
5 minutes. Mr. Milione? |
Mr. Milione. Thank you, Congressman Buck, distinguished |
Members of the Committee. Synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic |
cathinones, deadly fentanyl analogs, and other toxic synthetic |
substances are flooding the United States, putting unsuspecting |
users at risk of death and permanent injury. DEA sees this drug |
threat as second only to the opioid scourge that is currently |
devastating our country. Synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones |
are unpredictable, untested substances placed in colorfully |
market packaging and then marketed to our country's use as a |
legal high. |
Emergency room doctors report a wide range of life- |
threatening side effects, including brain damage, cardiac |
arrest, kidney failure, and extreme psychosis. Synthetic |
cannabinoids and cathinones are sold openly in gas stations, |
convenience stores, head shops, and over the Internet from |
domestic and foreign sources. |
Fentanyl analogs are a fast growing, particularly troubling |
part of this synthetic drug threat. Here you have the dangerous |
convergence of synthetic drugs with this country's opioid |
epidemic. With Fentanyl analogs, you have substances many times |
more potent than heroin that are being sold as heroin, mixed |
with heroin, or pressed into pill form and sold as prescription |
drugs. Fentanyl analogs are so deadly that a miniscule amount |
can kill an unsuspecting user. They can be ordered from Asia |
over the Internet and delivered directly to your home. Because |
of the massive profit potential, Mexican cartels are |
aggressively purchasing fentanyl and fentanyl analogs from |
Asia, shipping it into Mexico, mixing it with other substances, |
and distributing it throughout the United States. |
For all of us in the DEA, for all of our great Federal, |
State, and local law enforcement partners, for all the |
dedicated prosecutors around this country, our primary mission |
is to protect the public. In trying to protect the public from |
this synthetic drug threat, here is the most frustrating part. |
The foreign-based manufacturers and domestic pied pipers of |
this poison often operate with impunity because they exploit |
loopholes in the analog provisions of the Controlled Substances |
Act, and capitalize on the lengthy, resource intensive, |
reactive process required to schedule either permanently or |
temporarily these dangerous substances. |
As we speak, criminal chemists in foreign countries are |
tweaking the molecular structure of controlled synthetics, |
keeping the same pharmacologic properties as the controlled |
substance, but helping the manufacturers and distributors avoid |
criminal exposure because of the altered molecular structure. |
We see these newly created synthetic drugs by the dozens every |
year. It is important to remember that these new dangerous |
substance get piled on top of the hundreds that we have already |
determined need to be controlled based on overdoses, deaths, |
and law enforcement encounters. |
DEA moves to temporarily schedule as many of this growing |
backlog as quickly as we can, but for each substance that |
process averages between three and 4 months. Once temporarily |
scheduled, we seek HHS' evaluation for permanent scheduling, a |
process that can take at least several years for each |
substance. |
Despite our best efforts, DEA cannot control these |
substances at a pace that will prevent additional overdoses and |
deaths. We at the DEA are very grateful for all the legislative |
and scheduling tools Congress has given us over the years. We |
have had success investigating, prosecuting, and convicting the |
traffickers of these dangerous substances using the Controlled |
Substances Act when the synthetic drugs are placed in Schedule |
I. We have also successfully used the Analog Act for substances |
not placed in Schedule I. However, today's synthetic drug |
crisis has outgrown the Analog Act. Thirty years ago, when the |
act was passed by Congress, there were far fewer analog users, |
and fewer traffickers than exist today. The trafficking |
networks that existed in 1986 were significantly less |
sophisticated than the transnational criminal networks |
currently operating. |
We will continue to do everything we can, working with the |
tools you generously have given us to bring these substances |
under control and protect the public, but we are many steps |
behind the traffickers and need your help. In the short term, |
this esteemed body could provide DEA and our law enforcement |
partners throughout the country immediate relief by placing the |
hundreds of substances we have determined to be dangerous into |
Schedule I. |
This would allow us to keep these synthetic drugs out of |
the country, get them off the shelves of retail stores, and |
bring to justice not the user population, but the egregious |
domestic and foreign traffickers preying on our youth, |
exploiting human frailty for profit, and flooding our country |
with these dangerous drugs. In the long term, we would welcome |
amendments to the Controlled Substances Analog Act that would |
align the act with the current threat, and/or perhaps other |
tools that would allow us to more quickly bring these drugs |
under control. |
We stand ready to work with you, provide you any assistance |
we can, and address any of your concerns. One concern that has |
been raised is that placing hundreds of dangerous synthetic |
drugs into Schedule I will impede legitimate scientific |
research. Here are several facts that may inform that concern. |
DEA has never rejected a proposal for bona fide research with |
any Schedule I substance. Currently, there are 469 approved |
Schedule I researchers, and many have multiple approved |
protocols to study different Schedule I substances. |
During the last year, it has taken an average of 32 days |
for DEA to approve a researcher's Schedule I application once |
that researcher has received FDA approval, a little more than 4 |
weeks. I would argue these are reasonable requirements when |
balanced with our duty to protect the public from these highly |
unstable and often deadly drugs. The DEA is committed to doing |
everything we can to address this threat. We look forward to |
working with Congress, with all our partners in the law |
enforcement, medical, and scientific communities to improve our |
effectiveness. Thank you very much for this opportunity, and I |
look forward to answering any questions you have. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Milione follows:] |
__________ |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, Special Agent Milione. |
Mr. Milione. Thank you. |
Mr. Buck. Officer William Smith, I recognize you for 5 |
minutes. |
Mr. Smith. Good morning Mr. Chairman, distinguished Members |
of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security |
Investigations. |
Mr. Buck. Would you pull the microphone closer please? I am |
sorry to interrupt you. Would you pull the microphone a little |
closer to you? |
Mr. Smith. I apologize. As first responders who respond to |
the individuals under the influence of synthetic drugs, the |
side effects of synthetic drugs are very common and similar to |
another drug which law enforcement officers encounter, which is |
phencyclidine, or PCP. As the Committee can see, I am not a |
small officer, and have dealt with individuals both underneath |
these synthetic drugs and PCP. And let it be known, even at my |
stature at times, it has been very difficult for myself and |
other officers to restrain these individuals. |
Individuals under the influence of these substances have an |
absolute almost supernatural human strength and de-increased |
pain tolerance, which can lead to officers and other first |
responders being injured when dealing with these individuals. |
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, poison |
control has seen a 229 percent spike in calls in relationship |
to synthetic drugs. |
Hundreds of these synthetic drugs are manufactured overseas |
in China and Mexico with no regulations or medical purposes. |
There has been reported 49,000 new chemicals used in these |
synthetic drugs. This is costing children and teenagers their |
lives. Also, these synthetic drugs are designed to keep law |
enforcement from finding the origin of the chemicals. The DEA |
testified this past fall, in front of the House Energy and |
Commerce Committee, that they are three steps behind the |
criminals when it comes to synthetics and analogs. In the past |
few years, synthetic marijuana has become the popular choice |
for synthetic drugs. It is designed to mimic the effects of |
organic marijuana, and has a wide commercial availability. It |
can be bought at local stores for as little as $5 apiece, which |
made it popular among young people and the homeless. |
This is because it is sold under interesting brand names, |
such as Bizarro, K2, Spice, and Scooby Snax. These synthetic |
drugs are usually manufactured in foreign facilities in China |
and Mexico, with an ever changing chemical cocktail. All 50 |
states have outlawed synthetic drugs in some way. The problem |
is that the ever changing chemical makeup. The manufacturers of |
these synthetic drugs keep changing the chemical makeup to try |
to skirt the law and claim that their product are not illegal. |
Synthetic marijuana has two to five times the strength, |
amount of THC than normal marijuana, and the availability and |
high use of drugs in recent years have led to a 1400 percent |
increase in hospital visits from 2009 to 2012. Commissioner |
William Bratton of the city of New York Police Department |
stated, ``This is the scourge on our society, affecting the |
most disadvantaged neighborhoods, our most challenged citizens. |
It affects teenagers of public housing, homeless city |
shelters, and is quite literally flooding our streets.'' In the |
previous session of Congress, the FOP supported legislation to |
add synthetic bath salts, marijuana, and other synthetic drugs |
to DEA's schedule of controlled substance, but the chemical |
manufacturers have found loopholes for manufacturing and |
distributing these drugs, or analog drugs, because they are |
similar, but not chemically identical to the scheduled |
substances. With the loopholes, these manufacturers and |
distributors sell; and abusers of these synthetic substance all |
know exactly what to do with them. They ingest them, snort them |
to get a dangerous and unpredictable high. |
In the past few years, we have found even more--seen more |
new drug of fentanyl. The synthetic fentanyl used by doctors is |
the most powerful opioids in medicine. However according to |
DEA, much of what is being found on the street is not diverted |
from hospitals, but rather sourced from China and Mexico. |
Frequently people buy it on the street with no idea it is |
fentanyl. |
It is reported to be 100 to 200 times stronger than heroin. |
Just a quarter of a gram or a milligram, .25 milligrams, can |
kill you. To put it in perspective, just how little .25 |
milligrams is, a typical baby aspirin is 81 milligrams. If you |
cut that 81 milligram tablet into 324 pieces, one of these |
pieces would be equivalent to a quarter milligram. Admitting |
[spelled phonetically] the 80 percent of all fentanyl seizures |
in 2014 were concentrated in just 10 states: Ohio, |
Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Kentucky, |
Virginia, Florida, New Hampshire, and Indiana. I would like to |
thank the Committee for hearing our national FOP |
representation. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Smith follows:] |
__________ |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, Officer Smith. I now recognize Mr. |
Eckhardt. If you could turn your microphone on for 5 minutes. |
Thank you very much. |
Mr. Eckhardt. Before I begin, I would like to make sure |
that each of the Committee Members has a copy of the brochure. |
Thank you. As it was stated, my name is Devin Eckhardt, and I |
am joined by my wife Veronica. And for very personal reasons, |
we chose to join you here today as you dedicate some time to |
better understanding the threats and issues surrounding new |
psychoactive substances, sometimes referred to as synthetic |
designer drugs, the epidemic rate at which they are spreading, |
the severity of their destructive effects both within the U.S. |
and globally, and the deadly impact they are having upon our |
countries, our communities and our families. |
And it is our sincere hope and prayer that each of you will |
leverage both your individual and collective power to do more |
than simply discuss this growing problem, but rather you will |
choose to take action now and make changes necessary to |
eradicate these deadly poisons and their proliferation. It is |
my hope that my testimony will help provide some heart to the |
head knowledge that you hear so frequently in these |
conversations. |
Sadly my wife, family, and I tragically know all too well |
the devastating impact of synthetic drugs. In July of 2014, our |
19 year old son Connor was a bright, vibrant young man with a |
full life ahead of him. He was really what most would have |
considered the all-American young boy. He had a great job. He |
was preparing to go back to college. He loved music, surfing, |
the outdoors. He had lots of friends, and of course he was |
deeply loved by his family, his sisters, his mother, and of |
course me, his father. |
This first photo here was a family shot taken July 5th of |
2014. It was the last time we would be together like this as a |
family. Eight days later, Connor was with a new friend. He made |
the seemingly innocent decision. He agreed to try something |
called Spice, a synthetic poison, and the result was the second |
photo there. After many days in the hospital with our son in a |
coma, he was ultimately declared brain dead. Connor died July |
16th, 2014, after one smoke of a legal high purchased at a |
local store. |
At the time, we were unaware of NPSs, and we made the |
decision to share our story publically, to be painfully |
transparent and naked with our tragedy before a watching world, |
with the simple hopes that perhaps it might change one person's |
life. It might spare them and their family the horrific |
circumstances that we were facing and that we now live with |
each day. |
Since the death of our son 671 days ago, we have met far |
too many parents who have also lost their children to synthetic |
drugs like Spice. And through our outreach, speaking, and |
education efforts over these past 671 days, we have |
communicated with literally hundreds of thousands of people |
throughout the United States and around the world who have lost |
loved ones or had their lives tragically destroyed by synthetic |
drugs. |
Unfortunately, what happened to Connor is not unique. Far |
too many people have suffered irreparable harm, including |
death, as a result of trying or using these poisons. However, |
what is unique about his story is how it is received an |
overwhelming global response to what we have shared publically |
through social media, news interviews, TV, radio broadcasts |
around the world. His story has cut through the racial, |
socioeconomic, geographic, and religious barriers typically |
encountered. We know that NPSs are affecting everyone |
everywhere. We are not just one voice. Connor is not just one |
face or some statistic. We represent the voice and the face of |
the many others just like us. |
We have had the opportunity to reach millions of people on |
this subject. We have been interviewed by most of the major |
news and media outlets around the U.S. and globally, and of |
course we have leveraged social media. We have had individually |
unique Facebook posts that have reached millions at a time, |
with one reaching over 37 million people globally. We have had |
the opportunity to speak in many settings. We have worked with |
and spoken to senators, legislators, law enforcement officials, |
and many in government. We even met with a lord from the House |
of Lords in the U.K. this past summer as we were there on this |
subject. |
We have worked with numerous organizations in an effort to |
educate and increase awareness on the dangers of synthetic |
drugs, and we have worked to change the laws so that these |
poisons are removed from our streets, our stores, and our |
communities, but more must be done. The problem is getting |
worse. Hundreds of new synthetic drug compounds have appeared |
around the world in the last few years, sometimes spreading at |
the rate of a new drug per week, and we are allowing these to |
come into our country. |
Illicit drug manufacturers are constantly working and |
changing the formulas, developing new chemical derivatives in |
order to evade the laws, and frankly they are working faster |
than we are. The issue of NPSs needs to be addressed and it |
needs to be done now. |
When this congressional gathering has ended, you return |
home. You will return to your families, your children, those |
you love and care for. When we return home, we return to a |
family that has been forever changed, because of the death of |
our beloved son as the result of synthetic drugs. As long as |
the people around the world pushing these poisons into our |
communities know that there are little or no consequence for |
their actions, and they do know this, we will continue to see |
the spread of synthetic drugs and the terrible harm they are |
bringing to our families, and to our youth and communities. You |
have the power to do something about this. |
You are in positions of influence and leadership, and we |
are pleading with you to please take action. Do not just talk |
about and debate the issues. Bring about change that will get |
these substances out of our communities, and deal appropriately |
with those behind the manufacturing and distribution of NPSs |
globally. Thank for your time and your consideration on this. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Eckhardt follows:] |
__________ |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, Mr. Eckhardt, thank you for your |
courage, and I appreciate your wife being here also. Thank you. |
Dr. Nichols, I recognize you for 5 minutes. |
Mr. Nichols. Congressman Buck, is my microphone on? |
Congressman Buck, Members of the Committee, thank you for the |
opportunity to appear today. During my career, I worked with |
synthetic drugs, possessing a researcher's Schedule I DEA |
registration. My goal was to understand how the structure of a |
molecule engaged a biological target. Thus, better |
understanding how these substances act in the brain. I am very |
concerned about the potential harms to human health presented |
by synthetic drugs. Their availability requires a response, |
including regulation. |
Yet I do not believe that the proposed legislation would |
have prevented the recent emergence of Spice mixtures. Rather |
they focus on already known controlled substance types. We |
badly need reasonable approaches to controlling new chemo types |
of synthetic substances. The challenge is to preserve |
researcher's needs while also stemming the flow of dangerous |
synthetic chemicals. |
An appropriate response should consider three points. |
First, allowing research of potential therapeutic uses. Second, |
legislation should be guided by rigorous science. And third, |
the impact on mass incarceration, especially in cases where |
substances have not been fully vetted by the scientific |
community. Few investigators will pursue research with Schedule |
I drugs. Various researching Schedule I substances discourage |
engagement. Obtaining a Schedule I license is not a trivial |
matter, and a researcher must be very motivated to obtain one, |
even if the investigator requires only small drug amounts that |
do not represent a potential for diversion. |
In most cases, researchers are funded, for example, by |
NIDA, to study only the deleterious properties of a specific |
drug of abuse. But it is also important to have funding |
available for research to identify beneficial properties of |
Schedule I substances, as with recent medical marijuana. |
The costs and regulatory burdens of a Schedule I license |
deter research that might lead to new medicines. Research on |
Schedule I drugs is important, because in the last decade, |
clinical studies have indicated that psilocybin, a Schedule I |
drug, may have unique therapeutic efficacy in treating anxiety, |
depression and addiction to alcohol and nicotine. |
As another example, Professor Charles Nichols at LSU |
decided to study the receptor targets of hallucinogens before |
he had a Schedule I license. The only hallucinogen available |
without a license was called DOI. He discovered, quite by |
accident, that DOI has potent anti-inflammatory properties, |
indicating potential efficacy in treating cardiovascular |
disease and asthma. Had DOI been a Schedule I, he never would |
have discovered this therapeutic breakthrough. Most |
pharmaceutical companies have a ban in research on novel drugs |
for depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive |
disorder, and others. They have unknown causes, the research is |
extremely expensive with a low probability of success. |
Ironically, the kinds of substances we are concerned with here |
today act in the brain, and it is quite possible that new |
medicines will result from more research on them. Any |
responsible legislation should protect research that might lead |
to the discovery of new medicines. |
Without solid scientific evidence, it is unwise to schedule |
new molecules with untested potential. Sometimes changing a |
single atom on a molecule can dramatically alter its |
pharmacology. Superficial comparisons of chemical structure |
resemblance or predicted pharmacological effects, as in some |
proposed bills, are not a reliable basis for Schedule I |
classification. For example, bupropion or Wellbutrin, an |
effective anti-depressant, resembles Cathinone, yet it has no |
abuse potential. |
There are hundreds of thousands of synthetic compounds that |
could be made, and we still know very little about just a few |
of the most recent ones. Also, there is no schedule category |
for drugs that have no known medical value, but which have also |
not been shown to have high abuse potential. We should |
carefully research compounds flagged by law enforcement by |
scheduling only those who have demonstrated public health and |
safety risks. Input from the scientific medical community would |
preclude the scheduling of compounds with no demonstrated |
public health dangers, preventing needless prosecution and |
incarceration of individuals for using these substances. |
Persons who manufacture and distribute these substances that |
harm human health should be held accountable. |
But many people today do not believe that making users |
criminals for simple possession is appropriate. There is a |
consensus developing that use of psychoactive substances is a |
public health problem, not a criminal matter. The war on drugs |
has been largely unsuccessful in preventing drug use, and has |
contributed to our country having the largest prison population |
in the world, a large percentage of whom were incarcerated as a |
result of non-violent drug offenses. |
In summary, the proliferation of new synthetic substances |
represents a great threat to the health of our youth. And |
regulation must be a component to the solution of this problem. |
But I strongly believe drug control and scheduling decisions |
should be grounded in the best science. There must be balance |
between the needs of research and enforcement, so that |
potential new therapeutic discoveries are not lost by |
restricting access to novel compounds. Humans and adolescents |
in particular, are known to be curious and to experiment. But |
most pass through that phase without serious consequences. |
Draconian penalties and felony convictions for use only add to |
the problem. Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Nichols follows:] |
__________ |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, Dr. Nichols. We will now proceed under |
the 5 minute rule with questions for the witnesses. And I will |
recognize the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Gohmert from Texas. |
Mr. Gohmert. Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank all the witness |
for being here. It is an important subject. And, Mr. Eckhardt, |
I know this is obviously very difficult for you. What a |
handsome young man you and your wife had, obviously brought a |
lot of joy. You mentioned that he bought it legally. You ever |
find out how he heard about this, and where he purchased it? |
Mr. Eckhardt. Connor was with a new friend that day. He had |
actually been offered--think it is on. |
Mr. Gohmert. Yeah. Think it is. |
Mr. Eckhardt. Can you hear me okay? |
Mr. Gohmert. Yeah. |
Mr. Eckhardt. He had actually been offered marijuana. He |
declined; he did not want that, he did not want to be around |
that. And as an alternative, the synthetic drugs were suggested |
and they were purchased at a local smoke shop, along with, you |
know, other tobacco products. And I think truly was viewed as a |
safe alternative. |
Mr. Gohmert. It was legal? |
Mr. Eckhardt. Legal. |
Mr. Gohmert. Yeah, so it must be okay. |
Mr. Eckhardt. And I think, you know, there is youth, find |
themselves often in situations of peer pressure, and he was |
declining one thing, and it was a way to concede. |
Mr. Gohmert. He was acting admirably. Relying on his |
government that if it was too harmful, it would be illegal, |
obviously. And obviously, as you and your wife have been doing, |
you have been raising awareness. If he had been aware of the |
dangers, obviously he was sharp enough, and moral enough that |
he would have turned it down, and just did not know the risk. |
Mr. Milione, how big is the market for illicit prescription |
drugs compared to heroin? |
Mr. Milione. The market for prescription illicit or |
prescription opioids is massive. It would be hard to put a |
number on it. If you put it in overdose numbers, we are talking |
18,000, 19,000 overdoses in 1 year of prescription opioids. |
With heroin, you have almost 9,000. That is a trend, heroin is |
trending up. You have a massive prescription opioid problem. |
Mr. Gohmert. So is the prescription opioid trending down, |
or just heroin trending up? |
Mr. Milione. We do not see a downward trend in prescription |
opioid abuse or overdoses. That is trending up, not at quite |
the rate that heroin is trending up. They are both trending up; |
heroin is intersecting unfortunately, on that graph. |
Mr. Gohmert. Is it not interesting, as our Federal |
Government is forcing people to turn away from God, they are |
searching for answers in other places that are not so good for |
them? Do you know what the profit margin for a kilogram of a |
synthetic cannabinoid is? |
Mr. Milione. It is a massive profit margin. So for maybe |
$1,500, $1,000, up to $2,000, you could buy a kilogram of |
synthetic substances that is a synthetic cannabinoid, and 13 |
kilograms of, let's say marshmallow leaf. And you can turn that |
into about $250,000, that initial $1,000 to $1,500 into |
$250,000 of profit. |
Mr. Gohmert. Dr. Nichols, you wrote an article in January |
of 2011, where you expressed remorse because someone had used |
your published research to produce a substance that caused six |
deaths. How could they have used your article to produce that? |
I mean, did you go into that kind of detail? It is hard to |
believe they could have taken your article and--what is that? |
Mr. Nichols. The situation is, the chemists who were |
involved in making these substances are quite accomplished. I |
think many of them must have PhDs. So we publish in the open |
scientific literature, and I had been doing studies of ecstasy, |
its mechanism of action. |
Mr. Gohmert. Right. |
Mr. Nichols. So one of the compounds we had made was called |
MTA. And in the assay that we used was a rad assay. It really |
identified compounds that caused the release of a brain |
transmitter called serotonin. And that does not represent the |
effects of ecstasy, but somebody, apparently in the |
Netherlands, saw that paper we published, and actually we had |
published that it was a potential anti-depressant, when we |
actually looked at it. They saw we had made it. |
The synthetic methods are in all the published literature. |
So they simply made a batch of it, and ironically put it into |
tablets called flatliners. This was really the first case |
where--and I was really shocked, because all medicinal chemists |
who work in this field publish their work in the open |
literature, and if you work with cocaine analogs, or |
hallucinogens, or DMA analogues, it is all out there. The |
methods are on the papers. It just takes someone to mine that |
literature to find the kind of compound they want to work with. |
Mr. Gohmert. But you were not publishing the recipe or |
anything? |
Mr. Nichols. It is in the scientific publication. |
Mr. Gohmert. But not in your article. That is what---- |
Mr. Nichols. No, not in the essay, no. |
Mr. Gohmert. But I am just saying. I think you blame |
yourself too much for that. But I appreciate the time. Thank |
you, I yield back. |
Mr. Buck. Chair recognizes the Ranking Member from Texas, |
Ms. Jackson Lee. |
Ms. Jackson Lee. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. This is |
a very important hearing. I want to thank each of the |
witnesses; Mr. Milione and Mr. Smith, Mr. Eckhardt, and |
certainly Dr. Nichols. Thank you so very much. I hope I |
pronounced Mr. Milione almost correctly. |
I was previously in a meeting, and I will have to go to |
another meeting dealing with criminal justice, but this is a |
very important hearing. Let me thank the Chairman as well, Mr. |
Buck. Let me also thank the Chairman of the Subcommittee, Mr. |
Sensenbrenner, and the Chairman of the full Committee, and Mr. |
Conyers, the Ranking Member of the full Committee. |
I am grateful for the work that we have done to organize |
this hearing, and bring the use and abuse of synthetic drugs to |
the attention to the Subcommittee on Crime. We have several |
witnesses here today who will provide us with their own |
perspectives regarding the effects and dangers of synthetic |
drugs. My home State of Texas has been significantly affected |
by the proliferation of synthetic drugs. |
Kush is a street name for the popular illegal substance in |
Houston right now. And it has caused great harm. It is a |
designer drug made from combinations of synthetic chemical, |
sprayed on plant material, then packaged like candy, smoked |
like marijuana. It has no constraints, no regulations, no |
guidelines. Kush is typically many times more potent than |
natural marijuana, and produces physical and psychological |
effects that are uncharacteristic of natural marijuana use. |
People who have used Kush have suffered paralysis, brain |
damage, heart attacks, and even death. Kush is but one name, or |
supposed brand name for the synthetic marijuana. |
And law enforcement agencies, including those in Texas and |
across the Nation, have identified hundreds of names given to |
synthetic marijuana. This Committee hearing is important for |
that reason. We need to get the facts. Whatever we generate in |
legislation should be confined by the facts. |
We do not want to expand the fishnet, if you will, on |
individuals who happen to be either attracted, addicted, or |
using this drug. And I hope that we will have enough facts in |
our record to be able to craft a sufficient Federal response to |
this very important issue. Mr. Chairman, I am going to ask |
unanimous consent that the rest of my statement be included in |
the record. |
Mr. Buck. Without objection. |
[The prepared statement of Ms. Jackson Lee follows:] |
Prepared Statement of the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, a |
Representative in Congress from the State of Texas, and Ranking Member, |
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Ranking Member Conyers. |
I am grateful for the work you have done to organize this hearing |
and bring the use and abuse of synthetic drugs to the attention of the |
Subcommittee on Crime. |
We have several witnesses here today, who will provide us with |
their own unique perspectives regarding the effects and dangers of |
synthetic drugs. |
My home state of Texas has been significantly affected by the |
proliferation of synthetic drugs. |
``Kush'' is the street name for the most popular illegal substance |
in Houston right now. |
It is a designer drug made from combinations of synthetic chemicals |
sprayed on plant material, then packaged like candy, and smoked like |
marijuana. |
Kush is typically many times more potent than natural marijuana and |
produces physical and psychological effects that are uncharacteristic |
of natural marijuana use. |
People who have used Kush have suffered paralysis, brain damage, |
heart attacks and even death. |
Kush is but one name, or supposed brand name, for synthetic |
marijuana. |
Law enforcement agencies across the Nation have identified hundreds |
of names given to synthetic marijuana. |
Synthetic marijuana has become increasingly popular with teenagers |
as young as twelve and twenty-somethings. |
According to the DEA, it is the second-most abused substance by |
twelfth-graders, and overdoses of the drug are increasing in Texas. |
Synthetic marijuana has been linked to severe paranoia, psychotic |
episodes, violent delusions, kidney damage, suicidal thoughts, and |
self-mutilation. |
Two weeks ago, a man commandeered a D.C. transit bus, then, struck |
and killed a man. |
It was later determined that the individual who took over the bus |
smoked synthetic marijuana and PCP before the incident. |
But, there are six other classes of synthetic drugs other than the |
class to which synthetic marijuana belongs. |
A study conducted by the University of Michigan in 2014 revealed |
that synthetic drugs were the second most used substances amongst |
students in grades eight through twelve. |
People are marketing synthetic drugs to our children with colorful |
packaging covered with cartoon characters. |
Without knowing what they are ingesting, kids believe these |
substances pose no danger to them physically or legally because they |
can easily walk into a gas station or convenience store and purchase |
them with no hassle involved. |
In reality, the dangers of using synthetic drugs are often greater |
than using the actual drug. |
The physical and psychological effects produced by synthetic drugs |
are wholly unpredictable. |
Those who overdose on these substances are also at greater risk of |
dying because doctors and first responders must first identify the |
source of the problem, preventing them from rendering the appropriate |
medical treatment in a timely manner, if, at all. |
We all share common goals--to protect our children and shield them |
from dangers they may not be able to understand or appreciate. |
We must consider all possible solutions, including treatment and |
prevention. |
As we did when the House acted last week to pass legislation |
addressing the opioid epidemic, we must adopt comprehensive approaches |
to issues of synthetic drug abuse. |
I hope the information we receive today will help us formulate |
appropriate and even-handed solutions that address more than just the |
criminal aspects of this problem. |
Thank you. |
__________ |
Ms. Jackson Lee. And I am also going to ask that my |
questions for the witnesses be submitted for answers to |
comment. I ask unanimous consent, and my questions submitted to |
the witnesses that I may present. |
Mr. Buck. Without objection, so ordered. |
Ms. Jackson Lee. And I am going to propose a question to |
Dr. Nichols. I am concerned about making sure that we are not |
so broad that we in fact do not appropriately respond to |
synthetic drugs. And let me, by the way, in a moment of |
personal privilege, my daughter graduated with honors from the |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, so you are elevated |
even higher in my eyesight. |
Why is it important, Dr. Nichols, that the scientific |
experts in the fields that study synthetic compounds play a |
role in determining the appropriate response in terms of drug |
scheduling and other controlled measures? And might I ask that |
you describe any promising research that you are aware of on |
these issues. |
Mr. Nichols. Well the legislation that I have seen in |
general basically tries to expand the landscape around known |
compounds, and I have done patent legislation, and I work with |
patents. And in patents, pharmaceutical companies will claim a |
genus of compounds. And in a recent case, there were 58 |
trillion compounds. So the possibility for harm is sort of |
unimaginable. |
So I think we really need expert medicinal chemists and |
neuro-pharmacologists to look at these compounds that have been |
proposed for scheduling to really determine. I know I have seen |
some of the proposed bills, and they basically try to think of |
everything possible. One of the comments I made was, we are |
talking about hallucinogens, cathinone-analogues, fentanyl- |
analogues, and synthetic cannabinoid compounds. But what if a |
new type of drug hits the street? There is no legislation that |
would take care of a new chemo type. |
So then, all of a sudden, we have another cathinone. Some |
Chinese chemist plays around a lab, finds something we have |
never seen before, and now we have another scourge. So the laws |
that are proposed really are sort of hindsight laws, based on, |
if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I |
think we need some out of the box thinking in terms of ways to |
approach this that would cut off the possibility for new chemo |
types of drugs that we have not seen it, and would be more |
careful in circumscribing the things that we have. |
Using expertise, there is lots of expertise in the American |
chemical society, in pharmacology societies, that could sit |
down and look at these and say, ``These are problems, these |
need some evidence,'' rather than just casting a wide net that |
is going to create all kinds of problems. Many of the compounds |
may not even be harmful to human health. |
So it is kind of an unfocused shotgun approach that I think |
could be much more focused on real problems with some |
expertise. And I just have not seen that brought to bear. |
Ms. Jackson Lee. Let me thank you. I know the other |
witnesses will have some instructive information that I will |
draw from your answers. Dr. Nichols, I think you have laid a |
landscape, or parameters, that we should seriously look at. We |
just had successful set of legislative initiatives on opioid, |
and I think it was based on a lot of thought, a lot of |
hearings, opioid and heroin. We passed a series of about 18 |
bills last week that all of us can find satisfaction in the way |
we approached it. |
The Judiciary Committee bill did not have any mandatory |
minimums at all. It was treatment, and recognition of the vast |
problem. I want to make sure that we are accurately and |
appropriately addressing this problem, and I will take to |
heart, if you will, take under advisement, your very astute |
analysis dealing with the vastness of compounds and subsets |
that we should address to make sure that we narrowly address |
these poisonous synthetic drugs, and not have a wide reach. |
With that, Mr. Chairman, thank you so very much. With that |
Mr. Chairman, I yield back, and I appreciate your time. |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, Ms. Jackson Lee. I now recognize the |
gentleman from Michigan, Mr. Bishop. |
Mr. Bishop. Thank you, Mr. Chair. And thank you to the |
witnesses for being here today. I want to particularly thank |
Mr. Eckhardt and Veronica for being here today, for your |
testimony. Like many of the folks in this room, I am a parent. |
I have a 16 year old son, and a 14 and a 10 year old. And this |
issue causes me great agony. And for you, my heart goes out to |
you and your wife. I pray for you and your family for what you |
have been through. |
I thank you for your courage to be here. It is incredible |
what you are doing, and thank you for raising awareness. And I |
intend to take your message back to my district, and certainly |
to my family. But I wondered if you might be able to share with |
us what you believe, in your experience so far, is the most |
effective method of raising awareness, and what is the most |
efficient method in curtailing the use of synthetic drugs? |
Ms. Eckhardt. May I speak? |
Mr. Bishop. Yes, please. |
Ms. Eckhardt. Thank you so much for having us here. |
Obviously, it is very difficult for Devin and I. Not only did |
we travel overnight from California, but we are so passionate |
about this subject. And laws take time to change. They |
obviously need to change now. But getting that public service |
announcement, which is now happening with the opiate and heroin |
epidemic, getting public service announcements out there, |
recognizing that these products are available in candy form, in |
liquid form, in the vapes, in the e-cigarettes, in the |
marijuana type leaf, getting that message out there to parents. |
They simply do not know. |
I said I wish I could carry--I have a book this big--that |
is full of stories, full of stories from people who have lost |
their children, either to death or to mental illness from |
using. People simply do not know. It needs to be taught in the |
classrooms. Teachers need to know. Physicians need to know. |
Nurses need to know. Counselors need to know. The public needs |
to know at large. And this is something that can be done |
immediately. Awareness, education, prevention. |
And I would like to also mention that if you are 13, 14, |
15, 17 years old, under 18 years old, and you become addicted |
to Spice, and it is very addictive, where do they go? There is |
not a place for an addicted child to get treatment, and this is |
a very serious issue needed to be discussed at another time. |
Thank you. |
Mr. Bishop. Thank you very much, Veronica, I appreciate |
your being here, and appreciate your testimony. Agent Milione |
and Officer Smith, I wondered if you might be able to address |
this issue. I, as a former prosecutor, have had an interaction |
with law enforcement over the years. K2 was an issue not too |
long ago. Hit the stores, it was in the local gas stations, at |
the party stores. I got a call from one of my local police |
chiefs, Chief Narsh from Lake Orion Police Department, who told |
me that he was trying to get it off the shelves but he could |
not do it because there was no legal authority to do that. |
How do we get ahead of this? What do we do to give you the |
tools in law enforcement to prepare for the next generation? |
And clearly, these folks that are selling them in the stores |
are selling them with knowledge that they are being used in an |
illicit way. They are not just bath salts or incense. It is |
being used by our youth in a way that is intended for some sort |
of high. How do we get ahead of this, and what can we do as |
Congress to help and give you the tools you need? |
Mr. Milione. Thank you very much for the question. As I |
mentioned before, we have already identified hundreds, not |
based on theory, but based on overdoses, deaths, law |
enforcement encounters, we are getting multiple every month. So |
now we are talking dozens every year. So, the most effective |
way to give immediate relief to our State and local partners |
and our Federal partners is get them into Schedule I. That |
would solve a couple of problems. It would give us the ability |
to get them out of those stores, to be able to stop it at the |
border. |
But more importantly, we would be able to increase the cost |
of those that are trafficking it--not using it, trafficking in |
it--in the United States, but then overseas, because they |
operate with impunity. That would be one fix. |
Another possible solution would have to do with that |
labeling. In the same way that with anabolic steroids, there is |
a bill that you have to have appropriate labeling. If there is |
false labeling, there may be some kind of a false labeling |
penalty that would increase the civil penalty, and tamp down |
the incentive for these retail stores, convenience stores to |
have this in their places of business. So those are a couple of |
ideas, but we would be more than happy to work on any, |
providing any technical assistance in that area. |
Mr. Smith. Representative, as Veronica spoke to it, PSA and |
getting the word out on the street. And I believe Mr. Buck or |
Mr. Eckhardt spoke to the fact of these kids are buying this |
legally in stores. And again, thinking it is a legal substance, |
they are not doing any of the hardcore street drugs that we |
used to see them do: cocaine, heroin, marijuana. They are not |
taking this out of de facto ramifications that come from using |
something that they buy at their convenience store for $5. |
Mr. Bishop. Thank you both very much. I wish we had more |
time on this. I mean, anything I can personally do and I know |
others are the same way. Anyway I can help, I would love to be |
part of that solution. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back. |
Mr. Buck. Thank you, and the Chair recognizes Ms. Chu from |
California for 5 minutes. |
Ms. Chu. Yes. Mr. Milione, the Controlled Substances Act |
provides for two mechanisms for controlling drugs and other |
substances. Congress can do it legislatively, or the DEA, in |
collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, |
can do it administratively. When the DEA takes an action to |
temporarily schedule a substance, retailers begin selling new |
versions of their products with new unregulated compounds in |
them. In your opinion, how effective is the current legislative |
framework? |
Mr. Milione. Certainly we appreciate all the tools that |
Congress has given us. The challenge in this space is that it |
is a reactive process, and it is a lengthy process, resource- |
intensive process. And the same medicinal chemists, |
pharmacologists that do this analysis for DEA and work with our |
partners at HHS also travel the country. I think it is 65 |
different Federal prosecutions under the Analogue Act, as |
experts. |
So it is a very reactive process. Scheduling temporarily |
takes, on average, three to 4 months, after harm has already |
occurred. Once we initiate that process, it is generally two to |
3 years by the time HHS can do their analysis. So when you pile |
on top the dozens that we are getting every year, on top of the |
hundreds that we have already identified, it is like pushing |
that proverbial massive rock up a hill. |
Ms. Chu. And what should Congress do to expedite the |
classification and scheduling of these synthetic drug |
analogues? |
Mr. Milione. I would be willing to work with your staff to |
talk specifics, provide some technical advice, anything that |
would either streamline that process, or give us some breathing |
room and get the ones that we have already identified onto |
Schedule I. |
Ms. Chu. Yes, I would love work with you on that. |
Mr. Milione. Yes, absolutely. |
Ms. Chu. Mr. Milione, in order to skirt Federal and State |
laws, many of these synthetic drugs are being labeled as not |
intended for human consumption, or legal in certain states. How |
are these claims affecting law enforcement's ability to |
prosecute synthetic drug-related crimes, and what could be done |
about this? |
Mr. Milione. Well that is the evil brilliance of some of |
the traffickers. They are going to look at the law, the |
Analogue Act, and they are going to create something and put |
that on the substance so that creates a defense for them. So |
now you have a battle for the experts when you prosecute them |
under the Analogue Act. |
So, one way that you could potentially fix that, that I |
mentioned a moment ago, is if you had some kind of a labeling |
requirement so that they are appropriately labeled. That would |
defeat that defense, but that is kind of in the realm of the |
technical assistance and advice or interaction that we could |
have to maybe talk about those in greater detail. |
Ms. Chu. Mr. Milione, a majority of these synthetic drugs |
have been manufactured and imported from China. What has the |
DEA been doing to combat the manufacturing of these chemical |
compounds? |
Mr. Milione. That is one of the biggest challenges, right? |
The manufacturers operate with impunity because the majority of |
these substances are not in Schedule I. Fortunately, we have a |
very strong and growing relationship with the Republic of |
China. |
In October of 2015, they scheduled 116 of these new |
psychoactive substances, these synthetics, and as a result of |
our cooperation with them, they provided leads with us to |
identify domestically where gatekeepers and--not cartel heads, |
but cartel distributors--would be in the United States, so that |
we could work under our laws here in the United States to bring |
them to justice. |
Ms. Chu. And how are these precursor chemicals being |
imported into the United States? |
Mr. Milione. They are being labeled as research chemicals. |
They are being, like any other contraband, mislabeled and then |
sent in. And unfortunately, the majority of them, we do not |
have the authority to stop them. We cannot help our partners at |
the CBP, Customs and Border Patrol, because the majority of |
them are not scheduled. |
Ms. Chu. And, Officer Smith, in the past several years, |
there has been an enormous increase in the variety and number |
of synthetic drugs available. The effects of the drugs can vary |
so greatly. As a first responder, what additional safety and |
health precautions do police officers have to take when |
approaching an individual suspected to be under the influence |
of synthetic drugs? |
Mr. Smith. Ma'am, from the law enforcement first responder |
stand point in general would be, law enforcement, fire, EMS, |
dealing with individuals on synthetic drugs, and I spoke to it |
earlier, it is similar to the effects of PCP on an individual. |
You know, they are very unpredictable to deal with. They can be |
very passive at one moment, and with the flick of a light |
switch per se, they are extremely agitated, they are very |
violent, and we are getting officers and firefighters and EMS |
responders hurt from the synthetic drugs. |
Ms. Chu. Thank you. I yield back. |
Mr. Buck. Thank you. And the Chair recognizes Mr. Labrador |
from Idaho for 5 minutes. |
Mr. Labrador. Thank you Mr. Chairman, and I will yield back |
1 or 2 minutes to Mr. Bishop who has a few more questions. |
Mr. Bishop. Thank you, Congressman Labrador. We have got a |
thousand questions here and a very small amount of time, but I |
wondered if I might ask Mr. Milione--the DEA's Project Synergy |
found that millions of dollars in the sales of these synthetics |
were being funneled back to the Middle East, for what I assume |
to be terrorism purposes, or funding terrorism. Can you comment |
on that, and share more about that? |
Mr. Milione. Sure. Project Synergy, it was a multi-year, |
multi-agency investigation, and you are right, about millions |
and millions, hundreds of millions in proceeds were going back |
to the Middle East; Yemen, Syria, Lebanon. We continue to |
explore that, we work with our partners at the FBI, and our |
Special Operations Division, which is a multi-agency |
coordination center. |
But that operation resulted in the seizure of almost 7,000 |
kilograms of cathinones, cannabinoids, and a number of |
successful--hundreds of prosecutions. But we are still |
exploring that, and I would not be able to speak to some of the |
threads of those investigations on the money. |
Mr. Bishop. One follow-up, a quick follow-up--we know that |
this is not necessarily manufactured here, that in many cases, |
it comes from China, overseas somewhere. How is the trafficking |
handled when it gets to the Untired States? Who does it? |
Cartels or---- |
Mr. Milione. Well, on both the synthetic cannabinoid, |
cathinone side, but on the fentanyl analogues, which are the |
deadly, much more potent than heroin synthetic, there is |
several ways, but the primary way is, manufactured in China, |
sent into Mexico. Mexican cartels now are exploiting and |
capitalizing on the opioid epidemic in the country, obviously |
with their heroin trafficking, and they are taking the |
synthetic fentanyl, mixing it with heroin and other substances, |
and sending it across the border. Southwest border, couriers |
taking it into Lawrence, Massachusetts. Really, any part of the |
country is being touched. |
But you can also get it directly from China. You can order |
it over the Internet. You can get this substance sent to you, |
delivered directly to your home. You can mix it with other |
compounds and then distribute it in the United States. It is a |
terrible treacherous world that they are creating. |
Mr. Bishop. Thank you very much for your testimony. I yield |
back to Congressmen Labrador. |
Mr. Labrador. Thank you, Mr. Bishop. And thank you all for |
being here today. I applaud the Chairman for calling this |
hearing and taking steps to fight this epidemic. |
Mr. Eckhardt, I want to express to you--I have five |
children, and I cannot even imagine what you are going through, |
and I want to express my deepest condolences to you, to your |
wife, and to your entire family for your tragic loss. I am sure |
it is difficult to be here and testify, but I greatly admire |
the courage that you have to testify here and to help us to |
more fully understand the true impact of these drugs, you know, |
on our society. |
Mr. Milione, I want to follow up on some of the questions |
that were being asked. To your knowledge, is DEA working with |
Customs and Border Protection to interdict these shipments? |
Mr. Milione. We are working with them as closely as we can |
and with the tools that we have, absolutely. |
Mr. Labrador. Do you have cooperative agreements in place? |
Mr. Milione. I do not know as far as the agreements, but I |
am sure there are MOU's that exist. But there is a healthy |
working relationship with CBP. |
Mr. Labrador. Yeah. And you think that working relationship |
is functioning? |
Mr. Milione. I believe so, in this context, yes. |
Mr. Labrador. Can you estimate the number of prosecutions |
of synthetic drug manufacturers and distributors that have |
occurred in the United States? |
Mr. Milione. I am sorry, I missed that. |
Mr. Labrador. Can you estimate the number of prosecutions |
of synthetic drug manufacturers and distributors that have |
occurred in the United States? |
Mr. Milione. It would be very hard for me to come up with a |
hard number. I would be happy to take that back and get that to |
you. |
Mr. Labrador. Okay. Mr. Smith, how has your department had |
to shift its drug enforcement policies in order to combat the |
influx of synthetic drugs? |
Mr. Smith. The combating of the synthetic drugs is typical |
enforcement of any other law. The fact that we are running in a |
problem the same as Mr. Malone, and as Dr. Nichols testified |
to, is the ever-changing chemical make-up of these synthetic |
drugs for prosecution. Was made by the DEA and Dr. Nichols, |
just them tweaking one chemical atom of that synthetic drug |
changes the enforcement aspect on law enforcement's side, due |
to the fact of now, you have a chemical drug that was actually |
scheduled, now they change an atom, it is no longer that |
chemical, it is a new chemical, so therefore it cannot be |
prosecuted. |
Mr. Labrador. Okay. Thank you. Mr. Eckhardt, is there |
anything that you have not been able to tell us, that we have |
not asked you, that you would like to say? |
Mr. Eckhardt. How much time do you have? Yeah, I think one |
of the things that occurs to me as this conversation goes on |
is, I would say at what price tag? At what price tag are |
changes being made, or being delayed? From a parent's |
perspective, from the general public's perspective, we would |
feel like, and the many, many hundreds of thousands of people |
that we have communicated with would feel like if something |
looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, |
let's call it a duck. |
We are down at the molecular atom structure, and because |
they change one molecule, it skirts our laws, and it is |
available. How many young people have to lose their lives to |
death or permanent disability? What is the impact on our |
community and our society as a result of that? And at what |
price tag are we preserving the ability to research these, or |
to talk about them or to study trends and statistics before we |
actually do something? Let's do something. If it is not the |
right thing, we can always change it down the road as we learn |
more. |
But I think parents and the general public out there need |
to be informed about this. We had no idea. We were not parents |
with our heads in the sand. We talked to our children about |
drugs and the perils of what they face as youth growing up in |
today's world. We did not have a clue about what is going on, |
and the more we learn, the more terrifying it gets to be a |
parent in today's world. We need help from our government. |
Mr. Labrador. Thank you. I yield back. |
Mr. Buck. I thank the gentleman. The Chair recognizes the |
Chair of the full Committee, Mr. Goodlatte from Virginia. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Well thank you Mr. Chairman, and I apologize |
for not being able to be with you for the entire hearing. I did |
appreciate in particular your testimony, Mr. Eckhardt, and this |
brochure. |
I have, in my experience here in the Congress, seen a few |
other people who basically dedicated their lives to trying to |
make their son or daughter's life meaningful, and I know that |
is exactly what you are trying to do in dealing with a horrific |
loss like you are. So, I very much commend you for that. |
I do not know how much your foundation's research has given |
you about this, but--and it may have been asked already--but |
some of these products like K2 and Spice and Chronic that I see |
on the bottom of the brochure here--they look like, you know, |
regular commercial products, and that increases, I am sure, the |
opinion that people think that ``Hey this must be legitimate. |
It is for sale here in this store.'' |
What do you know about those companies? Are they legitimate |
companies that make other products, or are they just totally |
illegal operations that have this stuff mysteriously appear in |
various stores for people to buy? |
Mr. Eckhardt. Yeah, to the best of our understanding, there |
is no legitimate use for the chemicals, and the businesses that |
are proliferating these products out there in marketplace are |
not selling legitimate. |
Mr. Goodlatte. If you were to sue them, they would just |
disappear in thin air? They are not---- |
Mr. Eckhardt. In the case with our son, we tried to |
discover who was the manufacturer, and were unable to get that, |
even though we had the packet itself. So there is a deep web, |
and it is not easy to go and identify. These are not products |
that are typically being made in some manufacturing plant with |
the name of the company out front. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Do you think they are made in the U.S. or |
made outside and shipped in? |
Mr. Eckhardt. Our understanding is both, both. |
Mr. Goodlatte. And how much cooperation did you get from |
law enforcement, from the DEA and others, in trying to do that |
research up that chain to find out who made it and where they |
made it? |
Mr. Eckhardt. From our perspective, the law enforcement and |
the people around us were very supportive. |
Mr. Goodlatte. But they were not able to help you go up the |
chain and find out who actually made that product that was in |
that bag? |
Mr. Eckhardt. Right. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Mr. Milione, you testified about how potent |
Fentanyl is even if it is just absorbed through the skin. What |
harm could this substance do if dispersed over a crowd of |
people? |
Mr. Milione. It could kill them. I mean it would depress |
their--I am not a scientist, obviously, but we fortunately have |
much smarter people than myself on our staff that are |
scientists. And it will depress your respiration and it could |
cause death. So as was talked about, a very miniscule amount |
can cause death. |
So one of the challenges obviously for the unsuspecting |
user is that they could be taking Fentanyl and not realize that |
it is Fentanyl and overdose. But then for my brothers and |
sisters in law enforcement, the first responders, and within |
the DEA, when we go in on warrants, it is a very, very |
difficult situation. Every time you encounter heroin now, you |
have to assume it is Fentanyl, because if you inhale it, it |
becomes airborne, you get it on your skin, you could have that |
kind of a reaction. So that is something that law enforcement |
all over the country is--and EMS, firefighters, everyone is |
concerned with that. |
Mr. Goodlatte. And that is added? Heroin is cut with that, |
and some other things are cut with that in order to increase |
the addictive nature of it? Is that---- |
Mr. Milione. Increase its potency, so it can be added---- |
Mr. Goodlatte. That develops a reputation, people go back |
to it because ``Hey, that was really''---- |
Mr. Milione. Well that is kind of the tragic part of it, |
right? |
Mr. Goodlatte. Yeah. |
Mr. Milione. Word gets out that there is a very strong--and |
traffickers will do that. They will spike something very hot, |
so that when it goes out, unfortunately you will have overdose |
deaths. Word will travel, and that particular X product is |
very, very potent, so there will be a desire for that product. |
So it is mixed with heroin, it is mixed with other substances. |
It really can be mixed with anything, just to kind of expand |
its commercial viability. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Adding that to some other product, as |
dangerous as the other product might be, like heroin--adding |
that to it is almost tantamount to knowing you are going to be |
committing a certain number of murders as that is distributed |
amongst the populous. |
Mr. Milione. That is---- |
Mr. Goodlatte. Unavoidable that a significant quantity of |
this in the hands of the population is going to result in a |
certain number of deaths. |
Mr. Milione. That is correct, and we have had success. |
Mr. Goodlatte. You have got to know that going in, right? |
Mr. Milione. Yes, and we have had success with death |
investigations post-overdose. |
Mr. Goodlatte. How difficult is it to prosecute the |
manufacturers of these synthetic drugs? |
Mr. Milione. When you were speaking earlier--here is the |
biggest challenge. The biggest challenge is it is reactive. Our |
success with any of the biggest cartels, the most violent |
insulated groups, has been with a proactive infiltration. To |
get them indicted, get them convicted, arrest them in the |
United States, or bring them--extradite them from another |
country. |
The problem is in a reactive case, the harm has already |
occurred, so now you are trying to rebuild that. It is |
challenging, especially when the substances aren't necessarily |
Schedule I substances. |
Mr. Goodlatte. Thank you. My time has expired. Thank you, |
Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Buck. This concludes today's hearing. Thanks to all of |
our distinguished witnesses for attending. Without objection, |
all Members will have 5 legislative days to submit additional |
written questions for the witnesses or additional materials for |
the record. The hearing is adjourned. |
[Whereupon, at 11:21 a.m., the Subcommittee adjourned |
subject to the call of the Chair.] |
[all] |
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