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[House Hearing, 114 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
[H.A.S.C. No. 114-118] |
ON |
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ON |
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MARCH 23, 2016 |
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20-078 WASHINGTON : 2017 |
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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing |
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MICHAEL R. TURNER, Ohio, Chairman |
JOHN FLEMING, Louisiana NIKI TSONGAS, Massachusetts |
PAUL COOK, California, Vice Chair Georgia |
SAM GRAVES, Missouri TIMOTHY J. WALZ, Minnesota |
WALTER B. JONES, North Carolina GWEN GRAHAM, Florida |
JOE WILSON, South Carolina SETH MOULTON, Massachusetts |
John Sullivan, Professional Staff Member |
Doug Bush, Professional Staff Member |
Neve Schadler, Clerk |
C O N T E N T S |
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Page |
Bogdan, Lt Gen Christopher C., USAF, Program Executive Officer, |
F-35 Joint Program Office...................................... 4 |
Gilmore, Dr. J. Michael, Director, Operational Test and |
Evaluation, Office of the Secretary of Defense................. 1 |
Stackley, Hon. Sean J., Assistant Secretary of the Navy for |
Research, Development and Acquisition.......................... 6 |
Sullivan, Michael J., Director, Acquisition and Sourcing |
Management, U.S. Government Accountability Office.............. 3 |
Prepared Statements: |
Gilmore, Dr. J. Michael...................................... 35 |
Sanchez, Hon. Loretta, a Representative from California, |
Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land |
Forces..................................................... 33 |
Stackley, Hon. Sean J., joint with Lt Gen Christopher C. |
Bogdan..................................................... 87 |
Sullivan, Michael J.......................................... 67 |
Turner, Hon. Michael R., a Representative from Ohio, |
Chairman, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces..... 31 |
Documents Submitted for the Record: |
Information Paper from Lt Gen Bogdan to Mr. Turner........... 113 |
Witness Responses to Questions Asked During the Hearing: |
[There were no Questions submitted during the hearing.] |
Questions Submitted by Members Post Hearing: |
Ms. Duckworth................................................ 134 |
Mr. Jones.................................................... 134 |
Mr. Turner................................................... 125 |
. |
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House of Representatives, |
Committee on Armed Services, |
Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, |
Washington, DC, Wednesday, March 23, 2016. |
The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 11:28 a.m., in |
room 2118, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Michael R. |
Turner (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. |
Mr. Turner. The subcommittee will come to order to receive |
testimony concerning the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the JSF, |
program. I want to welcome our panel of distinguished |
witnesses, Dr. Michael Gilmore, Director of Operational Test |
and Evaluation [OT&E]; Dr. Michael J. Sullivan, Director of |
Acquisition and Sourcing, Government Accountability Office |
[GAO], and a good southwest Ohioan; the Honorable Sean |
Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, |
Development, and Acquisition; and Lieutenant General |
Christopher C. Bogdan, F-35 Program Executive Officer. |
Because we were held up for votes, I am going to enter my |
statement for the record, if there is no objection. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Turner can be found in the |
Appendix on page 31.] |
Mr. Turner. And we will also enter Ms. Sanchez's statement |
in for the record, and we will proceed right to the statements |
of our witnesses. |
[The prepared statement of Ms. Sanchez can be found in the |
Appendix on page 33.] |
Mr. Turner. I believe we will start with Dr. Gilmore. |
Dr. Gilmore. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, members of the |
committee. In my opening statement I will focus on readiness |
for operational test and evaluation. |
My estimate is the program won't be ready to begin IOT&E |
[initial operational test and evaluation] until mid-calendar |
year 2018 at the earliest. That would be about a 1-year delay |
relative to what the program is carrying currently as its |
objective dates and about 6 months relative to its threshold |
dates. |
The reasons are the following. The most complex mission |
system testing remains, as does verification and fixes to |
significant problems, some of those fixes already having been |
identified and some not. Mission system stability, including |
the radar, still a problem. Inadequate fusion of sensor |
information from sensors on the same aircraft, as well as among |
different aircraft, continues to be a problem. There are |
shortfalls in electronic warfare, electronic attack, shortfalls |
in the performance of the Distributed Aperture System, and |
other issues that are classified with regard to mission |
systems. |
Stealth aircraft are not invisible. To achieve success |
against the modern stressing mobile threats we are relying on |
our $400 billion investment in F-35 to provide, mission systems |
must work, in some reasonable sense of that word. And we must |
provide every incentive to the contractors to make the mission |
systems work leading up to and after IOT&E, in my view. |
The program has now changed its approach from schedule- |
driven software releases, which had overlaid old problems on |
top of new problems, to a capabilities-based approach. So now |
the program is addressing the significant deficiencies with a |
given version of software prior to proceeding with the next |
version, and I certainly commend that approach. And that should |
help work through and solve some of these problems that I have |
mentioned with mission systems. |
Other reasons IOT&E is likely to be delayed include the |
need for weapons testing and certification. The rate at which |
that has been done in the past must triple in order to get all |
the events done. There has been talk of cutting the number of |
events by two-thirds. If that occurs, that would simply shift |
the work to IOT&E and make essentially certain late discoveries |
of problems requiring fixes during IOT&E. |
The program is exploring ways to up the rate of testing, |
including using ranges at Eglin, and that would be a good |
decision, but decisions and action need to be taken soon. |
There is also the issue of certification of full weapons |
usage throughout the full flight envelope. The most recent test |
community estimates are that that would occur in October 2017 |
for F-35A, February 2018 for F-35C, and May 2018 for F-35B. And |
we are looking at this. Some have proposed an incremental |
rolling start to occupational tests. That may not be practical, |
and it was certainly problematic when we tried it on F-22. |
There are still problems with the Autonomics Logistics |
Information System [ALIS], which is critical to the combat |
operations of the aircraft. There are many resource-intensive |
workarounds still required. Under the program's current |
schedule, ALIS 3.0, the full capability version required for |
IOT&E, would not be released until the first quarter of 2018. |
There is also the need for concurrency-driven extensive |
modifications required to early-lot aircraft bought for IOT&E |
when it was thought that IOT&E would begin in 2013. The current |
unmitigated--meaning no measures taken to correct the problem-- |
schedule shows mods extending into third quarter calendar year |
2019. The program is, however, working on a multipronged |
approach, including using later-production aircraft slated for |
operational use and taking hardware from recently delivered |
aircraft on the production line that could move the completion |
of those modifications into 2018, and a decision is needed now |
on that. |
There are also inadequacies in the U.S. Reprogramming Lab |
that is used to generate the Mission Data Files, which are |
essential to the success in combat and certainly success in |
operational testing of the aircraft. |
The program's optimistic schedule for delivery of a |
validated--but, in my view, very possibly inadequate--Mission |
Data File for operational testing is the third quarter of 2017, |
but that date assumes the U.S. Reprogramming Lab receives a |
fully capable version of Block 3F by April 2016, next month, |
which we already know under the program's current plans will |
not happen until this summer at the soonest. |
So for all these reasons, I suspect that we won't be ready |
for operational testing until mid-calendar year 2018. |
Thank you. |
[The prepared statement of Dr. Gilmore can be found in the |
Appendix on page 35.] |
Mr. Turner. Mr. Sullivan. |
Mr. Sullivan. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the |
subcommittee. It is a pleasure to be here to discuss the |
progress on the F-35 program today. |
I have a written statement that I will submit for the |
record, and I just want to summarize five of the major points |
in that statement in my oral remarks. |
First, the Department [of Defense] is now planning to add |
new capability, known as Block 4, to the F-35 beyond its |
baseline capability and is planning to manage that effort as |
part of the existing program, rather than establishing a |
separate business case and baseline for this new work. |
This has significant implications as far as the Congress' |
role in oversight. This modernization effort is like a new |
program with estimated cost of about $3 billion over the next 6 |
years. That price tag alone would qualify it as a major defense |
acquisition program in its own right, and it should be managed |
as such, so that it is subject to the same statutory and |
regulatory reporting as any other program its size. |
The F-22 provides precedent for this. It began its |
modernization effort as part of the existing baseline program |
and it eventually established a separate business case and |
developed into a major acquisition program with its own |
Milestone B in order to better track progress and cost changes. |
Second, although the program has been managing costs very |
well since 2010, the Nunn-McCurdy breach back then, and cost |
estimates have actually decreased since then, it still poses |
significant affordability challenges for the Department and the |
Congress. As production begins to increase and the program |
begins procuring more aircraft each year, the Department is |
expected to spend about $14 billion per year over the next |
decade and will average about $13 billion per year over the |
next 22 years until all planned purchases are complete in 2038. |
These annual funding challenges will compound as the |
program begins to stack its funding needs against other large |
acquisitions, such as the bomber program, the tanker program |
that is ongoing, the Ohio-class submarine replacement, the new |
carrier, and many other very large programs. |
It is important to note this is just the remaining |
acquisition cost for the F-35. As we all know, the cost to |
operate and maintain the F-35 across its entire life cycle is |
estimated now at about $1 trillion, which has added to that |
overall price tag. |
My third point is software development and developmental |
flight testing of the F-35 are now nearing completion, but the |
program faces challenges in getting all of its development |
activity completed on time. I think Dr. Gilmore covered that |
pretty well. It is through with 80 percent of its developmental |
flight tests. It has completed the first three blocks of |
software, and it is now working to close out flight testing of |
its final block of software, Block 3F. |
That is the critical block of software as it will provide |
the full warfighting capabilities required for the F-35. |
Program officials have stated that there would be as much as a |
3-month delay. We have done our own analysis and we think it |
could be more in line with 6 months. And I think Dr. Gilmore's |
analysis indicates even longer than that. |
Fourth, with regard to technical risks on the program, the |
program has most recently found fixes for its engine seal |
problem that we were talking about last year and the design of |
the helmet mounted display. And it has begun to retrofit |
aircraft with those fixes. They are not all in, but the |
solutions are there. |
Two new challenges have recently been identified. One |
concerns the ejection seat and the other concerns the wing |
structure of the carrier variant. The program is working now to |
find solutions to each of those problems. I think on the |
ejection seat they have a pretty good concept figured out to |
solve that one. |
It should also be noted that the Autonomic Logistics |
Information System, known as ALIS, continues to be challenging |
and has been cited as one of the most significant outstanding |
risks to the program today, and that has a lot to do with |
operations and maintenance, as you know. |
Finally, manufacturing and production data continue to show |
a positive trend toward more efficient production. The amount |
of labor hours it is taking to build each aircraft continues to |
go down, quality is increasing, and engineering changes have |
been reduced significantly. |
While there are still issues with late parts, this is |
consistently improving as well. Contractors are now delivering |
aircraft on time or ahead of schedule. We continue to track the |
measures for the aircraft's reliability and maintainability. |
And while they still fall short of expectations, they continue |
to improve, and there is still time to achieve the program's |
required goals at the right time. |
I will close with that. I look forward to your questions. |
[The prepared statement of Mr. Sullivan can be found in the |
Appendix on page 67.] |
Mr. Turner. General Bogdan. |
General Bogdan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Turner, distinguished members of the committee, |
thank you for the opportunity to address the committee |
regarding the F-35 program. My purpose here today is to provide |
you a balanced assessment of where the program stands. That |
means I will tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly about the |
program, and tell you what my team is doing to reduce costs on |
the program and improve the F-35's performance and meet our |
scheduled commitment. |
Overall, the F-35 program is executing fairly well across |
the entire spectrum of acquisition, to include development and |
design, flight test, production, fielding, base stand-up, |
maintenance and support, and building a global sustainment |
enterprise. The program is at a pivot point and is now rapidly |
changing, growing, and accelerating. We will be finishing our |
15-year development program in late 2017 and beginning to |
transition to a leaner, more efficient follow-on modernization |
program. |
We will see production grow from delivering 45 aircraft in |
2015 to delivering over 100 aircraft in 2018 and up to 145 |
aircraft by 2020. Additionally, in the next 4 years we will |
continue to stand up 17 new operating bases all over the world. |
We are also accelerating the creation of our heavy maintenance |
and repair capabilities, and supply chain, throughout the |
globe, including the Pacific, European, and North American |
regions. |
However, the program is not without risks and challenges, |
as these come with any program of this size and complexity. I |
am confident that the current risks and issues we face can be |
resolved and we will be able to overcome future problems and |
deliver the full capability that we have committed to. |
I have often said that the mark of a good program is not |
that it has no problems, but rather that it discovers problems, |
implements solutions, improves the weapon system, and at the |
same time keeps the program on track. I believe we have been |
doing that for a number of years now. |
Let me highlight a few of our recent accomplishments since |
our last hearing. |
Last year, we began U.S. Air Force and partner pilot |
training at Luke Air Force Base, where a blend of U.S. and |
partner F-35 instructor pilots are helping train U.S. and other |
partner pilots. The Air Force is now receiving F-35As at Hill |
Air Force Base in Utah and training is underway to ready its |
first combat-coded squadron to be operational this year. Also, |
the United States Marine Corps successfully flying and |
deploying to austere sites for training, dropping and shooting |
live weapons with its F-35Bs. |
In addition, industry is committed to and then successfully |
delivered 45 airplanes last year, including the first aircraft |
that was produced in Italy and assembled in their factory in |
Cameri. From a production perspective, we have delivered a |
total of 172 aircraft to our test, operational, and training |
sites. |
On the cost front, the price of purchasing an F-35 |
continues to decline steadily, lot over lot. This is a trend I |
believe will continue for many years. I expect the cost of an |
F-35 with an engine and fee to decrease from about $108 million |
this year to about $85 million in 2019. |
As I said before, the program is changing, growing, and |
accelerating, but it is not without issues, risks, and |
challenges. So let me highlight a few of those areas. |
On the technical front we have a number of risks. At the |
top of my list are both software and our maintenance system, |
known as ALIS. On the software front we have seen stability |
issues recently with our Block 3 software and we are currently |
in the process of fixing and flight testing those fixes. We |
have also experienced issues with the development of our next |
version of ALIS, known as ALIS 2.0.2, and I am prepared to |
discuss these issues with you, as well as other risks and |
issues, such as our egress system, aircraft modifications, and |
our Reprogramming Labs. |
I am also prepared to discuss Air Force IOC [initial |
operating capability], initial operational testing, recent U.S. |
Air Force and Marine Corps deployments, and the status of our |
partners and FMS [foreign military sales] customers. |
In summary, the program is moving forward, sometimes slower |
than I would like, but moving forward and making progress |
nonetheless. We are nearing the completion of development and |
flight test in late 2017. We are ramping up production, |
standing up new bases, growing the global sustainment |
enterprise, and continuing to drive cost out of the program. |
I intend to continue leading this program with integrity, |
discipline, transparency, and accountability. It is my |
intention to complete this program within the resources and the |
time I have been given, and I intend on holding my team and |
myself accountable for the outcomes on this program. |
Thank you again for the opportunity to discuss the program. |
I look forward to your questions. |
[The joint prepared statement of General Bogdan and |
Secretary Stackley can be found in the Appendix on page 87.] |
Mr. Turner. Thank you. |
Mr. Stackley. |
Secretary Stackley. Chairman Turner, distinguished members |
of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to appear |
before you today to testify on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter |
program. I will provide brief opening remarks and submit a |
formal statement for the record. |
One year ago, we discussed with the subcommittee the |
challenges facing the program at that time and our plans to |
address those challenges. In the course of this past year cost, |
schedule, and technical performance of the Joint Strike Fighter |
have steadily improved across each variant of the aircraft, in |
each phase of the program, development, production, and |
sustainment. |
Known technical issues are being driven to closure and the |
aircraft's capabilities, measured in terms of flight envelope, |
mission systems, and weapons delivery, are being steadily |
expanded in support of each service's requirements for initial |
operating capability, or IOC. |
As noted, production of F-35 aircraft and engines has |
improved from lot to lot in terms of unit cost, schedule |
performance, improved quality, reduced rework, and concurrency |
related costs. These positive trends are being sustained while |
also methodically increasing our rate of production. |
The pacing activity on the program today is flight testing, |
which itself is being paced by the incremental release of |
warfighting capability and mission system software blocks, |
commonly referred to as Block 2B, 3i, and 3F. Block 2B testing |
completed in 2015 and provided the capability required to |
support the Marine Corps' declaration of IOC in July 2015. |
The completion of Block 3i testing has been delayed pending |
correction of software stability issues. In the course of the |
next week, we commence flight testing what is planned to be the |
final build of Block 3i capability, designed to improve that |
stability, all in support of the Air Force IOC scheduled later |
this year. |
Completion of the final block, Block 3F, poses the greatest |
remaining challenge to completion of system development. Block |
3F includes the more complex functionality of the three |
software baselines, including what is referred to as sensor |
fusion. |
Further coding and testing of Block 3F has been impacted by |
resource demands, software engineers, and lab facilities |
associated with supporting completion of earlier software |
builds. These factors add up to the program's estimate of 4 |
months schedule risk to completion of Block 3F developmental |
testing. This projection still supports the Navy IOC with Block |
3F in 2018. |
That said, we are wary that further technical issues are |
certain to emerge as we press on with testing, and it will be |
critical that the program rapidly correct these deficiencies |
while mitigating their impact on both test and production. |
The program's commitment is to mitigate these risks going |
forward and to do so within the bounds of the program's budget |
while delivering the full capability defined by the Lightning |
II requirements document. |
Meanwhile, the program's focus is increasingly shifting to |
operations in support of in-service aircraft. The program has |
accumulated 50,000 flight hours, and with 152 aircraft |
operating at 8 bases across the country, the warfighter's |
experience and feedback on the aircraft and support systems is |
beginning to shape the program's priorities. |
The Marines have two full squadrons in operation today and |
will stand up their third this June. They are building momentum |
as the service and the vanguard of the F-35 effort, gaining |
capability and confidence and employing it tactically every |
day. They have demonstrated operations from an austere forward |
operating base at Twentynine Palms in support of the Marine |
Corps combined arms exercise. They are training British pilots, |
as well as first tour Marine Corps pilots, in Beaufort, South |
Carolina. |
They will deploy the Nation's first operational F-35 |
squadron less than a year from now to Marine Corps Air Station |
Iwakuni, Japan, in January 2017. Marine pilots love this plane |
and the capability it brings to the Marine Corps air-ground |
task force. |
Meanwhile, delivery of Air Force F-35A aircraft at Eglin |
Air Force Base are completed, training for Air Force |
international partner pilots at Luke Air Force Base continues |
to ramp up, and the Air Force first operational squadron is |
filling out at Hill Air Force Base with seven aircraft at Hill |
and remaining aircraft completing modifications to support IOC. |
Separately, the Navy has gained extensive experience |
demonstrating launch, recovery, handling, and support of the F- |
35C during at-sea trial periods aboard the aircraft carriers |
Eisenhower and Nimitz and a third sea trial scheduled for later |
this year. |
Two key points regarding operations and sustainment require |
mention. First, with particular regard to aircraft reliability, |
maintainability, and availability, or RM&A, one year ago we |
reported that overall performance in this area was poor and |
trending poor. Concerted efforts by the government/industry |
team have reversed those trends. And while we have much work |
remaining, improvements to design, parts availability, |
maintenance training and support, and tooling are yielding |
improved performance in the key metrics. RM&A will remain a |
principal focus area for the program in the years ahead. |
Second, the program is working closely with the services, |
our international partners, and industry to formulate an |
operating and support strategy for the program including the |
business plan that will accompany this strategy and an |
overarching O&S [operations and support] war on cost. |
A critical element of the O&S plan is the Autonomic |
Logistic Information System, or ALIS. ALIS continues to mature, |
improving with each version fielded. In the near term, we will |
be testing a new version, ALIS 2.0.2, which we expect to |
support the Air Force IOC. Additionally, to improve turnaround |
time for fixing issues highlighted by fleet maintainers, we |
have commenced delivery of service packs aimed to be more |
timely and responsive to a warfighter's immediate needs. |
In the long term, however, ALIS has yet to meet its full |
promise, and we will need to go the full distance in that |
regard if we are going to succeed in meeting our goals for |
reducing the ownership cost and increasing the operational |
availability for this complex aircraft, and we are committed to |
that end. |
In summary, the F-35 program is making solid progress |
across the full spectrum of development, production, testing, |
and fielding of capability. As known issues are retired, new |
issues will emerge, and these too will be wrestled to closure. |
The program's forecast for delivery of initial operating |
capability for each of the services, including risk, is largely |
unchanged from one year ago. Yet, the size and complexity of |
this program and the capability it represents is such that a |
great amount of work remains ahead, leading to each ensuing IOC |
and subsequent operations and sustainment and modernization of |
the aircraft. |
We are careful to neither minimize our assessment of the |
inherent risks nor to avoid them, but rather to assess them |
realistically and manage them aggressively. The warfighter and |
our international partners deserve nothing less. |
Mr. Chairman, again, thank you for the opportunity to |
testify today on the Joint Strike Fighter program. I look |
forward to answering your questions. |
[The joint prepared statement of Secretary Stackley and |
General Bogdan can be found in the Appendix on page 87.] |
Mr. Turner. Thank you, gentlemen. |
I want to start with a question that goes to the public's |
perception of this plane, the F-35. We all are very much aware |
of the difficulties that the F-35 has had both in development |
and in production and certainly in getting to operational |
capability. But I was surprised the other morning to wake up in |
my own hometown--Mr. Sullivan, you hail from Wright-Patterson |
Air Force Base, so you may have similarly seen a huge headline |
across the Dayton Daily News that says: ``Ohio Voters Favor |
Canceling Jet Fighter.'' I thought it was kind of interesting |
for a couple of reasons. One, no one called me to ask me to |
quote for it, and it is my local newspaper. But it's a |
Washington bureau that quotes a University of Maryland study, |
that then quotes a response from a Washington think tank. |
So I want to give you guys who actually know about the F-35 |
an opportunity to discuss what this article raises, because |
there is a fundamental flaw in the study that gives the |
screaming headline of Ohio voters favor canceling the jet |
fighter. |
Apparently, they did an online poll, and we all know the |
liability of online polls of course, but there are 520 |
registered voters in Ohio. And it concludes that Ohio voters |
favor upgrading current fighters instead of going forward with |
the F-35 and resulting in a $97 billion savings to taxpayers by |
2037. |
Now, obviously, we have not done a very good job of |
communicating the importance of the F-35 and its capability and |
why it is necessary. But the article does, I do want to give |
Jack Torry, the author of the story, credit. He does end with |
Loren Thompson, chief executive officer of the Lexington |
Institute in suburban Washington, with this quote: ``It is |
impossible to upgrade any of our Cold War fighters that would |
be as survivable as a stealth plane. That is the biggest single |
appeal of the F-35, is that most enemy radars simply can't see |
it. You can't shoot down what you can't see.'' |
So the article concludes with an interesting point. But the |
fact that a poll is taken asking people would they rather |
upgrade something that is not upgradable rather than proceed |
with the F-35 probably is something that bears our discussion. |
General Bogdan, help us here so we can give people some |
information so they can feel the importance of the investment |
in the F-35. |
General Bogdan. Yes, sir. I have to be a little bit careful |
because---- |
Mr. Turner. I want to recognize--let me say it for you--I |
want to recognize that a portion obviously of the F-35 |
capabilities go into the classified realm and its adversaries' |
capabilities are in the classified realm. So some of the |
capabilities of the F-35, the need for the F-35 cannot be |
discussed. But certainly the concept that this is fifth |
generation and that we cannot merely just plug and play with |
our old generation is probably worthy of a discussion. |
General Bogdan. Yes, sir. |
I agree with you. I have never been associated with a |
program in my 25-plus years of acquisition where the public |
perception and the reality are so different. Part of that is |
our problem for not telling the story, but part of it is |
because the program is so big that every minor issue becomes a |
big issue. We have had a past that has not been conducive to |
people believing in what we say. We have added years and |
billions of dollars to the program in the past. Even though |
that hasn't happened since 2010, people remember that. |
And it sometimes is difficult to explain to the public how |
air warfare is changing and how it is not a turn-and-burn |
airplane that looks really cool at an air show that is going to |
win the fight for the United States when we go into combat in |
the next 20 or 30 years. |
So we do have a perception problem and we do have an |
information gap there. What do we do about that? |
First and foremost, I do want to thank the Congress for |
helping us. You do. And you do that in a number of ways. One, |
you help us by holding us accountable. And when people know |
that you are holding us accountable and we base what we do and |
say on our results, then people will start having a better |
understanding and a better trust in what this weapon system can |
do. |
On the Department side--and this is where I have to be |
careful, because I shouldn't be necessarily a salesman for the |
F-35, you need me to be a little more balanced than that--but |
for our warfighters there is clearly a role for them to play in |
advocating for this airplane. And in the past we haven't done a |
great job of that, simply because the airplane was immature, we |
were only operating at a number of locations, and we are still |
developing it. So let me just give you a few things that are |
going to happen this year that might change that a little bit. |
The Air Force has stood up an F-35 heritage flight, which |
means that the F-35 is now going to be publicly displayed in |
many, many places over the next year. In fact, they have 14 |
public events between now and the end of 2016, some of the |
places including Luke Air Force Base, Langley Air Force Base, |
Fort Lauderdale, New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, Reno, Las |
Vegas. So the Air Force is getting out there with the airplane |
to these air shows and is going to start talking to folks about |
the airplane. |
The U.S. Marine Corps and the Navy, similarly, when they go |
to sea this year for their sea trials, will bring media with |
them so that they can tell their story. The Dutch, who are a |
partner on this program, are planning on bringing their two |
airplanes to the Netherlands in June for 2 weeks for the very |
thing that you just talked about, Congressman Turner, to |
introduce the airplane to their public, to talk about it, and |
to talk about why the airplane is needed for them. The U.S. |
Marines, the U.S. Air Force, and the U.K. will bring five |
airplanes to Farnborough and RIAT [Royal International Air |
Tattoo] this year in July at the U.K. Air Show. |
So I think getting out there and telling the story is part |
of what we need to continue to do. I also think we need to |
continue to base things on fact. And when people out there |
don't have the facts, then it is my job and my team's job to |
correct the record for that. |
Mr. Turner. And, General Bogdan, in getting to the issue of |
facts, this poll asked people would they rather upgrade the |
current fighters instead of proceeding with the F-35. Loren |
Thompson said: It is impossible to do what they have asked, you |
cannot upgrade our Cold War fighters. Would you agree with the |
statement of Thompson and would you want to elaborate? |
General Bogdan. Yes, sir. You can only do so much with our |
fourth-generation fighters today. You can only add so many |
upgrades and structurally improve them to last a certain period |
of time. |
But what I will tell you from the knowledge I have on this |
program and the capabilities of the F-35, our legacy airplanes, |
now and in the future, will not survive the threat environments |
we know we are going to have to face. So no matter how much you |
upgrade them and how much you put into them, eventually they |
will not survive. |
This airplane differently. It will survive---- |
Mr. Turner. In combat. |
General Bogdan. In combat will survive for decades to come. |
Mr. Turner. I just want to point one thing before I ask Mr. |
Sullivan his comments on this. This poll asks people about |
sticking with our current fighters through 2037. I wonder what |
the poll would have been if they asked people would they be |
willing to drive their current car through 2037. |
Mr. Sullivan, would you agree also that the poll is skewed |
in it gives people a false option, you can't upgrade our |
current fighters, as Loren Thompson says, in any way that would |
be as survivable as the F-35? |
Mr. Sullivan. I think it is clear that this aircraft, |
fifth-gen aircraft, does things that the generations in the |
past can't do, won't ever be able to do. The stealthiness alone |
is a major part of this, but it is also probably more |
versatile. It is three different variants. It is replacing or |
complementing a number of different aircraft that are growing |
older every day as we sit here and are having service life |
extensions and things like that. |
So, yeah, I would agree that the F-35 is going to be a more |
versatile and a more powerful threat than what we have |
existing. And I think probably a lot of this has just come |
from--the past is the past, I understand that, but people still |
see a lot of money being put forth for the F-35. |
The other thing, I think, that you have to consider is that |
some of these aircraft, their production lines are shut down or |
they are not as hot as they used to be. And you can't, I think, |
as General Bogdan said, you can't plug and play these new |
technologies into those old aircraft anyway. So, yeah. |
Mr. Turner. Mr. Sullivan, I appreciate your comments on |
that because you being the Director of Acquisition and Sourcing |
for this program with the U.S. Government Accountability |
Office, you are responsible for giving us some of the most |
critical oversight information that we have on the program. I |
know you know its difficulties and the areas in which we |
struggle to try to make certain that the program is effective. |
So I appreciate your overarching statement. |
Mr. Sullivan. Our beef has always just been with the |
acquisition strategy of this and many other programs. It takes |
way longer and costs more than they thought. But we have never |
really challenged the need for this or what its capabilities |
are eventually going to bring us. |
Mr. Turner. Excellent. |
Mr. Stackley, Dr. Gilmore, do you wish to comment on this? |
Excellent. |
Dr. Gilmore. The fourth-generation aircraft that we have |
and the systems that they have, and even with upgrades, |
wouldn't be able to handle the threats that we have already |
seen being deployed by our potential enemies for over half a |
decade. Those are very challenging air defense threats that are |
mobile, so you can't count on knowing where they are. The F-35, |
with mission systems that work as I alluded to in my opening |
statement, will provide capability that we don't have in any |
other platform to dynamically sense that very stressing mobile |
threat environment you can't know ahead of time with certainty |
and deal with it. |
So that is why it is so important that we get the F-35, |
including its mission systems, to work. It will provide us |
capability that we otherwise won't have and can't get in |
upgraded systems. |
Mr. Turner. Mr. Stackley. |
Secretary Stackley. Sir, let me just add, our operational |
planning for major combat operations, first and foremost, |
relies upon air superiority, air dominance. The F-35 is not |
being designed and built for the fight today, it is being |
designed and built for the fight in the future against the |
high-end threat. So we are not willing to take risk in terms of |
maintaining air superiority that we will need in the 2020s, |
2030s, and beyond. And the capabilities that are being brought |
to this aircraft are what we envision today as that necessary |
to overcome the threat in the future. |
I agree with Loren Thompson here that somebody is offering |
a false choice when they say we can just upgrade the existing |
fighters to get that level of capability. You cannot. The Navy/ |
Marine Corps does have a mixed fleet in the future of fourth- |
and fifth-generation aircraft. We will continue to have a mixed |
fleet at least through the mid-2030s. But we cannot enter high- |
end fight without the fifth-generation capability that the JSF |
brings. That is why we are so committed to this capability. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you. Very important discussion. |
Now turning, however, to some of the issues and |
difficulties that we have in making certain that this plane |
reaches its full potential. |
General Bogdan, Dr. Gilmore, and Mr. Sullivan's testimony |
indicate that significant challenges still do remain in |
completing the final software block, Block 3F. As you know, |
this is the version of software that gives the F-35 a full |
wartime capability, so it is very important. You also indicated |
in your testimony that Block 3F software is likely to be |
delivered 4 months late. |
What is the operational significance if this software is |
delivered 4 months late? Could it impact the current scheduled |
initial operational test and evaluation, IOT&E test? And what |
risk-mitigation actions are you taking to be able to fix this? |
General Bogdan. Thank you, sir. |
The issue today with the Block 3 software--and we see the |
problem in both our 3i, or 3 initial, software and in our 3F |
software--has to do with stability. |
And just very quickly, what the pilots are seeing is, when |
they take off and they need to use the sensors, particularly |
the radar, there are some instances where the communication |
between the radar and the main computers in the airplane are |
mistimed. |
And that mistiming builds up little delays. And eventually |
those delays get to be big enough where the radar shuts off. |
Okay? And the radar will recover, but it will recover and take |
a few minutes to regain the picture that it had. Some of the |
other sensors experience the same thing. That is not good. |
We are experiencing that kind of problem about once every 4 |
hours of flight time. We need the system to be much more stable |
in that, something on the order of once every 8 to 10 hours. |
So what we did when we found this problem out in the last |
few months is we went back and did a root cause analysis. As I |
just talked about, we know it is a timing issue. Lockheed |
Martin has a number of fixes in the software that we are about |
to flight test, starting next week in our next version of 3i |
software. In the next month or so we will know if those fixes |
work. |
If those fixes work, the stability fixes and some of the |
other software fixes, then the impact of this problem to Air |
Force IOC will be minimal. The impact to the remaining testing |
of 3F, as I said, will probably just delay the end of flight |
test about 4 months. That does not impact Navy IOC because we |
had some margin there, but it clearly would impact how ready |
the airplanes are for IOT&E. |
So we are looking forward to the flight tests that we are |
going to do in the next month or so to see if we have this |
solved. If we do have it solved, again, no impact to Air Force |
IOC, no impact to Navy IOC, but probably an impact overall to |
the end of testing, and that would eventually impact the start |
of IOT&E. |
Mr. Turner. Mr. Bogdan, I must have misunderstood. You were |
describing a problem with the software that you said would |
occur one time every 4 hours, but it would be okay if it |
occurred every 8 to 10 hours. Isn't that still a problem with |
the software? |
General Bogdan. With 8 million lines of code in the |
airplane, it is not unusual for both legacy airplanes and |
modern fifth-generation airplanes every now and then to have to |
reset one of the sensors in flight or have an automatic reset. |
That is not an uncommon situation. |
What we find is, if that happens more frequently and it |
happens at critical times, then that impacts the pilot's |
ability to get the mission done. But over time and historically |
we have seen that somewhere between 8 and 10 hours is probably |
about what we can expect and that, according to the |
warfighters, is good enough. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you for clarifying that. |
Mr. Sullivan, Dr. Gilmore, would you like to clarify on the |
3F software. |
Dr. Gilmore. Well, the rate at which these instability |
incidents were occurring with Block 2B was one every 30-plus |
hours, and now it is one every 4 hours. And the initial |
versions of Block 3i don't provide any more combat capability |
than Block 2B, it was supposed to be rehosting of Block 2B with |
the new processor. |
So with regard to whether 8 to 10 hours is sufficient, what |
you want is a low probability that during a combat mission, |
which comprise several hours, you want a low probability that |
one of these upsets that takes time to reset--and several |
minutes in the middle of a fight is not acceptable--you want |
the time between these instability incidents to be long enough |
that you have a very low probability it would occur in a multi- |
hour combat mission. |
Whether 8 hours would be sufficient is something that we |
will certainly be looking at in IOT&E. It was much better than |
once every 8 hours with the Block 2B software. And again, 3i |
initially provided no more capability than Block 2B. |
Now, as we add capability and more complexity in Block 3F, |
you might see the numbers come down again. Ultimately, |
operational testing will tell us what is sufficient. |
Mr. Turner. Mr. Sullivan. |
Mr. Sullivan. Yeah, I think, depending on the mission |
scenarios and things like that, it is certainly a critical |
thing. I don't know if I would want to be a pilot and watch the |
screen go blank. But it is a spec, I assume, it is a spec that |
the contractor has, they are in development. We have talked to |
the contractor and the program office about this and it is a |
very serious problem. But 2B had issues and they worked through |
those and I would hope they can do the same with 3i. And I |
think probably they will be the same thing with 3F. |
So eventually I would hope that they will work that out and |
get it to whatever the spec is, which I would hope would |
support the warfighter. And if they do that--that is why the |
timing is so critical, because you would want that done by IOCs |
obviously, you would want to be able to go to IOT&E with |
problems like that under your belt as opposed to adding that to |
the burden of the operational testers. |
Mr. Turner. I am going to ask Mr. Stackley to follow up, |
but I have a few other questions that I am going to have to get |
through, but considering this is our last day for votes, I want |
to be sensitive to members who might need to leave. Since I am |
the only one on this side, I am going to ask unanimous consent |
if I let Mr. Stackley respond. And then the order is Mr. |
Johnson, Gallego, and Ms. Graham. |
What I will do is I will let each of you ask your |
questions, and then I will go back to my next question, and |
then we will finish up, and that way you can exit, if that is |
okay. |
Mr. Stackley. |
Secretary Stackley. Yes, sir, very briefly. The 2B software |
is performing very stably and I think everybody is satisfactory |
with its performance. The rehosting of that software into the |
new what is referred to as tech refresh on the JSF, the |
complexity of that rehosting should not be understated. We went |
through that on this tech refresh. We don't anticipate as large |
a leap in future tech refresh. But that complexity should not |
be understated. |
That did create a reset in terms of stability and now with |
each such successful build of software going back at building |
back up the degree of stability that we require. General |
Bogdan's reference to an 8 to 10 hours at this stage of the |
program, that probably is satisfactory. In the longer haul, Dr. |
Gilmore is correct, we want to get this up to a low probability |
of occurrence such that the pilot does not have to worry about |
resetting his mission systems mid-flight. |
Mr. Turner. Mr. Johnson. |
Mr. Johnson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
To follow up on your questions about the need for our |
country to invest in a fifth generation of aircraft to take |
over from the legacy aircraft that have been flying for decades |
now, the F/A-18, the A-10, and the AV-8B, would all be replaced |
by our investment in the F-35 fifth generation. |
And it is important to note that other nations are |
investing in fifth-generation aircraft--the Russians, the |
Chinese--and that is what we mean by a changing threat |
environment, which America must step up to the plate. And if it |
intends to remain superior in the air, we must step up to the |
plate and invest and prepare for the long term. And that is |
what the F-35 enables us to do. |
With respect to those who may have participated in the poll |
that Chairman Turner referred to and were of the opinion that |
we should extend the legacy fleet and rely on it for our future |
protection, isn't it--and I assume they want to do that because |
it saves money. So penny-wise, pound-foolish, that would apply |
in this kind of a situation here. |
Isn't it a fact that if America were to do what some |
prefer, which is to extend the life of the legacy fleet, isn't |
it a fact that operations and supply costs to extend the legacy |
fleet would cost approximately four times what operations and |
support costs would be for the F-35 over the next 50 years? |
Isn't it a fact? |
Secretary Stackley. Well, let me start with responding to |
that. I don't know about the four times number, but what we do |
know is that---- |
Mr. Johnson. Approximately. |
Secretary Stackley [continuing]. As our aircraft age, for |
example the early versions of the F-18 that the F-35 Bs and Cs |
are going to be replacing, the A through D version, as they |
age, the cost of sustaining them, the cost of keeping them |
flying, the availability rates for those aircraft, they are, |
frankly, hurting us in terms of our strike fighter inventory |
for today. |
So we have got to get this next version, generation of |
aircraft, not just the capability, but also to retire the |
legacy aircraft that are costing us today. So as that timeline |
extrapolates out, all the legacy aircraft could be running into |
similar costs associated with sustaining a fleet that is not |
just old, but a lot of the sustainment is dealing with obsolete |
parts and capabilities that fall short of what we require for |
the warfighter. |
Mr. Johnson. Anyone else want to add to that? |
Mr. Sullivan. I would just say that I wouldn't focus as |
much on the cost for O&S. The Joint Strike Fighter is going to |
be very costly with sustainment too. It is more about the |
capability. They need that greater capability. The fifth- |
generation aircraft is really just far superior. |
I think O&S costs, it would cost a lot to keep these legacy |
aircraft in the air--I know the Harriers are really old--and |
eventually they just won't be able to fly them, I would think, |
after a while. |
So there is just nothing out there. The F-16 is another |
aircraft that the F-35 is going to replace. So there is an |
awful lot of aircraft it replaces. |
Mr. Johnson. Thank you. |
Lieutenant General Bogdan and Secretary Stackley, the |
Marine Corps declared initial operational capability last year |
for the F-35B and the Air Force is planning to do the same this |
year. This, to me, demonstrates a program that is maturing and |
reaching a point where it would benefit from increased |
production. Do you agree? And if so, what are some of the |
benefits and increased production rates for the F-35 program? |
Secretary Stackley. Let me start. First, it clearly |
reflects a program that is maturing. It was mentioned earlier |
that back in 2010 we restructured the program and within months |
we are holding to that restructured program's schedule here in |
2016 and our costs at the same time are coming down in terms of |
production while we hold the line on development. |
The program is methodically increasing its production rates |
to today in terms of both the U.S. and our international |
partners and foreign military sales customers joining in that |
production. So the production rate is methodically increasing. |
And what we are seeing in terms of benefit is we are |
accelerating the learning curve on the production floor, it is |
driving down our costs. And as described earlier, we are seeing |
positive trends by every measure as it relates to both airframe |
and engine manufacturing. |
The longer term, when we complete IOT&E and getting to the |
full-rate production decision, I think we are on track for |
that, again, within months, within a budget cycle. And as we |
march in that direction, we are looking forward to such |
vehicles as block buying contract and ultimately multiyear |
contracting to, again, further leverage the benefits of a |
stable design, mature production lines, and then let's buy it |
as efficiently as possible. |
Mr. Johnson. Thank you. |
I will yield back, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you, Mr. Johnson. |
Turning back to the initial operating capability concerns |
and the requirements for later this year, General Bogdan, in |
attention to software development I understand that General |
Welsh is closely watching the progress of the Autonomic |
Logistics Information System, known as ALIS, as well as |
challenges facing aircraft software stability which is |
affecting the radar. As you know, ALIS was a significant area |
of concern raised by maintainers during our visit to the Eglin |
Air Force Base last year. |
Please provide us with a short update on these two issues |
and what your concerns are concerning the IOC later this year. |
General Bogdan. Yes, sir. As I said before, within the next |
30 days we ought to know if the fixes we have put into the |
software on stability will take hold. And if that is the case, |
then we will incrementally upgrade the Air Force's airplanes at |
Hill Air Force Base with that version of software and the |
software stability issue will not impact their ability to |
declare IOC. |
That is not the case with ALIS. ALIS, the next increment of |
capability we are delivering, as you know, is 2.0.2, and we |
were supposed to have that fielded by August of this year. I am |
estimating that that delivery of that system is probably about |
60 days late now. I am not sure if we will be able to pull that |
schedule back any. If that is the case, then it will be up to |
the U.S. Air Force to decide what to do in August when it comes |
to ALIS 2.0.2 if it is going to be about 60 days late. |
Mr. Turner. Does anyone else wish to comment? |
Mr. Sullivan. I would only say that we have another team |
within GAO that is looking and specifically kind of looking at |
ALIS. And I believe they have a draft report over on the Hill |
right now. That might be helpful, to look for that. In fact, I |
can probably make sure that the committee gets a draft copy of |
that. |
[The report referred to, GAO-16-439, is retained in the |
subcommittee files; it can be found online at http://gao.gov/ |
products/GAO-16-439.] |
Mr. Turner. That would be great. We should, because we had |
significant concerns for the maintenance group. |
Mr. Sullivan. Yeah. So this team is focused really on O&S |
and ALIS and things like that. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you. |
General Bogdan. Can I make one other comment, sir, about |
ALIS, very quickly? If you went to Eglin Air Force Base today |
or if you went to Luke Air Force Base, what you would find over |
the past year is not all, but many of the maintenance |
workarounds and burdens that we placed on the maintainers over |
the last few years are systematically getting improved. |
We are not anywhere near where we need to be with ALIS, but |
I think what you would get from the maintainers if you talked |
to them today is the fact that they do indeed see an |
improvement each and every time we put out a new version of |
software, which means the trending is going in the right |
direction, we just have a long way to go. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you, General. |
One thing we know is that consumers weren't given iPhones |
until they were done. You have to, however, put planes in |
pilots' hands while you are still developing them. And so we |
all get to look over your shoulder as you are doing it, and we |
appreciate both the work of the GAO and others to ensure that |
we have the right to-do list, but your diligence to try to make |
certain we complete it. |
Mr. Gallego. |
Mr. Gallego. Thank you, Mr. Chair. |
General Bogdan, the original concept of the F-35 platform |
was to retain about 70 percent similarity between the three |
variants in order to keep costs down on the budget. But as we |
know, this has not been achieved, which calls the original |
concept into question. |
Knowing this, would you support programs in the future that |
aim for commonality between platforms for the services or do |
you think these efforts would also have too many cost and |
schedule overruns? |
General Bogdan. Congressman, what I have said before about |
joint programs is that they are hard, they are neither good nor |
bad, and it really depends on how you manage them. But they are |
indeed hard, and they are hard because when you bring together |
a number of different customers that may have varying |
requirements, it is sometimes hard to meet all those |
requirements without going to the least common denominator. |
And so what I would tell you is a decision to move forward |
on any platform in the joint arena would depend on how much |
overlap the services see in the requirements that they have. |
There are opportunities outside of a joint program to benefit |
from commonality, using similar engines, using similar flight |
control systems. But to embody that in the same airplane that |
would try and meet the requirements of varied customers is a |
really hard thing to do. |
Mr. Gallego. I hope we will remember that in the future. |
Moving on to pilots, though. An October subcommittee |
hearing discussed the problems with the ejection process for |
pilots. Two solutions you talked about were developing lighter |
helmets and managing parachute timing after ejection. However, |
today we find out the GAO report notes that the helmet weight |
was not the root cause of neck injuries during ejection. |
What is the status of the efforts to protect our pilots, |
one? And with certainty, can you say that we've identified all |
the problems related to this issue? |
General Bogdan. Yes, Congressman. One point of |
clarification. There are two technical issues as to why a pilot |
less than 136 pounds has an added risk of injury during |
ejection. One of them is indeed because the helmet is too |
heavy, but the other is a technical issue having to do with the |
way the seat fires up and the center of gravity of a light |
pilot. But both of those problems contribute. |
We have three fixes in place to remedy this. The first is |
an ejection seat switch. That will be set by the pilot based on |
his or her weight. We have tested that. We are in the design |
phase of it. And that fix will be cut into production on our |
lot 10, and we will start retrofitting airplanes with that fix |
in November of this year. |
We also have a head support panel, which is a pad that will |
be sewn into the risers of the parachute. That fix has been |
tested. It too will be incorporated into lot 10 and it will |
start being retrofitted in November. |
Relative to the helmet weight, we needed to get the helmet |
down to about 4.6 pounds. We are in process of doing that as we |
speak. Originally the estimate was that that helmet wouldn't be |
ready for fielding until November of 2017. I can report now |
that that helmet will be available in November of 2016. |
So when we have the switch, the helmet support pad, and the |
lighter helmet out there in November, I believe by the end of |
this year we can remove the requirement of a pilot not being |
able to fly the airplane less than 136 pounds. |
Mr. Gallego. And then just the second portion of my |
question was, can you say with certainty that we have |
identified all the problems related to this issue in terms of |
our pilot safety ejection. |
General Bogdan. Sir, we have 14 more sled tests and |
ejection tests to go between now and September. So I cannot |
tell you right now definitively that we won't find other |
things. |
What I will tell you is we will completely test it. If |
there are problems, we have a good track record of fixing them. |
Because we will not put pilots' lives in danger by putting them |
in an airplane and an ejection system that is not safe. |
Mr. Gallego. Thank you. I yield back my time. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you. |
General Bogdan, as you are aware, a lot of our discussions |
between you and the committee are based upon our visit to Eglin |
Air Force Base, and the questions that we pose are a result of |
that fact-finding trip. There were 14 of them. And you have |
continued to both answer those questions and update them. I |
have your March 17, 2016, letter in response continuing to |
update us on those issues. If there is no objection, I am going |
to enter this into the record of your discussion on these items |
and the issues that we have been looking for, for oversight. |
[The information referred to can be found in the Appendix |
on page 113.] |
General Bogdan. Thank you, sir. |
Mr. Turner. Ms. McSally. |
Ms. McSally. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
And thank you, gentlemen. |
I remain a strong supporter of a fifth-generation fighter, |
having been an airman myself. Knowing the threats that we have |
that are emanating, we need that capability. However, I remain |
concerned about the close air support of FAC(A) [forward air |
controller-airborne] and combat search and rescue missions that |
are currently being done by the A-10 Warthog and the F-35's |
capabilities to replace that without increasing risk to |
American lives. |
General Bogdan, can you confirm that the F-35 requirements |
document is still that the F-35 would replace the A-10 and the |
F-16? |
General Bogdan. Ma'am, what I will tell you is the |
requirements document that I have on the program does not |
specifically say that it will replace the A-10 and the F-16. My |
requirements document has to do with what the capabilities of |
the F-35 is. The decision to replace airplanes with the F-35 is |
a service decision. |
Ms. McSally. Okay. I think, though, on the program page, I |
mean, the intent of the Department, the intent of certainly the |
Air Force is that the F-35 will replace the A-10 and the F-16. |
Is that fair to say? |
General Bogdan. I would believe, from the public statements |
I have heard from the Chief and the Secretary and the combatant |
commanders, that is a true statement. |
Ms. McSally. Okay. And I think that is also on the JSF Web |
site, as well, for the program. |
On March 3rd, the Air Force Chief of Staff said in a |
hearing that the mission capability of the A-10 will not be |
replaced by the F-35. He also talked to me about this after our |
hearing last week. He went on to say the A-10's current |
workload would be handled by the F-16 and the F-15E. This was a |
total surprise to me to hear him say this, to be frank with |
you. So I am concerned. |
And I look at their 5-year plan, that they are going to |
start mothballing more A-10s, next year, 49; 49 the year after |
that; 64 the year after that; 98 the year after that, finishing |
in fiscal year 2022. When do you think, again, we are going to |
be at FOC [full operational capability] for the F-35? |
General Bogdan. Ma'am, the full capability of the F-35 |
relative to close air support will be delivered in the late |
2017 timeframe. We will have additional capabilities in our |
block for modernization that would make that mission more |
viable for the F-35. And I am not sure if the Air Force has |
declared an FOC date yet. |
Ms. McSally. Okay. But from the testimony, I think, for Dr. |
Gilmore, I mean, we have seen the F-35A, and we have talked |
about this in previous hearings, capabilities are limited, 20, |
30 minutes time on station; two bombs; you know, excuse my |
language, but we call one pass haul ass; no time to loiter; |
having to go to tankers; being Winchester; 182 bullets; limited |
night capability; inability to get data; targeting information; |
inability to survive a direct hit in close combat. These are |
all limitations we know about, we have talked about in previous |
hearings. |
So, Dr. Gilmore, I appreciate that your office has decided |
to do a comparison test between the F-35 and the A-10 on close |
air support. And I am concerned also about the combat search |
and rescue and the forward air control mission. Can you give us |
an update on that comparison test and when that is going to |
happen and whether there are any concerns about funding or its |
continuation in another administration? |
Dr. Gilmore. First, with regard to requirements, I reviewed |
the requirements document before I came here. And there is a |
clear statement at the beginning of the requirements document, |
which has been in force for a number of years now, that the F- |
35 would replace the A-10. |
Ms. McSally. That is what I thought. Thanks, Dr. Gilmore. |
Dr. Gilmore. I am happy to send you a copy of that. |
Ms. McSally. Please do. |
Dr. Gilmore. In any event, with regard to---- |
General Bogdan. Can I correct the record? When I talk about |
requirements on the program, I talk about a specification that |
I put contractors on to deliver a capability. The document you |
are talking about is a service document known as an operational |
requirements document,---- |
Ms. McSally. Okay. |
General Bogdan [continuing]. An ORD, which I do not |
control. |
Ms. McSally. Okay. Thank you. |
Dr. Gilmore. And that's the one the Chief of the Air Force, |
the Chief of Staff of the Air Force signed---- |
Ms. McSally. Great. |
Dr. Gilmore [continuing]. Namely, the operational |
requirements document. So that is what I was talking about. |
With regard to the close air support tests, comparison |
tests, yes, we are planning that. We are planning all the open |
air tests as we speak, working with the joint operational test |
team and the services. We expect to have that effort completed |
in June or July of this year. And we are happy to share those |
results with the committee and with you. |
With regard to funding, the costs of the close air support |
tests, including combat search and rescue [CSAR] and Sandy |
<dagger>---- |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
<dagger> ``Sandy'' refers to a mission in which an aircraft (most |
often an A-10) is tasked to support and provide protective coverage for |
a combat search and rescue mission to recover an ejected pilot behind |
enemy lines. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Ms. McSally. Right. |
Dr. Gilmore [continuing]. Compared to not doing them---- |
Ms. McSally. Right. |
Dr. Gilmore [continuing]. You know, compared to not having |
the A-10s fly, you know, conducting the same missions that the |
F-35s would conduct in those two areas or those three areas, |
varies between $3.5 million and $5.2 million. The difference is |
the amount of refly that you have to do. When you are doing-- |
just like when you are doing a test, you can't count on every |
scenario that you are trying to run actually working. |
Ms. McSally. Right. |
Dr. Gilmore. So you have to plan in the test for refly, the |
same way General Bogdan is planning for refly in developmental |
testing. So that is the reason for the range of $3.5 million to |
$5.2 million. We are working to, with the joint operational |
test team, to fit all of these comparison tests within the |
budget for operational testing, which was established, I think, |
about 5 years ago in the TEMP [Test and Evaluation Master Plan] |
that is now rather out of date. But, nonetheless, we take that |
budget seriously. And we are working to fit all the comparison |
testing within that budget. |
If there is--if we do go over, which, again, we are trying |
very hard not to do because we do take that budget limit |
seriously, it wouldn't be by more than 10 or 15 percent. And I |
would remind the committee that the Block 2B operational |
utility evaluation, which was supposed to have been done in |
2015, was canceled at my recommendation 2 years ago because it |
was clear to me that the aircraft wouldn't be ready for that |
kind of rigorous operational test. And the service acquisition |
executives agreed. And that was a savings of about $100 |
million. |
So we are working to keep within the existing budget and |
the CAS comparison testing, CSAR, and so forth is, again, a |
small amount of the overall cost, $3.5 million to $5.2 million. |
Ms. McSally. Thanks, Dr. Gilmore. I am over my time. But |
could you--when would we be able to have those results |
delivered to Congress of the tests, do you think? |
Dr. Gilmore. Well, if we begin the operational testing, |
according to my estimate, which would be mid-calendar year |
2018, the operational test will compose, will comprise, rather, |
about a year. It will take about a year. And then it would be a |
few months after that, no more than 6, hopefully fewer, to |
actually finish the report. |
Ms. McSally. So late 2019, early 2020 would be fair? |
Dr. Gilmore. Yes. |
Ms. McSally. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you. |
Mr. Walz. |
Mr. Walz. Thank you, Chairman. And thank you all for being |
here again. We really appreciate it. The strategic need for the |
F-35, I think everyone knows that. We hear it. It is now crunch |
time, though, on the delivery piece of it. |
And, General Bogdan, you are right, there is a perception |
issue both in what they are going to get and what they expect |
to get. But there is also this perception that I have held and |
I have used this as an example. |
I have been to no less than 14 hearings dealing with |
changes to retirement plans, taking away of the housing |
allowance, transferability of the GI Bill benefit, commissary |
changes, and TRICARE. And where that relates to this is the |
perception out there is, is when the Pentagon needs to save |
money, they go to those programs. And I always use the example |
that we haven't had as many of these. |
So I hear statements like this from one of our partners |
from the Australian Defence Force, I think it was Keith Joiner |
said it. He's responsible for evaluating this, and he said some |
systems like the radar are fundamentally worse than earlier, |
which is not a good sign. The next software version Block 4 |
won't be available. So here we are with bug fixes for the next |
7 years. And they are looking, am I correct in this, they are |
reevaluating their purchases on this. |
So I go back home. I talk to soldiers and sailors, say, |
``So I just lost a GI Bill benefit. What is happening with |
this?'' How do I talk to them about it? Is it a matter of until |
you deliver it, this is just going to go on? Because I do kind |
of feel like I am asked to come into the play and do my part |
and say this, and then it is going to be delivered. How do I go |
back? How would you answer on this? |
General Bogdan. It is a tough question, Congressman. And I |
clearly understand the point of view here. I guess the best I |
would offer, if I were asked that question, is that bringing a |
new weapon system online to defend our country is never easy. |
And it always is fraught with mistakes, bad choices, technical |
challenges. And the history of especially developing airplanes |
has been murky. We have had lots of problems over the years |
bringing new airplanes online. |
Mr. Walz. And that is a helpful piece. You have more |
experience in this. How similar is this to when the F-16 came |
on? How similar is what we are seeing here today? |
General Bogdan. The F-16 was a very simple airplane when it |
first came out and over the years got more complicated. And it |
had setbacks. I am not sure if you are aware, the very first |
flight of the F-16, sir, was an accident. They were not |
supposed to take off. Because of the flight control system not |
being properly rigged, the pilot, in order to save the |
airplane, had to take off. So airplanes experience this. |
Mr. Walz. No, I think that is true. And I want to be clear |
on this so that I am not, and I am not teeing this up, because |
I am one who believes we need these systems. Is it apples to |
oranges because of the exponential technical differences |
between that launch and this launch? And I know that is kind of |
a hard question because we were at our technological limit then |
and now maybe we are there, so it may be similar to that. But |
is it the case that there is more things that can go wrong so |
they probably will? |
Secretary Stackley. Sir, let me jump in and say that is |
absolutely the case. And it is not unique to the F-35 program. |
We are going after a high-end capability on this and other |
warfare systems that are significantly more complex than the |
systems that they are replacing. So there is no such thing as |
replacing legacy, whether it is aircraft, missile systems, |
ships, tactical vehicles, on a one-for-one basis anywhere near |
the same cost of those legacy systems because these are so much |
more capable. |
You know, the comments and perceptions from folks that are |
not well informed on the program, those are tough to defeat |
because now you are talking about an education process. |
The reality is that the F-35 program, albeit it has gone |
through restructuring, is on a path to deliver all the |
capability that was promised from day one. It is going to cost |
more than what was estimated back in the 2002 timeframe. Those |
costs were rebaselined in 2010. And we have kept those under |
control to the extent that now we are actually reducing costs |
with time as the program gets more and more mature. |
What you are not hearing, and I think General Bogdan |
touched on this earlier, is the warfighters that are flying |
this plane, what their perception is. My comment in the opening |
statement was the Marines love this aircraft, absolutely love |
this aircraft. This is what they plan to go to war with, if |
called upon. I think that you are going to hear that overtake |
the other rhetoric over time as more and more of our Air Force, |
Marine Corps, and Navy pilots, and our international partners |
climb into this cockpit, see what its capability is, train with |
it, and then deploy with it over time. |
Mr. Walz. Yes, Mr. Sullivan. |
Mr. Sullivan. Your question is an excellent question. And |
it is not just the F-35 program. It is about the acquisition |
process. We do acquisition reform all the time. And actually, |
it has been improving the last few years. But the bottom-line |
answer to this is there has got to be a little truth in |
advertising when these weapon systems start up because they are |
always started up with optimistic cost estimates and schedules. |
This program was originally planned to be completed, |
everything purchased, by 2026. Now that is 2038. And so that |
additional 12 years of funding---- |
Mr. Walz. And that has as much to do with this side of the |
table as that side. |
Mr. Sullivan. Yeah. So, I mean, and that is what you are |
talking about, is that the Congress is faced with unplanned, |
you know, funding for 12 years that they weren't planning on |
when they started. Like I said, it is not the F-35, it is most |
of the major weapon systems. They just don't have a good |
business case at the outset. |
The F-16 was a really good aircraft when it was delivered, |
and it was simple. And it is not that simple anymore. It is a |
very complex aircraft because they planned it properly. They |
had incremental planning on that and they did block upgrades. |
That is really what, I think what this is all about. And so |
other priorities go by the wayside. |
Mr. Walz. I know. Well, thank you. I yield back. |
Thank you, Chairman. |
Mr. Turner. Ms. McSally. |
Ms. McSally. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I do just want to |
follow up on our discussion on requirements, just to make sure. |
Luckily, I flew airplanes, I never had to procure them. So this |
process seems a little cumbersome to me. |
But just, Dr. Gilmore, an Air Force Chief of Staff has said |
that the A-10 will not be replaced by the F-35, on the record, |
within the last few weeks. And then said that to me in a |
conversation last week, surprising me. Is the Air Force going |
to be updating their ORD, or whatever you just called it---- |
Dr. Gilmore. The operational requirements document? I |
haven't heard that they are. |
Ms. McSally [continuing]. To reflect that? |
Dr. Gilmore. I haven't heard that they are. And then the F- |
35s are going to be replacing the F-16s. |
Ms. McSally. Right. |
Dr. Gilmore. So I am a bit puzzled. But all I know is what |
the existing operational requirements document said. |
Ms. McSally. Okay. So you know of no efforts to update |
that. And if it is currently---- |
Dr. Gilmore. I am not aware of any. |
Ms. McSally [continuing]. Going to be replacing the A-10 |
and the F-16, but he is saying the F-16 is going to replace the |
A-10, but then the F-35 is going to replace the F-16, then we |
are still in the same situation where we are. In specific |
circumstances for close air support, we potentially have |
additional risk or a gap or capabilities that are going to be |
degraded, which is why it is so important that we have this |
flyoff. Do you agree, Dr. Gilmore? |
Dr. Gilmore. Well, you know, I don't know whether the |
capabilities will be degraded. |
Ms. McSally. Right. |
Dr. Gilmore. That is what the comparison testing is |
supposed to find out. |
Ms. McSally. Absolutely. |
Dr. Gilmore. And that is why we are planning it to be, you |
know, absolutely fair. We are going to consider all the |
conditions under which close air support are done, all the |
different kinds of threats. And it certainly will be a |
challenge. |
In fact, the A-10 couldn't survive in the highest threat |
environments. But we are also looking at, you know, less |
stressing threats like the ones that the A-10 is being used in, |
the environments it is being used in today: urban, rural |
situations, buildings, vehicle personnel, different kinds of |
control for the close air support, different kinds of control |
interaction, all of the things that you know are done in close |
air support missions. |
We are going to set up the missions. And then the A-10 |
pilots and the F-35 pilots will use those two aircraft to their |
best capabilities, using whatever TTPs [tactics, techniques, |
and procedures] they have. We are certainly not going to |
specify how the missions are done. We are going to specify what |
the mission is. And then we will do matched pairs comparisons |
of how well each set of pilots and aircraft can perform those |
missions the way they choose to. |
Ms. McSally. Great. Thank you. And it seems like there is |
just some different messages coming out of the Pentagon. I |
mean, the Secretary of Defense, when he announced his budget, |
said A-10s will be replaced squadron by squadron, with the F-35 |
predetermining the outcome of this test. So we are trying to |
get some consistency out of the Pentagon by just asking these |
questions. I highlighted this to the Secretary yesterday. We |
are going to follow up with him and the Chairman. Because it |
just seems like even between the Air Force and the Secretary of |
Defense, they have got two different messages going on here. |
We believe that any movement forward should be conditional. |
Let's have the test. Let's get the results of the test. And |
then let's make a decision afterwards as to whether we are |
going to be increasing risks to our troops on the ground. |
So I appreciate the additional time, Mr. Chairman. Thank |
you, gentlemen. And I yield back. |
Mr. Turner. Thank you. |
Gentlemen, this is one of our most important and certainly |
largest programs. And I want to thank each of you for your |
diligence in trying to ensure that this program reaches all of |
the capabilities that are obviously going to be necessary. |
Because of that, before we conclude, knowing your diligence, I |
want to give each of you an opportunity if you have anything |
else that you want to put on the record or that you want to |
raise before the committee as we consider this, knowing that |
your input is incredibly important. |
If not, I know we have your opening statements. And we |
continue to have your advice and counsel. We appreciate the |
information you have provided to the committee. Thank you. |
[Whereupon, at 12:42 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.] |
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A P P E N D I X |
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March 23, 2016 |
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March 23, 2016 |
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March 23, 2016 |
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Mr. Turner. What do you think are the biggest hurdles for the |
program to overcome to be ready for IOT&E? |
Dr. Gilmore. The current plan to complete development and enter |
IOT&E by August 2017 is unrealistic. Several obstacles must be overcome |
before IOT&E can begin. These include: |
<bullet> Completion of Block 3F development. The completion of |
Block 3F development will provide full combat capability to the F-35, |
including the ability to employ the full suite of weapons planned for |
the F-35. However, the program has completed less than 20 percent of |
the baseline Block 3F test points as of the end of April 2016. |
Completing the remaining nearly 4,200 baseline points will likely not |
occur until the end of January 2018, based on historical test point |
burn rates. |
<bullet> Weapons integration. Much of the weapons testing remains, |
particularly to support the additional weapons being brought on with |
Block 3F (SDB, JSOW, AIM-9X, and the gun) |
<bullet> Mission data. The programming lab that provides mission |
data needs to be upgraded to provide adequate, optimized, and tested |
mission data files for IOT&E. Despite being provided a $45 Million |
budget in FY13, the program has still not designed, contracted for, and |
ordered the required equipment--a process that will take at least two |
years, not counting installation and check-out. As a result, the signal |
generators needed to adequately test the mission data loads against |
advanced threat waveforms will probably not arrive until 2019 at the |
soonest, causing risk to F-35 avionics performance during IOT&E and in |
combat. |
<bullet> Sustainment. The program set a target of 60 percent |
aircraft availability for the fleet as an objective at the end of CY14, |
but has yet to reach that goal. To efficiently complete the mission |
trials during IOT&E, most of which will require 4-ship formations of a |
single variant (out of 6-aircraft fleets of each US variant), the |
program will need to have an availability of approximately 80 percent, |
which is also the availability that will be required to succeed in |
actual combat. Improvements in reliability and maintainability, along |
with significant improvements to ALIS, are all needed. |
<bullet> Modifications to operational test aircraft. The |
operational test aircraft must be production-representative and have |
the required instrumentation called for in the Test and Evaluation |
Master Plan (TEMP). Modifying the currently designated fleet of |
operational test aircraft to the Block 3F configuration would extend |
beyond August 2017. Although the requirement to modify these aircraft |
has been known for years by the program and Lockheed-Martin, adequate |
plans were not made to accommodate these modifications. For example, |
all of the operational test aircraft need the Tech Refresh 2 (TR2) |
processors, which have been included in the production aircraft since |
Lot 6 aircraft were delivered in late 2014, but TR2 processors for |
retrofitting the OT aircraft were not ordered in time to support |
completing modifications prior to August 2017. |
There is very little which can be done to mitigate these timelines |
to meet an August 2017 IOT&E start date. Although the program office is |
considering options with the Services provide operational test aircraft |
earlier, either by getting parts from the production line or from |
later-lot aircraft, or by substituting in newer aircraft, decisions |
must be made soon to have the TEMP-required number of production- |
representative aircraft in time for IOT&E. |
Mr. Turner. Do the F-35 development and production schedules have |
more or less risk than last year and what is that level of risk? |
Dr. Gilmore. My assessment is that the progress in development over |
the past year has been less than planned, and hence--given the shorter |
timeline remaining to the completion of System Development and |
Demonstration (SDD)--the risk to the development schedule is greater |
than it was last year. The program's decision to pause the Block 3F |
mission systems development in order to address the Block 3i stability |
and other deficiencies was a good decision, but the needed fixes came |
at a cost to schedule. For several reasons, SDD will likely not be |
complete before March 2018, at the earliest. This assessment is based |
on the following assumptions: |
<bullet> Block 3i mission systems testing is complete and will not |
need to restart |
<bullet> Block 3i stability fixes have been successfully |
transferred to the Block 3F software |
<bullet> Block 3F mission systems has restarted in earnest with |
all SDD aircraft |
<bullet> The balance of approximately 4,200 Block 3F mission |
systems baseline test points (the number as of the beginning of May) |
will be completed by the test teams, without significant deletions by |
the program |
<bullet> No additional discoveries which cause significant delays |
or unplanned software releases (beyond those currently planned) occur |
in Block 3F flight testing |
<bullet> All planned weapon delivery accuracy (WDA) events--which |
include 25 events with air-to-air missiles or bombs and two sets 19 WDA |
events supporting of gun tests, one with the embedded gun in the F-35A |
and one with the podded gun for the F-35B and F-35C--are completed |
before the end of SDD. As of the end of April, none of these WDA events |
had been completed and will likely not begin before August 2016, after |
a version of software is released to flight test that will support the |
start the of the WDA events. The latest Program Office schedule shows |
that the missile and bomb events are planned to start in June and be |
complete by the end of November 2016, a schedule that I consider to be |
unrealistic. The program has prioritized 16 of the 25 bomb and missile |
events to be completed to support flight certification of weapons |
releases for Block 3F; however, all events, including the WDAs with the |
gun, must be completed to support end-to-end fire control |
characterization for all required weapons prior to the start of IOT&E. |
Although possible, the program's ability to complete these events |
before March 2018 will depend on efficiencies in completing WDA events |
and data analyses that have not been seen in the past (i.e., during the |
Block 2B and Block 3i WDA events) and the maturity of mission systems |
software to support the find-fix-track-target-engage-assess kill chain |
for each of these events. |
Concerning production risk, the program continues to have |
discoveries from testing that require modifications to be cut into |
production and retrofits to fielded aircraft. These discoveries are |
reflective of a design that is still not mature. Recent examples |
include cracking in the titanium bulkhead of the F-35C durability test |
article (CJ-1) where significant limitations to the life of the fielded |
F-35C aircraft can only be addressed with intrusive structural |
modifications prior to the expected full service life, and show again |
the high cost of concurrent production and development. Another example |
is the observed structural exceedances in both the F-35A and F-35C at |
the external carriage points for the AIM-9X missile--a weapon being |
integrated in Block 3F. Both aircraft have shown structural exceedances |
during in-flight maneuvering, and the F-35C during simulated carrier |
landings. The program is currently investigating a way forward to |
address these structural exceedances. |
Mr. Turner. Your report mentioned some concerns in your annual |
report about the U.S. Reprograming Lab not having the equipment |
necessary to produce the software necessary for F-35 combat operations. |
What are the implications of the USRL not having the required |
equipment? |
Dr. Gilmore. Significant, correctable deficiencies exist in the |
U.S. Reprogramming Laboratory (USRL) that will preclude development and |
adequate testing of effective mission data loads for Block 3F. Despite |
a $45 Million budget provided to the Program Office in FY13, the |
required equipment was not ordered in time and the USRL is still not |
configured properly to build and optimize Block 3F Mission Data Files |
(MDFs). The program still has not designed, contracted for, and ordered |
all of the required equipment--a process that will take at least two |
years for some of the complex equipment--after which significant time |
for installation and check-out will be required. The estimate of |
earliest completion, with the required signal generators and other |
upgrades to properly test Block 3F mission data loads, is late 2019, |
which is after the planned IOT&E of Block 3F. As I explain in my annual |
report, the corrections to the USRL are needed to provide the F-35 with |
the ability to succeed against the modern threats that are the key |
rationale for pursuing this $400-Billion program. If the situation with |
the USRL is not rectified, U.S. F-35 forces will be at substantial risk |
of failure if used in combat against these threats. Further, I note |
that the laboratory being built to provide MDFs to the partner nations |
will be more capable than the USRL is when we are preparing for IOT&E. |
The program must take immediate action to complete required |
modifications and upgrades to the lab before the USRL is required to |
provide the Block 3F mission data load for tactics development and |
preparations for IOT&E. |
Mr. Turner. Are you concerned that the program paused its software |
development schedule to try and fix the avionics stability problems and |
other critical deficiencies in Block 3i and 3F? |
Dr. Gilmore. No, I am not concerned. In fact, I applaud the |
program's effort to change from the schedule-driven, concurrent |
development process that the program was previously using to develop, |
test, and field versions of missions systems software to pursue a |
serial approach of addressing deficiencies before moving on to the next |
iteration of software. The decision by the program in February to |
return to the Block 3i configuration and address the poor mission |
systems performance has caused some near-term delays, but it is a |
necessary step to ensure the Air Force has adequate Block 3i software |
for IOC and that the additional full set of combat capabilities planned |
in Block 3F can be effectively tested with a stable baseline of |
software and eventually fielded to operational units. The success of |
Block 3F mission systems depends on the program resolving the problems |
with Block 3i. The stability and functionality problems in the initial |
versions of Block 3F, including those inherited from Block 3i and |
problems caused by new Block 3F capabilities, were so significant that |
the program could not continue flight test. I agree with the program's |
decision to shift to a serial process of testing and fixing software in |
the lab before releasing the next software version, and the recent |
improvements observed in Block 3i stability validate this serial |
approach. The program recently released an updated version of Block |
3FR5 software to flight test in April and then plans to release Block |
3FR6 later this summer. If the fixes to stability programmed into the |
latest Block 3i software continue to suppress the need for avionics |
resets in flight, mission systems testing and weapons releases can |
potentially resume in earnest and the test point completion rate will |
increase, which is essential given the significant amount of testing |
that remains. |
Mr. Turner. What more can be done or focused on to improve |
operational suitability? |
Dr. Gilmore. The operational suitability of all variants continues |
to be less than desired by the Services and relies heavily on |
contractor support and workarounds that would be difficult to employ in |
a combat environment. Almost all measures of performance have improved |
over the past year, but most continue to be below their interim goals |
to achieve acceptable suitability by the time the fleet accrues 200,000 |
flight hours, the benchmark set by the program and defined in the |
Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the aircraft to meet |
reliability and maintainability requirements. To improve operational |
suitability, the program should: |
1. Improve the reliability of components with higher-than-planned |
failure rates. While the program focuses on contract specification |
requirements, particularly Mean Flight Hours Between Failure for |
Design-Controllable components, I noted in my annual report that, among |
the measures of reliability that have ORD requirement thresholds, eight |
of nine measures are still below program target values for the current |
stage of development, although two are within 5 percent of their |
interim goal. |
2. Improve aircraft availability. Aircraft availability improved |
slightly in CY15, reaching a fleet-wide average of 51 percent by the |
end of the year, but the trend was flat in the last few months and was |
well short of the program's goal of 60 percent availability that it had |
established for the end of CY14. It is also important to understand |
that the program's metric goals are modest, particularly in aircraft |
availability, and do not represent the demands on the weapons system |
that will occur in combat. With respect to IOT&E readiness, if the |
program is only able to achieve and sustain its goal of 60 percent |
aircraft availability, the length of IOT&E will increase significantly |
because a combat-ready availability of 80 percent is planned and needed |
to efficiently accomplish the open-air mission trials with the number |
of aircraft planned for IOT&E. |
3. Improve maintainability by improving the quality and number of |
validated and verified Joint Technical Data, which are the reference |
documents used by uniformed personnel to conduct maintenance. Doing so |
would reduce the dependence on Action Requests currently experienced by |
fielded units to complete actions not clearly addressed in JTD, or to |
fix faults which are not yet addressed or covered by JTD. |
4. Deliver the planned capabilities of ALIS through ALIS 3.0 by the |
end of SDD. Functions such as propulsion data and life-limited parts |
management are expected to improve the overall utility of ALIS and |
streamline post-mission maintenance processes. |
5. Improve the accuracy of the Prognostic Health Management (PHM) |
system by reducing the number of false alarms reported after each |
flight. PHM is designed to automatically detect faults in the aircraft |
and alert maintenance personnel to take corrective actions. Unit |
maintenance personnel spend a sizable amount of maintenance time |
confirming there is no fault when one is reported, including time |
clearing known ``nuisance'' faults in the maintenance logs within ALIS. |
Mr. Turner. Your latest report indicates that it is premature to |
commit to a block buy for the F-35 program. However, the Department |
does have the potential to benefit in cost savings from such an |
approach. a. Please discuss the risks that you see in such a |
commitment. b. Given that a block buy was not requested in fiscal year |
2017, do you believe the Department would be in a better position to |
commit to a block buy in fiscal year 2018? Please discuss why or why |
not and at what point you feel a commitment would be warranted. |
Dr. Gilmore. a. As stated in my annual report, committing to a |
block buy prior to completing the Initial Operational Test and |
Evaluation (IOT&E) may cause the Department and the partners |
participating in the block buy to: |
1. Commit to aircraft that may require corrections to significant |
deficiencies discovered during IOT&E before they can be used in combat, |
particularly with the expected capabilities from Block 3F. |
2. Commit to large numbers of aircraft in a configuration that may |
need modifications to reach full combat capability and full service |
life. |
3. Lose the needed incentives to the contractor and the Program |
Office to correct an already substantial list of deficiencies in |
performance, a list that will only lengthen as Block 3F testing |
continues and IOT&E is conducted. |
4. Commit to an acquisition strategy that is not consistent with |
the ``fly before you buy'' approach to defense acquisition that many in |
the Administration have supported and is not consistent with the intent |
of Title 10 U.S. Code, which stipulates that IOT&E must be completed |
and a report on its results provided to Congress before committing to |
Full-Rate Production--a commitment that some could argue would be made |
by executing the ``block buy. |
b. My understanding is that the program and the Services have |
decided to delay the consideration of the block buy for at least |
another year, possibly starting in FY18. Nonetheless, even if the |
proposed block buy is delayed to FY18, all of the risks I identified |
previously remain valid, since IOT&E will not start until FY18, at the |
earliest, and will likely not be complete until FY19. The Department |
should not commit to a block buy until after IOT&E is complete and the |
decision to do so can be informed by the results of the planned, |
dedicated, operational testing. |
Mr. Turner. In your statement, you highlight similarities of the F- |
22 modernization program and the current F-35 modernization program. |
Can you discuss some of these similarities and the risks involved with |
the Department's current approach to managing the F-35 modernization |
program? |
Mr. Sullivan. Our experience with the F-22 highlighted that |
managing modernization programs of this magnitude under an existing |
baseline hinders transparency. In March 2005, we found that the Air |
Force was managing its multi-billion dollar F-22 modernization efforts |
as part of the program's baseline and had not established a separate |
knowledge-based business case.\1\ As a result, the F-22 baseline and |
schedule were adjusted to reflect the new timeframes and additional |
costs, comingling the funding and some content for the baseline |
development and modernization efforts--some content that had not been |
achieved under the baseline program were deferred into the |
modernization program. When the content, scope, and phasing of |
modernization capabilities changed over time, it appeared that the F-22 |
program was fraught with new schedule delays and further cost overruns. |
The comingling of modernization efforts with the existing baseline |
reduced transparency and Congress could not readily distinguish the new |
costs associated with modernization funding from cost growth in the |
original baseline. We recommended that the Air Force structure and |
manage F-22 modernization as a separate acquisition program with its |
own business case--matching requirements with resources--and |
acquisition program baseline. Eventually, the department separated the |
F-22 modernization program from the baseline program with a Milestone B |
review, in line with our recommendation, which increased transparency |
and better facilitated oversight. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
\1\ GAO, Tactical Aircraft: Air Force Still Needs Business Case to |
Support F/A-22 Quantities and Increased Capabilities, GAO-05-304 |
(Washington, D.C.: March 15, 2005). |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
The F-35 Block 4 modernization effort is much larger than the F-22 |
modernization effort. DOD expects Block 4 modernization to develop and |
deliver 80 new capabilities and 17 weapons that were not part of the |
program's original acquisition baseline, compared to 8 new capabilities |
and 3 weapons for the F-22 modernization effort. In its fiscal year |
2017 budget request, DOD has identified the need for nearly $3 billion |
over the next 6 years for development of the new capabilities. If Block |
4 is managed as a distinct program with a separate baseline, it would |
be easier for Congress and DOD decision makers to track program- |
specific cost and schedule progress. A hypothetical $1 billion cost |
increase in Block 4 illustrates the difference in cost reporting and |
oversight. While a $1 billion cost increase is significant, it would |
represent growth of less than 1 percent if tracked against the current |
F-35 program baseline--currently about $400 billion. That same cost |
increase, if tracked against the $3 billion funding estimate reflected |
in DOD's budget request for Block 4, would be more visible, |
representing a 33 percent cost increase. The department has the |
opportunity to apply lessons learned from the F-22 modernization effort |
to the F-35 Block 4 program. |
Mr. Turner. In this testimony as well as in the past, you have |
consistently raised long-term affordability as a key area of risk. |
Please explain why you continue to believe that affordability is a |
risk. In your opinion, has the program addressed this risk? |
Mr. Sullivan. Affordability continues to be a concern because of |
the sheer magnitude of the funding needs for this one program. For |
example, the F-35 program will require more than $14 billion a year on |
average for a decade. Affordability challenges will compound as the F- |
35 program competes with other large acquisition programs including the |
long range strike bomber and KC-46A Tanker. At the same time, the |
number of operational F-35 aircraft that DOD will have to support will |
be increasing. The total cost to operate and support the F-35 fleet is |
still estimated to be more than $1 trillion. In recent years, |
affordability challenges, in part, have forced the Air Force to defer |
F-35 aircraft procurements to later years. Since 2014, the Air Force |
deferred 45 aircraft between 2017 and 2021 to later years. This will |
likely require the military service to make unplanned investments in |
extending the service life of their current fighter aircraft. The cost |
of extending the lives of current fighter aircraft and acquiring other |
major weapon systems, while continuing to produce and field new F-35 |
aircraft, poses significant affordability risks in a period of austere |
defense budgets. |
Mr. Turner. Your statement mentioned that the program is making |
progress in testing, but that the most complex testing still remains. |
What do you see as the major risks in completing the remaining |
developmental test program? |
Mr. Sullivan. Although early software blocks (Block 2A through 3i) |
have completed testing, risks remain with the completion of Block 3F |
mission systems software testing. These risks center on the complexity |
of Block 3F, software issues, and the completion of a number of weapons |
accuracy events that have proven to be difficult in the past. Block 3F |
is the F-35's full warfighting capability and consists of challenging |
testing given the complexity of the missions and the stressing |
environments that are required. The program continues to experience |
problems with some mission system software functions shutting down and |
restarting during flight testing. Officials believed they had |
identified a fix at the end of 2015 and program officials plan to |
continue addressing the issue during 2016 in order to meet the Air |
Force initial operational capability in August 2016. There are also |
concerns about the tight timeframes to conduct the 55 weapons accuracy |
events that remain--30 of which are related to a gun. As of December |
2015, the program had completed 17 weapons events many of which were |
delayed by months due to software deficiencies and fleet groundings. |
Program officials are analyzing the remaining test schedule to identify |
potential efficiencies in their weapons test plan. Any delays in |
developmental testing could pose risk to the timely start of initial |
operational test and evaluation, currently planned for December 2017. |
Mr. Turner. The committee is concerned about meeting the U.S. Air |
Force's IOC requirements later this year. The Chief of Staff of the |
United States Air Force, General Mark Welsh, recently summarized two |
risks related to reaching Air Force F-35A IOC later this year (Aug-Dec |
time frame), the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), and |
aircraft software stability. a. Do you agree with General Welsh's |
assessment? b. Please tell us where you are with the ALIS development, |
its challenges, and what lies ahead to meet the Air Force initial |
operational capability? c. Characterize for us the software challenges, |
the approach you are taking to address them, as well as the timing to |
get this resolved for the warfighters? d. Finally, please share with us |
the progress you are making to get the Air Force combat ready with its |
F-35s later this year. |
General Bogdan. a) At the time United States Air Force Chief of |
Staff General Welsh made this remark, his assessment was spot on. These |
were the two biggest risks my team was working. Fortunately since that |
time, the software issue has been resolved. |
b) The ALIS software development to support AF IOC is complete and |
this version of the ALIS system is currently in the Integration and |
Test Phase. We are finding defects that are taking longer than planned |
to fix which is delaying our test events. In this version, we are |
integrating the F-135 Pratt & Whitney (P&W) engine management |
capabilities into ALIS for the first time. The ALIS system will be |
connected to the P&W enterprise supply and maintenance systems. This is |
a complex effort and we will take the time necessary to ensure we get |
it right. We are working through these issues and expect its resolution |
before the AF IOC threshold date of 31 December 2016. |
c) The F-35 had been experiencing some timing communications issues |
between the sensors and the aircraft main operating computer causing |
the system to reset. However, after much lab and flight testing to get |
to root causes, the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) has completed |
development of the Block 3i software the AF will use to declare IOC |
this year. The Block 3i software provides F-35s with initial |
warfighting capability on upgraded computer hardware. As of 1 May, the |
F-35 program has flown more than 100 flight hours with the 3i software |
and it has shown approximately twice the level of stability as the |
previously fielded Block 2B software and three times better stability |
than the original 3i software. The JPO began upgrading the F-35 fleet |
(Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lots 6-8 aircraft) with 3i software |
the week of 9 May. The same stability and mission effectiveness |
enhancements have also been incorporated into a new version of Block 2B |
software, for the benefit of earlier fleet aircraft. The new version of |
2B software will be used to start upgrading LRIP Lots 2-5 aircraft by |
the end of May. The entire fleet of fielded F-35 aircraft will |
eventually be upgraded to these two new software versions by the end of |
calendar year 2016. |
d) In addition to resolving the software stability, the newest |
software also includes fixes to deficiencies that the USAF deemed |
``must-fix'' prior to IOC and also includes the Generation III helmet |
which has improved night sensor video processing and optics above the |
Generation II helmet. Other IOC needs are Mission Data Files (MDFs), |
training simulators, spares and support equipment, aircraft and |
training. Three developmental versions of MDFs to support USAF IOC have |
been delivered to Hill Air Force Base (AFB) in Utah to aid in its IOC |
preparations. Currently, we project two of the operational MDFs to |
deliver in early August 2016 and the remaining two to deliver in |
September 2016. We are working to pull all four MDFs further left in |
the schedule. All required training simulators have been delivered to |
Hill AFB. Sufficient support equipment and spares are forecasted to be |
in place to support IOC declaration. Twelve jets have already been |
delivered to Hill AFB and by July have 12 jets completed with all |
required modifications. For ALIS, we've already delivered (March 2016) |
the necessary hardware to Hill AFB that will support USAF IOC. |
Additionally, we've developed a training plan with USAF that provides |
multiple opportunities to review the new capabilities, train on those |
capabilities and ultimately receive ``hands-on'' experience with the |
new software prior to delivery at Hill AFB to support the AF IOC |
decision. |
Mr. Turner. The President's Budget request includes provisions to |
leverage economies of scale for a block buy contract. a. Please share |
with the committee what the benefits are of a block procurement |
strategy. b. Do these benefits also include the engine? c. Could you |
implement this sooner if we advance the President's proposal to FY17? |
And in your response, please let us know where the F-35 International |
Partners are with this and their view of the timing. d. If the |
International Partners elect to proceed with Block Buy economies of |
scale investments in FY17, and the United States waits until FY18, |
could this result in the U.S. Services paying a higher procurement |
price for the same F-35? e. If granted block buy authority, what would |
be your strategy to mitigate risks to the United States if the U.S. |
Services reduced or deferred their procurement quantities, similar to |
the five-aircraft reduction included in the current budget request for |
the U.S. Air Force? |
General Bogdan. a) The F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) believes a |
Block Buy Contract (BBC) approach has the potential to save real money |
on this program. A BBC would achieve significant program cost savings |
by allowing the contractors to utilize Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) |
purchases, enabling suppliers to maximize production economies of scale |
through batch orders. To substantiate the potential savings of a BBC |
concept, the F-35 Joint Program Office contracted with RAND Project Air |
Force, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), to |
conduct an independent assessment. RAND's assessment, delivered in |
March 2016, indicated that savings on the order of $2.5 to $3.0 billion |
can be achieved by providing a total of 4 percent EOQ funding to |
selected suppliers. b) Yes, overall BBC savings includes the propulsion |
system. EOQ will be provided to engine suppliers that offer the best |
return on EOQ funding. c) The JPO is ready to implement a BBC sooner if |
Congress includes the language and EOQ funding in FY17. Almost all F-35 |
International Partners expressed they would follow the U.S. in such a |
BBC, while most may elect to begin in FY17 even if the U.S. starts in |
FY18. d) At this time, RAND is evaluating this hybrid option for the |
JPO; however if the F-35 International Partners follow this strategy |
and begin a year earlier than the U.S., the cost of an International |
Partner F-35 could be lower than one sold to the US Services. e) It is |
important to guard against year-to-year adjustments to the budget; |
therefore, the F-35 JPO will structure the contract using a variable- |
quantity matrix as a tool to accommodate year-to-year adjustments |
should they occur, regardless if they are due to a downward budget |
adjustment or to address an increase to the quantities coming from the |
International Partners, Congressional adds, or through Foreign Military |
Sales. |
Mr. Turner. The President's Budget request includes $290 million in |
FY17 for F-35 Follow-on Modernization Block 4. What is your strategy to |
structure the F-35 Follow-on Modernization so it provides the most |
efficient use of tax payers' dollars while at the same time providing |
the maximum amount of transparency to the Congress to support our |
oversight responsibilities? |
General Bogdan. The F-35 Lightning II Joint Program is committed |
100% to ensuring the Follow-on Modernization (FoM) effort is as lean as |
possible so that the output--capability to our warfighters--is |
maximized. This will not be System Development and Demonstration (SDD) |
all over again but a smaller effort with a smaller footprint. We |
believe the F-35 FoM program should not be designated a separate Major |
Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) but should be sub-program to the |
existing F-35 program. The JPO estimates the documentation and |
approvals necessary to establish and start a new program will cost |
between $10 million and $13 million and delay execution of FoM six to |
twelve months. |
The JPO will place FoM on a separate contract, establish a separate |
program baseline and require cost, schedule, and performance metrics-- |
to include Earned Value Management metrics and Nunn-McCurdy criteria-- |
on this separate FoM baseline. This contract structure will allow the |
JPO, Defense Contract Audit Agency and you the Congress and your staffs |
to have full insight into its costs, performance, and earned value--all |
the tools necessary for you to perform your oversight function. We are |
completely receptive to adding your specific reporting requirements |
that you believe are necessary. The JPO has no intent to ``bury'' the |
FoM program within the larger F-35 program to avoid performance |
monitoring and oversight--we just want to avoid unnecessary and costly |
effort. We can assure this openness and believe it is achievable |
without characterizing it as a new program, as some have recommended. |
Mr. Turner. When you appeared before this committee last fall we |
heard a lot about the pilot escape system. You testified that there are |
three things you are pursuing to address the light-weight pilot |
restriction. Briefly summarize the problem and the fixes that you're |
developing. More importantly, let us know the status of the fixes and |
when can we expect to see them so the pilot restriction can be lifted? |
General Bogdan. The F-35 pilot escape system is designed to be |
superior to legacy systems. The system provides reduced ejection |
stresses on the pilot and accommodates the widest range pilot sizes and |
weights (103 to 245 lbs). |
Lightweight Pilot Restriction: In August 2015, the U.S. Services |
and International Partners restricted F-35 lightweight pilots (weighing |
less than 136 lbs) from operating the F-35 after tests to qualify safe |
escape with an F-35 Generation (Gen) III helmet at low speed ejections |
indicated the potential for increased risk of neck injury for |
lightweight pilots due to forces experienced on the pilot's head. |
Solutions: There are three technical solutions that when in place |
will reduce the risk of neck injury to all pilots and will eliminate |
the restriction. All three are planned to be ready by the end of 2016, |
clearing the way for the U.S. Services and International Partners to |
lift the F-35 lightweight pilot restriction. These solutions include: |
1. A head support panel between the parachute risers. This eliminates |
the possibility of the head/helmet going between the parachute risers |
in low speed ejections. 2. A pilot-selectable switch to delay parachute |
deployment for lighter weight pilots. This 0.5 second delay will |
reduce parachute opening shock and neck loads during the parachute |
deployment phase of the ejection. 3. A lighter Gen III pilot helmet. |
This will reduce neck loads during all phases of ejection (catapult, |
windblast, drogue, and parachute deployment). |
Mr. Turner. As the F-35 program continues to field aircraft and the |
number of F-35 sites increase, there is a concern that the ALIS global |
network will become more vulnerable. What efforts are you pursuing to |
protect the ALIS global network from nefarious activities and other |
network disruptions such as those caused by natural disasters? |
General Bogdan. We are continuing to implement the necessary |
Information Assurance controls and testing required by the Department |
and the individual Services to allow Autonomic Logistics Information |
System (ALIS) to be connected to the US Air Force, US Marine Corps, and |
US Navy networks. Second, the Joint Operational Test Team (JOTT) is now |
performing Cyber Testing on the ALIS system and will continue this over |
the next year and a half. This testing will inform us of any |
deficiencies that may require mitigation. And finally, we have |
contracted for backup hardware for key elements of the ALIS system that |
we will be installing later this year in different geographic areas. |
This effort will eliminate single points of failure and mitigate risks |
from natural disasters. |
Mr. Turner. Last year, the Fiscal Year 2016 NDAA included a |
provision that asked for assurances that Block 3F software is on the |
right course and will be in F-35A aircraft delivered during fiscal year |
2018. |
a. Can you elaborate on this and share with us what capabilities |
are in the Block 3F software? b. What is the status of Block 3F |
development and what risks and mitigations are you managing to deliver |
this capability? |
General Bogdan. a) The Senate included this provision to prevent |
the significant ramp up in annual F-35A procurement rate unless the F- |
35A aircraft hardware and software were mature enough to minimize costs |
for retrofits should aircraft continue to be delivered without the full |
capability. In this regard, the Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lots |
9 and 10 aircraft delivered after 1 October 2017 (start of FY18) have |
an extremely low risk of retrofit costs because the full Block 3F |
mission software will be inherent with all LRIP 9 aircraft by May 2017. |
Block 3F includes the Tech Refresh 2 suite of hardware, coupled with |
software functionality that enables or enhances several F 35A mission |
areas. Block 3F incorporates advanced tactical avionics and opens the |
full flight envelope for the F-35. Block 3F weapons for the F 35A will |
include the GAU-22 internal 25-millimeter gun system, internally- |
carried AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles, GBU 31 |
Joint Direct Attack Munitions, GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs, GBU-12 |
Paveway II laser guided bombs, and externally-carried AIM-9X Sidewinder |
missiles. |
b) The program plans to deliver the first F-35A (LRIP 9 procured |
with FY15 funds) with Block 3F hardware and software in August 2017 |
with the full Block 3F capability minus the ability to use the AIM-9X |
weapon until the airworthiness and engineering communities clear the |
capability for use. We expect this AIM-9X capability to be released in |
September 2017. It will provide the full Block 3F combat capability of |
the F-35A, in advance of the first F-35A delivery in FY18. However, |
there is some schedule risk to meeting this full Block 3F capability as |
a result of delays in improving Block 3i and Block 3F software |
stability, which delayed the start of Block 3F flight testing. The |
program is taking concrete steps to mitigate this schedule risk |
including: committing all software development activities to Block 3F, |
condensing software release cycles, increasing software maturity prior |
to release from the lab, surging manpower and material resources, and |
deploying to high-capacity flight test ranges. We are confident we will |
be able to mitigate this schedule risk. |
Mr. Turner. As more and more F-35 aircraft are produced and enter |
operational use, there is a concern if we have everything in place to |
provide for their continued support. Are we providing adequate levels |
of spare parts across all the F-35 variants, or is there an imbalance |
between aircraft quantities and spare parts procurement along with |
other aspects of support. What are the impacts? |
General Bogdan. Sustaining the fleet especially our operational |
units is a top priority for the F-35 team and we will continue to |
ensure it remains as such. Spares are essential to keeping sortie rates |
up and we will do everything we can to keep our operational units flush |
with spares. There are three things that have impacted spares: 1) a |
prior year underfunding, 2) a downward congressional mark (e.g., $380M |
reduction to aircraft support per 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act) |
and, 3) upward congressional aircraft procurement quantities (e.g., +11 |
aircraft per 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act). The combination of |
these requires us to rebalance our spares pools to support scheduled |
2017 deployments but adds risks to home base F-35 operations resulting |
in higher supply downtime, decreased aircraft readiness levels and poor |
contingency availability. |
Mr. Turner. GAO and others continue to raise concerns about the |
long term affordability of the F-35 acquisition program, noting that as |
procurement ramps up over the next 5 years, annual funding requests are |
projected to increase significantly. By 2022 it is projected to reach |
between $14 and $15 billion and stay at that level for a decade. At the |
same time other high profile DOD programs will be competing for funds, |
including the KC-46A Tanker, new bomber, and the Ohio class submarine |
replacement. a. What are the key factors driving the current F-35 |
procurement plans-production rate levels and funding levels? b. Given |
Federal budget constraints and the competition for funding within DOD, |
do you believe that sustained annual funding of that magnitude is going |
to be achievable? Has the Department considered different procurement |
options, and if so, what has been considered? Are there any viable |
alternatives if the current plan is not affordable? |
Secretary Stackley. The key factors driving the Department's |
procurement plans-production rate levels and fiscal decisions include |
the F-35 Program's progress and fiscal constraints as the Navy |
considers competing priorities for annual resources. Since the program |
was re-baselined in 2012, following the Nunn-McCurdy unit cost critical |
breach in 2010, the development costs have remained stable. The costs |
required to complete the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) |
phase are tracking to what was budgeted for in 2011. Production costs |
continue to decrease with each production lot. Unit cost reductions are |
in line with projections and allowing for procurement quantity changes. |
The F-35 Program is tracking to meet the unit costs targets that were |
established when Milestone B was re-certified in 2012. |
The sustained funding requirements are certainly a priority for the |
Department. The F-35B and F-35C are much needed replacements for legacy |
platforms that have well outlived their expected service life. The AV- |
8B and F/A-18A-D fleet of aircraft were originally designed as 6,000- |
hour airframes. The Department has successfully enabled flight beyond |
the designed services lives, but continued modernization and |
sustainment is a fiscal challenge. Moreover, warfighting requirements |
demand a fifth generation aircraft to counter the expanding threat |
environment. Consequently, the Department considers the F-35 Program a |
critical node in Naval Aviation warfighting requirements and |
prioritizes funding accordingly. |
The Department is also considering a number of options in |
resourcing competing priorities. Given the fiscal and strategic |
implications for the Department of Defense as a whole, the Under |
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics is |
examining the long-term health and viability of the TACAIR industrial |
base in depth. This study includes affordability as a primary objective |
in evaluating the TACAIR procurement plans. |
Mr. Turner. A year ago, the Navy deferred nearly 20 aircraft to the |
out-years. The latest Presidential Budget request shows that the Navy |
appears to be moving some of those same aircraft into the near-term and |
at the same time buying more F-18s. a. What is the rationale for these |
constant changes? b. How will this address the current fighter |
shortfall? |
Secretary Stackley The 2017 President's Budget submission |
represents a comprehensive approach to close growing gaps in Naval |
Aviation warfighting capacity and capability. The Department has |
committed to a balanced objective of sustainment, modernization and |
procurement across the strike fighter force. If resourced as requested, |
the plan will integrate fifth generation capabilities to meet the |
expanding adversary threat, continue modernization of the current fleet |
to maintain warfighting relevance and sustain strike fighter capacity |
to meet anticipated operational commitments into the future. |
The 2017 President's Budget request addresses all facets of Strike |
Fighter Inventory Management. In the near-term, sustainment investments |
are targeted at maximizing F/A-18A-D availability. The Navy has |
harmonized critical readiness accounts to target repair requirements |
which will ultimately continue to increase depot throughput to meet |
operational demand. In the mid-term, investments are targeted at |
decreasing F/A-18E/F service life extension risk to sustain inventory |
capacity into the 2030's. Targeted investments accelerate the F/A-18E/F |
Service Life Assessment Program and procure additional aircraft to |
ensure inventory capacity and pipeline aircraft availability during the |
process. In the far-term, the Department has focused on overmatching |
the expanding adversary threat with the integration of fifth generation |
capabilities. An additional ten F-35C aircraft over the Future Years |
Defense Program, relative to the 2016 President's Budget request, will |
assure capacity to meet warfighting requirements. |
Mr. Turner. Regarding the prospect of a block buy, do you believe |
the program is in a position to capitalize on economies of scale |
beginning in FY17 if the Congress provided the authority? |
Secretary Stackley The Department supports a future Block Buy |
Contract (BBC) to capitalize on economies of scale. A BBC would achieve |
significant savings by allowing the contractors to utilize Economic |
Order Quantities (EOQ) purchases, enabling suppliers to maximize |
production economies of scale through batch orders. An independent |
assessment by RAND Project Air Force, a Federally Funded Research and |
Development Center (FFRDC), indicates potential BBC savings between |
$2.5B and $3.0B over three Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) lots |
starting in Lot 12. The cost savings from a BBC have been factored into |
the procurement cost savings in the F-35 Fiscal Year 2015 Selected |
Acquisition Report (SAR 2015). |
As the Department is exploring the possibility of a block buy, the |
F-35 International Partners and FMS customers are already considering a |
three-year BBC beginning with production Lot 12 (FY18), which requires |
EOQ funding in FY17. The risk of entering into a BBC in Lot 12 is low. |
By the time it is necessary to commit to a BBC in Lot 12, many aspects |
of the Program will be stable, including completion of durability |
testing, 98 percent completion of all hardware qualification, |
completion of majority of 3F software and weapons delivery testing, |
stable production processes and ramp-up. |
______ |
Ms. Duckworth. Why is the program office including follow-on |
modernization efforts (Block 4 upgrades) within the base F-35 |
acquisition program? Is there a quantifiable benefit to not treat the |
Block 4 upgrades as a separate major development and acquisition |
program? |
General Bogdan. We estimate the documentation and approvals |
necessary to establish and start a new program Major Defense |
Acquisition Program (MDAP) will cost between $10 million and $13 |
million and delay execution of Follow-on Modernization (FoM) six to |
twelve months. The F-35 Lightning II Joint Program is committed 100% to |
ensuring the FoM effort is as lean as possible so that the output-- |
capability to our warfighters--is maximized. |
The JPO will place FoM on a separate contract, establish a separate |
program baseline and require cost, schedule, and performance metrics-- |
to include Earned Value Management metrics and Nunn-McCurdy criteria-- |
on this separate FoM baseline. This contract structure will allow the |
JPO, Defense Contract Audit Agency and you the Congress and your staffs |
to have full insight into its costs, performance, and earned value--all |
the tools necessary for you to perform your oversight function. We are |
completely receptive to adding your specific reporting requirements |
that you believe are necessary. The JPO has no intent to ``bury'' the |
FoM program within the larger F-35 program to avoid performance |
monitoring and oversight--we just want to avoid unnecessary and costly |
effort. We can assure this openness and believe it is achievable |
without characterizing it as a new program. |
______ |
Mr. Jones. What is the total cost of the F-35 program from its |
inception through FY 2016? |
Dr. Gilmore. Program costs are officially reported in the Selected |
Acquisition Reports (SAR), formally submitted by the Department. |
According to the December 2015 SAR for the F-35 (as of the FY 2017 |
President's Budget), released in March, 2016, the ``Appropriation |
Summary'' table on page 28 shows that the total cost of the F-35 |
program from inception through FY 2016 is $111,219.4M or $111.2B. |
Mr. Jones. What is the total cost of the F-35 program from its |
inception through the President's Budget request for FY2017? |
Dr. Gilmore. Program costs are officially reported in the Selected |
Acquisition Reports, formally submitted by the Department. The |
following answer is from the December 2015 SAR for the F-35 (as of the |
FY 2017 President's Budget), released in March, 2016. Per the |
``Appropriation Summary'' table on page 28, the total cost of the F-35 |
program from inception through FY 2017 is $121,931M or $121.9B. |
Mr. Jones. What is the total cost of the F-35 program from its |
inception through FY 2016? |
Mr. Sullivan. By the end of fiscal year 2016, DOD will have |
invested a total of $59.02 billion in F-35 development and procurement. |
When the F-35 development program began in 2001 DOD estimated the total |
acquisition cost to be $233 billion (then-year). As of December 2015, |
the total program acquisition cost estimate had increased to $379 |
billion (then-year), an increase of 62 percent. |
Mr. Jones. What is the total cost of the F-35 program from its |
inception through the President's budget request for FY2017? |
Mr. Sullivan. The total investment in F-35 development and |
procurement from program inception through the end of fiscal year 2017 |
will be $69.14 billion, based on DOD's fiscal year 2017 budget request. |
Mr. Jones. What is the total cost of the F-35 program from its |
inception through FY 2016? |
General Bogdan and Secretary Stackley. $127.5B |
Appropriated through Fiscal Year (FY) 2016: Below reflects the |
total cost of the F-35 program from inception through FY16 to include |
United States Air Force (USAF), United States Marine Corps (USMC), |
United States Navy (USN) and the International Partners. System |
Development and Demonstration (SDD) includes Pre-SDD and International |
Partner contributions. Military Construction funds are not executed out |
of the Joint Program Office but are shown for completeness. |
The USMC declared Initial Operational Capability (IOC) with its F- |
35Bs in July 2015 and USAF IOC is scheduled between 1 August and 31 |
December 2016. The F-35 program completed Block 2B and Block 3i |
software. Block 3F software is now in Developmental Flight Test. The |
program completed Italian, Australian, and Dutch tanker aerial |
refueling flight test. Overall, the F-35 Fleet has over 51,000 flight |
hours and we recently completed the second trans-Atlantic flight in an |
F-35. The Fleet consist of 184 operational and test aircraft, and the |
program has procured a total of 203 US and International aircraft |
through Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lot 8 and will contract for |
an additional 52 and 91 in LRIP Lots 9 and 10, respectively, by end of |
3rd quarter FY16. |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
FY94-FY16 |
Program / Appropriation FY94-FY16 US $M International $M Total $M |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
System Development and Demonstration 48,182 5,205 53,387 |
Defense Wide (1994-1998) 118 0 118 |
Deployability and Suitability 287 57 344 |
Follow-on Modernization 167 51 218 |
Procurement 55,879 14,303 70,182 |
Other Procurement Navy 33 0 33 |
Operations and Maintenance 1,482 0 1,482 |
Military Construction 1,782 0 1,782 |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Total 107,930 19,616 127,546 |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mr. Jones. What is the total cost of the F-35 program from its |
inception through the President's budget request for FY2017? |
General Bogdan and Secretary Stackley. $144.7B |
Appropriated through Fiscal Year (FY) 2017: Below reflects the |
total cost of the F-35 program from inception through FY17 to include |
United States Air Force (USAF), United States Marine Corps (USMC), |
United States Navy (USN) and the International Partners. System |
Development and Demonstration (SDD) includes Pre-SDD and International |
Partner contributions. Military Construction funds are not executed out |
of the Joint Program Office but are shown for completeness. |
During FY17, the program will complete Block 3F Verification and |
Mission Effectiveness Testing and begin Block 3F introduction to F-35A. |
Also, the program will transition to leaner Follow-on Modernization for |
developing and delivering enhanced capability. The program will procure |
63 aircraft for the US Services as part of Low Rate Initial Production |
(LRIP) Lot 11 and we will continue to build the Global Sustainment |
Posture in order to best deliver the required cost and performance |
outcomes. |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
FY94-FY17 |
Program / Appropriation FY94-FY17 US $M International $M Total $M |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
System Development and Demonstration 49,596 5,227 54,823 |
Defense Wide (1994-1998) 118 0 118 |
Deployability and Suitability 383 67 450 |
Follow-on Modernization 458 178 636 |
Procurement 64,582 19,712 84,294 |
Other Procurement Navy 36 0 36 |
Operations and Maintenance 2,155 0 2,155 |
Military Construction 2,354 0 2,354 |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Total 119,682 25,184 144,866 |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[all] |
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